L E A 8 E S OF CHICAGO, IOWA & NEBRASKA LU ILIUM I), (JEDAR KAPIDS & MISSOURI HI VEH R. It. (JO. BELOIT & MADISON R, R, CO., TO THE GALENA & CHICAGO UNION R. R. CO. i JL. ?2^^_ AGREEMENT BKTWKKN TIIE 4 CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD^* AND THE GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION R. R. CO. AGREEMENT, Made and entered. into and executed, this third day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, between the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, a corporation duly organized under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Iowa, of the first part, and the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, a corporation duly organized and chartered by the State of Illinois, of the second part. The parties of the fij-st part are the owners of, and now operate a line of railroad in the State of Iowa, running from the Cedar Preamble, river in the city of Cedar Rapids, Linn county, to the west bank of the Mississippi river, in the city of Clinton, Clinton county, Iowa, about eighty-two miles in length, together with depots or station grounds at Cedar Rapids, and at various points between Cedar Rapids and Clinton, with station houses, water tanks, shops and other buildings connected with the railroad thereon; and are also the owners of certain lands in the city of Clinton, granted by the Iowa Land Company for railroad purposes, containing about acres, including streets, on which grounds are the passenger depot, warehouse, engine house, car shops, machine shops, wood houses, etc., of the parties of the first part. The said parties of the first part are also the lessees of the ferry between Clinton aforesaid, and Little Rock Island, on the Missis- sippi river, between Clinton and the opposite shore of the Missis- sippi, under an agreement bearing date June 18th, 1860, extended and enlarged by a new agreement, dated June 26th, 1862, between the Iowa Land Company and the said parties of the first part, and they are also entitled to certain lands for depot grounds, turn-outs, switches and tracks, on said Little Rock Island, being inclusive of those now occupied, about fifteen acres, to be conveyed by the Iowa Land Company above referred to, together" with the tracks and switches thereon. CHICAGO, \lp\, AGREEMENT - CHICAGO VO^'^AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD The said parties of the first part are also the lessees of the Albany Railroad bridge, constructed from Little Rock Island, aforesaid, to the cast and main bank of the Mississippi, in Whiteside county, Illinois, by means of which, a connection is made with the tracks of (he railroad of the parties of the second part. * It is deemed to be for the mutual benefit of the parties ef the first and second parts, that the line of railway owned by the parties of the second part, and extending from Chicago to a con- nection with said railroad bridge, between Fulton and the extension of said line to Cedar Rapids, and still west of that point toward the Missouri river, should be operated and controlled as one through line from Chicago. And the said Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company have proposed to operate and control the' said line owned by the parties of the first part, under a lease of the said railroad, ferry and bridge, to extend' the full term of the charter of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad Company and the Albany Railroad Bridge Company, and with the full and complete use of the Ferry Company, and all its franchises, during the full term of its charter, and also, extending to the full term of any extension or renewal of the said charters thereof, and so long and so far as said parties of the first part can control the same, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained. Now, therefore, this Indenture Witnesseth, That the said parties have mutually agreed upon the following articles, terms, conditions and agreements, for the purpose of carrying into eifect the purposes and objects aforesaid. ARTICLE F1KST. The said parlies of the first part, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained and performed by the parties of the second part, and in pursuance of authority duly conferred upon them by law, have granted, demised and leased, an d by these presents do grant, demise and lease, to the said parties of the second part, their successors and assigns, the entire line of railway or railroad, constructed by and belonging to the said parties of the first part, in Iowa, extending from Clinton, Clinton county, to Cedar Rapids, and known as the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, including its tracks upon Little Rock Island, owned by the Albany Railroad Bridge Company, and used by the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad Company, together with all the rights, benefits, possessions and interests of said parties of the first part, which they have or may have under and by virtue of their said charter of incorporation and articles of association, and the laws of the State of Iowa, and all property AVI III C.AI.KXA AND CHICAGO UXI >N RAILROAD COMPANY. which they may own, have or possess, whether real or personal, which is in any wise inci lent and app'irt vi.-int t<> saH I'm of rail- road, and occupied, owne 1 and used as a p i"t thereof, and in connection therewith, in the States of Iowa and [Uinois, including all rights, benefits and privileges Owned, exercised, tis.-d, controlled a-id possessed by said company, together with the right of way, road bed, side tracks, turn-out", switches, depots and depot grounds, storage grounds, wood yards, cattle yards, warehouses, and all engines, locomotives, passenger', freight, platform, gravel, wood and hand cars, and all wood and water houses, water tanks, turn tables, machine shops, machinery, rolling stock, and fixtures, arid all grounds, lands, real estate, and appurtenances belonging to said railroad, of the parties of the first part, which are now owned, used and possessed, incident to the enjoyment of the same, or which said parties are entitled to, or which they may hereafter be entitled to, or hereafter acquire in any manner for such necessary use; and also all ferry boats, and all boats, together with their machinery, tackle, appurtenances, apparel and furniture, engines and boilers, used, possessed or controlled by said parties of the first part, or which said parties have the right to use and control on the Mississippi river ; and also, all the rights, benefits and privileges which said parties of the first part have, in any way or manner, to the ferry at Clinton, or the right to keep and operate a ferry on the Mississippi river, at or near Clinton. And also, the railroad bridge which extends from the Illinois bank of the Mississippi to an island in said river, called Little Rock Island ; and all the rights, interests, benefits and privileges which said parties of the first part have or may have in said bridge, and the appurtenances of the same, and all the rights, interests and privileges, including rights to real and personal property, which said parties of the first part have acquired from the Iowa Land Company, or which they are entitled to as incident to the use and operation of said railroad, by virtue of any valid contract or contracts, whether written or parol, and also, all the rights, interests, benefits and privileges which said parties of the first part may have in the Albany Railroad Bridge Company, or which they are entitled to by virtue of any contract or agreement made by and between said company and the parties of the first part or otherwise, and all property relating or incident to said rail- road, or the use and operation thereof, ownt'd by said parties of the first part in Iowa or Illinois, and used by said parties of the first part in operating the said railroad of the said parties of the first part, and the ferry at Clinton and the railroad bridgo near AGREEMENT CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD, i Clinton ; and also, all branch or lateral roads which said parties of the first part may hereafter construct or build, and all rights, priv- ileges and real property which said parties of the first part may hereafter acquire or be entitled to for the use of said road, and as incident and necessary to its enjoyment and operation. To have and to hold all of the above mentioned property, rights, interests, benefits, privileges, possessions and premises so above leased, or so intended to be leased, unto the said parties of the second part, their successoVs and assigns, for and during the full term ^ the col> P orate existence of the said parties of the first part under their present charter, or any renewal or extension thereof; and the said parties of the first part do expressly covenant and agree to and with the parties of the second part, that they will, in due eason, take all legal and necessary measures to obtain a renewal and extension of the charter of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, and of the charter of the Railroad Bridge 'Company, and of the Ferry Company, and will, in good faith, do all things proper, to rene\v, extend and continue the charters of said respective companies, in order to make and render this Lease or Contract permanently binding upon the parties hereto. It being also understood, that said parties of the second part shall, in due time, take all such legal and proper measures as may be neces- sary, to obtain a renewal or continuance and extension of their said charter for the same purpose as aforesaid. And the said parties of the first part do further expressly cove- nant and agree to and with the parties of the second part, that in case of the renewal, continuance and extension of any or either of the charters of the companies or corporations above mentioned and set forth, that this Lease, Contract and Agreement, shall con- tinue and be in full force and virtue and binding upon the respec- tive parties hereto, in all of its parts and provisions for and during the full term of any continuance, renewal or extension' thereof, or of the charter of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Com- pany, so far as the parties hereto can bind themselves and their respective corporations, and the stockholders and owners of the same. ARTICLE SECOND. The said parties of the first part hereby covenant and agree to and with the parties of the second part, to deliver to the said parties of the second part, on the first day of August next, the full, complete and absolute possession of the Chicago, Iowa and Possession. Nebraska Railroad, and of the benefits, privileges, possessions, rights, interests, fixtures and properties, both real and personal WITH GALKXA AND CHICAGO UNION KAILROAD COMPANY. i and mixed, which are hereinbefore mentioned, enumerated, specified and referred to, and which are in any way or manner owned, occupied or possessed by the parties of the first part, or which they may hereafter, in any manner, for the uses and purposes of said railroad be entitled to in law or equity. And also all the rights, interests, benefits and possessions which said parties of the first part have or may have, in law or equity, in the Albany Railroad Bridge Company, and also, all the rights, benefits, interests, privileges and possessions which said parties of the first part may or can have in the ferry now used, exercised and operated at Clinton on the Mississippi river, and any and all ferry boats or other boats used, occupied, owned or possessed, or which they may have the right to own, use, occupy or possess, and all other rights, interests and benefits which said parties of the first part may be in any way or manner entitled to, and which is heretofore referred to in the explanatory portion and first article of this Lease, Contract and Agreement, and which shall not be specifically hereafter- excepted, 'and the same shall continue in the full and complete possession of said parties of the second part for and during the full length of time of the existence of the charter of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, and of the Albany Bridge Company, and of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, and any renewal or extension of the charters of said companies and corporations, and so far as the parties hereto can permit the same for all time to come, with the privilege of using, occupying, and possessing the benefits and privileges of the ferry and the Ferry Company at Clinton, during the existence of its charter, and any and all renewals or extensions of the charter of the same, subject, however, to the payment of the amount of rental for the rights, privileges and estate hereby granted, which is hereinafter reserved ; and to the faithful performance of the conditions a*hd covenants hereinafter contained on the part of the parties of the second parl. ARTICLE THIBD. And the said parties of the second part, as a consideration for the rights, privileges, interests and premises, lands and real estate, leased and granted as aforesaid by the parties of the first part to the parties of the second part, hereby agree to pay to the said parties of the first part, an annual rental equivalent to forty-seven R n tito and one-half per cent, of the gross earnings of the said line of ** pmid ' railroad, bridge and ferry extending from the east bank of the Mississippi river opposite Little Rock Island to the city of Cedar 6 AGREEMENT CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD. Rapids, and near to Cedar river, which suid rent shall be paid in the way and manner hereinafter mentioned and set forth. Keeping of The parties of the second part agree at all times to keep the and accounts of the business and earnings of said road in a mercantile statements and approved manner, and to render a monthly statement of the earnings and their character, once in each month, and a correct abstract every six months to the parties of the first part. And the said parties of the second part agree that at all proper and seasonable times they will, upon the request of the parties of the first part, or their authorized agents, submit to their examination the books, accounts and vouchers pertaining to the business of said road hereby leased, and give any needful information in respect thereto. ARTICLE FOURTH. Assump- And whereas, the parties of the first part are, by an existing liabilities contract with the Albany Railroad Bridge Company, bound to the Aibuny ^ payment of the annual rental of twelve thousand dollars, payable Company, semi-annually from and after August 1, 1862, to the full term of the charter of said Bridge Company, and during any extension or renewal thereof; and whereas also, there are existing upon the railroad of the parties of the first part, two certain mortgages, viz. : one in the nominal amount of eight hundred and ten thou- sand dollars, under which bonds drawing ten per cent, interest, payable semi-ammally on coupons on the first days of June and December in each year, are outstanding, to the amount of about seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and by''the terms of which mortgage a sinking fund of eight thousand one hundred dollars per annum is provided to be paid to the trustees there- under, for the purpose of retiring and canceling said bonds, and of providing for the ultimate payment thereof, and a]so a second mortgage in the nominal amount of seven hundred thousand dollars, under which bonds are now issued and outstanding to the amount of seven hundred thousand dollars, bearing seven per cent, interest, payable upon coupons semi-annually on the first days of January and July in each year. Now therefore, to guard and protect, so far as it may be practicable, the rights, interests and possessions of the said parties of the second part against any claims, annoyances, suits, disturbances, interferences, or evictions, either on the part of the said Albany Bridge Company or of the trustees or bondholders under either of the first or second mort- gages aforesaid, and also to protect the 1 said parties of the second part against any special or other liens upon the properly, estates and privileges hereby leased and granted to them as aforesaid, it WITII GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 7 is hereby mutually agreed that the portion of gross receipts to which the parties of the first part shall be entitled, as is provided in this agreement, may be paid and applied in the following manner: First. If any valid and legal ^ lien by special mortgage or execution, shall exist or be found to exist on any of the real estate hereby leased and conveyed, or upon any of the personal property herein and hereby leased, granted or conveyed, which shall interfere with or endanger the peaceable possession of the same by the parties of the second part, or of the estate, rights and privileges herein leased as atbresaid, the said parties of the second part shall be at liberty to discharge the same, and to charge i^ens to be J deducted to the parties of the first part the actual amount so paid, as a from part of said rental of t forty-seven and a half per cent, of such gross earnings, as the said parties of the first part may be entitled to as aforesaid, and the parties of the 'first part shall allow and credit such payment on said rental account herein provided. But, inasmuch as any lien against the parties of the first part which may accrue after the execution of this contract and agreement, will be subject and subordinate to the rights of the parties of the second part, no such lien against the parties of the first part, shall be paid by the parties