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LOUIS : PRINTED FOR THE ASSOCIATION BY Jno. McKittrick & Co., Printers, Lithographers and Stationers, 1 876 . FFICEf\S OF THE DISSOCIATION. 1876 . Edwin Harrison, President. R. R. Hutchinson, Vice-President. J. H. McCluney, Treasurer. J. C. Ewald, Corresponding Secretary. W. L. Scott, Recording Secretary . J. B. Maude, W. H. Pulsifer. M. S. Wasson, J. A. Wherry, A. B. Cheever, J. W. Donaldson, C. W. Barstow, > Directors. A Preface, / Since the publication of the Classified Catalogue of 1874, we have added upwards of forty-five hundred volumes to the Library. . No change has been made in the system of Classification adopted at that time. My best thanks are due, and are cordially tendered to, Mr. John A. Dillon for his valuable assistance in the Classification and proof-reading. JOHN N. DYER, Librarian. July, 1876. P CONTENTS HISTORY. I. Introductory. page Class 1. Philosophy of History. 1 2. Geography, Atlases and Gazetteers. 1 3. Ancient Geography. 1 4. Modern Geography. .•.. 1 II. Voyages and Travels. Class 5. Collections of Voyages. 2 6. Arctic and Antarctic Voyages. 2 III. European Travels. Class 7. Travels in Several Parts of Europe. 3 8. “ Turkey and Greece. 3 9. “ Italy and its Islands. 3 10. “ France. 4 11. “ Spain and Portugal. 4 12 . “ Great Britain. 4 13. “ Switzerland. 4 14. “ the German States . 4 15. “ Scandinavia. 4 16. “ Russia and the Slavonic States. 5 IV. Travels in Asia. Class 17. Travels in Several Parts of Asia. 5 18. “ Palestine, Syria and Arabia. 5 19. “ Persia and Assyria. 5 20. “ India and Ceylon. 6 21. “ China and Japan. G 22. “ Tartary, Thibet and Kamtschatka. 6 23. “ Australasia and Polynesia.. 6 V. Travels in Africa. Class 24 . Travels in Egypt, Nubia and Abyssinia. 6 25. * “ Other Parts of Africa. 7 VI. Travels in America. Class 26 . Travels in America and Europe. 7 27. “ the United States. 7 28. “ British North America. 8 29. “ Mexico. 8 30. “ Central America. 8 31. “ South America. 8 32. “ The West Indies . 8 VI CONTENTS. VII. Miscellaneous. PAGE Class 33. Chronology. 8 34. Coins and Medals. .•. 8 35. Genealogy, Heraldry, etc. 8 36. Costumes. 9 37. Masonry and Secret Societies. 9 38. Ecclesiastical History. 9 VIII. Civil History. Ancient. Class 39. Universal History. 9 40. Collections of Ancient History.... 10 41. History of Ancient (and Modern) Greece. 10 42. History of Ancient Rome. 10 43. Appendix to Ancient Greek and Roman History. 10 44. Ancient Egyptian History. 10 45. Ancient Jewish History. 10 46. Other Ancient Nations. 10 IX. Modern History. Europe. Class 47. Collections of Modern History. 11 48. History of Italy. 11 49. “ Holland and Belgium. 11 \ 50. “ Spain and Portugal. 11 51. “ France. 11 52. “ England. 12 53. *• Scotland . 12 54. “ Ireland. 12 55. “ Germany... 12 56. “ Russia and Poland. 12 57. “ Other European Nations. 12 X. History of Asia. Class 58. History of China and Japan. 13 59. “ India. 13 60. “ Persia and Other Asiatic Nations. 13 v XI. History of America. Class 61. American History, Discovery and Settlement. 13 62. Aboriginal History of America. 13 63. American Colonial History. 14 64. History of the United States.;. 14 CONTENTS. Vll XI. History of America. PAGE Class 65. United States, History of the Civil War. 14 66. “ “ State and Local History.... 14 67. History of British North America. . 14 68. “ Mexico. 15 69. “ South America and the West Indies. 15 70. BIOGRAPHY. 15 / / PHILOSOPHY. I. Theology. Class 1. Holy Scriptures, Texts and Versions. 32 2 . Scripture Dictionaries, Concordances and Works of Reference. 22 3. Interpreters and Commentators . 22 4. Christian Evidences. 22 5. Theological Controversy. 22 6. Doctrinal Theology. 23 7. Devotional Theology... 23 8. Liturgies and Rituals. 23 9. Sermons and Lectures. A . 23 10. Collections and General Theology. 23 11. Theological Journals and Magazines. 34 13. Mythology and Superstition.. 34 II. Politics and Government. Class 13. Politics, General.. .. 35 14. American Politics. 35 15. American Slavery. 25 16. Legislative Annals. 35 17. Political Economy. 27 18. Statistics. 28 III. Commerce. Class 19. Finance and Banking. 28 20. Annuities and Assurance. 29 21. Book-Keeping and the Art of Trade. 29 IV. Jurisprudence. » « Class 22. Law, Histories and Collections. 29 23. Natural and International Law. 29 24. Constitutional Law . 30 * 25. Common Law. 30 Vlll CONTENTS. IV. Jurisprudence. PAGE Class 26. Statute Law. 30 27. Commercial Law. 30 28. Criminal Law. 30 29. Civil Law. 30 30. Equity. 30 31. Martial Law. 30 32. Parliamentary Law. 30 V. Philosophy, Mental and Moral. Class 33. Metaphysics and Logic. 31 34. Ethics. 31 VI. The Natural Sciences. Class 35. Natural History, Collections and General. '32 36. Natural History of Man, Biology and Ethnology. 32 37. Zoology. 32 38. Geology and Palaeontology. 33 39. Botany. 33 40. Natural Philosophy. 34 41. Chemistry. f. . 34 42. Astronomy. 34 43. Meteorology, Magnetism and Electricity. 35 44. Mathematics. 35 45. Encyclopaedias and Dictionaries of Natural Science. 35 46. Scientific Journals and Transactions. 35 VII. Science of Medicine. Class 47. Collections and General. 36 48. Anatomy and Physiology. 37 49. Surgery. 37 50. Materia Medica and Pharmacy. 37 51. Special Diseases. 37 \ 52. Insanity. 37 53. Therapeutics, Theory and Practice. 38 54. Hygiene and Dietetics. 38 55. Medical Jurisprudence. 38 56. Medical Delusions. 38 4 57. Domestic Economy... 38 58. Sports and Games. 38 CONTENTS. ix VIII. Military Science. PAGE Class 59. Art of War. 39 60. Campaigns and Military History. 39 IX. Useful Arts. Class 61. Agriculture. 40 62. Accessories to Agriculture. 41 63. Civil Engineering and Public Works. 41 64. Mining and Metallurgy. 41 65. Machinery and Steam Engineering. 41 66 . Shipbuilding and Navigation. 42 67. Building, Warming and Ventilating. 42 68. Collections and Miscellaneous Useful Arts. 42 69. Magazines, Journals and Periodicals. 43 1 , X. Education. Class 70. Art of Education. . . 43 * 71. Elementary Text Books. 43 XI. Science of Language. Class 72. Treatises and General. 44 73. Grammars of Languages. 44 • 74. Dictionaries. I. English. . . 44 II. French. 44 III. German. 44 IV. Greek. 44 V. Latin.. 45 VI. Italian, Spanish, and other Languages. 45 VII. Polyglot. 45 XII. Literature. Class 75. Rhetoric. 45 76. Elocution. 45 77. Orations. 45 78. Epistolary Correspondence. 45 79. Essays and Miscellanies. 46 80. Literary History and Criticism. 46 81. Bibliography. 47 82. Facetiae, Fables, Proverbs, etc. 47 83. Literary Journals and Magazines. 48 84. Newspapers. 49 X CONTENTS. POETRY. I. Poetry Proper.' PAGE Class 1. English Poetry. 50 3. Latin and Greek Poetry, and Translations. 51 3. French Poetry, and Translations.;. 51 4. German Poetry, and Translations. 53 5. English Drama.. 54 6 . History of the Stage, and Shakspeariana. 70 7. Italian, Spanish and other Poetry. 71 II. Art. Class 8 . Fine Arts, Collections and General. 71 9. Painting and Engraving. 73 10. Sculpture. 73 11. Architecture. 73 13. Landscape Gardening. 73 13. Music. 73 III. Prose Piction. Class 14. English Prose Fiction. 73 15. French Prose Fiction. 87 16. German Prose Fiction. 93 Polygraphs. 103 Index 105 HISTORY I. INTRODUCTORY. 1. Philosophy of History. Freeman, E. A. The Unity of History. 12mo. London, 1872. Spencer, H. Descriptive Sociology. See Hy. 39. GEOGRAPHY. 2 . Atlases and Gazetteers. Black, A. and C. Campbell, R. A. Campbell, R. A. General Atlas of the World. 4to. Edinburgh, 1873. Atlas of Missouri. 4to. St. Louis, i 873. (Ed.) Gazetteer of Missouri. 8vo. St. Louis, 1875. 3 . Ancient Geography. 4 . Modern Geography. HISTORY. 6. ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC VOYAGES. 9 II. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 5. Collections of Voyages. Beauvoir, Marquis de. Voyage Autour du Monde. 3 v., 12mo. Paris, 1872. Burroughs J. Winter Sunshine. See Hy. 7. Campbell, J. F. My Circular Notes. 2 v., 12rao. London, 1876. Dalboquerque, A. Commentaries of. See Hakluyt Society, vol. 52. Davis, W. YE. Nimrod of the Sea. 12mo. New York, 1874. Hiibner, J A. Baron von. Ramble Round the World, 1871. 12mo. New York, 1874. Gringras, L. Voyage en Orient. 2 v., 8 vo. Quebec, 1847. Hakluyt Society. Collection of Voyages (continued.) Vol. 49. Zeno, N. and A. Voyages to the Northern Seas. 8 vo. London, 1873. Vol. 50. Stade, II. Captivity Among the Wild Tribes of Eastern Brazil. 8 vo. Loudon, 1874. Vol. 51. Magalhaens, F. First Voyage Round the World. 8 vo. London, 1874. Vol. 52. Dalboquerque, A. Commentaries of. 8 vo. London, 1875. Magalhaens, F. First Voyage Round the World. 8 vo. London, 1874. See Hakluyt Soc., vol. 51. Many Lands and Many People. 8 vo. Phila., 1875. Merevvetlier, H. A. By Sea and by Land. 12mo. London, 1874. Nordhoff, C. Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands. 8vo. New Y r ork, 1874. Simpson, W. Meeting the Sun: A Journey all Round the World. 8 vo. London, 1874. Stade, H. Captivity Among the Wild Tribes of Eastern Brazil. See Hakluyt Society, vol. 50. Vincent, F., Jr. Through and Through the Tropics. 12mo. New York, 1876. Wood, J G. Uncivilized Races of Men in all Countries of the World. 2v., 8 vo. Hartford, n. d. Zeno, N. and A. Voyages to the Northern Seas. 8 vo. London, 1873. See Hakluyt Society, vol. 49. 6 . Arctic and Antarctic Voyages. Blake, E. V. (Ed ) Arctic Experiences, and a History of the Polaris Expedition. 8vo. New Y'ork, 1874. Koldewey, lv. Die Zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt, 1869—1870. 2 v., 8 vo. Leipzig, 1874, German Arctic Expedition of 1869—70. 8 vo. London. 1874. Wells, J. C. Gateway to the Polynia. Voyage to Spitzbergen. 8 vo. London, 1873. Zeno, N. and A. Voyages to the Northern Seas. See Hakluyt Society. Hy. 5. HISTORY 9. TRAVELS IN ITALY AND ITS ISLANDS. 3 III. EUROPEAN TRAVEL. 7. Travels in Several Parts of Europe. Burroughs, J. Winter Sunshine. 12rno. New York, 1876. Fetridge, W. P. Harper’s Hand-Book for Travelers in Europe and the East, 12mo. New York, 1875. Gautier, T. Quand on Voyage. 12mo. Paris, 1865. Goldsmid, Sir F. J. Telegraph and Travel. See Ph. 63. Hall, H. 15. Bric-a-brac Hunter; or, Chapters on Cliinamania. 12mo. Pliila., 1875. Harper’s Hand-Book for Travelers in Europe and the East. See Fetridge, W. P. Hunt, Helen. Bits of Travel. 12mo. Boston, 1873. James, H., Jr. Transatlantic Sketches. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Prime, S. I. Alhambra and the Kremlin. 12mo. New York. n. d. Redliouse, J. W. Diary of H. M the Shah of Persia. 12mo. London, 1874. Strahan, E. The New Hyperion. From Paris to Marly, by Way of the Rhine. 8 vo. Pliila., 1875. Waring, G. E. Farmer’s Vacation. 8 vo. Bost >n, 1876. 8 . Travels in Turkey and Greece. Gautier, T. Constantinople. 12mo. Paris, 1873. The same. 12mo. New York, 1875. Hall, H. B. Bric-a-brac Hunter. See Hy. 7. Scliliemann, H. Troy and its Remains. 8 vo. London, 1875. 9. Travels in Italy and its Islands. Freslifield, L>. W, Italian Alps. 12mo. Loudon, 1875. Gautier, T. Voyage en Italie. 12mo. Paris, 1875. Gregorovius, F. Wanderjahre in Italien. 2 v., 12mo. L dpzig, 1871—1874. Hare, A. J. C. Days Near Rome. 12mo. Pliila., 1875. Cities of Northern and Central Italy. 3 v., 12mo. New York, 1876. 4 HISTORY. 15. TRAVELS IN SCANDINAVIA. 10. Travels in France. French Home Life. 12mo. New Y T ork, 1871. Hamerton, P. G. Round my House; Notes of Rural Life in France. L’mo. Boston, 1876. Hillebrand, K. Frankreich uud die Franzosen. 12mo. Berlin, 1874. Houssaye, A. Life in Paris. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Molloy, J. It. Our Autumn Holiday on French Rivers. 8vo. London, 1874. Taine, H. A. A Tour Through the Pyrenees. 12mo. New York, 1874. Notes on Paris. 12mo New York, 1875. 11. Travels in Spain and Portugal. Baxley, II Spain. Art Remains, and Art Realities. 2 v., 12mo. New York, 1875. Field, Kate. Ten Days in Spain. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Tliieblin, N. h. Spain and the Spaniards. 12mo. Boston, 1876. Gautier, T. Voyage en Espagne 12mo. Paris, 1875. Eatouclie, J. Travels in Portugal. 8vo. New York, 1875. • 12. Travels in Great Britain. Becker, B. H. Scientific London. 12mo. London, 1874. Faugel, A. England, Political and Social. 12mo. New York, 1874. 13. Travels in Switzerland. 14. Travels in the German States. Hawthorne, J. Saxon Studies. 12mo. Boston, 1876. Hurst, J. F. Life and Literature in the Fatherland. 12mo. New York, 1875. 15. Travels in Scandinavia. Kneeland, S. American in Iceland. 12mo Boston, 1876. Rae, E. Laud of the North Wind. 12mo. London, 1875. Smith, H. Tent Life with English Gipsies in Norway. 8vo. London, 1878. Taylor, B. Egypt and Iceland in 1874. See Hy. 24. Trij> to Norway in 1873. 12mo. London, 1874. Waller, S. E. Six Weeks in the Saddle, or a Painter’s Tour in Iceland. 12mo. London, 1874.. I HISTORY. 19. TRAVELS IN PERSIA AND ASSYRIA. 5 16. Travels in Russia and the Slavonic States. Aus der Peterburger Gesellschaft. 12mo. Leipzig, 1874. •Gautier, T. Voyage en Russie. 12mo. Paris, 1875. A Winter in Russia. 12rao. New York, 1874. IV. TRAVELS IN ASIA. 17. Travels in Several Parts of Asia. Dumas, A. Impressions de Voyage. Le Caucase. 2 v., 12mo. Paris, 1865. Goldsmid, Sir F. J. Telegraph and Travel. See Ph. 63. Hutton, J. Central Asia, from the Aryan to the Cossack. 8vo. London, 1875. MacGahan, J, A. Campaigning on the Oxus, and the Fall of Khiva. 8vo. New York, 1874. Myers, P V. N. Remains of Lost Empires. 8vo. New York, 1875. Vincent, F., Jr. The Land of the White Elephant. Svo. New York, 1874. 18. Travels in Palestine, Syria and Araria. lleaufort, Emily A., Viscountess Strangford. Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines. See Hy. 24. Dumas, A. L’Arabie Heureuse. 12mo. Paris, 1860. Gringras, L.. Voyage en Orient. See Hy. 5. Knox, T. W. Backsheesh! or, Life and Adventures in the Orient. Svo. Hartford, 1875. Stuart-Glennie, J. S. Pilgrim Memories. Svo. London, 1875. Tan-Lennep, H. J. Bible Lands: their Modern Customs and Manners. 8vo. New York, 1875. 19. Travels in Persia and Assyria. Newman, J. P. Thrones and Palaces of Babylon and Nineveh. Svo. New York, 1876. Smith, G. Assyrian Discoveries; Explorations on the Site of Nineveh, during 1873-4. Svo. New York, 1875. 6 HISTORY. 24 . TRAVELS IN EGYPT, NUBIA AND ABYSSINIA. 20. Travels in India and Ceylon. Jacolliot, I«. Trois Mois sur le Gauge et le Brahmapoutre. 12mo. Paris, 1875. Life in Bombay and the Neighbouring Out-Stations. 8vo. London, 1852. Vincent, F., Jr. Through and Through the Tropics. See Hy. 5. 21. Travels in China and Japan. Anderson, J. Mandalay to Momien : Two Expeditions to Western China, 1868—75. 8vo. Lond., 1876. Simpson, W. Travels in China and Japan. See Meeting the Sun, Hy. 5. Thomson, J. Straits of Malacca, Indo-China and China. 8vo. New York, 1875. 22. Travels in Tartary, Thibet and Kamtschatka. Wilson, A. Abode of Snow. 12mo. New York, 1875. 23. Travels in Australasia and Polynesia. Barker, Lady Mary A. Station Life in New Zealand. 12mo. London, 1874. Bird, J. L. Hawaiian Archipelago: Six Months in the Sandwich Islands. 12mo. London, 1875. Hill, Florence and Rosamond. What we Saw in Australia. 12mo. London, 1875. .Jagor, F. Reisen in den Philippines 8vo. Berlin, 1873. Vincent, F., Jr. Through and Through the Tropics. See Hy. 5. V. TRAVELS IN AFRICA. 24. Travels in Egypt, Nubia and Abyssinia. Beaufort, EmilyA. Viscountess Strangjord. Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines. 12mo. Loud., 1874. Dufif-Gordon, Lady. Last Letters from Egypt. See Hy 25. Leland, C. G. The Egyptian Sketch Book. 12mo. New York, 1874. Martineau, Harriet. Eastern Life, Present and Past. 12mo. Boston, 1876. Taylor, B. Egypt and Iceland in 1874. 12mo. New York, 1874, HISTORY. 27. TRAVELS IN THE UNITED STATES. 7 25. Travels in Various Parts of Africa. Andersson, C J. South-Western Africa. 12mo. New York, 1875. Baker, Sir S. W. Ismailia: Expedition to Central Africa. 8vo. New York, 1875. Blackburn, H. Artists and Arabs. 12mo. Boston, 1873. Brackenbury, H. and G. B. Huyshe. Fanti and Ashanti. l2mo. Edinburgh, 1873. Dufl-Gordon, Lady. Last Letters from Egypt, and Letters from the Cape. 12mo. London, 1875. Huyshe, G. B. Fanti and Ashanti. See Brackenbury, H. Jones, C. H. Africa: Exploration and Adventure in, from Herodotus to Livingstone. 