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Sitting in the parsonage garden, in a white frock,
with a pale green sash about her waist, leaning back
against the red-brick wall, her glowing copper hair
lit by the evening sun, was Judith Trevisa.
She was tossing guelder-roses into the air ; some
dozens were strewn about her feet on the gravel, but
one remained of the many she had plucked and thrown
and caught, and thrown and caught again for a sunny
afternoon hour. As each greenish-white ball of flowers
went up into the air, it diffused a faint but pleasant
" When I have done with you, my beauty, I have
done altogether," said Judith.
" With what ? "
. VOL. I. 2
Her father spoke. He had come up iinperceived
by the girl, burdened with a shovel in one hand and
a bucket in the other, looking pale, weary, and worn.
" Papa, you nearly spoiled my game. Let me
finish, and I will speak."
'' Is it a very serious matter, Judith, and en-
grossing ? "
" Engrossing, but not serious, Je iii'aninse."
The old rector seated himself on the bench beside
hier, and he also leaned back against the red-brick,
gold-and-grey-lichen-spotted wall, and looked into the
distance before him, waiting till his daughter was
ready to speak, not, perhaps, sorry to have a little
rest first, for he was over-tired. Had Judith not been
absorbed in her ball-play with the guelder-rose bunch,
she would have noticed his haggard appearance, the
green hue about his mouth, the sunken eyes, the
beaded brow. But she was counting the rebounds
of her ball, bent on sustaining her play as long as was
possible to her.
She formed a charming picture, fresh and pure, and
had the old man not been over-tired, he would have
thought so with a throb of parental pride.
She was a child in size, slender in build, delicate in
bone, with face and hands of porcelain transparency
and whiteness, with, moreover, that incomparable com-
plexion only seen in the British Isles, and then only
with red-gold hair.
Her bronze leather shoes were the hue of some large
flies that basked and frisked on the warm wall, only
slightly disturbed by the girl's play, to return again and
run and preen themselves again, and glitter jewel-like as
studs on that sun-baked, lichen-enamelled wall. Her
■eyes, moreover, were lustrous as the backs of these
flies, iridescent with the changing lights of the
declining sun, and the changed direction of her glance
following the dancing ball of guelder-rose. Her long
iingers might have been of china, but that when raised
so that the sun struck their backs they were turned
to a translucent rose. There was no colour in her
cheek, only the faintest suffusion of pink on the
temples below where the hair was rolled back in waves
of luminous molten copper dashing against the brick
" I have done my work," said the rector.
" And I my play," responded the girl, letting the
ball drop into her lap and rock there from one knee to
the other. " Papa ! this fellow is the conqueror ;
I have made him dance thirty-five great leaps, and he
has not yet fallen — \vilfull3\ I let him go down and
get breath just now. There lie all my dancers dead
about me. They failed very speedily."
" You cannot be for ever playing, Ju."
" That is why I play now, papa. When playtime
is over I shall be in earnest indeed."
" Indeed ? " the old man sighed.
Judith looked round, and was shocked to see how ill
her father appeared to be.
" Are you very tired, darling papa ? "
" Yes — over-tired."
" Have you been at your usual task ? "
" Yes, Ju — an unprofitable task."
" Oh, papa ! "
" Yes, unprofitable. The next wind from the sea
that blows — one will blow in an hour — and all my
work is undone."
" But, m}- dear papa ! " Judith stooped and looked
into the bucket. " Why ! — what has made you bring a
load of sand up here ? We want none in the garden.
And such a distance too! — from the church. No
wonder you are tired."
" Have I brought it ? " he asked, without looking at
the bucket.
" You have, indeed. That, if you please, is un-
profitable work, not the digging of the church out of
the sand-heaps that swallow it."
*' My dear, I did not know that I had not emptied
the pail outside the churchyard gate. I am very tired ;
perhaps that explains it."
" No doubt about it, papa. It was work quite as
unprofitable, but much more exhausting, than my ball-
play. Now, papa, whilst you have been digging your
church out of the sand, which will blow over it again
to-night, you say, I have been pitching and tossing
guelder-roses. We have been both wasting time, one
as much as the other."
" One as much as the other," repeated the old man.
** Yes, dear, one as much as the other, and I have
been doing it all my time here — morally, spiritually,
as well as materially, digging the church out of the
smothering sands, and all in vain — all profitless work.
You are right, Ju."
" Papa," said Judith hastily, seeing his discourage-
ment and knowing his tendency to depression, " papa,
do you hear the sea how it roars ? I have stood on the
bench, more than once, to look out seaward, and find
a reason for it ; but there is none — all blue, blue as a
larkspur ; and not a cloud in the sky — all blue, blue
there too. No wind either, and that is why I have
done well with my ball-pla}-. Do you hear the roar of
the sea, papa ? " she repeated.
" Yes, Ju. There will be a storm shortly. The sea
is thrown into great swells or rollers, a sure token that
something is coming. Before night a gale will be
on us."
Then ensued silence. Judith with one finger trifled
with the guelder-rose bunch in her lap musingly, not
desirous to resume her play with it. Something in her
father's manner was unusual, and made her uneasy.
" My dear ! " he began, after a pause, " one must
look out to sea — into the vast mysterious sea of the
future — and prepare for what is coming from it. Just
now the air is still, and we sit in this sweet, sunny
garden, and lean our backs against the warm wall, and
smell the fragrance of the flowers ; but we hear the
beating of the sea, and know that a might}' tempest
with clouds and darkness is coming. So in other
matters we must look out and be ready — count the
time till it comes. My dear — when I am gone "
" Papa ! "
" We are looking out to sea and listening. That
must come at some time — it may come sooner than
you anticipate." He paused, heaved a sigh, and said^
" Oh ! Jamie ! What are we to do about Jamie ? "
" Papa, I will always take care of Jamie."
" But who will take care of you ? "
"Of me? Oh, papa, surely I can take care of
He shook his head doubtfull}'.
" Papa, you know how strong I am in will — how
firm I can be with Jamie."
" But all mankind are not Jamies. It is not for 5^ou
I fear, as much as for you and him together. He is a
trouble and a difficulty."
"Jamie is not so silly and troublesome as you think.
All he needs is application. He cannot screw his mind
down to his books — to any serious occupation. But
that will come. I have heard say that the stupidest
children make the sharpest men. Little by little it
will come, but it will come certainly. I will set myself
as my task to make Jamie apply his mind and become
a useful man, and I shall succeed, papa." She caught
her father's hand between hers, and slapped it joyously,
confidently. " How cold your hand is, papa ! and
yet you look warm."
" You were always Jamie's champion," said her
father, not noticing her remark relative to himself.
" He is my twin brother, so of course I am his
champion. Who else would be that, were not I ? "
*' No — no one else. He is mischievous and trouble-
some — poor, poor fellow. You will always be to Jamie
what you are now, Ju — his protector or champion ?
He is weak and foolish, and if he were to fall into bad
hands — I shudder to think what might become of him."
" Relv on me, dearest father."
Then he lifted the hand of his daughter, and looked
at it with a faint smile. " It is very small, it is very
weak, to fight for self alone, let alone yourself en-
cumbered with Jamie."
" I will do it, papa, do not fear."
'' Judith, I must talk gravely with you, for the future
is very dark to me ; and I am unable with hand or
brain to provide anything against the evil day. Numb-
ness is on me, and I have been hampered on every side.
For one thing, the living has been so poor, and my
parishioners so difficult to deal with, that I have been
able to lay by but a trifle. I believe I have not a
relative in the world — none, at all events, near enough
and known to me that I dare ask him to care for
you "
"Papa, there is Aunt Dionysia."
" Aunt Dionysia," he repeated, with a hesitating
voice. " Yes ; but Aunt Dionysia is — is not herself
capable of taking charge of you. She has nothing
but what she earns, and then — Aunt Dionysia is — is
— well — Aunt Dionysia. I don't think you could be
happy with her, even if, in the event of my departure,
she were able to take care of you. Then — and that
•chiefly — she has chosen, against my express wishes —
I may say, in defiance of me — to go as housekeeper
into the service of the man, of all others, who has
been a thorn in my side, a hinderer of God's work,
a but I will say no more."
"What! Cruel Coppinger ? "
'' Yes, Cruel Coppinger. I might have been the
means of doing a little good in this place, God knows !
I only thiuk I might ; but I have been thwarted, defied,
insulted by that man. As I have striven to dig my
buried church out of the overwhelming sands, so have
I striven to lift the souls of my poor parishioners out
of the dead engulfing sands of savagery, brutalit}',.
very heathenism of their mode of life, and I have been
frustrated. The winds have blown the sands back
with ever}^ gale over my work with spade, and that
stormblast Coppinger has devastated every trace of good
that I have done, or tried to do, in spiritual matters.
The Lord reward him according to his works."
Judith felt her father's hand tremble in hers.
" Never mind Coppinger now," she said, soothingly.
" I must mind him," said the old man, with severe
vehemence. " And — that my own sister should go,
go — out of defiance, into his house and serve him I
That was too much. I might well say, I have none to
whom to look as your protector," He paused awhile
and wiped his brow. His pale lips were quivering.
"I do not mean to say," said he, " that I acted with
judgment, when first I came to S. Enodoc, when L
spoke against smuggling. I did not understand it then.
I thought with the thoughts of an inlander. Here —
the sands sweep over the fields, and agriculture is in a
measure impossible. The bays and creeks seem to
invite — well — I leave it an open question. But with
regard to wrecking — " His voice, which had quavered
in feebleness, according with the feebleness of his
judgment relative to smuggling, now gained sonorous-
ness. " Wrecking, deliberate wrecking, is quite another
matter. I do not say that our people are not justified
in gathering the harvest the sea casts up. There
always must be, there will be wrecks on this terrible
coast : but there has been — I know there has been,
though I have not been able to prove it — deliberate
provocation of wrecks, — and that is the sin of Cain.
Had I been able to prove "
" Never mind that now, dear papa. Neither I nor
Jamie are, or will be, wreckers. Talk of something;
else. You over-excite yourself."
Judith was accustomed to hear her father talk in an
open manner to her. She had been his sole companion
for several years, since his wife's death, and she had
become the confidant of his inmost thoughts, his
vacillations, his discouragements, not of his hopes — for
he had none, nor of his schemes — for he formed none.
" I do not think I have been of any use in this
world," said the old parson, relapsing into his tone of
discouragement, the temporary flame of anger having
died away. " My sowing has produced no harvest.
I have brought light, help, strength to none. I have
dug all day in the vineyard, and not a vine is the better
for it ; all cankered and fruitless."
" Papa — and me ? Have you done nothing for
"You ! "
He had not thought of his child.
" Papa ! Do you think that I have gained naught
from you ? No strength, no resolution from seeing you
toil on in your thankless work, without apparent result?
If I have any energy and principle to carry me through
— I owe it to you."
He was moved, and raised his trembling hand and
laid it on her golden head.
He said no more, and was very still.
Presently she spoke. His hand weighed heavily on
her head.
" Papa, you are listening to the roar of the sea ? "
He made no reply.
" Papa, I felt a cold breath ; and see, the sun has a
film over it. Surel}^ the sea is roaring louder ! "
His hand slipped from her head and struck her
shoulder — roughly, she thought. She turned, startled,
and looked at him. His eyes were open, he was lean-
ing back, almost fallen against the wall, and was
deadly pale.
" Papa, are you listening to the roar ? "
Then a thought struck her like a bullet in the heart.
" Papa ! Papa ! My papa ! — speak — speak ! "
She sprang from the bench — was before him. Her
last guelder-rose had rolled, had bounded from her lap,
and had fallen on the sand the old man had listlessly
brought up from the church. His work, her play, were
for ever over.
The stillness preceding the storm had yielded. A gale
had broken over the coast, raged against the cliffs of
Pentyre, and battered the walls of the parsonage,
without disturbing the old rector, whom no storm
would trouble again, soon to be laid under the sands of
his buried churchyard, his very mound to be heaped
over in a few years, and obliterated by waves of additional
encroaching sand. Judith had not slept all night. She
— she, a mere child, had to consider and arrange every-
thing consequent on the death of the master of the
house. The servants — cook and housemaid — had been
of little, if any, assistance to her. When Jane, the
housemaid, rushed into the kitchen with the tidings
that the old parson was dead, cook, in her agitation,
upset the kettle and scalded her foot. The gardener's
wife had come in on hearing the news, and had volun-
teered help. Judith had given her the closet-key to
fetch from the stores something needed; and Jamie,
finding access to the closet, had taken possession of a
pot of raspberry jam, carried it to bed with him, and
spilled it over the sheets, besides making himself ill.
The housemaid, Jane, had forgotten in her distraction
to shut the best bedroom casement, and the gale during
the night had wrenched it from its hinges, flung it
into the garden on the roof of the small conservatory,
and smashed both. Moreover, the casement being
open, the rain had driven into the room unchecked,
had swamped the floor, run through and stained the
drawing-room ceiling underneath, the drips had fallen
on the mahogany table and blistered the veneer. A
messenger was sent to Pentyre Glaze for Miss Dionysia
Trevisa, and she would probably arrive in an hour or two.
Mr. Trevisa, as he had told Judith, was solitary ;
singularly so. He was of a good Cornish family, but
it was one that had dwindled till it had ceased to have
other representative than himself. Once well estated,
at Crockadon, in S. Mellion, all the lands of the family
had been lost ; once with merchants in the family, all
the fortunes of these merchants industriously gathered
had been dissipated, and nothing had remained to the
Reverend Peter Trevisa but his family name and family
coat, a garb or, on a field gules. It really seemed as
though the tinctures of the shield had been fixed in the
crown of splendour that covered the head of Judith.
But she did not derive this wealth of red-gold hair from
her Cornish ancestors, but from a Scottish mother, a
poor governess whom Mr. Peter Trevisa had married,
thereby exciting the wrath of his only sister and
relative, Miss Dionysia, who had hitherto kept house
for him, and vexed his soul with her high-handed
proceedings. It was owing to some insolent words
used by her to Mrs. Trevisa, that Peter had quarrelled
with his sister at first. Then when his wife died, she
had forced herself on him as housekeeper, but again her
presence in the house had become irksome to him, and
when she treated his children — his delicate and dearly-
loved Judith with roughness, and his timid, silly
Jamie with harshness, amounting in his view to cruelty
— sharp words had passed between them ; sharp is,
however, hardly the expression to use for the carefully-
worded remonstrances of the mild rector, though appro-
priate enough to her rejoinders. Then she had taken
herself off, and had become housekeeper to Curll
Coppinger — Cruel Coppinger, as he was usually called^
who occupied Pentyre Glaze, and was a fairly well-to-
do single man.
Mr. Trevisa had not been a person of energy, but
one of culture and refinement; a dispirited, timid man.
Finding no neighbours of the same mental texture,
nor sympathetic, he had been driven to make of Judith,
though a child, his companion, and he had poured into
her ear all his troubles, which largely concerned the
future of his children. In his feebleness he took com-
fort from her sanguine confidence, though he was well
aware that it was bred of ignorance, and he derived a
weak satisfaction from the thought that he had pre-
pared her morally, at all events, if in no other fashion,
for the crisis that must come when he was withdrawn.
Mr. Peter Trevisa — Peter was a family Christian
name — was for twenty-five years rector of S. Enodoc,
on the north coast of Cornwall at the mouth of the
Camel. The sand dunes had encroached on the church
of S. Enodoc, and had enveloped the sacred structure.
VOL. I. 3
A hole was broken through a window, through which
the interior could be reached, where divine service
was performed occasionally in the presence of the
churchwardens, so as to establish the right of the
rector, and through this same hole bridal parties
entered to be coupled, with their feet ankle-deep in
sand that filled the interior to above the pew-tops.
But Mr. Trevisa was not the man to endure such a
condition of affairs without a protest and an effort to
remedy it. He had endeavoured to stimulate the
farmers and landowners of the parish to excavate the
buried church, but his endeavours had proved futile.
There were several reasons for this. In the first place,
and certainly foremost, stood this reason : as long as
the church was choked with sand and could not be
employed for regular divine service, the tithe-payers
could make a grievance of it, and excuse themselves
from paying their tithe in full, because, as they argued,
" Parson don't give us sarvice, so us ain't obliged to
pay'n." They knew their man, that he was tender-
conscienced, and would not bring the law to bear upon
them ; he would see that there was a certain measure
of justness in the argument, and would therefore not
demand of them a tithe for which he did not give them
the quid pro quo. But they had sufficient shrewdness
to pay a portion of their tithes, so as not to drive him
to extremities and exhaust his patience. It will be seen,
therefore, that in the interests of their pockets, the
tithe-payers did not want to have their parish church
excavated. Excavation meant weekly service regularly
performed, and weekly service regularly performed
would be followed by exaction of the full amount of
rent-charge. Then, again, in the second place, should
divine service be resumed in the church of S. Enodoc,
the parishioners would feel a certain uneasiness in
their consciences if they disregarded the summons of
the bell ; it might not be a very lively uneasiness, but
just such an irritation as might be caused by a fly
crawling over the face. So long as there was no service
they could soothe their consciences with the thought
that there was no call to make an effort to pull on
Sunday breeches and assume a Sunday hat, and trudge
to the church. Therefore, secondly, for the ease of
their own consciences, it was undesirable that S.
Enodoc should be dug out of the sand.
Then lastly, and thirdly, the engulfment of the
church gave them a cherished opportunity for being"
nasty to the rector, and retaHating upon him for his
incaution in condemning smuggling and launching out
into anathema against wrecking. As he had made
matters disagreeable to them — tried, as they put it, to
take the bread out of their mouths, they saw no reason.
why they should spend money to please him.
Mr. Trevisa had made very little provision for his
children, principally, if not wholly, because he could
not. He had received from the farmers and land-
owners a portion of tithe, and had been contented with
that rather than raise angry feelings by demanding the
whole. Out of that portion he was able to put aside
but little.
Aunt Dionysia arrived, a tall, bony woman, with
hair turning grey, light eyes and an aquiline nose, a
hard, self-seeking woman, who congratulated herself
that she did not give way to feelings.
" I feel," said she, "as do others, but I don't show
my feehngs as beggars expose their bad legs."
She went into the kitchen. " Hoity-toity ! " she
said to the cook, " fine story this — scalding yourself.