of the second part without the assent of the parties of the first part. Second. The parties of the second part may also pay to the f nt a , ay treasurer or proper officer of the Albany Railroad Bridge Com- 8emU annually. pany, semi-annually, the said annual rental of twelve thousand dollars as the same shall become due and payable, as aforesaid. Third. The parties of the second part may also pay to the Payment ' f. . . . , ofcoupons. holders thereof the coupons or interest warrants on the said out- standing first mortgage bonds of the parties of the first part. Fourth. The parties of the second part may also pay the coupons or interest warrants on two hundred thousand dollars of the said second mortgage bonds ; all of which payments above specified may be paid in the city of New York, and the amount so paid shall be charged to the account of the parties of the first part, adding thereto the current rate of exchange on such sums as the parties of the second part shall have paid in the city of New York or elsewhere than in Chicago ; and it is also further agreed by the parties of the first part that they will, in order to provide for the greater security of the parties of the second part in the use and enjoyment of the rights, privileges and property herein by payment this contract and agreement leased and granted, on or before ontsoo/ooo the first day of August next, deposit, or cause to be deposited, ^nd with the trustees under said second mortgage, five hundred thou- bol^tobe sand dollars at par value of the second mortgage bonds of the j' nditlon * AGREEMENT CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD, said Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, together with all the interest warrants or coupons annexed to the same, which mature after that date, to be retained and held in trust and abeyance by the said trustees. And it is further agreed by the parties of the first part, that the same shall not be withdrawn, nor shall the coupons thereon be presented for payment, unless the said parties of the second part shall, receive a sufficient amount from the gross earn- ings of the said Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, and from the bridge and ferry, to pay the interest on the mortgage herein- before mentioned, and the sinking fund and coupons and rent to the Ferry Company as is hereinafter more particularly provided and set forth, it being distinctly understood that the said parties of the second part shall not be required by anything in this Contract and Agreement, to pay to said parties of the first part, or for their use, for any purpose during one year, any greater or other sum than the forty-seven and one-half per cent, of the gross earnings aris- ing from the use, occupation and operation of the said Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska. Railroad, and s.aid ferry at Clinton, and the , Albany Railroad Bridge. ARTICLE FIFTH. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto, that the said parties of the second part ma^ make the payments to the said bridge company, and on said first mortgage bond coupons, and on two hundred thousand dollars of said second mortgage bond cou- pons, if the amount of rental herein provided to be paid to the parties of the first part shall be sufficient for so .doing, which amounts, so paid by the parties of the second part, shall be charged to the parties of the first part, and be deducted from the amount of the proportion of the gross earnings hereby stipulated to be paid for the use, occupation and operation of the said Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, and the ferry at Clinton, and the Albany Railroad Bridge. It is further understood and agreed that the parties of the second part may, in like manner, if in their judgment it becomes essential to their protection in any manner, pay over to the trustees of the bondholders of the first mortgage, the annual amount of eight thousand one hundred dollars for the sinking fund provided by said mortgage, which amount may be charged to said parties of the first part, and deducted from any sum due said parties of the first part, or which may become due them; and it is further under- stood and agreed, that the parties of the second part may, at the request of the treasurer of the first parties, pay any of the various classes of indebtedness of the parties of the first part which are \VITH GALENA AND ^CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 9 herein mentioned, and which are liens upon the said railroad, fer- ry and railroad bridge herein mentioned, in advance of the time when the amount of rental herein provided to be paid may be- come due, and may pay any sum or sums greater than the amount of rental for and on account of said mentioned liens of the parties payment of the first part, but in any and all such cases the said parties of ma/be"* the second part shall be entitled to interest on any excess of before due. payment so made over the amount of rental herein provided for, until reimbursed by receipts, and shall also be at liberty to deduct all such amounts of advances, together with the interest thereon, from said forty-seven and one-half per cent, next accruing there- after. And they further agree, that* whenever the per centage to be credited to the parties of the first part shall, by accumulation, be in excess of the payments made on account thereof to any con- siderable amount, say, one thousand dollars, they will, at the request of, and through the treasurer or other financial officer of the company, pay any of the then next maturing coupons on said first mortgage bonds, or any bther lien next payable, in advance of the maturity thereof, but in no case exceeding the said accumu- * lated per centage. It is further understood and agreed, that whenever the rental to when the be paid to the parties of the first part shall be sufficient to pay all mor the liens, claims and demands* herein mentioned, including the be interest on the five hundred thousand dollars of second mortgage f^ bonds, which are herein provided to be held in trust and in abey- trustee. ance, as. is herein provided, for three successive years, then and in that caseytwo hundred thousand dollars of the same may be withdrawn from the hands of the trustee or depositee ; and when the amount of the gross earnings which is herein provided to be paid to the parties of the first part, shall be sufficient to pay the interest on all the various classes of liens, claims and demands for five consecutive years, then the residue of the bonds may be withdrawn, and said trust shall terminate. It is further expressly agreed on the part of the parties of the NO liens to first part, that they shall so manage their affairs, and shall so to attach* arrange for the prompt payment of all bonds issued by the said Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, and said Ferry Company, and said Albany Railroad Bridge Company, and the interest on the same, that there shall be no liens, judgments or executions suffered or permitted to attach to any of the property of said com- panies, their franchies or privileges, so far as they can in any man- ner control the same during the continuance of this Lease and Agreement 10 AGREKMENT CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD, AUTICLE SIXTH. And the said parties of the second part further covenant and agree to and with the said parties of the first part, that they will, at the time of the delivery and taking possession of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad and the ferry, and the rights and privileges of the same, and of the railroad bridge at Clinton, and of all the rights, property, interests, benefits and privileges herein mentioned, specified and set forth, which the said parties of the first part have covenanted and agreed to lease and deliver, as hereinbefore provided, pay the fair cash price for the fuel, lumber, Purchase ties, timber, iron, steel, and other materials for repairing and eon- nf equip- ment and structing of engines, cars, buildings, bridges, fences, or other on hand, appurtenances then on hand ; the quality, quantity and value to be determined by inspection, and by weight and measurement; and will also, in consideration of the expenditures made by the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad during the past year in the construc- tion of machine shops, and purchase pf rolling stock, locomotives, and in consideration of fifty box freight cars, two new engines, and tools for mechanics to work with in the various machine shops, and all other expenditures, pay the additional sum of sixty thou- sand dollars, less any sum or sums of money which may be due, in any way, to the said parties of the second part irom the said parties of the first part for any advances heretofore made to said parties of the first part, and for charges in carrying freight for said parties of the first part, or otherwise. It is fun her understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that on said first day of August, all claims, demands and accounts of every character and kind, between the parties hereto, prior to said first day of August, 18t>'2, shall be fully and completely adjusted and settled, and that all contracts, agreements and under- standings whatever, except the stipulations relating to the existing tariff, or as to joint tariffs, whether written or parol, shall on said Canceii'- c ] av be abrogated, annuled, canceled and superseded by this tion of all pri-'r Contract and Agreement, and that from and after said date, the agree- ments conditions and provisions of this contract shall govern and'control the parties the said respective parties hereto in all respects, and the said com- pensation herein provided to be paid shall be in lieu of all draw- backs, per centages, considerations, and arrangements, whatsoever, now existing between the said respective parties. ARTICLE SEVENTH. The parties of the second part, in consideration of the premises aforesaid, agree and. covenant to maintain, keep and operate the WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 11 said line of railroad frotn the western terminus of their o\vn road ^ on the Illinois shore at the east end of said bad' 1 , including said ;" la ferry and railway from Clinton to Cedar R ipids, daring the term repair. of this agreement, and the continuance, or extension or renewals of said charter. The parties of the second part are, for this purpose, to maintain and keep the said railroad bridge and the tracks thereon, and the connections thereof, in good order and condiiion for doing the business of the line ; and they are olso to maintain and keep the said ferry and its connections, with the boats and appurtenances, in the like order and condition for the transfer of passengers and freight across the river to Little Rook Island, until they shall deem it advisable to construct a draw-bridge across the main channel of the river, so as to make, with the bridge already constructed, a con- tinuous bridge line across the river from Clinton to the Illinois shore as aforesaid; after which the said parties of the second part are to maintain the bridge and railroad track over said main chan- nel, instead of said ferry. \ The said parties of the second part further agree at all times to maintain in good order and condition, and operate the entire line of the road leased, and all the fixtures and appurtenances thereof, in good order and with a full equipment of motive power and rolling-stock, in order to furnish at all times all the facilities for the carrying of freight and passengers which the growing business of the company, and the wants of the country may require, and the interests of the line may dictate ; and they shall also construct from time to time such erections, engine houses, warehouses, shops, etc., along said line as shall be essential to the prosperity of its business, and to make the said line, ultimately, a first class, railroad. And it is further understood and agreed, that the said parties of TO the second part will and shall make the said city of Clinton the *h.. p8 at eastern terminus of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, and shall maintain there the machine shops, depots, car shops and engine houses for that purpose, and shall increase such facilities at that point, from time to time, as the business of the company may prudently demand in reference to this provision. ARTICLE EIGHTH. It is further covenanted and agreed by the parties of the first rr*tprty n t n gn part, to and with the parties of the second part, that they will as- -iii'* con tracts. sign, transfer and make over to the parties of the second part, all contracts which they have with any company, or corporation, or association, or individual, whatever, relating to the said railroad of 12 AGREEMENT - CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD, the parties of the first part, excepting those below specified, and par- ticularly a certain contract relating to building fifty box freight cars, and all their interest in all contracts and agreements relating to the ferry at Clinton and the use and operation of the same, and all contracts and agreements relating to the railroad bridge and the use and operation of the same, and a triplicate of each of said last named contracts is to be delivered to the parties of the second part, with a transfer of all the interests of the parties of the first part therein, for all the purposes of this indenture, and subject to the provisions of the same, duly executed thereon. ARTICLE NINTH. fionswi'th The parties of the second part, in consideration of the premises ?oadsat before recited, hereby covenant and' agree that they will not, Clinton, during the continuance of this Lease or Contract, agree to or make any connection with any other. railroad at Clinton, or between Clin- ton and De Witt, without the consent of the parties of the first part. ARTICLE TENTH. of h flrst en r ^ ie P art i es f the second part agree with the parties of the Sa r 'bt ge ^ rs * P ar ^) ^ at on ^ ie maturity of the first mortgage bonds in 1876, continued. t ne \\en of the mortage, by which the same are secured, to the amount of the principal of said bonds, which may then remain unpaid, after satisfying the demands of the sinking fund provided by the mortgage, may be continued or extended under the same instrument, by any legal instrument in confirmation or affirmation thereof, which shall be deemed proper and necessary in that behalf, as a coljateral security for the payment of the principal of said remaining first mortgage bonds at a future date, within fifty years from the first day of June, 1876, and for the payment of interest thereon at a rate not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually upon new coupons to be annexed thereto, or to any obligations given in lieu thereof, or if the same shall be deemed safe and expedient by the parties of the first part, a new mortgage, on such time as they may deem advisable, or lien may be created and imposed upon said railroad and its appurtenances, as described in the original first mortgage, to the principal sum of the then out- standing and unpaid first mortgage bo'nds, under which, as a col- lateral security, a new issue of bonds, not exceeding in the aggre- gate amount the face of such new mortgage, may be issued, of the character above described or recited ; said bonds, when issued, to be placed in the hands of trustees to be approved by the parties of the second part, and to be delivered up from time to time in ex- WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION EAILEOAD COMPANY. 