T'l B RAR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 977. 326 B52. Efe ill. HIS''. S M The above is a very accurate cut of the new College Building now in process of erection at Toledo, Iowa. The building is 80x150 feet, and when finished will be one of the best college buildings in Iowa. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY VOTERS AND TAX- PAYERS |<^ENDALL BOUNTY, JLLINOIS CONTAINING, ALSO, A 7 MAP OF THE COUNTY; AN HISTORICAL SKETCH; A BUSINESS DIRECTOR Y; AN ABSTRA CT OF E VER Y- DA Y LA. WS; OFFICERS OF SOCIETIES, LODGES, ETC., ETC. CHICAGO: GEO. FISHER & Co., 15 LAKESIDE BUILDING. 1876. MRS. PRESIDENT HARRISON. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by GEO. FISHER & CO., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. > s a- CONTENTS. PAGES. MAP OF KENDALL COUNTY opp. Title. HISTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY _ 9 to 21 ABSTRACT OF LAWS 221026 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES AND RULES 27 to 28 LOCAL STATISTICS _ _ 28 to 29 GENERAL STATISTICS 29 to 32 KENDALL TOWNSHIP DIRECTORY 331040 YORKVILLE BUSINESS " 41 & 42 PAVILION BUSINESS " 42 Fox TOWNSHIP " 431049 MILLINGTON BUSINESS " 49 MILLBROOK BUSINESS " 50 Fox STATION BUSINESS " 50 LITTLE ROCK TOWNSHIP " 511059 7 PLANO BUSINESS 59 & 60 LISBON TOWNSHIP " 61 to 66 'X - LISBON BUSINESS 67 PLATTVILLE BUSINESS " .' 67 SEWARD TOWNSHIP " 1 681073 3 OSWEGO TOWNSHIP " 741084 OSWEGO BUSINESS " 84 c. - BIG GROVE TOWNSHIP " 851093 /% V NEWARK BUSINESS 94 i NA-AU-SAY TOWNSHIP " _ 9510102 *0 -K BTISTOL TOWNSHIP " 10310110 o OQ BRISTOL BUSINESS T " no H VILLAGE CORPORATIONS in TOWNSHIP OFFICERS, 1876 112 .'--, LODGES AND ASSOCIATIONS 113 T KENDALL COUNTY RECORD 115 o THE YORKVILLE NEWS 116 * o PREFACE In presenting this work to the citizens of Kendall County, we desire to express our thanks for their very liberal patronage, and for their courteous treatment of our agents in giving information for this work. This is the first work of this kind ever published, and we have been at a loss many times to know just what would be most bene- ficial for the purposes desired, and in the most condensed form. It was our original intention to make the descriptions more meagre, and as in all other Directories make our profits in inserting advertisements. But from the unusually liberal subscriptions given us, and at the request of many prominent citizens, we concluded to dispense with advertisements, and make the work one to ornament the library. Two important features of a work of this kind are accuracy and freshness. To insure these we have had an unusually large force of trusty men, who, we think, have done all that possibly could be done, and we now put the first Biographical Directory into the hands of our subscribers in Kendall County, hoping it will prove to be equal to their ex- pectations, and of inestimable value to them. HISTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. The title of that portion of the territory now embraced in Kendall County, lying south of what is known as " the Indian boundary line," was acquired by the United States from the Indians, about the year 1810, and was the cause of a very serious misunderstanding between the govern- ment and the Indians. The government desired a wagon road from Chicago to Rock Island, to which the Indians did not object; a treaty was had, but instead of a mere wagon road, the treaty covered a magnificent strip of land twenty miles wide, across the whole State of Illinois. The deceit thus practiced by the white man caused the massacre of the garrison at Chicago, in August, 1812. The title to that portion of the territory embraced in the county lying north of tne Indian boundary line, was acquired by the treaty of 1829, held at Prairie du Chien in July of that year, which was the cause of as great a misunderstanding with the Indians as the treaty of 1810. EARLY SETTLEMENT. The first settlers in this county were mostly from the States of Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia, with a few from North and South Carolina. They were, however, of a roving disposition, remained but a short time, and were succeeded by pioneers from the east. The first permanent settlement upon Fox River, except near the mouth, in the neighborhood of Ottawa, and the first in Kendall County, so far as is known, was made by Clark Hollenback, his brother George Hollenback, William Harris, and Ezra Ackley, and their families. In the Winter of 1831 George Hollenback staked off the first claim, which now includes a portion of the farm of Daniel Pierce, Esq., not far from the site of the village of Oswego. He, however, abandoned this claim. Re- tracing their steps, Clark Hollenback located with his family at the grove about half a mile northeast of Newark. George Hollenback and Mr. Ackley arrived at the grove, which now bears his name, on the 18th day 10 HISTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. of April, 1831, and were joined by William Harris and his family in a few days, and here and at that time the first permanent settlement fairly began. The first tree cut down at the commencment of that new settlement was by Moses Booth, Esq., who died in Big Grove, in the year 1845. He came, a stranger to their encampment, with his ax upon his shoulder, and in payment for his supper, lodging, and breakfast (although no charge was made) volunteered and cut down the first tree, and then went on his way. The first house was a log one, built by George Hollenback, in the Sum- mer of 1831. Before a year from the date of the settlement, the first birth was a pair of twins, at the house of Mr. George Hollenback, the eldest of whom, by only a few minutes, (George M. Hollenback, Esq., now living near Millbrook) became the first white child born in the county. The first marriage was that of Mr. Harris' eldest daughter, Nancy, to Mr. Edward G. Ament. INDIAN TROUBLES. N In the Spring of 183-1, the Sauk Indians, conceiving or pretending that they had been cheated or otherwise wronged by the treaty at Prairie du Chien, crossed the Mississippi River at Fort Armstrong (now Rock Island) and demanded satisfaction for their grievances of General Atkinson, who was then stationed at that point. Considerable force was exhibited on the part of General Atkinson, but in order to conciliate them and cause no dissatisfaction, several thousand dollars' worth of provisions, consisting mostly of flour and pork, was turned out to them by the government, upon which they became apparently satisfied, and recrossed the Mississippi to their own homes, some where in the present State of Iowa. In the Spring of 1832 they again demanded satisfaction for grievances, and the com- mandant at Fort Armstrong notified the then governor of the state in regard to the threatened hostilities ; but it took the messenger a long while to reach the capital, and it took much longer for the governor to call out and equip the militia, and before any considerable force could be interposed between the Indians and the settlement, the blow had fallen. This portion of the country had belonged to the Pottawatomie Indians from time immemorial, and they had not yet removed from the country. The chiefs, although professing friendship for the white people, were also friendly with the hostile Indians, who were Sauks and Foxes. When the Indians crossed the Mississippi they passed up the north side of Rock River, while General Atkinson, with the United States forces, passed up from Fort Armstrong on the south side of the same river until he arrived at Dixon's Ferry, where for a time he stopped, upon learning of the defeat HISTORY OP KENDALL COUNTY. 11 of Stillman the day before (the 15th of May, 1832) ; from this point Major Stillman or General Atkinson dispatched a young man by the name of Holley, and two others, for the settlement on Fox River, but they never reached their destination, and were supposed to have been murdered by the Indians, as the same day the Indians arrived at the mouth of Rock Creek, at which place it was proposed to hold a council with the chiefs of the Pottawatomies. During the time the council was in session, the Pot- tawatomie Chief Shabona and his friends could not be drawn into the war. Knowing that the council could sit but a few'hours at farthest, and that danger would then threaten the new settlements, for whom he professed friendship, Shabona secretly dispatched his sister's son, a trusty young Indian, by the name of Peppers or Pepys, with instructions to proceed to George Hollenback's house, as it was the nearest, and give him warning. The young man, fearing he might be followed, went to Clark Hollenback's house, four miles in a contrary direction. Mr. Hollenback was absent ; but his son Thomas, seeing the only chance for saving the lives of his uncle's family was in immediate action, rode at full speed a perfectly un- broken colt to his uncle's house, and gave the alarm. The wagon-box was set upon the wagon, the horses harnessed and hitched, and while Mr. Hollenback hurried to Ackley's and Harris' houses to give the warn- ing, a few necessary articles were placed in the wagon. It was now late in the evening. Mr. Hollenback and his family, Peter Bolinger, who was at this time a member of his family, Mr. Ackley and his wife and their two children, with Mr. Harris' family, placing the women and small children in the wagon, the larger children and men on foot, started to make their escape, pursuing an easterly course. On account, how- ever, of* the straying of the horses of Mr. Harris, and the absence of himself and his two sons in search of them, Mr. Harris' family had to escape on foot, and Mrs. Harris' father, old Mr. Combs, who was sick in bed, had to be left to the mercy of the Indians. In their flight their numbers were augmented by Mr. Harris, who joined his family the next day, Mr. E. G. Ament, who was Mr. Harris' son-in-law, his brother Hiram, Mr. Morton who lived with Mr. Ament, Stephen West, an old Frenchman Basil Lamsett, better known as Peter Specie (or Pecie as he called himself), Keeler Clark and his brother William O. Clark. After hardships, trials and hair-breadth escapes from hostile Indians, they reached Plainfield. Mr. Bolinger, Mr. Cooper, and a young man from Hickory Grove immediately returned to the rescue of old Mr. Combs, whom they found unharmed, and brought him to Plainfield. The Indians, as he informed them, finding him helpless, had placed food and water within his reach, and had otherwise treated him kindly. 12 HISTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. Mr. Ackley did not remain in Plainfield with the remainder of his neighbors, but that afternoon the families of Mr. Dougherty and Mr. Selvy, who had established themselves at the Aux Sable Grove, passed by Plainfield on their way to the Wabash. Mr. Ackley and his family joined them and proceeded to the Wabash country, and was soon in a place of safety. Upon arriving at Plainfield some buildings were torn down, and before night a very decent stockade had been erected, a military company organized, and Chester Smith was chosen captain. About a week after this Mr. Payne, a Dunkard preacher, while at- tempting to reach his family at Ottawa, was murdered by the Indians. The settlement on Indian Creek was more unfortunate than that on Fox River. It consisted of three families : Davis, Hall, and Pettigrew, and two millwrights who were preparing to build a mill. On the 21st of May they were surprised by the Indians, and an indiscriminate butchery of all the persons in sight was commenced. Eighteen of the white people were killed, two of Mr. Hall's daughters were carried into captivity, one small boy, son of Mr. Hall, alone escaped. The Misses Hall were taken to Wisconsin, where their captors^traded them to the Winnebago Indians for forty horses, and they were finally ransomed by the United States Government for three thousand dollars. They were kindly and humanely treated by the Indians during their captivity of six months. About a week after the arrival of this little band at Plainfield, a company of forty men, under the command of Captain John Naper of Naperville, came from Chicago to Plainfield, and made arrangements for their removal to Chicago, as the stockade at Plainfield was not safe and too small to contain the people. The establishment at Plainfield was therefore broken up and the people removed to Chicago, where they re- mained in comparative ease and security until the 12th of June, when the lookout of the garrison discovered a number of sails down the lake, which proved to be the long-looked-for United States^ forces under the command of General Scott, hastening for the defense and protection of the frontier people. Upon the vessels entering the harbor it was an- nounced that that dread scourge, the cholera, was aboard. In less than an hour from that time every person, with but two exceptions, were ready to leave, teams all loaded, and train ready to start. They left Chicago in hot haste, and returned to Plainfield, where they remained until the hostile Indians were driven from the country and peace fully restored. The last depredations by the Indians in this vicinity were committed on Sunday, about the middle of June, in the year 1832, when two men, HISTOBY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 13 named Schermerhorn and Hazelton, while on their way to visit their house near the old mission, were killed in the morning, and Mr. Beres- ford, in the afternoon of the same day, while picking strawberries. The last seen of him he was flying for his life with Indians in close pursuit. It is believed that no person was killed within what is now the limits of Kendall County. Indians burned all the houses in the vicinity except George Hollenback's. During the year 1833 immigration began to pour into the country, and a year or two later surplus grain and other products began to find their way to the market at Chicago, which was still a small village. Buying and selling claims was at this time a most fruitful source of speculation, and so continued up to the financial troubles of 183T, after which that traffic ceased. The cholera was fatal to many of the soldiers under Scott's com- mand OH the march after leaving Chicago, and it is said that the graves of three of these soldiers were seen and known for years by the early settlers in the vicinity df Little Rock. The Summer of 1833, the Indians having been driven from the country, the month of August found the .-various families who were stationed in Plainfield returning to the respective homes from which they had originally come. Mr. Harris' and Mr. Hollenback's families repaired to Ottawa ; from thence Mr. Harris went to the neighborhood where he had wintere'd in 1830-31 ; and in the month of September Mr. Hollenback and his family returned to Ohio, from whence he had moved to Illinois in 1829 ; old Mr. and Mrs. Combs accompanied them. Mr. Hollenback and a young man named John Perry returned to Illinois in the Spring of 1833, and that summer raised a crop. He then returned to Ohio and removed his family the second time to Illinois. Mr. Ackley also returned and occupied the claim he left during the Indian troubles. Mr. Harris did not return to his claim at the grove, but sold it to John Matlock, father of West Matlock, Esq., and he in turn sold it to Robert Ford, who subdivided it. Mr. Harris then settled at Long Grove, and remained there until his death. Ezra Ackley died in 1810 ; Clark Hollenback in 1844 ; Rebecca, wife of Wm. Harris about 1846 ; Sophia, wife of George Hollenback in 1861 ; George Hollenback in 1863 ; William Harris in 1865. We are greatly indebted to George M. Hollenback, Esq., for the foregoing facts in regard to early settlement and Indian troubles of this vicinity. 14 HISTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. PIONEERS. Following is a list of as many of the pioneers of Kendall County as we have been able to get a report of : NAME. NATIVITY. PLACE OF SETTLEMENT. YEAR REMARKS. Ansel Reed, - - New York - Lisbon Township - 1827 Living Clark Havenhill, - Kentucky - ' " (i Removed Dr. Blexton Harris, Ohio - - - Yorkville - - - 1829 Living Enoch Darnell, North Carolina Fox Township it M Clark Hollenback - Ohio - - - " " u M Mrs. Sarah A. Boyd, u_ Bristol " M U O. Havenhill, - - Kentucky - Big Grove Township U Geo. M. Hollenback, Kendall Co. Fox Township 1831 11 N. Preston, - - - Vermont it it 1833 Removed John Pearce, - - Ohio - - - Oswego " M Living J. W. House, - - New York - Seward " U K West Matlock, - - Indiana - - Kendall " If ii Daniel Platt, Sr., - New York - Lisbon " I( u J. R. Bullard, - - S. Carolina - Fox U ii J. M. Bullard, - - u " " U u C. Y. Godard, - - New York - Bristol " 1834 If Mrs. Anna Duryea, it " " U II J. A. Newell, - - S. Carolina - Kendall " it II S. S. Lathrop, - - Rhode Island " " U If Wm. Mulkie, - - North Carolina Little Rock Tp. - i( If Thos. Spencer, - - New York - Bristol Township - 11 Dead Dr. G. Kendall, - Massachusetts Lisbon " M Living Francis Evans, - - Ohio - - - Fox " U Removed John Evans, - - " " " If Living Wm. Hollenback, - Born here - " " U u E. Prickett, - - - Ohio - - - Big Grove Township U tt Saml. Insche, - - " Kendall Township K ii S. Kendall, - - - Massachusetts Lisbon * U M J. B. Lowry, - - Pennsylvania Bristol ' 1835 Dead Jas. S. Cornell, New York - " ' s- If Living Dr. Calvin Wheeler, N. Hampshire U 4 M Dead J. K. LeBaron, Massachusetts Kendall * U Removed L. S. Tomblin, - - New York - Little Rock ' (I Living S. A. Tomblin, - - u " ' U Removed H. S. Colton, - - M " ' n Living Geo. W. Edmunds, u Lisbon ' M John Wheeler, - - u Little Rock ' U Mrs. J. B. Roberts, 11 Kendall ' II W. L. VanCleve, - New Jersey - Seward " 1836 Mrs. J. J. Cole, Rhode Island " " u G. D. Henning, New York - Little Rock " ii John Litsey, - - Kentuckjr - Lisbon " n Benj. Ricketson, - New York - " " u u HISTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 15 NAMES. NATIVITY. PLACE OF SETTLEMENT. YEAR REMARKS. Jesse Jackson, - - Pennsylvania Fox Township - 1836 Dead Jas. C. Shepard, - Massachusetts Kendall " tt Living J. L. VanCleve, - New Jersey - Seward " tt tt Geo. W. Harris, - Born here - Kendall " tt tt Jno. Thos. Atherton, New York - Fox " 1837 tt Geo. W. Lane, - - tt Bristol " tt Dead Matthew Patterson, Scotland tt tt tt Living Jesse Brady, - - New York - Little Rock " tt tt H. G. Wilcox, - - it Big Grove " tt tt J. N. Austin, - - tt Bristol " tt tt N. C. Mighell, - - Vermont Little Rock " tt tt W. W. Marsh, - - Massachusetts Bristol " tt tt D. C Shepard, - - u Kendall " tt tt Mrs. Marsh, - - - Rhode Island Bristol " tt tt Mrs. Mollie Cook, - New Jersey - tt tt tt tt Mrs. Dr. Hopkins, a tt tt tt tt F. A. Emmons, tt " '* tt Removed Mrs. Emmons, - - u tt tt tt tt John Parker, - - tt _ Yorkville - - - tt Living George Hay, - - New York - Bristol Township - tt tt Lyman Lane, - - Connecticut tt tt tt tt M. W. Lane, - - New York - tt tt tt Dead Edmund Seely, tt Na-au-say " tt Living Ralph Gates, - - Maryland - tt tt tt tt G. D. Barrows, New York - Big Grove " tt tt Mrs. Wm. Thurber, tt Kendall " tt tt Joab Austin, - - tt Fox " tt Dead Dr. T. Seely, - - tt Na-au-say " tt Living Jacob Pope, - - New Jersey - Kendall " 1838 tt Lewis Steward, Pennsylvania Little Rock " tt tt G. Edgerton, - - New York - Big Grove " tt tt S. D. Humiston, - tt tt tt tt tt Geo. H. Steward, - Pennsylvania* Little Rock " tt tt Thos. Finnic, - - Scotland Fox " tt tt R. R. Greenfield, - England - - tt tt tt tt Saml. Greenfield, Sr., tt tt tt tt tt Robert McMurtrie, Scotland Bristol " tt tt Dr. J. H. T. Brady, New York - Little Rock " tt tt S. McCloud, - - Vermont Seward " tt tt Thos. Penman, England - - Kendall " 1839 tt Nick Hollenback, - Born here - Fox " tt Removed Lewis Morgan, - - New York - Kendall " tt Living Lyman Childs, - - Massachusetts Bristol " tt Removed Mrs. John Wheeler, Born here - tt Living Dr. Robert Hopkins, New York - Bristol Township tt tt Deacon Barnes, tt tt tt tt tt H. Abbey, - - - tt Little Rock " 1840 tt 16 HISTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. NAMES. NATIVITY. CE OF SETTLEMENT. YEAR REMARKS. James Brady, - - Virginia - - Little Rock " 1840 Living Owen Lathrop, Born here - U Since the organization of the county, it has been as follows : THOMAS FORD, presiding judge of Circuit Court, from 1841 to 1844, at which time he was elected governor of the state. JOHN DEAN COSTEN, appointed judge, and served as such, from Ford's resignation in 1844, until the adoption of the constitution of 1848. T. LYLE DICKEY, elected judge in 1848, and served until 1852, when he resigned. ' E. S. LELAND, who served until 1855. MADISON E. HOLLISTER, was elected in 1855, and served until 1861, when he was re-elected, and served until 1864, when he was appointed minister to Brazil. E. S. LELAND, who presided as judge until Kendall County was , attached to the 28th Judicial Circuit, by the Act of the Legislature of 1872, of which circuit Silvanus Wilcox was judge. SILVANUS WILCOX, was re-elected in June, 1873, but resigned in 1874. H. H. CODY, was elected his successor, who is now the presiding judge. COUNTY JUDGES. Joseph W. Helme in 1849, Benjamin Ricketson in 1853, Henry S. Judson,1865 to 1876. COUNTY OFFICERS. CLERKS OF CIRCUIT COURT. A. B. Smith in 1841, J. M. Crothers in 1848, George M. Hollenback, in 1856, Albert M. Hobbs in 1864, L. M. Bennett 1872 to Dec. 1876. COUNTY CLERKS. M. A. Fenton, 1841 ; George W. Hartwell, 1849 ; Jeremiah J. Cole, 1853; Jeremiah Evarts, 1864 to 1877. V HISTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 21 COUNTY TREASURERS. J. J. Cole, 1849 ; Asahel Newton, 1853; H. S. Humphrey, 1857 ; R. W. Cams, 1863 ; J. C. Taylor, 1865 ; M. S. Cornell, 1869 ; T. S. Serrine, 1873 to 1877. COUNTY SHERIFFS. William S. Fowler, 1848 ; R. D. Miller, 1850 ; Charles D. Townsend, 1851 ; M. Beaupre, 1852 ; H. M. Day, 1854 ; J. Raymond, 1856 ; Wright Murphy, 1858; Dwight Ladd, 1860 ; A. D. Newton, 1862; J. A. Newell, 1864; J. Seely, 1866; J. D. Kern, 1868; A. D. Newton, 1872 to De- cember, 1876. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. A. Edson, 1849; Ephraim Moulton, 1853; J. VanAntwerp, 1855 ; E. W. Barnes, 1857 ; W. S. Coy, 1863. SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS. W. S. Coy, 1865 ; J. R. Marshall, 1869 to 1877. CORONER. O. W. Grant, 1874 to 1876. STATE'S ATTORNEY. A. M. Sweetland, 1876. COUNTY SURVEYORS. L. G. Bennett, 1869 ; J. H. Jenks, 1871 to 1879. MISCELLANEOUS. The first person drowned in Kendall County was Henry Shadley, June, 1537. The first murder was committed by Ansel Ryder, in 1842. There never was, however, a public execution in the county. Kendall County is in the 6th Congressional District and the 18th Senatorial District. The mean temperature of the county is from 47 to 50 degrees. The average rain-fall is 40 inches per year. That portion of the county lying north of the Indian Boundary Line was surveyed during the year 1837, and that lying south as early as 1824. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES. No promissory note, check, draft, bill of exchange, order, or note, negotiable instrument payable at sight, or on demand, or on presentment, shall be entitled to days of grace. All other bills of exchange, drafts or notes are entitled to three days of grace. All the above mentioned paper falling due on SUNDAY, NEW YEARS' DAY, THE FOURTH OF JULY, CHRIST- MAS, or any day appointed or recommended by the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, or the GOVERNOR OF THE STATE as a day of FAST OR THANKSGIVING, shall be deemed as due on the day previous, and should two or more of these days come together, then such instrument shall be treated as due on the day previous to the FIRST OF SAID DAYS. No DEFENSE can be made against a negotiable instrument (ASSIGNED BEFORE DUE) in the hands of the assignee without notice, except FRAUD was used in obtaining the same. To hold an INDORSER, due diligence must be used BY SUIT, in collecting of the maker, unless suit would have been UNAVAIL- ING. Notes payable to person named or to order, in order to absolutely TRANSFER TITLE, must be indorsed by the PAYEE. Notes payable to BEARER may be transferred by DELIVERY, and when so payable every indorser thereon is held as a GUARANTOR OF PAYMENT unless otherwise expressed. In computing interest or discount on negotiable instruments, a MONTH shall be considered a CALENDAR MONTH or TWELFTH of a year, and for less than a month, a day shall be figured a THIRTIETH part of a month. Notes only bear interest when so expressed, but after due they draw the legal interest, even if not stated. INTEREST. The legal rate of interest is six per cent. Parties may agree in WRITING on a rate not exceeding TEN per cent. If a rate of interest greater than ten per cent, is contracted for it works a forfeiture of the whole of said interest, and only the principal can be recovered. DESCENT. When no will is made, the property of a deceased person is distributed as follows : First. To his or her children and their descendants, in equal parts; the descendants of the deceased child or grandchild taking the share of their deceased parents in equal parts among them. Second. When there is no child of the intestate, nor descendant of such child, and no widow or surviving husband, then to the parents, brothers or sisters of the deceased, and their descend- ants, in equal parts among them, allowing to each of the parents, if living, a child's part, or to the survivor of them if one be dead, a double portion; and if there is no parent living, then to the brothers and sisters of the intestate, and their descendants. Third, When there is a widow or surviving husband, and no child or children, or descendants of a child or children of the intestate, then (alter the payment of all just debts) one-half of the real estate and the whole of the personal estate shall cfescend to such widow or surviving husband as an absolute estate forever. Fourth. When there is a widow or a surviving husband, and also a child or children, or des- cendants of such child or children of the intestate, the widow or surviving husband shall receive, as his or her absolute personal estate, one-third of all the personal estate of the intestate. Fifth. If there is no child of the intestate, or descendant of such child, and no parent, brother or sister, or descendant of such parent, brother or sister, and no widow or survivirg hus- band, then such estate shall descend in equal parts to the next pf kin to the intestate, in equal degree (computing by the rules of the civil law), -and there shall be no representation among col- laterals, except with the descendants of brothers and sisters of the intestate; and in no case shall there be any distinction between the kindred of the whole and the half blood. Sixth. If any intestate leaves a widow or surviving husband and no kindred, his or her estate shall descend to such widow or surviving husband. WILLS AND ESTATES OF DECEASED PERSONS. No exact form of words are necessary in order to make a will gocd at law. Every MALE person of the age of 21 YEARS, and every FEMALE of the age of 18 YEARS, of SOUND MIND and MEMORY, can make a valid will ; it must be in WRITING, signed by the testator or by some one in his or her presence and by his or her direction, and ATTESTED by TWO or more CREDIBLE WITNESSES. Care should be taken that the WITNESSES are not INTERESTED in the will. Persons \ ABSTEACT FEOM ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 23 knowing themselves to have been named in the will or appointed executor, must within 30 days of the death of deceased cause the will to be proved and recorded in the proper county, or present it and refuse to' accept ; on failure to do so is liable to forfeit the sum of $20 per month. INVENTORY to be made by executor or administrator within THREE MONTHS from date of letters testamentary or of administration. Executors' and administrators' COMPENSATION not to exceed six per cent, on amount of personal estate, and three per cent, on money realized from real estate, with such additional allowance as shall be reasonable for extra services. APPRAISERS' COMPEN- SATION $2 per day. Notice requiring all claims to be presented against the estate shall be given by the executor or administrator WITHIN SIX^MONTHS of being qualified. Any person having a claim and not presenting it at the time fixed by said notice is required to have summons issued notifying the executor or administrator of his having filed his claim in court ; in such cnses the costs have to be paid by the claimant. CLAIMS should be filed,within TWO YEARS from the time ADMINISTRATION is granted on an estate, as after that time they are forever barred, unless other estate is found that was not inventoried. MARRIED WOMEN, INFANTS, PERSONS INSANE, IMPRISONED or without the UNITED STATES, in the employment of the UNITED STATES, or of THIS STATE, have TWO YEARS after their disabilities are removed to file claims. CLAIMS are classified and paid out of the estate in the following manner : First. Funeral expenses. Second. The widow's award, if there is a widow ; or children if there are children, and no widow. Third. Expenses attending the last illness, not including physician's bill. Fourth. Debts due the common school or township fund. Fifth. All expenses of proving the will and taking out letters testamentary or administration, and settlement of the estate, and the physician's bill in the last illness of deceased. Sixth. Where the deceased has received 'money in trust for any purpose, his executor oV administrator shall pay out of his estate the amount received and not accounted for. Seventh. All other debts and demands of whatsoever kind, without regard to quality or dignity, which shall be exhibited to the court within two ytars from the granting of letters. AWARD TO WIDOW AND CHILDREN, exclusive of debts and legacies or bequests, exc ep funeral expenses : First. The family pictures and wearing apparel, jewels and ornaments of herself and minor children. Second. School books and the family library of the value of $100. Third. One sewing machine. Fourth. Necessary beds, bedsteads and bedding for herself and family. Fifth. The stoves and pipe used in the family, with the necessary cooking utensils, or in case they have none, $50 in money. Sixth. Household and kitchen furniture to the value of $100: Seventh. One milch cow and calf for every four members of her family. Eighth. Two sheep for each member of her family, and the fleeces taken from the same, and one horse, saddle and bridle. Ninth. Provisions for herself and family for one year. Tenth. Food for the stock above specified for six months. Eleventh. Fuel for herself and family for three months. Twelfth. One hundred dollars worth of other property suited to her condition in life, to be selected by the widow. The widow if she elects may have in lieu of the said award, the same personal property or money in place thereof as is or may be exempt from execution or attachment against the head of a family. TAXES. The owners of real and personal property, on the first day of MAY in each year, are liable for the taxes thereon. t Assessments should be completed before the fourth Monday in June, at which time the town board of review meets to examine assessments, hear objections, and make such changes as ought to be made. The county board have also power to correct or change assessments. The tax books are placed in the hands of the town collector on or before the tenth day of December, who retains them until the tenth day of March following, when he is required to return them to the county treasurer, who then collects all delinquent taxes. No costs accrue on real estate taxes till advertised, which takes place the first day of April, when three weeks' notice is required before judgment. Cost of advertising, twenty cents each tract of land, and ten cents each lot. JUDGMENT is usually obtained at May term of County Court. Costs six cents each tract of land, and five cents each lot. Sale takes place in June. Costs in addition to those before men- tioned, twenty-eight cents each tract of land, and twenty-seven cents each town lot. Real estate sold for taxes may be redeemed any time before the expiration of two years from 24 ABSTRACT FROM ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. the date of sale, by payment to the County Clerk of the "amount for which it was sold and twenty- five per cent, thereon if redeemed within six months, fifty per cent, if between six and twelve months, if between twelve and eighteen months seventy-five per cent., and if between eighteen months and two years one hundred per cent., and in addition, all subsequent taxes paid by the purchaser, with ten per cent, interest thereon, aiso one dollar each tract if notice is given by the purchaser of the sale, and a fee of twenty-five cents to the clerk for his certificate. JURISDICTION OF COURTS. JUSTICES have jurisdiction in all civil cases on contracts for the recovery of moneys for damages for injury to real property, or taking, detaining, or injuring personal property ; for rent ; for all cases to recover damages done real or personal property by railroad companies, in actions of replevin, and in actions for damages for fraud in the sale, purchase, or exchange of personal property, when the amount claimed as due is not orer $200. They have also jurisdiction in all cases for violation of the ordinances of cities, towns or villages. A justice of the peace may orally order an officer or a private person to arrest any one committing or attempting to commit a criminal offense. He also upon complaint can issue his warrant for the arrest of any person accused of having committed a crime, and have him brought before him for examination. COUNTY COURTS Have jurisdiction in all matters of probate, settlement of estates of deceased persons, appoint- ment of guardians and conservators, and settlement of their accounts; all matters relating to apprentices ; proceedings for the collection of taxes and assessments, and in proceedings of executions, administrators, guardians and conservators for the sale of real estate. In LAW cases they have concurrent jurisdiction with Circuit Courts in all cases where Justices of Peace now have when the amount claimed shall not exceed $500, and in all criminal offenses where the punishment is not imprisonment in the penitentiary or death, but no APPEAL is allowed from Justice of the Peace to Couniy Courts. Circuit Courts Have unlimited jurisdiction. LIMITATION OF ACTION. Accounts five years. Notes and written contracts ten years. Judgments twenty years. Partial payments or new promise in writing, within or after said period, will revive the debt. Absence from the state deducted, and when the cause of action is baired by the law of another state, it has the .--ame effect here. Slander and libel, one yea.r. Personal injuries, two years. To recover land or make entry thereon, twenty years. Action to foreclose mortgage or trust deed, or make a sale, within ten years. All persons in possession of land, and paying taxes for seven consecutive years, with color of title, and all persons paying taxes for seven consecutive years, with color of title, on vacant land, shall be held to be the legal owners to the extent of their paper title. MARRIED WOMEN May sue and be sued. Husband and wife not liable for each other's .debts, either before or after marriage, but both are liable for expenses and education of the family. She may contract the same as if unmarried, except that in a partnership business she can not, without consent of her husband, unless he has abandoned or deserted her, or is idiotic or insane, or confined in penitentiary; she is entitled and can recover her own earnings, but neither husband nor wife is entitled to .compensation for any services rendered for the other. At the death of the husband, in addition to widow's award, a married woman has a dower interest (one- third) in all real estate owned by her husband after their marriage, and which has not been released by her, and the husband has the same interest in the real estate of the wife at her death. EXEMPTIONS FROM FORCED SALE. HOME WORTH $1,000, AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. Lot of ground and buildings thereon, occupied as a residence by the debtor, being a householder and having a family, to the value of $1,000. Exemption continues after the death of the householder for the benefit of wMow and family, some one of ihem occupying the homestead until youngest child shall become twenty- one years of age, and until death of widow. There is no exemption from sale for taxes, assess- ments, debt or liability incurred for the purchase or improvement of said homestead. No release or waiver of exemption is valid, unless in writing, and subscribed by such householder and wife (if he have one), and acknowledged as conveyances of real estate are required to be acknowl- edged. The following articles ol peisonal property owned by the debtor, are exempt from execution, writ of attachment, and distress for rent : The necessary wearing apparel of every person ; one sewing machine ; the furniture, tools, and implements necessary to carry on his trade or business, not exceeding $100 in value ; the implements or library of any professional man, not exceeding $100 in value ; materials and stock designed and procured for carrying on his trade or business, and intended to be used or wi ought therein, not exceeding $100 in value ; and also, * ABSTRACT FROM ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 25 when the debtor is the head of a family and resides with the same, necessary beds, bedsteads, and bedding, two stoves and pipe, necessary household furniture, not exceeding in value $100, one cow, calf, two swine, one yoke of oxen, or two horses in lieu thereof, worth not exceeding $200, with the harness therefor, necessary provisions and fuel for the use of the family three months, and necessary food for the stock hereinbefore exempted for the same time ; the bibles, school books and family pictures ; the family library, cemetery lots, and rights of burial, and tombs for the repositories of the dead ; one hundred dollars' worth of other property, suited to his condition in life, selected by the debtor. No personal property is exempt from sale for the wages of laborers or servants. Wages of a laborer who is the head of a family can not be gar- nisheed, except the sum due him be in excess of $25. DEEDS AND MORTGAGES. To be valid there must be a valid consideration. Special care should be Taken to have them signed, sealed, delivered, and properly acknowledged, with the proper seal attached. WITNESSES are not required. The acknowledgement must be made in this state, before MASTER IN CHAN- CERY, NOTARY PUBLIC, UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER, CIRCUIT or COUNTY CLERK, JUSTICE OF PEACE, or any COURT OF RECORD having a SEAL, or any JUDGE, JUSTICE, or CLERK of any such Court. When taken before a NOTARY PUBLIC, or U. S. COMMISSIONER, the same shall be at- tended by his OFFICIAL SEAL, when taken before a COURT or the CLERK thereof, the same shall be attended by the SEAL of such Court, and when taken before a JUSTICE OF THE PEACE residing out of the county where the real estate to be conveyed lies, there shall be added a certificate of the COUNTY CLERK under his seal of office, that he was a Justice of the Peace in the county at the time of taking the same. A deed is good without such certificate attached, but can not be used in evidence unless such a certificate is produced or other competent evidence introduced. Ac- knowledgements made out of the state must either be executed according to the laws of this state or there should be attached a certificate that it is in conformity with the laws of the state or country where executed. Where this is not done the same may be proved by any other legal way. Acknowledgements where the HOMESTEAD rights are to be waived must state as follows : " In- cluding the release and waiver of the right of homestead." NOTARIES PUBLIC can take acknowledgements any where in the state. SHERIFFS, if authorized by the mortgagor of real or personal property in his mortgage, may sell the property mortgaged. In the case of the DEATH of GRANTOR or HOLDER OF THE EQUITY OF REDEMPTION of real estate mortgaged, or conveyed "by deed of trust where equity of redemption is waived, and it contains power of sale, must be foreclosed in the same manner as a common mortgage in court. ESTRAYS. Horses, mules, asses, neat cattle, swine, sheep, or goats found straying at any time during the year, in counties where such animals are not allowed to run at large, or between the last day of October and the i$th day of April in other counties, THE OWNER THEREOF BEING UNKNOWN, may be taken up as estrays. No person not a HOUSEHOLDER in the county where estray is found can LAWFULLY take up an estray, and then only UPON or ABOUT his farm or place of residence. Estrays should not be used before advertised, except animals giving milk, which may be milked for their benefit. Notices must be posted up within five (5) days in three (3) of the most public places in the town or precinct in which estray was found, giving the residence of the taker up, and a particular description of the estray, its age, color, and marks natural and artificial, and stating before what justice of the peace in such town or precinct, and at what time, not less than ten (10) nor more than fifteen (15) days from the time of posting such notices, he will apply to have the estray ap- praised. A copy of such notice should be filed by the taker up with the town clerk, whose duty it is to enter the same at large, in a book kept by him for that purpose. If the owner of estray shall not have appeared and proved ownership, and taken the same away, first paying the taker up his reasonable charges for taking up, keeping, and advertis- ing the same, the taker up shall appear before the justice of the peace mentioned in above men- tioned notice, and make an affidavit as required by law. As the affidavit has to be made before the justice, and all other steps as to appraisement, .etc., are before him, who is familiar therewith, they are therefore omitted here. Any person taking up an estray at any other place than about or upon his farm or residence, or without complying with the law, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars with costs. Ordinary diligence is required in taking care of estrays, but in case they die or get away the taker is not liable for the same. GAME. IT is UNLAWFUL to hunt, kill or in any manner interfere with deer, wild turkey, prairie chicken, partridge or pheasants between the first day of January and the fifteenth day of August ; 26 ABSTEACT FROM ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. or any quail, between the first day of January and the first day of October ; or any woodcock, between the first day of January and the first day of July ; or any wild goose, duck, Wilson snipe, brandt, or other water fowl, between the fifteenth day of April and the fifteenth day of August, in each and every year. PENALTY : Fine not less than $10 nor more than $25, and costs of suit, and shall stand committed to county jail until fine is paid, but not exceeding ten days. IT IS UNLAWFUL to hunt with gun, dog or net, within the inclosed grounds or lands of another, without permission. PENALTY : Fine not less than $3 and not exceeding $100, to be paid into school fund. , WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. s Whenever any of the following articles shall be contracted for, or sold or delivered, and no special contract or agreement shall be made to the contrary, the weight per bushel shall be as follows, to-vvit : Pounds. Buckwheat 52 Coarse salt 50 Barley -.. 48 Corn meal 48 Castor beans 46 Timothy seed 45 Hemp seed 44 Malt 38 Dried peaches 33 Oats -. 32 Dried apples 24 Bran 20 Blue grass seed 14 Hair (plastering) 8 Pounds. Stone coal 80 Unslacked lime 80 Corn in the ear 70 Wheat 60 Irish potatoes 60 White beans 60 Clover seed 60 Onions __' 57 Shelled corn 56 Rye 56 Flax seed 56 Sweet potatoes 55 Turnips ._ 55 Fine salt - 55 Penalty for giving less than the above standard is double the amount of property wrongfully not given, and ten dollars addition thereto. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUBSCRIPTION. The business of publishing books by subscription having so often been brought into disrepute by agents making representations and declarations not authorized by the publisher ; in order to prevent that as much as possible, and that there may be more general knowledge of the relation such agents bear to their principal, and the law governing such cases, the following statement is made : A subscription is in the nature of a contract of mutual promises, by which the subscriber agrees to pay a certain sum for the work described ; the consideration is concurrent that the publisher shall publish the book named, and deliver the same, for which the subscriber is to pay the price named. The nature and character of the work is described in the prospectus and by the sample shown. These should be carefully examined before subscribing, as they are the basis and consideration of the promise to pay, and not the too often exaggerated statements of the agent, who is merely employed to solicit subscriptions, for which lie is usually paid a commission for each subscriber, and has no authority to change or alter the conditions upon which the subscriptions are authorized to be made by the publisher. Should the agent assume to agree to make the sub- scription conditional or modify or change the agreement of the publisher, as set out by prospectus and sample, in order to bind the i principal, the subscriber should see that such conditions or changes are stated over or in connection with his signature, so that the publisher may have notice of the same. All persons making contracts in reference to matters of >his kind, or any other business, should remember that the law as to written contracts is, that they can not be varied, altered or rescinded verbally, but if done at all, must be done in writing. It is therefore important-thai all persons contemplating subscribing should distinctly understand that all talk before or after the subscription is made, is not admissible as evidence, and is no part of the contract. Persons employed to solicit subscriptions are known to the trade as canvassers. They are agents appointed to do a particular business in a prescribed mode, and have no authority to do it in any other way to the prejudice of their principal, nor can they bind their principal in ; ny other matter. They can not, collect money, or agree that payment may be made in anything else but money. They can not extend the time of payment beyond the time of delivery, nor bind their principal for the payment of expenses incurred in their business. It would save a great deal of trouble, and often serious loss, if persons, before signing their names to any subscription book, or any written instrument, would examine carefully what it is ; if they can not read themselves, should call on some one disinterested who can. M ISCELLANEOUS I NFORMATION. BUSINESS LAW. It is not legally necessary to say on a note " for value received." A note drawn on Sunday is void. A note obtained by fraud, or from a person in a state of intoxication, cannot be collected. If a note be lost or stolen, it does not release the maker ; he must pay it. A note given by a minor is void. Notes bear interest only when so stated. Principals are responsible for the acts of their agents. Each individual in a partnership is responsible for the whole amount of the debts of the firm. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. The law compels no one to do impossibilities. An agreement without consideration is void. Signatures made with a lead pencil are good in law. A receipt for money paid is not legally conclusive. The acts of one partner bind all the others. Contracts made on Sunday cannot be enforced. A contract made with a minor is void. A contract made with a lunatic is void. RATES OF POSTAGE. LETTERS. Letters go to any part of the United States for three cents per half-ounce, or fraction thereof, if prepaid. Unpaid letters are sent to the Dead Letter Office at Washington. NEWSPAPERS. Publishers are now required to prepay all postage on Newspapers ; only one copy to each actual subscriber residing within the county in which the same is published goes free through the mails. MISCELLANEOUS MATTER OF THE THIRD CLASS. Books, unsealed circulars, maps, prints, engravings, music, cards, photographs, types, cuttings, roots, seeds, merchandise, metals, ores and minerals, one cent per two ounces, or fraction thereof, which must be prepaid. MONEY ORDERS. Money orders can be obtained only at designated Money Order Offices. Money can be sent to any part of the country with absolute safety, by obtaining a Money Order, for which the fees are: Not exceeding $15, 10 cents ; over $15, and not exceeding $30, 15 cents ; over $30, and not exceeding $40, 20 cents ; over $40, and not exceeding $50, 25 cents. No order issued for more than $50. POST ITEMS. It costs 10 cents extra, besides the regular postage, to register a letter. Let- ters may be registered at any Post Office. VALUE OF FOREIGN MONEY. ON A GOLD BASIS. Florin, of Austria..- .-.. $ .48^ Doubloon, of Spain, (i 800) 15.54 Real, 05 Five Rubles, of Russia 3.95 Ruble, " ^.75 Franc, of Belgium .18^ Ducat, of Bavaria 2.27 Franc, of Switzerland -i%/4 Crown, of Tuscany Pound Sterling, of England $ 4.84 Guinea, " 5.05 Crown, " 1. 21 Shilling, " .22 Napoleon, of France 3.84 Five Francs, " .93 Franc, " i8j Thaler, of Saxony .68 Guilder, of Netherlands 40 Ducat, of Austria 2.28 TO MEASURE CORN IN THE CRIB. This rule will apply to a crib of any size or kind. Two cubic feet of good, sound, dry corn in the ear will make a bushel of shelled corn. To get, then, the quantity of shelled corn in a crib of corn in the ear, measure the length, breadth and height of the crib, inside of the rail ; multiply the length by the breadth, and the product by the height ; then divide the product by two, and you have the number of bushels of shelled torn in the crib. To find the number of bushels of apples, potatoes, etc., in a bin, multiply the length, breadth and thickness together, and this product by 8, and point off one figure in the product for deci- mals. TO ESTIMATE THE AMOUNT OF HAY IN A MOW. Find the number of cubic feet by multiplying the length by the breadth, and that product by the height, and allow 512 cubic feet for a ton. The above rule no doubt approximates as closely as possible to a correct standard, the num- ber of cubic feet required for a ton, varying a little on account of the different degrees of pres- sure to which the hay has been subjected, and also with the quality of the hay as regards fineness. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. INTEREST TABLE. A SIMPLE RULE FOR ACCURATELY COMPUTING INTEREST AT ANY GIVEN PER CENT. FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIME. Multiply the principal (amount of money at interest) by the time reduced todays ; then divide this product by the qtiotient obtained by dividing 360 (the number of days in the interest year) by the pr cent, of interest, and the quotient thus obtained will be the required interest. ILLUSTRATION. Solution. Require the interest of $462.50 for one month and eighteen days at $462.50 6 per cent. An interest month is 30 days ; on month and eighteen days .48 equal 48 days. $462.50 multiplied by .48 gives 222,0000 ; 360 divided by 6 (the per cent, of interest) gives 60, and $222.0000 divided by 60 will give you the exact interest, which is $3.70. If the rate of interest )3oO\ 185000 in the above example were 12 per cent., we would divide the $222.0000 7~] t y 1 1 1 1 . \ ' f 1 J UU/ 3p t \ by 30 (because 360 divided by 12 gives 30) ; if 4 per cent., we would i&O divide by 90 ; if 8 per cent., by 45 ; and in like manner for any other per cent. 420 \ 420 MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 00 12 units, or things, I Dozen. 12 dozen, I Gross. 20 things, I Score. 196 pounds, I Barrel of Flour. 200 pounds, I Barrel of Pork. 56 pounds, I Firkin of Putter. 24 sheets of paper, I Qujre. 20 quires paper I Ream. ( 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 8 feet long, i Cord of Wood. KENDALL COUNTY Valuation, Taxation, and Public Debt. U. S. Census, 1870. Assessed valuation of property $1,717,370 Assessed valuation of personal property 764.697 Total assessed value of real and personal estate, 2.487,049 True valuation of real and personal estate 10,801,080 State Taxation 16,131 County Taxation 32,762 Town, City, etc 18,963 Total Taxation 67,850 County debt for which bonds have been issued. . 100,000 All other debts 5.000 Town, City, etc. debt for which bonds have been issued 90,000 Number and Size of Farms. Whole number of farms 1,250 Under 3 acres, 3 and under 10 acres 10 M 50 100 500 1,000 and over , 20 50 100 500 1,000 17 17 93 438 676 STATISTICS. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. U. S. CENSUS, 1870. Acres of improved land 164,004 Acres of woodland 14,244 Acres of other improved land 2,283 Present cash value of farms $9.583,619 Present cash value of farming imple- ments and machinery $315,288 Value of farm products $1,490,171 Value of Orchard products 18.561 Value of slaughtered animals $440 621 Value of live stock $1,203.225 Number of horses Number of mules and asses Number of milch cows Number of working oxen Number of other cattle Number of sheep Number of swine Bushels of spring wheat produced Bushels of winter wheat Bushels of com Bushels of oats Bushels of barley Bushels of buckwheat Pounds of wool Pounds of butter 3861650 Tons of hay 23,740 7,275 182 5,988 4 8,831 12,236 14,892 90,681 1.249 681, 267 468.890 12,434 1,616 39,884 STATISTICS OF AGRICULTURE.-U. S. Census 1870. CIVIL DIVISIONS. Improved land. Value of farms and farming implements. Value of live stock. Value of all pro- - (Auctions. Indian corn. Big Grove Bristol A ores. 19,671 12,850 Dollars. 1,186,918 978,888 Dollars. 126,765 135,822 Dollars. 161,881 212,879 Bushels. 87,600 111,025 Fox 17,330 1,127,700 146,255 210,744 115,500 Kendall 19,367 1,090,960 152,069 190,227 87,425 Little Rock.... Na-au-say Osweoro 14,538 19,067 21,166 1,211,542 905,790 1,393,265 123,597 133,543 151,717 200,726 105,430 232,334 113,665 49,428 43,047 Seward 19,120 981,210 134,160 121,230 47,316 Lisbon... 19.211 1.106.121 142.205 141.216 56.311 MISCELLANEOUS INFOBMATION. 29 POPULATION OF KENDALL COUNTY, BY TOWNSHIPS. TOWNSHIPS. 1870.. I860. 1850. Total. Native. Foreign. AVhite. Colored. White. Colored. White. Colored. Big Grove 1726 1352 1265 1322 1113 966 404 239 299 1718 1345 1265 8 7 1847 1369 1405 1343 794 845 356 795 519 906 569 1597 Bristol..: Fox 1 1 2 Franklin Kendall 1445 1150 1843 918 1756 944 1096 844 1560 701 1378 735 249 306 283 217 37^ 209 1445 1149 1842 896 1741 944 1435 1222 1708 1021 2108 958 Lisbon 1 1 22 15 Little Rock Na-au-say */ Osweo'o 1 2 Seward POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. POPULATION OF FIFTY PRINCIPAL CITIES. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Total Population. CITIES. Aggregate Population. 942,292 674,022 396,099 310,864 298.977 267,354 250,526 216,239 191,418 149,473 117,714 109,199 105,059 100,753 92,829 86,076 82,546 Alabama 996.992 484.471 560,247 537,454 125,015 187,748 1.184,109 2,539,891 1,680,637 1,191,792 364,399 1.321,011 726,915 626,915 780,894 1,457.351 1,184,059 439 706 California New York, N. Y... Philadelphia, Pa Florida Brooklyn, N. Y St. Louis, Mo ". Illinois Chicago, 111 Baltimore, Md Iowa Uoston, Mass Cincinnati, Ohio New Orleans, La San Francisco, cal... Jinttalo, N. Y Washington, D. C Massachusetts Newark. N. J Louisville, Ky Cleveland, Oliio 827,922 1,721,295 122,993 42.491 318 300 Pittsburg, Pa Jersey City, N. J Detroit, Mich 79,577 71,440 69,422 68,904 62,386 53,180 51,038 50,840 48,956 Nevada Milwaukee, Wis Albany, N. Y 906,096 4 382 759 Providence, R. I New York Rochester, N. Y r 1,071.361 2,665.260 90 923 Alleghen v, Pa Ohio Richmond, Van New Haven, Conn Pennsylvania 3,521,791 217.353 705,606 1 258 520 Charleston, S. C Indianapolis, Ind 48,244 46,465 43,051 41,105 40.928 40,226 39.634 i 37,180 35.092 33,930 Trov. N. Y Tennessee Syracuse, N. Y Texas 818,579 330.551 1,225,163 442,014 1,054,670 38.113.253 9.658 39 864 Worcester, Mass Vermont Lowell. Mass Virginia Memphis, Tenii West Virginia Cambridge, Mass Wisconsin Hartford, Conn Total States Scranton, Pa Reading, Pa Arizona Palfrsoil, N. J 33.579 Kansas City, Mo 32,260 32,034 31,584 Colorada Mobile, Ala Dakota ... 14,181 131.700 14,999 20.595 91.874 86,786 23 955 Toledo. Ohio District of Columbia Portia iiU, Me 31,413 31,274 30.841 30,473 28,921 28,804 28.323 28.235 28.233 26,766 Idaho Coin in bus. Ohio Montana Wilmington, Del New Mexico Day ton, Ohio Utah Lawrence Mass Washington I'tica. \. Y . Wyoming 9.118 442,730 Charlestown. Mass Total Territories SavHiinah, Ga Lynn. Mass Total United States Fall River Mass 38.555.983 30 MISCELLANEOUS INFOKMATION. POPULATION OF ILLINOIS, BY COUNTIES. AGGR] :GATE. 1870. 1860. 1850. 1840. 1830. IS-.MI. Adams ......... 56362 41323 26508 14476 2186 Alexander - 10564 477 2484 3313 I3QO 626 Bond 13152 9815 6144 5060 3124 2Q3I Boone 12942 11678 7624 I7O5 Brown I22O5 9938 7198 4183 Bureau 32415 26426 8841 3067 Calhoun 6562 5144 3231 1741 IO9O Carroll - 16705 11733 4586 IO23 Cass 11580 11325 7253 2981 Champaign ..... 3 2 737 14629 2649 1475 Christian . 20363 10492 32O3 1878 Clark 18719 14987 Q532 7453 7O4O Q3I Clay 15875 9336 4289 3228 755 Clinton - - 16285 10941 5130 37l8 233O Coles -. 25235 14203 Q335 9616 Cook .... . . 349966 144954 43385 IO2OI Crawford 13889 11551 7135 4422 3117 *23 2999 Cumberland 12223 8311 3718 De Kalb . 23265 19086 71:40 l6Q7 De Witt . 14768 10820 5OO2 3247 Douglas . J3484 7140 Du Page 16685 14701 Q2QO 3535 Edgar 21450 16925 10692 8225 4O7I Edwards . .... 7565 5454 5C24 3O7O 1649 3111 Effingham. 15653 7816 ^7QQ 1675 Fayette 19638 11189 8075 6328 27O4 Ford 9103 1979 Franklin . 12652 9393 5681 3682 4083 1763 Fulton. .. . 38291 33338 22508 13142 1841 Gallatin _ 11134 8055 5448 10760 74O^ 3155 Greene . . 20277 16093 12429 IIQ5I 7674 Grundy . 14938 10379 3023 Hamilton .. 13014 QQI5 6362 3Q45 26l6 Hancock 35935 29O6I 14652 0046 483 Hardin , .-. - 5113 3759 2887 1378 Henderson 12582 9501 4612 Henry 35506 20660 3807 I26o 41 Iroquois - 25782 12325 4.IJ.Q 1605 Jackson -... 10634 ocSo 5862 3566 1828 1542 Jasper . . 11234 8364 3220 1472 Jefferson .... .... 17864 I2Q&'; 8100 5762 2555 69! Jersey 15054 I2O5I 7354 4535 Jo Daviess 27820 27325 18604 6t8o 2III Johnson . ..'.. ... 11248 Q342 4114 3626 1506 843 Kane 3 9OQ I 30062 I67O3 6501 Kankakee. 24352 I54I2 Kendall .. ... I239Q I3O74 773O Knox . 39522 28663 I327Q 7060 274 Lake 2IOI4 18257 14226 2634 La Salle 60792 48332 17815 Q348 Lawrence 12533 Q2I4 6121 7OQ2 3668 Lee 27I7I I765I S2Q2 2O35 Livingston 3I47I Il637 JCC^ 75Q Logan . . 23053 14272 5128 2333 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 31 POPULATION OF ILLINOIS CONCLUDED. COUNTIES. AGGREGATE. 1870. 26481 32726 44I3I 2O622 16950 16184 9581 26509 23762 53988 H735 18769 12982 253M 28463 10385 27492 47540 13723 10953 30768 H437 8752 6280 20859 12803 29783 12714 46352 17419 10530 25476 I075I 51068 30608 27903 16518 30388 8841 23174 17599 19758 16846 27503 43013 17329 29301 18956 1860. 1850. 1840. 3039 7926 14433 4742 1849 1830. 1830. Macon - 13738 24602 3I25I 12739 13437 10931 6213 20069 22089 28772 9584 15042 12832 13979 22II2 6385 , 22888 366OI 9552 6127 27249 6742 3943 5587 17205 9711 21005 9331 32274 14684 9069 14613 9004 37694 25112 21470 11181 19800 7313 18336 I373I 12223 12403 18737 29321 12205 24491 13282 I7IIQ5I 3988 12355 20441 6720 5180 5921 4092 7616 14978 10163 6349 5246 7679 6277 16064 3234 10020 17547 5278 1606 18819 3975 2265 3924 11079 4012 6937 5588 19228 10573 79 r 4 7807 37io 20180 11666 12052 7615 11492 4690 8176 6953 6825 8925 536i 16703 7216 "773 4415 1122 1990 6221 2125 Macoupin _ ... Madison - -- 13550 Marion - ...... Marshall ... Mason Massac McDonough 5308 2578 6565 4431 2352 4481 4490 19547 (*) McHenry ..-. - .. McLean - . Menard Mercer -. 26 2OOO 2953 I27I4 Monroe. *2I I5l6 Montgomery . ... Morgan Moultrie Ogle 3479 6153 3222 Peoria It) 1215 Perry .... Piatt Pike 11728 4094 2396 3316 Pope 26lO Pulaski Putnam 2131 7944 ci3io 4429 Randolph . . 349 2 Richland . Rock Island . 2610 Saline . Sangamon 14716 6972 6215 6659 1573 13631 2800 7221 5=- 24 9303 4240 6739 4810 5133 7919 25M 10167 4457 4609 12960 2959 Schuyler Scott Shelby 2972 Stark St.Clair . . 7078 *5 5248 Stephenson .. . Tazewell - . 4716 3239 5836 2710 308 1675 2555 6091 Union .. . 2362 Vermilion Wabash Warren . . Washington 1517 1114 4828 Wayne White Whitesides Will -1 Williamson Winnebago Woodford . Total.. 2^0801 851470 47618-? I5744 1 ; *49 55162 32 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Area in square Miles. POPULATION. Milrs K. It. 1872. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Area in square Miles. POPULATION. Miles R. R. 1872. 1870. 1875. 1870. 1875. States. 50,722 52,198 188,981 4.674 2,120 59.268 58.000 55,410 33.809 55,045 81,318 37,600 41.346 31,776 11,184 7,800 56,451 83.531 47.156 65,350 75.995 112.090 9,280 8.320 47,000 50,704 39,964 95,244 s of Mic 996,992 484,471 560,247 537,454 125,015 187,748 1.184,109 2,539,891 1.680,637 1,191.792 364,899 1,321.011 726,915 626,915 780,894 1,457,351 1.184,059 439.706 827.922 1,721.295 123,993 42,491 318.300 906 096 4,382,759 1,071,361 2,6651260 90,923 higau tak 1,671 25 1,013 820 227 466 2,108 5.904 3. 529 3.1 HO 1,760 1,123 539 871 820 1,606 2J23.-) I,(i12 990 2,580 828 593 790 1,265 4,470 1,190 3,740 159 States. Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina... Tennessee.: Texas Vermont 46,000 1.306 29.385 45.600 237.504 10,212 40,904 23,000 53,924 3,521,791 217.353 705,606 1,258,520 818,579 330,551 1,225,163 442.014 1,054.670 ""258,239 925,145 5,113 136. 1,201 1,520 865 675 1,490 485 1,725 Arkansas California Connecticut Florida....'. Georgia Illinois Indiana 1,350.544 528,349 "8 5 i, 039 Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin 1,236,729 Total States Territories. Arizona Colorado Kansas Kentucky Louisiana 1,950,171 113,916 104,500 147,490 60 90,932 143.776 121.201 80.056 69.944 93,107 38,113,253 9.658 39,864 14,181 131,700 14,999 20.595 91.874 8.6,786 23.955 9,118 59,587 Maine Maryland 392 Massachusetts. . . Michigan* 1,651,912 1,334,031 598,429 Dakota Dist. of Columbia. Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah * Mississippi Missouri ' 246',280 52,540 375 Nevada Washington New Hampshire. New Jersey New York North Carolina. . Ohio Oregon Wyoming 498 1,026.502 4,705,208 Total Territories. Aggregate of U. S.. * Included in t 965,032 442,730 1,265 2,915,203 he Railro 38,555,983 id Mileage 00,000,000 of Marylar 60,852 id. * Last Censu on in 1874 PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD; POPULATION AND AREA. COUNTRIES. Population. Date of Census. Area in Square Miles. Inhabitants to Square Mile. CAPITALS. Population. China. . .... 446 500 000 1871 3 741 846 119 3 Pekin 1 648 800 British Kmpire 226 817,108 1871 4 677,432 48.6 London 3,251,800 81 925 400 1871 8 003 778 10.2 St. Petersburg 667 000 United States with Alaska 38 925,600 1870 1 603,884 7.78 Washington 109.199 36 469 800 1866 204 091 178.7 1 825 :-:oit Austria and Hungary 35.904,400 1869 240 348 149.4 Vienna S33 900 Japan . -. 34 785 300 1871 149 399 232.8 Yeddo 1 554 900 Great Britain and Ireland.... 31,817,100 1871 121,315 262.3 London 3,251,800 (ierinan Kmpire . . 29 906 092 1871 160,207 187. Berlin 825,400 Italy 27 439 921 1871 118 847 230.9 244 484 16 642 000 1867 195 775 85 Madrid 332 000 Brazil 10 000 OuO 3 253 029 3.07 Rio Janeiro 420 000 Turkey Mexico 16,463,000 9,173.000 1869 672,621 761,526 24.4 Constantinople Mexico 1,075.000 210.300 5 921 500 1870 292 871 20. 136 900 5 000,000 1870 635 964 7.8 Teheran 120,000 5 021 300 1869 11 373 441.5 314 100 Bavaria 4 861 400 1871 29,292 165.9 Munich 169 500 3 995 200 1868 34 494 115.8 224 063 Holland 3 688 300 1870 12,680 290.9 Hague 90,100 3 000 000 1870 357 157 8.4 Bogota 45,000 Chili 2 000 000 1869 132 616 15.1 115 400 Switzerland 2 669 100 1870 15 992 166.9 Berne 36 000 Peru 2,500,000 1871 471.838 \ 5.3 Lima 160,100 Bolivia 2 000 000 497 321 4 25 000 1 812 000 1869 871 848 2.1 Buenos Avres 177.300 1 818 500 1871 7 533 241 4 91,600 1 784 700 1870 14 753 120.9 Copenhagen 162.042 I 500 000 368 238 4.2 47,000 Baden 1 461 400 1871 5 912 247. 36.600 1 457 900 1870 19 353 75.3 Athens 43,400 1 180 000 1871 40 879 28.9 40,000 1 300 000 218,928 5.9 Quito 70,000 1 000 000 1871 63 787 15.6 Vsunrion 48,000 823 138 2 969 277. 30 000 718 000 1871 9 576 74.9 Monrovia 3,000 600 000 1871 7 335 81 8 Sal Salvador 15,000 Havti 572,000 10,205 56. Port au Prince 20,000 350 000 1871 58 171 | Managua 10,000 300 000 1871 66 722 6 5 Monte Video 44,500 350 000 1871 47 092 7.4 Coinavagua 12,000 136 000 17 827 7.6 San Domingo 20,000 165 000 1870 21 505 7 7 2 000 Hawaii 62.950 7.633 80. Honolulu 7,633 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY. ABBREVIATIONS. Ind. Rep Independent Republican. Lib. Rep Liberal Republican. Rep. .Republicai Dem Democr Ind. Independen Bapt Biptis Cong. '. Congregationalis Epis Episcopalian. Meth. -. .Methodist. Cath. .. ...Roman Catholic. Pres Presbyterian. Prest President. P. O Post Office. Prop . Proprietor. Co County. Sec Section or Secretary. Vol Volume. I. V. I Illinois Volunteer Infantry. I. V. C Illinois Volunteer Cavalry. I. V. A Illinois Volunteer Artillery. KENDALL TOWNSHIP. AHRENS ERNST, Farmer, Sec. 9; Yorkville P. O.; born Germany, Oct. 27, 1832; came to U. S. 1855; has lived in county 21 years ; lives on farm of J. Springer. Wife was Miss Johanna Stoffregen, of Brunswick, Germany; has seven children. ACKERMAN GEO. Yorkville; works for Caledonia Ice Company; Rep; born New York. ANDREWS ALONZO, lives on H. Hopkins' farm, Sec. i; born Ohio; Yorkville P. O. ANDERSON ANDR. Farmer, Sec. 31; Rep; born Norway; 488 ac; val. $27,000; Plattville P. O. ARNBURSTER JACOB. Yorkville; works on Fox River R. R.; Dem; born Germany. ASKELSON A. Farmer, Sec. 32; Plattville P. O.; born Norway, April 21/1812; came to U. S. 1856; lived in county 20 years; owns farm of 240 acres, value' $12,000. Wife was Miss Elizabeth Olsted, of Norway; has four children. ARNBURSTER JNO. Farmer, Sec. 4; Rep; born Germany; 86 ac; val. $4,300; Yorkville P.O. ATHERTON, V. C. Yorkville; Farmer; Rep; Meth; from Penn. ASHLEY A. P. Farmer, Sec. 22; Rep; born New York; 240 acres, val. $16,800; Yorkville P. O. BAIE WILHELM, Farmer, Sec. 13; Yorkville P. O.; born Prussia, Oct. 10, 1846; came to U. S. 1865; Dem; lives on farm of J. Williams. Wife was Miss M. Borneman, of Prussia; has three children. BAILEY S. lives on farm of Abr. Waite, Sec. 20; Rep; born Penn; Yorkville P. O. BAILEY WM. Farmer, Sec. 6; Rep; born Penn; 84 acres, val. $4,200; Yorkville P. O. BARNEMANN H. Jr. lives on A. Needham's farm, Sec. 18; Germany; Rep; Yorkville P. O. BARNEMANN H. Farmer, Sec. 8; born Germany; 119 acres, val. $5,900; Yorkville P. O. I5EEM.AN J". A. Yorkville; Carriage Painter; born Venango Co. Pa. March 2, 1837; lived 'in Kendall Co. 18 years; Rep; was Capt. Co. H, 8gth I. V. I. Wife was Miss Amanda S. Platt, of St. Joseph Co. Mich; has five children. BECK GEO. Yorkville; Hotel Keeper; Ind; born Germany; lived in county 15 years. BEATTIE JOS. Jr. lives on farm of father, Sec. 22; born Kendall Co; Yorkville P. O. BEATTIE JOS. Farmer, Sec. 22; Ind. Rep; born Ireland; 358 ac; val. $17,900; Yorkville P. O. BEEBE O. lives on farm of Wm. Smith, Sec. 34; Rep; born Illinois; Plattville P. O. 3 34 DlfcECTOKY OF KENDALL COUNTY. BENNETT LYMAN G. Yorkville; clerk Circuit Court; born Chemung Co. N. Y. 1833; removed to Kendall Co. 1849; been Co. Surveyor four terms; served in the army nearly five years, rising to the rank of Major; Rep; val. of property $3,000. BHARNES FRITZ, lives on C. M. Thurber's farm, Sec. 17; born Germany; Yorkville P. O. BLACK E. A. Yorkville; prop. Yorkville Paper Mills; Dem; born Pennsylvania. BLACK J. P. Mrs. widow of J. P. Black, Yorkville, who died Nov. 14, 1875; left seven children. BOWNE WM. Farmer, Sec. 20; Rep; Meth; born N. Y.; 80 acres; val. $4,000; Yorkville P. O. BRIDGENS A. J. lives on farm D. Fletcher, Sec. 26; Rep; born Pennsylvania; Plattville P. O. BRIDGENS W. N. lives on farm of Jesse Hall, Sec. 10; Rep; Pennsylvania; Yorkville P. O. BRIDGENS J. H. Merchant, Yorkville; born Pennsylvania, 1837; came to Kendall Co. 1859; Rep; family of three children; owns house and lot; val. $3,000. BROWN LESTER, Asst. Station Agt. Yorkville; Rep; born New York. BURTON WARNER, Constable, Yorkville; painter by trade; Rep; born New York. BRIDLE ROBERT, Farmer, Sec. 30; Rep; 104 acres; val. $5,200; Plattville P. O. BRECKHOUR AUG. Farmer, Sec. 19; born Germany; 80 acres; val. $4,800; Pavilion P. O. BYE H. Farmer, Sec. 18; Rep; born Germany; 63 acres; val. $3,100; Yorkville P. O. BROWN S. W. Farmer, Sec. 21; Yorkville P. O.; born Erie Co. Pennsylvania, 1803; came to Kendall Co. 1842; Rep; Meth; owns farm of 120 acres, value $7,800; has been Township Assessor 14 years; School Trustee 19 years, and School Director 8 years; family of 9 children. CAMPBELL JAS. lives on farm of Mrs. J. P. Black, Sec. 32; Scotland; Dem; Yorkville P. O. CAMPBELL J. lives on farm of Mrs. J. P. Black, Sec. 32; Scotland; Dem; Yorkville P. O. CHAPPELL AMANDA MRS. Yorkville; widow of Uriah Chappell, who died 1875. CHALE H. Farmer, lives on R. Hopkins' farm, Sec. 23; born Germany; Yorkville P. O. CASSEM RANDALL, Yorkville, Attorney and Counselor at Law; born town of Fox, Kendall Co. Ills. Jan. 2, 1852; Rep; Baptist; graduated at Ann Arbor Law School, March 25, 1874; admitted to Bar of Michigan, March 27, 1874, also of Illinois, Sept. 6, 1874. CHRISTOPHER WM. Yorkville; harnessmaker; Rep; born Germany. CLEVELAND H. A. Farmer, Sec. 2; Rep; born N. Y.; 160 acres; val. $8,000; Yorkville P; O. COLLMAN WM. Farmer, Sec. 16; Ind. Rep; Germany; 200 acres; val. $10,000; Yorkville P. O. COOPER JNO. Yorkville; dealer in harness, etc; born Kendall Co; Rep. CHURCH "W. R. Yorkville; carriage maker; born Washington Co. N. Y., Jan. 30, 1847; Removed to Yorkville, Kendall Co/ 1863; lived in Butler Co. Pa. 12 years; engaged in the oil business there; Rep; Baptist; member of Town Council. CORNELL A. J. Yorkville; carpenter; Rep; born Kendall Co. CHRISTIANSEN C. Farmer, Sec. 31; Norway; 413 acres; val. $20,650; Rep; Plattville P. O. CLARK JOS. Farmer, Sec. 35; Rep; born Penn; 320 acres; val. $16,000; Plattville P. O. CORNILS JENS, Farmer, Sec. 36; born Germany; 80 acres; val. $4,400; Plattville P. O. CLAYTON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 36; Plattville P. O.; born England, Aug. 21, 1827; came to U. S. 1850; lived in Co. 26 yrs; Rep;. 320 acres; val. $15,000. Wife was Miss Mary Es- sington of England; has six children. CLARK ROBERT, lives on farm of Jos. Clark, Sec. 35; Rep; Plattville P. O. COHLA H. lives on the Kendrick farm, Sec. 27; born Germany. COLE WM. G. clerk Pavilion P. O.; Rep; born England. COLLMAN FRED, Farmer, Sec. 29; born Germany; no ac; val. $5,500; Dem; Plattville P. O. CORNELL M. E. Yorkville; cashier Kendall Co. Bank; born in Yorkville, Ills. May 28, 1842; Rep; Univ; owns house and four acres; val. $5,000; been Co. Treasurer two terms; was in Co. E, 3&th I. V. I.; lost a limb at Resaca, Ga. CHRISTIANSON O. Farmer, Sec. 31; Rep; born Norway; 107 ac; val. $5,35o; Plattville P. O. yCOLLMAN .HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 21, Rep; Germany; 120 ac; val. $6,000; Yorkville P. O. COVILL R. B. lives on farm of R. Hopkins, Sec. 5; Ind. Rep; born N. Y.; Yorkville P. O. CRUM J. Farmer, Sec. 31; Rep; born New York; has 107 acres, value $5,350; Plattville P. O. CLAYTON GEO. Farmer, Sec. 36; Plattville P. O.; born England, November 25, 1824; came to U. S. 1850; lived in county 26 years; Rep; owns farm of 152 acres, value $7,500. Wife was Miss Bridget Byrn, of Ballymore, Ireland; has six children. DEVERAUX, R. Farmer, Sec, 35; Rep; born Vermont; 200 ac; value $10,000; Plattville P. O. DITER CHRIST, Lives on R. Hopkins' farm, Sec. 17; born Germany; Yorkville P. O. DOLPH ORSON, Butcher; Rep; born Chatauqua Co. N. Y.; Yorkville. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 35 DRURY J. Lives on farm of J. F. Pope, Sec. 7; born Vermont; Yorkville P. O. DAVIS PETER H. Farmer, Sec. 36; Plattville P. O.; born Orange Co. N. Y., January 18, 1840; lived in county n years; Rep; Presbyterian; owns 160 acres, value $8,000. Wife was Miss Eliza Walley, of Grundy Co; has one child. DHUSS C. F. Farmer, Sec. 25; Kendall P. O.; born Germany, September 3, 1820; came to U. S. 1821; lived in county 12 years; Rep; Lutheran; owns 120 acres, value $7,200. Wife was J. C. C. Junghannss, of Germany; has five children. DUNBAR GEO. Expressman; Ind; born Kendall Co; Yorkville. DOERMANN J. H. Pastor German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Emanuel Cong; York- ville P. O.; born Prussia, April 7, 1832; came to U. S. 1840; graduated at Concordia Col- lege, Fort Wayne, Ind; Independent in politics. DUNBAR ZENUS, retired; Ind; born Connecticut; lived in county 30 years; Yorkville. DUNN JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 16; Yorkville P. O.; born England; came to Kendall township 1843; Ind, Rep; Baptist; owns farm of 170 acres, value $10,000; has been Supervisor three terms, also Town Clerk 10 years; has family of seven children. DUNBAR L. H. Paper Maker; Ind; Universalist; born Indiana; Yorkville. DUNBAR HENRY, Expressman; Dem; born New York; Yorkville. DUNBAR EDW. Expressman; Ind; born Kendall Co; Yorkville. DYER C. J. Farmer, Sec. 8; born Maine, February 17, 1832; lived in county 23 years; Ind. Rep; owns farm of 137 acres, value $13,000; Universalist. Wife was Miss J. Humiston, of Newark, 111; Yorkville P. O. \ ELLIS JOS. Farmer, Sec. 33; born England; farm of 160 acres, value $8,000; Plattville P\ O. ELLIS ELIAS, Yorkville; Laborer; Rep; born England. ELDRED HENRY, Yorkville; clerk for F. M. Hobbs; Rep; bom Otsego Co. N. Y. ELLIS ELI, Yorkville; Blacksmith and Veterinary Surgeon; born London, England, July 4, 1826; came to U. S. 1852; lived in Elgin, Illinois, 7 years; lived in Kendall Co. 16 years; Republican. ENDER JAS. Watchmaker; Yorkville; born England. ENGLISH STEPH. lives on farm of Mrs. Merritt, Sec. 4; Yorkville, P. O. ERISMAN CHRIST.'lives on farm of Wm. Tremain, Sec. n; born Germany; Yorkville P. O. ERNST GEORGE W. Lumber Dealer and Police Magistrate, Yorkville; born Trumbull Co. Ohio, March 10, 1839; removed to Kendall Co. Ills. 1851; icsided'in Black Hawk Co. Iowa, 4 years; returned to Kendall Co. 1870; capital $6,000; Dem; Meth; one of seven children; parents, brothers and sisters all living; youngest 28; oldest 50 years. FERRIS CHAS. S. Farmer, Sec. 3; Rep; born N. Y.; 72 acres, val. $4,320; Yorkville P. O. FELTER H. Telegraph Operator, Yorkville; Rep; born Schoharie Co. N. Y. FORD W. L. Farmer, Sec. .7; Pavilion P. O.; born in county Feb. 8, 1839; * n d- in politics and religion; owns farm of 140 acres, value $9,000; Highway Commissioner; has been a carpenter 15 years. Wife was Miss S. Goehring, of Allegheny, Pa; has two children. FITZGERALD JNO. School Teacher, Yorkville; Ind. in politics; born N. Y. FRAISER WM. lives on farm of P. H. Thurberg, Sec. 17; Rep; born Germany; Yorkville P.O. GABEL A. C. lives with father on Sec. 15; Ind. Rep; born Germany; Yorkville P. O. GATES ROBT. Farmer, Sec. 13; Dem; born Maryland; 320 acres, val. $16,000; Yorkville P. O. GABEL HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 15; Yorkville P. O.; born Germany, Oct. 30, 1813; came to U. S. 1850; lived in county 21 years ; Dem ; Lutheran ; owns farm of 172 acres, value $10,000. Wife was Miss A. K. Betz, of Germany; has five children. GALLUP J. W. Farmer; lives with J. A. Newell, Sec. 10; Yorkville P. O. GARBLEMANN H. lives on farm of R. Hopkins, Sec. 27; born Germany; Yorkville P. O. GATES JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 3; Yorkville P. O.; born county, April n, 1853; Jnd. Rep; Presbyterian; owns a farm of 143 acres, value $7,150. Wife was Miss Isabel Gray, of Grundy Co. 111. GODARD J. A. Dealer in Grain and Lumber, Yorkville; Rep; born N. Y.; in Co. 31 years. GILLIAM JOHN A. Attorney at Law; Yorkville; born July 15, 1848, Fairfield Co. Ohio: located in Ottawa, 111. Nov. 22, 1867; removed to Yorkville Nov. 22, 1871; admitted to Illinois Bar Sept. II, 1869; commenced active practice Sept. I, 1870, in Ottawa; Rep; Cong. GRAHAM WM. Blacksmith; Rep; born Canada; Yorkville. GRANT O. W. Physician and Surgeon; Yorkville; born DuPage Co. Ill; has practiced in county two years; Rep; Congregationalist; pursued a course of medical study at Rush Col- lege, Chicago; served three years in losth I. V. I. '36 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. GOUDIE T. lives on farm of D. Goudie, Sec. 12; Dem; born Scotland; Yorkville P. O. GRAY WM. T. Tinner; Dem; born Cincinnati, Ohio; Yorkville. GRAGERD G. lives on farm of GNolta, Sec. 20; born Germany; Yorkville P. O. GREENFIELD THOS, Farmer, Sec. 2"; Rep; New York; noac; value $5,700; Yorkville P. O. GREEN E. K. Carriage Maker; Rep; Universalist; born New York; Yorkville. HABEL H. Laborer; Rep; born Germany; Yorkville. HABEL CHRIST, Laborer; Rep; born New York; Yorkville. HARRIS Gr. W. Farmer, Sec. 8; Yorkville P. O.; born Kendall Township, February 22, 1836; lived in county 40 years; Ind. Rep; Baptist; owns Si acres, value $5,200; has been Town Clerk two terms. Wife was Miss L. A. Flanders, of New Hampshire; has one child. HARRIS MARY Mrs. widow of Wm. Harris, Sec. 8; Yorkville P. O.; value of estate $10,000. HARRIS DAVISON, works farm of P. H. Davis, Sec. 36; Dem; Pennsylvania; Plattville P. O. HARRIS J. INT. Farmer, Sec. 8; Yorkville P. O.; born DuPage Co. III. April 9, 1833; lived in county 43 years; Ind; Baptist; owns farm of no acres, value $7,000. Wife was Miss E. Matlock, Kendall Co. Ill; has four children. HASELTINE T. H. Pastor of Meth. Church; Rep; born Vermont; Yorkville. HAAS GOTLIEB, keeper of Billiard Hall, Yorkville; Dem; born Germany; lived in Co. 23 yrs. HALL SAUL, Farmer, Sec. 14; Yorkville P. O.; born Clinton Co. Penn. Aug. 26, 1827; came to Kendall Co. 1867; Rep; Meth; owns a f arm of 164 acres, value $9,800. Wife was Miss Julia Sloan, of Clarion Co. Pa; has seven children. HARCUP GEO. Farmer, Sec. 19; born Germany; 80 acres, val. $4,000; Yorkville P. O. HAIGH SIMEON, Hardware Merchant, Yorkville; Rep; born in England. HAIGH H. Hardware -Merchant, Yorkville; Rep; from England. HANEY P. Section Boss Fox River Valley R.R.; born Ireland; Yorkville. HALLOCK A. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 20; Yorkville P. O.; born in Cattaraugus Co. N. Y. 1821; lived in Co. n years; Rep; owns farm of 320 acres, value $20,000. HAWLEY WM. works on farm of Aug. Hornkohl, Sec. 14; Rep; Germany; Yorkville P. O. HARRIS MARY A. Mrs. widow of Norton Harris; Pavilion P. O.; 108 ac; Sec. 8; val. $5.400. HARKNESS JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 16; Yorkville P. O.; born Scotland; came to N. Y. State 1840; has lived in Kendall Co. 20 years; Rep; Methodist; owns farm of 225 acres, value $12,000; is now Township Assessor and School Treasurer; has family of six children. HALL EVERETT, Farmer, Sec. 10; Rep; Pennsylvania; 278 ac; val. $14,000; Yorkville P. O. HAHNENSTEIN FRED. Farmer, Sec. 15; Yorkville P. O.; born Germany April 16, 1838; came to U. S. 1854; lived in Co. 4 years; Dem; Pres; owns farm of 120 acres, value $7,200. Wife was Miss Louisa Gabel of Germany; has three children. HALL JESSE, Farmer, Sec. 10: Rep; 240 acres, val. $12.000; .Pennsylvania; Yorkville P. O. HARDKOPF F. Farmer, Sec. 2q; Yorkville P. O.; born in Germany, Dec. 30, 1839; came to U. S. 1856; lived in Co. ever since; Rep; Lutheran; owns farm of 152 acres, value $8,300. Wife was Miss Mary Mattas of Germany; has four children. HILL GEO. Station Agt. Yorkville; Rep; born in Kendall Co. HEMM MICHAEL, Farmer, Sec. 24; Kendall P. O.; born in Germany Oct 18, 1825; came to U. S. 1843; lived in Co. 22 years; Rep; owns farm of 120 acres, value $6,000. Wife was Miss C. Bassenecker of Wurtemburg, Germany; has ten children. HOPKINS C. A. Farmer, Sec. 13; Rep; born Ohio; 240 acres, val. $14,400; Yorkville P. O. HOPKINS RACHEL M. Mrs. widow of Archibald Hopkins, who died March 26, 1874; he was born in Brown Co. Ohio, Oct. 1808; lived in Co. 17 years; left two children; val. of estate $40,000. Mrs. Hopkins is a Pres; her husband was also Elder in same church. HOPKINS H. M. lives on farm of Mrs. A. Hopkins, Sec. 12; Rep; born in Co.; Yorkville P. O. HOWARD GEO. O. Druggist and Postmaster; Yorkville; born Yates Co. N. Y. July 8, 1846; came to Kendall Co. 1876; studied medicine with Dr. Thompsom in Watkins, Schuyler Co. N. Y.; has been a druggist 12 years; Rep; value of property $8,000. HO WELL T. lives on farm of A. T. Howell, Sec. 25; Rep; Yorkville P. O. HO WELL A. T. Farmer, Sec. 25; Yorkville P. O.; born Blooming Grove, Orange Co. N. Y. March 27, 1816; lived in county 23 years; Rep; owns farm of 165 acres, value $9,000. Wife was Miss Mary H. Tuthill, of Blooming Grove, Orange Co. N. Y.; has two children. HORNKOHL AUG. lives on farm of R. Hopkins, Sec. 14; born Germany; Rep; Yorkville P.O. HOLLAND H. A. Grocer; Yorkville; born England, Nov. 18, 1835; came to Kendall Co. 1865; Ind. Wife was Miss H. Propp, of London, England. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 37 ROGER FRITZ, Fanner, Sec. 21; born Germany; 120 acres, value $6,000; Yorkville P. O. HUBBELL L. lives on farm of W. Matlock, Sec. 6; Rep; born Vermont; Yorkville P. O. HUDSON J. A. Pastor Pavilion Bapt. Ch; Pavilion P. O.; born Westmoreland Co. Pa. June 4, 1847; been pastor of Zion Bapt Ch. Cincinnati, Ohio; formerly minister Philadelphia, Pa; graduated at Hillsdale College, Mich. Wife was Miss Marie Ball, of Philadelphia, Pa. HUBBARD N. Undertaker and Furniture Dealer; Rep; born Vermont; Yorkville. IVES J. S. Mrs. widow of Isaac Ives, Pavilion P. O. INSCHO S. Farmer; Yorkville; born Virginia, July 18, 1803; lived in Ohio 30 years; lived in Kendall Co. 41 years; Dem; owns farm of in acres, Sec. 18, value $5,500. Wife was Miss Jane Campbell, of Virginia; has eight children. INSCHO WM. Farmer, Sec. 20; Rep; born Ohio; Yorkville P. O. INSCHO S. M. Farmer, Sec. 8; Yorkville P. O.; born Ohio, October 22, 1830; lived in California 4 years; lived in county 34 years; Dem; lives on farm of S. Inscho; has been Roadmaster 5 years. INSCHO CYRUS, lives on farm of J. Inscho, Sec. 18; Dem; born Kendall Co; Pavilion P. O. INSCHO JOHN, Farmer, Section 8; Yorkville P. O.; born county, April I, 1837; lived in Henry, Co. two years; resided in Kendall Co. 35 years; Dem; owns 116 acres, value $7,000. Wife was Miss Ruth Goehring, of Allegheny, Pa; has five children. JOHNSON EDMUND, lives' on farm of N. Needham, Sec. 32; Rep; Germany; Plattville P. O. JOHNSON D. G. Liveryman; Yorkville; born Vermont, Nov. 7, 1816; lived in county 39 years; Rep; has been Deputy Sheriff" and Constable 17 years; was cabinet maker 15 years. Wife was Miss Elizabeth Heustis, of Illinois; has three children. JOHNSON P. M. Farmer, Sec. 19; Dem; Meth; born N. J.; 260 ac; val. $13,000; Yorkville P. O. JOHNSON C. Farmer, Sec. 29; Yorkville P. O.; born in Norway Dec. 1826; came to U. 5. 1843; lived in Co. 30 years; Rep; Lutheran; owns a farm of 220 acres, value $13,200. Wife was Miss Jane Gates, of Norway; has four children. JESSUP H. S. Farmer, Sec. n; Rep; born N. Y.; 161 acres, val. $9,000; Yorkville P. O. JURDEN "WM. E. Physician and Surgeon, Yorkville; born Adams, Mass., 1851; came to Kendall Co. 1874; graduated at Maine Wesleyan Seminary; pursued studies in Harvard College two years; read medicine with Dr. Gordon, Portland, Me., three years; attended ilinical lectures at Brunswick Med. Col. Maine; practiced in Chicago two years; Rep; Univ. JOHNSON GEO. M. mcht. Yorkville; Rep; born Norway. JENKINSON JOS. laborer, Yorkville; Dem; born England. KNUDSON E. C. Farmer, Sec. 21; Yorkville P. O.; born in Co. March 8, 1855; owns farm of 160 acres, value $9,600; Rep; has three sisters, Ellen, Mary and Susan; their father, A. Knudson, lived in Co. 29 years; died Jan. 19, 1875. KELLETT JOHN, Sr. Farmer, Sec. 7; Rep; England; 200 ac; val. $10,000; Pavilion P. O. KELLETT J. P. Clerk for D. D. Lowry; Yorkville; Rep; born Massachusetts. KROUSE MARY Mrs. widow of David Krouse, who died May 9, 1871; he was born in Centre Co. Pa. January 16, 1806; lived in county 18 years; left one child; value of estate $10,000; Mrs. Krouse is a Methodist. KELLY O. works for D. G. Johnson; Yorkville; Rep; born New York. KOHL P. S. Butcher, Yorkville; Dem; born Germany. LEIFFUIT GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 24; Kendall P. O.; born Hanover, Germany, Jan. 2, 1849; came to U. S. 1868; Dem; Luth; lives on farm of M. Monkemeyer. Wife was Miss M. Monkemeyer, of Hanover, Germany; has two children. LASURE O. painter, Pavilion P. O.; Rep; born New York. LEE G. R. Druggist, Yorkville; Dem; born Connecticut; Cong; lived in Co. II years. LINN WM. T. Farmer, Sec. 15; Yorkville P. O.; born Centre Co. Pa. July 4, 1842; lived in Co. 20 years; Rep; owns farm of 80 acres, value $4,400. Wife was Miss Ann Jackson, of Scotland; has two children. LEIFEIT AUG. Fanner, Sec. 30; Dem; born Germany; 230 ac; val. $12,000; Plattville P. O. LEIFEIT ANDR. Farmer, Sec. 20; Dem; born Germany; 80 ac; value $4,000; Yorkville P. O. LONG WM. Barber; Yorkville; born Williamsburg, N. Y. July 7, 1853; lived in Cincinnati two years; lived in Kendall Co. seven years. Wife was Miss Nellie Green, of Portland, Maine. LEITCH R. G. Farmer, Sec. 15; Dem; Pennsylvania; 80 acres, value $4,800; Yorkville P. O. LOWRY 1). I). Hotel Keeper; Yorkville; born Aurora, August 18, 1841; lived in Kane Co. 111. 35 years; Rep. Wife was Miss P. Doty, of Aurora, 111; has three children. 38 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. LEITCH MATHEW, Farmer, Sec. 15; Dem; Pennsylvania; 320 ac; val. $19,200; Yorkville P. O. LOZIER IRA S. Baker and Confectioner; Yorkville; born Newburg, N. Y. 1845; came to Kendall Co. 1869; Rep; Methodist; family of two children; was in Battery M, ist N. Y. Light Artillery; wounded at Atlanta, Ga. LIPPOLD WM. lives on farm of E. E. Cheever, Sec. 26; Rep; born Germany. LOGAN O. P. Miller; Yorkville; Dem: born Davenport, Iowa. LYONS J. L. Stock Raiser; Yorkville; Ind. Rep; born Erie Co. Pa. MATHER CHAS. Gardener; Yorkville; works for Mrs. J. P. Black. MANLY GEO. Laborer; Yorkville; Rep; born New York. MASON WELLINGTON, Prop. Yorkville Tannery and Dealer in Leather and Harness; York- , ville; Rep; born Ohio. MATLOCK WEST, Farmer, Sec. 31; Ind. Rep; Indiana; 350 ac; val. $17,000; Yorkville P. O. MATLOCK J. Farmer, Sec. 7; Baptist; 160 acres, value $10,000; Yorkville P. O. MERRITT F. Mrs. lives on Sec. 4; widow Robt. Merritt; value estate $12,000; Yorkville P. O. MORTON P. A. Merchant; Yorkville; born Maine, July 7, 1843; came to Kendall Co. 1869; Rep; owns house and lots, value $1,500; at present Town Clerk; family of two children. MIDDLEMISS GEO. Blacksmith; Yorkville; Rep; born Will Co. 111. McMURTRIE THOS. Blacksmith, Yorkville; Rep; born Scotland. McHUGH DENNIS, Blacksmith, Yorkville; Dem; born England. McKINLEY GEO. Farmer, Sec. 3; Rep; Meth; born N. Y.; val. prop. .$800; Yorkville P. O. McCARTY THOS. lives on farm of R. Hopkins, Sec. 27; born Ireland; Yorkville P. O. MERRICK C. Well-Borer, Yorkville; born Kendall Co. McMURTRIE* JOHN, Merchant Tailor, Yorkville; born Scotland 1838; came to Ken- dall Co. 1850; Rep. METCALF THOS. P. Laborer, Yorkville; Dem; born Pennsylvania. MINKLER S. G. Farmer, Sec. 2; Rep; born N. Y.; 180 acres, value $12,000; Yorkville P. O. MINKLER T. E. Farmer and Nurseryman, Sec. 2; Rep; born in county; Yorkville P. O. MOORE CHAS. E. Druggist, Yorkville; Rep; born in Kendall Co. MOULTON E. Farmer, Sec. 8; Ind. Rep; born Vermont; 200 ac; val. $10,000; Yorkville P.O. MORGAN LEWIS, Kendall Township; Farmer, Sec. 7, Pavilion P. O.; born Chautau- qua Co. N. Y. July 20, 1816; lived in Co. 38 years; Rep; owns farm of 175 acres, value $9,000; family of two children. Wife was Miss A. B. Knowlton, of Chautauqua Co. N. Y, MOULTON J. B. lives on farm of E. Moulton, Sec. 8; Ind. Rep; Vermont; Yorkville P. O. MURRAY J. A. Yorkville; works for Godard & Thurber; Rep; born Gallia Co. Ohio. MORLEY T. N. Clerk, Yorkville; Rep; born New York. NEWTON A. D. Yorkville; Co. Sheriff for three terms; born Broome Co. N. Y. 1824; came to Kendall Co. 1836; Rep; Meth; owns farm of 70 acres near Newark. Wife was Mary A. Reynolds, of Sweetwater, Tenn; family of four children. NEWTON W. R. Yorkville; Clerk for.G. O. Howard; Rep; born Kendall Co. NEEDHAM WASH. Farmer, Sec. 18; Dem; Pennsylvania; 75 ac; val. $4,000; Yorkville P. O. NEWELLi, J. A. Farmer, Sec. 10; Yorkville P. O.; born N. Carolina, Nov. i. 1818; came to Kendall Co. 1834; Rep; Meth; owns farm of 160 acres, value $8,000; has been Postmaster 12 years; Constable and Sheriff 13 years. Wife was Miss Louisa Wing, of Kendall Co. NEUCUS FRED, lives on farm of Miss Bair; born Germany; Yorkville P. O. NOLTE WM. lives on L. W. Thurber's farm, Sec. 17; Dem; born in county; Yorkville P. O. PENMAN THOS. Farmer, Sec. 21; Dem; Pres; born Scotland; i6oac; val. $8,000; Yorkville P.O. PIM H. Farmer, Sec. 33; born England; Dem; 80 acres, value $4,000; Plattville P. O. PIM WM. A. Farmer, Sec. 33; Dem; born England; lives with father; Plattville P. O. PIM WM. Farmer, Sec. 33; Dem; born England; 80 acres, value $4,000; Plattville P. O. PIM ROBT. lives with father, Sec. 33; Dem; born England; Plattville P. O. FLETCHER E. H. Farmer, Sec. 14; Ind. Rep; born Penn; 79 acres, val. $4,000; Yorkville P.O. POPE J. F. Farmer, Sec. 6; Ind. Rep; Meth; born N. Y.; 390 ac; val. $19,000; Yorkville P. O. POPE H. Farmer, Sec. 18; Yorkville P. O.; born Germany; came to U. S. 1851; lived in county 25 years; Dem; owns farm of 180 acres, value $10,800; has two children. POWELL SAML. Laborer; Yorkville; Rep; born England. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTS'. 