8vo. N. Y.,1875. Bivingstone, D. Last Journals of, in Central Africa. Edited by H. Waller. 2 v., 8vo. Loudon, 1874. Same. 8vo. New York, 1875. Monteiro, J. J. Angola and the River Congo. 12mo. New York, 1876. Park, M. Reisen in Afrika. 12mo. Leipzig, 1856. Schweinfurth, G. The Heart of Africa. 2 v., 8vo. New York, 1874. Im Herzen von Afrika. 2 v., 8v. Leipzig, 1874. Soutliwortli, A. S. Four Thousand Miles of African Travel. Svo. New York, 1875. Waller, H. Last Journals of D. Livingstone in Central Africa. See Livingstone. VI. TRAVELS IN AMERICA. 26. Travels in America and Europe. 27. Travels in the United States. Baclielder, J. B. Popular Resorts, and How to Reach Them. Svo. Boston, 1875. Bryant, W. C. (Ed.) Picturesque America; or, the Land We Live In. 2 v., 8vo. New York. n. d. Carnegie, J., Earl of Southesk. Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1875. Custer, G. A. My Life on the Plains. Svo. New York, 1874. Dixon, W, H. The White Conquest. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1876. Hobbs, J. Wild Life in the Far West. Svo. Hartford, 1875. Jones, W. A. Northwestern Wyoming, L T . S. Survey of. 8vo. Washington, 1875, King, E. The Great South. Svo. Hartford, 1875. Nichols, T. B. Forty Years of American Life. 12mo. London, 1874. Nordlioflf, C. Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands. See Ily. 5. The Cotton States in 1875. See Ph. 14. Rusling, J. F. Across America; or, the Great West. 12mo. New York, 1874. Summering in Colorado. 12mo. Denver, 1874. Townshend, F. T, Wild Life in Florida, with a Visit to Cuba. Svo. London, 1875. Wyndham-Quin, W. T. Earl of Dunraven. The Great Divide; Travel in the Upper Yellowstone in 1874. Svo. New York, 1876. 8 HISTORY. 35. GENEALOGY, HERALDRY, ETC. 28. Travels in British North America. Butler, W, F. Great Lone Land. 12mo. London, 1873. Wild North Land. 12ino. Phila., 1874. Warner, C. D. Baddeck, and That Sort of Thing. IGnio. Boston, 1874. 29. Travels in Mexico. Cozzens, S. W. The Marvelous Country. Three Years in Arizona and New Mexico. 8vo. Boston, 1874. Haven, G. Our Next Door Neighbor: A Winter in Mexico. 8vo. New York, 1875. 30. Travels in Central America. 31. Travels in South America. Keller, F. Amazon and Madeira Rivers. 8vo. Phila., 1875. Marcoy, P. Travels in South America. 2 v., 4to. New York, 1875. Stade, H. Captivity Among the Wild Tribes of Eastern Brazil. See Hakluyt Society, vol. 50. Hy. 5. 32. Travels in the West Indies. Gallenga, A. Pearl of the Antilles. 12mo. London, 1873. Goodman, W. Pearl of the Antilles; or, An Artist in Cuba. 12mo. London,1873. O’Kelly, J. J. The Mambi Land; or, Adventures in Cuba. 12mo. Phila., 1874. Townsliend, F. T. Wild Life in Florida, with a Visit to Cuba. See Hy. 27. VII. MISCELLANEOUS. 33. Chronology'. 34. Coins and Medals. 35. Genealogy, Heraldry, Etc. HISTORY. 39. UNIVERSAL HISTORY. 9 36. Costume. Paquet. Illustrations of English and Foreign Costume. 4to. London, 1875. Theatrical Costumes. 4to. Paris, n.d. 37. Masonry and Secret Societies. 38. Ecclesiastical History. Bacon, L. Genesis of the New England Churches. 12mo. New York, 1874. Blunt, J. H. Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties, and Schools of Religious Thought. Imp. 8vo. Phila., 1874. Brooklyn Council of 1874, Official Report of. 8vo. New York, 1874. Clodd, E. Childhood of Religions. l2mo. New York, 1875. Draper, J. W. Conflict Between Religion and Science. 12mo. New York, 1875. Same. 12mo. London, 1875. Earrar, F. W. Life of Christ. 2 v., 8vo. New York, 1874. Italian Church Reformation Commission. 8vo. Hartford, 1874. . Lea, H. C History of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Christian < liurch. 8vo. Phila., 1867. Perry, W. S. (Ed.) Historical Collections Relating to the American Colonial Church. Vol. 1, Virginia. Vol. 2, Pennsylvania. Vol. 3, Massachusetts. 3 v., 4t.o. Hartford, 1870—73. Pressense, E. de. The Religions Before Christ. Translated by L. Corkran. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. Prime, S. I. History of the Sixth General Evangelical Alliance Conference, 1873. See Schaff, P. Protestant Episcopal Church, General Convention of the. Journal and Digest of the Canons. 2 v., 8 vo. Hartford, 186!)—72. Revival of Priestly Life in the XVII Century in France. 12mo. London, 1873. Robertson, J. C. History of the Christian Church, A.D. 64—1517. 4 v., 12mo. New York, 1874. Rule, W. History of the Inquisition, 2 v., 8vo. London, 1874. JScliaflf, P. and S. I. Prime. History of the Sixth General Evangelical Alliance Conference, 18731 8 vo. New York, 1873. VIII. ANCIENT HISTORY. 39. Universal History. Lindsay, W. S. History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce. 4 v., 8vo. London, 1874-76. Spencer, H. Descriptive Sociology. Parts I and II. Fol. New York, n d. 10 HISTORY. 46. HISTORY OF ASSYRIA AND OTHER ANCIENT NATIONS. 40. Collections of Ancient History. Herodotus. (Ed. by G. S. Sway lie.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 2. Pol. Tacitus, C. Corn. (Ed. by W. B. Donne.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 9. Pol. 41. History of Ancient and Modern Greece. Cox, G. \V. History of Greece. 2 v., 8vo. Loudon, 1874. L-loyd, W. W. The Age of Pericles. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. 42. History of Ancient Rome. Laing, Mrs. C. H. B. Heroes of the Seven Hills. 12mo. Phila., 1874. Merimee, P. Etudes sur L’Histoire Romaine. 12mo. Paris, 1869. Merivale, C. General History of Rome. 12mo. New York, 1875. Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Lives of the Twelve C’se ars. (Trans. A. Thomson.) 12mo. London, 18727 43. Appendix to Ancient Greek and Roman History. Guhl, E. and W. Koner. Life of the Greeks and Romans. (Trans. F. Hueffer.) 8vo. London, 1875.. Koner, W. Life of the Greeks and Romans. See Guhl, E. Mahaffy, J. P. Social Life in Greece, from Homer to Menander. 12mo. London, 1874. 44. Ancient Egyptian History. 45. Ancient Jewish History. Atwater, E. E. The Sacred Tabernacle of the Hebrews. 8vo. New York, 1875. Ewald, H. History of Israel. (Ed. by J. E. Carpenter.) 3 v., 8vo. London, 1871-4. 46. History of Assyria and Other Ancient Nations. Taylor, I. Etruscan Researches. 8vo. London, 1874. HISTORY. 51. HISTORY OF FRANCE. 11 IX. MODERN HISTORY. 47 . Collections of Modern History. Annual Register, for 1873-4. 8vo. London, 1874-5. Cox, G, W. The Crusades. 12mo. New York, 1874. Irving, J. Supplement to the Annals of Our Times. Feb., 1871, March, 1874. Svo. London, 1875. Lacroix, P. Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages. 8vo. London, 1874. Michele*, J. Summary of Modern History. l‘2mo. Loudon, 1875. Muller, W. Politische Geschichte der Gegenwart, 1867-1873. 3v., 8vo. Berlin, 1868. Peal, A. Story of the Stick in all Ages and Lands. 12mo. New York, 1875. Simpson, M. C. Summary of Modern History. See Michelet, J. Wikoff, H. The Four Civilizations of the World. 12mo. Phila., 1874. 48 . History of Italy. Anecdotes Italienues, A. D. 476—1535. 12mo. Paris, 1769. 49 . History of Holland and Belgium. Motley, J. L. Life and Death of John of Barneveld. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1874. Same. 2 v., 8vo. New York, 1874. 50 . History of Spain and Portugal. 51 . History of France. Adams, C. K. Democracy and Monarchy in France. 12mo. New York, 1874. Favre, J. Government of the National Defence. 8vo. London, 1873. Fouclie, J., Due iVOtrnnle. Memoirs of the Public Life of. Svo. London, 1818. Gautier, T. Tableaux de Siege, Paris, 5870-71. 12mo. Paris, 1872. Guizot, F. P. G. Histoire de France. 4 v., 4to. Paris, 1875. Millingen, J. G. Recollections of Republican France. 1790-1801. 12mo. London, 1848. St. Simon, L. Due de. Memoirs. (Trans. St. John.) 8vo. London, 1876. Taine, II. A. Les Origines de la France Contemporaine. L’Ancien Regime. Svo. Paris, 1876. The Ancient Regime. Svo. New York, 1876. 12 HISTORY. 57. HISTORY OF SWITZERLAND. TURKEY, ETC. 52 . History of England. Collier, J. Descriptive Sociology. English. See Spencer H. Hv. 39. Dixon, W. H. History of Two Queens. Yols. 3, 4. 8vo. London, 1874. Foss, E. Memories of Westminster Hall. 2 v., 8vo. Boston, 1874. Fronde, J. A. The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. Vols. 2,3. 2 v.,8vo. London, 1874. Green, J. R. Short History of the English People. 12mo. London, 1874. The same. 8vo. New York, 1875. Greville, C. C. F. Greville Memoirs. (Ed. by H. Reeve.) 3 v., 8vo. London, 1874. Same. 2 v., 12mo. New York, 1875. Same. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1875. Hall, S. C. The Stately Homes of England. See Jewitt, L. Hosack, J. Mary Queen of Scots and Her Accusers. Vol. 2. 8vo. London, 1874. Hotten, J. C. (Ed.) Original Lists of Persons of Quality, Emigrants, &c., Who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600—1700. 8vo. London, 1874. Jewitt, E. and S. C. Hall. The Stately Homes of England. 8vo. Phila. n. d. Martinean, Harriet. History of England, from 1816—1854. 4 v., 8vo. Boston, 1865. Molesworth, W. N. History of England, from the Year 1830—1874. 3 v., 12mo. London, 1874. Kae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox; the Opposition Under George III. 12mo. New York, 1874. Ranke, E. History of England, Principally in the Seventeenth Century. 6 v., 8vo. Oxford, 1875. Russell, J. Exrl. Recollections and Suggestions, 1813—1873. 8vo. Boston, 1875. Stubbs, W. Constitutional History of England. 2 v., 12mo. Oxford, 1875. Wriglit, T. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. 12mo. Phila., 1875. 53 . History of Scotland. 54 . History of Ireland. 55 . History of Germany. Hiiusser, E. von. Deutsche Geschichte. 4 v., 8vo. Berlin, 1861. History of the War between France and Germany, 1870-71. 2 v., 8vo. London, n. d. Lewis, C. T. History of Germany, from the Earliest Times. 8vo. New York, 1874. Nicolson, A. German Constitution, and Events in Germany from 1815 to 1871. 8vo. London, 1875. Peake, Elizabeth. History of the German Emperors and their Contemporaries. 8vo. Phila., 1874. Strauss, G. E. M. Men who have Made the New German Empire. See Hy. 70. 56 . History of Russia and Poland. Walil, O. W. The Land of the Czar. 8vo. London ,1875. 57 . History of Switzerland, Turkey and Other European Nations. Carlyle, T. Early Kings of Norway: and Portraits of John Knox. 12mo. New York, 1875. Ottd, E. C. Scandinavian History. 12mo. London, 1874. HISTORY. 62. ABORIGINAL HISTORY OF AMERICA. 13 X. ASIA. 58 . History of China and Japan. Adams, F. O. History of Japan. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1874. 59 . History of India. Grant, Sir H . Incidents in the Sepoy War. 12ino. Edinburgh, 1873. Trotter, !L. J. History of India. 12mo. New York. n. d. GO, History of Persia and Other Asiatic Nations. Piggot, J. Persia, Ancient and Modern. 12mo. London, 1874. Rawlinson Sir H. England and Russia in the East. See Ph. 13. Vaux, W. S. W. Ancient History, from the Monuments: Persia. 12mo. New York, 187G. XI. AMERICA. 61. American History—Discovery and Settlement. Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. History of New France. 6 v., 8vo. New York, 1866. Kohl, J. G. Geschichte der Entdeckung Amerika’s, von Columbus bis Frauklin. 12mo. Bremen, 1861. 02 . Aboriginal History of America. Avchneologia Americana. Transactions of American Antiquarian Society. Vols. 5 and 6. 2 v., 8vo. Albany, 1874. Bancroft, H. H. Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. 5 w, 8vo. New York, 1874—76. Walker, F. A. The Indian Question. l2mo. Boston, 1874. 14 HISTORY. 67. HISTORY OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 03 . American Colonial History. 04 . History of the United States. Ames, Mary C. Ten Years in Washington. 8vo. C'in., 1874. Bancroft, G. History of the United States. 10th vol. 8vo. Boston, 1874. Cudmore, P. Civil Government of the States, and Constitutional History of the U. S. 8vo. N. Y., 1875. Brake, S. A. Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. 8vo. New York, 1875. Fonblanqne, E. B. de. Political and Military Episodes, from the Life of Burgovne. See Ily. 70. Higgi uson, T. W. Young Folk’s History of the United States. 12mo. Boston, 1875. 05 . United States. History of the Ciyil War. Bowman, S. M. and R. B. Irwin. Sherman and His Campaigns. 8vo. New York, 1865. Boynton, H. V. Sherman’s Historical Raid Memoirs in the Light of the Record. 8vo. Cinn., 1875. Childe, E. L. Life and Campaigns of R E. Lee. See Hy. 70. Coppee, H. Life and Services of U. S Grant. See Hy. 70. Dana, C. A. Life of U. S. Grant. See Hy. 70. Boubleday, A. Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-61. 12mo. New York, 1876. Headley, J. T. Grant aud Sherman : their Campaigns and Generals. 8vo. New York, 1865. Hoppin, J. M, Life of A. II. Foote, U. S. N. See Hy. 70. Irwin, R. B. Sherman and His Campaigns, See Bowman, S. M. Jones, E. R, Lincoln, Stanton and Grant, Historical Sketches See Hy. 70. Johnston, J. E. Military Operations During the late War Between the States. 8vo. Yew York, 1874. Paris, E. P. d’O., Count de. La Guerre Civile en Amerique. 4v.,8vo.,aud 2 v.,4to, maps. Paris, 1874-5. The Civil War in America. Vol. 1, Svo. Phila., 1875 Richardson, A. B. Lives of U. S. Grant aud S. Colfax. See Hy. 70. Sherman, W. T. Memoirs of. See Hy. 70. Wilson, J. H. Life of U. S. Grant. See Hy. 70. 66 . United States History—State and Local. Baker, B. W. C. Texas Scrap-Book. 8vo. New York, n. d. Compton, R. J. (Ed.) Pictorial St. Louis in 1875. Long 4to. St. Louis, 1876. Gayarre, C. Louisiana ; its Colonial History and Romance. 8vo. New York, 1851. Louisiana; its History as a French Colony. Svo. New York, 1852. Louisiana; the Spanish Domination. 8vo. New York, 1854. New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vols. 27-8. 8vo. Boston, 187:3-4. Reavis, L. U. Saint Louis: The Future Great City of the World. 8vo. St Louis, n. d. Studer, J. H. Columbus, Ohio; its History, Resources and Progress. Svo. Columbus, 1873. 67 . History of British North America. Parkman, F. The Old Regime in Canada. Svo. Boston, 1874. HISTORY. 70. BIOGRAPHY. 15 68 . History of Mexico. Bancroft, H. H. Native Races of the Pacific States. See Hy. 62. Scheppig, R. Ancient Mexicans. See Spencer, H. Hy. 39. 69 . History of South America and the West Indies. Sclieppig, R. Central Americans, Chibclias and Ancient Peruvians. See Spencer, H. Hy. 39. Moussy, V. M. de. Description Geographique et Statistique de la Confederation Argentine. 3 v. 8vo., Atlas 4to. Paris, 1860-64. 70 . Biography. Abbott, J. S. C. David Crockett: his Life and Adventures. 12mo. New York, 1874. Life of Christopher Carson (Kit Carson). 12mo. New York, 1873. Daniel Boone, the Pioneer of Kentucky. 12mo. New York, 1874. Adams, C. F. (Ed.) Memoirs of John Quincy Adams. 10 v., 8vo. Phila., 1874-6. Adams, J. (J. Memoirs, Comprising Portions of His Diary from 1795 to 1848. See Adams, C. F. Albert, Prince. Life of, by T. Martin. Vol. 1. 12mo. New York, 1875. Allegri, A. (da Correggio.) Life of, by J. Meyer. (Edited by Mrs. C. Heaton ) 8vo. London, 1876. Audriflfet-Pasquier, Due d’. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Aumale, H. E. P. R. d’O., Duo d’ Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Barbauld, Anna R. Life, with Selections from her Letters, by Grace A. Ellis. 2 v.,12mo. Boston, 1874. Barham, R. H. Personal Reminiscences. See Stoddard, R. H. Barneveld, John of. Life and Death of, by J. L. Motley. See Hy. 49. Beauchamp, A. de. Vie de Louis XVIII. 2 v-., 8vo. Paris, 1825, Bernard, B. Life of S. Lover. 12mo. New York, 1874. Same. 2 v., 12mo. London, 1874, Biographical Cycloparlia of Honueopatliic Physicians and Surgeons. By E. Cleave. 8vo. Phila., 1873. Bismarck, Prince O. von. A Biographical Sketch, by W. Gorlach, 12mo, Leipzig, 1875. Black, C. C. Leonardo da Vinci and his Works. See Heaton, Mrs. C. W. Michael Angelo Buonarroti, his Life and Labours. 8vo. London, 1875. Blackwood, F. T. Earl of Dufferin. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Borgia, Eucrezia. Von F. Gregorovius. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1874. Bossuet and his Contemporaries. 