OF THE CORPORATION OF CrEORCJETOWHT, WITH A ©IF Printed by order of the Corporation* GEORGETOWN: PRINTED BY WM. A. RIND, SEN. 1840 , ( A ’ * K ^5 %' 01 in I h mi ,j CORPORATION OF GEORGETOWN. A RESOLUTION for letting the Western Tobacco Ware- House. Approved Oct. 29th, 1838. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Coni* a? mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That this £§ Corporation consents to let to Rich. B. Mason, their western .Tobacco Warehouse, upon the following terms and condi- tions, that is to say — for the first year, said Mason is to be g free of rent, for the second year, to pay to the Corporation £ the rent of one hundred dollars, and for the. third year, the irent of two hundred dollars, at the expiration of which time, "-said Mason may remove the fixtures he may have put thereon, on delivering up the property, in the same order and condi- tion as it was received by him ; said Mason is also to keep Sthe property constantly insured to the amount of $4000, against loss by fire, at his expense, for the benefit of the ^Corporation ; provided, that this contract shall not take effect -until said ‘Mason accepts # the terms thereof in writing. A 4 A RESOLUTION in favor of Samuel Hudson. ' Approved Oct. 29th, 1838. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk is hereby directed to pay to Samuel Hudson, the sum of thirty dollars, for taking care of and supporting his brother Joseph Htifeon, an invalid, for the year 1838. A RESOLUTION making 'an appropriation for the sup- port of the Poor. Approved Oct. 29th, 1838. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of four hundred and twenty-six dollars and fourteen cents, be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to meet the expenditures of the Poor House establishment for the quarter ending the 30th day of Sept. 1838, and which sum the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby required to pay to the order of a majority of the Trustees of the Poor, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. A RESOLUTION authorising the Mayor to have the gutter at the south e.ast corner of ^Bridge and Congress streets altered, so as to convey the water off. Approved Oct. 29th, 183S. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and }ie-is hereby authorised and requested, to have such alteration made in the gutter at the south east corner of Bridge and Congress streets, asjnay be necessary to convey the water off, and that the sum of twenty fire dollars or so much thereof as may be requisite, is hereby appropriated; which the Clerk will pay to the order of the Mayor out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro- priated. A RESOLUTION relative to Taxes due on the Female Orphan Asylum. Approved Nov. 10th, 1838. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Collector, authorised to collect the tax due on the property belonging to the Female Orphan Society, be and he is here- by instructed to take legal steps, if necessary, to collect the amount of the tax due on said property from Bernard Gilpin, the former owner of the property. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to meet the Claims of the Levy Court against the Corporation. Approved Nov. 10th, 1838. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, be, and the same is hereby appropriated to meet thet legal claims, which the Levy Court of Washington county, in the District of Columbia, may have against this Corporation, for the years 1837, and 1838, and that said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary to meet such legal claims, shall be paid by the Clerk of the Corporation to the order of said Levy Court. 6 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for repairing the Free Turnpike Road. • Approved Dec. 4th, 1838. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That a sum not exceeding sixty dollars, be and the same is hereby appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Mayor, in making such repairs as may be necessary to the Free Turnpike Road, and the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby directed to charge whatever may be expended under this resolution to the Congress Fund. A RESOLUTION appointing a Delegate to the National Silk Convention. Approved Dec. 4th, 1838. Whereas , it being understood that a National Silk Con- vention is to assemble in Baltimore in the course of this week, and this town being equally intefested in the encour* agement of Manufactures of all kinds, therefore Be it Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That John Mason Jr. be, and he is hereby appointed a Delegate to represent this town in $aid Convention. A RESOLUTION in* favor of F. S, Key, Esq. Approved Dec. 22d, 1838. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation pay to F. S. Key Esq. or order, three hundred dollars in full for professional services rendered the Corporation to this date, including his services rendered in the Washington Bridge Co, case a few years ago. A RESOLUTION for the relief of William Stuart. Approved Aec. 29ih, 1838. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com* mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the amount of damages, viz. one hundred dollars now standing to the credit of lot No. 37, and the heirs at law of David Stuart, in trust, for extending .8th street to road street, as per the verdict of the jury bearing date 28th Nov. 1831, will more fully appear, be, and the same is hereby, directed to be paid, by the Clerk of the Corporation, to the said William Stuart, or order, deducting the taxes due to Messrs. Beall and Jewell, and costs of suit ; provided he file with the Clerk the documents and papers by which he claims, and provided further, that bond be given to this Corporation, to be approved by the Clerk, to indemnify and save harmless the said Corporation to double the amount that may bd paid to said W. Stuart, or his order, and provided further that Mrs. Helen Stuart gives herasSent to said payment. RESOLUTION providing for arbitrating the claim of James Dunlop, Esq. against the Corporation, for his pro- fessional services. Approved Dec. 29th, 1838. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Nathan Lufborough be, and he is hereby appointed and vest- ed, with full power and authority, with such person as may be appointed by James Dunlop, Esq. to arbitrate and deter- mine what portion of an account of said Dunlop, dated the ,13th of April 1838, for his professional services, ought to he paid by this Corporation, and if said arbitrators shall not be able to agree upon an award, they shall have power to ap- point an umpire, and the award of either of said arbitrators and said umpire, shall be conclusive, between the parties in relation to the account in question. 8 Section 2. And be it further resolved, that E. M. Linthi- cum and William S. NichoIIs 5 be and they are hereby au- thorized and requested to repre^nt this Corporation, before the arbitrators. A RESOLUTION for further extending fhe time of arbi- trating the claims of John H: Kino*. o Approved Dec. 29th, 1838. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the arbitrators or a majority of them, appointed under a reso- lution approved 6th May 1837, in the case of John H. King, be allowed to the 1st of August next to arbitrate and return their 2. ward. — - — A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the support of the Ppor, in the 4th quarter of 1838. . Approved Jan. 5th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of seven hundred and sixty four dollars and twenty cents, be and same is hereby appropriated, to meet the ex- penditures of the poor house establishment, for the quarter ending the 31st day of December 1838; which sum, the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby required to pay to the order of a majority of the Trustees of the Poor. A RESOLUTION in favor of Messrs Marden and Meem, for repairs done. to the Canal Bridge. Approved Jan. 5th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the 9 Clerk .be and he is hereby directed to pay. to Messrs Marden and Meem the sum of fifty five dollars and forty cents, being the amount of their bill, for repairs done to the Canal bridge. A RESOLUTION tendering to Judge Dunlop the Thanks of the Corporation. Approved Jan. 8th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Cow- mo n Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the resignation of James Dunlop, of the office of Recorder of the Corporation, be and the same is hereby accepted. Resolved , that the thanks of this Corporation are due, and are hereby tendered to the Honorable James Dunlop, Judge of the Criminal Court of this District, for his zealous and able exertions in the discharge of the duties of Recorder during a period of nearly twenty years. Resolved , that the Mayor be requested to transmit a copy of the above resolutions, to James Dunlop. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the relief of the'poor of the town. Approved Feb. 16th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com-* mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred dollars, be, and the same is hereby ap-. propriated, to be expended by the Trustees of the Poor, in procuring such provisions, fuel &lc. as are now necessary to be distributed among the poor — and that the Clerk pay the said sum to the order of a majority of the Trustees of the Poor, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap- propriated. # . 10 7 A RESOLUTION for fixing the site of the Bridge to be erected by the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company,, across the Canal, at or near the junction of Bridge and Water Streets. . Approved Feb. 16ih, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Cdm • mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That John Pickrell, John H. King, and B. Clements with the Mayor, be and they are hereby appointed a committee, to ascertain the most convenient site for the bridge proposed by the Canal Company, to be erected across the Canal at or near the junction of Bridge and Water Streets — and that they com* inunicate their decision thereon to the Canal Company, with the request that the Bridge be erected in accordance there* with. A RESOLUTION in favor of John Mountz, Clerk of the Corporation. Approved Feb. 16th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That John Mountz Clerk of the Corporation, be allowed and he is here* by allowed the sum of six hundred and ninety five dollars and thirty six cents, which will be in full for his services, under the several ordinances heretofore passed on the sub* ject of change emited by the Corporation, add that the same be paid out of any money not otherwise appropriated. A RESOLUTION in favor of James Dunlop,Esq. Approved Feb. 16th, 1839. Resolved by the Bocpd of Aldermdn and Board of Com* mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk be and he is hereby directed to pay James Dunlop, Esq. the sum of sixty eight dollars and sixty cents, being the amount of the award made in his favor, by the arbitrators, appointed by a resolution approved Dec. 29th 1838, and that the Clerk is hereby directed to pay also to James Dunlop, Esq. ninety three dollars and seventy five cents ; being the amount of his bill rendered January 25th, 1839. A RESOLUTION appointing Judges of Elections. Approved February 16th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That J. Stull, John Myers, Charles E. Eckel, Lewis Carbery, and Judson Mitchell, or a majority of them, be, and they are hereby appointed Judges of the next general, and of all Elections, of this Corporation, which may be necessary to be held, until the fourth Monday of February 1840. RESOLUTIONS for paying respect to the memory of C. Smith, Esq. deceased. Approved March 9th, 1839. Whereas, we have learned with the deepest sorrow, that it has pleased Divine Providence, to remove from our midst, our endeared and inestimable friend and neighbor Clement Smith, Esq : — Therefore it is Resolved , by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the members of this Corporation, will in a body attend the funeral of