erman jBoeler monal Xtbran?, TSr, w. HOMER AMES, LI BRAR IAN bosler memorial library CARLISLE, PENN'A CONTENTS, Rules of the Library 2 Juveniles - - - 4 Fiction - 12 General Literature, Essays, &c. - - - 25 Poetry ------ 28 Drama 30 General History - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 History, United States - - - - 31 History, Europe - 23 History, Other Countries --------- 3.5 Collective Biography - - -36 Biography ------------ 37 Travel and Description ---------- 46 Natural Science 50 Religion and Church History --------- 52 Political and Social Science - 54 Useful and Fine Arts, - - -. 55 Philosophy, Ethics and Psychology, - 56 Education -------- 57 Reference Books - - - - 58 Magazines Currently Received --------- 60 1 ..BOOK LIST.. THE J. HERMAN BOSLER MEMORIAL LIBRARY, CARLISLE, PENNA. JULY 1, 1903. PRICE 15 CENTS. THE CORNMAN PRESS, CARLISLE. RULES OF The J. Herman Rosier Memorial Library, CARLISLE, PENNA. JANUARY 30, 1900. LIBRARY HOURS. 1. The Library shall be open daily, except on Sundays, New Year’s day, Washington’s birthday, Memorial day, the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving da}" and Christmas, as follows: From October 1 to May 31 inclusive, from 2 to 5 p. m. and from 7 to 10 p. m. ; during the remaining four months of the year, from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 7 to 10 p. m. During the foregoing hours all persons above the age of twelve years, of cleanly habits and good reputation, shall have the free use, in the building, of all the books and magazines therein. HOME USE OF BOOKS. 2. Any permanent resident of Carlisle or vicinity may take out books for home use, upon the approval of his application to do so by the Book Committee, and the annual payment of one dollar to the Librarian. 3. Any temporary resident may take out books for home use, upon the approval of his application to do so by the Book Committee, and the monthly payment of twenty-five cents to the Librarian. ISSUE AND RETURN OF BOOKS. 4. Two books may be taken out by a borrower at the same time, provided they shall not both be fiction. If a work of fiction is published in two volumes, however, both volumes may be taken out at one time, but they will be considered to be two books. 5. Books may be retained for two weeks, unless otherwise labeled, and, except recent works of fiction, may be renewed for a similar period. Recent works of fiction may not be renewed. In computing time, the date of issue will not be counted, nor will the last day be counted if the Library is closed on that day. 6. Magazines, except those for the current month, may be RULES — Continued. taken out for home use, one or more numbers of the same maga- zine being issued instead of one book, and to be retained seven days only. 7. A subscriber may have a book reserved for twenty-four hours, and notice sent by mail, on deposit of one cent for postal card. 8. Reference books and magazines for the current month may not be taken out of the building. FINES AND PENALTIES, 9. A fine of two cents a day, including Sundays and holi- days, will be charged on each book retained longer than the rules permit. Books overdue more than one week will be sent for, by messenger, at the expense of the borrower. 