CATALOGUE OF Tt[E PMg®JS MBR/IRY BRANCH PRISON PRINT. CATALOGUE This Catalogue is issued for the use of inmates. Every inmate who desires the use of the library can have a Catalogue placed in liis cell , and for the care of such Catalogue lie will be held strictly responsible. Any mutilation of the Catalogue , or any writing upon it by the person receiving it, will be considered an offense, and he will be liable to be reported, and have the privilegs of the Library taken fron him. The books in the Catalogue are arranged alphabetically by the names of the authors, and all books in which the name of the author is not given, are classed as “ Unknown. ” LIBRARY I The librarian will keep a debit and credit account with the several inmates of the books issued to them from this Library. LL The Librarian will note any injury done to books by inmates and re- port the same and he will withold books from inmates who in any way malicious- ly, purposely or carelessly injure, soil or mark the books in their hands. Inmates are especially cautioned against soil jig books with tobacco juice by moistening their fingers when turning the pages, also against marking books with pencil, or other wise, to designate the place where they leave off reading. LLL. But one Library book will be issuedto any inmate at any one time, nor shall a second book be issued to him until the first has been returned and placed to his credit, which must be done within four (A ) weeks. LY. No inmate shall take from another inmate, or have in his possess- ion, or in his cell, any book belonging to this Library not obtained directly by himself from the Librarian, and no inmate shall take his Library book from his cell for any purpose whatever, except as directed by the Librarian. V. No officer or employe is at liberty to remove a book from the shelves without permission from the Librarian. And the Librarian must not permit any officer or employe to take a book to his home, or from the library room, without a special permit from the Warden. Geo. YV. F±7 cy\ ) CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, BELONGING TO LIBRARY State Hcuce cf C:r:e:t::n and Branch Pri-scn. Upper Penin«tAla‘ cH y r t , F3CT23N, . 7 Author. Title. Alexander Mrs, - Collins. Valerie’s Fate. - Love’s Random Shot. Alexander. Mrs, - Holmes. W hat Gold Gan- not Buy. etc Allen. Grant, V hat’s Bred in the Bone The Tents of Shem For Mamie’s Sake Bain Ion Allen. J. Lane, A Kentucky Cardinal Aftermath The Blue Grass Region of Kentucky. The Choir Invisible Summer in Aready Allen. - Walworth. John Gray. - The Martlet Seal Altsheler, J. A. A Herald of the West Amicis, E. De. The Heart of a Boy Anstey, F. The Tinted Venus Vice Versa Arnold, E. L. Phra the Phoenician Atherton. - Jordan. The Do omswoman. - The Kiss of Gold Augusta, C. Nobody’s Daughter The Lost Bride Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility Pride and Prejudice Babcock, W. H. The Tower of Wye Bacheller, T. Eben Holden * Baker, Sir S. W. Cast up by the Sea 982195 AV>. 1 2 3 4 5 (5 7 8 <) P) 1 L 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 PJ 20 21 22 23 it CATALOGUE OF ECOICS IN PRISON LIERARY Author. 'lilie. I o, Eallantvne, B. M. Erling the Bold 26 The lied Eric 27 Balzac. The Alkahest 28 Sera phi t.a 29 Cousin Pons 80 Pore Goriot 81 The Chonans 82 Bang c , J. K. A Houseboat on the Styx 88 The Pursuit of the Houseboat 84 Barlow, Jane Irish Idylls 85 Barnes, J. Lhake and His Yeomen 86 Barr, Amelia E. A Bow of Orange Bit bon 87 ’ ‘ • A B >rder Sheoherdess 88 Barret & Hichens The Daughters of Babylon 89 Barrie; J AJ. The Little Minister JO ■* A Window in Thrums 41 ** A Holiday in Bed 42 Tiliylo s Scandal 48 W lien a Man is Single, etc 44 Barron, E. Mandeis 45 Barton, VV. E. A Hero in Homespun 46 Bates, A. The Puritan 47 Beard, LeCDar Sand and Cac'tis . 48 Becke, Lewis A First Fleet Family 49 His Native W ife 50 By B j ef an 1 Palm 51 The Ebbing of the Tide 52 Pacific Tales 58 Rodman the Boarsteerer 54 The AT utim er 55 The Tapn of Banderah 56 Edward Barry 57 Beckford, W. Yathek 58 Bellamy, E. Looking Backward 59 Equality 60 Besant, Walter The World W ent Very Well Then 61 Bet tanv. - Bigelow. A Laggard in Love. - Beautiful Mrs Thorndike 62 Bjornson. B. Svnove Solbakken. Arne, etc 68 The Fisher Alaiden (4 The Biidal March etc 65 Black, W. Princess of Thule 66 Sabina Zembra 67 Yolande 68 Donald Boss of Heiinra 69 Madcap Violet 70 Sunrise 71 Plackmore, B D. Lorna Doone 72 Blossom, H. M. Checkers 78 BJondelle, B. J. In the Day of Adversity 74 Boisgobey, F. du The Bed Camelia 75 The Blue Veil 76 The Matapan Affair 77 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. Author. Title. A T o, Boldrewood, R, The Squatters Dream 78 The Miner’s Right 79 Robbery Under Arms 80 A Modern Bin c meer 81 Booth by, G. Dr. Nikola 82 Dr. Nikola’s Experiment. ...