Illinois. University- Off ice of 1hc dedJD of woman. Volunte^ry stepping etones c Il6uIvo The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ftPR 1 3 m L161— O-1096 ♦ * .-;: :;; ;;; j;; :;: * * * si: .-;, i',i « * sjc * :(c >;; :)c ^c :(c >;« :(c :(: ,jc >jc * * * ^ SECOND SEMESTER * SUGGESTIONS Issued by- Office of the Dean of 'Women University of Illinois January, 1943 * * * * Voluntary Stepping Stones of Preparation for * ^ * ^ Service-Minded Women Students :!: * I INEUniMQIOFTffE ^ * r;ovi 1943 * SRNCRsnvoF niifion * * THE UBKAKlf Of IHt * * MAR 1 3 1943 I * UNIVFRSUy Cf ILLJNO';^ * * * T^ H* ^jC I,t ^(\ 5 ; 5j£ 3fC (^ 3|C ,j' *-(C 3j« ^ ?fC 3(C 5^ 3JC )|* 5(C 5}I I* O"' T^ 'f' 'i^ T^ ^^ c Prepare yourself for tomorrow's Job by staying in school today. Uncle San can use you best at your highest capacity. When making a second semester schedule, consider these NEW COURSES INTRODUCTION TO METEOROLOGY— Geography 14 — The atmosphere; air masses; fronts; basic principles of forecasting; application to present day activities, especially aviation. Prerequisite: Sophomore stand- ing or instructor's consent. 3 credits. iimTerpretation of ii:js mD aerial photographs — Geography 18 -- Nature and use of topographic and other types of maps and charts; field training in map sketching; study of aerial photographs. 3 credits. history of naval WiJ^FARE — History 64 -- Pre- requisite: Junior standing, one year of college history, 2 credits. PROJLEi:'iS IN El^.ffiRGENCY FEEDING — Home Economics 48e To train teachers for Red Cross and OCD emergency feeding prograi"!!. For advanced students in home economics. Pre- requisite or concurrent: Home Economics 48; consent of instructor, 1 credit, METALLURGICAL TESTING AND INSPECTION OF METALS -- Metallurgy 25. hech;jjical testing ;j^d inspection of metals -- T.A.Iu. 73 — These courses must be taken concurrently. Purpose of courses is to train University women to re- place men as laboratory technicians. Prerequisite: 1 year of college chemistry. 2 credits for each course. :.UXILIARY MILITARY TRAINING FOR iVOtlEN — Military Training 81 — Prerequisite: Sophomore or junior standing; consent of Dean of IVomen and Military Depart- ment, 2 credits. MILITARY I/i...P MAKING — 60-hours training enabling women to qualify for positions as Engineering tildes with the iirmy Map Service. Class will meet twice a week for 2-hour periods, 15 weeks. Non-credit, Prerequisite: Graduation by June, 1943. Consult Dean of Yiomen for further details. * ^i: * SPECIAL SKILLS FOR WARTIiiE =i= >i= * Some COURSES CONTINUED that are of extra value during wartime ar.^: FIRST AID (Hygiene 6) — A complete Red Cross course open to all undergraduates. 1 credit. HOI.'J] MURSING — Information at Women's Health Service. NURSES' AIDE (Hygiene 3) — A course of 100 hours divided as follows: 45 hours practice in hospital, 35 hours lecture, 20 houTs first aid. Red Cross certif. and 3 credits. See ."omen's Health Service at once about registration. SLEilEMTAl^Y NUTRITIOi] (Home Econ. 38) ~ F*or students 'jvhose major is not_ home eccn. Prerequisite: Sophomore stand- ing. Red Gross certificate and 2 credits. H0I,:E Cill^S OF THE SICX and Red Cross HOME NURSING to be taken concurrently. (Home Scon. 40 and 4o'e) — Prerequisite: Junior Standing in home economics. 1 credit. PEHSO'Ji^EL ADMEJISTRaTIOi; (Economics 43) — Deals with employer-employee relations. Prerequisite: Econ. 1 or 2; junior stan.Un,-:. 3 credits. ELEKEHTS OF STATISTICS (Economics 70) -- Statistics used in all business and governmental offices. Prerequisite: Economics 1 or 2. Sophomore standing. 3 credits. WARTi;..!] COtMUNICATIOl-IS AND CENSORSHIP (Journalism 48) Restrictions on naval and military inf orms.tlon; government information agencies. Prereq: Junior standing. 2 credits. CAI.IOUFLAGE (Landscape Arch. 47) — Protection of non- military areas and structures by camouflage. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. 2 credits, INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY (Psychology 10) — Prerequisite: Psychology 1. 2 credits. Navigation (Astronomy 5) — Determination of positions and directions by application of principles of astronomy. Prerequisite or concurrent: Mathematics 4, 2 credits, '^QUARTERMASTER CO.IPS ORGANIZATION aND OPERATION (B.C. a 0, 40) — Problems of feeding, clothing, and transporting the armed forces. Prerequisite: 45 hours University credit. 