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[ All rights reserved. ] & o n b o n HENEY FROWDH OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE 7 PATERNOSTER ROW NOTE. The present Section completes the main work. A Supplement will be published as soon as possible, and titles will then be supplied, together with full in- structions for the binder. Parts I— III may still be purchased separately, price Fifteen Shillings each; and Part IV, Section i, price Eight Shillings and Sixpence. Anglo-Saxon Dictionary , Part IV , Section 2. ets ""Tg^*** “^PRELIMINARY NOTICE. The publication of the first instalment of this work calls for a few words of explanation. The late Dr. Bosworth devoted much time and labour to the preparation of a second edition of his Dictionary, but at the time of his death only the 288 pages which form Part I of the present issue had been finally revised by him. So much progress, however, had been made with some succeeding sheets that it would have been a matter of con- siderable difficulty to make any but slight alterations in them. Consequently, after careful consideration, it was thought better to leave unchanged in the text certain points which would have involved extensive modifications, and, when the work should be complete, to note such in the Preface or Appendix. Only one or two of them will be mentioned here. In the first place, in the arrangement of the words it might have been well to deviate from the method followed in the first edition, e. g. to take a separately and not to treat it as if it were ae ; and to separate the short from the long vowels. That the plan followed in the latter case is not, however, without its convenience in practice, seems to have been recognised by Grein, who, in the second volume of his Poetical Dictionary, employs it instead of separating short vowels from long as he had done in Vol. I ; and the accent, it may be thought, distinguishes sufficiently between a , d, &c. Again, words will be found in which Dr. Bosworth differs from other scholars in regard to the character of a vowel, e. g. he divides for into for and /or, while at the same time he has given cognate forms which shew that such a distinction is not justified. Though in these and other instances alterations might be desirable, yet the work, as it stood, contained, in the number of passages it offered to illustrate the meanings of words and in other respects, so much material which it is the object of a Dictionary to furnish, that deficiencies in the directions indicated above, it was thought, did not so seriously detract from its value as to make change absolutely necessary. Further, Dr. Bosworth’s death has made it impossible to confer with him on points where doubt or difference of opinion might arise; and it was with some hesitation, more especially at first, that conclusions at which he had arrived, though they might not gain assent, were set aside. The work, no doubt, admits of im- provement ; but those who are best able to detect its shortcomings will be best able to appreciate the difficulties attending such a compilation ; and it may be expected that at least English scholars will not judge too severely one whose zeal for the study of English was proved by his attempt to compile an Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, and by his foundation of the Anglo-Saxon Chair in the University of Cambridge. One other point remains to be mentioned — the length of time between Dr. Bosworth’s death and the appearance of this portion of the work he had begun. It was some years before the labour, which his death had interrupted, was resumed; and it was then found that the MS. was so incomplete that in many parts little had been added to the first edition. The work to be done, therefore, was not merely to prepare for the press material collected by Dr. Bosworth, but rather to get together fresh matter ; a work in which rapid progress was at least not easy. Omissions and errors will certainly be found, and the Editor will be grateful to those who, when using the Dictionary, may notice such and point them out to him. 172867 May 10, 1882. EXPLANATION OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTRACTIONS, [Contractions used in Grein’s Lexicon Poeticum are given separately on the next page.] ffillfc. Gl; Som; 'Wrt. Voc. ffilfric’s Glossary given at the end of Somner’s Dictionary, and in A Volume of Vocabularies, edited by Thomas Wright (First Series, 1857). ZElfc. Gr ; Som. ffilfric’s Grammar, at the end of Somner’s Dic- tionary. ffillfc. T. Grn. ffilfric de veteri et de novo testamento, in Grein’s edition of the Heptateuch. Alis. King Alisaunder, in Weber’s Metrical Romances. Andr. Kmbl. The Legend of St. Andrew, edited by Kemble for the ffilfric Society. An. Lit. Anecdota Literaria, by T. Wright. Apstls. Kmbl. The Fates of the Twelve Apostles; a fragment, in Part II. of The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, edited by Kemble for the ffilfric Society. A. It. The Ancren Riwle, edited for the Camden Society by J. Morton. Ayenb. Dan Michel’s Ayenbite of Inwyt, edited for the Early English Text Society by R. Morris. Basil admn. The Anglo-Saxon remains of St. Basil’s Admonitio ad filium spiritualem, edited by H. W. Norman. Bd; S. The Anglo-Saxon version of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, edited by Smith. Beo. Th. The Anglo-Saxon poem of Beowulf, edited by Thorpe. Blickl. Gl. Blickling Glosses, at the end of the Blickling Homilies. Blickl. Homl. The Blickling Homilies, edited for the Early English Text Society by R. Morris. Boutr. Scrd. Screadunga, edited by C. G. Bouterwek. Bt ; Pox. King Alfred’s Anglo-Saxon version of Boethius De Consola- tione Philosophise, edited by Fox (in Bohn’s Antiquarian Library). Bt. Met. Pox. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Metres of Boethius, at the end of the previous work. Byrht. Th.. The Battle of Maldon, in Thorpe’s Analecta Anglo- Saxonica. Cant. Abac. Canticum Abacuc Prophet®, in Ps. Lamb., q. v. Cant. Moys. Canticum Moysis, at the end of Thwaites’ Heptateuch. Cd ; Th. Caedmon’s Metrical Paraphrases of parts of the Holy Scrip- tures, edited by Thorpe. Chart. Th. Diplomatarium Anglicum ffivi Saxonici, edited by Thorpe. Chauc. Chaucer. Chr ; Erl. T wo of the Saxon Chronicles, edited by Earle. Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. Codex Diplomaticus ffivi Saxonici, edited by Kemble. Coll. Monast. Th. .ffilfric’s Colloquy, in Thorpe’s Analecta Anglo- Saxonica. Confess. Peccat. Confessio Peccatorum, in Ps. Lamb., q. v. Cot. Lye. A MS. of the Cotton Library quoted by Lye in his Dictionary. Deut. Deuteronomy, in Thwaites’ Heptateuch. E. D. S. English Dialect Society. Elen. Kmbl. Elene, or the Recovery of the Cross, edited by Kemble for the ffilfric Society. Ex. Exodus, in Thwaites’ Heptateuch. Exon. Th. Codex Exoniensis, edited by Thorpe. Pins. Th. The Fight at Finnesburg, at the end of Thorpe’s Beowulf. Frag. Kmbl. A Fragment, Moral and Religious, in Part II. of The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, edited by Kemble. Gen. Genesis, in Thwaites’ Heptateuch. Grff. Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz von Graff. Grmm'. A. u. E. Andreas und Elene, herausgegeben von Jacob Grimm. Grmm. D. M. Deutsche Mythologie von Jacob Grimm. Zweite ausgabe. Grmm. Gesch. D. S. Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache von Jacob Grimm. Dritte auflage. Grn. B. A. Deutsche Rechtsalterthiimer von Jacob Grimm. Zweite ausgabe. Guthl ; Gdwin. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Life of St. Guthlac, edited by C. W. Goodwin. Halliw. Diet. Halliwell’s Dictionary of archaic and provincial words. Herb. Herbarium in Vol^I. of Saxon Leechdoms. Hexam. Norm. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil, edited by H. W. Norman. Homl. Skt. ffilfric’s Lives of Saints, edited for the Early English Text Society by W. W. Skeat. Homl. Th. The Homilies of ffilfric, edited for the ffilfric Society by B. Thorpe. Hpt. Gl. Angelsachsische Glossen, von Bouterwek mitgetheilt in Haupts Zeitschrift ix. (quoted from Leo’s Angelsachsische Glossar). H. B . Legends of the Holy Rood, edited for the Early English Text So- ciety by R. Morris. Hymn. Surt. The Latin Hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church, edited for the Surtees Society by J. Stevenson. Icel. Icelandic; the references, being to Cleasby and Vigfusson’s Ice- landic Dictionary. Jn. Skt. The Gospel of St. John, edited by Skeat. v. Mk. Skt. Jos. Joshua, in Thwaites’ Heptateuch. Jud. Judges, in Thwaites’ Heptateuch. Judth; Thw. The poem of Judith, at the end of Thwaites’ Hepta- teuch. Jul. The Liflade of St. Juliana, edited for the Early English Text Society by Cockayne. L. Alf; Th. The Laws of King Alfred, in Thorpe’s Ancient Laws and Institutes. The other contractions, being the same as those used by Thorpe, are not given here. Laym. The Brut of Lajamon, edited by Sir F. Madden. Lchdm. i. ii. iii. Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early Eng- land, edited by Cockayne (Master of the Rolls’ series, 3 vols.). Lev. Leviticus, in Thwaites’ Heptateuch. Lk. Skt. The Gospel of St. Luke, edited by Skeat. v. Mk. Skt. L.M; Lchdm. v. Lchdm. (L. M. = Liber Medicinalis.) L. Med. ex Q,uadr ; Lchdm. v. Lchdm. Menol. Fox. Menologium or Poetical Calendar of the Anglo-Saxons, edited by Fox. Met. Homl. English Metrical Homilies from MSS. of 14th century, edited by J. Small. Mk. Skt. Lind, or Bush. The Gospel of St. Mark in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian versions, edited for the Syndics of the University Press byW. W. Skeat. (Lind. = Lindisfarne MS. Rush. = Rushworth MS.) Mt. Kmbl. Lind, or Bush. The Gospel of St. Matthew, in Anglo- Saxon and Northumbrian versions, edited by Kemble, v. preceding. Nar. Narratiuncul® Anglice Conscript®, edited by Cockayne. Nicod; Thw. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Gospel of Nicodemus, at the end of Thwaites’ Heptateuch. Num. Numbers, in Thwaites’ Heptateuch. O. and N. An Old English poem of the Owl and the Nightingale, edited by Stratmann. O. E. Homl. Old English Homilies, edited for the Early English Text Society by R. Morris. O. Frs. refers to Altfriesisches Worterbuch von Dr. Karl Freiherrn von Richthofen. O. H. Ger. v. Grff. Orm. The Ormulum, edited by Dr. White. Ors ; Swt. or Bos. The Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius, edited by Sweet or by Bosworth. O. Sax. The Old Saxon poem of the Heliand. Past ; Swt. King Alfred’s version of Gregory’s Pastoral Care, edited for the Early English Text Society by Sweet. Piers P. The Vision concerning Piers the Plowman, B-text, edited for the Early English Text Society by W. W. Skeat. P. L. S. Early English Poems and Lives ofSaints, edited by F. J.Furnivall. Prompt. Parv. Promptorium parvulorum sive clericorum, lexicon Anglo-latinum princeps, edited for the Camden Society by Way. EXPLANATION OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTRACTIONS. Frov. Kmbl. Anglo-Saxon Apothegms given by Kemble in Anglo- Saxon Dialogues of Salomon and Saturn, Part III. (.fElfric Society’s publications). Ps. Lamb. Lambeth Psalter. The references are taken from the copy matje under Dr. Bosworth’s direction. Ps. Spl. Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum vetus, a Johanne Spel- manno editum. (Dr. Bosworth’s copy has been collated with the original MSS. and has thus been corrected in many places.) Ps. Surt. Anglo-Saxon and Early English Psalter, edited for the Surtees Society by Stevenson. Ps. Th. Libri Psalmorum versio antiqua Latina ; cum paraphrasi Anglo- Saxonica, edidit Benjamin Thorpe. B. Ben. Anglo-Saxon version of the Benedictine Rule (quoted from Lye). E. Brun. Peter Langtoft’s Chronicle translated and continued by Robert Manning of Brunne, edited by Hearne. Eel. Ant. Reliquiae Antiquae, edited by Wright and Halliwell. E. Glouc. Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle, edited by Hearne. Eood Kmbl. The Holy Rood ; a Dream, in Part II. of The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, edited for the iElfric Society by Kemble. Etl. Rituale Ecclesiae Dunelmensis, edited for the Surtees Society by Stevenson. (Compare Skeat’s collation in the Philological Society’s Transactions.) Eunic pm. Kmbl. Runic poem printed by Kemble in Archaeologia, vol. 28. Salm. Kmbl. Anglo-Saxon Dialogues of Salomon and Saturn, edited for the TEIfric Society by Kemble. Schmid. A. S. Ges. Die gesetze der Angelsachsen, herausgegeben von Reinh. Schmid. Scot. Scottish; the references being to Jamieson’s Dictionary. Shrn. The Shrine ; a collection of occasional papers on dry subjects, by Cockayne. Soul Kmbl. The Departed Soul’s Address to the Body, in Part II. of The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, edited for the iElfric Society by Kemble. St. And. Anglo-Saxon Legends of St. Andrew and St. Veronica (Publica- tions of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society). Swt. A. S. Edr. An Anglo-Saxon Reader in prose and verse, by Henry Sweet. Th. An. Analecta Anglo-Saxonica, by Benjamin Thorpe. Th. Ap. The Anglo-Saxon version of the story of Apollonius of Tyre, edited by Thorpe. Trev. Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden, with the English translation of John Trevisa (Master of the Rolls’ series). Will. The romance of William of Palerne, edited by W. W. Skeat (Early English Text Society). Wrt. popl. Science. Popular Treatises on Science written during the Middle Ages, edited by Wright. Wrt. V oc. A Volume of Vocabularies, edited by Wright. (First Series, Liverpool, 1857.) CONTRACTIONS USED BY GREIN. AV.M Tod. Poem on the death of Alfred, son of Ethelred, given in the Chronicle under the year 1036. TFldplst, Poem on the victory of Athelstan, taken from the Chronicle. Aim. Almosen, from the Codex Exoniensis, p. 467. An. The legend of St. Andrew. Ap. The fates of the Apostles, from the Codex Vercellensis. Az. Azarias, from the Codex Exoniensis, p. 185. B. Beowulf. Bo. Botschaft des Gemahls, from the Codex Exoniensis, p. 473. By. The death of Byrhtnoth. Cra. Manna crseftas, from the Codex Exoniensis, p. 292. Cri. Cynewulfs Crist, from the Codex Exoniensis, p. 1. Dan. Daniel, in Thorpe’s Caedmon, p. 216. De6r. Deors Klage, from Codex Exoniensis, p. 377. Dom. Domes daeg, from Codex Exoniensis, p. 445. Edg. Eadgar; poems from the Chronicle, under the years 973, 975. Edm. Eadmund, from the Chronicle, under the year 942. Edw. Eadweard, from the Chronicle, under the year 1065. El. Elene, from the Codex Vercellensis. Exod. Exodus, in Thorpe’s Caedmon, p. 177 - Pa. F seder larcwidas, in Codex Exoniensis, p. 300. Pin. The fight at Finnsburg. Gen. Genesis, in Thorpes’ Caedmon, p. 1. Gn. C. Versus gnomici (Cotton MS.). Gn. Ex. Versus gnomici, from Codex Exoniensis, p. 333. Gu. Legend of St. Guthlac, from Codex Exoniensis, p. 104. Ho. Hollenfahrt Christi, from Codex Exoniensis, p. 459. Hy. Hyninen und Gebete. Jud. The poem of Judith. Jul. The legend of St. Juliana, in Codex Exoniensis, p. 243. Kl. Klage der Frau, in Codex Exoniensis, p. 442. Kr. Das heilige Kreuz, from the Codex Vercellensis. Leas. Bi manna lease, from the Codex Vercellensis. Men. Menologium. Met. The metres of Alfred. Mod. Manna m6d, in the Codex Exoniensis, p. 3 1 3. Pa. Panther, in the Codex Exoniensis, p. 355. Ph. Phonix, in the Codex Exoniensis, p. 197. Phar. Pharao, in the Codex Exoniensis, p. 468. Ps. Psalms, from Thorpe’s edition. Ps. C. The 30th psalm, from one of the Cotton MSS. Ea. Riddles from the Codex Exoniensis. Beb. Rebhuhn, from the Codex Exoniensis, p. 365. Beim. Reimlied, from the Codex Exoniensis, p. 352. Buin. Ruine, from the Codex Exoniensis, p. 476. Bun. Runenlied, in Archaeologia, vol. 28. Sal. Salomo und Saturn ; see above Salm. Kmbl. Sat. Crist und Satan, in Thorpe’s Caedmon, p. 265. Seef. Seefahrer, in the Codex Exoniensis, p. 306. Seel. Reden der Seelen, in the Codex Exoniensis, p. 367 ; see also above, Soul Kmbl. Sch. Wunder der Schopfung, in the Codex Exoniensis, p. 346. Vid. VIdsid, in Codex Exoniensis, p. 318. Vy. Manna wyrde, in Codex Exoniensis, p. 327. Wal. Walfisch, in Codex Exoniensis, p. 360. Wand. Wanderer, in Codex Exoniensis, p. 286. PREFACE. With the issue of the last part of this work comes the necessity for some additions to the Preliminary Notice that accompanied Parts I and II. In that Notice it was mentioned that Dr. Bosworth’s MS. for so much of the Dictionary as was contained in Part II was incomplete, and a similar remark applies with more force to the succeeding parts : little, indeed, was added in the MS. to what was already contained in the previous edition. If with corresponding parts of this previous edition the later part of the present one be compared, it will be seen that much had to be done in order to get together the additional material that finds its place in the new work. As the editor could not devote his time exclusively to the Dictionary, the length of the interval between the date of appearance of Part II and that of Part IV may seem not inexcusably great. It has, however, been so great that in some respects alterations have occurred in matters with which the Dictionary is concerned. Fresh material has been brought to light, or old material has been brought forth in more accessible form ; the views on many points connected with* the language that are now held, are not those of fifteen years ago, and there will be certainly .some points in work done fifteen years ago that now will need revision. There will also be other points that need revision, but which cannot plead this excuse : mistakes and omissions, to some extent, are almost inevitable. Revision required under one or other head will be attempted in a supplement, which will be prepared as soon as possible. In the course of the work some alterations have been made in the plan adopted by Dr. Bosworth. One of the difficulties connected with the cataloguing of English words preserved in works written before 1100 is due to the variety of forms which a word may take according to the time at which, or the locality in which, the MS. where it occurs was written. The Old-English specimens are scattered over centuries, and belong to different parts of England ; naturally the form of a word is not always the same in the earlier and in the later specimen of the same locality, or in the contemporary specimens of different localities. In the earlier part of the Dictionary the different forms of a word are given separately, in the later part they are collected under a single form; e.g. in the former case words having the mutation of ed may appear under each of the forms which the varieties of that mutation (e, id, i, y) admit of, in the latter one form alone (?) is given. Slight alterations, too, will be found noted in the list of references. With regard to the marks used to distinguish difference in the vowels it may be noticed that ed, ed are employed in all cases where the short ea, eo are not meant, e g. sceop , Goth. skdp , has the same symbols as leof, Goth. Hubs, etc. My thanks are due to Professor Skeat for the readiness which he has always shown to answer an appeal for help in a difficulty ; to Professor Kluge and to Professor Heyne for very helpful criticism of the earlier parts of the Dictionary. To the former I am indebted not only for pointing out omissions, but for the assistance he has given in remedying them. He very kindly sent me a copy of the glosses cited under the abbreviation Germ., and further gave the Delegates of the University Press the opportunity, which they accepted of acquiring PREFACE. a collection of Anglo-Saxon words that he had made. These words were drawn for the most part from sources already utilized for the Dictionary, but it was an advantage to have even the same material noted by another. As an example of this it may be remarked that between thirty and forty of the passages cited under S were taken from Professor Kluge’s notes, and the number would have been larger had not, as already stated, Professor Kluge’s criticism called attention to omissions in the earlier part of the work. To the late Dr. Grein my obligations are very great. He has done so much to remove the difficulties of one of the most difficult parts of the vocabulary — the poetical — that he has earned the gratitude of every one who attempts to work in the same field as the author of the Sprachschatz der Angelsachsischen Dichter. In conclusion, it may not be out of place to refer to some of the difficulties which are met with in an attempt to compile an Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. The Anglo-Saxon remains are varied in respect to the subjects of which they treat, and the technical terms peculiar to some of these subjects, e.g. law, require the knowledge of a specialist. The poetical vocabulary, again, as a part of the language almost lost in later times presents many difficulties. Even where at first sight it might seem that the solution of difficulties would be most certainly furnished — in the case of glosses to Latin words — the expectation is not always realized, and at times the gloss is the only authority for both the English and the Latin word. And throughout there is the difficulty of realizing the condition of those who used the language and thus of appreciating the significance of the language they used. It is hoped, however, that the numerous citations given under many words, by shewing the actual use of those words, may help to the appreciation of their significance, and so supplement the often necessarily imperfect explanations afforded by the Modern English words that are used as the nearest equivalents to the old forms. Further, English philology has become so extensive a study that to keep pace with its developments is a task that might occupy so much time as to leave comparatively little for other work. To compile an Anglo-Saxon Dictionary calls for so much in the compiler that some leniency towards shortcomings may perhaps be looked for by any one who attempts the labour. EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES. In the following list a want of uniformity may be noticed in the case of some of the contractions used. This is due partly to modifications of Dr. Bosworth’s forms, which it seemed convenient to make ; partly to different conditions in respect to texts cited, which have been brought about while the work was in progress : some texts, that existed in MS. only, have been printed; of others, that were already printed, new editions have appeared, which were more convenient to refer to than were the old. Cross references are given below in these cases. Double references are given to passages cited from the poetry, to English editions and to Grein’s Bibliothek der Angelsachsischen Poesie ; in the later the contractions used are those to be found in Grein’s Lexicon, and they are given together at the end of this list. Where a reference to any citation consists of more than one part (e. g. Bt. — ; Fox — ), the several parts are separated by a semi-colon : where after a citation several references are given, these are separated by a colon. When consecutive citations are taken from the same work the full reference is given only with the first (e. g. Bt. is not repeated where consecutive citations are taken from Boethius ; or if the reference be of one part, e. g. Nar. — , the Nar. is not repeated). A. D. Altenglische Dichtungen der MS. Harl. 2253, heraus- gegeben von K. Boddeker, Berlin, 1878. A. P. v. Allit. Pms. A. R. The Ancren Riwle, edited for the Camden Society (No. lvii.) by J. Morton, 1853. Quoted by page and line. Abus. Codex Junii 23, fol. 60, in the Bodleian Library. See Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 37, and Engl. Stud. viii. 62. ZElf. Ep. 1 st = L. jElfc. P. (q.v.). jElf. Test. yElfric on the Old Testament in Sweet’s Anglo- Saxon Reader (1st ed.). ZEJlfc. Gen. Thw. The preface to Genesis in Thwaites’ edition of the Heptateuch, v. Gen. ZElfc. Gl. Codex Junii 71, in the Bodleian Library. See Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 96. Printed by Somner (Som.) at the end of his Dictionary, and again by Wright in A Volume of Vocabularies (Wrt. Voc.). In the early part of the Dictionary the page of the MS., and the page and number of the word in Somner and in Wright are given, but later the reference is to Wright only (Wrt. Voc. i.). AElfc. Gl. ; Zup. yElfric’s Grammatik und Glossar, heraus- gegeben von Julius Zupitza, Berlin, 1880. Quoted by page and line. AUlfc. Gr. /Elfric’s Grammar, referred to at first in the edition by Somner, printed with his Dictionary (Som.), later in that of Zupitza (Zup. v. preceding explanation). Quoted by section of the Grammar, and by page and line of the editions. -®lfc. pref. Gen.=ALlfc. Gen. Thw. ZElfc. T. or ZElfc. T. Lisle. A Saxon treatise concerning the Old and New Testament. . . . Now first published in print with English of our times by William L’Isle, London, 1623. Quoted by page and line. ZElfe. T. Grn. The same text, in vol. i. of Bibliothek der Angelsachsischen Prosa, herausgegeben von Chr. Grein. 1872. See also z£lf. Test. u a 2 A2qu. Vern. This contraction (used, but not explained, by Lye) seems to refer to the Anglo-Saxon abridgement of Bede’s De Natura Rerutn in MS. Cotton. Tiberius, B. V. (see Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 216). It is printed in Popular Treatises on Science, edited for the Historical Society of Science by Wright, London, 1841 (Wrt. popl. science) ; and again in the 3rd vol. of Cockayne’s Leechdoms (Lchdm. III). The later quotations are taken from the latter edition, v. Equin. vern. Al. The Life of St. Alexius, edited by F. J. Furnivall, E.E.T.S., No. 69, 1878. Quoted by line. Alb. resp. Albini responsa ad Sigewulfi interrogationes. For a text and MSS. see Anglia, vol. vii. pp. 1 sqq. Aid. Sancti Aldhelmi Opera, edited by J. A. Giles, Oxford, 1844. Quoted by page. Alex. The Alliterative Romance of Alexander, edited by J. Stevenson, Roxburghe Club, 1849. Quoted by line. Alex. (Skt.). The same, edited by W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., No. lxvii., 1866. Quoted by line. Alis. King Alisaunder, in Weber’s Metrical Romances, vol. i., Edinburgh, 1810. Quoted by line. Allit. Pms. Early English Alliterative Poems, edited by R. Morris, E.E.T.S., No. 1, 1864. Quoted by page and line. Am. and Amil. Amis and Amiloun, in Weber’s Metrical Romances, vol. ii. An. Lit. Anecdota Literaria, edited by Thomas Wright, London, 1844. Quoted by page and line. An. ( or Anal.) Th. or Th. An. (Anal., Anlct.). Analecta Anglo-Saxonica, by Benjamin Thorpe, London, 1846. Quoted by page and line. And. = St. And. (q.v.). Andr. Grm. See Grm[m]. A. u. E. Andr. Kmbl. The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, edited by J. M. Kemble for the /Elfric Society. Part 1 . The Legend of St. Andrew, London, 1844. IV EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES. Andr. Reed. The same poem edited for the Record Com- mission by Benjamin Thorpe, but not published. See Glos. Epnl. Reed. Andrews’ Old English Manor. The Old English Manor, a study in English Economic History, by Charles McLean Andrews, Baltimore, 1892. Anglia. Anglia, Zeitschrift fur Englische Philologie. Halle, 1878- Anlct. v. An. Th. Ap. (Apol.) Th. or Th. Ap. (Apol.). The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Story of Apollonius of Tyre, from a MS. in the Library of C. C. C., Cambridge (v. Wanley’s Cata- logue, p. 146), edited by Benjamin Thorpe, London, 1834. Quoted by page and line. App. (Lib.) Scint. v. Scint. Apstls. Crd. An interlinear version of the Apostles’ Creed on folio 199 a of the MS. referred to as Ps. Lamb. (q.v.). Apstls. Kmbl. The Fates of the Twelve Apostles in The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis. Part II. v. Andr. Kmbl. Apstls. Reed. The same poem edited for the Record Com- mission. v. Ah'dr. Reed. Arth. and Merl. Arthour and Merlin, a Metrical Romance edited by W. D. Turnbull, Abbotsford Club, 1 838. Quoted by line. Ass. B. Assumpcio Beate 'Marie, edited by J. R. Lumby, E.E.T.S., No. 14, 1866. Quoted by line. Ath. Crd. or Athan. An interlinear version of the Atha- nasian Creed, folios, 200 a-202 b of the MS. referred to as Ps. Lamb. (q. v.). Quoted by paragraph. Ayenb. Dan Michel’s Ayenbite of Inwyt, in the Kentish Dialect, 1340, edited by R. Morris, E.E.T.S., No. 23, 1 §66. Bailey. An Universal Etymological English Dictionary, ; by N. Bailey, 10th edition, London, 1742. JSgsil adpm, ; Norm. The Anglo-Saxon Remains of St. Basil’s Admonitio ad filium spiritualem, edited by the ■Rev. Henry W. Norman, 2nd edition, London, 1849. > Quotpd by chapter, and by page and line. Bd. de nat. rm. (rerum h See under yEqu. Vern. Bd. ; M. ,The Old English Version of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People, edited by Thomas Miller, E.E.T.S., Nos. 95, 96, 1890-1891. , Quoted by book and chapter, and by page and line. Bd. ; S. Baedae Historia Ecclesiastics a gloriosissimo vete- rum Anglo-Saxonum rege Aluredo Saxonice reddita, cura et studio Johannis Smith, Cantabrigiae, 1722. Quoted as in previous work. Bd. ; Whel. (Whelc.). Bedae Venerabilis Historia Eccle- siastics Anglorum, Anglo-Saxonice ex versione Aflfredi Magni Gentis et Latine, cura Abrahami Wheloci, Canta- brigiae, 1644. Ben. Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, opera Th. Benson, Oxoniae, 1701. Beo. Kmbl. The Anglo-Saxon poems of Beowulf, the Tra- veller’s Song and the Battle of Finnesburh, edited by John M. Kemble, 2nd edition, London, 1835. Beo. Tb. The Anglo-Saxon Poem of Beowulf, edited by Benjamin Thorpe, Oxford, 1855. Beves. Sir Beves of Hamtune, edited by E. Kolbing, E.E.T.S., Nos. xlvi., xlviii., 18S5-1886. Quoted by line. Bliekl. Gl. (Gloss.). Glosses taken from a copy of the Roman Psalter in the library at Blickling Hall. Printed at the end of the Blickling Homilies. See next para- graph. Bliekl. Homl. or Homl. Blick. The Blickling Homilies, edited by R. Morris, E.E.T.S., Nos. 58, 63, 1874-1876. Quoted by page and line. Boutr. (Btwk.) Scrd. Screadunga. Anglo-Saxonica maxi- 1 mam partem inedita publicavit C. G. Bouterwek, Elber- feld, 1858. Quoted by page and line. Brand. Popular Antiquities of Great Britain, edited, from the materials collected by John Brand, by W. C. Hazlitt. Three vols. London, 1870. Bridffr]. Bridferth’s Enchiridion contained in MS. No. 328 in the Ashmolean Library (see Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 103). Quoted by folio. This MS. is printed in Anglia viii. 298-337, and later references are to this edition by page and line. Bt. ; Fox. King Alfred’s Anglo-Saxon version of Boethius de Consolatione Philosophiae, edited by the Rev. S. Fox. Bohn’s Antiquarian Library, London, 1864. Quoted by chapter and paragraph, and by page and line. Bt. Met. Fox and Bt. Tupr. The Anglo-Saxon metrical version of the metrical portions of Boethius, with a verse translation by M. Tupper. At the end of the previous work. Quoted by number of metre and line. Bt. ; Rawl. Boethii Consolationis Philosophiae libri v Anglo-Saxonice redditi ab JSlfredo ; ad Apographum Junianum expressos edidit Christophorus Rawlinson, Oxoniae, 1698. Quoted by chapter and paragraph, and by page and line. Btwk. Caedmon’s Biblische Dichtungen, herausgegeben von K. W. Bouterwek. Erster Theil, Giitersloh, 1854. The references are to the Anglo-Saxon piece ‘ De officiis diurnalium et nocturnalium horarum,’ preface, pp. cxciv- ccxxii. Quoted by page and line. Btwk. Scrd. v. Boutr. Scrd. Byrht. Th. The poem on the battle of Maldon in Thorpe’s Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. Quoted by page and line. C. L. Castel off Love, edited by R. F. Weymouth, Philol. Soc., 1864. Quoted by line. C. M. Cursor Mundi, edited by R. Morris, E.E.T.S. Quoted by line. C. R. Ben. An Anglo- Saxon version of the Benedictine Rule contained in a MS. in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. See Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 122. Quoted by chapter. In the latter part of the Dictionary references are given to the work noticed under R. Ben., in which this MS. is used. Cambr. MS. Ps. = Ps. Spl. C. (q.v.). Canon. Hrs. Appendix to Hickes’ Letters to a Popish Priest. Quoted by page and line. The piece is printed in Select Monuments of the Doctrine and Worship of the Catholic Church in England before the Norman Conquest, by E. Thompson, London, 1875 (2nd edition). Cant. Ab. (Abac., Habac., Abac. Lamb.). A gloss of Habakkuk, 3, 2-19, contained in the same MS. as Ps. Lamb. (q. v.) on folios 189-191. Quoted by verse. Cant. Abac. Surt. A gloss of the same material as the preceding, printed in An Anglo-Saxon and Early English .Psalter, edited by J. Stevenson, Surtees Soc., No. 19. Quoted by page and line. Cant. (Cantic.) An. A gloss of the song of Hannah (I. Sam. 2, 1-10), contained in the same MS. as Ps. Lamb, (q.v.) on folios 185 b-i86b. Quoted by verse. Cant. Es. A gloss of Isaiah 12, 1-6, contained in the same MS. as the preceding, on folio 184. Quoted by verse. Cant. Ez. (Cant. Ezech. Lamb.). A gloss of Isaiah 38, 10- 20, contained in the same MS. as the preceding, on folios i84b-i8s b. Quoted by verse (in some instances the folio of the MS. is also given). Cant. M. (Moys., Moys. Lamb.). A gloss of Exodus 15, 1 -19, contained in the same MS. as the preceding, on folios 186 b-189. Quoted as in the preceding. Cant. M. ad fil. (Moys. Isrl. Lamb.). A gloss of Deutero- nomy 32, 1-43, contained in the same MS. as the preceding, on folios 191-195. Quoted as in the preceding. Cant. Mar. A gloss of Luke 1, 46-55, contained in the same EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES. MS. as the preceding, on folios 198-198 b. Quoted by verse. Cant. Moys. Ex. (Cantic. Moys.) ; Thw. : Cant. Moys. Thw. A gloss of Exodus 15, 1— 19, at the end of Thwaites’ Heptateuch. Cant. Zaeh. A gloss of Luke 1, 68-79, contained in the same MS. as Ps. Lamb. (q. v.) on folios 197-198. Quoted by verse. Cart. Eadgif. E. A charter of Queen Eadgifu, v. Chart. Th. 201. Cath. Ang. (Angl.). Catholicon Anglicum, edited by S. J. Herrtage, E.E.T.S., No. 75, 1881. Quoted by page. Cd. ; Th. ( later Cd. Th.). Caedmon’s Metrical Paraphrase of parts of the Holy Scripture, in Anglo-Saxon, by Benjamin Thorpe, London, 1832. Quoted at first by folio, and by page and line, later by page and line. Chart. Erl. A Handbook to the Land Charters, and other Saxonic Documents, by John Earle, M.A., Oxford, 1888. "Quoted by page and line. Chart. (Ch.) Th. Diplomatarium Anglicum Aevi Saxonici, by Benjamin Thorpe, London, 1865. Quoted by page and line. Chauc. The abbreviations used in connexion with Chaucer are not given as not requiring explanation. Chr. ; Erl. Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel with supplementary extracts from the others, edited by John Earle, M.A., Oxford, 1865. Quoted by year, and by page and line. Chr. ; Gib. Chronicon Saxonicum, Latine et Anglo- Saxonice, cum notis Edmundi Gibson, Oxon., 1692. Chr. ; Ing. The Saxon Chronicle, with an English trans- lation and notes, by the Rev. James Ingram, 1823. Chr. ; Th. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several original authorities. Edited, with a translation, by Benjamin Thorpe, Master of the Rolls Series, 1861. Quoted by year, and by page, line, and column. Chron. Abing. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon. Edited by Rev. J. Stevenson, Master of the Rolls Series, 1858. Chron. Vilodun. Chronicon Vilodunense, sive de vita et miraculi6 sanctae Edithae, cur. W. H. Black. Quoted by line. Cl. and Vig. Diet. An Icelandic-English Dictionary, based on the MS. collections of the late Richard Cleasby, en- larged and completed by Gudbrand Vigfusson, Oxford, 1874- Cod. Dip. B. Cartularium Saxonicum : a collection of Charters relating to Anglo-Saxon History, by Walter de Gray Birch, London, 1883-1893. Quoted by volume, page and line. Cod. Dip. (Dipl.) Kmbl. Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici, opera Johannis M. Kemble. Publications of the English Historical Society, 1839-1848. Quoted by volume, page and line. Cod. Exon. v. Exon. Th. Coll. Monast. Th. or Wrt. Colloquium ad pueros linguae Latinae locutione exercendos ab AHfrico compilatum. Printed in Thorpe’s Analecta (v. An. Th.), or in Wright’s Vocabularies (v. Wrt. Voc. i.). Quoted by page and line. Confess. Pece. (Peeeat.). A gloss of a ‘ Confessio pro peccatis ad Deum,’ contained in the same MS. as Ps. Lamb. (q. v.) on folios i82b-i83 b. Corp. Gl. (ed.) Hessels. An eighth-century Latin-Anglo- Saxon Glossary preserved in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, edited by J. H. Hessels, Cambridge, 1890. Quoted by page and number of word. Cot. In the earlier part of the Dictionary several glossaries found among the Cotton MSS. are referred to by this abbreviation. These glossaries are printed in Wrt. Voc. i., ii., to which works later references are given ; in a supplement to the Dictionary similar references will be found to replace the abbreviation in question. D. Arth. Morte Arthure ; or the Death of Arthur, edited by Edm. Brock, E.E.T.S., No. 8, 1871. Quoted by line. Dep. Eieh. Richard the Redeles, an Alliterative Poem on the Deposition of Richard II, edited by W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., No. 54, 1873. Quoted by passus and line. Destr. Tr. The Gest Historiale of the Destruction of Troy, edited by G. A. Panton and D. Donaldson, E.E.T.S., Nos. 39, 56. Quoted by line. Deut. The Anglo-Saxon version of Deuteronomy in Thw. Hept. (q. v.) or in Bibliothek der Angelsachsischen Prosa,herausgegeben von Chr. Wilh. Mich. Grein, erster Band, 1872. Quoted by chapter and verse. Dial. v. Gr. Dial. Dief. Vergleichendes Worterbuch der Gothischen Sprache, von Dr. Lorenz Diefenbach, 1851. Dietr. Dietrich’s Commentatio de Kynewulfi poetae aetate, Marburg, 1859-1860. Dom. L. Be Domes Dasge, an Old English version of the Latin poem ascribed to Bede. Edited with other short poems from the MS. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, by J. R. Lumby, E.E.T.S., No. 65, 1876. Quoted by page and line. E. D. S. (Publ.). The publications of the English Dialect Society. E. E. T. S. The publications of the Early English Text Society, E. G. English Gilds, edited by Miss L. Toulmin Smith, E.E.T.S., No. 40, 1870. Quoted by page and line. Earle A.S. Lit. Anglo-Saxon Literature. By John Earle. London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1884. Eeelus. The book of Ecclesiasticus. Elen. Grm. v. Grmm. A. u. E. Elen. Kmbl. The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, edited for the ALlfric Society by J. M. Kemble. Part II. Elene and Minor Poems, London, 1856. Engl. Stud. Englische Studien. Organ fur englische Philologie. Herausgegeben von Dr. Eugen Kolbing. Ep. Gl. (Gloss. Ep.). The Epinal Glossary, Latin and Old- English of the eighth century. Edited by Henry Sweet. Printed for the Philological and Early English Text Societies, 1883. Quoted by page, column and line. Equin. vern. An Anglo-Saxon summary of Bede’s De Temporibus, referred to in Wanley’s Catalogue under the heading De equinoctio vernali. It is printed in Lchdm. iii. pp. 232-280, and the quotations from the work are, except in the earlier part of the Dictionary, from this printed form. v. Atqu. Vern. Erf. Gl. A Latin-Anglo-Saxon Glossary contained in a MS. preserved in the Amplomian library at Erfurt. Printed in the oldest English Texts, edited by Henry Sweet, E.E.T.S., No. 83, 1885. Ettm. Lexicon Anglosaxonicum, edidit Ludovicus Ettmiil- lerus. Qqedlinburgii et Lipsiae, 1851. Ettm. Poet. Anglosaxonum poetae atque scriptores prosaici. Edidit Ludovicus Ettmiillerus. Quedlinburgii et Lipsiae, 1850. Ex. The Anglo-Saxon version of Exodus, v. Deut. Exod, Thw. v. preceding. Exon.; Th. ( later Exon. Th.). Codex Exoniensis. A Collection of Anglo-Saxon poetry, from a MS. in the library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, by Benjamin Thorpe, London, 1842. Quoted at first by folio, and by page and line, later by page and line. Per. Sir Ferumbras, edited by S. J. Herrtage, E.E.T.S., No. xxiv., 1879. Quoted by line. a 3 EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES. vi Tins. Th. The Anglo-Saxon poem of the Fight at Finnes- burg, edited by Benjamin Thorpe. In the same volume with Beo. Th. (q. v.}. FI. a. BL Floriz and Blauncheflur, edited by J. R. Lumby, E.E.T.S., No. 14, 1866. Quoted by line. Frag. Kmbl. A Fragment, Moral and Religious, contained in the Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, edited by J. M. Kemble (v. Elen. Kmbl.). Frag. Phlps. Fragment of Allfric’s Grammar, /Elfric’s Glossary, and a Poem on the Soul and the Body, in the orthography of the twelfth century, edited by Sir T. Phillipps, London, 1838. Frag. Reed. The same poem as Frag. Kmbl., printed with Andr. Reed. (q. v.). Fnlg. S. Fulgentii Regulae Monachorum, an Anglo-Saxon gloss of the Latin work contained in MS. Cott. Tib. A. 3 (see Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 91). Gam. The Tale of Gamelin, edited by W. W. Skeat, Oxford, 1884. Quoted by line. Gaw. Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight, edited by R. Morris, E.E.T.S., No. 4, 1864. Quoted by line. Gen. The Anglo-Saxon version of Genesis, v. Deut. Gen. and Ex. The Story of Genesis and Exodus, edited by R. Morris, E.E.T.S., No. 7, 1865. Quoted by line. Gen. pref. Thw. The Anglo-Saxon preface to Genesis in Thw. Hept. Quoted by page and line. Germ. Die Bouloneser Angelsachsischen Glossen zu Pru- dentius. Herausgegeben von Dr. Alfred Holder. In vol. xi. (new series) of Germania. Quoted by page and number preceding the gloss, v. Gl. Prud., Gl. Prud. H., Glos. Prudent. Reed. Gl. Amplon. Glossae Amplonianae, ed. Oehler in Jahn’s Jahrb. 13, 1847. Gl. E. A Latin-Anglo- Saxon Glossary contained in MS. Cott. Cleopatra A III. (v. Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 238). Printed in Wrt. Voc. ii. pp. 70 sqq., whence, except at the beginning, quotations are taken. Gl. M. An Anglo-Saxon Gloss of Aldhelm’s De laude virginitatis, published in Mone’s Quellen und Forsch- ungen, Leipzig, 1830. Quoted by page. See Hpt. GL, where the same gloss is referred to. Gl. Mett. Glossae Mettenses in Mone Anzeiger, 1839. Gl. Prud. (1). Glosses to Prudentius in Mone Anzeiger, 1839. Quoted by number of gloss. From the same MS. as that given under Germ. Gl. Prud. (2). The same abbreviation as the preceding has also sometimes been used for another work, which else- where is referred to as Glos. Prud. (q. v.) or simply Prud. The quotations, however, in this case are by paragraph. Gl. Prud. H. This is the gloss given under Germ. (q. v.). The quotations are by folio instead of by page. Gl. Wiilek. v. Wiilck. Glos. Brux. Reed. An Anglo-Saxon Vocabulary taken from a MS. in the Royal Library at Brussels. It is printed in Wrt. Voc. i. pp. 62 sqq., and to this edition alone, except in the earlier part of the Dictionary, references are given. Glos. Epnl. Reed. The Epinal Glossary printed (but not published) in Appendix B of An Account of the most important Public Records of Great Britain (Publications of the Record Commissioners), London, 1836. Glos. Prud. or Prud. Englische Obersetzungen der latein- ischen Erklarungen von Bildern zur Psychotnachie des Prudentius entlehnt : (A) einer Hs. im Britischen Museum, Cotton. Cleop. C. viii, (B) einer Cambridger Hs., Corpus Christi College 23, published by J. Zupitza in Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum, vol. 8 (new series), J876. Quoted by paragraph and MS. Glos. Prudent. Reed. The glosses given under Germ., printed in the same work as the Glos. Epnl. Reed. Gloss. Ep. v. Ep. Gl. Glostr. Frag. Legends of Saint Swicfun and Sancta Maria jEgyptiaca, published by John Earle, M.A., London, 1861. Gospel of Nicodemus. Quoted from The Apocryphal New Testament. Printed for William Hone, 1820. Tenth edition, London, 1872. Goth. Gothic ; the text referred to has been Die Gothischen Sprachdenkmaler, herausgegeben von H. F. Massmann. v. Dief. Gow. Confessio Amantis of John Gower, edited by R. Pauli, London, 1857. Quoted by volume, page and line. Greg. Die englische Gregorlegende, herausgegeben von F. Schulz, Konigsberg, 1876. Quoted by line. Gr. (Greg.) Dial. The Anglo-Saxon version of Gregory's Dialogues. Quoted from Lye. v. Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 7 1. Grff. Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz von Dr. E. G. Graff. Berlin, 1834-1842. Grm. (Grmm. Gr.). Deutsche Grammatik von Dr. Jacob Grimm. 2. Ausgabe. Grm[m]. A. u. E. (And. u. El.). Andreas und Elene. Herausgegeben von Jacob Grimm. Cassel, 1840. Grm[m], D. M. Deutsche Mythologie, von Jacob Grimm. Zweite Ausgabe, Gottingen, 1844. Grm|m]. Gesch. D. S. (Gseh.). Geschichte der deutschen Sprache, von Jacob Grimm. 3. (2.) Ausgabe, Leipzig, 1868. Grm. Mythol. The first edition of Grmm. D. M. Grm[m]. R. A. Deutsche Rechtsalterthiimer, von Jacob Grimm. 2. Ausgabe, Gottingen, 1854. Guthl. (Gu.) ; Gdwin. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Life of St. Guthlac, Hermit of Crowland, edited by C. W. Goodwin, London, 1848. Quoted by chapter (Guthl.) and by page and line (Gdwin.). H. (K.) de visione Isaiae. The reference is to Wanley’s Catalogue, p. 27, 1 . 9 ; the passage will be found Wulfst. 44, 23. H. M. Hali Meidenhad, edited by O. Cockayne, E.E.T.S., No. 18, 1866. Quoted by page and line. H. R. Legends of the Holy Rood, edited by R. Morris, E.E.T.S., No. 46, 1871. Quoted by page and line. H. S. Robert of Brunne’s Handling Sinne, edited by F. J. Furnivall, Roxburghe Club, 1862. Quoted by line. H. Z. (Hpt., Hpt. Zeitjsch].). Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum, herausgegeben von Moritz Haupt. Hall. (Halliw., Halwl.) Diet. A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, by J. O. Halliwell. Seventh edition, London, 1872. Handl. Synne. v. H. S. Harl. Gl. 978 . This glossary is printed at p. 139 of Wrt. Voc. i. Havel. The Lay of Havelok the Dane, edited by W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., No. iv., 1868. Quoted by line. Hel. Heliand. Herausgegeben von Moritz Heyne. Pader- born, 1866. Heli. Schmel. Heliand. Poema Saxonicum seculi noni. Edidit J. A. Schmeller, 1830. Hem. (Heming.). Hemingi Chartularium Eccl. Wigor- niensis, edidit T. Hearne, Oxon., 1723. Tom. ii. Herb.; Lchdm. i. An Anglo-Saxon Herbarium printed in Lchdm. i. Quoted by section and paragraph (Herb.), and by page and line. See Lchdm. Hexam. (Hex.) ; Norm. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil, edited by H. W. Norman. EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES. vn 2nd edition, London, 1849. Quoted by chapter (Hexam.), and by page and line (Norm.). Hick. Thes. Linguarum veterum septentrionalium thesaurus, auctore G. Hickesio, Oxoniae, 1705. Hick. Diss. Ep. (Hiekes’ Diss.). G. Hickesii de antiquae litteraturae septentrionalis utilitate dissertatio epistolaris, Oxoniae, 1703. Contained in vol. i. of the preceding. Horn. = 0 . E. Homl. Horn, de Comp. Cord. Cited by Dr. Bosworth from Lye. Horn. 8 Cal. Jan. This homily is printed in Homl. Th. i. 28. [v. ge-j>ryle, the reference to which=Homl. Th. i- 34 , 34 -] Homl. As[s]. Angelsachsische Homilien und Heiligen- leben, herausgegeben von Bruno Assman, Kassel, 1889. [Bibliothek der Angelsachsischen Prosa, begriindet von C. W. M. Grein, 3. Band.] Quoted by page and line of section. Homl. Bliek. v. Blickl. Homl. Homl. in nat. Innoc. This homily is printed in Homl. Th. i. 76. [v. aerst, the reference to which = Homl. Th. i. 78, 18.] Homl. Pasc. Daye. A Sermon of the Paschall Lambe to be spoken unto the people at Easter. Imprinted (with other works of iElfric) at London by John Daye, 1567. Homl. Pasc. Lisl. The same homily as the preceding, published in 1623 by Lisle. The homily is printed in Homl. Th. ii. 262. Homl. Skt. iElfric’s Metrical Lives of Saints, edited by W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., Nos. 76, 82, 94, 1881-85-90. Quoted by volume, homily and line. Homl. Th. The Homilies of ^Elfric, edited by B. Thorpe for the iElfric Society, London, 1844-1846. Quoted by volume, page and line. Horn (Kfing] Horn). King Horn, edited by J. R. Lumby, E.E.T.S., No. 14, 1866. Quoted by line. Hpt. v. H. Z. Hpt. Gl. Die Angelsachsischen Glossen in dem Briisseler Codex von Aldhelms Schrift De Virginitate, published in vol. ix. of Haupt’s Zeitschrift, by K. Bouterwek. Quoted by page and line. Hpt. Zeit[sch]. v. H. Z. Hymn, ad Mat. Hymnus ad Matutinos Dies Dominicos, con- tained in fols. 195-196 of Ps. Lamb. Quoted by verse. Hymn, in Dedic. Eccles. (Hymn.). The piece referred to will be found printed in Homl. Th. ii. 576 sqq. Hymn. L. = Hymn. ad Mat. Hymn. Lye = Hymnarium in Cott. MS. Jul. A. 6. Hymn. Surt. Anglo-Saxon Hymnarium, edited by Rev. J. Stevenson, Surtees Society, vol. xxiii., 1851. Quoted by page and line. Hymn. T. P. An Anglo-Saxon gloss of Dan. 3, 57-88, con- tained in the same MS. as Ps. Lamb, on folios 196-197. Quoted by verse. Icel. Icelandic; the forms are taken from Cleasby and Vigfusson’s Dictionary. Invent. Crs. Reed. The poem in the Codex Vercellensis on the finding of the Cross (v. Elen. Kmbl.), edited for the Record Commission by Benjamin Thorpe, but not published. See Andr. Reed. Jamieson. Jamieson’s Dictionary of the Scottish Language, abridged by J. Johnstone. Anew edition by J. Longmuir, Edinburgh, 1877. Japx. Gysbert Japicx, a Friesian poet, who wrote about 1650. Jellinghaus. Die Westfalischen Ortsnamen nach ihren Grand wortern, von H. Jellinghaus. Kiel und Leipzig, 1896. Jn. The Gospel of St. John. v. Mt. Job Thw. A portion of TElfric’s homily on Job (v. Homl. Th. ii. 446) printed in Thw. Hept. Quoted by page and line. Jos. (x). The Anglo-Saxon version of the book of Joshua, v. Deut. Jos. (2). (Jos. of Arith.). Joseph of Arimathie, edited by W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., No. 44, 1871. Jose. For the passage under slite 7 i cited from Joscelin by Lye, see Lk. Spt. p. 2, 1 1. For Joscelin’s Dictionary see Wanl. Cat. p. 101. Jud. (1). The Anglo-Saxon version of the book of Judges, v. Deut. Jud. (2) (Jud. Thw.). Where the quotation is by page and line the reference is to the matter printed in Thw. Hept. at the end of the book of Judges. Jud. (3). See under the contractions used in Grein’s Dictionary. Jud. Civ. Lund. Judicia Civitatis Lundoniae. L. Ath. v. ; Th. i. 228. Judth. ; Thw. {later Judth. Thw.). The poem of Judith printed at the end of Thw. Hept. Quoted by section (Judth.), and by page and line (Thw.). Jul. (Juliana). The Liflade of St. Juliana, edited by O. Cockayne and T. Brock, E.E.T.S., No. 51, 1872. Quoted by page and line. K. Alis. v. Alis. Kath. The Life of Saint Katherine ; in the earlier part of the Dictionary reference is to the edition of Rev. J. Morton, later to that of Dr. E. Einenkel, E.E.T.S., No. 80, 1884. Quoted by line. The correspondence of lines in the two editions is marked in the later. - Kent. Gl. Kentische Glossen des neunten Jahrhunderts, published in Zeitschrift fur deutsches Alterthum, vol. ix., new series, by J. Zupitza. These glosses, from MS. Cott. Vesp. D 6, are on the book of Proverbs, and in the earlier part of the Dictionary the abbreviation used is • Prov. ; in this case the quotation is by chapter, in the other by the number of the gloss. Ker. Kero, the name assumed to be that of the author of a glossary, and of a gloss of the Benedictine Rule, in the Alemannic dialect. Kil. Etymologicum Teutonicae linguae, sive dictionarium Teutonico-Latinum, studio et opera Corn. Kiliani Dufflaei, Antverpiae, 1599. King Horn. v. Horn. Kmbl. Cod. Dipl. v. Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. Kmbl. Sal. and Sat. v. Salm. Kmbl. L. ; Th. The following contractions refer to the matter con- tained in Ancient Laws and Institutes of England, edited by Benjamin Thorpe, and printed under the direction of the Commissioners on the Public Records of the King- dom, 1840. Quoted by (section and) paragraph (L. — ), and by volume, page and line (Th.) : — L. A. G. Alfred and Guthrum’s Peace. L. ZElfc. C. Canons of ALlfric. L. j 331 fc. E. AHfric’s Epistle, ‘ Quando dividis Chrisma.’ L. ZElfc. P. HHfric’s Pastoral Epistle. L. ZEdelb. = L. Ethb. L. ZEdelst. = L. Ath. L. Alf. Extracts from Exodus, prefixed to Alfred’s Laws. L. Alf. pol. Laws of King Alfred. L. Ath. i-v. Laws of King Athelstan. L. C. E. Ecclesiastical Laws of King Cnut. L. C. P. Constitutiones de Foresta of King Cnut. L. C. S. Secular Laws of King Cnut. L. de Cf. De Confessione (Canons enacted under King Edgar). L. E. B. Ecclesiastical Compensations (Bot). EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES. vm L. Ecg. C. Ecgberti Confessionale. Xi. Ecg. E. Excerptiones Ecgberti. L. Ecg. P. i-iv. Ecgberti Poenitentiale (libri iv.). L. Ecg. P. addit. Additamenta to the preceding. L. E. G. Laws of Edward and Guthrum. L. E. I. Ecclesiastical Institutes. L. Ed. Laws of King Edward. L. Ed. C. Laws of King Edward the Confessor. L. Edg. i, ii. Laws of King Edgar, (i) ecclesiastical, (ii) secular. l i. Edg. C. Canons enacted under King Edgar. L. Edg. H. Laws of King Edgar (How the Hundred shall be held). L. Edg. S. Supplement to King Edgar’s Laws. L. Edm. B. Laws of King Edmund (of betrothing a woman). L. Edm. C. „ „ „ (Concilium Culintonense). L. Edm. E. „ „ „ (Ecclesiastical). L. Edm. S. „ „ „ (Secular). L. Eth. i-ix. Laws of King Ethelred. L. Ethb. Laws of King Aithelbirht of Kent. L. Ef. OfForfang. L. H. Laws of King Henry I. L. H. E. Laws of Hlothhasre and Eadric. L. I. P. Institutes of Polity. L. In. Laws of King Ine. L. M. I. P. Modus Imponendi Poenitentiam. L. M. L. Mercian Law. lj. N. P. Ii. Law of the Northumbrian Priests. L. O. Oaths. Ii. O. D. Ordinance respecting the Duns«etas. L. P. M. Of Powerful Men. L. Pen. Of Penitents. L. It. Ranks. Ii. It. S. Rectitudines Singularum Personarum. Ii. Th. C. Theodori Capitula et Fragmenta. L. Th. P. Theodori Liber Poenitentialis. L. Wg. Wergilds. Ii. Wih. Laws of King Wihtraed. L. Wil. i-iv. Laws of William the Conqueror. Ii. Const. W. Wilkins’ (v. Wilk.) edition of the text cited as L. I. P. in Thorpe’s Laws. L. Eadg., L. Eadg. Suppl., L. Eceles., L. Ecg. P.A.= L. Edg., L. Edg. S., L. E. I., L. Ecg. P. addit. Ii. Edw. Conf. Schmid. The Laws of King Edward the Confessor in Schmid’s A. S. Gesetz. (q.v.). L.H.K. = H. R. Ii. Lund. = L. Ath. v. L. M. 1 , 2 , 3 . Three books on medicine, contained in Lchdm. ii. Quoted by book and section ; in the latter part of the Dictionary the references are to Lchdm. only. L. Med. ex Quadr. = Med. ex Quadr. L. N. F. Altenglische Legenden, neue F olge, herausgegeben von C. Horstmann, Heilbronn, 1881. Quoted by page and line. L. S. Lives of Saints, edited by C. Hortsmann, E.E.T.S., No. 87, 1887. Quoted by page and line of poem. L. Th. Thorpe’s edition of the Laws given under L. ; Th. Lambd. Lambard’s edition of the Laws printed in 1568. Laym. Lajamon’s Brut, edited by F. Madden, Society of Antiquaries, London, 1847. Quoted by line. Lchdm. Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of early England, edited by O. Cockayne, Master of the Rolls Series, 3 vols. London, 1864-^866. Quoted by volume, page and line. Leo A. S. Names. A treatise on the local nomenclature of the Anglo-Saxons, translated from the German of Prof. H. Leo, London, 1852. Leo A. Sax. Gl. Angelsachsisches Glossar von H. Leo, Halle, 1877. Lev. The Anglo-Saxon version of the book of Leviticus, v. Deut. Lk. The Gospel of St. Luke. v. Mt. LL. Th. = L. Th. Lupi Serm. v. Wulfst. Lye. Dictionarium Saxonico- et Gothico-Latinum. Auctore Eduardo Lye. Edidit Owen Manning, London, 1772. M. H. The MS. so quoted has now been printed, v. Homl. Skt. Man. ed. Furn. (P). Robert Manning’s History of Eng- land, edited by F. J. Fumivall, Rolls Series, London, 1887. Quoted by line. Mand. The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundeville, edited by J. O. Halliwell, London, 1883. Manip. Vocab. Levins’ Manipulus Vocabulorum, a riming Dictionary, 1570, edited by H. B. Wheatley, E.E.T.S., No. 27, 1867. Mann. Manning’s edition of Lye’s A. S. Diet., particularly the Supplement. Mapes. The Latin Poems commonly attributed to Walter ■ Map, edited by T. Wright, Camden Soc., No. xvi., 1841. , Quoted by page and line. March. A comparative grammar of ' the Anglo-Saxon language, by F. A. March, New York, 1873. Marg. Seinte Margarete, edited by O. Cockayne (in the ' same volume as the next). Quoted by line. Marh. Seinte Marherete, }>e meiden ant martyr, edited by O. Cockayne, E.E.T.S., No. 13, 1866. Quoted by 'j page and line. Martyr. (Martyrol.). Martyrologium in Bibl. C. C. C. ! Cant. D. 5. v. Wanl. Catal. p. 106. Alterum exemplar, ( mutilum licet, multa tamen continens quae in superiori j desiderantur, occurrit in Bibl. Cott. Jul. A. 10, v. Wanl. j Catal. p. 185. The MSS. thus referred to by Lye are ' used by Cockayne in Shrn. pp. 44-156, and from this f edition most passages are taken in the Dictionary. The j quotation by month and day of Martyr, makes reference to Shrn. easy. Med. ex Quadr. An Anglo-Saxon version of the Medicina j de Quadrupedis of Sextus Placitus, printed in Lchdm. i. I Quoted by section and paragraph. Med. Pec. For the passage given under Agotenes with this } abbreviation see L. Ecg. C. 2 ; Th. ii. 136, 20. Menol. Pox. Menologium seu Calendarium Poeticum, ex f Hickesiano Thesauro, edited by S. Fox, London, 1830. Quoted by line. Met[r]. Homl. English Metrical Homilies from MSS. of the 14th century, edited by J. Small, Edinburgh, 1862. Quoted by page and line. Mid. York. Gl. A glossary of words pertaining to the dialect of Mid- Yorkshire, by C. C. Robinson, E.D.S., § 1876. Migne. Lexicon Manuale ad Scriptores mediae et infimae Latinitatis, par M. L’Abbd Migne, Paris, 1866. Min. The Poems of Laurence Minot, edited by J. Hall, Oxford, 1887. Quoted by number of poem (or of page) and line. Mire. Instructions for Parish Priests by John Myrc, edited by E. Peacock, E.E.T.S., No. 31, 1868. Quoted by line. Misc. An Old English Miscellany, edited by R. Morris, E.E.T.S., No. 49, 1872. Quoted by page and line. Mk. The Gospel of St. Mark. v. Mt. Mobr. Venerabilis Baedae Historia Ecclesiae Gentis j Anglorum, cura G. H. Moberly, Oxon., 1869. EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES. Mod. Confit. Confessio et oratio ad Deum, MS. Cott. Tib. A. 3, fol. 44, v. Wanl. Cat. p. 195. See an edition of this piece, Anglia xi. 112-115. Mod. Lang. Notes. Modern Language Notes, Baltimore. Mone. Mone’s Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte der teutschen Literatur und Sprache, Leipzig, 1830. Mone A. A copy of the same glossary as Glos. Brux. Reed, printed in Mone. Mone B. A copy of the same glossary as Hpt. Gl. printed in Mone. Morris Spec. i. Specimens of Early English, edited by R. Morris, Part I. Oxford, 1882. Quoted by page and line of section. Mort A. Morte Arthure, edited by E. Brock, E.E.T.S., No. 8, 1865. Quoted byline. Morte Arthure (Halliwell). From a MS. quoted in Halli- well’s Dictionary. Mt. The Gospel of St. Matthew. Several editions of various versions of the Gospels are referred to, for a detailed notice of which see Prof. Skeat’s preface to his edition of St. Mark’s Gospel in the series noted below under Kmbl. Bos. The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels with the versions ofWycliffe and Tyndale, edited byj. Bosworth, London, 1865. Foxe. The Gospels of the fower Euangelistes, translated in the olde Saxon tyme out of Latin into the Vulgare toung of the Saxons, London, printed by John Daye, 1571. This work was published by Fox, the Martyro- logist. Hat. The Hatton MS. in the Bodleian Library, at Oxford, marked 38. See Wanl. Cat. p. 76. Jun. Quatuor D. N. Jesu Christi Euangeliorum ver- siones perantiquae duae, Gothica scil. et Anglo- Saxonica; illam ex Codice Argenteo depromsit- Franciscus Junius, hanc curavit Thomas Mareschallus, Dordrechti, 1665. Kmbl. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions. Cam- bridge, 1858. The work was begun by J. M. Kemble and completed by Mr. Hardwick. The other Gospels were edited by Prof. Skeat, who in 1887 edited this Gospel also. Lind. MS. Cott. Nero D. 4. The Latin Text was written in the island of Lindisfarne. See Wanl. Cat. p. 250. Rl. MS. Bibl. Reg. I. A. xiv. See Wanl. Cat. p. 181. Rush. MS. Auct. D. ii. 19, in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. The MS. was at one time in the possession of John Rushworth, deputy-clerk to the House of Commons during the Long Parliament, and was by him presented to the Bodleian Library. See Wanl. Cat. p. 31. Skt. v. Kmbl. Stv. An edition of the Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels was published by the Surtees Society (Nos. 28, 39, 43, 48, 1854-1865), the first volume being edited by Rev. J. Stevenson, the last three by G. Waring. Th. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Holy Gospels, edited by B. Thorpe, London and Oxford, 1842. War. v. Stv. N. Dictionarium Saxonico-Anglicum Laurentii Noelli, in the Bodleian Library. See Wanl. Cat. p. 102. N. P. Nugae Poeticae. Select pieces of Old English popular poetry, edited by J. O. Halliwell, London, 1844. Quoted by page. Nar. Narratiunculae Anglice conscriptae, edited by O. Cockayne, London, x 861 . Quoted by page and line. Nat. S. Greg. Els. An English-Saxon Homily on the Birthday of St. Gregory, translated into Modern English by Elizabeth Elstob, London, 1709 (cf. Homl. Th. ii. 1 16). Quoted by page and line. Nath. (Nathan). Nathanis Judaei legatio ad Tiberium Caesarem. It is contained in a MS. preserved in the University Library at Cambridge, described in Wanl. Cat. p. 152, and has been edited in Publications of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society by C. W. Goodwin, Cambridge, 1851. v. St. And., under which abbreviation references by page and line are given except in the earlier part of the Dictionary. Nicod. (Nic.) ; Thw. (Nicod. Thw.). An Anglo-Saxon ver- sion of the Gospel of Nicodemus, printed in Thw. Hept. Num. The Anglo-Saxon version of the book of Numbers, v. Deut. O. and N. An Old English poem of the Owl and the Nightingale, edited by F. H. Stratmann, Krefeld, 1868. Quoted by line. O. E[ngl.] Homl. Old English Homilies, edited by R. Morris, E.E.T.S., first series, Nos. 29, 32 ; second series, No. 53, 1867-1868, 1873. Quoted by series, page and line. O. E. Misc. = Misc. O. Frs. Old Frisian; the forms are taken from Altfriesi- sches Worterbuch von Karl von Richthofen, Gottingen, 1840. O. H. Ger. Old High German, v. Grff. O. L. Ger. Old Low German ; the references are mostly to Kleinere altniederdeutsche Denkmaler, herausgegeben von M. Heyne, Paderborn, 1877. O. Nrs. v. I cel. O. Sax. v. Hel. Obs. Lun. De obseruatione We, printed from MS. Cott. Tib. A. iii. fol. 30 b in Lchdm. iii. 184. Octo Vit. eap[it]. A homily De octo vitiis et de xii. abusivis, in a MS. of the Bodleian, Cod. Jun. 24, p. 329 (Wanl. Cat. p. 42). It is printed in O. E. Homl. i. 296- 304. Cf. also Homl. Skt. i. 16, 246-384. Octov. Octovian Imperator in Weber’s Metrical Romances, vol. iii., 1810. Quoted by line. Off. episefop.]. The reference seems to be to the matter printed in Thorpe’s Laws from Cod. Jun. 121, and referred to as L. I. P. (e. g. a-wildian will be found, Th. ii. 322, 15). Off. reg[um]. The same MS. as the preceding seems some- times to be referred to, e. g. efen-wel occurs Th. ii. 324, 2 : but bcec-slitol I have noted only Wulfst. 72, 16, where the MS. is Cod. Jun. 99 (Wanl. Cat. p. 27). Orm. The Ormulum, edited by R. M. White, Oxford, 1852. •Quoted by line. Ors. ; Bos. King Alfred’s Anglo-Saxon version of the com- pendious history of the world by Orosius, edited by J. Bosworth, London, 1859. Quoted by book and chapter (Ors.), and by page and line (Bos.). Ors. Hav. The edition of Orosius by Havercamp, Leyden, 1738 . Ors.; Swt. King Alfred’s Orosius, edited by H. Sweet, E.E.T.S., No. 79, 1883. Quoted by book and chapter (Ors.), and by page and line (Swt.). Ottf. Otfrid’s Krist, edited by E. G. Graff, Konigsberg, 1831. P. B. Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, herausgegeben von H. Paul und W. Braune. P. L. S. Early English Poems and Lives of Saints, edited by F. J. Furnivall, Philol. Soc., 1862. Quoted by number of piece and line (or stanza). P. R. L. P. Political, Religious, and Love Poems, edited by F. J. Furnivall, E.E.T.S., No. 15, 1866. Quoted by page and line. EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES. P. S. The Political Songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward II, edited by T. Wright, Camden Soc., No. vi., 1839. Quoted by page and line. Palgrv. Eng. Com. Palgrave’s Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth, London, 1834. Pall. Palladius on Husbondrie, edited by B. Lodge and S. T. Herrtage, E.E.T.S., Nos. 52 and 72, 1872 and 1879. Quoted by page and line of book. Parten. The Romans of Partenay, edited by W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., No. 22, 1866. Quoted by line. Past. ; Hat. An Anglo-Saxon version of Gregory’s Pastoral Care, contained in a MS. (Hatton 20) preserved in the Bodleian Library. Quoted by chapter and paragraph of an edition of the Cura Pastoralis by J. Stephen, London, 1629 (Past.), and by folio and line of MS. (Hat.). Past. ; Swt. The Anglo-Saxon version of Gregory’s Pas- toral Care from the Hatton MS. and the Cotton MSS., edited by H. Sweet, E.E.T.S., Nos. 45 and 50, 1871-1872. Quoted by chapter (Past.), and by page and line (Swt.). Peceat[oi-um] Medic[ina] = L. Pen. (e. g. asplwan may be found L. Pen. 5 ; Th. ii. 278, 22). Pegge’s Kenticisms. An Alphabet of Kenticisms by Samuel Pegge, 1735. E. D. S., 1876. Piers [P.]. The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman (Text B), E.E. T. S., No. 38, 1869. [Texts A and C are Nos. 28 and 54.] Quoted by passus and line. Piers P. Crede. Pierce the Ploughman’s Crede, edited by W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., No. 30, 1867. Quoted by line. PI. Cr. = Piers P. Crede. Pol. Songs Wrt. = P. S. Pr. C. The Priclce of Conscience, by R. Rolle de Hampole, edited by R. Morris, Philol. Soc., 1863. Quoted by line. Pref. [./Elfe.]. Thw. .TElfric’s preface to Genesis in Thw. Hept. Quoted by page and line. Pref. (Prooem.) R. Conc[ord]. Prohemium regularis con- cordie Anglicae nationis monachorum (MS. Cott. Tib. A. 3, v. Wanl. Cat., p. 193). This is edited in Anglia, vol. xiii. p. 365, and in the later part of the Dictionary this edition is referred to. Prehn’s Ratsel des Exeterbuehes. Komposition und Quellen der Ratsel des Exeterbuehes, von Dr. August Prehn, Paderborn, 1883. Proclam. H. III. The only English Proclamation of Henry III, edited by Alex. J. Ellis, Philol. Soc., 1868. Prompt. [Parv.]. Promptorium Parvulorum, sive Cleri- corum, dictionarius Anglo-Latinus princeps, auctore fratre Galfrido, recensuit Albertus Way, Camden Soc., Nos. xxv., liv., lxxxix., 1843-1865. Quoted by page. Prov. Glosses on the book of Proverbs, which are printed as noticed under Kent. Gl. Quoted by chapter (and verse). Prov. Kmbl. Anglo-Saxon Apothegms in Salm. Kmbl. (q. v.) Part III. pp. 258-268. Quoted by number. Prud. v. Gl. Prud. (2). Ps. An Early English Psalter, edited by J. Stevenson, Sur- tees Soc., Nos. 16, 19, 1843-1847. Quoted by psalm and verse. Ps. Grn. The edition of the metrical version of Psalms 51- 150 in Grein’s Bibliothek der Angelsachsischen Poesie. 2. Band. Gottingen, 1858. Ps. Lamb. An interlinear version of the Psalms in a MS. preserved in the library of Lambeth Palace. It is thus described by Wanley : Psalterium D. Hieronymi Galli- cum, Astericis et obolis, punctisque Musicis subjectis notatum, una cum interlineata Versione Saxonica, Cata- logue, p. 268. Ps. Spl. Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum vetus. A Johanne Spelmanno D. Hen. fil. editum. E vetustissimo 5 exemplari MS. in Bibliotheca ipsius Henrici, et cum tribus aliis non multo minus vetustis collatum, Lon- dini, 1640. The MS. used by Spelman subsequently was in the library at Stowe, and has been described by Dr. O’Conor in his account of that library. Afterwards it passed into the possession of Lord Ashburnham. Of the three collated MSS., which Spelman refers to under the letters C, T, M, the first is in the University Library at Cambridge, see Wanl. Cat. p. 152 ; the second is in the library of Trin. Coll. Camb., and has been edited by F. Harsley, E.E.T.S., No. 92, 1889 (Eadwine’s Canter- bury Psalter) ; the third is Arundel MS. No. 60 in the British Museum. The printed edition, as regards C J and T, was collated with those MSS. for Dr. Bosworth by Dr. Aldis Wright, and many corrections were made. Ps. Stev. or Surt. An Anglo-Saxon Psalter (printed from MS. Cott. Vesp. A. 1), edited by J. Stevenson, Surtees Soc., Nos. 16, 19, 1843-1847. Ps. Th. Libri Psalmorum versio antiqua Latina ; cum t paraphrasi Anglo -Saxonica, partim soluta oratione, partim metrice composita. E Cod. MS. in Bibl. Regia Parisiensi adservato descripsit et edidit B. Thorpe, Oxonii, 1835. Ps. Trin. Camb. = Ps. Spl. T. Ps. Vos[sii]. An interlinear version of the Psalms in a MS. given by Isaac Vossius to Francis Junius (MS. Bodl. Junius 27). See Wanl. Cat. p. 76. R., Lye. ASlfric’s Vocabulary, transcribed by or for Junius 1 from a MS. in the possession of Reubens the painter, v. Wanl. Cat. p. 96. It was printed by Somner at the end of his Dictionary, and will be found in Wrt. Voc. i. 15. R. Ben. Die Angelsachsische Prosabearbeitung der Bene- dictinerregel, herausgegeben von A. Schroer, Kassel, 1885. Quoted (at first by chapter, later) by page and line. R. Ben. Interl. The Rule of S. Benet. Latin and Anglo- { Saxon interlinear version. Edited by H. Logeman, E.E.T.S., No. 90, 1888. Quoted (at first by chapter, | later) by page and line. i R. Brun[ne]. Peter Langtoft’s Chronicle (as illustrated and ] improved by Robert of Brunne), published by Thomas 1 Hearne, Oxford, 1725. Quoted by page and line. R[eg.] Conc[ord]. v. Pref. R. Cone. R. Glouc. Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle, published by Thomas Hearne, Oxford, 1724. Quoted by page and line. R. R. The Romaunt of the Rose, formerly attributed to Chaucer. Quoted by line. R. S. Religious Songs, edited by Thomas Wright, Percy Soc., vol. xi., 1843. Quoted by number of piece and line. Rask Hald. Bjorn Halldorsson’s Icelandic-Latin Dictionary, edited by Rask, 1814. Reed. ; Wrt. Voc. v. Glos. Brux. Reed. Rel[iq.] Ant[iq.]. Reliquiae Antiquae. Scraps from Ancient Manuscripts, edited by T. Wright and J. O. Halliwell. 2 vols., London, 1845. Quoted by volume, page and line. Rich. Richard Coer de Lion, in Weber’s Metrical Ro- !•- mances, vol. ii. 3-278. Quoted by’line. Rol. H. Richard Rolle of Hampole and his followers, I edited by C. Horstmann. 2 vols., London, 1895. Quoted p by volume, page and line. Rood Kmbl. The Holy Rood, a poem in the Vercelli MS., published with Elen. Kmbl. (q. v.). Rood Reed. The same poem as the preceding, printed as Andr. Reed. (q. v.). Rtl. Rituale Ecclesiae Dunelmensis (Latin and interlinear Anglo-Saxon versions), Surtees Soc., No. 10, 1839. Quoted by page and line. EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES. XI Runic Inscrip. Kmbl. On Anglo-Saxon Runes. By J. M. Kemble. Archaeologia, published by the Society of Antiquaries, vol. xxviii., London, 1*840. Quoted by page and line. Runic pm. Kmbl. A poem printed in the above paper. Quoted by page and line. S. de Fide Cathol. This homily is printed Homl. Th. i. 274. Salm. Kmbl. Anglo-Saxon Dialogues of Salomon and Saturn, by J. M. Kemble. Printed for the vElfric Society, London, 1845-1848. The poetical part is quoted by line, the prose by page and line. Sax. Engl. The Saxons in England. A History of the English Commonwealth till the period of the Norman Conquest, by J. M. Kemble. 2 vols., London, 1876. Schmid [A. S. Gesetz.]. Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen. Herausgegeben von Dr. R. Schmid, Leipzig, 1858. Scint. Defensoris Liber Scintillarum, with an interlinear Anglo-Saxon version, edited by E. W. Rhodes, E.E.T.S., No. 93, 1889. Quoted (at first by chapter, later) by page and line of the interlinear version. App. [Lib.] Scint. refers to the matter in pp. 223-236 of this edition. Scint. de Praedest. = Scint., pp. 226-228. Scop. Th. The Scop or Gleeman’s Tale printed in Beo. Th. Scot. Scottish, v. Jamieson. Seebohm Vill. Comm. The English Village Community examined in its relations to the Manorial and Tribal Systems, by F. Seebohm, London, 1890. Serm. Creat. = Homl. Th. i. 8-28. (v. ge-daeman, where read ge-claeman.) Shor[eham]. The Religious Poems of William de Shore- ham, edited by T. Wright, Percy Soc. vol. xxviii., 1849. Quoted by page. Shrn. The Shrine. A Collection of occasional papers on dry subjects, by O. Cockayne, London, 1864-1870. Quoted by page and line. Skt. Diet. An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, by W. W. Skeat, Oxford, 1879-1882. Solil. Soliloquia Augustini Selecta et Saxonice reddita ab Allfredo Rege, MS. Cott. Vitell. A. 15, fol. 1. (Printed in Shrn. pp. 163-204.) v. Wanl. Cat. p. 218. Som. Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum, by E. Som- ner, Oxon., 1659. Somn. De somniorum diuersitate (MS. Cott. Tib. A. iii. fol. 25 b) and De somniorum eventu (v. Wanl. Cat. p. 40). The two pieces are printed Lchdm. iii. pp. 198- 214, 168-176. Quoted by number of paragraph in the two combined. (In the later part of the Dictionary the references are to Lchdm. iii.) Soul Kmbl. The departed soul’s address to the body, a poem in the Vercelli MS. published with Elen. Kmbl. (q.v.). Soul Reed. The same poem as the preceding, printed with Andr. Reed. (q. v.). Spec. Specimens of Lyric Poetry composed in England in the reign of Edward I, edited by T. Wright, Percy Soc., vol. iv., 1842. Quoted by page and line. St. And. Anglo-Saxon Legends of St. Andrew and St. Veronica, Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Cambridge, 1851. Swt. A. S. Prim. An Anglo-Saxon Primer by H. Sweet, Oxford, 1882. Swt. [A. S.] Rdr. An Anglo-Saxon Reader, in prose and verse, by H. Sweet, Oxford, 1876. Techm. Internationale Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Sprach- wissenschaft, begriindet und herausgegeben von F. Techmer, Leipzig. Quoted by volume, page and line. Te Dm. Lamb. (Te Deum ; Lamb.). An interlinear version of the Te Deum in the same MS. as Ps. Lamb. It is also cited as Hymn ad Mat. Te Dm. Lye. v. Wanl. Cat. p. 222. Te Dm. Thomson. A version of the same in Thomson’s Select Monuments of the Doctrine and Worship of the Catholic Church in England before the Norman Con- quest, 1849. Text. Rof. Textus de Ecclesia Roffensi. v. Wanl. Cat. P- 273- Th. An[al.] (Anlct.). v. An. Th. Th. Ap[ol.]. v. Ap. Th. Th. Ch[art.] (Diplm.). v. Chart. Th. Th. Lapbg. A History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, translated from the German of Dr. J. M. Lappen- berg by B. Thorpe, London, 1845. Th. LI. v. L. ; Th. Thw. Hept. Heptateuchus, Liber Job, et Evangelium Nicodemi; Anglo-Saxonice. Historiae Judith Frag- mentum ; Dano-Saxonice. Edidit Edwardus Thwaites, Oxoniae, 1698. v. Wanl. Cat. pp. 67-68, 152. Torrent of Portugal. An English Metrical Romance, edited by J. O. Halliwell, London, 1842. Tr. and Cr. Chaucer’s Troilus and Creseyde. Quoted by book and line. Tract, de Spir. Septif. A homily De Septiformi Spiritu. See Wulfst. 50-56. Trev. Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden, with the English translation of John Trevisa. Rolls Series, 1865-1886. Quoted by volume, page and line. Trist. Die Nordische und die Englische Version der Tristan-Saga, herausgegeben von E. Kolbing, Heilbronn, 1882-1883. Quoted by line. Txts. The Oldest English Texts, edited by H. Sweet, E.E.T.S., No. 83, 1885. Quoted by page and number of gloss (or by line). Tynd. Tyndal’s version of the New Testament. V. Ps. = Ps. Vos. Vit. Swith. See either Glostr. Frag, or Homl. Skt. i. 21. W. Cat. = Wanl. Cat. W. F. (Wells Frag.). MS. of the A.S. version of the Bene- dictine Rule in the possession of the Chapter at Wells, printed in R. Ben. W. S. West-Saxon. Wald. Two leaves of King Waldere’s Lay, published by George Stevens, Copenhagen. Quoted by line. Wanl. Cat[al.]. Wanley’s Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon MSS., forming the third volume of Hickes’ Thesaurus, Oxoniae, 1705. Wht. Diet. White and Riddle’s Latin-English Dictionary. Wick. v. Wyc. Wicklif Select Wrks. Select English Works of John Wyclif, edited by T. Arnold, Oxford, 1869-1871. Quoted by volume and page. Wilk. Leges Anglo- Saxonicae Ecclesiasticae et Civiles, edited by D. Wilkins, London, 1721. Quoted by page and line. Will. The Romance of William of Palerne, edited by W. W. Skeat, E.E.T.S., No. i., 1867. Quoted by line. Wrt. Biog. Brit. A. Sax. Biographia Britannica Literaria ; or Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland. Anglo-Saxon Period. By Thomas Wright, London, 1842. Wrt. Popl. Science. Popular Treatises on Science written during the Middle Ages, edited by Thomas Wright, London, 1841. Quoted by page and line. Wrt. Provncl. Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English, compiled by Thomas Wright, London, 1837. EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES. Wrt. Spec. v. Spec. ' Wrt. Voc. [i.]. A volume of Vocabularies, edited by Thomas Wright. Privately printed, 1857. Quoted by page and number of gloss. Wrt Voc. ii. A second volume of Vocabularies, edited by Thomas Wright. Privately printed, 1873. Quoted by page and line. Wiilck [Gl.]. Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies, by Thomas Wright. Second edition, edited by R. P. Wiilcker, London, 1884. Quoted by column and line. Wulfst. Wulfstan. Sammlung der ihm zugeschriebenen ■ Homilien, herausgegeben von A. Napier, Berlin, 1883. Quoted by page and line. Wyc. The Holy Bible in the earliest English versions made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe, edited by Forshall and Madden, Oxford, 1850. York. Gl. A Glossary of words pertaining to the Dialect of Mid-Yorkshire. E. D. S. Pub., 1876. Zacher. Das Gothische Alphabet Ulfilas und das Runen- alphabet. Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuchung von Julius Zacher, Leipzig, 1855. CONTRACTIONS USED IN G REIN’S LEXICON POETICUM. .ZElf. Tod. Poem on the death of Alfred, son of Ethelred, given in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle under the year 1036. ZEdelst Poem on Athelstan’s victory at Brunanburgh, given in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle under the year 937. Aim. Almosen, from Cod Exon. p. 467. Ap. The fates of the Apostles, from the Codex Vercellensis. v. Apstls. Kmbl. Az. Azarias, from Cod. Exon. p. 185. B. Beowulf. By. The death of Byrhtnoth. v. Byrht. Th. Cra. Be manna craeftum, from Cod. Exon. p. 292. Cri. Cynewulfs Crist, from Cod. Exon. p. 1. Dan. Daniel, see Cd. Th. p. 216. Deor. Deors Klage, from Cod. Exon. p. 3 77- Dom. Domes daeg, from Cod. Exon. p. 445- Edg. Eddgdr, poems from the Chronicle, under the years 973) 975- . , . . Edm. Eadmund, from the Chronicle, under the year 942. Edw. Eddweard, from the Chronicle, under the year 1065. El. Elene, from the Codex Vercellensis. v. Elen. Kmbl. Exod. Exodus, in Thorpe’s Caedmon, p. 1 77- v - cd - Th - Ea. Faeder larcwidas, in Cod. Exon. p. 300. Ein. The Fight at Finsburg. v. Fins. Th. Gen. Genesis, in Thorpe’s Caedmon, p. 1. v. Cd. Th. Gn. C. Versus gnomici, from MS. Cott. Tib. I. 2, in Hickes Thesaurus, p. 207. Gn. Ex. Versus gnomici, from Cod. Exon. p. 333. Gu. The Legend of St. Guthlac, from Cod. Exon. p. 104. Ho. Hollenfahrt Christi, from Cod. Exon. p. 459- Hy. Hymnen und Gebete. Jud. The poem of Judith, v. Judth. Thw. Jul. The Legend of St. Juliana, from Cod. Exon. p. 242. Kl. Klage der Frau, from Cod. Exon. p. 442. Kr. Das heilige Kreuz, from the Codex Vercellensis. v. Rood Kmbl. Leas. Be manna ledse, from the Codex Vercellensis. v. Fragm. Kmbl. Men. Menologium. v. Menol. Fox. Met. The metrical versions of the verses in Boethius, v. Bt. Met. Fox. Mod. Be manna mode, from Cod. Exon. p. 313. Pa. Poem on the Panther, from Cod. Exon. p. 355. Ph. Poem on the Phenix, from Cod. Exon. p. 197. Phar. Pharao, from Cod. Exon. p. 468. Ps. Metrical version of Psalms 51-150. v. Ps. Th. Ps. Ben. Portions of the Psalms gathered from the piece referred to as Btwk. Ps. C. Version of the 50th Psalm from MS. Cott. Vesp. D. vi. Ka. Riddles from Cod. Exon. Reb. Rebhuhn, from Cod. Exon. p. 365. Reim. Reimlied, from Cod. Exon. p. 352. Ruin. Ruine, from Cod. Exon. p. 476- Run. Runenlied. v. Runic pm. Kmbl. Sal. v. Salm. Kmbl. Sat. Crist und Satan, from Thorpe’s Caedmon, p. 265. Seef. Seefahrer, from Cod. Exon. p. 306. Seel. Reden der Seelen, from Cod. Exon. p. 367, see also Soul Kmbl. Sell. Wunder der Schopfung, from Cod. Exon. p. 346. Vid. Vfdsid, from Cod. Exon. p. 318. Vy. Be manna wyrdum, from Cod. Exon. p. 327. Wal. Walfisch, from Cod. Exon. p. 360. Wand. Wanderer, from Cod. Exon. p. 286. A. A. It is not necessary to speak of the form of what are often called Anglo-Saxon letters, as all Teutonic, Celtic, and Latin manuscripts of the same age are written in letters of the same form. There is one exception : the Anglo-Saxons had, with great propriety, two different letters for the two distinct sounds of our th : the hard ]) in thin and sooth, and the soft 3 in thine and soothe, vide p, J>. 2 . The indigenous Pagan alphabet of our Anglo-Saxon forefathers, called Runes, it must be particularly observed, not only represents our letters, but the names of the letters are significant. The Runes are chiefly formed by straight lines to be easily carved on wood or stone. For instance, the Rune ft! ac is not only found in inscriptions on wood and stone, but in Anglo-Saxon MSS. and printed books. In manuscripts and in books, it sometimes denotes the letter a ; and, at other times, the oak, from its Anglo-Saxon name, ac the oak. v. AC, and EUU. B. The short or unaccented Anglo-Saxon a is contained in the fol- lowing words, which are represented by modern English terms of the same import, having the sound of a in man ; as Can, man, span, hand, land, sand, camp, dranc, etc. 2 . The short a is often found in the final syllables of inflections, -a, -an, -as, -a]), etc. It generally appears in the radix before a doubled consonant, as swamm a fungus, wann wan ; or two different consonants, as mp, mb, nt, nc, ng, etc. — Camp, lamb, plante, dranc, lang, etc. 3 . The radical short a can only stand before a single consonant and si, sc, when this single consonant and these double letters are again followed, in .the inflections or formative syllables, by a, o, u in nouns ; and by a, o, u, e in adjectives ; and a, o, u, and ia in verbs ; as Dagas, daga from daeg, hwalas from hwjel, fatu from fset, gastas from gaest, ascas from zsc; adj. Srnales, smale, smalost, smalu, from smsel small ; Lates, latu, latost, from 1 st late: Stapan, faran, starian, wafian. Grimm’s Deut. Gram. vol. i. p. 213, 2nd edit. 1822. In other cases, the short or unaccented ae is used instead of a. See J 33 in its alphabetical order. 4 . The remarks in 3 . are of great importance m declining words, for monosyllables, ending in a single consonant, in st or sc, change the sb into a, whenever the consonant or consonants are followed by a, o, u in nouns, and a, o, u, e in adjectives, vide JE. 5 . It must be remembered then, that a short a cannot stand in a word (1) when it ends in a single consonant, that is, when no inflections of a, o, u in nouns follow; as in Staef, frset: (2) when in nouns a single consonant is followed by e ; as Stxfes, staefe, waeter ; (3) when the word has any other double consonants besides st, sc, though followed by a, o, u ; as Craeft, craefta, aegru n. pi. of aeg : (4) in contracted words, when ae is not in the last syllable ; as iEcer, pi. aeceras, seceruni, contracted secras, aecrum ; waepen, pi. wsepenu ; maegen, pi. maegenu, contracted wsepnu, and maegnu. 6. Though I have given in C. 3 . the reasons, which Grimm assigns for making the prefixed a-, long, I believe it is generally short in A. Sax. as in Eng. a-bide = /l. Sax. a-bldan = bidan, so a-cende = cende ; — Ic todaeg cende [cende Surt; acende Spl. T; Th.] de ego hodie genui te, Ps. Spl. 2, 7. A-beran = beran to hear: — Hefige byrdyna man aberan ne maeg a man is not able to bear heavy burdens, Mt. Bos. 23, 4. Ne bere ge sacc nolite portare sacculum, Lk. Bos. 10, 4. A-biddan = biddan to ask, pray: — AbiddaJ) [biddaj) Cott.] hine pray to him, Bt. 42; Fox 258, 21. Ic bidde de, Drihten 1 pray to thee, Lord, Gen. 19, 18. It is evident by these examples that words have the same meaning with and without the prefixed a- : this a- was not prominent or long, and therefore this prefix is left unaccented in this Dictionary. 7. a- prefixed, sometimes denotes Negation, deterioration, or opposition, as From, out, away ; thus awendan to turn from, subvert, from wendan to turn; amod out of or without mind, mad; adon to do away, banish, composed of a from, don to do, vide A 3 . The prefixed a- does not always appear to alter the signifi- cation : in this case it is generally omitted in modern English words derived immediately from Saxon, — thus, Aberan to bear; abrecan to break ; abTtan to bite. The prefixed a-, in such cases, seems to add some ^ orce or intensity to the original signification of the word to which it is joined, — thus, f&an to make afraid; terrere : a-fseran to terrify, dismay, astound; exterrere, perterrere, consternare, stupefacere. C. The long Anglo-Saxon a is accented, and words containing this long or accented a are now represented by English terms, with the vowel sounded like o in no and bone. The following words have either the same or an analogous meaning, both in English and Anglo-Saxon : Ham home, an one, ban bone, han hone, stan stone, sar sore, rap rope, lar lore, gast ghost, wrat wrote. Sometimes the accented or long a is represented in English by oa; as Ac an oak, gad a goad, lad load, rad road, brad broad, fam foam, lam loam, sape soap, ar oar, bar boar, har hoar, bat boat, gat goat, ata oat, aj> oath, laj) loath. Occasionally a becomes oe in English ; as Da a doe, fa a foe, ta toe, wa woe ; but the oe, in these words, has the sound of o in no. The same may be said of oa in oak, goad. Hence it appears that the Anglo-Saxon a is represented by the modem English o, oa, and oe, which have the sound of o in no and bone; as Rad rode (f. of ride), rad a road, and da, a doe. Deut. Gram, von Jacob Grimm, vol. i. pp. 358, 397, 398, 3rd edit. 1840. 2 . The long a is often changed into se; as Lar lore, lferan to teach, an one, senig any. 3 . The following is a precise summary from Grimm of the prefixed a-, long or accented. The prefixed a- is long because it is a contraction and represents the preposition sef of, °ff> from, away, out of, or the preposition on on, in, upon, into, or as the Lat. in and Eng. un ; as a-dune for aef-dune, a-wendian for aef-wendian, a-draedan. for on-draedan, a-gean for on-gean, a-tynan to unshut, open, Ps. Spl. 38, 13, for on-tynan, un-tynan to open. A, as an inseparable particle, is long because it represents the inseparable pre- fixed particles ar, ur, ir, in O. H. Ger. and O. Sax. commonly expressing the meaning of the Latin prepositions ab, ex, ad, etc \,A.Sax. a-hebban, O. //. Ger. ur-hefan elevare; A. Sax. a-fyllan, O.H. Ger. ar-fullan implere; A. Sax. a-beran, O.H. Ger. ar-peran ferre, efferre ; A. Sax. a-seman, O. H. Ger. ir-setnan clarescere. The peculiar force which this particle imparts to different verbs may correspond (1) to the Latin ex out, as a-gangan to go out; exire; (2) to the English up, as a-hleapan to leap up; exsilire : a-fyllan to fill up; implere: (3) it expresses the idea of an origin, becoming, growing, a-blacian to blacken, to become black; a-heardian to grow hard: (4) it corresponds to the Latin re, as a-geban reddere, a-losian redimere, a-secan requirere : (5) it is often used merely to render a verb transitive, or to impart a greater force to the transitive meaning of the simple verb, — a-beodan ojferre, a-ceapian emere, a-lecgan ponere, a-slean occidere : (6) it is used with intransitive verbs, where it has hardly any meaning, unless it suggests the commence- ment or beginning of the action, as a-hleahan ridere, a-sweltan mori : (7) it expresses the end, aim, or purpose of an action, as a-domian con- demnare, a-biddan deprecari, a-wir))an perire. But, after all, it must be borne in mind, that the various shades of its meaning are innumerable, and that, even in one and the same compound, it often assumes different meanings. For further illustration we must therefore refer to the com- pounds in which it occurs, Grm. ii. 818-832. I have, in justice to Grimm, given his motives for marking the prefixed a- long : I believe, however, it is short. See B. 6. -a, affixed to words, denotes A person, an agent, or actor, hence. All nounsending in a are masculine, and make the gen. in an; as from Cum come [thou], cuma a person who comes, or a guest : Swfc deceive [thou], swTca a traitor: Worht wrought, wyrhta a workman, wright: Foregeng foregoing, foregenga a foregoer : Bead or gebed a supplication, praying, beada a person who supplicates or prays : Bytl a beetle or hammer, bytla a hammerer, builder. Some abstract nouns, and words denoting inanimate things, end in -a ; and these words, having the same declension as those which signify Persons or actors, are masculine ; as Hllsa, an ; m. fame : Tima, an ; m. time : Llchama, an ; m. a body : Steorra, an ; m. a star : Gewuna, an ; m. a custom, habit. a ; prep. acc. To, for; in : — A worlda world to or in an age of ages ; in seculorum seculum, Ps. Th. 18, 8, = on worlda world, Ps. Lamb. 20, 5,j=on worulda world, Ps. Th. 103, 6. A, aa, aaa ; adv. Always, ever, for ever ; hence the O. Eng. aye, ever ; semper, unquam, usque : — Ac a sceal dset wiiterwearde gemetgian ? B A— a-be6dan. but ever tnust the contrary moderate, Bt. 21; Fox 74, 19. An God a on 1 ecnysse one God to all eternity [lit. one God ever, in eternity] , Homl. Th. ii. 22, 32. A on ecnisse usque in ceternum, Jos. 4, 7. Ic a ne geseah ‘ I not ever saw’ = I never saw, Cd. 19; Th. 24, 10; Gen. 375. A = sefre : Nfi, sceal beon a on II abbod now, there shall always [ever] be an abbot in Iona, Chr. 565 ; Th. 33, 2, col. 2. Nu, sceal beon sefre on II abbod now, there shall ever [ always ] be an abbot in Iona, Chr. 565 ; Th. 32, 11 ; 33, 4, col. I. He bi]> aa [aa MS.] ymbe dset an he is for ever about that one [thing], L. Th. ii. 310, 25. Aa on worulda woruld semper in seculorum seculutn, Ps. Th. 105, 37. Nu and aaa [aaa MS.], to worulde bfiton seghwilcum ende now and ever, to a world without any end, Bt. 42 ; Fox 260, 15. A world for ever. Ex. 21, 6. A for]) ever forth, from thence, Bt. Tupr. 303, 31. [The original signification seems to be a flowing, referring to time, which every moment flows on, hence ever, always, also to se, ea flowing water, a river. In Johnston’s Index Geog. there are nineteen rivers in Europe with the name of Aa = A.] a, indecl ; f A law; lex: — Dryhtnes a the Lord’s law, Andr. Reed. 2387 ; An. 1196. vide JE. aae, e; f An oak: — Aac-tfin Acton Beauchamp, Worcestershire, Cod. Dipl. 75 ; A. D. 727 ; Kmbl. i. 90, 19. v. Ac-tfin. aad a pile : — He mycelne aad gesomnode he gathered a great pile, Bd. 3, 16 ; S. 542, 22. v. ad. aeedan to lay waste; vastare, Gen. 1280 : a sedan, Cd. 64 ; Th. 77, 24. v. sedan. aam, es ; m. A reed of a weaver's loom, Exon. 109 a ; Th. 417, 22 ; Ra. 36, 8 ; Cod. Lugd. Grn. v. am. aar honour : — In aar naman in honore nominis, Bd. 2, 6; S. 508, note 43 : 5, 11 ; S. 626, note 36. v. AK ; /. aaj> an oath :— He _done aa]) gesaeh he saw the oath, Th. Dipl. A. D. 825; p.71,12. v. Ap. a-bacan, ic -bace, du -bsecest, -bsecst, he -baecej), -bsec]), pi. -bacaj) ; p. -boc, pi. -bocon; pp. -bacen To bake; pinsere, coquere : — Se hlaf purh fyres hsetan abacen the bread baked by the heat of fire, Homl. Pasc. Daye, A.D. 1567, p. 30, 8; Lisl. 4to, 1623, p. 4, 16; Homl. Th. ii. p. 268, 9. a-bad expected, waited: — And abad swa deah seofon dagas expecla- vitque nihilominus septem alios dies, Gen. 8, 12. v. abldan. a-baed, absedon asked; p. of abiddan. a-beedan; p. -bsedde; pp. -balded To restrain, repel, compel; avertere, repellere, cogere, exigere : — Is fira senig, de deaj) abide is there any man, who can restrain death f Salm. Kmbl. 957 ; Sal. 478. Bast oft wipen abid his mondryhtne which often repels the weapon for its lord, Exon. 114a; Th. 437, 24; Ra. 56, 12. v. b sedan. a-basligan ; p. ode ; pp. od To offend, to make angry ; irritare, offen- dere: — Sceal gehyegan hseleda seghwylc daet he ne abselige beam wal- dendes every man must be mindful that he offend not the son of the powerful, Cd. 217; Th. 276, 27; Sat. 195. v. a-belgan, a-bylgan. a-baer bore or took away; sustulit, Ps. Spl. 77, 76 ; p. of a-beran. ABAL, afol, es ; n. Power of body, strength; vigor, vires, robur cor- poris : — Bln abal and craeft thy strength and power, Cd. 25 ; Th. 32, 9 ; Gen. 500. [Orm. afell : O. H. Ger. aval, n : O. Nrs. afl, n. robur, vis : Goth, abrs strong : Grk. b@pip.os.] a-bannan ; p. -beonn, pi. -beonnon ; pp. -bannen. I. to command, order, summon ; mandare, jubere : — Abannan to beadwe to summon to battle, Elen. Grm. 34. II. to publish, proclaim; with fit to order out, call forth, call together, congregate, assemble ; edicere, avocare, citare : — Aban du da beornas fit of ofne command thou the men out of the oven, Cd. 193 ; Th. 242, 32 ; Dan. 428. Da het se cyng abannan fit ealne ])eodscipe then the king commanded to order out [to assemble] all the population, Chr. 1006; Erl. 140, 8. v. bannan. a-barian ; p. ede ; pp. ed [a, barian to make bare ; bser, se bara ; adj. bare] To make bare, to manifest, discover, disclose; denudare, prodere, in medium proferre : — Gif du abarast fire sprsece si sermonem nostrum profers in medium, J05. 2, 20: R. Ben. Interl. 46: Cot. 80. a-bafc bit, ate: — He abat he ate, MS. Cott. Jul. E. vii. 237; Salm. Kmbl. 121,15; p. of a-bltan. abbad, abbod, abbud, abbot, es ; m: abboda, an ; m. I. an abbot; abbas, — the title of the male superior of certain religious establishments, thence called abbeys. The word abbot appears to have been, at first, applied to any member of the clerical order, just as the French Pere and English Father. In the earliest age of monastic institutions the monks were not even priests : they were merely religious persons, who retired from the world to live in common, and the abbot was one of their number, whom they elected to preside over the association. In regard to general ecclesiastical discipline, all these communities were at this early time subject to the bishop of the diocese, and even to the pastor of the parochial district within the bounds of which they were established. At length it began to be usual for the abbot to be in orders ; and since the sixth century monks generally have been priests. In point of dignity an abbot is generally next to a bishop. A minute account of the different descriptions of abbots may be found in Du Cange’s Glossary, and in Carpentier’s supplement to that work : — Se ( arwurda abbad Albmus the reverend abbot Albinus, Bd. pref. Riht is ] daet aSbodas fseste on mynstrum wunian it is right that abbots dwell closely in their minsters, L. I. P. 13 ; Th. ii. 320, 30. Her Forjjred j abbud for)>ferde in this year abbot Forthred died, Chr. 803 ; Erl. 60, 13. I Se abbot Saxulf the abbot Saxulf, Chr. 675; Ing. 50, 15. Swa gebirej) i abbodan as becometh abbots, L. Const. W. p. 150, 27; L. I. P. 13; Th. I ii. 320, 35. II. bishops were sometimes subject to an abbot, as they j were to the abbots of Iona : — Nfi, sceal beon sefre on II abbod, and na biscop ; j and dan sculon beon underjeodde ealle Scotta biscopas, fordan de Columba 1 [MS. Columban] was abbod, na biscop now, in Ii [Iona] , there must ever be an abbot, not a bishop; and to him must all bishops of the Scots ; be subject, because Columba was an abbot, not a bishop, Chr. 565 ; Th. i 32, 10-16, col. 1. [Laym. abbed : O. Frs. abbete : N. Ger. abt : J O. H. Ger. abbat : Lat. abbas ; gen. abbatis an abbot : Goth, abba : Syr. N3R abba father, from Heb. 2X ab father, pi. D13X abot fathers.] j der. abbad-dom, -had, -isse, -rice : abboda. abbad-dom an abbacy, v. abbud-dom. abbad-had the state or dignity of an abbot, v. abbud-had. abbadisse, abbodisse, abbatisse, abbudisse, abedisse, an ; f. [abbad an abbot, isse a female termination, q. v.] An abbess ; abbatissa : — Riht is dset ; abbadissan fseste on mynstrum wunian it is right that abbesses dwell closely i in their nunneries, L. I. P. 13 ; Th. ii. 320, 30 : L. Const. W. 150, 21 : Bd. : 3, 8 ; S. 531, 14 : Guthl. 2 ; Gdwin. 16, 22 : Bd. 3, 1 1 ; S. 536, 38. abbad-rlce an abbacy, v. abbod-rlce. Abban dun, e; f. Abingdon, in Berkshire, Chr. 985; Ing. 167, 5. . v. TEbban dfin. abbod an abbot, L.I.P. 13 ; Th. ii. 320, 30. v. abbad. abboda, an; m. An abbot; abbas: — Swa gebirej) abbodan as becometh ■ abbots, L. I. P. 13 ; Th. ii. 320, 35. v. abbad. abbod-rlce, abbot-rice, es; n. The rule of an abbot, an abbacy; ab- 'j batia : — On his time wsex daet abbodrlce swlde rice in his time the abbacy ] waxed very rich, Chr. 656 ; Ing. 41,1. On dis abbotrlce in this abbacy, I Chr. 675; Ing. 51, 12. abbodysse an abbess, Guthl. 2 ; Gdwin. 16, 22. v. abbadisse. abbot an abbot, Chr. 675 ; Ing. 50, 15. v. abbad. abbud an abbot, Chr. 803; Erl. 60, 13: Bd. 5, 23; S. 645, 14. v. abbad. abbud-dom, es ; m. [ = abbod-rlce, q. v.] An abbacy, the rule or autho- rity of an abbot; abbatia, abbatis jus vel auctoritas : — Abbuddomes, gen. ; Bd. 5, I; S. 613, 18. Abbuddome, dat. 5, 21 ; S. 642, 37. abbud-had, es ; m. The state or dignity of an abbot ; abbatis dig- ] nitas: — Munuchad and abbudhad ne syndon getealde to dysum getele ; monkhood and abbothood are not reckoned in this number, L. TElf. C. 18 ; j Th. ii. 348, 31. abbudisse, an; m. An abbess : — Dasealdeseo abbudisse him sumne dsel ■ dsere moldan tunc dedit ei abbatissa portiunculam de pulvere illo, Bd. 3, 11 ; S. 536, 38. v. abbadisse. a-be&g bowed down, Beo. Th. 1555 ; B. 775 ; p. of a-bfigan. a-bealh angered, Cd. 222 ; Th. 290, 4; Sat. 410. v. a-belgan. a-beatan ; p. -beot ; pp. -beaten To beat, strike ; tundere, percellere : — Stormum abeatne beaten by storms, Exon. 21 b; Th. 58, 26; Cri. 941. v. beatan. a-beden asked, Nicod. 12; Thw. 6, 15 : Bd. 4, 10; S. 578, 31 ; pp, j of a-biddan. abedisse, an; f. An abbess; abbatissa : — Baere abedissan betaehton com- ? mitted to the abbess, Chr. 1048 ; Erl. 181, 28. v. abbadisse. a-began ; p. de ; pp. ed ; v. trans. To bend, bend down, bow, reduce, subdue; incurvare, redigere, subigere : — Weor])e heora bsec swylce abeged eac dorsum illorum semper incurva, Ps. Th. 68, 24 : Chr. 1073 ; Erl. 2 1 2, 1: 1087; Th. 356, 10. v. began. a-begendlic; adj. Bending ; flexibilis, Som. v. a-began. a-behofian ; p. ode To behove, concern ; decere : — Mid maran unrsede done him abehofode with more animosity than it behoved him, Chr. 1093 ; I Th. 360, 4. v. be-hofian. a-belgan, ic -beige, dfi -bilgst, -bilhst, he -bylgj), -bilh]>, pi. -belgaf); u p. -bealg, -bealh, pi. -bulgon ; pp. -bolgen, v. trans. [a, belgan to irritate ] fj To cause any one to swell with anger, to anger, irritate, vex, incense ; ira Si aliquem tumefacere, irritare, exasperare, incendere : — Ne sceal ic de abel- R gan 7 would not anger thee, Salm. Kmbl. 657; Sal. 328. Oft ic wife ri abelge oft I irritate a woman, Exon. 105 b; Th. 402, 20; Ra. 21, 32. I He abilhj; Gode he will incense God, Th. Dipl. 856; 1 17, 20. Ic de I abealh 7 angered thee, Cd. 222 ; Th. 290, 4 ; Sat. 410 : Beo. Th. 4550 ; J' B. 2280. God abulgan Deum exacerbaverunt, Ps. Th. 77, 41 : Ex. 32, u 29. Nfi hig me abolgen habba]> irascatur furor mens contra eos. Ex. I 32, 10. He him abolgen wurjie]) he will be incensed against them, Cd. 1 22; Th. 28,4; Gen. 430. Waes swyde abolgen erat graviler offensus, I Bd. 3, 7; S. 530, 8. a-beodan ; p. -be&d ; pp. -boden ; v. a. [a, beodan to order ] To j] announce, relate, declare, offer, command; referre, nuntiare, annuntiare, I A-BEOFIAN — A-BREDAN. 3 edicere, offerre, jubere : — Daet he wolde d;et firende abeodan that he would declare the errand , Ors. 4, 6 ; Bos. 86, 20 : Cd. 91 ; Th. 115, 14 ; Gen. 1919: 200; Th. 248, 9; Dan. 510. a-beofian To he moved or shaken, to tremble; mover:, contremere: — Ealle abeofedan eorpan stadelas movebuntur omnia fundamenta terras, Ps. Th. 81, 5. v. beofian. a-beornan; p. -beam, -barn, pi. -burnon; pp. -bornen, !/. intrans. To burn ; exardere : — Fyr abarn exarsit ignis, Ps. Th. 105, 16. v. beornan. a-beran ; p. -baer ; pp. -boren. I. to bear, carry, suffer ; portare, ferre : — Be man aberan ne mseg which they are not able to bear, Mt. Bos. 23, 4. HI ne magon nan earfoda aberan they cannot bear any troubles, Bt. 39, 10 ; Fox 228, 3 : Andr. Kmbl. 1912 ; An. 958 : Ps. Th. 54, 11. II. to take or carry away; tollere, auferre: — Abser hine of eowdum sceapa sustulit eum de gregibus ovium, Ps. Spl. 77, 76 : Ps. Grn. 50, 12. v. beran. a-berd, -bered; adj. Sagacious, crafty, cunning; callidus, Wrt. Voc. 47, 36: Lchdm. hi. 192, 10: 188, 26: 186, 17. a-berend-llc ; adj. [berende bearing ] Bearable, tolerable, that may be borne; tolerabilis : — Aberendllc broc bearable affliction, Bt. 39, 10; Fox 228, 4, note 5. a-berstan ; p. -bearst, pi. -burston ; pp. -borsten [a, berstan] To burst, break, to be broken ; perfringi. v. for-berstan. a-bet ; adv. Better ; melius : — Hwaeder de se ende abet llcian wille whether the end will better please thee, Bt. 35, 5 ; Fox 166, 23. v. bet. a-bepecian ; subj. dfi abepecige ; p. ode ; pp. od [be, peccan to cover ] To uncover, detect, find hidden, to discover, disclose; detegere: — Buton du hit forstele odde abepecige unless thou steal it, or find, (it) hid, Bt. 32, 1 ; Fox 114, 9. a-bicgan ; p. -bohte ; pp. -boht ; v. a. [a, bycgan to buy ] To buy, pay for, recompense ; emere, redimere : — Gif frtman wid fries mannes wlf geligep, his wergelde abicge if a freeman lie with a freeman’s wife, let him buy her with his wergeld, i. e. price, L. Ethb. 31; Th. i. 10, 7. v. a-bycgan. a-bidan, ic -bide, du -bldest, -bltst, -blst, he -bldep, -bit, pi. -bidap ; p. -bad, pi. -bidon ; pp. -biden ; v. intrans. To abide, remain, wait, wait for, await ; manere, sustinere, expectare : — Hy abldan sceolon in sin-nihte they must abide in everlasting night, Exon. 31b; Th. 99, 28; Cri. 1631. Her sculon abldan ban here the bones shall remain, 99 a; Th. 370, 18; Seel. 61. Abad swa deah seofon dagas expectavit nihilominus septem alios dies, Gen. 8, 12. We fidres sceolon abldan alium expecta- mus? Mt. Bos. 11, 3. Ic abad [anbldode Spl.] hfilu dine expectabam salutare tuum, Ps. Surt. 118, 166. Sawla fire abldyp Driht anima nostra sustinet Dominum, Ps. Spl. C. 32, 20. Windes abidon ventum expecta- bant, Bd. 5, 9; S. 623, 19. Dfir abldan sceal maga miclan domes there the being [ Grendel] shall await the great doom, Beo. Th. 1959; B. 977 : Exon. 115 b; Th. 444, 27; Kl. 53. [Laym. abiden ; p. abad, abed, abeod, abod, abaod, abide, pi. abiden.] v. bldan. a-biddan, ic -bidde, dfi -bidest, -bitst, he -bit, -byt, -bitt, pi. -biddap ; p. -bsed, pi. -bfidon ; pp. -beden To ask, pray, pray to, pray for, obtain by asking or praying ;' petere, precari, postulare, exorare, impetrare: — Wilt tfi wit unc abiddan drincan vis petamus bibere? Bd. 5, 3 ; S. 616, 30. Abiddap [Cott. biddap] hine eapmfidllce pray to him humbly, Bt. 42 ; Fox 258, 21. Se de hwaet to lfine abit qui quidquam mutuo postulaverit. Ex. 22, 14. Ne mihte ic lyfnesse abiddan nequaquam impetrare potui, Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 8. Da sendon hy tua heora firendracan to Rfimanum aefter fride ; and hit abiddan ne mihtan then they sent their ambassadors twice to Rome for peace ; and could not obtain it, Ors. 4, 7 ; Bos. 87, 39. He abiddan maeg daet ic de lfite duguda brfican he may obtain by prayer that I will let thee enjoy prosperity, Cd. 126; Th. 161, 5; Gen. 2660. v. biddan. a-bifian, -bifigan; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed To be moved or shaken, to tremble; moveri, contremere: — For ansyne ecan Dryhtnes decs eorpe sceal eall abifigan a facie Domini mota est terra, Ps. Th. 113,7. v - bifian. a-bilgp, a-bilhp anger, an offence, v. a-bylgp. a-biran to bear, carry ; portare, Bd. 1, 27 ; S. 491, 31. v. a-beran. a-bisegien should prepossess, Bt. 35, 1 ; Fox 154, 32. v. abysgian. a-bit prays, Ex. 22, 14; pres, of a-biddan. a-bltan, ic -bite, dfi -bltest, -bltst, he -bltep, -bit, pi. -bitap; p. -bat, pi. -biton; pp. -biten; v. a. To bite, eat, consume, devour; mordere, arrodere, mordendo necare, comedere, devorare : — Gif hit wlldeor abltap, here forp daet abitene and ne agife si comestum a bestia, deferat ad eum quod occisum est, et non restituet. Ex. 22, 13. He abat his suna he ate his children, Salm. Kmbl. p. 121, 15. Daet se wod-freca were-wulf tfi feia ne ablte of godcundre heorde that the ferocious man-wolf devour not too many of the spiritual flock, L. I. P. 6; Th. ii. 310, 31. Mine seep sind abitene my sheep are devoured, Homl. Th. i. 242, 10. Du his ne abltst non comedas ex eo, Deut. 28, 31. v. bitan. a-biterian, -bitrian ; p. ode; pp. od To make sour or bitter; exacer- bare. v. biterian, biter bitter. a-bi-tweonum ; prep. dat. Between; inter: — Ic wiht geseah horna abitweonum [hornum bitweonum, Grn ; Th.] hfide 1 sedan I saw a creature bringing spoil between its. horns. Exon. 107 b; Th. 41 1, 19; Ra. 30, 2. (Sansk. abhi : Zend aibi.] v. bi-tweonum. a-blacian, -blacigan ; p. ode; pp. od To be or look pale, grow pale; pallere, obrigescere: — Ablacodon obriguerunt. Ex. 22, 16? Lye. Ic blacige palleo, IE\fc. Gr. 26, 2 ; Som. 28, 42. Blacian from bllcan, p. blac to shine : blfican to bleach, whiten, fade. Observe the difference between .blac, blac pallid, bleak, pale, and blaec, blaces, se blaca black, swarthy. der. blacian pallere. a-blseean ; p. -blfihte; pp. -blfiht [a, blfican to bleach ] To bleach, whiten; dealbare, Ps.Vos. 50, 8: 67, 15. a-blsecnes, -ness, e; f. A paleness, gloom; pallor, Herb. 164 ; Lchdm. i. 294, 3, note 6. v. ae-blficnys. a-blaendan to blind, deaden, benumb, v. ablendan. a-blann rested; p. of a-blinnan to leave off. a-blawan ; p. -bleow ; pp. -blawen To blow, breathe ; flare, efflare : — On ablefiw inspiravit, Gen. 2, 7. Ut ablawan to breathe forth, Hexam. 4 ; Norm. 8, 20. Nfifre mon daes hlude byman ablawep never does a man blow the trumpet so loudly, "Exon, liqb; Th.451, 27; God da geworhte mannan and ableow on his ansyne llfllcne bifid God then made man and blew into his face the breath of life, Hexam. 1 1 ; Norm. 18, 25. a-blawung, e ; /. A blowing, v. blawung. a-blend, se a-blenda ; adj. Blinded; caecatus: — Wenap da ablendan mod the blinded minds think, Bt. 38, 5 ; Fox 206, 6. v. pp. of a-blendan. a-blendan ; p. -blende, pi. -blendon ; pp. -blended, -blend ; v. a. To blind , make blind, darken, stupify ; caecare : — Da gyldenan stanas ablendap daes modes edgan the golden stones blind the mind’s eyes, Bt. 34, 8 ; F'ox 144, 34. Swa biop ablend so are blinded, 38, 5; Fox 206, 1. Ic syne ablende bealo-poncum I blinded their sight by baleful thoughts. Exon. 72 b; Th. 270, 22; Jul. 469. He ablende hyra eagan exccecavit oculos eorum, Jn. Bos. 12, 40. Ablended in burgum blinded as I am in these dwellings, Andr. Kmbl. 135 ; An. 78. W*s ablend was blinded, Mk. Bos. 6, 52 : Num. 14, 44. v. blendan. a-bleoton sacrificed; p. pi. o/a-blfitan. a-bleow blew ; p. of a-blawan. a-blican ; p. -blac, pi. -blicon; pp. -blicen; v. n. To shine, shine forth, to appear, glitter, to be white, to astonish, amaze ; dealbari, micare : — Sfip- llce on rihtwlsnysse ic abllce ego autem in justitia apparebo [micabo], Ps. Spl. T. 16, 17. Ofer snaw ic beo ablicen super nivem dealbabor, Ps. Spl. 50, 8. a-bliegan ; p. ede ; pp. ed To shine, to be white, to astonish ; con- sternare : — Ic eom abllcged consternor, JElfc. Gr. 37 ; Som. 39, 42. a-blignys, -nyss , e ; f. An offence, v. a-bylgnes. a-blindan to blind, Abus. 1, Lye. v. a-blendan. a-blinnan ; p. -blann, pi. -blunnon ; pp. -blunnen To cease, desist ; cessare, desistere, Ps. Spl. 36, 8 : Bd. 4, 1 ; S. 563, 16. a-blisian ; p. ode ; pp. od To blush ; erubescere : — Op eowre lypre mod ablisige donee erubescat incircumcisa mens eorum, Lev. 26, 41. a-blotan ; p. -bleot, pi. -bleoton ; pp. -blfiten To sacrifice ; immolare. v. blfitan. a-blysgung, -blysung, e ; f. The redness of confusion, shame ; pudor, R. Ben. 73. a-boden told; pp. of a-beodan to bid, tell. a-bogen bowed; pp. o/a-bfigan, -beogan to bow, bend. a-bobt bought; pp. of a-bicgan to buy. a-bolgen angered. Ex. 32, 10; pp. of a-belgan to offend, anger. a-boren carried; pp. 0/ a-beran to bear. a-borgian ; p. ode ; pp. od To be surety, to undertake for, to assign, appoint; fidejubere : — Gif, he nite hwa hine aborgie, haefton hine if he know not who will be his borh, let them imprison [lit. have, detain ] him, L. Ath. i. 20; Th. i. 210, 8. a-bracian ; p. ode ; pp. od To engrave, emboss ; caelare : — Abracod ccelatum, Cot. 33. a-bradwian To overthrow, slay, kill; prosternare, occidere, Beo. Th. 5232 ; B. 2619. v. a-bredwian. a-brsec broke ; p. of a-brecan to break. a-breed, -bragd drew, Mt. Bos. 26, 51; p. of a-bredan, a-bregdan to move, drag, draw. a-brefitan ; p. -breot, pi. -brefiton To break, kill; frangere, concidere, necare : — Abreot brim-wlsan, bryd aheorde slew the sea-leader, set free his bride, Beo. Th. 5852 ; B. 2930. v. a-breotan. a-brecan, ic -brece, dfi -bricst, he -bricp ; p. -brae, pi. -brficon ; pp. -brocen To break, vanquish, to take by storm, to assault, destroy; fran- gere, effringere, expugnare: — Abrecan ne meahton reced they might not break the house, Cd. 115 ; Th. 150, 14 ; Gen. 2491. He Babilone abrecan wolde he would destroy Babylon, Cd. 209 ; Th. 259, 10 ; Dan. 689. Hfi finig man mihte swylce burh abrecan how any tnan could take such a town, Ors. 2, 4 ; Bos. 44, 16. der. brecan. a-bredan, he -brit = -bridep, > -bret = -bredep ; p. -brad, pi. -brudon ; pp. -broden ; v. a. To move quickly, remove, draw, withdraw ; vibrare, destringere, eximere, retrahere: — Abrad hys swurd, exemit gladium suum, Mt. Bos. 26, 51. Gif God abrit iff God remove, Bt. 39, 3 ; Fox 4 A-BREDWIAN — A-CLENNEDNYS. 216, 5. Of mode abrit dset micle dysig he removes from his mind that great ignorance, Bt. Met. Fox 28, 155; Met. 28, 78. Hond up abraed he raised his hand, Beo. Th. 5144; B. 2575- Far Godes is abroden of breostum the knowledge of God is withdrawn from your breasts, Cd. 156 ; Th. 194, 31 ; Exod. 269. v. bredan. a-bredwian ; p. ade ; pp. ad To overthrow, slay ? kill ? prosternare ? occidere? — Deah de he his brodor beam abredwade [abradwade Th.] although he had overthrow'll [ exiled ? killed ?] his brother’s child, B. 2619. a-bregan ; p. de ; pp. ed To alarm, frighten ; terrere : — Mec maeg grima abregan a phantom may frighten me, Exon, nob ; Th. 423, 7 ; Ra. 41, 17. Abregde, p. Bd. 3, 16; S. 543, 12 : Ps. Spl. T. 79 > 14- a-bregdan ; p. -brsegd, pi. -brugdon ; pp. -brogden To move quickly, vibrate, remove, draw from, withdraw ; vibrate, destringere, eximere, retra- here : — Be abregdan sceal dea]) sawle dine death shall draw from thee thy soul, Cd. 125; Th. 159, 22; Gen. 2638. Hwonne of heortan hunger odde wulf sawle and sorge abregde when from my heart hunger or wolf shall have torn both soul and sorrow, 104; Th. 137, 22; Gen. 2277. Hine of gromra clommum abrugdon they drew him from the clutches of the furious, 114; Th. 150.4; Gen. 2486. v. bregdan. a-bremende ever-celebrating, Exon. 13 a; Th. 24, 20; Cri. 387. v. breman. a-breotan ; p. -breat, pi. -bruton ; pp. -broten To bruise, break, destroy, kill; frangere, confringere, concidere, necare : — Billum abreotan to destroy with bills, Cd. 153; Th. 190, 1 4 ; Exod. 199. Yldo beam abreote]) age breaks the tree, Salm. Kmbl. 591 ; Sal. 295. Hine se6 brimwylf abroten hsefde the sea-wolf had destroyed him, Beo. Th. 3203 ; B. 1599. Stanum abreotan lapidare, Elen. Knibl. 1017 ; El. 510. a-breodan ; p. -breaj), pi. -brudon ; pp. -broden To unsettle, ruin, frustrate, degenerate, deteriorate; perdere, degenerare : — HaeleJ) oft hyre hleor abreode]) a man often unsettles her cheek. Exon. 90 a; Th. 337 > note 18; *Gn. Ex. 66. Abreode his angin he frustrated his enterprise, Byrht. Th. 138, 59; By. 242. Ht abrudon da de he topohte they frus- trated that which he had thought of, Chr. 1004; Ing. 178, 1. Eala du abrodene folc degener O populus, 7 Elfc.Gr. 8; Som. 8, 10. Hie et heec et hoc nugas dset is abroden on Englisc, TElfc. Gr. 9, 25 ; Som. 11,2. abret, abrit takes away, Bt. 39, 3 ; Fox 2x6, 5. v. abredan. a-brocen broken, v. a-brecan. a-broden, a-brogden opened, freed, taken away. v. abredan, abregdan. abrotanum = afipurovov southernwood. Herb. 135 ; Lchdm. i. 250, 16. v. suderne-wudu. a-broten ? crafty, silly, sluggish ; vafer, fatuus, socors : — Abroten vel dwfis vafer, TElfc. Gl. 9; Som. 56, 114. Abroten? for abroden. a-broden degeneratus ; pp. of a-breodan. a-brodennes, -ness, e ; f. Dulness, cowardice, a defect, backsliding ; ignavia, pusillanimitas. der. a-broden. a-brugdonu/il/rrfrargCd. 