39 POPENBURGH H. lives on farm of R. Hopkins, Sec. 27; born Germany; Yorkville P. O. PUDERBAUGH WM. A. Shoemaker; Yorkville; Dem; Meth; born Ohio. REINHART H. Farmer, Sec. 7; Pavilion P. O.; born Germany; 23 acres, value $I,2OO. RIDDELL H. Wagon Maker; Yorkville; Rep; born Germany. RIMMERS WM. Shoemaker; Yorkville; Dem; born Germany. ROE G. S. & NATHAN, Farmers, Sec. n; Dems; born N.J.; 240 ac; val. $12,000; Yorkville P.O. RALSTON W. P. Carpenter: Yorkville; born Pennsylvania, 1837; came to Kendall Co. 1854; worked for American Bridge Co. Chicago, 10 years; Rep. ROBERTS, J. P. Farmer, Sec. 18; Rep; born New Jersey; i6oac; value $9,600. Pavilion P.O. ROLPH W. E. Clerk for' Willett & Welch; Yorkville; Rep; born New York. RUNNER J. M. C. Farmer, Sec. 26; Rep; Pennsylvania; 206 ac; value $10,000; Yorkville P. Q. REINGARDT GEO. Farmer, Sec. 29; Yorkville P.O.; born Germany, November 28, 1832; came to U. S. 1858; lived in county 18 years; Dem; owns farm of 80 acres, value $4,800. Wife was Miss H. Leifeit, of Germany; has five children. SCHNEIDER J. N. lives on farm of J. M. Schreiner, Sec. 32; Rep; Germany; Plattville P. O. SCHWAB AN DR. Carpenter; Yorkville; Rep; born Germany. SCHIFFMAN N. Laborer; Yorkville; Rep; born Switzerland. SEATON N. J. Carpenter; Yorkville; Rep; Baptist; born Canada. SEATON H. Gr. Carpenter; Yorkville; born Canada, February 29, 1836; lived in Kane Co. 23 years; lived in Kendall Co. 9 years; Rep; Methodist. Wife was Miss Mary C. Carver, of Pennsylvania; has three children. SERRINE PHILIP, lives on farm of Mrs. A. Harris, Sec. 6; Rep; born Co; Yorkville P. O. SHEPARD C. F. lives on farm of D. C. Shepard, Sec. 14; Rep; Yorkville P. O. SHIBLEY DOW, Painter; Yorkville. Rep; born Montgomery Co. N. Y. SINCLAIR DAVID, Farmer, Sec. 22; Dem; Scotland; 212 acres, value $12,000; Yorkville P.O. SERRINE T. S. County Treasurer; Yorkville; born Fox Township, Kendall Co. Oct. 6, 1843; Rep; held the office two terms. Wife was Miss Joawna Scoggin, of Ohio. SMITH L. F. Farmer, Sec: 34; Rep; born Vermont; 80 acres, value $4,800; Plattville P. O. SHEPARD D. C. Farmer, Sec. 14; Yorkville P. O ; born Old Salem, Mass. April n, 1813; lived in Co. 39 years; Rep; Pres; owns farm of 148 acres; value $8,880. Wife was Miss Eliaabeth H. Ewing, Westmoreland Co. Pa.; has four children. SMITH J. D. Farmer, Sec. 35; lives on farm of G. D. Smith; Rep; born Penn; Plattville P. O. SMITH IRA P. lives on farm of Wm. Smith, Sec. 34; Rep; born Vermont; Plattville P. O. SHEPARD A. J. Farmer, Sec. 23; YorUville P. O.; born Old Salem, Mass. Feb. 18, 1815; lived in Co. 29 years; Rep; owns farm of 145 acres, value $8,700. Wife was Miss Sabra C. Cross, of Salem, Mass; has eight children. SHWASENCAR THOS. works on farm of J. Clayton, Sec. 36; Rep; Germany; Plattville P. O. SMITH WM. Farmer, Yorkville; Rep; born New York; Meth; val. of prop. $20,000. SHERMAN N. Farmer, Sec. 30, Yorkville P. O.; born New York, May 3, 1842; came to Kendall Co. 1856; Rep; Meth; owns farm of no acres, 'value $6,600. Wife was Miss Electra J. Lewis of New York; has one child. STEVENSON ROBT. Farmer, Sec. 21, Rep; born Ireland; 120 ac; val. $6,oco; Yorkville P. O. STEVENSON JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 2; Rep; Scotland; 249^ ac; val. $14,900; Yorkville P. O. SMITH MINER, Farmer, Sec. 34, Plattville P. O.; born Vermont, Aug. 3, 1846; lived in Co. 24 years; Rep; owns farm of 80 acres, value $4,000. Wife was Miss Eliza Arundale, of England; has one child. SPURR G. W. Land Speculator; Yorkville; Dem; born Worcester Co. Mass/ SMITH GEO. Farmer, Sec. 33; Yorkville P.O.; born Castleton, Vermont, Sept. 2, 1832; lived in Co. 30 years; Rep; Baptist; owns farm of 160 acres, value $9,600; has been School Director three terms; has five children. ST ANSEL JAS. Farmer, Sec. 10; Rep; Meth; born N. Y.; 145 ac; val. $7,000; Yorkville P. O. STANSEL LORENZO, Farmer, Sec. 35; Yorkville P. O.; born Kane Co. Ill, Nov. 17, 1849; lived in Co. 18 years; Rep; lives on farm of M. Leitch. Wife was Miss Jennie Leitch of Kendall Co; has one child. SULLIVAN MICHAEL, Saloon Keeper, Yorkville; Dem; born Ireland; val. prop. $3,500. SPRINGER JAMES, Farmer, Yorkville; born New York, June 8, 1802; lived in In- diana 7 years; lived in Kendall Co. 32 years; Ind. Rep; Meth; owns farm of 225 acres, Sec. 9; and town prop; value $20,000. Wife was Miss Mary Whitehead, of N. J.; has 6 children. 40 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. SEELY FRANK, lives on J. P. Black's farm, Sec. 4; Rep; born New York; Yorkville P. O. SHEETS JNO. Miller; Yorkville; Rep; born Wisconsin; value of property $4,000. TEND A OLE T. Farmer, Sec. 19; Yorkville P, O.; born Norway, Dec; 9, 1846; came to U. S. 1871; Lutheran; lives on farm of J. Williams. Wife was Miss Sarah Lawsen, of Nor- way; has four children. TALMADGE J. H. Farmer, Sec. 34; Rep; born N. Y.; 160 acres, val. $9,000; Plattville P. O. TESTIN H. lives on R. Hopkins' farm, Sec. 27; Dem; born Germany; Plattville P. O. THOMPSON T. A. Farmer, Sec. 31; born Norway; Rep; 92 acres, val. $5,000; Plattville P. O. THOMPSON W. F. Tailor; Yorkville; born in Centre County, Pennsylvania, March 17, 1836; came to Kendall County 1868; Democrat; lived in Clinton County 13 years. TRISH JNO. works on farm of Wm. Kendrick, Sec. 27; born Germany; Yorkville P. O. THURBER P. H. Mrs. widow Wm. Thurber; 7 children; Bap; lives on Sec. 8; Yorkville P. O. THAKE CHRIST. Farmer, Sec. 28; Yorkville P. O.; born Qermany, Sept. I, 1832; came to U. S. 1851; lived in county n years; Rep; lives on R. Hopkins' farm; was in the 3&th I. V. I.; wounded twice; has three children. THURBER PHEBE M. Miss, daughter of Wm. Thurber; lives on Sec. 8; value of property $20,000; born in county; Yorkville P. O. THURBER PERMELIA A. Miss, daughter of Wm. Thurber; lives on Sec, 8; value of pro- perty $20,000; born in county; Yorkville P. O. THORSEN THOR, Farmer, Sec. 31; Lisbon P. O.; born in Germany, Jan. i, 1815; came to U. S. 1847; in county 21 years; lived in LeGrand Co. 8 years; Rep; Lutheran; owns farm of 160 acres, value $8,800. Wife was Miss Annie Axelson, of Norway; five children. THURBER L. W. Farmer, Sec. 8; Ind. Rep; Meth; born in Co; 159 ac; val. $8,000; Yorkville P.O. THURBER C. M. Farmer, Sec. 17; Ind. Rep; born in Co; 195 ac; value $9,800; Yorkville P. O. THORSEN ERICK, Farmer, Sec. 33; Plattville P. O.; born Norway, December 16, 1848; came to U. S. 1868; lives on farm of A. Askelson. THURBER W. A. J. Farmer, Sec. 9; Rep; born in Co; 117 acres, val. $7,000; Yorkville P. O. THURBER J. N. Dealer in Grain and Lumber, Yorkville; Rep; born in Co; val. of prop.$2O,ooo. THONAPOHN WM. Farmer, Sec. 36; Plattville P. O.; born in Germany, Aug. 22, 1821; came to U. S. 1854; lived in county 16 years; Rep; owns farm' of 160 acres, value $8,000. Wife was Miss Eliza Pope, of Germany; has seven children. VAN EMMON W. W. Farmer, Sec. 4; Rep; born Ohio; 313 ac; val. $15,000; Ybrkville P. O. WAITE ABR. Farmer, Sec. 9; Rep; Bapt; born Canada; 366 ac; val. $18,300; Yorkville P. O. WAMBACH JNO. Farmer, Sec. 11: Ind. Rep; Germany; 80 ac; val. $4,000; Yorkville P. O. WEDEMEYER H. lives on R. Hopkins' farm, Sec. 27; born Germany. WEBER H. lives on E. A. & J. P. Black's farm, Sec. 32; Germany; Yorkville P.O. WAGNER. S. F. Farmer, Stock Raiser and Buyer, Sec. 24; Yorkville P. O.; born Hills- boro, Ohio, Aug. 5, 1832; Rep; Pres; owns farm of 160 acres, value $10,000. Wife was Miss E. J. Hopkins, of Brown Co. Ohio; has five children. WEED A. Clerk for F. M. Hobbs; Yorkville; Rep; born Maine. WEBER H. Shoemaker, Yorkville; Rep; born Germany. WEBER P. C. works for Geo. W. Ernst; Yorkville; Dem; born Germany. WHITNEY E. Tinner, Yorkville; Rep; born LaSalle Co. 111. WILKENING WM. Blacksmith, Yorkville; born Germany. WESCHE JOHN, Blacksmith, Pavilion P. O.; born Germany; came to U. S. 1853; has lived in Kendall Tp. 7 years; Rep; owns 9 acres of land, value $1,500; lived in DeKalb Co. 4 years. WILKENING H. Farmer, Sec. 17; Dem; born Germany; 200 ac; value $10,000; Yorkville P. O. WILLIAMS JNO. Farmer, Yorkville; Dem; val. property $20,000; born Pennsylvania. WILLER WM. Farmer, Sec. 22; Dem; born Ireland; 80 ac; val. $4,000; Yorkville P. O. WILLIE JNO. Farmer, Sec. 26; Rep; Luth; born Germany; 40 ac; val. $2,400; Yorkville P.O. WOLL.EN WEBER WM. Farmer, Sec. 25: Kendall P. O.; born Brunswick, Germany, May 28, 1838; came to U. S. 1854; Dem; Lutheran; owns farm of 120 acres, value $9.000. \Vife was Miss C. Monkemeyer, of Hanover, Germany; has six children. WOLLENWEBER CHAS. Yorkville; works for G. Beck; Ind; born Germany. WOOD C. R. Stock Buyer, Yorkville; Rep; born New York. WELCH ANDR. Dealer in H'dware and Ag. Implements, Yorkville; Dem; from Canada. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 41 YORKVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. J. A. GILLAM, RANDALL CASSEM. Architects and Builders. H. G. SEATON, W. P. RALSTON, A. J. CORNELL, ANAR SCHWAB, N. J. SEATON. Agricultural Implements. WILLETT & WELCH, HAIGH BROS. Banks. KENDALL CO. BANK, M. B.' CASTLE, Pres. ; M. E. COR- NELL, Cashier. Baker and Confectioner. IRA S. LOZIER. Barber and Hair Dresser. WM. LONG. . Blacksmiths. ELI ELLIS, WM. GRAHAM, DENNIS McMURTRIE, WM. WILKENING. Caledonia Ice Co. R. P. HUTCHINSON & SON, Proprietors, Chicago. Carriage Painter. J. A. BEEMAN. Carriage Manufacturer. W. R. CHURCH. Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise. MORTON & JOHNSON, F. M. HOBBS, J. H. BRIDGENS. Druggists. GEO. O. HOWARD, LEE & MOORE. Furniture. N. HUBBARD. Grain Dealers. GODARD & THURBER. Grocer and Restaurant. H. A. HOLLAND. Hotels, Restaurants and Billiard Halls. FOX RIVER HOUSE, D. D. LOWRY, Prop. BECK'S HOTEL, GEO. BECK, Prop. GOTLIEB HAAS, MICHAEL SULLIVAN. Hardware. WILLETT & WELCH, HAIGH BROS. Harness. WELLINGTON MASON, JOHN COOPER. Lumber Dealers. G. W. ERNST, GODARD & THURBER. Livery. D. G. JOHNSON. 42 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. Milliners. MRS. E. K. GREEN, MRS. M. L. HAYS. Meat Market. ORSON DOLPH, P. S. KOHL. Newspapers. KENDALL CO. RECORD, J. R. MARSHALL, Publisher and Editor. YORKVILLE NEWS, FERRISS & BRYDEN, Publishers and Editors. Paper Manufacturers. J. P. & E. A. BLACK. Pump Manufacturer. J. L. CARTER. Physicians and Surgeons. O. W. GRANT, WM. E. JURDEN, M. HOPKINS. Shoemakers. WM. A. PUDERBAUGH, WM. RIMMERS, H. WEBER. Tanner. WELLINGTON MASON. Tailors. W. P. THOMPSON, J. McMURTRIE. Blacksmith. JOHN WESCHE. Painter. O. LASURE. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 43 FOX TOWNSHIP. ALDRICH LYELL T. Farmer, Sec. 18; P. 0. Millington; born Fulton Co. N.Y. Tune 13, 1824; came to Illinois Sept. i, 1838; Rep; family, wife, two sons and one daughter; married Nov. 7, 1851; farm of 232 acres, value of property $16,240. ACKLEY, C. Farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Millington; Rep; from Illinois. AMENT, C. D. Farmer, Sec. i; Fox Station; Rep; from 111; 120 ac; val. $8,400. ATHERTON THOMAS, Farmer, Sec. 14; P.O. Millbrook; born LuzerneCo. Pa. Feb. 13, 1825; came to 111. May, 1850; family, wife and four children; married Sept. 18, 1853; farm of 555 85-100 acres;. val. of prop. $38,900; Rep; Township Trustee 12 years. AMENT P. W. Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Fox Station; Ind; from 111; 60 ac; val. prop. $4,200. ANDERSON ISAAC, Farmer, Sec. 34; Newark P. O.; Rep; from Norway; 160 ac; val. $11,000. BALLOU D. R. Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Millington; born Courtland Co. N. Y. Nov. 22, 1837; came to 111. Mar. 5, 1855; family, wife and 2 boys; married June 15, 1860; 240 acres in Kendall Co. val. $16,500; Rep; 1920 ac. in Iowa: val. of Iowa prop. $15,000; 640 ac. in Mo.; Supervisor 5 terms. BAGWELL D. Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Millington; Rep; from 111; lives on M. Bagwell's farm. BAGWELL F. Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Millington; born in LaSalle Co. 111. Tan. 28, 1839; family, wife and one child; married May 26, 1864; farm 225 acres in Kendall Co. and 65 acres in LaSalle Co. Ill; value of property $20,300; Rep. BARRON ROBT. Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Millbrook: Rep; from England; 246 ac; val. $17,000. BAGWELL M. Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Millington; born LaSalle Co. Illinois, June 4, 1842; family, wife and three children; married May, 1867; farm of 251 ac; val. of prop. $17,570; Rep; served 3 yrs. in Company G. lO4th I. V. I.; wounded in battles of Chicamauga and Missionary Ridge. BEAN W. C. Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Fox Station; Rep; England; 241 ac; val. $16,800. BARBER J. S. Harness Maker; P. O. Millbrook; born in Erie Co. Pa. June 7. 1842; came to 111. Dec. 1852; family, wife and three children; married July 3, 1868; Rep; value of property $200. BALL J. Farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from England; works on J. Budd's farm. BARTLETT S. J. Proprietor of Bartlett House; P. O. Millington; born city of Rochester, N. Y. March 21, 1817; came to 111. May, 1857; married in 1844, family, wife and 4 children; was the first male child born in the city of Rochester; Rep; value of property $1,000. BECKMAN THEO. Harness Maker; Millington; Rep; from Germany. BROWNE A. E. Laborer; Millington; Rep; from England. BRODIE ANDREW, Farmer. Sec. 19; P. O. Millington; born in Forfarshire, Scotland, Sep. 18, 1817; came to 111, Aug 1842; family, wife and four children; married Feb. 25, 1848; farm 226 73-100 ac; val. of prop. $22,000; Rep; also 160 ac. in Iowa; val. of Iowa property $3,200. BEEBE FRANK, Mason; P. O. Millington; Dem; N. Y. BRODIE JNO. Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Newark; Rep; Scotland; works J. Budd's farm. BRODIE JOHN, Jr. Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Newark; Rep; 111; lives with his father. BRODIE ANDREW, Far er, Sec. 34; P. O. Newark; Rep; 111; lives with his father. BROWN FRANK, Farmer. Sec. i: P. O. Fox Station; born in Chautauqua Co. N Y.Jan. 10, 1850; came to 111. July. 1855; family, wife; married March 24, 1875; farm of 129 8-100 acres; value of property $12,000; Rep. BURNS EDW. Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from 111; works H. H. Gridley's farm. BUDD T. G. Sec. 16; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from 111. BUD1> MATHEW, Farmer, Sec. 16; P, O. Millbrook; born in Dutchess Co. N.Y. March 26, i8r7; came to III. June, 1846; family, four children; farm 360 acres in Kendall Co; land to the amount of 800 acres in Livingston Co. Ill; value of property $57,000; Rep. BURT S. Laborer; Millington; Rep; from Ohio. BUDI> JACOB, Farmer. Sec. 16; P. O. Millbrook; born in Dutchess Co. N. Y. Nov. u, 1811; came to 111. June, 1849; family, wife and seven children; farm of mo acres; val. of prop. $67,000; Rep; also Supervisor 3 years, and Postmaster Millbrook. BULLARD J. R. Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from S. Carolina; 114 ac; val. $7,900. 44 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. DULLARD J. M. Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Millbrook; born in Camden, S. C. Jan. 30, 1829; came to 111. in -Spring of 1834; family, wife and three children; married May 8, 1851; farm 93 acres; value of property $6,500; Rep. BUDD EDW. Farmer, Sec. 16; P.O. Millbrook; Rep; from N. Y.; has 1,600 acres. CARNS J. C. Mechanic; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from England. CASSUN NELS O. Farmer, Sec. 35; P.O. Pavilion; Rep; born Norway; 562 ac; val. $39,000. CLARK D. B. Farmer, Sec. n; P.O. Millbrook; born in Kendall Co. 111. June 9, 1843; family, wife and two boys ; married June 28, 1866; 'arm of 124 72-100 acres ; value of property $8 700; Independent in politics. CASTELLO M. A. Mechanic; P. O. Millbrook; Ind; from N. Y. CHAPIN C. D. Mechanic; P. O. Miltbrook; Rep; from Vermont. CONKLIN WM. B. Hay, Lumber, and Coal Dealer; P. O. Millbrook; born in Dutchess Co. N. Y. October 24, 1823; came to Illinois March i, 1862; family, wife and five children; Rep. CHAPPELL H. Hotel Proprietor; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; Penn. CLARK WM. G. Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from Ohio; lives on Wilsey farm. COOK C. R. Farmer, Sec. n; P. O. Fox Station; born in Monmouth Co. N. J. Feb. i, 1842; came to 111. 1847; family, wife and three children; married March 2, 1865; farm of 104 acres; value of property $7,280; Independent in politics. COOK J. A. DR. Sec. 14; P. O. 54 Langley av. Chicago; Ind; N. J.; farm 370 ac; val. $25,900. COLVERT DAVID Jr. Mechanic; P. O. Millbrook; Dem; N. Y. . COOPER JOHN U. Farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Millington; born in Dutchess Co. N. Y. July 12, 1823; came to 111. June, 1846; family, wife, four boys and two girls; married June 16, 1849; farm of 323 acres; value of property $22,610; Rep. COOPER TUNIS, Farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Millington; Rep; 111; lives with his father. COOPER J. F. Farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Millington; Rep; 111; lives with his father. COOPER GILBERT, Farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Millington; Rep; 111; lives with his father. COLVERT DAVID, Jr. Mechanic; P. O. Millbrook;. Dem; N. Y. CALVERT DAVID, Sen; P. O. Millbrook; Dem; Ireland. CALVERT DAVID, J/; P. O. Millbrook; Ind; 111. CARLO L. C. Laborer; P. O. Millington; Rep; 111. COLVERT DAVID, Farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Millbrook; Dem; from Ireland; on J. Budd's farm. CRUM WM. R. Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Newark; Rep; born N. Y.; 89 acres; val. of prop. $6,000. CRIMMIN J. H. Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Millingtr>n; born in Ireland January 16, 1844; came to Illinois in Spring of 1858; single man; farm of 250 acres; value of property $17,500; Rep. CRUM C. F. Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Newark; Rep; born N. Y.; works Wm. R. C rum's farm. CRUM J. M. Molder; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from 111. CURTIS DWIGHT, Farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Fox Station; born Hampshire Co. Mass. Mar. 15, 1822; came to 111. Nov. 1855; family, wife and five children; married Sept. 2, 1847; farm f 35O 50-100 acres in Kendall Co; 640 acres in White Co. Ind; val. of prop. $47,000; Rep. CURTIS E. Farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Ftx Station; Rep; 111; lives with his father. COOLEY A. L. Laborer; P. O. Millington; Rep; III. DARNELL F. F. Millbrook P. O.; Rep; 111. DARNELL D. W. Millbrook P. O.; Rep; 111. DARNELL WM. Farmer, Sec. 8; P.O. Millbrook; Rep; from 111; works on I. Rogers' farm. DARNELL ABRAM, Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Piano; Rep; from N. Carolina; 84 ac; val. $5,800. DARNELL NELSON, Farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. Millbrook; Ind; from 111; works E. Darnell's farm. DARNELL ENOCH, Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Millbrook; born Wilkes Co. N. C. Feb. 5, 1818; came to 111. in Fall of 1829; family, wife and ten children; farm of 618 ac. in Kendall Co; also 80 acres in LaSalle Co. and 180 in DeKalb Co. II ; value of property $61,400; Rep. DARNELL ALFRED. Farmer, Sec. 44 P. O. Piano; Rep; from 111; works A. Darnell's farm. DARNELL J. C. Laborer, Sec. 8; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from 111. DKNNEY W. M. Farmer, Sec. 32; P. O. Newark; Rep; from Ohio; works E. Darnell's farm. DIVER CHAS. F. & LEMUAL AV ATKINS, Merchants; P.O. Fox Stition; both born in Philadelphia, Pa. in the Fall of 1852; came to Illinois in the spring of 1874; single men; value of property $5 ooo; Reps. DELEMATTE^L JAS. from 111; P. O. Millington; Rep. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 45 DELEMATER BELL Mrs. Millinery and Fancy Goods; P. O. Millington; 111. EASTMAN JOSIAH, Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Sandwich; born in the town of Hanover, New Hanpshire, Jan. i, 1809; came to 111. Oct. 1844; family, wife and seven children; married Dec. 1846; farm of 143 acres, value of property $9,000; Rep. EASTMAN WM. M. Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Sandwich; Rep; 111; lives with his father. ELLIS WM. from England; P. O. Millington; Ind. EDDY J. W. Attorney-at-Law; Vice-Prest. and genl. manager of C. M. & W. R.R.; P. O. Millington; born in Wyoming Co. N. Y. May 30, 1832; came to 111. 1853; owns 125 acres of land; family, wife and two children; member of the House of Representatives in 1866 and 1867, and of the Senate in 1871 and 1872; Rep. EVANS WILSON, Farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Millbrook; Dem; from Ohio; 130 ac; val. $9,100. EVANS GEO. W. Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Millbrook; born in Kendall Go. 111. Nov. I, 1841; family, wife; married Feb. 28, 1866; farm of 120 acres, value of property $8,400; Dem. EVANS JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Pavilion; Ind; from Ohio; 193 acres, value $13,500. EVANS M. Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Pavilion; Ind; 111; lives with J. Evans. EDENBURN WM. Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Sandwich; born in Cumberland Co. Penn. Oct. 26, 1809; came to 111. May 12, 1855; family, wife and three children; married Oct. 25, 1832; farm of 147 acres; value of property $10,290; Rep. FINNIE WALTER, Farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Millington; Rep; Hi; works T. Finnie's place. FOSTER S. E. Druggist; P. O. Millington; born in the town of Wakefield, Province of New Brunswick, Feb. 2, 1834; came to 111. July, 1847; family, wife and two children; married Dec. 26, 1859; value of property $6,000; Rep. FINNIE THOMAS, Farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Millington; born Gallashiels, Scotland, July 25, 1809; came to 111. June, 1838; family, wife, three daughters and one son; farm 657 acres; value of property $49,000; Rep; also Supervisor 18 years, and member of the Constitutional Convention of 1860. FAY JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from Germany; 122 acres, val. $8,550. FERRIS JAS. Jr. Farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Millington; Rep; England; lives on T. Finnie's place. FERRIS JAS. Sen. Farmer, Sec. 17, P. O. Miliington; Rep; England; lives on T. Finnie's place. GREENFIELD JAS. Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Sandwich; Rep; N. Y. GREENFIELD GEO. Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; 111; works E. Darnell's farm. GREENFIELD R. R. Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Sandwich; born in England, July 29, 1823; came to 111. Nov. 1838; family, wife, four boys and two girls; married March 6, 1852; farm of 154 acres, value of property $10,780; Rep. HORTON C. Butcher; P. O. Millington; Ind; N. Y. HATCH W. P. Laborer; P. O. Millington; Dem; N. Y. HALEY BARTLEY, Farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Millbrook; Dem; Ireland;'works T. Atherton's place. GUNSEL WILLIAM H. Lumber Dealer; P. O. Millington; Ind; from N. Y. IIALLOCK J. F. Farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from N. Y.; 120 ac; val. $8,400. HALLOWELL FRANCIS P. Editor and Publisher of the Millington Enterprise; P. O. Millington; born in Philadelphia, Jan 31, 1841; came to 111. 1871; family, wife; married in May, 1868; Rep; value of properly $2,000. HART W. H. Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Piano; Rep; from N. Y.; 80 acres, value of prop. $5,600. 1IA1H.E LEWIS', Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from N. Y.; works E. Budd's place. HART E. H. Sec. 4; P. O. Piano; born in Kendall Co. 111. June 28, 1851; single man; Rep. IIAVENHILL A. Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Fox Station; Rep; from N. Y.; lives on Winchell farm. HARTHORN C. Dealer in Groceries; P. O. Millington; Ind; from Germany. IIOLLENBACK GEO. M. Attorney-at-Law, Sec. 21; P. O. Millbrook; was the first male child born in Kendall Co; born Dec. I, 1831; family, wife and one child; farm of 279 40-100 acres in Kendall Co; owns 570 acres in Cass Co. Iowa; value of property $29,530; Rep; also Clerk Circuit Court, Kendall Co. eight years; member of the 28th General Assembly of Ills, during the sessions of 1873 a "d 1874; has been Master in Chancery of Circuit Court of Kendall Co. since May, 1868; Supervisor of the town of Fox two terms, 1871 and 1872. HILL C. M. Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Millbrook; from Penn; works J. Budd's place. HOLLENBACK DAVID S. Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Millbrook; born in Muskingum Co. Ohio, Feb. 14, 1824; came to 111. in Fall of 1829; family, wife and three children; farm of 142 42-100 acres, value of property $10,320; Ind; also Justice of Peace in Siskiyou Co. Cal. and Public Administrator four years. 46 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. HORTON A. Hotel Proprietor; P. O. Millington; Ind; from N. Y. HENDERSON BENT. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; from Norway; lives on Nels O. Cassun's place. HUGHES' C. G. Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Newark; Rep; from Penn; 80 acres, value $5,600. HOLLENBACK CLARK, Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Millbrook; born in Muskingum Co. Ohio, June n, 1820; came to 111. in Fall of 1829; family, four children by first wife; married Sept. 23, 1847, wife died Aug. 2, 1867; married again Sept. 15, 1868; no children by second wife; farm of 314 acres, value of property $21,980; Ind; also three years in the late war, in Company K, I27th I. V. I.; Tax Collector three years. HALVERSON H. Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Lisbon; from Norway; 20 acres, value $1.400. HALVERSON C. Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; 111; lives with his father. HALVERSON G. Farmer, Sec. 26; Millbrook; Rep; from Norway; 80 acres, value 5,600. HOLLENBACK WM. A. Farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Millbrook; born in Kendall Co. 111. Nov. 9, 1834; family, wife; married Jan. II, 1866; farm of 277 acres, value of property $19,390; Ind. ILIFF JNO. Laborer; P. O. Millington; Rep; from N. J. JOHNSON J. Farmer, Sec. 34; Newark P. O.; Rep; from Norway; 40 acres, value $2,800. JACKSON JOSEPH, Farmer; P. O. Millington; born in Fayette Co. Penn. Jan. 5, 1825; came to 111. April, 1836; married in June, 1853; family, wife and two children; owns 375 acres, value of prop. $23,200; he was also one of the Directors of the Ottawa, Oswegb & Fox River Valley R.R. from 1866 to 1871, until the completion of the road; Rep. JOHNSON J. M. Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from Norway; 95 acres, val. $6,650. JOHNSON GEO. Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from Norway; 133 ac; val. $9,310. LANE WM. Farmer, Sec. 10; Millbrook; Rep; from Ireland; works J. Budd's farm. LADEAU PETER, Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Millington; Rep; from N. Y.; 107 acres, value $7,490. LENT E. E. Blacksmith; P. O. Millbrook; born in Naperville, 111. June 29, 1851; family, wife and one child; married Sept. 28, 1872; value of property $500; Rep. LARSON LARS, Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Norway; 160 acres, value $11,200. LARSON LARS R. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; from Norway; 80 acres, value $5,600. LUND B. K. Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Newark; from Norway; works K. M. Johnson's farm. MARKELL C. Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from Germany; 130 acres, value $9,100. MARTRE MER, Sec. 36; 1'. O. Lisbon; widow; from Norway; 140 acres, value of prop. $9,800 McMATH JOHN, Farmer; P. O. Millington; born in Huntington Co. Penn. Aug. n, 1808; came to 111. Oct. 1852; married Nov. 1834; wife was Harriet A. Williams, who died Sept. 12, 1866; has one daughter living; farm of 93 acres, value of property $7,500; Rep. MASON ROBERT E. Blacksmith; P. O. Millington; Dem; from N. Y. MISNER FLETCHER, Blacksmith; P. O. Millington; Dem; from Ohio. MOSHER B. R. Physician; P. O. Millington; Rep; from N. Y. MILLER ANDREW, Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Sandwich; born in Northampton Co. Penn. Sept. 2, 1815; came to 111. Oct. 1847; family, wife and four children; married Sept. 5, 1839; farm of 105 acres, value of property $7,350; Rep. MOULTON O. R. Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Millbrook; 111; 132 acres, value of prop. $9,240; Ind. MYERS H. C. Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Millbrook; Dem; from N. Y.; 120 acres, value $8,400. MYERS A. E. works in Plow Works; P. O. Millbrook; Dem; N. Y. NEEDHAM S. N. Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Yorkville; born in Addison Co. Vt. Sept. 15, 1829; came to 111. Oct. 1853; family, wife and two children; married March 29, 1855; farm of 419 acres in Kendall Co. Ill; 160 acres in Iowa; 160 acres in Neb; 360 acres in Ford and Livingston Cos. Ill; Rep. NELSON FERMENT, Painter, Sec. 32; P. O. Newark; Rep; from 111. NEEDHAM ALBERT, Farmer; Sec. 32; P. O. Newark; bom in Erie Co. N. Y., April. 27, 1825; came to Illinois in 1848; family, wife; married March 10, 1857; farm of 121 acres value of property $12,000; Ind. NICHOLS JOHN H. Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; N. Y.; \so ks Austin farm. NEFF GEORGE, P. O. Millington; born in LaSalle Co. Ill June 27, 1838; family, wife and three children; married November 8, 1867; Rep; served three years and five months in the late war in Company F. 3&th I. V. I. NICHOLS G. W. Farmer, Sec. 3; P.O. Millbrook; Rep; N. Y.; 140^ ac.; val. of prop. $11,900. NOLTA AUG. Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Yorkville; no pol ; Germany; works Hopkins farm. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 47 NICHOLS DANIEL, Gardener, Sec. 31; Millington; P. O. born in Dutchess Co. N. Y. March 26, 1836; came to 111. January, 1853; land to the amount of 5 acres; value of property $3,000; family, wife and three children; Dem. NELSON N. E. Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Norway; 120 acres; val. of prop. $8,400. NELSON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Newark; Norway; 60 acres; val. of prop. $4,200. NELSON TOLIFF, Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Norway; 120 ac; val. of prop. $8,400. NELSON OLIVER, Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O Newark; Rep: Norway; 80 ac; val. of prop. $5,600. NELSON LARS, Farmer, Sec. 32; P. O. Newark; Rep; Norway; 142 ac; val. of prop. $9,940. OLSON L. T. Farmer, Sec. 26 ; born in Norway, 1828 ; came to U. S. 1848, and to Kendall Co. 1851; Rep; Luth; owns 100 acres, value $5,000; wife was Betsy Larson, born in Norway, 1835, came to U. S. 1846; nine children, seven living; Millbrook P. O. OLSON CHRIST, Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Newark; Rep; Norway; 90 ac; val. of prop. $6,300. OLSON ELIAS, Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Newark; Rep; Norway; 132 ac; val. of prop. $9,240. OLSON GOODMAN, Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Newark; Rep; Norway; 80 ac; val. of prop. $5,600. OLSON NELS, Farmer, Sec. 33; .P. O. Newark; Norway; 120 acres, val. of prop. $8,400. OLSON L. T. Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Newark; Rep; Norway; 120 acres; val. of prop. $8,400. PADDOCK GEO. Farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Newark; Dem; N. Y.; 179 ac; val. of prop. $12,500. PAGE CHAS. Farmer, Sec. 40; P. O. Sandwich; Rep; from Canada; works S. Green's farm. PEASE RANDALL, Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; N. Y.; works J. Budd's farm. PEASE WM. Jr. Farmer, Sec. 10; P.O. Millbrook; Rep; N. Y.; lives on J. Budd's farm. PARTRIDGE L. H. Butter and Cheese Factory, Millington; born in Norfolk Co. Mass. July 13, 1820; came to 111. July, 1858; family, wife and 4 children; married Dec. 25, 1844; he started his butter and cheese factory in 1871, and since that time it has been run very suc- cessfully; value of property $6,000; Rep. PETTY JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Newark; Dem; from 111.; So ac; val. of prop. $5,600. PETTY AARON, Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Newark; Dem; N. Jersey; 80 ac; val. of prop. $5,600. PETERSON B. Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Newark; Rep; Norway; 80 acres, val. of prop. $5,600. PHILIPS HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; England; works Nichols farm. PEASE WILLIAM, Sen., Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Millbrook; born in Thompkins Co. N. Y. April 4, 1809; came to 1 11. in Spring of 1846; family, wife and five children; farm of 160 acres; value of property $11,200; Rep. PLMER JOS. Stone-mason; P. O. Millington; England. POPE J. C. Farmer, Section 2; P. O. Fox Station; Dem; born 111.; works L. Steward's farm. ROGERS D. K. Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Sandwich; born in Rensselaer Co. N, Y. Dec. 5, 1819; came to 111. May 19, 1844; family, wife and ten children; married Sept. 13, 1841; ferm of 335^ acres; val. of prop. $23,485; also II acres timber land in LaSalle Co. 111.; Rep. ROGER JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Sandwich; Dem; 111; lives with his father. RICKERT C. Laborer; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; Germany. RIPP FLETCHER, Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Sandwich; Dem; from Md; works D. K. Rogers' place. ROACH THOS. Blacksmith; P. O. Fox Station; Rep; from N. Y. ROGERS L. D. Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Sandwich; born in Chenango Co. N. Y. Nov. 20, 1831; came to 111. Dec. 13, 1854; family, wife and six children; married March 25, 1855; farm of 360 acres, value of property $25,200; Rep. ROGERS LEWIS, Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Sandwich; Rep; from 111. ROGERS ISRAEL L. Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Sandwich; born in RensselaerCo. N. Y. April 4, 1818; came to 111. Aug. 1841;' family, wife and six children; married Feb. 24, 1839; land to the amount of 1,000 acres in Kendall Co; value of property $100,000; Rep. SAULTER J\, P. O. Millington; Rep; from New York. SCHUMAKER H. Farmer, Sec. 15; Millbrook; Dem; from Germany; 104 ac; val. $7,280. SERVERSON C., P. O. Newark; Rep; 111. SALFISBURG JACOB, Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Pavilion; borri in Switzerland, July 30, 1815; came to 111. in the Spring of 1850; has a farm of 200 acres; value of property $14,000; family, wife and ten children; married 1840; Rep. SERRINE A. Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Millington; Rep; from N. Y.; 127^ ac; val. $9,890. SERRINE THOS. Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Millington, Rep; N. Y.; lives on A. Serrine's place. SCROGGIN C. M. Farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Millington; born in Hamilton Co. Ohio, Sept. 18, 1846; came to 111. Nov. 1855; family, wife and one boy; married June 10, 1869; farm of 120 acres; value of property $8,460; Rep. 48 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. / SHAFFER JNO. Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Millbrook; Ind; from 111.; 40 ac; val. of prop. $2,800. SHERWOOD W. T. Physician; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from New York. SHAW W. R., P. O. Millbrook; Dem; from New York. SHAW E. Farmer, Sec. 2, P. O. Fox Station; Rep; from England; 246 ac; val. $16,220. SHAW WARD R. Sec. 21; P. O. Millbrook; born in Dutchess County, New York, November 21, 1848; came to Illinois March 2, 1871; family, wife and one child; married Feb. 10, 1874; Dem. SHERMAN P. Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Pavilion; Rep; from N. Y.; 180 ac; val. $12,500. SHURSON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from Norway; 80 ac; val. $5,600. SMITH C. C. Ferryman; P. O. Fox Station; Rep; from Ohio. SHONTS A. M. Miller; P.O. Millington; born in Montgomery Co. N. Y. Jan. 4, 1821; came to 111. in June, 1841; family, wife and two children; married April 12, 1847; value of property $ 1,000; Rep. SMITH H. G. Station Agent; P. O. Fox Station; Rep; from Vermont. SOUTHWORTH L. P. Stock Dealer; P. O. Millington; Rep; from New York. SOUTHWICK'C. I). Farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Newark; born in Clinton Co. N. Y. April 11, 1835; came to 111. in the Fall of 1837, family, wife and four children; married Oct. 4, 1857; farm of 83 acres, value of property $8,000; Rep. STEPHENS WM. P. Laborer; P. O. Millington; Rep; from Wisconsin. STONE MARSHALL, Farmer, Sec. 13; Millbrook; Dem; from N. Y.; 195 ac; value $13,650. SAUTER JACOB, Boot and Shoe Maker; P. O. Millington; Rep; N. Y. SMITH GEO. Well Digger; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; Ind. THOMAS JOHN", Farmer, Sec. 31; born in South Wales, 1821; came to U. S. 1844, and to Kendall Co. 1845; Rep; Meth; owns 100 acres; value of property $8,000; wife was Sarah Jane Gleason, of N. Y.; two children; Newark P. O. THOMPSON S. W. Farmer, Sec. 24; Millbrook; Rep; from Norway; 160 acres, value $11,200. THOMAS JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 31; Millington; Rep; N. Y.; 100 ac; val of prop. $7,000. TAYLOR D. It. Farmer, Sec. 31; Millington; born in Lake Co. Ohio, Nov. I, 1826; came to 111. in the Fall of 1839; family, wife and three children; married December, 1855; farm of 569 acres; value of property $40,000; Rep. TODD E. Grain Buyer; P. O. Millbrook; from Canada. WILSON" C. A. Livery, Stable Keeper, Millington; born in Waldo Co. Me. 1845; came to Kendall Co. 1861; Rep; value of property $2,500; wife was Mary Krebs, born in Erie, Penn. 1849, came to Kendall Co. 1850; two children. TRURO LUD, Farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Pavilion; from Germany; works J. A. Cook's place. VANCLEVE WM. L. Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Fox Station; born in Mercer Co. N. J. Oct. 16, 1826; came to 111. in the Fall of 1836; family, wife and" four children; married Dec. 14, 1857; farm of 336 acres; value of property $23,570; Dem. VAN NOSDOLL JOS. Blacksmith; P. O. Millington; Rep; rom N, Y. VANTASELL HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. Millbrook; bom in Dutchess Co. N. Y. Jan. 18, 1834; came to 111. in the Fall of 1848; family, wife and two children; married Dec. 1859; farm of 80 16-100 acres; value of property $5,600; Rep. VANTASSELL LEWIS, Farmer, Sec 27; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from N. Y.; 82 ac; val. $5,740. VOGEL E, Butcher; P. O. Millbrook; Dem; from Germany. WEAVER FRANK A. Farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Millbrook; born in Kane Co. 111. Nov. 20, 1847; family, wife; married December 10, 1873; farm of 235 acres; value of property $16,450; Rep. WARREN ISAAC, Proprietor Elevator; P. O. Millington; from N. Y. WATKINS LEMUEL. For record see Chas. F. Driver. WALTERS J. B. S. Merchant, P. O. Millington; born in Oswego County, New York, July 4, 1827; came to Illinois, June 19, 1866; family, wife and 8 children; value of property $6,000; Rep. WHITFIELD WILLIAM, Farmer, Sec. 15, Millbrook; Ind; from England; 521 ac; val. $36,470. WHITFIELD W. Jr. Farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Millbrook; Ind; from 111; lives on his father's place. WHITFIELD F. E. Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Millbrook; from 111; Ind; lives with his father. WORSLEY TIMOTHY, P. O. Millington; born in Burrsville, R. I. Dec. 15, 1812; came to 111. in May, 1840; family, two children; wife's name was Elsa Hasting, died Sept. 21, 1873; married again Feb. 7, 1875; Rep; value of property $20,000. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 49 WILSEY A. M. Farmer, Sec. 23: P. O. Millbrook; born in Westchester Co. N. Y. Jan. 18, 1800; came to 111. July 21, 1843; been married three times; has nine children by first wife, and six by second; farm of 171 acres; value of property $11,790; Ind; Justice of Peace one term. WHITFIELD WM. Jr. Farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Millbrook; 111; lives on his father's place; Ind. WILSON C. A. Livery Stable, Millington; Rep; from Maine. WILDER ALEX. Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Sandwich; Rep; from N. Y.; 105 acres, value $7,500. YOUNG E. H. Sec. 20; P. O. Millbrook; born in New York City, Sept. 18, 1842; came to 111. April, 1855; family, wife and two children; married March 8, 1865; value of property $1,000; Rep. YOUNG E. H. Farmer, Sac. 20; P. O. Millbrook; Rep; from N. Y.; works E. Budd's place. MILLINGTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Blacksmiths. JAS. VANOSDOL, FLETCHER MISSUR, R. MASON. Boots and Shoes. SAUTER BRO. Coal and Real Estate. JOS. JACKSON. Elevator. G. G. BIDDULPH. General Merchandise. S. E. FOSTER, J. B. S. WALTERS. Grocer. CONRAD HARTSHORN. Hotels. WORSLEY HOUSE, S. J. BARTLETT, Proprietor. AUSTIN HOUSE, A. HORTON, Proprietor. * Harness. THEO. BECKMAN. Lumber. WM. GUNSELL. Livery and Feed Stable. C. A. WILSON. Manufactories. FLOURING MILL, WARREN & McMATH, Proprietors. CHEESE FACTORY, L. H. PARTRIDGE, Proprietor. Millinery and Dress Maker. MRS. BELL DELEMATER. Newspapers. MILLINGTON ENTERPRISE, F. HALLOWELL, Proprietor. Pattern Maker. JAMES DELEMATER. 50 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. MILLBROOK BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Blacksmith. E. LENT. Dry Goods and Groceries. BUDD & WASHBURN. Drugs and Medicines. S. E. FOSTER. Elevator. TODD & TERRILL. Harness, W. C. RAYMOND. Hotel. H. C. CHAPPLE. Lumber, Coal and Hay. WM. B. CONKLIN. Meat Market. E. WOGLE. Plow Manufacturer. E. BUDD. FOX STATION. General Merchandise. DIVER & WATKINS. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 51 LITTLE ROCK TOWNSHIP. ABBY HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 54. P. O. Little Rock; born in Dutchess Co. N. Y. Aug. 29, 1813; came to Kendall Co. July 8, 1840; family, wife and two children; Rep; value of property $8,000; also Notary Public. ANDREWS M., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; from N. Y. ANDERSON C., P.O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Dem; from Ohio. ANDREWS C., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Dem; from N. Y. ADAMS CHAS., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; from N. Y. ABBY BARNEY, P. O. Little Rock; Blacksmith; Dem; from N. Y. ABELL J. Farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Piano; Rep; from N. Y.; 120 acres; val. of prop. $8.400. ALLEN E. Physician; P. O. Piano; Ind; from Virginia. APPLEGAFE S. P. Merchant; P. O. Piano, Rep; from N. J. BEEBE A. N., P. O. Piano; born in New London, Conn. Aug. 2, 1833; went to Ohio in 1835, and removed to Illinois in 1857; family, wife and four children; Rep; value of property $3,000; served 2 terms as justice of the peace, also 3 years as Sect, of Kendall Co. Agl. Ass. BARTER R., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; from N. Y. BAREFOOT J. Farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Sandwich; Rep; 111.; 80 ac; val. of prop. $5,600. BARBER J. C. Retired; P. O. Piano; Rep; from N. Y.; val. of prop. $9,000. BAU AUGEST, P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester. shop; Dem; from Germany. BACON HECTOR, P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; from Penn. BAUGHMAN CHAS.^P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Dem; from Ohio. BARTLETT WALLACE, Butcher; P. O. Little Rock; Rep; from N. Y. BULLOCK J. K. Proprietor Livery Stable, Piano; born in Oneida Co. N. Y.; came to Illinois in 1852; family, wife and one child; Rep; value of property $10,000. BARTLETT S. B. Merchant; P. O. Little Rock; Rep; from N. Y. BECK CHRIS. Carpenter; P. O. Piano; Rep; from N. Y. BECK CHAS., P. O Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; from Illinois. BEN NET D. C. Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Piano; Rep; from N. Y.; 176 ac; val. of prop. $12.320. BEEBE THOS. T. Station Agent; P. O. Piano; born in Columbia County, N. Y. Jan. 3, 1840; came to Illinois 1852; family, wife and two children; married Oct. 18, 1869; value of property $2,000; Ind. BENNETT I. E. Physician; P. O. Little Rock; Rep; from N. Y. BIRCH O. Mechanic; P. O. Piano; Rep; from N. Y. BRADLEY S. H., P. O. Piano; Rep; from Penn.; works R. R. Partridge's farm. BRADY H. S. Farmer, Sec. 31; P.O. Sandwich; labors on R. R. Partridge's farm; Rep; Penn. BRADY J. T. H. Physician; P. O. Little Rock; born in Westchester Co N. Y., Nov. 10, i8n; moved to New York City with parents in the year 1825; commenced study of medicine at the age of twenty, under Dr. Sweet, and received his diploma in the vear 1837; in the year 1838 he removed to Kane Co. 111.; family, wife, no children; farm of 120 acres; value of property $ 10,000; Rep; also Supervisor four terms. BRADLEY W., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Ind; from Illinois. BRADLEY S. H., P. O. Piano; Rep; from Penn ; works on R. R. Partridge's farm. BRADLEY W. J. Painter; P. O. Piano; Rep; from Penn. BRTGGS P. H., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Ind; from Wisconsin. BURRELL H. Farmer, Sec. 8; Little R'ick; Ind; from N. J.; 133 ac; val. $9310, BUSH R., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; from N. Y. BUSH I. Milkman, P. O. Piano; Rep; from N. Y. CARVER G. H. P. O. Piano; born in North East. Erie Co. Pa., December 18, 1852; came to Kendall Co. July 4, 1856; mirned August 25, 1875; family, wife; Rep. CARVER CHAS.. P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; from N. Y. CASS J. Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Piano; Rep; from Canada; 70 acres; val of prop. $4,900. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IIRRARY 52 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. CASLER KOBT. Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Piano; born in Monmouth Co. N. J., June 21, 1814; came to Illinois October, 1837; family, wife and three children; farm of 238 acres; value of property $20,000; Ind. CODDINGTON F. J., P. O. Piano; Foreman in Marsh Harvester shops; Rep; from N. Y. CONNELY NANCY, widow C. T.; P. O. Piano; Adventist; val. of prop, $4,000. CONNELLY M., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; from Ohio. CHITTENDEN LEVERETT S. Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Bristol; born in Essex, Chit- tenden Co. Vt. Feb. 26, 1829; came to 111. Aug. 16, 1838; family, wife and six children; farm of 364 acres; value of property $29,000; Dem. CLUPT FRED. Sec. 7; P. O. Piano; Dem; from Germany; works Wm. Taylor's farm. COX JOSH. Farmer, Sec. n; P. O. Piano; Rep; 111.; live on J. Cox's place. COX J. M. Sec. n; P. O. Piano; Rep; from 111.; lives on John Cox's place. CHRISTIAN ANDREW, Carpenter and Cabinet maker; P. O. Piano; born in Nor- way Feb. 1821, lived there until 1850, and then came to Illinois; family, wife and two chil- dren; Rep; value of property $5,000. COOK D., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; from Vermont. COOK A. B. .Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Piano; Rep; 111.; I7i> acres; val. of prop. $11,970, COOK DAVID Dr. Sec. 20; P. O. Piano; born in Monmouth Co. N. J., Feb. 19, 1837; came to Kendall Co. in 1838; family, vv.fe and four children; took one course of Lectures in Rush Medical College, Chicago, in the years '64 and '65; has a farm of 196 acres; value of property $15,000; Rep; also road commissioner. COOK JOHN, Farmer; P. O. Piano; Rep; Illinois. CORNER C., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Ind; from Germany. COOK AMER, Farmer; P. O. Piano; born in Monmouth Co. N. J., Aug. 23, 1805; lived in N. J. until 1838, and then came to Kendall C >., 111.; family, wife and six children; owns land to the amount of 1,000 acres; value of property $100,000; Rep. CLARK L. S. Sec. i; P. O. Piano; Rep; from Canada; lives on B. E. Shonts' farm. CLARK W. G., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; from Penn. COLBURN A. News Dealer; P. O. Piano; born in Jefferson Co. N. Y., Aug. 9, 1822; came to 111. Nov. 1870; family, wife and six children; Rep; value of property $600. COONEY SAML. Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Piano; Dem; Penn.; noa'cres; val. of prop. $7,700. CRANDALL A. H., P. O. Piano; Rep. N. Y.; value of property $1.200. COX TOHN, Farmer, Sec. ii; P. O. Piano; b^rnin Montgomery County, N. Y., September 22, 1806; came to Illinois June I, 1844; family, wife and eight children; farm of 313 acres; value of property $22,000; Rep. DARNELL ELI, Farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Piano; born in Indiana, August 13, 1830; came to Illinois in 1831; family, wife, no children; farm of 175 acres; value of property $13,200; Rep. DARNELL DANIEL J". Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Piano; born in Marshall County, 111.. November 7, 1833; single man; farm of 175 &4-IOJ acr s; value of property $12,000; Rep. DARNELL LEAH. Widow; P. O. Piano; bora in North Carolina. DARNELL JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 17; P O. Piano; bora in Marshall Co. 111., Dec. iS, 1831; single man; Rep; has a lanri of 175 64-100 acres; value of property $16,500. DARNELL FRANK M. Farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Sandwich; born in Kendall County, .Illinois, December 31, 1847; family, wife; married March 13, 1876; farm of 59 acres; value of properly $6,000; Rep. DIXON ROBT., P. O. Piano, Superintendent Marsh Harvester shop; Ind; Ohio. DEWEY M. C. Loan and Real Estate Broker; born in Mass Jan. 24, 1835; went to Lewis Co. N. Y., 1837, remained there until 1856, and then came to Piano, where h has since remained; single man; is Treasurer of the Havana, Rantoul & Eastern R.R.; also Director of the C. M. & VV. R.R.; owns laud to the amount of 1,100 acres; value of property $100,000; Dem. DEWEY D. C. Farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Piano; born in Mass. Aug. 17, 1826, moved to Lewis Co. N. Y., in 1833, resided there until 1857. and then came to III ; family, wife and one boy; farm of 2OO acres; value of property $2o,ox>; Dem. DOWD PAT. Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Piano; works A. Cook's place; Dem; Ireland. DEGROFF EPHRAIM, Fanner, Sec. 5; P. O. Piano; born in Hyde Park, Dutchess Co. X. Y., April 27. 1821; came to III June. 1857; family, wife and two children; Rep; has farm of 120 acres; value of property $9,000. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 53 DOTY H. Farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Little Rock; Rep; Vt; 290 acres; value of property $20,300. DIRK CHR. Merchant; P. O. Piano; born in Germany, June 23, 1848; came to Illinois in the. Spring of 1867; family, wife and two children; married April, 1870; value of property $13,000; Rep. EASTERMAN L., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep: Germany: EDDIBURN JAMES, P. O. Piano: Ind; Penn.; value of property $1,500. EGLER J., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvest r shop; Rep; Penn. ELLIS N., Little Rock; Rep; Connecticut. ECCLES FRANK, Farmer, Sec. n; P. O. Bristol Slation; born in Delaware Co. Pa. Jan. 19, 1849; lived in Kendall Co. 28 years; Ind. Rep; Pres. Wife was Hannah Harris, from England; no family. t ELDRIDGE MARGARET, widow; Sec. 26; P. O. Piano; N. Y.; 125 ac; val. of prop. $8,750. ERWIN L. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop: Rep; Mass. ERWIN WM. Drayman; P. O. Piano; Rep; Illinois. ESTES ROBT., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Ind; Tenn. EVANS NOAH, Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y ; 295 acres; val. of prop. $20650. FAXON SAMUEL, Collector; Piano; born in Greenwich, Washington Co. N. Y. April 17, 1838; came to Illinois in 1857; family, wife and two children; Rep; also the first man to enlist in the U. S. service from Little Rock Township. FARGURSON WM. Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O Piano; Dem; Ohio; 300 ac; val. of prop. $21,000. FARGURSON W. P. Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Piano; Dem; Ohio; works his father's place. FAXON W. S. Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Piano; born in Washington County, New York, Sep. 9, 1812; came to Illinois June, 1843; family, seven children; farm of 170 acres; value of property $19,000; Rep. FAVOR F. W. Farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. H.; 221 acres, val. of prop. $15,470. FRANK ADAM, P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Ind; Germany. FIELD ELIJAH C. Piano; Foreman in wood department Marsh Harvester works; born in Jefferson Co. N. Y., April 13. 1833; came to Illinois in the Fall of 1844; family, wife and two children; married May 28, 1857; property $1,500; Rep. FRITCH FRED. Farmer, Sec. 32; P. O. Piano; Rep; Germany; works L. Steward's farm. FOSTER LAFAYETTE, Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Piano; born in Lewis Co. N. Y., Sep. 22, 1824; came to Illinois October, 18^4; family, wife and three children; farm of 157 '/ acres; value of pronerty $12,000; Dem. FRALICK ROBERT, Proprietor Livery Stable, Piano; born in Canada, December 19, 1839; came to 111. March 17, 1860; fam'ly, wife and two children; Rep; val. of prop. $3oo. GALE G. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; N. Y. GALE G. C., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; N. Y. * OOSS GEORGE, Proprietor Dixon House, Piano; born in Caledonia Co. Vt., Dec. 23, 1824; lived in California four years, in towa seven years; came to Illinois Oct. 1874; family, wife and four children; Rep; value of property $3,000; assessor in Vermont and Iowa six years, and supervisor three years. GALE R. L. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; Illinois. (1ET.VIAN CHAS., P. O. Piano; works in Marsh Harvester shop; Rep; N. Y. GREEN M. T. Merchant, Piano; born in Dutchess Co. N. Y., Feb 5, 1818; came to 111. June 7, 1848; family, wife and two children; Dem; value of property $3,ooo. GHRIEST & WHITCOMB, Milliners and Dress makers; P. O. Piano. GIFFORD R. W. Farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; 150^ ac; val. of prop. $10,500. GRISWOLD JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 32; P. O. Sandwich; born in Schoharie Co. N. Y., Jan. 9, 1824; came to 111. June, 1838; family, wife and six children; farm of 190 acres; value of property $14,000; Rep; also supervisor one term. GIFFORD L. L Mrs. Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Piano; widow; Ohio; 227 ac; val. $15,790. GRAHAM I>. G. Wood worker; P. O Piano; born in Washington Co. N. Y., Jan. 18, 1837; came to 111. in the Spring of 1872; f mily, wife and three children; married May 4, iS"65; value of property $500; Rep. GILMAN J. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Piano; Rep; England; 140 acres; value of property $9.800. GRISWOLD ELIHU, Farmer. Sec. 25; P. O. Piano; born in Schohnrie Co. N. Y. Oct. 9, 1825; came to 111. June, 1838; family, wife and three children; farm of 180 acres; value of property $10,000; Rep. 54 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. GOODRICH C. Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Piano; Rep; III; works R. Dixon's farm. GRAHAM G. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; 111. GRIS\VOLD J. J. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Piano; born in Dutchess Co. town of Amenia, N. Y.; came to 111. June, 1838; family, wife and three children; farm pf 147 acres; value of property $11,000; Rep. HADDEN STEPHEN, Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; lives on G. Hadden's farm. HADDEN J. M. Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Piano; So acres; value of property $5,600; Rep; N. Y. HARRISON DANIEL. W. Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Little Rock; born in Little Rock Tp. Kendall Co. June 15, 1850; no family; been married since Oct. 10, 1872; farm of 80 acres; value of property $4,800; Dem. HALL WM. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y. HARRISON W. W. Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Piano; Dem; Penn; 80 acres; value of prop. $5,600. HATCH JAS. S. Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Little R' ck; born in Kane Co. 111. Feb. 6, 1845; family, wife and four children; has an interest in the Hatch Cheese Factory; Rep. HART H. Farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y. ; 10 acres; value of property $700. HADDEN H. S. Farmer, Sec i; P. O. Bristol Station; born in Newburgh, N. Y. Oct. 6, 1854; resident of Co. four years; Rep; Meth. Wife was Minnie Lee, of Plato, Kane Co; family of one child. HARRISON J. T. Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Piano; Ind; 111; lives on W. W. Harrison's place. HEDGES HORACE, Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Piano; born in Orange Co. Vt. Aug. 15, 1841; came to Kendall Co. June, 1850; single man; Rep; value of property $2,000. HARWOOD J. C. works in Marsh Harvester shop; Piano; Rep; Penn. HAWLEY WM. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; Scotland. HEMENWAY CAPT. L. F. Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Piano; born in Herkimer Co. N. Y. Mar. 27, 1838; came to 111. Aug. 1842; family, wife, no children; Captain of Company E, 36th I. V. L; farm 240 acres; value of property $20,000; Rep; also Supervisor. HAZELDEN GEO. Foreman Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y. HEDDLESON WM. Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Piano; Dem; Penn; 147 acres, value $10,290. HENNING C. J. Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Piano; born in Renssdaer Co. N. Y. Sep. 9, 1825; came to 111. July 16, 1836; family, wife and thirteen children; farm of 337 acres; value of property $28,500; Dem. HEUM WM. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; Germany. HENNING G. D. Farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. Piano; born in Kensselaer Co. N. Y. Jan. 28, 1828; came to 111. July, 1836; family, wife and five children; has an interest in the Tannery, and owns half the Piano Elevator; farm of 770 acres; value of property $60.000; Dem. HEDGES G E. Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Piano; Rep; from Vt; lives on Woodard farm. HENNING JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Piano; born in Rensselaer Co. N. Y. Sept. 10, 1814; lived there until 1841, and then went to Niagara Co and lived there until 1860, then came to Kendall Co; family, wife and one child; 180 acres, value $14,000; Dem. HIGBY SYLVESTER, works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y. HENNING EDGAR L. Piano; born in Kendall Co. April 8, 1849; graduated at the Michigan University June, 1869; married May 27. 1874; he is School Trustee and Cor- poration Treasurer; owns property to the amount of 20,000; Dem. IIILLMAN W. Farmer. Sec. 31; P. O. Sandwich; Rep; Ireland; 36 acres, value $2,520. HENNIXG ALBERT E. Farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Piano; born in Kendall Co. 111. 1850; family, wife and three children; married April 13, 1871; farm of 414 acres; value of property $20,000; Dem; he also has a fine herd of short horn cattle. IIODGMAN T. Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Piano; Dem; irom Vt; 867 acres, value $43,000. HENNING LOREN D. Farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Piano; born in Kendall Co. 111. April 13, 1845; family, wife and two children; Rep; farm of 320 acres; value of property $15,000. HOGAN FRANK, works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. 1'lano; Rep; 111. HENNING WM. T. Farmer. Sec. 27; P. O. Piano; born in Rensselaer Co. N. Y. May 2, 1821; came to Kendill Co. July, 1836; Rep; owns 1,350 acres; value of property $3i ooo; family, wife and seven children; owns one-sixth part of I'lano Horse Association stock. HOLL1STER J. F. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y. HOWE S. M. works in Marsh Harvester shop; Piano; Rep; 111. HUNTER A. J. Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. L'ttle Rock; bnrn in Scotland, July 6, 1831; came to III. Aug. 1839; family, wife and one child; farm of 133,^2 acres; value of property 10,000; Rep. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 55 HOUGHTAYLEN A.. P. O. Little Rock; born in Dutchess Co. N. Y.; Mav i, 1816; came to 111. 1844; wife deceased; family, four children; value of property $r,ooo; Rep. HUNTER J. Restaurant; P. O. Piano; Ind; from Canada. HUBBLE E., Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Little Rock; Rep; N. Y.; 59 acres; value of prop. $4.130. HUNE J. J., Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Piano; Rep; Ohio; 65 acres; value of property, $4 550. HUTH GUSTAV, P. O. Piano; born in Germany, August I, 1851; came to Kendall Co. March, 1875; family, wife and one child; Dem. JACOBS J. W., P. O. Piano; Sec. 25; Ind; Canada; 200 acres; value of property, $14.000. .JACOBS B. F., Proprietor tannery; P. O. Piano; born in Canada West, July 23, 1832; lived there until 1865, and then came to Illinois; family, wife and three children; Ind. JENKS JOEL, Jeweler; P. O. Piano; Rep; from Ohio. JENKS D. S., M.D. Piano P. O.; born in Ashtabula Co. Ohio, June 28, 1825; came to 111. Aug. 1836; graduated at the Chicago Med. College in 1866; attended lectures at Rush Med. College, Chicago, in 1849, 1850 and 1857; commenced practice at Roscoe, 111. in 1850, and continued there until 1859; then came to Kendall Co. where he is now engaged in his profes- sion; Rep; wife; no children; value of pioperty, $12,000. JEFFERSON GEO. works in Marsh Harvester shop; Piano P. O.; Rep; from N. Y. JEFFERSON GEO., Foreman in Marsh Harvester shops; P. O. Piano; born in Oswego Co. N. Y., Jan. 2, 1833; came to 111. in the Spring of 1859; family, wife and one child; mar- ried Jan. I, 1863; value of property, $2,000; Rep. JAY S. M., Blacksmith; P. O. Little Rock; Rep; from N. Y. JONES PELEG, P. O. Piano; born in Rensselaer County, N. Y.. March 14, 1807; came to Illinois, Sept. 1840; family, wife and three children; Rep; value of property, $20,000. JONES FRANKLIN, Farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Piano; Rep; 111.; 200 acres, value $14,000. JEFFERSON THOS., Carpenter and Joiner; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; value property, $1,000. JONES LISSETTA Mrs. Sec. n; P. O. Little Rock; born in Switzerland, Canton Berne, Nov. 19, 1845; came to Illinois in May, 1853; her husband has been dead eight years; family, one boy, named VVm. Jones; farm of 175 acres; value of property, $14,000. KENDRICK W. T., Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; 185 acres, value $12,950. KENEDAY H., Foreman in Marsh Harvester shop; Piano; Rep; from Illinois. KENDALL H. W., Piano; born in Bradford Co. Pa., Dec. 7, 1814; moved to Chau- tauqua Co., N. Y., February, 1828, and lived there until 1856, and then went to Columbus, Wis., where he lived until 1859; then came to Piano, 111; family, wife and three children; Dem. KELSEY SAMUEL, Farmer, Sec. 32; works Anna Cook's farm; P. O. Piano; Rep; from 111. KERWIN J. Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Piano; Ind; Ireland; 146 acres; value prop. $9.220. LATHAM OTIS, P. O. Piano; born in Warren Co. N. Y., May 10, 1827; came to Kendall Co. 111., July 4, 1846; family, wife and one daughter; land to the amount of 592 acres; value of property, $30 ooo; Rep. LABRANT J., works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; from Ohio. LATHROP L. O., Hardware Merchant, also Town Clerk; P. O. Piano; born in Bristol, Kendall Co. 111., in 1840; family, wife and one daughter; Rep; value of property, $4,000. LANDERS J., Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Little Rock; Rep; N. Y.; 92 70-100 acres, value $6,540. LEONARD WM. E., Tinner; P. O. Piano; born in Kane Co. 111., Nov. 19, 1847; family, wife and one child; married Dec. 24, 1874; Rep; value of property, $600. LINCOLN C. J., Farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Sandwich; Rep; N. Y.; 122 acres; value prop. $7,5co. LINCOLN R. O., Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Piano; born in Genesee Co. N. Y., March 14, 1824; came to Illinois, Sept. 1848; family, wife and six children; farm of 354 acres; value of property, $31,700; Rep. LORD F. H., Physician; Piano; born in Portland, Conn.; attended lectures at Rush Medical College, Chicago, in the years 1872, 1873 and 1874; graduated and commenced practice in 1874, at Piano, 111.; single man; Rep. LITTLE J. R., Farmer, Sec. 14; works L. Steward's farm; P. O. Piano; Rep; from Scotland. LULL FRANK, Book-keeper in the Marsh Harvester works; P. O. Piano; born in London, Canada, March 13, 1836; came to Illinois in 1858; family, wife and five children; value of property, $3,000; Rep. LOWE \V. R., works in Marsh Harvester shops; P. O. Piano; Ind; from Indiana. LORD W. B , Carpenter; P. O. Piano; Rep; from Connecticut. LYONS S. A., Butcher; P. O. Piano; born in Washington Co. Pa., July 24, 1836; came to Illinois, April, 1842; family, wife and three children; married Jan. I, 1868; Rep; value of property, $1,200. 5G DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. LYE THOS., Farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Piano; Rep; Vermont; 100 acres; value prop. $7,000. MIGHELL NATHAN C., Farmer, Sec. it; P. O. Piano; born in the town of Walling- ford, county of Rutland, State of Vermont, Dec. 10, 1810; came to Illinois in October, 1837; family, wife and five children; justice of the peace from 1870 to 1874; also Supervisor one term; farm of 200 acres; value of property, $16,000; Rep. McCONHE J., works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Dem; from N. H. McGUFFIN J. B., Methodist Minister; P. O. Piano; Rep; from Canada. McCULLEN A., Miller; Piano; born in Scotland, April 14, 1844; lived there until 1859, ar >d then went to Canada and remained there until the Spring of 1871, and then came to 111.; family, wife and three children; Dem; owns an interest in the Piano Flouring Mill. MEIHM JOSEPH, Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Piano; Dem; Germany; 320 acres, value $22,400. MIGHELL E. E, Farmer, Sec. 11; P. O. Piano; Rep; 111.; lives on N. C. Mighell's place. MILLER A. C., Farmer, Sec 33; P. O. Piano; born in Dutchess Co. N. Y., Feb. 23. 1846; came to Illinois in April, 1846; family, wife and three children; farm of 270 acres; value of property. 20,000; Rep. MIGHELL RHUBEN C., Fanner; works L, Steward's farm; P. O. Pla o; Rep; from Illinois. MORRIS C. H., Furniture dealer. Piano; born in Monmouth Co. N. J.. June 12, 1850; came to Illinois in 1854; single man; Rep; value of property, $1,000. MORRIS C. M., Merchant, firm of Morris & Son; P. O. Piano; Rep; from N. J. MORRIS OWEN, Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Piano; Rep; Wales; 103 acres; value prop. $6,000. MORRIS S., Merchant; Piano; born in Farmingdale, Monmouth Co. N. J., Sept. 15, 1807; came to Illinois in October, 1864; family, six children; value property, $10,000; Rep. MOORE ANDREW. Druggist; P. O. Piano; Rep; from Massachusetts. MOSS J x OS.. P O. Little Rock; Rep; from Washingto i. MORRIS OWEN, Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Little Rock; born in Wales, August, 1830; came to Illinois in the Spring of 1850; family, wife and one boy; farm of 103^ acres; value of property $8.500; Rep. MOTT N. Farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Piano; Rep; 111.; works Wm. Henning's farm. MULKEY JOSH. Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Little Rock; Rep; N. C.; 173 ac; val. of prop. $12,000. MULKEY WM. Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Little Rock; born in Ash Co. N.C.. April 15, 1799; came to 111. in the Fall of 1834; and settled in Little Rock Tp., Kendall Co.; married March 22, 1824; family, wife and three children; served three years as justice of the peace, a>d i> on: of the oldi-u settlors in thi county; value of property $10,000; Dem. NEWELL J. Farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Piano; Dem; Ohio; 61 acres; value of property $4,270. NICHOLSON J. H. works in Marsh Harvester .-hop; P. O. Piano; Ind; England. NOLTON JOHN, works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; from Penn. OVITT S. A. Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Little R<>ck; born in Fairfield, Vermont, Oct 2. 1813; came to Illinois May, 1836; family, wife and nine children; farm of 90 acres; value of prop. $7,000; Rep. OVITT E. S. Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Little Rock; Rep; 111.; 104 ac; value of property $7,280. OHARA J. works in Marsh Harvester works; P. O. Piano; Rep; Canada. OWEN H. Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Piano; Rep; 111.; lives with R. Owens. OWEN WM. Farmer, Sec. 32; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; works Stephen Miller's farm. OWENS R. Farmer, Sec. 1 8; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. C.; 160 acres; val. of prop. $11,200. PARSONS H. Carpenter; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; owns 80 acres; val, of prop. $5,600. PARSONS S Farmer. Sec. 13; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; 40 acres; val. of prop. $2,800. PACKARD P. P. worlds in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; Mass. PEARSON ISAAC, Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Piano; Rep; 111.; works Margaret Eldridge's farm. PECOY ISAAC, Laborer; Piano; Rep; Penn. PHFINGSTON H. Tailor; P. O. Piano; Rep; Germany. PARTRII>GrE R. R. Farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Sandwich; born in Madison Co. N. Y. Aug. 17, 1819; came to Illinois Dec. 1856; family, wife and five children; farm of 90 acres; value of property $7,300; Rep. PITTS F. G. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; England. PLATT M. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y. POST WM. Farmer. Sec. 34; P. O. Piano; Rep; Germany; 34 acres; val. of prop. $2,380. POTTER V. M.. P. O Little Rock; Rep; N. Y. POWELL W. H. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano: Rep; Illinois. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 57 BOBBINS N. I. Retired; P.O. Piano; born in Green Co. N. Y. May 22, 1804; came to Illinois in July, 1835; family, wife and ten children; farm of 201 47100 acres; value of property $20,000; Rep. RALEY ROBT. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; Penn. ROSS W. F. Farmer; P. O. Piano; born in North East, Erie Co. Pa. Aug. I, 1839; came to Illinois March, 1857; family, wife, no children; Rep; owns farm of 200 acres; value of roperty $16,000. ROBERTS T. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Ind; England. ROBBINS LB. Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; works N. I. Robbins' farm. BOUNDS CHBISTOPHEB C. Coal Dealer; P. O. Piano; born in St. Lawrence Co. N. Y., Town of Depuyster, June 19, 1822; came to Kendall Co. June, 1866; family, wife and two boys; Rep; value of property $2,000. ROUNDS CHAS. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; Illinois. RYBURN M. M. Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; 90 acres; val. of prop. $6,300. RUBO J. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; Europe. BOWLEY GEO. W. Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Piano; born in Steuben Co. N. Y. February 22, 1806; came to Illinois in 1836; family of nine children; farm' of 227 acres; value of property $15,200; Rep. SANDERSON S. B. Merchant, Piano; born in the Town of Whitley, State of Massa- chusetts, November 23, 1833; came to Illinois in the Spring of 1852; family, wife and two children; Dem; value of property $8,000. SEATON L. B. Wagon maker and Blacksmith, Piano; Rep; from Canada. SEATON D. C. Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; works O. Latham's place. SEARS JAMES, Farmer, Sec. n; P. O. Piano; Rep; 111 ; 250 acres; val. of prop. $18,500. SCHVVILLEY BENJ. Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Piano; Rep; Penn.; 120 acres, value $8,400. SCHULTZ FRED. Farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Sandwich; Rep; Prussia; 95 acres; value $6,650. SHONTS DAVID H. Justice of the Peace; Piano; born in Schodock, Rensselear Co. N. Y., Nov. 23, 1808; lived in N. Y. until 1842, and then came to Kendall Co. 111., June 30, 1842; family, wife and one son; farm of 245 acres; son lives on the farm; value of prop. $15,000; Rep; Justice of the Peace two terms, Supervisor five terms. SCOTT ANDREW, Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Piano; N. Y ; Rep; 397 ac; val. of prop. $27,790. SCOTT CHAS. Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; lives on A. Scott's place. SHONTS BYBON E. Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Piano; born in Herkimer Co. N. Y., May 31, 1837; came to Illinois June 2, 1842; family, wife; property to the amount $7,000; Rep. SHERWIN M. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; Til. SHUTTS LEVI, Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Little Rock; Dem; N. Y.; lives with J. J. Shutts. SHUTTS JEFFEBSON, Farmer. Sec. 5; P. O. Little Rock; born in Montgomery Co. N. Y. June 30, 1835; came to Kendall Co. in the Spring of 1854; married Oct. 1856; family, wife and one boy; has farm of 160 acres; value of property $13,000; Dem. SHUTTS JOEL, Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Little Rock; Dem; N. Y.; works J. J. Shutts' place. SHUTTS HARVEY, works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y. SHEBMAN JAMES B. Assessor; P.O. Piano; born in Richmond, Oswego Co. N. Y. June 14, 1832; came to 111. Sept. 1871; family, wife and four children; Rep; value of property^ $4,000. SNEIDER J. N. Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Piano; Rep; Germany; 155 acres; value of prop. $9,850. SMALLING JAS. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; 111. SHUTTS J. J. Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Little Rock; born in Montgomery Co. N. Y. Jan. 8, 1807; came to 111. in the Spring of 1854, settled in Little Rock Tp. Kendall Co; married Sept. 1841; family, wife and five children; land to the amount of 868 acres; value of property $100,000; Dem. SMITH RILEY, works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y. SMITH J. H. Insurance Agent; P. O. Piano; born in Herkimer Co. N. Y. Aug. 2, 1839; came to III. Sept. 1853; family, wife and five children; married March 20, 1866; value of property $4,000; Rep. SMITH J. A. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y. STEWABD GrEO. A. Mechanical Engineer; Piano; Born in Wayne Co. Pennsylvania, Sept. 9 1826; came to 111. in 1838; family, wife and three children; owns one-half Milling- ton Woolen Mills, and Prest. of Woolen Mill Co.; one-half owner water power at Post Dam; own-; 160 acres land, all under cultivation; val. of prop. $50,000; Rep 6 58 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. SCOTT JOHN, P. O. Piano; Rep; from England; value of property $700. SMITH JOS. Editor Latter Day Saints' Herald; P. O. Piano; Rep; Ohio. STEWARD LEWIS, Piano; born in Wayne Co. Pennsylvania, Nov. 20, 1824; came to Kendall Co. 1838; since that time has been extensively engaged in business; is Prest. of the C.M.&W.R.R.; Director of the Havana, Rantoul & E.R.R.; Prest. of the Valley Manu- facturing Co.; founder of the Marsh Harvester Works; one-half owner Piano Tannery; owns one-third of the stock of the Piano Horse Association; owner of Piano Elevator; owner of Piano Flouring Mill; one-fourth owner of Steward's Station; one-half owner Millington Flouring Mills; owns 4,000 acres of land all under cultivation; has served two terms as Supervisor; Atty. at Law, and the man that always takes the boys to the circus; val. of prop. $250,000; Dem. STEBBTNS H. A. Editor Latter Day Saints' Herald; P. O. Piano; Rep; Ohio. STILL JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 31; P.O. Sandwich; Rep; New. York; 70 ac.; val. of prop. $4,0,00. SWEET WARREN, works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Rep; Wisconsin. STOFFREGEN HENRY, Merchant Tailor; P. O. Piano; born in Germany, July 16, 1834; came to Kendall Co. Nov. 1864; family, wife and six children; Dem; value of prop- erty $2,000. SWIFT L. C. Farmer; Sec. 12; P.O. Piano; Rep; 111.; 184 ac.; val. of prop. $12,700; TAYLOR WM. Farmer; Sec. 8; P. O. Piano; born in Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 20, 1818; came to 111. Oct. 1854; family, wife and five children; Rep; has farm of 187 acres; value of property $23,000; also Supervisor three terms. TELLER M. works in Marsh Harvester shops; P. O. Piano; Rep; 111. TRIDE CHAS. Jeweler; Piano; born in Germany, SepU 25, 1844; came to Kendall Co. March 20, 1875; single man; Rep. TOOLEY F; works in Marsh Harvester shop; P. O. Piano; Ind; Conn. TOHNAN ALONZO, Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Sandwich; born in Barry, Mass. Dec. 2, 1814; came to 111. in June, 1834; family, wife and seven children; farm of 260 68-100 acres, value of property $19.200; Rep. TRIPP D.. P.O. Little Rock; Rep; Pennsylvania. TOMBLIN L. S. Farmer; P. O. Piano; born in Orleans Co. New York, Aug. 20, 1827; came .to 111. June I, 1835; family, wife and one child; farm of 143^ acres; value of property $12,000; Rep. TURPIN JOHN E. Piano; Ind; England: val. of prop. $1,000. TYLER FRANK, Farmer, Sec. 7; P.O. Little Rock; Rep; N. Y.; works O. Tyler's Place. TYLER O. Farmer/ Sec. 7; P. O. Little Rock; Rep; N.Y.; 130 ac ; val. of prop. $9 100. TOOMBS W. H. Farmer, Sec. 31; P.O. Sandwich' born in Erie Co. New York, Oct. 22, 1830; came to 111. Sept. 1848; family, wife and four children; farm 240 acres; value of property $19,000; Rep. VALENTINE Mrs. L. A., P. O. Piano; widow; from New Jersey. VANDERAN L. works in Marsh Harvester shop; P.O. Piano; .Rep; Illinois. VANKIRK JAS. Shoemaker; P. O. Piano; Dem; New Jersey. VARNER E. Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Piano; Rep; New York; 9 ac.; val. of prop. $630. WALRATH GEO. works in Marsh Harvester shops; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y. WARNOCK R. W. works in Marsh Harvester shops; P. O. Piano; Rep; England. WELCH E. A. Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Piano; Ind; 111.; 140 ac.; val. of prop. $9,800. WEST J. T. Farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Piano; born in Essex Co. New Yoik, May 21, 1802 ; came to 111. in 1840; family, wife and five children; farm of 78 acres; value of property $5,680; Rep. WELCH THOS. Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Little Rock; Dem; Ireland; 237 ac.j'val. prop. $16,590. WELCH DANIEL, Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Piano; Dem; 111.; 80 ac.; val. prop. $5,600. WHITNEY JAMES, works in Marsh Harvester>hops; P. O. Piano; Rep; New York. WHEELER C. A. Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Piano; Rep; N. Y.; 256 ac.; val. prop. $17,920. WHITMARSH J. A. works in Marsh Harvester shops; P.O. Piano; Rep; New York. W'HITNEY L. works in Marsh Harvester shops; P. O. Piano; Rep; New York. WHEAT G. M. Harness shop; P. O. Piano; Dem; New Jersey. WHEELER JOHN", Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Piano; born in Berne, Switzerland, Feb. 12, 1815; went to New York, Aug. 1832; lived there nearly three years, and came to 111. May, 1835; family, wife and three children; farm of 256 acres, val. of prop. $29,000; Rep. WINANS S. Merchant; P. O. Piano; Rep; New York. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 59 WILEY W. F. Clerk for C. Dirk; P. O. Piano; Dem; New York. WILLIAMS T. works in Marsh Harvester shops; P. O. Piano; Dem; Illinois. WOODARD CHAS. works in Marsh Harvester shops; P. O. Piano; Rep; New York. ZELL/ER LEVI, Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Little Rock; born in Herkimer Co. N. Y. Aug. 26, 1826; came to 111. 1856; family, wife, no children; owns 47 5-100 acres; Rep; value of property $3,500. PLANO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agricultural Implements. MARSH HARVESTER WORKS, GAMMON & DEER- ING, Proprietors. Barber. G. W. YOUNG. Blacksmiths. L. B. SEATON, C. D. ZIMMERMAN. Boot and Shoe Dealers. JAS. VAN KIRK, JOHN LEONARDY. Coal Dealers. C. C. ROUNDS, WM. ERVIN, L. TRATOW. Druggists. F. H. LORD, M. J. MOORE. Dry Goods and Notions. S. R. SANDERSON. Elevator. STEWARD & HENNING. Furniture. C. H. MORRIS. Groceries. S. P. APPLEGATE, S. WINANS. Groceries and Crockeryware. S. MORRIS & SON, M. H. GREEN. Hardware. L. O. LATHROP. Harness Maker. G. M. WHEAT. Hats, Caps and Clothing. CHAS. DIRK. Hotels. DIXON HOUSE, GEO. Goss, Proprietor. EXCELSIOR HOUSE, WATTS & ESTIS, Proprietors. Ice Cream. JAS. HUNTER. Insurance. A. N. BEEBE, J. H. SMITH. Jewelers. J. H. JENKS, OHAS. TIEDE. Livery and Feed Stables. ROBERT FRALICK, J. R. BULLOCK. Lumber Dealer. EDGAR L. HENNING. 60 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. Manufactories. MARSH HARVESTER WORKS, GAMMON & DEER- ING, Proprietors. PLANO FLOURING MILL, STEWARD & MCCULLEN, Proprietors. PLANO TANNERY, STEWARD & JACOBS, Proprietors. PLANO CHEESE FACTORY, STEWARD & HENNING, Props. "PLANO HORSE BREEDING ASSOCIATION," STEWARD, HENNING & JACOBS, Props. ORGAN MANUFACTORY, WM. WOODARD, Proprietor. HAY PRESS, WM. GIFFORD, Proprietor. Meat Markets. LAWSON & HICKEY, SAML. LYON. Merchant Tailors. LOUIS THUROW, H. STOFFREGEN. Miller. JEAN TOISSELL. Millinery and Fancy Goods. MRS. A. CHRISTIAN, MISS A. M. SMITH, GHRUST & WHITCOMB, MRS. L. A. VALENTINE. Money Loan and Real Estate Broker. M. C. DEWEY. Newspapers. " TRUE LATTER DAY SAINTS HERALD," SMITH & STEBBINS, Editors. Physicians and Surgeons. D. S. JENKS, E. ALLEN, F. H. LORD. Shoemaker. B. HOHN. Stationery, Cigars and Tobacco. A. COLBURN. Stoves and Tinware. W. E. LEONARD. Tobacco. MRS. M. M. WINANS. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 61 LISBON TOWNSHIP. ALFORD F. O. Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Plattville; born in Clinton Co. N. Y. June 8, 1821; lived in Co. 31 years; Rep; Meth; owns farm of 80 acres, value $4,800. Wife was Miss Lydia L. Bowles, of Franklin Co. N. Y.; has two children. ALFRED L. W. Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Meth; 80 acres, value $5,000. ANDERSON MARTIN, Laborer; Lisbon; Rep; Luth; from Norway: ANTHONY JACOB, Fmr. Sec. 24; P. O. Minooka; Dem; Cong; lives on S. H. Wheeler's farm. AMUNDESEN LEWIS, Cooper; Lisbon; from Norway; Rep; Luth. ARUNDALE JOSHUA, Farmer, Sec. 8; Rep; Meth; 240 acres, value $9,600; from England. ARUNDALE SAMUEL, Farmer, Sec. 16; Rep; Meth; from England; 80 acres, value $3,200. ARUNDALE DAVID, Farmer; lives on father's farm, Sec. 8; Lisbon P. O.; Rep. ARUNDALE JOSEPH, Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Plattville; from England; 80 acres, val. $4,000. BAKER JAMES A. Faimer, Sec. 26; Rep; from N. Y.; owns 160 acres, value $6,400. BAKER JOHN C. Farmer, Sec. 17; from England; 40 acres, value $1,600. BAKER JAMES A. Laborer; Plattville; Rep; from Penn. BAKER D. M. Farmer, Sec. 22; P.O. Plattville; Rep; Penn; lives on D. Boyer's farm. BARRY MARY Mrs. widow of E. Barry, Sec. 17; Cath; 80 acres, value $2,000. BARRY JERRY, lives with mother, Sec. 17; Cath; Dem. BANNING R. Laborer; lives with J. C. Wedney, Sec. 26; Dem. BARROW WM. Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Meth; 135 acres, value $6,750. BENTLEY M. Physician, Plattville; from Courtland Co. N. Y. BIBBINS REV. R. R. Pastor M. E. Church, Plattville and Lisbon; Rep; from Penn. BIBBINS R. C. Music Teacher, Plattville; born in 111. BLACKMAN EDWIN, Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Plattville; from N. Y. BLACKMAN S. G. Farmer, Sec. 3; lives with father; P. O. Plattville; Rep. BLACKMAN S. L. Sec. 3; lives with father; P. O. Plattville; born in Kane Co. Ill; Rep. BLAIR JASPER E. Farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Lisbon; from N. Y.; lives on John. Moor's farm. BOYER JOHN, Farmer; Plattville; Rep; Meth; from Penn. BOYER D. K. Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Meth; from Penn; 80 ac; val. $4,000. BOYER DAVID, Farmer, Sec. 23; Rep; from Penn; member 36th I. V. L; 80 acres, val. $3,200. BOTSFORD L. Farmer, Sec. 30; Rep; Cong; owns 6 acres; value of property $600. BOTSFORD N. lives with father, Sec. 30; P. O. Lisbon; Rep. BOOTH O. Fanner, Sec. 24; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Meth; 160 acres, value $8,000. BURGESS E. Farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Meth; from N. Y. BURGESS J. M. lives with father, Sec. 20; P. O. Lisbon; Rep. BURGESS E. Farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Meth; 80 acres, value $4,000. BUSHNELL JAMES. Farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Meth; 100 acres, value $4,000. CULVER LUTHER H. Farmer, Sec. 19; on Lewis Sherril's farm; P. O. Lisbon; born Livingston Co. N. Y. March 21, 1830; came to Lisbon 1869; married Miss Sarah P. Burgess; has four children; value of property $600; Meth. CADMAS G. A. Farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Lisbon; Pres; 160 acres; value of property $6,400. CALDWELL JAS. Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. White Willow; Rep; So acres, value $3,300. CALDWELL WM. lives with father, Sec. 26; P. O. White Willow; Rep. CHRISTIANSON C. Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; 240 acres, value $9,600. CHRISTIANSON F. lives with father, Sec. 6; Rep; Luth. CHRISTIANSON L. lives with father, Sec. 6; Rep; Luth. COMSTOCK C. L. Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Lisbon; 163 acres; value of property $10,000. COMSTOCK HENRY, lives on father's farm, Sec. 19; P. O. Lisbon. COULTHURST N. lives with father/ Sec. 20; Rep; Meth. CONVIS C. Z. Farmer and Assessor, Sec. 28; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Meth; 118 acres, value $6,000. 62 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. COULTHURST PARMENAS W. Farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Lisbon; born in England, Nov. 7, 1815; came to Kendall Co. 1844; owns farm of 355 acres; has family of five children; value of property $15,000; Rep; Meth. COMPTON A. Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Plattville; Rep; N. Y.; 145 acres, value $9,425. COMPTON G. lives with father, Sec. 3; P. O. Plattville; Rep. COOP FRED. Farmer, Sec. 21; lives on Ripley farm; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; from England. COURDT HENRY, Wagon Maker, with S. Mejre, Plattville; Luth; from Germany. CRANE S. W. Farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; N. Y.; lives on Geo. Duckworth's farm. CULBERTSON W. J. Mrs. widow of W. J. Culbertson, Sec. 13; 40 acres, value $1,600. CUNNINGHAM GEO. Laborer, Sec. 12; lives with Upton; Dem; Cath; from Ireland. DENNER JAMES Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. White Willnw; born in England, Aug. 4, 1813; lived in State 31 years, in Kendall Co. 27 years; married Jane Hooper Mar. 26, 1832; Rep; Cong; owns 80 acres, value $i 1,000. DAY H. Carpenter, Plattville; Rep; Meth; from England. DEAN W. C. Farm Laborer, lives with W. H. Shufelt, Sec. 35; P. O. White Willow; Rep; Bapt. DWYER DANIEL, Sr. Farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Lisbon; born in Ireland June, i8ri; came to U. S. 1834; lived in Boston two years; came to Lisbon 1836; owns 285 acres; value of property $12,500; Cath. Wife Miss E. McSwaney, from Ireland; has four children. DWYER DANIEL, Jr. Sec. 17; P. O. Lisbon; lives on father's farm; Dem; Cath. DWYER WM. lives with father, Sec. 17; Dem; Cath. DWYER JOHN, lives with father, Sec. 17; Dem; Cath. DWYER PATRICK, Sec. 16; P. O. Plattville; Dem; Cath; farm 235 acres, value $13,000. DUCKWORTH GEO. Farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Lisbon, Rep; Cong; N. Y.; 160 ac; val. $8,000. EDMUNDS G. W. Farmer and Teamster, Plattville; from N. Y.; Rep. EDMONDS L. lives on D. Boyer's farm, Sec. 23; Rep. EDMONSON E. lives on S. H. Wheeler's farm, Sec. 24; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Luth; Norway. ELLOTSON SAMUEL, Farmer, Sec. .7; Rep; Luth; farm 75 acres; value of property $3,000. ENGLISH A. A. Farm Laborer^ P. O. Plattville; Rep; from N. Y, FEDER O. P. Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Plattville; Norway; Rep; Luth; on J. Wilkinson's farm. FERGUSON S. lives with father, Sec. 23; P. O. White Willow; Rep. FERGUSON G. D. Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. White Willow; Rep; Meth; 160 acres, value $8,000; FATLAXD JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Plattville; born in Norway, Aug. 10, 1832. came to Kendall Co. 1869; married Sarah Thompson, 1863; has six children; Rep; Luth; owns 80 acres. FIELDING JOS. Farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Meth; owns 79 acres, value $3,160. FIELDING E. S. lives with father, Sec. 16; Rep; Meth. JFITCH OSMAN, lives on A. Anderson's farm. Sec. 19; Rep; Luth; from Norway. FLETCHER THOS. Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Lisbon, Rep; Meth; loooac; val. of prop. $100,000. FLETCHER E. S. lives with father, Sec. 8; Rep; Meih. FOSSE OLE L. Farmer, Sc. 4; P. O. Plattville; born in Norway, Aug. 10, 1839; in 111. it years; served 3^ years isth Wis. Reg; owns 160 acres; value of property $8,000; married Anna Askins, Feb. 26, 1867; two children; Rep; Luth. GANSIL O. Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; lives on H. Enix's farm; from Norway. GARGRAVE JOHN, works J. Kimbell's farm, Sec. 2; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Meth; England. GOOSTRY WM. B. Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. White Willow; Norway; lives on B. Schofield's farm. GREEN THOMAS, Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Penn; lives on O. F. Booth's farm. GUIN W. L. Physician and Druggist, Plattville; from Alabama. HARFORD C. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. White Willow; Dem; born in Westchester Co. N. Y.; lived in Kendall Co. 30 years; married Miss Colgrove; has six children; owns 160 acres, value $8,000; Dem. HAMPSON JOSEPH, lives with father, Sec. 13; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Meth. HAMPSON EDWARD, Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Plattville; Dem; Meth; 80 acres, value $3,600. HAYS ROBT. Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Plattville; 80 acres, value $3,200; Meth; fiom Penn. HARFORD L. C. Sec. 35; lives with father; Rep; born in county. HUMISTOX A. O. Hardware Merchant, Plattville; born in Newark, Kendall Co. May 2, 1852; married Effa J. Beach, of Barrington, Cook Co., in 1874; is a Mason and Odd Fellow; has one child; father is S. D. Humiston of Bristol. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 63 HARFORD D. R. Farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. White Willow; lives on G. Wedney's farm; N. Y. HALL WM. Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Lisbon; Cong; 200 acres; value of property $10,000. HEISELDAHE G. Shoemaker, Plattville; from Denmark. HENRY JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Bapt; owns 240 acres, value $i2,coo. HELGESON T. Farmer, Sec. 32;,,P. O. Lisbon; Luth; Norway; owns 130 acres, val. $5,000. HOOPER J. W. Blacksmith, Plattville; Rep; from Canada. HOOPER JAS. Farmer, Sec. n; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Meth; from England. HOYCT OLE, Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Plattville; lives on E. Garside's farm; Rep; Meth. HUBBARD MARY A. Farm on Sec. 10; Meth; from Monroe Co. N. Y. HURST JAS. Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Lisbon; owns one acre; value $400. HULEHISON C. C. Farmer, Sec. 25; P.O. White Willow; Rep; Meth; Ohio; 80 ac; val. $4,000. IVERSEN A. C. Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Luth; 80 acres, value $4,000. IENSON JOHN, Blacksmith, Sec. 27; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; from Norway. JAGER NELS, Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Plattville; Rep; from Norway. JOHNSON GUSTAV, Farm laborer; Sec. 34; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; lives with L. Sherrill. JOHNSON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 33; P.O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; Norway; 80 ac; val. $4,000. JOHNSON HANS, Farmer, Sec. 34, P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; Norway; lives on L. Sherrill's farm. JOHNSON JOE, Farmer, Sec. 6; Rep; Luth. Norway; lives on C. Christian's farm. JOHNSON PETER, Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Norway; Luth; 240 ac; val. $14,400. JOHNSON T. Farmer. Sec. 6; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; Norway; 20 ac; value $1,000. JOHNSON P. D. Farmer, Se . 19; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; from Norway. JOHNSON OSCAR, Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; Norway; 77 acres, val. $3,080. KELSEY J. L. Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Lisbon; 200 acres; value of property $16,000. KELSEY JAS. Sec. 29; P. O. Lisbon; lives with son; Meth. KELLOGG GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Lisbon; Dem; Meth; 101 acres, value $5,000. KIMBALL JAS. Sen. Sec. 2; Retired; Plattville; Rep; from England; 80 ac; value $4,000. KNUDSON W. K. Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Lisbon; Norway; Rep. Luth; 160 ac; val. $9,600. IjIPPOLD L. Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Plattville; born in Leisnig, Saxony, Dec. 20, 1829; came to the United States in 1854; lived in Kendall Co. eighteen years; Rep; Meth; family of eight children; owns farm of 160 acres, improved. LAWSON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; 20 ac; val. of prop. $400. LARSON T. Farm renter on Sec. 28; P. O. Lisbon; from Norway; Luth. LANGDON H. S. Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Cong; Oneida, N. Y.; 246 ac; val. $9,840. LEE HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 10, Luth; from Norway; lives with N. Jager. L.L.OYD WM. D. Farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Lisbon; born in Oneida Co. N. Y., March 28, 1825; came to Kendall Co. in 1856; Rep. Cong; owns 155 acres; value $6,000. Wife was Miss Julia A. Abbott; has two children. LITSEY JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Plattville; Meth; from Kentucky; 160 ac; val. $8,000. LLOYD CYRUS. Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; from N. Y. LONG GEO. Farmer, Sec, 32; P. O. Lisbon; from England; 80 acres, value $4,000. MORRISON WILLIAM, Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Plattville; born in Scotland, 1834; lived in Kendall Co. ten years; married Miss Kate Rogers; has five children; lives on S. H. Wheeler's farm. MAN TON WM. Farmen Sec. r8; P. O. Lisbon; lives with father-in-law, G. T. Norton. MARK H US O. C. Laborer; lives with C. F. Wright; Rep. MAXWELL J. T. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. White Willow; Rep; Cong; lives with Wm. Sargent. McALLISTER , Laborer, Sec 36; P. O. White Willow; Dem; Ireland; lives with J. Dener. McELWAIN R. Mason, Plattville; Rep; from Albany, N. Y. McDANIEL D. Laborer; Sec. 12; Rep; Cath; lives with O. Naden. McCLOUD WALLACE, Fa-tnsr, Sec. n; P. O. Plattville; Rep; owns 80 acres, val. $4,000. MERCHANT E. M. Farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; N. Y.; lives on N. W. Sherrill's farm. MOORE HORACE, Farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Cong; 400 acres, value $20,000. MOORE JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Lisbon; owns 400 acres, value $16,00 \ MOORE J. F. Jr, Farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Lisbon; Dem; Cong; lives with J. A. Caddmus. MOORE H. C. Laborer; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; born in county. 64 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. MORRISON P. Butcher, Lisbon; Pres. MURLEY JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Plattville; Rep, from N. Y.; 168 acres, val. $8,000. MUNSON HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Lisbon; born in Norway, Oct. 12, 1817; came to Kendall Co. in 1844; Rep; Luth; owns 160 acres; value of property $8,000. Lost first wife in 1856; present wife was Miss Mary Lee; has two children. MUNSON A. Farmer, Sec. 20; from Norway; Rep; Luth; lives with Henry Munson. MUNSON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 6; from Norway; Rep; Luth; 40 acres, value $1,600. MUNSON M. E. Farmer, Sec. 6; Norway; Luth; lives on N. E. Nelson's farm. MUNSON PETER, Farmer, Sec. 10; Rep; Luth; lives with father. MURLEY S. Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Plattville'; Luth; from Norway; 80 acres, val, $4,000. MUNSON MINER, Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Lutheran; born Norway, Nov. 7, 1820; came to Lisbon 1857; first wife died 1866; married present wife 1867; has 13 children; owns 183^ acres, value $10,980. NADEN OBEDIAH, Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Plattville; Eng.;Rep;Meth; 320 ac.; val. $16,000. NADEN THOS. Farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Plattville; Rep; England; 200 acres, value $10,000. NELSON N. E. Laborer; P. O. Plattville; lives with Miner Munson, Sec. 10; from Norway. NELSON T. T. Farmer; lives on T. Fletcher's farm, Sec. 28; P.O. Lisbon; Norway; Lutheran. NORTON G. T. Farmer, Sec. 18; P.O. Lisbon; Cong; owns 120 acres, value $4,800. O'BRIEN WALTER, Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Cath; Ireland; 80 ac.; val. $3,200. O'BRIEN CARRIE, wife of A. Anderson; farm of 104 acres, Sec. 6; value $5,200. OLSEN OLE, Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Lisbon; Luth; Norway; lives on A. Anderson's farm. OLSEN IVER, Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Lisbon; Lutheran; Norway; lives on T. Fletcher's farm. OLSEN PETER, Farmer, Sec, 12; P.O. Plattville; Luth; Norway; lives on J. Wilkinson's farm. OST WM. Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Plattville; Dem; Cath; Germany; on E. Garside's farm. PEES ZACHARIAH, Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Plattville; born Jefferson Co. Ohio, May 2, 1825; lived in Lisbon six years; Dem; Presbyterian; owns 1 60 acres improved land; val. of prop. $i 1,000; family of four children, two sons, James S., Andrew C. living with him. PEES JAMES S. Farmer and Teacher, Sec. 3; P. O. Plattville; Dem; lives with father. PEES ANDREW C. Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Plattville; Dem; lives with father. PAULSON R. Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; Norway; 80 ac.; val. prop. $4,000. PAULSON PAUL, Sec. 19; Rep; Lutheran; lives with father. PAULSON S. Sec. 19; Rep; Lutheran; lives with father. PAULSON PAUL, Farm Laborer, Sec. 34; Rep; Lutheran; Norway. PALMER R. Laborer, Sec. 35; Rep; lives with W. H. Shufelt. PARKHURST P. Farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Plattville; Rep; 100 ac.; value $4.600. PARKHURST JOEL, Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Meth; 50 ac.; value $2,000. PETERSON S. Farmer, Sec. 13; P.O. Plattville; Luth; val. $1,000; lives on T. Fletcher's farm. PETERSON PETER, Farmer and Blacksmith, Sec. 4; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Lutheran; 80 acres; val. of prop. $4,000. PETERSON STONE Mrs. widow of Stone Peterson; Sec. 20; P. O. Lisbon; Luth; 164 acres; val. of prop. $6,000. PEASE M. L. School Teacher, Sec. 3; P. O. Plattville; Rep; lives with father. PLATT DANIEL, Farmer, Sec. i;P. O. Plattville; Rep; born in Clinton Co. New York, March 3, 1810; came to Illinois 1833; has lived on the farm he now occupies since 1834; married Esther Rickerson, Clinton Co. New York, 1830; family of five children, three sons and two daughters; two sons are merchants at Plattville; owns farm of 143 acres improved; four artesian wells on the place; val. of prop. $14,000; one of the pioneers of this section. PETERSON JOHN, Sec. 4; Rep; Norway; lives with father. PETERSON GEO. Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. White Willow; Rep; Lutheran; Norway; lives on C. W. Clark's farm. PHILIPS P. M. Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Plattville; Rep; 120 acres; val. of prop. $6,000. PLATT J. D. Farmer; lives in Plattville; Rep; born in county. PLATT A. B. Merchant, Plattville; Rep; born Kendall Co. PLATT L. Merchant, Plattville; Rep; born in Kendall Co. FLETCHER S. E. Farmer, Sec 4; P. O. Plattville; Rep; owns 80 ac.; val. of prop. $4.000. PLETCHER DANIEL, Farmer, Sec. n; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Penn.; Mennonite. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 65 I FLETCHER FRANK, Farmer and Teacher, Sec. n; lives with father. FLETCHER DAVID, Farmer and Teacher, Sec. n; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Pennsylvania; lives with father. PUT P WM. Lisbon; Rep; Meth; owns house and lot, value $t,ooo. REED ANSEL, Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Plattville; born Monroe Co. New York, Sept. 23, 1818; came to Illinois 1827; to Kendall Co. 1844; married Miss Eliza M. Wright March 28, 1850; has five boys; owns farm 204^ acres; val. of prop. $12,000; Rep. REED E. D. Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Plattville; Rep; lives on father's farm. REDFIELD L. Farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; 62^ ac.; val. of prop. $2,500. RICKERTSON HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Plattville; Rep; 39 ac.; val. of prop. $1,960. RIPLEY ELIZABETH, widow of Wm. Ripley; Sec. 21; P. O. Lisbon; Meth; Yorkshire, Eng. RIGGS T. Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Morris; Rep; Canada; 80 acres; val. of prop. $4,350. ROBINSON H. S. Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Plattville; Rep; 80 ac.; val. of prop. $5,000. ROTH WELL WM. Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. White Willow; Rep; Norway; lives on N. Jordan's estate. RUSHTON GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. White Willow; born in England, Jan. 22, 1823; came to Kendall Co. 1849; married Isabella Hoyle; has two children; Rep; Baptist; owns 100 acres; value of property $5.500. ROTHWELL WM. Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. White Willow; Lutheran; Norway; lives on Wm. J. Jordan's estate. SHERRILL N. W. Farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Lisbon; Ind; Cong; born in Oneida Co. New York, Dec. 23, 1818; lived in Vermont five years: came to Lisbon 1843. Wife was Lucia L. Alger, of Canada; family of six children, farm of 520 acres. SARGEANT WM. C. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. White Willow; Rep; Meth; New York; 160 acres; val. of prop. $8,000. SARGEANT D. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. White Willow; Rep; Quaker; New York; lives on A. Sargeant's farm. SARGEANT A. F. Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. White Willow; Rep; Pennsylvania; lives on Wm. J. Jordan's farm. SARGEANT JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. White Willow; Rep; Pennsylvania; lives on W. J. Jordan's farm. SARGEANT A. F. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. White Willow; Rep; Meth; 80 ac.; val. $4,000. SANDERS H. L. Farmer; lives in Plattville; Rep; Massachusetts. SHUFELT W. H. Farmer and Postmaster, Sec. 35; P. O. White Willow; born Columbia Co. New York; lived in Kendall Co. 17 years; Rep; Baptist; married Miss S. M. Lock- wood, 1849; nas two children; farm 240 acres; val. of prop. $14,000. SCHOLES JOEL, Laborer, Sec. 14; Lisbon; Rep; England; lives on Beman's farm. SHAW J. C Farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Meth; lives on father's farm. . SHERRILL EDWIN, Sec. 34; P. O. White Willow; Rep; Cong; lives with father. SHERRILL J. E. Farmer; lives on N. Sherrill's farm; Rep; Congregational. SHERRILL CHARLES, lives with father, Sec. 34; Rep; Cong; White Willow P. O. SHERRILL LEWIS, Farmer, Sec. 34; Rep; Cong; 640 ac; val. $32,000; White Willow P.O. SHERWOOD E. lives with Mrs. Culbertson, Sec. 13; Rep; Plattville P. O. SMITH J. K. Farmer, Sec. 2; Plattville P. O.; Rep; Meth; born Centre Co. Pa. Oct. 6, 1814. Married Magdalena Helman, of Centre Co. 1838; has II children, 7 still living ; John, \Villiam and Joseph, three eldest sons, died in army, 1863; wife died 1876; came to Lisbon, 1855; owns no acres on Sec. 2 and 77 acres on Sec. n; val. $15 ooo. SHAW THOS. Farmer, Sec. 8; Plattville P. O.; Rep; Meth; from England; 160 ac; val. $8,000. SHAW SAMUEL, Farmer; lives with father, Sec. 8; Plattville P. O.; Rep; Meth. SHUFELT N. S. Sec. 35; Rep; lives with father, W. H. Shufelt; White Willow P. O. SHUFELT J. L. lives with father, Sec. 35; Rep; Bapt; White Willow P. O. SKINNER STEPHEN, lives on H. Moore's farm, Sec. 30; Lisbon P. O.; val. prop. $1,000. SKINNER M. A. Farmer, Sec. 9; Plattville P. O.; Rep; 80 acres; val. $4.000. SMITH G D. Farmer, Sec. 2; Plattville P. O.; Dem; from Pennsylvania; 160 ac; val. $8,000. SMITH J. T. Farmer, Sec. i; Plattville P. O.; Rep; 80 acres; val. $4,000. SMITH J N. lives with J. T. Smith, Sec. i; Plattville P. O.; Rep. SMITH I). M. Farmer, Sec_ 2; Plattville P. O.; Rep; Meth; from Pennsylvania. SPR1DGEN THOS. Farmer, Sec. 15; Plattville P. O.; Rep; from England; 80 ac; val. $4,000. 7 66 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. SOUTHCOMBE WM. Farmer, Sec. 10; Plattville P. O.; Rep; Meth; born in Devon- shire, England, Aug. 31, 1830; came to U. S. 1852, and to Lisbon 1853. Married Elizabeth Morrison of Lisbon, 1861; has 5 children; owns improved farm 107 acres; val. $8.000. STEVENSON LARS, Farmer, Sec. 5; lives on Barker's estate; from Norway; Luth; Lisbon P. O. SWEENEY DENNIS, Farmer Sec. 15; Plattville P. O.; Dem; Cath; 260 ac; val. $13,000. THOMPSON ERICK, Farmer, Sec. 33; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Luth; born Norway, June 18, 1835; lived in Kendall Co. 5 years. Married Ingaroff Dollar, April 22, 1862; has three children; owns 120 acres; val. $6,000. THOMPSON DAN'L S. Laborer; Plattville; Rep; from New York. THOMPSON WM. Farm Laborer, Plattville; Rep; Meth; from Ireland. THOMPSON THOS. Lisbon; Rep; Meth. THOMPSON SILAS, Farmer, Sec. 18; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; 66^ acres; val. $2,840. TATTLE O. Farmer, Sec. 7; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; 104^ acres; val. $4,160. TEED JOSEPH, Blacksmith, Sec. 36; White Willow P. O.; born Norway; Lutheran. THAYER EDW'D, Farmer, Sec. 35; White Willow P.O.; Rep; Univ; Ohio; 80 ac; val. $4,000. THORSON JOHN, lives on N, W. Sherrill's farm, Sec. 21; Rep; Luth; from Norway. THORSON BENJ. Laborer; lives on Sherrill's farm; Luth; from Norway. THORSON OLE, Farmer, Sec. 32; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Luth; from Norway; 80 ac; val. $4,000. TOLLEFSON T. Farmer, Sec. 32; Lisbon P. O.; Luth; 81 acres; val. $4,000. TREMAIN G. F. Farmer, Sec. 11; Plattville P. O.; Rep; from N. Y.; 80 ac; val. $4,000. TWETH S. lives with brother. Sec. 27; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Luth; from Norway. TWETH JOHN", Farmer, Sec. 27; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Luth; born Norway, April 20, 1834; came to Kendall Co. July i, 1855. Married Miss Anna Olson, Dec. 22, 1874; has one child; owns 4,000 acres; val. $20,000. UPTON WM. Farmer, Sec. 16; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; 76 acres; val. $3,600. VAN ZANT GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 26; White Willow P. O.; Dem; lives on Jos. Widney's farm; born Pennsylvania. \VEESE W. S. Blacksmith, carriage maker and breeder of trotting horses, Plattville; born in Belleville, Canada West, May 12, 1838; lived in Plattville 18 years; has 4 children; owns 14 acres in PJattville; val. of property $10,000. "WARBURTON JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 16; Plattville P. O.; Cheshire, England; 80 ac; val. $4,000. WALLACE JAS. Laborer, Sec. to; lives with father-in-law, A. Compton; Canada; Plattville P. O. WALSTROM E. Boot and Shoe Maker, Plattville; from Sweden; Lutheran. WELCH JAS. B. Blacksmith, Lisbon P. O. WEBSTER C. E. Harness Maker, Lisbon; Rep. WEBSTER S. M. Constable, Lisbon; Rep; Baptist. WIDNEY JOHN" J. Farmer, Sec. 26; White Willow P. O.; born Ohio; lived in Ken- dall Co. 32 years; father and mother live with him, aged 73; has two children; owns 240 acres; val. $15,000; Dem. Married Emily Van Dusen, 1869; she was born in Will Co. WARBURTON WM. Farmer, Sec. 2; Plattville P. O.; Rep; from England. WEEKS N. works farm of C. Barker, Sec. 29; from Norway; Lutheran. WIDNEY JNO. lives with son, Sec. 26; White Willow P. O.; Dem; Methodist. WILLE CONRAD, Farmer, Sec. 14;. Plattville P.O ; Rep; Luth; Norway; 120 ac; val. $6,000. WILSON P. Mail Carrier; lives on J. R. Smith's farm, Sec. 12; Rep; from New York. WING R. M. Attorney at Law. Lisbon; born in County; Dem. WILKINSON" ROBERT, Farmer, Sec. 21; Lisbon P. O.; born England. July 19, 1824; came to U. S. 1857; lived in Michigan 2 years; came to Kendall Co. 1853; owns 240 acres; val. $13,000; Rep; Methodist. WILKINSON MARY J. lives with mother, Sec. 9; Methodist. WILKINSON SARAH A. lives with mother. Sec. 9; Methodist. WILKINSON JAS. Farmer, Sec. 9; Plattville P. O.; Rep; Meth; England; 32oac; val. $17,000. WILKINSON J T. Farmer, Sec. 21; lives with father; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Methodist. WILKINSON EDWARD, Farmer; lives with father, Sec 21; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Methodist. WILKINSON MARY, wid. John, Sec. 9; Plattville P. O.; Meth; from England. WILKINSON ROBERT, Jr. Farmer, Sec. 9; Plattville P. O.; Rep; Meth; born Michigan. WRKrHT C. F. Farmer and Stock Dealer, Sec. 31; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Cong; born Lis- bon, 1840; married Miss E. A. Rickey, 1869; has one child ; lives on farm settled by his father, T. G. Wright, in 1835; which farm he now owns 240 acres. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 67 LISBON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorney at Law. R. M. WING. Blacksmiths. J. B. WELCH, WM. DONOVAN. Billiard Hall. L. BUSHNELL. Cooper. LEWIS AMUNDSON. Druggist. W. M. HANNA. General Merchandise. H. LONG, J. F. MOORE, C. S. HOLLAND, W. R. LLOYD, G. C. GAYLORD. Harness Maker. C. E. WEBSTER. Meat Market. P. MORRISON. Shoemaker. ERIC JACOBSON. Wagon and Carriage Makers. A. G. JOHNSON, N. J. COBLEIGH. PLATTVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Blacksmiths. J. W. HOOPER, J. JENSEN, W. S. WEESE. Carpenter. H. DAY. i Dry Goods, Groceries, and General Merchandise. PLATT BROS. Druggist. W. L. GUIN. Hardware. A. O. HUMISTON. Mason. R. McELWAIN. Physicians. M. BENTLEY, W. L. GUIN. Shoemakers. G. HEISELDAHE, E. WALSTROM. Wagon Manufacturer. H. COURDT. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. SEWARD TOWNSHIP. ALLEN THOS. W. Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Plattville; born in England in 1834: lived in Illinois twenty-four years; was in the 2nd I. L. A.; Rep; value of property $300; lives with McKanna. Wife was Deliah M. Peck. BAKER AIKEN, Farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from Canada; value of prop. $12,000. BAKER C. E. Farmer, Sec. 20, P. O. Minooka; born in Town of Seward, September 15* 1842; has lived in Co. ever since; Rep; Cong; rents farm of Geo. Baker; family, wife. Wife was Miss M. E. Sargent, from Cincinnati, Ohio. BAKER GEO. Farmer, Sec. zy, P. O. Minooka; Rep; from Canada; value of prop. $6,000. BEANE FRED. J. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 7; P. O. Plattville; born in England, 1826; came to America in 1840; lived in county thirty-six years; Rep; Meth; School Direc- tor; o.vn;. 630 acre-?; value of property $30,000; family of four children. BELLFIELD WM. Farmer Sec. 2; P. O. Minooka; Dem; from N. Y.; ralue of prop. $1,000. ELY FRANK, Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Minooka; Rep; born in county; value of property $500. BELL* JAMES, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 22; P. O. Minooka; born in Monaghan Co. Ireland, April 23, 1822; came to America in 1845; has lived in county eight years; Ind; Pres; owns 590 acres; value of property $32,000; has a family of four children. Wife was- Mi-s S. Furgeson from Grasslough, Monaghan Co. Ireland. BLY WM. Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from N. Y.; value of property $15,000. ELY WM. Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Plattville; Rep; from N. Y.; value of property $12,000. BEDFORD W. Farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Minooka; born in England, Nov. 25, 1838; came to United States in 1848; has lived in county ever since; Ind; owns 120 acres; value of property $7,000; family of six children. Wife was Miss S. A Bowden, from England. BRADY JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from Virginia; val. of prop. $15.000. BELFIELD R. Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Minooka; born in England in 1807: came to- America in 1819; lived in county thirty-three years; Dem; owns 360 acres; value of property $2O,oco; family of four children. Wife v\as Miss Mary Nelly. BELFIELD CHAS. Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O; Minooka; born in Stockbridge, Madison Co, N. Y., March 27, 1842; Rep; Meth; owns 5 acres; value of property $500; has a family of three children. Wife was Miss Mary Bundy, from Kendall Co. BROWN ALBERT, Farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from 111.; value of prop. $6,000. BENNETT N. T. Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Plattville; born in England in 1831; has lived in county thirty years; Ind; Pres; owns farm of 55 acres; value of property $4,000; has family of ten children; mason by trade. Wife was Miss Margaret M. Delong. BINGHAM S. E. Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Minooka; born in N. Y. in 1835; came to Kendall Co. in 1843; Rep; Meth; owns 200 acres, value of property $10,000; family of two children. Wife was Miham. GREEN ClIAS. Laborer, P. O. Minooka; Rep; from N. Y.; value of property $1,000. 70 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. GREEN HIRAM, Farmer, Sec. n; P. O. Minooka; born in N. Y. 1848; lived in Kendall Co. eight years; Rep; Cong; rents farm of J. S. Gould; family of tw/o children; value of property $1,500. Wife was Miss Sarah Heath. GREEN" G. W. Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Minooka; born in N. Y.; Rep; Meth; rents farm of Edward Martin; value of property $1,000; family of seven children; lived in Co. nine years. "Wife was Miss Susan Heath. GRUITTI WM. Farmer, Sec. 32; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from N. J.; value of property $4,000. HAMMETT A. Farmer, Mason and Plasterer; Sec. 31; P. O. White Willow, owns 55 1-7 acres; value of property $,3000; born in England 1833; came to America 1852; lived in Co. seven years; has family of nine children; Rep. Wife was Sarah Booth. HALL DANL. R. Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from N. Y.; value of prop. $4,000. HARE JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from England; value of prop. $8,000. HAMPSON G. E. Farmer, Sec. 18 ; P. O. Plattville ; owns 80 acres of land ; value of property $5,000; born in Newark, N. J. 1836; Rep; Meth; lived in Co. seven years. Wife was Miss Dunmer; family of one. HAMPSON G. A. Farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Plattville; owns 84 acres of land; value of property $4,000; born in N. Y. 1855; lived in Co. twenty years; Rep; Meth; single man. HARVEY F. Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from N. "Vfc; value of property $10,000. HEAP ABLE, Farmer. Sec. 17; P. O. Plattville; Rep; from England. HANSON CHAS. C. Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Minooka; owns 120 acres of land; value of property $8,000; born in Norway 1833; lived in Co. fifteen years; Ind; Cong; family of five children. Wife was Katy Anderson. HANSON OLE, Farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Minooka; owns 160 acres of land; value of property $8,000; born in Norway 1824; came to America 1854; been in county tvrenty-two years; family of six children; Rep. HENDERSON J. R. Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from Ohio; value of property $600. HEAP A. H. Farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Minooka; owns 214 acres of land; value of property $10,000; born in England 1841; came to America 1849; Ind; family of five children; wife was Miss E. N. Hodgson. HEAP RALPH, Farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Minooka; owns 89 acres on Sec. 8, 80 on Sec. 30, and 80 on Sec. 17; value of property $10,000; born in England 1837; came to America 1849; Ind; Cong; lived in county twenty-four years. HIELMAN D. C. works farm for father, Sec. 39; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from Ind; val. prop. $800. HIELMAN JACOB, Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Minooka; born in Northampton Co. Pa. Jan. 25, 1809; came to 111. 1860; lived in county ever since; Rep; Presb; owns 320 acres of land; val. prop. $16,000; family of seven children; wife was Miss Catharine Page, from Pa. HIELMAN J. S. Laborer on Sec. 39; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from Ind; value of property $800. HENDERSON J. E. Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Minooka; born in Pa. Feb. 7, 1805; came to Kendall Co. 1854; lived in county twenty-two years; Rep; Meth; owns 240 acres of land; value of property $15,000; family of nine children; wife was Miss Mary Riggs, from Mont- gomery Co. Ohio. HENRY R. T. works on farm of Wm. Bellfield, Sec. 2; P. O. Minooka; born in Ireland 1839; came to America 1849; ^ e P'. United Presb. HODGESON SOL." Farmer. Sec. 20; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from England; value prop. $2,5co. HOLT JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from England. HIBBARD D. C. Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Plattville; born in N. Y. 1849; lived in Kendall Co. seven years; rents farm of Wm. Skinner; Rep; Melh; value of property $500; family of two children; wife was Miss S. E. Skinner. HIBBARD E. C. Farmer, Sec. 3; P.O. Minooka; born in Madison Co. N. Y. Dec. 25, 1848; came to Kendall Co. 1870; lived in county ever since; Rep; Meth; owns 83 acres of land; value of property $5,000; wife was Miss Julia Bundy, of Kendall Co. HOUSE J. W. Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from N. Y.; value of property $10,000. HURST JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Minooka; Ind; from England. HOLT EDWIN, Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Minooka; was born in England, Nov. 2, 1841; came to United States 1854; lived in Co. twenty years; Rep; has family of three children; wife was Miss Olive Wardell, from R. I. IVES E. Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Minooka; owns 80 acres of land; value of property $5,000; born in Tompkins Co. N. Y.; lived in county three years; Rep; Meth; family of three children; wife was Catharine VanOrder. JORDAN J. C. Farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Minooka; Dem; from Will Co. Ill; 200 ac. val. $10,000. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 71 JOHNSON JOHN, Farmer. Sec. 33; P. O. Minooka; born in Sweden 1830; came to America 1840; lived in Kendall Co. eighteen years; Rep; Meth; owns 80 acres of land; value of property $4,000; has family of one child; wife was Miss E. Petson, from Sweden. JONES EDWARD, Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Minooka; born in Wales 1822; came to America 1843; lived in county thirty-three years; Rep; Cong; owns 240 acras; val. property $15,000; is School Director; has family of three children; wife was Miss L. Gleason. ^ENISON M. J. Laborer; P. O. Minooka; Dem; from Vermont. KING D. D. Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Minooka; Rep; owns 53 acres, value $2,700. LAWSON LOS, Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Plattville; born in Norway 1821; lived in Kendall Co. seventeen years; Rep; Luth; rents farm of John Qleson; value of property $1,000; has family of ten children; wife was Miss M. Oleson. LAWSON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from England; value prop. $4,000. LEGGETT WM. Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Minooka; born in England 1823; came to America 1850; lived in county 26 years; Dem; owns 560 acres; value of property $40,000; wife died of cholera in 1854; has no family. MANN M. H. Laborer on John McKanna's farm, Sec. 4; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from Conn. MARTIN J. FIELDING, Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Minooka; born in N. Y. 1842; lived in Co. since 1869; Rep; QJVUS 160 acres of land; valu of property $10,000; has family of one child; wife was Miss L. A. Brown, of Kendall Co; (Big church.) MASON GEO. Farmer and Stock Dealer, Sec. 19; P. O. Minooka; born in LaSalle Co. 111. Feb. 19, 1839; came to Kendall Co. 1861; owns 205 acres of land; value of property $12,000; Dem; has family of four children; wife was Miss Sarah A. Kinson, of Vt; Justice of Peace. MARTIN C. E. Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from N. Y.; value of property $9,000. MATHIS ROBT. rents farm of Wm. Leggott, Sec. 15; P. O. Minooka; Rep; England; prop. $500. McKANNA JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Plattville; born in Oneida Co. N'.Y. June 18. 1827; came to county 1846; lived in county twenty years; Rep; owns 280 acres of land; value of property $16,000; has family of four children; wife was Miss S. H. Wally, from Grundy Co. 111. McKANNA B. Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Plattville; born Oneida Co. N.Y. 1825; lived in county twenty-nine years; Dem; owns farm 282^ acres; has six children; wife was Miss McCloud; value of property $15 ooo. McKANNA E.. P. O. Plattville; from N. Y.; value of property $8,000. McCREARY WM. Farmer; P. O. Minooka; Virginia; Rep; owns 87 acres, value $4,300. McCLOUD F. G. Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Plattville; born in Kendall Co. 1842; wife's name before marriage, Fredrica Bundy; Ind; value of property $2,000. McCLOUD S. Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Plattville; owns 146 acres, value $8,000; from Vt; Dem. McCLOUD W. lives with father, Sec. 6; Rep; born in county. McCLOUD WM. Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Plattville; born in .Washington Co.Vt. 1811; came to county 1838; Rep; Meth; owns 160 acres, value $8,000; family of eight children; been School Director ten years. MITCHELL D. Laborer on Sec. 33; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from N. Y. MORRISON J. H. rents farm of A. Miller, Sec. 14; P. O. Minooka; Ind; Can; prop. $l,ooo. MESSENGER A. E. Farmer, Sec. 29 , P. O. Minooka; born in Portage Co. Ohio, Sept. 26, 1835; been in state nearly twenty-nine years; Rep; Meth; owns 40 acres of land; value of property $2,500; has family of four children; wife was Miss Martha Suirunerville, from Pa. MURLEY W. R. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from N. Y.; value of property $9,000. MYRES R. Farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Minooka; Dem; from N. Y.; value of property $15,000. MILLER F. C. Farmer, S-c. 14; P. O. Vlinooka; born in Buffalo, N.Y. 1850; lived in county two years; Rep; Meth; owns farm of 80 acres; value of property $6,000; family of one child; wife was Miss Katy Davis; is path-master of District No. 6. NEWSA VI SARAH Mrs. widow, Sec. 8; P. O. Plattville; born England 1827; 80 acres, val. $5,000- NEWSAM GEO., P. O. Minooka; Rep; from N. Y.; value of proper'y $4,600. NEWSAM JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Minooka; bom in N. Y. Oct. 4, 1826; came to 111. in 1868; lived in county et;ht years; Rep; Cong; owns 80 acres of land; value property $5,000; family of one child; wife was Miss Lorinda Wyeth, from Jefferson Co. N. Y. OS>IONSON O. E. Farm-r, Sec. 30; P. O. Minooka; owns 160 acres of land; value of property $8.000; bom in Norway 1842; came to America 1854; Dem; not fharried. OLSEN RICHARD, Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Minooka; owns 80 acres of land; value of pr >perty $5.000; born in Norway 1826; came to America 1854; lived in county ten years; Rep; MetH; family of thrje children. 72 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. OLESON OLE, Farmer, Sec. 18; P.O. Plattville; 40 acres, value $2,000; born in Norway; Dem. OL.ESON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Plattville; born in Sweden 1830; came to U. S. 1855; lived in county twenty years; Ind; Luth; owns farm of go acres; value of property $4,000. OLESON JOHN, works farm for Mrs. Warner, Sec. 4; P. O. Plattville; value property $4,000. PETERSON ANDREW, Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Plattville; born in Sweden 1810; lived in county thirty years; Rep; Meth; has fam ly of six children; 100 acres of land in Seward, and 160 in Na-au-say Township, value $15,000; wife was Miss Cornelia Austin. PETERSON JOHN, lives with father, Sec. 4; born in county; Rep. PLiATT WM. Farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Minooka; born in England 1843; came to America in 1859; lived in county fifteen years; Rep; owns 80 acres of land; value prop. $5,000; was in U. S. A. two yrs. and eight mos; family, one child; wife was Miss Eliza E. Banning, of Ind. PLATT JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 13; Minooka P. O.; born in England, 1849; came to U. S. 1860; lived in county 16 years; Rep; Cong; owns 80 acres; val. $5,000; family of three children. Wife was Miss Ellen J. Skinner. PERKINS W. H. Farmer, Sec. 28; Minooka P. O.; Rep; born Grundy Co. Ill; val. prop. $5,000. PHILIPS SEYMOUR, Laborer, Sec. 7; Plattville P. O.; Dem; from New York. POMEROY F. J. Farmer, Sec. 7; Plattville P. O.; owns 130 acres; val. $5,000; born 1834; lived in county 20 years; has family of six children. Wife was Miss Jeanette Freeman. PHILH'PS SEYMOUR, works for F. J. Bean, Sec. 7; Dem; born New York. PLATT THOS. Farmer, Sec. 21; Minooka P. O.; Rep; from England; val. prop. $6,000. PROCTOR SAMUEL, Farmer, Sec. i; Minooka P. O,; born England 1820; came to U. S. 1858; lived in county 20 years; Rep; Cong; owns So acres; val. $5,000; has family of two children. Wife was Miss Mary Curran. POMEROY WM. rents farm of A. Heap, Sec. 31; Plattville P. O. RICKETSON M. Sec. 7; Plattville P. O.; born Kendall Co. Ill; Rep; val. prop. $600. RICHARDS BENJAMIN T. Farmer, Sec. 31; Minooka P. O.; owns 80 acres; val. $5 ooo; born England 1819; came to America 1848; lived in county 12 years; Rep; Bapt ; has no children. RILEY PETER, Farmer, Sec. 36; Minooka P. O.; Dem; from Ireland; val. prop. $3,000. RILEY JAMES, Minooka P. O.; lives with father, Sec. 36; Dem; from New York. SARK E. Laborer; Minooka P. O.; Dem; from New York. SAWYER E. Farmer, Sec. 35; Minooka P. O.; born England, June 8. 1828; came to U. S. 1861; Lved in county 15 years; Dem; Meth; rents farm of John Holt, Sec. 36; val. prop. $1,000. Wife was Miss Sarah A. Bailey, from England. SEARLS A. D. Farmer, Sec. 26; Minooka P. O.; from Ohio ; val. prop. $15,000. SEVERSON SEVER, Farmer, Sec. 30; Minooka P. O.; owns 75 acres; val. $5,000; born Norway, 1840; came to America 1844; lived in county 10 years; Rep; Lutheran. SEATON A. works for J. W. Churchill, Sec. 4; Dem. SHEARER ROBERT, Farmer, Sec. i; Minooka P. O.; born Scotland 1824; came to America 1846; lived in county five years; Rep; Pres; owns 85 acres; val. $5,000; has family of six children. , SHIRTLIFF M. Laborer, Minooka P. O.; Rep; born Kendall Co. SNIDER W. H. Farmer, Sec. i; Minooka P. O.; born East Tennessee, 1829; came to Kendall Co. 1864; Rep; owns 80 acres in Seward Tp. and 80 'acres in Troy Tp. Will Co; val. $8,000; has family of cfive hildren. Wife was Miss B. Cook. SMITH J. B. Laborer; Minooka P. O.; Rep; from New Hampshire; vaL^prop. $2,000. STUL.AY BENJAMIN, Farmer, Sec. 36; Minooka P. O.; born England 1825; came to U. S. 1869; lived in county ever since; rent farm of John Holt; val. prop. $250; has family of three children. Wife was Miss Johanna Arte, from England. SMITH E. T. Laborer; Minooka P. O.; from New Hampshire; val. prop. $500. SHEARER H..C. Minooka P. O.; Rep; from Scotland; val. prop. $600. SUMMERVILLE JAS. Farmer, Sec. 28; Minooka P. O.; born Plainfield, Will Co. 111. May 3, 1854; has lived in Kendall Co since November last; owns 40 acres; val. $2,700; has no family. Wife was Miss Hannah Bowden from Engand. SNYDER J. W. Carpenter; Minooka P. O.; from East Tennessee; Rep. SWARTHOUT JACOB, Farmer. Sec. 34; Minooka P. O.; born Schoharie Co. N. Y. July 3. 1801; came to Illinois 1859; has lived in Kendall Co. 10 years; Rep; Rapt; owns 240 acres; val. $15,000; no family. Wife was Miss Lucretia Vandusen.of Ilillsdale, N. Y.. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 73 STEELE JOHN, rents farm, Sec. 14; Minooka P. O.; Dem; Kendall Co; val. prop. $2,200. SHIRTLJFF JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 22; Minooka P. O.; born Washington Co. Vermont, May 8, 1810; came to Illinois 1831; has lived in County ever since; was in Black Hawk War under Maj. Buckmaster; Dem; owns 120 acres; val. $10,000; has family of three chil- dren. Wife was Mrs L. Bell, of this state. TALLMADGE FRANK, Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from Mass; val. prop. $4,000. THRALL T. L. Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Minooka; Ind; from Ohio; value of property $6,000. THOMPSON DANL. wo*k for M. E. Cryder, Sec. 4; P. O. Minooka; Dem; from N. Y. TRIRNEY MRS. live on Sec. 23; P. O. Minooka; from Ireland; value of property $9,000. TINDER G. W. Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Minooka; Dem; from West Virginia; val. prop. $2,500. TURNER C. T. Laborer; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from Will County, 111. TURVEY WM. Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Plattville; Ind; born in England; own 74 acres; value of propei ty $4.000. VAN CLEVE J. L.. Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Plattville; Meth; born in Mercer Co. N. J. 1831; lived in Co 39 yea-s; owns farm 240 acres; value of property $15,000; family of four chil- dren; wife was P. G. Rogers. VAN CLEVE A. L. lives with father on Sec. 5; Dem. VAN ZANDT JOSHUA, Farmer and Carpenter, Sec. 32; P. O. Minooka; Ind; Spiritual- ist; own 80 acres of land; value prop. $6,000; born in West Virginia 1818; came to county 1851; lived in county ever since; family of three. VARNAM VERNON, Farmer, Sec. 18; Ind; owns 60 acres; value $3,000; from England. VICKERY E, Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O. Plattville; Rep; own prop, valued at $5,000; born England. VERNON THOS. Farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Plattville; Dem; Meth; own 150 acres of land; val. prop. $6,000; born in England 1839; lived in county 20 years; was in U. S. A. four and one-half years; family of four children.. WALSH N. works farm for W. Roberts, Sec. 24; P. O. Minooka; Dem; from Ireland; value of property $500. WARNER EXREN, lives with mother, Sec. 4; Dem; born in county. WARNER MRS. SARAH, widow of Erst. E. Warner, Sec. 4; P. O. Plattville; Meth; born Greenbush, N. Y. 1826; lived in county since 1853; own 80 acres in Seward, 40 in Na-au-say; val. $8,000; family of two children. WHITING JAMES A. Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from Pike Co. Ill; value of property $8,500. WILLIAMSON J. E. Farmer, Sec. 2r; P. O. Minooka; Ind; from England; val. property $900. \VOOD JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Minooka; Dem; Cong; from Ind. came to county 1869; lived in county seven years; rents farm of Chas. Dougherty; val. prop. $1,000. WILLIAMS M. Laborer on Sec. 22; P. O. Minooka; Dem; from N. Y. WOMER EDWARD, Laborer; P. O. Minooka; Dem; from Wisconsin. WORTHING O. A. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Minooka; Rep; Meth; born in Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1840; came to Illinois 1842; has lived in Kendall Co. seven years; own t6o acres of land; val. prop. $10,000; has family of two children; wife was Miss J. Gaylord of Kendall Co. WORTHING A. O., P. O. Minooka; Rep; from N. Y; value of property $12,000. WORTHING S. works for fath -r on Sec. 35; P. O. Minooka; Rep; from 111; val. prop. $800. WORTHING- S. A. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Minooka; Rep; Meth; born in Kendall Co. Aug. n, 1848; lived in county ever since; work farm for father, S. Worthing; owns 120 acres of land; val. prop. $7,000; has family of two children; wife was Miss Mary Conley, from Wayne Co. Ind. WRIGHT A. G. Farmer. Sec. 16; P. O. Minooka; Ind; 'from Mass; val. prop. $8,000. WYETH JOSEPH, Farmer, Sec. 8; P. O. Plattville; Rep; Meth; owns 80 acres; value prop. $5,000; born in Jefferson Co. N. Y. 1843; been in county eleven years; has one child; wife was Maria Newsam. 74 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. OSWEGO TOWNSHIP. ALBEE HARBISON A. Fanner; Sec. i; Aurora P. O.; born.ClintoR Co. N. Y. Oct. 26, 1814; came to this State Oct. 25, 1836; lived in this county 40 years; owns 485 acres land, value $.30,000; Rep; religion, Free Thinker. Married Eunice L. Rosier, from New York, 36 years ago; has five children, all li>ing. ALBEE MRS. ELIZA, widow of Addison Albee; Sec. i; Univ; value property $16,000. ALBEE FRED, lives with mother, Sec. i; Aurora P. O ; born in county; Univ. ALBEE FRANK, Farmer; Aurora P. O.; lives on father's (Harrison Albee's) farm Sec. 12; ni Oswego township, Kendall County, May 18, 1839. Married Orpha E. Ashley, of Oswego; lived in this township 26 years. ANDREWS J. G. Butcher; Oswegofborn Ohio; Rep; Meth. ANDREWS JONATHAN, Drayman; Oswego; born New York; Rep; Meth. ALBEE ALBERT B. Farmer, Sec. i; Aurora P. O.; born Kendall Co. June, 1841; owns 225 acres, value $13,500; has been school director. Married Annie Thompson, from Sugar Grove; has two children; Rep. Lib. ARMSTRONG O. Laborer; Oswego; born in Penn; Rep; Meth. ARMOUR ANDREW, Farmer, Sec. 25, owned by J.Gilmour; Taroarac P.O.; Scot; Rep; Adv. ANDERSON WM. lives on farm of J. Gilmour; Sec. 24; Tamarac, Will Co. P. O.; born in Ayrshire, Scotland, 1838; came to U. S. March, 1867; Rep; Presb; married Annie Gil- mour, January 7, 1869; has four children. ASHLEY ORSON, Carpenter; Oswego; born New York; Rep; Spiritualist; value land, $6,5001. ASH AUG. Ice Dealer; Oswego; born in Germany; came to U. S. 1868; Rep; Luth. ARMSTRONG ADAM, Proprietor Broom Factory; Oswego; born in Carlton, Orleans Co. N. Y. April it, 1827; came to Oswego, Kendall Co. 1855, and has lived here 21 years; Rep; Free Thinker; value property $3,000; married Hannah Moore, of Lockport, Niagara Co. N. Y.; has three children; has been school director; has manufactured brooms here since 1858; AUSTIN A. T. D. Grain Merchant; Oswego; born in Michigan; Dem; Universalist. AVERY CHAS. Mason, Oswego; born in New York; Rep; Universalist. ASHLEY CHAS. E. Farmer; lives on Lewis' farm; Sec. 15; Oswego P. O.; born in Black- berry Township, Kane Co. March n, 1851; Rep; Cong; married Ada Reed, of Na-au-say Township in 1853; has two children; Hattie May and Bertie J. AVERY EDW. B. Carpenter; Oswego; born in New York; Dem; Bapt. AVERY GEO. Carpenter; Oswego; born in New York; Rep; Cong. BAKER CYRUS, Mason; Oswego; born in New York; Rep; Univ. BARTLETT S. L. Blacksmith; Oswego; born in New York; Dem; Meth; val. prop. $2,500. BARTLETT ISAAC, Well Digger; Oswego; born East; Rep; no religion. BEANS REV. W. K. Pastor of Meth. Church; Oswego; born in Ohio; Rep; Meth. BEACH M. D. Farmer; Oswego P. O.; born in Ohio, 1846; Rep; Meth. B ARBOUR JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 25; Tamarac, Will Co. P. O.; born in Ayrshire, Scot- land, April 1814; came to U. S. April, 1853; Rep; Presb; owns 160 acres, value $10,400; married Mary Heir, of Oswego 12 years ago; has one child. BERNOT GEO. Laborer, Oswego; born in Germany; Rep. BOWLER WM. Mechanic; Montgomery; born in England, 1802; Rep; Spiritualist. BOESSENICKER GEO. P. Farmer, Sec. 27; Oswego P. O.; Germany; Rep; Meth; prop. $6,000. BLACKSMITH ADAM, lives on farm of M. Gray, Sec. 15; Oswego P. O.; Germany; Rep; Cath. BROCKWAY JESSE, Farmer, Sec. 25; Tamarac P. O; New York; Rep: Bapt; prop. $4,000. BRACE THOS. Laborer; Oswego; born in Pennsylvania; Rep; Bapt. BROCKWAY EDMUND, Farmer, Sec. 25; Tamarac P. O.; New York; Rep; Cong; prop. $3,000. BRIGGS LAWRENCE, Horse Doctor; Oswego; born in New York; Rep; no religion. BRIGGS OSCAR, Laborer; Oswego; born in Oswego; Rep; no religion. BOWER GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 23; Oswego P. O.; born in Byrne, Germany, January 18, 1826; came to U. S. 1848; lived in Kendall Co. 29 years; Rep; Meth; owns 160 acres land, value $9,000; married Catherine Krug, 1852; has seven children. DIRECTORY OP KENDALL COUNTY. 