Mind this ; you cook meals, or no wage for you." To
Jane, "The mischief you have done shall be valued
and deducted from any little trifle my brother may
have left you in his will. Where is Jamie ? Give me
that joint of fishing-rod ; I'll beat him for stealing rasp-
berry jam."
Jamie, however, on catching a glimpse of his aunt
had escaped into the garden and concealed himself.
The cook, offended, began to clatter the saucepans.
" Now, then," said Mrs. Trevisa — she bore the
brevet-rank — " in a house of mourning, what do you
mean by making this noise, it is impertinent to me."
The housemaid swung out of the kitchen, muttering.
Airs. Trevisa now betook herself upstairs in quest of
her niece, and found her with red eyes.
" I call it rank felo-de-se,'" said Aunt Dionysia.
■*' Every one knew — he knew, that he had a feeble
heart, and ought not to be digging and delving in the
old church. Who sent the sand upon it ? Why, Pro-
vidence, I presume. Not man. Then it was a-flying
in the face of Providence to try to dig it out. Who
wanted the church ? He might have waited till the
parishioners asked for it. But there — where is Jamie ?
I shall teach him a lesson for stealing raspberry jam."
" Oh, aunt, not now — not now ! "
Mrs. Trevisa considered a moment, then laid aside
the fishing-rod.
" Perhaps you are right. I am not up to it after my
walk from Pent}'re Glaze. Now, then, what about
mourning ? I do not suppose Jamie can be measured
by guess-work. You must bring him here. Tell him
the whipping is put off till another day. Of course-
you have seen to black things for yourself. Not ?
Wh}', gracious heavens ! is everything to be thrown or?
my shoulders ? Am I to be made a beast of burden
of? Now, no mewling and pewking. There is nO'
time for that. Whatever your time may be, nunc is-
valuable. I can't be here for ever. Of course every
responsibility has been put on me. Just like Peter —
no consideration. And what can I do with a set of
babies ? I have to work hard enough to keep myself..
Peter did not want my services at one time; now I ani
put upon. Have you sent for the undertaker ? What
about clothing again ? I suppose you know that 30^
must have mourning? Bless my heart ! what a lot of
trouble you give me."
Mrs. Trevisa was in a ver}- bad temper, which e\'eni
the knowledge that it was seemly that she should veil
it, could not make her restrain. She was, no doubt,
to a certain extent fond of her brother — not much,
because he had not been of any advantage to her ; and
no doubt she was shocked at his death, but chiefly
because it entailed on herself responsibilities and
trouble that she grudged. She would be obliged to
do something for her nephew and niece ; she would
have to provide a home for them somewhere. She
could not take them with her to Coppinger's house, as
she was there as a salaried servant, and not entitled to
invite thither her young relatives. Moreover, she did
not want to have them near her. She disliked young
people ; they gave trouble, they had to be looked after,
they entailed expenses. What was she to do with
them ? Where was she to put them ? What would
they have to live upon ? Would they call on her to
part-maintain them ? Miss Dionysia had a small sum
put away, and she had no intention of breaking into it
for them. It was a nest-egg, and was laid by against
an evil day that might come on herself. She had put
the money away for herself, in her old age, not for the
children of her feeble brother and his lack-penny wife
to consume as moth and rust. As these thoughts and
questions passed through her mind, Aunt Dionysia
pulled open drawers, examined cupboards, pried into
closets, and searched chests and wardrobes.
" I wonder now what he has put by for them," she
said aloud.
■" Do you mean my dear papa? " asked Judith, whose
troubled heart and shaken spirits were becoming angry
and restless under the behaviour of the hard, unfeeling
" Yes, I do," answered Mrs. Trevisa, facing round,
and glaring malevolently at her niece. " It is early
days to talk of this, but it must be done sooner or later,
and if so, the sooner the better. There is money in the
house, I suppose ? "
" I do not know."
" I must know. You will want it — bills must be
paid. You will eat and drink, I suppose ? You must
be clothed. I'll tell you what : I'll put the whole case
into the hands of Lawyer Jenkyns, and he shall de-
mand arrears of tithe. I know what quixotish conduct
Peter "
"Aunt, I will not allow this." A light flush came
into the girl's cheek.
*' It is all very well talking," said Aunt Dionysia ;
*' but black is not white, and no power on earth can
make me say that it is so. Money must be found.
Money must be paid for expenses, and it is hard that
I should have to find it ; so I think. What money is
there in the house for present necessities ? I must
Suddenly a loud voice was heard shouting through
the house —
" Mother Dunes ! old Dunes ! I want you."
Judith turned cold and white. Who was this that
dared to bellow in the house of death, when her dear,
dear father lay upstairs with the blinds down, asleep ?
It was an insult, an outrage. Her nerves had already
been thrilled, and her heart roused into angry revolt by
the cold, unfeeling conduct of the woman who was her
sole relative in the world. And now, as she was thus
quivering, there came this boisterous shout.
" It is the master ! " said Mrs. Trevisa, in an awe-
struck voice, lowered as much as was possible to
To Coppinger alone was she submissive, cringing,
" What does he mean by this — this conduct?" asked
Judith, trembling with wrath.
" He wants me."
Again a shout. " Dunes ! old fool ! the keys ! "
Then Judith started forward, and went through the
door to the head of the staircase. At the foot stood a
middle-sized, strongly-built, firmly-knit man, in a dress
half belonging to the land and half to the sea, with
high boots on his legs, and a slouched hat on his head.
His complexion was olive, his hair abundant and black,,
covering cheeks and chin and upper lip. His eyes were
hard and dark. He had one brown hand on the bani-
ster, and a foot on the first step, as though about to
ascend when arrested by seeing the girl at the head of
the stairs before him. The house was low, and the
steps led without a break directly from the hall to the
landing which gave communication to the bedrooms.
There was a skylight in the roof over the staircase^
through which a brilliant flood of pure white light fell
over Judith, whereas every window had been darkened
by drawn blinds. The girl had found no sombre dress
suitable to wear, and had been forced to assume the
same white gown as the day before, but she had dis-
carded the green sash and had bound a black ribbon
about her waist, and another about her abundant hair.
A black lace kerchief was drawn over her shoulders
across her breast and tied at her back. She wore long
black mittens.
Judith stood motionless, her bosom rising and falling^
quickly, her lips set, the breath racing through her
nostrils, and one hand resting on the banister at the
In a moment her eyes met those of Coppinger, and
it was at once as though a thrill of electric force had
passed between them.
He desisted from his attempt to ascend, and said,,
without moving his eyes from hers, in a subdued tone,
" She has taken the keys," but he said no more. He
drew his foot from the step hesitatingly, and loosened
his hand from the banister, down which went a thrill
from Judith's quivering nerves, and he stepped
At the same moment she descended a step. Stilf
looking steadily into the dark, threatening pupils, with-
out blinking or lowering her orbs. Emboldened by
her boiling indignation, she stood on the step she had'
reached with both feet firmly planted there, and finding
that the banister rattled under her hand she withdrew
it, and folded her arms. Coppinger raised his hand to
his head and took off his hat. He had a profusion of
dark, curly, flowing hair, that fell and encircled his
saturnine face.
Then Judith descended another step, and as she did
so he retreated a step backwards. Behind him was
the hall door, open ; the light lay wan and white there
■on the gravel, for no sunshine had succeeded the gale.
At every step that Judith took down the stair Coppin-
ger retreated. Neither spoke; the hall was still, save
for the sound of their breath, and his came as fast as
hers. When Judith had reached the bottom, she turned
— Coppinger stood in the doorway now — and signed to
her aunt to come down with the keys.
"Take them to him — Do not give them here — out-
Mrs. Trevisa, surprised, confounded, descended the
stair, went by her, and out through the door. Then
Judith stepped after her, shut the door to exclude both
Aunt Dionysia and that man Coppinger, who had
dared, uninvited, on such a day to invade the house.
She turned now to remount the stairs, but her
strength failed her, her knees yielded, and she sank
upon a step, and burst into a flood of tears and convul-
sive sobs.
Captain Coppinger occupied an old farmhouse, roomy,
low built, granite quoined and mullioned, called Pentyre
Glaze, in a slight dip of the hills near the cliffs above
the thundering Atlantic. One ash shivered at the end
of the house — that was the only tree to be seen near
Pentyre Glaze. And — who was Coppinger? That is
more than can be told. He had come — no one knew
whence. His arrival on the north coast of Cornwall
\vas mysterious. There had been haze over the sea
for three days. When it lifted, a strange vessel of
foreign rig was seen lying off the coast. Had she got
there in the fog, not knowing her course ; or had she
come there knowingly, and was making for the mouth
of the Camel ? A boat was seen to leave the ship, and
in it a man came ashore ; the boat returned to the
vessel, that thereupon spread sail and disappeared in
the fog that re-descended over the water. The man
l^ave his name as Coppinger — his Christian name, he
said, was Curll, and he was a Dane ; but though his
intonation was not that of the Cornish, it was not
foreign. He took up his residence in S. Enodoc at a
farm, and suddenly, to the surprise of every one, be-
came by purchase the possessor of Pentyre Glaze, then
vacant and for sale. Had he known that the estate
was obtainable, when he had come suddenl}^ out of the
clouds into the place to secure it ? Nobody knew, and
Coppinger was silent.
Thenceforth Pentvre Glaze became a harbour and
den of every lawless character along the coast. All
kinds of wild uproar and reckless revelry appalled
the neighbourhood day and night. It was discovered
that an organized band of smugglers, wreckers, and
poachers made this house the centre of their operations,
and that *' Cruel Coppinger " was their captain. There
were at that time — just a century ago — no resident
magistrates or gentry in the immediate neighbourhood.
The yeomen were bribed, by kegs of spirits left at their
doors, to acquiesce in a traffic in illicit goods, and in
the matter of exchange they took their shares. It was
said that on one occasion a preventive man named
Ewan Wyvill, who had pursued Coppinger in his boat,,
was taken by him, and his head chopped off by the
captain with his boat axe, on the gunwale. Such was
the story. It was never proved. Wyvill had dis-
appeared, and the body was recovered headless on the
Doom Bar. That violence had been used was un-
doubted, but wholiad committed the crime was not
known, though suspicion pointed to Coppinger. Thence-
forth, none ever called him Curll ; by one consent he
was named Cruel. In the West of England every one
is given his Christian name. An old man is Uncle,,
and an old woman Aunt, and any one in command is
a Captain. - So Coppinger was known as Captain Cruel,,
or as Cruel Coppinger.
Strange vessels were often seen appearing at regular
intervals on the coast, and signals were flashed from
the one window of Pentyre Glaze that looked out to
Amongst these vessels, one, a full-rigged schooner,
soon became ominously conspicuous. She was for
long the terror of the Cornish coast. Her name was
Tlic Black Prince. Once, with Coppinger on board,
she led a revenue cutter into an intricate channel
among the rocks, where, from knowledge of the
j> bearings, The Black Prince escaped scathless, while
the king's vessel perished with all on board.
Immunity increased Coppinger's daring. There
were certain bridle-roads along the fields over which
he exercised exclusive control. He issued orders that
no man should pass over them by night, and accord-
ingly from that hour none ever did.^
Moreover, if report spoke true — and reports do not arise
without cause — Coppinger was not averse from taking
advantage, and that unlawful advantage, of a wreck.
By ''lawful" and "unlawful" two categories of acts
are distinguished, not by the laws of the land, but by
common consent of the Cornish conscience. That
same Cornish conscience distinguished wrecking into
' Many stories of Cruel Coppinger may be found in Hawker's
" Footprints of Former Men in Cornwall." I have also told them
in my " Vicar of Morwenstow." I have ventured to translate the
scene of Coppinger's activity further west, from Wellcombe to S.
Enodoc. But, indeed, he is told of in many places on this coast.
VOL. I. 4
two classes, as it distinguished then, and distinguishes
still, witchcraft into two classes. The one, white
witchcraft, is legitimate and profitable, and to be
uplield ; the other, black witchcraft, is reprehensible,
unlawful, and to be put down. So with wrecking.
The Bristol Channel teemed with shipping, flights of
white sails passed in the offing, and these vessels were,
when inward bound, laden with sugars and spices from
the Indies, or with spirits and wines from France. If
■outward bound, they were deep in the water with a
cargo of the riches of England.
Now, should a gale spring up suddenl}- and catch
any of these vessels, and should the gale be — as it
usually is, and to the Cornish folk, favourably is — from
the north-west, then there was no harbour of refuge
along that rock-bound coast, and a ship that could
not make for the open was bound inevitably to be
pounded to pieces against the precipitous walls of
the peninsula. If such were the case, it was perfectly
legitimate for every householder in the district to come
down on the wreck, and strip it of everything it con-
But, on the other hand, there was wrecking that was
disapproved of, though practised b}' a few, so rumour
said, and that consisted in luring a vessel that was
in doubt as to her course, by false signals, upon a reef
or bar, and then, having made a wreck of her, to
pillage her. When on a morning after a night in which
there had been no gale, a ship was found on the rocks,
and picked as clean as the carcase of a camel in the
desert, it was open to suspicion that this ship had not
been driven there by wind or current ; and when the
survivors, if they reached the shore, told that they had
been led to steer in the direction where they had been
cast away by certain lights that had wholly deceived
them, then it was also open to suspicion that these
jghts had been purposely exhibited for the sake of
bringing that vessel to destruction ; and when, further,
it was proved that a certain set or gang of men had
garnered all the profits, or almost all the profits, that
accrued from a wreck, before the countryside was aware
that a wreck had occurred, then it was certainly no
very random conjecture that the wreck had been con-
trived in some fashion by those who profited by it.
There were atrocious tales of murder of shipwrecked
men circulating, but these were probably wholly, or at
all events in part, untrue. If, when a vessel ran upon
the rocks, she was deserted by her crew, if they took
to the boats and made for shore, then there remained
no impediment to the wreckers taking possession ; it
was only in the event of their finding a skipper on
board to maintain right over the grounded vessel, or
the mariners still on her engaged in getting her off,
that any temptation to violence could arise. But it
was improbable that a crew would cling to a ship on
such a coast when once she was on the breakers. It
was a moral certainty that they would desert her, and
leave the wreck to be pillaged by the rats from shore,
without offer of resistance. The character of the coast-
wreckers was known to seamen, or rather a legend full
of horror circulated relative to their remorseless savager}^
The fear of wreckers added to the fear of the sea, would
combine to drive a crew, to the last man, into the
boats. Consequently, though it is possible that in
some cases murder of castaway men may have
occurred, such cases must have been most exceptional.
The wreckers were only too glad to build a golden
bridge by which the wrecked might escape. Morally,
without a question, those who lured a hapless mer-
chantman upon the rocks were guilty of the deaths of
those sailors who were upset in their boats in escaping
from the vessel, or were dashed against the cliffs in
their attempts to land, but there was no direct blood-
guiltiness felt in such cases ; and those who had reaped
a harvest from the sea counted their gains individually,
and made no estimate of the misery accruing thereby
to others.
*' Listen to me," said Judith.
" Yes, Jii ! "
The orphans were together in the room that had
been their father's, the room in which for some days he
had lain with the blind down, the atmosphere heavy
with the perfume of flowers, and that indescribable,
unmistakable scent of death. Often, every day, almost
every hour, had Judith stolen into the room whilst he
lay there, to wonder with infinite reverence and admi-
ration at the purity and dignity of the dead face. It
was that of the dear, dear father, but sublimed beyond
her imagination. All the old vacillation was gone, the
expression of distress and discouragement had passed
away, and in their place had come a fixity and a calm,
such as one sees in the busts of the ancient Roman
HOP <9' MY THUMB. 3^
Caesars, but with a superadded etheriality — if such a
word can be used — that a piece of pagan statuary never
reached. IMarvellous, past finding out, it is that death
which takes from man the spiritual element, should
give to the mere clay a look of angelic spirituality, yet
so it is — so it was with the dead Peter Trevisa ; and
Judith, with eyes filling as fast as dried, stood, her
hands folded, looking into his face, felt that she had
never loved, never admired him half enough when he
was alive. Life had been the simmer in which all the
scum of trivialities, of infirmities, of sordidness had
come to and shown itself on the surface. Now Death
had cleared these all away, and in the peaceful face of
the dead was seen the real man, the nobility, sanctity,
delicacy that formed the texture of his soul, and which
had impressed the very clay wrapped about that volatile
As long as the dear father's body lay in the house,
Judith had not realized her utter desolation. But now
the funeral was over, and she had returned with her-
brother to the parsonage, to draw up the blinds, and
let the light once more enter, and search out, and
revivify the dead rooms.
She was very pale, with reddened eyes, and looking
more fragile and transparent than ever she did before,
worn and exhausted by tearful, wakeful nights, and by
days of alternating gusts of sorrow and busy preparation
for the funeral, of painful recollections of joyous days
that were past, and of doubtful searchings into a future
that was full of cloud.
Her black frock served to enhance her pallor, and to
make her look thinner, smaller than when in white or
in colour.
She had taken her place in her father's high-backed
leather chair, studded thick with brass nails, the
leather dulled and fretted by constant use, but the
nail-heads burnished by the same treatment.
Her brother was in the same chair with her ; both
his arms were round her neck, and his head was on
her shoulder. She had her right arm about his waist,
her left was bowed, the elbow leaning on the chair
arm, her hand folded inwards, and her weary head
resting on its back.
The fine weather broken in upon by the gale had
returned ; the sun shone in unhindered at the window,
and blazed on the children's hair ; the brass nails,
polished by friction, twinkled as little suns, but were
naught in lustre to the gorgeous red of the hair of
the twins, for the first were but brass, and the other of
living gold.
Two more lonely beings could hardly be discovered
on the face of the earth — at all events in the peninsula
of Cornwall, — but the sense of this loneliness was
summed in the heart of Judith, and was there articu-
late ; Jamie was but dimly conscious of discomfort
and bereavement. She knew what her father's death
entailed on her, or knew in part, and conjectured more.
Had she been left absolutely alone in the w^orld, her
condition would have been less difficult than it was
actually, encumbered with her helpless brother. Swim-
ming alone in the tossing sea, she might have struck
out with confidence that she could keep her head above
water, but it was quite otherwise when clinging to her
was a poor half-witted boy, incapable of doing anything
to save himself, and all whose movements tended only
to embarrass her. Not that she regretted for an
instant having to care for Jamie, for she loved him
with sisterly and motherly love combined, intensified
in force by fusion ; if to her a future seemed incon-
ceivable without Jamie, a future without him would be
one without ambition, pleasure, or interest.