114; Th. 150, 4; Gen. 2486; o/a-bregdan. a-brudon frustrated, Chr. 1004 ; Ing. 178, 1 ; p. pi. of a-breodan. a-bryrdan ; p. -bryrde; pp. -bryrded, -bryrd, v. trans. To prick, sting, to prick in the heart, grieve ; pungere, compungere : — Na ic ne bed abryrd, God mtn non compungar, Deus mens, Ps. Spl. 29, 14. v. bryrdan. a-bryrdnes, -ness, e ; f. Compunction, contrition ; compunctio, con- tritio. v. bryrdnys, a-bryrdan. a-brytan; p. -brytte; pp. -brytt To destroy; exterminate, Ps. Spl. C. 36, 9. v. brytan. a-bufan ; adv. [a + be + ufan] above ; supra : — Swa was fir abufan sfidan as we have before above said, Chr. 1090 ; Th. 358, 15. der. bufan. a-bugan ; p. -beag, -beah, pi. -bugon ; pp. -bogen To bow, bend, incline, withdraw, retire ; se vertere, declinare, inclinare, averti : — Abiiga]) eadmodltce inclinate suppliciter. Coll. Monast. Th. 36, 3. Ac de firina gehwylc feor abugejj but from thee each sin shall far retire, Exon. 8 b ; Th. 4, 22 ; Cri. 56. Dfir fram sylle abeag medu-benc monig there many a mead-bench inclined from its sill, Beo. Th. 1 555 ; B. 775. v. bugan. a-bulgan = abulgon angered, Ps. Th. 77, 41; p. o/a-belgan. a-bunden ready; expeditus. Cot. 72 ; pp. of a-btndan. v. btndan. a-butan, -buton ; prep. acc. [a + be + utan] about, around, round about ; circa : — Du taecst Israhela folce abutan done munt thou shall take the people of Israel around the mountain, Ex. 19, 12. Abuton hi circa eos, Mk. Bos. 9, 14. Abuton stan about a stone, L.N. P. L. 54; Th. ii. 298, 16. a-butan, -buton ; adv. about ; circa : — Besaet done castel abutan beset the castle about, Chr. 1088; Th. i. 357, 29. Besfiton done castel abuton they beset the castle about, Chr. 1090; Th. i. 358, 25. a-byegan, -biegan ; p. -bohte, pi. -bohton ; pp. -boht [a, byegan to buy, procure ]. I. to buy, pay for ; emere, redimere. L. Ethb. 31; Th. i. 10, 7. II. to perform, execute; prxstare : — Aj> abyegan jusjuran- dum preestare, L. Wih. 19; Th. i. 40, 18. a-byffan; p. ode; pp. od To mutter; mutire, Cot. 134. v. byffan. a-bygan, v. trans. To bow, bend; incurvare, Grm. ii. 826. v. a-began. a-bygendlic ; adj. Bending, flexible ; flexibilis. der. un-abygendltc. a-bylgan, -byligan, -bylgean ; p. de; pp. ed To offend, anger, vex ; offendere, irritare, exacerbare :**-Hi hine oft abylgdon [MS. -dan] ip si scepe ' exacerbaverunt eum, Ps. Th. 105, 32. Da mod abylgean ura dara nyhstena animos proximorum offendere, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 17: Hy. 6, 22. v. a-belgan. a-bylg-nes, ae-bylig-nes, ae-bylig-nys, -ness, e; f. [abylgan to offend ] An offence, scandal, anger, wrath, indignation ; offensa, ira, indignatio : — He him abylgnesse oft gefremede he had oft perpetrated offence against him, Exon. 84a; Th. 317, 25; M6d. 71. a-bylgp, -bilg]), -bilh[), e; f. An offence, wrong, anger; offensa, injuria, ira: — He sceal Cristes abilgjie wrecan he ought to avenge offence to Christ, L. Eth. 9, 2; Th. i. 340, 13: L. Pen. 16; Th. ii. 284, 6. v. se-bylgj). a-byligd, e; /. Anger; indignatio, Ps. Th. 77, 49. v. a-bylgj). a-byrgan, -byrgean, -byrian To taste; gustare: — We cy da]) eow dset God selmihtig cwae|> h is_ agenum mude, daet nan man he mot abyrgean nanes cynes blddes. iElc dsera de abyrg]> blodes ofer Godes bebod sceal forwurjan on ecenysse we tell you that God Almighty said by his own mouth, that no man may taste any kind of blood. Every one who tastes blood against God’s command shall perish for ever, Homl. intitul. Her is halwendlic lar, Bibl. Bodl. MSS. Junii 99, fol. 68. Se wulf for Gode ne dorste daes haefdes abyrian the wolf durst not, for God, taste the head, Homl. Brit. Mus. MSS. Cot. Julius, E. 7, fob 203, Bibl. Bodl. MSS. Bodley 343. v. byrgan. • I a-bysgian, -bysgan, -bysean, -blsegian ; p. ode, ade ; pp. od, ad [a, bysgian to busy] To occupy, preoccupy, prepossess ; occupare : — Deah unpeawas oft abtsegien daet m6d though imperfections oft prepossess the mind, Bt. 35, 1 ; Fox 154, 32. BiJ) hyra seo swIJjre symble abysgod ; daet ht unrihtes tiligea]) dextera eorum dextera iniquitatis, Ps. Th. 143, 9. - BiJ) hyra seo swijire symble abysgad dextera iniquitatis, 143, 13. a-bysgung, -btsgung, e; f. Necessary business, employment ; occupatio, Past. 18, 1; Hat. MS. 25 a, 27, 29, 30. a-bywan ; p. de ; pp. ed ; v. trans. To adorn, purify, clarify ; exornare, purgare : — Bed]) monna gfistas beorhte abywde ]>urh bryne fyres the souls of men are brightly adorned [ clarified ] through the fire’s heat. Exon. 63 b; Th. 234, 24; Ph. 545. v. bywan. AC, ach, ah, oc ; conj, I. but ; sed : — Ne com ic na towurpan, ac gefyllan non veni solvere, sed adimplere, Mt. Bos. 5, 17. Brytwalas fultumes bfidon wid Peohtas, ac ht naefdon nfinne the Brito -Welsh begged assistance against the Piets, but they had none, Chr. 443 ’ Frl. II, 34. II. for, because ; nam, enim, quia : — Ne se aglfica yldan j Jjrihte, ac he gefeng hrade slfipendne rinc nor did the wretch mean to delay, for he quickly seized a sleeping warrior, Beo. Th. 1484; B. 74 °- ' Du ne Jjearft onsittan wtge, ac ne-fuglas [wig, eacne MS.] blodig sitta]) j ])icce gefylled thou needest not oppress with war, because carrion birds t sit bloody quite satiated (lit. thickly filled), Cd. 98; Th. 1 30, 12; Gen. j 2158. III. but also, but yet; sed etiam, sed et, sed tamen : — -Na t Ires weoruld men, ac eac swylce daet Drihtnes eowde not only men of ; the world, but also [sed etiam Bd.] the Lord's flock, Bd. I, 14; S. 482, 25. Da cwican n 5 genihtsumedon dset ht da deadan bebyrigdon, ac hwaedere da de lifigende wfiron noht don woldon the living were not sufficient to bury the dead, but yet those who were living would do nothing, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 32: 2, 7; S. 509, 13. Ac swylce tunge mtn filce drege smeaj) rightwtsnysse dine sed et lingua mea tota die meditabitur justitiam tuam, Ps. Spl. 70, 26. [K. Glouc. Orm. ac: Laym. ac, sec, ah: Scot, ac : O. Sax. ak : O. H. Ger. oh : Goth, ak.] ac; adv. interrogative. Why, whether; nonne, numquid: — Da du geho- godest saecce secean, ac du gebettest mfirum Jieodne when thou re- solvedst to seek warfare, hadst thou compensated the great prince ? Beo. Kmbl. 3976; B. 1990. Ac [ah MS.] setfile]) de seld unrihtwtsnesse numquid adhoeret tibi sedes iniquitatis ? Ps. Surt. 93, 20. Ac hwa deme[) who shall judge? Salm. Kmbl. 669; Sal. 334. Ac forhwon fealle]) se snaw why falleth the snow? 603 ; Sal. 301. ac-, v. ag-, ag-Ifica, ah-, ah-lfica. AC, fic ; g. e ; /. I. an oak ; quercus, robur : — Deos ac hcec quercus, TElfc. Gr. 8 ; Som. 7,-46. Sume ac astah got up into an oak, Homl. Th. ii. 150, 31. acc. Ac an oaken ship. Runic pm. 25; Kmbl. 344, 21. Geongre ace of a young oak, L. M. 1, 38 ; Lchdm. ii. 98, 9. Of daere ac [for ace], Kmbl. Cod. Dipl. iii. 121, 22. II. ac; g. aces; m. The Anglo-Saxon Rune |^ = a, the name of which letter, in Anglo-Saxon, is ac an oak, hence, this Rune not only stands for the letter a, but for ac an. oak, as jbj by]) on eorjian elda bearnum flfisces fodor the oak is on earth food of the flesh to the sons of men, Hick. Thes. vol. i. I p. 135 ; Runic pm. 25 ; Kmbl. 344, 15. Acas twegen two A’s, Exon. I 112a; Th. 429, 26; Ra. 43, 10. [ 7 ?. Glouc. ok: Chauc. 6k, ake, oak; : O. Frs. ek : Dut. eek, eik : North Frs. ik : L. Ger. eke : N. Ger. eiche : il M. Ger. eich : O. Ger. eih : Dan. eg : Swed. ek : O. Nrs. eik. Grn. starting | from Goth, ayuk in aiw-dup, i. e. aiw-k-dup els tov aiwva, supposes ajl form avuks, contracted to aiks, the equivalent of which would be ac,i which would, therefore, indicate a tree of long durability.] a-ceegan to name. v. a-ctgan. a-ceenned = a-cenned brought forth ; pp. of acennan. a-csennednys, -csennys nativity, v. a-cennednes. A-CiEKRAN — AOSE. a-cserran to avert; acaerred averted, v. a-cerran. a-calan ; p. -col, pi. -colon To become cold; algere, frigescere: — No ac 61 for dy egesan he never became cold for the terror, Andr. Grm. 1267. v. calan. ACAN ; ic ace, dfi secest, aecst, he aecej), xcp, pi. acaj) ; p. 6c, pi. Scon; subj. ic, du, he ace; pp. acen ; v. n. To ake, pain ; dolere; — Gif mannes midrif [MS. midrife] ace if a man’s midriff ake, Herb. 3, 6 ; Lchdm. i. 88, 11 : Herb. Cont. 3, 6; Lchdm. i. 6; 3, 6. Aca[ mine eagan my eyes ake, iElfc. Gr. 36, MS. D ; [mistia[ = aca{>, Som. 38, 48] ; dolent mei oculi, Mann. [Laym. p.o c : R. Glouc. p. ok ; Chauc. ake : N. L. Ger. aken, aeken.] Acan-tun, es; m. [acan = acum, pi. d. of ac an oak, tun a town] Acton, Suffolk: — Daet hit cymj) to Acantfine ; fram Acantfine [MS. Acyn- tfine] daet hit cymj) to Rigindfine till it comes to Acton; from Acton till it comes to Rigdon, Th. Diplm. A. D. 972; 525, 22-24. v - Ac-tfiu, and daet adv. aeas, e ; /: acase, axe, an ; f. An axe ; securis : — Acas, Mt. Lind. Stv. 3, 10. Acase, Lk. Rush. War. 3, 9 [id. Lind. Acasa, a Northumbrian form]. Axe, Mt. Rush. Stv. 3, 10. v. aex. ac-beam, es; m. An oak-tree; quercus, Ettm. p. 51. ac-caern, ac-corn an acorn, v. aecern. accutian? to prove; probare : — Accuta me proba me, Ps. Spl. M. 138, 22. ac-cyn, -cynn, es; n. [ac oak, cyn kind] A species of oak; ilex, Mann, ac-drenc, -drinc, es ; m. Oak-drink, a kind of drink made of acorns ; potus ex quercus glandibus factus. v. ac, drenc. ace ake, pain. der. acan to ake. v. ece. a-cealdian ; p. ode ; v. intrans. To be or become cold ; algere, frigescere, Past. 58, 9. v. a-colian, calan. a-ceapian ; p. ode ; pp. od To buy. v. ceapian. a-cearfan to cut off: — Acearf abscindet, Ps. Spl. C. 7 6, 8. v. a-ceorfan. a-celan ; p. de ; v. intrans. To be or become cold; algere, frigescere : — Dies [earfan ne bi]> [urst aceled the thirst of this desire is not become cold, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 34 ; Met. 7, 17. v. celan, calan. Acemannes burh, burg ; g. burge ; d. byrig, beri ; f: ceaster, cester; g. ceastre ; /. [aece ake, mannes man’s, ceaster or burh city or fortress] Bath, Somersetshire : — Her Eadgar to rice feng at Acemannes byrig, daet is at Badan here, A. D. 972, Edgar took the kingdom at Akemans burgh, that is at Bath, Chr.97 2 ; Th. 225, 18, col. 3. On dame ealdan byrig, Ace- mannes ceastre; ac heornas Badan nemna}> in the old burgh, Akemans Chester; but men call it Bath, Chr. 973; Ing. 158, 26. At Acemannes beri at Akemans bury, Ing. 158, note g. v. Badan. acen pained, v. acan. acen oaken, v. seen. a-cennan, du -censt, he -cenj) ; p. -cende ; pp. -cenned ; v. a. To bring forth, produce, beget, renew ; parere, gignere, renovare, renasci : — Swa wlf acen)> beam as a woman brings forth a child, Bt. 31, 1; Fox 112, 2. On sarnysse du acenst cild in dolore paries filios, Gen. 3, 16. Da se Haelend acenned waes cum natus esset Jesus, Mt. Bos. 2, 1. Crist waes acenned [MS. acennyd] on midne winter Christ was born in mid-winter, Menol. Fox 1 ; Men. 1. Gregorius wees of aedelborenre mxgpe acenned Gregory was born of a noble family, Homl. Th. ii. 118, 7. Eal edniwe, eft acenned, synnum asundrad all renewed, born again, sundered from sins, Exon. 59 b; Th. 214, 19; Ph. 241. Donne se mona bi]) acenned [geniwod, v. geniwian] when the moon is changed [ born anew], Lchdm. iii. 180, 19, 22, 28. v. cennan. a-eenned-lte ; adj. Native; nativus, Cot. 138. a-cennednes, -cennes, -cennys, -caennednys, -caennys, -ness, e ;/. Nativity, birth, generation ; nativitas, ortus : — Manega on his acennednysse gefag- nia)> multi in nalivitate ejus gaudebunt, Lk. Bos. 1,14: Ps. Spl. 1 06, 37. a-ceocian? p. ode; pp. od To choke; suffocare. v. a-Jirysman. a-ceocung, e; f. A consideration; ruminatio, Wrt. Voc. 54, 62. v. a-ceosung. a-ceorfan ; p. -cearf, pi. -curfon ; pp. -corfen To cut off; abscidere, succidere, concidere : — Of his ansyne ealle ic aceorfe, da de him feondas syndon concidam inimicos ejus a facie ipsius, Ps. Th. 88, 20. a-ceosan ; p. -ceas, pi. -curon ; pp. -coren To choose, select ; eligere. der. ceosan. a-ceosung [MS. aceocung], e ; f. A consideration ; ruminatio, Wrt. Voc. 54, 62. acer a field, Rtl. 145, 18. v. seer. ^a-cerran ; p. -cerde ; pp. -cerred To turn, return ; vertere, reverti : — Uton acerran dider dsr he sylfa sit, sigora waldend let us turn thither where he himself sitteth, the triumphant ruler, Cd. 218; Th. 278, 6; Sat. 217. a-cerrednes, -ness, e ; f. An aversion, v. a-cerran. acb but ; sed : — Ach dies weorodes e&c but of the host also, Andr. Reed. 3182; An. 1594. v. ac; conj. ac-hal; adj. Oak-whole or sound, entire; roboreus, integer, Andr. Grm. 1700. a-cigan; p. de; pp. ed To call; vocare, evocare ; — Acigde of cor [re ’cyninges [egnas he called the thanes of the king from the band, Beo. Th. 6233 ; B. 3 1 2 1. Sundor acigde called him alone, in private, Elen. Kmbl. 1203 ; El. 603. Hine acigde fit evocavit eum, Bd. 2, 12 ; S. 513, 19. ac-leec-creeft, es ; m. [ac-laec = ag-laec miseria, craeft ors] A n evil art ; ars mala vel perniciosa : — Dfi de, Andreas, aclsccrsftum lange feredes thou, Andrew, hast long betaken thyself to evil arts, Andr. Kmbl. 2724 ; An. 1364. a-elsensian ; p. ode; pp. od To cleanse, purify; mundare : — Hyra nan naes aclsnsod, bfiton Naaman se Sirisca nemo eorum mundatus est, nisi Naaman Syrus, Lk. Bos. 4, 27. Ae-lefi. = Ac-leah ; g. -leage ; f. [ac an oak, leah a lea, ley, meadow ; acc. lea = leah, q. v.] The name of a place, as Oakley : — Sino[ waes ge- gaderod xt Acjea a synod was assembled at Acley or Oakley, Chr. 789 ; Ing. 79, 14. Aclea, Chr. 782; Erl. 57, 6: 851; Erl. 67, 26; 68, 3. ac-lefif, es; n. An oak-leaf ; quercus folium : — Acleaf, Lchdm. iii. 31 1 : L. M. 3, 8; Lchdm. ii. 312, 19. a-cleopian; p. ode; pp. od To call, call out; clamare, exclamare. der. cleopian, clypian. aclia,n ; p. ode ; pp. od [acol, acl excited by fear] To frighten, excite ; terrere, terrore percellere. der. ge-aclian. ac-melu, g. -meluwes; n. Acorn-meal; querna farina, L. M. 1, 54; Lchdm. ii. 126, 7. ac-mistel, e ; f. Oak mistletoe ; quercus viscum : — Genlm acmistel take mistletoe of the oak, L. M. 1, 36; Lchdm. ii. 88, 4. a-enyssan; p. ede; pp. ed To expel, drive out; expellere. v. cnyssan. a-cofrian; p. ode; pp. od To recover; e morbo consurgere, con- valesces: — AcofraJ) will recover, Lchdm. iii. 184, 15. acol, acul, acl ; adj. Excited, excited by fear, frightened, terrified, trem- bling; agitatus,perterritus,pavidus: — Wear)) he on dam egesan acol worden he had through that horror become chilled, trembling, Cd. 178 ; Th. 223, 24; Dan. 124. Forht on mode, acul for dam egesan fearful in mood, trembling with dread, 210; Th. 261, 14; Dan. 726. Acol for dam egsan trembling with terror, Exon. 42 b ; Th. 143, 20 ; Gfi. 664. Forht and acol afraid and trembling, Cd. 92; Th. 117, 18; Gen. 1955. Wurdon hie da acle they then became terrified, Andr. Kmbl. 2678; An. 1341. Fyrd-leo)) galan aclum stefnum they sung a martial song with loud excited voices, Cd. 1 71 ; Th. 215, 4; Exod. 578. a-colian; p. ade, ode; pp. ad, od To become cool, cold, chilled; fri- gescere: — Raest waes acolad his resting-place was chilled. Exon. 119 b; Th. 459, 28 ; Ho. 6. Donne bij) dart werge lie acolad then shall be the accursed carcase cooled. Exon. 100 a; Th. 374, 12; Seel. 125. v. c 61 ian. acolitus = dxoXovdos A light-bearer ; lucifer: — Acolitus is se de leoht ber[ set Godes [enungum acolite is he who bears the light at God’s ser- vices, L.. 7 Elf.P. 34 ; Th. ii. 378, 7 : L.jElf.C.14; Th.ii. 348,4. v.hadll. state, condition ; ordo, gradus, etc. aeol-mod; adj. Of a fearful mind, timid; pa vidus animo : — Eorl acoimod a chief in trembling mood, fearful mind. Exon. 55 b; Th. 195, 36 ; Az. 1 66. pegnas wurdon acolmode the thanes were chilled with terror, Andr. Kmbl. 753; An. 377. acordan ; p. ede ; pp. ed To accord, agree, reconcile ; reconciliare, Chr. 1 1 19; Ing. 339, 30. a-coren chosen ; pp. of a-ceosan. v. ceosan, gecoren. a-corenlic ; adj. Likely to be chosen ; eligibilis : — Bi[ swlde acorenllc is very estimable. Past. 52, 8 ; Swt. 409, 36. a-corfen carved ; pp. of a-ceorfan. a-costnod tried; pp. of a-costnian. v. costnian. a-craeftan ; ff. de ; pp. ed To devise, plan, contrive as a craftsman ; excogitare : — Uton deah hwaedere aerseftan hfi we heora, an dyssa nihta, magan mrest beswlcan let us however plan how we can, in this night, most weaken them, Ors. 2, 5 ; Bos. 47, 19. a-crammian; p. ode; pp. od To cram, fill; farcire. v. crammian. a-ereopian; p. ede; pp. ed To creep; serpere, scatere: — Da lsefdon hlg hit [Manhu] sume, o]> hit morgen waes, and hit wear]) wyrmum acreoped dimiserunt quidam ex eis usque mane, et scatere ccepit vermibus. Ex. 16, 20. a-crimman ; p. -cramm, pi. -crummon ; pp. -crummen To crumble ; friare : — Acrummen in micas fractus. Cot. 88 : 179: 193. ac-rind, e ; f. Oak-rind or bark; querna cortex: — Nlm acrinde take oak-bark, Lchdm. iii. 14, 1. acs an axe. v. aex, acas. Acsa, Axa, an ; ml The river Axe. v. Acsan mynster. Acsan mynster, Ascan mynster, Axan minster, es; n. [Acsa, an; ml the river Axe; mynster a monastery : Flor. Axanminsler : Hunt. Acseminster] axminster in Devonshire; liodi e Axminster, in agro Devoniensi ; ita dictum quod situm est ad ripam fluminis Axi : — Se Cynewulf ricsode xxxi wintra, and his lie HJ> aet Wintan ceastre, and daes aedelinges aet Ascan [Acsan, Gib. 59 . 3 1 I n g- 7 1 , 28] mynster Cynewidf reigned thirty-one years, and his body lies at Winchester, and the prince’s at Axminster, Chr. 755 ; Erl. 50, 32 ; Th. 86, 13, col. 1. acse ashes, Cot. 40. v. asce. 6 ACSIAN— A-DEMAN. aesian, acsigan ; p. ode; pp. od To ask, ask for , demand; rogare, expostulare, exigere : — M6t ic aesian, Bd. 4, 3 ; S. 568, 26. Comon corprum miclum cuman aesian they came in great multitudes to demand the strangers, Cd. 112; Th. 148, 8; Gen. 2453: Lk. Bos. 20, 40. HIg hine acsodon daet bigspell they asked him the parable, Mk. Th. 4, 10. Hu maeg senig man acsigan how can any man inquire ? Bt. 35, 1; Fox 156, 6. v. ascian. aesung, e ; f. An asking, a question, an inquiry, inquisition, interro- gation, that which is inquired about, information ; interrogatio : — Uneape ic maeg forstandan dine aesunga I can scarcely understand thy questions, Bt. 5 » 3 ; F° x I2 > 16. v. ascung. ac-treo, -treow, es ; n. An oak-tree; quercus : — Under actreo under the oak-tree. Exon. 115a; Th. 443, 10; Kl. 28. Ac-tun, es ; m. [ac oak, tun a town] acton, Staffordshire f — Mt Actune at Acton, Th. Diphn. A. D. 1002 ; 546, 27. v. aac. a-cucian to revive [cue = ewie, Cd. 65 ; Th. 78, 23 = Ors. 2,1; Bos. 38, 8], v. a-cwician. acul frightened, Cd. 210; Th. 261, 14; Dan. 726. v. acol. a-cuma oakum ; putamen : — Acuman putamina, Mone p. 398 ; B. 3 23 1 . v. acumba.* a-cuman ; p. -cam, -com, pi. -canton, -comon ; pp. -cumen, -cymen To come, bear; venire, ferre, sustinere: — Waes of fere acumen he had come from the vessel, Cd. 75; Th. 93, 12; Gen. 1544. Daet land hlg ne mihte acuman non sustinebat eos terra, Gen. 36, 7. Ge hyt ne magon nu acuman non potestis portare modo, Jn. Bos. 16, 12. a-cumba, an ; m: £-cumbe, an; n? [cemban to comb]. I. oakum, that which is combed, the coarse part of hemp, — Hards, flax, tow; stuppa = OTvnirq, arvwq [v. heordas stuppa:, R. 68] : — Afyl da wunde, and mid acum- ban beswede fill the wound, and swathe up with tow, L.M. 1, 1 ; Lchdm.ii. 22, 21. iEcumbe stuppa, ZElfc. Gl. 64 ; Som. 69, 2 ; Wrt. Voc. 40, 36. II. the thing pruned or trimmed, properly of trees, and figuratively of other things, hence, — Primings, clippings, trimmings ; putamen, hinc, — puta- mina non solum arborum sunt, verum omnium rerum purgamenta. Nam quicquid ex quacumque re projicitur, putamen appellatur : — Acumba puta- men, Mone B. 3702. Acumban putamina, 3703, p.407. III. reduced to ashes, it was used as a substitute for atribiov — airoSos, Wood ashes ; spodium Graecorum nihil aliud esf, quam radix Alcanna: combusta, officinae ustum ebur ejus loco substituunt : — To sealfe, nun acumban, cneowholen for a salve, take the ashes of oakum, butcher’s broom, E. M. 1, 33; Lchdm. ii. 80, 11. Acumba ashes of oakum, 1, 47; Lchdm. ii. 120, 14. a-cumend-lic ; adj. Tolerable, bearable; tolerabilis : — Acumendlicre hyp Sodoma lande and Gomorra on domes dreg, donne daere ceastre tolerabilius erit terra Sodomorum et Gomorrhceorum in die judicii quam illi civil ati, Mt. Bos. 10, 15. a-cumendllcness, e; /. The possibility to bring anything to pass; possibilitas. v. cumende; part, of cuman. a-cunnian ; p. ode ; pp. od To prove ; probare : — Du acunnodest [MS. acunnudyst] us God probasli nos Deus, Ps. Spl. C. 65, 9. v. cunnian. a-curon chose ; p. pi. of a-cedsan. a-ewsedon said, Ps. Th. 72, 6; p. o/a-ewedan. a-cweelon died, Chr. 918 ; Erl. 104, 13; p. pi. o/a-cwelan. a-ewasp spoke, Cd. 30; Th. 40, 14; Gen. 639; p. of a-ewedan. a-cwalde killed, Ps.V os. 104, 27:1 34, 1 1 , = a-ewealde ; p. of a-cwellan. a-ewan melted, decayed, Bd. 2,7; S. 509, 29 ; p. of a-ewtnan. a-cwanc quenched, Chr. mo; Ing. 331, 30; p. o/a-cwincan. a-ewealde killed, Cd. 69 ; Th. 84, 25 ; Gen. 1403 ; p. of a-cwellan. a-cweccan ; p. -ewehte ; pp. -cweht To move quickly, to shake, vibrate; movere, quatere, vibrare: — Msc acwehte he shook the ash, i. e. the lance, Byrht. Th. 140, 59; By. 310. a-cwelan, he -ewilp, pi. -ewelap ; p. -cwael, pi. -cwrelon ; pp. -cwolen, -cwelen, v. n. To die, perish; mori : — Da fixas aewelap pisces morientur, Ex. 7, 18. Ofercumen bip he set he acwele he will be overcome ere he dies, Exon. 90 b; Th. 340, 10; Gn. Ex. 114. Monige men hungre acwselon many men died of hunger, Chr. 918 ; Erl. 104, 13. a-cwellan ; p. -ewealde ; pp. -eweald To kill, destroy ; interficere, ne- care : — Frea wolde on daere to-weardan tide acwellan the Lord would destroy them in the coming time, Cd. 64; Th. 77, 31; Gen. 1283. Ic wille mid flode folc acwellan I will destroy the folk with a flood, 64 ; Th. 78, 21; Gen. 1296. Acwellep da wyrmas killeth the worms, Herb. 137 ; Lchdm. i. 254, 22. Da de egor-here eorpan tuddor eall aewealde when the water-host destroyed all the progeny of earth, Cd. 69 ; Th. 84, 25 ; Gen. 1403. WIges heard wyrm aewealde the. bold one in battle slew the worm, the dragon, Beo. Th. 1777; B. 886. Ste6p-cilda feala stundum aewealdon pupillos occiderunt, Ps. Th. 93, 6. a-cweUedness, e ; f. A quelling, killing ; occisio. der. cwellan. a-cwencan ; p. de, te, pi. don, ton ; pp. ed, d, t To quench, extinguish, put out ; extinguere: — Bad daet hi dret leoht acwencton prayed that they would put out the light, Bd. 4, 8 ; S. 575, 40, note, MS. B. Ure ledhtfatu synt acwencte lampades nostra extinguuntur, Mt. Bos. 25, 8. Fyr ne by |> acwenced ignis non extinguitur, Mk. Bos. 9, 44. a-eweorran ; p. -ewear, pi. -cwurron ; pp. -cworren To eat or drink immoderately, to glut, guzzle ; ingurgitare : — Swa swa mihti acworren fram wine tanquam potens crapulatus a vino, Ps. Spl. T. 77, 71. ac-wern, es; n. The name of an animal, a squirrel; scirra, sciurus, ZElfc. Gl. 19 ; Som. 59, 9. a-ewerren, -cworren drunk ; pp. of a-eweorran. a-ewedan, he -cwyp ; p. -cwaep, pi. -cwredon ; pp. -eweden To say, tell, answer; dicere, eloqui, respondere : — Daet word acwyf) that word says, Beo. Th. 4099 ; B. 2046. Word acwaep, wuldres aldor he spake the word, the chief of glory, Cd. 30; Th. 40, 14; Gen. 639. Daet me aeweden syndon qua dicta sunt rnihi, Ps. Th. 121, 1. v. ewedan. a-cwician ; p. ode ; pp. od To quicken, revive, to come to life ; vivificare, reviviscere : — On dlnre mild-heortnesse me scealt acwician in misericordia tua vivifica me, Ps. Th. 118, 159. Da acwicode ic hwon then I revived a little, Bd. 5, 6 ; S. 619, 29. a-cwil pperishes: — 'Nez-cwilpperishesnot, Bt.13; Fox 38, 29. v. a-cwelan. a-cwman ; p. -ewan, pi. -ewinon ; pp. -ewinen Zb waste or dwindle away, decline, become extinct ; tabescere : — Daet fyr aewan and adwaesced waes the fire declined and was extinguished, Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 29. a-ewinean ; p. -cwanc, pi. -cwuncon ; pp. -cwuncen To vanish, become extinguished, quenched; extingui, evanescere : — Se mona acwanc the moon was extinguished, i. e. eclipsed, Chr. Ilio; Ing. 331, 30. a-ewinen quenched, v. a-cwlnan. a-cwolen died, Chr. 918 ; Gib. 105, 37, note a. v. a-cwelan. a-cworren drunk, Ps. Spl. T. 77, 71; pp. of a-eweorran. a-cwucian to quicken, v. a-cwician. a-ewylan to die, L. H. E. 6 ; Th. i. 30, 3. v. a-cwelan. aexan ashes, Ors. 1, 3 ; Bos. 27, 32. v. axe, asce. a-cyd said, confirmed, R. Ben. 27. v. a-cydan. a-cyrran; p. -cyrde; pp. -cyrred, -cyrd To avert; avertere : — Ne du n£fre gedest, daet du mec acyrre from Cristes lofe thofl shalt never do so, that thou avert me from the love of Christ, Exon. 67 b; Th. 251, 2 ; Jul. 139. Acyrred from Cristes £ turned from Christ’s law, 71 b; Th. 267, 6; Jul. 411. a-cyrrednes, -cerrednes, -ness, e ; /. A turning, aversion, a turning from, apostacy, revolting ; aversio. der. a-cyrred. v. a-cyrran. a-eydan; p. -cydde; pp. -cyded, -cyd To show, announce, confirm; manifestare, annuntiare, confirmare : — Yrre acydan iram manifestare, irasci, Ps. Th. 88, 39. Mr he hine acydan mote ere he can show himself. Exon. 89 b ; Th. 336, 15 ; Gn. Ex. 49. Torn acydan to make known or show one’s affliction. Exon. 78 a; Th. 293, 8; Wand. 113. D£r me waes yrre din on acyded in me confirmata est ira tua, Ps. Th. 87, 7 - AD, aad, es ; m. A funeral pile, pile, heap ; rogus, congeries : — Da on- bsernde he done ad then kindled he the pile, Bd. 3, 16; S. 542, 25. Ad st6d onseled the pile was [ stood] kindled, Cd. 14I; Th. 176, 35; Gen. 2922. Het ad onaelan he commanded to kindle the funeral pile, Exon. 74 a; Th. 277, 13; Jul. 580. Mycelne aad [ad MS. B. T.] gesomnode on beamum advexit plurimam congeriem trabium, Bd. 3, 16; S. 542, 22. [Kath. ad : O.Ger. eh ignis, rogus. v.Lat. aes-tus: Grk.atOos: Sansk. edh-as wood for fuel, from the Sansk. root indh to light, kindle.] der. ad-faer, -fyr, -leg, -loma. a-dselan ; p. ede ; pp. ed To part, divide, separate ; partiri, dividere, separare : — He sceal wesan of eorpan feor ad£led he shall be far parted from the earth, Cd. 106; Th. 140, 4; Gen. 2322. Da w£ron ad£lede ealle of anum these wer e parted all from one, 12 ; Th. 14, 13 ; Gen. 218 ; Ps. Th. 54, 20. v. d£lan. a-de&dan, -deadian ; p. ode ; pp. od To fail, decay, die, mortify, lay waste, destroy; fatiscere, Herb. 35, Lye: Cot. 90. a-dedf ; adj. Deaf; surdus, Ben. v. deaf. a-deafian ; p. ode, ede ; pp. od, ed To become or wax deaf; surdescere, obsurdescere : — Adeafede obsurduit, Hilfc. Gl. 100; Som. 77, 13; Wrt. Voc. 55, 17. a-de&fung earena A deafening of the ears ; surditas. v. a-deaf. adel a disease. Exon. 48 b ; Th. 167, 23 ; Gu. 1064. v. adl. adela, an ; m. Filth ; coenum : — Daet her yfle adelan stincep that here ill smells of filth, Exon, nob; Th. 424, 1; Ra. 41, 32. [addle-pool a pool near a dunghill : Scot, adill, addle foul and putrid water : N. Ger. adel, m. coenum : Holst, addeln lotium pecudum.] der. adeliht, adel-seap. a-delfan; p. -dealf, -dylf, pi. -dulfon; pp. -dolfen To dig, delve; fodere, effodere : — Cleopatra het adelfan hyre byrigenne Cleopatra ordered her burying place to be dug, Ors. 5, 13; Bos. 113, 22. Seap adealf lacum effodit, Ps. Spl. 7, 16 : Bd. 3, 2 ; S. 524, 16. Op tfset bip se&p adolfen donee fodiatur fovea, Ps. Th. 93, 12 : Bd. 3, 9 ; S. 533, 23. adeliht ; adj. Dirty, filthy ; coenosus, Cot. 48. adel-se&p, es; m. A sewer, gutter, sink; cloaca, v. adul-seap. adelyng a prince, Joh. Brompt. ad ann. 907. v. redeling, a-deman ; p. de; pp. ed To judge, adjudge, doom, deem, try, abjudi- cate, deprive ; examinare, abjudicare, judicio facto relegare : — LIcode Gode hire da halgan saule eac swylce mid longre hire llchoman untrym- nesse ademde and asodene beon it pleased God that her holy soid should also be tried and seethed with long sickness of her body, Bd. 4, 33; A-DEORCIAN— A-DWELIAN. 7 S. 595, 15. Du ademest me fram dugude thou deprivest me of good, Cd. 49; Th. 63, 14; Gen. 1032. v. deman. a-deorcian ; p. ode, ade ; pp. od, ad To obscure, dim, darken, hide ; obscurare: — Adeorcad obscuratus, Som. v. deorcian. adesa, eadesa, an; m. An addice or adze, a cooper's instrument ; ascia, Bd. 4, 3 ; S. 567, 26 : Wrt. Voc. p. 84, 62. ad-feer, nom. acc: g. -feres ; pi. nom. -faru ; n. The pile-way, the way to the funeral pile ; iter rogi ; — Daet we hine gebringen on adfere that we may bring him on the way to the pile, Beo. Th. 6012; B. 3010. ad-fyr, es ; n. A pile-fire; ignis rogi Abraham adfyr onbran Abraham kindled a pile-fire, Cd. 162 ; Th. 203, 4; Exod. 398. a-dihtan; p. -dihte, -dihtode; pp. -dihtod, -diht To compose, edit, write ; facere, componere. v. dihtan. a-dilegian, -dilgian, -dylegian ; p. ode ; pp. od ; v. a. [a, dilgian to destroy ] To abolish, blot out, destroy, do away ; abolere, delere ; — His sawul bi)> adilegod of his folce delebitur anima ilia de populo suo, Gen. 17, 14. Ic adilgige hi delebo eos, Ps. Lamb. 17, 43. Adilga me of dlnre bee dele me de libro tuo, Ex. 32, 32 ; Ps. Th. 68, 29 : 108, 13, 14. Adilgode, Ps. Th. 17, 40. a-dimmian; p. ode; pp. od, ad To dim, darken, obscure, make dull; obscurare : — Dedh heora mod sie adimmad though their mind be obscured, Bt. 24, 4; Fox 84, 28: Ps. Th. 68, 24. ADL, adel ; g. adle, f: adle, an ;fi A disease, pain, a languishing sick- ness, consumption; morbus, languor ; — Waes sefi adl [earl, hat and heoro- grim the disease was sharp, hot and very fierce, Exon. 47 a; Th. 160, 30 ; Gfi. 95 1 . Se6 mycle adl the great disease, leprosy ; elephantiasis, Som. Ne hine drefe]) adl disease does not afflict him, Beo. Th. 3476 ; B. 1 736. De to heortan hearde gripe]) adl unllde fell disease gripes thee hard at heart, Cd. 43 ; Th. 57, 32 ; Gen. 937. De untrymnes adle gon- gum bysgade infirmity has afflicted thee through attacks of disease. Exon. 47 b; Th. 163, 8; Gu. 990. He dine Sdle ealle gehselde sanavit omnes languores tuos, Ps. Th. 102, 3. Daet adla hi gehseldon ut languores curarent, Lk. Bos. 9, 1. Hu manega adla how many diseases? Bt. 31,1; Fox no, 29: Bd. 3, 12 ; S. 537, 6. Laman legeres adl the palsy, v. leger. \Orm. adl disease. Probably akin to the Sansk. root indh to burn.] der. feorh-adl, fot-, horn-, in-, lungen-, mona])-: adl-ian, -Ic, -ig, -Jiracu, -werig. adle, an ; f. A disease ; morbus : — Ne yldo ne adle neither age nor disease, Exon. 112a; Th. 430, 7 ; Ra. 44, 4. v. adl. ad-leg, es ; m. The flame of the funeral pile ; flamma rogi : — Adleg tele]) flsesc and ban the flame of the pile burns flesh and bones, Exon. 59 a; Th. 213,9; p h. 222. adlian, -igan ; p. ode ; pp. od To ail, to be sick, to languish ; segrotare, languere ; — Daet se ylca biscop an adliende maeden gebiddende gehselde ut idem episcopus puellam languentem orando sanaverit, Bd. 5, 3; S. 615, 35. Ic adlige langueo, TElfc'. Gr. 26, 2 ; Som. 28, 46. adlic, adlig ; adj. [adl disease, lie like ] Sick, ill, diseased, corrupted, putrid ; morbidus, aegrotus, tabidus, vitiatus, putidus. Hence addle egg; putidum ovum; — Adlige men languentes homines, Bd. 3, 2 ; S. 524, 32. Adlig (Eger vel aegrotus, Wrt. Voc. 45, 59. ad-loma, -lama ? an ; m. One crippled by the flame ? cui flamma claudicationem attulit? — Earme adloman poor wretches, i.e. diaboli, Exon. 46 a; Th. 156, 33; Gu. 884. adl-pracu ; g. -Jiraece ; f. The force or virulence of disease ; morbi im- petus: — Se6 adlfiracu the force of disease, Exon. 46 b; Th. 159, 31; Gu. 935; v - ]> IXC - adl- werig; adj. Weary with sickness; morbo fatigatus: — Fonde his mon-dryhten adlwerigne he found his master weary with sickness, Exon. 47 b ; Th. 162, 25 ; Gu. 981. a-dolfen dug, Ps. Th. 93, 12 ; pp. of a-delfan. a-don ; p. -dyde ; impert. -do ; v. a. To take away, remove, banish ; tollere, ejicere ; — Ne magon de nfi heonan adon hyrste da readan the red ornaments may not now take thee hence, Exon. 99 a; Th. 370, 14; Seel. 57. Daet hy God danon ado to heora agnum lande that God will bring them thence to their own land, Ors. 3, 5; Bos. 56, 37. Ado da buteran remove the butter, L. M. I, 36; Lchdm. ii. 86, 22. Ado of da buteran take off the butter, 86, 19. Flod adyde mancinn a flood destroyed mankind, 351fc. T. 5, 25 ; Gen. 7, 23 : 9, 11. Ado das wylne ejice ancillam hanc, Gen. 2r, 10 : Bt. 16, 1 ; Fox 50, 10 : Ps. Th. 68, 14. a-drsedan; p. -dred; pp. -drseden To fear; timere: — He adred daet folc timuit populum, Mt. Bos. 14, 5. a-driefan, -drefan ; p. de ; pp. ed To drive away ; expellere ; — Da wear]) adfefed deormod haele]) then was driven away the beloved hero, Chr. 975 ; Th.i. 228, 22 ; Edg. 44. He adrsefed waes ejectus est, Gen. v 24. Osrsed waes of rice adrefed Osred was banished from his kingdom, Cnr. 790 ; Th. 99, 20, col. 2. a-dre&g, -dreah bore, Exon. 25 b ; Th. 74,6; Cri. 1202; p. o/a-dreogan. a-dred feared, Mt. Bos. 14, 5 ; p. of a-dr£dan. a-drefed driven, Chr. 790; Th.99, 20, col. 2, = a-dr*fed; pp.o/i-drsefan. adreminte, an ; /. The herb feverfew ; parthenium = impdtviov. Prior 78. a-drencan ; p. -drencte ; pp. -drenced ; v. a. To plunge under, to im- ’ merse , drown; immergere; — Wolde hine adiencan on daere ea would drown him in the river, Bt. 16, 2 ; Fox 52, 36. Caines ofspring eall wear]) adrenced on dam deopan flod, de adyde mancinn Cain’s offspring were all drowned in the deep flood, which destroyed mankind, -ffilfc. T. 5, 24. Heora feondas flod adrencte, Ps. Th. 105, 10: Ex. 14, 28. a-dre6gan, -dri6gan ; ic -dredge, dfi -dreogest, -dryhst, he -dredge]), -dryh]) ; p. -dreag, -dreah, pi. -drugon ; pp. -drogen. I. to act, perform, practise ; agere, perficere : — He adredg unrihte ])ing gessit iniqua. Hymn. Bibl. Cott. Jul. A. 6. De his lufan adredgej) who practises his love, Exon. 33 b; Th. 107, 24; Gu. 63. LIf adreogan agere vitam, Hexam. 3 ; Norm. 4, 29. II. to bear, suffer, endure; pati, sustinere : — HI adreogan magan they may bear, Bt. 40, 3 ; Fox 238, 27. Ic ne mseg adreogan dine sedfunga I cannot tolerate thy lamentations, Bt. II, I; Fox 30, 20. Daet hie de eaj) mihton drohtaj) adreogan that they might the easier endure their way of life, Andr. Kmbl. 737 ; An. 369. Earfedu de he adredg the pains that he endured, Exon. 25 b; Th. 74, 6; Cri. 1202. Earfedo de he adreah the pains that he endured, Andr. Kmbl. 2971; An. 1488. v. dreogan. a-dreogendlic ; adj. Bearable ; tolerabilis ; part, of a-dreogan, -He. a-dreopan; ic -dredpe, du -drypst, he -drypj); p. -dreap, pi. -drupon ; pp. -dropen To shed drop by drop: guttatim efiundere: — Nu is min swat adropen now is my blood sprinkled. An. 1427, note. v. a-])rawan. a-dreosan ; ic -dreose, du -dryst, he -dreose]), -dryst ; p. -dreas, pi. -druron; pp. -droren To fall, decline; Iabi, deficere : — Ne bi]; se hllsa adroren fame will not decline, non erit fama taedio affecta, Exon. 95 a ; Th. 355, 19; Reim. 79. a-drifan, ae-drifan ; ic -drlfe, du -drlfest, -drlfst, he -drlfe]), -drifj), -drift, pi. -drlfa]) ; p. -draf,> pi. -drifon ; pp. -drifen To drive, stake, expel, pursue, follow tip ; agere, pellere, expellere, repellere, sequi, pro- sequi : — Da Walas adrifon sumre ea ford ealne mid scearpum pllum greatum innan dam wsetere the Welsh staked all the ford of a certain river with great sharp piles within the water, Chr. Introd ; Th. 5, 35. Rihtwlsnyssa his ic ne adraf fram me justitias ejus non repuli a me, Ps. Spl. 1 7, 24. Adrife daet spor fit of his scire let him pursue the track out of his shire, L. Ath. v. § 8, 4; Th. i. 236, 23. Adrifene fatu graven or embossed vessels, TElfc. Gl. 67 ; Som. 69, 99. v. drlfan. a-drigan, -drygan, -drvgean, -drugian, -druwian ; p. de, ode ; pp. ed, od To dry, dry up, rub dry, wither ; abstergere, siccare, exsiccare : — Hlfide streamas on .35 thane ealle dfi adrigdest tu exsiccasti fluvios Ethan, Ps. Th. 73, 15. a-drincan ; p. -dranc, pi. -druncon ; pp. -druncen To be immersed, extinguished, quenched by water, to be drowned; immergi, exstingui, aquis suffocari ; — LIgfyr adranc the fire-flame was quenched, Cd. 146 ; Th. 182, 18; Exod. 77. Mycele ma moncynnes adranc on dam wsetere many more of mankind were drowned in the water, Bd. 3, 24 ; S. 556, 36. a-driogan, -driohan to bear, Bt. 40, 3; Fox 238, 22; MS. Cott. The Bodl. MS. has a-dri6han. v. a-dreogan. a-drogen done, finished; transactus, peractus ; pp. of a-dreogan. a-dronc, -droncen, /or a-dranc, -druncen; p. and pp. of a-drincan. a-drugian; p. ode; pp. od To dry; siccari; — Da sona adrugode se stream alveus siccatus est, Bd. 1,7; S. 478, 13. v. a-drigan. a-druncen drowned ; pp. of a-drincan. a-druwian ; p. ode ; pp. od To dry up ; siccari : — Daet da waetera wieron adruwode ofer eor])an quod aquae cessassent super terram, Gen. 8, 11. Eor])an bradnis waes adruwod exsiccata erat superficies term, 8, 13. v. a-drigan. a-drygan, -dryggean to dry, Past. 13, 1 ; Hat. MS. 16 b, 6. v. adrigan. adul-sea]) a sewer, sink; cloaca, Wrt. Voc. 36, 42. v. adelsea]). a-dumbian; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed ; v. n. To hold one’s peace, to keep silence, to become mute or dumb ; obmutescere ; — Adumba and ga of disum men obmutesce et exi de homine, Mk. Bos. r, 25. AdumbiaJ) da facnfullan weoloras muta effleiantur labia dolosa, Ps. Th. 30, 20. Ic adumbede obmutui, Ps. Spl. 38, 3. Ic adumbode, Ps. Lamb. 38, 10. a-dun, -dfine ; adv. Down, adown, downward; deorsum : — Adfin of dam wealle down from the wall, Bd. 1, 12 ; S. 481, 21. Da odre da dura braecon adfine the others broke the doors down, Chr. 1083 ; Th. 352, 19. Adfine asetton (they) put down, deposed, Bd. 4, 6 ; S. 573, 35. He adfine astah descendit, Ps. Spl. 71,6: 87, 4. a-dun-weard ; adv. Downward ; deorsum : — Scotedon adfinweard mid arewan they shot their arrows downward, Chr. 1083 ; Th. i. 352, 14. a-dwsescan ; p. ede, te ; pp. ed, t ; v. a. [a, dwsescan to quench ] To quench, put out, staunch, appease; extinguere: — Smeocende flex he ne adwaesc}) linum fumigans non extinguet, Mt. Bos. 12, 20. Daet fyr adwsesced wses flammee extinctae sunt, Bd. 2, 7 ; S. 509, 29. Adwaescton extinguerent , 4, 8 ; S. 575, 41. Adwaesctum dlnum feondum exlinctis tuis hostibus, 2, 12 ; S. 514, 7. Efne swa he mid wsetre done weallendan leg adwaesce even as he with water the raging flame quenches, Exon. 122a; Th. 467, 23 ; Aim. 6. Eall min unriht adwsesc omnes iniquitates meas dele, Ps. Ben. 50, 10. a-dwelian ; p. -dwelede, -dwealde ; pp. -dweled, -dweald [a, dwelian to err] To seduce, lead into error; seducere : — Woldon adwelian 8 A-DWINAN— /ECER. mancyn fram heora Drihtene the y would seduce mankind from their Lord , 4 L. .ffilf. P. 29 ; Th. ii. 374, 31. a-dwinan ; ic -dwlne, -dwinest, -dwinst, he -dwine{),-dwin}), pi. -dwi- naj> ; p. -dwan, pi. -dwinon ; pp. -dwinen To dwindle or vanish away ; vanescere. v. dwlnan. a-dydan, -dyddan ; p. -dydde ; pp. -dyded, -dyd ; v. a. [a, dydan to die] To put to death , to destroy, kill, mortify ; perdere, occidere : — Wolde htg adyddan would destroy them, iElfc. T. 22, 19. Dxt ic nateshwon nelle heonon f orji eall flxsc adydan mid flodes wxterum that I will not, by any mjans, henceforth destroy all flesh with the waters of a flood, Gen. 9, II. Ale }>ing de lif hxfde wear}) adyd everything which had life was destroyed, Gen. 7, 23. a-dydest, hast banished; expulisti, Ps. Lamb. 59, 12 ; p. of a-don. a-dylegian ; pres, ic -dylegige ; p. ode ; pp. od To destroy ; delere : — Ic adylegige deleo ; ic adylegode [adeligode Som.] delevi ; adylegod deletum, of dam is geeweden letum [ = lethum death ; Grk. \rj9q oblivio] dea]>, de adylegaj) Iff I destroy ; I destroyed; destroyed, deletum , from which is derived [called] letum death, which destroyeth life, JE\fc. Gr. 26 ; Som. 28, 3 2 > 33- v - a-dilegian, dilgian. a-dylf effodit, Ps. Th. 7, 15, = a-dealf; p. of a-delfan, q.v. JE. The short or unaccented Anglo-Saxon m has a sound like ai in main and fairy, as appears from these cognate words: — Wxl wail, brsedan to braid, naegel a nail, dig, spxr, lit, snxce, mist, xsp, bxr, etc. 2. The short or unaccented se stands only (1) before a single consonant; as Staef, hwael, dig: (2) a single consonant followed by e in nouns ; Stxfes, stife, hwxles, daeges, witer, fider, icer : (3) or before st, sc,fn,ft ; Gist, isc, hrxfn, crxft : (4) before pp, bb, tt, cc, ss ; .ffippel, crxbba, hxbben, fitte, fittes, wncca, nisse : (5) before double con- sonants, arising from the inflection of monosyllabic adjectives : — Litne, litre, lxtra, from lit late; hwitne, hwitre, hwxtra from hwit quick. 3. In the declension of monosyllabic nouns and adjectives, e is rejected from the short or unaccented se, and becomes a, when a single consonant, or st, sc, is followed by a, 0, u in nouns, and by a, o, u, e in adjectives ; as Stif, pi. stafas, g. stafa, d. stafum ; hwxl, pi. hwalas ; dig, pi. dagas. adj. Lit late ; g. m. n. lates ; d. latum ; se lata the late; latost, latemest, latest : Smil small ; g. m. n. smales ; d. smalum ; se smala the small, etc. See short a in B. 3, p. 1, col. 1. 4. ae-, prefixed to words, like a-, often denotes A negative, deteriorating or opposite signification, as From, away, out, without, etc. Like a, ge, etc. ae is sometimes prefixed to perfect tenses and perfect participles and other words without any per- ceptible alteration in the sense ; as Celed, x-celed cooled. 5. The Anglo-Saxon Rune for se is P, which is also put for isc an ash-tree, the name of the letter, v. isc. B. The long or accented ae has the sound of ea in meat, sea. The ae is found in the following words, which are represented by English terms of the same signification, having ea sounded as in deal, fear ; D£l, fir, drid, lxdan, br£do, h£to, hwite, hx]>, hiden, cline, line, si, £r, h£lan, liran, t£can, tsesan, t£sel, w£pen, etc. 2. The ae is known to be long, and therefore accented, when in monosyllables, assuming another syllable in declining, ae is found before a single consonant or st, sc, and followed in nouns by a, o, u, and in adjectives by a, o, u, or e; as Blida fruits ; bl£dum : Dwis dull ; g. m. dwises. The ae is often changed into a ; as Stinen stony, stan a stone ; l£r, lar lore. -A ; indecl. f. Law, statute, custom, rite, marriage ; lex, statutum, cere- monix, ritus, matrimonium : — God him sette £ dxt ys open lagu God gave them a statute that is a plain law, JE\(c. T. 10, 20. A Drihtnes the law of the Lord, Ps. Spl. 18, 8 : Mt. Bos. 26, 28. God is wisdom and £ woruld- buendra God is the wisdom and law of the inhabitants of the world, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 165; Met. 29, 83. Cristes £ the Gospel. Butan £ odde utlaga an outlaw, JEllc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 44. Seo iftere £ Deutero- nomy, Bd. 1, 27. Huslfatu halegu da £r Israela in £ hifdon the holy vessels which the Israelites formerly used in their rites, Cd. 212; Th. 262, 29; Dan. 751. WircaJ) his bebodu and his £ and his dfimas observa prcecepta ejus et ceremonias atque judicia, Deut. II, I. Styrde unryhtre £ he reproved the unlawful marriage. Exon. 70 a; Th. 260, 14; Jul. 297. [O. Sax. eo, m: O.Frs. a, e, ewe, ewa,/: Ger. ehe, /. matrimonium : M.H.Ger. ewe, e, /: O.H.Ger. ewa, eha, ea,/: Sansk. eva, m. course, manner.] & ; indecl. f. Life ; vita : — Dxt hi ne meahtan acwellan cnyhta £ that they might not destroy the young men s live s. Exon. 55 a ; Th. 195, 32; Az. 164. &; indecl. f. A river, stream ; rivus, torrens: — On dire £ du hy drencst thou shall give them to drink of the stream ; torrente potabis eos, Ps. Th. 35, 8. __ v. ea. se alas ! IE, Hy. 1, i, = e&. Lamb, MS. fol. 183 b, line 11. v. £Ia, xala, eala. sedla ; inter] . O I alas l O, eheu : — iEala du Scippend O ! thou Creator, Bt. Met. Fox 4, 1; Met. 4, I. v. eala, £la. a-eargian ; p. ode, ade ; pp. od [a, eargian torpescere] To become sloth- ful ; segnis fieri : — Hy ondredan, gif hi hwilum ne wunnon, dxt hy to rade a-eargadon they dreaded, if they did not sometimes wage war, that they should too soon become slothful, Ors. 4, 13; Bos. 100, 20. se-bser notorious, L. Eth. vi. 36; Th. i. 324, II. v. £-ber. JEbban dun, Abban dun, e ; f. [ASbba, an ; m : or TEbbe, an ; f : dun a down or hill ; AEbba’s or IE bbe’s down or hill] Abingdon ; Abindonii oppidum in agro Berceriensi : — His lie II]) on dam mynstre it Abban dune his body lies in the monastery at Abingdon, Chr. 981; Th. 234, 34, col. 1. a-ebbian ; p. a-ebbode ; pp. a-ebbad, ge-ebbod ; v. intrans. To ebb away, recede ; recedere : — Dxt witer wis a-ebbad [a-ebbod MS. C. T ; ge- ebbod Cant.] feala furlanga from dam scipum the water had ebbed many furlongs from the ships, Chr. 897 ; Ing. 123, 19. v. ebbian. sebbung, e; /. An ebbing; recessus aquarum: — S£-xbbung a bay; sinus, Wrt.Voc. 41, 63. v. ebba. ae-bebod, es ; n. Law, injunction of the law, command; lex, legis manda- tum: — Dii me£bebod £rest settest tu legem posuisti mihi, Vs.Th. 118, 102. se-bec law books, books of the law; juris cpdices, Cot. 126. te-ber, £-bxr ; adj. Clear and evident by proof, manifest, apparent, notorious ; apricus, manifestos : — Se £bera ]>eof the notorious thief, L. Edg. ii. 7; Th. i. 268, 22. Abire manslagan notorious homicides, L. Eth. vi. 36; Th. i. 324, 11. sebesen, ibesn pasturage; pasnagium, L. In. 49; Th. i. 132, 18, note 46. v. ifesen. se-bilgan, i-bilian to make angry ; exasperare, Ps. Spl. 67, 7. v. a-belgan. se-bilignes, -ness, e; /. Indignation, anger; indignatio, Apol. Th. v. i-bylignes. se-blsecnys, -nes, -ness, e ; f. A paleness ; pallor : — Wid xbl£cnysse dxs lichaman for paleness of the body, Herb. 164, 2 ; Lchdrn. ii. 294, 3. se-blec; adj. Pale, wan, whitish, bleak ; pallidus. v. bl£c, blac. se-bleeing, x-blecnys paleness, v. x-bl£cnys, blacung. se-bod, es ; 1 n. A business ; negotium : — Abodas pragmatica negotia, JElfc. Gl. 12 ; Som. 57, 94. se-boda, an ; m. A messenger of the law ; legis nuntius : — Da wis frofre g£st onsended e&dgum £bodan then the spirit of comfort was sent to the blessed messenger of the law, i. e. the preacher of the gospel, Exon. 46 b; Th. 158, 15; Gu. 909. se-brec [ea water, brie] A catarrh, rheum ; rheuma. v. brecan. sebs ,e.;f1 Afir-tree; abies, Allfc. Gr. 5; Som. 4, 45: 9, 26; Som.11,18. se-bylg, es ; n. Anger; ira, indignatio, Exon. 50 b; Th. 176, 17; Gu. 12 1 1. v. x-bylg{>. se-bylgan, -byligan To make angry ; exasperare, Ps. Spl. 65,6. v. a-belgan . ffi-bylg}>, -bylj), -bylyg}), e ; /: es ; nl [bylgb, v. belgan] An offence, a fault, scandal, wrong, anger, wrath, indignation ; offensa, injuria, ira, indignatio: — To ibylgfie for offence, Ors. 4, 1; Bos. 76, 27, He sende on hi graman xbylygjje hys misit in eos iram indignationis suae, Ps. Spl. 77, 54. Cristenum cyningce gebyraj) swyde rihte dxt he Godes ibyljie wrece Christiana regi jure pertinet ut injurias Deo factas vindicet, L. C. S. 40; Th. i. 400, 10. v. a-bylgj), a-byligd. ae-bylignes, -ness ; -nys, -nyss, e ; f. Indignation, wrath ; indig- natio : — fEbylignes yrres dines indignatio irce tuce, Ps. Th. 68, 25. He sende on hi graman ibylignysse hys misit in eos iram indignationis sua:, Ps. Spl. 77, 54. v. a-bylgnes. sec also, Th. Dipl. A. D. 804-829 ; 460, 9 : 461, 18, 33. v. eac. sec, e; /. An oak; quercus: — Of dire £ce [MS. £c] andlang heges to dim wege from the oak and along the hedge to the road, Kmbl. Cod. Dipl. iii. p. 78, 7- v - 2C - mean to eke, Solil. 11. v. ecan. secced, es; n. Vinegar; acetum, Jn. Lind. War. 19, 30. v. eced. sece, ace, es; m. An ake, pain; dolor: — Eal dxt sar and se ice onwig alided wis all the sore and ake were (led) taken away, Bd. 5, 3 ; S. 616, 35 : 5, 4; S. 617, 22. der. acan to ake. v. ece. sece ; adj. Eternal ; iternus : — Dxt we ge-earnian £ce dreamas that we may obtain eternal delights, Ps. C. 156. v. ece. aeced, es ; n. Vinegar : — Onfeng de H£lend dxt iced the Saviour re- ceived the vinegar, Jn. Rush. War. 19, 30. v. eced. seced-fset, es ; n. An acid-vat, a vinegar-vessel ; acetabulum, Wrt. Voc. 25, 21. v. eced-fit. seced-win, es ; n. acid-wine ; murratum vinum, Mk. Lind. War. 15, 23. se-celed cooled; pp. of x-celan = a-celan. der. celan. secelma, an ; m.A chilblain; mula, L. M. I, 30 ; Lchdrn. ii. 70, 16. secen = acen ; adj. Oaken, made of oak; quernus, Cot. 165. £cen, eacen ; pp. of c acan to increase, v. eacan. J3CEE, icyr, es ; m. X. a field, land, what is sown, sown land ; ager, seges : — For dam is se icer gehaten Acheldemah propter hoc vocatus est ager ille Haceldama, Mt. Bos. 27, 8. Her ys seo b6t, hu du meaht dine jeeras betan here is the remedy, how thou mayest improve thy fields, Lchdrn. i. 398, 1. Of dim icer efrom the field, Bt. Met. Fox 12, 3; Met. 12, 2. .fficera Jusend a thousand fields, 14, 10; Met. 14, 3. II. a definite quantity of land which, in A. Sax. times, a yoke of oxen could plough in a day, an acre, that is 4840 square yards ; jugeri spatium, jugerum, a jugo quod tantum fere spatii uno jugo bourn arari posset: also ager = Ger. acker an acre : — Alice dig ic sceal erian fulne icer odde marc omni die debeo arare integrum jugerum [MS. agrum] /ECER-CEORL — iEFEN -STEORR A. 9 aut plus, Coll. Monast. Th. igl? 21. Dxt is se tedda aecer, eal swa seo' sulh hit gega that is the tenth acre, all as the plough goes over it, L. C. E. 8 ; Th. i. 366, 6. TEceras jugera, Cot. 109. [O. Sax. akkar : O. Frs. ekker : O. Ger. ahhar : N. Ger. acker a field, an acre : Goth, akrs : O. Nrs. akr : Lat. ager : Grk. c typos : Sansk. ajra a plain.'] eecer-eeorl, es; m. A field-churl, a farmer, ploughman; agricola. der. seccr a field, ceorl a free husbandman. secer-man, xcer-mon ; g. xcer-mannes ; m. A field-man, farmer; agricola, iElfc. Gl. 5. * secern, xcirn, es; n. [sec = ac oak, corn corn ] The corn or fruit of an oak, an acorn, a nut ; glans : — /Ecern glans, fElfc. Gl. 46 ; Som. 65, 7. TEcirnu , pi. nom. Gen. 43, 11. [ Spenser , Grafton, acornes , pi : N.Dut. aker in aker-boom : N. L. Ger. ecker, m. n : N. Ger. ecker, pi. eckern, m. n. glans quernea or fagea : Goth, akran, n. fructus : Dan. agern, n: Norw. aakorn : O. Nrs. akarn, n. glans silvestris .] sscer-spranca, xcer-spranga, an ; m. [aecer, spranca, an \m.a shoot, sprout ] Young shoots springing up from acorns, saplings, the holm oak, scarlet oak ; ilex ; — fEcer-spranca ilex, fElfc. Gr. 9, 61 ; Som. 13, 48. seeest = aecst akest, 2nd pers. sing. pres, of acan. secep =xcf> aketh, yd pers. sing. pres, o/acan. sechir an ear of corn, Mt. Rush. Stv. 12, I. v. ear. se-ciorfan to cut to pieces, Ps. Spl. 128, 4. v. a-ceorfan. secirnu nuts, Gen. 43, 11. v. secern. sec-lseca, an; m. [aec=ag, q. v.] A wretch, miscreant, monster; miser, perditus, monstrum, Elen. Grm. 901; El. 902. v. ag-lxca. se-crseft, es ; in. Law-craft and its result ; legis peritia et vires inde oriundae : — fEcrxft eorla law-craft of men, Elen. Kmbl. 869 ; El. 435 : Cd. 173; Th. 217, 7; Dan. 19. se-crseftig; adj. Law-crafty, one skilled in law, a lawyer, scribe; legis peritus : — Him xcrxftig andswarode to them the skilled in law answered, Cd. 212; Th. 262, 10; Dan. 742. seese an axe, Bd. 4, 3 ; S. 567, 26. v. aex. aecst akest, 2nd pers. sing. pres, of acan. sec}> aketh, yd pers. sing. pres, of acan. secumbe oafeiB ; stuppa, Wrt. Voc. 40, 36. v. acumba. secyr a field: — Blodes aecyr sanguinis ager, Mt. Foxe 27, 8. v. aecer. secyrf, e ; /. That which is cut off, a fragment, piece ; recisura, fragmen- tum : — Dara tredwa xcyrf and lafe forbaernde wxron the offcuttings and leavings of the wood were burnt, Bd. 3, 22 ; S. 552, 13. v. cyrf, ceorfan. asd-, prefixed to words, denotes Anew, again, as the Latin re- : — TEd- sceaft re-generation, v. ed-. seddran kidneys; renes, Ps. Spl. C. 7, 10. v. xdre. seder-seax, xdre-seax, es; n. A vein-knife, a lancet; lancetta, Cot. 92. sed-fsest [ead substance, faest fast, fixed] Goods, property; bona: — iEdfaest taeht to healdenne property taken to hold, a pledge, TElfc. Gl. 14; Som. 58, 8. aed-le&n a reward, Th. Diplm. A. D. 804-829; 459, 11. v. ed-lean. sedr vein, artery, Ps. Th. 72, 17. v. xdre, edre. sedre ; adv. Quickly, promptly, at once, forthwith ; illico, confestim, statim, protinus : — Him da aedre God andswarede God answered him forthwith, Cd. 42 ; Th. 54, 4 ; Gen. 872. Wille de da andsware aedre gecydan I will quickly let you know the answer, Beo. Th. 714; B. 354. Nu du aedre const slj)-fxt mlnne now thou comprehcndest at once my journey, Exon. 52 b ; Th. 184, 29 : Gu. 1351. [O. H. Ger. atar : O. Sax. adro: O. Frs. edre velociter.] v. edre. sedre, aeddre, edre, an;/; aedr, e ; f. I. a channel for liquids, An artery, a vein, fountain, river ; arteria, vena, fons, rivus ; v. wxter-xdre : — Feorh aleton ])urh aedra wylm they let life forth through the fountain of their veins, Exon. 72 b; Th. 271, 6; Jul. 478. BledaJ) xdran the veins shall bleed, Salm. Kmbl. 290; Sal. 144. Swat sedrum sprong blood sprang from the veins, Beo. Th. 5925 ; B. 2966. II. a nerve, sinew, kidney; nervus, ren : — Waeron mine xdra ealle tolysde renes mei resoluti sunt, Ps. Th. 72, 17. Du canst mine aedre ealle tu possedisti omnes renes meos, 138, 11. Da for dam cyle him gescuncan ealle aedra then all his sinews shrank because of the cold, Ors. 3, 9 ; Bos. 64, 39. [Plat, ader : O. Frs. eddere, eddre : O. Dut. adere : Ger. ader : M. H. Ger. ader : O. H. Ger. adara : Dan. aare : Swed. ader: Norw. aader: O.Nrs. aed ,/.] der. waeter-aidre. aedre-seax a vein-knife, lancet, v. xder-seax. aedre -weg, es ; m. A drain way, a vein, an artery ; arteria, vena, v. aedre, weg a way. se-drifan to expel, Ps. Spl. T. 42, 2 : 43, 26. v. a-drffan. eed-sceaft, e ; /. A regeneration, new creation ; regeneratio :— -HI selce geare weorJjaJ) to aedsceafte they become every year a new creation, Bt. 34, 10; Fox 156, 16. v. edsceaft. JEdwines clif, Edwin’s cliff, Chr. 761; Ing. 73, 15. eed-wist substance; substantia, essentia, v. set-wist, sed-wit, es ; n. A reproach ; opprobrium : — TEd-wIt manna opprobrium hominum, Ps. Spl. C. T. 21, 5. v. ed-wlt. ®d-witan To reproach; exprobare : — TEd-wioton him improperabant ei, Mt. Lind. Stv. 27, 44. v. ed-wltan. aef, af, of; prep. Of, from; ab, de. v. compound xf-last and; in of-. eef-cest, es; n. Envy; invidia : — Butan xfxste sine invidia, Bd. 5, 22; S. 644, 13. v. sef-est. ee-faest, -fest ; adj. [x law, faest fast, fixed] Firm in observing the law, religious, pious ; tenax observandi legem, religiosus, pius^Justus: — TEfxst haele]) a pious man, Cd. 59; Th. 72, 6; Gen. 1182. iE faest e men pious men, 86 ; Th. 108, 7 ; Gen. 1802. We xfaestra dxde deman we consider the deeds of the pious, Exon. 40 a; Th. 133, 30; Gu. 497. Wses he xfxst and arfxst was he devout and good? Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 33. v. xw-fxst. ce-faesten, es ; n. A legal fast; Iegitimum jejunium : — III xfxstenu fseste he tribus legitimis jejuniis jejunet, L. Ecg. C. 4 ; Th. ii. 138, 1. se-fsestnes, -festnes, -nys, -ness, e ; f. Firmness in the law, religion ; religio : — He wxs mycelre xfxstnesse wer he was a man of much religion, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 7: 2, 9 ; S. 510, 30, 32. eef-dsel; g. -dxles; pi. nom. -dalu; n. [xf, dxl a vale] A descent; descensus: — To xfdxle ad descensum, Lk. Lind. War. 19, 37. v. of-dxl. aefdon performed, executed. Exon. 27 b; Th. 83, 16; Cri. 1357,= xfndon, p. pi. o/xfnan. se-felle, a-felle; adj. [x, fell a skiti] Barked, peeled, skinned; decorti- catum, TElfc. Gk 115; Som. 80, 34; Wrt. Voc. 61, 14. aefen even ; xqualis, xquus. v. efen. jfeFEN,xfyn,efen,es; m. The even, evening, eventide; vesper, vespera : — Syddan xfen cwom after evening came, Beo. Th. 2475 ; B. 1235. fEfen xrest vesperum primum, Cd. 8; Th. 9, 7; Gen. 138. TEfena gehwam in each of evenings, 148 ; Th. 184, 16 ; Exod. 108. TEt xfenne, on xfenne, or to xfenne, at even, in (he evening, Ps. Spl. 29, 6. [ Laym . aefen : Orm. efen : Gow. Chauc. even : N. Dut. avond : M. Dut. avont, m : PlaU abend, m: O.Sax. aband, m: O.Frs. a vend, in : Ger. abend, m: M.H.Ger. abent, m: O.H.Ger. apand, abant, abunt, in: Dan. aften, in: Swed. afton, m: I cel. aptan, aftan, m: confr. Grk. ope.] eefen-dredm, es ; in. Even-song ; vespertinus cantus. v. xfen. asfen-fela as many ; totidem, Deut. 9,11. v. efen-feola. tefen-gebed, es ; n. An evening prayer, evening service : — TEfen-gebcd vespertinum ojficium, TElfc. Gl. 34 ; Som. 62, 50. sefen-gereord, e ; /. An evening meal, a supper; coena, fElfc. Gl. 58 ; Som. 67, 87; Wrt. Voc. 38, 13. mfen-gereordian ; p. ode; pp. od To sup or take supper; coenare. v. gereordian to take food. sefen-gifl, -giefl, es; n. Evening food, supper; coena: — HI secaj) dxt hie fyrmest hlynigen xt xfengieflum [-giflum MS. C.] quccrunt primos in ccenis recubitus. Past. I, 2; MS. Hat. 6 b, 20: 44, 3; MS. Hat. 61 b, 22. ffifen-glom, es; m. The evening gloom or twilight; crepusculum : — From xfenglome 6J) dxt eastan cwom dxgredwoma from evening twilight there came the rush of dawn from the east. Exon. 51b; Th. 179, 21 ; Gu. 1263. eefen-grom; adj. Fierce in the evening; vespere ferox: — Grendel cwom eatol, xfengrom Grendel came terrible, fierce at eve, Beo. Th. 4154; B. 2074. eefen-hlytta, an; m. A fellow, consort, companion or mate; consors, -ffilfc. Gr. 9, 44; Som. 13, 6. ffifen-hrepsung, e ; /. The evening close ; vesper, v. hrepsung closing. sefen-lac, es; n. An evening sacrifice; vespertinum sacrificium: — Swylce ahafenes handa mlnra, donne ic xfenlac secge elevatio manuum mearum sacrificium vespertinum, Ps. Th. 140, 3. asfen-lsecan to match ; imitari. v. efen-lxcan. ecfen-leecan ; p. -Ixhte; pp. -lxht To grow towards evening; adves- perascere : — Hit xfenlxcj; advesperascit, Lk. Bos. 24, 29. sefen-laeeend an imitator, v. efen-lxcend. cefen-ledht, es; n. Evening light; vespertina lux: — Siddan xfen-leoht under heofenes hador beholen weorjie]) after the evening light is concealed under heavens serenity, Beo. Th. 831 ; B. 413. sefen-leoj), es ; n. An evening song ; vespertinus cantus : — Atol xfenleo]) a dreadful evening song, Cd. 153; Th. 190, 18; Exod. 201. Eefen-lic ; adj. Vespertine, of the evening; vespertinus, Ps. Spl. 140, 2. sefen-mete, es; in. Evening meat, supper; coena, Cot. 42. sefen-rest, e; f. Evening rest; vespertina requies : — Sum sare ongeald xfenreste one paid dearly for his evening rest, Beo. Th. 2508 ; B. 1252. eefen-rima, an ; m. [xfen vesper, rima margo, labrum] Twilight ; cre- pusculum. v. rima a rim, margin. sefen-sang, es ; m. even-song, vespers ; vespertinus cantus, L. JEM. C. 19; Th. ii. 350, 7. sefen-sceop, -sc6p, es ; m.An evening bard; vespertinus cantor : — Eald xfensceop ic bringe I bring an old evening bard. Exon. 103 a ; Th. 390, 21; Rii. g, 5. sefen-scima, an ; m. Evening splendour ; vespertinus splendor, Cd. 1 1 2 ; Th. 147, 31; Gen. 2448. sefen-sprsec, e ; f. Evening speech ; vespertina loquela : — Gemunde xfensprxce he remembered his evening speech, Beo. Th. 1322 ; B. 759. ecfen-steorra, an ; in. The evening star ; Hesperus ; the Grk. "Eairtfios [Lat. vesper], the evening star, is called by Hesiod a son of Astrxus 10 iEFEN-pENUNG — iEFTEll. and Eos, and was regarded by the ancients the same as the morning' star, whence both Homer and Hesiod call him the bringer of light, taio-tpvpos, II. xxii. 318 : xxiii. 