BAEDEKER’S GUIDE BOOKS. BELGIUM and HOLLAND , with 8 Maps and 18 Plans. Sixth Edition. 1S81. r 5 marks. — - E P P A. PALESTINE and SYRIA, with 18 Maps, 43 Plans, 1 Panorama of Jerusalem, and 10 Views. 1876. 20 marks. THE TRAVELLER’S MANUAL OF CONVERSATION, in English German, French, and Italian. 3 marks. November 1881. OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS <> 2 . l ©Bo SOUTHERN ITALY AND SICILY. COMPARATIVE MONEY-TABLE. Approximate Equivalents. Italian. American. English. Francs. Centesimi. Dollars. Gents. Pounds. Shillings. Pence. 5 _ 1 1 h — 25 — 5 — — 2 1| 2 — 50 — 10 — — 5 — 75 — 15 — — 7 1 U 1 — — 20 — — 9*4 2 — — 40 — 1 71/4 3 — — 60 — 2 5 4 — — 80 — 3 2i| 2 5 — 1 — 4 — 6 — 1 20 — 4 93/4 7 — 1 40 — 5 7i/ 2 8 — 1 60 — 6 5 9 — 1 80 — 7 2i/ 2 10 — 2 — . 8 — 20 — 4 — — 16 — 25 — 5 — 1 — — 100 — 20 — 4 — — COMPARATIVE TABLE of Neapolitan and Sicilian Miglie with Kilometres and. English Miles. ITALY. HANDBOOK FOB TRAVELLERS BY K. BAEDEKER. 'THIRD PART: SOUTHERN ITALY AND SICILY, with excursions to the LIPARI ISLANDS, MALTA, SARDINIA, TUNIS, AND CORFU. With 24 Maps and 14 Flans. Seventh Edition, Kemodelled and Augmented. LEIPSIC : KARL BAEDEKER. LONDON : DULAU AND GO., 37 SOHO SQUARE, W. 1880. All Rights Reserved , ‘Go, little book, God send tnee good passage, And specially let this be thy prayere Unto them all that thee will read or hear, Where thou art wrong, after their help to call, Thee to correct in any part or all*. Chaucer. PREFACE. The objects of the Handbook for Italy, which consists of three volumes, each complete in itself, are to supply the traveller with the most necessary information regarding the history and culture of the people he is about to visit, to render him as independent as possible of the services of guides and valets-de-place, to protect him against extortion, and in every way to aid him in deriving enjoyment and instruction from his tour in one of the most fascinating countries in the world. These volumes will also, it is hoped, be the means of saving the traveller many a trial of temper ; for there is probably no country in Europe where the patience is more severely taxed than in some parts of Italy. The whole work is based on the Editor’s personal ac- quaintance with the places described, most of which he has repeatedly and carefully explored. As, however, changes are constantly taking place, he will highly appreciate any communications with which travellers may kindly favour him, if the result of their own observation. The information already received frpm numerous correspondents, which he gratefully acknowledges , has in many cases proved most serviceable. The Handbook for Southern Italy and Sicily, which now appears for the seventh time, has been thoroughly revised and considerably augmented, and the information regarding Naples and its environs in particular has been carefully veri- fied. For the description of Pompeii the Editor is indebted to Prof. Nissen of Marburg. The article on Ancient Art by Prof. P. Kekule of Bonn has been adapted for the use of English travellers with the kind assistance of Mr. J. A. Crowe , the eminent historian of art, and will be found sug- gestive by visitors to the museums of Naples and Palermo or the ruins of Pompeii. The description of Sicily owes much of its value to the co-operation of Prof. Holm of Palermo, who has enriched it with interesting archaeological notices. The insertion of excursions to the Lipari Islands, Malta, Sar- dinia, Tunis (Carthage), Corfu, and Athens does not add ma- terially to the bulk of the volume, and will be acceptable to many travellers. vi PREFACE. The Maps and Plans, on which special care has been bestowed, and which have been nearly doubled in number, will abundantly suffice for the use of the ordinary traveller. The Plan of Naples, like those of Rome and other large cities described in Baedeker’s Handbooks, is divided into sections with a view to facilitate reference. The Map of Sicily, drawn by Prof. Kiepert of Berlin, is a reproduction on a reduced scale of the new map of the Italian Ordnance Survey ; the rivers which flow all the year round are printed in blue, those which are generally dry in brown. Heights are given in English feet (1 Engl. ft. = 0,3048 metre), and Distances in English miles (comp. p. ii). Pop- ulations are stated in accordance with the official returns of the Direzione Generale di Statistica for 1877 ; in some cases they may appear exaggerated, from the fact that the returns apply to the political districts in which the respective towns and villages are situated. Hotels. In no country does the treatment which the traveller experiences at hotels vary so much as in Italy, and attempts at extortion are perhaps nowhere so out- rageous. The inns of S. Italy and Sicily, with the exception of those of Naples and a few other towns, are sadly behind the requirements of the age; but the Editor has indicated by asterisks those which he has reason to consider compar- atively respectable , clean , and reasonable. The charges in the most frequented places have a constant tendency to rise, but those of the last few years are approximately stated in the Handbook for the traveller’s guidance. To hotel -proprietors, tradesmen, and others the Editor begs to intimate that a character for fair dealing and cour- tesy towards travellers forms the sole passport to his com- mendation, and that advertisements of every kind are strictly excluded. CONTENTS. Introduction. Page I. Travelling Expenses. Money xi II. Period of Tour. Language xii III. Passports. Custom-house. Luggage .... xiii IV. Public Safety. Begging xiv V. Intercourse with Italians xv VI. Conveyances xvi VII. Hotels xix VIII. Restaurants, Cafes, etc xx IX. Sights, Theatres, Shops . . . xxi X. Reckoning of Time xxii XI. Postal Arrangements xxiii XII, Climate and Health of Naples xxiii XIII. History of Ancient Art, by Prof. R. Kekule . . xxv History of the Kingdom of Naples xliv Route Routes - 1. From Rome to Naples by Railway 1 2. From Rome to Naples by the Pontine Marshes, Terracina, Gaeta, and Capua 10 3. From Leghorn to Naples (by Sea) 19 4. Naples 20 Preliminary Observations : Arrival. Hotels, Pensions, Restaurants, Cafes, etc. . . . 20-24 Bankers. Consuls 24 Carriages, omnibuses, boats 24, 25 Baths, physicians, etc 26 Shops . . . 26, 27 Theatres. Post Office, Telegraph Office. Railways, Steam- boats. Traffic. 28 Newspapers. Festivals 29 English Church 29 Duration of Stay and Disposition of Time ^ 29 Remarks on the Situation and Characteristics of Naples 30 I. Side next the Nca, to the E. of the Pizzofalcone (from the Largo della Vittoria to the Piazza del Mercato) 34 II. Toledo. Capodimonte (from the Largo della Vittoria through the Strada Chiaja and the Toledo to Capodi- monte. Strada Foria) 41 III. The Old Town. E. Quarters , between the Toledo and the Harbour (from the Strada Medina through the Str. Montoliveto to the Str. S. Trinith; Porta Capuana, Cemeteries, Str. de’ Tribunali) ... 45 viii CONTENTS. Route Page IV. The Museum 59 Y. Modern Quarters : The Chiaja , Villa Nazionale , Corso Vittorio Emanuele. — Castel S. Elmo .... 83 YI. Hill of Posilipo. Camaldoli 89 5. Western Environs of Naples — Pozzuoli, Baise, Misenum, Cumae 94 6. Procida and Ischia 106 7. From Naples to Pompeii (and Salerno). Herculaneum. La Favorita 112 8. Mount Vesuvius 116 9. Pompeii 123 10. Castellamare, Sorrento, and Capri 149 11. From Naples to Salerno, Paestum, and Amalfi . . . 162 1. Corpo di Cava 164 2. From Amalfi to Sorrento . . 174 12. From Naples to Nola and Avellino 175 E. and S. Districts of S. Italy. 13. From Ancona to Foggia (Brindisi) 178 1. From Foggia to Manfredonia 182 2. From Foggia to Lucera 183 From Foggia to Candela. Melfi. Yenosa 183 14. From (Ancona) Foggia to Naples 185 15. From Pescara to Solmona and Aquila in the Abruzzi . 188 From Solmona to Caianiello (Naples) 191 16. From Terni to Aquila in the Abruzzi 193 17. From Aquila to Avezzano and Roccasecca (Naples) . . 194 18. From Foggia to Brindisi and the Apulian Peninsula . . 198 19. From (Naples) Eboli to Potenza and Torremare on the Gulf of Taranto 206 20. From (Naples) Ponte S. Cono to Reggio 207 21 . From Bari to Taranto 212 22. From Taranto to Reggio 216 23. From Naples to Messina (by Sea). . . . * . . . 222 24. From Naples to Palermo (by Sea) 223 Sicily. General Information 225 Geography and Statistics 227 Historical Notice 237 1. Political History 237 2. History of Civilisation and Art 243 25. Palermo 250 26. Environs of Palermo 265 a. La Cuba. Monreale. S. Martino. La Zisa 265 b. Monte Pellegrino The Favorita 268 c. Bagheria. Solunto . • 270 d. S. Maria di Gesii 271 Island of Ustica 272 MAPS. ix Route 27. From Palermo to Segesta, Castelvetrano, and Selinunto 28. From Calatafimi to Trapani, Marsala, and Castelvetrano 29. From Castelvetrano (Selinunto) to Girgenti .... From Palermo to Sciacca by Corleone 30. From Palermo to Girgenti and Porto Empedocle . . 31 . Girgenti 32. From Palermo and Girgenti to Catania From Castrogiovanni to Catania by Caltagirone .... 33. From Girgenti to Syracuse by Palma, Licata, Terranova, Modica (Val d’Ispica), and Palazzolo From Modica to Syracuse by Noto 34. From Palermo to Messina by the Coast 35. Messina 36. The Lipari Islands 37. From Messina to Catania. Taormina 38. From Taormina to Catania round the W. side of Mt. iEtna 39. Catania 40. Mount ^Etna i 41 . From Catania to Syracuse 42. Syracuse Page 272 279 284 285 286 289 294 298 299 303 304 310 317 320 327 330 335 342 344 43. Excursion to Malta 358 44. Sardinia 361 a. Cagliari and Environs 365 b. From Cagliari to Sassari 368 c. Sassari. Porto Torres 371 d. From Cagliari to Nuoro, with Excursions into the Mountains of La Barbagia 372 45. Excursion to Tunis. Carthage 373 46. From Brindisi to Corfu 380 47. From Naples or from Brindisi (Corfu) to Athens . . . 383 Index 389 List of Artists 405 Maps. 1. Map of Italy (1 : 3,000,000), facing title-page. 2. General Map of the Environs of Naples (1 : 400,000), be- tween pp. 94, 95. 3. Wbstbrn Environs of Naples (1:100,000), between pp. 96, 97. 4. The Islands of Procida and Ischia (1 : 100,000), p. 106. 5. Eastern Environs of Naples. Mt. Vesuvius (1 : 100,000), between pp. 112, 113. 6. Peninsula of Sorrento, and 7. Island of Capri, between pp. 150, 151. 8. Environs of La Cava, Salerno, and Amalfi (1 : 100,000), between pp. 166, 167. X PLANS. 9. District bftwebn Salerno and P^estum (1 : 286,000), p. 167. 10. Environs of Taranto (1 : 50,000), p. 213. 11. District of Metapontum (1 : 50,000), p. 217. 12. Environs of Palermo , and 13. Environs of Trapani ( 1:250,000), p. 265. 14. District between Calatafimi and Segesta (1:50,000), p. 274. 15. District of Selinunto (1 : 50,000), p. 275. 16. Environs of Girgenti (1 : 50,000), p. 289. 17. Environs of Messina (1 : 400,000), p. 310. 18. Environs of Taormina (1 : 50,000), p. 322. 19. Mount .Etna (1 : 300,000), between pp. 334, 335. 20. Environs of Syracuse (1 : 50,000), between pp. 344, 345. 21. Malta, Gozzo,Comino, and 22. Environs of Tunis( 1:500,000), p. 358. 23. Map of Sardinia (1 : 1,350,000), p. 361. 24. Map of Sicily with the Liparl Islands (1:800,000), after the Index. Plans. 1. Naples, between pp. 20, 21. — 2, 3. Museo Nazionale at Naples, ground-floor p. 72, upper floor p. 73. — 4. Pozzuoli, p. 97. — 5. Pompeii, between pp. 124, 125. — 6. House of Pansa at Pompeii, p. 129. — 7. Pjestum, p. 167. — 8. Palermo, p. 250. — 9, 10. Museo Nazionale at Palermo, ground-floor p. 261, upper floor p. 262. — 11. Acropolis of Selinunto, p. 276. — 12. Messina and Environs, between pp. 310, 311. — 13. Catania, p. 330. — 14. Syracuse, modern town, p. 344. Abbreviations. R. = room; B. = breakfast; D. = dinner; S. = supper; L. = light; A. = attendance. — N. == north, northern, etc.; S. = south, southern, etc. ; E. = east, etc. ; W. = west, etc. — r. = right; 1. = left; min. = minute; hr. = hour. — M. = English mile ; ft. = Engl, foot ; fr. = franc, c. = centime. The letter d with a date, after the name of a person, indicates the year of his death. The number of feet given after the name of a place shows its height above the sea-level. The number of miles placed before the principal places on railway-routes and high- roads indicates their distance from the starting-point of the route. Asterisks are used as marks of commendation. INTRODUCTION. “Thou art the garden of the world, the home Of all Art yields, and Nature can decree; E'en in thy desert, what is like to thee? Thy very weeds are beautiful, thy waste More rich than other climes 1 fertility, Thy wreck a glory, and thy ruin graced With an immaculate charm which cannot be defaced. Byron. I. Travelling Expenses. Money. Expenses. The cost of a tour in Southern Italy and Sicily depends of course on the traveller’s means and habits, hut it may he stated generally that his expenses need not exceed those in- curred in the more frequented parts of the continent. The average expenditure of a single traveller may be estimated at 25 francs per day, or about half that sum when a prolonged stay is made at one place, while those who are acquainted with the language and habits of the country may reduce their expenses to still nar- rower limits. Persons travelling as members of a party also effect a considerable saving by sharing the expense of guides, carriages, and other items. When, however, ladies are of the party, the ex- penses are always unavoidably greater. Money. The French monetary system is now used throughout the whole of Italy. The franc (lira or franco) contains 100 centesimi ; 1 fr. 25 c. = 1 s. = 1 German mark = ife Austrian florin. A piece of 5 c. is called a soldo (or sow), and as the lower classes often keep their accounts in soldi, the traveller may find it useful to familiarise himself with this mode of reckoning. See also the Money Table, opposite the title-page. Banknotes. Since the introduction of a paper currency during the war of 1866 , at a compulsory rate of exchange, gold and silver coins have almost entirely disappeared from ordinary cir- culation , and bulky bundles of small notes have taken their place. For these the purses used in most other countries are of course unsuitable, but one adapted for the purpose may be purchased in Italy for l 1 /^"^ fr. ; in addition to which a strong pouch for copper will be found useful. A law passed in 1874 for the regulation of the paper currency restricts the right of issuing notes to six of the principal banks, which now issue in common the Biglietti Consorziali , current throughout the whole of Italy. The xii PLAN OF TOUR. traveller should he on his guard against the forged imitations of these notes which are occasionally met with. Exchange. Gold and silver are worth considerably more than Italian banknotes of nominally the same value. Of late years the gain in exchanging the precious metals, or English banknotes or circular notes, for Italian paper has averaged 10-15 per cent. A napoleon, for example, realises 22-23 fr., and a sovereign 27*/2- 28 3 / 4 fr. If the traveller is required to make a payment in gold he is of course entitled to decline receiving banknotes in exchange, unless the difference in value be taken into account. In exchang- ing gold or English notes for Italian paper at a money-changer’s (Gambia valuta 0, notes of small amount should be stipulated for, as the railway officials sometimes make difficulties about changing a note of large amount. Those money-changers who publicly exhibit a list of the current rates of exchange are the most satisfactory. The exchange is effected more advantageously at Naples that at any of the other towns. Best Money foe, the Tour. Before entering Italy, the traveller should obtain a moderate supply of French Gold (one Napoleon = 22-23 fr. in paper), which is procured in England , France, or Germany on more advantageous terms than in Italy. Sovereigns are received at, or nearly at, their full value (27y2 - 28 3 / 4 fr.) by most of the hotel-keepers, as well as by the money-changers in the principal towns and resorts of travellers, but not in remote districts. The Circular Notes issued by the English banks are very convenient for the transport of large sums, and always realise the full current exchange. English and German banknotes also realise more than their nominal equivalents. Money Orders payable in Italy, for sums not exceeding 10L, are now granted by the English Post Office at the following rates : not exceeding 2 L, 9 d.; 5 L, Is. 6 d. ; 7 L, 2s. 3 d . ; 10Z., 3s. These are paid in gold. The identity of the receiver must be guaranteed by two well-known residents. The charge for money-orders granted in Italy and payable in England is 40 c. per 1 1. sterling. II. Period of Tour. Language. Season. The season selected must of course depend on the traveller’s convenience , but the best time for Naples , and par- ticularly for other parts of S. Italy and Sicily is spring, from the end of March to the end of May, or autumn, from the middle of September to the end of November. The rainy winter months had better be devoted to Rome. The hot season may be spent at some of the charming summer resorts in the environs of Na- ples, such as Sorrento, Castellamare , Ischia, and La Cava, but is unfavourable for travelling in the South of Italy. The scenery indeed is then in perfection , and the long days are LANGUAGE. xiii hailed with satisfaction by the enterprising traveller ; but he will soon experience the enervating effects of exposure to the fierce rays of an Italian sun. These effects are produced, not so much by the intensity, as by the protracted duration of the heat, the sky being frequently cloudless, and not a drop of rain falling for several months in succession , until the first showers of autumn again refresh the parched atmosphere about the end of August. At p. 30 the traveller will find various plans for excursions in the environs of Naples , and at p. 226 are others for a tour in Sicily. The other districts described in the Handbook are rarely visited by ordinary tourists , but those who desire to ex- plore them, whether in search of the picturesque, or for scien- tific purposes, will have no difficulty in framing an itinerary. Language. The time and labour which the traveller has bestowed on the study of Italian at home will be amply repaid as he proceeds on his journey, and more particularly in Southern Italy and Sicily. It is quite possible to travel in the regions around Naples and Palermo with a knowledge of a little French only, but in this case the traveller cannot conveniently deviate from the beaten track, and is moreover constantly exposed to gross extortion. Those , therefore , who desire to derive instruction from their tour and to confine their expenditure within moderate limits will find a slight acquaintance with the language f of the country indispensable. III. Passports. Custom-house. Luggage. Passports. Passports are not required in Italy, but it is un- wise not to be provided with one of these documents, as it may occasionally prove useful. Registered letters, for example, are not delivered to strangers unless they exhibit a passport as a guar- antee of their identity. In the remote districts, too, where the public safety still demands rigorous supervision, especially in the southern provinces , the traveller who cannot show his creden- t ‘ Baedeker's Manual of Conversation in four Languages (English, French, German , and Italian ), with Vocabulary, etc .’ (Stereot. Edit.) will be found serviceable for tbis purpose. With the addition of a pocket-dic- tionary, the traveller will soon he able to make himself understood. — A few words on the pronunciation may be acceptable to persons unac- quainted with the language. C before e and i is pronounced like the English ch ; g before e and i like j. Before other vowels c and g are hard. Ch and gh, which generally precede e or *, are hard. Sc before e or i is pronounced like sh; gn and gl between vowels like nyi and lyi. The vowels a, e , i, o, u are pronunced ah, a, ee, o, oo. — In addressing persons of the educated classes ‘Ella'* or ‘Lei 1 , with the 3rd pers. sing., should always be employed (addressing several at once, ‘loro 1 with the 3rd pers. pi.). ‘Yoi 1 is used in addressing waiters, drivers, etc., ‘tp 1 in familiar conversation only by those who are proficient in the language, ‘Voi 1 is the common mode of address employed by the Neapolitans, but is generally regarded as inelegant or uncourteous. xlv PUBLIC SAFETY. tials is liable to detention. The Italian police authorities, how- ever, will he found uniformly civil and obliging. Custom House. The examination of luggage which takes place at the Italian custom - houses on the arrival of the traveller by land or sea, even when the vessel has come from another Italian port, is usually very lenient. Tobacco and cigars are the articles most sought for. Weapons of all kinds are liable to con- fiscation (see below). The ‘dazio consumo’, or municipal tax levied on comestibles in most of the Italian [towns, seldom of course requires to be paid by ordinary travellers. An assurance that their luggage contains nothing liable to duty generally suffices to prevent detention. Luggage. If possible, luggage should never be sent to Italy by goods’ train, and then only through the medium of a trustworthy goods-agent, to whom the keys must be forwarded. As a rule the traveller will find it advisable, and less expensive, never to part from his luggage , and always to superintend the custom- house examination in person. IV. Public Safety. Begging. Travelling in the neighbourhood of Naples and many other regions of Southern Italy is now hardly attended with greater hazard than in any of the northern European countries. The traveller should, however, avoid the poorer and less frequented parts of large towns, particularly of Naples, after nightfall. Most of the high-roads, and even the less frequented districts, may also be pronounced safe, especially for unpretending travellers. Tem- porary associations of freebooters are indeed occasionally formed, even in the most secure districts, for some predatory enterprise, but the attacks of such bands are generally directed against wealthy inhabitants of the country, who are known to be travelling with large sums of money, and seldom against strangers, with whose movements and finances such marauders are not likely to be ac- quainted. The Brigantaggio , properly so called, is now almost entirely rooted out, the only traces of it still found being in some parts of Sicily. It is , however, a purely local evil , which it is always easy to avoid. The reports of predatory attacks which are sometimes current are generally greatly exaggerated. For in- formation as to the safety of the roads the traveller should apply to the officials , or to the Carabinieri , or gensdarmes (who wear a black uniform, with red facings, and cocked hats), a respectable and trustworthy corps. Weapons cannot legally be carried without a licence. For the ordinary traveller they are a mere burden, and in the case of a ren- contre with brigands they only serve greatly to increase the danger. Begging, which was countenanced and even encouraged by the old system of Italian politics, still continues to be one of those INTERCOURSE WITH ITALIANS. xv national nuisances to which the traveller must habituate himself. At Naples the evil has been to a great extent suppressed under the new regime, hut in many of the small towns it is still nearly as rife as ever. The best mode of getting rid of importunate ap- plicants is to bestow a donation of 2 c. or at most 5 c., or else firmly to decline giving with — ‘niente’, or a gesture of disapproval. Y. Intercourse with Italians. Travelling in Italy, and particularly in the southern pro- vinces, differs essentially in some respects from that in France, Germany, and Switzerland, chiefly owing to the almost invariable necessity for bargaining with innkeepers, cab-drivers, boatmen, and others of a similar class. The system of fixed prices is being gradually introduced, but it gains ground much more slowly in Southern than in Northern and Central Italy. The traveller is regarded by the classes in question as their natural and legitimate prey. Deception and imposition are considered very venial offences by Italians of the lower orders, and they regard success in these arts as a proof of superior sagacity. The traveller who complacently submits to extortion is therefore less respected than one who stoutly resists barefaced attempts upon his credulity. On the principal routes, and especially in Naples, the insolence of this mercenary fraternity has attained to such an unexampled pitch, that the traveller is often tempted to doubt whether such a thing as honesty is known in Italy; but a more intimate acquaintance with the people and their habits will satisfy him that his misgivings apply to the above classes only, and not to the community generally. In Italy the pernicious custom of demanding considerably more than will ultimately be accepted is universal; but a knowledge of the custom , which is based upon the presumed ignorance of one of the contracting parties, tends greatly to mitigate the evil. Where tariffs and fixed charges exist, they should be carefully consulted. In other cases where an average price is established by custom, the traveller should make a precise bargain with respect to the service to be rendered, and never rely on the equity of the other party. The preliminaries of a bargain once adjusted, the traveller will often find the people with whom he has to deal more trustworthy than he anticipated. Individuals who appeal to the generosity of the stranger, or to their own honesty , or who , as rarely happens, are offended by manifestations of distrust, may well be answered in the words of the proverb, £ patti chiari , amicizia lunga\ In the following pages the average prices of hotel accommodation and other items are stated with all possible accuracy, and although liable to fluctuation , will often prove a safeguard against gross extortion. xvi CONVEYANCES. The equanimity of the traveller’s own temper will greatly assist him if involved in a dispute or bargain , and he should pay no attention whatever to vehement gesticulations or an offensive demeanour. The slighter his knowledge of the Italian language is, the more careful should he be not to involve himself in a war of words, in which he must necessarily be at great disadvantage. It need hardly be observed that the representations of drivers, guides, and others of a similar class, with whom even the in- habitants of the place often appear to act in concert, are unworthy of the slightest reliance. In such cases the traveller may gen- erally depend on the data in the Handbook. Where farther in- formation is required, it should be sought from printed tariffs, from fellow-travellers, gensdarmes, respectably dressed persons present, occasionally from landlords , but seldom or never from waiters. The traveller should always be provided with an abundant supply of copper coin in a country where trifling donations are incessantly in demand. Drivers, guides, porters, and donkey- attendants invariably expect , and often demand as a right , a gratuity (buona mano , mancia , da here , bottiglia, caffe , fumata), varying according to circumstances from 2-3 sous to a franc or more, in addition to their hire. The traveller need not scruple to limit his donations to the smallest possible sums, as liberality is often a fruitful source of annoyance and embarrassment. The bestowal of half-a-franc when two sous would have sufficed may be fraught with disagreeable results to the injudicious donor; the fact speedily becomes known, and he is besieged by a host of other applicants whose demands it becomes utterly impossible to satisfy. VI. Conveyances, f Railways. With the exception of the Rome and Naples and the Naples and Avellino lines, which belong to the Ferrovie Romane , the whole of the railways of S. Italy and Sicily are in the hands of the Ferrovie Meridionali company. The first-class carriages are seldom better than the second on most of the German and Swiss lines. l Si cambia convoglw means ‘change carriages’. ‘ Fare il biglietto ’ signifies ‘to take one’s ticket’. The ticket- office is usually open half-an-hour before the departure of the train, but the issue of the tickets is often so extremely slow that travellers with luggage should always endeavour to be among the first applicants. The exact fare should , if possible, be kept in t The most trustworthy time-tables are those contained in the Indi- cators Ufficiale delle Strade Ferrate , della Navigazione e Telegrafia del Regno d' Italia, published at Turin monthly by the Fratelli Pozzo (with map, price 1 fr.), with which every traveller should be provided. Smaller collections of time-tables are also published at Naples , in Sicily, and elsewhere for local use (10-50 c.). CONVEYANCES. xvii readiness in order that farther delay may he avoided. The wait- ing-rooms are kept closed until half-an-hour before the departure of the train. By a law passed on 14th Oct. 1866, a tax of 5 c. is imposed on each rail way- ticket. Except at Naples and a few other large stations, passengers do not give up their tickets until they leave the station (where uscita is usually called out to attract their attention). The traveller is recommended to ascertain the weight of his luggage, if possible, before going to the station, in order to guard against imposition. Luggage may be booked to any station whether the passenger accompanies it or not, and the traveller is thus en- abled to send his luggage to his final destination while he himself breaks his journey at pleasure. No luggage is allowed free, except what is taken by the passenger into his carriage, which must not exceed 20 kilogrammes (about 44 lbs. Engl.) in weight. Porters who convey luggage to and from the carriages expect a few sous where there is no fixed tariff. Travellers who make a short stay only at any station may deposit their luggage at the luggage-office (dare in deposito , or depositare). Circular Tickets are issued on the N. Italian and Roman rail- ways only (the latter extending as far as Naples), but not on the S. Italian lines. A list of the various circular tours may be con- sulted in the ‘Indicatore Ufficiale’. Through-tickets to Naples, Brindisi, etc., may be obtained in England and in Germany. Steamboats. A voyage on the Mediterranean or Adriatic is almost inseparable from a tour in Southern Italy. If the vessel plies near the coast, the voyage is often entertaining ; and if the open sea is traversed, the magnificent Italian sunsets, lighting up the deep blue water with their crimson rays, present a scene not easily forgotten. Rough weather is not very often to be appre- hended in summer. Tickets should be purchased by the traveller in person at the office of the company. The ticket is furnished with the purchaser's name and destination, the name of the vessel, and the hour of departure. First and second class family-tickets, for not fewer than three persons, are issued by all the companies at a reduction of 20 per cent on the passage-money, but not on the cost of food. A child of 2-10 years pays half-fare, but in this case must share the berth of its attendant. Two children are entitled to a berth for themselves. — Enquiry should be made beforehand as to the punctuality of the vessel, as it sometimes happens that the shipment and unshipment of goods prolong the voyage for a day or more beyond the advertised time. The First Class saloons and berths are comfortably and elegantly fitted up , those of the Second tolerably. Second-class passengers, like those of the first, have free access to every part of the deck. Officers of the Italian and French armies, up to and including those of the rank of captain, are entitled to second-class berths only. When ladies are of the party it is of course advisable to travel first-class. Luggage. First-class passengers are allowed TO kilogrammes (156 lbs. Engl.), second-class 45 kilogr. (100 lbs.), but articles not intended for per- sonal use are prohibited. Food of good quality and ample quantity is generally included in the Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. b xviii CONVEYANCES. first and second-class fares. DijeHner ct la fourchette , served at 10, con- sists of 3-4 courses , table-wine , and coffee. Dinner is a similar repast between 5 and 6 o’clock. Passengers who are too ill to partake of these repasts are provided with lemonade , etc. , gratuitously. Refreshments may of course be procured at other hours on payment. Fees. The steward expects 1 fr. for a voyage of 12-24 hrs., but more if the passenger has given unusual trouble. Embarkation. Passengers should be on board an hour before the advertised time of starting. The charges for conveyance to the steamboat (usually 1 fr. for each person with luggage) are fixed by tariff at all the seaports, and will be found in the Handbook. Passengers should there- fore avoid all discussions on the subject with the boatmen, and simply direct them to row ‘al Vaticano’, ‘alia Bella Venezia’, or whatever the name of the vessel may be. On the way, the boatmen often make demands extravagantly in excess of the tariff, such as, ‘Signore, sono cinque lire!’ — to which the passenger may simply reply, ‘avanti!’ On arriving at the vessel, payment should not be made until the traveller with all his luggage is deposited on deck. The wild gesticulations of the boatman, who has perhaps calculated upon the credulity of his passenger, but re- ceives no more than the fare fixed by tariff (which is ample remune- ration), may be enjoyed with serenity from the deck, a ‘terra sacra’ on which disputes are strictly prohibited. The passenger gives up his ticket on board, receives the number of his berth,, superintends the stowing away of his luggage, and finally repairs to the deck to observe the progress of the vessel as it quits the harbour, of which a fine view is generally obtained. Diligences. Vetture Corrieri are the swifter conveyances which carry the mails , and accommodate two or three passengers only at high fares. Diligenze , the ordinary stage-coaches, convey tra- vellers with tolerable rapidity, and generally for the same fares as similar vehicles on other parts of the continent. They are in the hands of private speculators, and where several run in com- petition the more expensive are to he preferred. When ladies are of the party the coupe (one-third dearer) should if possible be secured. The drivers and hostlers generally expect a few soldi at the end of each stage. Carriages. Those who travel in a hired carriage of their own are of course much more independent than diligence-passengers. On the more frequented routes a carriage with one horse may gener- ally be hired for 3 / 4 -l fr., and on the less frequented for V2“ 3 /4 fr- per English mile. Walking Tours. An Italian never walks if he can possibly drive ; to him it is an inscrutable mystery how walking can afford pleasure. In the more frequented districts, however, such as the environs of Naples, the inhabitants are accustomed to this mania of travellers from the north. Walking excursions in other parts of Italy also have their peculiar attractions, and among other advan- tages that of procuring for the pedestrian the enviable reputation of being a pittore , or needy individual from whom little is to be extorted. Prolonged and fatiguing walking-tours, such as are undertaken in more northern climates, will be found impracticable in Italy. Cool and clear weather should if possible be selected, and ex- HOTELS. xix posure to the sirocco studiously avoided. The height of summer is totally unsuitable for tours of this kind. Riding. A horse ( cavallo ), mule ( mulo ), or donkey (sommdro ; Neapol. ciucio ; Sicil. vettura , applied to all three animals), between which the difference of expense is trifling, often affords a pleasant and cheap mode of travelling, especially in mountainous districts, where the attendant (pedone) also acts as a servant for the time being. Side-saddles for ladies are also generally procurable. A bargain should be made previously , tutto compreso , a gratuity being added if the traveller is satisfied. VII. Hotels. First Class Hotels, comfortably fitted up, are to be found at Naples and some of the places in its vicinity, at Brindisi, Palermo, Messina, Catania, and Acireale, the landlords of many of them being Swiss or Germans. Rooms 2 1 / 2 -5fr., bougie 75 c. -1 fr., attendance 1 fr., table d’hote 4-6 fr., and so on. Families, for whose reception the hotels are often specially fitted up, should make an agreement with regard to pension (8-10 fr. per day for each person). Visitors are expected to dine at the table d’hote ; otherwise they are charged more for their rooms, or are informed that they are engaged by other travellers. French is spoken everywhere. Cuisine a mixture of French and Italian. — The numerous Pensions in or near Naples, often kept by English or German ladies, are usually com- fortable, clean, and moderate. Passing travellers are received at many of them even for a day or two. The Second Class Inns, as in Northern and Central Italy, gener- ally have a trattoria in connection with the house. Room light and attendance 1 fr. per day. Enquiry as to charges, however, should always be made beforehand ; and in bargaining for a room the ‘servizio e candela’ should not be forgotten. An extortionate bill may even be reduced though no previous agreement has been made, but this is never effected without long and vehement dis- cussions. Attendance, exclusive of boots and commissionnaire, is usually charged in the bill at the best hotels. In the smaller inns it is generally included in the charge for rooms ; but if not, 1 fr. per day may be divided between the waiter and the facchino, or less for a prolonged stay. Copper coins are never despised by such recipients. The popular idea of cleanliness in Southern Italy is behind the age, dirt being perhaps neutralised in the opinion of the natives by the bril- liancy of their climate. The traveller will rarely suffer from this short- coming in hotels and lodgings of the [best class ; but those who quit the beaten track must be prepared for privations. In the village-inns the pig ( animate nero) is a privileged inmate , and the poultry are freely ad- mitted. Iron bedsteads should if possible be selected, as being less in- fested by the enemies of repose. Insect-powder ( polvere di Persia , or Keating’s ; better procured before leaving home) or camphor should be b* XX RESTAURANTS. plentifully sprinkled on the beds and on the traveller’s clothing in places of doubtful cleanliness. The zanzdre , or mosquitoes , are a source of great annoyance, and even of suffering, in summer and autumn. Windows should always be carefully closed before a light is introduced into the room. Light muslin curtains (zanzarieri) round the beds, masks for the face, and gloves are used to ward off the attacks of these pertinacious intruders. The burning of insect-powder over a spirit-lamp is also re- commended, and pastilles for the same purpose may be purchased at the principal chemists’. A weak solution of carbolic acid is efficacious in allaying the irritation caused by the bites. A list of the Italian names of the ordinary articles of underclothing (la biancheria) will be useful in dealing with the washerwoman: shirt (linen, cotton, woollen), la camisca (di tela , di cotone , di lana); collar, il collar e; cuff, il manichino; drawers, le mutande ; woollen undershirt, una giuba di Jianella; petticoat, la sottana ; stocking, la calza ; sock, lo scap- pino ; handkerchief (silk), il fazoletto (di seta). To give out to wash, dare a bucato (di bucato , newly washed); washing-list, nota; washerwoman, laundress, la lavandaja , la stiratrice. VIII. Restaurants , Cafes. Restaurants (trattorie) are chiefly frequented by Italians, and by travellers unaccompanied by ladies. Dinner may be obtain- ed a la carte at any hour between 12 and 7 or 8 p. m., for l^-^fr. ; or a repast (pasto) may be ordered at the fixed price of 3-5 fr. for each person. The waiters expect a gratuity of 2-5 soldi, or about 1 soldo for each franc of the bill. The diner who desires to keep his expenses within reasonable limits should avoid ordering dishes not included in the bill of fare. List of the ordinary dishes at Minestra , or Zuppa , soup. Constant, broth or bouillon. Zuppa. alia Santt, soup with green vegetables and bread. Riso con piselli, rice-soup with peas. Risotto , a kind of rice-pudding (rich). Maccaroni al burro , with butter; al pomidoro, or alia Napolitana, with tomatas, see below. Manzo , beef. Lesso or bollito , boiled meat. Fritto, fried meat. Frittura mista , liver , brains , arti- chokes, etc., fried together. Frittata, omelette. Arrosto , roasted meat. Bistecca, beefsteak. Coscietto, loin. Arrosto di vitello, or di mongana , roast-veal. Testa di vitello , calf’s head. Ftgato di vitello, calf’s liver. Costoletta or braccioletta di vitello, veal-cutlet. Patate , potatoes. Quaglia , quail. Tordo, field-fare. Lodola, lark. S/oglia, a kind of sole. the Italian restaurants : — Antepasto, principi alia tavola , or piattini, hot relishes. Funghi , mushrooms (often too rich). Presciutto, ham. Salami, sausage. Polio, or pollastro , fowl. Gallotta, turkey. Umidi, meat with sauce. Stufatino, ragout. Erbe or legumi, vegetables. Carciofi, artichokes. Piselli, peas. Lenticchie, lentils. Cavoli fiori, cauliflower. Fave, beans. Fagiuolini, French beans. Sale, salt. Pepe, pepper. Mostarda, simple mustard. Senctpe, hot mustard. Osiriche , oysters (good in winter only). Frutta or Giardinetto, fruit-desert. Crostata di frutti, fruit-tart, Crostata di pasta sfoglia , a kind of pastry. Fragole, strawberries. Pera, pear. Pomi or mele, apples. CAFfiS. XXI Persiche , peaches. TJva , hunch of grapes. Limone , lemon. Anmcfo or Portogallo , orange. Pane francese, bread made with yeast (the Italian is without). Finocchio , root of fennel. Formaggio , or in S. Italy caccio, cheese. Fmo rosso or wero, red wine ; bianco , white; asciutto , dry; choice, sweet; riwo paese , wine of the country. The Maccaroni of Naples is much esteemed , but is generally hard, and should therefore be ordered ‘ben cotti\ It is usually flavoured with pomi d'oro (tomatas) , of which the Neapolitans are very fond. Sea-fish and ragosta , a kind of lobster, excellent. Shell-fish-soup (zuppa di von- gole ), a good but indigestible dish. Cafes are frequented for breakfast and luncheon, and in the evening by numerous consumers of ices. Cafe noir (Caffe nero) is most commonly drunk (15-20 c. per cup). Caffe latte is coffee mixed with milk before served (20-30 c.) ; or caffe e latte , i. e. with the milk served separately, may be preferred (30-40 c.). The usual viands for lunch are ham, sausages, cutlets, and eggs ( uovadabere , soft; toste, hard; uova al piatto, fried). Ices ( sorbetto , or gelato) of every conceivable variety are supplied at the cafes, particularly at Naples, at 30-90 c. per por- tion ; or half-a-portion ( mezza ) may generally be ordered. Granita , or half-frozen ice ( limonata , of lemons; aranciata , of oranges; di caffe , of coffee), is chiefly in vogue in the forenoon. The waiter (cameriere), whose accuracy in giving change is not always to be relied on, expects a fee of 5-10 c. Cigars in Italy are a monopoly of Government, and bad. The prices of the home-made cigars ( Scelti Romani , Virginias , Vevays , Cavours , Napolitani , etc.) vary from 5 to 10 c. Good imported cigars may be bought at the best shops in the large towns for 25-60 c. — Passers-by are at liberty to avail themselves of the light burning in every tobacconist's, without making any purchase. IX. Sights, Theatres, Shops. Churches are open in the morning till 12 or 12.30, and gener- ally again from 2-4 to 7 p.m. Visitors may inspect the works of art even during divine service , provided they move about noise- lessly, and keep aloof from the altar where the clergy are officiating. The verger (sagrestano or nonzolo) receives a fee of ^2 fr. ° r up- wards, if his services are required. Museums, picture-galleries , and other collections are usually open from 10 to 3 o’clock. By a law of 1875 all the collections which belong to government are open on week-days at a charge of 1 fr., and on Sundays gratis. They are closed on public holidays. The Museo Nazionale at Naples, for instance, is closed on New Year’s Day, Epiphany (6th Jan.), the king’s birthday (14th Mar.), Easter Sunday, Ascension Day, Corpus Christi, Festa dello Statuto (first Sunday in June), Day of SS. Peter & Paul (29tli June), Assumption of the Virgin (15th Aug.), Birth of the Virgin (8th Sept.), St. Januarius (14th Sept.), All Saints’ Day (1st Nov.), Feast of the Conception (8tli Dec.), and on Christ- mas Day. Theatres. The performances at the larger theatres, beginning at 8, 8.30, or 9, and ending at midnight or later, consist ex- clusively of operas and ballets, the first act of an opera being RECKONING OF TIME. xxii usually succeeded by a ballet of three or more acts. The pit (platea), to which holders of the ordinary biglietto d'ingresso are admitted, is the usual resort of the men. For the reserved seats (scanni chiusiy sedie chiuse , poltrone , posti distinti ) and boxes (palco) ad- ditional tickets must be taken. Ladies of course engage a box, or at least reserved seats. The former must always be secured in advance. — A visit to the smaller theatres, where dramas and comedies are acted, is recommended for the sake of familiarising the ear with the language. Performances in summer take place in the open air. — The theatre is a favourite evening resort of the Italians, and silence during the performance of the music is never very strictly observed. Shops rarely have fixed prices. As a rule two-thirds or three- quarters of the price asked should be offered (comp. p. 26). The same rule applies to artizans , drivers, and others. l Non volete ? J (then you will not?) is a remark which generally has the effect of bringing the matter to a speedy adjustment. Purchases should never be made by the traveller when accompanied by a valet-de- place. These individuals, by tacit agreement, receive at least 10 per cent of the purchase-money, which of course comes out of the purchaser’s pocket. X. Reckoning of Time. The old Italian reckoning from 1 to 24 o’clock is now disused in all the larger towns, except by the lower classes, but is still almost universally employed in the country, especially in Sicily. The ordinary reckoning of other nations is termed ora francese. The moment of the sun’s disappearance below the horizon is ‘half past 23 o’clock’ ; the twilight lasts about half-an-hour, after which it is ‘24 o’clock’, or the close of the day, when ‘Ave Maria’ By Ita: our noon is 1. time our midnt. is Ave Maria or 24 o’cl. is our By Ita our noon is 1. time our midnt is Ave Maria 1 or 24 o’cl. 1 3 0 Jan. 1 — 12. 19 7 5 July 1—12. 16 4 8 13—31. 183| |4 63 / 4 5i|4 13-31. 16i < 4i(4 73, (« Feb. 1—15. 18 1 ! I 2 6^2 51(2 Aug. 1—15. 16i 2 41)2 7i 2 16-24. 18 1 ! [4 61/4 53| 4 16—25. 163 4 43 L 71/4 25-28. 18 6 6 26—31. 17 5 7 March 1 — 5. 18 6 6 Sept. 1 — 5. 17 5 7 6-15. 173 4 53| 4 6i| 4 6-16. 17i| 4 5i| 4 63 4 16—26. 17i 2 5i| 2 6 l | 2 17-27. 171/2 51/2 61 2 27—31. 17i 4 5i| 4 63 | 4 28—30. 173, 1 4 53)4 6i 4 April 1 — 10. 17i 4 5i|4 63/4 Oct. 1—10. 173/ 4 53U 6i 4 11 — 20 . 17 5 7 11 — 20 . 18 6 6 21—30. 163 | 4 43/4 7i|4 21—31. 181/4 6!| 4 53| [4 May 1 — 15. 16i I 2 4i| 2 71/2 Nov. 1—15. 18ij ; 2 6 M 2 5 1 ! '2 16-31. 16i |4 4i 4 73/4 16—31. 183 63/4 5i 4 June 1 — 30. 16 4 8 Dec. 1—31. 19 7 5 CLIMATE. HEALTH. xxiii is rung. The following hours are usually called ‘un ora di notte’, ‘due ore di notte’, etc. This troublesome mode of calculation would necessitate a daily alteration of every time-piece in the kingdom, but it is thought sufficiently accurate to alter the hour of Ave Maria by a quarter of an hour about once a fort- night. The accompanying table shows the Italian compared with the ordinary hours. XI. Postal Arrangements. Post Office. The address of letters, whether poste restante (Ital. ferma in posta ), or to the traveller’s hotel, should in all cases be simple and distinctly legible , all superfluous titles being omitted. In asking for letters it is advisable to show one’s visiting-card, and to see that a proper search is made among the poste restante letters. Postage-stamps (francobolli) are sold at many of the tobacco- shops. A letter of 15 grammes p /2 oz *> weight of about 3 soldi) to any of the countries included in the postal union 25 c. ; post- card (cartolina po stale) 10 c. ; book-post (stampe sotto fascia) 5 c. per 50 grammes; registering ( raccomandazione ) 25 c. Letters by town -post 5 c.; throughout Italy 20 c. prepaid, 30 c. unpaid; post-cards 10 c., with card for answer attached 15 c. In the larger towns the post-office is open daily (including Sundays and holidays) from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Telegram of 20 words to Great Britain 10 (London 9) fr., France 4, Germany 5, Switzerland 3, Austria 3 or 4, Belgium 5, Denmark 7 4 / 2 9 Russia 11, Norway 8^2 > Sweden 8 fr. — To America from 3 3 / 4 fr. per word upwards, according to the distance. In Italy, 15 words 1 fr.; with special haste (telegrammi urgenti ) 5 fr. ; each additional word 10 or 50 c. — Registered telegrams may be sent at double charges. XII. Climate and Health of Naples. Climate. The hills in the vicinity of Naples only afford it par- tial protection against the winds. The Posilipo and the heights of S. Elmo and Capodimonte shelter it tolerably well on the N.W. and N. ; but the N.E. (Tramontana), S.E . (Scirocco), and S.W. (Libeccio) winds are opposed by no such natural barrier. The alter- nation of these air-currents from the N. and S. exercises the most material influence upon the temperature of the different seasons at Naples , and is the usual cause of the extreme variations which sometimes occur in the course of a single day. The month of Sep- tember and the first half of October form as a rule a favourable season for a visit to Naples, the mean temperature being about 70° Fahr., and the sky generally bright and cloudless. In November the rainy S. wind prevails , while in December , during which the N. wind blows, many fine days are enjoyed. The mean winter temperature is about 50°, but in the cold nights of January the thermometer xxiv CLIMATE. HEALTH. sometimes sinks 5-6° below freezing-point. Snow seldom falls in Naples itself, but the top of Mt. Vesuvius is often covered with snow during the winter rainy season. Fogs are very rare. Towards the end of January, or in February at latest, the S. winds again predominate, and a rainy season sets in , which often lasts till April. March resembles an English April in its changeableness, while April (mean temperature 60°) is perhaps the most delightful month of the whole year. May (68°) is also an exceedingly plea- sant month. In June, July , and August the prevalent winds are from theN. and N.E., and the weather is extremely dry and sultry. The heat sometimes rises to 100° (mean 72-77°), but is pleasantly tempered by the S. wind , which rises in the forenoon and blows till about 4 p.m., an advantage unknown at Rome or Florence. Health. The sanitary condition of Naples is on the whole not unsatisfactory , and epidemics have not shown themselves so deadly here as in many large towns in cooler climates. This is doubtless owing to its constant ventilation by the various winds ; but the traveller must be on his guard against the sudden changes of temperature occasioned by these otherwise beneficial currents. Rooms facing the S., such as are easily obtained in the Str . S. Lucia and Str. Chiatamone , are absolutely essential for the deli- cate, and highly desirable for the robust. Those, however, who object to dust and wind should avoid these localities. Another point to be observed is that the drains emptying themselves here into the sea pollute the air very perceptibly when the wind blows inshore. If diet be properly attended to, there is probably not so much risk of typhus fever arising from this cause as is sometimes imagined ; but delicate or nervous persons had better choose one of the hotels or pensions in the Corso Vittorio Emanuele. For a prolong- ed stay the parallel streets to the N. of the Riviera di Chiaja ($. Maria in Portico , S. Teresa , Cavallerizza , etc.), may be recommend- ed as sheltered, free from dust, and sufficiently well ventilated. The upper floors of the houses are often damper than those on the ground-floor, owing to the thinness of the walls. Care should be taken to see that all the doors and windows close satisfactorily. Travellers should be provided with a supply of warm clothing, and should be careful not to go out in the evening too lightly clad. Natives are generally much less negligent of these precautions than strangers. The water of Naples is obtained partly from aqueducts and partly from cisterns. It is of very indifferent quality, and, though rendered more palatable by the addition of snow or ice , cannot in this way be made any purer or more wholesome. — Attention to the above hints will generally enable the traveller to ward off illness, but should continued diarrhoea or other serious symptoms occur, no time should be lost in summoning a physician. ANCIENT ART, from the German of Prof. Reinhard Kekule. We store The sculptured relics of the Past , And deplore The beautiful as lost at last. The traveller whose attention is directed to the treasures of the National Mnsenm at Naples, to the relics of antiquity scattered throughout Southern Italy and Sicily , and who , possibly setting foot on the soil of Attica, finds himself, if favoured by fortune, in the presence of her glorious ruins — has in all probability had his appetite whetted in Rome, and has there collected such data as he will readily apply to all that presents itself as new to his obser- vation. But even he who turns himself at once to the contemplation of an heritage of antiquity such as that comprised in the favoured regions of Campania and Sicily has the promise of a rich and ab- undant harvest, if he but know how to prize its fruits. The National Museum partakes in many of its departments of the same character as the Vatican with its Statue world, and in- cludes many works in marble which have indeed been brought thither from Rome, notably those formerly belonging to the Farnese family. By the careful observer many of the statues will be re- cognised as repetitions of those already seen in Rome. They belong to the numerous class of copies made from renowned masterpieces, which in the old Roman time were indispensable adjuncts to a display of wealth and refinement. Many of these marbles betray, owing to a certain redundancy and pliancy of outline, a taste peculiar to people of these coasts upon which Nature has lavished her choicest gifts. The exquisite Greek coins remind us that we are in a land that was once the thriving and envied seat of Greek cul- ture : innumerable tripods, candelabra, lamps, braziers, jars, jugs, caskets, bracelets, needles, house and kitchen-utensils of all kinds, weapons of warriors and gladiators, the numerous figures in bronze, above all a stately array of some hundreds of wall-paintings, unique in the world , indicate with sufficient clearness that here are col- xxvi ANCIENT ART. lected the results of excavations which present as in a mirror a complete and charming picture of ancient life, and that we are in the immediate neighbourhood of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae, long buried at the foot of Vesuvius. His first impression of purely Greek art the Northern traveller in Italy receives at Paestum. The drive through a lonely, insecure country ; the picturesque beauty of the ruins and landscape with the glittering sea in apparently close proximity ; the melancholy re- flection that these proud temples before their decay looked upon a thriving Hellenic city amid the smiles of nature, instead of a fever-stricken pestilential wilderness : all this serves so to excite the susceptibility of the beholder, that he will find the impression produced by these ruins , conspicuously that of the Temple of Jupiter , almost more overpowering than even the spectacle of the Roman forum. There the scale , the solidity and splendour of the edifices , as well as the surpassing wealth of form and sculptured ornament, are imposing. Here the architecture appears externally poor in merely superficial decoration : poorer than it had originally been. The coating of stucco , so fine and firmly set that it gave to the porous limestone a surface smooth as marble, is shattered and weather-stained , the forms themselves have extensively suffered ; wind and weather have obliterated the coloured leaves which de- corated the heavy collars of the capitals together with all that gay adornment bestowed according to Greek custom. But precisely in this absence of adornment, in a simplicity which brings to view only what is indispensable and essential, does this stern Doric temple with its dense array of mighty columns, with its lofty and ponderous entablature and far-reaching projection of cornice, in the clear and simple disposal of the masses, in solemnity and strength of proportion, in beauty and distinctness of outline, pre- sent itself as a revelation of the spirit of Greek architecture, which so fills us with amazement that we are apt to overlook the very slight expenditure of material space employed to produce this in- comparable impression of grandeur and sublimity. One who has seen the ruins of Paestum will have the more pleasure in examin- ing less impressive mementoes of the Greek ages from the city dedi- cated to Poseidon — the fine monumental paintings from Paestum in the National Museum of Naples: Warriors departing for the combat whence they are never to return. The Temple of Poseidon at Paestum is ascribed to the close of the 6th century B.C. From a far remoter past, however, dates the fragment of art-history which we are enabled to trace in Selh- nunto , although it cannot of course be deciphered on the spot from its ruins alone. The imagination is less severely taxed to supply all that is lost to the beauteous ruins in Segesta and Oirgenti. In Selinunto the effects of earthquakes have been so destructive that a clear conception of the temples can only be attained by reference ANCIENT ART. xxvii to the architects’ plans and drawings. The sculptures belonging to these temples, brought to light by recent excavations, are to he found in the Museum of Palermo. The oldest temple, usually distinguish- ed by the letter C, is that on the Acropolis. This was probably de- dicated to Apollo as god of succour, and was erected immediately subsequent to the foundation of the city, an event assigned variously to B.C. 651 and B.C. 628. The neighbouring and northernmost temple of the Acropolis, D, presumably sacred to Athena, is scarcely more recent. In the three metope-reliefs which belong to the first- named temple C, scarcely a trace of Grecian beauty is discernible ; indeed they are almost ludicrously primitive and rude. And yet they afford an instructive insight into the rudimentary Sculpture of the Greeks. Possibly, in the place for which they were designed, aloft between the triglyphs of a Doric frieze, and set in a frame- work of strong and clearly defined architectural lines , the reliefs may have had a less repulsive effect. But it is curious to ob- serve how the same stage in art which had in architecture attained to an essentially coherent system , primitive perhaps in its severity and unwieldiness , yet conveying the impression of harmony in its completeness, should in the rendering of such figures as would con- tribute to its architectural ornamentation be beset by a childish restraint and uncertainty of aim ; how the same eye that watched over the ordered arrangement of each part and proportion as well as the delicate rendering of each line and ornament of the building, could be content to give representations of mythical events , which, as it appears to us, must have exhibited an aimless and startling conspicuousness and a grotesque vivacity, entailing the disfigurement of the human form and the entire sacrifice of natural proportion. And yet in these characteristics lies the germ of a mighty future, in the religious enthusiasm which anim- ated the artist as he strove to give intelligible expression to the sacred history which he had to relate, in the independence and directness with which he embodied its purport in sculp- tured forms. Not that we can suppose such scenes to have been altogether new to him. He might have seen them in other places and in earlier times. But he had to mould them anew and from his own individual resources , without available pattern, and without that readiness in execution which the hand can only acquire by frequent exercise. The head of Medusa alone, this earliest figurative expression of destruction and horror, is clearly and unfailingly pourtrayed. To the artist as well as his contem- poraries this poverty in execution was not apparent. Their sucess- ors were not slow to make far different pretensions. If a kind fate had preserved the single statue of the youthful god that stood in the sanctuary, or at some future time should discover it to us, we should probably be overwhelmed with astonishment at the con- trast presented by the statue to the reliefs. At a time when such xxviii ANCIENT ART. reliefs as these were possible, Greek art had already possessed itself of a definite type for the statue of Apollo, and for the youthful form generally, in archaic stiffness , hut conformable with the law of nature in shape and proportion ; while by constant comparison with nature it continued to gain in purity and truthfulness. By the same process representation in relief is gradually en- nobled. Offences against proportion and drawing are more easily overlooked in relief than in a lifesize work in the round ; the sus- ceptibility of the eye moreover is more readily forgotten in the in- terest excited by the pictorial narration. The monuments of Seli- nunto are pre-eminent in the opportunity they afford for observing on the spot what has sprung from these beginnings. Of the group on the Eastern hill the Temple F in point of time is next to those of the Paean Apollo and of Athena. Then come Temple G, likewise dedicated to Apollo, one to Juno E, and lastly Temple A, occupy- ing the Acropolis. Temple F still belongs to the 6th century B.C., a period when the building of the Apollo Temple G had begun, to be completed at a later period. The Heraeum (Temple of Juno) E and temple A date from the middle of the 5th century B.C. or not much later. Two halves of metope-slabs have been brought to light which adorned the temple F (a god and goddess contend- ing with giants), and four similar slabs from the Heraeum are so far preserved that they furnish a sufficiently intelligible repre- sentation of Zeus and Hera, Artemis and Actaeon, Heracles and the Amazons, and Athena contending with the Giants. In both metopes from F extraordinary clearness and animation again arrest the attention. The impetuous rush of the victorious goddess, the dying agonies of the fallen giant, his head convulsive- ly thrown back, his mouth open and grinning, his utter helpless- ness, are rendered with a turbulence , and with an expenditure of means, which appear to us very much in excess of what is needed for clear expression, and which simply outrage instead of satisfying one’s sense of the beautiful. The two art -stages to which these reliefs, and the quaint rudeness of those of the Apollo Temple on the Acropolis belong, offer a certain analogy. In both cases all available means are applied with recklessness and in excess. Those, however , at the disposal of the later artist were infinitely richer and more perfect. While his predecessor had not altogether mastered the forms of art , he had acquired a certain familiarity with them, though at the cost of much toil and trouble ; but his power was so new and unwonted that he could not refrain from abusing it. The Metopae from the Heraeum on the other hand, which mark the maturity of archaic art , show a command of expression ennobled by a fine perception of the beautiful. These qualities declare themselves most felicitously in the two compositions which represent the meeting of Zeus and Hera on Mount Ida and Artemis punishing Actaeon. The expression of godlike serenity and joy which pervades the first ANCIENT ART. xxix scene transcends all similar efforts whether of earlier or later art : while the second is scarcely less admirable from the way in which the unmistakable wildness of the subject is subdued to something like softness by modulation of movement and occupation of allotted space. The technical method employed in the more recent metopes is peculiar. In the antique vases with black figures on a red ground the men are usually black, and the women, as far as the body itself is visible, white. Here the indication of the lighter and darker flesh colour of the two sexes has superficially supplied a necessary char- acteristic. But the perfected art also resorted to this distinction in rendering flesh-colour. In the paintings of Pompeii the bronzed, sunburnt bodies of the men form an effective contrast to the deli- cate and fairer forms of the women. Something of the same kind is found in the metopes of the Heraeum. As the entire temple is of tufa, they too are of the same material. Owing to the rugged and faulty nature of the material the architect resorted to a coating of stucco upon which he displayed his gaudy decoration. In the reliefs on the other hand the nude forms of the women are given in white marble. The harmony of the different portions of the reliefs, multiform as they were, was restored by a profuse appli- cation of colour, which the purely architectural accessories also re- quired. These beautiful reliefs, which may appear somewhat primitive in our eyes, are contemporaneous with, or perhaps even more recent than the building and plastic decoration of the Parthenon in Athens. Compared with the works of Attica they exhibit a distinctly dif- ferent order of art, a Doric fashion of sculpture, which we again meet with in the older metopes from Selinunto. At a time when Greek art was in the zenith of its splendour, the Western Hellenes, who like the Greeks of Asia Minor had been once in advance of the mother-country, lost their advantage. Magna Graecia and Sicily can boast of no name comparable with those of Phidias and Polycletus. The reliefs of Selinunto have more in common with the works of Polycletus, than with those of the Attic school. In the National Museum at Naples there is a fine reproduction of the Doryphorus of Polycletus, from which we learn what Doric Peloponnesian sculp- ture was at its best; in like manner the Farnese Head of Juno (p. 65), surpassing all similar conceptions of the goddess in majestic severity and repressed energy, fitly affords an idea of the master- piece of Polycletus. In a well-known passage in his history of art, Winckelmann describes perfect beauty as twofold, as having a double grace : the one as winning, — ‘she descends from her eminence, revealing herself to the observant eye with a suavity devoid of self-abasement : she is not over-anxious to please , but would not be overlooked’. The other is self-satisfied and would be sought rather than court attention , — ‘she holds converse only with the wise, appearing to the populace inimical and morose, she locks XXX ANCIENT ART. within her breast the soul’s vibrations, and nearly attains to the blessed repose of the divine nature : and thus according to ancient writers the greatest artists sought to pourtray her’. To those who know how to observe will be revealed beneath the morose solemnity of this Farnese Juno an impressive picture of godlike repose and majesty. The Old Attic School is represented in Naples by the group of the tyrant- slay ers Harmodius and Aristogiton [ p. 65), a copy of that work of Antenor which stood in the market-place at Athens. The two Athenians rush to the attack , the sword of the younger being raised to strike ; the older of the two (the head of this figure does not belong to it, the original was bearded) is at hand to protect his brave comrade, as soon as the time comes for him to interfere ; and here the words of the great authority already quoted, in reference to the attributes of a severe style , are applicable : ‘The drawing was impressive but hard , powerful but devoid of grace. The force of expression detracts from the beauty’ . . . ‘Art was hard and severe as the justice of the time which punished the most trifling offence with death’. Those who can retain in the eye a correct impress of forms may compare the two metopes of Temple F with this Attic group of the murder of Hippias. The same violence of action and render- ing of form are observable in both. But the reliefs appear wild, almost disordered and devoid of beauty, beside the symmetrical ac- curacy and precision , the concentrated power, the beautiful flow of lines in the group of statues. Farther, a comparison of the finest metopes from the Hera temple with this and other Attic works will give an insight into the various phases of subtlety and grace which find a place in the collective Greek character. Above all, such a comparison will direct attention to the widely differing conditions requisite for the execution of reliefs intended for architectural de- coration from those imposed upon the author of a self-contained work in the round on the grandest scale. This distinction must neither be overlooked nor too lightly estimated. Though in the National Museum there may not be found any very pure or important example of the Attic school of Phidias’ time, a succeeding school is most happily illustrated by the Orpheus Belief (p. 70). Orpheus is permitted to bring his consort Eurydice out of Hades and to restore her once more to the light of the sun on con- dition that he shall not look upon her during the passage. He has failed to fulfil this condition. Hermes, the conductor of departed souls, with gentle measured gesture takes the hand of Eurydice to consign her anew to the realm of shades. In contemplating this com- position, beautiful in its simplicity as it is, hope and dismay altern- ately possess us. The advance of the train, Orpheus in the act of casting the fatal glance , the confiding communion of man and wife are quite unmistakable , as well as the interruption of their pro- gress and the subsequent return of Eurydice. And here we may ANCIENT ART. xxxi pause to wonder how antique art could present powerful effect clothed in persuasive beauty, or, if subdued , yet with striking ex- pression : and with what a modest expenditure of means she could assert ‘this noble simplicity and grandeur of repose’. Even in its own time this work must have enjoyed a considerable reputation, as replicas are still to be seen in the Villa Albani at Rome and in the Louvre at Paris. The Neapolitan example is the most beauti- ful, and the severest too, of those extant. It may be remarked, by the way, that the inscriptions introduced, though they may be cor- rect in the explanation they give , must be of doubtful antiquity. — By far the greater number of sculptures in Naples belong like those in Rome to a more recent period of Greek art. The prostrate Amazon stretched out in death, a Dead Persian , a Dead Giant , and the Wounded Gaul , which will be readily recognised from its re- semblance to a master-piece of the Pergamenian school, the Dying Gaul in the Museum of the Capitol (the so-called dying gladiator), are parts of a votive offering of King Attalus of Pergamum at Athens, of which single figures are to be seen in Venice and in Rome. The colossal group of the so-called Farnese Bull (p. 64), which brilliantly represents the Rhodian School, is more likely to arrest attention. This group will produce a powerful impression upon most beholders, and this not by force of its material bulk alone. The effect would have been even more impressive, had the work of restoration been successful, particularly in the standing female figure. It will bee worth our while to analyse the nature of this effect, as well as the forces which contribute to it. An occurrence full of horror is presented to our view. Two powerful youths are engaged in binding on the back of a furious bull the helpless form of a woman. The mighty beast is plunging violently, and in another moment will be away, hurrying the burden he is made to bear to the terrible doom of a martyr. As soon as we have attained to an accurate conception of what is passing before us, horror and dismay rather than pity take possession of us. What impels the youths to the deed? How is it that they are allowed to effect their purpose undisturbed? The answer is to be found outside the work itself. Antiope, expelled by her father, has given birth to Amphion and Zethus and abandoned them. The sons grow up under the care of an old shepherd. Antiope has yet other sufferings to endure at the hands of her relation Dirce who maltreated her. Dirce wander- ing on Mount Cythaeron in bacchanalian revel would slay the victim of her persecutions. She bids two young shepherds bind Antiope to a bull that she may thus be dragged to her death. The youths recognise their mother before it is too late : they consign Dirce to the doom prepared for Antiope. The ancient Greeks were familiarised with this myth by a celebrated tragedy of Euripides ; the subordinate work on the base, the mountain-god Cythaeron decked with Bacchic ivy, and the Bacchic Cista on the ground, xxxii ANCIENT ART. would help to recall all the minor incidents of the story. A doom pronounced by the gods is executed ; the fate Dirce had prepared for another recoils upon herself. But all this, or at least as much as will suffice for a satisfactory understanding of the work of art as such, cannot be gathered from the work itself. In the Orpheus relief we recognise without extraneous aid the separation of two lovers calmly resigned to their fate, their severance by the conductor of souls. An acquaintance with the exquisite legend will merely serve to enhance the thrilling emotions evoked by the sculptured forms. The Bull will excite our abhorrence if the story be not known to us; while the knowledge itself and such reflections as it would suggest could scarcely reconcile us to the cruelty of the deed, nor help us to endure without something akin to petrifaction these moments of horror. But when our thoughts are sufficiently collected to allow of our realising the event, we are again lost in admiring wonder at the aspiring courage, at the command of all artistical and technical resources possessed by the author of this sculpture which uprears itself with such unfaltering power. The base is adorned with suggestions of landscape and appropriate animal-life more elaborately than was then usual in works of this kind, although analogies are not wholly wanting. But the landscape, the figure of the mountain-god Cythaeron, together with all minor accessories, are far surpassed in interest by the principal figures and their action. The lovely feminine form of Dirce vainly im- ploring the powerful youths whose utmost exertions scarcely suf- fice to restrain the infuriated beast, the vivid reality of the whole scene , the artistic refinement in the execution have scarcely yet been sufficiently admired. We readily concede to one like Welcker, who brought the finest perceptions to bear on the exposition of antique art, ‘that it is impossible to attain to the highest excellence in any particular direction without at the same time postponing one or other consideration of value’. That which was esteemed as the highest excellence , the goal which must be reached at the cost of all other considerations, has varied with successive epochs of Greek art. In the present case repose and concentration are sacri- ficed to the overwhelming effect of a momentary scene. Even at a time when restoration could not have interfered with the original design , the impression of a certain confusedness must have been conveyed to the spectator, at least at the first glance. It is emin- ently characteristic of this group ‘that it powerfully arrests the attention at a point where an almost wild defiance of rule declares itself. The contrast presented in the scene • — the terribly rapid and unceasing movement as the inevitable result of a momentary pause, which the artist with consummate boldness and subtlety has known howto induce and improve, give life and energy to the picture in a wonderful degree’. But Welcker himself, from whom these words are borrowed , reminds us how this group first arrests ANCIENT ART. xxxiii attention ‘by the uncommon character of its appearance’. The group of the Bull assuredly displays excellences which belonged to the antique of every epoch , especially the intuitive perception that truth in the sphere of art is not identical with an illusory realism. The conception of this group proceeds from a complete apprehension of the subject to be embodied. But this fulness of apprehension is derived from the Tragedy. From the very beginning plastic art and poetry have been as twin streams springing from one source and flowing separately, yet side by side. Often indeed their waters have met and mingled. But it was long e’er the tide of poetry seeking a separate channel helped to feed the sister stream. The scene presented to us by this Farnese group was illustrated by Euripides long before its embodiment by plastic art in his tragedy, where Dirce’s death is related by the messenger. The artist found material for his inventiveness at hand, which his fancy, passionately stimulated, presently endowed with plastic form and life at a moment which promised ‘an uncommon appearance’, a majestic and overpowering effect which should command astonish- ment and admiration. We have already attributed the Farnese group to the Rhodian School in speaking of the origin and development of art. It was the work of two sculptors Apollonius and Taurfscus of Tralles in Asia Minor ; for, according to the Roman author Pliny, the group is identical with one by these artists which was brought to Rome from Rhodes, and in all probability found its way thence to Naples. — The colossal group of a man who bears away the dead body of a boy on his shoulders is usually ascribed to the Rhodian School. It has been described as Hector with the body of Troilus. But the corpse of a beloved brother saved from the battle-field would hardly be seized in such fashion. It would rather appear to be that of a victim borne away in triumph by a ruthless victor. In Naples we have a number of instructive examples of the two styles which are frequently designated as an antique Renais- sance, the New-Attic School, and the School of Pasiteles ; of the latter in the bronze figure of Apollo playing the Lyre from Pom- peii, and in the archaic simplicity of the affecting group of Orestes and Electra ; of the former in the Vase of Salpion , or better still in the Aphrodite from Capua , the so-called Psyche , and similar works. In Naples abundant opportunity will be found for continuing the study begun in Rome of the heroes of an ideal world, of portraits (among which the mild and melancholy head of M . Brutus , the murderer of Caesar, is conspicuous), sarcophagus-reliefs, or whatever else may especially engage the attention. Probably, however, curiosity and interest will be most excited by the appearance of antique paintings from Pompeii and the neighbouring cities of Cam- pania buried at the foot of Vesuvius. The history of Greek Painting presents a problem difficult of solution. Happily we have outlived the superstition that the Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. C xxxiv ANCIENT ART. people amongst whom the Parthenon arose , and who gave birth to a sculptor such as Phidias, should have contributed in painting nothing worthy of record. What we most desire, however, is still wanting. We are not in possession of any work by a master of the art ; hut only of the products of a subordinate and mechanical art, and these only from a single and comparatively recent period. The greatest painter of the older time — and probably one of the greatest artists of all times — was Polygnotus , a native of Thasos. He lived for the most part in Athens, where he was pre- sented with the rights of citizenship, and was, though a contemporary of Phidias, his senior. As Phidias was a favourite of Pericles and employed by him, it would appear that Polygnotus was a protege of Cimon. Pausanias, the Greek author of travels (in the time of Antoninus), had seen two large paintings by Polygnotus covering the wall in Delphi, and has minutely described them. In the one the fall of Troy was represented, in the other scenes from the nether world. In the first the Trojan Cassandra is the centre figure. Ajax has offered violence to her : she sits on the ground, in her hand the image of the insulted Athena ; around her the Greek heroes are sitting in judgment upon Ajax. In the background is the citadel of Troy, the head of the wooden horse reaches above its wall, which Epeios, the builder of the horse, is about to demolish. Right and left of the central group are scenes of destruction ; heaps of the slain, the savage Neoptolemus still persisting in his work of slaughter, captive women, and terrified children ; nor were more inviting scenes wanting. Close to the captive Trojan women iEthra was seen , the liberated slave of Helen , and farther hack the tent of Menelaus is taken down and his ship equipped for departure. On the other side of the picture was recognised the house of An- tenor, which the Greeks had spared, while he himself and his family make ready to quit their desolated home and depart for foreign lands. Thus the entire centre of the composition has refer- ence to the crime committed after the conquest, which called aloud for punishment by the gods ; these scenes of death and horror were enclosed at the extremities by more peaceful incidents — the horror of the lower world whose shades envelope renowned heroes and heroines ; Odysseus compelled to descend to the abode of the departed — . all this Polygnotus combined in one grand picture, skilfully alternating peace and the torments of hell, prodigious ghastliness and tender grace. Polygnotus had not only embodied in these pictures the mythical matter with which religious rites, epic poem, vulgar tradition and humour, as well as the earlier works of plastic art, could furnish him ; not only had he animated this material with captivating motives strongly appealing to the be- holder’s imagination ; but he had, as may still be recognised, while painting, asserted his power as a poet and supplied much that was original in the realm of fancy. The technical means at the disposal ANCIENT ART. XXXV of Polygnotus were so limited, so simple and antiquated, that in the Roman times admiration of his pictures was ridiculed as a con- ceit of dilettantism — just as at one time it was customary to scoff at the admirer of Giotto. Nevertheless with these simple means, Polygnotus could express himself with so much clearness, so nobly and sublimely, that Aristotle boasted of him that his forms were more noble and grander than were commonly seen in life , while the painter Pauson presented men worse than they really were, and Dionysius was true to nature. Having regard to these separate qua- lifications he suggested that the youthful eye should receive its im- pressions from Polygnotus and not from Pauson. In later times the beauty of Polygnotus’ pictures continued to charm : in the second century A.D. his Cassandra supplied an author of refinement and penetration, like Lucian, with the material for a description of fe- minine beauty. While the fame of Polygnotus and his contemporaries rested principally on wall - paintings , later critics would maintain that those of his successors who first produced artistic effect in portable pictures were the only true painters. As the first painter in this sense the Athenian Apollodorus may be named. The work which he began was completed by Zeuxis of Heraelea and Parrhasius of Ephesus. We still possess a description by Lucian of the Centaur family by Zeuxis. The female Centaur reclines on the grass, the human upper part of the body being raised and supported by the elbow. One of her two infants she holds in her arms giving it nourishment in human fashion ; the other sucks as a foal her teats. The male Centaur looks down from above. He holds in his right hand a lion-cub which he swings over his shoulder as if jokingly to frighten his young ones. ‘The further excellences of the picture,’ modestly continues Lucian, though evidently an accomplished connoisseur, ‘which to us laymen are but partially revealed, which nevertheless comprise the whole of art’s resources, correct drawing, an admirable manipulation and mingling of colour, man- agement of light and shade, a happy choice of dimension, as well as just relative proportion of parts to the whole, and the com- bined movement of the composition — these are qualities to be ex- tolled by one of art’s disciples who has mastered the subject in its detail’. This eloquent description by Lucian has been made the sub- ject of a spirited drawing by Genelli. Unfortunately no such record of Parrhasius’ works remains. The credit of having first applied symmetry, i.e. probably the systematic regard for the proportion recognised by later leaders in art, to painting, is claimed for Par- rhasius, as well as delicacy and grace in the artistic rendering of the countenance and hair. He is said, too, to have been supreme in the management of contour. But in later times Parrhasius was esteemed simple as a colorist compared with Apelles. The authors to whom are ascribed most of the notices of painters c * Xxxvi ANCIENT ART. that we possess, distinguish different schools. The Helladic School included the painters of Athens and those of the mother- country of Greece along with those of Sicyon. But owing to the pre-eminence achieved for Sicyon by the painter Eupompus, the Helladic school was again subdivided under the title of Sicyonic and Attic or Attic- Theb an , after certain artists of these schools. To this, or these schools rather, was opposed the Asiatic (Ionic). Pausias , whose name is known to us by Goethe’s exquisite poem, was one of the Sicyonian School, and, so, it appears, was that spirited painter Timanthes , whose best-known work was his Iphigenia. She stood at the altar ready to be sacrificed , surrounded by the heroes of the Grecian camp, in whose persons, according to the character of each and with due regard to appropriateness, was pourtrayed every degree of mental anguish. Agamemnon himself veiled his head. Nicomachus , Aristides , Euphranor , likewise renowned as sculptor and master of heroic representation , and Nicias the friend of Praxiteles belong to the Theban-Attic school. Amongst the pic- tures of Aristides was one of a woman wounded during the siege. She is dying while her infant still clings to her breast. In the ex- pression of the mother’s countenance could, it was thought, be read the fear lest her blood should be mingled with the milk the child was sucking. — The most brilliant master of the Ionic school — though he had had the advantage of studying his art in Sicyon — the most renowned indeed of the painters of antiquity, was Apelles, the contemporary of Alexander the Great, and incomparable in his power of expressing grace in all its forms. As yet we are not in pos- session of any distinct clue to the character of his most esteemed works, of Artemis, with her band of attendant Nymphs clustering around her, hurrying to the chase, nor of Aphrodite rising from the sea. We are more fortunate in the instance of two younger painters, Aetion and Timomachus. Of the nuptials of Alexander by Aetion we have again a masterly description by Lucian, with which all are acquainted who have seen the beautiful Raffaelesque composition in the Palazzo Borghese at Rome. The Medea of Timomachus is to be traced in a series of imitations or reminiscences, on monuments of different kinds, but most remarkably in a mutilated picture from Herculaneum, and again in another perfectly preserved from Pompeii. The services thus rendered us by the Campanian towns in bringing to light the works of Timomachus encourage us to hope that they may be repeated in the case of other Greek celebrities. It is in fact concluded with a considerable show of probability that in the Pompeian representations of the liberation of Andromeda by Perseus are to be recognised influences of a picture by Nicias. It has frequently been attempted with much pains, and with aid of more or less audacious assumptions and combinations, to contrive copies of these renowned Greek masters, and when a(ter all it has ANCIENT ART. xxxvii been found that such efforts are for the most part vain and futile, it has been urged in explanation of the failure that our acquain- tance with celebrated cabinet-pictures is too limited. We must, then, however unwillingly, accept the conclusion that anything more than a very qualified belief in Pompeian pictures is impossible. They are invaluable as a clue to many qualities which were com- mon to the painting of antiquity ; invaluable , too , because they assuredly possess, in obedience to the unvarying traditions of an- tique art — which having taken a theme in hand would work it out to the last possible variation — a wealth of imagery and redundance of lineament which connect them more or less closely with the works of the great masters. But it is scarcely to be wondered at that the authenticity of copies from celebrated cabinet-pictures of the best period should be so rarely established, or wear even the appearance of probability; it were a wonder indeed if so much could be accom- plished. Demosthenes reminds his countrymen in scathing words how in the palmy days of Athens the noblest edifices were erected in honour of the gods, while the dwellings of the most distinguished Athenians were simple and inconspicuous as those of their neighbours. Even at the time these words were spoken a change had come over Greek life. For the stern sublimity of the creations of an earlier time, Art had substituted a milder and more effeminate type of divinity, nor did she now disdain to enter the abodes of men. The splendour which had been reserved for the gods, now found its way into pri- vate dwellings. What at first had been a bold innovation and an exception , presently grew into a universal requirement. From the epoch of culture inaugurated by Alexander onwards , sculptor and painter alike contributed to the artistical beauty and sumptuous adornment of dwelling-houses. Inventiveness , displayed in the designing and ornamentation of household furniture of every kind, followed as a matter of course , and though in Athens and Hellas expenditure in this way remained moderate, in other great cities, as xAdexandria in Egypt and Antioch in Syria , artist and handicrafts- man alike vied with the wealth and luxury of the inhabitants, not only in beautifying the cities externally, but in lavishing upon the dwelling-houses of the rich the utmost attainable splendour. Plans were extended and adapted to the employments and highest enjoy- ment of life ; floors, walls, and ceilings were arranged and decorated in ever new and varying style. Then decoration in stucco and painting was supplemented by mosaic work which enlivened the floors with an effect as charming as that of painting ; nor was it long restricted to the floors. Along with other elements of culture the Roman world had borrowed from the Greek the beautifying of their houses , and as movement is never absolutely suspended, this taste received in Roman times a farther impetus in its original direction. We may safely assume, however, reasoning from analogy,. xxxviii ANCIENT ART. that it departed farther and farther from the purity and harmony of the Greek pattern. In the picture which Pompeii presents as a whole we see the last trace of that combined art and beauty which with the later Greeks permeated life in every vein and in all its phases : a feeble and faded picture it must remain, however active the fancy may be in investing it with attributes belonging to Hellenic art in the zenith of its splendour. From an earlier period, when the influence of the Greek was more directly felt, we have not received much from Pompeii that is instructive. The general impression is derived from the restorations consequent on the earthquake of the year A.D. 63. The great mass of decoration is the work of the sixteen years intervening between A.D. 63 and the town’s final destruction in A.D. 79, and was in the newest fashion then prevailing in Rome, but necessarily on a scale commensurate with the resources of a pro- vincial town. As the Roman senate had ordered the rebuilding of the town, the pay of handicraftsmen would doubtlessly be attractive enough. The houses were made habitable with the utmost de- spatch, and received their decorations with the same haste. It is im- possible but to believe that the greater number of houses were thus completed by a comparatively small number of masters with their staffs of workmen. They had their pattern-books for the decoration of entire rooms and walls, as well as for simple pictures, and they resorted to these pattern-books more or less according to their need or fancy. The favourite motives and forms were so familiar to them that they had them literally at their fingers’ ends : with incre- dibly certain and facile hand, and without concerning themselves about means or method, they fling their gaud and glitter over the naked walls. And very captivating is this stirring picture-pattern world which moved obedient to their will. Vistas of airy fantastical forms architecturally disposed and decked with wreaths and gar- lands delusively mask the narrow limits of the allotted space ; while, by way of completing the illusory effect of this mock archi- tecture, graceful figures move in the midst, or from the open window look in upon the chamber. Arabesques, sprays and borders of foliage and flowers, and garlands gracefully enliven and divide the walls ; while in the midst of the enclosed spaces, from a dark back- ground, figures single or in pairs stand out in dazzling relief, and whether winged or otherwise are always lightly and surely poised. Here and there lovely maidens are seen dancing in mid-air; Ero- tinkles on the strings of the lyre which Psyche holds ; Satyrs and Nymphs, Centaurs and Bacchantes, female figures with candelabra, flowers and fruits people this airy realm of fancy. Separate pic- tures at intervals engage the attention. They tell the story of the handsome but unsusceptible Narcissus, of Adonis the favourite of Aphrodite, whose early loss the goddess bewails with Eros, of Phae- dra’s shameless passion for Hippolytus; the loves of Apollo and ANCIENT ART. xxxix Daphne , of Ares and Aphrodite , Artemis and Actaeon , Ariadne abandoned by Theseus , the story of Leda , the life and pursuits of Bacchus and his followers, of the god finding the forsaken Ariadne, and of Satyrs pursuing Nymphs. Scenes of terror, too, there are : Dirce hound to the Bull, Medea meditating the murder of her children, the sacrifice of Iphigenia — but even these are rendered with an effect of sensuous beauty so entrancing that they are lost in the gladsome world of exuberant life about them. Mere tragedy, mere convulsive effort, acquired no enduring power over the senses: they are rather beguiled by the remembrance of some captivating legend, some transient impulse, a throb of compassion, which infuse a wholesome element into pictures abounding with expressions of rapturous delight. Where passion exerts itself it is but for the moment — the power of love for good or evil , the beauty of the human form , moments of bliss whether of mortals or the immor- tals — such is the material for an ever-recurring theme. Bits of landscape , houses with trees, rocks, or a grotto on the strand are suggestive of idyllic delights. And around these more conspicuous figures are grouped an accompaniment of small friezes with pic- torial accessories grave and gay, still life, animals and incidents of the chase, pygmies, masks, fresh fruit, and household vessels. The liveliest impression is made by the best examples of figures separately poised on the walls. Curiosity is most excited by the separate pictures ; they are the last remnant of the historical painting of the old world. They cannot, however, enable us to form a just estimate of the works of the greatest ancient masters. If genuine and adequate copies of celebrated cabinet-pictures from the best period were to be found amongst Pompeian decorations it would be by an accident altogether exceptional and capricious. The artist-bands who subsequently to the earthquake of A.D. 63 pushed their work so easily and so rapidly had neither these ca- binet-pictures nor the genuine and adequate copies to guide them, but simply the drawings of their pattern-books, f Thoroughly trained as they were mechanically to the work , they turned their sketches f There have been long-standing differences of opinion about the me- chanism of painting practised in Pompeii. A solution of the problem is the result of researches conducted by the painter O. Donner (in a work published by Prof. Helbig, entitled ‘Wall-paintings of the cities of Cam- pania destroyed by Vesuvius'’, Leipsic 1868). According to this authority it is certain that the greater number of the pictures as well as wall-decora- tions were painted in fresco , i. e. upon a newly prepared and moistened surface — and only in exceptional cases and as a makeshift upon a dry ground. Conclusive evidence of this is afforded by the presence, to which Donner refers, of so-called Fresco-edges, i. e. of spots where the newly prepared surface came in contact with what was already dry. The sur- face intended for the reception of colour was prepared by the painters of antiquity with such care that it retained the moisture much longer than in recent times has been found attainable. They were thus enabled to cover large wall-spaces without interruption and in this respect had a con- siderable advantage over us moderns. — In 1873 Professor Helbig pub- xl ANCIENT ART. to the best possible account, transferred them on the required scale, making additions or omissions as the case might be, varying, modi- fying and curtailing, as necessity, fancy, and the measure of their capacity might prescribe. The enclosed pictures, which in graceful inventiveness and execution often enough surpassed the forms oc- cupying the open spaces, cannot be considered apart from the general decoration with which in manner and method they are identical. They betray moreover in spite of all that is beautiful and admirable about them, symptoms of degeneracy; just as the wall - decorations of Pompeii descending from elegance to the trivialities of mock architecture exhibit a degeneracy which must not, however, be regarded as inherent in the art of which we see here but a feeble reflection. Thus we learn that the way from the great painters of Greece to the wall-pictures of Pompeii is neither short nor straight, but long and too often hard to find. Many of the forms and groups so gracefully poised in the open wall-spaces may in their origin have reached back so far as to the happiest period of Greek art; it is also possible, that, when framed pictures were for the first time painted on the walls of houses in the epoch of Alexander, or at whatever other period this style of decoration came into vogue, celebrated easel-pictures were copied or laid under contribution. The designers of the pattern-books may have betaken themselves to a variety of sources, they may have ap- propriated and combined, as old and new patterns, entire de- corations together with separate figures and finished pictures. Like the pattern-books for the sarcophagus-reliefs, they must have been full of ideas and motives derived from an earlier and nobler art. And as wall-painting is more akin to high art we may encourage the hope that patient research will often be rewarded by discovering — as hitherto amidst a tanglement of conflicting evidence — not the work s themselves of the great masters, but those traces of their work which we so eagerly seek. In Pompeii, however, we learn the necessity of caution, for we there find examples of a much earlier style of decoration than the i Pompeian’. No one could overlook the solemn dignity of aspect which makes the Casa del Fauno conspicuous amidst the mass of habitations in Pompeii. Here beauty reveals itself in column and capital, cornice and panelling, favourably contrasting with the gaudy frippery of a fantastical mock architecture with its pictorial accompaniments. The wealthy family which occupied this mansion may have rejoiced in the possession of many a costly cabinet -picture. But at the time the house was built it was not yet the custom, or it was not the owner’s pleasure to follow the newest fashion. In their place a lished a supplement to his earlier work (Leipzig), and in 1879 a con- tinuation of his list of mural paintings appeared in Italian , under the title ‘Ze Pitture Murali Campane scoverte negli anni 1867-79 , descritte da AntoniQ Sogliano \ ANCIENT ART xli complete series of the finest mosaics form e( l a P ar f °f the general decoration of the house. These are still partially preserved and to he seen on the spot. Here the celebrated Battle of Alexander was found, grand in composition, and a genuine example of high art, in which we recognise once more the magic touch of Greek genius : how with the simplest possible means the loftiest excellence was achieved; here, too, we gain an insight into the method pursued by the great painters in their works. A very different and lar grander art declares itself in these mosaics than in the wall-paintings. The other mosaics found in this mansion also rank high in point of beauty as well as in precision and purity of drawing , and owing to the difficulties of reproduction in mosaic consequent on the nature of the material the fact becomes doubly suggestive that in effectual and complete mastery of drawing there is nothing in the whole range of Pompeian pictures to surpass the border of masks, garlands, foliage and fruits of the Casa del Fauno or the mosaics attributed to the artist Dioscorides. But we may well delight in the air of cheerful airy grace pervading these pictorial decorations of Pom- peii, in this precious heritage of Grecian — and in part old Gre- cian — life and beauty which a licentious posterity has scattered over its dazzling walls. Whoever has had eye and sense alike familiarised with the wonders of antique art will be richly repaid by a visit to Athens, the venerable city of Pericles and Phidias. Here, in spite ot the ravages of time, he will find the fulfilment of his cherished desire. For he is in the home of all that is most noble and precious, of what Rome and Naples had afforded him but a glimpse and a foretaste. There is not a fragment, whether bearing inscription or relief, to be picked up on the Acropolis of Athens that does not tell how religion , art, and civic life were constantly interwoven ; how deeply they were rooted in their native soil. And on the loftiest summit of this castle-rock, towering above all surround- ing objects, there yet stands the most strikingly impressive and splendid record of this composite life, a witness of the time when the Attic people were at the height of their prosperity and their greatness — the Parthenon of Pericles , having an import in its ruins which elevates and engrosses the soul. The Doric structure is in its general scope very much what we see in Psestum , only of finer material , purer form, and more uni- form completeness. Thought and feeling are distinctly traceable in the simple and beautiful proportions of the Poseidon Temple, though in a guise somewhat primitive and harsh. We are im- pressed by the dense array of stout columns, and never doubt their power to sustain with their broad capitals the weight of ponderous entablature and roof imposed upon them. In the Parthenon a forest of pillars rear themselves above the majestic flight of marble xlii ANCTENT ART. steps which separate and lift the building from the earth ‘which, slender but stalwart, seem to defy the impending burden’ ; ‘and this burden itself, the entablature and roof, is so richly elaborated, so forcibly projected, is so harmoniously adjusted in its proportions to the structure beneath, that the conflict between burden and bearer which in earlier times' was so apparent is here no longer recognised as conflict. The more intently we gaze, the more are we impressed as with the glories of Nature ; above all in the structure as a whole we behold not only the enchantment, but the entire solemnity of beauty, and as we endeavour to analyse this effect, it resolves itself into wonder that the mind which controlled the shap- ing of each part should yet have failed to endow the mighty unit with the talisman of life’. We may not indeed recognise the hand of Ictinus in the building ; but by a comparison with the temple now known as that of Theseus , intrinsically beautiful as it is, we see plainly enough with what good reason the work of this master was highly prized ; we can participate , too , in the admiration for Mnesicles, the architect of the Propylaea. The genius of Phidias was associated with that of Ictinus. The creations of his hand are to be seen in pediment , metopes, and interior frieze — wherever sculpture would be admissible or could be called into requisition. In Athens herself, too, enough remains to convince us of the force and richness of these sculptures. But instead of the goddess herself who stood in her shrine, colossal in size and wrought in gold and ivory, we have an unfinished statuette only, probably once rejected as a failure, which at best can but convey in the vaguest pos- sible manner an idea of the mere material characteristics of the original statue without affording a glimpse of its amazing beauty and richness. Besides the works of the great masters, besides Propylcea , Parthenon , Ereclitheum , and Temple of Victory , besides the Theseurn and the elegant Lysicrates Monument , — the beautiful Votive Reliefs of the Asklepieum , and still more the Sepulchral Reliefs which form so large a part of the Athenian collections, and those by the Di- pylon which afford a distinct picture of an Athenian street of tombs or Attic cemetery, claim our attention. They perhaps show most clearly how every class of the Athenian community was possessed with a sense, of the beautiful; how the obscurest handicraftsman, though he might not soar on the wings of genius, still might in time come to share his acquisitions. Amongst these sepulchral reliefs are single examples of considerable antiquity, such as the stele of Aristion which bears his portrait, attired as warrior in full armour. The majority belong to the 4th century B.C. and a time shortly ensuing. Amongst other particulars the sepulchral relief records the manner of the deceased’s death. Thus the youthful Dexileus, who fell in glorious battle at Corinth in B.C. 394, is represented fighting on horseback. The most prevalent style, ANCIENT ART, xliii however, is that of the so-called family-scenes. They are indeed family - pictures , hut not of everyday or indifferent moments. Separation and sorrow are expressed in gentle and temperate, hut unmistakable manner. Husband and wife, father and mother, parent and children and relations offer the hand in parting ; and when on the grave of a matron or maiden a festive scene is intro- duced, a reference to death was never very remote. But just as in Athens we are made sensible that classic art is not a mere historical phenomenon like hundreds of others, but has a definite retrospective value which cannot be ignored , there it is that our regrets for all that is lost or destroyed must be most pro- found. Even now we are linked by a thousand invisible chains to the inspired achievements of the foremost Greeks. Travel and life in these southern lands will tend not a little to awaken and foster the conviction that we should do ill to sever these bonds. He to whom this conviction remains, even though it be the solitary fruit of his travel, will have little occasion for regret. History of the Kingdom of Naples. The former kingdom of Naples contained at the end of 1878 10,328,000 inhab. (including Benevento) , and is divided into 16 provinces. In ancient times it embraced the tribes of the Volsci , Samnites , Oscans , Campanians , Apulians , Lucanians , Calabrians , Bruttians , Siculians , and a number of others of less importance, all of whom were characterised by the most marked peculiarities of language , custom , and political constitution. The Oscan lan- guage , the one most generally spoken , predominated in Samnium, Campania, Lucania , and Bruttium. On the W. and S.W. coast, and especially in Sicily , Greek colonists settled in such numbers that the S. portion of the Italian peninsula received the name of Magna Graecia. After the war against Pyrrhus , king of Epirus, in the 3rd cent, before Christ, the Romans became masters of the land, but the Greek language and customs continued to predominate until an advanced period in the Christian era. That this was the case in the time of the early emperors has been distinctly proved by the character of the antiquities of the excavated Oscan towns of Herculaneum and Pompeii. After the fall of the Western Empire this district was occupied by Ostrogoths and Lombards , then by Romans from the E. Empire , who in their turn were constantly harassed by Arabian bands which attacked them by sea , and who finally succumbed in the 11th cent, to the Norman settlers. The Hohenstaufen family next held the country from 1194 to 1254. In 1265 Charles of Anjou gained possession of Naples and established his dominion , which was secured by the cruel execution in 1268 of Conradin, the lawful heir. His power, however, having been impaired by the Sicilian Vespers , 30th May, 1282, rapidly declined in consequence of the crimes and degeneracy of the royal family and of disastrous wars with the island of Sicily, then in possession of the Arragonese. Charles VIII . of France , as heir of the Anjou family, undertook a campaign against Naples and gained possession of the kingdom in a few days, but was unable to retain it. His successor Louis XII. allied himself with Ferdinand the Catholic of Spain with a view to conquer Naples, but in consequence of dis- sensions was compelled to abandon his enterprise after the victory of Gonsalvo da Cordova on the Liris. Naples, like Sicily and Sardinia, then yielded to the power of Spain, which maintained her dominion till 1713, Gonsalvo da Cordova was the first of the series of Spanish HISTORY OF NAPLES. xlv viceroys , many of whom , such as Don Pedro de Toledo under Charles Y. (1532-54), did much to promote the welfare of the country. The rule of others, especially during the 17th cent., was such as to occasion universal distress and dissatisfaction , a mani- festation of which was the insurrection under Masaniello at Naples in 1647. At the peace of Utrecht in 1713 Philip Y. of Spain, of the house of Bourbon, ceded Naples and Sicily to the house of Hapsburg, hut after prolonged conflicts they reverted to his son Charles in 1734, under the name of the 4 Kingdom of the Two Sici- lies'. Notwithstanding revolutionary disturbances, the Bourbons continued to reign at Naples until the close of the century. In 1806 Napoleon I. created his brother Joseph king of Naples, who was succeeded in 1808 by his brother-in-law Joachim Murat . In June, 1815, King Ferdinand, who with the aid of the English had meanwhile maintained his ground in Sicily, returned to Naples , and in his person the Bourbon dynasty was restored. The following October, Joachim Murat ventured to land at Pizzo in Calabria, but was captured, tried by court-martial , and shot, 15th Oct. 1815. Popular dissatisfaction, however, still continued, and in 1820 a rebellion broke out in Italy and Sicily, but it was speedily quelled by the Austrians under Frimont in 1821 , who occupied the country till 1827. King Ferdinand I. was succeeded in 1825 by his eldest son Francis 1 . , and the latter in 1830 by Ferdinand //., whose reign was characterised by an uninterrupted succession of internal struggles, partly in Naples and partly in Si- cily , especially after the year 1848. In the spring of 1859, when the war between Sardinia and Austria broke out in N. Italy, which by the peace of Yillafranca would have entirely changed the inter- nal condition of Italy, Ferdinand II. died, and his son Francis II. (married to the Princess Mary of Bavaria) was compelled to yield to the storm which burst forth afresh. In May, 1860, Garibaldi began his victorious march through Sicily and Calabria, which ended at Naples in August. In the meantime the Piedmontese troops, at the instigation of Cavour, had also entered the kingdom of Naples. On 1st Oct. Francis II. was defeated at a skirmish on the Yolturno. On 7th Oct. King Victor Emmanuel and Garibaldi entered Naples side by side amid the greatest popular enthusiasm. Francis was then besieged at Gaeta from 4th Nov., 1860, to 13th Feb., 1861, and at length compelled to surrender and retire to Rome. In a land , whose history , like its volcanic soil, has been dis- turbed by a long succession of internal struggles , and where so many and so different nations have ruled, repose and the develop- ment of civilisation must necessarily be difficult of attainment. The present government has adopted a wise course in endeavouring to raise the standard of national education , in energetically sup- pressing the brigandage in the provinces , and the ‘Camorra’ and xlvi HISTORY OF NAPLES. gangs of thieves in the city , and in introducing a number of re- forms well adapted to improve the condition of the nation. Dates. The following are the most important dates in the history of the Kingdom of Naples (comp. pp. 242, 243). I. Period. The Normans , 1042-1194: 1042, William, son of Tailored of Hauteville , Comes Apulise. — 1059, Robert Guiscard (i. e. ‘the Cunning’) , Dux Apulise et Calabrise. — 1130, Roger, proclaimed king after the conquest of Naples and Amalfi , unites the whole of Lower Italy and Sicily. — 1154-66, William I. (‘the Bad’). — 1166-89, William II. (‘the Good’). — 1194, William III. II. Period. The Hohenstaufen , 1194-1268: 1194, Henry VI. of Germany, I. of Naples. — 1197, Frederick II. — 1250, Conrad. « — 1254, Manfred. — 1268, Conradin. III. Period. House of Anjou, 1265-1442: 1265, Charles I. of Anjou. From 1282 to 1442 Sicily formed an independent king- dom under the house of Arragon. — 1285, Charles II., ‘the Lame’. — 1309, Robert ‘the Wise’. — 1343, Johanna I. (married Andreas of Hungary). — 1381, Charles III. of Durazzo. — 1386, Ladislaus. — 1414, Johanna II. — 1435, Renato of Anjou, banished by Al- phonso ‘the Generous’. IY. Period. House of Arragon, 1442-1496: 1442, Alphonso I., ‘the Generous’. After his death Sicily and Naples were again separated. — 1458, Ferdinand I. — 1494, Alphonso II. — 1495, Ferdinand II. — 1496, Frederick banished (d. 1554 at Tours, the last of the House of Arragon). Y. Period. Spanish Viceroys, 1503-1707. — On 7th July, 1707, during the Spanish War of Succession, Count Daun marched into Naples and established the Austrian supremacy. YI. Period. Austrian Viceroys, 1707-1734. — Charles III. of Bourbon , crowned at Palermo 1734 , recognised by the Peace of Yienna 1738, defeats the Austrians at Yelletri 1744, finally re- cognised by the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle 1748. In 1758 Charles was proclaimed king of Spain , and resigned the crown of Naples and Sicily in favour of his son. VII. Period. The Bourbons, 1734-1860: 1734, Charles III. — 1759, Ferdinand IY. (regency during his minority till 1767J, mar- ried Caroline of Austria, sister of Joseph II., but a monarch of very different character from the latter. — 23rd Jan. 1799, the Repubblica Parthenopea proclaimed by General Championnet. — 14th June, 1799, the French banished. Reaction of Cardinal Ruffo. • — 14th Jan., 1806, Joseph Buonaparte established by Massena. — 15th July, 1808, Joachim Murat, king of Naples. — 1816, Ferdi- nand assumes the title of Ferdinand I. of the Two Sicilies. — 1825, Francis I. — 1830, Ferdinand II. — 1859, Francis II. — 21st Oct. 1860 , the Kingdom of Naples annexed to Italy by plebiscite HISTORY OF NAPLES. xlvii VIII. Period. House of Savoy, Victor Emmanuel II. (d. 1878). — Since 1878, Humbert I. Art. In art , as in literature , the attainments of the natives of S. Italy have been insignificant. The Norman Period, however, under Arabian influence , produced both on the mainland and in Sicily (p. 247) works of architecture and sculpture which at least hold their own when compared with the contemporaneous monu- ments of Central Italy. These, however, are not found in the metro- polis, but at the seats of the princes and bishops, as Bari , Tram', Amalfi , Kavello , and Salerno . The art of decoration, as applied in mosaic flooring , pulpits , and choir-screens , was in particular brought to great perfection. The brazen doors , at first imported from Constantinople , were afterwards made in the country itself ; thus those at Canosa were executed by a master of Amalfi, and those at Ravello and Trani are the work of a native of the place last named. The arts of mosaic composition and mural painting were sedulously cultivated in S. Italy during the whole of the early middle ages , a fact mainly due to the constant intercourse maintained with Byzantium. — In the Period of Giotto, during which great advances in painting were made throughout the rest of the peninsula, S. Italy remained nearly inactive, content to depend on foreign artists for the supply of her artistic wants. Thus Arnolfo di Cambio , the famous Florentine architect, also practised his profession in the South ; and Pietro Cavallini , the most celebrated Roman painter at the beginning of the 14th cent., Giotto himself (in S. Chiara) , and probably Simone Martini of Siena, all left memorials of their skill in S. Italy. — During the Fifteenth Century the realism of the Flemish school of the Van Eycks produced a marked effect on Neapolitan art. The most important works of this period are the frescoes, unfor- tunately in poor preservation, in the cloisters of S. Severino at Naples. They are associated with the name of Antonio Solario , Uo Zingaro\ an artist of whose life and work we possess most im- perfect and in part misleading accounts. To judge from these paintings he was related in style to the Umbro-Florentine school. Piero and Ippolito Donzello and Simone Papa are said to have been pupils of Lo Zingaro, but Piero Donzello at any rate learned his art at Florence. In the Sixteenth Century Raphael’s influence extended even to Naples, as is apparent from the works, among others, of Andrea Sabbatini of Salerno, known as Andrea da Salerno , who flourished in 1480-1545. This artist studied under Raphael at Rome, and, like Polidoro da Caravaggio (1495-1548) , was one of the foun- ders of the Neapolitan school of the 17th century. — In the Sev- enteenth Century the Neapolitan school is characterised by its ‘naturalistic’ style. Among the most prominent masters were the xlviii HISTORY OP NAPLES. Spaniard Giuseppe Ribera , surnamed lo Spagnoletto (1588-1656), a follower of Caravaggio; the Greek Belisario Corenzio (1558- 1643), a pupil of the last; Giambattista Caracciolo (d. 1641), and his able pupil Massimo Stanzioni (1585-1656). The school of Spagnoletto also produced Aniello Falcone (1600-65), the painter of battle-scenes, and the talented landscape-painter Salvator Rosa (1615-1673). In 1629 Domenichino came from Rome to Naples, to decorate the Cappella del Tesoro for the Archbishop , but seems to have exercised no influence upon Neapolitan art. He fled to Frascati in 1635, to escape the plots laid for him by Ribera, but returned to Naples the following year and died there in 1641. In Luca Giordano (1632-1705), surnamed Fa Presto from his rapid- ity of execution, who also worked at Rome, Bologna, Parma, and Venice, Neapolitan painting reached a still lower level. — The history of Neapolitan art is as yet imperfectly investigated, but there seems little reason to doubt that farther research will serve to confirm the conclusion that Naples has never been able to dispense with the assistance of foreign artists. 