LI B HAHY OF THE U N IVERS'ITY Of ILLINOIS — ___^_____^_^_____^__^^__^___^^_^^^ The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A UG 1 2 1971 AUG " ? Rftcn w~o 4 *■ J- ' * i v. ■ JSE OflfLY 1982 L161— O-1096 MATHEMATICS Report No. 200 COO-1018-1073 ON THE AUTOMORPHISM GROUP OF A REDUCED AUTOMATON by Manfred Paul 1 February 22, 1966 COO -1018- 1073 Report No. 200 ON THE AUTOMORPHISM GROUP OF A REDUCED AUTOMATON by Manfred Paul February 22, 1966 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61803 Supported in part jointly by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) under AEC Contract AT(ll-l)-10l8 . In this report we shall investigate the automorphism group G(a/h) of the reduced automaton A/H where A = (S, I, M) is a finite strongly connected automaton and H is a subgroup of the automorphism group G(A) of the automaton A- This problem and other related topics have been dealt with recently by G. P. WEEG, A. C. FLECK, and B. BARNES [1, 2, 3, k, 5], However, the particular problem to give an isomorphic representation of G(a/h) for arbitrary A and H still remained open. Our present purpose is to fill this gap. For abbreviation we shall frequently use the following denotations: ft S => S H < G H S has the properties: (Vs e S) (y x , yel) M(s, xy) = M(m(s, x), y) [compatibility of M with I], (Vs, teS) (3xel) M(s, x) = t [strong connectedness of A]. A mapping g: S =>Sis called an automorphism of A, iff (\/seS) (^xel) g(M(s, x)) = - M(g(s), x). We shall sketch the properties of such an A as far as we shall need them later j i) (ysGS) M(s, g) =-s\ ii) G(.A) := (g/g is an automorphism of A) forms a group under composition and /g(a)/ divides /S/. iii) An automorphism of A is completely defined, if its value is known for one arbitrary argument seS, i.e. (^g, h£G(A)) ( (C3seS) g (s) = h(s))>((^ses) g(s) = h(s)) ). iv) For an arbitrary subgroup H of G(a) the following reduced automaton A/H can be defined: -1- A/H := (S, I, M) with S being the set of transitivity classes in S under H, i.e. S := [!/ seS« s = (t/(3heH) t = h(s)}} and M being defined by (VseS) (Vxel) M(s", x) := M~(s, x) . This definition of A/H is consistent that means it is independent of the choice of class representatives. v) Be H an arbitrary subgroup of G(a) . Because of iv) we can consider the automorphism group G(A/H) of A/H. Furthermore, between G(a) and H there is a uniquely determined maximum group K which has H as a normal subgroup, i.e. we can GH uniquely define K := max {Y/H S the following three propositions are equivalent: (a) eK GH . (b) (Vh€H) GkeH) (VseS) (^xel) ho^ok (m(s, x)) = M(^(s), x). (c) (Vh'eH) (3k'eH) (VseS) (Vxel) k*c^oh'(M(s, x)) = M(f(s), x) Proof: First we shall show that (b) implies (c). Proposition (b) states that there is a function k which maps H into H such that for all heH, seS, and xelsho^okfh] (m(s, x)) = = M(^(s), x) . We used here and shall use in the sequel brackets for arguments of functions the value of which is a function. We shall see that the function k is a one-to-one mapping of H onto H and has, therefore, an inverse k " which also maps H one-to-one onto H. -2- i) Be k and k two automorphisms corresponding to a certain h according to (b). Then we have for this particular h (^seS) (Vxel) h o f o k (m(s, x)) = h o cf o k p (m(s, x)). Now, since <0 : S => S and S is finite, & has an inverse (C : S => S and we can, therefore, apply d> "oh" which leads to (VseS) (Vxel) k (M(s, x)) = k 2 (M(s, x)). This means that k n and k^ are two automorphisms which 12 coincide for at least one argument, since neither S nor I is empty. According to iii) we have, therefore, k = k r 1 2 li using this as the normal abbreviation for (t^s) k (s) = k p (s). Be k[h J = k[h p ] for two elements h„ and h p of He Then we have for these particular h and h„ (V'seS) (tfxel) h^cfo