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{ A Dicrionary of Latin Quotations more copious, cor-
” rect, and complete than any hitherto published had long
been a cherished idea of the publisher, and awaited only
Ϊ time and circumstance for its development. Finding
Ι in the present editor a gentleman well qualified both by
» reading and industry to carry out his views, he placed
She materials in his hands, and these with large addi-
tions, the fruit of further researches, are now laid before
the reader.
= "The present collection differs from its predecessors in
" being limited exclusively to Latin and Greek quotations,
? the publisher intending, at a later period, to give French,
; Italian, Spanish, and German, in a separate volume.
^ This arrangement has enabled him to nearly quadruple
the number of Latin quotations given heretofore, and to
\extend the number of Greek from about twenty to up-
"wards of five hundred ; amounting in all to an aggre-
gate of more than eight thousand.
The translations are throughout either new or care-
fully revised, and as literal as is consistent with neatness
and point. It would have been easy to make many
of them more epigrammatic, but it was thought better to |
leave this to the reader's own taste.
Authorities are adjoined wherever it has been found
possible to discover them, and in a vast many instances
they appear for the first time in a Dictionary of Quota-
Many of the nonsensical commentaries have been dis-
pensed with, as in almost every instance, where the
translation is correct, the quotation is more intelligible
without them. Our only fear is that we have adopted
too many.
One new, and 1t 1s hoped valuable, feature in the pre-
sent volume, is the marking of the metrical quantities,
which has been done in all cases where their absence
might lead to mispronunciation. A quotation, however
appropriate, would entirely lose its effect with those
who are best able to appreciate its force, if blemished by
false delivery. It has been thought unnecessary to
mark the final e, because, as the classical reader will
know, it is never silent.
The publisher claims little merit for himself in what
concerns this volume, save the plan and a diligent
reading of the proofs; but he thinks it right to avow
the assistance of his eldest son, William Simpkin Bohn,
— —
_ who has been a useful coadjutor throughout, particularly
in the Greek portion. The printer, too, richly deserves
his meed of praise for watchfulness and scholarship.
_ It remains only to speak of previous collections of
| the same character. The first and principal is Macdon-
(mel, originally published in 1796, and repeatedly
_ reprinted, with gradual improvements, up to a ninth
_ edition in 1826. This is the work of a scholar, and
praiseworthy as a first attempt, but much too imperfect
| to satisfy the wants of the present day. The next was
|. Moore's, which, though as recent as 1831, is little more
| than an amplification of Macdonnel’s, avoiding as much
᾿ as possible, for copyright considerations, the very words
of his translations, but seldom improving them.
The Dictionary of Quotations which passes under
the name of Blagdon (wesay this advisedly, as the work
| was posthumous) differs so entirely from the plan of
| the present, as scarcely to be cited as a precursor. It
is arranged under English *common-places, which are
ilustrated by lengthy quotations from a few of the
Greek and Latin poets, each accompanied by metrical
versions selected chiefly from Pope, Dryden, Francis,
and Creech. It isa small volume of limited contents,
but executed up to its pretensions.
After thus much had been written, and on the very
eve of publication, we are unexpectedly greeted with a
small “Manual of Quotations," by Mr. Michelsen, 308
pages, published at 6s. The basis of this work 1s Macdon-
nel's, which isincorporated almost verbatim from an early
edition, the editor adding some little from other sources.
It can in no way interfere with the present volume, and
we rather hail it as showing that there must have been
an evident want of what we have undertaken to supply.
Η. 6. Ὁ.
York Street, Covent Garden,
April 18, 1856.
A bove majori discit arüre minor. Prov.— The young ox
learns to plough from the older." See We sus, &c.
A citpite ad caleem.—* From head to heel." From top to toe.
A fonte puro pura défliit aqua. Prov.‘ From a clear
spring clear water flows." A man is generally estimated
by the company he keeps, as his habits are probably
similar to those of his companions.
A fortiori.—' From stronger reasoning." With much greater
probability. lf a pound of gunpowder can blow up a
house, a fortiori a hundredweight must be able to do it.
A. fronte precipitiwn, a tergo lupus.— A precipice before, a
wolf behind." Said of a person between the horns of a
; dilemma.
A litére —“ From the side.*
naturata 246
natus 170, 254, 257, 261, 286,
naufragia 339, 451, 524
naufragio 359
naufragium 53, 167, 260,
318, 493
naufrágus 439
naulum 135
nauseam 476, 508
nauta 43
nautas 44
navem 45, 478
navi 474
navíbus 442
navigamus 308
navigare 172
navigia 234
navis 465
nàvita 379, 470
Nazarénus 158
nebula 312
nebulonem 276
necem 404, 461
necessaria 40, 162
necessariis 481
necessarium 96, 137, 197,
, 023
necessarius 19
necesse 138, 222, 322, 334,
365, 367, 373, 406, 420
necessitas 11, 27, 95, 139,
179, 221, 464
necessitate 113, 510
necessitatem 155
necessitates 259
necessitati 485
necessitatis 103
necessitiidinis 292
necis 259
nectar 494
nectaris 127
nefanda 309
nefandi 422
nefas 30, 60, 95, 108, 326,
398, 434, 447, 465, 499, 518
nefasti 377
negabam 310
negabimus 293
negant 381
negare 372
negat 27, 91, 195, 284, 526
negata 2 271
negavérit 360
negavit 228
neges 321
neget 382
neglecta 128, 525
neglígas 243°
negligentiam 9, 391, 469
negligére 325
negligi 308
negligimus 96
negligit 449
negligitur 54
nego 205, 255
negotia 15
negotiationem 242
negotii 113
Er 36, 257, 319, 360,
negotio 131, 189, 501
negotium 118, 478
neminem 161, 203, 497, 488
nemini 6, 39, 96, 204, "367,
430, 503
nemo 9, 49, 85,
99, 1H, d 66, 186, 236,
240, 244, 245, 284, 298, 312,
361, 366, 373, 399, 448, 473,
475, 478, 5
nemus 147, 119, 507, 518
nepotes 14
Neptünum 49, 167
nequam 46
nequeo 78, 127
nequicquam 239, 486
nequiit 383
nequior 15
nequiores 12
nequit 3, 104, 448
nequities 347
nervi 483
nervos 234, 451
nescia 7, 148, 412
nescis 167
nesciam 251
nescias 297, 387
nesciet 369, 419
nescio 69, 190, 308, 420
nescire 251, 281, 309
nescis 385, 388, 466, 503
nescit 4, 37, 49. 53, 268, 304,
τ 329, 356, 308, 382, 492,
nescitur 19
nescius 70, 429
Nestóris 13
neuter 224
neutrum 94
nidificatis 155
nidis 329
nidore 45, 280, 456
nidorem 59
niger 3, 43, 62
nigrze 147°
nigris 341
a ro 393
il 63, 105, 120, 122, 147,
" Bl, 154, 157, 194, 238, 244,
273, 288, 310, 314; 353, 354,
389, 408, 411, 455, 416, 498,
506, 509
nihili 2 237
nihilo 74, 113, 135, 176, 279
nihilum 74
nil 152, 162, 240, 443
Nil 118, 393 non 512 nudata 237
Nilo 476, 515 nonnunquam 350 nudo 257
nimbi 187 nono 372 nudos 232
nimio 151 nonum 288 nudum 88, 178
nimios 336 norant 292 nugee 142, 489
.. nimirum 63, 130, 224 norint 299 nugarum 430
. nimis 249, 298 norit 310 nugas 214, 468
nimium 130, 224, 299, 300,1] norma 246, 363, 526 nugis 17, 30
304, 306, 387, 502 nos 183, 353 nulla 8, 31, 152, 935
nitendum 450 noscant 79 nuliaténus 194
nitent D 208, 487, 490 noscére 160 nulli 6, 130, 329
nites 2 nosces 399 nullius 125
Beers 32 nosnietipsos 73 nullos 36
nitet 282, 285, 405 nosset 145 nullum 4, 7, 21, 43, 171
niti 371 noster 322 nullus 34, 57, 402, 475
nitidum 424 nostra 327 numen 281, 293, 294, 406
nitidus 104 nostri 331 numerábis 91
nititur 91, 116 nostris 309 numeranda 336
nitorem 344 nostrum 281 numerantur 136, 458, 510
nive 493 nota 61 numerare 324
nive& 109 notabilia 39 numérat 137
nives 45, 176 note 525 numéro 44, 115, 393, 521
nobile 319 notandi 13 numéros 424, 466
nobilis 453 notandum 61 numerosus 110
' nobilissima 190 notare 45, 61 numérus 76, 518
nobilítas 139, 384, 527 notat 413 Numici 266
nobilitat 497 noti 287 numína 183
nobilitate 179 notior 251 numine 81, 433, 497
nobis 58, 281, 313 notis 144 numinibus 329
nobiscum 421 notissima 47 nummatum 37
noceat 10, 413, 503 notitiam 32, 46 nummi 3
nocendi 217 | notus 164 nummis 87
nocens 114, 194 Nótus 211, 450 nummo 522
nocent 72, 109, 116 nova 171, 491 nummorum 360
- nocentem. 399, 463 novandum 269 nummos 296, 337, 355, 423
nocentibus 229 novantur 457 nummum 244
nocentius 264 novas 251 nummus 346
nocentum 299 novérit 391 nunc 285, 377
nocere 255, 285, 346 novi 7, 185, 265 nuncia 452
nocet 4, 18, 40, 78, 123, 160,| novímus 288 nunquam 453, 522
180, : 188, 287 novisse 223, 237 nuper 177
nocivum 333 novissíma 59, 101 nupta 415
nocte 81,112,171,287,349,505| novisti 425 nuptize 105, 144
noctem 272, 338, 427,429 | novit 131, 197, 238, 210,| nuptum 156
noctes 522 358, 369 nurus 156
noctis 346, 469, 475 novitas 105 nusquam 147
nocturnos 193 ' novitàte 92 nutant 92
. nocuere 298 novitatis 104 nutrias 354
nocuérunt 46 nox 187, 230, 308 nutrit 459
nocuisses 110 noxa 206, 440 nutrix 122
nocuit 415, 461 noxze 207 nutu 144
nodo 217 | noxia 404
nodosam 462 noxiam 243
nodus 250 noxiorum 84 0.
nolentem 92, 121 nube 164
nolentis 455° nubem 306 obducére 467
nolis 106 nubére 421, 426, 481 obducitur 409
nolle 160 nubes 76, 318 obducta 306
nolo 398 nubet 466 obdüra 328
nolunt 109 nubibus 171, 385 obeam 456
nomen 7, 34, 51, 165, 173, paps 91, 180, 339, 421,| obediunt 325
181, 213, 270 273, 283, 415, 457 oberrat 401
426, 463, 506 nuce 171, 364 obésa 26
nomina T 377, 391 nuces 336 obesse 130, 481
nomíne 3, 55, 171, 240, 294,| nucleum 364 obest 138
306, 378, 385, 501 nuda 108 obitum 326, 473
nominis 63, 178, 185, 213,| nudam 268 obitüra 67
440, 495 nudare 58, 91, 179 objiciunt 213
oblectant 143
oblectat 41
obligatio 347
oblíges 38
obliq ua 405
obliquatióbibus 89
oblite 300
oblitus 516
oblivia 301
oblivio 181
oblivisci 105, 110, 257, 318
obliviscitur 63
obliviscuntur 110
obólo 481
obólum 72
obrepére 314, 490
obrepit 124, 580
obsceenis 462
obscüra 435, 444, 48
obscüri 333
obscurius 301
obscürum 142, 363
obsctirus 41
obsécro 81
obsepta 508
obséquens 505
obséqui 430
obsequium 234
obseratis 525
observantior 302
observantissimus 407
obsidet 176
obsit 225
obsoléte 32
obsónas 418
obsonium 316
obstant 121
obstante 282
obstantíbus 184
obstat 144, 268, 498
obstatur 253
obstruxit 361
obtemperàre 194
obtemperatio 197
obticuit 469
obtigit 96
obtine 336
obtinent 303, 352
obtinet 22
obtinétur 203
obtinuit 524
obtrüdi 96
obtülit 37, 61
obumbrari 173
obumbratur 525
occasio 77, 259, 399
Occasione ?17
occasionem 301
occasu 470
occasum 508
occident 310
occidentem 334
occidenti 187
occidére 97, 109
occidisti 336
occidit 240
occidit 515
occidunt 58
occipitium 515
occiso 443
occubuit 230, 435
occulte 451
occultavi 143
occulte 198
occultior 528
occultiores 299
occulto 405, 479
occüpat 67, 102, 116,
occupata 464
occupato 164
occupatum 119, 169
occurras 106
occurrat 254
occurrendum 420
occurrit 294
occurrite 486
oceano 260
oceànus 485
octavus 408
oculatus 334
oculeus 152
ocüli 42, 132, 282, 335
ocülis 16, 96, 198, 152, 205,
2 284, 286, 341, 414, 445,
ocülo 268
es 101, 213, 324, 347,
ocülus 23, 180, 261
odére 499
odérint 240
odéris 18
odérit 160, 199
oderunt 287, 470
odi 152, 304
odia 5, 188
odiis 472
odímus 85
odio 63, 235, 307, 431, 432
odiosum 46 1
odiosus 156
odisse 348
odit 30, 33, 87, 183, 269, 364,
367, 382
odium 37, 166,183, 259, 302,
489, 500
odor A
odorem 384
odores 484
odoribus 234
(Edlpus 72
| Ofellus 251
offendar 276, 490
offendat 368
offendére 197, 373
offendet 131
offendi 385
offendisse 222
offendunt 457
offérant 370
offéras 39
officére 508
officet 267
officia 469, 404
ofiicii 151, 222, 373
TM 113, 134, 138,
officium 153, 189, 195, 261,
336, 386
ohe 304
oleam 267
oleant 361
olent 17
olet 98, 238, 446, 518
olfacére 441
olídse 270
olim 285
ólitor 404
olivee 223
olla 123
Olores 184
Olympi 93
τέλη τε τ 419
Olympo 23
omissis 500
omissus 46
omnem 7
omnes 9, 33, 38, 41, 62, 73,
ΠΧ mi i5, 228, 282,
41}, 4T 70, 4
omnia 3; "d *36, 113, 168,
172, 193, 198, 226, 278, 282,
301 309, 310, 311 312(scepe),
340, 351, 429, 441, 460
omnibus ^b, 19, 53, 74, 80,
100,172, 201, 220, 236, 248,
260, 310, 371, 509
omnino 256, 276, 301
Omnipotentis 249
omnis 223, 282
omníum 517
onerabat 398
onus 173, 178, 203, 371,377,
450, 523
onustum 59
opem 17, 404, 473
Opéra 38, 264, 298, 325, 340,
opéree 31, 104.