1. From Rome to Naples by Railway. Two main roads lead from Rome to Naples : one along the coast by Terracina (R. 2), the ancient Via Appia ; the other through the valley of the Sacco and Garigliano, the Via Latina; both uniting near Capua. The Railway, completed in 1862 (162 M. in length), is now the most important means of communication between Central and Southern Italy. Duration of journey 7-10 hrs. ; fares by the through trains, 34 fr. 25 c., 23 fr. 50 c. ^ by the ordinary trains, 28 fr. 75, 19 fr. 90 c., 14 fr. — Comp, p. xviii. The finest views are generally to the left. — For a more detailed de- scription of the stations between Rome and Segni, see Baedeker's Central Italy. Soon after leaving the city, the train diverges from the Civitk Yecchia line. On the right rise the arches of the Acqna Felice and the Acqua Marcia, and beyond them are the tombs of the Yia Appia. The Sabine and Alban mountains rise on the left. Stations: 9 M. Ciampino , where the line to Frascati diverges; 11 M. Marino ; 18 M. Albano , 2M. from the town. To the right we obtain a glimpse of Monte Circello (1771 ft.; p. 13), rising abruptly from the sea; nearer are the Yolscian Mts. — 2072 M. Civitd Lavinia , the ancient Lanuvium. 25t/2 M. Velletri ( Locanda Campana , *Gallo , each with a Trat- toria), the ancient Velitrae , a town of the Yolscians, which became subject to Rome in B. C. 338, is famous for its wine (pop. 16,500). It stands picturesquely on a spur of the Monte Artemisio , nearly t /2 M. from the station. The streets are narrow and crooked. Vel- letri is the residence of the Bishop of Ostia. The loggia of the Palazzo Lancelotti commands a beautiful and extensive view. Diligence from Yelletri to Cori , see Handbook for Central Italy; to Terracina, see p. 11. The train passes between Mte. Artemisio and Mte. Ariano (Alban Mts.) on the left, and Mte. Santangelo and Mte. Lupone (Yolscian Mts.) on the right, and turns E. towards the valley near the Mte. Fortino, in which lies — • 3573 M. Valmontone , a small town on an isolated volcanic eminence, possessing a handsome chateau of the Doria Pamphili. The train now enters the valley of the Sacco , the ancient Trerus or Tolerus , and skirts its left bank, running parallel with the ancient Via Latina. This well-cultivated valley , bounded on both sides by mountains rising to a height of 4000 ft., was the ter- ritory of the Hernici (see below). To the right Monte Fortino , picturesquely situated on the hill-side. 4072 M. Segni, the Signia of the Romans, founded by the last Tarquin with a view to keep the Volsci and Hernici in check , Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 1 2 Route 1. ANAGNI. From Rome and still possessing huge remnants of the ancient walls and gate- ways , is a very venerable place , situated on the hill to the right, about 51/2 M. from the railway. 46 M. Anagni (*Locanda d! Italia), once a flourishing town, and in the middle ages frequently a papal residence, lies on the heights to the left, 5 M. from the station (omnibus 1 fr.). Here, on 7th Sept. 1303, Pope Boniface VIII., then considerably ad- vanced in years , was taken prisoner by the French knight Guillaume de Nogaret, acting in concert with the Colonnas, by order of King Philippe le Bel, but was set at liberty by the people three days afterwards. The *Cattedrale di S. Maria , a well- preserved edifice of the 11th cent. , and pure in style, is adorned with a mosaic pavement by the master Cosmas , and in the crypt with ancient frescoes. The treasury contains vestments of Inno- cent III. and Boniface VIII. The next towns, with the imposing ruins of their ancient polygonal walls, are also situated on the hills at a considerable distance from the line. This is the territory of the Hernici, with the towns of Anagnia , Aletrium , Ferentinum , and Verulae , which allied themselves with Rome and Latium in B. C. 486, but were subjugated by the Romans, after an insurrection, in B. C. 306. The environs of these towns are picturesque. 491/2 M. Sgurgola (from which Anagni may also be reached : 4 M.) is a village on the hill to the right, above the Sacco; still higher is Carpineto. 5572 M. Ferentino. The town lies on the hill (1450 ft.) to the left, 3 M. from the line. Ferentino (Hotel des Etrangers ), the ancient Ferentinum , a town of the Volsci, afterwards of the Hernici, was destroyed in the 2nd Punic War, and afterwards became a Roman colony (pop. 10,200). The ancient polygonal town-wall is still traceable throughout nearly its whole circuit; a gateway on the W. side especially deserves notice. The castle, whose walls now form the foundation of the episcopal palace, occupies the highest ground within the town. The Cathedral is paved with remains of an- cient marbles and mosaics. The font in the small church of 8. Giovanni Evangelista is ancient. Interesting antiquities and inscriptions will also be observed in other parts of the town. Higher up among the mountains, 9 J /2 M. from Ferentino, and about the same distance from Frosinone (see below) and Anagni, lies the town of Alatri, the ancient Aletrium , picturesquely situated on an eminence, and presenting an admirably preserved specimen of the fortifications of an an- cient city. The "Walls of the castle, constructed of huge polygonal blocks, are still entire ; the gateway attracts special attention on account of the stupendous dimensions of the stones of which it is composed. The town with its gates occupies the exact site of the ancient town. Below it the direction of the walls may be traced. The town and castle were pro- vided with an aqueduct, a work which testifies *0 -the skill in hydrodyna- mics attained in ancient times, as the water must have been forced up- wards from the valley from a depth of 330 ft. to Naples . CEPRANO. / . Route. 3 At a distance of 3 M. is the famous * Grotta di Collepardo , extending upwards of 2000 ft. into the limestone rock, with beautiful stalactites. About 3 /“» M. farther is observed an extensive depression in the soil, called II Pozzo d'Antullo , several hundred yards in circumference and 200 ft. in depth, overgrown with grass and underwood. On a hill , about 5 M. to the S. E. of Alatri , is situated Veroli , the ancient Verulae, from which a road leads to Isola and Sora (p. 197). GO 1 ^ M. Frosinone. The town (Locanda de Matteis; pop. 10,600), situated on the hill , 2M. from the railway, is identical with the ancient Yolscian Frusino , which was conquered by the Romans in B. C. 304. The relics of walls and other antiquities are scanty, but the situation is very beautiful. 70 M. Ceccano. The village is most picturesquely situated on the hill-side , on the right bank of the Sacco, the valley of which now contracts. At the foot of the hill, to the left of the river, once lay the ancient Fabrateria Vetus, numerous inscriptions from which are built into the walls of the church by the bridge. A road leads from Ceccano over the hills to Piperno and Terra- cina (p. 18). 70 M. Pofi. 76 M. Ceprano, formerly the frontier station ( Re- freshment Room). Outside the station a pleasing glimpse is obtain- ed of the valleys of the Liris and the Tolerus. The town of Ceprano is 2i/ 2 M. from the station. The train now crosses the Liris , which descends from the N., from the region of the Lago Fucino, forming the old boundary of the States of the Church. 77^2 M. Isoletta. In the vicinity, on tbe right bank of the Liris, in the direction of S. Giovanni in Carico , are the scanty ruins o^the ancient Fregellae , a Roman colony founded in B. C. 328, and a point of great military im- portance, as it commanded the passage of the river. It was destroyed by the Romans in B. C. 125, in consequence of an insurrection, and Fabra- teria Nova was founded in its stead. A number of antiquities may be seen in the Giardino Cairo , at the village of S. Giovanni in Carico, 3 M. from the station. The train now traverses the broad and fertile valley of the Liris , or Garigliano , as it is called after its union with the Sacco. 82^2 M. Roccasecca. Diligence hence to the valley of the Liris and the Lago Fucino , in connection with the night- trains to and from Naples , see R. 17. 85^2 M. Aquino, the ancient Aquinum , a small town pic- turesquely situated on the hill to the left , is celebrated as the birthplace of the satirist Juvenal (under Domitian) and of the phi- losopher Thomas Aquinas. The illustrious ‘ doctor angelicus son of Count Landulf, was born in 1224 in the neighbouring castle of Rocca Secca, and was educated in the monastery of Monte Casino (p. 5). The Emperor Pescennius Niger was also a native of Aquinum. Aquino lies on a mountain stream, in a beautiful and salu- brious district. By the side of the Yia Latina may be distin- guished the relics of the ancient Roman town : inconsiderable frag- ments of walls, a gateway (Porta S. Lorenzo), a theatre, remains 1* 4 Route 1 . SAN GERMANO. From Rome of temples of Ceres (S. Pietro) and Diana (S. Maria Maddalena), and a triumphal arch. Near the stream are the ruins of S. Maria Libera , a basilica of the 11th cent., commonly called It Vescovado, occupying the site of an ancient temple, and consisting of hand- some nave and aisles. Above the portal is a well-preserved Madonna in mosaic. Beyond Aquino, on a bleak mountain to the left, the cele- brated monastery of Monte Casino (p. 5) becomes visible. 93 M. San Germano. — Carriage from the station to the town V 2 fr. (bargain necessary). — Inns. - Alb. Pompei, prettily situated and clean, It. 2, pens, from 5 V 2 fr. 5 Alb. Varrone, outside the town, on the site of the villa of M. Terentius Varro (p. 5). A visit to S. Germano and Monte Casino may easily be accomplished within a stay of 24 hrs. (Luggage may either be forwarded direct from Rome to Naples, or left at the S. Germano station.) On arriving, the tra- veller , having partaken of some refreshment in the town , may either first explore the ruins of Casinum (for which , however , he would have time on the following day) , or proceed at once to the monastery of Monte Casino (B /2 hr. \ donkey P /2 fr.)* The excursion should be so arranged that the traveller may return to the town a considerable time before sunset $ at the same time it must be borne in mind that visitors are strictly excluded from 12 to 3. 30 o’clock. The monastery is justly noted for its hospitality, and affords good quarters for the night, although the fare is sometimes of a frugal description. No payment is demanded, but the traveller should give about as much as he would have paid at a hotel. Ladies are of course admitted to the church only. Travellers who wish to spend the night or dine here should apply to the padre for estieraio. Letters of introduction will be found very useful. At an early hour on Sundays and holidays the church and courts of the monastery are crowded with country-people from the neighbouring mountain districts , whose characteristic physiognomies and costumes will be scanned with interest by the traveller. Those who return to S. Germano to pass the night should allow 5 hrs. for the whole excursion. San Germano , which has of late resumed its ancient name of Cassino , a town with 13,300 inhab., is picturesquely situated in the plain at the foot of the Monte Casino, on the small river Rapido (Lat. Vinius ), 3 / 4 M. from the station, and is commanded by a ruined castle. It occupies nearly the same site as the ancient Casinum , which was colonised by the Romans in B.C. 312, and was afterwards a flourishing provincial town. On its ruins sprang up San Germano during the middle ages. Pillars of great anti- quity are still to be seen in the churches. Various courts have been held here by popes and emperors, and in 1230 peace was concluded here between Gregory IX. and Frederick II. The foggy character of the climate is alluded to by the ancients. After traversing the uninteresting town, we turn to the left and follow the road coming from the N., which coincides with the Via Latina. About ^2 M. from the town, on the right, are situated the colossal remains of an * Amphitheatre, which, accord- ing to an inscription preserved at Monte Casino, was erected by Ummidia Quadratilla at her own expense. The foundress is men- tioned by Pliny in his letters (vii. 24) as a lady of great wealth, who up to a very advanced age was an ardent admirer of theatrical to Naples. MONTE CASINO. 1 . Route. 5 performances. Farther on, and a little higher up, stands a square monument built of large blocks of travertine, with four niches, and surmounted by a dome, now converted into the church *Del Crocefisso (custodian 3-4 soldi). On the opposite bank of the Rapido lay the villa of M. Terentius Varro, where, as we are informed by Cicero (Phil. ii. 40), M. Antony afterwards indulg- ed in his wild orgies. — The path leading back to the town from Crocefisso is probably the ancient Yia Latina, and traces of anci- ent pavement are occasionally observed. From this path, by keep- ing to the high ground to the left , we may proceed to Monte Casino without returning to the town. The monastery of * Monte Casino, situated on a lofty hill to the W. of the town, is reached in l 1 ^ hr. The path, which cannot be mistaken, affords exquisite views of the valley of the Garigliano and the surrounding mountains. The monastery was founded by St. Benedict in 529, on the site of an ancient temple of Apollo, to which Dante alludes (Parad. xxii. 37), and from its magnificent situation alone would be entitled to a visit. The extensive edifice, the interior of which resembles a castle rather than a monastery, is entered by a low passage through the rock, where St. Benedict is said to have had his cell. Several Courts are connected by arcades. The central one has a fountain of very good water, adorned with statues of St. Benedict and his sister St. Scholastica. On a square space higher up, enclosed by columns from the ancient temple of Apollo, stands the Church, erected in 1727 to replace the ancient edifice founded by St. Benedict. The fortunes of the abbey are recorded in Latin above the entrance of the hall. The principal door of the church is of bronze and is inscribed with a list, inlaid in silver, of all the possessions of the abbey in 1066. It was executed at Constantinople by order of the Abbot Desiderius, afterwards Pope Victor III. The interior is richly decorated with marble, mosaics, and paintings. On each side of the high altar is a mausoleum ; one to the memory of Pietro de 1 Medici (p. 18), who was drowned in the Garigliano in 1503, executed by Francesco Sangallo by order of Clement VII. $ the other that of Guidone Fieramosca, last Prince of Mignano. Beneath the high altar, with its rich marble decorations, re- pose the remains of St. Benedict and his sister St. Scholastica. The sub- terranean chapel contains paintings by Marco da Siena and Mazzaroppi. The choir-stalls are adorned with admirable carving (by Coliccio , 1696), and the chapels adjoining the altar with costly mosaics. Above the doors and on the ceiling are frescoes by Luca Giordano (1677), representing tl^e miracles of St. Benedict and the foundation of the church. The organ i\ one of the finest in Italy. In the refectory is the ‘Miracle of the Loaves 1 , by Bassano. At a very early period the Library was celebrated for the MSS. executed by the monks. To the Abbot Desiderius of the 11th cent, we are probably indebted for the preservation of Varro, and perhaps of other authors. The handsome saloon at present contains a collection of about 10,000 vols., among which are numerous rare editions published during the infancy of the printer’s art. The MSS. and documents are preserved in the archives, in the passage leading to which a number of inscriptions are built into the wall, most of them rescued from the ruins of the ancient Casinum. Among the MSS. are : the commentary of Origen on the Epistle to the Romans, translated by Rufus, dating from the 6th cent. ; a Dante with mar- ginal notes, of the 14th cent, (the archives contain an interesting portrait of the poet); the vision of the monk Alberic, which is said to have sug- gested the first idea on which Dante founded his work ; various classical authors, the original MSS. of Leo of Ostia and Riccardo di San Germano. 6 Route 1. MONTE CASINO. From Rome The "Archives comprise a still rarer collection, consisting of about 800 documents of emperors, kings, dukes, etc., and the complete series of papal bulls which relate to Monte Casino, beginning with the 11th cent., many of them with admirable seals and impressions. Among the letters are those exchanged by Don Erasmo Gattola , the historian of the abbey, with learned contemporaries. At the end of an Italian translation of Boccaccio’s ‘De Claris Mulieribus’ is a letter of Sultan Mohammed II. to Pope Nicholas IV., complaining of the pontiff’s preparations for war and promising to be converted as soon as he should visit Rome, together with an unfavourable answer from the pope. An ancient bath-seat in rosso antico, found on the bank of the Liris, is also preserved here. The tower in which St. Benedict is said to have lived contains pictures by Novelli , Spagnoletto , and others. The Benedictine monastery of Monte Casino, which will pro- bably be allowed to continue its existence in the form of an edu- cational establishment, has ever been conspicuous for the admirable manner in which its inmates have discharged their higher duties. They are the intelligent keepers of one of the most precious libraries in the world, and they educate about eighty students of theology. The monks at present number about thirty, including Tosti, the historian of literature , and there are ten lay brethren , twenty pupils of the upper classes, and numerous servants. The institution also comprises a telegraph-office and a printing-office. The revenues once amounted to 100,000 ducats per annum, but are now reduced to about 20,000. The monastery commands a magnificent prospect in all di- rections, which the visitor should not omit to enjoy from the different points of view. To the W. and S. extends the broad valley of the Garigliano with its numerous villages, separated from the Gulf of Gaeta by a range of hills, and the sea is occasionally distinguishable. To the E. is the valley of S. Germano, com- manded by the rocky summits of the Abruzzi. To the N. a wild mountainous district. Close to tbe monastery rises the Monte Cairo , upwards of 5000 ft. in beigbt, which may be ascended in 3-4 hrs.; the view from the summit is considered one of the finest in Italy, extending from M. Cavo in the Alban range to Camaldoli near Naples. Continuation of Journey to Naples. To the left, beyond S. Germano, we perceive the villages of Cervaro , S. Vittore , and S. Pietro in Fine. 100 M. Rocca d’Evandro. The train quits the valley of the Garigliano, and enters a richly cultivated defile, beyond which the country towards the right becomes flatter. 104V2 Mignano. The train now runs towards the S. through a a barren, undulating tract, which separates the Garigliano from the Volturno. 107 M. Presenzano , which lies on the slope to the left. 114 M. Caianiello Vairano , whence a high road leads through the Abruzzi to Pescara on the Gulf of Venice (R. 15), and to Aquila and Terni (R. 16). 1 lT 1 /^ M. Riardo ; the village, with an old castle, lies on the left. 121 M. Teano ; the town (Locanda dell’ Italia; 5000 inhab.) to Naples. CAPUA. 1 . Route. 7 lies at some distance to the right, at the base of the lofty Rocca Monfina , an extinct volcano (3420 ft.). The extensive, but dilapidated old castle was erected in the 15th cent, by the dukes of Sessa. Ancient columns in the cathedral, inscriptions, remains of a theatre, and other antiquities are now the sole vestiges of the venerable Teanum Sidicinum , once the capital of the Sidicini, which was conquered by the Samnites in the 4th cent. B. C., after- wards subjugated by the Romans, and in Strabo’s time the most flourishing inland city of Campania after Capua. From Teano the train turns to the right to the village of — 12572 M. Sparanisi, whence a road leads to Gaeta (p. 17). About 4 M. to the N. E. of the railway to the left lies Calvi , the ancient Cales , a Roman colony founded B. C. 332, the wine of which (vinum Calenum) is praised by Horace. It now consists of a few houses only, but contains an ancient amphitheatre, a theatre, and other anti- quities. Carriage with one horse from Capua, and back, 2-3 fr. As the train proceeds we obtain for the first time a view of Mt. Vesuvius in the distance to the right, and then of the island of Ischia in the same direction. 12472 M. Pignataro. The train now intersects the plain of the Volturno , a river 94 M. in length, the longest in Lower Italy. We now enter upon the vast plains of the ancient Campania (now Terra di Lavoro ), which, like the Cam- pagna di Roma, are of volcanic origin , but incomparably superior in fertility, and admirably cultivated. The district, one of the most luxuriant in Europe , is capable of yielding, in addition to the produce of the dense plantations of fruit-trees, two crops of grain and one of hay in the same season. 135 M. Capua. — Inns. Albergo & Trattoria del Centro, in the Piazza de 1 Giudici. — Carriage from the station to the town with one horse (cittadina) 25 with two horses (carozza) 50 c. ; per hour, 1 or 2 fr. \ to Caserta 1 fr. 90 or 3 fr. 90 c. ; to Aversa 3 or 6 fr. •, to S. Maria Capua Vetere 90 c. or 2 fr.$ to S. Angelo in Formis 1 fr. 20 or 2 fr. 50 c. Capua , a fortified town with 13,300 inhab., the residence of an archbishop, lies on the left bank of the Volturno, by which the greater part of it is surrounded. It was erected in the 9th cent., after the destruction of the ancient Capua, on the site of Casi- linum , a town which was conquered by Hannibal after an obstinate resistance, and fell to decay in the time of the emperors. Turn- ing to the right on entering the town, and taking the first street to the left, we reach the Piazza de’ Giudici, or market-place in 6 min., and then enter the Via del Duomo to the right. The Cathedral , dating from the 11th cent., possesses a hand- some entrance court with ancient columns, but in other respects has been entirely modernised. Interior. 3rd Chapel on the left: Madonna della Rosa of the 13tli century. 3rd Chapel on the right: Madonna with two saints by Silvestro de y Buoni. The Crypt, dating from the Romanesque period, but now mo- dernised, contains Mosaics from an old pulpit, a Roman Sarcophagus with a representation of the Hunt of Meleager, and a Holy Sepulchre by Bernini , being one of his best works. The Via del Duomo, passing through an archway, leads to the 8 Route 1. S. MAIilA 1)1 CAPUA VETERE. From Rome Corso Museo Campano. (Proceeding thence in a straight direction, we may reach the ramparts, which command a pleasing view of the Volturno.) In this street, on the right, is situated the Museo Campano , which is entered from the first side-street on the right. It is open to the public daily, 9-3 o’ clock, except on Sundays and festivals. The Court contains reliefs from the amphitheatre of Capua (see below) ; inscriptions; ancient sarcophagi, including one of the period of Con- stantine; medieeval tomb-monuments; a sitting statue of Frederick II. (now sadly mutilated and without its head), which formerly surmounted the gateway of the tete-de-pont constructed by him on the right bank of the Volturno about 1240, and destroyed in 1557; heads of statues of Pe- trus de Vineis and Thaddseus of Suessa, and a colossal head of ‘Capua Imperiale 1 (casts at the Museo Nazionale in Naples), also from Frede- rick II. ’s tete-de-pont. The rooms in the Interior contain ancient ter- racottas, vases, coins, a few pictures of little value, and a small library. The bridge across the Yolturno, restored in 1756, is adorned with a statue of St. Nepomuc. Beyond it is an inscription in memory of the Emperor Frederick II. The Torre Mignana within, and the Cappella de J Morti without the town commemorate the sanguinary attack made on Capua by Caesar Borgia in 1501, on which occasion 5000 lives were sacrificed. On our left after the train has crossed the Yolturno, lies the battle-field on which King Francis II. was defeated by the Gari- baldians and Piedmontese on 1st Oct. 1860. 139 M. S- Maria di Capua Vetere ( Locanda Roma) is a prosper- ous little town, on the site of the celebrated ancient Capua, contain- ing some interesting ruins. Capua , founded by the Etruscans and afterwards occupied by Sabellian tribes, entered into alliance with the Romans B.C. 343, for the sake of protec- tion against the attacks of the Samnites. Owing to the luxuriant fertility of the district, the power and wealth of the city developed themselves at an early period, but it soon became noted for its effeminacy and degeneracy. When in the zenith of its prosperity it was the largest city in Italy after Rome and contained 300,000 inhabitants. In the 2nd Punic War, after the battle of Cannse (B. C. 216), it entered into an alliance with Hannibal, who took up his winter-quarters here. That his army had become so enervated by their resi- dence at Capua as no longer to be a match for the Romans, is doubtless a mere hypothesis. Certain, however, it is, that the Romans soon regained their su- periority, and after along siege reduced the town, B. C. 211. Its punishment was a severe one, and the inhabitants were entirely deprived of all civic pri- vileges. It was rescued from its abject condition by Csesar, and under his suc- cessors regained its ancient splendour. It continued to prosper until the wars of the Goths, Vandals, and Lombards. In the 8th cent, it was destroyed by the Saracens, and the inhabitants emigrated to the modern Capua (p. 7). Proceeding straight from the station, taking the first street to the left, and following the Yia S. Sebastiano in nearly the same direction to its farther end (5 min.), we turn to the left into the Yia Anfiteatro which leads in a curve round the town to (10 min.) the ancient amphitheatre. Before reaching it, we cross an open space where we observe on the left the ruins of a Roman Triumphal Arch , now a gate, through which the Capua road passes. The ^Amphitheatre of Capua (adm. 1 fr. for each pers.), which is said to be the most ancient, and after the Colosseum at to Naples. CASERTA. / . Route. 9 Rome the largest, in Italy, is constructed of travertine. The longer diameter is 185 yds., the shorter 152 yds. in length. The arena measures 88 yds. by 49 yds. Three of its passages are tolerably well preserved , but of the 80 entrance - arches two only. The keystones are decorated with images of gods. The Arena , with its substructions, passages, and dens for the wild beasts (to which a staircase descends from the passage to the left), is, like that of Pozzuoli, better defined than that of the Colosseum at Rome. The Passages contain remains of ancient decorations , fragments of columns, bas-reliefs, etc. To the right, near the entrance, the visitor may ascend to the upper part of the structure, in order to obtain a survey of the ruins themselves, and of the ex- tensive surrounding plain. Large schools were once maintained at Capua for the training of gladiators, and it was here in B.C. 88, that the dangerous War of the Gladiators under Spartacus the Thracian broke out, which was with difficulty quelled by Crassus two years later. Above Capua rises Mons Tifata , once the site of a temple of Jupiter, now crowned by a chapel of S. Nicola. At its base, about 4^2 M. from S. Maria, stands the old church of S. Angelo in Formis , with Byzantine frescoes of the 11th cent, (valuable in the history of art), occupying the site of a celebrated temple of Diana, around which a village had established itself. The high road from Capua to Maddaloni (p. 10) by S. Maria and Caserta presents a scene of brisk traffic; and a drive by carriage (p. 7) through this garden -like district is preferable to the railway journey. The road from S. Maria to Caserta (a drive of 3 / 4 hr.) passes two handsome Roman tombs. 142Y‘2 M. Caserta — Hotels. *Vittoria, with garden, R. 2, B. P/ 2 , pens. 7-10 fr. ; Villa Reale, well spoken of; both in the Via Vittoria; Villa di Firenze, near the palace-, all with trattorie. — In the round piazza with its colonnades, at the entrance to the town from the palace, is a favourite Ca/4. Carriage with one horse, per drive 35 c. pvettura semplice 1 still cheaper), with two horses 60 c. ; to S. Maria di Capua Vetere 1 fr. 40 or 2 fr. 30, to Capua 2 fr. 75 or 3 fr. 90 c. For a Visit to the Palace (interior 9-4; the garden till sunset) a per- messo from the royal intendant at the Palazzo Reale at Naples (p. 36) is required, but it may if necessary be obtained through one of the hotel- keepers at Caserta. Fee 1 fr. ; for the chapel 25 c. Caserta , a clean and well-built town with 19,000 inhab. (‘com- mune’ 30,000) and a large garrison, may be called the Versailles of Naples. It possesses several palaces and barracks, and is the residence of the prefect of the province of Caserta. It was founded in the 8th cent, by the Lombards on the slope of the hill, but the modern town stands on lower ground. The * Royal Palace of Caserta, opposite the station, was erected in 1752, by Vanvitelli , by order of King Charles III., in the richest Italian palatial style. It forms a rectangle. The S. side is 830 ft. long and 134 ft. high, with thirty-seven windows in each story. The courts of the palace are traversed by a colonnade, from the 1 0 Route 1 . MADDALONI. centre of which ascends the handsome marble staircase, with 116 steps. The statue of Vanvitelli, by Buccini, was erected in 1879. The palace is at present unoccupied. The Chapel, lavishly decorated with marble, imitated lapis lazuli, and gold, contains a ‘Presentation in the Temple 1 by Mengs , five paintings by Conca , and an altar-piece by Bonito. — The Theatre is adorned with twelve Corinthian columns of African marble from the temple of Sera- pis at Pozzuoli, and contains forty ^boxes, besides that appropriated to the royal family. The ^Garden , with its lofty pruned hedges, contains beautiful fountains and cascades, adorned with statues. The grand terrace above the cascade (2 M. from the palace) affords beautiful points of view. The Botanical Garden is interesting as proving that the trees of the colder north can be grown here with success. The Ca- sino Reale di S. Leuci , in the park, about 2 M. to the N., com- mands another fine prospect. Caserta is the junction of the Naples and Foggia railway (R. 14), which runs above our line as far as the next station — 146 M. Maddaloni ; the town (19,600 inhab.), situated to the left, with an extensive deserted palace of the Caraffa family, is commanded by a ruined castle. On the Foggia line, 2^2 M. distant, are situated the Ponti della Valle , a celebrated aqueduct constructed by Vanvitelli to supply the gardens of Caserta with water, and usually visited from Maddaloni. 150 M. Cancello , whence a branch-line diverges to Avellino (R. 12). From Cancello to Benevento, 25 M. Since the opening of the rail- way (R. 14) the high road has been used for the local traffic only. It leads by S. Felice and Arienzo , and then passes through a narrow defile, con- sidered by many to be identical with the Furculce Caudince which proved so disastrous to the fortunes of Rome, whence it ascends to the village of Arpaia (the ancient Caudium according to some). It next passes the small town of Montesarchio , with its castle, once the residence of the d'Avalos family, and recently used as a state prison, in which, among others, the well-known Poerio (d. 1867) was confined. To the left we observe Monte Somma , which conceals the cone of Vesuvius (p. 117). 154!/2 M. Acerra (14,500 inhab.) was the ancient Acerrae , to which the Roman citizenship was accorded as early as B. C. 332. The train crosses the trenches of the Regi Lagni , which drain the marshes of Pantano dell’ Acerra, the ancient Clanius, now VAgno, and form the boundary between the provinces of Caserta and Naples. 162 M. Casalnuovo. Vesu- vius becomes visible on the left. 163 M. Naples. Arrival, see p. 20. 2. From Rome to Naples by the Pontine Marshes, Terracina, Gaeta, and Capua. This road, until recently the principal route between Central and Southern Italy, is the most ancient in the peninsula. During the Samnite war, B. C. 312, the Via Appia from Rome to Capua (p. 1) was constructed by the censor Appius Claudius, and with it the present road is nearly iden- VIA APPIA. 2. Route. 11 tical. It skirts the W. side of the Alban mountains , passes Albano, Genzano, and Velletri, intersects the plain on the coast, of which the Pontine Marshes form a portion, and reaches Terracina, formerly the frontier-town of the States of the Church. It then turns inland and traverses the mountain chain of Itri , which bounds the Bay of Gaeta on the N. W. It reaches the bay near Formia, skirts it for a short distance, and then again proceeds towards the interior by S. Agata , uniting at the Spa- ranisi station (p. 7) with the preceding route, 4 M. above Capua. Since the opening of the railway this road has been used for the local traffic only, but it is still strongly recommended to the notice of the traveller, as it traverses a singularly attractive district, and is one of the most beautiful routes in Italy. The drive by carriage from Rome to Naples is also preferable to the railway journey in this respect, that the transition from the one city to the other is thus rendered less abrupt. This region was a favourite haunt of brigands in 1860-70, but since the annexation of the States of the Church to Italy their bands have been dispersed. The journey may also be accomplished by diligence as far as Velletri (office near the Teatro Argentina) , but this requires an additional day, which might probably be better employed. The malaria which prevails in the marshy districts in summer is considered especially noxious during sleep. The diligence conductors regard tobacco smoke as the most effectual anti- dote to the poison of the atmosphere. No risk need be apprehended during the colder seasons. There are fairly good hotels at Terracina and Formia. The whole journey occupies three days : — 1st Day. Railway to Vel- letri in 3 /4-l 1 /t2 hr. (fares 4 fr. 75, 3 fr. 35, 2 fr. 40 c. ; express, 6 fr. 40, 4 fr. 30 c.) ; thence diligence (starting at 9 a.m. ; fare 7 fr.) in 7 hrs. to Terracina (visit Theodoric’s palace). — 2nd Day. Diligence (generally about 11.30 a.m. ; 572 fr.) to Formia in 672 hrs. The excursion to Gaeta is more easily made on the same day if a carriage be hired from Terracina to Formio. — 3rd Day. Diligence (starting at 6 p.m. ; 3 3 /4 fr.) to Sparanisi in 372 hrs., and railway thence to Naples in 172-2 74 hrs. (fares 6 fr. 45, 4 fr. 45, 3 fr. 10 c. *, express, 6 fr. 80, 4 fr. 75 c.). The diligence from Spa- ranisi starts very early in the morning. To Velletri , 25^2 M., see p. 1. The high road here descends to the plain to the right. About l*/ 2 M. before reaching Cisterna the road again unites with the ancient Via Appia. The extensive oak forests here were once a notorious haunt of banditti. On the height to the left we observe the villages of Cori and Norma (see Baedekers Central Italy). Farther on, below Norma, stands Sermoneta on an emin- ence, with an ancient castle of the Gaetani family, who thence derive their ducal title. Towards the sea, to the right, rises the isolated Monte Circello (p. 13). Cisterna (La Posta ), 7*/ 2 M. from Velletri, a small town with a castle of the Gaetani, situated on the last hill before the Pontine marshes are reached, was called Cisterna Neronis in the middle ages, and is believed to occupy the site of the ancient Tres Tabernae. 17 M. (from Velletri) Torre tre Ponti , a solitary post-house, where the diligence halts for an hour and changes horses, is a miserable tavern. Terracina is 22 Y 2 M. distant. (Sermoneta, 5 M. distant from Torre tre Ponti, may be visited thence; see above.) About */ 2 M. farther the road crosses the Ninfa by an ancient bridge, restored, as the inscription records, by Trajan. We now reach the Pontine Marshes (Paludi Pontine ), which 12 Route 2. PONTINE MARSHES. From Rome vary in breadth between the mountains and the sea from 6 to 11 M., and from Nettuno to Terracina are 31 M. in length. A very small part of them only is cultivated. They, however, afford extensive pastures , the most marshy parts being the favourite resort of the cattle. Towards the sea the district is clothed with forest ( macchia ). The malaria in summer is a dreadful scourge. According to Pliny (Hist. Nat. iii. 5) , these marshes were anciently a fertile and well-cultivated plain, occupied by twenty- four villages, but towards the close of the republic gradually fell into their present condition owing to the decline of agriculture. A want of fall in the surface of the soil is the cause of the evil. The streams and canals are totally inadequate to carry off the excess of water which descends from the mountains during the rainy season, and its escape is further impeded by the luxuriant vegetation of the aquatic plants. Attempts to drain the marshes have been successively made by the censor Appius Claudius in B. C. 312 (so says tradition), by the consul Cornelius Cethegus 130 years later, by Caesar, Augustus, Nerva, Trajan, and finally by Theodoric, King of the Goths, all of which were of temporary benefit only. Similar operations were undertaken by the popes Boniface VIII. , Martin V. , Sixtus V. , and Pius VI. To the last is due the present admirably constructed road across the marshes, the cost of which amounted to 1,622,000 scudi (350,100 1. sterling). For some distance the road follows the track of the ancient Via Appia in a straight direction, skirting the Canal delle Botte , which was constructed before the time of Augustus, and on which Horace performed part of his journey to Brundisium (Sat. i. 5). About 4 M. from Torre tre Ponti is Foro Appio , the ancient Forum Appii , described by Horace as ‘differtum nautis cauponibus atque malignis’. Here, and at Tres Tabernae, the Apostle Paul met his friends from Rome (Acts, xxviii). The road pursues a perfectly straight direction, shaded by a double or quadruple avenue of stately elms. But for the moun^ tains to the left, where Sezza has for some time been visible, the traveller might imagine himself transported to a scene in Holland. A conveyance in correspondence with the diligence from Velletri runs from Foro Appio to Sezza, the ancient Yolscian Setia , which yielded a favourite wine. It is situated above the marshes on a hill which the old road to Naples skirted. The fragments of the old walls and of a so-called Temple of Saturn are still to be seen. — Instead of ascending the hill of Sezza, we may follow the road skirting its base to — Piperno (6 M.), the ancient Privernum of the Volsci, which long with- stood the attacks of the Romans, and afterwards a Roman colony, the traces of which are seen M. to the N. in the plain, on the way to Frosinone. This plain is enclosed by lofty mountains, studded with ruined castles and villages : Rocca Gorga , Maenza , Rocca Secca, Prossedi , etc. About 3 M. farther, in the valley of the Amctseno , is situated the Cistercian monastery of Fossa Nuova, where Thomas Aquinas died in 1274 while on his way to to Naples. TERRACINA 2. Route . 13 the Council of Lyons. Sonnino , 4 J /2 M. distant, and San Lorenzo , in the valley of the Amaseno , about 9 M. distant, are both famous for the picturesqueness of the costume of the women , and formerly notorious for the audacity of the brigands. The road pursues a straight direction on a raised embank- ment, and leads to Bocca di Flume and Mesa. At the entrance of the post-house at Mesa are two ancient mile-stones of Trajan. In the vicinity are the ruins of a tomb on a square basement of massive blocks of limestone, obtained from the neighbouring Volscian mountains. Ponte Maggiore is the next post-station. Beyond it the road crosses the Amaseno , into which the Ufente empties itself a little higher up. We soon reach the locality which Horace mentions as the site of the grove and fountain of Feronia (Sat. i. 5, 23), but no traces of either are now visible. (They were perhaps near S. Mar- tino.) The new road now quits the Via Appia and approaches the mountains to the left, where palms and pomegranates, inter- spersed with orange groves and aloes, apprise the traveller of his entrance into Southern Italy. To the right, towards the sea, thePromontorioCirceo, or Cir cello (1771 ft.), which was visible even before Velletri was reached, now becomes more con- spicuous. This was the Circeii of the ancients, the traditional site of the palace and grove of the enchantress Circe, daughter of the sun, described by Homer. It is an isolated limestone rock, and may be reached in 3 hrs. from Terracina by a good path along the shore. On the summit, near S. Felice towards the S. and Torre di Paola towards the W., some fragments are perceived of the ancient town of Circeii , captured by Coriolanus, and still existing in Cicero’s time. Cicero and Atticus, Tiberius and Domitian frequently resorted to this spot, attracted doubtless by the beauty of the situation and the excel- lence of the oysters. The Grotta della Maga , a stalactite cavern, deserves a visit. In spring and autumn the rocks are frequented by innumerable birds of passage. Terracina ( Grand Hotel Royal , at the S. entrance to the town, with a view of the sea at the back ; *Locanda Nazionale , in the Piazza, less expensive), situated conspicuously on a rocky emin- ence (Hor. Sat. i. 5, 26), the Anxur of the ancient Volsci, and the Tarracina of the Romans, was formerly on the confines of the papal dominions , and still constitutes the natural frontier town between Central and Southern Italy. Pop. 7300. It is an an- cient episcopal residence, and is one of the most picturesque spots in Italy. The high road intersects the extensive but thinly peopled quarter of the town which was founded by Pius VI. , while the old town is built on the slope of the hill. Above the latter extend the ruins of the ancient city, crowned by the remains of the palace of Theodoric the Ostrogoth. The *Cattedrale S. Pietro is believed to occupy the site of a temple of Jupiter Anxurus. The vestibule rests on ten ancient columns, with recumbent lions at their bases. On the right is a large antique sarcophagus, which, according to the inscription, was used in torturing the early Christians. The pavement of 14 Route 2. TERRACINA. From Rome the square in which the cathedral stands dates from the Roman period. Interior. The beautiful fluted columns of the Canopy in the in- terior belonged to the ancient temple. The Pulpit , with its ancient mosaics, rests on columns with lions at their bases. — The Clock Tower (ascended by 91 steps) commands an extensive prospect. The summit of the promontory may he attained directly from the new town in 3 / 4 hr . , hut more conveniently from the old town, the route being partly by an ancient road passing remains of tombs and ancient walls, and then leading to the right through olive plantations. The whole excursion requires about 3 hrs.; guide unnecessary. The * Palace of Theodoric , King of the Ostro- goths, erected about 500 A.D. and afterwards converted into a castle, occupies the summit. A corridor of twelve arches opens towards the sea on the S. side. The purposes of the different parts of the structure cannot now be ascertained. *View admirable. Towards the W. the prospect embraces the plain as far as the Alban Mts., then the Monte Circello ; towards the S. are the Pontine or Ponza Islands, the N.W. group of which comprises Ponza (Pontiae , once a Roman colony), Palmarola (Pal- maria), and Zannone , all of volcanic origin, and the S. group Ventotene and S. Stefano ; between the groups lies the small island of La Botte . The islands are still used, as in ancient times, as a place of detention for convicts. Yentotene is the Pandateria of melancholy celebrity, to which Augustus banished his abandoned daughter Julia, and Tiberius relegated Agrippina, the daughter of Julia, and where Nero is said to have caused his divorced wife Octavia to be put to death. Towards the E. the plain of Fondi is visible; the village on the sea is Sperlonga (p. 15); farther off is the promontory of Gaeta with the Torre d’Orlando (p. 17), and finally the island of Ischia. The Harbour of Terracina, still recognisable by the break- water, was of great importance during the Roman period, but is now entirely filled with sand. A new Molo affords indif- ferent shelter to coasting vessels. The galley-slaves at the bagno here are partly employed in the harbour works, and partly in the quarries. — At the entrance to the town rises a picturesque mass of rock on the roadside, on which a hermit formerly dwelt. Beyond Terracina the road follows the direction of the Via Appia, and is flanked by remains of ancient tombs. The moun- tains which we skirt approach so near the sea as occasionally to leave barely space for the road. This pass was the ancient Lautulae. Here, in B. C. 315, the Romans fought a battle with the Samnites, and in the 2nd Punic War Fabius Maximus kept Hannibal in check here. On a hill about V 2 M. to the left is situated the monastery of Retiro , on the site of the villa in which the emperor Galba was born. Then to the right is the to Naples. FONDI. 2. Route. 15 Lake of Fondi , the Lacus Fundanus or Amyclanus of the an- cients , named after the town of Amyclae which is said to have been founded here by fugitive Laconians. The village towards the E. on the slope facing the sea is Sperlonga (see below). The papal frontier was formerly at Torre delV Epitafia. We next reach the gateway of the tower de J Confini , or La Portella , 4 M. from Terracina. On a height to the left is the village of Monticelli ,• by the road-side are fragments of tombs. We now enter the extremely fertile Terra di Lavoro (p. 7). The next place (11 M. from Terracina) is Fondi (5000 inhab.), the ancient Fundi , where Horace derides the pride of a civic official ‘with broad purple border and censer’ (Hor. Sat. i. 5, 34). Change of horses , and halt of !/ 4 hr. (poor inn). The Chateau , part of which adjoins the inn, is miserably dilapidated. Some of the window-frames and decorations in the most tasteful Renaissance style testify to its ancient splendour. In the 16th cent, it belong- ed to the Colonnas , and in 1534 it was occupied by the beau- tiful Countess Giulia Gonzaga. One night the countess narrowly escaped being captured by the daring pirate Haireddin Barbarossa, who purposed conveying her to the Sultan Soliman II. Exasperated by his failure , he wreaked his revenge on the town , as an in- scription in the church records. The town was again destroyed by the Turks in 1594. In the vicinity is the church of S. Maria in the Gothic style , disfigured in the interior by whitewash. It contains an ancient pulpit adorned with mosaic, and on the right a Madonna by Silvestro de’ Buoni. A chapel is shown in the Dominican monastery in which Thomas Aquinas once taught. Considerable remains of the ancient town-walls are preserved. The principal street coincides with the ancient Yia Appia. In other respects the town is a sombre looking place, and like Itri (see below) was for centuries a haunt of brigands. Beyond Fondi the road traverses the plain for 3 M., after which it ascends Monte S. Andrea through mountain ravines, where additional horses are necessary. It then descends to the poor town of Itri, with a ruined castle, once notorious for the robberies committed there. It was here that the robber-chief Marco Sciarra promised a safe conduct and protection to the poet Tasso ; and Fra Diavolo (whose real name was Michele Pezza) was also a native of Itri. He was at last captured by the French near Salerno and executed. Anecdotes are still related of this daring brigand, and Washington Irving’s sketch ‘The Inn of Terracina’, the foundation of Auber’s opera, has greatly contri- buted to maintain their interest. A mountainous path leads from Itri, to the right, in 2 l /t hrs. to the fishing village of Sperlonga , situated on a sandy promontory, and deriving its name from the grottoes (speluncae) in the neighbouring rocks. In one of these, as Tacitus informs us (Ann. iv. 59), Sejanus saved the life of Ti- berius, which was imperilled by a falling rock. On the way to the grotto 16 Route 2. FORMIA. From Rome we observe Roman ruins, and the grotto itself contains benches and stucco ornaments. The excursion may best be made by boat from Gaeta , from which Sperlonga is about 9>/2 M. distant. From Itri the road descends for some distance on galleries, and finally between woods and vineyards towards the coast, re- vealing an exquisite view of the bay of Gaeta, with its glittering villas and other edifices ; in the distance are Ischia and Procida ; still further off rise the Monte S. Angelo (p. 152) and Vesuvius. Farther on, we perceive to the right, in the middle of a vineyard, on a square base, a massive round tower, believed to be Cicero's Tomb. It was in this neighbourhood, not far irom his Formianum, that the proscribed orator, who sought to elude the pursuit of the triumvirs Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus, was murdered by the tribunes Herennius and Popilius Laenas , 7th Dec., B.O. 43, in the 64th year of his age. On a height above the road may be traced the foundations of a temple of Apollo, said to have been founded by Cicero. Numerous re- lics of ancient buildings are still extant on the whole bay, which, like the bay of Naples, was a favourite resort of the Roman nobles, and was covered with the most sumptuous villas. Tradition lias assigned several of these to Cicero, but without the slightest historical foundation. The road now descends to Formia. Formia (*H6tel de V Europe, on the coast, R. I 1 / 2 fr., pre- ferable to the inns at Gaeta), the ancient Formiae , a town with 9600 inhab., was called Mola di Gaeta under the former regime. The beauty of its situation constitutes its sole attraction. The mountain-range on the N. side of the bay rises abruptly from the sea, the lower slopes being clothed with gardens of lemons, oranges, and pomegranates, and with vineyards and olive-plantations. One of the most delightful points is the so-called Villa of Cicero , or Villa Caposele , above the town , formerly a favourite residence of the kings of Naples. It now belongs to Sign. Gaetano Rubino (permission to visit it obtained by leaving a card at his palazzo opposite the prefecture ; boy to act as guide Y 2 At the entrance are ancient inscriptions and statues. The Lower Part of the garden contains considerable remains of an ancient villa, supposed to have belonged to Cicero. Among the vaulted halls is one with eight columns and a semicircular apse, now converted into offices. Dur- ing the siege. of Gaeta, General Cialdini established his head- quarters here. The Upper Terrace commands an uninterrupted survey of the charming bay, Gaeta, Ischia, the promontories of the Bay of Naples, and the mountain range to the S. of the Liris, which separates the latter from the region of the Volturno. Excursion to Gaeta, 4-5 hrs. there and back. Formia carries on a brisk traffic with Gaeta, 4 3 A M. distant. Seat in public conveyance fr. ; one-horse carr. there and back, according to tariff, 2 fr., or with a stay of some hours 3 fr., a drive of z j\ hr. \ by boat somewhat longer, 3-4 fr. to Naples. GAETA. 2. Route. 1 7 The road ascends through Formia, and beyond it descends to the coast, which it then skirts. Numerous remains of villas, which the Romans were in the habit of building out into the sea as far as possible, are passed. Among them a spot is pointed out as the scene of the assassination of Cicero (see above). Country attractive. Outside the town extends a long row of houses, called the Borgo. The road next passes the fortifications, which still bear traces of the bombardment of 1860. Gaeta (Albergo Villa Gaeta , well spoken of; Italia; Caffe Nazionale ), the ancient Portus Caieta , with 18,700 inhab., is an important fortress, but insignificant as a commercial town. The promontory of Gaeta resembles the cape of Misenum in formation, presenting from a distance the appearance of a gigantic tumulus. Tradition has pointed it out as the tomb of Caieta, the nurse of .Eneas, and Munatius Plancus accordingly erected a conspicuous and imposing monument on its summit. From this eminence projects a lower rock which bears the citadel and the town. The strength of the place was first put to the test during the bar- barian immigrations. Gaeta successfully resisted the attacks of the Teutonic invaders, and with Amalfi and Naples constituted one of the last strong- holds of ancient culture. It afterwards became a free city, presided over by a doge, and carried on a considerable trade with the Levant. It bade defiance to the assaults of the Lombards and Saracens, and preserved its freedom down to the 12th cent., when with the rest of Southern Italy it was compelled to succumb to the Normans. The fortress was extended and strengthened at various periods by the Arragonese, by Charles V., and especially by the last Bourbon monarchs. In 1501 it surrendered to the French, in 1504 to the Spaniards under Gonsalvo da Cordova, in 1734 t6 the Spaniards again, and in 1798 to the French. In 1806 it was gallantly defended by the Prince of Hessen-Philippsthal, who, aided by the Eng- lish fleet, held out for nearly six months against a powerful French army under Massena. In Nov. 1860, Francis II. of Naples, the last of the Bour- bon kings, sought refuge here, and his queen Mary, Duchess of Bavaria, took a prominent part in the defence of the fortress, but the town was at length compelled to capitulate by the Italian fleet on 23rd Feb. 1861. The king was conveyed to Rome by a French man-of-war. Pope Pius IX. when banished in Nov. 1848, also sought an asylum here, and remained at Gaeta until his return to Rome in April, 1850. The Cattedrale di S. Erasmo has a remarkable campanile ; at the entrance are four ancient columns and relics of old sculptures. Interior modernised. At the back of the high altar (covered) is the banner presented by Pope Pius V. to Don John of Austria, the hero of Lepanto, representing the Saviour with SS. Peter and Paul. Opposite the principal portal of the church is a sculptured Go- thic column resting on four lions. Among the antiquities may be mentioned the remains of an amphitheatre and of a theatre, and also a column bearing the names of the twelve winds in Greek and Latin. The chief object of interest, however, is the so-called *Torre d’ Orlando, or tomb of Munatius Plancus, the contemporary of Augustus, and founder of Lyons (B. C. 43), situated on the summit of the promontory. We ascend from the Piazza to the Gothic church of S. Francesco , begun by Ferdinand II. in Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 2 18 Route 2. S. AGATA. 1849, seriously damaged in 1860, and since completed; then turn to the left through an open garden gate , and reach the Torre by a good winding road in 25 min. The tomb consists of a huge circular structure of travertine blocks, resembling that of Caecilia Metella at Rome. Round the top runs a frieze with warlike emblems. On the N. side is the inscription : L. Munatius L. f. L. n. L. pron. Plancus cos. cens. imp. iter. VII vir epulon. triump. ex Raetis , aedem Saturni fecit de mani - bis , agros divisit in Italia Beneventi , in Gallia colonias deduxit Lugudunum et Rauricam. A more magnificent site for such a monument cannot well be conceived. The **Yiew towards the N.W. embraces the coast as far as Mte. Circeo, to the W. the sea with the Ponza Islands, to the E. and S. the bay of Gaeta, Ischia, Procida, Capri, and the mountains of Misenum. Leaving Formia, the road now turns into the plain of the Garigliano , the Liris of the ancients, which falls into the Bay of Gaeta. To the left, before reaching the bridge, we observe a long series of arches of the ancient aqueduct; then nearer the road, by the post-house, remains of the theatre and amphi- theatre of the venerable city of Minturnae , on the ruins of which, on the hill to the left, has sprung up the small town of Traetto. In the plain towards the Liris are situated the marshes where Marius once sought to elude the pursuit of the hirelings of Sulla. On the right bank of the Garigliano, 27th Dec. 1503, Don Gonsalvo da Cordova fought the decisive battle with the French which placed Naples in his power. Pietro de’ Medici, who, having been banished from Florence, had followed the French, endeavoured to escape to Gaeta in a boat with four field-pieces. The boat, however, sank, and all its crew were drowned. Pietro was buried at Monte Casino (p. 5). The suspension-bridge over the Garigliano (7i/ 2 M. from Formia), constructed in 1832, is the oldest in Italy. Before it is reached the present road quits the Yia Appia, which is distinctly traceable on the right bank as far as Mondragone , near the Sinuessa of Horace (destroyed by the Saracens in the 10th cent.), where to his great joy he was met on his journey (Sat. i. 5, 39) by his friends Plotius, Yarius, and Yirgil. Horace then crossed the Savo (Savone) by the Pons Campanus and proceeded to Capua. The present road, however, turns to the left towards the heights of Sant ’ Agata (change of horses, halt of */ 4 hr.), a busy post-station, where it is crossed by a road leading from Sessa to Mondragone. The volcanic peaks of the Campagna Felice, and among them the lofty Rocca Monfina , now become visible. The Rocca Monfina , 4 ! /2 M. from Sant 1 Agata, is easily visited thence. On the way thither, M. from Sant 1 Agata, on a volcanic eminence, lies Sessa, the ancient Suessa Aurunca , with interesting ruins of a bridge, amphitheatre, etc. Other relics are preserved in the ancient cathedral VOYAGE TO NAPLES. 3. Route. 19 and the churches of S. Benedetto and S. Giovanni. In the principal street are memorial stones with inscriptions in honour of Charles V., above which is an old crucifix with a mosaic cross. From the hills of Sessa to Mondragone, towards the S., extends Monte Massico , whose wines Horace and Virgil have immortalised. In the vicinity, towards the Volturnus, was the Ager Falernus , where excellent wine is still produced. The road from Sant’ Agata to Sparanisi passes the village of Cascano , noted for the beauty of its women. The same repu- tation might indeed be fairly extended to the whole district around the Bay of Gaeta. About 4 M. from Cassano a road to the left leads to Teano (see p. 6). The road then crosses the Savone , not far from the picturesque castle of Francolisi , and (14/2 M.) reaches the railway-station of Sparanisi (seep. 7), whence Naples is reached by railway via Capua in about 2 hrs. 3. From Leghorn to Naples (by sea). Steamboats. Two vessels of the Society Florio (Wed. and Sat.) and one of the Societa Rubattino (Tues.) leave Leghorn for Naples every week (embarcation 1 fr.; fare 49 fr., 31 fr.). A French steamer ( Compagnie Fraissinet) also sails once weekly, calling at Civita Vecchia. The direct voyage occupies 26-31 hrs., that by Civita Vecchia about 10 hrs. more. The great advantage of approaching Naples by sea is that the city is suddenly revealed to the traveller in the perfection of its majesty and beauty. The view on entering the bay on a fine day is one of almost unparalleled loveliness. Most of the coasting steamers load and unload in the harbours during the day, and proceed on their way at night; the traveller should therefore take care to avoid those that enter the Bay of Naples in the dark. On emerging from the harbour of Leghorn the steamer affords a beautiful retrospect of the town. Towards the W. rises the island of Gorgona. The vessel steers towards the S. and soon comes in sight of the island of Capraja , while the dark outlines of Corsica are visible in the distance. The Italian coast continues visible on the E., and to the N.E. rise the Apennines. The steamer next proceeds between the island of Elba, with the Porto Longone and the islet of Palmajola , and the Punta di Piom - bino , a beautiful passage , affording a fine survey of the rocky islands as well as of the coast , with its numerous promontories crowned with lighthouses. Farther on is the island of Pianosa; more towards the S., Giglio , and the picturesque Monte Argentario (1770 ft.) rising abruptly from the sea. Then the islet of Gian - nutri. The coast becomes flat, and Civith Vecchia , picturesquely situated at the foot of a hill, at length comes in sight. To the S. of Civita Vecchia the coast is somewhat monoto- nous, and spacious plains, rarely relieved by hills, extend as far as the horizon. In clear weather the dome of St. Peter’s at Rome is said to be visible. In the bay to the S. of Capo Linaro lies S. Sever a, and beyond it Palo with its palace. At the mouth of the Tiber we observe Fiumicino and Ostia ; farther on is Porto 2 * 20 Route 4. NAPLES. Arrival. d’Anzio; in the background rise the Alban and Volscian moun- tains. The dreary aspect of the Pontine marshes is relieved by the conspicuous Monte Circello or Circeo. To the S.W. are the Ponza islands, Ponza and Zannone. The steamer now stands out to sea, leaving the coast with the bays of Terracina and Gaeta to the E. The first land which again becomes visible is the island of Ischia to the S., to the left of which we afterwards see the island of Procida . The vessel steers into the Strait of Procida , which lies between the island and the Capo Miseno. As soon as we have rounded the latter, the Bay of Naples in all its beauty bursts on our view, but the city remains concealed for some time longer. “The strait which lies between the low island of Procida on the right and the Capo Miseno on the left, is the channel by which the bay of Naples is entered in this direction, — the portal to what has been called a ‘fragment of heaven to earth vouchsafed’. Capo Miseno is a rocky eminence, connected with the mainland by a long narrow isthmus ; a grey, deserted tower of weird aspect crowns the summit. The white houses of Procida, with their flat roofs glittering in the sunshine, remind one of a troop of pilgrims toiling up the ascent.” The eminent author of the work from which the above extract is taken strongly recommends travellers to approach Naples by sea. The impression , as he justly observes, which is produced by a rapid transition by land from majestic Rome to squalid Naples is inevitably disappointing, whilst the traveller arriving from the sea is at once introduced to all the fascinating charms of the beau- tifu bay. Naples, see below. 4. Naples. Arrival, (a) By Railway. The station ( Stcizione Centrale) is situated at the E. end of the town (PI. G, 3). The arrangements are far from satis- factory , and travellers are generally kept waiting a long time for their luggage. The formalities of the municipal douane are soon terminated, the declaration of the traveller that his luggage contains no comestibles liable to duty being generally accepted. Hotel Omnibuses P /2 fr. ; public omnibus 20 c., each box 20 c. (not recommended to persons arriving for the first time). Cabs: with two horses (nearest the entrance) 1 fr. 40c., each trunk 20 c. ; with one horse (outside the railings, farther distant; seats for two persons only) 70 c., each trunk 20 c. ; no charge is made for smaller articles of luggage. The Facchini who take the luggage to the cab are paid, according to tariff : 10 c. for a travelling-bag or a hat-box, 20 c. for heavier articles, 40 c. for boxes weighing 200-400 lbs.; but a few soldi more are usually given. The principal hotels all send omnibuses, or at least their commissionnaires, to meet the trains. On arriving at the station the traveller should entirely disregard the representations and suggestions with which he is generally pestered. Let him drive at once to the hotel he has selected, and if it should happen to be full he will there ascertain without difficulty where good accommo- dation may be procured. He should also keep a watchful eye on his luggage, decline the services of officious bystanders, and beware of pick- \ T. NAPOLI 1. Jllago deFoveri . . IF.G.2. 17. Pcdaszo della Fovea tain (FetettxxrafSF. .6 . 2. Banco Si Pietit,. III. 18. " Maddcdonl (Bcuua vxcz.) I E.4. 3 . Dorset It E.5. 19. ■ Miranda . I D.6. 1. Catacombe, bocca-deZle.. . ID. 2. 20. ' deUfhnicipio IE E.5. 5. CoUeggio dFCinesi, . . .IE. 2. 21 ' Beale IE E.6. 6. Cause rvatorio cBMuoica . IE.1. 22. * S. Angelo . . I F.l. 7.Dogana . . IE F.5. 22.Posta IE E.4. 8. Fontana, Medina IE. 5. 21 S anitn IE F.5. 9. Masco -nazionale I E.3. Vo.Texxtro S. Carlin o IE E.5. 10 . Itrto botanico 26. ' S. Carlo IE E.6. 11 . Osserratorio astrorv. , . . 27. * Fetdce . . . IE E.5. 12 . Palazzo Angri . . IE E A. 28. - dj&'Fwrentbrd . . IE E.5. 13. " Ar-civescorile 29. - delFondo ........ IE E.5. 11. " di Capodunonte . . . .11.1. 30. „ TllLOVO IE E.5. 15. ” Cellammare JED. 6. 31 .Tribunals 16. ’ Fondi , . IE E/5. 22.Thwrersita CM e s e: 33 . S. S Angelo eAnlo IE F.4. oQJncoronnto I E.5. 31 . S.Anna . 1EDE.6 . 57 . S. Lorenzo IIF.3.4. 35. SAiutunziodn I G.3. 58 .S. Lunin I E.6. 36. S. Antonio ID.4. 59. S. Maria del Carmine I G.4. 37. S. Antonio Ablate I G.2. 60 .S. Maria de'CostanttnopoU X E.3. 38. S.S.Apo stopj . .113. 61.S. Maria la mwru I E.5. 39. S. Barbara IE E.5. 62. S. Martino I D.5. 10 . S.Cccrla all Arena I F.3. 63 .S.Matteo I E.5. 11 . S. Caterina ID.6. 61 .S.Michele. I E.4. 12 . S. Chiarn JEE.4. bbAIonte Ccdrario ....... It D.5. 13 . Cuncezione, ID. 5. Monte Olireto I E.4. 44. S. Croce al Mercato. I G.4 . 67. S. Paolo Mag giore . I F.3. 15. S. Domenico . . I £.4 . 68 Pietra Santa ........ 16. Duemo . I F.3. (S9.S. Pietro a Aiajella I E.4. 17. S.FilxppoFeri . I F.3 . 7 0 . .S. Hetro Mar tire . I F.l. 18. S'.Francesco dLPaoln I E.6. IXS.Restxtuta ........ X F.3 . 19 . S. Gennaro de'Poreri ID. 2. 72.S. SebvuAiiaio I E.4 . 50 . & esw micro I E .4 . 72. S. S. Sererino e Sosrio I F.4 . 51. Oesiv e Marine ........ I D.3. 7 AS. Serero, CapeUa di. I E.4. 52 . S . Giacomo degli Spagrmoll IE. 5. 7o.Spirito Santo 53 . S. Giorgio Mnggiore I F.l. 7(j.S. Teresa, I E.3. 51 . S. Giovanni a < Carbonaro . I F.3 . 55 . S. Gt'tgorio I E.4. I 1. Alba-go deToveri . . IF.G.2. 2. Banco diPLeta,. ....... .1 F. 4. 3. Borsa I E.5. 4. Catacombe bocccudelle .ID. 2. 5 . CoUeggio dddnesL . ... . I E . 2 . 6. Conservatorio (WMusica, I E.4. 7. Bogana . . . I F.5. 8. Fontana, Medbict . IE. 5. 9. Museo imzitmxde ......... .1. E. 3 . 10 . Onto botanico . IF. 2. 11 . Osscrratorio astron. . I E.2. 12 . FalazzoJngri I E .4 . 13. " ArcircscorUr I F. 3 . 14. " cU Capocttmonte . . IE.l. 15. ' Cellanunare . . . ID. 6. 16. • Fondi I E.5. CM e 33. S. S dAngelo e JVilo IT. E.4. 34 . S.Aima IEDE.6 . 35. S. Jrmiatziatct . . I G.3. 36. S. Antonio ID.4. 37. S. Antonio Abb ate, I 6.2, 38. S.S.Apostoli I F.3 . 39. S.Bccrbctva IE. 5. 40. S.Ctula allAreria ... I F.3. 41 . 5. Caterina ID. 6. Fi.S.Chiara I E .4 . 43 . Cover zione. I D . 5 . 44. S. Croce alMercato. ........ I G. 4 . 45 . S. Domenico IE.4. 46. Duomv . . . . I E. 3 . 47 . S.FCUppo fleri . ' ....... .IF. 3. 48 . 5. Francesco di JPaola. I E . 6 . 49 . S. de’Poreri ID. 2. 50 . Gesu nuovo E.4. hi. Gesu e Maria . ... .ID. 3. 52 . S. Giacomo degti Spagnnolv I E .5 . 53 . 5. Giorgio Mxg glare I F . 4 . 54 . S. Giovanni a Carbontmo I F . 3 . 55 . S. Gregorio I F . 4 . 17. Pulaxzo della „ Foresteria, (PrefettxercbfWF. . 6 . 18 . " MadcLuloni , (Banco, nccz.) I E . 4- . 19. ' Miranda D D . 6 . 20. • delMunicipio I E.5. 21 ' Beale I E.6. 22. " S.Angelo I F.4. 23. Posta . I E .4. lASunita. I . F.5. 2 5. Teatf'o S.Carlino ........ I E.5. 26. ' S. Carlo I E.6. 27. » Fender, I £.5. 28. " dr'Fiorentini I E.5. 29. ? delFondo . I E.5. 30. „ nuovo I E.5. Zl.Tribiaudl IE.G.3. s e: 50 Jneoronata I E.5. b7.S.Io7'en20 II F.3. 4. 58.5. Lucia, . I E.G 59. S. Maria, clel Carmine I G.4. bO.S. Jfarut de ’ CostcaainopoU I E.3. 61. ,9. Maria la miorn I E.5 G2. S. Martino . . I D.5. §3.S.Matteo ............ bk.S.ARchele . I E .4 65J Conte Ccdvxaio I D.5 bbJIonte Oliveto I E.4 67. S. PuoloMaggiore I F.3 kZPietra Santa . I E.4 69.5. Pietro aAlccj ella. I E.4. 7 0.5. Pietro Mccriire I £.4 71.5. Restitutes I F.3 72. S. SehoLOticavo . . I E.4 73.5. S. Sererino e Sooio. I F.4 74.5. Severe, Capella di I E.4 7S.Spirito Santo ......... l I E.4 76.5. Teresa ....... . . . . I E . 3 NAPOLI Hotels. NAPLES. 4. Route. 21 pockets. No unauthorised person should be allowed to mount the box of the cab, as sometimes one of the porters at the station will endeavour to do so, with a view of extorting money from the landlord of the hotel on the pretence that the traveller’s choice has been the result of his ad- vice. As tricks of the above description are too often practised at Naples, the traveller should be on his guard throughout the whole period of his stay. In case of necessity assistance may be obtained from the nearest policeman ( carabinieri , black and red coat with three-cornered hat ; or the municipal guardia di pubblica sicurezza , dark uniform with military cap). (b) By Steamboat. The steamers lay to outside the Porto Grande or in the Porto Militare. As soon as permission to disembark is granted, a small boat (1 fr. for each person with or without luggage ; no attention should be paid to the absurdly extortionate demands usually made) conveys the passengers to the Dogana (PI. 24; F, 5), where luggage is examined. This done, one of the ‘facchini della dogana 1 places the luggage on the fiacre or other conveyance (40 c. for luggage under 200 lbs., or 60 c. up to 400 lbs.). Hotels. Hotel charges are always high at Naples, particularly in spring, when the influx of visitors is at its height. Families visiting the city at this season had better secure rooms by letter, some time before their arrival. In summer the principal hotels are comparatively empty, and therefore cheaper. The average charges at these houses during the season are about as follows: R. 4-6 fr. and upwards, B. 172 - 2 , D. 4-6, A. 1 fr. ; travellers who do not dine at the table d’hote pay more for their rooms-, pension at some of the hotels 10-12 fr. and upwards. — See also p. xxiii as to climate and sanitary conditions. The new hotels in the Cor so Vittorio Emanuele and the adjoining Rione Principe Amedeo (PI. B, C, 6), enjoy the healthiest situation and the finest view, and in spite of their remoteness from the centres of in- terest are steadily growing in public favour. -Grand Hotel Nobile ; Rione Principe Amedeo, a palatial edifice, R. 5 fr., B. H/2 fr.; "Hotel Bristol, -Hotel Tramontano-Beaurivage, D. 5 fr., both in the Corso Yitt. Emanuele. Lower Town, near the sea. In the Strada Chiatamone (PI. D, E, 6, 7), at the foot of the Pizzofalcone: " Washington (PI. a), with garden; -Hotel des Etrangers, both opposite the Castel dell’ Ovo, with unimpeded view. Nearer the Chiaja, No. 9, Hotel Metropole, well spoken of. — In the Riviera di Chiaja (PI. D, C, B, 6), near the Villa Nazionale, with a view of the Villa and the sea, but noisy, the rattling of carriages continuing till far on in the night: No. 276, *Gran Bretagna (PI. h); Nos. 255-253, -Hotel du Louvre (PI. k); No. 128, Hotel de la Ville (PI. 1), opposite the end of the Villa , pension 8-10 fr. — In the Strada S. Lucia , to the E. of the Pizzofalcone: Hotel de Rome (PI. m), close to the sea, R. 4, D. 5 fr., well spoken of; *Hotel de Russie (PI. n), with a dependance, R. 3-4 fr. and upwards, B. H/ 2 , D. 5fr., patronised by the English. Hotel V ittoria, in the Piazza del Municipio, corner of Strada S. Brigida. The following second-class hotels, though not on the coast, are con- veniently situated near it. In the busy Strada Medina (PI. E, 5), not far from the harbour: "Hotel de Geneve (PI. o), entrance by No. 13 Strada S. Giuseppe, R. 3, D. 472 , B. 3 /4 fr. ; Hotel Central (PI. p), Strada Medina 72, commercial, similar charges-, Hotel National, Strada Me- dina 5. — In the Strada del Molo , opposite the Castel Nuovo : No. 24, -Hotel Milano (PI. q), unpretending, R. 272 , A. 72 fr. — In the Piazza del Municipio (PI. E, 5): Hotel St. Petersbourg & Pension Cavour, with trattoria (p. 23), pens. 8 fr. *, Hotel du Globe; Albergo d’Italia, nearly opposite the church of S. Giacomo, moderate; Trinacria. — In the Largo S. Ferdinando, at the beginning of the Toledo (PI. E, 6): Hotel de l’Eu- rope, entrance by Strada Nardones 113, D. 4, B. 1 fr., well spoken of; Hotel d’Orient, entrance by Strada Nardones 8. — In the Largo della Caritd: Hotel de l’Univers, moderate. — In the Largo Fiorentini: Al- bergo dei Fiori, near the Teatro Fiorentini (PI. 28; E, 5). Pensions ( Boarding Houses ). The following may all be recommended for a stay of from 3-4 days upwards; some receive travellers even for a 22 Route 4. NAPLES. Hotels. single day (comp. p. xix). Strada Chiatamone: No. 23, Hotel & Pension Allemagna, 8-9 fr. per day. — Riviera di Chiaja: No. 287, Hot. : ‘Monument of Francesco Carafa by Agnello del Fiore; on the opposite side another by the same master, completed by Giovanni da Nola. The small side-chapel contains the tomb of Ettore Carafa, Conte di Ruvo (d. 1511), with martial emblems and arabesques. The next chapel on the left contains the Madonna della Rosa, ascribed to Maestro Simone. On the opposite side is the beautiful "Monument of Mariano dAlagni, Count Bucchianico, and his wife Catarinella Ursino (d. 1447), by Agnello del Fiore. Adjacent to it is the monument of Niccolo di Sangro, Principe di Fondi, by Domenico d'Auria. — At the entrance to the sacristy, monuments of members of the family of Thomas Aquinas. The "Sacristy has a ceiling-painting by Solimena , and at the altar an Annunciation , attributed to Andrea da Salerno. Around the walls, above, are forty-five large wooden sarcophagi with scarlet covers, ten of which contain the remains of princes of the house of Arragon. Among these are Ferdinand I. (d. 1494) ; Ferdinand II. (d. 1496) *, his aunt , Queen Johanna, daughter of Ferdinand I. (d. 1518) $ Isabella (d. 1524), daughter of AlphonsoII. and wife of the Duke of Milan, etc. Also the coffin of Fernando Francesco d’Avalos, Marchese di Pescara, the hero of Ravenna and Pavia, who died of his wounds at Milan in 1525. The inscription is by Ariosto. Above the tomb are suspended his portrait, a banner, and a sword. His wife was the celebrated Vittoria Colonna, who after his death sang his praises in the island of Ischia (p. 108). In the S. Transept the chapel of St. Hyacinth. Adjoining it is the "Monument ofGaleazzoPandone (d. 1514) by Giovanni da Nola. — From the S. transept a door leads into a portion of the older church , which also con- tains some interesting monuments, particularly that of the Rota family, by Giovanni da Nola. The High Altar, adorned with Florentine mosaic, is by Fansaga , 1652. In the N. Transept, above the chapel of the Pignatelli, are the monu- ments of Giovanni di Durazzo (d. 1323) and Filippo di Taranto (d. 1335), sons of Charles III., with a long inscription in leonine verse. N. Aisle. The 8th Chapel (S. Maria della Neve) contains above the altar a beautiful *Haut-relief with a statue of the Virgin, attended by St. Matthew and St. John, the best work of Giovanni da Nola , executed in 1536. Here is also the monument of the poet Giambattista Marini of Naples (d. 1625), well known for his bombastic style, with a bust by Bartolommeo Viscontini. — 7th Chapel, of the Buffo Bagnara family: Martyrdom of St. Catherine, by Leonardo da Pistoja; tombs of Leonardo Tomacelli (d. 1529) and of Cardinal Fabricio Ruffo (d. 1829) who acted a prominent part in the events of 1799. — 6th Chapel : tombs of the Carafa. — 5th Chapel : of the Andrea. — 4th Chapel : tombs of the Rota family, with a "Statue of John the Baptist by Giovanni da Nola , as a monument to the poet Bernar- dino Rota (d. 1575), with figures of the Arno and the Tiber by Domenico d'Auria (1600). — 3rd Chapel , to the le/t: Martyrdom of St. John by Scipione Gaetano; tomb of Antonio Carafa, surnamed Malizia (d. 1438). — 2nd Chapel, in the bad taste of the 17th cent. : the miracle-working Ma- donna di S. Andrea. — 1st Chapel, to the left, by the entrance (S. Stefano): Christ crowning Joseph, by Luca Giordano: on the lateral walls an Adora- tion of the Magi, by a Flemish master $ Holy Family, ascribed to Andrea da Salerno. "Tomb of 1636. In the adjacent monastery the celebrated Thomas Aquinas lived in 1272 as professor of philosophy at the university which was then founded, and his lectures were attended by men of the highest rank, and even the king himself. His cell, now a chapel, and his lecture-room still exist. The monastery is now occupied by various public offices. The Accademia Pontaniana , founded in 1471 by the learned Giovanni Pontano , also meets here. Ascending the Yia Mezzocannona, which leads to the S. from S. Domenico, and then following the third cross-street to the right, we reach the Piazza di S. Giovanni Maggiore, in which rises the University. NAPLES. 4. Route. 51 church of 8, Giovanni Maggiore , adorned with sculptures of the 16th century. The adjacent chapel of 8. Giovanni de 1 Pappacoda possesses a handsome Gothic portal dating from 1415. The Cappella S. Severo lies to the N.E. of S. Domenico. Ascending to the right past S. Domenico, and taking the first lane to the right, we reach the Calata di S. Severo, the first lane on the left, at the beginning of which, No. 15, is the small church of S. Maria della Pieta de Sangri , commonly called La Cappella di San Severo (PI. 74; the keys at a shop opposite; fee 1 / 2 fr.), erected in 1590 by Francesco di Sangro, extended in 1613 by Alessandro di Sangro, Patriarch of Alexandria and Arch- bishop of Benevento, as a burial-place for the Sangro family, and in 1759 lavishly decorated with gold and sculpture by Raimondo di Sangro, Principe di Sansevero. There is no building in Naples in which such bad taste is displayed as in this chapel with its exaggerated magnificence, and unnatural and laboured allegories. It does not fail , however , to attract gaping admirers , and is certainly remarkable for great skill of workmanship. The principal of these allegories, which was executed by Francesco Queirolo of Genoa, is the ‘Man in the Net', from which with the aid of reason (a crowned genius) he disentangles himself, whence it is called il disinganno. It contains an allusion to Antonio di Sangro, who renounced the world and became a monk, after having lost his beloved wife Cecilia Gaetani. The latter is represented as Pudicitia, nude, but slightly veiled, the work of Antonio Conradini of Venice (d. 1752). — The altar-piece is a Descent from the Cross, by Francesco Celebrano of Naples. — As another instance of extraordinary perversion of taste may be mentioned the figure of Christ enveloped in a winding sheet by Giuseppe Sammartino (1753) , laid out in a chapel fitted up for the purpose. From this point (or by S. Domenico to the right) we may as- cend the side-street leading to the Str. de’ Tribunali, where the cathedral and other important churches (p. 55) are situated. We now return to the Largo S. Domenico (p. 49), in order to pursue our route along the Str. S. Trinitk Maggiore, which is continued by the Str. Nilo and by the Str. S. Biagio de’ Librai (p. 52) farther on. Immediately to the right is S. Angelo a Nilo (PI. 33 ; F, 4), erected in 1385 ; to the right of the high altar is the ^Monument of the founder Cardinal Brancaccio (d. 1428), by Dona- tello and Michelozzo , who have here blended the Gothic mon- umental character with the new style of the Renaissance. The Strada Salvatore (the second street from the Largo S. Domenico to the right) descends hence to the right to the not far distant — University (PI. 32; Regia University degli Studj'), founded in 1224 by the Emp. Frederick II., reconstituted in 1780 and removed to the Jesuits’ College. It is one of the most ancient in Europe , and possesses five faculties , fifty - two professorial chairs , a library , and natural history collections of which the mineralogical is the most valuable. The library, admirably arranged 4 * university of lUJNoa LIBRARY 52 Route 4. NAPLES. S. Severino e Sosio. by Tommaso Gar, may be used by strangers from 9 to 3 daily (librarian Comm. Minervini). The Court contains the statues of Pietro della Yigna, chancellor of Frederick II., Thomas Aquinas, G. B. Vico, and Giordano Bruno, erected in 1863. Leaving the university and proceeding in a straight direction, we reach the richly decorated church of S. Severino e Sosio (PI. 73), in the Piazza S. Marcellino, built by Mormandi in 1490. The roof is adorned with frescoes by Corenzio , who is interred here, by the entrance to the sacristy. The choir-stalls, dating from the end of the 15th cent., are beautifully carved. Adjoining the choir to the right is the chapel of the Sanseverini, containing three monuments of three bro- thers, who were poisoned by their uncle in 1516, works of Giovanni da Nola. In a chapel near the choir, to the right, is the tomb of Carlo Troya (d. 1858). In the N. transept are the monuments of Admiral Vincenzo Carafa (d. 1611) and the Duca Francesco de Marmilis (d. 1649). The N. aisle contains an altar-piece by Andrea da Salerno , in six sections, re- presenting the Madonna with St. Justina and John the Baptist. By the entrance to the sacristy, in the last chapel of the right transept, the tomb of a child, Andrea Bonifacio, ascribed to Giov. da Nola $ opposite to it is that of Giambattista Cicara , by the same master, both with inscriptions by Sannazaro. The monastery connected with this church has since 1818 been the depository of the Archives of the kingdom, which are among the most valuable in the world. Frescoes and paintings by Corenzio adorn the interior. The 40,000 parchment MSS. (the oldest of which are in Greek) date from 703 and include the Norman, Hohenstaufen, Anjou , Arragonian , and Spanish periods. The documents of the Anjou period, 380,000 in number, form no fewer than 378 volumes. (Permission to inspect them must be obtained from the director of the Archives.) — The entrance to the cloisters is by a gateway to the right in the street ascending to the left of the church. We then traverse the arcades of the first two courts, and in the next we shall find the custodian between 10 and 3 o' clock (y 2 -l fr.)* Th e wa ll s the cloisters are adorned with nineteen ^Frescoes, unfortunately much damaged and of late badly restored, representing scenes from the life of St. Benedict. They are generally ascribed to Zingaro and his two sup- posed pupils, Donzelli and Simone Papa , but Messrs. Crowe and Cavalcaselle assign them to a painter of Umbro-Florentine origin. The best of the series is that in grisaille representing the youthful saint on his way to Rome with his father and nurse. The others were probably carried out by assistants. (Best light in the fore- noon. ) In the open space in the centre is a fine plane-tree which is saicl to have been planted by St. Benedict, and on which a fig- tree is grafted. Returning to the principal street (p. 51), the continuation of which is called the Strada S. Biagio de’ Librai, we pass the Monte di Pietd , or public loan-establishment, on the right, and several churches and palaces of little importance. One of these, No. 121, the Palazzo Santangelo (PI. 22; F, 4), formerly named Castel Capuano . NAPLES. 4. Route. 53 Colobrano-Carafa , dating from 1466, once contained a valuable collection of antiquities which are now in the Museum (p. 80). The Picture Gallery is shown by permission of the Marchese Sant- angelo. The 1st Room contains modern Neapolitan pictures. — 2nd R. : Agnello Falcone , Battle-piece; Fabr. Santa, fede, Madonna with SS. John and Andrew; Cav. Massimi , Infant Christ asleep ; Gent. Bellini , two Oriental portraits. — 4t.h R. : : Diirer , Garland-weaver, 1508; Van Dyck (1 ), Body of Christ. — 5th R. : :: School of Van Eyck, Madonna (‘a tempera 1 ) ; Rubens , Por- trait of himself and Van Dyck; Giulio Romano (?), Madonna; Sandro Botticelli , Madonna; Wohlgemuth, Death of Mary, painted in 1479 for the Volkamer family at Nuremberg. After a walk of 5 min. we observe the broad new Via del Duomo diverging to the left (see p. 55), and leading to the Via de’ Tribunali, which leads straight to the Castel Capuano men- tioned below. We continue to follow the Str. S. Biagio, which after 5 min. divides : to the right the Str. S. Egeziaca a Forcella leads to the Porta Nolana (p. 41); to the left is the Str. Annunziata with the Church of the Annunziata (PI. 35), erected in 1757-82 by L. Vanvitelli (frescoes by Corenzio ; tomb of the notorious Queen Johanna II.). This last street is continued by the Str. Maddalena, which leads us to the piazza immediately within the Porta Capuana. On our right here is the gate (see below), opposite us is the church of S. Caterina a Formello , with a dome constructed in 1523, and on our left is the — Castel Capuano (PI. F, G, 3), founded by William I., and completed by Frederick II. in 1231 from a design by Fuccio , once the principal residence of the Holienstaufen kings, and occa- sionally that of the Anjous. In 1540 Don Pedro de Toledo (p. 42) transferred the different courts of justice to this palace, where they remain to this day. The building is therefore commonly known as I Tribunali. A visit to some of these courts affords the tra- veller a good opportunity of becoming acquainted with the Nea- politan national character. The prison of La Vicar ia, of evil re- pute , is under the jurisdiction of the criminal court. The chief entrance of the building is on the other side, opposite the Strada de’ Tribunali (p. 55). Omnibuses, see p. 25. The *Porta Capuana, built by Ferdinand I. of Arragon about 1484, was designed by the Florentine Giuliano da Maiano , and is one of the finest Renaissance gateways in existence. On the entry of Charles V. in 1535 it was restored and decorated with sculptures on the outside by Giovanni da Nola. Like most of the other gate- ways at Naples, it is flanked by two handsome round towers. Past the outside of this gate runs the Corso Garibaldi , which extends from the sea to the Strada Foria (see p. 45). A little way beyond the Porta Capuana are situated the Cemeteries, the newest of which, the *Campo Santo Nuovo (PI. I, 1), 1 !/ 2 M. from the gate, deserves a visit. (One-horse 54 Routed. NAPLES. 8. Giovanni a Carbonara. carr. thither, see p. 24, from the gate and back, 2 fr.) It was laid out by the French, and extended in 1837 at the time of the cholera. The situation is very beautiful , commanding de- lightful *Views of Naples, the sea, and Vesuvius, on which the black lava stream which destroyed S. Sebastiano in 1872 is distinctly recognisable. The cemetery contains comparatively few monuments of individuals, but a great many erected by guilds and societies, most of which are in the form of chapels with niches resembling the Roman columbaria for the reception of the dead. Some of them present an imposing appearance , but few display much taste. — The cemetery presents a most animated and interesting spectacle on All Souls’ Day (2nd Nov.). The old cemetery ( Campo Santo Vecchio; PI. H, 1) is now used for the interment of the poor only, for which two extensive courts with 365 vaults, one for every day in the year, are set apart. The well-kept Protestant Cemetery ( Cimitero Protestante ; PI. G, 2) lies on the road to the Campo Santo Vecchio, about l / 4 M. from the Porta Capuana. (Visitors knock at the gate, V 2 fr.) A very large proportion of the names observed here are English, German, and American. Starting from the piazza within the Porta Capuana , and passing in front of the dome-covered church of S. Caterina, w^e now follow the Strada Carbonara, which leads in 8 min. to the Strada Foria (p. 45). Above us, on the right, at the point where the street narrows, rises the church of — *S. Giovanni a Carbonara (PI . 54 5 F, 3; side-entrance reached by ascending the stairs and turning to the right), erected in 1344 from a design of Masuccio the Younger (?), and enlarged by King Ladislaus. The * Monument of King Ladislaus (d. 1414), considered the master- piece of Andrea Ciccione , erected by Johanna II., the king’s sister, stands at the back of the high-altar, and is of very imposing general effect, as well as carefully executed in the details. Above is the equestrian statue of Ladislaus ; in a recess below, a sarcophagus with the king in a recumbent posture, receiving the benediction of a bishop (in reference to the removal of the excommunication under which the king lay at his death) ; under- neath , Ladislaus and Johanna ; and the whole is supported by statues which represent, the virtues of the deceased. The altar was restored in 1746. The Chapel del Sole, behind this monument, contains the "Tomb of the Grand Seneschal Sergianni Caracciolo, the favourite 'of Johanna II., murdered in 1432, also by Ciccione . It was erected by his son Trojano, and reveals traces of the dawn of the Renaissance. Inscription by Lorenzo Valla. The frescoes , scenes from the life of Mary, are by Leonardo di Bisuccio of Milan (d. about 1450), one of the last, pupils of Giotto. — The Chapel of the Caraccioli Rossi, to" the left of the high-altar, a circular temple erected and ornamented in 1516-57 from the designs of Girolamo Santacroce , contains statues by Giov. da Kola , Girol. Santacroce , and Pietro della Plata (altar-reliefs), and the monuments of Galeazzo to the left, and Colantonio Caracciolo opposite, by Scilla and Dom. d'Auria respectively. — The Sacristy contains fifteen scenes from the history of Christ by Yasari , 1546. — Adjoining the entrance to the sacristy from the churcff Cathedral. NAPLES. d. Route. 55 is a Madonna delle Grazie, a handsome statue executed in 1571. — On the same side, farther on, is a large altar in the form of a chapel, called the Chapel of St. John the Evangelist, with good Renaissance sculptures of the 15th century, renewed in 1619 by Al. Mirabollo. — The above list by no means exhausts the interesting monuments in the church. The Congregazione di S. Monica, with a separate entrance at the top of the ilight of steps leading to the church , contains the monument of Prince Ferdinando di Sanseverino by Andreas de Florentia. Near S. Giovanni a Carbonara was once the arena for gladiator- combats, of which, in the time of Johanna I. and King Andreas, Petrarch was a horror-stricken spectator. From S. Giovanni to the Museum is a walk of 10 min. (see p. 45). — We now return to the Castel Capuano (p. 58). From the Piazza de’ Tribunali, opposite the principal entrance to the Castel Capuano, the busy Strada de’ Tribunali (PI. F, E, 3, 4) leads in a nearly W. direction towards the Toledo. Follow- ing this street , we soon reach the small piazza of S. Gennaro on the right, the column in which was erected after the appalling eruption of Vesuvius in 1631 (p. 119) to commemorate the suc- cour rendered by St. Januarius. On the summit is the bronze figure of the saint by Finelli. We next ascend the flight of steps to the cathedral (principal entrance in the new Via del Duomo, see p. 57). The ^Cathedral (PI. 46 ; F, 3), which is dedicated to St. Janua- rius (S. Gennaro), was begun in 1272 by Charles I. of Anjou on the site of a temple of Neptune, continued by Charles II. after 1294, and completed by Robert, grandson of the founder, in 1314. It is in the French-Gothic style, with lofty towers and pointed arches. The portal of the principal facade dates from 1407. In 1456 the church was nearly destroyed by an earthquake, but was afterwards rebuilt by Alphonso I. During the 17th and 18th centuries it underwent frequent alterations and restorations, but it still retains many of its original characteristics. The edifice is a basilica, the aisles of which have a Gothic vaulting. The ceiling-paintings of the Nave are by Santafede (the square ones) and Vincenzio da Forti (oval); the frescoes on the upper part of the lateral walls are by Luca Giordano and his pupils. St. Cyril and St. Chrysostom are by Solimena. Over the principal entrance are the tombs of (1.) Charles I. of Anjou and (r.) Charles Martel, King of Hungary, eldest son of Charles II. and his wife Clementia, a daughter of Rudolph of Hapsburg, erected by the viceroy Olivarez in 1599. Above the side-doors are paintings by Vasari (1546), representing David playing the harp, and the patron-saints of Naples; the heads are portraits of Pope Paul III. and other members of the Farnese family. In the S. Aisle is the " Chapel of St. Januarius (the 3rd), commonly known as the Cappella del Tesoro , adorned with 'a marble facade and magnificent large brazen doors. On the right and left are two lofty columns of greenish marble, and above is the inscription : ‘Divo Janua- rio, e fame hello, peste, ac Vesuvi igne miri ope sanguinis erepta Nea- polis, civi patrono vindici. -1 The chapel was erected in consequence of a vow made during the plague in 1527. The work was begun in 1608 and was completed in 29 years at a cost of a million ducats (about 225,000 l. 56 Route 4. NAPLES. Cathedral. sterling). The best time for seeing it is .shortly before 12, the hour when the church closes. The interior of the chapel, which is in the form of a Greek cross, is richly decorated with gold and marble, and contains eight altars, forty-two columns of broccatello, magnificent doors , five oil-paintings on copper by Domenichino , and several frescoes from the life of St. Januarius. The first four representations, however, alone (tomb of the saint ; his martyrdom ; re- suscitation of a youth ; sick persons healed by oil from a lamp which had hung before the tomb of the saint) are entirely by Domenichino, who along with Guido Reni and Lanfranco , intimidated by the threats of their jealous Neapolitan rivals, Spagnoletto and Corenzio , abandoned the task of paint- ing the dome. — The Sacristy of the Tesoro contains pictures by Stan - zioni and Luca Giordano; a costly collection of ecclesiastical vestments and sacred vessels ; the silver bust of St. Januarius, executed for Charles II. in 1306 ; forty-five other busts in silver of the patron saints of the city, and other valuable relics. — In the tabernacle of the high-altar, which is adorned with a carefully covered relief in silver representing the arrival of the saint's remains, are preserved two vessels containing the Blood of St. Januarius , Bishop of Benevento , who suffered martyrdom under Diocletian in 305 (comp. p. 99). The liquefaction of the blood, which according to the legend took place for the first time when the body was brought to Naples by Bishop St. Severus in the time of Constantine , is the occasion of the greatest festival of Naples and takes place three times annually during several successive days (1st Saturday in May, in the evening, 19th Sept., and 16th Dec. , between 9 and 10 a. m.). In the S. aisle, farther on, is the Cappella Brancia (the 5th), which contains the tomb of Cardinal Carbone (d. 1405) by Ant. Baboccio. — In the S. Transept is the chapel of the Caraccioli, with the monument of Cardinal Bernardino Caraccioli (d. 1268). At the back of the transept, to the right, is the entrance to the "Cappella Minutoli (open 6-8 a. m. only), in the Gothic style, constructed by Masuccio the Elder if), the upper part adorned with paintings by Tom- maso degli Stefani in the 13th cent, (frequently retouched), the lower part by an unknown master ; monument of Card. Arrigo Minutoli (d. 1301), and other tombs of the 14th and 15th cent.; triptych of the Trinity on the altar, a good early Sienese work. — The adjoining Cappella Tocca con- tains the tomb of St. Asprenas , one of the first bishops of Naples. Beneath the high-altar (staircase to the right, with brazen doors) is the richly decorated "Confessio, or Shrine of St. Januarius, with ancient columns and beautiful marble covering, containing the tomb of the saint. The tasteful ornamentation, by Tomaso Malvito of Como (1504), should be remarked. Facing the shrine , to the left, is the kneeling figure of Car- dinal Oliviero Carafa, who erected the chapel in 1492-1506, probably also by Malvito. — Fresco on the ceiling of the choir by Domenichino, the Adoration of the Angels. The Gothic chapel of the Capece Galeota, to the left of the liigh-altar, contains a painting of Christ between St. Januarius and St. Athanasius, 15th century. In the N. Transept, by the door of the sacristy, are the tombs of (r.) : Innocent IV. (d. 1254 at Naples) , erected by the Archbishop Umberto di Montorio in 1318, restored in the 16th cent.; Andreas, King of Hungary, who was murdered by his queen Johanna I. at Aversa, as the inscription records: ‘Andrese Caroli Uberti Pannonise regis f. Neapolitanorum regi Joannee uxoris dolo laqueo necato Ursi Minutili pietate hie recondito' ; (1.) : Pope Innocent XII. (Pignatelli of Naples ; d. 1696). In the N. Aisle, near the transept, is the Cappella de 1 Seripandi, adorned with an "Assumption of the Virgin, by Pietro Perugino (1460). — We next reach the entrance to Santa Restituta (see below). — In the 2nd chapel: Entombment, a relief by Giovanni da Nola; above it St. Thomas , by Marco da Siena. — In the vicinity (in the nave) is the Font, an ancient basin of green basalt, with Bacchanalian thyrsi and masks. Adjoining the cathedral on the left, and entered from it by a door S. Filippo Neri. NAPLES. 4. Route. 57 in the left aisle (when closed, fee l /<2 fr.), is the church of Santa Resti- tuta (PI. 71; F, 3), a basilica with pointed arches, occupying the site of a temple of Apollo, to which it is probably indebted for the ancient Corinthian columns in the nave. This was the cathedral of Naples prior to the erection of the larger church. The foundation, erroneously attributed to Constantine the Great, dates from the 7th century. When the cathedral was built this church was shortened, and in the 17th cent, it was restored. In the Chapel S. Maria del Principio, at the farther extremity, to the left, is an ancient "Mosaic of the Virgin with St. Januarius and Sta. Restituta, restored in 1322, and considered the earliest in Naples; whence the name ‘del Principio 1 . On the lateral walls two remarkable bas-reliefs from an altar-screen, sup- posed to date from the 8th cent., each in fifteen compartments ; to the left the history of Joseph ; to the right above, St. Januarius, then Samson ; beneath, St. George. — At the back of the high-altar the Virgin with St. Michael and Sta. Restituta, by Silvestro Buono (?), a good work of a mixed Um- brian and Neapolitan style (forged inscription; painted after 1500). — The small dome of the chapel S. Giovanni in Fonte (closed) to the right, said to have been erected by Constantine in 333, formerly the baptistery of the church, is adorned with old, but frequently restored mosaics of Christ, the Virgin, etc. — The altar-piece, the Baptism of Christ, by Silvestro Buono (?). — On the ceiling of the nave a fresco by Luca Gior- dano: the body of Sta. Restituta being conveyed by angels in a boat to Ischia. The principal facade of the cathedral (portal, see p. 55), which is approached by a flight of steps, looks towards the new and broad Via del Duomo (PI. F, 3), a street diverging from the Strada Foria (p. 45) and running nearly parallel with the Toledo. Many of the densely packed houses of the old town have been demo- lished to make way for this street, and it is to be extended down to the sea, but for the present it terminates at the Via S. Biagio de’ Librai (see p. 52). Adjoining the cathedral , on the right as we leave the church , is the extensive Arch [episcopal Palace (PI. 13; F, 3), erected in the 13th cent. , and entirely restored by Cardinal Filomarino in 1647. The principal facade looks to the Piazza Donna Regina. In the Str. Anticaglia (PI. F, 3) are the remains of an ancient Theatre , once apparently of considerable extent, of which two arches still exist. We now return to the Strada de’ Tribun ali. After a few paces, we observe the small Largo Gerolomini on the right, with the church of S. Filippo Neri (PI. 47 ; F, 3), or de J Gerolomini , erected in 1592-1619, and overladen with ornament. Over the principal entrance: Christ and the money-changers, a large fresco by Luca Giordano ; high-altar-piece by Giovanni Bernardino Siciliano; lateral paintings by Corenzio. The sumptuous chapel of S. Filippo Neri, to the left of the high-altar, contains a ceiling-fresco by Solimena ; and that of St. Francis of Assisi (4th chap, to the left) a painting by Guido Beni. Near the latter, at the base of a pillar in the nave, is the tombstone of the learned Giambattista Vico, b. at Naples 1670, d. 1744. The sacristy (entrance to the left) contains paintings by Andrea da Salerno , Corrado , Domenichino , Salinribeni , Guido Beni , and others. To the right, farther on, is situated S. Paolo Maggiore (PI. 67 ; F, 3), approached by a lofty flight of steps, and built in 1590 by 58 Route 4. NAPLES. S. Lorenzo. the Theatine Grimaldi on the site of an ancient temple of Castor and Pollux. The beautiful portico of the temple remained in situ till it was destroyed by an earthquake in 1688, and two Corinthian columns with part of the architrave are still to he seen. The church contains numerous decorations in marble, and paintings by Corenzio , Stanzioni , Marco da Siena , and Solimena. In the 2nd chapel on the left is the monument of the minister Donato Tommasi (d. 1831). In the 4th chapel to the left is the monument of Cardinal Zurlo (d. 1801), with a statue. The 5th chapel contains cabinets in which fifty-two relics of saints are preserved in velvet and gold cases. — In the passage to the sacristy (S. transept) is an old copy of Ra- phael’s Madonna del Pesce. — The Cloisters are said to occupy the site of the ancient theatre in which Nero performed as an actor. They are borne by twenty-four ancient granite columns. During the Roman period this was the central point of the city. In the small piazza in front of S. Paolo, on the other side of the Strada de’ Tribunali, to the left, is situated the church of *S. Lorenzo (PL 57 ; F, 8), begun in the Gothic style by Charles I. of Anjou in 1266 , to commemorate his victory over King Manfred at Benevento (p. 187), and completed by Robert I. in 1324. The site is that of the ancient Basilica Augustalis. The plan of the church, according to Vasari, was designed by Maglione , a pupil of Niccolo Pisano, but was altered by Masuccio the Younger in his peculiar style. The portal and the choir only are of the Gothic period, the nave having been almost entirely rebuilt in the 16th century. Interior. The large picture over the chief entrance, Jesus and St. Francis, is by Vincenzo Corso. — The Coronation of King Robert by St. Louis of Toulouse, with a predella (signed), in the 7th chapel to the right is by Simone di Martino of Siena. The same chapel contains the relics of some frescoes in the Sienese style. — St. Anthony of Padua, in the chapel of that saint in the N. transept, on a gold ground, and St. Francis as the founder of his Order, in the chapel of St. Francis in the S. tran- sept, both show traces of Flemish influence. The three statues of St. Francis, St. Lawrence, and St. Antony, and the "Reliefs on the high-altar are by Giovanni da JVola (1478). — In the retro-clioir behind the higli- altar , entering to the right , are the monuments of : (1) Catherine of Austria, first wife of Charles, Duke of Calabria (d. 1323), with a pyra- midal canopy and adorned with mosaics, by Masuccio the Younger (?) ; (2) Johanna di Durazzo , daughter of Charles of Durazzo , and her husband Robert of Artois, both of whom died of poison on the same day, 20tli July, 1387 ; below are three Virtues, above them two angels drawing aside the curtain. Then, in a closed space : (3) Mary, the young daughter of Charles of Durazzo, killed at Aversa in 1347. The two last monuments are also by Masuccio the Younger (?). By the entrance of the church, on the right, is the tombstone of the naturalist Giambattista della Porta (1550-1616). The monastery connected with the church is now used as barracks. The Cloisters, which we reach by entering a gate to the right of the church and then turning to the left in the entrance passage, contain the tomb of Ludovico Aldemoresco, by Baboccio (1414). The Chapter- House, which opens off the cloisters, is adorned with frescoes represent- ing all the saints of the Franciscan order. In 1343 Petrarch resided in this monastery $ and Boccaccio, when in the church of S. Lorenzo, beheld the beautiful princess whom he praises under the name of Fiammetta. Iii the direction of the Toledo, to the left, is situated S. Pietro a Maiella (PI. 69 ; E, 4), in the Gothic style, erected by Giovanni Museum. NAPLES. 4. Route. 