k[h ] (m(s, x)) = h p o cf o k[h ] (m(s, x)) 'This means that h and h p coincide for at least one argument and by the same reasoning as before in i) we find h = h . Together, i) and ii) show that k is a one-to-one mapping of H into and, hence onto H, since H is finite. Having this we see immediately that (b) implies (c). We have only to take k' - k (h'J for any h'eH in (c). The proof that (c) implies (b) can be omitted. It runs analogously mutatis mutandis. Next we shall show that (b) implies (a). i) Choosing the identity e as a particular heH and £ as a particular xel we get from (b) (VseS) ef o k[e] (s) =£f(s). Applying^" 1 we find (t^seS) k[e] (s) and this means that k[e] = e. This result leads to a special case of (b) for h = e: (VseS) (Vx£l) dj (m(s, x)) = M(f(s), x). Therefore, tf is an automorphism. ii) From (b) we deduct: GfaeH)ft(seS) f" 1 oh ocj(s) = df^o h o if (M(s, € ) ) = = f" 1 o h o f o k[h] (MCk^O] (s), B )) = = ^' 1 (M(«f(k" 1 [h](s)),€)). Since we know already that eP is an automorphism, the last expression -3- = s becomes M(k [h](s),£) = k [h](s). Therefore we have: (Vheli) (^seS) df o h o d{ (s) = k~ [h](s), which means that (VheH)

o k(M(s, x)) = M(f(s), x) . This concludes the proof of theorem 1. As we shall see later the generalization of K which we are looking for will GH be to allow in proposition (b) of theorem 1 the function k: H => H to depend on seS and xel, i.e. we then will have for any seS and xel a function H => Ho On the way towards our aim we shall need the following Let A = (S, I, M) be a finite strongly connected automaton and H be a subgroup of G(a) . Then for a mapping tf\ S => S the following two propositions are equivalent: (d) (tfieH) (\/seS) (Vxel) QkeH) h o^o k (m(s, x)) = M(f(s), x). (e) (tfti'eH) (^seS) (/xel)' (3k' eH) k< o«^o h' (m(s, x)) = M(f(s), x) The proof can be omitted since it is essentially analogous to the equivalence proof for propositions (b) and (c) in theorem 1. Only now we have throughout sx LEMMA: the proof to consider the function k sx H => H for a given pair seS and xel instead of the function k: H => H which was independent of s and x. The similarity of propositions (d) and (e) to propositions (b) and ^c) suggests and our main result later will justify the following DEFINITION 1: Let A = (S, I, M) be a finite strongly connected automaton and H be a subgroup of G(A) . Then a mapping <0: S => S is •if- called compatible with H in A , iff (YheH) (^seS) (Vxel) (ikeH) h o c% o k(M(s, x)) - M(«f(s), x) . This definition together with the lemma gives us immediately the following COROLLARY: Let A = (S, I, M) be a finite strongly connected automaton and H be a subgroup of G(A) . Then a mapping <0 : S => S is compatible with H in A, iff (Vh'eH) (^seS) (Vxel) (3k'eH) k' o <£ o h f (m(s, x)) = M(«p(s), x) The mappings which are compatible with a subgroup of G(a) in A have an important property which we shall state in the following THEOREM 2: Let A = (S, I, M) be a finite strongly connected automaton, H be a subgroup of G(A), and be the set of all mappings An df which are compatible with H in A. Then $ ATJ forms a group with composition as its group operation. An Proof: Since $ obviously contains K (compare definition 1 and An On theorem l), the identity e is an element of ° Furthermore, the function composition is an associative operation. Therefore, we can confine the proof to showing that c|> is closed under AH composition and inversion. H m ■ ■ < . ; *» ■ v. k .tv i) Be S; (VseS) (3heH)-y(s) = h(s)} Remark: is called the extension of H in A . The extension of a subgroup of G(a) in A forms a group under composition. The proof for this remark is part of the proof for the main result of this report which will now be established in the following THEOREM 3- Let A = (S, I, M) be a finite strongly connected automaton, H be a subgroup of G(A), be the set of all mappings if which are compatible with H in A, and T ATJ be the extension of An Proof: H in A. Then (1) $. TT is a group under composition which contains ¥ AH AH as a normal subgroup, and (2) the factor group <£ /Y is isomorphic to the automorphism group G(A/H) of the reduced automaton A/H. We shall begin with (l). Since we know already that is a An group under composition we need only to show that ¥ -*S $.