LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 51 . 84 I-£6r no. 93-98 cop e 3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 510.84 n o. 93 cop 3 fir UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GRADUATE COLLEGE DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY REPORT NO. 93 ORGANIZATION OF A VERY HIGH-SPEED COMPUTER by Donald B. Gillies This work was supported in part by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Office of Naval Research under AEC Contract AT(ll-l)-4l5. ORGANIZATION OF A VERY HIGH-SPEED COMPUTER 1. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS The discussion of this type of computer is "begun by listing the equipment required: 1.1 Input-Output and Auxiliary Storage one 7-hole photoelectric paper tape reader with a speed of between 1,000 and 2,000 characters per second, one 7-hole paper tape punch with a speed of 200 to 300 characters per second, one medium speed printer with at least 60 spaces per line and at least 3 lines per second, one low- speed printer: 10 or 15 characters per second, one cathode ray oscilloscope output, with a camera with fast film advance, and a plotting rate of at least 25 k.c, at least k magnetic tape units with start /stop time of 5 ms or less, approximately one megacycle digit rate, and the ability to read information which has just been recorded, one magnetic drum with a capacity of ^0,000 to 65,000, 52-bit words, a word rate of 6 us or less (probably by using NRZ recording and parallel storage of words, one track per bit), provision for connecting other devices to the computer if a need for them is found. 1.2 Main Memory Two ^096 word destructive readout core memories are used in parallel. The cycle time for reading and writing is about 2, [is. The .first 0.8 u-s of a read -1- or write operation accounts for the readout, and a further enforced 1.2 us is required to regenerate'- the word. Two memory registers called Z. and Z are used for writing and regeneration. When a number to he written has been placed in either Z. or Z p the memory will autonomously write the word. 1.5 Word Length The word length is 5 2 binary digits. 1.4 Arithmetic Unit The arithmetic unit may be considered to be in two parts - the main arithmetic unit (MAU) and the exponent arithmetic unit (EAU) . The main arithmetic unit deals with the fractional parts of numbers (fixed or floating) while the EAU computes the exponents of arithmetic results, and determines the number of shifts necessary during arithmetic. A floating point word consists of a 45-bit two's complement fraction f, and a 7-hit integer exponent e, also in two's complement representation. The shift operation in the MAU moves a number in the accumulator left or right by an even number of binary places. Since 2 bits comprise a base 4 digit, shifts are performed in base 4, and e is considered a base 4 exponent. A fraction f is called normalized if it lies in the range l/4 to 1 in magnitude (excluding -l/4 and +1). A floating point word has the value f x 4 where -64 < e < 63. Except for the number zero, f is normalized if the word is held in a storage register. The main arithmetic unit consists of a double length (92 bits) double rank shifting register, called the accumulator, divided into 2 halves (A,S), (the more significant), and (Q,R), (the less significant), together with a single rank register M which holds an operand. One additional bit per base 4 digit in both A and S holds a stored base 4 carry. Thus the representation of a number in say A and Q (the lower rank of the double length accumulator) consists of a more significant half with one carry bit per base 4 digit and a binary less significant half. A number is called assimilated if it is known that all stored carry digits are zero. When a number is to be stored in the memory from the accumulator, -2- the accumulator is assimilated, normalized, and (usually) rounded. The resulting 1*5 hits are then combined with the exponent from the EAU and stored as a word in the memory . There are two adders in the MAU. One adder forms the sum (in stored carry representation) of the number in A plus or minus M or twice M or zero. The result may be gated to S either directly or displaced one or two base k digital positions left or right. In a similar manner, another adder forms the sum of the number from S and a multiple of the number from M. The result, possibly shifted; is placed in A„ The connections so far described are shown in the following diagram; M Times 0,+l,+2 Adder Times 16,4,1, 1/4,1/16 Times 0,+l,+2 Times 16, k, 1 1 A. 1/16 Adder End connections between the least significant end of (A,S) and the most significant end of (Q,R) shifted left or right as one double length register. On right shift this requires a partial assimilation of carry digits, since Q and R do not have carry storage „ End connections between the most significant end of (A,S) and the least significant end of (Q,R) allow the accumulator to be shifted circularly, left or right. To assimilate the numbers in A, another input to the A-adder (instead of M) is provided by a special "carry generator." The sum digits of the output of the adder will then represent the assimilated value of A. Cross connections