59 Pipino di Barletta , the favourite of Charles II. (d. 1316; his tomb is in the left transept), but afterwards altered. In the adjacent monastery is established the Conservatory of Music (\R. Collegio di Musica; PI. 6), founded in 1537, which has sent forth a number of celebrated composers (e. g. Bellini) , and was long presided over by Mercadante. A number of valuable MSS. of Paesiello, Jomelli, Pergolese, and other eminent masters are pre- served here. From this point we reach the Piazza Dante on the Toledo (see p. 42). IV. The Museum. In the upper part of the town , in the prolongation of the Toledo , at the point where the street takes the name of Strada di Capodimonte, and where a street leading to the Piazza Cavour diverges to the right, rises the **Museo Nazionale (PI. 9; E, 3), formerly called Museo Reale Borbonico , or gli Studj. It was erected in 1586 by the viceroy Duke of Ossuna as a cavalry-bar- rack, and in 1615 ceded to the university, which was established there until 1780, when it was transferred to the Gesu Vecchio. Since 1790 it has been fitted up for the reception of the royal collection of antiquities and pictures , to which in 1816 Fer- dinand I. gave the name of Museo Reale Borbonico. The history of the edifice is recorded on twelve marble slabs recently built into the wall of the vestibule. Here are united the older and more recent collections belong- ing to the crown , the Farnese collection from Rome and Parma, those of the palaces of Portici and Capodimonte, and the excavated treasures of Herculaneum, Pompeii, Stabise, and Cumie. These united collections now form one of the finest in the world ; the Pompeian antiquities and objects of art in particular, as well as the bronzes from Herculaneum, are unrivalled, f The Museum is open daily, except on national holidays (see p. xxi), May to Oct. 9-3, Nov. to April 10-4 o’clock ; on Sundays (10-1) gratis, on other days admission 1 fr. ; gratuities forbidden. The present director is Giulio de Petra , to whose predecessor Giuseppe Fiorelli (now in Rome) is due the general arrangement of the museum as it now stands. Unimportant alterations are, however, still occasionally made, so that it is impossible to give here an ab- solutely accurate enumeration of the contents. No Catalogue has yet been published except for the coins, the weapons, and the in- scriptions; but we may mention the ‘ Guide General du Musee National * which has been published by Dom. Monaco, the con- t The following letters indicate the origin of the different objects. B. Borgia collection, C. Capua, C. A. Amphitheatre of Capua, Cu. Cumse, F. Farnese collection, H. Herculaneum, L. Lucera, <^/. Minturnse, N. Naples, P, Pompeii, Pz. Pozzuoli, 8. Stabile, 60 Route 4. NAPLES. Museum . servator of the museum, and which will he found useful in several respects (sold at the hook-shops, price 5 fr.). The Entrance is in the street leading from the Toledo to the Piazza Cavour. Sticks and umbrellas must he given up at the Garderobe , to the left in the gateway. Tickets are obtained at the second door to the left. Custodians stationed at different parts of the building readily give information when applied to ; most of them speak French. Permission to copy or study, which is always accorded to artists and scientific men, is obtained by strangers on showing their passports at the Segreteria (entered by the second door , on the second floor ; public entrance to the library on the first floor, p. 77), where a similar per- mission may be procured for Pompeii and Paestum. Free tickets for Pompeii (p. 124) are also to be had here. (A room on the right, opposite the Garderobe, contains casts, models, photographs, and copies of the objects in the museum, which are sold at fixed, but high prices. Discount is allowed on large purchases.) The following is a sketch of the general arrangements : — A. Ground Floor (comp. Plan, p. 72). Right Side: Ancient Frescoes (p. 61) ; beyond them, Inscriptions and several large sculptures (p. 63) ; then Egyptian Antiquities (p. 64). Left Side: Ancient Marble Statues (p. 65); beyond them, the Large Bronzes (p. 70). B. Entresol. Right Side: Mediaeval Works of Art (p. 72); Ancient Crystal (p. 73); Ancient Terracottas (p. 73). Left Side: Cumaean Antiquities (p. 73). C. Upper Floor (comp. Plan, p. 73). Right Side: Copies of Pompeian Pictures (p. 74); Articles of Food from Pompeii (p. 74); Papyri (p. 74); Pictures (p. 74; Italian); Engravings (p. 76). Immediately opposite: Library (p. 77). Left Side: Gold and Silver Ornaments and Gems (p. 77); Coins (p. 78); Pictures (p. 79; Neapolitan and foreign); Museum Santangelo (p. 80) and Vases (p. 81); Small Bronzes (p. 82). A. Ground Floor. Leaving the entrance gateway, we pass through a glass-door, where tickets are given up, into a large Vestibule with sev- eral ancient statues from the Farnese collection. At the end of the vestibule are the stairs ascending to the upper floors. The following are the most interesting statues in the vestibule: — On the right, by the entrance, Alexander Severus; left, a Melpomene Museum. NAPLES. 4. Route. 61 from the theatre of Pompey at Rome, erroneously restored as Urania. By the staircase, right, Flora; left, Genius of the city of Rome. At each of the two doors leading to the court are two figures with the toga; by the staircase two river-gods. In the staircase above, two Venuses from the theatre at Herculaneum. The ** Collection of Ancient Frescoes (Affreschi Pom - peiani ). from Herculaneum, Pompeii, Stabiae, etc., which we first visit, occupies the right half of the ground -floor. These paintings occupy seven rooms and a corridor , being grouped in accordance with their subjects , and each group is furnished with a Roman numeral. These works are, with the exception of painted vases and mosaics, almost the only specimens of ancient painting which have come down to us, and are therefore of extreme value. They are our sole informants with regard to the ancient style, colouring, and treatment of light and shade. Many of them are beautifully conceived, and executed with an easy, masterly touch, and they include landscapes, historical and mythological subjects, genre-paintings, architectural drawings, and animal and fruit-pieces. Although mere decorative paintings of a small provincial Roman town, they suffice to show how thoroughly the profession was im- bued with artistic principles. Some of the representations may be copies from celebrated or favourite pictures, but the style is such as entirely to preclude the idea that they were mechanically copied or stencilled. The rapid, easy execution and absence of minute detail prove that they were intended for effect, and not for close inspection. Their state of preservation of course varies greatly (comp. Introd., pp. xxxviii-xl). I. Room (immediately to the right of the place where tickets are given up ; 1st door), a long corridor : Architectural mural decorations. Those on the right wall, in the centre, group vii, are from the villa of Diomedes (p. 139); those on the left side, the further end, and the farther part of the wall on the right are nearly all from the Temple of Isis at Pompeii. II. Room : Animals, fruit, still-life, attributes of gods, etc. — The gallery of inscriptions (p. 63) has an entrance here. We now return through the 1st Room to the principal collection. — The fol- lowing rooms contain the mythological and genre representations. Their enumeration is in the order denoted by the Roman numerals. III. Room : xv. *Girl gathering flowers. Two heads of Medusa, xvi-xviii. Sea-gods. In the corner a *Nereid on a sea-panther. On the window-wall Phryxus and Helle. Two glazed tables exhibit a well-arranged collection of colours found at Pompeii, xx. Sacrifice to the Lares. — xxi, xxii. Sacrifice to Isis and scenes in the Egyptian style, from Herculaneum. — In the passage to the follow- ing room : xxiv. Ulysses carrying off the Palladium from Troy ; under it, Scipio and the dying Sophonisbe. — In the second pas- sage: *xxvi. Medea brooding over the murder of her children. Opposite : xxvii, Meleager and Atalante. 62 Route 4. NAPLES. Museum. IY. Room : (1.) xxviii Hercules supported by Priapus and Omphale. xxviii, xxix. Perseus releasing Andromeda, xxx. (be- low) Hercules, Dejanira, and tbe Centaur Nessus. xxxi. ^Finding of the young Telephus suckled by the hind (from Herculaneum). Wounded .Eneas. — In the passage to the room of the mosaics : xxxii. The infant Hercules strangling the snakes sent by Juno. — xxxiii. *Four important scenes from Herculaneum : Triumphant actor, with his mask exhibited as a votive offering ; Achilles and Antilochus (or Patroclus) ; Concert; Attiring of a bride. Also genre- scenes from Pompeii (paintress, etc.). — xxxiv. Admetus and Al- cestis receiving the answer of the oracle. — In the passage : xxxv. Comedy scenes, xxxvi. Chastisement of Dirce by Amphion and Zethus (same subject as the Farnese Bull, p. 64). Phaedra and Hip- polytus. Cimon nourished from the breast of his daughter Pero (a favourite subject with modern artists, known as ‘Caritas Romana’). — xxxvii. Theseus after the slaughter of the Minotaur, xxxviii. Scenes from the forum of Pompeii : in the centre, a school (chastisement of a pupil), baker’s shop ; small caricature of ^Eneas, Anchises, and Ascanias, represented with dogs’ heads ; pensive maiden, with pencil. Several admirable busts of youthful subjects, two of which (to the left) have been restored as a Pompeian baker and his wife, xxxix. * Abduction of Briseis from the tent of Achilles. *Achilles being taught the lyre by Chiron. Ulysses unrecognised by Penelope. Achilles recognised at Scyros. — xl. Sacrifice of Iphigenia (from the ‘House of the Tragic Poet’). *Orestes and Pylades in presence of Iphigenia at Tauris. — Adjacent to this room is the — Y. Room. * Mosaics . In the centre, on the floor : Fettered lion amid Cupids and Bacchanalian figures. — On the entrance-wall, by the pillar : Theseus killing the Minotaur, three copies. Farther on, towards the window: in the centre, actor trained by a poet; above, skull, and other symbols, found on a table in a triclinium at Pompeii ; on the left and right comedy scenes (by Dioscurides of Samos, according, to the inscription) ; partridges ; two cocks after the fight. — Under the window : Animals of Egypt. — Farther on : *Acratus (companion of Bacchus) riding on a lion ; below, a ^‘Gar- land with masks ; on the left, parrots ; on the right, a wild cat with a partridge, and fish, all excellent mosaics from the house of the Faun (p. 141). • — Farther on, a chained dog with the warning ‘Cave Canem’(from the threshold of the ‘House of the Tragic Poet’, p. 135). — Right wall : a large niche , probably intended for a fountain ; above it, Phryxus and Helle ; on the left, the three Graces, the marriage of Neptune and Amphi trite; on the right, quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon. — We now retrace our steps, and follow the ar- rangement of the pictures which is continued through the passages from the 3rd Room to the 6th, which adjoins it on the other side. YI. Room : In the two passages, beginning next the window : xli-xliv. Rope-dancing Satyrs, ^Hovering Centaurs, *I)ancing Sa- Museum. NAPLES. 4. Route. 63 tyrs and Bacchantes, etc. — Farther on : *xlv. Representations of Cupid (‘Cupids for sale !’). xlvi. Marriage of Zephyrus and Chloris (Lat. Flora), xlvii. The three Graces, xlviii. Diana and Endymion (repeated several times) ; *Diana with a how, in a pensive attitude (pendant to the ‘Girl gathering flowers’ in Room III). — By the window to the left: xlix. Venus and Mars, several representations. Venus and Cupids, lii. Triumphal procession of Bacchus. Bacchus and Ariadne. — *liii. Dancers. VII. Room : lviii-lix. More ancient paintings from the tombs of Ruvo, Gnatia, Psestum, Capua : lviii. Mercury as conductor of the dead. Funeral dance, lix. Samnite warriors in full armour, from Peestum. Gorgon head with Messapian inscription. — lx. Narcissus in different attitudes. Ixi-lxiii and lxv-lxvii. Landscapes from Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae. *lxviii. Vulcan showing Thetis the arms of Achilles (twice). Ixx. Jupiter crowned by Victoria, lxxi. Io’s arrival in Egypt. *Jupiter and Juno on Mount Ida. Io watched by Argus. Mercury giving the Syrinx to Argus. Ixxii. Five * Drawings on Marble (monochromic) from Herculaneum : Achilles (?) in a quadriga; GSdipus with Antigone and Ismene(?); Latona with Niobe and other women of Cadmus playing at dice (purporting to be by Alexandros of Athens); Scene from a tragedy. Theseus rescuing the bride of Pirithous from a Centaur (?). Similar drawing from Pompeii. Fragment of a representation of the fate of Niobe and her children. To the above collection belongs a corridor (entered from the vestibule of the Galleria Lapidaria, or by the 3rd door in the great vestibule) containing * Ornamental Paintings (Affreschi Orna- mentali) from Pompeii and Herculaneum, being mural decorations, some of them with raised stucco designs and reliefs. They are executed with taste and precision and deserve careful inspection. In the semicircular space, lxxxi. Valuable collection of deco- rative masks, lxxxii. Pillar with paintings from the ‘Fullonica’ at Pompeii (p. 141), showing the different processes of the handi- craft. The owl is the symbol of Minerva , the tutelary goddess of fullers. Ixxxiv. ^Fragments of a wall from Herculaneum. The two large central glass-doors of the vestibule on the right and left lead into Courts, filled with reliefs, statues, and archi- tectural fragments , many of which deserve the notice of connois- seurs. The wing connecting the W. part of the Museum with the E. (right) half contains the * Gallery of Inscriptions (Galleria Lapidaria , or Sala del Toro ), which has other entrances both from the collection of the ornamental paintings and from the sec- ond room of the ancient pictures (p. 61). The collection comprises upwards of 2000 Latin inscriptions, others in Oscan, and engraved (graffiti) and painted (dipinti) mural inscriptions from Pompeii. The collection, which is arranged in 64 Route 4. NAPLES. Museum. Accordance with the geographical situation of the different localities of discovery, consists chiefly of epitaphs, but also includes lauda- tory and other inscriptions. Among the bronze tables are the cele- brated Tables of Heraclea (p. 217; no. 82), bearing on one side regulations as to temple lands in the ancient Greek language, and on the other (inscribed at a later date) the Italian municipal laws promulgated by Caesar in B. C.46. A cabinet contains leaden pipes with inscriptions from aqueducts, etc. The following large sculptures are also placed here : to the left at the entrance a statue of Tiberius, to the right Atreus with the son of Thyestes (?), sometimes taken for Hector with the body of Troilus (comp. Introd., p. xxxiii). In the Principal Room, on the left, is the celebrated group of the **Farnese Bull , a work of the Rhodian sculptors Apollonius and Tauriscus, once in possession of Asinius Pollio, and found in 1546 in the Thermae of Caracalla at Rome in a sadly mutilated condition. The restoration of the group was superintended by Michael Angelo. The two sons of Antiope, Amphion and Zethus, avenge the wrongs of their mother by binding Dirce, who had treated her with the greatest cruelty for many years, to the horns of a wild bull. An- tiope in the background exhorts them to forgiveness. The boldness and. life of the group , originally hewn out of a single block of marble, is unrivalled in any other work of the same character (comp. Introd., pp. xxxi-xxxiii). The new parts are the head of the bull , the Antiope , with the exception of the feet , the upper parts of Dirce and considerable portions of Amphion and Zethus. Opposite, on the right side of the room, stands the so-called **Farnese Hercules , also from the Thermae of Caracalla , where it was found in 1540. The legs were at first wanting, but were re- stored by Della Porta; twenty years later the genuine missing por- tions were discovered, and having been presented by Prince Borghese to the King of Naples, were restored to the statue. The end of the nose, the left hand, and part of the left arm are new. The hero holds in his right hand the golden apples of the Hesperides, the sign of his successful accomplishment of the eleventh of the labours imposed on him by King Eurystheus, and leans, faint and weary, on his club. The conception differs wholly from the triumphant victor of the early legend, and would alone stamp the work as one of a comparatively recent period.- This conclusion is strengthened by the mannerism appa- rent in the over-strained effort to express great muscular strength. Ac- cording to the inscription, it is the work of the Athenian Glycon, and was probably executed under the early emperors, possibly on the model of a statue by Lysippus. Descending a staircase in this hall , and passing through a room containing Christian Inscriptions from the catacombs of Rome and Naples built into the walls, we reach the Egyptian Anti- quities, a considerable number of which were purchased from Car- dinal Borgia’s collection at Velletri. The arrangement is complete, with the exception of the numbering. Museum. NAPLES. 4. Route. 65 1st Room. In the centre Serapis , found in the vestibule of the Serapeum at Pozzuoli. Isis, a marble statuette from the temple of Isis at Pompeii, holding a sistrum and the keys of the Nile, with interesting traces of gilding and painting. On the short wall, Horus with a dog’s head. The cabinets contain a valuable collection of small statuettes. 2nd Room. In the centre: by the window, a granite tombstone with twenty- two figures in relief and hieroglyphics. Egyptian priest, a so-called ‘Pasto- phorus’ , in black basalt. By the walls six glass cabinets with all kinds of trinkets, etc. To the right of the entrance, the second immured tablet is the so- called ‘Table of Isis’, from the temple of Isis at Pompeii. By the window- wall a papyrus with Greek writing , dating from the 2nd or 3rd cent. , which with forty others was found at Memphis in a chest of sycamore wood, and contains names of the canal labourers on the Nile. Opposite the entrance a number of mummies of men, women, and children , some of them divested of their cerements and admirably preserved (the skull of a female mummy still retains the hair). Also the mummy of a crocodile. The left (W.) half of the ground-floor contains the valuable collection of marble sculptures and the bronzes. The ^Collection of Marble Sculptures occupies the great corridor with three branches, and the rooms situated beyond the second branch. The new arrangement in accordance with the local and historical position of the works is practically complete. It is best to begin with the N. corridor ( third door on the left from the vestibule), the — Corridor of the Masterpieces ( Portico de y Capolavori ), which contains the finest works in the collection , affording a review of the development of the ancient plastic art from the 5th cent. B.C. down to the reign of Hadrian and his successors. This part of the collection in particular supplies the visitor with an admirable illustration of the history of ancient art, and includes moreover several works of the highest merit. *897. Hera (Farnese Juno), in the early style, austere in ex- pression and the clearest representation extant of the ideal of Poly- cletus (Introd., p. xxix) ; it is a replica of a bronze original, in which the eyes were of some other material, and was intended to be joined to a statue. — *896. Orestes and Electra , a group which has given rise to much discussion, probably belonging to the revived archaic style introduced by Pasiteles towards the end of the republic (In- trod., p. xxxiii). — *895. Pallas , archaic style, from Herculaneum, — 894. Artemis , an archaic statuette found at Pompeii, with nu- merous traces of painting (gold on the rosettes of the head-dress, red on the edges of the robe, the quiver-band, and the sandals). *892, 893. Harmodius and Aristogeiton (head of Aristogeiton ancient, but originally belonging to some other statue). After the expulsion of Hippias in 510 B. C. the Athenians erected in the Agora statues of Harmodius and Aristogeiton, the slayers of the tyrant Hipparchus. This group, the work of Anterior , was "carried away by Xerxes in 480 and replaced in 478 by another executed by Kritios and Nesiotes. The original statues were afterwards restored to Athens by Alexander the Great or one of his successors, and the two groups stood side by side in the market-place, where they were seen by Pausanias the historian (2nd cent, of our era). The statues in the museum are a copy Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 5 66 Route 4. NAPLES. Museum. of one or other of these groups, both of which were in bronze and pro- bably alike in all essential details. — Comp. Introd., p. xxx. 887. Athlete , from the palaestra of Pompeii, the left hand missing, as in other examples of the same statue ; it is supposed to be a replica of the Doryphorus of Polycletus; comp. Introd., p. xxix. 888. Dying Amazon , Dead Persian , Dead Giant ( or Gaul?\ and Wounded Gaul , of the Pergamenian school. King Attalus I. of Pergamus, having in 239 B. C. gained a decisive victory over the Gauls who had invaded Mysia, erected on the Acropolis at Athens four groups of marble statues as a votive offering for his deliver- ance. These represented the triumph of civilisation and culture over brute force, as typified in the contests of the Gods and the Giants, the Athenians and the Amazons, the Athenians and Persians at Marathon, and lastly of Attalus himself and the Celts. They have been described by Pausanias (see above). The statues in this museum are undoubtedly parts of the original monument, and there are other figures from it at Borne and Venice. The time when they were brought to Italy is unknown, but cannot have been sooner than the capture of Athens by the Crusaders in 1205. (The exquisite reliefs recently discovered at Pergamus and now at Berlin were erected by Attalus in his own capital in commemoration of the same victory.) 886. Adonis , freely restored. — *885. Venus of Capua , so called from having been found at Capua in the middle of the 18th century. It is uncertain how this statue, which greatly resembles the Venus of Milo in the Louvre, ought to be restored. The arms, the nose, and part of the mantle are modern. On Corinthian coins Venus, the tutelary goddess of the city, is represented in a similar attitude, in the act of using a shield as a mirror, but it is possible that the Capuan statue had a figure of Mars standing beside her, from whom she was taking his sword. It was at one time imagined that a figure of Cupid at the feet of his mother formed part of the original group, but this idea, has been given up. The statue is held to be a work of the Roman period (as the representation of the pupil of the eye indicates), but was probably a copy of a Greek original. *884. Aeschines , the Athenian orator (389-314 B. C.) and champion of Philip of Macedon against Demosthenes , a statue found in the Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum. Though the drapery is inferior to that of the admirable statue of Sophocles in the Lateran Collection at Rome, there is little doubt that this is a copy of an old Greek original. It was once erroneously called Aristides, but its resemblance to the hermes of Aeschines with his name attached at the Vatican proves its identity. *882. Psyche of Capua , sadly mutilated; she was probably represented with her hands bound behind her, being tortured by Cupid, but the state in which the figure now is makes certainty on this point impossible. — *881. Venus Callipygus , so called from that part of her body towards which she is looking, found in the imperial palaces at Rome ; the head, breast, right leg, right hand, and left arm are modern. The adjacent room to the right contains a large basin in por- phyry, valuable columns, a marble basin, etc. — *879. Homer , a beautiful bust, the finest of all the ideal representations of the great poet. ‘I must own that nothing has ever given me a higher idea of Grecian sculpture, than the fact that it has been able to conceive and represent these features. A blind poet and minstrel — nothing more — was given. And starting with this simple theme the artist has made the aged brow and cheek instinct with supernatural mental effort and prophetic inspiration, Museum. NAPLES. 4. Route. 67 combined with that perfect serenity which ever characterises the blind. Each stroke of the chisel is full of genius and marvellous vitality 1 . — Burckhcirdt. *880. Satyr , carrying the child Bacchus on his shoulder; 878. Pallas , archaic, from Yelletri ; 874, 876. Brutus and Pompey, two busts found in a house in Pompeii in 1869 ; 875. Juno; 877. Nereid , on a sea-monster. — *873. Agrippina the Younger, mother of Nero, a sitting portrait-statue, made at an advanced age. The artist has almost entirely suppressed the individuality of the notorious wife of Claudius , and has created a figure of great nobility. The face expresses mournful reflection and resignation. The attitude and mien, like those of the well-known statue of the elder Agrippina in the Roman Capitol, are an admirable example of the way in which noble Roman matrons liked to be represented. The hands are modern. *872. Antinous , the favourite of Hadrian. Busts of (870) An- toninus Pius , (869) Plotina, and (868) Caracalla. *867. Torso of Venus , *871. Torso of Bacchus , two genuine Greek works, the Venus probably not much more recent than the Venus of Cnidus by Praxiteles (4th cent. B.C.). The Corridor of Portrait Statues and Busts, which wo next enter, is sometimes called the Portico dei Balbi , from the noble family of that name, the most distinguished at Herculaneum. To the right, at the N. end of the corridor, torsi, dogs, leopards, boar sacrifices, small equestrian statue of a 'warrior (freely restored). *88. Equestrian Statue of M . Nonius Balbus , found , like that of his son at the opposite end of the passage (No. 68, below), in the basilica of Herculaneum. Farther on, the fourth statue on the left, 84. Statue of the Priestess Eumachia of Pompeii , erected by the fullers in her honour (p. 132); 83. Statue of Marcus Holconius Rufus , a Roman military tribune, and five times mayor of Pom- peii; 82, 85. Two orators from Pompeii. — Then Roman Portrait Busts, with pedestals in the Roman style, in two rows, one above the other: in the lower, 109, 110, 111. Three examples of a so- called Seneca; Attilius Regulus ; Brutus the younger; Brutus the elder; in the upper row, Cicero. — Farther on, in the centre, 80. Double herines of an unknown Greek and Roman, and 77. Double hermes of Herodotus and Thucydides . Between these, two sitting statuettes, one of them, 78, representing the poet Moschion. The room containing the Battle of Alexander here opens to the right (see p. 69), in the entrance to which, on the left, is 160. Socrates , a hermes with a Greek inscription. Near the entrance, to the left : *159. M. Nonius Balbus , the father; *158. Viciria Archas, the wife of Balbus, a stately matron. Farther on, to the left, 71-75, a son and four daughters, on the same pedestal (a fifth daughter of the group is in the Dresden Museum). All of these are honorary statues which the municipal council of Herculaneum erected to the family in the theatre. — Next come two rows of Greek Busts, one above the other, in the Greek hermal form. Below, 166, 168, 169. Euripides ; 170. Socrates ; 171. Aratus , the astronomer; 172, Zeno; 174. Poseidonius ; 176. Sophocles ; 178. Carneades ; 179. 5 * 68 Route 4. NAPLES. Museum. Herodotus; 180. Lysias; 182. Agathocles. Above, 185. Tliemisto- cles ; 186. Periander ; 187. Solon ; 200. Demosthenes. (Many of the busts, both Greek and Roman, are either unknown or errone- ously named.) — *68. Equestrian Statue of Balbus the Younger , ‘praetor and proconsul’. — Genre figures of children; a hunter. Several Dacians from the Forum of Trajan at Rome ; two barbarians as supporters, in pavonazetto, the bead and bands in basalt. We now pass by the statue of the younger Balbus into the — Corridor, of the Roman Emperors (Portico degli Imperadori), the arrangement of which begins at the farther end, by the en- trance from the passage. It contains statues and busts in chrono- logical order, of a more or less ideal character. Left, *67. Cae- sar, a bust. Right, 1. Statue of Caesar. L. 66. Augustus, a statue, sitting; 65. Livia; 63. Tiberius , a bust; 62. Drusus , a statue from Pompeii; 60. Caligula , with reliefs on his armour; 59. Claudius , a sitting statue ; 57. Nero, a bust ; 56. Vitellius, a statue ; 55. Claudius, \ 54. Otho, busts ; 53. Titus , a colosssal bust. R. 15. Vespasian, a colossal bust. L. 50. Trajan , a statue ; 49. Plotina, a bust. R. 14, 16. Hadrian , busts. L. 48. Hadrian, bust; 46. Antoninus Pius, 45. Marcus Aurelius, 44. Faustina , busts ; 43. LuciusVerus, a statue. Then, 38. Septimius Severus, 32. Probus, etc. The Seven Rooms beyond the Portico dei Balbi also have their contents arranged according to subjects. Among much that is mediocre there are a few works of great excellence. The ar- rangement begins with the gods , in the room opposite the en- trance to the collection of bronzes (p. 70). I. Room : Jupiter, Juno, Apollo, Diana, Ceres. In the centre, 225. Apollo , in a sitting posture, in porphyry, the head and hands in marble; a work of the decline of art during the imperial period, when a taste prevailed for rare kinds of stone which were difficult to work. Right: 228. Diana of Ephesus , in yellow alabaster, the head, hands, and feet in bronze ; her symbols indicate the fecundity of the goddess of nature. Left : 244. Apollo, in basalt. Posterior wall: *240. Jupiter, a bust from the temple of Pompeii (p. 133); 239. Jupiter, colossal half-statue from Cumae; on the right, 232. Hermes of the ram-horned Jupiter Ammon. II. Room: Yenus, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Bacchus. Among the numerous Statues of Venus (eight from Pompeii, including 276, a statuette found in 1873, interesting from its being painted) are several with portrait-heads. In the centre, 254. Mars, sitting. 275. Mercury. III. Room: Satyrs, Ganymede, Cupid, Cybele, etc. — Left: Satyr with a bunch of grapes; *343. Pan teaching the flute; 317, 322. Ganymede with the eagle ; *320. Winged Cupid, supposed to be a replica of an original by Praxiteles. In the centre : 298. Cupid encircled by a dolphin, fountain-figure ; 297. Atlas, bearing the globe; 314. Paris ; *312. JEsculapius , from Rome. On the Museum . NAPLES. 4. Route. 69 short wall : Masks of river-gods, once used as water-spouts. 307. Nymph before the bath. Three Priestesses of Isis. 301. Cyhele , the mother of the gods, enthroned. IV. Room : Statues of Muses from Herculaneum and Rome ; several figures of Hercules. By the window, 366. Head of Ajax. In the centre, 349. Amazon , falling from her horse ; *350. Hercules and Omphale , a group in the genre style ; 351. Roman Soldier , an equestrian statue. V. Hall of the Flora. By the principal wall : *384. The Farnese Flora , found in the Baths of Caracalla at Rome, at the same time as the Hercules and the Bull (p. 64). It is probably a work of the early Roman empire, when the dubious taste for repro- ducing smaller Greek originals on a colossal scale had already manifested itself. The figure, however, is charming in spite of its huge proportions. As the head, arms, and feet were missing when the statue was found, and were restored by Giacomo della Porta, and afterwards by Albaccini and Taglioni, it is not improbable that the figure once represented a Yenus instead of a Flora. It has also been suggested that it may be a ‘Hora’, a ‘Dancing Muse’, or a ‘Hebe’. — In front of it is the **Mosaic of the Battle of Alexander , found in 1831 in the house of the Faun at Pompeii. This work, which is almost the only ancient historical composition in existence, represents the battle at the moment when Alexander, whose helmet has fallen from his head , charges Darius with his cavalry, and transfixes the general of the Persians who has fallen from his wounded horse. The chariot of the Persian monarch is prepared for retreat, whilst in the foreground a Persian of rank, in order to ensure the more speedy escape of the king, who is absorbed in thought at the sight of his expiring general, offers him his horse (Introd. p. xli). — Also four statues of gladiators. YI. Room : Reliefs. In the centre, *387. a beautiful *Marble Vase with a relief : Mercury, followed by dancing Bacchanalian figures, gives the young Bacchus to a nymph to be brought up. According to the inscription it is the work of a certain Salpion of Athens ; it was found at Formia , and was long used as a font in the cathedral of Gaeta (comp. Introd., p. xxxiii). The traditions of a more archaic style have been applied here with great adroit- ness. — To the left of the entrance, also on a pedestal, 390. a fountain enclosure with seven gods : Jupiter, Mars, Apollo, TEscu- lapius, Bacchus, Hercules, and Mercury. There are also three other fountain enclosures in the centre. • — 'By the wall, to the left of the entrance , 657. an early Attic Cippus , of the middle of the 5th century. Then a beautiful Trapezophorus (pedestal of a table), with Centaur and Nereid; also sarcophagi , fountain-masks , and numer- ous oscilla , or reversible marble discs and masks, which used to be hung up by way of ornament between the columns of peristyles. VII. Room: Reliefs. Left: *673. Aphrodite, seconded by Peitho Route 4. NAPLES. Museum,. (persuasion), endeavouring to induce Helen to follow Paris (Alexan- dra), who with Cupid stands before her, a Greek work; 676. Bacchanal ; *679. Youth with three maidens, usually termed Apollo with the Graces (or Alcibiades with three hetaerae) ; 669. Sarcopha- gus : Bacchanalian procession. — On the pillar between the win- dows : 695. Gladiator contests from the monument of Scaurus at Pompeii (p. 138); 694. Sarcophagus with Prometheus and man as yet uninspired with life, surrounded by beneficent gods. — Third wall : 704. Tropaeum, framed with Caryatides. Above : Banchetto d’Icario , or Bacchus feasting with the Attic prince Icarius, the legendary founder of the Satyric drama (‘Drama Satyrikon’); the train of the god includes the muse Melpomene , Silenus , and several Satyrs. Above: Cupids in the circus. — 710. Nymph defend- ing herself against a satyr. 713. Seven Nymphs , with names at- tached : Euphrosyne, Aglaia, Thalia, Ismene, Cycais, Eranno, and Telonnesus. Below, a Bacchanalian procession. *714. Orpheus and Eurydice , with Hermes, in the infernal regions (see Introd., p. xxx). — Fourth wall : Sarcophagi. 733, 742, 755. Three representations of Asiatic provinces. — In the centre : 664. Honorary Pedestal from Pozzuoli , with figures representing fourteen towns of Asia Minor which the Emp. Tiberius rebuilt after an earthquake, each figure being furnished with its name. In the middle, two large Candelabra , with herons, and two Bacchic * Vases, In the adjoining Passage are handsome ornamental works in marble : *Tables with basins for fountains ; candelabra , among which is a *Stooping Sphinx from Pompeii ; feet of tables ; tables. — From this passage we again enter the Portico dei Balbi (see p. 67). At the S. end of the Portico dei Balbi is the entrance to the **Collection of Bronzes, most of which are from Herculaneum, and a few only from Pompeii. Their respective origins are distinguished by their different colours. The bronzes of Herculaneum are of a dark, black-green hue, while those of Pompeii, which were much more exposed to moisture, are oxydised, and of a light, bluish green colour. This collection is unrivalled, and deserves careful and re- peated inspection. The number and magnitude of the works, the delicate treatment adapted to the material, and the skilful mastery of every kind of difficulty in casting and chiselling afford an ex- cellent insight into the high development of this branch of art in ancient times. I. Room : Animals. 2. Colossal horse’s head, found at Naples, formerly in the Pal. Colobrano (S. Angelo), and long supposed to be the cognisance of the city. It belonged to a horse which is said to have stood in the vestibule of the temple of Neptune (S. Gen- naro), and to have been destroyed by the clergy on account of the veneration with which it was regarded. *1. Horse from Hercula- neum, belonging to a quadriga, and reconstructed from minute fragments. 3, 4. Two deer. 14, 15, 16. Boar attacked by two dogs. Museum. NAPLES. 4. Route. 71 Several animals once used as fountain-figures. — In the corners of the room : by the entrance, to the left, and by the opposite exit, two Greek Hermes, perhaps intended for a palaestra, the projecting props being for the support of wreaths. The first bears the name of the sculptor, Apollonius, son of Archias of Athens. At the entrance, on the right, 19. So-called Sappho ; opposite, *20. Diana Shooting , a half-figure. II. Room: Statuettes. In the centre: 61. Bacchus with a Satyr (eyes inserted, as in many of the others). Two equestrian statuettes. 58. Amazon ; 57. Alexander the Great. *59. Venus arranging her hair, originally with a mirror in her left hand. 60. Flying Victory , on a globe. 62. Angling Fisherman, a fountain-figure. 63. Boy with goose . — Beyond the last, **51. Dancing Faun, marking the time by snapping his fingers, found in 1853 in the large house at Pom- peii called the ‘Casa del Fauno’ (p. 141). — In front of it, **55. So-called **Narcissus , perhaps a Pan listening to Echo, one of the most charming antique statues extant , both in conception and execution, found at Pompeii in 1862. *56. Silenus, used as the bearer of a vase (with handle very unsuitably made in imitation of the body of a serpent), found at Pompeii in 1864; the air of exertion is admirably lifelike. — To the right of the right entrance to the following room : 54. Hermes of L. Caecilius Jucundus, a Pompeian banker (see p. 143), erected by his freedman Felix. — The window-cabinet contains a number of Boys with pipes or masks, once used as fountain-figures. Silenus with a panther. Youthful Bacchus. In the middle, bust of Galba, in silver. — In the cabinet to the right beyond the window are all kinds of Fancy Figures, chiefly gladiators. Small Busts: Demosthenes, Epicurus, Zeno, Augustus. Hands with quaint emblems, used as amulets to avert the danger of the ‘evil eye’. Above these, Lares (household gods), youths adorned with wreaths and bearing drinking-horns and vases. — Opposite the window : Statuettes of Gods : Hercules, Victoria, Fortuna, Bacchus, Mercury, Minerva, Jupiter, etc. — Wall of the entrance : Etruscan Mirrors , the backs adorned with engraved scenes. III. Principal Room. In the centre : *48. Drunken Faun. On each side (Nos. 42, 45) a copy of the statue of a Runner, or, more probably, two Wrestlers about to engage. To the right beyond these : *40. Apollo playing the lyre , from Pompeii, a work of the archaistic school of Pasiteles, about the beginning of the Empire. To the left beyond it, 41. Apollo Shooting . On the right before the latter, *46. Head of Apollo in the archaic style. **44. Mercury Reposing, a beautiful picture of elastic youth at a moment of relaxation ; the wings attached to the feet and the remains of the caduceus in the hand identify the messenger of the gods. To the left before the last : *47. Head of Seneca, so called, but probably the head of a bearded barbarian. *43. Sleeping Satyr. — Along the walls, beginning on the right by the entrance near the window : 72 Route 4. NAPLES. Museum, 26. Statue of Nero Drusus , sacrificing; 27. Bust of the youthful Hercules (formerly called Marcellus) ; 28. Apollo , a statuette ; 29. Female Portrait-statue ; *30. Sacrificing Boy (camillus). — Farther on : 31. Bust of Sulla (?); 32. Female Portrait-statue (Livia, con- sort of Augustus). Between the doors, on a truncated column, 33. So-called Archytas of Tarentum, with a fillet round his head ; above it, on a bracket, 34. Ptolemy Philadelphus. *35-37. Three Dancing Women , from the theatre of Herculaneum (three corresponding figures on the opposite side). On a short column, 30. Heraclitus (?) the philosopher. On a bracket above it, 39. Male Portrait-head. — N. Wall : 6. Male Portrait-head ; 7. So-called Antonia , wife of Drusus, a statue ; *8. Female Head with hair restored (erroneously called Ptolemy Apion) ; 9. Statue of a Roman Magistrate. — 10. Portrait- head; 11. Statue of Augustus as Jupiter; 12. Portrait-head ; 13. Statue of Claudius. *14. So-called Head of Berenice , admirably modelled (eyes and lips lined with silver when discovered). 15. Roman Magistrate ; 16. Portrait head; 17. Female Portrait- statue as a ‘Pieta’, from Herculaneum (mother of Balbus?). 18. Portrait- head. — Farther on, on a short column between the doors, *19. De- mocritus (?). On a console, 20. Lepidus. 21, 22, 23. Three Dancing Women from Herculaneum (see above). On a short column, *24. Head of Dionysus , probably the finest embodiment of the ideal of the older, bearded, or Indian Bacchus (comp, the relief, ‘Banchetto d’lcario’, p. 70), as already accepted in the 6th cent. B.C. ; this head was formerly called Plato, from its resemblance to the genuine busts of that philosopher. Above it: *25. Young Tiberius. IV. Room: Weapons. In the centre, *5. Equestrian Statue of Nero , found at Pompeii (p. 135). By the window : 3. Bust of Scipio Africanus. Opposite, 4. Bust ofC . Caesar. — The cabinets contain a choice Collection of Weapons (detailed descriptions hung up at the entrance). — E. Wall : Greek armour, helmets, and weapons, found at Psestum, Ruvo, and Canosa. — N. Wall: Helmets of gladiators and richly decorated armour from Pompeii and Herculaneum. Above these, 283. Helmet with the Taking of Troy ; 288. Shield with head of the Medusa. — W. Wall : Italian weapons ; among them a cock, a Samnite boundary figure from Pietrabbondante (Bovianum). — S. Wall. Catapult balls, etc. B. Entresol. The Entresol (Ital. Mezzanino) contains on the right the Re- naissance objects , and beyond them the ancient crystals and terracottas, on the left the Cumcean collection and the ‘Controlleria’, or inspector’s office. The Collection of Renaissance Works (Raccolta degli Oggetti del Cinquecento ) is arranged in two rooms, which were restored in 1880. — I. Room. In the centre : a large bronze tabernacle, the design ascribed to Michael Angelo , executed by Jacopo Siciliano. •■8«fo T ” A ^uuy w o M o % > kr 1 w M V SEP X A Z 1 0 NALE PRIMP PIANO . Museum . NAPLES. 4. Route. 73 Left : bust in bronze of Ferdinand of Arragon. Busts in marble of Paul III. and Charles V. Right : Medusa after Canova. An altar with reliefs in marble of the German school, representing the Passion in seven sections. — II. Room : Indian and Chinese paintings, and other Asiatic curiosities. The cabinets contain weapons, seals, carved amber and ivory, etc. — To the right of the entrance into the following room are mural paintings from Pompeii, representing the fight between the Pompeians and Nucerines in the amphitheatre (p. 125). The next room contains the Collection of Ancient Crystal (Vetri) y the most extensive of the kind in existence, showing the numerous ways in which it was used by the ancients. Several panes of glass from the villa of Diomedes should be inspected ; also a beautifully cut-glass *Vase with white Cupids and foliage on a blue ground, discovered in 1837 in a tomb in the Street of the Tombs at Pompeii , when it was filled with ashes. By the wall facing the window, to the right, are some medicine-phials from Pompeii. Adjacent is the Collection of Ancient Terracottas. — I. Room: Common earthenware articles for household use. Among them are vessels with beans, wheat, almonds, egg-shells, plums, olives , etc. from Pompeii. In the middle, ^Statuette in a sit- ting a ^sture of a bearded man with a tragic aspect, from Pom- peii. In the passage to the second room, on the left Artemis, right Medusa. — II. Room. Several Etruscan sarcophagi with recumbent figures on the lids. Numerous lamps. In the cabinets figures of small animals : horses, pigs, birds, also hands and other votive- offerings, such as are still to be seen in Roman Catholic churches : infant in swaddling-clothes, legs, right half of a human figure. By the Lidow, to the right, a colossal Juno ; left, Jupiter from the small + emple of JEsculapius at Pompeii (p. 148). By the door of egress, to the right, the fragments of the celebrated Volscian relief from Yelletri , in the ancient Italian style, with traces of colouring: warriors on horseback and in chariots. — III. Room: Lamps, goblets, votive limbs ; in the cabinets opposite the door interesting heads, detached, and in relief, also statuettes. By the window two comic figures, in front of them a small painted statu- ette. By the Nvindow-wall, to the right, Etruscan cists; to the left, Drinking- vessels. By the wall of egress, fine reliefs and statuettes in terracotta; also moulds employed in their execution. The central story contains , on the left , the Cumsean Col- lection, which was purchased by the Prince of Carignano from the heirs of the Count of Syracuse and presented to the Museum. It consists chief! of vases, terracottas, and bronzes found at Cumse (see p. 105). B> the window of the First Room an elegant jewel- casket in wood, with several gold ornaments. In the Second Room tables with small objects in bronze, gold, and crystal ; an interest- 7 4 Route 4 . NAPLES. Museum. ing head in wax from a Roman tomb. Among the vases at the window is a fine specimen of the later Attic style, under glass, representing a battle between Amazons and Greeks. C. Upper Floor. From the top of the stairs we first turn to the left to the E. wing. On opposite sides of the passage which we enter are two rooms containing Copies of Pompeian Pictures, Remains of Food, and other objects from Pompeii. The copies of Pompeian pictures merit careful inspection, as they serve to convey an idea of the brilliant colouring of these ancient walls when they were first discovered. The Room on the Left also contains several glass cabinets with * Articles of Food and Objects in Common Use at Pompeii. In the centre a handsome bottle with oil. In the round glass cabinet by the window : below, a double pan with meat ; in the centre a glass vessel with barley-, above, glass tubes with olives. — In the glass cases to the right, beyond the window: net-work and netting- needles, bones, eggs, remains of fish, almonds, onions, dates, nuts, pears, etc. -, also fifteen round loaves, one of which bears the baker’s name, Q. Cranius, stamped upon it. In the glass cases to the right of the en- trance : snails’ and other shells , tortoises , clothing materials , straw sandals, purse with three coins (from the Villa ofDiomedes), corks, net- work, etc. In the Room on the Right: a glass cabinet containing the skull, arm, and impression of the breast in compressed ashes , of a girl, found in the Villa of Diomedes. "Model in wood of the ‘House of the Tragic Poet’ at Pompeii (p. 135). Models of the amphitheatres of Pompeii and Capua. Models of the temples of Psestum. Next, on the right, is the Library of the Papyri. This collection was discovered in a villa near Herculaneum in 1752. The rolls were completely encrusted with carbonaceous matter, and it was only by slow degrees that the real value of the discovery was appreciated. About 3000 were discovered, of which 1800 only have been preserved. The thin layers of the bark (libri) of the papyrus plant, each of the breadth of one column of writing, are pasted together and rolled on rods, and the difficulties encountered in disengaging them may be imagined. The task was long attempted in vain , until the Padre Piaggi invented an ingenious machine by which the difficulty was removed. Several of these may be seen at work in the second room. About six hundred of ?these libri have been by degrees unrolled, and whatever of their contents has escaped obliteration has been published in the Volumina Heracleensia. The library belonged to a follower of the Epicurean school, and the recovered MSS. are by no means of general interest. They con- tain treatises in Greek by the Epicurean Philodemus, a contemporary of Cicero, on nature, music, rhetoric, etc. — Here, in a separate room, are also preserved the triptvchs (about 300) found in a carbonised box at Pom- mpeii in June 1875, containing receipts for money advanced by L. Cse- cilius Jucundtis, a Pompeian banker (comp. p. 143). In the room opposite copies of paintings are kept for sale. Following the passage in a straight direction, we next enter the *First Section of the Picture Gallery, containing paintings of the Italian schools (the Neapolitan excepted), and including several of the finest works in the collection. Catalogues at the en- trance of each room. I. Room (Roman School). *5. Claude , Quay at sunset; 12. School of Raphael (?), Female Portrait ; 27 . Sassoferrato, Adoration Museum. NAPLES. 4. Route. 75 of the Shepherds ; 28. School of Raphael , Madonna delle Grazie ; 47. Pannini , Charles III. entering St. Peter’s at Rome; 51. R. Mengs , Ferdinand IV. at the age of twelve; 53. Pannini , Charles III. visiting Benedict XIV. II. Room (Schools of Parma and Genoa). 2. Bernardo Strozzi, Portrait of a Capuchin; 10. Parmigianino , Holy Family; 11. School of Correggio (?), Study of a head ; 12. Parmigianino , Ma- donna and Child; 15, 20, 35, 37. Other examples of Parmigianino. III. Room (Schools of Lomhardy and Parma). School of Leo- nardo , 11. John the Baptist, 15. Madonna with two donors of the picture; 16. Parmigianino , SS. Clara and Ciborius; 17. Cesare da Sesto , Adoration of the Magi , one of the master’s chief works (from Messina) ; *18. Leonardo's School (not Boltraffio), The young Christ and John kissing each other; 19. Same School, Madonna. IV. Room (Venetian School). 1. Alwise Vivarini , Madonna with two saints (1485) ; *5. Bartol. Vivarini , Madonna enthroned with saints (1465) ; 7. Ascribed to Giorgione (erroneously, accord- ing to Mr. Crowe), Portrait of a Prince Antonello of Salerno (?) ; 10, 13, 17, 25. Bern . Belotto , Architectural pieces ; 11. Jac. Bassano, Venetian lady; *15. Sebastian del Piombo , Pope Clement VII., sketch on slate ; 19. After Titian , Pope Paul III. (Farnese), possibly an original, but much damaged; *20. Titian , Pope Paul III. with Cardinal Alessandro and Ottavio Farnese, full of life, although somewhat sketchily handled; 23. Titian , Portrait of Alessandro Farnese, damaged; 24. In the style of Titian , Charles V. ; *32. Moretto , Christ scourged, a fine and carefully modelled little picture; 40. School of Mantegna, Suffering of Christ; *46. Man- tegna , St. Euphemia; 56. Lor. Lotto , Madonna with St. Peter Martyr. — Proceeding hence in a straight direction we reach the 7th and 8th, and, turning to the right, the 5th and 6th rooms. V. Room. 1. Salvator Rosa , Christ and the Doctors in the Temple; 2. Seb. del Piombo , Holy Family, executed under the in- fluence of Michael Angelo and Raphael (unfinished); *3. Correggio , Madonna, named la Zingarella (gipsy, from the headgear) or del Coniglio (rabbit), a charming idyllic composition , painted about 1520 ; 4. Ant. van Dyck , Portrait ; *5. Titian , Danae, painted at Rome in 1545, a voluptuous work, showing the master — at sixty- eight — « still triumphing over every difficulty of art and possessed of all his youthful vigour ; 6. Correggio (?), The Child Christ asleep. *7. Correggio , Betrothal of St. Catharine with the Infant Christ. This work, painted in 1517-18, is known as ‘II piccolo Sposalizio 1 in contra-distinction to the picture at the Louvre. ‘The religious meaning of the legend has sunk entirely into the background-, the idea of the ecstatic vision of the Virgin saint, in which the betrothal symbolises the renunciation of the present and consecration for eternity, is lost in a cheerful scene of natural life 1 . — 4 Correggio by Dr. Julius Meyer. *8. Titian , Pope Paul III., painted in 1543, and in excellent preservation. 76 Route d. NAPLES. Museum. ‘The pontiffs likeness is that of a strong man, gaunt and dry from age .... A forehead high and endless, a nose both long and slender, expanding to a flat drooping bulb with flabby nostrils overhanging the mouth, an eye peculiarly small and bleary, a large and thin-lipped mouth, display the character of Paul Farnese as that of a fox whose wariness could seldom be at fault. The height of his frame, its size and sinew, still give him an imposing air, to which Titian has added by drapery admirable in its account of the under forms, splendid in the contrasts of its reds in velvet chair and silken stole and rochet, and subtle in the delicacy of its lawn whites.... The quality of life and pulsation so often conveyed in Titian’s pictures is here in its highest development .... Both face and hands are models of execution, models of balance of light and shade and harmonious broken tones’. — ‘ Titian \ by Crowe & Cavalcciselle. Ascribed to Correggio (erroneously), 9. Sketch of a Descent from the Cross; 10. Madonna and Child. *11. Titian , Philip II., probably painted in 1552-3 from a sketch made at Augsburg in 1550 by order of Charles V. The first painting from this sketch was sent to England to assist Philip in his suit for the hand of Mary Tudor, and is now at Madrid; the Naples picture is the second version, and is hardly inferior to the first. Ribera , 12. St. Sebastian, 13. St. Jerome listening to the trumpet of judgment, 14. St. Jerome; 15. Quercino , Magdalene; 16. Rubens , Monk. VI. Room is devoted to the Collection of Engravings (formed of the Firmian collection), consisting of 19,300 examples in 227 portfolios, which are exhibited by the custodian on appli- cation. This room also contains an admirable *Bust of Dante in bronze, said to have been modelled from a cast taken from the poet’s features after death, and three busts of Pope Paul IV. (Ca- raffa) by Giuliano della Porta . On the walls are hung several ^Drawings and sketches by great masters, among which may be mentioned : Michael Angelo , Group from the frescoes in the Cappella Paolina at Rome ; Raphael , Madonna col divino amore (see below); Michael Angelo , Yenus and Cupid; Raphael , Moses at the burning bush. VII. Room. 1. Ann. Carracci , Pieta(copy); 2. Schidone , St. Sebastian ; 3. Jac. Bassano , Raising of Lazarus ; *5. Giulio Ro- mano , Holy Family, called Madonna del Gatto; 6. Parmigianino , Madonna (‘a tempera’); *7. Giov. Bellini, Transfiguration, with beautiful landscape; 10. Marcello Venusti , Copy of Michael An- gelo’s Last Judgment, before its disfigurement; *11. Perugino , Madonna; 12. Andrea del $ar£o(?), Pope Clement VII.; 15. Luini , Madonna; *16. Giov . Bellini , Portrait; *17. Raphael (?), Portrait of the Cavaliere Tibaldeo. *19. Andrea del Sarto , Copy of Raphael’s portrait of Leo X., with Cardinals Giulio de’ Medici and Rossi (1524). This admirable copy was sent by Clement VII. to the Marcliese Federigo Gonzaga of Mantua instead of the original he had promised (now in the Pitti at Florence), and afterwards came to Naples. Even Giulio Romano was deceived, till his attention was directed to a sign made on the copy by Andrea del Sarto to distinguish the two works. Messrs. Museum. NAPLES. 4. Route . 77 Crowe and Cavalcaselle miss in this work ‘the perfect keeping, ease, grandeur, modelling, and relief of form’, which characterise the original. *21. Raphael (?), Portrait of Cardinal Passerini; *22. Raphael , Holy Family (Madonna col divino amore), of the master’s Roman period; 24. Pietro Novelli , snrnamed Monrealese , Trinity; 26. Garofalo , Descent from the Cross ; *28. Palma Vecchio , Madonna with St. Jerome, John the Baptist, and donors, the most successful of the master’s ‘holy conversations’, a noble composition sparkling with light in the dresses and landscape (C. & C.) ; 30. Domeni- chino, Guardian angel ; 31. Bronzino , Holy Family; *32. Claude , Landscape, with accessories by Lauri; 34. Pinturicchio , As- sumption; 36. Titian, Repentant Magdalene ; 40. Leandro B assano, Portrait of a Farnese ; 41. Parmigianino , Portrait; 43. Guercino , St. Francis of Assisi ; 44. Andrea da Salerno, St. Benedict enthroned between SS. Placidus and Maurus, below the four great Church Fathers ; 47. Guido Rent, Race between Atalanta and Hippomenes ; 49. Bourguignon, Battle; 51. Jac. Bassano, Raising of Lazarus; 52. Mignard, Portrait of a prelate; 53. School of Andrea del Sarto, Architect (Bramante?) showing a design to a nobleman; 55. Salv. Rosa, Battle ; 57. Seb. del Piombo, Portrait of Pope Hadrian VI. of Utrecht (1522-23) ; 58. Tintoretto, Don John of Austria ; 59. Ribera, Silenus and satyrs; 61. Fra Bartolommeo, Assumption (1516). VIII. Room. 4. Crayon copy of Velazquez's ‘Drinkers’, at Ma- drid; 11. Guido Reni, The Seasons; 24. Bronzino, Cupid and Bacchante. Returning to the exit, we may obtain, to the left, in passing, a glimpse through the central staircase at the principal hall of the Library . The collection embraces about 200,000 printed volumes and 4000 MSS. Catalogues for the use of visitors, by Cirillo and Jannelli. Besides numerous ancient Italian works there are several valuable Greek and Latin MSS. (Greek, Lycophron’s Alexandra, Quintus Smyrnseus, date 1311, etc.; Latin, Charisius, Ars grammatica, the half burned MS. of Festus, a mass-book with beautiful miniatures of fruit and flowers , called la Flora, etc.). In the principal hall the custodian awakens a remarkably fine echo. Books are not lent out , but within the library three may be used at a time (9-3 o’clock). Readers enter from the street (not through the museum) by the last door in the building, and ascend by the staircase to the right. The W. half of the Upper Floor, reached from the Grand Stair- case by ascending to the right, contains the precious relics, coins, half of the pictures, vases, and small bronzes. From the passage at the head of the staircase we turn to the right into a room containing the collection of Gold and Silver Ornaments and Gems. By the Window, the celebrated *Tazza Farnese, a vessel of onyx with beautiful reliefs, the largest of its kind. On the out- side a large Medusa’s head in relief; in the inside a group of seven persons, referred by some to the occasion of an inundation of the Nile, by others to a festival in spring, instituted by Alexander at the foundation of Alexandria. 7 8 Route 4 . NAPLES. Museum . Tables in the Centre. The first near the window contains the Cameos , or stones cut in relief, many of which are very inter- esting : *16. Zeus in conflict with the Titans, by Anthemion ; 32. Head of Medusa ; 44. A fine head of Augustus ; 65. Part of the group of the Farnese hull, said to have been used as a model at its restoration; below it, 1857. Head of a Yestal. — Adjacent are the Intagli , or stones on which the designs recede (so placed that the designs are seen through the stone) : 209. Ajax and Cassandra ; 213. Apollo and Marsyas; *392. Bacchante. — A table in the next row also contains cameos and intaglios. — There is also an in- teresting table containing ancient Rings , including a gold ring with a male portrait, possibly of Brutus, with the artist’s name Anaxilas. Three Cabinets by the wall to the right of the entrance contain well-executed Objects in Silver : Vases, goblets, tablets, spoons, buckles; also objects in ivory, medallion reliefs, etc. In the 1st Cabinet, six fine large vases. In the 2nd Cabinet, in the second compartment, six goblets with foliage, and a small sun-dial. In the 3rd Cabinet , in the upper compartment, vase in the shape of a mortar, with the apotheosis of Homer; three handsome tripods; rings from Greek tombs at Armento in the Basilicata; silver plate from the house of Meleager at Pompeii, including two handsome goblets with centaurs. Along the opposite wall, Objects in Gold. 1st Cabinet by the window, above, on the right: Nos. 1-4. Chain, bracelet, and a pair of earrings which were found with a female skeleton in the house of Diomedes at Pompeii ; then, 186, 187. Two cloak-clasps ; two massive buckles in the form of serpents ; diadem from Venosa ; handsome necklaces, etc. Adjacent, on a column, under glass : large gold lamp from Pompeii, admirably executed and well pre- served. On a second column , also under glass : *Gold trinkets from a tomb at Taranto. Between the columns, gold ornaments from Pompeii, some of them embellished with pearls and precious stones. In the 2nd Cabinet, numerous gold rings, earrings, objects in crystal, etc. The next door to the right leads to the Reserved Cabinet (Rac- colta Pornografica ), to which men only are admitted ; it contains mural and other paintings not adapted for public exhibition, and numerous bronzes, some of them of considerable artistic merit. Opposite the collection of Precious Relics , on the left side of the passage, is the Collection of Coins (Medagliere), which is of almost unrivalled value and extent. The First Room contains the Greek , the Second and Third the Ro- man , the Fourth the mediaeval coins , and the Fifth the dies of the Neapolitan mint, together with a numismatic library. Catalogues are placed over the glass-cases for the use of visitors. In the corners: Busts of distinguished numismatists. — The Museo Santangelo (p. 80) adjoins the 5th room, but is not accessible thence. Museum . NAPLES. 4. Route . 79 We next proceed in a straight direction from the above-named passage to the comparatively uninteresting Second Section of the Picture Gallery, containing works of the Neapolitan, later Italian, and foreign schools. Room I. (Bolognese School). 1. Lavinia Fontana , Christ and the Samaritan woman ; 3. Ann. Carracci , Madonna and Child with St. Francis, painted on Oriental agate ; 9. Guido Reni, Ulysses and Nausicaa; 15. Lionello Spada , Cain and Abel; 38. Francesco Romanelli , Sibyl; 43. Ann. Carracci , Caricature of Caravaggio as a savage with a parrot and a dwarf, in the corner Carracci himself ; 47. Guercino , Peter weeping; 55. Ann. Carracci , Rinaldo and Ar- mida; 69. M. Caravaggio , Judith and Holophernes ; 71. Ann. Car- racci^ Landscape with St. Eustachius. Room II. (Tuscan School). 2. Jac. Pontormo , Copy of a Ma- donna by Andrea del Sarto; 5 . Sodoma, Resurrection of Christ; 23. Filippo Mazzuola (of Parma), Pieta, and saints; 27. Lor. di Credi , Nativity; 31. Matteo da Siena, Massacre of the Innocents (dated 1482); 32. Florentine School, Madonna enthroned ; 34. Flo- rentine School, Pope Liberius founding S. Maria Maggiore (ad nives) at Rome; Ang. Bronzino , 42. Young nobleman, 55. Female portrait. Room III. (Neapolitan School of the 14th, 15th, and 16th cent- uries). Pietro del Donzello , 1. Christ crucified between the two male- factors, 3. St. Martin ; 7. Antonio Solario, surnamed Lo Zingaro, Madonna and Child under a canopy, surrounded by eight saints ; 21, 25, 32. Simone Papa, Crucifixion and Saints; 24. Andrea ( Sabbatini) da Salerno, Miracles of St. Nicholas of Bari, sadly da- maged ; *33. Andrea da Salerno, Adoration of the Magi, marked by all the freshness and grace of the S. Italian school, but also by the characteristically slight attention paid by it to correct handling. — Adjoining the third room are two rooms containing Byzantine and early Tuscan works, most of them badly preserved and freely restored, and Neapolitan paintings of the 13th and 14th centuries. Room IY. (Neapolitan School of the 16-18th centuries). 1. Do- menico Gargiulo, surnamed Micco Spadaro , Revolt of Masaniello in the Piazza del Mercato at Naples in 1647 ; 5. Gian Filippo Criscuolo , Adoration of the Magi ; 22, 27, 28, 30. Works by Luca Giordano ; 37. Massimo Stanzioni, Adoration of the Shepherds ; 54. L. Giordano, St. Francis Xavier baptizing the Indians (painted in three days); 56. Traversa, Girl with doves; 63. Pacecco di Rosa, Madonna delle Grazie ; 64. Jose Ribera, surnamed Spagno- letto, St. Bruno adoring the Holy Child, on copper; 66. Pietro Novelli, surnamed Monrealese, Judith and Holophernes ; 71. Luca Giordano, Madonna del Rosario, and saints ; 72. Dom. Gargiulo, The smoker; 75. Giordano, Pope Alexander II. consecrating the church of Monte Casino ; 76. Giordano, Christ shown to the people (after Purer). — The large walnut cabinet in the centre of the 80 Route 4. NAPLES. Museum. room, adorned with carved reliefs from the life of St. Augustine, dates from the 16th cent, and was formerly in the sacristy of the monastery of S. Agostino degli Scalzi. It contains mediaeval and Renaissance ivory carvings, engraved rock-crystals, miniatures, and the like, most of which were once in possession of the Farnese family. A cabinet by the wall of the exit, from the same church, contains majolicas from Urbino and elsewhere. By the window : the *Cassetta Farnese in gilded silver, executed by Giovanni de Bemardi da Castelbolognese , a goldsmith of Bologna (d. 1555), with six large and beautifully cut stones representing Meleager and Atalanta , Procession of the Indian Bacchus, Circus games, Battle of Amazons, Battle of the Centaurs and Lapithse, Battle of Salamis. — By the other window : Small Diana on the stag, in gilded silver, with clock-work, probably the toy of some juvenile prince. Room Y. (German and Flemish Schools). *3. Low German Master (catalogued as Lucas van Leyden ), Adoration of the Magi ; 31. Alb. Diirerf?), Nativity; 40. Lucas Cranach , Christ and the adulteress ; 42. Amberger (?), Portrait ; *44. Hubert van Eyck (?), St. Jerome extracting a thorn from the paw of a lion, one of the finest early Flemish paintings in Italy , but not to be ascribed to Hubert with absolute certainty ; 51. Ascribed to Holbein , A cardi- nal ; *53. Low German Master , Crucifixion ; 54. Pieter Brueghel the Elder , Parable of the seven blind men. Room YI. (Netherlands Schools): *1. Style of Rembrandt , Por- trait; 12. Ascribed to Van Dyck, Portrait of a nobleman; 17. Rem- brandt (?), Portrait of himself; 19. Frans Snyders , Hunting scene ; 36. School of Van Dyck , Crucifix; 61. Collection of miniatures of the House of Farnese; *73. Mich. Mierevelt , Portrait; 78. Ferd. Bol , Portrait; 83. Ascribed to Van Dyck , Portrait of a Princess Egmont ; 89. Yilla Medici at Rome in 1615. — Entrance hence into the collection of bronzes, see p. 82. From the 5th Room of the paintings we enter a circular room, the first of the collection of vases (see below), and pass thence to the left into the Museo Santangelo, which occupies three rooms. This museum was formerly in the Pal. Santangelo, but was purchased by the city of Naples in 1865 and placed under the care of the Museo Nazionale. 1st Room': Vases. In the cabinet in the centre, a vase with Baccha- nalian scene. In the middle of the cabinet on the left, Bacchanalian feast with an armed dancing woman. To the right by the window a "Cabinet with drinking-horns (rhyta). 2nd Room : Terracottas and Small Bronzes. On the left , by the entrance, a vase from Nola, with the return of Hephaestus to Olympus. 3rd Room : Collection of Coins , one of the most extensive in Italy (about 43,000 in number), particularly valuable on account of its ancient Ita- lian specimens. Catalogue by Fiorelli. On the table in the middle of the room an interesting selection of l aes grave 1 and other Italian coins. Also several large vases: by the window a vase with Pelops and (Eno- maus. In the centre a vase with Orpheus in the infernal regions. Oppo- Museum. NAPLES. 4. Route. 81 site the entrance, to the right, "'Mercury and Spes, relief - mosaics from Metapontum, unique of their kind. Cock-light. We now return to the ** Collection of Vases, which begins with the circular room mentioned above , and occupies seven rooms. It is very extensive and valuable, and is particularly rich in specimens of the handsome vases of Lower Italy. The specimens placed by themselves on short columns are the finest in the collection. — As Greek vase-painting was adopted by the Etruscans and modified according to the national taste, so this branch of art was strongly influenced in Lower Italy, and especially in Apulia, by the peculiar character of its inhab- itants. The vases here are of large and imposing dimensions, and the artists , not satisfied with the decoration of paint- ing alone, have frequently superadded reliefs to adorn the necks and handles. Their aim appears to have been to cover, if pos- sible , the entire surface of thd vase with the colours. The different series of representations, one above another, which they bear, are often without connection ; or the centre is occupied by an architectural design and surrounded irregularly with groups. The figures are generally of a somewhat effeminate mould, and great care appears to have been bestowed on the delineation of rich but scantily folded garments. The representations are for the most part borrowed from the ancient Greek tragedy, but in some cases scenes of a more Italian character are observed. The period of their manufacture is believed to have been shortly after the reign of Alexander the Great. The floors of the rooms are paved with ancient, but freely restored Mosaics. — The numbers given in the following enumer- ation are those on yellow paper affixed to the vases. 1st Room. The vases in the 2nd and 3rd cabinets (to the right, counting from the entrance from the picture-gallery), and the three placed on columns in front of them are specimens of the earliest stage of this art. They are of a yellowish colour, orna- mented with two rows of plants or animals of brownish or black colour, and are round or oval in form. The 1st and 4th cabinets contain Etruscan, the others Greek vases, some of them beautifully shaped, but nearly all black and unpainted. 2nd Room. Pavement from the house of Diomedes at Pompeii. By the window two models of tombs , which illustrate the manner in which the vases were discovered. As the ornaments, weapons, etc., of the deceased were deposited with his remains in the tomb, so also were these vases which had adorned his home ; in some cases, however, the nature of the subjects leads to the conclusion that they were manufactured for this express purpose. By the entrance, to the right, 1587. Electra and Orestes mourning at the tomb of Agamemnon. 2711. Hunt of Meleager. On the left, 3231. Condemnation of Marsyas. On the right, 2034. Orestes Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 6 82 Route 4. NAPLES. Museum. seeking refuge from the Furies at the statue of Artemis; to the right, on a tripod, *2718. Yase from Ruvo, the largest yet dis- covered , adorned with a battle of Amazons and Greeks ; on the right, 2258. Marriage of Bacchus and Ariadne (from Ruvo) ; to the left of the exit, 2028. Hercules carrying off the tripod, pursued by Apollo. 3rd Room. On the right, 1183. Beautiful vase, partly ribbed, but little painted; on the left, 2716. Large vase with the death of Archemorus; 2717. Large vase, with Artemis in a chariot drawn by stags. 4th Room. On the right, in the corner, 2709. Ajax and Cas- sandra; on the second column, on the right, 2883. Perseus releas- ing Andromeda; 2021. Tereus on horseback pursuing Procne and Philomela; 2033. Marriage of Bacchus and Ariadne. In the corner, 2710. Achilles with the body of Hector. Farther on, to the left, 2882. The celebrated large vase of Darius from Canosa: Darius planning the conquest of Greece ; above is Hellas, at whose side Athene and Zeus are standing ; beneath are the Persian provinces on which subsidies are levied for the war, with accompanying names. On the left, one of the largest vases in the collection ; to the left of the last, 2774. Funeral sacrifice of Patroclus. 5th Room. On the right, by the entrance, 2347. Apotheosis of Hercules. On the second column , to the right, 2027. Orestes in the temple of Artemis; 2350. Large vase with Bacchanalian sacri- fice and battle of Centaurs. 2712. Rape of the golden fleece (from Paestum). To the left, farther on, *2357 (under glass), Yase with lid, Bacchanalian sacrifice; *2359. Battle of Amazons; *2360 (un- der glass), Destruction of Troy ; the last three being from Nola. 6th Room. Several vases and large basins from Nola, Ban, and other places. By the window, under a glass shade, *Lecythus (vase for ointment) with reliefs of Marsyas and Apollo. 7th Room : In the centre a large vase from Altamura, with Or- pheus in the infernal regions. In the corners, vases from Ruvo. — The entrance hence to the small bronzes is closed. We therefore proceed to the principal entrance in the 6th room of the picture- gallery (p. 80). The collection of the ** Small Bronzes, the finest of its kind in existence , consists chiefly of household utensils , lamps, candelabra, tools of all kinds, musical and surgical instruments, weapons, etc., most of them found at Pompeii, and is admirably adapted to convey an idea of the life and habits of the ancient Italians. The use of most of the objects is too obvious to require explanation. 1st Room: The most valuable objects are in the centre. On a marble table, a * Candelabrum from the villa of Diomedes, consist- ing of a small Bacchus riding on a panther and a pilaster adorn- ed with a mask and bucranium (skull of an ox), on a square pede- Riviera di Chiaja. NAPLES. 4. Route. 83 stal; the lamps hang from four branches ; those at present placed there are not the original. In the central group, near the entrance, a large chair. At the adjoining corner: Table-support , with Vic- toria bearing a trophy. Farther on, parallel with the window-wall and by the windows : Bisellia (seats of honour) decorated with heads of horses and swans, and a large shallow Dish with inlaid silver ornaments. At the third corner of the central group, a * Tri- pod for sacrifices, richly decorated, from the temple of Isis at Pom- peii. Then iron Stocks from the gladiators’ barracks at Pompeii, near which three skeletons were found. At the next corner : Por- table Cooking-stove ; Baths. Large Brazier from the Tepidarium of the small Thermae at Pompeii (p. 135), ornamented with a cow’s head, the armorial bearings of the founder M. Nigidius Vaccula. — In the cabinets to the right of the entrance, handsome lamps, and candelabra above. 2nd. Room : A * Model of Pompeii, faithfully representing the ruins , on a scale of 1 : 100 , but still unfinished. — Along the walls numerous bronze vessels and candelabra. 3rd Room : A Triclinium , or three dining-sofas , each for three persons (the table was placed in the middle). Three Money-chests , which were once used in the atrium of an ancient house, from Pompeii. V . Modern Quarters : Chiaja, Villa Nazionale, Corso Vittorio Emanuele. — Castel S. Elmo. The modern quarters of Naples, which form the chief resort of foreign visitors , extend to the W. of the heights of Pizzo- falcone and S. Elmo, along the base and on the slope of the Posilipo (p. 90), and are bounded on the S. by the sea. Nearest the coast runs the Chiaja , and on the hill farther back is the Corso Vittorio Emanuele. The *Riviera di Chiaja (PI. D-P>, 6), generally known simply as La Chiaja (i. e. ‘plaga’; so too in Sicily ‘chiazza’ for ‘piazza’), begins at the Largo della Vittoria (PI. D, 6 ; p. 34), at the point where the piazza is entered by the Strada S. Cmterina a Chiaja coming from the Toledo (p. 42). From this point it extends westwards along the coast for upwards of 1 M., being flanked on one side by handsome hotels and other buildings, and on the other by the pleasure-grounds of the Villa Nazionale. The Chiaja, the Rotten Row of Naples , is one of the liveliest streets in the city, particularly on Sunday and holiday evenings in fine weather, when it is thronged with carriages of every description, from the light two-wheeled ‘corricolo’ to the elegant barouche and the lumbering omnibus, while numerous riders prance along the course set apart for them, and the neighbouring grounds of the Villa are crowded with foot-passengers. 6 * 84 Roure 4. NAPLES. Aquarium. The * Villa Nazionale, formerly Villa Reale , generally called La Villa , formerly situated close to the sea, hut now separated from it by a wide quay, is a beautiful pleasure-ground, affording the principal promenade at Naples. It was laid out in 1780, ex- tended in 1807 and 1834, and again considerably enlarged since 1875. The grounds are arranged chiefly in the Italian style, and are embellished with trees of the most various descriptions, among which a few handsome palms are particularly noticeable. The sculptures intended for the decoration of the grounds, being in- different imitations of ancient and modern works , do not deserve inspection. The Villa is comparatively deserted during the day, but presents a busy and gay scene at hours when the daily con- certs (gratis) take place : viz., in the colder season 2-4, in summer 9-11 p.m. In the evening, when lighted with gas, enlivened by the music, and fanned by the cool sea-breeze, these grounds afford a good idea of the charms of an Italian summer night (chairs 10 c. ; cafes, see p. 22). Entering the grounds by the principal approach in the Largo della Vittoria, and walking up the broad central path, we first come to a large Antique Granite Basin from Paestum, brought from Salerno, and deposited here in 1825 to replace the celebrated group of the Farnese Bull, which was then removed from this spot to the Museum (p. 64). To the right, farther on, is the studio of Signor Maldarelli, the painter. We next pass the Aquarium on the left (see below). In the centre of the promenade, the most frequented spot, where the band plays, are several cafes. Here also rises a statue of the historian Giambattista Vico (d. 1744), recently erected. We next observe a mediocre statue of P. Colletta, the liberal- minded Neapolitan general, minister-of-war, and historian (1775- 1831), erected in 1866. Farther on, to the right, is a small temple in honour of Virgil (p. 86), and another to the left dedicated to the memory of Tasso. At the end of the gardens is a statue of Thalberg , the pianist, who died at Naples in 1871. The white building in the middle of the Villa contains a large *Aquarium, ojftned in 1874, and belonging to the ‘ Zoological Sta- tion'. The aquarium (opened at 9 a.m.) is on the ground-floor of the building,- and is entered from the side next to the Castel dell' Ovo (admission 2 fr. from 1st Sept, to 30th June; 1 fr. from 1st July to 31st Aug. ; season-tickets sold at the office). The Neapolitan Aquarium contains such an abundant stock of curious marine animals of every description, that it is perhaps the most inter- esting establishment of the kind in the world ; and the wonderful variety of animate existence in the Mediterranean gives it a great advantage over aquaria drawing their main supplies from more northern waters. Among the contents are 6-8 varieties of cuttle-fish (the feeding of the large Oc- topus is interesting) , a number of electric rays (which visitors are per- mitted to touch so as to experience the shock from which the fish derives its name), numerous beautifully coloured fish of the Mediterranean, a Chiesa del Sannazaro. NAPLES. 4 . Route. 85 great many different kinds of living coral, beautiful Medusae and crested blubbers, many extraordinary- looking crabs and crayfish, pipe-fish, etc. The Zoological Station was established by the German naturalist Dr. Dohrn in 1872-74 for the purpose of facilitating a thorough scientific investigation of the animal and vegetable world of the Mediterranean Sea. The greater part of the expense was borne by Dr. Dohrn himself, but the German government has repeatedly contributed large subsidies, and the naturalists of Great Britain presented the institution with a sum of 1000 1. A yearly income of about 1500;. is now derived from the stipends paid by most of the European governments, Cambridge University, etc., for the privilege of sending naturalists to make use of the advantages of the in- stitution. The resident staff of the establishment consists of Dr. Dohrn himself, seven permanent naturalists, and upwards of twenty assistants of various kinds. A small steam-yacht and a flotilla of sailing and rowing-boats are maintained for dredging, and the other equipments are also on a scale of great completeness. About 150 foreign naturalists have already prosecuted their investigations here. The institution publishes extensive periodical proceedings , sends microscopic and other preparations to all the leading museums and laboratories in Europe, and in various ways has fairly asserted itself as the central point for the study of marine biology. From the point where the Villa ends to the extremity of the Chiaja is about 74 M. The street divides here: the Strada di Pie- digrotta , in a straight direction , leads to the Grotta di Posilipo (see p. 87); and to the left diverges the Mergellina, forming a continuation of the Chiaja, and consisting of a long row of houses and villas on the slopes of the Posilipo and on the coast. This forms the beginning of the Strada Nuova di Posilipo (p . 90) , which commands a succession of delightful views. Nearly 74 M. from the above-mentioned bifurcation of the streets , the Corso Vittorio Emanuele diverges to the right (p. 87; ordinary cab-fares thus far; also omnibuses). About 74 M. farther, on the right, before the street turns a corner, we observe above us the small Chiesa del Sannazaro, or S. Maria del Parto. (We ascend the approach to the church and mount the steps to the left, which lead in three flights to the terrace above the houses Nos. 10-17.) The church stands on the site of a small estate which King Frederick II. of Arragon presented in 1496 to the poet Jacopo Sannazaro (b. at Naples, 1458), for whom he entertained the highest regard. After his villa had been de- stroyed by the French, the aged poet caused the church to be erected by monks of the Servite order in 1529. It derives its name from his Latin poem, ‘De partu Virginis’ (Naples, 1526). The church contains a high-altar and six chapels. In the 1st chapel to the right, St. Michael overcoming Satan, by Leonardo da Pistoja. The devil is represented with the features of a woman of whom Diomedes Carafa, Bishop of Ariano, was once passionately enamoured, and is popularly known as 41 diavolo di Mergellina’. Behind the high-altar is the monu- ment of the poet (d. 1530), executed by Fra Giovanni da Montorsoli from a design by Girolamo Santacroce. At the sides Apollo and Minerva, pop- ularly believed to be David and Judith; on a bas-relief between them Neptune and Pan, with Fauns, satyrs, and nymphs singing and playing, an allusion to Sannazaro’s poem ‘Arcadia’ ; above is the richly decorated sarco- phagus with the bust of the poet, which bears his academic name : Actius Sincerus. The inscription at the base of the monument by Bembo ‘Maroni 86 Route 4. NAPLES. Tomb of Virgil. . . . Musa proximus ut tumulo’ alludes to the poet’s having imitated Virgil. His principal works are idyls, elegies, and epigrams in Latin. To the right, farther on, rises the Villa Angri. On the left (I /2 M. from the Chiesa del Sannazaro) , we next observe near the sea the picturesque ruins of the Palazzo di Down Anna (erro- neously called that of the Regina Giovanna), begun in the 17th cent, by Fansaga for Donna Anna Carafa, wife of the viceroy Duke of Medina, on the site of a former palace of the princes of Stigliano, but never completed. To the left, on the coast, just be- fore reaching the Palazzo di Donn’ Anna , we pass the Trattoria dello Scoglio delle Sirene, and just beyond it is the Trattoria dello Scoglio di Frisio , both mentioned at p. 23. Boats for returning are generally to be found below the restaurants : to the Villa P/ 2 , to the town 2-3 fr. ; Cab from the Piazza del Plebiscito to the Frisio 1 fr. (bargain necessary). The tramway-cars also pass the Villa on their way to the Villa Canonica. For the continuation of this street, see pp. 90, 91. The Strada di Piedigrotta (PI. B, A, 7), which forms the prolongation of the Chiaja in a straight direction, gradually ascends from the bifurcation mentioned at p. 85 to the hill of Posilipo. In 5 min. we reach the small piazza where the Corso Yittorio Ema- nuele diverges (p. 87). At this point rises the church of S. Maria di Piedigrotta , a building of the 13th cent., but much altered, and finally restored in 1850 after the return of Pius IX. from Gaeta. It contains a very old picture of the Madonna, and an interesting Pieta in the Flemish-Neapolitan style , the wings evidently exe- cuted under Sienese influence (2nd chapel to the right). — The popular festival of the ‘Yergine di Piedigrotta’, celebrated here on 7th-8th Sept., having been instituted in 1745 in commemoration of the victory gained over the Austrians in the previous year by Charles III. at Yelletri, has lost much of its original importance since the unification of Italy. About 3 min. farther, beyond the point where the road turns to the left, we observe on the left, between the smiths’ forges, below No. 9, the entrance to the so-called Tomb of Virgil, a Roman columbarium situated on the hill, the genuineness of which, however, as the great poet’s last resting-place is extremely questionable. The custodian is generally on the spot (adm. 1 fr. ; gratuity 6-8 soldi). The tomb-chamber, to which a long flight of steps ascends, contains nothing worth seeing, but the hill commands a beautiful view of the bay. The visit occupies 25-30 minutes. The tomb contains a chamber about 16 ft. square, with three win- dows and vaulted ceiling. In the walls are ten recesses for cinerary urns, and in the principal wall, which has been destroyed, there appears to have been one of greater size. The name of the monument is without satisfactory historical foundation, but probability and local tradition favour the assumption that this was Virgil’s last resting-place. The poet, as he himself informs us, here composed his immortal works, the Georgies and the iEneid, and he unquestionably possessed a villa on the Posilipo, and by his express wish was interred here after his death at Brundisium, B.C. 19, on his return from Greece, Petrarch is said to have visited this spot Grotta di Posilipo. NAPLES. 4. Route. 87 accompanied by King Robert, and to have planted a laurel, which at the beginning of the present century fell a prey to the knives of curiosity- mongers, and has since been replaced. It is on record that in 1326 the tomb was in a good state of preservation, and contained a marble urn with nine small pillars, the frieze of which bore the well-known inscription : — Mantua me genuit, Calabri rapuere, tenet nunc Parthenope : cecini pascua, rura, duces. Of all this no trace now remains. In 1530, however, Cardinal Bembo's epitaph on the poet Sannazaro (see p. 85) proves that he believed in the genuineness of this tomb; and the following inscription, which is still legible, was accordingly placed on it in 1554 : — Qui cineres ? tumuli hsec vestigia : conditur olim Ille hie qui cecinit pascua, rura, duces. The road now ascends in a curve and reaches the Grotta di Posilipo, or Grotta di Pozzuoli (PI. A, 7), a tunnel probably con- structed in the reign of Augustus. It is mentioned by Seneca and Petronius, under Nero, as a narrow and gloomy pass. Mediaeval superstition attributed it to magic arts practised by Virgil. King Alphonso I. (about 1442) enlarged the opening by lowering the level of the road, and caused it to be ventilated ; a century later Don Petro de Toledo caused the road to be paved ; and it was again paved and improved by Charles III. (1754). The length of the passage, which is always lighted with gas, is 757 yds. 5 height at the E. entrance about 87 ft., varying in the interior from 20 to 50 ft. 5 breadth 21-32 ft. Small chapels are situated at the entrance and in the middle. On a few days in March and November the sun shines directly through the grotto, producing a magic illumination. At the egress of the Grotta di Posilipo is situated the village of Fuorigrotta , with numerous osterie, where several roads diverge. A new road to the right leads to Capodimonte (p. 43). The sec- ond leads to the village of Pianura (p. 93) ; a third road leads to the Lago d’Agnano, and that in a straight direction to Bagnoli (p. 96). At the W. end of Fuorigrotta is the small church of S. Vitale , containing a simple monument to the distinguished philologist and poet Count Giacomo Leopardi, who died at Naples in 1837. Opposite the N.W. corner of the Museum, as mentioned at p. 43, the Strada Salvator Rosa (PI. D, E, 3), formerly named Str. dell’ Infrascata, ascends the heights of S. Elmo and the Po- silipo. Donkeys may be hired at the foot of the hill, and also farther up : to S. Martino l-D /2 fr. (as quick as a carriage, or quicker). The road ascends in zigzags. After 10 minutes’ walk we reach the small Piazza Salvator Rosa (omnibus-station, see p. 25), where the Str. Salvator Rosa turns to the right (see p. 92). In a straight direction begins here the new *Corso Vittorio Emanuele (PI. D, 4, 5; C, 5, 6 ; B, A, 6 ), which is carried by means of windings and several viaducts round the hills of S. Elmo and the Posilipo. It then skirts the slopes for some distance, and at length gradually descends to the Piazza di Piedigrotta (p. 86 ) and the Mergellina (p. 85), commanding admirable views of the 88 Route 4. NAPLES. S. Martino. town, the bay, and Mt. Vesuvius. The road was begun by the Bourbons for military purposes (to afford a protected communi- cation between the Castel S. Elmo and the city), but has only recently been completed. Owing to the openness and healthiness of the situation, houses are rapidly springing up along this road. The distance from the Piazza Salvator Rosa to S. Maria di Piedigrotta is upwards of 2^2 M. (pleasanter for a drive than a walk). From the Corso a number of lanes descend, some of them by means of steps, to the lower part of the city. Those diverging from the first third of the road lead to the Toledo, those from the last third descend to the Chiaja. About i /2 M. from the Piazza Salvator Rosa, beyond the viaduct and a bend in the Corso , a road diverging to the right beyond a red house (Salita di S. Martino) ascends to the Castel S. Elmo and S. Martino. It soon narrows to a path ascending by means of steps, and towards the end by zigzags, and leads to the entrance of the fort in */ 4 hr. About M. farther the Salita del Petrajo , another lane with steps, also ascends to the right from the Corso Vitt. Emanuele to S. Martino and S. Elmo. At the top we turn to the right and soon reach the entrance to S. Elmo. This is the shortest route to the castle from the new quarters on the Chiaja (donkeys for hire at the foot of the Salita). — A much easier, but longer route is by the carriage-road, following the Str. Salvator Rosa to the small chapel of S. Maria Costantinopolitana (PL C, 4; p. 91), diverging there to the left, turning to the left again, and then to the right. Carriage to S. Martino, with one horse 1^2? with two horses 2*/ 4 fr., see p. 24. On entering the precincts of the fortifications, we first pro- ceed to the suppressed Carthusian monastery of — *S. Martino (PI. D, 5), which is not less remarkable for the beauty of its situation and its views , than for the great value of its contents. It was begun in 1325 by Duke Charles of Calabria, but was entirely rebuilt in the 17th cent. Since its dissolution, the monastery has been placed under the management of the Museo Nazionale, and is shown daily, 9-4 o’clock (adm. 1 fr. ; Sun. free). Beyond the ticket-office lies tbe monastery court. We turn to the left here, and reach the church by passing through a corridor and the Coro dei Laid Conversi. The Church, which consists of a nave with three chapels on each side, is richly embellished with marble. On the ceiling is an Ascension, and between the windows the Twelve Apostles, by Lanfranco. Over the principal entrance a "Descent from the Cross by Stanzioni (damaged), and next to it Moses and Elias by Spagnoletto. The Twelve Apostles above the arches of the chapels , by the same artist. Frescoes of the choir by the Cavaliere d' Arpino. The Crucifixion by Lanfranco. Nativity, unfinished, by Guido Reni (who died during the progress of the work). On the sides : to the left , Communion of the Apostles, by Spagnoletto (in the style of Paolo Veronese), and Christ washing the disciples’ feet, by Caracciolo ; to the right, the same subject by Stanzioni , and Institution of the Eucharist, by the pupils of P. Veronese. The marble decorations of Castel Santf Elmo. NAPLES. 4. Route . 89 the church, twelve different roses of Egyptian granite, after Cosimo Fansaga of Carrara, the beautiful mosaic marble pavement by Presti , and the high-altar by Solimena also merit inspection. — The Sacristy, entered to the left from the choir, is adorned with intarsias by Bonaventura Presto , and paintings by the Cavaliere d'Arpino, Stanzioni , and Caravaggio. — Beyond it is the Tesoro, containing as an altar-piece a "Descent from the Cross, the master-piece of Spagnoletto , fine in colouring and admirable for its delineation of pain ; on the ceiling Judith, by Luca Giordano, said to have been painted in 48 hrs., when the artist was in his 72nd year. Opposite the sacristy, to the right of the choir, is the Chapter- House, with a ceiling-painting by Corenzio ; other pictures by Arpino, Finoglia, Stanzioni , and Cambiaso. From the chapter-house we pass through another small room and descend by a few steps into the "Cloisters, which are borne by sixty columns of white marble. — To the right of the cloisters we next enter the recently founded Museum, which contains a collection of majolicas (some very fine), glasses, mirrors, small pieces of tapestry, etc., in nine rooms. At the end of the right wing of the cloisters is a door leading to the right through a corridor to the ** Belvedere, a hexagonal room with two balconies commanding exquisite views of the city, the bay, Mt. Ve- suvius, and the fertile country as far as Nola and the Apennines. It is less extensive than that from the summit of the fort, but more picturesque. We now return to the monastery court by the corridor diverging immediately to the right by the entrance to the museum from the clois- ters and passing a room with old models of Neapolitan fortresses. — Lastly, in the court, we may inspect a state-coach and state-barge of the period of Charles III. (1734). Visitors are not admitted to the castle without a permesso from the commandant at Naples (p. 36). The Castel Sant’ Elmo (876 ft.), or Sant’ Ermo, formerly Sant ’ Erasmo , was erected by Giacomo de Sanctis under Robert the Wise (1343). Under Ferdinand I. (1458) it was called the Castello di S. Martino , after the neighbouring monastery, and considerably ex- tended. In the 16th cent, it was altered to its present form by Don Pedro de Toledo, and in 1641 some additions were made by the Duke of Medina. The vast walls, the fosses hewn in the solid tuffstone rock, its subterranean passages, and ample cistern formerly obtained for it the reputation of impregnability. The fort has been dismantled under the new regime , and is now used as a military prison. A walk on the ramparts affords a splendid ^Panorama of the town and bay, and particularly of the district towards Camaldoli, Misenum, and Ischia. VI. Hill of Posilipo. The walks described below may either be taken as a continuation of the traveller’s visit to the modern quarters of the city, or they may be combined with the excursions mentioned in Route 5. If time is limited, a visit to the Strada Nuova di Posilipo may be combined with the ex- cursion to Pozzuoli, the best plan being to go through the Grotta di Posi- lipo, and to return by the new road. A visit to Camaldoli may also be combined with that of S. Martino (2 hrs. more) , but a whole afternoon should if possible be devoted to the former. 90 Route 4. NAPLES. Strada Nuova di Posilipo. The hill which hounds Naples on the W., with its villages and nnmerous charming villas, derives its name of Posilipo , or Posil- lipo , from Pausilypon ( £ sans-souci’), the villa of the notorious epicure Yedius Pollio, afterwards the property of Augustus, which was gradually extended to the whole hill. The Posilipo is most conveniently visited either from the Chiaja or from the Museum. Our starting-point is the Chiaja. The **Strada Nuova di Posilipo, which at first skirts the coast, and then gradually ascends round the S. slope of the hill, was be- gun in 1812 during the reign of Murat, and in 1823 completed as far as Bagnoli. It leads between many beautifully situated villages, commanding exquisite views, and should on no account be omitted from the traveller’s programme. Comp. Map, p. 96. The beginning of the Strada, as far as the Frisio , iy 4 M. from the end of the Yilla Nazionale, has been described at pp. 83-86. The road leaves the sea and ascends in windings round the spur of the hill. To the left are the villas Rocca Romana (with hothouses), Rocca Matilda, and Minutoli. About iy 4 M. from the Frisio, beyond a church on the right with a relief of the Madonna over its portal, a road diverges to the left, descending past the Villa de Metis, or delle Cannonate, so called from its having been bombarded by the French, where Philip Hackert, the court-painter whose life and style of art have been described by Goethe, resided in 1786. The road then descends past the Villa Gerace to the Capo di Posilipo. The small church of 8. Maria del Faro, in the vicinity, occupies the site of an old lighthouse. Beautiful view towards Naples. Boats for returning to the town may be hired here. The main road ascends for */ 2 M. more. At the top of the hill it is joined by the road described at pp. 91, 92. It then passes through a deep cutting to a (V4 M.) projecting round platform which commands a magnificent *Yiew towards Bagnoli, Camaldoli, Pozzuoli, Baja, and Ischia. The road now descends on the W. side of the Posilipo, commanding a fine view the whole way. On the left, */ 4 M. below the round platform, is the entrance to the so-called Grotto of Sejanus, a passage hewn through the rock of the Posilipo, about 990 yds. in length, being 233 yds. longer than the Grotta di Posilipo, and originally surpassing it in height and width. In the side next the sea are several openings for ventilation (fee 1 fr. 5 the inspection occupies about */ 2 hr.). This is the tunnel whose construction is ascribed by Strabo to M. Cocceius Nerva (B. C. 37), almost simultaneously with that of the Julian harbour on the Lucrine lake by M. Agrippa. It is therefore a mistake to associate it with the name of Sejanus, as it is of much earlier origin. It has recently been cleared of rubbish and supported by walls, on which occasion an inscription was found , recording that the tunnel had been repaired by the Emp. Honorius about the year 400. At the E. end of this passage, especially near the rocky promontory of La Gajola , the most beautiful views are obtained of Nisida, Procida, Ischia, Capri, and the bay of Naples, and a number of relics of antiquity are observed. Hill of Posilipo. NAPLES. 4. Route. 91 The custodian conducts the visitor from the grotto to a vineyard in the vicinity (fee 30-50 c.), whence a magnificent view is enjoyed, and where some of the scattered fragments of the Pausilypon , or villa of Vedius Pollio (p. 90) are visible, extending from the slope of the hill down to the sea, and overgrown with myrtles, erica, and broom. — The fishponds, in which the cruel Vedius was in the habit of feeding large lampreys with the flesh of his slaves, lay nearer the town. — A small Theatre is also seen , which belonged to the villa of Lucullus , with seventeen rows of seats hewn in the rock. Besides these are numerous other relics of the villas with which the Posilipo was covered in ancient times. We also observe, close to the sea, in the direction of the town, the Scuola , or properly Scoglio (rock) di Virgilio , perhaps once a temple of Fortune, or of Venus Euploea, to whom mariners sacrificed after a prosperous voyage. The S.W. spur of the Posilipo is called Capo Coroglio , opposite which rises the small rocky island of Nisida, the Nesis of the an- cients, an extinct crater, which opens towards the S. On the N. side is a rock, connected with the mainland by a breakwater, and bearing the Lazzaretto (for quarantine purposes). The building on the height is a bagno for criminals (no admission). The son of Lucullus possessed a villa on this island, to which Brutus retired after the murder of Caesar in the spring of B. C. 44, and where he was visited by Cicero. He took leave here of his wife Portia on his departure for Greece, previous to the battle of Philippi. In the 15th cent. Queen Johanna II. possessed a villa on the island of Nisida, which was converted into a fort for the purpose of keeping the fleet of Louis of Anjou in check. From the entrance of the Grotto of Sejanus to Bagnoli is another mile, so that the whole distance thither from the Largo della Yittoria is about 4 M. — Bagnoli , see p. 96. The Hill of Posilipo is traversed by numerous roads and paths connecting the different villages, houses, and villas. Most of them are flanked by walls and command no view, but here and there they afford fine prospects of the city and bay and towards the W. The following route is recommended, particularly for driv- ing (or at least part of the way ; cab-fare from the Piazza Salvator Rosa to Antignano, with one horse iy 2 > with two horses 2 J /4 fr.). We follow the Strada Salvator Rosa (formerly dell J Infras- cata ), mentioned at p. 87, from the Piazza Salvator Rosa to the right (nearly */ 2 M. from the Museum), passing between houses for nearly */ 2 M. and afterwards between garden walls. — A road diverges hence to Arenella , the birthplace of the talented land- scape-painter Salvator Rosa (b. 1605 , d. at Rome in 1673 after a chequered career). — We continue to follow the main road in a straight direction. By the (^3 M.) chapel of S. Maria Costan- tinopolitana the road to S. Elmo, mentioned at p. 88, diverges to the left. To the right, farther on, we reach Antignano in 2 min. more. From the small piazza at the beginning of the village the road to Yomero (left) andCamaldoli (right, p. 92) separate. Comp. Plan II (B, 4), p. 21. We turn to the left (‘Strada Belvedere’), and then, halfway 92 Route 4. NAPLES. Camaldoli. to the village, to the right, and next reach (^3 M.) Voraero, where the Villa Belvedere on the left commands a charming ^Panorama of both land and sea (attendant who shows the terrace, 5-10 soldi). About a hundred paces farther the steep Salita del Vomero de- scends to the Corso Vittorio Emanuele and to the Chiaja. — Our route continues to follow the heights, passing between the garden- walls which enclose the villas Regina , Ricciardi , Belletieri , and Tricase , and turns ( 2 / 3 M. from the Belvedere) a little to the S. (fine view of Naples over the wall to the left). It then ascends, under the name of ‘Strada Patrizi’, past the (y 3 M.) Villa Patrizi , to the top of the Posilipo, whence we enjoy an admirable view of the district to the W., the Phlegrsean fields of antiquity (p. 94). Comp, the Map, p. 96. The road continues to follow the top of the Posilipo, under which the tunnel mentioned at p. 87 passes. A little before we reach the entrance to the (2/3 M.) village of Posilipo , the Salita di S. Antonio diverges to the left, descending past Virgil’s Tomb (p. 86) to the Mergellina. — If the traveller prefers, he may pass through the village of Posilipo and follow the same road, which commands beautiful views and descends, past the village of Strato on the right, to (2 M.) the Strada Nuova di Posilipo , which we reach at its highest point. The Grotto of Sejanus is Y2 M. farther, and the Villa is about 3 M. distant thence (comp. p. 90). Camaldoli. An Excursion to Camaldoli and back on foot, including stay there, takes 4V2-5 hrs.; on donkey-back a little less (from the Museum 2-2 l A fr. and a trifling fee to the attendant). Those who prefer it may drive as far as Antignano (one-horse carr. H/ 2 , two -horse fr. ; comp. p. 24), where donkeys may be hired; carriages for returning may also be pro- cured here , so that it is unnecessary to keep one waiting. The bridle- path from Antignano, which walkers will find pleasant, cannot be mis- taken if the following directions be attended to (see also Plan, p. 20, and Map, p. 96). — The early morning and the evening lights are the most favourable for the views, particularly the latter. The traveller, however, should start on the return-journey in good time , as it is anything but pleasant to encounter frequent walkers and riders on the rough path after dusk. Leaving the Museum , we follow the Strada Salvator Rosa or dell’ Infrascata (p. 91) as far as Antignano (IV4 M.), where we turn to the right (comp. Plan B, 4). At the next bifurcation we turn to the left, and reach (4 min.) the office where the Dazio Consumo 1 or municipal tax on comestibles , is levied. About 200 paces farther on, we take the bridle-path diverging to the left and passing an osteria on the right. The path then immediately passes under a viaduct and enters a hollow (to which point our Plan of Naples extends : A, 4, 3). The path runs between bushes and dines. After 20 min., beyond an archway through which we pass, the path turns by a white house a little to the left to the (4 min.) farm-buildings of Camaldolilli. and passes through the gateway, Camaldoli . NAPLES. 4. Route. 93 immediately beyond which it ascends to the right at a sharp angle. Fine view of S. Elmo, Naples, Vesuvius, and the bay towards the right. After 7 min., at the point where the path descends slightly, a path diverges to the right to Nazaret, while our route descends to the left and passes the mouth of a gorge , through which is ob- tained a fine view of Capri. In 3 min. more we pass a path turn- ing sharply to the left, and in 10 min. reach a point where a path diverges to the right to Nazaret and a forest-path leads to the left, while the main path , leading to Camaldoli , ascends steeply in a straight direction. In l/ 4 hr. more we turn to the right to a closed gdte, on passing through which riders have to pay 20 c. and walk- ers 15 c. each. The path then skirts the wall of the monastery garden, where it is joined by the path from Nazaret, and reaches the entrance to the monastery in 5 min. more. Visitors ring at the gate, and on leaving give the porter a few soldi. **Camaldoli , a monastery of the Camaldulensian order insti- tuted by S. Romuald near Florence about the year 1000, was found- ed in 1585, but is now dissolved. It stands on the E. summit of an amphitheatre of hills which enclose the Phlegraean plain on the N., being the highest point near Naples (1476 ft.), and commands one of the most magnificent views in Italy. The monastery and church contain nothing worth seeing, and we therefore proceed at once to the garden. Two points of view are specially to be noted : the more important is in the garden, straight before us; the other, which commands the Campanian plain, is by the monastery, more to the left. Now that the monastery is dissolved, ladies also are admitted. There are still four surviving monks, who offer wine and coffee, and who in any case expect a small donation (*/ 2 fr. for one person). The view embraces the bays of Naples, Pozzuoli, and Gaeta, the widely extended capital (of which a great part is concealed by S. Elmo) with its environs, the Lago d^Agnano, the craters of Solfatara and Astroni, the promontories of Posilipo and Mise- num, the islands of Nisida, Procida, and Ischia, and the districts of Baise , Cumae, and Liternum. Towards the S. the view is bounded by Capri and the Punta della Campanella, the ancient promontory of Minerva. The small towns of Massa, Sorrento, and Castellamare are visible ; also Monte Sant’ Angelo, the smok- ing cone of Vesuvius, and the luxuriant plain at its base. To- wards the N. the eye wanders over the expanse of the Campania Felix with its numerous villages , over Nola, Cancello, Maddaloni, Caserta, Capua , Monte Tifata , the volcanic group of the Rocca Monfina, the lake of Patria, Gaeta, the hills of Formiae, and the Monte Circello beyond. To the W. stretches the open sea, with the islands of Ponza, Ventotene, S. Stefano, and Isola delle Botte. We may also descend by Nazaret to Pianura at the N.W. base of the hill, where there are extensive quarries-, thence to Fuorigrotta (p. 87), 4 M. — At the S. base of Camaldoli lies the village of -Soccavo, to which a steep path descends (guide necessary R thence to Fuorigrotta 2 x /2 M. 94 5. Pozzuoli, Baise, Misenum, and Cumae. The Phlegraean Plain , a district to the W. of Naples, has from time immemorial been a scene of tremendous volcanic activity, and as lately as the 16th cent, has undergone vast changes , of which the traveller will observe traces at every step. This tract is scarcely less interesting in an historical than in a physical point of view. It was here that Hellenic civilisation first gained a footing in Italy, and constant communication was thenceforth maintained between this portion of the peninsula and the East. The legends of Hellenic tradition are most intimately associated with these coasts, and the poems of Homer and Virgil will continue to invest it with a peculiar interest as long as classic literature exists. The prosperity of this lovely coast has long since departed. The grand creations of imperial Rome, the innumerable palatial villas of the Roman aristocracy, have 1 ' been converted into a chaotic heap of ruins by convulsions of nature, a have left behind comparatively slight traces of their former magnificent The malaria which prevails in many parts of the district, and the stupendous though slumbering , agencies beneath the soil cast a certain gloom ovei the scene-, but the inexhaustible beauties of Italian nature are still in- vested with the same charms as they possessed two thousand years ago. Islands and promontories, bays and lakes, and singularly beautiful inden- tations of the coast form the chief features of this scenery, which is per- haps without rival. The fertile imagination of the natives has assigned all kinds of impos- ing classical names to many insignificant and uninteresting objects in this district, and strangers are therefore often importuned to inspect pretended curiosities which make serious inroads on time, temper, and purse. The chief objects of interest are enumerated in the following description. Two Days should if possible be devoted to exploring this region as follows: First: — Drive through the Grotta di Posilipo (p. 87) to the now drained Lago d'Agnano , 40 min. ; visit the Dog Grotto , 20 min. ; walk over the hill (* View) to the Solfatara, 1 hr. ; halt there, 20 min.; walk to Pozzuoli and the "Amphitheatre, 20 min.; halt there, and visit cathedral, harbour, and * Temple of Serapis, 1 hr.; drive back to Naples by the * Strada Nuova di Posilipo (which route must be expressly stipulated for), I 1/4 hr.; in all 5-6 hours. — Second: Drive through Pozzuoli to the Arco Felice , l 3 /4 hr. ; walk to Cumae and back, 1 hr. ; walk through the Grotta della Pace to the Lago Averno and Baja , 1 hr. ; drive to Bacoli , 20 min. (Piscina Mirabilis l /\ hr.); ascent of Capo Miseno and back, D /2 hr. ; drive back to Naples 2*/2 hrs.; in all 7-8 hours. — A pleasant variety may be introduced into the excursion by going from Pozzuoli to Baja or to the Grotto of Sejanus by boat. One Day. If Cumae, which is chiefly interesting to archaeologists, or the Dog Grotto and the Lago d’Agnano be omitted , all the other places may easily be visited in one day. (The Solfatara may also be omitted by those who intend to ascend Vesuvius.) The important antiquities of Pozzuoli may in this case be visited either in going or returning. The start should be made early. — The inns are generally dear and indiffer- ent. Luncheon or early dinner may be taken at the Lucrine Lake or at Baja, but it is preferable to bring provisions from Naples and to picnic at Cumee or on the Capo Miseno. The way in which these excursions may be combined with a visit to Procida and Ischia is indicated at p. 102. Carriages. There is no fixed tariff except for the drives to the Lago d’Agnano and to Bagnoli , for either of which the fare is 2 fr. with one horse, or 3 fr. with two horses (from the stand in the Strada di Piedi- grotta; comp. p. 24). — The usual fare to Pozzuoli for a cab with one horse is 3 fr., there and back 4 fr., or back by the Strada Nuova di Po- silipo 5 fr. ; to Pozzuoli and Baja, and back, 10 fr. ; driver’s fee extra in each case. Those who take an interest in the antiquities, and do not object to walking, had better not be hampered with a carriage for the whole excursion. As there is constant communication between Naples and Pozzuoli, a single seat (‘un posto’) in public conveyance may LAGO D’AGNANO. 5. Route. 