13 change for, or in payment of, an equal amount of said original first mortgage bonds, and to be in such case surrendered to and canceled by said trustees. And when the principal shall become due on the said second mortgage bonds, the lien of the same may be extended or renewed in either of the modes above provided, or both of said liens may be continued in any other legal mode which may be devised or desired by the parties of the first part, which shall not increase the aggregate amount of said mortgage liens beyond the principal of the bonds then remaining unpaid. And such extended or renewed liens, to the amount of the aforesaid principal, shall respec- tively and separately be recognized and held as liens prior and paramount to the lease created by this indenture to the extent, and only to the extent of the principal and accruing interest of the amount of the original first and the original second mortgage The Hen of bonds respectively, which shall be surrendered and canceled ; mortgage Provided, however, always, that in extending or renewing either continued, of said liens respectively, provision shall be made, in valid and legal form, for the creation of a sinking fund, by the payment annu- ally, to some suitable and approved trustees, of a sum not less than one per cent, upon the face of such mortgages respectively, to be applied in the payment and extinction of the said bonds respec- tively, or invested for that purpose, as may be provided. And in case any further or subsequent extension or renewal of said liens, or either of them, shall become necessary to the extent of the then remaining principal of the bonds issued thereunder respectively, the same, or either of the same, may be renewed or extended, in the mode and on the principles and conditions, and with the effect above provided. ARTICLE ELEVENTH. It is hereby agreed by the parties of the first part, that they will, e ^\ a j" be on or before the first day of August next, cause forty-four bonds ^* n ^] eil 1 under the first mortage, of one thousand dollars each, together 1S62. with all the unpaid and future maturing coupons thereon, to be canceled by the trustees under the said mortgage, and to deliver his Certificate thereof to the parties of the second part, so as to leave outstanding under said first mortgage only the principal of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars and interest from and after the first day of June, 1862. And the parties of the first part^hall also secure, to the satisfac- tion of the parties of the second part, on the first day of August next, the payment of two months interest on the seven hundred and fifty first mortgage bonds, and one month's interest on two hundred thousand dollars second mortgage bonds, which security 14 AGREEMENT CHICAGO, IOWA JTND NEBRASKA RAILROAD, on the first mortgage bonds shall be available and payable ten days prior to December 1st, 1862, and on the two hundred thou- sand dollars second mortgage ten days prior to January 1st, 1863, without interest, or else the amount shall be rebated from the sixty thousand dollars to be accounted for. ARTICLE TWELFTH. Adoption It is mutually agreed and covenanted by the parties hereto, that the joint tariff published to take effect May 10th, 1862, on their said roads, and the rates of divisions thereunder, shall be and remain the standard tariff until the first day of January, 1863, and until the same shall be changed in the manner hereinafter set forth, and that any increase or reduction of any of the rates regulated thereby shall be shared between the said companies in propor- tion to the rates of their shares in the present tariff, but the rates allowed to the bridge and ferry shall not, during said period, be changed. The existing local tariff of the parties of the first part may be modified by the Superintendent of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company as circumstances may, in his judgment, require, to protect and promote the mutual interests of the parties at any time during the term above provided for. Tariff for During the month of January, 1863, the said Superintendent cunion. shall prepare a local tariff for each of the two lines west of Clin- ton, and a joint tariff for said lines, also a joint tariff for the business passing over one or both of said lines, and the whole, or some part of the Galena road, with the rates of division between them proposed by him as equitable and just to the several parties, and submit the same to the Presidents of the two companies west of Clinton. If approved, or not objected to by written notice, mailed within thirty days thereafter to said Superintendent, such tariffs as proposed shall be the standard tariffs for the next year thereafter, and until the same may be modified or changed as below provided ; and if either of the parties west of Clinton shall object to said proposed tariffs, then the parties of the first and second parts hereto agree that the whole question of tariff, and the rate of division and the regulation thereof as between' tjiem, shall be submitted to, and determined by, a disinterested com- mission, consisting of three persons connected with railroads and experienced in railroad tariffs, one to be selected by each of the parties, and the two thus selected to choose a third of like char- acter, and such commissioners are, as early as practicable, by a concurrence of two, at least, of them, to determine the questions. In the determination of said questions, the commissioners shall take into consideration the benefits of a through line to each of WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 15 k said parties, and shall give such consideration and effect to any local advantage of position which either may possess as they shall deem it entitled to, and shall, so far as they may be able, make such just award as shall prevent either party from receiving undue benefit at the expense of the other ; and in any advance or reduction of the tariff established under or authorized by such commissioners, the principles aforesaid shall be recognized and fully applied. The decision of such commissioners shall be bind- ing upon the parties for one year, and until a new tariff or adjust- ment shall in the manner last above set forth be fixed by a new refer- ence, which shall be made in the same way, on the same conditions, and with the same effect as before. And either party may demand and obtain a new reference, as before provided, after any tariff and rate of division have been in operation for one year, and have 'proved unsatisfactory to either. It is further stipulated, that in the event that^the Cedar Rapids f^'iff wlth and Missouri River Railroad* Company shall, by virtue of a pro- g^ids posed contract for a lease of their line to the parties of the second ^ d R R part, consent thereto, the said parties of the first part will, with said Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad Company, and the parties of the second part, submit to said commissioners, on the terms and in the mode above provided, the negotiation and adjust- ment of a joint tariff as between said two lines, and of a joint tariff between the two western lines and said Galena Company, viewing said western lines in this regard as one, and as an extension of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska line, such reference to have the same effect and character as the one first above provided. And it is further stipulated that until the said reference and aw'ard, and after the first day of August, 1862, in case the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad shall enter into said contract as referred to, the existing tariff between them shall be modified by the Superintendent of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, so as to divide the earnings of said roads under said tariff, upon the pro rata receipts per mile run in the creation of such earnings. ARTICLE THIRTEENTH. The parties of the second part further covenant and agree to Taxes mnd HMM* pay and discharge all taxes, assessments and imposts which may nots. be assessed upon the property and estate hereby leased, granted and conveyed by the parties of the first part to the parties of the second part, after the first day of August, 1862, during the exist- nce of this Contract and Agreement, to the same extent as if the parties of the second part were the legal owners thereof under 16 AGREEMENT - CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD, > the charter of the parties of the first part, the said parties of the first part hereby agreeing to pay all taxes, assessments and im- posts chargeable or assessable or due thereon prior to said first day of August, 1802, and also, all judgments or special liens of every kind, if any exist, and also, chattel mortgages or other special mortgage on any of said premises apd property on said first day of August next. ARTICLE FOURTEENTH. profiles ^ e ma P s > plans, profiles, office furniture, except two safes in furniture *ke Secretary's office and furniture belonging to said office; surveys, title papers, and contracts in reference to the title of the lands owned or occupied by the parties of the first part for rail- road purposes, shall be delivered to the parties of the second part on or before the first day of August, 1862, or as soon thereafter as* shall be practicable. ARTICLE FIFTEENTH. Fencing. The parties of the second part agree to complete, with reason- able expedition, the construction of fences along the said railroad, where parties of the first part have not already constructed them, and also to carry out and assume such existing and valid contracts as may exist between the said parties of the first part and owners of premises adjoining said railroad, in respe'ct to cattle passes and road crossings. ARTICLE SIXTEENTH. frrc r! R!A Whenever iron, ties or other material for the construction of the carHed* 1 Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad shall be transported -by over road. fa e parties of the second part over the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad at the actual cost of transportation, the said cost is not to be considered as any part of the gross earnings of the parties of the second part, and is not to enter into the esti- mates, or a division of receipts as provided in this indenture. ARTICLE SEVENTEENTH. whereas, the said parties of the second part are a corpora- liability tion o f th e s^^ O f Illinois and resident therein ; and whereas, damai?e.i liabilities and penalties may be incurred in using and operating the said railroad of the parties of the first part, under this Lease and Contract, for which the parties of the first part may, under the laws of Iowa, as a resident thereof, be primarily and directly responsible ; therefore, it is agreed by the parties of the .second part, that they will assume and pay all damages, demands and liabilities which WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 17 may arise or be incurred by reason of any injury or damage to person, or personal or other property, resulting from the operation and running of said railroad by the parties of the second part, and will also pay any penalties which may be imposed upon the rail- road of the parties of the first part by reason of any neglect or omission of the parties of the second part to comply with any statute of the State of Iowa, or by the commission of any act which maybe prohibited by law in the use of said railroad and the interests hereby granted, and the said parties of the second par;t agree to indemnify and save harmless the .said parties of the first part against all loss, damage and costs, in this article mentioned and set forth. ARTICLE EIGHTEENTH. It is expressly understood that any lands owned by the said Certain railroad company, or in which they are equitably interested, and erved by which are not required for the purposes of said road for station and depot grounds, at Wheatland, London and Mechanicsville, are reserved from this Lease, it being the intention of this article only to reserve the equitable interests of the company in certain Village lots at these places outside of the depot and stations, the title to which was taken in the name of one of the former officers of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, but for its benefit. ARTICLE NINETEENTH. It is further covenanted and agreed between the parties hereto, if o. * c. that in case* the parties of the second part shall, at any time, lose their .,.,., ,. . . corporate their legal powers as a corporation lor any cause, or in anywise rights or be divested of the title and control of their own railroad line from rent," P Chicago to the eastern bank of the Mississippi river, as aforesaid, or shall fail to pay the rental as stipulated and agreed to be paid by this indenture, for sixty days after the same shall become due and payable, or in case they shall neglect or fail to* perform and discharge any one or more of the covenants of this indenture, materially affecting, prejudicing or jeopardizing the rights and interests of the parties of the first part hereto, and shall continue in such neglect and failure for sixty days after written notice of their default in the discharge and fulfilment of such particular covenant or covenants in respect to which a breach is complained J h ^*' of, said parties of the first part may declare this indenture of ? Lease annuled and void, and the right of the parties of the second part in the premises hereby leased and granted, determined and at an end, and may take any measures or proceedings authorized by law in any court of record having equitable jurisdiction, to 3 18 AGREEMENT CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD, compel a surrender of all the said rights, interests, privileges, and estate hereby granted and leased, on such terms "and conditions as said court shall adjudge and declare to be just and equitable. Written notice of sixty days shall be given by the parties of the first part to the parties of the second part, in all cases complained of. And at the special request of the parties of the second part, it is hereby stipulated that they shall have in any suit or proceedings which may be instituted in any court under any of these provisions, tjie full right to deny the violation or breach of any covenant the breach of which is complained of, and such issue shall in all cases be submitted to such court for its decision. ARTICLE TWENTIETH. Ire During the existence and operation of this agreement, the di- rectors, officers and general agents of the parties of the first part shall, as they may desire, be entitled to free passage over the railway lines of the parties of the second part, and over liues leased and operated by them. ARTICLE TWENTY-FIRST. G. AC. to And the said parties of the second part also assume the agree- pay for windmill ment or contract for the construction and payment for the windmill at De Witt. ~ J and pump at De Witt, for which the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars was to be paid in monthly installments, twenty dollars being the estimated monthly saving between the cost of supplying the station with water by hand and by said pump. . ARTICLE TWENTY-SECOND. Thu Lease This Contract, Lease and Agreement is made upon the express tiveuDiefs condition that the same shall not be binding upon the parties of made wim the second part, until a Lease and Contract shall be made and exe- R. R. R. ' cuted by the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad, leasing to said Galena and Chicago Union Railroad their entire line of railroad which is now constructed and which may hereafter be constructed, and which shall be delivered to said Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, and accepted by said railway company, which shall continue during the entire length of time of the existence of said railroad charters and any renewal or extension of the same. ARTICLE TWENTY-THIRD. Power of And to enable the said parties of the second part to beneficially Tewingin enjoy said property, rights, privileges and benefits herein demised WITH GALENA. AND CHICAGO UNION KAILROAD COMPANY. 19 c - l - * and mentioned and specified, the said parties of the first part < e * i hereby appoint the said parties of* the second part, their successors ^ and assigns, their attorneys irrevocable, with full power and right to use the name of the said parties of the first part in and about the business, maintenance, operation and use of said road and roads, ferry, ferry companies, bridge and bridge companies, with power to make any and all such contracts in proper furtherance of the objects hereinbefore set forth, and not otherwise, with any person or corporation, in the name of said parties of the first par.t and under their corporate seal, or otherwise; and generally to do all other acts and things in and about the premises, which said parties of the first part might lawfully do, and to use the name of said parties of the first part in and about any legal proceedings and suits, either at law or in equity, as the said parties of the second part may see requisite and necessary in carrying out the objects and intentions of this indenture. And-the said parties of the second part further covenant and e under the first mortgage, and seven hundred thousand dollars under the second mortgage, and no coupons under the second mortgage due before January 1, 1863, nor on the first mortgage due before December 1, 1862. *inentory ARTICLE TWENTY-NINTH.