Thirteen Years' Experience.' CHAS. K. MILLER & Co.'S Newspaper Advertising Lists No. 2 Tribune Building, CHICAGO. "! rilKKRI fl.LY AXI) 1IKARTILY K K< OMMKNl) Tills A<.KN< :V TO ALL Al>\KK- TISKItS. As AVOUTIIY AW 18,000 Courier 6 00 GRANI> KAPIDS 33,000 Eagle 5 00 JACKSON 15,000 Citizen 5 50 KALANAZOO 11,570 Telegraph 6 00 T,a, 3^0 WISCONSIN. Advertisers may select either / ONE INCH, DAILY or WEEKLY S Papers. issues of this List. v ONE MONTH j$18. < I A IKi: 9.00O Free Press 8 4 00 FOND Dl! L.AC 16,068 Commonwealth 5 oo twREEN BAY 8,000 Gazette 4 00 JANESVILIjE 11,000 Gazette 4 So L.A < KOS.Si: 12,000 Republican r, uo MADISOX '20.000 Journal 4 50 MILWAUKEE 110,000 Sentinel 13' (10 OSHKOSH 18,000 Northwestern 3 oo Total $43. 3O MINNESOTA. Advertisers may select either / ONE INCH, ' / /tt< - fi DAILY or \VEEKLY 3 Papers. Sft | |-t issues of this List. S OWE MO^'THC, i HP J- vJ MIXXEAPOLIS 33,747 Tribune $10 00 ST. PAUL, 33,165 Pioueer-Press 13 50 WIXO3TA 11,000 Republican 6 Oo Total S3O.OO MISSOURI. Advertisers may select either ) OXE INCH, / HS - f~\ DAILY or WEEKLY 4 Papers, SC | W issues of this List. ^ OWE MONTH, S HP - <-> HAXXIBAL, 15.000 Courier $ 4 40 JEFKKRSOX CITY 6,000 Tribune 4 50 KANSAS CITY' , 40,000 Times 16 00 ST. JOSEPH 23,099 Herald 12 00 Total 836.90 KANSAS. Advertisers may select either / ONE INCH, , M. -- ^-^ DAILY' 01- WEEKLY 5 Papers. Stl I I I issue of this List. ^ ONE MONTH, } HP -*- " ATCHISON 13,50O Champion 4 00 FT. SCOTT 7,000 Monitor 5 00 LAWRENCE 8,320 Standard .: 6 00 L.EAVKXWORTH 22,000 Press 8 00 TOPEKA 8,000 Commonwealth 7 50 Total $29.50 NEBRASKA. Advertisers mav select either , ONE INCH. DAILY or WEEKLY 3 Papers. issues in this List. } ONE MONTH, L1XCOLN 10.000 Journal 8 4 00 NEBRASKA CITY 8,000 Press 4 80 OMAHA 20,000 Republican 8 &o Total S17.60 COLORADO. Advertisers may select either / ONE INCH. ; ,-m -* t~i DAILY or WEEKLY 4 Papers. '-JK | > issues of this List. ^ ONE MONTH, ^ W J. ^ CENT-RAT* CITY 7.OOO Register 9 6 Oo DENVER 28,000 News 6 00 I.I V l>\ I i,l 1 Reveille 8 oo P1TEBL.O 6,000 Chieftain 5 50 Total $25.50 PAPERS MAY BE SELECTED from any of the above States, and special figures will be given. No extra charge for inserting- Electrotypes. DISCOUNTS will be given on Advertisements lor long 1 time or large amounts. CHAS. K. MILLER & Co., Tribune Building, Chicago. CHA.S. K. MILLER & CO.'S U1VITED STATES LIST. UNITED STATES LIST. A CHOICE SELECTION OF DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, Covering ALL the Principal Points in America, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast. - A - re as low as can be obtained from reliable sources. By direct arrangements with publishers, we give the lowest rates on any one or more of these papers, charging no commission to advertisers for our services. CHAS. K. MILLER & Co., Newspaper Advertising Contractors, Tribune Building, Chicago. EASTERN STATES. Tl't HH :**.<> Augusta Han ;; or Lewiston Portland ... MAIM:. Journal Whig Journal , Press.... CIRCULATION. Daily. WeM00 Xew Albany Ledger 1,500... 4,600 Indianapolis Journal 6,000... 12,000 News 10,000... Helena.... IOWA. Itiirliii'ton Hawkeye. Des Moines Regist. r... WYOMING. Cheyenne Leader 600... 800 NEVADA. Austin Reveille 600... Reno Journal 500... 900 Virginia City Chronicle 3,000... ARIZONA. Prescott .' Miner 1,000 IDAHO. Boise City Statesman 400... 500 MOXTAXA. WISCOXS1X. Milwaukee Sentinel 3.000... 7.500 " ETening Wisconsin. 3.IHHI... 7,000 Madison Journal l.uoo... 2.5m MISSOURI. St. Louis Globe-Democrat ^:Ui'">...i " Republican - ( St. Joseph Ga/ette 1500..'. ET,000 Kansas i'ity Jour, of Commerce.. 3.000... .1.000 Sedalia Democrat 700... 1,200 1 Salt Lake ...Herald SOO... 1,100 Independent 350... 4,800 UTAH. Junction 800... 1,500 Tribune 3,500... 1,000 3,000... 5,000 600... 1,200 OREGOV. Portland Oregon ian Salem... Statesman CALIFORX1A. San Francisco.. ..Chronicle 37,000... 12,i>00 ....Bulletin 11,000...10,000 ....Alu ( 'ulifornian 2,500... l,fiOO ALASKA. Alaska Tinus 400... SOUTHERN STATES. KENTUCKY. CIRCVLATIOS. Louisville Courier-Journal I0,o6o...30,u60 Lexington Press i;oo... 3.000 TENNESSEE. ...Times 5OO... Knokvflfe Whig 1,000 .. 2.200 Memphis Appeal 4.Mi'i... 4.:,no Nashville American 3.51X1... 5,OOO GEORGIA. Atlanta Ailif usta C'olumbiis Macoii Savannah Constitution ........... 4. -Jim Constitutionalist ..... Enqnirer-Snn ........ Telegraph and M News ...................... 4,3rtO MISSISSIPPI. CIRCULATION. Daily. Weekly Xatohez Democrat 700... 1,100 Vioksburir Herald 2,200... 1,000 LOUISIAX'A. Xew Orleans Times 6,500... 3,5(Ki Picayune 6,000... FLORIDA. Jacksonville Traveler 000... 1.20O ALABAMA. Mobile Register 3,000... 6.000 Montsromerv Advertiser and Mail 2.200... 2,500 Selma ' Times 1.100... 2,000 CHAS. K. MILLER & CO.'S UNITED STATES LIST. SOUTHERN STATES Continued. Alexandria... VIRGINIA. Gazette News ClBCUL Daily. 1 7oo.. 1.0(10.. 4TION. Veeklv. 600 1,200 4,200 1,100 3,000 X'ort'oIIi . Landmark .. .. 2,100.. 900.. ......! 2,00o!l Petersburg.... Richmond Index Dispatch Whig NORTH CAROLINA. Charlotte Observer 1,000... 1,500 Kaleigh Observer 1,100... 2,300 Wilmington , Star 1,200... 1,600 SOM II CAROLINA. Charleston News and Conner... 5,200... 1,600 Columbia Register 600... 900 WEST VIRGINIA. Wheeling: Register 1,700... 5,000 Parkersburg Times 600... 1,000 MARYLAND. CIRCULATION. Daily. Weekly. Baltimore Sun 20,000... 8,000 American 18,000... 20,000 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington Post 15,000... Star 17,000... 4,500 DELAWARE. Wilmington Gazette ARKANSAS. Little Rock Gazette TEXAS. Austin Statesman Galveston News Dallas Herald Denisoii Herald Houston Telegram San Antonio Express Sherman Courier Wace Examiner 3,000... 1,000- 2,200... 7,i MX) 900... 1,800 1.-200... 7,000 4,100... 2,K) 1,500... 2,000 700... 1,200 1,100... 16,000 1,000... 800 600... 2,000 CANADA LIST, Toronto Globe CIRCULATION. Daily. Weekly. 23,000. ..34,000 Kingston Wliig Q,uebc Montreal Mail Chronicle Star 18,000...17,000 2,200... 1,200 ..'. 15,000...31,000 3,600... 2,100 Hamilton It runt lord ... Ottawa London Times Expositor... Citizen CIRCULATION D.iily. Weekly. 1,000... 1,600 5,300... 3,800 000... 1,800 4,000... 5.1 KIO 5,000. ..17,0"0 WE RECEIVE ADVERTISEMENTS _ iu TUP _ Chicago Daily Times, Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago Daily Inter-Ocean, Chicago Daily Evening Journal, Chicago Daily Telegraph, Chicago Daily \ei\ s. Chicago Daily Herald, Chicago Daily Staats Zeitung, Chicago Saturday Evening Herald. AND ALL - German Papers, Educational Journals, Trade Journals, Scientific Journals, Medical Journals, Sporting Journals, Fashion Journals. Mining Journals, Milling Journals, Juvenile Publications, Musical Publications, Lumber Papers, I35T TIHIIE TJHSTITimiD and location of papers, -with prices for advertising, fur- nished. free. CHAS. K. MILLER & Co. Agents for all Newspapers in America. CHAS. K MILLER & CO.'B LIST OP INFLUENTIAL WEEKLIES. 