c \$^/o>4- CORNELL UNI VERSITY. LIST OK GRADUATE STUDENTS 1893-4. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, ITHACA, N. Y. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/cornellunivers9394itha CATALOGUE OF STUDENTS. GRADUATES. CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED DEGREES. (*In absentia.) The number of candidates for advanced degrees during 1893-4 is distributed as follows : I. By degrees : A.M . . Ph.M. M.L., M.S., MAJOR MINOR H •' 7 .... 12 24 M.C.E., 16 M.M.E., 45 Ph.D 75 D.Sc, 29 Total, 222 II. By subjects : SUBJECT Classical Archaeology and History of Art, . . . Comparative Philology, Greek, Latin, . . . r . The Germanic Languages, The Romance Languages, 2 English, 23 Philosophy, 23 History and Political Science, 22 Mathematics and Astronomy, 13 Physics, 19 Chemistry, 21 Botany and Arboriculture, 2 Entomology and General Invertebrate Zoology, ... 5 o *4 3 8 3 3 22 39 54 3i 32 21 11 6 2 Physiology and Vertebrate Zoology, 7 Geology, Paleontology, and Mineralogy, 2 Agriculture, o Horticulture, . 3 Architecture, 1 Civil Engineering, 18 Mechanical Engineering, 46 10 6 1 o o 15 43 Abbott, Wilbur C, A.B., {Wabash College), 1892, Noblesville, Ind. English, Mediaeval History, Comp. Philology. Ph.D. Committee : Hart, O. F. F,merson, Wheeler, Burr. Adsitt, Carrie Ingersoll, Ph.B., 1891, Ithaca English, American History. Ph.M. Committee : Corson, M. C. Tyler. Albee, Ernest, A.B., {Univ. of Vermont), 1887, Langdon, N. H. History of Philosophy, Ethics, Psychology. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Creighton, Hammond, Titchener. Alverson, Harry Bartlett, B.S. in E.E., {Univ. of Wis.), 1893, Portage, Wis. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. Andrews, Arthur Lynn, B.L., 1893, Ithaca English Literature, Rhetoric. M.L. Committee : Corson, Hart. Babine, Alexey Vasilyevich, A.B., 1892. Elatma, Russia American and English Constitutional History. A.M. Committee : M. C. Tyler, Burr. Barnhisel, Arthur Henry, A.B., {Stanford Univ.), 1893, San Jose, Cal. Ethics, Political Institutions. M.L. Committee : Schurman, C. M. Tyler, Jenks. Barr, Charles James, M.E., 1893, Lindsay, Canada Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Carpenter, Barr. Barraclough, Samuel Henry, B.E., {Univ. of Sydney), 1892, Sydney, Australia Applied Science of Engineering, Cements, Steam Engine. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Carpenter. Barrett, Martha Belle, A.B., {Wooster), 1887, A.M., {same), 1890, Elm wood, III. Mediaeval and Modern History, Latin. Ph.D. Committee : Burr, Bennett, Tuttle. — 3 — Barton, Mary, A.B., {Ohio Wesley an), 1886, Ashley, 0. Mediaeval History, English Literature. A.M. Committee : Burr, Corson, M. C. Tyler. Bates, Frank Greene, B.L. 1891, Summit, R. I. American History, Political Institutions. M.L. Committee : M. C. Tyler, Jenks. Baxter, Agues Lime, A.B., (Dalhousie Coll.), 1891, A.M., (same), 1892, Halifax, N. S.. Canada Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Physics. Ph.D. Committee : Oliver, Nichols, McMahon. Bierbaum, Christopher Henry, M.E., 1891, Ceres, Iowa Experimental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Carpenter. *Bissell, George Welton, M.E., 1888, Ames, Iowa Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. Bliss, Charles Liston, B.S., 1893, . Ithaca Organic and Analytical Chemistry, Physics. D.Sc. Committee : Caldwell, Orndorff, Nichols, Dennis. Blount, Alma, A.B., (Wheaton College), 1890, Byron, III. English Literature and Philology, Rhetoric. Ph.D. Committee : Corson, Hart, O. F. Fmerson. Bodine, Donaldson, Ph.B., 1887, Ithaca Entomology, Vertebrate Zoology, Botany. D.Sc. Committee : Comstock, Wilder, Atkinson. Boright, William Parsons, C.E., 1892, Chatham Railroad and Sanitary Engineering. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Crandall. Boynton, George Edward, A.B., (Johns Hopkins Univ.), 1892, Lake Side Economics, Political and Social Science, American History. Ph.D. Committee : Jenks, M. C. Tyler, Hull, Willcox. Brace, Charles Talcott, B.S., 1890, Ithaca Analytical Chemistry, Physics. M.S. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Nichols. Brown, John Franklin, Ph.B., (Earlham Coll.), 1889, Carmel, Ind. Ethics, History of Philosophy. Ph.M. Committee : Schurman, Creighton, Hammond. Brown, Marianna, A.B., (Earlham Coll.), 1876, Carmel, Ind. Latin, Greek. A.M. Committee : Bennett, Wheeler. Bruegel, Adolph Theodore, M.B., {Lehigh Univ.), 1888, Utica Steam Engineering, Electrical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Ryan. Buchanan, Alexander Watson, M.E., 1887, St. Louis, Mo. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Ryan. Buchanan, Barbara Isabella, A.B., {Oberlin), 1889, A.M., {same), 1890, Maritzburg, Natal Classical Philology, Greek Philosophy, Classic Archaeology. Ph.D. Committee : Wheeler, Schurman, Hammond, A. Emerson. Bucherer, Alfred Henry, {Tech. Hochschule, Hanover,), 1882, Lthaca Physics, Physical Chemistry. M.S. Committee : Nichols, Trevor. *Burwell, Robert Turn bull, M.E., 1891, Raleigh, N. C. Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Carpenter. Carver, Thomas Nixon, A.B., {Univ. 0/ Southern California), 1891, Los Angeles, Cat. Political Economy, History, Social Science. Ph.D. Committee : Jenks, Burr, Willcox, Hull. Chamot, Emile Monnin, B.S., 1891, Lthaca Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Microscopy. D.Sc. Committee : Caldwell, Gage, Dennis, Orndorff. Chapman, Flora Emogene, Ph.B., 1893, Viroqua, Wis. Mediaeval History, Economics, Modern European History. Ph.D. Committee : Burr, Jenks, Tuttle. Child, Clement D, A.B., {Univ. of Rochester), 1890, Linden Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Mathematics. Ph.D. Committee : Nichols, Oliver, Wait. Clark, Tracy Earl, B.S., 1890, Pembroke Vertebrate Zoology, Invertebrate Zoology, Botany. D.Sc. Committee : Wilder, Comstock, Atkinson, Rowlee. Claypole, Agnes Mary, Ph.B., {Buchtel Coll.), 1892, Akron, O. Vertebrate Histology, Invertebrate Zoology. M.S. Committee : Wilder, Gage, Comstock. Cogswell, George Alfred, A.B., {Dalhousie Coll.), 1890, Fort Williams, Nova Scotia Metaphysics, Psychology, Political Science. Ph.D. Committee : C.-eighton, Hammond, Titchener, Jenks. Comstock, Charles Worthington, C.E., Met. E., {Col. Sch. of Mines), 1890, Lthaca Bridge Engineering, Hydraulics. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Church, Jacoby. — 5 — Connolly, Mary Theresa, Ph.B., 1893, Kirkland French, German. Ph.M. Committee : Crane, Hewett, White. Corbett, Lee Cleveland, B.S. in Agr., 1890, Watkins Horticulture, Cryptogamic Botany. M.S. in Agr. Committee : Bailey, Atkinson. *Cory, Henry Thomas, B.M.E., [Purdue Univ.), 1887, B.C.E., {same). 1889, M.C.B. {Cornell Univ.) 1893, Columbia, Mo. Civil and Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee: Thurston, Fuertes. Craft, Warren Moore, B.S., {College of the City of New York) 1892, M.E., {Cornell Univ.) 1893, New York City Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. Crehore, Mary Louise, A.B., {Smith Coll.), 1892, Cleveland, 0. Physics, Mathematics. M.S. Committee : Nichols, Wait, McMahon. Crum, Fred Stephens, B.L,., 1893, Ithaca Economics, Political and Social Science. M.L. Committee: Jenks, Willcox, Hull. Cushmau, Blin Sill, B.S., 1893, New Berlin Inorganic Chemistry, Physics, Chemistry. D.Sc m Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Nichols, Orndorff. Denham, Henr} 7 Henderson, B.S., {Univ. of Michigan), 1893, Flint, Mich. Analytical Chemistry, Mineralogy. M.S. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Tarr. Duncan, John Denison Evarts, B S. in E.E., {Univ. of Michigan), 1893, Ann Arbor, Mich. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Nichols, Ryan. Dunn, Willis Andrew, A.B., {Westminster Coll.), 1887, Utica, Pa. Analytical Chemistry, Petrography. A.M. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Tarr. Durand, Edward Dana, A.B., {Oberlin Coll.), 1893, Oberlin, O. Political Economy, Civil and Social Inst. , Hist, of Phil. Ph.D. Committee : Jenks, Willcox, Hull Creighton, Hammond. Durand, Eliasjudah, A.B., 1893 Canandaigua Cryptogamic Botany, Vegetable Histology, Entomology. D.Sc. Committee : Prentiss, Atkinson, Rowlee, Comstock. Eakle, Arthur Starr, B.S., 1892, Ithaca Petrography, Mineralogy, Chemistry. D.Sc. Committee : Tarr, Caldwell, Dennis. Eames, Aldice Gould, B.S., [Mass. Agr. Coll.), 1891, B.L., (Cor- nell Univ.), 1893, N. Wilmington, Mass. American Constitutional History, Rhetoric. M.L. Committee : M. C. Tyler, Hart. Earl, Mark Alden, B.S., (Univ. of Illinois), 1893, Centralia, III. Sanitary Engineering, Political and Social Institutions. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Jenks. Edmiston, Homer James, A.B., (Univ. of Neb.), 1892, Lincoln, Neb. Latin, Greek, Sanskrit. Ph.D. Committee: Bennett, Wheeler, Bristol. Edwards, Kate May, A.B., 1888, Lynn, Mass. Greek, Comparative Philology, Archseologj?. Ph.D. Committee : Wheeler, A. Fmerson. Eldredge, Alfred Henry, M.E., 1888, Watertown Experimental Laboratory, Electrical Laboratory. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Carpenter. Elkin, William Baird, A.B., (Manitoba Univ.), 1889, Moville, Ireland History of Philosoph}^ Ethics, Political Economy. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Creighton, Hammond, Jenks. ^"Emory, Franklin Lincoln, M.E., (Worcester Polytechnic,) 1887, Morgantown, W. Va. Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. 'Committee: Thurston. Fanning, Grace Merritt Winthrop, B.S., (Wellesley, Coll.), 1891, Tarrytown Ethics. Psychology, History of Philosophy. Ph.D. • Committee: Schurman, Titchener, Creighton, Hammond. Federspiel, Mortimer Alexander, Ph.B., 1893, Ithaca American Const. History, Political Inst., American Const. Law. Ph.D. Committee : M. C. Tyler, Jenks, Hutchins. Felt, Ephriam Porter, B.S., (Mass. Agr. Coll.) 1891, Fort Plain Entomology, Vert. Zoology, Botany. D.Sc. Committee : Comstock, Wilder, Prentiss. Ferry, Erwin Sidney, B.S., 1889, Mount Vernon Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics. D.Sc. Committee : Nichols, Ryan, Oliver. Field, Henry John, B.S., (Mass. Agr. Coll.), 1891, Leverett, Mass. Analytical Chemistry, Physics, Organic Chemistry. D.Sc. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Nichols, Orndorff. Filkins, Claude William Leroy, C.E., 1893, Olean Mechanics, Masonry. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Church. — 7 — Findlay, John, A.B., {Queen's Univ.), 1887, A.M. {same), 1888, Riverside, Cat. Metaphysics, Psychology, Mathematics. Ph.D. Committee : Creighton, Hammond, Titchener, Oliver, McMahon. Fish, Pierre Augustin, B.S. in Natural History, 1890, Ithaca Vertebrate Zoology, Invertebrate Zoology, Histology. D.Sc. Committee : Wilder, Comstock, Gage. Florer, Warren Washburn, A.B., {DePauw Univ.), 1890, Greencastle, Ind. German, Mediaeval History. Ph.D. Committee: White, Hewett, Burr. Folwell, Russell Hey wood, B.S., {Univ. of Minnesota), 1893, Minneapolis, Minn. The Mechanics and Design of Iron and Steel Structures, Engineering Laboratory. M.S. Committee : Fuertes, Jacoby, Spalding. Fort, Edwin John, C.E-, 1893, Chicago, III. Hydraulic Engineering, Astronomy. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Church. Fortenbaugh, Samuel Byrod, M E., 1890, Halifax, Pa. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Ryan. Fowler, George Vermilyea, A.B., 1893, Yonkers Greek, Latin, Philology. Ph.D. Committee : Wheeler, Bennett, Bristol. Franklin, William Suddards, B.S., {Univ. of Kansas), 1887, M.S., {same), 1888, Ames, Iowa Math. Physics, Exper. Physics, Mathematics. D.Sc. Committee : Nichols, Oliver, Wait. Freeman, Almira Stevens, A.B., {Oberlin Coll.), 1886, A.M., {same), 1890, Everett, Mass. English Literature, History, Rhetoric. Ph.D. Committee : Corson, Burr, Hart. Freeman, Samuel Arthur, M.E., T893, Buffalo Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Caldwell. Fuller, Frederick Pardee, E.E., {Lehigh Univ.) 1893, Scranton, Pa. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Ryan, Carpenter. Garrels, William Louis, M.E-, 1893, St. Louis, Mo. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Ryan, Carpenter. — 8 — Gerry, Martin Hughes, Jr., B.M.E., {Univ. of Minnesota), 1890, B.E.E., {same), 1891, Minneapolis Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Ryan, Nichols, Carpenter. Gherardi, Bancroft, Jr., B.S., {Brooklyn Polytechnic), 1891, M.E., {Cornell Univ.), 1893, New York City Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Ryan. Griffith, Charles Minot, Ph.B., {Wesleyan Univ.), 1888, Perry Latin, Comparative Philology. Ph.M. Committee : Bennett, Wheeler. Hagar, Edward McKim, S.B. in M.E., {Mass. Inst, of Tech.), 1893, Chicago, III. Electrical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Ryan. Hall, Thomas, M.E., 1893, Washington, Ontario Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Hankenson, John Jay, B.C.E., {Univ. of Minnesota), 1892, Minneapolis Bridge and Sanitary Engineering. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Jacoby. Hannum, Louise, B.S., {Wellesley Coll.), 1891, Sherman Metaphysics, Psychology, Ethics. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Titchener, Creighton, Hammond. Harvey, George Ray, M.E., 1893, Hamilton, Ontario. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Ryan. Heppert, Albert George, B.L., 1893, Crawford, Mich. Ethics, English Literature. M.L. Committee : Schurman, Corson, C. M. Tyler. Higgius, Frank Rex, A.B., {Acadia Coll.), 1891, Wolfville, N. S., Canada Physics, Mathematics, Electricity. Ph.D. Committee : Nichols, Wait, Jones, Ryan. Higgins, Leonidas Raymond, A.B., {Brown Univ.), 1884, Flemington, N.J. Latin, Greek, Comparative Philology. Ph.D. Committee : Bennett, Wheeler. Highet, Minnie Elizabeth, A.B., [Victoria Univ.) 1891, A.M., {same), 1892, Coburg, Ontario German, French. Ph.M. Committee : White, Crane, Hewett. Hill, Albert Ross, A.B., {Dalhousie Coll.), 1892, Five Islands, N. S., Canada Ethics, Psychology, Logic, Metaphysics. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Titchener, Creighton, Hammond. Hill, John Edward, B.S., {Rutgers Coll.), 1884, M.S., {same), 1887, C.E., {same), 1891, Newark, N.J. Sanitary Engineering. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Crandall. Hinman, Edgar Henderson, A.B., 1892, A/ton Metaphysics, Psychology, Ethics. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Titchener, Creighton, Hammond. Hodell, Charles Wesley, A.B., {De Pauw Univ.), 1892, Ithaca English Literature, English Philology, Ethics. Ph.D. Committee : Corson, Hart, O. F. Fmerson, Schurman. Hoffman, Martin Luther, A.B., {Indiana Univ.), 1885, Auburn, Ind. Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Calculus. Ph.D. Committee : Nichols, Oliver. Hopkins, Cyril George, B.S., (Agr. Coll. of S. Dak.), 1890, Brookings, S. Dak. Analytical and Organic Chemistry. M.S. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Orndorff. Hopkins, Walter David, A.B., 1893, Ithaca Philology, Greek, Archaeology. Ph.D. Committee : Wheeler, Bennett, A. Fnierson. Hotchkiss, Homer James, C.E., {Allegheny Coll.), 1888, A.B., {same), 1889, Ithaca Electrical Engineering, Physics. M.M.E Committee : Thurston, Nichols, Ryan. Houghton, Charles Edwin, A.B. in M.E., {Stanford Univ.), 1893, Palo Alto, Cat. Hydraulic and Experimental Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Carpenter. Howe, Herbert Crombie, B.L., 1893, Fulton Metaphysics, Vertebrate Zoology, Ethics. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Wilder, Creighton, Hammond. Hubbell, Benjamin S, B.S. in Arch., 1893, Ithaca Architectural Construction and Structural Design. M.S. in Arch. Committee : Babcock, Fuertes, Jacoby. Hughes, David Arthur, B.L., {Albion Coll.), 1893, Ithaca English Literature, European History. M.L. Committee : Corson, Burr. — IO — Humphrey, Oswald D, B.S., {Wabash Call.), 1888, A.M., {same), 1891, Crawfordsville, Ind. Vertebrate Zoology and Histology, Cryptogamic Botany. Ph.D. Committee : Wilder, Gage, Atkinson, Rowlee. Hyde, Walter Woodburn, A.B., 1893, Ithaca Archaeology, Greek, Comparative Philology. Ph.D. Committee : Wheeler, A. Emerson. Irons, David, A.M., [St. Andrews Univ., Scotland), 1891, Dundee, Scotland Metaphysics, Ethics, Psychology. Ph.D. Committee : Creighton, Hammond, Titehener, Schurman. *Jackson, Dugald C, B.S., {Penn. State Coll.), 1887, C.E., {same), 1889, Madison, Wis. Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. Jacobs, Robert Hyde, C.E., 1893, Ithaca Sanitary Engineering, Social Science. 31. CE. Committee : Fnertes, Church, Jenks. Katte, Edwin Britton, M.E., 1893, New York City Marine Engineering, Naval Architecture. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Duraud, Carpenter. Kelley, William Vincent, Jr., B.S., {College of the City of New York), 1 89 1, M.E., {Cornell Univ.), 1893, New York City Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. Kellogg, Robert James, A.B., 1891, Ithaca Comparative Philology, Ethics, History of Religion. Ph.D. Committee : Wheeler, Schurman, C. M. Tyler. Kellogg, Vernon Lyman, B.S., {Univ. of Kansas), 1889, M.S.. {same), 1892, Lawrence, Kan Entomology, Histology. M.S. Committee : Comstock, Gage. Kerr, Clara Hannah, Ph.B., 1891 Collins American History and Political Institutions, English History. Ph.D. Committee : M. C. Tyler, Jenks. Kimball, Clinton, C.E., {Washington Univ., St. Louis), 1893, Kirkwood, Mo. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Nichols, Ryan. King, Walter Grant, B.S., 1892, Ithaca Mechanical Engineering, Technical Chemistry. M.S. Committee : Thurston, Barr, Dennis. — II — Kingsbury, Benjamin Freeman, A.B., {Buchtel), 1893, Defiance, O. Vertebrate Histology and Zoology, Embryology. M.S. Committee : Wilder, Gage. Knoch, Julius James, C.E., 1892, Saxonburg, Pa. Railroad Engineering, Electrical and Cement Laboratory. M.C.E . Committee : Fuertes, Crandall, Ryan, Spalding. Koenig, Otto, {Univ. of Erlangen), Paterson, N.f. German Literature, Mediaeval History. A.M. Committee : White, Hewett, Burr. Kortright, Frederic Lawrence, B.S., 1890, Ithaca Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Mathematics, D.Sc. Committee: Caldwell, Trevor, Dennis, Oliver. Lamson, Elliott Woodbury, A.B., {Brown Univ.), 1893, Hamilton, Mass. Mediaeval History, Political Science. A.M. Committee : Burr, Jenks, M. C. Tyler. Lawrence, Henry Edmund, A.B., .{Univ. of Rochester,) 1889, Ithaca Physics, Mathematics, Mathematical Physics. Ph.D. Committee : Nichols, Wait, McMahon, Merritt. Ledger, William Henry, B.E., {Sydney Univ.), 1893, Sevenoaks, Eng. Bridge Architecture and Design, Bridge Manufacturing. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Jaeoby. Leighton, Joseph Alexander, A.B., {Trinity Univ.), 1891, Orangeville, Ont., Canada Metaphysics, Ethics, Psychology. Ph.D. Committee: Schurmau, Creighton, Hammond, Titchener. Leonard, Mary Emmer, B.S., {McKendree College,) 1881, M.S., {same), 1892, Ph.D., {same), 1893, Mt. Vernon, III. English Literature, Rhetoric. M.L. Committee : Corson, Hart. Lockhead, William, A.B., {McGill Univ.), 1885, Gait, Canada Geology, Invertebrate Zoology. M.S. Committee : Tarr, Comstock. Lodeman, Ernest Gustavus, B.S., {Mich. Agr. Coll.), 1889, Ithaca Spraying of Plants, Secondary Influences of Pollen. M.S. Committee : Bailey, Prentiss, Atkinson. Loomis, Arthur Bates, B.S., {Univ. of Illinois), 1893, Fulton, III. Bridge Engineering, Political Economy. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Jenks, Jaeoby. Macarthur, John Robertson, A.B., {Manitoba Coll,), 1892, Kildonan, Manitoba Greek, Latin, Comp., Phil., Ph.D. Committee : Wheeler, Bennett. — 12 — McClaughry, Mary, B.S., 1893, Salem Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Spectroscopic Analysis. D.Sc. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Orndorff. MacKinnon, Annie Louise, B.S., {Univ. of Kansas) 1889, M.S., {same), 1891, Lawrence, Kan. Theory of Functions, Quantics, Mathematical Physics. Ph.D. Committee : Oliver, Wait, McMahon. McKnight, George Harley, A.B., 1892, Sterling Valley English and Comparative Philology. Ph.D. Committee : Hart, Wheeler, O. F. Emerson. Macomber, Irwin John, M.E., 1888, Ithaca Electrical and Experimental Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Carpenter, Ryan Maddox, Lola, A.B., \Knox Coll.), 1890, Oberlin, Kan. English and Latin Literature, Latin Syntax. Ph.D. Committee : Corson, Hart, Bennett. Magee, William Henry, A.B., {Dalhousie Coll.), 1891, Port Williams, N. S. Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Mineralogy. Ph.D. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Tarr. Maguire, Edward, B.S., 1884, Lockport American History, Political Institutions, M.L. Committee : M. C. Tyler, Jenks. Major, David R, B.S., ( Wabash Coll.), 1890, Frankfort, Ind. History of Philosophy, Ethics, Social Science. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Creighton, Willcox, Hammond. Mallarian, Casbar Hagop, {Anatolia Coll.), 1885, A.B., {Wheaton Coll.), 1892, Marsovan, Turkey English Lit, French, German. Ph.D. Committee : Corson, Crane, White. Marks, Lionel Simeon, M.E., {Mason Coll.,) England, 1891, B.S., {London Univ.), 1892, Experimental, Steam and Materials of Engineering. M.M.E. Committee: Thurston, Carpenter. Marsters, John Leverett, A.B., {Acadia), 1891, Wolfville, N. S., Can. Agricultural Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Geology. Ph.D. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Tarr. *Marx, Guido Hugo, M.E., 1893, Rochester Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. — 13 — Matthews, Charles Philo, M.E., 1892, Ithaca Bxpt. Physics, Electricity, Mathematical Physics. D.S. Committee : Nichols, Moler, Bedell. Merz, August, B.S., 1893, Newark, N.J. Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Physics. D.Sc. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Orndorff, Nichols. Miller, Kempster Blanchard, M.E., 1893, Ithaca Electrical Engineering, Physics. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Nichols, Ryan. Millis, Frank Edward, A.B., {DePauw Univ.), 1887, and A.M., 1889, La Grange, Ind. Theoretical and Expt. Physics, Mathematics. Ph.D. Committee : Nichols, Oliver, Bedell. Mlodsiansky, Afraim Khaim, [Graduate, Inst, of Forestry, St. Petersburg), St. Petersburg, Russia Agricultural and Analytical Chemistry, Botany. D.Sc. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Prentiss, Bailey. Moore, Addison Webster, A.B., {DePauw Univ.), 1890, A.M., [same), 1893, Greencastle, Ind. Metaphysics, Ethics, Social Science. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Creighton, Hammond, Willcox. Moore, Ella Adams, Ph B., {DePauw Univ.), 1892, Greencastle, Ind. English Literature and Philology, German. Ph.D. Committee : Corson, Hart, White. ^Morehouse, Alanson David, M.E., 1893, Brooklyn Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. ^Morehouse, Herbert Harrison, M.E., 1889, Brooklyn Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. Muir, Ethel, B.L., {Dalhousie Coll.), 1891, M.L., {same), 1893, Halifax, Nova Scotia Metaphysics, Ethics, Social Science. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Creighton, Hammond, Willcox. *Mulford, Furman Lloyd, B.S. in Agr., 1892, Ithaca Plant Fertilizers, Agriculture. M.S. in Agr. Committee : Bailey, Roberts. Nichols, John Mauson, A.B., {Bates Coll.), 1885, A.M., 1891, Greene, Me. Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Geology. Ph.D. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Orndorff, Tarr. — 14 — Nichols, Leon Nelson, B.L., 1892, Ithaca Political Institutions, Economics. M.L. Committee : Jetiks, Hull. Northup, Clark Sutherland, A.B., 1893, Ithaca English and Comparative Philology, English Literature. Ph.D. Committee : Hart, Wheeler, Corson. Noyes, Mary Chilton, Ph.B., {Iowa State Univ.), 1881, A.M., (same), 1884, Terre Haute, Ind. Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Mathematics. Ph.D. Committee : Nichols, Oliver, Moler. O'Hagan, Thomas, A.B., {Ottawa Coll.), 1882, A.M., same, 1885, Ph.D., {Syracuse Univ.), 1889, Toronto, Ontario English Literature, Mediaeval History, Rhetoric. Ph.D. Committee : Corson, Hart, Burr. Olmsted, Everett Ward, Ph.B., 1891, Ithaca French and Italian Language and Literature, French History. Ph.D. Committee : Crane, Burr. Otis, Margaret, A.B., 1893, Rochester Greek, Comparative Philology, Latin. Ph.D. Committee : Wheeler, Bennett. Pawling, Jesse, Jr., A.B., {Phil. Central High School), 1888, A.M., {same,) 1893, B.S., {Cornell Univ.), 1893, Overbrook, Pa. Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, D.Sc. Function Theory, Experimental Physics. Committee : Oliver, Wait, Nichols. Peabody, Susan Perkins, A.B., {Smith Coll.), 1882, English, Ancient and Mediaeval History. A.M. Committee : Corson, Burr. Peirce, Leona May, A.B., {Smith Coll.), 1886, A.M., {same), 1893, Springfield, Mass. Quantics, Function Theory, History of Philosophy. Ph.D. Committee : Oliver, McMahon, Creighton, Hammond. Perkins, Albert Henry, C.E., 1893, Forest Home Higher Mechanics, Pedagogy. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, S. G. Williams, Church. Place, Edwin, B.M.E., 1883, Terre Haute, Ind. Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. Phelps, Charles Howard, A.B., {Brown Univ.), 1893, Central Bridge Pure Mathematics, Civil Engineering. M.A. Committee : Oliver, Wait, Church. — i5 — Pillsbury, Walter Bowers, A.B., {Univ. of Nebraska), 1892, Fullerton, Neb. Psychology, Ethics, Logic, Epistemology. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Titehener, Creighton, Hammond. Porter, Alice Downey, A.B., {De Pauw Univ.), 1879, A.M., {same), 18S2, Greencastle, Ind. English Literature, English Philology and History. Ph.D. Committee : Corson, Hart, O. F. Emerson, Burr. Preston, George Burton, M.E., 1888, Ithaca Experimental and Electrical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Carpenter, Ryan. Purdy, George Carr, A.B., 1892, Middletown Marine and Mechanical Engineering, Physics. M.S. Committee : Thurston, Durand, Carpenter, Nichols. Ranum, Arthur, A.B., {Univ. of Minn.), 1892, La Crosse, Wis. Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Ethics. Ph.D. Committee : Oliver, Nichols, Schurman, Jones, McMahon. Rappleye, Walker Glazier, B.S.,- 1882, Ithaca Pure and Applied Mathematics. M.S' Committee : Oliver, Wait. Read, Melbourne Stuart, A.B., {Acadia Univ.), 1891, Berwick, N. S., Canada Ethics, Psychology, History of Philosophy. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Titehener, Hammond, Creighton. *Richards, Charles Russ, B.M.E., {Perdue Univ.), 1890, M.E., {Univ. of Neb.), 189T, Lincoln, Neb. Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. ^Ripley, John Wesley, C.E., 1S93, Groton Bridge, Hydraulic, and Water Supply Engineering. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Church, Jacoby. Rollefson, Carl Jacob, A.B., {St. 01 af Coll.), 1890, Hazel Run, Minn. Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Mathematics. Ph.D. Committee : Nichols, Wait, Merritt. Root, William Webster, B.S., 1890, Ithaca Analytical Chemistry, Physics, Agricultural Chemistry. D.Sc. Committee : Caldwell, Dennis, Nichols. Rosegrant, Clark Ames, A.B., 1891, Ogdensburg Physiology, Vertebrate Histology. A.M. Committee : Wilder, Gage. *Rowe, Bertrand Perry, M.E., 1892, Ithaca Chemical and Electrical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. — i6 — Rumsey, William Earl, B.S. in Agr., 189T, Morgan town, W. Va. Entomology, Botany, M.S. Committee : Comstoek, Prentiss. Saunders, Samuel J, A.B., {Toronto Univ.), 18S8, Clinton Electricity, Physics, Mathematics. D Sc- Committee : Nichols, Oliver, Wait. Scott, John Milton, A.M., {Lafayette Coll.), 1892, . Ithaca Political Science, Ethics, English Literature. Ph.D. Committee : Jenks, Corson, Schurman. Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott, A.B., {Oxford), 1886, A.M., {same), 1891, Ithaca Philosophy, Psychology. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Creighton, Hammond, Titchener. Sellew, George Tucker, A.B., {Univ. of Rochester), 1889, N. Chili Analytic and Modern Synthetic Geometry, Calculus, Differential Equations. A.M. Committee : Oliver, Wait, Jones. *Shapleigh, William Chapman, M.E., 1891, Cambridge, Mass. Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. Sharp, Clayton Halsey, A.B., {Hamilton Coll.), 1890, Seneca Falls Physics, Astronomy, Mathematical Physics. Ph.D. Committee : Nichols, Oliver, McMahou. Shearer, John Sanford, B.S., 1893, Ithaca Physics, Mathematics. M.S. Committee : Nichols, Oliver. Sheldon, Laura Charlotte, A.B., {Vassar Coll.), 1S87, Brooklyn American History, Economics, Modern European History. Ph.D. Committee : M. C. Tyler, Jenks. Sherman, Charles Winslow, S.B. in C.E., {Mass. Inst, of Tech.), 1890, Ithaca Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Church. Shoemaker, William Ross, B.S., {Iowa Agr. Coll.), 1889, Ithaca Pure Mathematics, Geometry, Mathematical Theory of Sound and Electricity. D.Sc. Committee : Oliver, Wait, Nichols, McMahon. Smith, Fred Douglass, B.S., 1892, Ithaca Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physics. D.Sc. Committee : Caldwell, Orndorff, Nichols, Dennis. Snyder, Frank Gerome, M.E., 1893, Nina Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Ryan, Carpenter. — i 7 — Snyder, Virgil, B.S., {Iowa Agr. Coll.,, 1890, Dixon, Iowa Pure Mathematics, Theory of Sound, Theory of Probability. M.S. Committee : Oliver, Wait, Nichols. *Spence, David W, B.S., {Univ. of Texas), 1891, C.E., {Univ. of Mich.), 1891, College Slation, Texas Bridge, Municipal, and Sanitary Engineering. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Crandall, Jacoby. Spencer, Henry King, M.E., 1890, Milwaukee, Wis. Exper. Eng., Strength of Materials. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Carpenter. Spencer, Mary Cass, A.B., {Newcomb Coll.), 1892, New Orleans, La. Physics, Mathematics. M.S. Committee : Nichols, Wait. Spinney, Louis Bevier, B.M.E. {Iowa Agr. Coll.), 1892, B.S. {same), 1893. Colorado Springs, Col. Physics, Mathematics. M.S. Committee . Nichols, Wait. Strong, Wendell Melville, A.B,, ( Yale Univ.), 1893, Montclair,N.f. Mathematics, Physics. A.M. Committee : Wait, Nichols. Stroud, Bert Brenette, B.S., 1891, Ithaca Neurology, Chemistry, Histology. D.Sc. Committee : Wilder, Caldwell, Gage. Strunk, William, Jr., A.B., {Univ. of Cincinnati), 1890, Ithaca English and Comparative Philology, Sanskrit. Ph.D. Committee : Hart, Wheeler, Bristol. Suydam, Catharine, A.B., {Vassar Coll.), 1890, Flemington, N.f. English Lit. and Philology, American History. Ph.D. Committee : Corson, Hart, M. C. Tyler. *Swenson, Bernard Victor, B.S., {Univ. of Illinois), 1893, Chicago, III. Mechanical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. Swisher, Charles Clinton, A.B., ( Yale Univ.), 1876, LL.B., {Columbia Coll.), 1882, Ithaca American and Modern European History, Economics. Ph.D. Committee : M. C. Tyler, Jenks. *Taylor, Thomas U, C.E., {Univ. of Fa.), 1883, Austin, Texas Bridge, Municipal and Sanitary Engineering. M.C.E. Committee : Fuertes, Crandall, Jacoby. Taylor, Thomas Wardlaw, Jr., A.B., {Univ. of Manitoba), 1886, A.M., {same), 1890, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Ethics, History of Philosophy, Political Economy. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Creighton, Hammond, Jenks. Thomas, Anna Elizabeth, A.B., {Buchtel Coll.), 1893, Akron, 0. English Literature, Mediaeval History. A.M. Committee : Corson, Burr. Thomas, Mason Blanchard, B.S., 1890, Crawjordsville, Ind. Botany, Zoology. D.Sc. Committee : Prentiss, Comstock, Atkinson, Rowlee. Thompson, Milton Ellsworth, M.B., 1890, Lebanon, O. Mathematical Physics, Electricity. D.Sc. Committee : Nichols, Ryan, Bedell. Tillinghast, Isabel Nelson, A.B., (Vassar Coll.), 1S78, Truxton English Literature, English Philology. Ph.M. Committee : Corson, Hart, O. F. Kmerson. Tooke, Charles Wesley, A.B., {Syracuse Univ.), 1891, Ithaca American Constitutional History, Political Institutions. A.M. Committee : M. C. Tyler, Jenks. Towusend, EdwardCand.ee, A.B., 1893, Ithaca Pure Mathematics, Physics. A.M. Committee : Oliver, Wait, Nichols, Jones. Tuell, Harriet Emily, A.B., (Wellesley Coll.), 1891, Milton, Mass. Mediaeval, Modern European, and American History. Ph.D. Committee : Burr, M. C. Tyler, Tuttle. Turnbull, Wallace Rupert, M.E., 1893, St. Johns, N. B., Canada Electrical and General Physics, Electrical Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Nichols. VanBuskirk, William Tobey, B.S., 1893, Peoria, III. Organic and Analytical Chemistry, Physics. D.Sc. Committee : Caldwell, Orndorff, Dennis, Nichols. Wagner, George Francis, M.E., 1893, Villa Park, Col. Electrical Engineering, Physics. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston, Nichols, Ryan. Walker, George Washington, B.S., 1893, Ithaca Organic Chemistry, Physics, Inorganic Chemistry. D.Sc. Committee : Caldwell, Orndorff, Nichols, Dennis. Walter, Harry Joseph, Ph.B., 1892, Whitney's Point American History, Political Institutions. Ph.M. Committee : M. C. Tyler, Jenks. Washburn, Margaret Floy, A.B., (Vassar), 1891, A.M., (same), 1893, Newburgh Psychology, History of Philosophy, Ethics. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Titchener, Creighton, Hammond. Watanabe, Riusei, Ph.B., (Hillsdale Coll.), 1891, Ph.M., [Cor- nell Univ.), 1892, Tokio, Japan Ethics, History of Philosophy, Psychology. Ph.D. Committee : Schurman, Creighton, Hammond, Titchener. — i 9 — Weatherly, Ulysses Grant, A.B., [Colgate Univ.), 1890, Ithaca Modern European History, Political Institutions, American History. Ph.D. Committee : Jenks, M. C. Tyler. Wentz, Estella Kate, B.S., {Purdue Univ.), 1887, M.S., {same), 1890, West LaFayette, Ind, Mathematics, English Literature. M.S. Committee : Oliver, Corson, Jones, McMahon. *Wilson, Chester Paul, M.E., 1892, Indianapolis, Ind. Electrical and Steam Engineering. M.M.E. Committee : Thurston. Wilson, Emory Moyers, Ph.B., 1893, Washington, D. C. Political Economy, Political and Social Institutions, American Hist. Ph.D. Committee : Jenks, M. C. Tyler, Willcox. Wilson, William Louis, B.S., {Northwestern Univ.), 1892, M.S., {same), 1893, ' £ vans ton, III. Organic and Analytical Chemistry, Physics. D.Sc. Committee : Caldwell, Orndorff, Dennis, Nichols. Windsor, Lillie Forest, A.B., {Indiana State Univ.), 1891, Richmond, Ind. English Literature, Rhetoric. M.L. Committee : Corson, Hart. Windsor, Miriam Evangeline, A.B., {Indiana State Univ.), 1891, Richmond, Ind. English Literature, Rhetoric. M.L. Committee : Corson, Hart. Woodworth, Howard Oakley, B.S., {Univ. of Illinois), 1892, Champaign, III. Economic Entomology, Fungi, Systematic Entomology. D.Sc. Committee : Comstock, Gage, Atkinson. Wright, Ellsworth David, A.B., 1887, Ithaca Greek, Latin, Comparative Philology. Ph.D. Committee : Wheeler, Bennett. Yerzley, William Alfred, M.E., 1892, Forrest City, Ark. Experimental and Theoretical Physics. M.S. Committee : Nichols, Bedell. [The names of graduates who are candidates for baccalaureate de- grees, or are special students, will appear in the Register.]