* See Article _., Fourth, of The parties hereto agree mutually, that as nearly as may be m P n P ary practicable before the first day of August, 1862, a full and correct invoice of all the motive and rolling stock upon the road of the Provision parties of the first part, or belonging to said railroad, and of all invoice of other appurtenances which are not intended by the parties hereto property, to pass under the terms of real estate or real estate interests, such as movable machinery, hand cars, turning lathes, tools, implements, etc., and excepting from the operation of this article, fifty box freight cars, two locomotives and three shop lathes, which have been purchased by the Galena Company, and all items which may be included in an invoice of personal property in this indenture mentioned, shall be made by the parties of the second part and appraised by a referee to be agreed upon by the Presidents or other officers of the respective companies, who shall examine the same, and determine in writing what the value of the items of said invoice, taking the classes of property separately, shall be, or was, on the first day of August next, and such appraisal, signed by him, shall be signed in duplicate and delivered to the parties hereto respectively, and such invoice and appraisal, in case of any question arising thereon in the future, shall be conclusive between the parlies; each paying one-half of the expense of such appraisal. The parties of the first part agree to give every facility to the appraiser in the valuation of such property, which may be prac- ticable. ARTICLE THIRTIETH. * Q. * c. to The partiesof the second part agree to assume the obligations c"tct of the parties of the first part to the Illinois and .Mississippi Tele- WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPACT. 23 graph Company, in respect to the carriage of materials, men, etc., ,*]', r , ph over the road, and in respect to aid to be rendered that company e>pny. in the premises, and are to be entitled to all the rights of the par- ties of the first part in the use of the telegraph. ARTICLE THIRTY-FIRST. And the said parties of the first part further covenant and agree Corenant with said parties of the second part, that they, the said parties of the first part, are well and lawfully possessed of the premises hereby demised, in accordance with the laws of Iowa, respecting railroad easements, and have full power to convey the same, and the same in quiet enjoyment of the said parties of the second part, shall and will warrant, and by these presents forever defend. In Witness "Whereof, The parties hereto, under and by virtue of the acts and resolutions of the stockholders in their respective companies, and of the proceedings thereunder, authorizing the same, have caused this instrument to be executed as their act, and in their behalf, by their respective Presidents and under their several corporate seals, and attested by their respective Secretaries, the day and year first above written. [L. s.] (Signed) JOHN BERTRAM, President, Chicago, Iowa and tfebratka Rail Road. Attest: (Signed) JAMES M. HAM, Secretary. GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD [L. s.] COMPANY, 87 W. H. BROWX, President. Attest : (Signed) W. M. LARRABEB, Secretary. AGUKKMENT CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD. The undersigned, duly appointed at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, held at the city of Clinton, Iowa, as a special committee with full power and authority to conclude and consummate an arrangement or agreement for a permanent leasing of their railroad and the railroad bridge and ferry connected and operated therewith, to the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, on such terms and condi- tions as the said committee should approve, with the power of referring to an arbitrator, such points as they might be unable to agree upon with said company ; do hereby certify, that the Con- tract or Lease hereto annexed, embodies and sets forth the terms of leasing of the said road as authorized, to said Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, to which the said committee have agreed, in virtue of the authority aforesaid. CHICAGO, July 3, 1862. (Signed) JOHN BERTRAM. In presence of ( " ) ^ J * "' CROCKER. (Signed) HOKACB WILLIAMS. ( " ) THOS. T. DAVIS. ( ) CHAS. A. LAMBARD. ( ) J. E. BEECHER. WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 25 I, E. B. Talcott, of the city of Chicago and State of Illinois, duly selected and appointed referee by the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company and the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, and Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad, to exam- ine into the matter of a proposed leasing of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, and the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad, and any extension of said railroad westerly of its pres- ent terminus towards the Missouri river, and the ferry at Clinton and Albany railroad bridge, and with full power to determine and fix what per centagc of the gross earnings of the business of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, the said ferry at Clinton and the Albany railroad bridge, shall each year be paid to the said Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad for a perpetual lease of said road and appurtenances, rolling stock, equipment, bridge, ferry and boats, and also the times, places and manner of paj'ment of the same, with full power also to determine and direct the mode in which the lessee should be protected in the use and occupation of the same, and their title under such lease be assured and made good, and their possession be protected ; and also, to fix the prin- ciples upon which the tariff of freight and business should be made, and also, to fix and determine any and all other matters in and about the premises, and determine any other provisions and stipu- lations which are just and expedient for the mutual and several protection of the said parties ; do hereby certify, that I have fully and fairly examined into the whole subject of said Lease and Con- tract, and have taken into consideration all the facts and circum- stances justly and properly affecting said Lease and said arrange- ments, and that I do determine and adjudge that said Lease of said Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, and the ferry at Clinton, and the Albany railroad bridge, shall be made upon the terms, con- ditions, and considerations, and rental, which are set forth in the annexed Contract, and that the title of said railroad, and said ferry, and said Albany railroad bridge, and all the other property, rights, incidents and appurtenances of the same, shall be protected and the possession of the same secured unto the said Galena and Chi- cago Union Railroad Company, by the payment of the several mortgages, mortgage bonds and interest coupons of the same, in the way and manner and mode set forth in said annexed Con- tract and Lease, and I do further fix the principles of said tariff in the way and manner set forth in said annexed Contract; and fix 4 26 AGREEMENT CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD, all the other provisions and stipulations, of every character and kind, as the same are set forth in said annexed Contract ; and I further certify, that the same are just and proper for the mutual and several protection of said parties. I further certify, that I have also fixed and determined the terms .and conditions of a lease to be made of the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Rail- road, and any extension of the same toward the Missouri river, by another and separate award of a similar character to this, which award and the terms thereof are embodied in a Contract and Lease made by said Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Rail- road to said Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, in accordance with my said determination and award, and dated July second, 1862. (Signed) E. B. TALCOTT, Referee. WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 27 The parties to the preceding Indenture, for the considerations therein recited, covenant and agree, to and with each other, upon the following Articles as explanatory of, or supplementary to said Indenture, viz. : FIRST. The annual rental reserved in the foregoing agreement, is declared to be payable quarterly, from and after the first day of August in each year, and shall be paid quarterly, except while the parties of the second part shall elect to pay the liabilities of the parties of the first part, in accordance with the provisions of said agreement. SECOND. The parties of the second part agree that the parties of the first part shall, during the continuance of this agreement, be furnished with a suitable and appropriate office for the Secretary of the par- ties of the first part, to be located adjoining, or near to the Clinton office of the parties of the second part, without charge therefor, and that, until otherwise agreed, the said parties of the first part shall retain the possession of their present Secretary's office in the depot at Clinton aforesaid, free of all rent and charge. THIRD. The parties agree that the following clause shall be added at the foot of article ninth (9th) in said preceding Indenture, restricting the right of the parties of the second part to connect with other lines of railroad, at, or near, Clinton, viz. : " This covenant is hereby declared to be a material covenant, the violation of which would injuriously affect the rights and interests of the parties of the first part, within the meaning of this indenture." AGREEMENT C. I. * N. R. R., 1ITTH G. * C. F. R. R. CO. FOURTH. Article twenty nine (29) in the preceding indenture, relating to inventory, is hereby declared to be void, and not binding upon the parties to said indenture. [L. s.] (Signed) JOHX BERTRAM, In presence of President Chicago, lotea and Xe&rati-a R. R. ?.--:-i JAS. R CCEWIS, toJ. B. Attest: (Signed) JAMXS M. HAM, Secretary. [L. a.] (Signed) W. H. BROWX. President Gait** mud CUemfQ ITwwm J2. /L Compmy. Attest: (Signed) W. M. LAUABEE, Secretary. .AGREEMENT BKTWEKN THK IOWA LAND COMPANY, AXD THE CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA R. R. COMPANY. THIS AGREEMENT, Entered into by and between the Iowa Land Company, and the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad Com- pany, both being corporations established under the laws of the State of Iowa, this eighteenth day of June, A. D. 1860, in pursu- ance of the votes of the Boards of Directors of the respective com- panies, Witnesseth, That the said Iowa Land Company doth hereby lease to the said railroad company, the ferry boat called the " Commodore," with all the rights and privileges of th$ franchise owned by said land company, so far as running a ferry between Clinton and the Island or the Illinois shore is concerned, as here- tofore used by said railroad company by parol lease from said land company, for the term of six years from July 1st, 1860, upon the following terms and conditions, viz. : The said railroad company are to pay to said land company an annual rent of two thousand dol- lars from the first day of February last, and at that rate to the expiration of this contract said rent being payable on the first day of February of each year for the preceding year's rent, and on the first day of July, 1866, for the five months' rent from said first day of February, 1866; and are to keep said ferry boat in repair at their own expense, and to supply such other boat or boats as they may see fit, and to run such ferry and to perform such duties as are imposed by said franchises upon the owners thereof, and in all respects save said land company harmless from all lia- bility arising out of the same, and the said railroad company are to have and receive all benefit of tolls and charges granted by said franchises (as derived from the State of Illinois or Iowa) during the continuance of this lease. And the said railroad company agree further, to take over and transport to Little Rock Island, and deliver to the Albany Railroad Bridge Company, or such railroad company as may cross the same, all grain which shall be purchased in the town or city of Clinton 30 AGREEMENT IOWA LAND CO., WITH C. I. & N. R. R. CO. (not brought there over the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, or other railroad) and shipped therefrom, at a rate of toll equal to the actual cost of such transportation, but not exceeding one and one-half cents per hundred pounds, including the handling and fer- riage ; which toll is to be charged to said land company and not to such shippers. Such charge* to be allowed in part payment of the annual rent as aforesaid such grain to be transported from time to time as the same may be offered by such shippers ; but it is further agreed, that the charges for such transportation during any one year shall not exceed the sum of two thousand dollars, and in case the rate above named should bring up the aggregate of charges in any one year to a sum exceeding two thousand dollars, the rate shall be reduced as to bring the said aggregate within such sum. And it is further agreed, that in case the freight of said railroad company should, for any cause, be delivered to any other railroad company or bridge company, at any other place than the island, the grain shipped from Clinton as aforesaid, shall be delivered at such other point upon the terms above set forth in relation to said island. It being understood, that in case of the failure to pay such rent, or to perform the agreements and stipulations above set forth, by the said railroad company, the said land company may declare this lease forfeited and annuled, and resume said boat and franchises. And at the end of this lease said railroad company are to restore said franchises and said boat in good order and condition, (reason- able wear excepted). In Witness Whereof, The said companies have caused this agreement to be executed by their respective Presidents and attested by their Secretaries, under their respective corporate seals, this eighteenth day of June, A. D. 1860. [L. s.] (Signed) JOHN BERTRAM, President. Attest: (Signed) JAMES M. HAM, Secretary. [L. s.] (Signed) H. WILLIAMS, President Iowa Land Company. (Signed) J. VANDEVENTER, Secretary. BKTTVKKN THI IOWA LAND COMPANY, AND THE CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD CO. AGREEMENT, Made and entered into between The Iowa Land Company of the first part, and The Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad Company of the second part, June 26th, 1862. Whereas, on the 1 8th day of June, 1 860, an agreement was entered into and executed between the aforesaid parties, by virtue of which the said Land Company leased to the said Railroad Company, for the term of six years from July 1st, 1860, the ferry boat called the " Commodore," with all the rights and privileges of said land company under a franchise owned by them, to maintain and oper- ate for said term, a ferry between Clinton and Little Rock Island, lying in the Mississippi river opposite thereto, subject to the pay- ment of an annual rental of two thousand dollars, as specified therein, by the railroad company to the land company, payable as is in said contract particularly set forth, reference being hereby made thereto, and in and by which it was also agreed that the said railroad company should, during said term, keep the said ferry boat, etc., in repair at their own expense, and run said ferry, and perform all the duties imposed by said ferry franchise in respect to said ferry on said line, upon the owners thereof, and in all respects save said land company harmless from all liability and expenses in the premises. And in and by which contract it was further provided, as will be seen by reference to the same, that the said railroad company should transport and deliver at Little Rock Island, as stated there- in, all such grain purchased in the town or city of Clinton, (excluding that brought over any railroad thereto) and shipped therefrom, at actual cost, not exceeding one and a half cents per one hundred pounds, including handling and ferriage, which toll or cost, was to be charged to the land company and not to the ship- per, and to be credited to the railroad by the laud company toward 32 AGREEMENT IOWA LAND COMPANY, WITH the payment of said annual rental and use aforesaid, it being pro- vided by said contract that the said railroad company shall not charge, at any time, such rate of toll as will in any one year exceed the said rental of two thousand dollars, on all the grain bought and shipped as aforesaid from Clinton. And whereas, it is probable that the parties of the second part may desire to lease their line of railroad between Clinton, Clinton county, and Cedar Rapids in Linn county, to the Galena and Chi- cago Union Railroad Company, and to secure to said last named company the control and use of said ferry line, between Clinton and Little Rock Island, until abridge shall be constructed between Little Rock Island and the Iowa shore, in Clinton, as aforesaid. Now therefore, in consideration of the premises, and for mutual considerations paid and received, by the parties hereto, it is agreed, that the said land company will, and it does hereby extend and continue the lease above referred to, and all the rights and inci- dents thereof, to the party of the second part, upon the terms and conditions of the said agreement of June 18th, I860, and subject to the payment of the rental therein mentioned, so long as the said ferry shall be used for the transit of freight and passengers between Clinton and Little Rock Island aforesaid, and the use of the said ferry boat Commodore shall continue in the said railroad company till the term aforesaid. The said rental shall be paid in the man- ner provided for in said agreement of June 18th, 1860, which agree- ment is by its terms to cover the extension hereby provided. Whenever the railroad bridge from Clinton to Little Rock Island shall be constructed, or whenever, if such event should happen, the said ferry line shall not be used for the purposes herein indi- cated, then this lease shall cease, and the said railroad company of the second part, shall surrender the said ferry, appurtenances, boat, etc., in as good condition as the same now are, natural wear and decay not the subject of reparation only exceptod. And the said railroad company of the second part, hereby agrees to lease, take and maintain the said ferry, arid to operate the same, and to pay rental in the manner provided and specified in this agreement. In Witness Whereof, The said parties hereto have caused this instrument to be signed in triplicate by their respective Presidents, CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD COMPANY. 