KG c R.s \8G7 CATALO G-TT E OF THE Z***' 1 ** JACKSONVILLE, ILL. 1867 . SPRINGFIELD, ILL. JOHNSON & BRADFORD, PRINTERS. 1867 . In preparing the following Catalogue, the object of the society was to furnish, together with a full and complete list of its present, past and honorary mem- bers, a ready means of reference to the books of its library. The committee have spared neither time nor labor to render it as complete as possible in both these respects. Nevertheless, we fear that there yet remain some few inaccuracies, both in the residences of past members and in the class- ification of some books of a mixed character. JOSEPH A. MEEK, EDWARD A. BARBER, T. NEYIN MORRISON, SAMUEL R. HARSHMAN, ENSLEY MOORE, Sigma Pi Hall, May 22d, 18G7. Co/nmitiee. { f [ _c ^ 4 c- 1\ s \£t=“l HISTORICAL SKETCH T one of the late annual re-unions of the Sigma Pi Society, r j President Sturtevant said, in response to a toast, that of ^several attempted literary societies in Illinois College, the Sigma ))Pi was the first that succeeded in maintaining an existence. He had watched with interest the various attempts, some of which had seemed quite promising, but all had ended in failure till this , f j one came up. It had been in existence some time, he remembered, / J'' before he heard of it ; and then it moved on so quietly for a long time that he heard but little of it, and knew not whether it would live or die. But its course was different from that of others, he knew not how ; and at last, not only was its own continuance secure, but, as is usual in all Colleges, it brought into existence a younger and rival association. From that time he had no longer doubted the permanence of the literary societies of Illinois College. An early member of the society, then present, in response to a subsequent toast, gave some facts in its early history, and told why it had succeeded when others failed ; what element of power it had which they had lacked. The fol- lowing sketch of its origin will show the same : In 1840, there entered College, at the same time, but in different classes, Samuel Willard and Henry Wing. Although strangers, they became room mates and friends, and remained intimate associates afterward, when rooming with members of their respective classes. Some new currents of thought pre- vailing at that time in the Institution, the rooms of these two became the cen- ters of the spontaneous conversational gatherings of members of the classes of ’42, ’43, ’44, 45 and 46, wherein topics of literature, philosophy, theology and other grave matters of which students delight to talk, were discussed. These gatherings were very pleasant to all who had a share in them. Perhaps they interfered sometimes with the Greek and Mathematics of the earlier years of the course, but in turn they gave a greater value to the more reflective studies of the later years, and assured for them a closer attention and a better com- prehension. There was at that time no students’ society in College but the Debating or Philologian Society, which was open to all. The two above named, in common with several others, desired the formation of a literary society with other aims than the mere discussion of debatable subjects. Of the possibility of organizing l and maintaining such a society they felt assured by the interest of the frequent 8U 4 : CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. gatherings of “ friends in council ” in their rooms ; and in the winter of 1842-43 they determined to begin their effort. Before communicating their plans to any, they ascertained in conversation that they could secure prompt seconding from a sufficient number ; they then drew up a constitution. The first person to whom they presented their plans was William Henry Milburn, since known as “ the blind preacher,” who was then a student in College and a fre- quent member of the conversational circles. They saw that UNITY was the first requisite for success — not unity of opinion, but unity of interest. All pre- vious societies had been formed in mass meetings of students; and whoso chose entered the organization, which soon fell to pieces from the magnitude, diversity and indifference of its membership ; hence these two determined to adopt the opposite plan, begin with a few, and increase the numbers. When they were ready, Willard notified those who were accustomed to gather in their conversational circles, and a few others, to meet one Saturday afternoon in Wing’s room; and to that meeting of ten or twelve they opened their plans and views, and offered their constitution as a basis of action, for discussion, amendment, reference, or adoption, as might seem best. The “ few others ” spoken of above were invited in because of their expressed interest in the promotion of such a societv, toward which some of them had already moved, and it was desired to bring their strength into the movement, while it was hoped that they would readily coalesce with those now acting. The pro- posed constitution contained a provision for the election of new members by ballot, a majority of two-thirds being required for an election. This the major- ity were well pleased with; but two or three of the “few others” opposed it strenuously as aristocratic, ungenerous and odious, and demanded that the society be formed with open doors in mass meeting. The constitution was referred to a committee, another meeting was appointed, and the Secretary directed to invite in certain others named. Before the next meeting the matter was bruited about and represented to many in quite an unfavorable light, and the meeting proved a discordant one. The friends of the close ballot prevailed, but on account of the opposition determined to postpone the organization, and let the others try their plan, if they would. They did nothing ; and near the close of the term, just before the graduation of the class of 1843, the friends of the movement took up the paper originally presented by Willard and Wing, adopted it as their constitution, and thus organized the Sigma Pi Society. None of the class of 1843 were included in the society, as they were about to leave, and thus T. K. Beecher, Bateman and Willard, although in the original movement, were not at first members. The existence of the society was at first kept secret. Next term Beecher, Bateman and others were elected honorary members, Willard, remaining at College as tutor, became an acting member; and of the students, such were elected as would bring strength to the society. Increase of numbers was not regarded so much as devotion to the literary and philosophic purposes of the organization. When its existence was no longer held secret, the society was too strong to be attacked, and membership was too much of an honor to be declined. For some months no name was selected for the society. While this matter K was under consideration, Lewis said in conversation with Willard that the CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 5 objects of the society, which its name should suggest to its members, were to his mind these two : Union and progress. Willard selected two correspond- ing'Greek words, 'Lvaraai- kcu UpoKony, and presenting them with Lewis’ sug- gestion at the next meeting proposed that their initials be taken for the name of the society ; the suggestion pleased all, and the name was adopted. About the same time Wing proposed that the society adopt as its motto the Hebrew sentence, from the history of the creation, in Genesis, “ ^ ^ ?)