12mo. London, 1874. Bowman, S. M. Sherman and his Campaigns. See Hy. 65. Bright, J. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Broglie, J. V. A. Due de. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Buffet, R. J. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Bulwer, H. E. Lord Dalling and Buliver. Life of Viscount Palmerston. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. Sir Robert Peel, an Historical Sketch. 8vo. London, 1874. Buonarroti, Michael Angelo. His Life and Labours, by C. C. Black. 8vo. London, 1875. His Life and Works, by C. N. Wilson. 8vo. London, 1876. Burgoyne, J. Life of, by E. B. de Fonblanque. 8vo. Londdn, 1876. Boone, Daniel. Life of, by J. S. C. Abbott. 12mo. New York. 16 HISTORY. 70. BIOGRAPHY. Byron, G. G. N„ Lord. Life of, by E. Castelar. 12mo. New York, 1876. Cairns, H. MacC. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Cambridge, George, Duke of. Biographical Sketch. See National Portrait Gallery. Campbell, G. D. Biographical Sketch. See National Portrait Gallery. 4to. London, n. <1. Campbell, T. Personal Recollections of, by R. H. Stoddard. 12mo. New York, 1876 Carlyle, T. Philosophic Thinker, Historian, and Poet. By E. P. Hood. 12mo. London. 1875. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Portraits of John Knox. See his Early Kings of Norway, Hy. 57. Carson, Christopher. Life of. Familiarly known as Kit Carson. By J. S. C. Abbott. Casaubon, Isaae. 1559-1614. By M. Pattison. 8vo. London, 1875. Castelar, E. Life of Lord Byron, and other Sketches. 12mo. New York, 1876. Life of A. Dumas; bound with the Life of Lord Byron. Life of E. Girardin ; bound with the Life of Lord Byron. Life of Victor Hugo; bound with the Life of Lord Byron. Life of D. Manin; bound w T ith the Life of Lord Byron. Life of A. Thiers; bound with the Life of Lord Byron. Celebrated Etonians. By J. II. .Tetse. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. Chambord, H. C. F. M. 1). L’A., Due de Boid aux, Comte de. Life of, by E King. See French Political Leaders. Chase, S. P. Private Life and Public Services of, by R. B. Warden. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1874. Chichester, K. Earl Temple. Life of, by J. H. Jesse. See Celebrated Etonians. Childe, E. E. Life and Campaigns of Gen. R. E. Lee. 12mo. London, 1875. Chorley, H. E. Recent Art and Music, from the Autobiography of. 12mo. New York, 1874. Cleave, E. Biographical Cycloptedia of Homoeopathic Physicians and Surgeons. 8vo. Phila., 1873. Clement, Clara E. Hand-Book of Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Engravers. 12mo. New York, 1874, Cockburn, A. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Coleridge, Sarah. Memoirs and Letters. See Ph. 78. Colfax, S. Life of, by A. D. Richardson. 8vo. Hartford, 1868. Cooper, A. A. Biographical Sketch. See National Portrait Gallery. Coppee, H. Life and Services of U. S. Grant. l2mo. New York, 1868. Craven, Madame Augustus. Becit d’une Soeur. 2 v., 12mo. Paris, 1875. Crockett, D. Life of, by J. S. C. Abbott. 12mo. New York. n. d. Crowest, F. Great Tone-Poets: Being Short Memoirs of Great Musical Composers. 12mo. Lond., 1874, Cushing, W. Life of, by H. Flanders. See his Lives of the Cnief Justices. Dana, C. A. and J. H. Wilson. Life of U. S. Grant. 8vo. Springfield, 1868. Deutsch, E. Literary Remains of: with Memoir. See Ph. 80. Dickens, C. Anecdote, Biography of. (Ed. by R. S. Stoddard.) Life of, by J. Forster. Vol. 3. 8vo. London, 1874. Same. 12mo. Phila., 1874. Dilke, C. W. Biographical Sketch of, by Sir C. W. Dilke. See Papers of a Critic, Ph. 80. Disraeli, B. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Drummond, W., (of Hawthornden.) Story of his Life and Writings.. By D. Masson. 12mo. Lond., 1874. Dudevaut, A. A. D. Baroness. Life of. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) See Ph. 78. Dul'aure, J. A. S. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Duff-Gordon, Lady. Memoir of, by Mrs. Ross. Bound with Letters from Egypt. Hy. 25. Dumas, A. Life of, by E. Castelar. (Bound with his Life of Lord Byron.) Dupanloup, Bp. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Duval, E. K. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Ellis, G. E. Memoirs of Sir B. Thompson, Count Rumford. 8vo. Boston, n. d. Ellis, Grace A. Life of Anna L. Barbauld, with Selections from her Works. 2v., 12mo. Boston, 1874. Ellsworth, O. Life, by H. Flanders. See his Lives of the Chief Justices. H r STORY. 17 70. BIOGRAPHY. English Statesmen. (Ed. by T. W. Higginson.) 12mo. New York, 1875. Favre, J. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Fawcett, H. John Stuart Mill. See Spencer, H. Ferry, J. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Field, M. B. Memories of Many Men, and of Some Women. 12mo. New York, 1874. Fielding, H. Life of, by J. H. Jesse. See Celebrated Etonians. Fitzmaurice, E., Lord. Life of Wm. Fitzmaurice, Earl of Shelburne. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. Fitzmauriee, W. Earl of Shelburne. Life of, by Lord E. Fitzmaurice. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. Flanders, H. Lives and Times of the Chief Justices. 2 v., 8vo. Phila., 1874. Fletcher, Eliza. Autobiography of. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Fonblanque, E. B. de. Life of Hon. J. Burgoyne. 8vo. London, 1876. Foote, A. H. Life of, by J. M. Hoppin. 8vo. New York, 1874. Forster, J. Life of Charles Dickens. Vol. 8. 8vo. London, 1874. Same. 12mo. Phila., 1874. Life of J. Swift. Yol. 1, 8vo. London, 1875. Fraser, J. Bp. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. 4to. London, n. d. French Political Leaders, by E. King. 12mo. New York, 1876. Frothingham, O. B. Theodore Parker: A Biography. 12mo. Boston, 1878. Gambetta, E. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Gardiner, Margaret. Countess of Blessington. Personal Recollections of. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo, New York, 1875. Gautier, T. Portraits et Souvenirs Litteraires. 12mo. Paris, 1875. Portraits Contemporains. 12mo. Paris, 1874. Geikie, A. Life of Sir R. I. Murchison. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. Gentz, F. Tagebiicher. 4 v., 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. George III: His Court and Family. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1820. Girardin, E. de. Life of, by E. Castelar. (Bound with his Life of Lord Byron.) Gladstone, W. E. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Goethe, J. W. von. Life of, by G. H. Lewes. 8vo. London, 1864. Goerlach, W. Prince Bismarck: A Biographical Sketch. 12mo. Leipzig, 1 75. Gower, G. G. E. Lite of. See National Portrait Gallery. Grant, U. S. Life of, by C. A. Phelps. 12mo. Boston, 1872. Life of, by A. D. Richardson. 8vo. Hartford, 1868. Life of, by C. A. Dana and J. H. Wilson. 8vo. Springfield, 1868. Life of, by H. Coppee. 12mo. New York, 1868. Historical Sketch of, by E. R. Jones. 8vo. London, n. d. Gray, T. Life of, by J. H. Jesse. See Celebrated Etonians. Gregorovius, F. Lucrezia Borgia. 8vo. Stuttgart, 187l. Grenville, G. Life of, by J. H. Jesse. See Celebrated Etonians. Greville Memoirs, by C. C. F. Greville. See Hy. 52. Grevy, J. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Grimm, J. Selbstbiographie. See Kleineren Schriften, Ph. 79. Griswold, R. W. Republican Court. 8vo. New York, 1868. Harness, W. Personal Reminiscences. (Ed. R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. Neiv York, 1875. Harrison, F. John S. Mill. See Spencer, H. Hazlitt, W. Personal Recollections of. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1875. Headley, J. T. Grant and Sherman; their Campaigns and Generals. See Hy. 65. Heaton, Mrs. C. W. and C. C. Black. Leonardo da Vinci and his Works. 8vo. London, 1874. Higginson, T. W. (Ed.) English Statesmen. 12mo. New York, 1875. Hiller, F. F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Letters and Recollections. 12mo. London, 1874. Hodder, G. Personal Reminiscences. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1875. 2 18 HISTORY. 70. BIOGRAPHY. Hogg, T. J. Life of P. B. Shelley. 2 v., 12rao. London. 1858. Holbein, H. Life and Works of, by R. N. Wornum. 8vo. London, 1876. Hood, E. P. Thomas Carlyle, Philosophic Thinker, Historian and Poet. 12mo. London, 1875. Hook, W. F. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. Vols. 9, 10, 11. 8vo. London, 1872-5. Hoppin, J. M. Life of A. H. Foote (U. S. N.) 8vo. New York, 1874. Hugo, V. Life of, by E. Castelar. (Bound with his Life of Lord Byron.) Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Irwin, R. I?. Sherman and his Campaigns. See Hy. 65. Jackson, T. J. Life, by Sarah N. Randolph. 12ino. Phil a., 1876. Jay, J. Life of, by H. Flanders. See his Lives of the Chief Justices. Jeanne d’Arc. Par H. Wallon. 8vo. Paris, 1876. Jebb, R. C. Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isteos. See Ph. 80. Jefferson, T. Life of, by J. Parton. l2mo. Boston, 1874. Jordan, W. Personal Reminiscences. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1875. Jerrold, 15. Life of Napoleon III. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1874 Jesse, J. H. Celebrated Etonians. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. Jones, E. R. Lincoln, Stanton and Grant. Historical Sketches. Svo. London, n. d. Jones, J. W. Personal Reminiscences of Gen’l Robert E. Lee. Svo. New York, 1875. Kelly, M. Personal Reminiscences. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1875. Reminiscences of. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1826. King, E. French Political Leaders. 12mo. New York, 1876. Knight, Cornelia. Personal Reminiscences of. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1875. Knox, J. The t’ortraits of, by T. Carlyle. See his Early Kings of Norway, Hy. 57. Laboulaye, E. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Lamartine, A.de. Life of. See Stoddard, R. H. Ph. 78. Lamb, C. Personal Recollections of, by R. H. Stoddard. 12mo. New York, 1875. Landseer, Sir E. Sketch of his Life. See Works. Po. 9. Lee, R. E. Life and Campaigns of, by E. L. Childe. 12mo. London, 1875. Personal Reminiscences of, by J. W. Jones. 8vo. New York, 1875. Legge, A. O. Pius IX : The Story of his Life to the Restoration in 1850. 2 v., Svo. London, 1875. Lenormant, Marie A. A. Madame Recamier and her Friends. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Lessing, G. E. Life and Wbrks of, from the German of A. Stahr. 2 v., 12mo, New York, 1876. Lewes, G. H. Life of J. W. von Goethe. Svo. London, 1864. Liechtenstein, Princess Marie von. Holland House. 2 v., Svo. London, 1874. Lincoln, A. Historical Sketch, by E. R Jones. 8vo. London, n. d. Louis XVIII. Vie, par A. de Beauchamp. 2 v., 8vo. Paris, 1825. Lover, S. Life of, by B. Bernard. 12mo. New York, 1874. Same. 2 v., 12mo. London, 1874. Macaulay, T. B., Lord. Life and Letters of, by G. O. Trevelyan. 2 v., Svo. New York, 1876. MacCarthy, D. F. Early Life of P. B. Shelley. 12mo. London, n. d. MacLeod, D. Memoir of Rev. N. MacLeod 2 v., 8vo. London, 1876. MacLeod, N. Memoir of, by Rev. D. MacLeod. 2 v., Svo. London, 1876. MacMalion, M. E. P. M. Luc de Magenta,. Life of. By E. King. See French Political Leaders. Macready, W. C. Reminiscences, and Selections from his Diaries and Letters. (Ed. by Sir F. Pollock.) 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. Manin, D. Life of, by E. Castelar. (Bound with his Life of Lord Byron.) Marshall, J. Life of, by H. Flanders. See his Lives of the Chief Justices. Martin, T. Life of the Prince Consort. Vol. 1. 12mo. New York, 1875. Masson, D. Drummond of Hawthornden: The Story of his Life and Writings. Svo. London, 1874- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. Life of, by F. Hiller. 12mo. London, 1874. HISTORY. 70. BIOGRAPHY. 19 Merimee, P. Histoire de Don l’edre I. 12mo. Paris, 1875. Portraits Historiques et Litteraires. 12mo. Paris, 1874. Meyer, J. Antonio Allegri da Correggio. (Ed. by Mrs Charles Heaton.) 8vo London, 1876. Meyer, J. G. Biographical Sketch of, by D. O’C. Townley. See Meyer von Bremen Gallery. Po. J). Mill, J. S. His Life and Works, by H. Spencer. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Minto, W. Characteristics of English Poets. See Pli. 80. Moliere, J. B. P. de. Memoir of. See Works. Yol. 1. Po. 3. Moore, T. Personal Reminiscences. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1875. Moscheles, I. Recent Music and Musicians. 12mo. New York, 1874. Muller, J. Regiomontanus. Yon A. Ziegler. 12mo. Dresden, 1874. Murcliison, Sir R. I. Life of, by A. Geikie. 2v,,8vo. Loudon, 1875. Napoleon III. Life of, by B Jerrold. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1874. National Portrait Gallery. 4to. London, n. d. North, F. Lord. Life of, by J. H. Jesse. See Celebrated Etonians. Northcote, Sir S. H. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. O’Keefe, J. Personal Reminiscences. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1875. Ollivier, E. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Paris, E. P. D’O. Comte de. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Parker, T. Biography of, by 0. B. Frothingham. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Parton, J. Life of Thomas Jefferson. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Pattison, M. Isaac Casaubon. 1559-1614. 8vo. London 1875. Pedre, Don Ier. Histoire de. Par P. Merimee. 12mo. Paris, 1875. Peel, Sir R. An Historical Sketch, by H. Lord Dalliug and Bulwer. 8vo. London, 1874. Perier, C. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Phelps, C. A. Life of U S. Grant, with a Sketch of H. Wilson. 12mo. Boston, 1872. Piatt, J. J. Biographical Sketch of G. D. Prentice. Bound with Prentice’s Poems. Po. 1. Picard, E. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Pickering, O., and C. W. Upharn. Life of Timothy Pickering. 4 v., 8vo. Boston, 1867—73. Pickering, T. Life, by Octavius Pickering and C. W. Upham. 4 v., 8vo, Boston, 1867—73. Pitt, W. Life of, by J. H. Jesse. See Celebrated Etonians. Pius, IX. The Story of his Life to the Restoration in 1850, by A. O. Legge. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. Plon, E. Life and Works of Thorvaldsen. Translated by Hoey. 8vo. London, 1874. Plutarch. Life of, by R. C. Trench. See Ph. 80. Pollock, Sir F. (Ed ) Maeready’s Reminiscences. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. Portraits Conteinporains. Par T. Gautier. 12mo. Paris, 1874. Portraits Historiques et Litteraires. Par P. Merimee. 12mo. Paris, 1874. Prentice, G. D. Biographical Sketch of, by J. J. Piatt. See Prentice’s Poems. Po. 1. Punslxon, W. M. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Raikes, T. Personal Reminiscences. (Ed. by R H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1875 Randolph, Sarah N. Life of Gen. T. J. Jackson. 12mo. Phila., 1876. Reavis, E. U. Biographical Sketches of Citizens of St. Louis. See Hy. 66. Recamier, Jeanne, F. J. A. B. Souvenirs et Correspondance. 2 v., 12mo. Paris, 1873. Memoirs. See Lenormant, Madame Recamier and her Friends. Redgrave, S. Dictionary of Artists, Engravers, etc., of the English School. 8vo. London, 1874. Rennie, Sir J. Autobiography of. 8vo. London, 1875. Richardson, A. D. Personal History of U. S. Grant; with a Sketch of S. Colfax. 8vo. Hartford, 1868. Richelieu, A. A. Duplessis, Cardinal. Life of, by W. Robson. Robson, W. Life of Cardinal Richelieu. 12mo. London, 1854. Rochefort, H. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Ross, Mrs. -. Memoirs of Lady Duff-Gordon. Bound with Letters from Egypt. Hy. 25. Rossetti, W. M. Memoir of P. B. Shelley. See Shelley, Po. 1. 20 HISTORY. 70. BIOGRAPHY. Roulier, E. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Rutledge, J. Life of, by H. Flanders. See his Lives of the Chief Justices. Russell, J., Earl. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. St. imoii, Li. Due de. Memoirs. (Trans. B. St. John.) See Hy. 51. Saiute-Beuve, C. A. Portraits. 12mo. Paris, 1842. Sargent, N. Public Men and Events, from 1817 to 1853. 2 v., 8vo. Pbila., 1875. Selwyn, G. Life of, by J. H. Jesse. See Celebrated Etonians. Shedd, Julia A. Famous Painters and Paintings. 