opéram 29, 55, 176, 305
operandi 233
operatur 204
opercülum 85
opére 42, 490
opéri 424
opéribus 117:
opéris 119, 340
operosa 102
operdsum 307
operta 163, 377
opertze 451
opertum 48
_ opérum 78
opes 61, 97, 131, 124, 154,
155, 163, 213, 236, 241, 274,
324. 362, 398, 403, 414; 443,
471, 472, 490
opifícem 516
opime 18
opimis 186
opimum 482
opinio 242, 334
opinione 259, 334, 507
opinionem 157, 420
opitulandum 399
opitulari 151
opítülor 265
opium 361
oportet 84, 97, 140, 167, 185,
190, 201, 222, 226, 237, 307,
322, 335, 345, 378, 407, 413,
492, 498
oportuit 34
oppidi 208
opportüna 277,404
opportüno 264
oppósito 165
oppósitus 101
opprimitur 218, 506
- opprobria 15, 350, 459
opprobrium 214
optabis 427
optandi 388
optare 416
optaret 501
optas 414
optat 22, 61
optatam 144, 371
optet 388
optima 29, 99, 279, 347, 482
optimi 59, 153
optimo 78
optimos 129
optimum 16, 121, 233
optimus 56, 99, 115, 120,
243, 245
opto 205
optüma 289
opulenta 149
opulentiam 141
opulento 118
opum 61, 148, 508
opus 4, 7, 23, 24, 39, 44, 68,
79, 87, 88, 107, 118, 126,
137,151, 165, 191, 193, 221,
232, 241, 252, 262, 282, 295,
328, 387, 408, 472, 496
ora 65, 145, 202, 205, 281,
303, 352, 466, 505
orabis 419
oractila 222
oràre 414, 518
orat 524
orate 494
.Oratio 21, 99, 132, 141, 225,
304, 361, 394, 434, 489
oratione 379
orationes 171
orationi 233
orationis 203
orator 5, 464, 518
oratores 216
Orbe 23, 281, 321, 325, 342
orbem 296, 396
orbes 485
orbis 54, 63, 274, 422, 428,
446, 415
orbita 223
orcus 380
ordine 157, 342
ordinem 223
ordo 208, 215, 350
ore 28, 62, 100, 117, 201,
224, 319, 382, 402, 430, 466,
474, 487
Orestem 526
Orexim 6
ori 228
orientem 334
orig. 526
origine 245
oris 56, 59
Oritur 112, 348, 475
oritürum 268
oriundi 344
oriuntur 10
ornamentum 490
ornant 143
ornare 243
ornat 100, 284
ornàti 165
ornatum 202, 500
ornàtur 148
ornatus 242
oro 189, 226
orphani 168
orta 310
ortu 508
ortum 268
os 20, 63, 178
oscitat 317
osctila 29, 184
ossa 142, 234, 418, 452
ossibus 488
ostendére 390
ostendérem 477
ostendis 390
ostentat 17, 364
ostentatidnum 508
ostentator 313
ostentatur 472
ostia 393
ostro 242
osürus 18
oti 142
otia 49, 148, 279, 432
otii 143, 455, 501
otio 113, 464
otioso 527
otiosum 341
poa 79, 208, 247, 293, 396,
ova 7, 336
ovanti 404
ovem 477
oves 155, 310, 311
ovile 88
ovium 315
ovo 3, 46
ovum 215, 286
pàibülum 89
pace 3, 31, 36, 49, 56, 172,
290, 266, 392, 399, 481
pus 81, 103, 180, 231, 427,
paci 468
pacis 139, 142, 296, 298, 467,
pactione 492
pacto 29, 244, 307, 332, 423
actum 18, 290
van 82
Paeonize 406
pagína 152, 277
palanteis 413
palantes 431
paláto 174, 337, 464
palàtum 505
paleis 95
palles 150
pallescére 147, 266
pallet 31
pallio 404, 468
palma 482
palmee 67, 419, 504
palmam 164
palmarium 160
palmarum 239
palus 441
pandére 433
pango 134
pannus 351
papse 5
papaliter 38
par 37, 256
parabo 414
parant 494
paras 186, 290
parásse 241
parat 181, 526
parata 477
parati 25
paratis 223, 461, 470
parato 11
paratum 495
paratur 153, 343
paratus 8, 172, 225, 285, 415,
Parca 236
parca 37, 61
parcas 300
parce 34
parcére 142, 205, 295, 514
parcit 128, 229, 235, 366
parcite 329
parco 265
parcunt 360
parcus 389
pareant 5l .
pareat 24, 207
parem 359
parendi 91
parendo 46
parendum 458
parens 42, 91, 406, 457
parentem 29, 297, 308, 362
parentes 45, 85, 197, 204,
226, 485
parentibus 215
parentis 170, 473
parentium 91
parentum 12
parére 302
pares 25, 343
paret 22. 206, 498
pari 43, 55, 319, 421
paria 39, 262
paríbus 320, 510
Paride 339
Paridis 219
pariendo 492
paries 467
pariétem 168
parit 11, 44, 53, 138, 206,
230, 270, 302, 318, 489
pariter 65, 10, 137, 306, 310,
457, 462
parium 195
pariunt 18
parmülá 398
Parnassi 222
Parnassia 110
pars 48, 174, 205, 226, 282,
292, 300, 321 (scepe), 354,
391, 445, "458, 464, 471, 506
parsimonia 215, 280, "417,
parsimonie 480
parta 252
parte 11, or bo 263, 295,
302, 340, 4 470
partem 8, "3t 102, 213, 483
partes 147, 197
parti 446
partíbus Τὴν T: 172, 475
participes 49
particü!a 197
partium 392
parturibat 234
partum 166, 216, 301
partürit 108
paruérit 256
parum 224
parva 314, 322, 424
parvee 54, "329
parvi 93, 151, 244
parvipendo 258
parvis 178
parvo 242, 354
parvos 14, 230
parvüla 430
pascant 223
pascére 408
pasci 451
pascit 21
pascitur 317
pascuntur 197
passi 147, 300
passibus 145, 417
passim 429, 441
passis 399
passo 163
passu 320
passtira 35
passus 338
pastillos 98
pastoris 40
pateat 31, 485
patefaciamus 48
patefacienda 310
patefecit 163
en — —
patella 85
patenti 286
patentis 318
pater 70, 105, 213, 475
patéra 429
patére 12
paterentur 189
paterfamilias 371
paterni 148
paternum 503
patet 38, 148, 193, 207
pati 64, 106, 130, 159, 162,
208, 211, 214, 225, 227, 232, |
283, 353, 430, 444 |
patiar 162
patiare 202, 450
patiens 519
patientem 186
patienter 178, 402
MC END 64, 95, 135, 238,
patientius 288
patimur 203, 296, 383, 359
patinis 22
patior 324
Bettantur 443
patre 214, 443
patrem 197, 345, 417
patri 137, 405, 418
patria 45, 92, 131, 286, 306,
308, 41], 52 24, 528
patrise 92, 139, 151, 208,
248, 288, 322, 365, 430, 494.
509, 513
patriam 14, 16, 75, 147, 150,
340, 4 , 52 28°
betaine 419
patrimonia 283
patrimonium 155
patris 481, 500, 516
patrum 32, 129, 484, 495
patuit 109, "176, 487
pauca 192, 496
paucürum 320
pauci 189, 373, 376
paucis 50, 57, 270
paucorum 512
pauper 106, 118, 227, 257,
351, 420, 456, 516
paupére 133
paupérem 244, 256
paupéres 173, 312
paupéri 11
paupéribus 69
pe 208, 283, 345,
pauperies 214
paupéris 66, 128, 169
paupertas 79, 139, 154, 267,
420, 488
paupertate 74, 149
paupertatem 420
paupertatis 178
paupérum 242, 219
pauxillum 40
pavendo 429
pavet 187
pavone 505
pavor 62
pax 36, 43, "e. Mere 224,
298, 320, 436,
peccdmus 171, doi
peccandi 221, 323
peccant 425
peccantium 342
PUM 39, 255, 280, 303,
ἐπα ΒΝ 213, 324
peceásse 363
peccassem 413
Lis 184, 227, 305, 369,
n 2 284, 293, 355,
356, 3
pecenite 10, 293
peccato 343
peccatum 187, 257
peccatur 162, 373
peccavéro 162
peccavit 266
peccent 268
peccet 436
peccétur 257
pécori 99
pécóris 99
pectóra 89, 167, 300, 319,
346, 377, 385, 4 460, 503
pectóre 59, 214, 232, 239,
287, 295, 300, 306,211, 411;
432, 4 451
pectoribus 176
pectóris 433
abii 26, 29, 123, 165, 176,
251, 316, 327, 423, 428,
438, 462
pecüdes 447
pecüdum 377
pecunia 61, 63, 64, 65, 106,
110, 160, 205, 260, 265,
277, 323, 333, 350, 355,
413, 493, 506
pecunize 87, 246
pecuniam 61, 242, 366
pecuniaria 313
pecus 40, 123, 161, 300, 324
bons 62, 75, 91, 113, 158,
170, 298, 268, 319, 321,
" 919, 388, 396, 397,
pedem 41, 302
pedes 81, 116, 190, 214, 250,
27, 450
pedibus 165, 219, 294, 311,
324, 362
pedisstquee 356
pedites 44
paw 179, 225
elago 165, 379
eleus 456.
Pellzeo 475
pelle 254, 413,
pellictilam 178
pellis 423, 456
pelves 462
pendeant 152 .
pendeat 47
pendent 184, 230
pendet 74, 87, 245, 369, 373
pendis 281
pendiilus 261
pendunt 371
penes 526
penetralia 227
penétrat 384
penná 287, 497
pennas 467
pennis 432
pensanda 39
pensandi 112
pensat 13
penses 51
pepercéris 124
peperezrit 40
pep?rit 234
pepulére 139
peracta 503
peractio 141
peragebant 432
peragenda 353
perágro 35
percipimus 247
percipit 500
percontabére 183
percóquit 244
percussa 107
percüti 57
perdas 29, 311, 376
perdére 19, 135, 305, 362,
363, 391, 447
perdidi 83
perdídímus 310
perdidisti 325
perdidit 22, 43, 145, 159,
241, 507
perdis 376
perdiscendum 220
perdit 73, 125
perditam 7
perdite 385
perditum 225, 425
perdo 24
perdomentur 293
perducitur 297
perdunt 55, 188
péream 93
nere 298
peregrinantur 143
peregrinàri 528
peregrinum 355
peremptze 352
perennius 114
péreunt 99, 500
pereunte 178
pereuntem 345 ,
perfecta 225
perfectio 447
perfectum 4, 265
perféras 123
perferre 430
perferundi 111
perfíce 34, 107, 250
perficiendas 116
perfida 328
perfídis 205
perfringi 196
pergit 423
pergunt 372
perhabéto 364
perhorruit 428
peribunt 236
periclitatur 4, 242, 363
periclo 470
periclum 461
perictila 92, 122, 241
pericüli 35
perictilis 96, 130, 139
pericülo 45, 102, 122, 161,
214, 491, 499
pericülum 53, 217, 265, 285,
287, 333, 460
periére 317
periisse 244
periissem 329
periit 244
perinde 143, 442
perire 75, 259, 280, 302
peris 178
perisse 349
perit 39, 40, 65, 77, 181,329,
334, 367, 437, 506
peritat 369
periti 177, 452
peritis 327, 503
périto 64
peritüram 101
peritüre 385
peritus 476, 495
perjuria 274
perjurio 31
perlonginquum 421
perlucidus 104
permanebit 103
permisceat 291
permissu 512
permissum 525
permista 309
permistus 241
permittítur 253
permittunt 455
Aegis 7, 405, 413, 446,
pernícies 121
perniciores 235
perniciosior 295
perniciosum 13£
pernix 166
pernoctant 143
pernoscas 235
pernoscére 104
perpendére 194
perpéram 302
perpessi 203
perpétua 106, 180, 272
perpetuam 172, 461
perpetuitatem 218
perpetuo 12, 43, 160
perpetuum 293, 479
perplexarier 29
perrumpére 33
perscribére 60, 391
persequítur 235
perseverare 152
personá 6, 144, 173
personee 365, 396
personalis 6
personarum 292, 308
personis 205, 320, 385
perspexéris 64
perspeximus 331
perspicacior 152
perspicax 502
perspicio 460
perspicuitas 316
perstringis 192
persuasérit 386
perteesum 424
pertimescam 511
pertinacissime 175
pertinax 131, 264
pertinent 110
pertinet 528
perturbari 130
perturbatione 245
pertusa 334
pertüsum 172
perveniret 477
pervénit 189
pervénit 253, 480
perversas 82, 310
pervertit 29
pervidendis 502
pervius 9
pervivo 111
pervorsus 96
pervulgatee 525
pes 254, 478
pessima 59, 205
pessimo 175
pessimos 129
pessimum 189, 218, 232 432
pessimus 171
pestem 81, 200
pesti 351
pestis 121, 291
pestium 313
petamus 2
petant 470
petas 72, 117, 151
petat 181, 244, 296
pete 50, 470
petebat 490
petendo 164, 194
petentibus 61, 239
pétére 95, 181
peti 416
petiit 388
petimus 50, 52, 144, 247
petis 34, 388, 523
petit 34, 37, 192, 417, 511
petita 82, 114, 126 ;
petitis 370
petitur 321
peto 266
petülans 94
etulantiam 477
Phaston 148, 501
phalanges 76
phaléras 7
phaléris 487
pharétris 254
phasclum 491
Philomela 356
philosóphi 377
philosophia 297, 301, 331
philósópho 265
philosophorum 10, 199
philosóphum 76
Phoebo 109, 147
Phoebus 339
phrenésis 65, 519
Phryges 418
pia 197
piactila 200, 456
piacülum 319
piandum 60
pice 243
piceata 263
picis 332
pictüra 21, 243, 424
Pieridum 35
piétas 98, un 145, 197, 329,
396, 47 i,
p: lette 33, 195, 496
pietàtis 323
pigeat 37, 392
pigebit 458
piger 274, 434
piget 222, 270
pignóra 185
pignóre 355, 465
pignus 322
pigroórum 191
pii 147
pilas 81
pilo 74
pilos 47
pilum 210
pingit 480
pingue 403
pingues 296
pingui 99
pinum 342, 379
pinus 405
pio 120, 297
pios en
piper 48
piscári 32, 168
piscator 340
piscem 79, 96, 457
pisces 47, 211, 905
pisci 370°
piscis 47
pium 434
pius 114, 119
placàre 186
placeant 403
placeas 158, 478
placébant 103
placebit 142
placendi 138, 251
placens 206
placent 281, 352, 437
Lg ee d
plactre 13
placet 63, 163, 178, 187, 214,
248, 283
placida 520
placidam 252
placidi 227, 486
placidis 287
placidissime 436
placidos 329
placitum 190, 471
placui 214
placuisse 343
ee ug 99, 142, 240, 352
plaga 279
plagis 223
plaugére 221
plango 134
plantas 47
plátáni 504
Plato 19
Piatone 217
ilatonem 331
plaudite 506
plaudo 337
Plautinus 412
plebeio 319
plebem 200
plebes 363
plebis 276
plebs 261
plectantur 48
plectentur 55
plectrum 15
plectuntur 77, 372
plena 30, 76, 172, 193, 222,
pleno 346
plenum 149, 328
plenus 68, 164
plerisque 233
plerumque 402, 478
plorare 77
plorat 24
ploro 200
pluens 187
pluit 282
plumbens 169
plura 37, 133, 152, 359, 360,
plures 28, 40, 76, 84, 189,
plurima 175, 471,
plurimi 173
plurimum 84, 136
plurimus $2
pluris 211
plus 151, 248, 359
plusquam 250
pluteum 252
Plutus 461
pluvia 230
pluviam 467
pocülum 426, 453
podagram 462
poéma 243, 424
poemáta 253
poena 32, 48, 55, 64, 112, 202,
222, 213, 290, 391, 313,
329, 342, "445, 411
poen 303
Pons 195, 208, 213, 324,
365, 4 514
DibrMIR 144, 157, 171, 277,
323, 370, 434, 435
poenis 429
poeniteat 379
poenitébit 166
penitendum 7
poenitentia 370, 445, 484
poenítet 136, 138, 363
Poenus 199
poéta 78, 452
poste 34, 81, 111, 246,
- 479
postam 259
poétas 458
poetis 224, 282, 331, 448
pol m 408, 421, 466
poli 91
pollet 33
pollice 115
pollicéri 258
pollicitando 468
pollicitis i4
polum 164
pus 251, 352, 355, 393, 411,
pomifer 132
pomis 403
pomo 415
pomorum 28
pone: 68
ompeii 56
Pompeius 220
Pomponi 389
pomum 107
ponat 129
pondéra 153, 184
ponderàre 194
ponderàri 491
pondérat 137
pondére 28, n 66, 92, 149,
227, 420, 5
pondus 71, 129, 102, 181,
247, 277, 2
ponébat d
ponére 65, 279, 450
ponit 36, 233, 359
ponitur 83, 295
ponte 275
pontem 231
Pontice Ain 411
ponto 76
pontus 104, 310, 385, 464
ponunt 21
popinz 410
poplitibus 235
popularis 32
populeá 356
populentur 286
popüli 20, 35, 119, 121, 162,
210 332, 400, 421, 508
popülis 312
poptio FA 70, 139, 208, 288,
port 15, 285
popülos 316, 492
pedum 7, 150, 306, 337,
popilus; 290, 302, 403, 466,
popülus 504
porci 140
porcum 100
porrigine 140
porrigit 330
porte 393
portas 42, 286, 473
portat 107, 337
portenta 437
era m
esa 54, 185, 192, 33
portus 470
posce 129
poscente 74
poscentem 11
poscentes 464
' posces 262
poscetur 423
poscímus 124
poscit 126, 279, 527
posco 521
positee 317
positis 87
posito 355
posse 172, 335, 338
possessio: '88, 182, 622
possessione 90
possessionem 141
possessionum 125
possideant 61
possidentem 283
possidentis 167, 224
possidet 143, 221
possidetis 480
possidetur 54
possim 417
possit 20; 194, 264
possum 273, 283
possümus 248, 282
postéri 60, 486
posterior 372
posteriori 1 (bis), 302
postéris 503
posteritas 267, 450
posteritàte 340
posteritàtis 46
ostéro 46
osthüme 81, 98, 481
postliminii 196
postmódo 240
postrema 226
postremo 225, 347
post-scenia 501
postulàre 261
postülas 167,443
postülat 368.