*}'' — “Let there be light,”— and this also was adopted. Thus was born and named the Sigma Pi Society of Illinois College, to enter upon its career of Progress in Union and for the spread of Light. Its latter history is spread upon its records, and dwells in the memories of the successive bearers of its standard and of its worthy name. ) Since the old Catalogue was issued the society has increased greatly in num- ) bers ; many valuable works have been added to the library ; the hall has been ] well refurnished, and an elegant portrait of President Sturtevant, by Healy, of Chicago, placed over the rostrum. The “Roll of Honor” speaks for itself, j Proud of its past, most prosperous in the present, the old Sigma Pi looks | hopefully forward to its future. ! (' FOUIBEKS OF THE SIMA PI SOCIETY, j | ) ! 1 j PROF. NEWTON BATEMAN, M. A., L. L. D. ( REV. THOS. K. BEECHER. j REV. WILLIAM E. CATLIN. WILLIAM C. GOUDY, M. A. ( REV. GEORGE W. HARLAN, M. A. j REV. WILLIAM IRELAND, M. A. j BARBOUR LEWIS, ESQ. J HENRY M. LYONS, M. A., M. D. JOHN B. SHAW, M. A. f j * JOSEPH L. THAYER. [ CHARLES H. TILLSON, ESQ. { JOHN TILLSON, ESQ. [ I SAMUEL WILLARD, M. A., M. D. ( ) HENRY WING, M. A., M. D. HOIOKAKY MEMBEffiS. REV. CHAS. ADAMS, D. D., President, Jacksonville. PROF. SAMUEL ADAMS, M. A.. M. D., Jacksonville. MARSHALL P. AYRES, ESQ,, Jacksonville. REV. SAMUEL C. BARTLETT, Chicago. PROF. NEWTON BATEMAN, M. A., L. L. D., Springfield. HON. EDWARD BATES, St. Louis. REV. THOMAS K. BEECHER, Elmira, N. Y. HON. JAMES BERDAN, Jacksonville. *HON. WILLIAM H. BISSEL. Springfield. REV. JOHN H. BROWN. D. D., Springfield. HON. WILLIAM BROWN, Jacksonville. WILLIAM COFFIN, M. A., Batavia. REV. N. P. COLTRINE. PROF. RUFUS C. CRAMPTON, M. A., Jacksonville. PROF. WILLIAM DOD, M. A., L. L. D., Jacksonville. REV. JOHN V. DODGE, Springfield. *HON. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, Chicago. HON. HENRY E. DUMMER, Jacksonville. SIDNEY DYER, ESQ,, Indiana. PROF. RICHARD EDWARDS, L. L. D., Normal. E. R. ELLIOTT, ESQ., M. A., M. D., Jacksonville. REV. SAMUEL B. FAIRBANK, M. A., Ahmednuggttr, India. HON. J. F. FARNSWORTH. Chicago. REV. WILLIAM G. GALLAKER, Jacksonville. REV. LIVINGSTON M. GLOVER, D. D„ Jacksonville. REV. L. GROSVERNOR. REV. MASON GROSVERNOR, Hudson, O. REV. D. H. HAMILTON, D. D., Jacksonville. REV. EDWIN JOHNSON, Bangor, Me. HIRAM K. JONES, M. A., M. D„ Jacksonville. *REV. WILLIAM KIRBY, Jacksonville. *HON. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Springfield. PROF. JOHN H. LOOMIS, M. A., Jacksonville. *HON. OWEN LOVE JOY, Princeton. H. B. McCLURE, ESQ., Jacksonville. ANDREW McFARLAND, M. D., Jacksonville. REV. CHARLES MARSHALL, JOSHUA MOORE, ESQ., Jacksonville. REV. T. N. MORRISON, D. D., Jacksonville. HON. JESSE O. NORTON. PROF. RUFUS NUTTING, JR., M. A., Indianapolis, Ind. THOMAS OFFICER, ESQ., Council Bluff's, Iowa. REV. T. M. POST, D. D., St. Louis, Mo. JOSEPH C. PICKARD. M. A., Madison, Wis. REV. N. L. RICE, D. D., New York. *REV. W. S. RUSSELL, Jacksonville. PROF. WILLIAM D. SANDERS, M. A., D. D., Jacksonville. • f DAVID A. SMITH, ESQ., Jacksonville. *HON. S. LISLE SMITH. *REV. WILLIAM H. STARR. JULIAN M. STURTEVANT, D. D., President, Jacksonville. HON. LYMAN TRUMBULL, Chicago. REV. HENRY M. TUPPER, M. A., Waverly. PROF. J. B. TURNER, M. A., Jacksonville. ELIZUR WOLCOTT, ESQ., Jacksonville. HON.MOHN WOOD, Quincy. HON.' RICHARD YATES, L. L. D., Jacksonville. ALUMII CLASS 'OF 1843. Samuel Willard, M. A., M. D Springfield. CLASS OF 1844, Hiramus K. Jones, M. A., M. D., 6 Jacksonville. Carolus H. Tillson, M. A., w St. Louis, Mo. Henricus Wing, M. A., M. D Collinsville. CLASS OF 1845. Eliphalet Wicks Blatchford Chicago. Gulielmus Chauncaeus Carter Jacksonville. Gulielmus Edvinus Catlin Rev Jacksonville. Henricus Tallmadge Collins, M. A Jacksonville. Gulielmus C. Goudy, M. A Chicago. Gulielmus Ireland Rev., M. A Zulu, South Africa. Barbour Lewis Memphis, Tenn. Henricus M. Lyons, M. A., M. D. Col. Med. Nov. Ebor. .Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Rensselaer Winchell Rev., M. A., u Boston, Mass. CLASS OF 1846. Georgius Gulielmus Harlan Rev., M. A Cape Girardeau, Mo. Johannes B. Shaw, M. A., 6 Texas. CLASS OF 1847. Augustus Edvinus Ayers Jacksonville. Gulielmus Bishop Rev., M. A., 6 Saline, Ka. Cyrus Epler Jacksonville. Fredericus Salmon Giddings Quincy. *Philippus Henricus Ireland Andover, Mass. CLASS OF 1848. *David Craig Levi Parsons Crawford Rev., M. A Gulielmus Strawn Rev., M. A Woodville, Mo. Sandwich. New Michigan. CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 9 CLASS OF 1849. Phineas W. Crawford Dubuque, Iowa. Edvardus F. Doane Rev Ebon, Micronesia. Alfredus L. Harrington Rey., M. A., w Tonica. Gustavus H. Thayer Rev Waverly. Jacobus H. Williams, M. A., M. D Washington. CLASS OF 1850. *Edvardus Ruggles Rev., M. A., d Nettle Creek. CLASS OF 1851. *Spooner Ruggles, u - . . .Jacksonville. *Abrahamus Yanstavoren Rev Warsaw. CLASS OF 1852. Jacobus J. A. T. Dixon Rev., M. A Metamora. *Thomas W. Smith, M. A Jacksonville. Henricus Stryker, M. A Jacksonville. Robertus M. Tunnel Springfield. CLASS OF 1853. Eli C. Fisk Rev., M. A Havana. Stephanus A. Merrill, M. D Astora. Antonius W. Sydnor, M. A., M. D Troy, Mo. CLASS OF 1854. Robertus Hamilton Bishop Saline, Ka. Alfredus N. Denny Rev., M. A Mason. Cumberlandus Geo. Jones, M. A Troy, Mo. Edvardus Payson Kirby Jacksonville. Inglis Laurie Rev Morgan County. Daniel Belnap Nash Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Jacobus Grey Roberts Rev Jacksonville. J ulianus Munson Sturtevant, Jr., Rev., M. A Hannibal, Mo. Johannes Gore, B. S Quincy. CLASS OF 1855. Georgius Clemens Noyes Rev., M. A., ri La Porte, Indiana. CLASS OF 1856. Francis Van Leven Eno, M. A Jacksonville. Robertus Leeper McCord Rev Lincoln. Gulielmus Jarvis Gregg Nutting Rev., w Unadilla, Mich. Jacobus Warren Sturtevant, M. A., d Hannibal, Mo. Gulielmus Winter Sewall, B. S Virden. 