8vo. Boston, 1S76. Shelley, P. B. Life of, by T. J. Hogg. 2 v., 12mo. London, 1858. Early Life of, by D. F. MacCarthy. 12mo. London, n. d. Memoir, by W. M. Rossetti. See Shelley, Po. 1. Sherman, W. T., and His Campaigns. By S. M. Bowman and R. B. Irwin. See Hy. 65. Memoirs of. 2 v., 8vo. New York, 1875. Simon, J. Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Smith, W. H. Biographical Sketch. See National Portrait Gallery. Somerville, Mary. Personal Recollections of. 8vo. Boston, 1874. Same. 8vo. London, 1873. Spencer, H. John Stuart Mill: His Life and Works. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Stahr, A. Life and Works of G. E. Lessing. 2 v., 12mo. New York, 1873. Stanley, E. H. Earl of Derby. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Stanton, E. M. Historical Sketch of, by E. R. Jones. 8vo. London, n. d. Stoddard, R. H. (Ed.) Anecdote Biographies of Thackeray and Dickens. 12mo. New York, 1874. Personal Recollections of Lamb, Hazlitt, and others. 12mo. New York, 1875. Personal Reminiscences, by Cornelia Knight and Thomas Raikes. 12mo. New York, 1875. Personal Remiuiscences, by Barham, Harness and Hodder. 12mo. New York, 1875. Personal Reminiscences, by Moore and Jerdan. 12mo. New York, 1875. Personal Reminiscences, by .T. O’Keeffe,M. Kelly and .1. Taylor. 12mo. New York, 1875. Strauss, L>. E. M. F. A. de Voltaire. 12mo. Leipzig, 1872. Strauss, G. L. M. Men Who Have Made the New German Empire. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. Stuart, J. P. C. Earl of Bute. Life of, by J. H. Jesse. See Celebrated Etonians. Swift, J. Life of, by J. Forster. 8vo. Loudon, 1875. Tait, A. C. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Taylor, J. Personal Reminiscences. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1875. Temple, H. J. Viscount Palmerston. Life and Correspondence, by Sir H. L. Bulwer. Vol. 3. 8vo. London, 1874. Thackeray, W. M. Anecdote Biography of. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1874. Thiers, E. A. Life of, by E. Castelar. (Bound with his Life of Lord Byron.) Life of, by E. King. See French Political Leaders. Thomas, I. Biography of American Printers. See Archteologia Americana. Vols. 5 and 6. Hy. 62. Thompson, Sir B. Count Rumford. Memoirs of, by G. E. Ellis. 8vo. Boston, n. d. Thorvaldsen, A. Life and Works, by E. Plon. 8vo. London, 1874. Ticknor, G. Life, Letters and Journals of. 2 v., 8vo. Boston, 1876. Tooke, H. Life of, by J. H. Jesse. See Celebrated Etonians. Townley, D. O’C. Biographical Sketch of J. G. Meyer. See his Meyer von Bremen Gallery, Po. 9. Trench, R. C. Life of Plutarch. See Ph. 80. , Trevelyan, G. O. Life and Letters of Lord T. B. Macaulay. 2 v., 8vo. New York, 1876. Tyndall, J. Biographical Sketch. Bound with Advancement of Science. Ph. 33. Tytler, Sarah. Musical Composers and their Works. Po. 13. Upham, C. W. Life of Timothy Pickering. See Pickering. O. Vinci, Leonardo da, and his Works. By Mrs. C. W. Heaton and C. C. Black. 8vo. London, 1874. Voltaire, M. F. A. de. Von D. F. Strauss. 12mo. Leipzig, 1872. HISTORY. 70. BIOGRAPHY. 21 Wagner, R. Art Life and Theories. See Po. 13. Wallon, H. Jeanne d’Arc. 8vo. Paris, 1876. Walpole, H. Life of, by J. H. Jesse. See Celebrated Etonians. Walter, J. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Warden, R. B. Private Life and Public Services of S. P. Chase. Svo. Cin., 1874. Wilson, C. H. Life and Works of Michael Angelo Buonarroti. Svo. London, 1876. Wilson, H. Life of, by C. A. Phelps. 12mo. Boston, 1872. Wilson, J. G. Sketches of Illustrious Soldiers. See Ph. 60. Wilson, J. H. Life of U. S. Grant. See Dana, C. A. Wolseley, Sir G. Life of. See National Portrait Gallery. Wornum, R. N. Life and Works of H. Holbein. 8vo. London, 1876. Ziegler, A. Regiomontanus, ein Geistiger Vorlaufer des Columbus. 12mo. Dresden, 1874. PHILOSOPHY i THEOLOGY. 1. Holy Scriptures. Texts and Versions. Eggleston, E. Christ in Art. Svo. New York, 1875-. Res Saints Evangiles. Traduction de Bossuet. 2 v., fol. Paris, 1873. Testamentum Novum Polyglotton, Studio et Lahore E. Hutteri. 2 v., fol. Nuremberg. 1599. 2. Scripture Dictionaries, Concordances, and Works of Reference. Hitcliock, R. D. (Ed.) Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible. Svo. New York, 1875. 3. Scripture Interpreters and Commentators. Arnold, M. God and the Bible. 12mo Boston, 1876. Smitli, G. Chaldean Account of Genesis Svo. New \ r ork, 1876. The same. Svo. London, 1876. 4. Christian Evidences. Macmillan, H. Sabbath of the Fields. 12mo. London, 1876, 5. Theological Controversy. Gladstone, W. E. Vaticanism. 8vo. New York, 1875. PHILOSOPHY. 10 . COLLECTIONS AND GENERAL THEOLOGY. 23 (V. Doctrinal Theology. • Chemnitz, M. Examinis Concilii Tricleutini Tertia Pars. 12mo. Frankfort, 1073. Hodges, W. Baptism Tested by Scripture and History. 12mo. New York, 1874. Newman, J. H. Letter to the Duke of Norfolk. 12mo. New York, 1875. Parsons, T. Religion and Philosophy of Swedenborg. 12mo. Boston, 1876. Townsend, L. T. Lost Forever. 12ino. Boston, 1875. Van Oosterzee, *J. J. Christian Dogmatics. 2 v., 8vo. New York, 1874. 7. Devotional Theology. Dasliiell, T. G. Pastor’s Recollections. 12mo. New York, 1875. 8. Liturgies and Rituals. 9. Sermons and Lectures. Hampton Lectures. 1859, Rawlinson, G. Historical Evidences of Scripture Records. 8vo. London, 1859. 1860. Hessey, J. A. Sunday. 8vo. London, 1860. 1861. Sandford, J. Mission and Extension of the Church at Home. 8vo. London, 1862. 1873. Smith, J. G. Characteristics of Christian Morality. 8vo. London, 1873. 1874. Leathes, S. Religion of the Christ. 8vo. London, 1874. 1875. Jackson, W. Doctrine of Retribution. 8vo. London, 1875. Hare, J. C. Mission of the Comforter. 12nio. London, 1876. Hessey, J. A. Sunday. (Bampton Lectures. ) 8vo. London, 1860. Jackson, W. Doctrine of Retribution. (Bampton Lectures.) 8vo. London, 1875. Kingsley, C. Westminster Sermons. 8vo. London, 1874. Leatlies, S. Religion of the Christ. (Bampton Lectures.) 8vo. London, 1874. Rawlinson, G. Historical Evidences of the Scripture Records. (Bampton Lectures.) 8vo Lond., 1859. Sandford, J. Mission and Extension of the Church at Home. (Bampton Lectures.) Svo. Lond., 1862. Smarius, C. F. Points of Controversy. 12mo. New York, 1870. Smith, J. G. Characteristics of Chi-istian Morality. (Bampton Lectui’es.) Svo. London, 187.3. Swing, D. Sermons. Svo. Chicago, 1874. Truths for To-Day. Sermons. Chicago, 1874. Talmage, T. DeW. Sports that Kill. 12mo. New York, 1875. lO. Collections and General Theology. Brinton, D. G. Religious Sentiment; its Source and Aim. 12mo. New York, 1876. Burr, E. F. Toward the Strait Gate. 12mo. Boston. 1875. Christlieb, T. Modern Doubt and Christian Belief. Svo. New York, 1874. Cocker, B. F. Theistic Conception of the World 8vo. New York, 1875. Conway, M. D. (Ed.) Sacred Anthology. A Book of Ethnical Scriptures. Svo. New York. n. d. Greg, W. R. The Religious Rock. See Rocks Ahead. Ph. 13. 24 PHILOSOPHY. 12. MYTHOLOGY AND SUPERSTITION. Hare, J. C. Victory of Faith. 12mo, London, 1874. Hartmann, E. von. Selbstzersetzung des Christenthums. 8vo. Berlin, 1874. Hedge, F. H. Reason in Religion. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Inman, T. Ancient Faiths and Modern. 8vo. New York, 1870. Loyson, C. Catholic Reform. With a Preface by A. P. Stanley. 12mo. London, 1874. Melanclithon, P. Opera Omnia. (Theologica.) 4 v., fol. Wittenberg, 1562—4. Mill, J. S. Nature, the Utility of Religion and Theism. Svo. London, 1874. Mueller, F. M. Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft. 12mo. Strassburg, 1874. On Missions. With Introductory Sermon, by A. P. Stanley. 12mo. New York, 1874. Newman, J. H. Tracts, Theological and Ecclesiastical. 12mo. London, 1874. Pusey, P. Supernatural Religion. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. Savage, M. J. Christianity the Science of Manhood. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Smitli, R. B. Mohammed and Mohammedanism. 12mo. New York, 1875. Stanley, A, P. End and Means of Christian Missions. See MUller, F. M., On Missions. Stephen, E. Essays on Freethinking and Plainspeaking. 12mo. London, 1873. 11. Theological Journals and Magazines. Catholic World. Vols. 19, 20-1. 8vo. New York, 1874—75. New Jerusalem Messenger. Vol. 25. 4to. New York, 1873. Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review. New Series. Vols. 2, 3, 4. 8vo. New York, 1S72—74. Religious Magazine. Vols. 49, 50. 8vo. Boston, 1873. Spirit of Missions. Vols. 38—9. 8vo. New York, 1873—74. Union Review. For 1873—74—75. 8vo. London, 1873—74—75. Unitarian Review. (Ed. by C. Lowe.) Vols. 1, 3, 4. 8vo. Boston, 1874—75. 12. Mythology and Superstition. Anderson, R. B. Norse Mythology; or, the Religion of our Forefathers. 8vo. Chicago. 1875. Bancroft, H. H. Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. Vol. 3. Myths. See Ph. 36. Conant, Mrs. J. H. Flashes of Light from the Spirit-Land. See Putnam, A. Denton, W. and Elizabeth M. F. The Soul of Things; or, Psychometric Researches and Discoveries. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Fairfield, F. G. Ten Years with Spiritual Mediums. 12mo. New York, 1875. Jennings, H. The Rosicrucians; their Rites and Mysteries. 12mo. London, 1870. Kardec, A. Book on Mediums; or, Guide of Mediums and Invocators. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Lee, F. G. (Ed.) Glimpses of the Supernatural. 2 v., 12mo. London, 1875. Murray, A. S. Manual of Mythology. 12mo. New York, 1874. Putnam, A. Flashes of Light from the Spirit-Land, through the Mediumship of Mrs. J. H. Conant. 12mo. Boston, 1873. Strange Visitors. (By a Clairvoyant.) 12mo. Boston, 1873. Sweet, Elizabeth. Future Life; as Described and Portrayed by Spirits. 12mo. Boston, 1870. Taylor, T. Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries. 8vo. New York, 1S75. Wake, C. S. Ancient Symbol Worship. See Westropp, H. M. Wallace, A. Defence of Modern Spiritualism. 12mo, Boston, 1874. Westropp, H. M. and C. S. Wake. Ancient Symbol Worship. Religious of Antiquity. Svo. New York, 1875. AVolfe, N. B. Startling Facts in Modern Spiritualism. Svo. Cin., 1874. PHILOSOPHY. 16. LEGISLATIVE ANNALS. 25 II. POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. / 13. Politics, General. Bagehot, W. Ursprung der Nationen. 12ino. Leipzig, 1874. Cherbuliez, V. L’Espagne Politique, 1808—73. l‘2mo. Paris, 1874. Diplomaten —Brevier. 8vo. Wien, 1874. Freeman, E. A. Comparative Politics. 8vo. New York, 1874. Same. 8vo. London, 1873. Gladstone,W.E. Vatican Decrees. With a History of the Vatican Council, by P. Shaff. 8vo. N. Y., 1875. Greg, W. R. Rocks Ahead; or, the Warnings of Cassandra. 12mo. London. 1874. Quincy, J. P. Protection of Majorities. See Ph. 79. Rawlinson, Sir H. England and Russia in the East. 8vo. London, 1875. Rogers, J. E. T. Cobden and Modern Political Opinions. 8vo. London, 1873. Shaff, P. History of the Vatican Council. See Gladstone, W. E. Vatican Decrees. Statesman’s Year Book, for 1874. (Ed. .T. Martin.) 12mo. London, 1874. 14. American Politics. Dix, W. G. American State and American Statesmen. 12mo. Boston, 1876.' Ingersoll, C. Fears for Democracy, Regarded from the American Point of View. 8vo. Pliila., 1875. Nordhoff, C. Communistic Societies of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1875. The Cotton States in the Spring and Summer of 1875. 8vo. New York, 1876. Pike, J. S. The Prostrate State. South Carolina under Negro Government. 12mo. New York, 1874. Welles, G. Lincoln and Seward. 12mo. New York, 1874. 15. American Slavery. Wilson, H. Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America. Vol. 2. 8vo. Boston, 1874. 16. Legislative Annals. Congress. Documents of. 1st Session, 42d Congress. 8 v., 8vo. Washington, 1871. Senate— 3 Vol. 1. Senate Journal. Vol. 2. Senate Report. Vol. 3. Miscellaneous Documents. Vol. 4. Senate Documents. * 26 PHILOSOPHY. 16. LEGISLATIVE ANNALS. Congress. Documents of. 1st Session, 42. Sensualistic Philosophy of the Nineteenth Century Considered. 12mo. New York. n.d. Fick, A. Die Welt als Vorstellung. 8vo. Wurzburg, 1870. Fiske, J, Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. 2 v., 12rno. Boston, 1875. Same. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1874. Foster, J. Essays. Bound with Combe, On the Constitution of Man. Galton, F. English Men of Science: their Nature and Nurture. 8vo. New York, 1875. Hegel, G, W. F. Logic, translated, with Prolegomena by W. Wallace. 8vo. Oxford, 1874. Hill, W. H. Elements of Philosophy. 12mo. Baltimore, 1874. Holbach, P. T. I'aion d\ Systeme de la Nature. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1770 Jevons, W. S. Principles of Science: Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method. 2v.,8vo. Lond., 1874. Lewes, G. H. Problems of Life and Mind. The Foundation of a Creed. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1873. Same. 8vo. Boston, 1874-5. Same. Yols. 1,2. 8vo. Boston. Martineau J. E says. Philosophical and Theological. 2 v., 12mo. New York, 1875. Mason, J. Self-Knowledge. Bound with Combe, Constitution of Man. Meyer, J. B. Pliilosophische Zeitlragen. 8vo. Bonn, 1874. Plato. Works. (Ed. by C. W. Collins.) See Ancient Classics. Vol. 4. Pol. Quinet, E. L’Esprit Nouveau. 12mo. Paris, 1875. Ribot, T. Heredity. 12ino. New York, 1875. English Psychology. 12mo. New York, 1874. Shields, C. W. Religion and Science in their relation to Philosophy. 12mo. New York, 1875. Speculative Philosophy, Journal of. (Ed. by W. T. Harris.) Yols. 1—9. 8 v., 8vo. St. Louis, 1867—75. Spencer, H. Study of Sociology. 12mo. London, 1873. Tyndall, J. Address before the British Association, at Belfast. Svo. London, 1874. Same. 12mo. New York, 1874. Unseen Universe, or Physical Speculations on a Future State. Svo. London, 1875. Wallace, W. The Logic of Hegel. See Hegel. G. W. F. 34. Ethics. Craik, Dinah M. Sermons Out of Church. 12mo. New York, 1875. Dumas, A.ji/j, Man-Woman. Translated by G. Vandenhotf. l2mo. Phila. and New York, 1874. Roosevelt, R. B. Progressive Petticoats. 12mo. New York, 1874. Sidgwick, H. Methods of Ethics. 8vo. London, 1874. Smiles, S. Thrift. 12mo. New York, 1876. 32 PHILOSOPHY. 37. ZOOLOGY. VI. THE NATURAL SCIENCES. 35. Natural History. Collections and General. * Estes, D. (Ed.) Half-Hour Recreations in Popular Sciences. See Proctor, R. A. Helmholtz, H. Populare Wissenschaftliche Vortrage. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1865. Magazine of Natural History. Fourth Series. Vols. 11—16. 8vo. London, 1873-4-5. Proctor, K. A. Science By-Ways. 12mo. London, 1875. Proctor, K. A. and others. Half-Hour Recreations in Popular Science. 12mo. Boston, n. d. Thompson, -Sir B. Count Rum ford. Complete Works of. 4 v., 8vo. Boston, n. d. 36. Natural History of Man. Biology and Ethnology. Clodd, E. Childhood of the World. 12mo. London, 1874. Dawkins, W. B. Cave Hunting. 8vo. London, 1874. Haeckel, E. Anthropogenic Oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen. Svo. Leipzig, 1874. History of Creation. 2 v., 12mo. New York, 1876. Same. 2 v., 12mo. London, 1876. Hodge, C. What is Darwinism? 12mo. New York, 1874. Mivart, St. G. Man and Apes. 12mo. London, 1873. Same. 12mo. New York, 1874. Quatrefages, A. De. Natural History of Man. 12mo. New York, 1875. Ratzel, F. Vorgeschichte des Europiiisclien Menschen. 12mo. Munich, 1874. Reich, E. Studien iiber die Frauen. 8vo. Jena, 1875. Schmidt, O. Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism. 12mo. London, 1875. Southall, J. C. Recent Origin of Man. 8vo. Phila., 1875. Stevenson, Sarah H. Boys and Girls in Biology. 12mo. New York, 1875. Wilson, D. Prehistoric Man. Yol. 1., Svo. London, 1876. Winchell, A. The Doctrine of Evolution. 12mo. New York, 1874. 37. Zoology. Bucklaud, F. Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist. 8vo. London, 1875. Buist, K. A. Birds ; their Cages and their Keep. 12mo. London, 1874. Flagg, W. Birds and Seasons of New England. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Hamerton, P. G. Chapters on Animals. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Marey, E. J. Animal Mechanism, 12mo. London, 1874. Mivart, St. G. The Common Frog. 12mo. London, 1875. Morse, E. S. First Book of Zoology. 