allow A (preferably assimilated) to be gated directly to R, and allow Q, to be gated to S. Finally R may be gated to M, or -5- to the fast access memory. These additional connections are represented systematically by the following diagrams OUT During multiplication, the partial products are generated in (A,S) and shifted right into (Q,R), while the multiplier digits are sensed at the right hand end of (Q,R) o The accumulator is normally considered to hold one number (possibly double precision) at the end of each arithmetic instruction. Therefore, the first step in multiplication consists of assimilation, round-off, and transfer of the result from A to R to serve as the multiplier. During division, the number in M is divided into the double precision number in (A,Q), and quotient digits are inserted at the right end of Q. Finally, the rounded quotient is transferred from Q via S to A, and Q is cleared to zero. Addition forms the correct (or correctly rounded) sum of the possibly double precision contents of the accumulator, and the single precision number in M. Double precision multiplication and division are comparatively easy to program given this single length to double length add operation. For multiple precision, another add operation is used, which adds provided the double precision result does not have round-off. -h- 1.5 Fast-Access Registers Interposed between the arithmetic unit and controls, on the one hand, and the core memories on the other, are a number of transistorized fast access registers (probably a flow gating memory) : k data registers (DR), (DR) (DR), (DR)^ used for buffering data between the arithmetic unit and the core memories, k control registers (CR), (CR) 2 (CR)^ (CR)^ used for buffering data between the core memory and controls, 8 temporary storage registers, R n R-. . . .R , which can be set from the core memories or the arithmetic unit. Each of these registers is subdivided into 3, 17- "bit modifier registers which can be used for counting and the forma- tion or modification of addresses. The execution of a typical arithmetic instruction requires 6 references to this flow gating memory. The speed of this memory is about 0.2 us per complete cycle; however it is possible to read from one word while writing into another. 1.6 Modifier Arithmetic Unit Address modification and counting is performed concurrently with arithmetic in a separate, 17-bit arithmetic unit which communicates with the modifier in the instruction buffer registers, the shift counter, the control counter, and the core memory address generator. 1.7 Controls For the efficient utilization of an arithmetic unit of such high capability (addition lu-s, multiplication 3l- i s), it is desirable to use the core memory and arithmetic unit concurrently, anticipating data requirements (both operands and instructions) and, hence, overlapping the memory time of some instructions with the arithmetic time of others. Therefore, each instruction is executed by two controls, called advanced control , and arithmetic control . The function of advanced control is to scan instructions not yet executed by -5- arithmetic control, perform those operations which do not depend on an arithmetic result, determine what data are required from the memory, and acquire them. For example, during an average multiplication, there is time to read several words from the core memories. Ideally, the memories and the arithmetic unit would both operate continuously, and the over-all speed of the computer operating in this parallel mode would he three times that of a sequential machine with the same number of extra registers. In practice, one control will sometimes have to wait for the other, so the ratio of speeds is not as favorable as J>'.\. One control will have to wait for the other if one of the following situations occurs: a) its operation requires the use of equipment currently being used by the other control; b) its correct operation depends on a result not yet obtained by the other control; c) there is no space among the fast access registers to hold more data. Interlocks will be provided to detect these cases. For problems with large data requirements, it is also desirable to be able to use the drum and one or two tape units for transfers to and from the core memory, without holding up the calculation in progress except at those times when the core memory is required to send a word to an auxiliary storage device. This parallelism is advantageous because of the high expected duty cycle of auxiliary storage devices, and their moderately high data rates. In other words, the rate of transmission of data (6 |xs for the drum, and perhaps 50 u.s for a tape unit) is not high enough to justify using the computer solely for performing the transfer in question, nor is it low enough that the actual program can be interrupted whenever transfer of one word is required, and an auxiliary program perform the transfer. Therefore, an additional control of simpler design and with a lower speed requirement than arithmetic control and advanced control is required to execute block transfers of data between the core memory and drum and between the core memory and any two magnetic tape units. Whether this will consist