*•*• 88 Bourget, P. Cosmopolis 81 Boy.e, V. F. Brouenburne 85 Brauaon, Miss. M. E. Davola • 80 Mount Roya l 87 Rupert Godwin 88 John Murchmoi it’s Legacy 89 A Hostage to Fortune 90 The Cloven Foot 91 Asphodel 92 Jo hua Haggard’s Daughter 98 The Octoroon 91 Brady, E. T. TlieGiip oi Honor 95 Lr.ieme, Cliailotte M. A oo deii Heait < 0 Golden Gates <7 J horns and Orange Blossoms 98 Which Loved Him Lest 99 A Rose in riiorns 100 D«>ra Thorne 101 A Modern Cinderella 102 A \\ omans Tempt ation 108 edded and Parted 1( 4 Lady Latimer’s Escape, etc 1( 5 Bramah. E r lh u \\ allet oi Kai Lung... . * *• ]((j Bremer, F. Midnight Sun ]( 7 Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre 108 ' ‘ The Professor 1(»9 Bronte, E. W uthering Heights 110 Brown, Alice Tiverton Tales Ill Browne, G. W, J he \\ oodranger Ii2 Brun, G. Tales of Languedoc 118 Bulleu, F. The Cruise of the Cachalot Ill Idylls of the Sea 115 The Log of a Sea Waif 110 Buidette, R. J. Rise and Fall of the Moustache. 117 1 ui nett, F. H. A Fair Barbarian 118 Vagabondia 119 That Lass o’ Lowrie’s 120 Louisiana 121 The Pretty Sister of Jose 122 Little Lord Fountleroy 128 The One I Knew Best of All 124 Jarl’s Daughter’s 125 A Lady of Quality 120 In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim 127 Burnham, C. L. A Great Love ]:,8 Cable, G. Bonaventure 129 The Grandissimes 180 4 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY Author. Title. A T o, Cable. G. Dr. Sevier 131 Old Creole Days 132 Caine, Hall The Deemster 133 Tlie Bondsman 134 She’s All the World to Me 135 The Manxman 136 The Christian 137 Cal dor, M. T. The Mdl Girl of Tyrol 138 Cameron, Mrs. Little Lady Lee, etc 139 Canavan, M. J. Ben Comee 140 Cardella, G. A King’s Daughter, and other Stories 141 Carleton, VV. Willy Beilly 142 Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. .... 143 Caskell, Mrs. Cranford 144 Castle, E. The Light of Scarthey 145 Young April 146 The Bath Comedy 147 The Pride of Jennico 148 Marshfield the Observer 149 Catherwood, Mrs. Mackinac and Lake Stories 150 Cervantes Adventures of Don Quixote 151 Cholmondeley , M. Diana Tempest 152 Bed Pottage 153 Chopin K. Bayou Folk . 154 Churchill, W. The Celebrity 155 Bichard Carvel 156 The Crisis 157 Clay. B. M. Thrown on the World 158 Another Woman’s Husband 159 A Bitter Atonemement 160 Clemens (Mark Twain) A Yankee in King Arthur’s Court 161 The Prince and the Pauper 162 Adventures of Tom. Sawyer 163 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 164 r l he Man that Corrupted Hadleyburgh 165 Clifford, Mrs. Mrs, Keith’s Crime 166 Cobb, S. The Kings Talisman 167 Cobb, S. - Sand, G. The Queen’s Bevenge, - Fanchon the Cricket. . 168 Collins, W. The Legacy of Cain 169 The New Magdalen 170 The Evil Genius 171 Heart and Science 172 I Sav No 173 Colton, A. The Delectable Mountains 174 Connor, Balph Black Bock 175 Conrad, J. An Outcast of the Islands 176 Allmayer’s Folly , 177 Lord Jim 178 Converse F. H. In Southern Seas 179 Conway, H. Called Back ]80 Conway. -Mulock A Daughter of the Stars, - Miss Tommy etc 181 Coomer, G. H. The Old Man of the Mountain 182 CATALOGUE OF BOCKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. 5 Author. 'Title. jVo, Cooper, Feni more The Deerslayer 183 The Last of the Mohicans 184 The Pathfinder 185 The Pioneers 186 The Prarie 187 Afloat and Ashore 188 Redskins 189 Two Admirals 190 The Rod Rover 19 L Oak Openings 192 The Heibenmauer 193 The Bravo 194 Sea Lions 195 Water Witch 19(3 The Chain bearer 197 The Pilot 198 W ing and W ing ]99 Homeward Bound 200 Corelli, Marie Komance of Two W orlds 201 Ai d at h 202 Thelma 203 Vendetta 204 Wormwood 205 Barabbas 206 The Sorrows of Satan 2* >7 •• '* Ziska 208 Costelli, F. H. Master Ardiek, Buccaneer 209 Cozzens, F. - Bryce Sound of a Voice. - A Dream of Conquest 210 Craddock, C. H. The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountain. . . 2 LI W here the Battle was Fought 212 In the Clouds 213 In the Tennessee Mountains 214 Craik, G. - Thomas A Daughter of the People. - The House on the Scar 215 Crane, S. The Bed Badge of Courage 216 Crawford, M. Saracinesca 217 Saint Ilario 218 Don Orsino 219 Mr. Isaacs 220 Ave Roma Immortal is, 221 Via Crucis 222 Crockett, S. R. The Stiekit Minister 223 The Raider’s 224 The Lilac Sun bonnet 225 Cleg Kelly, Arab of (he City 226 Bog Myrtle and Peat 227 Lad’s Love 228 The Black Douglas 229 J< >an of the Sword Hand 230 The Silver Skull 2 1 Crowninshield, Mrs. Latitude 19 0 233 Curtis, J. W. Prueandl 233 () CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. Author. Title. 2Vo, Daudet, A. One of the Forty 234 Tart arm of Tarascou 235 Sappho 236 Davis, R. H. Gallagher, etc . 237 Soldiers of Fortune 238 The Lion and the Unicorn 239 Davis, W. S. A Friend of Caesar 240 Dawe, C. The Voyage of the Pulo Way 241 Defoe, D. Robinson Crusoe 242 Dickens, Charles Rleak House 243 Old Curiosity Shop 244 David Copperfield 245 Great Expectations, etc . 