10. Injuries to books, bej^ond reasonable wear, shall be made good by the borrower. If one volume of a set is lost, the loser will be held responsible for the value of the set, unless the lost volume be replaced to the satisfaction of the Book Committee. A book overdue more than one month will be considered lost. 11. Any one taking a book from the building without hav- ing it duly charged, shall forfeit all right to the privileges of the Library. 12. No person shall draw a book for home use whilst he is indebted for fines or damages. CONDUCT AND ORDER, 13. Conversation and conduct inconsistent with quiet and order, and the use of tobacco in any form, are forbidden in the building. 14. Dogs will not be allowed on the premises. 15. No one will be admitted back of the delivery desk without a permit from the Librarian. 16. Writing in books or magazines, and turning down the leaves, are forbidden. CATALOGUE AND BOOK-LISTS, 17. The card catalogue, in which all books received to date are indexed alphabetically under author, title and subject, will be open for the use of the public. Book-lists will be accessible to readers in the building, or may be purchased for fifteen cents a copy and taken away. 3 BOOK LIST. The J* Herman Bosler Memorial Library, JUVENILES* ABBOTT, Beechnut; Rodolphus, Caroline; Agnes. Ellen Linn; Stuyvesant. Malleville; Wallace. Mary Erskine; Mary Bell. ALCOTT, Aunt Jo’s Scrap-Bag. 6 v. Eight Cousins. Jo’s Boys. Little Men. Little Women. An Old-Fashioned Girl. Rose in Bloom. Spinning Wheel Stories. Under the Lilacs. AMICIS. Cuore. ANDERSEN. Fairy Tales. Stories. ANDREWS, Each and All. Seven Little Sisters. Stories Mother Nature Told. Ten Boys. ANON, Aesop’s Fables. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp. The April Baby’s Book of Tunes. The Arabian Nights. Jack and the Beanstalk. Jack the Giant Killer. Nono, or The Golden House. ASBJORNSEN, Fairy Tales from the Far North. ALDEN. The Adventures of Jimmy Brown. ALDRICH, The Story of a Bad Boy, and The Little Violinist. ALLEN, The Mammoth Hunters. BAIN, Cossack Fairy Tales. BAKER, Cast up by the Sea. BALDWIN, Old Stories of the East. The Story of Roland. The Story of Siegfried. A Story of the Golden Age. BALLANTYNE, Erling the Bold. The Gorilla Hunters. BAMFORD. The Look About Club. BANGS, Mollie and the Unwise Man. BANKS, An Oregon Boyhood. BARNES, Commodore Bainbridge. Yankee Ships and Yankee Sail- ors. BEARD, The Jack of All Trades. American Boy’s Handy Book. American Girl’s Handy Book. Outdoor Handy Book. 4 JUVENILES .—Continued. BENNET and ADENEY, The Bible Story Retold for Young People. BLACK, The Four MacNicols. BOLTON, Girls Who Became Famous. Poor Boys Who Became Famous BOUVET, Sweet William. BOYESEN, Against Heavy Odds. Boyhood in Norway. Gunnar. The Modern Vikings. Norseland Tales. BRADY, In the Wasp’s Nest. BRERETON. The Dragon of Pekin. BROOKS, E. S. The Century Book for Young Americans. The Century Book of the Amer- ican Revolution. BROOKS, NOAH. The Boy Emigrants. The Boy Settlers. Lem. BROWN. Rab and His Friends. BUCKLEY, The Fairyland of Science. BURNETT, Little Lord Fauntleroy. Sara Crewe and Other Stories. BUTTERWORTH, Lost in Nicaragua. Zig-Zag Journeys in Arcadia. Zig-Zag Journeys in theAntipodes Zig-Zag Journeys in Australia. Zig-Zag Journeys in the British Isles. Zig-Zag Journeys in Classic Lands Zig-Zag Journeys in Europe. Zig-Zag Journeys in the Great Northwest. Zig-Zag Journeys in India. Zig-Zag Journeys