33 and attested by their respective Secretaries under their corporate seals, the day and year first above written. [ L . s.] (Signed) H. WILLIAMS, (Signed) J. VANDEVENTER, President Iowa Land Co. Sceretury I, L. Co. [L. s.] (Signed) JOHN BERTRAM, Pres. C. I. and N. JR. R. Attest: (Signed) JAUKS M. HAM, Sec'y C. L and N. R. R. For value received of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad Company hereby transfers and assigns to the said Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, the within triplicate agreement or lease, of which one original is still in the hands of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad Company, and one in the hands of the Iowa Land Company, together with all the rights and interests of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad Company therein, and in the premises therein described, for the term and purposes, and subject to the provisions, of a certain Indenture of Lease executed by the Chicago Iowa and Nebraska Railroad Company to the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, covering the Al- bany Railroad bridge and the ferry at Clinton, and the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, dated July 3rd, 1862. [L. s.] (Signed) JOHN BERTRAM, President Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad. Attest : (Signed JAHES II. HAM, ScJy C. L and N. R. R. BETWEEN THB ALBANY RAILROAD BRIDGE COMPANY, AND THE IOWA LAND COMPANY. THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into by and between the Albany Railroad Bridge Company, and the Iowa Land Company, corporations by law established, this eighteenth day of June, A. D. 1860, in pursuance of the votes of said companies (through their Directors), respectively, Witnesseth, That for and in consideration of certain agreements on the part of said land company in relation to their ferry franchise, with the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad Co., securing to said rail- road company the control of said franchise, and the right of trans- portation of their freight and passengers to and from the bridges of said bridge company, the said Albany Railroad Bridge Com- pany hereby contracts and agrees with said land company, that all grain purchased in the city of Clinton, not brought there over the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, or other railroads, and which shall be shipped from said Clinton by such purchasers, to cross the bridge of said bridge company, shall cross the said bridge free of all toll, arid that said bridge company will not charge or exact from such shippers of grain so purchased, or from any person or railroad, or other company which may transport the same across said bridge, any charge or toll upon such grain, for and during the full term of ten years from and after the date hereof. [L. s.] (Signed) CHAS. A. LAMBARD, Preset. (Signed) H. WILLIAMS, SeJy. ]u s.J (Signed) II. WILLIAMS, President Iowa Land Co. (Signed) J. VANDERVENTER, Sec'y. BETWEEN THB ALBANY RAILROAD BRIDGE COMPANY, AND THB CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA R. R. INDENTURE, Made between the Albany Railroad Bridge Com- pany, a corporation chartered and existing in the State of Illinois, of the first part, and the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, a corporation duly organized and existing in the State of Iowa, of the second part. Whereas, the parties of the first part have constructed a rail- road bridge under their charter, extending from the east bank of the Mississippi river, in Whiteside county, Illinois, below Fulton, to Little Rock Island in the said river, opposite the city of Clinton, in Iowa, which, with the railroad tracks on said island connecting with the ferry between Clinton and said island, are now owned by said bridge company, and the lands connected with the same to which the said bridge company is entitled by contract with the Iowa Land Company, have heretofore been, and are now leased to the parties of the second part, for the term of three years, or about that term, alter this date, subject to the payment of an annual rental of twenty-one thousand dollars as mentioned therein, and to covenants to maintain the said bridge nt, all times in good order, repair and condition in all respects. And whereas, it has been proposed by the said parties of the second part to change the terms of the said lease, and to take a lease of the said bridge, tracks, etc., during the term of the charter of said parties of the first part, and during any renewals or exten- sions thereof; to assume the preservation and maintenance thereof at all times, to pay all taxes and assessments thereon, and to pay a permanent annual rental thereon of twelve thousand dollars semi-annually, in lieu of the existing rate, during said short term. And whereas, at the annual meeting of the stockholders of said company, duly convened at Little Rock Island, on the thirteenth day of June, A. D. 1862, a resolution was duly and unanimously adopted, authorizing a change of said existing arrangement, and 36 AGREEMENT ALBANY RAILROAD BRIDGE COMPANY, the execution of a lease on such terms and for such time as should be agreed by John Bertram, Chas. A. Lambard and Horace Willinms, as a committee of stockholders, and the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad ; and whereas, an agreement has been made in pursuance of such authority, on the part of said parties of the first part, by said committee and the said Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, by its President and Secretary duly authorized in that behalf, on the terms herein specifically set forth. Now, therefore, this Indenture Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part, by their said committee, as well as by their President and Secretary, hereby agree to lease and remise to the said Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, its successors and assigns, for and during the term of its charter, and during any extension or renewal thereof, the said railroad bridge and tracks thereon, and the tracks and grounds connected there- with, as contracted to be conveyed to them by the Iowa Land Company, on said Little Rock Island, and all the incidents and appurtenances of said bridge and railroad ^tracks, for the annual rental of twelve thousand dollars, payable semi-annually from and after the first day of August, 1862, so long as this contract shall exist in force under said charter of the bridge company, and of said Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, or the extensions or renewals thereof, which they mutually agree to procure by the use of all legal and proper measures in that behalf. The said parties of the second part, in consideration of the said agreement, agree, on their part, to assume and pay the said annual rental semi-annually as above stipulated, to pay all taxes and assessments at any time imposed upon the said bridge and property, and so long as this lease shall exist, to keep and main- tain the said bridge and tracks, and appurtenances, in good order and condition. And this lease is made, executed and determined upon the following condition, that the said Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska railroad, shall at all times observe, keep and perform all the agree- ments and contracts made by the parties of the first part, with the Iowa Land Company, relating to charges on grain purchased in Clinton, dated June 18, A. D. 1860. Jn case of default in the fulfillment of any of the material pro- visions of this contract by the parties of the second part, the parties of the first part may, on written notice thereof of four months, Jake any proper measures in any court of record of equit- able jurisdiction, to terminate such lease by such judgment or decree as may be entered in that behalf. WITH CHICAGO, IOWA AND NEBRASKA RAILROAD. The parties hereto mutually agree to maintain their respective corporate organizations during the term of the respective charters or renewals thereof, by the election of officers, and the other acts made requisite by law. In Witness Whereof, The said parties of the first part have caused this instrument to be executed in triplicate in their behalf by the said John Bertram, ^Chns. A. Lambard and Horace Wil- liams, committee as aforesaid, as well as by their President and Secretary under their corporate seal, and the said parties of the second part have caused the same to be executed by their Presi- dent, and attested by their Secretary under their corporate seal, the 26th day of June, A. D. 1862. (Signed) CHAS. A. LAMBARD, HORACE WILLIAMS, Committee. [L. s.] (Signed) CHAS. A. LAMBARD, President of Albany R. R. Bridge Company. H. WILLIAMS, Secretary. [L. s.] (Signed) JOHN BERTRAM, President of Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska R. R. Co. Atto?t : (Signed) JAMKS M. HAM, Secretary. 38 AGREEMENT A. R. E. B. CO., WITH C. I. be appointed, agree as to what shall be done to fully complete said railroad, then they shall choose some competent, disinterested engineer or person skilled in building and constructing railroads, who shall examine the same, and his decision shall be final in the matter, and shall govern all the parties to this contract, and said parties of the first part shall do and perform whatever they shall adjudge right and just in and abouc the premises. ARTICLE THIRD. Thirty ad- The said parties of the first part do hereby covenant and agree ditional miles to to and with the parties of the second part, to construct and coro- Marsliall- tuwntobe plete the thirtv miles of railroad above mentioned between Otter compieieil * * this season Creek and Mars'halltown, during the present season, and that said railroad shall be built and constructed with forty-five pound rails, and shall be as good in all respects as the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad between Cedar Rapids and Mount Vernon was, at the time of its opening for general business. The grades and curv es thereon shall be as favorable and easy, taking the natural conformation and difficulties of the -line into consideration, as those of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Road are, in reference to the character of the country through which the same is con- structed. finished '^ ne sa ^ parties of the first part hereby covenant and agree to m.diHken furnish and complete said thirty miles of railroad in sections from luinctiuus. . station to station of not less than eight miles, and the said parties of the second part agree to accept the same when so finished, I WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 43 inspected and approved by a competent person to be mutually chosen for that purpose, and to have nd hold the same for and during the term hereinabove mentioned, and upou the terms and conditions herein set forth. ARTICLE FOURTH. The said parties of he first part covenant and asrree, that they c. R. AM. r J to furnish will furnish to the said parties of the second part, as an incident station groi nds, to the lease of the railroad hereby leased and granted, the neces- catiie sary depot and station grounds, and grounds for wood yards and cattle yards, wherever stations shall be located by them on said line, and that they will furnish and construct at the stations on the first seventy miles of road from Cedar Rapids to Marshalltown inclusive, seven suitable and appropriate station houses at the seven sta- ,. ... tlon houses stations, and four suitable water tanks, and four wells similar to on first those on the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, where the miles, and same can be conveniently located, in reference to the supply of wate'r" 1 water, and the wants of the railroad. They will also perfect the a*d per- title to the right of way on the first forty miles, where by contract n^tof 51 ' the same is payable in money, by the first day of August, 1862, way * and where no contract exists, as soon as a perfect release may* be obtained by appropriate legal means, and where the right of way is by contract to be paid in the construction of fences, as sorn as the same can reasonably be done, and to the satisfaction of the land owners, where such fencing is to be constructed. And they further covenant and agree, that they will at all times G. AC. protect the said parties of the second part in the quiet possession q.iiet e and enjoyment of the premises and rights hereby granted, or *" intended so to be, on said line of forty miles, and will assume and pay all liens and incumbrances at any time found to exist thereon, with all costs, damages and legal charges by reason thereof. And they do further covenant and agree, in reference to any Provision other portion of said line which may hereafter be completed, and ywrst in reference to any lateral road which may be constructed in com- jiliance with the aforesaid grant, that they will purchase and acquire the right of way, and whenever it shall be practicable to secure a perfect right of way by ordinary legal process, or by reasonable purchase or release thereof from the parties holding the same, the same shall be secured and perfected, so far as can n-ainably be done, before or during the construction of the sections to be from time to time constructed and delivered to the parties of the second part under this indenture ; and that in the - where for any reason they cannot procure tlu> release of title for the purposes of the railroad before the completion and delivery, Me AGREEMENT CEDAR RAPIDS AND MISSOURI RIVER R. R. Co., they will perfect such release and title as soon as practicable there- after, and will in all cases warrant and defend the parties of the second part in their quiet possession of the line and premises which shall be from time to time delivered under this agreement ARTICLE FIFTH. The parties of the second part agree to pay to the parties of the first part, in consideration of the use and enjoyment of said completed road, and of the sections which may hereafter be com- pleted, and for all the rights and privileges granted, and benefits secured or intended to be secured by this indenture, an annual rental, in the following manner and way : Rent to be Yor the forty miles completed, of which possession is to be o. *c. taken the first day of August, 1862, five hundred dollars per mile for the first year, and six hundred dollars per mile for the second year, and seven hundred dollars per mile for each and every year thereafter, to be paid monthly on such day as may hereafter be agreed upon. And for every additional or new section as before provided, they will pay in like manner at the rate of five hundred doHars per mile the first year, six hundred dollars the second year, and seven hundred dollars for each year thereafter; but where different sections are opened in anj one year, an average of time may be agreed upon, to simplify the accounts of such sections between parties. The same provisions and rule above indicated shall apply to all the line of road which may be built under this contract, r* r^'th 11 -^ ut l ^' ls nere by specially agreed, in reference to the said forty miles rent - to be opened August 1 , J 862, and in reference to any and all sections which may be opened thereafter, that if for either or both of the first two years aforesaid the gross earnings or receipts thereon shall amount to one thousand five hundred dollars per mile per annum, then in such case, the said parties of the second part shall pay an absolute rental of seven hundred dollars per mile, upon such sections for such year in which the gross receipts shall reach fifteen hundred dollars, instead of the five hundred OB the six hundred dollars per mile above stated. But this prorision is in no- manner to affect or restrain the operation of the stipulation in this- indenture contained, in reference to the division of gross receipt* in excess of fifteen hundred dollars per mile, after the third year, as the same may be determined, on the submission. herein provided for in respect thereto. And it is further stipulated, that the parties &f the second part, may, at their election, instead of paying the entire rental to the WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 45 parties of the first part, or for the first two years so much net, as - * - ' * may py niav accrue, not exceeding five hundred dollars the first, and six "?, and to b hundred dollars the second year, pay to the holders thereof, the credited coupons which may under the provisions of this agreement be exchange, outstanding under said first mortgage bonds, and such payment and any current exchange between Chicago and the city of New York, where the said coupons are payable, shall be charged to said net account, provided the same shall be paid in New York. ARTICLE SIXTH. The parties of the first part reserve the right to create and con- c - R - * M - tinue on the line of road which they have ronstructed, or which mortgage road for they may hereafter construct, a mortgage lien, not exceeding, not J J " exceeding exclusive of interest, ten thousand dollars per mile on the length $10,000 per mile. of road completed and accepted, or ready for acceptance under this contract, and to issue bonds secured by said mortgage to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars per mile, bearing interest at seven per cent., payable semi-annually. And it is understood that a mortgage of seven hundred thousand ^i 00 . 