2 — ) 10 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. CLASS OF 1857. Nathanael Gulielmus Branson Petersburg. Stephanus Reid Capps, M. A Jacksonville. Johannes Barnard Fairbank, Jr., Rev., M. A More, Wis. Gulielmus Henricus Gibbs, M. A Bloomington. Carolus Deal Kerr .White Cloud, Minn. Jacobus McLaughlin Rey Red Bluffs, Cal. Gulielmus M. Potts.. White Hall. Jacobus Shaw Mt. Carroll. Edvardus Allen Tanner, Prof. M. A., 6.3 Jacksonville. Rodolphus Kibbe Turner, u. Quincy. CLASS OF 1858. Johannes W. Miller Rey Harrison W. Ardery, B. S Fairfield. Jacobus Cyrus Ayers, B. S La Salle. Gulielmus Franklinus Epler, B. S Carson City, Nev. Ter. ^Johannes Andreas Moore, B. S Granville. Georgius Woodward Rouse, B. S .Metamora. CLASS OF 1859. Johannes Milton Eaman Lodi, Michigan. Edvardus Best Eno St. Louis, Mo. Gulielmus Gill Rev Virginia. Lyman Coleman Reed, u New Orleans, La. Georgius Lewis Roberts Rev Hillsboro.’ Richmond Wolcott, Law Springfield. *Henricus Nichols Estabrook, B. S Atlanta. Samuel Thomas Gaty, B. S St. Charles, Mo. Daniel Webster Tindall, B. S Morgan County. CLASS OF 1860. Franklinus Adams, « Bridgeport, Ohio. J ohannes Abbot Ballard N e vada. Robertus Harrison Bulkley 6. Chicago. David Brainard Smith Jacksonville. Johannes Allen Smith Jacksonville. Gulielmus Henricus Turner, B. S Jacksonville. Johannes B. Turner, Jr Jacksonville. CLASS OF 1861. Samuel S. Hamilton Woodburn. Henricus McClure Post St. Louis, Mo. *Michael Saunderson, u Jacksonville. Julius Emerson Strawn Grass Plains. Nathaniel L. Whipple Alton. CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 11 Jacobus Gulielmus Craig, B. S Morgan County. Johannes D. Fry, B. S Morgan County. Hardin Green Keplinger, B. S Franklin. Stephanus Brown Littell, B. S Jersey Row. J. M. Lansden Marrow-bone. CLASS OF 1862. Gulielmus E. Capps Jacksonville. Gulielmus Green Gallaher, M. A Jacksonville. Joshua Platt Garlick Oregon. Norman Smith Hitchcock Boonesboro, Iowa. *Gulielmus Cuthbert Oliver Marine. Thomas J. Pitner Arenzville. CLASS OF 1864. Gulielmus Henricus Atkinson Blooomington. Jacobus Franklinus Curts, B. S Franklin. Gulielmus Alonzo Cutler Rev Chicago. Ferdinandus West Dickinson Griggsville. ^Gulielmus Thomas Masters, w Murraysville. Johannes Thomas McClung Hennepin. Martin V. B. Parker Lee Summit, Mo. CLASS OF 1865. Truman Orville Douglas, « Platteville, Wis. David King Rev., Jr., B. S New Berlin. Hiramus Boyd Metcalf, B. S Jacksonville. Carolus Authur Turner, Q Jacksonville. CLASS OF 1866. Oliver Scott Green, B. S Jacksonville. Jacobus Dinmiddie Masters, B. S Murraysville. CLASS OF 1867. Edvardus Dunn. Jacksonville. Johannes Martin Holmes Hillsborough. Ebenezer Mason Jacksonville. Johannes Gilham Morrison . . .Jacksonville. INITIATE© MEMBERS S842-3, Catlin, William E. Rev., x Goudy, William C., Law., v Harlan, George W. Rev., Ireland, William Rev Lewis, Barbour, Law., v.a.U Lyons, Henry M., M. D., 7r.n Shaw, John B., Law., o-.II *Thayer, Joseph L Tillson, Charles LI., Law., n Tillson, John, Law Wing, Henry, M. D !§43»4 Blatchford, Eliphalet W. Carter, William C Hand, Augustus F., M. D.. . Henry, James LI. Rev ^‘Ireland, Philip, x- v Jones, Hiram K., M. D Metcalf, L. S., M. D., v Willard, Samuel, M. D., v.TL WlNCHELL, RENSSELEAR REV., X- .Camp Point. .Chicago. .Cape Girardeau, Mo. .Zulu Mission, Africa. .Memphis, Tenn. .Cedar Rapids, Iowa, . Texas. .Chatham. .St. Louis, Mo. .Quincy. .Collinsville. .Chicago. .Jacksonville. . Morris. .New York. .Andover, Mass. .Jacksonville. .Alton. . Springfield. .Boston, Mass. 1844-5. Ayers, Augustus E., v.x Bishop, William Rev Collins, LIenry T Epler, Cyrus Hon., Law., Giddings, Frederick S., Law., a Hill, J. Newton Lippincott, Charles IIon., M. D., v Strawn, William Rev Jacksonville. Saline, Kansas. Jacksonville. Jacksonville. Quincy. Missouri. Chandlerville. New Michigan. ' CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 13 1845 - 6 . *Craig, David, A Woodville. Crawford, Phineas W., Law., v . . .Dubuque, Iowa. Harrington, Alfred L. Rev., a.IL Tonica. Holland, William, Texas. Miller, J. Leland, M. D Metamora. 1846 - 7 . Collins, William H. Rev., a.l Havana. Crawford, Levi T. Rev., v Sandwhick. Doane, Edward T. Rev Ebon, Micronesia. *Ruggles, Edward Rev. x Nettle Creek. Shasted, John, v Pittsfield. Williams, James II., M. D Washington. 1847 - 8 . Anderson, Rufus E., Law., a Catlin, Thomas W Crocker, George, Law., a Crocker, John ^Holmes, Frederick B Lindley, Josephus ^Lockwood, Joseph Newberry, Edward F., M. D., Pilsbury, Louis D *Ruggles, Spooner, *Smith, Thos. W., Law Stryker, Henry, Law *Vanstavoren, Abraham Rev., it 1848 - 9 . .Palmyra, Mo. . Beardstown. .Denver City, Col. Ter. .Clinton. . Quincy. .Waverly. .Jacksonville. .Du Quoin. .Albany, N. Y. .Jacksonville.' .Jacksonville. .Jacksonville. .Warsaw. Bishop, Robert H., Dawson, Bailey D., Law. Dixon, James J. A. T. Rev., x- a Holmes, Halbert T. Rev. King, George Merrill, Stephen A., M. D., . . * x 'Palmer, Olin Redding, James G Roberts, James Rev., v Selby, Paul, t.o. tt.JI Smytii, Edward B Thayer, Gustavus H. Rev Tunnel, Robert M., v-x-e-II Walker, R. H .Saline, Ka. .Jacksonville. .Metamora. . Vandalia. . Granville, Iowa. .Astoria. . Armington. . Arcadia. .Jacksonville. .Chicago. .Manhattan, Ka. .Waverly. .Springfield. . Havana. CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 1849 - 50 . Chapin, William Fisk, Eli Cooley Rev Jones, Cumberland G., k.g Laurie, Inglis Rey Noyes, George C. Rey., . *Pierson, William Springer, John T. Hon., Law. . . Sydnor, Anthony W., M. D., v.k Swanwick, William . Godfrey. . Havana. .Troy, Mo. .Morgan County. .La Porte, Indiana. .Jacksonville. .Jacksonville. .Troy, Mo. .Chester, Cal. 1850 - 51 . Clayton, Alvah C., v Jerseyville. Cowgill, William B. . . . Petersburg. *Davis, Philip Sangamon County. Denny, Alfred N. Rev., 7r.n Mason. Kirby, Edward P., Law., r. Jacksonville. Laurie, James A Andover, Mass. Nash, Daniel B., Law., n Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. *Magill, George Jacksonville. Merriam, Henry M Atlanta. Miller, Henry M : . . .Naugatuck, Conn. Ritter, Richard A Havana, Stephens, Henry C., v West Newton, Mass. Sturtevant, Jr., Julian M. Rev., v Hannibal, Mo. Tunnell, Marcus L., c Texas. Van Daren, A. J Springfield, Mo. 1851 - 2 . Crawford, George W Dickenson, O. C. Rev Joy, Lyman F Kerr, Charles D., Law., Martin, William Orr, William Draper Sewall, William W Stone, J. C., M. D Strawn, Julius, km White, William S Florida, Mo. .Chandlerville. Concord. White Cloud, Minn. Decatur. Louisville, Mo. Virden. Missouri. , Grass Plains. Petersburg. 