of three controls, or of one control time-shared between the various units, perhaps -6- using the B-line arithmetic unit, is not yet decided. However, functionally, it will be equivalent to three controls — one for the drum and two which can be switched to any two magnetic tape units „ To reduce the average access time to the drum, each drum order will transfer a number of blocks. The blocks will probably be of 128 words. The main interconnections are drawn in the .diagram on the following page. 1.8 Other Facilities 1.8.1 Program Interrupt A register, called the interrupt register, consisting of between 15 and 30 flipflops which tell the states of various parts of the machine will be provided. These are divided into two groups; Type I (internal) a) The accumulator overflows at the time of a store order. b) The accumulator is overflowed. c) Exponent overflow. d) During standardization, more than a given number of shifts are executed. (This includes exponent underflow). e) A change in a given position of the clock. Type E (external) a) Illegal order found by advanced control. b) Drum finished last block transfer. c) Tape unit finished last order. d) Drum error. e) Tape error. f) A change in a given position of the clock. g) A certain manual switch on the console has been depressed. A register of equal length called the mask can be set by the programmer. Whenever the mask has a "1" in a position where the interrupt register is a "1", the execution of the program is temporarily halted, and a new sequence of -7» ' Arithmetic Unit 33 i -d- -3- rr « O H H Q a op rt a; CO •H bO 0) « CD U O O !h -P o o rd CD o -p •H CO -p f- -H U CD -P CO •H ba cd « cu >& u o H o u -p o o o •H P i p p •H 9 CD O •H -H of the control group currently being executed by arithmetic control. The first 2 bits of D^ specify which (CR) the group came from, and the second 2, which may take on only the values 00, 01, or 10, specify the control group inside of the word. D is a 4-bit control counter, similar to D , used by advanced control. D_ is a 15-bit control counter which gives the word and position in the core memory of the control group currently being executed by advanced control. D p is actually the rightmost k bit positions of D_. This establishes the corres- pondence that a control word is buffered in the same location modulo h in the (CR) memory that it occupies in the core memory. A is a l4-bit register. One bit a* is set to 1 when advanced control z z encounters a core memory write instruction, and the address from that instruc- tion is copied into the remaining 13 bits of A . The extra bit is set to when the number has been computed and stored in the core memory. If advanced control encounters a write instruction while a* = 1, it must wait until the previously called- for write has been performed (a* = 0) before setting A again and pro- ceeding. Similarly, if a* = 1, all addresses are compared with the address held in A . In case an equal a.ddress is found, an interlock prevents the word being z obtained from the memory before it is even stored there. F n is a flipflop set to 1 when advanced control executes a conditional jump instruction (whether it jumps or not) and set to when arithmetic control executes a conditional jump instruction. F is a flipflop used by advanced control to mark whether a conditional jump instruction (ihdicated Vby F = l) caused a transfer of control or not (l or 0). G is a 2-bit counter which holds the address in (DR)..,.., (DR)i of the next data register to be used by arithmetic control. G is a 2-bit counter which holds the address in (DR) ..,(DR)i of the ata equal. next data register to be used by advanced control. Initially G and G are set -16- H , H , H , H. 2-bit indicators for (DR) .., (DR)^. The first bit of an indicator is set to 1 by advanced control when an operand is placed in the register, and cleared to by arithmetic control when the operand is sent to the arithmetic unit. When advanced control encounters a write instruc- tion, it sets the second bit of the indicator corresponding to the next available (DR) to a 1. When arithmetic control places the relevant work in the (DR), it sets the first bit to 1. The combination 11 in the indicator causes the word to be written in the core memory at the next available cycle, and the indicator is then cleared to 00., Advanced control ca.nnot read a word from the memory into a (DR) until its indicator has become 0, indicating that arithmetic control has used the previous word, or that the memory has stored the previous word. K_, K . „., IC. are 1-bit indicators, one for each of registers R , .„., R . When advanced control encounters a use by arithmetic control of one of these registers (either a word or a. modifier contained inside of that word) it sets the corresponding indicator to 1. Thereafter advanced control is pre- vented from using or changing any part of that register until arithmetic control has used the register, and has re-set the indicator to 0. M , M , M_, M. are 2-bit indicators for (CR) .., (CR)», used to define the significance of the words in the control registers. Their purpose is to minimize instruction reads from the core memory. The first bit of an- indicator is 1 if the word in the corresponding (CR) is one of the three next higher addressed words relative to the control counter D_. The second indicator bit is a 1 if the word is the current word or one of the three next lower addressed words relative to the control counter. 