12mo. New York, 1875. PHILOSOPHY. 39. BOTANY. 33 Pettigrew, J. 15. Physiology of the Circulation. See Ph. 48. Animal Locomotion. With a Dissertation on Aeronautics. 12mo. New York, 1874. Putnam, J. D. Entomology of North-western Wyoming. See Jones, W. L. Hy. 27. Riley, C. V. Noxious, Beneficial, and other Insects of the State of Missouri. 8vo. Jefferson City, 1875. Tenney, S. Manual of Zoology. 8vo. New York, 1874. Van Beneden, P. J. Animal Parasites and Messmates. 12mo. New York, 1876. Wood, J. G. Insects Abroad. A Popular Account of Foreign Insects. 8vo. London, 1874. Man and Beast. 2 v., 12mo. London, 1874. 38. Geology and Palaeontology. Agassiz, li. Geological Sketches. 2d series. 12mo. Boston, 1876. Broadhead, G. C. Geological Survey of Missouri. See Missouri. Brooks, T. B. Geological Survey of Michigan. See Michigan. Campbell, J F. My Circular Notes. See Hy. 5. Comstock, T. B. Geology of North-western Wyoming. See Jones, W. L. Hy. 27. Croll, J. Climate and Time in their Geological Relations. 12mo. New York, 1875. Dana, J. A. Geological Story briefly told. 12ino. New York, 1875. Dieulafait, li. Diamonds and Precious Stones. 12mo. New York, 1874. Geikie, J. L. The Great Ice Age. 8vo. London, 1874. Geological Society of London, Quarterly Journal of. Yols. 30—1. 8vo. London, 1874—75. Hayden, F. V. Geological Survey of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah. Svo. Washington, 1873. Hunt, T.S. Chemical and Geological Essays. See Ph. 41. Idaho, Geological Survey of. See Hayden, F. V. Macfarlane, J. The Coal Regions of America. 8vo. New York, 1873. Meek, F. B. Geological Survey of Missouri. See Missouri. Michigan, Geological Survey of, with Atlas, by T. B. Brooks. 2 voh, Svo. New York, 1873. Missouri, Geological Survey of. 1873—74. By G. C. Broadhead. Vol. 1, Svo., Atlas 4to. Jefferson City, 1874. Geological Survey of. 1855—71. By G. C. Broadhead, F. B. Meek and B. F. Shumard. Svo. Jefferson City, 1873. Montana, Geological Survey of. See Hayden, F. V. Pumpelly, R. Geological Survey of Michigan. See Michigan. Rominger, C. Geological Survey of Michigan. See Michigan. Shumard, B. F. Geological Survey of Missouri. Sec Missouri. Utah, Geological Survey of. See Hayden, F. V. Wyoming, Geological Survey of. See Hayden, F. V. 30. Botany. Cooke, M. C. Fungi: their Nature and Uses. (Ed. by M. J. Berkeley.) 12mo. New York, 1S75. Curtis’ Botanical Magazine. Vols. 30-31. Svo. London, 1874-75. Darwin, C. Insectivorous Plants. 12mo. London, 1875. Emerson, G. B. Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts. 2 v., 8vo. Boston, 1875. Floral Magazine. New Series. For 1873-74. 4to. London, 1873-74. Macmillan, H. First Forms of Vegetation. 12mo. London, 1874. Parry, C. C. Botany of North-western Wyoming. See Jones, W. L. Hy. 27. Pettigrew, J. B. Physiology of the Circulation in Plants. See Ph. 48. 4 34 PHILOSOPHY. 42. ASTRONOMY. Sachs, J. Text-Book of Botany. (Trans. A. W. Bennett and W. T. T. Dyer.) Svo. Oxford, 1875. Sowerby, J. E. English Botany; or, Coloured Figures of British Plants. 11 v., 8vo. London, 1873. Wood, H. C. Contribution to the History of the Fresh-Water Algje of North America. See Smithsonian Contributions. Yol. 19. Ph. 46. Youmans, Eliza A. Second Book of Botany. 12mo. New York, 1873. 40. Natural Philosophy. Fick, A. Naturkraefte in ihrer Wechselbeziehung. Svo. Wurzburg, 1869. Hartley, W. N. Air, and its Relations to Life. 12mo. London, 1875. Lloyd, H. Wave-Theory of Light. 8vo. London, 1873. Lommel, E. Nature of Light, with a General Account of Physical Optics. 12mo. London, 1875. Same. 12mo. New York, 1876. Pettigrew, J. B. Dissertation on Aeronautics. See Animal Locomotion. Ph. 37. Proctor, R. A. The Borderland of Science. 12mo. Phila., 1874. Stewart, B. The Conservation of Energy. 12mo. New York, 1874. Tyndall, J. Das Wasser. 12mo. Leipzig, 1873. 41. Chemistry. American Chemist . Yol. 5, Svo. New York, 1875. Chemical News, The. Vols. 27—31. 4to. London, 1S73—4—5. Chemical Society, Journal of. (New Series.) Yols. 11—12, Svo. London, 1873—4. Cooke, J. P. The New Chemistry. 12mo. New York, 1874. Same. 12mo. London, 1874. Hunt, T. S. Chemical and Geological Essays. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Rod well, G. F. The Birth of Chemistry. 12mo. London, 1874. Schorlemmer, C. Chemistry of Carbon Compounds; or, Organic Chemistry. Svo. London, 1874. Vogel, Iff. Chemistry of Light and Photography. 12mo. London, 1875. Die Chcmisclien Wirkungen des Lichts und Photographic. 12mo. Leipzig, 1874. 42. Astronomy. American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1875. Svo. Washington, 1875. Lockyer, J. N. Contributions to Solar Physics. Svo. London, 1874. Newcomb, S. An Investigation of the Orbit of Uranus, with General Tables of its Motion. See Smithsonian Contributions. Yol. 19. Ph. 46. Proctor, R. A. The Expanse of Heaven. 12mo. London, 1873. Our Place Among Infinities. 12mo. London, 1875. Transits of Yenus. 12mo. London, 1874. Same. 12mo. New York, 1875. The Universe and the Coming Transits. Svo. London, 1874. Rambosson, J. Astronomy. (Trans, by C. B. Pitman.) Svo. New York. n. d. PHILOSOPHY. 46. SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND TRANSACTIONS. 35 43. Meteorology, Magnetism and Electricity. Hartwig, G. Aerial World. 8vo. London, 1874. Lloyd, H. Treatise on Magnetism, General and Terrestrial. 8vo. London, 1874. Maxwell, J. C. Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. 2 v., 8vo. Oxford, 1873. Preece, W. H. and J. Sivemvriglit. Telegraphy. 12mo. New York, 1876. Sivenwriglit, J. Telegraphy. See Preece, W. H. Tice, J. H. Elements of Meteorology. 8vo. St. Louis, 1875. United States. Report of the Chief Signal Officer. 8vo. Washington, 1873. 44. Mathematics. • \ Kolilrauscli, F. Introduction to Physical Measurements. 8vo. New York, 1874. Loomis, E. Elements of Calculus. 12mo. New York, 1874. Treatise on Algebra. 12mo. New York, 1875. Elements of Analytical Geometry. 12mo. New York, 1874. Trigonometry and Logarithms. 8vo. New York, 1875. Mathematics, Quarterly Journal of. Vol. 13, 8vo. London, 1875. Myers, W. A. Quadrature of the Circle, the Square Root of Two. 8vo. Cin., 1874. Kay, J. Algebra. 12mo. Cin. n. d. Robinson, H. N. Higher Arithmetic. 12mo. New York, 1875. Mathematical Operations. 8vo. New York, 1872. Elementary Algebra. 12mo. New Y r ork, 1872. Differential and Integral Calculus. (Ed. by I. F. Quinby.) 12mo. New York, 1871. Geometry and Trigonometry. 12mo. New York, n. d. New University Algebra. 12mo. New York, 1874. Surveying and Navigation. (Ed. by O. Root.) 8vo. New York, 1872. Schuyler, A. Surveying and Navigation. 12mo. Cin. n. d. 45. Encyclopaedias and Dictionaries of Natural Science. Encyclopaedia. American Cyclopaedia. (Ed. by G. Ripley and C. A. Dana.) 14 v., 8vo. N. Y., 1873—75. Britannica. (9th Edition.) Yols. 1, 2, 3, 4to. Boston, 1875. Knight, C. English Cyclopaedia. Supplement to Arts and Sciences. 4to. London, 1S74. 40. Scientific Journals and Transactions. American Journal of Science and Art. (Third Series.) Yols. 5, 7—10. 5 v., 8vo. New Haven, 1873—75.. Journal of Science. (New Series.) Vols. 3—5, 3 v., 8vo. London, 1873—74—75. London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine. (Fourth Series.) Vols. 46—50, 5v., 8vo. London, 1873—75. Nature. Yols. 8, 9, 10, 12, 4 v., 8vo. London, 1873—74—75. Popular Science Monthly. Vols. 4—7, 4 v., 8vo. New York, 1874—75. Popular Science Review. Vols. 12—14, 3 v., 8vo. Loudon, 1873—75. 36 PHI LOSOH H Y. 47. COLLECTIONS AND GENEItAL. lioyal Society of London, Philosophical Transactions of. Yols. 157—64, 8 v., 4to. London, 1866— 74. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Yol. 19, 4to. Washington, 1874. Barnard, J. G. Problems of Rotary Motion. Newcomb, S. Orbit of Uranus, with General Tables of its Motion. Wood, H. C. Fresh-Water Algse of North America. Smithsonian Institute. Report of the Board of Regents, 1871—72. 8vo. Washington, 1873. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Yols. 10, 11, 12, 3 v., 8vo. Washington, 1873-74. VII. SCIENCE OF MEDICINE. 47 . Collections and General. American Journal of Obstetrics. (Ed. by P. F. Mundd.) Vol. 7, Svo. New York, 1875. Braitliwaite, W. and J. Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Yols. 07, 68, 69, 3 v., Svo. New York, 1873—74. Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General’s Office, U. S. A. See Ph. 81. Edinburgh Medical Journal. Vols. 18, 19, 2 v., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873-74. Guy’s Hospital Reports. (C. H. Fagge and A. E. Durham, Eds.) Third Series. Vols. 15—20, 6 v., Svo. London, 1869—75. Homoeopathy, British Journal of. Vol. 31—33, 3 v., 8vo. London, 1873—75. Lancet, The, for 1873-4. 6 v., 8vo. London, 1873—75. London Medical Times and Gazette, for 1873—75. 6 v., 4to. London, 1873—75. Medical Officer of the Privy Council. Reports for 1867—74. 3 v., Svo. London, 1867—74. Missouri Dental Journal. Vol. 5, Svo. St. Louis, 1873. New Remedies. Quarterly Retrospect of Therapeutics and Pharmacy. (Ed. by F. A. Castle.) Vol. 4, 8vo. New York, 1875. New York City. Third Annual Report of the Board of Health. Svo. New York, 1873—74. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Reports. (Ed. by Andrew and Callender.) Vols. 4—10, 7 v., Svo. London, 1868—74. St. George’s Hospital Reports, 1869—74, 6 v., 8vo. London, 1869—75. United States. Surgeon-General’s Reports. 8 v., 4to. Washington, 1868—75. Vol I. Woodward, J. J. On Epidemic Cholera and Yellow Fever. Vol. 2. Otis, G. A. Excisions of the Head of the Femur. Vol. 3. Otis, G. A. Surgical Cases in the U. S Army. Vol. 4. Billings, J. S. Barracks and Hospitals of the U. S. Army. Vol. 5. Woodward, J. J. Epidemic Cholera in the U. S. Army. Vol. 6. Woodward, J. J. On the Materials Available for a Medical and Surgical History of the War. Vol. 7. Otis, G. A. Amputations at the Hip Joint. Vol. 8. Billings, J. S. On the Hygiene of the U. S. Army. Woodward, J. J. Report on the Materials Available for a Medical History of the War. See United States Surgeon-General’s Reports, vol. 6. PHILOSOPHY. INSANITY. 37 48. Anatomy and Physiology. Draper, J. W. Human Physiology. 8vo. New York, 1873. Flint, A. Physiology of Man; Special Senses; Generation. 8vo. New York, 1874. Frey, H. Histology and Histo-Chemistry of Man. 8vo. New York, 1875. Hinton, J. (Ed.) Physiology for Practical Use, 12mo. New York, 1874. Maclise, J. Surgical Anatomy. (Illustrated.) Folio. London, 1856. Macnisli, R. The Philosophy of Sleep and Anatomy of Drunkenness. Bound with Combe, Consti¬ tution of Man. Ph. 33. Pettigrew, J. B. Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, in the Lower Animals and in Man. 8vo. London, 1874. Sibson, F. Medical Anatomy. (Illustrated.) Folio. London, I860. 41). SURGERY. Engelmann, G. J. On Prolapse of the Umbilical Cord. 8vo. St. Louis, n. d. Maelise, J. On Dislocations and Fractures. (Illustrated.) Folio. London, 1859. Otis, G. A. Amputations at the Hip Joint. See United States Surgeon-General’s Reports, vol. 7. Ph. 47. Surgical Cases in the U. S. Army. See United States Surgeon-General’s Reports, vol. 3. Ph. 47. Excisions of the Head of the Femur. See United States Surgeon-General’s Reports, vol. 2. Ph. 47. 50. Materia Medica and Pharmacy. 51. Special Diseases. Bouley, H. Hydrophobia. (Translated by A. Liantard.) Svo. New York, 1874. Carter, R. B. Diseases of the Eye. 8vo. London, 4875. Chase, H. S. Familiar Lectures about the Teeth. 12mo. St. Louis, 1874. Donkin, A. S. Diabetes and Food. 12mo. New York, 1875. Richardson, B W. Diseases of Modern Life. 12mo. New York, 1876. Wilson, E. Portraits of Diseases of the Skin. (Illustrated.) Fol. London, 1855. Woodward, J. J. Epidemic Cholera in the U. S. Army in 1866. See United States Surgeon-General’s Reports, vol. 5. Ph. 47. Epidemic Cholera and Yellow Fever in the U. S. Army. See United States Surgeon- General’s Reports, vol. 1. Ph. 47. 52. Insanity. Bauduy, J. K. Lectures on Diseases of the Nervous System. Svo. Phila., 1S76. Carpenter, W. B. Principles of Mental Physiology. 12mo. New York, 1874. Hammond, W. A. Diseases of the Nervous System. Svo. New York, 1876. Maudsley, H. Responsibility in Mental Disease. 12mo. London, 1874. Wynter, A. Borderlands of Insanity, and other Allied Papers. 12mo. New York, 1875. 88 PHILOSOPHY. 58. SPORTS AND GAMES. 53. Therapeutics, Theory and Practice. Heizinann, C. E. Mineral and Thermal Waters of Nortli-western Wyoming. See Jones, W. L. Hy. 27. Ho we, J. YV. Winter Homes for Invalids. 12mo. New York, 1S75. Walton, G. E. Mineral Springs of the United States and Canada. 12mo. New York, 1871. 54. Hygiene and Dietetics. Ames, A. Sex in Industry : a Plea for the Working Girl. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Hillings, J. S. Barracks and Hospitals of the U. S. Army. See United States Surgeon-General’s Reports, vol. 4. Ph. 47. Report on the Hygiene of U. S. Army. See United States Surgeon-General’s Reports, vol. 8. Ph 47. Fotliergill, J. M. Maintenance of Health. 12mo. New York, 1875. Hall, W. W. How to Live Long. 12mo. New York, 1875. Knight, J. Improvement of Health. 12mo. New Y'ork, 1875. Lewis, I>. Five-Minute Chats with Y r oung Women, &c. 12mo. New York, 1874. Pettenkofer, M. Uber den Werth der Gesundheit fur cine Stadt. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1873. Beziehungen der Luft, zu Kleidung, Wohnung und Boden. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1873. Smith, E. Health: a Hand-Book for Households and Schools. 12mo. New Y'ork, 1875. Hie Nahrungsmittel. 12mo. Leipzig, 1874. 55. Medical Jurisprudence. 5G. Medical Delusions. Phrenological Journal. (New Series.) Yols. 9,11, 12, 3 v., 8vo. New York, 1874—75. 57. Domestic Economy. Choice Receipts. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Jeaffreson, J. C. A Book about the Table. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1875. My Mother’s Cook Book. Compiled by Ladies of St. Louis. 8vo. St. Louis, 1875. Terliune, Mary V. Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea. 12mo. New York, 1875. 58. Sports and Games. American Hoyle, The. 12mo. New Y r ork. n. d. llaily’s Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Vols. 23—27, 5 v., 3vo. London, 1873-74-75. Bilguer, P. It., von. Handbucli des Schackspiels. 8vo. Leipzig, 1874. Bogarflus, A. H. Bogardus’ Trip to England. 12mo. New York, 1875. Field, Cover and Trap Shooting. 12mo. New York, 1874. PHILOSOPHY. GO. CAMPAIGNS AND MILITARY HISTORY. 39 Camp Life and its Requirements. See Ph. 59. Chess Club Papers, Westminster. Yols. 5, 6, 7, 3 v., 4to. London, 1874—75. Field, The. Yols. 40—46, 7 v., 4to. London, 1872—75. Forest and Stream. (Ed. C. Halloek.) Yols. 1, 3, 2 v., folio. New York, 1874—75. Gillmore, P. Prairie and Forest. 12mo. New York, 1874. Gossip, G. H. D. Chess Player’s Manual. 8vo. London, 1875. Halloek, C. (Ed.) Camp Life in Florida. 12mo. New York, 1876. LiOiig, J. W. American Wild-Fowl Shooting. 12mo. New York, 1874. Maclaren, A. Physical Education. 12mo. Oxford, 1869. Spirit of the Times. Yols. 85—89, 5 v., 4to. New York, 1873-74-75. VIII. MILITARY SCIENCE. 59. Art of War. Anderson, I?. Victories and Defeats. 8vo. London, 1873. Brialmont, A. History of Intrenchments. 8vo. London, 1872. Camp Life and its Requirements, for Soldiers, Travellers, and Sportsmen. Svo. London, 1S72. Cliesney, C. C. Military Resources of Prussia and France. 12mo. London, 1870. Dahlgren, J. A. Shells and Shell-Guns. 8vo. Phila., 1856. England Rendered Impregnable. Svo. London, 1871. England, The Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Army. Svo. London, 1857. Fotiblanque, E. 15. de. Administration and Organization of the British Army. Svo. London, 1858. Laymann, Capt. Frontal-Attack of Infantry. Svo. London, 1873. Reeve, H. Military Resources of Prussia and France. See Cliesney, C. C. Sclierff, W., von. New Tactics of Infantry. 8vo. London, 1873. United States. Report of the Chief of Ordnance for 1874. Svo. Washington, 1874. Report on Gatling Guns of Large Caliber for Flank Defense. 