Mr. Smith, as a token of our affectionate regard for the memory of a citizen of eminent merit and usefulness, whose uninterrupted acts of benevolence, public spirit, and 2 12 individual friendship, will long live in the grateful remem- brance of all classes of our community. And be it further Resolved , That we deeply sympathise with the bereaved family of our deceased friend, and that a copy of these resolutions* be presented to them by the Mayor. A RESOLUTION directing the Street Commissioners to fix the grade on Frederick Street, from First to Seventh Street. Approved March 18th, 1839, Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Street Commissioners be, and they are hereby directed to ascertain and fix the grade on Frederick Street from First to Seventh Street. A RESOLUTION on the subject of Retrocession. Approved March 23d, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Committee heretofore appointed by this Corporation, on the subject of Retrocession, have, and they are hereby vested with the same powers with reference to the present Legisla- ture of Maryland, which were conferred on them with re- ference to the last Legislature. A RESOLUTION for fixing the boundary line on the Pier between Georgetown and the City of Washington. Approved March 23d, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the 13 Mayor, Recorder, and President of the Board of Common Council, be, and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to act with such Committee as has been, or shall be, appointed by the City of Washington, with full power to ascertain, mark, and bound the division line between Georgetown and said City, where it may cross the Pier or Mole of the Chesa- peake and Ohio Canal, at the mouth of Rock Creek, and that a former Resolution on this subject of April 1st, 1837, be and it is hereby repealed. An ORDINANCE providing for the payment of the Salaries of the Officers of the Corporation, for the year 1839. Approved March 23d, 1839. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the following amounts for the payment of the salaries of the officers of the Corporation for the year 1839, be, and the same are hereby appropriated, that is to say : — For the Salary of the Mayor, $ 600 do of the Clerk of the Corporation, in- cluding compensation for his services as Secretary of the Board of Aldermen, also for the performance of the duties under the Ordinance of 17th May, 1837, entitled, “An Ordinance for raising money by loan,” 1200 For the Salary of the Clerk of the Market includ- ing his services for sweeping the same, 275 For the Salary of the Captain of the Watch, 200 Do Clerk of the Board Common Council, 150 Do Messenger of the two Boards, 150 Do Scavenger for superintending the cleaning of the Streets, 150 Do Superintendent of Fire Engines, 30 Ail which (except the Salary of the Captain of the Watch, which shall be paid monthly,) to be paid quarterly by the Clerk of the Corporation out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury. 14 An ORDINANCE authorizing a Loan to redeem the Cor- poration Change. Approved March 23d, 1839. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That William S. Nicholls, Esq. be, and he is hereby appointed, the agent of this Corporation, with authority to borrow, on the most favorable terms, for the special purpose of redeem- ing the change issue of this Corporation, and in such sums as may be needed, a sum not exceeding twenty five thousand dollars, on the scrip certificates of this Corporation, to be issued in the usual form, in sums not less than one hundred dollars each, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable half yearly — one fifth of said certificates to be made payable, each, at one, two, three, four and five years. Sec. 2. And he it farther Ordained , That for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of said loan, the sum of five thousand dollars of the general tax, to be levied for each of the present and next four years, for the principal and such additional sum of said tax for each year, as will pay the interest for said year, be, and the same is hereby solemnly pledged. Sec. 3. And be it farther Ordained , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and he is hereby directed and required, to set apart as the same shall be received from the Collector of Taxes for the time being, so much of the general Tax as is hereinbefore pledged, and to apply the same to pay and' redeem the aforesaid loan and interest according to the terms of the certificates to be issued therefor as aforesaid. An ORDINANCE levying a direct tax for the year 1839, and providing for the collection thereof. Approved March 23d, 1839. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That 15 there shall be, and hereby is, levied a direct tax of seventy, five cents on every hundred dollars worth of real and per- sonal property within the limits of this Corporation, accord- ing as the same stands valued on the last book of assessment now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Corporation, and such additional assessments as may be made during the present year, except churches and monastary property, free school property and Orphan Asylum on West street. Sec. 2. And be it Ordained , That the tax hereby levied and imposed shall be collected by William Jewell, appoint- ed Collector on the first Monday of January, 1839, who shall, within thirty days after he shall have received the tax list from the said Clerk, make out an account for the amount of the tax chargeable to all real and personal pro- perty under this ordinance, and remaining unpaid ; and shall, within the period aforesaid, deliver the same respectively to the proprietor of said property if he or she be a resident within the limits of the town, and demand payment thereof; and when the proprietor shall be a non-resident, the collector shall deliver the said accounts respectively, in the case of real property to the tenant or occupant of the lot or lots on which the same may be chargeable if such property be let or occupied, and in the case of personal property to the person or persons in whose use or possession the same may be, and demand payment of the same from such tenant, oc- cupant, or possessor, in the same manner, and within the same period. Sec. 3. And be it JDrdained , That in every instance in Which any tax chargeable under this ordinance shall be un- paid by the first day of June next, the said Collector is here- by authorized and required to proceed to enforce the pay- ment of said tax, by distress and sale of any personal pro^ perty belonging to the person properly chargeable with said tax, wherever found within said town, and if no such per- sonal property be found, then by distress and sale of such personal property as may be found on the premises charge- able with said tax, except such property as the act of Con- gress, extending the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace for the District of Columbia, exempts, in which distress and 16 sale shall also be included and recovered, the sum of one dollar lor the cost and trouble of the Collector in making such distress and sale ; and it shall be the dutj of the Col- lector, before sells any personal property so distressed, to give twenty days public notice, as follows: by putting up a notice at the Mayor’s Office and Market-house, and also serving one on the party whose goods are distrained, of the time and place of sale, and the amount, of tax due for which such distress is made. Sec. 4. And be it Ordained , That, when there is no personal property liable, as aforesaid, for .the payment of any tax chargeable on any lot or lots or parts of lots, whether the same be the property of a resident or non-resident pro- prietor, and the said tax shall be unpaid on the day before- mentioned, it shall be the duty of the Collector, and he is hereby required, to enforce the payment of such tax, by the sale of such lot or lots or parts of lots, or so many thereof as may be necessary ; and the course of his proceedings shall be as follows: He shall advertise the property when owned by persons residing in the District of Columbia, for public sale in some newspaper published in Georgetown, and when the property is owned by persons not residing in the District of Columbia, also in the National Intelligencer and in an Alexandria newspaper, once a week, for twelve successive weeks previous to the day of sale ; in which ad- vertisement shall be stated the time and place of sale, the number of the lot or lots or parts of lots intended to be sold, the value of the assessment, and the amount of taxes due and owing thereon, also the names of persons to whom as-, sessed ; and if, before the day of sale, advertised as afore- said, the owner, his agent or attorney, shall not pay the amount of taxes, with all costs thereon* assessed, the said Collector shall sell the said lot or lots or parts of lots, or as many as may be sufficient to discharge said taxes, for cash, and to the highest bidder, paying therefor ; and a certificate shall be issued by the Collector, setting fortli that such per- son is the purchaser, and the amount paid by him ; and if, at the expiration of twelve months from the day of sale, the owner shall not appear and pay to the Collector, the Mayor, 1-7 or the purchaser* the amount of the taxes a id co ts, and taxes accruing subsequent to the sale, and ten per cent, in- terest per annum, on the purchase money, it shall and may be lawful for the Mayor, and he is hereby required, at the expiration of said time, to convey the title, in fee simple , of said property, to the purchaser, by deed, under his hand and the seal of the Corporation. Sec. 5. And be it Ordained , That it shall be the duty of the Collector regularly to pay over to the Clerk of the Corporation the monies by him from time to time collected, by virtue of this ordinance, in the manner prescribed in the ordinance of this Corporation, entitled “An ordinance re- gulating the Collector’s bond, and for other purposes,” ap- proved June 6th, 1829; and in every such payment to furnish the Clerk with a list of the several persons from whom such collections are made, with the amount collected from each; and it shall be the duty of the said Clerk to record the said list in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and the Collector shall settle a final account of his collections under this ordinance with said Clerk by the first day of November next; in default whereof, the Collector shall be sued forthwith for any deficiency not paid over, and be chargeable with interest on the same from that date, in which account shall be allowed for his services at the rate of four per cent, on the monies by him collected. Sec. 6. And be it Ordained, That, when taxes are due from the same person on more than one lot or parts of lots, and the same shall be offered for sale as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Collector to advertise and sell for the taxes due on the whole number of lots and parts of lots at the same time, and to sell no more lots or parts of lots than may be sufficient to raise the whole amount of taxes and expenses, and for the collection thereof he shall be allowed but one execution fee, and that the execution fee in each case shall be one dollar, which fee with all the other expen- ses of distress, advertisement, and sale, shall be raised and paid out of the property sold, in the same manner, and at the same time, that the taxes are raised and paid. 18 An ORDINANCE providing for an additional assessment of taxable property within the jurisdiction of the Cor- poration of Georgetown. Approved April 6th, 1839. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That John Myers, Ninian Beall, and Thomas Turner, be, and they are hereby, appointed to assess and value and make return, to the Clerk of the Corporation, by the first day of May next, of all and every species of property by law taxable, within the jurisdiction of the Corporation of Georgetown, and not heretofore assessed, valued and returned, pursuant to law. Sec. 2. And be it further Ordained , That the said As- sessors shall each, before they proceed to act, take an oath r before the Mayor, to assess and value the property directed to be assessed by this ordinance, agreeably to what they shall believe it to be worth in cash at the time of making said assessment and valuation. Sec. 3. And be it further Ordained , That the Mayor, Recorder and President of the Board of Common Council, shall be a Board, to whom all persons who shall consider themselves aggrieved under the assessment directed by this Ordinance may appeal, and for the purpose of hearing and deciding upon such appeals, said Board shall sit once a week for two weeks after the return of said assessment — of which meetings, notice shall be given in the Georgetown news- paper. Sec. 4. And be it further Ordained , That each of said Assessors, shall be allowed, and paid the sum of two dollars per day, for every day he shall act as an Assessor under this Ordinance, provided however that the whole amount to be allowed and paid, shall not exceed twenty four dollars. 19 A RESOLUTION, appointing a Committee to apply to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, relative to out-let Locks from the Canal into the Potomac River. Approved April 6th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Clement Cox of the Board of Aldermen, and O. M. Linthi- cum and John Marbury, Board of Common Council, be, and they are hereby, appointed a Committee to make aps plication to the Board of Directors of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, to grant leave to this Corporation to construct a set of out-let Locks^from the Canal into the Potomac River, at some point between Rock Creek Basin and the Foundry, A RESOLUTION for the relief of William Jewell, Collect tor for the General Tax for the year 1838. Approved April 6th, 1839. * Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com* mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown % That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, to credit William Jewell, the Collector of the General Tax for the year 1838, with the sum of two hundred and fifty three dollars and thirty eight cents, for that amount of the said tax, which he has been unable to collect according to a list by him exhibited to this Corporation. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to repair certain Bridges. Approved April 13th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen ancl Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown^ That a 3 20 sum of money not exceeding seventy five dollars, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to be expanded under the direc- tion of the Mayor, to repair or renew, if he should see ne- cessary, the Bridges over the College branch, and at the Stone House, on the road leading to the Chain Bridge, and that the same be charged to the Congress Fund. A RESOLUTION authorizing the issuing of Certificates for the redemption of Change. Appro^d April 13tli, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Clerk of this Corporation be, and he is hereby, author- ized to issue Certificates, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable qyarter yearly, for such sums, not less than twenty-five dollars, of the notes or bills issued ' by authority of this Corporation, as may be presented to anJ deposited with him; which said Certificates shall be counter- signed by the Mayor, made payable to the depositor, or order, and receivable in payment of all dues to the Corpo- ration. A RESOLUTION proposing to obtain a Loan from the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank. Approved April 13th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to apply to the Far- mers and Mechanics’ Bank of Georgetown, for, and to nego tiate a Loan for ninety days, of the sum of two thousand dollars, with the said Bank on the note or bond of this Cor- poration, the same to be applied exclusively to discharge the interest accrued on the funded debt of the Corporation, and* which fell due on the first of the present month. A RESOLUTION for the representation of the stock o^ this Corporation, in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. Approved April 16th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor, Recorder, and Wm. S. Nicholls, or such of them as shall attend, be, and they are hereby, appointed delegates to represent the stock held by this Corporation in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, at all general meetings of said Company to be held during the present year. A RESOLUTION in favor of Marden and Meem. Approved May 4th, 1839. Resolved, by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of thirty one dollars and ninety one cents, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid by the Clerk, to the order of Marden and Meem, for repairing the Chain Bridge, and charge the same to the Congress Fund. A RESOLUTION to repeal a Resolution, • Approved May 4th, 183.9. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Resolution in favor of Nathan Swan, passed January 27th, 1838, be, and tiie^ same is hereby, rescinded, and that the 22 Olerk collect the future rents of said house, in said Reso- lution mentioned, for the use of the Corporation A RESOLUTION for obtaining a set of out-let Locks from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal into the Potomac River, at or near the western limits of this town. Approved May 4th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Recorder and Mr. Nicholls of the Board of Aldermen, and Messrs. Linthicum and Marbury of the Board of Common Council, be, and they are hereby, appointed a Committee to apply in behalf of this Corporation, to the Board of President and Directors of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, for the construction of a set of out-let Locks from the Canal into the Potomac, at or near the western limits of this town, in conformity with the provisions of a Resolution of said Company, in general meeting, adopted on the 17th of Sep- tember, 1828. A RESOLUTION for the relief of Ninian Beall, late Col- lector of Taxes. Approved May 11th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Clerk of the Corporation, be, and he is hereby, authorised and required, in settling the accounts of Ninian Beall, as late collector of taxes, to allow him credit for certain taxes claimed by the Corporation to be due from John Cox for the years 1821 and 1822 : Provided , however , that the credit hereby directed to be given shall not, in any manner, inter- fere with the arbitration authorized by the resolution ap- proved the 17th April, 1838, nor operate as a relinquishment (on the part of the Corporation) of said taxes. 23 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the support of the Poor’s House. Approved May 11th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of six hundred and fifty dollars and fifty cents be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for the support of the Poor’s House, and that the same be paid to the order of the Trus- tees of the Poor’s House out of any money not otherwise appropriated. A RESOLUTION in relation to certain taxes claimed to be due from John Cox, for the years 1821 and 1822. Approved May 11th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of A ldermen and Board of Corns mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That un- less the arbitration authorized by the resolution approved 7th April, 1838, entitled “ A Resolution for arbitrating a claim of this Cprporation against John Cox,” shall be finally disposed of by the first day of July next, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Corporation to place the taxes referred to in said resolution, in the hands of the present Collector, who is hereby authorized and directed to co'lect the same in the same manner that other taxes in his hands are to be col- lected. And be it further Resolved , That, instead of the Recor- der, John Marbury, Esq. is hereby appointed, to represent the interest of this Corporation before the arbitrator named in the resolution of the 7th of April, 1838. 24 A RESOLUTION relative to the destruction of Ants. Approved May 25th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com mon Council of the Corporation of Gcorgetown } That the sum of three hundred dollars he, and the same is hereby* appropriated for the purpose of destroying Ants, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Mayor, in conjunction with John Marbury and Robert White, who shall render an account of the expenditure to the Corporation. A RESOLUTION appointing a committee to call on Major Turnbull and request of him his plan for building the abut- ment of the Aqueduct on this side of the Potomac. Approved June 1st, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Recorder and Messrs. Read, White, and Addison, be, and they are hereby, appointed a committee to call upon Major Turnbull, and to ask from him E p an exhibit of his plan for the northern abutment of the Aqueduct of the Alexandria Canal Company, and information as to its proposed location. A RESOLUTION for refunding to Henry Trunnell cer- tain surplus money. Approved June 8th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , ThaTthe Clerk refund to Henry Trunnell, or order, sixteen dollars, being the amount of surplus money standing to the credit of Thomas Spencer on the books of the Corporation, for the sale of his house and lot, one of the 20 buildings on Fourth street, and purchased by said Trunnell at a tax sale on the 5th of November last, which sale, by reason of there being personal property enough on the premises to satisfy the tax, was illegal, and is therefore void. A SUPPLEMENT to the Resolution for obtaining a set of out-let locks from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal into the Potomac river, at or near the western limits of this town. Approved June 18th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com* mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Committee heretofore appointed by the resolution to which this is a supplement, be, and they are hereby, charged with the additional duty of inviting the assent of the corporate authorities of the city of Washington and the town of Alex- andria, to the resolution of the stockholders of the Chesa- peake and Ohio Canal Company, in general meeting, on the the 17th of September, 1828, on the subject of out-iet locks from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal into the river Potomac. A RESOLUTION for extending the time of reference of the case of John Cox. i Approved July 6th, 1839. § Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the time limited bv the resolution approved the 11th day of May, in the year 1839, for the ternination of the reference in the matter of this Corporation arid John Cox, Esq. be, and the same is hereby, extended to the first day of August next, and that the Clerk of the Corporation forbear to place the bills of the said John Cox fir taxes due, and referred to Judge Morsell, in the hands pf the Collector until after the said first day of August. 