000 dollars has already been executed on the firs,t seventy miles, and ^^ a . e9 that bonds, at the rate of ten thousand dollars per mile, payable in "touted, thirty years, with interest at seven per cent., payable semi-annu- ally, have been issued or executed thereunder. And it is further understood that the said mortgage already Mortgages * p tramount executed is a lien, and any mortgages at the said rate per mile L** 8 *- which may hereafter be executed on the remaining portions of the line, shall be liens prior in effect and paramount to the lease by this Indenture created. But, for the protection of the parties of the second part in their possession of the premises hereby granted, or intended to be granted, the parties of the first part covenant and agree, that of the coupons falling due on the said bonds of v*^* four hundred thousand dollars already executed, so many shall be ^ y ^^ tt paid or surrendered and canceled as shall not leave more than ^J^^ two and a half per cent on the par of such bonds, to be paid *>onda. on coupons every six months, for the first year, from August 1st, 1862, to August 1st, 1863, nor more than three per cent, semi- annually the second year, such five per cent the first, and six per cent, the second year, being the equivalent to the rental on said forty miles for said years respectively. And they further agree in reference to the mortgage, and the A)go for residue of the bonds to be issued under said mortgage, and in l"e'^du" reference to any bonds which may be issued under tlie mortgage g or mortgages provided for in this Indenture, with the prosecution 46 AGREEMENT CEDAR RAPIDS AND MISSOURI RIVER R. R. CO., of the work on the line, that no coupons shall be issued therewith which shall call for a larger amount of interest for the first year after the completion of the section, to represent which they may issue, than five per centum, nor for the second year to exceed six per centum, payable semi-annually. Mortgage And it is further agreed by the said parties of the first part, to exceed and with the said parties of the second part, that they will not per 'mile, make or execute any mortgage, or create any lien on said railroad, except for the purpose of providing means to build and complete said railroad, and said mortgage or lien in no case to exceed ten thousand dollars a mile. And it is understood and agreed that this article is not to affect the provisions of an article in this con- tract, providing for the extension and continuance of certain mortgage liens therein mentioned. AKTICLE SEVENTH. G. & G. The parties of the second part, in consideration of the premises and" ke before recited, covenant and agree with the parties of the first thTnlad P art > to l ease fr m them the said forty miles of railroad, before j r ist;o ug ' Described as completed, and to be improved according to the and other requirements of said Talcott and Blair, as before mentioned, and sections as * completed, to take possession thereof, and of the appurtenances, incidents and rights of any nature thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, on the first day of August next, and also to take, under this agreement from time to time, as the same may be completed and ready for acceptance, the residue of the said railroad line and lateral roads proposed to be constructed by the parties of the first part, for and during the term of the charter of said parties of the first part, and any renewal, extension or re-organization of said company, and for said purpose to take all legal and necessary measures for the extension or renewal from time to time of their own charter and corporate powers. G. A c. to And they further agree that at all times during the existence of operate * ">'| this agreement they will faithfully maintain and efficiently operate road and said railroad, and keep the same in good repair and condition, construct fences. . w ith appurtenances and incidents ; that they will construct all the fencing required by law along the entire line of railroad aforesaid, now completed or hereafter to be completed, except, such fencing as has already been built by the parties of the first part, and such as they have agreed to construct along said forty miles, as a con- sideration for right of way release to said railroad ; that they will sufficient furnish and supply at all times a sufficient and ample amount cafi," e eic. f motive power and passenger and freight and other cars' to do advantageously and in a proper manner all the freight and passen- WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 47 ger business, which may be offered or procured for said road, and which may be secured to the said line running easterly to the Mississippi river and Chicago, .and will in all ways furnish all needful and proper facilities for the increasing business of paid line, and the growing demands of the country by its increasing production, or by the extension of said railroad communication ; and will further adopt such judicious and efficient measures as may tend to make the said through line between Chicago and the terminus of the road of the parties of the first part, a main and prosperous line toward the Missouri river. And the parties of the second part further agree and contract, ro r V eia!ion that they will assume and pay all public taxes and assessments totaxes - which may be imposed or assessed on said forty miles of completed railroad, with its appurtenances and incidents, from and after the first day of August, 18G2, and will also assume and pay all taxes and assessments which may be imposed upon other parts or sections of the said road, after the completion and acceptance of such part or section as provided by this contract ; the said parties of the first part agreeing to pay and discharge all taxes and assessments charged or levied previous to said first day of August, 1S62, on the forty miles, and previous to the completion of the other sections respectively ; it being the intention and effect of this instrument that the parties of the second part shall pay all taxes and assessments which they would be liable to pay as the actual owners of said property, under the charter of the parties of the first part. ARTICLE EIGHTH. It is further covenanted and agreed by the parties of the first Before part, to and with the parlies of the second part, that before the mece- commencement of work upon any section or part of the said rail- (lw road to be hereafter built, the plans, profiles, drawings and speci- plans', fications shall be submitted to the parties of the second part for submitted* their inspection at the office of the parties of the first part, to the toG - 4C - end that any objections thereto may be obviated by agreement, or by reference as herein provided. ARTICLE NINTH. It in further agreed by the parties of the first part, that after As n * w any section of the railroad shall be completed, and at the time of *' the acceptance of the same by the said parties of -the second part, tiT and they will, on reasonable demand, deliver to said parties of the Sl'lw.-red second part the title deeds to all depot grounds, station and other grounds used, or to be used for railroad purposes; and also, all 48 ,AGREEMENT CEDAR~RA'PIDS AND MISSOURI RIVER R. R. CO., maps, plats, profiles and specifications relating to the tracks and the property of the said parties of the first part in regard to said sections. ARTICLE TENTH. And the parties of the first part do farther agree, that as they progress with the contemplated extension and completion of said line of railroad toward the Missouri river, west of Marshalltown, it shall be done in accordance with the following specifications, to wit: fH wm g shall constitute the general specifications under according to which shall be constructed and completed that cf a MaT- est P art f 8a ^ l me f railroad to be built by said parties of the first shaiitown. part west of, and beyond Marshalltown, as well as any lateral or other line mentioned in the Act of the State of Iowa granting lands to said parties of the first part for railroad purposes. First. General character, location, etc In locating the route of the line, an intelligent judgment shall be exercised, as well with regard to the business prospects and economical working of the line when built, as to cheap or expeditious construction thereof. Maps, The maps, plans and profiles of the line, or any part thereof, to guhVnitted be built under the provisions of this contract, shall, before the for work proceeds, be submitted to the engineer of the parties of the second part, for his approval with regard to route selected, and grades, curvatures and plans of structures adopted and in case of difference between the parties with regard to these items, it shall be settled by arbitration as hereinafter provided for. spesiBca- ^Second. Right of way, etc. The strip of land secured perma- nently by right of way of said railroad, shall not be less than one hundred feet in width, unless through cities and villages, or in special cases where one hundred feet cannot be reasonably ob- tained and a less width shall be practicable for the road. Where greater width is required for station grounds or for other pur- poses, sufficient land shall be taken to accommodate the con- venient dispatch of the business of the company. Third. Grading. Embankments shall be fourteen (14) feet, and cuts twenty (20) feet wide, at grade line ; side drains in cuts shall be usually one and a half feet deep and one foot wide on bottom, in earth cuts ; slopes in earth shall be one and a half feet base to one foot perpendicular ; embankments shall be so constructed as to secure a good and permanent roadway. Fourth. Culverts and Bridges. Ample waterway shall in all cases be allowed, and culverts and foundation of bridges shall be constructed of the most suitable materials to be found within prac- WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. * 4:9 ticable distance of the work. The superstructure of bridges shall be of approved plans suitable to the locality in each instance, and they shall be of ample strength and durability. Fifth. Track. Ties to be of white oak, or of the best timber suitable for the purpose to be obtained within reasonable distance, to be eight feet long, six inches thick, and not less than six inches face, to be laid two feet apart from centre to centre. Chairs to be of rolled iron, weighing not less than ten pounds each. Super- structure to be T rail iron, weighing not less than forty-five pounds per lineal yard. Rails to be well spiked to each tie. The track on each section of ten miles in length, to be ballasted with the best material to be found within a reasonable distance. Sixth. Stations and Buildings. Stations to be located at spcciflca- suitable and convenient points, along the line of the road, about six to ten miles from each other. The buildings at such stations to be of good materials and well built, and to be sufficiently large to allow the prompt and convenient dispatch of the legitimate business of the company. Wells, good and sufficient water houses, with ample tank room and ritted up with the necessary pumps, etc., to be provided at the proper distances from each other along the line. Turn tables, engine houses and wood sheds to be in sufficient number and capacity to do the business of the company at th opening of the sections for general business. Side tracks and turnouts shall be laid at the different stations in such lengths as may be desirable. The total length of side tracks along the line shall be sufficient and appropriate for the business of the road. All plans, for arrangement of side tracks, buildings, etc., at the different stations, shall be subject to the approval of the engineer of the parties of the second part. It is understood generally, and as a summary of the above de- tailed specifications, that the character of road to be built, as herein referred to, shall be as good, substantial and efficient, as that part of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad between Mount * Vernon and Cedar Rapids, was, as a_new road, when opened for general operation. It is agreed between the parties hereto, that whenever the o. * c. u parties of the first part shall have completed any section of said sections of road not less than eight miles in length, and which section shall ofroad"* 8 terminate at some point suitable for a temporary terminus of a ultllble railroad, and at which point a reasonable amount of business for said railroad may be fairly expected, the engineer of the said parties of the second part shall examine and inspect the same, and if he shall find the same to have been constructed and com- pleted in all respects in accordance with the spirit and terms of 7 temporary Urmlnug. 50 LG1JKK.MK.\T CKDAR RAPIDS AND MISSOURI RIVKR R. R. O., these specifications, then the said parties of the second part agree to accept, and use, and operate the same, upon the terms and conditions as in this contract provided. Differences ^ m j jf ( ]jflf urences s h a ii ar i se between the parties hereto, with to b arbitra. re g ar( l to the character of construction and completion of said road, or any part thereof, then and in that case the same shall be referred to the decision of three competent and disinterested engineers, one to be selected by each party hereto, and the third by those so chosen, whose decision, upon the questions submitted to them, shall be final and conclusive on the parties hereto. If the said arbitrators decide that the said road, so built, is substan- tially in accordance with these specifications, then the said parties of the second part are to accept the same as completed. And if the said arbitrators decide that the said road, so built, is not in accord- ance Wjith these specifications, then the said parties of the first part are to do .all things necessary to so complete and finish the said road, as deemed necessary by said arbitrators, in accordance with the true spirit and meaning of this contract, sections to The sections irom time to time completed by the parties pf the be in a * . continuous first part, and accepted and brought into use, by the parties of the except second part under the provisions of this contract, shall be in a con- llnes from . . i i , i-i Clinton to tmuous lin'3, reckoning from the station last berore completed and accepted, except the branch line from Clinton to Lyons, if built by said parties of the first part, which shall be accepted and oper- ated by said parties of the second part, whenever the same shall be built, in accordance with the general provisions herein con- tained ; and these provisions shall apply to the line between Marion and Cedar Rapids. It is agreed that road crossings and cattle-guards shall also be constructed, where necessary on the lines. ARTICLE ELEVENTH. Local It is mutually agreed by the parties hereto, that the Superinten- dent of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company may modify and change the present tariff for local and joint business on the road of the parties of the first part, as the exigencies of the business and mutual interest of the parties may, in his judg- ment, require, until the first day of January, 1863. joint, ffon -^ n< ^ ^ ls a ^ so a ree d> that in making a tariff for joint business business, with the line of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Road, the said Cedar Rapids and Missouri Railroad shall be regarded as an extension of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, and the division of the tariff between these lines, or roads, shall be WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 51 pro-rated or divided in proportion to the distance which the freight may be transported over the respective lines. And it is also further agreed, that all business originating on the Through a business road of the parties of the first part, and passing over the Galena what? and Chicago Union Railroad, or any portion of it, and all busi- ness passing over the said Galena and Chicago Union Railroad, or any part of it, and also passing over some portion or the whole of the road of the parties of the first part, shall be regarded in the same manner as though said business had originated on, or was destined to some point on the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, and subject to the same rate of divisions or charges for the bridge and ferry and for the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad as may, for the time being, be established by the divisions of the joint tariff between the said parties of the second part and the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad. This arrangement of tariff for local and joint business sttall con- Arrsnge- tinue until the first day of January, 1863. Within thirty days there- tepard to after, the General Superintendent of the Galena Company shall make up a local tariff for the road of the parties of the first part, also a joint tariff and rate of division for the several lines inter- ested, in such manner as will, in his judgment, give to each of the parties their legitimate proportion of the rate, and submit the same to the Presidents of the Cedar Rapids and Missouri Railroad and the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, for their approval. If not objected to, by notice in writing, mailed or delivered within thirty days, by either of said Presidents, such tariff and division shall be the standard tariff during the year 1863, and continue until changed in one of the modes hereinafter provided for. If said tariff, or the division of rates, shall be objected to, as before pro- vided for, it shall be determined as follows: First. By a referee to be mutually chosen ; or, Second. The Presidents of the companies in Iowa shall jointly select a disinterested Railroad Superintendent or manager; the Galena Company shall select a similar person; and the two thus selected shall agree upon a third. The parties thus selected shall examine the several lines of road, taking into consideration their local advantages and their relation to each other as a through line, and make a standard tariff for joint business and determine the divisions between the several interests; provided, that the rates allowed to the ferry and bridge shall not be reduced below the present rates so long as the ferry may be in use. The decision of such commission shall be binding upon all the interests for tlv term of one year, after which the said tariff may be again, and from year to year, revised in the same manner. 