4to. Washington, 1874. Ordnance Memoranda, No. 18. Proceedings of the Board of Officers, on Horse Equip¬ ments, Cavalry Equipments and Accoutrements, 1. Agriculture. American Agriculturist. (Ed. by O. Judd.) Vols. 16—25, 31—33. 13 v., Svo. N. Y., 1857—66,1872—74. Burbidge, F. W. Domestic Floriculture. 12mo. London, 1S74. Country Gentleman, The; a Journal for the Farm, Ac. Vols. 39, 40, 2 v., 4to. Albany, 1874-75. PHILOSOPHY. 66. MACHINERY AND STEAM ENGINEERING. 41 Duncan, H. P. Book of Garden Management. 12mo. Phila, 1873. Hassard, Annie. Floral Decorations. 12mo. New York, 1876. Henderson, P. Gardening for Pleasure. 12mo. New York. n. d. Hibberd, S. The Amateur’s Greenhouse and Conservatory. 12mo. London, 1873. The Amateur’s Rose-Book. 12mo. London, 1874. Hole, S. R. A Book About Roses. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1860. Journal of Agriculture. Yols. 2, 3, 2 v., 4to. St. Louis, 1872-73. Missouri State Board of Agriculture, Reports of. for 1871-72-74. 3 v., 8vo. Jefferson City, 1872—75. 62 . Accessories to Agriculture. ■ If . . . , * * ( • • * V Burges, A. American Kennel and Sporting Field. Svo. New York, 1876. Clok, H. Diseases of Sheep, with an Essay on Cattle Epidemics. 12mo. Phila., 1868. Live Stock Journal. (Ed. by G. A. Martin.) Yols. 1—4, 4 v., 4to. New York, 1871—73. Randall, H. S. Fine-Wool Sheep Husbandry. 12mo. New York. n. d. The Practical Shepherd. 12mo. New York, 1871. Sheep Husbandry. Svo. New York. n. d. Stewart, H. The Shepherd’s Manual. 12mo. New York. n. d. Stoddard, H. H. An Egg Farm. 12mo. New York. n. d. Wright, L. Illustrated Book of Poultry. 4to. London, n. d. 63 . Civil Engineering and Public Works. Byrne and Spon. (Ed.) Spon’s Dictionary of Engineering. (See Spoil.) Goldsmid, Sir P. J. Telegraph and Travel, between England and India. Svo. London, 1874. Matheson, E. Works in Iron; Bridge and Roof Structures. Svo. London, 1873. Railroad Gazette. Yols. 5, 7, 2 v., 4to. New York, 1873. Spoil’s Dictionary of Engineering, Civil, Mechanical, Military and Naval. 8 v., 8vo. Loudon, 1871. United States. Report of Explorations and Surveys for a Ship Canal; Isthmus of Darien. 4to. Washington, 1874. 64 . Mining and Metallurgy. Greenwood, W. H. A Manual of Metallurgy. 12mo. New York. n. d. Gruner, M. L.. Studies of Blast Furnace Phenomena. (Trans. L. D. B. Gordon.) Svo. Phila., 1874. Macfarlane, .J. The Coal Regions of America. See Ph. 38. Raymond, R. W. Mining Industry of the States and Territories of the Rocky Mountains, Ac. Svo. New York, 1874. Turner, P. Roll-Turning for the Manufacture of Iron. (With Atlas.) 2 v., Svo. New York, 1869. 65 . Machinery and Steam Engineering. Ewbank, T. Hydraulic and Other Machines. Svo. New York, 1876. Spon’s Dictionary of Engineering. See Ph. 63. 42 PHILOSOPHY. 68. COLLECTIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS USEFUL ARTS. 66. Shipbuilding and Navigation. Jewell, J. G. Among our Sailors. 12mo. New York, 1874. 67 . Building, Warming and Ventilating. 68. Collections and Miscellaneous Useful Arts. Annual Record of Science and Industry. (Ed. by S. F. Baird.) For 1874-75. 2 v., 12mo. N. Y., 1874-75. Coues, E. Field Ornithology. 8vo, Salem, 1874. Crookes, W. Practical Handbook of Dyeing and Calico-Printing. 8vo. London, 1874. Garde Meuble. Journal d’Ameublement. 4to. Paris, 1869. Knight, E. H. American Mechanical Dictionary. 2 v., 8vo. New York, 1874. Patent Office, British : Specifications of Patents for Inventions, 1872—74. Bound in 257 vols., 2051 to 2307, 8vo. London, 1872—74. Abridgments of Specifications of Patents for Inventions. 21 v., 12mo. London, 1872—74. Vol. 1. Masts, Sails, Rigging, &c. 1625—1866. Vol. 2. Railways. 1803—66. Vol. 3. Cooking, Bread-Making and Confectionery. 1634—1866. Vol. 4. Hinges, Hinge Joints, and Door Springs. 1775—1866. Vol. 5. Milking, Churning, and Cheese-Making. 1777—1866. Vol. 6. Metallic Pipes and Tubes. 1741—1866. Vol. 7. Raising, Lowering and Weighing. 1617—1866. Vol. 8. Drains and Sewers. 1619—1866. Vol. 9. Oils, Fats, Lubricants, Candles and Soap. 1617—1866. Vol. 10. Wearing Apparel. Division I. Head Coverings. 1637—1866. Vol. 11. Cutting Cork, Bottling Liquids, and Opening Bottles. 1777—1866. Vol. 12. Hydraulics. 1617—1866. Vol. 13. Locks, Latches and Bolts, Etc. 1774—1866. Vol. 14. Brushing and Sweeping. 1699—1866. " Vol. 15. Water Closets, Earth Closets and Urinals. 1775—1866. Vol. 16. Nails, Rivets, Bolts, Screws, Nuts and Washers. 1618—1866. Vol. 17. Safes, Strong Rooms, Tills, Etc. 1801—1866. Vol. 18. Paper, Pasteboard and Papier Mache. Part II. 1858—66. Vol. 19. Mining, Quarrying, Tunneling and Well-Sinking. 1618—1866. Vol. 20. Electricity and Magnetism. Part II. 1858—66. Vol. 21. Air, Gas and other Motive Power Engines. 1635—1866. Patent Office, United States : Specifications and Drawings of Patents. June, 1873, to January, 1874 . February to March, 1874. 10 v., 8vo. Washington, 1873-74. Index of Patents for Inventions, from 1790 to 1873. Compiled by M. D. Leggett. 3 v., 4to. Washington, 1874. Routledge, R. Discoveries and Inventions of the Nineteenth.Century. 12mo. London, 186S. PHILOSOPHY. 71. ELEMENTARY TEXT BOOKS. 43 69 . Magazines, Journals and Periodicals. American Artizan. Yols. 16,18,19. 3 v.. fol. New York, 1873-74-75. Annales des Ponts et Chaussees. Personnel. Tomes X—XIII. Memoires. 4e Serie. Tome XX. Memoires. 5e Serie. Tomes I—IX. Lois et Decrets. 5e Serie. Tomes I—V. 19 v., 8vo. Paris, 1870—75. Engineer, The. Yols. 35—40. 6 v., 4to. London, 1873—75. Engineering. Vols. 15—19. 5 v., 4to. London, 1873—75. Engineering and Mining Journal. Vols. 16—20. 5 v., 4to. New York, 1873—75. Iron : Journal of Science, Metals and Manufactures. Vols. 1, 2, o. 3 v., 4to. London, 1873—75. Iron and Steel Institute, Journal of the, 1872—75. 4 v., 8vo. London, 1872—75. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Yols. 67, 68. 2 v., 8vo. Phila., 1874. Journal of Gas Lighting. Vols. 22—26. 5 v., 4to. London, 1873—75. Mechanics’ Magazine. Vols, 24—26. 3 v., 4to. London, 1871-72. Mining Journal. Vols. 43, 44. 2 v., fol. London, 1873-74. Polytechnisches Journal. Vols. 207—214. 8 v., 8vo. Augsburg, 1873—75. Science Record. (Ed. by A. E. Beach.) For 1874-75-76. 3 v., 12mo. New York, 1874—76. Scientific American. Vols. 28—33. 6 v., 4to. New York, 1873—75. Timbs, J. The Year Book of Facts, for 1874. 12mo. London, 1874. Van Nostrand’s Eclectic Engineering Magazine. Vols. 8, 10—13. 5 v., 8vo. New York, 1873—75. Vincent, C. W. (Ed.) Year Book of Facts, for 1874-75. 2 v., 12mo. London, 1875-76. 70 . Art of Education. Alcott, A. B. Record of a School. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Arnold, M» Higher Schools and Universities in Germany. 12mo. London, 1874. Best Beading. 12mo. New York, 1875. Brackett, Anna C. (Ed.) The Education of American Girls. 12mo. New York, 1874. Clarke, E. H. Building of a Brain. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Sex in Education. 12mo. Boston, 1873. Connecticut, Report of the Board of Education, for 1873-4. 2 v., 8vo. New Haven, 1873-4. Duffey, Mrs. E. B. No Sex in Education. 12mo. Phila., 1874. Kriege, Matilda. The Child; its Nature and Relations. 12mo. New York, 1872. Michigan, Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for 1873. 8vo. Lansing, 1874. Missouri, Report of Superintendent of Common Schools, for 1873. 8vo. Jefferson City, 1874. St. Eouis Public Schools, Annual Report, for 1873. 8vo. St. Louis, 1874. United States, Reports of Commissioner of Education, for 1872-73. 2 v., 8vo. Washington, 1872—73. Van Bhyn, G. A. F. What and How to Read. 12mo. New York, 1875. 71 . Elementary Text Books. 44 Philosophy. 14.—4.—GREEK DICTIONARIES. IX. SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE. 72 . Treatises and General. Bancroft, H. U. Native Races of tlie Pacific States of North America. Languages. See Hy.62. Earle. J. Philology of the English Tongue. 12mo. Oxford, 1873. Geiger, E. Der Ursprung der Sprache. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1869. Mack ay, C. Lost Beauties of the English Language. 12mo. London, n. d. Mueller, F. M. Chips from a German Workshop. Vol. 4. See Ph- 79. Whitney, W. I>. Life and Growth of Language. 12mo. London, 1875. Same. 12mo. New York, 1875. Oriental and Linguistic Studies. (2d Series.) 12mo. New York, 1874. 73 . Grammars. Maetzner, Prof. Grece.f An English Grammar: Methodical, Analytical and Historical, 3 v., 8vo. London, 1874. (Trans, by C. 74.—1.—English Dictionaries. Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 12mo. Phila. n. d. Crabb, G. English Synonvmes. 8vo. New York, 1839. 74.—2.—French Dictionaries. Littre, E. Dictionnaire de la Laugue Francaise. 4 v., 4to. Paris, 1873. 74 . —3.—German Dictionaries. Scliuieller, J. A. Bayerisches Worterbuch. Yol. 1. A. to N. Imp. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1837. Wander, K. F. W. Deutsches Sprichworter-Lexikon. 2 v., Imp. 8vo. Leipzig, 1867. 74 . —4.—Greek Dictionaries. 45 PHILOSOPHY. 78. EPISTOLARY CORRESPONDENCE. 74 . —5.—Latin Dictionaries. 74 . —6.—Dictionaries of other Languages. Baretti, G. Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. See Neuman. Neuman, H. and G. Baretti. Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 2 v., Svo. Boston, 1852. 74.—7.—Polyglot Dictionaries. XII. LITERATURE. 75 . Rhetoric. Macbeth, J. \V. V. Might and Mirth of Literature. Svo. New York, 1875. 76 . Elocution. Carpenter, J. E. Public School Speaker and Reader. 12mo. London, 1870. Monroe, h. B. (Ed.) Public and Parlor Readings. 3 v., 12mo. Boston, 1875. 77 . Orations and Addresses. Coates, H. T. Best Authors in Prose and Poetry. 12ino. Phila., 1876. Jebb, R. C. Attic Orators, from Antiphon to Isseos. See Ph. 80. Schurz, C. Eulogy on Charles Sumner. 12rao. Boston, 1874. 78 . Epistolary Correspondence. Aikin, Rucy. Correspondence of. See Channing, W. E. Barbauld, Anna Tj. Letters. See Life and Works. Hy. 70. Bratranek, F. Th. Goethe’s Naturwissenschaftliche Correspondenz, 1812—52. Svo. Leipzig, 1874. 46 PHILOSOPHY. 80. LITERARY HISTORY AND CRITICISM. Charming, W. E. and Lucy Aikin. Correspondence of. From 1826 to 1842. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Coleridge, Sarali. Memoirs and Letters. 12mo. New York, 1874. Merimee, P. Lettres a une Inconnue. 2 v., 12mo. Paris, 1874. Letters to an Incognita. (Ed. by R. H. Stoddard.) 12mo. New York, 1874. Sevigne, Marie, Marquise de. Lettres Choisies. 2 v., 32mo. Paris, 1817. 79 . Essays and Miscellanies. Calvert, G. H. Essays H£sthetical. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Collins, W. W. My Miscellanies. 12mo. New York, 1874. Dodge, Mary A. Sermons to the Clergy. 12mo. Boston, 1876. Emerson, R. W. Letters and Social Aims. 12mo. Boslon, 1876. Essays and Addresses. By Professors and Lecturers of the Owens College, Manchester. 8vo. Lond.,1874. Friswell, J. H. Better Self. 12mo. New York, 1875. The Gentle Life. (First and Second Series.) 2 v., 12mo. London, 1874. Fuller, H. Grand Transformation Scenes in the United States. 12mo. New York, 1875. Grimm, H. Fiinfzehn Essays. 8vo. Berlin, 1874. Grimm, J. Auswahl aus den Kleineren Scliriften. 12mo. Berlin, 1871. Grote, G. Minor Works. (Ed. by A. Bain.) 8vo. London, 1873. Hayward, A. Biographical and Critical Essays. (Third Series.) 8vo. London, 1874. Helps, Sir A. Social Pressure. 12mo. London, 1875. Ingersoll, R. G. Gods, and other Lectures. 8vo. Peoria, 1874. Karr, A. Trois Cents Pages. 12mo. Paris, 1869. Kingsley, C. Health and Education, and other Essays. 12mo. New York, 1874. Kriegk, G. F. Deutsche Kulturbilder aus dem 18 Jahrhundert. 8vo. Leipzig, 1874. Kueclienmeister, F. Ueber Leichenverbrennung. 8vo. Erlangen, 1874. Fytton, E. B., Lord. The Student. 12mo. Phila., 1836. Mueller, F. M. Chips from a German Workshop. Yol. 4, 8vo. London, 1875. Masson, D. The Three Devils, and other Essays. 12mo. London, 1874. Mathews, W. The Great Conversers, and other Essays. 12mo. Chicago, 1874. Maurice, F. D. The Friendship of Books, and other Lectures. 12mo. London, 1874. Merimee, P. Melanges Historiques et Litteraires. 12mo. Paris, 1868. Morley, J. On Compromise. 8vo. London, 1874. Prime, S. I. Under the Trees. 8vo. New York, 1874. Quincy, J, P. Protection of Majorities, and other Essays. 12mo. Boston, 1876. Waring, G. E., Jr. Whip and Spur. 12mo. Boston, 1875. 80 . Literary History and Criticism. Allibone, S. A. Prose Quotations, from Socrates to Macaulay, 8vo. Phila., 1876. Arnold, T. Manual of English Literature. 12mo. Boston, 1876. Bain, A. Remarks on the Writings of G. Grote. See Grote, Minor Works. Ph. 79. Besant, W. French Humorists. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Birks, T. B. Modern Utilitarianism; or, the Systems of Paley, Bentham and Mill, Examined and Compared. 12mo. London, 1874. Braudes, G. Hauptstrdmungen der Literatur des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 12mo. Berlin, 1872. Brooke, S. A. Theology in the English Poets. 8vo. London, 1874. Cherbuliez, V. Etudes de Litterature et d’Art. 12mo. Paris, 1873. PHILOSOPHY. 83. FACETIAE, FABLES, PROVERBS, E?C. 47 Courri&re, C. Litterature Contemporaine en Russie. 12rao. Paris, 1875. Deutsch, E. Literary Remains of: with Memoir. 8vo. London, 1874. Dilke.C.W. Papers of a Critic: with a Biographical Sketch, by Sir C.W.Dilke. 2v.,'8vo. Lond., 1875. Gautier, T. Histoire du Romantisme. 12mo. Paris, 1874. Les Grotesques. 12mo. Paris, 1873. Gladstone, W. E. Homeric Synchronism: Time and Place of Homer. 12mo. London, 1876. Harrison, J. A. Group of Poets and their Haunts. 12mo. New York, 1875. Hittell, J. S. History of Culture. 12mo. New York, 1875. Jebb, R. C. Attic Orators, from Antiphon to Iseeos. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1876. Karr, A. Les Guepes, Revue Politique, Pliilosophique et Litteraire. 15 v., 12mo. Paris, 1871—74. Eowell, J. R. Among my Books. (Second Series.) 12mo. Boston, 1876. Minto, W. Characteristics of English Poets, from Chaucer to Shirley. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1871. Odysse-Barot, M. Litterature Contemporaine en Angleterre. 1830—74. 12mo. Paris, 1874. Roux, A. Litterature Contemporaine en Italie. 12mo. Paris, 1874. Sampson, H. History of Advertising, from the earliest times. 12mo. London, 1874. Stael-Holstein, A. E. G., Baroness de. Influence of Literature on Society. Bound with Combe, Constitution of Man. Ph. 33. Stephen, E. Hours in a Library. 12mo. London, 1874. Stedman, E. C. Victorian Poets, 12mo. Boston, 1876. Trench, R. C. Plutarch: His Life, his Lives and his Morals. 12mo. London, 1873. Thomas, I. History of Printing in America. See Arclueologia Americana. Vols. 5 and 6. ITy. 62. Wilkinson, W. C. Free Lance, in the Field of Life and Letters. 12mo. New York, 1874. • 81 . Bibliography. Catalogues— Apprentices’ Library of New York City, Catalogue of. 8vo. New York, 1874. Baltimore Mercantile Library, Catalogue of English Prose Fiction. 8vo. Baltimore, 1874. Congressional Library, Catalogue of Additions for the year 1872. 8vo. Washington, 1874. Hartford Young Men’s Institute, Catalogue of. 8vo. Hartford, 1873. Indianapolis Public Library, Catalogue of. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1873. Reference Catalogue of Current Literature, for 1874-75. 8vo. London, 1874-75. San Francisco Mercantile Library, Catalogue of. 8vo. San Francisco, 1874. United States Surgeon-General’s Office, Library of. 3 v., 4to. Washington, 1874. Mullins, J. D. Free Libraries and News Rooms ; their Formation and Management. 18mo. Lond., 1869. Tiffany, J. K. Philatelical Library: a Catalogue of Stamp Publications. 4to. St. Louis, 1874. 82 . Facetee, Fables, Proverbs, Etc. Carter, J. H. The Log of Commodore Rollingpin. 12mo. New York, 1874. Charivari, le. January—June, 1872; January, 1873—December, 1875. 7 v., folio. Paris, 1872—75. Clemens, S. E. Mark Twain’s Sketches. 8vo. Hartford, 1875. Cox, S. S. Why We Laugh. 12mo. New York, 1876. Fenn, G. M. World of Wit and Humor. 8vo. Hartford, n. d Fun. (New Series.) Vols. 17—20, 4 v., 4to. London, 1873. Judy. Vols. 11—16, 6 v., 4to. London, 1872—75. Kladderadatsch. Vols. 27,28, 2 v., 4to. Berlin, 1874-75. Eandon, M. D. Eli Perkins (at large.) His Sayings and Doings. 12mo. New York, 1875. Lewis, C. B. Quads Odds. 8vo. Detroit, 1875. 