in the Levant. Zig-Zag Journeys in the Mediter- ranean. Zig-Zag Journeys on the Missis- sippi. Zig-Zag Journeys in Northern Lands. Zig-Zag Journeys in the Occident. Zig-Zag Journeys in the Orient. Zig-Zag Journeys in the Sunny South. Zig-Zag Journeys in theWhiteCity Zig-Zag Journeys around the World. CARROLL, Alice in Wonderland; Through the Looking-Glass. CHAMPLIN, Young Folks’ History of the War for the Union. CHAMPNEY, Paddy O’Leary and his Learned Pig. CHURCH, Dangerous Characters. Greek Life and Story. Stories from Herodotus. Stories from Homer. Stories from Livy. Stories from the Greek Trage- dians. Stories from Virgil. Stories of Charlemagne and the Peers of France. The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem. 5 J U VE N I LE S . — Contmued. CHURCH. Stories from English History. Three Greek Children. With the King at Oxford. A Young Macedonian. CLARK, Will Shakespeare’s Little Lad. COFFIN, The Boys of ’61. The Boys of ’76 Building the Nation. Old Times in the Colonies. Winning his Way. CONNOR, Glengarry School Days. COOLIDGE, Clover. In the High Valley. What Katy Did. What Katy Did at School. What Katy Did Next. CORYELL, Diccon the Bold. COX, Another Brownie Book. The Brownies Around the World. The Brownies at Home. COZZENS, The Marvellous Country. CRADDOCK, The Champion. CROLY, Thrown upon Her OwnResources GUMMING, Wild Men and Wild Beasts. DAVIS. Stories for Boys. DE AMICIS, Cuore, An Italian Schoolboy’s Journal. DEFOE, Robinson Crusoe. DODGE, Donald and Dorothy. Hans Brinker,or the Silver Skates DOLE, Young Folks’ History of Russia. DOUGLAS, Hannah Ann. A Little Girl in Old Boston. A Little Girl in Old Detroit. A Little Girl in Old New Or- leans. A Little Girl in Old New York. • A Little Girl in Old Philadelphia A Little Girl in Old Washington. DRAKE, Indian History for Young Folks. The Making of the Great West. DRUMMOND, Baxter’s Second Innings. DU CHAILLU, The Country of the Dwarfs. King Mombo. Stories of the Gorilla Country. EARLE, Child Life in Colonial Days. EDDY, Friends and Helpers. EGGLESTON, E. The Bale Marked Circle X. The Hoosier School Boy. Tecumseh. EGGLESTON AND SEELYE, Pocahontas. EGGLESTON, G. C. Strange Stories from History. EWING, A Flat Iron for a Farthing. Jackanapes and Other Stories. Jan of the Windmill. Six to Sixteen. Story of a Short Life and Other Stories. FIELD, A Little Book of Profitable Tales. Love Songs of Childhood. FISKE, The War of Independence. FRASER, Mooswa, and Others of the Boundaries. The Outcasts. 6 JUVENILES. FROST, The Wagner Story Book. GARLAND, A Little Norsk. GILDER, The Autobiography of a Tom- boy. GOSS, Jack Alden, Jed. Tom Clifton. GRIFFIS. Brave Little Holland. GRIMM, Household Tales. HABBERTON, The Tiger and the Insect. HALE, Boys’ Heroes. The Last of the Peterkins. The Peterkin Papers. Stories of Adventure. Stories of Discovery. Stories of Invention. Stories of the Sea. HALL, Icelandic Fairy Tales. HAMBLEN, The Stor\ of a Yankee Boy. HARRIS, Aaron in the Wildwoods. Nights with Uncle Remus. On the Plantation. Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings. HARTNER. Pythia’s Pupils. HAWTHORNE, Grandfather’s Chair, &c. Tanglewood Tales. True Stories. A Wonder Book. HAYENS, An Emperor’s Doom. 7 — Continued. HENTY, Among Malay Pirates. At Aboukir and Acre. At the Point of the Bayonet. Bonnie Prince Charlie. By Pike and Dyke. By Right of Conquest. The Cornet of Horse. The Dragon and the Raven. Facing Death. For the Temple. Friends though Divided. In the Reign of Terror. The Lion of the North. Out on the Pampas. The Treasure of the Incas. True to the Old Flag. Under Drake’s Flag. Under Wellington’s Command. With Clive in India. With Kitchener in the Soudan. With Lee in Virginia. With Moore at Corunna. With the British Legion. With Wolfe in Canada. Wulf the Saxon. HOOKER, The Child’s Book of Nature, Part I, Plants. HOPPIN, Recollections of Auton House. HOWELLS, The Flight of Pony Baker INGE LOW, Mopsa the Fairy. JACKSON, (H. H.) Bits of Talk for Young Folks. Mercy Philbrick’s Choice. Nelly’s Silver Mine. JAMISON. Toinette’s Philip. KELLOGG, The Ark of Elm Island. The Boy Farmers of Elm Island Charlie Bell. The Hardscrabble of Elm Island Lion Ben. The Young Shipbuilders. JUVENILES. KIEFFER, The Recollections of a Drummer Boy. KINGSLEY, The Greek Heroes. Madam How and Lady Why. The Water Babies. KIPLING, The Jungle Book. The Second Jungle Book. KNOWLES, The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights. KNOX. The Boy Travellers in Austra- lasia. The Boy Travellers on the Congo The Boy Travelers in Northern Europe. The Boy Travelers in the Russian Empire. In Wild Africa. The Land of the Kangaroo. LAMB, The Adventures of Ulysses. Tales from Shakespeare. LANG, The Animal Story Book. The Blue Fairy Book. The Green F airy Book. The Red Fairy Book. The Red True Story Book. The True Story Book. The Yellow Fairy Book. LANIER, (Ed.) Knightly Legends of Wales. LARCOM, A New England Girlhood. LAURIE, Schoolboy Days in Japan. LEE, When I was a Boy in China. LEIGHTON, The Pilots of Pomona. Olaf the Glorious. LEWIS, A Gunner Aboard the “Yankee.” — Continued. LILLIE, For Honor’s Sake. The Squire’s Daughter. LOSSING, The Two Spies. LOUGHEAD, The Abandoned Claim. LUMMIS, The Enchanted Burro. MACDONALD, At the Back of the North Wind. Dealings with the Fairies. MacMANUS, Donegal Fairy Stories. MAJOR. The Bears of Blue River. MALORY, The Boy’s King Arthur. MARRYAT, Jacob Faithful. Masterman Ready. Mr. Midshipman Easy. Peter Simple. Snarleyyow. MARTINEAU, The Crofton Boys. Feats on the Fiord. The Peasant and the Prince. MATTHEWS, Tom Paulding. MAY. Dotty Dimple. Dotty Dimple at Play. Flaxie Frizzle. Little Prudy. Prudy Keeping House. Sister Susie. MEADE, A Sweet Girl Graduate. A World of Girls. MEUNIER, Adventures on the Great Hunt- ing Grounds of the World. 8 J U VE N I LE S Continued. MILLER, Four-Handed Folk. MOLESWORTH, Carrots. Little Miss Peggy. Peterkin, Rosy. MULOCK, Adventures of a Brownie. The Little Lame Prince. MUNROE. Canoemates. Derrick Sterling. The Flamingo Feather. The Fur-Seal’s Tooth. The Painted Desert. In Pirate Waters. NORDHOFF, Man-of-War Life. The Merchant Vessel. Whaling and Fishing. OBER. Crusoe’s Island. For Prey and Spoils. Young Folks’ History of Mexico. OGDEN, Loyal Hearts and True. A Loyal Little Red-Coat. OTIS, At the Siege of Quebec. Mr. Stubbs’ Brother. Toby Tyler. With Washington at Monmouth. PAGE, Among the Camps. A Captured Santa Claus. Santa Claus’s Partner. Two Little Confederates. PATTISON, Pussy Meow. PEARY, The Snow Baby. PENDLETON, King Tom and the Runaways. PHELPS, Loveliness. PLYMPTON, Dear Daughter Dorothy. PYLE, The Buccaneers and Marooners of North America. Men of