The twin brother was very like her, with the same
beautiful and abundant hair, delicate in build, and with
the same refined face, but without the flashes of alter-
nating mood that lightened and darkened her face.
His had a searching, bewildered, distressed expression
on it — the only expression it ever bore except when he
was out of temper, and then it mirrored on its surface
his inward ill-humour. His was an appealing face,
a face that told of a spirit infantile, innocent, and
ignorant, that would never grow stronger, but which
could deteriorate by loss of innocence — the only change
of which it was capable. The boy had no inherent
naughtiness in him, but was constantly falling into
mischief through thoughtlessness, and he was difficult
to manage, because incapable of reasoning.
What every one saw — that he never would be other
than what he was — Judith would not admit. She
acknowledged his inaptitude at his books, his frivolity,,
his restlessness, but believed that these were infirmities
to be overcome, and that when overcome, the boy
would be as other boys are.
'Now these children — they were aged eighteen, but
Jamie looked four years younger — sat in their father's
chair, clinging to each other, all in all to one another,,
for they had no one else to love, and who loved them.
"Listen to me, Jamie."
" Yes, Ju, I be "
" Don't say * I be '—say ' I am.' "
''Yes, Ju."
"Jamie, dear!" she drew her arm tighter about
him ; her heart was bounding, and every beat caused
her pain. "Jamie, dear, you know that, now dear papa
is gone, and you will never see him in this world again^
that "
" Yes, Ju."
" That I have to look to you, m}- brother, to stand
up for me like a man, to think and do for me as well as
for yourself — a brave, stout, industrious fellow."
"Yes, Ju."
" I am a girl, and you will soon be a man, and must
work for both of us. You must earn the money, and I
will spend it frugally as we both require it. Then we
shall be happy again, and dear papa in Paradise will
be glad and smile on us. You will make an effort, will
3'ou not, Jamie ? Hitherto you have been able to run
about and play and squander your time, but now
serious days have come upon us, and you must fix your
mind on work and determine — Jamie — mind, screw
your heart to a strong determination to put away
childish things and be a man, and a strength and a
comfort to me."
He put up his lips to kiss her cheek, but could not
reach it, as her head was leaning on her hand away
from him.
" What are you fidgeting at, my dear ? " she asked,
without stirring, feeling his body restless under her arm.
" A nail is coming out," he answered.
It was so ; whilst she had been speaking to him he
was working at one of the brass studs, and had loosened
its bite in the chair.
" Oh, Jamie ! you are making work by thus drawing
out a nail. Can you not help me a little, and reduce
the amount one has to think of and do ? You have
not been attending to what I said, and I was so much in
earnest." She spoke in a tone of discouragement, and
the tone, more than the words, impressed the suscep-
tible heart of the boy. He began to cry.
" You are cross."
" I am not cross, my pet ; I am never cross with
you, I love you too dearly ; but you try my patience
sometimes, and just now I am overstrained — and then
I did want to make you understand."
" Now papa's dead I'll do no more lessons, shall I ?""
asked Jamie, coaxingly.
" You must, indeed, and with me instead of papa."
" Not ros,a, roses ? "
" Yes, rosa, roses.'"
Then he sulked.
" I don't love you a bit. It is not fair. Papa is
dead, so I ought not to have any more lessons. I hate
rosa, roscB ! " He kicked the legs of the chair peevishly
with his heels. As his sister said nothing, seemed to
be inattentive — for she was weary and dispirited — he
slapped her cheek by raising his hand over his head.
" What, Jamie ? strike me, your only friend ? "
Then he threw his arms round her again, and kissed
her. " I'll love you ; only, Ju, say I am not to do rosa^
rosce ! "
" How long have you been working at the first
declension in the Latin Grammar, Jamie ? "
He tried for an instant to think, gave up the effort,
laid his head on her shoulder, and said — •
" I don't know and don't care. Say I am not to do
i^osa, roscB ! "
" What ! not if papa wished it ? "
" I hate the Latin Grammar ! "
For a while both remained silent. Judith felt the
tension to which her mind and nerves had been sub-
jected, and lapsed momentarily into a condition of
something like unconsciousness, in which she was
dimly sensible of a certain satisfaction rising out of the
pause in thought and effort. The boy lay quiet, with
his head on her shoulder, for a while, then withdrew
his arms, folded his hands on his lap, and began to
make a noise by compressing the air between the
" There's a finch out there going ' Chink ! chink ! '
and listen, Ju ! I can make ' chink! chink ! ' too."
Judith recovered herself from her distraction, and
said —
" Never mind the finch now. Think of what I say.
We shall have to leave this house."
" Why ? "
'' Of course we must, sooner or later, and the sooner
the better. It is no more ours."
" Yes, it is ours. I have my rabbits here."
" Now that papa is dead, it is no longer ours."-
" It's a wicked shame."
" Not at all, Jamie. This house was given to papa
for his life only ; now it will go to a new rector, and
Aunt Dunes ^ is going to fetch us away to another
" When ? "
*' To-day."
" I won't go," said the boy. " I swear I won't."
" Hush, hush, Jamie ! Don't use such expressions.
I do not know where you have picked them up. We
must go."
" And my rabbits, are they to go too ? "
" The rabbits ? We'll see about them. Aunt "
" I hate Aunt Dunce ! "
" You really must not call her that ; if she hears
you she will be very angry. And consider, she has
been taking a great deal of trouble about us."
" I don't care."
' Dunes is the sliort for Dionysia.
" My dear, she is dear papa's sister."
" Why didn't papa get a nicer sister — like you ? '^
** Because he had to take what God gave him."
The boy pouted, and began to kick his heels against
the chair legs once more.
"Jamie, we must leave this house to-day. Aunt is
coming to take us both away."
" I won't go."
" But, Jamie, I am going, and the cook is going, and
so is Jane."
** Are cook and Jane coming with us ? "
" No, dear."
"Why not?"
" We shall not want them. We cannot afford ta
keep them any more, to pay their wages ; and then
we shall not go into a house of our own. You must
come with me, and be a joy and rest to me, dear Jamie."'
She turned her head over, and leaned it on his head.
The sun glowed in their mingled hair — all of one tinge
and lustre. It sparkled in the tears on her cheek.
" Ju ! may I have these buttons ? "
"What buttons?"
He shook himself free from his sister, slid his feet
to the ground, went to a bureau, and brought to his
sister a large open basket that had been standing
on the top of the bureau. It had been turned out
of a closet by Aunt Dion37sia, and contained an
accumulation of those most profitless of collected
remnants — odd buttons, coat buttons, brass, smoked
mother-of-pearl, shirt buttons, steel clasps — buttons of
all kinds, the gathering together made during twenty-
five years. Why the basket, after having been turned
out of a lumber-closet, had been left in the room of
death, or why, if turned out elsewhere, it had been
brought there, is more than even the novelist can tell.
Suffice it that there it was, and by whom put there
could not be said.
" Oh ! what a store of pretty buttons ! " exclaimed the
boy. " Do look, Ju ! these great big ones are just like
those on Cheap Jack's red waistcoat. Here is a brass
one with a horse on it. Do see ! Oh, Ju ! please get
your needle and thread and sew this one on to my
black dress."
Judith sighed. It was in vain for her to impress the
realities of the situation on his wandering mind.
VOL. I. '\
" Hark ! " she exclaimed. " There is Aunt Dunes.
I hear her voice — how loud she speaks ! She has come
to fetch us away."
" Where is she going to take us to ? "
" I do not know, Jamie."
" She will take us into the forest and lose us, like as
did Hop-o'-my-Thumb's father."
" There are no forests here — hardly any trees."
" She will leave us in the forest, and run away."
" Nonsense, Jamie ! "
" I am sure she will. She doesn't like us. She
wants to get rid of us. I don't care. May I have the
basket of buttons ? "
" Yes, Jamie."
'' Then I'll be Hop-o'-my-Thumb."
It was as Judith surmised. Mrs. Dionysia Trevisa
had come to remove her nephew and niece from the
rectory. She was a woman decided in character,
especially in all that concerned her interests. She
had made up her mind that the children could not be
left unprotected in the parsonage, and she could not
be with them. Therefore they must go. The servants
must leave ; they would be paid their month's wage,
but by dismissing them their keep would be econo-
mised. There was a factotum living in a cottage near,
who did the gardening, the cinder-sifting, and boot-
cleaning for the rectory inmates, he would look after
the empty house, and wait on in hopes of being engaged
to garden, sift cinders, and clean boots for the new rector.
As it was settled that the children must leave the
house, the next thing to consider was where they were
to be placed. The aunt could not take them to Pentyre
Glaze ; that was not to be thought of. They must be
disposed of in some other way.
Mrs. Trevisa had determined on a sale of her brother's
effects : his furniture, bedding, curtains, carpets, books,
plate, and old sermons. She was anxious to realize as
soon as possible, so as to know for certain what she
could calculate upon as being left for the support of
Judith and the brother. To herself the rector had left
only a ring and five guineas. She had not expected
more. His decease was not likely to be a benefit, but,
on the contrary, an embarrassment to her. He had left
about a thousand pounds, but then Mrs. Trevisa did
not 3^et know how large a bite out of this thousand
pounds would be taken by the dilapidations on rector}^,
glebe, and chancel. The chancel of the church was in
that condition that it afforded a wide margin for the
adjudication of dilapidations. They might be set down
at ten shillings or a thousand pounds, and no one could
say which was the fairest sum, as the chancel was deep
in sand and invisible. The imagination of the valuer
might declare it to be sound or to be rotten, and till
dug out no one could impeach his judgment.
In those days, when an incumbent died, the widow
and orphans of the deceased appointed a valuer, and
the in-coming rector nominated his valuer, and these
two cormorants looked each other in the eyes — said to
each other, " Brother, what pickings ? " And as less
resistance to being lacerated and cleaned to the bone
was to be anticipated from a broken-hearted widow and
helpless children than from a robust, red-faced rector,
the cormorants contrived to rob the widow and the
fatherless. Then that cormorant who had been paid
to look after the interest of the widow and children
and had not done it said to the other cormorant,
"Brother, I've done you a turn this time; do me the
like when the chance falls to you." Now, although
nominally the money picked off the sufferers was to go
to the account of the in-comer, it was not allowed to
pass till the cormorants had taken toll of it. More-
over, these cormorants were architects, builders, soli-
citors, or contractors of some sort, and looked to get
something further out of the in-coming man they
favoured, whereas they knew they could get nothing
at all out of the departed man who was buried. Now
we have pretended to change all this ; let us persuade
ourselves we have made the conduct of these matters
more honest and just.
Aunt Dionysia did not know by experience what
valuers for dilapidations were, but she had always
heard that valuation for dilapidations materially
diminished the property of a deceased incumbent.
She was consequently uneasy, and anxious to know
the worst, and make the best of the circumstances
that she could. She saw clearly enough that the
sum that would remain when debts and valuation were
paid would be insufficient to support the orphans,
and she saw also with painful clearness that there
would be a necessity for her to supplement their
reduced income from her own earnings. This con-
viction did not sweeten her temper and increase the
cordiality with which she treated her nephew and niece.
*' Now, hoity-toity ! " said Aunt Dionysia; " I'm not
one of your mewlers and pewkers. I have my work
to do, and can't afford to waste time in the luxury of
tears. You children shall come with me. I will see
you settled in, and then Balhachet shall wheel over
your boxes and whatever we want for the night. I
have been away from my duties longer than I ought,
and the maids are running wild, are after every one
who comes near the place, like horse-flies round the
cattle on a sultry day. I will see you to your quarters,
and then you must shift for yourselves. Balhachet can
come and go between the rectory and Zachie Menaida
as much as you want."
"Are we going to Mr. Menaida's, aunt?" asked
" Did not I say Zachie Menaida ? If I said Zachie
Menaida I suppose I meant what I said, or are you
hard of hearing ? Come — time to me is precious.
Bustle — bustle — don't keep me waiting whilst you
After a while Mrs. Trevisa succeeded in getting her
nephew and niece to start. Judith, indeed, was ready
at the first suggestion to go with her aunt, glad to
get over the pang of leaving the house as quickly as
might be. It was to be the rupture of one thread of the
tie that bound her to the past, but an important thread.
She was to leave the house as a home, though she
would return to it again and again to carry away from
it such of her possessions as she required and could
find a place for at Zachary Menaida's. But with
Jamie it was other. He had run away, and had to
be sought, and when found coaxed and cajoled into
following his aunt and sister.
Judith had found him, for she knew his nooks and dens.
He was seated in a laurel-bush playing with the buttons.
" Look, Ju ! there is some broken mirror among the
buttons. Stand still, and I will make the sun jump
into your eyes. Open your mouth, and I will send
him down your throat. Won't it be fun ; I'll tease
old Dunes with it."
"Then come along with me."
He obeyed.
The distance to Zachary Menaida's cottage was
about a mile and a quarter, partly through parish
roads, partly through lanes, the way in parts walled
and hedged up against the winds, in others completely
exposed to every breath of air, where it traversed a
Judith walked forward with her aunt, and Jamie
lagged. Occasionally his sister turned her head to
reassure herself that he had not given them the slip ;
Otherwise she attended as closely as she was able to
the instructions and exhortations of her aunt. She
and her brother were to be lodged temporarily at
Uncle Zachie's, that is to say, with Mr. Menaida, an
elderly, somewhat eccentric man, who occupied a
double cottage at the little hamlet of Polzeath. No
final arrangement as to the destination of the orphans
could be made till Aunt Dunes knew the result of the
sale, and how much remained to the children after the
father's trifling debts had been paid, and the consider-
able slice had been cut out of it by the valuers for
dilapidations. Mrs. Trevisa talked fast in her harsh
tones, and in a loud voice, without undulation or
softness in it, and expected her niece to hear and give
account for everything she told her, goading her to
attention with a sharp reminder when she deemed that
her mind was relaxed, and whipping her thoughts to-
gether when she found them wandering. But, indeed,
it was not possible to forget for one moment the
presence and personality of Dionysia, though the sub-
ject of her discourse might be unnoticed.
Every fibre of Judith's heart was strung and strained
to the uttermost, to acutest feeling, and a sympathetic
hand drawn across them would have produced a soft,
thrilling, musical wail. Her bosom was so full to over-
flow that a single word of kindness, a look even that
told of love, would have sufficed to make the child
cast herself in a convulsion of grief into her aunt*s arms,
bury her face in her bosom, and weep out her pent-up
tears. Then, after perhaps half an hour, she would
have looked up through the rain into her aunt's face,
and have smiled, and have loved that aunt passionately,
self-sacrificingly, to her dying day. She was disposed
to love her — for was not Dionysia the only relative she
had ; and was she not the very sister of that father who
had been to her so much ? But Mrs. Trevisa was not
the woman to touch the taught chords with a light hand,
or to speak or look in love. She was hard, angular,
unsympathetic ; and her manner, the intonations of her
voice, her mode of address, the very movements of her
body, acted on the strained nerves as a rasping file,
that would fret till it had torn them through.
Suddenl}', round a corner where the narrow road
turned, two hundred yards ahead, dashed a rider on a
black steed, and Judith immediately recognized Cop-
pinger, on his famous mare. Black Bess : a mare much
talked of, named after the horse ridden by Dick Turpin.
The recognition was mutual. He knew her instantly ;
with a jerk of the rein and a set of the brows he showed
that he was not indifferent.
Coppinger wore his slouched hat, tied under his chin
and beard, a necessary precaution in that gale-swept
country ; on his feet to his knees were high boots. He
wore a blue knitted jersey, and a red kerchief about his
Captain Cruel slightly slackened his pace, as the lane
was narrow; and as he rode past, his dark brow was
knit, and his eyes flashed angrily at Judith. He deigned
neither a glance nor a word to his housekeeper, who
curtseyed and assumed a fawning expression.
When he had passed the two women he dug his spurs
into Black Bess and muttered some words they did not
Judith, who had stood aside, now came forward into
the midst of the roadway and rejoined her aunt, who
began to say something, when her words and Judith's
attention were arrested by shouts, oaths, and cries in
their rear.
Judith and her aunt turned to discover the occasion
of this disturbance, and saw that Coppinger was off his
horse, on his feet, dragging the brute by the rein, and
was whirHng his crop, or hunting-whip, as he pursued
Jamie laying from him with cries of terror. But that
he held the horse and could not keep up with the boy,
Jamie would have suffered severely, for Coppinger was
in a livid fury.
Jamie flew to his sister.
" Save me, Ju ! he wants to kill me."
" What have you done ? "
" It is only the buttons."
*' Buttons, dear ? "
But the boy was too frightened to explain.
Then Judith drew her brother behind her, took from
him the basket he w^as carrying, and stepped to encounter
the angry man, who came on, now strugghng with his
horse, cursing Bess because she drew back, then plung-
ing forward with his whip above his head brandished
menacingly, and by this conduct further alarming Black
Judith met Coppinger, and he was forced to stay his
forward course.
*' What has he done ? " asked the girl. " Why do
you threaten ? "
" The cursed idiot has strewn bits of glass and buttons
along the road," answered the captain, angrily. " Stand
aside that I may lash him, and teach him to frighten
horses and endanger men's lives."
" I am sorry for what Jamie has done. I will pick
up the things he has thrown down."
Cruel Coppinger's eyes glistened with wrath. He
gathered the lash of his whip into his palm along with
the handle, and gripped them passionatel}-.
" Curse the fool ! My Bess was frightened, dashed
up the bank, and all but rolled over. Do you know
he might have killed me ? "
" You must excuse him ; he is a very child."
" I will not excuse him. I will cut the flesh off his
back if I catch him."
He put the end of the crop handle into his mouth,
and, putting his right hand behind him, gathered the
reins up shorter and wound them more securely about
his left hand.
Judith walked backward, facing him, and he turned
with his horse and went after her. She stooped and
gathered up a splinter of glass. The sun striking through
the gaps in the hedge had flashed on these scraps of
broken mirror and of white bone, or burnished brass
buttons, and the horse had been frightened at them.
As Judith stooped and took up now a buckle, then a
button, and then some other shining trifle, she hardly
for an instant withdrew her eyes from Coppinger ; they
had in them the same dauntless defiance as when she
encountered him on the stairs of the rectory. But
now it was she who retreated, step by step, and he who
advanced, and yet he could not flatter himself that he
was repelling her. She maintained her strength and
mastery unbroken as she retreated.