„• AH AH First we shall show that ¥ forms a group under composition. AH From definition 2 it is obvious that H is contained in ¥ and An that, therefore, the identity e is an element of ¥ • Accordingly AH it suffices to show that ¥. is closed under composition and inversion. AH -6- i) Be Y e¥ and f2 eY AH' Then We haVe ^ seS ) ( 5h ! eH ) VA S ) = h n ( s ) and frseS) (3h 2 eH)y 2 (y i (s)) - ^(^(s)). Together these propositions yield (VseS) (3h 1 , h 2 eH)^ 2 o-y/^s) = h 2 o h^s) and, since h„ oh eH, we find (teeS) (3heH)^ 2 oy^s) - h(s), which means that y/„ oltt £ ^au° ii) Be 1pe¥ . . Then we have -(VseS) (3h eH) ^(^(s)) = h 1 (^ 1 (s)). ■1 Applying h , which is an element h of H, we get immediately (VseS) (^heH) y 1 (s) - h(s) and, therefore, yi e^^- Next we shall show that ¥ Arr < ° So be^ef . Using an obvious modification An An ' ^n of definition 2 we have (^heH) (l/seS) (Vxel) (3k eH) ^(h(M(s, x))) = = k (h(M(s, x)))o This proposition can be transformed as follows (VheH) (\/seS) (Vxel) ^k n eH) (Vk eH) 'U/(h(M(s, x))) = k n oho k ~ 1 (M(k (s), x)). _ 1 d ' _L d c We only inserted k o k„ exploiting that k„ is an automorphism., Now, since d d d ^eY , we have of course (VseS) (3k p eH) ^(s) - k p (s). Inserting this properly into our previous proposition we find (VheH) (VseS) (Vxel) (3k , k 2 eH) y o h (m(s, x)) = k o h o k 2 ~ 1 (M(y " " o h ± (yi(f(s) , e )) = h "VC? 1 ^))^)) 'T- IS ii m* ■ and this means that (VseS) (3heH) <9~ oyjo(P{s) = h(s). Therefore, cp~ o-y/oj? g¥ and Y is indeed a normal subgroup of $,,„■> This concludes the proof for statement (l) of theorem 3- The proof for statement (2) comprises quite a few single steps. For the sake of clarity we shall, therefore outline briefly which path we are going to follow. i) A mapping f will be defined with f: /¥ -* {f/f: S => S } • ii) It will be shown that f indeed maps $ /l into G(A/H). iii) The mapping f will be proved to be a one-to-one mapping. iv) We shall see that f is a mapping of /¥ onto G(A/H) • An AH v) It will be shown finally that f is a homomorphism. Together i) up to v) prove statement (2). i) 'The mapping f is defined as follows: fmay denotate the class of $»„/¥.„ which contains 0e<& . Then An An ' An we define f[J] : = fy with (\fseS) Jf_(s) := *(s) . For this definition we have of course to prove that it is consistent, i.e. independent of the choice of class representatives, and that each y- is indeed a mapping of S onto S. Regarding the consistency we consider for arbitrary y e¥ , S. So be f ty] (1^ = f[f](ip) for arbitrary ^e$. ; s eS, and Sp£S. Then we have by definition of f : S, An AH ' it suffices to show that f['s e S) ff^Ks) - f[<£p] (s) ; (Vs€S) ^(s) = f 2 (s) by definition of f; (^s e S) (3h e H) /f in a An An certain manner. DEFINITION 3: Let A = (S, I, M) be a finite strongly connected automaton, H be a subgroup of G(a), be the set of all mappings which AH are compatible with H, and r be an element of S. -10- Then two elements dj and ($ of $ are called r-equivalent (denotated by $ =&) > i^ tfi ( r ) - ^>( r ) • Obviously the relation just introduced is an equivalence relation. Its main properties with respect to our purpose will be stated in the following THEOREM h: Let A = (S, I, M) be a finite strongly connected automaton, H be a subgroup of G(A), K.