• *fc"1r ;v. V *m. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/englishsecretaryOOdaya fft ff£^ <2-: TMi ENGLISH SEC%ETA-$X, OR z5\dcthode of writing of Eptftles and Letters: WITH A declaration of fuch Tropes^Figures^ and Schemes, as either vfualJy or tor ornament fake are thcrin required. Alio the parts and office of a Secretaries Dcuidcd inco two bookes* How newly reuifed and in m any parts cor- rected and amended: By Angel Day. AT LONDON Printed by ^.^.for C. Burble and arc to be fold at his ftiop,at the Roy all Exchange. 15pp. it W TVP- "K SH *-^s M ^tmii jm m ITFEHB 808>6 To the right Honorable, Edward de Vere, Sarle of Oxcnior&fUicount'&vX- bcckc, Lord Standford W^Badkfmcrc, and Lord great Chambcrlainc ofSngUnd. m r o <1 T is now a fewc y cares paf- fed (Right Honourable, & my very good Lord) fince emboldned by your fa- uour 3 this booke rudely di- gefted, and then roughly deliueredjldidinthe very nonage thereof recomend vnto your Patronage. And how- bcit at that time,very little therin appeared worthy fo honourable acceptance:yet plea- fed it your L* the fame Ihould then paffe vn- der your fauourable countenance. To anfwer fo great bountie therein (hew- ed, I haue naught but my fimple acknow- ledgement: and in fignification of the will t haue to do vnto your Lordfhip any accep- table feruice,no other matter in fhcw,then a frefti renouation of thefclfe fame title by an other prefentment,howbeit in far more or- I derly manner then formerly was deliuercd. |o Your Lordlhip may plcafe of your owns ennobled condition to well dooing, in par- doning the prefumption of the former, > vouchfafeyonr liking to this latter, wherc- A 2 in The Epiftle r Dedicatorie, in ( notwithstanding the title all one ) yet {hall you findc the worke both in order,ha- bit and (hape,to be diuerfly chaunged. To excufe the defe&e of the one 5 or en- large mypaines taken inpublifhing the o- ther,wereon either part needleffe: feeing my defire in both^hath principally fortcd to one felf meaningrlf your L. find ought here- in anfwerable to your iudgmetjt is inough: and the vfers fhall thereby (I hope) finde morecaufetobefatisfied. Thewifeft of all ages 3 haue notatoneinftant collected their experience:?/^ in his firft original was no- thing fo diuine: Socrates in his cradle had no tafte of his after \vi{domc:Hcrcules paft ma- ny yeres ere he grew famed by his labors, & onely vfe and practize enableth vnto the greateft perfection. This being fojlt will, I truft/eeme in me a matter the more pardonable,to haue aduen turedasldid the formoftofthis purpofed labor,regarding that by a reuew of the fame ithath now receiued fome fliape and pro- portion. Suchasitislhumblie recommend as beforejVnto your honorable liking. Ami foi*ny felfe do remain ejalwaies Byyonr honorable L. to be commanded, Angel Day. To the learned and courteous Readers in general/. Entlemen/P/&«* 1 do begin firfi to fpeake vnto you tn this aclion,me thtnk^you doe efpietn me the farts ofanillSch.o\\tx i who in till his dooinges, is forced to crane far" donj&ut hardly fndetb the way that may yur -chafe vnto htmfelfe the benefit e of fuck a pardon. In reformation, rwo notable inflances are held,the which as I conceiue do crane allowance ^though no prerogatiuc in we I doing, and thefe are for a man tofinde his defett ,andfecoxdly to haue a will to amend it . IwillaffnreyoujhoHvh I benct grationsjwouldbe loath t&. feemegraceleffe, and this benefite I will haue to gaineyour allow •• *nce,tbat I will blufb for mine errors jvhere I fault in abilit'e, I will (hewyoHmy will: Andwhenin all I cannot tie are me from your cen fare s^yet Jhallyour courteous forbearance be in me no waies mtjprijed, Ihaue toforetimeas now (liiltrauclledwith the gardenerjxho firfi throweth vp hi-s earth on arudeheape, thefcattereth it, af- ter, fmootheth itfjextfquarcth it,& laflly bringeth it into knots andworhman{h:p,bef ore which you know, there are many weeds, loofe hearbesygrajjes, flicks \andrubbijh to be picked vp & thrown tut: Andthcn andnot before bcvtnnetk his wcrke to draweto- rvards the perfection. tAs hefo I^at the firfi threw vp this groundworkjn aheape, (indwell did fcatter it: after, and he thervnto Ihaue endeuored tofmooth and to fijuare it , pickma- out thereof many things which lay to too much difbrdered. It onely now wanteth to be labo-* red on by it more curious workman/hip, but becaufe it is tnygar~ iA$ d*n To the Reader. den fl4t,(fr my prouijion is too fmallto perfect on a fbdatne fo fpa- ctous agrottndworkcjwtlltemporiz* withthofe dnties jskick either by time may tn me be [upper ted or by a greater habtlitytn ethers m ay happilie hereafter he performed. Now becaufe it is in allomijjions thegreatejr omijjion not te bee thanke full for c our t e fie s } l will acknowledge that as you haut hitherto benignly delt with me in thefuruey ofthefe labours ^fo haueyoubour-dmee the more vnto \ou byyourfauourablecen- fures. nyindyet if after this continued trauell vnte this pre- fent^you either tn mine or in the print er s efc apes find any thing blame worthy ,couer it I pray you as before you bane done with the vatle ofyourcourtefie. The copies before this, done bene I confejfe errontoujly many way es deltuered, and this by the blot- tings and tnterlinings had in the former amendements hatbper- aduenteralfo his efcapes ormifiakings: If*»y be, they are f ewe I hopc y and therefore the more eajie to be t oiler ated Onely correct where fault is^andthe printer and \fhalbe beholding vnto yon. Hauing thus per formed for myfelfe what vnto your vrortbt- nesfioode meete to he confidered, giue mee now leaue I pray yon, touching the order and com fe in this Methode hereafter obfer- nedfo fay fomthing to them which therby are to talee any benefit or prof te. In which cafe, the learner -is ctrcumfpettlywith him- felfe to conjider, thefeuerall rules in the particular chapters preceeding the orders of thofe Epi{\\cs,tnfuchfort as afterwards they are difiingttijhed t (jr t here tn fee J^hat to the better ordering andprinctpalldirecJionjofwhatfoeuerhee /hall take in hand to write y is there(for his better tnftruBion)entoyncd. By diligent animaduerjionwherof, he fhallthe better vnderfiand the feue- rall natures and properties y that in the parts ofeuery Epiltle ,are ordinarily to berecfuiredjbefides the vfe of them tn their fetter al places, and what force they bearejbeingfofortedont^accordtng to their fpeciallpurpofes and directions . Nextfor the better inducement andleadinghtm into apUine and per fefl plat forme of this Methode following^ to the intent he mayasneere as may be^or as hu capacittefat leafiwifi)may a- nywaics reach vntojjinowef skilfully & nvtby rote) haw or in what fort he .Shall happen to doe either well or ill, I have firkin 4 preamble To the Reader. treamhle or intermixed difcotsrfc , cither precceding cr inter* change aUypaffingJbe fore er with the kindes ofeuery forte of E- piftles) declared the properties' and vfe of tbofe Epiftlcs, vpou what farts and p Lice s 9 they and euery of them doo confiftjvttk what vehemencie or lejfe application they are to bee in forced or mualltfied^fothathewho feemetbtohaue leafi knowledge at all (^be it that be baueperfeuerance to conceiue or to difiingutfb the parts befeeth there laid out before his eyes)may with great fa* tilitie/tttaine to what feeuer \herein pre fcribed t or by the circum fiance thereof intended to be in any fort delittered. To the greater ornament whereof I batte applied a number of Figures, Schemes,**^ Tropes in the margent ofeuery Epi- (\\c,euen with the places where they are v fed. And at the end of this worke, bane Jet them altogit her \and therein explaned to the Learners vtew,andfor his readier vfejbeir particular natures, and qualities yto the end that they who (being vnlearned^ cfr ha- tting aprette conceit of intention of them f slue s)hxuc heretofore vnknowing done well,mayfee bow with sktUanddtfcrctwt here- after topurfue the fame jfr the ignorant alfo hereof who fe reach hath not beenfo ample as others /nay be thereby informed what vnto welldoing is mofi confonant and agreeing. Now for the readier finding ofthofe Epiftles,^ each of their itindes are fitted forth infitndrie ExMaplcs.-Terufe bat the head, ofeuery page and there you Jhdllfind xobatin the fame page is sontained, y\%JVhere the Epiflles be,youfballhaue them noted in their kmdes^as Epifiles Hor tatorie, Dehortatoric,S waforie, or Diflvvaforie, &c. Andlikewife in the admtxtions y you Jhall findePhccsor Pans Hortatorie, Commendatorie, Pctitoric, (frc as they fall out to be handled. This booke thusjhewing tbefeparts before remembredj haue termed as yon fee by the name of The Secretoiic, beingin the tonfideration thereof nothing ignorant what great ycrfettion is* to be requiredtn fuch a onejjy wbofe title the fame is deltuered, neither fuppofingtbe matter herein contained to appear e fofuf- ficient, as per felt ly thereby to enable what in the fame funSl ion is to bee required Jbut becaufe the orderly writing of Letters, betng * principal/ part belonging to aSectetatiC) is by the M«hodc hereof To the Reader. hereof deliuered to any Learners capacttiephereottt the Scbol- ler or any other that is vnfurnifhed of the knowledge thereof y may gather ayde and furtherance^, haue therefore endeuored to tearmeitbytht name of the Sccrctarie. Thefe with my milling minde^and de/ire of well doing herein^ I doofrefent to the q^enerall and friendly regardofall^ wnfbwf that tncourtejie they repute of my trauels, as formoft of all •- ther thin gSyl therein refpetted their benefites . In affoording whereoftheyjballdoono more then belongeth to goodmindes t and encourage me by wh at footer other meanes hereafter ,togra- ufie their fauettrs. The The English Secretorie. Of an Epiftle,the commodities and vfe thereof. Chap. i. ]■, £)<:afmnrij as toe baue betcm cnDcuourcD f o lap ooiunc a platfojme 03 metboD fo; touting of C# piffles B;t 0>aU not be amtfi^rbat fotlototng tbe o:Dcr of allottee itnftcrs, toee flrtt Define onto pou fefcat an Cpfffle is. 0n CBptOlc tberefsie, ts tbat txbicbofuallp toe in one oulgar , Doe tearme * a ILcttcr , ano fo; tbe refpectes rbcreof is calleD tbe meflenger , o? familiar fpeactj of tt>r abfcm, fo; tbat therein is Difcouereo ftbat* foeucr ttje mtnDe toltycrb in fact) cafes to bane oekumo. CbeDf' acrfities of <£ piffles are ma nif oio, as feber of enfactb a platfojme to eucctc motton } bctng in trutl) fo infinite as are p imaginations of eaoj ones fantafie, feeing tbe Declaration of euerie letter, is no mo?e r&en tibat nje mtnDe toiltetb tn all occafions to be per four- mcD , anD accojDing to fact) iufflg ations Ecberetoitb at tbat tntf ant mcnarefcDfcbenrbcp toatc ,taUctb bis fojmall fubttancc , utc» ttjer it be to require,counfel,erbo;t,comm inD^nfoime^ommcnD, entreat, aDuerttfc,gratulate ,02 tobatfoeuer otberpurpofe tbere* in pjetenbeD , as canfe ano matter mate fall oat to bee reqaireD. £fje ant (qui tp ts as ancient as trje benefite njat ttjerof enfuetb in great , fcbereof onlie njofe tbat are farfictcntltc enable o toittj tfjc quatitie, can giue trje greatcu" teff imonie . ^eeDeleffe toere ft fo j me to commenD ttje t)fe, ft&:n aftoellbp ttje annuities of a mini' ber tbe belt leameD , fobo to aonance trje efficacte tnercc: , tjaue in funtnie languages pjefcrfbcD rules ano metboDS fo; tbe fame, as of orbcrs befiDcs ,ftbofe molt erceUcnt tojitlngs of Gfcpifflcsare at tbis pjefent ertant , it is mod plentiful!? aDuaneeD . 0nD al- . ftoagb pregnant \oit enfuing bp nature toas tbe fo: rmot! caufe n)at tlrff bjco tbe inuention of gutters , ano tbat euerp one nata> rallr can fpeaUe,o? in Tome foU 0; onjet fe t octon n>ir meaning: 55 V# * ttefrie, Laudatoric, Vitupera- toric,Suaforic,Pctitoric,Monicoric, Accufatorie, Excufatoric , Confo- latorie,lnueaiue ano toft Wse, tftofefpeeiaUbfes do of neceffitfi ao mit faft fcope as in euerte ojot natte Cptffle ts not fonno , ami tbougb ftep beare in ftem manpOratorie parts , pet lofe ftep not ataUfo>ftai,neffternamenojbabttofanEpiftlc. fffce toBerato on ano ozoinartebfe of fcftf ft,boft eramples of many learneo,ano common cuflome baft toarranteo. ano fterfoje.taben to be b?ic ft it is bercfn tntopneo, it is altoapes fterebp to be intenoeo, ft at 8 man tot ft onelte nteeffarte rp&ftea map beepermttteo to oelfuec %i% meaning, neffter is ft lei ft out fte limits of b;cui t ic, tft en apt* lie ano at mil fte fame ft all be in ftis fojt repotfeo. $no ft % fte better Declaration, botoc far re fte conceit bereof map be inonceo onlp in tarttn g of betters,! toiU fir a limit tft at map be accounted nccelTaric trjerem,anoaftcrtoarcs enoeuourto tapoonjne,botoecontrartetttfreunto,mcn(aftocBfn ftetfe, as in neglecting ftereor ) bane be re tofoje erceD • #eeeffar ie fpee- cbes, 3 oo account tftatfocner is let bourne, fo)fte|ptaine ano open belinerte of euerie occafion , to fte intent fte minoe of fte Id? iter, ano tftat be purfaeft map aptlp ano in goo ano reabp fo;t be eoncef ueo. 2^e repngnancie bereof iB tften eiftec fotft too tnnft curtailing one arguments,tn conceit to auopoe f eof oufrtes, wtofft toomanie 02 oner often repetitions , nener ftinbingta baue (poke faffi cientlp,ciftcr to tnouce remr mb;ance , o? put fbj* toarocrarmeaning,tjDeabb;eulater:amplJSeonrCpmies. 2nd fcfeen ibme oftcrs a!&, of a conceit mo;e carious ftan necedarie, 0rf uing to crceB in bariette of fentence^anr copie of too?D0,cop- neo all of one fufe,fttnke ftetftee m paining ftcmfclucs to tojfte mm ftan nsoeft, to be counteo mo:e eloquent . Ebefe fa 11 tng out to beciroperfetffons, as each of ftem are in truft to bee bt& meo, fotftere fte Defect remameft, are ftep(foj toeft looting) foffttfuowtobeamenoefc 4 ' Refpetfs in framing of an Epiftle. TheEnglifli Clje ft)irDattD laffnofoe being Comelinefle in ileliucrance tou- ching the perfon and caufe , feemctb fo bee tied unto ttoo feuerall refpects : tbat is , to n)e reputation of foe partte to ftfcome toe to:itc, t) ts conotttan,agc,boncur, ano oifpoQUon, ano to tbe firms of tte matter thereof Xue take bpon fcs to to;tfe: foj as it is moft decent tljat in trje matter toe mane djotce of, toe giue unto euxrie taufe tjis proper ano ojoerlp effect:fo is it eucrp toap as eor ur ni> ent toarTcotfialihe Decorum of trjofe to m;ome oar letters are & recteo. iE ipe reputation of ead) partte, is meafureo scco:&iug to I is ofgnitie o: toozrtjtncffe, toberebp tjee bearett) reckoning ano place befoje t»0. CbeeonDitfon,bptbcageo;manerofl(umg,rrbercui retfetb either grauitte o: poutbfulneffe. C^c liumcut bp cjjc Off* petition, as trbetber orfirons to be reucrrnceo, fatoneo on,oj tottb plaine termes fc-fcD. 25p tins reafon, tbe metbooc o: ttile of our letters failcnj out ofucrfltc to be conQberco : in one fort toe frame tfjem to oloe men, in an otber fort to young men, one toap to fao anagraucperfons 3 anotbcrtoHgbtanfcp3ngfcRoU)cs : one plat/ fomic to Courtiers, anot&cr to Pbilofcp&crs. Co great ant no* table pcrfonages , totfb a untie fpcciall , app;op;tate to tin ir calling : Co our belters, altoapes tola) fubmtffton : Co onr infc< riours, benignly ana faueurablp : Co our fricnos, lenmglic : Co our enemies ujsrplic ano nippinglie, £[)us farre as toudjtng tije gerfon,ano noto foj rbe caufe. Jn this point it fdemetb ftjatibe matter of eurrle totting Cjonlo Sill be meafureeo accojoing to il)c umters a pparar.ee, ere lit 02to02tty ne0,$at fyc fcaliottp tbereof njoulo be anftoerable to fbe one o; tbc otbers great ties, o: gonneffe : tbat tbc intenoment be (ounD.latDfuQ, ano to no euillpurpofes : tljat it contamc not bafg,ilUi)te, o; fcurrile matter, bnbefcemtng a Direction fo too;# rbie.£3)en trjatcucrictlimgtxjbeetonttcn of frjoulD brcocliucreo acceding fo tjfsj)2oper qualitte : ccrmes mo;c officious tbaa befceming, ate unfitting: not fufficienilie to confioer of eacb re* putarfon,toerr oner rjomelie.3 matter of grauitte is to bee of U« ucrco totrbtoatgut : a matter of fonotoeQjoulDbe rcpo;t:DUm& grie,fe: a matter of pa(fime,to be DifcourfeD toM; pleafuce: a mat' let of foBp /• ^mglcotoitb laugbter. ijiofo eontraritolfcto a > perfcnfo- £. - : * ^te of iegSjtg talUe leanteolp to a clotone, * Secrctoric. Rcfpctfs in framing of an Epiftk, $ to falufe an oloc man Imtb rtjf lo(U) fanfafics:fn cafes of foafgbt, to aouancc trifles: mere alrogftbcr as improper aspatifu), erne nioje abfuro njan fitted to be tolleratc D in ante flulftiH Wage. ftnDbtcaufc 3 Ijauc tahcn ttpon me fome oiflinguKbmc nts of batting, tibercin 3 f^eciall tc &am> t>pon rljoife ano mate fcrmes 6nofpeert)cs,toitt) proper applications : 3 ttnnhe it notamifle to fct ooton Unto pou fome Ibcto of tlje contrarfc tnurements,rajer- bp pou map iuitbtbe greater Difcretionconcciue tbeernw tbete- of, tbe tt&icb 31 (jane fomerimcs notebinoijer mens footings: #nb firtf ,of unfcemlp applications : as foj erample:one tbat fome times intenoeo not a luie of rjis ottmc indention, tolw bpon t)im to Unite a loue letter to a mom an of fcer ie meant rec honing , in fcbtcb, after be bafc ojatone (dpoo Cupid bp. tbe name of tt> blut- tjeo bop)b£tt)ofe parts of fauo? ttjat newer mere in bet, anb Qcto* cu blmfelfe mucb paffionat foj rrje loue be ougtjt to ber,be conclm Sett) tbe mcatter in tl)iS fojt. Thuscrauing yoinlavvfullbcneuo- lence,in not mec reiedting, your anfvvere comfortable and not intol- lerable^&c STbe toomaii not accuffomeoto fu;b bote tntertaiw ment, anoratber bluntlte befoje time purfueo, n>n Bamtilie On freateo,bcganne berebpon (fojfcotb) to mare cop, ana to tntenbe great matter of (jer felf,ano hunting ber fauanr at a bigger rate tbcnbebelthcfi&meDaftertoaroe milling to become a psrebafee of ,rema(ueo as fbetoas, ana btmfelfe at btsmojepjcStrmlefru; Dtes.Slje conclufion of bis letter mas beric improper , infomud) as requiring liking bp tbe name of Bencuolencc, bee boil) mif- Wor ^ ! m P ro ptffeD his omne Dem:aiD,ano femcD to timet a too;* moje fouu> n[n« rhcS? Dingtoacbaritable reliefer curfcous contribution of money, tfjen to ante fucb purpofe as be meant it. iBefioes, your anfwerc comfortable , and not intolerable. Jf tbcfe bao pafieO in a if 0\it bao banc mo;e conuem'cnt.but V)feo bona ftdcjt mas too too ban, cfpeciattte refpecting tbe partie febat flje mas , from lubomc one iuoulD baue fuppofeo tbat fucb a one as rjtmfclf, ccaio neuer bane F receiueo (but bp to mucb tollerationj anp Difr antcntment at aU. foThe it°JS £3)ts errour toe fee \b not onelie common to me bnlearneo, fbj as as wc ii as to ' tneU tbis one , fefco in bis pjofefflon (as 3 mas infojmeo bp Ijfm the vnicarntf . fyaityemcD me tlje letter) mas weB rrputca of , but alfo fome of tbe fojmaroer fort, onlie bp affectation of tno;Ds, totyd) tbep bauc $f*o, jjaue banc mfiUbcD, sno pet learnco pruwaj . among 23 2 feH)t# fK ridiculous mancrof writing. Vrbanitieand exafpcrace vnpiopcrlie pUccA Errourshnxritfag* ThcEnglifli to&fcb a jDodoj of pfyGcfee long flncc, fntenomg to be fcerft ete* qoent m too3W,ano ftub as enerp Carter fyonlo not conceit* of, began an fcpiffle to a booae bp fytm pnblf $e* in fl)ts fo;t tftbere- tn feconblp appeared ttjts erronrotolouitpzoper 03 neb copne* tcrmcs.ino a)ts to as tbe fojine. Egregious Dolours and Maimers ©f the eximbus and Aiw Chane Science of Phyfickc, of your Vrbanirie exa/pcrace not jroct felues agaynft mee, for making of this little volume of Phyficke. Confidering that my pretence is for an vtilitie and a Common* wealth. And this notonelie, butalfo I doe it for no detriment, but for a preferment of your laudable Science , that eucrie mas fliould e(iccme,repute, and re garde the excellent facultie. And alfo you to bee extolled and highlie preferred, that hath and dooth ftu* die, praclife and labour this (aide Archane Science , to the which none marciouspcrfons, can nor (hall attainetoihe knowledge: yet notwuhfhnding fooles and infipicnt pcrfons, yea and manie the which doth think themfelues wife(the which in this facultie be fooles indeed) will enterprife to fmatter, &c. WB, ZB tijCtt tWX fa ne from a learncD man a moze pjepotteron* t contafco feino of netting, farceo toftb (b manp ano fneb oooe coprteo tearmes fn lb litt k W tertng.-'Bnt turelp , ttic man d (d it or a great concefte, foj as ap* pearetb bp (be conrfc or all bis Cpfffle foOototng, bis bitten tocrt fe peHereD toifij an angrfe mtQifec of tbe bad oenuanoj of Tome bnlearneo bfets or bts fctence(as be tbongbt toi ttj bf mfelfe) ffjat cuerte bottber tyoulo not be able to bent fjtm, but bee tyonl* bee a man of (btne reacb at lead tbat ftjoulo finoc turn. # cut r tbe* teffebotoe foifc fo ener QcdD bis imaginations : n)is one tying ooa ianotoe, tbat ofnerfetoubome 3 bane u)ctoeo tbe bcoae banc bcrle bearttlie laugbeo in peruSng t&e parts or bis uniting, if oj fijefe egregious, eximious, rrbanitic, ant) exafperate , altyongb ttjC foo;ocs be in fomc foit toQerable , pet becanfe ante of tbe m act smongfftis toerie rarellebfcD, ano intbis netting ttooof n>m efpEctaUpberpbnpwperlpplaceD.tbc maner tbereof (bnnDeft(ai mine optnion)notbina,pleafant. Jnfomucb as exafperate is p;o< pcrlpto fctbim in af,irr?trrage,tbat is atreabie fononQp brnt tn a (bing,ano befioes, Up tbe action of anotber man tbr n bimfclft tibo as it toere or a refolnte totU ano meaning , too olo got about top;ocnrt it, fo$at it maie be toenfaioc , hec didesafperate hut furic* Secretaries Irreurs meriting. juries the more , by inducing fuch a (peach, or fuch an a&e: bat it cannot be c fo p;opcrlte DclmercD to fate, exafperate not your felfe for fuch a thing, efpectallie txben 3amnottbcrcimtbfomuc& as In mite mifltfee alreaott , ubfeb no man canne at ante time bee, tDftoatbenrffbnotneanoccafion: poarVrbanitic Iihetuife be- ing oeriueD of nje ILattne too;Bc Vrbanus , ub* a) is ctatle , cow fcoua, gentle, mooeff, 03 tadl ruleb,as men commonlie ate in Cities ano places of gooDgonetnement, thereof o)at too?oefa» fee tb t>ts ozfgtnaU , tbe ioojoe is not common amongt! bs , no? (b apt to tfce rente as if bee ban fafoe, your curtcfie, your modeftie, ano to it mlgbt run ftjOS, Let not your curtcfics be agreeued agaiiift roe, 03, Let it not be offenfiue to your modefty , that for the beneftte ©fa great manie , I haue published this volume of Phy fickc . &rje grounoe teas berte gooo, fo> bus intenoment mas , (bat rbe canfe telongeDtoacommonmealtb, ftberem if ante particular com* tttooftfe fcemeb to be leflTeneo, tutfe mrn ano fad) as toere rno;e ffuofous of tbeir Countries gooo, tijen of n)efr otone peculiar gatne, ongbt not to be offenoeo. Hjjcn faitb be : And this not only, but alfol doe it for no detriment, &c. WLfyat ConfufcD Dcliu trance te njis ? ^otn mart) moje ojoerlte ttjus, fxbicb foun&etb alio mo;e f O bu$ meaning. And this alfo rcfpe&ed , in that I doe it not for anic detriment vnto you, but for a preferment of your laudable' feience. £benbf*COmmtng.m foftb arcane feience, inartious fooles and infipiem perfons,bao it not bccncleffc improper, if bee babfafoe profoundc feience, and vnskilfull or vnlearr.ed, fo) inartious, anOtO bauc contenteo rjimfclfe initb bis fooles, toftbout aobtng to nje fameinfipientperfons. lattlte be p?OCCe0etb: And many the which dooth thinke themfelues wife (the which in this facultie are fooles kidecdc) will enterprifej&c %ttt is the which ane the which , a pbjafenener tottb bsaceuffomrD, no; tottb ante gooD matter in Its time (febfeb was not manie peares0nce) rbe fence tobereof tnfgbt in ibis Gut moje plat nelfe bee oelfuereb . And many who in their owne opinion doe fceme rerie wife (but therein are in truth vcric fooles) will cnterprife,&c. 3i5ttt of 0)iS pitougbj fO) tbatj fbtnee it notoe bigb time to pjoeccD to tbe reft , tbefe ttoo cram. pies being fafftctent to abmonlO) $)* learner, of tbe congrattfe of bif tjieatbesanb fentences, toftb gooo p&afcs ft)at bee m off » jtee tng to n)e meaning 3 ano not im^operlie , to be Dili aereo, 31^4, taper* tf The halite or forme of ah Epiftle TheEnglifh ttbcrebp be u)all auoto trje If fee crrour , ano abfurDttfe in cent&f- ance rjwbi? cr#effeo, arc alreaop fo macfc rep?ct»cr*oco» Of the habitc and parts of an Epiftle, Cap. 3 ♦ Charaftcr of an Epiftle gc- nerall. Epiftles (Jiftin- gut (hed into gencrall and fpeciall Letters gne- raJ are familiar Lcttqrs fecial 1 ecittg an O.M Me tjatb rbteflie tits Deffnfffon be u £$& of, in trjat tt ts tearmcD trje familtar anDmnta: |||alltalheofoncab(cnt fcien&c to another: it fce- j|||mctb trje ilD^araaec rbereof. frjouloc accojofug e^Htfjeceuntouccfimplc, platne, anD of rbcloteeff ?-^^^ano meanefl CItlc,tittcrtte DcuolD of anie u)aDoto of btc ano loftiefpeacrjes : pet ncaertbeletTc , foj fo muctj as in tt>e argument of a great manteof tbcm (tttjorc feaerall Dffttnctton* bcreafter (ball appeare) is requires (as 3 fato beftnc) a mo:e bigt) ano loftte Deliuerance , partaking manic toaies tot tbtbat bmoe accuttomrD tn Rations, ano is tberefojc acco:otnglie to be ne< ceffariltc furntOjco fcntb tbc pointcs tbcreunto inctoent : toe toill foU&epjefent, fo?t all feince of C'piffles onelie intortefetUm mancr of D;ffercnces , tbc one part vxbercof fljall be fato to be ge> ueral, ano trje oajer fpeciall. 33nDer fbfs title of general! ujall bee compztbeiftco all fucb, as ettfter foj faOnons fahccuffomCjOntie, cuctcftc.o: -tier farailiarttic do ojDtnarllie paiTi f. om one part to anofter , rattjer of a pleafant conceit , 0: fome otbr r mojc Dfffrfrt ojfeuere motion, trjenof antecrtrao^Dinarie caafe,fo3m<%oj fab- fiance in eiitjcr of u> m containeD . ^ucrj are t&ofe as trbome ef- trjcr long acquaintances ancient famtliarttie 3 bauecaufeDcm tcrcbangcablte to banc pcrfojnuD ra? farpcrlp reurrcnce,ano fee* uftcDatiebanebounD,bt>graue aatboiittc ouer etilD:cn, feinDjcD 02 fcruants, acenfiomablie to be continued . Z be fe, fo; the com' monanu ojDinarie matter in cuerie of rbrmtofeD, being bttetlp erempt from an»e toafgbt 02 grauitie at all , are rtgbtlie tearmcD bv tbe name of familiar letters. £!;cp nofoc njat be fpeciall are lacrj,tbe matter of ttbome(as 3ifaiDLefoie)Doe abmrt botb b*g&' era(Ie,ani3mo2co:i)erltc Deliuerance, acceding to trjetoafgrjt of tbc argument ,in anie of tijem to bee bonoleDianD fo; ibis caofe are tearmeo fpeciall , as bearing in rbem a re folate purpofc aito tntenoment fcrtoufltc to Difconrfe t pon , to anf mere, mitt (g ate 0; anoio an? certain matter o; canfes, imposing u)e parent affstr* $«3 Secretotie. Oratory parts ittdnfyi/ttc* j thereupon tfjc Direction is framco. £Df tfjem alfo are ccrtamc otal' Cons, learncol? by ftulfull flutljours, tbat btrctofoje fjaue beene oil! tngutfljcD, tbe titles thereof 3 Doe cmitjn anotbet place tbcn tbis mo;e opportune to be bereafter rememb?eo . &befe as tbep Difference are from tbe otbtrs nianie foates effrangeo intbctrfcuerallac- oiftiic. gumentcs.-fo bnto n#conuefanceanBerp?eirtngof tbetrcaufes appertamctb botb otber o?ocr, ano ofucrs partes tn tbem (tben tit tbe redone) moje fntlie to be confioereo . 3ln Ubofe compoGttfonj tbat tbere mate be a plslfojmc gatbereo of a moje certaine p?oca> Oing,Uie toil as otbers baue tbougbt mat , Diffinguiu) tbetr fene- rall parts as n>y fail out to be bojrotoeo in an oration. Jn fudj kino tberefoje of QSpf8les,rtgbtlu ano toiib gcoDftrtl to be banoleo,tbe learner $al bnoerttano,tbat tbere are ttnae tbings, bv mcancs thereof ,fto tbe neeofull erp2effing ano ojoetlic oeltue- rfc of ante matter iibatlbcucr,bemuff of neceultie be furnf u)eD. Inucntion firtf, tdjercm picnttfultte fsfearcbeo ano confiocreo, lnucnuon ' bbat hint) of matter, boto mudj bartetie of tentences, febat fojts of fignreSjboto many Gmllttuses, ftbat app:obatlons,Dimmuti- onSjinQnuattons ano circumffanees arc p:cfcntlte naoefull , o? furtljcrfng to tbe matter in bantling. £ben,Difpo(ition,ttbercbp Difpofidon; in o;ocr lie, cunning lie, ano perfealte latoeootone anobifpofco, eucrie matter ano caufe in bis Due O20cr,p2opo2tion ano place* E!;trDltc,Eloquution,tri)ofe efficac(e tnfpeanjeSj neate , pure ano Elort)cmes ano Eropes bcreuntoueecefuU anoconuenfenf, ano tbere bauc bt> funojfc famf liar tramples crpzclleo tbeir bfes ano feucrall effects. Bin Oillgcnt conceit ano aouertlng thereof, C U}9 10 RhctoricallpartsirttnEpiftU. TheEnglifh ttje tjfctmto tf?e p.?actifcr C^all in fy outline bccfonnUe great lie a* uafleable,bt> (be benffittberebpattatncD. i^oUj In as mucb as Eloquution is anncreb bnfo flje 01 le, fefctcb StiicofE^i- eucrmore is alfo ttco to tbe argument anc fubffanccof cuerie C* files. Sublime. HumUc. Mediocre. Skilful! vfe ©^writing. Parts of an piffle : it is to be tegaroco tobat ff lie mate generate bee bccmcD inretrft foi tbr common bsbrr, therein eacb of tbcm matco:oina» rllie be publifycD. 3n u> rceo^ing bbeceof ,toc Do find k\m fox*, efpccfaUte tn all tuncsof touting one fpeahmg, to banc bene gc nerallie conimenbeo.^/'w^tbe bigbeff ano ffatclieff mancr,ano loftteS oeliucranccof ante tbing fbat maic bee.e rp:effing tbe bc- rofcall anc migbtie actions of limtges,p;inces, anc otbt r boncn- rablepcrfenages, tbeffile ixbereof is fa to to be tragiealif welling tn cboic?,an&tbofe tbe moff baugbttcfttearmcs.commenDcD, be- fcribco, ampIiacD ant pjeferrcb alfo bp £D2ato:s , ftbicb manic cr * cellent jfigutcs anc places of Jftbetoifquc. HumkjByi lotocff eo- micall , ant mod fimple of all o tbers , tbr mat ter Ubcrccf is tbe meaneff fubtectof ante argument tbat mate be , cntcrmcbtingtit common eaufes , aDucrtiCemcnts ant) mutnall aff ectcs of eucrtc one, tbe llile Ubereof fujecpeeb cnen tbe berp grounoe it felfe,ano is fitteff appropriate to our familiar Letters, fc; ft at in fuclj fa- miliar eaufes ana maners., tfjc fame is folelp frequente D,in ftfcfclj UCUer CbeleS iS Suafaceties et elegantia qM*dam$& ecrta f ne nine of clegancie,pleafant ano neat conticf ar.ee, not altcgettje r to be fe« queffreb from tbat feiiibe of Deliueranee. McAwcre,* Ream be* ttofrt ^t'gb ano lofoe,fcebemcnt ano flencer , tco mnrb anc too lit* tle,as toe fa(c,fn trbieb are erp?cOeD biff o2ics,5Declamatior ?,£o' tnentarfes, anc otber interminglcc actions , not of ante in pat ti- tular ,bnt of all fngcnerall,tbts ffflc of all ocijcrs maie be acaptca imto tbefe fpeciall Bines of CEpiff les. Ujus ttjen it follotoerb , tbat tibcthcr tuc taftc familiartic , oj toafgrjtflfe , foe muff enceuour as neere as mate be e tbat eeri.i be perfonrmeb f lulfullie/oi (bat to net tber of njern maie toant lear* ning,U)itbout tbe mioiuiecgc fc&creof , ui;at ornament can tbe re be at all of tbis crpecteo elegancies &§t particularities iubereof facluCCD til tb*fc ttUO titles Inucncion MID Eloquution , botb &&- tn re ano §Bill do put fojtoaro as tee oatlp fee bp a Double tuffruc* ifon.C&is cbcrfojc faff icing foi ttjofc ttoain^let fcs fee febst parts arc fuppliec in an €pitflc JuratDing in tbe otber alfo^anc arcing to Secrctoric. Partes of an fyi flic. U to Di r pofitton , tCije flrll place Is Exordium , a beginning 02 (n* miction to tbe matter to be tmftten of, ifljfcb is not altoapcs after Exordium* one fo:t 03 ration, but in ttuerfe mancrs : as feme times by p?c- amble,txberctn ejtberfojonr fclues, 02 n>«mfe toe to;itc of, 03 (it refpea of bim,fo2 0? to rajam toe to^itc, luce fluoic to toin fauoj 05 allotoance of tbe mattcr,fomctimes by mBnuai (on,td;crin co» uertlp, effber in refpect tbat the matter rcquiccttj long oebate- mento: tljatntiaiUe may bccalieaoie erotmoco in bim to febotn toe Direct our letters, toe f&be 'to canning reafenstofbetoetbat fjje cafe fo requiring is rollcrable:oj in tbe ottjcfjtb.it rafber equity tben fclfc opinion mull ano cua/bt cbieC ic to be toe igbeb. &>ome» times by a OmilituDe , tr^cucm op manlfcQtng fijc litte of tbat toe. talic in buio to baue bene comm?nDeD,toIleruteD,o2 equally ccn* furco , tocc intent) rtje fame, 0? lefle fejee in our fclues, at tbeft bmDs to bee borne tofttjaJI 02 accepted, anooiuerfe orber toapes bcnoes,asintb£<^piG{ef5fonotoingu)aUbctenDJeo. SljenNar- ratio, 03 Propofaiojcacb fcrutng to one effect , fcberein is Decla* p^^o* rco 03 p2oponcD,in tbc one bp p!ainetearmcs,intbe otber bp infe# rence, 02 companion, tbetoerfefubffanceof tbe matter tibatfoe» ucr to be banclco . gfyen Confirmation therein are amplifleb oj confirmstM fuggeffeomanp reafons,foj tbe aggrauating 0.2 pwfof anpmat* ter in qutrton. Sifter Confutatio, trberebp i& oiminifljeo , Difp?o* Confuuti^ ucd 02 auof ijcD , uijaifoeucr to bee fuppofco, obiecteo oj aggraua* tea. ilattlie, Peroratio, in fcblcb after a b?ic fe recapitulation of Peroral foat ttbtcb batb beene tygco,tbc occaflons tbcreof are immc Dfaf c< lie concluoc D, 2$efe are not alfogftbcr at all times tjfeo, but fomr 02 tbe moff of t&cm asoecafion feruerb, eitber a&mlttcD 0? rcfectco: befioesttbfeb, ottjers alfoarc fomerimes remcmb:eD. fltjje bfe m)ereof as in funo:ie cEpitt les tbcp map be Deemcb neeefe farie , fljall in fbt fr feucrafl eramples beveafter perofeb,appearc mo;e euiDentue ano largely ■ Of certainc contents generally incident to all mancrof EpiTMes. Chap 4. U # toeing of €plffles,four efpcefaf! contents ate altoafea ■% continuallie inetocnt . £be manner of Salutation, aw ^ o;Derof tahiugleaueoj farctoefl, tbe feubferf prion, ana tbe onttoaroc Direction . Salutations of auncient time tocre C 2 Jceont iz Sdutitiom andgreet trigs. TheEnglifh fooonttobccfircB, QuaftQntmfauflum, aBgnco: (muting fo cjob fcap, in fijc front oj tipper part of tbe iettrr : fo did tfce auncient Romanes, ano in like manner after tbeir cramplcs o© at tbia Date feme otber nations. I5ut feloome 02 ncucr (efperi allie of tbe learncDanomoff carious baiters) is ftje fame in out Cnglfuj cf. tsrtlonSjatanprtmeaeeuflomcD. dDnrlietbts, libcic letters are fclrcrteBfrom oneojmojeof tbcCouncrlltoaninfcrfcnr ££ag(* 0rate 0? perfon, 02 ft om fomc noble man to f«d7, Worn bee inters faincfb not in anp cCatc of focictie 02 cquall famtltaritte, tbe ma- net of eommeHDarions(ttbtcb Urftb bsts retaineo fo? anojoer of Salutation 03 grating) runnetbltgfrlie in tbe beginning of tbe 2letfer,anB cuff omablie is ocliuereo in tbis fo;mr. After our hear- tie commendations vnto your L if it bee from a number of the CounfcHtoa jjiobleman, 02 otrjeriuifc in tbe fingular number tmtO an inferiOttt perfon, as tbUS. After my heartic commendati- ons vnto you. 51But otbcrtulfe touting feriouflie to ante man, tbe Maner offis Siting if it be to one far our better is turneD,to an acanoU)leog* buttons. ment of fomc Ui»D of Butte , 02 reuerent account , ano ttrat mod commonlp at tbe cno of tbe lletter,toajf cb lihetotfe in equalitte fal« left) out in fucb place to be mention cb ■ flnD being in familiarities is to-no place tieB, but bcginning,miOBle,o: cnoing of tbe Letter, all is one,as famefb moll confonant to tbe baine f BifpoOtion of tbe partie, ano tbrfc alfo at all times not Deltutreo in tbe felfc foojoe of greeting 02 eommenoarions,but bv Btucrfc Epithets. ano Epithets fto* connefanees,as falletb out to tbe matter of .tbe Gpifllc , ano tbe conbitions of tbe partte to be baitBleo EJusbrtngattbrcnoof t^Jletter,ft)ereu>allimmeBiateliefoaolTjtbe o2bcrof feretocQ, tiicbiopningfo^arDtbereuponasirDoctb, tocc toill put tbrm botb in one eramplc of foortes ano Epithets, togitber wltb tift fub> fcrfprions/oj tbe eafier tnffructfonof tbe learner, ano bf5 better remcmb2ance, referring tbe notes of cueric of tbem to tbeir pia# &0jabm aftertoavos tber are kfcB in tbeir rfeuerall Letters, Diucnc orders of greetings/arcwels and fub- fcripttonst Cup.f, 8cfcncto. Secretor ie« Orders offkre wels and greetings* i 3 pjChnofcleogwg ntp fclfe baepelfe bounbe tmto Greetings of pour 3L. fo? mante funojie fauours : 3 00c r e-[ lumil ] , ^ eora(: * jmaiue in all tumble rcur retire . jFtnoingmp ofXtic. €I " I, fclfe mante bares be^cloing tmto pour ereec* Ding courtefrcxj , 3D enoe . ttmcmtytng botoe mu:& 3! am inocblcD S«to pour 8>. foj pour fan* &;fe benefitcs : 35 conferre tbe regaro tbereof to mp p^efent fma» gtnartotis, ana Doc brfccdj thereof at pour bononrable rjatiucs an euerlatfmg continuance. ail bumble lopalttc ano fernfee p;o* teffeobnropourbenourable calling 3 3rcff noUjeanoperprta* allie pour iUtc. if earing in fpacbes, ncuer foitb fuffief enetc to mamfctt ftje concert 3! baucof pour moff bonourable fauours: 3 folace mp fclfe toift) tije remembrance, ano bumblie Icaue pour 31. to pour tooonteD perfeuerance. Raping ttje 0lmf gbtfe to fcauc pour &. euermojem bisgratious protection , J bumblie tafeemp leaue, |0ourtoo2U)(ptn ftjis, beftoes manic oitier occafi* ons bautng perpe tuallte bounD mee,boto can 3 but red fact) , as pou banc erpeetet) ano ffjall cucr finb rne.Cft fooncs rccorotng mp bounoenferutcetonto pour too3u)ipato mp groo ftaofe , 3 re* maine as cucr befoje. $ot fojgettfngbotocmanietoapes^am rbargcD 5 tn tmtifuU remembrance totoaros pou, 3 reft as 3 bane p?otetfeD.$po:c gruntet) at mp miu)ap anc Dtfabtlitte , ttjen Wan- ting ef tber tuill 0: lifting to ooefcrufce fento pou .-3 sffte mpJelfe eucrmoje tipon n)e acceptance of pour tocontcD cu 'fcu"e,ano bum- blie tberefof tball Do take mp leancrdommcncing ttje fafctie ano gmo eflfate of pour tno;u)fp to t&e aimigbties protection , 3i reft in all DutiM regaro to tlje fame. Uatbcr Defirons to $ctoe mp felfe tbanhfut,njcn otberurifc able in If he fort to glue pou anp requital, 3 conrtnuCjic. ISmofng mp felf bp all pcfftble tnDeno:s, ncucr to be freeD from ttje djarge of fo crcceoing bcneBtes, 3 u>iu} 3; migbt as 3 tooulo.be bnro pou in foertc Decode. C2Btu)ing tmto pou ana pours, as mne&bappfnetre, as mp felfe am cloggeo tutttjcarcfal- neffejl fureeafc.SDeGrfng hntopou nofootfe fucceffe in ttjefe ano all otijer pour lanbable cnoeuorSjtfjen mp felfe bane efrfones era.- ^"j!," 8 ' neo in performance of mp ftjtefeff frauds , 31 reeommrno pou to arai lar * tbe tttttfcm of ttje aiimgfctte.#ot forgetting our aeeuflomcD grce* yngs ano inter changeable toeltofu)tngs,mpbafrte letter tabetf) C 3 enoe. 14 Orders of greetings and fhrewels. TheEnglifh tnbtMlclQtyns bofcue murfc pou arc alrraolc buQeD,anD not tufl- Ifng to beepe pou farther cecupfcD , 3 er.De mptong nno tcbfous Dlfcourfe, beting in noting erempfcD from toc&nteD faltitarions, ancaccuttoiiifOUinoof greetings. Cbinhenot tljcugb mp baffe be fuel), but tbat 31 remember ttblicUttalute 31 p:aie pou pour f. tenors in mp name, ano tbinbe in mpbeff ano ferious toifbes 3 rtcuer fo:get pou. $p fatter fotllcD me in bis bcbalfe to falute pcu, ano all tbe reff of pour acquaintance fare do mofi rjartilte greele pou. jTojget not in UiKtt fo;t 31 baue beretofoie receiucD pou, ano tbuibe in fye fclfe fame maner 3i do Hill inter tainc pou. £l5p greetings to our frteno H. let not bee onrememtyeD, ano Deemc ttjat tn all mp fcovuesBifjauefbnto pou alt) moO bear ttltcloifijcD. 5baD almcff IctOipmp commenDations to to pour bjorber, tobfeb fo; ante rbtng 3 teoulo not fcD bene fo)gottcu,bpon fcbom,as of geeatcfc cbotc,3iltnl!mabemprepofing. Slje libing 3! &aue to j^.mabetbmee bcre to remember &fm fobofc ga>o Demeanour as pour ofon.3 banc in ebiefeS recboning. £pp greetings ano paper banc all one enDe togitber, onclfcotv frteiiQfljfp inDiUelublccan neuer be fojgotten. Cbtnbe boto ercetDfnglte 3 banc altoaics tocU totfljeo onto pou, ano aeco?Dingfie thereunto mcafure tbe reffof mine affec- tions totoarDs pou. ?£a2e compenetb mee to rnDc feoncr tban 31 fooulo,txbcrin nottolfljffanDfng 31 can ncuer omit Cumctcntlte to greetc pou, eftfeones recognising as to&ooneri), poMcfpccall geoo libing totoarDsme,*c, 3nnumti Secretorie. Orders of Sub fcriptioWi I J innumerable of tbc re ano furb like mfgbt be fmagmrD bottj in gratings anDfaretoels, tbc courts thereof bcclngfurniujcDlMtb furb fcarictie as it t*,3 bauc left fije reftDuc fcnto tbc conceit of rfce learner,accountmg tbcplcntiebcrein fetooton.fo; ante ffuDious follower to be alrca&ic faff iclent. ano noro to tbe s>ubfcr(ptiott$,ibc otacrfittes ubercof arc(as bell tbep map be allottee m fence) to ef tber of tbefcto bee placcD, fo;toarncDaiwaies tnto tbc tmfbllfuU bcrem,tbat Uniting to a< subreptions; iric pcifon of account , bp botoe mucb tbc mo; e excellent bee is in calling from bim mfebbfcbebalfe tbc ilettcr is fcamcD , bpfo mudjtbe lotocr,u)aU n)e fubferfptton tbrreunto belonging^n anp foifc be placco. flnD if tbe ffatc of bonour of bini to fobome tbc Iletter (ball be aiwcteDDoc require fo mucb , tbe oerle lotocft margent of paper (ball do no moje but beare it, fo be it t& fpace bee kc incite fo: tbe name,ano tbc rome fatrrc inougb to compjebeno it, Vnbicb §>ub# fcriptlons i\\ all fo:tcs to be b Jnoleo (bail paCTe in tbts o? tbe line e;oero;fubflance. f onrft.moffDcuofeoanD lopallfcaffccfeb. four honours ™*™ T Jkl™ moff affureo in tobaifoeuer fcruiccs . four it. in tobatfoc uer to faipuons." be eomm mccD. 2be moff affectionate tmto pour II. of all otbrrs. t&ec tbnt balbboli-cD toltaeano Die in pour honourable feruiec. four 1L moll faitbfull ano abcDtent §>onne. pour lla. louing ano obeotcnt EDaugbter. 3cIbo but bp pour 1L is onclie to be com; maunocD . flQbofe beart is; pour honours, ano ty$ life bp pour 21. to be DifpofeD . !£c tbat Kuetb not but fen pour tuo2ft)ip,anD to doc pourcrufec. EfcbofcrcgarD ffrctcbccb unto pour tlSlo^tbip mo:e tben tmto ante oSjcrs. l^ctljai tnto pour too?$lp l*tb boturDto become mod affareo. Wwmt noncbatte etier botthDfo mud),as tbe Defects of pour II. f ourtUn all bumbtencs. four honours cuer to be commaunoeb. Si t pour toajflnps commanD. four iL3* mofl bounDen anD affectionate. at pour bonourablc Direction, Situates attendant fcpon pour % pleafnre. four fewltyps in ail goco account, fours cucr lotting anD mclr a ffureo. SEo none fa mucb as pour felfc. l^ec tbat in all accounts tcnocrctb ?ottr foci* fare. ^bomebp pour oncltecurtcftcpou bauc conuincco. JCbe lame tvbicb 5 accept from pott,anD not otberroifc. £>ucb as 3 ant, o; as pou iutOi to rmoc me ♦ l^c tbat tn \jis lining ts onlie pours, QCboot 6 Orders of Sub fcriptions* TheEngluh SKHbomcyoubaueeuer knotone, bnt ncner p:ooueo . tdljofcU- Hiiig onclie accounted of v>cuctoo:t1iinc0fe . smeb as pou tjaue cuerfounoeme,anD not otter wife, flours tntobaifoeucrtobce implofcD . spojecbarpof pour toelfarejtbcncanfullof btmfelfe. i^ours a* pou Ufce to l;auc mc . pcurs fairtjfull ano euer atJnreo. ^oursojnotbis otine. l^etobo fount) pon,butncuerJmetopon. ^efljat once fauoureo pou, but (iituicc barb fcoiueo ncuerto re- gar&e pou . ©2bofe ItUmg bp pour mgratif ooe tad) bccne quenrfc* eo. Sntttofe account pou once tono.but notoabanconcD* tier louco ti;cc. Sbe fame as pen left mr. &ucb as pon fato ttHjcn peuocpavtcDfromme. Ebefamcanonor.eQtber/a)btcb3i baue euer feemcb to be ♦ t^bofe toojoe fjatfj bounce bfm, ano fatty ftjaUafTurt?l)itTi. |0ours moff affectionate, flours acuofeo till Deattj. flours tobile life ftoaietbfoitbtn me. ponrs as far fo;$ as ante others, «c. tojtbmaute otber applications, iubcfe Epi- thets are infinite, anoratberbpon cbecaufc fuggeffeo tbeuotber* tuifc,tobeeeuermo:eaDDCD, alfereD,o; concciueD. Cbcfe ano tbe otbersmaponlp uifttcefoa rbep:efcnt pnrpofc,refcrrtn§r trbat elfeto be erpecfeo, totberegaroeof a mo;c curious o; Delicate inuenrton. flno bcrcin 3 rboujbt cjcdd Co aoucrtife tbe learner, tbat fomc Acknowledge- times it f a 11 etb out, ttjattbisaclmotolcogemcntef Dutie,mentt> metofdutyinj oncb in (1)2 beginning of tbe greetings ano farcluel^ts in Diuers Ehe Exordium, jitters erpjefifco in tbe fejemoff part, anD tbc Exordium fjjerc npon framcD : (fin tbat tljc fame tn trutbis one of ti)t parts tbr re* unto belonging effected i\\ the perfen oi eonottion of bint to iibom roefontc)Uticb to ooe , If in bis milting alio tbe famemafe be occmcDneceffarie, be mate tbrn fcfe feme otber o;ocr of fare* inelloj taking leaue, citbtr bp imitation of otbers, o; if bee tbinftc meete , fabat berein elfc pjcfcrtbco , confonant ano agree* ing to tbe Irate ano reputation of tbe fame partic to ubomc bet Iwitctb, .nola tbcnfyaUfaUotoc tbe otrcctton^tobtcb on Qjeoufr aw Secretorie. Orders of Subfcriptiom* *7 flac of enerte II eiter (tbe fame being mabebpanofealeo) are aU Uiaie&areD, nno commonlie are termcDbp tbe name of £>upcv fcripttons OfSupcrfciiptions and Directions, Cap.6, spong tbe auncfent Romanes, uben learning . . ftrfr gretoeontofruifuU perfection , ano men l^Td^ i firff oculfeb erceOentlte tofojfte, tben tOcre tI onsofthc *"' !jf gan to be crtant tn mcmo:te,otucr0 fojmcs Romanes, 3f uniting immcof atlie, bp tbe name ano title of CptQlc0,to be pulltfyco to tbe pott erftp.BJn be Directions thereof , animatco as 31 trjtnhe U)trt) UjeOertaesof tbcfr parents, ano accounting it (as tn trutfj ft mas tfjrn fo repateD)to be a great Jionour onto tbem, to be tntt- ttilco lot tt) tbe name of the pztncipall autbo? of tbeir families, ujeg fongbt no far fyr r flile of magninxenccbut (mere bis parentage tteuer To ffatelfe ojbono?able)bf tng tbcretoltb confenteo, Of D on* lie open fum regarb uui tic their circetions. jfo; UUo trjat barb bin bnto^Dinarilie acquainted tDirbfbebiffo;iej8 of tbeir acres, bat fenoroetb ano tjatb read, Urify tubat reuercncc,tbofe tf mcs(grcebp of bertue,) enter tat neo tbe bo nojable oefcrtes of fad) , as fo: tbe common-mcaltb ano pnbltttc abuancement of tbe ftatc,baD ef rbec aoucn turo u Q te ba>arDeo,o: conragf ouflte loll a fratle,bncer ta in e 8 o? tran fitojie lif e ,to tbe intent to pnrcbafe on to tbeir countrp quf< et, bononr, oj bieto2te v Tno to tbemfelnes ano poff critic, eternf^eo fame ano euer flour tttnng glo:te. ^ctttjer to 30 tbeir country bfr fetno Unto tbem be rctn.ubtcb fo; tbeir fafecs, anb foj tbe reuerenfr regaroe of tbeir toertues , baue compenfeo fgc lone ixbirb to tbeir parents ttjep conlo not Qjeme , to tbeir cfjtlDJcn ano facceHion in manfe Degrees after tbem. &udj mere tbe families of me Gracchi, Fabij , Cornelij , Hor- tentij,Horatij, Metclli, Amiljj,ScipionesantFabritij. flKHberebg 3 conterture tbat tbe cuftome bereof , bp furb emulation aoojneo. became aftcrmarDs a oignitte , ano fo fueceeDeo tn bononr to cue- riepotterrtte. E&efc Romans *»e refo:e/bfeD on! i e,m nV front of tbeir tetters to tmfte Qctt tbeir oUmc names, titles aooptiue , ano farnames, E> aftet 1 8 Orders of Subfcriptioni. TheEnglifh after rbat , tns to trijom n>p fo?ote, ano laQlle $eir ralufatfon 02 irtuner of greetings: gluing alfo lifee aDitions bnto ttje ottjee as to rjfm UclongeD , iitjettjcr ft lucre bp famtlte , office, 0; fomc orbrr ttgnttiC. antJttjtcUjaS ttje foime. M.T. Cicero. M.Varoni, Sal. dic':t,o.: C.Caefar: CorncIioBalbo falutem dicic . 15ct tfjat CUlfome Becoming to tlje antiqfatp of trje timers long Qticc U)o:nc ont,ano tfcefe Dates ano feafons bane InouceD tontotos fo: encrte effateof calling, anio:c ttatcue rcuerence acco:Dingto cgc Dignitie ano fcjojtbtnesoftbefamc. Srje reuercnDmateffp of <£mpercurs,fclngs anD p?mres, be tng aDuaceD toitb a mo:e crccUencp and fup?eame magnificence. E&c names of EDufees,$pare.uf fcs,earlcs, barons ano otfjer ma* gf firat cs,toltf) mo:e folemne ana bonourable titles. Sfte offices of effate ano places mott noble,ampUScD fol t& lar* Diucrfity of ger fjonours,anD names account to tt>f r fcuer a'.i Dignities. Eftat«. g nlJ a j^^ fefeare tbe namber , fijat rjerefn ft)all be occaQoneo to oceupp tbelr pen, but (UnotoetJ) 02 almoft enerie Daie) mate fcm oerllanD ftjefojmall application of enertc perfonages tjonouro? toojfljfp : pet in fo muttj as all fojtes arc not perfectlie ffcillcD, no: enerie man linerbm place foconuenientto tjnDcrilanD it,3m> (bat ittjatbbeeneparccUofapzefcribeOojoer foto Doe, bpfljofcrbat £a»c fturrten tfje lifee mettjoDe , 3 toUi fct ootone fo manie cram* pies of ellates foj Directions , as to tfje matter anD purpofc rjerc* of male be aDinogeDconncntent, beginning from tfcc b:gt?rn that are 02 bauebeene latelic accnlfomcD in onr common fucalio (fbe foneraign Spate file crcepteD)unto tfje meaner ano molt o?Dtnarp t)fco,ano in p:efentpjactifc amongtt tos. anD firff,tDtrrj ttje Dfgnf* tie of arc!)blfl)op,to ftbom in tbis fo2t toe frame onr Dtrcctf on. Cothemoft rencrenD jfattjer in C5oD,rbe &.£l:e!)b!u)cp of Direflions to canturburie,02 ^o:fe,p2imatc of (Bnglano, ano SBcfropohtane an Archbifky ^f S ticrtcgoti grace. Co flje right reoccenDe jfarbcr in <£ob, Dukc P; mwmptjeric goobUo2De,$elL.X3ifliopof ILonoon. Cottje bigb ano mfgbtie p?incc. CSlHiHcofB.btsmoff noble grace. Co t.Chancciior. tfje rigbtbonourable anbmp efpcciall goD il- trje &o:De Cbamr LTrcafurer. cetlo2,02?lo2Dbtgb Crcafurerof GBnglano ♦ Cot&ertgbtt£ottO' Earicsandin ra ble t&c &02De $g)arqucfc of » Co &e rigbt honourable flic 1 * 5e '- Carle of <£. ILo:De lieutenant f3) bcr maiellic in tbe, u . Co $e rigl)t l^)nocurable ttjc Carle of l£. ILo;De p;efiocnt of ber ipa« ot Secretoric. Orders of Super fcription* Ip Sp&icQitB mo5 rjono?able Gcimccll effabliOjcD in i\yt #02$. Co tijcitgbt i^otwable, ano mp Hngular g©o&. njc lojoe 315. one of Lords knigbti ttje lojos of W rjtgljnes moll fconourable p;tup CouncetlCo tt?c of thc p" 1 "* rfgbt bono?able Gr W$p. fentg&t, .fentgbt,il spato; of n> cttte of il. Co t&e rt'gbt too?fl)ipfull tCl-iL. efqutre, one of nje Sluoges of &cr spate; ftics court of common picas. Conjertgbt tootPitpfuIlanomp Ongalar gcoo laote mother, ttje laote EE>.^. Co mp tier tc goto fa* t&er,ffllil C. ^arctjant of ttje cttte of 15. Co tlje rfgbt loo;u)tpfull &ts efpcctall gmD maiffer, $p. ft. ^arctjanf ano aiDerman of il. Co mp fernant &.2D. at C-K. £D ttjcr eramples befioes ttjcfc torn naoeleffe to fct Dotunc, foj ffjat if anp alteration at all rjappen beretn,tt is by reafon of faint' Itarttte .aDDttton of ofTiccs,o.: e&ange of titles. £Dnltc let Ijerefarftfj be noteo, rrjat fcben betters Doe pafle from fome number of the Cottnfcil ,o? from anp 3L02D of ttje fame,to a noble man o: fenfgfjf , trjefc Directions of Ijoncur ano toojffjfp are feloome tofco. iBut ra- ttjer trjus.Co our oatc gcoo II. Sr WM. hnigbf , lo:D Deputfe of SIrelano.Co onr oerte gcoD&.tbc IL.^atojof ttje cttte of &. and tooucterie lotting frtcnosect.C anoft*p. aiocimen of £l;c fame, Co mp nerte gmo lo;o,trjc 3LC.!£. Co mp berte loutng frtenOjfir.C.p.bntgbt. Co ourtjerteloning fricnosltc K.&. fenigbt,c«/?^^r»/tfr««wjof bet ^©atefties Count, of 315. ano K. ©3. ano 5). p.efquires, guff tees of peace of ttje fame §>fjfrc. £be libe oirectons alfo areofco of an GDarle , to anp of ujefe t* Sates to btm infer (our in calling, ano of a HBaron to a Haftfcc of pcacCjbutcommonltetgepujiUaoDetbc title of toojlfyp. So Diftngmfrment of Letters. TheEnglifh The diuifions of Letters and vndcr what tides all fortes of Epiftles arc contained. Cap.7, Mbtit the of ucr fi t tc of Gpf flies are (as 31 faf oe befoie; as jmanifclD as are ttje furume occurrcnts.o: ratrjec fmagt- jnatious of mens fanfafies : pet fe: fo much as it feemr nj pertinent fcnto this Q&etboo to tnouce ttjrlr uartenes bn» to foinc particular titles , bp fndj mrancs dje rather to b:ing the learner into a fpectal! fojme ? tiberebp fo: his neceffttie 0? pjefent tarne to applte the fame . 3 baue thought goo in imitation of trje beff ano mod learned fuogements of oar time s tojhzatoe the fun Ojte parts thereof ,bnoer fonre efpcctall t>cat)S,trjat is to fate: De- monftratiue,Deliberatiue,Iudiciall, ant) Familiar Letters. ;3nD t)0to> beft the roles p:efcribeo onto ctttwrr of ttjefe, mate nnoer ttjefc fe* tterall rjcaos fame to be particularity alletfeo, pet are n>p in na* tare fo necrclie contopneo togitber,as barolfe fljail pon in ante of the fir If th?oe fall fnto their particular d ifftw ctions, but Itgbtlie in one fo:t 02 otber,pou fljall run into (be natures of the others. if 0? pjmfe thereof* ano this to open mo:c plainlie, let hs fir ft lap Dotonc their properties in fetter all, ano then fee bp affectation each toith other I otoneerlletbcpOo participate in rhrtr qualities, fftoufljalltben bnoerffanoe that this Demonftratiuefeinoc, hath the name of a Declaration celturrfc 0? ujetoing of fome one tbmg 03 8ther,the ot'Omctions of the Cfcpitf les thercunoer c onfa nc o,are Defcriptorie, in tontcb becocfcrtbcD the manners ano connec- tions of men, all ocrturs, Dices ano qualities both of booie ano nimo^ono2ablccbalcnges,combats,cntcrtatnincfG, attempts, oaoers of common foealcs.goucrnmcnts, ano effafc?, countries, cities, billes,fcalleies,fielos, p:ofpetts, butloings ano toal bes, toifl) their plcafures ano fcttuations Laudatorie,tobcrrtn (sfpe< c(alliep?apfeoanie thing, ano Vituperatorie,tn;tajich is mifiiheo oKonoemneo tthatfoeurr mate be thought tooathir cither to bre abbo;reoo:oifp:apfcD. Che Deliberatiue is fo nameo , of the large r omp?ebenfion it hath of funojpeaufesano matters, being not aim oft fro toanp particular occafion 03 purport : \$is oiffindfonsare Hortatorie, «nO Dchortatoric : Swaforic anO DiiTwaforic, not much tjnlibc toge< i Secretaries Diftinguifhrnew $f Letters. II fogeftjertn tfcefr o^er^arlb psoperttca : tbe natures of t^e firtt bcin g to erto3t/ounfeD 3 a^(fe,o? per ftoaoe to ante tying , of rt)c uttjer,to toitt)t)jato,Dtfltoafc 02 rcouee to anotber meaning. Con- ciliatorie^fco fcructb in afrjufrmg of fciencupip of acquaintance. Rcconciliatoric in reconeiftment of fefnreo, frienos, 02 otber pen fons.Pcticorie,in fuing foi,02 crauing of anie fljing.Commendato- rie, in preferring ttje ferulccs , pcrfons 02 gmo qualities , of anie one. Confolatorie, in comforting at times of troubles, fo2rotoe,o2 mf u)aps.Monitorie,in foiemarning 3 aDmonlu)ing 3 o2 counfclltng from mifebtefs. Rcprehenforie, mrepzebcnotng 02 correcting of mours ano bebaufours. Amatorie,in matters of toning. EJje Iudiciall is id calico , tn njat it compjebenoefb matters laforall f tmlatofufl,02 qucttf onablc to be banblcD;£be Offttnctfon* fbereof are, Accufatoric,containing matter of acenfation. Excu- fatoric , tobicb is occuptco in crcufing . Expoftulatorie, in reafo- nfng ofraufes. Purgatorie, in clearing ojawDance of tbtnges ct)argeD.Defcnforie, in ocfence of tbe action. Exprobatoric, in re* p20d)ing 02 obtruoing of benefites tjpon caufe of bncbanfefulnes. Drprecatorie, tnpjaiung of paroon of a ttjing committeD, ano Inue6\i'.ic,inucigbtngagapnftill natures,qualities,occa(ions 0? pcrfons. ifrom ttjc biff tactions of tbcfe beaoes being njns laf oe open by particular titlcs,me mill fee bom nccrc in Uniting tbep concurre 02 fall f n,eaeb toltb otbers. Crue is it, ( as u)all be feene in feme tramples bereafter fofloming) ttjat toucbing tbe fir a bcao bcemg Dtmonflratiue,it fometinws fallen) out in caufes of aouertifc* ment, 02 relation of fbinges maoe, tbat tbe title Dcfcripcorie is m anie times meerlte in it felfe banc lcb,toft bout entring into ante orber particular aooition 02 ocealton , but in tbe otber titles of Laudatorieano Vituperatorie^iotfo. JForbomcan 3 eirbermaife B2btfcommcnoanie tbing,toirtjout falling into a Defaiption of fbofe pcrfons, tbings 02 qualities, rablcb 31 bifallom 02 comment flgatne, fOJ tbe Deliberatiue fein&e in Hortatorie, Dehortatorie, Swafoiic anO Diflwafbrie , Commcndatoric, Monitorie 02 Reprc- hcnfoiie, bom can 33 crbo2t,counfeH,aDuifc,mitbD?am,commcnD, abmoni(bo2rep2cbcnbe,iftberein31fetnot fintbmbat is to©2< ttjte 02 bn3t, tcbat tojbe pjapfeo, cfleemco 5 oifallomeb, 02 efcbueo : toucan not bee, mitbout of neceffttie 3 fall into tbe partes 12 Dtftingmfrment of Letters. TheEnglilli DefcriptoriCjLaudatorie anBVimperaforie. Htfcefoffe Ul matter* Confo]atorie 3 Concihatorie n ReconciHatorie, 1)0 tue 3 matecomfOit tebe frienDS, o; reconcile , if tbe pastes Hortatorie ano Swaforie, be abfent. S>o alfo fo; tbc iuQictaii, tf t f fyc c 3 accufc, crcufe, ep- po2talatc,DcfcnDc rcp:oacrj ; tntreatc, o^tnucigf; , it muff be Done toltb tbe taping ont of toices , ano atinaunecmcnt of bectues , tot manifesting t& at tsgmo, ano fctttngfojtbubat is emit, neltbet of ubtcbi can be toinjout matter Defcriptoiie, Laudatorle, anoVi- tuperatorie. Bpallttbiebitappearetb, ttjat (botobeit tbefefeue- raU titles ttano tbus DinioeD) pet are tbe matters of tbc fame ok uer0te tozappeo togitber , aito tktc pjeccpis feruing to tbe one, mutt of neceffittebpa libc conusance be Djatoneintoanobfcr* nation to lib G)t otijer : nottoitbttanoing fo; cafe of tbe learner, and to tbc er.D be map toitb mo.:e rcromes nno ont ftbat bed fit* tenj ano befemtctts tbe caufc bee batbin banoling, t^evbet ftjus Djaiime fo: tb as pon fee into fo manp particular o iff mcttons. .Coucbing notoe our Familiar Letters, tbep alio are to bee D?atone bnDcr tbeir feuerall titles , as Narratoric , ano Nunciaro- rie,fometebat falling into tbc Demonffratiuc binD before remcm# bjeo, therein toe erp:cue ano Declare to tijofe far it from us, tbe matters 0: netoes pjcfcntlte tnbanoamongffbs : Gratulatorie, ixbereintoeereiopceeacb toitb otljers of tbe geoobappes of fcj* tunc bctioing fcs. Remuneratorie, being a gratefull relation of curtefies,bmcfifeso3 gmo tamca rccciueo. Iocatorie, febcrc> toitbbpapleafant anoftoeete binoc of ocliuerte of Tome pjette concert oj teff,fbe minoe is rccreatco. Obiurgatorie,tn fetifci tore rebufee tbc ill Demeanours of our ebilDjen , fcraants , binojeD, 0: acquaintance. Mandacorie, tiberebp toee commit crp:eflte our affaires to fucb as toe bauc autbpjttic, eithrr tocommaunot 02 intreate to beoifpatcbf D. So tbcfc ano tbe otbers beftne men- rioneDare manic CB piffles Refponforie, tbc titles trbereof can* notbccertaine,buteranipies ano occafions plentiful!: all ubirfj 3 referee to tbeir peculiar places eacb one , as tbep are fufeo fojrb to be in tbeir binoes DeltucreD. flnb noto toill toe pafle bnto tip ojDerbcreafter to bee obfcrucD,in Dcliucrie of Cramplcs, ac< cajoant tnto tbe feuerall titles of all tbcfc fojcnamcDCpittlcs, ano fir ff of Cpiff les Defcripcorie. Of Sccrctoric. EpifllesJDefcriptory. 33 OfEpiftlcs mcerely Dcfci iptory and the parts thereof. Ch ip. S. SDtfomud) as in 2Dcferfpffons, are (as 31 fatoe befoje) onclic ccciarco ano fee foojtt) at large, n)e mancr 3 o;oer,ff ate, goucrnmcnt,p?opo;tton gooDtulfeojbalue of antctbmg: tbe Geplllles confuting folietbereof, becommonlic toifbont abortion at all , ettber of pjalfe 03 mffli&c , 03 a> nie otber intendment 3 in refpect thereof tbep mfgbt in ante one lore tjarle from tbat title of Defcriptorie. 2Ije fojee percof be- p . floes tbe Exordium, comp^eljenoctf) ebfeflie a narration, rb;ongb< Defcr'pto^ 1 * out, in ttbub is contains (up laping oat tbe feuerall parts tbere' " ° ry * ofja perfect ano plain oemoMrration 05 Oefcrfption ol anp njing: 3n tljefe fortes of Cpiff les, trje crccllencp of ttje umter, ano pain* ter concurred in one, febo tbemo:e tbat earfjof tbemffaoietb bp perfection^ tontb al ttjings to fbc quicfe, bp fo mncb tbe max Com?arir©n of tteererooctbep botb afpiretotbatcrqmatfeinoof canning, tbat the writer and tneartj of r^fe Differences^ abfolnfelp to bcrcn.afreD. Ebccurf* P 3 """. ous painter in ojatomg a perfect psccc of Lantskip, p:efentefb manp njings Unto tbe titfbc conceit hereof is marudious : foj Paimcr « toitb great aDmf ration toe 00 tficrc fceme fo beboib,tbe moff plea* fant ano gmoiie tallies: Marts rjic ano oeefceD leitb ffateiic trees (fome tops ttbereof a# tomb fceme tf> to uwesfb ano turne at one Ooe)then gcoblp riuers,bic toaics ano toalfecs,Iarge Ctaate s bfgb dialing Ijils ano mountains.far p^ofpects of fifties, ttoeplcs, ano Cotoers^tps fapling on fcaa,ano toanes bloton top aloft.tbe eie« went clcere,faiic ano temperate , toitb fome ffnning bcamrs flja< Doteing anofpiea'umgoacr all rbefe,ubercin feemttb tbe Dcllgbt fo rare, ano climate fo perfect, asberie oeurepjouofeetbaman toga$cof it, as a tbing in pjefent life, ano moff certatneDtctoCi janb 00 3 p?aie pca,our erccHcnt totters Degenerate at al! from anie part of defc i EDoerb not tbe learneo Cofmogr3phcr in ac> fainting os toitb tbe bnfcnotone oeligbts, fcitaation,plentp ano Writer, ricbes of Countries fcbfeb toe neuer fatoe.no? bappilie maie eacr appjodjunto, ranfujtjs oftentimes, anobjtog in contempt tbe pto,Gm y*n IncrcoibU operations of oiuers twinges , ano Sate fo bigp ano magnificent, fact) a0 tbe terie oefcription ano liuelte cchucip ribereof ,maBedj t>s beleeue ttjat our etcs Do almofl tuttnes cge fame , ano tbat ouc toerie fences are partafecr s of cuerteoeUcacie in tbem contatneD. SBut omitting tbe ioigtit hereof, confiding in toe fe too: IDs of fuetj Orange accompt, toittj ttjat fine tnncntion Doe to Virgi! manie virgjl inhis # mB m ^ g Acneidos,ano toitb fcotoe mutb oartette oefenbe tm- os ' to bstbetioes of tbe mornings l£ome grcatliem|)tsfiiirbooBe ootl) be amnfe tbe ceaoer,mttb trje lamentable ujtpUuacbc, ano e> tien ttjcn(a-s it toere)appearing farges,ano int oil crable turmoils upon tbe fca happening to Aeneas? MbatOarfcneuVuvSt tern- peitej5,lDl;at r ifing ano Docpett fall of toaues againc,mjat tomo*, inbat mingling of beauen ano earfb toget&er ooit) bee mere re- lates 2C()cn after , bis arriuall on 0?o;e ano p:cfcnttng to & uecne Dido , ijotoe is me Oett ructf on of Troy in ttje per fon of Aeneas to Ijcr ocfcribtD < 3" ttje four ft) boohe lifceUnfe , febat an erccllcnt Defcrfptf on mahetb be of Fame ? ^o to be fi&etoenj tbe banqnet bp trje Quccnc to Aeneas maoe, ano rjoto It nelie is tbe Sate ano mag* nfficence ttjereof Or ImercD:' ^Innumerable of t&efc,botb from btm mtO tbe Transformed (hapesof Ouid COulDe 3 brre reco:oe , tbe si* Ouidij Mcta- cellcncie of eaeb being fucb, as bp tt# fojccable utterance tbercof morphofeos, b^Detb as great ocltgbt as affontfljmcnt onto tbe corions fear* cber of tbe fame . 0no tn as mucb as J baue tmoertafecn to con- ExMiplce jj nct $g Earner bp erample, borne to bebane Ijf mfclfe in fome bit Ijcrein, we mill pzocreo tottb onr Epiftlcs Defcriptory ,tbe fir ttber< of foUototng,mate fame to bee fent from a traaeller to a fricno of l>ts in CnglanDjtbc mater thereof enfoetb. Anexample of a latter Defcriptory, wherein is parricu- i Urly deferred an ancient Cityjfy l*Jtng dorm tbe fetter all farts tbereof. Extrdimm M Y good Vncle, the remembrance of your charge giuen me£ O* acharge ci- I \f I & m y P romi ^ to you made at my departure out ofSnglami^ uco.and pro- •*• bindeth me (at my nowe being in quiet, and with good lca- raik made, Jure Ceded in (jermaxfithM I fliould returnc ?nio you againe, axf Secretorie. EpiJllcsDefcrtytory a 5 my accuftomed and ducifull regard, in fort as I haue euer endeuourcd my fclfeto dovntoyou. It may then pleafcyou,that remaining with Narratio, my L. the Duke but a fewe daies at Geneput , wee haftcd thence to a Citie, called Noremberge, being imperial!, fcituatc in the high p artcs of 6V7m.'#7, where fithence wee haue almoit continually remained. And albeit I could fbmewhat write vnto you ofour paflages through diuers places of the Country, yetinfomuch as there is no part thereof fo memorable as thi>- citic wherein we now rcmainc , the defcription thereof at this prefent may folic concent you . The Citie therefore, asitfecmethis moft?ncient,andas many doc fuppole and affirme, at that time when the Country wasfirft in fubicchon to the Empire Anc, cncyor cRRome, wasbuildedby AVothe Empcrour, andofhimtakethhis t ^^ lc ° name , as Noremberghc , in fignification Neros berghe , and fo much the rather doth it appeare , by fundry auncient monumentes therein yet remaining. The Citie (befides that insinuate in a moft delicate . andpleafmt foyle, wooded and watered moft plentifully on eucric Sedation, fide, with goodlie Trees, faire and delicate Riuers and fpringes,) is both of great ftrengthin the wallesofthe fame, and plentifully buil- ded with high and ftatelie Towers on eueric part . The edificies of the Citie are rare , and ofmoft fumptuous and ftatelie appearaunce, Buildings, infomuch that there is no one houfe in any rowc that exceedeth ano- therin height, butallofthem builded leuell , bya vcricGeometri- call proportion . The infides arc not more polimcd with riches and ornamentes of great beauty, then the ouifides with braueric , the vc- , rie fronts of all which , afwell of richas poore , are moft curioufly cm- c m ^ s " bofledinahard kinde offubftance (fuchlthinkeasisourplaftcr of Paris) with attificiall andliucly pictures, conteining hiftories of diuers memorable , and ftrange effc6tes , and that with fuch wondcrfull ex- cellency ,as any waies may bee conceiued. The coft hereof is conri- nually maintayned, repaired ^ enlarged, and prcferued , by a general! contribution of the moft worthy and honourable ofthe Citie. Be- fides, the colours fofrefh, fobraue, and delicate laidein oyle, for defence againft weather , wherewith they are beautified and fet forth , are veric ftraunge . The ftreetes arc wide, faire , and excellent- lie well paued . The ftonc they vfe for the moft part is marble,white, StrecK. gray, and blacke, whereof is great plentie , befides other kindes, which vene wonderfully they cut and fquare in diuers fmall propor- E portions 2 6 Epifllcs JDefcriptory The Englifh tions arttficiallie pointed and fhaped . The houfes are not high, but backwarde builtc, and inward die large. ThisCitie retainetfi yet the auncicnt gouemement of the Romanes } for at this lr.ftantthey Coucrnmcnt haue their Confuls , Tribunes , Senators , c Pretors.Q$utftors , Aediles and other intercangeable offices, as fometimes had Rome , beeing in her grcateft profperitic. The attire alfo alike to their dignities of all fortes ofhonourabiepcrfonages, accuftomed to their callinges. Plaineare their habites for the moft part,and nothing fumptuous, re- taining ftil! one, and the iclfe fame ancient fafhion. The constitution of their bodies as wel men as women, are faire, cleare, and offounde compIexion.Frugallindietandcxpcnce, and nothing prodigal!. My L.theDukeis here of great fway,and entertained with honorable ac- compt.Thus much haue I thought good to aduertife you in difcharge ofmy debt and your defire,aftending by the returneof this meflen- ger the newes of your good health. To whom & al other our friends, in found and good affection I eftfoones do recommend me . At No- re?nberghc this cf^&c. Habit of the people. Condufio Of their accu- ftomed friends ihip. Narratio. FJcafant ayre vnfrequentcd. In voluntary abftinencc. K^fnother example wherein the ft ate of a Coun- treyisfolj defcribed. Doubt not N.but that thy hartlongeth,and mind is yet vnquieted, becaufc ofmy fuddaine departure from thee,and ignorance ofmy eftate and prefent being, whereof that thy defires may nowe at fjjll be refblued : know my good N. that not hauingbecne fcarcc fixe moneths from thee , I did long fince perceiue my felfe to bee out of England, and that it may appearevnto thee, thatlhaueiuftcaufc fo to fay , thou (halt fomewhat vndcrftandeby mee the ftate of this Countrey. Wee liue heerein a foile delicate Imuftconftflefor the ayre, and pleafantforthc Situation: with good leafurc (I mull tell thee)may we here attend our deuotions.as hauing no care wherewith to encumber vs, but the ncedlefle .fearch of that whereof wee neuet find likelihood to annoy vs. As vncompelled by feuerc decrees and in- terdictions, wc limit vnto ourfeluesan abftinence,thou mightft think we do itofzeale,but in truth it is of want , wherein we haue more fi- tting daics by a great manie then ability to beare them , Our conuer- fation Secretorie. Letters Deftriptorie* *$ fation is with elements, with waters, wtih ficldes, with trees, with val- Icyes,with hillcs,with bcafts, in the general! vfe whcreof,wee find no- thing clfe but their proper fhapcs.And if by chaunce any other forts of creatures do appcare,thcy are naked fliapes formed as men and wo- men,fierce 5 fauage, wilde , not capable ofanieour reafbns, nor we of their fpeeches. Our foodeisrootcSjdriedfifheSjbcrrics , and /knowe j^g fccdiiie. not what other harfh kind offruits,and fbmctimefoules,be fides a kind ofgraine growing in great cods wherby we femtimes obtain(though not the naturall)y et fome vfe ofbread, vnlikc to that you eat, in tafle, goodnes, or propertic.Our lodgings and places of repofc are caues,en- jjj losing, trenched in the ground, the earthour beds, and clothes our couerings* And thefe alfo hard as they are , enioy wee not in quiet,but being a- waited of the naked multitude (whofe policies infinuate by nature are farre greater then their (hrength) wee are faine by much induftrie to X)mecr; preuentthem : into whofe hands if any of vs doc chaunce to fall, our de ad cark . fles in h afiie morfels are conueied into dieir intrailes.Herc- by'iudging ofourcfiate,thou mayeft accordinglicdceme of our plea- fures. The next mcflage that thou fhalc attend from mee, fhali bee my fpeedie returne , the feas and windes being not lcffe fauourable then they were at my going forth.Mcane while recommend my felfc to thy wel- wifhing, and our fafeties to God, I ende as thou knoweft, this ofj&c, An exawpk wherein the death of a mbkman is onelie defcrtbed. TH E deceafe ( good Madame) of my Lordeyour brother, Exordium, hath occafioned vnto your Lad. the fight of thefe Letters, Of thecaufe wherein I haue rather acquited my felfe of that whereun- ll ^ e * to by your honourable commaundc I was enioyned , then anie wayes fatisfied the griefe that by my felfe among manic ci- thers , for his loflc is intirelie conceyucd . The manner whereof may pleafc you nowe to bee informed of, which was thus. On Narratio. Tuefday beeing the thirteenth of this inftant, hauing as it then fee- . med vnto his L. and others, becne reafonablic well recouered from the woonted force of his long confuming difcafe , beeing importu- ned by the difpatch of fome prefent affayres, asothervvifetohaue E 2 fome a8 Letters Defcriptorie. TheEngWli (bine conference with her Maieftie, hec went from his houfe of B„ tothe Court, where all that day hce remained, and returned aoaine atnight, notfor all this, finding hwrilclfeatal!difq*jietedatthelcaft motion ofanie the pangs wherewith before time hce had lo often beenvexed. The molt pare of that night hce was verie well rcpo- SuaMenfcke ^' Towardes morning the next daic,hebegannefomewhat tobe nefle, agreeued, but nothing as accuftomed:in which ftate the moll part of that day hec continued . At night againe hauing eaten fomc fmall pittance to fupper , towardes nine of the clocke hecbeganne rnoltvehememlietobee paflioned , till which time wee all had ve- rie good expectation of his health and recoutrie , which his L. per- ecyuing, after hce had beene awhile fctvp inhisbedde, hce fayde. Declaration of I knowe my good friends and faithfull louing feruaunts,that the grcr.t bis Jpecches, zealeand Ioue you doobeare vnto mee, is a vehement occafion to kindle in you adefire of wel-wifhing , and intendment of allured fafetie towardes mee,wherein I hauc more caufe to thankc your good willeSjthenmeanc thereby to imagine the force of my difeafe to bee lefle then long fince I expected, and exceedinglie in my felfe hauc euer doubted,whatwordcs of comfort, protraction and delaycs fo e- cuer, hauebythc Phyfitions to the contrarie beene yfed One great and exceeding comfort vnto mee is, that Ruing, I euer loyallie de- meaned my felfe : and dying , I fhall depart this worlde in her Ma- iefties good grace, and eipeciall fauour. Next vnto that, the loue of you my deareftfriendesand entirelicbeloucd feruants and followers, whofe hearts I knowe-doe purfue mee, and whofe affections cuen to the laftgafpe of death I am perfwadedto bee euer firme and fixed towardes mee. Yourdefires are, Iknowe,that Ifhonldeliue,accor- ding vnto which the leaft mitigation that may bee of my griefe , you mealure by & by to the hope of amendment,which is not fo.For that in all the comfortable fpeeches , that fundrie times Ihauc rccciucd from you,my felfe to whome the inwarde effects thcreofhaue beene found mofl forcible, haue euer miltrufted , and by manie probable circumftances adiudged the contrarie. Long time endure I cannot, thisknoweIwell,happe!ieadaie, twoor three, I may yet bee con- uerfant among you, for my difeafe,that ftandeth allured (the mcflen- ger whereof continuallie knocketh at the doore of my imaginations, rcadic cuerie hourc to aflault my heart, and to catric away with him the Secrctorie. Lrtttrs Dcfcriptorit: 1$ thefpovlcsofadyingcarkaiTe) will not permit I lliall longtime tra- ucll in this fort among vou, And for my fclfe, (land ye all aflcrcaincd, that hailing long fincepoy zed inequall ballance, the long continu- anccofa frailc, wtc:chcd,and uauelled life ,thc moft part whereof is Miflikcorchc caryed away in flecpe, forrowe,griefefickenciTc,daunger,3Pd the re- ^ 0l \^ fidue alfo neucr freed ofcare and all mancr of difquiet , with the hope of an cuerlafting foy,happines,reft peace, and immortall rcfidencc ? / finde no reafon whie i mould at all affe<5t the toyle of fuch earthlie tc- dioufnelTe. Infomuch as h suing Jiucd nowc almoft threefcore and thirtcene yearcs , and borne my ielfe (honourable I truft) in all mine actions and feruiccs,and further in the progrcflionofmy ripeft yeares, yea in this verie inftant more then at anie other time am regarded of my Prince , and cfteemed of my Countrey , and among my Pecics reputed in the hipheft degree of my fidelitic : Ilhallnowedie as be- commeth my perfon, woorthilic and honourablie. Bee you therefore recomforted I pray you,'as I am, and thinkethat for all theloue you haue ought me, the feruices you haue done mee 3 or tender care you doc yet in myheauieft pangs bearc vntomee, thechiefeft content you can doe vnto mee , is tRat you bee fatisficd herein with mee. Certain notice That beeing verelie refblued in my foule,of all that / haue here fayde ? llkin S °*. vnto you, and hauing ordered mine a 6tions, and prepared myfelfc thereto accordinglie , I doe willinglie and with a right contented mind, leaue this tranfitorie world fo replenished as it is,with fo manic grieuouscaiuahies,& hartiliedogiue my bodieto his naturall courfe, and my loule into the handes of the mightie Creator , for cuer in his glorie ( I truft) to bee eternized . This fpeech ended , hee continued till after midnight, at which time hee had about twohoures {lumber, andfobegannchispaineto encreafe againe . In which till Wed-- nefday following, almoft in one Mate, hee for the moft part remained, oftentimes accurtoming himfelfe withthofe that were about him to prayer, manie times, recording to himfelfe the goodnefle of God, and his mercies to him remembrcd j and that with fuch zeale and intire rcgarde of his hoped repofc , as that it Mill feemed and was eui- dentlie apparant howc muche hec longed and thirfted for the fame* In fine, drawing by little and little towardes an endc , euen in the ve- rie laft pang,ioyning his handes vp to heauenjhis heart and eyes thi- thcrwarde fixed, hee recommended cftfoones himfelfe to the mercie F 3 of Jo Places laudatorie and vituperatory. TheEnglifh of his Redeemer, and onThurfday laft about two in the morning died to the lamentable griefc of all that were about him, who heartily forrowinghis loiTcjWere forced to (hed tearesaboundantly. The day ofthefunerall is notyetcertaine, but the fame is intended verie hono- rablic. Recommending my fclfevnto your La. in all humblcnefic, I take my leaue, A t our forrowfull houfe of B.this cf,&c. Of Epiftles Laudatorie and Vkuperatorie. CLip.9, §®totMobxti) ttnert, n)at after t&efe fetters, hneete Dcfcriptoric aspoufee, toe Doe treats ok' m jg||$c otijf r itoo paces appertaining alfo to ftis ^fi^l^fojme, fobfrb ace Laudatorie anD Vituperaco- *MSil rie j &)* tofe febereof either folelie oj intermfrcD ^' in ang ot^er binD of €p{0lcs,u)al of one 02 mo# Praifc of ibe of rbefc caufes faae ttjctr ojfgf nail, t&at is to fap' 5 of ttje Perf » y pcrfon. deeds 03 thing it felfe to bee cemmenDeo , rmfltBeD 0; ctfp;apfcD. 