26 A RESOLUTION tendering the thanks of this Corpora- tion to the Major and City Council of Baltimore, for the volume of the laws of that city, presented to this Corpo- ration. Approved July 9th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown ) That the thanks of this Corporation be, and they are hereby, tendered to the Mayor and City Council of -Baltimore, for the volume of the laws of that City presented to this Corporation, and that the Mayor of this town be, and he is hereby, authorized and requested to cause to be- bound, in a neat and handsome style, a volume of the laws of this Corporation, and cause / the same to be presented in suitable terms to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, pegging their acceptance of the same. RESOLUTION respecting the Potomac Aqueduct. Approved July 9th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Recorder be, and he is hereby, authorised and requested to ascertain, by correspondence with the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company and the Alexandria Canal Company, whe- ther reasonable arrangements will be entered into by said Companies for protecting this town and its citizens from all damages to result from the mode of constructing the Poto* mac Aqueduct; and if the same can be effected to enter into such arrangements, subject to the ratification of this Corporation, and to notify said companies that the further prosecution of the work cannot.be sanctioned unless ar- rangements satisfactory to this Corporation are entered into. r; 27 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the des- truction of Ants. Approved July 9, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of one hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby, ap- propriated, to be expended under the direction of the May- or, in conjunction with Messrs. White and Marbury, in the destruction of ants, and that the Clerk pay the same to the order of the Mayor out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. RESOLUTION making an appropriation for printing a portion of the Laws of the Corporation. Approved July 9th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to William A. Rind, Sen., the sum of seventy*five dollars for printing the Resolutions and Ordinances of the Corporation, from Dec. 31, 1821, to August 19, 1826, inclusive, out of any unap- propriated money in the treasury. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to pay an award to in favor of John H. King. * • Approved July 9th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown x That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and he is hereby, directed to pay John H. King seven hundred and eighty-three dollars and nine cents, with interest from May 12, 1835, in full for his claim for powder lost through the Magazine, as awarded by the arbitrators to whom said claim was referred. 4 23 ' A RESOLUTION in favor of Samuel Hudson. Approved July 13th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents be paid by the Clerk to the order of Samuel Hudson, in full payment for all demands against the Corporation, for the board of Joseph Hudson up to the passage of this resolution. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to pay for the annual printing expenses ofthe Corporaiion. Approved July 9th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of four hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby, ap- propriated to pay for publishing in the Potomac Advocate, for one year, the proceedings, laws, advertisements, the usual notices of elections, and such documents as may be ordered to be published, from time to time, by the Corporation, and the Clerk is hereby directed to pay for the same to the editor of the Potomac Advocate in quarterly payments, in advance* commencing the first day of July, 1839. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the support of the Poor. Approved July 13th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the sum of four hundred and seven dollars and ninety-six cents be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to be paid by the Clerk out of any money in the treasury not otherwise ap- propriated, to the order of the Trustees of the Poor, to meet the expenditure of the Poor House establishment for the quarter ending June 30, 1839. 29 An ORDINANCE for the encouragement of the intro- duction of Factories within the limits of Georgetown. Approved July 18th, 1839. Sec. 1 . Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That, by way of encouraging the introduction of Factories within the town, the faith of this Corporation is pledged to exempt from all taxes which may, from time to time, be im- posed for the general purposes of the town, for a period of ten years, (commencing for the same from the year during which the said Factory is put and continued in active ope- ration) all the ground, buildings thereon erected, machinery therein placed, and othei appertenances thereto, of any in- dividual or company, who shall first erect and set in opera- tion, as aforesaid, a factory within the limits ol' Georgetown, and who shall employ in the erection and setting in opera- tion, as aforesaid, fifty thousand dollars or more, including the value of the ground. Sec. 2 Be it further Ordained , that the faith of the Cor- poration is likewise. pledged to exempt from taxes, as afore* said, for a period of six years, all the ground, buildings, machinery and other appertenances of any individual or company, who shall next erect and set in active operation as aforesaid, the second factory, employing, as aforesaid, a like capital of fifty thousand dollars, or more. Sec. 3. And be it further Ordained , that the faith of the Corporation is likewise pledged to exempt from taxes, as aforesaid, for a period of four years, all the ground, buildings, machinery and other appertenances of any individual or company, who shall erect and set in active operation as aforesaid, a third Factory, employing a like capital of fifty thousand dollars, or more : provided, that the benefits and privileges of this ordinance shall not accrue to any Factory which shall not be erected and put in operation before the beginning of the year eighteen hundred and forty-two. 30 A RESOLUTION in favor of the Falls Bridge Turnpike / Company. Approved September 13th, 1839. Whereas , it is greatly for the interest of the citizens of this town, that the road of the Falls Bridge Turnpike Com- pany be placed in good travelling order, and application has been made by said company to this Corporation for a loan in aid of the object; therefore, Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Coni" mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Corporation will loan to the said Turnpike Company, the sum of two thousand dollars in the scrip certificates of this Cor- poration, in the usual form, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable quarter yearly, and re- deemable in five years, to be applied exclusively to the repairs of said road : provided, that said company shall, before re- ceiving the sarrfe, make an assignment and pledge in due form of law, to be approved by the Recorder, of its road property and effects, subject only to the unalienable control therein vested as a trust in said company, to Clement Cox, Samuel McKenney, and Robert Read, as trustees, to secure the due and faithful payment by said company, of said sums of principal and interest thereon, at the respective times when this Corporation shall be bound, by the terms of the said certificates, to pay the same to the holders thereof, or as to said principal, as much sooner as the said nett revenue and income will allow. Resolved f urther^ that on said assignment and pledge be- ing duly executed as aforesaid, the Clerk do issue to said company, scrip certificates as aforesaid, to said amount of two thousand dollars, in such sums, of not less than one hundred dollars each, as shall be required by said company. A RESOLUTION in favor of N. Beall. Approved October 19th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk he, and he is hereby, directed to pay to N. Beall, the sum of forty dollars and seventy-one cents, being a balance due him as Collector of the General Tax for the years 1833, 1834, and 1835, as stated by the Clerk of the Corporation. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the sup- port of the Poor, for the quarter ending September 30th, 1839. Approved October 19th, 1839. Resolved by Ike Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of three hundred and seventy-eight dollars and thirty- two cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to meet the expenses of the Poor House establishment for the quarter ending the 30th September, 1839; which sum the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby required to pay to the order of a majority of the Trustees of the Poor, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. , A RESOLUTION in favor of John Marbury. Approved October 19th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com * mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of twenty-five dollars be, and the same is hereby, appro- priated to be paid by the Clerk to John Marbury, for his legal services in the case of the Corporation against John Cox, Esq. referred to James S. Morsell, Esq. A RESOLUTION directing a settlement of the account of John Cox for certain taxes. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation close the account of John Cox, for 32 taxes accrued on property within this town, assessed to the said John Cox for the years 1821 and 1822, by a general credit pursuant to the award of Janies S. Morsell, Esq. A RESOLUTION for the relief of Sampson Simms. Approved November 2d, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com* mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of seventy-seven doilars and twenty-four cents be. and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid to Sampson Simms, for repairs done by him on the Canal and Chain Bridges, for his account dated 9th September, 1839. A RESOLUTION making an Appropriation in aid of the Contingent Fund. Approved November 2d, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred dollars he, and is hereby appropriated, in aid of the contingent fund, to he paid by the Clerk to the order of the Mayor, as the same may be needed, to meet such expenditures as have been usually charged to said fund. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Mayor to make applica- tion to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, to re* imburse certain Expenditures made by the Corporation of Georgetown, in repairing the Canal Bridge. Approved November 2d, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, required to make application to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, to reimburse to 33 the Corporation the amount that has been expended from the treasury of the town, in making repairs to the bridge across the Canal leading to the Chain Bridge, since the first construction of said Bridge by the Canal Company. A RESOLUTION reinstating the 5th section of the Market Law, which contains certain restrictions on Huckstering, and for other purposes. Approved November 9th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That from and after the first day of December next, the first section of the Resolution entitled A resolution repealing certain re- strictions on Hucksters, approved February 4, 1837, ” be, and is hereby repealed, and that the fifth section of the ordi- nance for the better regulation of the market, approved the 22 d January, 1831, be, and the same is hereby re-enacted. Be it further resolved \ that no license shall hereafter be granted to any butcher for any stall, shambles or benches in the market, for a less period of time than one year, and that from and after the expiration of the licenses heretofore granted, every butcher taking a license for any stall, shamble or bench in the said market, shall pay the sum of twenty dollars per annum for the same. A RESOLUTION to repeal the seventh section of a Sup- plement to an Ordinance, approved 14th June, 1838. Approved November 9th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com* mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the 7th section of the supplement to an Ordinance entitled “An ordinance for regulating the weighing of hay, straw, and fodder;” approved 14th June, 1808, be, and the same is hereby repealed. 34 A RESOLUTION in favor of Ann Connely and Mary Connely. Approved November 23d, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, to pay to Ann Connely and Mary Connely, the sum of one hundred and nine dollars, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury : provided, that in consideration of said payment, they execute to this Corporation a full acquittance and dis- charge for all damages to their property, fronting on the north side of Water street, between Congress and Jefferson streets, by reason of the changes heretofore made by the Corporation in the grade of Water street. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to pay for cer- tain repairs upon the upper road leading to the Chain Bridge. Approved November 23d, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of one hundred and seventy-five dollars and fifty-six cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to pay sundry repairs upon the upper road, and that the same be paid by the Clerk of the Corporation to the order of the Commis- sioners of said road, to be by them applied to pay for said repairs; the same to be charged to the Congress Fund, with the amount appropriated on the 2d November, 1839, for repairs made by Sampson Simms to the canal and chain bridges. A RESOLUTION providing for certain purchases for the use of this Corporation. Approved November 23d, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That all purchases of fuel, lights and stationary, for the use of the Corporation, and of other articles required for either Board, shall hereafter be made by the Clerk of the Corporation ; and that to defray the cost of such purchases, there be, and is hereby appropriated, and placed at the disposal of the Clerk, the sum of one hundred dollars, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. A RESOLUTION approving a certain letter of the Mayor to the Secretary of the Treasury. Approved December 3d, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Corporation approves of the letter of the Mayor, of the 25th ult., to the Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to his communication of the 23d ult., and that the Mayor be, and he is hereby requested, to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the honorable Secretary. A RESOLUTION in relation to the Western Tobacco Warehouse. Approved December 14th, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Coni' man Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and be is hereby, required to enforce a compliance with the Resolution — approved the 29th of October 1838, and entitled il A Resolution for letting the Western Tobacco Warehouse,” and especially that part of the said Resolution which requires said Tobacco Warehouse to be kept con^ stantly insured against Fire. 5 A RESOLUTION in favor of Henry Trunnel. Approved December 21st, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of five dollars, in addition to the sum appropriated by a Resolution approved 8th June, 1839, in favor of Henry Trunnel, be, and the same is hereby, directed to be paid by the Clerk to Henry Trunnel, being a balance due him of the purchase money paid the Collector of Taxes, for one of the twenty buildings, said sale being illegal. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Clerk to settle an account with the Inspector of Tobacco. Approved December 31st, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and he is hereby, directed to settle with Geo. B. Magruder, from the period of his last settlement to the 13th July last, inclusive, remitting the charge standing against said Inspector, of fifty cents per Hogshead on every Hogshead of Tobacco, delivered from the Ware-house within the period aforesaid. Sec. 2. Resolved further, That from and after the 13th July as aforesaid, and until the further action of the Cor- poration, the Inspector shall pay over to the Clerk of the Corporation twenty five cents per Hogshead, for each and every Hogshead of Tobacco he may deliver from the Ware- house, and that he conform in every other particular to the laws now in force, relating . to the office of Inspector of Tobacco. Sec. 3. And be it further Resolved , That the Resolution entitled A Resolution, in relation to the Inspector of To- bacco, approved 13th July, 1839, be and the same is hereby repealed. 3 , A RESOLUTION directing the Western Tobacco Warv house to be Insured.. Approved Dscember 31st, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com* man Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, requested to have the Western Tobacco Ware-house insured for one year forthwith, and that he proceed, without delay, to collect the cost of said Insurance from the persons to whom said Warehouse is at present under lease. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the relief of the Poor. Approved December 31st, 1839. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown } That the sum of three hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for the relief of the distressed Poor of the town* and the Clerk is hereby directed to pay the same to the order of the Trustees of the Poor, who are hereby requested to apply the said money for the relief of the suffering Poor of the town, in providing fuel and provision, in such manner as in their judgement may seem best. An ORDINANCE for a new Assessment of the Real and Personal Property within the jurisdiction of the Corpora* tion of Georgetown, and providing for an annual additional Assessment until the next General Assessment. % Approved January 4th, 1840. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That 38 a new and general assessment shall be forthwith made of all' the real and personal properly within the jurisdiction of this Corporation, liable to assessment under the Charter of the Corporation, upon the principles of the Ordinance en- titled “ An Ordinance for a new assessment of the real and personal property within the jurisdiction of the Corporation of Georgetown, approved December 31st 1834, 51 by asses- sors, to be elected as is provided in and by the said Ordi- nance. Sec. 2. And be it Ordained , that until the next general as- sessment shall be made, or until it shall be hereafter other- wise ordered, the assessors so to be elected by joint ballot of the two Boards, shall annually on or before the first day of April in each and every year, enumerate and assess, upon the principle of the general assessment hereby ordered, all real and personal property within the town, liable to assess- ment, which shall not then appear to have been assessed, and that they return an account thereof to the Clerk of the Corporation on or before the first day of May annually. A RESOLUTION directing the daily renting of certain Stalls in the Market House. Approved January 4th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetoivn , That every person who shall come under the description of a Huckster, except such as pay yearly, shall pay to the Clerk of the Market the sum of twelve and a half cents, for each day, or part of a day, he or she shall occupy, a stall or stand, in the South end of the Market, as shall be designated by the Clerk of the Market. Sec. 2. And that the Clerk of the Market shall make quarterly returns of all money so collected to the Clerk of the Corporation, retaining for his services, for collecting the *ame, twenty five per cent. A RESOLUTION appointing a Committee to attend to the interests of this town before Congress. Approved January 4th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the. Corporation of Georgetown, That the Mayor, Recorder, John Kurtz, and Samuel McKennev, be, and they are hereby, appointed a Committee to present to the consideration of the Congress of the United States, such matters as this Corporation may from time to time direct, as being conducive to the interest of the town. An ORDINANCE fixing the Salaries of the Corporation Officers for the year 1840. Approved January 7th, 1840. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Boami of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the following Salaries for the year 1840, be, and they are hereby established, viz : — Salary for the Mayor, at the rate of $609 00 Do Clerk of the Corporation, includ- ing his services as Secretary of the Board of Aldermen, 1,200 GO 1 Do two Police Officers, each * 150 €0 Do Clerk of the Market, including • the sweeping thereof 275 00 Do Captain of the Watch, 200 00 Do Clerk of the Board- of Common Council, 150 00 Do Messenger of the two Boards, 150 00 Do Scavenger, 150 00 And that the same be paid quarterly, except the Salary of the Captain of the Watch, which shall he paid monthly, by the Clerk of the Corporation, out of any money not otherwise appropriated. 40 A RESOLUTION to instruct the Committee having care of the interest of this Town before Congress. Approved February 1st, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com* won Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the establishment of a sound and well regulated, banking insti- tution within this town, will greatly promote its commercial prosperity. That this Corporation have full faith, on the solvency of the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank of George- town, the Charter of which institution is about to expire, and expect with anxiety the re-charter by Congress, of that institution, with such modifications in the act of incorpora- tion, as may be deemed advisable; that the Committee ap- pointed to superintend the interests of this town, before Congress be, and they are hereby instructed, to use such endeavors, in conjunction with the President of said Bank, as may be best calculated, to obtain the passage of a law through Congress, for the renewal of the charter of said Bank. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the support of the Poor. ■ y I • ^ Approved February 1st, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of five hundred and fifty four dollars and twenty eight cents, be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to meet the expenditures of the poor house establishment, for the quarter ending the 31st day of December, 1839, which sum the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby required to pay to the order of a majority of the Trustees of the Poor, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. 41 A RESOLUTION to amend the Charter 6P the Town. Approved February 1st, 1840. j Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Committee appointed to superintend the interest of this town before Congress, be, and they are hereby, re- quested to obtain such an amendment of the Charter of the town, as will confer upon this Corporation all the powers of taxation, which have been conferred upon the Corporation of W ashington. A RESOLUTION appointing Judges of Elections for the year 1840. Approved February 1st,- 1849. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That John I. Stull, Charles E. Eckel, John Myers, Lewis Car- bery, and Judson Mitchell, or a majority of them be, and they are hereby, appointed judges of the next general elec- tion— and of all elections of this Corporation, which may be necessary to be held until the fourth Monday of February, 1841 . A RESOLUTION appointing a Superintendent of the Fish Wharf. Approved February 12th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That from and after the 15th day of March next, the Fish Wharf shall be conducted; during the' fishing season, or to the 1st day of June next, by a Superintendent, to be elected by joint nallot of the two Boards, whose duty it shall be to place the Wharf in a suitable condition for cleaning fish, at the pub- lic expense ; to superintend the same at all hours ; to see that all laws relating thereto, and which shall not be incoti- 4*2 Istent with this resolution, and more especially those which prohibit the forestalling of fish, be rigidly enforced; to collect and keep an account of all rents and wharfage ; to sell and dispose of the oiTall to the best advantage, and pay over the same, weekly, to the Clerk of the Corporation. Sec. 2. And be it further Resolved, That, before entering upon the duties of his office the said Superintendentshall make oath or affirmation, before the Mayor, tfoit he will discharge the duties of his office with integrity and fidelity, and for his services during the time prescribed in the first section of this resolution, he shall be allowed the sum of three dol- lars per day, to be paid by the Clerk, weekly, out of his re- ceipts from the wharfage, Slc. turned over to him by the Su- perintendent. Sec. 3, And be it further Resolved, That, on the first day of June next, the Mayor-' be, and he is hereby, authorized to rent the said Fish Wharf, giving two weeks public notice of the same, whose term of lease shall expire on the 14th of March thereafter; and in the event of not renting, the Mayor shall appoint an agent to collect