52 AGREEMENT CEDAR RAPIDS AND MISSOURI RIVER R. R. CO., It is also agreed, that the General Superintendent of the Galena Road may increase or -diminish any of the rates established by such tariff, whenever such change may, in his opinion, become necessary to promote the interests of the several parties ; and such increase or decrease of rates shall be shared by the severallines (except the bridge and ferry) according to their proportion of the standard tariff. Provided, That no increase or reduction of rates shall be made in such a manner as to prejudice one line or party in interest, for the benefit of any other line or interest ARTICLE TWELFTH. ^ e ? tal And whereas, it is the object and purpose of this Indenture to of parties, secure to the parties of the second part, so far as may lawfully be done, the permanent control and direction of, and interest in, the estate and premises hereby granted, subject only to the full secu- rity of the parties of the first part, in the permanent receipt and enjoyment of the rental reserved and provided for in this inden- ture, and to the obligations herein contained ; and whereas, there- fore, in reference to all the liabilities which may during the con- tinuance of this indenture in anywise arise or accrue, be enforced, or attempted to be enforced, against the parties of the first part, as the resident owners of said railroad, estate and incidents, and also in reference to the performance of all duties or obligations which may be enjoined upon or required of the owners and operators of said estate and incidents, from considerations of public policy, the parties of the second part should be held and treated in these regards as the actual owners thereof, subject to all the responsibili- ties incident to a railroad corporation in the running, maintenance ccount'a- an d equipment and operation thereof: Now, therefore, it is agreed daJa^ 1 and covenanted, that in regard to all fines or penalties imposed by law for the commission of any act prohibited, or the omission of any act or duty enjoined, in respect to all damages or injury to persons or real estate in anywise arising from the act or negli- gence of the parties of the second part or their agents, and in respect to damage or injury to persons in anywise arising or accruing upon said road during its operation and management by the parties of the second part ; and generally in reference to all the incidental and accidental risks and liabilities assumed by a railroad corporation owning and operating its road, the parties of the second part shall become and they agree to be liable to the same extent in reference to the subject-matter covered by this arti- cle, as if said parties were the actual owners of said road and estate hereby leased ; and they hereby covenant to assume and pay WITH GALKNA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 53 all such demands and liabilities and to protect the estate and premises aforesaid against the effect, charge, and lien, of any fine, judgment or decree imposed or recovered in any such mortgages referred to, and authorized, shall mature, the parties of .'* "^ ct the first part covenant and agree, that such arrangement and dis- ^gire' ^" position thereof shall be made, as will protect the parties of the morl 8 8 s- second part against the foreclosure of the mortgage or mortgages securing the same, and the covenant to save harmless and indem- nify the parties of the second part against such foreclosure, pro- vided, always, that the amount of rental then due to the parties of the first part, according to the terms of this agreement, shall have been paid in the manner before or herein provided. And the said parties of the second part covenant and agree, lii that for the purpose of enabling thn 3 of road. ten thousand dollars per mile. ARTICLE TWENTY-FIRST. And to enable the said parties of the second part, to beneficially o. * c. enjoy said property, rights and privileges herein demised, the said parties of the first part hereby appoint the said parties of the second part, their successors and assigns, their attorneys irrevoca- J^f ble, with full power and right to use the name of the said parties of the first part, in and about the business, maintenance, operation and use of the said road, with power to make any and all such contracts in proper and just furtherance of the objects hereinbefore set forth, and not otherwise, with any persons or corporations, in the name of the said parties of the first part, and under their corporate seal or otherwise, and generally to do all other acts and things in and about the premises which said parties of the first part might lawfully do, and to use the name of the said parties of the first* part, in and about any legal proceedings and suits, either at law or in equity, as to the said parties of the second part may seem re- quisite and necessary in carrying out the objects and intentions of tliis indenture; all of which is to be at the proper cost and charge and risk of the said parties of the^seuoiid part, their successors and assigns. 8 58 AGREEMENT CEDAE RAPIDS AND MISSOURI RIVER R. R. CO., to' * erate ^ n( ^ Ba *^ P art i es f tae second part further covenant and agree and keep t o an <} w ith said parties of the first part, their successors and road in I repair. assigns, that the said parties of the second part shall and will, dur- ing the term hereby granted, operate, maintain and keep in repair, the said demised premises, and indemnify and save harmless the said parties of the first part, their successors and assigns, against and from all costs, expenses and damages growing out of the main- taining, repairing, operating and using the said road. c. R. A M. And the said parties of the first part hereby covenant and agree thmps 10 to and with the said parties of the second part, their successors life of and assigns, that they will, during the term in which the provisions charter. J of this indenture shall be in force, preserve and continue the legal organization of said Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad ; will hold meetings, keep records, pass votes, and appoint officers, so far as necessary to enable the parties of the second part to carry into full force and effect the objects of this instrument; and that they will give such further assurances as may be necessary there- for, and that they will, at any and all times hereafter, when there- unto requested by the said parties of the second part, use their corporate powers, and do and perform in their own corporate name, any and all acts and things that may be necessary fully to protect s:iid parties of the second part in the full enjoyment of all the rights and privileges herein granted. C.R, AM. And said parties of the first part further covenant and agree to make further with the said parties of the second part, that they will hereafter give and make such further and other conveyances and assurances as may be proper and necessary to carry into full effect all the objects and purposes of this indenture. Covenant And the said parties of the first part further covenant and agree zin- with said parties of the second part, that they, the said parties of the first part, are well and truly seized of .the premises hereby demised, and have full power to convey the same, and the same in quiet enjoyment of said parties of the second part, shall and will warrant and by these presents forever defend. In Witness Whereof, The parties hereto, under and by virtue of the acts and resolutions of the stockholders in thc-ir respective 4 companies, and of the proceedings thereunder authorizing the same, have caused this instrument to be executed as their act, and WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 59 in their behalf, by their respective Presidents and under their sev- eral corporate seals, and attested by their respective Secretaries, the day and year first above written. , (Signed) CEDAB RAPIDS & MISSOURI RIVER [L. s.] RAILROAD COMPANY, By L. B. CROCKER, President. Attest : (Signed) L. C. PARDKK, Secretary. (Signed) GALENA & CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD [L. s.] COMPANY, By W. H. BROWN, President. Attest : (Signed) W. M. LARRABEE, Secretary. The Executive Committee of the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad Company, have carefully examined the foregoing Lease or Contract, and, in conformity with the resolutions of the stockholders of the company, at their annual meeting on the 10th of June, 1862, do hereby approve the same. In Witness Whereof, They do hereby subscribe names respect- ively. (Signed) L. B. CROCKER, ( " ) CHAS. A. LAMBARD, ( ) JOHN J. BLAIR, Executive Committee of the Cedar Rapida and Missouri River Railroad. 60 AGREEMENT CEDAR RAPIDS AND MISSOURI RIVEK R. R. CO., I, E. B. TALCOTT, of the city of Chicago, and State of Illinois, duly selected and appointed referee by the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, and the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad, to examine into the matter of a proposed leasing of the said Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad, and any extension of said railroad westerly toward the Missouri river, with full power to fix and determine the amount of rental which should be paid by the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, and the terms and conditions of a lease which shall be made of said railroad as the same now exists, or is hereafter to be constructed, to the said Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, do hereby certify, that I have fully and carefully examined into the whole subject, and have taken into consideration all the facts and circumstances justly and properly affecting said lease, and I do determine that said lease of said Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad shall be made upon the terms and conditions and consid- erations and rental, which are set forth in the annexed Contract and Lease, and I further fix and determine all the other provisions and stipulations of every character and kind which should go into said lease, to be as are set forth in said annexed Lease and Con- tract, and I further determine that the rental of said railroad and that which may hereafter be built, shall be paid in the way and manner in the annexed contract mentioned. And I further certify, that all of said provisions are just and proper for the mutual and several protection of said respective parties. (Signed) E. B. TALCOTT, Referee. WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 61 The parties to the preceding Indenture, for the consideration therein recited, covenant and agree to and with each other, upon the following articles, as explanatory or supplementary to the said preceding Indenture: FIRST. The said parties of the second part agree that they will apply the rental provided to be paid to the party of the first part, in said preceding Indenture, to the payment of any coupons or interest warrants of the bonds of the party of the first part, which are due, when presented by the holders thereof ; but the said parties of the second part agree that they will, at the request of the parties of the first part, pay said rental, and apply the same to canceling of any coupons which may be presented to the parties of the second part by the treasurer of the parties of the first part, before the same becomes due and payable, out of any moneys in the hands of the parties of the second part, which would be paid to the parties of the first part as rental, under and by virtue of said preceding Indenture. It being distinctly understood, however, that said parties of the second part shall not be obliged to pay on said coupons a greater sum than the rental provided for in said Indenture, or any amount additional to said rental. SECOND. It is further mutually covenanted and agreed, by and between the parties hereto, that in case said parties cannot agree upon any person to perform the duties provided in the sixteenth article of said preceding Indenture, then in case of the happening of said contingency, each party shall choose one competent, disinterested person, and said two persons so chosen, shall then choose a third, and said three persons shall then perform all the duties prescribed in said article sixteenth, and the decision of two of said persons so chosen, shall be final and conclusive, and binding upon both the parties to this said Indenture. In Witness Whereof, The parties hereto, under and by virtue of the acts and resolutions of the stockholders in their respective companies, and of the proceedings thereunder, authorizing tho same, have caused this instrument to be executed as their act and 62 AGREEMENT C. E. * iL E. B- E. CO.. "WITH G. i C, U. B. E. CO. in their behalf bj their respective Presidents, and under their several corporate seals, and attested by their respective Secre- taries, tlie day and year first above written. . (Signed) CEDAE RAPIDS AST> MISSOURI RTVEE \TU s.] RAILROAD, Br L R CROCKER, L C. PAXMZ, Siarttaj. (Signed) GALKXA ASD CHICAGO Uxiox RACLEOAD Co M PAST, Br WILLIAM H. BROWX, (Signed) W. M. BETWEEN THE BELOIT AND MADISON RAILROAD COMPANY, AKD THE GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION R. R, CO. IXDEXTTRE, Made this second day of January, A. D. one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-three, between the Beloit and Madison Railroad -Company, a corporation duly incorporated and existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, of the first part, and the "Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, a corporation chartered by the legislature of the State of Illinois, and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois, of the second part. The Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company above named, are now the owners and operators of a line of railway extending from the city of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, to Beloit, in the State of Wisconsin. The Beloit and Madison Railroad Company, are now the owners and operators of a railroad from Beloit in the State of Wisconsin, to Magnolia, a distance of about twenty miles, and are authorized by their charter to build said railroad through to Madison, in the State of Wisconsin, and are now engaged in building the same, and expect to complete the same within the next ensuing year or thereabouts. At Madison, the said Beloit and Madison Railroad connects with the Sugar River Valley Railroad, a section of which is now in the process of construction, which will, when completed, extend from Madison to Portage City, about thirty-five miles. The Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, have already agreed upon the terms of a perpetual lease of said Sugar River Valley Railroad, between Madison and Portage City, which will be consummated if a similar arrangement can be made by said Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, with said Bt-loit and Madison Railroad Company. It is believed to be for the interest of all parties concerned in the respective railroads, that 64 AGREEMENT BELOIT AND MADISON RAILROAD COMPANY, they should, as soon as they are completed, be controlled and operated as one continuous through line from Chicago to Portage City, giving to each of the companies thus combining their in- terests, the proportionate and just rights and remunerations to which they are respectively entitled in the premises. The parties of the second part propose, in view of the*mutual benefits to be derived from the completion and control of said through line to Portage City, to lease of the Beloit and Madison Kailroad Company, their entire line of railroad which is now com- pleted, and that which shall hereafter be constructed and com- pleted, in the manner and upon the terms hereinafter provided, during the term of their existence as a railroad company, or any renewal, extension or re -organization of the same. Now therefore, this Indenture Witnesseth, That the parties hereto have, for the purpose of carrying into effect the objects before recited, and for the mutual benefits and considerations passing between them, respectively agreed, and dp hereby agree to and upon the following articles or contract : ARTICLE FIRST. The parties of the first part covenant and agree to and with the parties of the second part, that they will purchase and acquire the right of way for said railroad, not less than one hundred feet in width, except in cities or villages, and whenever it shall be practicable to secure a perfect right of way by ordinary legal pro- cess, or by reasonable purchase or release thereof from the owners, the same shall be perfected so far as can reasonably be done before or during the construction of said road, and before the whole of same is delivered to the parties of the second part, and in cases when for any reason they cannot procure the release of title for the purposes of the railroad before the completion and delivery of the same, they will perfect such title and obtain such proper release as soon as practicable thereafter. The said parties of the first part do further covenant and agree, that they will furnish to the said parties of the second part, as an incident of the said railroad hereby leased and granted, the neces- sary depot and station grounds, and grounds for wood yards, cattle yards, station houses, wells, water houses and tanks, pumps, turn-outs, side tracks, switches and platforms, 1 all of which shall be suitable and sufficient to do the business of the road in a con- venient, safe and expeditious manner, and which shall be arranged, built and completed to the satisfaction and acceptance of the WITH GALENA. AND CHICAGO UNION KAILROAD COMPANY. 