1 'Sl)Cf>erfin of ante one is to be p:efcrrco 0; DtfablcD , by bis btciti, 2 cefccntjftjeUJc, ojsbtlrtte. §>cconDlte, bp bisebttobcGDc.', 0; 3 gcoD eoncatlon from tjt* infancie. E&iralie , of tits voutij, in £ri)icb be is cither conuerfant in ffuDf es of ijoncft Ufe,feriecflp g i» ncn to tbe fenotoleogc of letters, affecting a Linares tn to lauDable ercictfcs,temperat anD fobcr in Demeanour,oj otfjc rtotfc account teooiffolutc anD (nan ton, tmbappflie leDto tbe fearefc of fcd;atfoc< ner raifcfciefes,affettionate to tpe moft bafeff conditions ano p:ac* ttfes,noitieDto anteojDer, butfo&oltcpurfaingantmcor.troul' * leo itbertie. JFourtblie 5 of bis manlp pcarcs being fcrquenteo foin) cfotUgouernment, oj lining altogiffcr foftfcout account ty}i* natelp ano publtfceip in all manlie actions oemcancD, 0; bp appa- 5 rant lofenes in eacb place DifcreDited.iFiftlie, of bis doe age,tbc conrfe thereof is tola) ancient graattiecontinaco,oj bpal fcinoof enUsmoabainonapmtfpMfeDjiibofcniucrbaires ace fining in ocrtuonsbappines,o:mirsrableeflate D;otoneD in letbfomnrfl. tf&frtlp, in bis cnDeoj Departure outof tbfsfoo.io, agreeing to fts faping Of Solon, No man may be counted happie before his death. ipoa t^at in t&e eryectatiu 0; attaining tfcerof , as at no time mo?e in Sccrctoric. Places Uud&torydrvitupertfory, 3 1 in all ftc life of a man,tben cfjfeflp appearctb.bts bcrtue, conttan* cP,(f rcngU) t toojtbincffc, 0: ottjertoifc bis imbeciUtp.ouerttnoU), fijame aito ignominious filtbtnes . X5cfiocj5 all ttjefe,manp iiKelt* 1)0303 are often taken eitljer to ttjc p:atfe 0? Difpjalfe of t&e perfon, lip occafion of tlje nation 0? (bile from tatjenee lie catue,ftbere bee Urns borne 05 trained. jFrom n> general! contortion 03 applicati* on of bimfclfe 0? of tlje people thereof, bp tije Ijabite , conftitutf on of ttjc booie,complerion,lcou0 5 fame,o3 otber cucumSanccs trjere* unto incfDcntbp n> actiuttu},UTengtb,ffojf ftnes, ntmblencs, fa- uoi 03 be&utv of tbe dodp.SSp t^e gifts of fc;tunc,as bono j,tuealtb, Ja)o^u)ip 3 rcputation ano feintceo, 8no fojafmucb ss tbefc oemon* If rations of pcrCons are ScSjolp occupied eiibec in P2aifeo3Dlf- ujaifeof tbrir conoitions o:brI;aiuo«rs: tbccijicfcfi partbereof u)allalfoconfiS fn Narration, toftboutperaDuenture ft fallen) out in tbe life of ante one to baue (bine one 03 mo tlj ings IjapneD 0; of ffjem (uppofeD,tll befceming 03 bntootfbp tbcit reputation, fcbirfj eftber op Defence , c rcufation, 0? Confutation muff bee coloureD, Di«iinlu)co 5 o3cleerclPsnoiDcD. (tramples thereof Dofollotoac- coj&ing to njeir particular occasions : ano tyu* mucb fos $c Perfons. Bin commcuDatlon 05 bffupcraf ion of uje aeeos of anp one,uje ofthcd j. (ball toeigb tat flj oar felues ubat notable actions banc btn,ttbere# cc in be 0? u)e batte bono^ablp 0? fowfbilp bebauco tbcmfclnes,03 bp perpetual infamy tberof baue Defer ucd in carij poller it tc foj euei to be contemned. Coacbing tbings lifeefof fe bP tbemfelues to bee ertofleo 0? Difa'jleDjOjep are eaer meafureo bptbeeonfonancc ano agreement njep baue efttjer toitb reputation 0-3 Dfgnttte. £fa goooueffe 02 babneo,crceUencie 03 bafeneffe of anp tiring, is gatbereo from ftje places of HoneShmjnhonefin^ bnoer ubicb is "cSdrovcr- compje bcnocD ttbat is iuQ 03 bniuti. gobltc 03 tot cheD, Direct 03 in* tue . Dfrect,to03tbp 03 to be Difp:aifeo. l^oncl! tsaltoates ImfteD tober# fue.if 0? tcbatfoeuer is ei tberbertue it fctfe,o? affmeDtoltbbcrtue 03 Der iueo from toertuc^ conducing to bertne , is abtblutelte dc» dareDboneff. 2ETje Did ingnirtjmcnf of tbefc fallen) out to be C?;tcD into foure P3tncipall ercellenctes, tbat f s,Prudence , Iuftice , fortitude , ano Temperance , it is tberefoje to be intenDCD, rfjat not onelte oaoes an* actions, but alio n)iugcs trjemfelucs are folelie of ttje fe 3 ano fill Honcft,whac it is. ji Places laudatory drvituperatory. TheEnglifh foj njefe either p:atfcD 02 Dcbafeo. ZEOt;atfocucr ft>enbpfouffl)e anot^clefomeperfujafiontenoetrjcfGbfr totl>; embracing of ttje goofc, o; ftronning of tfje euilt. E^tfocuer inciu&eh) cittjer fioe< lt'tte,tnic frtenD^jp,eqatttc,obcDicnce 02 gcatifuoe . CCfcatfoeuo; conoucett) to true ptetie to d5oD,flt>p Countrte, parents,crjf !D;ew, ano frtenos. Wat foeuer appertomeft to fte feutritte of ftc late* to t&e aomonifymg of fte fautchcD , ano to $e remuneration ano cefenceof fte toclloererueo. <25£ujatfoeuertenDeft to a tolteratf' on 02 patient forbearance of cutis , to longan(mttic,cntrmg tnto IjajarD ano Dangers fouonfeience, foiftpcountrrp, feinoirboj rrtenos. SSl&af foeuer concerned cfcaffttie, fobnette 0: frugalttfe, ano feeniclp moDeratfon in all ftinges , tfcat in cacfe of tbcfe fs ao< iuOgeo Ijonctr ano none ofters. JCbc contrarie bcreof ,t4)tcrj is fohoncjtum^ fncluoety ufeefoffe Vnhoneft kfeatfoeuer is not toertue,02 is eff cangco from tertoe, rjinoertng to oertuc, 03 in noting furthering totoaros oertue , Id bat foeu er is pertinent to follte, intugtce, pufiltantmttic ,0? creeffe, Ufcatfo* euer by fte eutll therein committee is crempteo from p:atfc. ©uiijatfoeuercsrtrftjpcrffoaConto mifrbtcfe * fcouccment from ttje gooD, MIrjatfoeuer appertained to tnfr Dilttie.falujmo, trca* fon,Dtfobeotenc?,tIanDcr,o2 ingratituoc.CZflbatfccucr toiftoiafo- eft from natural! rcgaro ano loue of ftp Countrte, parents , erjil- tyenanofrtenos. Wf)atfocucrtmpugnctb t&c toboicfomr lames ano effate of euerte common- toealttj , rennet!) to a note: tous cr< ample of euitl.&inocrcfl) 0; blcmiu)ctt) anp otpers gcoo oercruing. M&atfoencr enfojccQ reucngement Upon euerte fmall offence, rjato in ft no meane of fufferancCjOj forbearance at all , cntcttaf* net!) a lawtrtle ttberf te of conference to perpetrate 0: peclo to anp tonlatofull acit'en.o; to become infurious to ftp C ountrp,tf ate 0} calling. Cftgarfoeucr is furthering to a oiffolotc lining , tonbnoc* leolud.couctous tenacittc : p:eor galitp,o.2 oefeffable ercctTc.£ljef« ano fact) linens confounoers of alicmtittieano rjumanegoacrn' ment,arc confirms to be tonrjonetf. $otw ftefe oeeocs , actions 0; fttnges are bp manic Oratory partes to bee (jmolcD , ojcommcnoeo, accoiomgto tbemat* ters 02 occaitons tobcrecut ftef t p;at fes are ocriuco , ano brcaufc tramples are ftc belt 3 migtjt fo2t out timers : as of Dauid, % conloe commeno |ns combat* againtt Goliah , ^xHabhontfio y in tyat SecretotiC. Places Ut4dttory&vitupcrAtory. 3$ ftat be being $e feruant of goo fougbt agaf nff a blafpfccmr r, alio * *» bp borne mad; bintfelfe toss as it toere an in* fant agapnff a migbtie g(ant,bnarmcD agatnff bfm ttjst tuas ar* mcD,bnfurmtyr o ^gaintt bt m rtjat baoal maner of complements of toarrc:BJcahe,b4jcre t&c otbrr toasffrong: befioes njat tUe tec* rourof biscgalenge anobugencsof fiature bao before oaunteo tbe armie, t put tbem all out of conceit, in lb mucb tbat tbe Doubt tuas fo general! , a? no man DareD to bnoer tafcc tbe quarcR. 31Bc> Goes berein is pjatfco of booilpfojce, bis A&iukie, ano courage t of Venues , fyis fooonOerfull Magnanimitic, tubo bp couragtous DefireDurft To bnoertaae tbe fame:ai(b bis affiance in Iuftke,ano cquittc of tbe caufe: l£is pietie to fes/oclrcumuent &fs policies,fo tame blmbpfloeootune, as be if oareo 34 Places laudatory Mdvituperatorj. TheEnglifh fiarca not to coula rtot be framed to perpetrate tobat fo often bee fcaa ftiJ03iie,ano fo manp toapes interlace: in utoleb anion of Cfce- rocs^nll etii fe Oratoric parts are in Use maner in cluaca. $>o lthe« toifc , fo; Tome one rare i angular point of Iuftice another migbt be ertollca , as be Roe common expectation erereiGng tbe fame. 3 pjelicent bercof inigbt bee tbe 1L rbtefe lurticc of Gnglanae in tbt time of &tng HetiHc tbe fonrtb, tobotoas fo ffreialie bent to tbe obferuat (on of t uffice,as bluing one of tbe punccs fcr uants arraignea befose btm at tbe toings Xoeneb barre, fo; a fellon, ana beemgone ttjot ttjepoung p;inccgrcatlte(at ttjat time of bis poutbXauonrea. srbcjpjince came to tbe barre, ana at tt)e BEuftgea banas reqoirea b»& fcrnant;U)boanfa:creDtbat be teas tbc fcmg bis fatijers p:f(bner,anc ffoae tticrc topon bis triaU bp latoe foj bis off en reseat be eoula not in iuSicc ,no: tooulc(bp tjfs paroon) ae< liner bun toitbout bis trial!. Efte prince mamca uritb fpctj Dent. all, flroUc tbc Btaagc on tbe face, ana fooulae by fojee ba tic taffy attune tbe pnfoner. tfje 3uagc totngflcoacbim, anaaaucrtUing bt m mttolte of tbc offence be baa aone to tbe fcate ana place uber# tn be fate of iultiee,infacb fo:t to Cube bun , flout lie commaiv oca tjimto Marae , tobciTunto(bpponfuibaamor.incn) tbe pjince obepea , ana acco:ainglie remapneb in Durance , at' tending tbe aauerttfement ana fenotolcage of bis factors pica* fare. !£ere migbt bee a great contention, tube thcr tbe too:tbtc BInage tn bis equall aannnittration ana erecntion of lattice, toitbont fcare.VDbcrcon ffoae tbe ba$ara of ^is o tune life, bceing topon bim tbat teas in fuceemen to become bis foueraigne Lo:a. tocrc mo?e to be commenaea: 0: tbe P;in cc, in bis fubtcction ,ano of an otber mott Angular obea; en cc ,mo: c high Ip to bee ertoBea : tbe one aaring to aoe niiat to as latofull bpon ubattbeuer ba;ara, f^ otber bumbling b"nfelfctoantbo:itic tohicb be migbt cafilie bane impuguea : ana vet botb actions fueb , as bp manp erccOent j3D:atonc parts fecme fit to be inlargca. jF : no Doubt sbcre teas as mudi tjcrtue in tbe ones cbeotence,as tbc re to as crccllencp in tbe others fentenre. 3na as rbcfe,fo tbc bono2,too3(bip, 01 taealtb of ante man, bis aeeacs of Cbaritie, eftbermEre&ion,conuerfion 02 repajTing of anp tbing, fobcrebp tbe common toealnj in benefitea, bertue tor* tberea, 02 u> nccap p;cutaea fo; , mtgbt bee in Use fo:t aauanceo. s«w ifinaUte, Secrctoric Epiftleslaudatorie touching the per/oft. 3% irfjl.llI^^irdomcJufticejBounde^LiberaliciejCurtcfiejCharti- tie 3 migl)t cacb of tb?m as ftiuigs bp ttjemfdues , % of tbemfeluca tot rtjout ttjc perfon of anp one be alihe corn nmi&co. i® tjcreof 3 tfctnfe tt neeolelTe to ampliHe anp fnrttjtr, feeing bp tlje eramplca bf rrafrer fct uofemc,tbe learner map fnfficif ntUe brc enableo in totat locuer.fo; ttjofe caufejs l)c fljali oncer take to p?ocaeo bpan. j ^» example of a landaterie efiftlefoly touching the perfon . TH E fcruent loue , and entire zealeand regardc, wherewith your L. euen in thefc tender and as yet vnripened yeares^ fee. Exor '& im * > meth to purfue the vermes and honourable wortbinefle of the ' m " nua " & moft renowned and famous, and the reuerend account , wherewith «* in your moft fccretimagimtionsyouhaueeucradmired,& as it were emulated their higheft progreffions J hath mooued me in recordation thereof (and the rather to deliuer vnto your Laheverye true image and liuely counterfeit indeedc, ofvnblemifhed honourjadorned with AlUgm*. all princely and moft furpafling noblenes)to propofe vnto your view, a paragon fopcerlelTe, and of fo rare and excellent pcrformaunce, as whereof no hyftorie hath the femblablc, no region the match, nor any worlde hereafter may eftfoones be fuppofed to produce the like, ^p^^ You fhall not neede my L . to ranfacke volumes , to fcarch out the vrocataUpfi, hues of the moft honoured Scipio, amongft the Romanes, nor out of Greece to fetche Themiftocles or Alctbiades from Lacedemon or Ephhehn, Athens. Let Haniballxz{\ with his predeceflbrs, whofometimes by vnbearded fortune did honor tomightie Carthage, and (before them all) Achilles and Heclor, that made the fall of Troy fo famous: And come wee into our owne Countrey , the land wherein our fclues in- s J"*yw>*' habite , the foyle to vs natiue, and of all others moft deereft, and fee you here my L. a Prince offo rare and incomparable worthinefie } as your felfe will confefle throughout all the courfeofhislife, tohaue becne ofall others the moftehappic and vertuous . Edwarde , my ^ ^'^ L. young Ecbvard({o helde in his fathers life) vnder whofe raigne he * '* diedinEnglandc, furnamed. for his noted excellencie, fometymes the blacke Prince . This is hee on whome Nature, Fortune and Hypottpofit Vertuc, to the intent to ycelde fome apparaunt fhewe of thcyt woonderfull and mightie operations , had abouc all others fo F. 2 dpeciallie I'raifeofthe Prince in ge: nerall. Epithettn, Metanoia. Metaphor a. Vrettrltio, j(f Epiftkslauddtorie touching the perfen. The Englifh efpecially enriched with all kinde of wifhed and moft exquifite perfections, as in thatprefent feafon, in which thedelicacieofhis afpiring minde refte vnto himfclfe the higheft branch of honour from out her loftic fcatc ofdignity, it w as denied to any other whatfoeucr, toexceede?nay, but fo much as to become partaker with forarea pattcrne of the Jike fruitesof vcrtue and neuer dying glory. And to theende(inrehearfingfome fe we of the many particularities of fuch foundeand vncorrupted maieftie ) the radiant fhining beamesre- fiantinfohighaperlbnage, may with more facilitie the fooner bee difcouercd: wee will firft beginnc wit h his originall and foremoft in * fancie, that by deducing from thence hiscomplemcntes of prince- lie exccJlencic, euen in the verie mouth of his entombed graue, his bones may not beerepofed without animmortall recordation, and the fame ofhisvertue celebrated by an endlelTe memorie, Need- leflewereitmyL. that Ifhoulde tell you of thisftate;iePrince,that hee were fonnc and heire in fucceflion, to the moft mightie and moft renowmed Edward the third e, king of this noble realme of Eng- land, the moft regarded vertues and inuincib.'echiualrieof whome, bceing then euerie where fo furpafsing , and of fuch. redoubted force, as ( were it not that fuch memorable iflue had fprong out of his Kingly loynes , as wherewith the ftatcs of the mightie were daunted, and Europe made to woonder) might hitherto haue re- remained of-famc eompotentynough, to haue bene compared vn- to the mightieft : but that I may rather imparte vnto you, that as goldc, in tiic riches and gioneof it felfe, bcartth price and value with the moft precious, yet hauing annexed vnto his proportion, a Diamondeof meftimable beautie, valour and goodneflc, becom- meth thereby farre more excellent then before, more fhining and glorious :fo this foueraigneand puifiant Monarch (admirable no doubt by himfclfe ) yet hauing thus tied vnto the funne-fhineof his happieraione, theobfeuver andedipfing glorie of all other nations, the verie Loadftarre and direction of all other Tropheis, the Sunnc itfelfeof worthinefle, andabfolute cotvduder of euerie honourable cnterprife : howe couldc it bee but that this prerogatiue of his mull of force execede, and goe beyondc all others, when himfelte, by the verie chaire of honours felfe wasfo farre aduaunced abouc any others ? And albeit the high and kingly worthinefle of fo ftatelie of Parcnthcfis. Parabola. . MetMjfora. .Antlmetanolt. Terfyhrafit. Sccrctoric. Epiftlelaudatorie touching theperfori) 37 oflpringand parentage, might no queftion in fundry fortes, yeelde greate and raightie glorie to the ifliie: yet tliat it might not bee al- Icadged that in taking vpponvs tocommende thepcrfbnage ofone, wee fhoulde intimate the ioueraigntie of the other, as it were by a de- feat of praifc furficient, to fupply the wantc ofourowne, and that the honourable reputation of another cannot fitly bcefaide to bee' this mans worthineffe, without by thebraunchof hisowne defcrtc, hee hadde in his owne proper right moft effe&ually caried the fame. jhm*%1 Vnderftand you then of him, rhat which all men decme moft prince- ly and honourable, and there is none, were it the ftouteft enemic that euer liued , but will moft highlic commendc. This Prince, my L. whoeuen from the verie cradle feemed to bee addicted to the knowledge, and feare of God , and verie pietie of a ilnccre and Chri- f tian religion (befides that hee was naturally fo well formed and in- ftrucled in good documentes asanic might bee) became in thole «j verie tender yeares alio, loapte vnto learning, as the match or like of him thercin,was feldome or neuer in thofe dayes any where found, and in thefe times alio m?y not eafily bee hearde of Infomuch as of thofe that then knewe him verie well, it certainely is deliuered, that bceing but of the age oft welue yeares, his vnderitanding and know- ledge in the Latine tongue, was fo perfect, his progreflion in the Greekefo excellent, his skill and deliuerie offbrraignc languages lb woonderfull, his Trincelie towardncfle in all thinges forarc and lb plentiful,as many times mooucd all the regardcrs to admire him, but fbunde none of all his aflbc iates in the fame exercifes, that were able to follow him. No we if wee fhall come to his riper yeares, 'and howe therein hee Of his adole- profited inthctowardlie excrcife and vfe of armes , beefeeming a lccnce ' Prince of lb high and exipe&ed admiration, what coulde bee wi- fhed in anie one that in him was not fullie accompliftied. So come- lie, and with fuch vncontrouled dextcritic coulde heefitte,rideand goueme his horfe, fo couragioufly,and with fuch nobilitie coulde hee weldeand vfc any weapon, either at tilte, barriers or turney with fuch high and woonderfull dire&ion, ordered hee all his comple- mentes to cither of thefe belonging, as did well manifeft the mag« naoimitie and wortbinefte of his minde, and what manner a one bee woulde aftervvardes become toward the beautifying of his coun- trie, trtttmn. "Partnthtfit. 3* EpiftULudatorieoftheperfott. The Englifh trie. A more plainc and euident demonftration whereof, didatany onetime in nothingeio much appeareas eucnthen, when heewas yet in his minoricie. For when there was remaining as then, no fignc or token at all of manlic flieweinhisface(becingneuerthelefleof ftature feemelic and tall, and ofgoodlic conllitution in his bodie,well befcerhing the yeares hee then caried) al/b attendante on the migh- tieKing his father in the wanes of Fraunce : what thinges did hee th ere perfourme t what weightie enterprifes, andthofebcyondeall expectation woulde hee vndertake, in honour of his roy all progenie ; wasitnottoo too ftraunge, thatbeeing in comparifon of yeares, as it were a childe, deuoide of fo confirmed and auncient grafted expe- rience asbefecmed the wanes, hee vndertooke notwithstanding at eighteene yeares of'age,withhalfe his fathers power (by a molt couragious defire of an eucrthirfting glorie , with condition and charge either there to eternize his death by aneuerlaftingmemorie, or backctorcturneagaine with triumphant gained vi&orie) to ioine with the whole and mightie power of Feaunce,and all the Chiualrie thereof, where (tohis immortall and furpasfing high renowne) hee attained vppon them by thehighpemiisfion of God, amoft memo- rable Tropheie i But why dwell I in thefe (lender difcourfes (fmall Godknowes in refpedtof thofe miehtie conqueftesby him after- wards atchieued( in detciningyou tromthe fwceteand ardente re- membrance ofthereftflf he being yetfequeftred in yeares from any tipenes at all,when it wa» the to be fuppofed he moft needed gouern- mente,coulde by fuch ftately and inuinciblc valour, fo moderate his c»reat and waightieft actions, as to become at thatverieinflant fo re- doubted and famous: what might we deem of him afterward, being once perfectly eftabliihed in all kinde of manly direibons,but that of neceshty he mould by manie degrees exceed and go beyond the for- moft fhewe of all bis excellencies, and the greateit expectation that mightbcofallhisprogreshons?& ibvndoubtedlyhedid. For being once attained to mans eftate hee grewe immediatly to become a Prince,fagc,djfcreet,politike& wifc,in all his a6bosot rare & (ingular circufpc&io and prouidcnce,benigne:& ofall others molt fauourablc and courteous : fortunate,and cuer inuincible in the warres,Liberall to his followers, and of a high replenimed bountie to cueric oncy a YCt»C adopt. Jnxeft, His raans e- ilatc. Sccretorie. Epftlelaudatorictoucbingtbe per fort. $p vericPatrone and defender of innocents , abfblutclyc fauouring al- His outward waves the right,Magnanimious as touching his cftateand the high aC " on8< and waghtic enterprifes hctookc in hande, excecdinglic feared a- . broad, woondcrfullie beloued at home , mixing alwayes the enter- vcrtlics# changeable excrcifeof Armes,with continuall ftudieof learning. Of fuch rare modeftie and temperance as is marucllous: In fomuch as the King his father bceing here in England, when in the great fight of Hypotiffu. Toittiers , hee had difcomfitcd and ouerthrownc in one day three mightic battels of the Frcnch,and taken in thclaltofthem king Iobtt and his fonne prifoners : he was not puffed vp at all with the honour offo I tatelie and triumphant vi&oric, neither grewe he infolent vp- on the fame, but emcrtayned the Xing and his fonne in hisowne ,». . Tcntfohonourablic, and therewith all with (o great nobilitie and great humility furpafling courtclic, as that hec neglected not to feme them him- (elfe atSuppcr,andfeemcdverely at that feafon in all things, to haue beene reputed in his owne intendment!, as if hee had neuer beenc conquerour. The fhewc whereof, ib much increafed his incom- parable bountie : and fo mightilie honoured theeftate of his vii5to- ric, as that the King then confeflcd , that to become the prifoner of fucha one, it could bee no difparagement vnto fo mightic a foue- raigneashimfelfe, reeng that hee was by the force of thatonelyo- uerthrowc , made companion of the grcateft Nobilitie that cuer m s mo( j c A- hee fa we. Manie Honourable partes could I here inferrc vnto you of him (infallible arguments of his incredible modefticj for long after this, when this mightie Prince had atchicued fo manie and waigh- tie honours throughout all Fraunce, as that the regard thereofmadc his name a terrour,and his becke a commaundeto compell theyr Souetaigntie vnto his fathers obedience : he was required by Don TV' raking of Caflile , to helpc him agaynft Henrie his baftard bro- thcr,who had then expulfed him vnlaw fully, and vfiirped vpon his kingdome. Whereupon hauing by the couragious endeuour of him fclfe,andhis Knightes, and by their fole and onely proweflc,brought downe the vfurper, and driuen him cleanc out of the Countrey, (albeit his ftrength was fuch , and the admirable fauour of the p , c people fo greate , as might eafilye haue inuited him there, to the '' ' wearing of a crownej) hceneuerthelcfTc of a high and noble dinSo- C\i\on } \\o\&mg\tf4rremoreb#noHralrle to rmk$ aki»gthen tobedktng^ Senttmi*, fo Mcrifmus. 40 Eft file ■ laudator ie of the per (on. The English fo fane foorth declared his temperance at that verie inftant (not com. Parcnthc/is, monlie happening vnto cuerieone, efpecially in caufesof a king- dome) as that heevtterlie abftaincd fomuchas to beare an appetite or liking therunto, howbeit good occalio was therunto mimftred by the breach ofjDon 'Petrt in paiment of his fotildiors : but to his im- mortail renowne,placedandreftored therm againe the true & lawful inheritourofthe fame, feding him (according as was intended) in his crowne and kingdome. Could there my L. in anyone haue appea- red greater arguments of Magnanimitie, Iuftice,and Tempera unce, then was remaining in this Prince? Andyct ifcontinuail happincflc in all worldly attempts,ifneuer ceafing and eternized famous vidto- ries,if the commendation and honour done vnto him of lib mightieft enemies, if ftrength and gloric of hiscountrey, and honoured titles of his victorious father , if confirmed leagues of diueTS mightie Prin- ces, Confederates and Alies, if feruent and of all others the mofte principall and ardent loue of his Knightes, fubie&s and followers, if all or anie ofthefe might anie wayes haue induced him ro the breach of eyther ofthefe vermes, what wanted to the furtherance there- of, that in and vppon him , was not alwayes attendant a-nd (as it Jtlleeoria vverc) continuallie powred . Washec not then wedded to ho- nour, euenin his formoft Cradle? Did not Fortune immediately acknowledge him, and confeiTe that hewasher darling? Seemed venue euer prowde,but in his greatcit perfections Grew Fame at any time fo impatient as euen then , when (as the moft conuenient har- bour of all her worthinefle)fne foughtout his dwellings Agreed ihey not all withone voice to abandon the ftatelincfle ©fall others , onelie tobeercfiant with him whome they helde moft charie of all others? Confirmatio, Witnefle among manie other his more then ordinaric attempres, thethreebattelsfthen which no one thing throughout the worldc before or fince became of more greaterremembraunce)by him in hismofte youngeft ycares, fo miraculouflie fbughten , the one of which was at Crejfay agaynft the French,when he was but eighteenc yeares of age (as you haue before remembred,) the fecond at Toic- tiers i where died the King of Bohemia , and King /o^ofFrauncc became his prifoner: the thirdcagainft thebaftard Hcnrie , tor the HypotipoGs. jjingdomc of Caftile,where in one whole intire fight the fame Htmy bearing a mightie hofte , was by meerefurpafling valour and mofte woorthieproweflc of this Prince difcomfitcd , and by maine force thereof Sec rctorie. Eft file laudator ic touching tbeyerfcn. 4 1 thereof expulted his Seignoric. All which cxploy:es , and manic moe bclules, celeb ating thereby his eternall prayfes , when he had with greater glorie, then well may bee conccyued, furniflied and finifheJtothcaduaunccmcnt of his immortall dignitic : See death, r.piphonma. difpjghtfull death , whoioyning with the malignkie ofjthe wicked Empbafit, world, hatefull alwayes tovertue , andfatisfyingeuerto malicious enuiCjbercft the vnwoorthic earth ofhis moll vvorthie life. But howe ? Not as fallech out to eucrie common creature , deuoydc of'aftcr me- morie : for why i the foueraigne commaunder of earth and skyes, al- j n tipophor*. lotted it otherwife.-neitherbefeemeth fuch ftately pattcrnes of ho- noured*/^//**, whole foiritescaried with greater eflficacie of afpiring cternitie, then thoicwhofe duller conceytes arc adapted to more terrene and grofic validities, fhoulde bee exempted their perpetuitie. And albeit in all the progreiTion of the wiflied life of this mightie c Prince,anieone thing was ncuer founde contrary ing,blemiiTung, or in one fort or other impugning his honour (one fole impofition or taxe contraried in his goueincment cf Cjc.fcoigy.e excepted) yet in confuwh. the higheft eftate of happinefle wherein hee alwayes liued/was hee neucr more happie or glorious, then euen in his verie death ♦ Inlb- much as hee then dyed, at whichtime in moft honour and higheft, S?Jwpw/«. toppeofallprofperitie, hee was principailieeftabliGiedand chieflie rlorifhing : at thatinftantin which the type ofhis excellencie was in no one tytle or iote obfeured : at that verie ieaion when in the Praifcof hi* whole courleand praclife ofhis life, bauing flill addifted himfelfeto c founde out the incertaineandmomentariepleafuresofthe worlde, he had by perfect tryall found out the imall validitie and litde afrt- aunce that was to bee repofedin tranfaorie and fading glorie of the fame. Euen then, when in the exchaunge of the eternall ha- bitation (the incomprehcnfible ioyes whereof no eye hath feene, eare hath heard, not tongnecanexprefle,) hee beftknewe howe to leaue this wretched life , andtocompafTethefweetcand wholefome me- ditation ofthe other. He died (my L )as hee euer liued , vertuouflie Eftphmtm*. and honourablie^ the determination of whofe deceafing corps, was preparation to newe ioyes : and commutation of momentarie pleafurcs^anafTuranceofcuer flourifhinggladnefle. Thus, fee you "Prror*th, (my good L.) before your eyes, the moftccrtaine and affured coun- terfciteof Ycrie turcNobititie^rurniilied in the difc«pueiie of iuch a G one 4 2 Epiftlevituptratorie touching theftrfon; The Englifh one, whofe pei fonage becing in no kindc of cxcelleacie inferiour , to that in the higheft degree may bceofany other imagined : defcrueth by fo much the mote ofall honourable eftates accordingly to be cm- Ecphone/u braced. Great isthe ornamentofprayfe, and precious the rcnowne that Ion geth to fuch venue : the Diamond glimpfe whereof equalleth in bcautiethefairctT, and dimmcth by the vcriefhadowe thereof the \Artknltu* glittering pompe of the mightieft 4 Bcauiic,(trength,comelrneiTc fa- deth,yea 3 thc world c decayeth^leafure vaniOieth , and the veric face ofheauenit felfe pcrifheth : Onelie facred vertue is immortalize ne- uerdieth,euerquickenethjabfolutelytriumpheth, andouerall other earthly monuments euen out of the deepefi graue for euer flourifheth. Due therefore my L.vertuouflic,anddie wherefoeucr and whenfo- euer,yet howlbeuer honcurablic . My paper burthened with his long difcourfe 5 defirous rather to recreate then toyleyour L. enfor- ccth an ende. Recommending my humble duetie in whatfoeuer to your honourable acceptance. Tl£e refpecra of njte Epiftle argneb hi flje perforrage of ft no- ble a |9;*mce,bane carfeD in tbe matter ojereof ,ttjc tocrp f^cto of the bfgfjcffanDdWctt tier rues, hereupon all eommenoa* tion map bee ptfncf pallte gatbereo. El;e neri bcteunto QEjali be Vkuperatorie alfo toncbfng tbe perfon. Werein as toee bane m tbe otber,fongbt bp all occaGon* ano etrcumttanc cs rbenmto m- ctoent, tobac toqie fnrnxranceof fnchrequiutccommcnDation tnfgbt be aUebgeD:fi) iufll tee herein (magm bpon febat grounDcs o: refpett* tbe occaffana of Dtfpjaffe,map as farce fojfl; otbertotfi in ante otfjer qua! trie be remembjeo. An example of an EpiFHevituperdtoritfoncermng alfo tbe fer fort. Extydium. ^ I R, the ftraungenefle of an accidenthappenmg of late amongft Ofthecaufe ^Sys, hath occafioned at this inftaunt , this difcourfe to come ro tion. 8 2 mi " vnto your handed There was , if you remember, at yourlaft 2v«rr /^^ofacommon-wcaIe,thec^//c^«/>ofmen, and the Bondjlatteol the dcuill. And no maruaile, for what iniurie "** or *' snightc bee concerned, that was not by him imagined ? whateuill £rolemMt coulde there bee that heefbunned to pradife? What mercilcfle dea- ling that hee would e not proffer i What apparant wrong thathec ceafedto inferrcr What execrable extortion that hee cared not to committe .' What villanie fo damnable that he dutfte not putfor- wardc i O God, it is incredible to thinke, and vnpoflible to bee fur- Vtradoxtn, mifcdjhowegreatejhowc forcible, howe manifolde, howe mifchic- uous, howe inluffcrablc, howe detcftable hath beenetheoriginall 3 - /iuxt f'» progrelfion, continuation^and determination of his mott wicked and fhameleiTe life, and were it not that by the inctflant outcries , conti- nual! curfinges, and horrible denuntiationsof the innumerable mul- titude of thofe, whome in his life timchee yoked, whome with his anions he feared, whom with the weighte of his endelelle wealth, hee poized downe, that they durfie notthen whifper in fecrete, what nowethevopenliedifcouer,whercby'theforceofhiswickcdnefle be- ing tbeafecrete, became not as nowe fbopen and apparant. 1 durfie not me thinkesof my felfe fomuch as furmizebutthe onehalfeof E P*fi™r"f»*. that, wherein he became fo notorious, lb rare and vnufed are thee- Ara * or * uils, wherein hee feemed fo throughly to beerlefhcd. J haue woon- derad fitbenccwirhmy felfe many times : w hat ibyle it might bee, or what conftcllacion fo furious,as erfec>ed their opera tions in produc* tionoffo bad and vile a creature, at the time when hee w as rrrtt put forwarde with liuing into tieworlde: Inthe fearch whereof I hauc beene t he leflc aftonied, in lb much as thereby I haue growne in- to fome particular knowledge of his originall and panfntcs. His His Parent*- fire I haue vnderftoodc was a villaine by birch , by nature , by jiuxi i ii * foyle^bydifcente, by education, bypra&ife, by ftudic,by cxperi-^ ^ cncc.:his damme the common finke of euerie rakehels fiithinefle : Ep an o^ ti ihc one of whome ( after innumerable offences commiucd,whe ,rc - C% by 44* EpifilevituperAtorie touching the perfin- The Englifh whereby hee deferued a thoufande deathes)was at the laft for a dete- ftable and notorius crime burned peecemealc vppon a ftagc in Hol- land, and the otherf after fundrie confuming and filthie difeafes, ne- uer able to rid her)wasin like manner hanged aliue inchainesfora moll horrible murder in England. Expect you not then,that the pro- creation and generation of luch anilTue, muft by argumenteofthe jntiphrafit. Parentes condition/ortc to tome notable purpofe^you doe I know, and in trued! howecoulde itotherwife bee likely. Nowe if hereby Aftfirofht, vvee fhoulde conceiueof his education, and howc his childehoode paft away beeing foltered vp as hee was, from one place to another, without any certaine abiding, butonely Caelum ontntbw commune :, the common habitation of the worlde. We muft no doubtc fuppofc that he fawe much, knewe much, pradtifed much,ouerpa(Ted much, and was glutted with verie much. Andfurelyif I fhoulde giue cre- dite to fome whome I durft|belceue,that knewe him cuen then when hee was not much more then a childe, the verie ycarcs he laltly bare, Hi« child- gaue not more allured tcftimonie of what hee nowe was, then the hood. leafon in which he then pafled,did yeelde an inuiolable approbation, Ecpbtntfii vhit in time following he would become, for euen the; what rapine, what tlieft,whatiniurie, what flaunder,whatlying,v\ hat enuie,what malice, what defperate boldnelTe, and daring to enter intoanymik chiefe, was in him throughly planted? There wasnot(byreporte) any one thinge whereby a man might afterwarde bee conieclured to become infamous, but wasin him fully replenifhed. Crcditc mce,I OmtitteltUH. con j c $ ure f manifoldly of the fequellof his a6tions,as when I vnder • ftande what hee was fo ripely, /maruaile that hee liued thus long fo wickedly. But fhall I turnc here from,to his Adolcfcencie, and fhew what therein I hauehearde? TruclyitpalTetha!l t capacitietobeccn- Molefctme. ^ urcc j . an j j t 1S tQO too muc j 1 IQ fe c moU g nt yppon. His pridc,hi$ bouldnes,his fhameles countenance, his lookes,his gefture,his (hew, his liuing, his conuerfation, hiscompanic, hishauntes fhewed ftul Shuuhrifrmt. wnat ncc was; There was no rakc-hell, no ruffian, no knaue,no vil- laine, no cogging raskall, no hateful! companion, no robber on high waies, no priuy pilferer, but his hande was in with him, and that hee wasa copefmatefoihim, nobrothellhoufe but he haunted, no odde corner but hee knewe, no cutter, but hee was a ftiarcr with,no per- Vtrift*. { QQ fpiafciujou^ abiecl, vildc,or diflblute, but hee would bee a co- partner Sccrctorie. Epifllevituperatorie touching tbeperfen: 4s partner with. Yet after all thefe trades, hauntcs, fharingcs, and par- . takings,heebecameatlafttoferucanoklcmifer,agcdforhisyeares T * 1 ,0> * andmilerableforhiscouetoufnes. This wretched olde man (as each one fancieth as hee liketh)conceiucd lb much of the odde youth,that j - a hee tooke him into his fcruice, where, with badde attire, and thrcd- barediet, hceliued with hiyp aprcttiefeafbn, fomewhat more then quarter maifter. In the ende (by whole thefte God knowes)the man had a chift broken vp, and a little coy nc and plate ftolne, w here with (becommingdefperate) it was dcliuercd hee hung himfelfe for gtiefe^andbeeingnowedeadc, leftenoiflueor other neire, tofiic- ceede his vfretchednelTe and double barred hoorde, but B. his man, Metaphor*. who being a (trong lubber, was by this time growne a Iturdic knaue, ^'htton and woulde needes bee counted a man, and thereupon hee became owner and intruder tohismailters pclfe, wretchedncs and mifciie. A e & eru > To reckon to you fince,howcheccame into the countric here, bee- hj, vou l • came apurchafcr,howe hee hath fpente his youth, palled his olde agc . age, what bribery, extortion, wrong, crueltie 3 rapine, mifchicfe,and all kindeofvillanie,hee hath boKtcrcd, perpctrated/ollowcd : what Jftndcton- infidelitiejfalHioode, reuenge, piiuy guile, treacherie, betraying the innocent, beating downe thepcore, fatherlclTeand widowes: howc much euill hee hath done and what litle good he hath deferued, what (houlde I clogge my felfe with the remembrance, or trouble you with Jntipophot*, the rchearfall. It is too much, I am not able, /cannot, nay, it were vnpofliblc to perfburme it. What refteth then, butthatlhaftenco thefcope which in my fbremoft purpofe was intended, thathauing Traujttio, deliuercdhis fhamcfull life, I docreportcvntoyouhisfhamclelTe and vnaccuftomed death . See then the incomprchenfiblc power and iu- fhceofGod, fee the weight ofhis mea fur e, fee thcwoondetiulldc- monftration ofhis fecrete iudgement, howc of a carelefle life enfueth VnfinemaM a cankered death : of a wilfull liuing a wretched ending : offuch mo- ney mifers fo manifblde mifcriesjas whereof I figh to thinke,and grieueto remember. The man fomewhat before his fickenflegrew into an extreame numnefle, info much as hee that ncuer luftedto helpe others, was not nowe able to helpe himfelfe, nor any cared to rclieuehim ; afterwardes fretting and fuming with him felfe as it fee- med, that not withftanding hisgreate made of money, and huge heape of wealth, none coulde bee entreated with prayers^ or hiered G3 witb Hjpotypofi, ricfukncs. Metifrtiw, 46 ': Epijlk vituperatorie touching the perfon. The Englifh with guiftcs,fo much as to meddle with him,he grew into fuch a frcn- fie,and confeqacntly,into to ranck a madnes,that hee (ate fwearing andblafphemingjCrying^urfingjand banning, and that mod execra- ble ,hislookes were grimme/urious and chaunged, his face terrible, Hi« inordina- his fight fiery and pearcing,they thatfawe him feared, and they tr>3t heard of it durft not come nigh him. In#onclufion,fome thatpittied him more then his dcferuing,and grieued to fee that, they coulde not redrcfleinhim, caufed a companie to watch him, others to prouide warmebrothes,andin conclufion vfed all mcanesposfble to corn- forte him. But what can man doe to preuent the fecret determinati- on of the almightie? For loe whilft all men lefte him 5 and each one ftoode in doubt of him,a companie of rattes vpon a fudden pofleft his houfcjhistables.hischymnieSjjhischamberSjyeahisvcriebedandhis lodging,vpon which & about whiduhey were fo bold,as in the fight ofthe beholders they durft appeare and come before them, and bce- ing ftroken ,aboadc,and were killed, and others come in their places: What fhall I fay.the fight became fovncouth,as all men fhunned,ech one feared s ?.nd none duift abide it; whereupon the miferbceing lefte alone, thus pictifullydied. Theftenchofhiscorpesadmitced neither d.;y-Iightnor companie wherein to bee buried. Two oncly that were the conueyers cf him 3 fickened vehemently, and one of them dyed, the other is yet fcarcelyrecouered. The matter hereof feemed vnto me (6 ftraunge,and therewithal! fo opportune to warne vs of our ac- tionSjConfideringhow feuerely God pun'iiheth when hee isonce bent tocorre6tion,as 1 coulde not but deeply confider of it,weighing with my fclfthat fuch as was his life,fuch was his death,the one beeing ha * ted ofmanie,the other notto be tolerated of any. Thccircumftancc whereofjrererring herewith to your deep confideration,I doe bid you hardly farewell. Of Efifiles deliberatiue. Chap j 0, F.j>-f>tonem*> His death. Metaphor*. tpilogut. ^enettbntofftefc laffeof $(« Demonftratiue feuiDe atCUOteC ffreDeliberatiue,t&£ Gcd tttlCK Ufccrxof Ul \ OJ&er CutCD fCDjtrj, appcatr to bec Hcrtatorie, Dehors JtatoriCt Swafoiie, ano Disfwaforie . Ettffe b&tng u Sccrctoric. VUcesHortatorie andSuaforie* 47 as 31 faiocbcfc^necrlte affmcQ togetbre (faumg oncltettjat tlje Hortatorie ano Dehortacoriearc a little mojc Oe&cmcnt, uming ano pitching Qcntyc otfccrs, pet boa)confiffing in tucftaouifinj ano eounfelling,tbc one bpjncceirittCjtije ot&er aus an inoncement to njinges lauoablc ano to02t&ie)neeDe t&ereftye tnallfeeimng bn t one mauer of Direction in fyem to be follotoeD. ^on ujall ttjc ti tuiocrlf aid ttjat rtje fenetall partes tn eitrjer of tlx fe Hortatorie o? S waforie,t o be conGocreD , Doe principally flano oppon a Duicrfttic of affections, ttbicfj nature as it fcemettj, &atfc from nje begin* ning o?DaincD,to bee as it mere U ir rings o: pjouocattons fen dim fcs,ttjerebpto pjopofe a Direct cTnomoir reaote mate onto Vcrtuc, 02 to terrific bplifce Degrees, o: tufttwame os from n)e pticfu* tug offices. demotions o? affects bcretn f£equenteo,map bee faiD to bee eitber of pjaffe 02 mlflifer ,of ficpc 02 rcojarD.02 feare of cntli to fo* loto,of loue to VaeU Doing,o: of bate onto baoncs, of emulation of aefcers p;aife,glo;p 3 02 reputation , of expectation thereon Depcn* Ding^of examples o; of tntreatie. 115p taping cut of all o: cltbcr of n>fc,as oceaflon u)ali fcrue, canCtf en) ttje eff (cacfe of all ec&02fa> rion 02 aouifirig,pnU;ng bac&c o: oifitrjaotng. #oto rjom ox qua- lifies of tbefc,02 anpotfjrr ingcnerall touching ttje pjopertte tbep tiaue toitt) Vcrme 02 Vice,map fo: anp turne be allotteD:3 muft as focll fo? OjtsDeliberatjuemnD enfutng,as foj all ot&cr titles ttfeafr foeuer, t&e fame rjcrcafter requiting,rjftolp rcferre trje learner fo the places in r&e crjaptet pjecceomgtrjc entitles Laudatoric ano Vitupcratoric in alltrjmgsto beDirecteD. 0s toutrjingtrjefeparhcutarrtitSjlDrjftrjinee IjanefcarmeD Motions sno afre£s,lct bs confioer if pou mill in fcucrall , ano tee tofjat emcaciebpDifffngnifljment of all tbefr properties i partes tfcep map bearc in fijts Uniting. Praifc (no Doubt; in matter of erbo2tatiou 02 ff irrmg up to toell Doing is of mod lingular fojcf , ano fo quel! ionleffe is MiGikc 3 uj;cn generallte it map bee Djatoue from a regarDeD concctfc of ttjc greateff anD teirjieft , to ftc fof tlwatotng from eoill. iFoj if uoe u)allbuf enter into, 02 con* (toer of our otone common p*u*agcs :fcfcat is ttHp^appounjat p2cferrerbe2DiaUotuetfj,giuetfj grace 02 DiCablcn)ttje actions ano enoenonrs of men, but tfce fpccinU alloiuonceo: mtflffcc n)at is euerfi 48 VLces Hortatory and Swafory. The Englifh cucrp tujerc bao of ujem ? 3$ it not account alone fl)at erfurtn encouragement tntoVeitue^ J 8 Vertuefo fuTUc aouauncco m ante tljmg as tn tbc effimatc p:apfe ano reputation , tbat ts at* tributeDbntober:'jSofarelie.8nDtbisbptnug&t foaDinto cm oc rie toauft mo loroett fo:t of men Iball pou fina.tbat tbc re is baro- lic ante liming of fobafcano contemptible afptrttc, but djat bp PrayfcanocommenBation.beemapbeeozatDneOppe to fome It- feing of toeR Da>ing . 2lnO boiuebctt tbc iffnes of mens actions Doc at ante time feeme to bee fpotteo toitb euill, pet ocure rfr p at tbe lead wife fojfbetr reckoning fafee,tb.it tbep mfgtjt bee ettae* mcD as goo. HBpttjis appearetb fbemigularvtieof tfjtngcs erccflent, in fo murt) as nothing is,o.z fcemetb rfgbtlie p2apfc-tooo:trjte, but totjat is accounteo gooo , fo little reputation bauc tbe perpe- tratoursof cuillcs , as tbat of nccemtie tbcp are compeHeoto feefee creoite , bp falfelie attributing unto nymfclucs tbc name of gooo . ^otuemucb mo?e tben true Prayfc one Mif- likc of tbmgcstooojtbte, o? tobceocfppfeo, map bp all Ipftelk booocbec auatlable toitb tbofe ofgooofpirtte, foD;atocfbcm to Vertues. Co applte notoe tfjis p?apfe in erbo:ting o: counfatling ante one, it beboouctb tore fictt concepue tobat oifpofftion , ba< biltments , o: otrjee matter of balue are in btm income tace banc toocalc tottb, fur^eringoj conuenient to fact) apurpofe, iDbcicunto toeetoouloe cybo;t o: pctftoacc turn , ano tbe ufccll* fcoooe of trje fame , greatlic to put foojtb 02 commmoe : 0; tf befojc time be bauebebaucobimfcifc attic loaves tocll, toenail fncourageljim in p;apfing of trjat alreaotc Dene; ano in tqcttnng ftjat tbe mo?c ercctlcnt nje ttjing is , tbc me:e orfftcult ft is to bee attamco,fo;.D#^ quapttk-bra , ano pet tfjc Difnculne not to great as trje p:apfe,glo:ie ano r?eo:oatton tbereof , u)all rberebv aftertparos be retnmeo bonoorabie. SLtfeetoife , if tbe ft ate of tbc partie 00c feme tbcrennto , ft (ball not bceamuTcto put bim in minoc of bis parentage, 02 tbat fapling, of t)isifo;tune,vlHcrtue,jjiobilitieof minoc^it, totoarouctTe, bus great expectation, autlttic, age, anoDifcrc tion , all of u)cm no IctTc re qutring,but n)ts Una; great moocfrc to Secretorie. PUecsHortatorieandSuaforie. fy to be ocl t uerco , leaff in faming to pieferrc tfjc certatntf e of ftofc Dcrtpco at't'ct) ate of gooD account to be tn tjtm, toe ooe not palpa- trip glo }c tuttp tlK par tic , ano as it lucre feefee to o;ame from tjis pcrfon,o; account, toe things ttjaf neuer came neare fcim, ijictoasPrayfc,anDt&e lauoableefifmateof cucrtegcoo actt- on,t ogetfccr lofct) ttje tuff miQibe of ttjuigcs eufll^purcett) ano eg# get(j foitoarD to great porpofcs^bcnemucljdjrrcunto pjeuaU let&njisot&cref Hope, not ttjat irbicg cf a fcruiie ano bate tw- moar o; conottion enfuefb, tuWrtj erpectettj nothing tbat is feu* Urate of gam.ano perfojmeft) all enoeuours bp erpcttarion of re* toacD,but ttjat net t nous bintie of Hopc,ft&fc& cnabletb to tbc per' fe(tionanoabroIutefummeofalltDo;rt)ine(re,anottt)ore limit is Ijonour, reputation, eftimate ano account : 21 like Companion to&ercunto is Louc, beeing a jealous affectation of ttjingcs 0m gular, tufjicbLouepiotuiccrt} Ubctotfc in itfclfe, not a miHifee onelie, but a burning Hate of things tile , contemptible, ana t>n< bcfamfng. asflKfe tn fljnnfclucsooc eacfj particulate ibmfl ftr.foarcs to ga)Oncs,fo manp times Fcarc,o? ooubt of (neonuentence ttjat map enfue jtcrrifiett) oj oifftoaDctb from euils . Commiferation of ok lamentable cflatecfanp one, p^ouobeftjalfofomerimes to ptttic^nc tifffurnctf} tn Ufec fo:t manie times from reuenge. Ex- pectations toel of Loue as of Hate,of gooD opinion as miQiue in comparing of anp ttjtng is not tfjc leaff. shame t ignomie of n> action alfo, toe oepenoanee to&crcof is oftentimes occaCon fuf- Scient of u*U ooing,ano &ino;anee allfee,ano tet (rjD;ato tng from cuill purpefes 13 ut abone all is tge fpur of Emulation,rajofe fojee gatbereo up a certaine fcino of Enuie,of ot&ers p:ecceDings bind* letb flames of regaroe to afptre bnto ffcc If be , but not tbat Hug* g(O) ano erecrable cnute b:co of moff fofcBco ano ocfcffable ma* lice,fobf cb trben it fcifc cannot, no: is able to Ooe anp tying toov ifcie, fnatrtjctb ano continual] ie gnatoero on rtjc ocferts of others, but (bat generous ano noble kino of enuie tojicb Difcreete Nature anc ocrtue Ijaue infinuateo in our minors, emulating bp a feruent ocGre to compaffco? pofftblp to go bepono fefcat mfg&tilp bpotfnrsbaib beenepcrfojmco. H)c autbo?itic of Example is alfo fcerp rocfgfjtfe, gluing mar- ram to anpoertucus imitation rtjat map be pjcfcrtbvo, flno laff# $ lp, j% EpiftlestiortAtorie. TheEnglifh ivtsquttts aie fntreatie hjjfd) cu*rmo:c p:caallc ft accent) fng to tic footers crcott oj gram" tp. Ebefc being fuf 9ru ntip confiof reo, toe toill nolue accojDing to farbllhe of rcctfons 3 enDcuour to futtc fo2tt) fcnto you fbmc particular eramplcs. An Example of an Eptftle Exhortatoriefor the attaining of vert ne, ^ T Haue manie times defircd with my fclfe ( good Cofin }to obtaine I fome neceflarie meanes, whereby, to manyfett the greate good ■*• will I doe owe vnto you ,and in fbme forte or other to giuc you to vnderftande,howemuch and howc grcady I haue tendredthofe good partes, thatmanie times I haue fcene and proouedtobecin you. And fdr as much as Fortune hath denied vnto mec the eftate, reputation and wcalth.that manie haue gained,and the moftdoeco- uet, whereby I cannot if Iwoulde, bettowe vppon you fuch riches and treafurcs as might breede content vnto others :1am determined toimparte vnto yoUjthat,which vnto your preient condition fecmeth moft requifite, and wherewith vfc and common experience hath frtfinmtfia. heretofore inured mec, in ftcede of wealth to giuc youwordes,in fteede of golde,good, for riches,reafon, and in lue of liuing,to affoord you a louing and conrtant heartc. And whereas I am enfourmed, that contraric to the expectation of fbme( who ouer peremptorily infinwtt*. haue heretofore deemed of thefeyour young yeares to be laden with loofenefie, and led fbrwaidc by libertic J you haue of your fclfe ,and ofyour ownc motion and free will.obtained licenfe and allowance of your father to go to Cambtclgtjn minde to giuc your fclfe whollie to ftudie, and the fole fruition of learning, I mufed with my felfe whe- ther I might more commende themotion, orattendc yourpcrfeue- rance in the aclion that thereby you haue taken in hande,in iomuch as the memorie of the one cannot bee for the worthincflc more per- manent,the the glorie ofthc other, to your euerlaflingcommendati- on will appeare to be moit excellent. It is reported ofthc mightie A' lexander ofAfacedcnjh&t \xc was a King,that he was puiflant,that he was warlike,chat hee was famous, that he was a Conqueror, and that Mtkfi. ^ee fobdued the whole worlde:but when he came to himfelfe,to the conuincing ofhis owne appetite, to rule reafon by the fquarc of riehc £?:v? sccrctoric. IpiflUshortAtorle. /i he became a meacocke,* childe,an infant, what fhould I fay?he was SfMymi*. nobodic. Howe much greater then hec was, haddc the woorthie Prince appeared, if as in the conqucft of fundrie mightie kinges, regi- ons and prouinces, foin all other thinges tending to the fuppreflion ofhisowne peculiar arfc£tes,he had bene no leiTeor fullic fo much as Alexander. Scipio, themoft renowned amongft the Romanes, and for his fundrie great cxploites in ^fffiicafumzmed Ajjricanmtfne Hj>potyj>,fH, doc reade,atchieued many valiant and incomparable victories, and were it but that fole battell which hec fought (when Rome was no wc atwracke, her Nobilirie fpoyled, and her glorictrode vnderfoote, readic almoftvpponany reafonable condicion to bee dcliucrcdinto the handes of the enemie ) in which hec then freed his citie, repulfed HanibaUby a mightie oucrthrowc, and thereby daunted fo farre faorth his pride for cuer, as expelled from him all hope thence for- warde, at anie timechc to become aConquerour : It couldenot otherwifc bee faidc wichout qucftion, but herein, yea in this onelie a'c5bon,heedefcruedetcrna]lmcmorie : But was hee herein, thinkc No afluredlie. It was alfo his rare and moft fingular vertues otherwifc, that fullie perfected and polifhedthe glorie there- of. It was his rare Temperance, CModefiie^Contir.enciey and Sokri- but in this your action, you h auc p ™ c f " f tbc of your felfc right welbcgun,how can I think,but abouc many others pc otu .«» you hauc therein verie well deferued^WheicinfhouldcIaugmcnte yourpraifcif not inthitwhicbyouhauchccreby fo well performed, the (orce, operation, and efTedt of all which, hath onely confuted in iubduing your owne appetite f Great commendation hauc you won I mu(tnecdesconfefle,and more then with common worthineshaue you in this tbingc demeaned your felfc, but(my good Coien)it is not H z ynough TttftmU. Exlmtui: Confimnti*. /i BpiflcsHortatme. The EngliHi ynough to haue well begutVin a matter, without a lfo therein you doe vfe perfcucrance. Htwmbtll knew well how to fubdue.but he knew not howe to entertainc his victories. As you haue alrcadie in this your refolution gotten great good liking, fobchooueth both for the preferuation of what alreadie woone, and to induce a pcrperuall in* create to the fame, that you doe cuermore frcquente and by earned and zealous profecurionieckc ftilltocntcrtame the fruits thereof Pro- ceede then a Gods name, andgocon with good lucke in your enter- prife,the more harder and greater you finde the d irficulty in attaining to vtrtue, the more vchementefhall bee yourglorie, and the more honourable thereputarion that thereby iipurfucd. For, what hath a man of all that may be left vntohim in this worlde, whereof to vaunt himfelfe,butthc memorie of that wherein he hath moft worthily tra- uailed • The rich reape poffeflion*, which when themfelucs arc once pafled away, are immediately dillributed toothers. The pleafures of the worlde aremomentarie, and after wee are once deade wee perceiuc them no more. Worfhip, honour and dignitic, perifheth cuen in the vcricfelfc remembrance. Thcreuenuesof the mrghtiej when life is once fled, arc no more to bctendred. Shall wee then for Mtyophw*, a number of fruitcleflc vanities, (the regarde whereof doeihneucr laft longer, then whileft wee arcinprefent vfe of them) neglect the fearchofthat which is of all others moil permanent? Nofurely. So w fc^of hw b^ooucth not f uc ^ as y our fclfe, that of your auncellotirs haue had anccftori. *° many good encouragements, belecmeth not the remembrance of their excellencies in you alone to bee perifhed. Tist/CT-fw,belceue me, that procureth Fame t and foly Fame that makes men immortal!. All other meanes are feeble,as the originall from whence they arcde- riuedisvncertaine. At leaftewifc, it (hall many other waies ftande you grca tly vppon, to continue this courfc, in fo much as by the aemu- lation of the vcrtues of othcrs,you fhall thereu.ito be conf trained ,be- Ofexpcctati. ^ es tnc ^ ouc an dregardcthat all men haue borne , and euer doc en. beare to the remembrance ofvertue, the expectation of your entirely fauouring and carcfull louing friendes, who with grcate longing doe attendc the profequution of your woorthinciTe, the ill conceite, ma- lice and Ipite that fomc haue haddc towardes you, whereby to ouer- throwe the good opinion of your father, who with greater grecdi- nefle than Woolues thcmfelucsjwith mote cnuie than the Crocodile, and JifttCtflit*- Olloueand hate, Rjfitbdt. Secrctorio Places Rcfponforir. $9 and farre more poy fon than the ferpent, doe lie in wake but oncly to hearken after the newesof your declination, and the dlffolucd pur- pofe of your good intention. Finally, my deareft andbeftfauoured EpUtgui. kinfman, 1 doe ad iurc you, pray 'you, and as earneftry aslcanbec- cntrcacic fcechyou, by thevcrie pure and entire loue of vertue, whereof you nowc fhali become partaker, by the irwmortali fame thereunto one- ly awarded, by the careyou arebounde and ought to Ii3ue ofy our fclfcj by all the kindred that hath tied vsinarhmitie together, by all the loucs and posfibleentrcatie that I can, youdoeperfift, continue and rcmaincfirmc in this your intended purpofe. Inpurfuitc where- of you fhallminiftervnto your friendesioy and comforte, to youre* ncmiesfhameandrcprochjtoyourfelfcpraife and eternallregarde, andtoallfortcsofyour acquaintance occafion to admire you. Pre- ferring many times my care and earneft afFcclion towards you, with my mantfolde greetings vnto your good felfe. I doe bid you fare- well^ ,&c. . Of Epiftles Refponforie. Char. //. £); afrnucb as $t fcnofoleogc of letters Refpon* 'foric ate as mccfe to bee tonoerff ooe in t&e oM- nartroecafions hereof as anp otters : 3 name it not amtffe amongff tSjc paffages of ti)i re feuc rati titles of £pf files to fojtc ponfa>jthalfoof tl)cm (bme particular ©ramples, the better tn their otfpoSttcn to enable § learner as occafion map fcr urXon* rt)mgtit;tct),ittstobcc tmoerfiooe t!)at the matter of enertean* ftucretafceth i)iso:fgfnallof a letter p?ecaDing,anCDcpcnDcf& pitnef pat! p on the parts t&ercof ♦£&* o;ccr tng thereof (crccpt Ui betters Excufatorie 05 Defenforicj is trfcolp erempteo, n)e courfe tn ttjofc otljer letters p:cfcribcD, ano the obfernatien in thefc, is p;tnctpallpto coiiCDer onftbat partes t&e letter uttrrjougtjt to bcanftuerco confiffenjoj iscbleflpgrounDcD. ^ofe^oluebc it it behcuue th toe Doc f dip anfujerc,pct u)all pou not ( as (bme fgn* rant of ujcioomg baue Done) recite in pour anftocre the txbele tiu cnmQance of the matter charges verbatim in a manner as it is fy 3 twitters /4 Vrof*nm*f*> 1 'fifties hortatoric. The Englifh to:ttf en before pon, fo: fbat toonlbe bzaoe ftof onfrteffe,lc0bef a riofculons Dtfo:oer bp fact mcanes freqnentco, bat ponu)afl(ff necoe fo t>2ge) capitulate die principal! partes of euerte fenrrafl matter cbargeo, ottD tfte rcupon frame pon to ar.f were Qje points, f n foite as befoje pon , (ball be Deli uereo. £Dz fomctimes not rtfe* Ding anpreljct fall at alt, if tbe polntesbe but fetoe^on 0)aU an * ftoere onelp as ttjc matter pon baue in banoe is to ba oclf ocreo. £D) OttjerUltfe ttt fljts fo?f e : Touching the pointcs in your Letter to bee anfwcrcdrfbr the firft I fay,or it is thus or thus, &c. In the fecond, itisfoorfo, For thethirdc,vn this manner or in that Touching the fourthj&c. £lno fo anftocre tbe partes bp ttjcf r number . 13 v rtbtcb meanes pcu u)all bottj Dialne pour fclfe to a birnitte roercin,3no become far mojc pittite in tbe matters pon bane to unite of (ben otbertof fe can be crpjeCfeo. 3no tbis beting fafficf cnt foa alt mat' tersbereafter,toncbingtbe(eReiponforiebinDes,toe toin nohie fo: (be fir S temple fct pon ootone an anftocre to n)e epiCle pit* carting. An example Re^cn forte to the lafl Eft file be- fweremembred. THe regard of your exceeding good wifl^and weight of your ad- uife and good exhortations (my verie good Cofen )hauc moo- ued me many times to thinke on you,and to thank you for the fame,/takc no title comfort ofyour great good liking of my determi- nation,and that the endcuour therof bcareth fo forcible allowance at VkkUgt*. Uhgnirt my felfe ere 1 fell,and ftoode vpright ere by ouex much weight I Ai- ded too far in my purpofes, Errtvreefl bumamtm,Jed yerfifterebeltm- num. The courfe 1 haue taken in hand as it was eftranged from the o- pinion of many: to in the prolccutio thereof, I hope to vfe fuch purfuit, as willingly by declination thercin,I mcane not to become offenfiue to any. Fearc you not fir, the account is alreadie fet do wne , for not- withstanding my greene yearcs muft yet of force continue their note ofimbecilitie: This prcrogatiuc yetrcmaincth^ that I may as I Iiftc adapt Sccrctoric* BpjikshortAUrU. §S adapt my opinion to erauitie. You fhall (good Coofcn)doe mcc a gtcat pleafure, if 3s lam partner ofyour loucand cntyrc affecti- on, lo I may fbmeiymes bee partaker with you of thofc exercifes andfwcetpleafures,wherewithyourmidieis frequented: I meanc that with fome difcourfes of yours you will no we and then remem- ber nice. By expectation whereof , you fhall often prouokc mcc to aunfwerc you. Thus afluring my ftlfe of that I ntuer yet di- ftrufted ac your handes , your zeale and fidclitic towardes mcc j I regardeyouasfaithrullaslhauc euer found you , and io will al waves account of vou.&c. t 3 A» example of an Epijile hortatoriefo theftudie of learning, IT is no little pleafure vnto me, to confider with my fclfe my good E Xtr4 n HP) N.thcgreattrauaile, coft, and painc, dayl/ employed by your dcareft bcloued parents , to induce vnto you the precious, and of all other molt delicate and fwcete pleafure of learning: the value ln f' mmn * whercofys without all eitimate 3 and the comfort therein conceiucd } in no wifetob.e comprehended: the louingregardeofwhomc, and the mod lamentable want of the other , when I doe fee you cither with fome ill fauouring afpccH not to incline vnto, or with •fome more then ftraungc or vnufed teannes not to account of 5 I cannot but greeue with my heart, re fpecling the linkc whereby I (tand charged to cither of you, info great apparancc as Idoe to behold [the fame. True it iSjthat you are a Gent. t that you are heirc apparant to large "pr^ofoU* and veric great poiTcfTions, that you arc (for the yeares you bcare) of Mnifm»u c*omely and goodly perfonage,that you are in all things well accom- plifhecLanG euerie way as befecmeth : but yet when I behold this fa- uour/niscomlineiTe,tnefeaccompliftiments,andknowyouto bee a Gent.andthinkevpon your large enfuing rcuenues and poflclTions, mcthinkes there fhonid yet be an ornament ofall thefe, and a thing of farre more goodly fhewe , and more ffcjrpaflmg value wanting to the fame, tha t might if it were well entertained ad more glorie vnto • all the others, then the waight of the reft were euer able to purchafe. For fuppofe that all thefe complements of yours arc of large price, " 4M *^' and verie neceflarie, as they arc indeede , and fucb wherewith theftate of man is| greatly beautified , yet arc they all but thinges pertinent 5* fyi/tieshortatorie. The Englifn pertinent vnto the bodte, by force whereof (fetting onelie our [fliape afide) wee doe communicate in eueric thing with bcaftes , for with Synonym!*, them wee liue, wee mooue, wee go, wee eate, and enioic the fenfuall appetite ofinwardor outward abilities. But by the benefit oflearning, ^fynitun. of knowlcdgc.of skill, weemake difference of things, and are onciy thereby inourfcluesdiftinguifhed from beaftcs. And ifmanwhich Varad'gwM. ^ mc principal worke ofGod,was from the beginning a chofen crea- ture indued aboue any othcrs,3nd therefore poyntcd to cxceil and go beyond all others, howe much more ncedcfull (hall it bee for eue- rye one according to fuch appoyntment to prefene and put fbr- Ccmrttorath. Jkhtntfto, Jlltgorid, wardethevfe thereof vnto hisowneprofrc. And feeing as well by the ordinance ofGod,as common vfe ofrea(bn,whereby wc arc go- ucrned and ledde,cuerie man is induced to propole vnto himieltcihc exercife of thinges that are good and honeft, and that the lame alfo among theTe , which maketh a man ncareft to his Creatour in perfection, isof all others the moftc to bee defired : howe much auaylable then and importaunt is it toeueriemanto bee frequented with learning , the vfe whereof freeth him of common ignoraunce, and maketh him capable of the high and loftie myfteries. And if inanieftudie whatfbeuer, the reputation ofhoncft and good is to bee fought for , what I pray you then learning, may bee iudged more honeft j which hairing with it a certaine kinde ofdiuine and facredoiiginall, hath from the beginning of the worlde , beenc with all men in greateft price and estimation. What may bee dee- med more good then that which fromverie Aflcsand blockcs,and (if it were lawfull to fay ) from bruite men and bcaftes alfo them- felues maketh diftin&ion , and without the w hich , there were left vnto vs from fuch, no place at all ofdifference. What then that can bee faydc tobee more honeft, which drawcth a man vppeto the diuine contemplation of the facred Maieftie, to the knowledge of high and heauenly thinges, of woorthic and honourable venues, and beeingfequeftredbythewante thereof, hec becommethnoother- wifethanasa hoggc, ftill groueling on the earth, fearching onely wherewith to fill his bellie , neglecting in the meane time the expectation or rcgarde of any other ftatelie or ctcrnall Soue- raintie, Nowe therefore, ifthc vfe oflearning, as the thingc of grea* teftaccomptandmoftwoorthic, is hecre fette downc tobeefo ge- nerally Sccrctoric. EpiJllesHortatorie. $7 nerallie, commended to all fortes of men,howe much more confo- nant and agreeing is it then to the reputation of a Gentleman, who by what diltauncefo cuer hec is meafured in capacitie, minde, order, Synatlmfmm, itate and gouernment from anie other common or ordinaric per- fon , by fo much the more ought hce in allendcuoursto afpyre j1mf}e ^ t » and feeke to goc beyond them. For whereas all other men in their fcuerall vocations arc for the molt parte , as it were withdravvne from the fpeciall notice and eye-markc of all publique adminiftration ' ' * andgouerncment: theGentl,contrariwife, the more woorthieand noble thatheeisincallnig, themorcncererishcctothataduauncc- ment whercunto bv nothing fo much as learning hec is enabled to bee preferred. For what profitable member can hee bee in fuch a place , whole ignoraunceis farre greater then his witte,and whole knowledge is lclle then the Ieaft of that, whereof hec ought to take nonce a .d experience. And feeing learning is of all other thinges, a ftore-houfe fo plentifull and precious, as whereof the wifeman EfanUk* makerhhistrcafurc , the poore man his riches, and the wealthy one hispaftime and pleafute , fhall the Gentleman who in all other thinges ,by Nature Itriucth to bee excellent, bee in the greateft ac- tion of ail others fo carelefle and negligent ? Admit that you will heercalledge the tedioufnelTe of (tudie , and a ccrtainc impofflbi. Vam9lo V** litic almolt to attaine thereunto , I mult aunfwere vnto you a- gaitic , that this commeth not of the labour thereof , which to thofethat willingly afpire to the delicate tafte of the fame, yeeldcth great facilitie withpleafure tobeereccyued : but to a flbuthfull and fluggifhendeuouranddifpofition.Farbeit therefore(good Sir) that you beeinga Gentleman in all other thinges fo towardly, and the fo'nne of fuch a one as you are , fhoulde with the touch off<| great a blemi{h } bee fo throughly ftained, Sowoorthie a diicente mp;^ t m ■ as whereof you arc deriued, fuch infancie and child-hoode wherein fo worthily you hauebecne trained, fbgrcat louc andcharge of pa- rents whercwitheyou may bee animated, doe inuite you farre other- wife, and to a more excellent purpofe . Let the fweete and yet vn- knowne delight thereof prouoke you, thepraife and commendation •****/* folyeto venue appropriate and belonging, once prick you forward, the honour and advancement thereby continually happening egge you. Andifnoncofallthefe preuaile, yet the riches and rewarde I farre 5 S fyiftUs Hortatorie. The Englifh farre greater then anieearthly treafure, which are therunto incident, tie you to adefirethcrcof.Thinkeofthe worthines of thole, who by Digniric and howe much the more noble they were inbirth, by fo much the more cr * fcealouflie they hauctraucllcd, not fhuaning any labour,fweate s tidi- jiMxtfu. oufnciTc, fcorning, yea bondage it felfe , whereby to compaflc vnto thcmfelues the glorie and re wardes annexed to thedigniticheereof. And ifno other remembrance may be fufficient toeftablifhyou, rc- Bycxamplc. gard yet your liuing father and grandfather.the one of whom neglec- ting his eafe and quietat horn c,trauailed all Fraunce,Germanie, and Italie,tothe intent to attaine vnto the grcatnefleof that whercunto you are Co hardly perfwadcd.Neitherthinke Ithat you in w home all other good actions do fo plentifully flow,w:l herein alone with a little Ttr rat'o labour be terrified : Wherefore my good N. I eftfoones entreate you againe, and againe, by all thcloUeyouhaue ought to your naiiie, fame,parcntage and (tockc, and by all the expectation that in them, or anie of them, is ofyour happineite conceiued,you will proceede in thispurpofe : the weight whereof befides thecommoditieand plea- fure redounding to your felfe, fh all vnto your parents and all others returnemoft comfortable and pleafing. AH which recommending to your courteous consideration to bee entertained, I doc herewith take my Ieaue 5 &c # An other example Hortatoriejrhtrein an honourable Cjentleman is eggedfoncvurd in the prof ejfion of Armes ^andfermce of his Trince and Country, SIthencethetimeof my little abode heere in London being fcarcc twentie dayes.,vnderftandingof thebeingin town of my La.yout mother, I repaired thereupon to her prefence to viiite her: there did I receiue notice ofyour being in Ireland, and that vpoo your ho- nourable behauiour, and good ieruice there done: The L.D. did not onely tcflifie the fame byhisownchand-v\ritingvntodiucrsof the priuic Counfell , but alio in efpeciall letters be/ides commended the weight thereof" vnto the regard ofhermofl excellent Maieltoe. I did not alitdercioycetofce that in fuch young yeareswh? re- in commonlie falleth out a contempt of all excellencies , and a fantafticall defyre ofcounterfeytc vanities, you coulde (be fides the common Exordium, inXmtMtlo by praifc of tfaa&joru Secrctoric Epiftleshortatoric. S9 common trac'e and cuftomc of the worldc)addi& your fclfe wholie Varemhtfit, vnto lo weightic and honourable an cxercifc, as by labourfome tra- £/""*">»• uade in the fcruicc and honour of your Prince and countric, to put for wardc your fclfe fo timely. Creditc mee, it is not a litde plea fimg vntorneetothinkc. : thereon,neitherftandethmyarTe6tion fo (lender ^"'r 33 *'* vnto your fathers off-fpring,but that I muft euer holde the reputation of their weldoing, an aduauncemente to my imaginations, and the fbunde of their good fuccefle theverie harmonic of mine inwardc fbule. It is noncwe thing I confefle, cuen in thefe dayes to fee a Gentle- man honourable delcendcd as your felfe, and ofiikcworthie educa- tion, to attaine vnto learning, to become pracfjfedin Armes, to pur forwardejthemfelucsinferuicc, buc to continue with refblution, to perform e it with labour, toatchieucit with valour, to bearc it with j4uxt I' r » honour, here is the excellcnciejthisistherarenelTe, hence lpringeth thenoueltie. Venue retaining yet her ancient Maicftie, though not pirrfucd as in olde time, with fuch woontedVthemencic, hath three entraunccs, Hypotyp,fa leading directly vnto her beaucifull paffage, by the portes wi creof, venue hath whofbeuerisdefirous to attaine her, in her purcft and molt glorious t " rcccn «a n "! eftate, muft ofheceffitie enter in. Fid^Fort/tude^whctcby he muft be enabled to endure whatfbeuer labour and trauell to be impofed, Fortitude accounting nothing difficulty the end and fweet rewardc whereof hcrexcellencieis appropriate. Next^ Magnavmtitie ,vihicUby zve- Magnanimiue hementand haughtie defire,reachcth vnto thinges molt excellent & of higheft and f iatelieft value.not regarding the hard,tough,& maine force cfthe pafTage,with what purfuit foeuer it muft bee followed,fb be it by fuch meanesit may be wonnc, anduhe glorie thereunto due, may at laft be attaincd:the reach whcrof,tending to the laft end and fcopc ofal hisdeterminatios,fweetneth all maner oftrauel,and indu- ceth therewithal a contempt of whatfoeuerlefle valued or hindering, ..