226. The Romans designated him by the names Lucifer and Hesperus, to characterise him as the morning or evening star : — Se steorra wid foran da sunnan up, donne haten we hine morgensteorra (q. v.) fordam he cym]) eastan up, boda}) daere sunnan cyme the star which we call the evening star, when it is seen westwardly, then it betokens the evening. It then goes after the sun into the ear this shade, till it runs off behind the sun, and comes up before the sun, then we call it the morning star, because it comes up in the east, and announces the sun's approach, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 232, 34. Se mona, mid his blacan leohte, dunniaj) done beorhtan steorran, de we hata[ morgensteorra : done ilcan we hata[ 6dre naman, sefensteorra the moon, with his pale light, obscures the bright star , which we call the morn- ing star : the same we call by another name, the evening star, 4 ; Fox 8, 3. ffifen-penung, e ; f. An evening service or duty, evening repast, supper ; coena, R. Concord 8. v. [egnung. sefen-peowdom, es; m. An evening service or office; vespertinum officium, iElfc. Gl. 34; Som. 62, 50. mfen-tid, e ; f. The eventide, evening ; vespertina hora : — Seo sefen-tid daes dseges the eventide of the day, Dial, x, 10. On sefen-tld at eventide, Cd. hi; Th. 146, 19; Gen. 2424. sefen-tlma, an ; m. Evening time, eventide ; vespertinum tempus : — Da aefentima wses, he ferde to Bethamam cum jam vespera esset hora, exiit in Bethaniam, Mk. Bos. xi, 11. sefen-tungel, es; m. n. The evening star; hesperus. v. tungel. JEFEK. ; adv. ever, always; unquam, semper; — fEfer ge fliton ongen God semper contentiose egistis contra Deum, Deut. 31, 27. v. fifre. sefesen, aefesn, sebesen, aebesn, e; /. Pasturage, the charge for pigs going into the wood to fatten on acorns ; pasnagium, pretium propter porcos in quercetum admissos : — Gif mon nime xfesne on swlnum if [« man ] any one take pasturage on swine, L. In. 49; Th. i. 132, 18. sef-est, aef-aest, aefst, es; n. [aef, of = ab, est gratia] Without favour or good-will, hence, Envy, spile, enmity, zeal, rivalry, emulation ; livor, invidia, odium, zelus, aemulatio : — iEfst and oferhygd envy and pride, Cd. 1 ; Th. 3, 1 ; Gen. 29. Eald-fe6ndes cefest the old fiend’s envy, Exon. 61 b; Th. 226, 5; Ph. 401. JEfestes livoris, Mone B. 2699, p. 386. Heora aefstu ealle sceamien they all shall be ashamed of their enmities, Ps. Th. 69, 4. Fore aefstum from envy, Exon. 43 a; Th. 144, 27; Gu. 684. fEfaistum onaeled inflamed with envy, Exon. 84 a ; Th. 316, 3 ; M 5 d. 43. [O. Sax. ab-unst,/. invidia : O. Frs. ev-est invidia : Ger. ab-gunst,/. invidia : O. H. Ger. ap-anst, ap-unst, m. invidia, livor, zelus, rancor .] se-fest ; adj. [se law, faest fast, fixed] Fast or firm in the law, religious, devout; religiosus : — Wses se mon swyde sefest eratvir multum religiosus, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 20. Ongunnon sefeste leo[ wyrcean religiosa poemata facere tentabant, id ; S. 596, 38. v. fi-fsest, sew-fsest. sef-est-ful; adj. Full of envy ; invidia plenus, invidiosus: — He is swtde sefestful for dlnum gode he is very full of envy at thy prosperity, Th. Apol. 14, 24. v. aef-Sst. aaf-estian, -estigan; p. ode; pp. od To envy, be envious of or at; invidere Des iunga man ne aefestigaj) on nanum [ingum, de he her gesihj) this young man is envious at nothing, which he here seeth, Th. Apol. 14, 25 : Cot. 119. v. sef-est. sef-estig, sefstig ; adj. Envious, emulous, jealous ; invidus, semulus : — Sum eald and sum sefestig ealdorman an old and an envious nobleman, Th. Apol. 14, 19. v. sef-est. je-festliee ; adv. Religiously ; religiose, v. faestlice., -ness ; -nys, -nyss, e ; /. Envy, spite; invidia, malignitas. der. sef-est. se-festnes, -ness, e ; /. Religion, devotion ; religio : — Da de to aifest- nesse belumpon quce ad religionem pertinebant, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 1. v. ai-fsestnes. JESric ; def. m. TEffrica ; adj. African ; Afer : — Severus Casere se wses JEffrica cynnes Severus Ccesar genere Afer, Bd. 1,5; S. 476, 5. v. Affric. sef-tst envy ; invidia, Mt. Lind. Stv. 27, 18. v. sef-est. sef-last, es; in. [sef=af from, last a course ] A wandering away? aber- ratio, Cd. 166; Th. 207, 27; Exod. 473. aefnan; p. de; pp. ed To perform, execute, labour, show; patrare, facere, laborare, prsestare : — His domas aefna}) they fulfil his judgments , Exon. 32 b; Th. 102, 29; Cri. 1680. Gif hy woldun his bebodu aefnan if they would execute his judgments, 54 a ; Th. 152, 29 ; Gu. 816. Wile eorlscipe aefnan he wishes to show his dignity, 87 a; Th. 327, 3; Wid. 141. /Efdon unsofte for aefndon ? 27b; Th. 83, 16; Cri. 1357. der. ge-sefnan. v. efnan. sefne ; interj. Behold ; ecce ; — TEfne s6J>Uce so[fsestnysse du lufudest ecce enim veritatem dilexisti, Ps. Spl. 50, j. v. efne ; interj. asfnian; p. ode; pp. od To grow towards evening; vesperascere, Dial. 1, 10. ffifnung, e ; / Evening ; vespera : — Heo com da on aifniinge eft to Noe ilia venit ad emit [iVoe] ad vesperam, Gen. 8, 1 1 : Homl. Th. ii. 266, 5, 6. sefre, aefer ; adv. Ever, always; unquam, semper; — Nolde sefre nolebat unquam, Cd. 72; Th. 89, 14; Gen. 1480. Ne sceal xfre geheran nor shall I ever hear, 216; Th. 275, 14; Sat. 1 71. Nu ic eom orwena daet unc seo edyl-stsef sefre weor[e gifede setgsedere now I am hopeless that the staff of our family will ever be given to us two together, 101; Th. 134, 12 ; Gen. 2223. Du sefre wsere tu semper fuisti, Exon. 9b; Th. 8, 2 ; Cri. ill. Afte for[ sempiternum, Cd. 220; Th. 282, 35; Sat. 297. fEfre to aldre in ceternum, 38 ; Th. 51,1; Gen. 820. sefre = a, q. v. se-fremmende ; part. Fulfilling the law, religious ; legis praecepta conficiens, religiosus: — Ic lseran wille sefremmende daet ge eower hus gefaestnige I will teach that you, the laws fulfilling, should make firm your house, Exon. 75 a; Th. 281, 18; Jul. 648. sefst envy, Past. 13, 2; Hat. MS. 17 a, 12: Cd. 1; Th. 3, I; Gen. 29. v. aef-est. sefstian ; p. ode ; pp. od To hasten ; feslinare, accelerare. v. efstan. sefstig ; adj. Envious, emulous ; semulus : — fEfstig wid odra manna yflu cumulus contra aliena vitia, Past. 13,2; MS. Hat. 1 7 a, 1 ] . v. aef-estig. aeft; adv. aft, behind, as go aft = go astern, Afterwards, again; postea, iterum : — Moises cwae[ aeft to Israela folce Moses said afterwards to the people of Israel, Deut. 28, 15. TEft uferan dogum afterwards in later days, Beo. Th. 4406 note ; B. 2200. Dset hi aeft to him comen that they would come to him again, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 130; Met. 1, 65. v. eft. seftan ; adv. Behind ; post, pone : — Earn aeftan hwlt the eagle white behind, Chr. 937; Th. i. 206, 29; vEdelst. 63, col. I. der. be-aeftan. aeftan-weard ; adj. Coming after, following ; posterior: — Rinc bi|) on ofeste, se mec on[y[ aeftanweardne the man is in haste, who urges me following, Exon. 125 a ; Th. 480, 3 ; Ra. 63, 5. v. weard II ; adj. seft-beteht re-assigned, R. Ben. 4. v. eft-betaeht. seftemest, -myst, -most; adj. superlative of sefter, — After-most, last; postremus, novissimus : — Deos boc is aeftemyst on dsere bibliojiecan this is the last book of the Bible, JElfc. T. 31, 22; Grn. fElfc. T. 16, 3. Donne he sylf mid dam fyrmestan dale wid dses aeftemestan fluge when he himself with the first part should flee towards the hindermost, Ors. 4, 6 ; Bos. 83, 20 : Mk. Bos. 12, 22 : Jn. Bos. 7, 37. seften-tid, e ; f. [aeftan after ] Evening, eventide ; vespertinum tempus, vesper : — fEr morgenes gancg wid aeftentid ealle da deman Drihten healdej) exitus matutini et vespere delectaberis, Ps. Th. 64, 9. sefter; prep, [aeft, q.v; er, q. v.] dat; rarely acc. I. local and temporal dat. — after ; post : — Ne far du aefter fremdum godum go not thou after strange gods, Deut. 6, 14. iEfter [rim mon[um after three months, Gen. 38, 24. fEfter dagum after those days, Lk. Bos. 1, 24. Cuma[ aefter me venite post me, Mt Bos. 4, 19. Hifter [rym dagum [MS. dagon] ic arise post tres dies resurgam, Mt. Bos. 27, 63. Da eode daet wlf sefter him then the wife went after him, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 13. Ham stadeledon, an aefter odrum they established a home, one after another, Cd. 213; Th. 266, 22 ; Sat. 26. jEfter dam wordum werod eall aras after those words all the host rose, Cd. 158; Th. 196, 29; Exod. 299: Exon. 28 b; Th. 86, 24; Cri. 1413. Wunder aefter wundre wonder after wonder, Beo. Th. 1866; B. 931: Cd. 8; Th. 9, 19; Gen. 144: Cd. 46; Th. 59, 15; Gen. 964: Cd. 143; Th. 178, 1; Exod. 5: Cd. 148 ; Th. 184, 18 ; Exod. 109 : Cd. 227 ; Th. 304, 14; Sat. 630: Exon. 16 a; Th. 36, 8; Cri. 573: Exon. 18 a; Th. 44, 31; Cri. 71 1: Exon. 117 a; Th. 449, 32; Dom. 80: Exon. 117a; Th. 450, 3; Dom. 82: Exon. 124a; Th. 476, 20; Ruin. 10: Beo. Th.170; B. 85: Beo. Th. 238; B. 119: Apstls. Kmbl. 163; Ap.82: Andr.Kmbl. 175; An. 88: Andr. Kmbl.265; An.133: Exon-39b; Th.130,22; Gu. 442 : Exon. 40b; Th. 134, 5; Gu. 503: Elen. Kmbl. 859; El. 430: Elen. Kmbl. 977; El. 490: Exon. 1 18 a; Th. 454, 10; Hy. 4, 30. 2 . extension over space or time, — Along, through, during; Kara, per: — Saeton aefter beorgum they sat along the hills, Cd. 154; Th. 191,9; Exod. 212. His wundra geweorc, wide and side, breme aefter burgum his works of wonder, far and wide, famed through towns, Exon. 45 b; Th. I 55 > 4 ; Gu. 855. Deah ic fela for him aefter woruldstundum wundra gefremede though I performed many miracles for them during my time in this world,. Elen. Kmbl. 725 ; El. 363; Exon. 55b; Th. 196, 18; Az. 176: Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 17; Jud. 18 : Saint Kmbl. 233 ; Sal. 1 16 : Exon. 108 a ; Th. 412, 25 ; Ra. 31, 5. 3 . mode or manner, — According to, by means of; secundum, prop- ter : — TEfter dome dtnum geliffxsta me secundum judicium tuum vivifica me, Ps. Lamb. 118, 149. He haef[ mon geworhtne aefter his onlicnesse he has created man after [secundum] his own image, Cd. 21; Th. 25, 19 ; Gen. 396. Daet sweord ongan aefter headoswate wanian the sword began to fade away by the warsweat [in consequence of the hot blood], Beo. Th. 3216; B. 1606; Exon. 19 b; Th. 50, 20; Cri. 803: Andr. Kmbl. 156; An. 78: Exon. 45 b; Th. 154, 27; Gu. 849: Bt. Met. Tox 20, 93; Met. 20, 47: Exon, no a; Th. 421, 8; Ra. 40, 15: Beo. Th. 5499; B. 2753 : Cd. 28 ; Th. 37, 19 ; Gen. 592. 4 . object, — After, about; propter, ob, de : — Haele[ fraegn aefter aedelum a chief asked after the heroes, Beo. Th. 670; B. 332. Him aefter dedrum men dyrne langa[ he longs secretly after the dear man, Beo. Th. 3762 ; B. 1879. Grof aefter golde he dug after gold, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 1x3 ; Met. 8, 37 : Elen. Kmbl. 1346 ; El. 675: Beo. Th. 2648; B. 1322: Beo. Th. 2688; B. 1342: Cd. 15; 11 JEFTER — zEG. Th.iS, 3.,; Gen. 282: Cd.15; Th. 19,14; Gen. 291: Cd. 92 ; Th. 117, 1 20; Gen. 1956 : Cd. 98; Th. 130, 3 ; Gen. 2154: Cd. 203; Th. 251, 30; Dan. 571: Elen. Kmbl. 1 653 ; El. 828: Andr. Kmbl.74; An.37: Beo.Th.4913; B. 2461; Beo. Th. 4917; B. 2463: Beo. Th. 4528; B. 2268. II. acc; cum accusativo, After , above, according to; post, super, secundum : — iEfter das dagas post kos dies, Lk. Lind. War. 1, 25. He eorpan aefter waeter serest sette qui fundavit terrain super aquas, Ps. Th. 135, 6. Stcfne mine geher aefter mildheortnesse dine, Drihten vocetn meant audi secundum misericordiam tuam, Domine, Ps. Lamb. 118, 149. [O. Sax. aftar, after: O.Frs. efter, after: O.Dut. N.Dut. achter: Ger. after, only in compnd: M. H. Ger. after : O. H. Ger. aftar : Goth, aftra backward, again : Dan. efter : Swed. efter : O. Nrs. eptir, eftir, prep ; aptr, aftr, adv. back, again : Satisk. apara.] softer; adv. After, then, afterwards; post, postea, exinde : — iEfter siddan ever afterwards, from thenceforth, Cd. 26; Th. 35, 6; Gen. 550. .ffifter to aldre for ever after, Cd. 22 ; Th. 28, 15 ; Gen. 436. Daem eafera waes aefter cenned a son was afterwards born to him, Beo. Th. 24; B. 12. Word aefter cwae]) then he spake these words, Beo. Th. 636; B. 315. -ffir odde aefter sooner .or later, Exon. 32 b; Th. 103, 22; Cri. 1692. Ic wat aefter nu hwa mec ferede ofer flodas now afterwards I know who conveyed me over the floods, Andr. Kmbl. 1808 ; An. 906. Baer sceal ylda cwealm aefter wyrjian then must slaughter of men take place afterwards, 364; An. 182. Swa das foldan faedme bewlndej) des eastrodor and aefter west quantum ortus distat ab occasu, Ps. Th. 102, 12. seftera, aeftra; adj. compar. of aefter, — Hinder, next, second; posterior, sequens, alter, secundus: — By aefteran daege sequenti die, Lk. Bos. 13, 33. Daes aefteran monies mensis secundi, Ex. 16, 1. On dam for- man daege daes aeftran monies primo die mensis secundi, Num. 1, 18. Seo aeftre, 1. e. e 4 , Ethiopia land belTge)) uton the next river encom- passes the country of Ethiopia, Cd. 12 ; Th. 15, 4; Gen. 228. Siddan ic ongon on done aefteran anseld bugan after 1 had begun to live in this second hermitage, Exon. 50 b; Th. 176, 22; Gu. 1214. aefter-boren [ = aeftergenga, q.v.] part. Born after the father's death; posthumus, fElfc. Gr. 47 ; Som. 48, 32. sefter-cweflan ; p. -cwae}) ; pp. -cweden To speak after, repeat, to answer, revoke, renounce, abjure; repetere, revocare : — Bebead he daet him mon len- gran cwidas beforan cwaede, and he symle gedefellce aeftercwae]) he ordered longer sayings to be spoken before him, and he always repeated them pro- perly, Bd. 3, 2 ; S. 615, 15. His broder grij> eall aeftercwae)) his brother renounced all peace, Chr. 1094; Th. 360, 23. fEftercwedendra lof the praise of the after-speaking [post mortem laudantium], Exon. 82 b; Th. 310, 10; Seef. 72. sefter-eala, an ; m. After-ale, small beer : — fEfter-eala sapa, fElfc. Gl. 33; Som. 62, 22 ; Wrt. Voc. 28, 5. sefter-faece ; adv. [aefter after, and the dat. of fsec a space ] Afterwards, after that; postmodum. v. faec. sefter-folgere, es ; m.A follower ; successor, Ors. 3, II; Bos. 74, 36. aefter-folgian ; p. ode; pp. od To follow after, pursue; subsequi, persequi: — Him aefterfolgiende waeron they were pursuing him, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 25. aefter-fylging, e; /. A following after, a sequence ; sectatio, suc- cessio. v. fylging. eefter-fylian, -filian ; p. de ; pp. ed To follow or come after, to succeed; sequi, prosequi, subsequi : — Daes saes smyltnys aefterfyligej) serenitas maris prosequetur, Bd. 3, 15; S. 541, 35. Daes aefterfiliendan tacnes signi se- quentis, Ex. 4, 8. aefter-fyligend, -fylgend, es ; m. One who follows or succeeds, a fol- lower ; successor : — Ac Oswald his aefterfyligend hi ge-endade swa we aer beforan saedon sed successor ejus Oswaldus perfecit ut supra docuimus, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 36: Bd. 5, 23; S. 646, 2. eefter-fylignes, -ness, e ; /. A following after, a succession, succeeding ; successio. v. fylignes. aefter-gan [gain to go] To follow after ; subsequi, Past. 15, 2 ? sefter-gencnys, -nyss, e ; /. [gengnys a going 1 Extremity ; extremitas, R. Ben. Interl. 7. sefter-genga, an ; m. [genga goer]. One who goes or follows after, a follower; successor, posthumus: — Hiftergenga posthumus, aefter boren, se de bi]) geboren aefter bebyrgedum faeder one who is born after the father has been buried, JE\fc. Gr. 47 ; Som. 48, 32. Du me ne derige, ne mlnum aeftergengum ne noceas mihi et posteris meis, Gen. 21, 23. sefter-gengnys, -nyss, e ; f. Succession ; posteritas. v. aefter-gencnys. aefter-gild, -gyld, es ; n. An after-payment, a paying again or in addi- tion; secunda vel iterata compensatio, L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 7. . aefter-hsetu, e;f. [aefter after, haetu heat ] After-heat ; insequens calor; — Mid ungemetllcum haerfest-waetan and aefterhaete from heavy harvest-rains and after-heat, Ors. 3, 3 ; Bos. 55, 23. sefter-hyrigean ; p. de ; pp. ed To follow another’s example, to imitate, resemble; imitari : — He wilnode aefterhyrigean he wished to imitate, Bd. 3, 18 ; S. 545, 44. sefter-le&n, es ; n. An after-loan, reward, recompense, retribution ; prac- mium,merccs: — pearl aefterlean hard retribution, Cd. 4; Th. 5, 24; Gen. 76. ; aefter-llc; adj. After, second ; secundus. Cot. T91. ffifterra second; secundus: — Se aefterra deii}) the second death, Bt. 19; Fox 70, 18. Sende he eft aefterran side Srenddracan he sent messengers again a second time, Bd. 2, 12 ; S. 513, 10. v. aeftera. ssfter-rap, es ; m.An after-rope, a crupper ; postilena, fElfc. Gl. 20 ; Som. 59, 54. sefter-rldan ; p. -rad, pi. -ridon; pp. -riden To ride after; equo inr sequi : — HIg da sona aefterridon Idelum faerelde secuti sunt eos per viam, Jos. 2, 7. sefter-ryne, es ; m. An encountering, meeting, running against one ; occursus : — /Efterryne his 6]) to heahnesse his occursus ejus usque ad summum ejus, Ps. Spl. 18, 7. sefter-sang, es ; m. The after-song ; posterior cantus : — Mid dam aefter- sange with the after-song, L. aElf. P. 31 ; Th. ii. 376, 6. eefter-singend, es ; m.An after-singer; succentor, Wrt. Voc. 28, 21. eefter-spracc, e ; /. After-speech or claim; repostulatio, L. O. 7 ; Th. i. 180, 23. sefter-sprecan ; p. -spraec, pi. -sprsecon ; pp. -sprecen [sprecan to speak ] To claim ; petere, repetere : — Agnung bi]) ner dam de hsef|>, donne dam de aeftersprec]) possession is always nearer to him who has, than to him who claims, L.Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 21. sefter-spyrian, -spyrgean ; p. ede ; pp. ed To inquire after, examine ; examinare: — Gif ge hit willa}) aefterspyrian if ye will examine it, Bt. 16, 2 ; Fox 52, 8. v. spyrian. mfter-woard After, afterward, following ; posterior, secundus : — Gif he me aefterweard weorj)e]) if he shall be after [afterward] me. Exon. 104 b; Th. 397, 3 ; Rii. 16, 14. v. aefte-weard, weard ; adj. sefter-weardnes, -ness, e ; /. Posterity; posteritas, Cot. 149. ssfter-wearj) beon To be away, absent, Bd. 3,15; S. 542, note 6. v. aefweard. asfter-yldo, -yld, e ; f. I. after-age, old age; xtas’ provecta : — Ne magon da acfteryld in dam aerestan blaede geberan they may not produce [show] old age in their first strength [youth], Exon. 39 b; Th. 132,3; Gu. 467. II. an after-age, after-time ; posterius aevum: — Swa naenig aefteryldo syddan gemunan maeg so as no after-age since can remember, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 22. sefte-weard ; adj. [ = aefter] After, back, late, latter, full ; posterior: — .ffifteweard lencten full spring, Wrt. Voc. 53, 27. JEfteweard heafod the back of the head, 42, 43. Drihten de gesett na on aefteweard the Lord will not set thee in the after-part, Deut. 28, 13. sefte-wearde ; adv. [aefter, wearde, weardes] Afterward, after, behind; post, pone : — Du gesihst me seftewearde thou shall see me behind. Ex. 33, 23 - aef-panc, es ; m : aef-f)anca, -Jonca, -Jmnca, an ; m. Offence, insult, grudge, displeasure, envy, zeal ; simultas, offensa, odium, zelus : — Swindan me dyde aefpanca min tabescere me fecit zelus meus, Ps. Spl. M. 118, 139. /Efponca gefylled full of grudges. Exon. 83 b; Th. 315, 4; Mod. 26. Eald xf|)oncan edniwedan they have renewed old grudges, 72 b; Th. 271, 20 ; Jul. 485. jEfpancum herian to vex with insults, Cd. 102 ; Th. 135, 3; Gen. 2237. seftyr after, according to; secundum, Mt. Bos. 9, 29. v. aefter I. 3 . sef-weard, xf-ward ; adj. Absent, distant ; absens: — LIcumllce xfward corporaliter absens, Bd. 3, 15 ; S. 542, 6. sef-weardnes, -ness, e ; f. Absence, removal, posterity ; absentia: — For dlnre aefweardnesse because of thy absence, Bt. 10; Fox 28, 28. sef-werdelsa, an ; m. Damage, detriment, loss ; detrimentum, dam- num, L. Alf. 27 ; Th. i. 50, 28. v. aef-werdla. eef-werdla, aef-wyrdla, ae-wyrdla, a-wyrdla, an ; m. [aef of, wyrdan to cor- rupt ] Damage, injury, loss, the amercement for it; detrimentum, jactura, damnum : — polie done aefwerdlan [aefwyrdlan MS. H.] let him bear the damage, L. In. 40 ; Th. i. 126, 16 : R. Ben. 2 : Cot. 104. ae-fyllende ; adj. [ae = law, fyllende part, of fyllan to fill, fulfil] Fol- lowing the law, faithful; legem exsequens : — Seo circe aefyllendra the church of the faithful. Exon. 18 a ; Th. 44, 17 ; Cri. 704. tefyn, es ; m. The evening : — On aefyn at evening, Cd. 17 ; Th. 20, 22 ; Gen. 313. v. xfen. se-fyrmpa; pi. f. [ae, fyrmp, e; /. washing ] Ablutions, the sweepings of a house,' the refuse of things or things of no value; ablutiones, quis- quiliae : — ^Efyrmpa [MS. aefyrmpe] quisquilice, iElfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 22. JEG, aeig ; g. aeges ; pi. nom. acc. aegru ; g. aegra ; d. aegrum, segerum ; n. An egg ; ovum : — Gif hit [cild] aeges bitt if he ask for an egg, Homl. Th. i. 250, 9. Baet acg [aeig MS.] getacnaj) done halgan hiht the egg betokens the holy hope, i. 250, 11. Gif he bit aeg si petierit ovum , Lk. Bos. 11, 12. Genlm haenne aeges geolocan take the yolk of a hens egg, L. M. 1, 2 ; Lchdm. ii. 38, 6. Sceiwa nu on Snum aege, hu daet hwlte ne bi[) gemenged to dam geolcan, and bi}) hwxdere an xg look now on an egg, how the white is not mingled with the yolk, and yet it is one egg, Homl. Th. i. 40, 27, 28. On xge bip gioleca on middan in an egg the yolk is in the middle, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 338 ; Met. 20, 169. Of aegerum from eggs, Exon. 59a; Th. 214, 2 ; Ph. 233. TEgru lecgan to lay eggs, Som. 12 MG:— A 1 2 1 . fEges hwlte white of an egg. fEmettan aegru genim take emmet's ' eggs , L. M. i, 87 ; Lchdm. ii. 156, 6. [Ger. ei, n : M. H. Ger. ei, g. eies, eiges, pi. eiger, n : O.H. Ger. ei, g. eies, eiges, pi. eigir, n : Dan. ag, n : Swed. agg, n : O. Nrs. egg, «.] ag, e ; f. water, water land, an island, v. xge, Igg. seg- used in composition, — water, sea ; aqua, mare. der. Sg-flota, aeg- weard. v. ig-. seg- Ever, always ; semper : either a contraction of the prefixes a, ae, with a g added, as Sg, or derived from aa = a, awa, *w. It is used in compound pronouns and adverbs, as, — aeg-hwa, aeg-hwaer, £g-hwilc, etc ; but, in its place, we also find the prefix a-, as, — a-hwser, a-hwilc, etc. Both aeg- and a- impart to their compounds a sense of universality, mgan to own, Ps. Spl. T. 78, 12 : 138, 12. v. agan. sege fear ; timor, terror, Chr. 1006, Th. 257, 41. v. ege. sege the island; insulam : — fEt edelinga aege at the island of nobles; apud nobilium insulam, Sim. Dunelm. an. 888. v. fEdelinga Igg. .fEgeles birg Aylesbury, Chr. 571; Th. 32, 29. v. fEgles burg. fEgeles ford, Egeles ford, es ; m. Ailsford, Chr. 1016; Th. 279, 16, col. 2 : 1016; Th. 282, 10, col. 2. JEgeles prep Aylesthorpe, Chr. 455 ; Th. 21, 32. v. fEgles prep, segen; adj. Own; proprius, Bt. 14, 2 ; Fox 44, 23. v. agen. seger-felma, an ; /. Film of an egg ; membrana vitellum complectens : — Genim donne aegerfelman then take film of egg, L. M. 1, 11 ; Lchdm. ii. 54 . 21. segertim from eggs. Exon. 59 a ; Th. 214, 2 ; Ph. 233. v. xg. se-gewritere, es ; m. [ae law, gewrltere a writer ] A writer or composer of laws; legum conditor, Prov. 8. mg-flota, an ; m. A floater on the sea, sailor, ship; nauta, navis, Andr. Kmbl. 515; An. 258. v. flota. ffig-bwa ; m.f: neut. aeg-hwaet ; geti.x g-hwaes [a + ge + hwa] Every one, everything ; quisque, quicunque : — fEghwa secge let every one say, Exon. 88 b; Th. 333, 5; Vy. 97: 125 a; Th. 482, 4; Ra. 66, 2. fEghwaet heo gefon maeg whatever she may seize, Bt. 25 ; Fox 88, 14. God aeghwaes weak God governs everything, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 160, 14. pearfum aeghwaes oftugon ye denied the poor everything, Exon. 30 a ; Th. 92, 8 ; Cri. 1505. Se fugol is on hiwe aeghwaes aenllc the bird is in aspect every way unique, 60 a; Th. 219,24; Ph.312. fEghwaes orwlgne wholly defenceless, 72 a; Th. 268, 18; Jul. 434. aeg-hwaer, a-hwair ; adv. [a + ge + hwSr] . I. everywhere ; ubique : — God aeghwaer is eall, and nahwar todaeled God is everywhere all, and nowhere divided, Homl. Th. i. 286, 27. HI da farende Sghwaer bodedon Mi profecti prcedicaverunt ubique, Mk. Bos. 16, 20. fEghwaer sindon hiora gellcan they are everywhere like them, Bt. Met. Fox 10, 116; Met. 10, 58. II. in every respect, in every way; omnino : — Eofore eom aeghwaer cenra I am in every respect bolder than a wild boar. Exon, nob; Th. 423, 9 ; Ra. 41, 18 : Ps. Th. 102, 14. seg-hwset whatever; quodcunque. v. aeg-hwa. aeg-hwse&jer ; pron. [a + ge + hwaeder], I. of two, either, each, both; nterque : — fEghwaeder oderne earme bepehte they embraced each other, Andr. Kmbl. 2029; An. 1017. Beamas twegen dara aeghwaeder efngedaelde heahpegnunga haliges gastes two pillars, each of which shared alike the high services of the holy spirit, Cd. 146 ; Th. 183, 21 ; Exod. 94. II. of many, every one, each* unusquisque: — Heora aeghwaedrum to each, to every one of them, Beo. Th. 3277; B. 1636. fEghwaeder ge lengre faec dysses llfes de forgifan ge de eac dass ecan llfes inganges wyrpne gedon et hujus vitce longiora spatia concedere et ingressu te vitce perennis dignum reddere, Bd. 3, 13; S. 539, 2. fEghwaeder ge— ge et— et, 2, 16; S. 519, 34. eeg-hwanan, -hwanon, -hwonon, -hwanone, -hwonene ; adv. Every- where, every way, on all sides ; undique : — fEghwanan mid waeterum ymbseald undique aquis circumdata, Bd.4, 19 ; S. 588, 28. HI seghwanon to him comon conveniebant ad eum undique, Mk. Bos. I, 45. fEghwo- nan ymb-boren mid brondum on every- side surrounded with brands, Exon. 74 a ; Th. 277, 14 ; Jul. 580. fEghwanon, fElfc. Gr. 45 ; Som. 46, 57. Hine seghwonan aelmihtig God [MS. Good] gehealdej i ^Almighty God keeps him everywhere, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 89; Met. 7, 45. JEghwonon everywhere, Bd. 4, 13; S. 582, 44. AEghwanone, 3, < 5 ; S. 528, 18. iEghwonene, 3, 15 ; S. 541, 42. aeg-hwar, aeg-hwer everywhere, Ors. 4, 1 ; Bos. 76, 38. v. aeg-hwsr. aeg-h. wider, -hwyder ; adv. On every side, every way ; quaquaver- suni ; — fEgh wider ymb swa swa Edwines rice waere quaquaversum imperium regis PEduini pervenerat, Bd. 2, 16 ; S. 519, 38. fEghwider wolde wide toscrldan it would everywhere widely wander, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 184; Met. 20, 92. eeg-hwilc, -hwelc, -hwylc ; adj. [a + ge + hwy + lie] Every, all, who- soever, whatsoever, every one ; quicunque, unusquisque, omnis : — fEghwylc daeg every day, Mt. Bos. 6, 34. fEghwylce geare every year, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 23. Her is seghwylc eorl 6drum getrywe here is every man true to the other, Beo. Th. 2460; B. 1228. fEghwylcum maddum gesealde he gave a present to every one, Beo. Th. 2104; B. 1050. fEghwylcne ellpebdigra unumquemqne alienorum, Andr. Kmbl. 51 ; An. 26. Wrcdia]) faeste ieglnvilc Oder each supports the other firmly, Bt. Met. Fox 1 1 , 69 ; 1-HLYP. ^ Met. 11, 35. fEghwelce daeg on every day, Bt. Met. Fox 14, 9; Met. 14,5. fEghwylc wille llfes tiligan every one wishes to cultivate life, Exon. 27 a ; Th. 81,4; Cri. 1318. Du aeghwylces canst thou art blowing in every matter, Andr. Kmbl. 1016 ; An. 508. eeg-hwonene ; adv. On every side ; ubique ; — Da yda aeghwonene daet scyp fyldon the waves filled the ship on every side, Bd. 3, 15 ; S. 541, 42. v. fig-hwanan. seg-hwyder every way. v. aeghwider. ffi-gift, e; /. A legal gift, restitution; legalis dos, restitutio, Cart. Eadgif R. as-gilde, ae-gylde, a-gilde, a-gylde; adv. [ae without, gild payment ] Without compensation ; sine compensatione ; — Gif he gewyree daet hine man afylle, liege aegilde if he so do that any man fell him down, let him be without compensation, L. Eth. vi. 38 ; Th. i. 324, 24 : L. E. G. 6 ; Th. i. 170, 13 : L. C. S. 49 ; Th. i. 404, 14 : L. Eth. v. 31 ; Th. i. 312, 12. jEgiptisc Egyptian, v. fEgypte, Egiptisc. seg-lsec, es ; n. Misery, trouble, torment ; miseria, tribulatio, cruciatus, Elen. Grm. 1188. v. ag-lac. seg-lseca, an ; m. A miserable being, wretch, monster ; miser, perditus, monstrum; — Atol aeglaeca the fell wretch, Beo. ’'Th. 1188; B. 592 : Cd. 216 ; Th. 274, 28 ; Sat. 161 : Andr. Kmbl. 2717 ; An. 1361. v. ag-laeca. ee-gleaw; adj. Skilled in the law, learned, wise; legis peritus, saga- cissimus, sapientissimus : — Da andswarode him sum aegleaw respondit quidam ex legis peritis, Lk. Bos. 11,45. Ealde aegleawe elders skilled in laws, Menol. Fox 37 ; Men. 19. Daet scell aegleawra flndan that a more learned man must find out, Andr. Kmbl. 2965 ; An. 1485. seg-leca, an; m. A wretch, miscreant, Cd. 214; Th. 269, 14; Sat. 73. v. ag-lseca. JEgles burg, fEgeles burg, [burh] ; g. burge ; f: fEgles byrig, e ; f. AYXESBURY, in Buckinghamshire : — CuJjwulf genom fEgeles burg Cuth- wulf took Aylesbury, Chr. 571; Erl. 18, 13. Genam TEgles burh id. Th. 32, 29, col. 2. Genam fEgles byrig id. Th. 33, 27, col. 1. Betwedx Bymewuda and TEgles byrig betwixt Bernwood and Aylesbury, 921; Th. 194, 19. -ZEgles ford, es ; m. aylesford on the Medway near Maidstone, Kent, Chr. 455 ; Ing. 15, 15. v. fEgeles ford. ^ 3 dgles prep, es ; n. [porp a village ] aylesthorpe, a village tiear Aylesford, Kent, Chr. 455 ; Ing. p. 15, note h; Th. 20, 39. .angles wurp, es ; m. The village of eylesworth, Northamptonshire, Chr. 963; Ing. 155, 9. seg-Iim, es ; m. [aeg an egg, 11m lime, glue ] egg-lime, the sticky part or white of an egg; ovi viscum: — iEgllm glara, lElfc. Gl. 81; Som. 72,119. aeg-moran ; pl.f. Eye-roots; nervi quibus oculus cum cerebro connec- titur : — De beop on dan Sgmoran sara which are sores in the eye-roots, Lchdm. iii. 98, 5. v. more. segues ponces of his own accord; sponte, ultro. v. agen. eegnian ; p. ede ; pp. ed ? To frighten, vex ; terrere, tribulare : — iEgnian mid yrmpum to frighten with misery, Cd. 156; Th. 194, 23; Exod. 265. segru eggs, L. M. 1, 87 ; Lchdm. ii. 156, 6. v. aeg. segsa, an; m. Fear; timor, Mt. Rush. Stv. 14, 26. v. egsa. seg-der [ = aeg-hwaeder] ; pron. Either, each, both ; uterque, ambo fEgder byp gehealden ambo conservantur, Mt. Bos. 9, 17. fEgder dara eorla each of the men, Andr. Kmbl. 2103 ; An. 1053. Heora aegder either or both of them, each, Gen. 21, 31. On aegdre hand, on aegdere healfe on either hand or half, on both sides, Ors. I, ii ; Bos. 34, 40: l i 14 ; Bos. 37, 33. On aegdre healfe weard towards both sides, fElfc. Gr. fEgder ge — ge, both — and, as well — as : — fEgder ge hades, ge edeles polige let him forfeit both degree and country, L. C. S. 41; Th. i. 400, 14. fEgder ge heonan ge danan both here and there. HI hatedon aegder ge me ge mlnne faeder they hated both me and my father, Jn. Bos. 15, 24. ffig- weard, e ; /. Sea-ward, sea-guard or guardianship ; maris [litoris] custodia : — Ic aegwearde heold I hold guard, Beo. Th. 488, note ; B. 241 . v. weard. seg-wyrt, e ; f. Egg-wort, dandelion ; leontodon taraxacum, Lacn. 40 ; Lchdm. iii. 28, 26. ffi-gylde ; adv. Without compensation, L. E. G. 6 ; Th. i. 1 70, 1 3. v. ae-gilde. iie-gylt, -gilt, es ; m. [ae, gylt guilty fault ] A breach or violation of the law, a trespass, fault ; delictum: — 1 Egiltas iugup-hades mines ne gemun du delicta juventutis mere ne memineris, Ps. Spl. T. 24, 7. ao-gype, -gipe ; adj. Trifling, worthless; nugalis: — Fordon hi dydan Drihtnes spraece aeghwaes aegype quia exacerbaverunt eloquium Domini, Ps. Th. 106, 10. JEgypte Egypt, Bd. 4, 24 ; S. 598, 11. v. Egypte. se-hiwnes, -ness, e ; f. Paleness, gloom ; pallor, deficientia coloris : — Wid aeblaecnysse and aehiwnesse daes llchoman for paleness and disco- loration of the body. Herb. 164; Lchdm. i. 294, 3. ab-hlyp, -hllp, es ; m. [ae law, hlyp a leap ] A transgression, breach of the law, an assault; legis transgressio, aggressus: — Se de ae-hllp gewyree 13 iEHT — iELED-FYR. whoever commits an assault, L. Ath. v. § I, 5; Th. i. 230, 10. purh se-hlyp by a violation of the law, L. Eth. v. 31; Th. i. 312, II. v. set-hlyp. aeht, e ; f. Valuation, estimation, deliberation, council ; aestimatio, deli- beratio, consilium : — Fira beam aeht besitta]) the sons of men sit in council, Andr. Kmbl. 820; An. 410. Biscopas and beceras and ealdormen aeht besaeton bishops and scribes and princes sat in council, Andr. Kmbl. 1216; An. 608. v. eaht deliberation, council. aeht, e; f. [ehtan to persecute ] Persecution, hostility; persficutio, hosti- litas : — Da waes aeht boden Sweona leddum then was persecution announced to the people of the Swedes, Beo. Th. 5907 ; B. 2957. [Ger. aeht,/. pro- scriptio : M.H. Ger. ahte, aehte : O.H. Ger. ahta ,/. persecution] seht, e; f. [aehte = ahte had; p. of agan to own, possess], I. possessions, property, lands, goods, riches, cattle; opes, substantia, pos- sessio, greges : — He haefde mycele ahta erat habens multas possessiones, Mk. Bos. 10, 22. Esau nam ealle his aehta, and eall daet he aehte Esau took all his goods, and all that he possessed, Gen. 36, 6. Grundleas gltsung gilpes and aehta bottomless avarice of glory and pos- sessions, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 30; Met. 7, 15. Israela aehta the Israelites’ possessions, Cd. 174; Th. 218, 23; Dan. 43. Genam on eallum dael aehtum sinum he took a part of all his possessions, 74; Th. 90, 23; Gen. 1499. Ealle his ahta omnem substantiam ejus, Ps. Th. 108, 11. II. possession, power ; possessio, potestas : — His miht and his aeht ofer middangeard gebledsod his might and power is blessed throughout the earth, Andr. Kmbl. 3432 ; An. 1720. Agan us dis wuldres ledht eall to aehte let us get all this light of glory into our possession, Cd. 219; Th. 280, 11; Sat. 254. On agene aeht syllan in possessionem dare, Ps. Th. 104, 10, 39: no, 4. [Scot, aucht : O.H. Ger. eht, f : Goth. aihts, /: O.Nrs. aett, att family.] der. gold-, madum-, stadol-, Wan-, sehta eight, Chr. 1070 ; Th. 345, 32. v. eahta. sehte had, owned, possessed, v. ahte ; p. of agan. ahte land, es; n. [aeht property ] Landed property; terra posses- sion^ : — Fordon de Peohtas heora aehte land daette Angle aer haefdon eft onfengon nam Picti terram possessionis suce quam tenuerunt Angli receperunt, Bd. 4, 26 ; S. 602, 29. jehte man, mann, es ; pi. men ; in. A husbandman, a farmer, plough- man ; colonus : — Laboratores sind yrjdingas and aehte men labourers are ploughmen and husbandmen, iElfc. T. 40, 20. sehtere, es; m. An estimator, a valuer; aestimator, iElfc. Gl. 114; Som. 80, 25. sehte swan, es ; m. [aeht property, swan swain or herdsman : O. H. Ger. sweinn a herdsman] A cowherd, swineherd, who belongs to the property of his lord; bubulcus, porcarius qui in peculio domini est, L. R. S. 7 ; Th. i. 436, 22. ffiht-gesteald, es ; n. Possession ; possessio : — He da brydlufan sceal to oderre aehtgestealdum idese secan he must seek conjugal love in the " possession of another woman, Exon. 67 b; Th. 249, 22 ; Jul. 115. seht-gestreon, es ; n. Possessions, riches ; possessio, divitiae : — Donne llg eal j)igef> eorjjan aehtgestreon when the flame devours all the possessions of the earth, Exon. 63 a ; Th. 232, 13 ; Ph. 506. seht-geweald, es ; m. n. Possession, fower, the power of the possessor; potestas possessoria : — Cwaeji he his sylfes sunu syllan wolde on ®htge- weald he said that he would give his own son into their power, Andr. Kmbl. 2221 ; An. 1112. Du usic bewraece in aehtgewealda tu nos tradi- disti in potestalem, Exon. 53 a ; Th. 186, 28 ; Az. 26. sehtian [aeht persecution] to persecute ; persequi. v. ehtan. seht-spedig ; adj. Wealthy, rich ; locuples, opulentus : — Se is betra donne du, aehtspedigra feoh-gestredna he is better than thou, richer in money-treasures, Exon. 67 a; Th. 248, 26; Jul. 101. sehtung, e; /. Estimation, valuing ; aestimatio, iElfc. Gl. 114; Som. 80, 26. v. eahtung. seht-wela, an ; m. Wealth, riches ; opes, divitiae : — Gelufian eorjjan aihtwelan to love earth's riches. Exon. 38 a; Th. 125, 24; Gu. 359: Apstls. Kmbl. 167 ; Ap. 84. seht-welig ; adj. Rich, wealthy ; locuples : — Sum waes sehtwelig gerefa there was a wealthy count. Exon. 66 a ; Th. 243, 29 ; Jul. 18. 6-hwsr; adv. Everywhere ; ubique, Ps. Th. 88, 31. v. a-hwaer. se-hwyrfan To turn from, avert; avertere, Ps. Spl. T. 53, 5. v. a-hwerfan, hwyrfan, hweorfan. seig, es; n. An egg; ovum: — Daet aeig getacnaj) hiht: aerest hit bij> aeig, and seo modor siddan mid hihte bret daet aeig to bridde the egg betokens hope : first it is an egg, and the mother then with hope cherishes the egg to a young bird, Homl. Th. i. 250, 22-24. v. aeg. ®1- ; prefix. I. = eal all; totus, omnis, as ael-beorht, ael-ceald, etc. II. ael- = el-, el e.-, foreign ; peregrinus, as ael-fylce, ael-wihta, etc. eel, e ; /. An awl ; subula : — Hwanon sceo-wyrhtan ael unde sutori subula, Coll. Monast. Th. 30, 33: L. Alf. 11; Th. i. 46, 10. .*1 subula,!. Elfc. Gl. 1 ; Som. 55, 27 ; Wrt. Voc. 16, 2. v. al. eel, es ; m. Oil ; oleum : — Da sceolon beun aele bracene they must be beaten up with oil, Lev. 6, 21. v. ele. ifeli, es; m. An eel; anguilla; — Hwilce fixas gefehst du? ielas and hacodas what fishes catchest thou ? eels and haddocks. Coll. Monast. Th. 23, 33. Ac seo Jieod done craeft ne cude daes fiscn6des nym]je to aelum anum sed piscandi peritia genii nulla nisi ad anguillas tantum inerat, Bd. 4, 13; S. 582, 43. Smael ael a small eel. Cot. 161. [Plat. Hut. Ger. aal, m: M.H. Ger. O.H. Ger. al, in: Swed. al, m : Dan. aal, in : O. Nrs. 511 , m.] der. ael-net, sele-puta. ee-la O! — iEla Drihten O Lord, Hy. 1,1. v. eala, aeala. ee-leedend, es ; m. [x lex, laedend lator, from 1 sedan ferre, to move or propose- a law] A lawgiver ; legislator, Ps. Spl. 9, 21. ee-leerende ; part. Teaching the law ; legem docens : — Siddan him nsenig waes aelxrendra 6der betera since there was none other of those teaching the law better than he, Elen. Kmbl. 1009 ; El. 506. ee-leeten divorced, L. C. E. 7; Th. i. 364, 23, = a-laeten; pp. of a-lfitan. eelan ; p. de ; pp. ed ; v. a. To kindle, set on fire, burn, bake; accendere, urere, comburere, coquere:— Ne aela}) hyra leohtfaet neque accendunt lucernam, Mt. Bos. 5, 15. Uton wircean us tigelan and aelan hig on fyre faciamus lateres et coquamus eos igni, Gen. 11, 3. Fyr aele]) uncyste the fire burns the vices. Exon. 63 b ; Th. 233, 17 ; Ph. 526. Flaesc and ban adleg aele]) the fire of the pile burns flesh and bones. Exon. 59 a ; Th. 213, 9; Ph. 222. Brond bij) ontyhte, aele]) ealdgestreon let the brand be kindled, consume the old treasure, 19 b; Th. 51,8. der. in-aelan, on-. eel-beorht All-bright, all-shining: — Engel aelbeorht an all-bright angel, Cd. 190; Th. 237, 13; Dan. 337: Exon. 15 a; Th. 32, 1; Cri. 506: 21 b ; Th. 58, 2 ; Cri. 929 : 53 b ; Th. 188, 27 ; Az. 52. Hwilum cerre]) eft on up rodor aelbeorhta leg the all-bright flame returns sometimes again up to the sky, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 104; Met. 29, 51. v. eall-beorht. eelc ; adj. [a + ge + lie] Each, any, every, all ; quisque, quivis, unus- quisque, omnis : — iElc god tredw byr]) gode waestmas omnis arbor bona fructus bonos facit, Mt. Bos. 7, 17. iElc waes onjtwegra sestra gemete capientes sbigulce metretas binas, Jn. Bos. 2, 6. iElc hine selfa begrindej) gastes dugedum each deprives himself of his soul’s happiness, Cd. 75 ; Th. 91, 32 ; Gen. 1521. .ffilc flaesc omnis caro, Ps. Th. 64, 2. iElces monnes of every man, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 236; Met. 26, 118. iElcum cuique, Andr. Kmbl. 3067; An. 1536. On aelcere tide omni tempore, Lk. Bos u 2l, 36. In xlce tid in ceternum, Exon. 13b; Th. 25, 26; Cri. 406. iElce daeg each day, Bt. Met. Fox 27,15; Met. 27, 8. [Plat. Dut. elk each, every one.] ael-ceald ; adj. [ael = eal] All cold, most cold; usquequaque frigidus Meahtest weorjmn set daem aelcealdan steorran done Saturnus hatap you might be at that all-cold star which they call Saturn, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 37 ; Met. 24, 19. selcor; adv. Elsewhere, besides, otherwise; alias, praeter, nisi, aliter : — Fordon dam bisceope ne waes alyfed aelcor butan on my ran ridan non enim licuerat pontificem sacrorum prater in equa equitare, Bd. 2, 13; S. 517, 7 - -®lcor alias, iElfc. Gr. 38 ; Som. 41, 67. v. elcor. eelcra ; adv. Otherwise; aliter, R. Ben. 62. v. aelcor. sel-craeftig ; adj. All-powerful, all-mighty; omnipotens: — Nan [ing nis din gelica, ne huru ainig aelcraeftigre nothing is like unto thee, nor is any one more all-powerful, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 76; Met. 20, 38. aeld fire. Exon. 22 a; Th. 59, 30; Cri. 960. v. aeled. seld age. Exon. 45 a; Th. 152, 11; Gu. 807. v. aeldu. ael dan To delay, forbear, postpone, conceal; — iEldyst, Ps. Spl. C. 88, 37. iElde, Ps. Surt. 77, 21: Mt. Rush. Stv. 25, '5: Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 31; MS. B. v. yldan. selde men > — iElda bearnum for the sons of men, Exon. 21b; Th. 58, 18; Cri. 937. .ffinig aelda cynnes any one of the race of men, 19 a; Th. 49, 4 ; Cri. 780 : 44 b ; Th. 151, 16 ; Gu. 796. Mid aeldum with men , 13 b; Th. 25, 25; Cri. 406. v. ylde. selding delay, Mt. Rush. Stv. 24, 48. v. ylding. seldo, aldu the elders; seniores, Mt. Lind. Stv. 21, 23. v. aeldu. aeldran ; pi. Parents; parentes : — Mine aeldran, Ps. C. 65 ; Ps. Grn. ii. 278, 65. v. yldra. seldru, aeldro, aldro parents, Mk. Rush. War. 13, 12 : Lk. Rush. War. 2, 27, 41, 43. v. aeldran. aeldu, aeld, e ; /. I. age, old age; sseculum, senectus: — In da aerestan aeldu in his first age. Exon. 34 a; Th. 108, 30; Gu. 80. On aelde in senectute, Ps. C. 142 : Ps. Surt. 91, 15 : 70, 18. II. an age, century ; aevum, centuria : — purh aelda tid per sacula sceculorum. Exon. 45 a ; Th. 152, 1 1 ; Gu. 807. Wid aelda against the age, 81 a; Th. 305,16; Fa. 89. v. yldu. selecting, e; f.An allurement, a blandishment; blandimentum, C. R. Ben. 2. seled,g\ seldes ; m. [pp. 0/ aelan] Fire, conflagration; ignis, incendium : — iEled waes micel the fire was great, Cd. 186 ; Th. 231,6; Dan. 243. Hat bij) monegum egeslic aeled the dreadful fire shall be hot to many. Exon. 63 a ; Th. 233, 9 ; Ph. 522. iEled weccan to light a fire, Cd. 140; Th. 175, 26; Gen. 2901. iEldes fulle full of fire. Exon. 22 a; Th. 59, 30; Cri. 960. [O. Sax. eld, m. ignis : O. Nrs. eldr, m. ignis.] seled-fyr, es; n. Flame of fire; incendii flamma, Exon. 61 a; Th. 223, 27; Ph. 366. yELED-LEOMA — iELFRIC. 14 seled-legma, an ; m. A gleaming fire, fire-brand ; ignis micans, Beo. Th. 6241; B. 3125. selednys, -nyss, e ; f. A burning ; incendium. v. seled afire. se-leng; adj. Long, protracted, lengthy, troublesome; longns, moles- tus: — Me fine]) daet de fincen t6 aelenge das langan spell methinks that these long discourses appear to thee too lengthy, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 218, 6. eele-puta, an ;m.An eel-pout ; capito : — Hwilce fixas gefehst du ? mynas and Sleputan uihat fishes catchest thou ? minnows and eel-pouts. Coll. Monast. Th. 23, 33. [Plat, aalput or putte : Dut. aalpuit or puit aal, m. a young eel, eel-pout.] v. myne. ae-leten, as-laeten, a-Iaeten ; part, [from a-laitan to let go] One let go, divorced; repudiata uxor: — Ne on aelaeten finig cristen mann ®fre ne gewlfige nor with one divorced let any Christian man ever marry, L. C. E. 7 ; Th. i. 364, 23. JELF, es ; m. An elf ; genius, incubus : — Wid aelfe gnld myrran on win against an elf rub myrrh in wine, L. M. 2, 65; Lchdm. ii. 296, 9. Ylfe, pi. nom. m. Beo. Th. 224; B. 112. v. ylfe. [Plat, elf: O.Dut. alf: Ger. elf, m; elbe, f ; alp, m. nightmare, Grm. Wdrterbch. iii. 400; i. 200, 245; Grm. Mythol. 249: M. H. Ger. alp, alf, m. pi; elbe, f: O.H.Ger. alp, m: Dan. elv ; Swed. elf: O.Nrs. alfr, m.] der. aelf-adl, -cyn, -nof, -red = raid, -sciene, -sclnu, -scyne, -siden, -sogoda, -fone : ylfe : aelfen, elfen, dun-, feld-, munt-, sec-, wudu-, wylde-. ffilf-adl, e; f. Elf -disease ; ephialtae morbus: — Wid aelfadle against elf-disease, L. M. 3, 62 ; Lchdm. ii. 344, 20. sel-fasle All-fell, very baleful; omnino perniciosus : — Attor selfale very baleful poison, Andr. Kmbl. 1539; An. 771. v. eal-felo. self-cyim, es; n. The elf-kind, the race of elves, elfin race; ephialtum genus, Som. Lye : — Wyrc sealfe wid aelfcynne work a salve against the elfin race, L. M. 3, 61 ; Lchdm. ii. 344, 7. -eelfen, -elfen, e ; /. A fairy, nymph; nympha. It is found only in com- pound words, as Munt-aelfen a mountain nymph; oreas = optias, dSos : — Wudu-elfen a wood nymph; dryas, etc, Wrt. Voc. 60, 14-19. v. -en. ael-fer, es; n. [ = -far, n.] The whole army ; totus exercitus : — Ymbwl- cigean mid ael-fere Ethanes byrig to surround with the whole army the town ofEtham, Cd. 146; Th. 181, 24; Exod. 66. iElf-noJ), es; m. [self, nof boldness, courage ] IE If noth, elf courage; nomen viri praeclari in audacia, Byrht. Th. 137, 8 ; By. 183. Alfred, Alfrif, Aldfrif , Ealdfrif , es; m. (>1 all ; aid, eald old : fred = frif peace: v. Alfred] Alfred the wise, king of Northumbria for twenty years, A. D. 685-705. He was educated in Ireland for the Church, and was the first literary king of the Anglo-Saxons ; Lat. /Elfredus, Alfrid, Alfridus, Bd. 4, 26; S. 175, 4: Aldfrldus, Bd. 5, 2 ; S. 183, 6: Aldfrithus, Chr. 685; Gib. 45, 24: — Feng Alfred [MS. Ealdfrif] ®fter Ecgfrif e to rice, se mon wses se gelseredesta on gewrltum, se wses ssed daet his brodor w*re Oswies sunu dses cyninges Ecgfrith was succeeded in the kingdom by Alfred, who was said to be his brother, and a son of king Oswy, and was a man most learned in scripture; successit Ecgfrido in regnum Alfrid, vir in scripturis doctissimus, qui frater ejus et filius Osuiu regis esse dicebatur, Bd. 4, 26; S. 603, 6-8. A. D. 685, Her man ofsloh Ecgferf, and fElfred [MS. Aldfrif Aldfrithus ] his brodor feng after him to rice here, A. D. 685, they slew Ecgferth, and Alfred his brother succeeded [took] to the kingdom after him, Chr. 685 ; Erl. 41, 29. On /Elfredes [MS. Aldfrifes Aldfrithi ] tldum das cyninges in temporibus Aldfridi regis, Bd. 5, I ; S. 614, 20. Her TElfred [MS. Aldfrif] Norfanhymbra cining . forfferde here, A. D. 705, Alfred, king of the Northumbrians, died, Chr. 705 ; Erl. 43, 32. .iElfred, es; m. [alf an elf; red = rad counsel, wise in counsel: v. ■ffilfred] Alfred; Alfredus. I. Alfred the Great, born A. D. 849, grandson of Egbert, and fourth son of king, Elhelwulf, reigned thirty- years, A. D. 871-901: — Da, A.D. 871, feqg Alfred, iEdelwulfing, to West Seaxna rice . . . And des geares wurdon ix tolcgefeoht gefohten wid done here on dam cinerlce be sufan Temese ; butan dam-de hi TElfred, . . . and ealdormen, and ciningas fagnas, oft rada on riden, de man nane rlmde then, A. D. 871, Alfred, son of Ethelwulf, succeeded to the kingdom of the West Saxons ... And this year nine great battles were fought against the army in the kingdom south of the Thames; besides which, Alfred . . . and aldormen, and king's thanes, often rode raids on them, which were not reckoned, Chr. 871 ; Erl. 77, 3-10. A.D. 897, Da het AElfred cyning timbrian lange scipri ongean das ascas [MS. asceas] da waron fulneah twa swa lange swa da 6dre ; ... da waron agder ge swiftran ge untealran, ge eac hearran [MS. hearra] donne da odru ; naron hi nawdaer ne on Frysisc gesceapen ne on Denise; butan swa him sylfum fuhte dat hi nytwyrde beon meahton then, A.D. 897, king Alfred commanded long ships to be built against the Danish ships [ascas] which were full nigh twice as long as the others ; . . . they were both swifter and steadier, and also higher than the others ; they were shapen neither as the Frisian nor as the Danish, but as it seemed to himself that they might be most useful, 897 ; Th. 1 75, 37, col. 2—177, 5, col. 2. Das ilcan geares, het se cyning [.Sifted] faran to Wiht ... Da gefengon hy dara scipa twa, and da men [MS. man] ofslogon ... Da ylcan sumere, forwearf na las donne xx scipa mid mannum mid ealle be dam suf riman in the same year [A. D. 897], the king [Alfred] commanded his men to go to Wight . . . They then took two of the ships, and slew the men ...In the same summer, no less than twenty ships, with men and everything [of the Danes], perished on the south coast, Chr. 897 ; Th. 1 77 , 5, col. 2 — 1 79, 3, col. 2. A. D. 901, Her gefor Slfrgd cyning vii Ki Nouembris . . . and da feng Eadweard, his sunu to rice here died king Alfred, on the twenty-sixth of October . . . and then Edward [the Elder], his son, suc- ceeded to the kingdom, Chr. 901; Th. 1 79, 14-18, col. 2. II. Though the talents and energy of Alfred were chiefly occupied in subduing the Danes, and in confirming his kingdom, he availed himself of the short intervals of peace to read and write much. He selected the books best adapted for his people, and translated them from Latin into Anglo-Saxon. In translating he often added so much of his own, that the Latin text frequently afforded only the subject, on which he wrote most interesting essays, as may be seen in his first work, Boethius de Consolatione Philo- sophise. 1 . Boethius was probably finished about A. D. 888. In his preface, he thus speaks of his book and of his other occupations : — iElfred, Cyning [MS. Kuning] wses wealhstod disse bee, and hie of bee Ledene on Englisc wende . . . swa swa he hit da sweotolost and andgitfulllcost gereccan mihte, for dsem mistllcum and manigfealdum weoruld blsgum, de hine oft iegder ge on m6de ge on llchoman blsgodan. Da blsgu us sint swlde earfof rime, de on his dagum on da rlcu becomon, de he underfangen hsefde ; and deah, da he das b6c hsefde geleornode, and of Lasdene to Engliscum spelle gewende, and geworhte hi eft to ledde, swa swa hed nu gedon is king Alfred was translator of this book, and turned it from book Latin into English . . .as he the most plainly and most clearly could explain it, for the various and manifold worldly occupations, which often busied him both in mind and in body. The occupations are to us very difficult to be numbered, which in his days came upon the kingdoms which he had undertaken ; and yet, when he had learned this book, and turned it from Latin into the English language, he afterwards put it into verse, as it is now done, Bt. prooem; Fox viii. 1-10. 2 . Alfred, having supplied his people with a work on morality in Boethius, next translates for them the Historia Anglorum of his learned countryman Bede, about A. D. 890. This was the king’s work, for the Church says in-ffilfric’s Homilies, about A.D. 990, — ‘Historia Anglorum’ da de Alfred cyning of Ledene on Englisc awende Historia Anglorum, which king Alfred turned from Latin into English, Homl. Th. ii. 1 16, 30-118, I. 3 . The third book which Alfred translated, about A. D. 893, was the Compendious History of the World, written in Latin by the Spanish monk Orosius in A. D. 416. There is the best evidence, that the voyages of Ohthere and | Wulfstan were written by the king, for we read that, — Ohthere saede 1 Alfrede cyninge, daet he ealra Norjimanna norfmest bude Ohthere told ! king Alfred that he dwelt northmost of all Northmen, Ors. I, I ; Bos. 19, 25. Wulfstan also uses the language of personal narrative, — Burgenda t land waes on us baecbord we had [lit. there was to us ; erat nobis] the 5 land of the Burgundians on our left, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 21, 44. This is the longest and most important specimen of Alfred’s own compo- sition. 4 . We have undoubted evidence of the date of Alfred’s Atiglo-Saxon translation of Gregory's Pastoral Care, for the king thus speaks of archbishop Plegmund, — Ic hie geliornode aet Plegmunde mlnum j aercebiscepe I learnt it from Plegmund my archbishop, Introduction to .Gregory’s Pastoral, Oxford MS. Hatton 20, fol. 2. Plegmund was j raised to the archbishopric in 890 : Alfred was engaged with the invasion ] of Hastings till he was conquered in 897 ; Alfred, therefore, had only J leisure to translate the Pastoral between the expulsion of Hastings in 897, and his own death in 901 . It was certainly translated by Alfred, for he 1 distinctly states, — Da ongan ic, ongemang odrum misllcum and manig- fealdum blsgum disses kynerlces, da boc wendon on Englisc, de is I genemned on Laden Pastoralis, and on Englisc Hierde boc, hwllum word be worde, hwllum andgit of andgite then began I, among other different and manifold affairs of this kingdom, to turn into English the book, which is called in Latin Pastoralis, and in English Herdman's book, I sometimes word for word, and sometimes meaning for meaning, Oxford 3 MS. Hatton 20, fol. 2. sel-fremd, ael-fremed ; adj. Strange, foreign; alienus, alienigena : — Bearn alfremde, Ps. Spl. 17, 47: 18, 13: 107, 10: 82, 6: Lk. Bos. 17, 18. JElfr'ic, es; m. [alf, rlc] Mlfric; TElfricus. 1 . TElfric of • Canterbury, the grammarian, was of noble birth, supposed to be the son of the earl of Kent. He was a scholar of Athelwold, at Abingdon, about 960. When Athelwold was made bishop of Winchester, he took TElfric with him and made him a priest of his cathedral. TElfric left Winchester about 988 for Cerne in Dorsetshire, where an abbey was established by TEthelmar. Ic TElfrlc, munuc and massepre6st . . . wear]) asend, on TEdelredes daege cyninges, fram -ffilfe&ge biscope, Adelwoldes aeflergen- gan, to sumum mynstre, de is Cernel gehalen, furh iEdelmaeres bene daes fegenes I Mlfric, monk and mass-priest . . . was sent, in king JEthelred’s day, from bishop Mlfeah, Mthelwold's successor, to a minster, which is called Cerne, at the prayer of lEthelmcer the thane, Homl. Th. i. 2, 1-5. He is said to have been bishop of Wilton, and he was elected archbishop of Canterbury. A.D. 995, Her Siric arcebisceop forfferde, and TElfrlc, 15 /ELF-SCIENE— yEL-pE6DINE. Wiltunsctre bisceop wearp gecoren on Easterdaei on Ambresbyri, fram TEdelrede cinge, and fram eallan his witan in this year, A. D. 995, arch- bishop Sigeric died, and 2 Elfric, bishop of Wiltshire, was chosen on Easter-day at Amesbury, by king TEthelred, and all his witan, Chr. 995 ; Th. 243, 36, col. 2 — 245, 3, col. 2. This Mlfric was a very wise man, so that there was no more sagacious man in England. Then went Mlfric to his archiepiscopal see, and when he came thither, he was received by those men in orders, who of all were most distasteful to him, that was, by clerks, Chr. 995 ; Th. ii. 106, 20-24. TElfric speaks strongly against the transubstantiation in the Eucharist, which gave his Homilies so great an importance in the eyes of the English reformers : v. hflsel. He died A. D. 1006, Her forpferde JEtfnc arcebisceop in this year, archbishop Mlfric died, Ch^. 1006 ; Th. 255, 35, col. 2. The preceding is the most probable biography of TElfric, archbishop of Canterbury. Others have been written in Pref. to Homl. Th. i. pp. v-x : Lchdm. iii. pref. pp. xiv-xxix, etc. A list of his numerous books is given in Wright’s Biographia Britannia Literaria, A. Sax. Period, pp. 485-494, and in Homl. Th. i. pp. vii-ix. 2 . TElfric Bata was the pupil of the preceding .ffilfric, the grammarian. In the title of the MS. in St. John’s College, Oxford, we read, — ‘ Hanc sententiam Latini sermonis olim TElfricus abbas composuit, qui meus fuit magister, sed tamen ego Mlfric Bata multas postea huic addidi appendices,’ Wanl. Catal. p. 105, 4-7. It appears that in the time of Lanfranc, when the newest Romish doctrines relating to transubstantiation etc. were imposed upon the English Church by the Norman prelates, TEIfric Bata was regarded as an opponent of that doctrine, Wrt. Biog. Brit. A. Sax. p. 497. self-seidne, -scieno ; adj. Beautiful, like an elf or nymph, of elfin beauty ; formosus ut genius vel nympha : — Maeg aelfscidno = ides aelfscieno O woman of elfin beauty l Cd. 86; Th. 109, 23; Gen. 1827 : Cd. 1-30; Th. 165, 11 ; Gen. 2730. aelf-scinu ; adj. Shining like an elf or fairy, elfin-bright, of elfin beauty ; splendidus ut genius vel nympha : — IudiJ) ides aelf-scinu Judith, the woman of elfin beauty, Judth. 9; Thw. 21,11; Jud. 14. celf-siden, -sidenn, e ; f. The influence of elves or of evil spirits, the nightmare ; impetus castalidum, diaboli incubus : — Dis is se halga draenc wid aelfsidene and wid eallum feondes costungum this is the holy drink against elfin influence and all temptations of a fiend, Lacn. II; Lchdm. iii. 10, 23. Wid aelfsidenne, L. M. 1, 64; Lchdm. ii. 138, 23. self-sogoda, an ; m. [sogeda juice] A disease ascribed to fairy influence, chiefly by the influence of the castalides, dunelfen, which were considered to possess those who were suffering under the disease, a case identical with being possessed by the devil, as will appear from the forms of prayers appointed for the cure of the disease, — Deus omnipotens expelle a famulo tuo omnem impetum castalidum ; and further on, — Expelle diabolum a famulo tuo, L. M. 3, 62 ; Lchdm. ii. 348, 11. v. self, sogeda, sogoda. oelf-pone, an ; ft Enchanter s nightshade ; circaea lutetiana : — Wid aelfadle nlm aelfponan niodowearde against elf disease take the lower part of enchanter’s nightshade, L. M. 3, 62 ; Lchdm. ii. 344, 21. ael-fylc, es; n. [ael, folc]. I. a foreign land; aliena provincia : — Daet hie on aelfylce on Danubie staede wlcedon till they encamped in the foreign land on the banks of the Danube, Elen. Kmbl. 72; El. 36. Tt. foreigners, a foreign army, an enemy ; peregrinus exercitus, hostes : — Daet he wid aelfylcum edelstolas healdan cude that he could keep his paternal seats against foreigners, Beo. Th. 4731; B. 2371. \Icel. fylki, «.] ael-grene all-green, Cd. 10; Th. 13, 3; Gen. 197: Cd. 74; Th. 91, 24; Gen. 1517: Bt. Met. Fox 20, 155 ; Met. 20, 78. v. eal-grene. tel-gylden all-golden, v. eal-gylden. se-lic ; adj. Belonging to law, lawful; Iegalis, legitimus, Bd. 