Iron. The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. Otto of the Silver Hand. RASPE, Baron Munchausen. REID, The Young Voyageurs. RICHARDS. Captain January. Fernley House. Four Feet, Two Feet and No Feet. Hildegarde’s Harvest. Nautilus. Quicksilver Sue. When I was Your Age. RICHARDSON, Stories from Old English Poetry. RILEY, The Book of Joyous Children. ROOSEVELT. Hero Tales from American His- tory. RUSKIN. The King of the Golden River. SAUNDERS, Beautiful Joe. Beautiful Joe’s Paradise. ’Tilda Jane. SCHWATKA. The Children of the Cold. SCUDDER, Fables and Folk Stories. SEAWELL, Little Jarvis. Maid Marion. SEWELL, Black Beauty. SHAW, Hector. 9 JUVENILES. — Continued. SHUTE, The Real Diary of a Real Boy. SIDNEY, The Adventures of Joel Pepper. Five Little Peppers Abroad. Five Little Peppers and How they Grew. Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Five Little Peppers Midway. A Little Maid of Concord Town. Stories Polly Pepper Told. SONNICHSEN, Ten Months a Captive Among Filipinos. SPOFFORD. Hester Stanley at St. Marks. The Marquis of Carabas. STABLES. Courage, True Hearts. Every Inch a Sailor. How Jack Mackenzie Won His Epaulettes. To Greenland and the Pole. STANLEY, My Dark Companions, My Kalulu. STEVENSON, A Child’s Garden of Verses. STOCKTON, The Clocks of Rondaine and Other Stories. . A Jolly Fellowship. STODDARD. Dab Kinzer. The Quartet. The Red Mustang. The Talking Leaves. Two Arrows. The White Cave. STRATEMEYER, The Young Explorers of the Isthmus. STRICKLAND. True Stories from Ancient His- tory. SWIFT, Gulliver’s Travels. TAGGART, The Windham Girls. THACKERAY, The Rose and the Ring. THAXTER, Stories and Poems for Children. THOMAS. Captain Phil. THOMPSON, D. P., The Green Mountain Boys. THOMPSON, E. SETON, The Biography of a Grizzly. Lives of the Hunted. The Trail of the Sand-hill Stag. Wild Animals I Have Known. THOMPSON, M., A Tallahassee Girl. THURSTON, The Bishop’s Shadow. TOMLINSON. Guarding the Border. In the Camp of Cornwallis. In the Hands of the Red Coats. Under Colonial Colors. TROWBRIDGE. A Chance for Himself. Cudjo’s Cave. Doing His Best. The Electrical Boy. Jack Hazard. Neighbor Jackwood. The Prize Cup. Three Boys on an Electrical Boat The Three Scouts. Two Biddicut Boys. TWAIN, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The Prince and the Pauper. Tom Sawyer Abroad, and Other Stories. VAILE. Sue Orcutt. JUVENILES. VERNE, Dick Sand. Famous Travels and Travelers. The Great Explorers. The Great Navigators. The Mysterious Island. The Tour of the World in Eighty Days. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. WARNER, Being a Boy. WHEELOCK, Bessie’s Conquests. Christmas Eve. Jack and Ted. Polly’s Minutes. A Rainy Day. Sara’s Gift. WHITE, Ed., Plutarch for Boys and Girls. WHITMARSH, The World’s Rough Hand. — Continued. WHITNEY, Boys at Chequasset. WIGGIN, The Birds’ Christmas Carol. Polly Oliver’s Problem. The Story Hour. The Story of Patsy. Timothy’s Quest. WILDMAN, Tales of the Malayan Coast. WILKINS, Young Lucretia and Other Stories WRIGHT, Children’s Stories in American History. Children’s Stories of American Progress. WYSS, The Swiss Family Robinson. YOUNG, What a Boy Saw in the Army. FICTION* ADAMS, The Kidnapped Millionaires. AGUILAR, The Days of Bruce. ALDRICH, Marjorie Daw, and other Stories Prudence Palfrey; A Rivermouth Romance. The Queen of Sheba; My