*U to the worthines of the fame. Then Zl^<«»/«»//y, enabling by greate Longanimicie conftancie with rare and accuftomed paticncc,toawaitc and endure the end,ncucr giuing ouer vpon whatfoeuer affaults, til the determi- ned fcopc be by all kind ofinduftry fullie and perfectly furnilhed. For this caufe, the moft renowmed parte of v ertuc is faide to Ethlqia. bee excellent/or that manie doe contemplate her a far ofr^but few or I z none 6o Epijlles bortatorie. The Englifh none at all doc almoftcome (o nigh her, as perfectly to fee and difcerne her, in To much as fome, nothing regarding the fingularitie of that, whofe fwcctncflc they neuer tafted of, become forcelefle or theputfuitoffo diuine an exccllcncierand fomc other fallowing a litlc the daintincsthereof,yetouer-reached with thetedioufnesot the en» tcrprile,and hindered by the oppofition of a thoufand vanities, are fo aftonifhedinthe firft onfet,as being therewith ouercomc ; doe by and by giue ouer their purpofes, Now therefore my C. if you will bee a right fauourcr of virtue Adhortation j n deede it behooueth that by thefe pofilbilities you doe (as a faithful 10 vcrtuc. rC gardcr of her diuine & facred elTence)only feeke topurfueher,and that with fuch and none other refpccles, and to no other cp.de and purpofe,butforthe fole fruition of her ft ately andJmmortalldeitie. Mmfmni. The time now calleth you forth ,your Coumrie and foyle where- in you were borne andnounfhed inuitcthyou, your praifcalreadic gotten, and hope of rcnownc euer after to followe, perfwadeyou, the honour of your houfe and parentage conftraincthyou,yeaeuc- rie ofthefe folie and altogether doc exhort and commaund you,that becomminf the feife fame you vowed, and they long fince haue loo- ked for r you doe nowe (he we your felfe fuch as was promifed,and wherein the expectation firft conceiued of you, may in no wife bee :frurtrated. tljmix, Confider I pray you , that the rewardc of vcrtuc is honour ■, the guerdon oibonowr^ Fame, the fcope cfiFantc, Etcrmty, the feat ofetert iM/*,immortallandeuerla{ting glory, /nliuingintheferuiceofyour Prince-and countrie,the profesfion you haue taken in hand is honou» Jnufirtphe. rable,the charge honourable, the purpole honourable, and the ende and fuccefle thercofmuft needes be honourablerbehooucth then that your continuance therein and yourownc deferts be alfo deemed ho- nourable, Mmfbn*. Thinke when you tcoke vpon you to beare Armes, you then re • cciued the full cognizance oiVertue ,you were entertained with bo~ rtaferic ygrfwAding the carefu ft acceptance andregard of one brother to *»other, THEfoundeand entire famiJiaritic wherewith your parents in ^w'/wtff, their life time fometimes entertained me, and the necrencs of by infiflUati<>n ' ncighbourhoodetwixte both our friendes andlono education wherein jointly we haue conuerfed together, mooucth mce at this in, ftant fomewhat to write vnto you in refpeci of the reputation credit and accompt that in the v\ orlde you nowe bearc> and alfo the rather K to tffrratio. liftOH* 70 Epiftlesfmforie. TheEng^ifh to win you tothe regardeofthat.which to the eftateof your prefente being, and worthinefle of youriparents, might be found meetelt and conuenient. It is giuen tffeo vndcrftand of a younger btother you hauc here in London, whoat the time of your fathers death becing commit- ted to your charge, isfcrthedcfaulteof maintenaunce, badly inu- red, woorfe trained, and moft pcrilloufly by all kinde of likelihood (through fuch fuflerauncc) in che loofnefle of his lining alreadic hazar- ded. I woondered not a little when I heardc it,and fb much the more was the matter troublefome vnto mre, in that refpe&ing it was not toldeinfecrcte, it fecmed by the lookes and geftuies of the v\ho!e companie that heard it,your good demeanor thereby was very hard- ly cenfuredjfbr that ftanding in fuch cafe of credite as you do?, your wealth fo aboundan^andyouiparcntesfo well accompted of, you (frtfonomfia. wou^e in this fort,and in that place ofall others *LfF?r him to wander carelefle, whomeyououghttothecontrarietohaue contained, by any posfible carcfulnes. How ill befeeming it is both to you & yours, thaticfliouldcfofallout, you may by fuppofesconiechire. For my parte,it gneued mee when /heard it and I was not quiet till I found conuenient time toaduertife you of it. And if my opinion may at preuaile with you. you fboulde quickly call him home from henc e, and fee him mi re better to be prouided for, and more worthily trai- MitifiuHM, ne d« Confider I pray you, the life hee taketh in hand, befirteth not fuch a one, whole originall wasfohoneft, is ill befeeming the youn- ger brorher of your ielfc, vnwoorthic his birth or name of a Gentle- man,and altogether repugnant ro the qi lalitie of your brhauior or the greatnefleofyour liuing. You aic to remember that heeisyetverie grecne, nowe pliable to whatfoeuer rmy bee imprefled in him, as 3»4mW«. chafed waxe aptc to receiue anic figure , like vnto a ne we veflcll to beefeafbned with whatfoeuer Ijquor^what hee now taketh tafte and Al*gr**» fauour ofchathee hokkth.what habiteyou nowe caft vpon him, the fame fhadow he lightly beareth Great caufe haue you thcrfore now to be watie how and in what fort he Iiueth. Your induftrie, your brotherlic carCjyourloue^our efpcciall re- garde and kindnt fle it is,that muiti>ee ayding in this, you and none butyouarethcraan oq whomehecrelieth, you aic co ptouide for Mod) CvngeriiA Empbsfit, <* Secrctoric Tlacei dchcrtatorie ttiddifsjaforie. 71 hinijand it is your felre that mull anfwerc for him. Think that nature hue, dntie yo.iv eric pie:y bind eth you vnto!iim,who hath none other left to depend on,but fuch as by poshbilitie your felf may become vn tohim.Inthcconfiderationofwhichlet(l pray yog) my wordes be- come thus much regarded vnto you,that herein as in all other things you performe that befecmeth you, Longer could I occupie my iclfe Veiortti: to trauell in this action with you,but that I deem ic(more then impcr- tinent)any funhcr therein to rcqurcyou. Greeting your fclfe manic times in my name, I bid you therefore farewell. From my houle in B.thisof,&c. • QfEpiftlcs Dehortatorie 3 atid Dijftvaforie.Chaf. 12, | jjancee farr> focrx it tofoaDe furltjct in either of tijefc titles hortatorie 0: Swaforie, tije crampleS alreaDie iatDc Dotone being frn {feemfurTictent, I trie 1 fine lue mill nom paffc bufo uqe contraries |0f tftcfe,bctng Dchortatoric aiTO cisfwaforie. Sfye J partes ailD places exhorting 0; pcrfwading ba- iling as pou fee bene Diatone from tfec qualities of p;atfc,fo: ttrtr D rii Diners fo:tcs,as ujell bp ffcferfon, bp tfce 4c7/o»,as bp toe thing ft rctt*c,utcrc fencer toas compietjcnor uijat mfgbt be calico bo- nefl 02 gcoo \ j$o tt}£ fc on tfer con trartc pat te palling baefce 02 Dt(# firaDing.fi) ah bp tfee bnboneflic of Che action 02 ttjmg as to fine Ijattj bin fa'io,anD bp the inDignftie.bniaffnes^tCBcDncs.tnfuffe* rabU>rits,bate,mtfiiHc,contempt,02ba$8rD of Danger, repntatt- on 02ga)D name trjat tbcreof £nftKtb,bceurrmo:cnir afurcD, 3n tbe banbltng thereof tt is tolerable, bp all fojrtcs of argu- ments^ infer anoobiect anpttjingc to tbe btminuttoiT 02 Defa- cing of tfcat febfeb lue go about to tmpugnc. £3ea, if ncro b;,t in* tirrt the gcoo alfo tbat in fneb a per fon map be fappofcD fen to a too? fer fence. 3s if in Deforcing 02 DtfftoaDingaman from innoeiiip totoaros bis countrp 3 mtgbt firfl touching tue action teuoer fen- to bunjioU) vnnitur.1 the caufe islietakenj mb inducing againff bis nanue foilerboU) vnhoncft,bp laptngout tfce qualitp of ttje of- fen:e,bolbvniult.tnrerpecttbat it is againff bis allegiance to fc is ^ince^oUi impious, in tbat itrctatnetfeno purr, tu.neibtottje bittutbai.ee of a quiet ftati,\ bjdDxtbnjc fubucrGcnot al peace- tt 2 able go- *8 Pi*C€sdehortati>rie.anddi(srvdforie. The Englifh 0«tftrrtm!Ht,tTotDinfufferabIc, bpirafon tfjat gmo arto fehclrfbine latoesare tberebp infrmgeD, all fortes of tjoneff ano gcoo mm taongcD, ano confequenttp the common toeattb op fait) mcanes topfieturuteturmb. jFoj the Perfon if be mere at anp time of too:fb 35 might I^cbjc ttjen n> indignitic, o.2 til befaemmg of fuel) a tbtnge onto blm,fo; tbat actions of faebhfnoc are aurjuicstmto tfyz noble ano bed cn« oueDminbesbtrerlp repugning.ano fo thereupon If in rjfm there leas ener reputes anp tD(fDome 3 3i rnigfctofuert ft note tmto fol- lies Fortitude,3I mtgbt Challenge ro be Tcmcritic^t:} moderati- on erueltie,btsftoumesarrogancic,btshaughtincs pride, IjisFrce* domcloornes,ano confequeut!p,fin cuerte other vcmic tnouce o: lapootone tmto bfm a contract* vice,refpecttng ttjat bp commit- ting of actions fo vilc&contemptible,aU properties nfcatfoeuer of foimer eft femeo toojtbines Doe htterlp Icofc trje partes tbcp Jjaue of good,an» immtacatclp are DifturneD therewithal! tonro eulll. flffl> as in <3piftles Exhorting oj Pcrfwading,tbe tntcnocD her* ttie of cjcoDneffe of etrerte ttjrng is mo2C ampltc fet fa»tb bp the op . pofitc cuil: &0 in tbefe Of withdrawing 02 difs wading the IntCn&eD euil bp the oppofitegood,is euer maoc moje hatefull. 5BeftDes,as there bee feme thinges that arc erpjeOp gcoo in tbemfelucs o; cr- p?eflpeafl,fb are there fome tbinges that foj tbemfelucs are bcloe tnotffcrrm. 3n ft;cfe,to perftoabe o; UntfwalDc, there is a pjettte HWcobet)f90,tnftbfchtbc Olfaction of the tnjftermapnotpalTe tjncommcnDCB.trherof (fo; & much as to a learner tljep map bap* pelp paffe bnrcgaror o) 3> entenoe in tbts r&apter to afltozof fome application, jro: in tbtnges alujaies fenotonc to be of tbrmfclacs either goto 02 eutlt, there is no great cunning to make a ujcto of (hem as tbepare.bnt of things ttbfdj either bp tlmcs.bp Ubtng,bp place,bpallotDancc,bpcontwrfarionmap be DcemrO gcoo 02 bao, to be commenDco 02 &ifalotocD,tn the letting to; tb njereof appear reft both sbill ano oifcrction . 5f 03 erample,that mart age is a fbtngc much to b« p? t fcrcr , anbto the tncrcafe of man of fo great e neceffltte, astottbout tibia) there eontoe bee no overlie eft ate 03 foctettc, no man 3 *m fare milt oenie mrr, ano to a man tmtof lltng to enter there* into , I might ( lotth intent to o:a we bint to a l ifetng thereof (be> floes a number of neceffatte caufes to be aUeoftgc*, as n)ebe* cap Secretorie. Places dehor'tatortc anddifuaforit. %p rapof ftfs rjonfcfljc continuance of a folftatp,!cofccrtbabfetnD of lfuing,tbecuDof Ijts toealtbano name tegertjrr r/auing no itTne to fucceeoc blm,tnfcr alfo as mucb pertinent to (ucb a perftoafion mefacrcDfolcmnisatlon tbereof in jaaraoife, firtfbp tbe eternal] Wifdomcrjfmfelff trjougtjtmatano appointed, ttjrn his plcarore to inioinc tbe fame to tbe toojlos tnereafe,pce,at bet libing,toitt)ber content' ment.tnutt be then o:ocr bis bumours, bis boures, bis geOures, bis companies,bis iourneps, bis recreations, ano fcbat els be be* fo;e time mtgbt f r eclie twuc bfco^is otonc Uhin g is quenrbeb,bis fc 3 Ubertte 46 Places dehortatorie and diffuaforie. ThcEnglifh Itbcrtte re(framcb,anD pet tbe loffe bcrcof a bcaurn tofijai txfeicfj fonotoetb, if bp great gmDfintune be bee no? n>c better matcbeo, if Qj imagin tbe woman djcfcn,oo pjooue a fcoloc^aptoarD/clf* tDUlco,maliciQus,ftotonuig,oj fufptttous, mljat a bell is bee then fyiucn into, tobofe fci pentine am mojc tben aoDetliae OifpoQti* on Qjallbc fuct) as IdquId teniae a tt)ouf mte Dtuclics. It u> bee lDanton,Ditrolute,k-tDDe,D; tajfein liumg.botoe on tbe ofljer fiDe tbali be tben be turmopleb i tcbat is it tbat fije mill not pzefame t)pon,(? bare to ba?arot? boto infamous fijall bee life tben become to bt0 liningrboU) little Unll (t)ce ette?mc of .tym,tu refpea of (be largeaceount (bc$olbc$of manpofbers? 3f(bebep;ou&c, tbrn map (be be bnfappo?table:tf bec ; mit be moje tben \)is ,ttjcn arto- gant : if (be be fooiw),tbcn a mcchuigffccnc: if Ibe be fatre.tbcu afpedaele toga^con :tffoHlc,tbena fimpjmg puppet to toon&er on:tffi;ce becict), pjffiimptuoas :if poo?e,ttjen bappttte oetous, 115ut being iubat (l>ee map bee, o; touting ber olune perXon tbe befit flje can bee-, tobat intolerable efcarge bjtngctb (bee tonb bet, teat celt of appare l,«i!jat care of Diet,id?at bouftoiD of fci uants, i&jdt erpenee fin attenbaiice^at p?ouf8on fin cbilo;en jfafcat fur nlturcfoj boafe,UbatD3(Ip,continualtneuerccaf!«gcarh t toils foibertbfrs:incorcluSon,lnbat oncoifcommo ttiemapberrc homo , tbat tuttt bet u; foj bee is not m fyostf (pace a tboutenoe times bajarDco* Cto poe poa fee bom out of one felfe thing bqtb p:aife ant) o(f< pjaifebpa&imttanee map be gatberto. auftetbcrcuntomapbe aODeD in tbebfagc of toine.Co a craved man of mrah Difpcfitun, o:fu;lja onembofeconfffturion of booie foipbificfcefaBctboulD require it,| migbt, to perfujaoe bim to tbe tofc fcjrrcof , b;gc tbe ncecffancmeane,tbe girb, tebatmigbt b.e imagines tbat couloc not bee rebearfeo : bv manifeff ing tbe fcnrt anomamfolDinconueniencestberebpenfuuig.astbat it caufrtb D2unhcnnes,Duacrb t&t toits,malung til D!gcftton,ingcitD:cil; Cm pcrfluitie s,inr aanero tbe fptrits,buttem tiic b:ainc,r.;i tic tb a man tofojpt IjimfeifCjCtifojccu) to commit tijai u>bto;manp nine? is fi.tttc Secrctorfc. Eprftlesdehortatory* 6y Blfl)fc ana often tmbeftemfng,ef a reafonablc creature f re nicrb a fer 8(1,1 if ccuereth counfclsxaurctb daughters, ant c jnfeqticnilte latict!) bet!) the booieano mtnbetoiftja tboufono rmrtrjiefes,fmpe> ((merits ano Difcafr 6. fls of tbcfc ttoain,fo mfrjfjt 3 ffam> fcpon manp others the uhe, trfjfc&fc: bieuttte 3 omit, bolomg there applications fufftcirnt fci ihcp?efcntfntenDment : aootngbcreh)itball,ttmt tbccrbo:ter v perftoaoct 02 toitbo jatDcrfrom anp tb(ng 3 ougbt tonct)tng things fnbtffr rcnt,fpec!a!!p to rane before hts tfpes the reputation of the partis to- tnjomr be to2!tcth,confiscringthar fomc things are leffe mate in one perfon then in another , ano that tDbfcbtoellfltfet!) ano agreed) urtb the irate 02 conotrt on of fome one, is altogether tinmeet anP btfagretfng in the bebantcur of another. £0 eonQoet In line fo:t this o!D a uagc^r qwdntmis, uijerebp In rep? pouing the tofe of anp thing be map »?efcr ttjr moderation^ wt> tnucfgb agafntl the ww/«w.jfmaUp,torefpfct,that of fwnnuinDirTerent occafions notthctjfe, but the abufe (s ttfobicbougbttobec repKbcn&cD. SJefc beelng aomtttcD , toec mill come to the Examples of both ftfnoes aftocll Dehortatone as Diffwaforie, anofee tebat therein map be tenoieo. An example of an E fifth dehortatorie ve herein a noble Gentleman ts withdrawn? from infidelitteor rebellion. M YgoodG. my faithfHI louing Countriman , anddeareft of Exsrfmm, account (whilome all and either of thefe vnto mc,fo bee it the By infinuation, frowning heauens ind difpiteful wicked fate had not harbou- M,ta i^** red the contrariej what (hill I write vnto thee, or by what tearmes may I now falute thee. ? Erft woonted were my letters to pur- .» fuethee,careleu*e in any coft,and familiarly and boldly to regard chee, now bluftiing at thy vncouth hap, and care full of thy careleflc vfage, they cannot without griefe approch thee , nor once without forrow c intcntiuely behold thee. Alas, my G. what furie hath ledde thee, what madnes hath be- £ c fimfit, witched thee, whathatefulldcmruehaihpuifucdthee, thatbeetng fuchasthouwerr, on whome Nature end theheauens ask Teemed, hadpowred all their giftes mofte plemifullie , thou wouldelt yet be iedde to deface fo many partes of excellcncie , with one hatefull, igoorxunioufi 7 1 fyiftles dehortatory. The English ignominious and fhamefull blott,of wicked, andmoft heynous trea- cherie. EYotema. Diddcft thou for thiscaufe take vppon thec the profefTion of Armcs, to become injurious to thy Countrey , tobercaue men of Anxtfii. t heir patrimonie,to bee a deltroyer of ynitie, a patterne of infidclitie, the difhonour of thy familic, and confequently to thy felfe and dea- Ecfbtntfii, reft foile, a profefled and open enemief Ah happie in all other things, butinthisfolccntcrprize , in the broaching whereof thou waft put forv\aidetobeemadethcenelievnhappie,behooiicth with fuch in- gratitude to re warde tht fir ft Authour of thy familie ? Was this the ende of thy birth, thy parents, education, thy eftate, thy wealth, thy poflibiliiie, to become a Ttay tour to thy Prince, and rebcll tothy S'mathrijamu. ^ Conntrey ? No, no, my G. vilde and too ill befeemino is the drift that hath fo oucttaken thee,and ignorant was he of that Lecamc thce,thatflrrtthercuntoperfwadedthec. When thou lieft armed in the fields and (muftering thy ranks in the Vtdbpftm*. ^ time)bcholdeft and lookeft round about thy Countrey, thinkeft thou not then with thy felfc^in this foyle was I borne, within this land liethmypatrimonie, heerehadl firftfucke, and fithence haue the fruits thereof nourished me, and could I then become fb ingratcfull and vnkinde,as for all thefc benefits to deftroy thee? Notfo, nor in fuchmanerhaue thevertuousin field beenc accounted fbwoorthie, not for this caufe in fuch adttons,haue men beene faid to beare them- felues honourably. Corw/4»w,thouT»aft conuincedby the view ofthe Citie and mothers intrcatie,and mall I vnhappic man for all this, per- fiftinthiscrneltie? Iuftlie and by great occafion credit me, mightcft thou thus com- plaine off o great an ioiune,and all rriis being fo true, as nothing more tiuc:can it be faid in profecuting the famc,thou maift be freed fro in- Mttypophort; famief What /pray thee hath made men famous,and canonized their memoricjtvas it not their munificence and valiant demerits in and for Ep*n»iM. mc g QOC j f t h c i r countryfFor in what one thing are we more likened vnto God himfclfe^hen in the worthincs of our minds,the rtfolutions whcrcof,ought in no wife to beftained with fuch hatefull obloquie? TtrsdigtH*. The Aflc runneth through fire for the fafegard of her iflue. and fhall the valiant man then become negligent to the ay dc of his Countrey ? Hwoc farrcmorc waightilie fhall hcebceaccufcd , who not onclic gtueth Sec retorie. Epiftles dehor tat eric, fj giuethnoaydeatallto his Countrey, but alfo is thcunto an inconfi- -Anuthefiu derate and moft cruell enemie i Howe carelcfTc arcfuch men of their fame, and howe vnlike of all others to thofc memorable woor- thies,the precious regard whereof^vnrothem hath beenc fuch,as then goods poflcfrions,riches,kingdomcs 3 yea life it felfe hath beenc hclde Auxtfit. moftdeareil. Perufc but the auncicnt hyftorics of Rome , andlooke there of cJJ/#/'rt*5c<*«0/rf, themoftinuincibleRomane , with what v«r*digm*, confidence hce went folie into the Tent of Profenna, his and their Countrycs capitall enemie , in minde onelie to deitroic him. The good FttriH* Camillw, who after manie high and honourable ferui- ces by him done to the Common-wealth of Rome , was by his owne Citizens vniuttlie banifhed: howefarre off was hee thinke you, from this your opinion f For the Galles whom before he had cxpul- Et "t°Z'** Ccd, hauingin the time ofthis hisbanifhmentafficgedthcCitie of Rome, andbeeing then verie likely to haue diftreflcd the fame, in- fomuch as they had alreadie forraged , burnt and deftroyed the wholeCountrey round about, hee more forrowfullat the likely ruine ofhisGtie,then grieued at his owne banifhment, (mooued thereunto of verie pictie to his natiue foyle and Countrey ) cntred counfcll with the Ardeats^ and by his wifedome, policie, and great manhood, fo perfwaded thofc people, that in feare of their rnifhap,they were con- tent to icuie a mightiearmievnder his conduit, wherewith hee not onely put backe the enemie,but therewith fo mightilie purfucd them, as by fuchmeanes heevttcrly freed and fet at libertie hisCitie and Countrey. What necde wee fearch abroade for luch fbrraine examples, and why draw wee not home into our owne foyle ofEngland?What Irmfim. Chronicle fhalleuerremaine, or what Englifh Hyftorie fhall eucr bee extant, thatfhall not euerlartinglie report, the deferued fame of that right woorthie and verie noble indcede , SitfViMant Wal- woortb, Knight, once Lord Maiorof London, theremembraunce whereof (to his perpetuall prayfc , and cndlcfTe confufion of others, who not onely abflaine the putting in vreoffuch his memorable ver- tue, but which is woorfe, doeendeuotir by cruell force to tender violence vnto their facred Prince and Countrey ) (hall yet flou- rifh for euer . Ill doe yon example vnto your felfe, or thinke on the woorthincfle of that good man , who in the time, of King L Ricbxrd 74 Epiftles dehortatorie. The Englifh Richxrdthc feconde , when with a moftfuddaine and ftrnnge kindc Tarifon. of Rebellion the King was troubled, thcRealme pcrtered, and the (trongeft of the Kinges fubic&es greathe feared : encn at that fjnpiafr. t j me w j len t | lc p rouc j e f awtour and Captaine of the rebellious and mp rajts. ra icallic multitude, durft hatefullie and molt yndutifullic to bearde theKinginhisowneprefcnce, and each man ihunnedto impugne \ahxiRu the contrarie. This valiant, this good , this right noble and woor- thic Citizen, Handing by, when the wicked and prelumpruous var- letj with lb little reuerence approached the King , and remem- brmgtheferuices ofmanic worthiemen, that by an honourable ad- ucnture and haz->rde of their liues had to their eternall memorie, be- fore time-freed their Countrcy with libcrtic , grieuing that with lb high an abufe his foueraigneLordebedng yet as it were a childc, ftioulde there in his hearing, beefofarreamatcd,couragiouflie ftept ViAltgifvm; vnto the Rebell, and taking him by the gorge , proudc varlct (quoth bee) that darert thus contcmptuor.flie demeane thy felfe vnto thy King andSoueraigne , foule death betide thee , and fhamc quick- lie confumc thee : Whie, aunfwercd the villaine in greate dif- daine, is it thou that grecuefr at that I hauefaydc? Grecue, re- Epqeutu, plyed theftoutc couragious Citizen , yea, cuen I, I it is that greeuc at thee, and happiliefhoulde thinke my felfe accurit, ifthcu fhoul- deftefcapefrommee vnrcuenged, wherewith drawing more clofelic vnto hinijhec pulled him from his horfe by maincforce,and {tabbed him to the heart with his daggcr.The dcitru&ion of whom , breddc fuchconfufionvntoalltherefiducofhishcadltrong armie, and fight whereof kindelcd fo great a fjric in the refidue of the Kings com- panie,(who for that piefentvpen fpeciall confederations, was there attended on butmcanelic) that the whole rebellious route were by fuch meancs cuer after difcomfitcd vtterlie : wherewith before Jtuitbe/u, that inltaunt the whole Rcalme had lyke to hauc becne turned top- . fieturuie . Hec and fuch ashce laboured not bysmbitious pride to arrogate vnto themfekus a lawIciTe extremitie , but fludyed of mecrcloueand entire zeale, how and which way they might pci- Zefbcntfir. forme belt feiuicc to their Prince and Conntrey. O more then or- dinaric afR&ion , andferuencieof high and ftatelie woonhinetfe, in the regarde w hereof, life was uot fw eetc vnto thefc men , whole liuing might notrcdoundcto become (for their dcarelt foyle) to be Sccretoric. Epiftles debortdtcric. 7/ bee honoured and famous. What then may 1 fay my G. of thatby ~*p«ri*. thee, and thycopartnerstakeninhande,whethcrwill you bcdriucn, what fhaUbccomcofyoUjhow doe ycbehaue your felues, who may receiue you , in whofe inward conceucs( not the pictie and regard of anie of thecfc ) nonor fo much as one fparke of their loialtie, coulde fo decpebc bee jmprcfied, as whereby tpwithdrawc veufrorp thefc vnnatitfaJibro^e$^WhathaucyoufoupdiinyrtiirdeaTC.princc?vvhat ***&* in your louingi. ouutrie^ what in this citie? what to anie one of a! your feluesin particulantic, that might in fuchhatcfull mancr incite you,& byoccahon whcreofyoufhouldthruftyourlelucsintofo greacan e- normitie?Belceuc mc,& icilialvcrilie be auowed^thefucccile here- of will returne vnto you none other in the ende then the verie reward of infamie. I haue knovvnc thee,bceing far lefle in ycares then ac this inftant ,to haue bene able to rule thy felfe,and with plauhble mode- ration to bee indued in all things, couldeft thou then beeing a childc Er0fm * performe this in thy felfe, and beeing nowe arnan art not able to en- dure it ? There be 1 know about thee,that will perfwadc that all that thou doeft herein *n vertue,that herein thou haft great wifdomjmuch forLitude^nd notable moderation,that the action ishaughtie,the oc-' canon libertic,and the end glorie. But how greatlie they doc erre in fo faying,lct this faying of good Camillas ftand for you and vs indiffe- icntlie, whole notable ipeachfprung vpfrom thofehis jnuiolable ver- mes, fparednot this,toaflfirme in theprefenccofallthc Senate vnto the people. Let others (quoth hec ) cfcemeitathingeeuillandrc- ' Prp /»/^ u in this forte to- gether, vpon Co wicked and diueJifh a purpofe i Why returncft not thou rathcrto thy fclfmy G.& hauing long before rtriued to emulate the praife of others by an vnftaincd gentilitie, wipenowe quickly off this fouleblemifh from thee, andcouctingthcfilthinefletheteofby a moft incomparable fidelltfe, become once * gaine hke vhfo thy felf. At the leart wife,ifthe loue of thy coutrie,fidelitic towards thy prince, the example of Vertue her (elfe.and lb many her famous and renow- ned followers (then which no onethingcon earth oughrmore to al- lure a man) may not herewith coriumce thee, let yet the execrable and immortall hate, that all g<»d men beare to the pfa<5rife of fuch kind of crueltie,the feare ofeucr harbouring fhame. and erected ig- nomie,and neuer after hope ( thy credite once confumed) againe to recoucrthee,Ietthefe I fay conftrainthee.Whilftthereiiyetbutone craze or (lender flaw in the touchftoncofthy reputation, peeccit vp, & new flourish again by a greater excellecie 5 the fquare of thy work- manfhip. Afewedaiesaretobeepafledin which there is yet time, fame wounded in life may once bee reftored, if death doe prcuente thee,thy fhame and ddttrudtion is for eucr fhrowded.The next newes I hear from thee, may make thee fortunate ,or me for thee alwaies vnhappie, My longing woulde" bee fatisfied ofthis from which I de- hort thee. If onelie herein thou condifcende vnto mee, my felfe am thine, and to none fo much as thy felfe abfolutely, I loue thee, I require thee,I pray thee, and pray for thec 3 thai thou rna'ift as I wifh, and wouldeft as I bid, bee for, and to mcc. Farewell if thou docft Well. An Example of a diflwaforic Epiftle, wberm one is difswadedfromfruit- les vanities ,to more learned ejr pro- fitable fludies. Rcceiucd on Saturday laft a letter from your Vncle, wherein a- mongft fundrie other matters I was aducrtifed, thatleauirg your former learned ftudies, wheicunto with greatc coll and charge of I Secretorie: EpifllcsBiffhdfork. ? 7 ofyour parents,youhaci bene trained,youhaue giuen your felfe w ho- lietocertaine thinges, the rcgarde whereof albeit in their moderate vfes.I cannot difcommende, yet inrefpc&e ofyour former intend- mentes, I can tearrae them none other then mecre follies, andveric fruitles vanities, It js reported with vs for certaine, jhat you are become an excel- . *mh lent good daunccr, that you are grownc prettilie skilled oninflru- mentes, whereon you play reaibnablie, that you fpende the time li- mited for more profite in the Vniuerfitie, in making of fon^es and exquifite fine ditties, that you are vcrie fitlic fca ted for wantonnefle, and worthilie behaued in all kind ofcurious conueyances. K - ty* I woulde for mine owne parte nothing at all miflike what here- in you hauc in fome lorte frequented, weighing indeede that as they c * nw F* ' m ay bee in forte entertained, thofe qualities doc notillbefecmea Gentleman, but are in their kinde verie fit and commendable to anie youthfull reckoning : yet ltudyingthemasyoudoe by them felues, v * fi f 9 *' innuringyour felfe wholhe to their delighte, abandoning whatelie might belt honour and beautifie their woorthinefie , in refpedt of the fole propertie of them felues and their owne peculiar goodnefle,I fay that in fuch regarde they are vanities, trifles, thinges of no momente, and in each founde opinion to bee hclde offarre lefle value and iudge- SjntnjmU. ment. The intendment ofyour going to the Vniuerfitie was for lear- mwg-fake, to become an excellent fchol'er, not an exquifite daun- cer, a Maifter of Arte |notan artleflc maiflcr,a good Rhetorician,not Vtofimmafta, a conceited Mufitian : your Vncles care, was by vilefying his wealth vnto you, ( the weight whereof by imminent perilles weej fee daylie perifh before our eics ) to purchafe for you the endowment of a farre more greater and affured treafure.and that is by knowledge to teach you to difcerne trifles,to procure in you a minde to defpife trifles,that leauing fin all riches to inherit,you your felfe might gather pofleffions whereby to enrich you' You then ajrfarre mifconceiued,to relinquish the hoped recko- ning of that you came for, to applie your felfe to that which fewe doe accomptof, and the wifeft woulde neucr fwcate for, you fhall there- fore vppon better aduife endeuour if you doe well, to returnc your conceke to a far more better purpofe. You fhall call to minde that Ll all SynotymU , Ajj/ndtwi, fS EpiftlesdiffrvafirU. TbeEnglifh all ftudics whatfoeuer>by how much the more excel lent cch one ap- peared before the other, by fo much the more aflurcd are they in their kinde,and abouc all the refidue ,with far greater cftimatc to bee preferred;iffo?then muftyou grauntme that no one thing vpon earth (then /wrwwg^thenprcciojs and high efteemcdi^///, then abouc all earthly things whatfoeucr, htzwcnMc fctetice^iii of to great and furpaf- fing excellence. To lay out vnto you hcrcin,howe much glorious is her fhining hue aboue ail others, howc fugred hcrplantes, howe daintie her fruits,howcdclicateherpleafurcs howe incomparableher high and ftatelicreach,how fhe participated! the skies, theelement, the venerable fcarch and knowledge of high and facred myfteries:I need not,you know it.you haue felt & tailed ofit.But to flicwe howe much you mifprife the force ofhervemie,ho we ill conceiued.and far wandring.you are from the due efteeme of her glorie,to make loue to her handmaides, to profcrfe liking to her feruanteSj,to become fole entertainer of her vaflals: hereon rclteth the iniuric, this is it I com- plaineofvnto you. And ifeither the fum and type of honcftie placed in the weight of the .T&ionjthencccflniejmcetneSjand worthines,the vtiiity and bene- fits feucn hundred fold compenfing the trauel,m ay (as earthly things haue often power to nicoueone,aboue things of farhigher efiimati- on)induceyou to her molt dearelt and precious fruition, fearch then the fauorofthc(e your louing mi(trefles,and(fccmlie I grant you may find them)but neuer (hall they proue either fo wealthy or bcautifull. What then fhould let you to returnc to this glorious LadicAVill you becaufe you arc an earthlie fubitance.followe ihe common rcafon of euerie earthlie crc3ume}bHmumfapere& «/tafperncrc?ox faying that the appetites of the oneare much pleafanter for the time, ortarleflc tedious then the other, v\clde your opinion by a peeuifli conccitcof eaiCjto become a creditor to wantonness Thcfe imaginations as they are meerelie bad, fo arc they ten times woorfe in thepurfuite, then they are fweetc in the foremoft thought. Peeuifli were it, fimplicfor you to (tandevpponthcfc va- nities, thinges wherein children haue dclight,and young vveaklinges doc roue atcunninglie.-you muft fuppofe and harpe vpon the end that muftfucceedc vnto your trauailc,and finding the reache thereof purluc it with feruencie : Such actions as thefc doc onclie befecme men, and heercin alone (hall you (hewe your felfc fuch as you may Txrtfttbefit. Erottma, Jllegtria. Mtbfot Secretorie; fyiftUsDiJfrvdforie. 7^ maydefirerobee,andyourfriendsdoehcartiIie wifli you to proouc. Alexander reftlciTc in the day tymc y gaped for worldlcs, but in MltgerU, the night ieafonwas rocked a fleepe by the tjfrlufes , the pleafure hereof appeafed his day labours , and the content of thisgaue reft to his traucls. Too much impertinent were it for me to hale you on with argu- Vonxtio. ments.whoonche go about to pcrfwadeyou with vrarrantife : Nei- ther thinke I in the ende you will declare your iclre otherwife, then euer I haue expected ofyou.Much more could I iiifer,that might great lie induce you to that w hereunto your ownewillingneflc mufrinthe ende.ofneccffitic conduce you. OneIy,ifin the weight hereof my per- fwafions may fomething preuaile : I fliall not forget in any woonhie part thercof,at all times to commend you.In which rcpoiing my Cdfc for tbcprefentj I ende : thiso£&c. An other example dijfrvaforie phcrein the par tie is by diners rea- fons dijjrvadedfrom entrixg into an all ton in appa- ranee veric danger aw. I Haue ("good brother) receiued your letters/lated the eight day of Exordium, this inftanr,which were with as great diligenccas celcritie,conueied tomyhandes, andbythefideiitie of the bearer hauevnderltoode to the vtrermort what you willed,and both of that and your letter haue at large confidercd.lt feemcththerinvntomee^hatwheiher through VropoJHi: ignorance ofyourowne good ,or inconfidcraterafhnefle of youth, Aj>ori*. orvoluntarieintrufionofyour felfe into your owncharmes, / knowc cotjbut the matter and action mentioned and infbrccd by the whole courfeofyourlerter,isaltogithertobc mifliked , and for the cxtrc- mitic thereof to beebyallreafon vtterly condemned, aswhercunto .„. r you ought not tocondelccnde , much leile to bee leenc in publiquc to becafauourerof,or,whkhismorc,toappearcto bee, the onelie man through whole follie and immoderate rafhnefle, the fame is folic to beaccomplifhed. O good God ! what blindnes is it that leadeth you? what fence- ttphmtfa lefTe furie that bewitcheth you i What matter of euill that pur- fueth you? By the intollerable force whereof, wiihout anic fore-fight at all 5 either of the goodneik or ilnciTeoftheadiion , the lawkflc •procatAUpfti, Antipophora, Orifmut. So Epiftlesdiffwaforie. TheEnglifh lawleflc profecution^thc matter ofyour owne reputation , die daun- Jnxtfi, oer oflawc wherein you are intruded, the difficulty whereby it muft be attained, the vnhoneft follicitation ofyour frictids_, to fo great a ha- zard, the difcommoditie that thereon isattendant, and pcriJleuerie way that in the execution cannot be auoyded : you will notwithftan- ding all this forget your felfe fo much , as in the accomplifhmcnt of a purpofe fo fure different from the nature (I will not fay of a Gentle- man)butofan honeft man,go about to put in proofc whatinthe ende muft ofncccflitie returne to your owne confuf on. But you will lay it is louc, and extreame lyking that compelleth you to fo forcible an action , as without the obtaining whereof you arenobodie, you cannot line* Loue fay you? Alas, what loue tearme you this, that is laden with Co manie difordered motions , call you this loue i Nay rather call it madnefle , for loue ismeafiired by no extremicie, but in the honeft and vertuous encreafe thereof, where notbyaharcbrainefurie, butbyadifcreeteand moderate afcention men by degrees doe climbevnto that, the fweete and plea fant force whereof neuer participated anie occafion of fuc h vnreafonable bad- neflc. Why brother, doe you loue her whome youhaue iued for, and becaufe by defcrt you cannot attaine her , will you vndertake thereupon tobereaue her by force ? Howe vnhon eft I pray you is the purpofc offo great a wrong i Howe vnfit to bee putforwarde in the meaner fort ofmen ? How intollerable in a Gentleman ? For if in the account of things vnhoneft 9 any action whatfbeuermay appeare to bevile,what then this/ pray you may bee deemed more difhoneftj more bad,or more vile f Andifitbepunifhedextreamlybythelawe, the taking away of a uotxtfit mans goods againft his wil!,what may he deferuc that bereaueth the perfbnofanieone,beingaIfo a Gentlewoman, fuch as to whome all humanitieforbiddeth to proffer wrong , and to the honourable enter- tainment of whome,is appropriate onely thenobilitie of a Gentle- man,nay,in whatfortmay fuchaonebeecenfuredin the reputation of all honeft men.that in fort fo violent,goeth about to rauifh her,not onlie offering iniurie therein to her perlon ; but alio to her fame, repu- tation and otfpring. Thinke you that the intendment heereof can returne credite toyourlyuing? Thinke you that by dcliuerie of fuch fruites you may ErtteniA. jHXtfii, £fi«Ug/* t Secretoric. Bpfiles'Diffuaforic. Si may bee reputed a Gentleman i No beleeue mee,it cannot bee, but Jntlypopim*- according to the vnwoorthineflethereofyt rather fliallgiuc occafion to ail that fhall hearc or vnderftande of it 3 to accufe, blame, miflike, and vtterlie to condemne you But what if no manner of luppofe at c»ncojJt<>. all ofdifhoneftie were left therein, whereby to difcourage and with- dra we you from the action, imagining that the purpoie thereof were helde mceteand honourable, and that to cucrie one that could winnc hischcyce byanieforcehe mignr,it were lawfull without difcrcditc or anic cenfure oftawby what meanes focucrjtocompalle the fame, do you thinkc it a matter fleight and eafie for you to pertormeitf No, no fir, you reckon too wide , you goe beyond the Moone, you arc - too much deccyued. Know you not the Gentlewoman is worthilie ' defcended, thatfhehath parents, brethren , vncles, and friendes to ^f m i (ttn% keepe her,to refcue her,to defend her? Why fir, is there no more to Erouma. fay,butyou will hauc her? You mufthaue her? and by maineforce you will take her > You dealewith no children /can tell you, nor vveakelings as you account of, but men wife , valiaunt, well reputed, andoffbundgouerument : whobyfo much the more iuft and right, ■*«« the occafion is oftheir defence, by fo much the fboncr will they, and areable to prcuaileagainftyou.Irecke not that you hauc courageluf- neMt 'tr*» ficient,that you are hardic, bolde , and aduenturous fthe vfe whereof being imployed to good and laudable purpofes,wcre I confeflc much more cfte&uall; but herein how cuer the cafe ftandcth , I feenothing lolikelieasan impoflibilitie , in fomuchasifyou be delighted to be- come infamous,and in rhe memorie of a fhamelefle life to hazard your felle to a fhamefull death , then may you enter into it : once this I 'Prf**"**/* knowc, that her can you neuer finde foflcnderhe accompanied, that with i'mall force you can carieher , but within a moment alwayes, there will not bee wanting a number that (hallbicker for her , from whofe infight,you arc altogither vnable , if her felfc contented there- vnto,toconucyher. But grauntingvnto your wilfull imagination , as much in all cwflit, things as you can defire, luppofe you might winneher,conuey her, keepe her, and that the daunger oflawe limited at all no hazarde thereunto, ("the contrarie whereof you well knowe,bcing guerdoned with no woorfe then lolTe of life) doc but yet againc retumetoyour felfc, and call to minde your birth, your familic,your ptofeflion/ your Conprw, M manor 82 Epifiles "Oiffuiforie. tpanodU, ■hottm*. DUfrfi. SententU. Confutaih, Epilogm, TheEnglifh maner of liuing : your birth by your parents w h o were worfhipfu'J, your ftockeby the reputation yet hcldcof the fame : your profclTion, which is Armes:yourliuing,a Gentleman, Jsitthen con/onantora- grecing to all or aniccfthefe,to commit any outr age^tnd that fuchtii outrage.as to any other were not Co proper,as to a viiiaine, a wretch, a rafcali,fuch a one as neither by nature jeducation, or cuftome,know- ech to do othcrwifc? What would you excrcife I pray you on her , if you had her t Once you confefle Hie doth notloue youthen no que- (tion s wou!d fhc ten times more hare you : Your anl were I knowe would bec 3 either by entreatk to perfwadc hcr,or by force to fubduc her. Theconclufion isfriuolous, ifbeingnowherfunpofed wel-willer, you can by no msanes allure her,imag;nc you then by prayers to eon- uinceher, after you haue once fhewed your felfelo extreame vnto her? Andiffbrccbeityouprctcud, it is repugnant to gmtlenes, yet (be it you neglect w hat therein to be considered) afllirc your /el re her malice neuerthelelTc towards you will neuer be quenched . For that ofour (elues vve cannot frcelie accept of^ we ncuer by compulhon can be procured tolikeof. With younoWjthecafeis quite contraric 3 for fo imminent euerie way are the perils thcreofvr.to yoaas if her friendes fhould abftaine it, yet the lawes yyiU pumlliit^nd if no lawes were at all, yet God would reuenge it. Ifihen you will hearken or vnderfland what is right, you muftbee diffvvaded from theie intendments, wherin if my fclfe fhould hauc be- come fo graccles, as to haue fet in foote with you,iuftIy wc might haue both confefled to hauc bccne.drowned in all vnhappines rogithers. Andnowe good brother, vfe 1 pray you that meanes herein, that with grcatelt commendation maie befeeme you, weigh with your fclfe, that fuch diftemperarc motions are not to bee follow- ed, conceyue that Vertue, whofe feruaunt you were in your fitft education, fbfbiddeth you tobec kddebyfuch fenfuall appetites, thinke tbatthehoijourof Armcs which you haue profclTed , ex- tendeth not it feife to the frayle and weake fubduing of a Won mans condition , who by reafbnof her fexe rather chalcngcth at yourhandes adcfence,then anie man like enforcement : befides, much vnwoorthie fhould it bee vnto your reputation by violence to dithonour her , yvKofe eitLnate and account ( by rcafon of your li- kin S> Secrctorie. Places ConcUiatorie* $s liking, you oughce to preferrc with all honour, /n fine,framc'your felfc to doe that vncompelIed,which by fbtcc you (hali bee conlirai; ned to wifh once to hauc perrourmed/o fhall you cucr doe that bce- feeracthyou, and giucme caufe, as my dcatc and louin° brother eucrmorc toaccompccof you. Our former loue and liking Will eth meeeuermore to grecteyou 3 your fitter and mine commendeth her heartilie vnto you ♦ Fare yee well, B, this thirteenth ofNouem- ber,£:c. OfEptj?U s Conciliatorte, Chap, i$. ftCX trjf ft CpfSleS dehorting ano diflwading,foI* iotoetlj notoetbe nerte title Conciliatorie, tt&qfe tjfe being pjeferteo in acquring onto our Celue* n)c acquaintance, fncnou)fp o; familiaritte of men tuo;itjte ,baue often t&ef r Directions as toell from t'rjofe of honourable 02 too?u)f pfuii name 0; callinfjfjto furb as ate tbeir infcriourSj as oKjccmtfe bettoeenee* qusls, ojtbofe tbatbee accompteofamilfars.'butfeloomcoznee ner is fcequentco to facb as are our betters, fo> tben ft tofetb tbe name of Conciliators, ano becsufe of tc# imrmlitie t&ereof fa?< men; to be Petitorie. Coucbing flje Sea cegr# of tbefc Gpifflcs, it is im.cKc, ttjat bee tti-o is mncb our better, totll cittjer of Ijis bo* nour.lyoo^jppe, 03 gcntlcncffe,inp!ainctt tearmes almaies offer btmfelfc to bis tnferiours, trijome m umjfotfe bee beCreuj to beefenofonebnto, 0; oJbertoifc toiilmgliefoonloc repute of. jfojtbeottjcrs, touching equals 0? familiars, ojorc tbercinre- quirett; } tbat pitbilp ant plainly toce fet Doltmc nje caufe mourns fcs to fa&e tmotoeieoge of Ijim tore toiitz bnfo,ano thereupon to tnoue bis acquaintance . Etjis^lbeit ujiojentfome affenfatiou, if fjarolic fallen; toffy Conic in tbeir touting to bee carieo, pet fljall our learner bp all poffibie means inaeuonr to feccpe furtj Decorum beretn,fl)at bee glo^c not topalpablpjleaa bp fa# means itf Do iuenrre a notable fafptiionofflatferfe. ^4 Epi files Conciliatorie. ThcEnglifh 3jf in out felucs toe Do concdue o: fino fomc one o: mo fljinga, tgat arc *>nto fad) a one pleafing, oj ttbercof tote map conieanre tip rcgaroe to returne onto Ijim cominoot ou0, o; to con fir me to- toaros t)0 a moje fpecf all liftfng,rbat u)atl toe inoocfllte tenoer, ano oeuife tofttjontarrogancp in fome connenient fo:te to be Gg« nifieo. 23jcfe are toe onelp p?ecepts tn tl) ts fetno of uniting, to be confiDere&,frje cffcctcs thereof are tn ttjts fo:t follotoing bp t&etc eramplesDelfuereo. An Epiftle Conciliatorie, written from one ofgoodaccompt to bis inferiour. fl Fter my verie heartie commendations vnto you. This bea- r\ rcrandmy feruaunt whomc I greadie credice, hath fignified *■ "^ vnto mee manie matters tending to your great commendati- on, the reportc whereof, Ihaue often fithencc hearde confir- med by others. And for a/much as touching mine owne condition, Ihauealwaies beeneafauourer ofartes 5 and entirclie accounted of the fingularitie of anie one according to his worthincfle, I hauc fo much the more grcatlie defircd your acquaintance, asone whome willinghe I would doe good vnto, AlTuringyou,thatif at fomecon- ueniem time you will take paines to fee mee, /"will notonellc(asoc- cafion ferueth) bee well content to imployyou myfelfe,butalfoin place of further accompt doethebeft I may to recommende you. Meane while I woulde gladlie bee infourmed by the returne of this Me{iengcr>at what time I may expect to fee you,according to which I will appoint horfes,and fend fomc to accompanieyou. And lofor this prefent doe bid you hartilie farewell. From my houfeofN. this twentieth of April, &c. T *An example Conciliatoriefrom one e- qu.illto another. Hevniuerfallreporteofyourexccllencie,each where declared, hath mooued mee good M.N, notonelic 10 admire you for the Secrctoric EpiJI/es Comiliatorie. Sj thefame,but among a grcate manic others, thatregardc andcfpe- ciaIlicdoeaccompteofyou,hath induced mcealfo hereby topraie your acquaintance. icontcfle fir, fithence I firft heard of you, I grev%e cucn then verie dchrous to Tec and toknovv y ou,buc being this other daiein companie with hrT.P. I vnderftuodhowemuch for your fin< gularvertue both of the good Knight and Ladie,ycu were hartilie commended and encirelie rauourcd. This confiderate opinion of thcirs^hath in my fpcedie determina- tion egged meeforwarde, and caufed me to falute you by thele lct- tcrs,thc rather for that I haue fundry rimes bencenformed with what ioifull and fricndlie conccite, you doe entenaine the familuritie of c- uerie Gendeman. Little ( God knoweth ) rcfteth in mec to pleafurc you, the worthines whereof I couldc wifh, were as well anfwerable to your vertue as efFedluallie you might haue power in mce to com- maundcic. This one thing canldeliuerofmyfelfCjthatfincc/had furtcapacitietodifcerneofmens conditions, I haue alwaies ftudied to honour the vertuous^and euermorewithreuerenceto entertainc theira<5hons. A fauourerlhaueftillbeeneofthe learned, andadili- gent regarder of their excellencies, fuch as in minde more then wealth wold wifti to be reputed happy,& to my vttermoft power gladlie ac- comphfli what might bee deemed moft worthie . Such a one if you vouchfafetolikcof, I wholie yceldemy (elfe vnto you, expecting nothing more then at your conueniente Ieifure I might findc occafi- on to fee you. Whereunto referring the refiduc of allmydefires, It doe for the prcfent ceafe to detaine you. London this fourth of lune. &c. T£> the fc epinics inigljt be sODf D ttoo fctietall anffocrs.-fn bort) of tajirtj tf)ere is rt quircD a f penal ano toel Demeaneo moDeffp,tn the one of tjumtlity to bee aceoromg to bts bef fecan ttK etber of curtefic to gratific bfc eqoall .earij of fytm eon' tafning,a fubrnuTtueerccutfo of tbat,fn eitfjer of rijefr faculties anfipjofeffiongfimplprobeattributeDjtbe DtuerOrteflof bofljof tbcm not impertinent to tticfc one inftvuction* ,3 bane in fo?t fob lofting put oetmie to be conSoereD. M3 An i 86 fyiftle$Refj?onforit. TheEnglifh An EpiftlerefpoKfork anfoerfag to thefirft pftbtfs Letters* T may pleafc your Worfhippr, I hauereceiucd your curteous Letters, and by ihefamc, as alio by your melTenger haue fuilic -conceiucdof youtfauourand louing intendment towardesmce, tor all which I can but render vntoyou my moft humble and duetiful thankes. Touching my fclfe, I vcrie gladlie wiili that there were a- nic thing in mee, whereof you might take pleafure, or where with I mi°ht anie waies bee enabled to doe you feruice : Such as it is I hum- blie render vnto your commaunde,and doe pray that in as good forte as I tender it, you v\ ill bee pleafcd to acceptc of it . Your man can \vitnciTe,that as yet I haue fome carneft occafions for a while to de- tainc meCjWhoothcrwife wouldebce well contented forthwith to waitevponyou.' And wcrelnot thereunto cfpeciallieenioincdby your good fauour,the importtinitie ofyourferuaunt might happily in fuch cafe haue preuailed wilh mee. It may therefore fbnd with your good pleafure to pardon mee, onemoncth, which tearmc bceing expired, I thence rorwardc will rcmaine atthe commaunde of none ib much as your Worfhippe, to whofc good acceptaunce I eft- fconesdoerecommendemyfelfe'inallrcuerente dueue.London this o£&c &4 Letter refton[orie An fccriag to the latter Epfilc. S/r, I bane yndertioode by your gentle and friendlic letters, not onelie howe much I reft beholding to your good opinion, but al- fo to the curteous Knight,and my cfpeci ill good Ladie you write of, to each ofwhome I haue founde my feife indebted exceedingly. Manie waies might I aduertife you howe much I haue to thanke both them and you, which that my defires maygppcareanfwera- bie to your wifhes I doc Icaue, till pcrfonallic in as prefcnthalras conuenientlie may bee, I fee you, I am not altogether ignoraunc of the good partes which by fome (vnto yourfdrc wcllknowne) hath bcenc aducrtifed heretofore vnto me ofyou, and for which I do rr.oft willinglie embrace you. AfTuringyou v you haue but prcueted Sjie in (his one cuuefic, which b cfore my going out of to w n , I was ve- hcmcrulic Secretorie. VlccesReeomiliatorie. 8? mentlic perfwadcd to haue tcndredvneo you, wherein neucrthclefle I reft facbfled,ir. that by one lo well accomplished as your felfe,I haue hecrcin beene fo farre faortb conuinccd. My bufincs with his L. re- tted) Ihopcvpona prelcnt dilpatch, and therefore doe I reckon fby Gods grace) wicnin thefe verie few dayes tovihre you.Mcanc while confefiing ho \\q much I tiandc charged vnto your fclfe for this folc cotme&r, I doe pray that vnto the good Knight,and his La. you will report my rig ht humble dutie: And cucn fo doe commit you to the Aiiraghtie, This of,&c, OfEp'ftles RecoMciiutorie* Chap, i ^. £>b? after t&efcRcfponforic Heifers, oactj anf .'ringtmto tbcofc-irsuitatrco ccnrteScs, 3 tbinfee fit mnt to come to 2je ncrt ritie,being in Q2Dcr Re- [conciliatorie, Ejje matter toljercof impo2tctb a ! fL ' ^^ IrcroncHlattcn to Gjofe frcmtoijomloceaeano'u* Icogem fo!H£ fo?* 02 otljcr to banc bcaic DiiTeucreo, contrflrte to R>? bon&c of frtenDfyippe 02 Dutie it) at therein mrg&S bre requircD , tobetbet bp our ottme ft* fault , 02 bpfo&ofe 0: &bat acfect, as bp tfjc efrcmnSancecf tbc action tyait bee tenoeo reo . 3n u> framing of fcbefe Cpi3tes tocc $d!l t*ceo:Dc kitfj out* fclnrc.in irbat leaguc,amf! tec; cnttej tercrjaue bcfc:c Jime £cc:rccb3rgrao:t canoe formic mbomstocc GuB(etobc'crs< cor.eiics, trjrreupon i?ali &,«esccc:cing ft) (fte DfffrUt abfefttfeo ttcitnt ib:it tnffant belief tfje famr , fiu&fe epHKr foqaalifi?, aDnfbilatc,02ul£crUe to rrtmgmil) tbccsnfc of falling of tftfDtf* fcnrrance^bjcactj. £{;cn fyall tec DeCrefci &c ccnftDeratfo-itf tbcrsmite tn&ucingUs , to berctamcoagame in bis UjorifcDfa> nonr 02 fcfcnolic acceptance * 3nD ftjcfe as in tfjc cramples fol icteing map acecjsmglp be fateo. * -<4tf example rcconctliatorte front 9nt friend to another. THc rcgarde of our auncicnt amide and long continued acquaint zxordim* tauncc , wherein Co firmdie and manic ycares wee hauc bcene | knit %$ Epiftles ReconcilUtorie. ThcEnglifh knit togithers, will not permit (my g nod D.) that wee for one flende r grudge, (rather by the malice and dcfpite of others enuying ourolde Tdrentht/tt. friendfhip, then by anicoccafionot ourfelucs , in ill time fugge- ftedbetwecnevsj fhouldc in this fort bccdilTeuered. True it is.that before this time the like breach , or anie thing ncarevnto the fame was neucr fecne bctweene vs , but what (miichicfe ) fhall I nowe tearme it,or imagine to bee the occafion , that in fo vnlookcd time, and vponfovnexpecled occasion, hath in this vilde fbrt,giiienmcane to vntic vs, bctweene whome fo great a league ofloue, fo long con' firmed and approoued hking,fo manic protections and voweshaue ere this paiTed^ as that by the force thereof it might well haue fee- med wee fhould neucr haueftllen to thisvariancc. But what can- Epithettn. nor cnu j e (j oc f What is it thatcruell } detcftable and inuete rate ma- lice cannot pcrforme. ? Credite mee, my D. for my part I am foric that euer follie fo much mailtred vs , as to hearken in any icrt to the rtirrersvpoffuchbkterneflc. And as my felfe was the firft that by ad- mittaunccand allowaunce of thofe rumours gaue the fbrmefr-onfet, bymeanes whereof grewe this difcontenting and vnkmde depart- r ment betweene vs : to will I bee the firft that fhall endeuour to re- nueagaine ourfriendrtiippeby a more iult reconcilement, to the intent thefruites of ourvnfaincd liking becomming by inch meanes the more forcible, may render vnto all the worlde afufficicnt tefti- monie, how hard and orfHcult a thing it is to part thofe whome (but onelie death it felfe) hath power to diffcucr . Bee onclie contented my D. once againc, to rcftablifh that which being alittlevntwitted, .. could neuerwhoHc be broken. Thy knownegood wi)l,andheartic "' * zeale vnto mee, aflfureth mee not to diftruft the fame at thy handes, which thou fhalt euer finde to be graffed within me. This euening by Gods grace I meane at our lodging to fee thee, whither, and to thy felfe I doc moft heartilie commend me. T|£UjReconcik'atoric befog Different from tbaf 0$cr Conci- liatorie (£pfttle,bp realbn of t&e argument thereof tcnoing to renue ttat.lrjhitt) fojmerlte migbt bv the ottKT before br * tntreateo foi , cartiett)t&e effects o)mof as ioeO as it Doo ft be, ttorime equals : fo from antafertour per fen to one UjJjo m reptb tattoo Secretorie. Epiflles Reconclliatory, 8tf tattoti Is fomelxbat mo?e tbcnbfe better, tapon pjcfamption of tobofe ftuo?,02 bp negligence of bts ofotiBcaltng^baafngtbJOUm ttmfctfemto fomc oifgracc tuttbfutba parttt,bcmap bp meflnrs berein off reojf conrfle bfmfclfe in anp foit be lift of bmtiilttp. Co tijc futtberance thereof , tbts trample follotulng map bee confi* bcreo. t^/# Epiftle Reconcilixtorie,from an inferiors perfon, to one that is hh better. PLeafcthmy honourable good L.Itwasgiuenmctovnderftand fc Cpiffles mfgljt m anonjer pur< pofc V&n Iicrcin crpzcffcD , let alfo applpcD , as be* ing Reconciliatorie , in tfce tetialfc of fome otfcrr to bee tojtttcn , as orcaffon map bee offeree, but foi* afmucfc as t|>ep tn tfiat fojt becing banolco, toe fo; fltf moff part , fall into tiic Swaforie, Diflwaforie, Defenforic , o; Excufatoric feinoe, 3 nettvx it bcfiocsncccllitie , to incite a« nfcnrcnjetcramplestijereof ,fojnjat to&en ante facfcfljall bee l;cng^tinqucCttorr,ti)efuURannccano connepancc cf tye ffate am Secretoric. Places fetitorie, $i an&eaufe,mapreaDiIpfljcrtuntobcD2at?mecutof cbr places bo fojefojteDlmtoeacbof rbofe RinoeSjas fn trjc otfcourfefojmcrlp fct fojn) are at large remcm'jzeo.gn mantfeffatton thereof, let it be confioerco 3 a)at if bp an cptffte of tbis titled tbouloc enDeuour to reconcile a man to bis far.fc.02 a teoman to bet buf bano, a fer* naunt to bis maiffcr, 02 a matftcr to tjfs ft ruant: ujc fst&cr to tbc Cbiloe,tbefncntjetaafnenDe, trjeneigbbour to netgbbour, e; liinfmanto bmteeD. ftsctcs nmff 5 ft? ^ competing rt;-crc# cf fijetoc fome rcatons bctoe and tibtcb toap to inonec tbcfe, ano ftjerefro muff 3 of ncccfiftfc run into Dluers pcrfujafions 5 Defcn' ccs 02 creufes, in tbc qualities ixbereof (bp tobaifocucr anion 3 goe about to tr anfpofe ttjem )tt)c effectes pet muff n&bes be eon- clooeD. feumcctt) therefore rbatfojtberc ©piffles 3 bane belt* ucrcDfamcfrntlp, ano bere<b butt Ins tease ton to frrc nerte, txbicb in 02Der bereunto are Petitorie. ano tn afmucb as tbcfe QBpiff les arc To namcD 3 fo; tl;c earncft petition 02 tequeffs tn cue* tie of tbwi containcD,anD tbat tSjc bartetp of tbmgcs are fnctj to be cemanbeb.anDmcns contritions To oiuers,at ubofe baivccs 0; from tobom tbe fame are to be- retrutro • 3t tberefo u fallen) out bp eonfequence tbat accojoingtfjercunto tbc mancr of tbeGpt* flic muff nccos alfo boomers ano tiar table. j?o? fome tbingstbet are tabid? fauojablp ana foiftj great inotffe rencte, are oftentimes to be gramtf CD,requfrcb 02 obraineD,as counfcn,alD, patronage, gcoo fpried)cs,natural care ano regaro,* funj orbec Iibc. §>o me aU fo ano ftni) femblable per fons,as foitrbf cb,o? to lit om, to aflse 0} fue a certain feino of u)amc,ts in a maer tieo,viz.in crantng,bo2- rotoing,tmpo2taning,cbarging,o2 to tebement troubling. £be ffile,02bcr,anD oclfttcrp tberefoje appertaining to eitber of tfjefe muff naolp be Dfffcrcnt.aCouebing ftjen tbe generatf tp of boft), to tf fiber of rliemrttsrcqutfitetbat tot tbc Exordium, an inocuout be e bfco ftberc bp to abbibit nnto fcs tbe gmo twin, rauonr, 02 goo lining of bfm to trbome rncetrnitc, #crte tbat tbrrein toee p?o' ceebc aceo:otng tojour acquaintance tuitb fbepartie, b& effate* crrt»ftt,o.2 fuppo.2tc obcrebp to pleafure tis. EbfrDite, tijat tbc canfe las taae Upon tjs to pjefcrre, bec tuff; latufuO, anoboneff . j?ourrrjlp,tnat it be in bis abtlitp,o; poiDerjCOunfe^afo^ p.Joter etion,to p2efer 0) rctieue bs.if iftlp,tbe 02ber 02 mr ancs Ubcrebp. tbe fame map be Vu;oug^t ano accomplice. £u%,ourgract- ftz tube S% VUces petitorie The English tube alio remuneration, foojfbflp tieD to trje njanbeftrU admoU)- IcDgcmr nt ojrecmUall of rue fame. 3n t&e fittf fojte of trjcfe,a}e taufeffanDmgfauourableo2inDifferrnf, toe map trje mcrcebol* Der mof uour to pjoDuee 02 lap fen tb rfce aptnes 02 befcemmg rber* of. 3n trje feeonD,greater mooeffie,ano a mo2e (rjameratt oelmr- raneeuuoberetafm?D,tbep2eferrtng fofeereof mculoebebcff bp infinuation,tbe better bpcouert meanes to toaoe tr>to trje oeptb of our pctiti6.3Jn fjjfs place a mo2c trjen ojDinarte baGjfplncs tooulo bee aomftteD , ttrjtcb giuetrj ttofmall furtherance to euerteDe= tnaunD,asauDaciousano tualnfeot impuDcncic on trje otter Qdc returnetf)trjegreatett(mpeo(menttnaniett)tng to be obtamrD. JFo? no man millinglp mouto Do benefit to fucrj a one irbo tn ma= tfer fjoetb about as of ouetp ano not of curteOe to craa trje fame, ana radjer as a commaunoer tbenerauer,tooul*e tmpuDentlp n>Juffrjtmfclfetotrje obtaining thereof, ano becaufe ttjetajole courfe hereof obferucD bp map of euerte Petition, is bp mference of manpctrcumttanccs to bealtogittjer octermftteD.trje ojoer as 31 &aue celateDtonto poubefo;e,mutt be eonuepco up places Swa- iorie,re(!tn§ toerp often in confirmation of tbe rjoneff ie,gcoDnes, lamfulaes,ano necDfulnes of our petition, flnD if trje Exordium te bappilp frameo of bis perfon to ufcom toe Direct our letters,** flMll not bearmOenjatiDeretnbjieflptBce capitulate (bmeparte of rjis bertaes 1 curtefies,rjumanitp,bountp,reao(ncs to comfo;t, pleafare,02 Doereliefe toito anp,m;erebp uw mapp:taateipD2ato tits fauour anD gcoa acceptance Unto us:befiDcs,if be baue maoe jg befojettmebebolDing mttofjfm,tec (rjall glaclp acfenoujleoge foe ramc,ano Declare trjat being alreacp moebteD,i»e ttuop mo;e njcrebp to pofee our felnes tmto rjf m.3f of our otonc per fons,tbt it tyall me lap open,mitfj ttbat great erpectatton ano regaro me Do foonr conceits entcrtameuje Defertcs arte to02tbtnefJe of fucrja one,moDefflp preferring fcfcat in fauo? of bim, anD common ano squall loueo: regaro rjarb paffco bcttoan tis»3if of Ujc intcrcban* ge able !o ue,lifeing anD curtcftc,ttbi lome refttng Letmren our p :c ■ Deeeflbjs 02 auneffojs, njen trje mrrgbt ano fo?ce trjercof me u)all put foitoaro 3 accojDinglp. jtf of trje pcrfan of our aouer farte a- gatnft ufcom toe oematmD anp affi(lancc,fa uo2,p?otcction,o: re: mcop,mcmaptnfcr(ff anpfucfjborbe common mi Qi he of bom of ts to Faroes tym, .mo t>o to (U rjc rja$ DcXcr ireo at eiders bauDcs ano Secretorie. EpiftlesPetttork. pj mtD fbercnpon reftuire aio agamO bfm 3Cf of $c thing o? matter ft felfe,tt)c fame be to be earico,toe Qall Bkuj roc baluc,goDl(nc£?, gajDneB,02 common benefit of tfce fame, tbat tbe matter to unto bfm esftc,totpfl of great impo?tance,anD if toirboutarroganctc it map be oone,uje map tnfojcefomeoccafionscf benefit 02 0tbcr eontentmc nt tbcncefcj ttj to bappen unto bfm, 0no if anpotfeem * mooftie Do bapptip feem to appeare in taping open trje fame (ttjc (tkltbtDb uljercof map cf iber alienate bis mtnoe, 02 U)i % o:alu bis atntlance 02 orber ttUtng from tos)tbat fi)all toe eitber ffuDp to er= tmgutfa 02 orberu)ife,a£ murb as Use map, to quahfie 02 anctDc : IBpfurb hino of mcane^brtjaHtcrbtue prepare our fclues to rbe Dcliucrp of our pctttton,bM betng in as apt anD platne tearms as map be ta to opcn,toe G&al bp fucb infoicemc nte(as in mcDuing affections bcrennto,map be D&mcD pertinent) tuitb greater fact* litie procure tbe fame to be cffectcD. imfelfe with extorting from */;w; rf thepouertieofthis and manie others, hathfrthence that, not onelic pafled a denufe thereof in writing to another,but goeth about to de- fraud the pooreman ofhis money ,the ium whereof is'the whole path- monie, riches,and ftocke ofhimfcl^hispcorc wife and fatnilie. And forfo much as without the countenance of fume one fauouring the poorc mans right, hee 16 like to bee ouerborne with the weight of the other, and foconfequently to bee vndone :/hauc thought c;xd to make thus bolde to pray your lawful fauour in his furtherance, that by your audioritie andmeancsjbmehoncrtfatisfacbon w «nckt"ay ?& N3 be Bpilogm. *etitorie. TheEnglifh be thetein toJiis bchoo fc had.You (hall doe an a£ verie charitablejin dealing for fuch a one, for the procuring of whefe right, his heartie praiers for your fafety fhaJl witnes we] the comfort ycu (hall do him therein,! am pcrlwadcd your fpe?.ch and aid may hrrein prcuaile ve- rie much,as a thing which with great facilitie youmaycaufe to bee difpatched. And for my fc]f,as /Thai at no time reft vnmindful of my requclrcendred vnto you hcreinfo (hall InotfaiJe in what I may to the vttcrmori of my power to fatisfieyou,by whatfoeuer poflible re • quitali. And eucn fo with my heaitic commendations,/ doe bid you farcwel.R.this twelfth of Aprill, ^sfn example petitorie in the nature of T^econciliatorte } from a fonne to his difpleafed father. Metapfma, Exordium, T-cfftancfij. Ttriphraft. IF floods ofteares fcaled with hardeand bitter fighes, ifcontinuall lorrow and neuer ceafing care,ifconfuming griefes not of a difea- fed bodie,but of a peltred mind,might haue rendred fufheient and aflijred teftimonic,whereby to perfwade your laden eares furcharged by this time with the weight of my incclTaunt and continuall cries: the intollerable woes wherein I liued, fecluded from the right and name ofa fonne,and barred quite from the fweete and gende tcarme of a louingand kinde father, hadde ere this time giuen meane of re- couerie, to my daunted and difinayed fpiritcs 3 and kindled inmec fome wan hope, one day to haue fbunde an houre fohoppie,whcrcin byariohtconceitc conceiued of my vnkindlie pleasures, or conuin* ccd by the impo: tunity'of thofc who haue pitticd my cui!s,your na tu- rall care might in fome forte or other haue bin renued, totheredrcflc of all my fore wearied and heauiegroningmifchiefs. But infertunate as I am, that f&r all the humble fuit fo manic times prefentcd in thefe and Inch like blubbered lines/a hardened is the mind of him I write vnto,that wBilomehautng bin a dearc and Iouing parent, 1 may not heereinda'reto tender, or 16 much as once put torwarde vnto him, the appellation ofa gratious and pittifull father. If it hauoffo pica- fed vnto your grauitie,in fuch fcuere manner (till to dcaic with me, and that thcbatefullfhcwe of my ill defertes,isyet become offo loa- thed and deteftablc recordation ^ in this verie feafon vnto you : then as Secretorie. E fifties Vetitoric. p$, as (before time) cttfooncsdoeconfeiTcmy letter* vntimelic to hauc approehed vnto you: buc if the long detained grace 3 by whole heauie want (your ionne might I lay?) nay, the forlornc and ddpifed ifiue of Metxmi*. your aged yeares(for lb I am now forced to hy)is perforce c'riuen al- moit hto a dcfperatcconceiteandmiflikeot hisliuing, may by the lea(i Ipnrke ofexpcctanon,bc annexed to the molt vehement effects of his proltrate and meekeft fubmiflion , then groucling vppon the lowcitground,and humbling my higheft imaginations to the dccpcll J»t'nht(it. bottome, v\ herein your implacable difpleafurcshauc hitherto bcene couetcd, as mcekely and with as penitent fpceches, asaniegricucd andpafllonatcmindecanvtter: Idobcfecchyoufn,thatat the ialt you will receyue ( not into your accultomed fauour) but to your common and ordinarie lyking , the molt difgraced of all your chil- dren, and pardoning rhc dilbbedience wherein hce dared once fo far foorth to prouoke agaynfthim, the weight of your knovvnc anger, vouchfafe hee may no we againe bee of your familie, though not par- taking with your children. This fole benefite and laft requeft if my burthened foulc may ob- taineatyourhandes, happilie I may then liue as comforted by the hope ofthat whereuntoa buzic and carefullcndeuour may once per- aduenturc enable me,otherwifc dying in the ouerflowing of my des- perate and continued griefes, I prayatGcdshandesImayobtaine that by mercie, which cruell deltinie in my life time could neuer win vnto mc,by all polfiblc intreatie. My lubmilTiuc dutie anfwerable to Efiloguu tUe regarded place of your f '.therlie authorise compellcth mcc to at- tend with all humblenclTe the refolution of your ckmencie . In the hope whereof, refting my decayed and ouerwearied imagination, I liue till the receyt of your knowne lyking go afecrtainc, in v\ hat fort may plcafe you to repute me. Tl£e ff tie of tt)U3 (SpiCle is fce&emcnt, becaufc tfce pato'ens of tjlmficmu&ence it eame lucre Segment ., annis DesuccD aspoa fa from tfjc nature ofRcconciliatorie, iuhic() aCtucil fc* rtjc fatonilliae i lotocil tearmes it beacccti, as alfo fcj ti)c U:gcr.t petition ujcrin containeDJ bauc ratfcer djofen to place among § Petitorie. 2jjc part of honelt ijcretn oiliucreOj is paffeo in uwoes mcefcett i of great obcoicnce } t$cmn be uitcU; bt> all poCibtut to to EpiftlesVetatorie. ThcEnglifh to mfttfgateroto irtJ5^mfclfe,6jcta)mu(t fcucrftfeof Ms faf^cr. Wot Fxordium ts cairieD bp Insinuation , erp2efftng tix torLcment affects aiio furefcargcoco? cittsof a mmD mo:c ttj?n o:D!nan;it grieueO. 8&e Poflibilitie reflert) In tlji fattjer, torjtd) commonlie fop nature is tDffljfome moie fadlttie ttjen eftrsngco Dtftxultie , entreat clitotoaios \}is fonne. 23>emeanerQcompaffett\is (fee nnrigatnonojfatiffacttonof ttje tufltmtfliHo of a fatfrr, tdjofe rijargeD auttjoitttecffectett) netting fo mud) as obtCirnce in d)re isno one tijing Effacing nutter mo:epIcnttfun , o: luirrj ttfernojecommonue frequ«ntco,tt)rnistt)is petkorie ntnoe, ftnfomucrj as tobatfocoec contained any fprctatl requeues brrcunacr tnctaOcD) J tutu" 0)2t you fco^ne fomanperamples of allfoits . as that trxre ftiall not fatle herein ti^erciDith fufftcienttie to intlrua totjatfoeucr m ujc 3 1 Uc occafion is 02 ought to be require!). zAn Epiftle Petitoriejvberein is crMtedtrttuellandcoHnfell to bcajfiflant vyonvrgent oeeajion. Exordium. T^rratie. Tetiiio, Pofsibilitie. AS one grcatlie emboldned by the forwardncfleofyour woonted courtcfie and liking euer bent to wardsme,Ihauedared(Sir. once againe vpon prefumption of the like,hereby tointreate you , wherein you may fee in what degree of affection I do intcrtaine you , in that not contented, I hauealreadiefo manic and fo often times vfed you, I doc by fuchmeancsendcuourfolietomakc my felfe wholyandto none other fo much as beholding vnto you. My man hath returned me from London,how by more then common eclentic 1 h;^ue in my fuite btcne preucntcd by my ad uerfarie, whereby it is like . my cauie ftandingvponfo great a hazard, it will goeveriehard with mee, Nowe if your woonted counfell,and friendly affiftance bee notfpee- dilieayding,boththe hopeofbencfit,charge and expenfc thereof will be loft vttcrly? In regard whereof thefc may bee in as earncft maner as is poflible tointreate you,thatvponthcaitendanceofmy man, / may (as woontedlie) vfc you. Your counfell ioyned with a little tra- uell may greatlie profite me, and now more then at any time elfe, ex- cccdinglie pleafurc mee. Wherein if it mty pic ale you to yoke mee father Sccretorie. Efiftlcs Vetitorie. $j further vnto you by the waighi of your courtcfic : I flnllnot onc!ic cndcuour by all polfibilitic to requite it 5 l}utalfo your felfe fhall not raile at anie time co finde fuch a one of mee , as of whole tramile, lnduttric, or v\ hat other abilitie to pleafure.you , you may account ofaflurcdJic. I haue by certainc other Letters. moouedtny L to hauc fauourable conlideration touching mee, which as I am infor- med , hU L. hath reccyucd. What els to bee performed hccrdn.my man (lull make knowne vnto you . And thus doubting as little of your friendlhip hcrein,as of mine pwne thankfu'ldifpofition^ preft ■ aJ way cs to the vttermoft to requite,ypu, I doc hcartilic bid you fare- wcU,D # ofthis,&c.. s Another of L the [amc t . rutut TR, Iamfoboldeinmygreatnccefluic, vndcrafluranccofyour fbrwardnes to do me good, to entreat your cfpe4|aH aydc and fur- therance in two things,the one whereof this bearer fhall inftrucl you in, the other your felfe can befttell, for that I madeyouatmylaft (jpeech acquainted wicbthe lame. Both of which confining hi^'ou^ labour and deuice, I am of opinion that none then your felfe can fit'tc the occafion better, Andtruliefuchistheforceofimprilbnrnent, as contrarieto that you haue wcontedly knowne inmc,minc vndcrftan- diog is quite decaicd , and forwornc with my libcrtie, and where the fpiritsate fodiftuned,itmuftneedes follow, themcrnoriccanfoundc Rothingbutdifcord. 