postüles 176
postület 345, 364
posuére 12
potze 66, coe 429
potandi 20
potat 332
potens 164
potentem 181
potentes 48, 157
potentia 186, 196, 210, 291,
potentiam 368
potentior 34, 129
potentis 92
potentius 33
potérit 148, 193
potéro 303
potes 106, 279, 352
potest 123, 150, 186, 218,
237, 265, 298, 361, 357
potestas 16, 78, 100, 204,
291, 322, 326, 331, 442
potestate 307, 340, 467
potestatem 76
potestates 411
potio 495
potione 248
potionis 141, 454
potior 154, 324
potiri 56, 367, 483
potissímum 151, 165
potitur 56
potius 467
potuisse 350
pótuisset 301
pótuit 122, 223, 251
potum 495
potus 315
preebes 138
preecedente 478
praecepi 310
praeceps 273, 362, 390
preecepta 152, 207, 212
praeceptis 325, 462, 504
preecipientur 90
preecipies 373
preecipit 251
precipitantur 403
preecipitavit 367
preecipitem 190
preecipiti 267, 306
preecipitio 208
preecipitium 1
precipue 196
preecipuum 259
preeclara 30, 165, 238, 413
preeclari 189
preeclaro 214
preclarum 300
preecoci 304
preecognitum 269
preeconia 185
praecordia 24, 306, 390
preecurrére 133
preecurrunt 50
preeda 50, 82, 126
predam 174
preedantur 433
preedttur 256
preedica 18
preedicare 76
preedicatio 64
preeditum 474
| preeferenda 38, 169
| preeferendum 350
preefert 41
pr.efíca 433
preefulgébat 100
prelabitur 176
meia 132, 223, 316, 377,
poss 172, 360
preemia 70, wd a 299,
381, 419, 4
premii 197
premium 150, 155, 470, 498
premunitus 340
prenomine 133
preeparata 203
preeponens 430
preepotentes 117
preeripére 29
preruptus 182
presens 7, 199,210
preesente 298
preesentem 89, 248
preesentes 89
presenti 487
preesentia 22, 230, 300, 495
praesentibus 429
preesentis 90
preesepibus 161
preesertim 76, 160
preesidia 278
preesidio 363
preesta 413
preestant 370
preestanti 513
er Reh 115, 327, 363, 388,
preestas 62
preestat 5, 270, 405
prestent 81
preestet 103
preestigiee 171
preestinxit 366
prsestitütà 246
preesto 150, 440
presumendum 294
praesumitur 415
presumuntur 112, 211.
pretenduntur 273
preetérea 506
preeteriit 253
preetérit 187, 274
preeterita 22
preeteriti 12
preetérit6rum 22, 151, 194
preetéritos 300
preteritum 155
preetermittendis 120
praeterquam 426
preetexit 55
preetülit 41
preevalébit 212
preevidet 22, 360
preevorti 398, 442
prandeat 150
prandio 274
prandium 339
prata 52, 147
prava 55, 150, 197
pravi 452
pravis 89, 321 |
precabor 375 Í
precando 79
precari 109
prece 172, 520
preces 125
precibus 189, 226
preciosa 30
precor 70, 104, 223
prematur 288
premente 404
premit 64, 139, 209, 279
prénitur 84
premunt 186, 270, 334
presentibus 135
pretiis 184
pretio 12, 98, 212, 265, 311,
438, 450, 499, 516, 520
pretiosa 4
pretium 31, 34, 38, 104, 108,
151,163, 250, 271, 314, 513,
Primi 13, 504
pridie 392
prima 416
primis 5
primitiis 29
primitiva 78
primogenitürse 196
primos 108, 289
primus 17, 514
princeps 118, 424
principales 352
principatu 173
principe 120, 186
principes 57
principia 97, 314
principii 217, 330
principiis 310
principis 502
principium 27, 75, 149,
principum 363
prior 353, 370, 446
priores 3, 416᾽
priori 1
prioribus 256
prioris 86
priorum 223
risca 32, 36, 145
risce 404
prisci 245
pristína 399
P09 67, 267, 271, 293,
priusquam 248
privata 177, 344
privato 215, 350
pr ivatorum 58
privatum 203
privéris 205
privilégia 112
proávos 107
proba 432
probze 406
probandi 314
probant 18
probantur 18
probaris 162
probat 86, 114, 316, 513
probata 497
probatur 103
probet 265
probétur 311
probidrem 345
probitas 30, 279
probitatis 271, 453
probo 98, 493
probos 118, 357
probri 364
probum 138
procedére 284
procedunt 440
procella 107, 524
procellas 395
procérem 407
procéres 303
procérum 90
processérit 356, 419
processus 441
rocreantur 40
rocris 250
procubuit 64
procul 193, 258, 434, 506
procumbat 248
procumbit 441
prodérat 51
prodére 145, 560
prodérit 328
prodesse 409, 508
prodest 18, 55, 63, 123, 265,
P 364, 378, "388, 441,
prodigus 166
prodiit 95
prodire 105
prodis 18
proditor 389
proditorem 346
prodücit 73
produxi 34
profani 345, 508
profanum 68, 304, 427
PUN 105, 237,
proféret 373
proferre 164, 487
professa 188
profici 111
proficiente 428
proficiscar 300
proficit 78, 292, 368
proficiunt 376
profuérit 37
profuit 377, 512
profundum 80
profüsus 16
progénérant 129, 251
prognatus 46
progravat 369
progrédi 283
progrediatur 458
progrédiére 131
prohibens 407
prohíbet 257, 369
prohibztur 358
prohibitum 218
projectus 7
prole 308, 403, 432
promens 482
proméreat 261
promiéret 304
promes 286
promiséris 388
promissis 369
promittére 347, 388
promittunt 387
promóvet 89
promptu 151, 192, 355
promptum 251, 476
promptus 130, 527
proniores 152
prono 273 :
pronüba 283 3 *
pronunciandum 233
pronus 44
propagatur 487
prope 357
propéra 466
properamus 418
properandus 472
propérat 7, 263
propére 368
properémus 151
propino 157
propinqui 45
propinquitate 357
propinquitati 341
propior 468
propius 152, 203
proponuntur 75
propositi 197, 412
propositum 107, 228, 321
proposuit 380, 527
at hep 16, 171, 173, 194,
proprietatis 196
propriis 15, 16, 148
proprio 10, 74, "201
proprium 105, 181, 268
proprius 157
propter 338
prorógat 502
prorsus 205
pros. 521
prosequendum 140
proséqui 273
Proserpína 460
prosiliet 461
prosint 417
prosit 98, v 225, 295, 502
prospectat 41
prospéra 341, 413
prospére 368
prospéris 173
prospérum 98
prospicére 190
prospicit 204
prosternímur 334
prostrásse 58
prostràta 66
prosunt 46, 72, 115, 184,269
353, 378, "380
Protea 385
protectionem 348
protége 466
protégit 352
protérit 132
protéron 158
proterva 192
protervitas 475
protülit 382
provéhunt 499
proverbia 426
proverbio 82, 320
providébit 513
providus 368
provisam 488
provisor 166
provocandum 37
cs 126, 208, 496
proximi 4
proximitate 107
proximórum 5, 96
proxímos 257
proximus 85, 467, 499
prudens 103, 257, 260
Sen πω δ 130, 251, 294,
456, 457
prudentis 348
prudentiam 217
prudentissima 10
pruritus 512
Dore. 108, 129, 141, 145,
publíeze 137
_publico 58, 343, 344
publícum 203
pudeat 37, 82, 388
Petendoy 283”
pudens 6
pudet 109, 222, 251, 270,
281, 286, 347, 512
pudica 493
pudicitia 259, 292
pudicitiz 393
pudicitiam 60, 184, 276
pudico 189
pudor 12, 33, 73, 244, 251,
τὴ 329, 381, 443, 471,
indo 344, 407. 511
Sah 276, 356, 363
pudori 447
pudoris 331
puella 43, 85, 321
puellz 287, 399
puellarum 363
puellas 124
puer 14, 52, 86, 90, 92, 135,
212, 267, 320, 396
puéri 39, 547, 248, 287
puerilibus 442
puéris 11, 158, 221, 280, 478
puéro 249
puéros 183, 466
puérum 961, 296
pugná 524
pugnam 409
pugnando 147
pugnant 93
pugnantia 65, 328
pugnare 246, 273
pugnas 31
pugnat 96, 377
pugnis 426
pulcher 28
pulcherríme 123
pulcherrimum 477
Lore 61, 84, 253, 308,
id 376
pulchriori 80
pulchris 67, 121, 313
pulehritüdini: 2 271
pulchro 138, 198
pulchrum 29, 269, 279, 379,
, 560
püllis 7
pulmentaria 280
pulmonem 329
pulsa 33
pulsz 150
pulsari 462
pulsat 319
pulsata 145
pulset 458
pulsus 501
pulvérem 51, 59, 430
pulvéris 146
pulvis 249, 309, 311
pumilio 278, 322
pumpaginis 509
puncto 5 (bis)
punctum 306
pungit 473
puniatur 258
ptinico 308
puniendo 346
puniendum 315
punire 213
puniri 256
punit 257
punitur 135
pupillari 516
pura 1, 351
puré 381
purganda 225
purgare 225
purgat 284
purificante 426
puris 173
puro 1
purpureus 108
purus 182
pusilli 80
pusillos 459
pusillus 53, 364
puta 255, 499
putabam 23
putamus 157
putant 216, 223, 390, 477
putarem 182, 443
putas 182, 299, 490
—— -
putat 13, 45, 56, 152, 268,
211, 456
putato 389
putavi 239, 475
putem 342, 373
putent 213
pe 84, 259, 287, 347, 440,
putet 142, 220, 250, 259
putctur 177
puteum 198, 232
putidus 454
puto 154, 160, 261, 276
putre 308
putrem 352
putridum 51
qua 432
quadra 16, 232, 347
quadrata 86
quadrigis 247, 442
quadrimum 87
quadrum 173
quadrupédes 183
queelibet 475
queramus 20
quaere 66, 280
queerenda 276
queerendi 416, 453
queerendo 265, 269
quzerendus 217
queerens 131, 279
queerére 6, 20, 184, 195, 252,
272, 492, 520
queerimoOniis 122
queerimus 104, 147, 256, 490
queeris 182
queerit 11, 171, 189, 255,
319, 473
quzerite 156
queeritis 45
queerunt 16, 184
quesicris 465
queesisse 463
queesita 36
queesitis 73
queesitum 197
quaeso 493
queestio 42, 348, 491
quzestiónem 8
quzestioni 8
S AT: 47
ya: ἘΝ 295, 312
quale 52
qualibet 208, 463
qualis 10, 50, 81, 118, 277,
285, 471
qualiscumque 138
qualitate 524
quamcunque 466
quando 300, 513
quanta 5, 354, 482
quanti 154, 454
quanto 146, 345, 437
quantüla 2 236
Quantalume NP 122
quantum 299, 454
quare 253, 273
quassa 108
quassas 208
quassatum 471
quater 75
quatient 363
quatit 197, 275
quatuor 111
queas 151, 183 .
queat 475
quemadmódum 428
quempiam 245
quemque 464
quercum 15. ^
querela 31, 347, 432, 456
querelam 272
querélis 68
querenti 269
queri 146, 292
. querimonize 379
queror 317
quérüla 42
quérülus 84
questíbus 356
questus 34
quicquam 226, 253, 455
quicquid 163, 451
quicunque 122
quid 460
quidquam 177
quies 66, 148, 168, 175, 259,
311, 326, 412, 436, 498
quiescant; 452
quiescebant 192
quiescendum 109
quiescent 146
quiescenti 109, 141
quiete 520
quictem 68, 252
quieti 468
quietos 227
uimus 479
uirites 283
Quiritium 233
quis 425, 495
quisquam 297
quisque 185, 227, 358, 360,
428, 429, 439, 444, 419
quivis 428
quo 207, 370, 378, 441, 528
quocunque 424, 4 489
quod 285, 434, 443, 446
quodcumque. 511
quodcunque 195, 511
quominus 415
quomódo 261, 284
quondam 211
quoniam 449
quoque 374, 466
quotidie 469
quoties 154, 425, 463
rabidé 461
rabide 88
rabiem 192, 210
rabies 250
radat 17
radére 487
radice 187, 361, 427, 428
radices 487
radicibus 496
radiis 43
radios 429
rami 92
ramis 251
ramo 117, 256
ramos 28, 94
ramum 485
rapacium 50
rapida 237
rapíde 514
rapido 271
rapit 166, 273, 293, 384
raptat 293
raptus 528
rapuere 219
rápuit 58
rara 31
rari 24
rarissima 13
raro 341, 446
rarum 165
rasa 451
ratà 344
ratem 44, 165
rates 208, 260, 518
ratio 31, '32, 33, 65, 74, 85,
143, 169, 207, 217, 275, 334,
335, 366, 387, 388 (bis), 434,
467, 472, 518
ratione 114, 176, 181, 183,
213, 253, 297, 320, 333, 375,
419, 430, 440, 447, 480, 497,
rationem 89, 292, 525, 564
rationi 24, 457
rationis 160, 276, 457
re 173, 258, 144, 445, 455
rea 6
rebus 11, 50, 74, 93, 95, 104,
108, lil, 173 (ter), 186, 210,
211, 229, 233, 241, 260, 360,
371, 455, 511, 527
recedendum 2
recedentes 238
recédis 68
recedunt 150
recentium 359, 401
receptàcülum 59
receptus 151
recidat 272
récidendum 67
réciduntur 84
recipit 37
recitas 93
reclinat 293
reclüdens 497
recluditur 11
recogito 154
recondéret 304
recondita 194
recordanti 292
recordatio 381
recreare 200, 419
recreàri 454
recta 118, 150, 398
recte 55
recté 34, 56, 217, 331, 279,
416, 466, 500, 502, 503, 515
recti 55, 89, 2 37
rectius 425
recto 121
rectum 32, ἊΝ 240, 443, 443
rectus 103, 526
recumbit 76, 174
recurrére 409
recurret 247
recurrit 7, 132
recusabo 7
recüsat 5,418 .