" Why do you look at me so ? Why do you walk
backwards ? "
" Because I mistrust you. I do not know what you
might do were I not to confront you."
"What I might do? What do you think I would
do ? "
" I cannot tell. I mistrust you."
"Do you think me capable of lashing at you with
my crop ? "
" I think you capable of anything."
" Flattering that ! " he shouted, angrily.
" You would have lashed at Jamie."
*' And why not ? He might have killed me."
" He might have killed 3'ou, but you should not
have touched him — not have thought of touching
" Indeed ! Why not ? "
" Why not ? " She raised herself upright and looked
him straight into his eyes, in which fire flickered, flared,
then decayed, then flared again.
" You are no Dane, or you would not have asked
* Why not ? ' twice. Nay, you would not have asked it
" Not a Dane ? " His beard and moustache were
quivering, and he snorted with anger.
" A Dane, I have read in history, is too noble and
brave to threaten women, and to strike children."
He uttered an oath, and ground his teeth.
" No ; a Dane would never have thought of asking
* Why not ? — why not lash a poor little silly
boy ? ' "
" You insult me ! You dare to do it ? "
Her blood was surging in her heart. As she looked
into this man's dark and evil face she thought of all
the distress he had caused her father, and a wave of
loathing swept over her, nerved her to defy him to the
uttermost, and to proclaim all the counts she had against
" I dare do it," she said, " because you made my own
dear papa's life full of bitterness and pain "
" I ! I never touched him, hardly spoke to him. I
don't care to have to do with parsons."
*' You made his life one of sorrow through your
godless, lawless ways, leading his poor flock astray, and
bidding them mock at his warnings and despise his
teachings. Almost with his last breath he spoke of
you, and the wretchedness of heart 3'ou had caused him.
And then j-ou dared — yes — 3'OU dared — you dared to
burst into our house where he lay dead, with shameful
insolence to disturb its peace. And now — " she gasped,
" and now, ah ! you lie when you say 3'ou are a Dane,
and talk of cutting and lashing the dead father's little
boy on his father's burial day. You are but one thing
I can name — a coward ! "
Did he mean it? No ! But blinded, stung to mad-
ness by her words, especially that last, he raised his
right arm with the crop.
Did she mean it ? No ! But in the instinct of self-
preservation, thinking he was about to strike her, she
dashed the basket of buttons in his face, and they flew
right and left over him, against the head of Black Bess,,
a rain of fragments of mirror, brass, steel, mother-of-
pearl, and bone.
The effect was instantaneous. The mare plunged^
reared, threw Coppinger backwards from off his feet,
dashed him to the ground, dragged him this way, that
way, bounded, still drawing him about by the twisted
reins, into the hedge, then back, with his hoofs upon
him, near, if not on, his head, his chest — then, released
by the snap of the rein, or through its becoming disen-
gaged, Bess darted down the lane, was again brought to
a standstill by the glittering fragments on the ground,
turned, rushed back in the direction whence she had
come, and disappeared.
Judith stood panting, paralyzed with fear and dismay.
Was he dead, broken to pieces, pounded by those strong
hoofs ?
He was not dead. He was rolling himself on the
ground, struggling clumsily to his knees.
" Are you satisfied ? " he shouted, glaring at her like
a wild beast through his tangled black hair that had
VOL. I. 6
fallen over his face. *' I cannot strike you nor your
brother now. My arm and the Lord knows what other
bones are broken. You have done that — and I owe you
something for it."
The astonishment, the consternation of Mrs. Trevisa
at what had occurred, which she could not fully
comprehend, took from her the power to speak. She
•had seen her niece in conversation with Cruel Cop-
pinger, and had caught snatches of what had passed
between them. All his words had reached her, and
•some of Judith's. When, suddenly, she saw the girl
'dash the basket of buttons in the face of the Captain,
saw him thrown to the ground, drawn about by his
frantic horse, and left, as she thought, half dead, her
dismay was unbounded. It might have been that
tCoppinger threatened Judith with his whip, but
nothing could excuse her temerity in resisting him,
in resisting him and protecting herself in thr. v/ay she
did. The consequences of that resistance she could
not measure. Coppinger was bruised, bones were
broken, and Aunt Dionysia knew the nature of the
man too well not to expect his deadly animosity, and
to feel sure of implacable revenge against the girl whO'
had injured him — a revenge that would envelop all who'
belonged to her, and would therefore strike herself.
The elderly spinster had naturally plenty of strength
and hardness that would bear her through most shocks
without discomposure, but such an incident as that
which had just taken place before her eyes entirely
unnerved and dismayed her.
Coppinger was conveyed home by men called to the
spot, and Mrs. Trevisa walked on with her niece and
nephew in silence to the house of Mr. Zachary Menaida.
Jamie had escaped over the hedge, to put a stone and.
earth barrier between himself and his assailant directly
Judith interposed between him and Coppinger. Now
that the latter was gone, he came, laughing, over the
hedge again. To him what had occurred was fun.
At Menaida's the aunt departed, leaving her nephew
and niece with the old man, that she might hurry to
Pentyre Glaze and provide what was needed for Cop-
pinger. She took no leave of Judith. In the haze of
apprehension that enveloped her mind glowed anger
against the girl for having increased her difficulties and
jeopardized her position with Coppinger.
Mr. Zachary Menaida was an old man, or rather a
man who had passed middle age, with grizzled hair
that stood up above his brow, projecting like the beak
■of a ship or the horn of an unicorn. He had a big
nose inclined to redness, and kindly, watery eyes, was
close shaven, and had lips that, whenever he was in
perplexity, or worried with work or thought, he thrust
forward and curled. He was a middle-statured man,
inclined to stoop.
Uncle Zachie, as he was commonly called behind his
iback, was a gentleman b}' birth. In the Roman
'Catholic Church there is a religious order called that of
Alinims. In England we have, perhaps, the most
widely-diffused of orders, not confined to religion — it is
that of Crochets. To this order Mr. Menaida certainly
belonged. He was made up of hobbies and prejudices,
but they were hobbies and prejudices that might bore,
but never hurt others.
Probably the most difficult achievement one can
conceive for a man to execute is to stand in his own
light ; yet Mr. Menaida had succeeded in doing this all
through his life. In the first place, he had heen bred
up for the law, but had never applied himself to the
duties of the profession to which he had been articled..
As he had manifested as a boy a love of music, his
mother and sister had endeavoured to make him learn
to play on an instrument ; but, because so urged, lie
had refused to qualify himself to play decently on
pianoforte, violin, or flute, till his fingers had stiffened,,
whereupon he set to work zealously to practise, when
it was no longer possible for him to acquire even toler-
able proficiency.
As he had been set by his father to work on
skins of parchment, he turned his mind to skins-
of another sort, became an eager naturalist and
That he had genius, or rather a few scattered sparks
of talent in his muddled brain, was certain. Every one
who knew him said he was clever, but pitied his in-
ability to turn his cleverness to purpose. But one
must take into consideration, before accepting the
general verdict that he was clever, the intellectual
abilities of those who formed this judgment. When
we do this, we doubt much whether their opinion is-
worth much. Mr. Menaida was not clever. He had'
flashes of wit, no steady light of understanding. Above
all, he had no application, a little of which might have
made him a useful member of society.
When his articleship was over, he set up as a
solicitor, but what business was offered him he neg-
lected or mismanaged, till business ceased to be
offered. He would have starved had not a small
annuity of fifty pounds been left him to keep the wolf
from the door, and that he was able to supplement
this small income with money made by the sale of his
stuffed specimens of sea-fowl. Taxidermy was the
only art in which he was able to do anything profit-
able. He loved to observe the birds, to wander on the
cliffs, listening to their cries, watching their flight, their
positions when at rest, the undulations in their feathers,
under the movement of the muscles as they turned
their heads or raised their feet ; and when he set
himself to stuff the skins he was able to imitate the.
postures and appearance of living birds with rare fidelity..
Consequently, his specimens were in request, and orni-
thologists and country gentlemen whose gamekeepers
had shot rare birds desired to have the skins dealt with,
and set in cases, by the dexterous fingers of Mr. Zachary
Menaida. He might have done more work of the same
kind, but that his ingrained inactivity and distaste for
work limited his output. In certain cases Mr. Menaida
would not do what was desired of him till coaxed and
flattered, and then he did it grumblingly and with sighs
at being subjected to killing toil.
Mr. Menaida was a widower; his married life had
not been long; he had been left with a son, now grown
to manhood, who was no longer at home. He was
abroad, in Portugal, in the service of a Bristol mer-
chant, an importer of wines.
As already said. Uncle Zachie did not begin the
drudgery of music till it was too late for him to acquire
skill on any instrument. His passion for music grew
with his inability to give himself pleasure from it. He
occupied a double cottage at Polzeath, and a hole
knocked through the wall that had separated the lower
rooms enabled him to keep his piano in one room and
his bird-stuffing apparatus in the other, and to run
from one to the other in his favourite desultory way,
that never permitted him to stick to one thing at a
Into this house Judith and her brother were intro-
duced. Mr. Menaida had been attached to the late
rector, the only other gentleman in culture, as in birth,
that lived in the place, and when he was told by Miss,
•or, as she was usually called, Mrs. Trevisa, that the
children must leave the parsonage and be put tempo-
rarily with some one suitable, and that no other suitable
house was available, he consented without making
much objection to receive them into his cottage. He
was a kindly man, gentle at heart, and he was touched
at the bereavement of the children whom he had known
since they were infants.
After the first salutation, Mr. Menaida led Judith
and the boy into his parlour, the room opening out of
his workshop.
" Look here," said he, " what is that ? " He pointed
to his piano.
"A piano, sir," answered Judith.
" Yes — and mind you, I hate strumming, though I
love music. When I am in, engaged at my labours,
no strumming. I come in here now and then as
relaxation, and run over this and that ; then, refreshed^
go back to my work, but, if there is any strumming, I
shall be put out. I shall run my knife or needle into
my hand, and it will upset me for the day. You
understand — no strumming. When I am out, then
you may touch the keys, but only when I am out.
You understand clearly ? Sa}' the words after me : ' I
allow no strumming.' "
Judith did as required. The same was exacted of
Jamie. Then Mr. Menaida said —
" ^'erv well ; now we will have a dish of tea. I
daresay you are tired. Dear me, you look so. Goodness
bless me ! indeed you do. What has tired you has
been the trial you have gone through. Poor things^
poor things! There, go to your rooms; my maid
Jump will show you where they are, and I will see
about making tea. It will do you good. You want it.
I see it."
The kind-hearted man ran about.
" Bless my soul ! where have I put the key of the
caddy ? And — really — my fingers are all over arsenical
soap. I think I will leave Jump to make the tea.
Jump, have you seen where I put the key ? Bless m^'
soul ! where did I have it last ? Never mind ; I will
break open the caddy."
" Please, Mr. Menaida, do not do that for us, \st
can very well wait till the key is found."
" Oh ! I don't know when that will be. I shall have
forgotten about it if I do not find the key at once, or
break open the caddy. But, if you prefer it^ I have
some cherry brandy, or I would give you some milk
" No — no, indeed, Mr. Menaida."
" But Jamie — I am sure he looks tired. A little
cherry brandy to draw the threads in him together.
And suffer me, though not a doctor, to recommend it
to you. Bless my soul ! my fingers are all over
arsenical soap. If I don't have some cherry brandy
myself I shall have the arsenic get into m}' S3-stem.
I hope you have no cuts or scratches on your hand.
I forgot the arsenic when I shook hands with you.
Now, look here, Jump, bring in the saffron cake, and
I will cut them each a good hunch. It will do you
good, on my word it will. I have not spared either
figs or saffron, and then — I Avill help }'ou, as I love
you. Come and see my birds. That is a cormorant —
a splendid fellow — looks as if run out of metal, all his
plumage, you know, and in the attitude as if swallowing
a fish. Do 3'ou see ? — the morsel is going down his
throat. And — how much luggage have you? Jump!
show the young lady where she can put away her gowns
and all that sort of thing. Oh, not come yet? All
right — a lady and her dresses are not long parted.
They will be here soon. Now, then. What will you
have ? — some cold beef — and cider? Upon my soul ! —
you must excuse me. I was just wiring that kittiwake.
Excuse me — I shall be ready in a moment. In the
meantime, there are books — Rollin's ' Ancient His-
tory,' a very reliable book. No — upon my word, my
mind is distracted. I cannot get that kittiwake right
without a glass of port. I have some good port.
Oliver guarantees it — from Portugal, you know. He
is there — first-rate business, and will make his fortune,
which is more than his father ever did."
Mr. Menaida went to a closet, and produced a bottle.
" Come here, Jamie. I know what is good for you."
" No — please, Mr. Menaida, do not. He has not
been accustomed to anything of the sort. Please
not, sir."
"Fudge!" said Uncle Zachie, holding up a glass
and pouring cherry brandy into it. " What is your
age ? — seventeen or eighteen, and I am fifty-two. I
have over thirty years more experience of the world
than you. Jamie, don't be tied to your sister's
apron-string. I know what is best for you. Girls
drink water, men something better. Come here,.
" No, sir — I beseech you."
"Bless my soul! I know what is good for him.
Come to me, Jamie. Look the other way, Judith, if I
cannot persuade you."
Judith sighed, and covered her face with her hands.
There was to be no help, no support in Uncle Zachie.
On the contrary, he would break down her power over
"Jamie," she said, " if you love me, go upstairs."
"Presently, Ju. I want that first." And he took it,,
ran to his sister, and said —
" It is good, Ju ! "
" You have disobeyed me, Jamie — that is bad."
She stood on the threshold of further trouble, and
she knew it.
ISIo sleep visited Judith's eyes that night till the first
■streaks of dawn appeared, though she was weary, and
her frail body and over-exerted brain needed the refresh-
ment of sleep. But sleep she could not, for cares were
gathering upon her.
She had often heard her father, when speaking of
Mr. Menaida, lament that he was not a little more self-
controlled in his drinking. It was not that the old
fellow ever became inebriated, but that he hankered
after the bottle, and was wont to take a nip continually
to strengthen his nerves, steady his hand, or clear his
brain. There was ever ready some excuse satisfactory
to his own conscience ; and it was due to these inces-
;sant applications to the bottle that his hand shook, his
■eyes became watery, and his nose red. It was a danger
Judith must guard against, lest this trick should be
picked up by the childish Jamie, always apt to imitate
what he should not, and acquire habits easily gained,
hardly broken, that were harmful to himself. Uncle
Zachie, in his good nature, would lead the boy after
him into the same habits that marred his own life.
This was one thought that worked like a mole all
night in Judith's brain ; but she had other troubles as
well to keep her awake. She was alarmed at the con-
sequences of her conduct in the lane. She wondered
whether Coppinger were more seriously hurt than had
at first appeared. She asked herself whether she had
not acted wrongly when she acted inconsiderately,
whether in her precipitation to protect herself she had
not misjudged Coppinger, whether, if he had attempted
to strike her, it would net have been a lesser evil to
receive the blow, than to ward it off in such a manner
as to break his bones. Knowing by report the character
of the man, she feared that she had incurred his
deadly animosity. He could not, that she could see,
hurt herself in the execution of his resentment, but he
might turn her aunt out of his house. That she had
affronted her aunt she was aware ; Mrs. Trevisa's man-
ner in parting with her had shown that with sufficient
A strange jumble of sounds on the piano startled
Judith. Her first thought and fear was that her
brother had gone to the instrument, and were amusing
himself on the keys. But on listening attentively she
was aware that there was sufficient sequence in the
notes to make it certain that the performer was a
musician, though lacking in facility of execution. She
descended the stairs and entered the little sitting-room..
Uncle Zachie was seated on the music-stool, and was
endeavouring to play a sonata of Beethoven that was
vastly beyond the capacity of his stiff-jointed fingers.
Whenever he made a false note he uttered a little
grunt and screwed up his eyes, endeavoured to play the
bar again, and perhaps accomplish it only to break
down in the next.
Judith did not venture to interrupt him. She took
up some knitting, and seated herself near the piano,
where he might see her without her disturbing him.
He raised his brows, grunted, floundered into false
harmony, and exclaimed, " Bless me ! how badly they
A VISIT. 8 1
do print music now-a-daj^s. Who, without the miracu-
lous powers of a prophet, could tell that B should be
natural ? " Then, turning his head over his shoulder,
addressed Judith, "Good-morning, missie. Are j'ou
fond of music ? "
" Yes, sir, very."
" So you think. Every one says he or she is fond
of music, because that person can hammer out a psalm
tune or play the ' Rogues' March.' I hate to hear
those who call themselves musical strum on a piano.
They can't feel ; they only execute."
" But they can play their notes correctly," said
Judith, and then flushed with vexation at having made
this pointed and cutting remark. But it did not cause
Mr. Menaida to wince.
" What of that ? I give not a thank-you for mere
literal music-reading. Call Jump, set 'Shakespeare*
before her, and she will hammer out a scene — correctly
as to words ; but where is the sense ? Where the life ?
You must play with the spirit and play with the under-
standing also, as you must read with the spirit and read
with the understanding also. It is the same thing with
bird-stuffing. Any fool can ram tow into a skin and
VOL. I. 7
thrust wires into the neck, but what is the result ?
You must stuff birds with the spirit and stuff with the
understanding also — or it is naught."
" I suppose it is the same with everything one does —
one must do it heartily and intelligently."
'* Exactly ! Now you should see my boy Oliver.
Have you ever met him ? "
" I think I have ; but, to be truthful, I do not recol-
lect him, sir."
*' I will bring you his likeness — in miniature. It is
in the next room." Up jumped Mr. Menaida, and ran
through the opening in the wall, and returned in another
moment with the portrait, and gave it into Judith's
"A fine fellow is Oliver! Look at his nose how
straight it is. Not like mine — that is a pump-handle.
He got his good looks from his mother, not from me.
Ah ! " He reseated himself at the piano, and ran —
incorrectly — over a scale. " It is all the pleasure I
have in life, to think of my boy, and to look at his
picture, and read his letters, and drink the port he
sends me — first-rate stuff. He writes admirable letters,
and never a month passes but I receive one. It would
A J7S/T. 83
come expensive if he wrote direct, so his letter is en-
closed in the business papers sent to the house at
Bristol, and they forward to me. You shall read his
last — out loud. It will give me a pleasure to hear it
read by you."