246 Tales of Two Cities. - Sketches by Boz 247 Dombey and Son 248 Christmas Stories. - Reprinted Pieces 249 Oliver Twist 250 Nicholas Nickleby 251 Pickwick Papers 252 Barnabv Rudge. - Edwin Drood 253 Martin Chuzzlewit 254 Our Mutual Friend 255 Little Dorrit 256 Christmas Books 257 Dickson, H. The Black Wolfs Breed 258 Didier. Twixt Cupid and Croesus 259 R. S. V. P 260 Disraeli. Sybil 261 Endymion 262 Alrov. - Ixion in Heaven, etc 263 Dix, Beulah Hugh Gwyath 264 The Making of Christopher Feningham 265 Dole, E. P. Hiwa: A Tale of Ancient Hawaii 266 Doyle, A. Conan The Firm of Girdlestone 267 The Sign of the Four 268 Beyond the City 269 The White Company 270 Micah Clarke 271 A Study in Scarlet 272 The Mystery of Cloomber 273 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 274 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 275 My Friend the Murderer 276 The Great Shadow 277 The Parasite 278 The Surgeon of Gaster Fell, etc 279 Exploits of Brigadier Gerard 280 A Duet with an Occasional Chorus 281 A Desert Drama 282 Rodney Stone 2X1 The Green Flasr 284 Capfn. of the Pole Star. J. Bull and His Island 285 Doyle. - Max OJlell CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. Author. 'Title. A T o, Dumas, Alexander Edmond Dantes 286 The Count of Monte - Cristo 287 The W ife of Monte - Cristo 288 Connless of Monte - Cristo 289 The Hon of Monte - Cristo 290 Marguerite de Valois 291 La Dame de Monsoreau 292 The Forty Five Guardsmen 298 Balsamo the Magician 294 Memoirs of a Physician 295 The Queen’s Neck’ace 296 Ange Pitou; or taking the Bastile 297 The She Wolve’s of Machecoul 298 The Clemeneoan Case 299 The Son ot Clemenceau 8(H) Masaniello 801 The Two Dianas 802 The Man in the Iron Mask 308 The Three Guardsmen 304 Twenty Years After 305 The Vicomte de Bragelonne 306 Louise de la Valliere 307 The Son of Porthos 308 Dumas. - Lytton. C -rsican Brothers. - Hiegn of Granada 309 Dunne. Mr. Dooley in Peaee and War 81.0 Dupuy, E. A. The Planters Daughter 311 Dyke, H. van Fisherman’s Luck 312 E bers, G. IT a rd a 313 The Burgomaster’s Wife 314 The Emperor 315 An Egyptian Princess 316 Ebers. - Stevenson. Gred of Nuremberg. - Master of Ballantrae . ., 317 Edward’s, J. Estelle’s Millionaire Lover 318 The Little Widow 319 Eggleston, E. The Hoosier School - Master 320 Eggleston, G. C. A Carolina Cavalier 321 Elliot, G. Middlemarcb 322 The Mill on the Floss. - Silas Marner 323 Romola. - Spanish Gypsy 324 Felix Holt the Radical. - Clerical Life 325 Adam Bede. - Poems and Essays 326 Daniel Deronda 327 Embree, C. F. A Dream of a Tin one 328 Fenn. G. M. One Maid’s Mischief 329 The Dark House 330 The Bag of Diamonds 331 A Mint of Money 332 Double Cunning 333 The Grand Chaco 334 Black Blood 335 Commodore Junk 336 Fielding, H. Amelia 337 8 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. Author. Titl e. A T o, Fielding, H. Tom Jones 338 Fielding, H. The Soul of a People 339 Thibaw’s Queen 349 Fitch. - Alison. A Wave of Life. - The Passing of Maj. Kilgore 34L Flaming, A. Thrice Lost, Thrice Won 342 '•'lamnoirinn. n - TTania 343 Foote, Mary H, The Prodigal 344 Ford, P. L. Janice Meredith 345 The Honorable Peter Stirling 346 Forrest, R. E. Eight Days 347 Forrester, Mrs. Diana Carew 348 Fothergill, J. The First Violin 349 Foulke, W. D. Mava 350 Fougue, LaMotte Si u tram and his Companions, elc 351 Undine, - The Two Captains 352 Fowler, E. T. A Double Thread 353 Fox, J. The Kentuckians 354 Crittenden 355 Frazer, W. A. Mooswaand Others of the Boundaries 356 Frederick, H. March Hares 357 The Market Plane 358 Fronde, J. A. Two Chiefs of Dunboy 359 Fuller, A. M. A. D 2000 ‘ 360 Fuller, H. Iloach & Co. - Pirates 361 Graboriau, E. Monsn ur Lee q 362 The Clique of Gold 363 The 13 th. Hussars 364 File No. 1 13 365 The Slaves of Paris 366 Oalliene, R. Le- The Quest, of the Golden Girl 367 Garland, H. Rose of Dutcher’s Coolly 368 Main Traveled Roads 369 T he Spirit of Sweetwater 370 The Eagle’s Heart 371 Her Mountain Lover 372 Gibbs, A. A. A Cruel Woman, etc 373 Gibbs, C. In Search of Mademoiselle 374 Gillman, H. Hassan; A Fellah 375 Gissing, G. The Crown of Life 376 Givi ns, R. C. The Millionaire Tramp 377 Glasgow, Ellen The Voice of the People 378 Goethe. The Sorrows of Wert her 379 Goldsmith, O. The Vicar of Wakefield. - Rasselas 380 Goodwin, M. W. Sir Christopher 381 Gosse, C. F. The Redemption of David Corson 382 Gould, S. Baring - Court Royal 383 the Roar of the Sea 384 Grahame. K. The Golden Age 385 Pagan Papers 386 Grand, S. Ideala 387 Greene, N. S. Nance 388 Grey, Maxwell The Reproach of Aunesley 389 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIERARY. Q Author. 