95 always be obtained for 1 fr., but some practice in bargaining is required; most of these vehicles start from the Cafe Benvenuto (Strada di Chiaja, corner of the Strada Alabardieri; PI. D, 6). A single seat may also easily be obtained in one of the small ‘■corricoli’ or gigs which ply be- tween Naples, Pozzuoli, and Baja (V 2 -I fr., according to the distance). — A carriage with two horses for the whole day costs 20-25 fr. , with one horse 10-12 fr., a corricolo 8 fr. ; in every case a distinct bargain should be made beforehand. Guides. The following directions, the map, and a slight knowledge of the language will enable the traveller to dispense with a guide. Those, however, who desire to avoid the importunities of the guides at Pozzuoli and Baja may engage a cicerone at Naples for the excursion (6 fr. ; see p. 25). The Naples guides undertake the hiring of a carriage, the pay- ment of fees, etc. , thus relieving the traveller of all trouble (total cost for two persons with one-horse carriage about 20 fr.). The usual and shortest route to the W. environs of Naples is through the Grotta di Posilipo and Fuorigrotta (p. 87 ; 2*/ 4 M. from the Largo della Yittoria), from which the main road leads straight to Bagnoli (p. 96). From that road, a few hundred paces beyond Fuorigrotta, a cart track, and nearly i 1 /^ M. farther abroad road, diverge to the dried up Lago d’Agnano , 2 l / 4 M. from Fuorigrotta. The Lago d’Agnano, which was drained in 1870, is an old crater of irregular form, 2(/ 4 M. in circumference. The water pro duced malaria, but now that it is drained the gain in a sanitary point of view is very doubtful, while the beauty of the landscape is sadly impaired. On the S. bank, immediately to the right of the point where the road reaches it, are the old Stufe di San Germano , or chambers in which the hot sulphureous fumes rising from the ground here are collected for the use of sick persons (adm. 1 fr. each person). A few paces farther on is the famous Grotta di Cane , or Dog Grotto. It derives its name from the fact that the ground and sides are so thoroughly impregnated with carbonic acid gas, that the fumes render dogs insensible in a few seconds, and produce a feeling 'of languor on human beings. Dogs are pro- vided for the exhibition of this somewhat cruel experiment, but the curiosity of the traveller may be sufficiently gratified by ob- serving that a light is immediately extinguished when brought in contact with the vapour. Pliny (Hist. Nat. ii. 93) mentions this grotto as : ‘spiracula et scrobes Oharoneae mortiferum spiritum ex- halantes in agro Puteolano’. (Adm. 1/2 fr* each person; 1 fr. more is demanded for the experiments with the dog and the light.) The road skirting the S.W. bank of the dried lake leads to (1 M.) the royal chasse of Astroni, the largest and most important of the volcan- ic craters in this region , being upwards of 3 M. in circumference , and densely overgrown with holm-oaks and poplars. On the S. side it con- tains a small lake, and in the centre an eminence of trachytic lava. Picturesque , but somewhat dull park-scenery , pleasanter for riding than walking. Driving is practicable only as far as the margin of the crater. We then ascend the old road to the left to the large gate, where we show our ‘permesso’ (see p. 36). Fee x ji fr. From the Lago d’Agnano to Pozzuoli, li/ 4 hr., a pleasant footpath commanding a superb view towards the end, leads across the hills to the W. By a solitary house, about 8 min. from the Dog Grotto, a road di- 96 Route 5. POZZUOLI. Environs verges to the left from the above-mentioned Astroni road, and skirts the N. base of the Monte Spina. After 3 min. we turn to the right, and in 10 min. more to the right again; where the road divides into three (2 min.) we turn to the left, then immediately afterwards to the left again, continuing to follow the main road. At a farm-house (10 min.) the road narrows to a footpath, which ascends steeply past ancient walls to a (8 min.) white building and yard, through which we pass by a door on the left. Passing through a narrow dell , the path leads in 8 min. more to the top of the hill, where we take the road to the right. Looking back, we obtain a beautiful glimpse at Nisida and Capri, and by the (5 min.) suppressed Capuchin monastery of S. Gennaro (p. 99), we enjoy a superb "‘Survey of Pozzuoli and its_bay, the Capo Miseno, and Ischia. After 4 min. more in a straight direction, we may turn to the right to the entrance of the Solfatara (p. 99), or to the left to O /4 hr.) Pozzuoli. The monotonous high road from Fuorigrotta to (2 A /4 M.) Bagnoli leads between gardens. When it approaches the coast, the island of Nisida (p. 91) becomes visible on the left. Bagnoli (called by the Neapolitans Bagnol) is a small wa- tering-place with hot springs, some of which contain salt and carbonic acid gas , others sulphur and iron. There are several bath and lodging-houses. From Bagnoli by the Strada Nuova di Posilipo to Naples, see pp. 91, 90. From Bagnoli to Pozzuoli, ^^M., the road skirts the coast, commanding delightful views. In the lava hills which rise near the sea, not far from Pozzuoli, are extensive quarries (Petriere), where two hundred convicts are employed. Pozzuoli. — Hotels. Gran Brettagna, on the hill, in the street ascending to the right at the entrance of the town , well spoken of ; Ponte di Caligola , near the harbour, in the small Piazza S. M. delle Grazie. — Restaurant. Bella Venezia , on the quay. (Bargaining necessary everywhere.) Guides, whose services may well be dispensed with (p. 95), assail the traveller pertinaciously the moment he arrives. Their demands are generally extravagant. For a walk through the town, to the Amphitheatre, and the temple of Serapis 1 fr., or, with the addition of the Solfatara, l l /a fr. suffices. — The guides and others also importune visitors to buy 4 antiquities' 1 which are manufactured at Naples and then buried to give them the requisite coating of rust or verdigris. Genuine antiquities may be purchased of the Canonico Criscio , in the road ascending to the right from the entrance to the town. Carriage with one horse to Cumse or Baja 3-4, to both 5-6 fr. ; seat in a ‘corricolo’’ V 2 -I fr. — Donkeys (bad) 2-3 fr. for an afternoon. — Boat to Baja for 3-4 persons, in 1 / 2 * 1 hr., about 2 fr. If the traveller takes a carriage from Pozzuoli to Baja he had better drive at once to the Solfatara (walking, however, for the last 5 min.), then to the Amphitheatre, and lastly to the Serapeum. The harbour may be visited in returning. — Comp, the Plan. Pozzuoli , a quiet town witli 16,000 inhab., situated on a projecting hill and at its base, on the bay of the same name, which forms part of the Bay of Naples, was founded at an early period by the Greeks and named by them Dicaearchia. It was subdued by the Romans in the Samnite wars, repeatedly colo- nised by them, and called by them Puteoli. It afterwards be- came the most important commercial city in Italy, and the prin- cipal depot for the traffic with Egypt and the East, whence CONTORNI ns NAPOLI. (PARTE OCCIDENTALE) ScalsL nel Abbrcviazioni Gr* Gratia*, F*F Puntcv, Fir" Jiiewra*. So. Scogiio, SpT Spiaggia*, T? Torre., V? Villa*, V? TJJlanc. Lithogr.v. BuscK * VeirSrer . of Naples. POZZUOLI. 5. Route. 97 Oriental forms of worship were introduced here at an early pe- riod. St. Paul once spent seven days here (Acts, xxviii). Its ruins , which lie close to the modern town , are now the only indication of its ancient importance. The town itself presents few attractions. — The volcanic puzzolana earth found in the whole of this district, from which an almost indestructible ce- ment is manufactured, derives its name from Pozzuoli. At the entrance to the town a broad paved road ascends to the right in windings, leading to the upper town, the Amphi- theatre, and the Solfatara (see below). Entering by the gate we soon reach the principal Piazza, in which rise the statue of a senator, hearing the name of Q. Flav. Mavortius Lollianus , discovered in 1704 (head formed of a separate block , hut also ancient) , and that of Bishop Leon y Cardenas , Viceroy of Sicily under Philip III. Proceeding in a straight direction, and turning to the left by the church of S. Maria delle Grazie, we come to the Harbour, where we see the remains of the ancient pier, called by Seneca Pilae , by Suetonius Moles Puteolanae , and now Ponte di Cali- yola. Of twenty-five buttresses , which supported twenty-four arches, sixteen are left, three being under water. They are constructed of bricks and puzzolana earth, and hear an in- scription recording that the pier was restored by Antoninus Pius. A common , hut erroneous impression is , that they were con- nected with the bridge - of - boats which Caligula threw across the hay of Bai®, in order that, clad in the armour of Alexander the Great , he might there celebrate his insane triumph over the Parthians. Route along the quay to the Serapeum, see below. If at the first bend in the above - mentioned road which leads to the upper part of the town we turn to the left we soon reach the Piazza del Municipio , commanding a fine view, whence we may follow the Via del Duomo and its second side-street to the left to the cathedral of 8. Proculo. It occupies the site of a temple of Augustus, erected by L. Calpurnius, six Corinthian columns from which are still outside. The church contains relics of St. Proculus and the monuments of the Duke of Montpensier and Giovanni Battista Pergolese of Jesi, the talented composer of the original Stahat Mater, who died in 1736 at the age of 26.' At the extreme N. end of the town begins a narrow street (hearing the inscription ‘Bagni di Serapide ’) which leads from the sea to the *Temple of Serapis, or Serapeum (fee V 2 known as early as 1538, hut not completely excavated till 1750. It con- sisted of a square court, enclosed by forty-eight massive marble and granite columns , and with thirty-two small chambers ad- joining. The portico rested on six Corinthian columns (three of which remain), hearing a rich frieze. In the centre of the court stood a circular temple, surrounded by a peristyle of sixteen Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 7 98 Route 5. POZZUOLI. Environs Corinthian pillars of African marble , which have been trans- ferred to the theatre of the palace at Caserta (p. 10), the bases alone being left. The interior was approached by four flights of steps. The pavement declined inwards towards the centre, where the statues of Serapis, now in the museum at Naples, were foupd. Two inscriptions found here mention the restoration of the temple by Marcus Aurelius and Septimius Severus. The lower parts of the ruin are under water, but the level of the ground has recently been raised, in order to prevent unhealthy exhalations. In the course of centuries a species of shellfish ( lithodomus , or modiola liihophaga , still found in this vicinity) had undermined the bases of the central columns, whilst the upper parts remained intact. Interesting obser- vations may be made here with respect to the changes which have taken place in the level of the sea at different periods. That it had risen con- siderably, even in ancient times, is proved by the fact that mosaics have been found 6 ft. below the present level of the pavement. After the decline of heathenism the sea continued to rise, as the different watermarks testify. Subsequently the lower part of the edifice was buried to a depth of 13 ft., probably by an eruption of Solfatara, and thus protected against the farther invasions of the Crustacea. These extend to a height of 9 ft., so that at one period the sea-level must have been at least 20 ft. higher than at present. This great change was caused by the convulsion connected with the upheaval of Monte Nuovo (p. 100) in 1538. Since the last century the ground has again been gradually sinking. The salt springs in the ruins were called into existence by the last eruption. The Temple of Neptune is a name applied to another ruin, to the WJ of the Serapeum , consisting of a few pillars rising from the sea. In the vicinity, also under water, is situated the so-called Temple of the Nymphs , from which a considerable number of columns and sculptures have been recovered. A little farther on, a few fragments indicate the site of Cicero’s Puteolaneum , a villa delightfully situated on the coast, with shady avenues, which the orator in imitation of Plato called his Academy, and where he composed his ‘Academica’ and ‘De Fato’. Hadrian , who died at Baise, A.D. 138, was interred within the precincts of Cicero’s villa, and Anto- ninus Pius afterwards erected a temple on the spot. On leaving the Serapeum , we proceed to the right, and by a fountain again to the right, after 4 min. cross the high road, and ascend the broad paved road to the left to an open space, whence the Via Anftteatro leads after about 250 paces to the Amphitheatre , the most interesting and perfect of all the ruins of Pozzuoli (admission 2 fr. ; Sundays gratis). The * Amphitheatre rests on three series of arches, which were surrounded by an external court ; the two principal entrances were adorned with triple colonnades. The interior contained four tiers of seats in several compartments ( cunei ), connected by flights of steps. The imperial seat was distinguished by Corinthian columns of black marble. The arena, 369 ft. long, and 216 ft. broad, was excavated in 1838 , when a number of subterranean passages and receptacles for the wild beasts, etc., 98 paces long and 53 broad, were dis- covered , affording us a distinct idea of the arrangements and machinery of the ancient amphitheatres. By means of a water conduit (to the left of the principal entrance) the arena could be laid under water when naval combats were to be represented; the of Naples. SOLFATARA. 5. Route. 99 outlet is in the principal passage. The entrances for the gla- diators, and the air-holes and outlets of the dens of the animals are easily recognised. The celebrated gladiator-combats under Nero, when he received Tiridates, King of Armenia, as a guest at his court, took place here, and even the emperor himself entered the arena. Under Diocletian St. Januarius and his companions were thrown to the wild beasts here in vain, as an inscription on the chapel dedicated to him records, before they were put to death near the Solfatara. The high ground near the amphitheatre commands a line view in the direction of Misenum. Above the amphitheatre was situated a theatre , the ruins of which have not yet been excavated. Other ruins in the vicinity, externally of circular construction, are believed to have been either Baths or a Temple of Diana. The Villa Lusciano contains the so-called Labyrinth , really a piscina, or ancient reservoir. The Piscina Grande , with vaulted ceiling, resting on three rows of ten columns each, still serves as a reservoir, and was doubtless once connected with the ancient Julian aqueduct from the Pausilypon to Misenum. Roman Tombs have been discovered in great numbers on the old roads, the Via Campana leading to Capua, the Via Puteolana to Naples, and the Via Cumana to Cumse, but are now mere shapeless ruins. We now return to the Piazza del Municipio (p. 97), from the opposite end of which, by the small church ‘Deiparae Consolatrici Sacrum’, the road to the entrance of the town descends to the right (p. 96) , while that to the Solfatara leads to the left. The latter (after 2 min. , to the right, afterwards to the left) ascends through vineyards. The ascent to the Solfatara on foot takes 20 min. ; donkey 1 fr. (not recommended). The *Solfatara (adm. V‘2 fr- each person) is the crater of a half extinct volcano, an oblong space enclosed by hills of pumice- stone, from fissures (‘fumaroli’) in which vapours and sulphureous gases ascend. The ground is hollow in every direction. The ancients (Strabo) called this crater Forum Vulcani , and believed it to be connected with the crater of Ischia. The only recorded eruption from it, attended with an emission of lava, took place in 1198. A manufactory of stucco is now established here. Above the Solfatara, towards the E. , rise the Colles Leucogaei , the white hills whose light-coloured dust was so highly prized by the an- cients for colouring groats and other kinds of grain. Several small brooks containing alum have their source here, called I Pisciarelli , the Fontes Leucogaei of the ancients (Plin. Nat. Hist. xxxi. 2) , which fall steaming into a ravine between the Solfatara and the Lago d'Agnano, and are fre- quently used as a remedy for cutaneous diseases. The ground is warm and saturated with gas in every direction. Shortly before our route reaches the Solfatara it is joined on the right by a road coming from the Lago d’Agnano (p. 95). The *View on the latter road is so fine that the traveller should not omit to ascend as far as (6 min.) the now suppressed Capuchin monas- tery of S. Gennaro , erected in 1580 on the spot where St. Janu- arius is said to have been beheaded in 305. 7 * 100 Route, 5. LACUS AVERNUS. Environs The high-road (carriages, see p. 96) which leads towards the W. from Pozzuoli divides at the foot of the Monte Nuovo, nearly l 4 / 2 M. beyond the town. The branch to the right leads to the Lago Averno, Arco Felice, and Cumae (pp. 104-6) ; that to the left to Baiae and Misemim (‘Strada di Miniscola’). The Monte Nuovo (456 ft.) is a volcanic hill of comparatively recent origin, having been upheaved on 30th Sept. 1538, after a violent earthquake. Its form is that of an obtuse cone, in the Centre of which is a deep extinct crater, enclosed by masses of pumice-stone, trachyte, and tufa. The ascent is interesting. The road to Baiae (2^4 M. from the above-mentioned bifur- cation) traverses the narrow strip of land which now separates the Laous LucTinus from the sea. Here stands the small but clean Hotel de Russie (D. 3, dej. 2, bottle of wine 4 / 2 , pens. 5 fr.). The Lacus Lucrinus, which was famed for its oysters in an- cient times, was separated from the sea by a bulwark, called the Via Herculea , from the tradition that the hero traversed it when driving the bulls of Geryon across the swamps. This barrier afterwards fell to decay and was again repaired, but was seri- ously damaged by the eruption of Monte Nuovo in 1538. Part of it, 250 yds. in length, is still visible under the water, where remains of the Portus Julius , or harbour constructed by Agrippa, are also distinguishable. Instead of oysters, the lake now yields the spigola , a fish much esteemed by the Neapolitans. About 4 / 2 M. to the N. of the Lacus Lucrinus, a little in- land, bounded on three sides by hills clothed with chestnuts, vineyards, and orange-gardens, lies the celebrated *Lacus Avernus, which was regarded by the ancients as the entrance to the infernal regions on account of its sombre situation and environs. Its banks are now bordered with blocks of lava. Circumference nearly 2 M.; depth 210 ft. ; height above the sea-level 3y 2 ft. Tradition affirmed that no bird could fly across it and live, owing to its poisonous exhalations, and that the neighbouring ravines were the abode of the dismal, sunless Cimmerii, mentioned by Homer (Odyss. xi). Virgil, too, represents this as the scene of the descent of .Eneas, conducted by the Sibyl, to the infernal regions (,/En. vi. 237). Augustus, by the construction of the Julian harbour, and by connecting this lake with the Lacus Lucrinus, was the first to dispel these gloomy legends. Horace and Virgil accordingly extol the harbour as a prodigy. — The canals and wharves of Agrippa were still in existence in 1538, but the upheaval of the Monte Nuovo destroyed every vestige of them, half filled the Lucrine lake, and so altered the configuration of the neighbourhood that the two lakes are now quite separate, and the intervening space is completely overgrown with underwood. In 1858 an attempt was made to convert the Lacus Avernus anew into a war-harbour, but the scheme was soon found impracticable. of Naples. BAJA. 5. Route. 101 On the S. Side of the lake are observed grottoes and cuttings, hewn in the tuffstone rock, which probably once belonged to the Portus Julius. One of these caverns, situated a few hundred paces to the left of the end of the road coming from the Lucrine Lake, and now called the Grotto of the Sibyl, or Grotta d'Averno , is entered by a gateway of brick , and consists of a long, damp passage hewn in the rocks and ventilated by vertical apertui*es. About midway between the two lakes a narrow pas- sage to the right leads to a small square chamber, the 4 Entrance, to the Infernal Regions'. Near it is a chamber with mosaic pavement and ar- rangements for a warm bath. It contains luke-warm water, 1 ft. in depth, which rises in the neighbourhood / and is styled by the guides the 'Bath of the Sibyl'. The grotto is 280 paces in length, and blackened with the smoke of torches. On the N.W. Side of the lake is one end of the Grotta della Pace (p. 105). On the E. Side are the interesting ruins of magnificent Baths , some times called a Temple of Apollo , Pluto , or Mercury. Having returned to the Baja road, we reach, about 1/2 M. from the Lucrine Lake , the ruins of ancient baths , called Le Stufe di Tritoli. Near them a path on the slope of the mountain leads to the Bagni di Nerone , a long, narrow, dark passage in the rock, at the farther end of which rise several warm springs, the famed Thermae Neronianae of antiquity, and still frequented by invalids. The water is hot enough to boil eggs (1 fr. ; admission to the baths i /2 fr.). But there is nothing worth seeing, and the interior is so hot that a visit to it is anything but pleasant. After we have ascended a little and rounded the projecting Punta dell 1 Epitaffio , a charming view of Baja is disclosed to us. On the hill to the right we observe innumerable fragments of old masonry, passages, colonnades , mosaic-pavements, etc., all now overgrown with plants and buried in rubbish. Baja. — Hotel della Regina, a tavern commanding a charming view, not suitable for spending the night ; bargaining advisable in spite of the announcement of fixed charges, D. 3^4 fr., A. 25 c.*, Albergo della V ittoria, at the foot of the castle, 72 M. farther, less pretentious. — Guide unnecessary, 1-1 72 fr. according to bargain 5 Giosafatta de Lucio may be recommended. Boat to Pozzuoli for 3-4 persons about 2 fr. ; to Bacoli and Miseno the same; there and back 3-4 fr. ; according to bargain in each case. Baja, the ancient Baice , now a very insignificant village, situat- ed on the bay of the same name and commanding a charming view was the most famous and magnificent watering-place of antiquity, and had attained the zenith of its splendour in the age of Cicero, Augustus, Nero, and Hadrian. ‘Nothing in the world can be com- pared with the lovely bay of Baise’, exclaims Horace’s wealthy Ro- man (Epist. i. 85) , who is desirous of erecting a magnificent villa there. Luxury and profligacy, however, soon took np their abode at Baiae, and the desolate ruins which now alone encounter the eye point the usual moral. With the decline of the Roman empire the glory of Baise speedily departed. In the 8th cent, it was devastated by the Saracens, and in 1500 entirely deserted by its inhabitants. Of the imposing baths and villas of the Romans , the founda- tions of which were often thrown far out into the sea, nothing but mere fragments now remain. In modern times these ruins are often 102 Route 5 * BACOLI. Environs exalted into temples, or otherwise dignified in a manner for which there is not the slightest foundation. The principal remains consist of three extensive colonnades which belonged to baths. We first observe in a vineyard to the right of the high road, and to the N. of the road to the Lago Fusaro, a large octagonal build- ing, with a circular interior, and four recesses in the walls, and remains of a water conduit, styled a Temple of Diana (fee 30-50 c.). If we ascend the road to the Lago Fusaro for 5 min. we reach a path to the right on the slope, which in 10 min. more leads us to the top of the hill, and commands an admirable view of Cumae, Ischia, etc. Close to the village, in another vineyard to the right of the road, is a large circular building, with a vaulted ceiling, open in the centre, and four niches in the walls, obviously a bath, but called a Temple of Mercury , or by the peasantry il troglio (trough). Fine echo in the interior (fee 30-50 c. ; women here offer to dance the tarantella for the traveller’s entertainment, 50 c.). A little farther on, to the right, is the Hotel della Regina. About 100 paces beyond it, to the left, by the small harbour where the boats from Pozzuoli land , is situated an octagonal structure with a vaulted ceiling, in the interior circular, and 25 paces in diameter, with remains of the ancient lateral chambers, windows, and staircases , somewhat resembling the Minerva Medica at Rome, now called the Temple of Venus. (As this is a public thoroughfare, no gratuity need be given.) The high road skirts the bay, and passing several columbaria on the left, ascends the hill occupied by the Castle of Baja , which was erected in the 16th cent, by Don Pedro de Toledo. About 2 M. beyond Raja we reach the village of Bacoli, which derives its name from the ancient Villa Bauli , and also boasts of a number of antiquities. The traveller who is pressed for time, how- ever, had better confine his attention to the Piscina Mirabilis (see below). The Villa Bauli is celebrated as having been the frequent residence of distinguished Romans , and it was here that Nero planned the murder of his mother Agrippina, in March, A.D. 59, a crime which was afterwards perpetrated at her villa on the Lucrine Lake. The tomb of Agrippina, of humble pretensions as Tacitus informs us (Ann. xiv. 9), was situated on the height by the road to Misenum, near the villa of Caesar, but the spot cannot now be exactly determined. What is commonly named the Sepolcro cT Agrippina, on the coast below the village, a semicircular pass- age with vaulted ceiling, reliefs, and paintings, is really the ruins of a small theatre. Extensive ruins near this, partly under water, are supposed to belong to the villa of the eminent orator Hortensius, and may be visited by boat. Even the pond in which he reared his favourite lampreys is said to be visible. In this villa Nero is believed to have sanctioned the proposition of his freedman Anicetus, commander of the fleet, to drown his mother Agrippina by sinking her in a ship. The attempt, however, failed. The Villa of Julius Caesar , on the height near Bauli, was afterwards the property of Augustus, and was occupied by his sister Octavia after the death of her second husband M. Antony; and here she lost her hopeful son, the youthful Marcellus, whom Augustus had destined to be his suc- cessor. It is believed by many that the subterranean chambers, known as of Naples. MISENUM. 5. Route. 103 the Cento Camerelle, or Carceri di Nerone , or the Labyrinth , belonged to the basement story of this villa ( fee x )i fr. ). They are sometimes visited by torchlight, but the view from them is the chief attraction. On the hill to the S. of Bacoli, 10 min. from the entrance to the village, is situated the * Piscina Mirabilis. (Guide unnecessary. We may either leave the road by the Uffizio Daziario and follow the long street of the village ; or, better , follow the road to the bifurcation mentioned below , and 60 paces beyond it ascend a path diverging to the left from the Misenum road. On the hill we turn to the right. Custodian, whose house is on the right, near the Piscina, V‘2 ^ r - ? he sells vases and other antiquities found in the vicinity.) The Pisoina is a reservoir at the extremity of the Julian Aqueduct , 230 ft. in length, 85 ft. in width, with a vault- ed ceiling supported by forty -eight massive columns, and ad mirably preserved. — Following the top of the hill in the same direction (S.) for 7 min. more, we reach a cottage (good wine), the roof of which commands a very fine view, though inferior to that from the Capo Miseno. Near Bacoli, about */ 4 M. beyond the Uffizio Daziario, the road divides : the branch to the right leads to Miniscola and the ( 2 / 3 M.) starting-point of the ferry-boat to Procida and Ischia (see p. 107) ; the road to the left leads in a straight direction to Misenum. Both of these roads skirt the margin of the shallow Mare Morte, part of the old harbour of Misenum , from which it has only recently been separated by the embankment which bears the road. The two basins are now connected by a narrow channel only, which is crossed by a bridge. In the time of Augustus a vast war-harbour was constructed at Mise- num by Agrippa , in connection with the works at the Lacus Avernus and the Lacus Lucrinus, in order to serve as a receptacle for the Roman fleet on this coast, like Ravenna in the Adriatic. The harbour consisted of three basins, two outer, one on each side of the promontory called Forno , and one inner, the present Mare Morto. The Punta di Pennata , a narrow promontory which bounds the harbour of Misenum on the N., was penetrated by a double subaqueous passage for the purpose of pre- venting the accumulation of sand at the entrance. A pier was also con- structed on pillars, three of which are still visible under water. Other relics of antiquity abound in the neighbourhood , but it is a difficult matter now to ascertain to what they belonged. Even the situation of the Town of Misenum is not precisely known , although it probably lay near the modern village of that name. Scanty remnants of a theatre are still traceable near the small promontory II Forno. Some ruins on the height above are supposed to belong to the once famous villa of Lucullus, afterwards the property of Tiberius, who died here, and subsequently that of Nero. The Grotta Dragonara , a long subterranean passage on the W. side of the promontory, with vaulted roof, supported by twelve pillars, is variously conjectured to have been a naval depot or a reser- voir for water. The fleet stationed at Misenum, to which the place owed its impor- tance, was commanded in A.D. 79 by the Elder Pliny, who perished during the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius (p. 118). In 890 the town was de- stroyed by the Saracens. Driving is not allowed beyond the above-mentioned bridge, 74 M. from the bifurcation of the road. Beyond it we pass a 104 Routes. CAPO MISENO. Environs white powder-mill, soon reach (!/ 2 M.) the village of Miseno , situated at the foot of the cape, and proceed to the church. The ascent (to the top and hack iy 2 hr. ) is fatiguing. We follow the main road to the Tenuta , a little before which we ascend to the right; a steep and narrow path then leads to the summit through vineyards. The *Capo Miseno is an isolated mass of rock rising from the sea, which was formerly only connected with the mainland by the narrow Spiaggia diMiniscola (see below), extending towards the W. Its remarkable form once gave rise to the belief that it was an artificially constructed tumulus of very ancient origin. Thus Virgil (iEn. vi. 232) describes it as the burial-place of the trumpeter Misenus : — At pius JZneas ingenti mole sepulcrum Inponit , suaque arma viro remumque tubamque Monte sub aereo , qui nunc Misenus ab illo Dicitur aeternumque tenet per saecula nomen. The summit (300 ft.) is crowned with a ruined castle. On the side next the sea rises a picturesque mediaeval watch-tower; an- other similar tower has recently been removed to make way for a lighthouse. The **View hence is one of the most striking in the environs of Naples. It embraces the bays of Naples and Gaeta and the surrounding heights, with the peculiarity that the spectator appears to stand in the midst of a complicated assemblage of straits, peninsulas, bays, lakes, and promontories. To the W., opposite the Capo Miseno, rises the Monte di Pro - cida , a volcanic rook, covered with vineyards yielding excellent wine, and fragments of ancient villas. The narrow strip of coast, about 1 M. in length , between the Capo Miseno and the Monte di Procida, separating the sea ( Canale di Procida) from the Mare Morto, is called the Spiaggia di Minis- cola , or Miliscola , a name which is said to be a corruption of Militis Schola (‘military exercising-ground’). At the foot of the Monte di Procida, at the point where the road from Baja reaches it, is the landing-place (Sbarcatojo) for boats to Ischia and Procida, to which there are frequent opportunities of crossing. (To Procida , for one or more persons l!/ 2 -2fr. ; the bargain should be made with the boatmen themselves.) — On the road to Baja, y 4 M. to the N. of the landing-place, at the junction of the road with that from the Lago Fusaro , is the poor Osteria del Monte di Procida (no sign ; good wine). The N. (right) branch of the road ascends gradually from the bifurcation at the foot of the Monte Nuovo (p. 100), iy 2 M. from Pozzuoli, to the top of the E. margin of the crater of the Lago Averno, which soon becomes visible below to the left. About 2M. farther, where the road turns a little to the right, a cart-track di- verges to the left, leading in a few minutes to the Arco Felice, a of Naples. CUM . 5. Route. 105 huge structure of brickwork, about 63 ft. in height, and lB 1 ^ ft. in width, situated in a deep gully. On the summit are traces of an aqueduct. The arch may have been exclusively destined for the latter purpose, or it may also have carried a road over the high- er ground. The road to Cumae passes through the arch and then descends. About 400 paces beyond it an ancient paved way diverges to the left to a subterranean vaulted passage , called the Grotta della Pace (after Pietro della Pace , a Spaniard who explored it in the 16th cent.). It was constructed by Agrippa for the purpose of affording direct communication between Cumae and the Lacus Avernus. This tunnel is upwards of 1/2 M. in length, and is lighted at intervals by shafts from above. The entrance is closed by a gate (admission l /2 fr.), which carriages are not allowed to pass. Torches, which are, however, unnecessary, are offered for sale at Pozzuoli (1 fr. per pair). — Travellers from Cumae, or those who wish to combine the excursion to Baja with a visit to the La- cus Avernus in such a way as not to be obliged to traverse the same ground twice, may avail themselves of this tunnel in order to reach the N. bank of the lake (see p. 100). We continue to follow the road to Cumae, the acropolis of which we observe on the hill to theW. About 1/2 M. from the Arco Felice near the entrance to a vigna bearing the name ‘Villa Martino’, the road forks : to the left to the Lago del Fusaro (p. 106) 5 to the right (but not practicable for carriages beyond this point) to Cumae. In a vigna to the left of the former branch of the road, about 120 paces from the bifurcation, is situated an ancient Amphitheatre with twenty-one tiers of seats, covered with earth and underwood. If we follow the branch of the road to the right, and after 90 paces diverge from it to the left, we are led through a farm-yard and by a path through vineyards in */ 4 hr. to the site of ancient Cumae. Cumse, Greek Cyme , the most ancient Greek colony in Italy, was situated near the sea on a volcanic eminence (trachyte), which rises from the extensive plain between the Monte di Procida and the mouth of the Volturno. The town is said to have been founded by iEolians from Asia Minor in B.C. 1050, or at an even earlier period. Cumae in its turn founded Dicaearcliia, the modern Pozzuoli, and Palaeopolis, the modern Naples, and exercised the most widely extended influence on the civilisation of the Italian peninsula. All the different alphabets of Italy were derived from the Cumaean; and Cumae was the centre whence the Hellenic forms of worship, and with them Hellenic culture, became gradually diffused among the aboriginal tribes. Rome received the mysterious Sibylline books from Cumae, and the last of the Tarquinii died here in exile. The city, which once boasted of great wealth and commercial prosperity, was often seri- ously imperilled by the attacks of the neighbouring tribes, especially the Etruscans , who were signally defeated in a naval battle near Cumae , by Hiero of Syracuse , the ally of the citizens , B.C. 474. Pindar cele- brates this victory in the first Pythian ode , and a helmet of the en- emy dedicated at Olympia as a votive offering from the spoil was found there (now in the British Museum). At the close of the 5th cent. Cumae participated in the general decline of the Hellenic towns. In 420 it was stormed by the Samnites, and in 337 taken by the Romans, after which 1 06 Route 5. LAGO DEL FUSARO. Environs it became a Roman municipium of little importance. Under the emperors it fell entirely to decay, but was restored by the Goths. In the 9th cent, it was burned by the Saracens, and in the 13tli it was finally destroyed as a stronghold of pirates by the inhabitants of Naples and Aversa. Fragments of the huge external walls of the lofty * Acropolis are still standing. Beautiful prospect thence towards the sea, Gaeta, and the Ponza Islands, and (to the left) of the Lago Fusaro, Ischia, etc. Extensive remains of the ancient fortifications are preserved, especially on the E. side and by the S. entrance. The rock on which this castle stands is perforated in every direction with passages and shafts. One of these (descend to the left by the hut), with numerous lateral openings and subterranean passages, is thought to correspond with the description given by Virgil (M n. vi. 41) of the Grotto of the Sibyl , which had a hundred entrances and as many issues, ‘whence resound as many voices, the oracles of the prophetess ’. The principal entrance is on the side of the hill towards the sea, but most of the passages are blocked up. It is believed that one of the passages leads to a large, dark cavern in the direction of the Lago del Fusaro, but the investigations have been abandoned as dangerous. — The form of the temples of Apollo , Diana , the Giants , and Serapis , where recent excava- tions have brought sculptures and columns to light , is not now traceable. The scanty ruins are concealed among vineyards and underwood. Numerous tombs have been discovered at the base of the rock of Cumae, many of which were explored by the Count of Syracuse and yielded a rich spoil, consisting of vases and valuables of every kind. Some of these were taken to the collection of Marchese Campana at Rome , whence they were afterwards transferred to the Museums of Paris and St. Petersburg. To the S. of Cumae is situated (l */2 M.) the Lago del Fusaro, perhaps once the harbour of Cumae, to which the poetical name of the Acherusian Lake is sometimes applied. It is still, as in ancient times, celebrated for its oysters. In the centre is a pavilion, erected by Ferdinand I. The lake is believed to be the crater of an extinct volcano , and as lately as 1838 it exhaled such volumes of mephitic gases that the oysters were destroyed by them. At the S. end of the lake is a Roman ‘emissarius 1 , the Foce del Fusaro , which connects it with the sea. To the N. of the emissarius, on a projecting tongue of land , stands the Torre di Oaveta , with extensive ruins of the villa of Servilius Vatia, who retired hither when Nero’s folly and tyranny at Rome had become insufferable. — A road leads from the Lago del Fusaro , passing numerous relics of ancient tombs , to ( 3 /4 M.) Baja , and another to (2^2 M.) Miniscola (p. 104). 6. Procida and Ischia. Comp, the Map. A visit to these charming islands requires two days. A Steamboat ( Societa Anonima di Navigazione a Vapore Procida- Ischia ; office at Naples, Strada Nuova 14) plies between Naples and Casamicciola in Ischia once daily (sometimes twice in summer), in 2 l /%-3 hrs. (fai*e 5 fr.), the inter- vening stations being Procida and the town of Ischia. It usually starts from the Molo Piccolo at Naples (p. 39} near the Immacolatella, PI. F, 5) at 1 or 2 p.m., returning from Casamicciola at 5 or 6. a.m. The steam- boat starting from Naples every Tuesday at 7 a.m. for the Ponza Islands (returning on Thursday) also calls at Procida and Ischia. Farther infor- Scala nel 1 ; 100.000 of Naples. PROCIDA. 5. Route. 107 mation may be obtained at any of the hotels. The steamers are small and sometimes crowded. Embarking or landing at Naples, or at Casamicciola, 20 c. each person ; at Procida or Ischia 10 c. ; the boatmen are rarely sat- isfied with this tariff, but their importunities should be disregarded. First Day. A visit to Procida, which may be paid either in going to or returning from Ischia, occupies a few hours only. In the former case we land at the town of Procida on the N. side, ascend to the fort for the sake of the view, and then traverse the island lengthwise to the creek of Chiajolella (2 M.), where boats are found for the crossing to Ischia (P/s fr.). After landing in Ischia we walk (l 3 /4 hr.) or ride (donkey P /2 fr.) to Casamicciola , and pass the night there (the inns at Procida and Ischia being poor). On the Second Day we ascend the Epomeo , either going or returning by Fono. A visit to these islands may be very conveniently combined with the excursion to Cumse and Baja. After breakfasting at Baja, we arrange to start thence about 11 a. m., drive by Bacoli (p. 102; visit the Piscina Mirabilis; see the view from the roof of the cottage; no time for the Capo Miseno) to Miniscola in l-P /2 hr., cross to Procida (p. 104) in 3 / 4 -l hr. (visit the castle if time permits, 2/4 hr.), and then proceed by steamboat to Casamicciola (1 hr. ; fare 3 fr. 25c.). — The second day may then be spent as indicated above , and on the third we return to Naples. — A rowing- boat takes 6 hrs. to cross from Ischia to Capri in fine weather (20 fr.). Procida, the Prochyta or Prochyte of the ancients, like its sister island Ischia, with which it appears once to have been con- nected, is of volcanic origin, being composed of pumice-stone and lava. It consists of two contiguous craters, which now form two semicircular bays, their S. margins having been destroyed by the action of the sea. A third and smaller crater forms the creek of Chiajolella, and a fourth the neighbouring island of Vivara , which has been separated from Procida by some con- vulsion of nature. The island is 2 M. in length, and of varying width; population 14,100, whose occupations are fishing and the cultivation of the vine and other fruit. The surface is somewhat flat compared with that of its more majestic sister isle. As the island of Procida is approached , the most conspic- uous object is the fort, situated on the Punta di Rocciola, the N.W. extremity. Below lies the town of Procida , extending a- long the N. coast, partly built on the higher ground above, and stretching thence towards the S. side. The white, glistening houses with their flat roofs present a somewhat Oriental aspect. On festivals, especially that of St. Michael (29th Sept.), the women in commemoration of their ancient origin assume the Greek costume (red upper garment with gold embroidery), and perform the tarantella, their national dance. The landing-place is on the N. side, and close to it is the in- different Vittoria inn (R., B., and D.4-5 fr., bargaining necessary). In order to reach the castle we follow the main street of the village which ascends to the left by the Cafe del Commercio at the W. end of the Marina, and take the first side-street to the left. This leads to the small Piazza dei Martiri, where a tablet was placed in 1863 in memory of twelve Procidans who were executed during the reaction of 1799 (fine view towards the S.). In 5 min. more 108 Route ISCHIA. Environs we reach the Castle , now a house of correction, situated on a pre- cipitous rock, and commanding fine *Views of Procida and the Epomeo, Capo Miseno, Capri, Vesuvius, and the peninsula of Sorrento. The above mentioned main street intersects the town from E. to W., and is prolonged to the left by the SStrada Vittorio Ema- nuele’, which runs between garden-walls and rows of houses, and traverses the whole island towards the S.W. In 40 min. we reach the Bay of Chiajolella , situated below the old chateau of S. Mar- garita , and near the small olive -clad island of Vivara. At the Chiajolella boats for the passage to Ischia are always to be found ( 3 / 4 hr. ; fare l 1 ^ fr.). As soon as we have passed Vivara, we obtain a view of Ischia with its beautiful hills, commanded by the summit of the Epomeo, with the town and castle of Ischia in the foreground. Ischia, the Pithecusa , JEnaria , or Inarime of antiquity, and the mediaeval Iscla , the largest island near Naples, is about 19 M. in circumference, without taking the numerous indentations into account, and has 25,800 inhabitants, who are principally engaged in fishing and the culture of the vine (white wine, light and slightly acid) and other fruit. The climate is genial, the soil extremely productive ; the scenery almost everywhere singularly beautiful, for which it is indebted to its volcanic origin. Monte Epomeo (the ancient Epomeus , or Epopeus ) was an active volcano at a much earlier period than Vesuvius, and in consequence of its eruptions the island was deserted in P>. C. 474 by the greater number of the Greek inhabitants. Eruptions also took place in B. C. 92, and in the reigns of Titus, Antoninus Pius, and Diocletian. According to the ancient poets, the giant Typhosus, transfixed by the thunderbolt of Jupiter, lay buried beneath this mountain, like Enceladus under .Etna, periodically groaning and causing fearful eruptions of fire. The last eruption recorded took place in 1302. The stream of lava which on that occasion de- scended to the sea near Ischia is not yet wholly covered with ve- getation, and resembles a black seam athwart the landscape. After the fall of Rome Ischia suffered many attacks and devastations at the hands of the different lords of Italy, especially the Saracens in 813 and 847, the Pisans in 1135$ and the Emp. Henry VI. and his son Frederick II. In 1282 it revolted with Sicily against the Anjou dynasty, but was subdued by Charles II. of Naples in 1299, and has since been united with the kingdom and shared its vicissitudes. The celebrated general, the Marchese Pescara, was born in 1489 at the castle of Ischia, which was afterwards gallantly defended by his sister Constance against the forces of Louis XII. of France. As a reward, her family were invested with the governorship of Ischia, which they retained till 1734. In 1525 Pescara's widow, Vittoria Colonna, celebrated alike for her talent and beauty, the poetical friend of Michael Angelo, retired to Ischia to mourn her husband's loss. So too Maria of Arragon in 1548, widow of the Mar- chese del Vasto. of Naples. ISCHIA. 6. Route. 109 The charming situation of this island has attracted numerous visitors in all ages, and its influence is as fascinating as ever. A sojourn here, particularly during the height of summer, is re- commended on account of the refreshing coolness of the air. The N. side, having been most exposed to volcanic action, is far more beautiful than the S. The island abounds in thermal springs, which occur most frequently on the N. side. The principal towns are Ischia, Casamiecibla, and Forlo. Ischia, the capital of the island, with 6800 inhab., and the seat of a bishop, stretches picturesquely along the shore in the form of a street, 1 M. in length, extending from the Castle on its lofty isolated rock on the S. to the Punta Molina on the N. The castle, erected by Alphonso V. of Arragon (Alphonso I. of Naples) about 1450, and connected with the land by a stone pier, is only shown by permission of the commandant, which may often be obtained in the Stabilimento Bagni dTschia (see below). The route to Casamicciola (4y 2 M.) is very beautiful at places. From the landing-place at Ischia we follow the road to the right in a straight direction, crossing the Lava delV Arso, or lava-stream of 1302, which did not descend from Epomeo, but from a neigh- bouring side-crater, where slag and pumice-stone are still observ- ed. About 1 M. from Ischia , after passing a royal park and casino on the left, we reach an old crater, formerly the Lake of Ischia , which was connected with the sea in 1853-56 in order to afford refuge to vessels in stormy weather. Near it are several warm salt springs, which are used at the different establishments of the Bagni d J Ischia (also called Porto d' Ischia). On the quay is the small Caffe dei Yiaggiatori, with rooms and baths. The road (‘Via Quercia’) ascends to the left by a yellow church with Ionic columns, being accompanied by the telegraph wires, and commanding a beautiful view of the rocky coast and the sea. About 2i/ 2 M. farther we reach the first houses of Casamicciola, and 1 M. beyond them the hotels. Casamicciola. — Arrival by Steamer. The landing-place is 25 min. walk from the loftily situated hotels ; landing or embarcation 20 c. ; don- key to the hotels 50 c. ; road ascending to the right, not to be mistaken. Order is now strictly maintained at the landing-place by the authorities. Most of the hotels send a facchino to meet the steamboat. Hotels , all fitted up for persons making a prolonged stay ; for pass- ing visitors as dear as first-class hotels, though somewhat inferior. They are all detached, situated in gardens, and commanding beautiful views. "Hotel Bellevue , the yellow house farthest to the right, with the finest view, visited by Garibaldi in 1863 ; La Gran Sentinella , a grotesque- looking pink house , near the first. Lower down : "Hotel Piccola Sen- tinella, a comfortable house, English landlady, R. 3, D. 4V'2, L. and A. IV 2 , pension 7 fr., less for a prolonged stay. — Hotel Manzi, near the bath-house. Pensions. "Villa de Rivaz, 8fr.; "Villa Sauve, 7-8 fr., delightfully situated; both near the Gran Sentinella; Villa Pisano, Monrepos (Villa di Majo), 6-8 fr., etc. — Furnished rooms at the Villa Balsamo , at the entrance to the town from Ischia , and in many other houses. 110 Route 6. ISCHIA. Environs Donkeys and Mules , strong and swift, , generally 1 fr. per hour ; for the ascent of the Epomeo and back 3-4 fr., or including Forio 5 fr. and fee. Casamieciola, a village with 4200inhab., consisting of several large groups of houses and a number of scattered dwellings , ex- tends from the sea up the N. slope of the Epomeo. The higher parts of it afford charming views, particularly towards the E., em- bracing the N. creeks of the Bay of Naples as far as Mt. Vesuvius. It is much frequented in summer (May to Aug.) for the sake of its warm alkaline and saline springs. The baths of Manzi and Belliazzi are well fitted up. The large bath hospital of the Monte della Misericordia treats about 1000 patients annually. The chief spring is the Gurgitello (upwards of 144° Fahr.), which, like most of the others, rises in the Vallone Ombrasco. The traveller will find this a pleasant place for a prolonged stay. Many beautiful walks and excursions on donkey-back may be taken from Casamieciola. Thus to the W. , to the village of Lacco , situated on the lava-stream which forms the N.W. extremity of the island. Here are situated the church and monastery of St. Resti- tuta , the patroness of the island, on the occasion of whose festival (17th May) numerous national costumes and dancers of the taran- tella are observed. Near the monastery and in the garden attached to it rise hot springs which are used for vapour-baths. Other plea- sant excursions may be made with the help of the Map at p. 106. Forio, the most populous place in the island after Ischia, with 6500 inhab. , lies on the W. coast, 3 M. from Casamieciola, whence a visit to it forms an agreeable excursion. The route by Lacco should be chosen for returning. The Franciscan monastery by the sea merits a visit on account of the beauty of its situation. The Ascent of the Epomeo, the finest of all the excursions, may be undertaken from any of the principal towns. It occupies 5-6 hrs., and is a very fatiguing walk. The ascent, for which donkeys are generally used (see above), may be made either from Casamieciola or by Forio and Panza, and the descent to Ischia or Forio, in order that the traveller may thus become acquainted with the greater part of the island. The descent to Ischia is preferable for the sake of the fine view obtained of the bays of Poz- zuoli and Naples. The afternoon and evening lights are the most favourable for the view. A moonrise, too, is often very beautiful. The route from Casamieciola first descends to the left by the public rooms and follows the road to Ischia. The footpath then ascends to the right, occasionally traversing precipitous ravines. The vegetation changes ; below are vineyards, above them chest- nut-woods, and then barren, rocky ground. Beyond the culminating point of the pass, the path skirts the S. side of the mountain, below the principal peaks , and ascends in long zigzags to the hermitage (donkey in 2^2 hrs. ; on foot, direct, in 2 hrs.). The **Epomeo (2625 ft.) falls away on the N. side almost per- of Naples. ISCHIA. 6. Route. Ill pendicularly, but is less steep on the other three sides. At the top are a Hermitage and the Chapei of S. Nicola, hewn in the volcanic rock , from which the mountain is also called Monte S . Nicola. Wine and bread may be obtained from the hermit, and in any case a trifling donation is expected. The tourists may also inscribe their names in a visitors’ book. Passages and steps cut in the rock ascend to the Belvedere , commanding a strikingly beauti- ful panorama, embracing the bays of Gaeta and Naples. At our feet lies the island of Ischia itself; to the W. the open sea; to the E. the coast of Italy from Terracina , the promontory of Cir- cello, and the Ponza islands to Capo Miseno, Vesuvius, and the Capo Campanella, the extremity of the peninsula of Sorrento ; in the foreground Procida, then the indentations of the Bay of Nap- les, to the right the island of Capri; towards the N. the distant snowy peaks of the Abruzzi. The descent by the villages of Fontana , Moropano , and Casa - bona , and lastly across a desolate lava-field to Ischia, takes 2*/ 4 hrs., and the route by Panza to Forio about as long. Both the ascent and descent afford charming views. The following extracts from the writings of Nicolovius, an eminent German author, and husband of Goethe’s niece, although dating from 1792, are in most respects still applicable to Ischia. ‘The climate of this charming island is genial, the sky rarely overcast, the winters mild, the inhabitants bounteously supplied by nature with the necessaries of life, and the sick with healing springs. Trees, shrubs, and all kinds of plants thrive luxuriantly in the rich volcanic soil. Here and there are observed groves of young oaks and chestnuts. Orange, pome- granate, fig, and arbutus trees are the most common in the gardens ; the myrtle and mastich-tree form the most frequent underwood in the unculti- vated parts. The inhabitants are distinguished by a peculiar dialect, costume, and figure. Fashion is unknown. The island cannot boast of a single carriage or horse. The king himself on landing here must, like the humblest inhabitant, have recourse to a donkey, unless he prefers to walk .... Nowhere have we seen the tarantella, or national Neapolitan dance, in greater perfection than here. It is usually performed by two girls ; a third plays on the tambourine and sings. The woes of an absent or unhappy lover are usually the theme of the song. In many of them the Madonna and Cupinto (Cupid) are depicted as in perfect harmony with each other. The dancers stand opposite to each other, grasp the corners of their broad aprons, and begin their evolutions. They place their arms alternately akimbo, while the disengaged hand grasping the apron raises it high in the air, and occasionally draws it tightly across the knee. The posture and the manipulation of the apron changes incessantly. At one time the dancers flit past each other, at another with a slight curt- sey and sweep of the foot give the sign to meet again, whereupon they let go their aprons and career round in a circle, striking their castanets with upraised hands , or imitating the sound with their fingers. The ca- price of the dancer is capable of imparting an entirely different character to the dance, which is generally intended to manifest the state of the feel- ings. Fortunata, a relative of our host, performed the dance one evening, at our request, with an uncouth Lombard youth, and the expression of the dance was one of bitter derision.’ 112 7. From Naples to Pompeii ( and Salerno). Herculaneum. La Favorita. Railway to Pompeii, 15 M., in 50 min.; fares 2 fr. 75, 1 fr. 90, 1 fr. 10 c. (return-tickets 4 fr. 50, 3 fr. 10, 1 fr. 85 c.). — High-road, see p. 115. The railway from Naples to Pompeii, and thence to Salerno and Baragiano (best views to the right), traverses the suburbs and crosses the insignificant Sebeto , a stream which bounds Naples on the E. The large red buildings on the right are the Granili , which are used as barracks and (as their name imports) corn-maga- zines. Beyond these we obtain a retrospect of the Castel S. Elmo. This district is densely peopled ; the first village is the straggling 8. Giovanni a Teduccio. To the right the view becomes less cir- cumscribed; and Naples, thePosilipo, beyond which rise the moun- tains of Ischia, the island of Capri opposite , and the peninsula of Sorrento are now visible. 5 M. Portici. — Pension du Vesuve, near the royal palace, 10 fr. per day, thoroughly Italian. Carriages. With one horse to the Piazza del Municipio at Naples P /2 fr., or from one hour after sunset till midnight 2 J /4 fr. *, to the Rivi- era di Chiaja 2 or 3 fr. ; to the Museo Nazionale 1 fr. 75, or 2 fr. 60 c.; to Resina 50 or 75 c. — With two horses double these fares. Portici , a town with 12,300 inhab., is also the station for Re- sina (see below). It has a small harbour formed by a molo, from the end of which a fine view is obtained of the bay. The high road from Naples to Salerno traverses the town, and also leads through the court of the palace built by Charles III. in 1738. — Continuation of the Railway Journey , see p. 114. Adjoining Portici , immediately beyond the palace , are the houses of Resina , a town with 13,000 inhab., built upon the lava- streams which cover the ancient Herculaneum. About 74 M. beyond the palace, and 200 paces beyond the office of the Vesuvius guides, immediately on this side of a viaduct crossing the Vicolo di Mare, and to the right of the high road, is the entrance to the excavations. — Distance thither from the Portici station 2/3 M. (guide unnecessary). On leaving the station we follow the main street to the right, and after 7 min. turn to the left (‘Linea Daziaria del Comune di Resina’); in 5 min. more, near the palace of Portici (on the left) we reach the above-mentioned high road which we follow to the right. Over the entrance is the inscription, SScavi di Ercolano’. Admission 2 fr., for which the visitor is provided with a guide (no fees) ; on Sundays gratis. Herculaneum , the Heracleia of the Greeks, derived its name from the worship of Hercules peculiar to the place. Tradition attributed its foundation to the hero himself, who during his wanderings in the West visited this district. It was inhabited by Oscans, the aboriginal natives of the country, by Etruscans, and by Samnites , before it became subject to Rome. Owing to its salubrious situation on a height , between two rivers, and being near the sea and the harbour of Resina, it became a HERCULANEUM. 7 4 Route. 113 favourite site for Roman villas (thus that of Servilia , sister of Cato of Utica). The spot retained its name even after the total annihilation of the town by the eruption of 79. A number of poor families then took up their abode here, but in 472 their village was again destroyed by an eruption, which altered the configuration of the whole coast. Subsequent eruptions increased the depth of ashes and lava under which the old town was buried to 40-100 ft. , that being the depth of the remains at the present day below the surface of the soil. The discovery of Herculaneum took place in 1719. Prince d^Elboeuf of Lorraine, whilst erecting a casino at Portici, caused a well to be dug to supply it with water. This led to the discovery, at a depth of about 90 ft., of the ancient thea- tre, where a number of statues were found. Two of these, beautiful portrait-statues of an old and a younger woman, are now in the mu- seum at Dresden. During the next thirty years the excavations were discontinued, but in 1737 Charles III., when engaged in erecting a palace at Portici, recommenced operations, which were unfortunately directed by unskilful hands and led to no satisfactory result; nor was it an easy task to remove the huge masses of tuffstone and lava which covered the ruins, especially as the buildings and streets of Portici and Resina were thereby undermined. In 1750 a long, narrow passage was hewn through the rock, leading to the theatre, which lies 69 ft. below the level of the street, and this is the entrance at the present day. In 1755 the Accademia Ercolanese was instituted for the investigation of the antiquities discovered, and under their auspices was published the ‘Pitture d’Ercolano' 1 in 9 vols. (Napoli, 1757), which caused immense sensation in the learned world. The excavations during the next 50 years were conducted too superficially and unsystematically, but progressed more favourably under the French kings Joseph Napoleon (1806-8) and Joachim Murat (1808-15). Under theBour- bons operations were suspended till 1828. Many of the most interesting objects were excavated and again covered ; thus the theatre , part of the forum with its colonnades, a basilica similar to that of Pompeii, private houses, etc. Although the works were carried on without any defin- ite plan, the yield was remarkably rich, and has furnished the museum of Naples with a large proportion of its most valuable treasures, including statues, busts, mural paintings, inscriptions, and utensils of all kinds. In the chamber of one house an extensive papyrus library of 3000 rolls was discovered. The excavations were recommenced with great ceremony in 1868, but as they are conducted on a limited scale no great results have yet been obtained. In due time, however, a number of interesting dis- coveries may confidently be expected. This is all the more likely as the ancients appear soon to have given up their search for objects of value here as being unprofitable; and while Pompeii was thoroughly explored and ransacked, the treasures of Herculaneum have been preserved for the benefit of posterity by the mantle of lava with which they are enveloped. The attractions presented by Herculaneum are at present of a very limited character, but an opportunity of seeing them should not be neglect- ed. The visit may be paid on the way to Mt. Vesuvius, or, better still, after the excursion to Pompeii. From the entrance we are first conducted down a dark flight of more than a hundred steps to the Theatre , of which an accurate idea is not easily formed by the light of the flickering candle. Owing to the buttresses built to support the rock above, the place rather resembles a profoundly dark subterranean labyrinth. It contains nineteen tiers of seats in six compartments ( cunei ): between these, seven flights of steps ascended to a broad corridor, above which was situated a colonnade with three more tiers of seats. The number of spectators it could contain has been variously computed at from 8000 to 30,000, the latter number being certainly too high. The orchestra lies 85 ft. below the Baedeker. Italy III, 7th Edition. Q 1 1 4 Route 7. TORRE DEL GRECO. From Naples level of the modern Resina, and is faintly lighted from above through the shaft of the well which was the occasion of the dis- covery. One inscription records that L. Annius Mammianus Rufus erected the theatre, another that Numisius, son of Publius, was the architect. On each side of the proscenium are pedestals for honorary statues, with inscriptions. A visit to the buildings brought to light by the Scavi Nuovi of 1828 to 1837, and resumed in 1868, is of far higher interest. We are conducted by the custodian down the Yicolo di Mare (p. 112) for 4 min. ; the entrance is by an iron gate to the left. A street, part of a large private house, and several houses used for trading purposes have been excavated here. They lie 40 ft. below the present surface, and the different layers of the superincumbent lava are readily distinguished. The houses with their fittings and decorations resemble those of Pompeii. The building-material is a yellow tufa from Mte. Somma, of very soft consistency, which accounts for the thickness of the walls. The garden of the principal house, that of the Argus, is one of the most interesting objects. It is enclosed by an arcade of twenty columns and six buttresses. To the right of it is a triclinium with a painting (not now visible) of Argus and Io, from which the house derives its name. Towards the sea, the proximity of which at that period is indicated by the rapid descent of the street, are situated magazines, three stories in height, and well preserved. About 2 / 3 M. beyond the entrance to the theatre, and also close to the high road, is situated the royal chateau of La Favorita (permesso, see p. 36; gratuity ^ fr.). The interior hardly merits a visit, but the garden contains pleasant grounds extending as far as the railway and down to the sea. A casino in the grounds affords a fine view of the peninsula of Sorrento. A visit to the Favorita is recommended after the ascent of Vesuvius, when the vegetation and quiet of the gardens will be found very grateful. Near Portici we enjoy a fine view from the railway of the Bay of Naples with the Castello dell’ Ovo and Pizzofalcone, commanded by Camaldoli ; in the background the Capo Miseno and the moun- tains of Ischia. Farther on, to the left, Vesuvius and Resina. The train skirts the coast and traverses the huge lava-stream of 1794, 38 ft. in thickness and 700 ft. yds in breadth. 71/2 M. Torre del Greco, a flourishing town with 25,000 in- habitants , stands on the lava-stream of 1631 , which destroyed two-thirds of the older town. The lava-streams of 1737 and 1794 also caused great damage. The earthquake of 1857, and partic- ularly the eruption of 8th Dec. 1861, proved still more destructive. On this last occasion eleven small openings were formed immediately above the town, whence vast showers of ashes were precipitated, while the shore in the vicinity was upheaved to the extent of to Pompeii. TORRE DELL* ANNUNZIATA. 7. Route. 1 1 5 3 ft., causing the ruin of many houses. Although the entire base of Vesuvius as far as Torre dell’ Annunziata is covered with traces of similar catastrophes, yet the inhabitants appear never to be deterred from rebuilding their dwellings , a circumstance which has given rise to the jesting saying of the Neapolitans, 1 Napoli fa i peccati e la Torre li pagaf The line intersects Torre del Greco (to the right a small har- bour), and then skirts the sea. To the left the monastery of Ca- maldoli della Torre is visible, standing on an isolated volcanic peak at the base of Vesuvius, and protected by its situation against lava-streams. After passing another stream of lava, the train reaches — 121/2 M. Torre dell* Annunziata, a prosperous town with 16,550 inhab. and a small harbour. A beautiful glimpse is dis- closed here of the bay of Castellamare with the town, commanded by Monte S. Angelo, the summit of which is crowned by the chapel of S. Michele; beyond it Vico Equense, in the distance Sorrento. Beyond the town the train skirts the shore, which is much frequent- ed by fishermen. .The line to Castellamare then diverges to the right, see p. 150. The Pompeii train now proceeds inland , and on the left the partially overgrown heaps of ashes thrown up by the excavations soon become visible. 15 M. Pompeii, see p. 123. Continuation of the line to Salerno , see R. 11. High Road from Naples to Pompeii. The High Road from Naples to Pompeii is also still mucli frequented, and in cool weather may be recommended as a route as far as Portici and Resina, as the railway-stations at Naples and Portici are inconveni- ently situated. In the hot season the dust is extremely unpleasant. (Carriages take 50 min. from the Piazza del Munieipio to Resina, see pp. 24, 112; omnibus and tramway to Torre del Greco, see p. 25). The road, which traverses the busy and bustling E. suburb of Naples, leaves the town near the Castello del Carmine, skirts the Marinella, and crosses the Sebeto by the Ponte della Maddalena , passing the barracks of the Granili (p. 112) to the right. It then leads along the coast, which, however, is so covered with villas and other houses that the route is more like a long street than a country road. Maccaroni hung out to dry is seen on every side. The first village reached is S. Giovanni a Teduccio , which is adjoined on the left by the small town of La Barra. We next reach Portici and Resina (p. 112), which stretch along the road for a distance of 2 M., the boundary between them being immediately beyond the royal palace, through the court of which the road passes. At the beginning of Resina on the left is the office for the Vesuvius guides (p. 116). On the right, farther on, is the entrance to the excavations of Herculaneum (p. 112), beyond which the road to 116 Route 8. MOUNT VESUVIUS. Vesuvius diverges to the left (see p. 122). We next pass the Favorita on the right (p. 114). As far as Torre del Greco (p. 114) the road runs between houses and garden-walls , but farther on it commands an unim- peded view. Torre delV Annunziata , see p. 115. The drive from Naples to Pompeii takes 2 hrs. (carr. and pair 20 fr.). Pompeii, see p. 123. 8. Mount Vesuvius. Compare Map , p. 112. The **Ascent of Mount Vesuvius may be made from Resina near Por- tici, or from Pompeii. The excursion takes about 7 hrs. , but a whole day should be allowed, in order to leave sufficient margin for rest, refreshment, and the journey from Naples and back. After the ascent, if time permits, a visit may be paid to Herculaneum or to the garden of La Favorita. — The ascent from Pompeii is less costly than that from Resina, and the traveller is less exposed to annoyance, but the ascent is less interesting, somewhat longer, and altogether more fatiguing. Disposition of Time, As the lights are most favourable and the at- mosphere clearest in the morning, the traveller should leave Naples as early as possible, unless he intends remaining on the mountain till sunset to observe the working of the crater in the darkness. A single traveller had better take an omnibus or a tram-car to the guides'' office at Resina (one-horse carriage to this point from Naples 2 fr. *, railway see p. 112, from the station to the office l j\ hr. ; comp, also p. 112), obtain a horse and guide there, and ride to the foot of the cone (2 hrs.). The traveller is not recommended to walk the whole way from Resina to the top, as used formerly often to be done, owing to the fatigue of the last part of the ascent. A carriage with one horse may sometimes be hired from Portici to the Observatory for 10 fr. and a gratuity. — A party of two or more persons will find it preferable to drive from Naples to the Observatory (carriage and pair, there and back, for 2-3 persons 20-25 fr. , with three horses 25-30 fr. ; the driver has to provide an extra horse from Resina onwards without extra charge). Guides are always to be met with at the Observatory (and horses also), but as they charge no less than from Resina, it is better to engage one at the office in passing. (If the guide mounts on the box of the carriage, 6 fr. ; otherwise 11 fr. ; see below.) Tolerable walkers may dispense with a horse for the distance between the Observatory and the foot of the cone ( 3 / 4 -l hr.). The steep ascent of the cone itself (I-IV 4 hr.), which can only be performed on foot, is extremely fatiguing owing to the looseness of the ashes. To many per- sons the assistance of being drawn by a strap will not be unacceptable. Ladies had better engage a ‘portantina 1 to carry them up. The charges include the descent also, but as attempts at extortion are often made, the descent as well as the ascent should be distinctly stipulated for. About 3 / 4 hr. should be allowed for the halt on the summit. Wine (2 fr. per bottle), eggs 0/2 fr. each), and bread are offered for sale here, but the traveller had better bring some refreshment, for himself (oranges or other fruit). The descent of the cone is accomplished in 12-15 min.; to the Her- mitage 3 /4 hr. ; thence to Resina li/ 4 -li/ 2 hr. Expenses. The cost of the ascent for a single traveller amounts to about 20 fr., but is considerably less for each of the members of a party. The ascent should in no case be attempted without a guide. From Resina. On 7th Aug., 1870, the following tariff, which may be seen at the Officina delle Guide del Vesuvio at Resina, was issued fcV the Municipio of Resina : — For a mounted guide (comp. p. 117) 11 fr. Horse attendant (facchino, unnecessary for most travellers) . 3 fr. MOUNT VESUVIUS. 8. Route. 117 Horse or mule (both generally good) 5 fr. Donkey (rather slower) 4 fr. ‘Portantina’ (chaise-a-porteurs) with 8 bearers from Resina to the crater 60 fr. Portantina from the Hermitage to the crater 40 fr. Portantina from the foot of the cone to the top 30 fr. ‘Aiuto’ (assistance with a strap in ascending the cone) ... 3 fr. Holding horse during the ascent of the cone 2 fr. Torches (for the descent after sunset) 2 fr. (From Pompeii : — Mounted guide 10, horse 5, holding horse 2, portantina from the foot of the cone about 25 fr.) A stout stick , which is indispensable for walkers , may be hired at the office for 25 c. Payment for the whole of the above items, both for going and return- ing, is made at the end of the excursion, either at the office, or to the guide himself. In every case, however, an additional gratuity is expected : guide D/2-3 fr. according to the number of the party ; horse-holder a few soldi; strap-assistant l /i-l fr. ; chair-bearers 2-3 fr. Numerous other attacks on the traveller’s purse are of course made en route , but should be si- lently disregarded. Strictly speaking the charge for the guide is 6 fr., the additional 5 fr. being the charge for mounting him. The Municipio of Resina has coun- tenanced this extortion by altogether omitting from the tariff the charge for an unmounted guide. Those who drive and take the guide on the box from Resina to the Observatory of course pay him no more than 6 fr. and his gratuity. Some of the guides are fond of assuming a superior and patronising air towards their employers, but those who are guilty of such impertinence soon come to their senses when treated with perfect indifference. [The Wire Rope Railway to the top of Vesuvius, constructed by the engineer Olivieri , and finished in spring, 1880, will cause a thorough revolution in the mode of ascending the famous crater. The road ending at the Observatory has been prolonged to the foot of the cone, where the railway begins. The railway company will probably also make arrange- ments for bringing travellers from the foot of the hill to the Station (Cafe-Restaurant), which lies 2600 ft. above the sea. The length of the line is 985 yds., and the upper end is 1300 ft. higher than the lower. The gradient varies from 43 : 100 to 63 : 100. The carriages contain twelve persons each, and in case of any accident can be brought to an immediate standstill by powerful brakes. The ascent occupies 7 minutes. The end of the line is about 100 yds. below the mouth of the crater.] Railway to Portici , see p. 112: 13-14 trains daily (fares 95, 65, 40 c.). Guides proffer their services as soon as we arrive; but we dis- regard their representations, follow the road to the right, turn to the left after 7 min., and in 6 min. reach the Portici and Resina high road, on which we soon come to the guides’ office (comp. p. 112). High Road to Resina, see p. 115. Cabs, see pp. 24, 112. Omnibus and Tramway, see p. 25. Mount Vesuvius, sometimes called Vesevus by ancient poets (e. g. by Lucretius and Virgil), rises in isolated majesty from the Campanian plain, near the sea. The height varies, according to the different effects of the eruptions , from 3900 to 4300 ft. ; in 1845 the height was 3900 ft., and in 1868 it had increased to 4255 ft. ; it was somewhat diminished by the eruption of 1872, but is now steadily increasing. The N.E. side of the mountain is named Monte Somma , of which the highest peak is the Punta del Nasone (3642 ft.). A deep sickle-shaped valley, the Atrio del Ca - vallo , separates Somma from Vesuvius proper, which consists of a cone of ashes with the crater in the centre, the ‘Forge of Vulcan’. 118 Route 8. MOUNT VESUVIUS. Eruptions. The summit is also liable to constant change after eruptions, having sometimes a single crater with an opening in the middle, and sometimes two or three craters adjacent to each other. The moun- tain rises from the sea at an angle of 10°, while the cone itself has a gradient of 30-35°. Monte Somma descends almost perpen- dicularly to the Atrio del Cavallo , but slopes very gradually down to the plain (3°). Vesuvius in Ancient Times. Vesuvius forms the S. E. ex- tremity, and has for the last three centuries been the only active crater, of a highly volcanic district, which includes Ischia, Procida, the Solfatara , and the Monte Nuovo. The case was reversed in ancient times , as we are informed by the geographer Strabo (Bk. v., chap. 4), who lived in the time of Augustus: ‘Mount Vesuvius is covered with beautiful meadows, with the exception of the summit. The latter is indeed for the most part level, but quite sterile ; for it has an appearance like ashes , and shows rugged rocks of sooty consistency and colour, as if they had been consumed by fire. One might conclude from this that the mountain had once burned, and possessed fiery abysses, and had become extinguished when the material was spent. And just from this cause its fertility may arise , as in the case of Catania the eruption of ashes from JEtna renders it so productive of wine 1 . About fifty years later, in the time of Nero, A. D. 63, the volcanic nature of the mountain manifested itself by a fearful earthquake , which destroyed a great part of the prosperous en- virons, and seriously damaged Herculaneum and Pompeii. This was repeated at Naples in 64, and again at intervals till the reign of Titus, when, on 24th Aug. 79, the first (recorded) eruption took place with appalling fury, and devastated the country far and wide , covering it with showers of ashes and vast streams of lava. On that occasion, it would appear, the peak now call- ed Vesuvius was formed. Previously it had been a rounded crater; the S. side, where Vesuvius now rises, having been the lowest. The crater-like form of M. Somma is still distinctly re- cognisable, although somewhat concealed by the more recent de- posits of ashes. It was on that eventful day that Pompeii, Her- culaneum, Stabhe, and other villages of this smiling district were overwhelmed. The naturalist Pliny, then in command of a section of the fleet stationed at Misenum, also perished on this occasion. He had ventured too near the scene of desolation, both as an observer and for the purpose of rendering aid to the distressed, when he was suffocated near Castellamare by the ashes and exhalations. His nephew, the younger Pliny, in two letters (Ep. vi. 16, 20) to his friend the historian Tacitus, gives a graphic description of this fearful phenomenon. He mentions the premonitory earthquakes, day turned into night, the extraordinary agitation of the sea, the dense clouds over- Eruptions . MOUNT VESUVIUS. 8. Route. 1 1 9 hanging land and sea, and riven by incessant flashes of light- ning, the emission of fire and ashes, the descent of streams of lava, and the universal terror of men, who believed the end of the world had arrived. A similar description is given of an erup- tion in the reign of Alex. Severus , A.D. 222, by Dio Cassius (lxvi. 23), who describes how the clouds which hovered over the mountain assumed the form of awful colossal figures. Herculaneum and Pompeii were thus lost to the world for seventeen centuries. The eruptions of Vesuvius have been repeated at intervals with varying violence, down to the present day. The next took place in 203, under Septimius Severus , and another in 472, sending its showers of ashes as far as Constantinople. Vesuvius in Modern Times. Down to the year 1500 nine eruptions are recorded , and from that date to the present time fifty. The mountain has been known to be quiescent for centuries in succession, while at other periods its activity has been al- most uninterrupted, e. g. from 1717 to 1737. From 1500 to 1631 Vesuvius was quiescent, while in 1538 the Monte Nuovo was upheaved near Pozzuoli, and .Etna was labouring without intermission. During that period Vesuvius was entirely covered with wood and bushes, like the deer park of Astro ni at the present day, and cattle grazed peacefully within the crater. After this lull, on 16th Dec. 1631, came a most terrific eruption, the first of which we possess detailed accounts. A huge cloud of smoke and ashes rising in a conical form , cast a profound gloom over Naples in the middle of the day, and extended with incredible rapidity over the southern portion of Italy , as far as Tarentum. Heavy stones were thrown to a distance of 15 M. (one which fell at the village of Somma being 25 tons in weight) , while the earth was convulsed by violent earth- quakes , and seven streams of lava poured from the summit, overwhelming Bosco, Torre dell’ Annunziata, Torre del Greco, Resina, and Portici. No fewer than 3000 persons perished on that occasion. The following year an eruption of .Etna also took place, although that mountain is usually quiescent when Vesuvius is in an active state. An eruption in 1707 was of a very alarming nature, lasting from May to August, and covering Naples with dense showers of ashes, to the terror of the cit- izens. The eruptions of 1737, 1760, and 1767 emitted consider- able quantities of lava and scorise, which in 1767 descended on Portici, and even reached Naples. One of the most stupendous of these phenomena took place in Aug. 1779, when a vast number of red-hot stones were hurled to a height of 2000 ft., some of them exceeding 100 lbs. in weight, spreading terror among the inhabitants far and wide. The lava eruption of 1794 was even more fatal in its effects 5 the streams precipitated themselves into the sea by Torre del Greco, heating the water 1 20 Route 8. MOUNT VESUVIUS. Volcanic for a considerable distance ; upwards of 400 lives were lost, and the ashes were carried as far as Chieti and Taranto. Erup- tions during the present century took place in 1804, 1805, 1822, Feb. 1850, and May 1855; in June 1858 the upper crater sank about 195 ft. below its former elevation; and, on 8th Dec. 1861, an outbreak remarkable for its violence, and inter- esting from the fact that it was witnessed by Humboldt and other men of science , devastated Torre del Greco. After this the mountain remained quiescent until 1865. In November of that year the lava began to overflow , but at length in November, 1868 , it forced a passage for itself through a fissure on the side of the cone, after which no change took place till 1871. The most recent period of great activity began in January 1871, when the mountain showed renewed symptoms of internal disturbance by the emission of a stream of lava through a fissure on the N.E. side. This was followed by another on the W. side about the end of October, and early in 1872 these phenomena gra- dually increased in violence, until at length they culminated in the great eruption of 24th-30th April of that year. During these days the lava burst forth on every side — on the N.E., S.W., and more particularly at the Atrio del Cavallo (p. 117), from which a huge stream issued with such suddenness on 26th April as to overtake and destroy 20 persons out of a crowd of spectators who were watching the spectacle, while others were injured by the stones thrown from the summit. The torrent descended to Massa and S. Sebastiano , and passed between these villages, which it partially destroyed , in a stream upwards of 1000 yds. wide and 20 ft. deep. This overflow ran to a distance of 3 M. in 12 hours. At the same time, amidst terrific thundering, the crater poured forth huge volumes of smoke mingled with red-hot stones and lava to a height of 4000 ft., whilst clouds of ashes, rising to double that height, were carried by the wind as far as Cosenza, a distance of 140 M. The lava emitted during this eruption covers an area of 2 sq. M., and averages 13 ft. in depth. The damage was estimated at upwards of 3 million fr. A visit to S. Sebastiano is admirably calculated to convey to the traveller an idea of the effects of this stupendous convulsion of nature. (One-horse carr. thither from Naples 4-5 fr., from Portici 3 fr.) — From this eruption till the end of 1875 the mountain remained almost entirely quiescent, but since then it has been giving premonitions of a new period of ac- tivity. The crater of 1872 became gradually filled with masses of lava, which at the end of 1878 were precipitated into the Atrio del Cavallo. Eruptions of lava also frequently took place in 1879, particularly towards the close of the year, often presenting a mag- nificent spectacle when viewed from Naples at night. Volcanic Phenomena. Notwithstanding the long series of works op the subject which hsi,ve appeared sipce 1631 ? the Phenomena. MOUNT VESUVIUS. 8. Route. 121 cause of these phenomena is still to some extent a matter of mere conjecture. It is highly probable that they are intimately connected with the water of the sea, near which all the prin- cipal volcanoes are situated. There is reason to believe that the enormous clouds of steam generated during eruptions are due to some temporary communication of the water with the burning liquids of the interior of the earth, and that the premonitory earthquakes are occasioned by the vapours and gases as they expand and endeavour to find an outlet. The red-hot fluids expelled from the volcano by means of these vapours are called lava. When, however, they are broken by the vapours into fragments, the larger of these are known as lapilli (rapilli) or scoriae, whilst the minute portions form volcanic sand or ashes. When freed from the pressure of the lava, the vapours rise to a height of 10,000 ft., resembling a pine in form , as Pliny has aptly described it, car- rying dense masses of rapilli and ashes along with them ; they are then condensed in the air, and in descending give rise to those formidable streams of mud (lave d’acqua) which proved so destructive to Herculaneum. Vesuvius has of late been active in the manner described, although to a very limited extent, ejecting vapours and stones with a roar resembling that of distant artillery; but the effects of this action have been confined to the formation of the cone in the crater. More serious eruptions are accompanied by loud subterranean noises, earthquakes, and flashes of lightning and peals of thunder, owing to the electricity produced by the unwonted pressure of the air. The temperature of the lava as it descends occasionally exceeds 2000° Fahr. The volume of the streams, as well as their velocity, depends on a variety of external circumstances. The surface of the lava ultimately becomes disinte- grated into black sand. The smoke which ascends from the crater is more or less dark in colour, according to the quantity of ashes mingled with it. The appearance of lire at night is not flame, but the reflection of the molten lava in the interior of the crater on the rising clouds of vapour and ashes. Of the Minerals ejected by the volcano, most of which are found in the older lava of M. Somma, as well as in that ejected during later eruptions, about 40 species, according to the investi- gations of Professor Scacchi of Naples, are at present known. In the lava stream of 1855 the remarkable cotunnite, a chloride of lead, was detected in great abundance. Most of these minerals are sold by the guides at Resina ; a small box may be purchased for i/ 2 -l fr. The ** Ascent of Vesuvius is unquestionably an excursion of extreme interest, though not unattended with fatigue, and it should not be undertaken in rainy or stormy weather. When the mountain is covered with snow in winter the difficulty of the ascent is of course greater. 1 22 Route 8. MOUNT VESUVIUS. From Resina. The road to Vesuvius diverges to the left from the high road immediately beyond the entrance to the excavations of Herculaneum (comp. p. 115; riders ascend by a side-lane immediately from the guides’ office). Near the N. end of the town it passes a small piazza with the church of S. Maria a Pugliano on the right, whence it ascends the slopes of Ve- suvius to the Observatory. The luxuriant vineyards here, which are interspersed with gardens and cottages, presenting a picture of teeming fertility, yield the famous ‘Lachrimse Christi’ wine, which is generally strong and heavy, and never of a very re- fined quality. The wine is offered for sale at nearly every cottage, but had better not be partaken of before the ascent (usual price 1 fr. per bottle). Higher up, beyond the garden-walls, the beau- tiful view is gradually disclosed. In about 3 / 4 hr. we 'reach the huge dark lava-stream of 1872 , which we can trace down to S. Sebastiano and Massa di Somma (p. 120), and which the windings of the road cross several times. In 40 min. more we reach the so-called Hermitage , a tavern where guides, horses, and mules are to be found. Carriages wait here till the travellers return from the summit (Lachrimse Christi 2 fr. ; good Vesuvius wine at 1 fr. per bottle may be obtained at a peasant’s house a little lower down, where there is a seat commanding a view). Immediately above the Hermitage , on the same shoulder of the hill which divides the lava-streams descending from the crater into two branches , is situated the Meteorological Obser- vatory, 2218 ft. above the level of the sea, and 1965 ft. above Resina. It contains , in addition to the usual instruments , a ‘sismograph’, or apparatus for recording the phenomena of earth- quakes. The first director of the observatory was the celebrated Melloni (d. 1854). The present director Palmieri has published an interesting account of the eruption of 1872. A slab has been placed at the entrance of the building in memory of the tra- vellers who perished in the Atrio del Cavallo in 1872 (p. 120; on which occasion Sign. Palmieri remained at his post in the Observatory). Beyond the building is a guard-house of Cara- binieri, whose duty is to watch over the public safety. The new. road constructed by the Wire-rope Railway Company above the Observatory traverses the stream of lava formed by the eruption of 1872, In 50-60 min. we reach the foot of the cone (720 ft. above the Observatory), where in fine weather the traveller is immediately beset by an eager troop of portantina-bearers, horse-holders, and men with straps, etc. (tariff, see p. 117). The railway will, however, alter all this. The ascent of the precipitous cone , consisting of slag and loose ashes, which is 1500 ft. higher , and rises at an angle of 30-35°, has been extremely fatiguing since the eruption of 1872. If the traveller has not accepted the ‘aiuto’ of the strap, he is POMPEII. 9. Route. 123 followed for a considerable way up by a number of would-be assistants , who only return when satisfied that their services are not required. Halfway up there is a resting-place. The as- cent takes 1-1 V 4 hr. The Crater , which changes its form after every great eruption , presents a most striking appearance. At present the cone in the crater is higher than the rim, and several lateral openings have been formed for the escape of the lava. Under ordinary circumstances there is no danger unless one approach- es the shelving brink incautiously, or exposes oneself to the fumes of sul- phur and showers of stones. Thus in 1854 a young German, imprudently approaching the aperture of the active cone, lost his footing, fell in, and was killed by the fall. As the mountain was quiescent at the time, his body was recovered. — The guides are in the habit of making impres- sions on the hot lava with copper coins , roasting eggs , and inviting the traveller to make similar experiments. The only risk incurred in doing so is that of damaging the soles of one’s boots. From Pompeii the ascent takes about the same time as from Resina , but there is no carriage-road. The route leads by ( 1/2 hr.) Bosco tre Case , and ascends thence through vineyards. The view gradually becomes freer. We first reach the lava of 1822, and then, where the ascent becomes steeper, those of 1848 and 1868. Riders usually reach the base of the last cone in IT /2 hr. The ascent is most interesting when the mountain ‘works’, or ejects scoriae and ashes, a condition indicated by smoke during the day and a reflection of fire at night, which may be observed from Naples. Even if its state is that of perfect repose, which is not often the case, the fatigue of the ascent is repaid by the im- posing appearance of the crater and the magnificent ^Panorama commanded by the summit, extending as far as the Ponza Islands and Mte. Circello, and most beautiful about sunrise or sunset. The Monte Somma (3642 ft.) also affords a fine view, and is interesting to geologists and botanists. The ascent may be made from Massa or from Somma. 9. Pompeii. Railway to Pompeii , see R. 7. — (The distance to Pompeii from Torre Annunziata, the station before it, is only l 3 /4 M., so that the tra- veller may find it convenient to take one of the Castellamare trains to that station ; the high road thence to Pompeii is apt to be very dusty, carr. I-IV 2 fr.) — From the Pompeii Station a walk of about 200 paces in a straight direction brings us to the Hotel Diomede (p. 124) , situated close to the Entrance. We ascend a flight of steps, immediately on the right of the hotel, to the ticket-office. We are then provided with a guide at the turn-style, and soon reach the Porta Marina , where our description begins (see p. 130). High Road to Pompeii, very dusty in summer, like all the roads near Naples. Carriage with one horse 10 , with two horses 20 fr. and gratuity; drive of 2hrs. See p. 115. Duration of Stay. The time which the traveller devotes to the ruins must depend on his own inclination. A superficial inspection may be accomplished in 4-5 hrs. ; but in order to summon up from these mutilated walls a tolerably accurate picture of ancient life , frequent and prolonged 124 Route 9. POMPEII. Hotels . visits and patient observation are indispensable. The enthusiasm called forth by the discovery of Pompeii and the fascination attaching to the name are calculated to raise the expectations of the non-archseologist to too high a pitch. The remains are simply the bare ruins of a town destroyed by fire, which have been extricated from the rubbish accumulated during seventeen centuries. Admission on Sundays gratis, on other days 2 fr. (If the ruins be quitted and re-entered, the entrance-money is exacted a second time ; tickets must be shown at the Amphitheatre and elsewhere.) At the en- trance visitors are provided with a guide (except on Sundays , when one cannot even be had by payment of a fee), who is bound to accompany them and pilot them through the ruins during any number of hours be- tween sunrise and sunset. These guides are about 60 in number, and each is provided with a badge (numbered according to the seniority of the wearers , No. 1 being the oldest). One of those who speak French or a little English will be assigned to the traveller on application. They are strictly forbidden to accept any gratuity, but the offer of a cigar or other refreshment will ensure their civility. The guide-books, drawings, and photographs which they offer for sale are generally of an inferior de- scription and should at once be declined. Complaints made to the in- spectors (soprastanti), or better still to the director Ruggiero , are sure to receive attention. The discipline and order maintained by the latter are deserving of the highest commendation. Permission to draw, take mea- surements, etc. , is obtained at the Segreteria of the Museum at Naples (comp. p. 60), where the applicant must show his passport. Artists or students who desire to make prolonged studies may, on application at the office and production of their passports, obtain a free ticket of admission available for a fortnight, which they are most liberally permitted to renew as often as they desire. Permission to visit the ruins by moonlight is only accorded to persons specially introduced to the director. Before visiting Pompeii the traveller should acquire some previous acquaintance with the place from books and plans, f The more familiar the objects are to him, the greater will be his enjoyment. Implicit confi- dence cannot be placed in the guides for anything beyond mere technical explanations. Those who visit the ruins once only should avoid occupying much of their time with the minutiae, as the impression produced by the whole is thereby sacrificed, or at least diminished. On account of the phy- sically and mentally fatiguing nature of the expedition, the stay should not be extended much beyond 3 hrs. In summer the streets of Pompeii are often insufferably hot ; the evening is therefore the most enjoyable time for the visit, when the lights and shades on the surrounding mountains and the illumination of the ruins by the declining sun invest the place with magic fascination. The traveller should, if possible, contrive to visit it at least twice, once with and once (on a Sunday) without a guide. Hotels. At the entrance to Pompeii , opposite the railway-station, Hotel Diomede (tolerable, colazione 3V2, pranzo 4 fr., and 25 c. for atten- dance). About 5 min. walk farther, on the right, opposite the Porta di Stabia, Hotel & Restaurant Pompeii, R. 2 l /-2, colazione 2 l /i, D. 3*/2, pens, for artists 5 fr. A little farther on , near the Amphitheatre, "Hotel du Soleil, B. 2, D. 3, pension 4^2 fr., chiefly frequented by artists; the land- lord may be recommended as a guide for Vesuvius and other excursions in the neighbourhood. Pompeii was once a prosperous provincial town, with a po- pulation of 20-30,000 souls. The original Oscan inhabitants had at the close of the republic become completely Romanised, and after the earthquake of A.D. 63 the town was re -erected in t A work recommended to the traveller’s notice is Professor Overbeck's Pompeii , which contains a plan, 26 coloured views, and 315 woodcuts (3rd ed. Leipzig, 1875; 20 marks). A more recent work is Professor Nissen's Pompejanische jstudien (Leipzig, 1877 ; 25 marks), History, POMPEII. 9. Route. 125 the new Roman style composed of Greek and Italian elements. Pompeii , therefore , represents one definite epoch of antiquity only, hut it is the most important and almost the only source of our acquaintance with ancient domestic life. The investigation of the various phases of this life , even in its minuter details, forms a pursuit of inexhaustible interest. Pompeii is mentioned in history for the first time in B.C. 310 •, but its monuments, such as the wall of the town and the so-called Greek Temple, clearly prove it to be of much greater antiquity. Founded by the Oscans, it soon became imbued with the elements of Greek civilisation, like the other towns of this extensive tribe. Being situated near the sea on an ancient volcanic eminence, it carried on extensive commerce with the inland Campanian towns by means of the navigable river Sarnus, and enjoyed an uninterrupted, though not brilliant share of prosperity. (The sea and river were separated from the town by subsequent convulsions of nature.) After the Samnite wars, in which Pompeii had also participated, the town became subject to Rome. It united with the other Italians in the Social War. The rebels were defeated in the vicinity of Pompeii by Sulla, who attacked the town itself, but unsuccessfully. After the termi- nation of the war, however, B.C. 82, a colony of Roman soldiers was sent thither, and the inhabitants were compelled to cede to it one-third of their arable land. In course of time Pompeii became thoroughly Romanised, and was a favourite retreat of Romans of the wealthier classes, who ( e.g . Cicero) purchased estates in the vicinity. It was also favoured by the em- perors. Tacitus records a serious conflict which took place in the amphi- theatre, A. D. 59, between the Pompeians and the neighbouring Nucerines, in consequence of which the former were prohibited from performing theatrical pieces for a period of ten years. A few years later, A.D. 63, a fearful earthquake occurred, evidencing the re awakened activity of Ve- suvius, which had been quiescent for centuries. A great part of Pompeii, its temples, colonnades, theatres, and private dwellings were destroyed on that occasion. This disaster afforded the inhabitants an opportunity of re-erecting their town in a style more conformable to the improved architecture of imperial Rome , and it accounts for the comparatively modern and often unfinished character of the buildings. The new town had not long been completed, although it had been restored in a re- markably short period with the aid afforded by private liberality, when it was overtaken by the final catastrophe of 24th Aug. 79. The first premonitory symptom was a dense shower of ashes, a stratum of which covered the town to a depth of about 3 ft. , allowing the inhabitants time to escape. Many of them, however, returned, some doubtless to rescue their valuables, others paralysed with fear and uncertain what course to pursue. In the years 1861-72 were found eighty -seven human skeletons, and those of three dogs and seven horses. The whole number of those who perished is estimated at 2000. The ashes were followed by a shower of red hot rapilli, or fragments of pumice-stone of all sizes, which covered the town to a depth of 7-8 ft. , and was succeeded by fresh showers of ashes and again by rapilli. The present superincumbent mass is about 20 ft. in thickness. Part of this was formed by subsequent eruptions, but the town had already been completely buried by the original catastrophe, and was entirely lost to view, though its name was long preserved by a small village which sprang up near the site. Extensive excavations , however, had been made in ancient times. Immediately after the calamity the sur- vivors doubtless recovered as many valuables from their buried homes as they could $ and in subsequent centuries the ruins were repeatedly ran- sacked for the marbles and precious stones used in the embellishment of the temples and other buildings. We therefore now find the town in the condition in which it was consigned to oblivion some fifteen centuries ago as no longer containing anything of value. During the middle ages Pompeii was entirely unknown. In 1592 the architect Fontana constructed a subterranean water-conduit in order to supply Torre dell 1 Annunziata 1 26 Route 9 . POMPEII. History . from the Sarno, actually intersecting the ruins, and to this day in use ; yet no farther investigations were then attempted. In 1748 the discovery of some statues and bronze utensils by a peasant attracted the attention of Charles III., who caused excavations to be made. The amphitheatre, the- atre, and other parts were then disinterred. The enthusiasm caused by the discovery has been the frequent theme of poetical and other compositions by Bulwer, Schiller, and other celebrated authors: What wonder this ? — we ask the lymphid well , 0 Earth! of thee — and from thy solemn womb What yield'' st thou ? — Is there life in the abyss — Doth a new race beneath the lava dwell ? Returns the Past , awakening from the tomb ? The earth , with faithful watch , has hoarded all ! Under the Bourbons the excavations were continued in a very unsatis- factory manner. Statues and valuables alone were extricated, whilst the ruins were either suffered to fall to decay or covered up again. To the reign of Murat, however, we are indebted for the excavation of the Forum, the town-walls, the Street of Tombs, and many private houses. The political changes of 1860 have likewise exercised a beneficial effect. Under the able superintendence of M. Fiorelli, instead of the former predatory operations, a regular plan has been adopted, according to which the ruins are systema- tically explored and carefully preserved, and highly satisfactory results thus obtained. The movable objects found, as well as the more important frescoes, have been removed to the Museum at Naples, — a very desirable course , as is obvious from the injury caused by exposure to those left behind. At Pompeii itself a museum and library have been instituted, a dwelling-house erected for students supported by government, and a railway constructed for the removal of the debris. The workmen employed in the excavations average eighty in number, but several hundred are at times engaged. If the works continue to progress at the same rate as at present, the complete excavation of the town, according to FiorellFs calculations, will occupy seventy years more, and will cost about 5 million francs. A sum of 30-40,000 fr. is realised yearly from the money paid by visitors for admission. Before beginning our walk, we may make a few remarks on the plan and architecture of the town. Town Walls. The town is built in the form of an irregular ellipse, extending from E. to W. The circumference of its walls amounts to 2843 yds. There are eight gates, to which the following names have been given : Porta di Ercolano , della Marina , di Stabia , di Nocera , del Sarno , di Nola , di Capoa 1 and del Vesuvio. In consequence of the prolonged peace, however, the walls had entirely lost their importance. Towards the sea they had been demolished, and outside the Gate of Herculaneum a considerable, suburb had sprung up, called Pagus Augustus Felix , after the settlement established by Augustus. Plan of the Town. The excavated portion (about 275,000 sq. yds.) embraces about one-third only of the town, but prob- ably the most important part, including the Forum with the con- tiguous temples and public buildings , two theatres with large colonnades, the amphitheatre, and a considerable number of private dwellings of more or less ornate character. The principal streets are : 1 . The Consular Street , or Via Domitiana , which , prolonged by the Strada de * Sepolcri , or Street of Tombs , leads to the Porta di Ercolano, and thence in several ramifications to the Forum ; Topography . POMPEII. 9. Route. 127 2. The Street of Mercury (named Street of the Forum as far as the Temple of Fortuna), from the Forum to the N. extremity of the town; 3. The street leading from the sea, past the Thermae and the Temple of Fortuna, to the Porta di Nola (called successively the Street of the Thermae , Fortuna , and NoUjl)\ 4. Strada dell Ab- bondanza , leading apparently from the Forum to the Porta del Sarno ; 5. Strada Stabiana , from the Porta di Stabia to the Porta del Yesuvio. — According to the new Official Arrangements the town is divided into nine ‘Regions’ ( Reg tones ) by the four principal streets connecting the gates (Strada dell’ Abbondanza, Str. della Fortuna, Str. Stabiana, and another, parallel to the last but not yet excavated). Six of these quarters have been wholly or partly excavated, viz . the YIth, Yllth, and YHIth to the W. of the Str. Stabiana, and the 1st, Ilnd (amphitheatre), Yth, and IXth to the E. of it. Each region is subdivided into Insulae , or blocks of houses bounded by four streets, each provided with a number. Each house is also numbered. Thus ‘Ins. YI. 8, No. 5’ means the house No. 5 in the eighth insula of the sixth region. Lastly, the streets of each region are numbered (Via prima, secunda , etc.), while the Str. Stabiana is entitled the ‘Cardo’ (line through the centre from N. to S.), the Str. della Fortuna the ‘Decumanus Major’ (major transverse line) , and the Str. dell’ Abbondanza the ‘Decumanus Minor’ (minor transverse line). The older names of the houses , by which many of them are known, were generally chosen in a very arbitrary fashion ; the newer names are generally taken from signet-rings or seals found in the interiors. The streets, bordered by pavement, are straight and narrow, not above 24 ft. in breadth, the narrower lanes 14 ft. only. They are admirably paved with large polygonal blocks of lava. At in- tervals, especially at the corners, are placed high stepping-stones j leading from one side of the pavement to the other, intended for the convenience of foot-passengers in rainy weather. The waggons have left deep ruts in the causeways, which do not exceed 4^2 ft. in width ; and the horses’ hoofs have made impressions on the stepping-stones over which they were obliged to pass. At the corners of the streets are public fountains, decorated with the head of a god, a mask, or similar ornament. In the streets are frequently seen notices painted in red let- ters, referring generally to the election of the municipal authori- ties, and recommending some particular individual as sedile or duumvir. Trade-signs, like those of the present day, are very rare. On the other hand an occasional ‘phallus’ is seen, for the purpose of averting the evil eye; and one or two large snakes, the emblems of the Lares, the gods of the hearth and of cross- ways, are very common. Stuccoed walls are often covered with graffitti , or roughly scratched drawings resembling those with which our ‘Street Arabs’ still delight to decorate blank surfaces. 128 Route 9 POMPEII. Architecture Construction. The houses are slightly built of concrete (small stones consolidated with cement) or brick, and sometimes, particularly the corner pillars, of blocks of stone. The hasty and patched character of the construction is accounted for by the earthquake of 63. The numerous well-preserved staircases prove that the houses must uniformly have possessed a second and per- haps also a third story. These upper portions, consisting chiefly of wood, have, with a single exception (p. 146), been destroyed by the red-hot scoriae of the eruption. Shops. In traversing the streets of Pompeii, we soon ob- serve a difference between the various houses, which were shops (tabernae) or dwelling-houses according as their rooms are turned to or from the street. The former belonged to the large dwelling-houses, and were let to merchants and shopkeepers, in the same way as the ground-floors of the palazzi in Naples are occupied by shops at the present day. These shops were generally in no way connected with the back part of the house, and presented their whole fron- tage to the street, from which they could be separated by large wooden doors. Many of the shop-tables, covered with marble, and once fitted up with large earthen vessels for the sale of wine, oil, etc., are still preserved. At the back of the shop there was occasionally a second room, probably occupied by the shopkeeper, who in other cases must have lived in the upper part of the house, or in a different part of the town. The nu- merousness of these shops affords proof of the importance of the retail traffic at Pompeii. Where the street was not thus enli- vened , it was flanked by bare walls , adorned here and there with a painting. The absence of glass forms one of the chief differences between an ancient and a modern dwelling. The ancients therefore concentrated their domestic life in the interior of their houses, which presented to the street a blank wall with as few openings as possible , and these covered with an iron grating. A distinct idea of this mode of building, so different from that of the present day , and without parallel except in some Oriental countries , is best obtained in the more recently excavated and better preserved streets between the Forum and the Stabian Street, and to the E. of the latter. Plan of the Houses. The dwelling-houses of Pompeii vary greatly in size, and have obviously been very differently fitted up, in accordance with the nature of the situation, or the means and taste of their owners. Their chief peculiarity is the internal court, which provided the surrounding chambers with light, and was the medium of communication between them. Most of the Pompei- an houses of the wealthy middle class are entered from the street by a narrow passage (vestibulum) leading to the court ( atri- um which is surrounded by a covered passage, with the implu- vium , or reservoir for rain-water, in the centre. The roof sloped of the Town. POMPEII. 9. Route. 