8 r i In fine, fir it is in you to doc me gxrd,and to make me by this on- lie action for euer beholding Yntoyou^whercin if I may fo farrefborth prcfume ofyour fidelitic , afliire your fclfc.that if euer CJodgiuc mee libertie, A.C. to none fomuch as to you (hall be yoked in courtcfie. Good M.D.the matter hereof rcquitethfome haftc,whcrunto /moft heartilie entreatc you,Fare ye well 3 this of,&c« G lA 'Letter rejpon forte to the feme. Ood M. C . needeleirc were it you fhould entreate mee in. that, whaein you haue foundc mee alwayes moft willing,and fuch whome with fmall perfwafions you may induce to a O farrc $S ZfiBlesVetitorie; The Engltflil ' farre greater pttrpofe then what in your lafl letter is required . The Mcflengcrl haue appointed to morrow morning to retume againe tomylodging^twhichtimel will not failetofinifh,what inthebeft fort I can conceiue to bee vnto your occaiions furthering. Hard will it bee for rnce to accomplish that , wherein your felfe feeme fb vn- perfe6t, for that the dulleft conceyte forged from the moftdiftempe- rcd of your imaginations, cannot but iounde farre better tunes then the ripeft of my inuention is anie wayes able to dcIiuer.Neuerthclefle, fuchasitis, or fb much as(bydKlike of your owne) you haue will to account of^that will I prepare to your view 5 and put forward to your good /peed , thinking it better by deliuerie of a groffedeuile to fatif- fie the demaundeofa friend, then by concealing the fimpliciriether- of to bee cenfiired as vncourteous-, In conclusion, it is (fir) lawfull for youtovfemeetothevttermoft, and firtcft to our confirmed league ofamitie,that(inwhatfocuer/youfhouldimploymce, wherein 1 de- fire you conceiu#no more,c parts fololntng, &e like tofjereof pen map perebanee fin jc bcreaft er. if o: tljat fcijcrc p;aat is met tctf, ano aecojotrglte to Direct tbe fqnarc of tneir oUmc Doings, fomerimes onetDap,form?rtmc0anot^r,aj5ti»ttje mtenomrnttbc reof, map to (be p:cfcnt oecaficn fceror moff conucnient ano re act c 8nD as tnftns oneiietter, fo map tbe learner light bpon mam; osiers Being Different aifo-frbm tbe obfertiatf on bcrein oeliurrt 6 5 ? Torn* times abmp!!p entring into n> matter toitboutanp limitation at a!!, one otljer trample fcbereof (ball bee ncrt bete unto DeUuc tea , tbe firff beginning of bbfdj.DccIaretb tbe mcane of acconv pliflEjmentof tbe rrqurff, befoic tbe petition oeclarcD 5 uterf unto bp initiation tbe bnCfcftfuil map not ralbjte enter ^ twtbout gob* aonifementof febit in tbe pcrfojmancc is mate to be confioctco* 2j}e mctyoior ia)io; is in n)is rb^tparCacD. An H Sccrctoric: "EftfllefPctitorti. pp An extmple^Petitoriexoncluding a hriefe requeftandcurtcons remembrHncc of a thing before time promt fed. NOwe is the time ( whereinifyour pleafure bee) you may per- fburmcv\haterrtycuhaue promifed. I therefore defireyou as heartilie as I may, that your intent, being to doe me good, you will nowc execute the fame. And albeit Idoubtc not ofyourwiliingneflchcrcin^whofecurtefie hath not beenc flraungc towardesmec :yet rather enforced by mine owne neccflitie and con- tinuall rcmernbraunce of myvnprouided eflate then by anic other mifgeuing, I prepare thefe lines, follicitours of yourexpe&edpro- mifCj which bearing in theirfrontca token of oportunitic, woulde praicyounotto!etflfppeoccafion,butwithasmuch fpecde aswil- lingncflbtoaccomplilhthefame. Remembringhowe maniewaies lam beholding vnto you,I remaine in accompt of your curtefies,ra- ther ftudious to thinkc on them,then anic waies able to requite the m, *c. Another example oftbehkeejfett. EVen as abold begger,the more he is relieued, the more he flill ^^J* xroB prefleth forward vpou the bounty of thofc,whom he fuppofcth y p to fauor him: fo fareth it with mee, who hauing eftfeons enioied your trauei to my no fmall behefit,am ncuerrheles fo (hamelcs j^^,^ 6s flil to importune you in the fame, I haue^r, I cofefle,by yourgood means receiued fundrie fauors at the handsof my Iiord, which I can- not^nor cucr (hall be able to requite ynto you,thc matter of my fuite notwidiltanding hetherto depending before his honour, I neither can nor may fo farre faorth withdrawemy fdre, but I muft necdes nowc and then lolicite you, as the Gentleman by whofeonelic cut- tefic and pcrieuerance in wcontcd care and good affection towardes mcc 1 doc liue, and foliuing, continue my daies and yeares withfuch aifured refpc&c, as hee that hath fworne and vowed inhimfclfenc- ucr to forget you. It doeth fir, fo much flande r mec vpon the procu- ring of his L. letter in my bchalfe, for the indiflerentc triall and hea- ling of my caufc, as without ( in fpeciall and earneft fpeechesthc O^ Tame 109 PtmAM, Vkces CommencUtorie The Engltfh famcbedire&edfbrmeetothc IufticesandCommiflioners)I am in grcatc defpaire howe the cafe will goc with nice. It is you therefore that mult hclpe mee herein, and by youronelie meancs I mu(t bee warranted in this aclion, the intendment whereoffurthering Co much vnto right and caufc of cquitic as itdocth, I hope his L. vponyour motion will the eafilier condifcende vnto. This is that 1 require at your handes,andto the fpecdie difpatch whereof I may not ceafe to importuneyou. Whereon concluding for the prefent>I doe hcartilic bid you fare welj&c, OfEf'tfiles Cotmnendatorie. Chap. 16, B Sflcbmo^emrgbt bcebanDteD in tbfs hmDc ? t&e mettjoD thereof is one of tbemofl o:omarteof anp fortes of betters tfcat are moitc*, fes tbat t^e great ett number of Directions are common* lie conclnDcD in this matter, tbc requeue tiber* of Doe eftber efpeciallp concerne tbc Uniter, ox are ofyertoifc to be refpcctcD in tbe bebalfe of fomr otber. £lje oc- caSonof utycb barb caries rjcrctn the plentieof fomanp cram. plcs,tbar by manifeOfing t&c Biucrfittcs of ftjeir o:ocrs ano tfes, toe learner migbt not man tc idic re in to bee D i irecteD, ano ct eice of tjarietie ftberetoitb to be oeligbttD. jjiotD.bcGDcs tbefe be rebp al- rcaDie DcHuciTD,n)cre arc letters alfo f might be futcD bnDer rijts fo}me,bbfcbfrom jpoble men 03 otbcrs,are manp times tn;ttfen in farm: of funD.uc perfons, containing requeues in f&eir bebalfs to be perfo;nuD,ttbidjnot toftbttanDing tbc Difference of elf at es tn tbat (be fame Doe fen trje molt part paffe bnto their mferfonrs, yet ftemctb the nature tbereof to be petitorie 3 bnt in a Different 0;' tier of ttjc fe to be altogtber pnifurD. Jnfomacfj as neirrjrr agree* rttj it, to bfe tf fee circumtfanccs of bumf Uttc ano entrcar ia,no? of pleafureso.:curtefir,as in n>e otrjer are reqmreD:but rafbera necetfarie fuppofati ano affarancc of trjeir DcmanDes to be bear* fecneD bn to.tn refpert ftjat of ftjeir bouours, reputations, oj etc Dftes,ft is intenoeD ttjep mill require nofbtng, but (bat toffb rea- fonabte to leration map be 1 1 fcco of ,!5ut u)c t fc of fucb binoe of Df tec Secrctone. Vl/tcesCcmmendatorie.- i&r Mredfonslnctioffeof botfc,3l rafter bolopertment to tbe title C6> mcndatorie,fo3 ftat fc&atfceuer is ttjerem fcD2itteNf,&tfauourep- njerof tbepcrfono20f tbecaufe,maptnrefpeetof me bonouroi reputation of tbofe fram Iconic ftep comcj bee better otoco in fo;te of a envtcous recomimiiDation,. tfcenctbettolfe bt>o:fcn- oer anie title of Ijamilitte o;fabmi(Tion;foj tl>efccaufec3; t)aae f&ougbt mate to aDfoinc immeoiatclfe tertfuntb, tbe fame CEpt= files Commendatorie, bceing To ncarelte combined tuttb tbofe of Pctitorieas tfcepare. £T[)e Ijfe ..thereof are not neuerflje leffe fo farre fojft carlcD, but ttjat from an tnferiqur to his fuperf our, in (pmccfuifcs ano fopon funDjfe aeciDr ntes ? tfje fame ate DeViuep. )&e places appertaining. linto f ftefe fcinoes of CpruTcs'bc as in g^p^oric are alftatyepccfafcpj cbiefelp injcn t&e rami'; mien* octb taacaufe 02 pcrfon i p;cfer 1 ret) to be fauoureo. 3!n uifcfj, utjen # ipJlfW wn; tbe pcrfcn 3 Vce mutt befoare n)at in foe credible dc* Uucrtc of trfcatforucr tending to bis p;aife 02 pjefcrme nt, toe doe ttetfljerbgtuarra.ntof ourotencbnomleOgc.o; bp fucbecrtaine report of otbcrs^ofe opinf on toe deemc Unll not bee mffled. 3nD If nelfter of tbefe Doe fall out to be fthofcme 0? \?t l(Sueo 3 n)eti u)al toe ftjefo nfcat tnftr.matf on toce baue be O&cs our otone opinfon, ojperaduentureno oteaffuranceat all bat our otone Ample liking, petitions alfo are frequented in requiring fauour to fbefe fames, mjcrcin ffandctl; in IMgfjcCr regard tbe ttat e,coun< tenancy o^tet'tie of bun, from itbome n)e letter is ftaihed, t4o.a«co?J r i3lp hereunto map acfire fbat rberatfjer at ijis re- que'il, 02 Upon bis fate, 02 fpi t)ts fahc 3 02 in regardc of W lifetrtg, fte perfbn map bee accompfed of, 02 t^c actfon fathered* 15e# 06es, it map bee added to tbe mcreafe of a mpjefpaotepcrfoi* (uanee,tbe loue, (if anicbe,o: tbe occafion hereunto ro2ting}Uie otoe tobim.uiecommenDe,o; in ufjore fauourlce to:tte, eltber £q< lie fbj bunfclfc % o; conucpeo from.bis frtenoes, b& frarenf es, tt)t confioeration of bts djarge of toffe, cfcfl02eno2 Ceruantcs, tbe tojong offered, benefite to be attained, 02 ttbatlbrttfr'oftjer mat* ter to bee Deemed require 02 conucntent $otoc from txbence 02 out of ttbat inSigafiohs,n)eiiratteP(*nie§ commrnoationis to bee o:atone, pou baue in tbe generall (bapters of n)is broke a W readie at large. £&c ctrcumtf anccs of U^tct), ano u^at (beuer elfe /# 2 Epiftles Commendatory. The Englifh tjctcbp foiciuarneD, l^aH in tyeenfatng examples bttmtnt at large oeliuercD An example commendatorie^wherein # recommended to a noble man from hit in- feriourjjje conditions ttndbehauiours ofaperfon. ITmaypleafeyourLordfliipj This Gentleman the bearer hereof) with whome a long time I haue beene acquainted, and ofhis qua* lities . ano* good behauiour haue had founde and large experiment^ hauing beenc a good time a iutor vnto mee,tomoouehis preferment vntoyourLordfhipsferuice: Ihau'e'nowe at the lad cond'ffcenchfd vnto,afwell for that lknowyourLorddiipto be now prefefiflic dts^ furniftied offuch a ohe^asalk) that there (hall nardlie be preferred v* pon afudden anyone (o mcete ashimfclfc to flip p He thafplace, And thus much by your pardo and allowance dare I apfife vnto you ,y C8mcndati^ ifit may pleafeyoujn credit of my fimplc knowledge and opinio ro im, •noftheparty ploy him, ypufhaltind "that befide's he is by paretage difc ended from fuchjasofwhdme Iknowcyour Lordfhip will verie well accompt of,hceis ^lfc lcarned,difcreeteJober,wife, and moderate in all his ac- tions,of orcat fcc^ccie and poll aflured trufhgouerned in all compa- nies accordkiglierfinallieja man fo meete,and to this prefentturne fa apt and necclTaric,as I cannot cafilie imagine howe yftttmay be fer- Tttititn, uc ^ better. Pleafethyour L.the rather for the great gooc.H^irlYbeare him, and humble duetic I owe vnto you,to accepte,imp1oie j and ac- compt pfhim.I nothing doubt but your L. hauing by fuch means gi- Tnirttml uen credit to my choice, (hall findc him fuch, as for whofe gad fer- uice.you.fball haue further occafionto thinke well of mee for him, Wh'ereomothing doubting, I doe refer both him and my felfe in all humblchciTeto your belt arid raoft fauorable opinio^from my houfc inB.thisof,&c. - • • . A Letter refonfmc to thtfimc* AFter my verie hcartie commendations vnto you* Sithcnec the receipt of your laft letters and recommendations of P. B, into Sccretoric Epiftles CcmmefidAtorie ioj into my fcruice, I haue had fmall occafion cither to write or fend vo- to you till this prefent ♦ And for 10 much as vpon your certain^ 'no- tice deliuered vntomee in fauour of his preferment, I hcldc my felfc fo wclJ aflurcd in allthinges of his behauiour , as I doubted not thereupon to rcceiue him in place of greateft fidelitie, I haue thought ^oodheerebytoletyouvndcrfrand , what great pleafurc I haue ta- ken in his diligent attendance, afliiring you that for manic vnexpec- ted qualities, which I haue prooued to be in him, I doc waondctfiillie well like of hjm,-and that with io good affcclion. , as lintend not. to omit anic thing that-mav tend to hisaduauncement . In beholding him oftentimes race thinkes. hec manie wayies dooth reiemble his father, who in founde troth, I doe fnppofcj might haue becne in- rertaincd with the beftfor, his well deferring-, TbisbearcriTiall en- formeyou of fomcefpeeiajl caufes^ concernifig raylaflfayres in the Countrey,wbom I doe pray iyou to confeire with^and to affoord your traucllfor hisprefent difpatch.which I will not faile heartily to requite vnto you. For your care had of my wants.and diligent fupply of fiich aoncldomanytrmesthankeyou,andha'teprqmifed in myfelfefor the fame to become a debter vnto ypu. And euenlo I do bid you h*r>- tilie fare wel . From the Court this o£&c, ,«v tAn other Eptftle Comrnettdatoric of the fort before deltttered* l :\:\. f ' .'; * r Y veriej,goodi. I amenformed by this Genri, the bearer hereof, that by mcancsofoneofyourChapleins, a motion 'hath becne madcofhis preferment vnto your L. fcruicc : and fpifomuch as thole his good friendes are notnowe in cownc, who in refped of their account with your L. might ftanrfe him : in ye* rie good fteade: vnder$anding hrs well- willing minctej and greatc defire thereunto (for that I wifhveric well vnto his aduauncement) I hauwakenvporxmeheWebytocmKate^albe*! may not prefumc fo farre,as to pre&jre a man ynto your L.),that ifcmay yet plcafc you vpon myfpeeches to haue the better liking of him , Alluring you thatbothbytbc creditc of my-Jia>. F^ Vth^.^pfcHfi yerye good conceyte towardes him , wiflhedefos pjlefermernj, vwfr.bpr lat* deccafcd brother, and laft L,C,and ajfoiby the fajottlerige my feifc- ro% EpfftlezGvmwevdatovU. IheEngiifh -fclfchaue had of him,and others b(£des T \\'h»mpeoCcifion of iH Conceit., to whorncfoieuer hauevndertaken •topceferrchim vntoyou. And if it (hail nocwitbilawditig frerne far- ther conuenientvntoyOurL. to make (Jay of his acceptance s for ibttK priuacccaufes hitherto vnfatisfied, 1 — 11 ys:tiah,sbeHalfe iie- uerttielcflcbecome thus farrea fucervnto you, thatdMsirm/i^con*. inendarion may with your L good fauourbccomea^peedieritfeane the bdttcr ( when it fhalthappen) to mooue your L> good lyking towardeshimj For which 1 mall thinke my felfej asrin manic other occafiotis berwdcS) vntoyour honburableopinionmoftctedpely be- holden, •'/ffiJcknowledgemeotoi^'hach'j and refpt (ft! of my hum- ble ahddutifullregaflde tochetamey 'Id«?e nowe ^n fcimafl tobereof toitb little alteration p%Mrft^ cornea p:cfioent foi ante recommendation , tebctfcer n be c to fa* nourjfmnofljip, cbopce, oj account, ano not fcnto fcruice at all, fo; (rjat herein is (betoeD, in fe&at fo;t men fo: ttjefr bcrf ucs map be recommcnceD.£oto tf there be ante other particular orcadon fntyepetfon, befibes trjefe, inuncing matter of gooolifeing the fame in place and ffeao of other ,o? togfthc r frith cf}c oto r may be then allcDgco ,ano the conrfe herein DcltucieD at at! rimes inttlffe* rentlp to be obfcrueD.3no as ttjcfe are from inferionr perrons Df« tcctcD tttito ttjcir fuperiours : fo tot ll toe fo;t ont Tome othr rs,tbat from tablemen tnljfcc fc2t hane bcene pa (Tec to their infer tours. tramples u&erecf arc in htte man cr be re un to nnnereD. \ An Example Commendttorie, from a Noble man to his inferior > t rvhefcinonc ts recommended U an office. "'■■ ' 3H; . rni - • ' A ^* r m ^ vet ?? ^eaitfe Comniendatibns vnio yoU', whnc I •r\atrt gitie-ri to vAtferftaflde , triat you are in election , and it is a!fo vcriclikdie you (ballfcce pricked by her MaieftiCr high She- liflfc Secretorie. FfiJlUsccmmendatoric. la f riflfe for this ycare, of theCountycsofSuifex and Surrey . This Gent, the bearer hereof, bceingone whom for manic refpec^es, I doo greatly fauour, and for his learning, skill, and honeft vfagc , hauc long time vfed and reputed of, I hauc thought good bythefe(ific fo happen you (hall this yeare bee named thereunto) to recommend to your good allowance to bee receyued as your vnder-fheriffe for thattirne,puttingvntoyoufuchgood and reaionablefccuntieasap- pcrtaincthfbr iJifcharge of the fayde office. And hereby aifotopray you, that the rather for my fake , and for the eipeciall choice and reckoning I hauc madeofhim, you will no we before hand makecer- taine acceptance of his skill,by refufall ofwhatfoeuer other that may bee recommended vnto you for the exercife of the fame office, allu- ring you , for that I haue well knownc and prooued tobeinhim, you fhall be fo well furnifhed.as you would wifh. And befides^in that you fhallgratifiemc herein , /willnotfai'einaniefortlmay to requite you. And euen fo I bid you heartily farewell, H (Serein is fbe bononr ano noOilttie of fbe perfonsge great* lie fo beerefpcctcD totjo by (b mucb tbe mo:e |jts ctf ate, eountenance , o? autbojitfe required) it, bp fo mud) tb* lefle map it be eonGoereo, tbat in tbe inciting of rtjefc letters tjee fijonlDtoftbouer large cntreatie bee ctjargeD , bntratfccr toit& fetoer fpacbes,aneleu*e ciremnffances to oemaunoe tobat bee purpofetb, Sbe confojmitie nfeereof map bee gatbereb ont of tbe eramples enfning , aewbing tobereunto.bee in tobofe fauouc facbhinbe of Letters are tobeectrecret),(efpecfalUcif tbe inncn* tion beeing of bis olone procurement bee bjeugbt to bee OgneD) oagbt to tafce beeoe>tbat tbe regaro of bis bononr anb railing , in mbofe name tbe lieiierpaffetb bee not bp too great tjumilitte of tearmc* in anp (oat mifp?ifeo. Ah Epftlczmmcndntorie^from 4 mbU mm jri prefer* went ofbisfertMnt, AFtermy veric heartte commendations vnto you . This bearer hauing of longtime ferucd mce faithfullie, and beeing nowc P dcfirou* 106 'EpifllesGommend&torh. ThcEnglifh defiroustotrauaile, I haue thought good heartilieto recommend vnto you. And forarmuch as by reafon of your office of LcrdGo- uernourof V. it is likelic there are manie places of gcod prefer- ment remayning in your gift , vppon your followers to bee be- ftowed, Idoemort heartUie pray you 3 that you will notonelie for my fake bee contented to receyue him into your feruice, but that ■alio in fauour thereof, you will inanic place of preferment about you,doe him that benefite and furtherance^ to one whom you wifh throughlie well vnto, youwoulde performe. Herein if my requeft may preuaile with you , I fhallnot oneliebeereadie tothanke you , burin whatfbeuer caufeyou haue ro vfe meejbee as willing to re- quite you. And fo I doe bid you right heartily fare well . At the Court this day,&c. An other example, wherein is recom- mentlcdthccaufe and Jpeedie furtherance oflufttce. [Ftcrmy heartie Commendations vnto yourLord- |iliip: where I haue bcene informed by this bea- Irer, beeing a poore Tenaunt of mine , of a cer- ctaine caufe of his depending before you in her iMaielties Bench y and that after manic thwar- Itings and euill pra&ifes of his aduerfai ie, the mat- ter is nowe driuen to an iflue , and tryall , from the benefite whereof by corruption of fbme kinde ofperfons, hee hath thefe three tearmes palled bcene alreadie detayned , to his great hrnderance,and almoin vtter vndooing . 1 haue though: good Vppon his humble fuke to mooue your L. in his bchalfc , and to pray you that at myinrtaup.ee you willatfomeconuenicnt leyfurc exa- mine theftate of his matteryand being informed thereof at large, doe him that fpeedie fauour in iufticc and right, as hee may not anie longer time therein bee deferred, but that notwithstanding anie ca- uill or obie6iion thereunto hindering , hee may before this tcarme parted in anie wife haue a tryall . In accomplishment whereof, befides that you iLall grcatlic fatiffie mce in reipeft of the poore mans Secretorie. Eftflles commendatorie, \oy mans ri"ht,wheretmto I wifh great regard to be giuen,you dial alfo performe a deed (6 charitable,as whereby you thai perpetually bind biirijhispaorc wife,and children continually to pray for you. And al- beit I nothing doubt herein your great willingncs and voluntarie dif- pofition toluitice, yet that by reaibnof my requeft,the matter wich more diligence may be harkened vnto,I eftfoones pray, and cherwith- all hartilie doe bid your L/arewe^this ofj&c TiD all t'ocfe examples Commendatorie^clcngeftjttji&efpeck all fotfes of iietfcrs Refponforie, in Ix&ict) te either flatlp De* nicD.ab&lUi£Ji>aUoto£D,o;DoabtfuBpacccpteDDf,t^at by fo?ce of ttjofe Epiltles ate feucrallp conimtnDeo. flDf ctttjer of tfjcfe fates 31 fcaue ojoug&t gooD to fct Dotome fame Dtreetlon£5,Ujc of act* fitie ttbeteof ,at nje choice of fcim tfcat fearctjettj ttjc famc,map ac» co5Di«3 to i)isj pjcfciit t;unio; be either reteseo o; folioUicD. e^w example re fpon forte \rvherein is denied whxtintbe fvremoft directions may be recommended, PLeafeth your good L.I receiucd your fauorable LetterSjand co- mendation giuen in the behalfe of M.L.with whom hauing had conference at large,I doefinde nothinglefle,then what by your L. was of him deliuered,and in truth it doth not a little difcontent me, that as well in regard of your honourable and earneft demand made in his tauor,asalio that many great and vrgent rcfpe&s, I ftand deeps lie charged vnto you Lord. I cannot neuerthelefle herein perfourme what I woulde: For that ( befidcs it is yet doubtfull whether I fhall bee to the fame place appointed by her Maiellie or no ) if /bee cho- fcnSheriffe, /hauetwo yearesfince giuen my worde and aflured proraifetomy Lord of L» that I fhall then accept of fuch a one to the exercife of the vnder Sherifwick as fhall by him to mee bee preferred. According vnto whichjftandingnowe in election for this yeareasl doe, /am and cuer fithence hauc beeneyeareliefollicited to the felfe famepurpofe. Whereof I thought it my duetie to aduertife yourL. bythefe, mofthumbliecrauing pardon of the fame, in that I may P% not. ioS EpiftlesRefponforie. ThcEnglifh not as I woulde, herein fatisfie your vrgentc and vehemente requeft. And fb with my right humble duetie vnto your Lord/hippc doe take leaucThis x.of Noucmber. Another Letter refponforie^herc- in confent and allowance is giuen to the matter re- quired. ^gj|Y humble duetie remembred vnto your good Lord s fhippe. The Letters directed vnto mee from the fame, together with the Gentleman in whofc fauor they were afligned, Ihauc entertained. Andfb much the more welcome were they vnto mec,by howe much the more I repute my lelfc honoured, inthat it hath pleafed your Lordfhippe aniewaie* to require mee. Touching the partic recommended, your Lordfhippe doubteth not I hope, but that of the Jeaft of yours, I woulde make cfpeciall ac- counte, the effe&cs whereof you fhall in this pcrceiue, in that for the regarde I beare vnto your Lordfhippe I will both repute of] and fauouthim. Bcfides what other aduaunccment orprefermentehis o wne defertes ^ or my aide may anie waies bring vnto him, hee fhall beefurcatalltimestocnioyic' Praying your Lordfhip in all other thinges asfarre foorth to ftande my gratious and fauourable good L. as herein I fhall not faile to accomplish what to the vttermoft may bee hclde uaeete and conuenientc. And thus befeeching the Al- mightie to Jiaue your Lordfhippe in his cternall protection, I doe in all humblcneflctake myleaue, from R. thisfeucnth of" Auguft* &c % The third Epiftle refponforic,where- in is doubt fullie allowed or accep- ted^ what to the fame :ras rcctmmcndcd. My Seerctorie. EpiJllesRefponferie le$ MT lingular and efpeciall good L. Ihauevnderftcodcby y< ur laft Letters, ofa cenainefained and vntruc fugge(hon 3 deli* ucrcdbyoneofyourL tenantes,againfl theprocecdinges to himfuppofedtobcetendred out of this Courte, according whcreunto( albeit I was before time, not altogether vnacquaintcd with thcclamourous condition ofthe panic) yet did I neuerthelefie, as by your Lordfhip was enioined, examine at large the circumftan* ces ofthe caufe, and for the better fatisfaction ofyour Lordfhip,haue dctei mined to fet down vnto you the trueth ofthe fame. This R L. whom yourLordfhiptearmcthtobeeaverie poore man, is not (as inilmple fliewe hee maketh hirrrfelfc apparantlie to bee) but is ra- ther luch a one as from ' w home(becing narrowlic lifted ) y our Lord- fiiip might fboner drawe a hundred poundes ofhis money, then halfe an inch breadth ofhis honeftie. The argument whercofin nothing fo much appeareth as in this one action, wherin againft a poore man in- deede, hee hath verie iniurioufly behaucd him felfe, and hauing ex- torted from him this bonde nowe in fuite ( vppon fome conclufion, though no good confideration at all ) of the fumme ©f one hundred pounde,goeth about vpon a nice quilletin the condition to profe- cute the forfeiture ofthe fame, which indcede by the direct wordes ofthe writing, is in Iawe forfeited. For reliefc whereof his aduerfa- rie complained in the Chaunccrie, byreafon of theprofecution of which bill, and notice panic ularlie thereof giucn to my Lorde Chan- cellor, thefaidc R.L. hauing diuers time agreede to comprimit the matter, and yet greedie asit fecmeth to obtaine the forfeitu: ejtil cri- eth on for trial], whilcft the matter is ftill in dcbating,for which caufe the fame hitherto hath onelie y and not otherwife been delaied.And for as much asfithence your Lordfhippes letters recciued, my fetfe verie earncftlie hauc trauelled to make fome confcionable and quiet ende betweene them,yet wil the fame in no wife on his parte beeaf- fentcd vnto, by occafion whereof iheextremitie ofthe lawe beeing- verie like to proceed, hee is the nexte tearme without further delaie to obtaine a iudgemente, and fo the poore man on the other ride, to bcevttcrlievn.one: I thought it not amifle in aduertifing thefub" ftance hereof vnto yourgor.d Lordfhippe tocraiethatincredireot what here dcliucred , your Lordfhip woulde bee pleated to proc ure ihcfaideRL.toaflcnttofome rcafonable order. So doing, what io P3 con* no EpiftlesCommendatorie. TheEnglifh confcicncc the poore m an is then able to pay, in refpe& of the other charges, and purchafe of his owne negligences: I holde not too cx- trcame to be out of the faide bond dedu6ted,bec aufe in la we hce was Something charged, though in equitie otherwife hec ought tohauc beenc clearclie acquired. Thus in difcharge of my confciencc here- in, hauing fo much deliuered vnto your good Lordfnip,I doe recom- mend you to the protection of the Almightie.Londou this thirteenth cfMaic. Tomtit* N Dtoe after ffrcfe (2pf0le0,let fos enter info one ffrange commendatotie btnoe, fomc&fcat Different from tt> o:Der of tip reff,ba>mgvac& as therein tftc partte Directing tt>c fame, bricing fomttOjat fcant tnDeUuerte of ouer targe f tm crcofble fpac&cis, tfcflng&tgmD to mittigate ttje fojee of foe farm bp fije toeric partes of ertremttie ft fclf, therein of a me rrp conceit ,02 fome onjerpleafanttmmo^be appeared toeric tmtott ling to fiat rer,in reciting tlje erample thereof, becanfe ii>( ft) m a* ny teDious precepts 3 bane noto a goto fofefle tuearfeo njc reaoer, 3 mapperaDuenturccccafion fome matter of rccrearion^icfcbu trjs tingle u>tuc therein gat&crcB, appeared in fc:t follotoing to fcauebeneperfowD* ^A Letter comrnencUtoriepleafontly con* ceitedin preferring an vnprofi* table feruant, SIr,I do fend vnto your view the bearer hercof(a man fhaped as you fec,& as bold in condition asheappearethin lTiew)whome byali the fuperfluities of fummer ale>that hath wrought in his giddic brain, I hauebin requeued to comend vnto you. And in as much as in put- ting fo vnworthie a worthie infubmmceof fo incredible allowance, it fomthing behooueth I hide not the gifecs which by great fearch in many a good hofterie,tauern,& aIehoufe,he hath bv long trauell and Tbnm, drowfie expericce ere this time gaincd,to his infu pportablc crcdece. I fliall not fpare in fome fort to fignifie vnto you, what in regard of aj thefe I am Jed to conic&ure. Trueth is Sir, that hee is verie well ftu- died in the myfierie of Malt-wormes,and for his peculiar skill in de- cerning the nappie taite by the nut'browne colour of Seller- ale in a Sccrctoric. EfijllesCommendAtorie in „ froflie morning, hee is become a fwornc brother cf the rag-mans number, and thereby (tandeth enioyncd ncuerto wearc ftnrcsor o- therlyninginthecoldelUvinter , but oncly the warmth of the good Ale,v\hich inwardlie muft hearten him : :Bcfides Sir , ifyou haueoc- cafion tocreditehimvvitha fmall parcellof money in difpatch of a iourney,dobutfaythewordethatit fhall once lie in his charge, and you may ftand aflured,that it fhall be laide vp fo fafe,as any liquour in theworldccanfafe conduit it from his bellie. Take no care for your kitchin,buttcrie or larder , for once a day hce Iouestofeeall cleanc before him.Litdc apparell vvil ferue him,for his liueries enfuc weekly, outoftheBruers meih-fat. His lodging heercckes not, the Chim- ney flaore, and Billets endes ferue for a Featherbed and Coucringes. When you haue moft necde of him,you fhall al wayes bee furc to go without him : ifyou delight in a Pigs-nie, you ma ie by receyuing of j T0 »;^'. him,be lure of a Hogshead. Great ftore of fmall lyking you hap- pily may haue to him , wee knowe not what wconders the worldc may rendeout,for nothing is impofTible where all thinges may bee compafled. It may pleafe you for recreations fake to looke vppon him, foyoubc not in cafe tofurfeit t looke what ill lyking you con- ceiue, report backe againe I pray you in the inner facing of his chim- ney Casket, 0#jniafnafecumport4t, hee isfomewhatafbolofbpher, "Profowmajia', for hee carries all his pcfTeffions about him , for terramdeditfiliis ho- minum.ht mutt needes then haue a large dwcli.ng , I pray /Ir , giue him good wordes how ill- fauouredliefocucr youfauour his acquain- tance, for my parti rcqueft no remuneration for the preferment I bauetendred towards him. Thus much, would /haue done, and more, long fince to bee rid ofhirn. His old maiftcrbeeing dead, it is necclTarie fome place to be peftred with him , hce makes great choy fe ofyour houfekecping, if you can like to frame with him . Much more might bee cieliuered in the condemnation of his woorthincfie, but thatlleauetorehenrfe it, and nowe Hr for your owne appetite, I leauc to your contentment: Blame not me,but him that lead mec,and fo foorth to an cnde.Com- ■p ra f cwm c. mend me, but not condemne me, for I fhall once doe you a better turne,thisisbutthefirrt,the next may be woorfe (better) I woulde Minimi** fay. And lb fare ye wcll,&c, • Of ii2 Places Confolatory. ThcEnglifh OfEp'ifiles CoKfotatorie, Chap . 17% $mt is ti'notojBiftjoulD leaue tbls laff title of epilflcs, as bauing tbcreof fpofccnalreaDiefuffuiently,* gfue my felfc to tbe oi liuery of tbe nect , tubicb ace Confo- Iatoric,tpc effects tobcreof are to bee befloiueb on fucfc as are grteueo, accosting to tbe toefgbt 03 quailfie of tbe matter tifccretoitb tbey ace perpleret. 0nD foj tbat rrje life of man is cit» cumuenteDlMttbfomame, ant fo fonlmhco caufc3 of GHrotoe ano grtefc,asitmany toaiesnacetb to rjaue tije rcmcty of comforts to be applies unto u\pct tt> equality of al fa:ts of rmnOi notfucb, as in one ano tbe felfefamecegree can accept ano bcarett : 3t (bat! ttjcrfcje be meete ano conucntent , tbat in teuifmg to yalte (bis f tmrt ano gentle rcrnctie to ante tcoublcD conceit , ice doc to mooecate tb* matter, as tbat in tbe Dtfccurric tbcrof , toe rattle ffctue not to a lac greater impatience 03 ertcemitie of tmmrafa< cable fo;rom tben b£fc;c,tpon bnrinu ly tt:uatng fo:\r atD, 0: ig- norant purfuit of tbe fame, feeing tbat fee mtntes of fomc,are of fo bigb l tncompaebcnftblc tloutnes, as tbep (bun in tbe mfciur s arroaecountitanaucrferobeouertobelmeD tortbtooes. fibers againefo rife ano foabuntant in tcarcs,astbclea(f ujeUic of U* petition in tbcm,inoucc tb matter inougb of continual mourning foj torjfeb caufe, toe mill fo? t tbcfc matters of comfort , in ro tb:r c feuerall outers. Sbe mtr thereof (ball be at £boice,platnr lie ano Amply as occafionferuetb to comfort 02 pecftoaoe, mrafaring our common calamities by f rule of 3;uDges,fatngbntoatoifc man,rto one tbing can retnrne caufe of Dtfquirt fomncbas tbe ftyotoo of filtbi'neffc ant ignominious (borne , neitbrr can bee be burtof ante onctoirboutbtmfclfc. 2&cfc (tbcmojefenfiblctbc? are tolfb tn)ome me Deale, ano of greater capacitte) tt^e mo;e be bementty may toe enfojee by all fo:ts of forcible argument re 0; cramples.Sbe fecono of tbrfe muff by tnunuatton be entrco into, as fuppofingapeifon of a lugb 1 It at cite mino,ant in a canfe not common to becenfurtD,tbe tocfgbtinrlTc of Ubofegricfe fupp:cf> feb by a Binoe of bnconqueret fcrtituoe, toe tooulo goe about to comfo;t. Me may not untb tbefe ocale,as in a cafe of o:omarte gr iefe U>iu) u> trjcr0, but rattier by a mo;c batoable mcanc , au ftfcO Secretoric: TUces conJoUtork. us tubo tDanlB Tap, it appearing to bs tlje inu tnciblc balour foee fee o:t)olDc to be reliant in tlirtr minocs, (Running to bee tatnteo toitb tbe lead toucb of fiueltring grtefc , toee Dee offer our fpee> cbcsojlictttTS to cntcrfalne tunc toitb n>m,toljofe bcartsfoee hnotoe cannot peclDe to ante forcible fling ttjereof. anonotoe coiffiDcring tbe great oaliDitte of fbclrtoffcDomr, anoatnincc in their, fo bnconqucreD bpanie tlo:n;cs of j?o:tune, as is ap* paran t , Voee can but encourage tlje m flout lie to bcare , tobat o lie re as iDeablings Doe lie growling bnDer . 3n toljirb tore (ball fin Dc greater caufc to reiopce bp tbe tooo: tbtnclTc of fo ga>o> lie a mince, tben o ttjerun fc bee oceaGoneo to grieue fo; ttic t r fo;* toiu;- . 2be ttnrDe arts lafl liaefcotfe mufltn anotber fo;t bee conuepeD, as finding tbe paffionate ano perplereo conceptes of fome, pet freu) bleeoing tippon tbe bcauie toounoe of rbcirfo;* ro'j)c5,iDce mate not abzuptltc enter ttntb tbem, into tbe tuff oc* caflon njep t'auc fo to be Di ftcmpereD,but ratber fo; tbe lenefptng of tbefr grtefes(fo) in foiroiuc alfo to bee accompanied tyeeben) often tome comfmt ) famctotafce tippon n* one part of tbelc eutlSjbp Declaration botogricuousfrufoiuc cfpeciall caufestbe fame becommrtb onto t)s,cttbcrfoi tcrtuco? fomeotber pjaife* able conoition in tlje partie, bp occaflon tobereof,tneeDoeeuen par tic f pate, as it toerc,toitb tbe grtefc s of tbem toce goe about to faccour. jrojcommonlic it io giuen to bs to mtQihe fueb as Dtffcnt from our affections , ane loue tbem a game, tdjo ma he tlicmfclucs partakers of our ctuiles. Jtauailetb alio berie great* lie fometimes to ertenuate o? Icffcu tbe caufc of tbe griefe,citbcc bp tbe tncerfamtie of tbingca eafuall, being in fome refpects fab* tect tofrailtie,o? Op tbe bope of fi)o:t continuance , o: bp tbe ne> ceffitic of the action tobfebmapnot bee toftbttoooe , 02 b» fome comfort 0? expectation left to mitigate tbe fame. Efce reputation alfoof totfeoome , grauitfe , ttjeoppofittonof permutation of times ano feafons, tbe Diminution of tbe orcafton being nortj.ng fo great o:b;gent as meoeemeit, tbe tnDurancc of rbt tbing to bcamcanetmto.s place rt is patnetpattic to be cbferuco, tbatm minifirtagcomfo}* table fpeecbes to tf;e reDieile of ante miu)aps,fcee Dec not bp pje* feretng of totes ano fpojring &caifes 5 feb to relic ue tbrm ; foj Qat albeit tn rimes of pleafute , t&e tmmour of tfce parttc mtgbt m fomc &2t,be tfcr retoity great lie ocltgbtcD, pet in canfes of fe# e&> tremttfe.ali perrons foj t&c molt part, tocric batefuHic Doe en&uw t&e purring fojtoarDcsttjereof , as too raurt) impertinent to tt)« IjeaafnctTe ui;crcU)itt) bp fojrotiifall rcmrmb?ances,t&cfr minots are commonlte amateo. JIBut if r&c cinfc be ltgf)t,t&en map rt not fce m net) am f He to t)fc fomc pleafaunt ecltocraunce to fort) a one, efpeclallteto&ofc appetite ffamcuj ante ftjing totuarost&c fame, bat tbls alfo in fudj loa wg ,ftoeetc,aru> gentle fo:t to bee Done , as fljaf fruecomftnts map feme to be mingles tuttb ttjofc conceited pleafures. jjieitber map toe in ante cafe feefee in taunting fo:t, to fb;uQ into njetr p?fuatet)feto, ttje p;cfcnttranquftMcant> bappi' iteffe lifcerein onr felucs repofe.ftje obtettton ttbere of &ere too xu* 0f call, jfa: ftjat as focicrie in mifcrtc it fclfe, leueSctb tbc fo:ee of ttjegreatrff grtefes, fo $c oppoSnon of ano^crsplcamrcano fraoome,is a raoSue « ffing to tfce fiwmt of ante one ttjat is fc* qocffreofromtbc fame. 0fit&cfe obferuatfons in canfes Confo- latorie are great Me to be r?garDeD,ltbofe tofes being to br ImplotcD Becoming to tbctr feuc rati fuppofitions. $ Icauc to t&c Difcreticn of r&c tenter in ft&at fojt &ce (tynfcefy meete to &auc $c tr effica; ttesperftymco. %An example con foUtorie ofthefirftfortjrhertin 4 Gcntkvoman is comforted of the death ofherfonne. totrdfcm, V^ 0d Miftrefle P. I am forie that'my fclfe muft become the vj»vnluckie Mcflengcr of mincowne infortunkic vnto you , and that Sec rctoric. Epistles con fol atone, 1 1 J that in the fore frontc of my letter is planted fuchcxtrcamc gricfeas I cannot but extrcamclie be waile , lo often as I thinkc of it. Nc- ucrtheieffe, knowing vndcr what motions w-ecliue, and thataboue lw nu **'"» our reach rulcth one, vnderwhofebeckethe mightitftdoc ftoopc, andthegreateftare made fubic&c, I muft as my felfc, folikcwife perfwade you, to tolerate all fuch chaunccs whitfoeuer, as falling from fuch ablblute direction, to alter ante one iotc thereof is impolTi- ble, and to rcfift the fame/ruitcleiTe and vtterlie vnauaileable. The care of my felfc ( albeit manic doe knowe howc much I tendrcd that I ugh for) is not fo much/ccing by rcafon lam led to be aflu- red of y nccesfitie of our decaie,as the motherlie pitie lhaue al Aaies perfwaded my felfc tobeeinyou 3 andthatInovvcalrcadiedoe fcarc leaft forgetting the diredle fquare of our certainc liuing, you w ill runne into iixch vntimclic forrowes, as with manifolde tcareswill hardlic bee wafhed, and with innumerable fighes, will fcarcelie bec wiped awaie, But what fhalll rehearfe vnto you a thingefb iuddenandvnlooked for, as I protcftby the heauenlie maker and ruler of allthinees, atthcreceipteofyour laft letters I neuer miftru- fted or once looked for tohauc happened^ Your tearesl lee, cucn nowc awaitc wliat I will faie ,and loe, your imaginations doe alrea- dic decme the matter / muft vttcr . At leaft wife if 1 ftioulde feeme further to diflemblethe occaHon of my griefe,( and by hiding the fummcof all that may brcede di (contcntmente) to concealevvhac nowelaminforcedtovnfoldc vnto you, the difcharged meflenger returned vnccmpleate, wouldc bewraie the cffccles thereof before youjt is then your fbn,good M.P.whofe want I am inforced rotole- rate,and whole prefence you muft now henceforth derermin vtterlie to forbeare.Your laft prelage in commanding him to be feenc liuing or dcad,hath now returned his liuing to be difcharged, & his carthlie coarfe vnlcoked for 3 to be couered with cinders. Had I thought it the (as by the Almighty I leaft miftrufted it)& had you prepared to haue receiucd him,as then before was required, you could not morefooncr haue allured meehisreturning,thcn Iamablenowtoperformehim, at yourprelent fending. Heiscommaunded to another,that before did cxpc6te him, hee is fw allowed in the gulfe, that from the fore- Megori* mofthowreofh is birth did hetherto awaitc hirn. Nowe if you will fayhec was young and might haueliucd/xumples doe fhewe that Qi z younger Erotem*. 1 1 Epistles Qonfolatorie. The Englifh Jntipoplma. y cungcr then hee haue died. It you will fay, you loucd him gre at- lie. God by your patience fhallaccepte him the more woorthilie. /f you will fay, you areforicfor it in that hce was vertuous : confider the worlde wherein hce lined, that might haue made him more vici- ous. F,nallie,to anfwere eucricobieition that by you may bee affir- med, nothing herein can more fitlie bee auerred, then that in our life time wee fee daylic before our eies to happen. Knowe yee not, that all thinges doe by little and a little growe into ripeneiTe, and foorth- with by degrees fall into rottenncflefHath not God vnto euerie thing after their greatest perfection, included fuchcertainc limits, that by and by they feeme to bee appropriate to their I ateft confusion? /$. there aniethinge on eanhfo aflured, that by vnltaied incertaintieis not continuallie guided i Among all fruitesand blolTomes on the ground, are there not fbme that are (boner then others,euen on their tendereft braunches, as it were alrcadie lipened, andothcisagainc that by long lying are made rotten and mellowed ? Al Ho wcrs fpring notatoneinftant,norallbloiTomswithone folebhft arefcattcred* Toman is appointed his certaineboundes, vnto which to bee atrai* ned, and beyonde the which not top sfle, is alreadie limited. Your fonneastimelie fruite,fotimelie ripened, and as fitte forhisfeafon was as timelie gathered . /twasneceflarieby nature hee flioulde bee perfe<5tcd,and the perfection attained, by nature alfo he was cons fequentlietobeedepriued, Onelie that his fickeneffe was natural!, and that in the continuance thereof hee wanted no attendance, the credits ofothersaswellasmy felfe can teitifie . Jf Phyfickecoulde hnuefauedhim,ifSyrropSj hot potions, or other necelluieswouldc haue cured him 5 if teares and praicrs might haue keptc him you had yctinfafcticreceiuedhim. Hecisdeade.heeisgone. wecmuft af- terhim. Ofhisfirft fkkneflc hee wes whole, and perfecllie rccouc- red, afterwardes from the /.mndifc,i hough fomewhat weakned yet Iaftlie deliuered. But the inwardemoath that consumed hi:n would notterTer-him to Hue, which with exrrcame gripes aflailcd him . thn: beeing not able anie longer to continue, at the pleafureof Godhee died . ^t is your parte therefore to bee no we recomforted, and therc- Vtronnt, in with patience torefcrre yourfcJre to Gods determinate plea lure and iudgrment, to which intent /haue taken in hand this mid nights labour, aftcrthereedptc of your letters, which were to bee retur- ned T*r*digwa* \Afynitwn, Sectctoric Epijlles ConfoLtorit nj ned the nextc morning earlie,by realon whereof lean nowaie fatisfie what you write for, neucrthelefle refting hercafecrto myvc- termoft power to plcafurcyou, and recommending my fclfc alfb to your woonted curtcfie, Iende this fourteenth of Ianuarie,your care- full friend,&c. nAn Epiflie con fo Lit t rie of the famejvherem one . is comforted in cafe of harde extremitte, I Ecingthe inftabilitie of worldelychauncesisfuch, „ , , aspermitteth no one thingc lining to it maine ikd- jralt, or in allured (hie or certaine condition at all J times to endure and continue : no matuaile then |(good Sir) if your felfe becinga mortall man, fra- s tmedofthefameearthlie fubftanceandqualitic,in. cidenttoterrenefrailtie, and natures imbecilicie, doe as other crea- tures alike participate the fudda.nc euils,and daielic alterations there* unto annexed : a proofe whereof reft eth chiefciie in your prefcr.t (rate and beeing,thcn which no one thing may induce a morefcrious ad- «ertifemente,of the vile accompte and wretched contem pte appro- priatvnto your lining. And albeit diners are the calamities wherwitb notonelie your fclfc, but fundrie others your louing friendes carerull ofyourprefenremifhape, andgrieuedto fee thevneouthand D ' tce r £ ^ fM chaungewhereintoyou arc hapned, are continuallie aflfli&ed info muchasthcre is not the Itonicit and flintieftminde of all thateuer haueknowne you (your defperate vowed enemies onelie excepted) but doe in fome forte or other, bewaile, and as it were grieue to fee the vnacquainted yoke thereof, with fuch extrcmitie to be call vpon you- /cannot yet but great!iccommendethcinuincible/0r///# ,and you can no wayes amend it Is not this an ende f uflficient to determine all forrowes > If you weepe, lament,crie out, and become grieuedjrequifire were it the fame fhould returne to fome ende, that all your care,ibrrow, griefe, lamentation, or w hat els fhould not ap- pearc fruides,that the intendment and determination therec f ihoulde be to fome fpccbll purpofe. See you then,hcrein is no fupply, the ef- fects are berefc,thc end takenaway.Be not then fo fond ,as to bi dew that with vourteares.wheruntobelongeth neither redreiTe^nor mean ofrccoucrie.Whoishethatwouldbeibmad,asto crieoutvnto him of whom he might be aflured neuer to obtaine rernedic ? by cunning art b cafts we fee,though they be moft fierce, are tamed, a meaneis found wherewith tobreake the Marble, the Adamant howe hard fo- euer it be,m ay by dcuifes be mollified : Oncly death is of fuch force as no wayes can be com jinced. At thelcaft wife, ifneitherof thefe argumentes might mooue you to fuppreffe your exceeding forrowes , you mutt finally con- fide: that wee are Chriftians , and by the benefite of this corporal! death , doe make exchaunge for an vneorrupted life, that the with- drawing vs from this vile earthly bodie of Clay and filth , is a com- mutation to a (acted and heauenlie progreffion f and that wee haue nothing left vnto vs, in all the trauclles, cares, difquiets, and hcauic turmoyles ofthis wearifbme liuing whereof to reioyce vs, but the ex- pectation wee haue ofhappines and euerflourifhinggladnefTc. Sup- IntHtobpjii. pofc the Ghoft of your husbande were heere prcfent to fee you in all thisextremitie, what thinke you wouldc hce fay ? Howe ™uch dilbc- Erotm*. Eracbiologia, AfinddoH. Zpip'jantma, Tarad/gwa, Mtri/atHf, j4*thhifs. Secretorie. E Epi files eonfoUtork. lij difordered imagine you woulde hec thinke you to bec in your affec- tions? And were it not that fo manic coaftes had feuered him both by landc and feas.peraduenture wearied with your bitter out cries in the conceited image and iTiape of death, you might in apparance hearc fcJm, in thele like /peaches accufing and rebuking luch your di(tem- peratc a<5tions.And with breathing fpirit to crie out vnto you faying, VrefoopaeU. What is it you goe about ? w hat meane you by teares to fcarch out for a thing fo irrecuperable^Whie torment you your youthful yeares, with fuch vnprofitable, or rather as I may call it, defperate kinde of Met * nt '** mourningsPwhie with fuch vniuft complaints accufe you Fortune,& io of ten doe appealc death,and deftinie of fb hainous treipaflc ? Is it for that you enuie my happie ftate, fb fbone tranfported from this vii* towardc foile, to a more prolperousfelkitie ? thus credit mee, and in this forte (wereitpolTiblehecouldefpeaketoyou) woulde hee ac- cufe you, in which conhderation,were there not iuft caufe thinke you (of fuch intemperance) whicyoufhouIdebegrcatlieafhamedPBc- leeue mee good Cofin, there is neither profite or liking a tali, of this bitter continuance reaped, youhaue alreadie waded iufficientlie in your teares 5 you ha ue mourned for him in earnef t loue as befecmed a .Allegori*, vvife, it is no wc high time you bee after all this comforted. Thinke thatthegreateftftormeisby time at length oucrblowne/uperfluitie ofcoalesencreafeth rather hcaic then flame, theardencie of affecti- on, with vehemencie fufficient may bcexprelTed,though not by ex- tremitie enforced. What l"huld I fay vnto you^ You may notas other V»aJigma^ foolifh creatures, that are neither gouerned by wit, nor ordered by difcretion, makeyourfelfc afpectacle to the world^ut rather with luch temperance(for euenin thisextremitieof forrow 3 is alfb planted ^Wnthtfiu a rare pacern of modeftie){eek in fuch maner to demean your felfe,as the lookers on may rather pittieyou,by infant ofyourgreate difcre- tion, then in this forte to tormente your felre by a needltflc fuppofi- tion. Much more haue I confidercd with my felfj whereby to fatisfie my grecued imaginations,in which beeing recomforted, and rcpo- f ror * t$9 * fed i;i my fecrcte thoughtcs, I haue deemed it ncceflarie hereby to impartc the fame vnto you, befecching that as well in regarde of yourfdfe, as the little pleafurc your friendes haue to behoujjjje you in this Iti aunge kinde of perplexiuc^you will enioy the fruites there- R2 of 1*4 fyifllesConfoliatory. ThcEnglifti of with fuch fufficient contentment and fatisfa&ion a s yerie heartilic Idoe wifli vnto you. And euen fo tendririg my felfc in all thin^es toyourcurteousand gcntlevfagc, Idoe heartily bid you farewells, this of tec. TjSDtJC&ing ftefeConfoIatorieEpiftles. 3tf tsto beemfenOeD (bat ouer ana befioes rbc cramp les fo;mcrlv DcliuereD, fbef r tjfe is alfo in caufes of baniO^ment, lode of parcntcs, ga»os,oj frf cnos,tn times of imprtfonmentyianDer, perfecurion, ficuneffe,in mifer able oloe agc,o: plaguco bp oifobcDtencc, in ill fucceffe of marfagcs,in pouertie,one finallpin febatfoeuer getefc of lmnoc, trouble, o? aouer fi tic. 3n eacb of all irijid) is as 3 faf D befoje^fco a great efftcacie of perftoaGon fo: ttje mittigation of $e fame,bp lading tbe troubles ano Uncertain ff ate of ttjc toojlo, toitt) innumerable eutls annereoto tbe turning tobeele tbereof, Cfje commumtieof tbe rnifrrjiefe to all, Itljo ttjougb not ituttt) ttje felfc fame, pet in fomc fo;tc o: otter arc alike Difqotcteo, rtjat tbe be ft" map to er pell u> grlefc thereof, is by meottatton of our ellaf c0,tfjE contortion therein me If ue 3 fl)c ineuifable fo;cc of ttjat tdncbts befallen t>s,w)icb beeaufe roee are too;lolmgcs mud nceocs in It fee fo;tebrtiDe fcs 3 borne neace tbcrcbi> lore map bee D:aU)ncm contemptcof earttme Canities, tbe intfetngbaites, thereof are enuenomcotoitb To mains ram fijarpe popfons 5 ftjat troubles are fent Unto fcs from ***** Mirgene : bur what of chat, wee muft, as lfaidebcfore,beare with neceflme. / praie God thou becft not ouercome with lbrro we, but thou maift take it quietlie, There bee men in the worldc that are fo carclefle of their fortune, and fb verie fooles in their wifhing, as they coulde content themfelues greatlie to bee in the like predicamence with thee : but thou I aflure my felfe artofaclcane contrarie opini- on, fweare no more good T.I am perfwaded alone that it vtterly dif- contcnteth thee. But heareft thou, plaie northemadde man for all that , I will rather comfort thee my felf, then that thou fhouldctt die forforrow. One thing greatlie mifliketh mee,T heard faie thou tookeft an othe vpon her death bed neuer to marie againc. ? See howe loue may leadc rtieV Good God it is mangerl promifethee I could hardly be perfwa- ded thou didft fo[,without I ftiuld hear thee fwear it. Be not fo fbttifh good boy^emeber thy fel/and think on the /'hilofbphers words:*/** nobis foUtmnatifumHs. Thou maift haue a wife man,and become the father of ninette nine children 'perchaunce ere thou die. Forfweare thou nothing good 1 .but building of monafterics and entnng into re* ligion,for thefe my felfe dare vndertakc thou neuer wilt nor meantcft to doe, I wouldc fame talkc longer with thee, but I am wearie, and therefore intende tolcauc the expectation of the reft, till I fortune to fee thce.Parc ( as otherwifc thou canft not chufe )well,hauing neither olde wife nor fcuer, wherewith to encomber thee. At S.this of&c. IT Tl&xt anfusere map be retortieD to all o ano it alio in Tome gooo meafure to commence, b?*oe$ no (mall incouragment to do luell, bee to tobom the aomomtton pafletb,bauing mean ttjcrbp to tblnfe tbat bis bebauiour is not (0 far ouergrotone, but tbat pjcfuniption of bis Vermes do pet ftoar tnmcnsoptnions,o2 at tbe leafttoifc imagining tbat men ant ig- noiaUt altogttber of ttjat,ttbcrcof tbepfeeme to tabeno notice at aU,bctoillltuDptberatber to bcarbento fucb toJwkibmeDircol- om, Secrerorie. Place* monitor ie and. rcprehcnjorie. i ap ons.ano accoiDtnglp torcfcimc bis manerstbereunto betimes. 3no rjcrille(aspou bauc befo?c in tbccramplesDifluaforic) fo tn fbis alfo it tuoulo not be amiffe toberc toe fee an offence but nctu be gmmng,to tnDticc many good conDttions of tbe part *e to be cp< poicD againO" ibe famenno to lap bctoebfrn, bolu til founding it tooulobcto tbe Due commcnDnnon of tbe oOjer , to bee teucljcb fberetoltb. £;♦ otbertoifefebere tocc fa an tnclinattan(tbougbno matter in actf on)to eutil, to fap^ftjat not fro ttjat toe fee fjtm fpoN teD tottb fuel; otfri!CC0,Hg co toarnc bim from tbeir forces, but to ttje intent be map tfc rebp tbe better be inftructcD, in ttje fcrlenelTe anD DifcommcnDeo partc0 of tbe famr 3 o: tbat becaufc toce are foj tip mot! part led atoap anD eaQlp aiding in to cu ill, toee fet before &ts etes trjerein,tbe bajarD ano fuconuentcnee of fucb eatll. jjioto if tbe matter be fo far fc:toarD,as toe finb it a plain ano open im* perfection tn bim to tcborn toe to:ite,let fcs tt)en conQner £ toelgbt o; inualioitieof the action, tobfegbremg too monurcnsojnctoM* ous,it tben neeoetb not aomonition, but Ojarpe rep?cbcnu"on,ano is tbcrebp feeluocD from tbe partes bcreof, but not being inrolc rable in bis age Q3cffate,in tibom ttje fame is founD.tbcn Itjall ma not aggranatcbutertenuate ti)i apparance tbcrof Vetoing tbat it is a rbmg common foj men to fal!,d;ieflie poung men, fafjo bg (t)c furious fling of rb?lr ponttr,anD toant ttx p baue of ageD erpe* rience, are baflftlie Icd tbcreuntorbut pet tbe cetoitballbotomanfe toapes neceffarie it is,ttjat be be tottbojatonefrom ttje fame,leall bappilp n> long tnterfammr nt giuen to a fault,mahc ft feeme a great offcnce^nDconfcqnentltebce be tbcrebp lco into tar moat Dangerous euils.l^crcupon map memanifeft fcntobim ourloue anD tenDer care toee baue oner btm, compelling fcs foj fucb caufe fo foitosrne bim , Declaring mat our fdues falling into t!ic like errcurs,tooulD be glaD at bis b mo fa fino rbeltue,if n> fatll ano erperience of tbe partte migbtfo mucb petfojme.3notberlunDe of aDmomfljmcnt o: repjebention n>re is alfo , ttben men Dcale toftbrbofe toboarebtgbliebcfojetbcm in account, fcnrofc&omc etttjer imminent Daunger o; occafion of great bate o? mlfltfte purfuing tbe fame, frobiDDefb in erp?cHe manner to rjfc ante tearrnes , fnfomwb as tbeir effafe ( beeing peraDucnture Ibfr tie, ano of potocr fo commauno o; ftoapoaer fos) toill not aDmit ln>to?itingtointcrmcDDleU)itb ft)c(r actions, auD pet bappr'fe ISO VUces monitorie and reprehen forte, TheEngKfh bp reafon of feme fjaro Beatings ofTcreb ton to tos,o; one frfcnDcs, tnfgljt fame murb to p?euailc in one fo?f o: otter to giue tbcm no- tice of if ,fca)ercbp to auotbc(if tt be poUtble) ttjc erpecrco toebcmcn« tie ano intolerable fuppojt of tbe fame. XB\ ttj focb men to oeale, fctijcDiic rb,*f at IcaQ totfe toe be compelled tbe r unto,to mahe a re cftallof manptoertucfljfucb asmlgbt be commenbablei bcautt* fping tmto ft great eft ate ano autbojit te,am> trjertoi tball fct fojtfc tbe too;tbines to n> fcttermott of fljat toe tot fb to be in bfm plan* teb:ant> faineblpalfo tore map fnppofe tbofc Venues to be mfina> ate in W pcrfo^ano botoe mncb tbe v are fur tbe ring to \)is name ana reputation,bp occafion of fc$icb,toe map in tbe contrary baue meant to lap open ail tbofe Dices ^je infuppo;table bur tben 3 biic nejM electable bat efulncs,o: trbat bao purpofe foener is tn tbcm concluDf d ,ano Hjcto Jioto mncb tbcp impugne n;e ff ate,rulc,o: aw fljo:ttte of anp one,tn;at blemtuj tbr p cad topon rjfm in Uijom tbep are fccqucnteb,botoe tbe p oeffrof c tbe gooo partes fo; UJji cb men tnigbtte ana gracious baue bcCreo to be eommenbeb, tbe conceit febereof ,map be totfb furb faeilitte ano cr cell en etc carieo , as tbat be to tujom tbe to;irc,u} ail toitb fome infigbt tbere in to, receiue a fpeeialltoieto of bte otone faul tine ffc, pea ano bp tbe couertnes of ftefamc,mafealfoparncfpatctoitt}:n bis otone imaginations, tbe particular loue* bate generalise attributeoto eicberof botb, feberemfcbatotberftjmgtyaU toe goe about, but in fttencctoab* tnontu) o; rep;ebenb fefeat in eacb of tbofe ougb to bee refufco 02 folio toeo,ubicb manner of tonting pcrfo:.meo to fucbe enbe ano e?amp!e,trbitbout ftamc ano blueing at all , eacb one map lab' fullte tofe,otbertoifepaIpablp to amrmctbofc toeriues ano pzaifes to be in a man in tnjofe acrlons(bccommmg molt notorious in al bint) of apparance)no one rbingis to be founo fo plentiful as tocrp tot cfeeoncs ft fclfe,rbis toere a flatterie mod oc tett able, ano of all otters mofffilft)ie,to be in anic to; iter re cc t uco ; pc t facb feinbe of abmonfu)mento;rep;ebem1onas is before rectteb 3 isp?ctilpal< lebgeo to banc bene tofeb bpa certaine pane man,tobo ncghbou' ring neere ton to one too;0}f pfuH % of great account in calling,but tbe retoitb mo;e piacriOng toitb bebrmeneir, tbe n boucaiic toOng ty* tmotoleoge of tbe ia tocs,bao faffauieb a mi ujap bp an Cr c of (be Centlcmans, tobo being a fierce beaff, bao goareo a Cotoc of Qe p©# m ans . fyc po;e man fcauino; ms t uco to; ong, ano boub# ting Secretorie. 'Pisces monitorie andrcprehenforic. Iji ring Wm to bauc re cotnpmce, bp reafon ttjat uje Gentleman Was of as notco autbo;up as hnotune ljarDnes,anD to ttbomc er« P?eQp be our a not complain of ttjc mtarie,ocnlfeD pet ttjis fubM tie ujjccBtnirt) to entrap fjfm. ^eecommcfb to tins great man a bonfe,ano being b:ougbt to t»* pjerence:£>lr((afo be) 3 am come to Drliurr unto pour Jjffilo?. ttboarcajufliccrmplace, fa; rtgb< ring of tmongs Done ano commttteD,a matter tocrp con fclonoblc to be rcfpeeteD, $ foi ui;tctj in mp opinion rocrc ought to be maoc a recompence. 3n £Dre of mine being a naugb t ie bead, a; : ot gb tbe ocfa nl t of mine own fence Ijatb goareo a Coto of ponr m o^ fljtps, id)(rfj is notoc loO ano oeao bp oje rmfljape njereof . 5>a(ff fljou ft, fa idc mis greate man, bp mp faiib njou mud tijen pap foj ncr.Qno gmD reafon taj,fa to n)e pco:c net gbbour,fo} it was a toil* fuH offcncc,but ano if it pleafe pone saa:u> 31 mifltcofe mine ap ranoe/o; in trttea),it is ponr &re djat bpoefaulte of ponr clone fence batb entreo mp grouno ,i goareo mp Com. £>b njen (qno$ (be otber)ft> cafe is altereo,wee mill talfce ttjc rcof at fome mo;c lei fare bereafiter.#otoe Ijotobc it tbe p©?c man bappelp oeparfeo tottfjout recompence, pet at tbe leaC bp trjis pittv Dctiife be made tbe Gentleman to bnoergano bis faulty fo far as bee beff mtgbt, Diobotbaomoniu)anD repjebenbe bisoume barbeano imurfous beating bp To fofttp a conclufiun:fo: bao bee not tbns gone about tfjc bu Oj,tt is like be bad not onelp bene frnffrate of recompence, but alio bofoe of anp fenf ence at all of m?ong,t4)(cb bp ti)is ban; bltng tbe matter, toas bp ttje The afTc gocth out in the morning to carie burthens, and in the eucningreceiuethhisprouendcrfor aduantage.ThcOxe grazethall p «v**Vv d ay in the parture, and at night is caricd to the butchers ftalrtheir re- wardc is their feeding, and the contentment they require is o.ielie to .4„ t i\htf lt , S3 , fill Jntiptyh «ra: I j 4. Epi files momtorie a^dreprehenforie. The Englifh fill their bellies :behooucth that men alfowho frombeaftcs arefc- queftred by manie degrees of rcafon,fhouId oftheir continuance and rinall determination Hue a like careIcflc?No vcrilic a it is too much vn- fecmely. Suchillufionsas thefe are notfittefbraman, whobythc nobilitie of his creation was ordained tofwaie oucr, and not to be- come fubiecl to fuch vilitie . You nowc becing at your owne choice and libcrtie,muft beware and giue great and diligent aduertifement to all your waies, you muft efcheweandauoide notonelietheveric cuilsjthcfclues^but alfo all occafions inducing or partaking with thofe euils; you muft imagine,that to bee in all thinges temperate and diC- creete,doeth folie argue a reputation to bee v, ithin you,fhun vice as you would doe a ferpent,flie wicked companie as a pefhlent infect- on, doc alwaies thinges wcorthie your felre,affe6tc not fo much the vaineglorious title ofpraife,as dehre how and in what fort to deferue and win praiie.Efteeme nothing Co precious as time, abandon floth, Tatimi*. and in all your focietie (asnecre as may bee) accompanic with the beft.Confider that fuch 'as is the tree, fuch is thefruite.Wno touchcth pitch muft needes bee defiled. With the good 'thou fhalt bee made good, and with the euill thou fhalt bee peruerted. Thinke none fo greatcan enemicasherhacmifleadcthyou. MifdeemenomanwiL Terortti; linglie,and giue occafion to all men toiudge ofyonindirferentlie. Thefe counfels(forewarningesofyour ruine or happines)ifaduifedlic you will hearken vnto, and faithfully lay vp among your chiefeftfe- crets,it (hall no waies repent you to haue bcene admonifhed,nor dif- content me in this fort fo much to haue counfellcd you, in that purfu- ing the effecles hcreof,you fhaH become fuch as I wifh you,and yout carefull father ifhe had Jiued wold haue bene glad to haue fecneyou. The Almightie giuer and moderator ofal our a&ions,bleffc and keep you.Farewelfrommy houfe at2),thisof,&c. v4% ttber'EftftleiJMonhoricfouckmgthc reformation cfa Couetous ltfc % %xvt4im. \ ^beit good brother, I knowe the matter of my writing will /~\ become ofFenfiuc vnto you, and thatl am not ignorant what * "* hcauie aduerfaries you haue,that daylie doc goe about to fup- prefle the foud & faithful aduifc of thofe, who without flattery docwifhheartilicwclviKoyoujandftudiouflieare buficdatal times 1*i Sccrctorie. Efiflks mointorit andreprehettforit, lj; for and towardes your good . Such ncuirthckfic is the louc and duticthat I owe voi^as feeing you in io great an en our as you areo- ucrvvhelmcditi, 1 cannot in reipedt of our brothcrlie affection , but I mult needeswame you of it,, whereof if you become not rcpen- tant,and a rcnounccr betimes, I doubt, notonelietlic worldc will Mtunomti. crieout a°ayn(l you, but God alfo in high difp'cafure wi'lbcc angri e with you ♦ Trulie for mine ovvnc part I am afhamed , and alfojc 2^trr«//V. greatlie fricu/ttrrmc cucrie where to hcare ofthisextrcamc couc toui- nefleand hardc dealings, by you vfed towardes your prorc tenants, and othcrthe inhabitants about you,uho notwithftanding that God hath aboundantlieblefled you with ryches more then iufruicnt, you bee yet fomiferablie bent vpon the worlde, as you care not by what diltri6\ and feuere handling you doe attaine vntoyour wealth , one- lie fo you haue it,or can come by it,you holde no conlcience or que- fHonatallofthe winning it . Alas what cries doe you procure a- Ec pij mt ^ }t gaynft you of the poorcand wretched people , who becing pla- gued with the harde yoke you laic vppon them, arc not able of thcmfeluestoredrefle, but onelic doe pray toGod that bee will for them reuenge it, The matter is too hatcfuil,and fo great is the op- preflion and wrong thereby offered, as i: cannot continue. Might my woorc|es become of weight vnto you, I woulde wifh you to leaueit, and ifnotformyfake, orin regard of your owne credite thereby fo gn atiie blemifhed and impayred, and your good name and fame vtterlic by fuch meanes obfeured and defaced,yet for Gods Me r ijmw. fake, whocommaundcthcharitie and right to all men, who wil- leth that wee doe to euerie one as wee would bee done vnto , who forbiddeth by fuch execrable lucre toheapetoour felues io vniuft and filthie game, you will rcfraineit, reforme it, amende it . In jftndtton, trueth you doe not knowc, howe much cuill thereby you procure vn- to your felfe^thc blind defire you haue toheapc vp riches will not per- mit you to fee, what rancour, mifchiefe,impictie , terrour and dread, Bnchhioga. ] you ctowdc fo neare togither , the little care you haue of the world tocome,fo quencheth your affections, as you haue not power to beholde |thc enormitie wherein you arc fo vehementlic trank ported. For fhame abftainc and become not the common oblo- MtioiHmia, quieofallmen, bee not you the man alone whome fo manic fhall cuifc, and all men for the moft part ciic vengeance vpon. Other wife if jj6 Epi/lles monltorie mdreprchenjorie. TheEnglifh if by no admonition you will relent, afl'jre your feUe, God who is the lighter of all wronges, w ill in mott fcucre manner compell you vnto it, and in the ende by great rigour puinfh you for ic. h little liketh nice that herein, To iull caufe remaincth, as whereby I am for- ced in this fort to argue with you , in which aition the nature of a brother mavgiuc you to vndcrftandein what (brt I admouifh you, and with whatlouing care I ret?ine you: the coniidcratien of which hathmooucdmec (as my felfc woulde wifhin the likeofwhatfo- euerlfhouldchaucerrcd, to bee dealt withall by you) to account the fwecte rebukes of a friend to bee farre more profitable then the diflemblingglozesofacruclland bitter encmie; to which end what- foeuer I haue fayde, may in like maner be conceyued by you. Fare- well. L. this of,&c. An Epift'e Lftfonitorie to afatherjoHcbing the Isnd and tit 'demeanour of his fnne. "Perorath. Senttntia, Exordinm* jiUegori*. ZtfrrAt'it. T Hough it feeme an approoued follie to caft pearles before fwinc, or to offer a golden laddie to an Aflesbacke : yet (not that I thinke either the Soweworthie of the pearles, or the Aflefit for the faddle) I haue written vnto you, the one caufe to manifeit vnto you the vile and bad parts of your fonnc whereof you will take no notice, andofwhich this Letter herein clofedfhallbcare fufficicnt telhmo- nie : the other for charities fake, to admonifh you which are his father, that by your timelie looking to thofe matters , you may windc him from that, which by fmall fufterancc will breed your wees , and hisirrecupcrable dcltrudtion.I haue vndcritood that hauing becne found heretofore in the like pilfering with two Mailers that he ferued, 4nd the fecrcte information thereof beeing brought to your eares, you mifliked his courtefie that toldc you, iuftified the matter to bee falie that was deliuercd you 3 and not io much as examining the ac- tion, (which a good father would haue done by all manner of indu- ftrie) you allowed your fonne for honeft, and affirmed that it was ynpolTible hecfhould enter into anic fuch thceuerie . If I fee the childeofluch a father come to an cuillende,I will not maiuell at all , feeing that befides the ordinaric inclinations alrcacfie grafted in his young yeares , hisparentesare content by winking at it, to giue him Secrctorie. Epi files wonitorie mdreprehenferie. 