'ntle. JYo, Grey, Maxwell The Silence of Dean Maitland 390 Gyp. Chiffon’s Marriage 391 Hablx rton. How it came about, and other stories 392 Ha ggard, Rider Nada the Lily 393 Allan’s Wife 394 Hunter Quartermain’s Story 395 King Solomon's Mines 396 Allan Quartermain 397 Miawa’s llevenge 398 She 399 Mr. Meesou's Will 400 Jess 401 Cleopatra 402 Beatrice 403 Eric Brighteyes 404 Colonel Quaritch, Y, C 405 Dawn 406 The Witch’s Head 407 The Wizard 408 J*»an Hade 409 I lie People of the Mist 410 Montezuma* Daughter 411 Lysbeth 412 T’liss-i 413 Hale, E. E. The Man without a Country 414 Hall, Gertrude April’s Sowing 415 Hamblen, H. E. On Many Seas 416 Hardy, T. A Pair of Blue Eye’s 417 The Trumpet. Major 418 The Woodlanders 410 Under the Greenwood Tree 420 Far from the Madding Crowd 421 The Melancholy Hussar 422 Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid 423 Hail and, M. Jessamine 424 True as Steel 425 Nemesis 426 More than Kin. - Pierce Araerson’s Will 427 Harraden, B. Ships that Pass in the Night 498 A Bird of Passage 429 Harris, Joel Free Joe, and Other Georgian Stories 430 N’ghts with Uncle Remus 431 The Chronicles of Aunt Mi nervy Ann 432 Harte, Bret Bv Shore and Sedge " 433 Flip; and Found at Blazing Star 434 On the Frontier 435 Two Men of Sandy Bar 436 Maruja 437 In the Carquinez Woods 438 A Millionaire of Rough and Ready 439 The Twins of Table Mountain 440 Drift from two Shores 441 1 0 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. Author. Title*. 2Vo, Harte, Biet Snow Bound at Eagle’s 442 The Story of a Mine 443 Thankful Blossom 444 The Luck of Roaring Camp 445 A Ward of the Golden Gate 446 The Crus? de of the Excelsior 447 Susy; A Story of the Plains 448 A Sappho of Green Springs 449 A Protegee of Jack Hamlins 450 Tales of Argonauts, etc 451 A First Fam ilv of Tasajara 452 TJnder the Red - Woods 453 Hawthorne, J. Ethan Brand 454 Millicent and Rosalind, etc 455 Hawthorne, N. The Scarlet, Letter 456 r,1 wice Told Tales 457 Mosses from an Old Manse 458 The Marhle Faun 459 The Blithedale Romance 460 The H'm^e of the Seven Gables 461 Grandfather’s Chair, etc 462 Hea rn , Lafp°.d '0 Chita. 463 Heimhnrq% W. A Sister’s \ ,ove , 464 Heipvv. L. The Abbe C mstantine , 465 H nt'\ G. A. Maori and Settler 466 A Final Reckoning 467 For Nanm arid Fame 468 T T nder Drake’s Flag 469 The Young Carthaginians 470 Hentz. Mrc, E. Eoline 471 Hewlett, M. The Forest Lovers 472 Pan and the Youno- Shepherd 473 Little Novels of Italy 474 Richard Yea and Nav 475 HoPand, Mrs. Reflection ", 476 Holly, M. Samantha at Saratoga 477 Holmes, Mrs. M. E. A Woman’s Vengeance 478 The Heiress 479 Marion Gray 480 Holmes, Mary J. Lena R’ vers 481 Rose Mather 482 Holmes. O. W. Elsie Venner 483 The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table 484 A Mortal Antipathy 485 Hope, Anthony A Lover’s Fate, and a Friends Counsel 486 Mr. Witt’s Widow 487 The Dolly Dialogues 488 The Prisoner of Zenda 489 Rupert of Hentzan 490 The Heart, of Princpss Osra 491 Tl-e Chronicles of Count Antonio 492 Hop’ inson - Smith Caleb West. - Master Diver 493 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. 1 1 Author. Title. 2Vo FTopkinson- Smith The Other Fellow 494 Hornung, E. W. The Amateur Cracksman 495 The Boss of Taroomba 496 The Shadow of a Man 497 Irralie’s Bushranger 498 Horton, G. Like Another Helen 499 Hough, E. The Girl of the Halfway House 500 Howells, W. D The Lady of Aroostook 501 The Bise of Silas Lapham 502 0 A Woman’s Reason 503 •• Indian Summer 504 Hughes, T. Tom Brown at Rugby 505 Hugo, Victor Les Miserables 506 Han of Island 507 Toilers of the Sea 508 By Order of the King 509 Ninety Three 510 History of a Crime 511 The Hunchback of Notre Dame 512 Hume, F. Madame Midas 513 Miss. Mephistophelis 514 Hungerford, Mrs. The Hon. Mrs. Vereker* 515 Phyllis ? 516 •* Molly Bawn 517 • A Troublesome Girl 518 A Little Rebel 519 The Duchess 520 Doris 521 • Mildred Trevanion 522 A Little Irish Girl, - In Durance Vile 523 • • Marvel 524 Hunt, Helen Ramona 525 Jacobs, W. W. Many Cargoes 526 James,, H. Daisy Miller 527 Portrait of a Lady 528 Jarrold. E. Mickey Finn Idylls ,.... 529 Jay Shiloh 530 Jayne< Lieut, R. H. On the Trail of Geronimo 531 •• The White Mustang 532 Jerome, 4- K. Three Men in a Boat 533 Johnston, C. . KelaBai 534 Johnston. Mary Prisoners of Hope 535 To Have and to Hold 536 Jokai, M. Eyes Like the Sea ... 537 Ti mars Two Worlds 538 Midst the Wild Carpathians 539 Manasseh. 540* Kellogg. E. Cruise of t/he Cascoe 541 King, Capt. Chas. Starlight Ranch ; etc 542 Betvyeen the Lines 543 A War TinieAN ooing 544 , ' Th& Bleiiteralls.Double 545 12 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY A nf/ior. King, Capt. Chas. King, C. - Hawthorne, J. - Saltus King, G. - Fawcett Kingsley, Ch is. Kingston, W. Kinnosuke, A. Kinross, A. Kipling, R. Koven, R. De- Lagerlof, Selma Lamb, Chas. & Mary Lant, A. C. Leon. - Latimer Lever, Chas. Lewis. ( Dan Quin ) London, Jack. Lover, Samuel Ludlow, J. M. Lnska. - Gordon Lvall, Edna Lynch, L. L. T yrde. Lynde. - Nichols, Title. Norman Holt 546 From the Ranks. - The Golden*Fleece 547 A Soldiers Secret. - Transaction in Hearts. . . . 548 Earthlings. - Solarion 549 Hypatia 550 Hereward 551 Westward Ho! 552 Hendricks the Hunter 553 Iroka: Tales of Japan 554 Philbrick Howell 555 Mine Own People 556 The Story of the Gadsbvs , 557 Plain Tales from the Hills 558 The Phantom Rickshaw 559 The Light that Failed 560 Soldiers Three 561 The Naulahka 562 Many Inventions 563 The Days Work 564 Stalky & Co 565 From Sea to Sea. 2 vols 566 By the Waters of Babylon 567 The Story of Gosta Berling 568 The Miracles of Anti-Christ 569 Tales from Shakespeare 570 Lords of the North 57] Creole and Puritan. - A Chain of Errors 572 Harry Lorrequer 573 Charles O’Malley 574 Tom Burke of Ours 575 Jack Hinton the Guardsman 576 The Dodd Family Abroad 577 Wolfville 578 Sandburrs 579 The Son of the Wolf 580 The God of His Fathers 581 Handy Andy 582 Rory O’ More 583 The Captain of the Janizaries 584 A Land of Love, - Vampires 585 Won by Waiting 586 WeTwo.... 