75 BRISTOL GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 2; Aurora P. O.; Rep; Bapt; value prop. $15,000. BROWNELL D. D. Teamst-r; Oswego; born in Illinois; Dem. BURKE MIKE, Laborer; Oswego; born in Ireland; Dem; Cath; value prop. $500. BURGHART GEO. Saloon Keeper; Oswego; born in Germany; Rep; Luth. BECKER HENRY, Watchmaker; Oswego; born in Germany; Rep; Luth. BRIGGS WILSON D. Painter; Oswego; born in Smyrna, Chenango Co. N. Y., May 31, 1846; lived there one year; came to Kendall Co. 1847; lived three years in Michigan; Rep; Meth; enlisted in the army, I27th I. V. I.; was in battle in Nashville, and honorably dis- hcarged at the close of war. BUDLONG J. J. Farmer, Section 24; Oswego P. O.; New York; Liberal Rep; prop. $25,000. BUCKHART E. Farmer, Sec. 14; Oswego P. O.; Germany; Rep; Evang; prop. $18,000. BUNN W. S. Manager Wind Mill Co; Oswego; born in New Jersey; Rep; Cong. BURR FESTUS, Millwright; Oswego; born in New York; Dem; Bapt. CASS CYRUS, Farmer, Sec. 35; Oswego P. O.; born in GraftonCo. N. H. March 5, 1799; lived there 33 years; lived nine years in New York state; came to Kendall Co. 1843; is 77 years old; Rep; Meth; was Colonel of militia in New Hampshire; owns 160 acres, value $7,000; married Mary Worthing, of Bristol, Grafton Co. N. H. 1819; has three daughters. CANTA JAS. Laborer; Oswego; born in Ireland; Dem; Cath. CARPENTER DAVID W. Mason; Oswego; born in Ohio; Rep; Cong; value of land $800. CASTLE ROBERT, Farmer, Section 25; Tamarac, Will Co. P. O.; born in Yorkshire, England, Sept. i, 1845; came to U. S. April, 1855; lived in New York state two years, in Will Co. seven years, and in Kendall Co. eight years; Rep; Meth; owns 157 acres, value $9,000; married Agnes Watson, of Will Co; has four children. CARPENTER THOS. J. Farmer; Oswego; born in Illinois; Rep; Presb. CHASE SANFORD, Laborer, Oswego; born Mass.; Rep; Meth. CASTLE WM. Farmer, Sec.,36; P. O. Tamarac, Will Co.; born at Holme, on Spaulding Moor, Yorkshire, Eng., Jan. 29, 1836; came to the U. S. Nov. 1875; lived in Will Co. three years; lived in Kendall Co. eight years; Rep; Meth; married Maria Wilkinson, of Barnby Moor, Yorkshire, Eng., Nov. 1862; has six children; lives on farm of W. Finley. CLAPSADDLE WM. B. Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O: Oswego; born Penn.; Rep; Luth; lives on farm of Geo. Squires. COCHRANE WM. Farmer, Sec. 24; P. b. Tamarac; Scotland; Rep; Presb; val. of prop. $5,000. COFFIN F. Merchant, Oswego; born in Watertown, N. Y. 1816; came to Chicago 1834; came to Oswego 1845; Rep; Meth; Corporation Trustee four years; Dep. U. S. Marshal during the laU war. Wife born in Montgomery Co. N. Y. 1818; has four children. COFFIN W. H. Clerk with F. Coffin, Oswego; born Oswego, 1851; Rep; Meth. COLLINS GEO. Farmer, Sec. 26; P.O. Oswego; born in Oswego, Kendall Co. Sept. 9, 1846; lived here 30 years; Rep; Liberal Religion; owns 120 acres land, value $7,200; married Sarah Edwards, of Oswego; has three children; served in i8th U. S. Infantry three years. COLLINS H. J. Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Oswego; England; Rep; works father's farm. COLLINS JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Oswego; born in Somersetshire, Eng. Nov. 6, 1814; came to the U. 5. in 1841; lived in New Jersey two years; came to Kendall Co. in May, 1843; Rep; Cong; married Senath Bond, of Somersetshire, Eng. 1835; has four chil- dren; owns 600 acres land, value $36,000. COLE WITT, Carpenter, Oswego; born in Jersey; Rep; Bapt. CONSTANTINE JACOB, Farmer; Sec. 28; P. O. Oswego; born in Wittemberg, Ger- many, June 3, 1837; came to U. S. 1852, has lived in Kendall Co. 24 years; Dem; Evang; married Barbara Hafeurechter, of Oswego Township, Sep. 20, 1859; has three children; owns 146 acres land, value $9,000. CONGDON N. Oswego; born Rhode Island; Rep; Meth; value land $8.000. COONEY WM. Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Oswego; born Perry Co. Penn. Sept. 12, 1824; lived in New York four years; lived in Ohio four years; came to Kendall Co. 1840; Dem; Bapt; owns 106 acres land, $7,500; married Eveline Ashley, Lewis Co. N. Y. March 4, 1852; has four children. COWDREY GEO. Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Oswego; born in New York; Dem; Liberal; farms mother's place. COONEY PETER, Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Oswego; born Mayfield, Ohio, June 3, 1837; came to Kendall Co. in 1839; lived in Oswego Township 37 years; Rep; Meth; owns 80 acres land, value $5,600; married Amanda Carpenter, of Oswego, in Dec. 1862; has five children. 76 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. CURTIS ORRIN, Farmer, Oswego; born New in York; Rep; Bap. CUTTER H. C. Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Oswego; born in Arlington, Mass. 1830; came to Oswego Township 1852; Rep; Universalist; owns farm of 190 acres, value $19,000. Wife born in St. Johnsville, Montgomery Co. N. Y. 1833; has five children. DALY PATRICK, Laborer, Oswego; Ireland; Dem; Cath. DANO JEROME, Laborer, Oswego; Canada; Dem; no relig. DANO ALEX, Laborer, Oswego; Canada; Rep; Cath. DARBY FRANK, Laborer, Oswego; born in Oswego; Rep; Baptist. DARBY SARAH, widow; Oswego, born N. Y.; Baptist; value of land $500. DAVIS EZEKIEL, Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Oswego; born Cattaraugus Co. N. Y. Sept. 18, 1823; moved to Steuben Co. N. Y. 1833; came to Kendall Co. 1844; Rep; Meth; married Nancy Stickler, of Steuben Co. N. Y. 1844; has eight children; farms Mrs. Phelps' farm. DAVID WM. Farmer, Sec. 36, owned by Finley; P. O. Tamarac; N. Y.; Rep; Meth. DANE AUG. Laborer, Oswego; born in Germany; came to U. S. 1871; Rep; Luth. DAVIS HARRY, Farmer, Sec. 33; born Kendall Co. 1842; Rep; Cong; lives on father's farm. DAVIS MAJOR W. N. Farmer, Sec. 33; P. O. Oswego; born N. Y.; Lib. Rep; Epis; value of land $100,000. DAVIS CHAS. Farmer, Sec. 33; born 1844 in Kendall Co.; Rep; Cong; lives on father's farm. DEUEL WM. Farmer, Sec. 17, E. Hopkins; P. O. Oswego; New York; Dem; Meth. DEWOLF FRANK, Farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. Oswego; born in this State; Rep; Evang; value of 'property $2,400. DOBBIN JAMES J. Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Aurora; born Washington Co. N. Y. Oct. 13, 1835; came to this State 1856; owns 173 acres, value $12,000; Rep; Presbyterian; has wife and four children; lived South seven years. DORHAM CHAS. Laborer, Oswego; born in Germany; came to U. S. 1852; Rep; Cath. DOYLE WM. Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Tamarac; Ireland; Dem; Cath; val. of prop. $8,000. DUFFY CHRIS. C. School Teacher, Oswego; born Ireland; came to U. S. 1850; Ind; Unit. EARLS ELISHA G. Farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Aurora; born in Orange Co. N. Y. April 1822; came to this State 1856; lived in this county 18 years; Rep; Cong; owns 75 acres of land, value $4,000; married Parnell Treman, Tompkins Co. N. Y.; has four children; has been Town Collector. EDSON ALFRED, Tinner, Oswego; born Vermont; Universalist; Rep. EDWARDS JOHN H. Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Oswego; born North Wales, Dec. loth 1851; came to U. S. 1857, and came to Kendall Co. 19 years ago; owns 40 acres of im- proved land, value $3,000; Rep; Cong; married Josie Moore, of Kendall Co. March 10, 1875. EDWARDS THOS. Farmer,. Sec. 26; P. O. Oswego; England; Rep; no ch.; val. prop. $4,000. EDWARDS J. W. Butcher, Oswego; born Kendall Co.; Rep; Meth. EDWARDS THOMAS, Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Oswego; born in Flintshire, North Wales, Sep. 3, 1812; came to U. S. in June, 1841; Rep; Meth: owns 160 acres land, value $9,000; married Susan Miller, of Oswego Township; has six children. ENGLISH EDWARD, Salesman, Oswego; born N. Y.; Rep; Universalist. ELLIOTT WM. F. Farmer, Sec. 22; P.O. Oswego; born in Highland Co. Ohio, Dec. 17, 1830; came to Kendall Co. in 1854', Rep; Presbyterian; owns 240 acres of land, val. $12,000; married Sarah K. Andrews, of Logan Co. Ohio; has four children. FARRINGTON F. E. Laborer, Oswego; born Mass.; Rep. FARLEY H. W. Railroad Builder, Oswego; born Mass.; Rep; Cong. FARLING JOSEPH, Livery Stable, Oswego; born N. Y.; Rep; Meth. FERRIS ELIJAH, Broom Maker, Oswego; born Oswego; Rep; Meth. FERRY JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Tamarac; N. Y.; Rep; Meth; works sister's farm. FORBES W. F. Druggist; Oswego; born Oswego; Rep; Bapt. FORBES WM. M. Mechanic; Oswego; born New York; Rep; Baptist. FOSS J. Farms Lyon Place; Sec 35; Oswego P. O.; born East; Rep. Liberal. FOX STEPHEN, Farmer, Sec. 2; Oswego P. O.; born Oswego, Kendall Co., 111., Aug. 29, 1850; has lived here ever since; Rep; Universalist; owns 160 acres land; val. $12,800; has lived here 26 years. FOX O. Laborer; Oswego; born New York; Rep; Univ. FOX STEPHEN, Farmer, Sec 2; horn N. Y. 1850; Rep; Univ. FOUST GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 14; Oswego P. O.; Germany; Rep; Evang; val. prop. $9,000. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 77 FOWLER MARTHA B. widow; Oswego: born N. Y.; Pres; val. prop. $2,500. FRALECH HENRY, farms H. Minard's farm, Sec. 35; Oswego P. O.; Germany; Rep; Evang. GALLAGHER MICHAEL, Laborer; Oswego; born North of Ireland, Sept. 29, 1830; came to U. S. in 1849; lived in N. Y. 21 years; came to Oswego 1870; was foreman on R. R. 4 years; Dem. Lib; married Johanna McElligott of Ireland at Schenectady, N. Y.; one child. GAYLORD G. Farmer, Sec. 35; Oswego P. O.; born N. Y.; Rep; Bapt; val. prop. $25,000. GAYLORD CLINTON; lives with father, Sec. 35; Rep; Bapt. GRAY RUFUS, Farmer, Sec 6; Montgomery, Kane Co., P. O.; born 'Feb. 19, 1817, St. Johnsville, Montg. Co. N. Y.; lived there 18 years; came to Kendall Co. 1835; Ind. Rep; Meth; owns 200 acres land; val. $15,000; is Justice Peace and has held other town offices; married Angeline Vanalstine of Johnstown, N. Y. 1845; has five children; lived in this county 40 yrs. GREY ESTHER Mrs. widow; Oswego; Meth. GRAY ANDREW^ Stone quarryman; Oswego; born in Oswego, Kendall Co., March 24, 1838; has lived here 38 years; Rep. Lib; owns house; val. $600; married Phoebe Ann Failing Sept. 4, 1860; she was born Feb. 14, 1838; has one daughter. GAYLORD CASS, Farmer, Sec 35; Oswego P. O. born this state; Rep; no ch; vaK prop. $5,600. GILMOUR JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O, Tamarac; born Scotland; Rep; Pres. GREENFIELD THOS. Carpenter, Oswego; born in Saratoga Co. N. Y., March 8, 1810; lived in N. Y. State twenty-two years; lived in Penn. ten years; came to Kendall Co. in 1842; Rep; Meth; value of land $8,000; has been Town Trustee; was foreman for 111. Cent. R.R., and built shops at Amboy; lived here thirty-four years; only four men living here now who were here when he came. HAAG JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Oswego; Germany; Rep; Evang; value of land $14,000. HAAG J. Jr. Farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Oswego; Rep; Evang; lives with his father. IIAFENRICHTER H. Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Oswego; born Germany; Rep; Evang. HAGERMAN SAMUEL, Laborer, Oswego; born Ohio; Rep; Pres. HAGEMAN SAMUEL, Police, Oswego; Rep; born Penn.; in county twenty-two years. HAIGHT D. M. Merchant, Oswego; born in Columbia Co. N. Y., May 7, 1834; lived in county eight years, and in the West twenty years; Rep; Quaker; no children. Wife was Miss Charlotte Hobsen, born in Naperville, DuPage Co. 111., in 1843. HARMON ELIS HA, Carpenter, Oswego; born N. Y.; Dem. IIARB JACOB, Laborer, Oswego; born Germany; Rep; Luth. HALL DAVID, Auctioneer, Oswego; born N. J.; Rep; Pres. HALL J. K., P. O. Oswego; born N. J.; Rep; Pres; lives with father. HAWLEY ALBERT, P. O. Oswego; born R. I.; Rep; Meth. HAFENRICHTER GARY, HAFENRICHTER HENRY, Farmers, Sec. 24; P. O. Tamarac,- Will Co ; Gary Hafenricliter, born in Viester, Germany, 1844; came to U. S. 1846; has lived in Kendall Co. thirty years; Henry Hafenrichter, born in 1846; farm of 160 acres, value $9,600; Rep; Evang; Gary unmarried; Henry married Mary Bouck, of Will Co. HAINES E. Laborer, Oswego; born Penn.; Rep; Luth. HARVEY ALEXANDER, Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Aurora; Scotland; Rep; Pres; val. $5,000. HARVEY ROBT. Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Aurora; Scotland; Rep; Pres; val. of land $5,000. HASTINGS J. S. Mason, Oswego; born Vermont; Rep; Adventist. HALL L. N. Druggist, Oswego; born in New Jersey, July, 1846; lived in county twenty- three years; Rep; has been Town Clerk nine terms. HAWLEY P. G. Attorney at Law, Oswego; Dem. HAWLEY JABEZ B. Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Oswego; N. Y.; Dem; Lib. Relig.; prop. $6,500. HEM GEO. M. Farmer, Sec. 14; P, O. Oswego; born here; Rep; Evang; lives on J. Hem's farm. HALL JOHN 1). Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Oswego; born in Hunterdon Co. N. J., Aug. 29, 1805; lived there until 1852; came to America, and then to Kendall Co, in 1852; Rep; Pres; owns 190 acres, value $11,400; has nine children; married Gertrude Carkhuff, of Somerset Co. N. J., who was born Oct. 9, iSn. HAWLEY WM. A. Salesman L. Rods, Oswego; born N. Y.; Dem; Epis. IIEDLE LEWIS, Shoemaker, Oswego; born Germany; came to U. S. in 1844; Rep; Luth. HANNI NICHOLAS, Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Oswego; born in Berne, Switzerland June, 3, 1843; came to U. S. 1856; came to Kendall Co. same year; Rep; Meth; was in I32d and I56th I. V. I. during war; has three children; works Wagner farm; married Ella Young, of Bristol, Kendall Co., March 18, 1869; she was born Aug. 12, 1847. 78 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. HASTINGS HENRY, MaWARI> A. Fanner, Sec. 27; P. O. Oswego- born in Berkshire, Mass. April 15, 1848; has lived in Kendall Co. 26 years; Rep; Cong; owns 95 acres land, value $6,000:; married Anna Reed, of Oswego, Dec. 9, 1874; has one child. SORG MICHAEL, Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Oswego; Germany; Rep; Evang; val. prop. $7,000. SQUIRES GEO. J. Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Aurora; N. Y.; Rep; Bap; val. of prop. $24,000. KMITH A. B. Attorney-at-Law, Oswego; born Geauga Co. Ohio, 1818-; came West 1839; lived in Kendall Co. 37 years; Dem; wile was born in Geauga Co. Ohio; one child. STAHL HARVEY, Mechanic, Oswego; born N. Y.; Rep; Meth; val. of prop. $1,500. STILL BURTON, Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Oswego; Vermont; Rep; Lib. relig.; prop. $3,000. STRASSMAN WM. Cooper, Ossvego; born Germany; Rep; Cong; SOBGt MICHAEL, Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Oswego; born in Byrne, Germany, Dec. 21, 1818; came to U. S. July 10, 1847; lived in Kendall Co. 30- years; Rep; Evangr owns 120- acres of land, value $6,000; married Barbara Krugh; has nine children. STOKES WM. Laborer, Oswego; born in England; Rep; Cong. STOKES GEO. Laborer, Oswego; born in England; Ind; Cong. STROSSMAN E. C. Constable, Oswego; born in N. Y.; Rep; Cong. STILL L. BURTOX, Farmer; lives on his father's farm, Sec. 15; born in Bennington Co. Vermont, Feb. 1852; came to Kendall Co. in 1855: Rep; Cong; Oswego P. O. TATGE JOHN, Laborer, Oswego; born in Germany; Rep. Lib. TERRY ARTHUR, Farmer, Sec. 3; Aurora P. O.; Lib; Univ; value of land $9,000. TELLER MRS. ANNIE E. Widow; Oswego; born in N. Y.; Cong. TRISCH CHRISTIAN, Farmer, Sec, 35; Yorkville P. O.; born in Germany, Jan. i r 1819; came toJJ. S. in 1850; lived in Co. 16 years; Rep; lives on farm of O. Ashley; wife was Miss H. A. Killam, of Chenango Co. N. Y.; has four children. THAYER LEWIS, Mason, X>swego; born in N. Y.; Rep; Meth. TOOLEY WM. Laborer, Oswego; bjrn in Conn; Rep; Liberal religion. TREMAN ALFRED, Farmer, Sec. 13; Aurora P. O.; born in N. Y.; Rep; Meth; val. land $5,ooov UPDIKE E. A. Farmer, Sec. 13; Aurora P. O.; born in Tompkins Co. N. Y. in 1828; came to this Co. in Oct. 1853; Rep-; Cong; owns 160- acres land; value $io-,ooo; married Orinda Treman, of Tompkins Co. N. Y.; has four children. VANDERLIP CHAS. E. Farmer, Sec. 21; Oswego P. O.; Vt; Rep; Univ; val. prop, $11,000, VAN DRESON DUANE, Blacksmith, Oswego; born in N. Y.; Rep; Meth. VAN DRESON ADAM, Blacksmith, Oswego; bom in N. Y.; Rep; Baptist. VAN DUZER FRANK, Barber, Oswego; born this state; Rep; Meth, VAN DEVENTER A. E. Physician, Oswego; born in N. J.; Meth. VAN EVERA R. R. Builder, Oswego; born in N. Y.; Dem; Meth. VALENTINE ANGELINA B. Lives on Sec. 13, Aurora P. O.; born in N. Y. VALENTINE CHAS. H. Lives with mother, Sec. 13; bom in Cook Co; Rep. VARNER WM. Mechanic, Oswego; born in N. Y.; Rep. VO3S AUGUSTUS, Insurance agent, Oswego; born in Germany; Rep; Luth; val. land $2,000. WALKER SETH E. Farmer, Sec. 34; Oswego P. O.; was born in Belchertown, Mass. May 31, 1839; came to Kendall Co. in 1845; owns 173 acres land; value $10,380; was in 4th I. V. C.; married Alida Louks, of Canajoharie, Montgomery Co. N. Y. Sept. 1865; has four children; Rep; Cong" WALKER JOS. R. Fanner, Sec. 34, Oswego P. O ; born in III; Rep; Cong; farms father's place. WAGNER CHAS. Broom Maker, Oswego; born in 111; Rep. WAGNER WM. Butcher, Oswego; born in Virginia; Rep; Pres. WALKER LAWISTOX, Farmer, Sec. 34; Oswego P. O.; born in Belchertown, Mass. Dec. 17, 1803; came to Kendall Co. in 1845; has lived here thirty-one years; Rep; Cong; owns 80 acres land; value $6,000; married Lydia Kennedy, of Belchertown, Mass. March 29, 1837; has four children. WARNER DANIEL, Teamster, Oswego; born in Kendall Co; Dem; Meth. WAYNE THOMAS D. Grain Merchant, Oswego; born England; came U. S. 1832; Dem; Epis; WINN W. W. Farmer, Sec. 36; Oswego P. O.; born V. Y.; Rep. Lib; val. prop. $6,000. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 83 WOLLEMVEBER HENRY, Stock Dealer, Oswego; born in Brunswick, Germany, Dec. 3, 1836; came to U. S. in 1856; has lived in Kendall Co. twenty years; Rep; farmed nine years; kept grocery three years; stock business eight years; value of property $2,500; married Louise Burkhart in Nov. 1861; she was born in 1843; has five children. WARNER J. F. farms Wormley land, Oswego; born in N. Y. in 1831; Rep. WASHINGTON GEO. (colored), Laborer, Oswego; born South; Rep. WEEKS AMANDA MRS. Oswego; born Ohio; Pres; value land $2,000. WEST SAMUEL, Laborer, Oswego; born England; Rep; Cong. WOOLLEY GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. Oswego; born June 3, 1812, Axminster, Devonshire, Eng; married Emma Francis Meacham, of Taunton, Somersetshire, Eng. in Mary Magdalen church, June 24, 1840; came West Nov. 5, 1841; lived in Cincinnati two years; cime to Kendall Co. 1843; Rep; Pres; brought up in Church of England; owns 465 acres, value $32,550; has five sons. WHIPPLE A. B. Teamster, Oswego; born Northampton; Rep; Cong; value land $800. WILCOX CHAS. Farmer, Sec. 25; Oswego P. O.; born Eng; Rep; Cong; val. prop. $8,400. WILLIAMS GEO. Farmer, Sec. 35; Oswego P. O.; born 111; Rep. Lib. WOOLLEY CHAS. Farmer, Sec. 21; Oswego P. O.; Born in Oswego Tp. March 3, 1847; lived in Big Rock, Kane Co. five years, and has lived here sixteen years; Rep; Pres; i^l /z acres, value $8,000; married Ella Parker, of Oswego, Oct. 22, 1872; has one child. WHITMAN M. Mrs. Oswego P. O.; born Germany; came to U. S. 1847; Meth. WIARD H. D. Rev. Pastor Cong, church, Oswego; born Ohio; Rep. WORMLEY A. V. Manufacturer of Barbed Fence Wire, Oswego; born Oswego, Aug. 19, 1838; lived in Milan, DeKalb Co. seven years; served four yrs. and three mos. in 3&th I.V. I; wounded at Peach Tree Creek, and at Franklin, Tenn; Dem; Meth; wife and three children. WOLF MICHAEL, Laborer, Oswego; born Pa; Rep; Lib. religion. WINN DON, lives with father, Sec. 36; Oswego P. O.; born III; Rep. WORMLEY GEO. W. Carpenter, Oswego; born Steuben Co. N. Y. March 31. 1809; lived there tweivy-eight years; came to Oswego, Kendall Co. Jan. 9, 1837; built some of the first houses in Oswego; lived here thirty-nine years; never sick a day in his life; married H innah Shaw, of Pa. Oct. 24, 1833; has seven children; Rep; Meth. WOODRUFF JOS. Laborer, Osweoo; Rep. WORTHING E. S. Retired, Oswego; born New Hampshire 1802; Rep; Spiritualist. WORMLY ANDREW J. Farmer, Sec. 5; Montgomery, Kane Co. P. O.; born in Steuben Co. N. Y. Sept. 19, 1827; lived there eleven years; came to Kane Co. 1838; after- wards organized into Kendall Co; Ind; Broad church; owns 137 acres land, value $10,000; married Elanor Young, Fulton Co. N. Y. in 1849; has two children. WOOLLEY GEO. lives on father's farm, Sec. 23; Oswego P. O.; Dem; Pres. WORMLY J. T. Farmer; Oswego P. O ; born in this Scate; Dem. WORMLY ALFRED M. Farm. Sec. 17; Oswego P. O; born in this State; Dem; Meth. WORMLY JOHN H. Farmer, Sec. 5;. Montgomery P. O.; born Steuben Co. N. Y. Feb. 21, 1807; lived there twenty-six years; came by team to Buffalo, and by team from Detroit to Forks Dupage, and reached Fox River, Oct. I, 1833; no one living who was here when he came. Wap-wan-sah Indian Chief's camp was in Oswego. He had the first grist ground in mill at Aurora, and the first logs sawed there; he and his brother helped build the dam theie; owns 200 acres land, value $15,000; married Sally M. Townsend, of Tioga Co. N. Y. 1829; she was born 1810; four children. The oldest resident there. WORMLY WM. M. Farmer, Sec. 8; Oswego P. O.; born Pa. 1805; Ind; Meth. WORMLY MYRON, Farmer, Sec. 8; Oswego P. O.; born N. Y. 1845; Ind. WORMLY HENRY Jr. Farmer, Sec. 8; Oswego P. O.; born N. Y. 1819; Dem; Bap. WORMLY WM. W. Farmer, Sec. 8; Oswego P. O.; born Steuben Co. N. Y. Feb, 10. 1830; lived there four years; came to Kendall Co. 1834; lived on his farm thirty-three years; Rep; Broad church; owns 153 acres land, value $11,500; has held several town offices; married Ann Van Sickle, Hunterdon Co. N. J. Jan. i, 1851; has three children. WORMLY A. J. Farmer, Sec. ; Montgomery P. O.; born N. Y.; Ind; Meth; val. prop. $9,000. YOUNG LEV! S. Farmer, Sec. 6; Oswego P. O.; born New Jersey 1843; came to Oswego 1865; Rep; was a member of Co. E 3ist New Jersey Vol. Inf. YEIGH JOHN A. Carpenter, Oswego; born Canada; Dem; Meth; YOUNG H. V. B. Salesman, Oswego; born N. Y.; Liberal. YOUNG JNO A. Blacksmith; Oswego P. O.; born New Jer-ey; Rep. 84 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. YOUNG PHILIP, Farmer; Montgomery P. O.; born Montgomery Co. N. Y. Sept. 15, 1799; Rep; Lib; value property $12,000. YOUNG MARCUS, Farmer, Sec. 6; Montgomery P. O.; born in Kendall Co. August 7, 1843; lived here ever sincej Rep; owns 80 acres, value $4,000; wife was born in Aurora, 111. Jan. 4, 1852; has one childT OSWEGO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. A. B. SMITH, P. G. HAWLEY. Barber. F. VANDUZER. S~ Blacksmiths. JAS. H. SINCLAIR, A. VANDRESON, H. VANDRESON, W. LIPPOLD. Barbed Fence Wire. A. V. WORMLEY. Broom Manufacturer. A. ARMSTRONG. Carpenters. THOS. GREENFIELD, WITT COLE, G. AVERY. Carriages. OLIVER HEBERT. Druggist. L. N. HALL. ' Dry Goods. T>. M. HAIGHT. Furniture. C. S. SHAVER. Grocers. F. COFFIN, A. MILLER. Grain Dealers. A. F. D. AUSTIN, THOS. D. WAYNE. Grist and Planing Mill. WM. PARKER. Hardware. M. C. RICHARDS. Harness. J. LOCKWOOD. Hotels, MRS. EZRA SMITH. Ice Dealer. AUG. ASH. Insurance. AUG. VOSS. Justice of Peace. A. NEWTON. Lumber. C. F. & M. J. POAGE. Livery. JOSEPH FARLING. Meat Market. W. EDWARDS, WM. WAGNER. Masons. J. F. REED, C. BAKER. Painter. L. J. SELFRIDGE. Physicians. G. B. GILBERT, WM. T. PUTT, D. B. JEWELL, A. E. VAN DE VENTER. Rail Road Agent. WM. HOLYOKE. Saloons. GEO. BURGHART, THOS. SIMPSON, H. MENKEMEYER. Shoemakers. L. & H. HELLE, FREDK. SIERP. Tailor. CHAS. SAMSE. Veterinary Surgeon. L. BRIGGS. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 85 \ BIG GROVE TOWNSHIP. ADAMS J. Q. Farmer, Sec. n; Newark P. O.; born in Chatauqua Co., N. Y. 1832; came to Kendall Co. 1833; Rep; school director six years; road commissioner four years; owns 105 acres; val. of prop. $7,000; wife was Melinda Pierce; born near Elmira, N. Y. 1834; died 1874; six children; five living. ABBOTT A. M. Farmer, Sec. 5; Newark P. O. Rep; Meth; owns 66 acres; val $3,300. ABBOTT A. M. Farmer, Sec. 5; Newark P. O. Rep; Meth; settled in Kendall Co. in 1864. ANDERSON JACOB, Farmer, Sec. 34; Lisbon P. O.; born in Norway 1844; came to U. S. 1857 and to Kendall Co. 1867; owns So acres; Rep: Luth; wife was Mary Osman; born in Norway, 1848; came to U. S. 1849; four children. AITKEN WALTER, Wagon maker; Newark; Rep; from Scotland; val. of prop. $300, AMENT E. G. Inventor; Newark; Rep; Bap; from N. Y. ANVESON ANDREW, renter on farm of Charles West; Sec. 20; Newark P. O.; born in Norway, 1842; came to U. S. 1864; Rep; Luth; wife was Martha Henderson; born in Norway, 1851; came to U. S. 1871; three children; one living. ADAMS RICHARD, Laborer, Newark; Rep; Meth; from England; val. of prop. $300. ANDERSON OLE, Farmer, Sec. 10; Newark P. O.; Rep; Luth; 10 acres; val of prop. $600. ASHTON JAMES, Farmer; Lisbon P. O.; lives on father's farm, Sec. 34; born in Delaware Co., Penn. 1831; came to Kendall Co. 1852; Rep; Meth; val. of prop. $3,000; wife was Harriet McKenzie; born in Indiana, 1848; two children. ANDERSON OLE, Farmer, Sec. 15; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Luth; Norway; 221 ac; val. $10,000. ANDREWS E. renter on H. Moore's land, Sec 25; Rep; from N. Y.; val of prop. $1,000. AVERY S. K. Farmer, Sec. 12; Lisbon P. O.; born in Oneida, N. Y. 1810; came to Kendall Co., 1848; Rep; Cong; owns 160 acres; .val. of prop. $10,000; wife was Asenath Wilder; born in Oneida Co., N. Y., Dec. 16, 1814; died Nov. 25, 1874; seven children; six living. BARROWS G. D. Farmer, rents on Stowell estate, Sec. 9; Newark P. O.; Dem; N, H.; 77 acres; val. $5,000. BARROWS HORACE, Farmer; Newark; son of E. Barrows; Dem. BARROWS E. B. Carpenter; Newark; Rep; Meth; from N. Y.; val of prop. $400. BARKER B. F. Farmer, Sec. 8; Newark P. O.; Rep; from N. Y.; owns 139 acres. BARROWS THADDEUS, Carpenter, Newark; Rep; Meth; in county 39 years. BADGLY ANTHONY, Retired Farmer, Newark; Rep; JMeth; from N. Y.; val. prop. $9,0- xx BENNETT M. II. Peddler, Lisbon; from New York. BINGHAM SAMUEL, Boot and Shoe Maker and Dealer.' Newark; born Jay, Essex Co. N. Y. June 2, 1816; Ind. Rep; Bapt; lived in Kendall Co. 32 years; val. prop. $2,800. Wife was Harriet H. Gridley; has three children. BINGHAM HENRY, Shoemaker, Newark; Rep; Bapt; from New York; val. prop. $500. BINGHAM M. A. Laborer, Newark; Rep; Bapt; from New York. BOOTH MRS. Newark; wid. Moses W. Booth, who settled in Kendall Co. 1831 and died 1845. BOYNE JOHN, Painter, Newark; Dem; from Canada; 80 acres; value $5,000. BROWN ALLEN, Farmer, Sec. 18; Newark P.O.; Ind. Rep; Free Bapt; lived in Kendall Co. six years. BROWN ROBERT M. works farm of father, Michael Brown, Sec. 3; Rep; val. prop. $1,000. BROWN ALFRED L. Teacher; lives with father. Sec. 3; Newark P.O.; Rep; born Kendall Co. BO WEN CHARLES L. Farmer, Sec. 27; Newark P. O.; born Marshall Co. Va. 1832; came to Kendall Co. 1857; Rep; Meth; owns 80 acres; val. prop. $5,000. Wife was Eliz- abeth Prickett, born in Kendall county 1835; has three children. BRAFNARD SILAS, Marble Agent, Newark; Rep; from Pennsylvania; val. prop. $300. BROWN A. Z. Farmer, Sec. 8; Newark P. O.; from New York; 200 acres; val. $10,000. BROWN MICHAEL, Farmer, Sec. 3; Newark P. O.; Dem; from Ireland; 240 ac; val. $12,000. BROWN VALMER, Farmer, Sec. 15; Rep; Meth; from New York; 145 acres; val. $8,000. BROWN EDWIN, Com. Mer. Union Stock Yards Chicago; Newark P. O.; farm Sec 22. BROWN DAVID, Farmer, Sec. 22; Newark P. O.; Rep; lived in Kendall Co. 31 years. 86 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. BROWN RICHARD, Farmer; Newark P. O.; born in Chenango Co. N. Y. March 24, 1822; came to Kendall Co. March, 1867; Rep; owns 40 acres within corporation. BROWN Z. E. Farmer, Sec. 8; Meth; 196 acres; val. $10,000. BIBBINS J. S. Clerk with I. & P. S. Lott; Rep; Meth; came to Kendall Co. in 1840. BRAINERD ANNIE, Meth; widow of Levi Brainerd, who died in 1859; Newark. BROUGHTEN JOSHUA, Laborer, Lisbon; Rep; from Louisiana. BURGESS R. A. Carpenter, Lisbon; from New York; value of property $600. BROWN SIMEON, Farmer, Sec. 28; born in Chatauqua Co. N. Y. 1820; came to Ken- dall Co. 1845; Rep; owns 80 acres, value of property $7,000. Wife was C. M. Haskins, of Herkimer Co. N. Y.; born in 1822; two children; Newark P. O. BUSHNELL E. J. lives with father, Section 13; Rep; from N w York; Lisbon P. O. BUSH NELL EDWARD, lives with father, Sec. 13; Rep; from New York. BUSHNELL L. Saloon Keeper, Lisbon. BUSHNELL JULIUS, Farmer, Sec. 13; Rep; Cong; from N.Y.; 120 ac; v a l. $8,000; Lisbon P.O. BUTTER FIELD T. H. Harnessmaker, Newark; Dem; from Chicago; val. prop. $1,500. BRAINARD L.EUEL.EN A. Painter, Newark; Rep; Meth; value of prop. $800. Wife was Alice E. Havenhill, of Kendall Co; one child; Mr. B. is a son of Silas Brainard, of Bradford Co. Penn., who came to Kendall Co. 1836; his wife was Nancy Schofield, of Tioga Co. N-. V. CALDWELL L. Farmer, Sec. 33; Rep; Meth; val. of prop. $8,000; Lisbon P. O. CALDWELL A. lives with father, Sec. 33; Rep; 21 years of age. CALLAM SAMUEL, Farmer, Sec. 35; Luth; from Norway; owns 20 ac; val. $1,000; Lisbon P. O. CARPENTER NELSON, disabled soldier; Lisbon; Rep; from N. Y.; val. of prop. $1,000. CHRISTOPHERSON LARS, Fanner, Sec. i; from Norway; owns6oac; val. $4,000; Lisbon P.O. COBLEIGH N. J. Wagon and Carriage Maker, Lisbon; Rep; in Kendall Co. 28 years. CODNER JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 25; Rep; settled in Kendall Co. 1836; Lisbon P. O. CADY B. D. renter on Stowell Estate, Sec. 9; born in Lawrenceville, Tioga Co. Penn. May 6, 1834; came to Kendall Co. 1855; Rep; value of property $2,000; Newark P. O. CLEVELAND D. C. Blacksmith, Newark; Dem; from New York, came to Kendall Co. 1837. COLLINS G. L. Farmer, Sec. 20; Rep; lived in Kendall Co. 43 years; Newark P. O. COMSTOCK ELMER', Farmer, Sec. 25; Rep; 5 acres; val. of prop. $1,000; Lisbon P. O. CONVIS ANDREW, rents land of father, Sec. 14; Rep; from New York; Newark P. O. CONVIS JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 13; from New York; 160 acres, value $9,000; Lisbon P. O. CONVIS DEWITT, lives with father on Sec. 13; Rep; from N. Y.; val. prop. $400; Lisbon P.O. COOK JOHN ANDREW, Blacksmith and Machinist, Newark; Rep; Meth; Ct; prop. $2,500. COOK WM. Teamster, Newark; Rep; from New York. CHELLEY ERICK, Farmer, Sec. 33; born in Grundy Co. 111. 1850; Rep; Luth; owns 40 acres, value of prop. $2,500; married Isabella Thompson, of Norway; came to U. S. 1873; one child; Mr. C.'s father was Rasmus Chelley; born in Norway 1819; came to U. S. 1847, and died 1865; Lisbon P. O. COOPER GEO. D. Blacksmith, Newark; Rep; from Penn; value of prop. $500. COURTRIGHT B. B. Farmer, Sec. 6; Rep; from Penn; 10 ac; val. prop. $3,000; Newark P. O. COY" J. A. Merchant, Newark; Ind. Rep; came to Kendall Co. 1854. DAVIDSON ANDREW, renter on Dr Sweetland's farm, Sec. 5; Luth; prop. $400; Newark P. O. DARLING H. Farmer, Sec. 21; Rep; from Ohio; owns 80 acres, value $4,000; Newark P. O. DAYTON A. Cooper, Newark; Rep; Bapt; from New York DAYTON GEO. renter on J. W. Mason's farm, Sec. 16; Rep; Bapt; Newark P. O. DONAHUE MICHAEL, Hedge Grower, Newark; Rep; from Ireland; value of prop. $1.500, DUNAVAN DAVID, Farmer and Stock Raiser. Sec. 30; P. O. Newark; born in LaSalle Co-, 111. 1840; came to Kendall Co. 1875; owns 526 acres; Dem. DONOVAN WM. Blacksmith,. Lisbon; lived in county eleven years. DROMGOOL THOMAS, Farmer, Sec. 3; Cath; from Ireland, owns 205 acres, value $10,000. DUNAVAN GEO. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 30; P. O. Newark; Dem, EASON A. Farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Newark; Rep; Bap; from Canada; rents J.W. Mason's farm. ELLIOTT R. W. Photographic Artist, Newark; Ind; Rep; from England; val. of prop. $1,000. ERICKSON CHRIST, Farmer, renter on Sec. 29; P. O. Newark; Rep; Luth; from Norway. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 87 EDGERTON G. D. Farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Newark; born in Oswego Co. N. Y., 1821; settled in Kendall Co. 1838; owns 300 acres; value of property $18,000; Ind; Rep; Meth; four children, three living. Wife was Elizabeth Clagett, of Grayson Co. Ky. ERICKSON E. Farmer, Sec. 29; P.O.Newark; Rep; Luth; Norway; rents land of G. S. Collins. ERWIN JAMES D. Blacksmith. Newark; Rep; Meth; from Penn.; value of prop. $500. EVEREST JOSEPH, Farm laborer, Sec. 8; from England; works for E. Pricket. EVERSON CHRISTOPHER, Shoemaker, Newark; Luth; from Norway. FISHER W. H. Methodist Clergyman, Newark; born in Cambridge, Washington Co.N. Y. May ii, 1834; Rep; graduated in 1862, at Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111.; married Mary C. Benedict, daughter of Rev. Timothy Benedict, of Belvidere; three children. FARRINGTON E. Mrs. Sec. 13; native of Kendall Co.; owns 86 acres; value of prop. $6,000. FATSAL LARS, Farmer, Sec. 14; P.O. Lisbon; Norway; rents of Mrs Leach; prop. $1,500. FRENCH W. H. Physician, Newark; born in Binghamton, Broome Co. N. Y., Nov 9, 1840; came to Kendall Co. 1863; Rep; Meth; graduated at Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1874; two children. Wife was Mary E. Cook, of Binghamton, N. Y. FOSSE LARS, Farmer, Sec. 14; Norway; renter on Sarah Leach's place; val. of prop. $800. FOSSE N. O. Farmer, Sec. 10; Rep; Luth; owns 26 acres; value of property $1,500. FOWLER J. H. Lawyer, Newark; Dem; lived in Kendall Co. five years. FREEMAN C. A. Physician, Newark; Rep; Bapt; from Ohio. FRITTS W. H. Furniture Dealer, Newark; born in Hudson, Albany Co. N. Y. in 1841; came to Kendall Co. 1847; Rep; five children. Wife was Josephine Washburn, of Balti- more. Md. FRENCH J. L. Carpenter, Sec, 16; P.O.Newark; from Ind.; owns 7 acres; value of prop. $350. FRETTY ERASMUS, Farmer, Sec. 33; Rep; from Norway; renter on S. Halverson's land. GAYLORD G. C. Merchant, Lisbon; Rep; lived in Kendall Co. thirty-three years. GABEL PETER, Mechanic; Pres; Rep; lived in Kendall Co. twenty-one years; Ind. GRIDLEY GEO. Farmer, Sec. 5; Dem; from N. Y.; lives on father's farm. GRIDLEY C. N. Farmer, 'Newark; Rep; Bap; settled in Kendall Co. in 1843. GRIDLEY SELAH, Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Newark; born in Tioga Co. N. Y., 1812; settled in Kendall Co. 1843; Dem; Bapt; owns 170 acres'; value of property $12,000; five children, all married. Married Catharine Skinner, of New York City, born in 1812. GUNSEL A. Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O.Lisbon; Rep; N. Y.; owns 170 acres; val. of prop. $9,000. GUNSEL DAVID, Farmer, Sec 4; P. O. Newark; Dem; 150 acres; value of property $8,000, GUNSEL ESTHER Mrs. widow of E. Gunsel; Sec. 12; from N. Y.; owns &4ac; value $3,200. GRUNSTAD G. E. Farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. Lisbon; born in Norway in 1823; came to U. S. 1847; owns 173 acres; value of property $7,000; Rep; Luth; six children, five living. Wife was Valger C..elley, born in Norway, 1825; came to U. S. 1847. HARRINGTON D. A. Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Newark; born near St. Johns, Lower Canada, 1825; came to Kendall Co. 1856; Rep; owns 160 acres; value of property $ro,ooo; three children. Wife was Lucy Mott, born in Alburg, Vt. 1832. HACKLESON BEN. Farmer, Sec. ii; P. O. Lisbon; Luth; Norway; 20 acres, value $1,000. HAGEN BENJ. Farmer, Sec. 31; Lisbon P. O.; Norway; prop. $1,000; renter on D. Halderman's land. HALVERSON SEVEN, Farmer, Sec. 28; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Luth; Norway; 560 ac; val. $2,800. HAVENHILL OLIVER, Farmer, Newark P. O.; born in Grayson Co. Ky. July i, 1818; settled in Kendall Co. May, 1833; Rep; Unit; value of property $14,000; wife was Juliette Haskins, of Chatauqua Co. N. Y. ; born Feb. 1830; six children. HALVERT A. S. Justice of Peace, Newark; Rep. HANNA W. M. Physician, Lisbon; Rep; practiced in Kendall Co. seven years. HANSON HANS, Farmer, Sec. 24; Lisbon P. O.; from Norway; owns 80 acres; val. $4,000. HICKS REV. Newark; pastor Baptist church; Rep. HILL JOHN, Farmer. Sec. 34; Lisbon P. O.; born in Norway i i 1819; came to U. S. in 1839; owns 640 acres; wife was Susan Andersen, born in Norway in 1823; came to U. S. in 1836; had nine children; three living. II ANNAN S. J. Salesman, Newark; Repj^Cong; from N. Y.; value of property $2,000. HANSON THOMAS, Farmer, Sec. 10; Lisbon P. O.; from Norway; owns five acres; val. $500. HANSON H. W. Farmer, Sec. 36; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Luth; from Norway; owns 1 60 acres. HATTERBURG JANS, estate of 167 acres; value $9,800. 88 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. HOLDERMAN DISON, Farmer, Sec. 32; born in Ross Co. Ohio, in 1822; came to Kendall Co. in 1831; owns 2,600 acres; value of prop. $100,000; he is a son of Abraham Holderman, Sen. born in Chester Co. Penn; settled in Kendall Co. in 1831, and died leav- ing fourteen children; nine living. HARRINGTON MRS. Sec. 13; Lisbon P. O.; from N. V.; owns 80 acres; value $4.000. HOL.LENBACK WILBERT, Butcher, Newark; born in Kendall Co. in 1840; Dem; val. of property, $500; son of John Hollenback, who was born in Ohio, 1818; came to Kendall Co. in 1828; his wife was Rose Ann Rorick, of Ohio; she died in 1858; had nine children; eight living. RAYMOND C. B. Laborer, Newark; Dem; from Ohio; value of property $600. RAYMOND S. C. Laborer, Newark; Dem; born in Newark. HOLLANI> E. S. Farmer, Sec. 27; Lisbon P. O.; born in Norway, March 31, 1834; came to U. S. in 1846; settled in Kendall Co. in 1866; owns 170 acres; Rep; Luth; wife was Johanna Dorothea Chantland, of Norway, who came to U. S. in 1855. HEWSON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 24; Lisbon P. O.; Dem; Cath; 76 acres; personal prop. $1,000. HOLDRIDGE D. Farmer. Sec. 36; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; renter on E. McEwen's farm. HOLLAND C. S. Merchant, Lisbon; born in /Etna, Norway, 1836; came to U. S. in 1846; lived in Dane and Iowa Co.'s Wisconsin, twenty-nine years; while there held the offices of Justice of the Peace and Chairman of Board of Supervisors; settled in Kendall Co. in- 1874; Rep; Luth; wife was Julia Hermonsen Boe, of Valders, Norway; born in 1843; came to this country in 1848; eight children; four living. HOWARD H L. Cong. Clerg. Lisbon; born in Ware, Hampshire Co. Mass, in 1827. HUGHES John, Farmer, Sec. 6; Newark P. O.; Rep; from Penn; owns 80 acres; value $5,000. HOUSE LEWIS, Farmer, Sec. 26; Lisbon P. O.; born in Norway in 1826; came to U. S. in 1850, and to Kendall Co. in 1857; Rep; Luth; owns 120 acres; value of prop. $8,000: wife was Julia Mathe, born in Kendall Co. 1851; twelve children; nine living. HULL ZACK, Carpenter, Newark; Dem; from N. Y. HULL H. W. Blacksmith, Newark; Dem; from N. Y.; value of property $2,000. HULL M. G. Wagon and carriage maker, Newark; born in Chatauqua Co. N. Y. Dec. 13, 1837; Dem; value of property $1,500; wife was Julia M. third daughter of Kingsley and Susan Martin, formerly of Erie Co. N. Y.; married April II, 1865. HOYLE THOMAS, Farmer, Sec. 35; Lisbon P. O.; born in England in 1825; came to- Kendall Co. in 1850; owns 240 acres; value of property $16.000; Rep; wife was Margaret Ashton; born in England in 1825; came to U. S. in 1827; two children. HUTCHINSON L. N. Farmer, Sec. 23; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Kendall Co. 8 yrs; rents father's farm. HUTCHINSON S. Farmer, Sec. 23; Lisbon P. O.; born in Gaines, Orleans Co. N. Y. in 1818; came to Kendall Co. in 1866; owns 426 acres; wife was Mary Jane Brown; born in Decatur. Otsego Co. N. Y. in 1825; six children; five living; Ind. INGERMUNSON KNUTE, Farmer, Sec. 4; Newark P. O.; Rep; Luth; 114 acres; val. $7,000. JACKSON JACOB, Farmer, Sec. 5; Newark P. O.; born Norway, 1837; came to U. S. 1861, and to Kendall Co. 1866; Rep; Luth; 1 60 acres; val. $8,000; personal prop. $1,000; had six children, five living. Wife was Martha Bean, born in Norway, 1843. JACOBSON ERIC, Shoemaker, Lisbon; from Norway. JOHNSON OLE, Farmer, Sec. 27; Lisbon P. O.; born in Norway, 1825; came to Ken- dall Co. 1853; Rep; Lutheran; owns 120 acres; val. $6,000. JOHNSON A. G. Wagon and Carriage Maker, Lisbon; Ind; from Sweden. JOHNSON TERRIS, Farmer, Sec. 28; Newark P.O.; born Norway, 1837; came to Ken- dall Co. 1849; Rep; Luth; owns So acres; val. prop. $6,000; had four children, three living. Wife was Elizabeth Rierson, born in Norway 1840, and came to U. S. 1853. JOHNSON IVER, Farmer, Sec. 35; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Luth; lived in Kendall Co. 8 years. JOHNSON HELGE, Farmer, Sec. 15; Newark P. O.; born in Norway 1835; came to Kendall Co. 1863; Rep; Luth; owns 36 acres; val. $1,800; has seven children. Wife was Martha Anderson, born in Norway, 1845; came to Kendall Co. 1868. JONES NATHAN, Farmer, Sec. 22; Rep; Bapt; in Kendall Co. 10 years. JOHNSON JOHN K. Farmer, Sec. 9; Newark P. O.; born in Norway 1820; came to Kendall Co. 1857; Rep; Luth; owns 20 acres; val. prop; $ 1,400; had ten children, eight liv- ing. Wife was Melinda Johnson, born in Norway 1827. KASSON E. renter on John McMath's farm, Sec. 7; Rep; Newark P. O. KEATS JOHN, renter on W. H. Gunsel's farm, Sec. 2; Newark P. O; England; prop. $1,200. KELLOGG WESLEY, rents land of father. Sec. 13; Lisbon P. O. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 89 KENDALL OILMAN, Physician, Lisbon; born in Middlesex Co. Mass. 1803; came to Kendall Co. 1834; Rep; Cong; had four children, two living. Wife was Lucy M. Manning, of Middlesex Co. Mass; born 1806. Dr. K, built first frame house in Big Grove Township. KENDALL S. Carpenter, Lisbon; born in Middlesex Co. Mass. 1812; came to Kendall Co. 1834; Rep; Cong; had eight children, one living. Wife was Edah Baldwin, born in Fitchburg, Mass. 1812; came to Kendall Co. 1840. KENT J. H. Bap. Preacher and Teacher, Lisbon; Rep; owns 80 acres; val. prop. $5,000. KISSELL HENRY, Laborer, Newark; Dem; from Penn. KNOX B. S. Farmer, Sec. 25; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Cong; born in Oneida Co. N. Y. Sept. 2, 1823; came to Kendall Co. 1844; owns 163 acres; wife was Susan Spencer, born in Verona, Oneida Co. N. Y.; five children. KNUDSON GULICK, Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Lisbon; Luth; from Norway; owns 80 acres; value $4,000. KNUDSON LARS, rents land of G. L. Collins, Sec. 29; P. O. Newark; from Norway. KNTJDSEN OLE, Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; born in Norway, 1832; came to Kendall Co. 1860; owns 94 acres; value of prop. $6,000; wife was Annie Jacobson, born in Wis. 1848, died 1873; two children. KNUDSEN TORKEL, Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Newark; Rep; Luth; from Norway; owns 5 acres; value of prop. $400. KNUDSEN NELS, renter on Dr. Sweetland's place, Sec 5; P. O. Newark; Luth; prop. $500. KNUDSEN SAM, Farmer, Sec. n; P. O. Lisbon; from Norway; owns 55 acres; prop. $3^700. KROUSE JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Newark; Rep; Meth; born Centre Co. Penn. 1805; lived in Kendall Co. twenty-seven years; owns 112 acres; value of property $12,000; married Martha M. McConnel, born Union Co. Penn; six children, three living. KROUSE CHARLES, Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Newark; Rep; son of John Krouse; lived in county twenty-seven years. LARSON OLE, Tailor, Newark; Rep; Luth; born in Naas, Norway, 1819; c me to U. S. 1869, and to Kendall Co. 1874; val. prop. $500; wife was Gena Engebretsen, born in Norway, 1833; ten children. LARSON NELS, Farmer. Sec. I; P. O. Lisbon; from Norway; owns 48 acres; prop. $3,000. LARSOV AUSTIN, Farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Newark; from Norway; owns 80 acres; prop. $4.500. LARSON LARS S. Farmer, Sec. 2; Newark P. O.: born in Norway, May 1830; came to Kendall Co., 1847; Rep; Luth; owns 240 acres; val. of prop. $15,000; wife was Martha Olson;. born in Norway, Dec. 1830; came to Kendall Co. 1849; ten children; seven living. LARSON LEWIS, renter, Sec. 2; Lisbon P. O.; from Norway; val of prop. $600. LARSON ANDREW, renter on Sec. 14; Listton P. O.; from Norway; val. of prop. $600. LARSON *JACOB, Farmer, Sec. 25; Lisbon P. O.; born in Norway, April 1824; came to Kendall Co., 1851; Rep; Luth; owns 130 acres; val. of prop. $8,000; wife was Alice Nelson from Norway; came to Kendall Co., 1854, and died 1870; eleven children; nine living. LARSON JOHN, renter, Sec. 2; Lisbon P. O.; from Norway; val. of prop. $500. LEE "H. A. Farmer; unsettled; Newark P. O.; Rep; Luth; val. of prop, $2,000. LAWSON JOHN, Boot and Shoe Maker and Dealer; Newark; born in Sweden, 1847, came to Kendall Co. 1868; Ind. Rep; Luth; val. of prop. $1,300. LEWIS ERIC, Farmer, Sec. i; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Norway; 160 acres; val. of prop. $9,000. LITSEY H. S. Laborer; Newark; Rep; born in Kendall Co. LORD CURTIS, Farmer, Sec. 23; Lisbon P. O.; born in Oswego Co., N. Y., 1833; came to Kendall Co., 1842; owns too acres of land; val. of prop. $8,000; Rep; wife was Mary E. Kellogg, daughter of L. W. Kellogg of Kendall Co.; three children.. LIKENESS LARS, Farmer, Sec. 36; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Luth; owns 160 acres; val. $8,ooc. LLOYD N. R. Hardware dealer, Lisbon; Rep; Cong; lived in Kendall Co. 21 years. LORD LUCIUS, Farmer, Sec. 20; Lisbon P. O.; born in Kendall Co. 1849; Rep; owns 27 acres; val. of prop. $1,500; wife was Emma Myers; born in Eng; emigrated to Canada, 1845; came to Kendall Co. 1868. LONG HENRY, Merchant, Lisbon; Rep; from England; lived in Kendall Co. 31 years. LOOMIS GEORGE, Laborer, Newark; Rep; from Penn. LORD GORDON, Farmer, Sec. 22; Lisbon P. O; born in Kendall Co., 1852; Rep; owns 27 acres of land; property worth $1,500; wife was Maria Bond, of Lowell, Mys.; they were married in Jan. 1874, an( ' sne d' e d May, 1876. 