Cousin the Colonel. A Sea Turn and Other Stories. The Stillwater Tragedy. ALLEN, GRANT, Hilda Wade. ALLEN, JAMES LANE, Aftermath. The Choir Invisible. Flute and Violin, and Other Stories. A Kentucky Cardinal. The Reign of Law. ANDERSON, Only a Fiddler. O. T. ANON, The Benefactress. The Colonel’s Opera Cloak. A Doffed Coronet. Elizabeth and Her German Garden. The Garden of a Commuter’s Wife. The Love Letters of an English- woman. The Solitary Summer. ATHERTON, The Conqueror. AUERBACH, On the Heights. AUSTEN, Persuasion. Pride and Prejudice. Sense and Sensibility. AUSTIN, Standish of Standish. BACHELLER, Darrell of the Biessed Isles. D’ri and I. Eden Holden. BALZAC. Catherine de Medici. Cesar Birotteau. The Country Doctor. Cousin Pons. The Magic Skin. Pere Goriot. BANGS, A House Boat on the Styx. BARR, A Border Shepherdess. The Bow of Orange Ribbon. A Daughter of Fife. Friend Olivia. Jan Vedder’s Wife. The Maid of Maiden Lane. A Singer from the Sea. Souls of Passage. The Squire of Sandal-Side. Thyra Varick. Trinity Bells. BARRIE. Auld Licht Idylls. The Little Minister. The Little White Bird. Sentimental Tommy. Tommy and Grizel. Two of Them. When a Man’s Single. A Window in Thrums. BATES, Patty’s Perversities. BELL, Wee MacGreegor. 12 FICTION.— Continued. BELLAMY. Looking Backward. BENSON, Who Goes There? BESANT, Armorel of Lyonesse. Beyond the Dreams of Avarice. Children of Gibeon. For Faith and Freedom. The Orange Girl. ’Twas in Trafalgar Bay. The World Went Very Well Then. BESANT and RICE, All Sorts and Conditions of Men. BJORNSON, The Bridal March; Captain Man- sana; Magnhild; Dust. A Happy Boy; The Fisher Maiden; Later Sketches. Life; Synnove Solbakken; Arne; Early Tales and Sketches. BLACK, Adventures of a Phaeton. A Daughter of Heth. Judith Shakespeare. MacLeod of Dare. Madcap Violet. A Princess of Thule. BLACKMORE, Lorna Doone. Perlycross. BRADY, For Love of Country. For the Freedom of the Sea. The Southerners. BRONTE, Jane Eyre. The Professor. Shirley. Villette. BROWN, Knights in Fustian. BULLEN, The Cruise of the Cachalot. Idylls of the Sea. The Men of the Merchant Ser- vice. The Log of a Sea Waif. BUNNER. The Story of a New York House BURNETT, In Connection with the De Will- oughby Claim. The Making of a Marchioness. The Methods of Lady Walder- hurst. Louisiana. That Lass o’ Lowrie’s. BURNEY, Evelina. BURNHAM, Miss Archer Archer. BYNNER, The Begum’s Daughter. Zachary Phips. CABLE, Bonaventure. The Cavalier. The Creoles of Louisiana. Doctor Sevier. The Grandissimes. John March, Southerner. Old Creole Days. Strange True Stories of Louis- iana. Strong Hearts. CAINE, The Bondman. The Christian. The Deemster. The Eternal City. The Manxman. The Scapegoat. She’s All the World to Me. CARGILL, The Big-Horn Treasure. CARLING, The Shadow of the Czar. i3 FICTION. — Continued. CASKODEN, When Knighthood was in Flower. CASTLE, The Light of Scarthey. Young April. CATHERWOOD, Lazarre. CERVANTES, Adventures of Don Quixote. 2 v CHAMBERS, Ashes of Empire. Cardigan. The Conspirators. The Maid at Arms. CHAMISSO, Peter Schlemihl. CHARLES, The Schonberg-Cotta Family. CHOLMONDELEY, Red Pottage. CHURCHILL, WINSTON The Celebrity. The Crisis. Richard Carvel. CHURCHILL, W.S. Savrola. CLARK, Captain Bluitt. COLLINS, Armadale. The Moonstone. No Name. The Woman in White. CONNOLLY, Out of Gloucester. CONNOR, Black Rock. Glengarry School Days. The Man from Glengarry. The Sky Pilot. CONRAD, Youth. COOKE, Happy Dodd. Steadfast. COOPER, The Deerslayer. The Last of the Mohicans. The Pathfinder. The Pilot. The Pioneers. The Prairie. The Red Rover. The Two Admirals. The Water-Witch. Wing and Wing. Works. 