48 PHILOSOPHY. 83. LITERARY JOURNALS AND MAGAZINES. Mistick Krewe of Coraus. 12mo. New Orleans, 1873. Punch ; or, the Loudon Charivari. Yols. 61-2, 64—7, 69, 7 v., 4to. London, 1871—75. Riley, H. H. Puddleford Papers; or, Humors of the West. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Thackeray, W. M, Thackerayana. 12mo. London, 1875. Thompson, M. N. Doestick’s Letters. 12mo. Phila. n. d. 83 . Literary Journals and Magazines. Academy. Yols. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. 5v., 4to. London, 1873-74-75. Aldine, The. Vol. 6. Fol. New York, 1873. All the Year Round. (New Series.) Vols. 10—14. 5 v., 8vo. London, 1873—75. Appleton’s Journal. Vols. 9, 11, 12, 14. 4 v., 8vo. New York, 1873-74-75. Argosy, The. Vols. 17—20. 4 v., 8vo. London, 1874-75. Athenaeum, The. 4 v., 4to. London, 1873—75. Atlantic Monthly. Vols. 33—36. 4 v., 8vo. Boston, 1874-75. Belgravia. Vols. 24, 26, 27. 3 v., 8vo. London, 1874-75. Blackwood’s Magazine. Vols. 115, 118. 2 v., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1874-75. Blatter fiir Literarische Unterhaltung. 1872, 1874-75. 3 v., 4to. Leipzig, 1872, 1874-75. British Quarterly. Vols. 59—61. 3 v., 8vo. London, 1874-75. Chambers’ Journal for 1874-75. 2 v., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1874-75. Colburn’s United Service Magazine. 5 v., 8vo. London, 1874-75. Contemporary Review. Vols. 24—26. 3 v., 8vo. London, 1874-75. Cornhill Magazine. Vols. 30—32. 3 v., 8vo. London, 1874-75. Correspondant, Le. Tome. 51, 56—64. 10 v., 8vo. Paris, 1873—75. Dublin Review. Vols. 22—25. 4 v., 8vo. London, 1874-75. Dublin University Magazine. Vols. 83, 84, 86. 3 v., 8vo. Dublin, 1874-75. Eclectic Magazine. Vols. 20—22. 3 v., 8vo. New York, 1874-75. Edinburgh Review. Vols. 139, 141, 142. 3 v., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1874-75. Every Saturday. Vols. 1, 2. 2 v., 8vo. Boston, 1874. Fortnightly Review. (New Series.1 Vols. 14, 17. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1873, 1875. Fraser’s Magazine. (New Series.) Vols. 9—12. 4 v., 8vo. London, 1874 75. Galaxy, The. Vols. 17—20. 4 v., 8vo. New York, 1874. Gegenwart, Die. Vols. 5—7. 3 v., 4to. Berlin, 1874-75. Gentleman’s Magazine. Vols. 13—15. 3 v., 8vo. London, 1874. Good Words. Vols. 15, 16. 2 v., 8vo. London, 1874-75. Grenzboten, Die. Vol. 3., 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine. Vols. 48—51. 4 v., 8vo. New York, 1874—75. Index to Vols. 1 to 50, June, 1850—May, 1875. 8vo. New York, 1875. International Review. Vols. 1. 2. 8vo. New York, 1874—75. Lippincott’s Magazine. Vo s. 13—16. 4 v., 8vo. Phila., 1874-75. Littell’s Living Age. (Fifth Series.) Vols. 4—6, 8—11. 7 v., Svo. Boston, 1873—75. London Society. Vols. 25, 26, 28. 3 v., Svo. London, 1874-75. Macmillan’s Magazine. Vols. 29—32. 4 v., 8vo. London, 1874-75. Nation, The. Vol. 16, 18, 19, 20, 21. 5 v., 4to. New York, 1873-74-75. New Monthly Magazine. (New Series.) Vols. 4—8. 5 v., 8vo. London, 1873-74-75. New Quarterly Magazine. Vol. 4, 8vo. London, 1875. North American Review. Vols. 119—121. 3 v., Svo. Boston, 1874-75. Notes and Queries. (Fifth Series.) Vols. 1, 2. 2 v., Svo. London, 1874. Old and New. Vols. 9, 10. 2 v., 8vo. Boston, 1874. PHILOSOPHY. 84. NEWSPAPERS. 49 Once a Week. (Third Series.) Yols. 10—12. 3 v., 8vo. London, 1872-73. Overland Monthly. Yols. 12—14. 3 v., 8vo. San Francisco, 1874-75. Quarterly Review. Yols. 136—8. 3 v., 8vo. London, 1874—75. Revue des Deux Mondes. Vols. 1—6, 8—12. 11 v., 8vo. Paris, 1S74-75. St. James Magazine. Vols. 1—4. (New Series, Vol. 1.) 5 v., 8vo. London, 1874-75. St. Nicholas Magazine. Yols. 1, 2. 2 v., 8vo. New York, 1874-75. Salon, der. Vols. 1, 2. 2 v., 8vo. Leipzig, 1875. Saturday Review. Yols. 35—39. 5 v., 4to. London, 1873—75. Scribner’s Monthly. Vols. 7, 8, 10. 3 v., 8vo. New York, 1873-74. Southern Magazine. Vols. 15, 16. 2 v., 8vo. Baltimore, 1874-75. Spectator, The. Vols. 46-7. 2 v., 4to. London, 1873-74. Temple Bar. Vols. 38—41, 43, 45. 6 v., 8vo. London, 1873—75. Tinsley’s Magazine. Vols. 13, 15—17. 4 v., 8vo. London, 1873-74-75. Ueher Land und Meer. Vols. 23-4, 32. 3 v., 4to. Stuttgart. Unsere Zeit. Vols. 9—11. 3 v., 8vo. Leipzig, 1873-74-75. Western, The. Vol. 1. 8vo. St. Louis, 1875. Westminster Review. (New Series.) Vols. 45—48. 4 v., 8vo. London, 1874-75. 84. Newspapers. Graphic, The. Vols. 9, 10, 11. 3 v., folio. London, 1873. Harper’s Weekly. Vols. 9, 12, 14, 16—19. 7 v., 4to. New York, 1865—75. Illustrated London News. Vols. 62. 63, 66. 3 v., folio. London, 1873—75. Lieslie, F. Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, for 1862—71. 10 v., folio. New York, 1862- 71. Missouri Republican. January to September, 1874. October to December, 1874 ; January to March, 1875. April to June, 1875; July to September, 1875. January, 1874, to September, 1875. 3 v., fol. 4 v., 4to. St. Louis, 1874-75. Missouri Democrat. July, 1870, to December, 1874. 9 v., folio. St. Louis, 1870—74. New York Herald. From July, 1861, to December, 1863. 5 vols., folio. New York, 1861-62-63. New York Tribune. July, 1873; June, 1875. 4 v. f fol. New York, 1873—75. St. IiOTiis Democrat. See Missouri Democrat. St. Louis Republican. See Missouri Republican. 6 POETRY. 1. English Poetry. Abbott, E. Concordance to the Works of Alexander Pope. See Pope. Aldrich, T. B. Cloth of Gold, and other Poems. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Bartlett, J. Familiar Quotations. 12mo. Boston, 1875. * Beeton, S. O. and W. M. Rossetti. (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of English and American Poetry, 2 8vo. London, 1873. Bowring, E. A. (Trans.) Schiller’s Poems. See Schiller. Po. 4. * Browning, R. Aristophanes’ Apology : Being the Last Adventure of Balaustion. 12mo. Boston, 1875. The Inn Album. 12mo. Boston, 1876. Carleton, W. Farm Legends. 8vo. New York, 1876. Clarke, Mary C. The Trust and the Remittance. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Crancli, C. P. The Bird and the Bell. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Dobell, S. Poems. 12mo. Boston, 1860. Evans, L. The Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius. See Po. 2. Friswell, J. H. Familiar Words : an Index Yerborum, or Quotation Hand-Book. 12mo. Lond.,1874. Garnett, R. Relics of P. B. Shelley. See Shelley. Harte, B. Echoes of the Foot-Hills. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Holland, J. G. The Mistress of the Manse. 12mo. New York, 1874. Hudson, H. R. Poems. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Lewes, Marian J, The Legend of .Tubal, and other Poems. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Locker, E. London Lyrics. 12mo. Boston, 1870. Longfellow, H. W. The Hanging of the Crane. 12mo. Boston, 1875. The Masque of Pandora, and other Poems. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Lytton, E. R. B., Lord. Fables in Song. 12mo. Boston, 1874. Messenger, Lillian R. Threads of Fate. 12mo. n. t. p. Miller, J. The Ship in the Desert. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Milton, J. Poetical Works of. With Notes, by D. Masson. 3v.,8vo. London, 1874. Morris, W. Defence of Guenevere, and other Poems. 12mo. London, 1875. The iEneids of Virgil. See Yirgilius. Po. 2. Mrs. Jerningliam’s Journal and John Jerningham’s Journal. 12mo. New York, 1876. Phelps, Elizabeth S. Poetical Studies. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Pope, A. Concordance to the works of. By E. Abbott. 8vo. New York, 1875. Prentice, G. D. Poems. 12mo. Cin., 1876. Preston, Margaret J. Cartoons. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Rossetti, W. M. (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of English and American Poetry. See Beeton, S. O. £ POETRY. 3. FRENCH POETRY AND TRANSLATIONS. 51 Sapp, S. N. Half an Hour; or, Truth in a Mask. 8vo. St. Louis, 1875. Saxe, J. G. Leisure-Day Rhymes. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Shelley, P. B. Poetical Works. With a Memoir by W. M. Rossetti. 2 v,, 12mo. London, 1870. Relics of, by R. Garnett. 12mo. London, 1862. Taylor, B. Home Pastorals, Ballads and Lyrics. 12mo. Boston, 1875. Tennyson, A. Poetical Works. 6 v., 8vo. London, 1872. Whittier, J. G. Mabel Martin. 12mo. Boston, 1876. 2 . Classical Poetry and Translations. AEscliylus. (Ed. R. S. Copleston.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 5. Pol. Aristophanes. (Ed. by W. L. Collins.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 3. Pol. Euripides. (Ed. by W. B. Donne.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 3. Pol. Evans, Ii. (Trans.) Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius. 12mo. London, 1872. Greek Anthology, The. (Ed. by Lord A. Neaves.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 6. Pol. Hesiod. (Ed. by J. Davis.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 6. Pol. Homer. The Iliad. (Ed. by W. L. Collins.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 1. Pol. Odyssey. (Ed. by W. L. Collins.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 1. Pol. Horatius Elaccus, Q. Works. (Ed. by T. Martin.) See Ancient Classics, vol 7. Pol Juvenalis, D. J. The Satires. (Trans, by L- Evans.) See Evans. Satires. (Ed. by E. Walford.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 8. Pol. Eucianus. Comedies. (Ed. by W. L. Collins.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 4. Pol. Eucilius. The Satires. (Trans, by L. Evans.) See Evans. Persius Flaccus, A. The Satires. (Trans, by L. Evans.) See Evans. * Plautus, M. A. Comedies. (Ed. W. L. Collins.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 8. Pol. Terentius Afer, P. Comedies. (Ed. by W. L. Collins.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 8. Pol. Tlieognis.- Poems. (Ed.by J. Davis.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 6. Pol. Sophocles. Tragedies. (Ed. by C. W. Collins.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 5. Pol. Sulpicia. The Satires. (Trans, by L. Evans.) See Evans. Virgilius Maro, P. JEneids of. (Trans, by W. Morris.) 12mo. Boston, 1876. Works. (Ed. by W. L. Collins.) See Ancient Classics, vol. 7. Pol. 3 . French Poetry and Translations. Delavigne, J. E. C. CEuvres. 6 v., 8vo. Paris, 1848. Yol. 1. Les Vepres Siciliennes. Le Paria. L’Ecole des Vieillards. Vol. 2. La Princesse Aurelie. Marino Faliero. Louis XI. Vol. 3. Les Enfants d’Edouard. Don Juan d’Autriche. Une Famille au Temps de Luther. Vol. 4. La Popularity. La Fille du Cid. Le Conseiller Rapporteur. Charles VI. Vol. 5. Messeniennes, Chants Populaires. Vol. 6. Derniers Chants. Gautier, T. Emaux et Carnees. 12mo. Paris, 1874. Poesies Completes. 12mo. Paris, 1845. Regardez Mais ne Touchez Pas. 12mo. Paris, 1847. Theatre. 12mo. Paris, 1872. Une Larme du Diable. La Fausse Conversion. L’Amour Souffle ou il Veut. Pierrot Posthume. Le Tricorne Enchante. Prologue de Struensee. Prologue de Falstatf. Prologue de l’Ouverture de l’Odeon. Pierre Corneille. La Femme de Diomede. Pro¬ logue de Henriette Marechal. Le Selam. Giselle, ou les Wilis, La Peri. Paquerette Gemma. Yanko le Bandit. Sacountala. 52 POETRY. 3. FRENCH POETRY AND TRANSLATIONS. Merimee, P. Theatre de Clara Gazul. 12mo. Paris, 1874. Les Espagnols en Danemarck. Une Femme est une Diable. L’Amour Africain. Ines Mendo, ou le Prejuge Yaincu. In5s Mendo, ou le Triomphe du Prejuge. Le Ciel et l’Enfer. L’Oecasion. Le Carrosse du Saint Sacrement. La Jacquerie. La Famille de Carvahal. Moli^re, J. B. P. de. Dramatic Works. (Trans, by H. Van Laun. Blunderer, The, v. 1. Bores, The, v. 2. Don Garcia of Navarre, v. 1. Forced Marriage, The, v. 2. Impromptu of Versailles, The, v. 2. Love Tiff, The, v. 1. Pretentious Young Ladies, v. 1. School for Husbands, The, v. 2. ) 2 v., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1875. School for Wives, The, v. 2. School for Wives Criticised, v. 2. Sganarelle, v. 1. Ponsard, F. CEuvres Completes. 2 v., Svo. Paris, 1865. Agnes de Meranie, v. 1. Bourse, la, v. 2. Ce qui Plait aux Femmes, v. 2. Charlotte Corday, v. 1. Discours, v. 1. Etudes Antiques, v. 2. Horn ere, v. 2. Honneur et 1’Argent, 1’, v. 2. Horace et Lydie, v. 1. Lucr&ce, v. 1. Ulysse, v. 2. Scribe, E. CEuvres Completes. 8 v., Svo. Paris, 1859. Index to Acteon, v. 7. • Actionnaires, les, v. 8. Adieux au Comptoir, les, v. 3. Adrienne Lecouvreur, v. 1. Ali-Baba, v. 5. Ambassadeur, 1’, v. 4. Ambassadrice, 1’, v. 7. * Ambitieux, 1’, v. 2. Artiste 1’, v. 4. Auberge, 1’, v. 4. Avant, Pendant et Apres, v. 3. Avare en Goguettes, 1’, v. 6. Aventures et Voyages du Petit Jonas, v. 4. Baiser au Porteur, le, v. 3. Bal Champetre, le, v. 3. Barcarolle, la, v. 8. Bataille de Dames, v. 5. Belle-Mere, la, v. 4. Bertrand et Raton, v. 3. Bohemienne, la, v. 3. Bon Papa, le, v. 6. Budget d’un Jeune Menage, v. 8. Cafe des Varietes, le, v. 2. Cagliostro, v. S. Calomnie, la, v. 2. Camaraderie, la, v. 2. Camilla, v. 6. Caroline, v. 4. Chaine, une, v. 5. Chalet, le, v. 7. Chambre a Coucher, la, v. 7. Chanoinesse, la, v. 6. Chanteuse Voilfie, la, v. 8. Plays, Operas and Vaudeville Chaperon, le, v. 7. Charbonniere, la, v. 8. Charge a Payer, la, v. 3. Charlatanisme, le, v. 3. Chateau de la Poularde, le, v. 3. Chatte Metamorphosee en Femme la, v. 3. Cheval de Bronze, le, v. 7. Coiffeur, le, et le Perruquier. Colonel, le, v. 4. Combat des Montagnes, le, v. 4. Comte Ory, le, v. 5. Comte Ory, le, v. 7. Concert a la Cour, v. 7. Confident, le, v. 4. Contes de la Reine de Navarre, v. 1. Conversion, la, v. 2. Coraly, v. 3. Dame de Pique, v. 5. Dame Blanche, la, v. 7. D’Aranda, v. 8. Demoiselle, la, et la Dame, v. 4. Demoiselle a Marier, la, v. 4. Dernier Jour de Fortune, un, v. 8. Deux Maris, les, v. 4. Deux Nuits, les, v. 7. Deux Precepteurs, les, v. 4. Diamants de la Couronne, les, v. 5. Didier, P Honnete Homme, v. S. Dieu, le, et la Bayadere, v. 5. Diplomate, le, v. 3. Dix Ans de la Vie d’une Femme, v. 2. :s of Scribe. Dom Sebastien, Roi de Portugal, v. 8. Domino Noir, le, v. 5. Eaux du Mont-Dor, les, v. 6. Ecarte, 1’, v. 6. , Eleves du Conservatoire, les, v. 4. Empiriques d’Autrefois, les, v. 4. Enfant Prodigue, le, v. 5. Ennui, 1’, v. 4. Estelle, v. 6. Etre Aime ou Mourir, v. 8. Famille du Baron, la, v. 8. Famille Riquebourg, la, v. 7. Farinelli, v. 3. Faute, une, v. 8. Favorite, la, v. 7. Fee au x Roses, la, v. 8. Femme qui Se Jette par la Fene- tre, v. 6. Fiancee, la, v. 7. Fils de Cromwell, le, v. 5. Fiorella, v. 7. Fou de Peronne, le, v. 4. Fra Diavolo, v. 7. Frontin Mari-Garcon, v. 4. Gardien, le, v. 8. Gastronome Sans Argent, le, v.6. Genevieve, v. 5. Giralda, v. 5. Grand-Mere, la, v. 3. Grande Aventure, la, v. 6. Grisettes, les, v. 2. Guido et Ginevra, v. 5. Gustave III, y. 5. POETRY. 4. GERMAN POETRY AND TRANSLATIONS. 53 Scribe, E. (Euvres Completes. Index to Play.' Haine d’une Femme, la, v. 3. Haydee, v. 5. Heloise et. Abailard, v. 6. HeritiSre, 1’, v. 3. Heritiers de Crac, les, v. 7. Huguenots, les, v. 5. Image, 1’, v. 8. I nconsolables, les, v. 3. Independants, les, v. 3. Interieur d’un Bureau, P, v. 8. Interieur de l’Etude, 1’, v. 6. Ir^ne, v. 5. Japhet, v. 3. Jarretiere de la Mariee, la, v. 3. Jeanne et Jeanneton, v. 5. Jeune et Yieille. v. 8. Jeune Docteur, le, v. 2. Juif Errant, le, v. 8. Juive, la, v. 5. Lac des Fees, le, v. 5. Leicester, v. 7. Leocadie, v. 7. Lestocq, v. 7. Loge du Portier, la, v. 8 Lorgnou, le, v. 6. Louise, v. 8. Lune de Miel, la, v. 3. Magon, le, v. 7. Madame de Sainte-Agnbs, v. 4. Maitre Jean, v. 8. Maitresse au Logis, la, v. 8. Malheurs d’un Amant Heureux, v. 6. Malvina, v. 4. Manie des Places, la, v. 4. Mansarde des Artistes, la, v. 3. Manteaux, les, v. 4. Marco Spada, v. 8. Mariage d’Argent, v. 3. Mariage de Raison, le, v. 3. Mariage Enfantin, le, v. 4. 