1 29 inwards and had an opening in the centre (compluvium) which afforded light and air to the court and the adjoining rooms. Beyond the atrium is a large apartment opening into it, called the tablinum. This front portion of the house was devoted to its intercourse with the external world; and it was here that the patron received his clients and transacted business. The rest of the house was destined solely for the use of the family. Its centre also consisted of an open court, enclosed by columns, and thence termed the peristylium , the middle of which was laid House of Pansa { p. 136). out as a garden. Sometimes, however, there is a flower-garden ( xystus ), surrounded by columns, beyond the peristyle. At the back of the peristyle are generally several business rooms, called ceci. Around these principal apartments , in which the magnificence of the house is concentrated, are situated the sleeping and eat- ing-rooms, slaves’ rooms, kitchen, cellar, etc. The upper floor was destined principally for the slaves. Most of the apartments are very small, but the family worked and spent most of their time in the light and airy courts. The reconstruction of a complete house in its original form would be most interesting and instructive, but has not yet been carried out. (A good model is to be seen at the Museum of Naples, p. 74.) Decoration. Marble is rarely met with in the public or domestic architecture of Pompeii , the columns being invariably constructed of tuff stone or bricks, cemented by mortar. The brick walls and columns were then covered with stucco, which took the place of marble, and afforded ample scope for decorative painting. It is in fact hardly possible to imagine a gayer or more richly Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 9 130 Route 9. POMPEII. Porta Marina . decorated town than Pompeii must have been. The lower halves of the columns are generally red or yellow, the capitals tastefully painted; the walls, too, where undecorated, are painted with bright, and almost glaring colours , chiefly red and yellow , harmonising well with the brilliancy of a southern sun. The centre of the walls is generally occupied by a painting unconnected with the others. The best of these were removed to the museum at Naples, before they had suffered from exposure to the elements ; many, however, of those left merit inspection. The scenes present a uniformly soft, erotic character, corresponding to the peaceful and pleasure-seeking taste of the age (comp. Introd., p. xxxviii). We now proceed to describe the different streets and build- ings , beginning with the Porta Marina , by which we enter the town on arriving from the station (p. 123). We shall then proceed (comp. Plan) to the Forum and first explore thence the streets in the N.E. quarter of the town ■ — those of the Forum, of the Thermse, of the Herculaneum Gate, and of the Tombs. Returning to the Scuola Archeologica, we shall next traverse the Yicolo di Mercurio to the Strada di Mercurio , then follow the Str. della Fortuna to the recently excavated quarter near the point where it intersects the Stabian street, and then proceed by the Stabian street, crossing the Str. degli Augustali and the Strada dell’ Abbon- danza, to the Forum Triangulare and the theatres. Our description terminates with the Amphitheatre. The chief points of interest are printed in heavier type. Those who are pressed for time had better omit the Amphitheatre. The Guides usually conduct visitors from the Forum to the E. into the Strada dell 1 Abbondanza, and to the theatres and the Amphitheatre, and then return through the street of the Augustales to the Fortuna street, where they keep their stock of photographs and souvenirs. They next show the street which is now in course of being excavated, running towards the Vesuvius gate, and beyond it the Mercurius street; and they end with the Herculaneum Gate and the Street of Tombs. Those who desire to form a distinct idea of the topography and arrangements of the town are recommended either to adopt the following plan, or to frame one for themselves and name to the guide in order the places they desire to see. Travellers who intend to dine or put up at the Hotel du Soleil should visit the Amphitheatre last. The above-mentioned Porta Marina is a vaulted passage under ancient magazines, which have been built over in modern times. The street here ascends rapidly, like all the other approaches to the town, which lies on an eminence. The passage, 17^2 ft. in width and 75y 2 ft. in length, has a path for foot-passengers on the left. On the right in this passage is the entrance to the *Museum, which contains many interesting objects, though none of artistic value, arranged in three rooms. Among these are casts and models of doors, windows, shop-shutters, and other objects in wood. In glass cases are preserved casts of eight human corpses, and one Temple of Venus. POMPEII. 9. Route. 131 of the body of a dog. Although the soft parts of the bodies had decayed in course of time, their forms frequently remained imprinted on the ashes, which afterwards hardened. In 1863 Fiorelli made the ingenious ex- periment of carefully removing the bones of a body thus imbedded, and filling the cavity with plaster, and he has succeeded admirably in preserving the figures and attitudes of the deceased after their death- struggle. On the point of flight, many of them had divested themselves of most of their clothing. Among the figures are a young girl with a ring on her finger, two women, one tall and elderly, and the other younger; a man lying on his face; and a man lying on his left side with remark- ably well-preserved features. There are also amphorae, vases, rain-spouts, etc., in terracotta; vessels in bronze; carbonised articles of food like those at Naples (p. 74); skulls, and skeletons of men and animals. The Via Marina ascends hence in a straight direction to the Forum, being bounded by a wall on the right, and by uninteresting shops on the left. Behind these are a number of houses recently excavated, but presenting little attraction. On the right at the end of the Via Marina is a side-entrance to the Basilica (PI. 64), an oblong edifice, 220 ft. long and 82 ft. broad, with its facade towards the Forum. A passage round the interior consists of twenty-eight brick columns with capitals of tufa ; the space in the centre was probably roofed in. On the walls are half-columns, all covered with stucco. At the end of the building was the elevated tribune, or seat of the presiding magistrate, which was probably approached by movable steps. In front of it is a pedestal for a statue ; below are vaults (perhaps a prison), reached by a staircase. In the year 79 the building must obviously have been undergoing extensive alterations. Also on the W. side of the Forum , to the left of the Via Marina, is situated the so-called *Temple of Venus (PI. 63), an edifice of very early origin, but restored after the earthquake of 63. The temple is surrounded by a spacious, irregular quad- rangle, 177 ft. long, on the S. side 103 ft. and on the N. side 109 ft. broad. As the side towards the Forum was not parallel with it, the wall, in order to prevent the eye being offended by this irregularity, was furnished in the interior with eight buttresses at intervals, each projecting farther than the last. The portico is borne by forty-eight columns, originally Ionic, which had been converted by means of stucco into Corinthian ; but this coating has now fallen off. The Temple itself rises in the centre of the court, on a basement 65 ft. in length, 39 ft. in width, and 7V 2 ft. in height, and is approached by thirteen steps. Facing these stands an Altar : with an inscription of the donors , the quatuorviri of the town, and still bearing traces of its former use for offerings of incense. To the right in the colonnade is a statue of unknown import. On the left, opposite, in front of the small altars, were placed several other statues (among which were the Venus and Hermaphrodite found here). The temple itself was surrounded by a Corinthian colonnade, and had a facade of six 9* 132 Route 9, POMPETT. Forum. columns. Within the vestibule was the shrine, where the figure of the goddess stood on a lofty pedestal. A much mutilated statue of Venus was found here. Fine view of M. Santangelo from this point. — Behind the court of the temple are chambers for the priestesses, decorated with paintings. The *Forum (PI. 57, Foro Civile ) forms the central point of the town (109 ft. above the sea-level). On the N. side, de- tached , stands the temple of Jupiter (p. 133); the other sides are enclosed by an arcade. The Area, or open space in the centre, 515 ft. in length and 107 ft. in breadth, is paved with large slabs. Six streets converge here, but the forum was pro- tected against the trespass of riders or waggons by stone pillars round the margins, and could even be entirely shut off by gates. In the area are twenty-two bases for statues, erected in honour of emperors and other illustrious men, five of which (four on the W. side, one at the S.E. corner) still bear incriptions, dedicat- ed to officials of high rank, the duumviri (similar to the consuls of Rome) and quinquennales (censors) of the town. The exten- sive basements on the S. side were destined for equestrian statues, most of the pedestals never having been completed. The colon- nade surrounding the Forum varies in breadth from 26 to 45 ft., a number of the buildings which adjoin it having been erected at a date prior to the construction of the Forum. Above the lower columns of the Doric order rose a second series of the Ionic, thus constituting an upper, covered passage, approached by steps, several of which are still preserved. The whole was in an unfin- ished condition at the time when the town was destroyed ; por- tions of the frieze, consisting of limestone, placed round the colonnade, are still in a rough state; on the S. and E. sides are older columns of tuffstone. To the right of the Basilica, on the S. side of the Forum, are situated the Tribunals (PI. 66), three adjacent chambers, each with a semicircular extremity, handsomely built of brick which was once covered with marble. Their use is not distinctly ascer- tained ; but they seem to have been minor courts of justice. To the left of the tribunals diverges the Street of the Schools, pursuing an E. direction as far as the Forum Triangulare (p. 147). The excavated houses are again partially covered with rubbish, and therefore devoid of interest. On the E. side of the Forum, at the corner of the handsome Strada dell’ Abbondanza (p. 144), is a square hall, erroneously supposed to be a school. On the opposite side of the street, Forum No. 1, is situated the *Chalcidicum (PI. 62), erected by the priestess Eumachia , and perhaps used as an exchange. On the frieze of the portico facing the Forum, and still more fully over the entrance in the Str. dell’ Abbondanza, may be read the following inscription : ‘ Eumachia Temple of Jupiter. POMPEII. 9. Route. 133 Lucii filia sacerdos publica nomine suo et M. Numistri Frontonis fill chalcidicum cryptam porticus , Concordiae Augustae Pietati sua pecunia fecit eademque dedicavit The interior is separated from the portico by a number of small chambers, which were used as a kind of magazine , where a great number of marble slabs, destined for the completion of the edifice, were found. In the interior is an open court, 123 ft. in length and 62 ft. in width, once surrounded by fifty-four columns of Parian marble , of which three only are left, and these in a mutilated condition. This colonnade ( chalcidicum ) is surrounded by a covered passage (crypta), which afforded protection against the weather. At the back of this, in a niche, stands the statue of Eumachia (a copy, the ori- ginal being at Naples, p. 67), erected by the fullers (fullones) of Pompeii. — On the external wall of the Chalcidicum is the copy of an inscription found here, dedicated to Romulus. We next reach No. 2, the so-called *Temple of Mercury (PI. 61), 83 ft. in length and 53 ft. in breadth. A number of excavated objects have been placed here : vases, spouts of fount- ains, rain - gutters , capitals, stone - weights with iron handles, mortars, earthenware, etc. To the left of the entrance are ves- sels of lead, fragments of glass, bone articles, iron gratings, fetters, tires of waggon-wheels; to the right earthenware and fragments of marble. In the centre an *Altar in marble with reliefs : on the front victims, on the sides the sacrificial utensils. The form of this temple is very irregular. At the extremity of the area is the small shrine with a pedestal for the statue of the god. No. 3, adjacent, is the Curia (PI. 59), where, as is generally believed, the town-council held their deliberations. It is a square hall, 65 ft. long, 58 ft. broad, with hemicyclical termination and several niches, but greatly damaged. Opposite, on the N. side of the Forum and in the most con- spicuous part of it, rises the *Temple of Jupiter (PI. 60), on a basement 9^2 ft. in height. At the time of the eruption it was in process of being restored. The Pronaos is approached by eigh- teen steps, and has a facade of six columns with three on each side. Apertures in the ground admit light to the underground chambers, which were used as a magazine for building materials, having originally been probably a treasury. The whole length of the temple is 118 ft. Behind the Pronaos is the shrine, with two series of Ionic columns, eight in each, arranged close to the painted walls. At the back are three chambers. At the farther end, to the left, a flight of steps ascends to the basement which bore the statue of the god, which the visitor should not omit to visit as it affords a fine *Panorama of Pompeii, M. Santangelo, the palace of Quisisana, and the chain of the Apennines. Passing along the W. side of the Forum, we observe, at the end of the Temple of Venus, No. 31, a niche, in which, as 134 Route 9. POMPEII. Temple of Augustus. an inscription found here informs us, the standard weights and measures were kept. Then follows a flight of steps, which led to the arcade, and formed an approach to the Temple of Venus. Adjoining the latter is No. 29, the so-called Lesche , a hall ap- parently for public purposes. Beyond this is No. 28, a public latrina, and then No. 27, a building which from its narrow, gloomy cells appears to have been a prison. Farther on, the Forum is bounded by a wall. In front of it, adjoining the Temple of Jupiter, is a Triumphal Arch. At the E. end of the Forum, adjoining the Curia, stands the so-called *Temple of Augustus (PI. 58), sometimes named the Pantheon , an edifice whose object is involved in mystery. In front of it are pedestals for statues; on the exterior, shops possibly occupied by money-changers. The building is entered by two doors (Nos. 7 and 8). The interior consists of a rectan- gular court, 122 ft. in length and 80 ft. in width. The walls are decorated with frescoes (those to the left of the entrance, the best preserved , represent Argus and Io, Ulysses and Pene- lope). The court was still unfinished when the catastrophe took place ; it was destined to be enclosed by a colonnade, but the limestone slabs of the pavement have been laid on the N. and W. sides only, while on the other sides the enclosure is formed by blocks of tufa. A dodecagon is formed in the centre by twelve pedestals for statues. To the right are eleven chambers simply painted red ; at the extremity is an exit into a back street. To the left is one of the principal outlets to the Street of the Au- gustales (named after this edifice). On the E. side, opposite us as we enter the building, rises the shrine. On the principal pedes- tal stood the statue of the emperor, in the side niches Livia and Drusus (here replaced by copies). To the left of this shrine was another with an altar, which perhaps was employed in the cele- bration of the sacrificial banquets; the gallery by the lateral wall is believed to have been an orchestra. To the right a larger apartment, containing stands of masonry with a slight inclination, and furnished with gutters below to early off blood or water, is supposed to have been a kitchen. The whole establishment was probably used by the college of Augustales. The arrangements resemble those of the Serapeum at Pozzuoli (p. 97). Adjacent to the Temple of Augustus rises a Triumphal Arch of brick, now divested of its marble, which here forms the bound- ary of the Forum. Under it begins the Street of the Forum. which we now follow (called in its prolongation the Street of Mercury, p. 139). The first transverse street immediately beyond the Triumphal Arch is that of the Augustales. At the corner is a relief with figures of two men Carrying a wine-jar, being the sign of a wine-merchant. Farther on, a little to the right, is the de- pot of the objects sold by the guides (pp. 124, 130). Thermae. POMPEII, 9. Route. 135 No. 1, at the corner of the next cross-street, is the Temple of Fortuna (PI. 49), erected according to the inscription by M. Tullius during the reign of Augustus. It is approached by thir- teen steps ; length 79 ft., breadth 29 ft. Two portrait-statues found in the Celia are believed to have belonged to the Gens Tullia. At the entrance to the Street of Mercury rises a Brick Arch , on which the pipes of a water-conduit are visible. It was once surmounted by the bronze statue of Nero mentioned at p. 72. We now turn to the left into the Strada delle Terme. No. 2, on the left, is the entrance to the * Therm® (PI. 39), which occupy nearly a whole insula, i. e. the space enclosed by four streets; breadth 161 ft., depth 172ft. The exterior was surrounded by shops, which had no connection with the interior. Entrances six in number. A great part of the establishment is now employed as magazines, and the public are admitted to one half of the actual baths only. A passage leads first to the chamber for undressing (apodyterium) , 37 ft. long, 21 ft. wide, and surrounded by benches. Beyond this is the cold bath (frigi- darium), a rotunda with four niches. The vault above was pro- vided with a glass window. In the centre is the basin , 14 ft. in diameter, with a marble ledge surrounding it. From the un- dressing room to the right the warm bath (tepidarium) is enter- ed, an apartment 32 ft. in length, 17^2 ft- in breadth. A frieze running round it is furnished with niches for depositing clothes and articles of the toilet, and is supported by figures of Atlas in terra- cotta. The vaulting was richly decorated, partly with stucco figures in relief. This chamber was heated by means of a large brazier of bronze. Adjacent is the hot-air bath (calidarium or sudatorium ), 52 ft. long and 17 ft. broad. A niche at the end contains a marble basin for washing the hands and face with cold water ; it bears an inscription recording that it was erected at a cost of 5250 sesterces (39i. sterling). At the other end is the basin for warm baths. The apartment had double walls and floor, between which the steam diffused itself. — The baths also possessed an exten- sive colonnade , now converted into a garden , besides several other chambers and baths for women, none of which are at present open to the public. Nearly opposite to the Thermae, Ins. VI. 8, No. 5, is the * House of the Tragic Poet (PI. 38), one of the most elegant in Pompeii , so called from two representations found in the tablinum — a poet reading, and a theatrical rehearsal (which, together with beautiful paintings of subjects from the Iliad , are now in the museum at Naples); but it was more probably the house of a goldsmith, if we may judge from the trinkets discovered in the adjoining shop. This is represented by Bulwer in his ‘Last Days of Pompeii’ as the dwelling of Glaucus. On the threshold was a dog in mosaic, with the inscription ‘Cave Canem’ (p* 62), now in the 136 Route 9. POMPEII. House of Pansa. Museum at Naples. The peristyle of seven columns is closed at the back by a wall, on which is a small shrine of the Lares. In a room to the left of the latter, Venus and Cupid fishing, and the deserted Ariadne. In the triclinium on the right, Youth and maiden looking at a nest containing Cupids, Theseus abandoning Ariadne, and Diana with Orion (?). We continue to follow the Strada delle Terme. Ins. VI. 6, No. 1, beyond the cross-street, on the right, is the House of Pansa (PI. 37; I)omus Cn . Allei Nigidi Mai), one of the largest in Pompeii, occupying a whole insula, 319ft. long and 124 ft. broad. It comprises sixteen shops and dwellings, facing the different streets. On the threshold was found a mosaic with the greeting SSalve’. This house affords a normal specimen of a palatial residence of the imperial epoch , complete in all its appointments : atrium, tablinum, peristyle, cecus (to the left, adjacent, the kitchen with the snakes), and lastly the garden or Xystus. Comp. Ground- plan, p. 129. We next turn to the right towards the Porta di Ercolano. At the picturesque corner opposite, Ins. VI. 3, No. 20, is a tavern, the street to the left of which leads to the gate. This was a business street, and contained few handsome dwelling-houses. On the left is a house fitted up as a Library , containing an extensive collection of archaeological works on Pompeii, and for the reception of students supported by government (Scuola Ar- cheologica). On the right, Ins. VI. 2, No. 4, is the House of Sallust (PI. 33 ; Domus A. Coss . Libani ), with gaily painted atrium, behind which are the tablinum and a small irregularly-shaped garden , with a dining-room (triclinium) in the corner. Instead of a peristyle, this house contains a small court enclosed by pillars, to the right of the atrium, and styled, though without good reason, the Venereum. On the wall opposite, *ActaBon converted into a stag, and torn to pieces by his own dogs. No. 6 is a Bake-house , with ovens and different mills for grinding the corn. The latter were probably turned by asses, or in some cases by slaves. — At the corner of the street is a foun- tain , and behind it a cistern. Some of the houses on the left, on the slope of the hill occu- pied hy the town , had several stories , and large vaults, used as magazines. A large, open hall to the right, Ins. VI. 1, No. 13, was a kind of Custom-House (PI. 27), where a number of weights and mea- sures were found, one of which had been stamped in the Capitol at Rome. No. 10, a little farther on, to the right, is the House of the Surgeon (PI. 26), so called from a considerable number of surgical instruments found' here. It is remarkable for its massive con* Street of Tombs. POMPEII. 9. Route. 137 struction of limestone blocks from the river Sarno, and is probably the most ancient house in the town. We next reach No. 7, on the right, the extensive House of the Vestals (PI. 25). No. 3, on the left, opposite, is a large Tavern , with a phallus towards the street, intended to avert the evil eye. It contains two wine-tables, and has an entrance for waggons. From the cham- bers at the back, as well as from the preceding and following houses on this side, a charming glimpse is obtained of the bay with the island of Capri ; near the land is the picturesque little rocky island of Revigliano ; to the right is Torre dell’ Annunziata. No. 2, on the right, is another tavern, and beyond it is the Porta di Ercolano (136 ft. above the sea-level). To the right of the gate is the approach to the *Town Wall, which may be visited for the sake of the view. The wall is 2843 yds. in circumference, and consists of an outer and inner wall, the intervening space being filled with earth. The height of the external wall varies ac- cording to the ground from 25 to 33 ft., the internal being uni- formly 8 ft. higher. Being constructed in several very different styles, it obviously dates from several distinct periods. The older part is built of large blocks of tufa and limestone, while the more recent consists chiefly of concrete (small pieces of lava consolidated with cement). The difference between these kinds of building will be observed near this gate. At a later period, perhaps during the f Social War , it was strengthened by the addition of towers. During the undisturbed peace of the imperial period, the walls on the side towards the sea were probably removed , and their site built over. The Gate of Herculaneum is one of the more recent structures. It consists of three series of arches, of which the central and largest has fallen in. The depth of the passage is 59 ft. Outside this gate lay a considerable suburb, the Payus Augustus Felix , so named in honour of Augustus. One street of this only has been partially excavated ; but several others di- verged from it on each side. This is the so-called * Street of the Tombs ( Strada dei Sepolcri ) : the great military road from Capua to Naples, Herculaneum, Pompeii, and Reggio. The ancient Roman custom of burying the dead by the side of a high road is well known. It has been ascertained that rows of graves, similar to those discovered here, exist beyond the other gates also. The Street of Tombs is in point of situation the most beautiful part of the town. On the right, No. 1, is a large unfinished pedestal. On the left, No. 1, is the Tomb of Cerinius (PI. 22), a recess with seats. It has been said that this was a sentry-box, and that the skeleton found in it was that of the sentinel who expired at his post ; but this is a mere fiction. L. No. 2, a semicircular seat with the tomb of the duumvir A. Veins , 138 Route 9. POMPEII. Street of Tombs. L. No. 4, *Tomb of Mamia (PI. 20); in front a seat like the above, with the inscription : ‘ Mamiae Publii filiae sacerdoti pu- blicae locus sepulturne datus decurionum decreto J . At the back, en- closed by a low wall, is the columbarium, with niches for cinerary urns. A solitary cypress adorns the tomb. The view hence of the bay and the mountains of Castellamare is singularly beautiful. — On a street diverging to the right, No. 2, is the Tomb ofTerentius (PI. 18). Farther on, on the right, No. 6, is the Tomb of the Garlands (PI. 16), so called from its decorations; name unknown. R. No. 9, a tomb with open recess and seat. On the left is the so-called Villa of Cicero (PI. 13), again covered up. The buttresses still visible belong to a colonnade which ran parallel to the street. R. Nos. 10 and 11, two shops. No. 12, House of the Mosaic Columns (PL 14), very dilapidated. The entrance leads first into a garden, at the end of which is a recess inlaid with mosaic, and used as a fountain ; to the left is a court with a private chapel and altar. The two staircases ascended to the upper floor. On the left, beyond the villa of Cicero, several handsome mon- uments will be observed : No. 16, that oi Servilia (PI. 11). No. 17, that of Scaurus (PI. 10), with reliefs in stucco, representing gladia- torial combats, but in a very ruinous condition. The columbarium contains niches for the urns. On the right is a long arcade, at the back of which there were shops. From the skeleton of a mule found here it has been suggested that this was a resort of peasants on market-days. In the last shop is a stove, the upper part of which consisted of earthen- ware vessels fitted together. — Farther on are several ancient tombs of limestone discovered in 1872, belonging to the remote Oscan period, when the dead were buried instead of being burned, and when painted vessels of terracotta were interred with them. — The street which diverges here is still unexcavated. On the right are several ruined tombs, the first of which is supposed to have been an ustrinum , or place of cremation. L. No. 18, a circular monument, name unknown. L. No. 20, *Tomb of the Augustalis Calventius Quintus ( PL 6); below the inscription is represented the bisellium (seat of honour) accorded him in recognition of his liberality. R. No. 37, *Tomb of the Libella family (Pl. 7), of travertine, and well-preserved, with inscriptions. Beyond, to the right, are several ruined tombs, with inscriptions partially preserved. L. No. 22, *Tomb of Naevoleia Tyche (Pl. 5), with chamber for cinerary urns. The deceased was a freedwoman, who, ac- cording to the inscription, destined this tomb for herself and C. Munatius Faustus, chief official of this quarter of the town, and for their freedmen ; a relief below refers to the con- secration of the tomb ; on the left side is the bisellium, or ma- Villa of Diomedes. POMPEII. 9. Route. 13§ gisterial seat of Munatius, on the right a vessel entering the har- bour, a symbol of human life. No. 23 was a Triclinium for ban- quets in honour of the dead. No. 24, *Villa of Diomedes (PI. 1), arbitrarily so called from the opposite tomb of the family of Arrius Diomedes (PI. 2). The arrangement of this, like that of other villas, differs considerably from that of the urban dwellings. A flight of steps with two col- umns leads at once to the peristyle of fourteen Doric columns, whence the bath is entered to the left. Opposite are terraces, which rise above the second and lower portion of the house. The garden, 107 ft. square, with a basin for a fountain in the centre , is sur- rounded by a colonnade. From the terrace a staircase descends to the left (another, from the entrance from the street, to the right). Below this colonnade , on three sides, lies a vaulted cellar which merits a visit , lighted by small apertures above , and approached by staircases descending at each end. Seventeen bodies of women and children, who had provided themselves with food, and sought protection in this vault against the eruption, were found here. But impalpable ashes penetrated through the openings into the interior, and too late the ill-fated party endeavoured to escape. They were found with their heads wrapped up, half buried by the ashes. The impression made on the ashes by a girl’s breast is now in the museum at Naples. The probable proprietor of the house was found near the garden-door (now walled up), with the key in his hand; beside him was a slave with money and valuables. We now retrace our steps by the same route to the Gate of Herculaneum and the Scuola Archeologica (p. 136), whence we enter the Vicolo di Mercurio ( Via Prima, between Ins. YI. 2 and Ins. VI. 3), the transverse street to the left. The third street intersecting the latter at right angles is the important Strada di Mercurio ( Via Sexta), leading from the town- wall to the Forum, and deriving its name from a Fountain with a Mercury’s head immediately on the right. We now turn to the left towards the town-wall. Nos. 6 and 7 (Ins. YI. 9) on the opposite (E.) side are the House of Castor and Pollux (PI. 46 ; Domus Cn. Caetroni Eutychi ), consisting of two distinct houses, but connected. No. 7 is simple and homely. It is connected with the neighbouring house by a large peristyle, adorned with paintings all round ; at the end is a basin for a fountain; beyond it is a hall. From the peristyle the atrium of the other house is entered to the left, beyond which are the tablinum and a garden with lararium. The best preserved of the frescoes is one of Apollo and Daphne in a room to the left of the garden. Farther on, Nos. 5-3, House of the Centaur (PI. 45), two f 40 Route 9. POMPEII. House of Meleager. different houses, connected by a door. No. 5 has an underground dwelling, the vaulting of which has fallen in. Adjacent, No. 2, * House of Meleager (PI. 44). Within the doorway, to the right, Mercury handing a purse to Fortuna. The richly decorated atrium contains a marble table, borne by grif- fins. Contrary to the usual arrangement, the peristyle does not lie behind, but to the left of the atrium. This is the finest peristyle which has been discovered at Pompeii, being 73 ft. in length, and 60 ft. in breadth. The porticus is borne by twenty-four columns (lower part red, upper white), and adorned by a graceful fountain. Adjoining the peristyle at the back is an oeeus, enclosed on three sides by twelve yellow painted columns. The frescoes are also yellow ; among them, to the right, a young Satyr startling a Bac- chante with a snake. To the left of the cecus is a hall with frescoes : on the transverse wall to the left, the Judgment of Paris. We return along the opposite side of the street. Ins. VI. 7, No. 23, House of Apollo (PI. 43; Domus A . Herenulei Communis ), so named from the numerous representations of that god which were found here. Behind the tablinum, a fountain of a grotesque style. To the right is an adjoining court, at the end of which is a hand- some sleeping-chamber (for two beds); on the external wall is a landscape with a Bacchanalian, and a mosaic of Achilles in Scyrus ; among the weapons which Ulysses offers him is a shield, on which Achilles and Chiron are represented. No. 18, House of the Wounded Adonis (PI. 42; Domus M. Asellini). In the Xystus, to the right, a fresco, above life-size, of *Adonis wounded, tended and bewailed by Yenus and Cupids ; at the sides, Achilles and Chiron. In a room to the left of the Xystus, ‘Toilet of the Hermaphrodite’. Continuing to follow the Strada di Mercurio, we next observe on the left, opposite the fountain mentioned at p. 139, Ins. VI. 10, No. 1, a *Tavern; towards the street is a table covered with marble and a fire-place. A door leads from the shop to the left into a small room adorned with various allusions to drinking: a waggon with a wine-cask, players and drinkers, eatables, etc. In the corner to the left a soldier is being served ; above him is scribbled : ‘da fridam pusillum’ (a glass of cold). To the right two other chambers, out of the first of which a door leads to the neighbouring house No. 2, the Casa dei Cinque Scheletri (so called from the five skeletons found here), which was perhaps used as a lodging-house. From the corner of the Yicolo di Mercurio a digression may be made in the adjacent street to the left to the House of the Labyrinth (opposite side of first side-street, immediately to the left; PI. 47), a roomy dwelling with two atria; principal entrance, Ins. YI. 11, No. 9, second door No. 10. In the passage leading to the peri- style, immediately to the left and opening on the latter, is a House of the Faun. POMPEII. 9. Route . 141 window of terracotta with six small apertures, resembling pigeon- holes. In the room beyond the peristyle, to the left, a mosaic pavement: Theseus killing the Minotaur in the Labyrinth. The house to the left was destined for the menage ; it contains a finely decorated hath with three rooms, and a large hake-house. We now return to the Strada di Mercurio. R., Ins. VI. 8, No. 23, *House of the Small Fountain (della fontana piccola, PI. 41); to the right of the entrance a staircase ascends to the 2nd floor. At the end of the house is a ^Fountain of gaily coloured mosaic, adorned with a small and graceful bronze : Boy with a goose (a copy, original at Naples). The walls are deco- rated with landscapes, among which is a *Harbour on the left. R. No. 22, House of the Large Fountain , at the end of which is a mosaic *Fountain similar to the above. R. No. 20, the Fullonica (PI. 40), or fuller’s establishment. The large atrium, borne by square pillars (on one of which were frescoes alluding to the fuller’s art, now in Naples), was perhaps covered in and used as a magazine. Around it are chambers for the workmen. At the end of the house are four basins on different levels, destined for washing the cloths, which were afterwards stamped with the feet in the small stands to the right. One egress leads to the Strada della Fullonica. Adjacent to these premises, and connected with them by a door, was the dwelling-house of the proprietor, No. 21. L., Ins. VI. 10, No. 6 , House of Pomponius , with an oil-mill to the right of the entrance. L. No. 7, House of the Anchor (PI. 48), named after an anchor in mosaic on the threshold, a spacious dwelling. By the tablinum a staircase descends to a peristyle on the level of the Strada della Fortuna, surrounded by a cryptoporticus. R., Ins. VI. 8, No. 14, Barbers Shop , very small. In the centre a seat for customers ; to the right a bench and two recesses. Having reached the brick archway of the Strada di Mer- curio (p. 135), we now turn to the left into the Strada della Fortuna (Decumanus Major), a prolongation of the Strada delle Terme , leading to the Gate of Nola. L., beyond the first cross - street, Ins. VI. 12, Nos. 2-5, the *House of the Faun (PI. 50), discovered in 1830 in presence of Goethe’s son, atid entirely excavated during the two following- years. The name is derived from the bronze statuette of a dancing Faun found here (p. 71). The house occupies a whole insula, and is the handsomest in Pompeii, 262 ft. long and 125 ft. broad. The style of its decoration proves it to date from the republican era. It contained beautiful mosaics , but hardly any mural paintings. The stucco on the walls is an imitation of in- crustation in coloured marble (comp. p. xl). On the pavement in front of the house is the greeting ‘Have’. It possesses two 1 42 Route 9. POMPEII. Hou&e of the Christ. entrances and two atria. The left atrium (35 ft. by 38 ft.) is in the Tuscan style, i. e. the roof was borne by cross-beams without vertical support. On each side of it there are four rooms. The 4th on the left contains a mosaic representing doves by a casket. In the centre of the impluvium stood the bronze statuette already mentioned. The simpler atrium on the right is an atrium tetrastylum , i. e. the roof-beams were borne by four columns near the impluvium. The peristyle contains twenty-eight Ionic columns of tufa coated with stucco. In the exedra , which opens on the peristyle, was found the celebrated mosaic of the Battle of Alexander (p. 69). At the back is a garden 105 ft. long, 115 ft. broad, enclosed by fifty-six columns of the Doric order. Numerous amphorae were found here. R., Ins. YU. 4, No. 59, Casa della Pareta Neva (PI. 51), so called from the black wall in the exedra, covered with represen- tations of Cupids, beautifully executed , but unfortunately in bad preservation. R. No. 57, Casa dei Capitelli Figurati (PI. 52), named after the capitals of the entrance-pillars, adorned with heads of Bac- chantes and Fauns. From the peristyle we enter a sugar-bake- house, the use of which has been conjectured from the nature of the objects found in it. The stove is still in existence. R. No. 56, House of the Grand-Duke of Tuscany (PI. 53), small, with mosaic fountain. R. No. 51, House of Ariadne (PI. 54), extending to the Street of the Augustales, towards which it has an additional atrium. The atrium next to the Str. della Fortuna has twenty columns, the peristyle sixteen, the lower parts being yellow, and the capitals variegated. In the centre is a fountain. Various representations. R. No. 48, House of the Chase (PI. 55). In the peristyle (which has columns on two sides only and a basin in the centre), opposite, wild beast fights, whence the name of the house ; on the right, landscapes. If we follow the Strada della Fortuna for a short distance, we reach the broad Strada Stabiana (p. 144 ; Cardo ), diverging to the right, the N. extension of which, with Insulje VI. 14 and V. 1, was excavated quite recently. At the corner to the left are a Fountain and an Altar of the Lares ; adjacent is the pillar of an Aqueduct. Of the houses here the following are noticeable : — L., Ins. VI. 14, No. 20, with a mutilated hermes erected by the arcarius (cashier) Anteros to M. Vesonius Primus , the master of the house, with projecting props for the support of wreaths. The peristyle is adorned with a fresco of Orpheus, over life-size. - — No. 22, a Fullonica , or fuller’s workshop. The atrium contains a handsome impluvium, in which the bronze summit of the fountain is still preserved, and several handsome table-supports. In the Strada di Nola. POMPEII. 9. Route. 143 room at the back are three basins (comp. p. 141), and on the wall are paintings of a banquet of fullers (fullones) and a scene in a court of law. — Opposite, to the right, Ins. V. 1, No. 26, the house of L. Caecilius Jucundus , the banker, where the receipts now preserved in the Museo Nazionale (p. 74) were discovered. In the atrium stood a hermes erected to the banker by his freedman Felix; the pedestal, with the inscription ‘ Genio L(uci) n(ostri) Felix libertus ’ is still here, but the bronze bust has been removed to the Museo (p. 71). The beautiful ^Paintings in the tablinum are unfortunately somewhat faded. The large room to the left of the peristyle contains a fine representation of ^Theseus deserting Ariadne. — Farther on, No. 18; the last room to the left of the peristyle is adorned with paintings and Greek epigrams (to the left, Pan and Cupid wrestling). The prolongation of the Strada della Fortuna , beyond the Strada Stabiana, is called the Strada di Nola, and leads in 5 min. to the gate of that name , which is one of the most ancient in the town. Here the first two insulae to the S. were excavated in 1877-78, but beyond them the fronts only of the houses have as yet been laid bare. The whole of the first insula to the right (IX. 4) is occupied by extensive Thermae , which were in course of construction at the time the city was overwhelmed. In the large court, which is acces- sible on three sides, the labourers seem to have been in the very act of making the gutter and laying the bases for the columns of the portico when they were overtaken by the catastrophe of A. D. 79. The large swimming-basin, to the left, below the windows of the inner rooms, was also unfinished. Instead of the two swimming- baths, for men and women, usually found in the Thermae, there is here only this one, which is, however, of unwonted size, and quite destitute of ornamentation. Passing through an antechamber on the left, off which open several rooms of unknown purpose, we reach the dressing-room ( apodyterium ), containing a large bath of cold water (frigidarium). Next to this is the warm bath (tepida- rium ), beyond which is the hot chamber ( calidarium ), with three basins for hot baths. To the left of the tepidarium is the laconi- cum , or sudatory, covered with a vaulted roof, and also connected with the calidarium. The three rooms last mentioned appear to have been heated by means of double floors and walls, traces of which are still visible in the laconicum. The heating-furnaces had not yet been built. The three largest rooms are provided with large windows, another divergence from the ordinary plan of the Thermae. The houses in the next insula (IX. 5) contain numerous paint- ings, most of which, however, are of little artistic merit. The first house, No. 2, contains, in the room to the left of the tablinum, three scenes from the story of Achilles : His recognition at Scyros, 144 Route 9. POMPEII. Strada dell Abbondanza . Hephaestus showing Thetis the armour he had made for Achilles, and Thetis on a Triton taking the armour to her son. — Leaving this house by the door at the hack, to the right, we reach after a few paces the house No. 21, the principal entrance to which i& from the S. (No. 18); the room at the S.W. corner of the house is decorated with three paintings representing a woman consulting with a girl about a letter, Medea on the point of slaying her child- ren, and Paris about to declare his passion for Helen (Cupid enter- ing at the door). Other important paintings found in this house have been removed from the walls. — The house in the S.E. angle of this insula, No. 16, seems to have been a tavern, and contains a room with paintings of the grossest description. A large house in the insula to the E. of the last, with a hand- some, spacious peristyle, was excavated in 1879. It contains a small bath, the marble flooring of which seems to have been removed in some early excavation. One of the rooms with black walls and flooring is tastefully decorated with coloured paintings, inserted in the walls at a later period : right, Orestes, Pylades, and Iphigeneia ; left, Theseus and the Minotaur ; in the middle , Hermaphrodite and Silenus. We now turn to the W., and pass through the lane between Ins. IX. 3 and IX. 4 to the Strada Stabiana. Immediately to the left, Ins. IX. 3, No. 5, the *House of Marcus Lucretius (PI. 56), once richly fitted up, though with questionable taste (shown at the request of the visitor). Behind the atrium is a small *Garden, laid out in terraces, with a fountain and a number of marble figures. The best of the paintings are preserved at Naples. This is one of the few houses in Pompeii of which the proprietor’s name is known. The information was afforded by a letter found with the painted address : M. Lucretio Flam. Martis decurioni Pompei. Continuing to descend the Stabian Street towards the gate, we reach (1. ; Ins. IX. 2, No. 9), a house with frescoes in the tablinum representing the ‘Caritas Romana’ and the forsaken Ariadne ; then (r. ; Ins. VII. 1, No. 25), the House of Siricus , with a handsome marble table in the atrium. A staircase leads from the peristyle to the W. part of the house, entered by the Strada del Lupanare (p. 146). Farther. on, to the right, are the Thermae (see below) at the corner of the Strada dell’ Abbondanza (from which they are entered). This broad street ascends from the Stabian Street (79 ft. above the sea-level) to the Forum. On the other side, towards the Porta del Sarno , it is only excavated as far as the next street (Fico di Tesmo , see below). At the corner here is the buttress of an aqueduct, leaden pipes from which are observed on the pavement farther on. On the left, in the direction of the Sarno Gate, Ins. IX. 1, No. 20, is the Casa dei Diadumeni (PI. 90), or of Epidrus Rufus , with a small platform in front of the facade, and a handsome atrium Stabian Thermae. POMPEII. 9. Route. 145 with fourteen columns. Within it is a lararium on the right, with the inscription , ‘Genio Marci nostri et Laribus duo Diadumeni liberti’. At the back is a garden, to the left of which is the vaulted kitchen. — The atrium of the House of Epidius Sabinus , No. 22 (left), contains a well-preserved lararium, with paintings at the back, nearly obliterated. These houses have been brought to light since 1866. The excavations have been carried as far as the old Porta Stabiana to the S., lower down. — Ascending the platform in a straight direction, we reach a cart-road leading to the Amphitheatre (see p. 149). The Vico di Tesmo (left) affords a good example of the monotonous character of the more remote streets. At the corner we observe the Tannery (Ins. I. 5, No. 2), and also an atrium (PI. 91 ; Ins. 1. 2, No. 28), the compluvium of which was covered with an iron grating (restored) as a protection against thieves. We now return and continue to ascend the Strada dell’ Ab- bondanza towards the Forum , near which this handsome street, with its numerous shops, was closed by means of stone pillars, in order to exclude carriages. L., Ins. VIII. 4, No. 15, mouse of Cornelius Rufus (PI. 72). The atrium contains two handsome pedestals for tables, and a bust with the inscription, ‘C. Cornelio Rufo’. The peristyle has eight- een columns. In the Strada dell’ Abbondanza, on the right (Ins. VII. 1, No. 8), is the principal entrance to the *Stabian Thermae (PI. 69). They are larger and older than the Therm* at the back of the Forum, and date from the Oscan period, but were afterwards extended and redecorated. We enter a spacious court, flanked by pillars on two sides , which was used for palaestric exercises. On the wall on the left are stucco ornaments in relief. Two rooms situated here were perhaps intended for undressing. Then a basin for cold baths, 16 paces long, 9 paces broad, 5 ft. deep, and another vaulted room. In the wing opposite, which has a side entrance from the street, are four baths for single bathers on the left. — In the upper part of the wing to the right is the Women s Bath. The door above leads into a vestibule , into which the dressing-room opens on the left; from the street are two separate entrances. Round the vaulted hall are niches for clothes; in the corner is a basin enclosed by masonry. Adjacent is the warm bath , a vaulted saloon with double walls. Then the sudatory, the vaulting of which has fallen in ; at one end is a marble basin, at the other a fountain for cold water; the walls are double. Behind these chambers were the stoves. — The Mens Bath , to the right near the entrance, is similar. The first door on the left leads from the large dressing-room to the cold, the second to the warm bath ; beyond is the sudatory. The two latter are much dilapidated. L., Ins. VIII. 4, No. 4, House of Holconius (PI. 70), with Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 10 146 Route 9. POMPEII. House of Siricus. handsome peristyle, rich in paintings, but faded. In the ceciis (r.) Ariadne and Bacchus; (1.) Hermaphrodite; in the room to the right, Rape of Europa ; in the room to the left, Achilles in Scyrus, and Judgment of Paris. A few paces farther the Theatre Street (see below ) diverges to the left, while we follow the Strada del Lupanare to the right. R., Ins. VII. 1, No. 47, *House of Siricus (PI. 71). On the threshold the inscription, 4 Salve lucru(m)' to the same proprietor belonged the large adjacent bake-house, No. 46. To the left of the atrium is a room with good paintings : (1.) Neptune and Apollo helping to build the walls of Troy ; opposite, *Drunken Hercules ; (r.) * Vulcan presenting Thetis with weapons for Achilles. The columns of the peristyle are painted green. To the left on the opposite wall are large snakes, with the in- scription : 4 Otiosis locus hie non est, discede morator\ To the left at the corner of the second lane, the Vicolo del Balcone Pensile, is Ins. VII. 12, No. 18, the Lupanare (PI. 83; closed) ; at the sides five sleeping-places ; in front, the seat of the hostess. The bad character of the house is sufficiently indicated by the paintings and inscriptions. A separate entrance from the street ascended direct to the upper floor. We now follow the Vicolo del Balcone Pensile, which leads to the left between Insulae VII. 12 and VII. 11 and 10. R. No. 26, House with fine frescoes at the back, to the left. R. No. 28, *House with the Balcony (PI. 84; Casa del Bal- cone Pensile'). The atrium contains a fountain with a marble figure on the right. Three rooms of the upper floor have been pre- served by carefully replacing the charred woodwork by new beams — a laborious and costly undertaking. The projecting wooden structure is similar to that frequently seen in old continental towns, and appears to have been common in Pompeii. The Vicolo del Balcone Pensile terminates in the Vicolo di Eu - machia , which extends behind the buildings of the Forum. This street leads us to the left towards the Strada dell’ Abbondanza. At the corner is a fountain with head and cornucopia of Abundan- tia, whence the name of the street. On the wall of the Chalcidicum public advertisements used to be painted (album), but little of them now remains. On the opposite side , nearer the Forum, Ins. VIII. 3, No. 8, House of the Boar Hunt (PI. 67) , named from the mosaic in the passage. The peristyle has fourteen Ionic columns. The border of the large mosaic in the atrium represents an ancient town-wall. On the wall next the Vicolo (PI. 68) are represented the twelve gods with their attributes, almost effaced. We continue to descend the Str. dell’ Abbondanza, and enter the Theatre Street to the right ( Via Sexta, between Insulae VIII. 4 and VIII. 6), leading to the Forum Triangulare. Near the latter Great Theatre. POMPEII. 9. Route. 147 is a porticus with six Ionic columns. The street to the left, which leads to the Stabian Street, is the Street of Isis (p. 148), which should now be visited before the theatres by those who purpose omitting the amphitheatre. This S. quarter is the oldest in the town, and has preserved many of its characteristics. The so-called Forum Triangulare (PI. 75) is bounded on three sides by a porticus of a hundred columns of the Doric order, destined chiefly for the use of the frequenters of the theatre. On the N. side is a pedestal for a statue, with an inscription. The side next the sea was open. On a basement here, approached by five steps, stood a * Temple in the ancient Greek style (styled, without the slightest foundation, a Temple of Hercules), 101 ft. in length and 67 ft. in breadth. It was surrounded by columns, eight being in front and eleven at each side , and in the centre was the shrine. The whole building was in the ancient Doric order of about the 6th cent. B.C. A few capitals, two broken columns, and some fragments of the wall of the cella are now the sole remains of this once imposing structure. It was doubtless overthrown by the earth- quake of 63 ; and, if so, the inhabitants of the stuccoed buildings of the imperial age would never dream of restoring it in its massive and simple dignity. — The enclosed space in front of the temple was perhaps used for the slaughter of the victims. To the left of it are three altars. Beyond the temple, No. 32, is a *Bidental (PI. 81), a unique relic of its kind. It consists of the large embouchure of a foun- tain (puteal), enclosing a spot struck by lightning, such places being regarded as sacred, and calling for atonement. Around it was erected a small, circular temple, 12 ft. in diameter, with eight Doric columns. On the other side of the temple is a semicircular seat, where there was once a sun-dial, now much decayed. Below the Theatre are the so-called Soldiers or Gladiators' Barracks (to which a flight of steps descends from the Forum Triangulare), the real object of which is not ascertained. The court is surrounded by a porticus of seventy-four columns ; length 151 ft. , breadth 125 ft. Around it are a number of detached cells. The edifice had a second floor, as the imitation on the S. side shows, which contains the rooms of some of the custodians and a small chapel. In a chamber used as a prison were found three skeletons and iron stocks for the feet. Sixty-three bodies in all were discovered in this building. Adjoining the Forum Triangulare is the *Great Theatre (PI. 77), the walls of which protruded from the rubbish even before the re- discovery of Pompeii. It is situated on rising ground, and is a building of very early origin. About the beginning of the Christian era it was restored by the architect M, Artorius, at the expense 10 * 148 Route 9. POMPEII. Temple of Isis . of M. Holconius Rufus and M. Holeonius Celer. After the earth- quake of 63 it underwent repair, hut the restoration was far from complete at the time of the final catastrophe. The space for the spectators consists of three ranks ( ima , media, and summa cavea) ; the first contains four tiers for the chairs of persons of rank, the second twenty, and the third four. Corridors and stair- cases led to the different parts of the building. It is estimated that 5000 spectators could be accommodated. Behind the orchestra is the long and narrow stage, in front of which is an opening in the ground for the rising and falling of the curtain. The poste- rior wall of the stage, once adorned with statues, is provided with three doors, according to the rules of the ancient drama. Behind these was the dressing-room. On the summit of the outer wall are seen the stone rings for the poles which supported an awning in sunny weather. Behind the theatre is a square reservoir , the water of which was used in hot weather for refreshing the specta- tors by means of a slight sprinkling. The adjacent *Small Theatre (PI. 78) is better preserved than the great. An inscription records that it was roofed in ( theatrum tectum , probably a wooden roof). Number of specta- tors 1500. The seats are cut out in such a way that the feet of the spectator did not inconvenience the person sitting on the tier below him. The building dates from about B.C. 75. The marble pavement of the orchestra was, according to an inscription, presented by M. Oculatius, a duumvir. From the Small Theatre we emerge on the Stabian Street, which we re-ascend. On the left, at the corner of the Street of Isis, Ins. VIII. 8, No. 25, the *Temple of JEsculapius (PI. 79), the smallest in Pompeii, 68ft. long, 22 l fott. broad. The anterior court contains an archaic altar of tufa, recalling the sarcophagus of Scipio in the Vatican. The cella is approached by nine steps. The name of the temple is merely conjectural. Nearly opposite the temple (Ins. I. 4, No. 5) is the Casa del Citarista (PI. 89), named after the Apollo in the style of Pasiteles found here (p. 71). This is one of the largest houses at Pompeii, comprising two atria and three peristyles. We now enter the Street of Isis to the left. Here, on the left, Ins. VIII. 8, No. 28, rises the *Temple of Isis (PI. 73), which, as the copy of the inscription over the en- trance informs us, was restored after the earthquake of 63 by N. Popidius Celsinus, a boy six years of age, at his own expense, who in recognition of this service was received into the rank of the decuriones. Length 98 ft., width 60 ft. The court is surrounded by a porticus; between the columns are several altars, and an ancient aperture for the reception of the remains of sacrifices, now used as an air-shaft of the Sarno tunnel. On the left is a small shrine, the so-called Puryatorium , in which ablutions were Amphitheatre. POMPEII. 9. Route . 149 performed ; a staircase here descended to a well ; the walls are tastefully adorned with reliefs in stucco. Within the temple itself was found the statuette of Isis, now in the museum (p. 65). The chambers adjoining the wall on the left were occupied by the priests. Several bodies were found here; and on the fire-place were remains of food. The next door on the left in the Street of Isis, No. 29, leads into a court surrounded by columns, with a curious balustrade in the centre, the object of which is unascertained. The place was a palaestra of the Oscan period, and was afterwards shortened. We return through the Stabian Street to the Strada dei Dia- dumeni, and proceed past the Casa dei Diadumeni to the platform mentioned at p. 145 , from the upper end of which a cart-road leads over the unexcavated part of the town in 8 min. to the last important relic of ancient Pompeii, the — ^Amphitheatre , situated at the S.E. end of the town, and detached from the other ruins. Outwardly the building looks somewhat insignificant, as a great part of it, as high as the second story, was excavated in the earth for the purpose of simplifying the construction. Round the exterior runs an uncovered gallery, to which stairs ascend for the use of the spectators in the upper places. The principal entrance descends considerably. Whole length 148, width 114 yds. ; number of spectators 20,000. Three different series of seats are distinguished, the first with five, the second with twelve, and the third with eighteen tiers ; above these also ran a gallery. The seats are cut out in the same manner as in the small theatre. The building was begun in B.C. 70, and after- wards continued at intervals. For several decades before the year 79 the amphitheatre had not been used , so that the story of the people having been surprised by the eruption while witnessing a gladiator combat here is a pure myth. The excavations of last century led to the discovery of other buildings near the amphitheatre, but these owing to the absence of any system at that period, were afterwards covered up again. On leaving the Amphitheatre we may return to the railway-station in */4 hr., either by the high road, or by traversing the mounds of ashes and passing part of the town-wall. Those who have driven from Naples should order the carriage to wait for them at the Amphitheatre. 10. Castellamare, Sorrento, and Capri. Comp. Map , p. 94. Railway from Naples to Castellamare , 17 M., in 1 hr.-, fares 3 fr. 10, 2 fr. 15, 1 fr. 25 c. \ nine trains in summer, fewer in winter. — Carriage from Castellamare to Sorrento , 10 M., in l^hr. \ tariff, see p. 150. A seat (‘un posto’ , l-H /2 fr.) may easily be obtained by a single traveller in one of the numerous carriages frequenting this road. Steamboat of the Society Anonima Procida- Ischia direct from Naples across the bay to Sorrento , 15 M. (and thence to Capri), in l 3 /4 hr., daily in Jan., Feb., and March*, during the rest of the year on Mondays, 150 Route 10. CASTELLAMARE, From Naples Wednesdays, and Fridays. Tlie vessel starts from S. Lucia (at the foot of the steps, see p. 35) at 8, 8. 30, or 9 a.m. ; fare 0 fr. ; return - ticket, available for one day only, 10 fr. (comp. p. 157$ office, Str. Nuova 14, see p. 40). Another small steamer now plies daily between Naples and Sor- rento at much more moderate fares (1 fr. or 50 c.), leaving Naples at 2 p.iri. and returning from Sorrento at 7 a.m. (office, Strada Piliero 10, near the Immacolatella, PI. 24). — Gentlemen may cross to Sorrento by the Market Boat which usually leaves the Porta di Massa by the Molo Piccolo (PI. F, 5) every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 2 p.m., re- turning from Sorrento the following mornings at 6 a.m. ; passage about 3 hrs. ; fare 1 fr. ; civil people. Those whose time is limited should make little stay at Castellamare , in order to arrive at Sorrento early enough for an excursion to the Deserto or other interesting point in the environs. The night should be spent at Sorrento, and Capri visited next day ; Naples may then be regained on the third , or , if necessary , on the evening of the second day. — This route may also be combined with the following, in which case it is better to begin with the latter (p. 163). The steamboat trip across the Bay of Naples is so beautiful in fine weather that it should be made once at least. The Castellamare train follows the main line to Salerno and Baragiano as far as Torre delV Annunziata (see R. 7) , where our line diverges to the right. Skirting the coast, it crosses the Sarno (on the right is the rocky islet of Revigliano , with an old castle) ; and in 12 min. it reaches the Castellamare station at the N. end of the town. Castellamare. — • Hotels. "Hotel Royal, in the main street, near the station, D. 5, R. 3, A. 1, B. IV4 fr. ; Hotel de la Paix, on the quay, new; Antica Stabia, also on the quay, second class. Beautifully situated above the town, on the road to Quisisana, commanding a charming view of Vesuvius and the bay: "Hotel Quisisana, on the left; a little beyond it, Gran Brettagna, on the right. Pension at all these hotels, 7-12 fr. — "Pension Anglaise , Mme. Baker, Villa Belvedere , pens. 7-9 fr. per day, 40-60 fr. per week, 200 fr. per month; "Pension Weiss, Villa Cotticelli, 7-8 fr. ; both commanding fine views. Caffb delV Europa and Trattoria del Commercio (with a few rooms; pen- sion), both in the Largo Principe Umberto, which opens towards the sea, and where a band plays in the evening 1-3 times a week according to the season. Carriages (comp. p. xviii). Drive in the town with one horse V2 fr-, with two or three horses 1 fr. — Outside the town, not exceeding 2 kilo- metres (D/4 M.): first hour with one horse D/2 fr., with two or three horses 2 l /2 fr. ; each additional half-hour 60 c. or 1 fr. — To Quisisana or Puzzano P/2 or 3 fr. ; there and back with halt of 2 hrs. 2 l /2 or 5 fr. ; to Vico Equense D/4 or 2>/2 fr. ; to Meta 2 l /2 or 4y 4 fr. ; to Sorrento 3 or 6 fr. (after 3 p.m. 4 or 8 fr.); to Torre Annunziata 2 or 3 l /-2 fr. ; to Pom- peii 2 or 372'fr. ; to Naples (before 3 p.m.) 8 or 15 fr. — In all these last cases the traveller may keep the carriage about 3 hrs., after which the return-fare is the same as for the single journey. Bargaining, however, is necessary. — Carriages ivith one donkey are still cheaper conveyances, but are unsuitable for more than one person; if used for two persons the driver has to walk or run by the side of the vehicle. Donkeys , very good, generally 1 fr. per hour, or 4-5 fr. per day. Boat to Capri in about 5 hours, 30 fr. Castellamare , a busy trading and fishing town with 27,700 inhab., lies in the E. angle of the Bay of Naples, at the beginning of the peninsula of Sorrento, at the base and on the slope of a spur of Monte S. Angelo . It occupies the site of the ancient Stabiae , which was destroyed in A.D. 79, at the same time as Pompeii, and CuLco d0 l he Gradel CJiilome ti dJErcole tfn s s ixlui) i'f> l S.Fr^ . Fort ?* gPv*L, f^JLXassaP^^ Castelr 4^^ LiGaJl SeogTapi.. Anjrtalt "van. "Wagner * Detes, Leljicigi mmM Abbreviazioni 1 K“ Ktxrinct , M t& Monts’ , l ,r \° Fiajio , T^ Pimtx Ji. =Hzo, S. M. Sanlu Maria, Tf'= Torre, Ff' = TUJLw, V? = Valiant . Lithogr. T. Busci * TTeicfcer . to Sorrento. CASTELLAMARE. 10. Route. 151 thence derives its official name of Castellamare di Stabia. It was here that the elder Pliny perished while observing the eruption (p. 118). Excavations of the ruins of Stabiae, which lay to the left, by the entrance to the town, towards the heights, have not been undertaken since 1745. The town extends along the coast for upwards of 1 M., consist- ing of one main street and a second running parallel with it. About y 3 M. from the station we reach the Largo Principe Umberto , a small piazza embellished with flower-beds and trees , where the Caffe Europa is situated. Farther on we come to the animated Harbour , which is protected by a molo. Adjoining it is an Arsenal with a dockyard. — On the hill to the S. of the town are the ruins of the Castle to which the town owes its name. It was built in the 13th cent, by Emp. Frederick II. and strengthened with towers and walls by Charles I. of Anjou. Castellamare is a favourite summer resort of the Neapolitans. The attractions are sea-baths , mineral waters (impregnated with sulphur and carbonic acid gas) , beautiful shady walks, and a cool northern aspect. Turning to the S. by the Largo Principe Umberto, and ascend- ing the Salita Caporiva (inclining to the right after 5 min.), we pass the Hotel Quisisana and reach a winding road, shaded by fine chestnut- trees higher up, which leads to the royal — Villa Quisisana (1 M.). The chateau ( Casino ) occupies the site of a house (‘casa sana’) erected here by Charles II. of Anjou about 1300, which was occupied by King Ladislaus and his sister Johanna II. while the plague raged at Naples. In 1820 Ferdi- nand I. of Bourbon restored the building and gave it its present name (‘one recovers health here*),. Permesso for the chateau and garden, see p. 36 ; but there is little to see except the charming view from the terrace (1 fr. ; gardener */ 2 fr-)* The *Bosco di Quisisana , or park belonging to the villa, which is open to the public, affords delightful walks. Ascending from the town, we pass through a gate to the right, opposite the entrance to the ‘R. Villa di Quisisana, turn to the left at the first bifurcation (while the road in a straight direction goes to Puzzano, see below), and then pass behind the garden of the villa , from which there is another entrance to the park. — Above , to the left , rises the Monte Coppola , which may be ascended by beautiful wood-walks, winding upwards and crossing several ravines , and commanding admirable views of the bay and Vesuvius (there and back 2- 2i/ 2 hrs. ; donkeys admitted to the park). — The traveller may return from Quisisana to Castellamare by S. Maria a Puzzano , a monastery founded by Gonsalvo da Cordova (y 2 hr. longer; beauti- ful views). Excursions may be also be made to (1/2 hr.) Gragnano to the E., where an excellent red wine is produced (osteria without a sign, second house in the village, on the left), and to Lettere ( 3 / 4 hr. farther), beauti- 152 Route 10 . META. From Naples fully situated on the slope of the mountains which were once named Montes Lactarii , with a ruined castle and magnificent prospect. Lastly to the summit of the — • Monte Sant’ Angelo, the ancient Gaums, 5000 ft. above the sea- level, the highest point near the bay, which commands a noble pro- spect, stretching from Monte Circello far into Calabria and to the Abruzzi. The mountain is clothed to the summit with wood, chiefly chestnut- trees. Fragments of pumice-stone (rapilli) from eruptions of Vesuvius are occasionally observed. The ascent, which should not be attempted without a guide, requires 4 hrs. (on donkey-back 3 hrs. $ donkey and guide 5 fr.)^ The guides should be expressly directed to conduct the traveller to the highest peak crowned by the chapel, which commands an uninterrupted panorama. Otherwise they ascend another peak, with extensive deposits of snow, the view from which is partially intercepted by the higher summit. The path leads through the park of Quisisana to the mountain village of Pinion te (0/2 hr.), whence the ascent of the Mte. S. Angelo begins. The traveller should start early, so as to return to Castellamare before dusk. The excursion may also be made from Amalfi or Sorrento. From Castellamare to Amalfi by the lesser Monte Sant 1 Angelo, see p. 174. The **Roal> from Castellamare to Sorrento (10 M. ; hy carriage in l 1 ^ hr* 5 tariff, p. 150) is one of the most beautiful excursions in this delightful district. We pass below the monastery of S. Maria a Puzzano (p. 151) to the Capo d J Orlando. The three rocks on the coast are called I Tre Fratelli. We next reach (372 M.) Vico Equense [Pension Anylaise, Mme. Dawes), a town with 12,200 inhab., situated on a rocky eminence, the ancient Vicus AZquensis. Vico was erected by Charles II. on the ruins of the ancient village, and was frequently visited by him. The Cathedral contains the tomb of the celebrated jurist Gaetano Filangieri (d. 1788). In the Villa Oiusso are several modern works of art. Beyond Vico is a deep cutting, crossed by a bridge. On the right we next observe Marina di Seiano , a village with a hand- some campanile, beyond which the road ascends between vineyards and olive plantations on the slope of the Punta di Scutolo. After having rounded this promontory, the road descends towards Meta, and the view changes. Before us stretches the famous Piano di Sorrento, a plain sheltered by the surrounding mountains, and intersected by numerous ravines, remarkable for its salubrity and its luxuriant vegetation. Orange and olive groves, mulberry-trees, pomegranates, figs, and aloes are beautifully intermingled. This has been a favourite retreat of the noble and the wealthy from a very early period. Augustus, M. Agrippa, Antoninus Pius, and others frequently resided here, and at the present day visitors of all nationalities are met with. The space is limited, and the villages are neither large nor handsome, but the district generally is pervaded with an air of peaceful enjoyment. Meta ( Hotel de Meta , with garden, new, first-class ; Trattoria della Villa di Sorrento ) is a town of 7400 inhab., possessing two small harbours. The modern church of the Madonna del Lauro, on the high road, occupies the site of a temple of Minerva. (Route to to Sorrento. SORRENTO, 10. Route. 153 Camaldoli di Meta, see p. 157.) — The Ponte Maggiore leads across the deep ravine of Meta. We next reach Carotto , a large village, extending in nearly a straight line from the hills on the left to the Marina di Cazzano on the right. Then Pozzopiano , surrounded by beautiful orange gardens, and lastly Sant ’ AgnelLo , ^4 M. from Sorrento (*Albergo della Cocumella , on the quay, with beautiful view, quiet, pension 6-7 fr.). The road then passes the (1.) Villa Quarracino , now Hotel Bellevue (see below), and (r.) the Villa Rubinacci or Rotonda (pension , see below) , traverses the long- suburb, and soon reaches the Piazza of Sorrento. Sorrento. — Hotels. La Sirena, between the small and the large Marina, situated on an abrupt rock rising from the sea, belonging to the Fratelli Gargiulo , proprietors of the above mentioned Hotel Bellevue. "Hotel Tramontano , with dependency Croce di Malta , and "Albergo del Tasso, both situated near La Sirena, and belonging to G. Tramontano , much frequented by English travellers ; high charges. "Vittoria, above the small Marina, entered from the market-place, B. l l / 2 , D. 5 fr. ; a little more to the E. of the small Marina, Gran Bretagna (formerly S. Severina ) ; both belonging to the brothers Fiorentino , proprietors of the Hotel de la Ville at Naples, with several dependencies: R. from 2 l /2, pension 9-10 fr. — In the same situation, "Hotel to Massa (3 l / 4 M.), like that from ^astellainare, of which it is a continuation, commands a series of beafitiful views. A few hundred yards beyond the last houses of Sorrento it crosses the ravine of La Conca by a bridge. To the left, y 4 M. farther, the ‘Strada Capodimonte’ ascends to the left (to the Deserto , see p. 156). The road skirts the base of the Capodimonte , which has for ages been a famous point of view, and commands retrospec- tively nearly the same prospect. It then ascends the Capo di Sor- rento , where the Villa Correale is situated (to let). About t 2 1 / 4 M. from Sorrento we reach Villazzano , a group of houses at the foot of the telegraph hill (p. 156), which the road makes a bend to avoid. A magnificent view towards Capri is now suddenly disclosed. On the right is the rocky islet of Lo Vervece. About 1 M. farther we reach the town of Massa Lubrense (a cafe at the entrance), with 8500 inhab., overshadowed by the castle of S. Maria. On the coast are the remains of a Roman aqueduct and other antiquities. The church of S. Francesco is said to occupy the site of a temple of Juno. On 15th Aug. a festival which attracts the inhabitants of the whole neighbourhood is celebrated here annually. From Massa we may proceed in 3 /4 hr. by S. Maria to the village of Termini , to which a very beautiful road also leads from Sorrento past the suppressed monastery of S. Francesco di Paola (admirable views). Ter- mini lies at the foot of the Monte 8. Costanzo , the highest point of the outer part of the peninsula (a fine point of view ; ascent somewhat fatiguing ; a hermit at the top). Beyond Termini the road gradually descends to the Punta di Campanella, the extremity of the peninsula, l 3 /4 hr. from Massa. This was the ancient Cape of Minerva , so named after a temple which is said to have been erected here by Ulysses in honour of that goddess. The promontory owes its modern name to the bells of one of the watch- towers erected along the coast by Charles V. as a protection against pirates. So lately as the beginning of the 19th cent, numerous inhabitants of the Italian coast were carried oft’ as slaves by barbarian marauders. From this sequestered spot, which is crowned with a Lighthouse and overgrown with olives and myrtles, we enjoy a magnificent distant view of the sea, the coast, and the island of Capri, 3 M. distant. Beyond the lighthouse are considerable remains of a Roman villa. (Donkey from Massa to the Punta Campanella, the summit of the Mte. S. Costanzo, and back by Termini about 5 fr. — Those who make the excursion from Sorrento to the Punta Campanella should allow for it 7-8 hrs. in all.) From Termini the traveller may descend to the S. to Nerano and the Marina del Cantone , whence the ruins of Crapolla, 2 M. to the E., may be visited by boat. On this trip we obtain a beautiful view of the three Islands of the Sirens , also called I Galli , fortified in the middle ages, but now deserted. At the landing-place of Crapolla we observe remains of a wall with a fountain in the centre, and traces of an aqueduct; higher up the hill are the ruins of the monastery and early Romanesque basilica of S. Pietro , the eight marble and granite columns of which are probably derived from some ancient temple. The interior of the church shows traces of frescoes. Good walkers may ascend from this point to S. Agata (see below) and return thence to Sorrento. The Heights above Sorrento afford many fine points of view, the paths to which are generally steep, narrow, and viewless, and 156 Route in. SORRENTO. Deserto . most conveniently reached on donkey-hack. Walking is, however, not unpleasant in the cool season. A very favourite point is the Deserto , l l / 4 -iy 2 hr. from the Piazza of Sorrento. We first follow the Massa road, and then ascend to the left by the Strada Capodimonte (p. 155). Beyond (3 min.) the second bend we take the Strada Priora to the left. Farther on (10 min.) we avoid the Crocevia road to the left and go straight on between garden-walls. In t/ 4 hr. we turn to the left to Priora , which we reach after an ascent of 5-10 min. ; we now passthrough a gateway, cross the Largo Priora, the small piazza in front of the church, to the left, turn to the right opposite the Campanile (and again to the right), and follow the paved path. The red building on the hill before us is the Deserto, */ 2 hr. from Priora. — The *Deserto is a suppressed monastery, in which an establishment for destitute children has recently been fitted up by monks. In return for the refreshments offered to visitors, a contribution to the funds of the institution is expected. The roof of the building commands a charming prospect of both bays , and the island of Capri ; in front of the latter rises the hill of S. Costanzo (p. 155), to the left of which is the solitary little church of 8. Maria della Neve. — From the Deserto we proceed to the E. to the neighbouring vil- lage of S. Agata , the cathedral of which contains a high-altar of inlaid marble. The descent thence to Sorrento through the beautiful chestnut wood of La Tigliana is very steep. Another interesting excursion is to the Telegrafo, an optic telegraph on a somewhat steep hill, communicating with Capri, 2y 2 M. to the W., and commanding an admirable view. The route to it is the same as to the Deserto as far as where the road to Priora diverges to the left (30 min.). From that point we proceed in a straight direction to (10 min.) a guard-house of the Uffizio Daziario of Massa Lubrense, about 30 paces beyond which we enter the second gate on the right leading through the yard of a cottage (2-3 soldi). In 6 min. more the path leads in a straight direction to the telegraph. — At the foot of the hill lies the * Valle delle Pigne, which derives its name from a number of handsome pines. The view of Capri hence is justly celebrated. Quails are captured here and in other parts of the peninsula of Sorrento, and in the sland of Capri , in large numbers in May, June, September, and October, affording considerable profit to the inhabitants. An admirable survey of the Piano di Sorrento is afforded by the ^Piccolo S. Angelo, l*/ 2 hr. to the S.E. of Sorrento. The route ascends from the Piazza of Sorrento along the E. margin of the E. ravine, passing Cesarano and Baranica. At the top is a deserted cottage. From this point over the hill of the Tore di Sorrento to S. Agata (see above) 1-1 */ 2 hr. The Conti delle Fontanelle, a chain of hills \ x /i hr. to the E. of Sor- rento, the path to which diverges to the right from the Meta road by the white summer-house of the Villa Cacace between the villages of Pozzo - Steamboats. CAPRI. 10. Route. 157 piano and Carotto , command a survey of the bays of Naples and Salerno. Having reached the top of the hill, we proceed to the left by a footpath leading in 1/4 hr. to the Area Naturale , a natural rocky archway on the S. coast, which was partially destroyed in 1841. We may now ascend hence to the *Telegvafo di Marecoccola, the hill to the W., and an admi- rable point of view. Above Meta (p. 152) lies the suppressed monastery of * Camaldoli di Meta , now a country-seat of the Marchese Giussi, commanding an excellent view. It is reached in 2 1 /* hrs. from Sorrento: dusty road to Meta 3 ! /4 M. ; ascend to the right to Arbore or Alberi, hr. ; turn to the right beyond the village, and in 20 min. more the yellow building is reached. As the view is finest towards sunset , the excursion should not be made at too early an hour (gardener V 2 -I fr.) A fatiguing, but interesting excursion is the ascent of the Vico Alvano (1600 ft.), the path to which also diverges from the Meta road by the above-mentioned Villa Cacace. Is then crosses the heights of the Conti di Geremenna. (From Sorrento, there and back, 6-7 hrs., with guide.) We may also walk in 2 hrs. by Meta , Arbore (see above), Fornacelle , and Preazzano to the village of S. Maria a Gastello , where from a pro- jecting rock a view is obtained of Positano , 2000 ft. below , to which a path descends in steps. On 15th Aug. , the occasion of a great festival at Positano (comp. p. 174), many visitors ascend from Sorrento to S. Maria for the sake of seeing the illumination below ; after which , however they have to return in the dark by a bad road. Capri. Comp. Map , p. 150. From Naples to Capri. Steamboat (via Sorrento), see p. 149- It starts from the steps of S. Lucia (p. 35; PI. E, 6 ) at 8 , 8.30, or 9 a. m., but in bad weather does not sail at all. — After touching at Sorrento (l 3 /4 hr.), the steamer proceeds direct to the Blue Grotto. After visiting the latter, the passengers are then conveyed to the Marina of Capri, arriving about 12 or 12.30. The vessel starts again about 3 p.m. and reaches Naples about 6 p.m. — The fares vary according to the compe- tition, but are at present as follows : from Naples to Capri 8 fr., return- tickets (available for one day only) 12 fr. ; from Sorrento to Capri 6 fr. ; embarcation and landing at Naples and at Capri 30c. each person (50 c. usually demanded); boat into the Blue Grotto 1 1 /a fr., paid on board the steamer on returning. — Unless the traveller is much pressed for time, this is a most unsatisfactory mode of visiting beautiful Capri, as, in ad- dition to the Blue Grotto, he will barely have time to visit the Villa of Tiberius. The view from the latter, moreover, is far less attractive in the middle of the day than by evening light. One whole day at least should be devoted to the island, as there are many other beautiful points besides the two just mentioned. As the trips of the steamer are neither very regular nor punctual (the weather, number of passengers, etc., often deciding the question), enquiry on this subject should be made at the hotels, or, better still, at the office, Strada Nuova 14. It should also be observed that when the wind is in the E. or N. the Blue Grotto is not accessible — a fact, however, which the captain of the steamer is careful not to mention. On such days, moreover, the roughness of the water is apt to occasion sea- sickness. A Market Boat also plies between Naples and Capri , starting in summer on Mon., Wed., and Frid., returning the same day; in winter leaving Naples on Mon. and Frid., returning on the following days. The length of the passage depends of course on the weather (3-4 hrs. ; fare 1 fr.). It generally starts from the Porta di Massa, by the Molo Piccolo (PI. F, 5) at Naples, at noon. From Sorrento to Capri. Steamboat (see above) , starting from the Piccola Marina. — By Small Boat the passage takes 2-2 V? hrs. (fares, seq 158 Route 10. CAPRI Hotels. p. 153). A four-oared boat for the excursion to Capri and Amalfi costs 30-40 fr., the night being spent at Capri. Fine weather is indispensable, but a perfect calm is neither necessary nor desirable. — The cheapest way of reaching Capri from Sorrento is by the Barca Postale of Michele Desiderio, starting from Capri every morning at 6 or 7 o' clock, and returning from the Piccola Marina at Sorrento about noon (fare, with luggage, 2 fr.). Order is now tolerably well maintained at the landing-place at Capri, and the begging nuisance has greatly abated. One soldo is sufficient payment for assistance rendered to passengers on landing. Disposition of Time. For steamboat-passengers, see above. Travellers who make the excursion from Sorrento by small boat and desire to return on the same day (which, however, is not advisable) had better first visit the Blue Grotto, then order dinner at one of the inns on the Marina, ascend to Capri and go direct to the Punta Tragara , or the Villa di Tiberio if time and energy permit, and finally return direct to the beach. — Those who spend the night on the island can of course accomplish all this with greater leisure. On the following morning they should then descend (20 min.) to the Piccola Marina on the S. side of the island, and take a boat to the Green Grotto (O /2 fr. $ O /2 hr. there and back) ; or, still better, perform the Giro of the whole island by boat (3-4 hrs.). — If a longer stay be made, Anacapri may also be visited, and Monte Solar 0 ascended. The advice in the visitors’ book at Pagano’s hotel should in any case be taken to heart: l Ne quittez pas la grotte d'Azur sans voir Capri!'. Hotels in Capri. At the Marina. "Hotel du Louvre ( Stanford ), ad- mirably situated on a height a little to the W. of the landing-place, pen- sion 6-9 fr., with baths (table d’hote on the arrival of the vessel, 4 fr.) ; Hotel de la Grotte Bleue, adjacent; Gran Bretagna, the nearest to the landing-place, D. 3V2-4, Dej. 3, R. 2Q2, B. 3 / 4 , L. 1 / 2 , A. 1 / 2 , pension 6-7 fr., well spoken of. — In the Village of Capri. "Albergo Quisisana, on the way to the Certosa (see p. 159), English landlady (widow of Dr. Clark), an excellent house, pension 7 fr. ; *Albergo Pagano ( Vittoria), nearer the Piazza, pension 6 fr. ; the garden contains a handsome palm- tree. "Hotel de France, to the left of the Piazza, higher up, at the foot of the castle to the E., with small garden and dependency, pension 6 fr.; "Tension Cavour (conducted by Mme. Lawrence), in the same road, nearer the Piazza, 5-6 fr.; the proprietor, Dr. Fischetti , also provides lodg- ings in several villas. — Wine, Beer, etc., at ! 'Michele's , next door to the Alb. Pagano, moderate prices. Donkey from the Marina to the village of Capri H/4, Horse IV 2 fr., in the reverse direction 1 or \ l /\ fr. ; to the Villa di Tiberio and back 2 V 2 or 3 fr., and a small fee; per day 5 or 6 fr., and the same for the ascent of the Monte Solaro. — Guides are quite unnecessary unless time is very limited. A boy to show the way may be engaged for several hours for V 2 -I fr. Boats (bargaining necessary) about IV 2 fr. per hour ; trip to the Blue Grotto, see p. 161 ; ‘giro’, or tour of the island (p. 162), 6-8 fr. To Sorrento, see p. 153; the hotels Quisisana and Pagano possess in common a very comfortable boat for 8 pers., which is hired for the trip to Sorrento with six rowers for 14 fr. ; boats with four rowers for smallers parties are also provided (8 fr.).' — The Piccola Marina on the S. side of the island, where the Green Grotto is situated, is reached in 20 min. (starting from the Piazza at Capri we diverge after 7 min. to the right from the road to Anacapri by a white house, and immediately turn to the left and pass under the road). Boat hence to the Green Grotto and round the E. end of the island to the Marina about 4 fr. Capri, tlie ancient Capreae (‘island of goats’), is a small, moun- tainous island of oblong form. Its picturesque outline forms one of the most charming points in the view of the Bay of Naples. The highest point is the Monte Solaro on the W. side, 1980 ft. above the sea-level; towards the E. huge cliffs, about 900 ft. in height, rise abruptly from the sea. Boats can land safely at two places only. Village of Capri. CAPRI. 10. Route. 159 The island contains about 4200 inhab. and two important villages only, those of Capri and Anacapri. The inhabitants, who support themselves chiefly by agriculture and Ashing, still retain some old peculiarities of habits and costume. One of their chief pursuits is coral-flshing, in which many of them are engaged in summer on the African coast. The island yields fruit, oil, and excellent red and white wines in abundance. The indigenous flora comprises 800 species. The island first came into notice under Augustus, who showed a great partiality for it, and founded palaces, baths, and aqueducts here. Tiberius erected twelve villas, in honour of the twelve gods, in the principal parts of the island, the largest of which was the Villa Jovis (Tacit. Ann. iv. 67), after he had surrendered the reins of government to Sejanus and retired hither (A.D. 27). He remained here almost uninterruptedly till his death in 37, even after the fall of Sejanus in 31. Exaggerated accounts are given of the cruelty and profligacy of the emperor, even towards the close of his career. The tranquillity and inaccessibility of the island, as well as the geniality of the climate, were the attractions which induced him to spend so many years in it. Considerable remains of the buildings of Tiberius are still extant. In 1803 , during the Napoleonic wars , Capri was captured by the English under Sir Sidney Smith, fortified, and converted into a miniature Gibraltar. Sir Hudson Lowe was afterwards the commandant. In Oct. 1808, however, the island was recaptured by the French under Lamarque by a brilliant coup-de-main. The Marina Grande , or principal landing-place, where the steamers and most of the small boats land their passengers, is on the N. side of the island, where there are several hotels (p. 158), and a number of fishermen’s cottages. Two paths ascend hence to the village of Capri. The easier leads to the right (W.) and ascends past the hotels in windings (20-25 min.). The shorter, but steeper path to the left (E.) ascends in steps. They both run between garden-walls the greater part of the way, and are far from pleasant in the middle of the day. Capri (460 ft.), the capital of the island, with 2400 inhab., lies on the saddle which connects the E. heights of the island (Lo Capo) with the western (Mte. Solaro), and is commanded by two lower hills crowned with dilapidated castles. Nearly in the centre of the village is the small Piazza, to which the paths from the Marina lead, and from which the road to Anacapri starts. To the S. of it (5 min.) is the Certosa , founded in 1371, now a barrack. Leaving the Piazza by a vaulted passage to the left ot the flight of steps opposite the campanile, then turning to the right and passing the hotels of Pagano and Quisisana, and turning to the left again (the path straight on leads to the Certosa), we are led by a path which ascends slightly the greater part of the way to the (20 min.) *Punta Tragara, the S.E. promontory. This point com- mands a picturesque view of Capri and the S. coast, with three precipitous cliffs called the Faraglioni. On the summit of the one nearest the land are remains of a Roman tomb. The E. promontory, called Lo Capo 3 is supposed to have 160 Route 10. CAPRI. Villa di Tiberio , been the site of the Villa Jovis , to which Tiberius retired for nine months after the fall of Sejanus. This is a beautiful point o£ view ( 3 / 4 hr. from the village of Capri). The path cannot be mistaken. From the Piazza we pass to the left through the archway bearing the sign of the Hotel de France and fol- low the paved track, which soon ascends a little. It then becomes level, and at length skirts the slope to the right. On the right, a few minutes before reaching the last hill, we pass a clean tav- ern called 1 Salto of Tiberio’, after the rock from which, accord- ing to a purely mythical story , the tyrant precipitated his vic- tims. A projecting platform with a railing affords a view of the sea below. To the right are the remains of an old Lighthouse (*View). After a slight ascent we reach the *Villa di Tiberio (pronounc- ed Timberio by the natives), part of the extensive ruins of which are now used as a cow-stable. They consist of a number of vault- ed chambers and corridors , the uses of which cannot now be as- certained. On the highest point is the small chapel of 8. Maria del Soccorso (1050 ft.), with the cell of a hermit, who for a trifling donation allows the visitor to inscribe his ‘testimonium praesentiae’. This point commands a noble prospect of the island and the blue sea, of the barren Pnnta di Campanella opposite, and the two bays; even Paestum and the Ponza Islands (to the N.W.) are visible in clear weather. In returning we take the path which diverges to the left by a house on the road-side, l f\ hr. from the Salto of Tiberio ; we then cross the yard diagonally towards the left, ascend a few steps, and traverse gardens and fields in the same direction. In 1/4 hr. we reach the so-called Val di Mitromania , sometimes called Matrimonio by the islanders , a valley descending eastwards to the sea at the base of the Tuoro Grande or Tele- grafo. To the left in this valley, 8 min. farther, and reached by a path which is rather rough towards the end, rises the : Arco Naturale, a mag- nificent natural archway in the rock, where we obtain a striking view of the imposing and rugged cliffs. A visit to the Grotta di Mitromania , or grotto of Mithras, a shrine of the Persian god of the sun, to which 130 steps descend, may be combined with this excursion. The ruins on the Tuoro Grande are supposed to belong to the second villa of Tiberius. On the coast are numerous ruins under water; among others, to the S. of Capri, by the Camerelle, is a long series of arches, perhaps belonging to an ancient road. From Capri to Anacapri (2 j / 4 M.). A road in long windings hewn in the rock, constructed in 1874, now supersedes the steep and fatiguing flight of 535 steps (to the foot of which 249 more ascended from the Marina) which used to form the chief approach to the higher parts of the island. This road commands beautiful views. Above it rise the ruins of the mediaeval Castello di Bar - barossa , named after the pirate who destroyed it in the 16th cen- tury. At the entrance to Anacapri is the Ristoratore di Barbarossa , a small tavern. The road to the right leads into the village; that to the left to the Monte Solaro. Anacapri (880 ft.), the second village in the island, with Blue Grotto. CAPRI. 10. Route. 161 1800 inhab., is scattered over the lofty plain which slopes towards the W. On the left side of the street, before the church is reached, is a small Cafe. The tower of the church commands a fine view. There are Roman ruins in this neighbourhood also, particularly at the village of Damecuta, on the N.W. side, where a villa of Ti- berius once stood. The * Ascent of Monte Solaro (1 hr.) is recommended to toler- able walkers, as the mountain commands two beautiful and entirely different views, viz. that from the hermitage, and the panorama from the summit. The route is easily found. By the above-named Ristoratore di Barbarossa at the beginning of Anacapri we follow the paved path to the left, and after 60 paces the footpath to the left, which passes the cypress - shaded cemetery. Beyond the cemetery we take the second path diverging to the left, which immediately afterwards turns to the right ; TO paces farther we turn to the left and ascend through a hollow (10 min. from the Ristoratore). On the crest of the hill (}/% hr.) which connects the summits of La Crocella and Monte Solaro we pass through a gate- way, and then follow the bridle-path to the right to the white wall of the * Hermitage (1624 ft ; good wine, for which Pater Anselmo, the hermit, expects a trifling fee), where a projecting platform commands a most picturesque view of the village of Capri and the whole of the beautiful island. After a fatiguing ascent of 20 min. more we reach the summit of the *Monte Solaro (1980 ft.), which rises abruptly from the sea, on the S. side of the island, and is crowned by a ruined fort. The view is superb, embracing Naples with the whole of its bay, as well as that of Salerno as far as the ruins of Paestum. Towards the N. the Bay of Gaeta is visible, and towards the W. the group of the Ponza Islands. The spectator also obtains a survey of the chain of the Apennines, bounding the Campanian plain in a wide curve, and culminating in the Monte Yergine (p. 176) near Avellino. Capri itself and the peninsula of Sorrento lie in prominent relief at the spectator’s feet. Blue Grotto. — A visit to |the Blue Grotto from the Marina at Capri, where suitable light boats will be found, occupies l 3 /4-2 hrs. The best light is between 10 and 12 o’clock. The authorised fare for the trip (there and back) is P /4 fr. for each person, but almost no boatman will undertake it without an additional fee of 1-2 fr. The skiffs are not allowed to take more than three passengers. If the wind blows strongly from the E. or N. access to the grotto is impossible. The Blue Grotto is situated on the N. side of the island, about 1 1/4 M. from the landing-place of Capri. The row along the base of the precipitous rocky shore is exceedingly beautiful. The sea swarms with gaily coloured sea-stars and jelly-fish, many of which float on the surface of the water. In i/ 4 hr. we reach the ruins of the Baths of Tiberius , where a fragment of an ancient wall and part of a column in the water are to be seen, and in i/ 2 ^ r - more we arrive at the entrance of the **Blue Grotto (Grotta Azzurra), Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. H 162 Route 10 . CAPRI. which is scarcely 3 ft. in height. Visitors must lie down in the boat on entering. In the interior the roof rises to a height of 41 ft.; the water is 8 fathoms deep. Length of the grotto 175 ft., great- est width 100 ft. The effect of the blue refraction of the light on every object is indescribable, and at first completely dazzles the eye. Objects in the water assume a beautiful silvery appearance. One of the boatmen usually offers to bathe in order to show this effect, and Is sufficiently rewarded with 1 fr., although he generally makes the exorbitant demand of 2-3 fr. Near the middle of the grotto, to the right, is a kind of landing-place, leading to a passage with broken steps, but closed at the upper end, once probably an approach from the land to the grotto, which was perhaps connected with the villa of Tiberius at Damecuta. The grotto, which was known to the ancients, fell into oblivion in the middle ages, but since 1822, when it was re-discovered by fishermen, it has justly been a favourite attraction. Anacapri is reached by a tolerable path, beginning near the Blue Grotto , which before the construction of the new road formed one of the chief routes between that village and the Marina of Capri. The Blue Grotto is the most celebrated of the caverns with which the rocky shores of Capri abound, but some of the others are also well worth visiting. The Giro, or *Voyage round the Island, occupies 3-4 hrs. (boats see p. 158). Steering from the Marina towards the E., we first reach the Grotta delle Stalattite , with its stalactite formations. We then round the promontory of Lo Capo, and visit the Grotta Bianca , named like the others from its predominating colour. The most striking part of the trip is at the Faraglioni (p. 159), which rise majestically from the water. The central cliff is undermined by an imposing archway , through which the boat passes, but not visible from the land. We next pass the Piccola Marina (p. 158) and in 25 min. more reach the Grotta Verde , at the base of the Monte Solaro, a cavern of a beauti- ful emerald-green colour, and the most interesting after the Blue Grotto (best light about noon). The voyage hence round Ana- capri to the Blue Grotto is less attractive, but this cavern may now be visited as an appropriate termination to the excursion (in which case a skiff for the grotto should be previously ordered to meet the- traveller). Lastly we pass the lighthouse and sev- eral fortifications dating from the English occupation of 1808. 11. From Naples to Salerno, Psestum, and Amalfi. Compare Map , p. 166 . The Bay of Salerno cannot indeed compete with the Bay of Naples ; towards the S. its shores are flat and monotonous ; but the N. side, where the mountains of the Sorrentine peninsula rise abruptly some thousands of feet from the sea, is replete with beauty and grandeur. Here are sit- uated the towns of Salerno and Amalfi , conspicuous in the pages of mediaeval history, and still containing a few monuments of their former greatness. Farther S., in a barren, desolate situation, are the temples of PAGANI. 11. Route. 163 Paestum , usually the extreme point of the Italian peninsula visited by northern travellers. All these recal the golden period of Greek history and art more forcibly than any other localities in Italy. This route may conveniently be combined with the preceding (p. 150) as follows : First Day : La Cava and Salerno. Second Day : Paestum. Third Day : Amalfi. Fourth Day : By boat to Positano or Scaricatojo, and across the hills to Sorrento (or, better, by boat direct to Capri, and next day to Sorrento). Fifth Day : By the Barca Postale at noon to Capri. Sixth Day: Back to Naples by steamer. The passage across the moun- tains to Sorrento , as well as the excursion to Psestum , were formerly not unattended with danger from brigands, but these routes are now con- sidered safe. Railway from Naples to Salerno , 34 M., in hrs. ; fares 6 fr. 15, 4 fr. 30, 2 fr. 45 c. (Vietri is the station for Amalfi) *, to Eboli , 50 M., in 3V4-3V2 brs. ; fares 9 fr. 5, 6 fr. 35, 3 fr. 65 c. From Naples to Pompeii , 15 M., see R. 7. The train, after quitting the Bay of Naples, traverses the fertile plain of the Sarno. Cotton and tobacco are extensively cultivated here. 17 M. Scafati. The festival of the Madonna del Bagno takes place here on 15th Aug. (see p. 29). 19*/ 2 M. Angri , near which Teias, the last king of the Goths, was defeated by Narses in 523, after having descended from Lettere on Monte Sant’ Angelo to the plain. The district gradually becomes more mountainous, and the scenery is picturesque the whole way. 21 M. Pagani , with 12,600 inhabitants. In the church of S. Michele, under the altar of a chapel to the left of the choir, are preserved under glass the relics of Alphonso de’ Liguori, born at Naples in 1696, bishop of S. Agata in 1762, and founder of the order of the Redemptorists , who died at Pagani in 1787, and was canonised by Gregory XYI. in 1839. The place contains nothing else to detain us. From Pagani to Amalfi, see p. 170. 22y 2 M. Nocera de ’ Pagani , a town of some importance but no great interest, near the ancient Nuceria Alfaterna , where Hugo de’ Pagani, founder of the order of the Templars, and the painter Fran- cesco Solimena were born, and where Paulus Jovius, the historian, was bishop. To the left of the line, above the extensive Capuchin monastery, rise the ruins of the ancient Gastello in Parco , the scene of the death of Sibylla, widow of King Manfred, and her youthful son after the battle of Benevento (1266). At the close of the 14th cent, the castle was one of the principal strongholds of the house of Anjou. Fine view from the summit. On the right, shortly before the train reaches the small village of (25 M.) S. Clemente , we observe the ancient baptismal church of *8. Maria Maggiore , similar to S. Stefano in Rome. The basin in the centre is surrounded by eight granite columns, enclosed by a circular passage with sixteen pairs of handsome columns of pavo- nazetto with rich capitals , all antique. The walls are decorated with frescoes of the 14th century. Beyond S. Clemente the line ascends considerably. On emerg- ing from a cutting the train reaches — 11 * 164 Route 11. CORPO DI CAVA. From Naples 28M. La Cava ( *Albergo di Londra , well -managed and moderate ; Hotel Gran Brettagna ; Hotel Vittoria ; * Pension Suisse , 5 fr. per day ; good furnished lodgings) , situated in a charming valley, a favourite summer and autumn resort, and a good centre for excursions to Amalfi, Paestum, Pompeii, etc. (carr. according to tariff). The town consists of a long street with arcades , as at Bologna. The main street leads from the station to the left to the Piazza, where a church and a large fountain are situated. Pop. of the ‘commune’ 21,000. *Excursion to Corpo di Cava, P /4 hr- to the S.W., situated on a wooded height, very pleasant, especially on a summer afternoon (donkey 1V2-2 fr., there and hack 2-3 fr.^ carriages may also he hired). Leaving the Piazza we ascend the road to the left by the church. After 5 min., when the road turns to the right round the public garden, we ascend by the shorter path to the left by a church, and farther on between walls, past the red-painted tobacco manufactory, to S. Giuseppe , a church with a few houses. Here we again quit the road, which goes to the right, and follow the path to the left. It descends, crosses a ravine (beyond the bridge a small church to the left), and again gradually ascends, commanding a view of the village to the right. For a time the path is enclosed by walls, but a view is soon obtained of the valley of La Cava to the left, and, higher up, of the Bay of Salerno. In V 2 hr. (from S. Giuseppe) we arrive at the church of Pietra Santa (so called from a rock in front of the high altar , on which the pope sat in 1816), whence a fine view is obtained of the mountain slopes of Cava, studded with numerous white houses , and the Bay of Salerno to the right. In the narrow valley about twenty mills are propelled by the brook. The slender round towers on the hills about Cava are erected for the capture of wild pigeons in October. Beyond Pietra Santa we skirt the wood for 8 min. and reach the high road , which soon afterwards crosses the viaduct to Corpo di Cava. Here the road divides, leading to the village to the right, and to the monastery in 5 min. towards the left. The village of Corpo di Cava (* Michele Scapolatiello and Ferdinando Adi- nolfi , both rustic) stands on the rock against which the monastery is built, above a beautiful narrow valley with several mills. The air is pure and the situation beautiful, so that travellers often make a prolonged stay here. The famous Benedictine abbey of *La Trinita della Cava , founded in 1025 by Waimar III. , a Lombard prince of Salerno , is now condemned to dissolution , but still contains a few monks. The Church (with two ancient sarcophagi at the entrance) contains the tombs of S. Alferius, the first abbot, of Queen Sibylla, wife of Roger, who died at Salerno, and of several anti-popes, among whom was Gregory VIII. The organ is one of the best in Italy. — The Archives of the monastery (shown in the forenoon only) are of great value, and contain a number of important documents on parchment in uninterrupted succession ; the catalogue com- prises 8 vols. Among the valuable MSS. are the Codex Legum Longo- bardorum of 1004, a prayer-book with miniatures of the school of Fra Angelico da Fiesole, the Latin Biblia Vulgata of the 7th cent., etc. The small Pinacoteca , or picture-gallery, contains two fine altar-pieces of the early Umbrian school (Resurrection and Adoration of the Magi), revealing the influence of Raphael. The train now traverses a beautiful district, and soon affords a view of the Bay of Salerno; in 10 min. it reaches — 30y 2 M. Vietri, charmingly situated, with several villas. Pop. 8600. Above the town a promenade, commanding beautiful views, has lately been constructed. Passengers may alight here and take a carriage (drive of V 2 hr.) down to Salerno (2 fr. , single seat */ 2 fr.). The road descends, commanding a view of the sea, and aftords a pleasant walk. High above, along the rocks to Salerno. SALERNO. 11. Route. 165 of Monte Liberatore to the left, runs the railway. Carriage to Amalfi (p. 170) less expensive here than at Salerno (a drive of 2-2V2 hrs. } with one horse 4, with two 6fr., and fee of 1 fr.). The railway, supported by galleries, and passing through four tunnels , the last of which penetrates the castle-hill , descends rapidly hence to Salerno. 34 M. Salerno. — The Railway Station lies at the E. end of the town, a considerable way from the principal hotels. Hotels. :;: H6tel Vittoria, at the entrance to the town from Vietri, on the left, the farthest from the station, R. 3, B. l l / 2 , D. 5, L. and A. 2 fr., pension according to arrangement} "Hotel d’Angleterre , on the Marina } both these houses command a fine view. — Albergo Americano and Albergo di Pacella, also on the Marina, unpretending (charges ac- cording to bargain). Cafes. Several on the quay, now the Corso Garibaldi. Sea-Baths near the Marina, similar to those at Naples (p. 26). Carriages. From the railway to the town with one horse 50 c., with two horses 1 fr. } at night 70 c. or H /2 fr. •, one hour 1 or 2 fr., at night D /2 or 2 V 2 fr. — For drives in the neighbourhood a previous agreement should always be made, gratuity included, although even in this case 1-2 fr. above the fare is always expected. The charges made at the hotels are as follows (but the carriage-owners take less when treated with directly): To Paestum with two horses 20-25 fr. } with three horses, for 4-5 persons, 25-30 fr., and a fee of about 2 fr. } with one horse to Amalfi (p. 170) 5-6, with two horses 8-10 fr. — Single travellers may avail them- selves of one of the swift but uncomfortable corricoli (two-wheeled, rustic vehicles } driver stands behind the passenger), but a stipulation should be made that no second passenger be taken up by the way} to Amalfi (tutto compreso), according to circumstances 2V2-4 fr. Rowing or Sailing Boat (according to bargain) 1-1 fr. per hour. Boat to Paestum 20-25, to Amalfi 8-10 fr., according to the number of rowers. Popular Festival on the eve and day of St. Matthew, 20th-21st Sept., with fireworks and illumination which are best seen from a boat (4-5 fr.). Salerno , the ancient Salernum , delightfully situated at the N. extremity of the bay, and bounded on the E. by fertile plains, is the seat of the local government and of an archbishop, and the chief residence of the numerous local aristocracy (pop., with the adjoining villages, 30,000). The old town, rising on the slope of the so-called Apennine, with narrow and irregular streets, recals the 9th and 10th centuries / when the Lombards occupied it, the 11th cent, when it belonged to the Normans, and lastly the period when the houses of Hohenstaufen and Anjou were masters of the place , and when Salerno enjoyed the reputation of being the greatest medical school in Europe. The *Marina , or quay, 1 1/2 M. in length, now called the Corso Garibaldi , affords a beautiful walk, especially on summer evenings. The once excellent harbour is now choked with sand. At the W. end of the Marina is a large new Theatre , with some flower-beds adjacent. Nearer the E. end of the Marina stands the monument of Carlo Pisacana , Duke of S. Giovanni, ‘precursore di Garibaldi’, a Genoese , who participated in the attempts to revolutionise Italy in 1857, landed in Calabria , and perished while attempting to escape. (Giovanni Nicotera, a member of the Italian administration in 1876-77, was wounded and taken prisoner here on the same 166 Route 11, SALERNO. From Naples occasion.) The large building between the two sentry-boxes, about 100 paces farther, is the Prefettura , past which a narrow street to the left leads to the — *Cattedkale S. Matteo, erected in 1084 by Robert Guiscard, and adorned with works of art from Paestum. The restoration of 1768 has deprived the edifice of much of its simple grandeur, but it still merits a visit. The steps ascend to an atrium, sur- rounded by twenty-eight antique columns. In the centre formerly stood a granite basin which is now in the Villa Reale at Naples. Along the walls are ranged fourteen ancient Sarcophagi , which were used by the Normans and their successors as Christian burying- places. The bronze doors , executed at Constantinople, were pre- sented by Landolfo Butromile in 1099. The nave contains two ambos or reading-desks , and an archiepiscopal throne, richly decorated with mosaic by Giovanni of Procida. On the right are two antique sarcophagi with Bacchanalian representations, now used as burial-places for archbishops. The * Crypt beneath, richly decorated with marble and mosaics, is said to contain the remains of the Evangelist St. Mat- thew, brought here from the East in 930. In theN. aisle is the : Tomb of Mar- garet of Anjou, wife of Charles of Durazzo and mother of Ladislaus and Jo- hanna II., by Baboccio da Piperino , with the painting almost intact ; then the tombs of Sigelgaita, second wife of Robert Guiscard, of their son Roger Bursa, and of William, son of the latter, with whom the direct line of the Norman dukes became extinct. — The chapel to the right by the high altar contains the tomb of Hildebrand, afterwards Pope Gregory VII., who died here on 25th May, 1085, after he had been banished from Rome by Henry IV. The monument was restored in 1578 by Archbishop Colonna, and furnished with an inscription. The monument of Arch- bishop Carafa is adorned with a relief from Psestum : Rape of Proserpine. In front of a side-altar is the stump of a column, on which three saints are said to have been beheaded. The Cappella del Sacramento contains a Pieta by Andrea da Salerno , the composition of which is open to criticism. The choir contains a pavement and balustrade of ancient mosaic and two columns of verde antico. On the altar in the Sacristy (in the N. transept) : "Scenes from the Old and New Testament, on numer- ous carved ivory tablets, dating from 1200. In S. Lorenzo some frescoes recently discovered under the whitewash are also ascribed to Andrea (Sabbatini) of Salerno . Authentic works by this master, the most eminent Renaissance painter in S. Italy, may be seen in the churches of S. Giorgio (Madonna with saints and donors, dated 1523 ; 2nd altar on the right) and S. Agostino (Madonna with two saints, 2nd altar to the left; the SS. Augustine and Paul at the sides of the high-altar are school- pieces). Sabbatini’s style reflects the influence of Raphael. On the hill (900 ft.) lie the ruins of the ancient Castle of the Lombard princes, which was taken by Robert Guiscard after a siege of eight months. The view repays the ascent. (A little beyond the cathedral we turn to the right; farther up, the path becomes steep; at the top, 3 /4 hr., is a cottage; fee of a few soldi.) The train as it proceeds affords a charming view of the bay to the right, and of the mountains to the left. 39 M. Pontecagnano ; ;C- T-Salicerca. Tt'dLBcu Corpo dLGua T^d'AmaZfi Yapo di Conca d-ilometTi. AVbreviazionL: C? Casa, M^jUarite, T.