URBANA STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM 6. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director UNPUBLISHED REPORTS ON OPEN FILE II. INDUSTRIAL MINERALS by Margaret B. Brophy DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief [jRBANA CIRCULAR 209 1956 ILLINOIS GEOLOGIC* SURVEY URf?< : 4 p R 27 1956 FjOREWORD The Illinois State Geological Survey has accumulated through the years many unpublished technical reports and maps. Although most major research projects are designed for eventual publication of results, some brief reports on specialized subjects, local areas, or problems of limited interest have been prepared for specific purposes and were not intended for publication. Other more extensive reports were not published when they were timely because of insuf- ficient printing funds. These various unpublished reports and maps contain a wealth of information on the geology and mineral resources of Illinois, and it has been the policy of the Geological Survey to make them available to persons who visit the Survey. As the number of such items in the files has increased, it has become difficult for representatives of industry and other interested persons to learn what reports are available. This circular listing unpublished industrial minerals reports is the second of a series, the first of which, Circular 201, dealt with mineral fuels papers. Lists of un- published reports on groundwater geology and geophysics, stratigraphy and areal geology, and engineering geology are in preparation. Because there is only one copy of most of the listed items, they cannot be lent, but must be consulted in the Sur- vey's Mineral Resource Records Division. The reports are open for public inspection, and the information is available for use by anyone; if data from them are included in written documents, the source must be cited. John C. Frye UNPUBLISHED REPORTS ON OPEN FILE II. INDUSTRIAL MINERALS by Margaret B. Brophy ABSTRACT Fifty- seven unpublished reports dealing with industrial min- erals are listed with brief annotations. They are on open file at the Illinois State Geological Survey and are available for exami- nation but not for loan. The following list includes manuscripts grouped under two headings - Resources Reports and Areal Reports - and arranged chronologically within each group. We have endeavored to limit this list to those manuscripts that would be of greatest interest to the public. Manuscripts with a limited area of interest are not listed but are available for reference. Approximately 140,000 well logs also are open to the public in the Mineral Resource Records Division. RESOURCES REPORTS CRS-1 Silica refractory material in southern Illinois, by C. R. Schroyer, 1918. (8 p., 5 pis.) Briefly describes mine workings, production, physical prop- erties, and geological relations of ganister and silica in Alex- ander and Union counties. 5 sample analyses. FFK-5 Geology, distribution, and occurrence of the potash shales of Union County, by F. F. Krey, 1920. (22 p.) Character of the shales and associated rocks. Localities of possible commercial importance. Tables give analyses of 18 samples. Partly publ. in Univ. 111. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 232, 1921 CWP-2 Siliceous deposits of Union and Alexander counties, by C. W. Par- melee and C. R. Schroyer, 1918-20. (63 p., 1 pi.) Use of silica, ganister, and novaculite in pottery, manufacture of refractories, and road material. JEL-28 Ocher deposits in vicinity of Olive Branch, Alexander County, by J. E. JLamar, 1924. (2 p.) Briefly describes two deposits in sees. 23 and 24, T. 15 S., R. 3 W. BBC-1 Mineral resources of the Quincy area, by B. B. Cox, 1926. (15 p.) Brief description of occurrence and use of limestone, dolo- mite, clay, shale, molding sand, sand and gravel, coal, and groundwater. Tables of outcrops of coals listing location, thick- ness, overburden, etc. 1 [i] CED-1 JEL-38 JEL-60 2 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JEL-6 Description of Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments exposed along Illinois Central Railroad cut-off, north of Metropolis, Massac County, by J. E. Lamar, 1926. (3 p., 8 pis.) Describes sand and clay formations exposed when railroad cut was made. Gives sieve tests of sands. Report on three quarries at Naperville, DuPage County, by C. E. Dutton, 1928. (5 p., 1 pi.) De scribe's abandoned quarries. Heavy minerals in the Chester sandstones in Hardin and adjacent counties, by J. E. Lamar, 1928. (10 p., 1 pi.) Heavy-mineral percentages based on grain counts of sampl; Cement resources of southwestern Illinois, by J. E. Lamar and H A. Sellin, 1930. (48 p., 15 pis.) Properties of raw materials, character and distribution of rocks in southwestern Illinois mainly along the Mississippi River, description of resources, sample analyses, geologic maps, and 38 p. field notes by H. A. Sellin. CWP-6 Use of tripoli from southern Illinois in manufacture of pottery, b' C. W. Parmelee, 1930. (100 p., 27 pis.) Procedure and results of tests on physical characteristics: of raw materials and finished products. Summarized in Repo of Investigations 24. MKH-1 Geophysical investigations in Illinois, by M. K. Hubbert, 1931. (j| p., 11 pis.) jl Discusses applicability of geophysical methods of prospecti for fluorspar, petroleum-bearing structures, lead and zinc, aj|l water-bearing gravels of glacial drift in Illinois. Results of electrical conductivity studies of above with Megger ground tester. JEL-100 Mineral resources along the inland waterways of Illinois, by J. I Lamar, H. B. Willman, and W. H. Voskuil, 1933. (123 p., 6 p. Brief text to accompany maps showing industry locations a areal distribution of clay and shale, limestone and dolomite, > sand and gravel, and minor industrial minerals. CFF-2 Production of rock wool as a problem in glass technology, by C. Fryling, 1934. (17 p.) Preliminary investigation of properties of samples of four component glass. Given at a conference on glass problems, Dept. of Ceramic Engineering, U. of 111. JEL-71 Results of experiments on the staining of Illinois limestone, by E. Lamar and E. Espinshade, 1934. (17 p.) C. W. A. Projec 2782. Preliminary report reviews literature and briefly descri colorings obtained from various chemicals and dyes. UNPUBLISHED REPORTS, INDUSTRIAL MINERALS 3 -72 Memorandum: examination of samples of southern Illinois igneous rocks for diamonds, by J. E. Lamar, 1934. (2 p.) Method and results. No diamonds. Large-scale investigation necessary for complete evaluation. -73 Mineral resources of the Oregon quadrangle, by J. E. Lamar and H. B. Willman, 1934. (33 p., 2 pis.) Resources consist principally of dolomite, magnesian lime- stone, silica sand, sand and gravel, and clay. Results of physi- cal tests and chemical analyses of dolomite samples, chemical analyses of sandstone samples, and screen tests on sand from the sandstones. -8 Study of use of fluorspar in pottery bodies, by C. W. Parmelee 1934. (77 p., 2 pis.) Effects of fluorspar on properties of ceramic bodies; possi- ble further uses of fluorspar in this field. Results of experiments to determine conditions governing successful use of fluorspar in ceramic bodies. 106 Mineral resources of Illinois waterway, by J. E. Lamar, H. B. Will- man, and T. B. Root, 1935. (700 p.) Discusses sand and gravel, limestone, clay, and coal resources -1 Agricultural limestone resources of Jasper, Jefferson, Peoria, and Richland counties, by R. M. Grogan, 1939. (42 p.) Considers average thickness of limestone, thickness and char- acter of overburden, percent calcium carbonate equivalent, and specific locations from which samples were taken and tested. 