137 him furthcraunce , and in a manner to affirm c it fhall Co bee 5 in 10 much as thereby fecmeth, the fonne harh fvvorne hee will neuer Jnithefisi liuehoneftlie, and the father hath promifed that hec will fet him for- wardeto Itburnt, for hisvillainie. Is it reafon that men(ofzeak*and Erttm ** con(cience)fhouldgoe ab»ut to pittic their misfortunes, whohaue proteftcd neuer by companion to preucnt in themfclues, the iuftand appropriate rcwarde of their ov. ne euilles f What fhall I fay to the jp ar - f49 vnhappie father of fuch a fbnne , or rather vnhappie childeof fuch a father, whether fhall I forewarne him or you, theoncpurpofing, the other animating, to what vntoeach of you in the ende mufte VroUpft. become a particular defolation t Trulie thefe thinges will not ccn - tinue , they can not long holde. Weil (not in refpedt that ey ther of youhaue deferuedfomuchatmyhandes) but tor pities fake, lam content to beare with your infirmities, and (fo you will not vrge mec to your owne harmes, by your courteous , though not fo much as ho- r neft vfagc, ; for honeftie willeth /fhoulde haue mine owne againe, ' or recompence) will part with my lofles : but yet therewithal! warnc you ( to which ende I haue written this Letter ) that you preuent you r mifchiefes betimes , you doe confider the fuccefle of" your owne harmes. So long the pctte goeth to the Riuer , that at laft it Tar . . commeth broken home , cueric man will not deale with you as I doe. It can not bee, but you muft needes knowe , nay rather bee a Metanti*, partaker of your fonnes euilles , howe euer you diflemble with the worlde, and face out the irmter before people. Take hecde I fay, God when hec fhiketh , fmiteth home , you will elfe repent it, for it Semtntia. will none othervvife bee. Bccaufe I haue yet fome hope, that by driuing into your conccyte the enormitie hereof] anddifcoueringthe packer which you faide was lockt vp from your feeing , that at the M'g'"** leaft wife for the feareofGod , and to faue him from the a allowes, you will endeuour to chaftife him. I haue fent this bearer,whocan infourmeyou of the truth , timcand place, ofthatwhich you »oe about to fhrowdevp ib couertlic, and ifafterwardes you will not bridle him, I protcrt his fhamcleflcforchcadc muft bee corrected by Mtmomi *') iu(hce,and thelawes muft further paffe vppon , Surelienot for cn- uie of the perfon , but for the fhamelefTe brovveheebeareth, as one that had done none offence, to prouokemee byeuillvfageto blaze hisfaultcs, that otherwife by good counfcll, vvouldc haue coucred T the t"$$ Epiftlesntonitorieandreprehenforie. The Englifh them : / thinke it a deede meritorious to haue him punifhed, if you Jtitithtps. haue a defire as a father to cherifh him, haue a regarde as a friend be- times to correct him, otherwife you mail fooner fee him come to fhame^hen anie waies climbe vnto credite.But for ought / can hearc, both father & mother are fo addicted to the bolftring of his doings,as that it fcemcth they haue alreadie vowed their infamie to the world , and hislifetothegallowes : good counfellmay domuch,and though in tafte I leeme a bitter enemiCjthe proofe ia triall (hall be better then of a fawning friend. An cxamplereprehcnforie. ycherem a man ofveetlthfufticient is reprehendedfar marutge ofh is (laugh terf othe rttbes cfan old rvealtbie LMtfer, TtrwMh* Ixwdim, MiMwmia. Troptftht) Mt$apbor*i Jnripfoafis 'u&Xtfik Sir, I am not a little grieued for the Ioue I owe you , to fee that in thefe ripe yeares of yours , wherein men commonly are freight with difcretion , you neuertheles do verie indifcreetlie goc about to compaffea matter Co repugnant to reafon , or any maner of confide* rate and fage aduifement, as whereat the worlde can but woondcr, and whereof all that know you,or by any meanesmay vnderftand of the matchjWill no queftion greatly accufe & forcucrcondemneyou. It is deliuercd with vs here for certain,that you are intended(vpon the doting affedtion ofa miferable old man, your neighbor,whofc yearcs areas well fraught with di/eafes, and his manacled and benummed old ioynts with imperfections , as his barred coffers with coine) to marry vnto him my neece your yoongeft daughter vpon a fuddaine, and that to the furtherance thereof jyou offered to contribute of your owne ftore a reafbnable and fufficient portion. Truft mee when I heard it at firft, / deemed it as a counterfeit ieaft, thinkingthat the man whom /fo wel knew before time,could not on a fudden become fuch a paragon,as whereon a maiden of her feature, youth 3 3ccomplifhment, and fauor. could fo quickly become enamo- red , neither thought 1 thathowfocuer the dotage of the olde man ftcod as a conceit to miileat,that you for your part would fb much as vouchfafe to hearken to it,efpecially at any time fo fcrioufly to fpcake of it,much lefle to open your put/e to become a purchafer of it , or by conftraint at all to enforce herfauors 3 to giue figne or token anie waies vnto it, Ala* Sccrctoric Epiftlesfonitcricandrepreheriforic. ijp Alas fir, was there no one thing more wherein befidesyou Eyhonejii. coulde oueifhoote your iclfe , but onelic in fo bad a purpole, an ac- fy" "; 1 ***. tion fo vnhoneft , an intendment fb vile , a matter fo much impug- ning nature , as that the verie earthy or hell it felfe , coulde not belch m r i *P t ' out againfte the fayre Virgine , To huge and Co intolerable a mif- chiefe , to match I fay , the matchleile fauour of fo young and p , _ dayntic a pcece to the filthie , tawnie , deformed and vnfeemclie hue ^ n J,b c fi,, of fo wretched and ill fauourcd a creature ? What nature isthis , to worke vnto her, whome of your owne flefh you hauc ingendercd, Synonym*. whome fo long you hauc nouriftied , whome to fuch and fo manic perfections yoiihauetraincd,vppon a fuddainc^naieeucn in one mo- MetmtU. ment, fo m anirelt an occafion to caft her awaie^not yeelding vnto her heauy cenfurc , fo great a benefit as death , but ten thoufand griefes, H ^ trl " le * the lealt ofall which is worfe then any death that may bee , wherein comfortlefie (he may complaine,grieuc 3 andbemoane her felfe with- out any reliefe at all,but by the precious price and hazard of her own (bule, Howe vnequally doc you deale herein , to render vnto her being AntUhtfa fcarce fixtcene ycares of age, a husbandc enfeebled by fburefcorc ye ares and vpWards, whole toes are fwolne with the go wt , and legs fyfWF'- confumed with thedropfie, whofelcanecarcafcbearethnoappa- rance but of old fears, and ftifhed limmes become vn weld ie fuppor- tersofhis pined corps, whome furs muft fence from theleaft blaftof MettphvA. cold,& dew of nappy Ale cherifh with warmc fires , whofc nightcap " 4nti t hra M carrieth more (tore of heat,then al his body doth of agility or Hregth, . , -. and nofe far more fruitful then fauor y,with diftillmg drops down tril- " ling from thence in frefheft fpring or the iolieft fealons, maketh ill fa- uored rcfecfions. What wrong do you tender the poorc maiden ther* Emtma. in? How vnworthy and far ill befeeming is the fame to her, who hath fuch afathcr,and apparantly fhal be known to be fuch a mans daugh' ter .' fliall you not therein bee noted of great folly , will not all men laugh atitjpiticitjCricfhameofit, and her felfe poorc foule praic to k b n ^ tM * Godtoreuengcitf It is too much intollerable beleeue mce, that you fhould endeuour in this forte by colour of your Fatherlic authoritie to conltraine her, whome (albek fhec is your ownc childe)yet maic you not thus forciblie compell vnto to vnnaturall an extremitiet T z % Confidcr jinthhefts. Metaphor*, i$o Epiftlesmonitorieandreprehenforie. The Englifh Commoratit. Confider with your felfe howc grieuous the thing you goc about to compa{Te,mayretume vnto her,and whereas liking and choife is of all other things in cafe ofmarriage to bee accounted moitdcarefr, you notonelieagaynfther will,doendeuour to induce a breach thereof, but alfo do giue her ouer into the handes of fuch a one, whole inequa- litie fo far forth diffeuercth fro her appethe.as that it cannot othcrwife be,but(as vnto allothers,fo vnto her chiefly)itmuft become vnfuffe- rable. Haue you no more care of her that is your daughter,but when nowe you haue brought her to the pafle, wherein fhee fhould partici- pate the vcrtuous and modeftvfe of that, whercuntohcryearts haue adapted her, and for which ende and purpofe , marriage wa< by Gods /acred ordinance at the firft ordayned , in fteedeor a louing and contented husbande, to giue her a withered olde Truncke, in lue of fweete and mutuall focietic,to weddeher to forrowe a id euerloa- thedgriefe, to endow nerwith larger profite then with honefl con- tentment, thinke you that fhee is a Hone, that her fenfes from others arcdifferent in their right operation and qualities , that fhee more or leflTe ,or in ftranger fort then anie others , can become therein more Mtlyp9ph»ta, forcible,or leflc iniuried ? No fir , afTure your felfe,you murt needes heape vp no other but extremities vppoti her, it cannot bee but if you proceedhereinjyoumuft of force vndi her, the ende and conclufion isfovtterliebad,asitcannotberemaued, Returne then vnto your felfe, and thinke herein what beft befec- meth your daughter , rememberthat whatyoutake inhandein that action is vngodhe,iniuft,feucre,and vnnaturall , that in giuing fuch a husband, you fhall giue her (without the greater grace of God) and himboihtothediuell. Confider, thatyou are with pietie,andto a Cbriftian purpofe and endc\to moderate your authoritic, weigh with your felfe that the couetoufnes whet with you are ouercome is no pur- chafe to her offafety. And ballancing all thefe in the v\ aight and cords of equalitie, withdraw your felfc,and by fuch meanes become diflwa- ded from fo great an abfurditie.So may you the more eafilic peiforme thafvntoherbelongeth,asakinde and louing father, and for the pro- fite by this trauell reaped at your hands,bind her and all vs with grea- ter feruencie,to loue you, Whereon concluding the fcope of all my former defires,! endj&c. Temtth, Zfipkmm*. An Secrctoric. Efijilcs monitorie And refrebenforie, i ^ ; i/in Efijlle refrshen forte to ayouttg Cjeutleman. A Bout feuen daycs patted , I receyucd Letters from my Bro- TyarTtui, therN. the long expectation wherco^and defircl had to bee mfburmed of your well doofrag, made mee inwardly rcioyce at the firftvieweof them, fuppofing that as Ideliuered you outof my handes,I fhould (fill haue found you in the fame predicament, with- out aIteration 3 or lb much as anie furmize ofthat wherof I haue beenc thereby aduertifed. It is long fince indeede that you were with mee 9 at which time you were in manner a childe, neuertheles in thofe tender yeares fo towardlie giuen,and of fb milde and gentle dilpofition, as there was great caule whie then 1 fhould effeeme of you, and much matter of. fered to all others that kne we yee, whereupon to commend you : But nowe if it bee true as I am informed 5 your aclions are turned quite contrarie,you are become a chaungeling, you are no more the fame^ S>i»ij>«w4. but another in qualitie,minde and operation. If this bee fo,you haue furelie taken a wrong courfe , in exchaunge ofvertue,tomake choHe of vice: in fteede of laudable cxercifes , to admit a number of lewd qualities : in place of good and honeft vfage, to enter into a life vnciuill,Iewde and fauage : your companie keeping is (as is reported) without anie order,your Itudies are carelefTe , your paftimc rccklefle, your tabling drunkennefle, your liuingvnthriftineflb: finalise , bin- Efifhonma, filing before time at all thinges, for their noueltie, youdare boldlie nowe to aduenturc anie thing bee it with neuer fo great infamie. Thcfe things, my good Coofen,I muft tell you are vnfit for a Gentle- man^and much ill befeeming that education ofyours,whcreunto they were neuer accuftomed . From thefe , ifyou will doe aright , you are nowe to weld your fpeedie courfe, and quicklie to depart,calling to your remembrance 5 that what approcheth the condition of euerie ordinarieperfon is not meete for your cieditc , and what in men of common account appeareth tobcenoblemiflhis in your reputation heldeto be a great and notable faultinefle. When men defire to bee well famed,and by ( true renowne to Hhms, rife vnto worthineffe, they flie floath, and giuc themftluts to auoyde T 3 all Xjfi Epiftles monitory Midreprebenfory. The Englifh alloccafionsof IdlencfTe, they endcuour to become paincfull and induftrious to couct thinges of higheft accompt , and to bee in com - panie with the molt vcrtuous . Their credite ham no fupporte by vanities, they feeke not their reputation among taunnagates, they conucrlc not with Tauerne. haunters, and bibbers , they hue not with men ofvilde accompt, diflblutc and vngratious , fuchkinde of meanes (as inefficient to glorie)thcy dceme wretched and op- Epiphotttm*, probrious. You nowe if you would bee fuch as you ought to bee , mult alfo purfuethe tradteofthefc, the fweetenefleanddelicacic whereof ^if but a little you will pierce into the fo wre and harfh taftc of the Anikkefii, other) you (hall quicklie conceiue $ markc but the praife , benefites, eflimate and goodreporte, entertained with the one; and on the otherfide, thedifcreditc,(hame,djfcommoditie, and vilerccko» ning al waies made of the other , and then iudge by your o wne de- ecrnement j ho we much and ho we greatlic you are ledde awrie, in thus careleflic roaming vppon others vilifies, and concluding with your felfe vppon the ill conccipt that all good men haue of fuch hatefullanddiforderliekindcofliuing, returnc betimes, ere too late, for want of good aduifement, you fooliQilie begin to ctic out of your winning. Trincipiis ob/la^ero mcdicinaparatHr, Cum malafer longM conwduere moras. Firft ftop the caufe,too late doth phificke come, When euils fmal 3 to great (by furTerance)run. Credite me (whomeeuer you haue knowne to fauour y ou) the dis- grace that quickly you fhail fuftaine, if betimes you nrlent not thefe cuils, wil to agood mind become (o vile and fo odious as not without great forow and griefe,m ay bee wiped away.I difguife not with you in that I faic,for youfhallfindc it and prouc it tobe true.lt is a fhamc fbrany man in thofeyeaits,wherin ofal others his towardnes lliould chiefly be effe&ed,to be accomptcd then bad,vilde 5 lewd,and ill dc- Awff/»,. nicaned,much more for a Gcntlcman,whofe education was lo good, whofe infancy fo well trained,whofc adolcfccncy fo formerly with al kind of vermes indued, to become^now when moft difcreuon (hould fwaieinhim, worfc then before, more djfordcred then whenhee was Secrctorie. 'Places xsfmai 'or is. jjj was to be corre&cd, IcfTc commended in his owne gouernment then when he was vnder anothers imertainment. The loue that / bcare vnto you , makcth mee the more largelye heercof toenfourme you , which for that I dceme not of anieiilfccdefprongout of your owne nature, to bee growncvppe Mtta fi«r+ into fuch kernels , J doe thereby adiudge, that with more facilitie they maic bediflfeucrcd , the brauncheslknowe arc of others wea- ring, which /neuerwifh to bee fofarrefoorth Iyked, as to become of your owne gathering. From the inconueniencc whereof I hi- therto hauc ftudy ed thus much to withdrawe you , as hee that mo ft ofall defircth abouc anie other to cnioie you . The hafte of the mek fenger, and wearincfle oT writing enforce mee to leane. God, who is the conductor ofall happieendeuourSjblcflc you, and till I heare from you againe, my felfe will exfpeel the befl reformation that any good opinion may induce in mee , as yet to conceyue ofyou. Fare you well, this of. &c. OfEfiftlesAmMtorie, Cbap.rp, Huers otfjer pattern?* of funojfe occaflona concluDcD tmoe r fljts jECptle , might befooe* , thefc fctvt bee put Dotone , thereof bceanfe 3 hauc fe largelie fpofeen in the tnfcourfe before jttjefe Cpttf les, 3 tbtnfte the eramplea alreaoie p:oponrD to bee fafftcicnt . £lnD nntoe Qs laffof aUrbcfcDiutlnnsyct onfpoken of is A* matoric, fofjrreof beeaufe tbe rjumoura of all fo?te$tolt& lotte pofifefTcD.arefo infinite aim fo great antmeertainttein tijrmrc«< matnett),as $jat perdjance enen tn§ eerie Uniting of &fs letter, tfcc lener himfclf is fomrimc Ccarce eertain of fyis ohm tnteneeD purpofe tbcrctn,l&c leffe malt of ncceffttic be tfjc p;ccepts of the fame ,' foi that In fomr of t&rm toee require ans entreate in o< ttjers erpottulate ttje matters ano occafiono falling m (be iiffRc tbrrof, otter time* complatne, another totjilc fa tone ano fpeafee faire,tben purge 0; cleare anaecufation fappofeD a* gagntt ra. j? tnallfc 5 tnnmwrable are n)c oe uifes to&eretoitt) (be 144 'PUcest^ftnAtorie. TheEnglifh rcpncs of loueareconDuctcb* 53ut in as muct as 3bauebereto« fine ginenbntoati otljcr titles tbe(r feuerali pjcccptes, 3 will fomttbat alfo in tbts place fpeaae to ttje purpofc thereof :3En iivtfb 3 mutt firft referre t&e tojtrer bnto ttje confioeratf on of tbe tjone' fffeof tbe action bp btoipjetenbeb to be fo;ttfcn of , ano tben foj fbe places of requeu\complatnt,erpofrulatfon,o2 auepeance of a* nie tying therein bappemng to tbe toafgfot of brs otonc affection, &btcb bow bebementlp, oj aenoerlp it metgberb, fitaifcifc can bed tefflfie,am> lattlp,foj tbe toeO o:Dering of citber f tbe fe,ro $e er> 8ttiplesPetitoric,Expoftulatorie,Defenroric,ant Excufatorie in tfjiS bcDbcplenttfutlte Bcliuereb , therein bowbeit tbe matter of leue ts no toapes erp2eu"eD,pct to ante capable o: toel DtfpoftD conceit, tbe conuepance rijereof cannot in tbe felfcercbange of tt> fab tea be toltbont fomc import bnto tbe w 3n ibis place tbe re mtgbt alfo bee mace a btffinction of lone wbere in a Sympathie of minos from man to man aiwell bnitetb togttber bp an inofflbluble league of am* tic tbeic bearts in one, as betweene man ano Woman, ana tbat foi tbe moft part bp a far tnoje toafgblie league, ano mo:e tnufolablc Difcrction. 13ut Gtb IXyt alteration tbereof , as ft mucb bifferetb in qnalittc from n> o« ttjrc, ts alio alike crcbaungeo bp title, fljat one fearmeb bp f\je name of Fricndfhip,anD wis otfjerrbalcnging on die to be orcfpbc* tea bp Louc, njefe amours in tins Definition fljall onelp be in ten* dec fudj,as are mooeftlp renoereo from men tnto loom ;n,ano w accojoinglp berein to be erampleb ano fenitten bpon. ano bowbeit fbe little erperience 31 bane bao of fome con* aerfing in tbfs feinoe of ffuoie, barb fufficientlte tangbt mee to fenotoe, tbattbc bertcinfrinct 02 fetleoimp:cllionof this Ktnoe of fanraSc is fuel? a &cboolcmaiffcr to munition, ano To cunning a refiner of anp well Difpofeo conceit,aa tbat wtrb berpfmalt belp, fttberebpeommonueperfoimrtbwucbmo;c tbenweO coulobcc otbcrwtfe infenoeo . Ko fbe belptng a M .o putting fojicarots tobereof, a number of rrccllcnt penneo Dtfcourfes onelie per* tinentanDferningtotbe efficacieof tbofe amours, are tottb tbe greatett fingularitie njat map bee DcliurrcD, pet in fo mucb as tbis boofee taking bpon it to fet foo;tb of cuerpe tbe fptles tberctn OifiinguitbcD , fome one o; otber particular erample, map not bp tbe Defect of tbcfe, feeme to fcaue ante want of tbat, twfeb Sccrctoric. fyiftles^matorie. 14s fobicbb? it fjaflS) bin fojmtclie p:omifcD, 3 baue tbougbt groo fo> o:oer fakc,to par fur alto in tbte place, Up effect of tbts spefljooe. E&c ctrcnmttancca tutjereof bptbe examples follounngfyall bee tenaereo. Att example of AttEpifiUyfor the firjitntrcatic of good will, T He long andconfiderateregardc, by which in dcepe contem- plation I haue eyed your moft rare and lingular vertucs,ioyned with lb admirable bcautie, and much pleafing condition grafted in your perfon, hath mooued me good Miftrefle E. among a number whome entirely I knowe tofauouryou,earncftlicto louc you, and therewith to offer my fclfe vnto you, Nowe howbeit / may hap- pilic feeme in lome eyes,thc leaft in woorthines of a number that day- licrrequent you, yet may you vouchfafein your owne priuateto rec- kon mee with the greatcft in willingneffc , wherein , if a fetled and immooueable affe&ion towardes you, if feruent and aiTured loue grounded vpon the vndccaiable itay and proppeof your vermes , if continuall, nay rather inextcrminablc vowes , in all perpetuitie ad- t dieted vnto your feruices,ifneuer cealing and tormenting gricfe vn- certainlie carried, by a hazardous expectation, doled in the circle of your gracious concey te,whether to bring vnto the eares of my foule a Iwectc murmure of life, or fcuerefcntenccofaprclent death , may ought at all preuaile cither to mooue, entreate •, fuc , foliate, or per- fwade you , I then am the man , who fhrining in my inwarde thoughts, the digniticof fo woorthie acreature,and prifing in decpeft weight (though nottothevttermoft value) theeftimatcof Co incom- parable a beautie,haue refolued liuing to honor you; and dying ncuer to ferue other butyou,from whole delicate looks, expecting no worfe acceptance, then may fceme anfwcrablctolbdiuine an excellence, 1 remaine. Tom' mofl fAJfionatcJoyidl and perpetually denoted fie. T)$i& cramplc fcemtng to be in nje faperlanne Degree , ft is tntcnoco n)at n> Direction thereof o;n>lihe, u)ouioe patfe m tinto j 4$ Epiftlest^fmaterie. ThcEnglifh tjnrofcmaone, fo$efebfrfl),eoaeatfon > 02 ofljer complements, mate futTtetentUe anftoere tt>c greatnefleano efTicacir trjr reof ,io# ttjcrtotfeto one meanUeoemeaneo,o? faro leffeenabUD, torn* Dtte o? offer tlje Itfte, (t might feeme fcnto rt> nr.itcr, a great tnofgnrtte, astoeiltn foDgement , as by an apparant brant of fomcorfetc fafffciencfe. i?o; tobtdi 3 t^oagtjf gooDtoaomontft) ttjuefarrefnt&te place, fcatobcitintrjefrconoe Chapter of ttjis boofec, 3 banc routing a rcipctt in all touting to bee&aobnro ffjeparHc,&te par template anoqnalttte, plentiful! tc a Ireaofccif- coacfcD. Another example t» tbttpHrpofe* GOod Miftrefle E. I am bolde though a ftraanger, to make thefe Letters, meflengers at this prefent of my good meaning towards you,whereinyoumaypleafetothinke that I goc not about by pre- tence of a moft entire and heartie good will which I profeflc to bcare you, to make prefent furmife thereupon, that on fobarc an affertion you (hould immediately credite me, /prife your worthinefTe at farre greater value,and weigh your good allowance fo much , as I onelie dciire, that by your fauorable liking I may intreate to haucaccefie vnto you, not doubting but by my being in your prefence, I fliall fo lufficientlie by apparant proofemamtajne the efficacieofthat I now protcft , andgiuc you fo goodoccafionto decme well of mee , as you fliall hauc no rcafontorepent you, that vpon fo honelt and lo- uing rcqueft you hauc conchfcendcd to my cntreatie. Whofe health and profperitie tenderingin all things as mine owne, I fende you with my Letter a token ofthat great affection I bearc you, which I moft heartiliepraieyouto accept of^ andwearcfor mee. Andeucn fo doc continue. TourSjif fo you pleafe to accept of me ,&c, An an ft ere to tbefirft ofthefe Epijlles. THat men haue skill , and are by fundrie commendable partes enabled to fetfoorch their meaning, there needed^ as Ithinke no Sccretorie, fyftlest^fmatorie, i 47 no other teftimonie then your prefente writing, your eloquence is farrc beyonde the reach of m y poorewitte, and the multiplkicie of yourpraifes fitter for a Poeticall GoddcfTe, then to the erc&ioa ofanicfuchearthlieDecfle. For my pane, /houlde them as the fan* cics and toies of men, iffuing from the weakeft ofthcir humours and howefarre my fclfc can dc feme, none then my felfe can better ccn- ceiue, Becing one of good forte, as you are, I coulde doe no leflc then write apainevnto you, the rather to fatisfie the importunitieof your meffenger, wtthing fuch a one to your lot as wel m ight parago- nizethofe excellencies you write of^ and anfwere cuerie waievns to the fubftaunce of all thofe incftimable prayfes . Sq hauin**, your louc and your writing, might ( as /takek)bee beftfutedco- gcthers, Youis,as far as moderty will,to aun- fwere your curtciics,&c A recite to the fame anfrvere* GRacious obiccl of my pleafing thoughtcs, and miitrefle of all my inwarde happines^fweete were the lines you wrote,God wot vnto mee your feruant howe comfortable, and how pre- cious, knowing that their premeditation had ifiucfrom thofe your pcerleflecxcellencieSjcV the touch of thofe letters pafled the guidance of your delicat hands,how (harp or powerful foeuer be the weight of the fame,the leflc (hall be the gricfe, in that (he whom / honour and effimate aboue all others,hath vouchfafed to wifh vnto my lot, y ac- coplifhmet ofall t-hofeexcellencies,which none but her felfcan para- gonize,and wherein (he oncliegceth beyond all others. Vouchfafe (fweete Mi(tris)that what vnto you isintended to bee plcan"ng,may not feeme difgraced,by the omamente oiEleqnence^ the Soueraigne and praife-woorthic Calorie whereof, beautifieth both fpeeches and reafons. Too dulle aremy fcnfes(/confcfic) to blaze faoith the weight ofyourmerites,youraccompliihmcntesbccingjfo manifold, as whereour( if euer anicearthlieDecfle by anie cxcelicncie were deriued;the fame might bee thought to hauc alonlic proceeded. You may plcafe ofmy loueto deemeas ofyourownc dcfeuiiges the V i lojndation /4* Efifllesi^fmatorie. ThcEnglifli foundation whereof cannot bee fo (lender, as whereon foweakea thinge as fancie fhoulde bee grounded. But as your vertucs are per* mancnt, fo may you iudge of my louc to be perpetual]. Let it once more accord with your curtcousconfent,that thefe letters with the firft may haue the like fauourable acceptaunce 5 wherebyyou fhall kindle in mee no other or greater prcfuraption, then what belt fic- teth vnto the woortbincfle both of your vertue and calling. With hcartes longing and fighes fending, ray Letters, and wellwiftiinges fpecde them togethers ? crauing that you willeuer holde anddeeme of me,as ofhim that in all protefted faith ,loue and loyaltie,is and will bccalwaies. Yours^&c. An anJrverevttttthefecendLetter* Sir , your mcflage is vnto mee asflrangeas yourfclfc, who are vn- to me a ftranger,& what your goad meaning vnto me is, I knowe notjforgiuingofhaftie creditc to your aflertiorw,as you feem noc tochalengc it/o waslncuerhethcrtooimy fclffo haftictodo it.ha- uingeftfoones bene taught, thatoffaireft fpeaches enfucth often the fowleft actions : /cannot condemne your purpofe,becaufe I entende the beft of your dealings,and howbeit I am in no point fo retrained, but that in allrealbnable fort that may be, anieaccefle may be gran- ted : (o when you fhall by further notice fufficientlic make apparant that with mode/tic I may doe it, I fhall bee willing lofarrefoorth as my yearcs and prefent beeing, may minifter occafion,in anie thank- full rcquitall that may bee to y eclde my felfe vnto you. Till which time /returne your token againe and my hartie thankes vnto you by this bearer. Yourfricnd asoncvnacqua'inted hctheitomaybcj&c. THE THE SECOND PART OF the Englifh Secretorie. OfEp&Us lu&ciaU. Chap, /, £> 3 bane alreade erample o bnto you a!! Mcs of Epiillcs^ontatncDtinDcr fte ttoo titles of De> monhVatiue, ano Dcliberatiuc : £?o bp fte 0<&3eC anDdfpofitionfojmcrUe tofeo, it beboueft (as nertc in courfe ) 3 tioc notoe conic bnto fte title Iudjaall. Wbv ttits title tsfo caileo, 3 f^aucin ft at ofter beofce alrcaoic ocliuereD. s>o ftat rtou>c it map feme fit,ft at herein as in fte ofter tinaine befoje go tng.tue Deliberate tftat rcocr ano places foitlje rocll banding ano proper conus- ance of ftefe Epirtlcs, are p2inctpaUte to be obferueo. i^ou ftal! ftennnocrQano,ftat foj fo maft as fte efficacie of fttS title tS U&olte cariCO in caufe of Accufation,Inue&iue,Charge 3 Q) defence, fte matters thereof areiftolic cenfureo bplatocbp; common reputation, bv cuffomebp aufto^itte, 0? bp I uogeimnt, fte Rhetoricians, fo; fte mojc ercellent fetting fan ft of fte Oiato- rie partes bereof , banc tin to fte general! tie of fte famc,allot tco ftza: Sates 0: punctpatl beaoes, tftereout bp imitation, all our Epiftles onoer t^is title are tftolie to be carfeo. Efre fir Q is calico Coniedurall,ftat fs,ttbetc a matter bv coniecture onlie of rime, place,ettate»02 condrion of fte perforin ofter libelftooes to fte fame agrceing,map be fuppofco 03 cnfbjccD. Jfte feeono is lundicial } tftereitt not bp coniecture, but by mat* tec in act(on,fc ntence, lame, 0; ta&gemcnf e, toec aggraaate fte caufe in quel! ton, in tftfft remain eft fte qualitie,cfrcumffance, o2grcatnestobeDcciDeD,anjDbotoe tjeljementlieo; Oenocrlieit tjuruftojimpojtcft, *t+n. r a Tarts and f laces Judicial. ThcEngMi filje tfoiro us tearmeb Legithnafakify bp La wcs^cuftomes^om- mon vfagc,o: allowance, Defined) a lt.ing to bee gmD o; baD,tolc- table o: not to be fuff cccD. £ ut of tbefe bcaocs ar i fettj tl;c plentte of all one foliciamg DtutOons, fefcieb alfo hereafter are tn tt^ctc places to be cotiecteo,tbe firtt txbereof ,con taming matter of Ac- cufation oj Charge,map be fatDe to be Accufatorie, Expoftulatorie, Exprobratorie,ComnVinatorie,anD/nuecliue. £j)efeconD, beeing Refponforie to Clttjet of 0> fe,map be fafee to be Excufatorie, Pur- gatorie,Defenforie o; Deprecatoric. 2|)e COmpaffe aftoell of OJC one as tfje otber,ettt)er fo* matters acculcd 3 objected, purged,cx- cufcd>entrcatcd for,o; Defendcd.ace Cmplp o: trfcolie inclnDcD on* tier all o? one of tbt ferjeaos bifo:c rcmemb;co. £Jje efffcacie of eftber of tbcfe,aftoell fez tnfe: cement es,as foj clearing o? auopDance of ante matter Do fame to be Dtttone, pa locos atfilHtotjflacz* abfolute, ano locos ajfnmftiuos i places af- fnmptiue. Lociabftlntinxt facfj,as contafne In tbemenftoeemenfes not to be auotacDjft&efljetttbefn ctjarge^matter inuccliuc,o: defence, foj t|»at ttjer ace eol lecte of fenauoioa ble grcunDcs,tbat is to far, OfNatureJLawejCuftome, ContraC\common allowance, Rightc, LawfullanD Good Sentence anD lodgement. 3Ebcfe aftucll to t^C ff ate Iuridiciall,ajs to ttje on)er of Ugttmtjaxz alifce ojDlnarie ano common.ttjts onch? Dtff ercncc,tbar in n)at of Iuridicial, rtje v are allcnfo:ceD to condemnation: in njat of kgitima, cenfuredbp tycf r qnalttie,tjfc o? toleration. Loci ajfumptiui^tz onlp colledfon* bpeonleante,arrt>nof mar* tcr in ccr camtp,bnt fnrij as map be tygeo bp liKcliboos.pct grr at Ip cnfir.ee to aectifation, anDfeme alike to mitigate bp Defence o? erenfing^flus to t&e (fate Conic lifectoffebp funozie ether circumffances. Abilirietstygco bp. Oportunitie, bpTime aitD Place, Aydes o: Supportes, ant) tr)C means of ettber of fbefe,mcafurcDbp the creDitejaffcctfonjtoant, compantc, conceit, oiinftabilitie of the pcrfentocgoc about to accufe 5 ercufe,purge,03 oefeno. Sbus baue 3 largelie oeliucrcD bnfo poo, frje fam mio fcope of fcfcat in fpcctalt to be intenceo tmaer ttjis title , the t)fc anD nuge particular fyctottpcrcof ujallbcebpt&efrfcueraliCfcpflJles mo;e amplie erplancu bnfo pou. Clno botobc it 3 coulo be re a little diuc I bt> fomc continueD oifccurfe , in t&e commenDableaouancemcnt bn to pou of the tooo?n)ineue of tbis pjefent part toe baue rtoto in tjane of toeD twtttng,ttbcr c innot oncite tbefe places alreaote re* mcmb:eD , but in a manner all otber partes of tbe Deliberatiue anDDemonitratiuc feinoc arcmott plentifuIUe atcfte.D : pet toill 31 but remember bnto pon home effcduallie bp the toeR baia* ling of ante tt}e particular* tberunto belonging ,anfi&otoc'farcfi mo:c Qngutarlie t&en in ante '.ijc r s, (beer ceil encfc of a gooD britte arto a quiche , ano fine inuention is meff fuliie DecipbcrcD, feeing mat in tbe occurrents beereof, the tmiteris neuer tpco to ante one courfe in particular , but bath fcope to toaoc into all tying* in generall. fro; n)at bp tbe t?er tc o:ccr of Cbefc CDpiffles, bee fljall funtyte times tjaue occatton to fcfc ttje partes Defcriptoiie, Laudatorie,. Vituperatorie .Hortatorie^SAafbriejDiiTwaforiejPetitorie, Monito- rie,ConciIiatorie 3 ReprehenfoiJC^ ar.B at Uianp times DtoCrSO? Q)C mod part of ttjem altogtt&ers. GCbeufoic leaning anp further re« fpect he re of ,tm to the reaop conceite oflfucfc as tl;t re unto map Ue 'enable&jtoe teittypcaBDAntQ the reff.. b ZDbe partes foj Difpofition require cv in tTjrfc (Spiff les,are a* tn ttjc ttjers befoje going , ttjat i» to fate ; Exordium n Narrario, htm !»: -i;.di : ri 0}. ^ \ ■ — - 4 EpijllcsAccttfotorie. ThcEnglifh 0} PropofitiefienjirnHttiOyConfHtAtiofXfa Teroratio* Z\)i firir of t& oiffmctions bnocr ftjio part Iudkiallfo be p20> fccuteD,appcarett) to be Accufacotie , infjfcb either Gmpife bp cow fecturec,o: bp matter of fenotone o: bcrijp fuppofeD trotb,ac von &aue bcfo:e remcmb:eD, 02 bo$ toape* at onec,map bee eomiep* eo . SErjercof &c firff in fcqneitce tobf cfj 31 totil oelitter fcnto poa fa cramplctyalt be in Hjc Sale coniertnrall , to tjicb being framed to be queff tenable bcttocene a gpercftant anc&ts fernant, failed ont in fo;t following to be perfcjmcD. An example of an Eptftle Accufatorietn the (late Centecl$tralI,from 4 merchant to the father of his fernant, ■ Ewdihm. QT r> you willperchaunce maruell to feethe fudden acceflfe of thefc *3my letters vnto you, togither with the haftierepaire of my man, (fuchas heretofore hath not beene accuftomed betweene you and me,fithcnce our formoftacquaintance)but to flay that doubt, and to enfbrnac you at large, what vrgent occafion I haue fo to doe , it may pleafe you with as little difcontentment as may bee, to giue your felfe to the view ofthefe Letters, and thereupon to cenfureon my bchalfe the matter of the fame accordinglie. Ttfrrath, ^ our f° nnc & , who nowe thefe three yeares paiTcd to your good lyking hath continued in my feruicc, and whome your /elfe doc veric well knowe, that for the reputation of his paientes and friendes, I alwayes for the raoft part haue cntertayned with efpc- ciall truft and regarde , bceing this laft Summer returned out of Barbarie, with an aduenture in a fhippe of mine owne, I did vpon great choyce, immediatelic after his account del'mcred , place in the oucrfight, difpofition and rule of all my whole goodes, ftockc, and Merchandife . And in expectation and aflurauncc of his e- ipcciall and more then ordinarie care and good bchauiour there- in, did about September laftfvppon aiourney which I had to the North partes with diuerfc of my nearelt frtcrides , whereby I was compelled to bee foorth by the fjfctee of two Monethes) commit vntohis like creditei, thecuftodic of diuers fummes of money al- tcadic reccyued, as alfo the collection and further receyte of fun- drie other paymentes of great -waight, awhcdaye*and times where- in they were payable, by him to my vfetobce reienicd and layde vp. Sccrctoric. Epiftlest^ccufitorie. r vp, fithence which, by what finifter humour Iknowcnot , nor by what vntoward conceit can I yet imaginc,in the time of my abfence, and a little before my returne home vvards^ec is gone away, no man kno weth whither. Vpon the newes whereof being grc atly aflightcd, I hafle to his counting houfc/earch his bookes of reccits and paimencs, and there withali brcake open his deskc and coffers, in which after all rcckoningcsfullic perufed and confidered of, I finde my felfc to bee backewards of diners allowances,the certainty whereof I cannot yet determine,but the greatnefle by the Iikelihoode.is vcrievehemendy to be fufpe#ed,by reafon that in this fort , without anie other occa- fion he is fled,and from fo great a charge without knowledge of anie one about me,fo fuddenly departed. What preemptions I haue,and thofe yerie large, by fuch kinde of dealing,whercby / may iuftly burthen him,you may heereby conicc- ture,asfirfthisdifpofition 3 giucn (as fithence hath vcric crediblie bin reported vnto me) to be veric prodigall,& of moll exceffiue expence, then the occafion offered by fuch immoderate confidence in him rc- pofed : next, the vncontrollcd rule hce bare throughout all my dea- lings : lafrlie the time and fecrecie of his departure,beeing thus hafted in mine abfence^and here withali fbme fuch things which are miffing, as whereof none were priuic but himfelfe,and whereuntono acceiTc could bee without himfelfe. Infbmuch as the loflc which I reckon of, and whercrro I can yet finde no releafe, by rcafbn of this his vn- knowne dcparture,cannot^for ought / hitherto perceiue) amount to fo little as CC.li,- By fome fewe thatfincc his going away haue encountred with hinijit appeareth,that not onelic he is well monied, but alio of his iourneyingWcftwardjWherebylamled tothinkehisrefort to be no wayfblikelie,asto you which are his father , or to fbme other his friends there about you.For which caufe I haue directed thele toge- ther with my man.as well to referre vnto "your confederation what hathpalTed, asalfoto pray that by your due fearch and examination of the a£tion,bothhisperfon may be anfwered 5 and my fufpition o( him the better and more manifeftly be cleared:andcuenfo recom- mending ray fclfe and caufe to the furtherance of your good direction, I take my leauc. This of,&c # Aa 6 Bpiftles exeufatorie; The Englifli Tl£fs letter bauing of recti on from t&e mauler "to flie fafycr, in Teeming a (Gentleman of fome gooD account, toe toill ac* coding thereunto frame pen an anftoet,fe&fd)iu rfjfs place acco:* ' Ding to tbe nature njereof map be tearmeo Exeufatorie. £be con< ucf ancc of trbic&eitbcr leffene ttj up Vehement lihclt^coDB trje qua* litie of flic off ence 5 oj o tbertoifc (ttjougtj not clear lie auopDeft)) pet bpojenahcDtruttioj (Implicit ie of ttje action ft feife, mahcttjit feeme of farre mo:e flenDer moment 02 f mpo:tancc,tljen before it mig|)t fjaue bene coniectureo. 3no f o;af mud) as ttje father Iras a bp partie to ttje tojong fuggeff eD,ano onelp in tbat rttuas ins fcn, and tbe reformation of tijc tDing oppofeo , migbt bp rjim in fome fort bee rcDixfleD 02 recomprnccD, toee mill fnppofe herein ttje Hetfer in forme folloming bp Ijf m to be anujoereo.auo tbe refioue bnfpo&cn of to be left to ttje purgation 0; Defence of t&e otfjcr on toljomc tbe fault is cbargeD,ano to tutjome in particular, it below gctl) to fee tljc fame anfujereo, An example excufatoriereturnedto the effefts of this conieUurdeptJile^ from the father tovehom the fume rvasrmtten, MAiftcrR. 1 haue rcceyued your Letter, to no fmallgriefe (at the firft) of my priuate conceyts,but fi thence hauing examined the matter am fomewhat deliucred of doubt , by the fitisfaction that in fearch of the caufe I haue alreadie receyued . Myfonrle (as you write) was here in the Countrey,at my brothers houfe, not farre from mine owne dwelling, andyetlo newlie come thither, as he had repo- fedhim.felfe but one night ere the fight of your prefent Letters and meiTcnger were arriued. To the action wherewith you do charge him, I can fay nouvng more then that himfelfe hath written, which agreeing with the for- moft fpcech,and firft examination had by his Vncle,! muft hold as yet vndeiermincd till I heare your further anfwcr.For the coniecluresy ou haue deliuered, whereby to induce that you area greater Lofcr by him then without further groundc I can hitherto imagine . I aun- fwere thus much,that the alteration were verie fl range, and humour too fudden, to findc him now fo Iauifh,whom before time your felfc haue commended to bee fofrugall, andefpcciallie in whatfoeuer to Sccrctoric. Epi/ilcsTurgAtorie. 7 to his charge and gouernmcnc hath by youbeene committed,. To the refiduel will befilent,becauichimfelfe that firftbreddcthc ©ccafion appearcth meeteft to anfwere it % If / hcarc not from you b eforc the n liddle of this tearmc,my in- tent is by Gods grace to bee at London, where your apprentice and myfonne nialibeinperfonforthcommingvntoyou, At which time if 1 find farther defector more equitie to charge him,contrarying to that which alreadie hauc bin anfvvcred by him 5 he fhal not be mine by anie his ill dealings to be vpholden jbut yours asbelongeth in any fort you like to chaftife him. And euen fo recommending my fclfe heartilic yntoyou,I do bid you farewell. This of, &c. An example Pttrgatoriefromthepartie changed in nnfvecr of the EfTfiie accHfttoriebeforeremembred. IT may pleafe you fir,on Munday Iaft, becing the next day after my comming to my Vncles,he lending to T. to my fathers houfc to vn- " arratl0 * derftand his pleafure, worde was returned immcdiateliejofa meflen- ger and letters receyued from you , whereby it was my fathers plea- sure tocommaund me to hisprefence 5 and to require mine vucle to be there prefentalfoin companie. At my comming thither,many things were laid forth as wel by 'your writing,as by the mouth of your man , how grieuouflie you were da- maged both by diuers fumraeswherein you were fhort in reckoning, and otherthinges by you miffing, vpponmy running awayfas you tearme it) the muchneflc w hereof was not fo much enlarged by your Vrofmmajfc, letter, as the ouerlauifh deliuerieofyourmanhad to the great cn- creafeofill opinion in my father, with diuers vnbefeemingtearraes, augmented the fame. And notwithstanding I had in mine ownVonfcience fufficientlie, and with found appearing trueth to thcvicweofothersanfvvered the occalion , yet forafmuch as neither feemed the fame a full Satisfac- tion co my father, nor a matter clearelye auoided towardes you, till in your plaine and certain notice ,1 had alfo confinned the fame, I wascommaundedby him to write what I there affirmed ,and accor- dinglie to aduertize you of the ftate of your bufines, and inualidity of yourconiedturcs, that by the verity thereof I might with more liking A a z be 8 Bpiftles tPurgAtorle. The Engli(h be reputed of, and himfclfc haue leflc caufe then he fuppofed where- ac to be grieued. To the matter of yourIetter,whereby lam accufcd,and in which you faie you are backward I knowc not in what,it appeareth that for the finding out of the certain tie or likclihuode thereof you cntredv* pon my desk and cofTers,and fearcbed my books of account and^ay- ments, which beeingfo,if you were as circumfpc£tin my bchalfc,as you were in arafh furmizeof your own harmes, you might haue af- furcd yourfelfe,for to haue found no one penie ofany fumme wan- ting at all, or where any was miffing ,eithcr by exchange at your own appointment, or vpon other good occafions to haue alio feenchowe the fame was beftowed,or where,or vpon what it was els where im- ploied. For your better aflurance wherein (if hitherto you vndcrftande not fo much)my boxe marked with this letter A. lying in the neather parte of my deske,willconfirme the fame, And lcalt / might be de- ceiued in ought,befbreyour comrning^by the finirter pradtifcoffbme Mtttoimia, fuch as had more enuie at my honeft credite with you, than care of your good (whereof I mtftake not at all/if I iudgc this viper to be one) Inotonelicreferued notes of euerie thing, caufed one whom e you will belccue ( though to what purpofe /protcft hee then knewc not) not onelie to tell euerie fumme of money remaining in euerie bagge , and to fee the fame fealcd vp, but alfo to fct his hand to my notes, as witnefle to the fame,fo much /knowc I Iefte,and of the refidue the declaration of a tructh fhall bee witnefle fufficient of mineownefi- delitie. Finallie,touching the likelihood of my going awaic without know* ledge,and that alfo in your ab fence, to bee a token of fome wafte or wrog to you offered, which you value not to be fo litle as CC.pouds, I truft firfalbcit the fum be great where little rema'meth, and if alfo it were lefle, it were yet too much to bee loft ) your felfe notwichftan- ding can tell veric well,that more then once I haue bin credited with ten times the value of that at your handes,when by great fimilitudejl could with more facilitie haue benefited my felfe to a farre greater va- Iue.if I had binfo difpofed,then what herein to be accompted of] and (iffolhadbeenethcnalfb minded) couldc haue been therewith far- ther out of your reach then euer I yet entended. And where you fug« geft that it is fithence told you ofrny laui/li cxpcnce,l can thercunt® fay Secretorie. EpiJIUs'PurgAtorie. p (ay nothing more then eueric one kno wcth, that trulie will fpcake of mejandfoyoufinrl not the hindrance in yourowneaccompte^trult you will bearc cquallic what mothers opinions maie bee conflru- cd of rcafonablie. My going away is apparant, Icannot denie it, wherein ifhap- pelie I haue done more then befcemcth,yet none fo much as my felfe hath thereby beene wronged, for that fuch occafion hath by mcancs thereofenfued, whereby my credite by finiltcr reports hath fo great- ly been hazardcd,yet was not y fame altogether done wirhout caufe, norvoidc ofhonelt excufc, forifeitherlhad beene ccrtcine of your fo fpeedie rcturne, or had not had (b prelumptuous an intruder vppon the truft to mee committed ( as at my comming to London 1 fhall make more plainc vntoyou ) I h ad not done as I did. And this allure your felfe iir,that howc farrc foeucr you imagine or are informed>that mine vncontrouled rule in your houfc ftretched, ifl might with per- formaunce of as honeft trull haue difcharged the fame vino you , as Ialwaieshadendeuoured, I neither had leftc your houfe or ftocke, to haue depended vpon fo harde fuppofed reckoning,norlo(t you one hourcs commoditieofmy lcruiccs^asyou nowc challenge me to haue done* My eudeuour towardes my fel^my fathers c are,and your woon - p^i,^ ted good opinion, hath mooued mee in fort as you fee, to giue items , ofthofewhomeiultlic/am to complaine of, and to praie you that furceafing all other furmizes vppon our haftie comming to London you will morecircumfpe6tiy in the meane time confider both ofyotit dealings and my writing, which in as dutifull manner as befeemeth, eftfoonscrauingat your handcs 3 I doe(as euer /haue becn)remainc, and take my leauc a &c. Your fcruant confirmed in all fidelity towards you>&c An txamplc ofnotbeeing ablcbyamoreccrtaineveiitie in open fhe we to impugne it,thcre is none I am fure would belceue no anie one that in reipecWthe manifolde likelihoodes thereof, would almoft fo much as vouchfafe to hearken vnto it. But if in the foremoft deliuerie of thefe thou alreadie mufeft,and art defirousto be refolued what it is , wherein fo queftionlcs I deeme my fclfc thus deepelie tobc wronged .- knowe then , that finding here at L.thy kiniman, thy vnhappie kinfman, wandering as a ftraunger, conuerfantwithbaddefellowes, threedbare in apparell , foifaken of his neereft kindred and friendes , readie to perifli almoft for want fbodc, andfo pennileffe, and there wirhalleHraunged from.allgaod account , as teeing amongeft other le wde pcrfons,brought before a Iuftice vppon fufpition ofhis wretched liuing, my felfe beeing in pre- tence, and taking vppon mee in hearing ofhis name,to bee knowing both ofhis parcntes andCountrey , had fuchcredite with the Iu- ftice.as hee foorthwith difcharged him. wherewith not contented I did for thy fake, and in rcgarde ofthee alone, take him home to my lodging , apparelled him , faued his lire, recouered againc his loft creditc,andreftored him : Were not thefe benefites , thinkett thou fuflheient to binde an honeft nature, to thinkc himfelfe beholding to fuchaone? Happiehad I thenbeene, if neuer more had I inter- medlcd with him, neuer better regarded him, or at no time after gi- uen farther credite and liking vnto him. Alas,wasit alone my chance among fomanie that had cafthimoflf, euen thentocntertaine him, to relicuc him , to reckon of him, nayrather beyond all reafbnfas thy felfe by the iequell wilt confeiTc) fo farre foorth to dote of him, asnourifhingmyfccretemifchiere 5 asitwetcin raincowne lodging, vndcrthcfliadoweofmineownecoucrt, yea in my vcrie bofome, I muft Effyuxk, Mtrifmtu, hmm. Mtrifmu, K.rttot»*. Tarifin. Ecphontjiti Jimt/is. fymrffmi*. Secretorie. Efijlles Accufatorie* x / muft lead him yet farther along, in the end to fpoile mc,and to medi- tate norhingfomuch.as my intended deftrmftion i Thou maruclleft I know to hearc this (and ftrange & mod ftrange Tardoxom it is I inufl conrcfie)butyettrue,and ifnot in him true, i hen in no other true,by all likehoodes.But ere I farther report vnto thee, howc and by what accident encreafed my griefc , let mee yet fhew thee more whatl didvntohim. Soordcred the vnluckie ftarrcs my cruellFate, "Ptrifknfa and in fuch (more then difordered maner) wrought the heauens a- gainft mee , as albeit here atL.(for Imuft needes dehuer a truth vnto vhora, more then tolerable )iking,nothing regarding.or fo much as once re- membring in whatworfe eftate Imighthaue conceiued him , I be- typotyfoftt, \ thought my felfe he was a Gentleman,bredde of good and vertuous parents worfhipfullie allied. In their Countrey whilome well repu- ted , and if ame defed had before befallen him , Iknewehcewasa Mt »f u - yonger brother, and want of liuingand maintenance might impairc him , I had no fonne of mine owne, his lcarningjand other qualities (not to bee defpifedj drewe more and more fancie vnto him : what fhould I fay ? Irendred vnto him all account and preferment that ^porik, lay in my poflibilitie to procure himrandlltortlie to conclude , into the Countrey (furniflied in the beft part according to his calling ) I tooke him with mc. If I fhould fay to thee,thathis demeanour, his attendaunce, his Jfindtten. forwardnefle in all thinges to my noted liking, his outwardefhew . inwhatfoeucr action vnto mee feeming to bee pleafing^did not of it ^ * felfe appeareto ch;.lenge fo much,Ifl-ioulde lie vnto thee. But what ^ tnUnt - fg ^ of that, Howe is falfhoode couered, but by the daintieft glories where lurketh craft, ifnot in the fhade ofmoft fimplicitie i Coulde the ^Ue^ria. Syren deceyuc, if fhee had no long? Which way fhould men bee bewitched ,if there were no meane of inchauntment ? But did hee in the ende pnoue fuch in dcede,as he fcemed,or hereunto appertained? Anthypoftn* No, no, God knowes he failed much therein, yea, hee was ten farre from it. See then how much beyond my felfe I was, that beeing thus Vthftmn, intrcated to difcharge my felfe of mine owne bane, would yet allure <£ er; *« both Gods and men , to bring into my bofome the purport or mine owne fecrcte and vnknowne mifchiefe, Chiiftmafle 12 MtMkpfis, Empha/it* Hypttypop*. Mtr'fmw. CtimMx. VoljfMon. Ttripfiafi, Empbtfs. TrofopopccU Ephtuxh. TmtmbtJuX trmuu EpiftlesAccufitorie. TheEnglifh Chriftmafle nowe drcwe on , after that a good time we had re- mained in the Countrey, alas that times ordained and facred to ho- liepurpofes, lTiould become ayders and furtherers to mens vile ima- ginations . In this time, whileft all mens mindes were bufied and occupied in dauncing,banquetting and feafting asvfeand cuftome, and (eafonoftheycaiehadofauncicnt times induced , whileft the Hall was full of a. I fortes of people 3 rcuclling, playing,and occupy- cd in paftime, my daughter (Ogri fe to thinke on, andheauieft found to remember) my onelie daughter was at bed-time miffing; Search was made heere and there , inquifidon of this partic and that, this wayranneone 3 that waie another , the houfe was trou- bled and filled with allhurlie burlie , onelie wndmo further into the matter, and her Chamber throughlie perufed , her apparell was mif- fing, Chefts broken vpjiewelsbereaued.mineowne lodging (poyled, and in the ende , I fa we and found my fclfe in what crucll fort that might be robbed. Hereupon grew fufpition, 3nd offufpition arifed matter of likeli- hood,and oflikelihood at laft. aflured and rnoft probable coniedtures. One while this man was brought in iufpec't,another while that partie chalenged,then he was mifdeemed,and another againe culpable ad- iudged,but all in vaine. For hardly could my mind fuppofe,that hec to whom my thoughts were fo fincercly tied in all more then common affection, would fb farre forth haue bcene ertraunged, as at any time tobecomc t weetingof my intended harmes , neuer a confpiratour, much leffe an exccutour.But wicked and vile conceited/r.**'iJlle$%^A ccufatorie, ij But if you will nowe aske mee what prcfumption/hauc then Antbypoph tra. to charge him more then another , in whomc fo little matter of fuf- pition coulde before time bee conceyued ,1 will aunfwerc yce. The preemptions arc , their conuerling together in oneplace , befides thar 5 fhec is by his directions ac L. and placed at his finding , that his pretence ofgoing away , was to depart into N. the dcuife wherc- ofappearcth nowe but a plaine colour , tohauc procured this vn- happinefle . Ofall which I am fo furelieaiTcrtayncd by the credi- ble report of a Gentleman, fohoneft, and of reputation fo Effici- ent, as whereof I need to make no qucftion . For once they be- ing togither, and in iuch fort as is deliuered , argueth the circum- ft aunce of his going to N. to bee but a mccrc dilguiHng, his intent ey- *' '*' ther onelie to bee a mcane with leffe ftifpitionto compaflc her , and fo confequentHe to betraie her , the llockc whereupon they hue, to bee my wealth, and what from mee is robbed and vnkindlic bcrea- ued,howecan itothcrwifcchoofe? is not the matter plaine and eui- ^ ntem ^ dent i ho w elfc ftiould he fee her , compafle her, recey uc her , and in jjyntttm. fuch fort cntertaine her? If thefe bee fuppofes, then what may bee ferious, iffuch allured EpitrtpU, notes as thefe feeme trifles, what then can bee faydc to bee certaine? and yet long was it I muftneedesbewraie , ere my felfc could con- ceyuc the fimilitudc it bare of trueth , fohardc a matter itiswhcre E ^"' m4, good opinion is once rooted, by the vcritie itfclfe, almoftto driue out the fame. But nowe founding deeper into the action , I finde both will and abilitie in each poynt fo furthering , as without I de- termined to winke (till inmineowne blindncfle, I muft renounce Metaphor*. all fauourable conceyte, and vttcrlie confeffe the fame to bee but an crrour. For hauing waded into cuerie deepe conceite, and imagination of fy""*^ the accident,well weighing with my felfe al/o what mancr a one the partie hath beenc^how cuill vnto mee fuhencc he hath like wife bcenc ^ Mri f tn » reported of, how vilclie before my rcceit of him hee was generally de- meaned, with what bafepeop!e,aud men of bafeft reckoning I found him accompanied : I do imincdi.itelic condemne my lelfe that was fb fbttifhastocxpecl: any other eucnt at his handes, then what hath alreadie fucceedcd/ecing where fo manic cuil d:f positions haucbene 7" before time abounciing.it is notcafily noted that from fuch a one a ny B b good 1+ EpiftUsAccufatme. TheEnglifh goodat all couldcbec at aniefeafon proceeding. But too late dowc tomynofmallgriefe 3 doe /fall into this reckoning ? which wife- dome would before haue preuented , and more circumfpecrUic haue Mihyfflhwa. intended to. For whence (if I trulie fhoulde fpeake of the a#ion)en- fued this abilitie ? Was it not the fauour and efpcciall liking where- with I receyucd him ? Howe could hee clfe haue prefumed on it > Howe could he haue fought it t Howe could he haue done it > But not for this doe I accufe thee my R. as either acceflarie , or fauourcr offbbaddeandvnkindeapurpofe, but for thou know ing his courfc of lifc.wceting of my well deeming, allured of his beeing withme, hauing reported vnto thee in what degree I did eredite him,\vou!de notwithrtanding not fo much as tell mee of him, nor fuffermce by thy gentle admonition fo much as to furmize how I might bee decei- ued by him. Let I pray thee the forrowfulldemonftration of thefe my Let- ters bee a meane vnto thee,as thou loucft mee, tendercftmee,and ca- icft for me^to fcarch out the truth, the ftate and circuraftance of the thing, and yet (fbrlorne as I am) feeke I therein but mine owne for- row/orneuerfihallllikeofhim, careforher,orhardlie after this in any fort abide her. Yet for my niinde defireth to be refolucd(though euen in thefe verie wordes deliuering I doe not feeme to doubt)let me rcceyue the plentie thereof at large,bee it that the refutation be a con- firmation ofmine owne vnhappineffe, the force whereof beeing paft rcmedie 1 muft fupport as I can 3 and feeke as I may to endure the reft with patience, A Letter defen forte an frvering by confutation all the obieUions in this former Epifi/eftfrtmced, •Jfyndeton* Mtiofi, TettratW, Sjmrymi* Exordium. Shfinuatio, IT is fir,accuftomed that men in griefe efminde doc often fpeake di- uers things,for which in refpeel of their forow they feeme to defcrue many waves to be pardoned,according to which.your lelfe hauing of late fuftained fome aduerfc hap, do what by furmifes, & what by mif- reports, fee me to be a toddes with your owne liking, andvpon a fo; dein to become enraged with your owne fancie. In the courfc of your whole letter viewing the wrong you haue fuftained, & the extreamc difqukc wherewith you are perplexed , / pittic your misfortune, and Sccretoric. 'Eptflles'Defenforie* is and as a friende doc inwardlie gricue at that wherewith you are trou- bled j wifhing that either I had abilitie to redrefle the matter to your liking, or otherwife that my wordeswere of weight to per- fwade you, that with die extremity thereof you would not fo greatly bemoued. Touching my kinlman , whome for my fake ki fuch fort as you V»t/ptoton, write you recciucd, and to whome vpon the outward deferte of his behauiour you vouchfafed fuch entcrtainement , and vppon whole abfence and departure (albeit with your good liking) youfceke to intrude the fumme of all your vnhappinefle and misfortune. Hee is notindeedeatthisinftant here in the countrey, but as Idceme and you haue informcd,about London . Neucrthelefle for fo much as it ieemethby your writing, and alfo by his thankful acknowledgement and deliuery,both vnto me and othcrs,how much he hath ftoode be- holding vnto you,andthat itltandeth to bee parcel of a gentle mind, as vvel to recognife a good turners to rcmoue by a louing cenfure an ill opinion, where the fame rather ofgriefe then of malice is vniuttlie conceiucd(notwithftandingImaynot fo effectually fpeaketo the purpo{e,as if himfelfe were perfonally prcfent) I will endcuour vp- on mine owne knowledge as farre as I may ,and fo much as in truth / canne lawfully iuftific, hereby to fatisfie you , and if it bee poffible to expell thofe caufelcffe conjectures of him, that in fuch fort doe an- noie you. To the matter therefore wherewith you are grieued 3 1 thus much Jpiflroplx* dare affirme vnto you in his behalfe, that in all your imaginations you haue greatly mifconceiucd,and the reafons leading me thereun- to are theic. Firft j where your folfcdoe confeflethat the onely matter you haue in apparance inducing you to accufe him } is the credible report . , ofa friende of yours , that iawe him and your daughter at London, thecaufeof and a fuppofe thereby , that (hee is at his difpofition, and the theft of conicdurc. your good esto them both an indifferent finding, 1 faie thcvaliditic of all this is nothing, for omitting that by diuers cafualties men and "Pr eramples. 3 ffctnhe goob to con- cIudc ttjts palTcDtitlc , ano trjenecfo;ft) togoe to tjje nert, ttbtcb is Expoftulatory , 2£is too2De feemctb to rjatw tjfs Definition of reafoning,Dc bating 02 arguing 3caure,rl)crcbr? to finoOje Deptb,toeigbt,certatr.tic 02 quslitic of tbe rame,ano accozoing tbcrennto to teffen , qualifie , oj enforce tt)c fubfl ance of griefe 02 mifiiT.c bp (net) meanes conceiucD.Siio albeit iniurics,nna!bc5 ann Difccntentmcntssre o:oinart; to aU mcn,pct Do t&ep fo; ttjs mod part,fall p:incipall te to be receiueo among frtenDcs , among BinDjeD, great acquaintance ano farm' Iiars 7 bvj occafion fcbereof ,rrjts title in touting is but(as it tot re) Are firft matter of challenge , before anie tile rcp:ocrj bee per fo> two . $nt> tbis alfo not uijerr t&ere is a rcfolute malice a IreaDie concefutD,bnt tdjerc men aomTcDlie and confioeratlieDo oelibe< rate of ttjetranDotber mens actions arco:oing to reafon to bee conffoereD .Wv l&tcrj aDuifcmcnt being leD , toi tbout ante r)at te< bjaine 05 bjalnGcfce Deaife 02 ljumo: at all,rbcp (buutimes nnlD* lic,anD in curteous ant loaing tearmes accojoing to tbc Gate of tiie totter , ano the conDition of njofe to tibomc be mjiretb , r r po« ffulate uje inlurie,Defirous rafter t&at Uje trncrt) bp circumUan* czb mfgljt be fenofone , t&en anie qnarrelfomc matter to bee ob* truDcD. £Dttjerlri}ites mojcrougblp otd pcrcmptojilp t&c p Dcale, anDpetnottjnfittinglienojbaDlte. 13ut if rbe effect of pourur.l* tlngbenot Deter mtncD in anie of a#fet too fo: res 3 but failcfli ttjcrtotfc to a manner of rep:o4)ing of benefitted, 02 to an ercla* mation 02 bitter enforcement of ctnls,tbm map not rtje fame bee faiD to be Expoftulatory , bnt rattjer to Of C cxprobratdtie, 02 inucc- tiuc, of uijidj born ttoaine bereaftcr Q)all be fnrttjer DeclareD.ano as tbf s feinD of crpoff plating failetb mott toM) per ions of equali* tie, fo: njat tt is fear fc tb ought gcoD maners,anD fometimes bcloc pcrtflous to Difpute of offences toltt) one far aboue fcs in auftwfc tte,aro tuifh our mferiour fo to Doe, tt turnctlj mojc often to bee Reprehenforic ttjen otfjerfolfe : pet is toe fo:cc thereof mante times carieD from an mferiour to his better , neuertbclcflfc toittj a atoDe of aunfuwable fubmtttion altoapes refpectitte to Sccrctoric. IfiJllesZxpoJlulatorie* jp fo ibc oltjers reputation o: great ncs. 3nD To map a man toitt) bis tnfertour airo in gooo fo:t fomcrime erpoSulatc an tniurle, ttber* in tf be U)all taoiictjfafc To to ooctUc par tic leffe in abtltt ic baft) tlje mo;c rcafon to recogm je bus cour tefic t fo; a man of good fo;t aito git at lie rcputeoof , to offer as it mere an imparlance bnto bis infer tour; tdjcrcbp to argue tot tt) bim a matter in fufpence to bee noted an iniurp ,c annot be bnt mncb to be pjai fcD,muj fa aot ucgeo tn tbat bctterneffe, as to piocecoe of a mott Angular bountie. ho be it be Do it not by infultation, no; ante pjfcRe of batnglojie , ft) fo Doing it leofetb a great part of tbe fcertue therein pjapfeD, bn> - leflfe tbc Defert of tlje partie be fuel), as map toca merit c fbat o? a greater euill to be tcnoercD.lBp all rhefe means as afojefaio map tnfurfesbe crpoffulateo, Uje fcfagc thereof as toefl in matter of accafationasDefencejisinDffiferentlp tobeearrieo, conGDering (bat onelu bp uarietie of allegations ana not otto rfcuifc ttjofe que* flionablecaufesare to be fifteo. £no fo tjerc out mill toe toaoe uv to ttjeir fcueralteramples> An example of an EpiFtte expoflulatorie touching certain mimics . betweene two friends. MAifterL, there pafTed if you Hoe call to minde , twixt you and 2^rra$i^ meecertaine fpeeches of great fecrccie, vehementlieconcer- ningtheftatc and good fupport of my brother . And for asmuch asl had then great (uppofe, both of your honcft courtefie and great fidelitie (as I thought) fufricient to the matter then fpoken of, I did (the extremitie of the cruell creditours requiring it) notfticke to re- uealevntoyoutheconcciuedmaner and means how the fame might be redrefled.I do verie perfectly remember, that but to one other be- sides your felfej did communicate the caufe, of whole rare and lin- gular honeftic I doe fo much affure my felfe,that if hee fhould reuealc the fame, I could defpaire for cuer to find any man fecrer,or that with whatfoeuer matter of friendfhip might hereafter be crcdited.But to be briefc withyou,thefccretisdifcried,and therewithallfo fully laideo- pen, asthewholemanerofthefameinfortasitwasdcterrained by one of the parties whom it fpccially concerned^ hath been to my bro* thers owne cares dcliucied ♦ The other paicie to vvbome I icuea- led ** tftftki expottuLtcrie. ThcEnglifli led it hath chaungcd his lodging , and hitherto I haue notfcnt vnto hrm: uhoicapprooued fidchticforthatit rcmainech ofnofmall re- cord to my ccrtainc knowledge,/ will prcfume to verific. It refteth then thit 1 mutt nccdes expoitulate with you touching the iniurie, of whome 1 hauc more caufc to doubt,bcing thereunto led not without manie and thofe vcrie abfolutc coriieclures . For firft it is generallie knowne,thatyou areverienecdie,andtobc plaine with you, there be thofe that w ill iuftific that by fuchmeanes you do fhift now and then vericcunninglie.Itismafter L.avcriebafe kindc of fhift for a Gentle- man in anie treacherous manner to deale with hU friend fo vnkindlic. And lean prooucbefides, that fithence my truft rcpofed , you hauc entred fpeciall conference with the partie. The tune like wife c'ooth fomewhataflurcme^n which no one but yourfclfccoulde lbfudden. lie preuent mee. There want not to giue fcope hereunto , the fpec- chesalib which the next dayyoudcliueredmec after 1 had fpoken with you, which was, you ( fcaredIcaitmy man oucrheard , and might poltiblie defcrie mee, whom your felfe knewc anhourc before our conference, to hauebeenc difcharged our coinpanie. Againe, the perfonand place where he rcmaineth,enforce fomcthing, wherc- unto vnaccuftomed you haue accede , and therefore for fome fpeciall policie.AndnotW'ithttandingallthcfe vehement likelihoodes, yet vull I notcondcmneyou,till I fee how you will confute mee. Albeit my cenfure hitherto pafleth that vcrie hardlic you may an fvvcrcir, without efpeciall note of infamie;which being fo, thedifplcafurcmay returne fuch as I can tell y ou.will not be maiftcred vcrie eafilie. The haftc of the meflcnger fbrbiddcthmc longer delay, by rcafon whereof, I am compelled to leauc you.B.thisof &c. An mfwere defen 'forte vnto the effects of the farm Eftftle, Extrtim, ■ TV /[^Q**^' ^ ne manncr of your writing fcemeth vnto mee l^/l verve ftraunge , and the circumftauncc fuch , as I pro- *• •* , miieyou, wherewith I was ncucr acquainted . 1 am not Lifttti.] a little grecuedto thinkc that you fhouldc in that peremp- torie fort you doc, attribute vnto mee the name of fo bafe and vn- Excuftth, fittea dealing. I would well you and your informer Yndciltoodc:thac k Sccrctortc. Epifllesexpofluhtoric. zt it is Rot my pracYifetovfe chat cunning, which you like totcarmc by the name of fhifting, neither (by whatfoeuer necelTitie conftraincd) doc I inure my feltc vnto the famc./t :s an oldc Proucrbe , where the Vtttmi*. hedge is lowej}^ there euerte tn*n is readie togoe ouer. The vc rify i ng whereof appcareth in you , who hauing no more ccrtaintie then your mccre imaginations to fufpende mee , doc iniuriouflic obie& my neceflitic, as beeing the onelic meane wherewith to dilgracc me. Whie, m aider H. dooth it therefore foliowc becaufe I want, that my ^Mtyfopbtr*-. mindemuft of force become maimed with luch treachcrie ? You aredeceyued , and theygueflc much awric, that in fuch hateful] manner doe go about to abufc mee. What argument call you that, ^ ntem < that for becaufeyoureucaled your counfell tors two, and it liketh you to prefcrre by certaine s'lowaunce the others reputation and abilitie before mee , that therefore I haue deccyucd you ? Whie if you lift to fuppole a truech on my fide fas lawfuliie you mi"hc doc ) were there not as much reafon that I for mine honcftie, as hec for his brauerie fhoulde as indiflferentlie bee cenfured ? But your probable conie&urcs you will faicdoe cnticcyou,theonc whercofis vncMukpfu. thetimc wherein none couldc preuentyou . Was not I pray you th at other in To wne as well as I, though hee altered his lodging? And fuppofe that euerie daie wee were both heerc fince, may it bee "P*r«mh*i*, vnpofltble that another might endamm age the matter as well as we^ But I had fpeciall conference with the partic , and the place and perfon vvithoutthatoccafion, of nolikelihoodeby mee to bee fre- quented. Had 1 conference? Is that a thing fomaruellous? Am \ Er$,er> >*- fofarreeftraungedfromhoneftie,that I may not haue fpeech with a man,but to workc my friend villa nie ? Alacke man,whie,/wasne- uerfofearefull of mine one keeping fecretes, thatlwouldehaue de- cbartlM 'f*»»*. nied it ifyou had asked mee, neither doe I much force ifyourownc eyes doc witneflc the caufe when I next fpeake with you , In fay- ing the place and per/on was before time by mee vnufed, you fpeake iniuriouflie, for your owne felfe doe knowe ,thac both he and the reft were to mccknowne before time, and that veriefamiliarlie. To con- clude, I wifh you to bee perfwaded , that in rewarding mee with fuch conceytcsasthcie.youfhalldocmecbutfmall courtcfie, and ill requite my faythftilnefTc by vpbrayding mee with my neceffitie 3 that woukk haue endcuoured all mcanes pofTiblc to pleafure you. Cc And - 22 Epiftles expoftulatorie. The Englifh And as touching anieinfamie to me redounding here in, / woulde I could as well cieare all my offences to God-vvordc, as I can free my felfc ofthis fufpition, and that with as great honeftie, as ochers molt mnliciouflie haue fought to defame mee, and then no doubt my ac- count fhould be a great drale ltfle then it is, when euer the Almighc:e by his cternall fummons Oiould call me. In rcfoluti on whereof,! ende, this anfwere.The of. &c. A reply to the faid an fixer e Def en forte ) wherein the matter oftbt Epiftle is more fir mite maintained. ,, f^\^ anc ' cnc timc lt natn °^ ten keene faydc , that it iseuill halting JilUtwh. ^-^ before a Cripple /aithfull dealing and flourifhing glofing arc two contraries. Among true friends indeede , and fuch as doe make more Antiihcfu. account of theircredite and honeftie , then of the bafe acquiring of a Height commodicic.I doe confefle it is not offmall moment to builde vpon the rock oftheiraflurance,andtomakereckoningof their word, to the vttermoft, but where Gentilitic is not alonelicfpotted, but in a manner couered and debafed alrcadie with vnhoneftie,and men hold it for a Maxime to fhrowd their lauifh and euer emptied expence, by whatfoeuerkinde of lucre, beeitneuerfofilthie, it is not neceflarie tbat rcpofc bee in fuch place ftabliflied , leaft the rntimelie rooting therco^doe make men banne their winnings , aRd lament the bitter- nefle of their lofle, when too late they arc out of hope,for cucrtohauc the fame rccouered. It feemeth Maifter L. by the continuance of your Letter , that the cenfure of my former direction ;you haue paflcd ouer very fleight- lic .concerning that by a number ofod fpecches (which inmnncr of a \hp9typofih racket you haue vfed.totodc my conicdurcs as tennis ballcs, being at your deeming not much materially hether by order of the game you returnc them into the court, or banding them in the aire, furTer them to flie at all aduentures)yGU do yet fuppofe to haue wrought a mattc- rie,and of whatfocuer to bee faide agaynft you, tohauccifchargcd your felfc vcriefoundlie.You muft thmke M.L.I am nobabic.neithcr do youjdeale with fuch a one 5 rhat notwichftandmg in plainc 3ud ho- ncft vfage hce accordcth to allfimplicitic, isyetoffomcanc'conceyte but Sccretoric Epiftltsexf&puLtorie. 2j but hec is able to vent your vttcrmoft a<5tions 3 dcaleyou in the hand- ling of the fame neuer to cunningly. The mancr ofyour vfage,being peraduerure dcliucred in fome place c #»m*rM™. where you were lefle knovvnc, might make a flourish for your credit, and for the preicnt 3 in one fort or other auaile you.but vnto me it is but matter to fmilcat, and occafion (to dealc plainlie with youjthe more tominikeyoUjWhonotcontentingyour felfetohauedcaltcmorevn- friendlic then befttteth, haue determined belike in yourreafbnsto make me beiecuc 3 that I haue offered you the iniut ie 3 and when you hauc ftohg mee to the quickc^ perfwadc me that the violenccof the ■*%««*. mifchicfe lighted upon yourowne body . But the courfe herein you take, is tco far wide from the cenfureofany honefl opinion. What - YOtmtAt tell you mc you wcreacquaintcd before rime with the partie, and of I know not what bufinefle you had to do,which at the next fight you care not to fhew me? and then forfooth that the others ability and my fuppofe mull bee preferred before you , in relpecle ofyour ncceffitie? with fuch other friuolous repetitions without fubitance orhoneftie? and afcer that fome Robin the deuil,or I wot not what (pint of the aire mull befides impoffibility be fuppofed to reueale the accident.What Confouit*, vanity is this.?wh at matter ofreafon thercin,that as before I might not aflure my felfe ofyour infidelity? to what end proceedethal the othet circumftances, vpon whatconceipt doe they clcare you ? Tuffyufb, deceiue not your felfe,northinkeyougofbcouertlybutthatrnenof difcrction can and do daily fee you. Somwhat more the you think I hauefithence heard how the world gocth with you,you thought it very much at the beginning I fhoulde exportulate with you, but if I mould itiryou with this item that I can tell you where, when,and vpon what expectation you deicried mcc s you might thinke I did not then dilguizc with you, Iftudynottocapitulateyouriniuries, asconfefsing myfelfe aho not to bee vnburdencd with offences : But good I dcemc it were M. L. that by fomemeancs you tooke notice of your owne infirmities. To aggrauate the wrong that you haue doneme,I lift not , and more then I intended hauc I fpoken vpon that you haue anfwered . Being vnwilllng to toile my felfe , or trouble your conceiptcs any further , I herewith conclude, More for ie tfyour ill cottdititionfben of the abufcyon haue done me. Dd 2. A 24 Epi files expoftutatorie. The Englifti Exordium, Tarf s immv ,(ctx Ithe thereof bp to;U ting tsfunD:te turns occafioncD, ano rematnerfc in tfjte place onlie foj uartetic, to mabe Ojeto bote bp. tuelt banoe» ling. mat ter6 map on bottj 0oesie eqnallp enfojeco 03 toeatmec) 3ftotll fojtponfojtt) two ojttjjee feueralleramples mo:e, bc- caufe of tfce neeeffarp ano often occurrence of trjte title flail? be* ing acenffome D in onr Uniting. 2H;c firff thereof G^all be ft; mat* ter of tonkmoneffe: SCbc feconc fo: fceacb of pjcmifc ; £bc fbfr&e from a meane (Gentleman to a perfonage cf great bonour,trljer< bpmcanfeof br tterneffe Qja41 be crampleD&oto in furies map be crpotrulateD 0; complaineoof , ami tt>fe in fequence ^all foltotoe bptrjctr tramples. An example of tin EpiflleExpcflulatory touching vnkittdneffc rtceiued. MAifterG, I haue great rnaruell that remaining hitherto in town Ti/rratic. as you do, we can by no pofsibility heare of your being , but by fuchianglingmeflengeisasyoumakecurrorsfor ipite, whereby to Cc, 3, abufc 16 Epiftles expoBulatory. TheEngHfh abufc your friendes. In which the difcurtcfie is far more by the vnbe- feeming courfes & dealings therein vfed,then fttteth either your hone (tie or our friendfhip to be tolerated. Idoubtednotcrethistimchow apt you were to conceiue (euen foravcristoie)inthc worft degree thatmightbee , of any oriethatbehaueth himfclfc ncucr To wellvn- Epipfnnm*. toyou y fo ticklifh are your humours,and fo vnlteacly vourcenfurc*. And whichis wont, itcannorwith yourcltinimaginaion alone, but in fuch odde kinde of report es, andto fuch bafcperlons you dcliuer it , as it vcrelic feemeth,you little rccke what difcrcdit you oftcr a man in the fame,thc leaft whereof would make you ftorme to the gall , if a man fliould but ouerfltp himfelre in giuing any manner of lound of you, tending to fuch effect as you proffer. Good God fir, are you and I of late become Inch (traungers togcther 3 as chat neither writing nor rcqueft may femeto haue accefletoyour prefence. Truft mee I amvnufedtothefedcuifes,nor fit they at all vnto my appe.ite. Ei- ther fomething or no body to me>but vnto fuch as more reckc ofyour coynefle then I doe, you maybe as you will, or as their fortunes may beare with you.For my part I am too vnapt to weld any fuch infup- portableamiry. If you can viemeasyourvprightjhoneft^andwcll meaning friend, I am vnto you as firmc as you wouldc wifh me , o- therwife to encounter fo many diuerfitics , of vnfrcqucnted fancies, toyes, or miflikes, it aunfwereth in no point vnto my propcrtie, which hauing thought good of meere well wiftiing tofignific vn- to you by prefentwriringjlcaue you to your beft opinion, this of&c. Tchys in all good fort to he cnteriatxed^rc. An example of an Epijlle expoftnlatoryfor breach ofpromtfe. Ztermi* M After K, I haue abftayned hitherto to come or fende vnto you, partly wcrted with importunity.for that 1 thought two monctbs being now paflcd, I might in this fpacc haue found afeafonconuenient, wherein to haue ended with you . Ha- uing taken this caufe in hand, I vvoujde (as in good rea fon it feeracth fit)you fhould determine with me vpon fome conclu(ion,wheronrc- ftngafluredj I might thenceforth know wherunco to trur^Sc neither waftc Secretorie. Epiftlesexpoftulatorie. 