1852 - 3 . Aikman, Eliab * Allen, Hiram — Blakeman, Curtis. Greenville. Havana. Golden City, Col. Ter. CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 15 Branson, Nathaniel W., Law., v.l.c Petersburg. Carson, William T Wooclburn. Crocker, Rufus C Meroa. Eno, Frank V. L., St. Louis, Mo. Faireank, John B. Rey., r.a.n Monroe, Wis. Gill, William Rey., Virginia. Gillham, William H Winchester. Gore, John Quincy. Hamilton, William H Woodburn. Hart, Charles H Woodburn. March, Charles W Mowequa. Miller, John W. Rev., v.g . n Jacksonville. Moulton, J. Tilden, k Pittsfield. Ogle, Anderson J Iowa. Owen, Benjamin G., Law Jacksonville. Shaw, James, Law., v.a.U Mt. Carroll. Smith, William B Island Grove. Street, Charles W California. Sturtevant, J. Warren, Hannibal, Mo. Tanner, Edwd. A., Prof., v.X.g.k Jacksonville. Turner, Rhodolphus K., Law., t,g Quincy. 1853 - 4 . : : [ : Averill, Henry, Law Columbus, O. Capps, Stephen R., Jacksonville. *D udley, O scar J acksonville . Epler, William, Carson City, Nev. Ter. Fenn, Charles M., v .Lincoln. Fishback, Thomas L ... California. Gibson, Nathaniel Peoria. Hunter, William R Jacksonville. J effries, Alexander W Marine. McCord, Robert L. Rev Lincoln. Miller, James, 7r Walnut Hills, O. Myers, William H Lodisville. Naylor, Ulysses, o Virginia. Nutting, William J. G. Rev., v.n Unadilla, Midi. Pike, Franklin S Marine. Saunders, Alfred D Calafornia. Saunders, Franklin M Pana. Sloss, Thomas Edwardsville. Springer, Charles F., Law., v, Edwardsville. Stevenson, Robert E., M. D Jacksonville. Tupper, James B. T Hardwick, Mass. West, Benjamin L Bath. 16 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 1854 - 5 , Cass, F. D Eno, Edward B., a Gibbs, William H., r Graves, George W Holmes, John S *King, Thomas C., tt.v.k Bindley, Samuel P Martin, David B McLaughlin, James Rev., r.v. Peck, Joseph E Pettingill, Oliver H Platt, J. E Potts, William M., v.U Ross, Edward T Rutledge, Hiram H., M. D . . . Spillman, A. C.. . . . Welch, George, v Williams, William W. Rev. . 1855 - 6 , Logan County. \ ,St. Louis, Mo. Bloomington. [ Jacksonville. Morgan County. ( Jacksonville. j Mason County. Keokuk, Iowa. Red Bluff, Cal. .DuQuoin. , Madison. 1 , Kansas. , White Hall. .Vergennes. .Cairo. ( .Ann Harbor, Mich. j .Morgan County. .Union Theo. Sem. N.Y. ( ( ( Ardery, Harrison W., Law., v.h.U Ayers, James C., Bell, R. M., r Brown, Robert Buck, Henry H Davis, Henry Elbring, E. A Fellows, H. H Haiiilton, S. S., v Huey, Alexander G Ladd, T. F., v. . Marsh, Arthur W Marsh, H. T., k Mathews, C. W Montague, E. J Morris, James C Post, T. A Potts, J. Frank, t.k Powell, J. W Prickett, W. R Reed, Lyman C., v.n.a Roberts, George L. Rev., t.v Robinson, Joseph G., t Rouse, George W., X.t.U Fairfield. .La Salle. .Jacksonville. .Morgan County. , Havana. .Decatur. Marine. . San Francisco, Cal. .Woodburn. .Morgan County. .White Hall. Warsaw. .Washington. .Jacksonville. .Chester. .Jacksonville. .St. Louis, Mo. .Whitehall. .Decatur. . Edwardsville. .New Orleans, La. .Hillsboro. .Edwardsville. .Metamora. r CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 17 Staley, J. H Jacksonville. Turner, John B., Jr., v.l Jacksonville. West, Philip L Bath. Wolcott, Richmond, Law.,.v. Sismondi. 28 May hew. 15 } Hanson. 21 ( 15 ! 15 Brougham. 14 ( 28 | .. .De Quincey. 3 f Emerson. 11 f Addison. 21 Hazlitt. 15 I . . .De Quincey. 2 Barnard. 25 ( Taylor. 11 | .. .De Quincey. 3 f Lamartine. 41 Carlyle. 2 | Elder. 20 Brougham. 14 i Brougham. 14 [ . . .De Quincey. 3 j Schlegel. 28 j Schlegel. 28 j Holland. 40 M. J. Schleiden. 19 j Foster. 11 ( Campbell. 41 1 Emerson. 11 ( .H. W. Beecher. 40 > Smiles. 32 | Bunsen. 39 \ Guizot. 4 I 22 . Gail Hamilton. 30 [ T. M. Post. 10 | Addison. 10 ( Addison. 21 ' Brougham. 14 ( Trench. 3 > 39 Burke. 41 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 31 SHELF. The Bible as a Work of Art G. D. Graves. 37 Theological Essays, 2 vols . . .DeQuincy. 3 Theory and Practice of Teaching Page. 11 Three Great Races of Men J. B. Turner. 37 Titcomb’s Letters Holland. 2 Tobacco, Beauties and Deformities of its Use Coles. 39 True, Beautiful and Good Cousin. 40 Two Pictures 39 Wilson, Mod. Brit. Ess 15 Woman’s Thoughts about Woman Miss Muloch. 39 Women of the Nineteenth Century M. F. Ossoli. 14 FICTION. A Noble Life Miss Muloch. 40 Adam Bede George Eliot. 39 Almost a Heroine Miss Muloch. 39 Alton Locke Kingsley. 20 Amelia Fielding. 2 Arabian Nights 23 Astoria Irving. Aunt Phillis’ Cabin Mary H. Eastman. Avenger DeQuincy. Beatrice Sinclair. Beatrice Cenci Guerrazzi. Beulah Augusta J. Evans. Bertram Augusta J. Evans. Blithedale Romance Hawthorne. Bonnie Scotland Grace Greenwood. Bracebridge Hall Irving. Cakes and Ale Jerrold. Canterbury Tales Sophia Lee. Caudle Lectures Jerrold. Cecil Dreeme Winthrop. Charles Auchester Elizabeth Shephard. Christie Johnstone Reade. Confessions of Fitz-Boodle Thackeray. Cooper’s Sea Tales, 5 vols Corinne DeStael. Cud jo’s Cave Trowbridge. Dark Days of History James. Days of Bruce, 2 vols Aguilar. David Copperfield Dickens. Dickens’ Works, 6 vols Dombey and Son Dickens. Don Quixote Cervantes. Dred, 2 vols II. B. Stowe. 32 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. SHELF. Early Dawn Author of Schonberg Cotta Family. 41 Earl’s Daughter Sewell. 20 Fawn of the Pale Faces J. P. Brace. 21 Felix Holt.. George Eliot. 39 French Revolution 37 Fern Leaves.. . Fanny Fern. 19 Gems of Fable 17 17 31 41 20 3 20 19 41 30 42 30 39 41 2 18 40 41 18 Glenns McConnel. Hannah Thurston Bayarcl Taylor. Hermann, or Young Knighthood C. Foxton. Hot Corn Robinson. House of the Seven Gables Hawthorne. Hypatia Kingsley. Ida May Mary Langdon. India; Pearl of Pearl River Southworth. In the Tropics Kimball. Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte. John Brent Winthrop. John Godfrey’s Fortunes B. Taylor. John Guilderstring’s Sin C. French Richards. Joseph Andrews and Jonathan Wild Fielding. Kate Aylesford Peterson. King’s Bell R. H. Stoddard. Kitty Trevylyan Author of Schonberg Cotta Family. Knickerbocker Irving. Lamplighter 19 Lena Rivers Holmes. 31 Les Miserables Victor Hugo. 32 Lord Montague’s Page James. 32 Lorgnette, 2d series Ike Marvel. 21 Man Made of Money Jerrold. 14 May Flower H. B. Stowe. 21 Men of Character Jerrold. 14 Moby Dick Melville. 19 Monaldi Allston. 3 Moral Tales 9 Mosses from an Old Manse Hawthorne. 21 Marble Faun, 2 vols Hawthorne. 31 Miss Gilbert’s Career Holland. 31 My Southern Friends Kirke. 31 Mysteries of the People 37 Never too Late to Mend, 2 vols Reade. 