recüsem 425
recüsent 251, 410, 489
recüset 20, 378
redarguit 352
reddam 452
reddàtur 478
redde 208, 483
reddére 1l, 37, 38, 59, 107,
176, 239, 554, "365, 475, 488
reddet 2 286
reddi 50
reddit 311, 516
redditur 37
redeas 418
redeat 210, 370, 458
redemptum 235
redeo 223
redeunt 192
redibis 159
rediéris 270
redigére 173
rediit 82
redire 253, 329, 369
redit 192, 295, 341
reditu 386
reditus 29
redivivus 345
redücent 87
rédücet 80
redücito 102
redüco 428
refelli 350
refer 149
référam 433
référat 7, 300
referàtur 344
referendá 173
referendum 8
reférens 155
refcret 311, 391
référo 319, 308
refert 214, 259, 277, 284, 341,
390, 497
reficiantur 454
refícit 194, 208
reformidant 225
refugimus 377
refu TN Ἢ
rege 22, 22, 38 60,120, 297,590, —
regebat 193 remis 436, 441, 453 rerum 55, 63, 103, 122, 141,
regem 34, 340, 407 remisit 273 161, 215, 223, 229, 230,
regentis 54 remissi 303 247, 214, 310, 814, 324,
regére 4, 198 remissio 26 342, 4
reges 48, 11, 133. remissis 67 res 10, 63 108, 161, 163, 171,
regi 141, 175, 294, em 441 | remittit 242 195, "225, 280, 297, 308, 313,
regia 102 remorante 457 328, 349, 339, 402, 428, 467,
régise 192 remos 79 469
regibus 20 remota 285 resecàre 225
regimur 298 remotis 180, 199 réséces 407, 438
regina 106, 178, 414 remoto 165, 308 reservare 225
regine 332 remotos 378 .| reservatur 59
regio 354, 378 remótum 102 reside 43
regione 36 rempublícam 100, 282, 312| resistére 182
regionibus 176 remus 17 resolvent 456
regis 32, 54, 359, 492 renascentur 226 resolvit 266, 303
regit 28, 501, 516 rénidet 275 resonare 478
regium 196 renovare 178 resóno 149
regna 98, 180, 192 rénuis 375 respectat 193
regnandi 526 renunciàre 381 respectus 254
regnàre 304 renuncio 159 respexit 204
regnas 422 reo 392 || respíce 392, 431
regnes 199 reor 340 respicére 62, 285
regni 69, 278, 291 reparabilis 293 respiciendus 360
regno 175, 248, 501 reparare 489 respicientibus 178
regnum 227, 401, 471 repellére 494 respicit 204
regrédi 283 repellit 30 respicitur 418
regtila 10, 398 rependens 85 respondéant §
regülam 114 rependitur 141 respondendum 8, 44, 149
regum 11, 15, 30, 48, 139,| rependunt 149 respondent 65
193, 319, 436, 449, 472 repente 131, 258 respondere 25, 333
regunt 28° ' | repentino 203 respondímus 142
rei 172 180, 458, 479 repercussee 376 responsare 383
reipublieze' 172, 185, 9315, repéries 118 respublíca 150, 249
351, 387, 483 reperiri 270 respue 560
rejiciam 421 reperisse 160 restat 9, 20, 64
relabi 382 reperit 185, 326 restituit 67, 474
relaxes 396 repériuntur 65, 240, 370 restrictus 72
relevétur 278 repertum 207 resurgens 173
relicta 11, 186, 236, 252,| repétat 370 retentum 301
310 repetendis 358 reticére 353
relictos 296 repétit 226, 377, 388 retinactila 133
relictum 457 repetita 75, 142, 302 retinendis 244
religio 197, 361, 415, 449,| replétam 327 retinent 327
454 reponens 87 retinentur 186
religione 154, 291, 331 . reporto 438 retinere 29, 320, 381
religionibus 398 . : repostum 219 retinetur 166
religiosum 398 reppéri 394 retráhunt 383
relinquent 192 repreesentatiónis 144,196 | retrorsum 320, 465, 409
relinquére 166, 290 reprehendére 302 retülit 238, 372
relinquéris 255 reprehendi 177 retundére 206
relinquit 60 repréndas 484 reum 6, 469
relinquitur 197 repressit 93 reus 320
relinquunt 28 reprobatur 270, 513 revelat 458
reliqui 504 reptare 451 reventum 403
reliquis 301 republica 6, 59 reverenter 131
reliquis 146 repudies 297 reverentia 212, 215, 221
reliquum 125 repuerascam 423 reverentissimé 16
rem 10, 295, 443, 508 repugnanti 49 reveréri 84
remánet 108 repugnat 144 reverti 74, 261
remédia 117, 139 repulse 497 revertitur 155
remédii 224 requie 386 revisens 238
remáédiis 224 requiei 497 revocabitur 253
Boum 21, 64, 181, 278,| réquies 138, 2 406, 427 revocàmen 5
requiescat 392 revocare 118, 213
Remi 468 requirat 36, 90 revolvo 359
remigiis 273 requirére 355 rex 97, 265, 332, 356, 385,
reininiscitur 92, 102 requinis 423 502, 524
Rhe. 137
rhetóres 49
Ihódópe 226
ride 518
rideat 430
ridébo 216
ridendus 436
ridens 510
rident 109, 125
ridenti 306
ridentibus 4
ridéret 47, Eh 429
rides 182, 378
ridet 164, 329, 349
ridicüla 469
ridicülos 267
ridicülum 379
ridicülus 321
rigido 8
rigui 403
rimarum 333
rimis 489
ripam 437
risi 98
Tisit 55
risu 199, 329
risum 128, 326, 333
risus 3, 144, 108, 271, 311,
319, 4
rivali 358 446
rivos 52, 382
rixse 451
rixatur 17
Roberto 116
robórant 89
robóris 340
robur 165, 170
robustius. 218, 306
rodit 3
rogabunt 240
rogandi 99
rogant 239, 253
rogantibus 234
rogare 100, 404
rogaretur 435
rogat 4, 318, 372
rogàti 143, 312
rogémus 143
rogo 148, 371
rogus 451
Roma 77, 235, 483
Rome 134, 311, 312, 378,
Romam 279, 402, 478
Romana 361
Romine 3
Romani 49, 389, 421
Romano 426
‘Romanum 106, 428
Romanus 403
rore 475
rosa 105, 445, 459, 476
rosam 105
rosaria 252
rosas 284
rostro 474
rota 20, 191, 472, 489
rotulorum 69
rotundis 86
rotundo 522
rotundus 173, 383, 459
ruamus 235
ruat 124
rubens 285
ruber 62
rubigine 319
rubigo 12
rubori 108
rubos 284
rude 98
rudis 23
ruendi 391
ruire 429
Rufillus 98
ruga 190, 212
rugis 98
ruiná 64, 136
ruins 422
ruit 30, 526
ruitur 133
ruitüra 373
ruitürum 34
rumor 6, 155
rumore 504
rumores 474, 517
rumpe 99
rumpit 340
rupere 397
rupes 188
rupit 316
rura 36, 200, 208, 219, 433
ruris 149
rursum der. 287
rursus 11, 56, 168, 178
rus 49, 1 18
rustica 98, 126, 400
rusticus 473, 502
ruunt 170, 173, 232, 311
sabbáta 134
Sabidi 273
Sabiná& 87
Sacco 277
Sacer 161
sacerdos 478
sacerdotum 275
sacra 33, 64, 400
sacrificabo 403
sacris 209, 212, 244
sacrum 32
seecla 291, 516
seeclum 83
seeciila 254, 417, 469, 485
szectili 24
szeculorum 261
szeciilum 289
seepe 162
szepissime 244
seevas 158
saevi 183
szevior 296
sxvit 4, 178, 428
seevitice 30
sevo 131, 246
seevos 213
seevus 192, 210
sagaces 363
sagas 437
sagax 480
saginat 303
sagitta 460
sagittee 254, 486
Saguntum 7
sal 322
sale 181
salem 525
sales 298, 433
sálices 122
salinum 503
vols 227, 256, 274, 335,
salit 303
saliunt 15
saltat 43
saltibus 127
saltu 173
saltum 326, 520
salübres 451
salus 174, 289, 292, 334, 406,
514, 527
salutantem 179 .
salutantium 233
salutato 3
saliite 344
salütem 102, 152, 201, 349,
473, 474
salutiféras 459
salütor 78
salvia 68, 524
salvum 287, 312
sana 316, 519
sanabíle' 166, 183
sananda 47 9
sanari 321, 507
sanat 65
sanato 111
sanciatur 143
sancimus 99, 358
sancte 485
sanctissima 359
sanctitas 471
sanctorum 407
sanctum 165
SE MD 342, 378, 428, 441,
sanguinis 196, 296, 425
sanguis 110, 4 419
sanitas 298
sanitàti 264
sanitatis 321
sano 291
sanum 427
Sanus 46, 267
tp 18, 165, 190, 359, 380,
sapias 426
sapiens 3, 53, 114, 181, 189,
190, 245, 383, 495, 496, 519
sapiente 85, 4 451.
sapientem 311, 351
sapienter 192, 212
sapientes 35, '211, 335, 398,
Pagtectl 82, 231, 488
sapientia 57, 212, 273, 275,
297,331, 335, 380, 404, 405,
418, 421, 443, 473, 492, 501
sapientis 128, 140, 181, 890,
343, 349, 408, 435
sapientiam 153, 170, 235
sapientibus 101
sapientior 50
sapientis 244, 380°
sapientum 413
sapiet 332
sapimus 171
sapis 401, 426, 466
sapit 122, 124, 152, 188, 217
242, 253, 257, 258, 281, 401,
496, 560
sapiunt 62, 418
saporem 87
sapdrum 253
Sarmentus 353
sat 82, 488, 503
sata 32, 393
satellites 33
satiétas 241
satietate 141
satiram 84
satis 193, 210, 304, 414, 420
satisfaciendum 44, 140
satius 335
satum 65
satur 48, 500
Saturnalia 285
Saturnia 192
Saturno m
saucia 225
saxa 4, 33, 220, 406, 509
Saxis 76
saxo 367, 376
saxum 34, 294
scabie 140
scabies 292, 302, 512
scabunt 17
scalpendas 247
to ολ he
scates 1
sceléra 79, 154, 326, 404, 470
sceleratus 73, 119
scelére 197 .
sceleribus 326
scéléris 163, 182
scelus 63, 245, 299, 330, 348,
409, 512, 528
scena 242, 372
scenam 286
sceptro 460
sceptrum 15, 102
Scholz 284
sciam 9
sciamus 101
sciant 105
Scias 18
sciat 153, 187, 411
Sciens 159
Scientia 50, 285, 320
scientize 313
scintilla 322
scintillüla 199, 518
scio 29, 151, 239, 296
Scire 161, 201, 253, 265, 268,
ἫΝ 297, 335, 411, 427, 408,
scires 162
scirent 12
sciri 268
scirpo 272
scis 110, 268, 287, 388
scit 37, 42, 143, 187, 275,
383, 519, 524
Scità 146
scitis 119
scito 151, 282, 371
sciunt 132
scopo 207
scópülis 187
scopülum 170
scorpium 58
Scorpius 448
Scortorum 354
scribat 160, 169, 259
scribatur 51
Scribe 446
scribendi 42, 135, 331, 459
scribendo dl
scribére 5, 82, 84, 237, 341,
417, 468, 519
scribis 168
Scribit 284
scripsi 143, 239
scripta 190, 204, 206, 353,
scriptio 292
scriptis 197
scriptores 49
scriptos 412
scriptum 211, 220, 265, 318
scriptürus 405
scrutabéris 25
scrutari 194
scurra 371
scurrz 283
scuta 497
scutica 249
Scyllam 176, 385
scyphis 246
se 123, 218, 264, 326
secandi 135
secantur 513
secernis 214, 460
secréta 61, 411
secrétum 299
sectabére 489
sectamur 50, 96
sectari 175
sectére 249
sector 224
sectores 69
secularibus 257
secunda 84, 85, 394
secundze 58, 91, 179, 307,
308, 363
secundam 123
secundas 143
secundis 103, 129, 173, 211,
260, 395, 433, 486
secundissimis 110
secundum 367
secundus 293
secura 148, 470
secüram 68
secüres 497
securiorem 426
secüris 317
securitatem 488
secüta 230, 435
sedat 457
sedatam 276
sedatum 303
sede 274
sedeas 376
sedébit 526
sedem 70, 80, 416, 418
sedent 17
sedes 104, 447
sedet 319
sed5tur 127
sedibus 382
seditio 4
seditidne 383
sedücimus 333
sedulitas 317
seges 123, 346
segétem 338
segétes 148, 244
segni 314
segnibus 508
segnis 226
segrégent 307
seipso 173, 257
seipsum 4, 358, 369, 370
sejuncta 153
sejunctum 460
sejungas 360
semel 370
sementem 16, 479
semet 188
semina 26, 274
seminat 356
semine 486
semita 119
semper M 284, 285, 414,
431, 472, 4
senàtu 49
senatus 213, 278, 403
sene 76
senecta 24, 94, 202, 467,
senectz 98
senectam 211, 223
senectus 124, 129, 141, 119,
176, 280, 315, 357
senectüte 23, 340
senectütem 23, 143
senectüti 141, 204
senectütis 76, 415
senem 43, 71, 129, 188, 239
senes 23, 170, 330, 346, 354
senescentem "436
senescére 65
senescimus 457
senescit 166
senescunt 58
senex μονα Es 265, 975,
469, 473,
seni 18, an
senibus 67
senilis 190, 212, 469
sensibus 5, 213, 452
sensit 37, 345, 373
sensu 311, 475
sensum 332
sensus 5, 140, 230, 275, 334,
362, 43 37, 462
sententia. 38, 103, 106, 152,
160, 328, 377
sententiae 391
sententiàrum 99
sententiis 320
sentiat 256,.380
sentiendum 208
sentiens 64
sentientis 213
senties 118
seutiet 311
sentimus 65, 354
sentio 260
sentire 217, 275, 393, 467,
468, 483
sentires 526
sentis 117
sentit 371
sentitur 40
sentiunt 414
senum 416
separabit 525
separari 498
sepes 191
septem 244
septima 64
sepulcri 46, 145
sepultae 324
sepultos 106, 159
sepultüra 318
sepultürzse 68
sequamur 234, 252, 383,
48, 449
sequar 414
sequentia 110
sequentur 117, 129
sequeris 487
sequetur 75, 206
sequi 165, 434
sequitur 33, 61, 94, 121,137,
279, 285, 388, 417, 484, 457,
sequor 388
sequuntur 235, 457
sera 204, 252
seree 46
seram 336
sere 87
serendum 338
ak der 457
seréno 106
seria 20, 142, 191, 339, 571
Rerior 455
serit 25
seritur 229
Bermo 57, 251, 399, 402, 434
sermone 241, 281, 380
sermonem 10, 435
sermoni 259
sermonibus 462
sermonis 51, 97, 141
sermonum 236, 445
sero 400
serpentes 287
serpyllum 446
serta 124
serus 261
servabit 278
servanda 125
servantissimus 197
servare 11, 78, 260, 266, 311
servari 374
servasso 98
servastis 336
servat D ks 187, 205,
315, 360, 527
servàte 98, 129, 438
servàtis 65
servatorem 67
servatur 56, 373
servi 201, 205, 250, 299, 391,
479, 503
serviat 199
serviet 369
servire 368, 479
servis 29, 222, 269
servit 166
servitii 329
servitium 120, 217, 326
ser au 126, 130, 213, 231,
servitüte 126, 173, 419
servitütis 512
serviunt 201
servo 231
servos 229
dte an 12, 190, 253, 275,
servus 229
sesquipedalia 347, 456
sevére 67
severiores 272
severitatem 477
severos 283
severum 120
severus 283
sex 28, 33, 243
sexti 31 19
sexu 363
sibi 285, 560
sibilat 337
Sibyllá 83
sic 301
siccat 349
siccatis 85
siccus 155, 392
Sicülse 87
Sicüli 186
sidéra nat 188,
342, 448, 476,
sidéris 43
sidérum 350
223, 318,
sigilli 198, 207
signa 50, 120, 144, 175
signitis ^48
significanda 115
signo 170, 445, 516
signum 501
sile 17, 205
sileantur 340
silenda 215
silent 182, 331, 475
silentes 8h
silenti 48, $8
silentia 115, 155
silentio 445, 470, 489
silentium 239
silére 17, 350
silva 263
silvee 150, 493
simia 24, 431
simias 28
simile 117, 286, 201, 367,
311, 520
simili 431
similibus 110, 431
similior 141
similis 219, 405, 431
similitüdinem 160
similitüdinis 271
similitüdo 6, 335
similius 269
simplex 90, 384, 382, 489
simplicia 85
simplicitas 13, 103, 177
simulàcra 376
simulàre 443
simülat 218, 371
simulàtam 264
simulàtio 357
simulatione 292
simulator 64
simulàtum 487
simultas 183
sincera 291
sinceritas 7, 527
sincérum 389
sine 456
singe 23, 254, 334, 353
singüli 93
eb 401, 509
singülos 141
sinistri 390
sinistrorsum 164, 431
sinit 179, 260, 280
sint 354
sinu 53
sinunt 94!
siren 501
siris 48
Sisyphe 34
sitze 171
sitiens 453
sitientibus 16
ἘΠΕ esc 232, 315, 418, 426,
sttiunt 128
sitiuntur 384, 429
situ 11, 174
situm 151, 464
situs 148
sóbóles 199
sobrii 387
sobrius 32, 203, 369
* socie 115
sociétas 125, 202,
societatem 301
societatis 54
socii 187
sociis 289, 291
Socinus 462
socio 245, 522
socidrum 281
socios 92, 435
socium 43, 388
socius 103
Socrates 19
sodalitatem 461
sodalitium 513
sol 118, 230, 236, 238, 266,
272, 366, 497
solamen 96
solaris 188
solàtia 49, 68, 138
solatium 143, 481
solatur 137
pele 36, 164, 229, 265, 379.
soleatis 29
solem 10, 113, 141, 163, 334
solemnes 83
solemnia 182, 516
solemus 226
solent 91, 103, 256, 478, 479
solertia 369, 309
solertise 358
soles 208, 285, 352, 404, 424
S 7, 203, 356, 403, "450,
solétur 284
soli 210, 242
solicitat 144
solicitis 20
solicitudinibus 330
sólído 131, 238
solis 350, 508
solita 93
solitüdíne 215
solitüdo 212
solitum 261, 347
sollicita 215
sollicites 301
sollicitam 242
Sollicitando 468
sollicitante 228
sollicitat 78
solliciti 291, 400
sollicitis 225, 377
sollicitàdines 527
E 35, 174, 180, 373,
Solonis 62
solos 183
solum i 131, 194, 222, 281,
294, 3 59
solus' 91, Een 258, 465
solütis 150, 295, 363
soltitos 3
297, 331
solfitus 36
solve 478
solvent 83
solvet 122
solvite 436
solvitur 59, 193
solvunt 149
somni 148, 296
somnia 10, 231, a
somnium 439, 4
Torn 219, 301, 404, 419,
somnos 503
somnum 87, nn 314, 362
somnus 274, 4
sonabant 120^
sonant 120, 188, 405
sonat 183, 335
sonatürum 63, 178
sónípes 317
sónitu 352
sónitus 93, 239, 211
sono 17, 201, 303
sonoras 209
sonos 108
sonum 23, 72
sonus 126
sophos 389
sopor 452
Soracte 493
sorbentur 234
sorbére 127
sordescit 201
sordibus 32
sordída 317, 326
sordídse 497
sordidus 461, 503
sororum 118
sors 63, 145, 307, 389, 413,
437, 522
sorte 145, 199, 258, 508
sortem 366, 438
sortis 260
sortita 433
sortitur 11
sospite 104
sotadicus 319
spargére 18
spargit 257
sparsimus 513
spatiatur 467
spatio 309, 516
posting), 67, 70, 111, 129,
spe 261, 371, 482
specie 120
speciem 333
species 229, 300
specidsum 413
specta 113
spectabére 372
spectabéris 438
spectabimus 99
spectacüla 279, 505
spectanda 289
spectandum 341
spectantis 347
spectare 258, 374, 414
spectàri 290
spectatam 168
spectato 416
spectator 288
spectatur 196
spectentur 438
spectes 2, 420
spectétur 410
speculatores 303
specüli 410
specülum 182, 453, 458, 484
speluncze 148
spem 65, 183, 232, 229, 381
sperabitur 138, 183
sperare 79, 171, 368
sperata 224
edt 333
speravi 174
speres 166, 182, 232
speret 498.