37 wafte labour in comming to fo {mall purpofe ,nor hinder my ccrtainc bufinesby the vnfteadic liay ofyour afTaires,as alreadic I haucdone. Wc hauc talked manie times, and fee downc certaine limits, marie to fo (lender effects I neither know when to demaund 3 noryouhovve tofatisfie. Sothatdependingvponfhadowes , I hauepafled my time with {mail bencfite, and you haue gone forward to little purpofe. I doe pray you therefore that hence-fborthfuchhoneft meaning maie aflurcvs , as alreadic betweene vs hath on either part beeneperfor- med,TodeIaiemcthuswithniHes,asIthinke it fane from a Gentle- man, fo do I fuppofe you not intend it, confidering how many wayes thereby ,1 am and fhall be hindred. Thisthcrfbre may be the certaine meanc to fatUfie vs both, that you will (as on Friday laft you promi- £/,;/« ttA led) come and fee the agreement betweene vs performed , whereof I pray you aduertilc your full refolution by this bearer. And fo I bid you heartily fare well,&e. An example of an Epifile Expofiulatorie from tntnferfaur Gentleman to bisfarre better in degree. author itie and calling. Right Honourable ^though by thecuftomeand common policie Extrdlttm, of thisvnhappie worlde , I am better warranted with a perfo- nageof yourgreatnelTe,todiflemble,thentodeaIeplainlie, yet bc- caufe I nnde as well by Gods o vvne worde , as by the client ofmens pra6tifes,that fuch cuftomes arc neither p'eafing to his Maietfic , nor ilwaycs profitable to fuch as vfe them, I hauc acuenturcd to manifeft that by paper, which by v\ ords^albtit many timesdcfiroi!s)/neur had heart to vtter. My purpofe is to be plaine,and in honcfi and dutifull fort toexpo- Vrf»ft»^ flulatc with yonrL.wherein lfindemy felfe greeued,andvpon what ground this my complaint is framed. I therfore moithumbliebefeech your L.for Gods fake and your owne , to pardon this prefumption , and to admit mefauourable and indifferent conHru6tion , of what I fhall hcrcvnfbldc vntoyou by vsriting. I exclaimc of wrong paficd,I vrge my miferic prefent,and I com- plaine of you to your felfe 3 and fo doe make you nidge of all that fliail be hereafter enformed. Your L.did once knowe, and hath Mill fomc caufe to remember, that of allfuch lande and liuings as my father at his death was pof- fcflcd 2«f EfijllesexpoHuUtory. ThcEnglifh fcffedjOnconeltepoorc farme fall to my ftiare, I my fclfcdoe-knowc, and fhallncuereafilie forget , that after the fame was thruft into my handes, Incuer i.iioyed it without much vnquietneflejquarrell and vexation , nor without the coiuinuall ma- lice and moleftation of my vnnaturallVnclc, and fuchhis aflbciates, as by letting him on,vndcrhande, did afterwardes hndc mcanes to fatten in the fame. This poore liuing (once in mancr loft, after wards recouercd,and yet Mill fearefullie kcpt,thc rather by meane of ancwe trouble,moucd vnto me by maifter B.) I was in fine driuen to offer for a little, but to fell for leffe.Now here begins my iult caufe ofcomplaint . For vpon firme hope of your L.fauour towards me ,and that you wou!d accor- ding to your honourable promifeshaue done me an expected good: I was content to yeeld my intcrcft for eleuen hundred and three fcore pounds, where fixtcene hundred pounds had becne before offered by my kinfman,an,d fo I then told you. This offer of mine, your L. for the time accepted, yeeldingwith fome diflficulcie topaiethe odde eight fcore poundes, where I ought it.Ho we be it afterwardes,hauing gotten the Leafe into vour hands, and beeing pofTeficd ofthe bargaine, and none nowe daring to take the fame from you,you quarrelled with the Leafe as before you had done with the tide , and noade mce a frefh abatement ofthe oddc eight fcore poundes,affirming it to bee no part of your charge to paie my debts. To falue this mifchicfe,and to faue my eight fcore poundes(your Lordfhip hauing reported the former bargaincto yourmoft aduaun- tage ) I laboured without auaile , to hclpcyour memoric therein. Protefling ("and that mod trulie) that vpon mine carneft and humble petition vnto your L. toleaue mce woorth a thoufand pounds, and topaiemy dcbts,and in regardcalfo ofthe great abatement of vshac 1 might hauc hadellcwhere,yourLordrhippc had condifcended in the former conference to difcharge the fame. A-.d thereupon willed me, at my next rcturnc to bring a note of my debts , with the name? ofmycreditors. This talc I well remember with more trueth then good fuccefTe vttrcd (fpecialliethc often touch of what my kinfman had effered me)didgreatlicmiflikeyou, Whereupon growing in hcatc (yet with fomc Secrctorie. fytftlesexpoBuUtorit* a? fome regard ofhonour)you fwore that if anic other bought the fame at my handes then your fclfc,you would haue it for Icfle then frae hun- dred pounds 3 yca 3 for nothing,or clfe it mould eo hard. Marie keeping itmy fclfe.you faid you would ftand my friend,: which hote or colde conclusion, Iproteil did fo appale,as with feare of further loffe, with griefc and difcontentment I grewc fickc, and thereupon rcfolucd to cake what you would giue me. Your Lordfhip hauing thus, what with countenaunce and cho- Ier difmayed mee , and finding by fuch peremptorincfle my fenfe to bee ouercome,you ranne on ftUl with this wrcfting courfe,and vpon author icie without caufc or colour , cut mee yet thirtie pound fhor- ter. So as in place of one thoufand fixe hundred pound offered mee by my kinfnian in the Countrey, your Lordfhip gauc mee nine hun- dred and feucntie pound Jeauing me out cf this to pay a hundred and fixtie pound debt. By chefc mean cs(right Honourable ) was I then halfe impoueri- (hed, and am now altogither vndonc, hauing neither skill to vie that little you gauc, nor will to raife my felfc after my falljwhkh / thought impoffiblc. It was a wholfome caueat giuen mee by your Lordfhip, and a full refolution put downe by my felfe,r ather to ltoope and to Hue fora- what fparing,thcn by anie prodigalitie to impaire my ftocke ; but be- ing neither Marchant jArtizanjBrokerjnor Vfiirer, nor hauing among manie dcbtors,fcarcc one good payer , / coulde hardly frame to doe what was aduifed me,or be fo much mincownc friend, as at firft/ had determined. My ftate then brought thus lowc, my friends deca ved and dead, my fiuing fold for little , and the money fpent , I refolucd and ftil doe with t-hercil tolcaue my Countrey, as well to couer my want from mine enemies , as to feuer myfcKe from fo vnfortunate ac- quaintauce. <■ - ** v - frind time therefore /befcech your honour.bcfbre my going to ex- amine thefc particulars, they contatne I proteft nothing but matter of truth . It is a high vcrtue and mod commendable in a man of yout « ftate,to right your inferbur againft your felfe,by thisf (hall you winni himvnfaincdlietoloue you,who now vpon iiift caufc can do no lefle, then thitike himfelfc wronged by you, Dd And 3(bat before bebalb receiueo. &p tujen com trade to tbe tjo netl atTection ton to bfm bountifallp tenDjeb, a man (rjall ettrjer bngcatc full p rcfufe to recognise ttje famegatones, 03 JmpttOcntlie,t3nctntUp,02 iubumalnlpgo about fo re learn eutl fo> gooD,ano to enfo; ce a moS toniuff Deration , ftbere rjirnfclfc baQr reccpuea moft comfo;t.3n fact) cafes to tofe n)is Exprefratory ma* ncr of to? tttng.to fignifle tjnto p partp fo fojgctfuli of gen t ienrs, boo) tibat be ban) receiuep > ano betoc mocfj be to as djargeo b? alt toaies ? Iimrts ana means fliat map be enfo;ceD,of bumauitis,pic» tu?>o? gcntlenes.it Ojall not be amiffe , ano to fact? enoe t no orra r is tbis Exprobratoric kinb of Cptffics to be tfcc; iPiU*;«ct)» fonts certa we cramples o/c in njis place to be fceUur rco. ■if ; . ■•, ,. An examflc ofnntptflle Exprobrdtorit touching i*gr*- -. - Mfuicrecei*robrdtcric t 3f that not oncly haft not vouchsafed fo much as to rcquite,but fcorneft in apparance famuch astobcarc a good opinion towardes me ? /s it pofliblethat man than a Serpent, or than the very Crocodile it felfe Vartdoxort (fcou'd become more malicious, yet haft thou in far greater quanrkic H^trhlt. ' then thefe contained thy venomc,the Hydra was not anfwerable vn* to thy proper tie, the very Sauagesthemfelues could not equall thee, thou art infine beyond all,and there are none beyond thee, for both men and bcafts do abhor thy treachery. What then auailcth that of fuch a one I haue merited fo highlic? Whereto feructh it to haue extended on him fo greate andvnufed Ertttmi bounty ? The dog fawneth by kinde where he is loucd,the Tyger by gentlencs is from his cruelty diftumed, the Lion wil not fufFer a kind- Sinttntt4 » nesvnregarded . Butthou(hatefullof all others) degenerating from all nature both of men andbcafts wcigheft notoffriend(hip,reie6teft ^ itona r mu fauors,hateft all gemlencs,regardeft no kindncs 3 contemncft merits, -p$i J fcieun t andkindlclTeofall kinds,or rather fequcftredfrom any kinde, giucft thy felfe to rewarde the beft deferutnges, with vnauoidable and moft dctcftable yillanics. Had I not totoo much deferucd asl haue done at thy handes.it Efi^nxk. might in fbmc fort haue fufficed me. Had I by any known or prctefc* «*««/W. . ded cuill,cuer purfued thee, had I meant at any time badly vnto thfc?, it might yet haue cotented mc,that fbrgetfull of al that before pafled, thou fhouldeft in this hatefull manner haue dealt with'twee. But ha- uingonely heaped on thy head a multitude of fauors^eceiued thee as M-ttifmu, I haue done with fo fundrie curtcfies , imbraced thee as thou know- eft with infinite contentmentes, dcliuered thee from death, and verie hellim tormentors, what kindnefle could be more, or what mcrite io Anmhtfm, ample? And contrari wife, what requitallfo (lender, what acknow- ledgement fo bad, or what recompence fo euill, then v\ herewith be- fides all courfe ofiufticeandequitiethou haftmoft vnnatUrally ac- quitedmc? One only comfort refteth, that of all honeft minds thou tfifhmm*,- art hated deferuedly, and out of all gentle company art excluded perpetually,wherin nauing the only fblace vnto my grieued conceits, that for the prefent may be acquired, I liue in hope to fee thee once againe to haue needeof mee, when according to thy demerits /ftiall thinke of thec,and in the meane while efteemc of thy fafhions ; as thou haft giucn me caufe to accompt of them. Dd h Of •J4 Pl*ce$ lnucttitte. Ex#dkm, MitotteU, lipHu, Vetifhrnfiu ThcEnglifli Of Letters tnuc&iue. Chap, j. tffi fltffe Exprobrdtoric epf ttles,00fll nttt foUoto fljf title inue&iuc. aitjnrpe odd bitter muelgbmg a- gains tijc petfon,oa:Dcs,o2 bebamouts of nun, oc* capieoaltoget&cr in condemning, Difaolmg , am tojeffmg, fefcatfocuet mate be? coHcacDtotfce re* p;oofc,D!mf nut ton,o: impugning of anic onc,ano tfcat b? alt ma* iter of qnips, tauntes, rrp:od}cs,blamf s,tmpu fattons,c.: Defigiv menrcetbat maie bee of culls . 0nD pet tbts not bpaotfoicc tco>malfclonso3 tailing bumour, tmfufllie ono loitrjout great ano forcible canfe to be pur fucD, bnt bp a leat neo,oifcreete , lam- full, o; reafonable toleration to be follotoeo , fcbicb in all tnaner of Directions is p?tncipdliie to bcrcquttcD. Eljc conusance is as full of art as ante otters, $atbcr£tofo;et)aue beene crampleo ton to pon,anD as voell foi rife ano quiche inuention , as o;Dcr lie iifpofltion,cnfojcementcs,aiiD neatc oeliume , ba ty &ts fpeciall tttttmenoation. . Jintx4mftc»f*n Epifile FntKEHueofafatber ugatnfthisfouHe. THc fight of your lcttcrs,and meiTage recciued by your feruant hauc (good Cooien) bred to mee in perufing and barkening vnto the fame , no fmall matter of difquiet , not that your let- ters or mcfiages for thcmfelues are,or hauc becne at anic time ill welcome to my hands,but in ref pc& of him for whom they come, whomintruthIneuerreckcifIheareof,fo filled hauc I beene long fincewith the euils by him committed. I am nothing ignorant that of loue and mecre good will you bcarc to mee and mine, you framed your fpecches vnto me,which with how muchtedioufnes I hauc con- (idcred of ; and with what willingnes I could haue omitted to anfwere thcm/io one can fo wel giuc tcitirnony } as theburthcu of mine ownc forrow beareth witnet vnto me, but Sccrctoric: Eftftlcs I*ueftiue< ss But for that 1 fee you are ill conceyted at my heauinefle, Jf>ftnpl* 4 and of your owne goodnature woulde gladlyc findc meanetorc- coucr that vnto mee , which my felfe am out of hope for euer to *&""*' comptffle, I am content, though illplcafing to my remembraunce, and the rather alfo that by thecxtrcmitie of the cuilJes your owne u t M * * minde maic bee diilwadcd from anic further dealing in the caulc, tofticwcvnto you the good conditions of him you fuefbr, what manner a fonne hee hath alwayes becne vnto mee y what rcafon thereby I haue tocommaunde him from mee , and howe farre wide you are , that infuch fort as you dedarc,doc conceiue both of him, and of mee. I neede not repeate heerc vnto you , with what fatherlie •p»*ltpf>* care I haue brought him vppe to mannes eftate , by what proui- dentfbrefight, / fought both with maintenauncc and conuenient 5 lace ofcredite, to continue him as a Gentleman , howe vnwilling was to enter into the fearch of eucrie final] offence, but attri- buting the force thereof to his tyme of youth , was content to winkc at that manic timcs,thefufferaunce whereof I doubted would turnc to the ruinc that it prefentlic carrieth . I will but giue you an inlt aunce of the fame, to the intent that as you frail knowe there- of, fo may you in reuoluing the reft , confider the bectei howe vnkindlie, yea, more then vnnaturallyc I maie faie, hee hath re-* warded me,and therewith will come to the prefent eftare wherein he nowremaineth. h is /iudge about three yeares fithence , to the intent to ■*&"**"* ' retainc him in fome good order of life, I placed him with a right godiie and worfhipfull Knight, Sir H. D. who formy fake both loued him , and I knowe tooke paines to the vttermoft to reforme him , before that time I foad placed him in an lone of Courte, where with expences fufficient I kept him . In both of thefe pla- ces hee btougbt mee more then 7wHl rehearfe indebted , ranne him'ieifeonth'erockes, durftnot befides (for that priuilie hee had ta- kttlvjj) to ftjewr+ris heati; Complaints were infinite againft him, Mttijmm, this man could not bee in quiet for him, that mans teruant hee rnifu* led, this partie hee deccyuedjthatotiier hee highlic wronged .-what oouldc I doc vnto cbefethinges , butasonedefirous to reclaim c him whom he kn c w c to be his owne(thtaigh with a rcfolutc vow neuer to dcale j6 Epiftletlmettwc. TheEnglifti dcale with him,)I then had caft him off, yet by intreatic cfhis friends, and his earneft iubmiffion I receiued him againe. Sithence which too c$mm»r*ti*» much it is to be rcuealed, how flubbornlie euen in mine owne houfc, how iniurioufly among mine owne pcople,he hath behaued bimfelfc, by rcafon whereof as compelled for the quiet of mine owne familie, I appoynted him to goc from hence into S. there to remaine with his Vncle. And becaufe it was againfta Chriftmaffe, and that / woulde notdifmifle him vnfurnifhed of that belonged vnto a Gentleman, (befides that, with a couple of good Geldings I horfed him and his man,and futed him ofappsrell,and what other nccdfull neccnaries)I deliuered him twentie pounds in his pur!e. Hee was no fooner gone to D. beeingnot patt twentie myles from my houfe, but the verie lame night hee lofte all his money at dice, pawned his horfes fbt twentie Nobles, and was fainc of an honeft friend of mine to borrow tennc poundes for his expences , and to rcdeeme his Geldings , one of my poorc Tenants there refilling to fupplic his wantes, hee fowlic bea tc,a nd if companie had not come in to the refeu c a had like to hauc (lainehim. Nay , what hath hee done more , but knowing that thc/e his ill demeanours commingonce to mine eares 3 1 woulde neucr af- ter repute of him, hee hath confederated with a wicked rafcall that once was his man, who beeing the rerye fame night in his companie, the next day after came to my houfc and robb cd me. Are not thefc impieties (thinkc you,) verie flraunge ? Whac Nature is in fuch a fonne, nay, where in him are thofe diftrilt lawes ofNaturcbecomCjthatcommonlic enforceth in all other children, an awfull louc and rcucrent regarde vnto their parents . ? Where is the feare ofdiuinc and humane lawes, the one threatning afharpe fcourgc for Tuch vndutifulneflc , and the other punifhing by pe- nailforfcyturesand imprifonments , the manner of fuch dctcftable and disordered loofenelfe . To what iiTuc is the a uncic n t rigl it and laudable cullomc of our forefathers alreadie runne , ; that' v. hilomc by feuere directions compelled the runnagare vfage of their children ' to a more diflri£t impohtion and farrc dtranged exaction then.no wc vfed, of a molt rare and lingular obedience .' Why if the common intendment earft in our wedeccflburstymes, of lawfull and good fo accutforaablic vfed, thus quite rbrwornc, and in thefc out fca- fons, Erttm*. Trvkffm Sccrctoric Epifllislnttcttiuc. sy fons(filled with all kind of carelcfhes)fo far forth difgraccd? who is lie that now recketh farther then his ownc fantafic,or what fonne wil for any zealc or dutie once fceke to repcll his owne appetite ? Whither areyc gone yee iuft and feucrc uidgcSjby whofe fc ntcnce and opinion VrofipopxU. dchnitiue/harpe and bitter tortures were laid downevntothem, that durft prcfumc by any outward (he we in the world, but once fo much as to countermaund the authoritie of their fathers? O times more iniurious then euill it felfe, by whofe onely fuflfe- E m j> l >aj!j . rance,mifchicfe fpreadeth her felfe fo highly as it doth,into fuch mani- fold branchrs.What would you haue me to fay in theie things? thinkc • A t m ** you not that I haue alrcadie receiued difcontentment inough at fuch a ones handc ? or would you wifh me againc by returning him home vvcetinglie ,to fucke vp mine owne misfortune, and by nourifliing an e,a P h,r * - cxpugnablewickedncfle, to fee a demonstration of mine ownc for- rowc and definition daylie before mine eyes ? No,no,ccofin,I haue(I hope) taken order fufficient for thefe thinges 3 hisprefence I am rc- folued jfhal no more difquietmee,by hearing orremembrance ofhim, -.- if no friend of mine doe otherwife vexc mec , for necdes a vexation '****' muftitbee,bcitbutthclcaftfoppoic,toconceiue that I haue yet re« mayning vnto mee fuch a fonne. Take hcedc(good Coofen) that as hec hath deceyued a great manic others , but mee of all others moft c(peciallic,he alfo doe not deceyuc you. Driue him quicklie from yourprefence, and thinke that a greater plague can younotreceyuc into your familie,then a perfonfo vile, and of all others demeaned fo wickedlie. This is all that 1 can delyuer you of my prefent opinion, Vnowiti but not the leaft of a thoufande other accidents occasioning the lame. Whereon I am determined fullic to repofe myfclfc. Sen- ding in the meanc time my heartieft commendations and earneft thankes for the indifferent care had of my being both to you and y our bcdfcIlow,this of,&c. t/i» atfrerepm-gaterie cf the fonne touching mutters Inueftint % o f the former Epijile, W Ere it not fir that my prefence might more^ofrend you then Exordiun I wifh, or by anie action of mine ownc , woulde wil- linglicdefcrue, I had (emboldened by the equine and E c right St Epiftktpkrgatorie. The Englifh right of my caufe)'m'all humble reuerence and dutie , tendered my felf vnto you, but vnderftandinghowc greatly the malice of mine -aunci- tnt criemies haue preuailed towards mee , and that without the verie pietic ofyourfelfc, andeqidj regarde had to the due ii formation of mycaufe^hereisno place offauoux left vnto m ;,/choofe as the mce- tel ; i to abandon for awhile the yeeJding vnto you (by myacejqfle) ofanie fuch annoyance , aini in .the meane time , to frame' thefe humble lines, pacifiers of your more thenordinariedifconteptments, that a-s true aduertifers ofthecourfe ofthat wherwith /am charged, ihey may plead pardon ofyour protefted mifltke, and win! e vntome (sts, I hope J that inrertainmenq againc, from which hitherto by the vnde/erucd proceedings pfmine aduerfaries,Ihaue iniuriouflic beene detained . And albeit there is no reafon whic, in the meafureofall yous Injintuttl* actions, Ifhouldeoroughtto decme, thatyoudoc, or enterprile anie thing vnaduifedlie : yetfor fo much as thefecrct (ling of malice is fuch, as is able to penetrate the wifeft, and that where much is fea- red , the Waft nwter inducing thereunto is made occa (ion to.que- „ ftionof 5 Icldetyiaslowliemanneraslmaie, befeech that but with tJut ' lndintrcneie you will fee hpwe and in what fort I am wronged , and gluing creditetowhat hereby in mine owne defence allcdged, you willcenfure thQrejft, as to the rcfpecl: of your fathcrlie pietie apper- tained), • TropoJit>9. The Weight of ?ha r i for-whichasl ! -yndcrftande you are a, } < u -.u- 4 - greeted ajaynit mee' i0 is that! heretofore you hiiK had il^gelted vn- Miphora. to y 0iu ^ (; / am y cr [ e y^tl^ifue , that I keepe lewde companie , that I coniluYiC all at dice,that jl am a quarrellcrsand lalilie, that you fur- mize y£U W'e^e robbed -by- mesne of mee ^ or bymyailent, all whichto con^rmQ, mine .aduertjfiesjfcemc to hauc gathered vppon megre3t advantage, in thatnotwithflanding, beejng qficn forewar- ned the contrarie, 1 fithencerell intocompanie,played at dice, brake a mans headxa^difjvaAmy man that robbed you, was the night before in my companie. ^\« Stntmfa Much more euill commonliccanicth the reporter , in deliue-*' ring, an ill lUppofc,c£a rcafonabie. conccyted matter ,.thtn o:- ten#naes depth the a$ion 'it folic, in the.molt woortt degree of truth i^^^|^c,|jec.itlgjcquaUieifQnhdcKdof , fox example, was it euer Secrctorie. T.piflUi'Pnrgdicric. jp cuerhelde^i thing iufuft'erablc for a Gentleman to frequent compa- re or to plaie at dice ? May it not fomctimes be iuftifiable cobreake a "P*r<*mologU. mansheadc? is iramaftcrof prejudice that hccwhoonocdidmcc feruicc w as fecne in my company 9 Your feke, fir, 1 knowcwil aun- fvvcrefbr mctoallthcle^No.TlicnwilLnot l.not only not deny but I did all the fc,but by your fauour,iuftifie to their faces, that hone If lie, lawfullic, without offence againfiyou, or rcafonablc mifirVe ofanie other 9 Ihaueandmightagaineatany time enter inco the like vfage of all or any of thefc 3 as at that time I did, when they fb complained ofme. Thecompany whereof I am accufed were fuchonely and none other as I found in mine Inne , gentlemen ech to you wel known and Commarmh, of a II men generalise well reputed, the plaie that I vfed was. with them,the let by agreement not great,concluded vpomnore topafle time.then vvhcrcofto make gaine. Hereunto commeth a bad fellowc typwfi*' outofthe town accompanied with one ofyourtenaunts,who looking on a good while, eraued at laft hee might fee , which being granted ,a caff fell between him arid meofa nuber tobe decidedifbr his opinion he dared me a good time with twenty Nobles to my geldings, I ac- cepted the wager, the boorde went with mee, your tenant excepted, w ho againft all others ff cod againft me, and hauing the wager, in his cuftody would uot deliuer it me. Words by fuch meanes multiplied, and they both arofe, againft mee , whereupon forccdtofbme impati- ence, my hand made wayko my right, where with I quailed their re- Metommitu fiftance.Lonow fir,the mattcrthus highly framed againft me,Io here £ppb no, 9 mia - the mifrule,the il company,and whatelie that malice could any waics tieuifeto ouerthrow me. Andyetifbut truely in their vcrie fiippofes they fhoulde ha ue dealte with'me , what conccipt could they then haue found in all this toobiedtagainftrnc? Is it not a thing ordinary among Gentlemen Eretemat when they mectc together to To] 2cc themfclues with fome one or o- ther reasonable paftirne , hi allowance wbeceof ,. noxjnc is orde- red by himfelfe., but by common liking of the rtfV Is iefnoca thing naturnlltoiman. , after weariicme trauelsito' vie; vnrJohfsmindc fomehonefbecreatiori? risk nojcaccordaiittociiiilifjctbentertainc Ee t, times 4* Epiftlespurgatorie. The Englifh limes and occafions? Affoordcd you not therefore the money you gaue nice , in companie well reputed , and in their honelt ex?rcifes, moderatelie to maintaine mec ? Agrccth not hereunto youronclie dailie conuerfation,your entertainments^your continuall vfe of com- panie applied in your owne behauicrs, and in others commended be- fore me i JntJypojihor*. What then may bee faide to condemne me? the common name (perchaunce) of the plaie , carying with it a continuall furmize ofin- Varmelogia, conuenience? I need not here lay vnto your wifdome for my defence, that as well therein , as in all other demeanors , there is vfe which is aliowed^and abufe , that in it felfc is infufferable. To commende the Eftoodki moderate vfe hereof, I can induce nothing more then cuftome, and for the choifc ofthe beft obferuarion, the company muft deare mee. Nowe in auoiding the enormities, the charge (if I mifconceiue not) you gaue me , extended to the fellowship ofthe worft , in whole fo- cictie nothing is fo common as illviage , and in whofe pleafures, no one thing fo ordinarie as vnthriftincfle , each of which occafio- ning that euill which I feekc to fhunnc , hath becne herein fo far ex- empted, as /protelt there reftethinveritie } no fufpicionat all where- with I may be charged. jpojlrtphe. Butifnowefir, you will reafon of your tenaunteshurte, what therein may bee obie&ed that fliall not euery waie further mee : who is hee that by nature couldc bee fo reftrained , but by the verie in- ftincl thereof, hee will rather kill ifneede bee , then ftandeto be kil- led i Hath not the Soueraigne mother of all our earthlie beeing, ar- med euen the verie Beaftcs themfcluestothcir owne defences hath notthe Lyon his clawes, the Bull his homes, the Dogge his teeth, and the Boare histuskes? Doe not the worthictt fort of mankinde alfocontemnctobemilprized, and natunllie couct where tbeybec enforced ,immcdiatlie tobcreuenged? Allottcth not the lawe vnto eueriemanhis righri Was itnot by Conucntion a greed, that the win- ner fhouldc .haue the wager ? And did notthe vniuerfall fentenceof thcwholeboordjadiudgeittome? What reftcth any waiesthento bee alleadged whereby in this aclion to accufemee? Nay rather what is vnleft heroin to condemne him , that being y our tenaunt, hauinghisHuing of you and yours, beholding ashe« is toall yours, wouldc yetbe fo vile conceiptcd againft any of yours , asnot with ore inane VMUligWJ Ertttmat TtltfMQti^ Secrctorie, Epijtlespurgttorie. 41 dinary fpccches alone, but with vnfitting tcarmcs, with violent force wouldegoe about to withftandemc , to hurtmcc, yc&dcf 'Jjfr»deton. peratelie to confederate with another of my life and money to be- reaue me. But nowe to drawevneo the Iaft parte that toucheth my man, ftandingasaconie&ureforthathecwas in my companie the night before, I muftconfpire with him to rob you, Dobutcofider fir /pray W#" you,what likelihood oftruth thisbcareth : would any one be fo mad as once toharmc 5 or go about to hurt the pofleffionsthatin right is to no one fo much ashimfelfe? Woulde Ieuerappearefovngracious as to confederate with a Granger, to no benefit but of himielfe , to robandfpoile my father? Alas, whatcoulde there be foaduerfe vnto Ec/>fow*/& # Nature , as fhould enforce in mc fbvnkinde a condition ? You muft needesSir (byyourfauour)fomethingconfider, what onethingor moe might bee in mee occasioning vnto the fame, it muft either bee fbme vehement necefTitie (which neucr hapencd) conftraining mee, *" ' "' Tome great extremity (which you know to bee contrary) wherewith by keeping mee too fhort of expencc or maintenance you might en- force me, a kinde of wanton prodigality , whereof no woildc can ac- cufe mc , ill counfell whereunto fo far forth I neuer could yeelde me, oramoft deteftable and vile difpofitiongraffed in my klfe, which no man eucr found in me, Thefe caufes as I thinkc are the moft Iikeft ,of all others inducing to thole opinions , which howe farre they or a- ny of them haue eftranged my conditionjetbutrheverie confeien- ces of my vtmoft aduerfarics indifferently trie: mc what ifhee were in my company , is not that a thing that without any fufpition at all, mighteaflicftofal others happen vnto me? Jam not weeting ofmens H "^i 1 * 4 thoughts,neithercan Iconieclureofany other but their outward de- meanorsrifhe were il, weigh I pray you,the fault proceedeth not from me . Sory I am that any fuch conccipt by any one of mine fhould fo much offend you. Thefe things then falling out in fuch fort as they be,it may pleafe you fir, henceforth to allowc ofthis my iuft Apology,and by the felfe ?' °^ l4> fame nAture.piety, and lotting condition , wherewith in all duty and o- bedience I feeme firmcly charged vnto you, in like fort to recognize and recciue mee, whonotwithftanding I confefTe many waies here- . , . . tofore, to haue erred , yet hcerein in no one point indifferent reft I •' Ec 3. xightlic 4 1 Epiftlcs replicator ie. T I i c Engli (h rigbtliecobe challenged . Theexpc-fhtion whereof hath mademee preiumetothe recommendation ofrhefelctters,attcndingtherwith- al thenewes ofyour good conccipc 3 and happy returne of this bearer. From,&c.this,&c. T® ff)f«f oefcnce.tee tni!l fo: fte mo:e tarfeff fuppoCc a replu tobcmsoc l»p trje jratifcr.tbe reafons fctynvof ttjalt petalfo confiS in r&c felfe fame Cute abfolutc , pcelomg tbcrebp a mose ample Demonffradon of fbe outerfitte of conftrucnons mcto^it to rbofc placcs,ano tjoto bp tt>e forcible applications of tljcir fpc- cial tntenomenteSjtiKP arc , o? map be carte to Diners fcaeratl purpofes. Bmafmucj) , as Itftc to fbetrp.2efenttofetnti)fe defence tfcep tjaue becne fciggcttcD fo: confirmation aito to rije clearing of tbe fonncs faultmes,bcccin al(b bp tbe fame conuefance tbep C^at be maintained bp tfje confutation of a! bis fojmet allegations,^ matter thereof ,m fo:t foUotoing map be confiocrcc. t/ireplie cf the father confuting the allegations ofthefonne } and maintaining the caufes of the former inuefttHe alleadged, Exordium \Z^ ur w '^ es (S'rra) and fopbifticall expositions of your owne V miiblemeanours , with fundrie confirmations therein vied, •*■ whereby to driue me from the vcrie fuppofe of that whereun- to no one thing hath giuen more euident teitimony , then the Metaphor* courfe and progreffion ofyour whole life , are either too newlie for- ged , to reape at my hands any found credite,or the metall fo !ighr,as cariethin the weight thereof verie fmall fubftance ,in my conceiptto bebeleeued. InfultMth; Well haue you applied your wits (no doubt) and to efpcciall good purpofe haue your ftudies bin framed , that can fo cunninglie coment as you haue done vpon fo bad a text,but withdraw your mcalure bc- ^ilUgoria. times,and ceafe this ouerweening , leaft by continuing your fclfe in a fools paradice,and where al things are n aught, luppoJing nothing to beamiffe,youdo(asbyyourdefertsyouhaue fundry times endeuo- red to lofe a fatbcr)ib in the end frame a defperate rueane to lofe your *• felfe,vvhen you may neuer be recouercd. The Secretorie. Epi files Repiicatorie. 43 The fhameyouhaueof your mifchiefedone, and guiltineile of your ovtnc conlbcncc to come in my fight , togither with a knowne miflikc that you hauc recciued from mee, either to fee or bcare from you : you vfe as a cloakc , tocouer the I'-ng pretext you hauc made in defence of your cuils, you haue well fhe wed that paper bearcth no other hue but his owne,and the letters you imprint ther- ... upon, carrie but their proper colour. Though they falhfie a thou- fandc aclions, and bolder vpinumerable lies, it is not feene in their chaungc,butinafhamefa(tbroweof him that were not paft fhame, the leattofallthefe would quickclie bee deciphered. Is it not inough -pmifon you haue donebadlie touchingyour felfe, vnkindlie demeaned your felfe towardes your fathers friendes, vnthriftily confumed your time in fome one or other badde companie,run at randoneuerie way to your parents and your owne infamie , but that alio in your bcha- uicurs, youwillnotoneliedaretodenicir, but which is wootfe, in your writing feeke to defende it. It fictech not that I fhouldc vfe reafoninguieithermeanc 1 tocontend withyourcaute!s,but for fafhi- ons fake,or(if.lb you li't)co beate thatto your remembrance, where- ofhitherto you abandon the notice, let measkcyou this one quc- ftion, InallyourfmoothpafTageand flourifh made of your com- panie, their reputation, your ciuilitie, fmall play, my allowance, and Synathrlfmw, your construction vpon the fame,dooth it not drawe to this ende^thae it was in an, lone, in a place filled with all vnthriftincfle , in a di- cing Chamber, in a fpeclacle for all companies? Doth not the ve- rjedcliuerance of your owne fac.tcondemneyou,dc'othnot the verie fequcllofhisentrance,!ookingon, andpIaie(whomeyou tearme to fy* **™**' bee a bale fellowe)impugncycu? Dooth not your +fcerquarre!l and mifchiefe done oppofe icfclfeagaynft you? What if all the infor- mation dcJiuered vnto mee in particular were net true ? Is not the fubftauncc true :» Nature coueting recreation,^ in him that will bee **o<&* formcdjfb could I willinglie alfo haue left the latter vndone by deter- mined fpeech to haue bcene accomplished , were it not that hauing prooued the arrogancie to bee in you, wherewith vniuftly you charge me, /might by my ouerlongfilencegiue head to your follies, and whilcOby an outragious wclllikingof your felfe you become igno- rant of your o wne mifchiefs,you might vfe a fcopc not neceffa rie ther- Upmt \ by more farther to abufe my Sufferance, as heretofore you haue done a great many others by their common negligence. For auoy ding thereof, I haue(as my leifure would induce mee) thought good to giuc place tomineownc determination , & to ferue your humour Co farre forth as to anfwere your letter, not being flung, j . , as you fondlie and vainlie imagine, with the venomc thereof^nor gal- led with the oppofed furmifes of your munificence, we alth,creditc,re- putation,and /know not whatbefides^ all which /do Suppofe either tobefoskant,asnomancanfubftantiallie diScernethem, or other* wife that you would neuer fo often as you do, without a furfeiting fol- lie enduour toobtrude them, The policies you vfe with mee are nothing ftraunge , which be- caufc they are nowegrowne So Stale, beecucrie waie therefore the leflccurrant. Howe like vnto a fhamcleflc woman, or fome other Omiofts. bafe conccyted creature, you appeare in your wry ting , let but the matterofyour Letter teftific , ifbecaufc you haue both man- Ff lie 46 Epi&leslnueciiae. ThcEnglifh lie fhape and countcnaunce , you will admitte neither of ihcfe fi- militudes, you muft bee either a childe, or a fr>le, and fo weare Surea/mtu, a bablc , or take a home booke at your gird le,and get ycu to fchcole againe. You complaine that I hauc done you iniurie, ifl haue, why then Jmhypofhora, £ QC y 0U nQt contcnC y OUr f c lf c to purfue the reuengement thereof, ei- ther with manlike or lawfull extremitie / Whie take you for a refuge Scbejtsonmato thcfecankredfojlifiivpbraidings, womanifhencountrings,vnfeem- lielyings,and childifh threatningsJfwefolow the rule you begin, we mult ftraight waies bee children , and then I muft wrangle vvhy you lr«nia ftole away TVjw bread and butter, and you muft threaten if lull of that,you will then complaine of mce for eating vp the firmentie that was kept for the childs breakefaft, or how I drunke vp my grandams ale and tolte, or lick bread in the dripping panne , or fome fuch like Infulm'u. wcightie caufes. A fouercigne capacitie no doubt. Is this mancr ofdea- lingderiucdlprayyoufrom your Gentilitie, or had you it by educa- tion^ haue you won it with your wealth, or is it incident to your re- MtioBi. putation? Bee the fe your incounters? Abrauecanuifado, indcede, whentodefaceanhoneftminde, you haue fhotou:all the venome oftwentieyeares acquaintance that you haue fluffed togethers , and all not w.corth a butterflie , then to tell to thofe that accompanie youjiowebrauclieyouhaue touched mce, howe with yourie3tncd enditingto fomaniercad and fhewed,youhaue quencht mee,howe manic wayes behinde my backe,ifyou were fo ill uifpofed you could kill mce.and for default ofother matter forfooth , howe they laughed atmectowhomc Ihauefpokefomewhatagainft you,snd howe ma- tter B. found Socrates in my Letter,and fent to feeke out your well re- puted fconcetoexpcundi^notwithoutthecredit of yourownewor- fliipfokie to be admitted to the light hereof: Ifl fhould for carrying thisinfight.no. fay you were a great Clcarke, yourgtauitie I knowc would condemnc mec,and it would bee thought in your deeper ftu- dieSjthatmylenfcsdidfailcme. Butalas fir, what is it that 1 wouldc denie you? It is not I, well I wotthathaucabilitic^riflhad.woulde prefume fo far as toimpugne you,what wold you more fir?! am come to yout bow.and acknowledge your credit,your worfhipful acqu in- tance,and all elfe you haue brought me to. Butyet hr,after allthefc jtptifmw. fportingdeuifes, hee is but a Nidcotc 3 and that wife men can tell you iitrifmui. jtMiphtttfii, VrofonoPiafi*» Mtiofit, ChmtntlfmnsX Epiirfy M* Secretoric. Vfijllcs lnueElme. 4? you,that will glory fo much in fuch fruitles follies. But fay I tis your vainc glory? No, not fo , it is but a Thrafonicall MttmttU, cxerciic. There bee that arrirme Gentilitie hath no deriuation, "where is neither good nature,honetfy,nor friendly condition . But ^whwhr** what is that to you?A man may fit vnder a fbll with crcdic, but to be laid on a ftal,imelleth fomwhatof beggcrfhip. Go to,l warrant him 4rc *' m,tf ' heisaproudfellow,and littleofgood mancrknoweth, that fo rude- ly wil dare to fpeake of your mailtcrfhip. Yet nowe we be in, let vs goe to it by the weeke . in oddc footh I . , mu(t tel you pl.unlv,your occupations haue becne too manifolde to ™ r0 * thriue by your honelty , But perchance the terme is quaint, and you will faie this matter of honcfty isbefidesyourprofeflion r Alackefir, charientifmm though it be , you muii pardon the writcr,ic was but a miftakc in his penning, by ill noting your pedegree. Tufh pedegree , pedegree , here is nothing with you in handc but twitting with pedegree, Cockes fifryhefe proude fellowes that haue nothing to hue vpo to fee how malapert they be,if they had ability to IrmHl ' take to asyou haue,& wherwithal to bcarc vp their heads in y world as you do,fuch credit with honorable & worfhipfull,who haue mul- tiplied your pr aifes for noted good parts,apparantly feen to be in you, what would then become of their doings ?' Very true fir,but will not this be fufricient co giue fcopc to the name ofa gentleman? Faith fir, Jfltifmui, to be plaine with you,tis but as the wifcr fort do hold opinion. For in our bcliefe it is faide ,that a great deale better fhewe doth it Orf"**. make to giue but one ccrtaine & true demonftration ofa gentleman i then toyeeld twenty brauados,and neuer come neare the true mea- ningofthcm/ailingJyingjbackbitingflaundering^facingjVaunting, , contemning, cogging.menacing.vpbraidingjtaunting, and proudlie Br Ji'JJ g ""' defacing other mens a6tions 3 dekrtes,qualuics > behauiours j and ver- tues, are in right reckoning, inverietruethbut flendcr partes ofa Gendeman. You wil fay ,1 am too far bewitched to tell you of thefe things, you -paramoloiia will raile at me,you will ftorme at me,you will not belceuc me : you jfyndaon. willalleadge I am too different herein from all other opinions s your acquaintance doe like ofypu,praiie you, and magnific you,vcry true indeedc, but they are but a fevve, and fuch alio as doe it , haue intent Meiofit, but to laugh at you , you arc but the arjuile whereout they hammer ^IF"* Ff z. their 4$ Epittles Inuctfiue. ThcEnglifh . f t ' lc,r paftimes , they vfe you but as an inftrumenr to bee pliable to mofiM * their turnes . In this as to mllSommers , they ycelde toyour rages, jipoflrobht. ^y ^ com V P y our P a ^ 0BS )5»nd cokes vp your humors. But vnto me, Synonym*. to whom fuch fafhions are loathfome, and in whofcearesthofebafe Ephbeton. purpofes and furfetting demeanors of yours are moft ridiculous and Efixtuxh, hateful,they arc to too intolerable. Tar di a The Peacokc when hee fpreadeth his tayle, is glorious of his * * beautie, but (looping downc to his feete , his feathers fall with the felfc fight immediately , Woulde you but abafe your eyes vnto the Verlphrajti, lower part of your rifing , you might then recognize your original, and feeing the fimple obie£t whereout your profperity hath beenc deriued, confeflethat tenne fuch glorious plumes as you ttudie to haue aduanced, without they were better qualified couldc fcarfe make a lliewc befeeming thcloweft partofallthatbelongethtoa Gentleman, Eptnodu: p or m y p art j t j s not t jj C fa eVf y QU b eare ^ut the pride wherewirh Ky&trotrouttn* ^ 0VL arc ca " e< * tnat defpiteth me, the qualities you haue; and not the malice you vtter^that difcontcnteth me : whetheryour opinion ftand good or bad to me, it is not that I accompt of, as becing fuch a one whofecenfure to my knowledge, neuerftoode in that degree to bee JUtMri* rcckoncdef, Onely doubting leaftouerfwolne with your humours, you (hould confume in your follies I haue written that I haue done, leauing the reft to your own correction, if at lcaft you haue any wit at al whereby to amend them. An example of an other Epifile imteBittefvrittcn in caufe of great defert againjl two feueral par ties. Extrdmrn. y Am foric it falleth vnto my lotamong matters more ferious , that I Imuftatthisprefcntincombcrmypcn, and enforce my labours, -"-aboutfoneedlcfleapurpofe, as to decipher aknatie whome the worldcknoweth alrcadie by his colours,and a companion of his that will fhortly giue proofeofhisfacultic by his far fpreading titles. And yet the timehathbin when by their fhadoweslcould let them both toviewe, and hauing cunningly deciphered them , could laugh at the portraiture 3 imagining that there were more hcades to carpe at Sccrctoric. Eft/lies Inuecliuc* 49 at their villa nies then honeft meaning to excufe their treacheries. It was not amiffe faid amongft the wife,that there ca be no friend- 9tntentia, (hip but amongft the good , and yet is foe iety To common amongft men, that there is not the arranteft varlet in the world but he will find a companion^ why? becaufe therein is a likelihood,which although it cannot turne to friendfliip,yct growing cx/imi/itudiw morum,\ find no reafon but that a conjunction may be of knaucs as well as a repa- ration ofhoneftmen fometimes. Lcauing your y okefellowc M. whome I efteemc fo bafe a fellow Taratyjtr. ascommingoutof the very Cell it felfe ofallvillanies 3 fmellethfb ftronglyoftheftenchthereofchatheisnot worthy to come within a mileofmy paper,nornearebya thoufandeYeardes vnto theworft parte ofmy fludie,/ will fpeake two or three words vnto you maitter F. which are his aduocatc, and as it feemeth his fecond felfe .nay ra- ther incorporated in his bowels, and become maklenezed,yea rather M. himfelfe^fbr he hath taught you to handle his caufe fo cunninglic, that he necde notioine with you to lie for himfclfe, for you \\ ill lie for both, and fureIie(not thinking you haue it by nature, abfit) I iudge it rather y infection ofhim who hathfb tranfmuted your difpofuion,that to boa(t,facc,fcoId,and lie,and that without fhame,crcdite s or hone- fty,you furpafle as 1 heare,why M,himfelf(of whom you are thought but the fhadowe)cannot go beyond you. You haue deliuered forth in publique fpeaches, that I and my companions abufed your Client with a falfc Leafe,that we led him by degrees into a decciptful marri- age,that I wil come with my hat in mine hand to craue your Clients fauor, that you know me well, and thereupon demaunded whether I was not once mafter L.his man^nd being aniwered yea,you paufed, and then faid,belike you knew me then. Remembring that you are become a M.f whom alwaies I note for S«rc*{mu, a fhamcles liyng knaue)I wonder the leflc at your impudcncie,marie ifyou were an honed Gentleman,that did rather ftande vppon your credit, the vponfuch bafe^efpe£rstogetmoney,by bolftcring what- foeuer villanies you care not, I would then (tfcjotacrras via. But not fhe wing you fuch fauour, Imuftneedestellyou in fhortc conclufion (You lie. ) And fo much the rather becaufe in the deliuerie thereof you make noiamatterofinformationofitjbutiather as it feanetha thing of your ownc knowledge. Ff 3. And so EpiJlleslnucBiuc* TheEnglifh And becaufe the lie feemeth rather a word of courfe , then com- monly of fubftance, without proofe added to manifeft the certain- tie, / further affirme that I will bring halfe a k ore , honefter knowne then cither you or yourOent, to whomehc hath confeflcd the con- trarie himfelfe , and made knowne the fame moft amplie vntc their owne vndcrftanding,who by the iufhfying thereof, will proue him a (hamclclTe lying knaue in his llaundcrs,and you a prating foolifh dolt in the rafh dcliuery of the fame vpon fo Height a grounde, to defame an honeft man of more accompt then your ielte , and that w ithout occaHon, And becaufe you take vpon you to know me fo weil,and arc yetof opinion that I wil (loop to your Client, imufttcljrou there- Cbaritmijhuu , j n your wifclom greatly m'iftaketh both my na ture and conditioner thatIcanneuerbcefodifparagcdinconceipt,biitthat Icoulde al- •*'"*• waies find an AiTc by his braying,and fcorne a ra/call though he were neuer fofull of vaunting. My dwelling with Mayfter L. continued cuermorc with re- putation and crcdite fufficient eucn to this prcfentdaic, I defire to be informed without paufing, whatyoucanncfayto impugne the lame, andalbeitlknowea flaundcrous mouth neuer wanteth whereof to gather, yet taking mee at that prefcrit ftate , you fhall findc mee fuch in trueth as al your malice fhall ne ucr bee able to d ik grace me. Youfaieldarenotwalkeabroade, that I cannot bee feene at Weftminfter as yourClycnt is. /tisindecde fpoken like a Tinker, and fauouringfbmewhatofaCoblers (tall, vvhatbetvtixt cholcr and lying , your Client and you hai:e taken order, to fpeake nothing ho- nefllie . And I woondcr not ofit , for you hnue not fa much as a fa- 'Jjieifmut. uour ofhoncHy about you. Vile malicious dcuourersotmen. do you Ewpha t. thjnkc it an cafiething.or matter of fleight purpofefo villainouilic to derogate a mans good name (then which to a generous minde no- thing is more precious) or do y cu deeme all men cf fo bafc contempt as yout felues , that they can willingly fuffcr all things to bee bencn- ted by any thing i And when you haue (hamcfully vttered your lies in place of audicncc,dare not for your breeches ftand to the left word Ephheton. of fmalleft moment , that youlet fall out of your oucrflo wing vene- mous mouthes. jfuiqtfiu Kutdtbts taceO) the beft is ,you arc both well knowne, for the one Secretorie; Epiftles CommwAtorie, $i ©neofyou, feckc all London for a cogging, brabling, boafling, ray- Syn*tbr'fm*4t ling (hamele(Te,and lying knaue, M.ischeman, and hcc ih all doc it. Hcfeekingallthetowneouerforafacing Aduocate, one thatcoulde handle the matter like himfelfe^ F.vrastheman : Yeeare both well met together, continue your purpofe,and lee the endear you meane fo,nay you will do it. I vfe not F as he vfed me, to br abble^and to lie ofhim to ftranger* But hauing drawne his portraiture, I fend the firft counterfeite to himfelfe,that feeing it hee may fhunne his lewdntfic, which yetlietb in fecret,and if hee continue fhall quickeliebee publiilied,and that to hisfhameopenlie. Ilcaueyou both aslfound you,my paper and prefent matter for this time taking cnd.In apparant haft,hauing otherwifc more weigh- tilic to imploy my fclfe,this Jaft of Februarie 5 &c. OfEpiftlesComminatoric. Cap.6. i$te /nuedliue fecmetb to bane beene oner fljarp in t^e matter, bnt not in the maner, fo: the occafions there* unto inouc tng mtgbt peraouenture mcrtte ttrat ano greater. 2no rjofobcit botb tljc teenies ano eonne^ ancearefometobat bare, vet is it in fuel) cz fee tier it to! crafcle, toben either the oifnuffc of tl;c action, o: bafc Demeanour of the partie Dot!) require tt.flno in tfjts point tljt re is a great Decorum pnnclpallte to be obferuro, to bfe a bao perfon teitli tcrme s co;re« fponoent to bts brfcame; i qualitte, as in anp other lauoablc pur* pofe to enrertatne another party acccjotng to his calling o:oig* nttie.SnO ao ttjis title Of Inueitiue , anO tfjat Of Exprobratone be* fo3egoing,arxn&relpamanccbtogitrjer : fo atfo is rbenert bcerc* unto, tobicb is ca'JcOComminatorie . £be Ettmologieo; fignifi* cation toljrrcof , is by menaces to rb:eaten. 3!nfoimieb ae parti* ((paring toitrja btnoe of Accufation fo: intones committed, it tx* pofiulaictf)not,noucafonetb of anic cirrumff ance 5 obir*?'*"'/*#'• a wretch hathfomanie cuafions ? But (halt thou longer liuc to be- Antkyfoflw*. come the vexation and gricfe of men ? No/or 1 protelt, though the Lawes doefailc thec, my fclfe will notoucrQip thee, I, lam hcethat E f»\ eu x»i will plague thee,thoufhait not fcape me, I willbcrcuenged of thee. ^ >n ttm ' Thinkc not thy iniuryes are fo cafie , that they are of all to bee fup- Epit j }gtm ported, for no lboner ftnall that partched withered carkatte of thine, -pttiphrafi,, fende foorth thy hatefull and abhorred lookes into anie publikc /hew, Synecdoche. but mine eyes (liall watch thee, and I will not leaue thec , till I hauc vl «>n*fmi*i. profequuted that which I haue intended towardes thee, moft vn- woorthieas thou art to breath amongft men , which art hated and s W" 9n * become Iothfomc euen in the verie bowels and thoughtes of men. Triumph then in thy mifchiefes, andboaft that thou haftvndone . . mec,and a number of others, whom with farre lefledefpight thou haft forced to bendevnto thec . ' And when by due defert I fliall hauepayed what /haue promifed thee, vaunt then (on Gods name) l/4 * ( ,yj *-/j Jt of thy winnings . For my part .* but I will faie no more, let the ende trie all, liuc wretchedlie, and dievillainouflie, as thou haft de- ferucd 3 whome heauens henccfoorth doe fhunnc, and the world dc- Jittaph**. nicth longer to looke vpon, OfEpiftUsdepremorie. Cap 7. [ l)t menaces of ftjts laff Cpifflc pou map tocfl Dome robauctffuro from a (jot enragefc Spirit 1 of bbfefj tbougb ttjefftlc bee tenement, pet bnto men alt he |i}umo;oa6 3 ttc fame map ff ano fo; a p:efiDent» &ue& mnoe of inuenrions ano men fo affcaeo toftrjfart) t- 0rangeD pafftons 3 are as toe fee Dfoerdte founD,ttberof 3 tf)oug!?t gooDtogfaefoo?tt)tt)fe erampleto bee confiocrco , tlje teatgrjt neuectfceleffe to bee mcafurcD as in tm others befoje to tl>c per" Ion ano matter oceurrent. 3nD nofoc tuili toe to tl?e latt of all this llate/udiciall , fcotjfcb are tt> Cptttlcs Dcprecatoric . ajje title of trjefe (Spiaics earctett) a name , accojoant to ttje mbmifft uc matter in t&emcontapneo, foj Qefr efficacies are onlte carries bp entreat ie,requeff of faaour,ga)0 op tnlon,aUotoance 07 paroon (H5g of j$ Epiflla Deprecatorie. The Englifti of ante intaric o? offeree conccpneo 03 commftfeo. 3n Sfoob na> tnres, it is a tying p;aper to tnctgt) toitbtbemlclues , botoemurrj anietoaiestt)epu\mDcbargeD, to&enxr bprefpcctofperlbn, Dm tie, fctenofljip 0? fcueraigntte, accojoinglie Hereupon to frame rtmicfpcccljcso; to :i tings. 5^et tsnot tbe matter hereof smp; p!ic fpea of fu^tmto to$omc,o? bv fcbomc toe are eittjrr accafeD,rteD, crjargco,02 conlf rained , clearing, if it man be, 0? boneftip oujcr; tuife mitigating 0? aiiopdm .t ttbat ftmflcr iv,o: open Da me in!cn> Deo conte it,map be Detune to be again!! oo,anO of ctjc t>fe tjcreof to be fpoften let o)ts nolo be fumcient. Exordium. Hftotyftfis, J^rnWw, An example e fan Eptfi/eDeprecatorie^herethepartieis charged in good opinion, VT THen a Phifiognomcr by chaunce (hauing becne famous Y^/ in other places ) came into the forum of Athens , hce de- clared by the view of diuers mens faces the diuerfitic of their conditionSj whereupon (for better triallof his Arte)hee wasde- maunded what (Frtmafacie)hc thought of Socrates % he anfvvered, by his countenance, to be a man of vcrieeuill condition. The people which kne w the comraric,gro wing thereby into great rage 5 were rea- die to driue him out ofthej^raw. But Socrates comming tbrth.Be not angrie(quoth he) for fuch a one might I hauebecne, it by Philofophie I had not corrected my mancrs. By this might bee inferred (right Wecrfhipfull ) that at the fnftfhewe,it is not goodtogiue ralh iudgement ofanie man, for the PhifiOgnomerbceingablcto iudgc what men might bee , was not able tofiy iuftlic fuch they are: In like manner, your Worfhip hauing beene led by mifreportSjare able to fay, thus it is (poken, but not fo it is. To my great griefc it is informed vino mee, that by the finifter re- port ofmineaduerfarics.you think e hardly of me. And (o much the ra- ther haue / caufe to bee grieued, for tha t in the mouth of an ignorant pcrfon^I am not therby iudged of.but by the femenct and opinion of the Sccrctoric Epiflles'PeprccAtorie. fi the wife, held a man badly demeaned,careles,and fuch a one as bea- reth fmail reputation. Belccue mechr, and if it plcafcyouto take further notice of mc, youfhal find ittrue 5 thatitismorecuillvntornetobe adiudged loofe of a wife man,thenofa thoufandbafepcrfbnsrobe vcterly condem- ned,fbr that the onefpeaketh ofskill,and the other of a bad conceipt, _ ,. the firft wifhing all men to bee good, the ether confefling no man to ™ belufficientjthatisnotpof'.efledwitheuil. Myaduerfarics ha jc brought many heauy informations vntoyou tending in outward ihew to my great difgracCjiiamingme as it plea, ieth them, a man (as they tfi;nke ofthcmielucs) indifferent for all pur- pofes . But becaufc i know you to bee wife 3 and thinkc it a matter of no fmall accompt t© be well thought of at your hands : I am therforc the more carefull to clcare my felfe,and do befcech you.that you will hold forfirmc what / doherefet downrahurmgyour felfe,that what- ffleucr my aduerfancs report ofmc , I doe make accompt what fpee- ches paflc from me : and thofe that I deliuer vpon credite, I will pcr- fbrmc with truft. This then I fay for aunfwerc generall , to whatfoeuer they canne obieel , that if any parte of that in fubflaunce they haue dcliucred vnto you for cerraine bee true , I will loofe the credite of a Gentle- man, and bee regarded as I repute them : and befides, will repay whatfoeuer is tome paide, and relealc what nowelhaueinfutea- gainltthcm. Befides,pleaieth it your Worfhip for my credit fake to haue the hearing ofthe caufe , I will come face to face , and (though I knowe the one of them to haue afhainelclTe countenance) of himfelfe, yet let bring whateounfcllhc will with himfelfe, if I ouerthrowenote- uery matter obieifted,and proue my felre an honeft man, I will loofe the debtc and my credic too, which / accompt aboue all debts.Haue not 1 then had great caufe (bauing beenc as vnto you 3 fo in diuers o- ther places befides verie vniufilie railed at and defamed) to write vnto thefc perfons^and inueigh againft them for it? Behold my letter throughout, being well considered of, itfhallbee cuidcntthatlhad great caufe,and that very manifold to doit : for my parti knowe not what others deeme,but touching my felfe , I had rather lofe my life then my good name, then which vnto me nothing is of more regard, Cg 2. and s6 EpiftlesDeprecatorie. The Englifh and I tell you fir,if F. or a better man then he maketh no more recko- ning } but todefame me withouc a caufe,hc fhal know and 7iidaftand that my credit is dcarevnto me, and that to maintainc the contraric he fliall find a hard reckoning, I fpende not my time in making ofLybels , but to write in rcproofeofhimthatabufethmee, which I takcfohighlieinoriefe, asnamelic , theyfhoulde be fofhameleiTe to report that vnto your Worfhip whichtheycannotftandeto, that I holdeitawrctched- ncs therein to be filent', and a mifchiefe for credit fake not to difcoucr atrueth. Epilog. Befeeching your worfhip offauour and credite,to me and my rude HneSjIhumblietakemy leaue,becingalwaies ready toauouchwhat here I hauc fet down^wherofnot failing I remaine Your worfhips whenfbeuer to be commanded. An example of an Epijlle Deprecatory jh caufe ofwongfuppofedto bee committed. Exordium C? ^ r > y our ^ cttcrs morc troublefome to my conccipts,then fauo- ^^ rin« (as I am credibly led to thinke) of that your woonted moft ^-^ noble difpofition vnto mec , I haue rcceiued. Wiih what iup- portationand vnaccuftomed griefe I hauc retained them,I refer coanieone(guiItle(reaccufedand fufpended from fohigh fauours as formerly by your bountic hath been to me performed) fimpbe to be conie&ured . Long was it ere I could fatisfic my felfe by any acceffe that might bee to proffer my felfc or thefc humble Letters vnto von: Yet neucrtheleflc weighing howe fa rre different thefe ne we occur - rentes were from thofe your auncient fauours, I furmifed with my felfe that the inftigation proceeded foly from others, hardhe r;cr- chaunce bearing thofe graces wherein /ftoode with you, and bc- comming thereupon my bitter enemies , the finifter deuife whereof, ftood vpon me wholy to ouerthrow or impugnc . For which hauing noother or better mcane at this inftant , thca thefe my fubmilTiue lines, Secretaries EpiftlesDeprecAtorie. S7 lines ,/ propofe them vnto you, as folicitors of your former liking, confeffing that ifany waics I haue erred vnto you , as I will not vtecr- lie (eclude my felfe from any crrour , it was but as a young man , and rather by ignorauncc , then of malice anic waics to bee intended Dictoiegia; And as couching any other obieclion , let mce but craue pardon to haue accede vnto your prefence , and then iudge as you finde mee . Two waics are onehe left , my accufers to my face , or mine Sikpfis. ovvne fimplicitie to cleare me. This is all I require , and fb much I hope you will not denie me . Wherewith refling in the due acknow ledgement of that your former bounty, I humbly furceafc, This fif- teenth ofrjouember. An example of an Epijile Deprecatory, pleafantly written to an fiver e a former Letter. T He long fweating paines wherein your good felfe (my verier^ ,. good friend A) haue lately trauclled with your weatherbeaten barke,to aunfwere my Letters , moueth mee ( howe limply fo euer) to reply a little to the fame. Wherein,pardon firft craued for fo mcane a witjat a fuddaine,to take vppon it , to encounter lb fe- lecled a ftile, where with your youthfull yearcs are fb replenifhcd , I go to the matter. Touching the iar you make ofmyfbrmoft writing, and late inci- ting you to the tedioufnefle of your fludying,wbich for the caufes al- leadged,your curtefie yet vouchfafeth to allow of^ I, with fb frien#lic a profped as may be to forefpeftiue a iudgement,do right curioufly thankeyou. The cornpafTeofyour writing.according to the mcafureit beareth, being fo much myftical,as that the groflencflc of my wit cannot well concciue ot~ hauing drawnc thereinto as it feemeth , the very quintefi fence ofthofe well pei formed partes, that in your perfon arc re fiant, maketh me poft oft the anfwere , till by a more deepe confederation Imaybetterconfonnemevntoit. Wherein I muft confeflcinvcry d eed,that all that may be within or without,ouer or vnder, or befides maftcr B.you haue to the vttermoft ft rained. For the paines you haue taken , 1 m u 1 t pray you pardon though /

parcf)cret)feD 5 mapbeapplieDfo anp tijelf&e purpofc,of tdjat qinlitie focuer ttje fcruant be, o: tte fcruf ce,vibencc ttje Harriets oeltucccD .tt* cc nciocs but cfcange of r?ames>artD contract* applications, acco:Dtrtg to tic being of tl;c parties to be ofeo,anD ttjts onelie fo;me to be obferuco one contt* niieo.&no To SuiU toe notu to ft* ottjer tramples. An EpiJMe Narrate rie containing aduertifementsfrom one fr tend to another, MY good N.you fhallvnderftande by this bearer what ipecches 1 haue had in your bchalfe, withMaifter R. F. whome to tell you trueth, 1 found at the firfHime verie ftrange, but after wee had a while debated ofthecaufe, and that I had enfbrmed vnto him all thofe reafons,which ftoode both for your bencfitcand hisowne fa- tisfa£tion } he was verie well contented You haue much to thanke this Gentleman j who omitted no part of a friend todeliuer in your abfence what he favv meeteft to the purpofc, and that in footh with fo deliberate and found refolutionjas my fclfe for your fake muft ncedes alio thinke the better of him. Ido refer the circumftancc to both your ley fures to be debated on. And as touching that you willed me to deale for, with your Vndc , it is, I fee,to verie little profitc, for that his fufpicious humours arc fuch, as will not with anic reafon what- ioeuerbe diuerted. IcouldetellyouaHyftorieoftbatmattcr, but I leaue all to our next meeting. My \ brother S, defired mee hcartilie to commend him vnto you 9 and fo did your olde feruant D. You fliall by the next Carrier cither hcarcfurther of me,or clfe verie fhort- lie thereupon you may expect to fee mee. And euen fo with my hear- tieft commendations till then/ bid you fare well, S. mis fifteenth of Ayguftj&c, Secretorie. Letters Narratme. Jf £/ ^ //*//■«• ofadttertiftmentfrom afonne to his father, MY humble ducy remembrcd good father vnto you.and my mo- ther. Itmaie plcafeyou tovnderftandc^hat vponthc rcccyte of your Letters fent mee by P.your man, I haue done your commaun- dement. And whereasycu expected an aunfwere by the carrier , for that P. went forwarde VVeftwardcs in his iourney , I could not till this prefcntwritevntoyoutoanieeflvcl. I hauereceiuedof Maiflcr N. the twentiepoundes which fhoulde haue beene paicdatEafterlaft, and tor the continuation of my hcrebeeing , I thinkc it would turnc youtoibmeprofite.fobeitf may be furnifhed accord inglie. Wcols areas yetat high rate, but I thinkc fhortlic they will fall , wherefore I haue not yet thought mecte to laie out anie monie about them. The next weeke you fhall receiuc by C. the Carrier fbrtie poundes. And if it plcafe you then to returne by him thofc parcels of wares that I laf \ wrote vnto ycu of, they will now come in verie good time, refpecting that the Fairc at F. is nigh, andforoughtl yetperccyue, they are like tobee well folde there. This is all I haue to write vnto you at this prefent,fauing my heartie defire ofyour health , and like wife of my mother,with all my brothers and fillers, h is here fayde,G. hath verie lewdlie demeaned himfclfe in his maiftefs bufincfle , whereby maifter L. is like to bee much indangercd.Praying lyonr daylie blcf- fings vnto me, I humblie recommend you to the Almightie. From B, thisthirtieof'May. ACeojoanttmro ftnslaff letter mafe anp feruanf frame tym* felfetoaDaerttfebis niaffcr of bis affaires, alter tngorte lie Gjt namesof Dfreaicns,anD ttje matter as ocea Ron (eruety. $e» nerrtKleffcfo:fomuctjasincai»fcsof ot&craeciDents beponD the feas, boll; ma0 ;er s ha tie ccca fion to Umte fmto ftr (r feruants a; facto;s,anD ItBetotfe it>c feruant o.: facto? to anftocr ttjem agafne, tdjereof perdjance fomeeeamples tn tt)ts mcttjooe mtgbt alfo be fougbtfoj.asneere as mp little gueffeui ttjofceaufestoiUferue me.3 toil fet pou ooton fome Directions. $ottng bu tije iuap,tbat tije tomtit namber of all occurrents are not tjerefn to be fatlffieD, tyongt) to as many as bee nceofnll eramples are intcnDco to bee ty h gineti. 6i Letters Narratorie. TheEnglifh giueu. gfticlp t&e Earner muff conGDer, $at ftje frue anDpiopct tntcnomcnttiereof,t3butftr. an otter lp couue farce of ea?rpac* rf on to be picfcrtbrDjiifccreut one Direction picket), mutt anr» map toell ferue foi a number in that 02 ttic libe Dcgvactopon ottjerocca* fijn<3 to be futeD. .pcucr ttic leffe.tijat as toeA in Gjts, as the foi= tner ba>He, toe fjaue omitteo no trauefl foj tne eafe arro better tu< ff ruction of lf)c ffuot ous to gt ue unto ttjem. of euerp common 0; nctofufi matter, as mante fcuem! Directions, as that the IcaDfng along of t&e fame fjc-ref n,map be tec t iuDy cD to be moff plcnttmU. 8cco.:Ding tobercuntOj of f&efe ttuo laff reciteD partes , toce toill noto fo?t pou ontiome particular cramples , of t&e fir a thereof from tbe maiSer to ttjc fernant , pou fyau erpect bcreafter bnoer ibe title spanoato:w,i of tfce feconD tfjts erample enfuing map be apiefioent A Letter from aferuant orfaBorfbtsmaiftcr. S/r, ray humble dutie rcmembred vntoyou, and my good Mt- ftrcflbj youmaypleafetovnderftandthat I haue laden for your account in the good flhip called the R ofB. according to your remem- brance fent vnto mc for the fame,by maifter S,T.fcuen Burs of Secke, which coft the firft pennie feuenteene Duckats the Butte : marked with your accuftomed markc in the margent. Moreoucr } fiue Roues of Cochin elie,verie excellent good , and of fine colour : which coft after Dirckats the Kintall. All which /hope by Gods grace fh all fafelie come vnto your hands. / fend you alfo herein incloicd y 0111 bill oflading : I wrote formerlievnto youforcertaine commodities out of England by maifter D.L. who came alongrt in theFlecteofL.and is as I vnderftand , fafely arriued from Lyons againe ♦ Here is at this prefentfmall newes worth the writing vntoyou, wherefore, praying AlmightieGod for the health and profperitic of you and all yours, I humbly take my leauc.From L.this of &c. TourfattbfulltuidreadtefcrtiJtnt at command. OfEpifilesRemtmeratorie. Cbap.fi. 10 trje touting of ft is lad Letter, there toas fyctoee mst bv 6je Jpjintcca bate calUD tip Maichants Auifo^elping > ano in mint opinion Sccrctoric. Places remttntr&torie* 6j optef on mcS tulip f amplie fafff jtng to fins inGruat on . 3nD fo; as mucb as tbe connctancc of fycfc letters , bee rafter matters p:inate to $5ercbantes aDucnturers,tben retting in publtque ft; ante otljer tofers, 3 baue Deter mincD bcretn fo: ttj at ftnte , oncer tfjisNarratoricojNunciacoric title tolafeootonemp limits, re' ferrtng the Dcfirous of farther Dtrcalon,t)nto ttje tuitter of rtjat JlSmbctibofe labour fo; ibat purpofe,not Untbout bis fpect all De- fcrr,cannot be bp me o: ante otber to furfi cno better furmujeo o: Dcltucreo,bts teartnea being moff currant to tfjorc femDof Dea> linges , ana tns metboae alfo bed aiiftucr tng two tbe true paffa' ges tbereof . j?o? uiucij in fupplement of tbe re CD tic of tUe re* qutrcD eramples yet unfittcD to fyis mp Sccrecorie, 3 totllpjo* err d bnto tlje nert title of djefe faniltar lcttcrs,fcitcb appeare to be Remuneratorie,. EbtS title fernitb to a Remuneration 02 tfoanly fullacbnomleDgcmrnt of benefits recnucD, ano to fact cnD is bp ttjc eramples thereof to be tmplotcD . 0nD in fo mutt) as bnto c< nerte one metl conDitioneD, 03 of gmD anD liberal! cDucation,ft is a tbing pertinent , not to omit t&erefpect of euerte benefit tutn> out feme tbanUefull conftocratf on,it fljall be&mue njat accojDtng to tbe c II ate o? qualttte of tbe partfe, from trJiomc luc recct tie njc famcjtoe Do frame our letters of tbanUcs , txtjtctj to our betters,* qualles anD tnfertours are in fonDjte fojtcs to be DeltuereD , ano acceding to tbe Dtgnttic ant toojtbineffe of euerie oue,erceUing 0? going before os,arc euer to be mcafareD, ano toitb tbe mo:c 03 kffc fabmlfitue anD fumble acbnotole Dgnicn t is al tbe to be carl' f&.#eucTt&cIcffc,tbat accoiiDuig to tee efTtcactc of fpeecb in cacb of tijem DeltuercD, tbe great neffe ano inctgbt tc refpect of euerie ga>D tnmc , is bp tbe ronfiDeratc ano refpeatue regaroe thereof, tt>e mo;c amplie to be perccfoeD. An ex ample of an Spiflfe l^mmeratorie from, an infer tour >tome far his better in repntation and calling. TO recognize (Sir) in multitude pfwordes , howemucft charged 1 ftandevnto your bounteous and euer curteous regard towards Hh 2, rac 6f Epiftlcsrentuneratorie. ThcEngHfh mcc, wcicvnto your wifdomc Iknov\c bitfriuolous, whobet- ter iefpu5reth the inv\arde fcruicc intend d ofanicone, ('whereof 1 humblie bcicech you on my parte to Handc aflurcd ) then an outwarde bchauiour, the validuie whereof maie manic waiesbce doubted. fa Yet ncucrthcleflej in that the thoughts ofmen are only in word or aftiontobee deciphered , let it I befeech youflande with your good fauor thac I may by thefe few lines co; .fcife my fclfe bound vnto you. And for the rcfidue,\vhen it fhall feeme good vnto your Worfhip to command me,] will not hnue life or abiluie that fliall not be yours^in al that it may pleafc you to vfe me. *A Letter rermmeratory from a Gentlewo- tn*n of good fort to a noble man her ktnfman, MY good L. howe much I am bounde vnto your L. Tor multi- tude offauours,and cfpecially thatitpleafcdyou tothinkc fo well of me,as to write your fauourablc letters in my behalfe : I can by no other waics exprefle , then to continue your L. moft humbly affectionate paore kinfwoman, & wil for euer acknow- ledge it as of your great goodncs, beyond any merit ofminc owne. And as my bounden duty is.no day dial pafle me thac I will not pray toGodforyour L.health and profperitie, and the redoubling of your daies.Bcfeeching your L.tocxcufe thismyboldnes , and to pardon me that in perfbn /cannot do my humble duty.but by writing, my Lady making fuch hafte away,as fo much time wil not be permitted me, 1 moft humbly therefore take my leaue of your L. From S. this cleuenth of Nouember, *■ tA Letter renmneratory from one friendto another* GOod M. D. my breach of ptomife in not hauingvi fired you with defentod icquitaiL, fithencc my departure ^maiebreede fufpition Sccrctoric. EfiftUs RcnmnerAtcric. 6$ fafpicion and doubt ofingratefulnefle , but I hope ,and by hope prc- fume , that ofyour owne good difpofiiion towards all your acquain- tance, you will yeelde vntoan approoued trial before you condemn. For my part, if 1 fhould not owe vnto you all honeft mindc and fide- litic , / fhoulde much contrary your great curtcGe, and dcferuedlie incur the fhamcofmgratitude. You knovve that hauing fwaied, as I haue done, out of the limits ofa comptrollcd rule, and difpleafed fo much thereby as my cafe hath bewraied vnto you , thofe whome by nature and duty 1 ought to be awed vnto , it is reafon that by a more diftn& obferuance I make amendes for the refidue.My father it fee.* mcth though not yet by me.hathotherwifevnderitoode how much I (land yoked vntoyoUjand thinketh himfelfc for all his fons vnthrifti- nesfom what therein to be tied vnto you. His meaning isoneofthefe daies to intrcat your paines hither wards. But how cuer deferts be no- ted ,or care by nature doth binde,a(Iure your felfc whilef t life leadeth along this earthly coarfc,I am and will bee al waies moit vnfainedlie yotirs.To whom,and your good bedfellowe,I mod hartiiy and often . commend me. From B, this of,&c, *A Letter remuneratorie from a BetUrtohUinfertour, T» F. I haue vnderfloode by myferuaunt P. howe much I am beholding vnto you for your paines taken in my behalfe, about fuchbufinesaslfenthim, for which I notoiliethanke youfortheprefent, but willremaine your will.ngfriende to requite you in anie thing that I maie . It was tolde mee you had oc-- cafion to traucll this way vcrie fhortly, I pray you if you doe, let mee fee you. And Iaoke you faile not to vfe me as your good friende , if at anie time you fortune to haue necde of me. Wherein doubt you not but you fha!l finde my readinefle as great asyour fbrwardneflc hath beene already in my bufinefle . And fo doe bid you hartiiy farewell. From T, this of, Sec, Your louing fiiend,&c. Hh 3. Of 66 Places grttulatoritt TheEnglifli Of Epiftles Iocatorie, Chap, i o: I l£us fjaue toee oclt'uerco tints pou of eucrte of rbtfe futes ttjctr fctterall cramptes , therein pou mod notefbat ffpoutanrteto pour better a letter Rcmu- |ncTatorie, pou mate not pjomife bnto btm poor grate* fulnes tottb tfte toertc ujojd of tcqaltall, but ratber bp tbe pjoffer of ferufce q% otber affectionate meaning tn potato tbc anftoering of fucb curfefics as baue bcene reccturD. 3ns ncrt bcrcunto tudt toe paffe tmto tbc title /ocatorie . £lje letters of ttjts fate are fueb as of Tome pleafant conceipteo bam. Do pzocaeb from one faimlf * ar frtenb oj acquaintance to anotber,ratt> r of Tome fpouing oc nife tt)en of ante Important matter. 2tje t)fe to common among pleafant beaoes , ami ratber futco foitt) acco.:Ding to trjef r p?efc nt feames, ttjen fepon ante prefer (be o o?oer. s>neb ttbercof is at tbe enb of onr (Spittles Couimcndatoric , f one otber fcuoer tbc title ConfolatoriementtoneDtntbcfojmer of tbefe bobes, ano libe* fcrtfe a ibiro tmoer tbc title Deprecatorie,fontten in tbts laff part of letters,! a libe hereunto mas oneefeHfttcnbp mp felfe, ano .tb?eeo^foore otber of a mcric acquaintance, toaparfonbecing onr famf Ifar , ano one of grab nature ano BtfpoGtion in tbe coum trp,lxbereln eacb one tojote a line of a fcucral fjmo, ano as occa« fion fel oat,inferteD t)ts fpotfing oenifes,tDttb manp ococ quips f mertments s fcbertoitb tbe gmo ^arfon tbougbt bimfelfe greatlie imongcD,ti!l be fcneto from ttbence it came . I3ut in (b mueb a* to an inuention onlie natural! tc to be crpcctctj.no metboo can be taell p?efcribcb ,3 leaue tbe CBpifflcs of ttjis fo;t to tbe oifcrction of tbe ttmtcr ,as rjis fantaffe feruetb to be puriueD. 