3.3 Sequencing of Instructions When the computer is started, D_ is set to some initial value, D-. is set equal to D , and a*, F , G , G_, H.. . .H, , K_..K_, VL . „M. are all cleared to 0. Since F is and D and D agree, arithmetic control is caught up with advanced control and must wait. D is not changed, even for a long instruction, until advanced control has obtained any operand required by arithmetic control. If F is 1 but D and D agree, arithmetic control can execute the instruction since advanced control is preparing for the next execution of that instruction by arithmetic control. -17- For definiteness, suppose that the value of D- is such that the current word should he placed In (CR),. Since, at the start, the second bit of ft. is 0, the word is not in (CR), already, and must be read from the memory. Advanced control reads the word from the core address given by D^ into (CR). and then sets the second bit of ML to 1. To obtain the next control group in sequence, advanced control counts once or twice on D (according to whether current instruction was short or long). If the least significant 2 bits of D are 01 or 10, the next control group in sequence is in the same word as the last used control group, so advanced control knows that D defines the location in (CR) of the control group. If the least significant 2 bits of D_ are 0's, a new word is referred to, which may or may not be in the (CR) specified by D . Suppose (CR) is the new register involved. Advanced control copies the first bit of M p into the second bit position of M , and then clears the first bit to 0. If now the second bit of M p is 1, the word is in (CR) p already, so no core reference is required. If not a 1, advanced control waits (if necessary) until the first 2 bits of D and D disagree, indi- cating that arithmetic control is not executing old instructions from (CR) . Advanced control then reads the word from the core memory into (CR) p and proceeds to execute it. Arithmetic control obtains the next control group in sequence by in- creasing D by 1 or 2 according to whether the current instruction is short or long. If F = 1, arithmetic control executes the next control group Immediately. If F = 0, arithmetic control waits (if necessary) until D and D are no longer identical — indicating that advanced control has now processed the current control instruction and then arithmetic control executes the current instruction. Advanced control executes jump instructions. For an arithmetic conditional jump or a jump to a modified address, it waits until D = D_ before making the test. For any conditional jump it must wait until F. = which means that arith- metic control has performed a previous conditional jump. If the jump is not executed because the condition did not apply, advanced control sets F = 1, F = and proceeds to the next control group in sequence, as described before^ If the jump is executed the new address is compared with the old contents of D, -18- ( 13-bit subtraction). If the result is in the range -6 to 6 special considera- tions apply since M . .M. must be updated. Otherwise, advanced control waits until arithmetic control has executed all control groups in the (CR) referred to, then reads the word from the memory, sets D_ to the new address, clears M. . .Mr to and sets the second bit of the M defined by D p to 1. F.. and F p are set to 1. Arithmetic control is considered to have executed an A- condi t ional jump when it has supplied the condition to advanced control. If the jump is to a modified address, advanded control sets D equal to D . In case the jump address differed from the address already in D_ by one of 1, 2, ..., 6 advanced control proceeds forward cyclically through 1,2, ...,6 of the M indicators, performing on each one in turn the operation "first bit to second bit; clear first bit"„ It then omits the core read if the second bit of the last changed M is a 1. In case the jump address differed from the address already in D_ by one of -1, -2,..., -6, advanced control proceeds backward cycli- cally through 1,2,... ,6 of the M indicators, performing on each one in turn the operation "second bit to first bit; clear second bit". It then omits the core read if the first bit of the last changed M is 1. A program interrupt condition causes advanced control to halt before obeying the next instruction. When arithmetic control has caught up, D_ is stored automatically and an unconditional jump is performed to a fixed interrupt location. 3.