7 HIGH CLASS WEEKLIES, With Large Circulations. TOTAL, - - 2,777,500. .MO ' A3 Acknowledged as the LEADING MEDIUMS, and invariably giving Advertisers remunerative results, according to their investment. States. Cities. Paper. New York.. NEW YORK ....................... Sun ............................................... $ 50 ............ 90,000 NEW YORK ....................... Tribune ......................................... 1 00 ............ 35,000 NEW YORK. ....................... World ...................................... 50 ............ 60,000 NEW YORK ........ ............... Witness ......................................... 75 ............ 75,000 NEW YORK.. ..................... Harper's Weekly ............................ 2 00 ............ 115,000 NEW YORK ....................... Frank Leslie's Weekly ..................... 50 ............ 50,000 NEW YORK ....................... Christian Advocate .......................... 50 ............ 50,000 NEW YORK ....................... Scientific American ......................... 75 ............ NEW YORK ....................... Harper's Bazar ................................. 1 00 ............ 40,000 70,000 NEW YORK ....................... Street & Smith's Weekly ................. 1 25 ............ 175,000 Massachusetts Pennsylvania.. Maryland 45,000 30,000 140,000 30,000 Ohio Michigan. Illinois .... Missouri / '" I Georgia Texas California NEW YORK Agriculturist (monthly) 1 00 fHOSTON Waverly Magazine 50 ROSTON Youths' Companion 1 10 BOSTON Globe 30 BOSTON News Circle 40 20,000 f PHILADELPHIA Saturday Night 2 00 150,000 PHILADELPHIA Times 30 10,000 PHILADELPHIA Saturday Evening Post 50 20,000 [PITTSBURGH Gazette 20 18,000 H- Ti UUP I nlUE. , 30 i. a m.-. 30 i. aiM .rs. "* Very I-ow. We have the most favorable arrangements with the publishers of above papers, and Advertisers should first obtain our Special Figures for any one or more of them before they contract elsewhere for their advertising. Estimates furnished free. CHAS. K. MILLER & Co., Agents for all Leading Newspapers, Tribune Building, Chicago. CHAS. K. MILLER & CO.'S NEW RELIGIOUS LIST. OUR NEW LIST. HOlH RELIGIOUS. *~ " TOT EASTERN SECTION. PRICE 1O lines. 1 one insertion, 15 Papers,} o NEW YORK. Circulation. NEW YORK Christian Advocate 60.0W NEW YORK Examiner and Chronicle. ...21,000 NEW YORK Independent 20,000 NEW YORK Witness 85,000 SYRACUSE Christian Advocate 12,000 PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA National Baptist 7,000 PHILADELPHIA Presbyterian 13,000 PHILADELPHIA Sunday School Times 27,000 PITTSBURGH Christian Advocate 11,000 PITTSBURGH Presbyterian 14,000 ne Month, si ir>. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON ..................... Oorigregationalist BOSTON .................... Watchman BOSTON ..................... Zion's Herald Circulation. 21,000 16,000 14,000 MAINE. PORTLAND ............... Advocate NEW HAMPSHIRE. DOVER ...................... Morning Star CONNECTICUT. HARTKOUD ............... Christian Secretary Total Circulation 329,OOO SOUTHERN SECTION. OUR PRIPF 10 lines, \oneinsertton.823. UUn rniUL 16 Papers,; ;. VIRGINIA. RICHMOND Religious Herald. Circulation. 10,000 NORTH CAROLINA. KALEIGH Christian Advocate 3,000 WILMINGTON Presbyterian 3,000 SOUTH CAROLINA. COLUMBIA Presbyterian 4,000 GEORGIA. ATLANTA Christian Index 8,000 MACON Christian Advocate 7,500 LOUISIANA. NEW ORLEANS Christian Advocate 7,500 ,0110 Moiilli, 872. TEXAS. GALVESTON Christian Advocate... HOUSTON Baptist KENTUCKY. LOUISVILLE Christian Observer.... LOUISVILLE Western Recorder.... LEXINGTON Apostolic Times Circulation. 5.500 3,500 9,000 6.000 4,000 TENNESSEE. MEMPHIS Baptist NASHVILLE Advocate KNOXVILLE Methodist MARYLAND. BALTIMORE Methodist 5,000 8,000 3,000 4,000 Total Circulation .................................................................................................. 87,000 WESTERN SECTION. HUP PRIPC 1O lines, ) one insertion, 824. UUn I HI L/C. i<; papers,/ one Month, 885. Omitting the State of Ohio, our price will be for one insertion, 815 ; one Month, 849. ILLINOIS. Circulation. CHICAGO Advance 12,000 CHICAGO Alliance 8,000 CHICAGO Interior 14,000 CHICAGO New Covenant 8,000 CHICAGO Northwestern Ch. Advocate.,18,000 CHICAGO Religio Journal lti.000 CHICAGO Standard 15,000 MISSOURI. DETROIT. ST. LOUIS Central Baptist ... ST. LOUIS Central Advocate. ,. 6.000 ..10,000 MICHIGAN. Circulation. Christian Advocate 5,000 WISCONSIN. MILWAUKEE Christian Statesman 5,000 IOWA. OSKALOOSA Record and Evangelist 4,000 OHIO. CINCINNATI Herald and Presbyter 14.000 CINCINNATI.'. Journal and Messenger 9,000 CINCINNATI Christian Advocate... 18,000 DAYTON Religious Telescope 0.000 Total Circulation 154,OOO CHAS. K. MILLER & Co., Agents for all Religious Papers, Tribune Building, Chicago. CHAS. K. MILLER & CO.'S NEW AGRICULTURAL LIST. OUR NEW LIST. .30 AGRICULTURAL, EASTERN DIVISION. OUR PRIPC 10 HXE*, ( One Insertion, 832.0O. UUH lltrC, 14 Papers, 1 One Month. . $S4 OO. Oircul,tion. f ALBANY Cnlivator and Country Gentleman WEEKLY 17,500 I ELMIRA Husband man .' WEEKLY 6,000 New York \ NEW YORK Rural New Yorker WEEKLY 18,000 | NEW YORK American Agriculturist MONTHLY ...75,000 [ROCHESTER Rural Hom MONTHLY 10,000 Maine .'. ( AUGUSTA Maine Farmer WEEKLY 10,000 New Hampshire.... { MANCHESTER Mirror and Farmer WEEKLY 12,500 (BRATTLEBORO Household MOUTH LY 35,000 "" (BRATTLEBORO Record and Farmer WEEKLY 1,500 (BOSTON Cultivator WEEKLY 30,000 ....-< BOSTON New England Farmer WEEKLY 10,000 (SPRINGFIELD Homestead WEEKLY , 3,800 f PHILADEDPHIA Gardeners' Monthly MONTHLY 3,100 " (PHILADELPHIA Practical Farmer..; WEEKLY 10,000 Vermont Massachusetts.. Pennsylvania .. Total 242,400 SOUTHERN DIVISION. OUR PR1PC 10 IIXES. /One Insertion, 821. OO. UUn rniUC, 15 Papers. \0ne Month, . sls.oo. Maryland -{ BALTIMORE Maryland Farmer MONTHLY. Viririnii ( PETERSBURG Rural-Messenger WEEKLY .. " 1 RICHMOND Southern Planter MONTHLY. Knnt.irL-v (LOUISVILLE Farmers' Home Journal WEEKLY 5,000 " \ LOUISVILLE Home and Farm SEMI-MONTHLY 70,000 Circulation. 3,500 1,500 2,500 (MEMPHIS Southern Farmer WEEKLY (NASHVILLE Rural Sun WEEKLY (RALEIGH Fanner and Mechanic WEEKLY ' \ RALEIGH North Carolina Farmer MONTHLY- (ATHENS Southern Cultivator ..MONTHLY ' ( ATLANTA Georgia Grange .WEEKLY F . ., (JACKSONVILLE Agriculturist .-.JJj. WEEKLY (JACKSONVILLE Semi-Tropical MONTHLY Mississippi -{ STARKVILLE Live Stock Journal WEEKLY Louisiana -J NEW ORLEANS Home Journal..., WEEKLY Tennessee North Carolina.... Georgia 7,500 2,500 1,900 1,700 1,200 5,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 3,000 Illinois- Total 109,300 WESTERN DIVISION. OUR PRIPP 1O I'INES. (One Insertion, $36.OO. UUn nlUC. 19 p a iers.toie Monti). - $85. OO. Circulation. (CLEVELAND Farmer WEEKLY 20,000 Ohio -(SPRINGFIELD Farm and Fireside SEMI-MO.VUII.Y 50,OOC (TOLEDO American Farm Journal MONTHLY 5,OOC Indiana -{ INDIANAPOLIS Farmer WEEKLY 14,000 f CHICAGO Prairie Farmer WEEKLY 16,000 J CHICAGO Western Rural WEEKLY 16,000 I CHICAGO Farmers' Review MONTHLY 50,000 [QUINCY Agriculturist MONTHLY 5,000 Michigan j DETROIT Farmer WEEKLY 8,000 Minnesota ^ MINNEAPOLIS Farmers' Union WEEKLY 5,000 T (DES MOINES Farm Journal WEEKLY 10,ir!O CHAS. K. MILLER & Co., Tribune Building. GERMAN DAII.IES AND WEEKLIES. 