0no goe to tbe nejft , fcbfeb are calico Gratulacoric. iro? as tbe one is a pleafant, tnerte ano fpoHing oaine, fo is tbis a bin o of reioicing , but in a mo;c moocft ano enrteous maucr.oucr tbc ga>0 bcaltbs, fo: tunc, 02 otber gcoo partes o: preferments, of our fr tenoes, n mo j co , 03 acqnaintanec.ujjofc cratr»plC0 to tbctr p:opcr purpofes are nouw nerttobcocUucrco. Secretoric. Efiftles Gratulatoric, 67 An Epiflle Gratulatoriefrom onefriendto another. Sir, I was veric forie to vnderftand by the common report of our neighbours of your great ficknes,as of fuch a one whom our coun* trie Qiould mifle, and I promife you as much as anie poore welwiller ofyours, Igricued thcreat,but being ccrtainlie againe affured of your good recouerie, I praife God in my thought for the fame, and do re- ioice it hath pleated his goodnes to bring you to your former I trength. Whereof hauing no better nor moreapparant token at this prefent^ then my hcartie well wifhing, I thought it parcdl of an honelt pur- pofe to fignifie the fame vnto you by writing, cfpeciallie hauing ther- unto fo good and fitte oportunitie , as this bearer, whome cntirelie / knowc to loue and regard you • And euen fo with my heartie com- mendations to your fclfe, and my good Coofen your wife , I heartilie bid you faxwelljFrom B.this of } &c. A Letter Gratulatoriefrom a mfe to her husband. GOod husbandc, / am glad that you haue at the laft remembred your fclfe by this bearer,to write vnto me, who haue thought it vcrie long to hearc from yoit. I doe greatlic reioiceof the good and proiperous lucceffc of your iourney , and chieflie that you haue endured yourtrauelfowell,beingin fogood plight and ftrength ofbodie,as Ivnderit and you are by your Letter, Wearemuch be- holding vnto our good friends in the Countric , that haue giuen you fogreat and good entertainment. And I heartilie pray you to com- mend mee vnto them . Your bufineffe heere at London goeth well, thankes bee toGod,and wee haue no want of any thing but your pre- fcnce,which if you would once haften hither ward, it were a comfort vnto vsall to fee you, hauing beene as me feemeth verie long abfent. But maitterG and his friend es where you are, vfethyoufokindlie, that I thinkcyoucannotwelltellhowetowinde your felfeout from your good companie. Yet good husbandc remember that at the Ia(y you muft come homeland tne fooner the better. I refcrre all to your good difcretion, and fo commend mee moft heartilie vnto yotu From L. this of,&c. A 6$ Letters fir Atuhtorie> The Englifh A Letter CrAtntntoriefrom one to his k»t[mnnfeYu'tng tn London. GOod Cccfcn,Iam gl?.d to hcare ofyourgood prefermentin Lon- don,and thar,as I heare by your father and mother,you arc fo wcl placed there^nd with lb good a Maifler. It is no little comfort vnto meetovndeiltande j thstyou doeforef >!utelie. and with fo good a mindc difpofe your felfe to your bufineffc, which Ig'adJie wifh you would continue. You mult nowc remember that your trends with great charge,care and indudrie haue brought you vpand th at their in- tent and meaning therein was.thatin expectation thereof,they fiiould haue ioy and comfort of you in your elder yeares. For w hit h, as you haue now bequeathed your telfe to this place of fcruice , fo mufi you foranyfcareofhardvfage.bittcrntfleof fpecch, or other miflike of tauntes or rebuke$,make account to endure and continue. It may be, being yet vnacquainted with the cuftoms and vfages of London,you doe now at the beginning thinke well of that, which hereafter maic turne to a difcontentmentibutgocd Coofen/o be it you haue no want of things ncedfull and necefinric,framc your fclfc to forbeare all other crofle matters w hatibeuer^and giue you w holie on Gods namc,to the benefite ofyour feruice. You fhall want therein no helpe, furtherance, or incouragement on mine and your friends bchalfe, w ho reioycing iu that alreadie to fee you fb well bchaucd, doedayliepraietoGod to profperandblelTeyou. And thus with my heartie commendations I bid you fare well.B, this of,&c. Tour TJnklccxrefullofyour rre/i 'doing } T B, OfEpiJI/es Obistrgatorie. Ckay.ti. T^tte tfode crample* map bee fufffr tent to feme to ante matter of $ts title : feeing in eptlxr of njtm is rcquiree but an alteration of t&ecaufcto&creupon luce frame cut letter to retopce fcpon : tfje fojme of ronuepanec to all one. if o; tr^feb toe mill rjence p?ne at) to tt* nert in courfe being Obiurgato- rie,o; a rebnlung of ttje ill ofage0 3 ocmcauo;o o; part* of any one. It Secretoric. Letters Mandttorie. 6p 3(t fauojeft) fomeiibat of Qjc Monitorie art) Reprehenforic kinoes before aetng,but ina Different manerifo* $at t^c erTtcacp of fljofe £pf files do ueare fojee tn matters pnblibe 02 noto^ions.ano ftjefc in tofages pjiuate ano of leffe importance. U)c o?oer thereof bv ttye eramplcs follototn g mate be n)e belter perceraeo. A Letter Ob'turgatom from a msifler to hisfenutnt. AMong fbmc other caufes that latclie haue beenc aduertized vn- to mc from my good and Jouing fiicnds,lt is made knowne vnto me,that you in my abfencc,as well towards your Miftreffe, whom in my place I haue appointed ouer you 3 as among others your fellowe feruants, doc take much vpon you . Vou runne and goe atyour plea- fure, wade into vn (ecmelic courics , and giue your felk vnto fome o- ther matters, neither fitting the truft on you repofed j nor anfwering ynto my feruice. The n ewes hereof, you muft thinke plcafeth me not verie well, neither can I with patience digeft, that a companion of your being, to whom by my fble fauour I haue giuen place of direc- tion in my houfe, fhould be fo imperious ouer my wife and her due command in mine abfence.Your wide wandring & common haunts at your liking,cannot by all conjecture be vnto mine cftate profitable. Wherefore in figniftcation that I am nothing well pleafcd with thefe &> lauifh demaenors,if by the next report I hear not that they arc bet- ter amcnded,you arc fhortlie thereupon likelie inough to find how ill contenting they be vnto my humours : with which priuate rebuke, if priuateliefo it may bee con(idered,beingat this prefent rcfolucd to conclude, I attend the redrcfle of thefc etuis : and fo giue my felfe to my further trauels.Frcm B.this of'&c. Tottrnutifter to requtteyon AsjonfhalldeferHe* OfEptJUesMttoieUtorie, Chap. 12, $c fo jce of tfxfc deputies, rningleo, as 3 TafD befoje^ cutfl) t&e otber Cities in $e laff Chapter oeclacco, map fo; furrier matter 0? ottjer occalions tbertn re qui rco ; m a to § plcn tv of tt)c ir era mples from ttjofe repre- li henibric yo Epiftles Mundatorie. The English henfoiie anDComminarorie, kinoes alrcaole fpeclfifgo, ftjts,foj anp otljec Uke ofredfon being ttjerettntofoi tins plac?faff(ctcnt. Brio notu tfre latt of ttjefc familfar titles enfactt), ttltctj ts called Man- datorie.ftbefe letters baue tbetr titles of fact of rectf ons,matters in ctjarge,03 otter inffraaions,as bp tenting from oneperfon to another ace DcUucreo, annate the mod ojotnarietntofageof all otficr letters tljat art amonglf e tos frequenteo. 2Tbe conuep .mce thereof in t&c fc follototng tramples fljall be tencecco. yi £tff charge /» $pi(lU$&c, ^yi Letter Mandatory front one friend to another* \ A Yharty commendations remembred vnto you, good maiftex aVAR, Thcfc are to ccxtifie you that I haue prclumed fo much on your Sccrctoric. EfiftUs CMandAtorie* ?j yoiirfnendmip,asroputoucrccrtainecaufes of mine in your name, for fo much as for many refpe&s Ifindmyfelfetoofar infufficient to dealc with the parties,I muft therefore defire you to receiue fome in- ftru<5tions which /haue herwith font you by this bearer , and therein tovfe fuch ncedfull furtherance as in like cafes of friend (hip you may commaund at my handes. I pray you alfo that you will take fo much more further paincs for me,as at conueuicnt Ieiiure to walke towards S, and there to confer with my brother P. and vpon fight and hearing of fuch matter as by him fhallbce fhewed and let forth vnto you , to deale accordingly. Thus with my earneft defire to fee you here at L # where you (hall moft hartilyfindeyour felfo welcome, I take Icauc this of] &c. Your very louing friend 5 &c. T]$u8 Suae 35 le o along , u pon i&Ms p^omifed mft>o$t bp « tinrtetie of dfredfon* and ecainple^fitttng to euerp pnrpofe 3 tiope to tip plca0ng and content of all t&e indifferent readers; and bere as a limit fufff c tent to tt)at Determined labour , Doe 3 late oolrmemp ret! . 3|f ante faultes happen 3 aonooonbtt&ere bJtli (fo? ten at from fanlt mate bee free) let ttje learned 31 befeeo) (tern tofnbe at it , tfje cncteott0 onerpaOe tt,and r^e eonfiderate ano toell pjamfcd tn fa dp If be trauels fanonr me m it, feeing mp ondeaonr t&ccein toas done to; $e bell ♦ $no fe doe 31 conclude mp^ettwoe. FINIS. li 3- DECLARATION of al fuch Tropes,Fignres or Schemes, as for excellencie and ornament in wi~ ting, are fpeciallic vfed in this Mcthodc. Collected andexplaned togithers, according to their applications, vfagcs 3 and properties. Imprinted at London by P.S.for CuchbcrtBuibic 1500, To the court torn Reader. S in the two bookes before going(genrle Reader)my \ mind and purpofe was to fct foorth vnto the learner, how much the phrale of our daylie fpeech by well ordering and deliuerie isgracedwith Figures and other ornaments of Arc , and to fuch end and pur- pofe , hauc / in themargentofeuerieEpiftle ,di- r e&lie agamft the places where they are vfed,quoted them to be fecn. I haue now for better fupplement of the learners knowledge jdctcrmi- ned in this place to make a collection of them all, remembring with myfclfejthatvntofuchasare vnexperienced in their particular^pi- cations,thev (hall be but of veric (lender moment in their quotations, without alio they may be inftru&ed by examplc,how, where, and in what tcarmeSjWordes or cariage ,they are vfed,and wherein , and by what conueyancc their efficacies are explaned.For which caufe,theie briefeinftru6fconsfbllowing,conteining, as in the title before going,a demonftration of their true & feucral qualitics,properties and natures, arc to fuch ende deliuered : (wherein my purpofe is to omit nothing, which hi my poorc opinion may feemc vnto this deuifed Methode a- nicwayes furthering. Andhowbcit my felfc in the writing of thefe collections , doc wellconfider the want I haue of other perfections, whereby to ornifie the matter hereof, with examples correfpondent , yet (hall it by fuch mcanes appearc vnto all fauourers of fcience, what willand dcfirclhauccodelerucwiththebeft, confefling (as byduc proofc I haue found)no fpeech to be accounted valuable or of weight, that is not graced with thefe parts. Thus hauing at large expoftulatcd my true meaning herein, I commit the reft to your curtcous cenfurcs, and my ielfc to your good opinions. Tours, A. Z>. T7 OF FIGVRES, TROPES and Schemes. Figure is a cerfamcmcanemfjerebp from a 0mple ano oiDtnariehwDcof fpcafcmg,toegcQU>e mtoamo;e cum ning and excellent oeliucrie, A Figure is diuided into Trope and Scheme. A Trope is asmuefctofap , as a Variation of afooUjeoKen* tence from ttje pjopcr i apt &g mrtcauon, tjnto anofljer nccro Ditto tbe fame, fomr rimes foj plcafurc, anc otijer torjiic foz o:na» ment fa&e,ana ttjere are tropes of toc^arU) tropes of fenfences. a Scheme is a cettainc nciu hinoc of foj me of muting t fpea# fefng,ano foj me crccllcncfc t&ereof is caileo ttje ornament 3 Ugrjt ano colours of KfjctoucaUfpaem. IBettoeene a Trope anc a Scheme t!je Difference is, n)at nje Trope rrjangcn)trjeCgnification,astn njcfe foojoes Generation of Vipers, meaning itietebp homicides of trjeir o&me time oj an^ teccffo2s,as t&c Viper oeuourefl) &er otone b;oDe. £rje Scheme |>att) no cfjange of Ognirlcation , but retainer!) ttje erpjeffe mca* ning, as, Can (o great anger be in heauenlie mindes f tmitten Of luno in t6e Aeneidos of Vtrgiii, lu&ereas anger is tn&aoe onelte abumainepaffton,pct&ttrjcni alteration is mere aUoiteo onto ttje fjeanenlte Cpods. 3hd of fome &)ere is Ijcloe in ttjem fmall oif> fercnce,itt lb mncij as often rimes tgep runne into one anotjjers meaning. The Tropes ofwordes, arc MEtaphor*, fobfdj is, Urfjcn atooj&efromt&epjopcrojrfg&f figmficationistanaffcrrcotoanotlKrnecrctonto ttje mea# ning,as to faie : We fee well, mtjen tuee meane wee vnderftande well , oj to call t&em eaters or dcuourcrs of men and houfes, 7 8 Tropes,Figiires and Schemes. tubofenDotbcpa)2e,ojcrto2tffomttomftcfrgtDD!? o2lfumg3:o: to fate,a bomelie o: ruoc fpealser dq$ braie,tobidj to Do bi longctb to mi aire, 02 to attribute tin to tljinges ttje properties tbct> bauc nor, as if toe OjouId fap,tbe grouno toanting toet, doth thirft for raine, oiffuits in ttjefrgrotDtt) Do labour, o? come bptbe ftatelie lengttj anD toeigrjtteeare it carried, to bee proude,o2 by Emph tfo , that bydefire, men arc enflamed, by anger kindled, fallen by errour: 3nD Iafllie 3 in pjapfe of mans offp2ing, as to faie,the beautie ofhis ftocke 3 02 to call ttje place Of renotonc , the well or fcate ofglonc, alfo to fap, the fhowersof fpecch , floHds of eloquence, oneltc fo; ornament in to^ittng,toitl)o«t ante otrjer proper afftnttie,attnbu> fionojlifccli&ooc. Syuecdockejntyn bp one particular toe untierffanD a number, aStofate,ttjebraueEngli(hw'asconquerour, as man) to fate, as Englifhmen were vi&ours,o2 toben bp a part toee bnoerllanDe ttje to&ole, fl0 to fap, a blade f02 a fworde, a Hall foj a houfe, 02 tojen by one ttjing toe onDertt ano another, as to fap,*thc higheiifall foi the deepeft fall, ttjetoppefoj the bottomc, Neptune sreignefoj ttje Sea : 02 tohen toe put ttje matter fcbereof a tying is majc, fo: tlje tiling it fclfe ; as to fate,theIoftie Pine did fcowre the Seas/o; ttje GjfpmaDeof tbepinetiee, 02 ft)US : With flafhing Aon furious onhisfoes,]1iec rufht amaine, &c. foj with flafhing fworde : llifee« toifeljeeputfpurres to his horfe,foi heeranne his horfe. They haue liued,t()at iS,thcy are dead, they flourirhjfo* ttjcu arc rfcb, b;a\\C 02 frappie. LMetonymia, 02 tr*nfnomitt4th, tfce putting of one name fo: an otbcr,as tije inuenteijfsj rl}c tfnng tnucnteD fo do we call co:ne bt> tllC name Of Ceres,toC put Bacchus foj totHC , Vt nus fb; Iu3 , Vul- cane foj fire,Neptune fo; ttje fca s Marsfoj, toarre : liUetoffc ttje con* tinent,fo; fbat torjfdj is confaineD.as if toe flionlD fap , acceptable totheheauens, meaning to fcimtfoat DtoeOetb in tberjeauens, a happie foyle,meaningl)appie people in ttje folic, heedrunkevp the whole cup beforehim,foj tlje U)ir;c in t!?c cup before rjtrn. 3n lifee mancr rajen ttje caufc efficient is fcnDcrttmD br> ftjc cffect,ac liben toefap,Pale death,forrowfulI dread, headlong rage, carclefle wine, vnmamefaft night: totjeretn is ftjetoeD, that D?eat> caufett) (bjotoc, death palenes,wine carelefnes,anD fo of ttje retf. IFurt&cr, totyn bp|)crn;at Soloes ft)e Scepter, toee figntfiet&e QuecncsMaieflic, ano Tropes,Figures and Schemes, 7^ and lifeefof fe by mentioning tbe Sword,Magiftracy. tAntononutfut, bbcrc to t&e per foit of ante one,u«e gf ue an 0' fber name,tbe n bis otone p;wper,as in ttcao of Chrift , to fate tf^e Holic one ofGod,02 The worlds Sauiour. £D; of (be £Hu0CltC5 t^a* UfftCjtofaie The Virgin Qiiecne, TheRoyallMaidc, fcjftb Ottjec iiac appjop;ia tions fitting fo great an ereellencie. Onomatopoeia, ttbere to a tbing not [jawing a proper tcrme, foee fame 03 Deuife a name,as to faie, themurmure of the waters, the roring ofthecanno^clafhing of armour, ffat5I(RC:ta;ere tlCittyt murmi]r,rcring nojdafhingts bp nature to tbefe belonging. c^^rr/f,i4)ereujeeaccom!noDateanantetoati)ingrt)ati0 notp:oper,at,ber bufbano forced by man? lanocs ano feas to baue toanoercd ♦ Of tbe original! caufe thereof her toff complaint toas oeriued. Tropes of fentences^r* AUegerU,B hindc of inucrting 03 djangeef fence , as tafcen lue u)eta one tbing fn looses t ff gnifie anottjer in meaning, a Trope mod tounli among!! bseucn in out common fpeabing, as ttben uiefaic,Bow the With while it is grecne, meaning to eo2' red cbildjen iibrtcft n)ep bee pong : 0: , There is no fire without fmoake : meaning 8)at tbere is no ill eoneeipt tof ft;out occaflom So Tropes,Figures and Schemes. tB/fmellaRatjftjatts^Hnotopour meanfng,fo2 otl>rr applfca* tions pou tjaue ttje fame oiucrO te quo ieo in one Opitf Us to be e feenetntrjcirmargents. o£»gnM,a oarbe fentence,02 ajs twojt)tnarrttefap,ar(DDlc,ra* (fcer tofeo in I)iglj ano Decpe mp&eries , o tfx rtotfc c onucico fo me» time in pleaf ant fancies, ttjen a ccnttomcD tnotfjcr toil tin gs. Pareemia, calico amongff tos an v6&gf 02 common Taping , as tt)US: Who (o toucheth pitchfhall bee defiled therewith: Itearlie pricketh that wil be a thorn : many hands make light worke,&c. Ironing feoff e 02 flout,as txben roee fate , Alas good man , 02 to one ttjat tjat& fet Debate 02 COntcntion,you haue ipun afairc thred: ojtobimctjat fjattj made a lengfpeae&tonopui'pofe, you haue brought forth a mighty mole-hil,02 toa lefcuD perfon.youare anho- nefrman* Sarcafmm, a bitter bob as toee fate , 02 enaions DerfOon, as of one arrafgneo fo; feIlonte,to tttrit rjim, that hee had like to haue knock his head againft the gallowes,02 of one ftrttcring foj treafon tOfate,that it made him hop hcadlefle. Afieifmns i a f rnoorb, as toe call it, as trfjen one fels a f&tng re* pngnant to t^e p^efent matter 02 companie,to fate , I had aslieue he told me itfnew ,feben neit&et tt> time of flje peace, 02 pjefent lusatijer aurmtteft) it fnotoe. ^2 fcrjjcn one imffety of a number, to biO t)f m take a flicke and tell it, 02 telling a lie, to bio &im take the haircfrom his lips. Autifhrajtsjakm a t»o?D fcojncfuftteoeUucrgrj , is tmoerffajoe bp tjis contrarte,as of a &t»arfe,to fate in feff, what a gyant haue wehere,orof tjimttjattellcrljamatter ojttinaricfo; tfranctc, to faie,what a wonder tclleth he,02 to fap , the man hath a fharpc w it, fet)cntoetntenol)e tjattja tier ic blunt capacttic, 02 of abiacbe 5^002C tooman,tO faic,Wi!l ye fee a faire pigion . Charientifmu4j\& fob en toe fcoffe a man tn bis (fyjcatnfng mo&o tO fap,0 good words,Ipray you,02killvs not atthefirlt dafh,02,Bitc not my nofe off Ipray you,£Ti3 fact) Ufce. Hyferboh, ttrjenfo* flic manlfeffation of attjtngtorucmcnt 02 ercceDing , tfjc toojoes of our fpeacb ooe goe beponoe crcoite, as to fate, It woulde haue made a (tonie hearte to weepe : hee wearied the hcauens vvith his clamour: Shce was fairer then beau- tie Tropes,Figures and Schemes. Si ciehcrfelfe, more cruell then Nero or Phalcris : Worfcthen the Deuill: Whiter then fnowc: fighingwithoutceafing,aM infinite tat life*. Of Schemes there are two forts, that is, Grammaticall,and Rhetoricall. Grammaticallarealfodeuidcd into two parts, that is y Orthographicall,pcrtaining chieflie to Poefie; and Syntaxicall, which are to be applied to our vfes. Schemes Syntaxicall^rtf, ;] c%fr,tfcat is a Defect of fence fn a £do?d o; nccetTa> rte reafon , aunftoerable to tfce Due contfruction, as fc&en tjautng fpofeen fumctentlte of a matter, toeclofefeptrjc fentenee toftb ttjefc foozoea, But this for that let be , and now to the reft ,tr4)ece aftet lec be, njte U)3?oe (lufficient)feemetb fo beiuantutg. liikefcotfc^hac might be more in the matter?foi what might be more donorfpoken in the matter. £Ufo to faie,you are not to aunfvvere or compare with him,fojyouarenotmeetc,fufHcient } or able to anfwere or com- pare with him.£D; ttjf rtoife to fap, A man offo rare venue /o deep- he to be ouerfcene,foj,is it true that a man of fo rare vercuc fhoulde fo deeply be oueneene. Apofioptfts&m bp paulng f o anotber matter,toe Cop oor fpeectj on a foD0?n,as it toere in an interrupted 02 oifcontenteo mcoD,atf tb fap, Are thefe the praclifcs you take in hand?be thefe your dcuifes? hath your worthy courage endeuored fo mighty efifecles? But I will firft tame your courfcs,and for the refidue,lwil hold you info bridled a meanc,that my felfe will warrant you henceforth from any fuch like further proceedings. jSDj tt)U3, Vngratefull creature, haft thou dealt wel with mc in thus confpiring my ill, that haue euer fought thy good? WeI,I wil faie no more,butfor thee & thy complices I wil take order wellinoughto Ray you. £D2ofyerUrtfcby toap of a fearful rebeac fail trjU0 ; What ciili was there whereunto we were not fubiecl'Buc Kk 3, why 8* TropcSjFigurcs and Schemes. whie dwell 1 incircumftances ? wee were the men allotted to that purpofe. Zeugma&m one o2mo?e clanfes arc conclaccDbnoerone foerbc, 80 to fste,His loofenefle ouercame all fhame : hisboldneflfc, feare : hismadneile,reafon : XfottZ all trjefc Clanfes are CondcjDeD tHtoerttjiS one focrbe, Ouercame. £>2tt)U8: What auailethit to (brine Co much this vaine beauty , which cither bylongfickneffc,ex.. tremity of old age. infinite forrowes andcares,ora thoufandmifhaps befides ,is euery day in daungcr or fubiedt to bee vcterlie crafed : 3>rt rajtt&all tbeclaufes before going are conduoco tnttuscne babe is in danger .,&c. Svltepjts,\$zn one tier be fppplfefb ftoo elaufes, one perfon ttoo roomes,o2 one toojo feruett) to manic fences, as tt)n>3:He runs for pleafure,Ifor fearejttbere (fete tier be run, feruett) to bott) purpofes: alfo tt)US:Butfcorning fo to be reproued,and wich a manly resolution by one (Iroke giuen 3 he acquitcd his fhame,his credit, and his perfon, fxbere ttjte one Ujq:dc acquire feruett) .to all claufco aforegoing ano following. Frolepfis ,ftberc fome tying generallie Srff fpofeen.te aftcrtoarDS D:at»ne into partes .as tfcuS : Let vs take vpon vs one felfe charge, I to direct abroad,you to order at home.iJD: oftjertof fc : Men diuerf- liedoerre,fomeby anignorauntfimplicUic , others by amo(tper- uerfe follie. Tleonafmmf&tKZ fori ft) Idojdb teeming fuperfluou3,wc oo in- creafeour CcafonS,aiE5 ttJUS t With thefeeares /heard him fpeakcit: Or with mine eies /beheld c him forrowing , tttjerc toe toeU fcnotoe ttjat toityout eares 02 cles, toe cannot foelbrarco: fee,pct ear ittf) tb<0 feinO of fpeecb,a vehe mency in enforcing ttje matter fo plalnc lte,03 t&ougblte to be rjaro 02 fane . Macr9logt*$totx& a claufe is finallie aoorD to ftjc matter going befo?e,in teeming mo?e tljen neeocOjas, Men of fo high and excel- ling vertue,let ihem euer Hue, and neuer die,t)cre neuer die , fame ft) fupnOuous^ano pet notable tuclat?o:nrtli tbr fcntcncc. Antjtroplje,* p2epoflecoti0 inuerfion of tooiocs , befiocs t&eic common conrfc,as frozen UK fap : fo)faults,noman liueth without, ra>n 02Dcr rcqnirenj toe fyoulo faie .• No man liueth without faults: Long when he had confufedly thusliued,foj tU)Ctl tjefjaD longtime tfrnsconfufcoUeliueo. Hyfleron Tropes, Figures and Schemes* Sj Hyftcronfroteron, XfytU ttjat fafefrtj oag^t tO be XXI tijt fit'ff plaCC, - fs put in toe feconO,a0 tt)U0 : After hee had giucn faile ro the winde, and taken the Seas,fo; afrer be bao taken ttje feas , aitD glue n faile to t()e U)inD.iillfO,That which of all others is mod facred and perma- nent, honoured, and euer fh'ining vertue,chufe vnto your felues ? foj rfcufc onto uonr feluec bono:cD ano eucr fining t»crt ne, trJilct of ail o ttw rs is moff facreo ano permanent 05, as commonly toe fap in Onr (EngllU) fpattj 5 Pull off my bootes and fpurs. Tmefis of Diacope, a Diuf&onofa toojueompounofnto ttoo parftf , as ,What might be focuervntoa man pleafing,thathad he, foj Ul:atfoeuermigI)tbe,1f.HirherlliouIdhehauecometo,vvhcnhefi- nifhed his argument : ftp. l|itt)CrfO fl}0ttlD be liane eom? ,|C. ?^wr^y?/.antntercl»Dtngof a fenteneem anpreafoneommon ltefetbcttoecnetU}oba!feciretes,astbu0:Iam contcnt(noc in rc- fpedt you defcruc fo much at my hands) onelie for pitie fake to hear- ken ynto you , tbe twotolcDge bireof t£E 02efnam,anD tljc refine 3! ncecefprafeetbelctreoftt. HjrpailagejEtotn bp efcange of p:opertte in application a rbing; is DeltuereO , as to fate, Darkefome wandring by the folitary night, foifoanDjingfolitarUlebptbeoarhefonic ntgbt , 05 the wicked wound thus giuen,fojbaumgtt)n0iutcheoltelDoun5fDl)im. £|:* Dfe hereof in Poefie is molt rife. HmW/s.itben one tying of it fclfe inttrc, te&fuernp layDc o> pcn,ao to fate, On iron and bit he champt, fo: on tye iron bitte bi e Cfcampt:3nDpartandpraywegor 5 fo?partof (fc p:ap : £Uib by Purge and fea we pah\frn to? forging fca tuepou\23)is alfo is rarljce jpbenccVu tym otbei toifc in fcfe. jjfyKdetorrMtn ttoo o; tt)2cs claofes 02 mo:c &f fiopnro t»o fo!- lotD one anOtbcr,as to faie hishoufe,his land,hispurfc,himfclfe,his Iifr,were all at hiscommaund.^D; tbns,he (capte^heran^he rufhr,and fled away. Ciortjcrtotfejthyfame^thy wealth,thy friends,thy kin 3 and all halt thou loft togithers. Polj/jyudeuHy^tw in like (o;t bv manp ronf unctions funtyfe Uic2Ds one follctoing cbc otber are tontteo together, as tbns, Both fwordc and fireanddearth,thrcedreadfullfcourgesof the war were al way cs attendant vpon him.®? tbn0,with faith and troth and pligh- ted heart,and loue he made him hers,&c. Htrmos* tn)ete a contiuanceof fpeecfc isfcfco,i)ntiUnjeenDe of $4 Tropes,Figures and Schemes. Of tf)t daufe,as God in the bginning made heauen,carth,fea 3 firma- ment, funne,moone, flarres,and all things in them contained : tdjerc pou fee all t&efctoo20s,heauen,earth,&c,rjaue all one continuance Dnttll the lad eno of tlje fentence. eptthetonjsfotn foj ornament faae toeaooebnto a toojbe, 02 fo? mtflifee 00 attribute fomefebat fcnto trjc fame, as feben fo; o:na< tncnttoe fap,Sweetbeautie,precious !ouc 5 friendlie fortune: ®i ton* traritotfe inmiflike^vnbrideledlutf,filthie gaine^ wicked guile, de- ceitful! fauourjfondfancie^c. T^^r,tobeiibv>ctrcomlocutionantcrtilngti; erpjefleo, as iuftcn toe fap,The Prince of Peripatcticks,fo; Ariftotle.trjt fubuerter of Carthage and Numantia, fGJ Scipio. A man (tudious of wifc- dome,foja$bilo(bpber: A man diucrOtc enriched, foj one$at tS toealtrjte,*c. Ltptote, to&en bp u> lefle njat is fpolteit , tbc mo;e mate bee fon> Oerflo)0,aB rtjus 1 afloat auattett) it tfcat t&at trjou 00S not oefpife me, tr^icbislrpt^Econtracie^hatthouloueflmee, trjeDcuuerte thereof is lingular bp tljc ncgatiue , foj tt)at giucri) grace to tfce Figure,as it difcontcnteth me not to heare of you,but it griucth me to heare ill ofyou.Wc are not fo ignorant ofthings, but vvecan perceiue fomewhat. STftat iB ill tfje one,it pleaieth mcc well to heare of you, anD ill U)C Ottjer , we haue skill to difcerne ofthings, and thereby can perceiue fomewhat, P4radiafto/e,\$tntoitt\a mttoe interpretation 0? fpacbtoeeo* lout otfjers 0: our otone faults, as toben toe call a fnbtill per fon, wife .- a belli felloto, couragious : a pjoDfgall man hberall : a|man furiOUS 02 rau),valiant : 3 parafite } a companion: tjiUl ftat iS p20UD. magnanimous,anO fuel) Ube. tJMtofis^ mancr of Difabluig, as fofcen toe fate, Alas fr , it is. not in my power to doe it:02 0tt?crtoife, little God wot could man doeinfuchacafe. Schemes Rhetor icall,ai c ANaphortty 02 Repctitio, foberc bp rebearfaH of one fco:oc toee ma&efuno^ie beginnings, astofaie, Learning bringeth to knowledge, learning makcth wife, learning cnablcth to venue, lear- ning is the ornament of the mindc, finallie, learning is the onelie fub- ftantiall Tropcs 3 Figurcs and Schemes* / / ftantiafl proppc and guide of mans life, wichout which nothing in a manner can bee plcafant, nothing fauourie, nothing of value, &c. £>2fbufS, hauing committed fo great euils, couldcft thou yet dare to come in open fhewe of the worldc, couldclt thou dare to fhewe thy felfein the faccofmen , couldeft thou dare to bee fcene of anie one, that haft thus gencrallicdefcrucdtc bee hated of all; flDj otbec tolfcthus, When death commethto chalengehis due , what then fhallauailc beautie , what youth , whit riches, whar ftrength ? where then fhall become thy landes, where thy reuenue , where thy poflefiions? who mall argue thy caufe , who ftande for thee, who plead for thee? Ep*nalepfis$bm tuftf} one fclfc U)02t),foe not boft) begin ana fi< n (ft) a fentence, fye tfc he re of is meerelte app:op; t at c to Pocfie, Much askedJieofPriams ftate, of Hedtor vcrie much. Epzeuxufii a reooublf ng of a too?D,bp ucbcmencic f o erpjeffe a tt)ing,aB ttjas r Thou thou art he on whom I Hue to be reucnged. He,he it was that wrought all my care. Thus, thus bchooueth men of vertue and courage to doe. Anadsplojitfatozn ttje laff &jo:d of a comma 02 member of a fen* tence,ts ttje beginner of another (bat rbSotoetf),as heauens witnes my fall,my fall more grieuous then may be well fupportcd by com- mon forrow : 0? fljUS, Fie,tao much vngratefull, vngratefuil to mec of all orhcrs,that fo much at thy hands hauc deferued. Antijlropbe , tobere man tc members are tyatone to entie tolfrj one ano ttje fame toojde,as,wehaueour fcliciticof votue, our re- nowneofvertue,our hope and expectation of vertue. £); tfjns:mcn from.thcir crrours are reclaimed by loue, reclaimed by hope, reclai- med by fearc. Sjmphche, febcre f uno 2 tc me mbcrsbauc one felfc beginning anD enDtng,aS trjUS, If wee (hall debate of the times prefent , what is I pray you the caufe of all thefe euils j> money : what hath beene the decay of our eftimate ? money : what the ruine of our foulcs. ? money : what the torment of our confeience? money ♦ what the meane of all ambitious afpirings, treacheries, and villanies ? money : In fine, thiscurfed and wretched title of gaine is it that bewitcheth all ages and fcafons, and that onelie by a feruileregarde and account giucn vnto money : £D: OtrjettDtfe fljnS in contempt ♦ What fillie r ioulc waft thou when I beganne firft to like thee f nothing . What L 1 whea g6 Tropcs,Figures and Schemes. when I tookcthee ? nothing . What before /cherifhed and regarded thee? nothing. And now that by me thou halt becne made fomthing, thouefteemeft me as nothing. PUche,\xi\)c\\ bp an CBmpriaGr^a foojDc ie ct t&c r in p:at fc o: lit* gracctciterateD oj repeated, as njas : Though Scipio were neu.r {o much terrified with the Carthaginians in Spaine, with the Numi- dians in ArTricke, with aduerfaries abroade, and with priuie enemies at home,yet ceafed he not to be Scipio luUtrjat \8,fuijimi/is } \)kc vn- tohimfelfcftill. Polyytoton m Tradu&io, fcfcen one fcojoe is often repcateo bp tactefie Of cafCS , as tl)U0 : Who hath in his life nothing fc much pleafing as the ve tie life it felfc which heenioyth, it isimpoflible that his life with venue fhould anie wayesbe adorned : 02 bp translating of onetoojoe into Of tiers ftnmes, astbns: Whatmanhoode call youthis,fovnmanlietodeale inthofe actions, that fpech Hie apper- taineth to a man i i^ere is fyis tuojD manhood tranflateD into vn- Bianlieanojtoman. U^w£raw,o3Parifon,forjenoneojmoe members ooc foliotue bp c&anging,oe trading, 02 ao&inga letter 02 61= lable in a fo)O3D,a0 to Cap, No doubt he is a foole wife man,f(j) a roll tDlfe man/or a Doclor,a 2D 0ter,02 OtfcertolfC, thou art no bewraier, but a betraicr of mens counfcls. Of one religious thou arc become prodigious, Anta»aclajis y TropcSjFfgurcs and Schemes. s ) Ant*n*cU{istfbm. toe pjooace a Idojd in a contrary ffgnf Scan* on to to •■■■:. it commcnlie pojtenDen) : is to fate , For my kindnefle you haue vied mc kindly , meaning indcedc you haue yCcd mcc vcrie badly . And I can bee contented to pray with you though you pray notvpponme. Wete ftjtS UJ05DC kindly t£S appllCD to ttje U)02fCP part.ufctcuof tt fclfccartettjas toccfecafar ettjee meaning ; ano If feetoife pray in one fence being to entreate, is in anottjer fen fc fntenocDocrc to fpoue.anD as another faiD toarnOefelloto,you are too courfe tokecpe courfc inourcompanie, bcretscourfefaj rnDenes,anc courfe tn anotocr Genfe fo) good order. Erottma 0; lnterrog*tio jtihtxi by interrogation toe 6ft out ante njfng fbmrtmes bp oemanDjas to fate,Butyou fir^now fro whence I pray you , dcriue you yourfancie ? bpaffeueration ,30 to fate: Hauc you not in this aclion behaued your felfe excellent well? J15g Commiferation , as to fate: Alas what grounde may holdcmec, whatlandeor fhoremaypofleflcmee^ circumuented as lam with fomanyeuils? 5i3j? tJ^gtng, 35 0)03, What hadft thou to inter- meddle info bad a company? How long mall wee bee thusabufcd with fo faioed treachery? Art thou not amamed feeing thy purpo- (es thus reucaledf Perceiueft thou not thy driftcs to bee all difcoue- red? JBp inDtgnation,as to fflfe, Shall I yetcouer thy villanies be- ing at thy handes thus hatefully mifufed?o?n)us, Wicked and per- uerfekinde of people, ho we long will you thus hatefully dcale with your fauorersf H5p aDnif tation,ao to faie,Good Lord, who woulde haue thought fo much loofencfle in fo chafte a countenance ! But what is it that this blind and fottifh louc draweth not a man headlong into?3nO laflip,bp Donbttng,as HJUStWhat fhall / fay,or what fur- ther fpeeches may I vfe to withdraw you from thefc euils? £D? OKjeC tuffc* Whither mail I turne mc tofpeakcvntoyou,orwhatwordes may 2 vie whereby to withdraw you from thefe vanities.* Autbjrpophora o? Sufaefliaflbm to a queflton aflteo bp os,toe an f tuere of our felucs in ouroton reafonmgs.tfce manor noereof is sccotnpUfl)eon)2ce btnocof U)atcs,as firtt ttbenfoeeobtedonto our frlues itjat oi)tclj to o tijers mtg&t be obtccttD , ano anftoere it again?, 3>ccon Dlic,ttbcn lue Do(as it lucre) tocx ttjofe toe fpeahc bnfo to anf were ov.no fo anftnertng, oo confute ttjeir faptnges. SblrDlte,txUen in a oeltberatiue fo;t toe pjopounD Diners ttjtngs, ano refute trjem ail one after anottjer, erampieof trjc firflmate %\z. be Si TropeSjFigures and Schemes. beefl)L0. /sthisarnaner ofdifcipline? Doc men in fuch fort d el iuer their inftrudtions i Had they for this caufe the authoririe of tutors to themgiuen, that in vanities and mifliked pleafurcs , they who are committed vnto their charge , fhoulde confume their youth vnder thcm?Beleeue me I am ofafarre other opinion , neither do I thinke, that the reafonable time ofyoung men 5 bcing now fitteft of allothers for anie vcrtuous irnprc flion, fhoulde thus cautelouflic be deluded of that,whereunto both their parents and birth do commend them. £)f ttje fecortDjtrjtS : Nowe after al thefc proofes of the happie comming and acknowledgement ofour true and onelieMeffias:Letme fpeake vnto you againe,yee Iewes , enemies , and maligners ofour fele and onelie God and Sauiour Chrift Icfus, with what reafons ftrengthned doe you perfilt in your madnes i Standc ye vpon the Oracles of Pro- phets* Wee hauc made plaine vnto you that they are wholie for vs. L'joke ye after Moyfes?It was only ofour Chrift, and none other that he that written. WaiteyconTypesand Figures? They all in one do agreetobeeinhimfulfilled. Prefcrre you vnto vs miracles? Who could defire more then by him was fhewed . Bringyouagainftvsa number of confents? Alas you onely bring the fmalleft number , and lurking as it were in acorncr,arc thcgainlayersof tructh ltfelfc, fith the whole world round about you doth witnes for vs. Doth the hope of any euenr yet a little detaineyou. ? Beholde your temple long fincc fubuerted :yourfacrificesquenched,yourCitie rafed, your people runna gate and difper fed , nor anie hope at all left vnto you to be re- lieued but by the clemencie of the Chriftians. £Df ttje tfctCDC, ttji3. Tell meelpraic, what or wherein is it, that a worldlie man hath fuch meanc toglorie inf wherein fhoulde hee bee proude, or for what caufe fhould he thuspuffe vp himfclfe in vanitie.' Is it for his ri- ches? they neuer make a man either happy or blefled , fo farre ofFare thcyminy times from anie fuch cuent, as ofcen wee do fee that they are theverie caufe of their owners deftruitions, they fundrie waies arcmeanestoinconueniences, and in our owne fight forfake their maiftersin their life times, but feldome followe them for ought wee fee to their graues . Is it for children? The keeping of them is then of richesfarmorevneertaine. Isitinrefpcc"tofa wife 5 familie ando- ther fiich like commodities? they are vcxations.cares and griefes,no- thinginthem ftable , nor fuch as may induceamanto any hoped tranquility,&c . sfyere uj alfo of ttjis fo.Jt another c ramplc,bt> aii immcDiatc Tropes, Figures and Schemes* Sp fmmcofatcanflDerctoeuerie qurftfon,a0rt)U0.- Whcrforc thenrc the la w^ for tranfgreflbrs,whereforc rewards for vvcl-docrs.5)2 tt)US: Where is now their pride?vani(hed. Where are their boairsrdeluded Came they to aide vs?no,rather to fupprefle vs. Came they to com- fort vs?no,but to kill vs. ^w/m^^ttbenbaningfpofecnastf toere in r&e&ffpjaffeo: niiQibe ofa tiring , tor goe about to belpc tbe fame agatne totttj a neto colour to tbe matter .*2ls to fate, It is a thing difficult to attain learning, but yet verie commodious, h is tedious to trauell for fundry knowledoesjbut vntoour liuesit is a thing moit neceiTary. Scphomfis 03 ExcUm tiojefaxty batb Qgnificatf on of grfefc 03 in* t)(gnarionofat|)tng 3 a5 0f gncfetftUj5 ? O cruell and lamentable times wherein wee Hue , fubiedl as wee arc to fb manifold emiferies; liDf tnOfgnation tfcus. O incredible boldncfle , or rather impuden- cic ofa fhamelefle creature : not fir to bee fuffered, $ettt}Cr 10 ttjIB manner fpeahing , altoaies frajneo bp flje BWertertion O, but ratt)fl*otbcrtXJifC,asrt)U0: Vnhappie man, madevnhappiebyfo great a misfortune, what vnkinde deltinydroue him to lo imminent a perils Howe miferablc and vncertaine is the ftate and condition of man,fubiec^ to fo many and lb huge calamities?©? Ott)crtoifS,What kind of people are you to rage in fovile amadne(Te?Was eucr feene a multitude foficrce,a company focareleflejanadcmbliefodefperate^ What inconfiderate dealing do you vfe? I lhame tofceyo^&grieuc to behold ycijj&c. /tifultat;o$bzxi iniurf ooap 3 o3 bp a c ontcmu Uous tepjocfc toe tn> fulttiponaman0OOings,ast^U0: Trudge on with thy mifchiefs, proceed in thefe thy infatiable cruclcies,and he that hath power oucr al,wil one day I hope correct thee. iD?OttjCrlDifC 5 Purfue I pray you your glorious cnterprife, you hauc,no doubt, very vvaightily begun, & we cannot but expeel thereofa notable iflue. jipori* 02 Dubitatiojtojen tore mafee ffaf e 02 Doubt botoe to fcarmc a tfjfng , 0.: ufy cb mie to toaoe in a mattcr,as t&twAVhat ffcoulde I fay, was it anger oran inueterate malice that led him to this mifchiefe? Shall leal him cunning as cautelous,trur procured it, and fo well could fliifthimfelfeofit^ ©2 Otbertoife fl)U0: Mayhecbec faidto be beloucd,or rather fortunate or blciTed,to haucefcaped fuch daungers? isittobeetearmedclcinencicorratherpiety tovfeoncfo miferablc with great curtefic. j2D;n)U0: lam not well perfwaded LI 3. what 9 G Tropes,Figures and Schemes. what courfe to take in thefecaufes , mall I begin where others haue lefcforofmyfelfemaUIrcnewc againe vnto you what you haue fo often heard? &c. Taradoxon ,atmicD unto tgat before , but toitt) a feinDe of mat* nclUngo?lDOcnDcrmgtrjereuntoaDDeO,a$rt)U0: Could icpofsi- bly bee thought that learning and place of good education might euer haue produced fuch monftrous effectes ? £D2 Ottjerlrjife : I haue great maruell that men fo generouSjfhould fo quickly be diuer- tcd from their honeft purpofes. i©2 tt)U0. 1 v\ oulde ncucr haue belee- uedthat fuch grauc and confidence counfcls fhoulde fo eahly haue becne fubucrted. Efttrofis , ttb en by pjopoff ng a caufe , toec reafon fob at Ojonlo bee Done ttjerem , &3 njUS : In times fo troublefome and feafons fo tempeftious,giue now your aduife what is fit to bee done. If the cafe were your owne, what would you doe, what would you fay therein, tell me I pray you, you thatconuerfe in thefe and fuch like actions ,1 herein appeale vnto your wifdomes,your owne confcienccs , fhewe me but your mindes herein, &UD ttjtsfignre is t)fcD tnrcafontng, tdjen as to conclaoea matter , anD Teeming loan; to trouble nje aaOito*;ie ante furiljcr in trje fame, foe p?etenD fo re feme a great part thereof .fc&icij toe toouto refer to tfceir f uDgcmcnts . 7^rr^i,o2libertictofpcabe,^cnbptoinningof curfefie to ontfpeecti luefoch toatioio anp offence tjjcreof,as tints. Pardon if I be tedious,the circumftancc of the caufe requireth it. If my fpcech feemcvehement,thematteroccafioningthe fame isvrgent. /fwhat I write feemeofFenfiue vnto you,youhaue to miflike the ill dilpofiti- on of fuch as inforce it,and not with me to be agreeued. u4foftrophc, 02 Auerjio , flajen toee tnrne our fpcec&e0 from one perrono2tt)tngtoanonjer,a*ffone baaing fpoUen mucfc of rtje t>anttte cf roe toojloefljoulDe thereupon tame ano Tate onto flje lUOilOC , O world, how fvveete and plealant are the fhewes of thofc things which thou produceft : but in tafte, howe full of too much bit- ternes? ®i in fpcafcmg of tfce ccr tannic of Dean) , ano tbe little w fpert thereof baD , to tnrnea manafpeacb to oeatb it fclfe ano fate,OJdeath,how bitter is thy remembrance to a man hauing peace and plenty in hisrichesj&c. TrofepopaiAfafom to fymgafotojoat life toee frame an action, (peectj o; per fon,fitfcing a manias if toe Ojoulo fate of vcrtue,afi of a Tropes, Figures and Schemes* $ i 8 lfttfng pcrG)lt,trjat her wayes were fwect, and replenished with all mancr ofdeligbt, that fhc putteth her telfe foorth to the woorthiclt to be receyued,and to t he moft honoured to be embraced.*^ fame ttje ghoftsfrom out tljeir graueo to ;p?efcribe gmo examples , 02 to re* babe u)e fcfecs of men. £&>? one coumrey to eccufe tos of out neg* Ifgent rcgaro unto it in ttjcfc 03 fact) ttfee fpacrjes ; Vnkind people and Citizens whom lhaueingendred in my bowels, nourifhed with my paps,foftered with my delights, why doe you thus vngratefullie not onelie ablialne to tender mec , but giue mec an open proy to my foes to fuppreffe mee .* yea, which is moftloathfome of all others, become proper murtherers and paracides of your owne paren- tage andfamilie, cruell deftroyers of your owne patrimonie, and wretched renders and tearers of your mothers bowels, without all re- gard or pitie. SrKotjymiaMtn foe bang foo;n) manpfoojoes together of one Cgmficatton^foanDrngautooneptirpofe* as to lap, thou haft lpoiledthy Countrey,deftroied thy Gtie, and turned the Common- wcaletopfie-turuie : all fcbirbDo fojt but to one purpofe, foj the Ep p?efifmg tt> batefulneffe cf t&e tnlurte : 0? ot&ertoife to fap,what head had ft thoutodcuile fuch a thing, where was thy wit when thou vvemft about it , what became of thy minde in purposing the fame, whither was thydilcretioncariedintheprofequntiow.-'i^ei'eiBhead, wit s m!nde and difcretion,all footing to one t&ing.ai&,vvhatdefireft thou, what foughteft thou, what couldeft thou wifh or expect in the atfion. ^cre tS defired,fbughc,wifh and expedr , being all to one meaning. tAuxefts 03 Incrementumtfhzxz bp Degrees foe not onlfe rffc to ftc timmt of euecte thing, but atfo fomc times go be ponD , as to fap,Heefirftfctvponhim with reproachfullwordes, after aflaylcd him with his weapons, then wounded him, and laftlie did moftc mi- /erabliemurtherhim . f^ere bp Degrees tepafleoto tfje laff erfr gent, $0fo to tte feeonD. It is euill to reproch, wicked toflaunder, yillanousvnwarilieto ftrikc, deteftablc to murther. What (halljl fay to betray a man to allthefe.^ere is nofo vltra fttmrmtm, bepottD all rtjat teas fpoben to Qjc bttermott. Cliecrccllcnctc of this j?t< gurc isfomuoj trjemo:e, bp ho toe mur&euerie Degree is (fill in* fojceD one aboue another , and goerh beponoe in companion, as to Tap : golde t riches, honour, cftar.c ; trcafure , kingdomes 3 Iifc,and all he Sj Tropes,Figures and Schemes. he hdde of no moment, anotber Rtnoc of recitall pert ameft) alfo to t&ts figure fijtnt in repettrton,but fo: teeliemcncte toonoerfull, 35 tOfaptThouhaft confpircd the death of thy Pri.Kc, and inhet the fubuerfion of a whole kingdomc , what fhouldl fay thou haft confpired the death ofthy Prince. &S to&O tUOUlD enfojee ttjat no one ti)a:grt]rntrjfltcoulD be greater: jTtnailte, fo; tnfo:eement of a rbmg,to fap in repjebenfion of foUtes . Ifthouhadft done or fpoken this in a priuate audience,among men ofthe ruder and meaner fort,among fuch as are Icfle capable cf skill then a great many others, thy fault could not hauc becne hid : but to doe it before thy betters ,in the prefence of fuch as are ad judged both honorable and wife, in the hearing of thofe of great account of fuch as. hauc power to checkc, and authoritie to compell thee,it was too too peeuifh. Swathrifmusp beaptng of toojos of nerflp fignf f ptng togfSjtrs, as tofap, Hee was a man wholie malicious , execedinglie proude, vtterlie arrogant,altogithcr fubtill, by nature cruell , and in fpecches contentious. &);} oitKTtDi fe fbus : What fhould I tell thee further of his partes.how wife, how foberhow honeft, howe courteous, howc friendly, how choicelie he liued. Brachwloga, trben tn fingletoo:Dcs foffbont ante coupling to* getters, loc p?oc$D m a taofecn BinDof Dcltucrie, ano pet ball en fQjfcoatD as in 0>e Otfccr: 80 to fate 5 louc,h2te,Ieloufie,frenhe,furic, D^etorjimfrompitty. \ ^»^,03Contentio,tD^en toeamplffie bpeontrartes,as fo fap,Bcing in my power to vfe as I lifted, Icared for thee, and did not deftroy thee. Thou wart charie vnto me whe no man regarded thee, and when my felfe alfo might hauedefpifed thee. SDjOttierurifc : If you doe that is good , you haue the rewardc ofpraife , ifyouprofe- cutcbadnefle, yourmeriteis cuill . £>1 trjas: 7b thy cnimyes and thofe that maligne thee, thou art placable : to thy fnendes , inexo- rable, /n coole matters thou art hottc : in the hotteft caufes, colde : A rt thou called ? Thou art gone. Thy abfcr.ee required.' we cannot be rid of thee. Ep4»odis, carrfeng a reference to (be matter pjceceotng, mucb If be to t&e figure ProtyJisJzvX njat § figure Prolcrfs barb relation onelie to tbc matter, ttjts to t&e matter ano tearmes t&cretn M* Ted , tbc difference thereof you mate fee in Tome of mine epi files as n)e fame is qttotco in trjc margem tfl)ew n)c figure iB tofeo. CempAratiff, Tropes 3 Figurcs and Schemes, g.-: Comparand foblcb tafeett) ty* tncreafeof fmnller maffer&tibfcfj if t&ep map firmr great in all opinion*,! Ijcn tfcat tablet* toe feebe to amplificn-inftof ncccCTitic frcmc greater, fomctimes alfo bpof. mmntf on of tfctngs great, to make toe rcQDoe tlje greater, cram* pleof tfcefirfl map bee tljatfaping of Cicero of Catiline, in tljefe U)0;Defi,Did the famous Scipio for a little ill goucrnmenc of the com- mon weaIe,caufeTibcrius Gracchus priuarelie to beemade awaie : and fhall wee preferre Catiline that goeth about to fill the whole vvorlde with his flaughters f l^ere is Catiline COmparcD to Grac- chus, trjc (fate of a common toealtt) to ttjr trijole Idc-: toe , a fmall fllDtng to an tnfafferablc Ujafftng.ano a pjfuate man to tbe tdjclc Senate. ®t Oftertoife Oms : Tcllmeel praiethce, if one had gi- uenthec but a fmall fummc of money to comfort thy needc with- all , were it not humanitie to thanke him: /f heehadgiuen thee pofleffionsto Hue vppon, were it net honcftic to requite him: Ifofa flaue hce made thee rich , fhouldeft thou not bee bounden vnto him f Howe much more then to him that hath not alonelie done all thefe, but farrc more then thefe vnto thee, oughteftthou intheverie bondes of nature and courtefie to bee both thankefuil and louing? (temple of Qje feconoe fo?t fo: Diminution rrrigtjt bee this » What is it that you propofe vnto mee thefe fmall matters of vnkindnefTe, as that the man is ingratefull , that hce hath no good remembraunce of courtelies , that there is in him not ib much as an acknowledge- ment, which is athingfarrefromrequitall, thefe I muftconfeficare iniuries to fomc, but vnto nice they are trifles, matters of no moment 3 things not to bee reckoned of.* what fay you to him that betrayeth his friend, feekethhis death that hath fought his KfeAvorketh by all poflible mcancs his owerchrow, his deftru&ionand vndoing? 0nD in this craggcrai ten of vices, fo alfo nrigi't cfjere beetle like of Vertues, astfonefyoulDerijojta mantoPietie, after fjecfjaofct foojtfj all ttjc COmmoDftieS ioereof , as the tranquihtie of minde, peace ofconfcience,libcrtieof fpirit,the communion with Saints/rom a bonflaue ofthediuell to become the child cofGod , the comfort of the rv lie Ghoft which rhe Prophet denxch may be by man cr>nccy- ucd : ue-ttrtrbt laQlit aD0e,what rhinges then thefe in ail the worldc could be greater, what more lingular, what mote haprie, aud y.-tif they be CQufimcd vntothat blefled heritage of immorraliric ' 3 if 10 the life and ioyes ;o come jfto that heauenlie lerufaicm, which ccrtainlic Mm remaineth 94 Tropes 3 Pigurcs and Schemes. remaineth for all fuch as are endued with fuch afpirit : they are toies and things of no excellence or moment. MetoKoiajgofym bp a fuboenreffrafni of fpa?cf),foee gfue grace o?rmCtfee foaperfon5O2n)mg,a0tofate,worchi!ieatchieucd ? nay rather honourablie attained,a man notable,foe mate ratt)C r fatefin- gular: Ah crucll man,anO no man net ft)C r,but a beaft : Oh rare cle- rncncie,o:ratrjcrmoft admirable patience. Hee is no thiefc, but a raucner : nomurtherer,butatyranr, jipbonfmMSf a Scheme, hfee tonto f&e o?rjer,buf of ffering Im a maner Of rep2eUcnfion,a£5 to fate, What lawes bee thefe,ifat leaft wife thev may be termed lawes, which bcare in them fo vile cuftoms 3 and not rarhei firebrands of the citie , and the plague of the whole common weale.£)|0t^ecitnfe: your counfel!ers 3 if fuch mayjje called counfellers,as draw vnto mifchiefe^rc vtterlie vnmeete to fuch kindc ofaflemblies. Ditmnntiofrfym toe goe about to ertenuatcffjtngs Difficult , fo wiafee tfcem lefle in fecming,as to one flrat tooclo Own learning, fo* ttje teDtoufnefle ttjereof in ff uate: 3KHe mfgtrt u)eto,that bef.des the great ncceffitic thereof in the life of man, wee i"hall In attaining thereof, take no other nor more labourfome courle, then others be- fore vs hauedonerthat the way thereunto is verie plaine and eafie, the labour(ifanie be)fweet andpleafant. And whereas in allourordinarie exercifesofvanitie,thcreredoundcth for the mod pa it in the endebut meere trauaile,and vn profitable charge : in this the commoditie is as great as the dclighr,the gaine as ordinarie asme pra&ife, wherein the ftudie is but the leu it part of a mans life,but the pleafure and commo- dity infinite. 9nDitfec as in tfcus fo in all otrjcr tljing*jConDucing to gooo am? lanoable ct err tfes , tlir labour is (fill Dimtnf Ojeo , bv p:o< pofing t&e too^tae^pleafarc.bonour^ofitjano fo of eutl* conv tnonUe,bp mitigation of tfce fault. C/imaxfr Gradatio, toben ract) member Cn a fenrence arifeflj from ttje otfjcrafoic going, brginntng toitb tbat tubieb cnoettjioc former, as to fap,His induflric bred him vertue : his vertue,praifc : bispraifc.rcnowne : hisrenowne 3 glorie:andhisgloricenuie. iDj tbus : What hope haue we of good , if what mm lilt , they may; and what they may they do,and what they doe they dare 3 and what they dare they profecute, and what they profecuce, they are neuerafha- medof, Tropes 3 Figures and Schemes, . p< Antimetmole 02 Commutatio , ti^eii a rentence bp charge is in* UertCD to ttje COntratte,as ttjtJS, Wc muft cat toliue,andnotliue to cat : Not man for the Sabboth , but the Sabboch for man was ordai- ned, They are happy whofe wifdome is anfwerable to their fortune, and. whole fortune anfwereth their wit . S 'rate -toft , tiben one contrary is attributes to another ,02 uten tujo DtuerfcrJjuTgeaie inonepntt0ge$fr,ast&us.The prodigal and couetous doe oflfende alike, for neither doe hue as they ought. Pleafure it felfc is fomctimes a labour, and labour alfo is often a plea- sure. To a couetous man is wanting as well that he hath , as that hec hath not. Etioiogia^ a figure llfeetontotfoe orrjerbefo:cgotng,anomac& wfembtmg to Ortfmta, tyicD Defined a matter up (b;tuigt^e fame into a Df(rtngutu)ment : Oat tf)is noiue tellett) rtjc canfe o? reafon of ttjat tajul; ts before auecreb , ano to as a confirmation thereunto gtncti fi» rfcc conducing of o> fame,pou mate fss tlje cramples as tlje figure is qnoteo in mp Cpifilcs. Fardetfu^i Occupatio^m in teeming toonerpaffe,omff,02 let flip a trj iug,toe ttjr n rtjieflp fpcafee thereof , as ttjns : 1 will not here rehcarfe vntoyou how flippery and tranfitorie this life is, howe much laden with cares ,expofed to daungers,and attended with miferies, for we knowe it and fedc it:But I will come to fpcake of the perdura- ble ioies of the other 3 &c, f&l t&}U8 , for my part I haue no pleafure to laie open other mens errors, it isinough vnto me, that by themfelues they are made apparant , and that the whole woilde may fee them. I omit to report vnto you thefe and fuch like ordinary matters, which in comparifon of that I will {hew you are but trifles. I tell you not, or Italke not now of times part. It is not the matter wherein I am now occupied. His theft 3 his rapine,hisfpoile ,and all his whole dilbrderlie courfe of life in thofe daies perpetrated, / nowc omit,and onely doe come to the times prefent.His counfclling(I had almoft laid concea- ling) of good when time was 3 if it bee well noted , wasitthatprocu- red our mifchiefcs,&c. Procatakpfis 02 Prtoccupatio , ftfcen toe Doc anticipate onto our felucs ttjat toe fenoto toil be obtcctco,as tljus , what do you obieft ?nto me the times pafled,thofe feafons & ours arc vrrerly vnlike. But peraduenturc you will fay that thefe things are for children fit to bee confidercd^nay rather mceteit of old men to be followed , You w i!l Mm 2, happely 9* Tropes,Figurcs and Schemes. happely fay vnto me herein,that I am too light of credir.-but I can tel you the proofe is extant.and fit to be belecued. CMctaflafo o; Tranjitio, fcojen in buefe foo:oes to* pa(Te from 0«e tying to anottjer, asttjOS, You hauchearde by this what you ought to confider, heare now /pray you what you arc bounde to re- member. Thefe things you will fay areplcafant 5 but the reft yet vn- told are far more delightful!. This already fhewed vnto you feemeth tobctokrablcthatwriichfonowesisnowaicsto befuffered. Ihaue now told you whet was done in priuate, I will next fhewe you what was handled in publike : thefe things he did at home, that which fol- io weth wasabroadeintheficlde : whilftheewas a young man, hee did this I told you,but the vcrtues of his age were far more different. You haue vndi rtfood ofmancrs,I will now fpeake vnto you oflear- ning : I will not trouble you with many things further , only this one thing will /rchearfc vnto you.But of thefe enough, we will now goto the reft. I haue fomthing bcene caried away with thefe motions , bit we wil now go to the fubftance. But why ftay we fo long in trifles?/ wil go to the head of the matter : what he promifed /haue deliuered, what he performed you fhall vnderftande : I haue thus fhewed you how much he was charged vnto me,you fhal now hearc againe how gently he requited me, Par..ntologia, ta)ere toegrannt one 02 moe ftjmgea mxetc to be marfeeoo;!atteaDgeD,anDfo)$toittj ooe infer thereupon faffici> entteberrbr>toouerft>:otoit,acttins:ldeny not butlhauehere. toforevfedyouincaufesfecret, in matters weighty and ofcounfell, that 1 haue found you fricndly/aithfull and ready : but what is all th a t tothepurpofe,whenina thing foimportant^and matter neerly con- cerning me , as whereon dependeth thefafegard ofmy whole houle and familie, I haue founde you in both negligent and vntruftie. j3P;t0ttj£rfcDlfe tbUS : Be it, or fuppofeyou haue omitted nothing in yourowneperfon, ofafriende to be performed, that you were no partaker with him of thofe cuill counfels : that you abftained to ac- company him in the execution ofhismifchiefcs.yetare younotther- fore cleared. Foritisnotfufficientforamannot todoceuillofhim- fe lfe 5 but that by to too much lenity he become not occafion of an o- thersmifchicfe. Dkhologia , trljcn by a eolonr of mitigation tore Dcfcnoe out caufe,as to faie : I fell a Iconfeflejbutas ayoungman^I went aftray, but TropeSjFigines and Schemes. pf but as one willing tobe reclaimed;! forfooke my friend indccdCjbut con(i rained by thelawcs 3 I was a companion in their badncfle,fyut forced by thrcatning, Ortfmtts > defiriitio i w finimfifymiri toe bjfeflte late fdjfytije true properties of cuerte rrjing,t)P impugning tljc contrai ie, as ttjus: Men cannot be fa id in vertuetoexceed,forin vertue there iscuer an excellency^butneuer an cxccfle,iith theexcefleisoncly appropriate vnto vices. This cannot be faid to be care butcouetoulneffe,for^care hath, ondy refped to neccflary vfes,bucin couctoufnes, there is ncuer any reafonable fufhzance, Hypetjpfts, trrjen anp tying isoefcribeD in particulatjO^ maoe fenoUme to ttje fctetoe, as trjUS : Shall I tell you what mancr a one you haue preferred vnto mee \ for his ftaturc , a D warfe : for his pcr- fon., a trunke . for his qualities a dog : for his countenance , a foxe : in behauiour a fvvine : in condition, an Ape : in fenfe 3 an An^and in y- fage,a be- aft. LMerifmui oj Lifiribnt' !0 , t&en tyat.a* mate bee genernllie fpofecn uieciffrtl'utc fc^ amplification into parts: as if fn genera ItttC tue fai'O : He hath confumed ail his fubftance in riot : 5iBp Dlfi'Cl* banonU}remtg!;tamplitiet;UB: Whatlbeuer patrimony hcehad from his father , what priuute inrichment by hisdeceafed mother, vyhat large asfiftance by friends , w hereat the vvorlde neuer barked, what dowry foeucrby his wife , which no doubt was very great,al| this hath he confumed by a moit diflblute and wanton liuingrmony, plate,lands 3 wealth,pofleiTions and all,are gone to the deuil,his cattel confumed , his houfhold ftufFe folde,his apparcll fpent,and the poorc miferat this inftant hath not left him a farthing. Dtaltfo, a reparation of one tying from anofber,bo$ being ab> fclueo b v a Tenet al! reafon,in the nature of a Dilemma , as flw When I haue preached vnto you all I may, if you bee well giuen ita- uailethjifgraceles/orth you wil not be moued. ift)? fbuS.What fhould I further fct forth vnto you my good will , if you remember it, 1 haue faid inough,if not,my words wil notprouokc you. DtAlogtfmui o; Sermocinatio^xK unaginat tuc fpearfc , agratug to nje quality of rtjc per fo u it id framcD of .CCbetnr r be be toalfant crue!l,votmg,olD o:or Uhatott)£rfonDinon,a?(fU)e fl^onlccfate Of tilt times pjefetlt. Were the ancient Apoftles and olde Father* of religion nowcliuingwhjch with great iunocencicoflifc,and true Mm 3, picric jS Tropes,Figurcs and Schemes. pictie , fhined in their feafons ,and fhould but beholdethemoft cor- rupt and abhouiinable eftate ofourtimes , fubie tome aufyonrstliucrcDjCramplesto&ercof are picnttfuUie to bee feenctnmp ©piffles. Exufcitatio y 3 p^ouocatfon 03 ffirrlng top of oii^rjs to t&e pjaffe 03 midlbe Of a ttjing , ns ttjUS : What one is hec of fo flender or contemptible a fpirit amongft vs, or who of allour Nation vvoulde bee counted lb enuious, asvponfo great and laigea defcrt had by a man fo woorthic , woulde notwillingiie render vnto him all ho- nour and due commendation ? jLihctuife of ttje contruite fOJ Difpzaife.Doth it not abhorre you to heare and vnderftand of a rabble of fo great and vnaccuftomed lewdneflc, aman euerie way fo vile, to goethusfreclievnpunimed^ Surelie I doethinkeno honcft minde but would be of this opinion, that of all creatures liuing hee were moft: worthie to be cxtirped. Omiofts^z figure of refemblance 03 CmflffuDc, tifcercbp tore rcfettible one ttjtng to anotber, as tbus : Like as they greatlie do ok fend.who going to a publike wcll,whence all a whole citie hath their water,do infeel the fame with a moft deadly poifon:Euen fo do they moft wickedly merit of the common wealc,who deprauing the mind of a Pi ince , doe lade and frequent the fame with moft mifchieuous counfels. ££>3 fl)US!- Is it fcene that men at the blaft or by ting of a Vi* per,do fhrinke.and forthwith do run for a mcdicine?How much more ought they th:,for the auoidingofa moft horrible thame,y infamous fling wherofis far worfe then all other poifons^to run to a rcmedic ? /con,2n image 05 artiSci iall oefcrtpfion of rijat tocmraneto DC liner, aatf In fctting fo:tb curmoff grarioua &oucrafgne,tofi KjOUlDcfatC, ThatGoddciTe like adorned with high aipecles, or flatclie grace and maieftie diuinc . In Chariot deckt with Prince- lie ornaments (heeiffucd fooith, &c. &} $0$ , taping out ttje tttOft- 'TOO Tropes^Figures and Schemes. D:C3DfuInC0 of foatrejFierce and vntamed warrc with ey«* fparkling as the flaming fire 5 whofc face caried in it felfc a terrour to the lookers on^andhiscoiltenancewasasitwercapreient death. Hisgefturewas iasthe furious aflault of a Lion , and his mouth as a deuourirg pittc to fwallow the bloud of multitudes. Armed hee was with fire, with fa- minc^and withfword^crying rcuengementon the world , and perfe- cting all nations with a ceaflcfTe dread. Paradigm*, a mailer of cr(jo;ttngo2 foft&Djatomg bp trample, fUJfOfaic, the Elephants engender not, but in places mofi remote, and any that by chance do fee them in thattimetheykill.Howmuch more then bchooueth that betwecne thofe of reafon , a fnamefaixncs be included in executing that aclion.C; ttjns.The nature «f the Dol- phin is not to fuffer the yong ones of her kinde to ftraggle vndefenced, filch care haue they of their frie:How much more belceming is it that our procreation which are menjfhould not be fuffred to runne at ran- dom without either guide or controlment. Pareonafts^ Digreflio, a fp&Cfo bcfiDe tflC matter ttt pjffftftf fpofeen on, as to fate , But hecrc let mee remember vnto you fome- thing ofthedeferts and eternized memorie of your worthie and moft vcrtuoUs Parents. $&% tt)U8 : giue me leaue a little to digrelte from this purpofe 4 to the ende that by hying out oflbmething yet vnfpoken of, I may the better wade into the reft. FINIS. . Of the partes, place and Office of a Secretorie. jDnfioermg bofoc man? l»no:2btc ano crccllcnt Wn,not onelp in our piefrnt age , but in mante pcarcs bcfc:c fcsljaire liueo, none or alt toljfdj (tljougb qurffionleflefurntttjeti luitytJcriegceat abllttte)bauc to nip certaine fenofrleDgc , cuec iuzitten ougf; in Kir (frighu) tongue, touching lot ftt0 title :3it mate fccmcqucfftoriable, ttoto 3J tfec moffDifftirM' fljeo of mante ottje rs,ano fobtett a#rebp to ttje tnftg&t ant) cojrec* rionof aU otters, ourll fafee t-pv-i mrc to oifcourfe thereupon, iwigbtng fotttj mp felfc cbe fubu a 5 take in tnnD,to be of fpeeiall quafitte,aitttononr fo mud) fitting astottofefljatbeegrcateft lcarurD,befiaDulfco,DtfccecteftgoaerneD,attO toojttjteff rnleD, to treate bpon. Ji*o? Docmpfelfe bp facfcpjefumptfon of mfnc,l)ant tbe fame to be of Irffc moment tben it is. ^otnbctt , as one ft** by a fojmcr pjomlfc , in tbat mp firft eottion of ft)ts pjefent epe* t&ooe of Epirtles, |jauc notoe taken fcpon me (as pou fee) to fo?ff e thereupon. £ r uttj is, fl;at as K am none of fljofe ttjaf mate taunt mp felfc of anp furniture fufftctent to fo fpeefall an eno f purpofc,pet fjaue 33 not bin info me time of t&epcaresjjljauef pent, altogfojercr* eluoco from anp fauour 03 tatf tberof at all.$citber baue 3? tiol< liefpcnt tt> feafons 3 bauccarietjjfo fcamelp,butfl)at at one tim 02 ottjer 3 baue(not toitlput fomc conCoccate aouetting) cpeo t&e fccmeanour*,i{Iucs,anD otfpofittons of fmtiuie |?umo:s, bv inQglrt irfjeretnto, ano fome p2©fe maoe c/ fljat tdjio) mp fclfe fcaue psap tifeo in place of fcrnice , 3! am bclo in tbis onclie Dtfcourfe, to aD> ncnture the performance of tt) at 3Hiaue pjomffeft. $n tfce Dtfcouerie ftbercof,mp minoe is not 5 no2u)all be fopjp fcribc tjnto anp onc,but to DeUucr tiont in mine otone opinion^ J baue contcaureoto be mat ctt in fu# a perfon.Mel regarofng tfce number of ttjofc tt^o enableo bp farre better fBill,02 guf&eD bp er' perience, wo ttjtir otune p;oper fccrtue, can boft) fearcb ano foaoc further n)ccein,tljcn mp pm;c abilttic map ante iuafes lobe into. #n if 02 102 Of the partes,place and If 03 fojjfeb mp purpofe is,ano tyall be in tin's pjefcnt of fcoorfc,oni lie fofetfojtybntofacbjttbofeonripcneo pecrs,o:mantofDeccrni mcnt, rjaue not get maoe tt>cm apt fcnto fc fpectall a bcetng , ano qaalittc: (j^at in mp plaine conceit, untorrjc place ano office of furf) a one,md?fe ano fit to be a secretorie, n:atebetljongl;t moflE confonant ano tuojtijie. 2Co tfje accomplishment ftbereof ,as tfje beff ano mccfe0 tnouc* tfon to fuel) a matter, it (ball not bee to flcnoer pnrpofe,to fpcafee firff of ttje name tbereof, ano to fifl ont bp Ubat mcare t&e partte feruing in facfj a place, &ao t&e otfginall title to be calico a Secre- torie. f^on fijai? tben fcnoerif anrjc,ttmt as me feemettj, bp fpectall reafon ano tuogement, rfcis name Secretorie, tmpo:nng itjerein as it Dot!) atfion of great confeqnence,oofrjbcare in it matter of tnoje cfrcumftancejt&cn bp euerie one is canfiBerco,sntibp botoc mad) tEjc nioje honourable tlje place of attendance is , lib ere fact? a one oofrj feme, by fo m neb toe mo; c be fee met!) the par tie calico bnto fuel) fcrutcc, be a man cbefee anoof iconic cffi mate , habt. Irtie ano fuogement. &>o tben am 3 not of opinion of toe multi* tnoe , inrjo boloe ftjat ttje p:alfeable enoeuour 02 abilitie of lacli baiting 03 oioering ft> pen,is tbe matter tbat maaerrj tbe Secre- torie, ( albeit ttje bfe rjeereof is not ttje leaft part of manie ottjer things tneioent to ttje fame office) bnt rtjat carping toitfj it felfe a pnrpofc of mucb loetgbtter cfifect,trje pcrfon trjerunto nameo toas as a oerfuatfue from tgat fcdjlctj contatnerb ttje crjtcfcf! title of ere* Dite , ano place of gteateff atfuranrcttjat map be repofeo, in re fpeetof tbearTtnitie trjep botbbsueof nuft ano fidditie, eacb mitt* ttje otrjer, bp great concepte ano Difcrction, tearmcoto bee a Secretorie, 3nO albeit tljere bappilpmate be opinions fomc mates contra* rpmgbntott)fsmpp:efcnt ocltuerie , toucbing ttje originall of ttns title:pet Oanomg Oircctb aflurco ttjat tijep all being lato tegt* &ers,muff of ueceffittc concluoc on ttje ferric Secrecie^mft ano re- garde,!^ ciRllie (mpofcoon bim txbo bcarcrb tlje fame title: 33 mill bololie fo* rtjis caufe ocfine , tbat in refpect of (neb Secrecie, truft anoafl'urauncererjnireoattrje banocs of bnn tnbo fcruettj in fceb place , Ox name toas flrft giuen to be calico a Secretorie, ano tbat bpojeetymobgieof tbe bcric iuo:o ttfelfc.rounoingm trueeon- iZMXttflHaftettpos , OJ confermtor [coreufibi conmujfi^ a keeper or conferuer Office of a Secretorie. 10s * • confcrucr of the fecret vnto him committed. X5p tbts rcafon, toe Do call die moft fecrete place in tlje Ijoufc, appropriate tntc our otoneprlustettuDtes, anDto&creintoee re- pofc ano Deliberate bpocepe eonfiocratton of all our Iraig^ricH affatres,a Clofet,in true intenDmcnt ano mcaning,a place fefcere our Dealings of importance are %\\x fop,a rmmc proper ano pecu- liar to our felucs. Quo U&creas into caeb ot&er place of n> Ijoufe, it fsorDinarie for euerp neere attenDant about tos to ftaue accelTe: in this place Hue Doe folitarte ano alone (rjnt tip our felues , of tljis toe fceepe fije feep our felucs , anD ti;e tofc thereof alone Doe onelie appropriate bnto our felues. 0nD if toe ftjoulo run but into tbe nature of tln'ngs fecret, am) eonfioer bp t&c nanir,tobat to fucft a matter ts requlreD, toe u)all finD tijat of it o tone fetfe it cbalengett) ft much, tobcrbp totttj t&rae filings rnoff fpcctallie it is faioe to be fortifleD.viz. toinjeoucrtnes, ibat it be clofclie kept from tfje epes , cares or tonDcrffanoing of o tbers : Safetie, fljat fecurelie it be rctaincD ,ano lalo top,bofl) tot $ cftolcerefpectanDtenDcring: A{Turancc,n)atbpnomiffabe, neg# ligenee, or Defect of ttjepartie Waning charge of fucb a fecrete, it map turne to a pref ubfee. SIjus tben bp tbc concurrence of t&e fe,ff appeared n)at bnto cuerte fecrete tbere is reqmreD a Clofet, ano the proper bfe of tbaf Clofet, is onelie for tbe couertnefle , faftie anD afliiranceof tt> fe- crete: all totneij confiDcreD,lettosnotoefec,ifponu)ilt, toljat ana* logie or proportion tfcep Ijaue tofttj onr Secretorie. Bltbatbbecne alreaoie before alleDgeo, njat bv nje berfc etimologie of the toorDe it felfe,botb Name anD Office in one,ooe eoncluDc toppnn fecrecie : gf fo, tben in refpect of t\yz couertnes, fafetie ano afl'urancc in btm repofco , ano not ottxrtoife , the partis fcrufng in fucb place map be called a Secretorie , Ejje Ciofct in euerfe boufe, as it is a repofement of fecrets, ft is it onelie(as 3D faioe before) at tbc otouers , ano no otberscommaunDemcnt : EJ)C Secretorie, as bee is a keeper and conferuer of fecrets , ft is bee bp bis iiorDeor^attfer, anD bpnone otter to bee Dfrec tcD- CoaClofet,ttjere belonged properlie, a doore 5 a locke, ano a key: to a Secretorie, n)ere appertaineft) inctocntlie, Hone- ftie, Care, OUD Fidclitie. |iti And /*4 Of the partes,place and anofojafmacb as bp tbe concurrence of tbcfe tfoatne, botb Name arm OmccDoe fecme in bfage ano account to be of fa great toafgbnneffe.ano tbat our Secrctorie.as tocl tn ti£le,as place ffan. befbopfacb Declaration , fopntlie tieo bnto Gj DtSrtct an obfer. stance .- let bs nolo a little fur tber enter into roe function ano place be bearett) tn fucb feinoe of fernice, ano con Goer tbat being in one • contortion a fcruantjtje is at t&e pleafnre ano appointment of ano* tber to be commmoeo : ano being in a fecono refpect as a Friend, be is djarilie to baue tn eff imate,tbe ftate 5 bono;,reputatlon ano being of birn tttjom be fcruetb. CoucrjingtbeSrUof tbcfc,m tbat be is (J meane)a$eruant, it is to be intenoeo , $at tbertunto belonged a Superiour , bp ttfcofc abfoluteDiremon, bis actions of fcruice, are to bee o.2Dereoano commaunDeo . 2lnD nottoitbffanoing ttje reputation , creoite, anoeffateof beeing, to bimgtucn ano allotoeo bpbis Lordeoj Maifter, bee is pet to contiDcr^at $e tocfgbt ano fummc njcreof acruetbfrom bis onelie fanoj,eountenance,anogooDopmton,anti tbat bp botoe mncb tbe mo:r 3 bee liberallte ano of an boncurable tninoe affoojoeff) bnto bint tbe tefpectes tbereof : bp fo mncb t&s mo;c feriouQte ongbt bee by all pomble cnocuonrs of fernice ano inouftrfc,as farre fojtb as in bim is t to If uoie to confetue ano bp- boloe tbe fame. ano berein feemctb it not fruit leffe to eppofe bnto Turf) a ones rcnicmb?ance,fome part of tbe conODerattons pertinent ano an* nereo to tbe Irate of a feruant,ano tobat &epcr,oancie in common reckoning relfetb bcttoeene bim,tobo beacetb in bis ftoap tbe an* tbojitie ano rule of a spaiff er, ano tbe otber , tobo in account tbat be is to be commanor o 5 cartetb a maner of fabtccticn to foat par- tic, fctbo foj Hje time of fneb fcruicc,is at b& bancs to bee reurrcn- ceOanoofcepeD. 3n regaro of febfcb>foce arc to fee,fl>at bp tbe title ano p?ero- gatiuclDbifbcuerie maifter batb gcncraUic oner rjsfcruanc, tbe re is a certame linfte of outie, tobcrchjitb eacb one tbat ferae A is 8 rainco to bis obcpfanre.2Tiicre is alfo bp tbat berp name of fa* uantakinooffilDeiitieanotrutrreqnireo, moiefpcciailfben tbat bettoane tbe fonne ano trje father, ano tbat of fc great efficacy, as bbereoti(peraonenture) map retr not alone! p tbe Difpofitton of ti)^ ga.os,ettatc,f pjwsipall affairs, but alfo oftentimes p hfc 3 &a$aro o; Office of a Secretory* 10$ 0; bnooing of tbe perfon of \>i& fate maiftcr. il Son cannot befaioe to oloc ftDelttie to i)t£( parents, fcatrirtcb caufe tbe re is alfo no bieacb of tvuff on ijnn to be impofeo. $f ijc Dcalc contrarte to tbe conottton of a Ton , ttjc bono by fcbirb be is ftratneo p:occeDf tb of nature , ana To ate bis actions acco2Dinglie ficlD foj tniUtnO,o: tonnatarall. HBut (be feruantnot linbcb bp na« t nrc , is t ten in trull , ano bi» con trar ping of fneb ttnu\o; not per* fojmtng tbercof ,\b beto trcacberous 0? tmfaitbfull . HBcfioc* , fo great a predomination batb ibis name of fiddkie in tbe bar is of a number,rbat manpbaue refufeD to commit t&cmfelues in times of bajaro to tbetr Children , but rather !)aue rdico UjcmfeUics ttbolie on rtjc affur anee of tbctr fer uants. 