spernat 269
sperne 511
spernenda 233
spernére 520
spernit 346, 377, 388, 497
spernite 255
sperno 520
spes 8, 10, 61, 185, 192, 221,
272, "487, 510, 516
spina 284”
spinarum 191
spinis 114, 379
spiritu 246
spiritum 3, 199
prs 84, 102, 110, 300,
spiro 94, 512
sp lendeat 295
ciara? 426
splendet 131, 503
splenem 141
spoliat 284
sponte 32, 56
sprétee 180, 219
spumantia 317
stabile 16
stabis 338, 339
stábülis 464
stagno 527
standi 207
stans 170
stantíbus 395
dyes ie
Stat 18, D 935, 230, 524
statim 269
statio 208 .
statione 470
statu 441, 516
statuam 12
statuendum 77
statuérit 371
statuerunt 461
statuis 115
statuit 347, 365, 371
status 277
stellarum 223, 506
stellas 366, 436
Stemma 331, 521
Stercóre 33, 151, 220
sterilis 194
Sterquilinio 136
stet 493
stetérit 204, 278
stetérunt 302
stetit 267, 306
stimulata 196
stimtilis 320
stimülos 426
stimülum 57, 245
stipendiis 259
stiptila 240
stirpes 326
stdlida 109
nig a 112, 198, 212, 247,
TS ua Rat 193
Strangülat 183, 413
stratum 442
stravére 283
strenua 8
strenuus 399
strepit 27, 184
strepitum 131
strepítus 337
strepunt 192
strictee 41
strictas 287
stridor 39
struit 430
studeo 277
studére 167
studet 133, 371
rir 3, 143, 235, 316, 410,
studii 174, 326, 410, 412
studiis 166, 262, 332, 424,
0, 477
studio 162, 234, 454
studiorum 11, 391
studiosa 390
studiosos 89
studiosum 351
studium 98, BU 371
stulta 271, 3
stulte 48, Ta 24, 525
stulti 93, 94, 333, 449
stultior 384’
Stultis 111
stultissimus 462
ee 52, 252, 408, 416,
Stultitize 105, 222, 348
stultitiam 151, 217, 231
stult6rum 111, 402, 618
Stultos 485
stultum 130, 326
Stultus 162, 184, 189, 217,
346, 319, 305, 468, 475, 515
stupent 68
staipidus 290
scylum 405
Fuadéla 37
5 iadéri 361, 454
ΠῚ; 302
Suasoria 394
suave 315, 479
suaves 457
suavia 282
suavis 301
suavitas 230
suaviter 424, 595
subclaudicare 420, 422
subdére 282
subditi 359
subdólis 370
subdücitur 59
subductá 462
subductis 239
subeant 109, 484
subesse 263, 370
subeunt 192
subiére 73
subigit 273
subiit 418
subitee 149
subitis 110
subito 135, 253, 402
subjecisti 311
subjecta 414
subjectam 449
subjectidnem 348
subjectis 142, 320
subjicére 75
subjicit 110
subjungére 229
sublapsa 429
sublata 46, 260, 331
sublatam 498
sublato 469
sublestior 420
sublévet 502
sublime 317
sublimes 358
sublimia 132
sublimis 106, 166
submissius 360
submittére 108
subsellia 339
subsequitur 163
subsidia 68
subsidunt 514
subtile 195
subtilitas 270
subtilitate 264
subtrahe 356
subvénire 194
subveniunt 494
subvertet 63
subvertit 316
succédet 367
succédit 219, 265
succédunt 23
successionibus 196
successit 382
successus 154
succos 404
succubuit 15
succumbére 424
succurrére 145, 231, 397
succurritur 120, 172
succus 147
sudando 280
sudat 421
sudavit 371
sudet 428
sudore 4
sues 17
suffécérit 446
sufficiat 525
sufficimus 252
sufficit 361, 409, 446, 475
sufficiunt 323
suffragia 276
suffüsá 429
sui 321
sulcavímus 288
sum 520
sumas 170
sume 5
sumére 107, 182, 214, 256,
365, 380
sumes 81
sumitur 170
summa 64, 142, 193, 280,
299, τὸ “318, 347, 462
summas 5
summi 356.
summis 289, 482
summoveo 428
summum 41, 197, 257, 347
summus 458°
sumptis 454
sumptui 461
sumptum 255
sumptus 274, 320, 325 -
sumtus 25
suo 235
super 409
superabat 221
superabit 366
ee otc 372, 497, 522
superàre 4
supéras ἜΝ
supérat 252, 517
superavimus 231
superba 42, 232
superbé 173, 249
superbia 121, 156, 181
superbise 157, 412
superbiam 173, 355, 446
superbis 179, 222, 396
superbos 142, 320, 417
superbum 275
superbus 205
supercilium 66
supereminet 372
Superesse 484 -
superesset 266
up 66, 75, 419, 421,
superestis 504
supéret 447
supéri 346, 383, 426
superior 400
superidrem 428
superiores 360
superiorum 261, 329, £12
supéris 22, 448
superne 79
supéros 104, 127
superstitio 313
superstitione 292
supersunt 21, 207
supervacuos 417
supervacuum. 306
supervacuus 427
superveniet 135, 183
supervenit 329
suppéditat 80
suppétit 324
supplet 519
supplicia 8
suppliciis 134
supplicio 379
suppositos 175
suppütat 29 :
supra 319, 354, 389, 472, 479,
supréma 122, 238, 406, 460,
suprémi 71
supremum 183, 306, 486
surcülus 528
surdior 411
surgemus 67
surges 67
surgit 224, 336
surgunt 477
surripi 359
surripis 244
surripitur 244
sus 28, 219
suscipére 137
suscipiatur 36
suscipitur 525
suscitavit 322
suspectidres 397
suspectos 48
suspendére 306, 410
suspendit 105, 327
suspendium 219
suspensos 106
suspicienda 36
suspicio 8, 160
suspicionem 207
suspiciones 168
suspicidsi 308
suspirat 144
sustentactila 395
sustineant 493
sustinet 14, 227
sustinui 302
sustülit 7, 141, 303
sutor 249
sycophante 278
sylvz 108, 187, 296, 321
sylvam 174
sylvas 184, 393, 403
sylvestrem 117
sylvis 77, 355, 356, 454
Syro 64
tabella 146
taberná 228
tabernas 319
tabtila 220
tabülse 436
tabtilas 5
tabülis 67
tace 31
taceant 299
tacenda 82, 105, 115
tacens 405
tacent 365
tacentes 74
tacentia 81
taceo 200
tacére 3, 519
tacitaé 29
taciti 230, 414
tacitis 457
tacito 94
tacitum 245, 410, 424
taciturnitate 443
taciturnus 333
tacitus 302
tacta 507
tactu 465
tacuére 282
tacuisse 287, 293
tale 268
talem 81
tales 301
talia 383
talidnis 204
tam 372
tamen 426
tangat 267
tangenda 260
tangent 29
tangére 225, 272
tangit 306
tangunt 129, 426
tanquam 490
tanta 197
Tan tile 460
Tantalus 355
tantarum 426
tantas 281
tanti 318
tantis 436, 462
tanto 344, 461
tantum 326
tantummódo 310
taratantára 39
tarda 124, 229
tardam 44
tardat 138
tardigrádis 95
tarditate 492
tardus 166, 484
'artára 187, 361
tauri 459
taurinis 508
* taurus 99, 513
te 269, 327
technica 226
tecta 11, 161, 232
tecti 32
tectis 349
tecto 133, 149, 150
tectus 381
tecum 91
tegendo 17
teges 25
teci 12
tegit 23, 45, 135
tegitur 31, 52, 183, 381
tegülis 234
tegunt 12
teipso 280
teipsum 240, 521
tela 49, 291, 384, 513
telas 25
telis 233
tellüre 176, 303
tellüris 347
tellus 11, 23, 102, 163, 206,
ro 282, 299, 332, 418, 476,
telorum 116
telum 95, 179
temeraria 195
temerarium 286
temeravit 317
témére 48, 269, 287, 258, £20
temeritas 324, 344, 387
temeritatis 333
temnére 86
temnit 193
Tempe 148
temperantia 130, 340
temperantis 152
temperare 84
températ 367
temperatam 11, 499
temperato 295
tempéret 199, 383
tempestas 293, 384
tempestates 209, 336
templa 413
tempora 12, 28, 30, 81, 91,
109, 195, 207, 229, 233, 239,
284, 301, 329, 395, 435, 490
tempore 72, 80, 113, 124, 145,
149, 150, 184, 197, 271, 289,
314, 329, 344, 370, 410, 425
tempóri 494
temporibus 103
tempóris 16, 84, 112, 122,
169, 178, 200, 224, 255, 295,
345, 349, 386, 524, 525
tempórum 263, 393
tempus 41, 99, 102, 105, 134,
155, 210, 225, 251, 279, 286,
289, 294, 308, 309, 344, 364,
394, 413, 418, 427, 428, 431,
432, 439, 440, 486
tenàcem 197
tenacissimi 247
tenacissimum 6
tenax 322, 333, 407, 452
teudat 35
tende 472
tendendo 134
tendens 133
tendére 252
tendimus 41
tendis 385
tendit 84, 187, 279
tenditur 401
tendunt 155
tene 184, 301
teneam 385.
teneant 206, 433
teneas 110, 302
teneat 367
teneatis 402, 438
teneatur 201
tenébat 490
tenébo 92
ténébree 359
ténébras 339
tenebricosum 369
tenementis 267
tenemus 433
tenens 207
tenent 282
tenenti 27
teneo 33, 463
ténéra 126
ténéree 466
ténéras 244
tenére 276, 504
ténéris 2, 9, 413
tenéro 19
ténéros 261
tenes 21
tenet 122, 148, 164, 222,
tenétur 161, 258, 442
tentabimus 400
tentamine 515
tentare 251
tentaris 34, 466
tentat 257, 478
tentata 67
tentes 250, 339
tentoria 445
tenuàtum 419
tenuatur 59
tenuem 70
tenues 163
ténui 96, 174, 296
tenuis 5 174
tenuit 148, 490
tenuitas 470
tenus 316, 488
tépéfácit 188
tepentibus 486
teres 173, 486, 487
terga 26, 250
tergo 1, 16, 235
tergóre 513
tergum 327
téritur 140
terra 27, 81, 104, 179, 258,
342, 355, 367, 376, 379, 433,
terre 96, 204, 326
terram 14
terrarum 102, 1
pu cg 80, 260, 37, 379, 439,
terrent eh 155, 334, 437
terreri 110
terres 202
' terrestrium 359
— Ó—Á———€R—————— U——————
terret 120, 336, 372
terribilis 241
terricólis 239
terris 60, 81, 100, 234, 277,
299, 312, 353, 354, 373, 384,
393, 404, 421, 422, 475
terrore 129, 428
terrorem 174
terrores 437
tertium 33
tesséris 191
testamento 65, 353
testatum 389
teste 83, 162, 522
testem 421
testes 55, 274, 326, 359
testíbus 180, 481
testimonia 336
testimonium 70, 492
testis 194, 334
testium 34, 491
testor 223
testudínis 315
testudo 71
tétígit 398, 522
tetrior 250
Teucro 266
texére 266
thalami 424
Thaliarche 87
theatris 165, 414
theatrum 67
Thebarum 393
Thebis 233
theologicum 304
thesauri 278, 410
thesaurus 313
Theséius 392
''hessála 437
Thisbe 56
Thracum 246
Thréicio 296
Thule 473, 485
thus 193, 484
Tibérim 382
tibi 151, 162
Tibullus 191, 426
Tibur 402
Tigelli 77
tigres 328
Hern 287, 526
tigride 461
tigris 356
timeant 213
timeat 255, 284
timebat 109
timémus 375
timendi 89
timendum 37, 512
timens 312, 470
timent 241
timeo 280, 287
timére 97, 203, 232,2 51, 261,
43, 520
timérent 29
timeri 411
timet 229, 304, 372
timida 372
timide 249, 372, 520
timidi 44
timidissimum 97
timido 235, 442
timidos 30
timidum 299, 376
timidus 280
timor 30, 31, 76, 241, 325,
Po 423, 449, 410, 412,
timorem 401
timores 183, 482
timoris 88, 400, ida
timorum 391
tinctá 56
tingére 47, 82
tinniébant 295
tintinnabüla 462
Tiphys 485
tiro 415, 452
Tironianze 289
Tisiphéne 481
‘Titan 195
titillantium 56
titübes 482
titüli 220
toga 434
togze 48, 378, 497
togam 31, 49
togata 389
tolerabile 151
tolerare 203
tolerate 94
' tolérent 241
tollas 248, 317
tollatur 346
tolle 68, 166
tollendze 352
tollére 444, 459
tolli 14
tollit 55
tollite 246
tollitur 125, 275
tollunt 164.
tonans 195
tonantes 13
tondére 40
tonus 518
toris 26
tormentis 26
tormentum 186
tornátos 107
toro 1
torqutbére 262, 424
torquére 397
torques 3
torquet 195
torrens 175
torrentem 164
tortus 25, 495
torum 283
torvo 378
tota 475
toti 253, 288, 323
toties 145, 154
totis ΤΣ
toto ΓΝ EA 191, 325, 463.