11 N E U GERMAN WESTERN LIST. These papers are the largest circulating mediums in the eight Western States, outside of Chicago and St. Loui?. 66 Papers. ILLINOIS. ALTON OUR PRICE, {$jS|J $30 ....Banner Weeklv PEKIN .00. Weekly AURORA BLOOMINGTON Volksfreund ....'..Weekly Weekly PEORIA PEORIA Zeitung Daily Weekly HECATUR Weekly QUINCY QUINCY SPRINGFIELD . German ia Gennania Daily Weekly .. Weekly FREEPOBT GALENA OTTAWA Zeitung ....Volksfreund Wochenblatt Weekly Weekly Weekly STERLING Beobachter Weekly INDIANA. OUR PRICE, {.} $32.00. EVANSVILLE Union Daily EVANSVILLE Union Weekly FORT WAYNE Staats Zeitung Daily FORT WAYNE Staats Zeitung Weekly INDIANAPOLIS Telegraph Daily INDIANAPOLIS Telegraph Weekly LAFAYETTE Amerikaner LA P.ORTE Journal NEW ALBANY Zeitung SOUTH BEND Courier TERRE HAUTE Banner TERRE HAUTE Banner Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Tri-Weekly Weekly IOWA. OUR PRICE, {'-} $28. 00. BURLINGTON BURLINGTON CLINTON COUNCIL BLUFFS DAVENPORT DAVENPORT DES MOINES APPLETON EAU CLAIRE FOND DU LAC GREEN BAY LA CROSSE DETROIT DETROIT EAST SAGINAW .Tribune Daily .Tribune .Weekly ..Zeitung Weekly ..Freie Press Weekly ..Der Demokrat Daily ..Der Demokrat Weekly .Anzeiger Weekly DUBUQUE IOWA CITY KEOKUK MUSCATINE OTTUMWA SIOUX CITY WATERLOO . . .Luxemburger Gazette ...... Weekly ...Volksfreund .................... Weekly ...Die Post ........................ Weekly Zeitung ......................... Weekly ...Journal ......................... Weekly Courier ........................... Weekly ...Amerikaner .................... Weekly OUR PRICE, WISCONSIN. (One Month,] 3VJ3WT $24.00. ..Volksfreund Weekly Volkstimme Weekly ..Courier Weekly ..Volks Zeitung Weekly ..Zeitung Weekly MADISON MILWAUKEE OSHKOSH SHEBOYGAN WATERTOWN ....Botschafter Weekly Banner & Volksfreun3, e. o. d. Daily Telegraph Weekly Demokrat Weekly Weltburger Weekly MICHIGAN. OUR PRICE, {!/.} $'4.00. Volksblatt, e. o. d ................ Daily Volksblatt ....................... Weekly Zeitung .......................... Weekly GRAND RAPIDS Staats Zeitung.. JACKSON Volksfreund..... Weekly Weekly MINNESOTA. OUR PRICE, {;?=,! $17.00. MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL ST. PAUL One Month,) ..Freie Press Weekly STILLWATER Post .Volkszeitung Daily MANKATO Beobachtev ..Volkszeitung Weekly WINONA Adler .Weekly .Weekly .Weekly KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. OUR PRICE, { } $10.00. ATCHISON (Kan.) Courier Weekly I.EAVENWORTH (Kan.V.Freie Presse Daily LEA VENWORTH (Kan. ... Freie Presse Weekly GREAT BEND (Kan.)..Volksfreund.. OMAHA eison Fort Worth Oalvestoo ..Herald ..Herald ..Democrat ..News Sun 2,100. l, r >00. 400. 12,000. . 4,200 . 2.000 .. 800 .. 8,000 .. 725 Rock port Transcript .. 700 San Antonio... ....Express . Herald . 1,000 600 .. 1,600 700 San Antonio... ....Free Press 500 .. 400 1 000 Georgetown ...Record.'. .. 600 .. 600 Sulphur* pi-in 800 600 .. 700 Tyler 850 Hilderson Houston Houston Iluii(s\ ill ..Times, ..Age ..Telegtam ...Item ... '.'.'." 700' 600. .. 800 .. GOO .. 1,000 . 500 Victoria .. 1,200 Waco ....Examiner 45(1 .. 2,000 Weatherford . ....Times .. 550 Waxahacle Enterprise .... . 500 TWELVE SPORTING PAPERS .00 uias auo I*er Line, One Insertion. Kntire List. ILLINOIS. CHICAGO IMitifon s Spirit of the Tnrf.. CHICAGO Field .Weekly. ..Weekly. INDIANA. INDIANAPOL.IS Western Sportsman CALIFORNIA. SAN FRANCISCO Pacific JLife .Weekly. .Weekly. LOUISIANA. NEW ORLEANS: Southern Sportsman. NEW YORK. .Weekly. id aim NEW YORK Fur, Fin and Feather. NEW YORK Clipper NEW YORK Forest and Stream and Rod and XEW YORK Spirit of the Times NEW YORK Sportsman NEW YORK Turf, Field and Farm .Semi-monthly. Weekly. Weekly. Weekly. Weekly. Weekly TOBONTO. CANADA. Sporting Times .... Weekly. CO-OPEBATIVE WEEKLIES. 13 CALIFORNIA LIST. 1 fin P er Line per Week for whole I.UU List O f 90 WEEKLY PAPERS. ANTIOCH Ledger AUBURN Placer Argus AUBURN Placer Herald ALTURAS Independent BAKERSFIELD Gazette BENtCIA Chronicle BERKELEY Advocate BIGGS Register BROOKLYN Vidette CASTROVILLE Argus CLOVERDALE News COLTON Semi-Tropic CRESCENT CITY Courier CHEROKEE National DIXON Tribune DUTCH FLAT Forum FERNDALE Enterprise FOLSOM Telegraph FORT JONES News FRESNO Republican GILROY Advocate GUADALUPE Telegraph HANFORD Public Good HAYWARDS Journal HEALDSBURG Enterprise HOLLISTER Advance OREGON. ALBANY ....Democrat CALIFORNIA. HOLLISTER Telegraph IONE CITY Amador Times LAKEPORT Democrat LIVERMORE Herald LOMPOC Record LODI Review LOS ANGELES Star MARIPOSA Gazette MARTINEZ News MENDOCINO Beacon MERCED Express " MISSION," S. F Saturday Local MILLVILLE Record MODESTO News MODESTO Herald MARKLEVILLE Alpine Signal NORTH SAN JOAN Independent PLACERVILLE Republican PLACERVILLE Democrat QCINCY National RIVERSIDE Press SACRAMENTO Sunday Times SALINAS CITY Democrat SAN ANDREAS Citizen SAN BERNARDINO Index SAN BERNARDINO Times Washington Ter. COLFAX... Gazette DALLAS Itemizer NEW TACOMA News INDEPENDENCE The River Side OLYMPIA Courier MARSHFIELD Coast Mail ! OLYMPIA Standard PORTLAND Sunday Welcome ! OLYMPIA Transcript WALLA WALLA Watchman ! PROVO CITY Utah Enquirer SAN DIEGO News SAN FRANCISCO Visitor SAN FRANCISCO Elevator SAN JOSE. ..(Sunday) .Daily Mercury SANTA CLARA Echo SANTA CRUZ Local Item SANTA ROSA Times SHASTA Courier SONORA Indf pendent SAN LUIS OBISPO Tribune STOCKTON Banner SANTA BARBARA Independent TRUCKEE Republican UKIAH Dispatch UKIAH City Press VALLEJO Times VISALIA Delta VISALIA Times WASHINGTON Independent WEST OAKLAND Press WHEATLAND Recorder WILMINGTON Wilmingtonian WINTERS Advocate WOODLAND Daily Democrat WOODLAND Weekly Democrat NEVADA. SUTRO Independent UTAH. KANSAS NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. 