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 495, 29. Tyn aellcan word the ten commandments, Som. aeling, e; f. Burning, hurtling of the mind, ardour; ardor, flagrantia animi : — Dy laes aelinge utadrlfe selfllcne secg lest burning desires should excite the self-complacent man, Bt. Met. Fox Introd. 11; Met. Einl. 6. seling weariness; taedium, Bt. pref. Cot; Rawl. viii. notes, line 10. sell-beorlit all-bright, Exon. 26 b; Th. 78, 20; Cri. 1277. v. eall- beorht. sell-milLtig all-mighty, Cd. 17; Th. 20, 19; Gen. 311. v. eall- meahtig. sell-reord foreign speaking, barbarous, Bd. 1, 13; S. 481, 44. v. el-reord. aell-peodignes, -nys, -ness, e ; /. A going or living abroad, a pil- grimage, Bd. 1, 23 ; S. 485, 38. v. ael-peddignes. sellyfta the eleventh; undecimus, Bd. 1, 34; S. 499, 35. v. endlefta. sel-msest adv. Almost; fere, Chr. 1091; Th. 359, 12. v. ealmSst. ./El-meahtig Almighty: — Habbap we Faeder ael-meahtigne we have the Almighty Father, Exon. 19 a; Th. 47/22 ; Cri. 759 : Ps. C. 50, 85 ; Ps. Gm. ii. 278, 85 : 50, 97 ; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 97. v. eall-mihtig. ^ 31 -mehtig Almighty, Hy. 8, 14. v. eall-mihtig. selmes-feoh, g. -feds ; n. Alms, alms’ money ; pecunia eleemosynae, L. R. S. 2 ; Th. i. 432, 13. aelmes-georn ; adj. Diligent in giving alms, benevolent; beneficus, liberalis: — Sum bip ar-faest and aelmesgeorn one is honest and diligent in giving alms. Exon. 79 a; Th. 297, 13; Crti. 67. Sum man Tobias ge- haten, swide aelmesgeorn a man, whose name was Tobias, very diligent in giving alms, TElfc. T. 21, 24. selmes-lond land given in frankalmoigne. v. almes-lond. . 2 ELMESSE,admysse, an ; /.alms, almsgiving; eleemosyna : — Daet ofer st and to lafe sella p aelmessan quod superest date eleemosynam, Bd. 1,27; 5. 489, 30. Hwaet is u» to sprecanne hu hi heora aelmessan daele de faciendis portionibus et adimplenda misericordia nobis quid erit loquendum, I, 27 ; S. 489, 25. Daet din aelmesse sy on dlglum ut sit eleemosyna tua in abscondito, Mt. Bos. 6, 4. Sopilce aelmessan do sic facias eleemosynam, 6, 3. Donne he aelmessan dalle]) when he deals alms, Exon. 62 a ; Th. 229, 10; Ph. 453. Syle aelmyssan give alms, Cd. 203; Th. 252, 31; Dan. 587. iElmessan daelan or syllan or don to give or distribute alms ; eleemosynam dare, facere, Mt. Bos. 6, 2, 3. [Scot, almous : O. Sax. ala- mosna, f: O.Frs. ielmisse: Ger. almosen, n : M.H.Ger. almuosen, n : 0. H. Ger. alamuosan, n : Dan. almisse : Swed. almosa ; O. Nrs. almusa, olmusa, f: from the Grk. iheqgoavvq.} .^Elm-ham, es; m. Elmham, Norfolk, Kmbl. Cod. Dipl. 759; 59, 17. jEl-milit ; adj. Almighty ; omnipotens Wiston Drihten aelmihtne they knew the Almighty Lord, Cd. 182 ; Th. 228, 1, note a ; Dan. 195. jEl-mihteg Almighty; omnipotens: — Ic haebbe me geleafan to dam aelmihtegan Gode I have confidence in the Almighty God, Cd. 26 ; Th. 34, 27 ; Gen. 544. iEl-mihtig, -mihti Almighty : — Se TElmihtiga the Almighty, Beo. Th. 184; B. 92: Andr. Kmbl. 497 ; An. 249: Elen. Grm. 1146 : Exon. 9 b ; Th. 8, 22; Cri. 121: Cd. 191; Th. 239, 10; Dan. 368: Hy. 10, 1: Bt. Met. Fox 9, 97; Met. 9, 49: Menol. Fox 187; Men. 95 ; Salm. Kmbl. 68 ; Sal. 34 : Ps. Th. 69, 6 : Bd. 3, 15 ; S. 541, 19 ; Gen. 17, 1 : 35, 11 : 48, 3; Ex. 6, 3: Job Thw. 167, 27. TElmihti, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 144; Met. 13, 72 : Th. Dipl. 125, 20. Se aelmihtiga God is unasec- gendlic and unbefangenllc, se de aeghwaer is eall, and nahwar todaeled the Almighty God is unspeakable and incomprehensible, who is everywhere all, and nowhere divided, Homl. Th. i. 286, 26. v. eall-mihtig. ael-myrca, an; m. All sallow, a black man, an Ethiopian; omnino fuscus, TEthiops : — On aelmyrcan edel-rlce in the realm of the Ethiopian, Andr. Kmbl. 863 ; An. 432. aslmysse, an ; /. Alms, Cd. 203 ; Th. 252, 31 ; Dan. 587. v. aelmesse. sel-net, es ; n. An eel net; rete anguillare : — Gesomnedon da aelnet aeghwonon de hi mihton retibus anguillaribus undique collectis, Bd. 4, 1 3 ; 5. 582, 44. aelpig ; adj. [ = an-Hpig, an-lepig , from an one, hleap a leap] Each, single ; unicus : — Daet naes an aelpig hide, ne an gyrde landes that there was not one single hide, nor one yard of land, Chr. 1085 ; Th. i. 353 , 12. [Laym. alpi, aelpi single, only : Relq. Ant. W. on alpi word one single word, ii. 275, 3.] selr an alder-tree ; alnus. v. air, alor. sel-reord, ael-reordig of foreign speech, barbarous; exterus, barbarus. v. el-reord, el-reordig. ael-taew, -teaw, -teow ; comp, re ; sup. est ; adj. All good, excellent, entire, sound, healthful, perfect, honest; omnino bonus, sanus : — FIndest du aeltaewe haelo thou shall find perfect healing, Herb. 1, 29; Lchdm. i. 80, 7 ; MS. B. Naefp no xltaewne ende has no good end, Bt. 5, 2 ; Fox 10, 29. Full aeltaewe geboren born quite [full] sound or healthy, 38, 5 ; Fox 206, 2 2. Odde aenig ping aer waere odde aeltaewre if anything were before or more excellent, Bt. 34, 2 ; Fox 136, 8. Ealle da aeltaewestan of- slogen they slew all the best men, Ors. 4, 4; Bos. 81, 16. v. eal-teaw. sel-tsewllee ; adv. Well rfectly ; bene. v. ael-taew, -lice, ael-teaw, -teow All r id, sound, perfect; omnino bonus, sanus ; — FIndest du aelteowe [aeltaewe MS. B.] hallo thou shall find perfect healing, Herb. 1, 29 ; Lchdm. i. 80, 7: Hy. 2, 13. v. ael-taew. ael-peod, -piod, e ; /. A foreign nation, foreign people, foreigners : — Donne da rlcan be6p odde on aelpeode odde on hiora agenre gecydde when the rich are among foreigners or in their own country, Bt. 27, 3 ; Fox 98, 34. v. el-pedd. ael-peodelice ; adv. Among foreigners, abroad; peregre: — Swa se man de aelpeodellce ferde sicut homo qui peregre profectus, Mk. Jun. 13, 34 - eel-peodig, ael-piddig; adj. Strange, foreign ; exterus, peregrinus, bar- barus: — On aelpeddig folc to a foreign people, Bt. 27, 3; Fox 98, 22. TElpeodigra manna gisthus foreign men's guest house, an inn, Wrt. Voc. 5$, 51. /Elpeodige men acwealdon advenam interfecerunt, Ps. Th. 93, 6. Ne geunret du aelpeddige, ge waeron aelpeddie on Egipta lande adve- nam non contristabis, advence enim et ipsi in terra Mgypti, Ex. 22, 21. Dam aelpeodegan to the foreigners, Bt. 27, 3 ; Fox 100, 2. v. el-peddig. ael-peodiglice ; adv. In foreign parts, among foreigners ; peregre, iElfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 26-28. ael-peddignes, -ness, -nyss, e; f. A being or living abroad, a pil- grimage : — On stowe aelpeddignysse mlnra in loco peregrinationis mece, Ps. Spl. 1 1 8, 54: Gen. 12, 10: Bd. 4, 23; S. 593, 11. ael-peodine foreign, a proselyte, Mt. Bos. 23, 15 ; for ael-peddigne, acc. s. of ael-peddig. 1G iEL-pEODUNG — yEPPEL-BEAUO. sel-peodung, e ; f. A being or living abroad ; peregrinatio, Bd. 4, 23 ; 35<5. S. 593 . 15 - sel-piodig foreign, Bt. 39, 2 ; Fox 212, 17. v. sel-Jjeodig. sel-walda the all-powerful , Cd. Jun. 6, 10. v. eal-wealda. ael-wihta ; pi. I. strange creatures, monsters; alieni generis entia, monstra : — Dset dser gumena sum selwihta eard ufan cunnode that a man from above explored there the dwelling of strange creatures, Beo. Th. 3004; B. 1500. II. all created things; omnia creata : — Helm selwihta, engla scippend the protector of all created things, the creator of angels, Andr. Kmbl. 236; An. 118. v. eall-wihta. se-melle; adj. Unsavoury, without taste ; insipidus. Cot. 1 16. semelnys, semylnys, -nyss, e ; /. Loathsomeness, weariness, disdain, false- hood, unfaithfulness, false dealing, treason; fastidium, taedium : — Hneppade sawle mm for [rece odde for aemelnysse dormitavit anima mea prce tcedio, Ps. L'amb. 118, 28. ae-men; adj. [se without, man man] Unmanned, depopulated, desolate; hominibus nudus, non habitatus : — Stod seo dygle st6w Idel and semen the secret spot stood void and desolate, Exon. 35 a ; Th. 115, 9; Gu. 187. aemete, semette, aemytte, an; /. An emmet, ant; formica: — iEmete formica, Wrt. Voc. 23, 78. /Emettan segru genlm take emmet's eggs, L. M. I, 87 ; Lchdm. ii. 156, 6. TEmytte formica, Somn. 108. NIme aemettan take emmets, L. M. 3, 34; Lchdm. ii. 328, 7. [ae = a from, off, away ; mete meat, food : Grm. (Gr. ii. 88) thinks it is connected with 0. H. Ger. emizlc assiduus ; ameiza formica : O. Nrs. ami labour : A. Sax. aemettig otiosus; aemtegian vacare.] aemet-hwil, e ; /. [aemetta leisure, hwil while, time] Leisure, spare- time, respite ; otium, TEIfc. Gr. 8 ; Som. 8, 1 . semet-hyll, aemett-hyll, es; m.An emmet-iiill, ant-hill; formicetum, Past. 28, 3 ; Hat. MS. 37 a, 3. asmetig ; adj. Vacant, empty, barren ; vacuus : — Hit seme tig laeg it lay barren, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 34, 16. v. aemtig. asmetta rest, Bt. prooem; Fox viii. 13. v. aemta. aemettig idle, Solil. 13. v. aemtig. semnitta, an; m.A balance; statera. v. emnettan, emnian to make equal. se-mod ; adj. [ae without, mod mind] Out of mind, mad, dismayed, dis- couraged; amens: — For dam Romane wseron swa semode,daet hy ne wendon daet hi da burh bewerian mihton because the Romans were so out of heart, they thought that they could not guard the city, Ors. 3, 4; Bos. 56, 12. semta, emta, aemetta, an ; m. Quiet, leisure, rest ; quies : — Ic ne aemtan nabbe I have no leisure, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 218, 9. Be his aemettan by his leisure, Bt. prooem; Fox viii. 13. aemtegian to be at leisure. Past. 18,4; Hat. MS. 26 b, 16. v. aemtian. aemtian, aemtegian, semtigean ; p. ode ; pp. od To be at leisure, to be vacant ; otiosum esse : — TEmtigaJ) and geseo]) fordan de ic eom God vacate et videte quoniam ego sum Deus, Ps. Spl. C. 45, 10 : TElfc. Gr. 33 ; Som. 37, 14. aemtig, aemteg, emtig, asmetig, emetig, aemettig ; adj. Vacant, empty, free, idle ; vacuus, inanis : — Sed eor[e waes aemtig terra erat vacua, Gen. 1, 2. Gefylde sawle aemtige satiavit animam inanem, Ps. Spl. 106, 9: Mt. Bos. 1 2, 44 : Bd. 4, 3 ; S. 567, 5. Hig synd emtige they are idle, Ex. £, 8. TEmtege wifemen unmarried women. Past. 21,8, Lye. cf. aemete. aemtigean to be at leisure, TElfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 14. v. aemtian. aa-muda [ae without, muda a mouth] ccecum intesthiumjNixN 00. 44, 64. aemyce, aemyrce ; adj. Excellent, singular ; egregius, Cot. 74. aemylnys, -nyss, e ; /. Weariness ; taedium, Pref. R. Cone. v. aemelnys. aemytte an emmet ; formica, Somn. 108. v. aemete. sen one ; unus : — Wyrc de nu ainne arc now make thee an ark, Gen. 6, 14: Mt. Bos. 5, 36. v. an. • aende and, L.Wih. 8; Th. i. 38, 16. v. and. aendemes, asndemest likewise, equally; pariter, Bt. 41, I; Fox 244, 12. v. endemes. aendian; p. ode; pp. od To end; finire, Solil. 12. v. endian, aendlefen eleven ; undecim : — He setywde aendlefene he appeared to the eleven, Mk. Bos. 16, 14. v. endleofan. aendlyfta eleventh, Bd. 2, 14; S. 517, 23. v. endlyfta. aene ; adv. Once, alone; semel, solum : — Nu ic sene begann to sprecanne to minum Drihtne quia semel ccepi, loquar ad Dominum meum,J3en. 18,31. Oft, nalles aene often, not once, Beo. Th. 6030 ; B. 3019. TEne on daige once in the day, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 35 ; Met. 8, 18. Ic de Sine abealh, ece Drihten I alone angered thee, eternal Lord, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 4; Sat. 410. v. ane once. aeneg, aenegu any : — TEnegu gesceaft any creature, Bt. 35, 4 ; Fox 160, 26: Cd. 26; Th. 34, 17; Gen. 539. v. snig. aen-ette solitude; solitudo, Dial. 2, 3. v. an-ad, an-aed. aenforleten; part. Clothed 1 amictus? Ps. Spl. T. 103, 2; amissus? and not amictus. v. anforlaeten ; pp. of an-forlsetan. eenga Single, sole; unicus : — Fram dam Sngan hlaforde from the sole lord, Salm. Kmbl. 766 ; Sal. 382. v. anga. aenge; def. se aenga ; adj. Narrow, troubled, anxious; angustus, anxius: — Des snga slede-'ihis narrow place, Cd. 18; Th. 23,9; Gen. Is me aenge [MS. aenige] gast innan hredres anxiatus est in me spiritus meus, Ps. Th. 142, 4. v. ange, enge. 8enge ; adv. Narrowly, sadly; anguste, anxie, triste, Ps. Th. 136, 8. aengel an angel, Ps. Spl. 8, 6 : 34, 7. v. engel. ^Englisc English; Anglicus : — Her synd on dam iglande fif gefieodu, TEnglisc, Brytwylsc, Scottysc, Pihttisc, and Boclseden here are in the island five languages, English, Brilo-Welsh, Scottish, Pictish, and Book-Latin, Chr. Th. 3, 5, col. 1. v. Englisc. sengum, Beo. Th. 952 ; B. 474, = aenigum to any; dat. of aenig. eenig, aeneg, ani ; adj. [sen = an one, -ig adj. termination ; anig, g = y, Eng. any] any, any one; ullus, quisquam, aliquis: — Dset aenig man aenig faet jrnrh dset tempi baire that any man should bear any vessel through the temple, Mk. Bos. 1 1, 16. Maeg Sinig Jiing godes beon of Nazareth a Nazareth potest aliquid boni esse? Jn. Bos. I, 46. iEniges sceates of any treasure, Cd. 25 ; Th. 32, 15 ; Gen. 503. Monnes senges of any man. Exon. 10 b; Th. 13, 9; Cri. 200. Nass daer ainigum gewin there was no toil for any one, Andr. Kmbl. 1776; An. 890. iEngum ne maeg se craeft losian the skill may not desert any one, Bt. Met. Fox 10, 71 ; Met. IO, 36. der. nainig none. aen-ige, sen-Igge one-eyed : — Gif he hi gedo finlgge if he make them one-eyed, L. Alf. 20; Wilk. 30, II : Cot. 179. v. an-eage. senilit [sen = an one, -iht adj. termination] Anything; quicquam : — TEniht quicquam, Jn. Lind. War. II, 49. In mec ne haefeji aeniht in me non habet quicquam, Jn. Rush. War. 14, 30. v. staniht, -ig, -ihtig. eeninga ; adv. Of necessity, by all means, Bd. 4, 16 ; S. 584, 32 : 5, 19 ; I S. 640, 16: Andr. Kmbl. 439; An. 220. v. aninga. mn-lepnes, ness, e ; f. Solitude, privacy ; solitudo. v. an-lepnes. een-lio ; adj. [an one, 11c like] only, singular, incomparable, excellent, ! beautiful, elegant; unicus, egregius, elegans, pulcher : — He hsefde an swide senile wlf he had a very excellent wife, Bt. 35,6; Foxi66,30. fEnlices hiwes 1 of an excellent shape, TElfc. T. 33, 15. Deah hio senllcu sy though she be beautiful, Beo. Th. 3887; B. 1941. Eal waes senllcra don maege stefn | areccan all was more excellent than voice can tell. Exon. 52 a; Th. 181, I 17; Gu. 1294. Cynn Fabiane fordan hit ealra R6mana senltcost waes because the Fabian family was the highest in rank of all the Romans, Ors. 2, 4 ; Bos. 43, 28. v. an-llc. sen-lice ; adv. only, singularly, elegantly; eleganter, Coll. Monast. Th. 1 35 . 37 - aen-lipie = sen-Hpige singulos, Ps. Lamb. 7, 12. v. sen-llpig. aen-lipig, -lypig, -lepig ; adj. [an one, hlip, hlyp] Each, every, singular, ] solitary, private; singuli, solus ; — purh aenlipige dagas per singulos dies, I Ps. Spl. 41,15. Be aenlipigum mannum per singulos viros, Jos.Grn. 7, 14 : C. R. Ben. 22. v. an-llpig. denne one; unum : — Du ne miht aenne loee gedon hwitne non poles | unum capillum album facere, Mt. Bos. 5, 36; acc. of ain = an, q.v. ffi-not; adj. [ae without, not «se] Useless, of no use, unprofitable; inutilis — Dset hit aenote weorjie that it be useless, L. Eth. vi. 34 ; Th. i. 324, 7. a-eode happened; evenit : — Swa hit so Jilice aeode so it truly happened, H. de visione IsaisE ; p. of a-gan. sepel-sceal, -seel, e ; /. An apple-shale or film about the kernels or pips ; I pomi scheda. Cot. 43. sepel-tre an apple-tree ; malus, Wrt. Voc. 79 . 79 - v - seppel-tredw. seplian; p. ede; pp. ed To make into the form of apples, Elen. Kmbl. ‘ 1 2517: El. 1260. v. sepplian. JEPPEL, aepl, appel, apl, eapl, es; m: nom. m. aepplas ; nom. acc. M pi. n. aeppla. I. an apple, ^ fruit generally, Ors. Eng. 1.3; Bos. 63, ■ note 1 ; malum, pomum : — /Eples gellcnes likeness of an apple, Exon. 59 a ; if Th. 213, 26; Ph. 230. TEppel unsailga, dea])-beames ofet the unblest t apple, fruit of the tree of death, Cd. 30; Th. 40, 10; Gen. 637. Da readan appla the red apples; mala Punica, Past. 15, 5; MS. Hat. 19b, 28. Nainig moste heora hrorra hrlm aepla gedlgean none of their hardy fruits could withstand the frost ; occidit moros in pruina, Ps. Th. 77, 47. Genlm brembel-aeppel take a bramble-fruit, i. e. a blackberry, L. M. I, 64 ; /. Lchdm. ii. 138, 27. II. what is round as an apple, the apple of the eye, a ball, bolus, pill; quidvis globosnm, pupilla, globus, bolus, pilula : — On daes siwenlgean eagum beoj) da aepplas hale, ac da braewas greatiga]) in lippi oculis pupillce sance sunt, sed palpebrce grossescunt, Past. 11, 4; MS. Hat. 15 a, 18. HI scilde swa geornllce swa swa man j de|> done aepl on his eagan he protected them as carefully as a man does the apple of his eye, Bt. 39, 10 ; Fox 228, 13. Irenum aplum with iron balls, Salm. Kmbl. 56 ; Sal. 28. [Orm. appell : R. Glouc. appel : Gow. j apple : O. Frs. appel, m. malum, pomum : N. But. L. Ger. appel, m : I Ger. M. H. Ger. apfel, m : O. H. Ger. aphul, aphol, m : Dan. aeble, « : Swed. aeple, n ; O. Nrs. epli, n : Wei. aval : Ir. abhall, ubhall : Gael, abhal, , ubhal : Manx ooyl : Corn. Arm. aval; Lith. obolys: O.Slav. jabluko.] der. aeppel-bsere, -bearo, -cyrnel, -fealu, -hus, -leaf, -sceal, -screada, -Jiorn, | -treow, -tun, -win : brembel-seppel, eag-, eor))-, fic-, finger-, palm-, wudu-. eeppel-bsere ; adj. Apple-bearing, fruit-bearing ; pomifer: — fEppel- | bsere treow lignum pomifer um, Gen. 1, 11 : Hexam. 6; Norm. 12, 5. eeppel-bearo, -bearu ; g. -bearwes ; d. -bearwe ; acc. -bearo ; pi. nom. acc. -was ; g. -wa ; d. -wum ; m. An orchard; pomarium, Ps. Th. 78, 2. iEPPEL -CYRNEL— /EREND. 17 eeppel-cyrnel, es ; n. A pomegranate ; malogranatum, malum Punicum, Cot. 128. teppelder, aeppeldor an apple-tree. v. apulder. soppel-fealu ; g. m. n. -fealuwes; adj. Apple-fallow, apple or reddish yellow; flavus ut pomum : — Mearas aeppelfealuwe bay steeds, lit. apple- coloured steeds, Beo. Th. 4336; B. 2165. der. fealo, fealu, wes; n. ®ppel-hus, es; n. An apple-house, a place for fruit generally; po- marium, Wrt. Voc. 58, 55. seppel-le&f, es ; n. An apple-leaf . v. appel-leAf. seppel-sceal, e ; /. A film about the kernels of an apple, v. aepel-sceal. ffippel-screada Apple-shreds, apple-parings; pomi praesegmina, quis- quiliae, Wrt. Voc. 22, 13 ; nom. pi. of seppel-scread. v. scread. seppel-porn an apple-thorn, a crab-tree. v. appel-jjorn. seppel-tredw, es ; n. An apple-tree ; malus. v. aepel-tre. seppel-tun, es; m. An apple-garden, orchard; pomarium, ZElfc. Gl. 24? Somn. 299. eeppel-win, es; n. Apple-wine, cider; pomaceum, Cot. 117. ceppled, aepled ; part., appled, made into the form of apples, made into balls or bosses ; in pomorum formam redactus : — ZEpplede gold appled gold, Exon. 63 a ; Th.232,14; Ph.506: 75 b; Th. 283,30; Jul.688. ZEplede gold, Elen. Kmbl. 2517; El. 1260. v. pp. of aepplian. mpplian, seplian ; p. ede ; pp. ed [aeppel an apple ] To make into the form of apples, to make into balls or bosses ; in pomorum formam redi- gere, globosum facere, Exon. 63 a; Th. 232, 14; Ph. 506: 75 b; Th. 283, 30; Jul. 688 : Elen, Kmbl. 2517; El. 1260. seppuldre, aepuldre, an; f. An apple-tree; malus. v. apuldre. seppuldre-tun, es; m. An apple-tree inclosure, apple-orchard; po- marium. v. apulder-tun. eeppyl an apple, ZElfc. Gr. 6; Som. 5, 57; MS. C. v. aeppel. sops, aesp, e; f: aepse, aespe, an; f. An asp or aspen-tree, a species of poplar; populus tremula: — ZEps sicomorus, vel celsa, Wrt. Voc. 33, 27 : Cot. 165. Nlm aeps-rinde take asp-rind, L. M. 3, 39; Lchdm. ii. 332., 7. Genxm aepsan take asp-tree, 1, 36; Lchdm. ii. 86, 6. [Chauc. aspe : Prompt, parv. aspe, espe : O. Frs. espe, f: Ger. espe, /. populus tremula : M. H. Ger. aspe,/; O. H. Ger. aspa ,/: O. Nrs. espi, «.] sepsenys, -nyss, e ; f. Disgrace, dishonour, shame ; dedecus, Scint. 56. eeps-rind, e; f. Asp-rind; populi tremulae cortex, L, M. 3, 39; Lchdm. ii. 332, 7. der. aeps. aer, es ; m. [aer = ear, q. v.] Ocean ; pi. The waves of the ocean : — Ofer sera gebland over the mingling of the waves, Chr. 937 ; Th. i. 202, 38, col. I. v. ear, ear-gebland. aer, es ; n. Brass ; aes : — Sidtfan folca beam seres [MS. firest] cudon and Isernes since then the sons of men have known brass and iron, Cd. 52; Th. 66, 22 ; Gen. 1088 : Wrt. Voc. 8, 27. v. ar. ®r ; comp. m. sera, firra ; f. n. sere, firre ; sup. firest ; adj. Early , former , preceding, ancient ; prior, praecedens, antiquus : — On firne mergen in early morning; primo mane, Mt. Bos. 20, 1; Mk. Bos. 16, 9; Jn. Bos. 21, 4 : Ps. Spl. g, 3, 4. Fram erne mergen 6]) a: fen from early morning till evening, Bd. 2, 14; S. 518, 8. Swa he wses gyrstan daeg and firan daeg sicut erat heri et nudius tertius, Gen. 3 1, 5. Baes firan tacnes prioris signi, Ex. 4, 8. Forlyst he his firran god he loses his former good, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 22. Of deajte woruld awehte in daet firre Iff awoke the world from death into the former life, Elen. Kmbl. 609 ; El. 305: Exon. 113b; Th. 436, II ; Rii. 54,^12. On dysse aerran bee preecedente libro, Bd. 4, 1 ; S. 563, 18. ZErran dagas dies antiqui, Ps. Th. 142, 5: Beo. Th. 1819; B. 907. Weorpe firest stan primus lapidem mittat, Jn. Bos. 8, 7. Se her-buendra hearpan aerest hlyn awehte who first of dwellers here awoke the sound of the harp, Cd. 52 ; Th. 66, 5; Gen. 1079. Se firesta waes Enos haten the first was called Enos, go; Th. 64, 24; Gen. 1055. Waes seo aereste costung ofercumen the first temptation was overcome, Exon. 39 a; Th. 128, 22; Gu. 408. In da firestan aeldu in the first age, 34 a ; Th. 108, 29 ; Gu. 80. Ba firestan aelda cynnes the first of the race of men, 47 a ; Th. 160, 23 ; Gu. 948. Bu eall oneneowe, da firestan eac da nehstan tu cognovisti omnia, antiqua et novissima, Ps. Th. 138, 3. ZEt aerestan at the first; primo, L. Alf. pol. 1 ; Th. i. 60, 2; Exon. 19 a; Th. 49, 15; Cri. 786. der. fir-adl, -ewide, -dsed, -daeg, -deaj>, -faeder, -gestreon, -geweorc, -gewinn, -gewyrht, -ing, -morgen, -mergen, -sceaft, -wela, -woruld. ser, ear, er ; sup. firost„ aerest, first ; adv. ere, before, sooner, earlier, formerly, already, some time ago, lately, just now, till, until ; antea, prius, mane, mature, dudum : — Gang aer vade prius, Mt. Bos. 5, 24. He waes fir donne ic ille erat prius quam ego, Jn. Bos. 1, 15, 30. /Er on morgen early in the morning, Cd. 224; Th. 297, 10 ; Sat. 515: Ps. Th. 18, s : Ex. 12, 22. Noht micle aer non mullo ante, Bd. 4, 23 ; S. 593, 21. Hwene Sr scarcely before, just before, Bt. 23 ; Fox 78, 25. Swyde £r very early; valde mane, Mk. Bos. 16, 2: 1, 35. To aer too soon, Exon. 45 a; Th. 152, 30; Gu. 816. Hwonne aer how soon ? when? quando? Ps. Th. 40, 5. ZErost first, Gen. 19, 33. Swa hit engel gecwaej) airest on Ebresc as the angel said it first in Hebrew, Exon. 9b; Th. 9, 11; Cri. 133: 88 b; Th. 333, ig; Gn. Ex. 4. Him cenned wear]) Cainan airest to him was born Cainan first, Cd. 57 ; Th. 70, 7; Gen. 1149. Mon waes to Godes anllcnesse firest gesceapen man was at first shapen to God's image, 75; Th. 92, 16; Gen. 1529. Ba ic her aerest com when I first came here, 129; Th. 164. 8; Gen. 2711: Beo. Th. 1236; B. 616. [Laym. aer, aere, ear; Orm. aer; R. Glouc. er: Wyc. Chauc. Piers er : T. More ere : O. Sax. er prius, antea : O. Frs. er : Ger. eher prius, antea : O.H. Ger. er, aer antea, dudum, prius, quondam : Goth. air diluculo, mane: O.Nrs. ar olim, mane. ] der. fir-boren, -gedon, -genemned, -god, -gystran-daeg, -lice, -wacol. Sr; conj. ere, before that; antequam, priusquam : — /Er heo wordum cwaep ere she said in words, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 3; Sat. 409. /Er hie to setle gong ere she went to her seat, Beo. Th. 4043 ; B. 2019. /Er ge furdur feran ere that ye further proceed, 510; B. 252. /Er hie on tu hweorfon before they departed from one another, Andr. Kmbl. 2102; An. 1052. [O. Sax. et priusquam: M.H.Ger. O.H. Ger. er priusquam.] ser; prep. d. Before; ante; — /Er his swylt-daege before his death-day, Cd. 62; Th. 74, l2;^Gen. 1221. /Er daegred e before dawn, 223; Th. 294, 4 ; Sat. 466. /Er sunnan his nama sojxfaest standej), byj> his setl aer swylce donne mona ante solem permanebit nomen ejus, et ante lunam sedes ejus, Ps. Th. 71, 17. /Er dam fi6de ante diluvium, Mt. Bos. 24, 38. /Er de before thee, Bt. 41, 3 ; Fox 246, 26. ZEr dam before that, before ; antequam, Mt. Bos. 6, 8 : Exon. 61 a ; Th. 224. 22 ; Ph. 379. /Er dam de before that which, till ; priusquam, Ps. Spl. 38, 18 : Mt. Bos. 12, 20. [O. Sax. et ante : M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. er ante.] ®ra ; adj. Earlier, former. ; prior, praecedens : — Baes aeran tacnes prioris signi. Ex. 4, 8 : Gen. 31, 5. v. fir; adj. ser-adl, e ; f. Early-disease ; praematurus morbus : — Ba firadl nlmej> when early disease takes them, Exon. 89 a; Th. 335, 10 ; Gn. Ex. 31. sera gebland [aer = ear sea] The agitation of the sea, Chr. 937 ; Th. 202, 38, col. 1 ; ear in col. 2, and p. 203, 38, col. I ; ear in col. 2. v. ear-gebland. rer-boren ; p. part. First-born ; primogenitus, Cd. 47 ; Th. 59, 33 ; Gen. 973. seree-biscop, aerce-bisceop, es ; m. An archbishop, Bd. 2,3; S. 504, 35. v. arce-bisceop. serce- diaeon, es; m. An archdeacon, v. arce-diacon. ser-ewide, es ; m. Prophecy ; prophetia ? nuntii vel doctoris loquela ?— He firewide onwreah [MS. onwearh] he revealed the prophecy, Exon. 83a; Th. 313, 23 ; M6d. 4. fir-daed, e ; /. Former conduct, a past deed ; ante-actum : — Wyt witod- lice be uncer fir-dfidum onfa]) nos duo quidem juste, nam digna factis recipimus, Lk. Bos. 23, 41: Bd. 1, 6 ; S. 476, 24, note. ser-dseg, es; m. I. early day, early morn; matutinum, mane, prima lux : — Mid firdaege at early day, Andr. Kmbl. 440; An. 220; 3048; An. 1527: Cd. 121; Th. 1 55, 19; Gen. 2575. On uhtan mid firdaege in the morning at early day, Beo. Th. 253 ; B. 126. To dam firdaege on that morn, Cd. 153; Th. 190, 12; Exod. 198. II. in pi. Early days, former days ; dies prisci : — On firdagum in former days, Cd. 119; Th. 153, 23; Gen. 2543: Exon. 9a; Th. 6, 4; Cri. 79. [O. Sax. an erdagun priscis diebus : O. Nrs. I ardaga primis temporibus, olim.] ser-de&p, es ; m. Early death ; mors immatura : — Regnjreofas dfilaj) yldo, odde fir-deaj) the great thieves find age, or early death, Cd. 169; Th. 212, 14; Exod. 539. serdian, aerdyan to inhabit [aerd = eard earth, dwelling] : — ZErdydon habitabant, Bd. 2, 9; S. 510, 15. v. eardian. serdon = aerndon ? from aernan ; p. de To run, run away; currere: — He gehleop and his brodru mid him begen aerdon he fled and both his brothers ran away with him, Byrht. Th. 137, 25 ; By. 191. serdung, e ; /. [eard a dwelling] A tabernacle, Ps. Spl. T. 18, 5. v. eardung. oe-refnan to bear, Ps. Spl. T. 24, 5. v. a-rfifnan. firen, firyn, firn ; adj. Made of brass, brazen ; aeneus ; — Wire ane firenan naeddran fac serpentum aneum, Num. 21, 8. ZErnum bemum with brazen trumps, Cd. 154 ; Th. 191, 18 ; Exod. 216 : Ors. 2, 8 ; Bos. 52, 16: ZElfc. Gr. 5 ; Som. 4, 60. seren-byt, -bytt, e; f. [byt a butt, vessel] A brass pan or vessel; len- ticula, Wrt. Voc. 25, 17. serend, firende, firynd, es ; n: pi. nom, acc. firendu, firendo An errand, a message, an embassy, news, tidings, an answer, business, care; nun- tium, mandatum, negotium, cura : — Ne maeg daes firendes ylding wyrjian there may not be a delay of this errand, Andr. Kmbl. 429; An. 215. He his hlafordes firende seegan sceolde he should tell his lord’s message, Bd. 2, 9; S. 511, 19. Ht haefdon nyt firend they had a profitable errand, 5, 10; S. 624, 21: 3, 6 ; S. 528, 1 7 : L. C. S. 76; Th. i. 418, 5. He sent on his firenda he sends on his errands, Bt. 39, 13 ; Fox 234, 25. Hig laegdon firende they imposed an errand, Chr. 1065; Th. 332, 25, col. 2. He aboden haefde Godes firendu he had announced God’s messages. Exon. 43 a ; Th. 145, 17; Gu. 696 : 51b; Th. 179, 31; Gu. 1270. Hi lufedon Godes firendo they loved God's errands, 34 b; Th. 111,27; Gu. 133. [Laym. arend, erend, as in arend-rake, erend-mon : 18 iEREN-D^EGr — -JEUN. Orm. ernde : R. Glouc. ernde, erinde : O. Sax. arundi, n. message : M. H. Ger. arant, erende, m. message : O. H. Ger. aranti, aronti, arunti, m. nuntius; f. verbum, mandatum : Dan. aerinde, aerend: Swed. aerende : 0. Nrs. orundi, erendi, n. negotium : Sansk. Jr ire, to go.~\ v. ar a mes- senger. seren-dseg, es ; m. [ contracted for on aerran daeg on a former day ] The day before, yesterday; pridie, j3Elfc. Gl. 96; Wrt. Voc. 53, 31. v- daeg. eerend-boc, e ; /. A letter, message ; epistola, litterae : — Hi ne mihton araedan engles arrendbec they might not interpret the angels’ messages, Cd. 212; Th. 261, 32; Dan. 735. v. aerend-gewrit. serend-gast, es ; m. A spiritual messenger, an angel ; nuntius spiritus, angelus : — Godes aerendgast Gods spiritual messenger, Cd. 104 ; Th. 138, 23; Gen. 2296. mrend-gewrit, aerend-writ, es ; n. A message or report in writing, a letter, an epistle, letters mandatory, a brief writing, short notes, a sum- mary ; epistola: — HI sendon aerendgewrit mittunt epistolam, Bd. jr, 13; S. 481, 41. On forjjgeonge daps aerendgewrites in processu epistolce, 1, 13; S. 481, 43: Bt. Met. Fox 1, 125; Met. 1, 63. iferend-gewrit epistola vel pictacium, Wrt. Vqc. 46, 64: 61, 21. purh his serend- gewritu by his letters, Bd. pref ; S. 472, 22. serendian ; p. ede ; pp. ed To go on an errand, to carry news, tidings, or a message, to intercede, to treat for anything, to plead the cause ; nuntium ferre, mandatum deferre, intercedere, annuntiare : — He maeg unc aerendian he may bear our messages, Cd. 32 ; Th. 41, 31 ; Gen. 665. Da aerendracan, de his cwale aerndedon [Whel. aerenddedon] the mes- sengers, who had treated for his death, Bd. 2, 12 ; S. 515, 4. aerend-raca, aerend-wreca, an ; m. [aerend an errand; raea, wreca from reccan to tell, wrecan to tetter] A messenger, ambassador, an apostle, angel; nuntius, apostolus, angelus : — Se aerepdrac? nyg maerra donne se de hine sende non est apostolus major eo qui misit eum, J11. Bos. 13, 16. Sende he aerendracan misit legatarios, Bd. 5, 21; S. 642^34. Gabriel Godes aerendraca Gabriel God’s angel, Hy. 10, I?. iErendraca, Bd. 2, 9; S. 510, 27: 2, 12; S. 513, 8; 515, 3: 1, 12; S. 489, 25. TErendraca an apostle. Wrt. Voc. 42, 1. TErendraca unnytnesse a tale-bearer. Cot. 139. Gesibbe aerendracap messengers of peace; caduceatores vel paciftci, Wrt. Voc. 36, 6. eerendran messengers ; nuntii : — TEdele aerendran andswarodon [Grn. aerendracan] the noble messengers answered, Cd. m ; Th. 147, 4; Gen. 2434- eerend-secg, es ; m. An errand-deliverer, a messenger ; legatus, nun- tius : — Ic, on his gearwan, geseo daet he is aerend-secg uncres Hearrau 1, by his habit, see that he is the messenger of our Lord, Cd. 30 ; Th. 41, 17 ; Gen. 658. eerend-seegan to deliver a message ; nuntium deferre. v.^seegap. serend-sprsee, e; f. A verbal message ; nuntiatio : — iErendspraece abeodan to announce a verbal message, Exon. 123a; Th. 472, 13; Ra. 61, 15. serendung, e; /. A command; mandatum, C. R. Ben. 38. aerend- WTeca, an ; m. A messenger, ambassador ; nuntius. legatus : — HI onsendon xrendwrecan miserunt nun'ios, Bd. I, 12; S. 480, 25. He sende aerendwrecan in Gallia rice he sent ambassadors into the kingdom of the Gauls, 2, 6; S. 508, 33. v. aerendraca. mrend-wTit, es; a. A letter; epistola, Bd. 5, 21; S. 642, 34, note, v. aerend-gewrit. seren-ge&t, for earn-gaet a goat-eagle; harp e = apmj, Hslfc. Gl. 1 7 5 Wrt. Voc. 21, 62. v. earn-geat. aerer ; adv. Before : — iErer hit gewyrjte before it comes to pass, Bt. 41, 2 ; Fox 244, note 8. .v. aeror. ae-rest, es ; m: e ; f. The resurrection : — On ltfes aereste in resurrecti- onem vita, Jn. Bos. 5, 29 : Andr. Grm. 780 : Exon. 37 b; Th. 122, 29; Gu. 313. v. ae-rist. ferest ; adj. First, erst; primus; — Weorpe aerest stan primus lapidem mittat, Jn. Bos. 8, 7: Cd. 52 ; Th 66, 5 ; Gen. 1079. v. ser; adj. aerest ; adv. First, at first ; primum, primo: — Him cenned wear|) Cainan aerest to him was born Cainan first, Cd. 57; Th. 70, 7; Gen. 1149: 75 ; Th. 92, 16 ; Gen. 1529. v. xr. ser-faeder ; indecl. in sing, but sometimes gen. -fxderes and dat..- faedere are found; pi. nom. acc. -fxderas; gen. a; dat. um; m. A forefather, father; propator, pater, Beo. Th. 5238; B. 2622. ffir-faest; adj. Honourable, good, gracious, merciful, Judth. II ; Thw. 24,15; Jud. 190. v. ar-fxst. ser-fcestnys, -nyss, e ; f. Honesty, goodness, piety ; pietas ; — Aidanus wxs mycelre xrfxstnysse and gemetfxstnysse mon Aidan was a man of much piety and moderation, Bd. 3, 3 ; S. 525, 31. v. ar-faestnes. aerfe an inheritance, Heming, pp. 104, 105. v. yrfe. eer-ge&ra; adv. Heretofore, of old ; olim, Salni. Kmbl. 860 ; Sal. 429 ; Bt. Met. Fox 20, 104; Met. 20, 52. v. geara. aer-geblond the sea agitation, y. sera gebland, ear-gebland. aer-gedon ; adj. Done before ; anteactus, prior : — Waes seo ehtnysse unmetre and singalre eallum dam aergedonum qua persecutio omnibus fere anteactis diuturnior atque immanior fuit, Bd. 1, 6; S. 476, 24: 1, 12 ; S. 481, 25. aer-genemned ; pp. Before-named ; praenominatus. v. ge-nemnan. ffir-gescod; pp. Brass-shod, shod with brass; aere calceatus : — Bill xrgescod a brass-shod bill, Beo. Th. 5548 ; B. 2777. ser-gestre6n, es ; n. Ancient treasure; thesaurus antiquitus repo- situs : — Dxr wass fela in dam eor|) [-scraefe] aergestreona there were many ancient treasures in that earth-cave, Beo. Th. 4457; B. 2232: 3518; B. 1757: Exon. 22 b; Th. 62, 5; Cri. 997; Cd. 98; Th. 129, 22; Gen. 2147. ffir-geweorc, es ; n. An ancient work; antiquum opus : — Enta xrgeweorc the ancient work of giants, Beo. Th. 3362 ; B. 1679 ; Andr. Kmbl. 2471 ; An. 1237. aer-gewinn, es; n. An ancient struggle, former agony; antiquum certamen, pristina agonia : — Earmra xrgewinn the former agony of the wretched ones, Rood Kmbl. 37 ; Kr. 19. aer-gewyrbt, es; n. A former work, a deed of old; opus pristinum, facinus olim commissum : — Da byre siddan grimme onguldon gaful- rSdenne |> ur h xrgewyrht the children since have bitterly paid the tax through the deed of old. Exon. 47 a ; Th. 1 61, 17 ; Gu. 960 : Elen. Kmbl. 2599; El. 1301. aergewyrhtu, Exon. 26 a; Th. 76, 18; Cri. 1241. aer-glaed ; adj. Brass-bright, gleaming with brazen arms ; armis aeneis coruscans, Cd. 158; Th. 196, 17; Exod. 293. tier-god ; adj. Good before others, of prime goodness ; prae ceteris bonus : — iEdeling sergod a Jirince good before others, Beo. Th. 260; B. 130: 2662; B. 1329. Iren Srgod iron of prime goodness, 1982; B. 989. aer-gystran-daeg er e-yesterday, the day before yesterday ; nudius tertius. v. gysternljc daeg, gyrstan-daeg. aerian to plough : — Hwilc man afiohte aerust rayd sul to aerienne [MS. aeriende] what man thought first of ploughing with a plough? Anlct. 113, 27. v. erian. ae-riht, es ; n. [ae law, riht right] Law-right, law ; jus legum, jus : — • Da de fyrngewritu selest cunnen, aeriht eower who the old writings best know, your own law , Elen. Kmbl. 7491 El. 3751 1176; El. 590. tiering, e ; f. The early dawn, day-break ; di.luculum ; — In aeringe, aefter leohtes cyme at early dawn, after light’s coming, Exon. 68 a ; Th. 25 2, 9; Jul. 160: Mk. Lind. War. 1, 35. v. set; adv. ae-risc, e ; f. [ea running water, rise a rush] A water-rush, bulrush ; scirpus, TEJfc. Gl. 42 ; Wrt. Voc. 31, 31. v. ea-risc. ae-rist, ae-ryst, ae-rest, es ; m : e ; f. A rising up, the resurrection ; resurrectio: — Drihtnes aerist the resurrection of the Lord, Menol. Fox 1 16; Men. 58. lifter asriste after resurrection. Exon. 64 a; Th. 235, 18 ; Ph. 559. Du min setl swylce onenedwe and mtnne aerist aefter gecyjidest tu cognovisti sessionem meam et resurreclionem meam, Ps. Th. 138, 1; Hy. 10, 55. /Erist gefremede accomplished his resurrection. Exon. 48 b; Th. 168, 6; Gu. 1073. Donne aeriste ealle gefremmah when all shall accomplish their resurrection, 63 a; Th. 231, 26; Ph. 495. [Goth, urrists,/.] aerist = aerest ; adv. First : — Mec se wong aerist cende the field first brought me forth. Exon. 109 a; Th. 417, 10; Ra, 36, 2 : sup. of aer; adv. aer-lest, e ; f. Dishonour, impiety, cruelty, a disgraceful deed : — Hwelce aerleste Neron worhte what disgraceful deeds Nero wrought, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 2 ; Met. 9, I. v. ar-least. aer-llce, ar-llce; adv. [aer ere, before, lice] early in the morning; diluculo, mane, Jn. Lind. War. 8, 2. aerm; adj. Poor; pauper: — On dare aerman byrig in that poor city, Chr. 101 1 ; Th. i. 269, j, col. 1 : 1014; Th. i. 272, note 1, 3. v. earni. ser-margen, es ; m. The early morning, the day-break, Ps. Surt. 56, 9 : 107, 3: 118, 148. v. aer-morgen. eer-morgen, -mergen, es ; m. The early morning, day-break ; primum mane, matutinum, diluculum : — On aermorgen in the early morning, Bt. Met. Fox 28, 72 ; Met. 28, 36. TErmorgenes ganeg wid aeftentld exitus matutini et vespere, Ps. Th. 64, 9. On aermergea diluculo, 107, 2 : 56, 10: Bd. 1, 34; S. 499, 27. iErmyrgen mane, AElfc. Gl. 94; Wrt. Voc. 53,2. [O. Nrs. ar-morgin.] sern, ern, es ; n. A place, secret place, closet, an habitation, a house , cottage ; locus, locus secretior, domus, casa : — Bircj) into his xrne beareth into his habitation, L. In. 57 ; Th. i. 138, 16. [O. Nrs. rann, «.] der. bere-tern [-ern] a barley place, barn, blac-, blaec-, blaec-, breaw-, care-, eweart-, ewert-, dom-, east-, eorjs-, fold-, gaest-, gest-, gyst-, heal-, hedd-, holm-, hord-, mxdel-, medo-, medel-, mold-, norj)-, slxp-, su{>-, J>ry|j-, west-, win-. -eern, -ern, es ; n. [xrn a place] is generally used as a termination, and denotes a place: thus, Eorft-aern, es; n An earth-place or house, the grave : — Open waes daet eor[-aern the grave was open. Exon. 120a; Th. 460, 18; Ho. 19: 119b; Th. 459, 22; Ho. 3; Th. 460, 4; Ho. 12. Dom-ern a judgment-place, judgment-hall, court of justice, Mt. Bos. 27, 27. Hedd-ern a heeded-place, store-house, cellar, Lk. Bos. 12, 24. -sern ; adj. termination def. se -aerna, m; -s.tne,f. n. v. -ern. 19 J5RN — JSSC-pROTE. fern brazen : — iErnum bemum with brazen trumpets, Cd. 154 ; Th. 1 91 , ' 18; Exod. 216. v. feren. ffirnan ; p. de ; pp. ed ; v. intrans. To run ; currere : — .Email to run, Bd. 5, 6; S. 618, 42 : S. 619, 12. JEinzp h y they run, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 22, 36. der. ge-ernan. v. yrnan. fernddedon = ferendedon ; p. o/'aerendian To go on an errand ; nuntium ferre, Bd. 2, 12 ; S. 515, 4. feme Early : — On feme mergen primo mane, Mt. Bos. 20, 1 ; acc. sing, m. of fer, adj. serne-weg, es ; m. [email to run, weg a way ] A running-way, a way fit for running on, a broad road; via cursui apta, platea : — JEt sumes erneweges ende at the end of some course, Bt. 37, 2; Fox 188, 9. Gescroepe erneweg via apta cursui equorum, Bd. 5, 6; S. 618, 41. seraian to earn. v. ge-ernian. aiming, e ; f. A running, riding ; cursus, equitatio : — Da de hiora erninge trewaj) those who trust in their running, Bt. 37, 2 ; Fox 188, 10 : Bd. 5, 6 ; S. 619, 15. eernung, e ; /. An earning, stipend, hire, wages ; merces. v. earnung. feron ; adv. Before ; antea : — Ic hyt feron nyste I knew it not before, Nicod. 12; Thw. 6, 22. v. fer; adv. feror, ferror ; prep. dat. Before ; ante, priusquam : — Naes feror de [MS. aworj)e] fenegu gesceaft there was not before thee any creature, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 81; Met. 20, 41. feror, ferror, ferur, ferer; adv. Before, formerly ; antea, prius: — Weras on wonge wibed setton, neah dam de Abraham feror rferde the men placed an altar in the plain, near that which Abraham had reared before, Cd. 90; Th. 113, 7; Gen. 1883. Se de fela feror fyrena gefremede he who before had committed many crimes, Beo. Th. 1623 ; B. 809. Nemne we feror mfegen fane gefyllan unless we before may fell the foe, 5302 ; B. 2654. Det hid eft cume, dfer hi6 feror waes that it again comes where it was before, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 152; Met. 13, 76. iEror, on his lifdagum before, in the days of his life, 26, 174; Met. 26, 87: Exon. 35 b; Th. 114, 32; Gu. 181: Ps. Th. 77, 3: 91, 8: 134, n: 135, 21; 145, 4: Menol. Fox 330; Men. 166. v. fer; adv. ferost ; adv. First, Byrht. Th. 135, 27 ; By. 1 24 : Gen. 19, 33. v. fer. ferra, ferre; adj. Former, earlier. Exon. 113b; Th. 436, n; Ra. 54, 12: Menol. Fox 213; Men. 108: Elen. Kmbl. 609; El. 305. v. fera. ferra geola the ere or former Yule month, December, Menol. Fox 439 ; Men. 221. v. geola. ferra X\8.a,the ere ot former Litha,June,b/leno\.Eo-x. 213; Men. 108. v.llda. ferror ; adv. Before, formerly : — We iu in heofonum haefdon ferror wlite and weor)>mynt we once in heaven had formerly beauty and dignity, Cd. 216; Th. 274,9; Sat.151: 220; Th. 283,4; Sat. 299. v. xtot; adv. ferror ; prep. dat. Before; ante : — CymeJ) eastan up ferror [MS. est ror] sunnan, and eft efter sunnan on setl glide)) comes up from the east before the sun, and again after the sun glides to his seat, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 52 ; Met. 29, 26. v. feror. aers The buttocks, the hind part ; anus, podex : — Open-ers a medlar, Wrt. Voc. 32, 50 ; Som. 64, 116. v. ears. ser-sceaft, e; f. An old creation, an ancient work; pristina creatio, priscum opus, Exon. 124a; Th. 477, 1; Ruin. 16. sersc-hen a quail, iElfc. Gl. 38 ; Wrt. Voc. 29, 42. v. ersc-hen. ferst first ; primo, Homl. in nat. Innoc. p. 36, = ferost. v. fer; adv. fer-dam, fer-don before that, Mt. Bos. 6, 8 : Exon. 61 a ; Th. 224, 22 ; Ph. 379. v. fer ; prep. fer-dam-de before that which, till, Mt. Bos. 12, 20. v. fer; prep. ferur; adv. Before; antea: — Swa he him ferur, her on dyssum life, ge-earna)) as he for him* elf before, here in this life, earneth. Rood Kmbl. 214; Kr. 108: Ps. Th. 115, 3. v. feror. fer-wacol ; adj. Early awake ; diluculo vigil : — For hwi eart du dus ferwacol why art thou thus early awake ? Apol. Th. 19, 5. fer-wela, an ; m. [Sr ere, before, wela wealth] Ancient wealth; divitiae antiquitus accumulate, Beo. Th. 3488; B. 2747. fer-woruld, e; f. The former world; pristinus mundus : — Donne weor)>e)> sunne sweart gewended, on blodes hiw, seo de beorhte scan ofer ferworuld then the sun shall be turned swart, to hue of blood, which shone brightly over the former world. Exon. 21 b; Th. 58, 17; Cri. 937. feryn brazen ; ereus : — Du gesettest swa swa bogan bresenne [ferynne, Spl. C.] earmas mine posuisti ut arcum cereum brachia mea, Ps. Lamb. r 7 > 35 : Ps. Spl. C. 106, 16. v. Sren. ferynde, es; m. An interpreter; interpres: — Dera byrla ealdor forgeat Iosepes ferynde prepositus pincernarum oblitus est Josephi interpretis sui, Gen. 40, 23. ferynd-writ a letter, Lye. v. ferend-gewrit. feryr; adv. Before; prius, C. Jn. 1, 30, Lye. v. feror. ee-ryst, es ; in : e ; f. The resurrection : — Da secgea]) det nSn aeryst ne sy^qui dicunt non esse resurrectionem, Mt. Bos. 22, 23 : 27, 53. v. ae-rist. feryst; adv. First; primum, primo, Ps. Th. 104, 15. v. ferest. es ; n. Food, meat, carrion, a dead carcase ; esca, cibus, pabulum, cadaver ; — Earn feses georn the eagle eager for food, Byrht. Th. 1 34, 60 ; By. 107. Lfeton him behindan done earn feses brucan they left behind them the eagle Jo eat of the carrion, Chr. 938 ; Th. i. 207, 30, col. 2 ; iEdelst. 63. TEse wlauc exulting in carrion, Beo v Th. 2668; B. 1332 : Ps. Th. 146, 10. [Da/, aas , n. esca, cadaver: Ger. aas, n. esca, cadaver: M. H. Ger. as, n: O. H. Ger. as, n. esca : Dan. aas, n: Swed. as, n.] - 3 ESC; g. aesces ; pi. nom. acc. aescas, ascas; g. esca, asca ; d. escum, ascum ; m. I. an ash-tree; fraxinus excelsior: — On done esc to the ash-tree. Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 461 ; A. D. 956 ; Kmbl. iii. 450, 3. Esc fraxinus, JE lfc. Gl. 45; Som. 64, 98. II. the Anglo-Saxon Rune J 5 = e, the name of which letter in Anglo-Saxon is esc an ash-tree, hence this Rune not only stands for the letter e, but for esc an ash-tree, as, — f» by)> oferheah, eldum dy re, stT)> stadule the ash-tree is over-high, dear to men, firm in its place. Hick. Thes. vol. i. p. 1 35 ; Runic pm. 26 ; Kmbl. 344, 23. Se torhta esc the remarkable Rune esc, Exon. 112a; Th. 429, 24; Ra. 43, 9. III. an ash-spear, a spear, lance ; hasta fraxinea, hasta : — Byrhtno]) wand wacne esc Byrhtnoth brandished his slender ashen spear, Byrht. Th. 132, 68; By. 43: 140, 59; By. 310. De de esca tir et gude forgeaf who to thee gave glory of spears in battle. Cd. 97; Th. 127, 10; Gen. 2108. Asca, g. pi. Exon. 78 a; Th. 292, 15; Wand. 99. iEscum with spears, Beo. Th. 3548; B. 1772: Andr. Kmbl. 2195; An. 1099. IV. because boats were made of ash, — a small ship, a skiff, a light vessel to sail or row in ; navis, navi- gium, dromo : — Het iElfred cyng timbrian langscipu ongen da escas king Alfred commanded to build long ships against those ships, Chr. 897 ; Th. i. 174, 41. Esc dromo, Wrt. Voc. 63, 34: 56, 24. [ O.H.Ger . asc, m : O. Nrs. askr, m. arbor, fraxinus, vas ligneum, navis, gladius, Egils.] der. daro))-esc, ceaster- : esc-rind. se- sc® re ; adj. [e = a, seer , p. of sceran to shear, cut] Without tonsure, uncut, untrimmed, neglected; intonsus, incultus, neglectus: — Deoplic dfed- b6t bi)>, det Ifewede man swa escere bed, det Iren ne cume on hfere, ne on negle it is a deep penitence, that a layman be so untrimmed that scissors [iron] come not on hair, nor on nail, L. Pen. 10 ; Th. ii. 280, 20. v. a-scere. sesc-berend, es ; m. [esc a spear, berende bearing, part, from beran to bear] A spear or lance-bearer, a soldier; hastifer : — Eorre eseberend the fierce spear-bearer, Andr. Kmbl. 93; An. 47: 2153; An. 1078. Ealde eseberend the old spear-bearer, 3072 ; An. 1539. aesc-berende ; part. Spear-bearing; hastam gerens: — Wigena esebe- rendra of warriors bearing spears, Cd. 94; Th. 123, 7; Gen. 2041. eesce; g. escean; /. Ashes : — Fordon ic anlic ett escean hlafe quia cinerem sicut panem manducabam, Ps. Th. 101, 7 : 147, 5. v. asce. fesce, an ; f. Search, inquisition, examination, inquiry, trial of or asking after any matter or thing ; interrogatio, investigatio, disquisitio : — Hefdon ealle da fescean all should have the search, L. Ath. 5 ; Th. i. 230. 18. ffisceda, an; m.A farrago, mixture, perfume; migma, Wrt. Voc. 38,53. 8Bscen A vessel made of ash-wood, such as a bottle, bucket, pail, etc ; lagena : — Escen de is odre namon hrygilebuc gecleopad an ascen, its other name is called Rigelbuc, q. back-bucket, Heming, p. 393. sescen; adj. Ashen, ash, made of ash; fraxineus. v. esc, -en. Esces dun, e ; /. [esc ash-tree, dun a hill] ashdown, the hill of the ash-tree, on the Ridgeway in Berkshire, where Alfred and his elder brother, king Ethelred, first routed the Danes ; ‘ dicitur Latine mons fraxini,’ Asser : — Her gefeaht Ede red cyning and Elfred, his brddor, wid ealne done here, on Esces dune A.D. 871, here fought king Mlhelred and Alfred, his brother, with all the army [of the Danes], on Ashdown, Chr. 871; Th. 139, 5, col. 1. eese-here, es ; in. A spear-band, company armed with spears, a ship or naval-band ; exercitus hastifer, exercitus navalis, Byrht. Th. 133,53; By- 69. eesc-holt, es ; -holt ; n. Ash-wood, an ash-wood spear ; lignum ffaxineum, hasta fraxinea : — Escholt asceoc shook his ashen spear, Byrht. 138, 35 : By. 230: Beo. Th. 665; B. 330. seseian to ask; interrogare, Jud. Civ. Lund. v. acsian. asc-man, -maun, es ; m. A ship-man, sailor, and hence a pirate ; nauta, pirata : — Higher ge esemanna ge oderra both of the ship-men and of the others, Chr. 921; Th. 195, 15: Cot. 155. ffisc-plega, an ; m. [plega play] The play of spears, yjar ; hastarum ludus, proelium : — JE t dam escplegan, Judth. 1 1 ; Thw. 24, 31; Jud. 217. aesc-rind, e ; f. Ash-bark ; fraxini cortex : — Nitn escrinde take ash-bark, Lchdm. iii. *4, 1. Wei escrinde boil ash-hark, ii. 78, 5. eesc-rof ; adj. Spear-famed, distinguished in battle, illustrious , noble ; hasta clarus, in proelio strenuus, illustris, nobilis Eo/las escrofe illustrious nobles, Judth. 12; Thw. 26, 20; Jud. 337: Elen. Grm. 276: 202. eese-stede, es ; m. The ash-spear place, place of battle ; haste locus, pugne locus : — Hi witan fundian escstede they strive to know the battle place , Exon. 83 b; Th. 314, 20; Mod. 17. ®sc-)>r®c ; g. -}>rece ; pi. nom. g. acc. -)>raca ; f. Spear-strength, brunt of spears, a battle; haste vis, hastarum impetus, preelium: — Et escjtrece, Cd. 98; Th. 130, 2; Gen. 2153. sesc-Jjrote, an ; f : -Jirotu, e ; f. [esc ash, Jtrote a throat] ash-throat, vervain; verbenaca, verbena officinalis, Prior, p. 242: vocabularies give the Lat. ferula the fennel-giant, but verbenaca vervain seems more pro- bable front the following quotations, — Herba uermenaca [ = uerbenaca, Herb. 4, = verbenaca ; Lat. — berbena, 67, = verbena, Lat.] det is escjirotu ? C 2 20 iESC-TIR — iET-BREDENDLIC. the herb verbena, that is ash-throal [ = vervain], Herb, coqt. 4, 1 ; Lchdm. ' i. 8, I. Nideweardre aesc}>rotan of the netherward \_part of ) vervain, L. M. 3, 72 ; Lchdm. ii. 358, 16. NIm aescjirotan take vervain, 1, 88; Lchdm. ii. 156, 22. fEscprotan, 1, 43; Lchdm. ii. 108, 6. fEscJuote, nom. Herb. 4, 1; Lchdm. i. 90, I. fEscJjrotu, L. M. I, 47; Lchdm. ii. 120, 9: 2, 53; Lchdm. ii. 274, 9. Man aescjuote nemne{> one nameth it ver- vain, Herb. 4, 1 ; Lchdm. i. 90, 3. Genlm aescjirote take vervain, 101, 3 ; Lchdm. i. 216, 11 ; L. M. 3, 61; Lchdm. ii. 344, 9 : Lchdm. iii. 28, 14. sese-tir, es; m. Spear-glory, glory in war; hastae gloria, belli gloria, Cd. 95; Th. 124, 27; Gen. 2069. sesc-wert, e ; /. Ash-wort, vervain; verbena, Mone C. 3 ; p. 442, 24. sese-wlga, an ; m. A spear-warrior ; bellator hastifer : — Eald aescwlga an old spear-warrior, Beo. Th. 4090; B. 2042. iEscwIgan, nom. pi. Elen. Grm. 260. eesc-wlanc ; adj. Spear-proud ; hasta superbus, Leo 104. JESF, e ;/: aespe, an;/. An asp or aspen-tree; populus tremula : — TEspan rind the rind of the asp-tree, L. M. I, 47 ; Lchdm. ii. 116, I. v. aeps. sespen; adj. aspen, belonging to the asp-tree; populeus. der. aesp. se-spring, S-springe, S-sprynge, es ; n. [S water, spring a spring'] A water-spring, fountain ; aquae fons, fons : — Se aedela fugel aet dam Sspringe wunaj) the noble fowl remains at the fountain. Exon. 57 a; Th. 204, 28 ; Ph. 104. TEspringe utawealle)) of clife a fountain springs out of a cliff, Bt. Met. Fox 5, 23; Met. 5, 12. Ealle Ssprynge all springs, Exon. 55a; Th. 194, 5; Az. 134; 93b; Th. 351, 8; Sch. 77. v. ea- spring. ae-springnes, -ness, e; /. [aspringan to fail ] A failing, fainting; defectio, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 53. v. a-sprungenues. sestel, es; m.A tablet, a table for notes, a waxed tablet; indicatorium, astula, pugillaris. Du Cange says astula = tabula . sectilis, referring to pugillares, under which he gives the following quotation from Cassander in Liturgicis, p. 53, — ‘ Inter instrumenta sacra numerantur pugillares aurei sive argentei. . . . Proprie pugillares sunt tahulae, in quibus scribi consuevit, quae Graece mva/cibia dicuntur.’ In St. Luke i. 63, alrr/aas irivauiSiov, postulans pugillarem, is in the A. Sax. Gospels, gebedenum wexrbrede a waxed tablet being asked for. William of Malmsbury may have alluded to one of these waxed tablets in Gesta Reg. ii. § 123, — ‘Cum pugillari aureo in quo est manca auri.’ It is most probable then that Alfred’s aestel consisted of two waxed tablets, joined together by a hinge, and framed or covered with gold to the value of fifty mancuses. When these waxed tablets were closed, being framed or covered with gold, they would have a splendid and costly appearance, worthy the gift of a king : — iEstel indicatorium, iEIfc. Gr. 8 ; Som. j, 63 : Cot. 214; iEIfc. Gl. 19? Lye. Da ongan ic [TElfred cyning] da boc wendan on Englisc, de is genemned on LSden Pastoralis, and on Englisc Hierde-bbc, hwiliim word be worde, hwllum andgit of andgite, swa swa ic hie geliornode aet Pleg- munde mlnum ^Ercebiscepe, and aet Assere mlnum Biscepe, and set Grimbolde mlnum Msesse-Prioste, and aet Iohanne rrunum Maesse-Preoste. Siddan ic hie da geliornod haefde, swa swa ic hie forstdd, and swa ic hie andgitfulllcost areccean meahte, ic hie on Englisc awende, and to Slcum Biscep-stole on mmum Rice wille ane onsendan, and on Slcre bi|> an iEstel, se bif) on flftegum Mancessan. Ond ic bebidde, on Godes nama'n, daet nan mon done iEstel from daere bee ne do, ne da boc from daem Mynstre then I [ Alfred king] began to translate into English the book, which is called in Latin Pastoralis, and in English Herdsman’s book, sometimes word by word , sometimes meaning for meaning, as I learned it from Plegmmid my archbishop, and from Asser my bishop, and from Grimbold my presbyter, and from John my presbyter. After I had then learned it, so that I understood it as well as my understanding would allow me, I translated it into English, and I will send one copy to each bishop's see in my kingdom ; and on each one there shall be one tablet, which shall be worth fifty mancuses. And in God’s name, I command that no man take the tablet from the book, nor the book from the minster, Past. Hat. MS. Pref. tcsul, es; m. An ass; asinus, Mt. Rush. Kmbl. 21, 2. v. esol. 02-swap, es ; n. pi. aeswapa Sweepings, dust ; peripsema, purgamentum. v. a-swap. se-swie, ae-swyc, e-swlc, es ; m. [S law, swlc an offence ] A n offence, a scandal, stumbling-block, sedition, deceit; scandalum : — Ne bi)> him Sswlc non est illis scandalum, Ps. Th. 118, 165; Ps. Spl. 118,265: 48, 13 : 49, 21, C. To Sswyce in scandalum, Ps. Th. 105, 26. oe-swlca, an ; m : S-swtcend, es ; m. An offender of the law, a deceiver, hypocrite, apostate; hypocrita, apostata. v. swlca. se-swician ; p. ode ; pp. od To offend, to depart from the law, to dis- semble ; scandalizare, deficere ab aliquo : — Gyf din swydre eage de Sswlcie si oculus tuus dexter scandalizat te, Mt. Bos. 5, 29. v. a-swlcian ? se-swicung, e; f. An offence; scandalum: — Du settest Sswlcunge ponebas scandalum, Ps. Spl. 49, 21. v. S-swIc. se-swind; adj. Idle; iners. Cot. 108. v. a-swind. se-svratol, es ; m. [S law, sweotol manifest, clear, open] One who makes the law clear, a lawyer ; legisperitus. v. sweotol. te-swyc, es; m. An offence; scandalum, Ps. Th, J05, 26. v. S-swIc. &-syllend, es; m. [ae law, syllende giving]' A lawgiver; legislator, Ps. Spl. 83, 7. - 53 T ; prep. I. with the dative ; cum dativo at, to, before, next, with, in, for, against ; apud, juxta, prope, ante, ad, in, contra : — Sittende aet tollsceamule sitting at the seat of custom, Mt. Bos. 9, 9. iEt fruman worulde at the beginning of the world. Exon. 47 a ; Th. 1 61, 7 ; Gu. 955, I Waes se6 tredw lufu hat aet heortan the true love was hot at heart, 15 b; Th. 34, 8 ; Cri. 539. Ge ne comoa aet me ye came not to me, Mt. Bos. 25, 43. iEt selde before the throne, Cd. 228; Th. 306, 12; Sat. 663. 1 Ic are aet him finde I may find honour with them , Exon. 67 a; Th. 247, 19 ; Jul. 81. Ic nu aet feawum wordum seege I now say in few words, Bd. 3, 17; S. 545, 14. Is seo bot gelong eal aet de anum the expiation is all ready with thee alone, Exon. 10 a; Th. 10, 16; Cri. 153. Ne j mihton hi awiht aet me aefre gewyreean they might not ever do anything against me, Ps. Th. 128, 1. De him aet blisse beornas habbaj) which men have for their merriment. Exon. 108 b; Th. 414, 4; Ra. 32, 15. 2 . because you approach a person or thing when you wish to take something- 1 away, as they say in Lancashire, Nottinghamshire, etc. Take this at me, ! i. e.from me, hence, — Of, from; a, ab, de: — Anymaj) daet pund aet hym j tollite ab eo talentum, Mt. Bos. 25, 28. Leorniaj) aet me learn by coming 1 near me, learn at, of, or from me; discite a me, Mt. Bos. 1 1, 29. iEt j his sylfes mfipe at or from his own mouth, Bd. 3, 27 ; S. 558,40. iEt dam I wife from the woman, Cd. 33 ; Th. 44, 31 ; Gen. 717. Ic gebad grynna J aet Grendle I etidured snares from Grendel, Beo. Th. 1864; B. 930: Ps. j Th. 22, 18. 3 . the names of places are often put in the dat. j pi. governed by aet, the preposition is then, as in Icelandic, not translated, j and the noun is read as singular : — De mon halt aet Haedum which they j call Haddeby ; quem vocant Haethe, Ors. i. 1, § 19 ; Bos. Eng. 47, note 57. 1 In monasterio, quod situm est in civitate aet Badum [MS. Bathun], I Kmbl. Cod. Dipl, cxciii ; vol. i. 237, X. II. very rarely used with the 1 accusative ; cum accusativo To, unto, as far as; ad, usque ad: — iEt sS- 1 streamas ad mare, Ps. Th. 79, 11. iEt Ac-lea at Oakley, Chr. 789; Ing. 1 79, 14. v. Ac-lea. III. sometimes aet is separated from its ] case: — Donne wile Dryhten sylf dSda gefayran aet ealra monna gehwam 1 then will the Lord himself hear of the deeds from all sorts of men [ab j omnium hominum -quocunque], Exon. 99 b; Th. 372, 15; Seel. 93. 1 [O. Sax. at; O.Frs. et, it: O. II. Ger. az: Goth, at: O.Nrs. at.] set ate; comedit: — He aet he ate, Gen. 3, 6; p. of 0 tan to eat. set-, prefixed to words, like the prep, aet, denotes at, to, and from; ad-, 1 ab-. v. set ; prep. I. 2. set, es ; m: St, e ; f. [set, p. ofe tan to eat] . I .food; cibus, esca : — -iEtes I on wenan in hope of food, Cd. .151 ; Th. ,188, 9; Exod, 165. He us St 1 giefcj) he gives us food. Exon. 16 b; Th. 38, 9; Cri. 604. Oft he him 1 Ste heold he often gave them food, Exon. 43 a ; Th. 146, 12 ; Gu. 708 : I Cd. 200; Th. 247, 32; Dan. 506. II. eating; esus, mandu- catio : — iEfter Ste after eating. Exon. 61 b; Th. 226, 13 ; Ph. 405. HI to Ste utgewltaj ipsi dispergentur ad manducandum, Ps. Th. 58, 1 5 : ■ Andr. Kmbl. 2148 ; An. 1075. [Orm. aet : O. Sax. at, n: . 