3 credits... FOOD iUJD APPLIED 3i.CTERI0L0GY (Bact. 3) — Required of laboratory technicians and civilian teachers for army. Prereq: Bact. 5: junior standing, instructor's consent, 5 credits. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 DEVELCPllENT AiND PROBLEMS OF THE WAR University women should keep well-informed about the world situation. Consider the following for elective courses: BACKGROWID AND PROBLEMS OF THE WAR (Social Science 2) — No prerequisite. 2 credits. , WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY (Geography 3) — Study of areas which are non or may become strategic as the result of the war. Not open to students \\;ho have previous credit in geography. 3 credits. ECONOniC PROBLEMS OF \'i.kR (Economics 23) -- A survey of important economic problems which have developed with our emphasis on the defense program. Prerequisite: Econ. 1 or 2; junior stcjiding. 3 credits. Other courses in ECONOMICS give wartime back:^round, CONTEMPORiJlY AFFAIRS (Journalism 36) — Major news developments and their background. Prerequisite: Junior standing, 2 credits. Other timely courses in JOURNALISM are: The Press and Public Opinion, Radio Broadcasting, Public Relations, Af.ERICu; PHILOSOPHY (Philosophy 22) -- Prerequisite: One course in philosophy; junior standing. 3 credits. LATIN .UIERICAN CIVILIZ.'iTION (Social Science 1) — Pre- requisite: Sophomore standing, 3 credits. CHINESE CULTURE (Sociology 46) -- A survey of Chinese civilization from the standpoint of cultural sociology and ethnology, HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE are of primary importance for the 'understanding of world problems. Refer to courses in History of United States, and European Countries, International Relations, etc. y,; ;j; >); >;: ;;; ;|c :r PHYSICAL FITNESS The department of Physical Education for Women has broadened its program for physical fitness. The following courses have been added and are especially reconinended for those pr'iparinG for active service. TEill G;J.IES and exercise FOR PHYSICAL FITNESS (P.E.W. 53) 1 credit. GBMASTICS (P.E.'^.72) — Exercises in rhythm. For develop- ment of strength, flexibility, and coordination, 1 credit. Courses in S'WIMHING and RH^H^HMS also recommended. (See Time Table. ) :i^ * * PRSPAl^.iTIOi! FOR JOBS * ^;= * BUSINESS c": TECHHIC^iL ".'ORX IN INDUSTRY — The demand for trained, skilled women Is urgent. If you have aptitude in any of the following fields in vhich there is a critical shortage of workers, why not s peclalize in — Mathematics — Chemistry -- Physics — Bacteriology Accountancy — Statistics — Secretarial & Personnel General Engineering or Architectural Drawing Geology — Geography — Psychology — Radio >|c >;; >|; :;: :;; jj: >f: 5)t j)« TEACHIMG :M) COMUMITY SERVICE — Vital fields for women in the ALL-OUT VJAR EFFORT. Protection of children is of prime importance. A great need fo? workers exists in the follovdng fields: Elementary and Secondary Schools, Nursery Schools, Social Service, Nursing, Recreation, Camp and Club Leadership. Some courses which prepare for Community Service are: The Child ^: His Development (Home Ec. 56 & 56b) Recreation and Camp Leadership (P.E.V';.80) A wid:;-r£np:;e of courses in Sociology, Psychology, Educa- tion. CIVIL SERVICE - FEDERAL .iND STATE — A Civil Service rating is required for all government positions. College graduates v/ith majors in the Social Sciences and Business Administration are employed extensively as Junior Professional Assistants. A wide demand exists also for graduates in the Physical said Natural Sciences. State Civil Service affords opportunities especially through the welfare programs. An A.B. degree qualifies applicants for the examination of Junior Visitor. Secretaries with college education are urgently needed — everywhere. >;; ;|« * * * ARlvIED FORCES -- Seniors, especially, should consider service with the different women's auxiliaries — WAAC — Waves — SPaRS. seniors may enlist in the WAaC prior to graduation and be placed on inactive status until college course is completed. See Dean Leonard, faculty adviser for WAAC * 'fi * * THE RIGHT GIRL IN THE RIGHT JOB is most essential in war time. See jobs listed in the ":^ean of Yiomen's Office and receive counsel there. THE UBRAIVY OF THE i^AR 131343 UNIVF.R8!iy 0^■ ILUNO'3 .;>V