" If I read properly, Mr. Menaida — with the spirit
and with the understanding."
" Exactly ! But you could not fail to do that, look-
ing at the cheerful face in the miniature, and reading
his words — pleasant and bright as himself. Pity you
have not seen him ; well, that makes something to live
for. He has dark hair and blue eyes — not often met
together, and when associated, ver}' refreshing. Wait !
I'll go after the letter ; onl}', bless my soul ! where is
it? What coat did I have on when I read it? I'll
call Jump. She may remember. Wait ! do you recall
He stumbled over something on the keys which might
have been anything.
" It is Haydn. I will tell you what I think : Mozart
I delight in as a companion ; Beethoven I revere as a
master ; but Haydn I love as a friend. You were about
to say something ? "
Judith had set an elbow on the piano and put her
hand to her head, her fingers through the hair, and was
looking into Uncle Zachie's face with an earnestness he
could not mistake. She did desire to say something
to him ; but if she waited till he gave her an oppor-
tunity she might wait a long time. He jumped from
one subject to another with alacrity, and with rapid
forgetfulness of what he was last speaking about.
" Oh, sir, I am so ver}-, very grateful to you for
having received us into your snug little house "
" You like it ? Well, I only pay seven pounds for it.
Cheap, is it not ? Two cottages — labourers' cottages —
thrown together. Well, I might go farther and fare
"And, Mr. Menaida, I venture to ask you another
favour, which, if you will grant me, you will lay me
under an eternal obligation."
" You may command me, my dear."
" It is only this — not to let Jamie have anything
stronger than a glass of cider. I do not mind his
having that ; but a boy like him does not need what
is, no doubt, wanted by you who are getting old. I am
so afraid of the habit growing on him of looking for and
liking what is too strong for him. He is such a child,
so easily led, and so unable to control himself. It may
be a fancy, a prejudice of mine" — she passed her
nervous hand over her face — " I do hope I am not
offending you, dear Mr. ]\Ienaida; but I knou' Jamie so
well, and I know how carefully he must be watched and
checked. If it be a silly fancy of mine — and perhaps it
is only a silly fancy — }'et,"' she put on a pleading tone,
*'you will humour me in this, will you not, Mr.
Menaida ? "
" Bless my soul ! 3'ou have only to express a wish,
and I will fulfil it. For myself, you must know, I am
a little weak ; I feel a chill when the wind turns north
or east, and am ahva3's relaxed when it is in the south
or west ; that forces me to take something just to save
me from serious inconvenience, you understand."
" Oh quite, sir."
"And then — confound it ! — I am goaded on to \\ork
when disinclined. \\'hy, there's a letter come to me now
from Plymouth — a naturalist there, asking for more
birds ; and what can I do ? I slave, I am at it all day,
half the night ; I have no time to eat or sleep. I was
not born to stuff birds. I take it as an amusement, a
pastime, and it is converted into a toil. I must brace
up my exhausted frame ; it is necessary to my health,
you understand ? "
" Oh yes, Mr. Menaida. And you really will humour
my childish whim ? "
" Certainly ; you may rely on me."
" That is one thing I wanted to say. You see, sir,
we have but just come into your house, and already,
last night, Jamie was tempted to disobey me, and take
what I thought unadvisable, so — I have been turning
it over and over in my head — I thought I would like to
come to a clear understanding with you, Mr. Menaida.
It seems ungracious in me, but you must pity me. I
have now all responsibility for Jamie on my head, and
I have to do what my conscience tells me I should do ;
only, I pray you, do not take offence at what I have
" Fudge ! my dear; you are right, I dare say."
"And now that I have your promise — I have that,
have I not ? "
" Yes, certainly."
" Now I want your opinion, if }'0u will kindly give
it me. I have no father, no mother, to go to for
advice ; and so I venture to appeal to you — it is
about Captain Coppinger."
"Captain Coppinger!" repeated Uncle Zachie,
screwing up his brows and mouth. " Umph ! He
is a bold man who can give help against Captain
Coppinger, and a strong man as well as bold. How
has he wronged you ? "
" Oh ! he has not wronged me. It is I who have
hurt him."
"You— you?" Uncle Zachie laughed. "A little
creature such as you could not hurt Captain Cruel ! "
" But, indeed, I have ; I have throwai him down and
broken his arm and some of his bones."
" You ! " Uncle Zachie's face of astonishment and
dismay was so comical that Judith, in spite of her
anxiety and exhaustion, smiled ; but the smile was
without brightness.
" And pray, how in the name of wonder did you do
that ? Upon my word, you will deserve the thanks of
the Preventive men. They have no love for him ;
they have old scores they would gladly wipe off with a
broken arm, or, better still, a cracked skull. And pray,
how did you do this ? With the flour-roller ? "
*' No, sir ; I will tell you the whole story.'
Then, in its true sequence, with great clearness, she
related the entire narrative of events. She told how
her father, even with his last breath, had spoken of
Coppinger as the man who had troubled his life
b}' marring his work ; how that the Captain had
entered the parsonage without ceremon}' when her
^dear father was lying dead upstairs, and how he had
called there boisterously for Aunt Dionysia because he
wanted something of her. She told the old man how
that her own feelings had been wrought, by this affront,
into anger against Coppinger. Then she related the
incident in the lane, and how that, when he raised his
arm against her, she had dashed the buttons into his
face, frightened the horse, and so produced an accident
that might have cost the Captain his life.
"Bless my soul!" exclaimed Mr. Menaida, "and
what do you want ? Is it an assault ? I will run to
my law-books and find out ; I don't know that it can
quite be made out a case of misadventure."
" It is not that, sir."
" Then what do you want ? "
" I have been racking my head to think what I
ought to do under the circumstances. There can be
no doubt that I aggravated him. I was very angr}',
both because he had been a trouble to my darling papa,
and then because he had been so insolent as to enter
our house and shout for Aunt Dunes ; but there was
something more — he had tried to beat Jamie, and it
was my father's day of burial. All that roused a bad
spirit in me, and I did say very bad words to him —
words a man of metal would not bear from even a child,
and I suppose I really did lash him to madness, and
he would have struck me — but perhaps not, he might
have thought better of it. I provoked him, and then
I brought about what happened. I have been con-
sidering what I ought to do. If I remain here and
take no notice, then he will think me very unfeeling,
and that I do not care that I have hurt him in mind
and body. It came into my head last night that I
would ask aunt to apologize to him for what I had
done, or, better still, should aunt not come here to-da}',
which is very likely, that I might walk with Jamie to
Pentyre and inquire how Captain Coppinger is, and
send in word by my aunt that I am sorry — very sorry."
" Upon m\- soul, I don't know what to say. I
would not have done this to Coppinger myself for a
good deal of money. I think if I had, I would get out
of the place as quickly as possible, whilst he was
crippled by his broken bones. But then, you are a
girl, and he may take it better from you than from me^
Well — yes ; I think it would be advisable to allay his
anger if you can. Upon my word, you have put your-
self into a difficult position. I'll go and look at my
law-books, just for m}' own satisfaction."
A heavy blow on the door, and without waiting for a
response and invitation to enter, it was thrown open^
and there entered Cruel Coppinger, his arm bandaged,,
tied in splints, and bound to his body, with his heavy
walking-stick brandished by the uninjured hand. He
stood for a moment glowering in, searching the room
with his keen eyes till they rested on Judith. Then he
made an attempt to raise his hand to his head, but
" Curse it ! " said he, " I cannot do it ; don't tear it off
my head with your eyes, girl. Here, you Menaida, come
here and take my hat off. Come instantly, or she— she
will do — the devil knows what she will not do to me."
He turned, and with his stick beat the door back,
that it slammed behind him..
*' Look at her ! " cried Coppinger, with his back against
the house door, and pointing to Judith with his stick.
She was standing near the piano, with one hand on
it, and was half turned towards him. She was in
black, but had a white kerchief about her neck. The
absence of all colour in her dress heightened the
lustre of her abundant and glowing hair.
Coppinger remained for a moment pointing, with a
half-sneer on his dark face. Mr. Menaida had nervously
complied with his demand, and had removed the hat
from the smuggler, and his dark hair fell about his
face. That face was livid and pale ; he had evidently
suffered much, and now everv movement was attended
with pain. Not only had some of his bones been
broken, but he was bruised and strained.
" Look at her ! " he shouted again, in his deep com-
manding tones, and he fixed his fierce eyes on her and
knitted his brows. She remained immoveable,
awaiting what he had to say. Though there was
a flutter in her bosom, her hand on the piano did
not shake.
" 1 am very sorry, Captain Coppinger," said Judith,
in a low, sweet voice, in which there was but a sh'ght
tremulousness. " I profess that I believe I acted
wrongly yesterday, and I repeat that I am sorry — very
sorry, Captain Coppinger."
He made no reply. He lowered the stick that had
pointed at her, and he leaned on it. His hand shook
because he was in pain.
" I acted wrongly yesterday," continued Judith ;
" but I acted under provocation that, if it does not
justify what I did, palliates the wrong. I can say no
more — that is the exact truth."
" Is that all?"
" I am sorry for what was wrong in my conduct —
frankly sorry that you are hurt."
" You hear her ? " laughed Coppinger, bitterly. " A
little chit like that to speak to me thus " — then turning
sharply on her, " Are you not afraid ? "
" No, I am not afraid ; why should I be ? "
" Why ? Ask any one in S. Enodoc — any one in
Cornwall — who has heard m}' name."
" I beg your pardon. I do not want to ask any
one else in S. Enodoc, any one else in Cornwall. I
ask you."
" Me ? You ask me why you should be afraid of
me ? " He paused, drew his thick brows together till
they formed a band across his forehead. " I tell you
that none has ever wronged me by a blade of grass or
a flock of wool but has paid for it a thousand fold.
And none has ever hurt me as you have done — none
has ever dared to attempt it."
" I have said that I am sorry."
" You talk like one cold as a mermaid. I do not believe
in your.-fearlessness. Why do you lean on the piano.
There, touch the wires with the very tips of your
fingers, and let me hear if they give a sound — and
sound they will if you tremble."
Judith exposed some of the wires by raising the top
of the piano. Then she smiled, and stood with the
tips of her delicate fingers just touching the chords.
Coppinger listened, so did Uncle Zachie, and not a
vibration could they detect.
Presently she withdrew her hand, and said, " Is not
that enough ? When a girl says, ' I am sorry,' I
supposed the chapter was done and the book closed."
" You have strange ideas."
" I have those in which I was brought up by the
test of fathers."
Coppinger thrust his stick along the floor.
" Is it due to the ideas in which you have been
brought up that you are not afraid — when you have
reduced me to a wreck ? "
" And you ? — are you afraid of the wreck that you
have made ? "
The dark blood sprang into and suffused his whole
face. Uncle Zachie drew back against' the wall and
made signs to Judith not to provoke their self-invited
visitor ; but she N\as looking steadily at the Captain,
and did not observe the signals. In Coppinger's
presence she felt nerved to stand on the defensive,
and more, to attack. A threat in his whole bearing,
in his manner of addressing her, roused every energy
she possessed.
" I tell you," said he harshly, " if any man had used
the word you threw at me yesterda}', I would have
murdered him ; I would have split his skull with the
handle of my crop."
" You raised your hand to. do it to me," said Judith.
" No ! " he exclaimed violently. " It is false ; come
here, and let me see if you have the courage, the fear-
lessness you affect. You women are past-masters of
dissembling. Come here; kneel before me and let me
raise my stick over you. See ; there is lead in the
handle, and with one blow I can split your skull and
dash the brains over the floor."
Judith remained immoveable.
" I thought it — you are afraid."
She shook her head.
He let himself, with some pain, slowh- into a chair.
" You are afraid. You know what to expect. Ah !
I could fell 3-ou and trample on you and break your
bones, as I was cast down, trampled on, and broken in
my bones yesterday — by you, or through you. Are
you afraid ? "
She took a step towards him. Then Uncle Zachie
waved her back, in great alarm. He caught Judith's
attention, and she answered him, " I am not afraid.
I gave him a word I should not have given him
yesterda}'. I will show him that I retract it full}-."
Then she stepped up to Coppinger and sank on her
knees before him. He raised his whip, with the
loaded handle, brandishing it over her.
" Now I am here," she said, " I again ask your for-
giveness, but I protest an apology is due to me."
He threw his stick away. " By heaven, it is ! '*
Then in an altered tone, " Take it so, that I ask
your forgiveness. Get up ; do not kneel to me. I
could not have struck you down had I willed, my arm
is stiff. Perhaps you knew it."
He rose with effort to his feet again. Judith drc>v^
back to her former position by the piano, two hectic
spots of flame were in her cheek, and her eyes were
preternaturally bright.
Coppinger looked steadily at her for awhile, then he
said, "Are you ill? You look as if you were."
" I have had much to go through of late."
«' '^p,.
1 rue.
He remained looking at her, brooding over some-
thing in his mind. She perplexed him ; he wondered
at her. He could not comprehend the spirit that was
in her, that sustained a delicate little frame, and made
her defy him.
His eyes wandered round the room, and he signed to
Uncle Zachie to give him his stick again.
" What is that ? " said he, pointing to the miniature
on the stand for music, where Mr. Menaida had put
it, over a sheet of the music he had been playing^
or attempting to play.
" It is my son, Oliver," said Uncle Zachie.
" Why is it there? Has she been looking at it. Let
me see it."
Mr. Menaida hesitated, but presently handed it
lo. the redoubted Captain, with nervous twitches in his
face. " I value it highly — my only child."
Coppinger looked at it, with a curl of his lips ; then
handed it back to Mr. Menaida.
" Why is it here ? "
" I brought it here to show it her. I am very proud
of my son," said Uncle Zachie.
Coppinger was in an irritable mood, captious about
VOL. I. 8
trifles. Why did he ask questions about this little
picture ? Wh}' look suspiciously at Judith as he did
so — suspiciously and threateningly ?
" Do you play on the piano ? " asked Coppinger.
" When the evil spirit was on Saul, David struck the
harp and sent the spirit away. Let me hear how
you can touch the notes. It may do me good. Heaven
knows it is not often I have the leisure or the occasion
or am in the humour for music. I would hear what
you can do."
Judith looked at Uncle Zachie.
" I cannot play," she said ; " that is to say, I can
play, but not now, and on this piano."
But Mr. Menaida interfered and urged her to play.
He was afraid of Coppinger.
She seated herself on the music-stool and considered
for a moment. The miniature was again on the stand.
Coppinger put out his stick and thrust it off, and it
would have fallen had not Judith caught it. She gave
it to Air. Menaida, who hastily carried it into the ad-
joining room, where the sight of it might no longer
irritate the Captain.
"What shall I play? — I mean, strum?" asked Judith,
looking at Uncle Zachie. "Beethoven? No — Haydn.
Here are his ' Seasons.' I can play ' Spring.' "
She had a light but firm touch. Her father had been a
man of great musical taste, and he had instructed her.
But she had, moreover, the musical faculty in her, and she
played with the spirit and with the understanding also.
Wondrous is the power of music, passing that of fabled
necromancy. It takes a man up out of his most sordid
surroundings, and sets him in heavenly places. It
touches fibres of the inner nature lost, forgotten,
ignored, and makes them thrill with a new life. It
seals the eyes to outward sights, and unfurls new
vistas full of transcendental beauty ; it breathes over
hot wounds and heals them ; it calls to the surface
springs of pure delight, and bids them gush forth in
an arid desert.
It was so now, as, under the sympathetic fingers of
Judith, Haydn's song of the "Spring" was sung. A
May world arose in that little dingy room: the walls
fell back and disclosed green woods thick with red
robin and bursting bluebells, fields golden with butter-
cups, hawthorns clothed in flower, from which sang the
blackbird, thrush, the finch, and the ouzel. The low
ceiling rose and overarched as the speed-well blue
vault of heaven, the close atmosphere was dispelled by
a waft of crisp, pure air ; shepherds piped, Boy Bluet
blew his horn, and milkmaids rattled their pails and
danced a ballet on the turf; and over all, down into
every corner of the soul, streamed the glorious, golden,
sun, filling the heart with gladness.
Uncle Zachie had been standing at the door leading
into his workshop, hesitating whether to remain, with
a Pish ! and a Pshaw ! or to fly away beyond hearings
But he was arrested, then drawn lightl}', irresistibly,
step by step, towards the piano, and he noiselessly
sank upon a chair, with his tyo.'s, fixed on Judith's
fingers as the}- danced over the keys. His features
assumed a more refined character as he listened ; the
water rose into his eyes, his lips quivered, and when,
before reaching the end of the piece, Judith faltered and
stopped, he laid his hand on her wrist and said : " My
dear — you play, you do not strum. Play when you will —
never can it be too long, too much for me. It may
steady my hand, it may dispel the chill and the damp
better than — but never mind — never mind."
Why had Judith failed to accomplish the piece?
Whilst engaged on the notes she had felt that the search-
ing, beaming eyes of the smuggler were on her, fixed
with fierce intensit}'. She could meet them, looking
straight at him, without shrinking, and without con-
fusion, but to be searched by them whilst off her
guard, her attention engaged on her music, was what
she could not endure.
Coppinger made no remark on what he had heard,
but his face gave token that the music had not swept
across him without stirring and softening his hard
" How long is she to be here — with you ? " he asked,
turning to Uncle Zachie.
" Captain, I cannot tell. She and her brother had to
leave the rectory. They could not remain in that
house alone. Mrs, Trevisa asked me to lodge them
there, and I consented. I knew their father."
" She did not ask me. I would have taken them
" Perhaps she was diffident of doing that," said
Uncle Zachie. " But really, on my word, it is no
inconvenience to me. I have room in this house, and
my maid Jump has not enough to do to attend on me."
"When you are tired of them send them to me."
" I am not likely to be tired of Judith, now that I
have heard her pla}-."
"Judith — is that her name?"
" Yes— Judith."
"Judith! " he repeated, and tlirust his stick along
the floor meditatively. " Judith ! " Then, after a
pause, with his eyes on the ground, "Why did not
your aunt speak to me ? Why does she not love you ?
— she does not, I know. Why did she not go to see
you when your father was alive ? \M'iy did you not
come to the Glaze ? "
" My dear papa did not wish me to go to your
house," said Judith, answering one of his man}" ques-
tions, the last, and perhaps the easiest to reply
'' Wh}' not?" he glanced up at her, then down on
the floor again.