^ Execution of Instructions The core memory, the fast transistor registers, the arithmetic unit and the modifier arithmetic unit are all time-shared between arithmetic control and advanced control. An interlock prevents each one from being used by one control while the other is using it. For most instructions, modifier arithmetic is performed by advanced control. However some instructions have the effect of setting one or more modifiers from the memory or from an arithmetic result. In this case, advanced control sets one of the indicators K .., K_, and is permitted to proceed, pro- vided it does not again execute an instruction involving this register until arithmetic control has used the register and re-set the indicator. -19- Operands to be used by the arithmetic unit, or results to be sent from the arithmetic unit to the core memory, are assigned (DR) registers in the order of occurrence, cyclically. The interlock to prevent advanced control from setting a (DR) earlier than it should has been described under the section de- fining H . ., H. . -20- 4.. ORDER CODE k.l Floating Point Arithmetic The accumulator (register A,Q) define one double precision number, which will be referred to in this discussion as A,Q. The first step of multi- plication is to transfer A (normalized and rounded) via R to Q. During multipli- cation, the multiplier is held in Q, the multiplicand in M, and the product (double precision, unrounded) is generated in the accumulator by a sequence of additions, subtractions, and right shifts. Since addition and subtraction are also double precision operations, working to full double precision is made very easy. For example, to add two double precision numbers, each represented by two words, it is merely necessary to add the k operands in any sequence, and then store the result . The "clear add" and "clear subtract" instructions clear the double length accumulator to zero, before adding or subtracting. The representation of a number in the accumulator is to double precision, but not necessarily normalized. Whenever an addition or subtraction would involve a loss of pre- cision in the addend or subtrahend because its exponent is too small, an attempt is made first to normalize the accumulator. In summary, the maximum precision obtainable with a double length accumulator is obtained. The precision is identical to that which would have been obtained if the accumulator had been normalized at every stage of the calculation. When a number is to be stored from the accumulation, A is assimilated and AQ is standardized. The number to be stored is rounded to single precision. Since a very common occurrence in floating point addition is to add two numbers whose exponents are nearly equal, it is frequently the case that precisely l/2 in the least significant retained digit must be rounded up or down. In this case the round-off Is. such that the least significant digit of the result is zero. Double precision addition of products (for example, calculating the scalar product of 2 vectors) is facilitated by the instructions "prepare to add product" and "add product". The prepare- to- add product instruction first stores both halves of the accumulator in fast access registers H/- and R , and -21- then clears the accumulator and adds the number from memory to the accumulator. The add-product instruction first multiplies the number from memory hy the accumulator and then adds both Rz- and R to the accumulator. The effect of these two instructions is to add the product of their operands, double pre- cision, to the number originally in the accumulator. The store -and- subtract instruction causes the accumulator to be normalized, rounded off, stored and the result subtracted. This has the effect of storing the most significant half of the accumulator, and leaving the least significant half only in the accumulator. An arithmetic instruction of 17 bits is made up in one of the two following ways; 8 bits F 8 bits 3 bits c k bits 6 bits A 5 bits F C M F stands for function, C for category, A for address, and M for modifier. The first category bit distinguishes whether there are 5 or ^ category bits (0 or 1 respectively) . One of the categories beginning with 1 designates a long instruction. In this case the next control group is a 17-bit address to be added to the designated modifier to form a core memory address. k.2 Floating Arithmetic Order Code 1. Clear add* 2. Hold add 3. Clear subtract k e Hold subtract 5. Clear add absolute value * This does not normalize the accumulator even if the number from memory did not have a normalized fractional part. -22- 6. Hold add absolute value 7. Clear subtract absolute value 8. HoUd subtract absolute value 9. Positive multiply 10. Negative multiply 11. Add product 12. Subtract product 15. Positive divide lk. Negative divide 15. Prepare to add product 16. Integer division: remainder in AQ, quotient in R„ 17. Take absolute value of AQ and subtract the absolute value of the number from the memory 18. Hold add and store the result back into the same storage register 19 o Hold subtract and store the result 20. Exchange with memory location 21. Store 22. Replace AQ by the negative rounded value and store 23. Store and subtract result from the accumulator 2k . Clear add to the exponent 25. Hold add to the exponent 26. Clear subtract from the exponent 27. Hold subtract from the exponent The following 3 orders involve both the accumulator and the modifier arithmetic unit, and have the same make-up of digits as the M-arithmetic instructions: -23- 28. Transfer the exponent to a modifier register 29. Multiply by integer, round accumulator to single precision, and transfer the unrounded integer part of the result to specified modifier, leave fraction in accumulator. 