0 . Frs. et, n : i O. H. Ger. az, n : O. Nrs. at, n. est«.] v. etan. seta, an ; m. An eater; edax. der. self-Sta, q.v. set-arn ran away, Gen. 39, 1.2 ; p. of aet-irnan. set-bser bore, produced, Cd. 202 ; Th. 249, 31 ; Dan. 538 ; p. o/aet-beran. j set-befon, ic -befo; subj. ic, he -befo [aet, be, fon] To take to, attach; deprehendere, capere, invenire : — Gif hwa befo daet him losod wses, cenne ■ se de he hit aetbefo hwanon hit him come if any one attach that which he had lost, let him with whom he attaches it declare whence it came to him, L. Eth. ii. 8 ; Th. i. 288, 15 : L. C. S. 23 ; Th. i. 388, 22. v. be-fon, j aet-f6n. set-beon To be at or present ; adesse : — iEtbedn de we biddaj) adesse j te deposcimus, Hymn Surt. 14, 26. set-beran ; p. -baer, pi. -bSron To bear or carry to, bring forward , produce, bear away or forth ; afferre, proferre, efferre : — Hio Beowulfe medo-ful aetbser she to Beowulf the mead-cup bore, Beo. Th. 1253 ; B. 624. He wundor manig for men aetbaer he many a wonder produced before men, Cd. 202; Th. 249, 31; Dan. 538. HI hyne aetbSron to brimes farode they bore him away to the seashore, Beo. Th. 55; B. 28: 4261; B. 2127: 5222 ; B. 2614. Daet [wSpen] to beadu-lace aetberan meahte might bear forth that [ weapon ] to the game of war, 3127; B. 1561. set-berstan, ic -berste, he -birstej), -byrst ; p. -baerst, pi. -burston ; pp. J -borsten To break out or loose, to escape, get away; erumpere, evadere :— 1 Da aetbaerst him sum man evasit homo quidam, Gen. 14, 13. Da flf | cyningas aetburslon fugerunt enim quinque reges, Jos. 10, 16. Daet he E danon aetberste that he escape thence, L. C. E. 2 ; Th. i. 358, 25. set-bredan, he aetbryt ; p. -braed, pi. -brudon ; pp. -broden, -breden; v.a. To take away, withdraw, set at liberty, to enlarge, release, rescue; tollere, eri- pere : — Se dedfol aetbryt daet word diabolus tollit verbum, Lk. Bos. 8,12. i . Ge aetbrudon daes ingehydes cSge tulistis clavem scientice, 11,52. Daet de he hsefjj him bij? aetbroden quod habet auferetur ab eo, Mt. Bos. 13, 12 : 1 21, 43: Ex. 22, 10. De hys wealas him setbrudon quem abslulerant j servi ejus, Gen. 21, 25. der. bredan. set-bredendlic ; adj. [aet-bredende, part, of setbredan to take away] 1 21 ^ET-BEODEN- 'Tak'mg away ; ablativus : — TEtbredendlic is ablativus : mid dam casu bij> ^ geswutelod swa hwxt swa we xtbreda)) odrum, odde swa hwxt swa we underfo]) set odrum, odde hwanon we faraj), — Fram disum menn ic underfeng feoh ab hoc homine pecuniam accept. Fram disum laredwe ic gehyrde wisdom ab hoc magistro audivi sapientiam. Fram dxre byrig ic rad ab ilia civitate equitavi. Fram cyninge [MS. kynincge] ic com a rege veni, — ablative is ablativus : with this case is shewn whatsoever we take away from, others, or whatsoever we receive from others, or whence we proceed :■ — From this man I received money. From this teacher I heard wisdom. I rode from that city. I came from the king, iElfc. Gr. 7 ; Som. 6, 27-32. set-broden Taken away ; ablatus : — Him bi)> xtbroden shall be taken away from him , Mt. Bos. 13, 12 : 21, 43 ; pp. o/aet-bredan. set-bryidan ; p. ede ; pp. ed To take away ; auferre : — Dxs odres aj) de mon his orf xt-bryide]i the oath of the other from whom the cattle is taken away, L. O. 3 ; Th. i. 178, 16, = xt-bredan. der. bryidan. set-byrst he will escape; evadet, Basil. 7; Norm. 5, 12; fut. of aet-berstan. aet-clifian ; p. ode ; pp. od ; v. intrans. To cleave to, adhere ; adhxrere, Ps. Vos. 101, 6. set-don, ic xt-do ; p. -dide ; subj. ic, dti, he -do ; pp. -don, -den To take away, deprive; eripere: — Dxt nan predsta odrum ne xtdo aenig dara Jiinga that no priest deprive another of any of those things, L. Edg.C. 9; Th. ii. 246, 10. sete, an ; /. pi. xtan ; g. xtena Oats ; avena sativa, L. M. 1, 35 ; Lchdm. 11. 84, 5. v. ate. set-ecan, -yean ; p. -ecte ; v. trans. [xt to, at, eacan to eke\ To add to, increase; addere, adjicere: — He aetecte addidit, Bd. 3, 27; S. 559, 33: Mt. Rush. Stv. 6, 27. set-eglan ; p. ede ; pp. ed ; v. intrans. To inflict pain, torment, trouble, grieve ; molestum quid injicere : — Ne maeg him aenig facen fednd xteglan any deceitful fiend may not inflict grief upon him, Ps. Th. 88, 19. set-eom, -eart, -is, -ys [aet at, eom am] I am present; adsum : — Dxt rip xt-is [aet-ys, Jun.] adest messis, Mk. Bos. 4, 29. v. wesan to be. se-teorian; p. ode; pp. od To fail, be wanting; defieere: — iEteorode se heofonlica mete the heavenly food [manna'] failed, Jos. 5, 12. set-eowedniss, e;f.A revelation; revelatio : — To xteowednisse cynna ad revelationem gentium, Lk. Rush. War. 2, 32. set-eowian, -e< 5 wigan ; p. de, ede; impert. -eow; pp. ed. I. v, trans. To shew, display, manifest, declare; ostendere, manifestare: — TEteow dlnne andwlitan ostende faciem tuam, Ps. Th. 79, 4, 7 ; 84, 6. God xteowde me Deus ostendit mihi, Ps. Spl. 58, 11: Mt. Bos. 13, 26. He geseah drige stowe xteowde he saw the dry places displayed, Cd. 8 ; Th. 10, 31; Gen. 165. II. v. intrans. To appear; apparere, mani- festari : - — Etedwige drtgnis appareat arida\ Gen. 1, 9. Eteow for Effraim appare coram Effrem, Ps. Th. 79, 2. v. eawan. set-eowigendlice ; adv. Evidently, demonstratively ; demonstrative, — xt-edwigende ; part, of xt-edwian, -edwig’an. setern Venomous, poisonous ; venenosus :- — Wid xlcum xternum sw.ile for every venomous swelling, L. M.’ I, 45 ; Lchdm. ii. 1 1 2, 24. v. xtren. seternes, -ness, e ; f. Venomousness, full of poison ; venenositas. v. xtern. set-ewnng, e; f. A shewing, manifesting, epiphany; manifestatio, Wrt. Voc. 16, 49. set-faestan ; p. -fxste ; pp. -fxsted ; v. trans. [xt, faestan to fasten ] To fix, fasten ; drive into, ajflict with, inflict on ; impingere, infigere : — HI mine sawle synne xtfxsten they inflict sin on my soul, Ps. Th. 142, 12. He him xtfxste ece edwtt opprobrium sempiternum dedit illis, 77, 66. Bitere xtfxsted bitterly afflicted, 136, 8. Ne magon we him la J) xtfxstan we cannot afflict him with pain, Andr. Kmbl. 2694 ; An. 1 349. set-fealb adhaesit, Ps. Th. 118, 25 ; p. of xt-felgan. set-feallan; p. -fedl, pi. -feollon; pp. -feallen 7 o fall away; cadere: — Hcalf wer dxr xt-fealj) one half of the wer there falls away, L. O. D. 5 ; Th. i. 354, 21. set-feegan ; p. -feah ; v. trans. To seize ; apprehendere : — Me xtfeah fyrhtu hell 0 fear of hell seized me, Ps. Th. 114, 3. set-fele Adhesion ; adhxsio? — Min is xtfele mihtigum Drihtne mihi autem adheerere Deo, Ps. Th. 72, 23. v. xt-feolan. set-felgan ; p. -fealh, pi. -fulgon ; pp. -folgen ; v. intrans. To cleave on, adhere, slick to ; adhxrere : — Min sawul flore xtfealh adhaesit pavi- mento anima mea, Ps ; Th. 118, 25 : 118, 31 ; Beo. Th. 1941 ; B. 068 : Ps. Spl. C. 62, 8. aet-feng, es ; m. Attaching; comprehensio : — Be yrfes xtfenge of attaching cattle, L. Ath. i. 9; Th. i. 204, 9. der. xt-fon. set-feobtan; p. -feaht, pi. -fuhton. I. to fight against, contend; oppugnare : — Etfeohtan mid frumgarum to fight against the patriarchs, Cd. 97; Th. 127, 25; Gen. 2116. II. to feel earnestly, grope; contendere, tentare circurn :■ — Folmum xtfeohtan with his hands to contend or grope. Exon. 87 b ; Th. 328, 15 ; Vy. 18. set-feolan, -fiolan; p. -fxl, pi. -fxlon, -felon ; pp. -folen, -feolen To adhere, cleave or hang on, insist upon, stick to, continue; insistere, ad- — iEDELBALD. J hxrere : — TEtfeole min tunge fxste gomum adheereat lingua mea faucibus meis, Ps. Th. 136, 5. Is xtfeolen eac min ban flxsce minum adheeserunt ossa mea carni mece, Ps. Th. 10 r, 4. Etfelon [MS. xtfelun] vel xtclofodon [MS. -fodun] adheeserunt, Ps. Surt. 101, 6. Me sojlice xtfeolan Gode god is mihi autem adheerere Deo bonum est, 7 2 > 28. Etfeolan wxccum and gebedum to continue in watchings and prayers, Bd. 4, 25; S. 601, 2. der. felan, feolan. set-ferian ; p. ede ; pp. ed ; v. trans. To carry out, take away, bear away ; auferre : — Ic dxt hilt fedndum xtferede I bore the hilt away from the foes, Beo. Th. 3342 ; B. 1669. set-fiolan to stick to, continue; adhxrere. v. xt-feolan. set-fleon ; p. -fleah, pi. -flugon; pp. -flogen [xt, fledn to flee ] To flee away, escape by flight, eschew; aufugere: — Ic ana xtfleah I alone escaped, Job Thw. 165, 30. Nan Jing xtfledn ne mihte nothing might remain, Jos. 10, 35 : L. C. S. 78 ; Th. i. 420, 7. set-flowan ; p. -fleow, pi. -fiedwon ; pp. -flowen ; v. intrans. To flow to or together, to increase; affluere : — Gyf welan xtflowon si diviticE affluant, Ps. Spl. 61,10. set-fon [xt to, fon to seize] To claim, lay claim, attach ; deprehendere, capere : — Gif se agend hit eft xtfo if the owner afterwards lay claim to it, L. H. E. 7 ; Th. i. 30, 8 : 16 ; Th. i. 34, 6 : L. Ed. 1 ; Th. i. 1 60, 8. set-foran ;. prep. dal. [xt at, foran fore] Close before, close by, before, at; ante, pro, coram : — TEtforan eagan dine ante oculos tuos, Ps. Spl. 5, 5 : 13, 7: Byrht. Th. 132, 14; By. 16. Sxt xtforan dam domsetle sedit pro tribunali, Jn. Bos. 19, 1.3. set-foran- weall, es; m. The outer wall, out-works, a bulwark before a castle ; antemurale. v. weall ; m. set-fyligan ; p. de ; pp. ed To adhere to, stick to ; adhxrere Ne xtfyligep de ahwxr facn ne unriht numquid adheeret tibi sedes iniquitatis, Ps. Th. 93, 19. set-gsedere; adv. [xt, gxdrian = gadrian to gather] Together; una, simul : — Twa bed}) xtgxdere grludende, Lk. Bos. 17, 35; tweye [wym- men] schulen be gryndinge to gidere, Wyc. His mxgje biji xtgxdere his kindred is together, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 320; Met. 20, 160. Garas stodon samod xtgxdere the javelins stood altogether, Beo. Th. 664; B. 329. Blod and wxter bu tu xtgxdre blood and water both together. Exon. 70 a ; Th. 260, 5 ; Jul. 292. Bismxrede ungket [ = uncit] men, ba xtgxdre they [men] reviled us two, both together. Runic Inscrip. Kmbl. 354, 30. der. gxdere. set-gar, es; m. [xt, gar a spear] A short spear or javelin, a kind of dart or other weapon to cast at the enemy; framea, Cot. 188: 86. [O. Frs. etger : M. H. Ger. aziger : O. H. Ger. aaker : O. Nrs. atgeirr.] set-gebiegan ; p. -bohte ; pp. -boht [xt, gebyegan to buy] To buy for himself; emere : — He hi xft xt dam agende sinne willan xt-gebiege let him afterwards buy her at her owner s will, L.Ethb. 82 ; Th. i. 24, 4. set-gebrengan ; p. -gebrohte ; pp. -gebroht ; v. trans. To bring or lead to; adducere : — He xtgebrenge, de him sealde let him bring the person who sold it him, L. H. E. 7 ; Th.. i. 30, 8. aet-gemman ; p. -genam, pi. -genamon ; pp. -genumen To take away by force, to pluck out, withdraw, deliver, rescue; eripere, Got. 77. set-gjefa, -geofa, an; m. [xt food, gifa a giver] A food-giver, feeder ; cibi dator : — O}) dxt se fugel his xtgiefan eu[)mod weorjie)) till that the bird becomes obedient to his feeder. Exon. 88 b; Th. 332, 26; Vy. 91; 90b; Th. 339, 22 ; Gn. Ex. 98. set-gifan ; p. -geaf, -gaf, pi. -geafon, gefon ; pp. -gifen [xt to, gifan] To give to, render, afford; tribuere, afferre :^-Id him lif-wrade lytle meahte xtgifar, xt gude 7 could render to him littldiif e-protection in the conflict, Beo. Th. 5748; B. 2878. set-gongan [xt at, gangan to go] To go 10, approach ; accedere : — Het hie of dam lige near xtgongan he bade them from the flame to approach nearer. Exon. 55 b; Th. 197, 1; Az. 183. set-grsepe ; adj. Grasping at, seizing ; prehendens : — Dxr him aglxca xtgrxpe wearji where the miserable being seized him, Beo. Th. 2542; B. 1269. set-habban ; p. -hxfde ; pp. -hxfed To retain, detain, withhold; retinere, detinere, Scint. 10. der. habban. sedan To overflow, deluge, lay waste : — Cwx}> dxt he wolde eall a xdan dxt on eorjian wxs said that he would for ever lay waste all that was on the earth, Gd. 64; Th. 77, 24; Gen. 1280. v. edan. sedel- noble ; nobilis : — v. the compounds xdel-boren, -borennes, -cund, etc. from xdele noble. sedel, es; m. A native country, country, land; patria, terra: — In deos- sum xdele in this country, Cd. 215 ; Th. 271, 21 ; Sat. 108. On xdelurn, d. pi. Menol. Fox 236 ; Men. 119. v. edel. TEdelbald, es; m. [xdele, bald bold, brave] PEthelbald ; TEthelbaldus ; the eldest son of Mthelwidf, JEthelbald, the eldest brother of Alfred, was king of Wessex for five years, from A. D. 855-860: — A.D. 855, da fengon fEdelwulfes ii suna to rice ; fEdelbald to Westseaxna rice, ancf TEdelbryht to Cantwara rice then, A. D. 855, Mthelwulf’s two sons suc- ceeded to the kingdom ; JEthelbald to the kingdom of the West Saxons, and Ethelbert to .the. kingdom of Kent, Chr. 855 ; Th, X29, 1.6-19, col.,1. 22 ^EDEL-BOKEN — J3DELO. A. D.860, her, TEdelbald cyning for})ferde here, A.D. 86o, king Mthelbald ' died, Chr. 860; Erl. 71, 3. sedel-boren; part. Noble-born, free-born, noble; natu nobilis, nobili genere natus, nobilis : — Sum aedelboren man homo quidam nobilis, Lk. Bos. 19, 12. TEdelborene cild vel freobeam liberi, JE lfc. Gl. 91 ; Wrt. Voc. £l, 67 : Apol. Th. 19, 21. v. beran. sedel-borennes, -ness, e ; /. Nobleness of birth ; nobilitas : — Ic dine sedelborennesse geseo I see the nobleness of thy birth, Apol. Th. 15, 18. JESelbryht, -berht, -briht, es ; m. [aedele, bryht bright, excellent. v. beorht], 1 . Ethelbert king of Kent, for fifty-six years, from A. D. 560-616. Ethelbert was converted to Christianity by the preaching of St. Augustine : v. Augustinus : — A. D. 560 [MS. 565], her, feng iEdel- bryht [MS. HSdelbriht] to Cantwara rice here, A. D. 560, Ethelbert succeeded to the kingdom of Kent, Chr. 565 ; Erl. 17, 18. Da waes ymb syx hund wintra and syxtyne winter fram Drihtnes mennyscnesse, daet waes ymb an and twentig wintra dses de Agustinus, mid his geferum, to la; ramie on Angel Jieode sended wses, daet /Edelbryht Cantwara cyning after dam hwllendllcan rice daet he six and fiftig wintra wundorlice haefde, and da to dam heofonllcan rice mid gefean astah anno ab incarnatione Dominica sexcentesimo decimo sexto, qui est annus vicesimus primus, ex quo Augustinus cum sociis ad prcedicandum genti Anglorum missus est, JEthelbryhtus [JEthelberht] rex Cantuariorum, post regnum temporale, quod quinquaginta et sex annis gloriosissime tenuerat, ceterna ccelestis regni gaudia subiit, Bd. 2, 5 ; S. 506, 5-9. Her forjiferde Edelbryht [MS. /Edelberht] Cantware cining, se rlxade lvi wintra here, A.D. 6 1 6, Ethelbert king of the Kentish people died, who reigned fifty-six years, Chr. 616; Erl. 21,37. 2 . TEdelbryht, es ; m. Ethelbert the second ; iEthelbryhtus, the second son of lEthelwulf. This Ethelbert, after the lapse of 239 years from the death of Ethelbert the first in 6 1 6, became king of Kent, Essex, Surrey, and Sussex, for five years, from 855 to 860 ; he succeeded to Wessex on his brother’s death, in 860, and reigned Jive years more over these five counties, from 860 to 865 ; he was therefore king for ten years, from A.D. 855-865: — A.D. 855, da fengon TEdelwulfes ii suna to rice; TEdelbald to Westseaxna rice; and iEdelbryht to Cant- wara rice, and to Eastseaxena rice, and to Sujirigean, and to Su]tseaxena rice then, A.D. 855, JEthelwulf’s two sons succeeded to the kingdom; JEthelbald to the kingdom of the West Saxons, and Ethelbert to the kingdom of Kent, and to the kingdom of the East Saxons, and to Surrey, and to the kingdom of the South Saxons, Chr. 855; Th. 1 29, 16-22, col. I. A.D. 860, her, TEdelbald cyning forpferde, and feng TEdelbryht to eallum dam rice his brodor, and se /Edelbryht [MS. /Edelbriht] rlcsode v gear here, A.D. 860, king Mthelbald died, and Ethelbert succeeded to all the kingdom [IKesse*] of his brother, and Ethelbert reigned Jive years, Chr. 860; Erl. 71, 3-10. sedel-cund; adj. Of noble kind or origin, noble; nobilis originis: — iEdelcunde maeg[> the noble woman. Exon. 119b; Th. 459, 18 ; Hb. I. sedel-cundnes, -ness, e ; f. Nobleness, nobility ; nobilitas : — Mid micelre aedelcundnesse with great nobleness, Bt. 19; Fox 68, 31. aodel-cyning, es; m. The noble king, used for Christ; rex nobilis, Christus: — Cristes onsyn, aedelcyninges wlite Christ’s countenance, the noble king's aspect. Exon. 21a; Th. 56, 27; Cri. 907. iEdelcyninges rod the cross of the noble king, Elen. Kmbl. 437 ; El. 219 : Andr. Kmbl. 3354; An. 1681. ffidel-dugup, e ; /. A noble attendance ; comitatus nobilis : — Hine ymbutan aedelduguj), eadig engla gedryht around him a noble attendance, a blessed train of angels, Exon. 22 b; Th. 62, 36; Cri. 1012. sedele, edele ; comp, -ra ; sup. -ast, -est, -ust ; adj. I. noble, eminent, not only in blood or by descent, but in mind, excellent, famous, singular; nobilis, generosus, praestabilis, egregius, excellens: — Se eorl waes sedele the earl was noble, Cd. 59 ; Th. 72, 5 ; Gen. 1182. He saegde Habrahame, aedeles ge|>ingu he told to Abraham the promises of the noble, Andr. Kmbl. 1512; An. 757. TEdelan cynnes of noble race, Cd. 154 ; Th. 192, 6 ; Exod. 227. jEdelre gebyrde of noble birth, Bd. 2, 15 ; S. 518, 37. /Edelum cempan to the noble champion, Andr. Kmbl. 460; An. 230. Daere sedelan [cwene] to the noble lady, Elen. Kmbl. 1085 ; El. 545. WuldriaJ) aedelne ordfruman they glorify the noble origin. Exon. 13b; Th. 25,17; Cri. 402. TEdelum stencum with sweet odours, 64a; Th. 237, 7; Ph. 586: Cd. 75; Th. 92, 24; Gen. 1533. Done sedelan Albanum Albanum egregium, Bd. 1, 7; S. 476, 34. He waes on his m6de aedelra donne on woruld gebyrdum he was in his mind more noble than in worldly birth, Bd. 3, 19 ; S. 547, 26. Of dam aedelestan cynne of the most noble race, 3, 19; S. 547, 25. TEdelast tungla the noblest of stars, Exon. 57 a; Th. 204, 6; Ph. 93 : Ps. Th. 84, 10. vEdelust bearna the noblest of heroes, Elen. Kmbl. 950 ; El. 476. II. noble, vigorous, young; nobilis, novellus : — Dine beam swa elebeamas sedele weaxen thy children grow like young olive-trees; sicut novelise olivarum, Ps. Th. 1 2 7, 4: 143, 14. Swa swa sedele plantunga sicut novellce plantations, Ps. Spl. 143, 14. [ 0 . 5 a*. edili : O. Frs. ethel, edel: Dut. Ger. edel: M. H. Ger. edele : O. H. Ger. edili : Dan. Swed. adel : O. Nrs. adal, n. natura, ingenium .] der. emn-aedele, ge-, on-, un-. JEaelflied, e; f [sedele, flaid] Mthelfled ; iEthelfleda. The eldest and most intellectual daughter of king Alfred the Great, and sister of king Edward the Elder. She married /Ethelred, a Mercian nobleman, who was made viceroy of Mercia by king Alfred. He died in A.D. 912, Chr. Erl. loo, 30, and his widow aEtheifled governed Mercia most efficiently for about ten years : — Her com TEdelflsed, Myrcna hlaefdige. on done halgan aifen Inuentione Sanctae Crucis, to Scergeate, and daer da burh getimbrede; and, daes ilcan geares, da set Bricge here, A.D. 912, JEthelJled, the lady of the Mercians, came to Scergeat [ Sarrat ?] on the holy eve of the Inventio Sanctae Crucis [May third\, and there built the burgh; and in the same year, that at Bridgenorth, Chr. 912 ; Th. 187, 6-10, col. 1: Chr. 913; Th. 186, 1 1-37, col. 2: Chr. 917; Th. 190,37, ] col. 2-192, 1, col. 2: Chr. 918; Th. 192, 7, col. 2: Th. Diplm. ; A.D. 886-899, 138, 5-1 1 : 138, 29-32. TEthelfled died at Tamworth j in A. D. 922. Da on daem setle Eadweard cyng dser saet [set Steanforde], j da gefor iEdelflsed his swystar set Tamewor{>ige, xii nihtum &x middum 1 sumera. Da gerad he da burg aet Tameworjiige; and him cierde to eall j se Jteodscype on Myrcna lande, de TEdelflsde ser under|>eoded waes then, while king Edward was tarrying there [at Stamford], JEthelfled his sister I died at Tamworth, twelve nights before midsummer. Then rode he to the borough of Tamworth ; and all the population in Mercia turned to him, i which before was subject to JEthelJled, Chr. 922 ; Erl. 108, 22-26. sedelian ; p. ode ; pp. od ; v. trans. To ennoble, improve ; nobilitare, j der. ge-aedelian, un-. sedel-ic ; adj. [sedele noble, lie like ] Noble, excellent; egregius : — TEdellc | onginn a noble beginning, Andr. Kmbl. 17751 An. 890. Stenc aedellcra J eallum eorjmi fraetwum [MS. fraetwa] a nobler odour than all earth’s ornaments, Exon. 96 a; Th. 358, 19 ; Pa. 48. sede-lie ; adj. [aide = eade easy ; adj. lie like'] Easy ; facilis : — Gif du ne I wilt us gejiafian in swa sedellcum |>inge si non vis assentire nobis in tarn I facili causa, Bd. 2, 5 ; S. 507, 26. v. eadellc. sedel-lce; adv. Nobly, elegantly; nobiliter, insigniter, Cot. 77. v. 1 sedel-llce. ® deling, es ; m. [sedele, -ing son of, originating from], I. the son J of a king, one of royal blood, a nobleman, used also in poetry for the king, J God, and Christ; regia suboles, vir nobilis: — Se iunga aedeling regius I juvenis, Bd. 2, 1 2 ; S. 514, 27: 3, 21; S. 550, 40: 2, 14; S. 5 1 7, 22. 1 /F.delinges beam the prince’s child, Beo. Th. 1780; B. 888. Be sumum j Romaniscum aedelinge by a certain Roman nobleman, Bt. 1 6, 2 ; Fox 52, I 19. Crist Nergende ! wuldres TEdeling 1 Saviour Christ ! Prince of Glory! 1 Exon. 10 a; Th. 10, 26; Cri. 158. Da se .ffideling cwom in Betlem j when the Prince came in Bethlehem, 14 a; Th. 28, 18; Cri. 448. I .ffidelstan cyning and his brodor eac, Eadmund aedeling king JEthelstan I and his brother also, Edmund the noble, Chr. 938 ; Th. 200, 33 ; I /Edelst. 3. Ece is se aedeling the creator [atheling] is eternal, Exon. 60 b ; 1 Th. 220, 12; Ph. 319: 119 b; Th. 459, 21; Ho. 3. St6d aefter man- 1 drihtne eard and edel, aefter dam aedelinge [his] land and dwelling-place stood after [waiting for] the man-lord, the chieftain, 207 ; Th. 256, J 10; Dan. 638. II. man generally, in pi. men, people, used in a good and noble sense, as a derivative of aedele noble; homo, homines: — I Daes aedelinges ellen dohte the man’s courage was good, Cd. 64 ; Th. 78, ■ 4; Gen. 1288. Da nu aedelingas, ealle eorJ)-buend, Ebrei hata )> which I people now, all dwellers upon earth, call Hebrews, 79 ; Th. 99, 17 ; Gen. ■ 1647. Heht him cedsan aedelingas he commanded him to choose men, 90; Th. 112, 9; Gen. 1868: 58; Th. 70, 31; Gen. 1161. der. sib-. I ^Edelinga Igg, eig, e; /. The island of nobles, Athelney; nobilium ■ insula : — /Et /Edelinga Igge apud nobilium insulam, Chr. 878 ; Th. 146, 42, col. 2. Wid . . . , Th. 148, 31, col. 2 : Chr. 879; Th. 148, 30, col. 3. I sedel-lic; adj. Noble; nobilis, Andr. Kmbl. 1775 ; An. 890. v. aedel-Ic, j aedele. sedel-lice, aedel-Ice; adv. Nobly; nobiliter: — Waes se wer on halgum gewritum aedelllce gelaered vir erat sacris litteris nobiliter instructus, I Bd. 5, 23; S. 646, 17: 4, 26; S. 603, 9: 2, 1; S. 501, 8. aedel-nes, -nys, -nyss, e; f. Nobility ; nobilitas, Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 7: Ps. Th. 1 18, 142, [MS. aedeles.] aedelo ; indecl. in sing ; pi. nom. acc. aedelu, sedelo ; gen. aedela ; dat. \ aedelum ; n. Nobility, pre-eminence, origin, family, race, nature, talents, I genius; nobilitas, principals, origo, natales, prosapia, natura, indoles, 4 I ingenium : — Ic laere daet du faegenige oderra manna godes and heora aedelo I advise that thou rejoice in other mens good and their nobility, , ' Bt. 30, I ; Fox 108, 31. His aedelo bidj) on dam mode his nobility is in the mind, 30, I ; Fox 1 10, 1 . Ryht aedelo bi]) on dam m6de, naes on I dam flaesce true nobility is in the mind, not in the flesh, Bt. 30, 2 ; Fox 1 10, |j 19. Him frumbeames riht fredbrodor 6];J>ah, ead and aedelo his own \ brother had withdrawn from him his wealth and pre-eminence, Cd. 160; Th. 199, 15; Exod. 339. Ealdajt eorjian blaed aedela gehwylcre earth’s j. produce of every nature grows old. Exon. 33 a ; Th. 104, 28 ; Gu. 14. Hwaet his aedelu slen which his origin is, 69 b; Th. 259, 23 ; Jul. 286. Sindon him aedelum odere twegen beornas geborene brodorsibbum to him in his family are two other men born in brotherly relationship, Andr. Kmbl. 1377 ; An. 689. purh dine wordlaede aedelum ecne through thy ! discourse great with talents, 1271; An. 636. He edwer aedelu can he 23 ^EDELRJSD — ^ET-SACAN. knows your nobility, Beo. Th. 790; B. 392: 3745 > B. 1870. der. faeder-jedelo, riht-. -fEdelraed, jdUdelred, .fEdered, es ; to. [aedele noble , raid counsel] Mthelred, a Mercian nobleman, the viceroy or governor of the Mercians ; ■ffithelred, .ffilhelredus. He married .ffithelfled, the eldest and most intellectual daughter of king Alfred the Great. He styles himself sub- regulus in subscribing his name to a charter of king Alfred, A. D. 889, — Ego iEthelred, subregulus et patricius Merciorum, hanc donationem signo crucis subscripsi, Th. Diplm. 136, 21. . His wife simply writes, — Ego •TEthelfked consensi, Th. Diplm. 136, 23. Rlxiendum ussum Dryhtene daem Hrelendan Crist. iEfter don de agan waes ehta hund wintra and syx and hund nigontig efter his acennednesse, and dy fedwerteodan gebonn- gere [v. geban II], da dy gere gebedn [p. of gebannan] TEdelred ealder- man alle Mercna weotan tosomne to Gleaweceastre, biscopas, and aldermen, and alle his dugupe; and daet dyde be fElfredes cyninges gewitnesse and leafe under the ride of our Lord Jesus Christ. When 896 winters were passed after his birth, and in the fourth indiction year, then in that year Mthelred alderman assembled all the witan of the Mercians together at Gloucester, bishops, and aldermen, and all his nobility ; and did that with the knowledge and leave of king Alfred, Th. Diplm. A. D. 896; 139, 4-16. TEthelred died in A. D. 912. Her gefor iEdelred, ealdorman on Myrcum here, A. D. 912, died Mthelred, alderman of the Mercians, Chr. 912; Erl. 101, 46. His widow, Mthelfied, governed Mercia about ten years, with great vigour and success, under her brother, king Edward the Elder, Chr. 922 ; Erl. 108, 22-26. v. JEdelflied. iEdelred, JE&ered, es ; m. [aedele, red = raed counsel ]. 1. Mthelred, third son of Mthelwulf, and brother of Alfred the Great. Mthelred was king of Wessex for five years, A.D. 866-871; Mthelred, .ffithelredus : — Her feng TEdelred to West Seaxna rrce here, A. D. 866, Mthelred succeeded to the kingdom of the West Saxons, Chr. 866 ; Erl. 73, 1. fEfter Eastron gefor iEdelred [MS. TEdered] cining; and he rTcsode [MS. rlxade] v gear after Easter [A. D. 871] king Mthelred died; and he reigned five years, 871 ; Erl. 77, 1. 2. iE&elred. Mthelred Atheling, the second son of Edgar. Mthelred was king of Wessex, Mercia, and Northumbria, for thirty-eight years, A. D. 978-1016: — Her, TEdelred aedeling feng to dam rice here [A. D. 978] Mthelred Atheling succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 978 ; Th. 232, 3, col. 1. A. D. 1016, Da gelamp hit daet se cyning iEdclred forpferde then, A. D. 1016, it happened that king Mthelred died, 1016; Erl. 155, 15. 3. JEdelred, ^Ederetl Mthelred, a Mercian nobleman, Th. Diplm. A.D. 896; 139, 11 : Chr. 912; Erl. 101, 46. v. .iEdelrsed. JEdelstan, es ; m. [aedele, stan stone ] Alhelstan, the eldest son of Edward the Elder. Athelstan, who gained a complete victory over the Anglo-Danes in. the battle of Brunanburh, in A. D. 937, was king of Wessex fourteen years and ten weeks, from A.D. 925-940: — A.D. 925, her, Eadweard cyning [MS. cing] forpferde and TEdelstan his sunu feng to rice here, A. D. 925, king Edward died, and Athelstan his son suc- ceeded to the kingdom, Chr. 92.5 ; Erl. 1 10, 19. A. D. 940, her, fEdelstan cyning forpferde, and Eadmund iEdeling feng to rice, and TEdelstan cyning rlcsode xiv gear, and teon wucan here, A. D. 940, king Athelstan died, and Edmund Atheling succeeded to the kingdom, and king Athelstan reigned fourteen years and ten weeks, Chr. 940 ; Th. 209, 13-23, col. 1. sedel-stene, es ; m. A noble odour; odor nobilis, Exon. 58 b ; Th. 21 1, 10; Ph. 195. ®del-tungol, es ; m. A noble star ; sidus nobile, Exon. 60 a ; Th. 218, 5 ; Ph. 290: 52 a; Th. 181, 4; Gu. 1288. -ffidel-wulf, es; m. [aedele noble, wulf a wolf] Mthelwulf; TEthelwulfus ; eldest son of Egbert and father of Alfred the Great. Mthelwulf was king of Wessex,from A. D. 837 (v. Ecg-bryht) -855 : — A. D. 837 [MS. 836], her, Ecgbryht cyning forpferde, and feng fEdelwulf his sunu to-Westseaxna lice here, A. D. 837, king Ecgbryht died, and Mthelwulf his son suc- ceeded to the kingdom of the West Saxons, Chr. 836 ; Th. 1 1 7, 34, col. I. A. D. 855, her, fEdelwulf cyning gefor here, A. D. 855, king Mthelwulf died. Chr. 855 ; Erl. 68, 24. -ffidered, es ; to. The name of a king and a Mercian nobleman, Chr. 867 ; Th. 130, 22, cols. 1, 2, 3 ; Th. 131, 22, cols. I, 3 : Chr. 912 ; Erl. 100, 30. v. JEdelred 1, -dildelraed. ffit-hlde, *t-hyde Put out of the hide, skinned, bowelled; excoriatus, Cot. 42. eet-hindan; adv. At the back, behind, after; a tergo, pone, post: — Se cyning ferde him aethindan the king went after them, Chr. 1016 ; Th. i. 282, 17. set -hie dp an ; p. -hleop, pi. -hleopon ; pp. -hleaipen ; y; intrans. To leap out, to flee, escape, get away ; aufugere, evade re : — Deh, praela hwylc hlaforde aethleape a domino suo servus si quis a-ufugerit, Lupi Serin. 1, 1.3 ; Hick. Thes. ii. 103, 4. eet-hlyp, es ; m. [aet to, hlyp a leap] An assault; aggretsus, assultus: — ^ an aethlype/or the assault, L. Ath. i. 6 ; Th- i. 202, 22. v. ae-hlyjfc -33BM, edm, es; m. A vapour, breath, a hole to breathe through, a smelt; halitus, spiritus, vapor: — Hreder *dme weoil his breast heaved with ^ breathing, Beo. Th. 5180; B. 2593. Hu sld se swarta edm se6 how vast the black vapour may be, Cd. 228; Th. 309, 4; Sat. 704. [Plat. adem, am, m : O. Sax. adorn, m ; O. Frs. ethma, adema, 6m, m : Hut. adem, m : Ger. athem, odem, m : M. H. Ger. atem, m : O. H. Ger. atam, atum, to. spiritus, aT/277 vapor : Sansk. atman breath, soul.] v. brxp. sedmian ; p. ode ; pp. od [aedm vapour] To raise vapour, boil, to be heated, to be greatly moved; exaestuare, Scint. 30. aet-hredan to deliver ; eripere : — Ic aethrede odde ahredde eripio, ■ffilfc. Gr. 28, 3 ; Som. 30, 63. set-hreppian, Ettm. aet-hneppian, Som ; p. ode ; pp. od To rap at, to knock, dash about; impingere. v. hrepian. eet-hrman ; p. -hran, pi. -hrinon ; pp. -hrinen To touch, take, move ; tangere, apprehendere, movere : — Bret ie aet-hrlne din ut tangam te, Gen. 27, 21. He aet-hran hyre hand tetigit manum ejus, Mt. Bos. 8, 15. Se unclaena gast hine aet-hrlnp spiritus apprehendit eum, Lk. Bos. 9, 39. Nellap hlg da mid heora fingre aet-hrlnan digito autem suo nolunt ea movere, Mt. Bos. 23, 4. ffi-pryt ; adj. Troublesome, tedious ; molestus, Equin. vern. 38. se-prytnes, -ness, e ; f. Trouble ; molestia, Lye. v. a-protennes. ffit-hwii ; pron. Each; quisque : — Se is aet-hwam freond which is to each a friend. Exon. 95 b ; Th. 356, 22 ; Pa. 15. aet-hwasga, aet-hwega, aet-hwegu Somewhat, about, in some measure, a little; aliquantum, aliquantulum, aliquatenus, R. Ben. interl. 73- Sclres wines drince aet-hwaega let him drink somewhat of pure wine, L. M. 2, 59 ; Lchdm. ii. 284, 5. fEt-hwega yfel wake bip gegoten on daet lim whatever evil humour is secreted on the limb, L. M. 2, 59; Lchdm. ii. 284, 28. v. hwaet-hwaega in hwaet, hwega. set-hweorfan ; p. -hwearf, pi. -hwurfon ; pp. -hworfen [aet, hweorfan to turn] To turn, return; accedere, reverti: — Hwllum on beorh aet-hwearf sometimes he turned to the mount, Beo. Th. 4587 ; Bi 2299. set-hwon; adv. Almost; paene, fere. v. hwon, set-hyde Put out of the hide, skinned; excoriatus. v. aet-hlde. eet-irnan ; p. -am, pi. -urnon ; pp. -urnen ; v. intrans. To run away ; egredi : — Da aetarn he ut et egressus est foras, Gen.. 39, 1 2. v. yrnan. set-is is present; adest, Mk. Bos. 4, 29; 3rd pres, o/aet-eom. set-iwedness, e ; /. A shewing, manifestation ; ostensio : — Waes on westenum op done daeg hys aetlwednessum on Israhel erat in desertis usque in diem ostensionis suce ad Israel, Lk. Bos. 1, 80. v. aet-ywnys. set -lee dan ; p. de; pp. ed To lead out, drive away; abigere: — Daet du aetlfiddest me mine dohtra ut clam me abigeres filias meas, Gen. 31, 26. set-lsetness, e ; /. Desolation, destruction; desolatio, Somn. 323. aet-licgan ; p. -laeg, pi. -l£gon ; pp. -legen To lie still or idle ; inutilem jacere : — Daet Godes feoh ne aetlicge ne Dei pecunia jaceat, fElfc. Gr. pref ; Som. 1, 27. sst-lutian [lutan to lurk] To lie hid ; latere, Jud. 4, 18. JEtne, es ; to. Etna, Bt. 15 ; Fox 48, 20 : 16, I ; Fox 50, 5. v. Etna, set-mman ; p. -nam, pi. -namon ; pp. -numen To take from, to take away ; demere, adimere : — Ne wolde him beorht faeder beam aetnlman the glorious father would not take the child away from him, Cd. 162 ; Th. 204, 5 ; Exod. 414. set-nyhstan; adv. At last ; tandem, Bd. 2, 2; S. 502, 26, v. nyhst. setol, aetol-man, aetul-man A glutton ; edax. v. etol. seton ate, Mt. Bos. 13, 4 ; p. of etan. fetor Poison ; venenum. v. aetor-cyn, ator. ffitor-cyn,. -cynn\ es; n. The poison-kind ; veneni genus: — JEtorcyn gewurdon onwaecned the poison-kinds arose, Salm. Kmbl. 437; Sal. 219. v. ator, etc. setren, aettten, atern, aettern ; adj. Poisonous; venenosus: — ^ttren waes ellorgaest the strange guest was poisonous, Beo. Th. 3238 ; B. 1617. Me of bosme fa rep ®tren onga from my bosom comes a poisonous sting. Exon. 106 b; Th. 405, 1-8; Ra. 24, 4: Ps. Th. 139, 3, Him aet heortan stod aetterne ord [sc. gares] the poisonous point [of the spear] stood in his heart, Byrht. Th. 136, 4 ; By. 146 : Frag. Kmbl. 37 ; Leas. 20 : L. M. 1, 45 ; Lchdm. ii. 112, 24. eetren-mod; adj. Venom-minded; malitiosus: — iEtrenmSd mon a venom-minded man. Exon. 91b; Th.. 343, 26 ; Gn. Ex. 163. eetrian, aettrian; p. ede; pp. ed; v. trans. [aetor = ator poison] To poison, envenom ; venenare : — For aitredum gescotum from poisoned arrows, Ors. 3, 9 ; Bos. 68, 38 ; MS. C. aet-rihte; adv. [aet at, rihte rightly, justly, well] Rightly or justly at, near, at hand, almost ; paene, haud multum abest quin : — fEtrihte waes gup getwaefed, nvmpe mec God scylde the contest had almost been finished, had not God shielded me, Beo. Th. 3319; B. 1657. Waes him ende- dogor aetryhte his final day was near. Exon. 49 b; Th. 171, 12; Gu. ri25 : 47a; Th. 162, 4; Gu. 970. set-rihtost ; adv. By and by, presently ; mox. v. aet-rihte ; adv. ®t-ryhte Nearly, almost; pxne, Exon. 47a; Th. 162,4; Gu. 970: Exon. 49 b ; Th. 171,12; Gu. 1125. v. aet-rihte. ®t-sacan ; p. -soc, pi. -socon ; pp. -sacen ; v. a. n. [aet, sacan to charge, accuse] To deny, disown, abjure ; negare, detestari, abjurare : — Da aetsacap daes aerystes qui negant esse resurrectionem, Lk. Bos. 20, 27 : L. Ath. i. 4 ; •24 iET-SiECST — JEW. Th. i. 202, 2: i. 6; Th. i. 204, 12, 13. Da aetsoc he at ille negavit, ' Mk. Bos. 14, 68: Lk. Bos. 22, 57. Da aetsoc he and swerede tunc ccepit detestari et jitrare, Mt. Bos. 26, 74. Da ongan he aetsacan and swerian ille autem ccepit anathematizare et jurare , Mk. Bos. 14, 71. v. sacan. eet-ssecst shall deny ; fut. of aet-sacan : — prtwa du me aetsaecst ter me negabis, Mk. Bos. 14, 72 : Lk. Bos. 22, 34, 61. v. sacan. set-samne ; adv. In a sum, together : — Begen aet-samne both together, Chr. 937 ; Th. 206, 18, col. 1 ; Edelst. 58. Ealle aetsamne all together, Ps. Th. 148, 12. v. aet-somne. set-sceofan To shove away; removere, Leo 239. v. scufan. set-sittan ; p. -saet, pi. -saeton ; pp. -seten ; v. intrans. To sit by, to re- main, stay, wait ; adsidere : — Da aetsaeton tfa Centiscan daer beaeftan then the Kentish men remained there behind, Chr. 905 ; Th. 1 80, 31, col. I. eet-slidan ; p. -slad, pi. -slidon ; pp. -sliden [aet from, away ; v. aet I. 2: slldan labt] To slip or slide away ; labi, el .bi : — Ic aetsllde labor, Elfc. Gr. 29 ; Som. 33, 43 : 35 ; Som. 38, 10. Daet hira fot xtslfde ut labatur pes eorum, Deut. 32, 35. aet-somne, aet-samne ; adv. In a sum, at once, together ; una, simul, pariter: — Eardiap aetsomne habitant simul, Deut. 25, 5. 1c gongan gefregn gingran aetsomne I have understood that the disciples went together, Cd. 224: Th. 298, 2; Sat. 526. Wfir is aetsomne Godes and monna a covenant is together of God and men. Exon. 16 a ; Th. 36, 29 ; Cri. 583. Blod and waeter bu tu aetsomne ut bicwoman blood and water both together came out, 24 a; Th. 68, 34; Cri. 1 1 13. Tyne aetsomne ten together, Beo. Th. 5687 ; B. 2847. Ealle aetsomne omnes pariter, Bd. 2, 13 ; S. 515, 38 : Ps. Th. 87, 17. v. somne. set-speornan, -spoman,.du -spyrnst, he -spyrnp ; p. -spearn,/>Z. -spurnon ; pp. -spornen ; v. trans. To stumble, spurn at, dash or trip against, mistake ; caespitare, oflfendere ad aliquid, impingere : — He aetspyrnp he stumbleth ; offendit, Jn. Bos. 1 1, 9, 10. De-laes de din fot aet stane aetspome ne forte ojfendas ad lapidem pedem tuum, Mt. Bos. 4, 6. De-laes du aetspurne [Lamb. aetsporne] aet stane fot dlnne ne forte ojfendas ad lapidem pedem tuum, Ps. Spl. 90, 12. Etspornen [MS. aetspurnan] ic waes offensusfui, Ps. Lamb. 95, 10. aet-springan, -sprincan ; p. -sprang, -spranc, pi. -sprungon ; pp. -sprun- gen ; v. intrans. To spring out ; prosilire : — B16d aetspranc the blood sprang out, Beo. Th. 2247; B. n'21. aet-springnes, -ness, e ; /. A springing out, falling off, despondency ; defectio, defectio animi, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 53. aet-spurne ojfendas, Ps. Spl. 90, 1 2 ; subj. p. of aet-speornan, q. v. aet-spyrning An offence, a stumbling, stumbling-block ; offensio, scan- dalum. der. speornan. ffitst shall eat; comedes : — Du aetst thou shall eat, Gen. 3, 17 ; for ytst, Gen. 3, 18. der. etan to eat. aet-standan ; ic -stande, du-standest, -stentst, he -standep, -stent, -stynt, pi. -standap ; p. -stod, pi. -stodon ; pp. -standen. I. v. intrans. To stand, stand still, stop, stand near, rest, stay, stand up ; stare, adstare, restare, requiescere: — Iren onwealle aetstod the iron stood in the wall, Beo. Th. 1787; B. 891. Da aetstod se Haelend then Jesus stood still, Mk. Bos. 10, 49. Etstod daes 'Modes ryne stetit ffuxus sanguinis, Lk. Bos. 8, 44. Da aetstod, se arc requievit area, Gen. 8, 4 : Ps.-Th. 106, 24 : Lk. Bos. 7, 14. Etstodon cyningas [Ps. Th. 2, 2, artsap] kings stood up; adstiterunt reges, Ps. Spl. 2, 2 : 5, 4. Ic aetstande resto, Elfc. Gr. 24; Som. 25, 62: Elfc. T. 37, 6: L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 3. II. v. trans. To stop; obturere, claudere : — Gif se mlcgda aetstanden sy if the water be stopped. Herb. 7, 3 ; Lchdm. i. 98, 5. Hi habbap aetstandene *dran they have stopped veins, 4, 4 ; Lchdm. i. 90, 1 1. ast-stapan ; p. -stop, pi. -stopon ; pp. -stapen To step forth, approach ; accedere: — He forji aetstop he stepped forth, Beo. Th. 1495 ; B. 745. set-steal, -steall, -stael, es ; m : pi. nom. acc. -stalas [at a place, a fixed place ] Station, camp station; sedes, statio : — Et dam aetstealle at the camp station, Wald. 37; Vald. I, 21. Et-staelle at the place. Exon. 35 a; Th. 112.26; Gu. 150. v. stael. set-stent shall stand ; consistet : — Seo ea aetstent on hire ryne the river shall stand in its course, Jos. 3, 13 ; fut. of aet-standan, q.v. set-stillan ; p. ede ; pp. ed To still ; componere : — Sio cwacung s6na bif> aetstilled the quaking will soon be stilled, L. M. I, 26; Lchdm. ii. 68, 11. set-swerian ; p. -swor ; pp. -sworen To forswear, deny with an oath ; abjurare, L. In. 35 ; Th. i. 124, 11, note. set-swymman ; p. -swamm, pi. -swummon ; pp. -swummen To swim out, swim; enatare, Chr. 918 ; lug. 132, 17, note m. v. aet ; prep. 2. Kitten should eat, L. In. 42 ; Lambd. 8, 5 ; Wilk. 21, 24; for seten. v. etan to eat. setter, aettor, es ; n. Poison ; venenum. v. ator. eetter-berende ; part. Poison-bearing, poisonous, venomous, v. atter- berende. setter-loppe, an ; f. [ator poison, loppe a silk worm, spinner of a web\ A spider; aranea: — And a-ydlian odde aswarcan odde acwlnan odde aswindan du dydest - swa swa aetterloppan odde ryngan sawie his et ' tabescere fecisti sicut araneam animam ejus, Ps. Lamb. 38, 12; and thou madist his lijf to faile as an yreyne [Lat. aranea a spider ], Wyc. v. ator-loppe. set-pringan To take away, deprive of; eripere : — Da de feorh aetpringan who may deprive thee of life, Andr. Kmbl. 2742 ; An. 1373. aettren, aettern; adj. Poisonous; venenosus, Beo. Th. 3238; B. 1617: Byrht. Th. 136, 4; By. 146: Frag. Kmbl. 37; Leas. 20. v. aetren. settrian ; p. ede ; pp. ed ; v. trans. To poison, envenom ; venenare, Pref. R. Cone. v. aetrian. settryn ; adj. Poisonous ; venenosus : — Ettrynne ord the poisonous point, Byrht. Th. 133, 8 ; By. 47. v. setren. set-wseg took away, Beo. Th. 2401 ; B. 1198 ; p. of set-wegan. sst-wsesend, -wesend, -weosend [aet at, wesende being; part, of wesan to be] At hand, approaching, hard by ; imininens, Cot. 107. set-wegan ; p. -waeg, pi. -waegon ; pp. -wegen To take away ; auferre : — Hama setwaeg sigle Hama took away the jewel, Beo. Th. 2401 ; B. 1198. v. wegan. set-wela, an ; m. Abundance of food, a feast ; copia Gibi, Exon. 100 a; Th. 374, 8; Seel. 123. SBt-wenian ; p. ede ; .pp. ed [aet from, wenian to wean] To deliver from, wean ; dissuescere, seducere, ablactare : — De big dedflum aetwenep who weaneth them from devils, L. C. S. 85 ; Th. i. 424, 13. set-wesan ; p. ic, he -waes, pi. -wairon [aet at, wesan to be] To be present ; adesse : — Wilfer|i aetwaes, eac swylce aetwxron ure brodru Wilfrid adfuit, adfuerunt et fratres nostri, Bd. 4, 5 ; S. 572, 12. [Goth, at- wisan.] set-windan; p. -wand, pi. -wundon ; pp. -wunden To wind off, turn away, escape, flee away ; aufugere: — Ic ana aetwand effugi ego solus. Job Thw. 165, 27; Grn. lob I, 16: Beo. Th. 289; B. 143. Ic laete hig setwindan to Wuda dimitto eos avolare ad silvam, Coll. Monast. Th. 26, 3. set-wist, aed-wist, ed-wist, e ; f. [aet, wist substantia, ci&us] Substance, existence, being, presence ; substantia, praesentia : — God heora aehta and aetwist on-gemmep God takes their wealth and substance away, Cd. 60 ; Th. 73, 21; Gen. 1208. Se gsest lufap onsyn and aetwist yldran hades the spirit loves the aspect and substance of elder state, Exon. 40 a ; Th. 132, 11; Gu. 471. Him daet Crist forgeaf daet hy motan his aetwiste brucan Christ gave that to them, that they might enjoy his presence, 13 b; Th. 24, 29 ; Cri. 392 : Gen. 7, 4. set-witan ; p. -wat, p/. -witon ; pp. -witen To reproach, blame, upbraid; imputare, improperare, exprobrare : — Ne sceolon me on daere peode pegenas aetwltan the thanes of this people shall not reproach me, Byrht. Th. -138, 15 ; By. 220. Siddan Guplaf and Oslaf aetwiton weana dsel since Guthlaf and Oslaf reproached him for a part of their woes, Beo. Th. 2304; B. *ii 50 : Ps. Th. 88, 44: 73, 17: Ps. Spl. 31, 2. v. edwitan. set-ycan ; p. -ycte; pp. - yced, -yet [aet, yean, ecan to eke] To add to, augment, increase; adjicere: — Se gestp aetycte eac swylce his benum, daet he his tearas geat the earl also added to his intreaties, that he shed tears, Bd. 5, 5 ; S. 617, 40 : 4, 5 ; S. 573» *3- set-ycenys, -yenys, -nyss, e; f. An increase, addition; augmentum: — Mid aetyccnysse cum augmenlo, Bd. 1,27; S. 490, 24 : 3, 22 ; S. 553, 14. se-tynan; />• de; pp. ed; v.a. [ae = a = on, un un; tynan to shut ] To open ; aperire : — Dura heofones he aetynde januas cotli aperuit, Ps. Spl, 77,-27. v. a-tynan. set-ys is present; adest, Mk. Jun. 4, 29. v. aet-eom. set-y wan ; p. de; pp. ed. I. v. trans. To shew, reveal, manifest ; ostendere, manifestare : — Du me aetywdest earfodes feala ostendisli mihi tribulationes multas, Ps. Th. 70, 19: Exon. 121b; Th. 465, 34; Ho. 1 14 : Judth. 11 ; Thw. 24, 6 ; Jud. 174. Da him wearp on sliepe swefen aetywed then was a dream revealed to him in sleep, Cd. 199 ; Th. 247, 13 ; Dan. 496 : Exon. 31 a ; Th. 96, 19 ; Cri. 1576. II. v. intrans. To appear ; apparere, manifestari : — Ealle aetywap omnes apparuerint, Ps. Th. 91, 6. Deoful aetywde the devil appeared, Andr. Kmbl. 233S ; An. 1 1 70. Nolde sefre siddan aetywan would not ever afterwards appear, Cd. 73; Th. 89, 16; Gen. 1481. v. xteowian. set-ywnys, -nyss, aet-y wedness, aet-eowedniss, aet-iwedness, e; f. A shewing, manifestation, layitig open, a declaration; ostensio: — Sea aety wnys heofonlices wundres miraculi ccelestis ostensio, Bd. 3, 1 1 ; s - 535. 2 3- Mid monigra heofonllcra wundra xtywnysse miraculorum multorum ostensione, Bd. I, 26; S. 488, io. Op aetywednessum, Lk* Foxe 1, 80. &w, aewe, es; n. [£ law]. I. law, what is established by law, hence wedlock, marriage, a marriage vow ; lex, matrimonium : — Daette ryht sew gefiestnod waere that just law might be settled, L. In. pref; Th. i. 102, 9:1; -Th. i. 102, 16. Rihtum aewe legitimo matrimonio, Bd. 4, 6; S. 573, 17, note. Se man daet aewe bryep homo qui adulterium com- mittit, L. M. I. P. 15 ; Th. ii. 268, 28. II. a female bound by the law of marriage, a wife; conjux legitima, uxor justa : — Se de haefp awe he who has a wife; qui legitimam uxorem habet, L. M. I. P. 17 ; Th. ii, 270, 6. Gif ceorl wid odres riht xwe haemp si maritus cum alterius legitima uxore adulter averit, 18; Th. ii. 270, 10. Se man, de his riht. ^EW— A-FvESTNIAN. 25 Swe forlset, and offer wlf nlmji, he bi[ aewbreca the man who forsakes his ' lawful wife [suam Iegitimam uxorem], and takes another woman [aliam mulierem], he is an adulterer, L. Ecg. P. ii. 8; Th. ii. 184, 21. Gif hwylc man wid odres riht sewe hfemp, odde wlf wid odres gemaeccan, fate vii gedr if any man commit adultery with the lawful wife [cum legitima uxore] of another, or a woman [mulier] with the husband of another, let the fast be seven years, ii. 10; Th. ii. 186, 6. vide fe. sew ; adj. Lawful, legitimate, related by the law of marriage, married ; legitimus, nuptus, germanus : — Mid his Swum wife with his lawful wife, L. Alf. pol. 42 ; Th. i. 90, 26, 29. i£we gebrodru brothers of the same marriage, own brothers; germani fratres, Bd. 1, 27; S. 490, 28. eewan, du fewest To despise, contemn, scorn ; speraere, aversari : — 0 a du sefre ne fewest ea tu mmquam spernis, Ps. C. 1 29. sew-breca, -brica, few-bryca, an ; m. [few marriage, breca a breaker ] A breaker of the marriage vow, an adulterer ; adulter : — Se de his sewe forlfet, and nlm[ 5 der wlf, he bij) Swbryca [Wilk. fewbrica] he who leaves his wife, and taketh another woman, he is an adulterer, L. M. I. P. 16 ; Th. ii. 268, 30. sew-bryce, es ; m. A breaking of the marriage vow, adultery ; adul- terium : — Wid aeghwylcne aewbryce against all kind of adultery, L. C. E. 24; Th. i. 374, 10: L. C. S. 51; Th. i. 404, 20: L. Edm. S; Th. i. 246, 8. eewda, an ; m.A witness, one who affirms the truth by oath ; fidejussor, consacramentalis : — Haebbe him in ape bderne aewdan gSdne let him have with him in the oath another good witness, L. Wih. 23 ; Th. i. 42, 8. Mid godum Swdum by good witnesses, L. H. E. 2; Th. i. 28, 2. fewda-man, -mann, es ; m. A witness ; fidejussor, consacramentalis : — Rim Swdamanna a number of witnesses, L. H. E. 5; Th. i. 28, 12. v. fewda. sewe, es; n. Law; lex, L. M. I. P. 15; Th. ii. 268, 28. v. sew. ae-welm, -wellm, -wylm, -wylme, -wielme, es; m. [ea. water, waelm a welling or boiling up ] A welling up of water, spring, fountain, source, head of a river, beginning ; aquae fons Swa sum mical sewelm and dibp as some great and deep spring, Bt. 34, t ; Fox 134, 10. Seb ea cym]) eft to dam fewelme the river comes again to the source, Fox 134, 17. De mseg geseon done hluttran sewellm who can behold the clear fountain, 35, 6 ; Fox 166, 25. Gif he gesion mfege sedelne sewelm Sices godes [MS. goodes] if he may see the noble fountain of all good, 23, 7; Met. 23, 4: 20, 517; Met. 20, 259. Andlang LIgan 6p hire swylm along the Lea unto its source, L. A. G. I; Th. i. 152, 9. Daere Swylme [MS. L. Swielme] is neah daere ea, RInes whose spring is near the river Rhine, Ors. 1, l ; Bos. 18, 25. God is Swelm and fruma eallra gesceafta God is the beginning and origin of all creatures, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 161; Met. 29, 81. v. ea-wylm. se-wen; adj. px. without, wen hope\ Doubtful, uncertain ; dubius : — And eow bij> edwre Iff aewene and your life will be doubful to you, Deut. 28, 66. sewen-brodtor a brother of the same marriage, an own brother ; ger- manus, Cot. 97. v. Sw ; adj. se-werd ; adj. [S law, werd from werdan to corrupi\ Perverse, froward, averse ; perversus. v. wyrdan to corrupt. se-werdla, an; m. Damage, injury, L. In. 42; Th. i. 128, 10. v. se-wyrdla. aew-fsest; adj. Firm in observing the law, religious, bound by the law, married; religiosus, vinculo nuptiarum constrictus: — iEwfat religiosus, Scint. 28. iEwfat man a married man, L. C. S. 51; Th. i. 404, 21. v. S-faest. sew-feesten, es ; n. [Sw law, -faesten a /as/] A fixed or legal fast ; legitimum jejunium : — To Swfaestene for the legal fast, Rube. Lk. Bos. 3, I a, notes, p. 578. ffiw-f'aest-man a man bound by law, a married man; vinculo nup- tiarum constrictus, L. C. S. 51; Th. i. 404, 21. sew-festnys, -nyss, e ; f. Religion, piety ; religio, pietas. v. Sfestnes. se-wintre ; adj. [S = Sn = an one] Of one winter or year, continuing for a year. v. an-wintre. ffi-wintre-cyning, es ; m. A king or ruler for one winter or year, a consul; consul, v. winter; g. wintres. ® wise, e ; /. A dishonour, disgrace, offence ; dedecus, scandalum : — Cwaej) daet him to micel Swisce wSre said that it would be much disgrace to them, Ors. 4, 6 ; Bos. 86, 26. O11 aiwisce in scandalum , Ps. Th. 68, 23. [Goth. aiwisks, n. dedecus.) ffiwise; adj. Disgraced, ashamed, abashed; dedecoratus. v. Swisc-mod. ffiwisc-berende ; part. Bearing disgrace, unchaste, lewd, unclean, shameless, impudent; impudicus. v. Swisc, berende bearing. m wise-mod ; adj. Disgraced in mind, ashamed, abashed; dedecoratus animo, pudore suffusus : — Ides, Swiscmod, andswarode the woman, dis- graced in mind, answered, Cd. 42; Th. 55, 18; Gen. 896. Daet he Swiscmod eft sldade, hean, hyhta leas that he abashed returned, depressed, void of hopes. Exon. 46 a; Th. 157, 23; Gfi. 896: 80 b; Th. 302, 16; Fa. 37. Gewiton hym da Nor [men Dyflin secan Swiscmode then the Northmen departed, abashed in mind, to seek Dublin, Chr. 938 ; Th. 207, 16, col. 1 ; TEdelst. 56. sewisc-nys, -ness, e ; f. Disgrace, obscenity, filthiness, a blushing for shame, reverence ; dedecus, obscenitas, pudore suffusio, reverentia : — ■ .ffiwiscnys reverentia, Ps. Spl. C. 34, 30. On Swiscnesse openly, as not being ashamed to be seen; in propatulo, Cot. 110, 202. se-wita, an ; m. [S lex, wita gnarus homo, sapiens'] One skilled in the law, a counsellor; legis peritus, consiliarius : — Ealdum Switan ageaf andsware gave answer to the old counsellor, Elen. Kmbl. 907 ; El. 455. ffiW-lic ; adj. Lawful; legitimus, Prooem. R. Cone. v. fe-llc. tewnian ; p. ode ; pp. od [Sw marriage ] To marry, wed; connubio jungere, Leo 104. der. be-Swnian. ee-writere, es ; m. A writer, composer or framer of laws ; legum con- ditor, Prov. 8. sewul A wicker-basket with a narrow neck for catching fish, a weel ; nassa, iElfc. Gl. 102 ; Som. 77, 85 ; Wrt. Voc. 56, 9. eewum-boren ; part. Lawfully born, born in wedlock ; legitimo matri- monio natus : — JEt his dehter Swum-borenre with his lawfully-born daughter, L. Alf. pol. 42 ; Th. i. 90, 28. v. Sw. sewunge ; adv. Openly, publicly ; manifeste : — On Swunge openly, abroad, in the sight qf all ; in propatulo. v. eawunga, eawunge. S3 -wylm, es ; m. A spring, fountain, source: — Andlang LIgan oj) hire Swylm along the Lea unto its source, L. A. G. 1; Th. i. 152, 9. v. S-welm. se-wyrdla, -werdla, an ; m. Damage, detriment, injury; detrimentum : — He sona mycle wonunge and aewyrdlan waes wyreende daere maerwan cyrican weaxnesse magno tenellis ibi adhuc ecclesice crementis detrimento fuit, Bd. 2, 5 ; S. 506, 37 : 1,3; S. 475, 21 : Herb. 14J ; Lchdm. i. 262, 11. v. aef-wyrdla. se-wyrp, es ; m. [ ae = a from, wyrp a cast, from wyrpan or weorpan to cast] A cast-away, throwing away ; abjectus, abjectio : — TEwyrp folces, abjectio populi, R. Ben. 7. -iEX = iECS, aesc, acas, e; f: acase, axe, an; f. what is brought to an edge, An axe, a hatchet, pickaxe; securis, ascia: — Eallunga ys seb aex to daera trebwa wurtrumum asett jam enim securis ad radicem arborum posita est, Mt. Bos. 3, 10. Mid aexum with axes, Ps. Th. 73, 6. On aexe in securi, Ps. Spl. 73, 7 - Fordon seb aex [MS. H. sib aesc ; seb eax B.] bi[ melda, nalles [ebf because the axe is an infbrmer, not a thief; quia securis acclamatrix potius est, non fur, L. In. 43; Th. i. 128, 23. [ O.Sax . acus, f: N.Dut. akse, /: Ger. axt, f: M. LI. Ger. ackes, f: O. H. Ger. achus,/: Goth, aqizi,/: Dan. okse : Swed. yxa : O.Nrs. ox,/: Lat. ascia,/: Grk. ajiwq.] sex, e; /. An axis; axis, iElfc. Gr. 9, 28 ; Som. 11, 45. v. eax. ®xe, an ; /. Ashes, Ps. Spl. T. 101, 10. v. axe, asce. sexian ; p. ode To ask ; rogare : — iExodon asked ; interrogaverunt, Ps. Spl. T. 136, 3. v. acsian. af- = aef- = of- of, from, away from; de, ex, ab. v. aef-, of-: af-god an idol. a-fseded; part, [for a-feded; pp. of a-fedan to feed, nourish ] Fed, nourished, brought up, educated; nutritus, Bd. I, 27; S. 489, 37. a-fseged, -faegd ; part. Depicted, drawn ; depictus : — BSron anllcnysse Drihtnes HSlendes on brede afaegde and awritene ferebant imaginem Domini Salvatoris in tabula depictam, Bd. 1, 25 ; S. 487, 4. v. a-faegrian. a-fsegniende rejoicing, = fegniende ; part, of faegnian. a-fsegrian ; p. ode ; pp. od To make fair or beautiful, to -adorn , embroider; depingere, ornare: — Mid missendllcum blostmum wyrta afaegrod variis herbarum floribus depictus, Bd. 1,7; S. 478, 22. a-fselan, -faellan ; p. de ; pp. ed To overturn, overthrow, cast out, drive out, cause to stumble, offend; evertere, prosternere, ejicere, scandalizare, Mt. Rush. Stv. 21, 12: Mk. Rush. War. 3, 23: Mt. Rush. Stv. 18, 6. v. ge-faelan. a-feeman ; p. de ; pp. ed To foam out, breathe out ; exspumare, ex- halare : — MuJ> ic ontynde mlnne wide, daet me min oro[ fit afaemde os meum aperui, et exhalavi spiritum, Ps. Th. 118, 131. a- flier an.; p. de ; pp. ed [a, fairan to terrify ] To make greatly afraid, to affright, terrify, dismay, astound; exterrere, perterrere, consternate, stupefacere : — Daet heo afaere fleogan on nette that she may terrify flies into her net, Ps. Th. 89, 10. Folc waes afaered the folk was affrighted, Cd. 166; Th. 206,3; Exod. 446: Exon. 63 b; Th. 233, 15; Ph. 523 : Mk. Bos. 9, 6, 15: Lk. Bos. 24, 4. HIg wurdon ealle afferede erant omnes exterriti, Gen. 42, 35 : Ex. 20, 18. a-fserp he shall lead out, Ps. Spl. 51, 5. v. afaran II. a-fsestan; p. -faeste; pp. -fated To fast ; jejunare: — He afate to aefenes he fasted till evening, Bd. 3, 23 ; S. 554, 32 : 3, 27 ; S. 559, 13. afsestla; interj. O certainly ! O assuredly ! O certe : — Afatla, and hi la -hi, and wella well, and [ylLtce odre syndon Englisc interjectiones O cer- tainly, and alas, and well well, and such other are English interjections, iElfc. Gr. 48 ; Som. 49, 28. a-fsestnian ; p. ode; pp. od To fix, fasten or make firm , to strengthen, fortify, confirm, betroth, espouse, inscribe; munire, firmare, consignare libris, infigere : — Daet we hi moton afatnian on de that we may fix them [oar eyes ] on thee, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132, 31 : Bt. Met. Fox 20, 525 ; Met. 20, 263. HQ afatnod waes feld-husa rnfest how that greatest of 26 A-FANDELIC field-houses was fastened, Cd. 146; Th. 183, 2; Exod. 85: 173; Th.‘ 218, 17 ; Dan. 40. De he on (If bocum afaestnode which he inscribed in five books, Hexam. 1 ; Norm. 2, 18: Deut. 32, 23. Afaestnod ic eom infixus sum, Ps. Spl. 68, 2. a-fandelic probable, v. a-fandigendllc. a-fandian, -fandigean ; p. ode, ude, ade ; pp. od, ud, ad ; v. a. To prove, try, to make a trial, to discover by trying, to experience ; probare, tentare, experiri : — Du afandodest heorte mine probasti cor meurn, Ps. Spl. 16, 4. La llceteras, cunne ge afandian heofones ansyne and eorjian, humeta na afandige ge das tide? hypocritce, faciem cceli et terra nostis probare, hoc autem tempus quotnodo non probatis? Lk. Bos. 12, 56. Du hit haefst afandad be de selfum thou hast experienced it of thyself , Bt. 31, 1; Fox 1 1 2, 19. Seolfor afandod eorftan argentum probatum terra, Ps. Spl. 11, 7: 80, 7. Afandud, Gen. 43, 23. Afanda hwa:der Frea wille make a trial whether the Lord will, Cd. 101 ; Th. 134, 23; Gen. 2229. a-fandigendlic, -fandellc, -fandodllc ; adj. What may be tried, proved, probable ; probabilis, Scint. de praedest. a-fandung, e ; /. A trying ; probatio, experientia, Scint. v. fandung. a-fangen taken, received; assumptus, Mk. Bos. 16, 19. v. a-f6n. afara a son, Chr. 937; Th. 200, 41, col. 1; iEdelst. 7. v. eafora. a-faran, he -faerj) ; p. -for ,pl. aforon ; pp. -faren. I. v. n. To depart, march, to go out of or from a place; exire, egredi: — Hie of Egyptum Ct aforon they marched out from Egypt, Cd. 173; Th. 217, 14; Dan. 6. II. v. act. To remove, lead out; emierare : — Afaerb de emierabit te, Ps. Spl. 5 i, 5. a-feallan ; p. -feol, -feoll, pi. -feollon ; pp. -feallen To fall down ; cadere : — Daet hus afeoll domus cecidit, Lk. Bos. 6, 49 : Cd. 202 ; Th. 25 1 , I ; Dan. 557: Jud. 16, 30. Wear}) afeallen fEdelraedes eorl Ethelred's earl fell [in the battle ], Byrht. Th. 137, 46; By. 202. a-feccan To receive; accipere: — He afecj) [MSS. C. T. onfehj)] me acceperit me, Ps. Spl. 48, 16. a-fedan ; p. -fedde ; pp. -feded, -fed To feed, nourish, rear, bring up ; nutrire, cibare, alere, pascere : — Heo beam afede[ she nourishes her child, Salm. Kmbl. 746 ; Sal 372 : Ps. Th. 135. 26 : 83, 3. Daet du hi afedde mid dy Godes worde that thou didst feed them with the word of God, Bd. 3, 5 ; S. 5 2 7 > 34 : Ors. L 6 ; Bos. 29, 10 : Ps. Th. 94, 7 : 99, 3 : Andr. Kmbl. 1177; An. 589. He wass afeded he was brought up, 1367; An. 684. He waes afeded and gelaered he was reared and taught; nutritus atque eruditus est, Bd. 5, 20; S. 642, 16. WearJ> Iafede geoguj) afeded to Japhet was youth brought up, Cd. 78; Th. 96, 34; Gen. 1604: 82; Th. 102, 29 ; Gen. 1707. Ic eom afed pascor, iElfc. Gr. 33 ; Som. 36, 44. Da hlg afedde walron quibus adultis, Gen. 25, 27. a-fehjj receives; suscipit, Ps. Spl. 47, 3. der. a-fehan. v. fehan, f6n. a-fellan ; p. de; pp. ed To fell ; cadere, prosternere, L. In. 43 ; Th. i. 128, 23. v. a-fyllan. a-felle barked; decorticatum, R. 115. v. ae-felle. Afen, Afn, e ; f : Afene, an ; f. I. avon, the name of a river in Somersetshire : — East op Afene mujjan east at the Avon’s mouth, Chr. 918 ; Th. 1 90, 4. II. also of other rivers in different parts of England : — Into Afenan mujian into Avon’s mouth, Chr. 1067 ; Th. 342, 5. afeng, afengon took, Ps. Spl. 47, 8 : 1 18, 16 ; p. of a-fon. a-feohtan; p. -feaht, pi. -fuhton; pp. -fohten. I. to fight against, attack, assail ; impugnare, expugnare : — Bryttas Ongel [eode afuhton the Britons fought against the English nation, Bd. 5, 23 ; S. 647, 1 : 4,26; S. 602, 25. HI afuhton me expugnaverunt me, Ps. Th. 108, 2 : Ps. Grn. 34, 1. II. to tear or pluck out; evellere : — iEr hit afohten foldan losig e priusquam evellatur, Ps. Th. 128, 4. v. feohtan. a- feoll fell; cecidit, Lk. Bos. 6, 49; p. of afeallan. a-feormian, -igan ;p. ode ; pp. od ; v. trans. [ a intensive, feormian to cleanse] To cleanse, clean thoroughly, purge, wash away; mundare, emundare, permundare, diluere : — Mid besmum afeormod scopis mundatus, Lk. Bos. 11, 25. He afeormaj) his [yrscelflore permundabit aream suam, Mt. Bos. 3, 1 2. Hyt done magan ealne afeormaj) it purges the whole stomach, Herb. 60, 3 ; Lchdm. i. 162, 19. Ic afeormige diluo, iElfc. Gr. 28, 3; Som. 30, 49. Hit afeormaj) of ealle da nebcorn it will cleanse away all the face pimples, Herb. 22, 3; Lchdm. i. 1 18, 24. a-feormung, e ; f. A cleansing, purging ; purgatio, Scint. 