totum 117, 201, 471
totus 140, 172, 173
trabibus 67
tractantem 371
tractantur 202
tractari 419
tractata 507
tractavit 212
tractus 80
tradet 410
tradis 88
tradit 204
traducére 183
tragicum 439
tragoedia 97
trahatur 67
_trahébant 277
trahendum 208
trahens 229
trahit 44, 69, 134, 348, 430
traho 428
trahunt 92, 121, 383
tramite 431
tranquilla 326
tranquille 415
tranquillior 304
transferre 257
transfert 263
transiliit 255
transiliunt 260
transiluisse 326
transit 47, 102, 362, 363, 430
transitu 174, 264
transitus 148, 242
transmütat 131
transplantàre 22
transtuléris 263
traxére 28
traxisse 377
tremente 117
tremor 67
tremülá 126
trepídat 23
tres 472, 504
tribuendo 130
tribuent 410
tribuére 450
tribüta 65
iribütis 559
triduum 146, 156
'Trinummo 412
tripes 434
triplex 165
tristantur 240
triste 365
tristem 8, 442
tristes 275, 303, 379
tristia 14
tristibus 67
tristis 190, 363, 365
tristitiam 264, 417
trita 35, 330, 491, 402
trium 154
triumphaàle 46
triumphare 304
triumphi 48
triumphos 36, 158
triumphum 23
triumphus 133
trivérit 229
trivit 247
Troja 42, 145, 504, 511
trophzum 461
tropus 518
trudit 119
truncos 356
trux 43
tua 327
tubee 241
tubam 23, 67
tubéribus 368
tuémur 311
tuenti 306
tuéri 244, 252, 299, 452
tuétur 322
tuguria 125
tulére 109, 158
tulérit 383
tuli 238
tulimus 288
tulit 12, 155, 306, 346
tumba 142
tumes 200
tumescére 163
tumet 123
tumida 428
tumidus 385
tumülo 220
tumultudsum 78
tumultus 163
tumülus 446
tunc 296
tundatur 210
tunicis 67
tuorum 300
turba 55, 233, 255, 288, 377,
4, 525
turbantibus 444
turbàre 372
turbas 175
turbída 82, 372
turbíne 515
turgescat 277
turgida 395
turpe 63, 89, 159,309,352,379
turpes 143, 560
turpi 11, 65, 101, 154, 214,374
turpia 8, 427
turpíbus 89
turpis 43, 500
turpissime 431
turpissímus 258
turplter 55
turpitudine 360
turpitudinem 256, 23
turpitüdo 169, 425
turpius 265, 350
turres 49, 319, 405
tussis 19
tuta 298, 312, 492
tutandum 370
tute 480, 528
tute 528
tutidres 360
tutissima 46, 77, 491
tutissimum 90
tutissimus 171, 224
tuto 354, 408
tutum 519
tutus 32, 45, 434, 511, 524
tyranni 186, 197, 307, 380
tyrannis 102, 519
tyrannos 213
tyrannus 476
Tyrius 465
uber 123
ubéra 328
ubére 459
ubérior 109
uberius 314
uberrima 403
uberrimum 499
ubicunque 165
ubique 147
Ucalégon 349
ulcéra 443
ulcére 474
ulceribus 16
ulciscitur 296
ulcus 453
ullius 276
ullum 359
ulterius 267
ultima 52, 65, 204, 485
ultio 114, 230
ultor 417
ultra 248
ultro 216
ultronea 228
Ulübris 388
Ulyssem 380
Ulysses 278, 423
umbone 76
umbra 72, 110, 113, 120,
137, 213,.225, 267, 290,
351, 356, 376, 426, 440
umbree 81, 215
umbram 110, 483
umbras 287, 435
umbratile 318
umbris 207
umbrosa 454
una 27
unam 10
uncis 270, 354 ᾽
unctis 212
unda 43, 76, 181, 253, 282,
310, 329, 376, 493
undee 406, 483, 525
undam 179
unde 253
undecimo 372
undis 246
ungit 473
ungue 113
unguenta 124
unguento 28
ungues 252, 453
ungui 19
unguibus 354
ungulcülis 2, 413
ungüla 352
unica 272, 418
unita 500°
unius 79, 154, 176, 400, 511
universa 204
universam 100
universi 93
universis 401
universus 242
uno 28, 36, 440, 464
unquam 267
unum 8, 511
unus 23, 461
urbanum 94
urbànus 388
urbe 3, 111, 117, 127, 403
urbem 149, 283
urbes 252 , 301, 368, 412, 441
urbi 51
urbis 22, br 361, 382
urbs 23, 148
urceus 510
urére 161
uret 63
urgemur 462
urgentur 505
urges 34
urget 66
urgetur. m 245, 502
urina 4
urna 4s 191, 305, 307
urnam 59
ursi 406
ursis 461
urtica 476
urticee 459, 476
utamur 502
utantur 241
utare 173
utàris 429
utatur 185
utenda 137, 239
utendi 320
utendum 110, 468
utens 51
uter 5
utére 13, 320, 425, 430
uti 20, 246, "248, 283, 411,
503, 594
utile "29, 121, 149, 159, 264,
271, 276, 306, 32 9, 379, 4 478
utili 4l
utilia 77, 248
utilior 50
utilis 139
utilitas 54, 169, 330, 362
utilitate 141, 285, 469, 507
utilitatis 78, 137
utilium 166
utilius 161
utitur 143, 189, 509
utrique 324, 478
utrum 184
utrumque 8
uvá 481
uvee 148
uvas 244
uxor 29, 156, 194, 206, 287,
uxore 170
uxorem 53
uxores 150, 513
uxori 269, 396
uxoria 150
vacübis 237
vacare 292
vacat 96, 262, 264
vacivi 223
vacavit 489
vacua 30
vacuo 175
vacuos 307
vacuum 432
vacuus 44
vada 260
vadit 275
vee 219, 359
vafer 306
vafri 347
vaga 461
vagatur 96
vagiam 425
vagina 169
vagitus 357
vagüla 21
vagum 231
valdé 490
vale 449, 502
valeant 9, 353, 410, 489
T 68
valeas 5, 1
valeat 361, 425
valémus 118
valent 54, 108, 454
valeo 336, 497 (bis), 505
valere 246, 278, 335, 482
valet 2, te 4T, 135, 278, 335
359, 52
valete i 185, 192, 506
valétis 497
valetudinem 493
valetudini 58
valetüdo 380
valída 309
validas 248
valido 223
valle 426
vallibus 403
valorem 8
valuére 311
valuérunt 98
valui 171
vana 3, 10, 85, 225
vans 376
vanus 472
vappam 276
vapulavéro 328
varia 27, 157, 233
variarum 148
variétas 194
varietates 263
variis 267
vario 337
varios 229, 326, 382
varius 238
vas 59, 218, 315
vasa 247
vasta 107
vasto 24, 193
vate 505
vatem 364
vates 147, 345
vatibus 442
vatum 137, 346, 482
vectigal 215, 271, : 289
v ectigalibus 281
vehat 179, 261
vehémens 5, 313
vehementius 44
vehiciilo 53
vehit 146, 310
vela 179, 296, 320
velandum 409
vélimus 75
ere 221, 290, 389, 590,
velle 20, 75, 160, 229
vellem 277
vellent 189
velléra 155
vellére 441
velles 20, 483
velocíbus 195
velocior 237, 476
velocitas 178
velocius 120
velox 124
velum 480
vena 98
venàles 200
venalia 33, 312, 522
venális 484
venalium 140
venantum 350
venàri 168
venator 521
venatoris 40
venatum 443
vendat 309
vendére 38
vendi 454
vendidi 26
venditor 310
venditorem 18
venditur 274
vendunt 81,162, 274 ©
venena 126
venénato 292
venéno 319
venénum 141, 225, 218, 386
venerabile 51, 16 5
venerabilis 142
venerari 16
vénéras 509
veneratur 86
Venére 371
Venéreny 504
Venéres 210
et εν oat en
dos oss o oat iii
Venéri 430
Venéris 105, 229, 254, 335,
venéris 376
venérit 373
veniá 89, 434
venize 413
veniam 11, 70, 72, 79, 110,
144, 400, 416
venias 132
veniat 94, 278, 408
veniendi 254
veniens 120, 138, 198
veniente 26, 456
venientem $9
venientes 238
venientibus 418
venientis 175
veniet 81, 94
venio 328
venire 151
venisti 67, 242, 338
venit 32, 51, 65, 66,102, 120,
155, 202, 215, 308, 332, 372,
455, 4
Prin ra m 148, 254, 438
venor 276
venter 167, 229, 332, 429,517
venti 76, 149, 464, 515
ventis 79, 405
vento 237, 395
ventos 134, 209
ventos 276
ventdsum 206
ventósus 402
ventre 375
ventri 324
ventum 362
ventüra 354
ventüri 241
ventus 470, 4
Venus 31, 35, A 43, 80, 362,
432, 50 7, 510
venustate 347
ver 148, 298, 417
vera 85, 137, 301, 523
verátur 161
verba 5, 26, 59, 64, 131, 137,
164, 188, 192, 224, 250, 271,
223, Ἂν 361, 448, 465, 486,
verberaret 135
verberatze 78
verbére 466
verbis 2, 9, 38, 57, 92, 137,
161, 243, 371, 414, 434, 445,
463, 498, 499, 504
verbo 175, 488
verborum 51, 99, 153, 175.
316, 479, 51i
verbósos 57
verbosus 388
verbum er pis 258, 490
verecundiz 1
verecundiam 97
verecundum 9
veredicto 282
verére 64
veréri 60
verétur 489
veri 208, 249, 500
veris 124 190, 205, 494
verisimile 244
veritas 19, 31, 165, 175, 184,
212, 270, 302, 328, 472, 491
veritate 271, 304, 507, 517
veritatem 197
veritatis 291
veritus 369
Mani ΤῊ
vernis 2
vero 28, "l0, 433, 501
Verona 454
verrücis 368
versa 492
versandi 175
versant 179
versari 146, 174, 191,213,324
versat 22
versate 272, 447
versatile 157
versatur 90, 307
versicülos 155
versiones 521
versu 339
versum 259, 262, 526
versus 34, 107, 202, 276, 319
versüta 217
versütam 264
vertamus 252, 449
vertere 191
verti 192, 210
vertíce 187, 361, 445, 450
vertite 248°
vertitis 65
vertitur 234, 306
vertuntur 177
verum 73, 86, 200, 216, 226.
228, 231, 374, 380, 389, 401
vesanas 171
vesci 384
Vesper 23, 261
veste 120
vestes 410
vestigia 13, 163, 219, 296
vestimenta 257
vestis 11, Tu
vestiti 510
p 85, 302, 369, 380, 401
vetéres 290, 480
vetéri 320
vetéris 13, 358
veterrímus 358
vetérum 158, 301, 359
vetet 102
. vétitum 30, 271
veto 276
vétülo 60, 348
vetus 183, 302
vetustas 193, 387, 424
vetustissima 311, 420
vexat 72
vi 94, 140, 164
via 36, 44, 49, 53, 106, 129.
145, 147, 207, 257, 277, 306,
330, 405, 417, 459, 470, 501,
509, 511
vie 20
viam 12, 102, 126, 136, 153,
163, 192, 322, 409
viarum 434
vias 440
viatica 330
viator 44, 107, 440, 481
viburna 360
vice 80, 135, 344
vicem 56, 162, 396
vices 78, 333
vici 380, 485
vicina 107, 129, 219
vicini 287
vicinia 289, 355, 413
vicinorum 180, 153
vicinum 123
vicinus 150
vicissim 144
vicissitüdines 253
vicissitüdo 194, 314
vicisti 467
victà 33
victis 37T, 390, 473, 462
victor 15, 49, '82, 127, 158,
0, 459
victorem 137, 475
victoria 39, 155, 163, 170,
224, 375, 380, 455
victoriam 23, 492
victoribus 201
victos 352
victrix 212
victum 296
victürus 216
victus 5, 127, 463
vide 31, 38
videàmus 5
videant 190
videantur 241, 463
videas 253
videat 439, 521
videatur 36, 43, 270
videbatur 100
vidébis 232, 412
vidémus 23, 171, 239
videndi 5
videndis 195
videndo 213
videndum 279
vident 225, 335
EUM 37, 180, 280, 281,
video 98
videor 404, 429, 504
vidére 92, 162, 190, 268
videret 47
videretur 101, 170
videri 102, 142
vidéris 106, 363
vidérit 302
vides 104, 128, 195
videt 105, 118, 119, 160, 184
videtur 55, 63, 94, 132, 189,
190, 245, 266, 271, 359, 367,
369, 372, 416
vidi 253 |
vidimus 389, 453
vidisse 254
vidisset 423
vidisti 242
vidit 235
viget 120, 233, 267, 373
vigil 262
vigilantes 353
vigilantis 362, 439
vigilàre 469
vigilata 132
vigor 138
vile 389
vili 165
vilior 107
vilitàte 433
villarum 193
villis 506
vim 89, 175, 247, 336
vina 35, 72, 88, 429
vincat 269
vincentem 337
vincére 503, 510
vinces 170, 445
vinciantur 204
vincit 39, 198, 271, 309, 489,
494, 498, 517, 523
vincitur 130, 231
vincla 495
vinco 151
vincor 151
vinctus 44, 142
vinciila 196, 316, 485
vincülis 111, 504
vincülo 2
vincülum 6, 54, 110, 277,
Peek 49, 93
vindex 316, 428
vindice 32, '250
vindicta 30, 358
vines 78
vini 420
vino 25, 49, 175, ἘΜ, 214,
264, 279, 371, 5
vinolentorum. ou
vinosa 260
vinosus 186, 200
vinum 198, 298, 426
violabile 233
violandum 526
violare 197
violenta 326
violentise 182
violentiam 203
violentius 19, 380, 509
violentum 386
vióles 248
vir 20, 34, 52, 96, 103, 164,
258, 292, 427, 469, 475 Ἰ
virentem "56, 188
virére 356 |
vires 108, 120, 145, 171, 233,|
244, 248, 251, 256, 345, 389.
429, 439, 454, 473, 477, 493,
499, 511, 516
virescunt 148
viret 486, 510
Virgilio 454
Virgilium 433
virgini 279
Virgo 136, 192, 446
viri 40, 239, 318, 336, 247,
356, 463; 500
viribus 43, 246, 471
virídes 228, 332
viris 233, 299, 343, 393
virium 345
viro 170, 200, 291, 374, 386,
469, 4 488
virorum 158, 175, 437, 500
viros 110, 116, 128, 254, 302,
493, 513
virtus 12, 26, 34, 35, 46, 48
58, 61, δά, 90, 91, 104, 107
115, 116, 199, 138, 149, 155
158, 166, 167, 194, 198, 206,
245, 259, 272, 316, 324, 340;
343, 354, 355, 359, 361, 374,
380, 390, 393, 418, 441, 457.
463, 482, 483, 496, 500, ,901.
503, 515, 591, 594, 527
virtüte 23, 93, 100, 145, 177,
186, 189, 211, 214, 235, 279,
298, 308, 314, 344, 433
virtiitem’ 84, "86, 106, 137,
152, 181, 213, 246, 250, 369,
378, 381, 415, 508
virtütes 5, 42, 222 , 915, 340,
virtüti 81, 258, 474
virtütibus 66, 144, 494
virtütis 110, 120, 155, 157,
T 228, 301, 303, 357, 441,
virtütum 331, 392, 501, 510
virum 46, 88, "212, 235, ' 291,
331, 332, 444, 459
virus '88, 139
vis v. 5, 30, 31, 60, 104, 159,
427 (sep e)
vis s. 47, 113, 175, 197, 915
213, 297, 262, 291, 304, 335,
4 3, 503
visa 3
vise 410
viscéra 248
visu 267, 489, 500
visum 85, 430, 438
visus 75, 215, 306
vita 13, 20, 27, 30, 42, 46, 54,
61, 15, 91, 95, 99, 113, 133,
148, 150, 154, 157, 159, 161,
186, 191, 212; 214, 236, 242.
263, 265, 269, 278, 292, 297,
301, 310, 333, 334, 347, 353,
357, 412, 430, 435, 444, 471,
477, 481, 493, 506
Vv itabit 282
vitz 34, 58, 62, 68, 91, 119;
124, 129, 148, 163, "168, 182,
193, 205, 212, 226, 236, 246,
284, 288, 292, 298, 300, 301
(ois), 319, 377, 400, "441,
vitai 516
vitam 20, 147, 150, 164, 186,
203, 283, 297, 323, 348, 379,
408, 421, 447, 487, 490, 503,
vitandi 320
vitant 94
vitàre 176, 358, 385
vitàri 443.
vitas 182, 279
vitat 372
vitàvéris 133
Vitellio 177
vitet 378, 388
vitia 16, &4, 94, 105, 152, 168,
184, 255, 318, 348, 352, 361,
448, 516
vitiabitur 190
Vitiat 120, 216
Vitiis 4, 15, 59, 76, 87, 99.