10 v. CORELLI, Boy. The Master Christian. A Romance of Two Worlds. Temporal Power. Thelma. Vendetta. Wormwood. CRADDOCK, The Despot of Broomsedge Cove. In the Tennessee Mountains. The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. Where the Battle was Fought. CRANE The Red Badge of Courage. CRAWFORD, Casa Braccio. 2 v. Cecilia. Corleone. Don Orsino. In the Palace of the King. Marietta. Mr. Isaacs. Pietro Ghisleri. A Roman Singer, Sant’ Ilario. Saracinesca. Via Crucis. The Witch of Prague. CROCKETT. The Black Douglas. Cleg Kelly. Dark o’ the Moon. Lad’s Love. The Men of the Moss-Hags. The Stickit Minister. 14 FICTION —Continued. CROWN INSHIELD, The Archbishop and the Lady. CUPPLES, The Green Hand. CURTIS, Prue and I. DAUDET, Port Tarascon. Tartarin of Tarascon. Tartarin on the Alps. DAVIS, M. E. M. The Wire Cutters. DAVIS, R. H. Captain Macklin. The Exiles and other Stories. Gallegher and other Stories. The King’s Jackal. Ranson’s Folly. Soldiers of Fortune. Van Bibber and Others. DAVIS, W. S. A Friend of Caesar. DELAND, John Ward, Preacher. Old Chester Tales. Philip and his Wife. DICKENS, Barnaby Rudge. Bleak House. Christmas Stories. David Copperfield. Dombey and Son. Great Expectations. Little Dorrit. Martin Chuzzlewit. Nicholas Nickleby. Old Curiosity Shop. Oliver Twist. Our Mutual Friend. Pickwick Papers. Tale of Two Cities. DIX, B. M., Hugh G wyeth. DIX, E. A. Deacon Bradbury. DIXON, The Leopard’s Spots. DOUGLAS, The House with the Green Shut' ters. DOYLE, A. C. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes- The Captain of the Pole Star. A Duet, with an Occasional Chorus. The Firm of Girdlestone, The Great Shadow. The Hound of the Baskervilles. Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Micah Clarke. The Refugees. A Study in Scarlet. The White Company. DOYLE, C. W. The Taming of the Jungle. DUMAS, The Count of Monte Cristo. 2 v. The Man in the Iron Mask. The Three Guardsmen. 2 v. The Three Musketeers. 2 v. Twenty Years After. 2 v. Vicomte de Bragelonne. 6 v. DU MAURIER, Peter Ibbetson. Trilby. DUNCAN, Crow’s Nest. A Social Departure. Those Delightful Americans. EARLE, The Flag on the Hilltop. Through Old Rose Glasses. EBERS, Cleopatra. 2 v. An Egyptian Princess. Uarda. EDGEWORTH, Moral Tales. Popular Tales. FICTION. — Continued. EGGLESTON, E., The Circuit Rider. The Faith Doctor. The Hoosier Schoolmaster. EGGLESTON, G. C. A Carolina Cavalier. Dorothy South. The Master of Warlock. ELIOT, Adam Bede. Daniel Deronda. Felix Holt. Middlemarch. The Mill on the Floss. Romola. Scenes from Clerical Life. Theophrastus Such; Poems; The Spanish Gypsy. FARJEON, Pride of Race. FARRAR, Darkness and Dawn. FOOTE, The Led-Horse Claim. FORD, The Honorable Peter Stirling. In the Market Place. Janice Meredith. Wanted, A Chaperon. FOTHERGILL, The First Violin. FOULKE, Maya. FOUQUE. Undine. FOWLER, Concerning Isabel Carnaby. The Double Thread. The Farringdons. Sirius. FREDERIC, The Damnation of Theron Ware. The Market-Place. FOX, Blue Grass and Rhododendron. Crittenden. The Kentuckians. FRASER, Mama's Mutiny. FRENCH, The Colonials. FROTHINGHAM, The Turn of the Road. GARLAND, The Captain of the Gray-horse Troop. GARRETT, E., A Daughter of the Klephts. GAS KELL, Cranford. Mary Barton and Other Tales. GATES. The Biography of a Prairie Girl. GIBBS, In Search of Mademoiselle. GLASGOW, The Battleground. The Descendant The Voice of the People. GLYN. The Visits of Elizabeth. GOETHE, Wilhelm Meister’s Apprentice- ship and Travels. 