2 . a-feorran, -ferran, -firran, -fyrran ; p. de, ode ; pp. ed, od To remove, take away, expel ; removere, elongare, amovere, auferre : — Daes llcho- man faeger and his streon magon bebn afeorred the fairness of the body and its strength may be taken away, Bt. 32, 2; Fox 1 16, 31. Du afeorrodyst fram me freond and nyhstan elongasti a me amicum et proxi- mum, Ps. Spl. C. 87, 19: Cd. 219; Th. 282, 9; Sat. 284. a-feorsian, -fersian, -firsian, -fyrsian ; p. ode ; pp. od. I. v. trans. To remove, take away, expel; removere, elongare, expellere : — De afeorsiaf) hine fram de qui elongant se a te, Ps. Spl. 72, 26 : L. C.E. 4; Th. i. 360, 29 II. v. intrans. To go away, depart; emigrare : — Ic na afeorsie non emigrabo, Ps. Spl. 61, 6. afera a son, Cd. 95 ; Th. 123, 31 ; Gen. 2054. v. eafora. a-feran; p. de; pp. ed To affright, terrify; perterrere, Chr. 1083; Th. 352, 9. v. a-f*ran. -A-FLOWAN. ^ a-ferian, -igan ; p. ede ; pp. ed To take away, remove, withdraw ; auferre, amovere, subducere, cum averiis vel curru vehere, averiare : — Daet du de aferige of disse folcsceare that thou withdraw thyself from this people, Cd. 114; Th. 149, 19; Gen. 2477. He aferede he bore away, Andr. Kmbl. 2355; An. 1179: Ps. Th. 135, 25: Menol. Fox 47; Men. 23. Gif he aferaf).(/ he remove; si averiat, L. R. S. 4 ; Th. i. 434, 8. He sceal aferian [MS. auerian = averian = aferian] he shall remove ; debet averiare, 432, 10. v. a-feorran. a-ferran ; p. de ; pp. ed To remove, take away ; elongare, removere : — Gast haligne fram me aferredne the holy spirit taken from me [ acc . afesoL] , Ps. C. 97 : Bt. 39, 1 1 ; Fox 230, 19. v. a-feorran. a-ferseean [a, fersc fresh] To freshen, to become fresh ; salsuginem deponere : — Swa swa of daere sai cymj daet waeter innon da eorjan and daer afersceajj thus from the sea the water enters into the earth and then becomes fresh, Bt. 34, 6; Fox 140, 1 8. a-fersian to take away ; removere. v. a-feorsian. a-festnian to fix, fasten; munire, firmare. v. a-faestnian. a-fetigan to beat with the feet, to praise, applaud; plaudere: — Ic afetige plaudo, iElfc. Gr. 28, 4; Som. 31, 28. Affric ; def. m. Affrica ; adj. African ; Afer, Africanus ; — Severus se Casere Affrica Severus Ccesar Afer, Bd. I, 5; S. 476, 5, note. Foron Romane on Affrice, the Romans went against [upon] the African people, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 84. 24: 5, 4; Bos. 105, 2: 5, 7; Bos. 106, 22. On Africum among the African people, 6 , I ; Bos. 1 15, 31. Affrica; indecl: but Lat. Affrica, gen. ae; acc. am; /. Africa : — Asia and Affrica togaedere licgaj) Asm and Africa lie together, Ors. I, 1; Bos. 1 5, 14. Daere Af&ica nor[-west gemaere the north-west boundary of Africa, id; Bos. 16, 4. Nu wille we ymbe Affrica now will we [speak ] about Africa, id ; Bos. 24, 26. Hy da Jiry d alias on [red tonemdon — Asiam, and Europam, and Affricam they named the three parts by three names — Asia, and. Europe, and Africa, id; Bos. 15, 5: 5, xi; Bos. 109, 23: 6, 30 ; Bos. 126, 32. Affriean, es ; m. An African ; Africanus : — Regulus feaht wid Affri- canas Regulus fought against Africans, Bt. 16, 2 ; Rawl. 33, 19. v. African. af-god, es; n. [af=of=aef a, ab ; god, n. a heathen god] An idol, an image; idolum. [Platt. But. afgod, m: O.H.Ger. apcot, n ; M.H. Ger. abgot, n. m ; Ger. abgott, m : Goth, afgujts impius : Dan. Swed. afgud, m : O. Nrs. afgud, m.] v. god ; n. af-godnes, -ness, e ; /. Idolatry, the worshipping of images ; idololatria. v. af, god, es; n. a heathen god; -nes, -ness, a-findan ; p. -land, pi. -fundon ; pp. -funden To find, detect, feel, expe- rience ; invenire, deprehendere, experiri, sentire : — De he Godes eorre afunde though he felt God’s anger, Ps. C. 25. Ic aflnde experior, iElfc. Gr. 31 ; Som. 35, 55. Dis wlf waes afunden on unrihton haemede h afrefrede facti sumus sicut consolati, Ps. Th. 125, 1: 118,52: Andr. Kmbl. 1275 ; An. 638. a-frefrian ; p. ode ; pp. od To comfort, console ; consolari : — Forwyrnde beon afrefrod sawle min renuit consolari anima mea, Ps. Spl. 76, 3. a-freodan ; p. ede ; pp. ed To froth ; spumare : — Lfit afreodan let it froth, L. M. I, 47; Lchdm. ii. 118, 27. [O.iVj's. froda, frau tfroth; spuma.] Africa = Affrica Africa ; Africa : — A Africa onginp Africa begins, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 24, 35. v. Affrica. African, Affrican, es; m. An African; Africanus; — Da he feaht wid Africanas, he haefde sige ofer da Africanas when he fought against Africans, he gained a victory over the Africans, Bt. 16, 2 ; Fox 52, 39 : 54, 1. Africanisc, Afrisc; adj. Belonging to Africa, African; Africanus: — Africanisc seppel [MS. -isca, -pie] a pomegranate ; malum Punicum,Cot. 133. Afrisc ; adj. African ; Africanus : — Afrisc medwle an African maid, Cd. 1 7 1 ; Th. 215, 7; Exod. 579. a-froefred comforted; consolatus, Mt. Rush. Stv. 5, 4, = a-frefred ; pp. 0/ a-frefran. a-ful, es ; n. A fault ; culpa, v. ful. a-fulian ; p. ode ; pp. od ; v. n. To become foul, to putrefy, be defiled; putrescere, putrefieri, inquinari, Scint. 66 : 17. v. fulian. a-funden found, discovered, Jn. Bos. 8, 4: Bt. 35, 5; Fox 162, 31 ; pp. of a-findan. a-fundennis, -niss, e ; /. An experiment, an invention, a discovery ; experimentum, R. Ben. interl. 59 a-fylan ; p. ede ; pp. ed ; v.a. [a, ful foul, unclean] To foul, defile, pollute, to make filthy, to corrupt ; inquinare, contaminare, foedare : — Yfel bif> daet man mid flsesc-mete hine sylfne afyle it is sinful that anyone defile himself with flesh-meat, L. C. S. 47; Th. i. 402, 24: Past. 54, 1. Afyled fcedatus, Procem. Greg. Dial. v. ge-fylan, a-fulian. a-fyllan ; p. de ; pp. ed [a, fyllan to fill] To fill up or full, replenish, satisfy; replere, implere: — Afyllafi da eorfian replete terram, Gen. 9, 1. He ne maeg da gitsunga afyllan he cannot satisfy the desires, Bt. 16, 3; -A-GA2LAN. Fox 56, 16. Fyres afylled with fire filled. Exon. 30 b; Th. 95, 26; Cri. 1563: Cd. 215; Th. 271,4; Sat. 100: Beo. Th. 2040; B. 1018: Ps. Th. 128, 5. a-fyllan = a-fellan ; p. de; pp. ed ; v. a. [a, fyllan, fellan to fell] To fell, to strike or beat down, to overturn, subvert, lay low, abolish, slay ; caedere, occidere, prosternere, dejicere, demoliri, comprimere, abrogare : — Gif mon afelle [MS. B. afylle] on wuda wel monega treowa if any one fell in a wood a good many trees, L. In. 43 ; Th. i. 128, 19. Drihten afylj ) dine fynd the Lord will strike down thine enemies, Deut. 28, 7. HI to eorpan afyllaj) de ad terram prosternent te, Lk. Bos. 19, 44 : Salm. Kmbl. 595 ; Sal. 297. Afylde hine he felled him, Salm. Kmbl. 917 ; Sal. 458. Waes Waldendes lof afylled the supreme ruler's praise was suppressed, Chr. 975: Th. 228, 10; Edg. 38. Hu man maeg unlage afyllan how one may abolish unjust laws, L. C. S. 11; Th. i. 382, 8. Gif hwa 6dres ryht afylle if any one suppress another’s right, L. Ath. i. 17; Th. i. 208, 16: L. Eth. vi. 8; Th. i. 316, 26. Daet hine man afylle that any one slay him, 38 ; Th. i. 324, 23 : v. 31; Th. i. 312, 12. v. be-fyllan, ge-. a-fyran ; p. ede ; pp. ed To remove, take away, expel ; amovere, elon- gare, Exon. 43 b; Th. 147, 1; Gu. 720. v. a-fyrran. a-fyran ; p. de ; pp. ed, yd [a, fyran castrare] To castrate ; castrare : — Afyred olfend a dromedary, a kind of swift camel ; dromeda MS. Twegen afyryde men duo eunuchi, Gen. 40, 1. a-fyrd, es; m. A eunuch; spado. Cot. 189. v. a-fyrida. a-fyrhtan ; p. -fyrhte ; pp. -fyrhted, -fyrht To affright, terrify ; terrere, exterrere, perterrere,timore afficere: — He afyrhted wearj he was affrighted. Exon. 52 a; Th. 181, 29; Gu. 1300: Andr. Kmbl. 3057; An. 1531. Waeran mid egsan ealle afyrhte with dread were all affrighted, Cd. 222 ; Th. 288, 22; Sat. 385. Da weardas waeron afyrhte custodes exterriti sunt, Mt. Bos. 28, 4: Bd. 3, 16; S. 543, 12, MS. T. Afirhte, Gen. 14, 10. v. a-forhtian. afyrida, afyryda, an ; m. [a-fyred ; pp. of a-fyran] A eunuch, a castrated animal, servant, courtier ; eunuchus, servus : — Se afyrida the servant, courtier [eunuch], Gen. 39, I. Hi sealdon Iosep Putifare dam afyrydan Faraones vendiderunt Joseph Puliphari eunuchoPharaonis, 37, 36. a-fyrran, -fyran ; p. ede, de; pp. ed [a from, fyrr far] To remove, take away, expel, deliver ; amovere, avertere, elongare, auferre, eripere: — Naed- dran hi afyrrap serpentes tollent, Mk. Bos. 16, 18. Be6J) afyrrede are taken away, Ps. Spl. 57, 8. Du afyrdest of Jacobe da graman haeftned avertisti captivitatem Jacob, Ps. Th. 84, 1. Du me afyrdest frynd da nyhstan elongasti a me arnicum et proximum, 87, 18 : 88, 36 : Bd. 2, 20 ; S. 522, 23 : 4, 11 ; S. 579, 34. Afyrrinde gefeoht odde op ende eorpan auferens bella usque ad flnern terrce, Ps. Spl. C. T. 45, 9. Afyrr me fedndum minum eripe me de inimicis meis, Ps. Th. 142, 10. Afyr, 118, 22: 53> 5- 1° de wolde cwealm afyrran I would remove death from thee. Exon. 28 b; Th. 87, 17; Cri. 1426. Dream waes afyrred joy was re- moved, 42 a; Th. 142, 9; Gu. 641. He haefde feondas afyrde he had the fiends expelled, 43 b; Th. 147, I; Gu. 720. v. a-feorran. a-fyrsian ; p. ode ; pp. od ; v. a. [a, fyrsian to remove] To remove farthest away, drive away, dispel ; pellere, pj-opellere, auferre : — He afyrsep gast ealdormanna aufert spiritum principum, Ps. Spl. 75 » 1 2 : 45 > 9. De debfla afyrsej) which drives devils away, L. C.E. 4; Th. i. 360, 29. v. a-feorsian, a-fyrran. a-fyryda a eunuch; eunuchus: — Dam afyrydan Faraones eunucho Pharaonis, Gen. 37, 36. v. afyrida. a-fysan; p. de; pp. ed. I. to hasten; festinare, tendere: — Feor afysan and for)) gangan to hasten away and to go forward, Byrht. Th. 131, 4; By. 3. II. to hasten away, impel, accelerate, incite, excite, make ready ; incitare, accelerare, paratum vel promptum reddere : — Donne he afysed bi)) when he hastened away. Exon. 65 a ; Th. 241, 1 1 ; Ph. 654. To heofonum bi)) mod afysed to heaven is the spirit impelled, 65 b ; Th. 241, 17 ; Ph. 657 : 59 b ; Th. 217, 3 ; Ph. 274 : Rood Kmbl. 247; Kr. 125: Exon. 119a; Th. 457, 22; Hy. 4. 87. Swa air wxter fledwan, flodas afysde as the waters flowed before, the excited floods, 22 b; Th. 61, 17 ; Cri. 986. ag, es ; n f Wickedness ; nequitia : — Hi fiohton and hi sprScon ag cogi- taverunt et locuti sunt nequiliam, Ps. Spl. T. 72,8. [Goth, agio,/ trouble : O. Nrs. agi, m. terror ; Grm. ii. 503, 20.] der. ag-lac, ag-laec, -laeca, -lac-had, -laic-craeft, -laec-wif. aga, an ; m. A possessor, an owner ; possessor, v. un-aga. a-gsef returned; reddidit, Cd. 196; Th. 244, 24; Dan.453; p. of a-gifan. a-gselan ; p. de ; pp. ed. I. v. trans. To hinder, occupy, detain, delay, neglect ; impedire, retardare, morari, negligere : — Daet he ne agaele gaistes [earte that he delay not his spirit’s welfare, Exon. 19 b; Th. 5 1, 16 ; Cri. 817. Me dibs siccetung hafa]> agaeled this sighing has hindered me, Bt. Met. Fox 2, 9 ; Met. 2, 5. Ic mine tid-sangas oft agaelde I have often neglected my canonical hours, L. De Cf. 9; Th. ii. 264, 11. Astrecceap agailedan honda remissas manus erigite, Past. 11, 1; Cot. MS. And swa eall daet folc wear)) mid him anum agailed and all the people were so occupied with him alone, Ors. 3, 9 ; Bos. 68, 24. II. v. intrans. To hesitate, be careless ; cunctari, indili- gens esse : — He wihte ne agaelde daes de Jearf waes [eddcyninges he 28 A-GtELENDE— was not careless about anything that was needful for the hing, Chr. 1066 ; ' Th. 335 . I 5 . col. 1 ; Edv. 33. a-geelende ; part, enchanting; incantans, Ps. Vos. 57, 5. v. a-galan. a-gsslwed astonished; consternatus, Bt. 34, 5 ; Fox 140, 9; MS. Cot. v. a-gelwan. a-gsen gone, past ; praeteritus, Cart. Uuerfrijt in app, ad Bsedam, S. 772, I, 4. v. a-gan. a-giiep happens : — Hit agiejt eall swa it happens so as [also], Dent. 13, 2. V. agan, gan, hit gaifi. a-galan ; he -gselp ; p. -g 61 , pi. -golon ; pp. -galen [a, galan to sing\ To sing, chant; canere, cantare : — He fusleojj agol he sang the death-song, Exon. 52 b; Th. 183, I; Gu. 1320. Fyrdleo[ agol wulf on walde a war- song sung the wolf in the wood, Elen. Kmbl. 54 ; El. 27 : Beo. Th. 3047 ; B. 1521. a-galan To loose, dissolve; remittere, Past. 11, 1; Hat. MS. 14b, 24. v. agaelan. a-gan began; coepit, Mk. Bos. 6, 7 ; p. of a-ginnan. a-gan ; p. -eode ; pp -gan [a from, away, gan to go ]. I. to come to pass, happen; praeterire, transire : — iEr his ttd aga [tide ge MS.] before his time come to pass, Exon. 82 a; Th. 310, 3; Seef. 69; [Grn. Gloss.] Da saeternes dseg wss agan cum transivisset sabbatum, Mk. Bos. 1 6, I. iEfen-fela nihta agane waeron totidem nodes transierunt, Deut. 9, 1 1 : Andr. Kmbl. 293; An. 147: Elen. Kmbl. 2452; El. 1227. Swa hit s&jfllce a-e6de so it truly happened, K. de visione Isaiae. II. to come forth ; provenire : — Him upp aga horn on heafde a horn comes forth on his head, Ps. Th. 68, 32. III. to approach to any one to solicit him; procedere ad aliquem sollicitandi causa : — Ne meahton heora brego- weardas agan might not approach their lords, Cd. 1 3 1 ; Th. 166, 14; Gen. 2747. AGAIN", to aganne ; pres. part, agende ; pres, indie, ic, he ah, du ahst, pi. agon, agan, agun ; p. ic, he ahte, du ahtest, pi. ahton ; subj. ic, du, he age, pi. agen ; p. ic ahte, pi. ahten ; pp. agen. I. to own, possess, have, obtain ; possidere, habere, percipere : — De micel agan willajt who desire [will ] to possess much, Bt. 14, 2; Fox 44, 13. Nu ic ah m aisle jtearfe now I have the utmost need, Byrht. Th. 136, 60 ; By. 1 75. Gesyle eall dset du age vende qucecumque habes, Mk. Bos. 10, 21. Du de ahst doma geweald thou that hast power of dignities, Elen. Kmbl. 1448 ; El. 726. Ah him lifes geweald he hath power over life, Andr. Kmbl. 1036 ; An. 518 : Cd. 103 ; Th. 137, 8 ; Gen. 2270. Wuna dsem de agon dwell with those who own thee, Cd. 104 ; Th. 138, 18 ; Gen. 2293 : 221 ; Th. 287, 3; Sat. 361. Diet hie heofonrice agan that they shall possess heaven’s kingdom, 22; Th. 27, 33; Gen. 427. HI agun they possess. Exon. 33 b; Th. 106, 33 ; Gu. 50. Daet ic ece Ilf age ut vitam ceternam percipiam, Mk. Bos. 10, 17. He sealde eall dast he ahte vendidit omnia qua habuit, Mt. Bos. 13, 46: Ps. Th. 147, 3: Beo. Th. 5210; B. 2608. HI gewyrhto ahton they possessed merits, Cd. 196 ; Th. 244, 7 ; Dan. 444. Ahton, Ps. Th. 118, 79. Daet hi sige ahten that they had the victory, Bd. 3, 2 ; S. 524, 28. Dom agende possessing power, Andr. Kmbl. 1139 > An. 570: Exon. 68 a; Th. 253, 26; Jul. 186. Deah he feoh-gestreon ahte although he possessed riches. Exon. 66 b; Th. 245, 13; Jul. 44. II. to make another to own or possess, hence, — to give, deliver, restore; dare in possessionem, reddere, rependere: — Edelstowe de ic agan sceal 7 shall give thee a dwelling-place, Cd. 130 ; Th. 164, 34 ; Gen. 2724. On hand agan to deliver in hand, Ors. 3, I r ? Agan ut to have or find out. Lett agan ut, hu fela permit to find out, how many, Chr. 1085 ; Th. 353, 5. [Agan is the first of the following twelve Anglo-Saxon verbs, — agan, cunnan, dugan, durran, magan, m6tan, munan, nugan, sculan, [urfan, unnan, witan, which are called preeterito-preesentia, because they take their new infinitives and their present tenses from the perfects of strong verbs with their inflections. These new infinitives form their p. tenses regularly in accordance with the weak conjugations. Thus, the new infinitive agan has pres, ic, he ah = ag, pi. agon ; p. ahte = agde, pi. ahton = agdon. The inf. agan and the pres, ah, pi. agon [for igon], retaining preterite inflections, are taken from the p. of a strong verb, ascertained from ah [Goth, aih], which shews the a of the p. singular in the eighth class of Grimm’s division of strong verbs [Grm. i. p. 837 ; Koch i. p. 253], and requires by analogy, with other verbs of the same class, the inf. Igan, the p. pi. igon, and the pp. igen. Thus we find the original verb Igan ; p. ah, pi. igon ; pp. igen. But in agan the a of the singular indef. is kept in the pi. inf. and pp. The weak p. ahte=agde, pi. ahton = agdon are formed regularly from the weak infin. agan. The same preeterito-preesens may be generally observed in the following cognate words : — inf pres . pi. p. Engl. Laym. owe, possidere, agen, ah, agen, ought. ahte. O. Sax. egan, [eh]. egun. ehta. 0 . Frs. aga, haga, ach, agon, achte. 0 . H. Ger. Goth. eigan, aigan, iiih, eigumes. digum, aihta. O. Nrs. eiga, a. eigum, St-ta.] AGEND-FREAN. ^ her. agen, -frigea, -nama, -nyss, -slaga : agend, -frea, -lice ; ahni-an, agni- .1 an, -end, -endile : ge-agnian, ge-agnigendllc : agenung : ®ht, e ; /. aihte- " land, -man, -swan : aihtige. agan, Cd. 216; Th. 274,1; Sat. I 47 ;g\ d.acc. etc. of age, an; f. property. 1 a-gangan ; pp. -gangen, -gongen To go or pass by or over, to happen, I befal; praeterire, evenire : — Da waes agangen, geara hwyrftum, tu hund and [red there were passed, in the circuits of years, two hundred and three , Elen. Kmbl. 1; El. 1 : Chr. 974; Th. 224, 33; Edg. 10. Swa hit agan- F gen wear]) how it had befallen, Beo. Th. 2473; B. 1234. Waes daes mseles ntearc agongen the limit of the time was passed, Cd. 83 ; Th. 103, 17; Gen. 1719: Exon. 39b; Th. 130, 20; Gu. 441. age, an ; f. Property ; possessio, proprium : — De he to agan nyle which he will not have for his property, Cd. 216; Th. 274, I; Sat. 147. De de gedafenode agan to habbanne quern te conveniebat proprium habere, Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 26. age, Mk. Bos. 10, 17 ; subj. s. of agan to own. a-geaf gave up, Jn. Bos. 19, 30; p. of agifan. a-geald rewarded, Beo. Th. 3335 ; B. 1665 ; p. of agildan. a-gean ; prep. Towards; adversus, Chr. 1052 ; Th. 314, 23. v. on-gean. agean-feran; p. de; pp. ed To go again, return; reverti, Chr. 1070; t Th. 344, 31. v. ongean-faran. age&n-hwyrfan To turn again, to return; redire, Mk. Jun. 6, 31. v. agen-hwyrfan. ■ a-geara, -gearwa prepared ; paratus. v. gearwa in gearo ; adj. a-gearwian To prepare ; parare. v. gearwian. a-geat understood, Ps. Spl. 118, 95 ; p. of a-gitan. a-ge&t poured out, Cd. 47 ; Th. 60, 20 ; Gen. 984. v. a-geotan. a-gefan; yd pi. perf. of a-gifan, for a-gefon, Menol. Fox 160. a-geldan ; p. -geald, pi. -guidon ; pp. -golden To pay, render ; red- . dere: — Scilling agelde let him pay a shilling, L. H.E. 11, 12 ; Th. i. 32, 5, 9. v. a-gildan. a-geldan; pp. -geald [Grn.] To punish; punire: — Wurdon teonllce 1 todas idge [MS. to [as idge] ageald the greedy teeth were harmfully punished. Exon. 61 b; Th. 226, 19; Ph. 408. a-gelwan ; p. ede ; pp. ed To stupefy, astonish ; stupefacere, conster- i nare : — Da wearjt ic agelwed then I was astonished, Bt. 34, 5 ; Fox , 140,9. ■ a-gen; prep. acc. Against ; adversum, contra; — Se de nis agen eow, se ; is for eow qui non est adversum vos, pro vobis est, Mk. Bos. 9, 40. Dili brodor hsefjp aenig [ing agen de frater tuus habet aliquid adversum te, Mt. Bos. 5, 23. v. on-gean; prep. a-gen; a civ. again, anew, also; iterum, denuo, et: — De de slih[ on i din gewenge, wend oder agen qui te percutil in maxillam, preebe et , alteram, Lk. Bos. 6, 29. Da wende he on scype agen then he went ; into the ship again, 8, 37, 40. Waes forworht agen was punished anew, ; Cd. 214; Th. 269, 21; Sat. 76. v. on-gean; adv. agen ; adj. [originally the pp. of agan to own, possess ]. I. owtr, ' proper, peculiar ; proprius : — Seep his agen wuldor gloriam propriam ' queerit, Jn. Bos. 7, 18. Godes agen beam God’s own child, Cd. 213; I Th. 265, 20; Sat. 10: 109; Th. 144, 27; Gen. 2396; Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 19. Hire agenes huses of her oxvn house, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 60; Met. 13, 30. Binnan heora agenre hyde within their own skin, Bt. 14, 2 ; Fox 44, 23. On edwerne agenne d 5 m in your own decision, Andr. Kmbl. 677; An. 339. On his agenum dagum in diebus ejus, Ps. Th. 71, 7. His agnum willan on his own accord , Ors. 4, 1 1 ; Bos, 98, 6. Agna gesceafta thy own creatures, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 28 ; Met. 20, 14: Bt. 14, 2 ; Fox 44, 36. Dines agenes [onces of thine own choice, Bt. 8 ; Fox 26, 12. II. used substantively, The property owned, or one’s own property ; proprium : — Agife man dam agen-frigean his agen let his own be rendered to the proprietor, L. C. S. 24 ; Th. i. 390, 7 : L. Eth. ii. 10; Wilk. 106, 38. [Chauc. owen : Layin. agen: Plat, egen : O.Sax. egan: O. Frs. ein, ain, eigen, egen ; Ger. M. H. Ger. eigen : O. H. Ger. eikan, eigan : Goth, aigin, n. arid aihts,/. oltala : O. Nrs. eigin.] v. agan. agen-arn met; occurrit, Mk. Bos. 5, 2 ; p. of agen-yrnan. agen-bewendan; pp. ed To turn again, return ; reverti : — And I da he hine eft agen-bewende and then he turned himself again, Mk. Bos, r 14. 40 - agen-cuman ; p. -com, pi. -comon ; pp. -cumen To come again ; re- j dire : — Da se Hselend agen-com cum rediisset Iesus, Lk. Bos. 8, 40. agend, es ; m. [part, of agan to own] An owner, a possessor, the Lord; possessor, proprietarius, Dominus : — predm hundum scillinga gylde se agend with three hundred shillings let the owner pay, L. H.E. I ; Th. i. 26, 9:3; Th. i. 28, 5. Agendes est the oumer’s favour, Beo. Th. 6142 ; B. 3075. Wuldres Agend the Lord of glory , Exon. 25 b; Th. 73, 32; Cri. 1198: 14 b; Th. 29, 32 ; Cri.471. Se Agend the Lord; Dominus, Cd. 158; Th. 196, 21; Exod. 295. agend-frefi, an ; m. The owning lord, possessor ; dominus, possessor e He heofona is and disse eorjian agend-frea he is the owning Lord of heaven and of this earth, Cd. 98; Th. 129, 10; Gen. 2141: Beo. Th. 377° ; B. 1883. agend-fre&n ; acc. f. A mistress; dominant; — Heo [Agar] ongan 29 AGEND-FRI6— AG-LJ3CA. *f]>ancum Sgend-frean heriari she [Hagar] began to vex her mistress with' insults, Cd. 102; Th. 135, 4; Gen. 2237. v. frea. agend-frio, -freo; indecl, m. An owner, possessor; possessor: — He agife dam agendfrib [agend-freo MS. B.] done monnan let him give up the man to the owner, L. In. 53 ; Th. i. 136, 4. v. agend-frea. agend-liee; adv. Properly, as his own; proprie, Bd. 1,1; S. 474, 42. agen-frigea, -friga, -fria, an ; -frige, es ; m. An owner, possessor ; pos- sessor : — Se agen-frigea the owner, L. In. 42 ; Th. i. 128, 14. Agife man dam agen-frigean [-frigan MS. C.] his agen let his own be rendered to the proprietor, L. C. S. 24 ; Th. i. 390, 7. Dam agen-frige to the pos- sessor, L. In. 53; Th. i. 136, 4, MS. H. We also find, — Se agena frigea the possessor; dam agenan frian to the possessor, L. Eth. iii. 4; Th. i. 294, 18, 17. agen-geeyrran To turn again, recur ; recurrere, Fulg. 9. agen-gehweorfan ; p. -gehwearf, pi. -gehwurfon ; pp. -gehworfen To change again, to return ; redire : — Da htg agen-gehwurfon cum redi- rent, Lk. Bos. 2, 43. agen-hwyrfan ; p. de ; pp. ed To turn again, return ; redire : — Manega agen-hwyrfdon [Jun. agean-hwvrfdon] multi redibant, Mk. Bos. 6, 31. agen-leedan ; p. de; pp. ed To lead back ; reducere, Anlct. Gloss, agen-nama, an ; m. One’s own or proper name; purum nomen, Fulg. 3 : proprium nomen, TElfc. Gr. 7 ; Som. 6, 59. agen-nys, -nyss, e; /. An owning, a possession, property; possessio, S. de Fide Cathol. . agen-sendan ; p. -sende To send again, send back ; remittere : — He hine agen-sende to Herode remisit eum ad Herodem, Lk. Bos. 23, 7 : 23. ”• agen-slaga, an ; m. A self-slayer, self-murderer ; qui sibimet ipsi ma- num infert, Octo Vit. capit. agen-sprsee, e ; f. [agen own, spraec speech ] One’s own tongue, an idiom, the peculiarity of a language; idioma, TElfc. GI. ioi; Som. 77, 41. v. gecynde-spraec. agen-standan ; p. -stSd, pi. -stodon ; pp. -standen To stand against, urge, insist upon ; obsistere, insistere : — Da Farisei ongunnan hefillce him agen-standan Phariscei cceperunt graviter insistere, Lk. Bos. II, 53. agenung, agnung, ahnung, e ; f. An owning, a possessing, possession, ownership, claiming as one’s own, power or dominion over anything; possessio; dominium : — Gif getrywe gewitnes him to agenunge rym[ ; fordam agnung biji ner dam de hasfj), donne dam de aefter-sprecji if a true witness make way for him to possession ; because possession is nearer to him who has, than to him who claims, L. Eth. ii. 9 ; Th. i. 290, 20. Be dsere ahnunge respecting ownership, L. Ed. I ; Lambd. 38, 25. agen-yrnan ; p. -am, pi. -urnon ; pp. -urnen To run against, meet with, meet; occurrere : — Him agenarn an man occurrit homo, Mk. Bos. 5, 2. Inc agenyrnjj sum man occurret vobis homo, Mk. Bos. 14, 13. a-geofan to restore, give back, repay, = a-gifan, Heming, p. 104. a-geolwian [a, geolo yellow\ To become yellow, to make to glitter as gold; flavescere, Herb. 42, ?Lye. v. geolwian. a-geomrod lamented; lamentatus. v. gebmerian. a-gebtan, -gltan ; p. -geat, -get, pi. -gutou ; pp. -goten. I. v. trans. To pour out, shed, strew, spill, deprive of; effundere, privare : — He his swat ageat he shed his blood. Exon. 40 a ; Th. 133, 22 ; Gu. 493 : Cd. 47 ; Th. 60, 20 ; Gen. 984. He his blod aget he had spilled his blood, Andr. Reed. 2897; [ageat, Grm. 1449; Kmbl. 2897.] HI aguton blod effu- derunt sanguinem, Ps. Spl. 78, 3: Bd. I, 7; S. 476, 30: Gen. 9, 6. Ageot cocor effunde frameam, Ps. Spl. 34, 3. Agoten effusus, Ps. Th. 78, 11. Hie wa>ron agotene goda gehwylces they were deprived of all goods, Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 23; Jud. 32. II. v. intrans. To pour forth ; profluere : — Swa dm swat ageat thus thy blood poured forth, Andr. Kmbl. 2881; An. 1443. • a-getan ; p. de, te ; pp. ed To seize, take away, destroy ; corripere, eripere, delere : — Sumne sceal gar agetan the spear shall take one away, Exon. 87 a; Th. 328, 11 ; Vy. 16 : Andr. Grm. 1144 : Exon. 127 b ; Th. 49 L 3 ! F-h. 80, 8. Dser laeg secg msenig garum ageted there lay many a warrior destroyed by javelins, Chr. 937 ; Th. 202, 21, col. I ; TEdelst. 18. der. getan. a-geton [they] destroyed; yd pers. pi. p. o/a-gitan. ag-hwser everywhere ; ubique, Lye. v. ;eg-hwa>r. a-giefan; p. -geaf; pp. -giefen To restore, render, pay, give ; reddere, solvere, dare, Exon. 73 b ; Th. 274, 6 ; Jul. 529 : 26 a ; Th. 77, 22 ; Cri. 1260. v. a-gifan. a-gieldan To pay, repay : — Du scyle ryht agieldan thou shall pay just retribution, Exon. 99b; Th. 372, 25; Seel. 98. v. a-gildan. a-gibmeleasian ; p. ode ; pp. od To neglect, despise : — Ne agiemeleasa du Godes swingan noli negligere disciplinam Domini, Past. 36, 4 ; Hat. MS. 47 b, 3. v. a-glmeleasian. a-gieta, a-glta, an ; m. A spendthrift, prodigal ; prodigus, profligator, Past. 20, 1 ; Hat. MS. 29 a, 26. a-gifan, -gyfan, -giefan, -geofan ; p. -gxf, -geaf, -gef, pi. -gefon, -geafon ; pp. -giten, -giefen, -gyfen To restore, give back, give up, leave, return, repay, render, pay, give ; reddere, restituere, tradere, relinquere, exsolvere, J dare : — He wolde hine his faeder agifan volebat eum reddere patri suo, Gen. 37, 22. Uton agifan daem esne his wlf let us restore to the man his wife, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 6. Eor[e ageaf da the earth gave up those. Exon. 24 b; Th. 71, 15; Cri. 1156. Done hie daere ewene ageton they gave him up to the queen, Elen. Kmbl. 1171 ; El. 587. He agaef him his leoda lafe he restored to him the remnant of his people, Cd. 196 ; Th. 244, 24; Dan. 453. Ne agife non restituet. Ex. 22, 13. Hy faeder ageaf on fe6nda geweald her father delivered her up into her foes’ power. Exon. 68 a; Th. 252, 6; Jul. 159. Andreas his gast ageaf Andrew gave up his soul, Menol. Fox 43 1; Men. 217. Ageaf his gast tradidit spiritum, Jn. Bos. 19, 30. Andreas carcerne ageaf Andrew left his prison, Andr. Kmbl. 3155; An. 1580. Him se wer ageaf andsware to him the man returned answer. Exon. 49 b; Th. 171, 34; Gu. 1136. Andreas agef andsware Andrew relumed answer, Andr. Kmbl. 378 ; An. 189. Ic for)? agef da, de ic ne reafude aer quee non rapui, tunc exsolvebam, Ps. Th. 68, 5: L. In. 60; Th. i. 140, 10. Siddan ge ebwre gafulraedenne agifen habbaj) after ye have paid your fare, Andr. Kmbl. 592 ; An. 296. He him lean ageaf he gave him a gift, Cd. 86; Th. 108, 19; Gen. 1808; 97 ; Th. 128, 3 ; Gen. 2121 : Th. Diplm. A.D. 830 ; 465, 31. HT agea- fon dono dederunt, Judth. 12 ; Thw. 26, 23; Jud. 342. der. gifan. a-gift, e ; /? A giving back, restoration ; restitutio, v. gift, e ; /. a-gildan, -geldan, -gieldan, -gyldan ; p. -geald, pi. -guidon ; pp. -golden To pay, render, repay, restore, reward, requite, permit, allow; reddere, solvere, rependere, retribuere, concedere; — Du scyle ryht agieldan [agil- dan MS. Verc,] thou shall pay just retribution, Exon, 99 b; Th. 372, 25 ; Seel. 98. Gyf ic ageald gyldendum me yfelu si reddidi retribuentibus mihi mala, Ps. Spl. 7, 4. Da me sael ageald as opportunity permitted to me, Beo. Th. 3335; B. 1665: 5374; B. 2690: Cd. 93; Th. 121, 11; Gen. 2008. Aguldon me yfelu for godum retribuebant mihi mala pro bonis, Ps. Spl. 34, 14. Da onssegdnysse da de fram ebw deofluin waeron agoldene sacrificia hcec quee a vobis redduntur deemonibus, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477’ 37- DER - gildan. a-gilde, a-gylde ; adv. Without compensation, L. C. S. 49 ; Th. i. 404, 14 [MS. A] : L. Eth. v. 31; Th, i. 312, 12. v. ae-gilde. a-gilpan ; p. -gealp, pi. -gulpon ; pp. -golpen To glory, boast, exult ; gloriari, laetari : — Wyt magon daer diedum agilpan we may there exult in our deeds, Cd. 100 a ; Th. 377, 2 ; Seel. 165. a-giltan ; p. -gilte ; pp. -gilt To sin, fail, do wrong ; delinquere, pec- care : — Ic agilte wid edwerne Drihten peccavi in Dominum vestrum, Ex. 10, 16 : Hy. 7, 103 ; Hy. Grn. ii, 289, 103. v. a-gyltan. a-giltst thou repayest, Mt. Bos. 5, 33. v. giltst in gildan. a-gimelebsian, -giemeleasian ; p. ode ; pp. od To neglect, despise ; negligere : — Ne agiemeleasa [MS. C. aglmeleiisa] du Godes swingan noli negligere disciplinam Domini, Past. 36, 4 ; Hat. MS. 47 b, 3. v. gyme- leasian. a-gimmed, -gymmed ; part. Gemmed, set with gems ; gemmatus : — Agimmed and gesmided bend a gemmed and worked crown, a diadem ; diadema, iElfc. Gl. 64 ; Som. 69, 12 ; Wrt. Voc. 40, 46. Agimmed gerdel, vel gyrdel, vel angseta, vel hringc a gemmed girdle or ring ; strophium, 64; Som. 69, 20; Wrt. Voc. 40, 51; pp. of a-gimmian. v. gimmian. a-ginnan; ic aginne, du aginnest, aginst, he aginne}), aginef, aginji, agyn[ ; p. agan, pi. agunnon ; pp. agunnen ; v. a. To begin, to set upon, undertake, take in hand; incipere : — And agynf) beatan hys efenf’eowas cceperit percutere conservos suos, Mt. Bos. 24, 49. HI agynnon hine tailan incipiant illudere ei, Lk. Bos. 14, 29: 23, 5. He agan hi sendan twam and twam capit eos mittere binos, Mk. Bos. 6, 7. a-glta, an; m. A spendthrift; prodigus. Past. 20, 2 ; Hat. MS. 29 b, 10. a-gitan ; p. -geat, pi. -geaton, -geton ; pp. -giten [a away, gitan to get ] To destroy, abolish, subvert; destruere, exstinguere, subvertere : — He ageat gylp wera he destroyed the vaunt of men, Cd. 169; Th. 210, 12 ; Exod. 514. HI heafodgimme ageton they destroyed the gem of the head, Andr. Reed. 63 ; [aguton, Grm. 32 ; Kmbl. 63.] a-gitan To discover, find ; deprehendere, L. N. P. 48; Th. ii. 296, 27. v. a-gytan, agitan; p. -geat, -get, pi. -guton ; pp. -goten To pour out, shed; effim- dere:— Swa hwa swa aglt mannes blod, his blod bi[ agoten quicumque effuderit humanum sanguinem fundetur sanguis illius, Gen. 9, 6. ag-lac, seg-lrec, es ; n. [ag nequitia ; lac ludus, donum ] Misery, grief, trouble, vexation, sorrow, torment; miseria, dolor, tribulatio, molestia, tristitia, cruciatus: — Of dam aglac efrom that misery, Exon. 101 b; Th. 383, 7; Ra, 4, 7. Aglac dredge I suffer misery, 127 b; Th. 490, 5; Ra. 79, 6- Dar hie clast aglac drugon where they suffered that torment, Cd. 185; Th. 230, 25; Dan. 238. v. ag. ag-lac-had, es ; m. [ag nequitia ; lac ludus, donum ; had conditio, status] Misery-hood, a state of misery; afflictionis conditio, Exon. 113b; Th. 435, 24; Ra, 54, 5. ag-leeca, -lsecea, -leca, an ; m. [ah-laica, seg-, sec- ; ag-lac, -lsec misery ; a the m. of personal noun] A miserable being, wretch, miscreant, monster, fierce combatant; miser, perditus, m'onstrum, bellator immanis: — Ne diet se aglieca yldan [ohte nor did the wretch [Grendef] mean to delay that, Beo. Th. 1482 ; B. 739. Earme aglaecan miserable wretches. Exon. 41a; 30 AG-L7EC-CRJEFT — AH. Th. 136, 26; Gu. 547. Satanus, earm aglaeca Satan, miserable wretch, Cd. 223; Th. 293, 1; Sat. 448: Exon. 69b; Th. 258, 21; Jul. 268: 70 a ; Th. 261, 22 ; Jul. 319 : Beo. Th. 1 1 16 ; B. 556 : 5 1 77 ; B. 2592. ag-leec-crseft, es; n. An evil art, Andr. Kmbl. 2724; An. 1364. v. ac-laec-craeft. ag-lsecea, an; m. A wretch, miscreant, monster; miser, perditus, mon- strum : — Wid dam aglascean against the wretch, Beo. Th. 5033 ; B. 2520 : 5107; B. 2557: 5177; B. 2592. v. ag-lSca. ag-leee-wif, es ; n. A wretch of a woman, vile crone ; monstrum mu- Iieris, mulier perniciosa : — Grendles modor, ides, agltec-wlf GrendeTs mother, the woman, vile crone, Beo. Th. 2522 ; B. 1 259. ag-leoa, an ; m. A wretch, miscreant, v. aeg-leca, ag-laecea. a-glidan ; p. -glad, pi. -glidon ; pp. -gliden To glide or slip ; labascere. Cot. 123. der. glldan. agnian = ahnian ; part, agnigende ; p. ade, ode ; pp. ad, od ; v. a. To own, possess, to appropriate to himself, to prove or claim as one’s own ; possidere, vindicare sibi : — Hu miht du, donne, de agnian heora g 5 d how const thou, then, appropriate to thyself their good ? Bt. 14, I ; Fox 42, 26. Done gleowstol [MS. gleawstol] brodor min agnade my brother possessed the seat of joy. Exon. 130 a; Th. 499, 3; Ra. 88, 10. He agnige hit let him prove it as his own [keep possession of it, Th.], L. C. S. 24 ; Th. i. 390,10,11: L.O. 13; Th. i. 184, 5. Swa he hit agnode [MS. B. ahnode], swa he hit tymde as he claimed it as his own, so he advocated it, L. Ed. I ; Th. i. 160, 8. Ahnodon, Ps. Spl. 43, 4. der. agan. agniend, ahniend, es ; m. An owner, a possessor; possessor : — Se de ys ahniend eorjian and heofenan qui est possessor cceli et term, Gen. 14, 22. agniend-lie ; adj. Possessive, pertaining to possession or owning ; pos- sessivus. der. agniende = agnigende ; part, of agnian, -He. agnung, e ; /. An owning; possessio, L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 20, v. agenung. ag-nys, -nvss, e ; /. Sorrow, affliction ; serumna ; — On agnysse [MS. T. angnisse] mm in cerumna mea, Ps. Spl. 31, 4. v. ag. agof = agob A word formed in the Riddles by inverting the order of the letters in the word boga a bow. Agob [MS. agof] is min noma eft onhwyrfed agob is my name transposed. Exon. 106 b; Th. 405, 12 ; Ra. 24, 1. a-gol sang; cantavit, Beo. Th. 3047; B. 1521; p. of a-galan. a-golden repaid, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 37. v. a-gildan. agon they own, Cd. 104; Th. 138, 18; Gen. 2293; o/agan. a-gongen passed, Cd. 83 ; Th, 103, 17 ; Gen. 1719 ; pp. of agangan. a-goten poured out, Ps. Th. 78, 1 1 . v. a-geotan. a-gotenes, a-gotennys, -nyss, e ; f. An effusion, a pouring or shedding forth, out or abroad ; effusio : — Agotennys te&ra a shedding of tears, Med. pec. 16. a-greefen engraved, carved; caelatum, Cot. 33. v. a-grafan. a-grafan ; p. -grof, pi. -grofon ; pp. -grafen To engrave, inscribe; sculpere, caelare, sculptare, inscribere : — He sealde Moise twa stajnene wexbreda mid Godes handa agrafene dedit Moisi duas tabulas scriptas digito Dei, Ex. 31, 18. Bed se mann awirged, de wirce agrafene godas odde gegotene male- dictus homo, qui facit sculptile et conflatile, Deut. 27, 15 : Lev, 26, 1, On agrafenum anllcnyssum in sculptilibus, Ps. Spl. 77, 64. Se disne beam agrof he inscribed this beam. Exon. 123 a ; Th. 473, 10 ; Bo. 12. a-grafen-Iice, an ; n. [a-grafen carved, -lice a body ] That which is carved, a carved image; sculptile: — HI gebsdon diet agrafenllce adora- verunt sculptile, Ps. Spl. 105, 19. agrimonia, an; f. Agrimony; agrimonia eupatoria: — Genlm agri- monian take agrimony, L. M. 1, 2 ; Lchdm. ii. 36, 21 : 1, 31 ; Lchdm. ii. 74, 15. The native name was garclife, q.v. a-grisan To dread, fear greatly, shudder; horrere ; — Dset he for helle agrlse that he shudder for hell, L. C. E. 25 ; Th. i, 374, 13. a-grisen-Ko horrible; terribilis. v. angrlsllc, grlsllc. a-grof inscribed. Exon. 123a; Th. 473, 10; Bo. 12; p. 0/ a-grafan. a-growan [a, growan to grow] To grow under, to cover; succrescere : — Seo eor[e stod mid hokum agrowen the earth was [stood] covered [over- grown 1 with groves [AoJ/s], Hexam. 6; Norm, 12, 4. a-gryndan ; p. -grand, pi. -grundon ; pp. -grunden To ground, to descend to the earth ; ad solum descendere ; — Gim astlhj) on heofonas up hyhst on geare and of tille agrynt the gem [i. e. the st/re] rises in the heavens highest in the year and descends from its station, Menol. Fox 220; Men, in. agu A pie, magpie ; pica, iElfc. Gl. 38 ; Som. 63, 2? ; Wrt. Voc, 29, 43. agun possess, Exon. 33 b ; Th. 106, 33 ; Gu. 50 ; 3 rd pi. pres, of agan. v. agon. Agustin, es ; m: Agustlnus, Augustinus, i ; m ; Lat. St. Augustine, the missionary sent by Pope Gregory to England, A. D. 597; Augus- tinus: — A.D. 597, Her com Augustinus and his geferan to Engla lande now, A.D, 397, Augustine and his companions came to England, Chr. 597 ; Th. 35, 41, col. 2. Gregorius sende Agustlne pallium Gregorius misit Avgus- tina pallium, Bd. I, 29; S. 498, 12. iEfter Agustlne after Augustine, 2, 4 : S, 505, 9. Dset he sende Godes [eow Agustlnum bodian Godes word Angel- Jteode ut mitteret servum Dei Augustinum pratdicare verbum Dei 'genti Anglorum, Bd. I, 23; S. 485, 27. Agustlnus com on Breotone Augustinus pervenit Brittaniam, I, 25 ; S. 486, 13. Dset Gregorius sende Agustlno pallium ut Gregorius Augustino pallium miserit, I, 29, titl ; S. 498, 2. iEfter dyssum forjjferde da Gode se leofa faeder Agustlnus, and his llchoma waes ute bebyriged neh cyricean dara eadigra Apia’ Petrus and Paulus, for don heo da gyta ne waes fulllce geworht ne gehalgod. Sona daes de heo gehalgod waes da dyde mon his llchoman in, and on daere cyricean nor)) portice gedefellce waes bebyriged. ... Is awriten in See’ Agustlnus byrigenne dysses gemetes gewrit : — ‘ Her reste)) Domne Agustlnus se seresta aerceb’ Cantwarena burge, se geara hider fram dam eadigan Gregorie daere Romaniscan burge B’ sended waes, and fram Gode mid wundra wyrenesse awreded waes, iEdelbyrht cyning and his jjedde fram dedfulgylda bigonge he to Cristes gele&fan gelaedde, and on sibbe gefyldum dagum his Jtenunge for))fered waes da dy dxge septima K! Junias on daes ylcan cyninges rice’ defunctus est autem Deo dilectus pater Augus- tinus, et positum corpus ejus foras, juxta ecclesiam beatorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli, quia ea necdum fuerat perfecta, nec dedicata. Max vero ut dedicata est, intro inlatum, et in porticu illius aquilonali decenter sepul- tum est [Sep. 13, 613]. . . . Scrip turn vero est in tumba ejusdem Augustini epitaphium hujusmodi : — ‘ Hie requiescit domnus Augustinus Doruver- nensis [Canterbury] archiepiscopus primus, qui olim hue a beato Gregorio Romance urbis pontiffee directus, et a Deo operatione miraculorum sufful- tus, JEdilberctum [Ethelbert] regem, ac gentem illius ab idolorum cultu ad Christi fidem perduxit, et completis in pace diebus officii sui, defunctus est septimo kalendas Junias [May 26, A. D. 604] eodem rege regnante,’ Bd. 2, 3 ; S. 504, 30-505, 4; Mobr. 95, IO-15 96,1-8. v. Augustinus. Agustus ; nom. acc. gen. Agustuses ; dat. Agustuse ; m. [generally spelled incorrectly in Anglo-Saxon MSS : Agustus, as well as Agustinus, for Augustus and Augustinus, from augustus majestic, august, from augeo to increase, exalt, honour, praise], I. Augustus, the first Roman emperor, reigned from A.C. 30 to A.D. 14: — Wear); Agustus sjrig Augustus was grieved, Qrs. 5, 15; Bos. 114, 38. Agustuses lat- teowas the generals of Augustus, 5, 15; Bos. 114, 34. Buton Agustuse sylfiim without Augustus himself, 5, 15; Bos. 114, 35. II. the month of August; mensis Augustus, Menol. Fox 275; Men. 139. v. Augustus. agute poured out, Gen. 4, 1 1 ; subj. p. of a-geotan. a-gyfan j p. -geaf, pi. -geafon, -gefon ; pp. -gyfen To restore, give up, repay, pay, give ; reddere. tradere, solvere, dare, Mt. Bos. 27, 58 : Cd. 79 ; Th. 98, 7 ; Gen. 1626: Mt. Bos. 18, 28 : 21, 41 : 20, 8 : Exon. 127a; Th. 489, 19; Ra. 78, 10. A-gyfen, 44 a; Th. 148, 30; Gu. 752. v. a-gifan. a-gyldan ; du -gyltst, he -gylt ; p. -geald, pi. -guidon ; pp. -golden To pay, render, repay, requite: — Ic agylde reddo, 2Elfc. Gr. 28,8; Som. 33, 5. Daet ic min gehat agylde ut reddam vota mea, Ps. Th. 60, 6. Du agyldest Snra gehwylcum wyd weorc heora tu reddes unicuique juxta opera sua, Ps. Spl. 61, II. Drihtne du agyltst dine aj)as reddes Domino juramenta tua, Mt. Bos. 5, 33. Na agylt non solvet, Ps. Spl. 36, 22. XII scillingas agylde dam cyninge let him pay twelve shillings to the king, L. H. E. 9 ; Th. i. 30, 15. v. a-gildan, gildan. a-gylde; adv. Without compensation, L. Eth. v. 31; Th. i. 312, 12. v. se-gilde. a-gyltan, -giltan ; p. -gylte, -gilte ; pp. -gylt, -gilt [a, gyltan to be guilty] To fan in duty, to commit, become gudly, offend, sin against ; de- Iinquere, committere, admittere, peccare : — Ic agylt 0 ego deliqui, Ps. Th. 1 18, 67. Agyltan, 74, 4: Ex. 10, 16: Hy. 7, 114: .ffilfc. Gr. 28, 4; Som. 31, 39, 41. Daet he agylte on him sylfum ut delinquat in semet ipso, Ps. Spl. 35, I. Agyltan wid to offend or sin against. Twegen afyryde men agylton wid heora hlaford peccaverunt duo eunuchi domino suo, Gen. 40, 1. a-gymeleasian ; p. ode; pp. od To. neglect, despise; negligere. v. a-glmeleasian, gymeleasian. a-gymmed set with gems : — Agymmed hringc ungulus, JE lfc. Gl. 65 ; Som. 69, 30; Wrt. Voc. 40, 59. v. a-gimmed. a-gynp beginneth, Mt. Bos. 24, 49. v. a-ginnan. a-gytan, -gitan ; p. -geat, pi. -geaton ; pp. -gyten, -giten [a from, gitan to get] To discover, know, understand, consider ; cognoscere, intel- ligere, deprehendere : — Daet hit man geornor agytan maege that it may be better understood, Ors. 2, I ; Bos. 38, 30. Gccydnyssa dine ic ageat tes- timonia tua intellexi, Ps. Spl. 118, 95, 99: 48, 12. Gif donne aeni-man agiten wurjre if then any one be found, L. N. P. 48; Th. ii. 296, 27. ah But, but also, whether ; sed, sed et, numquid : — Ne ml)) du, ah dlnne modsefan stadola shrink not thou, but strengthen thy mind, Andr. Kmbl. 2420; An. 1211: 3337; An. 1672: 3403; An. 1705: 463; An. 232: Cd. 219; Th. 281, 7; Sat. 268: 228; Th. 308. 21 ; Sat. 696. Ah and tunge min bi)) smegende rehtwlsnisse dine sed et lingua mea meditabitur justitiam tuam, Ps. Surt. 70, 24. Ah aetfile)) de seld unrihtwlsnesse num- quid adheeret tibi sedes iniquilatis f Ps. Surt. 93, 20. Ah ne nontie t Mk. Lind. Rush. War. 6, 3. v. ac; conj. ah- [ = ag-, q. v.] der. ah-ljeca, an ; m. a wretch, etc. ah has, owns; habet, Byrht. Th. 136, 60; By. 175; 3rd pres, of agio. A-HABBAN— A-HON. a-habban ; p. -haefde ; subj. pres. s. -haebbe [a from, habban to have ] To abstain, restrain ; abstinere : — Du ne woldest de ahabban fram dam huse daes forlorenan mannes noluisti te continere a domo perditi, Bd. 3,22; 5. 553, 36. Daet Herebald eallinga hine fram dam gefltte ahaebbe ut Herebald ab illo se certamine funditus abstinent, 5, 6 ; S. 619, 4. a-heebban ; p. -hof, pi. -hofon ; pp. -haefen To heave up, raise, exalt : — Hid biji up ahaefen ofer hi selfe she is exalted above herself, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 437; Met. 20, 219: 25, 37; Met. 25, 19: Elen. Kmbl. 19; El. 10. v. a-hebban. a-hafen lifted up, raised, exalted, Cd. 69; Th, 84, 21; Gen. 1401: Ps. Spl. 106, 25; pp. 0/ a-hebban. a-hafennes, -hafenes, -hafennys, -ness, -nyss, e ; /. A lifting up, an elevation, elation, pride ; elevatio, elatio : — Ahafenes handa mmra elevatio manuum mearum, Ps. Th. 140, 3. Ahafennys elevatio, Ps. Spl. 140, 2. Wundorltce ahafennyssa sae mirabiles elationes maris, 92, 6. a-hangen hung, Mt. Bos. 26, 2 ; pp, of a-hon. a-heardian ; p. ode ; pp. od ; v, intrans. To harden, grow hard, become inured to anything, to last, hold out, endure ; durare, perdurare, indures- cere : — On swa mycelre gejtraestnesse and forhaefednesse modes and llcho- man aheardode and awunode he hardened and continued in so great contrition and restraint of mind and body ; in tanta mentis et corporis contritione duravit, Bd. 5, 12 ; S. 627, 28. Aheardaf) his gebod perdurat ejus imperium, R. Ben, 68. v. a-hyrdian ; v. trans. a-heardung, e; f. A hardening; induratio. v. heard, heardian, heardnes. a-heawan ; p. -hedw ; pp. -heawen To hew or cut out or off, hew down, prepare by cutting, make smooth, plane ; excidere, resecare, succi- dere, levigare ; — On hys niwan byrgene, da he aheow on stane in monu- mento suo novo, quod exciderat in petra, Mt. Bos. 27, 60. On aheawene byrgene in monumento exciso, Lk. Bos. 23, 53 : Bd. 3, 6 ; S. 528, 26. Ic waes aheawen holtes on ende, astyred of stefne minum I was hewn down at the end of a wood, removed from my trunk. Rood Reed. 57 ; Kr. 29. Aheawen treow cut wood, timber; lignum, iElfc. Gr. 8; Som. 8, 1. Of aheawenum bordum of hewn or planed boards ; de lignis levigatis, Gen. 6, 14. a-hebban, -hsebban ; du -hefst, he -hefeji, pi. -hebba}) ; p. -hof, pi. -hofon ; imp. -hefe ; pp. -hafen To heave up, lift up, raise, elevate , exalt, ferment ; levare, tollere, elevare, erigere, exaltare, extollere, fer- mentare : — Nolde his eagan ahebban up to dam heofone nolebat oculos ad ccelum levare, Lk. Bos. 18, 13. To ahebbanne levare, Gen. 48, 17. Du ahofe me on ecne dream thou raisedst me to everlasting joy. Exon. 100 a ; Th. 376, 12 ; Seel. 153. Se de rodor ah 5 f who hove up the firmament , Andr. Kmbl. 1042 ; An. 521. Nymjje heo waes ahafen on da hean lyft unless it was raised in the high air, Cd. 69 ; Th. 84, 21 ; Gen. 1401. Ic ahebbe de, Drihten exaltabo te, Domine, Ps. Spl. 29, 1: 1 1 7, 27. Du de ahefst me qui exaltas me, 9, 14: Ps. Th. 63, 6: 91, 9: 148, 13. Ne ahebbaji ge to he& edwre hygejiancas nolite extollere in pdtum cornu ves- trum, 74, 5. OJj he waes eall ahafen donee fermentatum est totum, Mt. Bos. 13, 33, a-hefan; p. -hefde; pp, -hefed To heave tip, lift up, raise; levare, ele- vare, extender* : — Ahefdon upp done arc elevaverunt arcam, Gen. 7, 1 7. He ahefde upp his hand extendit manum, Ex. 8,17. He ahefde up he lifted up, 14, 27. v. a-hebban. a-hefednes, -ness, e ; /. An elevation, elation, pride, = a-hafennes. Lye. v. up-a-hefednes. a-hefen = a-hafen raised up, exalted, Lk. Lind, War. f 3, 13 : Bd. 3, 16 ; S. 543, 3, col. 2 ; pp. of a-hebban. a-hefe}) raises up, exalts, Cd, 220; Th, 283, 27; Sat. 31 1; Ps. Th. 74 , 7 : 144, 15 - v. a-hebban. a-hefigian, -hefgian ; p. ode ; pp. od, ad To make heavy or sad. to weigh down, burden; gravare, contristare, deprimere : — Sjya bi dam m6de, donne hit toij? ahefigad mid dasm ymbhogum disse worulde so is it with the mind, when it is weighed down by the anxieties of this world, Bt. 24, 4; Fox 84, 32. Ahefgade gravati, Mt. Lind. Stv. 26, 43. v. hefigjan. a-hefst raisest up, exaltest, Ps. Spl. 9, 14, v. a-hebban. a-hehst, -hehf> shall or shall hang up, crucify; appendet, suspendet, Dent. 21, 22. v. a-hon. a-helpan; p. -healp, pi. -hulpon; pp. -holpen To help, assist; auxiliari, adjuvare, subvenire: — Ahelpe min se halga Dryhten may the holy Lord help me, Exon. 117 b; Th. 452, 13 ; Hy. 4, 1. v. helpan ; gen. dat. a-henan; p. de ; pp, ed To humble, abase, tread down or under foot; hunjiliare, calcare: — Bijj ahened calcabitur, Lk. Lind. War. 21, 24. v. henan, hynan. a.heneg hung, iElfc, Gr, 26, 6; Som. 29, 13; p. 0/ a-hon. a-heng hung. Exon. 70 a ; Th. 260, 29 ; Jul. 305 ; p. of a-h6n. a-heolorian ; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od To weigh, balance; librare, tru- tinare. v, heojorian. a-heordan? p. de; pp. ed [heorde = hyrde a guardian, keeper ] To set free from a guardian ; e custodia liberare: — Abreot brimwisan, bryd aheorde slew the sea-leader, set free his bride, Beo. Th. 5853 ; B. 2930. a-herian ; p. ode ; pp. od To hire; conducere, Cot. 43, 204. v. a-hyrian. a-herian; p. ede; pp. ed To praise fully, celebrate enough; plene laudare, satis celebrare : — Ne maeg de aherian haeleda xnig not any men can fully praise thee, Hy. 3, 10 ; Hy. Grn. ii. 281, 10 ; prec. 3 ad ealeem Ccedm. 1 . 5. a-hiegan ; p. -hogde, -hogode ; pp. -hugod To devise, search, invent, Cd. 94; Th. 122, 24; Gen. 2031. v. a-hyegan. a-hiedan to destroy, lay waste, despoil, Salm. Kmbl. 147, MS. A ; Sal. 73. v. a-hydan. a-hildan; p, -hilde; pp. -hilded, -hild To incline, decline; inclinare, declinare: — Ne ahilde ge nader ne on da wynstran healfe ne on da swi- dran non declinabitis neque ad dexteram neque ad sinis/ram, Deut. 5, 32. v. a-hyldan. a-hiscean to hiss at, to mock; irridere. v. hiscan, a-hxdan to rob, destroy; vastare, subvertere, Exon. 87a; Th. 328, 9; Vy, 15. v. a-hydan. a-hidend, es; m. A robber, an extortioner; grassator, Cot. 95. a-hladan ; p. -hlod, pi. -hlodon ; pp. -hlgden [a from, hladan to lade\ To draw out, draw forth ; exhaurire, educere : — Ic hlade haurio : ic of ahlade [MS. C. ofhlade] exhaurio, fSMc. Gr. 30, 2; Som. 34,41. He of haefte ahlod folces unrim he drew forth from captivity numberless people. Exon. 16 a; Th. 35, 34; Cri. 568. ah-lseca, an ; m. [ah- = ag- = seg- = sec- nequitia ; lsec ludus, donum ; -a the personal termination, q. V-\ A miserable being, miscreant, monster; miser, perditus, monstrum : — He wiste diem ahlaican hilde gejnnged he knew conflict was destined for the miscreant, Beo. Th. 1297; B. 646: 1983 ; B. 989. v. ag-lajea. a-hlsenan ; p. de; pp. ed [a, hlsenan to lean ] To set himself up ; ex- surgere : — Se de hine selfne [urh oferhygda up ahlaeneji he who through presumption sets himself up, Exon. 84 a; Th. 316, 24; Mod. 53. [ M. H. Ger. sich uf leinan : Ger. sich auflehnen.] a-hlsensian ; p. ude ; pp. ud [lsenian to be or make lean, hl*ne lean\ To soak, steep, make lean; macerare, Scint. 10. a-hleapan ; p. -hleop, pi. -hledpon ; pp. -hleapen [a from, hleapan to leap~\ To leap, leap up; exsilire, insilire, prosilire, desilire: — Alexander ahleop and ofsloh hine Alexander leaped up and slew him, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 67, 7. Ahledpon da ealle then all jumped up, 5, 12 ; Bos. 112, 24. Ahleop da for haeledum hilde-calla the herald of war leaped then before the warriors, Cd. 156; Th. 193. 25 ; Exod. 252 : Andr. Kmbl. 1472 ; An. 737: 2405; An. 1204: Beo. Th. 2798; B. 1397. a-h.leh.han, -hlyhhan ; p. -hl6h, -hlog. pi. -hlogon ; pp. -hlahhen. I. to laugh at; ridere, deridere; — Da daet wif ahloh wereda Drihtnes the woman then laughed at the Lord of hosts, Cd. 109; Th. 143, 16; Gen. 2380. II. to exult, laugh ; exultare, laetari : — Heorte mm ahlyhheji Icetetur cor meum, Ps. Th. 85, II. His mod ahl6g his mind laughed, Beo. Th. 1465; B. 730: Salm. Kmbl. 358; Sal. 178. v. hlehhan. a-hlinian ; p. ode; pp. pd To loose; solvere, v. hlinian. a-hlog, -hl6h laughed at, laughed, Cd. 109 ; Th. 143, 16; Gen, 2380; p. of a-hlehhan. a-hlowan To low or bellow again ; reboare. v. hldwan to low. a-hlutred purified; purificatus, Cot. 68; pp. of a-hluttrian. a-hluttrian ; p. ede ; pp. ed To purify, scum, refine, cleanse ; purifi- care: — Du me ahluttra purify me, Ps. C. 50, 73; Ps. Grn. ii. 278, 73. Ahlutred win vinum defcecatum. Cot. 68. v. hluttran. a-hlyhhej? laughs at, Ps. Th. 85, 11. v. a-hlehhan, -hlyhhan. a-hneapan ; p. -hnepp, pi. -hnedpon ; pp. -hneapen To pluck off; de- carpere: — Heo of beame a-hnepp waestm biweredne she plucked from the tree the prohibited fruit, Exon. 45 a; Th. j 53, 2; Gu. 819. [Goth. dishniupan, dishnaupnan discerpere : O. Nrs. hnupla surriperei] v. hueapan. a-hnescian ; p. ode ; pp. od To become weak ; emollire ; — Ahnesco- don became weak, Ors. 5, 3 ; Bos. 103, 42. v. hnescian. ahniend, es; m. An owner, Gen. 14, 22. v. agniend. ahnodon owned; possederunt, Ps. Spl. 43, 4. v. agnian. ahnung an owning, L. Ed. 1 ; Lambd. 38, 25. v. agenung. a-hnyscan; p. -hnysete; pp. -hnvsct To mock; subsannare: — Fynd ure ahnyseton us inimici nostri subsannaverunt nos, Ps. Spl. 79, 7. v. a-hiscean. a-ho hang; suspendo, iElfc. Gr. 26, 6; Som. 29, 12; pres, of a-hon. a-hof raised, Andr. Kmbl. 1042 ; An. 521 ; p. of a-hebban. a-hofyn = a-hafen elated, Ps. Spl. C. 130, 1; pp. of ahebban. a-hoh crucify : — Ahoh hine crucifige eum, Mk. Bos. 15, 14; impert. of a-h6n. a-holan; p. ede To dig; fodere, Mt. Kmbl. Rl. 5, 29. v. a-holede. a-hold faithful; fidelis, fidus. v. hold. a-holede, an; n. An engraved or embossed work; opus lacunatum. Cot. 7 ; pp. of a-holan to dig. a-holian ; p. ode ; pp. od [a, holian to hollow ] To dig; eruere, fodere : — Gyf din eage de swlcaf), ahola hyt ut si oculus tuus scandalizat te, erue eum, Mt. Bos. 18, 9: 5, 29. a-hon, to a-honne ; ic -ho, du -hehst, he -heh): ; impert. -hoh ; p. -heng. 32 A-HONGEN— A-HYLDAN. -hencg, pi. -hengon ; pp. -hongen, -hangen To hang, crucify; suspendere, crucifigere : — He Andreas het ah6n on heahne beam he commanded, to hang Andrew on a high tree. Exon. 70 a; Th. 261, 3; Jul. 309: Gen. 40, 19. Ic aho suspendo; ic ahencg suspendi, JE lfc. Gr. 26,6; Som. 29, 12. Sealde heom to ahonne tradidit eis ut crucifigeretur, Mt. Bos. 27, 26. Ahoh hine crucifige eum, Mk. Bos. 15, 14. On gealgan ahehf> he shall hang on a gallows, Deut. 21, 22. Daet hi hine ahengon ut cruci- jigerent eum, Mk. Bos. 15, 20 : Mt. Bos. 27, 35 : Mk. Bos. 15, 25. Daet he ahangen wsere that he should be crucified, 15,15: Mt. Bos. 27, 38. 44. Sy he ahangen crucifigatur, 27, 23. Pilatus on r 5 de aheng rodera Waldend Pilate had crucified on the cross the Ruler of the skies, Exon. 70 a; Th. 260, 29; Jul. 305: Elen. Kmbl. 419; El. 210. He ahangen waes he was hanged, Elen. Kmbl. 887 ; El. 445 : 903 ; El. 453. a-hongen hung. Exon. 24 a; Th. 67, 26; Cri. 1094; pp. of ahon. a-hreddan ; p. -hredde ; pp. -hreded, -hred [a from, hreddan to rid\ To rid, liberate, set free, deliver, rescue ; liberare, eripere, eruere : — Baet he sceolde his folc ahreddan that he should deliver his people, Jud. 6, 14. Daet du us ahredde that thou deliver us. Exon. 13 a ; Th. 23, 25 ; Cri. 374. Be du ahreddest whom thou hast rescued, Cd. 97 ; Th. 128, 15 ; Gen. 2127. He hi set hungre ahredde he rid them of the famine, Ors. 1,5; Bos. 28, 40. Loth waes ahreded Lot was rescued, Cd. 96; Th. 125, 27; Gen. 2085. Ahred, 94; Th. 122, 26; Gen. 2032. Ahrede me hefiges nldes feonda mlnra eripe me de inimicis meis, Ps. Th. 58, I. Ahrede me hearmcwidum heanra manna redime me a calumniis hominum, 118, 134. Ic ahredde eruo, TElfc. Gr. 28, 3 ; Som. 30, 55, 63. a-hreded commotus, Ps. Th. 59, 2 ; Ps. Grn. ii. 158, 59, 2. v. a-hreran. a-hreofod; adj. Leprous; leprosus, Martyr. 21, Sep. a-hreosan ; p. -hreas, pi. -hruron ; pp. -hroren [a, hredsan to rush ] To rush, fall, fall down; irruere, ruere, corruere, decidere : — Bledwun windas and ahruron on daet hus fl averunt vend et irruerunt in domum illam, Mt. Bos. 7, 25. On Godes naman ahreose dis tempel in God's name let this temple fall down, Homl. Th. i. 72, 2,5. He ahreas he fell, Horn!. Th. i. 192, 20. a-hrepian ; p. ode ; pp. od To touch ; tangere. v. hrepian. a-hreran ; p. de; pp. ed [a, hreran to move, agitate ] To shake, make to tremble ; eommovere j — Heo ahrered [MS. ahreded] is commota est, Ps. Th. 59, 2. a-hrman, -hrynan ; p. -hran, pi. -hrinon ; pp. -hrinen To touch ; tan- gere : — Ge ne ahrTnafi da seamas mid eowrum anum fingre uno digito vestro non tangitis sarcinas, Lk. Bos. II, 46. Ahryn muntas tange monies, Ps. Spl. 143, 6. a-hruron rushed, Mt. Bos. 7, 25 ; p. pi. of a-hreosan. a-hrydred robbed; expilatus, Cot. 73. v. a[ryd. a-hrynan To touch; tangere, Ps. Spl. 143, 6. v. a-hrlnan. a-hrysian; p. ode; pp. od To shake violently; excutere : — Drihten ahrysode da westan eorJ>an the Lord shook violently the desert earth, Ps. Th. 28, 6. Ahrysod ic eom excussus sum, Ps. Spl. 108, 22. Ahryse da moldan of shake the mould off. Herb. I, 1; Lchdm. i. 70, 8. v. hrysian. ahse, an;/. Ashes:- — Fordon ahsan swa swa hlaf ic set quia cinerem tanquam panem manducabam, Ps. Spl. 101, 10 : 147, 5. v. asce. ahsian ; p. ode ; pp. od. I. to ask, demand, call, summon before one ; interrogate, postulare, exigere : — He ongan hine ahsian he began to call him, Cd. 40; Th. 53, 18; Gen. 863: Deut. 4, 32: Ps. Th. 14, 2. II. to obtain, experience; nancisci, experiri : — He wean ahsode he obtained woe, Beo. Th. 2417 ; B. 1206 : 851; B. 423. v. acsian. ahst hast, ownest, Elen. Kmbl. 1448; El. 726; 2nd pers. sing. pres, indie, of agin. aht, es ; n. aught, anything, something ; aliquid, quidquam : — N6 he dser aht cwices lsefan wolde he would leave not anything living there, Beo. Th. 4618; B. 2314: Ps. Th. 143, 4. De ahtes wairon who were of aught, of any account or value, Chr. 992; Th. 238, 35. Diet an man, de himsylf aht wajre, mihte faran that a man, who himself was aught, might go, 1087; Th. 355, 17. v. a-wiht. ahta eight, Menol. Fox 188 ; Men. 95. v. eahta. ahte, ahtest had, owned: — He sealde eall daet he ahte he sold all that he had; vendidit omnia quae habuit, Mt. Bos. 1 3, 46; p. o/agan. aht-lice ; adv. Courageously, manfully, triumphantly ; viriliter, Chr. 1071 ; Gib. p. 181, 16 ; Th. 347, 18; Ing. 277, 10 ; Erl. 203, 2 : 210, 22. ahton had, owned, possessed : — De Caldeas cyningdom ahton the Chal- deans possessed the kingdom, Cd. 209 ; Th. 258, 24 ; Dan. 680 ; p. pi. of agan.