" Papa was not very pleased with Aunt Dunes — it
was no fault on either side, only a misunderstanding,"
said Judith.
" ^^'hy did he not let you come to my house to salute
your aunt ? "
Judith hesitated. He again looked up at her search-
" If 3-ou really must know the truth, Captain Cop-
pinger, papa thought your house was hardly one to
which to send two children — it was said to harbour
such wild folk."
" And he did not know how fiercely and successfully
you could defend yourself against wild folk," said
Coppinger, with a harsh laugh. "It is we wild men that
must fear you, for you dash us about and bruise and
break us when displeased with our ways. We are not
so bad at the Glaze as we are painted, not by a half —
here is my hand on it."
Judith was still seated on the music-stool, her
hands resting in her lap. Coppinger came towards
her, walking stiffly, and extending his palm.
She looked do\\n\ in her lap. What did this fierce,
strange man, mean ?
" Will you give me your hand ? " he asked. " Is
there peace between us ? "
She was doubtful what to say. He remained, await-
ing her answer.
" I really do not know what reply to make," she
said, after awhile. " Of course, so far as I am con-
cerned, it is peace. I have myseh" no quarrel with you,
and you are good enough to say that you forgive me."
" Then, why not peace ? "
Again she let him wait before answering. She was
uneasy and unhappy. She wanted neither his good-
^will nor his hostility.
'■' In all that affects me, I bear you no ill-will," she
said, in a low, tremulous voice; "but in that you were a
grief to my dear, dear father, discouraging his heart,
I cannot be forgetful, and so full of charity as to blot it
out as though it had not been."
" Then let it be a patched peace — a peace with
evasions and reservations. Better that than none.
Give me your hand."
" On that understanding," said Judith, and laid her
hand in his. His iron fingers closed round it, and he
drew her up from the stool on which she sat, drew her
forward near the window, and thrust her in front of
him. Then he raised her hand, held it by the wrist,
and looked at it.
" It is very small, very weak," he said, musingly.
Then there rushed over her mind the recollection of
her last conversation with her father. He, too, had
taken and looked at her hand, and had made the same
Coppinger lowered her hand and his, and, looking at
her, said —
" You are very wonderful to me."
" I— why so ? "
He did not answer, but let go his hold of her, and
turned awa\' to the door.
Judith saw that he was leaving, and she hastened
to bring him his stick, and she opened the door for
" I thank you," he said, turned, pointed his stick at
her, and added, " It is peace — though a patched one."
c. c.
Days ensued, not of rest to body, but of relaxation to
mind. Judith's overstrained nerves had now given
them a period of numbness, a sleep of sensibility with
occasional turnings and wakenings, in which they re-
covered their strength. She and Jamie were settled
into their rooms at Mr. Menaida's, and the hours were
spent in going to and from the rectory removing their
little treasures to the new home — if a temporary place
of lodging could be called a home — and in arranging
them there.
There were a good many farewells to be taken, and
Judith marvelled sometimes at the insensibility with
which she said them — farewells to a thousand nooks
and corners of the house and garden, the shrubber}-,
C. C. 107
and the glebe farm, all endeared by happy recol-
lections, now having their brightness dashed with rain.
To Judith this was a first revelation of the muta-
bility of things on earth. Hitherto, as a child, with
a child's eyes and a child's confidence, she had regarded
the rectory, the glebe, the contents of the house, the
flowers in the garden, as belonging inalienably to her
father and brother and herself. They belonged to them
together. There was nothing that was her father's
that did not belong to Jamie and to her, nothing of her
brother's or her own that was not likewise the property
of papa. There was no mine or thine in that little
family of love — save only a few birthday presents given
from one to the other, and these only special property
by a pla^-ful concession. But now the dear father was-
gone, and every right seemed to dissolve. From the
moment that he leaned back against the brick, lichen-
stained wall, and sighed — and was dead, house and
land had been snatched from them. And though the
contents of the rectory, the books, and the furniture^
and the china belonged to them, it nnqs but for a little
while; these things must be parted with also, turned
into silver.
Not because the money was needed, but because
Judith had no settled home, and no prospect of one.
Therefore she must not encumber herself with many
belongings. For a little while she would lodge with
Mr. Menaida, but she could not live there for ever; she
must remove elsewhere, and she must consider, in the
first place, that there was not room in Uncle Zachie's
cottage for accumulations of furniture, and that, in
the next place, she would probably have to part with
them on her next remove, even if she did retain them
for a while.
If these things were to be parted with, it would
be advisable to part with them at once. But to this
determination Judith could not bring herself at first.
Though she had put aside, to be kept, things too sacred
to her, too much part of her past life, to be allowed
to go mto the sale, after a few days she relinquished
even these. Those six delightful old coloured prints, in
frames, of a fox-hunt — how Jamie had laughed at them,
and followed the incidents in them, and never wearied
of them — must they go — perhaps for a song? It must
he so. That work-table of her mother's, of dark rose-
wood, with a crimson bag beneath it to contain wools
C. C. 109
and silks, one of the few remembrances she had of
that mother whom she but dimly recalled — must that
go ? — what, and all those skeins in it of coloured floss
silk, and the piece of embroidery half finished ? the
work of her mother, broken off by death — that also ?
It must be so. And that rusty leather chair in which
papa had sat, with one golden-headed child on each
knee cuddled into his breast, with the flaps of his coat
drawn over their heads, which listened to the tick-tick
of his great watch, and to the tale of Little Snowflake,
or Gracieuse and Percinet ? — must that go also ? It
must be so.
Everv dav showed to Judith some fresh link that
had to be broken. She could not bear to think that
the mother's work-table should be contended for at a
vulgar auction, and struck down to a blousy farmer's
wife ; that her father's chair should go to some village
inn to be occupied by sots. She would rather have seen
them destroyed ; but to destroy them would not be right.
After a while she longed for the sale ; she desired to
have it over, that an entirely new page of life might be
opened, and her thoughts might not be carried back to
the past by everything she saw.
Of Coppinger nothing further was seen. Nor did
Aunt Dionysia appear at the rectory to superintend
the assortment of the furniture, nor at Mr. Menaida's
to inquire into the welfare of her nephew and niece.
To Judith it was a relief not to have her aunt in the
parsonage whilst she was there ; that hard voice and
unsympathetic manner would have kept her nerves on
the quiver. It was best as it was, that she should
have time, by herself, with no interference from any one,
to select what was to be kept and put away, what
Avas to be sold ; — to put away gently, with her own
trembling hand, and with eyes full of tears, the old
black gown and the Oxford hood that papa had worn
in church, and to burn his old sermons and bundles of
letters, unread and uncommented on by Aunt Dunes.
In these days Judith did not think much of Cop-
pinger. Uncle Zachie informed her that he was worse,
he was confined to his bed, he had done himself harm
by coming over to Polzeath the day after his acci-
dent, and the doctor had ordered him not to stir
from Pentyre Glaze for some time — not till his bones
were set. Nothing was known of the occasion of
Coppinger's injuries, so Uncle Zachie said ; it was
C. C. Ill
reported in the place that he had been thrown from
his horse. Judith entreated the old man not to en-
lighten the ignorance of the public ; she was convinced
that naught would transpire through Jamie, who could
not tell a story intelligibly ; and ]\Iiss Dionysia Trevisa
was not likely to publish what she knew.
Judith had a pleasant little chamber at Mr. Menaida's;
it was small, low, plastered against the roof, the rafters
showing, and whitewashed like the w-alls and ceiling.
The light entered from a dormer in the roof, a low
window glazed with diamond quarries set in lead that
dickered incessantly in the wdnd. It faced the south,
and let the sun flow in. \ scrap of carpet was on
the floor, and white curtains to the window. In this
chamber Judith ranged such of her goods as she had
resolved on retaining, either as indispensable, or as
being too dear to her to part with unnecessarily, and
which, as being of small size, she might keep without
Her father's old travelling trunk, covered with hide
with the hair on, and his initials in brass nails — a
trunk he had taken with him to college — was there,
thrust against the wall ; it contained her clothes.
Suspended above it was her little bookcase, with the
shelves laden with " The Travels of Rolando," Dr.
Aitkin's " Evenings at Home," Magnal's "Questions,"
a French dictionar}-, " Paul and \^irginia," and a few
other works such as were the delight of children from
ninety to a hundred years ago.
Books for children were rare in those days, and such
as were produced were read and re-read till they were
woven into the very fibre of the mind, never more tO'
be extricated and cast aside. Now it is otherwise. A
child reads a story-book every week, and each new
story-book effaces the impression produced by the book
that went before. The result of much reading is the
same as the result of no reading — the production of a
How Judith and Jamie had sat together perched up
in a sycamore, in what they called their nest, and had
revelled in the adventures of Rolando, she reading
aloud, he listening a little, then lapsing into obser-
vation of the birds that flew and hopped about, or the
insects that spun and crept, or dropped on silky lines,
or fluttered humming about the nest, then returned to
attention to the book again ! Rolando would remain
C. C. 113
through life the friend and companion of Judith. She
could not part with the four-volumed, red-leather-backed
For the first day or two Jamie had accompanied his
sister to the rectory, and had somewhat incommoded
her by his restlessness and his mischief, but on the
third day, and thenceforth, he no further attended her..
He had made fast friends with Uncle Zachie. He was
amused with watching the process of bird-stuffing, and
the old man made use of the boy by giving him tow to
pick to pieces and wires to straighten.
Mr. Menaida was pleased to have some one by him in
his workshop to whom he could talk. It was unim-
portant to him whether the listener followed the thread
of his conversation or not, so long as he was a listener.
Mr. Menaida, in his solitude, had been wont to talk to
himself, to grumble to himself at the impatience of his
customers, to lament to himself the excess of work that
pressed upon him and deprived him of time for relaxa-
tion. He was wont to criticise, to himself, his success
or want of success in the setting up of a bird. It was
far more satisfactory to him to be able to address all
these remarks to a second party.
VOL. I. 9
He was, moreover, surprised to find how keen and
just had been Jamie's observation of birds, their ways,
their attitudes. Judith was dehghted to think that
Jamie had discovered talent of some sort, and he had,
so Uncle Zachie assured her, that imitative ability
which is often found to exist alongside with low intel-
lectual power, and this enabled him to assist Mr.
Menaida in giving a natural posture to his birds.
It flattered the boy to find that he was appreciated,
that he was consulted, and asked to assist in a kind of
work that exacted nothing of his mind.
When Uncle Zachie was tired of his task, which was
every ten minutes or quarter of an hour, and that was
the extreme limit to which he could continue regular
work, he lit his pipe, left his bench, and sat in his
armchair. Then Jamie also left his tow picking or
Avire punching, and listened, or seemed to listen, to
Mr. Menaida's talk. When the old man had finished
his pipe, and, with a sigh, went back to his task,
Jamie was tired of hearing him talk, and was glad to
resume his work. Thus the two desultory creatures
suited each other admirably, and became attached
C. C. 115
"^^ Jamie ! what is the meaning of this?" asked
Judith, with a start, and a rush of blood to her
She had returned in the twilight from the parsonage.
There was something in the look of her brother, some-
thing in his manner that was unusual.
" Jamie ! What have you been taking ? who gave
.it you?"
She caught the boy by the arm. Distress and
shame were in her face, in the tones of her voice.
."Mr. Menaida grunted.
■*' I'm sorry, but it can't be helped — really it can't,"
■said he, apologetically. " But Captain Coppinger has
sent me down a present of a keg of cognac — real
cognac, splendid, amber-like — and, you know% it was
uncommonly kind. He never did it before. So there
was no avoidance ; we had to tap it and taste it, and
give a sup to the fellow who brought us the keg, and
drink the health of the Captain. One could not be
churlish ; and, naturally, I could not abstain from
letting Jamie try the spirit. Perfectly pure — quite
wholesome — first-rate quality. Upon my word, he had
not more than a fly could dip his legs in and feel the
bottom ; but he is unaccustomed to anything stronger
than cider, and this is stronger than I supposed."
'* Mr. Menaida, you promised me "
" Bless me ! There are contingencies, you know. I
never for a moment thought that Captain Coppinger
would show me sucli a favour, would have such courtes3\
But, upon my honour, I think it is your doing, my dear I
You shook hands and made peace with him, and he
has sent this in token of the cessation of hostilities and
the ratification of the agreement."
" Mr. Menaida, I trusted you. I did believe, whent
you passed your word to me, that you would hold to it."
" Now — there, don't take it in that way. Jamie, you
rascal, hop off to bed. He'll be right as a trivet to-
morrow morning, I stake m}^ reputation on that*
There, there, I will help him upstairs."
Judith suffered Mr. Menaida to do as he proposed.
When he had left the room with Jamie, who was re-
luctant to go, and struggled to remain, she seated her-
self on the sofa, and covering her face with her hands,,
burst into tears. Whom could she trust ? No one.
Had she been alone in the world she would have
been more confident of the future, been able to look
C C. 117
forward with a good courage ; but she had to carry
Jamie with her, who must be defended from himself,
and from the weak good nature of those he was with.
When Uncle Zachie came downstairs, he slunk into
his work-room, and was very quiet. No lamp or candle
was lighted, and it was too dark for him to continue his
■employment on the birds. What was he doing ?
Nothing. He was ashamed of himself, and keeping
■out of Judith's way.
But Judith would not let him escape so easily ; she
went to him, as he avoided her, and found him seated
in a corner turning his pipe about. He had been afraid
of striking a light, lest he should call her attention to
his presence.
" Oh, my dear, come in here into the workshop to
me ! This is an honour, an unexpected pleasure.
Jamie and I have been drudging like slaves all day,
and we're fagged — fagged to the ends of our fingers
and toes."
" Mr. Alenaida, I am sorry to say it, but if such a
thing happens again as has taken place this evening,
Jamie and I must leave your house. I thank you with
an overflowing heart for your goodness to us ; but I
must consider Jamie above everything else, and I must
see that he be not exposed to temptation."
" Where will you take him ? "
" I cannot tell ; but I must shield him."
" There, there, not a word ! It shall never happen
again. Now let bye-gones be b}e-gones, and play me
something of Beethoven, whilst I sit here and listen in
the twilight."
" No, Mr. Menaida, I cannot. I have not the spirit
to do it. I can think only of Jamie."
" So you punish me ! "
"Take it so. I am sorry; but I cannot do otherwise.""
" Now, look here ! Bless my soul ! I had almost for-
gotten it. Here is a note for you, from the Captain, I
believe." He went to the chimney-piece and took down
a scrap of paper, folded and sealed.
Judith looked at it, then went to the window, broke
the seal, and opened the paper. She read —
" Why do you not come and see me ? You do not
care for what }ou have done. They call me cruel ; but
you are that. — C. C."
The strange, curt note from Cruel Coppinger served in
a measure to divert the current of Judith's thoughts
from her trouble about Jamie. It was perhaps as well^
or she would have fretted over that throughout the
night, not only because of Jamie, but because she felt
that her father had left his solemn injunction on her to
protect and guide her twin brother, and she knew that
whatsoever harm, physical or moral, came to him,
argued a lack of attention to her duty. Her father had
not been dead many days, and alread}' Jamie had been
led from the path she had undertaken to keep him in^
But when she began to worry herself about Jamie,
the bold characters, " C. C," with which the letter was
signed, rose before her, and glowed in the dark as
■characters of fire.
She had gone to her bedroom, and had retired for the
night, but could not sleep. The moon shone through
the lattice into her chamber, and on the stool b}- the
window lay the letter, where she had cast it. Her mind
turned to it.
\Vhy did Coppinger call her cruel ? Was she cruel ?
Is^ot intentionally so. She had not wilfully injured
him. He did not suppose that. He meant that she
was heartless and indifferent in letting him suffer with-
out making any inquir}- concerning him.
He had injured himself by coming to Polzeath to see
her the day following his accident. Uncle Zachie had
assured her of that.
She went on in her busy mind to ask \\'hy he had
come to see her ? Surely there had been no need for
him to do so ! His motive — the only motive she could
imagine — was a desire to relieve her from anxiety and
distress of mind ; a desire to show her that he bore no
ill-will towards her for what she had done. That was
generous and considerate of him. Had he not come
she certainly would have been unhappy and in unrest,
would have imagined all kinds of evil as likely to
ensue through his hostility — for one thing, her aunt's
dismissal from her post might have been expected.
But Coppinger, though in pain, and at a risk to his
health, had walked to where she was lodging to disabuse
her of any such impression. She was grateful to him
for so doing. She felt that such a man could not be
utterly abandoned by God, entirely void of good qualities,
as she had supposed, viewing him only through the re-
presentations of his character and the tales circulating
relative to his conduct that had reached her.
A child divides mankind into two classes — the good
and the bad, and supposes that there is no debatable
land between them, where light and shade are blended
into neutral tint ; certainly not that there are blots on
the white leaf of the lives of the good, and luminous
glimpses in the darkness of the histories of the bad.
As they grow older they rectify their judgments, and
such a rectification Judith had now to make.
She was assisted in this by compassion for Coppinger,
who was in suffering, and by self-reproach, because she
\vas the occasion of this suffering.
What were the exact words Captain Cruel had em-
ployed ? She was not certain ; she turned the letter
over and over in her mind, and could not recall every
expression, and she could not sleep till she was satisfied.
Therefore she rose from bed, stole to the window,
took up the letter, seated herself on the stool, and
conned it in the moonlight. " Why do you not come
and see me ? You do not care for what you have done.""
That was not true; she was greatly troubled at what
she had done. She was sick at heart when she thought
of that scene in the lane, when the black mare was
leaping and pounding with her hoofs, and Coppinger
lay on the ground. One kick of the hoof on his head,
and he would have been dead. His blood would have
rested on her conscience never to be wiped off. Horrible
was the recollection now, in the stillness of the night-
It was marvellous that life had not been beaten out of
the prostrate man, that, dragged about by the arm, he
had not been torn to pieces, that every bone had not
been shattered, that his face had not been battered out of
recognition. Judith felt the perspiration stand on her
brow at the thought. God had been very good to her
in sending His angel to save Coppinger from death and
her from bloodguiitiness. She slid to her knees at the-
window, and held up her hands, the moonHght illumining:
her white upturned face, as she gave thanks to Heaven
that no greater evil had ensued from her inconsidered
act with the button-basket, than a couple of broken bones.