50 CENTS perL rht 8 erS Li8t 104 WEEKLY PAPERS. KANSAS. ABILENE Gazette ARKANSAS CITY Traveler BAXTER SPRINGS Times BURLINGTON Independent BURLINGTON Patriot BELLEVILLE Telescope BLUE RAPIDS Times BROOKVILLE Times BURRTON Telephone CHANUTE Democrat CAWKER CITY Free Press CHERRYVALE Globe CLYDE Herald COFFEYVILLE Journal COLUMBUS Star CONCORDIA Expositor COTTONWOOD FALLS Leader ELLINWOOD Express EMPORIA Greenbacker EUREKA Censorial ELLSWORTH Times FREDONIA Tribune FREUONIA Citizen GARNETT Plaindealer GALENA Messenger GREAT BEND Register HOWARD CITY Ind. Journal HANOVER Democrat HARTFORD Enterprise HAYS CITY Sentinel IUKA Press JUNCTION CITY Union I KINGMAN Mercury I KINSLEY Republican KINSLEY Graphic LYONS Democrat LARNED Optic LOUISBURG Herald | McPHERSON Freeman MANHATTEN Enterprise MINNEAPOLIS Independent MOUND CITY Clarion MARYSVILLE News NEWTON News NICKERSON Argosy OSAGE CITY Free Press MISSOURI. BARNARD Times BUTLER Times CARTHAGE People's Press CORNING Herald CHILLICOTHK Crisis CLAKENCK Tribune GRANT CITY Times LATHK01 GRANT CITY Star HOLDEN Herald HOLDEN 'Five Dailies) Herald HARRISONVILLE News KANSAS CITY Union KANSAS CITY Col'd Sentinel LEXINGTON Si-ntinel OSBORNE CITY Farmer OTTAWA Journal OTTAWA State Press PEABODY Gazette PAOLA Republican PARKERSVILLE Enterpiise RILEY CENTER News RUSSELL Independent ROSSVILLE Times SALINA Advocate SPEAREVILLE News SABETHA Republican SENECA Courier STERLING Bulletin STOCKTON News ST. MARYS Chief WAMEGO Tribune WATERVILLE Telegraph WILLIAMSBURG Herald WINCHESTER Argus WINFIELD Courier WILSON Index NEW FLORENCE Optic PLEASANT HILL Review SAVANNAH Reporter SPRINGFIELD News STEWARTSVILLE Independent UTICA Herald Monitor WARRENSB.UR6.Semi- Weekly News EXETER Enterprise ALEXANDRIA Alexandrian HU31BOLDT Sentinel HAMBUK*: Times KIVERTON Enterprise RANDOLPH ~ Gazette WEST LAS ANTMAS Leader TRINIDAD News SAN JUAN Prospector 14 CO-OPERATIVE WEEKLIES. .T8lJ All KELLOCC'S LISTS. Cleveland List, - - 130 Papers, - $1 25 per line St. Louis List, - 293 Papers, - $3 00 per line, Chicago List, 320 Papers, - $3 50 per line. 742 Weekly Papers in all, at $7 50 per line, for the 3 lists. ORDERS FOR SEPARATE STATES. Rates of Advertising per Line, Each Insertion. STATES. PAPERS. PRICE. STATES. PAPERS. 1'KICK Northern Illinois, . . . 105 $1.15 Ohio, 98 $1.10 Includes 7 papers in Chicago List. Southern Illinois, . . 77 .90 Michigan, A . rtt - .-\| 58 .70 Missouri, . . 31 J. . 108 1.20 Includes 5 papers in Chicago List. Indiana, .... 35 .45 Includes'?) papers in St. Louis List. Kansas and Colorado, . 42 .50 New York and Pennsylvania, 3 I .40 Nebraska, .... 28 .40 Includes 1> papers in St. Louis List. Iowa, .... 65 .75 Wisconsin and Minnesota, . 32 .40 Arkansas 13 .25 Texas, .... 9 .20 Other Southern States, 22 .35 DISCOUNTS. On $25 5 per cent. On $70, . . . . 20 per cent. On $35, .... 10 per cent. On $100 25 per cent. On $50, . . . . 15 per cent. f* AT A I flQIIPQ Containing mines of each paper, will bo sent free by mail to any address upon application CHAS. K. MILLER & Co., Authorized Agents, Tribune Building, Chicago. CO-OPERATIVE "WEEKLIES, 15 NEW YORK Pap 7 e".. Newspaper Union List. Circulating Principally in Pi'ew EvglanJ, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Virginia. KET PRICES for Advertising in the Entire List. ST. PAUL paper* Newspaper Union List. Circulating Principally in Minnesota and Iowa. NET PRICES for Advertising in the Entire List. AGATE LINES. 1 4 WEEK. WEEKS. 8 WEEKS. 13 WEEKS. 26 WEEKS. v 52 WEEKS. AGATE 1 LINES. ' WEEK. 4 WEEKS. 8 1-; WEEKS. WEEKS. 26 WEEKS. WEEKS. 1 $2 43 $ 9 71 $19 43 $31 57 S03 14 $113 66 1 $0 85 $ 3 43 $ 6 86 $11 14 822 28 $4457 2 3 64 14 57 29 14 47 30 90 00 170 49 2 1 28 5 14 10 28 16 71 33 42 66 85 3 4 86 ' 19 43 38 86 63 14 113 66 214 68 3 1 71 6 85 13 71 " 22 28 44 67 89 14 4 6 07 24 29 48 57 78 93 142 07 268 36 4 2 14 8 56 17 14 27 85 55 71 100 29 5 7 29 29 14 58 29 90 00 170 49 322 03 5 ' 7 2 57 10 28 20 56 33 42 66 85 1211 3.', 6 8 50 34 00 68 00 119 -r> 19s 9o 375 70 3 00 12 00 24 00 39 00 78 00 14J 40 7 9 71 38 86 77 71 113 66 214 OS 404 11 3 43 13 71 27 43 44 57 89 14 160 45 8 10 93 ' 43 71 87 43 127 87 241 52 454 62 8 3 86 15 42 30 86 , 50 14 90 26 18050 9 12 14 48 57 90 00 142 07 268 36 505 14 9 17 14 34 28 55 71 100 29 200 56 10 13 36 53 43 96 18 156 28 295 19 .>-.-) or, 10 4 72 18 85 37 71 61 28 110 32 212 50 11 : 14 67 . 58 29 104 91 170 49 322 03 600 17 11 5 14 2) 56 41 14 ; 66 85 120 35 227 31 12 15 79 63 14 ! 113 66 184 69 348 85 656 68 12 :> 57 c'oo" 22 28 44 57 72 42 130 37 246 25 1 inch. 17 00 i 68 00 122 40 198 90 :>,;:, 70 707 20 lincb. 24 00 48 00 78 00 140 40 265 20 CHICAGO paVe'L Newspaper Union List. Circulating Principally in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Miascuri, loica and Nebraska. XET Pit 1C* KM for Advertising in the Entire List. CINCINNATI ppeL. Newspaper Union List. Circulating Principally in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and West Virginia. PRICES for Advertising in the Entire List. AGATE 1 LINES. WEEK. 4 WEEKS. S WEEKS. 13 WEEKS. 26 WEEKS. 62 WEEKS. AGATE LINES. WEEK. 4 8 WEEKS. WEEKS. 13 WEEKS. 26 WEEKS. 52 WEEKS. 1 $3 57 $14 29 $28 57 $46 43 $ 90 00 $167 15 1 $1 29 $ 5 14 10 28 $16 71 $33 43 66 86 2 5 36 21 43 42 86 69 64 125 3C 236 79 2 1 93 7 71 15 43 25 07 50 14 90 26 3 7 14 28 57 57 14 90 00 107 15 315 72 |- 2 57 10 28 20 57 33 43 66 86 120 34 4 8 93 35 71 71 42 104 47 208 93 394 65 3 21 12 85 25 71 41 78 83 57 150 43 5 10 71 42 86 85 71 125 36 236 79 445 71 5 6 3 86 15 43 30 85 , 50 14 90 26 180 51 6 12 50 50 00 90 00 146 25 276 25 520 00 4 50 18 00 30 00 58 50 105 30 210 60 7 14 29 67 14 102 86 167 15 315 72 594 28 7 5 14 20 57 41 14 ; 66 86 ~23lT ~46~28~ ~75"2T 120 34 227 'At 8 16 07 64 29 115 72 188 04 355 18 668 57 8 5 78 135 39 255 73 9 17 86 71 42 128 57 208 93 394.65 742 84 9 6 43 25 71 51 42 83 67 150 43 284 15 10 19 04 78 57 141 43 217 06 408 57 766 07 10 7 07 28 28 56 57 90 00 105 47 312 56 11 21 43 85 71 154 29 236 79 446 71 835 72 11 7 71 30 85 61 71 ' 90 26 180 51 340 97 12 23 21 90 00 167 15 256 52 4S2 85 905 30 12 8 36 33 43 66 80 97 78 195 55 369 38 1 inch. 25 00 \ 90 00 180 00 276 26 520 00 975 00 linch. 9 00 36 00 72 00 105 30 210 60 397 80 MILWAUKEE papU Newspaper Union List. Circulating Principally in Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa. XET PRICES for Advertising in the Entire List. SOUTHERN paVer* Newspaper Union List. Circulating Principally in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia and Tennessee. 5fET PRICES for Advertising in the Entire l.M AGATE ; 1 4 LINES. WEEK. WEEKS. 8 WEEKS. 13 WEEKS. 26 52 WEEKS. WEFKS. AGATE 1 j 4 8 , WEEK. WEEKS. WEEKS. 13 26 52 WEEKS. WEEKS. WEEKS. 1 $0 79 $ 3 14 ? r, -jy $10 21 $20 43 $40 85 1 ;$1 07 ; $ 4 29 $ 8 07 $13 93 827 80 $55 71 2 1 18 4 72 9 43 15 32 30 64 61 29 2 1 61 6 43 12 80 20 89 41 79 83 57 3 1 57 6 29 12 57 20 43 40 85 81 72 8 2 15 8 57 17 15 27 86 55 71 IIHI 29 4 1 97 7 86 15 71 25 53 51 07 !1 i.:; 4 I 2 68 10 72 21 43 34 83 69 64 125 37 5 2 36 9 43 18 86 30 64 01 29 110 32 5 3 21 12 86 25 71 41 79 ; 83 57 150 44 6 2 75 11 00 22 01' . 35 75 71 5') 6 3 75 15 00 :-;o mi 48 75 90 00 175 50 7 3 14 12 57 25 14 40 85 81 72 147 09 7 4 29 17 15 34 29 r>5 71 100 29 200 57 8 3 53 i 14 14 28 28 45 96 91 93 IGo 48 8 4 83 19 29 38 68 62 68 112 83 212 60 9 3 93 15 71 31 42 51 07 !