10 Elimination of pyrite from clay by air separation, by R. J. Piersol, 1939. (72 p., 23 pis.) Experimental verification of theory of air separation as ap- plied to Illinois clays for use in pottery, sanitary ware, terra cotta, etc. Results of tests shown in tables, graphs, and photo- graphs. Sand east of Morris, Grundy County, by H. B. Willman, 1939. (25 p 3 pis.) Detailed information on character of the sand as shown by studies of exposed sections and by laboratory analysis. Discus- sion of possible commercial uses. Temperature of formation of some bedded Illinois fluorite crystals, by R. S. Shrode, 1941. (30 p., 20 pis.) Discusses use of inclusions as geologic thermometers and previous work on problem. Gives method, apparatus, results of investigations, photographs, and diagrams of individual crys- tals. Master's thesis. 9A Investigations of zinc and lead resources of northwestern Illinois: preliminary report on structure of Black Jack area, Jo Daviess County, by H. B. Willman and R. R. Reynolds, 1943. (ZZ p., 4 pis.) ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JMW- 12K JEL-105 RMG-4 JEL-108 LEW -41 JEL-107 JSD-1 RSS-1 RSS-2 JSD-2 Evaluates use of surface geology in locating areas structure favorable for occurrence of zinc and lead ores. Structure map Illinois fluorspar investigations: Lake Glendale prospect, by F. E Tippie, 1944. (3 p., 1 pi.) Briefly describes surface geology as shown by test pits, ou1 crops, and diamond drilling. Chicago area clays, by J. E. Lamar, 1945. (139 p.) Distribution, composition, and character. Geology of Hudson quarry and vicinity, near Galena, Jo Daviess 1 County, by R. M. Grogan and Paul Herbert, 1947. (5 p., 1 pi'.)" Appraises possibilities of continuation of zinc -lead mineral zone exposed in quarry. Geologic map of area. Limestone resources of Sangamon County, compiled by J. E. Lan 1947. (8 p.) Brief summary, list of outcrops, and list of borings shown 3 feet or more of limestone at a depth of less than 50 feet. White limestones underground in Illinois, by L. E. Workman, IM (7 p., 1 pi.) Text describes studies and promising areas for further inv tigation, which are shown on accompanying map. Appendix gi; data on cuttings studies from 33 wells. Memorandum on prospecting for gravel deposits, by J. E. Lama]; 1948. (9 p., 3 pis.) Describes methods and procedures of prospecting. Electrical-potential investigations in the zinc -lead district of no: western Illinois, by J. S. Dobrovolny, 1949. (22 p., 50 pis.) ; Preliminary report and basic data from geophysical exploit tion for ore bodies. Testing procedure and results. EquipotU contour maps for numerous test holes. Quarry possibilities in eastern Johnson, western Pope, and nort; Massac counties, by R. S. Shrode, 1949. (42 p., 12 pis.) Study of Chester limestone formations for potential quarr sites considering location, availability, extent, and composite of beds. Detailed descriptions of possible quarry sites, group by stratigraphic units. 22 p. field notes. Investigations of the Marigold oolite in Randolph County, by R. ' Shrode, 1949. (10 p., 2 pis.) Commercial possibilities and general character of the c descriptions of sections in outcrops and quarries. 9 p. & el Progress report on compilation and analysis of geophysical invjt gations in the zinc-lead district of northwestern Illinois, by Dobrovolny, 1950. (5 p., 22 pis.) Analysis of data and further work on JSD-1. •10 UNPUBLISHED REPORTS, INDUSTRIAL MINERALS 5 7 Results of tests on hand auger samples from southern Illinois Ouor- 950 ,\zTz7 "VS Gr °fn an ' R - ^ Shr ° de ' and R - C - Cam P be ". iV^U. (12 p., 27 p. tables, 10 pis.) Method uses zirconium-alizarin test to determine presence of Car 2 ln samples taken from mantle rock. Charts show results of tests and location of borings. '8 High-purity limestone resources of Illinois, by J. E. Lamar, 1950 (Alp., 2 pis.) Memorandum on resources of high-calcium limestones, grouped by geographic district. Table of analyses of samples from each district. Preliminary investigation of commercial possibilities of heavy min- erals ln n is sands, by R. S. Shrode and J. E. Lamar, 1952. (12 p., 1 pi.) the,> U T ltat t Ve ^t, °" am ° UntS ° f h6aVy minerals in ^linoi. ^nds, esults orst/' andpr f able commercial importance. Method and results of study on nineteen samples. Memorandum on the Platteville- Galena