205, 235, 238, 245, 273, 276,
318, 320, 321, 327, 355, 459
vitio 8f, 90, 96, 107, "114, "283,
rir 109, 301, 448, 468,
vitiosa 239
vitiosse 252
vitium 17, 18, 49, 54, 55, 87,
107, 120, 133, 153, 166, 175,
198, 214, 241; 267, 288, 290,
306, 308, 312, 390, 481,
vitreo 475
vitreum 426
vitro 104
vitta 109
vittili 357
vitülo 114
vittilum 455
vituperando 512
vitupéret 365
vivam 434
vivamus 94, 287
vivas 97, 140, 420, 421, 428
vivat 142, 502
vivatur 36
vivax 46, 236
vive 93, 228, 232, 416, 430
vivendi 97, 141, 143, 174,
48, 447
vivendum 151, 386
viventis 257
viventium 128
vivére 13, 16, 20, 24, 31, 65,
84, 88, '97, 150, 151, 189;
197, 232, 247, 278, 293, 341,
354, 368, 375, 429, 439, 447,
414, 456, 492, 500, 506, 519,
dd 23
vivéret 501
vives 199, 395
vivi 89, 148
vivida 115
es 94, 114, 149, 160,
2 !
vivis 322, 466
vivit 17, 94, 123, 177, 203,| voluérit 43
236, 257, 304, 367, 451
vivito 496
vivitur 229, 483
vivos 184
vivum 8, 491
vivunt 216, 240, 371, 391,
at 448
vus 268
vixgris 214, 284
vixi 164
vixisse 265, 390, 466
vixit 60, 254, 402
vobis 155 (sepe), 430
vobiscum 90, 192, 324
vocabo 97
vocabitla 236
vocari 351, 432, 434
vocat 30, 55, 125, 150, 187,
252, 461
vocatus 31
vocavéris 283
voce 143, 467, 473, 502
vocem 91, 317, 405
vocéris 7
voces 18, 117, 188, 193, 396,
400, 411, 438, 448
vocibus 337
vocis 107, 184, 347
voco 107, 200, 504
volant 4
volare 432
volat 16, 51
volébat 10
volens 272
volente 70, 78
volentem 92, 121
volentes 492
volet 67, 142, 236, 317
volitare 459
volitum 269
volo 151, 248, 430
volübilem 191
volübtlis 198, 322, 403
volücre 261
voluerunt 13, 191
volui 151
voluimus 508
voluisse 170, 389
voluistis 83, 363
voluit 322
volümus 151, 354, 438, 479
volunt 34, 109, 390, 411
voluntas 275, 323, 398, 430,
440, 477, 480
voluntate 169, 390, 410
voluntates 55, 448°
voluptarius 140
voluptas 42, 68, 96,101, 104,
105, 228, 230, 270, 272, 279,
280, 291 (bis), 336, 339, 354,
444, 464, 518
voluptate 56, 203, 222, 425
poepenom '89, 152, 190,
247, 4
Ἐπ υρι δ 116, 354, 439
voluptàtíbus 130, 429
voluptatis 124
volütum 409
volvenda 388
volvit 53, 527
volvitur 89, 199
volvuntur 227
volare 25
vomer 140
vomit 179
vorago 218
vorax 149
vos 430
vota 158, 311, 376
voti 379, 429
votis 150, 327, 442
voto 24, "50, 529, 414, 415,
voveat 380
vovemus 306
vox 208 ih 261, 281, 302,
487, 5
vulgarem 347
vulgari 82
vulgaria 193
vulgarit 491
vulgatur 149
eren 334, 412, 523
vulgo 318, 416, 490
vulgum 18, 438
vulgus 4, Ἐ, 57, 184, 208,
259, 804, 406, 469
vulnéra 8, 1T, 147, 239, 418,
458, 518
vulneratus 472
pee 21, 111, 239, 336,
vulnéris 409
vulnus 67, 166, 183, 212,
320, 427, "451, 473
vulpecülze 94
vulpes 22, 238
vulpina 69, 423
vulpis 27
vult 88, 217, 219, 258, 250,
337, 302 369, 370, 372, 374,
387, 4
vultibus m
vultu 120, 121, 145, 175, 255,
285, 363, 378, 380
vultum 65, 115, 190, 227,
460, 465, 506
vultüris 64
vultus 7, 23, 30, 132, 197,
"n 378, 385, 405, 414, 475,
zelus 175, 288
Zephyri 485
Zephyris 132
Zoile 212
zonam 159
aBios 555
aBiwtros 555
ἀγαθὰ 533, 553
ἀγαθὸν 535, 541, 549,
550, 551
ἀγαθὸς 534, 547
a'yaÀ pat’ 629
ἄγαν 541
ἄγειν 553
ἀγκύλον δ42
ἄγνοιαν | 547
ἀγορᾶς 529
ἄγων 530
ἄδηλον 558
αἀδηλὸς 542
ἀδικεῖν 553
ἀδύνατος 545
ἄδωρα 587
dei 556
ἄειδε 541
ἀείμνηστον 552
deípai 554
depyia 541
ἀηδὲς 552
ἀθανάτοισιν 548
᾿Αθήνας 533
ἀθυμοῦντες o90
Atóao 597
aidotous 594
αἰνεῖσθαι 532
aipet 536
αἱρεῖσθαι 558
αἰσχρὸν 533
αἰσχρῶν 535
αἰσχύνεο 547
αἰσχύνη 549
αἰτία 549
αἰτιώτατος 516
αἰφνίδια 556
ἄκαιρος 532
ἀκοῆς 552
ἀκούειν 539
ἄκουσμα 537
ἄκρου 548
ἄλγε᾽ 541
areyi er 543
ἀλέουσι 546 (bis)
ἀληθέα 588
ἀλήθεια 536, 545
ἀλήθειαν 529, 531
ἀληθείας 548
aA106s 552
ἁλίσκει 535
ἁλίσκεται 533
ἀλλάξαιμ’ 551
ἀλλήλοις 540
ahXots 545
ἄλλων 530
ἄλφιτα 543
ἀλωπέκες 548
ἀλώπηξ 530, 533
ἁμαρτάνει 534
ἀμβολιεργὸς 530
ἄμεινον δ98
ἄμελγε 551
ἀμέλλητον 533
ἀμεταμέλητος 5 500
| ἀμέτρως 541
αμούσοις 535
ἀμφότερον 551
av 549
ἀναβάλλου 541
ἀναγκαῖον δ90
αναγκαίων 544
ἀνάγκας 551
ἀναίδεια 588
avatoein 530
ἀναίτιος 558
ἀναμάρτητον 511
dvapapría 540
ἀνάπαυσιν 534
dvappimrew 547
ἀνατίθεται 589
ἀνατρέπει δ49
avouver 545
ἄνδρα 592, 533, 545
ἄνδρας 540, 548
ἀνδράσιν 581, 544, 546
dvópes 529, 530, 548
ἀνδρὶ 531, 544
dvópós 545, 548
ἀνδρῶν 591, 543
ἀνεγείρειν 550
ἀνέγνω 545
ἀνέλπιστοι 535
ἀνεμοῖσι 588
ἄνεσιν 534
ἀνέτοιμα 542
ἀνεύκτοις 537
ἀνέχων 545
ἀνὴρ 530, 534 (ter), 535
(bis), 548 (bis), 555
ἀνθρώποις 542, 551
ἀνθρώποισι 530, 551
ἀνθρώποισιν 532
ἄνθρωπον 599
ἄνθρωπος 542, 548
ἀνθρώπῳ 531
ἀνθρώπων 544, 553
ἀνοήτοις 552
ἀντιπνέειν 598
ἀντιφυτεύει 547
ἀντλούμενα 554
ἄνω 556
ἀνώμοτος 597
ἄξια 553
dT aXéEots 537
ἁπάντων 544, 546, 549
dons 592
ἅπασι 532
ἅπασιν 532
ἀπατηλοῖς 536
ἀπέχουσιν 951
ἀπιστίῃ 547
ἄπιστον 551
ἀποβρέχων 551
εἰποθανεῖν 552
ἀποθάνῃ 533
ἀποθνήσκει 544
ἀποθνήσκομεν 554
ἀποιχόμενον 598
᾿Απόλλων 551
ἀπόλωλεν 539
ἀπορουμένοις 544
ἀποροῦσι 552
ἀπροφάσιστος 537
ἄπωθεν 529
ἀπωλείας 545
ἀπώλεσεν 548
dpyat 539
ἀργαλέη 554
ἀργότερον 552
ἀρετιὶ 547
ἀρετῆς 599, 553, 554
ἀρθέντος 540
dpiódkpves 529
ἀριθμοῦ 542
ἀριστεύειν 530, 553
ἄριστον 539, 540, 552
ἄριστος 540, 542
appeves 550
ἀρτοπώλιδας 540
ἄρχεται 598
ἀρχόμενοι 538
ἄρχων 5c
ἀσέβεια 555
ἀσθενὴς 541
ἀσταθμητότατον 546
ἄστατος 539
ἀσυνετώτατον 546
ἀσφάλεια 541
ἀσφαλεῖς δδδ.
ἄτη 594
ἄτῃσι 590, 539
ἄτῃσιν δ41
ἀτραπὸς 550
ἀπωμένους 535
αὐδὴ 059
αὖθις 530
αὐξηθέντων 548
αὔριον 533, 511 (Uis),|
αὐτοὶ 543
αὐτοῖς 649
αὐτὸς 555
αὐτῷ 590
abo 541
αὐτῶν 548, 545
ἀφανὴς 555
ἀφεῖναι 554
ἀφικνεῖται 552
ἄφρων 541
᾿Αχαιοὶ 536
Ἀχαιοῖς 541
ἀχάριτα 550
Ἀχιλῆος 541
awpov 555
βαδίζειν 546
βάζῃ 537
Badaveiw 552
βασιλείας 538
βασιλεῦ 537
βασιλεῦσιν 529
βασιλέως 545
βασιλῆας 594
βέβαιος 542
βελτίω 554
βελτίων 550
βελῶν 536
pig 531
βιβλίοις 529
βιβλίον 546
βιβλίων 597
βίον 535, 547, 549
Bios 536, 539, 542,
543, 549, 550, 555
βίου 544, 651, 555
Biw 554
βλάβην 540
βλάπτων 554
βλέπει 542
βορβόρῳ 543
βούλεται 549
βουλεύεται 551
βουλὴ 536
βουληφόρον 545
βραδέως 540, 550
βραχὺν 546
βραχὺς 552
βροτοὶ 543
βροτοῖς ὅθι, 532, 552
βροτοῖσι 529, 555
βρύων 530
| βρώματος 591
γαῖα 535
γαλεώτης 546
γαλήνῃ 541
γαμεῖ 556
γαμεῖν 551
γαστέρες 589
γέγραπται 529
γείτων 547
γελᾷν 536
yeveij 543
γένεσθαι 544
γένηται 535
γενναίῳ 531
γένοιτο 534 (bis), 541,
544, 546
γένος 539, 553
γέροντα 542
γέρων 546
γεώργια 553
γῆν 530, 534
γῆρας 529, 554
γηράσκει 539
γηράσκοντι 538
γίγνεται 535, 540, 55
γίνεται 544, 554
γινόμενος 555
γινώσκειν 535
γλυκίων 544, 553
γλυκὺ 552
γλῶσσ᾽ 537
γλῶσσαι 545, 548
γλώσσης 553
γλῶττα 548
γνῶθι 533, 538
γνώμῃ 550
γνῶσις 545
yóvov 545
γούνασι 545
γραμματεὺς 551
γυναῖκ᾽ 547
vvaika 547, 549, 550
γυνὴ 030, 540, 548
δαιμόνιον 591
δαίμων 514
δάκρυσιν 553
δάκτυλον 558
δάκτυλος 555
δακτύλους 551
δάνεια 550
δαπανηρὸν 533
δεδέται 530
δεῖ 532, 551, 555
Sc 592
δειλοῖσι 555
δεινὰ 591, 550
δεινὸν 532
δεινὸς 545
δεῖσθαι 534
δεῖται 545, 550
δέκα 545
δεξάμενος 531
δεόμενος 542
δέοντα 545
δέσποιναν 547
δεσπότου 544
δεύτερον 549
διαδωσουσιν 540
διαιτητὴῆς 542
διάκειται 529
διανοίας 548
διατελοῦντα 544.
διαφέρει 554
διαφθείρει 550
διδάσκαλος 540
διδασκάλων 548
διδάσκεις 529
διδασκόμενος 533
δίδου 597
δίδωσιν 546
δίκαια 548
δικαίοις 542, 552
δίκαιος 545
δικαίῳ δ42
δικαστὴς δ42
δίκη δ94
δίκην ὅ80
δίκης 552
Διὸς 546
διπλῆ 533
Orxa 545
διψῶντες 543
διώκει δ42
διώκεις 551
δόγματα 556
δοθείσας 5380
δοκεῖ 548
δόμοις 550
δόμων 544
δουλεύειν 538
δοῦλος 641
δούλους 550
δραπέτης 536
δραχμῶν 546
δύναιτ᾽ 545
δυνάμαι 554
δυνάμεθα 537
δύναμιν 551
δύναται 555
δύο 545, 554
δυσπραξίαν 551
δυστυχεῖν δ40
δώματα 550
δώρ᾽ 534
δῶρα 537
δῶρον δ47
ἔαρ 541, 555
ἔβλαψε 544
ἔγγιστα δ42
ἔγγυθι 551
ἐγγὺς 546
ἐγγύτατον 594
ἔγνω 546
ἔδοντες 541
ἐζήτουν 536
ἐθέλωμεν 538
ἔθηκαν 554
ἔθηκε 541, 551
εἰδείη 536
εἰκάζει 540
εἰκῆ 552
εἶναι 534
εἶπε 548
εἰπεῖν 531
εἶπεν 548
els 555
εἰσοδὸς 548
ἕκαστος 596, 546, 549
ἑκάστῳ 544
ἐκβήσῃ 599
ἐκδυομένῳ 530
ἐκίνει δ44
ἐκτήσατο 540
ἐλασσόνων 543
ἐλαχίστων 534, 542
ἔλεγε 544
ἐλέησον 540
ἑλεῖν 538
ἐλευθερίας 538
ἐλεύθερον 552
ἐλεύθερος 541
ἐλευθέρους 550
ἐλέφας 548
ἐλέῳ 555
ἔλκεσι 530
"EAAds 545
ἔλπεται 534
ἐλπίσιν 535
ἐμοῦ 595
ἐμπείριαν 542
ἔμπειρος 542
ἐμῶν 594
ἐνδείας 541
ἕνεκα 553
ἔνεστιν 590
évi 597
ἐννέπειν 548
ἐξαπατῆσαι 549
ἕξεις 530
ἔξεστι 542
ἐξετάσαι 545
ἐξεύροις 551
ἐξοχὴν 539
ἔοικε 550
ἕον 545
ἔοντα 589
ἑορτῆς 589
ἔπαθον 548
ἔπαινος 537
ἐπαινούμενοι 543
ἐπανρεῖ 548
ἐπέθηκεν 553
ἔπη 543
ἐπίβαλλε 538
ἐπιδέχεται δ29
ἐπιεικὲς 542
ἐπιλαθώμεθα 541
ἐπιπλέουσιν δ43
ἐπιπόνως ὅ40
ἐπίστασ᾽ 551
ἐπίταγμα δ44
ἐπιφανέστερον 544
ἐπιχειρεῖν 542
ἐπλούτησε 545
ἔπος 546
ἐρᾷν 535
ἐργάζεται 550
ἔργων 545
ἔρδοις 534
ἐρδὼν 534
ἔρεξε 534
ἐρημία 540
ἔριν 547
ἔρις 547
ἔρχεται 582, 554
ἐρωτηθεὶς 540
ἐσάωσα 547
ἐσθλὰ 531, 546, 554
ἐσιδέσθαι 551
ἐστήσαντο 590
ἔτεκεν 556
ἕτερον 537
ἔτοιμα 542, 556
ἑτοιμοτάτη 550
ἐτύμοισιν 598
εὐγενὲς 544
εὐγενέτην 539
εὕδει 546, 554
εὕδειν 545
εὐδοκιμεῖν 543
εὐεργετὸς 542
εὐεργετούμενοι 553
εὐκαταφρόνητον 535
εὐκταῖον 532
εὑρεῖν 533
εὑμετικώτερον 545
εὕρημα 547
εὕροις 548
εὐτυχούντων 553
εὐχερῶς 547
εὐχομένοϊς 537
εὐωνότατον 552
ἐφέλκων 547
ἐφήμερος 542
ἐφοβεῖτο 556
ἔφυ 529
ἔχε 556
ἔχει 530
ἔχειν 535, 554
ἔχῃ 544
ἐχθρὰ 552
ἐχθροῦ 554
ἔχοντες 540
ἔχοντος 530
éxw 554
ἔχων 531, 540
ζάλης 541
Leds 545, 556
ζῇ 991
ζημίας 545
ζῆν 550
Gus 549
ζητεῖν 538
ζητεῖς 544
ζῶντας 544
ζῶντος 535
Ewotow 535
nBocav 533
ἥδεται 542, 543
ἤδη 548
ἥδιστα 537
ἥδιστος 536
yoov1 540
ἡδονῆς 540
ἡδὺ 556
ἤθη 554
ἥκεις 539
ἥκιστα 597
ἦλθον 536
ἥλικα 591
: ἡμέρα 556
᾿μέραν 544
ἥμισυ 532
ἢν 534, 536
np 556
Ἡρακλῆς 545
ἠρήμεθα 530
ἡρώων 591
ἡσυχίαν 553
ἥτις 551
ηὔξησαν 548
ηὐτύχησεν 537
θάμα 534
θάνατος 533, 551
θανάτου 554
θανόντ᾽ 551
θανόντες 535
θανόντος 535
θαῤῥοῦσι 529
θεὰ 541
θεῖον 534
θείου 534
0éXe 539
θέλεις 535
θέλομεν 597
θεοὶ 531, 544, 553, 55!