90 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. LORD DAVIS, Farmer, Sec. 23; Newark P. O.; Rep; Meth; owns 40 acres; value prop. $5,000. LOROMER ROBERT, Farmer, Sec. 8; Newark P. O.; Rep; N. Y.; 56 acres, value $15,000. LiOTT P. S. Merchant, Newark; born in Tioga Co. N. Y. 1829; came to Kendall Co. 1845; Rep; Meth. LOTT ISAAC, Merchant, Newark; Rep; Meth; from N. Y.; 31 years in Kendall Co. MALLORY WM. Laborer; Lisbon P. O.; lives Sec. 12; Rep; Meth; from N. Y.; prop. $100. MANCHESTER ASA, Farmer, Sec. 6; Newark P. O.; Rep; came to Kendall Co. 1839. MARTIN SAMUEL, Farmer, lives with father, Sec. 35; Lisbon P. O.; Rep. MARTIN ANDREW, Farmer, Sec. 35; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Meth; lived in county fifteen years. MEANS ISAAC G. Farmer, Newark; born in Hampshire Co. Va. 1811; came to Kendall Co. 1861; Rep; Meth; wife was Maria Haymond, born in Monongahela Co. Va. 1816; twelve children, nine living. MASON J. W. Hon. Farmer, Sec. 16; Newark P. O ; Rep; Pres; New York; 800 ac. val. $40,000. MATHERS DAVID, renter on Thomas Hoyle's farm, Sec. 35; Rep; value property $1,500. MESSENGER NELSON, Mechanic and Inventor, Newark; Dem; from Vermont. McEWEN EZRA, Farmer, Sec. 36; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; from N. Y.; 298 acres/value $18,000. McEWEN ADELINE, widow Henry McEwen, Lisbon; value of property $3,500. McGEARY RICHARD, Copyist, Newark; Rep; from New York city. McKIRRYHER J. M. Butcher, Lisbon; from Canada; Rep. MICHAELSON J- Renter on Ole Johnson's land. Sec. 27; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; Luth. MOORE S. A. Painter, Lisbon; Rep; val. prop. $1,000. MOORE J. F, Merchant, Lisbon; Dem; Cong; settled in Kendall Co. 1838. MOTT W. S. Proprietor of Billiard Hall, Newark; Rep; val. prop. $600; son of Jacob Mott, of Vermont, who came to Kendall Co. 1838. His wife was Barsheba Howes, of Cat- taraugus Co. N. Y. They had six children, all living. MOTT MRS. B. Newark, widow of Jacob Mott; Bapt; lived in Kendall Co. 28 years. MUNGER D. A. Druggist, Newark; Rep; from New York; val. prop. $3,000. MUNGER D. E. Druggist, Newark; Rep; Meth; came to Kendall Co. 1874. MUNSON JOHN, renter on Dison Holderman's farm, Sec. 32; Newark P. O. MUNSON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 15; Newark P. O.; Rep; from Norway; 5 acres; val. $300. NEFF EBENEZER, Farmer, Sec. 18; Newark P. O.; born in Jackson Co. Ind. 1835; lived in Kendall Co. 40 years; Rep; val. prop. $3,000; had three children, two living. Wife was Annie Webster, of Cattaraugus Co. N. Y. NADEN MRS. E. wid. John Naden, Sec. n; Lisbon P.O.; Meth.; England; 133 ac; val. $7.000. NADEN J. H. Farmer, Sec. 23; Newark P. O.; Rep; Meth; 103 acres; val. $5,000. NEFF MARIA, widow Daniel Neff, who settled in Kendall Co. 1836; Newark P. O ; Meth. NELSON" ANDREW, renter on farm of Charles West, Sec. 20; Newark P. O.; born in Norway 1842; came to U. S. 1864; lived in Chicago one year; Rep; Lutheran. NELSON P. R. tenant on Dr. Sweetland's place, Sec. 19; Newark P. O.; lived Kendall Co. I2yrs. NELSON IVER, Farmer, Sec. 4; Newark P. O.; Rep; 89 acres; val. $5,000. NELSON JOHN R. tenant on Dr. Sweetland's place, Sec. 19; Newark P.O.; Luth; prop. $500. NELSON NELS, rents land of Chas. West, Sec. 20; Newark P. O.; from Norway; Rep; Luth. NELSON NELS S. works farm of father-in-law, Eric Lewis, Sec. i; Lisbon P. O.; born in Norway 1840; came to U. S. 1849, and to Kendall Co. 1855; Rep; Luth; was collector two terms; val. prop. $1,200; had seven children, six living. Wife was Annie Lewis, ol Ken- dall Co.; born 1843. NEWTON HENRY; Newark; Rep; native of Newark. NIBLO MRS. R. D. Newark; widow of A. R. Niblo, who was born in Beaver Co., Penn. 1808; came to Kendall Co. 1839, and died June, 1858; Mrs. Niblo's father and mother were born in Monongahela Co., Va., and came to Kendall Co. 1834; her father died 1853; Mrs. N. has five children living. NIBLO A. R. Newsdealer, Newark; Dem; born in Kendall Co. NIBLO MRS. J. R. Milliner, Newark; came to Kendall Co. 1875. NICHOLS G. H. Laborer, Newark; Dem; from N. Y.; val. 'of prop. $2,000. OSMAN AUSTIN, Farmer, Sec. 27; Lisbon P. O.; born in Norway, 1841; came to U. S. 1849; owns 170 acres; Rep; Luth; wife was Helen Hill; born in Kendall Co. 1^44; four children. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL UOUSTY. #1 OLSON H. H. Farmer, Sec. 24; Lisbon P. O.; from Norway; owns 80 acres; val. $4,000, OSTROM H. Carpenter and joiner; Rep; Meth; lived in Kendall Co. 22 years. PAGE CHAS. Money lender; Lisbon; Rep; lived in Kendall Co. 30 years. PARKER JAMES, Blacksmith, Newark P. O; Rep; from N. Y.; works at Millbrook. PAULSEN PAUL, renter on Geo. Brown's place, Sec. 23; Lisbon P. O.; Norway; val. prop. $500. PEARCE GEO. Laborer; Newark; married; two children. PENFIELD OREN, renter on Russell Wing's estate, Sec. 33; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; from N. J.; val. prop. $800. PHILIPS THOMAS C. Mail carrier; Newark; Dem; from Penn; val. prop. $1,500. PETERSON LABS T. Farmer, Sec. 28; Newark P. O.; born in Norway, 1848; came to U. S. 1864, and to Kendall Co. 1871; Rep ; Luth; owns 80 acres; wife was Mary Lee; born in Norway, 1853; came to U. S. 1864; one child. PETERSON JOHN, renter on D. Holderman's place, Sec. 31; Newark P. O.; from Norway; val. of prop. $1,200. PETERSON NELS,*Farmer, Sec. 27; Lisbon P. O.; from Norway; owns 80 acres; val. $4.000. PETY AARON, Jr. Farmer. Sec. 5; Newark P. O.; Dem; from N. J.; owns 6 ac; val. prop. $800. PRICKET ELIJAH, Farmer, Sec. 8; born in Champaign Co. Ohio, Sept. 5, 1825; settled in Kendall Co. 1834; Rep; Bapt; owns 400 acres; has held several local offices. Wife was Hannah Scofield, of Spencer, Tioga Co. N. Y.; six children, five living. PIERCE S. T. Farmer, Sec. 5; Rep; lives with father-in-law, Selah Gridley. PRICKET LEWIS, Farmer, Sec. 21; Rep; born in Kendall Co. 1852; lives on father's farm. PUTT SARAH, widow of John Putt; Lisbon; value of property $500. RANDALL W. B. Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Newark; Dem; lives with father. RANDALL ALLEN, Carpenter and Joiner; P. O. Newark; Sec. 28; Dem; 80 acres, val. $4,000. REDFIELD CHAS. Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Newark; Rep; Meth; N. Y.; val. of prop. $7,000. RASMUSSEN P. A. Rev. Pastor of Lutheran Church; born in Norway, 1829; came to U. S. 1850; graduated at Ft. Wayne, Ind. 1854; Rep; married Rachel Holland, who was born in Norway, 1831; came to America 1846; eight children; P. O. Lisbon. REYNOLDS MYRON O. son-in-law of A. P. Southwick; P. O. Newark. RICHMOND J. O. Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Newark; Rep; N. Y.; 80 ac; val. of prop. $8,000. RICHMOND A. Farmer, Sec. IO; P. O. Newark; Rep; Meth; Mass.; 14 acres; val. $1,000. ROCKWOOD W. B. renter on J. W. Mason's farm; P. O. Newark; Rep; from N. Y. ROBINSON SANFORD, Mariner, Newark; Denfc from Conn. RIORDAN J. H. Mason, Newark; born in Lewis Co. N. Y. 1833; came to Kendall Co. 1859; Rep; value of property $800. Wife was Cynthia B. Gabrion, born in N. H. 1834; six children. RUBLE JOHN, Newark; rents land in LaSalle Co.; Rep; Meth; from Ind.; val. of prop. $500. RYAN S. J. Harness Maker, Newark; Dem; Cath; from Boston; value of property $600. RYAN JAMES, Laborer, Newark; Dem; Cath; from Ireland; value of property $300. SCOFIELD LOTT, Farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Newark; settled in Kendall Co. 1844; 500 acres, value $25,000. SCOTT TORRES T. Farmer, Sec. 35; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; born in Norway, Oct. 15, 1824; came to U. S. 1857; lived in Storey Co. Iowa, ten years; in army sixteen months; in Kendall Co. nine years; owns 99 acres; wife was Sarah Torres; born in Norway 1824; twelve children, ten living. SANDERSON E. renter on D. Holderman's farm. Sec. 36; P. O. Newark; Rep; from N. Y; val. prop. $400. SAUNDERS H. M. Tinsmith, Newark; Rep; from N. Y. SCOFIELD IRA. Restaurant, Newark; Dem; Bap; from N. Y; val. prop. $300. SCOFIELD H. rents of father, Sec. 14; P. O. Newark; Rep; born in Kendall Co; prop. $500. SEVERSON WIER, Farmer, Sec. i; P.O. Lisbon; Rep; Luth; owns 187 acres; prop. $12,000. SEVERSON OLE, Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Newark; Rep; Luth; owns 6 acres; val. prop. $300. SHORNDON THOMAS, Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; from England; owns 25oacresJ val. prop. $15,000. SHERRTLL H. Farmer, Sec 25; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Town Supervisor; lived in Kendall Co. twenty-eight years. SHIELDS MRS. M. A. Milliner, Newark; came to Kendall Co. 1874. 92 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. SHEPHERD WM. Farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; owns 160 acres; val. prop. $15,00x3. SLEEZER SETH C. Farmer, Sec. 4; born in Providence, Saratoga Co. N. Y. Dec. 30, 1820; came to Kendall Co. 1845; owns 242 acres; has been Dea. in Bap. Ch. nineteen years; married Eliza A. Kellogg, born in Amsterdam, N. Y. April 1822; twelve children, ten living; oldest son was k'lled in battle at Elizabethtown, Ky. Dec. 27, 1863; second son died at Camp Butler, 111. in fall of 1864. SLEEZER GEO. P. Mason; P. O. Newark; no religion; settled in Kendall Co. in 1837. SLEEZER CHAS. lives with father (Seth Sleezer) Sec. 4; P. O. Newark; Rep. SPANS WICK T. Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Newark; Meth; from England; owns five acres; value of property $500. SPELLMAN P. W. Clerk with I. & P. S. Lott, Ne%vark; Rep; settled in Kendall Co. 1856. SOUTHWICK A. P. Farmer, Sec. 6; P. O.Newark; came to Kendall Co. 1839. STEPHENS W. J. Fanner and Stock Dealer, Sec. 29; P. O. Newark; Rep; from 111. STEVENSON BEN. renter, Sec. 20; P. O. Newark; Ind. Rep; came to Kendall Co. 1857. STRATTON G. W. Carpenter, Newark; Rep; Meth; from Philadelphia. STRATTON JAS. F. Carpenter, Newark; Rep; Meth; from Philadelphia; val.. of prop. $150. SWEETLAND ALBERT M. Lawyer, Newark; Rep; born in Kendall Co.; graduated in the Law Department of Mich. University, class of 1870; State's Attorney of Kendall Co. He is the son of Nelson D. Sweetland, M.D., who was born in Scipio, Cayuga Co. N. Y.; settled in Kendall Co. in 1839, and died Aug. I, 1849. Dr. Sweetland's wife was H. A. Laning, daughter of Rev. Ralph Laning, of Oneida Conference, N. Y.; have had four children, three living, Nelson L., the oldest, is a graduate of Rush Medical College; he is now practicing in Rantoul; Anna is a portrait painter in Chicago. SWEETLAND MRS. H. A. widow of Dr. Nelson Sweetland, Newark. SWEETLAND W. M. Physician, Newark; Rep; Cong; N. Y.; val. of prop. $50,000. THOMPSON MICHAEL, Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Newark; Rep; owns 160 acres, val. $8,000; lived in county 18 years. THUNEMANN F. R. Machinist and Tinsmith; Rep; bom in Kendall Co.; 23 years of age. THUNEMANN C. F. Druggist, Newark; born in Cook Co. Ill ; came to Kendall Co. in 1845; Rep; son of C. C. Thunemann, M.D., who was a graduate of the Gottingen University, Germany; he emigrated to this country in 1833, settled in Kendall Co. in 1845, and died June, 1870; had a family of nine children, four still living; hiswi f e was Wilhelmina Schu- macher, born in Hanover, Germany; both Lutherans. THUNEMAN H. K. Watchmaker and Jeweler; Rep; born Kendall Co.; 22 years old. TOURSON OSCAR, Farmer, Sec. n; P. O.*Newark; Norway; owns 50 ac.; val. $25,000. TORSON LOUIS, Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Newark; Norway; owns 80 ac.; val. $5,000. TOURTELLOTT AXEL, Mechanic, Newark; Dem; from R. L; val. of prop.-$soo. TREMAIN JULIUS N. Farmer.Sec. 7; P. O. Newark; Rep; lived in Kendall Co. 29 years. THOMPSON O. H. Farmer, Sec. 26; P.O. Lisbon, bom in Norway, 1838; came to the U. S. 1857, and to Kendall Co. 1869; Rep; Luth; owns 120 acres, value of property $7,000; wife was Christie Knudtson, born in Norway, 1837; came to U. S. 1860; one child. TWEET THOMAS, Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Lisbon; Rep; Norway; 40 ac.; val. $2,500. TWEET R. E. Farmer, Sec. I; Lisbon P. O.; Norway; val. $600; renter on A. Anderson's place. TYNDALL OLE, Farmer, Sec. 20; Newark P. O.; Rep; Luth; Norway; renter on C. West's place. UNDERWOOD JOSEPH, Mail Carrier, Newark; Rep; from N. Y.; val. of prop. $1,500. VAN BUSKIRK RICHARD, Farmer, Sec. 27; Lisbon P. O.; born in Bergen, N. J. 1827;. came to Kendall Co. in 1857; Dem; owns 181 acres; val. of prop. $10,000; wife was Hannah Vreelahd; born in Bergen, N. J.; eight children; six living. VAN BUSKIRK HIRAM, Farmer, Sec. 33; Lisbon P. O.; Dem; N. J.; prop. $1,000; renter on Russel Wing's estate. " VAN. RIPER ABRAM, Mason; owns 15 acres, Sec. 2J; Newark P. O. VREELAND GARRET, Farmer, Sec. 22; born in Bergen, N. J. in 1843; lived in Ken- dall Co. twenty-one years; Dem; son of C. M. Vreeland, who was born in Bergen, N. ].; settled in Kendall Co. in 1855; owns 153 acres; value of property $12,000. V,REELANDC. C. Farmer, Sec. 22; Newark P. O.; Rep; owns 215 acres; value $11,000. VREELAND G. G. Farmer, Sec. it; Newark P. O.; born in Hudson Co. N. J. March 12, 1840; came to Kendall Co. in 1855; Rep; has been Assessor three terms; Collector two terms; School Director five years; value of prop. $1,500; wife was Sabrina Pierce, of N. Y.; three children; renter on estate of John Naden. DIRECTORY' OTT KENDALIr COUNTY. .93 VREELAND ANN, Lisbon; widow of Geo. J. Vreeland; from N. J.; val. of prop. $1,500. VAN NAMEE M. Farmer, Sec. 12; Lisbon P. O.; Rep; from England; rents of A. Gunsel. WALLACE MRS. S. Newark; widow of Stephen Wallace; from England. WATSON GEO. W. Hotel. Keeper, Newark; Prohib; Meth; from Penn; val. of prop. $3,000. WARNER EDWIN, Farmer, Sec. 5; Newark P. O.; born in Woodbury, Conn. Jan. n, 1840; came to Kendall Co. in 1848; Rep; owns thirty-five acres; vaL of prop. $3,500; wife was Jennie Bishop; born in Lansing, Mich. Sept. 9 1847. WEEKS SAMUEL, Teamster, Newark; Dem; from N. H.; val. of prop. $1,000. WEEKS CHARLES, Horse Trader, Newark; Dem; from N. H. WEEKS T. K. Farmer, Sec. 9; Newark P. O.; from Norway; owns seven ac; "val. of prop. $700. WEEKS THOMAS, Farmer, Sec. 2; Lisbon P. O. val. of prop. $1,500; renter On father's place. WHITE JAMES H. Barber, Newark; born in Hayti, 1837; came to U. S. 1861, and to Ken- dall Co. 1869; Rep; value of prop. $400; wife was Mary Louisa Sheldon, born in Maine, 1852; three children, all born in Newark. WEBSTER L. C. rents farm of \Vm. Neff, Se:. 18; Rep; came to Kendall Co. 1866. WEST JACOB, rents land Sec. 16; Rep; from England; Newark P. O. WHITE SELAM, Teamster, Newark; Rep; Town Trustee. WING FRANK, son of Russel Wing, who was born in New York 1814, came to Kendall Co. 18^8 and died 1874; Rep; Meth; estate valued at $15,000; wife was Mary Ann Hoeg, of N. Y.; five children, three living; Frank, the youngest, lives on the homestead, Sec. 33; Lis- bon P. O. WHITESIDE J. Produce Dealer, Newark; Pres;' from Ireland; val. of prop. $500. WHITNEY SANFORD, renter on A. D. Newton's land, Sec. 6; from N. Y.; Newark P. O. WILLIAMS JOSEPH, Blacksmith; works for H. W. Hull, Newark; Dem; from Long Island. WING THOMAS B. Farmer, Sec. 8; Newark P.O.; born Chatauqua Co. N. Y. 1836; Rep; owns 180 acres land; value property $i 1,000; his wife was Livonia Martin, of Erie Co. N. Y.; four children; he is a son of Brownell Wing, who came to Kendall Co. 1846 and died 1874. WILLIAMS JOSEPH, Farmer, Sec. 22; Rep; Bapt.; lived in county 15 years; Newark P. O. WINDASS GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 18; Rep; Meth; lived in Kendall Co. 20 years; Newark P.O. WING MRS. B. Newark; widow of'Brownell Wing, who came to Kendall Co. 1846; died. 1874. WILCOX HARL.OW G. Farmer, Sec. 23;^born in Madison, Madison Co. N. Y. 1808; settled in Kendall Co. 1837; Ind. Rep; Cong; owns -183 acres, worth $10,000; wife was Jemima Nicholson, of Enfield, Tompkins Co. N. Y.; eight children, six living; Albert, oldest son, died in army, 1862; Lisbon P. O. WINSLOW G. W. Meth. Clerg. Lisbon; Rep; born in Southwick, Mass. - WORSLEY OTTO G. lives on Worsley estate, Sec. n; Rep; born in Kendall Co; Lisbon P. O. WORSLEY MRS. LOUISA, Sec. n; widow of Geo. H. Worsky, who was born in England, 1816, came to U. S. 1818 and to Kendall Co. 1837; died 1874; left an estate, valued at $10,000, 170 acres; Mrs. W. was born in New York, 1820; came to Kendall Co. 1844; Unitarian; eight children, seven living; Newark P. O. WORSLEY GEORGE, lives on Worsley estate, Sec. n; Rep; born Kendall Co; New.ark P. O. WRIGHT SVEN, lives on farm of S. K. Avery. Sec. 12; Rep; Meth; New York; Lisbon P. O. WUNDER PAUL V. Butcher, Newark; born Philadelphia 1815; came to Kendall Co. 1864; Rep; Meth; val. prop. $1,500; has had nine children, five living. Wife was Barbara Ann Rittenhouse, of Philadelphia, born in 1819. WUNDER GEO. Butcher, Newark; born^Philadelphia 1841; came to Kendall Co. 1866; Rep; Meth; was in-army three years; is Town Trustee; has four children; val. prop. $800. Wife was Barsheba Means, born in Taylor Co. Virginia, 1849. DTRECTOET OP KEJSDAX.L COUNT! . NEWARK BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at Law. A. M. SWEETLAND, J. H. FOWLER. Barber. JAMES WHITE. Billiards. W. H. MOTT. Blacksmiths. GEO. D. COOPER, H. W. HULL. Boots and Shoes. SAMUEL BINGHAM, JOHN LAWSON. Furniture and Coffins. W. H. FRITTS. General Merchandise. J. & P. S. LOTT, C. F. THUNEMAN, J. A. COY, MUNGER BROS. Hardware. H. P. COURTRIGHT. Harness. T. H. BUTTERFIELD. Hotels and Restaurants. GEO. H. WATSON, IRA SCOFIELD. Justice of the Peace. A. S. HAL VERT. Meat Markets. WILBERT HOLLENBACK, PAUL & GEO. WUNDER. Millinery. MRS. M. A. SHIELDS, MRS. J. R. NIBLO. Newsdealer. A. R. NIBLO. Painter. LEWELIN BRAINARD. Photographer. R. W. ELLIOTT. Physicians, W. H. FRENCH, C. A. FREEMAN. Produce Dealer. J. WHITESIDE. Tailor. OLE LARSON. Wagon and Carriage Maker. M. G. HULL. Watchmaker. H. K. THUNEMAN. ERRATA, NA-AU-SAY TOWNSHIP. SEELY, EDMUND. Farmer, Section 18, Kendll Post Office. Born, Chester, Orange County, New York, January lOtl 1827, came West in 1837; owns a farm of 307 acres; value, $15,000; Presbyterian; Republican; famil; two children. Wife was Jane, daughter of J. R. McLain, Brown Co., Ohio. BARROW, WILLIAM, should read Ban-on. SNYDAM, CHARLES, should read Suydnm DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 95 NA-AU-SAY TOWNSHIP. AUSTIN GRIN" P. Farmer, Sec. 17; Oswego P. O.; Ind. Rep; Pres; born Orleans Co., N. Y., Nov. 4, 1830; came to Kendall Co. May, 1840; wife was Louisa, daughter of Joshua Suiliv.n, Logan Co., Ohio;has family six children all living; was collector of town two years and constable four years; owns farm 286 acres; val. prop. $18,000. AIKEN WILLIAM, Laborer Robt. Glasgow's farm, Sec. 30; Kendall P.O.; Dem; Cath; Ireland. ATKINS JNO. Laborer on Jno. A. Wheeler's farm, Sec. 16; Kendall P. O.; from N. Y. AUSTIN C. G. Farmer, Sec. 15; Oswego P. O.; Ind. Rep; from N. Y. BAKROW WILLIAM, Farmer, Sec. ii; Plainfield P. O.; Rep; Meth; owns farm 160 acres; val. prop. $9,000; born in Sharlston, Yorkshire, England, Aug. 28, 1833; came to U. S. June 16, 1851; came to county, July I, 1851; wife was Judith R. daughter of Wm. Robinson of Pittsburg, Penn; has family; four children. BARTLETT & FAILING, Blacksmiths on Jno. Van Dyke's farm, Sec. 27; Oswego, P. O. BAXTER GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 18; Kendall P. O.; Pres; owns farm 12 ac; val. prop. $1,000. BINGHAM MRS. ELVIRA C. Widow Elisha, who was born in Meadeville, Pa., Aug. 6, 1819; came to Kendall Co. 1851; died May 31, 1871; age 52 years; Mrs. Bingham owns farm 240 acres; Sec. 26; val. prop. $14,000; Plainfield P. O.; Meth; is daughter of Enoch Maudlin, Milton, Wayne Co. Ind; has three children; all living. BENDTMAN WILLIAM, Laborer on farm Geo. Bellfield; Sec. 27; Plainfield P. O.; from W. Prussia, Germany. BELLFIELD OBEDIAH, rents farm of R. Bellfield, Sec. 23; Plainfield P. O.; works 100 acres; from N. Y. BELLFIELD GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 27; Plainfield P. O.; born Oneida Co., N. Y., Apr. 30, 1833; came to Kendall Co. fall 1843; owns farm,i2o acres; val. prop. $6,500; Dem; has family three children; wife was Mary L. Young of Ohio. BECKWITH CHARLES, Laborer on M. L. Smith's farm. Sec. 12; Plainfield P. O.; Ottawa, 111. BEIIRENS AUGUST, Farmer, rents of Owen McNiff, Sec. 24; Plainfield P.O.; Luth; from Hanover, Germany. BERTREL H. S. Farmer, Sec. 13; Plainfield P. O.; owns 240 acres; val. $10,000; from N. Y. BROWN JOSEPH P. Farmer, Sec. 36; Plainfield P. O.; born St. Lawrence Co. N. Y. Sept. 23. 1831; came to Kendall Co. July I, 1855; owns farm 240 acres; value prop. $15,500; Rep; has three children; wife was Mary J. daughter of Ephraim Bronk, Duchess Co. N. Y. BINGHAM THEODORE S. lives on farm with mother, Sec. 26; Plainfield P. O.; was born in Kendall Co. BLACK E. K. Laborer on farm of J. B. Goodwin, Sec. 28; Plattville P. O.; Rep; frpm Erie, Pa. BLAKE BYRON, Laborer on H. S. Bethel's farm, Sec. 13; Plainfield P. O.; from New York. BRONK JOHN V. Farmer, Sec. 35; Plainfield P. O.; born in Kendall Co. Aug. 27, 1844; owns farm 160 acres; value property $9,000; Rep; has family of one child; was married to Kate, daughter of Jno. Van Dyke, Dec. 30, 1870. BOUCHER JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 14; Plainfield P. O.;Cath; Ireland; rents from Margret Filkins- BOUCHER HENRY, Laborer on Jno. Boucher's farm, Sec. 14; Dem; Cath; from Ireland. BROWN THOS. W. rents farm of Jonathan Hage, Sec. 24; Plainfield P. O.; Meth; Rep; from Scotland. BROWN CHAS. Farmer, Sec. 36; Plainfield P. O.; Rep; farm 560 acres, value $28,000; N. Y. BRONK JONAS, Farmer, Sec. 13; Plainfield, Will Co. P. O; born Coeymans, Albany Co. N Y. Dec. 8, 1829; came to Kendall Co. June I, 1854; owns 160 acres; value of property $n,oc)o; has four children; wife was Cornelia, daughter Abraham Whitbeck, Coeymans, Albany Co. N. Y. BRADFORD WILLIAM, lives with father, on farm Sec. 3; Oswego P.O.; Rep; from Tenn. BREECE FRANK, Laborer, Sec. 5; Oswego P. O.; Rep; from Oswego. BRONK JOHN, lives with father, on Sec. 13; Plainfield P. O. BUNTON WM. Farmer, Sec. 14; Plainfield P. O.; Pres; rents farm 160 acres from Mrs. Sarah R. Fisher; value $8,000; born in County Antrim, Ireland, June 26, 1846; came to U. S. Sept. 28. 1870; came to Kendall Co. Oct. 18. 1870; has family of four children; wife was Eli/a, daughter of Francis Smith, County Antrim, Ireland. 96 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. BREEVE JERRY, Laborer on O. P. Austin's farm, Sec. 17; Oswego P. O.; from Holland. BUNDY FRANK, Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Minooka; owns 80 acres; value of property $4,800-. BURTON JAS. Laborer on Jos. P. Brown's farm, Sec. 36; P. O. Plainfield; Rep; from N. Y. CHERRY J. W. Farmer, Sec. 4; P.O. Oswego; born in Buffalo, Erie Co. N.Y. March 19, 1849; came to Kendall Co. June 15, 1853; has one child; Rep; owns 380 acres; value of property $20,000. Wife was Deborah L., daughter of A. J. Shepard, of Kendall Co. 111. CARN FRANK, Laborer on-H. Cherry's farm, Sec! 7; P. O. Oswego; Rep; from 111. CHERRY MOSES, Jr. Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Oswego; born Tonawanda, Erie Co. N.Y.; Sept. 25, 1841; came to Kendall Co. June 15, 1853; Rep; Pres; owns 295 acres; value of property $14,000; has family of four children. Wife was Amelia, daughter of John Schell, Erie Co. N.Y. CHERRY HAMILTON, Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Oswego; Rep; Pres; N. Y.; prop. $20,000. CARPENTER JESSE, rents farm of J. C. Carpenter, Sec. 26; P. O. Plainfield; Rep; Pres; N. Y. CARROLL JOHN, lives with father on farm, Sec. 32; P. O. Plattville; Dem; Cath; born on the Erie Canal, June 7, 1851. CAMPBELL EDWARD, rents of Eliza Wheeler, Sec. 15; Dem; Ver; 320 ac; prop. $16,000. CHERRY SARAH A. Mrs. widow of Moses Cherry, who was born in Scotland, Oct. 1809, and died Feb. 4, 1870, aged 60 years and 5 months; she was daughter of Robert Mills, of Belfast, Ireland. Mrs. Cherry was born June 12, 1814; P. O. Oswego; Epis; owns 1,100- acres; value of property $65,000. CARROLL L. Farmer, Sec. 31; P. O. Plattville; Dem; Cath; Ireland; value of prop. $5,000. CLARK L. B. Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Oswego; Rep; Pres; owns farm 130 acres; value of property $10,000; born in Oswego, Kendall Co. 111., July 16, 1853. CASE HENRY, Farmer, rents from J. H. Morgan, Sec. 29; P. O. Plattville; Rep; from N. Y. CLARK H. S. Farrher, Sec. 15; P. O. Oswego; born Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Nov. 19, 1845; came to Kendall Co. Nov. 1846; Rep; owns farm 200 acres; value of property $12,000; is a son of Henry A. Clark, of Chenango Co. N. Y.; has three children, all living. Wife was Maggie, daughter of Chas. Segars, Jefferson Co. N. Y.; Mrs. C. was born June 24, 1847. CHERRY CHAS. F. lives with mother. Sec. 4; P. O. Oswego; Rep; Pres; born in county. CLARK HENRY ALLEN, died May 8. 1862, age forty-eight years. He was born in Hartford Co. Conn. March 5, 1814; came to Kendall Co. 1837. COLBURN C. L. Farmer, rents of Wirt B. Pike, Sec. 13; P. O. Plainfield; Rep; from Vermont. COLLINS FRANK A. Farmer, Sec. 11; P.O. Plainfield; Dem; Meth; works farm for mother. Mrs. MarciaC. Collins; 230 acres; val. prop. $15,000.- He was born in Big Grove, Kendall Co. Jan. 15, 1846; came to Na-au-say Tp. 1870; wife was Clara L. daughter of Martin Prescott, of Morris, 111; has two children, both living. COLBURN DANA W. lives with father, Sec. 13; P. O. Plainfield; from Vermont. CONDON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Oswego; Cath; from Ireland; val. prop. $9.000. COONEY EMANUEL, Farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Oswego; Dem; owns farm 80 acres, value $5,000; born Oneida Co. N. Y. Jan. i, 1835; came to Kendall Co July I, 1839; has three children, all living; wife was Harriet A. daughter of Alva Culver, of Plainfield, Will Co. 111. born July fg, 1840. CONLEY MRS. BRIDGET, widow Patrick, Sec. 31; P.O. Plattville; owns 40 acres; from Ireland. CREIDLER JOS. Laborer on S. A. Cherry's farm, Sec. 4; P. O. Oswego; Rep; from Germany. COONEY GEORGE W. Farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Dswego; Ind. Rep; Pres; owns farm 180 acres; val. prop. $11,000; born Perry Co. Penn. March 15, 1824; came to Kendall Co. July I, 1839; has family of eight children, all living; wife was Susanah B. daughter of Thos. Barren, of England. CRETDLER JOHN, laborer on S. A. Cherry's farm, Sec. 4; P.O. Oswego; Rep; Cath; Germany. DANO JOSEPH, rents farm from Paul Hawley, Sec. 27; P. O. Kendall; Dem; from Canada. DANO PETER, laborer on farm with Jos. Dano, Sec. 27; P. O. Kendall; from Canada. DANO ABRAHAM, Farmer, rents farm from L. A. Whitlock, Sec. 22; P.O. Kendall; Rep; Cath; works 50 acres; from Oswego, 111. DELONG B. M. Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Plainfield; Rep; 80 acres, val. $4,500; from Vermont. DELONG FRANK, Farmer, Sec. 13; P.O. Plainfield; Rep; 80 acres, val. of prop. $5,000. DELONG ABRAHAM, Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Plainfield; Rep; Meth; So ac; val. $5,000. 1ANO ALEXANDER, Farmer; rents of Mrs. Sarah A. Cherry, Sec. 5, 75 acres; P. O. Oswego; Dem; Cath; born Miscobie, Upper Canada, March 17, 1840; came to Kendall Co. May 15, 1849; has family of six children; was married to Sophia, daughter of Francis La- Brick, of Canada, Nov. 2, 1859. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 97 DfiLONG HARRY, Farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Plainfield; Rep; lives with father. DELANSEY HENRY, Laborer, Sec. 18; P. O. Kendall; Rep; Pres; from N. Y. DECKER CHAS. Laborer, Sec. 17; P. O. Kendall; works on R. M. Wheeler's farm. DWYER WILLIAM, Laborer, Sec. 19; P. O. Kendall; Ind. Rep; from N. Y. DWYER JAS. Farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Kendall; Dem; Ireland; 222 acres, val. $3,ooo. DALLMAN HENRY JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 26; P. O. Platt ville; born London, Eng. Aug. 7, 1847; came to U. S. Oct. 6, 1871; came to Kendall Co. Jan. 16, 1875; owns farm of 80 acres, value of property, $5,000; Epis; wife was Jane, daughter of Archibald Wylie, of Co. Antrim, Ireland; has one child. EBERHARD H. Farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Plainfield; Rep; Luth; from Germany. EBERHART F. Farmer, Sec. 29; P. O. Kendall; from Fulton Co. N. Y. EBERHARD MENZE, Farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Plainfield; from N. Y.; lives with father. EWEN EDWIN, Farmer, Sec. 24; P. O. Plainfield; born Orleans Co. Vt. May 8, 1825; came to Kendall Co. March 27, 1854; owns farm of 80 acres, value of property, $6,000; Rep; Meth; has family of three children; wife was Caroline, daughter of John V. Van Dervoort, of Clinton Co. N. Y. ERVIN GEORGE, Laborer, Sec. n; P.O. Plainfield; Ind. Rep; from N. Y. FARR REUBEN, Laborer on H. W. Whitney's farm, Sec. 29; Kendall P. O.; from Wisconsin. FINDLAY WILLIAM, Farmer, Sec. 34; Minooka P. O.; val. prop. $4,000; from Canada. FOULSTON ELIZABETH Mrs. widow; lives with S. H. Wheeler, Sec. 16; Eng; Kendall P.O. FALKENBERG MICHAEL, Farmer, Sec. 16; Oswego P. O.; Rep; Rom. Cath; 149 acres, value $8,000; born River Rhine, Prussia, May 5. 1825; came to U. S. Aug. 1841, co Kendall Co. 1856; has family of five boys; wife was Mary Greser, born Wurtemberg, Ger- many, 1829. FOR AN EDWARD, lives on H. W. Whitney's farm, Sec. 29; Kendall P. O. FORAN JOHN, rents Thos. Lyons, Sec. 34; Minooka P. O.; Cath; prop. $1,000; from Ireland. FORTHOFF ROBERT, Laborer Jerome T. Smith's farm, Sec. 25; Plainfield P. O.; Germany. FORTON A. J. Farmer, Sec. 26; Plainfield P. O.; Rep; Pres; born in Antwerp, Jefferson Co. N. Y. Sept. 6, 1844; came to Kendall Co. May 12, 1869; has one child; wife was Sarah E. daughter of R. M. Wheeler, of Castleton, Vermont. GAYLORD CHAS. W. Farmer; rents of father, Sec. 2; Rep; from Pyatt Co. GAYLORD JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 12; Plainfield P. O.; Meth; 80 ac; val. $4,000; from New York GAYLORD C. G. Farmer, Sec. 2; Oswego P. O.; Rep; 80 acres, value $4,000; from Oswego. GAYLORD A. lives with father, Sec. 12; Plainfield P. O.; Meth; from New York. GABEL LEWIS J. Fanner, Sec. 25; Plattville P. O.; born in Nassau, Germany, Aug. 24, 1846; came to U. S. 1850; lived in county 21 years; Ind. Rep; owns 115 acres, v. hie $6,000; wife was Miss Gratee E. Alford, of Plattville, Kendall Co. GATES C. F. Laborer, Sec. 5; Oswego P. O.; Dem; from Virginia. GIDELMAN GEO. Laborer K. Mellor's farm, Sec. 32; Plattville P. O.; Ind. Rep; Germany. GANNON JAMES, Farmer; rents of Jno. Cherry, Sec. 5, Oswego P. O.; Rep; Cath; born county Galway, Ireland, 1831; came to U. S. May 23, 1846; came to Kendall Co. 1853; has family of seven children. Wife was Mary, daughter of Bartley Kerns, of county Gal- way, Ireland. GOODWIN WARD, Laborer on D. C. Goodwin's farm, Sec. 28; Plattville P. O. GILMORE JOS. Laborer on S. A. Cherry's farm, Sec. 4; Oswego P. O.; Rep; Cath; Canada. GLASGOW R. Sr. lives on farm of son, Sec. 36; Plainfield P. O.; Pres; from North Ireland. GLASGOW ROBERT, rents farm, Sec. 30, So acres, from H. A. Gardner; Plattville P. O.; Pres; born county Antrim, Ireland, June 17, 1848; came to U. S. Sept. 8, 1866; came to Kendall Co. March i, 1871; has four children, all living. Wife was Margaret J. daughter of Robert Aiken, county Antrim, Ireland. GREINISER WM. Laborer on Chris. Herron's farm. Sec. 3; Oswego P. O.; from Switzerland. GOODWIN D. C. rents farm, Sec. 28, from Paul Hawley; Plattville P. O.; Dem; from Oswego. Kendall Co GOODWIN J. B. Farmer; rents farm of 160 acres, Sec. 28, from L. A. Whitlock; Plattville P. O.; Dem; Religion, nothing beyond the grave; born Lenox, Madison Co. N. Y. Aug. 17, 1837; came to Kendall Co. May 2, 1846; has two daughters. GOUDIE DAVID, Farmer, Sec. S; Oswego P. O.; Dem; Pres; 500 acres; val. $25,000. GOUDIE JAS. H. lives on farm with father, Sec. 8; Pres; Dem. 98 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. HALE JACOB, Farmer; rents of D. C. Wilson, Sec. 33; Plattville P. O.; Rep; from Indiana. HANSON JAS. R. Laborer on David Goudie's farm. Sec. 8; Luth; from Denmark. HERRON CHRIS. Farmer, See. 3; Oswego P. O.; 150 acres; val. $8,000; from Switzerland. HERRON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. I, Plainfield P. O.; Luth; 60 acres; val. $3,000; from Germany. HODWICK FRED. Laborer on August Wilkining's farm, Sec. 14; from Germany. HOMER FRY, Laborer on Jno. A. Wheeler's farm, Sec. 16; Kendall P. O.; Philadelphia, Pa. HOUSTON EDWARD, Laborer on H. Cherry's farm. Sec. 7; Oswego P. O.; Rep; N. Y. INGALLS DANIEL, lives with father on Sec. 32; Plattville P. O.; Rep; Meth; Oswego. INGALLS SAMUEL, Farmer, Sec. 32; Plattville P. O.; Dem; Meth; val. of prop. $5,ooo; Penn. JESSUP WILLIAM A. Farmer and Stock Raiser, Sec. 10; Oswego P. O.; Rep; Pres; born in Goshen, Orange Co. N. Y. Nov. 23, 1826; came to Kendall Co. April, 1850; owns farm of 320 acres; val. of prop. $20,000; has five children; wife was M. Jane, daughter of John VanDuzer, of Goshen, Orange Co. N. Y. JESSUP JOHN B. D. lives with father on farm, Sec. 10; Oswego P. O.; Pres; born in Co. JESSUP THEODORE, lives with father on farm, Sec. 10; Oswego P. O.; Pres; born in Co. JESSUP S. S. Farmer, Sec. 17; Kendall P. O.; Rep; Pres; owns farm 90 ac; val. $4,500; N. Y. JESSUP THEODORE REV. Pastor Au Sable Grove Pres. Church; Kendall P. O.; Rep. JOHNSON O. C. Farmer, Sec. 20; Kendall P. O.; born in Castleton, Rutland Co. Ver. Dec. 28, 1818; came to Kendall Co. in 1843; owns farm of 407 acres; value $20,500; Pres; Rep; family of four children; wife is a daughter of A. K. Wheeler, Castleton, Ver. JOHNSON GUS, Farmer, Sec. 33; Plattville P. O.; Sweden; rents of Mrs. Sarah Warner. JOHNSON AVIS Mrs. widow of Daniel T. Johnson, who died Sept. 6, 1857; he was born in Rutland Co. Vt. Feb. 20, 1817; came to Kendall Co. in 1844; was Justice of the Peace eight years; held other offices of trust; Meth; left a family of five children; Mrs. Johnson is a Pres; estate valued at $5,000; Sec. 17. KASSLINGER JOHN, Laborer on J. W. Cherry's farm, Sec. 4; Oswego P. O.; Rep; born in Co. KESSLINGER T. Farmer, Sec. 8; Oswego P. O.; Rep; Cath; Germany; rents of Geo. Parker. KELLOGG S. G. Farmer, Sec. 21; Kendall P. O.; Rep; works farm for father; eighty ac; val. $3,200; born in Oswego, Kendall Co. Sept. 30, 1844; has no family. KASSISCO JOHN, Laborer on August Behren's farm, Sec. 24; Plainfield P. O.; Luth; Germany. KESSLINGER CHAS. lives with father on farm, Sec. 8; Oswego P. O.; Cath; born in county. KELLOGG GEO. W. Farmer, Sec. 22; Kendall P. O.; born in Castleton, Rutland Co. Vt. Dec. 25, 1811; came to Kendall Co. Oct. 2. 1835; 408 acres, value $23,400; Rep; has been Justice of Peace 21 years; has family of six children, all living; first wife was Sarah, daughter of Abel Gleason, Batavia, N. Y. died Nov. 6, 1863, aged 42 years and 20 days; present wife is daughter of Jas. Furny, Castile, N. Y. KELLOGG FRANK, lives on farm with father. Sec. 22; Kendall P. O.; born in county. KETCHUM E. S. Farmer, Sec. 20; Kendall P. O.; born Chester, Orange Co. N. Y. Oct- 29, 1836; came to Kendall Co. Nov. 1856; 160 acres, value $10,000; Rep; Pres; has one child, born July 1863; wife was Sarah E. daughter of Jno. D. Marvin, Black Rock, N. Y. KENDALL THOS. lives oa farm with father, Sec. 14; Kendall P. O.; Cath. KENDALL MICHAEL, Farmer; rents of Mrs. Clow, Sec. 14; Kendall P. O.; Cath; Ireland. KIMBLE JAMES Jr. Farmer, Sec. 31; Plattville P. O.; born Prince Edward's Island, July 29, 1836; came to U. S. 1845; Rep; owns farm of 196 acres, value $9,800; wife was. Miss M. J. Smith, of Centre Co. Penn; family of two children. LADIEW NORMAN, Laborer, farm Henry Eberhard, Sec. 12; Plainfield P. O.; Rep; N. Y. LADIEW AARON, rents farm of Col. Clark, Sec. 9; Oswego P. O.; Rep; from N. Y. LADIEW JOHX, rents farm 120 acres from Thos. D. Wayne, Sec. 29; Kendall P. O.; val. $5,000; Rep; Meth; born Stratford, Fulton Co. N. Y. Oct. 25, 1846; came to Kendall Co. 1870; wife was Sarah M. daughter of Conrad Quackenbush, of Salisbury, Herkimer Co. N. V. born Dec. 3, 1847; has two children. LAMB AMOS, lives father on farm, Sec. 26; Plainfield P. O.; born Kendall Co. Mav 15, 1857. LAVINE EDWARD, Laborer, L. B. Clark's farm, Sec. 5; Oswego P. O.; Luth; from Canada. LADD FREDERICK, Laborer, Selah Jessup's farm, Sec. 17; Kendall P.O.; Rep; Pres; Conn. LEDZO GEO. Laborer on S. H. Wheeler's farm, Sec. 16; P. O. Kendall; Luth; from Prussia. LEWIS JAS. Farmer, rents of Paul Hawley, Sec. 28; P. O. Oswego; Pres: from Scotland. LINN ANDREW, Farmer, Sec. 30; P. O. Yorkville; Dem; Meth; Penn.; val. of prop. $5,000. LINN FRANK, Laborer on Jno. Ladiew's farm, Sec. 2q; P. O. Kendall; born in Illinois. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 90 LAMB JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 26; Plainfield P. O.; born Anderson Tp. Clark Co. Til. Sept. 30, 1831; came to Kendall Co. Nov. 1853; I2 acres, value $9,000; Rep; has family of nine children, all living; wife was Sarah G. daughter of Amos Tenney, of Little Rock Tp. 111. LEWIS THOS. W. lives with father on farm, Sec. 28; P. O. Oswego; born in Kendall Co. LINDENMEIER CHARLES, Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Plattville; rents of Geo. Throll, 160 acres; Rep; Meth; born Wittemburg, Germany, Feb. I, 1833; came to U. S. Oct. 25, 1856; came to Kendall Co. June 24, 1860; wife was Susan, daughter of Samuel Inglis, of Pa. LINN ANDREW, lives with father, Sec. 30; P. O Yorkville; Dem; from Penn. LUCAS ALFRED, (colored) rents from H. Cherry, Sec. 3; P. O. Oswego; Rep; Meth; Mo. LONG A. Farmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Oswego; Rep; Meth; owns farm 84 acres; value of property $3,000; b">rn Bavaria, Germany, Aug. 14, 1823; came to U. S. May 20, 1854; came to Ken- dall Co. May 27, 1854; has two children. Wife was Mary, daughter of Michael Gross, of Bavaria, Germany. LUCAS AMAN, Farmer, rents of House & Hall, Sec. 35; P. O. Plainfield; Dem; Luth; Ger. LUCAS EDMUND, (colored) lives with father on farm, Sec. 3; P. O. Oswego; Rep; from Mo. MARSHALL ATKINS, Laborer on Mrs. E. C. Bingham's farm, Sec. 26; P. O. Plainfield; N.Y. McKEOWN HUGH, Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Minooka; Dem; Cath; 80 ac; val. $4,000; Ireland. McCAULEY JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 32; P. O. Plattville; Dem; born in County Donegal, Ireland, Nov. 30, 1828; came to 111. 1838; owns farm 176 acres; value of property $8,800; has family five children, all living. Wife was Malinda A., daughter of A. F. Goodwin, Kendall Co. McMICKEN JAMES, Farmer, Sec. i; P.O. Tamarac; Dem; Cath; Ireland. McMICKEN FRANK, l>ves with father, Sec. i; P. O. Tamarac; Pres; born Na-au-say Tp. McMICKEN JOHN, lives with father on Sec. i; Tamarac P. O.; Pres; born Na-au-say Tp. McNIFF OWEN, Farmer, Sec. 24; Plainfield P. O.; born county Leitrim, Ireland, Sept. 1822; came to U. S. April 19, 1844; came to Kendall Co. April, 18, 1849; owns farm of 240 acres; val. $15,700; has two children. Wife was Sarah, daughter of Jno. Dee, county Tip- perary, Ireland. MILLER WM. Laborer on Chas. Smith's farm, Sec. 35; Plainfield P. O.; from Indiana. .MITCHELL ROBERT, Farmer, Sec. 27; Plainfield P. O.; Rep; 120 acres; val. $6,000; from Prince Edward's Island. MONTGOMERY JAMES. Farmer; rents of Emma Clark, Sec. 4; Oswego P. O.; Dem; Pres; from Ireland. McLAREN LACHLAN, Farmer, Sec. i; Tamarac P. O.; Rep; Pres; owns farm of 106 acres; val. $7,000; born Argyleshire, Scotland, Aug. 12, 1807; came to U. S. May 12, 1853; came to Kendall Co. May 17, 1853. Wife was Jessie, daughter of John Patterson, Lanark- shire, Scotland. MOORE P. D. Laborer on Henry Case's farm. Sec. 29; Plattville P. O.; Rep; from N. Y. MORRISSEY LAWRENCE, Farmer, Sec. 14; Plainfield P. O.; Dem; Cath; 1 60 acres; val. $8,000; from Ireland. MURRAY FRANK C. lives on farm of Mrs. M. C. Collins, Sec. ii; Plainfield P. O.; Rep; Meth; from Will Co. MURRY WM. Laborer on H. S. Bestrel's farm, Sec. 13; Plainfield P. O.; from Michigan. MELLOR KELITA, Farmer, Sec. 32; Plattville P. O.; Ind. Rep; born Holnfirth, York- shire, England, Sept. 30, 1811; came to U. S. Nov. 18, 1854; came to county Nov. 1854; owns 80 acres; val. $6,000; has two children living. Wife was Jane, daughter of Jno. Meyman, of Dowsberry, Yorkshire, England. O'BOYLE HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 32; Plattville P. O.; Dem.; Cath; 40 ac; val. $2,000; Ireland. O'CONNOR J. rents farm from O. McNiff, Sec. ii; Plainfield P. O.; 80 ac; Ind. Rep; Ireland. PULVER HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 32; Kendall P. O.; born Greenbush, N. Y.; lived in county 33 years; Dem; Meth; owns 102 acres; val. $8,000; Commissioner of Roads and School Director; has four children. PARSON PETER, rents of John Oleson, Sec. 33; Plattville P. O.; Luth; from Sweden. PEASE IRVING, Laborer on Samuel Van Dorston's farm, Sec. 19; Kendall P. O.; from N. Y. PINCKNEY E. lives on farm of Edmund Satterlee, Sec. 7; Kendall P. O.; Rep; Pres. JOHNSON RASMUS, Laborer on David Goudie's farm, Sec. 8; Luth; from Prussia. RADCLIFFE JAMES, Laborer on Chas. Smith's farm, Sec. 35; Plainfield P. O. RENGLEBAUGH JOS. Laborer Jno. Van Dyke's farm, Sec. 34; Plainfield P. O.; Dem; France. REEKE ALEXANDER, Laborer on Edward Campbell's farm, Sec. 15; Rep; from Scotland. REED ALEXANDER, Farmer, Sec. 34; Plattville P. O.; Dem; 120 acres, value $6,000; N.Y. 100 DIRECTORY OF KENDALfc COUNTY. RICHARDS NORTON, Laborer L. B. Clar 's farm, Sec. .5; Oswego P. O.; Rep; Meth; ID. RONEY PATRICK, Laborer on M. L. Smith's farm, Sec. 12; Plainfield P. O.; from Ireland. ROSS JACKSON, Laborer on A. Updike's farm, Sec. i; Plainfield P. O.; Meth; Germany. ROSE AUGUST, Laborer Geo. W. Kellogg's farm, Sec. 22; Kendall P. O.; Christian; Germany. ROWLAND THOMAS, lives with son, on farm Sec. 28; Oswego P. O.; Dem; Epis; England. RUSSELL FRANK, Lab. S. H. Wheeler's farm, Sec. 16; Kendall P. O.; Cath; KankakeeCo.Ill. SCHELL GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 9; Oswego P. O.; Ind. Rep; Lutheran; owns farm 122 acres; value property $4,000; born Bavaria, Germany, Jan. 19, 1845; came to U. S. July I, 1857; came to Kendall Co. July, 1857; has two children; wife was Caroline, daughter of Wm. Lippold, Oswego, 111. SEAVER CHARLES, Laborer on Wm. Bunion's farm, Sec. 14; Plainfield P. O.; Germany. SEELEY TOWNSEND Dr. lives with son Edmund, Sec. 18; Kendall P. O.; Rep; Pres; N. Y. SEXTON E. W. Fanner, Sec. 19; Kendall P. (\; Rep; Pres; owns 230 acres; val. $11,500. SIMONDS TONA, Laborer on Solon Smith's farm, Sec. 26; Plainfield P. O.; from Germany. SHIFFER L. W. Farmer, rents 'arm, Sec. 25; 83 acres; val. prop. $5,000; Plainfield P. O.; Rep; Meth; born Centre Co. Pa., Oct. 12, 1835; came to Kendall Co. 1871; was Corporal Co. I, 4&th I.- V. I.; has family three children; wife was Emily A. daughter of Wm. Murray, Kendall Co. 111. SHAND F. Laborer on L. McLaren's farm, Sec. i; Tamarac P. O.; Pres; from Scotland. SOPER HURLEY, Laborer OB Jos. P. Brown's farm, Sec. 36; Plainfield P. O.; from N. Y. STEPHENS ARCHIBALD L. works on E. W. Sexton's farm, Sec. 19; Rep; Pres; S. Carolina. SMITH FRANCIS, Farmer, rents farm from Hamilton Cherry, Sec. 22; 160 acres; val. $7,700; Kendall P. O,; born county Antrim, Ireland, 1823; came to U. S. 1868; came to Kendall Co. 1873; Pres; has family four children; wife was from same county Ireland; deceased. SMITH WASHINGTON G. Farmer, Sec. 21; Kendall P. O.; born Penn; Ind. Rep; 71 acres; val. $3-395- SMITH M. L. Farmer, Sec. 12; Plainfield P. O.; from Conn; val. prop. $21,000. SMITH JOSIAH, Farmer, Sec. i; Tamarac P. O ; Rep; from N. Y.; 80 acres; val. $4,000. SMITH SOLON, Farmer, Sec. 26; PJaihfield P. O.; owns farm 100 acres; val. prop. $6,000; Dem; born Hanover N. II. Oct 6, 1842; came to Kendall Co. July 4, 1844; has two children; wife was Amelia, dughter of Ephraim Bronk, Duchess Co.-N. Y.; was School Director two. years. SMITH ANDREW, lives with father on farm, Sec. 12; Plainfield P. O.; born in county. SMITH GEORGE F. lives with father on farm, Sec. 12; Plainfield P. O.; from Conn. SMITH NATHAN, lives with father on Sec. i; Tamarac P. O.; Rep; from N. Y. SMITH JEROME T. Farmer, Sec. 25; Plainfield P. O.; born Hanover, N. H, Apr. 22, 1831; came to Kendall Co. July 4, 1844; owns farm 200 acres; val. prop. $12,000; Dem; has family five children; wife was Elizabeth A. daughter of Ephraim Bronk, Duchess Co. N. Y.; Mrs. Smith was born Oct. 10, 1833. SMITH JOSEPH, Farmer, rents of M. Cherry, Sec. 23; P. O. Plainfield; Dem; Pres; Ireland. SMITH FRANK, Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Plainfield; Dem; Pres; Ireland; lives with brother. STEVENSON JOHN, Laborer on farm J. C. Carpenter, Sec. 26; P. O. Plainfield; from Ireland. STRYKER DENNIS, Farmer; owns one-half int. of 524 ac; val. $20,000; P. O. Plainfield; Rep. STRYKER CORNELIUS, Farmer. Sec. 23; Plainfield, Will Co. 111. P. O.; born North 'Branch, Somerset Co. N. J., Jan. i, 1835; came to Kendall Co. May 17, 1845; owns one- half int. of farm 524 acres, val. of prop. $20,000; Rep; Meth; has two children; wife was Elizabeth T. E., daughter of C. Van Dalfsen, Coeyman's, Albany Co. N. Y. SXYDAM CHARLES, Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Plainfield; Rep; Unit; owns farm 280 acres, value of property, $16,000; born in Morrisania, N. Y. June S, 1800; came to Kendall Co. Aug. 1844; wife was Judith, daughter of John Aulsbrook, of Nottinghamshire, Eng.; she was born Dec. 25, 1812. TESTINE HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 23; P. O. Plainfield; Cath; 80 acres, val. $4,000; Ireland. THAYER J. R. Laborer on J. W. Cherry's farm, Sec. 4; P.O. Oswego; from Mass. THOMPSON A. R. Farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Plainfield; Ind. Rep; born in county. THOMPSON MARY J. Mrs., widow of Robt. M., Sec. jo; Pres; from Orleans Co. N. Y. TODD JOHN, Laborer on R. M. Wheeler's farm, Sec. 17; P. O. Kendall. UPDIKE J. G. Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Plainfield; Ind. Rep; Pres. from N. Y.; lives with father. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 101 UPDIKE ALBERT, Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Plainfield; Ind. Rep; Pres; owns farm of 142 acres, value of property, $9,000; born Trumansburg, Tompkins Co. N. Y. Oct. 7, 1826; came to Kendall Co. Oct. 28, 1853; nas family of three children; wife was Sarah E., daughter of Caleb Brokaw, Cayuga Co. N. Y.; she was born Oct. 22, 1829. VAN DYKE JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 34; P. O. Plainfield; owns farm 360 acres; Ind. Rep; Univ; born Amsterdam, Montgomery Co. N. Y. Feb. 24, 1828; came to Kendall Co. Sept. 13, 1844; has family four children; wife was Lucena, daughter of D. Smith, Hanover, N. H. VERMET CHARLES, Farmer, rents of H. S. Clark, Sec. 9; P. O. Oswego; Rep; from Canada. VAN DORSTON SAMUEL, Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Kendall; value of property $15,000. VAN DORSTON ELIZABETH Mrs. widow of. Rudolph, lives with son, Sec. 19; P.O. Kendall; from Centre Co. Penn. WHEELER JOHN A. Farmer, Sec. 16; P.O. Kendall; Rep; born Castleton, Rutland Co. Vt. Aug. 7, 1835; came to Kendall Co. May 27, 1845; owns farm 160 acres; val. prop. $11,700; has family two children; wife was Lovetia, daughter Wm. P. Young, Kendall Co. Mrs. Wheeler was born Na-au-say Tp. Kendall Co. March 4, 1838. WAYNE JOHN, Laborer on O. C. Johnson's farm, Sec. 20; P. O. Kendall; Dem; Cath; Ireland. WELLKR LEWIS, Fa-rmer, Sec. 9; P. O. Oswego; Rep; Luth; owns 96 ac; val. $4,800; Germany. WEESE W. Blacksmith; P. O. Plattville; Rep; from Canada. WHEELER R. M. Farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Kendall; Rep; Pres; born Castleton, Vt. Sep. 17, 1821; came to Kendall Co. 1843; owns farm 240 acres; val. prop. $15,000; has family of three children; wife was Phcebe, daughter Jonathan Todd, Washington Co. N. Y. WELD FRANK M. Laborer on J. W. Cherry's farm, Sec. 4; P. O. Oswego; Rep; from Maine. WELLING THOMAS, Laborer on Wm. Jessup's farm, Sec. 10; P. O. Oswego; Rep; from N.Y. WHEELER HENRY W. lives with father on Sec. 17; P. O. Kendall; Rep. WHEELER S. H. Farmer, Sec. 16; P. O. Kendall; has five children. WHEELER A. K. lives with son, S. H. Wheeler, Sec. 16; Rep. Universalist; from Rutland Co. Vt; born 1799. WHITLOCK S. S. Farmer, Sec 31; P. O. Plattville; Rep; from N. Y; val. prop. $5,000. WHITNEY NANCY Mrs. widow of John Whitney, of Chicago, 111. Sec. 29; P. O. Kendall; Epis; owns farm 120 acres; val. $6,OOO. WHITLOCK L. M. Farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Kendall; Rep; Meth; owns 160 acres; value of property $10.000; born Rutland Co. Vt. March 10, 1825; came to Kendall Co. 1845; has family eleven children; seven boys and four girls; wife, was Melissa, daughter of T. R. Mun- sell, Castleton, Rutland Co. Vt. WILSON C. Farmer, Sec. i; Plainfield P. O.; Rep; Orange Co. N. Y.; rents of Chas. Snydam. WILKENING AUGUST, Farmer, Sec. 14; Dem; Luth; Hanover, Germany; rents farm from Ida Cherry. W^HLTLOCK L. A. Farmer, Sec. 22; Kendall P. O.; owns farm of 320 acres; val. of prop. $19,000; Meth; Rep; bom in Rutland Co. Vt. Feb. 22, 1823; "came to Kendall Co. in 1844; has a family of five children; wife was Cornelia M. daughter of Tracy A very, Will Co. Ill; was School Director three years. WILLIS HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 14; Oswego P. O.; Ind; Rep; owns 67 ac; val. $3,350; Vt. WINSLOW HARMON, Laborer on D. C. Goodwin's farm. Sec. 28; Plattville P. O. WHFTLOCK H. T. Farmer, Sec. 27; Plattville P. O.; born in Rutland Co. Vt. May 10, 1827; came to Kendall Co. June I, 1845; owns farm of 160 acres; Rep; has family of three children; wife was Mary A. daughter of Jno. V. Vandervoort, Clinton Co. N. Y.; Mrs. W. was born March 28, 1833. WYNNE THOMAS; Farmer, Sec. 32; Plattville P. O.; owns farm 120 ac; val. $6,000; Ireland. WYNNE DENNIS, lives on farm with father, Sec. 32; Plattville P. O.; Cath. AVHITNEY H. W. Farmer, Sec. 29; Kendall P. O.; Dem; Univ; owns farm of 100 acres; val. of prop. $4.900; born in Cananadaigua, Ontario Co. N. Y. July 26, 1829: went to Cali- fornia in Spring of 1852; went to Pike's Peak in year 1863; came to Kenda\l Co. Aug. 20, 1870; wife was Margaret, daughter of Wm. Crumby, Mechanicstown, Pa. WYLIE WM. Farmer, Sec. 36; Plainfield P. O.; Pres; owns So acres; val. $4.400. WYLIE S. Laborer on farm of J. B. Goodwin, Sec. 28; Plattville P. O.; Dem; from Ireland. WHITNEY JOHN B. Farmer, Section 29; Kendall P. O.; Dem; Epis; owns farm of 100 acres; val. of prop. $5,000; born in Rochester, Monroe Co. N. Y. June n, 1832; went to Chicago in 1852; from there to Kendall Co. Sept. 1870; has no family; his mother is Nancy, widow of Jno. Whitney, Chicago, 111. WYNNE JOHN, lives on farm with father, Sec. 32; Plattville P. O.; Cath. 102 DIRECTORY OP KENDALL COUNTY. WYLIE ARCHIBALD, lives with son on farm, Sec. 33; Plattville P. O.; from Ireland. WYL.IE JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 32; Plattville P. O.; Pres; born in Co. Antrim, Ireland, July 12, 1836; came to U. S. April 17, 1863; came to Kendall Co. May 18, 1863; owns farm of 80 acres; value of property $4.500; wife was Margaret Ann, daughter of Robert Glas- gow, Sen. Co. Antrim, Ireland; rents of H. A. Gardner. WILSON" D. C. Farmer, Sec. 33; Plattville P. O.; Rep; owns farm of 144 acres; value of prop. $5,000; born in Miama Co. Ohio, Oct. 23, 1842; came to Kendall Co. March, 184$; has family of two children; wife was Margaret A. daughter of Henry Everhard, of Fulton Co. N. Y. YOUNG MARY MRS. widow of Wm. P. who died in California in 1851- Kendall P. O.; Meth; from England. YOUNG RICHARD, Farmer, Sec. 10; Oswego P. O.; owns farm of 40 acres; val. of prop. $2,000, YOUNG GEO. H. Works on E. W. Sexton's farm, Sec. 19; Rep; born in Na-au-say Tp> DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 108 BRISTOL TOWNSHIP. AUSTIN J. N. Farmer; P. O. Bristol; born in Putnam Co. N. Y., May 23, 1809; lived in county ever since its organization; Rep. Wife was Miss Sarah Roberts, of Burlington, N. J.; has family of three children. ABENS MICHAEL, Farm laborer, works on Wm. Sloan's farm, Sec. 6; Rep; from Germany. ABENS MICHAEL, Farm laborer, with C. Raymond, Sec. i; Rep; from Germany. ALDRICH J. L. Carpenter; P. O.Bristol; Rep; value of property $200. ALDEN B. F. Laborer; P. O. Bristol; Rep; from Mass.; value of property $800. AUSTIN" N. Y. Farmer, P. O Bristol; born in Kendall Co. July 6, 1844; Rep; owns farm of 447 acres, and grist mill; value of property $32,000. Wife was Miss S. J. Roberts, of N. J.; has one child. AUSTIN PHOEBE Miss, Bristol; from N. Y.; value of property $5,000. ARNOLD R. L. Miller; P. O.Bristol; Rep; born in 111. AUSTIN E. H. Money Lender, Bristol; Rep; from N. Y.; value of property $12,000. BARNES HORACE, Farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Bristol Station; born in Warwick, Hamp- shire Co. Mass. Jany. 28, 1797; lived in this county thirty-seven years; owns 103 acres; value of prop. $8,000; Rep; Cong. Wife was Susan L. Cone, of Conn.; family of six children, one dead. BARNS ARTHUR H. Speculator, Bristol Stat.; born in Kendall Co; Rep; Cong; prop. $3,000. BEECHER M. N. rents farm of father, Sec. 18; P. O. Bristol Station; Ind; Rep. BEECHER MERRITT, rents farm of Curtis 'Beecher, Sec. 18; Rep; from N. Y.; prop. $500. BEECHER CURTIS, Farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Bristol; born in Portage Co. Ohio, Sept. 22,1821; lived in county thirty-six years; owns 2O2 acres; value of property $12,920; Rep. Wife was Eunice Jane Thorp, of N. Y. State; family, six children. BERTRAM WM. Farmer, lives with father, Sec 4; Rep; born in county. BERTRAM JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Bristol Station; Rep; Pres; from Scotland. BENNETT MORGAN, Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Piano; born Nov. i, 1840, in Chemung Co. N. Y.; settled in county in 1846; served in gist I. V. I. under Col. Henry Day, three years; Rep; Bapt. Wife was Sarah L. Griffing, of Indiana; married in Jasper Co. Illinois; family, four children. BERTRAM WM Farmer, Sec. 4; Bristol Station; Rep; Cong; Scotland; prop. $6,000. BERTRAM M. Farmer, Sec. 4; Rep; from Scotland; value prop. $12,000. BOOMER MARTIN, Farmer, Sec. 21; Bristol P. O.; born Fall River, Mass. April 10, 1802; located in this county in 1853; 122 acres, value $10,000; Rep; Bapt; wife was Miss Lydia Bordon, born in Charlton, Mass. 1807; family, four children. BOOMER A. M. Farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Bristol; born Charlton, Mass. Sept. 14, 1836; located in this Co. 1850; owns farm of 150 acres; value of property $15,000; Rep; Bapt. Wife was Ella Bradford, Southbridge, Mass, born 1844; family, one child. BEST J. H. Teacher of Public School, Bristol Station; Rep; from New York. BOOMER S. S. Bridge Builder, Bristol; Rep; Bapt; from Mass. BOYD J. S. Farmer, Sec. 28; Bristol P. O.; born in town of Fox, in this county, May 23, 1842; own* farm 128 acres, value property $9,700; Dem; Univ; wife was Mina Palmer, of Fowler, N. Y.; family, three children. BOOTH, A. Farmer, Bristol; Rep; Meth; from Ohio; value prop. $3,000. BOURTON J Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Bristol Station; Rep; Bapt; England; val. prop. $10,000. BO YD SARAH ANN Mrs. Farm, Sec. 28; widow of W. P. Boyd, who died Jan. 5, 1860; he was born in Fleming Co. Ky. 1815; located in this county 1838; left family of five children; val. estate $30,000; Mrs. Boyd was Sarah A. Hollenback, Muskingum C >. Ohio; Bristol P. O. BOUTWELL MRS. J. II. widow; Bristol P. O; from New York; value prop. $2,OOO. BOYD W. P. Farmer, Sec. 27; Bristol P. O.; born in Newark, Kendall Co. 111. Jan. 29, 1847; owns 164 12-100 acres land; value property, $13.680; Dem; Constable; wife was Mary <'. Vamppo, Ohio; family, one child. 104 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. BUXTON STEPHEN A. Telegraph Operator, Bristol Station; Rep; from Mass. BRYDON, J. A. Publisher of the Yorkville News, Bristol; born in Bristol, Kendall Co. Nov. 10, 1853; Ind. in politics. BUXTON STEPHEN", Trader, Bristol Sta; born in North Redding, Mass. June 3, 1817; locared in Kendall Co. 1873; Rep; Univ; owns town property valued at $2,500; wife was Anna M. Richardson, of Massachusetts; family, one boy. CAMPBELL ANDREW, Silver Plater, Bristol; Rep; from Vermont; val. prop. $300. CARPENTER J. S. Farmer, Sec. 2; Montgomery P. O.; Rep; Meth; from N. Y.; prop. $10,000. CARTER J. L. Manufacturer of Pumps, Bristol; Rep; from Canada; value property $2,ooc*. CARTER H. K. Farmer, Sec. 14; Dem; from Kentucky; value property $15,000. CHAMBERS T. H. Dealer in Notions, etc., Bristol station; born in England March n, 1840; value property $400; Ind,; Latter Day Saint; wife was Maryetta Barckley, Licking Co. Ohio; family of four children. COLTON H. S. Cong. Minister, Bristol; Rep; from New York; value property $8,000. CONNELL WILLIS, Farm hand with M. Boomer, Sec. 21; Bristol P. O.; Rep; Meth. CONOVER J. G. Farmer, Sec. 30; Bristol P. O ; owns 107 acres, val. $5.500; from New York. COOK CHARLES M. Retired Farmer; Bristol P. O.; Dem; from New Jersey; prop. $20,000. CHATTLE I. B. Farmer, Sec. 13; born in Sussex Co. N. J. Dec. 20, 1833; located in county 1870; owns undivided half of 210 acres land; value property $7,500; Rep; Meth; wife was Mary Pierce, of Ohio; family, two children,; Oswego P. O. CORNELL A. J. Carpenter; Bristol P. O.; Rep; from 111; value property $600. COVEY WATT, Carpenter, Bristol; Rep; from New York. CULBERTSON W. J. rents farm of McPearce, Sec. 23; Rep; from St. Lawrence Co. N. Y. CURRAN AMOS D. Book-keeper, Bristol Station P. O.; Rep; from New York. CORNELL* JAMES S. Farmer, Sec. 19; Bristol P. O.; born in North Hampstead, Long Island, Sept. 6, 1808; located in county 1835; owns 320 acres of land; value prop. $27,400; Rep; Univ; was sheriff of county six years; wife was Miss Marion P. How, of Genesee Co. N. Y.; family, nine children. DANO THOS. Bristol P. O ; Rep; from Mass; value property $600. DIXON WM. Bristol P. O.; Rep; Bapt; from England. DAVIS BENN R. Montgomery, Kane Co. P. O.; Farmer, Sec. 3; born in Kendall Co. III. Aug. 20, 1849; works Davis' farm; 175 acres; value property $3,000; Rep; wife was Lucy M. Hobbell, born in Derby, Conn; family, one girl. DOBSON A. Paper Maker; Bri tol P. O.; Ind; from England. DOLPH ORSON, Butcher; Bristol P, O.; Rep; val. of prop. $1,000. DICKSON SIMON, Farmer, Sec. 10; Bristol Station P. O.; born in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, Oct. 10, 1831; lived in county iS years; owns 120 acres land; val. of prop. $7 500; Rep; Cong; wife Jcnnett V. Paterson of Kendall Co. Ill; family four children. DOTEN J. S. Station Agent, Bristol Station; from N. Y. DRISCOLL F. rents farm of Dr. Wheeler, Sec. 19; Piano P.O.; Rep. DAVIS C. W. Farmer, Sec. 2; P.O. Montgomery, Kane Co.; born in Chemnng Co. N. Y. June 14, 1822; lived in this county 36 years; owns farm 86 acres; val. of prop. $4,290; Rep; wife was Sophia Vaughn of Chemung Co. N. Y.; family eight children. DOWD BYRON, Farmer, Sec. 10; Bristol Station; Rep; Cath;"Ireland; val. prop. $6,000. DURYEA MRS. SUSAN, Farmer, Sec. 29; Bristol P. O ; from N. Y.; 186 ac; val.- prop. $14.000. DYER SILAS G. Peddler, Bristol; Rep; val. prop. $800. DYER ARTHUR, Teamster, Bristol P. O.; Rep. DOWD JOHN, Farmer. Sec. 10; born in Longford Co. Ireland, 4th of Feb. 1830; located in this county 1865; owns 115 acres land; val. prop. $10.000; Ind. Rep; Cath; wife was Miss Catharine Kennedy, Co. Louth, Ireland; family one child; P. O. Bristol Station. EBRECHT CHRIS, Farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Bristol Station; born in Hanover. Germany, Oct. 28, 1827; lived in this county 25 years; owns 2i6'/ acres land; val. of prop. $14,500; Dem; Luth; wife was Minnie Boneman of Brunswick, Germany; family three children. ECCLES WILLIAM, Farmer, Bristol Station; born in Delaware Co. Pa. 3Oth April, 1845; lived in county 28 years; Rep; Meth; wife was Amelia Spencer of Bristol; family t\v<> ECCLES JAMES, Farmer, Sec. /; Bristol Station; born July 12, 1820, in Co. Tyrone, Ireland; located in county 1849; owns 980 acres;-val. prop. $32,580; Rep; Pres; wife was Maria Salsburg; born in Philadelphia, Pa; family eleven children; seven living. DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. 105 ECCLES FRANK, Farmer, Sec. n; Bristol Station; Little Rock Township; born in Delaware Co, Penn. Jan. 19, 1849; lived in Co. 28 years; Ind. Rep; Pres; wife was Hannah Harris, from England; no family. EMMONS F. A. lives in Aurora; val. of prop. $14,000. ERNST GEO. Farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Bristol; Ind; from Germany; val. of prop. $8,600. EGLINGTON JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 5; P. O. Bristol Station; born Norfolk. Eng, Jan. 22, 1814; located in Kendall Co. 1836; owns 183 acres, value of prop. $14,950; wife was Rebecca P. Pearson, born Norfolk, Eng; family, nine children, three dead. EVARTS JEREMIAH, County Clerk of Kendall Co; Bristol; 16 acres in Kane Co; born in Georgia, Vt. 1835: came to 111. in 1855; admitted to the Bar in 1861; elected clerk in 1864; Rep. FARRALL JOHN, Mason, Bristol Station; Dem; from Ireland; val. of prop. $400. FERRIS G. W. Farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Bristol Station; Rep; from Vermont; val. prop. $9,600. FERRIS W. H. Cattle Buyer, P. O. Bristol'Station. FINLAYSON WM. Laborer, P. O. Bristol; from Scotland; val. of prop. $600. FERRISS JAS. H. Publisher of Yorkville News, resides in Bristol; born in Kendall Co. Nov. 18, 1849; lived in Kansas three years; Ind. in politics and religion; val. of prop. $3,000. FLEMMING J., Bristol P. O.; Rep; val. of prop. $1,500. FLYNN THOS. Farmer, Sec. 28; P, O. Bristol; Dem; Cath; from Ireland. FOLEY MORGAN, Laborer, Bristol Station; Dem; from Ireland, FULLER IRA, rents farm of James Greenacre, Sec. 4; Rep; from Mass. FINLAYSON THOMAS, Farmer, Sec. 19; P. O. Piano; born in Perthshire, Scotland. March n, 1801; lived in Co. 23 years; Rep; Pres; owns 94 acres land, and house and lot in Bristol; val. of prop. $8,415; wife born in Fifeshire, Scotland; family, six children living. GARLICK JOSEPH, rents farm of C. H. Helm; from England; value prop. $600. GODARD JAS. A. Dealer in Grain and Lumber; Rep; from New York; in county 31 years. GODARD C. Y. owns saw mill, Bristol; Rep; from New York; value prop. $5,000. GILLAM E. P. Farmer, Bristol Sta; born in Kendall Co. 111. Sept. 17, 1843; owns house and lot; value of property $300; Rep; Cong; wife was Mary A. March, of Wisconsin; family, one child. GILLAM D. P. Farmer, Sec. 21; Bristol Sta. P. O.; Rep; Cong; from N. Y.; prop. $8,000. GILLAM W. C. Farmer, Sec. 9; Bristol Sta. P. O.; Rep; Cong; born Kendall Co; prop. $5,000 GILLIS C. Bristol P. O.; Rep; from Massachusetts; val. of prop. $800. GALE JAMES McCLELLAN, Farmer and Publisher of Gale's Double and Triple Maps of 111. and Real Estate Agent, Bristol P. O.; born in Columbus, Ind. Dec. 20, 1825; came to Kendall Co. in Nov. 1848; Rep; wife was the daughter of James Boome; married March 4, 1856; had one daughter, born Feb. n, 1857, died Oct. 31, 1857; an d one son > James Arthur McClellan, born July 14, 1859; value of property $15,000. GOODALE L. W. Hotel Keeper, Bristol Sta; Rep; from New York; val. of prop. $1,500. GOODRICH L. W. Shoemaker; Rep; from New York. GREENACRE JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 5; Bristol Sta. P. O.; born in Norfolk, England, Oct. 25, 1819; located in county 1836; 463 acres, value $33.343; Ind. Rep; Epis; first wife was Mary A. Burgess, of Norfolk, England; had ten children, four living; she died Nov. 25, 1866, aged 45 years; present wife was Mary A. Kern, of London, Canada, born Nov. 1,8, 1834; mother of four children; total family of thirteen children, five not living. GREENACRE JOHN, Stock Dealer, Bristol Sta; Rep; from England; val. prop. $10,000. . GREEN GEORGE, Physician, Bristol Sta; Rep; from England. GREEN JAMES, Laborer, Bristol; Dem; from Ireland; val. of prop. $800. GRIMWOOI) WM. Farmer, Sec. 20; Bristol Sta. P. O.; born in Suffolk, Eng. Jan. 27, 1817; located in county 1843; 250 acres, value $20,000; Ind, Rep; Bapt; wife was Seraph J. Saulsbery. born Berkshire Co. Mass. Aug. ?, 1826; family, five children four living; son, Newton S. Grimwood lost in Donaldson's balloon ascension, July 15, 1875. GORTON LEVI, Fanner, Sec. ii; Bristol Sta. P. O; Rep; Univ; from N. Y.; prop. $10,000. GRISWOLD CHARLES I). Farmer; Dem; from New York. HA1>I)EN STEVEN H. Farmer, Sec. i, Little Rock Tp; Bristol Station P. O.; born in Newburgh, N. Y. Oct. 6, 1854; lived in county four years; Rep; Meth; wife was Minnie Lee, of Plato, Kane Co; family, one child. HAYS F. A. Miss, Bristol P. O.; from Pa; value property $ic,ooo. HA I Gil II. Merchant, Bristol P.O.; Rep; from England. 12 106 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. HATHAWAY T. Jr. Farmer, Sec. 30; Bristol P. O.; born in Kendall Co. III. April 25, 1848; owns farm of 100 acres; value property $10,000. HATHAWAY TRUMAN, Farmer, Sec. 30; Bristol P. O.; Dem; fro.n N. Y.; prop. $15,000. HATHAWAY ED. Farmer, Sec. 31; Bristol P. O.; Ind; Rep; Univ; N. Y.; prop. $11,400 HEALEY WM. H. Farmer, Sec. 18; Bristol Station P. O.; born in Worcester Co. Mass. Sept. II, 1820; lived in county twenty-one years; owns 95 acres land; value property $7,200; Rep; Cong; wife's name was Louisa Charles, of Hampden Co. Mass; family, seven children. HALL L. F. Butcher, Bristol P. O.; Rep; born in 111; value property $800. HANSON WM. H. Farmer, Sec. 15; rents farm of J. Borton; Rep; New York; prop. $2,000. HANSON D. W. Bristol Station; Farmer, Sec. 23; born in this county Dec. 12, 1850; lived in county since; works F. A. Emmon's farm of 222 acres; value property $1,500; Rep; Meth; wife was Mary A. Turpening, of Neponset, Bureau Co. Ill; family, one child. HATTERY THOS. Bristol P. O.; lives with Mrs. Lane, Sec. 2^; Rep; from Ohio. HEALEY WM. H. Jr. Farm hand with Mrs. Palmer; Rep; Cong; born in 111. HEUSTIS J. C. Farmer. Sec. 27; Bristol P. O.; born in county Oct. n, 1840; owns farm 62 acres; value of property $7,000; Ind; Univ; wife was Carrie Boyd, Bristol, this county. HILL E. M. Mrs. Bristol P. O.; from England; value property $600. HOWARD SOL. retired; P. O. Bristol; Rep; from N. Y; value property $1,800. HOBBS F. M. Merchant, Bristol; born in Maine, 1829; came to Kendall Co. 1856. HOPPER R. S. Farmer, Sec 15; Bristol Station; Rep; Bapt; born in Steuben Co. N. Y. July 16, 1832; located in LaSalle Co. 111. in 1857; from thereto this county; owns 296 a.res land; value of piop. $19,000; wife was Mary E. Scofield, born 1836, of Chemung Co. N. Y; family one boy. I HOARD F. E. rents Emmons' farm, Sec. 28; P. O. Bristol; Rep; from New York. HOPKINS M. Physician and Surgeon; P. O. Bristol; Dem; from 111. HOPKINS ROBERT Dr. Physician and Surgeon, Bristol; Dem; from New York. HULLi E. C. Farmer, Sec. 16; Bristol Station; born 26th of April, 1844, in Duchess Co. N.Y; lived in this county eighteen years; owns farm 173 acres; val. prop. $14,000; wife'was Miss Mary L. Knox of this county; family of two children. HUDSON H. S. Judge of Kendall Co; P. O. Bristol; Rep; from Mass. HUMISTON S. D. Farmer, Rep; Baptist; from Douglas, N. Y. in 1838. HUNT T. S. Farmer, Sec. 15; Bristol Station; Douglas Dem; born in Connecticut. May 10, 1832; lived in this county thirty-three years; owns one-half interest 280 acres; val. prop. $16,400; wife was Malissa Mantor, of N Y.; family, five children, four living; is Justice of the Peace. HUNT G. G. Farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Bristol Station; Rep; from Conn; val. prop. $16,400. HUNGERFORD J. farm laborer with H. Steel, Sec. 19; Tnd. Rep; from N. Y. HUNT G. G-. Mechanical Engineer; P. O. Bristol Station; Rep; born in South Canaan, Litchfield Co. Conn. Dec. 20, 1829; came to 111. 1840; family, wife and three children; val. property $8,000. KENNEDY PATRICK, Farmer, Sec. 7; P. O. Bristol Station; Dem; Cath; from Ireland; val. prop, $6,000. KENNEDEY GEO. Farmer, Sec. 21; Bristol; Dem; born Illinois. KENNEDY MRS. MARY, Farm Sec. 21; Bristol; widow of Owen Kennedy who died 7th July, 1871. He was born in Washington Co. N. Y. Dec. 6, 1814; located in this county 1839; wife was Miss Mary Finnic, Montgomery Co. N. Y; family five children. KENNEDY THOS. Farmer, Sec. 17; Bristol Station; Dem; Cath; Ireland; val. prop. $9,000. KENNEDY GIDEON, Farmer, Sec. 27; P.O. Bristol; Dem; from N.Y; val. of prop. $6,000. KECK JERIMIAH, Farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Montgomery, Kane Co.; born in Montgomery Co. N. Y. July r, 1838; lived in this county 36 years; owns 132 acres land, value of property, $7,000; Rep; Meth; wife was Margaret Stewart, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; family, two children. KENNEDY DAVID, Farmer, Sec. 27; P. O. Bristol; Dem; N. Y; val. of prop. $10,000. KENNEDY HUGH, Farmer, Sec. 22; P. O. Oswego; Dem; from N. Y.; val. of prop. $6,000. KECK LEANDER, Farmer, Sec. 2; Montgomery P. O. Kane Co.; born in Fulton Co. N.Y., Oct. 2, 1841; lived in this Co. n years, owns farm 131 acres; value of property, $6,740; Rep; Meth; wife was Nancy C. Bauder, of Kane Co. Ill; family of three children. KERNS SUSAN and CAROLINE Misses, Farm Sec. 9; Bristol St. P. O.; prop. $5,000. KIRWIN MARTIN, Laborer, P.O. Bristol; Ind; Cath; from Ireland. KNOX L. S. Farmer, Sec. 16; Bristol Station P. O; Rep: from N. Y. value of property, $1,000. 01 RECTORY OF KENDAT^rCOtTSBCF.a 107' t KNIGHT J. A. Farmer, Sec. 32; Bristol P.O.; born in Gorman, Cumbferla^iHiCV. July ii, 1819; located, in Co. 1852; owns farm of 66 acres of land, value of pToperty/$8;opa; ; > Rep; Cong; wife was Miss C. N. Dyer, Cumberland Co. Maine; born Aug. 13. i8iq: family . C C !_* I J - I t .^\ '- *i . ' of four children. LANE E. M. Mrs., widow; Sec. 22; Bristol P. O.; owns 113 acres. LANE LYMAN, "Retired Farmer, P. O. Bristol; Rep; from N. Y.; val. of prcvp! fl'/^o^ L '' LILLEY JOHN", Farmer, Sec. n; Bristol Station; born in Madison ,0" fyt^. f jafch 28, 1815; located in Kane Co. 1839; lived in this Co. 14 years; owns 72^.acre^ ;r of J^ad; val. of prop. $60,000; Rep; Bapt; wife was Catherine Lee, of N. Y.; family of four children. LASURE C. W. Painter, Bristol P. O.; Rep. LATHROP S. S. Retired Farmer; Rep; from Massachusetts; val. prop. $10,000. LAYTON H. Farmer, Sec. 3; Bristol; Rep; Meth; val. prop. $5,500. LILLEY S. L. Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Montgomery, Kane Co; born Kane Co. Ill, July 9, 1852; lived in county 14 years; owns 197 acres; val. $30,000; Rep; Bapt; has one child. Wife was Emma H. Lee, of Westchester Co. N. Y. LINDGREN WM. works Hopkins' farm, Sec. 30; Bristol P. O.; Rep; from Norway. LITCHFIELD A. H. Merchant, Bristol, from New York. LOUCKS ALMEREAN, Farmer, Sec. 5; Bristol P. O.; Rep; New York; val. prop. $11,500. LILLEY D. S. G. Farmer, Sec. 2f P. O. Montgomery, Kane Co; born Aurora, Kane Co. 111. June 30, 1848; Rep; works his father's farm, 250 acres; val. $15,000; has two children. Wife was Letitia Lee, of Plato, Kane Co. 111. MACK THOS. Farmer, Sec. 6; Bristol P. O.; Dem; Meth; from England. MARSH GEO. farm hand with father, Sec. 21; Rep; born Illinois. MABBOTT LEONARD, Farmer, Sec. 9; Bristol Station P. O.; born May 22, 1816, in England; owns 46 acres; val. $3,000; lived in county 36 years; Rep; Bapt; raised sixteen children through charity. Wife was Martha Ames, of Herkimer Co. N. Y.; no children. MASON COBB, Vineyard, Bristol P. O.; Rep; val. prop. $1,000. McDONNALD VALENTINE, farm hand with James Scofield; Rep; from Canada. McMAHON JOSEPH, farm hand with Mr. Sears; Dem. McMURTRIE ROBT. Blacksmith, Bristol P. O.; Rep; from Scotland; val. prop. $1,000. McMURTRIE THOS. Blacksmith, Bristol P. O.; Rep; from Scotland; val. prop. $600. MARSHALL. J. R. Bristol; Publisher Kendall County Record, Yorkville; born Talbot Co. Md. Jan. 10, 1837; lived in Kendall Co. 12 years; Rep; Meth. County Superintendent of Schools eight years. McAMBER J. Merchant, Bristol; Dem; from Vt; Prin. Public School, Yorkville. McMURTRIE JAS. Blacksmith, Bristol P. O.; from Scotland. McOWEN A. S. Carpenter, Bristol P. O.; Rep; from New York. MARCH CHARLES, Carpenter and Joiner, Bristol Station; born in Monroe Co. N. Y. Sept. 19, 1812; lived in Milwaukee, Wis. 25 years, and in this Co. sixteen years; owns house and lot; val. of prop. $450; Rep; wife was Emeline A. Reed, of N. Y.; family, six children. MEHAN PAT, rents farm of J. N. Austin; from Ireland; value of property $300. MILLER P. Farm hand with Mr. Lilley, Sec. i; Rep; from Germany. MILLER NICK, Farm hand with S. S. Lilley, Sec. i; Rep; from Germany. MARSH W. W. Farmer, Sec. 21; Bristol Station P. O. ; born in Sutton, Mass. March 27, 1812; lived in Co. 38 years; owns farm of 125 acres; val. of prop. $12,500; Rep; Meth; wife was Miss Rhoda Stilwell, Fall River, Mass; family of seven children; two living. MITCHELL J. Weaver, Bristol Station P.O.; Rep; Meth; from Scotland. MOORE E. J. Blacksmith, Bristol P. O.; from Kentucky. MORLEY WM, Farm hand with Aaron Boomer, Sec. 21; Rep; from New York. MORGAN C. G. Inventor, Bristol Station P. 0-; Rep; from Mass. MURPHEY LUKE, Laborer, Bristol Station P. O.; Dem; Cath; from Ireland. MERKLY LONGIN, Physician, Bristol P. O.; born in Germany, March 15, 1827; came to U. S. in 1859; lived in Co. seventeen years; Rep; Cong; graduated at Tupengen College, Wurtemburg, in 1848; has been Surgeon in 2Oth I. V. I.; served in Hospital Department three years; has a family of six children. MILLER T. J. Farmer, Sec. 18, Piano P. O ; born in Oswego Co. N. Y. Feb. 7, 1831; located in this countv Jan. 1868; owns 120 acres land; val. prop. $8,200; Rep; Meth; wife was Miss Betsey A. Rice, Whitesborough, Oneida Co. N. Y.; family, four children, two living. NEVIN JOHN, Laborer, Bristol P. O.; Dem; from Ireland. 108 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. NOOMAN BRYAN, Farmer, Sec. i; Montgomery P. O.; Ind; Cath; Ireland; val. prop. $10,400. O'BRIEN M. C. Farmer, with father, Sec. n; Rep; horn Illinois. O'BRIEN L. Farmer, Sec. II; Bristol St. P. O.; Rep; Meth; from N. Y.; val. of prop. $8,000. O'BRIEN WM. H. Farmer, with father, Sec. n; Rep; from New York. PATERSON MATTHEW, Farmer, Sec. 10; Bristol Station P. O.; born in Ayrshire, Scot. Oct. 18, 1812; lived in county since 1837; owns 170 acres land; value property $15,000; Rep; Cong; been Town Assessor nine years; wife was Jane Connell, of Ayrshire, Scotland, March i, 1816; family, seven children. PAGE L. W. retired Farmer; Bristol P. O.; Rep; val. of prop. $11,000. PALMER MRS. B. farm Sec. 21; owns 250 acres; from St. Lawrence Co. N. Y. PALMER EARL, Fruit Grower, Bristol P. O.; Rep; from N. Y.; val. prop. $6,000. PALMER PHILO, Farmer, Sec. 28; Bristol P. O.; Rep; from N. Y.; val. prop. $5,000. PATERSON JOHN, farms with father, See. 10; Bristol P. O.; Rep; born 111. PEARSON JAMES, Coal Dealer, Bristol Station; Rep; from England; val. prop. $2,000. PEARCE JOSINAH Mrs. farm Sec. 13; Oswego P. O.; widow of Walter Pearce, who died Jan. 31, 1866. He was born in Logan Co. Ohio, Jan. 20, 1799; settled in this Co. 1832; left family of eight children; value of estate $19,560; Mrs. Pearce was Miss Josinah Catterh'n, of Hamilton, Butler Co. Ohio. PECKHAM ROWLAND, Farmer, Sec. 17; Bristol P. O.; Dem; Bapt; Rhode I. ; val. prop. $1,000. PIERCE EZRA, Farmer$.Sec. 13; Oswego P. O.; Dem; from Ohio; val. prop. $7.000, PIERCE GEORGE, Farmer, Sec. 13; Oswego P. O.; Dem; born in county. POPE S. S. Merchant, Bristol; Rep; born in 111. PROCTOR GEORGE (colored). Farm hand with Mr. Richmond, Sec. 6; Bristol Sta. P.O.; Rep; from Mass. PRESCOTT P. B. Blacksmith, Bristol P. O.; Rep; from New York. PHILLIPS ALBERT, Farmer, Sec. 13; Oswego P. O.; born in Kane Co. 111. Dec. 26- 1841; owns 104 acres of land; value property $6,000; Rep; Bapt; wife was Amelia Brace, o^ Kendall Co. Ill; family of five children. QUIRK MICHAEL, Laborer, Bristol; Dem; from Ireland; value property $800. RAYMOND J. L. Farmer, Sec. 7; Bristol Station P.O.; born in county Aug. 6, 1844; owns farm of 107 acres; value property $6,420; Rep; Meth; wife was Kate G. Lilley, of Kane Co. bom Nov. 7, 1844; family two children. ^ RAYMOND MARTIN, farms with father, Sec. 9; Bristol Station P. O.; Rep; born in 111. RICHMOND R. B. rents farm of Wm. Sloan, Sec. 6; Bristol Station P. O.; Rep; from Vt. RAYMOND C. H. Farmer, Sec. 9; Bristol Station P. O.; born in Mass. Oct. 22, 1817; lived in county thirty-four years; owns farm 700 acres; value of property $51,000; Rep; Meth; wife was Lydia Burrell, of Waymouth, Mass; family of nine children, two not living. RICKERD L. FarmeV, Sec. 22; Bristol Station P. O.; Dim; from New York; prop. $10,000. ROBINSON JNO. Carpenter, Bristol P. O.; Rep; from New York. ROBINSON J. R. Carpenter, Bristol P. O.; Rep; from New York. REDDING A. J. Physician and Surgeon, Bristol; read medicine three years in Toledo, Ohio; attended full course at Newton's Clinical and Surgical Institute, Cincinnati, in 1868; graduated at Cincinnati Medical College, 1870; practiced in Indiana three years; born in LaPorte, Ind; Rep. ROUNDS E. A. rents A. H. Barns' farm, Sec. 16; Rep; from New York; Bristol Station P. O. Rt'SS JOHN, rents Bauder farm. Sec. 13; Rep; from New York. SEARS C. M. Farmer, Sec.. 19; P. O. Piano; born in Kendall Co. June 10, 1851; family wife, no children; farm of 152 acres; value of property $12,000; Rep. SANDERS HENRY, works with father, Sec. 17; Rep; Bristol Station P. O. SANDERS WM. Farmer, Sec. 17; Bristol Sta. P. O.; Rep; from England; value prop. $8,000. SARGENT E. I>. Retired Physician, Bristol; born in Vermont, 1843; graduated at Colum- bia College, N. Y. 1865; served over two years on Medical Staff U. S. Army and Navy; Teacher, Principal and Supt. of Schools four years; Clerk and Book-keeper ten months. closing with J. V. Farwell & Co. 1872; issued " Immaterial Elements," 1873; Ind; Free Will Baptist; owns farm, value $5.000. Wife was Helen A. Boyd. SCHNEIDER SAML. Baker, Bristol; Rep; from Switzerland. SCOFIFLD L, Farmer, Sec. i; Oswego P. O.; Dem; from New York; value property $2,ooa SEELY A. T. Druggist, P. O. Bristol; Rep; from Long Island. DIRECTORY OP KENDALL COUNTY. 109 SCOFIELD JAMES, Farmer, Sec. 20; Bristol Station P. O.; born in Kendall Co. Ills. July 25, 1845; owns farm 170 acres, value of property $17,600; Rep. Wife was Miss Eliza Smith, of Earlville, LaSalle Co. Ills; family of two children. SHAVER JOHN, Laborer, Bristol Station P. O.; Rep; from N. Y. SHERMAN RALPH, Farmer, Sec. 32; P. O. Bristol; born in Richland, Oswego Co. N. Y., March 10, 1843; came to 111. Sept. 1865; family, wife and two children; Rep; farm of 30 acres; value of property, $3,000. SMITH HIRAM, Laborer, Bristol Station; Rep; from N. Y. SMITH JOHN, Farm hand, Sec. 6; Rep; from Indiana. SMITH ALBERT, Laborer, Bristol Station P. O.; Rep; from N. Y. SMITH JOHN, Farmer, Sec. 10; Bristol Station P. O.; born in Norfolk, Eng., March 29, 1813; located in this Co. 1845; owns 132 acres of land; value of property, $9.120; Rep; Second Advent; wife was Martha Brown, of Norfolk, Eng; family of eight children. SMITH JAMES, Farmer. Sec. 8; Bristol Station P. O. Dem; from Ireland; prop. $4,500. SMITH DANIEL, farms with father, Sec. 10; Rep; from England. SMITH SAMUEL, Farmer, Sec. 13; Oswego P. O; Rep; from Mass; value prop. $8,000. SPELMAN SEYMOUR, Farmer, Sec. 23; Bristol Sta. P. O.; born in Granville, Hamp- den Co. Mass. Sept. 23, 1826; lived in county ten years; works Carter farm; 146 acres, value $2,500; Rep; Meth; wife was Catherine A. Hayes, of Gran by, Hartford Co. Conn; family, four children. SPELMAN CHARLES, Farmer; with father. Sec. 23; Rep; born Conn. SHOGER MICHAEL, Farmer, Sec. 12; Oswego P. O.; Rep; val. prop. $10,000. SPENCER THOS. Farmer, Sec. 29; Bristol P. O.; born in this county, June 22, 1847; owns 129 acres, value property $10,230; Rep; Meth; wife was Miss Sarah Buck, Lorain Co. Ohio; family, one child. SKALLEY MICHAEL, Laborer, railroad; Dem; Cath; from Ireland. STACY JAMES, Laborer, Bristol Station; Rep; from England. STEBBINS GALUSHA, Farmer, Sec. n; Bristol Station P.O.; born in Guilford, Wind- ham Co. Vt. July 8, 1813; located in this county 1835; 121 acres, value $12,180; Rep; wife was Margaret Young, of Montgomery Co. N. Y.; family, one child. STRANG HENRY Jr. farm hand with Mr. Lilley, Sec. n; Bristol P. O.; Rep. STEEL HENRY, Farmer, Sec. 19; Bristol Station P. O.; born in Livingston Co. N. Y. March to, 1845; located in this county 1865; single; lives with his mother; Rep; value of prop. $600; mother, Mrs. Anna Steel, was born in Madison Co. N. Y. Dec. 23, loll. STOCKSLEGER CHLOE A. Mrs. Farm, Sec. 21; Bristol Station P. O.; widow of Daniel Stocksleger, who died June 9, 1859; born in Monroe Co. N. Y. May 24, 1820; lived in county 18 years; Mrs. Stocksleger was born in Rutland Co. Vermont, Jan. 26, 1819; lived in this county 31 years; owns 130 acres land; value $9,000; Meth; has family of seven chil- dren, four living. , TARBOX JAMES, Brick Maker, Bristol; Rep; from Mass; val. prop. $1,500. TICKNER CHARLES, farm hand, Sec. 3; RepJ from Canada. TOOLEY GEO. Laborer, Bristol; Dem; from Connecticut. VANOLINDER J. C. Farmer, Sec I; P.O. Montgomery; Rep; from N.Y; val. prop. $11,000, WHITLEY REUBEN, Blacksmith, Bristol Station; Ind; born in Wakefield, Yorkshire, Eng. Feb. 24, 1840; located in Kendall Co. 1862; owns town prop, valued at $1,500; wife was Julia A. Tooley, of Connecticut; family two children. WILLETT G. C. Farmer, Sec. 20; Bristol Station P.O; Rep; Cong; born in Argyle, Wash- ington Co. N. Y. March 3, 1838; lived in this county thirty-two years; owns 104 acres land; val. prop. $8,280; wife was Miss Charlotte Childs, of this county; family two children. WILLETT R. W. Hardware Merchant, Bristol; Rep; from N. Y. WINANS WISLEY, rents farm of L. S. Lathrop; P. O. Bristol; Rep; from 111; prop. $800. WOODWARD R. Farmer, Sec; 3; P. O. Bristol Station; Rep; from Vermont; val. prop. $3,500. WIXDETT W. J. Farmer, Sec. 5; Bristol Station P.O; Rep; Meth; born in England, Sept. 22, 1834; located in county July, 1836; owns farm 369 acres; val. $22,150; 5 acres in Kane Co; val. $1,000; wife was Martha Stewart, of Washington Co. N. Y; family six children. WINDETT ALFRED, Farmer, Section 8; Bristol Station P.O.; born Norfolk, England, |uly 22, 1832; located in Fox River Valley, then Kane Co. in 1836; owns 240 acres; val. $16,400; Rep; Adventist; has three boys. Wife was Electa A. Ford, Washington Co. N.Y. YOUNG A. A. Farmer, Sec. 22; Bristol Station P. O.; born New York city May 16, 1844; lived in county twenty-two years; Rep; owns 112 acres; val. $9,000; has two children. Wife was Miss Lucy A. Palmer, of St. Lawrence Co. N. Y. 110 DIRECTORY OF KENDALL COUNTY. YOUNG GILES, Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Montgomery, Kane Co.; born FuTton Co. N. Y. July 8, 1832; lived in this county since 1842; owns 70 acres; val. $5,000; Tnd.; has two chil- dren. Wife was Frances C. Ashley, of Nunda, N. Y. YOUNG JAMES, Farmer, Sec. i; P. O. Montgomery, Kane Co; born Fulton Co. N. Y. Nov. 7, 1823; settled in this county 1842; Ind; owns 155. acres; val. $9.250; has four chil- dren. Wife was Phoebe Keck, of Johnstown, Fulton Co. N. Y. YOUNG N. B. Farmer, Sec. 1 1 ; Bristol Station P. O. ; born Montgomery Co. N. Y. July 19, 1824; lived in this county since 1841; Rep; Meth; owns 172 acres; val'. $13,320; has eight children. Wife was Annie Plank, of Montgomery Co. N. Y. YOUNG ISAAC K. Farmer, Sec. 2; Bristol Station P. O.; born Montgomery^ now Fulton,. Co. N.Y. Dec. 25, 1838; lived in- this county since 1841; Ind. Rep; Progressionist; owns 135 acres; val. $10,000-; served three years in 8ojth I. V. I. under Col. C. T. Hotchkiss; student of Clark Sem. prior to entering army; has three children; wife was Julia E. Knox, Kendall Co. YOUNG C, H. Farmer, Sec. 22; Bristol Station P. O.; born Westchester Co. N. Y. Sept. 22,. 1850; lived in this county twenty-two years; Rep; works R. S. Hopper's land of 100 acres- val. prop. $800. YOUNG HORACE, Merchant, Bristol Station; born Montgomery Co, N. Y. May 10, 1841; located in Kendall Co. 1845; Rep; Meth; single; Post Master and Town Clerk; val. prop. $5;,ooo. , BRISTOL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Baker. s. SCHNEIDER: Blacksmith. P. B. PRESCOTT. Carpenters. J. L. ALDRICH, WATT COVEY r J. ROBINSON, A. S. McOWEN, CHAS. MARCH. Dry Goods. Groceries, &c. LITCHFIELD & POPE. Druggist, A. T. SEELY. Mason. J. FARRALL. Meat Market. L. F. HALL. Miller. R. L. ARNOLD. Painter. C. W. LASURE. Physicians. A. J. REDDING, LONGIN MERELY. Saw Mill. C. Y. GODARD, Proprietor. Shoemaker. L. W. GOODRICH. Silver Plater. A. CAMPBELL. BRISTOL STATION BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Blacksmith. R. WHITLEY. Coal Dealer. J. PEARSON. General Merchandise. HORACE YOUNG. Hotel. L. W. GOODALE. . Mechanical Engineer, G. G. HUNT. Physician. GEO. GREEN. VILLAGE CORPORATIONS. BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR 1876. YORKVILLE. J. A. Beeman, Pres. ; M. E. Cornell, Will Gray, W. R. Church, Jno. Cooper, and D. G. Johnson ; P. A. Morton, Treas. ; J. A. Gilliam, Atty. for the Village. PLANO. F. Lull, Pres.; Wm. Ervin, A. N. Beebe, T. Coddington ; D. G. Graham, Clerk ; E. L. Henning, Treas. ; D. H. Shonts, Police Justice. OSWEGO. Edwd. Mann, Pres. ; D. M. Haight, Wm. Strossman, Henry Helle, Jas. Shepard ; Wm. S. Bunn, Clerk ; P. G. Hawley, Atty. for Village. NEWARK. Saml. J. Hanna, Pres. ; Geo. Wunder, Selam White, Geo. Nichols, C. N. Gridley, E. Pricket, D. E. Munger. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS, 1876. Kendall Township J. Dunn, Supervisor; P. A. Morton, Town Clerk ; J. Harkness, Assessor ; C. Thake, Collector ; Wm. Collman, Commissioner of Highways. Bristol Township C. H. Raymond, Supervisor; H. Young, Town Clerk ; Matt. Sullivan, Assessor ; Robt. McMurtrie, Collector ; O. Dolph, Commissioner of Highways. Fox Township D. R. Ballou, Supervisor ; G. W. Greenfield, Town Clerk ; J. M. Bullard, Assessor ; J. M. Johnston, Collector ; J. Crimmins, Commissioner of Highways. Big drove Township H. Sherrill, Supervisor ; D. A. Munger, Town Clerk ; G. G. Vreeland, Assessor ; N. S. Nelson, Collector ; J. Q. Adams, Commissioner of Highways. Lisbon Township H. S. Langdon, Supervisor; G. T. Norton, Town Clerk ; C. L. Convis, Assessor ; W. Manter, Collector ; T. Naden, Com- missioner of Highways. Na-au-say Township S. Van Dorston, Supervisor ; A. R. Thomp- son, Town Clerk ; R. M. Wheeler, Assessor ; S. Van Dorston, Collector ; D. Goudie, Commissioner of Highways. Seward Township Wm. Bedford, Supervisor ; P. Crook, Town Clerk ; J. McKanna, Assessor ; J. Hurst, Collector ; J. McKanna, Com- missioner of Highways. Little Rock Township L. F. Hemenway, Supervisor ; L. O. Lathrop, Town Clerk ; J. B. Sherman, Assessor ; S. Faxon, Collector ; S. Parsons, Commissioner of Highways. Oswego Township H. W. Farley, Supervisor; L. N. Hall, Town Clerk; D. Hall, Assessor; W. W. Pearce, Collector; C. A. Davis, Commissioner of Highways. LODGES AND ASSOCIATIONS. MASONIC. Kendall Lodge, No. 471, A. F. $ A. M. Officers : J. McMurtrie, W. M. ; R. W. Willett, S. W. ; J. R. Marshall, J. W. ; Nelson Hubbard, Treas. ; Wm. Hill, Secy. ; P. A. Morton, S. D. ; A. J. Cornell, J. D. ; W. T. Gray, Tyler. Meets second and fourth Thursday of each month, in Union Block, Yorkville. Raven Lodge, 'No. 303, A. F. $ A.M. Officers : Alonzo D. Smith, W. M. ; James Pearce, S. W. ; Edw. S. Walker, J. W. ; J. C. Turpin, Treas. ; K. L. Walker, Secy. ; Colvin Pearce, S. D. ; Chas. Roberts, J. D. ; Fredk. Coffin, Tyler. Meets first and second Saturdays of each month, at Oswego. Sunbeam Lodge, No. 428, A. F. $ A.M. Officers : Wm. H. Hall, W. M. ; Avery N. Beebe, S. W. ; Geo. H. Carver, J. W. ; D. H. Shonts, Treas. ; Danl. M. Corbin, Secy. ; Joel H. Jenks, S. D. ; Jas. B. Sherman, J. D. ; Saml. Faxon, Tyler. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month, in Piano. Orient Lodge, No. 323, A. F. A. M. Officers: Jas. B. Welsh, W. M. ; Wm. M. Hanna, S. W. ; J. L. Kelsey, J. W. ; Henry Long, Treas. ; A. W. Raymond, Secy. ; H. J. Cobleigh, S. D. ; S. H. Culver, J. D. ; John Shufelt, Tyler. Meets every alternate Friday, at Masonic Hall, Lisbon. Newark Lodge, No. 549, A. F. $> A. M. Officers : G. L. Biddulph, W. M. ; D. A. Munger, S. W. ; Jas. H. Riordon, J. W. ; C. F. Thuneman, Treas. ; W. H. French, Secy. ; C. O'Brien, S. D. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at Newark. ODD FELLOWS. Fox River Encampment, No. 136, /. 0. 0. .F. Officers : F. P. Hill, C. P. ; J. R. Robinson, S. W. ; G. W. Ernst, H. P. ; J. A. Beeman, 13 114 LODGES AND ASSOCIATIONS. Scribe ; G. Haas, Treas. ; J. A. Beeman, Dist. Dep. G. P. Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month, in Hubbard's Block, Yorkville. Fox River Lodge, No. 297, I. 0. 0. F. Officers : J. A. Beeman, N. G. ; W. Hill, V. G. ; J. Fitzgerald, Secy. ; Thos. McMurtrie, Treas. ; W. R. Church, Conductor ; E. Dyer, W. ; Dr. A. J. Redding, Deputy G. M. Meets every Monday evening, in Hubbard's Block, Yorkville. Lodge, No. 141, I. 0. 0. ^. Officers : L. N. Hall, N. G. ; M. Gallagher, V. G. ; Joseph Faling, Treas. ; H. Minard, R. S. ; F. Coffin, Grand Representative. Meets Tuesday evenings of each week, over Hall's Drug Store, Oswego. Little Rock Lodge, No. 171, L 0. 0. F. Officers: C. H. Morris, N. G. ; J. W. La Brant, V. G. ; Chas. Johns, Secy. ; S. R. Sanderson, Treas. ; E. H. Colburn. Meets in Piano. Newark Lodge, No. 162, I. 0. 0. F. Officers : J. H. De Lamata, N. G. ; D. A. Meriek, V. G. ; J. L. French. Secy. ; S. D. Pierce, Treas. Meets every Saturday evening, at Newark. Moonlight Lodge, No. 825, I. 0. 0. I 7 . Officers: C. O. Fuller, N. G. ; J. K. Young, V. G. ; J. H. Best, Secy. ; A. S. McOwen, Treas. Meets every Saturday evening, above S. Buxton's Store, Bristol Station. ESTABLISHED IN 1864. CIRCULATION, 1512 WEEKLY. The Only Paper in Kendall County Printed Entirely at Home ! ! A LIVE LOCAL PAPER, Published Every Thursday at Yorkville, III. $1.50 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. J. R. MARSHALL, Proprietor. It is the oldest paper in the County established in 1864 ; has the largest circulation, is printed entirely at home, and is the best medium by which busi- ness men can reach the people. JOB PRINTING. Posters, Circulars, Pamphlets, Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, State- ments, Envelopes, Dodgers, and all kinds of Printing S OIV SHOIfcT INOTICE. A FEW REMARKS BY THE EDITORS OF ews. DEAR READER: We scorn to advertise ; the publishers of this Directory kindly insisted upon our composition occupying a page of this book, to give it an air of respectability, etc., etc"., for which we have condescended to allow them a small consideration, etc., etc How fortunate that we were born just in time to publish a newspaper upon the first centennial year of our glorious Republic ! and how fortunate it is that so many of you have an opportunity of subscribing for it ! Just think of it, dear reader, and while you are thinking of it, we will tell you what our plan is. We are possessed with great ambitions ; we want to publish the best paper ever known. At present we are publishing the largest paper in the county giving news from all parts of the county and the state, from all the states, and the whole world besides ; give a story, a few poems, recipes for the women folks ; stories for the little folks, and market reports for the old patriarchs. However, it is not enough to publish the largest paper ; we want to publish the best ; have the neatest made up sheet ; the best corps of correspondents ; the most interesting news ; do the best writing ourselves ever heard of ; and make the paper the best agent possible for the cultivation, enlightenment and sobriety of our fellow man. And now^ watch us, and see if we don't. FERRISS & BRYDON.