8 v., 8vo. Paris, 1859. , Operas and Vaudevilles o Marquise de Brinvilliers, la v. 7 Marraine, la, v. 3. Martyrs, les, v. 5. Medecin de Dames, le, v. 4. Medecine sans Medecin, la, v. 7 Memoires d’un Colonel de Hu sards, v. 4. Menage de Gargon, le, v. 4. Menteur Veridique, le, v. 2. Michel et Christine, v. 4. Ministre sous Louis XV, un, v. Monomanie une, v. 7. Moralistes, les, v. 4. Moulin de Javelle, le, v. 6. Muette de Portici, la, v. 5. Mystificateur, le, v. 4. Ne Touchez pas a, la Reine, v. 5 Neige, la, v. 7. Nouveau Porceaugnac, le, v. 4. Nuit de la Garde Nationale, ui v. 4. Nuit de Noel, la, v. 8. O. Amitie ! v. 5. Oncle d’Amerique, P, v. 4. Oscar, v. 5. Ours et le Pacha, P, v. 6. Parrain, le, v. 3. Part du Diable, la, v. 5. Partie et Revanche, v. 4. Passion Secrete, la, v. 3. Pension Bourgeoise, la, v. 8. Petit Dragon, le, v. 6. Petite Soeur, la, v. 4. Philibert Marie, v. 4. Philippe, v. 7. Philtre, le, v. 3. Plus Beau Jour de la Vie, le, v. Polichinelle, v. 7. Potemkin, v. 2. Premieres Amours, les, v. 3. Prophete, le, v. 5. 1 Scribe.— Continued . Protegee, la, sans le Savoir, v. 5. Puff, le, v. 5. Puits d’Amour, le, v. 8. Quaker, le, et la Danseuse, v. 8. Quarantaine, la, v. 4. - Randolphe, v. 3. Reine d’un Jour, la, v. 7. Robert-le-Diable, v. 5. Roi de Carreau, le, v. 2. Salvoisy, v. 6. Savant, le, v. 8. Seconde Annee, la, v. 8. Secretaire et le Cuisinier, le, v. 4. Serment, le, v. 5. Simple Histoire, v. 4. Sirene, la, v. 6. Solliciteur, le, v. 3. Somnambule, la, v. 4. Soprano, le, v. 7. i, Surprises, les, v. 8. Temoin, le, v. 7. Tete-a-Tete, le, v. 2. Theobald, v. 4. Toujours, v. 6. Treize, les, v. 7. Trois Maitresses, les, v. 6. Valerie, v. 3. Valet de son Rival, le, v. 2. Vatel, v. 3. Vengeance Italienne, la, v. 6. Verre d’Eau, le, v. 2. Vieille, la, v. 7. Vieux Gargon, le, et la Petite Fille, v. 6. Vieux Mari, le, v. 4. Visite a Bedlam, une, v. 4. Voliere de Frere Philippe, la, v. 4. Xacarilla, la, v. 5. Yelva, v. 4. Zanetta, v. 7. Zoe, v. 8. 4 . German Poetry and Translations. Schiller, J. C. F. von. Poems of. (Trans, by E. A. Bowring.) 12mo. London, 1874. Spielhagen, F. Amerikanische Gedichte, Works. Vol. 7. Po. 16. Woll, K. A. Pfalzische Gedichte. 12mo. Heidelberg, 1873. 54 POETRY. 5. ENGLISH DRAMA. 5. English Drama. Knowles, J. S. Dramatic W Alfred the Great, v. 1. Beggar of Bethnal Green, v. 2. Caius Gracchus, v. 1. Daughter, The, v. 2. Hunchback, v. 1. ks. 3 v., 8vo. London, 1841. John of Procida, v. 3. Love, v. 3. Love-Chase, v. 2. Maid of Mariendorpt, v. 3. Old Maids, v. 3. Rose of Arragon, The, v. 3. Virgiuius, v. 1. Wife, The, v. 2. William Tell, v. 1. Woman’s Wit, v. 2. Iiacy, T. H. (Ed.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, Dramas, Farces, and Extravaganzas. 100 v., 12mo. London, n. d. A. S. S., v. 10. Abon Hassan, F. Talfourd, v. 17. Accusing Spirit, W. E. Suter, v. 60. Acis and Galatea, J. Gay, v. 11. Acis and Galataea, F. C. Burnand, v. 58. Acis and Galataea, T. F. Plowman, v. 91. Actor’s Retreat, A. Halliday and W. Brough, v. 63 Adonis Vanquished, V. Amcotts, v. 75. Adrienne, H. Leslie, v. 68. Adrienne Le Couvreur, E. Scribe, v. 1. Adventures of a Love Letter, C. Mathews, v. 50. Affair of Honor, W. L. Rede, v. 78. Africaine, L’, Arbuthnot, v. 67. After the Party,-v. 93. Aged Forty, J. Courtney, v. 59. Aggravating Sam,-v. 17. Agreeable Surprise, J. O’Keefe, v. 94. Alabama, J. M. Morton, v. 62. Aladdin, H. J. Byron, v. 50. Aladdin, J. M. Morton, v. 29. Alcestis, F. Talfourd, v. 21. Alfred the Great, R. B. Brough, v. 48. Alhambra, A. Smith, v. 3. Ali Baba, H. J. Byron, v. 59. Alice Grey, J. T. Haines, v. 44. Aline, the Rose of Killarney, E Stirling, y. 94. All at Coventry, W. T. Moncrieff, v. 59. All that Glitters is not Gold, F. and J. M. Morton, v. 3. Alonzo the Brave, F. C. Burnand, v. 58. Always Intended, H. Wigan, v.77. Ambrose Gwinett, D. Jerrold, v. 86. Ample Apology, G. Roberts, v. 66. Angel or Devil, J. S. Coyne, v. 29. Angel of Midnight, E. Plouvier and F. Barriere, v. 51. Anne Blake, W. Marston, v. 49. Anne Boleyn. C. Edwards, v. 97. Antony and Cleopatra, W. Shakspeare, v. 75. Anything for a Change, S. Brooks, v. 4. Apartments, W. Brough, v. 4. Appearances, J. P. Simpson, v. 47. April Fool, W. Brough and A. Halliday, v. 62. Area Belle, W. Brough and A. Halliday, v. 62. Artful Dodge, E. L. Blanchard, v. 42. As Like as Two Peas, H. Lille, v. 15. As You Like It, W. Shakespeare, v. 25. Asmodeus, T. Archer, v. 46. Atalanta, F. Talfourd, v. 30. Atchi, J. M. Morton, v. 82. Atrocious Criminal, J P. Simpson, v. 74. Aunt Charlotte’s Maid, J. M. Morton, v. 38. Aurora Floyd, C. H. Hazlewood, v. 58. Avalanche, A. Harris, v. 16. Awaking, E. Clarke, v. 98. Away With Melancholy, J. M. Morton, v. 14. Azael, the Prodigal, E. Fitzball, v. 56. B. B., M. Williams and F. C. Burnand, v. 45. Babes in the Wood, H. J. Byron, v. 41. Babes in the Wood, T. Taylor, v. 50. Bachelor of Arts, P. Hardwicke, v. 12. Balance of Comfort, B. Bernard, v. 17. Bamboozling, T. E. Wilks, v. 28. Barber of Seville, P. A. C. de Beaumarchais, v. 89. Barefaced Impostors,-Doe, and others, v. 70. Baronet Abroad, F. L. Horn, v. 65. Battle of Waterloo, J. M. Amherst, v. 98. Bear Hunters, J. B. Buckstone, v. 31. Beau Brummel, B. Jerrold, v. 44. Beautiful Forever, F. Hay, v. 82. Beautiful Haidee, H. J. Byron, v. 58. Beauty and the Beast, J. R. Blanche, v. 19. Beauty or the Beast, J. Oxenford, v. 60. Bee and the Orange Tree, J. R. Planch^, v. 19. Beggars’ Opera, J. Gay, v. 21. Beggars’ Petition, G. D. Pitt, v. 87. Behind a Mask, A. Woods and B. H. Dixon, v. 97. Behind the Curtain, G. Roberts, v. 90. poetry. 5. English Mama. 55 Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, Dramas, Farces, and Extravaganzas. tacy, T. H. (Ed.) Behind Time, B. Webster, Jr., v. 68. Belle of the Barley-Mow, H. T. Arden v. 78. Belle’s Stratagem, Hannah Cowley, v. 72. Bells, L. Leopold, v. 97. Belpliegor the Mountebank, T. H. Lacy and T. Higgie, v. 3. Ben the Boatswain, T. E. Dilks, v. 28. Ben Bolt, J. B. Johnstone, v. 16. Best Way, H. Wigan, v. 75. Betsy Baker, J. M. Morton, v. 8. Better Half, T. J. Williams, v. 67. Bilious Attack A. Wood, v. 96. Billet Doux, C. Mathews, v. 50. Billing and Cooing, J. Oxenford, v. 65. Binks the Bagman, J. S. Coyne, v. 7. Bird in the Hand, F. Phillips, v. 23. Birds of Aristophanes, J. R. Planche, v. 20. Birds of Prey, F. W. Robertson, v. 93. Birthplace of Podgers, J. Hollingshead, v. 35. Black Doctor, J. Y. Bridgeman, v. 23. Black Domino, T. E. Wilks, v. 88. Black-Eyed Susan, F. C. Burnand, v. 77. Black-Eyed Susan, D. Jerrold, v. 23. Black Sheep, J. S. Coyne, v. 51. Black Sheep, J. P. Simpson, v. 81. Blanche Heriot, A. Smith, v. 73. Blighted Being, T. Taylor, v. 16. Blind Boy, J. Kenney, v. 58. Blossom of Churningtou Green, F. R. Hoskins, v. 83. Blue Beard, C. Dance and J. R. Planch^, v. 19. Blue Beard, H. J. Byron, v. 49. Blue Beard Re-Paired, H. Bellingham, v. 70. Blue Devils, G. Colman, v. 87. Blue Jackets, E. Stirling, v. 47. Board and Residence, C. Edwards, v. 89. Bobby A. 1, G. S. Hodgson, v. 100. Bold Dragoons, W. Bennett, v. 9. Bombastes Furioso, W. B. Rhodes, v. 3. Bona Fide Travelers, W. Brough, v. 16. Bonnie Fish Wife, C. Selby, v. 37. Book the Third, Chapter First, E. Pierron and La Ferriere, v. 7. Boots at the Swan, C. Selby, v. 34. Border Marriage, W. J. Sorrell, v. 65. Born to Good Luck, T. Powers, v. 2. Borrowed Plumes, C. A. Maltby, v. 92. Bottle, T. P. Taylor, v. 17. Bowl’d Out, H. T. Craven, v. 47. Box and Cox, J. M. Morton, v. 5. Box and Cox Married and Settled, J. S. Coyne, v. 8. Bride of Abydos, H. J. Byron, v. 36. Bride of Abydos, B. W. Dimond, v. 70. Bride of Lammermoor, J. W. Calcraft, v. 28. Bride of Ludgate, D. Jerrold, v. 93. Brigand, J. R. Planche, v. 2. Brigand of Calabria,-v. 65. Bristol Diamonds, J. Oxenford, v. 56. Broken Sword, W. Dimond, v, 85. Broken Ties, J. P. Simpson, v. 96. Broken Toys, J. Daly v. 14. Brother and Sister, W. Dimond, v. 46. Brother Ben, J. M. Morton, v. 34. Brother Bill and Me, W. E. Suter, v. 52. Brown and the Brahmins, R. Reece, v. 82. Brown the Martyr, J. T. Lucas, v. 96. Buckstone at Home, J. S. Coyne, v. 58. Buckstone’s Adventure with a Polish Princess, S. Lawrence, v. 22. Buckstone’s Ascent of Mt. Parnassus, J. R. Planchb, v. 10. Buckstone’s Voyage Round the Globe, ,T. R. Planche, v. 15. Bumble’s Courtship, F. E. Emson, v. 93. Busy Body, Susannah Centlivre, v. 28. Cabinet Question, J. R. Planche, v. 20. C'eesar, the Watch Dog of the Castle, v. 79. Caliph of Bagdad, W. R. Brough, v. 79. Calypso, S. Brookes, v. 67. Camaralzaman, H. J. Byron, v. 94. Camilla’s Husband, W. Phillips, v. 59. Camp at the Olympic, J. R. Planchd, v. 12. Cantab, T. W. Roberts, v. 50. Capital Match, J. M. Morton, v. 8. Capitola, C. H. Hazlewood, v. 70. Captain is not A-Miss, T. E. Wilks, v. 29. Captain of the Watch, J. R. Planche, v. 18. Captain Charlotte, E. Stirling, v. 39. Captain Smith, E. Berrie, v. 89. Carpenter of Rouen, J. S. Jolines, v. 4. -> Carte de Visite, M. Williams and F. C. Burnand, v. 57. Cartouche, W. R. Waldron, v. 76. Castle Spectre, M. G. Lewis, v. 30. Catch a Weazel, J. M. Morton, v. 54. Catching an Heiress, C. Selby, v. 39. Catching a Mermaid, J. S. Coyne, v. 24. Catherine Howard, W. D. Suter, v. 37. Cato, J. Addison, v. 99. Caught by the Cuff, F. Hay, v. 67. 56 POETRY. 5. ENGLISH DRAMA. Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, Dramas, Farces, and Extravaganzas. Lacy, T. H. (Ed.) Caught by the Ears, C. Selby, v. 41. Caught in a Line, C. Bolton, v. 54. Census, A. Halliday and W. Brough, v. 50. Champagne, T. and A. W. M. Weatherby, v. 98. Chang-Ching-Pou, D. Martin, v. 68. Change of System, H. Paul, v. 45. Chapter of Accidents, J. T. Douglass, v. %. Charcoal Burner, G. Almar, v. 71. Charles II, J. H. Payne, v. 30. Charles XII, J. R. Planchb, v. 67. Charming Pair, T. J. Williams, v. 58. Charming Woman, H. Wigan, v. 60. Cheap Excursion, E. Stirling, v. 4. Checkmate, A. Halliday, v. 85. Cherry and Fair Star,-v. 6. Cherry Bounce, J. R. Raymond, v. 59. Chesterfield Thinskin,-v. 12. Chevalier de St. George,-v. 25. Chevalier of the Maisou Rouge, A. Dumas, v. 42. Chief of the Ghaut Mountains, See El Hyder, v. 6. Child of the Regiment, J. B. Buckstone, v. 25. Child of the Wreck, J. R. Planche, v. 39. Child Stealer, W. E. Suter, v. 70. Children of the Castle, E. Fitzball, v. 35. Chimney Corner, H. T. Craven, v. 50. Chops of the Channel, F. Hay, v. 84. Christmas Boxes, A. Mayhew and S. Edwards, v. 46. Christmas Carol, C. Z. Barnett, v. 94. Christmas Eve, E. Fitzball, v. 45. Christmas Eve in a Watch-House, C. S. Cheltnam, v. 90. Christmas Pantomime, T. Bilkins, v. 95. Chrononhotonthologos, R. Carey, v. 82. Chrystabelle, E. Falconer, v. 49. Cinderella, H. J. Byron, v. 49. Cinderella, R. Lacy, v. 18. Civilization, J. H. Wilkins, v. 10. Clandestine Marriage, D. Garrick andG.Colman, v. 92. Clari, the Maid of Milan, J. H. Payne, v. 95. Clarissa Ilarlowe, T. H. Lacy and J. Courtney, v. 77. Cleft Stick, J. Oxenford, v. 68. Clock on the Stairs, C. H. Hazlewood, v. 70. Clockmaker’s Hat, E. de Girardin, v. 18. Cloud and Sunshine, J. Anderson, v. 87. Coals of Fire, H. T. Craven, 94. Colleen Bawn, D. Boucicault, v. 63. Colleen Bawn Settled at Last, A. Halliday and W. Brough, v. 55. Comedy and Tragedy, M. R. Fournier, v. 25. Comedy of Errors, W. Shakespeare, v. 72. Comfortable Lodgings, R. B. Peake, v. 82. Comfortable Service, T. H. Bayly, v. 1. Comical Countess, W. Brough, v. 52. Conjugal Lesson, H. Danvers, v. 27. Conrad and Medora, W. Brough, v. 29. Cool as a Cucumber, W. B. Jerrold, v. 5. Coriolanus, W. Shakespeare, v. 95. Corsican Brothers, II. J. Byron, v. 88. Corsican Brothers, X.de Montepin and E- Grange, v. 6. Counter Attraction, W. H. Tilbury, v. 5. Courier of Lyons, Siraudin, Moreau and Delacour, v. 15. Court Beauties, J. R. Planche, v. 21. Court Cards, J. P. Simpson, v. 53. Court of Lions,-v. 70. Court of Oberon, Susan L. York, Countess of Hard- wicke, v. 17. Cousin Tom, G. Roberts, v. 58. Cox and Box, J. M. Morton and F. C. Burnand, v. 99. Cozy Couple, S. Lawrence, v. 24. Cramond Brig, W. H. Murray, v. 21. Creatures of Impulse, W. S. Gilbert, v. 91. Creole, S. Brooks, v. 1. Cricket on the Hearth,-v. 44. Crinoline, R. B. Brough, v. 29. Critic, R. B. Sheridan, v. 8. Crossing the Line, G. Almar, v. 35. Crow n Diamonds,-v. 78. Crown Prince, T. E. Wilks, v. 26. Cruel to be Kind, T. J. Williams, v. 46. Cup of Tea,-v. 83. Cupboard Love, F. Hay, v. 91. Cupid in Waiting, B. Jerrold, v. 94. Cupid and Psyche, F. C. Burnand, v. 64. Cure for the Fidgets, T. J. Williams, v. 77. Cure for the Heartache, T. Morton, v. 34. Cure for Love, T. Parry, v. 13. Curious Case,-v. 12. Cut off with a Shilling, S. T. Smith, v. 97. Cymbeline, W. Shakespeare, v. 64. Cymon and Ipliigenia, J. R. Planche, v. 19. Cyril’s Success, H. J. Byron, v. 89. Daddy Gray, A. Halliday, v. 85. Daddy Hardacre, J. P. Simpson, v. 100. Dandelion’s Dodges, T. J. Williams, v. 78. POETRY. 5. ENGLISH DRAMA. 57 Lacy, T. H. (Ed.) Lacy’s Acting Edition of Plays, Dramas, Farces, and Extravaganzas. Dark Cloud, A. Sketcliley, v. 57. Dark Doings in the Cupboard, J. S. Coyne, v. 64. Daughter, T. H. Bayly, v. 1. Daughter to Marry, J. R. Planche, v. 74. Davenport Done, Colombe, v. 74. Day After the Fair, C. A. Somerset, v. 76. Day After the Wedding, Mrs. C. Kemble, v. 3. Day in Paris, C. Selby, v. 69. Day of Reckoning, J. R. Planclie, v. 21. Day Well Spent, J. Oxenford v. 34. Day’s Fishing, J. M. Morton v, 83. Dead Heart, W. Phillips, v. 82. Dead Shot, J. B. Buckstone, v. 34. Dead Witness, W. Reeve, v. 99. Deadman’s Point, F. C. Burnand, v. 92. Deaf as a Post, J. Poole, v. 14. Deal Boatman, F. C. Burnand, v. 60. Dearest Mamma, W. Gordon, v. 46. Death of Marlowe, R H. Horne, v. 89. Deborah, C. S. Cheltnam, v. 63. Debt, E. A. de Pass, v. 100. Deep Deep Sea, C. Dance and J. R. Planche, v. 4. Deerfoot, F. C. Burnand, v. 53. Deformed of Notre Dame, E. Fitzball, v. 18. Delicate Ground, C. Dance, v. 18. Desperate Game, J. M. Morton, v. 10. Devil’s Mount, T. Higgie, v. 88. Diamond Cut Diamond, W. H. Murray, v. 7. Dick Turpin and Tom King, W. E. Suter, v. 42. Did I Dream It? I. P. Wooler, v. 50. Dido, F. C. Burnand, v. 44. Dinner for Nothing, C. S. Cheltnam, v. 67. Dinorali Under Difficulties, W. Brough, ▼. gp Discreet Princess, J R. Planchd, v. 24. Dodge for a Dinner, T. A. Palmer, v. 100. Does He Love Me? E. Falconer, v. 100. Dog of Montargis,-v. 43. Doge of Duralto, R. B. Brough, v. 88. Doing Banting, A. Halliday and W. Brough, v.64. Doing the “Hansom,” A. Harris, v. 28. Doing for the Best, M. R. Lacy, v. 55. Doing my Uncle, R. Lacy, v. 72. Dolly,-v. 49. Domestic Economy, M. Lemon, v. 2. Dominique the Deserter, W. H. Murray, v. 50. Don Csesar de Bazan, M. Lemon and G. A. a’ Beckett, v. 12. Done Brown, H. T. Craven, v. 81. Done on Both Sides, J. M. Morton, v. 2G. Don’t Judge by Appearances, J. M. Morton, v. 24. 7 Don’t Lend Your Umbrella, L. Buckingham, v. 30. Dora’s Device, R. Reece, v. 90. Double-Bedded Room, J. M. Morton, v. 60. Double Dealing, W. E. Suter, v. 47. Double Dummy, N. H. Harrington and E. Yates, v. 35. Double-Faced People, J. Courtney, v. 31. Doubtful Victory, J. Oxenford, v. 36. Douglas, J. Home, v. 31. Douglas, W. L. Rede, v. 46. Doves in a Cage, D. Jerrold, v. 99. Dowager, C. Mathews, v. 22. Down in a Balloon, J. Oxenford, v. 92. Drama at Home, J. R. Planche, v. 20. Drapery Question, C. Selby, 33. Drawing Rooms, Second Floor and Attics, ,T. M. Morton, v 62. Dreadfully Alarming, C. Edwards, v. 95. Dream of the Future, C. Dance, v. 21. Dream Spectre, T. M. Wilks, v. 40. Dred, W. E. Suter, v. 57. Drunkard, W. H. Smith, v. 7. Drunkard’s Children, J. B. Johnstone, v. 99. Duchess or Nothing, W. Gordon, v. 47. Duck Hunting, J. S. Coyne, v. 56. Duel in the Dark, J. S. Coyne, v. 6. Duke’s Daughter, P. Feval and A. Bourgoise, v. 57. Dumb Belle j B. Bernard, v. 23. Dumb Maid of Genoa, J. Farrell, v. 29. Dumb Man of Manchester, B. F. Rayner, v. 26. Dumb Savoyard, C. P. Thompson, v. 98. Dying for Love, J. M. Morton, v. 36. Easy Shaving, M. Williams and F. C. Burnand, v. 60. Eclipsing the Son, M. W. Hartop, v. 54. Eddystone Elf, G. D. Pitt, v. 69. Edendale, C. S. Cheltnam, v. 84. Egyptian, J. H. Wilkins, v. 12. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-Three, H. J. Byron, v. 61. Eily O’Connor, T. E. Wilks, v. 47. El Hyder, W. Barrymore, v. 6. Electra, F. Talfourd, v. 39. Elixir of Love, T. H. Reynoldson, v. 37. Ellen Wareham, W. E. Burton, v. 34. Elopement in High Life, R. Sulivan, v. 10. Enchanted World, H. J. Byron, v. 99. End of the Tether, C. C. Boddly, v. 74. Endymion, W. Brough, 49. Englishman’s House Is His Castle, J. M. Morton, v. 31- * r 58 POETRY. S. ENGLISH DRAMA. l