the wharfage there- on during the period for which he is hereby authorized to rent the same, and to pay over the same, weekly, as above, and the Mayor is hereby required to give publicity to the provisions of this law in the newspapers of Rockville, Fred- ericktown, and Leesburg, and also by the circulation of handbills in the adjacent county. An ORDINANCE modifying ct An ordinance appointing Trustees for the relief of the Poor, and for other purposes.” Approved February 12th, 1840. Be it Ordained] by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Ordinance approved the 30th of December, 1826, entitled tl An Ordinance appointing Trustees for the relief of the poor and for other purposes,” be, and the same is hereby, so modified as to authorize and require the Board of Trustees to appoint from their own body, annually, a com- 43 mittee of three, whose duty it shall be to meet once a week at the Poor House, and superintend and regulate the affairs of the establishment according to the provisions of the Or- dinance approved the 30th of December, 1826, as above re- ferred to; and it shall be the duty of said committee to lay before the Board of Trustees, quarter-yearly, a fair and dis- tinct account in writing, of all moneys by them received and expended : said statement to be sustained by regular and proper vouchers, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to report said account and vouchers to the Corporation at their next meeting after said account and vouchers shall have been rendered to the Board of Trustees. And be it further Ordained , That each member of the committee, who shall be appointed under the foregoing sec- tion, shall be allowed the sum of one dollar for each day he shall attend at the Poor House : Provided , That not more than one hundred and fifty dollars shall be paid in any one year for the services of said committee. A RESOLUTION in favor of the Recorder. Approved February 12th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com .** mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of one hundred and ninety dollars and fifty-three cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid to the order of Clement Cox, Esq. for his legal services as Coun- sel of the Corporation, as per his account of Dec. 31, 1839. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for repairing the Free Turnpike Road leading to the Chain Bridge. * Approved February 12th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as 6 44 n>ay be necessary, be, and tbe same is hereby, appropriated out of the Congress Fund, for repairing the free turnpike road leading to the Falls bridge, to be expended under the direction of the Mayor, who shall file an account, with pro- per vouchers, for his expenditures with the Clerk of the Corporation. A RESOLUTION in fa\or of Lewis Carbery. Approved February 12th, 1840. Resolved hy the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com + mon Council oj the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of sixty-eight dollars be, and the same is hereby ap- propriated, to be paid by the Clerk to the order of Lewis Carbery for services rendered this Corporation as Surveyor, as per his account of September 26th, 1839. A RESOLUTION providing for the Vaccination of the pcor. Approved February 12th, 1840. . Resolved hy the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Trustees of the Poor make all needful provision for the Vaccination of the poor of the town : provided, however, that the expense thereof shall not exceed the sum of fifty dollars. A RESOLUTION appointing a committee to wait on Ma- jor Turnbull. Approved February 12tli, 1840. Resolved hy the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That John Kurtz of the Board of Aldermen, and the President of the Board of Common Council, be a committee to call 45 on Major Turnbull and request him to have the stone and other obstructions in the road leading to the Ferry on the Virginia side of the river removed. RESOLUTION instructing the committee appointed to represent the interests of this town before Congress. Approved February 20th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the committee charged with the representation of the interests of this town before Congress be, and they are hereby, in- structed to use their Exertions to procure from that body the passage of laws for erecting a stone or other permanent bridge across Rock Creek, at or near the western termination of Pennsylvania avenue, and also to rebuild the Chain Bridge, for the establishment of a Common School Fund for the District of Columbia, and to prevent the passage of any law authorizing the Falmouth and Alexandria Railroad Com- pany to construct any additional bridge or viaduct across the Potomac, without the express ' consent of the town, first had therefor; and that the same committee be authorized and requested to urge the passage of any other laws that in their judgment shall conduce to the interests of the town. RESOLUTION adding Thomas Turner to the committee representing the interests of the town before Congress. Approved February 20th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Thomas Turner be added to the committee already appoint- ed by the two Boards to attend to our interests before Con- gress. 46 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to pay the Con- tingent expenses of the two Boards. Approved February 22d, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of one hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby ap- propriated, to be placed at the disposal of the Clerk, for the purchase of such articles as may be required for the use of the Corporation, in accordance with a Resolution entitled “ A Resolution providing for certain purchases for the use of this Corporation,” approved 23d November, 1839, and that the Clerk pay the same out of any money in the Trea- sury not otherwise appropriated. A RESOLUTION instructing the committee appointed to attend to the interests of the town before Congress. Approved February 22d, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the committee appointed to attend to the interests of the towh before Congress be, and they are hereby, instructed to con- fer with the authorities of Washington City and the town of Alexandria, or with any committees which have been, oi may be, appointed by said city and town, on the subject of the application which has been made by the State of Maryland to the Government of the United States, for a transfer to that State of the stock held by the United States, and the City of Washington , and Alexandria, and this Town in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, and endeavor to effect a concert of action between said City and Towns, in respect to the application of said State of Maryland. 47 RESOLUTION for the repairs of the High Street and Fish Wharves. Approved March 3d, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com* mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the proposition of Joseph Radcliffe for the repairs of the High Street and Fish Wharves be, and the same is hereby ac- cepted, and that the sum of three hundred and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents be, and the same is hereby appropria- ted, to defray the expense of said repairs, which sum shall be paid, in the manner to be hereinafter provided, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Resolved farther , That Joseph Libby be, and he is here- by, appointed Commissioner, to superintend the execution of said repairs, and it shall be his duty to see that said re* pairs are made in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and with the least delay ; and the Clerk shall pay said sum of money to his order, and it shall be his duty to settle his account of disbursements under this resolution with the Clerk as soon as conveniently may be, after the completion of the work. RESOLUTION for extinguishing a part of the Stock Debt of this Corporation. Approved March 3d, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgelcivn , That the Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, with the consent of the creditor, to extinguish forthwith, the principal sum of two thousand dollars, with all interest accrued thereon, of the stock debt of this Corporation, cre- ated under an Ordinance of 23d March, 1839, authorizing a loan to redeem the Corporation Change, by applying to that object an adequate amount of the special deposite of the Corporation, in the Farmers and Mechanic’s Bank of Georgetown, for. the redemption of change. 48 A RESOLUTION for collecting plans and estimates far a Bridge across the Potomac, at the site of the late Chain Bridge. Approved March 7th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com ^ m on Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That O. M. Linthicum, John Pickrell, and Thomas Turner be, and they are hereby appointed, Commissioners, to invite by pub- lic advertisement, in such newspapers as they approve, plans and proposals for constructing a substantial bridge across the river Potomac, at the site of the late Chain Bridge, and that they be requested to submit the same with their views thereon to the two Boards of this Corporation, on or before the 27th day of March present. A RESOLUTION clothing the Superintendent of the Fish Wharf with the authority of a Police Officer. Approved March 28th, 1840. Resolved by the Board, of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Superintendent of the Fish Wharf be clothed with all the powers and privileges of a Police Officer, in and about the Fish Wharf during the fishing season. An ORDINANCE for paving the Footway on the South side of a part of Water Street. Approved March 31st, 1840. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That every proprietor of a lot, or part of a lot of ground, on the south side of Water Street, between the west end of Rock creek bridge and the east side of Potomac street, shall, by the first day of July next, pave, or cause to be paved, the footway in front of all the lots, or parts of lots, aforesaid, 49 not heretofore paved, with good hard brick, on good sharp sand, the entire width of the said footways where there are improvements, and where there are none, to the width of five feet next the curb-stone. Sec. 2. Be it further Ordained , That there be, and there is hereby levied and imposed, a tax of forty-five cents per front foot, on all lots and parts of lots within the limits aforesaid, remaining un paved on the day aforesaid ; and within ten days thereafter, the Clerk is hereby directed to prepare and deliver to the Collector, a table of lots and parts of lots, in front of which the pavement shall not have been made, as aforesaid directed, with the number of front feet in each, and the na:nes of the persons to whom the same are respectively assessed, who shall proceed to collect the said tax in the speediest manner allowed by law, and pay over the same as collected to the Clerk, and to close his collec- tions on or before the first day of September next, retain- ing thereof four per cent., as his commission thereon. Sec. ?». And be it Ordained , That wherever any of the said lots or parts of -lots, aforesaid, shall have the footways already paved, and the same shall be deemed by the Com- missioner hereinafter named, to require repair or repairing on notice being given to the proprietors thereof, by the said Commissioner ; then the said proprietors are required to have the said repairs or repairing done on or before the first day of July next, and if not done by said day, then the said lots are declared liable, to the tax levied and imposed by the second section of this Ordinance, or so much thereof as the said Commissioner shall deem sufficient to make the repair or repairing so required, and upon the requisition of the said Commissioner in writing, detailing the amount re- quired from each proprietor, the Clerk is hereby required to furnish to theCoHector the table thereof as before directed, and the Collector to make the collections as afore provided. Sec. 4. Be it further Ordained , that Joseph Libby be, and he is hereby, appointed Commissioner, with full power to draw and expend the nett proceeds of said tax, for the purpose aforesaid, who shall account therefor to the said Clerk, on or before the first day of January next. 50 A RESOLUTION for extending the time for making cer- tain Assessments and the Returns thereof. Approved March 31st, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetovm , That so much of the Ordinance, approved the fourth day of January last, as requires the Assessors, appointed by said Ordinance, to make and complete their assessment, and make return thereof on or before the first day of April, be, and the same is hereby, extended to the first day of May next. A SUPPLEMENT to a Resolution for disposing of the Cleanings of the Streets, approved March 12th, 1851. Approved April 16th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgctown i That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, except the duly appointed Scavenger, to remove or cause to be taken away from any of the paved or gravelled streets of the town any manure, under a penalty of five dollars for every offence, to be recovered on conviction thereof before the Mayor. A RESOLUTION making an Appropriation to pay the expense of Staking the Cut in the Channel. Approved April 16th, 1840, Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com" mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby requested, to have the Cut in the Channel of the Potomac river, staked out forthwith, and a sum not exceeding fifteen dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, to defray the expenses thereof. 