30 Nights in a Block House H. C. Watson. 23 Now and Then Warren. 14 Novels 42 Novels and Tales, (B. L.*) Goethe. 28 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 33 SHELF. Old Curiosity Shop Dickens. Onyx Ring Sterling. Osceola Maync Reid. Pathfinder Cooper. Paul and Virginia De St. Pierre. Peculiar Epes. Sargent. Peep at Number Five Pendennis, 2 vols Thackeray. Picciola Saintine. Picciola, (French) Saintine. Pickwick Papers Dickens. Pilgrims of Walsingham Strickland. Quadroon Mayne Reid. Queechy, 2 yols Wetherell. Rab and his Friends John Brown, M. D. Robinson Crusoe De Foe. Romance of the Forum P. Burke. Romance of Student’s Life Kimball. Rutledge A. J. Evans. Sam Slick in England Haliburton. Sam Slick in Search of a Wife Haliburton. Sam Slick’s Nature and Human Nature Haliburton. Scarlet Letter Hawthorne. Scenes in the Practice of a New York Surgeon Dixon. SCHONBERG COTTA FAMILY Scottish Chiefs Jane Porter. Scott’s Works, 10 vols Sentimental Journey Sterne. Shirley Charlotte Bronte. Sibyl Martha Russell. Sketch Book Irving. Sleepy Hollow Irving. Spanish Papers Irving. Sparrowgrass Papers Cozzens. Spy Cooper. St. Giles and St. James Jerrold. Story of Kennett B. Taylor. Sunny Side Talbot and Vernon McConnel. Tales, etc., 4 vols E. A. Poe. Tales of a Traveler Irving. Tales of Glauber Spa Tempest and Sunshine Holmes. Thaddeus of Warsaw Jane Porter. Tom Brown’s School Days at Rugby Tom Brown at Oxford 37 19 18 19 17 39 17 23 17 22 37 19 19 39 37 20 19 21 40 20 20 20 3 20 31 32 7 2 2 19 18 40 39 21 19 14 30 17 21 12 18 9 31 29 21 30 & 34 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. Tom Jones Tristram Shandy, (2 copies) True Stories Trumps Twice-told Tales, 2 yols Two Years Ago Typee Uncle Sam’s Farm Fence Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 2 yols Uucle Tom’s Cabin as it is Undine and Sintram Vanity Fair Villette Waikna Was he Successful Western Characters White Jacket Wide, Wide World, 2 vols Wilhelm Meister, 3 yols Wolfert’s Roost Woman in White Yankee Stories Yeast, a Problem Yellow Plush Papers Zenobia, 2 yols HISTORY SHELF. Fielding. 2 Sterne. 2 Hawthorne. 30 . . . . G. W. Curtis. 30 Hawthorne. 3 Kingsley. 20 Melville. 19 A. D. Milne. 20 H. B. Stowe. 19 Smith. 19 Fouque. 19 Thackeray. 23 Charlotte Bronte. 2 S. A. Bard. 18 Kimball. 40 McConnel. 18 Melville. 19 Wethereli. 39 Goethe. 24 Irving. 21 Collins. 41 Haliburton. 37 Kingsley. 20 Thackeray. 17 W. Ware. 29 Abbott’s Histories, 21 vols. Alexander the Great. Charles II. Cyrus the Great. Hannibal. Mary Queen of Scotts. Nero. Romulus. America America Alfred the Great. Cleopatra. Darius. Henry I Y of France. Marie Antoinette. Pyrrhus. William the Conquerer. American Conflict, 2 vols American Revolution Ancient Greece Ancient History, 2 vols Ancient History, 8 vols Army of the Potomac Arabs in Spain, 3 vols., (B. L.*). Athens ; its Rise and Fall A Year in China Cassars, The Charles I. Cortez. Elizabeth. Julius Caesar. Madame Roland. Richard I. Xerxes. . . . Robertson. . . .Robertson. Greely. Botta. Heeren. Rollin. Rollin. Swinton. Conde. Bulwer. Williams. . . .DeQuincy. 17 G 7 33 23 24 6 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 35 SHELF. Camp Fires of the Revolution Watson. 32 Charles II Robertson. 6 Charles XII, (French) Voltaire. 18 Christianity Taylor. 18 Chronicles of the Middle Ages. Froissart. 16 Church, 5 vols Neander. 5 Civilization, 4 vols Guizot. 4 Conquest of Florida Irving. 21 Conquest of Granada Irving. 18 Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols Prescott. 6 Conquest of Mexico, vols. 2 and 3 Prescott. 33 Constitutional History of Europe Hallam. 6 Constitution of the United States, 2 vols. Curtis. 5 Consulate and Empire of Napoleon, 2 vols Thiers. 16 Dutch Republic, 3 vols Motley. 6 Empire of Austria Abbott. 31 England, 6 vols Hume. 4 England, 4 vols Macaulay. 4 England, 2 vols Macaulay. 7 Engl and M ahon . 8 England, A Child’s History of, 2 vols Dickens. 17 English Revolution Guizot. 10 Europe, 4 vols i Alison. 6 Europe, 2d series, 2 vols Alison. 6 Europe Hallam. 6 Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols Prescott. 6 Florence, (R. L.*) .Machievelli. 28 France Bulmer. 40 France, 3 vols Growe. 29 France, 2 vols Michelet. 5 Frederick the Great, 2 vols .Carlyle. 4 French Protestant Refugees, 2 vols Weiss. 4 French Revolution, 2 vols Carlyle. 30 French Revolution of 1848.. Lamartine. 10 French Revolution Theirs. 22 Friends W agstaff. 23 Germany Kolilrausch. 23 Germany, 3 vols., (B. L.*) Menzel. 27 Girondists, 3 vols Lamartine. 4 Great Rebellion Headley. 32 Greece, 11 vols Grote. 4 Greece, 2 vols Thirlwall. 6 Heroes and Patriots of the South 31 History of the Civil War in America, 2 vols Abbott. 32 History of the Presbyterian Church, 2 vols Gillett. 41 History of the Romans, 7 vols Merivale. 40 36 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. SHELF. House of Austria, 3 vols., (B. L.*) Coxe. 27 House of Austria, continuation, (B. L.*) Coxe. 21 Illinois Ford. 10 Indian Wars of the United States Frost. 16 Invasion of the Crimea, 2 vols Kingslake. 31 Italian Republics Sismondi. 28 Jews, The Jenks. 10 Josephus 23 Literature of Europe, 2 vols Hallam. 6 Livingston’s Zambesi 32 Martyrs’ Monument Lincoln. 30 Middle Ages Hallam. 6 Military Journal of American Revolution Thatcher. 23 Mission Schools in India Wilder. 31 Mount Vernon Papers Everett. 40 Napoleon and his Army By an American. 32 Naval History Cooper. 23 Netherlands Grattan. 29 Norman Conquest, 2 vols Thierry. 5 Palestine Kitto. 10 Peninsular War Napier. 8 Peru, 2 vols Prescott. 6 Philip II, 3 vols Prescott. 5 Poland Fletcher. 29 Protestantism in Italy Baird. 10 Pro test ants in France F elice. 5 Puritans, 2 vols 7 Rebellion, 7 vols Clarendon. 8 Reformation D’Aubigne. 23 Representative Government, (B. L.*) Guizot. 28 Restoration of Monarchy in France, 4 vols Lamartine. 4 Revolts of the Netherlands, (B. L.*). Schiller. 28 Rhode Island, 2 vols Arnold. 33 Rome Arnold. 5 Rome, Gibbon’s 6 vols Milman. 4 Rome, 3 vols Neibuhr. 23 Russia as it is De Gurowski. 20 Sacred History Kurtz. 10 Sacred History, 3 vols. Turner. 29 Saracens, (B. L .*) Ockley. 28 Sandwich Islands Dibble. 49 Scotland and India Robertson. 6 Servia, Bosnia, etc., (B. L.*) Ranke. 28 Six Months at the White House Carpenter. 39 Social Life of the Chinese, 2 vols. Doolittle. 40 Spanish Literature, 3 vols. .Ticknor. 5 j CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 37 SHELF. Switzerland Schokke. 39 | Temperance Reformation, 2 vols Marsh. 41 ( Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate, 2 vols Benton. 5 \ Thirty Years’ War Schiller. 29 j Thirty Years’ War, (B. L.*) Schiller. 