>7 CHI 183 87 9 5 36 21 43 42 87 69 64 125 37 236 80 10 ( 4 32 17 28 34 57 56 18 101 13 10 6 S9 ; 23 57 47 16 76 61 200 48 11 4 72 18 86 37 71 61 29 Ho ::-2 220 63 11 43 25 71 51 44 83 57 150 44 284 16 12 5 11 20 43 40 85 66 40 119 51 225 74 12 6 96 27 Mi 56 71 90 00 162 97 307 83 1 inch. 6 50 22 00 44 00 71 50 1 inch 7 50 :;n (MI 60 00 98 00 175 50 Total, over 1'apei-K. Total Circulation, over GOO.OOO. PATAI nPIICC Containing the NAMKS of KACH PAPER of the different fnion UM I MLUUUC.O Lists will h.' mail n ^\*t ' fl nnn tflncfipjiy - The newspapers embraced in the following list have been selected with care, and include a large majority of the BEST LOCAL PAPERS, having a wide circula- tion throughout the Western and Southern States. NO CO-OPERATIVE PAPERS ARE ADMITTED to these lists. Both sides are printed entirely at home by the publishers. In large towns or cities where there are leading papers of opposite political parties, we have taken one of each class, as their circulation is as wholly distiii-t "- as if they were printed at a greater distance apart.. We offer space to advertisers' at less than one-third publishers' rates. NO DELAY IN INSERTING ADVERTISEMENTS occurs, as the adver- tisements appear in the next issue after they are received by the publisher. Changes will necessarily occur from time to time among so many papers, bur the full number will surely be maintained, and the character of the lists will at least be kept up to the present standard. ADVERTISEMENTS OF TWO LINES and upward will be received for any single State. Prices will also be furnished upon application for single papers, when selected from the list. DISCOUNTS on orders for entire Western or Southern' List or space above one inch will be allowed. Address CHAS. K. MILLER & Co., Tribune Building, Chicago. WESTERN STATES. 17 .AMAIOMI IOWA. Advertisements occupying space of OJJE isrt'M. will be inserted in entire Iowa List, OXK'M'OXTII. Town. Pop. Paper. Circulation. Tmrn ADEL 1 (KK>... Gazette 1.178 TNDIANOLA ' C& Q > t]p?J /"/' fj 1'iij'i'r. an' illation. .Tribune 1 9 i> AFTON 1,^00. ..News 1 ir 'ii IOW \ C'l'l"* ' 3 5( HI Telegraph K iW \ FALL 1 * BOONE 3,2oii. ..Standard ... iMill KEOKUK \", 000 BOONE SOi i I, YOSS CENTRKV1LLE 2. 5i in. ..Citizen ... 1.72K LAXSIXi 2,(KHI. ..Journal ... 960 CENTREV1LLE 864 LOG \N (MKARITOX M \i >l ; oK F f\ CLINTON i),(XXt...Age ... 8IHI MKCHAN1CSVILLK 780. .Press ... 600 CRESCO 1. ...Haindi-aler ... l.'2|s MILTON 250. .Herald .. 500 CHARLES CITY 2 584...Advocat > 800 j] 'i' \ Y R CLARKSVILLE 1 500 ..Standard ^1 \KFNGO CRESTON 1,819. ..Gazette ... 1,1150 MEDIAPOLIS (iOO 450 CIIAKLES CITY" .'.. !,:',( HI MASON CITY 3,000. . Republican ... 900 CLERMONT 650. ..Express IKS 11 01 MS FT. IMHMil, 14,440... People 3,537. ..Times ...' l,'-25n NEVADA... SIOUX 1'ITV 1,500. O.oOO. .Representative. . .Tribune ... ... 816 600 FORT \l % IMSO.\ 5,000. ..Plaindea .-r ... 1,200 TRAER 2,000. .Clipper ... 567 FAIRFIELI) 3,000. ..Ledger 1 500 W r ASHIN4ir'l O> FAIRFIELI) ...Tribune ... 5CK) WASHINGTON 1 036 GLKNWOOD l,Ni... Opinion ... 850 WEST UNION 1,489. .Gazette .. 1,600 HAMBURG 2.058... Democrat ... . 800 WINTERSET INDIANOLA :',,(ion...K,.rord ... 716 ILLINOIS. Advertisements occupying space of OSTE INCH, \ ^ ^ _ will be inserted in entire 111. List, ONK^OVTH [wO I Town. ALTAMON.T ... AI/TOX ,,:.. ALTON P.IJ;. Paper. 1,000. ..Telegram.. 8,665. ..Democrat.. Circulation, 500 !' 600 . W 1 2UO 'I'dirn. JOLIET JOLIKT Pop. Paper. Circa ...Sun D ...Sun 'ation. 500 1,350 1,024 500 550 883 900 600 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,225 750 1,400 1,700 1,120 1,300 500 500 1,000 500 2,500 . 500 2<|>pe 600 500 500 650 960 950 654 700 600 750 1,512 KANKAKEE LACON LOCKPORT LA ROSE MAJORITY POINT.. METROPOLIS... MILTON MOLINE ii \icss.ii,i>i:r> . 5,189. ..Times 2,500. ..Journal ALTON ALBION ...Telegraph. 1,200... Journal .... \V 1,700 7,-,o . 1,000.. .Phosnix ABINGDON AUKOKA AURORA 2,000... Express .... 12,000... News 1.000 D 1,000 W 900 900...Vidette 1.600.. .Democrat 3,000. ..Times 354. ..Beacon 5,000. ..Review . 3,000. ..Herald BARRY BUNKER HILL 2,000. ..Adage 1,600. ..Gazette .... 900 7SO BRIMFIELD CAIRO AIRO CAIRO CAIRO 500. ..Gazette 8,000... Sun ...Republican ... Bulletin Bulletin 700 D 1,000 1,000 D 600 1 200 MT STERLING MAi'OttK MONTICELLO OLNEY OTTAWA PETERSBURG PARIS PARI^ 1,800. ..Message 3,500. ..Eagle 2,500. ..Herald 2,6^0. ..News 10,000. ..Republican <'A\TOX 3,308. ..Ledger 900 CANTON < AiiLixviLLK CARMI CHAHPAH.X ... < H\RLKSIO> I... CHILLICOTHE I>AXVILI>K I>K('ATUK EL PASO FREEPORT FliEEPORT FREKPORT OILMAN GRANVILLE GRIGGSVILLE GENESEO JACKSONVIL.-E JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE .101.11 1 ...Register.... 5,808. ..Democrat.. 2,480... Courier 6,000... Gazette 3,5oo. ..Plaindealer 960. ..Reporter.... 8,000.. .Commercial 10,000. ..Republican 1,564. ..Journal .... 1,296 1,850 900 ......... 1,992 ...L.... 1,140 4o<) 1,341 1,500 . 2,500... Democrat 4,900. ..Gazette PERU SANDWICH STERMNO ST. ELMO SPARLANU TUSC'OM WATSEKA WASHBDRN 5,000. ..Herald 30.000. ..Herald '...D ...Herald T-W ...Herald 1,200. ..Times 14 000. ..Gazette . 3 100 10,000... Bulletin.... 1,392 1,500. ..Free Press r,( ii HI. ..Standard ...Billetin.... ...Budget 2,1 00... Star.. 600... Gazette 2,100.. .Reflector. .. 1 ">v! ..Republic ... 1) 7i.n l.Sl'0 900 400 625 1 300 550. ..News 700. ..Chronicle 3,000. ..Journal 2,500. ..Times 1 000 .Revielle 15,000. ..Journal ...Courier ...Courier 9.450. ..Siimal 1,407 ....T-W 600 W 1,500 1.100 WASHBURN \V\SI1IXGTON 1 800 Herald WATERLOO YORKVILLK 1,700. ..Advocate I."' n...i;,.coi-d../.O.!JlJUl' Ad wil Town. AIPI,ETO> APPLETON It! 1.01 1 WISCC rertisements occupying spac< [ be inserted in entire Wis. 1 P"p. Piij/er. <_'irciil 1 100 Free Press 1,1,00 936 7CO 1,500 ron BELOIT DARLINGTON FT. HOWAR1>.... FOM> DU LA ... OREEX BAY HUDSON ...Graphic 2,773. ..Republican 3 600 Review 1 4oo Expositor 16,000... Reporter.... 8,OIKl... Gazette 2,000. ..Star and Ti 1.300 1.500 mes 1,100 8 OOo . Herald WJHITEWArEK 6, i... Register 18 "WESTERN STATES. INDI Advertisements occupying spac< will be inserted in entire Ind. L Town. Pop. Paper. Circulation. ANGOLA 2 200 Republican ... 1 400 ANA. 3 Of ONE INCH, 6O Paper*. !St, ONE MONTH. Town. HAGERSTOWN HARTFORD CITY HUNTINGTON INDIANAPOL'S KOKOtlO LAFAYETTEE... LAPORTE LEBANON LEWISVILLE LIBERTY LOGANS PORT... LOGANSPORT QJ /I fk ^PTcV/* Pop. Piper. Circulation. 830. ..Exponent 600 1,500. ..News 750 2,025. ..Herald 939 114000 ..News 8rtf> ANDERSON 4,500...Democrat 750 AUBURN 2 500. ..Republican 600 BEDFORD 1,200. ..Journal 700 BROOKVILLE 1,800. ..Star 600 BLOOMFIELD 2,000... News 600 BLUFFTON 2,131. ..Banner 800 BOONVILLE 1,500... Enquirer 800 CLINTON 600 .Indianaian 750 6,000... Dispatch 21,030... Dispatch 9,015. ..Herald 3.150... Patriot 450. ..Democrat 1,095. ..Herald 15,000. ..Pharos 1,900 1,500 2,550 832 400 750 1,800 2,300 COLUMBUS 6,000... Democrat 1,181 COLUMBUS ...Republican 1000 CANNELTON 2 491 Enquirer 550 CONNERSVIL'E 3 700 Examiner 960 MARTINSVILLE 2500 ..Gazette . . . 850 CONNERSVILLE ...Times 1,700 MOORESVILLE MONTICELLO 1,000. ..Herald 900. ..Herald 400 544 CRAWFORDSV' 5500 Review 1680 DELPHI l,614...Times 700 ELKHART 8,000... Review D 600 ELKHART ...Review 1,100 MADISON NORTH VERNON 14,560... Herald 1.758. ..Sun 800 1,008 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE 2,000.. Courier EDWARDSPORT 650. ..Record 800 EDINBURG 2,OOO...Courier 500 FORT WAYNE... 