51 A RESOLUTION on the subject of the Surrender to the State of Maryland of the Stock in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, subscribed by this Corporation. Approved April 16 th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby instructed to address a letter to the honorable Mr. Young, Chairman of the Committee on Roads and Canals, in the Senate of the United States, in- forming him of the willingness of this Corporation to submit to such disposal of its Stock in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, as in the judgment of Congress may be deemed just and proper : provided that, in the event of its surrender to the State of Maryland, that the State be held responsible for the early completion of the eastern section of the Canal, and to keep it always in repair and in good navi- gable order as far as may be practicable. Resolved further , that in said letter the Mayor be, and he is hereby instructed, to communicate also the amount of expense incurred by this Corporation, for said Stock, over and above the debt paid for the Corporation by the Govern- ment of the United States. An ORDINANCE for building a Bridge on the site of the late Chain Bridge, at the Little Falls of the Potomac. Approved April 18th, 1840. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioners heretofore appointed, be, and they are hereby authorized, to invite proposals by written communi- cations with builders for building a Bridge at the Little Fall* of the Potomac, late the cite of the Chain Bridge ; the said bridge to be of four hundred feet length, and to rest upon the present abutment standing on the Virginia side of the river, and two piers to be constructed, one at the end of said 7 62 four hundred feet, and one at the intermediate point, making -two spans of two hundred feet each ; the said bridge to be built upon Ithiel Town’s plan of lattice work, to have two road ways or a double track, each to be eleven feet wide and twelve feet high in the clear. Be it further Ordained , that before receiving proposals, the aforesaid Commissioners shall dause to be drawn up specifications, shewing clearly the character of the work to be required, and upon such premises as will secure a per- manent structure in every respect, including the dimensions of the respective piers, the character of the masonry, as also that of the inclined plane, which will be required to reach from the Maryland end of the Bridge to the low grounds. Be it further Ordained , that for the whole work required, of every description, a sum not exceeding twelve thousand dollars shall be hereafter appropriated, to be raised as this Corporation shall hereafter provide, it being understood that the whole of the materials now remaining of the old Chain Bridge, including the stone in the abutment on the Mary" land side, stall be at the use of the constructor for building the bridge, the game to be removed from its present position at his expense, before the said bridge is completed. Beit Ordained further, that upon any bid being received to do the work, in a sum not exceeding the said sum of twelve thousand dollars, the said Commissioners shall be authorized to enter into a contract for the same with the lowest bidder ; provided they are satisfied that the same is a responsible person, and to be relied on; and that it be un- derstood that the said contract provide for payments as the work progresses, and in proportion to the work done. 53 A RESOLUTION authorizing the Superintendent of the Fish Wharf to employ an assistant. / Approved April I8th v 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Superintendent of the Fish Wharf be, and he is here- by. authorized to employ an assistant on the fish wharf, when, iri his opinion, the interest of this Corporation requires it, at an expense not exceeding one dollar per day. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to meet the legal claims of the Levy Court against the Corpora- tion. Approved April 18th, 1840. * Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council oj the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to meet the legal claims vhich the Levy Court of Washington County, in the District of Columbia, may have against this Corporation for the years 1839 and 1840, and that the said sum, or so much thereof as rn «y be necessary to meet such legal claims, shall be paid by the Clerk of the Corporation to the or- der of said Levy Court. RESOLUTION authorizing the Clerk to receive loans of money for the use of the Corporation. Approved May 11th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com* mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized to receive from 8 54 any persons willing to lend, [cans of money not exceed- ing six thousand dollars in the aggregate, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars each, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per centum per annum, payable quarter yearly, the principal to be repaid at such times as he shall stipulate, being not earlier than three years ; that the notes of this Corporation, under the common seal, and signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk, be issued to the lenders for such loans, and that the faith of the Corporation be, and the same is hereby, pledged for the payment of said loans : Provided , any money received in virtue of this resolution shall not be carried into the gene- ral funds, but shall be set apart as a special fund, alone subject to specific appropriations to be hereafter made. RESOLUTION in relation to a Bridge at the Little Falls of the Potomac. Approved May Ilth, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetaivn, That the Commissioners heretofore appointed to receive proposals for building a bridge at the Little Falls of the Potomac be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to con- tract for the same, of the length and dimensions named in the ordinance entitled, “an ordinance for building a bridge on the site of the late chain bridge at the Little Fails of the Potomac,” approved April 18th, 1840 : Pro- vided, the entire cost of the same shall not exceed the sum of thirteen thousand five hundred dollars ; And pro- vided, that the said Commissioners be not confined to Town’s plan, uor limited to the number of piers named in said ordinance, should they be of opinion that any other plan would secure a safe and stable bridge. 55 RESOLUTION to periAitN. & A. F. Seavers to pass the water from their factory to the river. Approved May 16th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Jlldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That N. & A. F. Seavers be, and they are hereby, permitted to pass the water from their factory on the north side of Water street under said street: Provided , the mode or plan for conveying the water be satisfactory to the Mayor and that they give security, to be approved of by the Mayor, for all repairs that may become necessary on said street in consequence of the permission hereby granted. An QRDINAN CE to prohibit bathing in the Canal with- in the jurisdiction of the Corporation. Approved May 16th, 1840. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That from and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person to bathe in the canal within the jurisdiction of this Corporation, under a penalty of not less than two or more than five dollars, to be recovered before the Mayor, one half for the use of the Corpora- tion, the other to the informer; and should the person so offending be a minor, and the parent or master refuse or neglect to pay the fine imposed, he shall be forthwith committed to the watch house for a time not exceeding twenty-four hours-^and in case the offender be a slave, he shall be publicly whipped, not exceeding twenty-one stripes. \ 56 RESOLUTION authorizing Thomas I, Davis to de^ posrte earth upon the end of Fayette street. Approved May 16th, 1840. Resolved by the Board oj Aldermen and Board of Com - 7non Council of t he Corporation of Geoi getown , That Tho- mas I Davis be, and he is hereby, authorized and perr ii)itted to deposite any surplus of earth which may remain of the excavation from the foundation of his mill seat upon the canal, after filling of his own wharf, upon the end of Fayette street, south of Water street ; Provided , in depositing the same, it be so deposited as will best improve said street or wharf at its termination. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to meet the expenditures of the Poor’s House establishment for the quarter ending March 31st, 1840. Approved May 23d, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of six hundred and seventy-nine dollars and eighty cents be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to meet the expenditures of the Poor’s House establishment for the quarter ending the 31st of March, 1840, and that the same be paid to the order of a majority of the Board of Trustees of the Poor. A RESOLUTION appointing delegates to vote the stock standing in the name of this Corporation on the books of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company* Approved May 30th 1840. Resolved by the Board oj Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor, Clement a Cox and Samuel McKenney, or either of 57 them, be, and they are hereby, appointed delegates tore- present the stock standing in the name of this Corpora- tion on the books of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, at the meeting to be held on Monday next of said Company, and to vote the stock so standing in the name of this Corporation in the election of President and Directors of said Company, and ail questions which may arise at said meeting, and ail subsequent meetings there- of during the current year. A RESOLUTION concerning a Ferry at the Little Falls. Approved June 27th., I?40. Whereas, This Corporation has been informed that within the last week license has been obtained by Wil- liam Nelson to Leep a Ferry at the Little Falls of the Po- tomac at the site of the chain bridge, and believing that a ferry at that point will be of great convenience, not oniy to the citizens of this tojvn, but also to the people of V ir- ginia residing in that neighboihood, therefore, Be it resohed by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the license granted to said William Nelson meets cordial- ly the approbation of this Corporation, and that they would regard very unfavorably any effort to interfere with his privilege under said license. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for repair- ing the free Turnpike Road. Approved July i 8th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com- mon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces- 58 SarjL be, and (lie same is hereby, appropriated, (o be ex- pended under the direction of the Mayor, in repairing the damage done to the free Turnpike Road leading to the Chain Bridge. 4 RESOLUTION in favor of 0. M. Linthicura, making an appropriation for expenses incurred by the Commis- sioners appointed to rebuild the bridge at the Little Falls of the Potomac. Approved July 18th, 1840. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Com - fhon Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to pay O. M. Lin- fticum, out Of the Congress fund, thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents,- being for expenses incurred by the Commissioners appointed to contract for rebuilding the bridge at the Little Falls of the PotomaC. 4h ORDINANCE authorizing the borrowing of money to pay for the erection of the Little Falls Bridge. Approved July ISth, 1840. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation , That to defray fee expense of erecting the Little Falls Bridge, the Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed id issue scrip certificates of Stock of the Corporation, in fee usual form, to an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars for £ach certificate, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable quarterly, and redeemable at the plea- sure of the Corporation, and to sell the same as wanted, 59 on the most advantageous terms, at a rate not less tb.ag ninety-five per cent, and the proceeds to pay out, froxi^ time to time, pursuant to the contract for erecting saitj bridge. An ORDINANCE levying a direct Tax for the yeaf 1840, and providing for the collection thereof. Approved July 25th, 1840= Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Beard of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , ThaJ there shall be, and hereby is, leyied a direct tax of fifty- one cents on each and every hundred dollars value of rea$ and personal property within the limits of this Corpora.- tion, as the same stands valued and assessed on the boojs; of assessment lately returned by the assessors, and no^y on file in the office of the Clerk of tbe Corporation, ex- cept the amount reduced by the Board of Appeal, if any ;> Sec. 2. A RESOLUTION in favor of Messrs Marden and Meem, for repairs done to the Canal Bridge. 8 A RESOLUTION tendering to Judge Dunlop the thanks of the Corporation. 9 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the relief of the poor of the town. 9 n A RESOLUTION for fixing the site of the Bridge to be erected by the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com- pany, across the Canal, at or near the junction of Bridge and Water Streets. 1$ A RESOLUTION in favor of John Mountz, Clerk of the Corporation. 10 A RESOLUTION in favor of James Dunlop. 10 A RESOLUTION appointing Judges of Elections. 11 RESOLUTIONS for paying respect to the memory of C. Smith, Esq. deceased. II A RESOLUTION directing the Street Commissioners to fix the grade oq Frederick Street, from First to Seventh Street. 12 A RESOLUTION on the subject of Retrocession. A RESOLUTION for fixing the boundary line on the Pier between Georgetown and the City of Washing- ton. 12 An ORDINANCE providing for the payment of the Salaries of the Officers of the Corporation, for the year 1839. IS An ORDINANCE authorizing a Loan to redeem the Corporation Change. 14 An ORDINANCE levying a direct Tax for the year 1839, and providing for the collection thereof. 14 An ORDINANCE providing for an additional assess* ment of taxable property within the jurisdiction of the Corporation of Georgetown. 18 A RESOLUTION appointing a Committee to apply t6 the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, rela- tive to out-let Locks from the Canal into the Potomac River. 19 A RESOLUTION for the relief of William Jewell, Collector for the General Tax for the year 1838. 19 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to repair certain Bridges. 19 A RESOLUTION authorizing the issuing of Certifi- cates for the redemption of Change. 20 A RESOLUTION proposing to obtain a Loan from the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank. 20 A RESOLUTION for the representation of the stock of this Corporation, in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. 21 • A RESOLUTION in favor of Marden and Meem. 21 A RESOLUTION to repeal a Resolution. 21 A RESOLUTION for obtaining a set of out-let Locks from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal into the Poto- mac River, at or near the western limits of this town. 22 A RESOLUTION for the relief of Ninian Beall, late Collector of Taxes. 22 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the support of the Poor’s House. 23 A RESOLUTION in relation to certain taxes claimed to be due from John Cox, for the years 1821 and 1822. * 23 A RESOLUTION relative to the destruction of Ants. 24 A RESOLUTION appointing a committee to call on Major Turnbull and request of him his plan for build- ing the abutment of the Aqueduct on this side of the Potomac. 24 A RESOLUTION for refunding to Hunry Trunnell certain surplus money. 24 A SUPPLEMENT to the Resolution for obtaining a set of out-let locks from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal into the Potomac River, at or near the western limits of this town. 25 A RESOLUTION for extending the time of reference of the case of John Cox. 25 A RESOLUTION tendering the thanks of this Cor- poration to the Mayor and City Council of Balti- more, for the volume of the laws of that city, pre- sented to this Corporation. 26 RESOLUTION respecting the Potomac Aqueduct. 26 A RE SOLUTION making an appropriation for the destruction of Ants. 27 RESOLUTION making an appropriation for printing a portion of the Laws of the Corporation. 27 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to pay an award to John H. King. 27 i r A RESOLUTION in favor of Samuel Hudson. 28 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to pay for the annual printing expenses of the Corporation. 28 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the support of the Poor. 28 An ORDINANCE for the encouragement of the in- troduction of Factories within the limits of George- town. 29 A RESOLUTION in favor of the Falls Bridge Turn- pike Company. 30 A RESOLUTION in favor of N. Beall. 80 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the support of the Poor, for the quarter ending Septem- ber 30th, 1839. 31 A RESOLUTION in favor of John Marbury. 31 A RESOLUTION directing a settlement of the account of John Cox for certain taxes. 31 A RESOLUTION for the relief of Sampson Simms. 32 A RESOLUTION making an Appropriation in aid of the Contingent Fuad. 32 A RESOLUTION authorizing the Mayor to make application to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com- pany, to reimburse certain Expenditures made by he Corporation of Georgetown, in repairing the Canal: Bridge 32: A RESOLUTION reinstating the 5th section of the Market Law, which contain certain restrictions on Huckstering and for other purposes. 33 A RESOLUTION to repeal the seventh section of a Supplement to an Ordinance, approved 14th June, 1838. 33 A RESOLUTION in favor of Ann Connely and Mary Connely. 34 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to pay for certain repairs upon the upper road leading to the^ Chain Bridge. 34; A RESOLUTION providing for certain purchases for the use of this Corporation. 35 A RESOLUTION approving a certain letter of the Mayor to the Secretary of the Treasury. 35 V A RESOLUTION in relation to the Western Tobacco Warehouse. 35 A RESOLUTION in favor of Henry Trunnel. 38 A RESOLUTION authorizing the Clerk to settle an account with the Inspector of Tobacco. 36 A RESOLUTION directing the Western Tobacco Ware- house to be insured. 37 An ORDINANCE for a new Assessment of the Real and Personal Property within the jurisdiction of the Corporation of Georgetown, and providing for an an- nual additional Assessment until the next General Assessment. 37 A RESOLUTION appointing a Committee to attend to the interests of this town before Congress. 38 A RESOLUTION directing the daily renting of cer> tain Stalls in the Market House. 38 An ORDINANCE fixing the Salaries of the Corpo- ration Officers for the year 1840. 39 A RESOLUTION to instruct the Committee having care of the interest of this Town before Congress. 39 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the support of the Poor. 40 A RESOLUTION to amend the Charter of the Town. 40 A RESOLUTION appointing Judges of Elections for the year 1840. 41 A RESOLUTION appointing a Superintendent of the Fish Wharf. 41 An ORDINANCE modifying u An ordinance appoint- ing Trustees for the relief of the Poor, and for other purposes. 42 A RESOLUTION in favor of the Recorder. 43 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for repair- ing the Free Turnpike Road leading. to the Chain Bridge. 43 A RESOLUTION in favor of Lewis Carbery. 44 A RESOLUTION providing for the Vaccination of the poor. 44 A RESOLUTION Major Turnbull. 44 VI RESOLUTION instructing the committee appointed to represent the interests of this town before Congress. 45 RESOLUTION adding Thomas Turner to the commit- tee representing the interests of the town before Con- gress. 45 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to pay the Contingent expenses of the two Boards. 46 A RESOLUTION instructing the committee appointed to attend to the interests of the town before Congress. 46 RESOLUTION for the repairs of the High Street and Fish Wharves. 47 RESOLUTION for extinguishing a part of the Stock Debt of this Corporation. 47 A RESOLUTION for collecting plans and est : mates for a Bridge across the Potomac, at the site of the late Chain Bridge. 48 A RESOLUTION clothing the Superintendent of the Fish Wharf with the authority of a Police Officer. 48 An ORDINANCE for paving the Footway on the South side of a part of Water Street. 48 A RESOLUTION for extending the time for making certain Assessments and the Returns thereof. 50 A SUPPLEMENT to a Resolution for disposing of the Cleanings of the Streets, approved March 12th, 1831. 50 A RESOLUTION making an Appropriation to pay the expense of Staking the Cut in the Channel. 50 A RESOLUTION on the subject of the surrender to State of Maryland of the Stock in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, subscribed by this Corporation. 51 An ORRDINANCE for building a bridge on the site of the late Chain Bridge at the Little Falls of the Potomac. 51 vii A RESOLUTION authorizing the Superintendent of the Fish Wharf to employ an assistant. 53 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to meet the legai claims of the Levy Court against the Corporation. 53 RESOLUTION authorizing the Clerk to receive loans of money for the use of the Corporation. 53 RESOLUTION in relation to a Bridge at the Little Falls of the Potomac. 54 RESOLUTION to permit N. & A. F. Seavers to pass the water, from their factory to the river. 55 An ORDINANCE to prohibit bathing in the Canal within the jurisdiction of the Corporation. 55 RESOLUTION authorizing Thomas I, Davis to deposrte earth upon the end of Fayette street. 56 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to meet the expenditures of the Poor’s House establish- . ment for the quarter ending March 31st, 1840, 56 A RESOLUTION appointing delegates to vote the stock standing in the name of this Corporation on the books of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, 56 A RESOLUTION concerning a Ferry at the Little Falls. 57 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for re- pairing the free Turnpike Road. 57 A RESOLUTION in favor of 0. M, Linthicum, making an appropriation for expenses incurred by the Commissioners appointed to rebuild the bridge at the Little Falls of the Potomac. 58 An ORDINANCE authorizing the borrowing of money to pay for the erection of the Little Falls Bridge. 58 An ORDINANCE levying a direct Tax for the year ■ 1840, and providing for the collection thereof. 59