* Si OF LAND GRANT RAILROADS. > i PUBLISHED FOR THE INFORMATION OF Officers of the Quartermaster's Department. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE, 1876. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1 8 7 G . a-iNii A- i So 3 % 5 . \ - wmcs I U rrx *“»» g I w JL. y WAR DEPARTMENT, QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OFFICE, Washington, D. C., May 6, 1876. j The following table of Land Grant Railroads in the United States, I compiled trom the Statutes of the United States, Records of the General i Land Office, and other official sources, with extracts ’ from the Act j approved March 3, 1875, is published for the information of officers ot ^ the Quartermaster’s Department. M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General, l Bit. Major General, XJ. S. Army. ( 3 ) } LAW GOVERNING SETTLEMENTS WITH LAND GRANT RAILROADS. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Army for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, as follows: ****** Provided, That no money shall hereafter be paid to any railroad com- pany for the transportation of any property or troops of the United States over any railroad which, in whole or in part, was constructed by the aid of a grant of public land on the condition that such railroad should be a public highway for the use of the Government of the United States free from toll or other charge, or upon any other conditions for the use of such road for such transportation; nor shall any allowance be made for the transportation of officers of the Army over any such road when on duty and under orders as military officers of the United States. But nothing herein contained shall be construed as preventing any such railroad from bringing a suit in the Court of Claims for the charges for such transportation, and recovering for the same if found entitled thereto, by virtue of the laws in force prior to the passage of this act: Provided, That the claim for such charges shall not have been barred by the statute of limitations at the time of bringing the suit, and either party shall have the right of appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States: And provided further, That the foregoing provisions shall not apply to the current fiscal year, nor thereafter, to roads where the sole condition of transportation is that the company shall not charge the Gov- ernment higher rates than they do individuals for like transportation, and when the Quartermaster General shall be satisfied that this condition has been faithfully complied with. [ Extract of the Act making appropria- tions for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1876, and for other purposes, approved March 3, 1875.] Note. — T he extract from the act of March 3, 1875, above quoted, forbidding pay- ment to certain railroads, applies only to those roads named on pages 6 to 9, inclusive. ( 5 ) 6 No payments can be made -for transportation over the Termini of Land Name of Railroad. From — Alabama and Chattanooga Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe. Atlantic and Pacific Wauhatchie, Tenn Atchison, Kans St. Louis, Mo i C I Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Company’s Railroad. Burlington and Missouri River j Chicago and North Western — Iowa Divi- S sion ( Chicago and North Western — Wisconsin Division. Chicago and North Western — Peninsular Division. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific . Central Pacific — Oregon Division Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul — Iowa I and Minnesota Division j l Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul — Iowa and Dakota Division. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul — La Crosse Division. Flint and Pere Marquette Grand Rapids and Indiana Hannibal and St. Joseph Hastings and Dakota Illinois Central — main line Illinois Central — Chicago Branch Illinois Central — Iowa Division Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Jacksonville, Pensacola*and Mobile Little Rock and Fort Smith Lake Superior and Mississippi < Fernandina, Fla Burlington, Iowa / Platsmouth, Nebr I Cedar Rapids, Iowa 1 Branch — Lyons, Iowa [ Fond du Lac, Wis I Wisconsin State Line I $ Davenport, Iowa I Junction with Central Pa- j cific. St. Paul, via Mendota, Fari- bault and Austin. Minneapolis, via Mendota, j Faribault and Austin. Calmar, Iowa i I Portage City, Wis i i Flint, Mich j Fort Wayne, Ind I ! Hannibal, Mo Hastings, Minn i Cairo, 111 ! Cairo, 111 1 Dubuque j Amboy, Mich | I Jacksonville, Fla Little Rock, Ark St. Paul. Minn ; J Branch from Great Bear | i J 7 1 Land Grant portion of the following named Railroads. Grant Portion. I Miles. Remarks. To- State Line, Miss, and Ala The State Line Springfield, Mo 270£ 470. 58 242 The Atlantic and Pacific and the Mis- souri Pacific Railroads use same track from St. Louis to Pacific. Cedar Keys, Fla 155 Missouri River Junction with Union Pacific R. R., Nebr. Missouri River, Iowa Clinton, Iowa Wisconsin State Line 279 191 272 3 117 ) See Railway Guide, Iowa Midland > R. R., for branch from Lyons to ) Clinton. Marquette, Mich., via Esca- 137 naba. f Missouri River 310 Portland, Oreg Lyle, Minn Lyle, Minn Junction with St. Paul and Sioux City R. R. Tomah, Wis 112 115 | See Railway Guide, Iowa and Da- S kota Division, for distance rom Austin to Lyle. 62 Lake Michigan, Mich Petosky, on Traverse Bay, Mich. St. Joseph, Mo Western boundary of State.. 332.8 ' Branch road from ’VValton to Traverse City is not a Land Grant road. 206 Dunleith, 111 Chicago, 111 Sioux City Straits of Mackinaw Chattahoochie River Fort Smith, Ark.. .. 