Oh ! it was very far indeed from true that she did not
care for what she had done. Coppinger must have
been blind indeed not to have seen how she felt her
conduct. His letter concluded : " They call me cruel ;
but you are that." He meant that she was cruel in not
coming to the Glaze to inquire after him. He had
thought of her trouble of mind, and had gone to
Polzeath to relieve her of anxiety, and she had shown
no consideration for him — or not in like manner.
She had been very busy at the rectory. Her mind
had been concerned with her own affairs, that was her
excuse. Cruel she was not. She took no pleasure in
his pain. But she hesitated about going to see him.
That was more than was to be expected of a young girl.
She would go on the morrow to Coppinger's house, and
ask to speak to her aunt ; that she might do, and from
Aunt Dionysia she would learn in what condition
Captain Cruel was, and might send him her respects
and wishes for his speedy recovery.
As she still knelt in her window, looking up through
the diamond panes into the clear, gre3'-blue night sk}^
■she heard a sound without, and, looking down, saw a
convoy of horses pass, laden with bales and kegs, and
followed or accompanied by men wearing slouched hats.
So little noise did the beasts make in traversing the
road, that Judith was convinced their hoofs must be
muffled in felt. She had heard that this was done by
the smugglers. It was said that all Coppinger's horses
had their boots drawn on when engaged in conveying
run goods from the place where stored to their desti-
These were Coppinger's men, this his convo}', doubt-
less. Judith thrust the letter from her. He was a bad
man, a very bad man ; and if he had met with an
accident, it was his due, a judgment on his sins. She
rose from her knees, turned away, and went back to
her bed.
Next day, after a morning spent at the rectory, in
the hopes that her aunt might arrive, and obviate the
need of her going in quest of her, Judith, disappointed
in this hope, prepared to walk to Pentyre. Mrs.
Dionysia had not acted with kindness towards her.
Judith felt this, without allowing herself to give to the
feeling articulate expression. She made what excuses
she could for Aunt Dunes : she was hindered by duties-
that had crowded upon her, she had been forbidden
going by Captain Cruel ; but none of these excuses
satisfied Judith.
Judith must go herself to the Glaze, and she had'
reasons of her own for wishing to see her aunt, inde-
pendent of the sense of obligation on her, more or less
acknowledged, that she must obey the summons of C. C.
There were matters connected with the rectory, with
the furniture there, the cow, and the china, that Mrs.
Trevisa must give her judgment upon. There were
bills that had come in, which Mrs. Trevisa must pay,
as Judith had been left without any money in her
As the girl walked through the lanes she turned over
in her mind the stories she had heard of the smuggler
Captain, the wild tales of his wrecking ships, of his
contests with the Preventive men, and the ghastly
tragedy of Wyvill, who had been washed up headless
on Doom Bar. In former days she had accepted all
these stories as true, had not thought of questioning
them ; but now that she had looked Coppinger in the
face, had spoken with him, experienced his considera-
tion, she could not believe that they were to be accepted
-without question. That story of W3'vill — that Captain
Cruel had hacked off his head on the gunwale with his
axe — seemed to her now utterly incredible. But if true !
She shuddered to think that her hand had been held in
that stained with so hideous a crime.
Thus musing, Judith arrived at Pentyre Glaze, and
entering the porch, turned from the sea, knocked at the
A loud voice bade her enter. She knew that the
■voice proceeded from Coppinger, and her heart fluttered
with fear and uncertainty. She halted, with her hand
on the door, inclined to retreat without entering ; but
again the voice summoned her to come in, and gather-
ing up her courage she opened the door, and, still
holding the latch, took a few steps forward into the
hall or kitchen, into which it opened.
A lire was smouldering in the great open fire-place,
and beside it, in a carved oak armchair, sat Cruel
Coppinger, with a small table at his side, on which
were a bottle and glass, a canister of tobacco and a
pipe. His arm was strapped across his breast as she
had seen it a few days before. Entering from the
brilhant light of day, Judith could not at first observe
his face, but, as her eyes became accustomed to the
twilight of the smoke-blackened and gloomy hall, she
saw that he looked more worn and pale than he had
seemed the day after the accident. Nor could she
■understand the expression on his countenance when
he was aw'are who was his visitor.
" I beg your pardon,'' said Judith ; " I am sorry to
have intruded ; but I wished to speak to my aunt."
" Your aunt ? Old mother Dunes ? Come in. Let
go your hold of the door and shut it. Your aunt started
a quarter of an hour ago for the rector}^"
"And I came along the lane from Polzeath."
" Then no wonder you did not meet her. She
\vent by the church path, of course, and over the
" I am sorry to have missed her. Thank you. Captain
Coppinger, for telling me."
"Stay! " he roared, as he observed her draw back
into the porch. " You are not going yet ? "
" I cannot stay for more than a moment in which to
ask how 30U do, and whether you are somewhat better ?
I was sorry to hear you had been worse."
" I have been worse, yes. Come in. You shall not
go. I am mewed in as a prisoner, and have none ta
speak to, and no one to look at but old Dunes. Come
in, and take that stool by the fire, and let me hear you
speak, and let me rest my eyes a while on your goldert
hair — gold, more golden than that of the Indies."
" I hope you are better, sir," said Judith, ignoring
the compliment.
" I am better now I have seen vou. I shall be worse
if you do not come in."
She refused to do this by a light shake of the head.
" I suppose you are afraid. We are wild and lawless-
men here, ogres that eat children ! Come, child, I
have something to show you."
"Thank you for your kindness; but I must run to-
the parsonage ; I really ;;n/s/ see my aunt."
" Then I will send her to Polzeath to you when she
returns. She will keep ; she's stale enough."
" I would spare her the trouble."
" Pshaw ! She shall do what I will. Now see — I
am wearied to death with solitude and sickness. Come,.
amuse yourself, if you will, with insulting me — calling
me what you like; I do not mind, so long as you
" I have no desire whatever, Captain Coppinger, to
insult you and call you names."
" You insult me by standing there holding the latch —
standing on one foot, as if afraid to sully the soles by
treading my tainted floor. Is it not an insult that you
refuse to come in ? Is it not so much as saying to me,
' You are false, cruel, not to be trusted ; you are not
worthy that I should be under the same roof with you,
and breathe the same air ' ? "
" Oh, Captain Coppinger, I do not mean that ! "
'• Then let go the latch and come in. Stand, if you
will not sit, opposite me. How can I see you there, in
the doorway ? "
" There is not much to see when I am visible," said
Judith, laughing.
" Oh no ! not much ! Only a little creature who has
more daring than any man in Cornwall — who will stand
up to, and cast at her feet, Cruel Coppinger, at whose
name men tremble."
Judith let go her hold on the door, and moved timidly
VOL. I. 10
into the hall ; but she let the door remain half open,
that the light and air flowed in.
" And now," said Captain Coppinger, " here is a key
on this table by me. Do you see a small door by the
clock case. Unlock that door with the key."
" You want something from thence ? "
" I want you to unlock the door. There are beautiful
and costly things within that you shall see."
"Thank you ; but I would rather look at them some
other day, when my aunt is here, and I have more
" Will you refuse me even the pleasure of letting you
see what is there ? "
" If you particularly desire it, Captain Coppinger, I
will peep in — but only peep."
She took the key from his table, and crossed the hall
to the door. The lock was large and clumsy, but she
turned the key by putting both hands to it. Then,
swinging open the door, she looked inside. The door
opened into an apartment crowded with a collection of
sundry articles of value: bales of silk from Italy, Genoa
laces, Spanish silver-inlaid weapons, Chinese porcelain,
bronzes from Japan, gold and silver ornaments, bracelets,
iDrooches, watches, inlaid mother-of-pearl cabinets — an
amazing congeries of valuables heaped together.
" Well, now ! " shouted Cruel Coppinger. " What
say you to the gay things there ? Choose — take what
you will. I care not for them one rush. What do you
most admire, most covet ? Put out both hands and
take — take all you would have, fill your lap, carry off
all you can. It is yours."
Judith drew hastily back and re-locked the door.
" What have you taken ? "
■"Nothing? Take what you will ; I give it freely."
" I cannot take anything, though I thank you,
Captain Coppinger, for your kind and generous
" You will accept nothing ? "
She shook her head.
" That is like you. You do it to anger me. As you
throw hard words at me — coward, wrecker, robber —
and as you dash broken glass, buttons, buckles, in my
face, so do you throw back my offers."
"It is not through ingratitude "
" I care not through what it is ! You seek to anger,
and not to please me. Why will you take nothing ?
There are beautiful things there to charm a woman."
" I am not a woman ; I am a little girl."
" Why do you refuse me ? "
" For one thing, because I want none of the things
there, beautiful and costly though they be."
" And for the other thing ? "
" For the other thing — excuse my plain speaking —
I do not think they have been honestly got."
** By heavens ! " shouted Coppinger. " There you
attack and stab at me again. I like your plainness of
speech. You do not spare me. I would not have you
false and double like old Dunes."
" Oh, Captain Coppinger ! I give you thanks from
the depths of my heart. It is kindly intended, and
it is so good and noble of you, I feel that; for I have
hurt you and reduced you to the state in which you now
are, and yet you offer me the best things in your house
— things of priceless value. I acknowledge your good-
ness ; but just because I know I do not deserve this
goodness I must decline what you offer."
*' Then come here and give me the key."
She stepped lightl}' over the floor to him and handed
him the great iron key to his store chamber. As she
did so he caught her hand, bowed his dark head, and
kissed her fingers.
" Captain Coppinger ! " She started back, trembhng,
and snatched her hand from him.
" What ! have I offended you again ? Why not ? A
subject kisses the hand of his queen ; and I am a
subject, and you — you my queen."
" How are you, old man ? "
" Middlin', thanky' ; and how be you, gov'nor ? "
" Middlin' also; and your missus ? "
*' Only sadly. I fear she's goin' slow but sure the
way of all flesh."
" Bless us ! 'Tis a trouble and expense them sort o'
things. Now to work, shall we ? What do you figure
"And you?"
** Oh well, I'm not here on reg'lar business. Huntin'
on my own score to-day."
" Oh, aye ! Nice port this."
'* Best the old fellow had in his cellar. I told the
executrix I should like to taste of it, and advise thereon,"'
The valuers for dilapidations, vulgarly termed delapi-
dators, were met in the dining-room of the deserted
parsonage. Mr. Scantlebray was on one side, Mr.
Cargreen on the other. Mr. Scantlebray was on that
of the " orphings," as he termed his clients, and Mr.
Cargreen on that of the Rev. Mr. Mules, the recently-
nominated rector to S. Enodoc.
Mr. Scantlebray was a tall, lean man, with light grey
eyes, a red face, and legs and arms that he shook every
now and then as though they were encumbrances to his
trunk, and he was going to shake them off, as a poodle
issuing from a bath shakes the water out of his locks.
Mr. Cargreen was a bullet-headed man, with a white
neckcloth, grey whiskers, a solemn face, and a sort of
perpetual " Let-us-pray " expression on his lips and in
his eyes — a composing of his interior faculties and ab-
straction from worldly concerns.
" I am here," said Mr. Scantlebra}-, " as adviser and
friend — }ou understand, old man — of the orphings and
their haunt."
" And I," said Mr. Cargreen, " am ditto to the in-
coming rector."
" And what do you get out cf this visit ? " asked Mr,
Scantlebray, who was a frank man.
"Only three guineas as a fee," said Mr. Cargreen.
^' And you?"
" Ditto, old man — three guineas. You understand,
I am not here as valuer to-day."
" Nor I — only as adviser."
" Exactly ! Taste this port. 'Taint bad — out of the
cellar of the old chap. Told auntie I must have it,
to taste and give opinion on."
" And what are you going to do to-day ? "
" I'm going to have one or two little things pulled
down, and other little things put to rights."
" Humph ! I'm here to see nothing is pulled down."
" We won't quarrel. There's the conservatory, and
the linney in Willa Park."
*' I don't know," said Cargreen, shaking his head.
** Now, look here, old man," said Mr. Scantlebray.
"You let me tear the linney down, and I'll let the
conservatory stand."
" The conservatorv "
" I know ; the casement of the best bedroom went
through the roof of it. I'll mend the roof and repaint
it. You can try the timber, and find it rotten, and lay
on dilapidations enough to cover a new conservatory.
Pass the linney; I want to make pickings out of
It may perhaps be well to let the reader understand
the exact situation of the two men engaged in sipping
port. Directly it was known that a rector had been
nominated to S. Enodoc, Mr. Cargreen, a Bodmin
valuer, agent, and auctioneer, had written to the happy
nominee, Mr. Mules, of Birmingham, inclosing his card
in the letter, to state that he was a member of an old-
established firm, enjoying the confidence, not to say the
esteem, of the principal county families in the north of
Cornwall, that he w^as a sincere Churchman, that, de-
ploring as a true son of the Church, the prevalence of
Dissent, he felt it his duty to call the attention of the
reverend gentleman to certain facts that concerned
liim, but especially the church, and facts that he
himself, as a devoted son of the Church on conviction,
after mature study of its tenets, felt called upon, in the
interests of that Church he so had at heart, to notice.
He had heard, said Mr. Cargreen, that the outgoing
parties from S. Enodoc were removing, or causing to
be removed, or were proposing to remove, certain
fixtures in the parsonage, and certain outbuildings,
barns, tenements, sheds, and linneys on the glebe and
parsonage premises, to the detriment of its value, inas-
much as that such removal would be prejudicial to the
letting of the land, and render it impossible for the in-
coming rector to farm it himself without re-erecting the
very buildings now in course of destruction, or which
were purposed to be destroyed : to wit, certain out-
buildings, barns, cattle-sheds, and linneys, together
with other tenements that need not be specified. Mr,
Cargreen added that, roughly speaking, the dilapidations
of these buildings, if allowed to stand, might be assessed
at iJ^300 ; but that, if pulled down, it would cost the
new rector about £700 to re-erect them, and their re-
erection would be an imperative necessity. Mr. Cargreen
had himself, personally, no interest in the matter ; but,
as a true son of the Church, &c., &c.
By return of post Mr. Cargreen received an urgent re-
quest from the Rev. Mr. Mules to act as his agent, and
to act with precipitation in the protection of his interests.
In the meantime Mr, Scantlebray had not been
neglectful of other people's interest. He had written
to Miss Dionysia Trevisa to inform her that, though he
did not enjoy a present acquaintance, it was the solace
and joy of his heart to remember that some years ago,
before that infelicitous marriage of Mr. Trevisa, which
had led to Miss Dionysia's leaving the rectory, it had
been his happiness to meet her at the house of a mutual'
acquaintance, Mrs. Scaddon, where he had respectfull}',
and, at this distance of time, he ventured to add, humbly
and hopelessly admired her ; that, as he was riding
past the rectory, he had chanced to observe the con-
dition of dilapidation certain tenements, pig-styes,,
cattle-sheds, and other outbuildings were in, and that,
though it in no way concerned him, yet, for auld lang
syne's sake, and a desire to assist one whom he had
always venerated and, at this distance of time might
add, had admired, he ventured to offer a suggestion : to
wit, That a number of unnecessary outbuildings should
be torn down and utterly effaced before a new rector
was nominated, and had appointed a valuer; also that
certain obvious repairs should be undertaken and done
at once, so as to give to the parsonage the appearance
of being in excellent order, and cut away all excuse for
piling up dilapidations. Mr. Scantlebray ventured
humbly to state that he had had a good deal of experience
with those gentlemen who acted as valuers for dilapi-
■dations, and with pain he was obliged to add that a
more unscrupulous set of men it had never been his
.bad fortune to come into contact with. He ventured
to assert that, were he to tell all that he knew, or only
half of what he knew, as to their proceedings in valuing
for dilapidations, he would make both of Miss Trevisa's
-ears tingle.
At once Miss Dionysia entreated Mr. Scantlebray to
■superintend and carry out with expedition such repairs
.and such demolitions as he deemed expedient, so as to .
forestall the other party.
" Chicken ! " said Mr. Cargreen. " That's what I've
brought for my lunch."
"And 'am is what I've got," said ]\Ir. Scantlebray.
■"They'll go lovely together." Then, in a loud tone —
^'Come in! "
The door opened, and a carpenter entered with a
piece of deal board in his hand.
" You won't mind looking out of the winder, Mr.
•Cargreen ? " said Mr. Scantlebray. " Some business
that's partick'ler my own. You'll find the jessamine —
Ihe white jessamine — smells beautiful."
Mr. Cargreen rose, and went to the dining-room win-
dow that was embowered in white jessamine, then \n
full flower and fragrance.
" What is it, Davy ? "
" Well, sir, I ain't got no dry old board for the floor
where it be rotten, nor for the panelling of the doors,
where broken through."
" No board at all ? "
" No, sir — all is green. Only cut last winter."
" Won't it take paint ? "
" Well, sir, not well. I've dried this piece by the
kitchen fire, and I find it'll take the paint for a time."
" Run, dry all the panels at the kitchen fire, and
then paint 'em."
" Thanky', sir ; but how about the boarding of the
floor ? The boards '11 warp and start."
" Look here, Davy, that gentleman who's at the
winder a-smelling to the jessamine is the surveyor and
valuer to t'other party. I fancy you'd best go round
outside and have a word with him, and coax him tO'
pass the boards."
" Come in ! " in a loud voice. Then there entered a
man in a cloth coat, with ver}" bushy whiskers. " How
d'y' do, Spargo ? What do you want ? "
"Well, Mr. Scantlebray, I understand the Hnney
and cowshed is to be pulled down."
" So it is, Spargo."
" Well, sir ! " Mr. Spargo drew his sleeve across his
mouth. " There's a lot of very fine oak timber in it —
beams, and such like — that I don't mind buying. As
a timber merchant, I could find a use for it."
" Say ten pound."
" Ten pun' ! That's a long figure ! "
■" Not a pound too much ; but come — we'll say eight."
^' I reckon I'd thought five."
■" Five ! — pshaw ! It's dirt cheap toj'ow at eight."
" Why to me, sir ? "
" Why, because the new rector will want to rebuild
"both cattleshed and linney, and he'll have to go to you
for timber."
" But suppose he don't, and cuts down some on the
glebe ? "
" No, Spargo — not a bit. There at the winder,
smelling to the jessamine, is the new rector's adviser
and agent. Go round by the front door into the gar-
ding, and say a word to him — you understand, and — "
jVIr. Scantlebray tapped his palm. " Do now go round
and have a sniff of the jessamine, Mr. Spargo ; and I
don't fancy Mr, Cargreen will advise the rector to use
home-grown timber. He'll tell him it sleeps away,
gets the rot, comes more expensive in the long run."