-PujOcu, P^Pixzo, SrSajitcv, Tf Torre , Y.=VaUo7ie . (k>ogT-oLpJu .Anstalt von Wagner & Debes. Leipzig. to Pee stum. PA5STUM. 1 1 . Route . 1 67 44 M. Bellizzi; 45 y 2 M. Battipaglia , whence two great routes di- verge , one to Calabria ( R. 20) , and the other, descending and skirting the coast, to Paestum (see below). 491/2 M. Eboli (. Albergo del Vozzo , on the road, about 200 paces from the town, tolerable, bargaining necessary), a town with 8900 inhab., situated on the hill-side, with an old chateau of the Prince of Angri, enjoys a fine view of the sea, the oak-forest of Persano, the towns at the foot of Monte Alburno, the temples of Paestum, and the valley of the Sele, the ancient Silarus. The sacristy of S, Francesco contains a large Madonna by Andrea da Salerno. From Eboli to Paestum, see below. — * Continuation of the railway, see R. 19. Paestum. An excursion to Paestum is most conveniently made from Salerno, where the previous night should he spent. Distance 26 M., a drive of 4 lirs. (carriages, see p. 165). Most travellers, however, take the early train to Battipaglia (12 l j-z M., in 41 min. • fares 2 fr. 10, 1 fr. 50, 85 c. ; return- tickets 3 fr. 75, 2 fr. 65 c.), to which they send a carriage from Salerno to await their arrival. This is, however, scarcely necessary if the early train from Naples he used, as carriages will then he found waiting at Batti- paglia (two-horse 15-18 fr., corricolo for one, or at most two persons, 8-10 fr. ; a stipulation should he made that the driver admit no other passenger). The drive thence to Paestum takes little more than 2 hrs. Refreshments (which the landlords provide at 3 fr. each person, with wine) should be taken from Salerno, as the osteria at Paestum is ex- tremely poor, and the drinking-water bad. A long day is necessary for this excursion, as even those who travel by train to and from Battipaglia take 6 hrs. for the journey alone $ and 4-5 hrs. should he allowed for the stay at Paestum. The hot summer months are unfavourable for the excur- sion owing to the prevalence of malaria in this district-, but if the tra- veller is not deterred by this drawback he is particularly cautioned against indulging in sleep (comp. p. 11). From Eboli (see above) the excursion is less pleasant, as there is no good inn at that town for spending the previous night. Carriages will be found waiting at the station to meet the early train from Naples (fares and time the same as from Battipaglia). By Water. In fine weather the excursion may also be made from Salerno by boat (p. 165). Travellers land at the influx of the Salso, about I.V 2 M. from the ruins. In the season parties (p. 25) are frequently formed at Naples for the purpose of visiting Paestum. See advertisements at the hotels. A party of three or four friends, however, will perform the journey as cheaply and more pleasantly. From Salerno our route is by the great Calabrian road as far as (12 l / 2 M.) Battipaglia on the Tusciano. It then turns to the S. and traverses marshy plains, enlivened only by a few herds of buf- faloes and other cattle. Agriculture, however, has been making some progress here of late years, and the malaria is diminishing in consequence. About 6 M. beyond Battipaglia our road is joined by that from Eboli (7*/ 2 M. distant), which skirts the oak-forest of Persano for some distance. About l 1 /^ M. farther the road crosses the impetuous river Sele , the ancient Silarus , by a stone bridge which has frequently been rebuilt. This used to be considered 168 Route 11. P^STUM. Temple of Neptune. the most dangerous part of the road in 1860-70, when the neigh- bourhood was haunted by the daring brigand Manzi. Above the road, on the left, are Capaccio Vecchio and Nuovo. The carriage drives through the old gate between the town walls, passing the Temple of Ceres and several poor hovels, and stops at the entrance to the Temple of Neptune. The custodian is under the control of the same authorities as the guides at Pompeii (1 fr. on leaving). Paestum, according to Strabo, was founded by Greeks from Sybaris about the year B.C. 600, and its ancient name of Poseidonia (city of Neptune) sufficiently indicates its Greek origin. In the 4th cent, the town was in possession of the Lucanians who oppressed the inhabit- ants ; and at that period the citizens used to celebrate a festival an- nually in memory of their Greek origin and their former prosperity. After the defeat of Pyrrhus , Poseidonia fell into the hands of the Romans, who in B.C. 273 founded the colony of Paestum here. In the war against Hannibal the town remained faithful to Rome. At a later period it gradually fell to decay, and as early as the reign of Augustus was notorious for its malarious air. Christianity took root here at an early period. When the Saracens devastated Paestum in the 9th cent., the inhabitants fled with their bishop to the neigh- bouring heights, and there founded Capaccio Vecchio. In the 11th cent, the deserted town was despoiled by Robert Guiscard of its monuments and sculptures, and remained in this desolate condition for many centuries , till in modern times attention was again directed to the antiquities still remaining. Those who appreciate the simple majesty of Greek architecture should endeavour , if possible, before quitting Naples, to pay a visit to Paestum. The ancient Town Walls, forming an irregular hexagon, on the river Salso, not far from the coast, about 3 M. in circum- ference, constructed of blocks of travertine, are preserved al- most entire; also a gate on the E. side towards the mountains, with two bas-reliefs on the key-stones representing dolphins and sirens. Outside the latter are fragments of an aqueduct, the pave- ment of the road, and several towers. Without the N. gate, by which we enter the town, was a Street of Tombs. Several of those which have been opened contained Greek weapons ; and in one of them, examined in 1854, were found fine mural paintings, repre- senting warriors taking leave of their friends. Most of the ob- jects discovered in the course of the excavations , which are still continued, are preserved in the Museum at Naples (p. 63), but a few are also shown at the neighbouring Villa Bellelli. The Temples at Paestum, built in the ancient Greek style, are, with the single exception of those at Athens, the finest existing monuments of the kind. They are three in number. The largest and most beautiful is that in the centre, the so-called ** Temple of Neptune, 63yds. in length, and 28yds. in width. At each end are six massive, fluted Doric columns, 28 ft. in height; on each P^ESTUM. 11. Route. 169 Temple of Ceres. side twelve, in all thirty-six columns of 7^2 ft- in diameter, all well-preserved. In the interior of the Celia are two series of eight columns each (about 6 ft. in diameter), with a second row of smaller columns above, which supported the roof. The latter are preserved on one side only. The stone is a kind of travertine, to which age has imparted a mellow tone. It contains fossil reeds and aquatic plants. The whole was once covered with stucco, in order to conceal the imperfections of the stone. The temple was a hypsethron , i. e ., the cella, where the image stood, was un- covered. The proportions of the symmetrically tapering columns, whether viewed from the vicinity or from a distance, are perfect. This temple, as its whole character betokens, is one of the most ancient specimens of Greek art. Photographs and models of it are frequently seen (comp. Introd., p. xxvi). A stone basis in front of the E. facade probably belonged to a large sacrificial altar. A little to the S. rises the second temple, the so-called ^Basi- lica (a misnomer), of more recent origin, but also of great an- tiquity. It is 60 yds. in length, and 26^2 yds. in width, and its fifty columns are each 6 1 / 2 ft. in diameter, but its proportions are less majestic than those of the temple of Neptune. At each end are nine columns , and on each side sixteen , all of travertine stone. The shafts of the columns taper upwards in a curve ; the capitals are of a peculiar form which does not occur elsewhere. A series of columns in the central long wall, by a singular arrange- ment, divided the temple into two halves , so that it contained two ‘cellae’. In front of these temples probably extended the Forum of the ancient town , basements for altars or statues being still distinguishable here. Farther N., near the entrance from Salerno, stands the small * Temple of Ceres, or of Vesta according to others, with a peristyle of thirty-four columns, six at each end, and eleven on each side. Length 35 yds., width 15 yds. ; columns 5ft. in diameter, tapering upwards in straight lines. The columns of the vestibule are distinguished from those of the principal part: of the structure by the difference of the fluting. This temple is another fine ex- ample of the simple and majestic Greek style. (A few soldi to the doorkeeper.) Between the Temple of Ceres and that of Neptune a few frag- ments of Roman building have been discovered, a Theatre and Amphitheatre , it is believed. The latter is intersected by the road. A Roman Temple was also discovered here in 1830. Concealed among the underwood near it are two metopse, adorned with high reliefs. These remains, however, are insignificant compared with the ruins above mentioned. — Of the ‘rose-gardens’ of Paestum, so much extolled by Roman poets, no traces now exist. The temples are adorned with a luxuriant growth of ferns and 170 Route 11. MAIORT. acanthus, enlivened solely by the chirping grasshopper, the rustl- ing lizard, and the gliding snake. A walk on the town-wall, perhaps from the N. gate round the E. side to the S. gate, towards Salerno, will enable the traveller, better than a close inspection, to form an idea of the imposing grandeur of these venerable ruins. The finest general *View of the temples is obtained from the terrace of the first tower to the E. of the road, on the S. side of the town-wall. Amalfi. Comp, the Map , p. 166. From Sorrento to Amalfi, see p. 174. From Castellamare to Amalfi by the Little St. Angelo, see p. 174. From Pagani (p. 163) a bridle-path ascends the W. slope of Monte di Chiunzo. Near Torre di Chiunzo , an ancient fortress erected by Raimondo Orsini, the path divides : that to the left leads through the Val Tramonti by Figlino and Paterno to Maiori (see below) $ that to the right by Capiti, Cesarano , and Scala to Atrani (p. 171). Each of these routes is a walk of 5-6 hrs., but neither is much used by tourists. A few years ago they were considered unsafe. The **High Road from Salerno to Amalfi, 1272 M., is the finest route of all (by carriage in 272-3 hrs.). This magnificent road, completed in 1852, hewn in the cliffs of the coast, and frequently supported by galleries and vast viaducts 100-500 ft. above the sea-level, skirts the coast, pass- ing through thriving villages, and affording a succession of charming land- scapes. The slopes are generally somewhat bare, but are in many places laid out in terraces, and planted with Vines, olives, lemons, and fruit-trees. The promontories of the coast are occupied by massive square watch- towers, erected under Charles V. as a protection against pirates , now converted into dwellings. This route is still more attractive than that from Castellamare to Sorrento. From Salerno the road ascends, and near Vietri (p. 164) crosses the valley by a stone bridge. To the left in the sea rise two conical rocks, I Due Fratelli. On the hill to the right is Ratto. The next place is the picturesquely situated fishing-village of Cetara. extending along the bottom of a narrow ravine ; it is frequently mentioned in the history of the invasions of the Sara- cens, and was the first place where they settled. The road now ascends to the Capo Tumolo 1 whence a beautiful prospect of the coast on both sides is enjoyed, and descends thence by the Capo d J Orso , where the fleet of Charles V. was defeated by Filippino Doria, to the small town of — Maiori, at the mouth of the Yal Tramonti (see above), with terraced lemon-plantations, at the base of the ruined monastery of Camaldoli delV Avvocata (founded in 1485). Still higher lie the ruins of the ancient castle of S. Nicola , of which the Pic- colomini were the last proprietors. The road ascends slightly to the next village of Minori, nearly adjoining which are Atrani and Amalfi. Minori , a clean little village, with lemon-gardens, most beau- tifully situated, once the arsenal of Amalfi, lies at the mouth of the sometimes turbulent Reginolo. AMALFI. 11. Route . 171 Atrani lies at the entrance to a ravine, on each side of which the houses rise picturesquely. The church of S. Salvatore di Biretto contains handsome bronze doors, of Byzantine work- manship of the 11th cent., monuments of the Doges of Amalfi, and others of the Saracenic period. Above Atrani is the village of Pontone; farther on, to the left, lies Ravello (p. 178). Near Pontone is the house where Masaniello (i. e. Tommaso Aniello, son of Cecco d 1 Amalfi and Antonia Gargano) is said to have been born in 1620. On 7th July, 1647, he headed a formidable insurrection at Naples against the Spaniards, but, after a short period of success, fell into a kind of insanity, and on 17th July was shot in the pulpit of a church by one of his former adherents. These events have been utilised by Scribe in his text for Auber’s opera, ‘La Muette de Portici 1 , A lofty rocky eminence , hearing the extensive ruins of the castle of Pontone , separates Atrani from Amalfi. Amalfi. — Hotels. : Albergo dei Cappuccini, on the Marina, small, R. 3, B. IV 4 , dej. 21 / 2 , D. 5, A. 1 fr. ; a quieter house is the *Albergo della Luna , formerly a monastery , charmingly situated between Atrani and Amalfi, about M. from the Marina, similar charges; pension at both. — Alb, dItalia, unpretending, but clean and well spoken of. Boats lV2-l 3 /4 fr* per hour; to Scaricatojo (p. 174) with 2 rowers 7-8 fr. ; to Capri in about 6 hrs. with 4-6 rowers 20-25 fr. ; to Sorrento with 4-6 rowers 30-45 fr. (preferable in fine weather to the land-route, comp. p. 174) ; to Salerno with 2 rowers 6-8 fr. — A market-boat also starts for Salerno every afternoon. Donkey per hour l-P /4 fr. ; to Castellamare by the Little S. Angelo 5-6 fr. Guide among the tortuous lanes, with their frequent flights of steps, necessary only when time is very limited; for a visit to the cathedral, mill-valley, and Capuchin monastery IV 2 - 2 , whole day 5 fr. Amalfi , a small hut lively town with 7100 inhab., whose chief occupations are the manufacture of paper, soap, and maccaroni, is situated at the entrance of a deep ravine, surrounded by imposing mountains and rocks of the most picturesque forms. In the early part of the middle ages , it was a prosperous seaport , rivalling Pisa and Genoa, and numbered 50,000 inhabitants. Amalfi is mentioned for the first time in the 6th cent., when it enjoyed the protection of the Eastern emperors ; it afterwards became an independent state, under the presidency of a ‘doge\ The town was continually at variance with the neighbouring princes of Salerno, and even defied the Norman sovereigns of Naples, till King Roger reduced the place in 1131. United with the royal forces, Amalfi carried on a war with the Pisans ; and it was during this struggle that the celebrated MS. of the Pandects of Justinian, now one of the principal treasures of the Laurentian library at Florence, fell into the hands of the Pisans. The place then became subject to the kings of the houses of Anjou and Arragon. In the 12th cent, the sea began gradually to undermine the lower part of the town, and a ter- rible inundation in 1343 proved still more disastrous. After that period Amalfi steadily declined. The town boasts of having given birth to Flavio Gioja , who is said to have invented the compass here in 1302, but he was probably the author of some improvement only, as the instrument was in use among the Chinese in the early centuries of the Christian era. — The Cavaliere Camera possesses rich collections illustrat- ing the history of Amalfi, and also an admirable cabinet of coins , which he very obligingly shows to interested visitors. From the Marina a short street leads past the Albergo dei Cappuccini to the small Piazza, on the right side of which rises the cathedral. The entrance adjoining the crypt (see below) may 172 Route 1 1 . AMALFI. also be reached by the steps to the right of the fountain on the Marina. The *Catteduale S. Andrea, approached from the Piazza by a broad flight of steps, is still, in spite of modern alterations, an interesting structure of the 11th cent., in the Lombard Nor- man style. The portal , built of alternate courses of black and white stone, and resting on seven antique columns from Paestum and several buttresses , having become insecure , was removed in 1865, but has been re-erected. The campanile dates from 1276, The Bronze Doors , executed by Byzantine masters in the 11th cent., bear two inscriptions in silver letters, one of which runs thus : ‘Hoc opus fieri jussit pro redemptione animse suse Pantaleo filius Mauri de Pantaleone de Mauro de Maurone Comite 1 . The '"Interior consists of a nave and two aisles, with a series of chapels on each side. Behind the chapels on the N. side is a third aisle, connected with the N. aisle by several entrances. On the left, close to the principal entrance, is an ancient vase of porphyry, formerly used as a font. Near this, to the left, in the first passage to the outer aisle, are two ancient sarcophagi with sculptures, unfortunately damaged, supposed to represent the Rape of Proserpine, and the Nuptials of Peleus and Thetis (according to others, the marriage of Theseus and Ariadne) ; a third bears the inscription : ‘Hie intus homo verus certus optumus recumbo Quintus Fabritius Rufus nobilis decurio 1 . — The choir contains ancient columns decorated with mosaic from Psestum. — From the S. aisle a flight of steps descends to the Crypt (verger 20 c.), where the body of the apostle St. Andrew is said to have reposed since the 13th cent, when it was brought hither from Constantinople. The relics, from which an oily matter (manna di S. Andrea) of miraculous power is said to exude, attract numerous de- votees. The colossal statue of the saint by Michael Angelo Maccarino was presented by Philip III. of Spain. The altar was executed from a design by Domenico Fontana. — The cloisters contain an ancient Christian relief of the Twelve Apostles, and a Madonna of more recent date. From tbe Piazza, opposite the cathedral, the Supportico Fer- rari leads us to a small piazza , in the left corner of which we ascend the steps under the house to the right. After 43 steps we turn to the left and ascend the covered flight of steps, at the top of which , high above the sea , our route is level for a little way. After another ascent we at length reach ( 1/4 hr.) the * Capuchin Monastery , which was founded by Cardinal Pietro Capuano for the Cistercians, but came into possession of the Ca- puchins in 1583, and is now a naval school. The building stands in the hollow of a rock which rises abruptly from the sea to a height of 230 ft. It contains fine cloisters, a charming verandah, and magnificent points of view. A large grotto to the left, for- merly used as a Calvary, or series of devotional stations, com- mands a prospect towards the E. (fee 25 c.). A cool and pleasant Walk may be taken in the narrow Valle de J Molini , or mill-valley, at the back of Amalfi , which contains sixteen paper-mills driven by the brook. (From the Piazza we follow the main street, which ends in 4 min.; we then go straight on through the Porta dell’ Ospedale, a covered passage opposite the fountain.) On the right rise lofty cliffs, crowned by the ruins of the Castello Pontone. The solitary tower RAVELLO. 11. Route. 173 dates from the time of Queen Johanna. — To Amalfi belong the five villages of Pogerola , Pastina , Lene, Vettica Minore , and To- vere , all situated to the W. of the town in a district which yields wine, oil, and fruit in abundance. The coast is overgrown with the aloe and cactus opuntia. From Amalfi to Ravello, an ascent of U /4 hr. (donkey 2 fr. ; guide 2-3 fr., unnecessary), a most attractive excursion, affording beautiful views , and interesting also to the student of art , partic- ularly if as yet unacquainted with Moorish architecture. We return to Atrani; beyond the viaduct and the projecting rock round which the road leads we ascend a broad flight of steps to the left; cross the small Largo Maddalena in front of the church of that name; turn to the right and go on in the same direction, passing through several covered lanes , ascending steps , and sometimes descending. Farther on, we skirt the right (E.) slope of the valley, ascend in windings, and at length pass through a gateway to the piazza in front of the cathedral of Ravello (nearly opposite the cathedral is a rustic osteria). Ravello, a celebrated old town in a lofty situation , wben in the zenith of its prosperity possessed thirteen churches, four mon- asteries, numerous palaces , and a population of 36,000 souls, but now numbers 1900 inhabitants only. The * Cathedral, founded in the 11th cent., is almost entirely modernised. The bronze doors, with numerous figures of saints, date from 1179. The magnificent *Ambo, in marble, embellished with mosaics, was presented in 1272; it rests on six columns sup- ported by lions ; inscription, ‘Nicolaus de Fogia marmorarius hoc opus fecit’. Opposite to it is the pulpit, in a simpler style, with a representation of Jonah being swallowed by the whale. In the choir is the episcopal throne, adorned with mosaics. On the left is the Cappella di S. Pantaleone , containing the blood of the saint. In the Sacristy is a Madonna by Andrea da Salerno. Turning to the left on leaving the cathedral , passing the foun- tain, and walking for 100 paces between garden-walls, we reach the entrance to the *Palazzo Rufalo (visitors ring a bell on the right), now the property of a Mr. Reid. This edifice, built in the Saracenic style and dating from the 12th cent., was once occupied by Pope Adrian IV., King Charles II., and Robert the Wise. In the centre is a small, fantastic court with a colonnade. The gate- way has a Saracenic dome. A verandah in the garden (1115 ft. above the sea-level) commands a delightful *View (a contribution for the poor of the place is expected; gardener ^ fr.). Returning to the piazza and ascending a lane to the left of the cathedral, we come in 5 min. to the church of S. Giovanni , a mod- ernised basilica borne by columns , and containing a fine old pulpit. — The adjacent garden (1220 ft. above the sea), formerly the property of the d’Afflitto family, affords a fine *View of the valley of Minori , of the small town of that name at its mouth, and of the more distant Maiori and the Capo Tumolo beyond it (fee of a few soldi ; refreshments to be had). 174 Route 1 1 . POSITANO. S. Maria Immacolata is a picturesque little church. Another point commanding a very extensive view is the Bel- vedere Cembrone. Passing in front of the cathedral, we go straight through a gateway, turn to the left after 8 min., pass the portal of the church of S. Chiara , reach a door on the left, and walk straight through the garden. — Other picturesque points in the environs may he visited if time permits. Our excursion to Amalfi may he pleasantly extended hy 2-3 hrs. by visiting Scala , a village with an episcopal church and the ruined castle of Scaletta , and Pontone , and descending thence to the mill-valley. This is an interesting , hut fatiguing walk. A donkey should not he taken farther than Ravello, as riding is scarcely practicable beyond it. From Amalfi to Sorrento. The route across the hills is on the whole rather tedious, as the ascent is very steep and the view at the top limited. It is preferable to go by water as far as Positano, or better still Scarica- tojo (2-272 hrs.), and thence on foot or donkey-back across the hills (from Positano from Scaricatojo 272-3 hrs.). The voyage (boats, see p. 171) along the picturesque coast (costiera occidental) , passing the Capo di Conca , the precipitous cliffs of Furore , the village of Prajano with its luxuriant vines and olives , and Vettica Maggiore in the vicinity, is very beautiful. In about 2 hrs. we reach — Positano , picturesquely situated on the mountain-slopes , with 2600 inhab. , an important harbour during the Anjou dynasty. Many of the natives of this place (like those of Secondigliano and Montemurro) leave their homes and travel through the ex-kingdom of Naples as hawkers. They assemble at their native places annually to celebrate their principal church-festival , and again return thither in later life to spend their declining years. With the exception of a few boatmen , the population therefore consists chiefly of old men, women, and children. [From Positano to Sorrento 474 hrs. (guide advisable, 2-3 fr.). The route ascends for nearly I72 hr., and at the top of the hill inclines to the left. It then leads through (40 min.) Picciano , (20 min.) Preazzano , and Fornacelle , and passes to the right of the hill on which the yellow build- ing of Camaldoli di Meta (p. 157) lies. The next places are Arbore and (1 hr.) Meta (p. 152), whence Sorrento is 2 M. distant by the high road.] The voyage to Lo Scaricatojo only takes 7? ^ r * more than the passage to Positano, although situated much farther to the W., as the boat steers from the Capo Sottile straight across the bay. The landing at Scaricatojo is not very easy , especially if the sea is at all rough , in which case the boatmen generally propose to go to Positano instead. The traveller may, however, prefer going direct to Scaricatojo, and if he finds the landing impracticable he may then return to Positano. From Scaricatojo to Sorrento (272-3 hrs. ; guide desirable). The path ascends,, at first by a fatiguing series of steps in the rocks, to the (I72 hr.) height of the Conti di Qeremenna , where there are several scattered houses. We follow the path in a straight direction, avoiding that to the left. Immediately after crossing the crest of the hill, we obtain a view of the Bay of Naples, Capri, Ischia, and Procida. After 5 min. we go straight on, avoiding the stony path to the left - , after 25 min., nearly at the base of the hill, the unpaved path leads to the right between walls ; after 5 min., to the left; after 5 min. more, to the left by the narrow path to Sorrento (to the right to Carotto , p. 153); again, after 5 min., to the left between walls, and then by the high road to the left; 25 min., Hotel Bellevue (p. 153); 74 hr- Sorrento (p. 153). From Amalfi to Castellamare over the Little S. Angelo (7 hrs. ; don- keys, see p. 171), a fatiguing walk which hardly repays the trouble, as an unobstructed view is seldom obtained. The safety of the route was NOLA. 12. Route . 175 moreover doubtful, until quite recently. The path leads by Pastina and Vettica Mihore in the Val Vettica, a picturesque ravine. Farther on, to the left, at the base of the mountain slope, lies Conca , consisting of a few scattered houses, where the long Capo di Conca (p. 174) extends into the sea. The path, now steep and unshaded, next leads in V 2 hr. to S. Lazaro , a fort with a small garrison, and the finest point on the route, which will repay a visit from Amalfi. The terrace below com- mands a strikingly beautiful survey of the fertile coast as far as Positano (p. 174); to the N. rises the Monte S. Angelo (p. 152). Beyond the fort the path, shaded by walnut and cherry-trees, and leading partly through wood, ascends by Agerola to the top of the pass of S. Angelo a Guida. On the summit we traverse a wild district; to the left is the crest of La Parata , to the right the slight eminence of Piano di Perillo , overgrown with brushwood. From the summit to (3 hrs.) Gragnano a fatiguing de- scent by a stony and precipitous forest-path. From Gragnano to (3 M.) Castellamare, a dusty high-road (p. 150). 12. From Naples to Nola and Avellino. From Cancello, a station on the Naples and Rome railway, a branch- line runs to Nola, and skirts the Apennines to Avellino. From Naples four trains daily: to Nola in l^-l^ hr. (fares 3 fr. 35, 2 fr. 10, 1 fr. 5 c.); to Avellino in 3-3 3 /4 hrs. (fares 8 fr. 80, 5 fr. 50, 2 fr. 75 c.>. From Naples to Cancello , 13 M., see p. 10. 20^2 M. Nola, with 11,900 inhab., an ancient Campanian city, was almost the only one which successfully resisted the attacks of Hannibal after the battle of Cannae, B.C. 216; and the following year its inhabitants under the command of the brave M. Marcellus succeeded in repulsing the invader. The Emperor Augustus died here on 19th Aug. A.D. 14, in his 76th year, in the same house and apartment where his father Octavius had breathed his last. In ancient times Nola was not less important than Pompeii. It is now an insignificant place and devoid of interest. In the 5th cent., St. Paulinus, an accomplished poet and Bishop of Nola (b. at Bor- deaux in 354, d. 431), is said to have invented church-bells at this Campanian town, whence the word ‘campana’ is derived. On 26th July a festival , accompanied by processions and games, is celebrated in his honour. In the middle of the 16th cent, the free-thinker Giordano Bruno was born at Nola, who, on 17th Feb. 1600, terminated his eventful career at the stake in Rome. Giovanni Merliano , the sculptor of Naples, known as Giovanni di Nola , was also born here in 1488. Nola is celebrated as an ancient cradle of the plastic art. The magnificent vases with shining black glazing and skilfully drawn red figures, which form the principal ornaments of the museums of Naples and of other places, were executed here. Numerous coins of Nola with Greek inscriptions have also been found. Scanty remains of an amphitheatre still exist. About y 2 M. to the N.E. of the town is situated the Seminary , where several Latin inscriptions and the so-called Cippus Abellanus , a remarkable inscription in the Oscan language found near Abella, are preserved. Above the seminary (5 min.) is the Franciscan monastery of JS. Angelo , command- ing a view of the fertile and luxuriant plain ; to the left is Monte Somma, 176 Route 12. AYELLINO. behind which Vesuvius is concealed; to the right rise the mountains of Maddaloni. A little to the E. is a Capuchin monastery, above which the ruined castle of Cicala picturesquely crowns an eminence. To the W. of Nola lies (5 M.) the small town of Avella , or in Latin Abella, near which there are extensive plantations of hazel-nut, the ‘nuces Avellanse 1 of antiquity. 25 M. Palma, picturesquely situated on the slopes of the Apennines opposite Ottajano , with 7300 inhab. and an ancient chateau, is commanded by an extensive ruined castle on a height. 30 M. Sarno, a town with 16,300 inhab., lies on the Sarno , which flows hence towards Scafati and Pompeii. Above it towers a ruined stronghold, once the seat of Count Francesco Coppola, who took an important part in the conspiracy of the barons against Fer- dinand of Arragon (1485). The view now becomes more limited. 35 M. Codola ; 37 M. San Giorgio. 40 M. San Severino (poor inn), on the road from Avellino to Salerno. The principal church contains the tombs of Tommaso da San Severino, high constable of the kingdom of Naples in 1353, and of several princes of Salerno. A road leads from S. Severino to Salerno (about 10 M; railway projected), via Baro- nisi , the scene of the capture of Fra Diavolo. The line now turns to the north. 43 M. Montoro ; 51 y 2 M. Solo fra; 54 M. Serino. 59M. Avellino (Albergo Centrale , well spoken of, obliging landlord, who provides guides for Mte. Yergine; * Albergo delle Puglie), with 21,100 inhab., the capital of a province, situated on the old post-road from Naples to Foggia. The name is derived from the ancient Abellinum , the ruins of which are 2*/ 2 M. distant, near the village of Atripalda. Another road leads hence to (14 M.) Montesarchio and Benevento (p. 185). From Avellino we may visit Monte Vergine, a famous resort of pilgrims (donkey 4-5 fr. and fee). The route is tolerably well shaded as far as (5 M.) Mercogliano , beyond which a steep moun- tain-path leads in iy 2 hr. to the shrine of Monte Vergine, founded in 1119 on the ruins of a temple of Cybele. The Church contains a miraculous picture of the Virgin , and the tombs of Catherine of Valois, who caused the picture to be brought hither, and of her son Louis of Taranto, second husband of Johanna I. Their effigies repose on a Roman sarcophagus. On the left side of the high altar is . the chapel erected for himself by King Manfred, which, when that monarch fell at Benevento, was given by Charles of Anjou to one of his French attendants. We may ascend hence to the top of the mountain (4292 ft.), commanding a magnificent survey of the bays and the extensive mountainous district. The abbot and the older monks occupy the Loreto, or V Ospizio, a large octagonal structure near Mercogliano, erected from a design by Vanvitelli. The archives have been incor- porated with the government archives at Naples. Great festivals, attended by numerous pilgrims in their gayest costumes, are cele- brated here at Whitsuntide (see p. 29). EASTERN AND SOUTHERN DISTRICTS OF S. ITALY. These parts of Italy have, until recently, been beyond the reach of the ordinary traveller. The W. coast is, moreover, by far the richer and more picturesque, as well as more replete with historical interest. The E. districts can boast of no such names as those of Florence , Rome, and Naples, but they are not devoid of attraction, and have been endowed by nature with a considerable share of the gifts she has so bounteously lavished on other parts of Italy. The Apennines , rising at a short distance from the coast, send forth a series of parallel ramifications, forming a corresponding number of par- allel valleys, whose communication with the external world is maintained by means of the coast to which they descend. To the S. of Ancona, from about the 43rd to the 42nd degree of N. latitude, stretch the Central Apennines , embracing the three provinces of the Abruzzi (Chieti, Teramo, and Aquila) , the ancient Samnium. They culminate in the Montagna della Sibilla (8123 ft.), the Oran Basso cf Italia (9816 ft.), and the Majella (9121 ft.) , groups which are connected by continuous ranges , and which are clad with snow down to the month of July. These mountains abound in fine scenery (RR. 15-17) , but until recently they have been well-nigh inaccessible owing to the defectiveness of the means of communication and the badness of the inns. The mountains to the S. of 42° N. lat., receding gradually from the sea, are called the Neapolitan Apennines. The last spur which projects into the sea is the Mte. Gargano (5118 ft.), which, however, is separated from the chief range by a considerable plain. Beyond this stretches the Apulian plain, an extensive tract of pasture and arable land, bounded by an undulating district on the S. About the 41st de- gree of N. latitude the Apennines divide ; the main chain, extending towards the S., forms the peninsula of Calabria; the lower chain, to the E., that of Apulia. The Coast (Provinces of Ancona , the Abruzzi , Capitanata , Terra di Bari , and Terra d' Otranto) is flat and monotonous, and destitute of good harbours. The estuaries of the small rivers afford but scanty protection to the vessels of the coasting trade. Even at Ancona the prominent M. Conero (1880 ft.) alone renders the anchorage tolerable. The villages and towns, in which local peculiarities often prevail in a marked degree, are generally situated on the heights, and conspicuous at a great distance. Farther to the S., however, in the ancient Apulia and Calabria (p. 184), the coast scenery improves, and there are three important harbours, those of Rari, Brindisi , and Otranto. Since the construction of the railway the most direct route between Western and Central Europe and the East has passed this way, and this district is gradually attracting more attention from travellers. As yet, however, it is only the larger towns which boast of tolerable inns. In the S. and S.W. districts , the former province of Basilicata , the ancient Lucania (less interesting than most other parts of Italy), and in Calabria , civilisation has made extremely slow progress, and the inns in particular are grievously behind the requirements of the age. In these respects Calabria, a district replete with striking scenery, is specially unfortunate. The shores of the Gulf of Taranto , whose waters bound both of these provinces, were once studded with numerous flourishing Greek colonies, and the whole district bore the name of Magna Graecia; but the traces of that prosperous epoch are now scanty. The period of Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 12 178 Route 13. FERMO. decline began with the Roman supremacy. The art and culture of the middle ages never penetrated to these remote regions. The fields once extolled by Sophocles for their richness and fertility are now sought for in vain, and the malaria now exercises its dismal sway throughout the whole of this neglected district. The soil belongs to the nobility , who let it to a miserably poor and ignorant class of farmers. The custom of carrying weapons is universally prevalent here (comp., however, p. xiv), and brigandage was carried on until quite recently. The villages are generally wretched and filthy beyond description. No one should therefore attempt to explore the remoter parts of this country unless provided with letters of introduction to some of the principal inhabitants (comp. p. 226). It is, however, expected that the condition of the country will speedily improve when the railway-system is more developed, and the dormant capabilities of the soil are thus called into action. 13. From Ancona to Foggia (Brindisi). 201 M. Railway in 61/4-12 1 /, hrs.; fares 36 fr. 35, 25 fr. 50, 14 fr. 35 c. (3rd class by express 18 fr. 20 c.). — Ancona is 347 M. distant from Brin- disi, to which an express train runs daily in 14 hrs. in correspondence with the quick trains from Milan and Bologna (fares 62 fr. 50 c., 44 fr., 31 fr. 40 c.) *, also once weekly (Sun.) in 10 3 /4 hrs. (from Bologna to Brindisi 15 hrs.), in connection with the English mail to India, carrying passengers to Brindisi only. The local trains stop for the night at Pescara or Foggia. The line skirts the coast, affording a sea view to the left, and an in- land view to the right. The towns, generally situated on the heights, at some distance from the railway, communicate regularly with their stations by diligence; but these vehicles have little pretension to comfort. Ancona, see Baedeker s Central Italy. The train passes through a tunnel under the hills surrounding Ancona; to the left rises the promontory of Monte Guasco ; on a hill to the right lies the ancient town of Osimo, the Roman Auximum. 10 M. Stat. Osimo is 51/2 M. from the town. On the right we soon obtain a view of Castelfidardo , where the papal troops under Lamoriciere were utterly defeated by the Italians under Cialdini in 1860. 15 M. Loreto , 17y 2 M. Recanati (see Baedeker s Central Italy). The train crosses the Potenza. 23 M. Potenza Picena is named after a Roman colony which once lay in the neighbourhood, but of which not a trace now exists. On the hill, about 4y 2 M. inland, lies the village of Montesanto. 27 M. Porto Civitanova lies at the mouth of the Chienti. The town of Civitanova lies iy 4 M. inland. The train crosses the Chienti. 31 M. 8. Elpidio a Mare. The village of 8. Elpidio lies several miles inland. — The Tenna is next crossed. 37 M. Porto S. Giorgio , with an imposing fort. On the hill , 3 M. inland , is situated Fermo ( Locanda dell' Aquila ; seat in a carriage 50 c.), the ancient Firmum Picenum , with 18,900 inhab., and the seat of an archbishop. It became a Roman colony after the begin- ning of the First Punic War, and has continued since that period to be a town of some importance. At the Porta S. Francesco , by which the town is entered , are seen remnants of the ancient wall , constructed at a very remote period. The streets ascend somewhat precipitously to the height on which the handsome Piazza is situated; the Town Hall here contains some inscriptions and antiquities. Antiquarians should visit the collection of the Avvocato de Minicis. Outside the town we obtain fine views of the fertile district, the Apennines, and the sea. ASCOLI. 13. Route. 179 The train next crosses the brooks Lete Vivo and Aso. 43 M. Pedaso , 48 M. Cupra Mcirittima (Marano). Near the latter once lay the ancient town of that name , with a celebrated temple dedicated to the Sabine goddess Cupra, and restored by Hadrian (in A.D. 127). 50 M. Grottammare. On the hill, about 4l/ 2 M. inland, is Ripatransone (6000 inhab.). The inhabitants of these districts greatly resemble their Neapolitan neighbours in manners and appearance. 53 M. S. Benedetto (inn at the station), a village on the coast. Ascoli Piceno (*Locanda delC Aquila), the ancient Asculum Picenum , with 22,800 inhab., the seat of a bishop and capital of a province, is situated in the fertile valley of the Tronto , 19 M. from the S. Benedetto station (diligence twice daily in 4 hrs., fare 2 l fa fr.). The road ascends on theN. side of the valley and then crosses to the S. side, where the town lies. The valley is here contracted and enclosed by lofty mountains. To the N. rises the jagged M. della Ascensione, to the W. the Sibilla, and more to the S. the Pizzo di Sevo. Mountain roads lead hence by JVorcia to Spoleto , and others through the valleys of the Velino and Aterno to Aquila (p. 190) and the interior of the Abruzzi. Ascoli, an ancient town in a commanding situation, the capital of the tribe of Picentines, took a prominent part in the Social War against Rome, and was captured and destroyed by Pompey. Interesting remains of the ancient walls, a bridge, and a "Gate at the W. end of the town. The town-hall contains a few inscriptions, and other relics are encountered in other parts of the town , e. g. insignificant vestiges of a theatre and amphitheatre. The architecture of the churches and palaces dates chiefly from a period anterior to the Renaissance, materially en- hancing the interest of the town , which is indeed the most attractive on the E. coast. The * Cathedral is said to have been founded by Constan- tine on the site of a temple of Hercules. The original substructions are still traceable. A chapel on the right in the interior contains good pictures by Crivelli. Beyond S. Benedetto the train crosses the Tronto, tbe ancient Truentus , formerly tbe boundary between the States of the Church and the kingdom of Naples. 62 M. Tortoreto. 68 M. Giu- lianova , a dirty village on the hill, iy 4 M. from the coast, built in the 15th cent, by the inhabitants of the ancient Castrum Novum on the Tordino , and then named 8. Flaviano. Teramo, the ancient Interamna , the capital of a province and seat of a bishop, with 20,100 inhab., 15 M. distant (post-omnibus 2 fr., in 2 l fa- il hrs.), is situated on the left bank of the Tordino. The Gothic cathedral is now modernised. The valley commands a succession of fine views of the imposing Gran Sasso. The town contains several inns , the best in the Piazza, where the Cafe where a refuge-hut is being built, and ascend thence to the summit on foot in 21/2-3 hrs. The Gran Sasso dTtalia, or Monto Como (9816 ft.) is the highest peak of the Apennines. In formation it resembles the limestone Alps of Switzerland. The view is strikingly grand, embracing the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Adriatic, the rocky Dalmatian coast, and the whole of Central Italy. From Solmona to Caianiello (Naples). 80 M. Diligence once daily in 10 hrs., starting from Solmona in the evening , from Caianiello in the morning. At Caianiello it corresponds with the quick train to Naples. — From Solmona to Castel di Sangro y 25 M., two-horse carr. 12 fr. The road traverses the plain as far as (5 M.) Pettorano , and then ascends in long windings to Rocca Valloscura , a village situated in a rocky ravine. Beautiful retrospects of the valley of Solmona. 192 Route 16. ISERNIA. The Abruzzi. After a farther ascent we reach the culminating point (4200 ft.) of the road, the Piano di Cinquemiglia , a table-land enclosed by mountains, and of the extent indicated by the name. In winter it is frequently rendered impassable by snow for several months, and in summer the temperature is generally low. Beyond this plain the road inclines to the left, and Rivisondoli becomes visible. It then leads to the right past Roccarasa , 2^ M. beyond which it descends by long windings to the valley of the Sangro , the ancient Sangrus. The village to the left is Rocca Cinquemiglia. We now cross the river to — Castel di Sangro ( Hotel du Commerce , in the Piazza), on the right bank of the broad and turbulent Sangro, picturesquely situated at the foot of lofty mountains. Except the old church of S. Nicola by the bridge, and the ruins of a castle, the place contains nothing noteworthy. Diligence hence every evening to (35 M.) Lanciano (p. 180). From Castel di Sangro to Isernia, 22 M. (diligence in 5 hrs., fare 6 fr.). The road ascends the heights which separate the valley of the Sangro from that of the Vandra , a tributary of the Volturno. Picturesque view from the summit ; to the left, below, the town of Forli is visible. The road then descends by the villages of Rionera and Vandria , crosses the valley, and ascends a second chain of hills. The summit commands a survey of the extensive valley of the Yolturno and Isernia. Isernia (Locanda di Pettorossi) , the ancient AZsernia of the Samnites , formerly important on account of its secure position on an isolated eminence, is now a closely built , dirty town , con- sisting of one long main street. A few Roman antiquities are seen near S. Pietro and elsewhere; and there are fragments of the an- cient walls in the polygonal style. In the autumn of 1860 a suc- cessful insurrection of the Bourbonists, characterised by many ex- cesses, took place here, but was soon put down by Cialdini. Archaeologists may from this point visit the ruins of the ancient Samnite Bovianum (a theatre and temple), near Pietrabbondante. Road to Pescolanciano 9 M., corricolo 6 fr. ; thence a bridle-path in 2 hrs. From Isernia diligence daily to Campobasso (p. 181) by Boiano , the ancient Bovianum Undecimanorum. One-horse carr. from Isernia to Ve- nafro 6 fr. From Isernia to the railway-station of Caianiello, 31 M. The road at first traverses a hilly district , passing Macchia on the right, and then enters the valley of the Volturno , which it crosses. It traverses the broad valley on the right bank, and (15 M.) reaches Venafro , the ancient Venafrum , a small town rising on a hill and commanded by a ruined castle. The road continues to skirt the mountains; the Volturno at length turns to the S., and we soon reach the small village of Caianiello (poor inn , not suitable for spending the night), a station on the railway from Rome to Naples. From Caianiello to Naples , see R. 1. 193 16. From Terni to Aqnila in the Abruzzi. About, 56 M. Diligence twice daily in lOhrs., fare 13 fr. Those who wish to visit the falls of Terni and catch the diligence above them, should start about 2*/2 hrs. before it, taking care to reach the top not later than 3 4 hr. after the coach has left Terni. This route, replete with very picturesque scenery, traverses the mountainous district in the centre of Italy. The road crosses the Neva just outside the gate of Terni, and begins to ascend at a point (IV 2 M.*) where a narrower road diverges on the left to Papic/no and the *Cascate delle Marmore (falls of the Yelino). At the top of the hill, about 4V-2 M. from Terni , a footpath leads to the left to the uppermost fall (comp. Baedeker s Central Italy). The road then traverses a mountainous and wooded district on the left bank of the Velino. Where it reaches the plain of Rieti, it describes a long curve at the foot of the heights, as far as the point where the mountains approach the river (a short cut, -available in dry weather only, leads straight across the plain). The road now crosses the Velino by the Ponte di Terria, to the left of which is the influx of the Turano , and follows the right bank to (3M.) Rieti. Another road, a little longer, but far more picturesque, diverges from the height above the waterfalls to the left and crosses to the right bank of the river. It soon reaches the beautiful mountain-lake of Piedilugo and leads along its spacious bays to the village of the same name, this being the shorter half of the route. The remaining part traverses mountain and forest till it reaches the plain of Rieti, where it crosses the Fiumarone y a tributary of the Velino, fed by several small lakes. On the right is the lake of Ripa Sottile , on the left that of Capo d'Acqua. Rieti ( Campana ; Caffe d* Italia), on the right bank of the Velino (16,400 inhab.), the ancient Reate, was once a settlement of the Umbri, and subsequently the capital of the Samnites, but no traces of the ancient city remain save a few inscriptions preserved in the town-hall. The cathedral , dating from 1456, contains a S. Barbara by Bernini , and the monument of Isabella Alfani by Thorvaldsen ; fine view in front of the edifice. Near Rieti is a beetroot sugar manufactory , where the attempt was first made to introduce this branch of industry into S. Italy. From Rieti to Rome diligence daily at 9 a. m. via Poggio Mirteto to Passo di Correse , a station on the line from Orta to Rome; and thence by railway. Excursions may be made from Rieti to the picturesque mountain scenery of the Central Apennines , though not unattended by difficulties on account of the indifferent character of the inns and roads. Thus to Leonessa, 19 M. distant, erected in a lofty mountain ravine about the year 1252 ; thence to (9V 2 M.) Cascia, said to be the ancient seat of the Casci, or aborigines of the district; 7 M. farther to Nor da , the ancient Nursia , nearly destroyed by an earthquake in 1857, with walls of great antiquity, birthplace of Vespasia Pollia, mother of the emperor Vespasian, whose family monu- ments were situated at Vespasia , 7 M. distant. St. Benedict and his sister Scholastica were also natives of Nursia. From Norcia mountain-roads lead to Spoleto and Ascol 1 Piceno (p. 179). The return route may also be accomplished by Accumoli and Civitd Reale through the valley of the Velino to Antrodoco , or by Accumoli , Amatrice , and Montereale to Aqnila (p. 190). From Rieti to Antrodoco (20 M.) the road winds upwards Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 13 194 Route 17. ANTRODOCO. The Ahruzzi. through a picturesque district in the valley of the Velino. Near Casotta di Napoli is the hill of Lesta , with traces of very ancient fortifications , said to have once been the capital of the fabled aborigines. Cittaducale , 5^2 M. from Rieti, founded in 1308 by Robert, Duke of Calabria, was formerly the frontier -town of the Neapolitan dominions. The country between this point and An- trodoco is remarkably picturesque ; the mountains are clothed with forest, and their lower slopes with vineyards and olives. About 4 4 / 2 M. from Cittaducale the road passes the Sulphur Baths of Paterno, the ancient Aquae Cutiliae , which were regularly frequented by Vespasian , and where he died in A.D. 79. The Pozzo di Latignano , the ancient Lacus Cutiliae , was regarded by Varro as the central point (‘umbilicus’) of Italy. The ancient Via Salara here ascended the valley of the Velino by Ascoli to Atri, the Roman Hadria. Antrodoco, Lat. Interocrea , beautifully situated on the Velino, is commanded on the N. E. by the lofty Monte Calvo ; on the hill is the ruined castle of the Vitelli. The road to Aquila, 20 M. distant, leads through a defile, enclosed by mountain and forest, which has frequently been defended with success in warlike periods. The scenery is fine the whole way. The valley becomes very narrow. After 4M. we reach the watershed between the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Adriatic. The road passes Rocca di Como and de- scends into the valley of the Aterno. Aquila (p. 190), on a hill op- posite us, at length comes in sight. 17. From Aquila to Avezzano and Roccasecca (Naples). From Aquila to Avezzano, about 35 M., a new road ; diligence daily in 7 hrs. (in the reverse direction 8 hrs.). — From Avezzano to Rocca- secca, about 42V2 M. ; diligence twice daily in 10 hrs. These diligences correspond with the trains of the Rome and Naples railway, and the hours of starting vary. The road leaves Aquila by the Porta Romana, descends into the valley of the Aterno, crosses the railway, and ascends gradually through vineyards. Beyond Ocre it passes through a grove of oaks. Looking back, we obtain a beautiful view of Aquila and the Gran Sasso ; farther on we observe the Majella to the S.E. Numerous villages lie scattered over the surrounding slopes. We at length reach the lofty plain, and then (16 M.) Rocca di Mezzo , a miserable village, where horses are changed. The road is level for some dis- tance ; it then ascends and crosses the summit of the pass (3*/2 M. from Rocca), not far from Ovindoli , a village picturesquely com- manded by a ruined castle. The road now descends rapidly in windings , commanding an admirable *View of the plain of the Lago di Fucino. The castle of The ABruzzi. LACTJS FUCINUS. 17. Route. 195 Celano next comes in sight , and then the town itself , which we reach in 3 / 4 hr. more. Celano, a town with 7100inhab., is beautifully situated on a hill, and from it the Lago di Fucino is sometimes called Lago di Celano. The Castle (*Yiew), erected in 145(\ was once occupied by the unfortunate Countess Oovella, who was taken prisoner by her son Rugierotto. She was soon restored to liberty, but in 1463 her domains were bestowed by Ferdinand of Arragon upon his son-in- law Antonio Piccolomini, Duke of Amalfi, ^tnd nephew of Pius II. Celano was the birthplace of Thomas of Celano (d. 1253), the supposed author of the celebrated requiem, ‘Dies irae, dies ilia’. The now drained Lago di Fucino (2181 ft.), the ancient Lacus Fucinus , was once 37 M. in circumference and 65 ft. in depth. Owing to the want of an outlet, the surface of the lake was subject to great variations which were frequently fraught with disastrous results to the inhabitants of the banks. Attempts were therefore made to drain the lake in ancient times , but it was only very re- cently (in 1875) that this object was finally accomplished. The earliest sufferers from the inundations were the ancient Marsi, in consequence of whose complaints Caesar formed the project of affording a permanent remedy for the evil , but the work was not begun till the reign of the Emp. Claudius. The bottom of the lake lies about 80 ft. above the level of the Liris at Capistrello, and the plan was to con- struct a tunnel, or emissarius , through the intervening Monte Salviano. No fewer than 30,000 men were employed in the execution of the work during eleven years. This was the most gigantic undertaking of the kind ever known before the construction of the Mont Cenis tunnel. The length of the passage was upwards of 3 ! /2 M., and for about l 3 /4 M. of that distance it was hewn in the solid rock. The transverse measurement of the tunnel varied from 4 to 16 sq. yds., and in other respects also the work was entirely destitute of uniformity. The greatest depth of the tunnel below the surface of the earth was 298 ft., and 33 shafts were constructed for the admission of air and the removal of rubbish. With a view to inaugurate the completion of the work, A.D. 52, Claudius arranged a sanguinary gladiatorial naval contest, which was attended by a vast concburse of spectators, but it was found necessary to deepen the tunnel, and it was again opened with renewed festivities, as Tacitus re- cords (Ann. 12, 57). Ancient writers stigmatise the work as an entire failure, hut their strictures are not altogether well founded, for it was obviously never intended to drain the whole lake, but merely to reduce it to one-third of its original size. Serious errors had, however, been committed in the construction of the tunnel, and especially in that of the channel which conducted the water to the emissarius. Claudius died in 54, and nothing farther was done in the matter. Trajan and Hadrian partially' remedied the defects, but the channel and the emissarius itself afterwards became choked up. Frederick II. attempted to re-open the tunnel, but the task was far beyond the reach of mediaeval skill. After the year 1783 the lake rose steadily, and by 1810 it had risen upwards of 30 ft. Efforts were now made under the superintendence of Rivera to restore the Roman emissarius, but under the Bourbon regime there seemed little prospect that the task would ever be completed. In 1852 the govern- ment was accordingly induced to make a grant of the lake to a company on condition that they would undertake to drain it, and the sole privilege was soon afterwards purchased from them by Prince Torlonia of Rome. M. de Montricher, a Swiss, the constructor of the aqueduct of Marseilles (d. at Naples in 1858), and his pupil Bermont (d. 1870), and subsequently M. Brisse conducted the works. The difficulties encountered were pro- 13* 196 Route) 7. AVEZZANO. The Abru%%i. digious, and the natives were frequently heard to indulge in the jest, ‘o Torlonia seeca il Fucino, o il Fucino secca Torlonia’. In 1862, however, the emissarius was at length re-opened. It is an extension of the Roman work, but longer and wider, and constructed with the utmost care. It is nearly 4 M. long, and a transverse section measures about 21 sq. yds. The beginning of it is marked by a huge lock, erected in a massive style. This is the outlet of the channel which is intended to keep the lowest portions of the basin drained. A broad road, about 35 M. in length, rsins round the reclaimed land (36,000 acres in extent) , which is con- verted into a vast model farm, colonised by families from the prince's different estates. The road traverses the old bed of the lake and next reaches Avezzano, a drive of 1 hr. from Celano. Avezzano ( Locanda d' Italia, tolerable), with 6300 inhab., possesses a chateau built by the Colonnas and now belonging to the Barberini, and a few inscriptions at the Tribunale. It is a good starting-point for a number of excursions, and particularly for a visit to the reclaimed Lago di Fucino. ( Marco Fiorano is a good vetturino.) An excursion to Luco , 6 M. from Avezzano, will afford the traveller a good opportunity of inspecting the drainage operations. He should drive to the entrance of the new outlet, and get the custodian to conduct him thence to the ancient emissarius. — Luco, now an uninteresting place, was the Lucus Angitiae of the ancients, and was called after a temple of the goddess of that name. The site of the temple is now occupied by the venerable Benedictine Church of S. Maria di Luco, situated on the N. side of the village, and dating from the 6 th or 7th cent. Extensive remains of walls in the polygonal style mark the boundary of the Temenos , or sacred precincts of the temple. Fine view hence, as well as from all the hills around the lake. On the E. bank of the lake lies the village of San Benedetto, on the site of Marrubium, the ancient capital of the Marsi , extensive remains of which are still to be seen. To the N. of the lake, rising abruptly from the plain, is situated the double-peaked Monte Velino (8202 ft.), visible from Rome. At its base, 4 M. from Avezzano, lies the village of Albe , the ancient Alba Fucentia. It lay on the confines of the territories of the Yestini, Marsi, and iEqui, and having received a Roman colony of 6000 souls, B.C. 303, it became the most powerful Roman stronghold in the interior of Italy. It occupied three contiguous groups of hills. On the W. side a triple wall in the polygonal style is still extant, while in the plain rises a vast tumulus. Remains of the Via Valeria, which led from Tivoli to Corfinium by Alba, of an amphitheatre, etc., are also traceable. The most important monu- ment of antiquity, however, is the "Temple, which has been converted into a church of S. Pietro , with eight Corinthian columns of marble in the interior. / Fine view of the valley. From Avezzano to Tagliacozzo, IOV 2 M., diligence once daily. The road passes Scurcola (fine view from above the old castle) and the Campi Palentini , where, on 26th Aug. 1268, the young Conradin of Hohenstaufen, the last scion of that illustrious imperial house, was defeated, after a most gallant resistance, by Charles I. of Anjou, who on the advice of the aged Chevalier Alard de St. Valery had placed part of his army in an am- buscade. Charles afterwards caused the beautiful, but now ruined church of S. Maria della Vittoria O /4 M. from Scurcola, to the right of the road) to be erected on the spot by Niccolo Pisano, a Madonna from which is still preserved in the church of S. Maria at Scurcola. Tagliacozzo ( Trattoria by the gate , on the left) lies on the margin of a deep ravine from which the Imele emerges. The sources of the Liris near Cappadocia may be visited hence on foot in IV 2 br. From Tagliacozzo a horse or mule (6-7 fr.) may be taken to (1 hr.) Rocca di Cerro , {2 x !i hrs.) Carsoli (Locanda Stella) , the ancient Carseoli, The Abruzhi . SOKA. 17. Route. 197 with an ancient castle, and (l 1 /^ hr.) Arsoli , all of which lie on the ancient Via Valeria. From Arsoli a carriage - road leads hy Vicovaro to Tivoli , 12 M. (carr. with one horse 7-8 fr.). The drive from Avezzano to Roccasecca through the valley of the Liris (to Sora in 5 hrs.) is one of the most attractive in Italy. The road traverses the Monte Salviano, and reaches (7 M.) Capis- treilo, where the emissarius of the Lago di Fucino issues from the mountain. It then follows the left bank of the Liris. On a height on the right bank lies (4 M.) CivitelLa Roveto , the capital of the Val di Roveto , as the upper part of the valley of the Liris, as far as Sora, is called. Then, to the left, Civitd d’ Ant ino, the Antinum of the Marsi, with several relics of antiquity. To the right of the river lies Morino , whence the beautiful waterfall of Lo ScMoppo , 0 M. distant, may he visited. Beautiful oak and chestnut woods are seen in every direction. A charming mountainous district is now traversed , and we next reach (about 18 M. from Roveto) the town of — Sora {Liri , Hotel di Roma), with 12,400 inhab., situated in the plain, on the right bank of the Liris, which flows in the form of a semicircle round the crowded houses of the town. The Romans wrested the place from the Yolsci, and founded a powerful colony here, B. 0. 803. The cathedral stands on ancient substructions. On the precipitous rock above the town are remains of polygonal walls, belonging to the ancient Arx, and also traces of mediaeval castles. The town was the native place of several celebrated men, and the residence of others (the Decii, Attiiius Regulus, the orator Q. Valerius, L. Mummius , etc.). The learned Cardinal Caesar Baronius was born at Sora in 1538, and died at Rome in 1607 as librarian of the Vatican. Sora forms, as it were, the key of the Abruzzi. The road from Sora to Isola, 6 M., traverses the well culti- vated valley, following the left bank of the river. The abundance of water here imparts a freshness and charm to the scenery which are rarely met with in warm climates. To the left the Fibreno falls into the Liris. In the former stream, near its mouth, lies the Isola S. Paolo, on which a monastery was founded by the Benedictine S. Domenico Abbate, a native of Foligno. Hildebrand, afterwards Pope Gregory VII., was once a monk here. The island is also supposed to be the Insula Arpinas, the birthplace of Cicero, the scene of his dialogue ‘de legibus 1 . The dilapi- dated abbey-church is said to have been constructed on the ruins of the illustrious orator's villa. The latter was erected by his grandfather, and embellished by his father, who devoted his leisure to the study of science here, and it was therefore a favourite retreat of Cicero himself, and is described by him in his treatise De Leg. 2, 3. In the reign of Domitian the villa belonged to the poet Silius Italieus. The Liris was crossed by an ancient bridge above the island, the ‘ Ponte di Cicerone \ one of the three arches of which is still standing. In the neighbourhood are several manufactories , chiefly of paper (cartiera) , surrounded by well-kept gardens. The most important of these is the Fartiera del Fibreno , founded by 198 Route 17. ISOLA. The Ahruzzi . M. Lefevre, a Frenchman, now Count of Balzorano. The gardens connected with it contain the picturesque waterfalls (Le Casca- telle) of the Liris and the Fibreno. The cool water of the latter is praised by Cicero. From this point the road descends to — Isola, a small town with 5900 inhab., which, as its name in- dicates, stands on an island in the Liris. It is sometimes called Isola del Liri to distinguish it from places of the same name. The two arms of the river here form two magnificent waterfalls, 80 ft. in height. That on the E. side, a view of which is obtained from the bridge as the town is entered, is a perpendicular fall, while the other and more picturesque cascade descends over an inclined plane about 160 yds. in length. Abroad passing the paper-mills above Isola winds upwards to (272 M.) Arpino ( Locanda della Pace , near the Piazza, small, but clean), a finely situated town with 11,700 inhab., the ancient Volscian mountain-town of Arpinuin , and celebrated as the native place of Marius and Cicero. The houses in which they were born are still pointed out to the credulous. The Town Hall in the Piazza is embellished with busts of Marius, Cicero, and Agrippa. A bombastic inscription here runs thus : ‘Arpinum a Saturno conditum, Volscorum civitatem, Romanorum municipium, Marci Tullii Ciceronis eloquentise Principis et Cai Marii septies Consulis patriam ingredere viator : liinc ad imperium triumphalis aquila egressa urbi totum orbem subjecit : ejus dignitatem agnoscas et sospes esto\ The fountain to the right of the town-hall bears the cognisance of Arpino, consisting of two towers over which the Roman eagle hovers. Weavers and fullers are frequently mentioned in old inscriptions found here, and, according to Dio Cassius, Cicero's father belonged to the latter handicraft. Arpino was the native place of the well-known painteT Giuseppe Cesari (1560-1640), more commonly known as the Cavaliere d'Arpino , whose house is still pointed out. The town consists of four quarters. The western quarter (‘civitas 1 ) lies on an abrupt eminence, connected with the town by a narrow isthmus. This was the site of the ancient Arx. On the summit stands a small octagonal church, which commands a beautiful view. The town itself rises on the slope of a still higher hill. The greater part of the ancient wall, consisting of large irregular blocks of stone, broken at intervals by mediaeval round towers, is still preserved, and may be traced throughout its whole extent. The ascent should be made on the N. side. On the hill lies the Civitd Vecchia , or old town. In the wall here is the Porta delf Arco , a remarkable gateway with a pointed arch. From Arpino to Roccasecca is a drive of 272 hrs. ; two-horse carr. 6 fr. From Isola to Roccasecca, 13 M. The road continues to follow the left bank of the river. To the right is the loftily situated town of Monte San Giovanni. To the left lies Fontana; then Arce , and Rocca d'Arce , the ancient Arx Volscorum , in a strikingly pictu- resque situation. From Roccasecca to Naples , see p. 3 et seq. 18. From Foggia to Brindisi and the Apulian Peninsula. Railway to Brindisi , 146 M., in 472-672 hrs.; fares 26 fr. 45, 18 fr. 50, 10 fr. 60 c. (comp. p. 178). — From Brindisi to Otranto , 54 M., in 874 hrs.; fares 9 fr. 75, 6 fr. 85, 3 fr. 90 c. ; only two through-trains daily. — Ex- cursions in the country are usually made here in two-wheeled S&iarraba's BARLETTA, IB. Route. 199 (a corruption of the French 'char-a-bancs 1 ), resembling the Neapolitan cor* ricolo’s. The average charge per day is 6-7 fr. , fee included, and the average journey 30-35 M. Foggia, see p. 181. On the right lies an extensive plain, the Tavoliere di Puglia. Beyond it, to the S., rises Mte. Vulture near Melli (p. 184). 12i/ 2 M. Orta Nova. 22 M. Cerignola , with 26,100 inhab., uninteresting. Route to (ICB /2 M.) Canosa, see below. The sur- rounding plain is richly cultivated, but entirely destitute of trees, which generally form an important feature in Italian fields and enhance the beauty of the landscape. Cotton-plantations begin here. 32i/ 2 M. Trinitdpoli. The train then crosses the Ofanto , the ancient Aufidus , the last river of the E. coast, with banks covered with underwood. Between two ranges of hills to the right lies the broad plain on which the battle of Cannae was fought (see below). 42!/ 2 M. Barletta (Locanda di Ettore Fieramosca), a seaport- town with 30,200 inhab., picturesquely situated, contains a number of well-built houses and churches. The market-place is adorned with a bronze statue 14 ft. in height, said to represent the Emp. Heraclius (according to others Theodosius), and to have been found in the sea. The Cathedral of S. Maria Maggiore contains the tomb of a Count of Barbi and Miihlingen (d. 1566), with a German in- scription. S. Andrea and S. Trinith possess several ancient pictures. The extensive Castello dates from the time of Charles Y. In the wars between Louis XII. and Ferdinand the Catholic, Barletta was defended in 1503 by Gonsalvo da Cordova and besieged by the Duke of Nemours. During the siege, among other encounters, a combat took place in the vicinity (between Andria and Corato) between thirteen on each side of the most valiant knights of Italy and France, conducted re- spectively by Colonna , and Bayard ‘sans peur et sans reproche 1 , which terminated in favour of the former. Canosa ( Albergo Qenghi , bad), with 16,200 inhab., on the slope of a hill, lies 14 M. inland. Of the ancient Canusium , once a prosperous town, a gate (Porta Varrense, on the road to Cerignola), ruins of an ex- tensive amphitheatre, and other relics still exist. Numerous painted vases, golden trinkets , etc., have been discovered in the neighbourhood. The principal church of S. Sabino , with several small domes, contains a pulpit and episcopal throne in marble and a number of antique columns 5 its pavement is now several feet below the level of the street. In an adjacent court is the tomb of Bohemund (d. 1111), son of Rob. Guis'card, one of Tasso’s heroes. Extensive olive-plantations in the neighbourhood, which, like the whole district of Apulia, also yields excellent wine. About 4 M. to the N.E. of Canosa, on the right bank of the Autidus (Ofanto) , towards the coast , once lay Cannae , where the Romans were signally defeated by Hannibal , B. C. 216. The Roman army, under the Consuls Lucius vEmilius Paullus and Caius Terentius Varro, consisted of 80.000 foot and 6000 horse , that oL Hannibal numbered 40,000 foot and 10.000 horse. After various changes of position the two armies engaged on the right bank of the Aufidus, the right wing of the Romans and the left wing of the Carthaginians leaning on the river. The Gallic and Spanish legionaries opened the battle by a successful attack on the Carthaginian centre, but Hasdrubal , at the head of the Carthaginian cavalry on the right wing, quickly put the Roman horse to llight, and then attacked the legions in the rear. Scarcely a single Roman foot-soldier escaped, 70,000 being left on the field, including JEmilius Paullus the Consul, and 10,000 being taken prisoner. Hannibal lost only about 6000 men. — In 1019 an 200 Route IS. . TRANI. From Foggia Apulian and Norman army under Melo of Bari was defeated at Oannso by the troops of the Greek prefect Basilius Bugianus. In 1083 Cannae was taken and destroyed by Robert Guiscard. From Canosa a road leads to (14 M.) the well-built town of Andria ( Locanda di Milone , near the road to Trani, tolerable), with 36,700 inhab., founded about 1046, once a favourite residence of the Emp. Frederick II., whose second wife Isabella of Jerusalem died here in 1228, after having given birth to a son (Conrad), and was interred in the interesting old cathedral. His third wife, Isabella of England, who died at Foggia in 1241, was also interred in the cathedral of Andria, but the monuments of these empresses have long since disappeared, having been destroyed by the partizans of Anjou. On the Porta 8. Andrea , or dell' 1 Imperatore , is a metrical inscription, in letters of metal, attributed to Frederick : Andria fidelis nostris aflixa medullis , etc. The old church of 8. Agostino and the adjoining convent belonged to the Teutonic Order during the sway of the Hohenstaufen. Andria is I 1 /? M. from Barletta (diligence twice daily in 1 hr., fare fr.), and the same distance from Trani. To the S. of Andria, on the summit of the pyramidal Murgie di Miner- vino , are the ruins of the conspicuous and imposing : 'Gastello del Monte , erected by Frederick II. who frequently resided here. This height com- mands a beautiful *View of the sea, the valley of the Ofanto, Monte Vul- ture, etc. A bridle-path (ib/z M.) ascends to it from Andria. — From Castello del Monte a road leads to (9 l /2 M.) the town of Corato (28,900 inhab.), which is also reached by another road from Andria (9 M.). On the road from Andria, about two-thirds of the way to the latter, a modern monument called VEpitajio , in a field by the road-side, marks the spot where the above-mentioned encounter between Colonna and Bayard took place. From Corato to Ruvo, 3 M., see p. 201. The line now skirts the coast. The country is luxuriantly fer- tile, and is chiefly famous for large olive-plantations yielding the finest quality of salad oil. The district where this is produced ex- tends only from Barletta and Canosa, past Bari, to the neighbourhood of Mola (p. 202). The culture of the olive is very profitable, but the yield is extremely fluctuating. A first-rate crop, though very rare, sometimes realises a price equal to the value of the whole estate. 50^2 M. Trani (Albergo della Stella d’Jtalia , new; Alb. delle Puglie ; Due Mori), with 26,900 inhab., is a well-built seaport. The loftily situated ^Cathedral, built about 1100, still possesses a Romanesque portal and beautiful bronze doors of 1175. Interior barbarously modernised. The interesting Castello is now used as a prison. Several synagogues afford an indication of the former prosperity of the place and of its importance at the time of the Crusades. The pretty ‘Villa ? , or public gardens, on the coast, con- tains two well-preserved milestones from the Via Trajana, which led from Benevento to Brindisi by Canosa, Ruvo, Bari, and Egnatia. Excellent wine (Moscado di Trani ) is produced in the neighbourhood. M. Bisceglie , pop. 22,600, with the ruins of a Norman fortress and handsome villas. 61 M. Molfetta (28,600 inhab.), beautifully situated, an epis- copal see, was once in commercial alliance with Amalfi. After the death of Johanna 1. her husband Otho, Duke of Brunswick, was confined in the castle here until released by Charles of Durazzo in 1384. to Brindisi. BARI. 18. Route. 201 From Molfetta to Ruvo, 11 M., via Terlizzi (omnibus). Ruvo (Giov. Nanni , tolerable), with 16,600 inhab., the ancient Rubi, is famous for the numerous and beautiful vases found in the Apulian tombs in its environs, and now among the chief treasures in the Museum of Naples. The tombs have since been covered up again. Collection of Giov. Jatta worthy of a visit. 65 M. Giovmazzo , said to have been founded by the inhabitants of Egnatia (p. 203), on the destruction of the latter. 69 , /2 M. S'. Spirito and Bitonto. The latter, situated 4 M. to the W., a town with 26,000 inhab., manufactures salad-oil in large quantities. The interesting cathedral contains several tombs of the 17th century. 77 M. Bari. — Hotels. *Albergo del Risokgimento, R., L., & A. 2 l j-i fr., bargaining necessary; Alb. Cavour, with trattoria, R. l*/a fr. — Cafes Risorgimento and Stoppani , both in the Corso Vitt. Emanuele. — Beer , etc. , at Orsola Caflisctts and the Birreria del Bolognese , both in the Corso Vitt. Emanuele. Cabs into the town, or per drive, 50 c., after dusk 70 c. ; with two horses 70 or 90 c. Steamboats. Vessels of the Societti Florio leave for Brindisi aud the Pirseus on Tuesdays, and for Tremiti, Ancona, Venice, and Trieste on Mondays. Also steamers of the Soc. Bari , Soc. Puglia , etc., to Genoa and Marseilles. Bari, the ancient Barium, which is still, as in the time of Horace, well supplied with lish (/Bari piscosi mcenia’), a seaport, and the capital of a province, with 54,100 inhab. (‘commune’), is the most important commercial town in Apulia. It is one of the most ancient bishoprics in Italy, and is now the seat of an arch- bishop. In mediaeval history it is frequently mentioned in as the scene of contests between Saracens, Greeks, and Normans, etc. In 1002 it was wrested from the Saracens by the Venetians. Wil- liam the Bad destroyed the town in 1156, hut William the Good sanctioned its restoration in 1169. Bari formed an independent duchy from the 14th cent, down to 1558, when it was united with the kingdom of Naples. The Strada Sparano, containing the new Ateneo, leads from the station to the Corso Vittorio Emanuelb, which runs from W. to E. and separates the closely huiit old town from the new town, or Borgo. On the W. the Corso ends in the Piazza Garibaldi, a square with a public garden in the middle; at the E. end is a garden laid out in 1878, beyond which is the Old Harbour, now used only by fishing-boats and other small craft. In the middle the Corso expands into the Piazza della Prefettura, wliichis bounded on the S. by the Theatre , the Palazzo di Citta , and the Tribunali (the two last forming the wings of the theatre), and on the N. by the Prefecture. The theatre is named Piccini , after Gluck’s rival, the composer of that name, who was born at Bari in 1728. Passing to the left of the prefecture we reach the Castello (now a prison), which was built in 1169 in the reign of William the Good, and afterwards repeatedly strengthened. The castello lies on the New Harbour, whence a fine view of Mte. Gargano is enjoyed in clear weather, Farther on is — 202 Route 18, BARI. From Ancona The cathedral of S. Sabino , originally a fine Gothic building, sadly modernised in 1745. Over the altar of S. Rocco is a picture by Tintoretto, and opposite to it one by Paolo Veronese. The lofty campanile resembles the Moorish tower of Seville. — Near the cathedral is the church of — *8, Nicola , begun in 1087 for the reception of the relics of the saint, which were brought from Myra in Lycia. The crypt was con- secrated by Pope Urban II. in 1089; the church itself, a pillared basilica in an antique style, with numerous later additions, was iinished by the Norman king Roger in 1139. On the exterior are tombstones erected to members of noble families of Bari , and to Byzantine pilgrims who died here. The interesting facade is em- bellished with statues of the Virgin, S. Nicola, and S. Antonio di Padova (17th cent. ? ). The Interior consists of nave and aisles with flat ceiling, borne by double rows of columns , with galleries over the aisles. The transverse arches in the nave did not form part of the original structure. In the N. aisle is the Tombstone of Robert , Count of Bari , ‘protonotarius 1 of Charles of Anjou, who conducted the proceedings against the ill-fated Prince Con- I’adin, and was afterwards assassinated by a nephew of Charles of Anjou on the very spot on which he had proclaimed the sentence (p. 41). He was a member of the Chiurlia family , resident at Bari. — To the right of the high altar is a Madonna with saints, by Bartolommeo Vivarini of Murano, 1476. — At the back of the choir is the Tomb (erected in 1593) of Bona Sforza , queen of Sigismund I. of Poland and last Duchess of Bari (d. 1558), with statues of St. Casimir and Stanislaus. On the staircase leading to the Crypt are some early Christian sar- cophagus-sculptures representing Christ and the Evangelists (5th cent. ?), which were perhaps brought from Mysia, — The crypt itself contains a silver altar with interesting "Alto-reliefs, executed in 1319 for the Servian king Urosius by Ruggero dalV Invidia and Roberto da Barletta , and restored in 1684 by bom. Marinelli and Ant. Avitabili of Naples. Below the altar is the vault containing the bones of the saint, from which a miraculous fluid (‘Manna di Bari 1 ), highly prized by believers, is said to exude. The festival of the saint, on 8th May, is attended by thou- sands of pilgrims, chiefly from the Albanese villages. The Treasury contains a beautifully illuminated breviary of Charles II. of Anjou, the sceptre of the same monarch, and an iron crown, which is said to have been made at Bari in 1131 for the Norman Roger. Rogfcr himself, Emp. Henry VI. and his consort Costanza, Manfred, and Ferdi- nand I. were all crowned with it in this church. — In 1271 Charles of Anjou presented the church with a colossal bell, which Manfred had in- tended for Manfredonia, but tradition reports that this giant was melted down and made into live smaller bells about the year 1394. The present bells date from 1578, 1713, and 1830. The Lion in the Piazza, with the inscription ‘custos justitiae’ on its collar, is the heraldic cognisance of Bari. — In the Istituto Tecnico, Strada Abate , is the new Provincial Museum , containing antiquities found in the vicinity. Railway from Bari to Taranto , see R. 21. 84 M. Noicattaro. 89 M. Mola di Bari (12,600 inhab.), on the coast. 99 M. Polignano a Mare is situated on a lofty and precipitous rock , rising above the sea and containing several tine grottoes. The finest of these lies under the new town (entrance by a small to Brindisi . BRINDISI. 18. Route . 203 door in the old town ; key at the house opposite). 102 M. Monopoly the ancient Minopolis, with 20,700 inhab., the residence of an arch- bishop. The cathedral contains a St. Sebastian by Palma Vecchio. The tower of S. Francesco commands a fine view. In the direction of the sea there have recently been discovered several rock-hewn tombs, the contents of which are now in the museum at Bari (p. 202). HO 1 ^ M. Fasano , a thriving town with 15,400 inhabitants. On the coast between Monopoli and Fasano lies the ruined town (‘la citta distrutta’) of Egnatia , the Greek Onathfa , now Anazzo , where a number of vases, ornaments, etc. have been found. The stones of the ancient walls have been nearly all removed by the peasants to build their cottages. The traia now enters the province of Lecce or Otranto ( Terra d’ Otranto, the ancient Calabria, see p. 184). 123 M. Ostuni ; 129 M. Carovigno; 139 M. S. Vito d’ Otranto. 146M. Brindisi. — *Gran Albergo delle Indie Orientali, built by the S. Italian railway company, on the quay, near the landing-place of the P. and O. steamers, K. 3, A. 1, L. 3 / 4 , dejeuner 3 fr. — Albergo d'Europa, in the street leading from the station to the p /2 M.) harbour, kept by Michele Grapsa, a Greek, good and tolerably clean, R. and L. 2 ! /2 fr., A. 40 c.} Angleterre, very dirty, and Vittoria, both in the town, and in the Italian style. — Caffb Triestino. ' Osteria, at the harbour, corner of the Strada Amena. — Cab from the station to the town ^fr., after dusk 1 fr. Steamboats. Those of the Peninsular and Oriental Company touch at Brindisi once weekly on their way to Alexandria, which they reach hence in about 82 hrs. j those of the Austrian Lloyd Co. also touch here on their route to Corfu, Syra, and the Pirseus (comp. R. 46). British Consul: Mr. Lewis Joel , Pal. Skirmunt, Piazza Sedile 9 (10-3). Brindisi , with 13,800 inhab., the ancient Brentesion, or Brundi- sium (i. e. stag’s head), a name due to the form of the harbour which encloses the town in two arms, was once a populous seaport, and the usual point, of embarcation for Greece and the East. Brundisium was a very famous place in ancient history. At an early period it was colonised by Tarentum, and subsequently by Rome, B.C. 245, and it formed the termination of the Via Appia, the construction of which from Capua was nearly coeval with the foundation of the colony. Horace's description (Sat. i. 5) of his journey from Rome to Brundisium, B.C. 37 j in the company of Maecenas, who wished to be present at the con- clusion of a new alliance between Octavianus and Antony at Tarentum, is well known. At Brundisium the tragic poet Pacuvius was born, and here, in B.C. 19, Virgil died on his return from Greece (some ruins near the harbour being still pointed out to the credulous as the remains of the house where he expired). The town , when occupied by Pompey, B. C. 49, sus- tained a memorable siege at the hands of Caesar, who describes the event in the first book of his Civil War. The fleets of the Crusaders frequently assembled in the harbour of Brundisium , but the place soon declined arfter the cessation of the crusades. It was subsequently destroyed by Lewis, King of Hungary, in 1348, and again by a fearful earthquake in 1458, which buried most of the inhabitants beneath its ruins. In modern times Brindisi has again become the starting-point of the most direct route from Central Europe to the East, and bids fair to become an important station for the carrying trade. The ex- tensive harbour, admirably sheltered from every wind, is undergoing improvement. The large steamers of the Peninsular and Oriental 204 Route 18 .* LECCE. From Ancona Co., etc., are enabled to enter and lay to at the quay itself. The N. arm of the harbour, which once bounded the town and extended far into the land, was productive of malaria, owing to its muddy con- dition, and is now dried up. The entrance to the harbour is divided into two channels by an island. In order to prevent the harbour from becoming tilled with sand, the N. channel has recently been closed by means of a substantial bulwark of solid stone. The quarantine establishment and a small fort are situated on the island. The fort may be visited by boat (in ^2 hr*)> a nd a line view enjoyed from the top, and the trip may be extended to the breakwater (in all 1 1 / 2-2 hrs., fare lt/ 2 fr.). On a slight eminence by the quay rises a lofty unfluted column of Greek marble, with a highly ornate capital, repre- senting figures of gods. Near it are the remains of a second. The former bears an unfinished inscription, containing mention of a Byzantine governor named Spathalupus, by whom the town was rebuilt in the 10th cent., after its destruction by the Sara- cens. These columns are supposed once to have marked the termination of the Via Appia ; but it is more probable that they belonged to an honorary monument of the Byzantine period, like the column of Phocas at Rome. The other relics of anti- quity are insignificant. — The CasteUo with its massive round towers, founded by the Emp. Frederick II., and strengthened by Charles V., is now a bagno for criminals condemned to the galleys. The remarkably picturesque remains of the circular church of S. Giovanni , destroyed by an earthquake in the 11th cent., with colon- nades, and decorated with frescoes, are still preserved, and will probably be converted into a museum. In the Cathedral the nup- tials of Frederick II. with Isabella of Jerusalem were solemnised in 1225. Several thousands of the participators in the Crusade of 1227 perished here. Brindisi possesses a public library, presented by a Bishop de Leo, a native of the place. The environs are fertile, but malarious. From Brindisi to Taranto (p. 213), 24 M., a good road (one-horse carr. 18-20 fr.), via One, the ancient t/ria, from which the Doria family s said to derive its origin , a beautifully situated place with numerous palaces. From Brindisi the train runs in 1 hr. 20 min. , by stations Tuturano , & Pietro , Squinzano , and Trepuzzi , to — 170 M. Lecce (. Albergo delta Vittoria; Alb . delta Ferrovia ; Roma), the capital of a province, with 24,150 inhab., situated a short distance from the sea, the seat of a bishop, with the cathedral of St. Orontius, an ancient castle, the interesting Norman church of SS. Nicola e Cataldo in the Camposanto (12th cent.), and other handsome buildings. The Lyceum contains a small museum of an- tiquities (vases, coins, terracottas, Messapian and Latin inscriptions). The town, which is a dull place in an unattractive district, occupies the site of the apeient Lupia. In the vicinity lay Rudiae, where to Otranto . OTRANTO. 18. Route. 205 Ennius, the father of Roman poetry, was born, B. 0. *239, now Rugge , a place of no importance. The poet, who died in 168, was patronised by the Scipios, in whose burial-place at Rome his remains were deposited. — On the coast lies the Castello di N. Cataldo , 44/ 2 M. distant, a favourite point for excursions. From Lecce a road (22 M. ; diligence daily in 3 hrs., fare 3 fr.) leads by the manufacturing town of Nardb , the ancient Neretum of the Sallen- tini, now an episcopal residence, or by Galatina, to — Gallipoli, a seaport, with 10,600 inhab., beautifully situated on a rocky island in the Gulf of Taranto, but connected with the mainland by a bridge. It was founded by the Lacedemonian Leucippus and the Taren- tines, and is the Urbs Grata Callipolis of the Roman geographer Mela, but is called Anxa by Pliny. The cathedral is a handsome building of the 17th century. The town was formerly celebrated for its oil, which was stored for long periods in subterranean cisterns, and thence drawn off for expor- tation in a thoroughly clarified condition. Date-palms are frequently seen in the gardens of the handsome villas in the vicinity. — Steamers to Brindisi and Taranto once weekly. The train runs from Lecce to (2972 M.) Otranto in 1 hr. 50 min. ; stations 8. Cesario di Lecce , S. Donato , Galugnano , Sternatia, Zollino , Corigliano ; 1944 / 2 M. Maglie ; Bagnolo , Can- nole , and Giurdignano. 199 l / 2 M. Otranto, the Greek Hydrus , the Roman Hydrun- tum , a colony and municipium, often mentioned by the an- cients as a point of embarcation for Apollonia in Epirus , is now an insignificant fishing town with 2100 inhab., and the seat of an archbishop. The castle with its two towers was erected by Alphonso of Arragon and strengthened by Charles V. For a long period it continued subject to the Greek emperors, but in the 11th cent, was captured by the Normans, who under Robert Guiscard and Bohemund conducted from this point the siege of Durazzo (Dyrrachium) in Albania. On 28th July, 1480, the then prosperous town was attacked by the Turkish fleet under Achmet Pasha, grand-vizier of Mohammed II., and entirely destroyed; 12,000 of the inhabitants were put to death, the remainder carried off as slaves, the churches razed to the ground, and the priests barbarously maltreated. The following year the Turks were expelled by the Duke of Calabria, afterwards Alphonso II., but the town never recovered from the effects of this cruel blow. The Cathedral still contains some columns from a temple of Mercury, which once stood near the village of S. Nicola, not far from the town. The ancient mosaics in the church were much injured by the hoofs of the Turkish horses which were stabled in the sacred edifice. In a chapel are preserved the bones of many of the ill-fated victims of the Turkish onslaught. From the ramparts of the Castle the coast and mountains of Epirus are visible in clear weather. A road skirting the coast leads from Otranto to (31 M.) the Promon- tory of Leuca , by Muro (to the right), and Castro , situated on a rocky eminence by the sea, and therefore supposed to be the Castrum Minervae, that point of Italy which, according to Virgil, was first beheld by Aeneas ; then through a succession of gardens and vineyards to Tricase , B /2 M. from the sea, Alessano , Montesardo , Patii , and finally S. Maria di Leuca, a village on the site of the ancient Leuca, not far from the promontory of Leuca or Finisterra. This is the Promontorium Iapygium, or Salentinum , of antiquity , the extreme point of Apulia, commanding a noble prospect. 206 Route 19. POTENZA. In line weather the lofty Acroceraunian mountains of Albania may be distinguished. We may return for a change by Patu, Presicce, Uggento , the ancient Uxentum , an episcopal residence , and Taviano, to Gallipoli (31 M.). 19. From (Naples) Eboli to Potenza and Torremare on the Gulf of Taranto. About 162 M. — (Railway from Naples to Eboli, 50 M., in3hrs.; fares 7 fr., 5 fr. 25 c., 2 fr. 65 c.) — From Eboli to Baragiano, 35 M., by railway in 2 V 2 hrs. ; fares 6 fr. 45, 4 fr. 55, 2 fr. 60 c. From Romagnano (the fourth station from Baragiana) a diligence, corresponding with the early train from Naples, runs daily to Potenza in 672 hrs. Information may be ob- tained at Naples at the office of Mastrojanni, Str. Montoliveto 83, opposite the post-office, or at Salerno next door to the prefettura. Eboli, see p. 167. — The railway runs hence towards the E. at the foot of the hills. On the right flows the broad and turbulent Sele , beyond which rises the Monte di Postiglione , the Alburnus of the ancients, described by Virgil as ‘green with holm-oaks’. 4 M. Pontesele ; 12 M. Contursi; I &/2 M. Sicignano; 20 1 / 4 M. Buccino, a town with 6300 inhab. , on the hill. 21 M. Ponte S . Cono, the starting-point of the Calabrian ‘Corriera’ (R. 20). 25 M. Ro- magnano; 28 1 / 2 M. Balvano ; S ^/2 M. Bella-Muro . 35 M. Bara- giano , the present terminus of the railway. The High Road from Romagnano to Potenza traverses a very charming district as far as Vietri di Potenza (supposed to be the Campi Veter es , where in B.C. 212 the proconsul Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus fell a victim to his premature confidence in the Lucanian Flavus) ; it then crosses the river Marno. To the left is the beautifully situated Picerno , which was almost entire- ly destroyed by the earthquake. The road now ascends gradually to the crest of Monte Foi , and descends thence to — Potenza (Risorgimento ; Croce di Savoia , cleaner than the other; * Trattoria Lombarda), with 18,700 inhab., the capital of the province of the same name, which forms part of the old Basili- cata, a district nearly corresponding with the ancient Lucania. The town lies on an eminence above the Basento , which rises on the mountain Ariosa not far from this, and falls into the Gulf of Taranto near the ruins of Metapontum. The ancient Potentia , destroyed by Frederick II. and again by Charles of Anjou, lay lower down in the plain, at the spot now called La Murata , where coins and in- scriptions have frequently been found. The Earthquake of 1857, which wrecked a number of towns and villages in the Basilicata and occasioned a loss of upwards of 32,000 lives, was attended, here with the most terrible consequences. The greater part of the town, including the Lyceum, fell, and numerous lives were lost. In consequence of wounds alone 4000 persons underwent amputations. The result in thirty or forty neighbouring villages was not less disastrous. This stupendous convulsion took place in a circular course in three distinct shocks, of which the second was the most violent. A line drawn from Monte Vulture to the volcano of Stromboli intersects the places which suffered most; thus Auletta , Alena, Polla, Sala , Padula, Saponara , PERTOSA. 20. Route. 207 Sapri and many other villages were entirely destroyed. In the direction of Mt. Vesuvius, towards Naples and Salerno to the W. , the concussions were much more violent than in the opposite direction. The loss of life was not less serious than that occasioned by the earthquake of 1783 in Calabria. The shocks recurred in March and April 1858. From Potenza to Acerenza, an interesting excursion : diligence to Pietra Oalla (in 3 hrs., fare 2 fr.), and a walk of 1 hr. thence. Acerenza CLocanda in the old castle), the Acherontia of Horace (comp. p. 184), famed for its wine, occupies a lofty and beautiful situation. The crypt of the cathedral contains four ancient columns of coloured marble and pedestals with mediaeval reliefs. From Potenza to Melfi (about 37 M. ; hilly road) a diligence runs in 9- 10 hrs., fare 6fr.), via Avigliano and Atella. From Potenza to Grumo (p. 212), about 75 M., local communication only. The road leads by Montepeloso, Gravina, with a collegiate church and an old chateau of the Dukes of Gravina, and Altamura , with an old Norman cathedral. Potenza is about 30 M. from Calciano , which may be reached by carriage via Tricarico , a town with 7000 inhab., in about 10 hrs. From Calciano to Torremare , 40 M., railway in 2*/4-3 hrs. (fares 7 fr. 25, 5 fr. 10, 2 fr. 90 c.). — 2 4 / 2 M. Grassano; 8 M. Grottole ; 17 M. Ferrandina ; 24y 2 M. Pisticci; 32 y 2 M. Bernalda. 40 M. Torremare, see p. 216. 20. From ( Naples ) Ponte S. Cono to Reggio. High Road from Ponte S. Cono to Reggio, about 275 M. The Vettura Corner a delle Calabrie , which starts from Ponte S. Cono about midday on the arrival of the early train from Naples, accomplishes this distance in about 72 hrs., including the 2 hrs. by railway from Spezzano to Cosenza (p. 209). There are, however, three seats only, which are almost always engaged in advance. Diligences (‘Giornaliera") also run on the whole of this route \ but passengers are always liable to be turned out before reaching their destination by others desiring seats for a stage, unless they prefer to pay for the whole of the longer stage. This malpractice also prevails in Sicily (p. 226). In the bathing season, when the traffic between Naples and the province is very brisk, travellers cannot expect to be taken up at intermediate stations, but they may sometimes obtain a seat in a hired carriage at a moderate charge. Vetturini from Salerno to Reggio require 10- 12 days ; hotel-expenses had better be included in the contract. Ponte S. Cono , see p. 206. About 3 M. from Ponte S. Cono we cross the Negro , the ancient Tanager , and reach the cross-roads Bivio di Auletta (Locanda della Posto). The poor village of Auletta (3000 inhab.) lies on a hill to the left. The dilapidated church was destroyed by the appalling, earthquake of Dec. 12th, 1857, through the effects of which, direct and indirect (exposure, hunger, etc.), no fewer than 40,000 people perished in the district of Sala and the valley of the Diano alone. Beyond Auletta lies the village of Pertosa, which was partially destroyed in 1857. Below the village is a large cavern, dedicated to St. Michael, whence, after a subterranean course of l*/ 2 M., the Negro precipitates itself into a gorge. Beyond Pertosa the road crosses a deep ravine, through which an arm of the Negro flows, by II Ponte di Campestrino , a viaduct of seven arches, and then ascends the mountain in zigzags. A little way beyond the cul- 908 Route 20. ROTONRA. From Naples minating point a charming view is disclosed of the valley of the Diano, to the S., into which the road now descends. On entering it, we leave the beautifully situated Polla, the ancient Forum Popilii , which was almost entirely destroyed in 1857, to the right. The valley, 15 M. in length, 8 M. in width, is traversed by the Negro, here named the Calore , and is remarkable for its fertility. Numerous villages are situated on the heights on both sides. The road ascends more rapidly. On the left lies Atena , the ancient Atina in Lucania, with remains of an amphitheatre, walls, and towers, but almost entirely destroyed by the earthquake of 1857. Then to the left Sala ( Albergo in the Piazza, tolerable), the seat of a sub-prefect, picturesquely situated on a height. On an isolated eminence, nearly opposite, on the other bank of the river, which is crossed by the Ponte di Silla, an ancient Roman bridge, rises the small town of Diano, the ancient Tegianum , whence the valley derives its name. To the left, 44 M. from Eboli, lies Padula , below which are the shattered ruins of the Certosa di S. Lorenzo. From Sala and Padula beautiful routes cross the Monte S. Elia to the picturesque Valley of Marsico ; but until quite recently they were unfortun- ately not unattended with danger, and previous enquiry should therefore be made of the prefetto or sindaco as to the state of the country. Towards the N. the valley is commanded by the town of Marsico (11,300 inhab.), formerly a notorious haunt of brigands. After a ride of 4-5 hrs. across the fertile plain the traveller reaches Saponara , situated on a steep hill, at the foot of which, in the Agri valley, once lay the ancient Grumentum. The ruins are insignificant, but a rich treasure of vases, inscriptions, and gems has been found among them. The village was almost entirely destroyed by the earthquake in 1857. — Opposite, towards the S.W., is Viggiano , famous for its musicians, who are to be met with in all parts of the world, particularly in New York, with their harps, guitars, flutes, etc. Of an evening the village itself resounds with music, singing, and dancing. — Moliterno on the high road is 3 M. from Saponara (‘giornaliera’ to Sala in 6 hrs.). At Casalnuovo the ascent begins, and the road at length crosses the rivulet Trecchina to Lagonegro , a small town with 4600 inhab., in a wild situation, amidst lofty mountains. The French gained a victory over the Neapolitans here in 1806, after which they committed the most savage excesses. The road now winds through dark and profound ravines, passing to the left of the Lago di Serino y the ancient Lacus Niger , in which the Sinno , the Siris of the ancients, takes its rise. The next village, Lauria , lies at the base of a lofty mountain , opposite the huge Monte Sirino , and is surrounded by vineyards. Then Castelluccio , on an eminence above a branch of the Lao , the ancient Laos, environed by dense woods. 93 M. Rotonda, with 4900 inhab. We now traverse the long and desolate table-land of Campo Tenese where the Neapolitans fled before the French general Regnier in 1806. A path winds downwards from this point, and passes through the narrow valley at the base of Monte Pollino (7326 ft.) , on the W. side of which Morano , the ancient Muranum , is picturesquely situated. to Reggio. COSENZA. 20. Route. 209 109 M. Castrovillari , with 9600 inhab., on a hill, surrounded by lofty mountains, with an ancient Norman castle, is next reached. Beyond Castrovillari the high road leads through a well- cultivated district , passing Cammarata , to Spezzano , where we reach the Railway from Buffaloria to Cosenza mentioned at p. 218, by which we continue the journey (from Spezzano to Cosenza, 34 M., in 2y 4 hrs. ; fares 6 fr. 15, 4 fr. 30, 2 fr. 45 c.). The train ascends the valley of the Crati , crossing several of its tributaries. Stations: Tarsia , S. Marco Argentano , Mongrassano - Cervico. Lattarico , Bisignano , Montalto Uffugo , Rende S. Fili , and Cosenza. 150 M. Cosenza (*Albergo dei Due Lionetti ), the ancient Con - sentia , once the principal city of the Bruttii, is now the capital of the province of the same name, with 15,200 inhab., and an archi- episcopal residence , containing well-built houses and palaces of wealthy landed-proprietors and manufacturers. It lies on the N. slope of a hill which separates the Crati from the Busento above the confluence of these streams. The town is commanded by a castle (fine view), the walls of which, though 9 ft. in thickness, were unable to resist the shock of the last earthquake. Shocks are felt here almost every year. In 1181 the town was destroyed by an earthquake, and again on 4th Feb. 1783, when upwards of 30,000 persons perished in this district. Serious damage was also sustained from the earthquakes of 1854 and 1870. The Cathedral contains the tomb of Louis III. of Anjou, who died here in 1435, eighteen months after his marriage with Margaret of Savoy. — On the piazza in front of the Prefettura a monument, with an allegorical figure of Liberty by Gius. Pac- chioni of Bologna, was erected in 1879 to the Brothers Bandiera and other participators in the Calabrian rising of 1844. Alaric, King of the West Goths, died at Cosenza in 410, after he had plundered Rome and made an attempt to pass over into Sicily. His coffin and his treasures are said to have been buried in the bed of the river Buxentius (Busento). The site is unknown, hut a tradition of Cosenza places it at the union of the Busento and the Crati. From Cosenza to Paola (p. 222), where the steamers touch four times weekly, a drive of 3*/2 hrs. (seat in a carriage on these days 5 fr.). To the E. of Cosenza rises the Sila, a lofty and wooded range of mountains, extending about 37 M. from N. to S., 25 M. from E. to W., attaining a height of 6200 ft. , and embracing an extensive network of valleys. These mountains, which consist of granite and gneiss, are remarkable for their beauty and fertility $ their slopes are studded with numerous villages, while higher up they are clothed with chestnuts, oaks, beeches, and pines. The E. and S. slopes descend to the Gulf of Taranto. In ancient times these mountains supplied the Athenians and Sicilians with wood for ship-building , and they were famed for their cattle. The snow does not disappear from the higher regions until the latter end of May, or June, after which they afford a delightful summer abode to the natives with their flocks. This beautiful district, which has very rarely been explored by travellers, is still in a very primitive condition. Letters of introduction to influential inhabitants should be procured at Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 14 210 Route 20. ROGLIANO. From Naples Naples or Messina by intending explorers. The best months for the tour are July, August , and September. Either Cosenza or Cotrone (p. 218) may be taken as a starting-point. Fine scenery and picturesque costumes. At Cosenza the road begins to ascend, traversing well-culti- vated land. The heights on each side are clothed with oaks and chestnuts. 178 M. Rogliano, a town of 5200 inhab. on a hill to the left, commands a charming view of the fertile country and the surrounding mountains, above which on the right rises the M. Co - cuzzo (5085 ft.). The road descends into the ravine of the Sa- il uto , the ancient Sabutus , ascends Le Crocelle di Agrifolio , an abrupt ridge of the Apennines, and leads by Carpanzano , Coraci , Arena Bianca , and through ravines and forest, to — 203 M. Tiriolo, a town with 3600 inhab., loftily situated on the watershed between the Corace , which falls into the bay of Squillace, and the Lamato , which descends to the bay of S. Eufe- mia, the ancient Sinus Terinaeus. Near Tiriolo, a name perhaps derived from the Ager Taurianus , numerous coins and other anti- quities have been found. In 1640 a bronze tablet (now in the imperial collection at Vienna) was discovered here, bearing the Senatusconsultum against the Bacchanalia, of B.C. 186, mentioned by Livy (xxxix. 18). Before Tiriolo is reached, a road to the left crosses the river Corace and leads to (9V2 M.) Catanzaro (diligence, see p. 219). To the right a road leads to (11 M.) Nicastro , an episcopal town on the hill -side, in the now ruined castle of which Frederick II. once for several years confined his son, the German king Henry VII., who had rebelled against him in 1235. The latter died at Martorano in 1242, and was buried at Cosenza. Towards the sea, 3 M. from Nicastro, lies S. Eufemia , with a celebrated Benedictine monastery founded by Robert Guiscard, but destroyed by the earthquake of 1638. The road to Reggio traverses a chain of hills, and then crosses the Lamato , the right bank of which it skirts for some distance commanding almost uninterrupted views of the bays of Squillace and S. Eufemia, which are here barely 19 M. apart. > We next pass Casino Chiriaco and cross the plain of Maida, where in 1806 the English auxiliaries of the Bourbons under Sir John Stuart defeated the French under Regnier and drove them out of Calabria. The road crosses the fertile , but un- healthy plain by Francavilla to Torre Masdea. 225 M. Pizzo is a small town with 8400 inhab., situated on a sandstone rock on the coast. Below it are the ruins of the old castle where Joachim Murat, king of Naples, who had been com- pelled to land here the day before, instead of at Salerno as he had intended, was shot on 13th Oct. 1815. His remains were interred in the church at Pizzo. — The Naples and Messina steamers touch here (p. 223). A bridle-path leads hence to Tropea , beautifully situated near the Capo Vaticano , whence the Lipari Islands (R. 36) may be visited. The road, running near the coast, next leads to — to Reggio. PALMI. 20. Route. 21 1 234^2 M. Monteleone (Albergo dr Italia), a loftily situated town with 11,800 inhab., which was much damaged by the earthquake of 1783. The old castle was erected by Frederick II. Pleasant promenade commanding a charming view of the sea, Sicily, etc. A road leading N. to the coast (3 M.) passes through the village of Bivona , on the site of the ancient Hipponium , which was afterwards the Roman colony Vibo Valentia , destroyed by the Saracens in 983. The road now traverses a hilly district to — 244 M. Mileto, once the favourite residence of Count Roger of Sicily, whose son, King Roger, was born here. Pop. 4800. It con- tains the ruins of the abbey of S. Trinith founded by him, where his remains and those of his first wife Eremberga formerly reposed in two sarcophagi which are now in the museum at Naples. • — The mountains of Sicily, and particularly the summit of .Etna, now become conspicuous in the horizon. From Mileto a mountain-path leads E. to the (5 M.) grand ruins of the once celebrated monastery of Santo Ste/ano del Bosco , situated in a lonely valley at the foot of the Apennines. Near the neighbouring village of Soriano are the extensive ruins of the Dominican monastery of S. Do- menico Soriano , also destroyed by the earthquake of 1783} and, on the farther side of the low ridge of Monte Astore , the remains of the Certosa , in which St. Bruno established his austere order of Carthusians in 1094, and where he died and was interred in 1101. From Mileto the road gradually descends from the heights bounding the bay of (jioja on the N., and reaches (233 M.) Rosarno. The picturesquely situated town (3800 inhab.) was destroyed by the earthquake of 1783. The plain is then traversed to Oioia Tauro , which occupies the site of the ancient Metaurum , a desolate looking place, situated on the coast to the right, and an extensive depot of oil. Owing to the prevalence of malaria here, the workmen always spend the night at Palmi. We now cross the Marro , the ancient Metaurus , a river famed for its fish. The earthquake of 1783 was particularly destructive in this neighbourhood. The earth opened in many places, swallowing up houses entire, and filling up several valleys. — On the coast to the right, not far from the road, on a cliff rising perpendicularly from the sea, stands the singularly picturesque town of — 269M. Palmi (Albergo Plutini), with 10,500 inhab., surrounded by orange and olive plantations, and affording beautiful views of the coast and the island of Sicily, particularly from a ^Terrace on the sea at the end of the main street. The town is situated about halfway up the : Monte Elia, which commands a superb view of the Faro , the castle of Scilla , the town and harbour of Messina, and the majestic .Etna in the background. The N. coast of Sicily is visible as far as ' Milazzo *, out at sea are Stromboli aod the Lipari Islands} to the N. the bay of Gioia as far as Capo Vaticano. If the traveller on the arrival of the diligence at Palmi descends to the sea , and at the farther end of the main street ascends to the right by a path through olive plantations (which a carabiniere may be asked to point out) , he may reach the top of the hill , stay 10 min. on the top , and regain the road before the diligence comes up. (The conductor should of course be told of the traveller’s intention beforehand.) Those who prefer leaving the diligence at Palmi and paying a longer visit to the Monte Elia 14 * 212 Route 20. SCILLA. will have little difficulty in procuring a seat in a carriage at a later hour, as the road between Palmi, Bagnara, and Reggio is always much frequented. To the S.E. of Palmi lies (2V‘2 M.) Seminara , which has been the scene of two important conflicts. In 1495 the French army defeated that of King Ferdinand II. under Gonsalvo da Cordova, and on 21st April 1503 , the French were on nearly the same spot routed by the Spaniards under Ugo de Cardona, one of Gonsalvo’s most able generals. The road from Palmi to Reggio, traversing chestnut and olive plantations, and affording a succession of views of the sea and the coast, is one of the most beautiful on the Mediterranean. It crosses the Monte Elia (see above), on the S. slope of which is situated Bagnara ( Locanda della Stella , tolerable), and next reaches — 260 M. Scilla ( Locanda di Baviera on the Marina, well spoken of ; a relative of the landlord is recommended as a guide to Aspro- monte), the ancient Scylla , with 7700 inhab. The castle, situated on a promontory commanding the town, once the seat of the princes of Scilla, was occupied by the English after the battle of Maida (p. 210), and defended for 18 months (until 1808) against the French. Fine view. The silk and wine produced here enjoy a high reputation. Numerous swordfish (pesce spada) are caught here in July. To Messina, see p. 228. The rock of Scylla , represented in Homer’s Odyssey as a roaring and voracious sea-monster, — a beautiful virgin above, and a monster with a wolfs body and dolphin’s tail below — is depicted by the poets in conjunction with the opposite Charybdis as fraught with imminent danger to all passing mariners. The currents and eddies in the straits are still very rapid, but it is now believed that the Charybdis of the ancients is by no means exactly opposite to the whirlpool of Scylla, as the saying 4 incidis in Scyllam , cupiens vitare CharybdinC appears to indicate, but outside the harbour of Messina, 7 1 / >t M. from Scilla, at the point now called Qarofalo (comp. p. 316). An Earthquake which took place on the morning of 5th Feb. 1783, overthrew the greater part of the town of Scilla, together with the castle, while the inhabitants tied to the sea. In the evening a second shock rent the promontory asunder, and caused the sea to rise with such impe- tuosity that 1500 persons were drowned, and the town laid under water. The distance from the castle of Scilla to the promontory of Faro, the ancient Pelorum, between which the strait lies, is about 2 M. The passage to Messina is most conveniently made from the beautifully situated Villa S. Giovanni , to the S. of the Punta del Pezzo, 5 M. from Scilla. From that point a charming road, skirting the coast, and traversing luxuriant gardens, leads by the villages of Gallico , Arco , and S. Caterina to — 275 M. {from Ponte S. Cono) Reggio, see p. 220. 