„„ be the max [Y/H be the set of all mappings which are compatible with H, AH ^ be the extension of H in A, and r be an element of S. AH Then we have: i) Each element k of K is contained in an r-equivalence GH class of $.„» AH ii) 'The elements of K are pairwise r-unequivalent . GH iii) Each class of the factor group $. /f consists of AH AH exactly /H/ r-equivalence classes of c£> Proof: Statement i) is obviously true, since K C $ AH Consequently, definition 3 applies to the elements of K , and statement ii) GH - AH W holds, since two arbitrary elements k and k of K are automorphisms -L o. On of a strongly connected automaton for which k (r) = kp(r) implies k l :; k 2 ■ In order to prove iii) we shall first show that frfl'f2 e< W(3l ?^2.)r ^W #1 y°f2j Which means that the r -equivalence containing an arbitrary fl^eO falls completely J d AH into the cP n containing class & of the factor group ^.tt/^.tt- J c- * c. AH AH So, be (t and . -11- Next we shall show that (VfeQ ) (VyeY ) {3heH)fof = h of which means that <2 consists of at most /h/ r-equivalence classes. So, be .„ we have always An }i ocP^f- h ? od?- This means that ^ consists of at least /H/ r-equivalence classes, since obviously H C Y and, therefore, — An (VheH) h o q e , then we have shown in theorem k that /$.„/ = ; AH 7 and also that m ~7h7 n > /K /, the equalsign holding, if and only if each r-equivalence class = GH of $ contains an element k of K . An GH So, if in a finite strongly connected automaton for one of its states r each r-equivalence class of $ contains AH an e /K / . /¥ / lement k of K , then / / becomes ; GH ' AH 7 , i.e., using theorem 3, GH AH 7557 /g(VH)/ - /V*«/ " Affi/ 1 /- before, K GH /H is in this case isomorphic to G(A/H), since we know from [6] that K /H is in general GH isomorphic to a subgroup of G(A/H). On the other hand, if in such an automaton A for one of its states r there is an r-equivalence class that does not contain any keK , then we find /g(A/H)/ > /k /h/. Therefore, in this case K /H is not isomorphic to G(A/H). By this discussion of theorem h we have proved in fact the following theorem 5 which gives a necessary and sufficient condition for K /H to be isomorphic to G(A/h) . THEOREM 5: Let A = (S, I, M) be a finite strongly connected automaton, H be a subgroup of G(A), K„ be the max {Y/H<4 Y < OCA)}, GH and r be an element of S. -12- Then the following two propositions are equivalent: (a) The factor group K_ TT /H is isomorphic to the GH automorphism group G(a/h) of the reduced automaton A/H. (b) For each mapping : S => S which is compatible with H there is a mapping k in K such that k(r) = eP(r) . uH * The fact that K /H is isomorphic to G(a/h), if /K / = /s/, appears now as a special instance of theorem 5° Namely, in this case the elements of K comprising /s/ automorphisms in a strongly connected GH automaton are forced to meet the condition (^r, seS) (iJkeK ) k(r) = s GH which means that proposition (b) of theorem 5 is implied by /K / = /S/. GH We can obtain a stronger result through the following THEOREM 6: Let A = (S, I, M) be a finite strongly connected automaton and let H, K nzJ , $ , and r be defined as before. Then Gn AH Proof: we have (Vf& M ) (VgeG(A)) ( S which is compatible with H there is an automorphism geG(A) such that g(r) =^(r). This corollary contains the special case [6] that K /H is isomorphic to Gn G(A/H) ; if the automaton A is strongly connected and total, i.e. /g(a)/ = /S/ -ll+- REFERENCES *h I i [1] Weeg, G. P., "The Structure of an Automaton and its Operati frSr 1 ^ Transformation Group", J. ACM 9, pages 3U5-3I19, on - [2] j "The Group and Semigroup Associated with Automata", Proc. Symp. Ma th. Th eor y o f Automata , pages 257-266, Polytechnic ±Tess, (1962). [3] 469-^6^' (l^62)? SOra ° rPhlSm Gr ° UPS ° f Automata "> J - ACM 9, pages W , ."On the Automorphism Group of an Automaton", J. 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