The valuer took a wing of chicken and a little ham,
and then shouted, with his mouth full — " Come in! "
The door opened, and admitted a farmer.
^' How 'do, Mr. Joshua ? middlin' ? "
^' Middlin', sir, thanky'."
^' And what have you come about, sir ? "
"Well — Mr. Scantlebray, sir, I fancy you ha'n't
■offered me quite enough for carting away of all the
rummage from them buildings as is coming down. 'Tis
a terrible lot of stone, and I'm to take 'em so faraway."
" Why not ? "
" Well, sir, it's such a lot of work for the bosses,
and the pay so poor."
" Not a morsel, Joshua — not a morsel."
"Well, sir, I can't do it at the price."
" Oh, Joshua ! Joshua ! I thought you'd a better
eye to the future. Don't you see that the new rector
will have to build up all these outbuildings again, and
where else is he to get stone except out of your quarry,
or some of the old stone you have carted away, ^vhich
you will have the labour of carting back ? "
" Well, sir, I don't know."
''But I do, Joshua."
" The new^ rector might go elsewhere for stone."
" Not he. Look there, at the winder is Mr. Car-
" green, and he's in \vith the new parson, like a brother
— knows his ver}' soul. The new^ parson comes from
Birmingham. What can he tell about building-stone
here ? Mr. Cargreen will tell him }-ours is the only
stuff that ain't powder."
" But, sir, he may not rebuild."
" He must. Mr. Cargreen will tell him that he can't
let the glebe without buildings ; and he can't build
without }-our quarry stone : and if he has your quarry
stone — why, you will be given the carting also. Are
you satisfied ? "
" Yes — if Mr. Cargreen would be sure "
'* He's there at the winder, a-smelling to the jessa-
mine. You go round and have a talk to him, and make
him understand — you know. He's a little hard o'
hearing ; but the drum o' his ear is here," said Scantle-
bray, tapping his palm.
Mr. Scantlebray was now left to himself to discuss
the chicken wing — the liver wing he had taken — and
sip the port ; a conversation was going on in an under-
tone at the window ; but that concerned Mr. Car-
green and not himself, so he paid no attention to
After a while, however, when this hum ceased, he
turned his head, and called out —
" Old man ! how about your lunch ? "
" I'm coming."
" And you found the jessamine very sweet ? "
" Beautiful ! beautiful ! "
" Taste this port. It is not what it should be : some
the old fellow laid in when he could afford it — before he
married. It is passed, and going back ; should have
been drunk five years ago."
Mr. Cargreen came to the table, and seated himself.
Then Mr. Scantlebray flapped his arms, shook out his
legs, and settled himself to the enjoyment of the lunch,
in the society of Mr. Cargreen.
" The merry-thought ! Pull with me, old man ? "
"Certainly! "
Mr. Scantlebray and Mr, Cargreen were engaged on
the meny-thought, each endeavouring to steal an ad-
vantage on the other, by working the lingers up the
bone unduly — when the window was darkened.
Without desisting from puUing at the merry-thought
each turned his head, and Scantlebray at once let go
his end of the bone. At the window stood Captain
Coppinger looking in at the couple, with his elbow
resting on the window-sill.
Mr. Scantlebray flattered himself that he was on
good terms with all the world, and he at once with
hilarity saluted the Captain by raising the fingers
greased by the bone to his brow.
" Didn't reckon on seeing you here, Cap"n."
■■' I suppose not."
" Come and pick a bone with us ? "
Coppinger laughed a short snort through his nostrils.
" I have a bone to pick with 3-ou already."
" Never ! no, never ! "
'* You have forced yourself on Miss Trevisa to act as
her agent and valuer in the matter of dilapida-
" Not forced. Captain. She asked me to give her
friendly counsel. We are old acquaintances."
" I will not waste words. Give me her letter. She
no longer requires your advice and counsel. I am going
to act for her."
" You, Cap'n ! Lor' bless me ! You don't mean to
say so ! "
" Yes. I will protect her against being pillaged.
She is my housekeeper."
"But see! she is only executrix. She gets nothing
out of the property."
" No — but her niece and nephew do. Take it that
I act for them. Give me up her letter."
Mr. Scantlebray hesitated.
" But, Cap'n, I've been to vast expense. I've entered
into agreements "
" With whom ? "
" With carpenter and mason about the repairs."
^' Give me the agreements."
" Not agreements exactly. They sent me in their
estimates, and I accepted them, and set them to
" Give me the estimates."
Mr. Scantlebray flapped all his limbs, and shook his
" You don't suppose I carry these sort of things
about with me ? "
" I have no doubt whatever they are in your pocket."'
Scantlebray fidgeted.
" Cap'n, try this port — a Httle going back, but not
to be sneezed at."
Coppinger leaned forward through the window.
" Who is that man with 3'ou ? "
" Mr. Cargreen."
"What is he here for?"
" I am agent for the Reverend Mules, the newly-
appointed rector," said Mr. Cargreen, with some
" Then I request you both to step to the window tO'
The two men looked at each other. Scantlebray
jumped up, and Cargreen followed. They stood in
the window-bay at a respectful distance from Cruel
"I suppose you know who I am?" said the latter,
fixing his eyes on Cargreen.
" I believe I can form a guess."
"And your duty to your client is to make out as
bad a case as you can against the two children. They
have had just one thousand pounds left them. You
are going to get as much of that away from them as
you are permitted."
" My good sir — allow me to explain "
" There is no need," said Coppinger. " Suffice it
that you are one side. I — Cruel Coppinger — on the
other. Do you understand what that means ? "
Mr. Cargreen became alarmed, his face became very
" I am not a man to waste words. I am not a man
that many in Cornwall would care to have as an
adversary. Do you ever travel at night, Mr. Car-
green i
"Yes, sir, sometimes."
" Through the lanes and along the lonely roads ? " .
" Perhaps, sir — now and then."
'* So do I," said Coppinger. He drew a pistol from
his pocket, and played with it. The two "dilapidators "
shrank back. " So do I," said Coppinger ; " but I
never go unarmed. I would advise you to do the same
— if }ou are my adversary."
" I hope. Captain, that — that "
" If those children suffer through you more than
what I allow" — Coppinger drew up his one shoulder
that he could move — " I should advise you to consider
what Mrs. Cargreen will have to live on when a
widow." Then he turned to Scantlebray, who was
sneaking behind the window-curtain.
" Miss Trevisa's letter, authorizing you to act for
her ? "
Scantlebray, with shaking hand, groped for his
" And the two agreements or estimates you signed."'
Scantlebray gave him the letter.
"The agreements also."
Nervously, the surveyor groped again, and reluctantly-
produced them. Captain Coppinger opened them with
his available hand.
" What is this ? Five pounds in pencil added to
each, and then summed up in the total ? What is the
meaning of that, pray ? "
Mr. Scantlebray again endeavoured to disappear
behind the curtain.
" Come forward ! " shouted Captain Cruel, striking
the window-sill with the pistol.
Scantlebra\- jumped out of his retreat at once.
" What is the meaning of these two five pounds ? '*
" Well, sir — Captain — it is usual ; every one does
it. It is my — what d'y' call it ? — consideration for
accepting the estimates."
" And added to each, and then charged to the orphans,
who pa}'you toact in their interest — so theypay wittingly,
directly, and unwittingly, indirectly. Well for you and
for Mrs. Scantlebray that I release you of your obliga-
tion to act for Mother Dunes — I mean Miss Trevisa."
" Sir," said Cargreen, " under the circumstances,
under intimidation, I decline to sully my fingers with
the business. I shall withdraw."
" No, you shall not," said Cruel Coppinger, reso-
lutely. " You shall act, and act as I approve ; and in
the end it shall not be to your disadvantage."
Then, without a word of farewell, he stood up,
slipped the pistol back into his pocket, and strode
Mr. Cargreen had become white, or rather, the colour
of dough. x\fter a moment he recovered himself some-
what, and, turning to Scantlebray, with a sarcastic air,
said —
*' I hope j'o/^ enjoy the jessamine. They don't smell
particularly sweet to me."
" Orful ! " groaned Scantlebray. He shook himself
— almost shaking off all his limbs in the convulsion —
*' Old man — them jessamines is orful ! "
Some weeks slipped by without bringing to Judith any
accession of anxiety. She did not go again to Pentyre
Glaze, but her aunt came once or twice in the week
to Polzeath to see her. Moreover, Miss Dionysia's
manner towards her was somewhat less contrary and
vexatious, and she seemed to put on a conciliatory
manner, as far as was possible for one so angular and
crabbed. Gracious she could not be; nature had made
it as impossible for her to be gracious in manner as to
be lovely in face and graceful in movement.
Moreover, Judith observed that her aunt looked at
her with an expression of perplexity, as though seeking
in her to find an answer to a riddle that vexed her
brain. And so it was. Aunt Dunes could not under-
stand the conduct of Coppinger towards Judith and
her brother. Nor could she understand how a child
like her niece could have faced and defied a man of
whom she herself stood in abject fear. Judith had
behaved to the smuggler in a way that no man in
the whole country-side would have ventured to behave.
She had thrown him at her feet, half killed him,,
and yet Cruel Coppinger did not resent what had
been done ; on the contrary, he went out of his way
to interfere in the interest of the orphans. He was
not the man to concern himself in other people's-
affairs ; wh}- should he take trouble on behalf of Judith
and her brother? That he did it out of consideration
for herself, Miss Trevisa had not the assurance to
Aunt Dunes put a few searching questions to Judith^
but drew from her nothing that explained the mystery..
The girl frankly told her of her visit to the Glaze
and interview with the crippled smuggler, of his offer
to her of some of his spoil, and of her refusal to receive
a present from him. Miss Trevisa approved of her
niece's conduct in this respect. It would not have
befitted her to accept anything. Judith, however, did
not communicate to her aunt the closing scene in that
interview. She did not tell her that Coppinger had
kissed her hand, nor his excuse for having done so,,
that he was rendering homage to a queen.
For one thing, Judith did not attach any importance
to this incident. She had always heard that Coppinger
was a wild and insolent man, wild and insolent in his
dealings with his fellow-men, therefore doubtless still
more so in his treatment of defenceless women. He had
behaved to her in the rude manner in which he would
behave to any peasant girl or sailor's daughter who
caught his fancy, and she resented his act as an in-
dignity, and his excuse for it as a prevarication. And,,
precisely, because he had offended her maidenly dignity,,
she blushed to mention it, even to her aunt, resolving
in her own mind not to subject herself to the like
Miss Trevisa, on several occasions, invited Judith to
come and see her at Pentyre Glaze, but the girl always
declined the invitation.
Judith's estimate of Cruel Coppinger was modified.
He could not be the utter reprobate she had always
held him to be. She fully acknowledged that there
was an element of good in the man, otherwise he
would not have forgiven the injury done him, nor
would he have interfered to protect her and Jamie
from the fraud and extortion of the " dilapidators."
She trusted that the stories she had heard of Cop-
pinger's wild and savage acts were false, or over-
coloured. Her dear father had been mislead by reports,
as she had been, and it was possible that Coppinger
had not really been the impediment in her father's way
that the late rector had supposed.
Jamie was happy. He was even, in a fashion,
•making himself useful. He helped Air. Menaida in
his bird-stuffing on rainy days ; he did more, he ran
about the cliffs, learned the haunts of the wild-fowl,
ascertained where they nested, made friends with Pre-
ventive men, and some of those fellows living on shore,
without any very fixed business, who rambled over the
.country with their guns, and from these he was able
to obtain birds that he believed Air. Menaida wanted.
Judith was glad that the boy should be content, and
•enjoy the fresh air and some freedom. She would
have been less pleased had she seen the companions
Jamie made. But the men had rough good humour.
and were willing to oblige the half-witted bo}', and they
encouraged him to go with them shooting, or to sit
with them in their huts.
Jamie manifested so strong a distaste for books, and
lesson time being one of resistance, pouting, tears, and
failures, that Judith thought it not amiss to put off the
resumption of these irksome tasks for a little while,
and to let the boy have his run of holidays. She
fancied that the loss of his father and of his old home
preyed on him more than was actually the case, and
believed that by giving him freedom till the first pangs
were over, he might not suffer in the way that she had
For a fortnight or three weeks Judith's time had
been so fully engaged at the parsonage, that she could
not have devoted much of it to Jamie, even had she
thought it desirable to keep him to his lessons; nor
could she be with him much. She did not press him
to accompany her to the rectory, there to spend the
time that she was engaged sorting her father's letters
and memoranda, his account books and collection of
extracts made from volumes he had borrowed, as not
only would it be tedious to him, but he would distract
her mind. She must see that he was amused, and
must also provide that he was not at mischief. She
did take him with her on one or two occasions, and
found that he had occupied himself in disarranging
much that she had put together for the sale.
But she would not allow him wholly to get out of
the way of looking to her as his companion, and she
abandoned an afternoon to him now and then, as her
work became less arduous, to walk with him on the
cliffs or in the lanes, to listen to his childish prattle,
and throw herself into his new pursuits. The link
between them must not be allowed to become relaxed,
and, so far as in her lay, she did her utmost to main-
tain it in its former security. But, with his father's
death, and his removal to Mr. ]\Ienaida's cottage, a
new world had opened to Jamie ; he was brought into
association with men and boys whom he had hardly
known by sight previously, and without any wish to
disengage himself from his sister's authority, he was
led to look to others as comrades, and to listen to and
follow their promptings.
"Come, Jamie," said Judith, one day. "Now I
really have some hours free, and I will go a stroll
with you on the downs."
The boy jumped with pleasure, and caught her hand.
^' I may take Tib with me ? "
^' Oh yes, certainly, dear."
Tib was a puppy that had been given to Jamie by
one of his new acquaintances.
The day was fresh. Clouds driving before the wind,
now obscuring the sun, and threatening rain, then
clearing and allowing the sun to turn the sea green
and gild the land. Owing to the breeze, the sea was
ruffled and strewn with breakers shaking their white
" I am going to show' you something I have found,
Ju,"' said the boy. "You will follow, will you not ? "
" Lead the way. What is it ? "
" Come and see. I found it by myself. I shan't
tell any one but you."
He conducted his sister down the cliffs to the beach
of a cove. Judith halted a moment to look along the
coast with its mighty, sombre cliffs, and the sea glancing
with sun or dulled by shadow to Tintagel Head stand-
ing up at the extreme point to the north-east, with the
white surf lashing and heaving around it. Then she
drew her skirts together, and descended by the narrow
path along which, with the Hghtness and confidence of
a kid, Jamie was skipping.
"Jamie ! " she said. " Have you seen ? — there is a
ship standing in the offing."
"Yes; she has been there all the morning."
Then she went further.
The cove was small, with precipitous cliffs rising
from the sand to the height of two to three hundred
feet. The seagulls screamed and flashed to and fro,,
and the waves foamed and threw up their waters
lashed into froth as white and light as the feathers,
on the gulls. In the concave bay the roar of the
plunging tide reverberated from ever}- side. Neither
the voice of Jamie, when he shouted to his sister from
some feet below, nor the barking of his little dog that
ran with him, could be distinguished by her.
The descent was rapid and rugged, yet not so pre-
cipitous but that it could be gone over by asses or mules..
Evidence that these creatures had passed that way
remained in the impression of their hoofs in the soil,,
wherever a soft stratum intervened between the harder
shelvesof the rock, and hadcrumbled onthe path intoclay.
Judith observed that several paths — not all mule-
paths — converged lower down at intervals in the way
by which she descended, so that it would be possible,
apparently, to reach the sand from various points in the
down, as well as by the main track by which she was
stepping to the beach.
"Jamie!" called Judith, as she stood on the last
shoulder of rock before reaching the beach over a
wave-washed and smoothed surface. " Jamie ! I can
see that same ship from here."
But her brother could not hear her. He was throw-
ing stones for the dog to run after, and meet a wave as
it rushed in.
The tide was going out ; it had marked its highest
elevation by a bow of foam and strips of dark seaweed
and broken shells. Judith stepped along this line, and
picked out the largest ribbon of weed she could find.
She would hang it in her bedroom to tell her the
weather. The piece that had been wont to act as
barometer was old, and, besides, it had been lost in the
recent shift and confusion.
Jamie came up to her.
" Now, Ju, mind and watch me, or you will lose me
VOL. I. 12
Then he ran forward, with Tib dancing and yelping
round him. Presently he scrambled up a shelf of rock
inclined from the sea, and up after him, yelping,
scrambled Tib. In a moment both disappeared over
the crest.
Judith went up to the ridge and called to her brother.
" I cannot climb this, Jamie."
But in another moment, a hundred yards to her
right, round the extremity of the reef, came Tib and
his master, the boy dancing and laughing, the dog
ducking his head, shaking his ears, and, all but laugh-
ing also, evidently enjoying the fun as much as
" This wa}^, Ju ! " shouted the boy, and signed to his
sister. She could not hear his voice, but obeyed his
gestures. The reef ran athwart the top of the bay,
like the dorsal, jagged ridge of a crocodile half buried in
the sand.
Judith drew her skirts higher and closer, as the sand
was wet, and there were pools by the rock. Then,
holding her ribbon of seaweed by the harsh, knotted
root, torn up along with the leaf, and trailing it behind
her, she followed her brother, reached the end of the
THE CA VE. 163
rock, turned and went in the traces of Jamie and Tib
in tile sand parallel to her former course.
Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, on the right hand
there opened before her, in the face of the cliff, a cave,
the entrance to which was completely masked by the
j-idge she had turned. Into this cave went Jamie with
his dog.
" I am not obliged to follow you there! " protested
Judith ; but he made such vehement signs to her to
follow him that she good-humouredly obeyed.
The cave ran in a long way, at first at no great
incline, then it became low overhead, and immediately
after the floor inclined rapidly upw'ard, and the vault
took a like direction. Moreover, light appeared in
front. Here, to Judith's surprise, she saw a large
boat, painted grey, furnished with oars and boat-hook.
She was attached by a chain to a staple in the rock.
Judith examined her with a little uneasiness. No name
was on her.
The sides of the cave at this point formed shelves,
not altogether natural, and that these were made use
of was evident, because on them lay staves of broken