65 General Superintendent or Chief Engineer of the parties of the second part. ARTICLE SECOND. The said parties of the first part do further agree and covenant to and with the parties of the second part, that the location of the line from Magnolia (the present terminus of said road) to Madison, and the adoption of grades and curvature, shall be made subject to the approval of the said General Superintendent or Chief Engineer of the parties of the second part. That all plans of bridges, culverts, structures, buildings and fixtures, and the manner of laying the track and fencing the entire line, shall also be approved by the said engineer of the parties of the second part, and that said line of railroad herein specified, with all the incidents, appurtenances and fixtures, shall be con- structed and completed in a good, substantial and workmanlike manner, subject to the approval and acceptance of said Superin- tendent or Chief Engineer aforesaid, on or before the first day of Provided, that should the road for any unforeseen cause not be completed by the time above limited, such delay shall not work a forfeiture of this lease. ARTICLE THIRD. It is further agreed, by and between the parties hereto, that the said parties of the first part may, in order to ratise money to aid and assist in the building and completion of said railroad, make and execute a mortgage upon said railroad hereby leased, and issue their bonds under and by virtue of said mortgage, to an amount not exceeding four hundred thousand dollars par bonds payable in twenty-five years, drawing interest at seven per cent, per annum, with coupons payable semi-annually, and secured by a sinking fund as provided by the terms of said mortgage. And it is further agreed, that the said parties of the first part may, in accordance with the terms of an agreement between the parties hereto, which provided for the re-organization of the said Beloit and Madison Railroad Company, issue preferred stock, to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, and com- mon or deferred stock, to an amount estimated at one hundred thousand dollars, as provided for in said agreement for the re-or- ganization of said Beloit and Madison Railroad Company. 9 66 AGREEMENT BE LOIT AND MADISON RAILROAD COMPANY, ARTICLE FOURTH. The said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the rents and covenants hereinafter it-served to be paid and performed by the parties of the second part, have granted, demised and leased, and by these presents do grant, demise and lease, to the said parties of the second part, their successors and assigns, for the term of the charter of the said pa-ties of the first part, and for the term of any renewal or extension thereof by the act of the legislature, or by any re-organization of said company, the said railroad of the parties of the first part, and all its rights and priv- ileges, together with the right of way, depot and station grounds, structures and superstructures, appendages, fixtures, side-tracks, turn-outs, switches, bridges, culverts, fencing, and all the real and personal property necessary for said railroad and incident thereto, together with all the rights, privileges and possessions, which are now owned by said railroad company, or which it may hereafter in any way acquire or possess meaning and intending hereby to grant, demise and lease, to the said parties of the second part, the entire line of railroad of the parties of the first part, which they now own, or which they may hereafter build, construct and acquire, under and by virtue of their said charter from Beloit to Madison, in the State of Wisconsin, and to give to said parties of the second part, when the said road is so completed, the full, entire and absolute control of the same, and all the rights and privileges of said parties of the first part, subject to the payment of the rental and fulfillment of the covenants hereinafter con- tained, during the existence of the said corporation of the first parties, or any renewal, extension or re-organization of said cor- poration. ARTICLE -FIFTH. The said parties of the second part, in consideration of the pre- mises before recited, the fulfillment of which, on the part of the parties of the first part, according to the terms and conditions of this contract, is hereby made a condition precedent for the per- formance and fulfillment of the covenants of the parties of the second part, do covenant and agree to accept, on the first day of January, 186-'<, so much of said railroad as is now built, constructed and completed as aforesaid, and the balance of said road as fast as the same shall be completed, with all of the incidents, appendages and appurtenances herein provided, and to lease and operate the same for the full term and existence of the said corporation of the parties of the first part and for any renewal or extension of said charter of said corporation, or any re-organization of s.iid corpora" AVI I II GAI.KXA AND CHICAGO UNION KA1LUOAD COMPANY. tion, and the said parties of the second part agree to pay to the said parties of the first part, for the use and enjoyment of said railroad, and for all the rights and privileges granted and benefits secured or intended to be secured by this indenture, an annual rental in the manner following, viz. : The parties of the second part stipulate an I agree, to and with the parties of the first, that from and after the time aforesaid, they will furnish the necessary rolling stock, and will thereafter operate and maintain said railroad, so far as the same shall have been com- pleted and accepted, at their own charge and expense, and pay, as rental for said road annually, such sum as will be equal to fifty per cent, of the gross earnings on said road, together with ten per cent, of the gross earnings upon all joint business upon the roads of the parties to this agreement ; meaning by joint business, any busi- ness passing over the whole or some portion of the roads of both the parties hereto. It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that said rental shall be held in trust by the parties of the second part, and paid in the following order, viz. : 1. To pay the coupons or semi-annual interest as it becomes due upon the four hundred thousand dollars of first mortgage bonds herein provided to be issued. _'. To purchase annually so many of said bonds as may be required for the sinking fund, according to the terms of said mort- gage- 3. To the payment of the expenses of the trust. 4. To pay dividends, not exceeding six per cent, per annum, on the preferred stock; and 5. To pay dividends not exceeding .six per cent, per annum on the common stock. It is further understood and agreed, by and between the parties hereto, that any excess of said ti'U't fund over and above paving interest, sinking fund and dividends as aforesaid in each current year, shall belong to the parties of the second part. ARTICLE SIXTH. In case the parties of the second part, their successors or assigns, shall neglect or fail to pay the rental which may be due as herein provided for thirty days after the same shall become due and paya- ble, or shall fail or neglect to operate and maintain said road according to the conditions and intent of this lease, then this contract may, at the option of the parties of the first part, their successor-^ or assigns, be declared forfeited, and the said parties of the first part, their successors or assigns, may have the ri_;ht to declare this contract forfeited, and to reenter and take full pos- 68 AGREEMENT BELOIT AND MADISON RAILROAD COMPANY, session of all of said road, its appendages, fixtures, property and rights of property hereby demised and leased, and all alterations, additions and repairs shall inure to the benefit of and be the pro- perty of the parties of the first part; and the parties of the second part shall not by their own act do injury to or reduce the value of the premises hereby leased. ARTICLE SEVENTH. The said parties of the second part further agree, that they will at all times during the existence of this agreement, faithfully, and at their own expense maintain and efficiently operate said railroad, and keep the same in good repair and condition with all its appur- tenances and incidents, that they will furnish and supply at all times a sufficient and ample amount of motive power, and freight, passenger and other cars, to do advantageously and in a proper manner all the business which may be offered or procured for said railroad, and will in all ways furnish all needful and proper facili- ties for the increasing business of said line, and the growing demands of the country by its increasing production ; and will further adopt such judicious and efficient measures as may tend to make the said through line between Chicago and the northern terminus of the road of the parties of the first part, a main and prosperous line towards the Mississippi river and for the North- West. ARTICLE EIGHTH. And the parties of the second part further agree, that they will assume and pay all public taxes and assessments which may be imposed, assessed or levied on said railroad and its appurtenances :md appendages, by the State or General Government, or munici- pal authorities of cities, after they shall have taken possession of said railroad as aforesaid, it being the intention and effect of this instrument, that the parties of the second part shall pay all taxes and assessments which they would be liable to pay as the actual owners of said property under the charter of the parties of the first part ; reckoning the date of the ownership from the day when the said parties of the second part accept the road and enter into the full and complete enjoyment of the property. ARTICLE NINTH. The parties of the second part agree to keep in proper and mer- cantile form the accounts of the business and operations of said 'line, hereby leased showing the receipts of said road and sources thereof, and will, at the request of the parties of the first part, fur- WITH GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. nish in due season to the parties of the first part, all such state- ments and items, so far as they have the control thereof which shall be necessary to enable the parties of the first part to comply with any requirement of law in the making of reports under their charter, and will furnish to the said parties of the first part, at the end of each month as near as practicable, and at the end of each year, a full and correct statement of the amount and results of the use and operation of the said railroad hereby leased and intended to be leased, the annual statement to be verified by the affidavit of some proper officer of the parties of the second part. ARTICLE TENTH. t It is further mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto, that the General Superintendent of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, shall make and fix the tariff of freight and passengers, on all local, joint and through business, and business with connecting lines, provided, that in all joint tariffs the pro- portion to be allowed to the Beloit and Madison Railroad Company shall not be less than a pro rata share of the whole rate in proportion to the distance which freight or passengers may be transported on the said Beloit and Madison Railroad and connect- ing lines. The rates of tariff for local passengers and freight shall be fair and equitable, and the rates per mile shall be the same for like classes of freight, whether carried north to Madison or south to Beloit. ARTICLE ELEVENTH'. And whereas, it is the object and purpose of this Indenture to secure to the parties of the second part, so far as may lawfully be done, the permanent control and direction of, and interest in, the estate and premises hereby granted, and intended to be granted, subject only to the full security of the parties of the first part in the permanent receipt and enjoyment of the rental reserved and pro- % ided for in this Indenture, and to the obligations herein contained. And whereas, therefore, in reference to all the liabilities which may, during the continuance of this Indenture, arise or accrue, be enforced, or attempted to be enforced, against the parties of the first part, as the resident owners of said railroad estate and incidents, and also, in reference to the performance of all duties or obligations which may be enjoined upon or required of the owners and operation of said estate and incidents, from considerations of public policy the parties of the second part should be held and treated in tin si- regards as the actual owners thereof. Now, therefore, it i.s agreed and covenanted, that in regard to 70 AGREEMENT BELOIT AND MADISON RAILROAD COMPANY, all fines and penalties imposed by law for the commission of any act prohibited, or the omission of any act or duty enjoined, in respect to all damages or injury to persons or real estate, in any- wise arising from the act or negligence of the parties of the second part, or their agents, and in respect to damage or injury to per- sons in anywise arising or occurring upon said road during its operation and management by the parties of the second part, and generally in reference to all the incidental and accidental risks and liabilites assumed by a railroad corporation owning and opt-rat- ing its road, the parties of the second part shall become, and they agree to be liable to the same extent in reference to the subject matter covered by this article, as if said parties were the actual owners of said road and estate hereby leased. And they hereby covenant to assume and pay all such demands and liabil- ities, and to protect the estate and premises aforesaid against the effect, charge and lien of any fine, judgment or decree, imposed or recovered in any such case of liability. Nothing contained in this article, however, shall in anywise be regarded or construed as implying or imposing any liability whatever upon the parties of the second part to assume any pecuniary liability or obligation of said parties of the first part' existing by its own contract, expressed or implied, through the acts of its officers or agents. ARTICLE TWELFTH. And the said parties of the first part further covenant and agree, to and with the parties of the second part, that they will at all times protect the said parties of the second part in the quiet enjoyment and peaceable possession of all the premises hereby granted or intended to be granted, and of all the rights and priv- ileges hereby granted or intended to be granted, and will assume and pay all liens and incumbrances at any time found to exist on said premises, or which may hereafter be created by said parties of the first part, or happen or occur by the acts of the said parties of the first part, or any of their servants or agents on said prem- ises, and will indemnify and save harmless said parties of the second part from all costs, damages and legal charges connected therewith or arising therefrom. ARTICLE THIRTEENTH. The maps, plans, profiles, surveys, title papers and contracts relating to the right of way, road, track and all lands and grounds used or occupied for railroad purposes, or to be used or occupied \VITII GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD COMPANY. 71 for railroad purposes, shall be delivered to the parties of the second part, at the time that they take possession of said railroad as hereiu provided for, or as soon thereafter as practicable. ARTICLE FOURTEENTH. And to enable the said parties of the second part to beneficially enjoy said property, rights and privileges herein demised or intend- ed to be demised, the said parties of the first part hereby appoint the said parties of the second part, their successors and assigns, their attornies irrevocable, with full power and right to use the name of the said parties of the first part, in and about the business, maintenance, operation and use of the said road, with power to make any and all such contracts in the furtherance of the objects of this lease, with any persons or corporations in the name of the said parties of the first part, and under their corporate seal or otherwise, and generally to do all other acts and things in and about the premises, which said parties of the first part might lawfully .do, and to use the name of said parties of the first part in and about 'any legal proceedings and suits, either at law or in equity, as to the said parties of the second part may seem requi- site and necessary in carrying out the objects and intentions of this indenture, all of which is to be at the proper cost and charges and risk of the said parties of the second part, their successors and assigns. And the said parties of the second part further covenant and agree, to and with the said parties of the first part, their succes- sors and assigns, that the said parties of the second part shall and will, during the term hereby granted, operate, maintain and keep in repair the said demised premises, and indemnify and save harm- less the said parties of the first part, their successors and assigns, against and from all costs, expenses and damages growing out of the maintaining, operating, repairing and using the said road, and the said parties of the first part hereby covenant and agree to and with the said parties of the second part, their successors and assigns, that they will, during the term in which the provisions of this indenture shall be in force, preserve and continue the legal organization of said Beloit and Madison Railroad Company will hold meetings, keep records, pass votes, and appoint officers, so far as necessary to enable the parties of the second part to carry into full force and effect the object of this instrument, and that they will take all such legal and necessary steps to renew the charter of their said corporation upon or before its expiration as will effect said object, and, so far as they can in any way control the same, render said corporation perpetual. 72 AGREEMENT B.