28 | Transcaucasian Campaign Oliphant. 18 \ Turkey Lamartine. 21 ( United Netherlands, 2 vols Motley. 32 United States, 6 vols Bancroft. 5 Universal History, 2 vols Tytler. 5 Uprising of a Great People Gasparin. 31 f Venetian History, 2 vols 29 ( World, 4 vols Muller. 14 | MAGAZINES. Atlantic Monthly, vols. 1-10 Atlantic Monthly, 1863-’64-’65 Biblical Repository and Princeton Review Blackwood’s Magazine, 4 vols Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine Continental Monthly, 1863-64 Debow’s Review Democratic Review, vol 31 Electic Magazine, 41 vols Electic Magazine, 1863-’64-’65 Edinburgh Review, vol. 3 Emerson & Putnam, vols. 5-7 Great Republic Monthly, vol. 1 Knickerbocker Magazine, vols. 41-46 Knoxiana, 1854-’55-’56-’57 Ladies’ Repository, 1864 Literary Messenger and Review London Quarterly Review, vol. 107 Massachusetts Review, vols. 1-5 National Preacher and Village Pulpit New Englander, vol. 18, No. 1 New Englander, vol. 11, No. 2 New Englander, 4 vols North British Review, vol. 27 Putnam’s Monthly, vols. 3-9 Westminster Review, vol. 73 MISCELLANEOUS. 42 38 37 42 37 38 37 43 43 37 43 42 42 42 38 38 37 43 43 37 37 37 42 43 42 43 I ( ' Age of Fable Alhambra American Eloquence, 2 vols. Bullfinch. . . .Irving. . T. More. 38 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. SHELF. American Statesman Young. 8 Anthon’s Law Student 41 Astoria Irving. 18 Avenger De Quincey. 3 Bonneville’s Adventures Irving. 18 British Eloquence Goodrich. 8 Breakfast, Dinner and Tea 39 Calhoun’s Works, 6 vols 22 Catalogue of Anti-Masonic Books 23 Chambers’ Miscellany, 10 vols 2 Chambers’ Miscellany, 2 vols 18 Class Book of Prose Hart. 17 College Words and Customs 10 Common-Place Book, 2 vols Southey, 15 Constitutions, American 22 Cradle of Rebellion 41 Crayon Miscellanies Irving. 18 Dean Swift’s Works 2 De Foe’s Works, 4 vols., (B. L.*) 29 Dreams and Realities Prince. 18 Duties of Attornies Warren. 29 Fairy Mythology, (B. L.*) Keightley. 29 Favorite Authors 32 Federalist 32 Friends in Council, 2 vols 30 Friends in Council, new series 31 Graver Thoughts of the Country Parson 31 Homes without Hands Rev. J. G. Wood. 41 Inquire within for Everything 30 Jefferson’s Works, 9 vols 7 Johnson’s, Samuel, Works, 2 vols 24 Jonson’s, Ben, Works 16 Junius, 2 vols., (B. L.*) Woodfall. 28 Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin H. B. Stowe. 37 Knickerbocker Irving. 18 Lacon Colton. 21 Leighton’s Works, complete 33 Leisure Houes in Town Boyd. 32 Library of English Literature, 2 vols Blair. 24 Longfellow’s Prose Works, 2 vols 39 Madison’s Works, 4 vols 41 Memoir of United States Surveys Tanner. 9 Memorials, 2 vols De Quincey. 3 National Almanac 37 Noctes Ambrosianle, 5 vols Wilson. 12 Obituary Address of Clay 24 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 39 SHELF Obituary Address of Clayton 87 Obituary Address of Wm. R. Ring 24 Odoherty Papers, 2 vols Maginn. 12 Old Portraits and Modern Sketches Whittier. 3 Oliver Goldsmith Irving. 18 Orations and Speeches Sumner. 3 Percy Anecdotes 6 Phaeton Kingsley. 39 Rabelais, 2 vols., (B. L.*) 29 Recent Speeches and Addresses Sumner. 3 Resources of America Sir Morton Peto. 39 Recreations of a Country Parson 31 Rhetoric . . .Campbell. 32 Romony Reze Geo. Borrow. 37 Scenes in my Native Land Sigourney. 39 Sheridan’s Speeches, 3 vols 22 Schiller’s Works, (B. L.*) 28 Sketches of the Irish Bar Shiel. 12 Social and Political Speeches, 2 vols Brougham. 14 Soldiers Letters Lydia M. Post. 41 Spare Hours John Brown, M. D. 30 Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature, 2 vols Ripley. 24 Speeches Macaulay. 12 Speeches, 3 vols Calhoun. 22 Spirit of the Age, vol. 1 and 2 Channing. 1 Statesmens’ Manual, 4 vols Williams & Lossing. 25 Story on the Constitution 39 Students Manual Todd. 9 Table Talk Rogers. 2 Temperance Documents 24 The Old Regime De Tocqueville. 31 Thoughts and Apothegms Whately. 11 Thoughts of the Emperor M. A. Antonius Trans. G. Long. 32 Up the Rhine Hood. 28 Vocal Culture ...Murdock. 40 War in Kansas Brewster. 20 Webster’s Works, 6 vols 5 Weak Lungs Dio Lewis. 31 POETRY AND THE DRAMA. Alice of Monmouth Steadmam 40 Angel W orld Bailey. 3 Beaumont and Fletcher, 2 vols 8 Biglow Papers 3 Bitter-Sweet Holland. 2 British Poets, Works of, 3 vols Aikin. 8 40 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. SHELF British Poets, 92 vols 26, 27 Akenside. Ballads, 4 vols. Beattie. Butler, 2 vols. Campbell. Chatterton, 2 vols. Churchill, 3 vols. Coleridge, 3 vols. Collins. Cowper 3 vols. Donne. Dryden, 5 vols. Falconer. Gay, 2 vols. Goldsmith. Gray. Herbert. Herrick, 2 vols. Hood, 4 vols. Keats. Marvell. Milton, 3 vols. Montgomery, 5 vols. Moore, 6 vols. Parnell and Tickell. Pope, 3 vols. Prior, 2 vols. Shakspeare. Shelley, 3 vols. Skelton, 3 vols. Spencer, 5 vols. Surrey. Swift, 3 vols. Thomson, 2 vols. Vaughan. Watts. White. Wordsworth, 7 vols. Wyatt. Young, 2 vols. Browning, Robert, 2 vols 2 Bryant’s Thirty Poems 31 Bryant 2 Burns 8 Byron 8 Chaucer 2 Class Book of Poetry Hart. 17 Coleridge 7 Comedies , Jerrold. 14 Comedies and Dramas Jerrold. 14 Cowper, (2 copies) 2 Course of Time Pollok. 17 Courtship of Miles Standish Longfellow. 3 Dante 2 Don Carlos and other Dramas, (B. L.*) Schiller. 28 Dramatic Poets Lamb. 2 Dramatic Works, (B. L.*) Sheridan. 28 Dryden, 2 vols 41 Dyer 3 Early Dramas and Romances, (B. L.*) Schiller. 28 Emerson 11 Enoch Arden Tennyson. 31 Faust, Goethe’s Hayward. 3 Faust, Goethe’s, (B. L.*) 28 Festus Bailey. 2 Goldsmith 8 Gray 20 Halleck 3 Hemans, Mrs 2 Hiawatha Longfellow. 3 Holmes, O. W 3 Homer 32 Hood 40 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 41 x Hudibras Jean, Ingelow Longfellow, 2 vols. Kemble, F. A Kirke White Leigh Hunt, 2 yols Lucielle Lowell, 2 yols Mackay Meredith, Owen Milton, Young, etc Moore More, Hannah OSSIAN Plays and Poems, 2 vols Poe, Edgar A Poems and Dramas Poetical Quotations Prelude Proctor, Edna Dean Red, White and Blue Series, 3 yols.. . Rejected Addresses Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. Saxe Scott, Walter Shakspeare, complete Shelley Smith, Alexander Snow-Bound Southey Spencer and the Faery Queen. Tales of a Wayside Inn Tasso Tennyson The Palace Beautiful... Trench Tupper War Lyrics Whittier Wordsworth SCIENTIFIC Agricultural, Patent Office Report, 1851. Agricultural, Patent Office Report, 1854. Almanac for Navigators Assayer’s Guide SHELF. Butler. 2 30 3 30 40 30 O. Meredith. 30 3 3 30 [ 8 ( 8 ! 9 2 Boker. 30 Addison. 21 .Mrs. Hale. 8 ...Wadsworth. 3 40 j 40 Smith. 3 Percy. 16 f 3 2 | 8 ( 2 j Q r o [ Whittier. 30 8 Mrs. Kirkland. 3 . . .Longfellow. 30 Widen. 2 3 ....O. C. Kerr. 31 23 8 25 25 37 Lieber. 