formation near Lowell Illi 1953. a ( S 10 p!,7pl.r Ck ^ agrlCUltUral Umesto -. ^ R. S.'shrode, Outcrop descriptions and results of tests on samples with ver- senate reagent. The nature of organic materials in limestones, by J. R. Dyni; com- ments by J. E. Lamar, 1953-54. (35 p., 3 pis.) Progress report on method and results of differential thermal analysis tests. Str mc U t re ^ri' taPS ° f tHe n ° rthweSte - Hlinois ---lead dis- trict, 1954. (29 maps.) The maps are on a scale of 500 feet to the inch, with a five- foot contour interval, and show geologic structure and outcrop and drilling datum points upon which the contouring is based. AREAL REPORTS *1S7.SS s ( iTr;,T P1 i:r ennes quadrangies - by T - e - savage - Physiography, structure, geologic history, and stratigraphy. trades 7 fT^ r " OUrCe ' ° f <*• ^- day used for common as build mg ^ drai " tlle ' SandSt ° ne f ° r P° Ssible — as building stone, and sand and gravel for plaster and concrete Accompanying maps show outcrops, water wells, oil well data structure, and generalized columnar section. Geology of the Hardinville and Birds quadrangles, by T. E. Savage, R. S Blatchley, and J. L. Rich, 1 9 16(?) (131 p., 10 pis.) Physiography, structure, geologic history, and stratigraphy. Economic resources include coal, oil, clay used locally for brick 6 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY and tile, sandstone for common masonry, and sand for plaster and mortar. Accompanying maps show outcrops, water wells, surficial deposits, and oil well data. TES-11 Geology and mineral resources of the Hardinville, Birds, Sumner, and Vincennes quadrangles, by T. E. Savage, 1916(?) (140 p.) Combines material in TES-8 and TES-10. TES-3 Geology and economic resources of the Jonesboro quadrangle, by T. E. Savage, 1920. (187 p., 11 pis.) Topography, geologic history, stratigraphy, and economic resources including limestone, potash shale, chert gravel, high- grade clay, ganister, and silica or tripoli. Accompanying out- crop maps and geologic map. JMW-1 Geology and mineral resources of the Campbell Hill quadrangle, by J. M. Weller, 1920. (71 p.) Physiography, stratigraphy, structure, and geologic history. Economic resources include coal, oil, sandstone used locally foi building foundations, and limestone possibly available for rough building stone, road metal, and agricultural limestone. Accom- panying maps show surficial geology, relief, structure, oil and gas fields, and areal geology. See Report of Investigations 59 for preliminary geologic map. ! CMB-1 Geology of the Dongola quadrangle, by C. M. Boos, 1921. (53 p.) , Stratigraphy, structure, and brief coverage of economic re- < sources, mainly limestone. Master's thesis. PM-2 Geology and mineral resources of the Barrington quadrangle, by Paul MacClintock, 1921. (102 p., 44 pis.) Topography, stratigraphy, and Pleistocene history. Economi resources include sand and gravel for building, ballast, and r metal, and molding sand and clay with possibilities for only s scale development. Accompanying maps show glacial geology relief, bedrock surface, and cross sections. FFK-2 Dongola quadrangle report, by F. F. Krey, 1922. (96 p.) Physiography, stratigraphy, structure, geologic history, an mineral resources. The latter include stone of possible use building stone, limestone for road material and agstone, alluvis clay for brick and drain tile, small amounts of gravel, and sha. of possible use as fertilizer. Accompanying structure map. S Report of Investigations 60 for areal geologic maps. GHC-6 Geology and mineral resources of the West Frankfort and Galati quadrangles, by G. H. Cady, 1923. (217 p., 10 pis.) Physiography, geologic history, structure, and stratigraphy. Economic resources are chiefly coal, clay for possible use common brick, and agricultural limestone. Accompanying map show coal structure, glacial deposits, coal mines, and geologic sections. UNPUBLISHED REPORTS, INDUSTRIAL MINERALS 7 -2 Geology and mineral resources of the Oregon quadrangle bv A C Bevan, 1925. (384 