587 Donovan 588 Knight Errant 589 In the Golden Days 590 A Hardy Norseman 591 A Slender Clue 592 A Mountain Mystery 593 Madeline Payne 594 Against Odds 595 A Private ( hivalrv 596 A Case in Equity. - My Strange Patient 597 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. Author. Title. 2Vo Lytton, Bulwer Eugene Aram 598 Last Days of Pompeii 599 Kenelm Chillingly 690 The Last of the Barons 091 * • * • A Strange Slory 60*2 The Haunted House - L idy of Lyons 603 The Caxtons 604 Lucretia 605 Zanoni 606 The Coming Race 607 Rienzi 608 Ernest Maltravers 609 Alice 6L0 Lvtton. - Marryat. Harold. - Settlers in Canada . 611 Maartens, Marten (Tod's Fool 612 MacGrath, H. The Puppet Crown 6L3 Mackie, J. They that Sit in Darkness 614 MacLaren, Ian Kate Carnegie. 615 Beside the B >nnie B ier-Bush 616 Macleod, Fiona The Washer of the F >rd 617 The Mountain Lovers 618 Green Fire 619 The Dominion of Dreams 620 MacManus, S. Through the Turf Smoke 621 The Bewitched Fiddle 622 Major. C. When Knighthood was in Flower 623 Malot. - Trollope Anie. - Diamond Cut Dia nond 624 Marean, Beatrice When a Woman Loves 625 Marl it t, E. Gold Elsie 626 In the Sbillingscourt 627 The Old Mi n file's Secret 628 The Sec jud Wife 623 Maruan. B. A Daughterof the Veldt 630 Marrow, W. C. A Man: His Mark 631 Marryat, Capt. The Privateersman 632 Mr. Midshipman Easy 633 Masterman Ready 634 Peter Simple 635 Jacob Faithful 636 The Little Savage 637 Marvel, Ik. Reveries of a Bachelor 638 Dream Life 639 Mason. E. T. ( editel by ) Humorous Masterpieces, No. 1 640 No. 2 641 No. 3 642 Maupassant, Guy De Mont Oriol . 643 McCall. S. Truth Texter .644 McCarthy, J. Maid of Athens 64 e Roland Oliver .... 646 McClelland. M G. The White Heron. - Ten Minutes to Twelve. . 647 MoCutcheon, G. B. Graustark > 648 Mcllwraith, J. N. The Carious Career of Roderick Campbell. . .. 619 9(1$ ’ ■> r ,| c-o ,i .Hi” 14 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. Author, Title, 2Vo Mclennan, W. In Old France and New 650 Melville, H. Tvpee; a real Romance of the South Seas. . . . 651 Onioo; Sequel to Typee 652 White Jacket 653 Meredith, G. Diana of the Crossways 654 Roda Fleming 655 Meredith, E. The Master Knot of Human Fate 656 Merriam, H. S. Dross 657 Flotsam 658 Mitchell, S. Weir Hugh Wynne. 2 vols 659 The Adventures of Francois 660 Far in the Forest 661 r J he Autobiography of a Quack 662 Mitford, B The White Shield 663 Moore. — Burke. Utopia. — The Sublime and Beautiful, etc. . . . 664 Muir, A Golden Girls 665 Mnlock, Miss. John Halifax. Gentleman 666 Mnnchausen. Adventures of Baron Munchausen 667 Mu n roe, Neil John Splendid 668 Naylor, J. B. Ralph Marlowe 669 Needelle. Mrs, J. H. Stephen Elliots Daughter 670 Nemec, Bozena The Grandmother 671 Norris, Frank Moran of ihe Lady Letty 672 Blix 673 N tvris. — R it.tleheal Chris. - Adventures of an Arkansaw Doctor. . 674 Norton, F. H. The Days of Daniel Boone 675 Ohnet, G. The Ironmaster * * * * 676 Peter’s Soul 677 Antoinette, or the Marl Pit Mystery 678 Oldfellow. A. The Way to Sucoess 679 Oliphant, Mrs. The Mystery of Blencarrow 680 Ollivant, A. Bob; Son of Battle 681 Onions, Olliver The Compleat Bachelor 682 Osbourne, LI The Queen Versus Billy 683 Ouida. Signa 684 The House Party 685 Puck 686 Wanda 687 Under Two Flags 688 Princess Napraxine 689 Pa«carel 690 Page. T. N. Red Rock 691 The Old Gentlemen of the Black Stock 692 Parker, Gilbert The Trail of the Sword 693 The Trespasser 694 The Translation of a Savage 695 When Valmont Came to Pontiac 696 The Seats of the MisTity 697 Pierre and His People 698 An Adventurer of the North 699 The Battle of t,hq Strong 700 The Pomp of the Lavilettes 701 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. 15 A. uthor . Title. IVo Mrs. Falchion 702 The Lane that had no Turning 703 Patton, J. B. Byjli the Dancer 704 Payne, J. The Canon’s Ward 705 Payne, W. The Story of Eva 706 Peck, G. W. Peck’s Boss Book 707 Phillpotts, E. Children of the Mist 708 The Human Boy 709 Pidgin, E. F. Quincy Adams Sawyer 710 Poe, Edgar A. Tales 711 Poe.- Marryat.- Collins. The Gold Bug.- The Sea King.- A Rogue’s Life. 712 Porter, Jane Scottish Chiefs 713 Thaddeus of Warsaw 714 Prentice, H. 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LITERATURE; ESSAYS AND MISCELLANY. Author. Title. 2Vo Alison, A. M )dern British Essayists. vol. 2 l 1 Aurelius, Marcus The Meditations of l 2 Bacon, T. Essays of L 3 Bashkirtseff, Marie Last Confessions l 4 Bok, E. Success ward l 5 Carlyle, Thos. On Heroes and Hero Worship l 6 Bast and Present l 7 Donne. - Collins E ir pides. - Aristophanes l 8 Emerson. R. \V. Essays of 2 vols l 9 Conduct of Life lIO Society and Solitude lII Epictetus Discourses of l12 Glyn, Elinor Elizabeth and Her German Garden l13 The Visits of Elizabeth l14 Holden, M. E. (Amber) A S .ring of Amber Beads l!5 Holt, E. Encyclopaedia of Etiquette l16 Hughes, T. True Manliness l17 Johnson, S. Works of 2 vols l18 Lamb, Chas. Works of l19 Macauly, T. B. Essays and Poems l20 Essays: Critical and Miscellaneous l21 Montaigne, Lord Essavs of l22 O’Rell, Max Her Royal Highness Woman l23 Sale’s translation of The Koran l24 Sanbourn, F. Delsartean Scrap-Book l25 Smiles, S. 