3nsbotobeit,mofl certaine it is , tbat Nature fooonberfnllie fmafctb manie times in ber proper features , pet in tfjis care ball) u)ecommonlplefleefTicacie tfcen in anpotbers. jf 05 asacurrant of mater lofctij bis power in being turned baefcwarse > from \)i& ffrafgbtcncDcourfc, but batb forcible paflage in tbe mate tbat it t)O!0efb:fo is Nature in fljis aaion Of parentes ano children , f$f $ running fojtoaros from ittut to iilue,batb rnigbtp operational Uben it ujoulo be returneo bacblnaro? ,ban; fcloome ante power at all. Conf rariwife, fabefber it be tbe honcflic of £be name tbat lea* fcttb iti 02 tbe common reputation tbat earb faf $raU tofage carte ft) in tbe eares of gcoo men , 0; a feruencie of affection , Imbeo p:c per lie to tbe place tobcre snie truft is repofco, 3 toill not noli) Mb pufebpon, butqtirttionle(Te,of fo cfcarte regaroc battjfidelirieal* tuaiesbceneaccountebjasimmcbiatliebpon tbe name of a fcr- uant ta&cn, it feemeft) not alone to be unto tbe fclfe title app;op:i» ate, but it is in a manner bp tbe proper allowance ibereunto gt« uen,feuerelie eracteb. iioto , albeit tins bind of crartion ana cbargc , fcemetbm tbt Ddiucric tbereof to bee incao tjerte great , ?*t bicn bee tbat fer« uctb batb perfo^neD all tbat in fuebcafe is to be required : be can* not fo} tbts 02 tbat allebge, tbat bee batb effcttco ante mo?e (ben trbereuntobptbenerieloyaltyof aferuantbe Was cniotmco , no? canbeerigbtlie 02 p2oper(ic af9rme,tbat bpanertraojoinacia refpect mo:e tben be cugbt,be batbaceompltfljeD tbe fame . jfo: tbat in tbings thereunto a man in bonnoe , tbere can be no gra« $ n 3. tattfe io6 Oftheparts,p!aceand tnitit cppofed : but tobere a man aboue tbat bfe is c^argtt) baft) further enDeuoureo,o: mo:eiDo:tbtlie attained, therein of trottj, and not otber&rte, tt)metb tijc gceateff pjaife and glo;te onto bint tbat mate be. if 02 tbiscaufe fben Doe 3 fate of onr Sccretorie , tbat as bec fe in one Dejrrie tn place of a feruant, fots be tn another Degree in place Of a friend, & feruant mcanltc trameD tn form Mechanicall Science, (betoettj fiDelitietobis Spatffcr, in an Vnjtgbt Dea- ling ano Dtlpoution of bis mares 0: gooses . 3notocr m itHe foU batting tbe recepfe of bis Raiders reueneuics , becom- mctb a fattbftill Difpenfcr in bis accomites ano reckonings, §)omeon tbeottr ftDe baue afmncbo: tijeltUe fidditie in bee- ping of counfels.SDlbct s againc bv a tcrmrD ?eale Unto tort r ma; iters, baue in recognising tbtit Adeline Died toilltnaKe fo: ttjeic fattours. £Df all rbcfc fates cf Fidclitic,tbe laff as 3 am Care it t)atb telle fcemtng of creoer.ee 02 fuppofition of t vca) in common belceuing tben ante of t\)t otbers* , fo is it (you toill grant me c,)tje mol! of* fnreD anD mod mamingpitttc, p:opfc anD commendation, in all reckoning aboue anic of tfje ottjers. Sno tbat fucb are ano bauc becne,31 coulD recite bntopou ftmcric remnnbjnnccs , anD one but of late peares, tbat in bcric fumctcnt fcnorDlrogc felt out to be effected, and ftms iuas tbe cf rcumttance,as my bndcrffanomg could beare it flffllben fir /ohn of SDcfmond in Jrclwd/ome number of rears paffcD,of a rebellious anD crueli minde to tbe date rbrre being, anD pjinefpaflfe to ber !$aic(rp,bad folemnlp confpfrcd, ano moff tpjannouup ftoome tbe Dcatb ano deffructf on of al! Cnglttl) men tnbtsCountrep, tbe re bappencd one HenrieDauiU an Cngltuj Gentleman to lie , at tbat fceric blouoic pietcndcd fcafon, in tbe boufc of tbe faioe Bnt'gbt, ano fo: ttoo eaufes of btm teas djougbt entirelie to bee fauourco, tbe one in refpect tbat bee toas bis <3)ri* Clan CSofffp.as fbep tberc termc ft (a linfec ftrong inougb to baue putctiafcD fauour in tbat Countrcp, bao it not borne toitb amoff blouoic tpjant)tbe otber,tn tbat bee foas a Ocntleman botb cont- teouSjbountifull anD Valiant. Stbis s^atflcr Dauill bad at tbat time onclic an 3rtft) bo» at- tendant bpon tiim,ti;e time confptrco foj ttjts murder mas at m to mgbt, Office of a Secretory* i oy life*)*, tDbcn all men eaicleOte tocrc flee pfng . about fc tuntcb thereof j fir /ohn otiD bis companic cutting tbc Qambcr of mai- flcr Dauill,toaKcncdbnnfrom flicpe, oprr.ro ibeconfpfractc, and Urillcd bint to pzepare bim to bis lot,auiicing bim tljat tocrc it not fyc bad umtiout ercrption botoeD in t)te bract, ant f tyo;n tije dcatb of ail Cngltil) men,bccoulDDefirouflie,afttJdl fo: tljat be teas bis Cfci&tan C5ou"ip,as fn ottjer lone be ougbt bim,baue raftered bis Ufe,but all being appointed to dic,bc matt go tuinj tlje reff. £lje bop bailing receinco into bis earcs tlje found of bis ma« ffersdeatg, anDtbcrctoitbuindJte menacing tfcofecs feeing rca* Die to bee p.:otTcrcD,ffirrcDfnoquc&ton)bp amoff jealous FideJi- tic,clafpetj on bis matter* &:ean\sno tmtb futb flendcr refinance as hce couloc, dtc bcare off tbc blotoes,rccepucD bppon bis stone fcoDic Diners ana fundn'e toounds,ano doe njjat tbrp con!o,no one conlo pull o? rcmoouc bim from tbence , rill fretting rage Kinoe- led in tgcfc mercilcffc creatures , maoe tbem kill tbc Bop toppon ins mauler , and Ijis SpaiScrtinocr tt;c llSop, botlj at oneinffant togirbcrs. EIjc mrmojie of fyis aae, as it is moff pitiful! fn rebearfall, fo toil! it of a number bee ttjougbt foeric ffrange, 3f ante Fidelitie, baue bp feruencie beenc accountco off ,tbis pou toil! iuoge of anie otbtrs ongbt cljieflte to be emb:acco. I3ttt vet not ttris, no; ante of tbc rcfioue of tliofe partes of Kdefide bp mr e alieacte or liucrea arc fucb 3 as in tbts place 3 bold mate to be purfacd. if o; botobeit tbeferuicc of ourSecretorie is pjoperltebp it fclfc toltb all afiu- rance to be cartro,pet Doe luce not place tym in fo meane a Degree - as rbat bp corruption of eoine, be migbt be bclD fox oifrruurd no;? on tbc otber fioc tooulo tec l;aue l;tm of iudgement fodtffarnilbed, . bnt tbat toncbing tbc Differ ence of counfels, oj tcnDcr of U$ life, be ftjoulo make a Dccernment. 3n tbts 15op fcoluntarllfe as bee DID, in tbc tjcrfe tocafceneffe of bispcarcs, to fcehebp Deatb bis Spaiffcrsfafcgardc, teas no Doubt , a tbing tooo;tbic to bee aomireo. I3ut in manifestation of fo great loue , ano tctfituome of folopall affection , baD hce bcenc bppearesmoje enabled, it toonlD bane beene tbotigbt eerie fonMtc of to baue Done it , toitbont tbercbp bis $)a0crs Deatb migbt banc becne reucugcD J o: bis life pjcfcrueo: Cls to febaf cnD tj& Fidelitie applied, o? tobattofe at alltn reckoning, remainenj ftttt io$ Ofdiepart$,placeand tijcte of ft^ 515p difcretion to tJifccrtlC, bp venue ts f u*r C, ml bp wifdome to tefolue,boto ano tibicb toap ttje efficacie an& affrrance of all rruft ana fidel tie oagbt to be carleb , is a ttmg mcc tcff in all reputati- en p:mcipallte to be obferneo. l£oto can tt>r re c tbcrtrtfe appr are ante toojtbmcfle , if affections fb:t to bcecquaU , 02 tdjat otfftn* guiffjment map tljcrc be of fpirits uicn mens iaDgcmcntes are common. George Cafliioth , furnameb Scanderbcg, tbe f erronr ttbfle bee Kueo,anD onlie man able to confonnotbc Turkifh fo:ces,Dnrmg bis tnfancie,bauing bm trainee top luitb Amurath fattjerto Ma- homet tije fcconD Cmperour of tfje Turkes (fo; tbat in fbe com queff Of Epirus bp tbe fame Amurath,tbe fa tber Of Scandeibcg be* tng flaine,anD bis Signoty fubeuco bnto fat Turke, bee teas tben toitb otbers leD atuaie into Turky a eapriue.) «£Ubcn bee arrf ucb to manlle peares, ano fcrueDtoifl; great fo;tune ano toalour tbe fatoe Amurath in bis toarreeritbappcncDttjat being in one great battel! as generall of tbe Turkifh 0rmte agatnfi tbe Chriftians, anofigbting againO Hungarie, a remote of confefenee toofee gKm,tnrbat bre being tbe fonnc of aChriftianpnncc, pjofefleo tn cbittianitic , ano toiuco to Coo, fyoulD fo uuc hcoltc become tbeconfufion of bis bjerbjen, ano toarreagainff drift ant) bis feingDome, ano albeit be mas neaer bnfojtanate in ante figbt,ano at $ at time lihclfeff of al other to attaine tbe t>icro:r , ret regarDtng tbe ttaf e ano maner of tbe conquctl, lie fain tin giic tot r$o:c vp , f Uii'fli great bifcouragement tmto bis people,ganc pctoer bnto tbe enc nip to be at tbat time a ronqneronr. ECbieb bone, t;tmfc Ife toitb a fcuj ebiefc and principal! pevfons bis aflbctat C5,tii>fcc the mfclucs togetber tn fligbt. 3!n tbis companp,foas a noble Centlcman,U)tfc in bebaniear, faitbfull in counfell , ant fecret in trutt , at tbat time Sccrctoric ano of counfefl to tbe great Turkc, Cbe place of tbeir rcfiDencc feruing well to tbe purpofe, bim Scandcrbeg(being of tbe otbers a(TureD)t(Dhe onlie in bant) to acquaint toifb bis cMcrp:nc. 3nD fojcfmutb as bisereoence toftb tbe faioc Amurath toas fnrb, as in tbe repofe of W trotb ,reftco borb s>tgnet,ano tear rant fflfficf' cnt,to put fojluaroe ujiatfocucr Direction 0; comma uno in ante 8* Office of a Secretorie. 109. ftC Turkifh fignories,t)pon painc of Deatb to be ObcpeD.Scanderbeg Declaring bis torarifo m neffe of capti tuttc ano fcrcage , Defire to fclfite |)i5 fetngoomejano llfeing after (bat to hue at liberty a chri- ftian, ano ttjcrefoitball botoe often 03c Turke baD pjomtfeDtorc ttose bim, ato pet (till bjafec toitb bint, entopneo (be Secretorie to tojite letters of commanD in tbe Turkes name,to tl;e £>cputie 0? rulers of tys farters fetngDemc 3 tbat as n>tr latofull $) jtnee ana gouernom (bep (bonlDc (ben at tbat tntfant tutibont mo:e Delate receiue bim , ano tbenccfojtb renounce ami put from tbcm tbefc toonteoebarge ano antljoHtte. 0no albeit tbe poller cf Scanderbeg teas in ftjat place great, ano (be Secretorie noting milboobtrD at all bis refelutton, ano tljf refo;c feared too mucb to rontraDia bim m n> fame , bnoto^ f ng alfo (bat if be affenteo to (bat or niauno, bauing pet libertie to Depart,be migbt timelp inougb aDuerfye tbe Turk to (be pjeuen* flow: pcttjfcD be neuertbeleffe To manic effectuaurpeetfes as foj tbe pjefent be coulo,to Dtlftoaoe bim : tdjtrij not pjeuai Itn g ,br c af' fenteo at lair foi fearc, Secretorie, tbougbt it notoc a matter of no fmall too:tb,if bpjanp facilitp be conlo turn bim alio bnto ^ eompanic, to paffe in tbe fame ionrnp,03 otbertoifeif be rcfufcD,(benBeemcD be fit (bat be a)outo not returne aliue 3 to earrie netoes to fte Turk of bis octcvnn'neD ionrnep . flnD tberefoje firfl foitb as manic feinoc entreaties ano offers of all bononr , ftuour, t Htm ate, ano aouauncemtnt tbat coulo bc,bc affaf leo bim , be p?opofeo alio tbe erpectation of [}is ofon fo;tunc,t)alour,potocr ano ft rcngtb of tbe euerltuing CDcd inborn be fcr ueo ,tbat was able to Defence tbcm, ano all pomble mcanes tbat ofbertoife conlo bee DeuifcD to moaue bim. I3ut none of tbefe in One p?cuat Img, be lair lie fet before W eies,tbat Dpon fucb refuf ail,bcc fo; W ofcmc belt aHurance mutt be cnfo;ceOtofetRbinc tXUbieb maner of fpAcb, albeit mcoueD in tbe Secretorie otucrs alterations, pet cbofc be as ripe mofl boneff c if part, no mapes to Oefranoe tbe trutt tn \)tm rcpofei, efpcciallie bp affiffancc in bis otonepcrfontbereuntoginen.SnD feeing be coulo bp no mcanes efcape toitb life , aouifeD fanenlfe rattier, to tic in fbr banoes of &Q Scanderbeg it9 Oftheparts,placeand Scanderbeg fo^tfjaf &e fcao alreaofe Done , ftjcnm fo manffelf an action of Of aopaltfe, tobefounDa p:uictpali acto; of treafon a> gatnff Ins iLo:o ano mat fret. <©reat ts tbe linbe of Vcrtuc foberebp fljemfnbes of men fin- gu!ac ace manic UjapcsbonnD, net tfcer fall ctl, it out in rfc-ofc of tgeabc fpf rite ano eapacttie to become par taker e of tbe p:aifc Due Unto fo bigb ano bonojeo ercellcncte. Co men bardie conctpteb, tbeceis neltbec refpeetof trDttj s loue 3 l)onoj,Dntp,o; onjer matter tobatfoeucc ,fobecebp to Djatoc tbem from a fenfnalt appetite 03 carnall Dcftce of tbefr ofone lining, fafetie ano commoDitie; X3nt to rtjofe febo ace tbe fmome fc&ollers of vcrtue,to ubom leue glo:p is of price, tobo folie baue tn ettimate to mabe cbopee of tbings fcojibie^ntbefeit fo2tetbtobeaQ}ame,tebatotbers cecbon fo; lano : to ttjem a p?eluDice,&bat manpbolo fo: gatiiCjt&cp contem- ning bp a fole vercue ano Difcteete rboice of tbe mtnDe,ta) at is be* fiDes oi lette tben n)at uijtct? accojoetb to tbe tcue bono: ano repn< tatton of toell DeJeruing,cannot content tjjemfelncs to line ttt ere (betccceotteDien) 3 Dcfpifc toealfb, tobeceboncne j S to be pucfueo, neglect cepufation, iu)ere lopaltte is not entcctaineb , ano ecpect no 6oelitfe 3 ttbere confequcntlp tbe effects of an bonttf ano foooj' tbie minD>are not p?inc(palltc to be eatieo. as n)en,bp vtbat t)fc toeuer applieo,3l do in al fbtngs commenD Fidelitic ano Truft to be pcrfoj meo totjecc bp Diftrtcrncue it is cba« IcngeD : fcnofoe Doe 31 tn tbe carriage of tbfs one Secrctorie, fbtf |im fojtb proper lie ft cm tbe rcficuc bp a Difference , fo; tube re in perrons of lefle conceite,ano loroec cefpect,fomc bfages arc cow tnenoablc , in bint tbep are to bee pjefnmcD, as no loaves to bee Donbteo of : neifber is it to be erpecteb,tbat tbe moulD of fucb a one fljonlo be fo fnbiect to imperfections, as njat in common $ mean actions be ujonlo tfjinbe to be pjatfcDjfecing tbat l&c-ie anp b:earb of tbofe pacts in men lotocr coneeptcD mtgbt be fount), it toonloe in tbem be beloe as in companfon a tbing no moje tben migbt be DoubtcD.but in btm fooulo it tucne to a mod bitupctable bafencs tcltb fucb ir. tenements to be fpottcD. 3nD as 31 urns fequeffee bim from tbe o;Df narie bfage of tt&af bclD to be UfceD To fcoe 3 againc c?atoc in bim a fpeciall rboice, of tljmgs bigb, ano toojttjie befeeming,aboueotbers (leffe conGoc* rate) in all ttjings to bee carr ico, ano tuljercm Ujc famntc of bis ft* icttfe Office of a Secretorie. ' i j i oclitie ttjall onelte be requite o. jfo: feeing Crjat bp reafon of rbc place ui.icr c in bee ft ancctb of f mplopment , bp reafon of bis fnp * pofco cDucatfon,birtb,qualftfe,or otrjer oeccrnment,, bp reafon of t&e tuaf g bt,morc tben of common truff , in bim Diuer Op f mpofcD, be feemctb to be a man euerie map proportionate to a tar re otijcr enDf pprpofe,tt)enof euerie orDlnaric attenDant te eommonlte requireD, it muft necos ttjc be of fneb a one coniectureD,rbat bp far greater f fctil i mrafurc be be in cuerp of bis actions oemeaneD^ tutrti mad) greater moDcff te,care 3 refpcct, confloeration ano into* grit ie,be Doe bp fucb meaner temper at! bis outmarb ana tntoaro bebautours,anD Judgements, as beeing btmfclfe in reputarion a Gentleman , raiD connecting among furijas baueDtfcrction to dame of a ©entleman.ljee map leaft of all be foucbcDtoitb ante fting, tbat leffcnctb o? il bef cemetb ante part of tljat jl«bia; princt* pall te map apper tatne to a (Gentleman- ano tobereas in anp otber attendant it is a matter praf fc fcor- trjie,to be beautified or aouauceo bp feme one oz otter fpeciall ver- tue or qualitie,in bim it te of necewtie,tobo bp bom mncb tijc more ncercc be is in freqnentation of anp bonorable place or calling,bp (b mndj tbc more neeocrull is it , fljat be be accordinglie furmftjea bbercvoid) in (eemelie and laudable fort 3 to enter ano approcb t!^z fame .3no as in tije fernice of cuerp one fobatfccuer,ti te fpeciall? reqnireo,to be endued tuitb all parts of butifuU attendance! lop- altie:fo is it for bim to erce(l,anD bee different, becaufe in bis inv plopment, truft ano otbettolfe, there is eracteo at \ite bancs a far greater fcope ano eflfieacie, tbc n lib ere tot nj anieou>erfeemen)to be cbargeo bp ante proportion or qualitie. X3p tbis meafure notoe of FidcIUie,truft or loyall credit of a fer- ttant , in fobtcb place our Secretorie, as pon fee ft xnt ctlj bounden bp cue firtt Degree of W fcr uiccit mate feconDlte be conicctureD, in fobat refpectiue cftate,be otigbt foi tl;c refioueof njat tobfeb to Ijis at tendance appertain crt) , bee accounted a Friend ♦ sHjc It' tnttsof Friendship (as ft mtgbt becobiccteD) are ureigbt, anD rijere can bee no jfriend ttbere an incqualttie rcmaint tb. Etoiirt tbeparttecommaunDeDanobfmtbat commaundetb, ttjerc is no foctetic, anD flicrefoie no Fricndfhip tobere reftetb a Supcrio- ritie. i5ut 33 fap ano affirmc, ttjat if it bee true, tbat ttje fumme of oil Fricndfhip taken) fns original! of loue 3 anD njat trje txm be* £>o z tnonftration ii2 Oftbepartcsjplaccand monff ratfon of loue gr otoeft bp a fimpathic of affectf ons,of tz^fcti affectfons Vertue ts faf D to be fte febole « Ample grouno,ftc n map ftis fimpathic of aft; edtos fo grouor d on vertue as afojefaio } be tup neD into loue-nottoiftBanctng y incqualitp of rffate osconotti ion fcberebp a man toertuouflieDlfpofeD, bemgferuanttofuftaoue 14)0 is jjonourablte tnclineo , map in ft at place of fern tec in tctucb rjcconnnueft,bc reputco in p:occu"e of time to become as a frieno. 5i5utiftoeftallgoe to fte true Definition of frienDftfp , pou imll tgt n faie 3 tfoat ftio ft icnoftippe (b called ano reputeo among men , as it is a fimpathie of affections fir mire toniteo tog t the r s, To is it fuft a toniting,as tdjcrc in fiftat fte one eouetcft , fte oftrr dc fireft,in refpect thereof toojlos ano life, ano all are not DeCrable, but Defpifeo,3 tooulo not r>c re be fafecn,ftatof anp fo; ts of people ft at run into all 02 a nnmber of ftcfe like effects, totfteut e r ccp* tion of qualities intcnD,ftat ftep ftcrfo:e lucre alfb to bearc fte name of friends ,foj fo men to tt crip toicf ons ano letoolp g 1 ucn.con* footing fn toicfecDncs, ano otrjrr bafccrcrcifes, in tebfftcaft fpen* Deft bis life,o:Defperatlte oferb one fo; anofter,mlgbt be reputes as friends, 35 bane no fact) meaning, no? in mp intent bcrefn to fo generall a pnepofe. I5nt fpeahtng of friendship, 3 snip oeale tut ft £uft,&bofe actions ano Oncere ocfires bane in vertue ttgtjrflf p:erjc> mincnce,fo2 ftefc,not bpaoncnturc , but bp a Deliberate eounrell ano c&of fe regaro fpecf allie &ao,of ftmcjs toaluablc ano uD part of bi* affection. jFo? boU> can tt otbec toife be tbougbt, but tbat our Secrctoric being one euerie toaie fo toaigbttftc to be f mplopeo as be is, partaatng as tie ooetb tout) to manic caufes of impo:tauee,ano tonoifcouereo fecrets ano coun* fels,ftanDing as be muff upon foneere attendances tjcettjat is almoff (as occaCon feruetb)eucrte minute of an boure to be tofeo, but itat to Us il.03 #after,be mult of neceffitte bee tieric cfoarie, ano at cbcUaffiuifemo^e particularly (beumaiiteotbers > bp a great oeale to be belcucD. ^e tbentbus finoing in fo noble a place,fot)onourable an ac< count,our Secrctorie being as be ougbt to be^aman of vemie, ano worth,cannot djofe on p otrjee Qocbut frame bu5 btmolt tbougbts co:rcfponocnt in all fljmgo to ttjoie particular fauours, W con* oerfing,bu5 neereneffe ano attenoance , turnetb tben to an affcett* on,ano tbis, fc attb bp tbe Datlte encreafe of bis 3lo;D o; maiffers If btng totoarocs btm 5 grotortb tbence to a feruencte , ano fo eacfc vcrtue htnolcD bp ttjc orbrrs Grace , mabefb at la ft a con t unction, tuljt dj bp ttje multituoe of fauojs riling from tbe onc,ana a trjaufc' full compen fation altoapes piocurco in tbe otbc r , gt otoetb m tbe eno to a fimpathie bnfeparable,ano tbe r bp bp all mtcnoment con' clii Dctb a molt perfect bniting. Panutius, tbe faitbfall Secretorie ano counfcllour fo tbe great Cmpcronr ano pbilofopber furnameD Aurelius, fo* tbe bfgb wif- dome,fideIitie , ano counfell bp |)f m in all bis feruices continueD totoatDs tbe ^ince During ^is life ttme,ano euen to tbe berle en* trance of bis graue,oxf eruco before manic o tfcers ,(fccrcte alfo in aoufceto ftjefafD d;mperour)to be fermrD ano eallebbp tbe name of a friend. BinfomDrb as be onelie oaring to fpeabe plainlte ,ubat in otbersfuDgements rnigbt term to be off enfiue , f to perftoaoe faitbfullte , mjat be foto moff agreeing to (be pjefent ertremitte, matietbc dBmperourp2onoHnceblmfelfefo2tunate, tobauenou* rf tyco one fo oifcreet in ^is #allace,ano moff bleffeb of all,in tbat fcfccn eacb fat Leo blm in bis oping.be onelp mas founD affureo bn> to bim among all tbat mere lining. 3n tbis ftienslie bnot of loue,ano fljat of ferufle commaumv*" mainetb a moff notable Difference, cfpeciallie foj tbis matter of truft ano fiddicic , cccmtaD in feruice, fo; , ^ummtumt *&«*, f&Q $ vvhom / 14 Of the partSjpIacc and/, whom men fearc they hate: ten map tbcp fa; fatyfons fake pleafe, but tfcis fbano b inoc of affection is often fat ftom ttjnr rrjougbr. #no pet tbat tljere map bee an atoeo teaerenee, aftoel tn Iouc ad in feate,tcbo doubtetb tf 3 pea ano n)at ratber fat mo?e allured ano cffcctnaUtbcntrjeoibcr. ^f 05 fcdjerc tfcfc gcoundeD Loue bp vcr- tue once ftaietb con firmed, tbe bumf litie ano gentleneffeof ft* mind is tt f mmedlatlie tbat after toaros Ditectefb tbe ttjorigfjtcs, toe tben Doe glaolie bonour tbe mo:e,bp tjoto mucb tbe toilltnger toe deft re to fcr uc,ana moje fir mite obi ie, bp tjoio mucb ttjc mo:e entirelie toe u\mo to be fauo2ed. £ bts frtenolte Fidelicie, not ty< geo 0? conffratneD bp foucraign commano, but of a >eale to lucU Doing bolunt arilp cmbjaceOileadc tb tbe reputation ano ettimat e of our Secretory to uc recelued as a friend. Ss Of Fidelity , befiDeS Credit of counfell and riches, frjerc are funbzte ottjec b?ancbes,am) Diucrs ocfecueo partes ttjat fcrtcuQte map bre commcnDCD,fo ate tbere of Friendship. £be allocation of bofbttoatne,combtncfl) ant hnittctb togctber all otber perfee ttons. Wtrb granted,bndoubteoliemu& tbe partie frequenting To great a place of ferufce,p.20ue tbtn to be a pcrfon of rtgbt [$t* cf all commendation , of anftoerable vertue, ano of noted oif c re tt« on. jFoj that tn doing feruice to bis E o:oe 02 w attfer , tt feemetb a matter incident to bisaccompt, ano to tbe better effecting tbe name of a friend,tbat in caufes tagent anD neeofull.be br not xm> purueprb in tys oUmc per fon.iibcrcuji tb Dt ferret lie , as creation feruetb^oftjtoatiuifefcounfeliCtbeberperltcient matter tobcr* tn bis enabled dtferetion map loirb great eft Imgutarftie be per* fo}meo)tbeaffurance fabereof ,bp creoit of moft memorable anrt* qnitics,batb not onlie framed tbat of lopall fcruantes, furb baue bin entertained as faitbfull fctendcs,but alfo barb not becne Urn* OeroccafionmanietimeSjto trjepjeuention of funo;ie tjcbcment and dangerous mifebtcfes. Co accompanie tbe troublcs,mf fertcs, calamities ano info;* tunttits of btm to ttrjo m toe are tljis toaies, 02 tbat toaies in oar feruice Imbed 02 bcbolding,02 to beare toillinglie,ano toitb a faf- ferable mind fo; bis fabclxbatfoeucr in Declaration of our bertue feemetb to an boned of fpoficf on,to be rltbcr incident 02 appertaf- tiing,no manberelp denietb , but ttjat tbeparc affurco * notable oemonawtionsofabetieertimatepetfojmaitce. )iButm)at of fete Officcof a Scretory. / i$ n^fljeproperffe artbcrcenencfe of fi)isfccrfuefsnot therefore altoatcs in tbat one onlp (on to bee caricDjicitber luirb tbe grea* tetf estimate awDcommenoatf on tbat thereunto is appropriate, is tijr U}o.:tt)incSe hereof tihollie to be commcnceD. So preucnt nr.fctjicfs forncrt mcs,anD bp a tote fo:cfigbt anO rare hao of the bono; ano reputation of our commanDer, to fence (if nrco te)tbc fame by a politic Uc Denifc , tottbout pretuofecfrom anp tcurij of Difgracc 03 Difljonour,toDiffiuaDe 0? Dehort faitbful- lp,from things tinpea^tng or off cnmic to theireffates or ncbtltf p to retieale the hurt tbep tmotu not,oj canfes important Uljcrunta tbep are nothing priup^to counfaile Deuoib of fl atterte , ano to op* pofc tb.e gcos (bat leatt i)armcrb,ano the eutll ttjat bartj neecc ft re* inc 0i> trjefe tbtngs as in their feueral canfiDcrationSjtbep can as fufficieutlie as anfeotbers Declare a man to be er.Dttr D,botb toin) rare hnolulcoge,ano right crcellent toertue,fo febo Doubten) , but that the moff flcnoer of tbcm all 3 toc!gbe ft as Drieplp as anp other. fneaufeof Fidelity. 2nD pet if ante more fpcclall liking in one fttng ftcn oftcr be to be attributcD,tihcrec5monlpmcn do fcem to Fjauc gen cr all tc toell DeferucD,rht n of n eccfl i t te muff G)t fame greatlte rather infuc txhere cutis moff prciuDicmg are forefeene ano auoiDcD bp polittcfe tolfDome.tben fcberc tmffeilfuUle fbep are entreo mto>carping in ctjeir bofomes ,efHjcr ertceame bajarD 0; incui table tinooing, mud) is tbe felicitfenjat tbe mat Oct or ILorD tecefuerb ewer- more of furrj a fern ant.in tbe chair affection ano regarD of fohom aflfptng.bimfclfc affurcDlte, be finoett) be is not alone a cowman* Der of bis outmaro actions,bnt tbe Difpofer of bis fcerle tbougb ts a pea be is tbe s>ouerafgne of all bis DeOres , in ufcofc bofome bee tjolocffj tbe repofc of bis fafetp to be far more preef o ws,tbcn cither eitate.lining^r aDwanecment 3 fxhcreof men earthlp minoeD are for tbe mo3 part Defirous. £Df all theabufes tbat baucbttne or at this Date remained in fte at tenoance of honorable per fo wages, tbe re is no euil ft kctct or pernicious , as is ftetocnome of fl atterte, the couert fcattng rdjereof , in men of all ages humors , qualities ano completions, haft for tbe moff part taken To tenement ano Deep imprcffion,as it feemetb almoft irrecupcrable in the greateff fortes ano num- ber s of perOms to be auoioeD , 2$e oaliance of #is oaintie clato* < facte 1 1 6 O f the par tSjplace and back is fmtntfj, tbe entrance pleafing, tbe p2ogrclT(on (ubtfD, (be continuance forcible, but tbe enoe fallen) out cuer mc:e to bee oe< ceitfull. CPcn infecteb hjttb tbis ktnoc of fcurrflftte, ant) bafcneOTc of conoition,bctng in proper Defignments Curri-fauels of tfce tco^Io, it is no mar well if baaing in common requetf , ail ffjetucs poffible of graffeo ano founoocmeanours.tbepfltoe manic times into tbe opinions of fbe moft notable ano toojAteff, fo: tfce p banc learneD bp art to acquaint tbemfelnes at n)e firff toftb all (bits of humc:s ano faujlons, ano being of tbeir otone DifpoGrions fo placable as tbep be in all tbings, it is teftb tbem a maner of faerilcoge, to bee founo flacbe oa contrarious in anie tbtng,D app: oacb ing of tbefc pjluate fobtfperers, febofe tntoaro cornier fation,as in tbe fceric firff conceit ano btfeouerie tbercof ,it appearetb onto a man tocrtuouflp gfuen,to be altogitbr r ootcus, fo onto btm tbat in ten* Detb purelp of bimfctfe , tbep are in tbe feruices of £ oblemcn t* uermoje moG rrjtuarttng ano maIirfous,infomucb as if fucb a one fiaieo toltb boneff te,tooulDc neuer lb fai tbf nil tr, fimplie ano trn> lie enbeuour bimfelfe bp all parts of Dutiful! care ano loialtie, bee fljall pet ncuer foant of tbofe peruerfe crccpcrs,tbat bp one caute* lousfuppofe 03 otber,toill tttl! be before bono, febcrtoitb if it bepof. Cble to Difgrace btm tot tcrlic, Ibat the fe ano fucb otber actions of toilit ic,co mm onl it bans- leb,as tbep are in bonoia blc plar cs,oo become oftentimes barres to gob mcantng,anb (tumbling blocfees to plaine Dealing, rbcte tueoetb (as'38 fbtnfec) at fbts p 2 cf ent terie f mall quell ion. jj*et< $ectoonlo3bc&mtacD, as to Dame rtjatt&crc toantetycttber fnugtf OfficcofaSccrctoric* ti? fnffgbt oz fuDgmcnt m manp noble pcrfonages to Difcctne frjem, fo \ ttcB ate Dt Cccrnco t , oft entimes fpurneD at, 3; fcnofo it ngfjt t»eU > bat trfjat of ttiat^ jECbts beefng alfo a common p;actf fe ano occupation of tbetoojlo:, fmcttjlic tolltDc tfycucbailtrjingcs, anD to mcane t relic m nothing, it is no maraeii tf up tfje to Dou- ble Diligence of md) mrn,(bme one 0? otrjet happen nom ano a* n tobcDcceiueo. Bat fojfomu* as it is of neccffl(tfe;tljaf euctle bonojableo Cf arc mad and ougbt to bee ferueo , ano ujat ra)crc a mnltf tuo'e gso ate in attcno£ncc,Cfjete enfoct&e&monlp to be among ttjem form fr to rbat arc emil, citrjet of an anncteo pjoptnquitie 03 op* paction of gad ano baD,ncr tuc and Mitt, emntating 0? taa>r en' feicng as ice Ix ttjc Dailp p;ogt cflTion carrj of n> on)et , 02 elfe fo ; trjat tfcr too:lD fomctrjing aDDietcD to pertjerfe maimers ,rcnocnj fojn) often times fact) imps of rjet fubttance, as become mon* flroasDiflurbersof eucrp boneff cnDeuo?. Bit (r)all nottorajftan' Ding bebooue bim lrbatfoeacr,trbofe enDf etpectation Grctcrjctrj to § role dc fcrtjttjat of enerie lauoablc patpofe is rigbtlp to be at' tamcD.ct tyct in abaaining from ante oceaCon of blemitt) to fris fcertae mat map bappcn,to rcfoluc toraj btmfclfc ttcucr to fetue at all,02 ferumg,at toe teatt tot fe fo to acme t)ts concefptes foj all tnanec of factj UfeeDifgtaces as n)at be mate content btmfetfe in mat being but trulfe cenfureD as be ougrjr, ttje enDe of t>is Deter- minations ate ccrta inlie to be aoinogcD rjoncd , albert tys ill bap percbance fuefcas trjetbp be attain nelrbcr li hing no; preferment 02 tfeimetbellanD in pjcfenf,oj be in poffibilitte to attain facto;, tbc n not to be DlfcoarageD in ttjc Don e ft pjofcqnnlion tfjercof , by anie pjactffe 02 entire trbatfoeacr,rcaing in btmfclfc fit mlp affi fcD,tl)at rime 02 ttje ft ucaf fecrnment of r)im fcrbome rjeefetuerr), frjallat lengtb peelD fcope to njat , ttbcrcuntobp true Degrees cf vcrtuc be fougbt to baue afpfrcD. flnD feeing mat in allcaufes of jeale ano louc,Vrrjerc flje minD tstteDbp an entice oeGreano care of voelDotng, to bim inborn once in conceipt it feemerb to grotoe rtjarp ouer, ttje fojee thereof fcloomo3nencrpau*etr)ligbtlie at trjcfirff,toi$orttfome blocfce 0? ujcr lato befoje it,m)crcbp to IjinDcr 0; Difcouragc mc p?oc&- Dings al re.iDie DetermineD , ano mat fo fatre fo; $ as one trbile a man fpppoQng tbc fiDelitte of Ins feruice rrrigtjt at a time be faOp Pp effected tit Of the parts, place and effected ano DffcbargcD in ft* requtQte Dclmertc of fomeprcfenf aomfc uo«nrcll 3 pft terrified per rt)ancc,o; otbertoffc DifftoaoeD to(tt) tt)t refolutionjmigtjtincffe , 02 nobllftp of bis L . 02 Raider, 02 fearing to be argueo of p; ef um ptt on , 02 elfc in fetttng ootonc n;e DeOre rje barb of fafegaro fcnbinDlic to be miffafeen . St fyali not trjcrefoie be confcnant to ibis oar Secretaries place of fcr uice ftjerenponimmcDfatlp to become Went, 02 fo to fuffer n> etull W$ bfmfelfecleartpfee^topadetjnregarDeD^fpectsllie tnjen toe cafe is etttjee tocigijtie , 0; neerelie oU;c tunfc concerned) tjis nobtlttte txbom be feruetfj , fo: fo ujoulD be bp a feinD of Pufillani- mitic, become guiltte of tocfoerteoceaOon, bom great (bcucr tbe Tame u)oulo bappen , tdit rij fomtimrs Iptng in bis ercDrt 02 eoun- feH,to baue tmpugnco,bc of a toeafc Difpofstion abffainco nener* tbeleffc to fee pjeaenteo. ano pet is it not (nccos mu ft 3 fa ie ano confefle) a matter altogether tmtrfeb , tbat men tiatngLojtonnte tmnoeo, 02 arrogant 1 it otberfof fc mtenomg of tbeir otone p2 p cr ferufccs,ncto.2toufl tc oftentimes to fal into fyis bain of pjefump' tion,tobo piicheo on toitb toe creDit ano fanonr to tbem given bp tbeir II.03 ^aifler,ano foUtylp conceiuing fbrreof to ieao rtjric tijougbts in a flr ing,Do fgnojantlp 02 poeniCjl tc H>r reupon, take in bance manic times to Direct trjem in ttjeir rcrtous affaires 02 counfcls s ans controlling in njctrintoarD tbongrjts ttbattbeuer is bcfiDes 02 contrarping to tbeir oton opinlons,Do of fcruants be- come fawcie:of men moDcff.malaperc : of aOutferS , arrogant : ano eonfeqnentUe, running into euerie imfpnGon of ortjere , ano tcbat elfc appertaining to aregarDeof or&ir mens actions, ap« peace at lengtij fo imperious ,as bp tin folc Default of their otone nrifocmr anours , tbep are tnrneD at ttjc laff qnite fo:ti) bp ftje el« bofoes. STrje Defect fcereof, fo far Diff re pant as it is , from tbat SraDie kino of gouernment berebp tb:oagbetU concluDcD opor,*io:Dero not 3 tyinhe in tbe framing of ibis our Secretory , to be ante fur- ther foictoarnr D,febo bp leaking from bis oton petfonante part of n> oilities tbat in otters map fctmc ebieflie to be Difcommctv DCO,is bcrcin to be afcertainco ttjat in notbing fo greatip can tbe wceUnUocrtuco:conottionof anpmanfljuie, tyen in not fir tt committing ante action tbat map appeare oile , 0; batDlic to bee bo;nc uJitrjaU,ano net* in fnppacmncj ft muo) as in &(m is, fcbat* ten* Office ofaSecretorie. Up fbenet commendation o: itktng dnlfe to fare annered to bis otone proper oefcruing,tujcrctn humility freede from all maner of bafc and fcrnllc pnrpofc^tball t&en fort tctcntltc tnff ruct b* m,njat cur- tcfic is a tjcrtucjiowlincflc a flnng snnerco bn to gentility , to fare proud is a to tee, to be contemptuous a filtbtnes,fimpUcity is found, deccipt to be abbojred, Loyalty a matter in efffmatipn, Flattery to be belo abbominable. 3 foill not bete otfpntc boto mucl) ercel* lent and needfull it mere bnto tbeir effates,tbat tbc neereff atten* Dance of bonourablcpcrfonages, lucre uritb men of fadj bcrtttc ano fenotoleoge in tots fo:t f rcqueu tco,net tber carping at fund;p enormities. VbouIo 33 tberbp deutfe,to d;ata fo;rrj bnto fou a man tonmatcbable in qnalttie,and tobcreof tbe taojloeo; ante rjeauen be fiocs/carce peeldetb eitber fbadoto o? p:operttc , bat p;opo0ng tbe too;tbtctf partes tifrebof eurttc oncabfolutclie arefitteu" to be acquf reD,3i Do only endeuour to late down no ottjer matter 03 grouno,tbentoberetoltr) mm tbat be fpeciall ace at tbfsdaiebelde to be cud 11c d, wD fneb as in all ages beretofoje [jaue been t&cng&t ntrctetttobcfollolued. Wiat u)oulo 3E ladetbts offconrfc foiflj rrambjed tramples bn< to pon of tlje great efftmateano regard of rrjore,tito to beep tbert fattbs inaiolable to trjc tr ILo:ocs jbaue fomc of tfjem beene fo ica# Ions of tbeir b on ours , as fo: rrje fafegard tfjereof , bane bp great aduffement maoeaboltmtancaDucntnrcef tbeir beared lines: fomeagatne toitb great lone ano fauonr,entertaineo ano repute of bp rrjeir Hojoes ,and not able in tbeir feruices as rt;ep ojongbt, During trjetr life timts fufficicnilpfo compenfe ttj? lone ano cfpe* cf all jeale tbep beare bnto tbeir !£o«oars,bane affcrtoaros bnto tbeir cfjilD:cn beeing in great Difgrace bittj ftje ff ate pjefent, fo fuilp effected tbe fenits of tbeir toellntfymg, as tbat bp n)e tender accempt,reuerence ano loialtpto rbem p2opofed 3 tbcp banc rigtjt iaell declared tbat not bnto times alone of eff ate $ fojtune, fcfc en litle regard of focij tbings migbt be at tbeir bands erpccteo , f*jelc bertues bane ban limtttcd.bnt.'cbfeflle in ertremitp and times of tDani,tdjcr in tbeir fundjp fruf tfons,baue bin in mo0 aboundant maner fupplieo . £>tbers liheltnfc rijarged on fbe deatb bed toitb ttjc fecret affaires of tbeir il. 1 be kept in fpcciail care and rccko* ningfrom tbe bnololedgeof otbcrmen^could notbp multitudes of fa«o;s,bptb2catmngs,o;otbcr large offers to&atfoeiicr, bee £>P2« fo zzo Of the partcs^place and (b fat fcDuccD, fasten tlje DeaD feas quite patTcd anu gone oat of ttje uwlOAtbctebp tfjcp nccceo not at all to baue DoubfeD)rtrei> tuoulo pet beleDtnttjs lead tote of al, to oefrauo ttje trull tn tbe m repofeb, bat b3ucfcept frje famemtualableto tbtfronooubteo commenDattan,ano furtt^r tncrcafe aftertuaro of goo it king to a far greater ercDit* 3uSmtc ate tbc wmemb2ance« tfcat of tfjcfe,amDructj!ifec oe* canons are ano banc banoatlic rceojeeD, tbcmultituDe ftbeerof fo; bieuitp 31 bo omit. Contenting mp fclfe tbat of tbefe ttto ebtef anD pjtncipall matters of fecotee,? baue tbusfar fo^.tfj alreaote in generalittc Debated , leaning tbc rcfo: c nbat els to bee conGoe* reo tberein to ttB bnoivn abtlitp of others, 3 pzoeao onto toe nrrt part tbat innje continuance of tbis Dtfconrfe teas at tijc firtt in- tcnoco. ana foifomuct) as rtjc eccrctfe of tbefe ano fucb li'bc pecu- liar oertucs ano qualtties.appertatnetb nor,as 3 baue partlp be* fojc DcllncreD,bn to men tb at arc of meanc fptrtt , to fad; as br e natnrallte tourtjefe tottb ante bao 03 bile coerccment , capacities tbat be tnfenCble 02 (gno?ant,fucb as baue Iran t of eDucatf on, 0: iiijofe Demeanors are to ocr t uc ui) a lie infafftctrnt . He t bs tbc n mo?c particularly if pe mill fee bib at maner a one be ougbt to be toncbtng bis perfo-.i babtlitic , ano condition, tbat to tbc tuo:t!;(f ncsano reputation bcrcof fecmctb a man mutctt ano moS al- locable to be Cbofen a Secretory. ifoi tbc Delluerfe tefcereof ,sno tlje better to finoe our Secretory, as ncece as eitber map bee ge(fcD,o? frame D,fwb ano none otbec in Deed as in true ano perfect meaning bee ougbt to be rcputco, toetoili DfOingufQ) tbc feuerail confibcrattons ano refpectes of fucb a one,mtb2ce fpcctal points footing to bis offlce,tblie ano ful- lic in tbis place to be con fiber eD. ICbeflrft u)albeof tbe perrcn,rcwcl»ing bis education 0; being: fbefeeono of bis Conner faflon ano 0:0 er of lining: tbc tbtroc of bis fufficicnctCjbp flull,nnoU.lcDgc,anD abilitte fchcrr tottb to Dtf* cbarge tbc place of bte calling, if o:tnertie n>n toucbing tbc re# garb of bis perfon,it is rcqutfltc , tbat bee be ocfccuDc D of boneft familie 02 parents , tbc efficacie ubereof conDnce fli not a Itttltjto tbecontcctnrc of a found ano jjonett condition :tbat bcbauealfo bao good education, ttbcrcbp tbe tnmde tocR otfpofcD is often ttmza framed to ber te ga>d purpofe ♦ SJ) at be be of u)ape « coun- tenance OfKcc of a Secretory, i*t fcnance pjopojtianablc to tfcofe reqnireb tocrtucs , fafomucb as commonlp enfuetb,tbat Nature in pjoouemg of ait bet creature© Uwbetb tntbcm effects nnf wcrable to tbeir fcucrati conif.tun* one^b toflolocrsof moUcniuifltpiopoition^f gtmtt) tbe mod ercettent fauourtbeDog i* notfbapeotibc tt>e Uon, no? tbe currc as tbe fepanic U i tbe Uennct tree is not as tbe Ctabbc tf oche, ttjt onebcaringan apple, (ibolfomr,DelicafeanDpleaMig 3 tDbcn it commctb to be taftco : tbe otber puffing fojtb of tbe bnnres, no o* t&cr n>n tbe fappc of aierlupcc.tibcn tip belt of tt is tntopeo.* 13p tbe countenance \ue Docfuctber al(b iuDge of tbe qualities ano otfpoftrion of men , tnfomucb as trjc tor tit marbes of fauouc bauc not too mam* iuogements p:oueo Uicab Difcouercrs of Tome peoples gfl&D 02 bnrctoarotonDfttontf, tocebaue Iibetoifc tn euO Dent tcff(momc,tbat ill DtfpofcD nature confirmee by cuff om,fel» borne Degenerate* from tbe btnD, ett&rr tobencc it (0 fp#w&, 0; therein it baft long time bcene nouclfbeo. Co manbinoe ffepre bappenetb in tix bobie manie oefomtties, fobtcbariung not bp tbe Defect of Nature , fo nrnrb as bp ill bfage of ftofe, ubo ^eue ban cbarge ouer tbem, cannot be amenDeo,but bring p?oowcDbp Nature, oocpo;renDfome one 02 otber notable tnconuenience : Co beautifie fneb a fljape uwtb bertneus ano bo* ncarrrj actions, is uitooubtcDltc p:aife tno:ftte, but to 8CC02D bnto fairc lmeamcnt0,po5traieD totftjerquffite ano Baintte fauour, a mtnDco2rupt ) bare,tD?etcbeDartt)t)ilejtbat of all otfcers is B)e moll grcateft ano noteD Dcfo: mttie. Diogenesbcing of one pairing bp, rebubeoofblspjcpolfe- rou0 fl}ape,anc baro hinDe of fauour, aunftoer co, / with my vcr. tucs doe ornifie my fhape,butthou with thy IewdnefTe difgraceft thy fauour. Coucbingtbe iuDgement of nature bp tbe outtrarD face,manp things mtgbt be aueDgcD that oiuerUte bauc beene DrcerneD , tbe matter to)erof necotng fmaU p?a>fe,mo?e tben our otone common rrpcricncc,? furceafe to Debate bpon 3 fceingmp meaning is, but out of f unb?ie apparances to D?afoe foith tbe greateft libeltbibe, ano tbi nee to repofe a founbation c onfonant to § mobulc 0; com- palie of tt)ts mp p;cfent tntcnDmcnf . £Dnelplct tbis be latDDcbm foj a ecr f aine,ttjat tbe fine ff tuare receiuctb tbe fairefl figure, ano pacta me t tall tbe Debtee colour, tbe bamaf fee Uofe cartetb tbe jpp 3 fto&teft 122 Ofthcparts,place'and; ffoafeff fauour 3 ano tbc mod pliable part of verrue, is bp greafeff obfer nance planted m tt»c mofl proportionate feature. JOits being tlje n fame tentlp fpoben of njc per(on,let to* nob) go to n> Conucrfation. SC|»t5$ Conuerfatioa feenictt} unto me in n#ee point*, o? fpcclall note* to be confloered:tbat t*, in t&c Qualicie, DifpofitionanD order of companie. Conning bi* Qua]itic,tt i* te« qmOte,rJjat firtf anoaboueallotber,bcbr a man fequciftco from all bind af p;Me,arroganrte 02 toatne con reining of bimfelfe, foi tbat tbe infection of trjrfe, are ffeppestonto all maner of Dtfo;cer, contempt ,malicc,anD picfumption ttbatfocuer: tljat be be not liti- gious in arguments* one toatnlte giuen to contend: ttjat bee bee no ojdfnarie fcoffcr , o: friuolou* oeluder of otfjer men* fpercbe*, gelf ure*,teafon* 3 02 condition*: tbat be be no cjaacc Icr , Ic too Cpea> feer,p^inp carpev,Oanticrt r,o; Gniff er backbiter of otter men* ac- tions^? lauoable fndcuour*:but contrarie bcre nnto , tbat be be in fpeeeb gentle,in geff ure frlcnolte,tn lobe* famtliar,tn raise cour< tcou*,in argument not obm'nate , but gluing place to better opt* nf ons,tbat glaolie of cuerie one be oo fuppofe ttje bed ,be rcaote to ercufe tnflrmitics,ano to faluefmpcrfectlon*,tbat in tending bee become not anotber Democritus. 05 in carping a Zojhs , tbat bi* fongue,eic,ano tbougbt*,betndfffercntlie framed to iuDge trulie motonparriaUieof euerie one: tbat of all tbinge* bee nbbo;rc p?(uat e qttarel*,anD open contention*, and a* t&e rocb* of Scylla, docefebueofante oneabfente finitterlte to (pease, 02 orhirtuife to enfoime againft tbcm , fcj tbat in ibcfequalitie* and conoiti. on* p;opcrlic,carb one car ietb a decernment of tbat ixbicb nee red appertainetb to a Gentleman. jjioto toucbing bi* difpofition it i* eractcd at bi* band* , tbat brc bee not a man gluttonou*,o? tbat be be e not cuer mucb fubiect to tyinfetng/oj djunbennc* ouercommctb tbc mtnd.dullefi) tbe mc* mojie,cnftTblen) ttje ujit*,mabctba man foigctfull of bimfclf.fbe reputation be bearetb,and fte company fcberein be fittctb . Wine fattrj Otudxa tijcdtfcoticrcr of fecret*,* mabetb a man of ten com* rntt,£ ttWeb aftertoardeoturnetb to bi* great pjetudfee: in toine njc regard of a mans fclfc,and libetoifc all orbrr* toamu)rtb,tb* refpect of bi* credit e alio and place uberem be feructb : a man gt< uen mucb to ujlne,batb no matfferte ouer bimfelfe, anc i* not to be iruCed i^itb matter* n)at be important; a man talbatiue and one Offkeofa Scretory. nj oncgfactttofome arebotblikenco togirbcrmoffpofition, foj in tbe one ttje ffrengu) of tbe Uquo: infojcetb to fpcaUc m)at be ougtjt no t,ano in fi)c otiiir tbe bolubt I it p of tbe touguc,g tuerb utterance manp times to tn)at it u)onlo not: Specch.faitb tbe to ife man , is a (fcing naturallpgiucn to cucrpman,unt be tbat ojojetb bis too;cs bpoifcrcnon,f«tb tbe toap tototfoome, £bts ucrtue of ojo;lng and beeping tbe tongue , is onto one Sccrctoric not $e lead of mante otber points tujrretof $ be ougbt efpcciallic to be c&argeD, in bim tbat is oifpofeo to fpcabe mucb, it cannot bat enfue fbat bis often babbling muff neeoes at one time o: otber , gmc p:mfc tbat bte baft in btmfelfe as tittle fccrccic as iilencc. £o p;eucnt tbis inconuenf e ncc,totfc men baue ouferueo in nature a mott notable aju>Gngularp?ontoeuce, tobototbe in* tent tbat men bp ber bcrtc tuff igation , migbt be commenocD to iilcnce, ban; gfucnbsttoo cares to bcare, anoanattentineron' cepte,Ubercbp gcucrallie to Debate aire confioec of all tbi»gs,ano but one mcut b to fprahe , gluing us in tefft monte tberebp,tbat toe ongbt to beare mucb,to hnoto mucb, to unocr ffano mucb ■> «uo to fpeabe but a lit tlc,H5cfioes, tb at tbe tongue feberebp o c U ucr ance iB maoe, flje batb Sea clofeo tn tot tb our teen) , ano tl;c m couecco againetoltb oucHppes.fojetuacning fftUtbercbp, tbat netting ongbt tbence to be oifcoucrco in batt.not toitbout efpec t all regaro ano Diftrict obferuance. 5Fo; m tbis cafe alfo oifcrcete Nature, ar> tcr toe baue or ce reeepueo into our eares ftjc (bono of ante tbtng, (be nxnccp:£ferrcrl)it immcDfatelictmto tbeminoe, ano tbence to tbe beart to be eenfuteo 03 con ftocreo upon: ano laff of all unto t\)Z tongur,to Ubofe lot ,as laff of trjefe it befallen) to bee par taker of it, fo ongbt it from tbence carcf ullie , ano not toitbout c fpect all caufetobeocuuereo. £bc diuine Philofophcr fo: c feeing in man , tbe manifoloe Dlfr commooities oftentimes enfaing bp latent* of tbe to ng ae,ftb cr e allotbrrs lucre readers to fpeabe toei,be onlp taugpt bis fcbolcrs to ufe filcnce^iuoging tberbp,ibat tbe oertue of t^e toong confi- fleo not folp in fpching.but boto 0: bp lujat occafion to bfe p fame, food unoerftanoing 6rtt boto to reOraine f&e tbtng, tbat of it felfc to as plpable pnougb to bee nfco toitbout meafare,u>p migbt ea> filter finD mean after toaro to fpeabe oftentimes to goopurpofe, ano not to accuttome u)emfcluc# as u)ep ma befoje, top;attle totital / 24 Of the patcs,pJace and fofftyratojncr oaanlc goo ojreafonable parte belonging to Dif- cretton. if o j n)ts caufc Silence, as rrje firff ga ru of all affair r 8 j teeing eirt)crfectetco;fmpo:tar.t,i6(t)ntomenr£rionat£occaptcoo2trn» plopeotn tt> rame)ofrecttptobecommenoeo ,£&btcbmancrof SiletKe,aKttfu(ltetn(rructen)tn caufesfettous ano of maf$bt,to fpeabe nothing mo:e tben n&sctb , fo conuetctb it alto into tbe re fitme of our bcliauiouts >a moortt ano cbclcc bmo of goacrnmenf , in all actions tobatfoener, either of qncflion 02 argument, to bee totn)Oifcrerton pc/rfneo. l£oto mucin f imported onto our Secrctorie, to banc notice of (be true ano perfect oft bcrcof ,tibo aboueal otbers ougbtrigbt' lie to hnoto ano otfccrnc,boto,ttbcrc ,trV cn,utiat,ano to txbom bee ougbttofpcab,anbixbcn,anDftberein ; tobeUactuifefilcnt:ttniap bp tbe teafons afoiefntc be fufficf cntlte eofieeteo. #02 ougbt bis fpcerb bt\ iron) to be fo os&inarie as trjcr mens , ub f 0: tbc mofl c part limit tbcmrclucs neitber to rtmc,placc,cccauon,o.: company, tbe ro)icb in our Secrctorie is 5 anoougbtto be farreotbcrtoife.3no as tombing tbc affaires, fecrets 02 counfcls committee to bis cbarge:3t is in bimpzinct pall ic to abnert ano conQocr mat be is but tbe clofet,U)bcrof anotbf r barb bstt) tbe Her, bfe ano comman- Oement,tbat be ougbt ttjerein to be as a ttji chc plateo d o:c, ta> e re tb:ongb,tofrjootertrao20inarle Violence no man map enter, but by tbe loebe ttbicb is tbe tongue,sno ttmt to be of fact emcacie, as thereof no counterfeit bep ujoulDe bee able to mahc a b:earb, totfbout tbc fclfc fame inurnment (bat by tbe Direct 02 ttjerrof x& alroapes to be carfeo. HBp reafon ixbereof ,bc is of mop re trull ano fiDeltttc in bim rcpofeo , to become marie of bistoapes, ano to take tbe courfe n&oful),trbcrebp tbe leaft occaBon of b:e act? tbc re* of mappjccifelie bt auof&eo. £Duer ano bcGoes all tbts , it u)all mvtber appertame to tbe Orfpofition of tbts our Secrecorie,rbat in (bctning btmfclfc affable to alljbeooe not cftberbp reafon of bis birtb, qua t itic 02 cttimatc mat be batb of bis 11.02 maiffcr, goc about roabufco; U):cff flic fimplfcitie of anp one to a bao eno 0: purpore, but ratbe r enforce bimfdfc glaolie to onoerftam c tbe fates of tbe me aneff , ano to giuc tbc in aioc anb fartrjerance to bis ortcrmolf herein (ball bee not a litle aonance tbe Ijonoj of bis I.02 mat&cr in preferring (be luff Office of a Sccrctorie. 12s luff ant) latofuR petitions 03 ccmplafnts of fbe pco:c 3 * in piping rbem to v fperote Difpatdjof tbat, fcberfolfb bv rcafon of pjclr fmi> plieftte,tljcr oftentimes arcgreatlic lncumb;eD.3Stbebtgalitp be not toarijeft, tbat natnrallie be 00 incline to gooo,ano bate tbe baones of anp, fljat be abbo;re flatterie as a Coao, ano gate bfmfelfe of ante par* ttcularattfon.cttbcrtobe t)tter!iefi!cnt 5 o2clsto fpcafee troltc. ILaSlte noto,toacbing tbe ujuo point of tbefe t&ee, conOElng WOJOer, appertaining to companie ; jeofail ttis tljat OUT Se- crctorie bane in fpcctall remembrance tbe auncient Taping, tbat common erperienccgfnctb to all men faappjcoucD , fobicb is, ftjatSuchasamanof himfelfcis, fuch alwayes are they with whome he conucrfeth. 3f tbercfo;e of \)is otone mfno ano Dtfpofirion a man enocnou- retfc tobecgooD, anofo toliue ano be accounteo of, btm tbrn be- feemetb ebieflte to bane refpect to tbe companie bee boloefb. jr 0* ublcb occaff on,tbc IDinlo fopber amufctb i tbat men being gooo, doc r&oofe to baue famf liarttte tottb men tbat are bed , to tbe in- tent tbat up tbe focietie of tbem, tbeir Vcrtue map baue encreafe, ano tbemfciues learne to become bettcr.Oje coemption of poung mew, bp notbing fo mneb acernetb, as bp tbe flcnoer refpect tbcp baue of djofc tutttj toljomc tbep 00 accompanie, foi tbat it reffen) affareolfeoatofeoubt , tbat tbe emit erample ano enconrage- mentof one title ano illtjffpofeo perfon , ljnrtctbmo;ea great De ale of tentpmes in one oapes companie beeping, tben feueu peaces enDeuouraftermarDs^naiereleafe dp ante gooo (nffruc tion . therein alfo (tie roujer refretb tmto one Secretoric, a mod pKHcipali regarotbereof to bebao, foifomucbasnot tbeconuer- fatton alone.lafccrcin be is cboifelte to be affectcD, orpenoctb tber- upon,but tbe matter alio of bis oucr tfyoto ano Dt fcreott, fcrj i»bo ftttlj not in often apparance, tbat men fimplp conceited, ano of tbetr otDncp;oper tnlltnct tier ic foeflgfuen , are mo;coffcreDife& ano conoemneo manp times.bp occafton of tbe company feberfw £q to tofitv f^m BXmttdi.' b&sttfrt ami spparmtt entll timt fn$efr ofcmt perions n &&] nbttjraelfcft broeretneb. ibcrtunrcacc: an "•■*". ^mfe of aiicommon (bcfrtie, therein nun one Uv he ,»< !»rcti)ttemareiuDgeDa0tbfpbc,bnt tn general! m i.ontng , are cner cenfurco acco:btng to tijf gobneOe 03 Uionefc of fljofc,tof 0) fcbom tbcp liue familtarlte. 3t follotoetb tbcrcfoje, that Who fowill no cuill doe , mutt doc nought that longsthereto, fo; in goo men tt is not altoapes tnougb of tbem* feluea torttinglie not to tjauc commttteD ante entU , but bee ttjat ocGrerb to be goo tnoeeD , ougbt not fo mueb as to become an oc» cation o? Dander of entll. Blf men tooulD bnt th:ougblte enter into ttjc lot igbt of tneir ellatcs , ano trnlte conflDer teitb ttjc mfcluea h>bat of outic appcrtainetb to berie reputation uioaDe , tfeep toonto not u>n ttjinfe it pnougb to be in rrjts crcmtc,o: ttjat place, o; thus conntcnanccD, o? that toafe enr ictjeo, arming the mfelues cnclictbercbptoitbbaingtatous titles, bnt there tmtbtooulDalfo bftpelte fmp?int , tbattbemlffeetoife bebooueobp certain c efpe< ctall inOgbt l;ao into tbeir otenetoapes , fotoo:Der ami Direct tbemfelues,as n> r hv Dc fcr iicbltc ft>ep mtgbt beare (be felfe fame account tobole ano bnblemlfbco , tubtcb in opinion rpep baue ra* ricb, rbe iubfeb cannot ante toapes bectoitboutin all tbeir out- foarb ano intent d actons , tipy boe bears an efpeciall etc to tip matter of tbeir ofomecreoite. 3 no trbat one thing id there in tijc iuojlb (to bim that brtr tie negrtes of vertue enbcuouretb to be ad' uaunceo) mojccbartctbentbe account anoefftmate ijao of bid name ano fame * tBffllbat one gmo mo;e creating, nap nbat life catfbemojc precious * apuebfberefine ougbt ttje rrgarbe hereof be in e!)o tec bn to our Secrctorie , a* ttjat trbicb as an action mod lingular^ bane taog cd fit to be erpofeo in ibis place bnto btm. ^itbcrtobauetoeenDeuoureDin perfon ancbebamourtofinb a man meet ano conuenientto cite purpofe hereof .wherein mp m* tent batb banc not to omit ante tbing txbf * to that place ano cab ling mf gbt anie toapes be abiubgeo neceffarie. #oto tbe circumi tfance of tbc fcpjwcabtngsleabctbtosnert to confioer of our Se- cretaries abilitie. Hn njte conaoeratfon, ft fallen) out , fljai fojafmuc&afi bui Office Office ofaSecretorie. Office art) place , call etb tym altogftbcr, o; fo;tn)e moff pact to tbe baubling of Dcepe ano toctgljtte affaires, ttbertn titass eapacftte u)all funo;ic toapes be crcrctfcD,anD Ms mits tfoougblte trpeD, ft fabaiuctbbetbereftr.c be furnifye&tDirt) Skill ani) knowledge ce* cojofnglte, ui)crcbi> tbe better to be atoapfeD,bnto tfjc o;D inane to- fa ge ^employment thereof. Co tins cnD it br fitted) tbat be bee ioell ffnOteDjCf pcciaiite in ttje Latine tongue. Ji is Itbetutfc con- uentcnttbat bereuntbait be bane a tipc ano quiche concert, apt lie to receitiCjtdiat on a fatroctt (ball be to btm DcliuercD, ano that be retatne tart nj bf mfcfe a fount) ano gcoD mc mo: te, foj Qje confer tia* tion of tbofe tfjings tbat ton to bis cbarge ft)all Daplie bee commit* tea. l^c ougbt fin t\is otone furniture ano tnOruction to bee a man not al togt rrjee tonerperienceD 3 tu be tuc!i Eanguageo,to bee fumcf < entlte reao in Hiftories ano antiquities of times paffeo, to baue notice boib bpreaoing anoconference,of tbe fituatfonSj euttoms, mancr 3 t conott t c n s of men ,ctt ics,countr ics, f common weals, to banc famfliariticwftb ft rangers, ano men of Diners nations, toterebp tbe better to bee afcertaincD of foe (r bumours, btbaur- ours,ano Dti'pofirions: ano toffelte to tooibe tonto bf mfcife a peem liar in fight into tbeir clIatcs,counfcIs ano fur if Dictions , bating tncrcumljaU marie tbat fbis alloc tat ion wftbfurbhuiD of people, too; rc not unto bhnfclfc, o'; tbe affaires w)crcwitb be fljali bee crcDitcD an fe matter of piciuDice. $ota> is it a matter often feencano in common tofe aim oS to be founo, tbat a great manp of men otbertoife Dtfcreetclearnco, tt* pcricnceD,ano fo; nxfr feueral callings qneOionleffe of toerpgcoo oclt ucr ie,ano ener p map to be Dtrmc D f nfficien t , fome alfo njat in tbe Greeke aiio Latine tongues are toer it mell 0udieo 3 ano are alfo toitb tbe tofe of foiraine languages lauoablie InDueo, tbat not* tottbtt anotng bane not in tbemfelucs tbe facultie ano tofe of weft* to:itincr,no: can o;Derlp, $ top on a fuDDen lap Down fcf tbout murfj aDoe.rjio tbat manp times alfo in toerp p;cpoiler ous mancr fcben it is bone , wljat toanie crtrao?Dfnaciepurpofe feemctto to bee thought nut re ano conucn lent. s>ome againe in tab o me fi)t re is leffe Skill, greater Ignorance of learneDhnotoleoge, ano farce meaner application cueriewaie, mrreremitbtobeecnableD wttb ©qi fufftcicncp j 2$ Of the partes,pJacc and fufftcfenep, fjaue ncaertbeleffc a Conccipc fo rife, ano arc fn wit fo prompt ano capable of an? tfjtng laloc bcfo:c if cm, as by mo bp tljere toantetb not (t bougb m trntb tobc n tbcp baue Done, tt>cp cannot learneolpanfmerefojit) neitber ir.uention no; imitation, tojeretolnj m feer p commenoabtc fo:t t o per f o:mc totja; t^ctn fee- met I; goob,on a fooafne to oeliuer in Imf ting. Wat fljouloc be tbe caufe bercof ,3 cannot elfe Dflmtr , but on< lie a mare inffina of j^ature ,toljo feuerallie pouretti tjcr gifted m tbefr creation bntocurrfeone, ubcreunto otbers (crempteo from tbaf p?opo?rion)ooe feloome bp ante Art 05 Studie read) bnto, pet is Excrcife no Ooubt tn tbofe ttjat baue anp fauour of learning, hereunto a great furtherance : 15at be rbat in ttjts place mutt bee applpeo,bom learneo fo ener be bre, mnft a little giue place bnto fjfe *>£booles , ano frame bte penne ano o?Oer of p:aettfc to pnrfue (bat fo: me of tojit mg, tobl * plainett meaning ano apteS fpcecbjba tb in common oclf uctte, n> tnoeuour thereof borne &if- ftcntt the fame brill bee to one beetngrifein Dtfcourfe, mp fclfc banc l?aa fsme p?iuate f eflff monie , notir ifbff anoing Wt ano com rtnuall $:act(fc 3 fcnoUje,te Qat totyt\) tn time ouermaiffretb all $tngs. Co tbe beannfpmgtben of fbte part of oar Secrctoric , ft is n&Dfun tbat be be fomc tobat therein apoeo ano fbrtberr D bp Na- turc,to tbe intent bis innention to enerp feneral occaGon, map be tbe wweeafie ano p;joper,anotbattottbout anp often blurring 0; rntcrlmtng tobleb commonlte bappenetb to tbofc, in idiom long 0uoie fcctnrf!) fo barolv to bcto out tbefr labours, as if bp a man* nee 0? fetnoe of mfojcement,rbe fame from a bar d r ocr mere bio* lentlp fo be Djafone fo: tb ano carte 0, tobfeb Bluntneffc , as 3} mate tearmeft,of Conccite,ts not tntbw part of feruicetn ante toffe to be aOmftteo.$ef tber am 3 fo; all fbts ignojantjbotu manffololuj tt often befalletb bnto of ucrfc tbe rraoteff tomes, tbat atfome one time mo.:c then at anotber, tbepbaneletTeabflttie, anomurb barber is tbefc oelfuerfe a great Orale, in matters erqulGre to be perfonneo, tben bfnaUfe oihcrtotfc id bp ojofnarfe frf all bnto tbemaccuffomeb:tbe occaGon s tobcrcof map be Ofucrs, tobcrebp ftw fen ecs arc man te map es oullco , as bp t© mwfc repletion of meatc* Office ofa Secretory, tfj me at cs ant) ortnfcca crccluuelte raUcn,bp too gre^t tTu&fc ano of- ten muftng,o;iutng tt»crbp into a mclanrtjolie paiTiou,bp motions too tntemperat, happening onto tbe minD:ano 6iul!p,t)pon fun* line otto rtuffincts ano occafions,tobteb 3 ccafc te remember, all toljirt) being ofifenGue as tbepare, tonto tljc ncceffarie regaroc of n)fc bat Sccretoiies attenbance , ft ttanocfi) bfm greatlptopon bp all poOWe meancs to repine tt)cm,to tbc eno tbat bis totttes be* f ng as mt re as bp cnoeuour can be compau"cD,altoatcs in one felf Gate ano rcaoinffe , be mate not in times fuooenlte requiring ef> fectual ano pjefcntDtfpatebjappcareanp mates otffurni(ty:D, of tbat Ix^tcti at bis banceSjis ano mull of neeeffttte in tbis place bee required. Jt is not tb?n learning alone(as pou fee) tbat is able to make a man meet to tbis htno of p:actife ano (fuop, but naturallte to be befiDeSinOueObotbU)ttbvvit,vnderrtanding,anO memory td}CCCbp to leao ano eonueie tbofc necedarie euents , tijat in tbis 'place are DailietobefrequmteD, anotberetotfbtobauellfcetoife care ano regard, toifc rnoocO ano Difcreet maners ana bebaufours to pit- ferue anD feerpc tbe fame fo;ces,t4)t cebp be map be the more rea# Dtlie p?outoeb(as 31 fato bcfoie) fo: all times ano pttrpofes . j£c< uer tbeleU'cboto muctj needful it is to tbat place mo?e rtjr n o:Dina' rf lie to bee learneD, pea toftb tbe great eft abtlitie ano perfection (if ft toercpoffible) tobecalfo eucrte mate aoo:nc&3 bane a(rea# die fufflcientlte tato 00 tone ocfoje banoe , ano fl til do pzopofc (be toaigbttbereofjasarefpeaamongff ottjtrsto be moftcfpeciallte imbjaced. 3fn tbis maner baue me bp fandjfe degras cnocuoureo fc leao along onr Secretory tmfo \)ii appointed Place ano Office jtrbcre' in toe baue firQ dtfeour fed large lie of tbe function bee bcarctb,re' fpeetiuclietoucr)ingbisferuice:nert to frame tym botbin Pcr- fon, Birth , Education, Qualitie, Difpofition, Conucrfatior),anD Abi- litie , aman mcete foj tbat purpofe.3t noto reffetb ,tbat as the 8* nail Determination of (bis labour toe or It tier unto bi m bi office. flDftbfs n)en tbe part efpectall ano intendment moltpjincipaD, eonttffefb,(as up erperfence is found) in tbe fefe ano crerclfe of tbe Pen,t&e Wit ano Inueotion togeu)ers , Ebe abtlitte (b cractlie be» Q, q 3. fo)t $3 ^ Of the parts,place and fine require*) , ano DifcourfeD upon , is Occctn notoc to be put in pjactife. 2Co ttje ereeurionof ibis orttce,it isrequffite a> Secreto- ry, be foj tbe perfection of bis bane, in tbe uarietie ang neat cell' ucrie of bis letters in Uniting, fingularlie to be commence o.fbat be baue imttj bimfelfe alto tbe rein aticrie reaoie Ufc,quicBe , ano fpeeoteconuepance foi Difpatcb, ttjat maritte be giue b«De to ob> ferae tbe o2Der,mctboOe ano fo;me to bim from bis llo:o 03 ma* Iter Deliuereo : fo?afmucb as in charge bcreof be is utter lie to reitnqntu) ante affectation to i)is oton Doings , 0: leaning be rein roaniepnuatetuDgenunto;: fantaGe. l^tspcn in tbfs action is not bis clone , but anotbers, ano fo; ttjis caufe tfce matter to bnn com mitteo are to Depcno upon tbe bumo: of bis commonoer,ano not Upon bis oton 02 anp others Directions . hereof in be ereeeoinglp to becom fraDious,anD a jealous imi- tate; in all tbinges, to toe intent tbat bnotuing tbe effects of bis 31 02D, urt ft; ui? a t ends ano parpofes u>p are carieD , f unto abac fojme anu manor of touting be is fpecialiic aDDiere'o , be map tbe moje eafflie ana toitb better contentment Difdjarge tbat part of bis ferulec,fcbcrein bj? continual! oecarrents be u)all baue oread' onDailptobc implofcD. !£e is in performance of tbis cbarge , to bee a man foatcbfnfl , &iltgent,carcfun 3 mDuflrious, not ciaen to e a fc,to anoio all occa« fions of Qoutb,to tbe eno,(as 3D faiD befojejbp continuall crercife of ^is mit0,to retain ^ts fpirits ap t, t his memo:? f reflj.^o: Id Ic- nes of it felfe is tbe proper nonrllbment of manic otber e 111 ls,tnc binoercr of cart; g©D purpofe,anu tbe Defojmeo monffer of al t>u* maim erercifes. iS&lfy left Mlencffe attaebetb tbe booie , it giuetb fcope to tti njougbts, occafione :b Did empcr , mafcetb UntoelDic to labour, .teccDrtt) itoeari fomncs of Uertuous erercifes, enttfetb to Uanitics,co;ruptetb toitb pleafHces,anD fecoert) a man luitb trifles 31f njerefoje tberc u)all bee ante time vacant of affaires unto our Secretory ,(as all fcafons are not alifee trbcretn flill to be oecupieD) tbe fame (ball be Denife,eitber in pleafant recreation to bee fpent oj in Ante otber boncft erercife 03 ffuoie , uberein fcbatfoeaer (0 not improper Unto a gentleman, u)all be to bim in fpcciall eboife ano as anaction fitted of all otrjers to be reeeUieo. Officcofa Scrctory. jit I£ts office (sUfecfoffc to entcrtaine all maner of filters fonto fcfs &o:o,to conci me ano tonoerfiano of tbeie feaerali occafions,arto bofcu mucb 02 bo'u; lit tle,tbt p o; ante of tijem 00 impo2t,to nnf tuec fbc bifpatcb of $c great eft unit) as mnclj facilitte as be map, ano tyofeof leffe moment toitboi ft return to remmue, ana put bacfee, to flje enoe tbe toalltes ano paffages of fttsiLojDc be not tof tfj ttje toame ano friuolous Demeanors of fono people too often encum» b:eo. iscongbtalfo tobaucttgaroto times ano places conuen tent therein to manic b\& Lo.:Dtopon ante fpcctallo? b:gcnt eccafion, c: in telncb fjcis iopjcfcvbntobis p:cfcnceo2 bearing, rbeperfon 0: caufe of atip one . Co fee tbat t&e fame returne not offenfluc t>iiro bis pjfuate liKmg , ttjat tbe furtijerance hereof bee not in times tiben bee fs felt? Dtfpofco to particular fruotcs, 02 tbat be is otbertoife bufieo tn matters of eff ate 02 counfcll. £oconfioer fir II of tbe qualitte of eucrte fute , anu condition of nje parrte as tteere as be mate be tnfo?meD,ere be take Upon rjim to acquaint bis ilo2D toitb tbe parts tbercof ,ono accojotnglie, if be fee caufe, m ^ls otonc perfonto an f mere tbe fame •• fo: it is not feemclie bo fljouto trouble bis 3Lo2D topon eucrte If gb t 0? ill befeemmg fuggc* Cf on.£o be circumfpect in tbe Difpatcb of euerie tbtng to bun oc> MoercD,ano in matters of foci grjt ano rbarge,to be alfo pjouioent ano marp,baeofuHp mtenotng to tbe fafc oifpofing of nbatfoeuer requtOte , from tbe epes 0: hnetoleoge of ante otrjcr , hereunto none fo m neb as bimfelfe oug'jt to become p:lut\ foe is Ithetutfe to auoio all maner of Delates , ana not to accu- ffome bimfelfe m anptoife unto negligcncc/02 tbat tbe fcfe bcre* of inouerflippingof fmalt trifles, inbueetb manic times, top;e* termit ttjmgs of larger ctreumftanee , ano of farre greater mo* men t. it ttonoctb bf m upon in nje erercife of W office to bee at* tuaiec as nacre ano as reaote as map be e,in \)is o:Dinarte at ten- banee, fo; fo tit neb as being t>pon a fuooeu to bee bfeo, it is need* fufl be be altoaies at bano, arts is mtenoco tbat \)i& abfence can* not tbercfo:c ante longtime be fpare o.3m conclnfiou , it i» met* ted in all tbtngs , ttjat fo far f o:tb be bee aODieteD bnto bt piefcn t ferutce,as tbat in refpecttbsreof bee become tottcrlie fequeffreD from aUpjtaoictsgaroccj affection of amending, Jounofng fo j 3 2 O f the parts,place and fcis a'jotK appetite, jf inallie.bctng a man faao.2e& o: enff telle re* pnteo of tn Irs office, be emap not fo; ante ft icnt>C^f p. cojr option o: gaine tnjatfceuer,bp ante Qniaer pjacttfc, colour, oj meancs, go about to abufe lijc countenance ano crcoftc to t)t m gi uen, bp t)t0 ilojo 02 maifter,no: couertlte rrjcrebp fuggeu\02 tnfoitne anp fl)ing,&bcrctoirb ttje gaso opinion of t)(mfelfc mapaftcrtBatos be &ajarDCD ? Q! bp rrje grannt 02 ailcnt of rjisllo2D ttjr reunto gfucn, ttjece mate iwQ caufeacrue,fefjercbp trjeccafter a great oeale teffe fjc map osfcrue to be trufteD. 3n tt)f fc particularities tjaue 31 at lad concluoeo, \ bjougbt to cnoe tbc fum of al! mp foimr r traueli % be Secretory is notoeac complt$eD.| bp all refpertes , circumstances , ano trtDuccmcnts trjat mate bee , cenftr mco boti) in per fon ano office : mart) baue 3 to require of t&e generall perufcrs bereof , tbat 3 bee not ante tuapec tycreirt mlflahen , fo* tbat affmg fmimbiatelfe to tije publtque notice of ail, tbereis nocoubt but tbc tier ic parties lar it tc0tbereof 5 a)allfpccot lie be ti;eretDtrbcenfurcD of all. a3p requeft is, tbattbcfKilfullano beft crpertcncco, toill of tbelr ouine gooo conDftions , not oljcrtoifc mifoeeme thereof ttjen tebat in equal! truettj mate bee tmtotbemtenDcreo, nc:rbat tbe tof fe ano Dlfcteettte mtnoeo mill bane ott> r coucetpt of mctrjrn as nip toeafte abllitte fougrjt rjeeetn at trjeir Ijanos to Ijaue at t&e fir ft Defer ucd. ^oucrjinganpotbrrsleffcabletofpcaUc 02 giue fenfence in tfje caufe , as mp mill ano oefirc ts,fauourabIie to be regaroeo of flje tu)ole in generall , fo if ante one mo:c of felfe-ltfcing tfte n of Skill,toill eifber carpe at, 0: per empto: (lie rttect tljc labour bp me DnDCttaben,let liirn 8rS confioer tnitfj l}tmfc'fc,rjoU) muct) rafter it is to finDc fault tofti) atrjtng bp another alreaoiefiniujeo ano Done, tt>n fojbfmfclfc bp pjfaate cnocuour to aeeomplift) Qje UHe fo ft>all rje fino,tbat men at all tunes fee not into alt things at onee : ano in pjoofe bereof become aCurei , tyat licc,as 3 fljall fcone r in the performance of ante labo: , make our felues obiects of euerp common opmicn,tbnitotflj furb account to Delfucr out trancls, as trjatmemapffanoafcerfatneDoftljetritxuioeferts, njat u#p map be pleafmg to all men. flno OfficcofaSccrctoxic. 8no fojafmucfc a0 it reff ettj yet a tbtng Doubt full, &oU> tocF. 05 rutll ,f ill tije perufing trjf e llcnocr irifie of mine map of all fortes bcmcafnrco,3totllmtt;cmcanct(mc(a0 manic oOarrsbifojc me bane cone) arTte my fclfein ujebope arm expectation of ttje bed : <25lao if in t&e conusance hereof, tfcere map bpmp toil' ling enoeuonr , art re ante pleafure 0,: p?crttc to ante, itfwfc being n>e intention of me (bite oefireo, B! paHc fooj&j ttjie (as t&e reCoue)of roe bell anoapteff fauonrcrs hereof 3 to be entertainer jjj FINIS. vf.T>. Rr. r A Table fliewing the principal mat- ters contained in the fir ft $ art of this Booke, OFEpiRIcs, the commodi- tics,andvfc thereof. pag,i What is chiefly to be relpected in framing of an Epiftle. i Of the habit and parts of an e- piftle. 8 Of certain comets generally in- cident to almancr of EpHtles.i i Diuers orders of Grectinges, farcwels and fubferiptions, 1 3 OfSupcrfcriptions and Direc- tions. 1 7 TheDiuifions of Letters , and vnder what titles al! forts of epi- fllcs arc contained. 10 Ofeptfllesmeerly Defcrtptory, & thepArts thereof. 23 An example of a Letter Do fcriptorie,whcrcin is particularly defcribed an ancient Citie, 24 An other example wherein the State of a countrey is folic defcri* bed. j 6 An example wherein the death of a noble man is only defcribed 2-1 OfSpiftles Laudatory and vituperatory. 33 An example ofa Laudatory e- piftlcfblie touching the perlon. 35 An example ©fan Epiftle Vi- tuperatoric concerning alfo the perfbn. 42, Ofepijlles D either atiue, 4. 6 An example of an Epiftle ex- hortatory to the attaining of vcr- tue, 50 OfEpifiles Refponforj. 5 3 An example Reiponfory to the laft epiltle before remebred. 5^4 An example ofan epiflle Hor- taroricto the ftudie of learning. An ether example Hortatorie wherein an honourable Gentle- man is egged fbrwardes to the profclbion ofarmes. /8 An example S wafcry, wherein a Gentlewoman is counfellcdto marine-. Kr 6z Another The TMe. Another example ofan cplftle S waforie,perfwading the carefull acceptance and regarde of one brother to another. 6 £ OfSptfiles Debortatory, andd/Jfivafbry. 67 An example of an Epiftle De- hortatorie,whcrein a Noble gen- tleman is dehorted from infidcli- tie or rebellion, 7 1 An example ofaD;(Twaforie Epiftle wherein one isdiflwaded from fruitlefTe vanities, to more learned and profitable ftudies.76 An other example Diflwafory wherin the party is by diuers rea- fons diffwaded from cntring into an action in apparancc daunge- rous, 79 OfEpiftles conciliatory. 8 3 An Epiftle conciliatory, writ- ten from one of good accompt tohisinferiour. 84 An example Conciliatory fro one c quail to another. ead. An Epiftle Refponfory,anfwe- ring the fit ft of thefe letters. 8 6 A Letter Rcfponfory anfvvc- ring the latter Epiftle. ead. Ofefiftles Reconciliatory, S-y An example Rcconciliatorie, from one friend to another, ead. An Epiftle Reconciliatory fro aninferiourperfon to his better, s 9 Ofepifilet Vet'ito*"*. p An example ofan Epiftle Pe- titory Xa a caufe indifferent 93 An example Petitory , in the nature of a reconciliatory from a fon to his dtfplcafcd father. p4 An Epiftle Petitorie , wherein iscraued trauelland counfellto be afsiftant vpon vrgent occafion 96 Another cfthe fame. gj A Letter Refponforie to the fame. end. An example Petitorie, conclu- ding a briefc requeft , and curtc- ous remembrance of a thing be- fore promifed. gp An other example of the like effea, c*d. ■ OfEptftlcs Commendatory, too An example Commendatorie, wherin is. recommended to a no- ble man from his inferiour , the conditions and behauiours of a perfon. 102 A Letter Refponforie to the fame. cad. Another epiflle Commend a* torieofthefbrt before deliuered. 107, An example Commendatory from a noble rrran to his interior, wherein one is recommended to an office, 1 04 An Epiflle Commendatorie, from a noble man in preferment of The Table. of his fcruant. ioy Another example wherein is recommended the caufe & fpec- diefir.thcnnec ofiuflice. 1 06 An cx3mp!eRefponfory,whep in is denied, whatin thcformoft directions was recomended. 1 07 Another Letter Refponforie, wherin confenc and allowance is giue to the matter required. 1 o 8 The third Epiftlc Refponforie, wherein is doubfullie allowed, what to the fame was recommen ded 1 09 A letter Commendatorie plea- fe'ntly conceited m preferring an vnprofiiable feruant. 110 OfEptfllcs Confola tone. 112 An example Confolatorie of the firfl fort, wherein a Gentle- woman is comforted ofthedeath ofherfonne. 114 An Epiftle Confolatorie of the fame,wherein one is comforted in cafe of hard cxtemitic. t i 7 A Confolatorie epirtle cf the third fort, wherein a Gentlewo- man is comforted of the death of her husbad'flain in the wars. 1 j 9 An example confolatory plea- fauntly written to one who had buried his oW wife. 12/ A Letter refjbon.'brieto-r>e con- j lette. ■ ferred to an Eptflle confolatorie. 127 OfEpi files Monitorie and Reprehenforie. An example Monitorie concer- ning a flaied and well goucrned life. 131 An other Epiftle Monitorie, touching the reformation of a co* uetouslifc. 134 AnEpiftle Reprehenforie to a father touching the lewdeandill demeanour of his fonne. r 3 6 An example Reprehenforie, wherein a man of wealth fuffici- ent is reprehended, for marriage of his daughter to the riches ot an old wealthie mifer. 138 An cpiftle Reprehenforie , to a young Gentleman. 141 OfSptftles Anuttorie, 1+3 An example of an Epirtle for theentreatie of the firft good vvil. An other example to that pur - pofe. 146 An anf sere to the firft ofthefe Epiftlcs. ezdem A replic to the fame anfvvere. "47 An anfwerc vnto the fecond 148 TheTahtecftkefeccndptrt of this Booke, OfEptfllcs Indie tall, pag. 1 1 icdturall. 1 1 1C c- i AN example of an epiftlc Ac- j An example Excufatorieretur- cufatoiic in the ftatc con* I ned to the effects of this Conicc- Rr3 turall The Trite. turall Epiftle. 6 An example Purgatorie^ from the parti e chalenged, in anfwere ©fthc Epiflle accufatorie before remembred. 7 An example ofan Epiftle ac- cufatorie in the ftate Iuridiciall and Conic<5tura!I, 9 A Letter Defenforic, aunfwe- ring by confutation al the objec- tions in this former Epiftle fur- mifed. 14 OfEpiftles expqflulatorie ip An example ofan Epiftle Ex- poftulatoriejtouching certain in- juries betweene two friends. 19 An anfwere Dcfenforie , vnto the effe&s of the fame epiftle, 20 A rcplie to the faide anfwere Defenforic , wherein the matter of the £pi(tle is {more firmelie maintained, 22 Afeconde anfwere to the like reafons of the Replie in further defence of the partie. 24 An example ofan epiftle Ex- poftulatoric touching vnkindnes receiued, 1 $ An example ofan epiftle Ex- poftulatory tor breach ofpromife z6 An example of an Epiftle espoftulatorie from an inferiour, Gcntleman,to his farre better in degree, authorise and calling. 2 7 An example ofan epiftle ex- probratorie touching ingratitude Kceiued. 30 An epiftle exprobratone more largelie exampled. 3 1 Of Letters inucttim . 34. An example ofan Epiftle in- ue&iue from a father to his fonnc e