25,450...Sentiuel 1,600 FRANKFORT 3,200... Banner 905 FRANKFORT ...Crescent 1,220 FOWLER 1,200... Democrat 400 FARMLAND 532. ..Press 500 GREENSBURG 1 278 Standard 1 200 PERU RICHMOND ROCKVILLE SCOTTSBURG SHELBYVILLE. SOUTH. BEND ... TERRE HAUTE. UNION CITY 3617 ..Republican.. 1,544 15,000... Ptlladium I,ls7... Republican... ...Democrat 3,500. ..Volunteer.... 10.700... Herald 25,000. ..Gazette 1,450 1,125 785 1,500 1,200 2200 GOSHEN 4000 Democrat 1200 4 000.. Times 864 GRANDVIEW 700.. .Monitor 650 GREENCASTLE. 4,OOO...Star 1,280 GREENFIELD 3,000... Democrat l.T'O VALPARAISO... VINCENNES WASHINGTON .. 2,765. ..Messenger.... 5,440. ..Commercial... 850 900 5,OOO...Democrat 1,000 MICH Advertisements occupying spac will be inserted in entire Mich. Town. Pop. Paper. Circulation. ADRIAN 9,OOO...Press 1,704 ALLEGAN 3,500.. .Journal 1,024 BAY CITY 16 OCX). ..Observer ... 1100 ICAN. P O f ONE INCH, . " 588 Papers, -'13'', ONE MONTH. Town. GRAND RAPIDS ($23. Pop. Piper. ...Times 1 'irculaUion. HOLLAND HILLSDALE HASTINGS HO WELL HOWET/T, .... 2,716. ..Grondwet .... 3,518. ..Standard .... 1,350 .. 1 540 BATTLE CRE'K 5,838. ..Tribune 1,000 2,519. ..Banner 3.000. ..Republican... 1,076 840 . . 800 CARO 850. ..Advertiser 700 CHEBOYGAN 400...Tribune ... 520 DOWAGIAC 2,500...Republican 650 TMLAY CITY 1,880. ..Advance 600 E. SAGIN4W 17 084. ..Republican 900 KALAMAZOO... MANISTEE M M.S PONTIAC TECUMSEH TRAVKRSE CITY VASSAR 12,000. ..Gazette 5,000. ..Times 4,630... Republican... 4,864. ..Bill-Poster ... 2,500.. .Herald 1,500... Herald 1,200 750 1,'HM. 1,504 1,000 84* 800 FLINT 10,OOO...Citizen 1,808 FLINT ...Democrat 900 FLINT ...Sunday Democrat.. 1000 FENTON 3,806...Independent 560 FRANKFORT l,200...Express 480 GRAND RAP'DS 33,000... Democrat 2,000 MINNESOTA. Advertisements occupving space of **5 E ~ I3fCH - j " S- i T -! 1 Papers. will be inserted in entire Minn. List, ONE MONTH. Town. Pop. Paper. Circulation. Town. ALBERT LEA 2,000... Standard 800 MORRTSTmv\ (S5. Pop. Paper. Ciri- tdatioti . 3511 DULUTH 4,500... Tribune 600 MANKATO NORTHFIELD 5,750... Record 2,278. ..Journal 700 840 FARIBAULT 5,534.. .Democrat 1,008 LANESBORO 1 175. ..Journal 753 ST PETE R 3 300 Tribune 1 008 LAKE CITY 2,500... Leader 1,080 STILLWATER 6,000... Lumberma n . 700 KAN Advertisements occupying spac will be inserted in entire Kan. ' Town. Pop. Paper. Circulation. ATOHISON 13,600. ..Patriot 3,451 BELOIT 50(1. ..Gazette 700 BELLEVILLE 2,350. .Telescope 794 CHETOPA 1,200 . Advance 916 SAS. e of ONE INCH, . . 23 Papei-K. "I*, ONE MONTH. Tottm. LAWRENCE ($19. Pop. Paper. Circulation. D 800 LAWRENCE ...Standard 3,500 LAWRENCE- ...Spirit of Kan sas.... 3,000 .D 600 LAWRENCE ELLSWORTH 800... Reporter 830 FORT SCOTT 6,000... Pioneer 1000 LAWRENCE . . ...Tribune 1,000 McPHERSON OSWEGO 750. ..Independent. 1 200 Independent. 550 1,183 FRANKFORT SOU. ..Record 500 GIRARD 1.100... News 600 OTT4WA 2 941 Republican . 1,450 GARXETT 1 5i HI Journal 800 PARSONS PAOLI SENECA SALINA STERLING THAYER TOPEKA TROY VALLEY FALLS WELLINGTON 2,500. ..Eclipse 1,523. ..Spirit l,OOO...Courier 2,500.. .Herald 620. ..Gazette 500.. .Headlight.... 8,OOO...Blade l,ieO...Chief 1,000.. .New Era 500.. .Press 600 900 680 600 500 458 2,500 1,200 992 600 HUMBOLDT 1,500... Union 800 HIAWATHA 1,000. ..Dispatch 800 HIAWATHA ...Herald 600 HIAWATHA Kiinsan 450 HUTCHINSON 2,100.. .Interior 550 INDEPENDENCE 3,000.. .Kansan 800 INDEPENDENCE ...Courier 750 KINSLEY ..; ...Leader 800 LAWRENCE 8,320... Journal 1,600 WESTERN STATES. OHIO. 19 Advertisements occupying space O f 0*E IKCH, ) G*/~* ^ will be inserted in entire Ohio List, OXE \ToxTH. $ ...Argus l.:'.5<> MILAN 2,000... Advertiser.... 480 ASHTABULA 2,500. ..Standard 800 MECHANICSBURG .... l,500...News 1,000 ASHLAX1> 3,300. ..Press 1,452 MT. VERNON 550 . . . Republican . . . 1.200 ATHENS 2,500. ..Messenger... 2,300 MoARTHUR 1,000. ..Enquirer 1,227 BATAVIA 827. ..Advance 792 McARTHUR ...Witness 3.200 BRYAN 4,000... Democrat 1,117 MEDINA 1,450. ..Gazette 1,600 BRYAN ...Press 1,680 MARION 2,531. ..Independent. 96S CAMBRIDGE 2,193. ..Times 2,104 MASSILLON 9,000... Independent. 744 CAMBRIDGE ...Jeffersonian . 2,360 MIAMISBURG 1,800. ..Bulletin 1,500 COLUMBUS ...Sentinel 200 MILtERSBURG 2,500. ..Republican... 1,300 COSHOCTON 2,756. ..Age 1,179 NEW LEXINGTON 1,500. ..Tribune 900 COLUMBIANA 1,200. ..Register , 745 XEWARK 6,998. ..Banner 1,800 C'OLl'JIBrS 50,000.. .Statesman. ... 2,500 NEW LISBON 2,000.. .Buckeye State 1,180 COLUMBUS GROVE... 1,650... Vidette m 648 NEW LISBON ...Patriot 1,097 CHILLICOTHE. 12,000... Advertiser.. . 1,348 , PAIXESVILLE. 5,OOO...Advertiser.... 900 CIRCLEYILLE. 6,000. ..Herald 1,400 ! PIO.1' A 7,000... Democrat .... 752 CONNKAUT 1,600... Reporter 1,248 PORTSMOUTH 14,000.. .Blade 1,400 DELAWARE 7,000... Herald 1,078 ' PORTSMOUTH ...Tribune 1,920 DELPHOS 4,000.. .Herald 600 QUAKER CITY 500. ..Independent. 700 E. LIVERPOOL 2,105. ..Tribune 650 SII>XEY 4,500.. .Democrat.... 1,300 FINDLAY 5,000... Jeffersonian 1,928 SALEM 3,700.. .Republican... 1,008 FREMOVT 5,445.. .Messenger... 1,983 SHAWNEE ...News 600 GALLIPOLIS 3,711. ..Bulletin 864 SHELBY 1,807. ..Times Tim GEORGETOWN 1,000. ..News 1,100 SPRINGFIELD... 12,000. ..Republic 1,804 GREENVILLE.... 5,000. ..Democrat ... 1,536 ST. CLAIRSVILLE l,200...Chronicle .... 1,400 HAMDEN ...Leader 516 ST. CLAIRSVILLE.... ...Gazette , , 1,368 IROXTOX 9,900... Era 1,358 TJHRICHSVILLE 1,541. ..Chronicle l/.OO JACKSON 3,000... Herald 1,000 VAN \VERT 2,625... Bulletin 1,152 LANCASTER 4,725. ..Gazette 1,450 WAKEMAN 1,216. ..Press 600 LARUE 1,000... News 600 WASHINGTON 2,115. ..Herald .. 1,275 LOGAN ...Sentinel 1,600 WAl'AKONETA ...Democrat .... i,i,-,o KENTON 2,610. ..Republican .. 960 WARREN 6,000. ..Chronicle 2,008 LEBANON 2,700... Gazette 1,000 WARREN ...Record 800 1 111 V 7,000... Gazette , 1,300 WILMINGTON 2,500. ..Journal 1,000 LIMA ...Democrat.... 1,427 WOOSTER 7,300... Republican.. 1,932 LONDON 2,937. ..Times 1,180 ' XENIA 6,377. ..Torchlight... 1,800 LOGAN 847. ..Sentinel 1,000 ZANESVILLE 18,OOO...Times 1.200 MANSFIELD 9,290.. .Shield* Banner... 1,700 ZANESVILLE ...Times D 1,000 MANSFIELD ...Liberal .'.. 1,400 /ANESVILLE ...Advocate MIDDLEPORT 2,600.. .Herald 650 MISSOURI. Advertisements occupying space of OWE OTCM, will be inserted in entire Mo. List, ONE M*o'Trif . |$36. Town. ALBANY BROWNSVILLE BROOK FIELD-- CANTON CARROLLTON CHILLICOTHE.. COLUMBIA COLUMBIA FAYETTE FULTON HANNIBAL INDEPENDENCE JEFF'SOX CITY JOPLIN KAHOKA KIRKSVII.LE LA GRANGE Pop. 1,000. 1,300. 2,500. 3,000. 2.500. 5,000. 2,236. 1,200. 2,50(1. 1,500. 3,500. 3,000. 800. 3,500 1,825. Paper. .Freeman, ..Herald .Gazette ..Press ..Democrat .Tribune ..Herald .Sentinel ..Advertiser .Gazette .Clipper .Sentinel ..Journal .Herald .Gazette ..Journal Circulation. 70d 400 688 900 900 900 900 1, 9nnn NORFOLK W 4 lo" FINCASTLE 800. ..Herald 700 FRONT ROYAL 800.. .Sentinel 600 ORANGE 800. Virginian 680 l>l 1 1 ItSKI Itt. 23,000. ..Post D 700 FRANKLIN 600. ..Monitor 500 PETKRSTUTRft Post 1 000 HAMPTON 2,300. ..Monitor 500 PEARISBURG KM IMIOM RICHMOND WINCHESTER WARRENTON WEST POINT...