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Jan. — April 1861 m 2 May — Aug. ** m 3 Sept. — Dec. ’ ' m 4 Jan. — April 1890 m 5 Jan. — April 1891 m 6 May — Ang. * * m 7 Jan. — April 1893 m 8 May — Ang. •* m 9 Sept. — Dec. * * m 10 Jan. — April 1894 m 11 May — Sept. * ■ m 12 BLACK CAT. Oct. & Nov. 1895 m 13 CENTURY. Jan. — April 1882. m 14 May — Oct. * * m 15 Nov. — April 1882-83 m 16 May — Oct. 1884 m 17 Nov. — April 1884-85 m 18 Nov. — April 1885 86 m 19 May — Oct, 1886 m 20 Nov. — Jan. 1886-87 m 21 Feb. — April 1887 m 22 Nov. — April 1887-88 m 23 May — Oct. 1888 m 24 Nov. — April 1888 89 m 25 April — June 1889 m 26 July — Sept. •• m 27 Oct, — Dec. ' • m 28 Jan. — March 1890 m 29 April — June ** m 30 July — Oct, •• m 31 Nov. — April 1890-91 , .. m 32 May — Oct. 1891 m 33 Oct. — Dec. ' • m 34 Jan. — March 1892 m 35 April — June ** m 36 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY A/ag’azine. CENTUUY. CHAP BOOK. CHAU TAB QTJAN. COSMOPOLITAN. A o. July — Sept. 1892 m 37 Oct. — Dec ' ‘ m 38 Jan. — March 1893 m 39 April — Aug. * * m 40 Sept. — Nov. •• m 41 Nov. — Jan. 1893-94 m 42 Feb. — May 1894 m 43 J line — Aug. • * m 44 Sept. — Dec. ‘ * m 45 Jan. — April 1895 m 46 May — Aug. * • m 47 Sept. — Dec. • • m 48 Jan. — April 1896 m 49 May — Aug. * * m 50 Sept. — Dec. • * m 51 Jan. — April 3897 m 52 M iy — Aug. • * m 53 Sept. — Dec. • * m 54 m 55 Jan. — July 3887 m 56 Oct. — March 1887 88 m 57 April — Dec. 1888 m 58 Jan. — July 1889 m 59 Oct. — Jan. 1889-90 m 60 Feb. — May 1890 m 61 June — Sept. •• m 62 Oct. — March 1891-92 m 63 April — Sept. 1892 m 64 Oct. — March 1892 93 m 65 April — Sept. 1893 m 66 Nov. — Jan. 1893 94 m 67 Jan. — April 1892 m 68 July — Sept. •• m 69 Oct. — Dec. • • m 70 July — Dec. 1893 m 71 Jan. — April 1894 m 72 May — Aug. • * m 73 Sept. — Dec. • • m 74 Jan. — April 1895 m 75 May — July • ■ m 76 Aug. — Oct. • • m 77 Nov. — Feb. 3895 96 m 78 March — June 1896 m 79 J uly — Sept. • • m 80 Oct. — Dec. •• m 81 Jan. ■ — April 1897 m 82 May — Aug. • • m 83 Sept. — Dec. •• m 84 Jan. — June 1898 m 85 July — Dec. * * m 86 Jan. — June 1899 m 87 July — Dec. m 88 94 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY, iA/ag-azi'ne. COSMOPOLITAN. Jan. — July — Jan' — July — ECLECTIC. Jhii. — May — Sept. — Jan. — May — Sept. — Jan. — May — Sept. — EDINBURGH REVIEW. April. . EVERYBODY'S. July — Feb. — FOREIGN REVIEWS. . . . FORUM. Jan. — April — July — March — Jan. — April — July — Oct. — Jan. April — July — FRANK LESLIE’S. Jan. — April — HARPER’S. June — Jan. — April & June — Dec. — June — June — Dec. — June — April — Jan. — April — July — Oct, — Jan. — June — Dec. — March - — June — Oct. — Feb. — June — 2Vo. June 1900 m 89 Dec. • • m 90 Juue 1901 m 91 Dec. * * m 92 April 1860 m 93 A ug. • * m 94 Dec. " m 95 April 1861 m 96 Aug. * * m 97 Dec. ’ * m 98 April 1864 m 99 Aug. * * m100 Dec. ' ' mIOI 1893 m102 Dec. 1899 m103 Sept. 1900 m104 m105 March 1891 m106 June ■■ m107 Sept. * • m108 May 1895 Ml 09 March 1896 mIIO June •’ Mill Sept. * ‘ m112 Dec. ■■ m113 March 1897 m114 June ‘ Mil 5 Sept. ■■ m!16 March 1889 m117 June '' m118 Nov. 1876 m119 March 1882 m120 May • • m121 Nov. * • m122 May 1882 83 m123 Nov. 1883 Ml 24 Nov. 1884 m125 May 1884 85 m126 Nov. 1886 m127 June 1887 m128 March 1891 m129 June ** m130 Sept. • * m131 Dec. • m132 March 1893 m133 Nov. • • m134 Feb. 1893 94 m135 May 1894 m136 Sept. • • m137 Jan. 1894 95 m138 May 1895 m!39 Sept. • • m140 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY J\I agaziiie. HARPER’S. JUDGE. LITERARY DIGEST. McCLURE’S. MISCELLANEOUS. MUNSEYS. 35 Ocfc. — Dec. 1895 m!41 Jan. — March 1896 m142 April — June '* m143 July — Sept. •' m144 Oct. — Dec. • • m145 Jan. — March 1897 m146 April & May * * m147 June — Aug. ’* m148 Sept. — Dec. ' • m149 m150 m151 m152 Jan. — April 1897 m153 May — Aug. * * m154 Sept. — Dec. * ‘ m155 Jan. — April 1898 m156 May — Aug. * * m157 Sept. — Dec. * * m158 Sept. — Oct. 1895 m159 Nov. — Feb. 1895-96 m160 March. — June 1896 m161 July — Sept. •• m1 62 Oct. — Dec. • • m163 Jan. — April 1897 m164 May — Ang * * m165 Sept. — Dec. •' m166 Jan. — June 1898 m167 J ulv — Dec. * * m168 m!69 m170 m!71 m172 m173 Jan. — Jnne 1894 m174 Jan. — April 1895 m!75 May — Aug. " m176 Sept. — Dec. • • m177 Jan. — April 1896 m178 May — Ang. • • m179 Sept. — Dec. * * m180 Jan. — April 1897 m181 May — Aug. •• m182 Sept. — Dec. • • m183 Jan. * — April 1898 m184 May — Ang. * • m185 Sept. — Dec. * ‘ m186 Jan. — April 1899 m!87 May — A ug. * * m188 Sept. — Dec. •• m189 Jan. — April 1900 m190 May — Ang. *• m!91 Sept. — Dec. *' m192 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY 36 il/ nii'aziite. Ar, MUNSEY’S. Jan. — April 1901 m193 May — Aug. * • m194 Sept. — Dec. • * m195 North American Review. April — June 1885 m196 Nov. — Feb. 1885-86 m197 May, Sept., Dec. 1886, April, 1887 m198 March, May, June & Oct., * * m199 Nov., 1887, March, April & June, 1888 m200 Aug., Sept. & Oct., 1888. Jan., 1889 m201 July, 1888. April, Sept. & Oct., 1889 m202 Jan. — March 1890 m203 April — June '* m204 July — Sept. *• m205 Oct. — Dec. • * m206 Jan. — March 1891 m207 April — June ** m208 ; July — Sept. •• m209 Oct. — Dec. • ’ m210 Jan. — March 1892 m211 April — June *■ m212 July — Sept. *• m213 Oct. — Dec. • * m214 April — June 1893 m215 July — Dec. •• m216 Jan. — June 1894 m217 June — Aug. ** m218 Sept. — Nov. • • m219 Dec. — Feb. 1894-95 m22() March — May 1895 m221 J une — Sept. * * m222 Oct, — Dec. • • m223 Jan. — March 1896 m224 April — J une * * ... m225 July — Sept. •* m226 Oct. — Dec. ‘ • m227 Jan. — March 1897 m228 April — June •• m229 July — Sept. •' m230 Oct, — Dec. * * m231 Jan. — March 1898 m232 April — June ** m233 J uly — Sept. * * m234 Oct, — Dec. m235 Jan. — March 1899 m236 OVERLAND MONTHLY. Dec. 1889, May & June 1892 m237 Jan. — June 1890 m238 July — Dec. 1891 m239 PETERSON’S. Jan. — June 1878 m240 July — Dec. •* .... m241 PUCK. m242 m243 m244 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY A/ag-azine. PUCK. REVIEW OF REVIEWS. SCRIBNER’S. SELF CULTURE. STRAND. ST. NICHOLAS. 37 2Vo. m245 m246 July — Dec. 1893 m247 Jan. — June 1894 m248 July — Dec. * * m249 Jan. — June 1895 m250 July — Oct. * ' m251 Nov. — Feb. 1895 96 m252 March — June 1896 m253 July — Oct. •' m254 Nov. — Feb. 1896-97 m255 March — May 1897 m256 J une — Dec. * * m257 Jan. — April 1890 m258 May — Aug. * * m259 Sept. — Dec. * * m260 Jan. — April 1891 m261 May — Ang. * * m262 Sept. — Dec. * * m263 Jan. — April 1892 m264 May — A ug. * * m265 Sept. — Dec. * • m266 Jan. — March 1893 m267 July — Dec. m268 Jan. — June 1894 m269 June — Sept. ** m270 Oct. — Feb. 1894 95 m271 Maich — May 1895 m272 June — Sept. '* m273 Oct. — Jan. 1895-96 m274 Feb. — April 1896 m275 May — Aug. * m276 Sept. — Dec. •• m277 Jan. — April 1897 m278 May — Aug. * * m279 Sept. — Dec. * * m280 June — Sept. 1896 m281 J uly - - Sept. * * m282 Feb. — May 1895 m283 ^8 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. POETRY i DRAMA. A ithor.' 'Title . 2Vo. Aeshylus. Dramas p 1 Alger, \V. R. Poetry of the Orient p ‘2 Arnold, Edwin Indian Idyls p 3 Boyesen, H. H. Idyls of Norway p 4 Browning, It. Poems of p 5 Burns. It. Poems of p 6 Bvron. Poems of p 7 Chaucer, G. Canterbury Tales p 8 Coleridge. The Ancient Mariner p 9 Crawford, J. M. The Kalevala 2 vols plO Dante (Longfellow translator)Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso. 3 vols. . . . pll Doyle, A. C. Songs of Action pl2 Dryden, J. Poems of pl3 Emerson, It. W. Poems of pl4 Parnassus pi 5 Fitzgerald ( Translator ) Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam plB Goethe. Poems of p!7 Faust p18 Gray, Thomas Poetical Works of p19 Hathaway. The League of the Iroquois p20 Hauptmann, G. The Sunken Bell p21 Homer. ( Pope’s translation ) Iliad p22 Odyssey p23 Tngelow, Jean Poems of p24 Keats, John Poetical Works of p25 Keble, Rev. J. The Christian Year p26 Kipling, R. Barrack Room Ballads, etc p27 The Seven Seas p28 Lessing. Nathan the Wise p29 Longfellow, H. W. Poetical Works of p30 Macauley. Lays of Ancient Rome p31 Macpherson, J. ( translator) Poems of Ossian p32 Markham, E. The Man with the Hoe p33 Meredith, Owen Lucile p34 Mifflin, L. The Slopes of Helicon p35 Echoes of Greek Idyls p36 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. ^9 A. it ho r. 'Title. 2Vo. Milton, J. Paradise Lost, and Other Poems p37 Moore, Thos. Poetical Works of 3 vols p38 Irish Humorous Poems p39 Moiris, Sir L. The Epic of Hades p40 Morris, W. The Earthly Paradise p41 Pope, A. Essay on Man p42 Rhodes, R. S. Poetic Pearls p43 Riley Love Lyrics p44 Rubaiyat of Doc Sifers p45 Rostand, Ed. Cyrano De Bergerac p46 Santayana, Y. Lucifer p47 Schiller, J. C. F. William Tell p48 Scott, Sir W. Lady of the Lake p49 Marmion p5(J Shakespeare, Wm. 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Bound. r56 r57 r58 r59 r60 * * * * r61 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY j . 0«I’ v ! b bl SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY 1 ART. .A nth or. Title-. N o. Abercombie, J. Adams, Brooks Adams, W I. L. Adler, G. J. Agricultural Report Allen, C. B, Allen, Z, Armstrong, R. Bain. A. Baily, L. H. Bottone, S. B. Bryant & Stratton Rubier, E. T. ( Editor. ) Burrell, E. J. Caffin, C. H. Chambers. Clark, G. E. Cl eve, E. Van Clement, C. E. Combe, G. Collins, F. H. Conn, H. W. Connor, D. E. Croll. Cyphers, Chas. A. Dana, J. D. Darwin, Chas. Dexter, R. Dowe. 1 )raper, J. W. Drummond, Prof. H. : The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings TheLaw uf Civilization and Decay.'. In Nature’s Image. . Ollendorff Method of English - German. 2 copies 1886 . 