42 > CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. SHELF Astronomy Olmsted. 32 Constitution of Man Combe. 17 Cosmos, 5 vols Humboldt. 13 Crown of Wild Oliye Ruskin. 39 Earth and Man Guyot. 11 Elocution. Day. 9 Essay on the Human Understanding Locke. 22 Foot Prints of the Creator H. Miller. 11 Geographia Classica Butler. 24 Geography of the Seas Maury. 8 Geography, Physical Somerville. . 22 Geological Sketches Agassiz. 40 Geology and Scripture, (B. L.*) Pye Smith. 29 Grammar, Greek Buttman. 32 Health and. Mental Education Combe. 9 Inventions, History of, 2 vols., (B. L.*) Beckman. 28 Kedge Anchor W. Brady, U.S.IST. 28 Logic Tappan. 41 Mathematics for Practical Men 33 Mechanical, Patent Office Report, 1851 25 Mechanical, Patent Office Report, 1852-53 25 Mechanical, Patent Office Report, 1854, 2 vols 25 Mechanics, Patent Office Report, 1853, part 1 25 Mesmerism Bush. 9 Modern Painters, 3 vols 22 Moral Science Way land. 32 Old Red Sandstone Miller. 17 Orator’s Touchstone M’Queen. 19 Painting, History of, 3 vols., (B. L.*) Lanzi. 28 Philosophy, Paley’s Valpy. 9 Philosophy, History of Schwegler. 18 Philosophy, Intellectual Mahan. 9 Philosophy, Mental, 2 vols Upham. 9 Philosophy, Modern, History of, 2 vols Cousin. 23 Philosophy of Natural History Smellie. 18 Phrenology and Mesmerism N. L. Rice. 19 Plurality of Worlds 14 Pre-Ad amite Earth Harris. 11 Practical Anatomy and Physiology Lambert. 17 Principles of Geology Layell. 41 Principles of Zoology 40 Report on Illinois Coals Dr. Marwood. 37 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Works of, 2 vols., (B. L.*) 28 Rhetoric Whately. 9 Science and Sages of the Bible Halsey. 37 Sir William Hamilton’s Lectures 33 CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 43 SHELF. Seven Lamps of Architecture Ruskin. 22 Six Days of Creation Prof. Lewis. 11 Stones of Venice Ruskin. 16 Testimony of the Rocks Miller. 14 Transactions of Illinois Agricultural Society, 2 vols 25 Transactions of Illinois Nat. His. Society, vol. 1 Prof Wilbur. 37 Travels, 3 vols., (B. L.*). Humboldt. 29 Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation 17 Views of Nature, (B. L.*) Humboldt. 27 Will Malian. 13 THEOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS. Appeal Noble. 22 Bible in Spain Barrow. 33 Biblical Chronology P. Akers. D. D. 23 Bunyan, Works of 8 Chalmers, Works of, 4 vols 15 Christianity, History of W. C. Taylor. 18 Church, History of, 5 vols Neander. 5 Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit Coleridge. 18 Conflict of Ages Ed. Beecher. 11 Divine Government McCosh. 41 Doctrinal Sermons Elliott. 18 Dow, Lorenzo, Works of Peggy Dow. 24 Eclipse of Faith 21 Edwards on the Will 33 Essays on Christianity Gurney. 25 Holy Living and Dying Taylor. 31 Holy War Bunyan. 18 Homer, Rev. William, Writings of. 22 Human Nature in its Fourfold State Boston. 10 Jews, History of Jenks. 10 Koran 22 Law and Government Kingsbury. 4 Laws of the Ancient Hebrews Wines. 5 Lectures to Young Men in London 31 Loyola and Jesuitism J. Taylor. 11 M’Cheyne, Memoirs of Bonar. 18 Method of Grace Flavel. 19 Mormanism in all Ages J. B. Turner. 18 Natural History of Enthusiasm Taylor. 11 Natural Theology Lord Brougham. 14 Nature and the Supernatural Bushnell. 32 Papal Conspiracy Exposed Ed. Beecher. 21 Pastor, The Oemler. 10 Peep at Number Five .. 17 J U CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. SHELF. Pilgrim’s Progress, Lectures on Cheever. 23 Prayer for Colleges W. T. Tyler. 18 Pre- Ad amite Earth Harris. 11 Priest and the Huguenot, 2 vols Bungener. 11 Protestantism in France Felice. 5 Protestantism in Italy Baird. 10 ( Provincial Letters Pascal. 10 Religio Medici Browne. 22 Romans, Epistle to Chalmers. 15 ( Rugby School Sermons Arnold. 28 j Sacred History Kurtz. 10 Sacred History, 3 vols Turner. 29 Saint and his Savior Spurgeon. 31 Six Days of Creation Prof. Lewis. 11 f Skeptical Era T. M. Post. 10 Sketch of Religious Denominations Evans. 9 Taybois Sermons 32 Tewbetters on Slavery 37 Theological Essays, 2 vols De Quincey. 5 Theological Dictionary Buck. 24 Views in Theology L. Beecher. 18 Will Mahan. 13 ( Words that Shook the World .C. Adams. 18 | Zion’s Pathway T. A. Taylor. 22 ( VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. A Yankee in Canada Thoreau. Across the Continent Bowles. Adventures of Gerard the Lion Killer Whitehead. Albert Nyanza Baker. American Farmer in England Olmsted. Ancient Monasteries Curzon. Amoor Regions Atkinson. Arctic Explorations, 2 vols Kane. Babylon and Nineveh Layard. Boat Life in Egypt Prime. Bonneville’s Adventures Irving. Central America, etc., 2 vols Stephens. Crayon Miscellany Irving. Deck and Port Walter Colton. Discoveries in Central Africa, 3 vols Barth. Egypt, Arabia Petr^ea and the Holy Land Stephens. Eldorado Bayard Taylor. Escape McFarland. Expedition to the Dead Sea Lynch. First Impressions of England Miller. f 39 30 ( 17 41 42 10 41 5 12 31 18 23 18 19 6 20 20 20 i ; CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 45 SHELF. Greece and the Greeks E. About. 22 Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland, 2 vols Stephens. 20 Grinnell Expedition Kane. 25 ) Home Life in Germany Brace. 22 Hungary in 1851 Brace. 20 India, China and Japan Bayard Taylor. 20 | Japan McFarland. 20 1 Journey to Central Africa Bayard Taylor. 20 j Land and Lee Walter Colton. 19 Land of the Saracens Bayard Taylor. 20 Letters from Europe, 2 vols N. H. Carter. 24 j Munchausen’s Travels. 30 j Narrative of the Loss of the Brig Commerce Riley. 20 ) Nineveh and its Remains Layard. 12 | Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life Parkman. 19 j Sights and Scenes in Europe Ballard. 17 ) Spain, 2 vols Wallis. 3 j Telemachus ... 40 ) Tour in America Dixon. 18 ] Travels, 3 vols., (B. L.*) Humboldt. 27 j Travels in Chinese Empire, 2 vols M. Hue. 20 ) Travels in Peru Yon Tchudi. 21 Travels in South Africa Livingston. 8 j Travels in Eastern Africa Krape. 31 I United States Exploring Expedition, 5 vols Wilkes. 8 j Visit to the South Seas, 2 vols C. S. Stewart. 24 j Wanderings of a Pilgrim Cheever. 22 j What I saw in California Bryant. 22 j Wild Scenes in a Hunter’s Life Frost. 17 ! j HUMOROUS. i Burton’s Encyclopedia of Wit and Humor, 2 vols 33 ! Major Jones’ Scenes in Georgia 17 j Miles O’Reiley’s Book 41 ( Orpheus C. Kerr Papers 40 ] Phcenixiana John Phoenix. 30 ) Pluribustah Doesticks. 20 ! Punch’s Letters to his Son Jerrold. 14 ) Verdant Green Cuthbert. 