θεοῖς 552
θεὸν 534, 552
θεὸς 532, 542, 546
θεοὺς 529, 534 (bis)
θεραπευμάτων 000
θεράπευσον 538
θεῶν 530, 532, 542, 546,
647, 551
θεωρεῖν 536
θήρια 539
θησαυρὸς 531
θνατοῖς 551
θνήτοις 548
θνητὸν 551
θριοβόλοι 548
θυλάκῳ 551
θύμος 542
ἰατρεῖον 555
ἰατρεύειν δ42
ἰατροὶ 556
ἴατρος 530
ἰατρῶν 548
ἴδιον 552
ἰδιώτας 548
ἴδοις 535
ἰδρῶτα 554
ἰζάνει δ29
ἰθεῖα 534
ἱκανὸν 556
ἜἼνδος 543
ἵππον 045
ἵπτασθαι 529
καθαρὰ 547
καθαροῖς 547
καθεῖλεν 556
καθέλκεις 536
καθεύδεις 530
καθεύδων 540
καθῆσθαι 536
καινὰ 536
καινὸν 541
καίριον 048
καιροῖο 538
καιρὸν 549
καιρῷ 541 (bis)
κακὰ 534, 539, 541, 544,
546, 548
κακαὶ 554
κακὴ 004
κακίαν 502
κακίας 552
κακίους 543
κάκιστον 539
κακοδαίμων 556
κακοὶ 543 (bis)
κακοῖς 505
κακὸν 632, 590, 510,
κακὸς 539, 545, 547
κακοῦ 548
κακῶν 538, 549
κακῶς 541, 552
καλὰ 633, 541, 548,
κάλαμον 551
καλλίω 551
κάλλος 553
Kadotow 591
καλὸν 552
καλύπτοι 539
καλῶς 529, 533, 549,
546, 552
Καμαρίναν 541
κάμον 530
xaT vov 535
καρκίνον 546
καταθεῖο 534
κατακαίριον 548
καταλειβομένοιο 014
κατασκευῶν 550
καταφρόνει 529
κατέκρινε 552
κατηγορεῖν 552
κατθανεῖν 532
κατίοντος 543
κατόπτρῳ 552
κείμενον 541
κεῖνο 529
κεῖνος 537
κεναὶ 529, 531
Kévot 553
κενὸν 502
κέντρα 549
κερδαίνειν 541
κέρδεα 539, 041
κέρδει 530
κέρδη 550
κέρδους 543
κεύθῃ 537
κεφαλῇς 538
/Knmwpos 548
κιθῶνι 580
κινδυνεύειν 553
κίνει 541, 547
κινεῖς 530
κινήσω 534
κίων 5385
κλέπτας 545
κλέψας 531
κλῶπες 531
κοινὸν 552
κοινωνοὺς 047
κολοιὸς 529
‘KoAoL@ 529
Κολοφῶνα 553
κόπροις 543
κόρακος 539
Κόρινθον 545
κόρος 548
κόρυδος 595
κορύδου 529
κούφη 554
κοῦφον 514
κράμβη 539
κρατοῦνται 000
κρεῖσσον 530
κρείσσους 543
κρεῖττον 544
κρείττονες 548
κρέσσον 554
κρίνεται 555
κρίνω 552
κτεάνων 5d4
κτὴμ᾽ O31
κτήσασθαι 548
κύβον 547
Kudos 547
κύκλ᾽ 538
κύλικος 548
κυλινδόμενος 540
κυνὶ 552
κύνος 540
κύρτος 536
κύων 531
λάβε 530, 534, 535
λαβοι 550
λαβώμεθα 598
λαβῶν 547
Nayws 532
λαθέμεν 534
λακτίζειν 549
λάμβανε 533
λαμβάνει 541
λανθανούσης 551
λατρείας 551
λατρεύειν 538
λέγειν 538, 545, 551
λέοντα 535, 542
λέοντες 543
λεπτὰ 546
λημμάτων 535
Alav 532
λίθον 533, 547
λίθος 547
λίθῳ 554
λιμοῦ 548
λιπὼν 542
λογισμοῦ 542
λόγοι 553
λόγον 535
λόγος 534, 543, 551
λόγους 543
λόγων 545
λοιδορεῖσθαι 540
λοιδορῆσαι 552
λόχμη 515
λύκον 554
μαγνήτης 547
μαΐζαν 541
μάθε 549 ©
μαθήματα 546, 550
μάθησις 556
μαθηταὶ 548
pakpoddyous 530
μακρὸν 529
μακρὸς 53L
μακροῦ 544
μάλα 548
μαλάττεται 547
μαλθακῶς 551
μάλιστ᾽ 547, 551
μαλλοεῖν 553 *
μᾶλλον 539
μάντιες 548
uavTiw 551
μάταιοι 529
μάταιον 538
μάχαιρα 550
μάχαιραν 541
μάχη 541, 543
μαχήσεται 531
μάχονται 531
μέγα 634, 590, 540,
μεγάλα 550
μεγάλη 540
. μεγάλης 539
εγάλων 550
μέγαν 540, 552
μέγιστα 548, 558
μεγίστη 532
μεῖζον 536, 551
μείονα 536, 538
μέλιτος 538, 544, 093
μέλλον 553
μέλλων 532
μεμνῆσθαι 556
μέρος 038
μέσον 530
μεταθεὶς 549
μεταμέλειαν 546
μεταμελείας 539
μετάνοιαν 532
μεταξὺ 548
μηδὲν 536, 552
μηδενὸς 534
μήνυσις 548
μήτηρ 544
μηχανὰς 548
μηχανῆς 538
μία 545, 548
μίγνυται 544
μικρὰ 504, 556
prow 550
μιχθήτω 535
μνήμῃ 563
μόνον 554
p.óvos 534
μουσικῆς 551
μυθήσασθαι 538
μῦθον 544
μῦθος 530
μυῖαν 543
μύλοι 546
μύλον 548
μῦν 535, 556
μυρί᾽ 541
μυρίων 546
μύρμηκι 536
pus 538
μυστήρια 054
μωρὸς 548
ναίει 551
, -
vatovtes 591
νέος 544
νεότης 529
νέων 532
νῆες 531
νήπιος 546
νικᾷ 002
νίκη 538, 539
νικηθεὶς 539
νίκης 546
νικήσας 530
νίπτει 509
νομίζω 534, 544
νόμον 512
νόμος 547
νόμους 532
νόμῳ 529
νουθετεῖν 542
νοῦν 532, ὃ
vous 554, 556
νύκτι 526
νῷ 536
ξυλεύεται 534
ξύλον 535
ξύμπασα 548
ξυνείσεται 546
ὀδύνας 549
ὄζειν 538
oia 547
οἴεται 519
οἴκου 550
οἰκτείρεσθαι 554
οἴκτειρον 042
οἰκτιρμῶν 530
οἴνῳ 536
oio, 543
ὄλβια 536
ὄλβιος 536
ὀλβίῳ 536
ὄλβος 539, 542
ὄλεσσα 547
ὀλίγον 535, 556
ὅλον 552 (bis)
ὅλου 555
ὅλῳ 551
ὄλωλεν 530
z Et
ον ρον... rau ur t mii e a e
ὅλως 552
ὁμιλίαι 551
ὅμιλος 040
ὁμιλῶν 539
ὄμμασιν 536
ὄμματ᾽ 540
ὁμοῖα 538
ὁμοίω 544
ὁμολογοῦντος 532
ὀμώμοχ᾽ 537
ὅμως 530, 534, 537
ὃν 552
ὄνειαρ 547 (bis)
ὄνειδος 552
ὀνήσιμα 537
ὄνομα 531
ὀνόματα 545
ὀνομάτων 544, 530
ὄντα 529
ὄντοιν 531
ὀνύχων 535
ὄνων 539
ὀπηδεῖ 547
ὅπως 546
ὁρᾷ 533, 542
ὁρᾷν 539, 544, 551
ὄργανα 556
ὀρέγονται 543
opet 544
op0a 546
ὁρμὴν 533
ὄροβοι 552
ὄρος 554, 556
ὄρφνῃ 536
ὃς 091, 542
doa 550
ὕσιον 531
ὅσσον 547
ὕστις 591, 556
οὐδὲ 545
ovdeis 550
οὐδὲν 543, 556
οὐδένα 544
οὐδέποτ᾽ 542
οὐλομένην StL
οὐρὰ 544
οὐσίαν 543
οὔτε 546
οὗτος 535
οὕτω 545, 556
ὀφείλεται 532
ὀφείλων 536
ὀφθαλμὸς 045
ὄψιν 592
πάγαις 530
_ πάγῃ 533
πάθη 539
παθήματα 550
πάθοι 534
παίγνιον 549
“παιδεία 531
watdes 545, 550
“παιδὶ 541
“ταιδιὰν 534
“παίζειν 549
πάλαι 536
παλαίει 530
“τάλιν 531
παννύχιον 515
πάντα 536, 539, 541,
546, 555
πάντας 545
πανταχοῦ 552
πάντες 003
πάντεσσι 546
πάντῃ δ40
“παντὶ 004
παντὸς 032, 535, 545
πάντων 539, 516, 552
πάνυ 542
παππαζουσιν 545
πάππου 531
igi Vin 500
παραθρέξαντα 538
παραινεῖν 529
παράκαιρος 540
παραπλησίως 538
παρατρεχόμεσθα 529
παρεούσαν 551
πάρεστι 594
παρῇ 556
παροξύνονται 553
παρούσης 549
παρουσίαν 544
παῤῥησιάζεσθαι 550
παρὼν 542
πᾶς 594,541, 543, 549,
550, 555
πάσχει 532
πάσχειν 545
πατρὶς 591
πατρὸς 531
παῦροι 594, 548
πείθει 584
πείθειν 534
πειράσαι 541
πειρώμεναι 596
πέλει 548
πέλεται 554, 555
πένηαι 534
πένης 556
πενήτων 559
πενθοῦσι 536
πενίην 550
πέπρακται 545
πεπρωμένη 552
περαιτέρω 552
περιουσίᾳ 550
περιφέρει 543
πέσῃ 536
πεσούσης 594
πέφανται 548
πεφυκὼς 542
πήγη 537
Πηληιάδεω 541
πήματα 531
πημονὰς 550
πήρα 549
| πιαίνει 545
πιθήκοις 544
πίθος 531
πικρὸν 552
πικρῶς 543, 545
πίμπλαται 549
Πίνδαρος 552
πίνοντες 541
πίνουσι 543
ría reve 533, 540
πιστεύειν 552
πίστις 545
πίωμεν 554
πλεῖον 550
πλείονας 035
πλείονες 543
πλεῖστ᾽ 544
πλείστην 551
πλέον 538
πλέονας 548
πλέοντες 5d1
πλῆθος 542
πλησίον 542
πλόος 542
πλοῦς 545
πλουσίαν 547
πλουτεῖν 539
πλουτῇς 594
πλοῦτον 540
πλοῦτος 547
πνέοντες 543
ποθὸς 551
ποθοῦντες 529
ποιεῖ 540, 541, 544,
550, 555
ποιεῖν 529, 546
ποιήσει 542
ποιήσεις 546
ποιητὰς 540
ποιοῦσι 530
πόκας 544
πόλεις 548
πολέμιον 547
πολεμιώτατον 555
πόλεμον 540
πολέμου 550
πολέμῳ 555
πολέως 538
πόλις 581, 540, 548
πολιτείας 592
πολλὰ 533, 550 (bis)
πολλάκι 548
πολλάκις 555
πολλοὶ 543 (bis)
πολλοῖς 549
πολλοὺς 548 (
πολλῶν 589, 540, 555
πολὺ 544, 547
πολυορκίας 555
πολύτροπος 540
Πολύφαιμε 548
πολύφιλος 5936
πονηροὶ 553
πονηροῖς 552
πονηρῶν 553
7róvov 556
πόνῳ 546
πόνων 553
πορσύνῃ 544
ποσὶν 529
πρᾶγμα 546, 555
πράγματα 585, 045,
548, 549
πραγμάτων 545, 550,
πρᾶξαι 541
πρᾶξις 545
πράττει 543
πρέπει 531, 540, 543
πρέπον 552
πριαίμην 546
προηγεῖται 550
πρόνοια 539
προπάροιθεν 554
προπιστεύσαντας 552
πρόσεστι 541
“πρυσήκει 550
πρυσηνὲς 552
προσιόντα 538
προσκρούειν 533
πρότερον 554 (bis)
προτιμᾶν 531
προτρέχει 548
πρόφασιν 529
πρόφασις 541
πρόχειρα 556
πρῶτα 52
πρῶτον 544, 545
πτωχὸς 538
πτωχῷ 538
πύλῃσιν 537
πῦρ 535, 541
πυρὶ 535
πω 545
πωλοῦσιν 553
ῥέει 537
ῥέεν 508
ῥέξασι, 552
ῥηθὲν 549
ῥήτορος 529
σάρκα 533
σάρκες 529
σαντῷ 536
σαφῶς 551
σεαυτὸν 533 (bis)
σεμνὸς 535
σέρφῳ 536
σεσωσμένους 095
σηλήνην 536
σήμερον 533
σθένει 536
σιγᾶν 532, 545
σιδήρια 556
σιδήρῳ 549
σίτου 552
σιωπῇ 543
σκαλεύειν 549
σκληρὰ 551
πεκμαίρεται 536
τέκνα 591, 537, 551
τελευτῆσαι 502
τέλος 541, 544, 552
σκληρὸν 547
σκοπὸς 555
σκόρπιος 504
σμικρὸν 594
σμικρῷ 534 τέμνεις 554
σοφία 530, 592 τέρπει 531
σοφίας 537 τέσσαρα 530
Terpnuévov 546
τεχνὴν 536
τεχνώμενον 529
σοφίη 539
σοφιστὴν 541
σοφὸς 541 (bis), 549
(bis) τηλίαν 544
σοφοὺς 535 τῆς 594
σοφώτατος 544 τίθησι 547
σπάνιον 552 τίκτει 540, 555
σπείρειν 501 τιμᾶτε 553
σπερμάτων 553 τιμῆς 543
σπουδαζονται 592 τίμιον 552
τιμιώτατα 551
Tis 544, 545
τοῖος 543
TocavTakis 541
τοῦτον 539
σπουδαίοις 552
σπουδῇ 900
σπουδὴν 549
στόμα 550
cTóuaT 545
στῶ 534 τούτῳ 556
συγγενεῖς 553 τραπέζης 548
συγγίνεσθαι 545 τρέφειν 545, 550
συγκατεργάζεται 53 τρέφῃς 549
σύγκρασις 546 τρέφον 552
συμβουλὴ 538 Tpis 556
συμμαχεῖ 547 Τροίαν 536
συμμαχία 540 τρόπαιον 530
συμφοραὶ 530 τροφὰ 532
συμφορῶν 547 τρόχος 539
συνείδησις 592 σύραννος 555
συνεισφέρηται 044 τυράννῳ 553
συνεκδύεται 530 τυφλῷ 552
συνολὸν 533 τύχη 547, 553
σφάλλοντα 556 τύχην 541
σωθέντα 556 τύχης 547, 549
σώματι 553 τυχόντων 555
σώματος 536
σωφρονέστερον O47,
T. ὕβρις 580, 550
ὑγιείας 541, 555
τὠγαθὰ 548 ὕδωρ 532, 541, 552
πἀδίκοις 042 ὑμῶν 545
Tdv 591 (bis) ὑπάρξῃ 545
ταπεινὸς de ὑπείροχον
τάφῳ 550 ὑπονοστεῖ 535
ταχεῖς 555 ὑποφορᾶσθαι 552
ταχέως 545 ὑψόθεν 556
τείχη 931 ὕων 645
on à
φαίνεται 532
φανερῶς 553
φανήσομαι 554
φαντασία 545
φέρει 547
φέρειν 547, 551, 554
φέροντα 538
Φέρουσι 543
φεύγει 543
φεύγοντα 551
φεύγων 631, 543
φθέγγεται 535
φϑονέει 538
φϑόνον 536
φθόνος 530
φιλεῖ 545, 550
φιλέα 52 29, 537
dirt 529, 534, 518,
φιλοῖν 531
φίλον 544
φιλότητος 544
φιλοῦσιν 544
φίλων 539
φοβεῖσθαι 532
φοβεροῦ 535
φόβος 535
φορτία 539
φρενῶν 529
φρέσιν 537
φρὴν 537
φρονεῖν 536, 542
φρόνημα 544
φρονήσεως 548
φρονοῦσα 550
φρονοῦσι 547
φροντίδων 534
φύεται 540
φῦκος 540
φυλαξαι 548
φυλάττει 550
φύλλων 543
φύσει 533, 547
φύσεως 551
φῶς 529
χαλεπῶς 540, 547
χαλεπώτερον 533, 548
χαλκοῦ 516
Xapievta 546
χάριν 543, 555
χείλεος 548
χεῖρα 555
χειρὶ 551
χεῖρον 553
χείρονας 544
χειρὸς 541
χελιδὼν 541
χθὼν 531
xotpos 543
χολιὶ 536, 538
χρὴ 535, 545, 546, 553
χρήματ᾽ 547, 551
χρημάτων 550
χρῆν 550
i χρῆσθ᾽ 554
Xp ἥσιμον 552
χρονιστὸν 552
χρόνος 529, 539, 543
xis) 542, 548, 550
χύτρα 587
xo 552
χωρὶς 546
VraX ToU 531
ψεύδεα 538
ψευδὲς 552
Ψευδορκία 555
Vreucos 552
ψεῦσται 539
ψυχὴ 537, 552, 558,
ψυχῆς 594, 547
Wwpioca 539
ὧλ ecev 548
ᾧμην 534
ὧν 556
evavro 530
ὠνοῦμαι 546
wov 589
wot’ 546
ὦτα 590, 544
ὠτων 554
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