21. From Bari to Taranto. 72 M. Railway in 32 / 3 - 41/4 hrs. •, fares 13 fr., 9 fr. 10, 5 fr. 20 c. Bari, see p. 201. — The line leads inland, towards the W., and gradually ascends. 7 M. Modugno , 9^2 M. Bitetto. On a hill 3 M. to the N. lies Palo del Cotle , once surrounded by four villages ( Auricarre , Marescia, Staglino , Battaglia), of which few traces are now left, 14 M. Grumo. 25 1 / 2 M. Acquaviva ; about 3 M. to the TARANTO. 21 . Route. 213 W. is situated Cassano , with a recently discovered stalactite grotto (key at the Sindaco’s) ; fine view from the Capuchin monastery. 34 M. Gioia del Colle (13,900 inliab.). The line now enters the Terra d’ Otranto, the ancient Calabria, and traverses the low range of hills which form the S.E. spurs of the Apennines. The scenery becomes of a bleak character, the olive-trees disappearing and the fields often looking as if sown w r ith fragments of limestone rocks. 42 M. S. Basilio ; a tunnel ; 48 M. stat. Castellaneta. Beyond the next tunnel the line crosses three deep ravines (‘gravine’). 53 M. Palagianello ; 58 M. Palagiano ; 6 CM /2 M. Massafra, picturesquely situated on the slope of a ‘gravina’. The train now approaches the sea. Fine view of the bay with the islands of S. Pietro and S. Paolo. 72 M. T&rantO. — Hotels, all rather dirty. The Albergo Garibaldi, at the gate, x j\ M. from the station, with view towards the Mare Piccolo, R. from 1 fr. 20 c., and the Alb. di Roma, with somewhat more comfortable rooms, are in better repute than the others. — Trattoria del Moro at Leone di Venezia , charmingly situated on the coast, oysters 60 c. per dozen. Cab from the station to the town, 1/2 M., 60 c. Taranto , a town with 28,700 inhab. , is situated in the N. angle of the Gulf of Taranto, on a rocky island which divides the deep inlet here into the Mare Piccolo and Mare Grande. The latter is bounded by the Capo S. Vito on the S.E. The harbour is pro- tected by two flat islands situated in front of it, the Choerades 214 Route 22. TARANTO. of antiquity, now S. Paolo (the smaller), occupied by a fort, and 8 . Pietro, the property of the chapter of the cathedral. The entrance to the harbour is between S. Vito and S. Paolo, on each of which a lighthouse is situated. Towards the N.W. the passage is very shallow, and navigable for small boats only. The modern town, occupying the site of the ancient Acropo- lis, which extended far towards the E. , is connected with the mainland by bridges on the N. and S. sides. Over the S. bridge runs an aqueduct, attributed to the Greek Emp. Nicephorus I. (about 803) , 25 M. in length , and borne by arches as it ap- proaches the town. The ebb and flow of the tide is distinctly visible under the bridges of Taranto, one of the few places on the Mediterranean where it is perceptible. Taranto is the seat of an archbishop, a sub-prefect, and other dignitaries, and carries on a considerable traffic in oil, oats, and wheat. The population is densely packed in confined houses and narrow streets, and the traveller whose expectations regard- ing the town are founded on its ancient celebrity will be sadly disappointed. The town is intersected lengthwise by three streets, which form the arteries of traffic for three different classes of the community, speaking three distinct dialects. The Mare Pic- colo is skirted by the Strada Garibaldi , inhabited chiefly by fishermen, whose language is still strongly tinctured with Greek and is often unintelligible to the other Tarentines. This street is connected by a number of lanes with the narrow Main Street, the chief business thoroughfare, which under various names inter- sects the town from N.W. to S.E., and where the common Neapo- litan dialect is spoken. The Strada Vittorio Emanuele, recently constructed on the coast, where a different dialect is spoken, affords a view of the bay and the mountains of Calabria, and forms a pleasant evening promenade. The modernised Cathedral of S. Cataldo contains some impor- tant monuments, such as that of Philip of Taranto, son of Charles II. of Anjou. The chapel of the saint, adjoining the choir on the right, is sumptuously decorated. The crypt is closed. The tower commands a fine view. — The Castle, at the S. end of the town, and the other fortifications, date from the time of Charles Y. Towards the S.E., where the Tarentum of antiquity was situated, new build- ings are now springing up. — Near the gate towards Lecce is the small museum of the Canonico Palumbo (formerly Ceci; fee 1/2 fr.). The huge moupd of oyster-shells here dates from a very early period. Tarentum , or Taras , as it was called in Greek, was the most powerful and wealthy city of Magna Grsecia, and lay in a beautiful and fertile district to the S. of Mt. Aulon and W. of the mouth of the Galeesus. It was built by Spartan Parthenians under the guidance of Phalanthus, B. C. 707, and was under the special protection of Neptune, by whose mythical son Taras it is said to have been originally founded. Its extensive commerce and powerful fleet were a source of great prosperity, but with the increase of wealth the citizens became luxurious and effeminate. In addition to TARANTO. 21 . Route. 21 5 their navy and other resources, they possessed an army of 30,000 infantry and 5000 cavalry. Pythagoras of Samos once taught his philosophy here, and his system was farther developed by Archytas of Tarentum, the cele- brated mathematician. With the aid of Pyrrhus of Epirus, Tarentum defended itself successfully against the attacks of the Romans, but at length succumbed, B.C. 272, after the departure of Pyrrhus from Italy. In the Second Punic War the town espoused the cause of Hannibal, but was conquered in 209 by the Romans, who plundered it, carried off its treasures of art, and sold 30,000 of the citizens as slaves. In 123 the Romans established a colony here, and the city again became noted for its wealth and luxury. The famous purple dye and wool of Tarentum were its chief resources at this period. In Horace’s time Tarentum was a place which the poet regarded as the ‘most smiling corner of the world, where the spring is long, and Jupiter vouchsafes mild winters’ (Carm. ii. 6). The coins of the ancient Tarentum are remarkable for their beauty. — In the middle ages Tarentum was the residence of Bohemund, son of Robert Guiscard, who took part in the first Crusade. The relics of the celebrated ancient city are unimportant. Quitting the town by the Porta di Lecce , and following the street which leads from the Arsenal to the right along the sea, we reach in 5 min. the scanty ruins of an extensive Circus. A little to the W., in the vineyards sloping towards the sea, are the exten- sive ruins of private houses, now called Le Fornaci , and dating from various periods, some of them being obviously mediaeval, others constructed of the Roman ‘opus reticulatum 1 , while a few are apparently of still earlier date. To the latter class belongs a curious cellar (or stable?) with ceiling of flat vaulting and a shaft for air. At the entrance of one of the rooms is a mosaic. The ruins are in a sadly neglected state. — Another road leads to the left from the Arsenal to the Villa de Beaumont- Bonelli (gardener ! / 2 fr.), with a large orchard, whence a fine view is enjoyed of the town, the Mare Piccolo, and the N. bank of the latter. The Mare Piccolo is divided into two halves by the promon- tory II Pizzone , and the Punta della Penna. At its E. extremity is the mouth of the river Cervaro , which is supposed to be the ancient Galaesus. At the S. end, % M. from Taranto, stands the villa of S. Lucia , once the property of the celebrated Arch- bishop Capecelatro (d. 1816), who placed on it the inscription — ‘Si Adam hie peccasset, Deus ignovisset ei’, and afterwards that of General Pepe. Although in a dilapidated condition, it still merits a visit, and is thus described by an old writer: — ‘This is one of the most charming spots in the neighbourhood. The Mare Piccolo looks like a broad lake. Gentle slopes, covered with olive- groves, rise in every direction. A fine view of Taranto and its towers, perched on a rock, is enjoyed hence, and still higher rise two magnificent palm-trees, the finest of which stands in the courtyard of the archiepiscopal residence. Gardens with oranges, lemons, figs, almonds, and pomegranates slope down from the town to the water’s edge, filling the air with their delicious fragrance’. Excellent fish abound in the Mare Piccolo. They enter with the tide under the S. bridge, and are netted at night in great num- bers. There are no fewer than 93 different species, and they are largely exported in every direction. Shellfish are also bred here in 216 Route 22. METAPONTUM. From Taranto vast numbers. (Oysters and others are called cozze , the best being the coccioli.') The situation of the beds is indicated by stakes protruding from the water. The traveller may visit them by boat (iy 2 fr. per hr.), and enjoy his oysters fresh from the sea (about 50 o. per doz. is sufficient recompense; bread should be brought in the boat). The climate of Taranto is somewhat cold in winter, and not unbearably hot in summer. The honey and fruit of the neigh- bourhood are in high repute, as they were in ancient times. The date-palm also bears fruit here, but it seldom ripens thoroughly. In the district between Taranto, Brindisi, and Otranto the venomous tarantola , or tarantella-spider occurs. Its bite is said by the natives to cause convulsions and even madness, for which evils music and dancing are supposed to be effectual remedies. The latter belief gave rise to the curious tarantella-dancing mania, which was epidemic in S. Italy in the 15th-17th centuries. From Taranto to Lecce (p. 204) diligence daily in 9 hrs., via S. Giorgio , Sava , Manduria (an old town with 9400 inhab.)', and Campi . Scenery unattractive. 22. From Taranto to Reggio. 293 M. Railway in 15V4-173/ 4 hrs. (fares 40 fr. 45, 28 fr. 35, 16 fr. 20 c.). There are no express trains. Through-tickets to Messina, Catania, and other places in Sicily include transport from the station to the quay in Reggio, and also the steamer-fare to Messina. — The traveller should take refreshments with him, as the poor railway restaurant at Cotrone is the only one on the line. The Steamboats of the Florio Go. plying between Marseilles and Brindisi touch at Taranto and generally also at Catanzaro, on Thursday when going to Marseilles, and on Saturday on their way to Taranto. The next steam boat stations to the W. are Catania and Messina, to the E. Gallipoli and Brindisi. The railway at first traverses an uninteresting, flat country. The soil is very fertile, but miserably cultivated. Although quite capable of yielding two crops annually with proper manage- ment, it is allowed, in accordance with the old-fashioned system prevalent here, to lie fallow for two years after each crop. The train crosses several fiumare , or mountain-torrents , which were confined within embankments on the construction of the railway. The numerous watch-towers are a memento of the unsafe con- dition of the coast during the middle ages, which is also the reason of the distance of the settlements from the sea. The stations are generally 2-5 M. distant from the towns and villages, with which there is often no regular communication. 27 1 / 2 M. Torremare , a castle with a poor tavern , at which a horse may be hired for the journey to Metapontum (2-2 l / 2 fr.). About 3V2 M. to the N. E. of the station lie the ruins of an ancient Greek "'Temple in the Doric style, called La Tavola Paladina by the peasantry, who believe each pillar to have been the seat of a Saracen chieftain. Fifteen columns of the peristyle (ten on the N., five on the S. side) are still standing. The limestone of which they consist is now much disintegrated. This temple marks the site of the celebrated ancient Greek city of Metapontum. Pythagoras died here, B.C. 497, in his 90th year, to Reggio. CASSANO. 22. Route. 217 but his philosophy long survived him in the principal towns of Magna Greecia, especially rt Metapontum itself, Tarentum, and Croton. When Alexander of Epirus came to Italy in B.C. 332, Metapontum allied itself with him, and in the Second Punic War it took the part of Hannibal. Its enmity to Rome on the latter occasion, however, caused its downfall, and at the time of Pausanias, in the 2nd cent, after Christ, it was a mere heap of ruins. — We may now return by the right bank of the Bradano. The neighbouring farm-houses ( masserie ), such as the Mnsseria Sansone , are built of massive blocks from the ancient walls of the town. On the coast are traces of a harbour now filled with sand. To the S.W. are rows of tombs which afford an idea of the great extent of the town. From Torremare to Calciano and Potenza , see p. 207. The Cotrone and Reggio train crosses the Basento. 32!/ 2 M. S. Basilio Pisticci; 37^2 M. Scanzano Montalbano. We next cross the Agri , the ancient Aciris. 40!/ 2 M. Policoro , near which lay the Greek town of Heraclea (founded by the Tarentines in 432), where Pyrrhus with the aid of his elephants gained his first victory over the Romans, B.C. 280. At Luce , in the vicinity, the celebrated bronze Tabula Heracleensis (Lex Julia Municipalis) , now in the Museum at Naples (p. 64), was discovered in 1753. The train traverses a wood (Pantano di Policoro), full of the most luxuriant vegetation (myrtles, oleanders, etc.), beyond which are the river Sinno , the ancient Siris , and the town of that name. The line now approaches the sea. 49^2 M. Rocca Imperiale. The country becomes hilly. 54 M. Monte Giordano • 59 M. Roseto. The finest part of the line is between Roseto and Rossano. It commands a beautiful view of 218 Route 22. COTRONE. From Taranto the precipitous Monte Pollino (7852 ft.) which is never free from snow except in summer, and of the broad valley of the Crati , at the head of which rise the pine-clad Sila mountains (p. 209). — 62M. Amendolara ; 67^2 M. Trebisacce (a good echo at the sta- tion); 74M. Torre Cerchiara. 77 M. Buffaloria di Cassano , whence a branch-line ascends the valley of the Crati, via Doria-Cassano , Spezzano-Castrovillari , etc., to Cosenza (43 M. in 2 3 / 4 hrs. ; fares 7 fr. 80, 5 fr. 50, 3 fr. 15 c. ; comp. p. 209). Doria-Cassano is the station for (472 M.) Cassano (9100 inhab.), a beauti- fully situated town , with warm baths, and an ancient castle on a lofty rock. The castle affords a magnificent survey of the valleys of the Coscile and the Crati , the Sybaris and the Crathis of antiquity. The wild, barren limestone mountains rise here almost immediately from the plain, culminat- ing in the Monte Pollino. The Torre di Milo is pointed out here as the tower whence the stone was thrown that caused the death of T. Annius Milo, when he was besieging Cosa on behalf of Pompey. The train now crosses the Crati. The wealthy and proverbially luxurious Sybaris, founded B.C. 720 by Achseans and Troezenians, and destroyed in 510 by the Crotonians, is said to have lain on this river. — About 6 M. from its supposed site, near Terranova , are the scanty ruins of Tliurii, which was founded by the Sybarites after the destruction of their city. In 443 the Athenians sent a colony thither, and with it the historian Herodotus. Owing to the wise legislation of Charondas, Thurii soon attained to great prosperity. It formed a league with the Romans in 282, and was defended by C. Fabricius against the attacks of the Lucanians, but it was afterwards plundered by Hannibal. In 193 it received a Roman colony, and the new name of Copiae, but it rapidly declined, and was at length entirely deserted. 86 M. Stat. Corigliano Calabro. The town, with 10,700 inhab., lies on a height, 4 M. from the station. 93 M. Stat. Rossano. The town (Albergo della Romanella) with 15,600 inhab. , situated on a hill, and possessing quarries of marble and alabaster, is 5 M. distant. This was the birthplace of St. Nilus. The train runs close to the sea through a mountainous district, and crosses the Trionto. Stations Mirto Crosia , 8. Giacomo , Cam - pana , and Cariati (Albergo di Sibari, miserable). Farther on, the train traverses pleasant plantations of olives, vines, and ligs. Stat. Crucoli , Cirb , Torre di Melissa , and Strongoli. This last, a squalid village with 2900 inhab., situated on a bold eminence 4 M. from the station, and reached by a bad road, was the ancient Poetelia , founded according to tradition by Philoctetes, and besieged by Han- nibal after the battle of Cannae on account of its fidelity to Rome. 147 Y 2 M. Cotrone (* Albergo della Concordia , at the entrance to the town ; carriage from the station i/ 2 &•)> a thriving little sea- port with 8000 inhab., situated on a promontory, was in ancient times the famous Achaean colony of Croton , founded B.C. 710, which is said to have been once so populous and powerful as to be able in 510 to send an army of 100,000 men into the field against Sybaris. After its great victory on that occasion, however, Croton declined; not long afterwards the citizens were defeated ■ to Reggio. SQUILLACE. 22. Route. 219 by the Locrians on the river Sagras, and in 299 the town fell into the hands of Agathocles of Syracuse. During the height of the prosperity of the city, Pythagoras, who had been banished from Samos by the tyrant Polycrates, and was then in his 40th year, established himself at Croton. He attracted a band of disciples and founded his brotherhood here, B.C. 450, but was at length banished in consequence of the jealousy of the citizens. A visit should be paid to the old Castle , the highest tower of which com- mands a fine view (admission by applying to an officer or ser- geant). Oranges and olives thrive admirably in the environs, and are largely exported. Liquorice is also a staple product. An intro- duction to Signor Baracco , one of the wealthiest land-owners in Italy, who resides in the neighbourhood, will be found of great service. About 7 M. to the S.E. is the Capo delle Colonne , or Capo Nao, alow promontory, much exposed to the wind. (Route to it by land 2 x )-i hrs., very rough ; boat 6 fr.) As the steamer rounds this cape , the eye is arrested by a solitary column, rising conspicuously on massive substruc- tions above the few modern buildings of the place. This is now the sole relic of the Temple of Hera of the Lacinian Promontory , once the most revered divinity on the whole of the Gulf of Tarentum. There are also some remains of ‘opus reticulatum’ from ancient Roman villas. To the S.W. of this promontory are three others, the Capo delle Cimiti , the Capo Rizzuto , and the Capo Castella. Beyond Cotrone tbe train quits the coast, and traverses a hilly district, with little trace of cultivation. Near (156 M.) Cutro it passes through a long tunnel. 162 M. Is ola- Capo -Rizzuto ; 166 M. Rocca Bernarda ; 171 M. Cropani ; 176 M. Simmeri. 183 M. Catanzaro. — *Albergo Serravalle, with a good trattoria, and a dependance Albergo d' Italia , R. 1-2 fr. , scale of charges posted up as in many Calabrian inns. Alb. Roma; Alb. Centrale. — Caf6 Centrale. Diligence at 6 p.m. to Tiriolo (p. 210) in connection with the diligences to Cosenza and Reggio. — Mule 3-5 fr. a day. Catanzaro , with 25,000 inhab. (including the suburbs), the capital of the province of the same name, prettily situated 6 M. from the sea, boasts of a cathedral (fine view from the campanile by evening light), a castle of Robert Guiscard , numerous velvet and silk manufactories, and luxuriant olive-groves. The climate is cool in summer, and snow often lies in winter. Many wealthy families reside here. The handsome Calabrian costume is still frequently seen here, particularly on Sundays. Catanzaro suffered severely by the earthquake of 1783. Numerous pleasant excursions may be made hence. Beyond Catanzaro the line skirts the coast and passes through several promontories by means of tunnels. 189^2 M. Squillace, the ancient Scylaceum , is perched on an almost inaccessible rock near the coast, nearly opposite the lofty Monte Moscia. Cassiodorus , the private secretary of Theodoric the Great , was born at Scylaceum , and after the death of his master retired to his native 220 Route 22. REGGIO. place, where he founded a monastery , wrote a number of learned works, and died there in 560 at the age of nearly a hundred. — To the N. of Squillace the Emp. Otho II. was defeated in July, 982, by the Arabs, who had crossed over from Sicily, and had recently been routed by him at Colonne , to the S. of Cotrone. He himself escaped almost by a miracle, and succeeded in reaching Rossano , where he met his consort Theophctno. Otho did not long survive this reverse; he died at Rome in December, 983, and was interred in the old church of St. Peter. The train passes through the promontory by means of two tunnels. 193 M. Montauro ; 197 M. Soverato ; 199 M. Santo Sostene ; 201 M. S. Andrea; 20472 M. Badolato ; 207 1 / 2 M. S. Caterina ; 214 1 / 2 M. Monasterace (near which, at Stilo , are iron-works); 221 M. Riace ; 223 M. Caulonia . The river Alaro is supposed to be the Sagras of antiquity, where an army of 130,000 Crotonians is said to have been utterly routed by 10,000 Locrians. On this river lies Castel- vetere , on the site of the ancient Achaean Caulonia , where Pytha- goras sought refuge after his expulsion from Croton. 229 M. Roccella , with 6400 inhab., lies near the coast. Beyond (231 M.) Gioiosa , the magnificent scenery resembles that of Greece. 234 M. Siderno. 237 M. Gerace. The town, with 7600 inhab., and a Romanesque church, lies on the slope of a lofty spur of the Apennines, having risen from the ruins of Locri Epizephyrii , the once celebrated colony of the Locrians, founded B.C. 683, provided with a salutary code of laws by Zaleucus (664), and extolled by Pindar and De- mosthenes for its wealth and love of art. The ruins of the ancient city near Torre di Gerace are now concealed by an orange garden. The Passo del Mercante, a mountain path, leads from Gerace through beautiful woods, and over the lofty Aspromonte , to Casalnuovo (p. 208). Thence by a post-road to Gioia (p. 211) or to Seminara (p. 212), about 37 M. The top of the pass commands a delightful view of the sea in both direc- tions. In descending, we overloock the Bay of Gioia as far as the Lipari Islands. 242 M. Ardore ; 244 4 / 2 M. Bovalino; 249^2 M. Bianconuovo , 258 M. Brancaleone. The line now skirts the Capo Spartivento , the Promontorium Herculis of antiquity, the S. E. extremity of Calabria (station, 262 M.). 266 M. Palizzi. The train turns towards the W. and then nearly to the N. ; 26972 M. Bova ; 272 M. Amandolea; 277 M. Melito. 28272 M. Saline. The train affords a view of the coast and mountains of Sicily, and rounds the Capo delV Armi , the Promon- torium Leucopetrae , which was in ancient times regarded as the termination of the Apennines. Cicero landed here in B.C. 44, after the murder of Caesar, having been compelled by adverse winds to turn back from his intended voyage to Greece, and he was then persuaded by citizens of Rhegium to repair to Yelia, where he met Brutus. 286 M. Lazzaro; 290 M. Pellaro ; 29372 M. S. Gregorio. 297 M. Reggio. — *Albergo Vittoria, in the Corso Garibaldi, R., L., & A. 3V«2, B. 3 / 4 , D. 3V2 fr. ; Alb. Milano. — Trattoria Lombardo, in a side-street of the Corso ; Caffl Garibaldi. — Carriages (stand in the REGGIO. 22. Route. 221 Piazza Vittorio Emanuele), per drive 80 c., at night 1 fr. 20 e. ; ner hr. 1 l / 2 fr., at night 2 fr. 20 c. — Steamer to Messina at 7.30 a.m. and 3.o0 p.m. daily, 2 fr. ; embarcation and landing 50 c. (bargaining necessary); the passage may also be made in one of the Naples mail steamers which cross several times weekly. Reggio , called Reggio di Calabria to distinguish it from Reggio neir Emilia, the ancient Rhegium , and originally a Euboean colony, was founded in B.C. 723 by fugitive Messenians, and soon rose to prosperity. It is now the capital of the province of the same name and an archiepiscopal residence, with 16,000, or, with the surround- ing villages, 36,900 inhabitants. The town was almost entirely destroyed by the great earthquake of 1783 (p. 212) , and it there- fore now presents a modern appearance, with its broad and handsome streets extending from the sea to the beautiful hills in the rear, which are studded with numerous and handsome villas. The Cathe- dral , a spacious basilica with pillars, contains wooden statues of saints in place of paintings ; the Cappella del Sacramento, to the left of the high altar, is richly adorned with Florentine mosaics. Above the cathedral rises the Castello. A military band often plays in the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, which is embellished with a statue of Italia. — Nothing can surpass the beauty of the environs and the view of the Sicilian coast with Mt. iEtna , especially in the evening, when the sun sets behind the mountains near Messina. The distance from Reggio to Messina is about & 2 /% M. The con- jecture that Sicily was once connected with the mainland was prevalent at a very early period, and is borne out by modern geolo- gical investigations. In the wars of both ancient and. modern times Reggio has suffered terrible reverst s. It was first destroyed by the Romans, then in 549 by the Goth Totila , in 918 by the Saracens , in 1005 by the Pisans, in 1060 by Robert Guiscard, again by Frederick Barbarossa, and lastly in 1552 and 1597 by the Turks. Excursions. At the back of Reggio rises the imposing , forest-clad As- promonte, the W. extremity of the range which in ancient times bore the name of Sila; the highest point is the Montalto (6907 ft.). The summit is overgrown with beech-trees, the slopes partly with pines. Here, in the vici- nity of Reggie, Garibaldi was wounded and taken prisoner by the Italian troops under Pallavicini , 29th Aug. 1862. The ascent , which is very laborious, is best undertaken from Villa Giovanni (p. 212) or from Scilla (p. 212). Good mules and competent guides, however, are more easily obtained at Villa Giovanni (two mules and one guide for a day and a half 14 fr.). If possible the start should be made early on a moonlight night. The summit, which is reached in & hrs. , commands an imposing view of the sea , the islands , and Sicily. Those who make a sufficient stay at Reggio should not omit to make this beautiful forest excursion. To Scilla , see p. 212. — Ascent of the Mte. Elia y see p. 212. — This excursion is best made by driving to Palmi (4-5 hrs. ; 15-20 fr.), ascending the hill on foot, and descending through beautiful chestnut wood to Bag- nara in 2 hrs., where the carriage should be ordered to wait. Travelling in the province of Reggio has always been considered free from hazard. *222 23. From Naples to Messina by Sea. Steamers of the Society Florio & Co. (office, Strada Piliero 30) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5.30 p.m., direct in about 18 hrs. (fares 48 fr. 60, 36 fr. 60 c.); on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 5.30 p.m., in- direct, in 28 lirs., touching at the chief places on the coast (Paola, Wed. and Sun. forenoons; Pizzo, Wed. and Sun. afternoons). — Societa Rubattino (office, Strada Piliero 33) on Thursdays at 5.30 p.m., and also on two other days each month, in 18 hrs. (fare 51 fr.,35fr.). — (From Messina: Societa Florio, direct on Mondays and Thursdays at 10 a.m., and Sundays at 3 p.m.; indirect on Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 p.m., arriving at Pizzo on Thurs. and Sat. mornings and at Paola on Thurs. and Sat. afternoons. Rubattino on Tuesdays at 5 p.m.) — Embarcation with luggage 1 fr., comp. Introd. vi. Departure from Naples, see p. 20. After 2^2 hrs. , and beyond Castellamare and Sorrento, the steamer enters the strait between Capri , with the rugged and precipitous Lo Capo (p. 162), and the Punta di Campanella (p. 155). Shortly afterwards a view of the Bay of Salerno is disclosed. As the sun sets and the vessel gradually stands out to sea, Mt. Vesuvius presents a most majestic appearance. On the Direct Voyage the steamer reaches the open sea about dusk. On the following forenoon the volcano of the island of Stromholi, near which the steamer afterwards passes, becomes visible on the right. The mountain-range of the N. coast of Sicily next comes in sight , presenting a very striking appearance. As the vessel steers for the Strait of Messina we observe Scilla with its castle on the left, and the Faro on the right. Arrival at Messina, see p. 310. The Coasting Steamers pass the promontories della Licosa and dello Spartivento and the Bay of Policastro during the night. The once powerful town of the latter name was destroyed by Robert Guiscard in 1055, and by the Turks in 1542, and now contains 4000 inhab. only. On the following morning, Monte Pollino (7326 ft.), which terminates the Neapolitan Apennines, is the most conspicuous mountain, and adjoining it begin the Calabrian Mts. As the vessel proceeds southwards to Paola we enjoy a succession of fine views. The coast is studded with numerous towns and villages, most of them situated on the heights , between which valleys descend to empty their brooks into the sea. Verbicaro is seen somewhat inland, then Diamante , at the base of a lofty cliff. Farther on, Belvedere with 4627 inhab., charmingly situated on the slopes of the mountain'. Then, after a small promontory is passed, in the bay to the S. lies Cetraro , most of the inhabitants of which are anchovy-fishers. We next observe Guardia , on a lofty hill, with warm baths; then the town of Fuscaldo , with 9800 inhab. and the ruins of an old castle. Paola, a town with 8900 inhab., beautifully situated in a ravine and on the slope of the mountain, carries on an extensive oil and wine trade. When the vessel stops here a busy scene usually takes TROPE A. 23. Route. 223 place, as the inhabitants hasten on hoard with all kinds of articles for sale. Paola , which some suppose to be the Palycus of the Greeks, was the birthplace of Francesco di Paola, founder of the mendicant order of Minorites. — On the arrival of the steamer carriages start for Cosenza (372 hrs. drive, seat 5 fr. ; see p. 209). After a halt of about D/2 hr. the vessel resumes her voyage. On the coast are the villages of San Lucido , Fiumefreddo , and Bel- monte , at the back of which rises the conspicuous Monte Cocuzzo (1804 ft). Amantea next becomes visible, supposed to be the ancient Amantia of Bruttium. The town and fortress, erected on a lofty rock, were garrisoned in 1806 by royalists, who repelled the attacks of the French troops ; but, after severe sufferings from famine, they were compelled to surrender the following year. To the S. of Amantea the Savuto falls into the sea. The coast becomes flat and less richly cultivated. Farther on, Nocera ; then past the Capo Suvero to the Golfo di Santa Eufemia , at the S. end of which lies — Pizzo (see p. 210); halt I72 hr. At the S. E. angle of the bay lies Monteleone , see p. 211. The steamboat rounds Capo Zambrone , and reaches Tropea , an ancient town (5800 inhab.) in a delightful situation, the climate of which is much extolled. To the S. is the Capo Vaticano with its lighthouse, projecting far into the sea. In the bay lies Nico- tera , which suffered severely from the earthquake (p. 212) of 1783, near the influx of the Mesima. At Gioia (p. 211) the post-road from Naples to Reggio (R. 20) leads down to the coast, which it skirts during the rest of the way. Soon after the harbour of Pizzo is quitted the Lipari Islands (R. 36) become visible to the W. ; Stromboli , with its continually smoking crater, is the most conspicuous. Off Capo Yaticano the Sicilian mountains suddenly appear. Palmi , Bagnara , Scilla , see p. 212. The Aspromonte range, with the Monte Alto (6907 ft.), looks uninteresting from this side. We now enter the Strait of Messina , which presents a busy scene during the daytime. Messina, see p. 310. If the steamer arrives during the night the passenger had better remain on board till morning, enquiring beforehand of the captain when the vessel is to start again. 24. From Naples to Palermo by Sea. Steamers of the Bocieta Florio (offiee, Strada Piliero 30) 6-7 times weekly, generally at 5 or 6 p.m. , in 16-20 hrs. •, fares 48 fr. 60, 31 fr. 60 c. — The [passenger should be on deck early next morning to enjoy the beautiful approach to Sicily and the entrance into the harbour. — (From Palermo, usually, at 3 p.m.) Departure from the bay, comp. p. 20; beautiful retrospect. Beyond Capri the steamer reaches the open sea. Early next 224 Route 24. CAPO D1 GALLO. morning (between 5 and 6 o’ cl.) the Lipari Islands (R. 36) are seen to the S. (left); later the island of Vstica (p. 272) to the W., long remaining visible ; then, about 10 a. m., the towering moun- tains of Sicily ; to the extreme right is the Capo di Gallo , nearer rises Monte Pellegrino (1958 ft. ; p. 268) , and to the left is the Monte Catalfano (1233 ft.), with a smaller pointed promontory, guarding the E. entrance to the Bay of Palermo. At length we perceive the beautiful and extensive city. A little to the left of Monte Pellegrino are the lofty Monte Cuccio (3445 ft.), Monreale (p. 266), and farther distant the Monte Griffone. Palermo, see R. 25.. SICILY. General Remarks. Strabo, tbe Greek geographer, in one passage calls Sicily an ‘addition’, in another a ‘detached portion'’ of Italy ; and there is indeed not one of the surrounding islands so intimately allied, geographically as well as historically, with the great peninsula which bisects the Mediterranean. Goethe has justly observed that, without Sicily, Italy would lose much of its charm: ‘the climate cannot be too highly extolled; the beauties are innumerable. 1 This cannot fail to be experienced by every traveller who forms acquaintance with this ‘gem among islands 1 . Nor is the beauty of the scenery the sole attraction to the wanderer from the north. Those equipped with even a superficial knowledge of history cannot but exper- ience a profound interest in the places with which the most ancient Hel- lenic and Roman traditions are connected, where the destinies of Athens, Carthage, and Rome have been decided, and where mediaeval characters so famous as Henry VI. and Frederick II. have ruled. There is not a nation which has materially influenced the destinies of European civili- sation, that has not left distinct traces of its agency in this island. Those whose time and resources permit are therefore strongly recommended to visit Sicily before proceeding homewards. Modes of Travelling. Steamboats ply daily (see pp. 223, 222) from Naples to Palermo, and almost daily from Naples to Messina. Others start on alternate Fridays from Marseilles for Palermo (Messageries Maritimes de France). Steamers also ply once weekly from Palermo to Sardinia (R. 44), and to Malta and the East. — Railway to Reggio, and the passage thence to Messina, see R. 22; the railway journey from Naples to Reggio occupies 29hrs., the passage thence to Messina l 3 /4 hr. Other steamers ( Societa, Florio, whose headquarters are at Palermo) make the circuit of the island once a week, Palermo being the starting- point, and Messina and Syracuse the principal stations. A steamboat also plies several times weekly between Palermo and Messina, see p. 304. The service is tolerably punctual on the N. and E. coasts, but on the S. side of the island, where the navigation is more difficult, delays of many hours and even days frequently occur. Railways. The network of railways with which the island is to be overspread is steadily progressing. The following lines are completed: (1) From Messina by Catania to Syracuse , 114 M. ; (2) From Catania to Campobello (104 M.), and Favarotta (to be opened in the summer of 1880) ; (3) From Palermo by Termini to Girgenti and Porto Empedocle , 89 M. This line is to be connected with the railway to Catania by a line running via Vallelunga and Marianopoli to S. Caterina, and by another farther S., between Caldare and Canicatti. (At present the diligence running twice daily between the two latter places maintains the direct communication between Palermo and Catania.) — A railway from Palermo by Partinico, Alcamo, Castelvetrano, and Marsala to Trapani is also in course of con- struction, and when finished will greatly facilitate a visit to the ruins of Segesta and Selinunto, and lay open the whole of the W. coast. Several portions of this line are almost ready for traffic, comp. pp. 272, 276. Diligences run on all the principal roads in Sicily, the fare being Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 15 226 SICILY. General Remarks. 15 c. per kilometre (1 kilometre = 5 /s English M.), or about 25 c. per English mile; but the vehicles are generally bad, and there is often a diffi- culty in procuring seats as no supplementary carriages are provided. The interior of the vehicle has occasionally to be vacated in the middle of the night to make room for the mails. Passengers for the longer distances have the preference, and those who wish to be taken up at an intermediate station are never certain of obtaining a seat. This system moreover en- courages dishonesty and extortion on the part of the conductors. Diligence- travelling, however, has come more into favour since the completion of the new roads at the W. end of the island. If any danger is apprehended, a sufficient escort is always provided. The traveller will often find it convenient to travel by these vehicles from station to station, and then to make digressions from the high-road on foot or on mule-back. Driver’s fee 5 soldi. The ‘Periodica', or omnibus which competes with the dili- gence on the principal routes, is a very inferior conveyance. Carriages may be hired at all the larger towns. The usual charge throughout the island for a carriage with three horses, when hired for several days, is 20-25 fr. per day, including tolls (catena), but exclusive of ‘buona mano’ (2-3 fr. per day). The average daily journey is 40 Sicilian miles ( 371/2 Engl. M.). Mules. Now that the new roads are completed the traveller need not perform the whole of his Sicilian tour on the back of a mule, as used to be the practice. Not only is the constant riding fatiguing and monotonous, but it is not pleasant to be always dependent on one’s guide (‘vetturino’), who contracts to provide the traveller with every necessary at a fixed sum per day. The usual charges from Palermo are for one person with two mules 40 fr., for two persons with four mules 60 fr. per day, and so on. Travelling by diligence, or even in hired carriages on the high-roads is therefore less expensive than riding; but there are of course many excursions where riding or walking alone is practicable. The charge for a mule, exclusive of hotel-expenses, varies in different parts of the island, but the maximum may be stated at 10 fr. per diem. The attendant expects a slight additional fee. If a mule be engaged with a guide who is also mounted , for a journey of several days, the whole charge does not exceed 7-10 fr. per day. If, however, the traveller does not return to the point of starting, the return-journey must be paid for. The rider should previously stipulate for a good saddle (sella or sedda inglese), and not a l bisazza senza staffe', i.e. a saddle without stirrups, such as the Sicilians use. Letters of introduction to inhabitants of the island will be found very useful, and for scientific travellers, who wish to economise time, almost necessary. The card of an officer of the Carabinieri often serves as a kind of introduction. Brigandage. From the events of 1860 down to the present time, the state of public security in Sicily has always been more or less unsatis- factory, and the stringent measures of government have not yet been entire- ly successful in rooting out the evils of brigandage. In fact an effectual cure can scarcely be expected as long as the present social and agricultural state of the island remains unchanged. (Comp, also Introd., p. xiv.) Generally speaking, it is wealthy natives, and not foreigners, against whom predatory attacks are directed. The provinces of Messina and Catania, including Mt. JEtna, are regarded as perfectly safe, while the most hazardous localities are the environs of Palermo and some parts of the interior. Plan of Tour. The best seasons for travelling in Sicily are the months of April and May, or September and October. Even in January the weather is often fine and settled. The ascent of iEtna in spring is possible, but the best period is August or September , after the first showers of autumn have cleared the atmosphere. Many travellers, especially if accompanied by ladies, will content themselves with a visit to Palermo, and to Messina and Taormina amidst the striking scenery of the E. coast, and they will perhaps include Ca- tania, Mt. JEtna, Syracuse, and Girgenti in their tour. All these places Geography and Statistics. SICILY. 227 may be visited with ease and comfort, as the steamboat and railway services are regular and the inns good. The W. half of the island, and particularly the ruins of Segesta , the Monte S. Giuliano, and Trapani , may be visited by diligence or hired carriage, or by steamboat. Marsala , Castelvetrano , and the ruins of Selinunto are reached from Trapani by good carriage-roads. The best mode of exploring the very picturesque N. Coast is mentioned at p. 304. Palermo, Messina, Taormina, Syracuse, and Girgenti may be visited in a fortnight: — At Palermo 3-4 days ; journey to Girgenti 1 day; at Girgenti 1-2 days ; diligence and railway-journey through the interior of the island to Catania 172-2 days, Or by steamer to Syracuse in 18 hrs. ; at Syracuse 172-2 days ; at Taormina 1-2 days ; at Messina 1-2 days. — The most energetic of travellers, however, will take at least a month to exhaust the beauties of the island. The following routes are the most important : — At Palermo 3-4 days ; by land in 4 days, or by steamer direct in 18 hrs. from Palermo to Messina; in the latter case Milazzo and Patti ( Tyndaris ) should be visited from Messina, 3 days ; by railway to Taormina 1 day; Catania and JEtna 3 days; stay at Syracuse 2 days; by steamer in 18 hrs. to Girgenti; at Girgenti 1-2 days; by land in 2 days to Sciacca , Selinunto , and Castelvetrano; thence by Calatafimi ( Segesta ) in 2 days, or, if Marsala and Trapani be included, in 4 days, to Palermo. Geography and Statistics. Sicily (the ancient Sicilia , Sikelia , or Trinacria ) is the largest island in the Mediterranean. Its area, according to the most recent measurements, amounts to 29,240 sq. kilometres, i. e. about 11,450 Engl. sq. M. The form of the island is an irregular triangle , the W., truncated angle of which is the promontory of Lilybaeum , or Capo di Boeo , near Marsala ; the N.E. angle is the promontory of Pelorum ( Capo del Faro) nearest the mainland of Italy, and the S.E. angle the promontory of Pachynum (Capo Passero). The N. coast is 200, the E. 135, and the S. W. 177 Engl. M. in length. The whole island of Sicily is mountainous in character. Closely connected with Italy by geological structure as well as in geo- graphical position, it forms a continuation of the great Apennine range which stretches across the Mediterranean from the main trunk of Europe to Africa, a submerged prolongation of the range being also distinctly traceable. The distance between Cape Boeo and Cape Bon is only 75 M. , and the depth in the direct line never exceeds 100 fathoms, except in one narrow belt running S.E. towards the island of Pantelleria (248 fathoms), while the Straits of Pantelleria , separating Sicily from Africa, are as a rule not more than 50 fathoms deep. This submerged elevation is probably of volcanic origin. Pantelleria and Linosa are extinct volcanoes, and the heights which at many points approach the surface of the water are probably the cones of submarine volcanoes, not yet levelled by the action of the waves. The submerged peak of Gra- ham’s Shoal , to the S. of Sciacca, not more than 2 l /2 fathoms from the surface, and now covered with beautiful corals, marks the scene of several submarine volcanic eruptions, the most famous of which took place in 1831 , and formed the ephemeral island of Giulia or 15 * 228 SICILY. Geography and Statistics . Ferdinandea. To the N. of Sicily lies another volcanic tract , the eruptions of which have produced the Lipari Islands. The S.E. portion of the island of Sicily is of the tertiary formation, and is connected with the contemporaneous and similar formations of the Malta Islands by a submarine table-land. The virtual W. apex of Sicily is formed by Maritimo , the westernmost of the Aegadian Islands , which lie in shallow water, and are geologically identical with the actual W. coast of Sicily. The Straits of Messina, only 2 M. wide at their narrowest point, and at their shallowest part (near the same point) 51 fathoms deep, may he regarded as a sub- merged depression which was not raised high enough at the last upheaval of the spurs of the Apennines to appear as a defile on land instead of a strait in water. (A converse case is that of the defile of Tiriolo near Cantanzaro, in Calabria, which a slightly less powerful upheaval would have also left a strait.) The shallowness of the sea on the S. and S.W., coupled with striking palaeontological proofs , thus warrants the conclusion that Sicily was at a com- paratively recent geological period united with the continent of Africa. On the N. and E., on the contrary, the shores of the island descend abruptly into the deepest parts of the Mediterranean, a sounding of no less than 2000 fathoms having been made within about 30 M. of Cape Passer o. Mountains. Sicily , which is of a hilly or mountainous char- acter throughout its whole extent , may he roughly described as a table-land of a mean level of 2300-2800 ft., somewhat tilted towards the N., and higher at the edges than in the interior. The loftiest of the non-volcanic summits are towards the N., where a range of mountains runs from the Straits of Messina along the coast , forming a prolongation of the Apennine range which tra- verses the Italian peninsula. The continuity of the chain remains unbroken as far the valley of Polizzi, a place of historical interest, whence the Himera Septentrionalis (Fiume Grande) flows N. to the Tyrrhenian, and the Himera Meridionalis (Fiume Salso) S. to the African Sea. The W. part of the range, which consists rather of detached groups of mountains, is the only one which has received a distinguishing name from the natives, who call it the Madonie . Its highest summits are the Pizzo delV Antenna (6480 ft.), the loftiest mountain in the island after AStna, and the Monte Salvatore , both covered with, snow during one half of the year. Scientific geographers apply the name of Nebrodic Mountains to the Madonie together with the mountains to the N. and N.W. of ./Etna (where the Monte Sori attains a height of 6052 ft.), while they distinguish that section of the range which abuts on the Straits of Messina as the Peloric Chain (the Montes Neptunii or Pelorides of the ancients), culminating in the Dinnamari or Antennamare (3707 ft.) near Messina. To the W. of the important watershed of the two Himeras the mountains still form a chain or range, though of less distinct char- Geography and Statistics. SICILY. 229 acter, the highest summits of which all lie near the N. coast. Thus near Termini rises the Monte S. Calogero (4347 ft.) , while near Palermo are Monte Cuccio (3441 ft.) , and , farther inland, the Busambra (5298 ft.) , a huge and almost perpendicular mass of rock. As we proceed towards the W. , however, single moun- tains or isolated clusters become more prominent , till they end at last in the pyramid of Monte S. Giuliano , the ancient Eryx , rising precipitously from the sea and standing like a gigantic sen- tinel to guard the W. coast of the island. From this great north- ern range, running from E. to W., various minor chains branch oft towards the S. and S. W. into the heart of the island, leaving both on the E. and W. small littoral plains between them and the sea. From Monte Artesino (3914 ft.) , to the N.W. of Leon- forte , diverges a range which connects the mountains of the N. coast with the isolated group in the S.E. part of the island. More to the W., near the centre of the narrowest part of the island, rises the conspicuous Monte Cammarata (5177 ft.), and still farther W. is a considerable mass culminating in the Monte Rose (4711 ft.). To the S.W. of the latter are the wild and rugged Caltabelotta Mts. (3000 ft.) , the last spur of which is the Monte S. Calogero near Sciacca, celebrated for its hot springs. In the S.E. corner of the island is a mountainous district of a very peculiar and interesting geological character, united with the other mountain-systems only by a narrow ridge near Caltagirone. In the heart of it rises the Monte Lauro (3230 ft.), whence the considerable rivers of this part of Sicily descend in all directions through profound ravines and valleys , the sides of which are honeycombed with caverns. These erosions reveal to us the fact, that , while the surface of the mountain consists chiefly of tertiary shell-limestone , this formation alternates lower down with strata of dark volcanic rock. These were most probably formed by the agency of submarine volcanoes at a period prior to the upheaval of Mt. TEtna, the scoriae and other materials emitted by each eruption having been afterwards levelled by the action of the waves and covered with marine deposits. At last came an eruption powerful enough to raise the whole tract above the level of the sea. Nearly the whole remainder of the island, particularly the districts in the middle, and to the S. and S.W., is also composed of the tertiary formation. To this formation , represented mainly by marl, clay, and gypsum , belong extensive deposits of sulphur and rock-salt, the first of which contribute so materially to Sicily’s wealth and prosperity, while the latter are as yet almost untouched. The sul- phur-strata extend westwards as far as the secondary mountain- ranges near Salemi and Partanna , and eastwards as far as the mountains of Judica and Rammacca. Whatever part of the inte- rior of the island the traveller visits, he is sure to stumble upon a sulphur-mine, or meet long trains of waggons or mules conveying 230 SICILY. Geography and Statistics . this ‘yellow gold’ of Sicily to the coast. The richest mines are at Lercara (p. 288), situated on the watershed between the Tyrrhe- nian and African Seas , to the N. of Girgenti, and near Caltanis- setta (p. 295). — The Tertiary Formations in Sicily attain a most unwonted altitude ; the huge rock on which lies Castrogiovanni , the historical Enna (p. 296), rears its head no less than 3270 ft. above the level of the sea. * — The mountains on the N. coast, with the ramifications extending to the Eryx and the Monte San Calogero near Sciacca, belong to the secondary formations, and consist chiefly of calcareous limestone. This limestone is perforated by numerous caverns , in which the bones of huge pachydermata , denizens of the country before its separation from the African continent, and various prehistoric antiquities are frequently found. — The Pe- loric range and the mountains of the N. coast from Messina to Cape Calavd are composed of crystalline rocks of the primary formations, but their bases are overlaid with strata of recent tertiary deposits, so that the older formation seldom comes to light on the coast itself. The identity of the geological structure of this part of the island with that of Calabria is a proof of the intimate connection between Sicily and the Italian peninsula. On both sides of the Strait of Messina the prevailing rock is gneiss , with which are associated small quantities of a fine-grained granite , mica-slate, pegmatite , and granular limestone. The famous rock of Scylla (p. 212), visible from the Faro point, and the peninsula of Milazzo (p. 309), are both formed of fine-grained granite and gneiss. The S. margins of the Peloric Mts. and of the Aspromonte (p. 221) consist of clay-slate. Mt . AZtna (10,835 ft.), the loftiest mountain in Sicily and the largest volcano in Europe, rises on the E. side of the island, and is completely detached from the other mountains by the deep valleys of the Simeto and Alcantara. The watershed between these rivers, however, near the Lake of Qurrita , which is sometimes quite dry, attains a considerable height (3792 ft.). The district in which this great volcano rises has evidently been at one time a bay of the sea , still recognisable in the plain of Catania. The mountain is capped with snow throughout the year, except during a few weeks in summer, while in some of the gullies the snow never melts entirely. The island contains no Plains of any extent. The most con- siderable is the Piano di Catania ( Ager Leontinus , Campi Laestry - gonii), extending between the rivers Simeto and Gurnalunga. The littoral plains of Terranova (Campi Geloi), Licat a, and Milazzo , the plain between Trapani and Marsala , and the Conca d’Oro near Palermo may also be mentioned. The Coasts of Sicily are as a rule steep and rocky, short reaches of flat coast being found in the gulfs of Catania and Terranova, and to the S. of Trapani only. A peculiarity of the Sicilian coast Geography and Statistics. SICILY. 231 is found in the numerous narrow peninsulas lying in front of it, which have in comparatively recent times only ceased to he islands, and which almost invariably form good harbours. Of this nature are the peninsulas of Syracuse , Augusta , Trapani , Milazzo , and Messina. (The strikingly picturesque Monte Pellegrino , near Pa- lermo, was also at one time an island off the coast.) To these capa- cious natural harbours falls to be added the artificial one of Pa- lermo , the somewhat inadequate successor of the famous ancient harbour , which has been gradually silted up during the geological elevation of the W. coast of Sicily. The same cause has rendered the fine harbour of Trapani almost useless. The S. coast is per- fectly destitute of natural harbours , and therefore unapproach- able in stormy weather; but artificial harbours have recently been constructed at great expense at Porto Empedocle and Licata. The Rivers of Sicily are very numerous , but none of them are large , and with a few exceptions they all dry up in summer. The district of primary formations in the N. E. of the island does not contain a single perennial water-course , but many broad Fiu - mare , or river-beds , filled after heavy rain with turbulent and destructive torrents , which carry down large masses of the easily detached rock , and refuse to be confined within embankments, often causing widespread devastation. During this century espe- cially, since most of the primeval forests have been cut down, the disintegration of the rocks on the mountains and the destruction of the orchards on their slopes and at their base, caused by these torrents, have assumed startling proportions. The stony beds of the ‘fiumare’ are sometimes upwards of ife M. wide at the mouth, and even in winter are traversed by a mere thread of water only. The numerous streams towards the S.E., which take their rise in the porous, honeycombed limestone hills , are , on the other hand, comparatively copious in the lower part of their course. Water may generally be found by digging below the dry beds of the fiumare even in summer. The principal rivers, none of which are navigable , are the Simeto (which receives the Fiume Salso , Dit- taino , and Gurnalunga , and waters a great part of E. Sicily), the Alcantara , the Fiume Salso (Himera Meridionalis) , the Platani, the Belice , the Oreto , and the S. Leonardo near Termini. (In the Map at the end of the Handbook the water-courses which dry up in summer are coloured brown, and those which contain water throughout the whole year are blue.) The splendid Forests with which Sicily was originally covered, and which yielded the admirable ship-building timber mentioned so often in the days of the Greek and Saracenic domination, have been disappearing rapidly under the axe of the woodman since the 16th cent., and especially since the beginning of this century. In the 11th cent, the Monte Lauro was still clothed with forests of pines and fir, and in the 15th cent, the Monte Pellegrino, now 232 SICILY. Geography and Statistics . conspicuous for its baldness , was clothed with underwood. The total area of the forests in Sicily in 1857 was estimated at 170,000 acres , but this has probably greatly decreased , as the forests of JStna then covered 125,000 acres, while the whole province of Catania now contains only 60,000 acres of wood. The only con- siderable forests are those of TEtna and the mountains on the N. coast , the finest of which are the Caronian Forest and the Bosco di Ficuzza on the Busambra , where the Bourbon sovereigns used to hunt when they resided at Palermo. These woods consist of oaks, chestnuts, elms, ashes, etc., and are carpeted with thick green underwood like the woods of Central Europe , while others nearer the coast and in lower situations consist mainly of isolated evergreen oaks ( Quercus Ilex , Quercus Suber , etc.). Pine-forests are found in the ^Etna region only. The Macchie , a kind of thicket of dense, almost impenetrable, and often thorny bushes, 5-6 ft. high, peculiar to the regions of the Mediterranean, and growing on the denuded sites of former forests, are less common in Sicily than in neighbouring lands. Products and Cultivation. The current impression that only a small portion of the area of Sicily is cultivated , is quite er- roneous. In 1857 it was estimated that about 200,000 acres only were unproductive, and 1,600,000 acres under pasture, leaving 5,500,000 acres, or 3/4 of the whole area, under cultivation. Since that date , moreover, a large proportion , probably about one-half, of these unproductive lands have been reclaimed , chiefly through the partition of large estates falling into the hands of government on the failure of heirs. The value of pasture in Sicily may be gathered from the fact that an annual rental of 25,000 fr. has been paid for the apparently barren Mte. Pellegrino near Palermo. The cultivation of the soil has made rapid strides within the last few decades, especially since 1860, and arboriculture has of late become one of the chief occupations of the farmer. The greater part of the island is still devoted to the production of wheat, but the culture of fruit-trees, especially of the Citri (the generic term for oranges, lemons, and citrons), is found to be still more lucrative, and assumes ever-increasing proportions. In the Conca d’Oro near Palermo the yield of a hectare ( 2 Y 2 acres) of lemon-trees averages 4300 fr., and that of a hectare of orange-trees 2900 fr. per annum. The export of these fruits , particularly to the United States , is steadily increasing, and has now reached the value of 80,000,000 fr. annually. They are shipped in almost equal quantities from Pa- lermo and Messina , being cultivated most sedulously on the N. coast from Partinico to Messina, and on the E. coast as far S. as Catania. The orange and lemon harvest lasts from November to March, but the fruit does not thoroughly ripen till January. Dur- ing the hot season the trees require a constant supply of water. About one-fifth of the whole island is now devoted to the culti- Geography and Statistics. SICILY. 233 vation of trees of various kinds, the products of which are exported to the value of 135,000,000 fr. annually, a sum that will appear still more considerable when it is remembered that nine-tenths of the islanders themselves subsist entirely on wheaten bread, fruit, and fish. This branch of agriculture is interesting, not only from an economical but also from a social and moral point of view. The constant attention which arboriculture demands renders it impossible for the agricultural labourers to live in crowded vil- lages, often at a considerable distance from their daily work ; so that this branch of agriculture tends to a more equal distribution of the population, and contributes to improve their moral con- dition. Sicily at present contains about 500 of these over-grown villages of agricultural labourers , with an average population of 5000 each, but the people are now beginning to descend from their rocky nests and settle among the fields. Another prevalent error with regard to Sicily is that its fertility has decreased. Rain still falls in sufficient quantity to make the fruits of the field as plentiful now as of yore , in spite of the poor agricultural implements and the want of manuring. The porous nature of the soil and the hilly character of the ground greatly facil- itate its irrigation, and volcanic agencies also tend in some districts to prevent undue exhaustion. In the time of Cicero the crops of wheat in the Leontinian Fields, the best land in the island, yielded a ten-fold return, whereas at the present time the average return for the whole of Sicily is eleven-fold. The total quantity of grain produced at the same period (at which , however , a falling - off had begun to be perceptible) amounted annually to about two- thirds only of the present crop, and arboriculture had scarcely been attempted. Wheat , Barley , and Beans, which form almost the only crops, cover all the available level districts in the island. As the Sicilian wheat is of excellent quality and commands a high price, it is usually exported, while an inferior kind is imported for home consumption ; but the already - mentioned concentration of the population in a few large villages , the peculiarity of the farm- tenure , the inferiority of the agricultural implements , and the occasional deficiency of hands , which is supplied in many parts by peasants from Calabria , are unfavourable to the agricultural prosperity of the country. The fields on the N. and E. coasts, like those in Sardinia and N. Africa, are enclosed by Cactus-hedges (Opuntia Ficus Indica and Opuntia Amyclaea) , which frequently attain a considerable height. Their fruit , the cactus-fig , of a sweetish, somewhat insipid taste, is much esteemed by the natives, who in autumn use it to a considerable extent as a substitute for bread. In some places , such as the plain of the Conca d’Oro near Palermo , there are whole fields of the cactus, the yield of which is very considerable. The Cotton culture , which was greatly ex- tended during the American civil war, has since then declined, as 234 SICILY. Geography and Statistics. the Sicilian cotton is very inferior to the American. Sumach ( Rhus coriaria , the leaves of which are used in tanning and as a black dye) and linseed are among the staple exports. Other products exported, besides the Citri and their essential oils, are almonds, olive oil, wine (Marsala, Riposto, Catania, Yittoria, and Siracusa), nuts , capers , pistachios , manna , liquorice, lentils , and raisins. The chief animal products are silk, hides, wool, anchovies, tunny- fish , and cantharides. Mineral products: sulphur, salt, and marble. The island possesses no mines of the precious metals or of coal. Many of the merchants are Germans and Swiss, who have to a great extent taken the place of the English , but the Sicilians themselves are now beginning to turn their attention more zea- lously to commerce. About two-thirds of the manufactured goods imported into Sicily , as well as Italy, pass through the hands of Swiss and German merchants. The statistics relating to the ex- ports and imports are untrustworthy, but it is ascertained that the former are far more considerable than the latter. This will be still more the case as agriculture advances in consequence of the partition of the vast landed estates and the promotion of the public safety. Climate. The climate of Sicily, which may be described gener- ally as of a marine character, is a most delightful one , and in equableness is second to that of Madeira alone. This is especially true of the climate of Palermo , which is rapidly coming into favour as a winter residence for invalids. Catania is somewhat colder in winter, and is moreover exposed to sudden changes of temperature on account of the proximity of Mt. .Etna. Messina and Syracuse are windy places. In Sicily the year consists of two seasons only , the rainy and the dry. The Rainy Season corresponds with the winter of Cen- tral Europe, and is marked by a fall of temperature. The freezing- point , however, is seldom reached , except occasionally just be- fore dawn , and there are few winter days when one cannot sit comfortably in the open air in a sheltered situation. The rainy season is at the same time that of the most luxuriant vegetation. It is ushered in by thunder-storms in September and October, sets in steadily in November, generally relaxes somewhat in Jan- uary, ends towards the close of March , and is followed by a few violent thunder-storms in April and May. In June, July, and Au- gust, but particularly in July, almost no rain falls, but the heat is tempered by the proximity of the sea. Continuous rain is, how- ever, rare, even in the wet season, and there are seldom more than half-a-dozen days in the year absolutely without sunshine. Cicero’s remark on Syracuse , that the sun shines there every day without exception, is almost literally true. The heaviest rainfall occurs in December. In Palermo it averages 22 inches per annum, of which 3 in. fall in December and only about in July; in Syracuse Geography and Statistics. SICILY. 235 the rain-fall is 16 in. , with practically none in June, July, and August. Wheat is sown at the beginning of the rains, and reaped shortly after their close. The Winds also vary in accordance with these two divisions of the year. From October to March the rainy W.S.W. wind, blowing from the equatorial regions , prevails ; from May to August the prevalent wind blows from the N.E., forming a continuation of the trade-winds from beyond the N. pole; while in April and September these winds blow alternately. Violent winds, with the exception of the Scirocco , are rare , and the barometrical changes are on the whole slight. The Scirocco is one of the few drawbacks to the climate of Sicily. It visits Palermo, where it is particul- arly disagreeable, about twelve times a year, and may occur in any month , though it is most frequent and most violent in April and the short transitionary seasons generally. On the E. coast it is generally charged with moisture, but at Palermo it is hot and dry. The highest temperature ever observed in the shade at Palermo (105° Fahr.) was registered during the scirocco. During its con- tinuance the sky is of a dull, leaden appearance, often with a tinge of red , occasioned by the columns of dust which the storm fre- quently brings with it from a long distance. If rain falls , these fine particles of dust occasion the phenomenon known as ‘blood rain’, which may be easily collected on the foliage of the trees. Meteorologists seem now for the most part agreed that the scirocco is one of the hot periodical storm-winds , which blow from the Sahara in all directions (such as the Harmattan , Khamsin , etc.). Its effect , often less felt at first by visitors from the N. than by the natives , is to occasion a difficulty of breathing and lassitude, which unfit one for work, especially of a mental nature. The sci- rocco, however, often lasts for a few hours only, and rarely for more than three days. One of the great advantages of the climate of Sicily, as already observed, is its equableness, sudden changes of temperature being rare. The heat at Palermo in summer is little greater than at Florence, while the winters are remarkably mild. The mean tem- perature in August, the hottest month, is 78° Fahr., and in Jan- uary, the coldest month, 52°, the difference being 26° only, while the mean annual temperature is about 64°. The lowest tempe- rature yet recorded at the observatory at Palermo has been 35°, but it is known that the mercury occasionally descends 3-4° below the freezing-point in the early morning almost every winter. During December, January, February, and March the thermometer remains at almost the same level , and abrupt changes are very rare, espe- cially at Palermo , which is sheltered from the N. wind by the Monte Pellegrino. The mean daily range of temperature at Pa- lermo is about 12°, in winter less, and on some days not more than 4-5°. Catania has a mean annual temperature of 65° ; in summer 236 SICILY. Geography and Statistics . it is warmer than Palermo, and in winter colder. The daily range of temperature is also somewhat greater, and a difference of 41° has been noticed within 24 hours. Mineral Baths, most of them sulphureous, and already famous in ancient times, are established at Sciacca on the Monte S. Calo- gero (Thermae Selinuntinae), at Termini (Thermae Himerenses), at Termini di Castro near Bareellona , and at Acireale near Catania. The bath-arrangements are very defective, those at Acireale and the two Termini being the best. The Population of the island, according to the census of 31st Dec. 1875, amounts to 2,716,672, or on an average 237 souls per Engl. sq. M. National schools have been established every- where under the new regime, and the towns now possess com- mercial ( scuola tecnica and istituto tecnico~) and grammar schools, but the number of ‘analfabeti’ (persons who can neither read nor write) still amounts to four-fifths of the whole population ( 9 / 10 ths in 1864). Districts. From the Saracen period down to the beginning of the present century the island was divided into three districts : the Vat (Welaia) di Demone, the N.E. portion; the Val di Noto, the S.E. part; and the Val di Mazzara , to the S.W. Since 1817 it has been divided into seven prefectures : (1) Palermo , with 664,359 inhab. ; (2) Trapani, with 248,266; ( 3 ) Girgenti, with 304,787 ; (4) Caltanissetta , with 242,359; (5) Catania , with 517,076; (6) Siracusa , with 306,775; (7) Messina , with 433,050 inhabitants. Towns. The principal towns are Palermo, Messina, Catania, Modica, Trapani, Termini, Acireale, and Caltagirone. Of the 120- 130 towns in the kingdom of Italy which contain above 10,000 in- hab. upwards of one-quarter belong to Sicily. This is explained by the fact, that owing to the constant wars of the middle ages, the predatory incursions of barbarians, and the insecure state of the country, it was unsafe for the peasantry to live in villages, and this class has therefore mainly contributed to swell the population of the towns. Measures. Besides the official metre , the following standards are still used: 1 canna = 8 palmi — 2.065 metres = 2y 4 yds. ; 1 palmo = 12 once = 0.258 metre. Historical Notice. SICILY. 237 Historical Notice. 1. Political History. First Period. According to the traditions of ancient Greek mariners, Sicily was once inhabited by Cyclopes, Gigantes, Loto- phagi, Laestrygones, etc., whom Sicilian historians have endea- voured to classify into iron-workers, stone-workers , farmers, and gardeners. The most ancient inhabitants of Sicily were a prehistoric race , the only certain traces of whom are the flint implements found in various parts of the island and perhaps a few of the stone monuments. They were followed by the Sicani , who were believed by some authorities to be of Iberian, by others of Celtic origin. It is more probable, however, that they belonged to an Italian race. They dwelt at first in the E. part of the island , but within the period embraced in history are found only in the W., between the Tyrrhenian Sea (Hykkara) and the Libyan Sea. The deserted terri- tory of the Sicani to the E. was taken possession of before B.C. 1000 by the Sikeli , a tribe related to the Latins, which, as some authorities believe, had already had a warlike history and made maritime raids upon Egypt. They dwelt in the S.E. corner of the island, in the middle of its E. half, especially in the valley of the Symaithus, and on the N. coast. Their principal towns were: S. Hybla , Menai (Mineo), Morgantium , N. Hybla (Paterno), Centuripe , Agyrion($. Filippo d’Agiro), Assorus (Asaro), Aluntium (S. Marco), and Agathyrnum (near C. Orlando). The Phoenicians , coming from the E., founded numerous colonies on the coast, and the Elymi , supposed to be descended from the Trojans, occupied Segesta , Eryx (with the sanctuary of Aphrodite), Entella , and other settlements. The Greeks make their appearance in Sicily in B.C. 735, when the Ionian Theocles of Chalcis (or Athens) founded Naxos , at the mouth of the Cantara. During the following year Dorians from Corinth under Archias founded Syracuse ; and in 728 Megara Hy- blaea , another Dorian colony, was settled by Lamis of Megara. Zankle (afterwards Messana) was peopled by Ionians , who also founded Leontini and Catana (729). A Dorian character was impressed upon the S. coast by the foundation of Gela (Terranova) by Rhodians and Cretans in 689, of Selinus by Megara in 628, and of Acragas (Girgenti) by Gela in 581. The Dorians also made themselves masters of the S.E. corner of Sicily through the Syra- cusan colonies of Acrae (664), Casmenae (624), and Camarina (589). Himera (648), the only Greek colony on the N. coast, was a joint settlement, in which the Ionian element preponderated. The oc- cupation of the Lipari Islands in B.C. 580 marks the close of the spread of the Hellenic power in Sicily, and the beginning of the Semitic reaction. The Phoenicians, who on the approach of the Greeks had retired to Solus (or Soloeis ), Panormus , and Motye , now 238 SICILY. Historical Notice . placed themselves under the protection of Carthage and thus imposed a check upon the farther progress of Hellenisation. The Sikelians in the E. part of the island, however, became almost entirely subject to the Greeks. The Greek colonies , as they grew in population , soon began to suffer from internal dissensions between the different classes of citizens. This led to the formation of codes of law, of which that of Charondas of Catana is the most famous, and to the establishment of tyrannies , a form of government which attained its most char- acteristic development in this island. The most notorious of the ancient tyrants was Phalaris of Acragas . About the year 500 we find tyrants ruling over most of the cities, of whom Gelon of Syracuse and Theron of Acragas, united by ties of family and interest, rescued the Greek sway from the perils which threatened it, when, at the time of the 2nd Persian War, the Greeks of the western sea were attacked by the Carthaginians. In 480, however, the Greek cause was victorious at the battle of Himera, the Salamis of Sicily. The short but brilliant golden age of Hellenic Sicily now began, sullied only by the destruction of the Chalcidian towns of the E. coast by Gelon and Hiero. The greater number of the temples and aqueducts at Syracuse, Girgenti, Selinunto, Himera, etc., the ruins of which excite such admiration at the present day, were erected between 480 and 450. But internal municipal struggles, fomented by the demo- cratic parties of the different cities, and the renewed antagonism of the Doric and Ionic-Achaean elements paved the way for a cata- strophe, to which the great Athenian campaign against Syracuse in 413 contributed. Previously to this the Greeks had a formidable enemy to subdue in Ducetius of Netum(Noto), who united the towns of the Sikeli in a confederacy against the Greeks (461-440), but this league was compelled to succumb to the united forces of Syracuse and Acragas. What the Sicilians had failed in effecting was now attempted with more success by the great power of Africa. The Carthaginians now began their most formidable attacks. Selinus and Himera were destroyed by them in 409, Acragas taken in 406, Gela and Camarina conquered and rendered tributary to Carthage in 405, and Messana razed to the ground in 396. These events were instrumental in causing the rise of Dionysius I. in Syracuse (406), who extended and fortified the town, and after a war of varied success finally drove back the Carthaginians in 382 to the Halycus (Platani). Down to his death in 367 Dionysius was master of the destinies of Syracuse, and with it of Sicily ; the greater part of Magna Grsecia was also subject to his sway, and he even intervened several times with effect in the affairs of Greece itself. Syracuse never again attained to such a pinnacle of power. On his death dissensions began anew. Dionysius II, was inferior to his father, and Dion able as a philosopher only. Timoleon , however, succeeded in 343-336 in restoring some degree of order, defeated the Carthaginians in 340 on Historical Notice . SICILY. 239 the Crimissus (Bilice), and again restricted their territory to the W. of the Halycus. But even his brilliant example availed little to arrest the increasing degeneracy of the people. In 317-289 Agathocles usurped the sovereignty of Syracuse, and in 310 the Carthaginians besieged the city, although unsuccessfully. The brilliant African campaign of Agathocles was without enduring re- sult. Pyrrhus too, who had wrested the whole island as far as Lily- baeum from the Carthaginians, soon quitted it again for Italy (278- 276), dissatisfied with the prevailing anarchy and disunion. In 274 Hiero II, usurped the tyranny of Syracuse. His siege of Mes- sana, of which Campanian mercenaries, or Mamertines, had treach- erously taken possession , compelled the latter to sue for Roman aid. Thus it was that the Romans obtained a footing in the island, and the struggle between them and the Carthaginians , who had supported Hiero, now began. The chequered contest for the sover- eignty of Sicily lasted from 264 to 241. Hiero, who in 263 had become an ally of Rome, ruled over a small independent kingdom on the E. coast, even after the final expulsion of the Carthaginians. After the death of Hiero II. his successor Hieronymus espoused the cause of Hannibal, in consequence of which Syracuse was besieged by Marcellus in 214-212, taken, and sacked. In 210, after the conquest of Agrigentum , the island became the first Roman pro- vince, and was divided into two districts or qusesturse, Lilyhaetana (with the capital Lilybaeum, now Marsala) and Syracusana , Second Period. At first the Romans endeavoured to improve the agriculture of the island, which had suffered seriously during the protracted wars, with a view to render Sicily a more profitable province. The system of cultivation borrowed from the Carthagi- nians was indeed successfully employed in rendering Sicily the granary of Italy, but at the same time it proved the occasion of the Servile Wars (139-131 and 104-101), which devastated the island to a greater extent than the Punic wars. Under the Roman governors the ancient prosperity of Sicily steadily declined. The notorious Verres in particular impoverished it greatly during his term of office in 73-71. The civil war between Octavianus and Sextus Pompeius , who had made himself master of Sicily (43-36) but was defeated by Agrippa in the naval battle of Naulochus (on the N. coast, near Mylac), also accelerated its ruin, so that Augustus was obliged in a great measure to repeople the island and re-erect the towns. Little is known of its internal affairs after this date. With regard to the dissemination of Christianity in Sicily numer- ous traditions are current, and are preserved in the different mar- tyrologies. It is recorded (Acts xxviii. 12) that St. Paul landed at Syracuse on his journey to Rome and spent three days there, and the evidence of monuments goes to confirm the local legends of missionaries from the E., and to refute the later pretensions of Rome to the establishment of Christianity in Sicily. Syracuse 240 SICILY. Historical Notice . would thus seem to have taken an important part in the spread of the Christian religion. After the end of the 3rd cent, the new religion made rapid progress, and in the reign of Constantine it had become practically the universal faith, though heathens still existed in Sicily down to the 6th century. It is now, however, the boast of the Sicilians that their island has never produced a prominent heretic, and in 1860 the minister of ecclesiastical affairs expressed his approval of the unity of the Sicilians in matters of religion. The Spanish inquisition found but few victims here. The Sicilian of the present day is, however, far from being intolerant , while the majority of the educated classes are generally indifferent with regard to these questions. After another servile war had devastated the country (A.D. 259), Syracuse began, in 278, to suffer from the incursions of bar- barian hordes, when it was plundered by a mere handful of wan- dering Franks. In B.C. 27 Sicily had become the first of the ten senatorial provinces , according to Augustus’s distribution of the empire, and then a province of the diocese of Italy, according to the arrangement of Diocletian ; but in 395 it was separated from the "W. and attached to the E. empire, whereby it escaped the fate of neither. In 440 Geiserich besieged Palermo and conquered Lily- bseum (Marsala). Odoacer made himself master of Sicily, and the island afterwards became subject to the Ostrogoths. In 535 Belisarius brought it under the sway of the Eastern emperors, who retained it till its conquest by the Arabs. — The Romish church had great possessions in Sicily, and Pope Gregory I. was a zealous promoter of the cultivation of the island. Constans II. even transferred the seat of the E. empire to Syracuse in 663, but he was murdered there in 668, and the city was plundered by the Arabs the following year. Third Period. In 827 the Saracens , under Ased-ibn-Forat, on the invitation of the governor Euphemius, landed near Mazzara. Four years later Palermo fell into their hands , and that city now became the capital , and swayed the destinies of the island. The Saracens, conquering one city after another, overran the whole is- land , and in 878 Syracuse was taken by Ibrahim - ibn - Ahmed . Although the Christians could now maintain themselves in the N.E. angle of the island only, and even there were deprived of Taormina in 902, and finally of Rametta in 965, yet the establish- ment of a lasting peace was rendered impossible by the antagonism between their Arabian and Berber conquerors, which continually led to sanguinary conflicts. To these evils were added the changes of dynasty. At first the Aghlabites of Kairvan ruled. Then Sicily became an independent emirate under the Fatimite Sovereigns of Egypt. The latter half of the 10th cent, was the most prosperous period of Sicily under the Mohammedan sway. But the sanguinary struggles of the Sunnites and Shyites in Africa, where the Zirites Historical Notice. SICILY. 241 and usurped the supremacy, were soon transplanted hither, and the insurrection of several cities accelerated the downfall of the Arabian dynasty. In spite of these unfavourable circumstances, the prosperity of the island had during this period considerably increased, and agriculture, industry, and commerce had progressed so greatly that the Norman conquerors found the island a most valuable acquisition. About the middle of the 11th cent., after an ineffectual at- tempt to conquer the island had been made by George Maniaces, a Greek , in 1038-41, Robert and Roger de Hauteville , sons of Tancred of Hauteville in Normandy, went to Italy on the invi- tation of their elder brothers, who had declared themselves Counts of Apulia. Robert, subsequently surnamed Guiscard , i.e . ‘the Shrewd’, compelled the pope to invest him with the Duchy of Apulia, and then, after Ibn-Thimna of Syracuse had already in- voked his aid, proceeded from Mileto with his brother Roger to con- quer Sicily in 1061. The first expedition did not immediately produce the desired result. But ten years later they returned, and by 1090 the entire island was subdued. The line of Robert Guis- card having become extinct in 1127, the second son of Roger ( Ruggiero ) united the whole of the Norman conquests under his sceptre, and caused himself to he crowned as king at Palermo in 1130. During his reign Sicily prospered, and its fleets conquered the Arabs and the Greeks, from whom they wrested a portion of ancient Greece (Romania). He was succeeded by his second son William (1154-66), surnamed by the monkish and feudal chroni- clers ‘the Bad\ who was followed by his son William II. , ‘ the Good ’ (di 1189). After the death of the latter a contest as to the succession arose. William II. had given his aunt Constance, daughter of Roger, to Henry VI., son of Frederick Barbarossa, in marriage, and that monarch now laid claim to the crown. The Si- cilians, however, declared themselves in favour of Tancred , a na- tural son of Roger. On his death shortly afterwards he was suc- ceeded by his son William III., whom Henry VI. had less diffi- culty in subduing (1194). Henry did not long enjoy his conquest, and died at Messina in 1197. He was succeeded by the Emperor Frederick II., as Frederick I. of Sicily, whose exertions in behalf of Sicily have been so highly extolled by posterity. In 1250-54 his second son Conrad occupied the throne ; then Manfred until the battle of Benevento in 1266 ; and in 1268 Charles of Anjou caused the last scion of the Germanic imperial house to be exe- cuted (see p. 41). Fourth Period. Charles of Anjou and Provence maintained his supremacy in Sicily, with which he had been invested by Pope Clement IV., for but a brief period. The massacre of the Sicilian Vespers (1282) was an expiation of the death of Conradin. Messina defended itself heroically against the attacks of Charles ; and Peter Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 10 242 SICILY. Historical Notice . of Arragon, son-in-law of Manfred, became master of the island. But its decline dates from this period. It was repeatedly devastated by the interminable wars with the Anjous of Naples, while the no- bility, such as the Chiaramonte and the Ventimiglia, attained to such power as to render systematic administration on the part of the government impossible. In 1410, when Sicily became an ap- panage of the kingdoms of Naples and Spain , it still retained its freedom of internal administration. But this very privilege proved prejudicial to it, whilst its external defence against the barbarians was neglected. During the second half of the 18th cent, many mediaeval institutions were swept away by the advance of ci- vilisation , and in 1812 Sicily was finally rescued from the con- dition of a mediaeval feudal state , but only to experience once more (1815-1860) the evils of a despotic government. The follow- ing is a chronological sketch of the history of this period of six centuries : — Peter of Arragon, King of Sicily . James the Just. Frederick II. Peter II., co-regent from 1321. Louis. Frederick III. the Simple, brother of Louis. Mary, daughter of Frederick III., married in 1485 to Martin of Arragon. 1402-1409. Martin I. sole monarch of Sicily , married to Bianca of Castille. Martin II., father of Martin I. Interregnum. Ferdinand the Just, King of Arragon and Castille. Alphonso the Generous, King of Arragon, and after 1442 King of Naples. John of Arragon and Navarre. Ferdinand II. the Catholic, after 1505 also King of Naples. 1515-1554. Emp. Charles V.; 1517, Squarcialupo’s re- bellion at Palermo. Philip II. Philip III. Philip IV.; 1647, Giuseppe Alessi. 1665-1700. Charles II.; 1672-1678, Messina revolts in favour of Louis XIV. of France. c. 1700-1713. Philip V. of Bourbon, after 1713 King of Spain. d . 1713-1720. Victor Amadeus of Savoy. e. 1720-1734. Emp. Charles VI. of Germany. /\ 1734-1759. Charles III. of Bourbon. 1282-1285. 1285-1296. 1296-1337. 1337-1342. 1342-1355. 1355-1377. 1377-1402. 1409- 1410. 1410- 1412. 1412-1416. 1416-1458. 1458-1479. 1479-1515. 1554-1598. 1598-1621. 1621-1665. Revolution at Palermo, 243 History of Art. SICILY. 1759-1806. 1806-1815. 1815-1825. 1825-1830. 1830-1859. 1859- 1860. Fifth Period : 1860- 1880. Ferdinand IV., King of Naples and Sicily, married to Carolina, the profligate daughter of Maria Theresa, was compelled in 1798 to fly from Naples to Sicily before the French under Championnet, and again in 1806. Ferdinand IV., King of Sicily alone. Through the influence of Lord William H. C. Bentinck the constitution of Sicily is established and a parliament summoned (1812). Ferdinand IV. reigns as Ferdinand I., ‘King of the two Sicilies’. The constitution subvert- ed. 1820, Revolution at Palermo and throughout the island for the restoration of the constitution. Francis I. Ferdinand II.; 1837, cholera-revolution; Jan. 12th, 1848, revolution at Palermo ; 1848-49, Sicily ruled by a temporary government , par- liament at Palermo ; bombardment of Messina. Francis II. Sicily united with the Kingdom of Italy; 11th May, Garibaldi lands at Marsala; 15th May, battle of Calatafimi; 27th May, capture of Pa- lermo ; 20th July, Battle of Milazzo ; 21st Oc- tober, plebiscite, by which Sicily is incorpo- rated with the Kingdom of Italy. 2. History of Civilisation and Art. Almost every one of the numerous nations which in the course of centuries have inhabited or governed Sicily has left behind it some trace of its individual capacity for art, modified, however, to some extent by the characteristics peculiar to the island, and there- fore in most cases bearing a Sicilian stamp. Cicero has observed that the Sicilian is never so miserable as to be unable to utter a bon-mot, and a similar remark might be made at the present day. The Sicilians of all ages have displayed marked , though not bril- liant abilities. Their wit, flow of conversation, and power of re- partee were universally known to the ancients. It was not, there- fore, the result of mere chance that Greek comedy attained its earliest development here , and that bucolic poetry originated in Sicily, where to this day the natives delight in rural life. Sicily has in all ages produced admirable speakers , although rather sophists and phraseologists than great orators. In the study of the history of their island the natives have ever manifested the utmost zeal, and for the concrete sciences as far as they are connected with practical life, such as mechanics and medicine, they possess con- siderable aptitude. In the manufacture of objects of an artistic 16 * 244 SICILY. History of Art. character (ill opposition to pure works of art), as in architecture, the art of engraving, the composition of mosaics, etc., the Sicilians have from a very early period distinguished themselves. It must not he forgotten, however, that the Saracenic supremacy introduced a new and important element into the national character, which shows itself in a vein of seriousness , foreign to the character of neighbouring races, such as the Neapolitans. The national songs, for example , are strongly tinctured with Oriental melancholy. The monuments of Sikelian culture of the pre-Hellenic period still preserved in Sicily, although far more scanty than the Greek, merit a more minute examination than has hitherto fallen to their share. Prehistoric antiquities have recently been investigated in several different spots , and traces of the flint period have been found in caverns and elsewhere. The most important antiquities of a somewhat later date are : the Subterranean Cities with which the S.E. angle of the island is replete , the so-called Didieri of Yal d’lspica, Palazzolo, Pantelica, etc., and the Polygonal Struc- tures at Cefalii and on Mt. Eryx. The Metopes of Selinus , mementoes of the most ancient style, form the transition to the Hellenic sculpture. Some of the most magnificent Greek temples still extant have been erected in Sicily : Temple of Apollo at Selinus 376ft. long, 177ft. broad; Temple of Zeus at Girgenti 356 ft. long, 174 ft. broad (Parthenon at Athens 229 ft. by 101 ft. ; Temple of Zeus at Olympia 233 ft. by 97 ft.; Temple of Apollo at Phigalia 195 ft. by 75 ft. ; Temple of Diana at Ephesus 388 ft. by 187 ft.). The Ruined Temples at Girgenti, Se- gesta, Selinunto,’ and Syracuse are nowhere surpassed. The Theatres of Syracuse, Taormina, Segesta, Tyndaris, Palazzolo, and Catania have indeed been modified by additions during the Roman period, but the Greek origin of their foundations and arrangements may easily be recognised. The fortifications of the Epipolae of Syracuse are among the best existing specimens of Greek structures of the kind. In the province of Sculpture comparatively few Greek works have come down to us. Among these may be mentioned the more recent metopae of Selinus in the museum at Palermo , and a few relics preserved at Syracuse. Of Bronzes , in the casting of which Perilaos of Agrigentum is said to have excelled , scarcely a single specimen has survived. On the other hand a copious collection of admirable ancient Coins has come down to us. Beautiful Vases are likewise found in almost every part of the island. The climax of the prosperity of the Sicilian Greeks was contempo- raneous with that of their mother-country , and not in point of architecture alone. About the year 550, Stesichorus of Himera per- fected the Greek chorus by the addition of the epode to the strophe and antistrophe. AZschylus resided long in Sicily , where he died (456), and was interred at Gela. Pindar and Sappho also enjoyed the hospitality of Sicily, and sang the praises of the victories History of Art , SICILY. 245 of her sons at Olympia. Simonides visited Sicily, and composed appropriate lines for the gift dedicated to the gods by Gelon after the battle of Himera in 480. Phormis , an officer of Gelon at Syra- cuse, who invented movable scenes, Epicharmus in 480, Sophron in 460, and Xenarchus , the son of the last, distinguished them- selves in the composition of comedies. Nothing is more charac- ristic of the Sicilian enthusiasm for art than the story that the Syracusans once set at liberty several Athenian prisoners, because they knew how to recite the verses of Euripides with pathos. Even during the period of decline the national poetical bias was still pre-eminent , and gave birth to a new description of poetry, the idyls, in which their inventor Theocritus of Syracuse was unsur- passed , and which even in modern times have found numerous admirers. The Sicilians have never manifested much capacity for philo- sophical research , although not entirely without taste for studies of this nature. Pythagoras found followers here. Xenophanes of Colophon, the founder of the Eleatic school , died in Syracuse at an advanced age. A century later, Plato thrice visited Syracuse. But the most illustrious Sicilian thinker was Empedocles of Acra- gas, distinguished as a natural philosopher, and also as a practical statesman, physician, architect, and orator. The names of a number of eminent physicians are recorded : Pausanias , Acron (5th cent. B.C.), Menecrates (4th cent. B.C.), and Celsus (but the last, born at Centuripse, is not to be confounded with his famous namesake who lived in the reign of Augustus). Distinguished historians were : Antiochus , Philistus of Syracuse , Timaeus of Taormina, Dicaearchus of Messana, and the learned Diodorus (Siculus) of Agyrium, who wrote his celebrated Bibliotheca Historica in the reign of Augustus. The most brilliant of the numerous orators were Corax and Tisias , the teacher of Isocrates, Gorgias, and Lysias. Gorgias , the celebrated sophist and orator, was a native of Leon- tinoi, and Lysias was the son of a Syracusan. Among the mathe- maticians and mechanicians Archimedes was the most distinguished . Hicetas of Syracuse was one of the first who taught that the earth moved and the sun remained stationary. The Roman-Byzantine supremacy gave the death-blow to the intellectual progress of the Sicilians. The soldier who slew Archi- medes may be regarded as symbolical of this epoch. In accordance with the Roman custon, however, numerous magnificent amphi- theatres, theatres, and aqueducts were constructed during this period. The rapacity of Verres and other governors despoiled the island of countless treasures of art. The Christians used many of the ancient temples and tombs for sacred purposes. A single Byzantine church of small dimensions near Malvagna alone remains from this period. A proof of the abject condition to which Sicily had sunk is the circumstance that down to a late period of the Muslim supre- 246 SICILY. History of Art. macy not a single author of eminence arose, although crowds of monks and priests resided in the island. Theophanes Cerameus and Petrus Siculus , the historian of the Manichaeans , alone deserve mention. The wandering San Simeon of Syracuse died at Treves. The Arabs were the first to infuse new life into the island. They not only enriched the architectural art with new forms of construction, as mentioned below, but they also inaugurated a new era in the writing of history and geography, and under King Ruggiero the first mediaeval geographer Edrisi completed his great work (Nushat-ul-Mushtak). Among the Mohammedan Kasides (poets) Ibn-Hamdis was the most distinguished. Art developed itself to a still greater extent under the Norman rule, and the princes and great men of that race have perpetuated their names by the erection of numerous cathedrals. The importance they at- tached to learning is proved by the fact that they were in the habit of summoning the most learned men of the East (e. g. Petrus Blesensis) to instruct their young princes. Whilst the Arabs de- serve commendation for the introduction of the most valuable com- mercial products (grain, cotton, sumach, etc.) which the island possesses, the Norman princes established the manufacture of silk; and a school for the arts of weaving and the composition of mosaic was maintained in the royal palace. The brilliant reign of Fre- derick //., his legislative merits, and his zealous promotion of every art and science are well known. At his court at Palermo the Italian language developed itself so as to become a written language, and his counsellors, his sons , and even he himself made the first attempts at Italian poetry. Of Frederick 77. , Manfred , Enzius , Ciullo of Alcamo, Peter de Vineis , Guido delle Colonne , Jacopo da Lentini , etc., poems are still preserved to us. But this golden age was of brief duration. Amid the vicissitudes of subsequent cen- turies all intellectual superiority became extinct. Even the chroniclers manifest distinct traces of this degeneracy. Whilst well-written and interesting chronicles of Sicily were composed in the 13th century ( Hugo Falcandus , Bartholomew of Neocastro , etc.), those of a later period are often unreadable. The revival of classical studies, however, at length roused literature from its inert condition. At the close of the 15th cent. Messina distinguished itself by its promotion of Greek studies, and Coiistantine Lascaris taught there.' The following century produced the learned and indefatigable Thomas Fazello of Sciacca (d. 1570), the originator of Sicilian history and topography. His work was completed by the historian Maurolycus of Messina. The enlightened absolutism of the Bourbons during the last century tended to promote the progress of science in Sicily, although the attention of scholars was principally directed to ar- chaeological research relating to the history of the island. The wealthier of the nobility formed collections of antiquities and wrote History of Art. SICILY. 247 descriptions of them ( Biscari , Torremuzza , Astuto , Judica , Airoldi , Gaetani , etc.). The clergy collected materials for the history of Sicily , and others composed detailed monographs on the subject. The ‘polyhistor’ Mongitore , a writer of little critical power, but of great importance owing to the untiring diligence with which he amassed MS. authorities, who had been preceded by the eminent Antonino Amico , Rocco Pirro , Agostino Inveges , and Giovanni Battista Caruso , died suddenly in 1743, at the advanced age of 80. His death is said to have been occasioned by his perusal of the Codex Diplomatics of Giovanni di Giovanni, in which the mythical character of the traditions regarding the origin of Christianity in Sicily was exposed. Di Giovanni , Francesco Testa , the brothers Giovanni Evangelista an & Salvatore diBlasi , Vito Amico of Catania, and Rosario Gregorio , the first writer of constitutional history in Sicily, form a series of historians of the last century who would have done credit to any nation. The art of poetry also revived, and found its most talented representative in Giovanni Meli of Palermo (d. 1815). His anacreontic songs in the national dialect were universally popular even before they appeared in a printed form. Among the most distinguished scientific men of the present century may be mentioned Domenico Scinci , the naturalist and historian of literat- ure, the astronomer Piazzi (born, however, in the Yal Tellina in N. Italy), the brothers Gemellaro , and the patriotic historian Giuseppe Lafarina , besides a number of living savants of whom the island can at present boast. Music. In the history of music Sicily occupies a less prominent position than in the other arts, but Bellini (b. at Catania 1802, d. at Paris 1835) is justly admired for the beauty and sweetness of his melodies. With regard to ancient art in Sicily , and particularly the sculptures of Selinunto, see p. xxviii etseq. We may now add a few remarks upon the principal mediaeval and modern monuments of art. Architecture. The mediaeval architecture of Sicily, and par- ticularly that of Palermo, bears the impress of the political desti- nies of the country in a very striking degree, showing the change from the Byzantine to the Arabian domination, and from the latter to the supremacy of the Normans. The style is accordingly of a very mixed character, which strict connoisseurs will not fail to censure, but it possesses great attractions for the less scientific lover of art. The leading element is the Arabian. After the overthrow of the Arabian supremacy the more refined culture of that race left its mark on the island, and the Norman princes found it desirable to avail themselves of its services in the administration of the country and particularly in the province of art. The Arabian culture, however, was in its turn considerably swayed by Byzantine in- fluences, and it is therefore not surprising that these again should 248 SICILY. History of Art . be reflected in the Sicilian architecture of the 12th century. The ground-plan of many of the churches of Palermo is traceable to Byzantine originals , viz. a square space enclosed by four pillars and covered with a dome. It is uncertain whether this form was introduced direct from Byzantium after the final triumph of Chris- tian culture, or whether the Arabs had already employed it in the construction of their numerous little oratories (of which Ibn Hau- kal, an Arabian traveller of the 10th cent., says that there were hundreds at Palermo alone), and handed it down to their Norman successors. The latter alternative, however, is the more probable. While the plan of many churches, such as Martorana , 8. Cataldo , and 8. Antonio at Palermo is Byzantine, and that of others, like Monreale , 8, Spirito and several abbey-churches at Palermo, and the cathedral at Cefalh , is Romanesque, the universally prevalent pointed arch is of Arabian origin, and quite distinct from the Gothic form. The Arabs brought it from Egypt and used it in all their buildings, and they also derived thence the custom of adorn- ing their flat ceilings with pendentives, resembling stalactites, and their friezes with inscriptions. While the ecclesiastical architecture of Sicily was thus unable to resist the Arabian influence , that of her palaces still possesses a distinctly Arabian character, cor- responding with the Oriental complexion of the Norman court. Of the numerous palaces which are said to have encircled Palermo in the 12th cent., we now possess imperfect examples only in the Zisa and the Cuba (and in the relics of the chateaux of Mimner- mum at Altarello di Baida and Favara at Mare Dolce), so that it requires a considerable effort of imagination to picture their vaunted magnificence. Sicily possesses no Gothic churches of any note (S. Francesco and S. Agostino at Palermo , and the cathedral at Mes- sina ), but it is curious to observe how tenaciously her architects clung to Gothic and other mediaeval forms down to a late period in the Renaissance epoch. Of the later mediaeval secular architecture we find many pleasing examples, especially at Palermo. Sculpture. In the plastic art, in so far as it rises above a merely decorative purpose, mediaeval Sicily attained little pro- ficiency. The principal works in bronze (the gates at Monreale) are not the work of native masters. Sculpturing in marble for de- corative purposes, on the other hand, was extensively and success- fully practised here at an early period. The capitals and several shafts of columns in the monastery-court of Monreale are among the finest works of the kind in Italy. The early Sicilian Wood Carving , sometimes adorned with arabesques, which is still fre- quently met with (as at Martorana ), is of remarkably fine exe- cution. Another proof of the great skill of the Sicilian artificers is afforded by the Porphyry Sarcophagi of the Norman princes and German emperors in the cathedral at Palermo, and by the numerous Marble Incrustations and Marble Mosaics of the 12th century. The History of Art. SICILY. 249 mural covering of the Cappella Palatina and the Martorana , and the mosaic decorations of the monastery court of Monreale will hear favourable comparison with the finest works of the Roman sculptors in marble and the members of the Cosmas school. Mosaic painting was also highly developed in the 12th century. The mosaics in the cathedral at Cefalii and in the Cappella Palatina , and those in the Martorana and at Monreale , which have been preserved from decay by repeated restorations, are not all of uniform value, hut even those which show less vigour of conception display the bold- ness of touch and finish of execution peculiar to able and ex- perienced masters. As such artificers cannot possibly have sprung up under Arabian rule , we must assume that the earlier of the w orks to which we have referred were executed by Byzantine artists invited to Sicily from foreign countries , and that these masters then transmitted their art to native successors. At a later period, after the extinction of the Norman princes, Sicilian art fell far be- hind that of the mainland. Even during the Renaissance period Sicily made no independent exertion, her cultivation of art being but a slow and hesitating adoption of that of Rome and Naples. It must, however, be borne in mind , that the existing sculptures of Sicily are as yet by no means fully known. The most famous name connected with Renaissance sculpture at Palermo is that of Gagini . For three generations the Gagini’s were sculptors in marble. Antonio Gagini , born in 1480, is said to have studied the art under Michael Angelo at Rome, and to him and his sons are referred all the finest works in marble of the 16th cent, at Palermo. Painting. The history of this art in Sicily, although it has been the object of zealous local research , has not yet been placed on a satisfactory critical basis. Since the 14th cent., however, the island has produced several painters of considerable eminence. To the 14th cent, belongs Bartolomeo , a native of Camulio in the dominions of Genoa, whose works, however, have been more influ- enced by the example of the native mosaicists than by that of the continental painters, and who possesses no very marked individu- ality. In the 15th cent, flourished Antonio Crescenzio , whose frescoes in the Spedale Grande enjoyed great celebrity ; but one of these has unfortunately been destroyed, while of the other slight vestiges only are now extant. This circumstance renders it almost impossible to determine if both these frescoes were really from his brush, as the Last Judgment, which was compared to that of Michael Angelo in the Sistine Chapel at Rome, has alone been authenticated as his work. The St. Cecilia in the cathedral at Palermo (p. 256) may be assigned to him with almost absolute certainty. To Crescenzio may probably also be ascribed the mural designs in a lateral chapel of S. Maria di Gesu, which forcibly recall the Florentine compositions of the 15th century. His pupil Tommaso di Vigilia and Pietro Buzulone are painters of mediocre rank. The most distinguished 250 Route 25. PALERMO. Sicilian painter of the 15th cent, was Antonello da Messina , hut the only authentic works by him now in Sicily are those in the university of his native town (p. 314). This master must not be confounded with his less distinguished contemporary Antonello da Saliba , several pictures by whom are still preserved at Palermo. Of the artists of Palermo in the 16th cent, the most famous was Vincenzio Ainemolo , who is also known as Yincenzio Romano, and is said to have been a pupil of Polidoro Caldara. Most of the churches of Palermo boast of works by this master, who would therefore seem to have been very prolific; but as the works attri- buted to him are of very unequal merit, many of them are probably by a different hand, while others are partly by his pupils. His labours extended down to the year 1542. His finest works are the Ascension and the Descent from the Cross in the Museum, and a rich composition in a side-chapel to the left in S. Domenico. To the 17th cent, belongs Pietro Novelli (1603-47), surnamed ‘Mon- realese’, a master of considerable originality, and a follower of the Neapolitan school, to which he owes his vigorous colouring and his strongly individualised heads. Besides his works at Palermo, there is an interesting work by this master in the staircase at Monreale (St. Benedict and his successors). Several of his monkish figures are among the finest works produced by the Italian naturalists. In the 18th cent. Palermo was an active follower of the degraded styles of the period , the proofs of which are too numerous to re- quire special enumeration. 