41 MEMBERS OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY WHO WERE IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES DURING THE WAR: BREVET BRIGADIER GENERALS. CHARLES E. LIPPINCOTT. JOHN TILLSON. COLONELS. CHARLES E. LIPPINCOTT, 33d Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JOHN TILLSON, 10th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JOHN F. FARNSWORTH, 8th Regiment Illinois Cavalry. JOHN WOOD, 135tli Regiment Illinois Volunteers. LIEUTENANT COLONELS. FRANK ADAMS, 33d Regiment Illinois Volunteers, (Brevet.) RUFUS C. CRAMPTON, 145th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. CHARLES D. KERR, 15th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. MAJORS. GEORGE ADAMS, 4th Regiment U. S. C. Artillery, (Brevet.) EDWARD B. ENO, 6tli Regiment Missouri Cavalry. WARREN D. CRANDALL, 99th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. BARBOUR LEWIS, 1st Regiment Missouri Cavalry. JOHN TILLSON, 17th Regiment Regulars, (Brevet.) CAPTAINS. JOHN TILLSON, 17th Regiment Regulars. WILLIAM H. COLLINS, 104th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. THOMAS W. SMITH, 10th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. FRANK U. L. ENO, A. A. G. to Gen. Rosecrans. FRANK ADAMS, 33d Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JOHN A. BALLARD, 99th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. WILLIAM A. KIRBY, 6th Regiment Missouri Cavalry. HENRY N. ESTABROOK, 7th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. 47 S. HENRY ENO, 56th Regiment U. S. C. Infantry. GEORGE ADAMS, 4th Regiment U. S. C. Artillery. MABREY G. GREENWOOD, 34th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. WILLIAM J. GREEN, Regiment Illinois Volunteers. ( DAVID KING, JR, 32d Regiment Illinois Volunteers. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. | HARDIN G. KEPLINGER, 32cl Regiment Illinois Volunteers. WILLIAM M. POTTS, Regiment Illinois Volunteers. RICHMOND WOLCOTT, 10th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. EDWARD ADAMS, 2d Regiment Illinois Volunteers. HENRY M. SCARRITT, 10th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. TRUMAN A. POST, Regiment Illinois Volunteers. GEORGE W. BAILEY, Signal Corps. NORMAN S. HITCHCOCK, 70th Regiment U. S. C. Infantry. CYRUS W. MATHEWS, JR., 1st Regiment Missouri Cavalry. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. GEORGE WELCH, 146th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. j M. V. B. PARKER, 68th and 145th Regiments Illinois Volunteers. SURGEONS. | (RANK OF MAJOR.) SAMUEL WILLARD. ( ASSISTANT SURGEONS. (rank of first lieutenant.) ROBERT E. STEVENSON, 73d Regiment Illinois Volunteers. DANIEL W. TINDALL. CHARLES L. HART. CHAPLAINS. (rank of captain.) ( LEVI P. CRAWFORD. f WILLIAM H. COLLINS. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES. | WM. T. MASTERS, 68th and 145th Regiments Illinois Volunteers. CHAS. A. TURNER, 68th and 145th Regiments Illinois Volunteers. JOHN G. MORRISON, 101st Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JAMES T. MARSHALL, 1st Regiment Missouri Cavalry. WM. A. SYMONDS, 146th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. WM. A. CUTLER, 68th and 145th Regiments Illinois Volunteers. TRUMAN O. DOUGLAS, 68th and 145th Regiments Illinois Vols. FRANCIS C. GARBUTT, 68th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. JAS. A. GALLAHER, 68tli and 145th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. DAVID KING, JR., 10th, 68th and 145th Regiment Illinois Vols. WM. E. CAPPS, 68th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. WM. THOS. REID, 68th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. CALEB CAPPS, 10th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. FERD. W. DICKINSON, 68th and 145th Regiments Illinois Vols. GATES STRAWN, Regiment New York Volunteers. WM. N. RUTLEDGE, 14th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. OWEN M. STONE, 68tli Regiment Illinois Volunteers. THOS. J. PITNER, 145th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. CHARLES PELTON, 2d Regiment Illinois Volunteers. OSCAR G. MAY, 9th Regiment Illinois Cavalry. JAMES D. MASTERS, 145th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JAMES W. CRABTREE, 145th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. M. V. B. PARKER, 10th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JOHN H. METCALF, 145th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. HIRAM B. METCALF, 145th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. J. FRANK CURTS, 145th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JAMES A. GILLETTE, Regiment Missouri Cavalry. WM. McCORMICK, 145th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JAMES MAINE, 101st Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JOSEPH A. MEEK, 40th Regiment Missouri Volunteers. STAFFORD J. MEEK, 40th Regiment Missouri Volunteers. JAMES R. VAUGHAN, 6th Regiment Missouri Cavalry. W. H. H. DUMARS, 145th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. EDWARD K. HURLBERT, Regiment Illinois Volunteers. LEWIS KEPLINGER, 32d Regiment Illinois Volunteers. J. SAMUEL McCLUNG, 68tli Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JAMES McMILLAN, 68th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. GEORGE E. SAGE, Regiment Illinois Volunteers. GEORGE W. HAMILTON, 2d Regiment Illinois Volunteers. WM. H. ATKINSON, 68th and 145tli Regiment Illinois Volunteers. MORRIS WINFIELD, 68th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. GEORGE W. SMITH, 152d Regiment Illinois Volunteers. HENRY H. MASSEY, 101st Regiment Illinois Volunteers. CORNELIUS O. CHAPIN, 10th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. TIMOTHY SHAW, 10th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JOHN T. BEEKMAN, Regiment Illinois Volunteers. SETH E. WASHBURN, 117th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. WM. H. H. KING, Regiment Illinois Volunteers. THOS. C. KING, Regiment Illinois Volunteers. BENJAMIN G. OWEN, Regiment Illinois Volunteers. JOHN D. FRY, Regiment Illinois Volunteers. BERY C. MATHEWS, 101st Regiment Illinois Volunteers. KENNETH McLEAN, — — Regiment Illinois Volunteers. FIELDING W. WEST, 7th Regiment Illinois Volunteers. WM. F. LEWIS, Regiment. Illinois Volunteers. CATALOGUE OF THE SIGMA PI SOCIETY. IN THE NAVY. JOSEPH BAKER, on the Frigate Cumberland. CHARLES H. G. FRYE, Surgeon’s Steward. SUMMARY. Brevet Brigadier Generals Colonels Lieutenant Colonels 3 Majors 5 Captains 13 First Lieutenants 9 Second Lieutenants 2 Surgeons 1 Assistant Surgeons 3 Chaplains 2 Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates 56 In the Navy 2 Total Number in the Service 102 to artgrs for IIK\RY X. ESTABROOR, FT. DONELSON. S. HEAR! ENO, IN HOSPITAL. MABREY «. GREENWOOD, STONE RIVER. r 3 01121 D5727835