- 680. ..Virginian 600 JONESVILLE 450 Sentinel . 970 76,000.. .Whig ...Whig 6,000. ..News 1,500.. .Star 4,477. ..News D 1,500 3,300 750 son 750 LYXt'HBlTRG ..; 15,000. ..Virginian D 800 LTNCHBURG ...Virginian TW 800 LIBERTY 2,200. ..Sentinel and News 800 LIBERTY 2,200. ..Star 1,000 LURAY 900.. .Courier 350 WYTHEVILLE l,oo... Enterprise-. .. 400 IRGINIA. 3 O f ONE INCH, . 'i'i Papers. ilSt, ONE M OX TIT, Tovm. PHILLIPPI |S17. Pop. Paper. 500. ..Jefferson Jan.. Circulation . 6OO WEST V Advertisements occupying spac will be inserted in entire W. Va. ] Tenon. Pop. Paper. Cirnil/tlion. BUCKHANNON 780.. .Delta 450 BEVERLY 550... Enterprise 504 PIEDMONT SHEPIIERDSTOWN... WHEELING WHEELING 2,000.. .Herald 1,600... Register 30,000... Register 800 700 D 1,5U> T-W 360 CHARLESTON.. 4,OOO...Spirit of Jefferson.. 1,000 CHARLESTOWN 2,350...Gazette 700 FAIRMOUNT 1,300. ..Inde* 750 KEYSER 1,200... Echo 1,000 WHEELING 5 Odd MARTINSBI T RG 5 000. ..Statesman 883 WJIKKLING D 1 840 MOUNDSVILLE 1,500... Gazette 900 PARKERSB'RG 7,OOO...Times 700 PARKERSBURG ...Sentinel 500 PETERSBURG... ...Gazette 700 \V||KI:LIN<; WELLSBURG WEST UNION WIRT ...Standard 1,500. ..HeraUl 500. ..Messenger.... - 2,00" 85" 800 300 KENT Advertisements occupying spac will be inserted in entire Ky. ] Town. Pop. Paper. Circulation. AUGUSTA 2,000... Chronicle 820 BOWLING GR'N 5,25()...Democrat -J-f*-i CLINTON 300. ..Democrat 600 CYNTHIANA 1,800. ..News 850 UCKY. e O f ONE INCH, . , $tl Papers, "ISl. ONE MOXTH, Town. LOUDON , i$20. Pop. Paper. 1,686. ..Echo ('if iilntinn. 960 M \DISONVILLE MIDWAY MA YSVILLE l,022...Republican.. 1,800.. .Clipper 5 000. ..Eagle . 550 800 960 CATLETTSBURQ 3,000. ..Mthodist 2,500 FRANKFORT 5,500... Yeoman 1,500 FRANKFORT ...Yeoman T-W 1 000 MAYSVILLE MT STERLING OWKNTON PAITCAH RICHMOND VERSAILLES ...Republican.. 1,100... Sentinel 800.. .News 8,000... Sun 3,000... Register 2,300.. .Sun 1,200 1,008 1,100 U 600 1,000 050 HENDERSON 8,000.. .News 1 *oo HENDERSON ...Reporter 7fO LEBANON 3 000.. Standard . . 1 040 LEBANON ...Times* Kr-n'uck'n fi'Mi TENNI Advertisements occupying spac will be inserted in entire Tenn. 1 Town. Pop. Paper. Circulation. BROWNSVILLE 3000. ..Bee 600 SSEE. e of OK ixt:n. . , 11 Paper*, jlSt, OWE MONTH, Ibun*. KNOXVILLE LEBANON i$ll. Pop. Piper. ...Methodist.... 2 078 Herald Circulation. 2,000 1 056 BRISTOL :i,500... Courier r,i;s BRISTOL ...Nows 850 LOUDON 1 50" Journal 500 JONES KO Ho 1,500. ..Herald A Tribune.. 1,05" KNOXVILLE 12,000. ..Chronicle D \.(m KNOXVIL1.K ...Chronirle \V 2,B<'0 SHKLKYVILLE WARTBURc; 3,500.. .Commercial.. 650 Dispatcb 960 . ... 600 NORTH C Advertisements occupying spac will be inserted in entire N. C. 1 Town. Pop. Paper. Circulation. ASHEVILLE .. 2,500. ..Citizen 84" CHARLOTTE 12,000... Observer D 40" CHARLOTTE . 40X AROLINA. e f ONE I5TCH, 18 Papers. 'ISt, ONE MONTH, T..IOI. OXFORD MAGNOLIA MONROE MT \IRY i$15. Pop. Paper. 1.500. ..Torchlight.... 550. ..Record r,< 10. ..Express 1 250 ..Visitor Circulation. 1,100 800 SXJ 650 CHARLOTTE \. ...Southern Home . :M\ CONCORD 700. ..Register .V>o GOLI>SltORO :5,0<)o...Mail GREEN.SKORO .. 4.000 . North State l.lluo GREENSBORO ...Protestant ;MI HENDERSON 600. ..Echo f.oo STATKSVILLE WASHINGTON WILHI;*GTOX... WILMI\(tTo\ i'44... Landmark ... J,"!I4... Press 750 700 . ] 000 . ...D 600 WILMINGTON ...Journal' 1,500 SOUTHERN STATES. SOUTH CAROLINA. Advertisements occupying space of <*s ' Ji n ***. H ' will be inserted in entire S. C. List, Town. Pop. Paper. Circulation. ABBEVILLE 3,050. ..Medium 1,320 Town. PK'KENS \1 IXXMtKOKO ... \VINN8BOHO Pop. Paper. Circulation. 1 oD... Sentinel 480 1,224. ..News and Herald ... 750 .. Tar... son CHESTER 944... Reporter .... C.06 LAURENSVILLE 900. ..Herald 1,000 LEXINGTON 800... Dispatch 550 . GEORGIA. Advertisements occupying space of ** XI P I *' CH ' will be inserted in entire Ga. List, ONK MONTH. Town. Pop. Paper. Circulation. Town. Vl'lir.VS 5 a^O... Watchman 250 n. BELTON 2,000. ..Journal 800 BELLEVILLE ...Beacon :>00 AS. O f ONE INCH, 17 Papers, ISt, ONE MONTH, Town. LOOKHAUT I'AIMS SAN AVI'OXIO ... SAN ANTONIO $16. Pop. Paper. 9oo. ..News Echo. 4,000. ..Press '...Express CORSICANA 2,000... Observer 750 I*K\ISO\ 12,000. ..News D 500 DENISON ...News 800 SAN MARCOS NHKKMAX SHERMAN... l.OOO. ..Free i DENISON ...Herald I) 400 DENISON . ...Herald S 400 4,500. ..Courici D 450 750 IIOVSTOX 26,OOO...Age D 1,100 PALESTINE HOUSTOX Age 1,200 l,:>oo...N,. w K-a 450 22 NEW LIST OF CANADIAN DAILIES AND "WEEKLIES. CANADA. List of Dailies and Weeklies. One I ucli. One Month, / A\ O p ' 6O Dailies aiirt Weeklies. *"! -< r\ Comprising Entire 1,1st, ) ?|P (_) f_f . NEW BRUNSWICK. OXE IXCH, ) 5 Papers, OXE MOXTH. * TOWN. POPTJLA'N. PAPER. ISSUE. CIRC'N. MONTHLY RATES. SACKVILLE 2,000.. ..Post Weekly, 960 . ..$200 ST. STEPHEN 3,500. ... Courier Weekly, 1,296 2 50 TOTAL * 4 50 NOVA SCOTIA. AMHERST 2,000.... Gazette Weekly, 1,000 * 2 00 LIVERPOOL 3,000. . . .Times Weekly, 600 200 YARMOUTH 3,500. ...Tribune Weekly, 1 75 TOTAL ..$10 25 ONTARIO (Canada West). , , rth o fr . HK */ T H. ^ qp j 53 Papers OXE MOXTH ALMONTE 2,500.... Gazette Weekly, 1,800 $ 1 50 AMHERSTBURG., 3,000.. ..Echo Weekly, 1,160 2 04 A YLMER 1,400. . . . Paper Weekly, 1,020 * 2 00 BARRIE 5,000.... Examiner Weekly, 1,107 1 75 BELLEVILLE 10,000. . . .Ontario Chronicle Daily, 600 6 48 " " Weekly, 2,900 100 BOWMANVILLE 3,300 ...Statesman Weekly, 1,400 1 68 BRANTFORD 9.000.... Expositor Daily. 150 600 Weekly, 1,800 168 BROCKVILLE 8,000. ..Recorder Daily, 800 600 Weekly, 1,950 1 68 COLBORNE 800.... Ex press Weekly, 444 1 50 COLLINGWOOD 4,000. .. .Bulletin Week'y, 700 1 68 Dl'NVILLE 1,600.... Press.... Weekly, 850 1 50 ELMIRA UOO....Anzeiger Weekly, 300 1 68 EXETER.... ....Times Weekly, I,0s9 1 50 (4 ALT 4,000.... Reformer... Weekly, 1000 2 00 GEORGETOWN 1,350.... Herald Weekly, 550 1 68 GLENCOE 900.... Transcript Weekly, 400 1 68 GUELPH 1,017. . . .Herald Daily. " 5 00 Weekly, 200 HAMILTON 35,000.... Times :... Daily, 5,280 6 72 " Weekly, 3,720 2 64 INGERSOLL 5,000. ...Tribune Weekly. 1,456 1 68 KINGSTON 15,000.... British Whig Daily," 912 13 20 " Weekly, 1,516 240 LINDSAY 5,800.... Warder Weekly. 1,152 168 LISTOWEL 2,700.... Banner Weekly. 1,282 1 50 LONDON 20,000.... Advertiser Daily, 4,959 600 Weekly.17,034 6 00 MILLBROOK 1,300... .Messenger Weekly, 350 1 68 MOUNT FOREST 2,226.... Confederate Weekly, 822 1 68 ORILLA 2,611.... Times Weekly, 800 1 68 OTTAWA 30,000. . . .Free Press. ... ... .Daily, 3,500 10 50 PARRY SOUND 1,000. . . .North Star Weekly, 480 2 20 I'ERTH 3,000.... Courier Weekly, 1.556 225 PETROLIA 3,500.... Advertiser .... Weekly, 700 175 PICTON 2,200. . . .Gazette Weekly, 1,088 1 15 PORT ROWAN 750. ..Spirit of the Age Weekly, 450 168 PRESCOTT 3.000. ...Telegraph ...Weekly, 1,088 1 68 ST. CATHERINES. 