4 T^txV^l^c L.iV:>V(xv;y of S«.V«. . K. Bassford. Romeo and Juliet, selections for the piano arranged by O.io Hackh. Grieg. Album of miscellaneous ])iano compositions. Handel. Handel album. Twelve easy jiieces for pianoforte, se¬ lected, edited and fingered by Dr. H. von Buelow. Haydn. ..usgewaehlte Sonaten and Solostuecke. 2 Bde. Celebres symphonies. 2 r. Ilenselt. Selecteu pieces for pianoforte. Jensen. Erotikon; 7 pianoforte pieces, iiochzeitsmusik. Serenade for the piano, bongs and dances; twenty short piano pieces. Liszt. Consolations, Nos. 1-C. Liebes- traeume. three nocturnes. !MacDowell. Woodland sketches. Menclelssolm. Liecler ohne Worte. Mozart. Sonata.s and other pieces for tlie pianoforte. 2 Bde. Oesterle. ed. Album of Russian piano music! 2 v. ■ Axoum of Scanuinavian piatio music. Rianist's anthology. Pianist’s first and second year. Pianist’s second and third year. Parlor musical album. Presser. Concert album; classical. Raff. Selected nieces for pianoforte. 2 V. Rubinstein. Selected pieces for piano- lorte. 2 V. Seharfenberg. Pianist's treasury. Schubert. Ausgewaehite Sonaten and Solostueeke, bearbeitet von Liszt. 3 Bde. Schumann, .cixonm. Album for the young. Album for the young and Scenes from childhood. Arabesoue, op. Iti; Blumenstueck, op. 19. Kreisleriana, op. IG. Nacht.stueeke, op. 23. Fantasie- stuecke, op. 111. Symphonien fuer Pianoforte solo. Wa'ldscenen, op. 82; .xiomanzen, op. 28. Werke fuer Pianoforte solo. Con¬ cert opus 54. Werke fuer Pianoforte solo. 3 Bde. Sonatina album. Strauss. Album of favorite dances. 3 v. Tschaikowsky.* Morceaux celebres pour piano. A’erdi. Aida, selections, arranged by Max Spicker. Wagner. Lohengrin, gems for the piano¬ forte, arranged by Otto Ha'ckh. Parsifal, Vorspiel, Rubinstein’s ar¬ rangement. Tannhaeuser, gems for the piano¬ forte, arranged by Otto Hackh. Ti-istan and Isolda, gems for the pianoforte, arranged by Otto Kao kb. Wagner album. Schwa'lin. Wagner-Liszt album. Weber. Complete works for pianoforte. Der IKeischuetz, selections for the pianoforte, arrangca by Max Spicker. Invitation a la Valse. Nvorld’s best composers; famous com¬ positions for the piano. 4 v. (Binder’s title World’s best music; in¬ strumental.) PIANO DUET. Beethoven. Symphonien. 5 Bde. Symphony No. G. (Pastoral.) Bizet. L’Arlesienne. Brahms. Hungarian dances. Symphonies 1-4. Collection of Italian overtures. 2 v. Grieg. First orchestra suite from the nuisic to Peer Gynt. Zweite Orchestersuite aus der Musik zu.“Peer Gynt.”' Jensen. Drei Klavierstuecke. Moszkowski. Five waltzes: From for¬ eign parts. Spanish dances. Mozart. Ouvertueren. Trios, Quartette, Quintette, Con- certe, und Symphonien. 2 Bde. Ouverturen-x41bum. 4 B