1888..... The Man Wonderful Solar Light and Heat Construction and Management of Steam Boilers.. The Emotions and the Will Plant Breeding. . . . A Guide to Electric Lighting Commercial Arithmetic Questions and Answers about Electricity Building, Construction and Drawing Photography as a Fine Art Encyclopaedia of Universal Knowledge. 10 v. Ten Great Religions. 2 vols The English and American Mechanic Book of Legendary and Mythological Art. . .. The Constitution of Man Epitome of Spencer’s Synthetic Philosophy.. The Story of the Living Machine The Method of Evolution A Treatise on Electro-Magnetism Climate and Time Incubation and its Natural Law Manual of Geology Origin of Species Descent of Man The Kingdoms of Nature The Temple of the Rosy Cross The Intellectual Development of Europe. 2 v Natural Law in Spiritual World The Ascent of Man s 1 s 2 s 3 s 4 s 5 s 6 s 7 s 8 s 9 s It) s 11 s 12 s 13 s 14 s 15 s 16 s 17 s 18 s 19 s 20 s 21 s 22 s 23 s 24 s 25 s 26 s 27 s 28 s 29 s 30 s 31 s 32 s 33 s 34 s 35 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. ^ Author. Tit/e. A o. Engineering Magazine. Sept. Nov. & Dee. 1893 s 36 • • • Nov. 1894. April 1895 s 37 July— Sept. 1899 s 38 Fan nee, L. Mechanical Drawing s 39 Fink, H. T. Primitive Love and Love Stories s 40 Fiske, John Darwinism, and Other Essays s 41 The Destiny of Man s 42 The Idea of God as Affected by Modern Knowledge. ... s 43 Th rough Nature to God s 44 Life Everlasting s 45 Government in the United States s 46 F oster, M. A Text Book of Physiology s 47 George, Henry Progress and Poverty s 48 Gibson, C. D. Drawings. ( A Widow" and Her Friends. ) s 49 Griggs, E. H. r l he New Humanism s 50 Haeckel, E. The Riddle of the Universe s 51 Hillis, N. D. Bight Living asaFineArt s 52 The Master of the Science of Bight Living. .. s 53 Hogarth, W. Works of.... 3 vols s 54 Holden, E. S. The Family of the Sun s 55 Hudson. J. T. The Law of Psychic Phenomena s 56 Huxley, Thus. H. ^ Physical Basis of Life. Mans Place in Nature 'j Helmholtz. H. Popular Scientific Lectures j- s 57 Tyndall, J. ( Six Lectures on Light ) Jenks, J. W. f l he Trust Problem s 58 Jevons, W. S. Logic s 59 Jordan, D. Starr Foot-Notes to Evolution s 60 Judd, J. W. Volcanoes s 61 Kidd, B. Principles of Western Civilization s 62 Knight. Pictorial Gallery of Art 2 vols s 63 Lewes, G. H. A Biographical History of Philosophy s 64 Locke, J. On the Human Understanding s 65 Lubbock, Sir J. Pre-Historic Times s 66 Lubke, W. Outlines of the History of Art. 2 vols s 67 Lucas, Prof. F. A. Animals of the Past s 68 Lvell, Chas. Principles of Geology. 2 vols s 69 Maeterlink, M. Wisdom and Destiny s 70 The Life of the Bee s 71 Marholm, Laura The Psychology of Woman s 72 Maudsley, H. Body and Mind s 73 Body and Will s 74 McConnell, S. D. The Evolution of Immortality s 75 McSherry, II. Health and How to Promote It. s 76 Meadocraft. The A. B C. of Electricity s 77 Mozes, S. E. Ethics: Descriptive and Explanatory s 78 Mill, H. R. The International Geography s 79 Morris, Chas. Man and His Ancestor s 80 Nitobe, Inazo Bushido: The Soul of Japan . s 81 Paine, Thos. Age of Reason s 82 Palmer, C. F. Inebriety: Its Source, Prevention and Cure. . . s 83 Pitman, I. Complete Phonographic Instructor s 84 44 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. Author. Title. JVo. Popular Science Monthly Sept. & Oct. 1879. Jan. & March 1880 s 85 April, May & Oct. 1880 s 86 March — June 1884 s 87 July. Oct. & Dec. 1884, May 1885 s 88 June, July, Nov. & Dec. 1885 s 89 Feb. — May 1886 s 90 June — Sept. " s 91 Oct. — Dec. • * , March 1887 s 92 April, July, Sept. & Oct. 1887 s 93 Nov. 1887, Jan. April & Nov. 1888 s 94 Jan — April 1889 s 95 June, Sept, Oct. & Nov. 1889 s 96 Feb. March. May & June 1890 s 97 May, June, July & Oct. 1890 s 98 Nov. & Dec. 1890. Jan. & March 1891 s 99 April — July 1891 slOO Aug. — Oct. ** slOl Oct. — Dec. ' ' sl02 May — Oct, 1893 sl03 Nov. — April 1893 94 sl04 June — Sept. 3894 sl05 Oct. — - Jan. 1894-95 sl06 Feb. — May 1895 sl07 June — Sept. *' sl08 Oct. — Dec. • • sl09 Jan, — March 1896 sllO April — June *■ sill July — Sept. '• sll2 Oct. — Dec. ** si 13 Jan. — March 1897 sll4 April — June ** sll5 July — Sept. *• sll6 Oct. — Dec. • * si 17 Jan. — March 1898 sll8 April — June ** sll9 July — Sept. ’* sl20 Oct. — Dec. • ' sl21 Jan. — March 1899 sl22 April — June " s!23 July — Sept. " sl24 Oct. — Dec. * * sl25 Jan. — March 1900 sl26 April — June ** sl27 July — Sept. “ sl28 Oct, — Dec. * • sl29 Jan. — March 1901 sl30 April — June ** sl31 July — Sept. * ' sl32 Oct. — Dec. ' * sl33 Jan. — March 1902 sl34 April — June ** sl35 Proctor, It. A. Other W orlds than Ours sl36 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN PRISON LIBRARY. 45 AufJior. Tft/e. 2Vo. Proctor, R. A. The Moon sl37 Remson, Ira Introduction to the Study of Chemi stry sl38 * * * * A College Text Book of Chemistry sl39 Robert, G. E. Coin at School in Finance sl40 Roget, P. M. Animal and Vegetable Physiology, ‘2 vols. . . sl4l Roosevelt, Theo. American Ideals sl42 Administration. Civil Service sl43 Rosenthal, Dr. J. General Physiology of Muscles and Nerves. .. sl44 Ross, E. 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