25. Palermo. Arrival. Travellers are conveyed to the Dogana (PI. H, 7 ; 1 fr. for each pers.) , where luggage is slightly examined. Thence to the town about 1 M. ; cab with luggage D/2 fr. — Omnibuses from several of the hotels await the arrival of the steamboats. Hotels. (If a stay of any length is made, charges had better be asked beforehand.) * Trinacria (PI. a ; C, 6), with a fme view of the Marina, en- tered from the Strada Butera, proprietor M. Ragusa; visitors chiefly Eng- lish, American, and German; R. facing the Marina on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd floor 5, 4th 4, 5th 272 fr. ; sitting-room 6-10 fr. ; B. P/2, dejeuner 3-372, D. 572, served* in the traveller's apartment 672 fr. ; A. 1, L. 1 fr. ; Hotel des Palmes (PI. b ; F, 4), a dependance of the Trinacria, in the Via Stabile, with beautiful garden , fine view, and numerous sunny rooms and terraces, sheltered from the wind and suitable for invalids ; charges somewhat higher than at the Trinacria. — ' Hotel de France (PI. c; C, 5), by the Giardino Garibaldi, Piazza Marina, less frequented by foreign travellers ; charges a shade lower than at the Trinacria, D. 5, pens. 10 fr. — Outside the Porta Macqueda, Piazza Oliva 72, is the "Hotel Oliva (PI. f, F 3 ; kept by the land- lord of the Trinacria), pension 8-10 fr., recommended for moderate require- ments only. — Of the second class: Italia (PI. d; C, 5), Piazza Marina 60, near the Giardino Garibaldi, R. 2-272 fr., well spoken of; *Albergo Cen- trale (PI. e; D, 3), with trattoria, Corso Vitt. Emanuele 355, in the centre of the town, close to the Quattro Canti, R. 2-3, coffee 1 fr., dej. D/2-2, D. 372-4, pension 6-10 fr. ; Rebecciiino (PI. h ; C, 2), Via Vitt. Eman., op- posite the cathedral; Albergo al Pizzuto (PI. g; D, 4) , Via Bandiera 30, near the Piazza Domenica. — Pensions: *Lehn, Via Lincoln 83, near the Botanical Garden (10-12 fr.); "Pension Suisse, Via S. Sebastiano. Carriages. PALERMO. 25. Route. 251 Trattorie and Cafes. * Villa di Roma , Via Vitt. Emanuele 313, right side, before the Quattro Canti is reached ; Rebecchino , see above •, Stella Ameri- cana , Via Vitt. Emanuele 178; Lombarda , outside the Porta Nuova. *Caf6 Oreto , at the corner of the Piazza Marina and the Corso ; *Caf4 Lincoln , opposite; Progresso , Via Macqueda. Good dejeuner at the cafes. — Best ices at the cafe of the Teatro Bellini , Piazza della Martorana. — Con- fectioner (‘Pasticceria 1 ) , Gull , Via Vitt. Em. 117; Caflisch , Via Vitt. Ema- nuele 164. — Birreria , in the court of the Albergo Centrale (see above). The Casino Nuovo , or new club, in the Palazzo Geraci in the Via Vitt. Emanuele (p. 256), contains handsome apartments, and is worth visiting ; strangers may easily obtain an introduction for a fortnight ; ticket for a longer period 10 fr. per month. Strangers may also be introduced to the Circolo Filologico , in the Pal. Natoli, near S. Salvatore, where Italian and foreign newspapers and periodicals may be consulted. Carriages. Tariff for 1-4 persons : — One-h. Two-h. Drive within the town-walls 0. 60 0. 80 Drive within the suburbs, including the harbour . . 1. — 1. 50 Small articles free. Each box 20 c. First hour 1. 80 2. 20 Each additional hour 1. 60 2. — At night these charges are raised by one-half. Driving in the town is prohibited on Good Friday. Longer drives according to bargain. Tramways (fares, 1st cl. 25, 2nd cl. 20 c.). Three lines start from the Piazza Marina (pi. C, 5), diverging from each other at the Porta S. Giorgio (PI. E, 5): 1. To Acqua Santa , at the foot of Monte Pellegrino (PI. H, 5, 6,7; J, 7) ; 2. To Sampolo , at the entrance to the Favorita (PL II, J, 5); 3. To Aoce, at the end of the Corso Olivuzza (PI. E, 5-2 ; F, 1). — A fourth line leads from the Piazza Bologni (PI. C, 3) through the Via Vitt. Ema- nuele, and on to La Rocca , at the foot of the hill of Monreale (comp. PI. D, 3-1). — Other cross-lines are : 5. From the Harbour to Porta Carini (PI. G, 5, 4; F, 4, 3; E, 3, 2). 6. From the end of the Corso Olivuzza to the Corso Calatafimi (PI. E, D, 2, 1). Baths. * Via Quattro Aprile 7, near the Piazza Marina ; cold bath 1 fr., warm bath 1 fr. 25 c., Russian bath for 1-2 pers. 5 fr. — Sea Baths in the Stradone del Borgo (PI. F, 5), and near Acqua Santa (PI. I, 7). Swimmers will probably prefer to bathe early in the morning from a boat, which they may hire O/2 fr.) at the Sanita, outside the Porta Felice. Post Office (PI. 88) on the E. side of Piazza Bologni (PI. C, 3). — The Diligences to the interior start hence. Telegraph Office, Via Macqueda 226, not far from the Quattro Canti (on the left in going thence to the Porta Macqueda). Railway Station outside the Porta S. Antonino (PI. A, 4). Steamboats. Societd Florio (office, Corso Vitt. Emanuele 96, at the corner of the Piazza Marina) to Naples daily (see p. 222), going on once weekly to Genoa and Marseilles and once weekly to Leghorn and Genoa; to Messina and the Levant once weekly ; to Messina and the Adriatic Sea once weekly. Algo to the Sicilian towns : once weekly eastwards to Cefalu, Capo d'Orlando, Milazzo, and Messina, see p. 273 ; once weekly to the W. to Trapani , Girgenti, and Syracuse, see p. 304 ; once weekly to Messina and Malta ; twice monthly to Ustica ; once weekly to Trapani, Favignana, Marsala, Pantelleria, and Tunis, see R. 45. — Societd Rubattino (office, adjacent to that of the Florio Co.): once a fortnight to Cagliari, see R. 44. — Messageries Maritimes (office in the Piazza Marina) ; once a fortnight to Marseilles. Booksellers. Fratelli Pedone Lauriel, Via Vitt. Emanuele 360. — Second- hand books: Giovanni Fiorenza , Via Vitt. Em. 365; both near the Quattro Canti, in the direction of the Piazza Vittoria; also at Via Macqueda 303. Photographs : Rob. Rive and Tagliarini , adjoining each other in the Via Vitt. Em., near the Piazza S. Spirito (PI. C, 6); Gius. Incorpora , Via Bosco 10 and Pal. Costantino, Quattro Canti. Watchmaker : Zollikofer , Via Vitt. Em. 142. Bankers. Ingham & Whitaker , Via Lampedusa; Morrison & Co ., Piazza Marina; Kayser & Kressner , Via Teatro S. Cecilia 44; Hirzel , Via dell' 252 Route 25. PALERMO. Consuls . Ucciardone 6*, Wedekind , Pal. Cattolica, Via Cintorinai; Bonner , 4), the' Palazzo Raffadale (PL C, 3), the tower in the palace of Conte Federico near the Benfratelli (Pi. C, 3), etc. A beautiful walk is afforded by the * Marina, a quay extending from the Porta Felice along the coast towards the S., formerly call- ed the Foro Borhonico , and now the Foro ltalico (PI. G, B, A, 6), commanding admirable views towards the S. as far as the promon- tory of Monte Catalfano (to the right of which Mt. ./Etna is visible in clear weather), and, to the N., of the picturesque Monte Pelle- grino. The palace at the Porta de Greci (Pl. B, 6), formerly called Botanic Garten . PALERMO. 25. Route. 265 Palazzo Forcella and now the property of the Principe di Bautina, contains handsome saloons in the taste of different centuries. At the S. end of the Marina lies the * Flora, or Villa Giulia (PI. B, A, 6), which is entered from the Via Lincoln (p. 258), a street leading towards the W. to the Porta S. Antonino. This public garden , one of the most beautiful in Italy , first laid out in 1777, has recently been considerably extended and improved. The air here in spring is laden with the delicious and aromatic perfumes of oranges, citrons, Erythrina corallodendron, Cercis siliquastrum, and other blossoming trees and shrubs. In summer and autumn the fashionable citizens of Palermo congregate here to listen to a band of music. Adjoining the Flora is the Botanic Garden (PL A, B, 5 ; also entered from the Via Lincoln), which deserves a visit both from the scientific traveller and the amateur. The beautiful avenue of Date-Palms and Cycas Revoluta will attract the attention of every visitor. Near the entrance are two Australian Coco-trees , while scattered throughout the grounds are fine specimens of Latania Borbonica, Corypha Australis , Musa Ensete , Bananas , Bamboos (at- taining a height of 15 ft.), Strelitzia , Wigandia, Philodendron Pertusum , Australian Myrtaceae , Melaleucea , etc. Some of the flowering-plants in the greenhouses are of astonishing brilliancy. Among the other beautiful Gardens in or near Palermo the following may be mentioned : the Giardino d J Acclimazione (p. 266) ; then those of the Palazzo d J Aumale (PI. C, 1), the Villa Tasca (p.266), the Villa Serradifalco (PI. G, 1), the Villa Sofia (p.270), the Villa Belmonte (p. 269), the Favorita (p. 270), and the Hotel des Palmes (formerly Giardino Ingham , p. 250). Admission to private gardens is generally obtained without trouble by a fee to the gardener, or on the presentation of a visiting-card. 26. Environs of Palermo. a. La Cuba. Monreale. S. Martino. La Zisa. Distance to Monreale about 472 M. Tramway from the Piazza Vittoria as far as ( 2V2 M.) La Rocca , where the road begins to ascend (50 c. to Cappuccini 20 c., thence to Villa Tasca 15 c., thence to La Rocca 15 c.). The ascent of the hill thence is a pleasant walk of 72 hr. by the old road. Carriages for the excursion may also be hired outside the Porta Nuova for 5 fr. (in the town 6 fr.), including a stay of 172-2 hrs. All the way to Monreale the road is guarded by soldiers. The locandas at Monreale are very poor; the least objectionable is the Loc. Pietro Novelli opposite the cathedral. The beggars and donkey-attendants in the town are often ex- cessively insolent. Those who purpose proceeding from Monreale to S. Martino (p. 2G7), about 3 M. farther (miserable road), will do well to take a supply of provisions with them. Donkey 272-372 fr. Inquiry as to the security of the road may be made of the Palermo section of the Italian Alpine Club, Vicolo Trugliari , Via Vitt. Emanuele. One of the officers stationed at Monreale may be asked for a couple of ‘bersaglierP (who also serve as guides $ 4-5 fr. for both) to accompany the traveller as far as Boccadifalco. Porta Nuova (PI. C, D, 1), see p. 255. The perfectly straight prolongation of the Via Vittorio Emanuele, called the Corso Gala - 266 Route 2$. MONREALE. Environs tafimi , leads to Monreale. On the right is situated the extensive poor-house (. Albergo de ’ Poveri). A little farther on, about V 2 M. from the gate, on the left, is a cavalry-barrack , in the court of which is the old chateau of La Cuba. (Visitors apply to the sentinel and walk in.) On the frieze is a now illegible Arabic inscription, from which it is conjectured, that the building was built by William II. in 1181. Of the once splendid decorations of the interior nothing now remains but a few blackened remains of a honey-combed vaulting in a small court. The palace was once surrounded by an extensive park with fish- ponds. A pavilion once belonging to it is now on the opposite side of the street in the orange-garden of the Cavaliere Napoli (farther on, No. 421, beyond the street leading to the Cappuccini), and is called La Cubola (Decamerone, v. 6); admission on ringing (fee). The Strada di Pindemonte , which diverges to the right about 230 paces farther on (at the first tramway-station), leads to the (i/ 4 M.) Convento de ’ Cappuccini , in the subterranean corridors of which are preserved the mummified bodies of wealthy inhabitants of Palermo. On All Souls’ Day (2nd Nov.) the relatives of the de- ceased congregrate here in great numbers. This sad, but not un- interesting spectacle should be seen by the curious. (The route hence to La Zisa, ^3 M., is by the Via de’ Cipressi, and then by the first road to the left.) On the left side of the Monreale road we next pass the Giar- dino d' Acclimazione , laid out in 1861 for agricultural purposes. On the same side, V/% M. from the Porta Nuova, is the Swiss lodge at the entrance to the charming * Villa Tasca , the property of Conte Tasca, one of the first systematic farmers of Sicily, who possesses an experimental station here, and has surrounded it with a tasteful garden (visitors ring at the entrance to the flower-garden ; 0-1 0 soldi to the porter on leaving). The group of houses at the base of the height of Monreale is called LaRocca (tramway -terminus). The road, constructed by the celebrated Archbishop Testa of Monreale, ascends in windings to the ‘royal mount’ (1231ft.), on which in 1174 William II. founded a Benedictine abbey, and in 1174-89 erected the famous — ** Cathedral of Monreale, around which a town of 16,200 inhab. has sprung up since the second archbishopric in the island was transferred hither. The church is in the form of a Latin cross, 333 ft. long and 131 ft. wide, with three apses. The entrance is flanked by two square towers. The magnificent portal possesses admirable *Bronze Doors dating from 1186, executed by ‘Bonannus Civis Pisanus’, and adorned with reliefs from sacred history. The bronze doors of the side-portals are byBarisano. The edifice was seriously damaged by a fire in 1811, but has been well restored; the cost of the handsome timber- work was defrayed by King Lewis I. of Bavaria. of Palermo. S. MARTINO. 26. Route. 267 ’^Interior. The pointed vaulting of the nave is supported by eighteen columns of granite. The transept , approached by five steps, is borne by tour pillars. The pointed vaulting is constructed quite in the Arabian style. The * Mosaics with which the walls are entirely covered occupy an area of 70,400 sq. ft., and consist of three different classes: scenes from the Old Testament (prophecies of the Messiah) , from the life of the Saviour, and from the lives of the apostles. The nave contains Old Testa- ment subjects down to the Wrestling of Jacob with the Angel, in two rows of twenty tableaux. Each aisle contains nine, and each transept fifteen scenes from the history of Christ. On the arches of the transept are subjects from the life of SS. Peter and Paul. In the tribune is the bust, of Christ (with the inscription , /. Xq. d navT ozpdz mq) ; below it a Madonna in Trono with two angels and the Apostles at the side } under these are fourteen saints. In the niches at the sides Peter and Paul. Above the royal throne is pourtrayed King William in the act of receiving the crown direct from Christ (not from the pope !) ; above the archiepiscopal seat he is represented as offering a view of the cathedral to the Virgin. — In the right transept are the tombs of William I. and William II. The monument of the former is a sarcophagus of porphyry, like those in the Cathedral at Palermo ; that of the latter was erected in 1575. — The N. aisle contains fine wood -carving in high-relief. Here, too, is the Cappella del Crocefisso, of 1690, adjoining which is the Archiepiscopal Chapel , with wood-carving from the history of the Passion. In the S. aisle is the Cappella di JS. Benedetto , with reliefs in marble of the 18th century. These chapels are opened by the verger. The visitor should not omit to ascend to the roof of the cathedral for the sake of the *View it affords. The entrance to the staircase is in a corner at the beginning of the S. aisle (172 steps to the top ; verger fr.). Adjoining the cathedral is the Benedictine Monastery , which William supplied with monks from La Cava (entrance by No. 33, the large central door in the piazza which lies in front of the church ; custodian 1 / 2 fr.). Of the original building nothing is now left except the remarkably beautiful * Cloisters , the pointed arches of which are adorned with mosaics and supported by 216 columns in pairs ; the capitals are all different, and the shafts also vary (date 1200). The S. side of the cloisters is overshadowed by the ruins of an ancient monastery-wall, with pointed arches. The garden commands a delightful *View of the valley towards Palermo. The fragrance of the orange-blossom here in spring is almost over- powering. The modern part of the monastery, which is now fitted up as officers’ quarters, and which we first reach from the piazza, contains a handsome marble staircase adorned with pictures by Velas- quez (the Sicilian) and by Pietro Novelli (Monrealese ; p. 250). From Monreale a steep path to the right (Le Scale) ascends in 1 hr. to the top of the hill which is crowned by 11 Castellaccio , a deserted fort (10 min. to the right of the highest point of the path), commanding an extensive view. We then descend to the suppressed Benedictine monastery of S. Martino, founded by Gregory the Great in the 6th cent., and affording another fine *View. Handsome entrance-hall. The monastery is now occupied by an agricultural institution. The church is adorned with a fresco by Aintmolo. With the library of the monastery is connected the reminiscence of the extraordinai*y historical forgeries of the Abbate Giuseppe Vella, who had founded a 268 Route 26?. LA ZISA. Environs history of Sicily on a forged Arabic MS., but was detected by Hager of Milan, the Orientalist, in 1794. — Wine is sold at the houses above the monastery. From San Martino we descend to the picturesque valley of Boccadifalco , and return thence to Palermo. A pleasant path (72 hr.) leads from Boccadifalco along the heights to La Rocca, p. 266. — Another pleasant route, commanding a fine view of the plain and the sea, leads N.W. from Boccadifalco to the Convento di Baida , founded by Manfred Chiaramonte in 1388 for the Cistercians, and afterwards occupied by Franciscan Minorites. Here in the 10th cent, lay Baidhd (‘the white’), a Saracenic village which was con- nected with Palermo by a row of houses. The terrace affords a fine view. In the vicinity is the not easily accessible stalactite cavern of Quattro Arce. The village of Altarello di Baida contains remains of Mimnermum , a palace founded by Roger. Farther on, we reach Noce , whence a tramway-line (p. 251) runs to Palermo, crossing the Piazza Olivuzza (PI. F, G, 1), where the * Villa Serradifalco , with its beautiful grounds and luxuriant vegetation, is situated. Ad- joining it lay the celebrated Villa Butera, now Villa Florio. A few paces beyond the Porta Nuova (p. 255) we turn to the right into the Via della Colonna Rotta , and after 10 min., beyond the small triangular Piazza Ingastoni , we take the Via Zisa to the left (comp. PI. H, E, 1 ; cab 1 fr.), which leads us to the chateau of *La Zisa, now the property of the Marchese di S. Giovanni (about 1 M. from the gate, and not far from the Piazza Olivuzza already mentioned). The only remains of the old building , which was erected by William I., are a covered fountain with water descend- ing over marble steps under dilapidated honeycombed vaulting, and some vaulting with pigeon-holes on the upper floor. The flat roof affords a very favourite **View of Palermo. (Entrance by No. 29, the adjacent court on the right ; custodian 72 ^ r - ; adm. at present not easily obtained.) — The large neighbouring orange-gardens are worthy of a visit on account of their luxuriant vegetation (trifling fee). No. 25, to the left of La Zisa, is a good wine-house. The Catacombs outside the Porta Ossuna, discovered in 1785, probably belong to the ante-Christian period, and are now destitute of monuments. b. Monte Pellegrino. The Favorita. Distances. ' From the Porta S. Giorgio to the foot of Monte Pelle- grino 2 M. (one-horse carriage P /2 fr.) $ thence to the top P /4 hr. (bridle- path; donkey from the town 2 fr.). — From the Porta Macqueda to the Favorita 4^2 M. — The Sampolo tramway (p. 251) runs to the entrance to the Favorita. The road to Mte. Pellegrino diverges from the tramway-line at the Carceri, to which point a car may be taken. ‘Monte Pellegrino, an indescribably beautiful mass of rock, consisting of grey limestone of early formation, rises at the N.W. end of the Bay of Palermo. In a cavern in this mountain the remains of St. Rosalia (according to tradition, a niece of William II., who while in the bloom of youth had fled hither from motives of piety) were discovered in 1664, and conveyed to Palermo. Their presence at once banished the plague of Palermo. MONTE PELLEGRINO. 26. Route. 269 then raging, and from that time St. Rosalia has been the patron saint of the city. Chapels were erected and brilliant festivals instituted in her honour. The devout undertook pilgrimages to the mountain. A pathway supported by buttresses and arches leads to the sacred spot, which far better befits the humility of the saint than the sumptuous festivities which are celebrated to commemorate her retirement from the world.’ — Goethe. Several stately trees stand in front of the sanctuary. We quit Palermo by the Porta S. Giorgio (PI. E, R, 5, and I, 5, 6). The drive through the Stradone del Borgo, with its new stone quay, and past the prison, to the foot of the mountain takes less than 4 / 2 hr. — On the right, on an eminence by the sea, rises the Villa Belmonte , which commands a fine view. The zigzag path ascending the Monte Pellegrino, which is visible from the town, cannot be mistaken. Towards the top it becomes easier. Large herds of cattle, horses, and donkeys graze on the mountain in spring, and during the quail-hunting season it is enlivened by numbers of sportsmen, especially at night. The * Monte Pellegrino (1958 ft.), the peculiar shape of which renders it easily recognisable from a great distance, is an isolated mass of limestone rock , at one time an island and still separated by the plain of the Conca d’Oro from the other moun- tains near the coast. On the E. side it rises abruptly from the sea, and on the W. side slopes more gently towards the Conca d’Oro. Down to the 15th cent, the mountain was clothed with underwood. In B.C. 247-45 Hamilcar Barca settled on the mountain with his soldiers and their families in order to keep the Roman garrison of Panormus in check, and corn was then cultivated here on the Eircta. Under an overhanging rock of the summit of the mountain, which may also be reached, though not without difficulty, from the oppo- site side, is the Grotto of St. Rosalia , now converted into a church (dwelling of the ‘proposto’ and the priests on the left; bread and wine in the cottage to the left beyond the chapel). The water which constantly trickles down the sides is collected and carried off in leaden gutters. The small decorated cavern in which the holy maiden performed her devotions is shown by candle-light ; in front of it is a recumbent Statue of the Saint by the Florentine Gregorio Tedeschi , with sumptuously gilded robes. ‘The head and hands of white marble, if not faultless in style, are at least so natural and pleasing that one can hardly help ex- pecting to see the saint breathe and move.’ (Goethe.) Beyond the chapel a steep path leads to the right by the cot- tages to the (20 min.) Survey Station on the summit of the moun- tain, which commands an admirable *View of the beautiful basin around Palermo, the numerous headlands of the N. coast, the Lipari Islands, and the distant JStna. — A path to the left, before the houses are reached, leads in 20 min. to a small temple with a colossal but headless statue of the saint ; on the ground lie two heads. *View hence towards the sea. Good walkers may now descend by goat-patbs towards the S. W. direct to the Favorita; others will prefer to retrace their steps and de- scend by the same path. 270 Route 26. BAGHERIA. Environs In the Conca d’Oro, at the base of Monte Pellegrino on the W. side, and 4 M. from the Porta Macqueda, is situated the royal chateau of La Favorita (open to the public) , surrounded by numerous villas of the aristocracy of Palermo. This beautiful country-residence was erected by Ferdinand IV. in the Chinese style , and is surrounded by shady walks and extensive grounds. Splendid *View from the roof. — One of the finest gardens in the neighbourhood of Palermo is that of Mr. Whitaker , at the Villa Sofia , near La Favorita (adm. on application to Director Kunstmann). Travellers interested in agriculture may now visit the Istituto Agrario , founded by the minister Carlo Cottone (p. 264). This excursion may be pleasantly extended to Mondello , situated on a beautiful bay, with a sandy beach admirably adapted for bathing (poor inn near the pine-tree). — A picturesque footpath leads hence by the beach, skirting the Mte. Pellegrino , to (3V'2 M.) Acqucisanta , where the traveller may dine (in summer) at the "Restaurant des Bains, returning thence to Palermo by tramway. To the S.W. of Cape Gallo is the Bay of Sferracavallo , whence we may follow the beach to Capace and the picturesquely-situated Garini (p. 273). This excursion should, however, be made by carriage or by a large party. c. Bagheria. Soluntum. Railway to Bagheria (Girgenti line), three trains daily (fares 1 fr. 50, 1 fr. 5, or 75 c.). Station outside the Porta S. Antonino (PI. A , 4). Travellers starting by the first train may inspect the most interesting points of Soluntum and Bagheria, and continue their journey by the next train to Termini (p. 286). — Carriage to Bagheria 8-10 fr. ; to Bagheria and Soluntum in 8 hrs., 12-15 fr., a charming drive. Luncheon should be carried with the party. A short distance from the town the railway crosses the Oreto , beyond which, to the left below us, we observe the lofty arch of the now abandoned Ponte delV Ammiraglio , constructed in 1113 by the admiral Georgios Antiochenos. Immediately ad- joining it are the ruins of the most ancient Norman church in Sicily, San Giovanni dei Leprosi , founded by Roger. Here, in B.C. 251 , the consul Metellus defeated the Carthaginians, and captured 120 elephants. In the neighbouring bay Duquesne nearly annihilated the united Dutch and Spanish fleets in 1673. In the fertile coast-district the Saracens once cultivated the sugar- cane. On the right rises the Monte Griff one. 5 M. Ficarazzelli ; 6 M. Ficarazzi. 8 M. Bagheria, or Bagaria ( Albergo Verdone, with good trat- toria), a country-town with 11,600 inhab. , contains groups of palatial villas of Sicilian nobles, now deserted. The Villa Val- guarnera merits a visit for the sake of the magnificent *View from the terrace and from the adjacent Montagnuola. The Villa Butera , Villa Palagonia , and others contain a few fantastic works of art. 10 M. Santa Flavia. Phoenician tombs, probably of the Cartha- ginian period, were discovered here in 1864. — (Journey hence to Girgenti, see R. 30.) of Palermo. S. MARIA DI GESU. 26. Route. 271 Leaving the station, we cross the line to the right, pass through the gate before the last house on the left (that of the custodian ; guide or porter fr.), traverse an olive-garden, and follow a road (at first practicable for carriages) leading in ^lir. to the ruins of the Phoenician stronghold of Solus , Soloeis, or Soluntum, situated on the eastmost hill of the promontory of Catalfano. The name of the present town, which lies lower down, is Solanto. The period of the destruction of Soluntum, probably by the Saracens, cannot now he determined. Nearly the whole of the ancient paved cause- way, ascending the hill in zigzags, has been brought to light. The town was very regularly laid out , the streets running from E. to W. and N. to S., and crossing each other at right angles. A narrow passage was left between the backs of the rows of houses to allow the water to escape from the hill , which is so steep as to have necessitated the construction of flights of steps in some of the streets. The internal arrangement of several of the houses is still recognisable. The house where the columns have been re-erected is supposed to have been the Gymnasium. Admirable * Views are enjoyed from the promontory to the E., and from the summit, the latter embracing the coast to a point beyond Cefalu. Towards the E., where the Tonnara di Solanto (tunny-fishery, p. 286) is situated, lay the harbour of the town. Good walkers may descend the steep hill to Bagheria either by a direct and easy footpath from S. Flavia , or round the promontory and through the village of Aspra , which lies on the sea. Thence to the station 11/2 M. Farther up the brook Bag aria (the ancient Eleutherus ), 1 M. to the E. of Portella di Mare , once lay a large Phoenician town, afterwards a Saracenic stronghold, called Kasr-Sdd , now the village of Cannita. The Grse co-Phoenician sarcophagi of the museum of Palermo were found here. d. S. Maria di Gesfi. Distance from the Porta S. Antonino 2 l /v M.; one-horse carriage 2 l /v fr. Leaving Palermo by the Porta S. Antonino, we follow the Via Oreto (PI. A, 3, 4), which leads between houses for some distance. After 3 / 4 M. the road describes a sharp curve to the right, while walkers may proceed straight on in the same direction. *S. Maria di Gesd (163 ft. above the sea), formerly a Minorite monastery, and now a barrack , commands one of the finest views of Palermo, with the Monte Pellegrino in the background, and is a favourite point with artists and photographers. The cemetery of the monastery, now enlarged, contains the burial-places of many Palermo families, and is traversed by the road. Above it we open an iron gate on the left in order to ascend to the dilapidated loggia of a conspicuous chapel, which is the finest point of view. In the Monte Griffone, 3 A M. from S. Maria di Gesu, is the Grotta de ’ Giganti , or S. Ciro (from the neighbouring church), a cave well known to palaeontologists as a fertile source of fossil bones, which it still contains in great quantities. Children at the entrance offer hones and teeth for sale. Near it are three arches of some mediaeval building. 272 Route 26. USTICA. On the way back to Palermo , to the right of the road close to the village of Brancaccio , are the remains of the Saracenic-Norman chateau of La Favdra , the magnificence of which has been highly extolled by Arabian and Jewish travellers of the middle ages, and where Frederick II. held his court. The building, which has been built up on two sides, is now called the Castello di Mare Dolce , from a pool at the base of Mte. Griffone, whence a water-channel has been constructed past the Favara to Brancaccio. (Visitors from Palermo to La Favara take the road from the Ponte dell’ Ammiraglio to Brancaccio, and then follow the canal.) To the left, as we ap- proach the town, extends the Campo di S. Spirito , the old cemetery, laid out in 1782. (The new cemetery lies on the N.E. side of M. Pellegrino.) In 1173 Walter of the Mill founded a Cistercian mon- astery here, and near it, on 31stMarch, 1282, began the massacre of the Sicilian Vespers, during which the bell of S. Giovanni degli Eremiti was tolled. A pleasant walk or drive is afforded by the so-called Giro (Round) delle Grazie. We follow the road to S„ Maria di Gesu till the Oreto is crossed, and then turn to the right to Le Grazie (about 3 M.), whence we return by another road, which also crosses the Oreto, towards the Porta Nuova, finally taking the tramway from the Porrazzi to the Piazza Vittoria. From Palermo an excursion may be made by steamboat in 5 hrs. (on two Sundays of each month, fare 7 Vs fr.) to the island of Ustica, 37*/2 M. distant, and 10 M. in circumference. Its principal mountains are the Fal- coniera on the E. and the Quadriga di Mezzo (3411 ft.) to the W. The island was colonised by the Phoenicians in ancient times , and was sub- sequently taken by the Romans. During the middle ages it was but thinly peopled. As lately ag 1762 the whole population was murdered or carried off by pirates. The number of inliab. is now 1550, many of whom are prisoners sentenced to banishment here (‘ Domicilio coatto'). The caverns are interesting to geologists. Fossil conchylia are also found in the island. 27. From Palermo to Segesta, Castelvetrano, and Selinunto. This is the direct route to the ruins of Segesta and Selinunto. 1st Day : To Calatafimi (40 M.). 2nd Day: To Segesta, 4 M. from Calatafimi, and back ; then to Castelvetrano (27 M.). 3rd Day : To Selinunto, and beyond it, see R. 27. — The Diligence leaving Palermo at 4 p. m. arrives at Ca- latafimi at 3. 30 a. m., where it corresponds with another to Castelvetrano, which is reached in 4-5 hrs. (To Trapani, see p. 279.) In the reverse direction : departure from Castelvetrano 12 noon ; arrival at Calatafimi 4 p. m. ; departure thence 10.30 p. in.; arrival at Palermo 9 a. m. — For a carriage with three horses from Palermo to Segesta the charge is about 90 fr. and a gratuity. — [The journey to Calatafimi will be greatly faci- litated in 18S0 by the opening of the Railway from Palermo to Parti- nico (comp, the Map of Sicily).] With the aid of the steamer, the excursion to Segesta and Trapani may be arranged thus : — 1st Day, to Calatafimi ; 2nd Day, to Segesta, and by diligence to Trapani; 3rd Day, to Monte S. Giuliano ; 4th Day, by steamer from Trapani back to Palermo. Or in the reverse direction, by steamboat to Trapani and back to Palermo by diligence. The Steamers of the Florio Co. leave Palermo on Fridays at or after ALCAMO. 27. Route. 273 9 a.m., and arrive at Trapani about 3. 30 p.m. ; they start again at 3 a.m. on Saturday, reaching Marsala at 5 a.m. (stay of 1 hr.), Mazzara at 6. 45 a.m. ( 3 / 4 hr.), Sciacca 10.30 a.m. (1 hr.), Porto Empedocle (for Girgenti) 2. 30 p.m. (1 hr.), Palma 4. 30 p.m. (1 hr.), and Licata 7. 10 p.m.; the journey is continued hence on Sunday at 4 a.m. ; Terranova 5. 20 a.m. ; Scoglietti 8 a.m. ; Pozzallo 12. 15 p.m. ; arrival at Syracuse 1. 30 p.m. — In the reverse direction: departure from Syracuse, Mon. 11 p. m. ; from Poz- zallo , Tues. 5.30a.m.; from Scoglietti 9 a.m.: from Terranova 11a.m.; Licata 1. 30 p.m. ; Palma 4 p.m. ; Porto Empedocle 6. 20 p.m. ; Sciacca Wed. 1 a. m. ; Mazzara 4 a. m. ; Marsala 8 a.m. ; Trapani 1 p. m. ; arrival in Palermo 7 p.m. — As, however, the S. coast of Sicily is difficult to navigate, the punctuality of the steamers cannot be depended on. — The steamboat for Tunis , mentioned at p. 279, leaving Palermo on Tues. at 10 p.m., also touches at Trapani, which it reaches on Wed. at 4 a.m. From Palermo to Monreale, 4^ M., see pp. 265, 266. After another hour’s drive the ascent becomes more rapid. At the point where the road turns to the W. we enjoy a beautiful retrospective view of Palermo and the valley of the Oreto, beyond which lie the Lipari Islands in the distance. Farther on we enter a small ravine, and in 2 4 / 4 hrs. from Monreale we reach the culminating point of the road, beyond which we descend through a wild rocky valley, with a view of the fertile plain of Partinico and Alcamo and of the mountains of the peninsula of S. Vito. 151/2 M. Borgetto , a town with 6000 inhab., lies in a richly cultivated district. The Due d’ Aumale possesses large and admir- ably managed estates in this neighbourhood. l? 1 ^ M. Partinico (Locanda della Bambina), a country-town with 20,900 inhabitants. Beyond tbe mountain-chain which towers to the IT. of Partinico ( Mte . Belvedere and Mte. Orso) , not far from the sea, is situated Carini , once the free Sicanian town of Hyccara , whence in 415 the Athenians are said to have carried off the celebrated courtezan Lais , then a girl of twelve years. Beyond Partinico the road passes the dreary village of Valguar- nera. The conical mountain to the left, adjoining M. Mitro (3546 ft.) , is the Pizzo di Mirabella. The soad then traverses several deep ravines. 30 M. Alcamo (853 ft. ; Albergo di Segesta, Corso Sei Aprile 29; Locanda delta Fortuna; both tolerable; *Cafe opposite the post-office), a town of Arabian origin, with 22,500 inhabitants. In 1233, after an insurrection, Frederick II. substituted a Christian for the Saracenic population, but the town still has a somewhat Oriental appearance. There are, however, a few mediaeval and Renaissance remains , such as the portal of the church of S. Tom- maso and the campanile of the Cathedral. Above the town rises the Mte. Bonifato , or della Madonna delf Autu (Alto; 2713ft.), whence a magnificent prospect of the Bay of Castellamare is obtained. The house pointed out here as that of Ciullo d J Alcamo, the earliest Si- cilian poet, who flourished in the 13th cent., is really of much later origin. From Alcamo to Catalafimi there are two roads. The old road skirts the Monte Bonifato , crosses the Fiume Freddo, and then re- Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 18 274 Route 27. SEGESTA. From Palermo ascends. The new road also crosses the Fiume Freddo , near its junction with the Fiume Caldo , and then ascends the valley of the latter; farther on it joins the road from Castellamare, and passes below the ruins of Segesta. The Fiume Freddo was anciently called the Crimissus ; the river of that name, however, on which in B.C. 340 Timoleon with 11,000 men de- feated the Carthaginians with 70,000, is probably the modern Bilice. Near the mouth of the river formed by the union of the Fiume Freddo and the Fiume Caldo lies Castellamare del Golfo (12,400 inhab.), which gives its name to the bay between the promontory of S. Vito on the W. and that of Rama on the E. It was once the seaport of Segesta, and now carries on a considerable trade. The road now ascends from the Fiume Freddo to — 40 M. Calatafimi ( Albergo Garibaldi alia Piazza Maggiore , in- different, bargaining necessary), a town with 10,000 inhabitants. If we ascend the principal street, a good footpath diverging to the right beyond the town will lead us to the top of the hill occupied by the Castle. Fine *View hence of the temple, the town below, and the extensive mountainous landscape in the environs. From Calatafimi to Segesta, a ride of i l U hr. (comp, the Map, p. 276). The whole excursion takes 4-5 hrs.; mule or donkey 2 ] /2 fr. — The road is good, but somewhat steep towards the end. Good water and some- times tolerable wine may be procured from the custodian near the temple. The best route is by the Castellamare road, descending a beau- tiful, well-watered valley, from which the new road to Alcamo di- verges after 3 M. (see above). Beyond a mill , at a point 2 M. from Calatafimi, we diverge by a narrow road to the left. We cross the fiumara, and ride in the direction of the custodian’s house on the hill. We may now ascend the Monte Barbaro, visit the theatre, and descend to the temple, among the columns of which we rest for luncheon. Segesta, or Egesta as the Greeks usually called it, one of the most ancient towns in the island, was of Elymian, not of Greek origin, and though completely Hellenised after the lapse of cen- turies, it was almost incessantly engaged in war with its Greek neighbours. The Greeks entertained the unfounded opinion that the Egestans were descended from the Trojans, who settled here near the warm springs of the Scamander (Fiume Gdggera ), and had combined with the Elymi so as to form a distinct people. During the Roman period the tradition accord- ingly arose that the town was founded by iEneas. The ancient town ex- perienced the most disastrous vicissitudes. Oppressed by the inhabitants of Selinus, the Egestans invited the Athenians to their aid, and after the defeat of the latter at Syracuse, they turned to the Carthaginians, on whose arrival followed the war of B.C. 409. Egesta found, however, that its connection with Carthage did not conduce to its own greatness, and accordingly allied itself with Agathocles ; but the tyrant on his return from an expedition against Carthage in B.C. 307 massacred 10,000 of the ill-fated inhabitants on the banks of the Scamander in order to appro- priate their treasures, whilst others were sold as slaves. The town was then named Diceeopolis. During the First Punic War the inhabitants allied oooos : C A LATA FI Hi e ROVIME 55, 5 fr. 40 c. •, to Giardini (Taormina) in l 3 /4 hr*, fares 5 fr. 45, 3 fr. 80, 2 fr. 75 c. ; to Letojanni (see below), 4 fr. 75, 3 fr. 35, 2 fr. 40 c. — A Steamboat also runs four or five times weekly from Messina to Catania (Tues., Thurs., Frid., and Sat.). Half-a-day suffices for a hasty visit to Taormina. The traveller whose time is limited should start from Messina by the afternoon-train, alight at Giardini, and ascend at once to Taormina in order thence to see the sunset, and next morning the sunrise. (The midday lights are less favour- able.) Then by the early train to Catania. If possible, however, two or three days should be devoted to Taormina, which is one of the most beautiful spots in Sicily. Those who intend returning to Messina should GIARDINI. 37. Route. 321 select the interesting route by Letojanni. On quitting the station at Messina travellers are subjected to lenient custom-house formalities. The railway skirts the coast, penetrating the promontories by means of fourteen tunnels , crossing many fiumare, or torrents, the beds of which are generally dry , and affording fine views on both sides. Soon after leaving Messina we observe the new Campo Santo on the hill to the right, with its conspicuous white Gothic church. 4 M. Tremestieri , 7 M. Galati , 10 M. Giampilieri. On an abrupt eminence, inland, is situated the extensive monastery of S. Placido , to which a pleasant excursion may be made. 11 M. Scaletta , the residence of the Ruffo family, Princes of Scaletta. The picturesque castle rises on the right as we approach the station. 15 M. Alt, with sulphur-baths. Beyond it Roccalumera is seen on the hill to the right. The train crosses several broad fiumare. 17 M. Nizza di Sicilia ( S . Ferdinando J, with a ruined castle of Prince Alcontres. In the woods of the Fiume di Nisi Henry YI. met his death. 20^2 M. S. Teresa. Several more broad torrent-beds are crossed. Farther on, to the left, is the beautiful Capo S. Alessio , with a deserted fort. On the hill to the right lies the town of Forza. Beyond the tunnel (Traforo di S. Alessio) which penetrates the cape , a view is obtained of the promontory of Taormina with the ruins of the theatre. Here are the Tauro- menitanian passes of the ancients, and the frontier between the territories of Messana and Naxos. 26 M. Letojanni. Taormina (l-l 1 /* br. $ donkey 2 fr.) may be reached hence by a beautiful route, which, however, is better suited for the descent. We follow the high-road for 1 M., and then diverge by a footpath to the right to the marble-quarries. A boy had perhaps better be taken as a guide, though not absolutely necessary. 30 M. Giardini, an insignificant place, often visited by fever, is the station for Taormina. From the bay here Garibaldi crossed to Calabria in the autumn of 1860. Boating Excursions from Giardini are exceedingly enjoyable in favourable weather. The lofty and rugged cliffs of the coast are honey- combed with grottoes. Bargaining with the boatmen necessary ; 1 fr. per hr., or IV 2 fr. for a party, is a reasonable charge. Taormina lies on an abrupt hill about 385 ft. above the railway- station of Giardini , and is reached by a new carriage-road, as well as by several foot and bridle-paths. The road diverges to the left from the Messina road, near the Capo di Taormina, about l 1 /* M. to the E. of the station, and ascends in long windings for nearly 2 M. About halfway to the Capo di Taormina a steep footpath diverges to the left , while the bridle-path commonly used as- cends a few hundred paces to the S.W. of the station , following the bed of the Torrente Selina part of the way (reaching the town in 30-40 min.). Porter to carry small articles of luggage 3 / 4 -l fr. ; donkey l-lt /2 fr- 5 carriage for one person 3-4 fr., for several per- Baedeker. Italy III. 7th Edition. 21 322 Route 37 TAORMINA From Messina sons about 6 fr. (most travellers will leave their heavier luggage at the station). Taormina. — "'Bella Veduta, with beautiful view, R. 2 f /2-5, B. and ddj. 2-3, table d’hote 5, A. and L. 3 /4 fr., carriage to meet the train; •Locanda Timeo , an old-established inn, R., L., and A. from 2, B. 2 ! /2, D.3Y4, pension 6fr., with the dependance, Villa Teatro, below the theatre, commanding a fine view (restaurant) ; Hotel Victoria, Corso Umberto, R. 1, L. and A. */ 2 ? pension 4 fr., with trattoria adjoining; Albergo di Francia. Taormina , the ancient Tauromenium , a town with 3000inhab M consisting of a long street with several diverging lanes , is most beautifully situated , and is commanded by the ruins of a Castle perched on a rocky height (1299 ft. above the sea-level). Above the latter rises the hill of Mola (2083 ft.), and farther distant is the Monte Venere (2897 ft.). The castle was formerly the Acropolis of Tauromenium, which, after the destruction of Naxos by Dionysius in B.C. 403, was founded by the Siculi (396) , to whom Dionysius granted the necessary land. They however, soon renounced their allegiance to him and joined the Carthaginians, and to Catania. TAORMINA. 37. Route . 323 in 394 Dionysius besieged their town in vain. In 392, however, he suc- ceeded in capturing it, and garrisoned it with mercenaries. In 358 Andro- maclius, father of the historian Timseus who was born here, transferred the remainder of the population of Naxos to Tauromenium(comp. p’. 325). Timo- leon, who landed on the rocks below the town, was warmly supported by the inhabitants, but after his death dissensions arose. The town then joined the Carthaginians against Agathocles, for which it was afterwards chastised by the tyrant. After his death the town came into the power of Tyndarion, who in- vited Pyrrhus to Sicily and induced him to land near Tauromenium (278). When the Romans concluded a peace with Hiero II. of Syracuse, the town came into their possession and enjoyed a long period of tranquillity. A num- ber of the slaves established themselves here during the First Servile War, and offered a long and obstinate resistance. As the town, being an ally of Rome, had declared in favour of Sextus Pompeius and thus occasioned great embarrassment to Octavian, it afterwards experienced the effects of his wrath, and was peopled by a new colony. In the time of Strabo it was a place of considerable importance. Its strong position long enabled the inhabitants to ward off the attacks of the Saracens, who in 869 besieged it unsuccessfully. But on 1st Aug., 902, it was taken by the bloodthirsty Ibrahim-ibn-Ahmed, after the garrison had sallied forth and been defeated on the coast. Mola, too, was captured by the Moors, the whole population massacred, and the town burned. The adherents of the Bishop Procopius, whose heart the savage Ibrahim proposed to devour , were strangled and burned on his corpse. The town , however , recovered from this cruel blow, and Hassan , the first Emir , was obliged to besiege and capture it anew in 962. He then introduced a colony of Mussulmans, and named the town Moezzia. In 1078 it was taken by the Normans , under whose supremacy it again prospered. Here in 1410 was held the parliament which vainly endeavoured to find a national sovereign to rule over Sicily. Battles were subsequently fought here on two different occasions. In 1676 the French took possession of Taormina and Mola, but on 17th Dec., 1677, a party of forty brave soldiers caused themselves to be hoisted to the summit of the rocks of Mola by means of ropes (at the point where the path from Taor- mina skirts the base of the cliff), and succeeded in surprising and over- powering the garrison. Again, on 2nd April, 1849, the Neapolitans under Filangieri, ‘Duke of Taormina 1 , gained possession of the town, which was defended for a few days only by a small body of troops under Santa Rosalia. At the Porta di Catania, the W. entrance of the town, is the interesting Palazzo of the Duca di S. Stefano , with vaulted baths, borne by granite columns, dating from the 14th century. Near it is the Badia , a picturesque Gothic building. Ascending the main street (Corso Principe Umberto) nearly to the other end of the town, we reach the Largo del Foro , where the Palazzo Corvaja , a hand- some mediaeval edifice, is situated on the left. Opposite to this building the Strada di Giovanni, to the right, continued by the Salita del Teatro , leads to the celebrated theatre , which is by far the most interesting sight of Taormina. The *Theatre is situate^ 420 ft. above the sea - level , on a height to the E. of the town. Francesco Strazzeri, the custodian, is on the spot the whole day (1 fr.). If the visitor desires to see the sunrise from this point he should give the custodian notice beforehand, in order that the door may be left open for him. — The custodian shows a small Museum containing a torso of Bacchus, a head of Apollo from the theatre, inscriptions, mosaics, sarcophagi, and architectural fragments. — Restaurant in the Villa Teatro , see p. 322. The theatre is of Greek origin , but was remodelled during 21 * 324 Route 37. TAORMINA. From Messina the Roman period. According to an inscription on the road- side, it was destroyed by the Saracens, while in reality it owes its ruin to the Duca di S. Stefano , who employed its marble ornaments in decorating his palace. In 1748 it was partially restored. It is hewn in the rock in a semicircular form, and is hounded at the upper end and on two sides only by Roman masonry. The greatest diameter is 357 ft., that of the orchestra about 126 ft. The stage, next to that of Aspendus in Pamphylia, is the best-preserved in existence. In the posterior wall are observed the three doors of the stage, in each space between which are three niches, and on each side a niche for a statue. The stage itself is narrow, as in Greek theatres, where the orchestra occupied the greater space. The exact position of the ‘thymela’ (or raised platform for the choir) cannot now be determined. Beneath the stage is situated a vaulted channel for water. The precise object of the apertures in the proscenium is unknown, but they were probably connected with the machinery of the theatre. Festal processions advanced to the stage from the vaulted halls on each side. The adjoining smaller apartments were probably used as dressing-rooms. The seats for spectators were divided into nine cunei. The thirty-four niches on the upper praecinctiones were perhaps occupied by sounding-boards. Corresponding with the remains of the forty-five columns are forty-five pilasters along the central wall. The building has been constructed with such acoustic success , that every word spoken on the stage is distinctly audible at the farther extremity. The **View from the hill on which the theatre stands is one of the most beautiful in Italy. We first take up our position on the steps in front of the custodian’s hut on the top. On the right, immediately below us , lies the well-preserved theatre, and to the left rises the gigantic pyramid of iEtna. To the left in the fore- ground, in the valley of the Alcantara, are the mountains of Casti- glione, and then the hills and rocky peaks beyond the theatre : from left to right we first observe La Maestra, S. Maria della Rocca (the hermitage), the castle of Taormina, and beyond it the overhanging hill of Mola and the still higher Monte Venere or Venerella ; at the point where the latter slopes down towards the N. is seen the rocky peak of Lapa, and then, nearer us, to the left, beyond the fiumara, the precipitous- M. Zirreto with its marble quarries. The view is even more beautiful in the morning , when the sun rises above Calabria or from the sea , imparts a rosy hue to the snowy peak of Mt. JEtna , and then gilds the rocky heights beyond the theatre. Those who make a prolonged stay at Taormina will have an oppor- tunity of observing some marvellous effects of light and shade. Adjoining the piazza by the N. entrance to the town is a so- called Roman Naumachia , probably once a bath-establishment. The remains are in the Giardino del Capitolo (entered from the Strada to Catania. MOLA. 37. Route. 325 Naumachia). Of five Roman reservoirs one only (Lo Stagnone), under the castle-hill, is in good preservation. The following walk is recommended. Through the Porta di Messina to the church of S. Pancrazio , the cella of a Greek temple (prostylos) , which was once supposed to be that of Apollo Archegetes. Then follow the road , passing some Roman tombs (turn to the right after 5 min.), to the church of S. Pietro e Paolo , near which there is an extensive necropolis. The stairs adjoining the church lead to the Exconvento of the Frati Osser- vanti, from which the town is regained by a footpath. Another beautiful walk is to Mola (1 hr., guide unnecessary). Within the Porta di Messina we turn to the left towards the foun- tain, pass to the right of it, and follow the water-conduit 5 then, 130 paces from the fountain, we pass to the left under the conduit and follow the road. Mola (osteria by the Matrichiesa) , which lies 2080 ft. above the sea-level, commands an imposing view, the finest point being the ruined castle (key obtained for a trifling gratuity). In returning we follow the crest of the hill, which to the right descends to the Fiumara della Decima and to the left to the Torrente di Fontana Vecchia , and reach the back of the castle of Taormina. Under the almond-trees is the entrance to the castle, whence another admirable view is obtained. We may then descend to the S.E. by a winding path between the moun- tain and the hermitage (Madonna della Rocca). The castle also commands a view of the site of Naxos, the earliest Greek colony in Sicily, founded by Theocles in B.C. 735. It is now occu- pied by a lemon-plantation , situated between the influx of the Alcantara and the bay on which Giardini lies. The altar of Apollo Archagetes, the tutelary god of the colonists , on which the ambassadors of the Sicilian Greeks were wont to offer sacrifices before starting for the Hellenic festal assemblies, stood between the river and Taormina. Naxos was subjugated by Hiero I. of Syracuse in 476, but soon regained its liberty and espoused the cause of Athens, whose general Nicias wintered in the town in 415-14. It was destroyed by Dionysius in 403. Continuation of Journey to Catania. Beyond Giardini the railway traverses the lava-streams of HStna. On the northernmost of these stands the so-called Castello di Schist), on the site of the ancient Naxos. The train crosses the Alcantara , the ancient Acesines. Cantara is an Arabic word signifying a bridge. The Sicilians name the river and the bridge by which the high-road crosses it after the town of (3272 M.) Calatabiano , situated to the right. This district is rendered unhealthy by malaria. The lava-stream which descended by the Fiume Freddo, between this point and the Ponte della Disgrazia, prevented the Carthaginian general Himilco from proceeding direct to Syracuse after the de- struction of Messana, and compelled him to march round the mountain to the N. (B.C. 396). Here, too, the road now diverges which leads to Catania by Randazzo and Aderno (see R. 38). 3572 M. Piedimonte (the town, p. 327, is situated 3 M. from the 326 Route 37. ACIREALE. railway). The train next traverses the fertile district of Mascali and Giarre , and reaches (40^2 M.) Giarre-Riposto. Giarre ( Locanda della Pace , tolerable), 3 / 4 M. from the station, is a town with 18,200 inhab., while Riposto ( Scroftna’s inn, toler- able) lies to the left, on the coast. Above the village of S. Alfio , on the slopes of ^Etna, 4^2 M. above Giarre, are the remains of the gigantic chestnut-tree di Cento Cavalli 7 near which several other famous old trees are still flourishing. The craters which were in activity in 1865 and the Valle del Bove may he reached from Giarre in 5 hrs. ; the guides are under the control of the Catania Alpine Club (comp. R. 89). 46 M. Mangano. The train crosses several lava-beds. Fine view! of ^Etna and the sea. Four tunnels. 50^2 M. Acireale , Sicil. Jaci ( *Grand ’ Albergo dei Bagni , a large new hotel , with view of the sea and JEtna, and pleasant grounds, R. & A. 4, B. li/g, D. 5, pens. 8-15 fr.), a wealthy country-town with 24,000 (with the surrounding villages 37,500) inhab. , has been almost entirely re-erected since the earthquake of 1693, and stands on several different lava-streams, 560 ft. above the sea. The climate here is considered so healthy, and the accom- modation for patients is so much better, that the place is often pre- ferred to Catania for a prolonged stay. A large Bath-house called the Terme di S. Venere (mineral bath 2 fr., vapour bath 2*^ fr-), has recently been erected for patients using the tepid mineral springs, which are impregnated with sulphur. The garden of this establishment, and the Villa Belvedere at the N. end of the town, 1 M. from the station, command admirable views of Mt. .Etna and the coast. Baron Pasquale Pennisi possesses an admirable collection of Sicilian coins, which , however, is not shown without a special introduction. The environs are replete with geological interest. Pleasant walks or drives may be taken to the villages of Valverde , Viagrande , Tre Castagni , and Blandano , on the slopes of Mt. iEtna, surrounded with luxuriant vegetation (comp, the Map, p. 334). The myth of Acis, Galatea, and the giant Polyphemus, narrated by Theocritus and Ovid (Metamorph. xiii) is associated with this locality. A precipitous path (la Scalazza) descends to the mouth of the Acis. — Pleasant excursion by S. Antonio and Tre Castagni to Nicolosi (p. 339) ; one-horse carr. 15 fr. (2 3 / 4 hrs. ; back in 2 hrsr.). A trip by boat along the coast to the Cyclopean Islands is also enjoyable (see below). The train approaches the sea. Near Aci Castello, we perceive on the left the seven Scogli de Ciclopi , or Faraglioni , the rocks which the blinded Polyphemus hurled after the crafty Ulysses. To the S. of the Isola d'Aci, the largest of the islands, rises the most picturesque of these rocks, about 200 ft. in height and 2000 ft. in circumference. It consists of columnar basalt, in which beautiful crystals are found, and is covered with a hard stratum of limestone PIEDIMONTE. 38. Route. 327 containing numerous fossil shells. The coast here is lofty, and has risen 40 ft. within the historical period. Near these cliffs Mago, although cut off from the land-army under Himilco, defeated the Syracusan fleet under Leptines in 396. 5572 M. Aci Castello , with a picturesque ruined castle, in which the adherents of Roger Loria defended themselves in 1297 against Frederick II. and Artale Aragona. The train then skirts the bay of UOngnina , which is supposed to he identical with the Portus Ulyssis described by Virgil (TEn. iii. 570), and filled by a lava-stream in the 15th cent. On the right we at length perceive — 597 2 M. Catania, see p. 330. 38. From Taormina to Catania round the W. side of Mt. iEtna. Comp, the Map ,' p. 334. The distance is about 60 M., which may accomplished by carriage in two days, though three days may well be devoted to this delightful tour. The charge for a carriage-and-pair is about 25 fr. daily, with 25 fr. more for the return-journey. A single traveller may avail himself of the Cor- riera Postale, which starts at 8 a.m. from Piedimonte , the second rail- way-station to the S. of Giardini (p.325), reaching Randazzo at 2.45 p.m., Bronte at 4.30 p.m., and Adernb at 7 p.m. — Another corriera leaves Aderno next morning at 7.10 a.m., arriving at Paternb at 10.35 p.m. and Catania at 3 a.m. — A Diligenza also runs twice daily from Aderno to Catania. The inns are so poor that it is as well to be provided with food. This route is especially recommended to those who wish to visit the scene of the AStna eruption of 1879. Randazzo is the chief place for guides for that purpose, but guides may also be obtained at Bronte and Bian- cavilla (comp. p. 335). — The distances in the following description are reckoned from Giardini. Giardini , at the foot of the hill of Taormina , see p. 321. — The route at first follows the Catania road to (3 M.) Calatabiano (p. 325) and the river Alcantara. It then crosses the Fiume Menes- sale and diverges from the coast-road , following the old military road from Messina to Palermo, which was traversed by Himilco in B.C. 396, by Timoleon in B.C. 344, and by Charles V. in A.D. 1534. 71/2 M. Piedimonte , 3 M. from the station of that name (p. 325), whence the Corriera starts. IO 72 M. Linguaglossa. To the right of the latter is Castiglione , which yields the best Sicilian hazel-nuts. The road to Randazzo intersects extensive nut-planta- tions. A little beyond Linguaglossa we obtain a more uninter- rupted view of the valley of the Alcantara and the chain of the lofty Nebrode , at the point where the mountains of Castiglione are lost to view. Near the hamlet of Malvagna , on the left bank of the Alcantara, stands a small Byzantine church, the only one in Sicily which has survived the Saracenic period, an interesting object to architects. In the vicinity probably lay the town of Tissa mentioned by Cicero. The neighbouring village of Mojo, a little to the S., lies near the northernmost crater of the JEtna. region. We now traverse part of the lava ejected by Mt. iEtna in 1879 (guides at 328 Route 38. BRONTE. From Taormina Randazzo, comp. p. 335). The lava advanced nearly as far as the Alcantara, and threatened to overwhelm the village of Mojo , the inhabitants of which sought to appease the wrath of nature by a religious procession hearing the statue of St. Anthony, their patron saint. 22 M. Randazzo (2536 ft.; Locanda di Jocolo , indifferent), with 8500 inhab., a town of very mediaeval appearance, founded by a Lombard colony, was surnamed Etnea by theEmp. Frederick II., being the nearest town to the crater of the volcano, and yet having escaped destruction. In the middle ages it was called ‘the populous’. The church of S. Maria , on the right side of the street, dates from the 13th cent, (choir), the lateral walls from the 14th; the campanile has been added to the original tower during the present century. An inscription mentions Petrus Tignoso as the first architect. The houses present many interesting speci- mens of mediaeval architecture , such as the Palazzo Finochiaro with an inscription in barbarous Latin , the mansion of Barone Fesauli , and the Town Hall in which Charles V. once spent a night. From the old Ducal Palace , now a prison, still protrude the spikes on which the heads of criminals were exposed. A hand- some mediaeval vaulted passage leads from the main street to the church of 8. Niccolb , which is constructed of alternate courses of black and white stone. The road to Bronte still ascends, at first through a forest of oaks with ivy-clad trunks, and the vegetation here assumes quite a northern character. Before the path to the small town of Ma- letto diverges, we reach the culminating point between the Al- cantara and Simeto (3812 ft.). The torrents in spring form the small lake Gurrita in the valley to the right, the exhalations from which poison the atmosphere in summer. To the right, in a valley below Maletto, lies the suppressed Benedictine monastery of Maniacium. Here in the spring of 1040 the Greek general Ma- niaces, aided by Norwegians (commanded by Harald Hardradr, afterwards king) and Normans, defeated a large army of Saracens. Margaret, mother of William II., founded the monastery in 1174, and William Blesensis, brother of the celebrated Pierre de Blois, became the first abbot. Ferdinand IV. presented the whole estate to Nelson in 1799, and created him Duke of Bronte (a town which is said to derive its name from Ppovxav, to thun- der). The steward (Mr. S. Grisley , an introduction to whom is desir- able) of General Viscount Bridport, the present proprietor, resides at Maniace, where the handsome vaulted gateways are objects of interest. The present rental of the estates is about 75,000 fr. per annum. The high mountain-ranges to the right, which are covered with snow in spring, and the far more lofty ‘Pillar of Heaven’, ‘Nourisher of the Snow’, as Pindar calls A3tna, to the left, invest the scenery with an almost Alpine character. In 1651 a vast lava-stream descended into the valley close to Bronte. 30 M. Bronte (2605 ft. ; Locanda dei Fratelli Cesare ; Loc . del Real Collegio ; both tolerable), with 15,300 inhab., has been erected since the time of Charles Y. — The road thence to Aderno traverses to Catania. ADEllNO. 38. Route. 329 barren beds of lava, crossing the stream of 1843 (2M. from Bronte), and those of 1727, 1763, 1603, 1787, and 1610. The craters visible before us are (reckoned from the summit of .Etna downwards towards the W.) the Monti Lepre , Rovolo , and Minardo. The com- munes of Aderno and Bronte possess a beautiful forest here, the boundary of which is formed by Mte. Minardo. The highest mountain to the right, towards the N., is Monte Cuttb ; the Serra della Spina belongs to the Nelson estate. The Foresta di Traina is also called Monte Cunano. 40 M. Aderno (Locanda di Sicilia , tolerable; Loc. di Roma), a wealthy town with 15,700 inhabitants. In the Piazza rises the quadrangular Norman castle erected by Roger I., now used as a prison ; the interior is very dilapidated. In the chapel are seen remains of frescoes representing Adelasia, grand - daughter of Roger I., taking the veil. The monastery of S. Lucia, nearly op- posite, was founded by Roger in 1157. In ancient times the Sike- lian city of Hadranum stood here , celebrated on account of its temple of Hadranos , which was guarded by 1000 dogs. Frag- ments of this structure, perhaps of the cella , are shown in the garden of Salvatore Palermo at a place called Cartellemi , on the right, outside the town. This was the headquarters of Timoleon after he had defeated Hicetas of Syracuse in the vicinity. In the valley of the Simeto, to the W. of Aderno, i/ 2 M. from the bridge over the river, are the remains of a Roman aqueduct (Ponte Car - cacci ). — The road descends from Aderno to the town of — 42 M. Biancavilla , with 13,200 inhab., some of whom are of Albanian origin. 44 M. S. Maria di Licodia. The town of AEtna is said to have lain in this neighbourhood. Between Licodia and Paterno, on the right, 1 M. below Licodia, is the beginning of the Roman aqueduct to Catania. 45 M. Paterno ( Locanda di Sicilia , tolerable ; Albergo della Fenice , clean), on the site of the Sikelian town of Hybla Minor , now contains 16,800 inhab., chiefly of the lower classes, the landed proprietors having retired to Catania to escape the ma- laria which prevails here. The square tower of the castle, erected above the town by Roger I. in 1073, is used as a prison. Around this stronghold on the hill was situated the mediaeval town, where now the Matrice and two monasteries alone stand (tine views of the valley). Hybla became completely Hellenised at so early a period that it was the only Sikelian town which did not participate in the insurrection against the Greeks in 450 under Ducetius. In 415 the territory of the town was devastated by the Athenians. The ancient road between Catania and Centuripse passed by Hybla. Two arches of the bridge over the Simeto are still standing. iEtna was ascended from this point in ancient times. In the Contrada di Bella Cortina , in the direction of the moun- tain, remains of baths have been discovered. In the vicinity is the Orotta del Fracasso , through which an impetuous subterranean stream flows. To 330 Route 39. CATANIA. Hotels . the N.E. of Paterno, on the slopes of AStna, lies the town of Belpasso (7600 inhab.), destroyed by an eruption in 1669, and subsequently re-erect- ed on a new site (Mezzocampo). The air here was found to be unhealthy, in consequence of which the inhabitants quitted the place and rebuilt their town on its original site, where it now stands. By making a circuit round the Monti Rossi , the traveller may from this point reach Nicolosi (p. 339), whence iEtna is most conveniently ascended. At Salinella , near Paterno, is a kind of mud-volcano, the last eruption of which took place in*1878-9. Before the descent is made to Misterbianco, the last town be- fore Catania, a road diverges to the right to the town of Motta Santa Anastasia (p. 298). From Motta the high-road may be regained near Misterbianco^’hy traversing the valley to the right. To the left before reaching the main road, near Erie Blanche , we observe the fragments of a Roman building, and a few hundred feet farther the remains offbaths, called Damusi. 56M. Misterbianco , a town with 6600 inhab., was destroyed in 1669. To the right rises the Montecardillo , the S.E. crater of the ./Etna group, overlooking the plain. Crossing the lava-stream of 1669, we now enter — 60 M. Catania by the Porta del Fortino. 39. Catania. Arrival. By Railway. The station lies to the N.E. of the town (PI. F, 3) ; omnibuses from the two principal hotels 1 fr. ; cab with one horse , including luggage, 70 c., with two horses 1 fr. 20; after Ave Maria 80c. or i fr. 80 c. ; after midnight double fares. — By Steamer. Landing (or embarcation) fr., with luggage 1 fr. each person. The luggage of tra- vellers arriving from the free harbour of Messina is slightly examined. Hotels. : Grand -> Albergo di Catania, near the station, R. 37*2-4, B. D. 5, L. and A. 2 fr., pension 10 fr and upwards. Hotel Central, in the Strada Stesicorea, opposite the University, in the middle of the town, R. 2V2, D. 472 , L. and A. 1 fr. — Unpretending second-class inns: Vit- toria , with trattoria, in the Piazza del Duomo ; Orient, Rome, Malta, etc., R. IV 2-2 fr. — Furnished Apartments are advertised in many streets. Trattorie. Villa Nuova , to the right in the passage from the Piazza del Duomo to the Marina (half-bottle of Vino Bosco 25 c., Terraforte 30 c., Bianco 50 c.) ; Perricone , Strada Lincoln 245; Trattoria Genovese , Vico Curio, near the church of the Minorites, well spoken of. — *Caf6 di Sici- lia , Piazza del Duomo. — Bear at the Trattoria di Fil. Cornigliano , Str. Condurso 19 (diverging from the Corso Vitt. Emanuele) and at the Fab- brica di Birra e Gazzose , Str. Lincoln 249. Reading Room , with Italian and a few French newspapers , Palazzo della Prefettura, Str. Stesicorea, on the left when approached from the university; strangers admitted gratis. Post Office behind the Pal. S. Giuliano, near the piazza of the univer- sity (no longer on the spot marked in the Plan). — Telegraph Office , Piazza del Duomo. Bank: Banca di Depositi e Sconti. Railway to Messina , four trains daily; to Syracuse two; to Canicattl (Palermo, Girgenti) three. — Diligence twice daily to Paternb and Adernb , starting from the ‘Rilievo 1 , a side-street of the Str. Garibaldi; a Vettura Corriera also runs to these places daily at 2 p.m. ; another from Valsa- voia station to Galtagirone (p. 298) daily at 8 a.m. — Steamboat four times a week to Messina ; once a week (Mondays) to Syracuse and Malta. The Silk Stuffs of Catania are good and durable. Climate and Health. The influence of the snow -fields of Mt. 2Etna History. CATANIA. 39 . Route . 331 make the winter temperature at Catania lower than at Palermo, but the summer-heat is on the other hand much greater, so that the mean an- nual temperature of Catania is 9° Fahr. higher than that of Palermo. The N.E. wind is often very cold in winter. The destruction of the forests on Mt. iEtna tends also to make the climate more variable. The drinking- water is generally good ; the mineral water of Paterno is also exten- sively used. — Catania used to suffer terribly from the cholera, but re- cently the sanitary condition of the town has been excellent. As a winter resort of invalids Catania somewhat resembles Palermo , but there is a great lack of walks and of gardens for sitting in the open air. The town is not attractive to tourists. Most of the antiquities are uninteresting , and the extensive theatre is so deeply buried in the lava that it is completely eclipsed by the noble similar structures at Taormina and Syracuse. The mediaeval buildings of Catania are also unimportant. The chief attraction is the survey of iEtna , the finest points of view being the Benedictine monastery and the Villa Bellini. (Those who do not ascend Mt. ./Etna should at least make an excursion to the Monti Rossi, p. 339.) — The festivals of St. Agatha , the tutelary saint of the town, are celebrated with great pomp on 3rd-5th Feb. and 18th-21st Aug., vying in splendour with those of St. Rosalia at Palermo. Catania, which after Palermo is the most populous city in the island (83,500 inhab. ; or with the suburbs 90,168, i.e. less than Messina), is the seat of a bishop, an appeal court, and a university, founded in 1445. It is situated about the middle of the E. coast of Sicily, on a bay of the Ionian Sea. The harbour is indifferent, but is at present being enlarged. The town carries on a brisk trade in sulphur, cotton, wine, grain, linseed, almonds, and the other pro- ducts of this rich and extremely fertile district. The Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali , founded in 1823, has taken a pro- minent part in promoting the scientific investigation of the natural features and products of Sicily. The wealth of the citizens, and especially of the landed nobility resident in the town, is proved by their perseverance, notwithstanding the disasters caused by numerous earthquakes, in rebuilding their spacious palaces, and by the general appearance of the town , which is in many respects the cleanest and pleasantest in Sicily. Catana , founded by Chalcidians about 729, five years after they had founded Naxos, soon rose to prosperity. Shortly after Zaleucus had pro- mulgated the first Hellenic code of laws among the Locri Epizephyrii, Charondas framed a code for Catana, which was subsequently recognised as binding by all the Sicilian communities of Ionian and Chalcidian ex- traction. Tisias , surnamed Stesichorus on account of his merits in per- fecting the chorus of the Greek drama, born at Himera on the N. coast of the island about the year 630, closed his career at Catana at an advanced age. His tomb is said to have been within the precincts of the present Piazza Stesicorea. Catana suffered greatly in the wars of the Doric colonies against the Chalcidians. Hiero I. took the town in 476 and transplanted the inhabitants to Leontini, re-populating it with Syracusans and Pelo- ponnesians , and changing its name to JEtna. In 461, however, the new intruders were expelled and the old inhabitants re-instated , and in the Athenian and Syracusan war Catana became the Athenian headquarters. In 403 Dionysius conquered Catana, reduced the inhabitants to slavery, and gave the town to his Campanian mercenaries. After the naval victory of the Cyclopean islands in 396 Catana fell into the hands of the Carthaginians, and in 339 was delivered by Timoleon from the tyrant Mamercus. It was one of the first Sicilian towns of which the Romans took possession, and under their sway became one of the most populous 332 Route 39. CATANIA. Cathedral . in the island. Marcellus undertook extensive improvements, but the town sustained great damage during the Servile wars and the civil war between Sextus Pompeius and Octavian. The latter afterwards introduced a new colony. During the early part of the middle ages Catania was a place of subordinate importance. It was wrested from the Goths by Belisarius , plundered by the Saracens, conquered and strongly fortified by the Nor- mans, but in 1169 almost totally overthrown by an earthquake. Towards the close of that century it declared in favour of King Tancred, and was in consequence taken by the troops of Henry VI. under Henry of Kallenthin and razed to the ground. Again restored, and in 1232 provided by Fre- derick II. with the fortress of Rocca Orsina (W. of the harbour), it sub- sequently flourished under the Arragonese sovereigns of the 14th cent, who generally resided here, but owing to the feebleness of the government was exposed to numerous sieges. In 1444 Alphonso founded the first Sicilian university here, and after that date Catania was long regarded as the literary metropolis of the island. Since that period the tranquillity of the town has been uninterrupted, except by the insignificant contests of April, 1849, and May, I860; but its progress has been materially retarded by calami- tous natural phenomena. On 8th March , 1669 , a fearful eruption of Mt. Aitna took place ; the Monti Rossi were upheaved, and an arm of the lava- stream (14 M. in length and 25 ft. in width) flowed in the direction of the town. The pious inhabitants, however, succeeded in averting its course by extending the veil of St. Agatha towards it, in consequence of which the stream took a W. direction near the Benedictine monastery and de- scended into the sea to the S.W. of the town, partially filling up the har- bour. An earthquake in 1693, by which the whole island was affected, proved especially destructive to Catania, and the present town has been erected since that date. Leaving the Railway Station (PI. F, 3), and before entering tbe town, we follow the street to the left, leading to the ( 4 / 4 M.) Piazza de Martiri (PL F, 4) , which is adorned with a statue of St. Agatha on an ancient column. The Corso Yittorio Emanuele, starting from this point, in- tersects the town to its opposite end, upwards of 1 M. distant. In 10 min. it leads to the Piazza del Duomo (PL D, 4), which is embellished with a fountain with an antique Elephant in lava, hearing an Egyptian obelisk of granite. The Elephant was perhaps anciently used as a meta in a race-course, but when it was erected here is uncertain. The Cathedral (PI. D, 4), begun by Roger I. in 1091, was almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake in 1169. The apses and part of the E. transept are now the only remains of the original edifice. The granite columns of the facade are from the ancient theatre , from which indeed King Roger seems to have ob- tained the whole of his building materials. Around the -high-altar are placed sarcophagi of the Arragonese sover- eigns. On the right, Frederick II. (d. 1337) and his son John of Randazzo ; King Louis (d. 1355) ; Frederick III. (d. 1377) *, Queen Maria, wife of Mar- tin I., and their youthful son Frederick. On the left, the monument of Queen Constance, wife of Frederick III. (d. 1363). The chapel of St. Agatha, to the right in the apse, contains the relics of the saint, who was cruelly put to death in the reign of Decius , A.D. 252, by the praetor Quintianus, whose dishonourable overtures she had rejected. Her crown is said to have been presented by Richard Coeur de Lion. The silver sarcophagus is conveyed through the city during the February festival by men in white robes, accompanied by the senate. The women on these occasions cover their faces so as to leave but one eye visible, and amuse Theatre. CATANIA. 39. Route. 333 themselves by coquetting with the male population. — By the second pillar to the right is the Monument of Bellini , the composer, a native of Catania (1802-35); his remains were brought from Paris, where he died, in 1877. — The Sacristy (left) contains a fresco representing the eruption of 1669, by Mignemi. The sacristan of the cathedral keeps the key of the uninteresting Roman Baths under the Piazza del Duomo, the entrance to which adjoins the cathedral colonnade. Passing in front of the cathedral, we now descend to the Largo della Marina (PI. D, 4), on the quay, which is skirted by the rail- way viaduct. A small public garden here, called the Villa Pacini or Flora della Marina , is adorned with a bust of G. Pacini, the com- poser of operas, who was born at Catania in 1796. Following the Corso for a few paces beyond the Piazza del Duomo , and ascending the Largo S. Francesco (PI. C, 4) to the right , we enter the first cross-street to the left. No. 21 in this street is the entrance to the ancient theatre. (Custodian, Gius. Carofratello, who shows plans of the building, 1 fr. ; he also con- ducts visitors to the other sights of the town, 2 fr.) The remains of this Graeco-Roman Theatre (PI. C, 4) are chiefly underground, and some parts of it can only be visited by torch- light, so that it is not easy to obtain a distinct idea of its plan. The Roman structure (diameter 106 yds., orchestra 31 yds.) was erected on the foundations of the Greek. It contained two prac- cinctiones and nine cunei. It was perhaps here that Alcibiades harangued the assembled Catanians in 415, and induced them to league with Athens against Syracuse. — The adjacent Odeum (PI. C, 4), 44 yds. in diameter, which is entirely of Roman origin, but afterwards much altered, and only in partial preservation, was probably used for the rehearsals of the players and for musical performances. — Most of the ruins discovered at Catania were excavated during the last century by Prince Ignazio Biscari. The Biscari Museum, however, has been closed for several years. Following the same street a little farther, we pass the church of S. Maria Rotonda (PI. 17; C, 4), near which are remains of ancient baths, and then, turning to the right, reach the suppressed Benedictine monastery of S. Nicola, or S. Benedetto (PI. B, 3, 4). This religious house, which covers an area of 100,000 sq. yds., is said once to have been the most imposing in Europe after that of Mafra in Portugal. The Church with its unfinished facade is be- lieved to be the largest in Sicily, but presents a somewhat mean appearance. The organ, by Donato del Piano, one of the finest in Europe, possesses 5 keyboards , 72 stops , and 2916 pipes. The choir -stalls were carved by Nice. Bagnasco of Palermo. The mon- astery was formerly situated at S. Nicola d’ Arena , near Nicolosi, but was transferred to its present site in 1518. In 1669 the lava- stream turned aside here, but in 1693 the monastery was destroyed by the earthquake. The present edifice was then erected, and has been inhabited since 1735. All the monks were members of noble 334 Route 39. CATANIA. University. families. Since the dissolution of the monastery in 1866 the maga- zines have been converted into barracks, and the other rooms have been fitted up for educational purposes. Some of the rooms contain a Museum of natural curiosities, antiquities, vases, bronzes, works in marble, inscriptions, and mediaeval arms, and also a few paint- ings by Antonello da Saliba (1497) and others. The library con- tains 20,000 vols. and 300 MSS. We enter the gateway to the left of the church, and cross the court to a staircase leading to the dwelling of the custodian. The monastery contains two large courts, and is bisected by double corridors. The *Garden at the back com- mands a magnificent view of iEtna. A Roman Bath , complete in almost all its parts, lies under the Carmelite church AlV Indirizzo (PI. 16 ; D, 4). It consists of an undressing-room (apodyterium), a fire-room (hypocaustum), a tepid bath ( tepid arium) ^ a steam-bath (calidarium) , and a warm water bath (balneum). — In the neighbourhood the custodian points out an interesting fragment of the ancient town wall, now partly covered by a stream of lava. Below it bubbles up a copious spring, probably issuing from the subterranean river Amenanus , men- tioned by Pindar, which comes to light just before it falls into the harbour. The Strada Stesicorea (PI. D, 4, 3), running from the Piazza del Duomo in the direction of ^Etna (N.), leads first to the Piazza degli Studj , on the left side of which is the University (PI. 11), containing a library of 5000 vols. founded in 1755, a natural history collection (Cab. Gioeni), and several antiquities. — We next reach the small Piazza Quattro Cantoni , where the Strada Stesicorea is crossed by the Strada Lincoln , another of the principal streets running from E. to W. The Strada Lincoln, which crosses the lava-stream of 1669 and leads to the station, has recently been levelled to meet the requirements of traffic, and many of the houses are thus only accessible by means of lofty flights of steps. The Strada Stesicorea next leads to the Piazza Stesicorea (PI. D, 3), the S.W. part of which was once occupied by a Roman Amphitheatre (PI. 7). This building, of which there are remains in the Strada Archebusieri, was restored by the sons of Constantine, but partly taken down during the reign of Theodoric in order that its materials might be used in building the town wall. The longer diameter is 38 yds., the shorter 116 yds. in length. In the vicinity is the church of S. Car cere (PI. C, 3), with an interesting Graeco-Norman *Portal of the 11th century. The small marble statue in a sitting posture on the front column on the left is said to be that of Emp. Frederick II. In the interior is preserved an impression of the feet of St. Agatha in marble. Beyond this point the Strada Stesicorea is uninteresting. Near the Piazza del Bor go it takes the name of Strada Etnea, and in this part of the street is situated the *Villa Bellini (PI. C, 2), MOUNT A3TNA. 40. Route. 335 formerly called Al Labirinto , which deserves a visit for its tasteful grounds and the pleasant views they command. It contains busts of Bellini and other famous natives of Catania , of Cavour and others, and a statue of Mazzini. The lava has in many places been laid hare below the walls of the new terrace. Concert on three evenings weekly in summer. Near S. Maria di Gesii , to the N.W. of the town, are remains of Roman tombs. A pleasant excursion may be made from Catania to the Cyclopean Islands (p. 326). — Those who do not make the ascent of Mt. iEtna should at least drive to Nicolosi (p. 329, carr., see below) and visit the Monti Rossi. 40. Mount iEtna. The best season for the ascent of iEtna is the summer or autumn (July-Sept.). In spring the snow is a serious obstacle , and in winter the guides object to undertake the ascent. A moonlight night is always desirable, and indeed indispensable early or late in the season. As the elements are very capricious here, the traveller must frequently be satis- fied with a view of the crater only, which, however, alone repays the fatigue. In settled weather , when the smoke ascends calmly, and the outline of the mountain is clear, a fine view may with tolerable cer- tainty be anticipated. If, on the other hand, the smoke is driven aside by the wind which frequently prevails on the summit, the prospect is partially, if not entirely obscured. Guides and Mules. A Section of the Italian Alpine Club , by which guides and the various arrangements for the ascent of Mt. iEtna are superintended, is now established at Catania, under the presidency of Prof. Orazio Silvestri , author of several works on Mt. iEtna. It has granted certificates to a number of guides, who wear a badge with a number, and are provided with a ‘libretto di recognizione 1 . There are several places on the skirts of Mt. JEtna where these guides may be obtained: Nicolosi (p. 339), chiefly for the ‘grande ascensione’, or ascent to the summit; Zaffarana (Zafarano on the map, 10 M. to the N. of Catania), for a visit to the Valle del Bove; Giarre (p. 326), for the crater of 1865; Randazzo (p. 328), for the N. side generally; Bronte (p. 328), for the crater of 1843; Biancavilla (p.329), for the Monte Calvario, the Grotta di Scila, and the scene of the S.W. eruption of 1879. — The following is the Tariff of 1879. Guide from Nicolosi to the top of Mt. iEtna, and back (two days, parties generally take two guides) 10 fr. from Nicolosi to the Monti Rossi, or other points reach- ed in half-a-day 2 fr. from Zaffarana to the Valle del Bove, and back (one day) 3 fr. for all other excursions for one day 3 fr. Mule from Nicolosi to the Casa Etnea (p. 339) and back (two days), including attendant’s fee 10 fr. A mule must also be provided for the guide, and a sumpter- mule (mulo di carico) is required to carry the provisions, charcoal, wraps, etc from Nicolosi to the Monti Rossi and back 2 fr. from any of the other stations for an excursion of one day, without an attendant 3 fr. Tickets for the use of the Casa Etnea are procured at the guides, office ( 27 2 fr.). Other information may be obtained in the office of the Alpine Club at Catania, on the ground-floor of the Palazzo Prefettizio, next door to the Ateneo Siculo. 336 Route 40. MOUNT iETNA. Vegetation. Carriages. The usual charge for a two -horse carriage to Nicolosi, which remains there during the night, and conveys the traveller hack to Catania next day, is 20-25 fr., with an additional gratuity of 3-5 fr. (‘tutto compreso 1 ). One-horse 15 fr. and 2-3 fr. gratuity. Those who walk or ride to Mcolosi may engage a carriage for the return only (with one horse 10, with two 15 fr. and 1-2 fr. fee). (Carriage of course preferable for the return to Catania after a fatiguing ride of , 10-12 hrs., although the charges are exorbitant.) Even in hot weather the traveller should not fail to be provided with an overcoat or plaid, as the wind on the mountain is often bitterly cold. In winter or spring, when the snow is still unmelted, a veil or coloured spectacles will be found useful. Provisions, including water, for the ascent had better be procured at Catania. Distances. From Catania to Nicolosi by carriage in 2 l /-z hrs., returning in U /4 hr. (on foot from the Barriera beyond Borgo di Catania, to which point a carriage should be taken, in 2^, back in 2 hrs.). Mule from Nicolosi to the Casa del Bosco 2 l />z hrs., thence to the Casa Etnea 3 V 2 hrs. ; on foot from Nicolosi (not advisable) 7-8 hrs. (halts not included). From the Casa Etnea to the crater, on foot only, in IV 4 -IV 2 hr. •, halt on the summit and descent to the Casa Inglese 2-2V2 hrs.; thence to Nicolosi 4-5 hrs. The excursion is therefore long and fatiguing, and few travellers will be disposed to walk back to Catania on the evening after the ascent. Plan of Excursion. The ascent is usually made as follows : — Drive from Catania to Nicolosi in the morning , breakfast , and start again at 11 a.m., reaching the Casa del Bosco at 1.30 p.m.; rest here for 1 hr., and then ascend to the Casa Etnea, where the guides usually prepare soup ( brodo , Eng. broth) from meat brought for the purpose. Several hours of repose are enjoyed here, the ascent not being resumed till 2 or 2.30 a.m., and the summit is gained at 3.15 or 3.45 a.m. — The guides should be required to observe punctually the prescribed hours of starting , in order that the traveller may neither arrive too late at the Casa Etnea nor be surprised by the sunrise before reaching the top. Those who pass the night in Nicolosi may begin the ascent about 8 a.m. It is hardly advisable to start from Nicolosi in the afternoon, and make part of the ascent during the night. An excellent map of iEtna and its environs was published by Sar- torius von Waltershausen in 1848-59 ( 4 AW«s des uEtna\ Gottingen and Weimar). Mount .ffitna (10,835 ft.), Sicilian Mongibello (from ‘monte’ and ‘jebel’, the Arabic for mountain), commonly called L ll Monte\ is the loftiest volcano in Europe, as well as the highest moun- tain in Italy. There are three different zones of vegetation on the slopes of iEtna. The first extends beyond Nicolosi , called the Piemontese or Coltivata, and yielding the usual Sicilian products. Up to a height of 1600 ft. grow large groves of oranges and lemons ; higher up the vine predominates, being occasionally seen at a height of 3700 ft. The next zone is the Boscosa or Nemorosa, extending to 7000 ft. and subdivided into two regions. The lower of these (2200-4200 ft.) is clothed chiefly with oaks and chestnuts, above which are copper-beeches (Fagus silvatica) and birches (Betula alba and Betula Etnensis). On the N.E. side, at a height of 6700 ft., are extensive forests of Laricio pines (Pinus Laricio, Sicil. zappinu), the only lofty coniferous trees among the forests of Mt. .Etna. In the highest zone , the Regione Deserta , from 6900 ft. to the summit, the vegetation is of a most stunted descrip- tion. Even at a height of 6200 ft. the beeches become dwarfed. Eruptions. MOUNT .ETNA. 40. Route. 337 Owing to the scarcity of water and the frequent changes in the sur- face of the soil no Alpine flora can exist here, hut there is a narrow zone of sub-Alpine shrubs, most of which occur also in the upper part of the wooded region. About forty species of plants only are found here, among which are the barberry, juniper, Viola gracilis, and Saponaria depressa. Within the last 2000 ft. five phanerogam- ous species only flourish : Senecio Etnensis, Anthemis Etnensis, Robertsia taraxacoides (these three peculiar to .Etna), Tanacetum vulgare, and Astragalus Siculus, which last grows in tufts of 3-4 ft. in diameter. The Senecio Etnensis is found as high as the vi- cinity of the crater, several hundred feet above the Casa Inglese. Not a trace of animal life can be detected on the higher portion of the mountain. The black silent waste, glittering in the sun- shine, produces an impression seldom forgotten by those who have witnessed it. On the lower parts of the mountain, wolves, as well as hares, rabbits, and a few wild boars, are the usual ob- jects of the chase. HStna is clothed with fourteen different forests, which, however, present no definite line of demarcation. Ferns (especially the Pteris aquilina) frequently take the place of underwood. The densest forests are the Boschi della Cerrilla and di Linguaglossa on the N.E. side, which, however, suffered greatly from the eruption of 1865. As lately as the 16th cent, impenetrable forests extended from the summit down to the valley of the Alcantara, and Cardinal Bembo extols the beauty of the groves of plane-trees. About the beginning of the last century upwards of one-third of the E. coast of the island was still overgrown with forest. Eruptions. .Etna has been known as a volcano from the earliest ages. At one time the mountain has been represented as the prison of the giant Enceladus or Typhceus, at another as the forge of Vulcan. It is, however, remarkable that the Greek mar- iners’ traditions in Homer do not allude to its volcanic character. Pindar, on the other hand, describes an eruption previous to 476. About eighty eruptions fall within the limits of history. The most violent were those of B.C. 396, 126, and 122, and A.D. 1169, 1329, 1537, and 1669. The last of these, one of the most stupendous of all, has been described by the naturalist Borelli. On that occasion the Monti Rossi were formed, 27,000 persons were deprived of all shelter, and many lives were lost in the rapidly descending streams of lava. In 1693 an eruption was accompanied by a fearful earthquake, which partially or totally destroyed forty towns, and caused a loss of 60-100,000 lives. An eruption took place in 1755, the year of the earthquake at Lisbon. That of 1792 has been described by Ferrara and others. In 1843 and 1852 lava-streams burst forth near Bronte and in the Valle del Bove, and the eruption of 1st Feb. 1865, occurred at the base of the great crater of Monte Frumento , to the N.W. Baedeker. Italy III. 7tk Edition. 22 338 Route 40. MOUNT .ETNA. Ascent. of the principal crater. Another eruption took place on 29th and 30th Aug. 1874, on the N. side of the summit. At a height of about 10,000 ft. a cleft was formed in the mountain’s crust, from the so - called Cratere Ellittico to the formerly active cones of Timpa Rossa (or Monte Rosso , as on the Map) and Monte Nero. The volcanic action was most violent near the Monte Grigio (see Map), at a height of about 8000 ft., where the chasm expanded to a width of 160-190 ft., but the lava-stream emitted thence flowed for a few hours only. A second, and larger stream, 440 yds. long, 88 yds. wide, and 7ft. in depth, was emitted by the same chasm at a height of about 7000 ft., but did not descend as far as the cultivated part of the slopes. The eruption of 1879 (26th May to 6th June) occurred at almost the same spot as the last-mentioned, but was accompanied by the unusual phenomenon of a simultaneous outbreak of lava on the opposite side of the mountain. The latter stream of lava (to the W.S.W. of the crater) was, however, of insignificant extent, and ceased flowing at a height of 6500 ft. From the crater itself nothing was ejected except huge volumes of steam mixed with volcanic sand and ashes. On the N.N.E. side the lava first appeared in the old crater of 1874, near Monte Grigio. Here, at a height of 4705 ft. above the sea , it formed a new hill 560 ft. high, which Prof. Silvestri, who witnessed its formation, has named Monte TJmberto - Margherita . The lava poured forth in large masses, at first from an opening at the foot of this elevation, and afterwards also from other openings in a straight line below it. Its descent was at first at the rate of about 15 ft. per minute, afterwards 3-6 ft. per minute, and finally 30-40 ft. per hour. In its course it devastated a large tract of cultivated ground (valued at upwards of 20,000 i.), crossed the road from Linguaglossa to Randazzo (p. 327) , and did not cease to flow till it had almost reached the river Alcantara. The superficial area of this stream of lava amounts to 2,720,000 sq. yds., while that on the S.W. side covers 135,000 sq. yds. only. Comp, the Map. **Ascent. We quit Catania by the long Strada Etnea, and pass a long succession of country-residences. If time permits, the tra- veller should visit the park of the Marchese S. Giuliano, at Licatia , a little to the right of the road. By the Barriera the road divides, that to Nicolosi leading to the left, between the two obelisks. The ascent becomes more rapid; Gravina is passed, then Mas- calucia (3100 inhab.), and farther on Torre di Grifo ( Torrelifo , 1749 ft.). Between this and Nicolosi we traverse the barren sur- face of the lava-stream of 1537. The rounded and at places tree- like bushes of broom (Genista Etnensis) which flourish here form a peculiar feature in the scene. To the right of the road, about i/ 2 M. from Nicolosi, is the crater called the Grotta del Bove , which maybe visited in passing (no path, and a wall must be climbed Ascent. MOUNT .ETNA. 40. Route. 339 over). To tlie left tower the reddish cones of the Monti Rossi (see below). Nicolosi. — Locanda l’Etna, at the entrance to the village, on the right; Locanda di Giuseppe Mazzaglia, at the beginning of the street ascending to the right, less pretending; bargaining necessary at both; R. is uncomfortable. When the firm rock is reached, the ascent becomes easier. In 1 hr. we attain the brink of the Crater, the form of which undergoes constant alteration. At one time it consists of a single profound abyss, 2-3 M. in circumference, at another it is divided by a barrier into two parts, one of which only emits smoke. The summit itself is usually altered by every eruption, in 1861, it was on the E. side, in 1864 on the W., and even ancient writers expressed their belief that the crater sank to some extent after every eruption. After a short pause the highest peak (10,835 ft.) is easily ascend- ed, as the surface is soft. From this spot the Sunrise, a spectacle of indescribable grandeur, should be witnessed. The summit is illumined by the morning twilight whilst all below is enveloped in profound obscurity. The sun still reposes in the sea, which occasionally presents the appearance of a lofty bank of clouds, the horizon being considerably more elevated than the spectator would expect. For some time purple clouds have indicated the point where the sun is about to appear. Suddenly a ray of light flits across the surface of the water, gradually changing to a golden streak , the lower part of which shimmers in an intense purple as it widens. The beaming disc then slowly emerges. The mountains of Calabria still cast their long shadows on the sea; the top of .Etna alone is bathed in sunshine. The light gradually descends to the lower parts of the mountain, and the shadow which the vast pyramid casts over Sicily to the W. deepens. The outlines of the cone and its summit are distinctly recognised, forming a colossal isosceles triangle on the surface of the island. After (/ 4 hr. the sublime spectacle is over, and the flood of light destroys the effeot produced by the shadows. The deep valleys and the precipitous coast alone remain for a time in obscurity, being shaded by the loftier mountains. As the sun continues to ascend, new points become visible. The spectator stands at the centre of a vast circle of 260 M. in diameter and 800 M. in circumference. Towards the N.E. is the peninsula of Calabria, above which masses of clouds frequently hover on the N., giving it the appearance of an island. The Faro of Messina (the town not visible) lies at our feet, the Neptunian Mts. appear like insignificant hills, and the Nebrode only a degree higher. The Pizzo di Palermo, the highest point of the Madonie range to the W.N.W., and the Pizzo of Corleone and Cammarata to the W. are the only conspicuous points. In Valle del Bove . MOUNT iETNA. 40. Route. 341 winter, when the atmosphere is unusually clear, the motion of the waves on the shores of the island is said to be distinguish- able. The coast of Africa, being below the horizon, cannot possibly be visible, notwithstanding the assurances of the guides. Malta, however, may be distinguished. The greater part of the E. coast of the island is visible ; the Lipari islands appear to greet their majestic sovereign with their columns of smoke ; the pro- montory of Milazzo extends far into the sea; and numerous other points, which cannot be enumerated, are descried. After a walk round the crater, we descend rapidly to the Casa Etnea and remount our mules. In descending, we make a slight digression towards the E. in order to approach the upper margin of the Valle del Bove ( Val del Bue on the Map), a black, desolate gulf, 3 M. in width, bounded on three sides by perpendicular cliffs, 2000-4000 ft. in height (left Serra delle Concazze , right Serra del Solfizio), and opening towards the E. only. Geologically this basin is the most remarkable part of A Etna, as its S.W. angle, the so-called Balzo di Trifoglietto , where the descent is steepest .and most precipitous, was very probably the original crater of the mountain. — The traveller should not omit to direct the guides to conduct him to the two regular cones whence an eruption in 1852 proceeded. From the upper margin of the Valle del Bove we ride to the Torre del Filosofo (9570 ft.), the traditional observatory of Empedocles , who is said to have sought a voluntary death in the crater. According to others it was used as a watch-tower in ancient times. As the building is obviously of Roman con- struction, it was possibly erected on the occasion of the Emperor Hadrian’s ascent of the mountain to witness the sunrise. The descent now recommences; the steeper portions are more pleasantly and safely traversed on foot. Before reaching the plain of Nicolosi, we observe the monastery of S. Niccol'o d J Arena to the left, where the Benedictines of Catania used to celebrate their vintage-festival. It was founded in 1156 by Simon, Count of Policastro, nephew of Roger I. Instead of returning to Catania, the traveller may prefer to proceed from Nicolosi by Pedara Via Grande and Acireale , and thence by the high-road to Giardini (p. 321). The five craters of 1865 are generally visited by proceeding from Giarre (p. 326) to the N. side of the Valle del Bove, where the very symmetrically shaped crater of Monte Frumento (9330 ft.) lies. The most convenient starting-point for a visit to the scene of the eruption of 1879 is Randazzo (p. 328). Pasquale Pillera, one of the guides here, was Prof. Silvestri’s companion when he witnessed the eruption. 342 41. From Catania to Syracuse. 54V2 M. Railway , two trains daily in 3!/2 hrs. ; fares 9 fr. 85, 6 fr. 95, 4 fr. 95 c. — Steamboat once weekly (Mond. 11 a, m.) in 4 hrs. ; thence to Malta, see p. 358. The railway intersects the Piano di Catania , the Campi Lae - strygonii , which Cicero extols as the ‘uberrima pars Siciliae’, and which are still regarded as the granary of the island. To the right lies the village of Misterbianco. 5 M. Bicocca , junction for Girgenti and Palermo (R. 32). 10 M. Passo Martino. The train crosses the Simeto (Symaethus), and beyond it the Gurnalunga. Lower down, these streams unite to form the Giarretta. In winter the whole plain is frequently under water, and the high-road impassable. Malaria prevails in the lower parts in summer. The railway traverses the hilly ground. 16M. Valsavoia (diligence to Caltagirone, see p.298). The train now approaches the Lake of Lentini (Biviere di Lentini), frequented by innumerable waterfowl in winter. This lake, the largest in Sicily, did not exist in ancient times. It is usually swollen in winter, while in summer its exhalations poison the atmosphere (Lentini is therefore to be avoided as a resting-place for the night). Its circumference varies from 9^2 to 12 4 / 2 M., according to the height of the water. 18 M. Lentini. The town is about 3 M. from the station. Lentini (Caffh and Trattoria Trinacria ), a town with 10,600 inhab., the ancient Leontinoi , one of the earliest Greek settlements in Sicily, was founded in B.C. 729 by colonists from Naxos under Theocles, simultaneously with Catana. A century later the transition from oligarchy to democracy was succeeded by the establishment of a tyranny by Pansetius, who is said to have been the first tyrant in Sicily. After another century it suc- cumbed to Hippocrates, tyrant of Gela, and thus became subject to the tyrants Gelon, Hiero, and Thrasybulus of Syracuse. It afterwards regained its independence, but was again subdued by Syracuse, and to some extent gave rise to the war with Athens. Gorgias, the great orator and sophist, was a native of Leontinoi (480-380), and it was by his persuasive eloquence, as is well known, that the Athenians were induced to intervene in the quarrels of the Sicilians. After the disastrous issue of the war, Leontinoi continued subject to Syracuse; but Timoleon at length expelled the tyrant Hicetas and restored its independence. In the 3rd cent, it came into the power of Hiero II., whose successor Hieronymus lost his life here. Polybius, who records this event, at the same time describes the situation of the town. It appears to have lain to the S.W. of the present town, and not where local topographers usually place it. Under the Romans it was of little importance. The Saracens gained possession of it at an early period. In the middle ages the fortress was besieged several times, and bravely defended. The town and castle were almost totally destroyed by the earthquake of 1693. A road ascends in long windings from Lentini to Carlentini , a poor town with 5500 inhab., founded by Charles V. (whence the name). From Lentini, or from Augusta, a visit may be paid to the tomb-ca- verns of Pantalica , to the N. of Palazzolo (p. 302) ; carriage there and back in one day 25 fr. The train now turns to the E. towards the coast, following the valley of the 8. Lionardo (the Terias of the ancients), which it afterwards crosses. This river, now an insignificant stream in AUGUSTA. 41. Route. 343 a shallow valley bounded by limestone hills , was down to the 12th cent, navigable for sea-going vessels as far as Lentini. 24 M. Agnone. To the left the so-called Pantano , a marshy pond, becomes visible. 31 M. Brucoli. The line skirts the lofty coast. Large salt-works are passed. At the mouth of the Porcari (the ancient Pantacyas ), which here breaks its way through the hills, lay Trotilon , one of the earliest Greek settlements in Sicily. 3fr/2 M. Augusta, or Agosta, as it was named until recently, a fortified seaport with 11,900 inhab., was founded by Frederick II. in 1232, and peopled with the inhabitants of Centorbi (p. 297), which was destroyed in 1233. It occupies the site of the ancient Xiphonia. The town was conquered and destroyed several times in the middle ages. In 1676 it was taken by the French, and Duquesne here defeated De Ruyter, who died of his wounds at Syracuse. In 1693 the town was severely damaged by the earthquake. The railway follows the coast. The Megarean Bay of antiquity, extending from the Capo Santa Croce , E. of Augusta, to the Capo S. Panagia near Syracuse, was formerly bordered with a number of towns. Here from N. to S. lay Xiphonia , Megara Hyblaea , and Alabon. Megara Hyblaea, which was situated between the mouths of the Alcantara and S. Gusmano , was founded in 728 by colonists from Megara Nisaea, conquered and destroyed by Gelon , but re- erected after the Athenian and Syracusan war as an outlying fort of Syracuse. On the hills to the right lies the small town of Melilli , where the Hyblaean honey, so highly extolled by the poets, was produced. On 1st and 2nd May a vast concourse of people assembles at Melilli to offer thanks to St. Sebastian for the miraculous cures effected by him, and to celebrate his festival. 44 M. Priolo ; the village lies to the right. To the left is the peninsula of Magnisi , connected with the mainland by a narrow isthmus. This was the peninsula of Thapsus , well known in connection with the Athenian campaign. The Athenian fleet lay to the N. of the isthmus. Salt-works are now situated here. About O/2 M. from Priolo stands the ‘ Torre del Marcello 1 , probably the remains of a tomb, but commonly reputed to be a trophy erected here by Marcellus on the site of his camp after the conquest of Syracuse. The train now skirts the Trogilus , the bay where the fleet of Marcellus lay, and approaches the terrace which extended from the Belvedere to Capo S. Panagia and bore the N. Dionysian town- wall of the Achradina. It crosses the wall near the Tyche quarter of the town, runs eastwards to Capo S . Panagia , and finally skirts the precipitous E. margin of the bare, rocky plateau. Passing the (r.) Capuchin Monastery with its Latomia, we at length reach — 54^2 M. Stat. Siracusa, 3 / 4 M. from the town (one-horse carriage 90 c., two-horse 1 fr. 20 c. 5 at night 1 fr. 40 or 1 fr. 70 c.). 344 42. Syracuse. Hotels, all of moderate pretensions. Locanda del Sole (PI. a^ A, 2), near the quay, commanding a fine view, R. 2 1 /^ D. 41/2, B. D/4, L. l /2 fr. ; Vittoria (PI. b^ B, 2), in the town, without view, D. 5 fr. ; Alb. dTtalia, Corso Vitt. Emanucle, unpretending, R. 1 fr. — The custodian Salvatore Politi, Corso Vitt. Emanuele 15, also has several clean rooms, and provides good food (pension 7 fr.). Restaurants. The hotels also contain restaurants, where Muscalo , Amarena , Isold Bianco , and other excellent Syracusan wines may he pro- cured , and where a fish-dinner may be ordered. Among the favourite varieties of fish are the Rivetto (large , but delicate) , Salamone , Dentici (so called from its large teeth), and Palamito (resembling salmon). — The Trattoria Roma , Via Roma, may also be mentioned. Cafe. * Croce di Savoia , Piazza del Duomo. — Near the piazza is a Club , well supplied with Italian newspapers, to which visitors are readily admitted. Cabs. From the station to the town, see p. 343. — Drive in the town, with one horse 50 c., with two horses 80 c. ; at night 1 fr. or 1 fr. 30 c. — Per hour D/2 or 2 fr., at night 2 or 2*/2 fr. •, each additional half-hour 60 or 80 c., and 80 c. or 1 fr. — Luggage 20 c., if over a hundredweight 40 c. Guides. Salvatore Politi , custodian of the Museum, where he is to be found daily *, fee about 5 fr. for the whole day, 3-4 fr. for half-a-day $ he also procures carriages at 12 fr. for a whole day , 6-8 fr. for half-a-day, and offers photographs, coins, drawings on papyrus, etc. for sale. Michel Angelo Politi , another guide, speaks a little French, and Felice Valerio , at the Alb. Vittoria, speaks English, French, and Spanish. Gabriele Vairo is also recommended. Donkeys, about 3 fr. per day. Boats. To the Cyane (p. 357) 6-8 fr. $ to the mouth of the Anapo only, l l /2-2 fr. — The boatmen here are generally less extortionate in their demands' than those in other parts of Italy. To or from the steamboats 1/2 fr. for each person. Ferry from the town to the Sicilian coast (Pozzo degli Ingegneri) or across the small harbour to the N., 25 c. *, pedestrians thus effect a considerable saving. Steamboats of the Florio Co. on Tuesdays and Fridays at 2 p.m. to Catania, Messina, and Palermo \ on Monday evenings to Terranova, Licata, Girgenti, Sciacca, Trapani, and Palermo (see p. 273). On Sundays and Wednesdays at 11 p. m. to Malta (see p. 358). Diligences daily at 8 a. m. to Noto and Vittoria (p. 303), and to Palazzolo and Buccheri (p. 302). Office for the former line at the Post Office (PI. 11 ; D. 3), Piazza del Duomo ; for the latter in the Strada Piazza. Attractions. If the traveller has one day only at his disposal , he .should devote a few hours only to the modern town, and the rest of the day to the ancient city ; and he should not omit to visit the Greek theatre at sunset. The chief points of the ancient town may be visited by carriage in 6-8 hrs. — Two days at least should, however, be devoted to Syracuse if possible , and in this case an excursion may be made to the valley of the Anapo. There are many pleasant walks in the neighbourhood, and with the aid o-f the following directions the most interesting points may be found without a guide. Syracuse , which was in ancient times the most important town in Sicily, and indeed the most important of all the Hellenic cities, now contains 22,000 inhab. only. It is situated on an island close to the coast, and is the seat of a prefect and a bishop, but its trade is unimportant. The hay on the W. side of the town is the Porto Grande , the entrance to which between the S. extremity of the island and the opposite promontory of Massolivieri , the ancient Plemmyrion , is 1300 yds. in width. The N. hay is named the ' iWJix- Monijibx .ilosoTo ? oinmaso Tericano Co ii tr a d a 1) a/m. inns i far dies (i mica 7 .ddUvFresciu lippoWerv VerraMendol CJLcecUxv C. Cionuri ' '>• '$0u-ellw 'WW/mm SIRACUSA e CQNTORNI C-OarpaUfl' Scala nel 1:50.000 CliilometTi. Abbrevia zioiii : C = C ; C Contradcv; L. - L atomic^. G c-o graph . Anstatt Ton. 'Wagner & Deb es, Leipzig. '■arffcttu CJ&onxuino ".Aruiini n'.Ciistplei^jd- CJtosaizzi Vie; n a A, Jr del a l a 7 - a o (( _ ?iccoli Tagli U}, '|Sde' Caj a H a l ^.StazioiH Bagno Ronj. ^fc^Buffaldeci