2 v. GOLDSMITH, The Citizen of the World. 2 v. The Vicar of Wakefield. GOODLOE, Calvert of Strath ore, GOSS, The Redemption of David Cor- son. GRAND, Babs, the Impossible. GRANT, Unleavened Bread. F ICTION. — Continued. GREEN, The Filigree Ball. GREY, The Silence of Dean Maitland. HALE, How To Do It. In His Name. The Man Without a Country. A New England Boyhood. Philip Nolan’s Friends. HALEVY, The Abbe Constantin. HARDY, But Yet a Woman. Far From the Madding Crowd. A Pair of Blue Eyes. Passe Rose. Tess of the D’Urbervilles. HARLAND, HENRY. The Cardinal’s Snuff-box. The Lady Paramount. HARLAND, MARION The Hidden Path. His Great Self. HARRADEN, In Varying Moods. HARRIS, Gabriel Tolliver. HARRISON, " A Bachelor Maid. Belhaven Tales, Crow’s Nest, Una and King David. Sweet Bells out of Tune. HARTE, BRET. Condensed Novels. In the Carquinez Woods. The Luck of Roaring Camp, and Other Sketches. Openings in the Old Trail. A Protegee of Jack Hamlin’s. HAWTHORNE, The Dolliver Romance, Fanshawe and Septimius Felton. Dr. Grimshawe’s Secret; Index. The House of the Seven Gables; The Snow Image, Etc. The Marble Faun, Mosses from an Old Manse. The Scarlet Letter; The Blithe- dale Romance. Sketches, etc., with Life. Twice-Told Tales. HAZLETON, Mistress Nell. HEGAN. Lovey Mary. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch HENDERSON, John Percyfield. HIGGINSON. Cheerful Yesterdays. Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic. HOBBES, The Serious Wooing. HOLLAND, Mousme. My Japanese Wife. HOLM. Stories. 2 v. HOLMES. Elsie Venner. The Guardian Angel. A Mortal Antipathy. HOPE. The Intrusions of Peggy, The King’s Mirror. The Prisoner of Zenda. Quisanti. Rupert of Hentzau. Simon Dale. HOPPUS. A Great Treason. HORNUNG. The Amateur Cracksman. Peccavi. Raffles. The Shadow of a Man. F I CT I O N. — Continued. HORTON, Like Another Helen. HOUGH. The Mississipi Bubble. HOWARD. Dionysius the Weaver’s Heart’s Dearest. Guenn. One Summer. HOWE. The Story of a Country Town. HOWELLS. A Chance Acquaintance. A Foregone Conclusion. A Hazard of New Fortunes. 2v. Impressions and Experiences. The Kentons. The Lady of the Aroostook. The Minister’s Charge. A Modern Instance. A Pair of Patient Lovers. The Quality of Mercy. Ragged Lady. The Rise of Silas Lapham. Their Wedding Journey. HUGHES. Tom Brown at Oxford. Tom Brown’s School Days. HUGO. By Order of the King. The History of a Crime. The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Les Miserables. 2 v. ’ 93 - The Toilers of the Sea. HUNT. The Town. INGELOW. Off the Skelligs. INGRAHAM. The Prince of the House of David. I SHAM. Under the Rose. JACKSON, (H. H.) Hetty’s Strange History. Ramona. JACKSON, MARGARET D.. A Daughter of the Pit. JAMES. Daisy Miller. The Europeans. The Portrait of a Lady. Princess Casamassima. Roderick Hudson. JANVIER. The Aztec Treasure-house. JENSEN. Karine, A Story of Swedish Love. JEROME. 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