30. Add n to the exponent, round AQ to single precision, and transfer the unrounded integer part of the result to specified modifier, leave fraction in accumulator. 4.3 Fixed Point Arithmetic A fixed point number held in the memory has zero exponent and is not necessarily normalized. The first fixed point instruction (which converts from floating point to this representation) is 31. Store fixed point (Shift the accumulator, adjusting its exponent, until its exponent becomes equal to zero. Round- off and store the result. It is possible, with the aid of this instruction, to do fixed point arithmetic in floating point, converting to fixed point only when going to a memory register. Floating point division instructions arrange to normalize the divisor first, before divide. However, several other orders are provided to make fixed point even easier. 32. Store integer part (but with zero exponent). 33* Store and subtract. This leaves the least significant half of the accumulator in the most significant end, with a zero exponent also. 3.^. Store the positive fractional part, and replace AQ by the integer part but with zero exponent. 35* - Add to Q performing all carries. 36. Subtract from Q. 37. Store Q without rounding off A. 38. Store A without rounding off. -24- The following instructions while not arithmetic in nature, have the same structure (make-up of hits) as arithmetic instructions: 59. Add the address of this instruction to the address of the next instruction. ^O. Add to the address of the next instruction the 17 least significant bits of this operand. k-1. Set the M-digits of the next instruction equal to the 5 least significant hits of the address of this instruction. h2. Set fast register equal to the contents of the core location given by the next address (this is a long instruction) . kj. Store contents of fast register in core location specified by the next address (this is a long instruction) . kk. Set modifier to 0, +1 or -1 according to whether the accumu- lator is zero, positive, or negative. 45. Set modifier to -1, 0, +1 according to whether the accumu- lator exponent is overflowed, in range, or underf lowed. k6's Set modifier to 0, -1 according to whether the accumulator is known to he exact or may be inexact (i.e., it would require more than 90 bits to specify the result of an addition or subtraction which has been performed since the accumulator was last cleared, or, if exponent underflow has occurred.) ^7- Round and store the accumulator, and place in modifier No. 1 the number of shift required to normalize the accumulator. k w k Modifier Arithmetic The make-up of an M-arithmetic instruction is 6+1 bits 5 bits 5 bits F M2 M where M is the designated modifier and M2 is either a 5-hit non-negative operand or the address of a second modifier whose contents is to be used as -25- an operand. However, if VL - 11111, this is a long instruction, and the next control group represents either a 17-hit operand or the core address of a word whose least significant 17 hits comprise the operand. 48. Clear add. kg. Hold add. 50. Clear subtract. 51. Hold subtract. 52. Cyclic binary left shift. See also orders 60 and 6l. 4.5 Jump Instructions The make-up of a jump instruction is: 6 bits 2 bits h bits 5 bits F P AM where P is the position (00,01, or 10) inside the word referred to, A is a h- bit relative address, and M represents either a modifier or one of 32 input- output or arithmetic conditions. One combination, A = 1000 designates a long instruction, and the address consisting of the next control group represents the fixed core location referred to. 53. Unconditional 5^-. Unconditional, set modifier to value of control counter. 55- Jump if modifier contents = 0. 56. Jump if modifier contents ^ 0. 57. Jump if modifier contents > 0. 58. Jump if modifier contents < 0« 59. Arithmetic conditional, conditions given "by M digits are: -26- (1) Accumulator > (2) Accumulator < (3) Accumulator = (k) Accumulator =/ (5) Exponent > (6) Exponent < (7) Exponent = (8) Exponent \ (9) Accumulator result imprecise (c„f. order ^6) ((0) Precise (11) Floating point overflow (Re- set overflow) (12) Floating point non-overflow (re-set overflow) (13) Exponent underflow (Ik) Exponent not underf lowed 60. Decrease contents of modifier by 1 and jump unless it is now zero. The following orders are strictly modifier arithmetic but have a digit make-up like jump instructions. 61. Store modifier in word A position P 62. Set modifier equal to contents of word A, position P. h.6 Logical Orders A logical word comprises the fractional part of a fixed point number, whose exponent is zero. Therefore, the exponent would not be affected if AND, OR, or EXCLUSIVE OR were applied to the full word instead of merely ^5 bits. It appears that the OR operation will be possible at very little extra cost on read-out from the flow gating memory. It would also be desirable to have the two other operations somewhere, especially EXCLUSIVE OR. However the details of these orders have not been settled. -27- k.J Input-Output and Auxiliary Storage The details of the printer, paper tape, magnetic tape, and drum orders have not been settled. -28-