p., 46 pis.) "angle, by A. C. Min P e h r y ,f° graPhy ' Stratigra P h y' structure, and geologic history. Mineral resources include sand and gravel of glacial origin Jed locally for road materials and construction work, and limestone used for construction work, building stone, road metal, Tnd fe" tilizer. Accompanying map shows outcrops. Geology and mineral resources of the Wilmington quadrangle bv D. J. Fisher, 1927(?) (183 p.) aarangie, by Topography, stratigraphy, structure, and geologic history Economic resources include coal; limestone and dolomite used for concrete aggregate, ballast, and fertilizer; clay and shale of possible use for tile and common brick; molding sand; an L z^zzzr* Accompany - «* *"■ -ro P s e r- "^.i^ssr^f^T^ quadrangle ' by Physiography, structure, bedrock topography, geologic historv and . s ratigraphy. Coal stripping possibilities and oil and gas posl d a^tue' and H T^V ^^ *" «" <~ ~S dram tlle , and fl Umng . llmestone ^ concrete ' p a e!;toc PraP ' "I" Uding St ° ne; ^ Sand and § ravel - Map shows Plexstocene outcrops and structure. Numerous photographs. Geology and mineral resources of the Rushville quadrangle bv Bradford Willard, 1927. (123 p., 7 pis.) Y Physiography, structure, geologic history, and stratigraphv sanTa a nd y TF* ^^^ ™^ "al, limestone'and sand and gravel of possible use as road metal. Geology and mineral resources of the Vermont quadrangle b v T E pTsi 922( h '' reViS6d 1928 ' (1 " »« 17 *°~ 58 P -iXm' Physiography, structure, geologic history, and stratigraphy Economic resources consist of clay and shale for common burned Posefcl:; l ' Tt ^ graVel ^ §eneral farm construction pur- str S u" Je m a S p : ndSt0ne ' «* "— *- Accompanying outcrop'and ^aua/ and i min " al "sources of the Barrington, Elgin, and Geneva T E r Wo e km V M H M ; Lei8ht ° n ' W - E - POWe "' P-l MacClintock. appendix ' '" * GHeS ' WU ^ *" M **- ^ » of s P ub y s Si ° f graPhy : ge ° l0giC WSt0ry ' and character and distribution « LZ , 6XPOSed formatio -- Particularly of Pleistocene in ^^ 1 -sources include gravel and sand, limestone, mold. Z Z f'auf V ' a descri P«°- of operating and abandoned m net t qUa " 16S - Appendix contains well logs and analyses of mineral content of water from two wells. Accompany! J maps 8 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY show bedrock surface, glacial geology, relief and drainage, sand and gravel pits, and dolomite quarries. HRW 4 General geology and mineral resources of the Illinois deep water- HBW-4 Ge - ral J om c g h y . cago tQ peoria> by H . B . Willman> 193 1. (257 p.) Stratigraphy, outcrop descriptions, uses and distribution of limestone and dolomite, clays and shales, sand and gravel, sil- ica sand, peat and muck, and travertine. Ph.D. thesis. PM-3 Geology and mineral resources of the Buda quadrangle, by Paul MacClintock, 1931, revised 1934-35. (192 p., 62 pis.) Topography, geologic history, detailed Pennsylvania* and Pleistocene stratigraphy and outcrop sections. Economic re- sources include coal, sand and gravel for concrete and road material, clay and shale for tile, and molding sand. Records of coal tests and other borings, glacial map, outcrop map, and preliminary areal geologic map. RSP-2 Geology and mineral resources of the Galesburg quadrangle, by R. S. Poor, 1927, revised 1935. (Some data on the Monmouth quadrangle.) (165 p., 4 pis.) Physiography, structure, geologic history, and stratigraphy. Economic resources include coal, and clay and shale for struc- tural clay products. Accompanying maps show structure, drift thickness, outcrop notes, and columnar sections. WEP-5 Grays Lake and Waukegan quadrangles, by W. E. Powers and B. R Millington, 1932-40. (Partial manuscript.) Field notes, field maps, outUnes, photographs, logs, and othe material emphasizing glacial deposits and glacial history. In- cludes notes on gravel pits, results of acid solubility tests, and sieve analyses of tills. innnmi CIRCULAR 209 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA SflSR ? ! '