12,000. . . ..Journal Daily. " 1,256 3 60 Weekly, 1,560 240 ST. MARYS 4,000. ...Argus ....Weekly-, 1,000 1 68 SARNIA 3,500. ...Canadian ...Weekly, 1,000 1 68 SIMCOE 2,000.... Reformer Weekly, iftt) 1 68 SMITH'S FALLS 2.000. . . . News . Weekly. 1,000 175 STRATFORD . S 500. . . . Herald ... Weekly, 2,000 1 68 STHATHBOT 3,400. . . . Age Weekly. 1,100 2 40 TEESWATER 1.500.. ..News.. .. ...Weekly, 475.... 150 TRENTON 2.000.... Courier Weekly, 550 115 WALKERTON 2.000. . . Telescope ... . . Weekly, 900 1 68 WATERLOO 1,800... Chronicle.... ..Weekly, 500.... 168 WOODSTOCK 5,000. . . .Review Weekly, 3,595 1 8 QUEBEC Canada East . TOTAL OXE IXt'II. V Papers. OXE MOXTH. COATICOOK... . 2.IHMI.... Observer.... ...Weekly, 900.... MONTREAL 165.000. . . . Herald Daily. " Weekly, QUEBEC 51.109. . . .Chronicle Daily. ' 2,200 Weekly, 1,200 ST. HYACINTHS 5,800. ...Courier T.-W'ly, 2134 " Weekly, 4,000 TOTAL $ 37 12 CHAS. K. MILLER & Co., Tribune Building, Chicago. 23 OES IDIIB "> STATE REGISTER. Iowa and the Northwest. Keep yourself posted in re- gard to the World's Granary. IOWA STATE REGISTER. Weekly, 81.15 per year; Daily, $10.00. Agriculture, Lit- erature, and State, General and Commercial News. THE WEEKLY IOWA STATE REGISTER is the largest paper pub- lished west of New York, and has the largest circulation of any paper printed in Iowa. Price of WEEKLY REGIS- TER now reduced to 81.15 per year, to any post office in the United States. Advertisers will find THE REGISTER the best medium to reach the people of Iowa and the Northwest. Published at the Capital, it circulates in every county in Iowa, in all the Northwestern States and Territories, and goes to every State in the Union. .Sample copies free. Address CLARKSON BROS., Dee Moines, Iowa. LOUISVILLE <" HOME (ID FliH. Published semi-monthly, at Louisville, Ry., by B. JT. Avery & Sons ; A. Avery, Editor. Circulation, 70,000. HOME AND FABM is what its name implies a paper for the farmer and for family entertainment, in all the departments and callings of life. HOME AND FARM is an eight-page paper, beautifully printed, on pure-white paper, each number containing forty-eight columns of choice reading, and two num- bers are equal to any of the popular magazines of eighty pages in quantity and quality of matter. Subscription price, 50 cts. a year. Advertising rates: $5.00 per inch, each and every insertion. MM " CHRISTIAN INDEX. Established fifty-seven years ago. The press and peo- ple acknowledge THE CHRISTIAN INDEX to be the best advertising medium in the South. THE INDEX is pub- lished in Atlanta, the Capital of Georgia and the Gate City of the South. THE INDEX goes not only to every county in Georgia but to every community, and in many sections is the only paper taken by the people. The Leading Religious Family Newspaper in the South- ern States. Rev. Henry Holcombe Tucker, D. D., LL.D. (late Chancellor University of Georgia), Editor. THE INDEX is read more generally in the cities, in the counting-rooms, in the villages and at the firesides than, possibly, any other paper in the South. Whether we con- sider the number, character or condition of its patrons, it offers the widest field for profitable investment that can be employed. Address JAMES P. HARRISON & CO., P. 0. Drawer 24. State Printers and Publishers. MACON TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER. Daily, Semi-Weekly and Weekly. Daily, published every day except Monday. The only morning paper published in this county. Has over 15,000 readers. Weekly, published every Friday. Size, 38x52 inches. Contains sixty-four columns. Has over 18,000 readers. Very few advertisements taken. CLISBY, JONES & REKSK. Editors and Publishers, Macon, Ga. NEW 10HK SUH. To Advertisers Circulation of THE DAILY SUN for the past three years: 1876 Total sold, 46,745,264; daily aver- age 366 days, 127,716. 1877 Total Bold, 39,026,495; d-iily average 365 days, 106, 922. 1878 Total sold, 40,958,982 ; daily average 365 days, 112.217. Total papers printed from January 1, 1870, to January 1, 1879, 12i;,7:H741, making a daily average of 115,631 for the entire time Circulation of THE WEEKLY SUN for the same period, 13,318,222 ; weekly average, 85,374. Advertising Rates: Daily edition Ordinary advertise- ments, per agate line, 40 cts.; Large type or cuts (agato measurement), per line, 80 cts.; Business notices, 75 cts. Weekly edition circulates over ever}' State and Territory in the Union and the Dominion of Canada Ordinary ad- vertisements, per line, 50 cts.; Business notices, fifth page, per line, 75 cts. No extra charge for cuts or displayed type. Address THE SUN, New York City. TGOt PRESS. Only Democratic daily in the Seventeenth Congres- sional District of the State of New York (Rensselaor and Washington Counties). CIRCULATION. Daily 3,800 to 4,300 Weekly 7,600 PRICE. Daily (postage prepaid) $8 00 Weekly " " 1 00 TOPER! IMEHIGII Y3UNG FOLKS. To reach Western homes. 15,000 circulation. Pub- lished by Hudson CARRYING THE UNITED STATES AND ROYAL MAILS. ^ ^ New York and Liverpool, Calling at Queenstown. THE FASTEST STEAMERS IN THE TRADE. xicr 7 zo.A.'srs, 10 BCOTJIR-S- The Saloon accommodation is fitted with all modern contrivances which can add to the comfort of the traveling public. In order to avoid unpleasant motion, the most valuable space amidships is allotted to the first-class cabins. The state- rooms are on the main deck, and the grand saloon has no sleeping berths (as is customary) around it, but extends from side to side, and is an elegant apartment, well ventilated, lighted and warmed, 75 feet by 41. The state-rooms have unusual comfort, light and ventilation; they are supplied with fresh water "laid on," and instant communication can be made with the steward's department by means of electric bells. The ladies' saloon, a piano, library, smoking-room, bath-rooms, barber's shop, etc., with a promenade of 150 feet, kept exclusively for saloon passengers, will aid in making the ocean passage enjoyable. The cooking arrange- ments will be found most complete ; the galley connects with the serving tables by an elevator, insuring well-served meals. The steamers being alike, the pur- chasers of excursion and prepaid tickets are guaranteed equal accommodation and speed for each and every sailing. STEERAGE ACCOMMODATIONS UNRIVALED. RATES OF PASSAGE. SALOON. New York to Liverpool, according to accommodations, - $80 and $100, Gold. Childreen between i and 12 years, half price. Servants, - - - $60. Excursion Tickets, good for one year, - $145 and $175. STEERAGE. To and from New York and Liverpool, $28. The above rates include AN EXCELLENT TABLE, all fees and requisitions for the voyage, except wines, which can be obtained on board, of the best quality. Experienced surgeons, stewards and stewardesses accompany the steamers. Drafts from -i upward at lowest rates, payable whenever presented. ALFRED LAGERGREN, General "Western. Agent, A 8 South dark Street, Chicago, III. Me* INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS! s core , \av\X \\ev>eY \.o%\., "W'vXX We ^ We a O\VY O\i\