1 hiluth, Minn Stillwater, Minn 456 •ifjr Branch road commences at Centralia. Operated by Michigan Central R. R. Company*. That portion of the Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw K. R. between Jackson and Lansing is uot a Land Grant railroad. 209 155 13 J 8 No payments can be made for transportation over the Termini of Land Name of Railroad. From — Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston... Mobile and Ohio Mobile and Montgomery Mobile and Girard Memphis and Little Rock Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon Missotmi, Kansas and Texas Leavenworth, Kans Mobile, Ala Montgomery, Ala . . Columbus, Ala Mississippi River Marquette, Mich — J unction City, Kans Missouri Pacific R. R St. Louis, Mo Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf. Morgan’s Louisiana and Texas North Louisiana and Texas Oregon and California Pensacola and Louisville South and North Alabama Kansas City, Mo. New Orleans, La. Delta, La Portland, Oreg . . Pensacola, Fla. . . Montgomery, Ala Selma, Rome and Dalton Selma, Ala St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern. .. St. Paul and Sioux City, and Sioux City and St. Paul. St. Paul and Pacific — main line St. Paul and Pacific — branch St. Paul and Pacific — branch Southern Minnesota Vicksburg and Meridian Winona and St. Peter Missouri River opposite I Cairo, via Poplar Bluff, Mo., and Little Rock. Ark. St. Paul, Minn St, Paul St. Paul, via Crow Wing . . i St. Paul, via St. Cloud ! Mississippi River, opposite La Crosse. Jackson, Miss [ Winona, Minn i West Wisconsin . Wisconsin Central 11 miles south of Warrens, I Wis. Portage City, via Stevens Point. t 9 Land Grant portion of the following named Railroads. Grant Portion. To— Miles. Remarks. South line of State 177.6 Columbus, Kv 472 Pollard, Ala 114 Troy, Ala 84 Little Rock. Ark 135 South boundary of Kansas, 182. 56 and to Fort Smith when the Indian title is extin- guished. Pacific, Mo 37 Operated by Atlantic and Pacific R. South line of Kansas 161^ R. Co., lessee. Junction with Atlan- tic and Pacific R. R., Pacific, Mo. Brashear, La 80 Monroe, La 72 Southern boundary of State . . Pollard, Ala 44 Decatur, Ala 182 Operated in connection with the Lou- 11 miles north of Jackson- 156 isville, Nashville and Great South- ern Railway. ville, Ala. Texas boundary, at Texar- 395 kana. Sioux Citv, Iowa 270 Breckenridge, Minn 217 Northern Pacific R. R Pembina, D. T Western boundary of the State. Meridian, Miss 95 A point on the Big Sioux River. Hudson, Wis 156 Bayfield, thence to Lake Su- perior. I 10 Full payments may be made for transportation over the following named between Duluth and Thompson Name of Railroad. Termini of Land From — Springfield, Mo., via Cana- dian River, Albuquerque, the Aqua Frio and the Colorado Rivers. Denver, Col ! New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Vicksburg . Ncvthprn Pacific, . New Orleans, La Lake Superior Oregon Central ...... ...... ............ Portland, Oreg .... Jnpppfi fjnrl Denver City.. Elwood, Kans ...... Southern Pacific ot California .... San Francisco, Cal | Southern Pacific of California— branch line. Tevas Pacific. . From a point near Tehach- 1 apa Pass, via Los Angeles. From a point near Marshall, j Tex., via El Paso, to j southern boundary of California — thence to San Diego. Ogden, Utah TTfab Pipntrq.l _ .. . 11 Railroads, with the exception oj that portion oj the Northern Pacific R. R. Station. ( See column of Remarks.) Grant Portion. Miles. Remarks. To— The Pacific Ocean Cheyenne, Wyo. Texas State Line Puget’s Sound . . . 106 Astoria and McMinnville Junction with Union Pacific R. R. Some point on the Atlantic and Pacific R. R. near the bound’ry line of California. Texas Pacific R. R., near the Colorado River. San Diego, Cal No payment can be made for transpor- tation performed by the N. P. R. R. Co. between Duluth and Thomp- son Station, (the junction of the N. P. R. R. with the L S. and Miss. R. R.,) it being subject to the con- ditions attached to the grant to the Lake Superior and Mississippi R. R. Co. Salt Lake City, Utah 37 12 No settlements can be made, except through the Treasury Department, for bonds have been issued Name of Railroad. Termini of Land From — Central Pacific — mainline Ogden, Utah Central Pacific — Western Division Kansas Pacific Sacramento, Cal Kansas City, Mo Sioux City and Pacific Sioux City, Iowa Union Pacific ...... Omaha, Nebr ......... 1 Central Branch — Union Pacific Atchison, Kans See General Orders of the War Department, Nos. 98 of 1872, 48 of laws and instructions regarding settlement of accounts of Land Grant 13 transportation over any portion of the following named Railroads, to which by the United States. Grant Portion. Miles Remarks. To— Sacramento, Cal - . San Francisco, Cal 743 J 140 1 Accounts to be prepared by the Q. M. Dept, at San Francisco. Cal., at the lowest tariff or special rates, and forwarded to the quartermas- ter General for action. Denver, Col 639 Accounts to be prepared by the Q. M. Dept, at St. Louis, Mo., and for- warded as above, including also the accounts of the following railroads, owned or leased and operated by the Kansas Pacific R. R. : Arkansas Valley Railway, Junction City and Fort Kearny Railway, Denver and “Boulder Valley Railway, Leaven- worth Branch, and Colorado Cen- tral Railroad. Fremont, Nebr Ogden, Utah Waterville, Kans 113 1,033 100 Accounts to be prepared by the Q. M. Dept, at Chicago, 111. and forwarded as above, including the accounts of the Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley R. R., leased by the S. C. and P. R. R. f Accounts to be prepared by the Q. < M. Dept, at Omaha, Nebr., and t forwarded as above. 1873, 69 of 1874, 84 of 1874, 107 of 1874, and 62 of 1875, publishing Railroads for military transportation. O -V