^ a-hudan ; p. -hea]?, pi. -hudon ; pp. -hoden [a from, hud prey] To spoil, rob, plunder ; diripere, expilare, spoliare : — Fynd ahudan [MS. ahudan] mid herge hordburh wera the foes plundered with their band the treasure- city of the men, Cd. 93 ; Th. 121, 8 ; Gen. 2007. a-hwa ; g. -hwaes ; d. -hwam ; acc. -hwone ; pron. [a, hwa who ] Any one; aliquis : — Gif he ahwam gewedlde if he have done violence to any one, L. Pen. 16 ; Th. ii. 284, 6. a-hwsenan ; p. ede ; pp. cd To vex, trouble ; contristare, vexare, rao- lestare : — Gyf hwylc cyld ahwsened sy if any child be vexed, Herb. 20, 7 ; Lchdm. i. 1 1 6, 8. a-hw®nne ; adv. When, sometime ; quando : — Drihten ahwaenne be- healtst du Domine quando respicies, Ps. Spl. 34, 20 : 7, 2. v. hwaenne. a-hweer, -hwar, -hwer, -wer; adv. [a always, ever, every; hwxi where], I. everywhere, somewhere, anywhere; uspiam, alicubi, usquequaque : — Ne maeg ic hine ahwser [ uspiam ] befleon, Ps. Th. 61, 6. Ne forlset du me ahwxr eorjian, odde seghwanan non me derelinquas usquequaque, Ps. Lamb. 1 18, 8 : Ps. Th, 54, 24 : 68, 7 : 108, 12: 62, 9 : 71, 12: 113, 10: 118, 39; Ps. Spl. 118, 8. II. in any wise; quoquo modo : — Habbe ic de awer benumen dlnra gifena have I in any wise deprived thee of thy gifts? Bt. 7. 3 ; Fox 20, 14. a-hweergen everywhere ; uspiam, Bt. Met. Fox 30, 19 ; Met. 30, 10. a-hweet = -hwet = -hwetted whetted, Ors. 6, 30; Bos. 126, 17; pp. of a-hwettan. a-hwffider ; adj. pron. Some one, any one, anything; quis, aliquis, aliquid : — Nis me ege mannes for ahwaeder non tirnebo quid facial mihi homo [ non est mihi hominis timor pro aliquo], Ps. Th. 55, 4: 1 1 7, 6. v. awder, na-hwseder. a-hwar; adv. I. somewhere, anywhere ; alicubi: — De he ahwar gef remode that he anywhere occasioned, L. Pen. 16; Th. ii. 284, 6; Ahwar on lande anywhere within the land, L. E. G. II; Th. i. 172, 21. II. in any wise; quoquo. modo: — And se man, de widewij) dfnum bebodum [Grn. wordum] ahwar, bed he deajjes scildig and the man, who shall in any wise contradict [speak against] thy commands [Grn. words], he shall be guilty of death, Jos. 1, 18. v. a-hwser. a-hwelfan [a, hwelfan] to cast down, cover over, Ps. Lamb. 58, 12. v. a-hwylfan. a-hweorfan ; p. -hwearf, pi. -hwurfon ; pp, -hworfen. I. v. trans. To turn away, convert ; avertere, convertere : — Ne last de ahweorfan hsedenra [rym let not the power of the heathen turn thee away, Andr. Kmbl. 1913 ; An. 959. Dset he of 8ione ahweorfe hseft-ned that he would turn away captivity from Sion, Ps. Th. 125, 1. Du eart of dime stilnesse ahworfen thou art moved from thy tranquillity, Bt. j, 1 ; Fox 16, 24. II. v. intrans. To turn away, turn, move ; averti, converti : — • Sigor eft ahwearf of nor))-monna nlji-geteone victory turned away again from the northmen’s hostile malice, Cd. 95; Th. 124, 24; Gen. 2067, Hie of sib-lufan Godes ahwurfon they turned away from the love of God, Cd. 1 ; Th. 2, 26 ; Gen. 25. Da his gast ahwearf in Godes gemynd then his spirit turned to thought of God, Cd. 206 ; Th. 255, 26 ; Dan. 630. : a-hwer ; adv. Everywhere ; alicubi, Ors. 3, 7 ; Bos. 60, 7. v. a-hwser. a-hwerfan ; p. de ; pp. ed To turn away ; avertere : — Ahwerf fram synnum dine ansione averte faciem tuam a peccatis, Ps. C. 50, 83 ; Ps. Grn. ii. p. 278, 83. Ahwerfed, Bt. 37, 4; Fox 192, 12. v. a-hwyrfan. a-hwettan; p. -hwette ; pp. -hwetted. I. to whet, excite; exci- tare, accendere : — Dset ic de msege lust ahwettan that I may excite thy desire, Andr. Kmbl. 606; An. 303. II. to provide; adhibere, subministrare : — Ic eow goda gehwaes est ahwette I will provide you the favour [ liberal supply] of every good, Andr. Kmbl. 678 ; An. 339.. III. to cast away, drive away ; abigere, repudiare : — God ahwet hie from his hyldo God will cast them away from his favour, Cd. 21 ; Th. 26, 13. ! a-hwider on every side ; quoquoversum. v. seg-hwider. ahwilo? [ah = ag nequitia, hwile] adj. Terrible; terribilis, iElfc. Gl. 116; Som. 80, 65 ; Wrt. Voc. 61, 43. a-hwonan, -hwonon ; adv. [a from, hwonan whence] From what place,' whence, somewhere, anywhere ; alicubi, Bd. 5, 12 ; S. 629, 16. Ahwonan, utane from without, outwardly, extrinsically, Bt. 34, 3 ; Fox 136, 23. I a-hworfen moved, Bt. 7, 1 ; Fox 16, 24; pp. of a-hweorfan. a-hwyle whatsoever; qualiscunque, C. R. Ben. 46. v. seg-hwilc. a-hwylfan, -hwelfan ; p. de ; pp. ed [a, hwylfan to cover or vault] To cover over, overwhelm ; operire, obruere, deponere : — Seo sae ahwylfdel Pharaones cratu aquee operuerunt currus Pharaonis, Ex. 1 4, 27. Alege odde ahwelf hfg cast down [or cover over] them, Ps. Lamb. 58, 12. a-hwyrfan, -hwerfan ; p. de; pp. ed To turn away ; avertere : — Dset ic de meahte ahwyrfan from halor that I might turn thee from salvation Exon. 71a; Th. 264, 6 ; Jul. 360. Ne ahwyrf ne averlas, Ps. Th. 89, 3. Ahwyrfde, subj. perf. would cast. Exon. 39 a ; Th. 129, 33 ; Gu. 430. a-hyegan, -hiegan; p. -hogde, -hogode; pp. [ge]-hugod To devise, search, invent; excogitare, perscrutari, invenire : — Leohtor donne hit men maigen modum ahyegan more clearly than men may in mind devise it, Exon. 21 a ; Th. 56, 20 ; Cri. 903. Bsed him dses rsed ahiegan besought them to devise counsel for this, Cd. 94; Th. 122, 24; Gen. 2031: 178; Th. 224, 3; Dan. 130. Hie ahogodan heoro they invented the sword, Exon. 92 a ; Th. 346, 9 ; Gn. Ex. 203. v. hyegan. a-hydan; p. de; pp.ed To hide; abscondere, occultare: — Tungol bed{) ahyded the star is hidden, Exon. 572; Th. 204, 12; Ph. 96: Cd. 148; Th. 184, 30; Exod. 115. Romane gesomnodon al da goldhord and sume on eorfan ahyddon the Romans collected all the treasures and hid some in the earth, Chr. 418 ; Th. 18, 6, col. I. v. hydan. a-hyldan, -hildan ; p. -hylde ; pp. -hylded, -hyld. I. to incline, recline ; inclinare, reclinare : — Ahylde ic mine heortan inclinavi cor meum , Ps. Th. 1 18, 1 1 2. Ahyld me din eare inclina aurem tuam ad me, 85, I. , Ahylded, 103, 6. Hwar he his heafod ahylde ubi caput reclinet, Lk. Bos. 9, A-HYLDENDLICE — ALDOR-LEAS. 33 lost their lives, Ors. 3, 8 : Bos. 63, 10 . Da daet fyr hie alet when the 58. II. to decline, turn away, avert from ; declinare, inclinare : — Ahyld fram yfele declina a malo, Ps. Spl. 36, 28. Be6J? de ahylded fram wlta unrim from thee shall be averted the numberless torments. Exon. 68 a; Th. 252, 31, Jul. 1 71. Se daeg waes ahyld dies inclinata esl, Lk. Bos. 24, 29 : Ps. Th. 108, 23. Ne ahilde ge non declinabitis, Deut. ,s, 32. a-hyldendlice incliningly; enclitice, inclinative; part, o/a-hyldan, -ltce. a-hyltan [a from, away ; hylt holds, yd pres, of healdan] should take support away, supplant; supplantaret : — Da [ohton d*t hi ahyltan [ = ahyl- ten] me who thought that they should supplant me, Ps. Th. 139, 5. v. healdan IV. a-hyrdan ; p. -hyrde, -hyrte ; pp. -hyrded, -hyrd ; v. trans. To harden, make hard; durare, indurare: — Ic ahyrde Pharaones heortan ego indu- rabo cor Pharaonis, Ex. 4, 21. Ahyrde hyra heortan induravit cor eorum, Jn. Bos. 12, 40: Ex. 8, 15. Ahyrdon heoro sltdendne they hardened the wounding sword. Exon. 92 a ; Th. 346, 9 ; Gn. Ex. 202. Ecg wses iren ahyrded heado-swate its edge was iron hardened with battle-blood, Beo. Th. 2924; B. 1460: Ex. 8, 19: Mt. Bos. 13, 15: Ps. Th. 119, 4. a-hyrdincg, e ; f. A hardening ; induratio, App. Scint. v. a-heardung. a-hyrian ; p. ode ; pp. od To hire ; conducere : — He uteode ahyrian wyrhtan exiit conducere operarios, Mt. Bos. 20, 1: Jn. Bos. 10, 13. a-hyrstan ; p. -hyrste ; pp. -hyrst To roast, fry ; frigere. v. hyrstan. a-hyrte hardened, Ex. 8, I5, = a-hyrde; p. 0/ a-hyrdan. a-hydan, -hTdan, -hiedan To destroy, lay waste, despoil; vastare, abo- lere, subvertere : — Hi woldon Romwara rice ge]?ringan, hergum ahydan they would conquer the empire of the Romans, lay it waste with their armies, Elen. Kmbl. 81; El. 41. Hungor he ahyde)? [MS. A. ahiedej?] hunger despoileth it, Salm. Kmbl. 147; Sal. 73. Ahidan, Exon. 87 a; Th. 328, 9 ; Vy. 15. der. hydan prcedari. a-idlan ; p. ede ; pp. ed. I. v. intrans. To become idle, free from; vacare : — Da gegyrelan from hallo gife ne a-tdledon indumenta a gratia curandi non vacarunt, Bd. 4, 31; S. 61 1, 6. II. v. trans. To pro- fane ; profanare : — Monige done geleafan mid unrihte weorce a-tdledon multi jidem iniquis profanabant operibus, Bd. 4, 27 ; S. 604, 5. a-idlian, -igan ; p. ode, ude ; pp. od, ad, ud To make useless, vain, to empty, annul, profane; irritum facere, frustrari, exinanire, cassare, pro- fanare : — Ic a-Idlige frustror, JE\(c. Gr. 25 ; Som. 26, 63. A-tdlian cas- sare, Cot. 43 : 204; 179. He a-tdlode mm wedd pactum meum irritum fecit, Gen. 17, 14. praest his nys a-tdlude fcex ejus non est exinanita, Ps. Spl. 74, 8. Seo untrumnys byj> a-Jdlud the infirmity will be annulled. Herb. 1 2 1, 2; Lchdm. i. 234, 8. Daet Cristes geleafan a-tdlad waere fidem profanatam esse, Bd. 3, 30 ; S. 562, 7. ain, aina one, Gen. 43, 6. v. AN II. al, sel, eal, awul, awel, e; /. An awl, a fork, flesh-hook ; subula, fusci- nula, harpago : — pirlige his eare mid ale bore his ear through with an awl, Lev. 25, 10: L. Alf. 11; Th. i. 46, 10, MS. G. [Chauc. oule: Wye. al: O.H.Ger. ala,/: M.H.Ger. al, /: Ger. ahle, /: O.Nrs. air, ml] al all, Cd. 213; Th. 265, 16; Sat. 8: 214; Th. 268, 24; Sat. 60. v. eal. a-ladian [a from, ladian to clear] To excuse, to make excuse for ; ex- cusare: — Hu magon hi hi a-ladigen [MS. Cot. aladian] how can they excuse themselves ? Bt. 41, 3; Fox 248, 21. a-lsedan ; p. de ; pp. ed [a from, laidan to lead], I. to lead, lead out, withdraw, take away ; ducere, producere, educere : — Ic alaidde de of lande eduxi te de terra, Ps. Spl. 80, 9: Ps. Th. 80, 10: 142, 12 : 103, 14: Cd. 73 ; Th. 90, 15 ; Gen. 1495. Ic eom alaeded fram leohte/ am led out from the light, Cd. 217; Th. 275, 27; Sat. 178: Ps. Spl. 108, 22 - II. to be produced, brought forth, to grow; produci : — Du of foldan fodder neatum lsetest alaidan thou permittest fodder to be produced from the earth for cattle, Ps. Th. 103, 13. Swylce he of aegerum ut alsede as it from an egg had been brought forth. Exon. 59 a ; Th. 214, 3; Ph. 233: 59b; Th. 215, 11; Ph. 251. a-l*nan; p. ede; pp. ed To lend; accommodare: — Aliened feoh pignus, JElfc. Gl. 14 ; Som. 58, 10. a-lieran ; p. ede ; pp. ed To teach ; docere, edocere : — Me dine domas al£r judicia tua doce me, Ps. Th. 118, 108. a-ltetan, a-letan ; p. -let, pi. -leton ; pp. -laeten ; v. a. [a from, laetan to let] To let go, lay down, leave, give up, lose, renounce, resign, remit, pardon, deliver ; sinere, abjicere, deponere, relinquere, remittere, condo- nare, relaxare, liberare : — Diet du ne alsete dom gedreosan that thou wouldest not let thy greatness sink, Beo. Th. 5323 ; B. 2665 : Cd. 205 ; Th. 253, 3 ; Dau. 590. Ic hsebbe anweald mine sawle to alaetanne I have power to lay down my life [ soul ], Jn. Bos. 10, 18. Ic daet aletan ne sceal I will not let that go, Solil. 8. Du hine alaetst thou lettest it go, Bt. 25 ; Fox 88, 24. Swa sceal aeghwylc mon laen-dagas alaetan so must every man leave these loan- [lent or transitory] days, Beo. Th. 5175,; B. 2591. Daet ic mage min lif ala-tan that I may resign my life, 5494; B. 2750: Exon. 72 b; Th. 271, 16; Jul. 483. Ure leahtras alaet pardon our crimes, Hy. 6, 20 j Hy. Grn. ii. 286, 20: Cd. 29; Th. 39, 9; Gen. 622. Hi wurdon ala-ten liges ganga [MS. gange] they were delivered from the flame's course, 187; Th. 232, 20; Dan. 263. Hy heora lif aleton they fire left them, 4, 7; Bos. 87, 19. a-leetnes, ness, e; /. A loss, losing; amissio, Somn. 326. a-lamp happened, occurred, Beo. Th. 1249; B. 622; p. o/a-limpan. alan ; ic ale, du* alest, alst, he ale)?, al)?, pi. ala j? ; p. 61, pi. olon ; pp. alen. I. to nourish, grow, produce ; alere, procreare : — Swylce eorjte 61 as the earth nourished, Exon. 94 a; Th. 353, 35; Reim. 23. II. to appear; apparere ; — Da ne ala)? which appear not; quae non apparent, Lk. Lind. War. 11, 44. [Goth, alan; pp. alans crescere : O. Nrs. ala gignere, parere, procreare : Lat. alere.] a-langian ; p. ode ; pp. od ; v. impers. [a, langian] To last too long, to long for ; diutius durare, exoptare : — Me alanga)? [MS. a langa)?] it lasts me too long, Exon. 100 a; Th. 376, 13; Seel. 154. alaj? ale, Th. Diplm. A. D. 883 ; 130, 3. v. eala)?. aid, se alda old: — Aide mece with an ancient sword, Cd. 167 I Th. 209, 5 ; Exod. 494; Elen. Grm. 252 : Bd. 3, 7 ; S. 530, 11. Se alda ut of helle the old one out of hell, Cd. 213; Th. 267, 6 ; Sat. 34. der. ald-er, -erdom, -frij?, -had, -helm, -or, -Seaxe. v. eald. alder an elder, author, Bd. 2, 5 ; S. 507, 40. v. aldor. alder-dom, es; m. Authority, Bd. 1, 27; S. 492, 12, MS. B. v. ealdor-dom. Aldfri)?, es; m. [aid = eald old; frij? peace] Alfred the wise, king of Northumbria : — A.D. 685, Her Aldfri)? feng to rice here, A.D. 685, Alfred succeeded [took] to the kingdom, Chr. 685; Erl. 41, 29. On Aldfri)?es tidum in temporibus Aldfridi, Bd. 5, 1; S. 614, 20. A.D. 705, Her Aldfri)? Norj?anhymbra cining forj?ferde here, A. D. 7°5> Alfred, king of the Northumbrians, died, Chr. 705; Erl. 43, 32. v. iElfred king of Northumbria. aid-had, es; m. [aid = eald old; had hood] Old age; senectus, = eald- had. Aldhelm, Ealdhelm, es; m. [aid = eald old; helm an helmet] aldhelm bishop of Sherborne ; Aldhelmus apud Scireburnam episcopus : — Her Aldhelm be westan Selewuda bisceop forjiferde here [A.D. 7°9] Aldhelm bishop west of Selwood [Sherborne] died, Chr. 709; Th. 68, 17, col. 2. Ealdhelm, Chr. 731; Th. 74, 31, col. 2. aldor, es; m. [aldor = ealdor an elder], I. an elder, parent, author; parens, auctor, Cd. 76; Th. 95, 14; Gen. 1578: L.H.E. pref; Th. i. 26, 6. II. a chief, prince; praepositus, princeps, Cd. 30; Th. 40, 15; Gen. 639: 82; Th. 103,1; Gen.1711: 89; Th. 111,30; Gen. 1863: 209; Th. 259,7; Dan. 688: Beo. Th. 744; B.369: 1340; B. 668 : Andr. Kmbl. no; An. 55 : Elen. Grm. 157 : Bt. Met. Fox 26, 14 ; Met. 26, 7. der. aldor-apostol, -burh, -dema, -dom, -dugu]?, -frea, -leas, -lie, -lice, -man, -mon, -nes, -ness, -j?segn, -wisa. v. ealdor. aldor, es; n. [aldor = ealdor life]. I. life, the vital parts of the body ; vita : — Donne du of lice aldor asendest when thou sendest life from thy body, Cd. 134; Th. 168, 29; Gen. 2790: 126; Th. 160, 27; Gen. 2656 : Elen. Grm. 132 : Andr. Kmbl. 2702 ; An. 1353 : Beo. Th. 1364 ; B. 680. Wit on garsecg ut aldrum nej?don we two ventured out on the sea with [peril to] our lives, Beo. Th. 1080; B. 538: 1024; B. 510. Daet se waere his aldre scyldig that he with his life should pay [be liable], Cd. 196; Th. 244, 19; Dan. 450. Daet him on aldre stod here-strael hearda so that the hard war-shaft stood in his vital parts, Beo.Th. 2873 ; B. 1434. II. age, in the expressions — On aldre ever, to aldre always. On aldre, Elen. Grm. 570: Beo. Th. 3563; B. 1779 : Cd. 21; Th. 26, 6; Gen. 402. To aldre, Beo. Th. 4014; B. 2005: 4990 ; B. 2498 : Cd. 22 ; Th. 27, 33 ; Gen. 427 : 22 ; Th. 28, 15 ; Gen. 436 : Elen. Grm. 350: 1218. der. aldor-bana, -bealu, -cearu, -daeg, -gedal, -leas, -leg, -ner. v. ealdor. aldor-apostol, es; m. The chief of the apostles; apostolorum princeps, Bd. 3, 17; S. 543, 41, col. 2. v. ealdor-apostol. aldor-bana, an ; m. [aldor = ealdor life ; bana a destroyer] A life destroyer; vitae destructor, Cd. 49; Th. 63, 17; Gen. 1033. aldor-bealu vital evil, Beo. Th. 3356; B. 1676. v. ealdor-bealu. aldox-burb metropolis, Bd. 1, 26; S. 488, 20. v. ealdor-burh. aldor-cearu, e ; f. Life-care, care for life, life-long care ; cura propter vitam, aerumna longinqua : — He wear)? eallum aedelingum to aldorceare he became a life-care to all nobles, Beo. Th. 1817 ; B. 906. aldor-dseg ; g. -daeges ; pi. nom. acc. -dagas ; m. Life-day, day of life ; dies vitae, Beo. Th. 1440; B. 718. v. ealdor-daeg. aldor-dema, an; m. A supreme judge, a prince; supremus judex, princeps, Cd. 57; Th. 70, 21; Gen. 1156: 114; Th. 149, 28; Gen. 2481. aldor-dom a principality, Cd. 208 ; Th. 256, r 6 ; Dan. 641 : 209 ; Th. 258, 27; Dan. 682: Elen. Grm. 767: Lk. Lind. Rush. War. 20, 20. v. ealdor-dom. aldor-dugup a chief nobility, Cd. 95; Th. 125, 19; Gen. 2081. v. ealdor-duguj?. aldor-frefi, an ; m. A chief lord; princeps dominus, Cd. 174 ; Th. 218, 29 ; Dan. 46. aldor-gedal, es ; n. A divorce or separation from life, Cd. 52 ; Th. 65, 25 ; Gen. 1071 : Beo. Th. 1615 ; B. 805. v. ealdor-gedal. aldor-leds lifeless, Beo. Th. 3178; B. 1587. v. ealdor-lcas. 34 ALDOR-LEAS— A-LIHTING. * aldor-leas deprived of parents; orphanus, Jn. Lind. War. 14, 18.' Aldorleas [MS. aldoras], Beo. Th. 30; B. 15. aldor-leg = -teg, es; n. Life-laiu, fate : — Daet ge cudon mine aldorlege that ye know my life’s destiny, Cd. 179; Th. 224, 20; Dan. 139. v. ealdor-leg = -teg. aldor-lic principal ; principalis, v. ealdor-llc. aldor-lice ; adv. [aldor = ealdor, -lice] Principally, excellently ; princi- paliter, magnificenter, Ps. C. 50, 103; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 103. aldor-mon, -monn, es; m. [aldor = ealdor an elder; mon] An elder- man, alderman, nobleman, chief; major natu, princeps, Th. Diplm. A. D. 804-829; 459, 3: Chr. 851; Th. 120, 19, col. 1: Lk. Jun. 19, 2. v. ealdor-man. aldor-ner, es ; n. A life's safety, refuge ; vitae servatio, asylum : — Ne maeg ic aldor-nere mine gesecan I cannot seek my life’s safety, Cd. 1 1 7 ; Th. 151, 22 ; Gen. 2512. Daet we aldor-nere secan moten that we may seek an asylum, Cd. 1 1 7 ; Th. 152, 13; Gen. 2519. v. ealdor-ner. aldornes, ness, e ;/. Authority ; auctoritas : — Se bisceop mid biscopllcre aldornesse [ealdorllcnysse, S. 553, 35] wees cydende episcopus pontificali auctoritate protestatus, Bd. 3, 22; Whel. 224, 22. aldor-peegn, aldor- [egn, es; m. A principal thane, chief, Cd. 214; Th. 268, 36; Sat. 66: Beo. Th. 2620; B. 1308. v. ealdor-jJegn. aldor-wisa, an ; m. A chief ruler, chief; principalis dux, princeps ; — TEdelinga aldor-wlsa the chief ruler of men, Cd. 63 ; Th. 75, 9 ; Gen. 1237. v. eald-wlta. Ald-Seaxe the Old-Saxons, Chr. 780; Th. 92, 29, col. 1: 885; Th. 154, 20, col. 1. v. Eald-Seaxe. a-lefth, -leag falsified, Ors. 3, 6; Bos. 58, 7; p. of a-ledgan. a-leat bent down; — Aleat wid daes engles bent down before the angel, Num. 22, 31 ; p. of a-lutan. a-lecgan, -lecgean ; he -lege}), -leg}), -lehjt, pi. -lecgafi ; p. -legde, -lede, pi. -legdon, -ledon ; pp. -legd, -led ; v. trans. [a from, lecgan to lay]. I. to place, lay down, throw down, suppress, lay aside, cease from ; ponere, collocare, prosternere, deponere, abjicere, relinquere, omittere :— Alecgan hine to lay him down, Lk. Bos. 5, 19: Ors. 6, 30; Bos. 1 26, 25. He mec on peostre alegde he laid me in darkness. Exon. 28 b ; Th. 87, 11 ; Cri. 1423: Beo. Th. 4395; B. 2194: 67; B. 34: 6273; B. 3141. He hond alegde he laid down the hand, 1673; B. 834. Hie aledon hine they laid him down, Rood Kmbl. 125 ; Kr. 63: Ors. 5, 13; Bos. 1 13, 31. HIg gemetton daet cild on binne aled invenerunt infantem positum in prcesepio, Lk. Bos. 2, 16 : 19, 20. Hy hleahtor alegdon they laid laughter aside. Exon. 35 a ; Th. 116, 1 ; Gu. 200 : # Beo. Th. 6033 ; B. 3020: 1707; B. 851. HIg aledon da to hys fotum projecerunt eos ad pedes ejus, Mt. Bos. 15, 30. HIg aledon heora fynd they threw down their enemies, Jos. 10, 13. Unriht alecgan to suppress injustice, L. C. S. 7; Th. i. 380, 8. Alecgende word daet is deponens verbum, for dan de he leg}) him fram da ane getacnunge, and hylt da 6dre. Da alecgendllcan word getacnia}) dsede deponentia verba significant actum, swa swa activa ; ac hi ge-endia}) on or, swa swa passiva, — ic wraxlige luctor, ic sprece loquor, her is deed a deponent verb is so called in Latin, because while it keeps its passive inflections it has deposed or laid aside its passive signifi- cation, and has only an active meaning ; as the Latin luctor = ic wraxlige 1 wrestle; loquor = ic sprece I speak, here is action, TElfc. Gr. 19; Som. 2 2, 54 “57- II- to impose, inflict upon; imponere, immittere : — Du woldest on me wrohte alecgean thou wouldest inflict calamity upon me, Cd. 127; Th. 162, 21; Gen. 2684. III. to diminish, take away, refuse ; imminuere, deprimere, reprimere : — Godes lof alecgan to diminish God’s glory, TElfc. T. 22, 20. He naefre da lean alege}) he never refuseth the reward, Exon. 33 b; Th. 107, 23 ; Gu. 63. alecgende word, alecgendllc word a deponent verb ; deponens verbum ; part, of a-lecgan I, q. v. a-led put, laid, Lk. Bos. 2, 16; pp. of a-lecgan. a-ledon laid; posuerunt, Rood Kmbl. 125 ; Kr. 63 ; p. 0/ a-lecgan. a-lefan ; pp. ed [a, lef weak, feeble] To become weak, feeble ; langues- cere : — Daet we faeston mid gerade, swa daet fire lichama alefed ne wur})e ut cum ratione jejunemus, ita ut corpus nostrum languidius ne fiat, Bd. 3, 23 ; Whel. 228, 45. a-lefan ; p. de ; pp. ed To permit, grant ; permittere, concedere ; — Daet he us Sfre wille eard alefan that he will ever grant us a dwelling, Cd. 215; Th. 272, 8; Sat. 1 16: 219; Th. 281, 27; Sat. 278. Alefed per- mitted, Bt. 38, 5 ; Fox 206, 7. v. a-lyfan. a-legde shoidd lay, Ors. 5, 13 ; Bos. 113, 31 ; p. 0/ a-lecgan. a-lege lay down ; depone : — Alege odde ahwelf hlg, eala du Drihten cast down [or cover over] them, O Lord l depone eos, Domine 1 Ps. Lamb. 58, 12; impert. of a-lecgan. a-legen confined, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 64, 31; pp. o/a-licgan, a-leh belied, Beo. Th. 160; B. 80; p. o/a-le6gan. a-lenian [a, laenian to be lean] To make lean, to soak; macerare, TElf. pref. Horn. p. 4. a-leodan ; p. -lead, pi. -ludon ; pp. -loden [a, leddan to spring] To grow ; germinare, crescere : — De under lyfte a-loden wurde what was grown up under heaven, Exon. 128 a ; Th. 493, 5 ; Rii. 81, 25 : Ps. Th. 106, 36. ’ a-leogan ; p. -leag, -leah, -leh, pi. -lugon ; pp. -logen [a, leogan to lie, lig] To lie, tell lies, belie, deceive; mentiri, confutare, non praestare : — He aleag he belied, Bt. Met. Fox I, 78; Met. I, 39. Heo hyre gehat aleah she belied her vow, Ors. 3, 6 ; Bos. 58, 7. He beot ne aleh he belied not his promise, Beo. Th. 160 ; B. 80. HI aleoga]) him they tell lies to him, Bt. 26, 1 ; Fox 90, 18 : L. In. 13 ; Th. i. no, 12. a-leodian ; p. ode ; pp. od [lid a limb, to-lidian to dissolve, Grn.] To dismember ; avellere, abstrahere, sejungere : — He daet andweorc of Adames lice aleodode he dismembered the substance from Adam’s body, Cd. 9 ; Th. 11, 18 ; Gen. 177. aler, es ; m. The alder ; alnus : — Aleres rinde seo}> boil bark of alder, L. M. 2, 39; Lchdm. ii. 248, 17. v. alor. aler-holt, es ; m. [aler the alder ; holt a grove, wood] An alder wood; alnetum. v. alor. a-lesan ; p. -laes, pi. -teson ; pp. -lesen [a, lesan to choose] To choose ; eligere, seligere : — peoden holde haefde him alesen the prince had faithful ones chosen to him, Cd. 151; Th. 189, Ii; Exod. 183: 154; Th. 192, 7; Exod. 228: Elen. Kmbl. 571; El. 286 : 759; El. 380. a-lesan; p. de; pp. ed To redeem; solvere, liberate, Hy. 8, 33; Hy. Grn. ii. p. 290, 33. v. a-lysan. a-lesend, es; m. A redeemer; redemptor, Bt. 42; Fox 260, 14. v. a-lysend. a-lesenis redemption, Mt. Lind. Stv. 20, 28. v. a-lysnes. alet, es; m. [alet = aeled, pp. of aelan to kindle] Fire; ignis, Cd. 186; Th. 232, 3 ; Dan. 254. a-let, -leton left, gave up, Ors. 3, 8; Bos. 63, 10; p. o/a-laetan. a-letan to leave, let go ; dimittere : — Ic daet aletan ne sceal I will not let that go, Solil. 8 : Ors. 4, 7 ; Bos. 87, 19. v. a-laetan. a-ledran ; p. ede ; pp. ed To lather ; saponem illinere : — Smire mid on niht and on morgen aledre smear therewith at night and in the morning lather it, L. M. I, 54; Lchdm. ii. 126, II. alet-lic ; adj. Pardonable ; remissibilis. v. alet gave up ; lie like. alewe, aluwe, alwe, an ; f. The aloe, bitter spice, in the plural aloes ; aloe : — He brohte wyrt-gemang and alewan tulit herbarum commixtionem et aloes, Jn. Bos. 19, 39. Murre and alwe myrrh and aloe, L. M. 2, 65 ; Lchdm. ii. 296, 20. Alwan wid untrymnessum aloes for infirmities, L. M. cont. 2, 64 ; Lchdm. ii. 1 74, 6. Gedd alwan gddne dael daer on put a good deal of aloes therein, L. M. 2, 14 ; Lchdm. ii. 192, 5 : 194, 25. Aluwan gegnld rub up aloes, Lchdm. iii. 2, 15. Nim alewan [MS. alewen] take aloes, 104,26: 134,9. &hallm, pl.m; ni^HK Shaloth, pl.f. the aloe-trees, the perfumes ; Grk. aXor;, rjs ; f. the aloe : Lat. aide, es ; f. the aloe, a small tree in the east, which has juicy leaves, from which the bitter gum called aloes is extracted.] AlfriJj, es; m. [al = all = eal, eall all; fri \ peace] Alfred the wise, king of Northumbria : — A.D. 705, Her Alfrip, NorJ)hymbra cing, forpferde here, A.D. 705, Alfred, king of the Northumbrians, died, Chr. 705 ; Th. 69, 7, col. 3. v. Alfred king of Northumbria. al-geweorc, es ; n. Tinder, touchwood, a fire-steel ; igniarium, Reed. 40, 34; Wrt. Voc. 66, 42 : Cot. 107; 164. algian ; p. ode ; pp. od To defend; defendere. der. ge-algian. v. ealgian. alh, alhn, es; m. A sheltering-place, temple, fane; asylum, templum: — Tempel Gode, alhn haligne a temple for God, a holy fane, Cd. 162; Th. 202, 22 ; Exod. 392. [O. Sax. O. H. Ger. alah : Goth, alhs.] v. healh, hearh. alh-stede, es ; m.A sheltering-place, city; arx, urbs, Cd. 209 ; Th. 259, 1 1 ; Dan. 690. v. ealh-stede. a-libban, -Iybban ; p. -lifde, -lyfde ; pp. -lifd, -lyfd To live, live after, survive; vivere, superesse: — Daet heo wolde hyre Ilf on faemnanhade alibban that she woidd live out her life in maidenhood, Ors. 3, 6 ; Bos. 58, 5. Hwa unclaennisse Ilf alifde who lived a life of uncleanness. Exon. 1 16 b ; Th. 448, 32 ; Dom. 63 : Hy. 4, 1 15. Hy on bilwitnesse hyra Ilf alyfdon they lived a harmless life, Ors. r, 2 ; Bos. 27, 5 : Ex. 21, 22. alibbend, es ; m. A survivor, one who lives after ; superstes ; part, of a-libban. a-liegan, -liegean ; p. -teg, pi. -Isegon ; pp. -legen To lie, fail, confine , perish ; jacere, conquiescere, deficere, aboleri : — Nu sceal eall edelwyn aliegean now all joy of country shall fail, Beo. Th. 5764; B. 2886. His dom ateg its power failed, Beo. Th. 3061 ; B. 1528. a-liefan, a-lifan to permit; permittere: — Allfe me permitte mihi, Deut. 3, 25. AliefJ), Past. 50, 4. v. a-lyfan. alidsan to redeem ; part, aliesend. v. a-Iysan. a-lifian; p. ode; pp. od To live; vivere: — He ge}>ohte daet he wolde on fellenum gegyrelan ealle his dagas his llfes alifian he resolved that he would live all the days of his life in clothing of skins, Guthl. 4 ; Gdwin. 26, 13. v. a-libban. alihtan ; p. -Hhte, pi. -llhton ; pp. -llhted ; v. a. [a, llhtan to light] To enlighten; illuminare : — HIg allhton da eorpan illuminent terram, Gen. I, 15. v. lyhtan. a-lihtan ; p. -llhte To alight ; desilire : — Ic of allhte desilio, TElfc. Gr. 30, 3 ; Som. 34, 44. v. llhtan. a-lihting, e ; f. Enlightening ; illuminatio : — On allhtinge [MS. allh- 35 A-LIMPAN- tincge] andwlitan dines in illuminationem vullus tui, Ps. Th. 89, 8. v. Ithting. a-limpan; p. -lamp, pi. -lumpon; pp. -lumpen To happen, befall; evenire, accidere, contingere : — Op-dset sail alamp until occasion offered, Beo. Th. 1249; B. 622. Da him alumpen was wen then hope had occurred to him, Beo. Th. 1471; B. 733. a-linnan to cease, stop ; cessare. v. a-lynnan. a-lis loose : — Alls me libera me, Ps. Spl. 7, 1 ; impert. of a-lysan. a-lisendnes redemption, v. a-lysednys. alisian = ahsian ; p. ode ; pp. od To ask; interrogare : — Driht ahsiap [Spl. alisiap] rihtwtsne Deus interrogat justum, Ps. Spl. 10, 6, 5 ; ahsap, Ps. Th. 10, 5, 6. all all, Th. Diplm. A.D. 804-829; 460, 36 : Jn. Lind. War. II, 50: Elen. Grm. 815. v. eal, eall. al-lic ; adj. [eall all, lie like'] Universal, general, catholic ; universus : — We ealle da de asettan done allTcan geleafan nos omnes qui fidem catho- licam exposuimus, Bd. 4, 17; S. 586, 16. all-swa likewise, also, Mt. Kmbl. Hat. 21, 30. v. al-swa. allunga altogether ; omnino : — De allunga underpeoded bip unjjeawum who is altogether subject to vices, Bt. 30, 2 ; Fox no, 20. v. eall-unga. Ail-walda, an ; m. [eal, eall all, -wealda ruler] All-ruler, the Almighty, Cd. 15; Th. 19, 15; Gen. 292. v. eal-wealda. all-wilita all beings : — Helm allwihta Protector of all creatures, Cd. 64 ; Th. 78, 9 ; Gen. 1 290. Meotud allwihta Lord of all creatures, Exon. 53 a; Th. 185, 9; Az. 5. v. eall-wihta, wiht I, for wihta. al-meegen, es ; n. [eal all, maegen] All power, strength, might ; omnis vis : — Gem, al-maegene, heofones tunglu observe, with all thy power, the stars of heaven, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 6; Met. 29, 3. v. eal-maegen. almes-lond, es; m. Land given or granted in frankalmoigne ;' fundus in eleemosynam datus. v. aelmes-lond. almes-man, -mann, es; m. An almsman; eleemosynarius : — Donne nime man uncup said aet almesmannhm then let one take strange seed of almsmen, Lchdm. i. 400, 1 7. a-loccian ; p. ode; pp. od To entice; allicere: — Daet hi aloccodan fit da, de daer binnan waeran that they might entice those out, who were there within, Ors. 4, 1 1 ; Bos. 97, 39. a-locen withdrawn, Lk. Bos. 22, 41; pp. of a-lfican. a-logen false, feigned ; mentitus, falsus; pp. of a-leogan. alo-malt, es ; n. Malt used in making ale ; brasium ad cerevisiam conficiendam : — Genim alomalt take malt for ale, Lchdm. iii. 28, 8. alor, aler, air, es ; m. An alder -tree, called eller and aller ; alnus ; alnus glutinosa, Lin. The alder, or rather aler, is an inhabitant of swamps and meadows in all Europe, the north of Africa and Asia, and North America. Its favourite station is by the side of rivulets, or in the elevated parts of marshy land where the soil is drained. Its juice con- tains a great abundance of tannin, which renders the bark valuable for tanning, and the young shoots for dyeing. Its foliage being large, and of a deep handsome green, the alder is rather an ornamental tree. The alder alnus glutinosa must not be confused with the elder sambucus nigra the elder-tree, v. ellen: — Bfitan alore except alder, L. M. 1, 36; Lchdm. ii. 86, 9. On done [MS. dane] air to the alder. Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 376; A.D. 939; Kmbl. iii. 413, 5. Aleres rinde seop on waetre seethe in water rind of alder, L. M. 2, 39; Lchdm. ii. 248, 17. Air alnus, iElfc. GI. 46; Som. 65, 5; Wrt. Voc. 33, 4. [Plat, eller,/: Put. else,/: O.H.Ger. elira, erila,/: Ger. eller, erle,/: O.Nrs. elrir, dir, m ; elri, n.] der. alor-drenc, -holt, -rind, alor-drenc, es; m. An alder-drink; potus alni, L. M. 1,40; Lchdm. 11. 106, 5. alor-holt, es ; m. An alder-holt. v. aler-holt. alor-rind, es ; m. Alder-rind ; cortex alni, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm. ii. 32, 26. a-loten prone, submissive, bent down; supplex, TElfc. Gr. 10 ; Som. 14, 42. v. a-lfitan. aloj) ale : — Wulfred scolde gifan twa tunnan fulle hlutres aloft, and ten mittan Waelsces aloft Wulfred should give two tuns full of clear ale, and ten mittan or measures of Welsh ale, Chr. 852 ; Ing. 93, 16: Th. Diplm. A.D. 791-796; 40, 4, 5, 6 : A.D. 804-829; p. 460, 25. v. ealap. air, es; m. An alder-tree; alnus, AElfc. Gl. 46; Som. 65, 5; Wrt.Voc. 33, 4. v. alor. Alrlca, Eallrtca, Eallerica, an ; m : Alarlcus, i ; m. Lat. [al = eall all, rica a ruler ; v. rfc] Alaric ; Alarlcus, king of the Visigoths, = the west Goths, elected A.D. 382, took Rome 4.10, and died the same year: — Alrlca wear}) Cristen Alaric became a Christian [about A.D. 396], Ors. 6, 37 ; Bos. 132, 32. Alrlca, se Cristenesta cyning, and se mildesta, mid swa lytlum nlfte abraec R6me burh, daet he bebead daet man nanne man ne sloge, — and eac daet man nanuht ne wanode, ne ne yfelode daes de on dam cyricum waere. And s6na daes, on dam ftriddan daege, ht geforan fit of daere byrig agenum willan ; swa daer ne wearp nan hfis heora wyllan forbaerned Alaric, the most Christian and the mildest king, sacked Rome with so little violence, that he ordered no one should be slain, — and that nothing should be taken away, or injured, that was in the churches. Soon after that, on the third day, they went out of the city of their own -A-LfSAN. accord; so there was not a single house burnt by their order, Ors. 6, 38 ; Bos. 133, 7. Hettulf, Alrican maeg, Honoriuses sweostor him to wife genam Ataulf, Alaric’ s kinsman, took the sister of Honorius for his wife, Ors. 6, 38; Bos. 133, 14. Seo hergung waes, fturh Alaricum [acc. Lat.] Gotena cyning, geworden hcec inruptio, per Alaricum regem Gothorum, facta est, Bd. 1, 11; S. 480, 11. Daet Eallrtca, Gotona cyning, hyre an- waldes ht beniman woldan that Alaric, king of the Goths, would deprive her of her power, Ors. 2, 1; Bos. 39, 37. Eallerica, Bt. 1; Fox 22. al-swa also, L. Ethb. 70; Wilk. 6, 41. v. eal-swa. altar, es; m. An altar; altare: — Beforan dam altare ante altare, Mt. Bos. 5, 24. alpes of ah ; cervisiae [MS. cervise], gen. s. Rtl. 1 1 6, 42. v. alaft, ealaf). a-lucan ; p. -leac, pi. -lucon ; pp. -locen [a, lucan to lock] To separate, take or pluck away, withdraw; avellere: — He waes fram him alocen avulsus est ab eis, Lk. Bos. 22, 41. Alfic du hine fram mtnum weofode pluck thou him away from mine altar, L. Alf. 13 ; Th. i. 48, 1. a-lutan, anlfitan ; p. -leat, pi. -luton ; pp. -loten [a, lfitan to bend] To bend, incline, bend or bow down ; procumbere : — Alfitende he geseah procumbens vidit, Lk. Bos. 24, 1 2. He aleat to eorftan he bowed to the earth, JElfc. T. 37, 8. aluwe, an ; /. Aloe, Lchdm. iii. 2, 15. v. alewe, al-waldend; adj. [eal all, waldende ruling] All-ruling, almighty; omnipotens: — Alwaldend God Almighty God, Exon. 123 b; Th. 474, 18; Bo. 31. alwe aloe, L. M. 2, 14; Lchdm. ii. 192, 5; 2, 16; Lchdm. ii. 194, 25. v. alewe. Al-wealda, -walda, an; m. All-ruler, God, the Almighty; omnium rector, Deus, omnipotens : — Noldon alwealdan word weorjuan they would not revere the all-ruler’s [the Almighty’s] word, Cd. 18; Th. 21, 23; Gen. 328: Beo. Th. 1861; B. 928. Gif de alwalda scirian wille if the Almighty will give [grant] thee, Cd. 136; Th. 171, 10; Gen. 2826. v. eal-wealda. al-wealda, -walda; def. adj. All-powerful, almighty; omnipotens: — Alwalda God all-powerful God, Exon. 25 a; Th. 73, 17; Cri. 1191: 27 b; Th. 83, 33; Cri. 1365. v. eal-wealda. al-wihta all-beings, Cd. 227; Th. 303, 20; Sat. 616: Exon. 18 a; Th. 43, 11; Cri. 687: Ps. C. 50, 100; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 100. v. eall- wihta. a-lybban ; p. -lyfde, pi. -lyfdon ; pp. -lyfed [a, lybban to live] To live, live after, survive ; vivere, superesse : — Dset ic alybban ne maeg that 1 may not survive, Nicod. 26; Thw. 13, 37. Heo alyfaj) she shall live, Ex. 21, 22. Alyfdon, Ors. 1, 2 ; Bos. 27, 5. v. a-libban. alyfan, hit -lyfp ; p. -lyfde, pi. -lyfdon ; impert. -lyf ; pp. -lyfed ; v. a. To give leave, permit, grant; permittere, concedere, tradere : — Se eorl ongan alyfan landes the earl began to grant the land, Byrht. Th. 134, 26 ; By. 90. Alyfe me to farenne permitte me ire, Mt. Bos. 8, 21. Alyf me permitte mihi, Lk. Bos. 9, 59 : Hy. 7, 28 ; Hy. Grn. ii. p. 287, 28 : Ps. Th. 139, 8. Hit him Romane alyfdon the Romans granted it to him, Ors. 4, 1 1 ; Bos. 96, 30 : Beo. Th. 1315 ; B. 655. Wear}) Cartainum frif) alyfed peace was granted to the Carthaginians, Ors. 4, 10; Bos. 96, 12: Exon. 31a; Th. 96, 12; Cri. 1573. Hyt ys alyfed it is permitted, Mt. Bos. 12, 12. Alyf} ) licet ? Mk. Bos. 3, 4: 10, 2. a-lyfap shall live. Ex. 21, 22 ; fut. of a-lybban. alyfed-lic; adj. [a-lyfed allowed, pp. of a-lyfan; lie like] Allowable; expeditus: — Alyfedltc ping an allowable thing; fas, AElfc. Gr. 9, 25; Som. 10, 67. alyfed-lice; adv. Lawfully, allowably; licite : = a-lyfed allowed, lice; adv. alyfednes, -ness, e; /. Permission, leave, grant ; permissio : = a-lyfed, -nes. a-lyfp is it allowable ? licet ? Mk. Bos. 3, 4. v. a-lyfan. a-lyhtan to enlighten; illuminare. v. a-lthtan. alyhtnys, -nyss, e; /. An enlightening, illumination, a lightness; illu- minatio : — DC settest unrihtwtsnysse fire on alyhtnysse andwlitan dtnne posuisti iniquitates nostras in illuminationem vultus tui, Ps. Spl. 89, 8. v. a-lthting. a-lynian; p. ode; pp. od To liberate, deliver, free from; liberate: — Alynian of r6de Cristes ltchaman to deliver Christ’s body from the cross, De offic. diurn. et noct. v. a-lynnan. a-lynnan, -linnan ; p. -lann, pi. -lunnon ; pp. -lunnen To deliver, free from, release; liberare, evellere: — He wolde hine alynnan of lapscipe he would release him from calamity, Cd. 95 ; Th. 123, 19 ; Gen. 2048. a-lysan, to alysanne ; p. de ; impert. -lys, -Its ; pp. ed ; v. a. To let loose, free, deliver, liberate, to pay for loosing, to pay, redeem, ransom ; liberare, redimere : — Helias wylle hine alysan Elias vult liberare eum, Mt. Bos. 27, 49. Faesten alysan jejunium solvere, Bd. 5, 4; S. 617, 13. Dfi to alysanne mannan lu ad liberandum hominem, Te Dm. Lamb. 195 b, 16. God alysep sawle mine of handa helle Deus redimet animam meam de manu inferi, Ps. Spl. 48, 16. Alys us of yfele deliver us from evil, Hy. 7, 1 13; Hy. Grn. ii. p. 289, 113. Alts me libera me, Ps. Spl. 7, 1 : Ps. Th. 53, 1 : 58, I. Alysap pearfan liberate egenu'm, 81, 4. He alysde leoda beam of ? D 2 36 A-LYSEDNYS— A-MEARCIAN. locan deofla he released the sons . of men from the prison of devils, Elen. ' Kmbl. 361; El. 181. Da de ic 11a reafode da ic alysde qua non rapui tunc exsolvebam, Ps. Spl. C. 68, 6; 48, 7. Du beo fram him alysed libe- ratus sis ab illo, Lk. Bos. 1 2, 58. Da waes of daem hroran helm and byrne alysed then was helm and byrnie loosed from the active chief, Beo. Th. 3264; B. 1630. We synt alysde liberati sumus, Ps. Th. 123, 7 : 107,5. Daet hf waeron alysede ut liberentur, 59, 4. a-lysednys, -nyss, e ; f. Redemption, a ransom ; redemptio : — Weorp alysednysse sawle his pretium redemptions animce suce, Ps. Spl. 48, 8. Ure alysednyss nostra redemptio. Hymn. Surt. 83, 31. a-lysend, alesend, es ; in. [alysende, part, of alysan to deliver ] A libe- rator, deliverer, redeemer ; liberator, redemptor : — Ic lufige de, Driht, alysend mtn diligam te, Domine, liberator meus, Ps. Spl. 17; 1, 49: 18, 16. Ic wat daet min Alysend leofap I know that my Redeemer liveth. Job Thw. 167, 40 : Ps. Th. 69, 7 : 77, 34 : 143, 2. a-lysendlic; adj. Loosing; solutorius: — He hine acsade, hwaeder he da alysendllcan rune cude he asked him, whether he knew the loosing runes [literas solutorias], Bd. 4, 22 ; S. 591, 25. a-lysing, e; /. Redemption ; redemptio, Ps. Th. no, 6. a-lysnes, -ness, e ; /. Redemption ; redemptio, Exon. 29 b ; Th. 90, 14 ; Cri. 1474. a-lystan ; p. -lyste ; pp. -lysted, -lyst [a, lystan to wish] To list, wish, desire; desiderare : — Hwl eow alyste [a lyste, Grn.] why do ye desire? Bt. Met. Fox 10, 36; Met. 10, 18. am am; sum: — Ic am ego sum, Mt. Lind. Stv. 26, 22 : 11, 29: Jn. Lind. War. 7, 34. Ic am witnesse I am witness, Chr. 1121 ; Erl. 39, 23. [vide p. 28, note 3, for the date, A. D. 1121.] v. eom. am-, as a prefix denotes even, equal, v. em-, am-byr. am, aam, es; m. The reed or slay of a weaver’s loom; pecten texto- rius : — Ne mec ohwonan sceal amas [Th. uma, Dietr. ama] cnyssan nor shall the weaver’s reeds beat me anywhere, Exon. 109a; Th. 417, 22 ; Ra. 36, 8. a-msellad; part. Emptied out, brought to naught; exinanitus, Ps. Surt. 74, 9. v. a-meallud. a-meen-sumian ; p. ode ; pp. od [a ex, main = gemaene communis ; sumian = samnian congregare] To excommunicate ; excommunicare : — Sle amaensumod let him be excommunicated, L. Alf. pol. 1 ; Th. i. 60, 18. v. a-man-sumian. a-msest fat, fattened ; altilis: — Amaeste fuglas altilia, Cot. 16. a-msestan ; p. -maestede ; pp. -maested, -maestd, -maest [a, maestan to fatten ] To fatten ; saginare, impinguare : — Mara ic eom and faettra donne amaested swln, bearg bellende on boc-wuda I am larger and fatter than a fattened swine, a barrow-pig grunting in the beech-woods. Exon, mb; Th. 428, 9 ; Ra. 41, 105. Sawl de wel spricp, hid bij> amaest a soul that speaketh well, she shall be fattened. Past. 49, 2. a-mset measured, a-maete measuredst, Elen. Kmbl. 2493 ; El. 1 248 : 1456 ; El. 730. v. a-metan. a-mang ; prep. c. dat. [a-, ge-mang; prep, inter ] among, while; inter : — Amang dam de hi ridon while they were riding, inter equitandum, Chr. 1046; Th. 307, 29. v. on-mang, ge-mang, on-gemang. a-manian, -manigan ; p. ode, ade ; pp. od, ad [a from, manian to ad- monish, challenge, lay claim to~\ To demand, exact ; exigere : — Gif hit se gerefa ne amanige mid rihte if the reeve do not lawfully exact it, L. Ed. 5 ; Th. i. 162, 12. Se biscop amanige da oferhyrnesse aet dam gerefan let the bishop exact the penalty for contempt from the reeve, L. Ath. i. 26 ; Th. i. 214, 2. Amanige daere scire bisceop da b6te to daes cynges handa let the bishop of the shire exact the compensation into the hands of the king, L. Edg. ii. 3 ; Th. i. 266, 19. a-mansod; part. Excommunicated: — Gif hwa amansodne [MS. B. amansumodne] odde fitlahne haebbe and healde if any one have and hold an excommunicated person, or an outlaw, L. C. S. 67 ; Th. i. 410, 17. a-man-somod excommunicated = a-man-sumod, L. Edm. E. 2 ; Th. i. 244, 18, MS. B. v. a-man-sumian. a-manst art mindful of; memor es, Ps. Th. 8, 5. v. a-munan. a-man-sumian; p. ode, ede, ade; pp. od, ed, ad [a ex, man = mSn = gemaene communis, sumian = samnian congregare] To excommunicate, anathematize; excommunicare, jnathematizare : — Amansumede he hine excommunicavit eum, Bd. 3, 22 ; S. 553, 26. We amansumiap mid heor- tan and mid mupe da de hi amansumedan anathematizamus corde et ore quos anathematizarunt, 4, 17; S. 586, IO, II. Hy amansumodon done maesse-preost Arrlum they excommunicated the mass-priest Arius, L.iElf. C. 3 ; Th. ii. 344, 2. Amansumed excommunicated, Chr.675 ; Th. 59, 12 : 963; Th. 221, 23: 1070; Th. 347, 4: L. Eth. v. 29; Th. i. 31 2, 1. a-man-sumung, -sumnung, e; /. [a ex, man = main = gemaene com- munis, sumnung = samnung a congregation ] Excommunication, a curse ; excommunicatio, anathema : — Besmiten mid daere amansumunge pollutus anathemate, Jos. 7, 12 : R. Ben. 51 : Prooem. R. Cone. v. man-sumung. a-mawan ; p. -meow ; pp. -mawen [a, mawan to mow] To mow, cut off; demetere, desecare, Ps. Th. 10 1, 4. ambeht, es; m. A servant, attendant, messenger, officer; minister, servus, nuntius, legatus. [O. Sax. ambahteo, m : O. H. Gcr. ampaht, m : Goth, andbahts, m : O.Nrs. ambatt,/. ancilla : Eat. ambactus, m. a vassal, - a dependant upon a lord.] v. ombeht, ombiht, onbeht. ambeht, ambiht, ambieht, ambyht [an-, em-, on-], gen. es ; nom. acc. pi. o ; n. An office, ministry, service, command, message ; officium, ministerium, jussum, mandatum : — Daem oleccaj ) ealle gesceafte, de daes ambehtes awuht cunnon all creatures obey him, that know aught of this service, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 17 ; Met. 11, 9. Laiste du geome his ambyhto perform thou zealously his commands, Cd. 25; Th. 33, 10; Gen. 518. [ 0 . Sax. ambaht, n. servitium, ministerium ; O.Frs. ambucht, ombecht, n : Ger. amt, n : M. H. Ger. ambahte, ambehte : O. H. Ger. ampahti, am- paht, ambaht, n : Goth, andbahti, n : Dan. embede, n ; Swed. ambete, 11 : led. embaetti, n : Eat. ambitus, m. pp. of ambio.] ambeht-hera, an ; m. An obedient minister, v. ombieht-hera. ambeht-hus, es; n. A workshop; officina. v. ambiht-hus. ambeht-meecg, es ; m. A servant-man. v. ambyht-maecg, ombiht-maecg. ambeht-man, -mann, es ; m. A servant-man. v. ambiht-man. ambeht-scealc, es; m. An official-servant; minister, v. anbyht- scealc, ombiht-scealc, onbyht-scealc. ambeht-secg, es ; m. An official man, a messenger, v. ambyht-seeg. ambeht-smip, es ; m. An official smith or carpenter, v. ambiht-smip. ambeht-pegen, es ; m. An attendant-thane, an attendant, servant, v. ombeht-pegen, ombiht-pegen. am-ber, om-ber, 6m-bor, es ; m. n? I .a dry measure of four bushels ; mensura continens quatuor modios sive bussellos. v. Registri Honoris de Richm. App. p. 44, where, in an extent of the manors of Crowhurst and Fylesham, in Sussex, 8 Edw. I, we read, * xxiii ambrae salis, quae faciunt xii quarteria, secundum mensuram Londoniae.’ Id. p. 258, it is added: ‘ quarterium Londinense octo modios sive bussellos continet, ambra igitur quatuor modios.’ v. Introduc. to Domesday I. p. 133 : — Tyn ambra fedra ten ambers of feathers, Ors. 1,1; Bos. 20, 37. Agyfe mon hine elce monap ane ambra meles let there be given him every month one amber of meal, L. Ath.«i. prooem; Th. i. 198, 6. pritig ombra rues cornes, feower ambru meolwes thirty ambers of rye-corn, four ambers of meal, Th. Diplm. A.D. 791-796 ; 40, 9, IO. Dxt he agefe 1 ambra makes and vi ambra gruta that he give fifty ambers of malt and six ambers of groats, 835; 471, 12, 13: 832-870; 474, 23. II. a liquid measure; batus, cadus : — Amber balus, TElfc. Gl. 25; Wrt. Voc. 24, 58. Ambras cadi, lagence. Cot. 31, 125: Lk. Lind. War. 16, 6. XII ambra Wilisces ealap, amber fulne buteran twelve ambers of Welsh ale, an amber full of butter, L. In. 70; Th. i. 146, 17, 19. XXX ombra gddes Uuelesces alop, daet limpap to xv mittum thirty ambers of good Welsh ale, which are equal to fifteen mittas, Th. Diplm. A.D. 804-829 ; 460, 24. III. a vessel with one handle, a tankard, pitcher, pail; lagena, urceus, amphora, situla, hydria :— Ombor lagena, Mk. Lind. Rush. War. 14, 13. Ombora urceorum, 7, 8. Ombor amphora, Lk. Lind. War. 2 2, IO. [an one, beran to bear, carry: O.Sax. embar, ember, in. am- phora : Ger. eimer, m : 0 . H. Ger. einpar, eimberi, in. situla, hydria.] ambiht, ambieht an office, ministry, service ; officium. v. ambeht. ambiht-hus, es; n. [ambeht an office, hus house] A workshop; offi- cina, R. Concord. 1 1 . ambiht-man, embeht-man, embiht-man, -mann, -monn, es; m. [am- beht an office, man a man] A servant-man, servant-woman, attendant, servant, minister; servus, -pediseq jus, pedisequa, minister, ministra : — HIg habbap 6dre ambihtmen they have other attendants, L. E. I. 12; Th. ii. 410, 11: Mk. Lind. War. 9, 35. ambiht-smip, es ; m. [ambeht an office, smip a smith] An official smith or carpenter; praefectus fabrorum : — Cyninges ambihtsmip the king’s official carpenter. L. Ethb. 7 ; Th. i. 4, 8. ambyht, es; n. An office, service; mandatum, nuntium, Cd. 25; Th. 33, 10; Gen. jfl8. v. ambeht; n. ambyht-msecg, es ; m. [ambeht an office, service ; maecg a man] A servant-man, servant, minister; servus: — Dine scealcas, ambyhtmaecgas servi tui, Ps. Th. 101, 12. v. ombiht-maecg. ambyht-secg, es ; m. [ambeht an office, command, message; secg a man, messenger] An official man, a messenger, ambassador; minister, nuncius, legatus : — Dast ic se6 gramum ambyhtsecg, nales Godes engel that I am a minister to the malignant one, not God’s angel, Cd. 27 , Th. 36, 35 ; Gen. 582. am-byr : gen. m. n. -byres ; /. -byrre, -byre : dat. m. n. -byrum ; /. -byrre, -byre : acc. m. -byrne ; f. -byre ; ra. -byr ; adj. [am even, equal, byr let it happen, from byrian to happen, pertain]. What is happening even or equal, — Favourable, fair ; aequus, secundus: — Gyf man haefde ambyrne wind if a man had a favourable wind, Ors. I, l; Bos. 21, 20. a-meallud, -maellad; part. Emptied out, brought to naught; exina- nitus, Ps. Spl. 74, 8, MSS. C, M. a-mearcian; p. ode; pp. od [a, mearcian to mark] To mark out, de- lineate, describe, determine; annotare, denotare, designare, describere, definire : — Her amearcod is haligra hiw, purh handmaegen awriten on wealle here is described the form of the holy ones, through might of hand carved on the wall, Andr. Kmbl. 1448 ; An. 724. Done, de grund and sund, heofon and eorpan, amearcode mundum slnum him, who land and AMEL— An. 37 sea, heaven and earth, marked out with his own hands, 1499 ; An. 751 : ‘ R. Concord. 2. amel, es; m. A vessel for holy water; amula, vas lustrale, Cot. 2. a-meldian ; p. ode ; pp. od To betray, make known ; prodere, indi- care : — Ic ameldige prodo, JE lfc. Gr. 28, 8 ; Som. 33, 4. He hine amel- dode prodidit eum, Bd. 3, 14 ; S. 539, 46. Da waron hi dar ameldode proditi sunt, 4, 16; S. 584, 26: Jos. 9, 17. v. meldian. ameos = d/i^£cus of ammi or bishop-wort ; gen. of ammi. a-merian, -myrian ; p. ode, ede ; pp. od, ed 7 b examine, purify [ gene- rally said of melted metal] ; examinare, purgare, merum reddere: — Oder dal sceal beon amered on dam fyre, swa her biji sylfor the other part shall be proved in the fire, as silver here is, Bt. 38, 4; Fox 204, 1. Dat seolfor de bi[ seofon sidum amered argentum examinatum septuplum, Ps. Th. 11, 7 : Exon. 63 b; Th. 234, 22 ; Ph. 544 : 65 a ; Th. 240, 3 ; Ph. 633: Elen. Kmbl. 2621; El. 1312: Ps. Spl. 11,7: 16,4. Genim anne cuculere fulne ameredes huniges take a spoon-full of purified honey, Herb. 106; Lchdm. i. 220, 12. Fyre du us amyrdest swa swa amyred bi)> seolfor igne nos examinasti sicut examinatur argentum, Ps. Spl. 65,9. Amerodest examinasti, Ps. Lamb. 65, 9. a-merran to hinder, trouble, disturb, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 87; Met. 8, 44. v. a-myrran. a-metan ; p. -mat, pi. -maton ; pp, -meten ; v. Irons, [a, metan to measure], I. to mete, measure, measure out; metiri, emetiri : — His micelnesse ne mag nan monn ametan his greatness no man can measure, Bt. 42; Fox 258, 13. Mid hondum amet measure with [thy] hands, Cd. 228 ; Th. 308, 30 ; Sat. 700. Daet susl amate that he should measure his torment, 229; Th. 310, 13; Sat. 725. Daet du hus ameten haebbe that thou hast measured the house, 228 ; Th. 309, 16 ; Sat. 710 : Bd. 4, 23; S. 596, 26. II. to measure out to any one, to allot, assign, bestow ; aliquid alicui emetiri, ex mensura dare, largiri : — Ametan wolde wrece be gewyrhtum woh-fremmendum would mete out punishment ac- cording to their deeds to the doers of wickedness, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 70; Met. 9, 35. iEr me gife unscynde maegen-cyning amaet before the powerful king measured out to me a blameless grace, Elen. Kmbl. 2493 ; El. 1248. III. to measure out, plan, form, make; emetiri, for- mare, confingere : — Du amate mundum dinum ealne ymbhwyrft and uprador thou measuredst with thine hands the whole circumference and the firmament above, Elen. Kmbl. 1456 ; El. 730. a-metan ; p. -mette ; pp. -mett ; v. trans. [a, metan to paint] To paint, depict, adorn ; pingere, depingere, ornare : — Swelce he hit amete and atiefre on his heortan quasi in corde depingitur, Past. 21, 3; Hat. MS. 30 b, 26. Firmamentum [faestnes] mid manegum steorrum amett the firmament adorned with many stars, Bd. de nat. rm ; Wrt. popl. scienc. 10, 12; Lchdm. iii. 254, 9. amet-hwil, e;f. Leisure; otium, iElfc. Gr. 8; Som. 8, 1, MS. D. v. amet-hwil. a-middan; adv. [a=on in, into; mid middle] In the middle, into the midst ; in medium : — Arts, and stand her amiddan surge, el sta in medium, Lk. Bos. 6, 8. ammi, ami ; g. ameos ; n. Ammi, an African umbelliferous plant, millet, bishopwort ; ammi Copticum [dpi/M ; g. appeals] : — Deos wyrt de man ami, and 6drum naman milium, nemneji tkis wort which is named ammi, and by another name millet, Herb. 164, 1; Lchdm. i. 292, 20. Oder swilc ameos as much more of ammi, L. M. 2, 14; Lchdm. ii. 192, 7. a-molsnian ; p. ode, ade ; pp. od, ad To corrupt, putrefy ; putrefacere, Som. v. molsnian. amore, an; f A kind of bird; avis quaedam, scorellus, Cot. 1 60. Amorreas ; pi: g. a The Amorites; Amorrhai : — Seon cyning Amorrea Sehon regem Amorrhceorum, Ps. Th. 135, 20. ampella, ampolla, ampulla, an ; m. A vial, bottle, flask, flagon ; am- pulla, lecythus, lenticula : — Ampella vel ele-faet an oil-flask, lecythus = Xt]kv 6 os [MS. legithum]. Cot. 119. Ampella vel crog lenticula, 124. \Ger. ampel,/: O. H. Ger. ampulla, ampla ,/: O. Nrs. ampli, hompull, m.] ampre, an ; f. Sorrel or dock ; rumex, Lchdm. iii. 12, 25. v. ompre. a-munan ; ic, he -man, du -manst, pi. -munon ; p. -munde, pi. -mun- don ; pp. -munen To think of, mind, consider, be mindful of, have a care for ; cogitare, reputare, memor esse, providere : — Hwset is se mann, de du swa miclum amanst ? quid est homo, quod memor es ejus ? Ps. Th. 8, 5. Cwadon hi, daet hie daes ne amundon de ma de eowre geferan they said, that they no more minded it than did your companions, Chr. 755 ; Th. 84, 36, col. 3. v. munan. a-mundian; p. ode; pp. od To protect, defend; tueri, tutari, TEthelfl. Test; Th. Diplm. A.D. 972; 522, 28. v. mundian. a-mundon thought of, minded, Chr. 755 ; Th. 84, 36, col. 3 ; p. of a-munan. a-myrdrian ; p. ede ; pp. ed To murder, kill ; occidere, interficere, trucidare : — Daet man sy amyrdred that a man be murdered, L. C. S. 57 ; Th. i. 406, 25. v. myrdrian. a-myrgan ; p. de; pp. ed ; v. trans. [a, myrgan to be merry] To make merry, to gladden, cheer; exhilarare, latificare: — Bee syndon breme: hi amyrgaj) modsefan manna gehwylces of [reanydlan disses lifes books are famous : they cheer the mitid. of every one from the necessary affliction of this life, Salm. Kmbl. 479 ; Sal. 240. a-myrian ; p. ede, ode ; pp. ed, od To examine; examinare, Ps. Spl. 65, 9. v. a-merian. a-myrran, -merran; p. de; pp. ed [a, myrran impedire]. I. to hinder, impede, obstruct, check, disturb; impedire, turbare, obstruere : — Daes wela amerb and 1st da men this wealth obstructs and hinders those men, Bt. 32, 1 ; Fox 1 14, 3. He ofsloh faetta heora, and gecorene Israhela he amyrde occidit pingues eorum, et electos Israhel impedivit, Ps. Spl. C. 77, 35. Me habbaji hringa gespong sides amyrred the binding of these rings hath impeded me in my course, Cd. 19 ; Th. 24, 18 ; Gen. 378. He daes eorles earm amyrde he checked the earl’s arm, Byrht. Th. 136, 43 ; By. 165. II. to dissipate, spend, distract, defile, mar, corrupt, spoil, destroy ; dissipare, perdere, consummare, corrumpere, devorare, dis- trahere; — Da he haefde ealle amyrrede postquam omnia consummasset, Lk. Bos. 15, 14, 30. Ne amyrjr he hys mede non perdet mercedem suam, Mt. Bos. 10, 42. Deos gitsung hafaj> gumena gehwelces m6d amerred this covetousness has corrupted the mind of every man, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 87; Met. 8, 44: 22, 8; Met. 22, 4. Eorj>e waes amyrred cor- rupta est terra, Ex. 8, 24 : Ors. 3, 10; Bos. 69, 39. Ic amyrre distraho, JElfc. Gr. 28, 5 ; Som. 32, 10. an ; prep. In, among, into, to ; in, ad ; followed by dat. or acc : — An feipe in the spirit, Ps. C. 50, no; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, no: 50, 157; Ps. Grn. ii. 280, 157. Hid bij> eallunga an hire selfre she is altogether in herself, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 440; Met. 20, 220. An folcum among the people, Ps. C. 50, 5 ; Ps. Grn. ii. 276, 5. Do gleda an gledfat put embers into a chafing dish, L. M. 3, 62 ; Lchdm. ii. 346, 3. Daet ic an for)j- gesceaft feran m6te that I may come to a future state, Ps. C. 50, 52 ; Ps. Grn. ii. 278, 52. v. on. an I give, Alfd. Will 14, 4; he gives, Cd. 141; Th. 176, 22; Gen. 2915. v. unnan. an- is used in composition. I. for A. Sax. and against, in return; contra, re-; as an-sacan to strive against, to contradict ; repugnare, con- tradicere : an-swarian to answer ; respondere. II. for un-, denoting privation; as an-bindan to' unbind; absolvere. III. for on, in in, to ; as an-wadan to invade ; invadere : an-fon to take to one’s self; acci- pere. Sometimes an- appears scarcely to alter the meaning of the word before which it is placed. -an, -anne, v. -anne, in alphabetical order, and to ; prep. IV. The ter- mination of most Anglo-Saxon verbs is in -an ; but -an is found, which seems to be contracted from aa, agan, ahan, as, — gan to go, from gaan : smean to consider, from smeagan : slean to slay, from sleahan, etc. The termination of verbs in -6n, appears to be a contraction from ahan, ohan, as, — fon to take, from fahan : gefedn to rejoice, from gefeohan : teon to draw, from teohan, etc. Mrch. § 247*. AK, I. m.f. n. one ; unus, una, unum : gen. m. n. Snes ; /. anre of one ; unius : dat. m. n. anum ; /. anre to one ; uni : acc. m. anne, anne ; f. ane, n. an one ; unum, unam, unum : instr. m. n. ane ; f. anre with one ; uno, una, uno : pi. nom. acc. m. f. n. ane each, every one, all ; unus- quisque, una-quaque, unum-quodque ; singuli, a, a; gen. m.f.n. anra of every one, all; singulorum, arum, orum : dat. m.f. n. anum to every one, all ; singulis : instr. anum with all : def. se ana ; seo, daet ane the one : gen. daes, daere, daes anan of the one : dat. dam, dare, dam anan to the one : acc. done, da anan, daet an the one : instr. m. n. Sy anan;/. dare anan with the one; adj : — An of dam unus ex illis, Mt. Bos. 10, 29. An was on Ispania one was in Spain, Ors. 4, 9 ; Bos. 92, 19. God geworhte anne mannan, Adam, of lame God created one man, Adam, of earth, Homl. Th. i. 12, 28. He is an God Deus unus est, Mk. Bos. 12, 29. Dis is an dara geradnessa this is one of the ordinances, L. Eth. ix. I; Th. i. 340, 2. II. alone, only, sole, another; solus, alius: with these meanings it is used definitely, and generally written ana, m. and sometimes aina, anna, anga, q.v: — An God ys god God alone is good; solus [unus] est bonus, Deus, Mt. Bos. 19, 17. Dat ge forlaton me anne, and ic ne eom ana ut me solum relinquatis, et non sum solus, Jn. Bos. 16, 32. God ana wat hu his gecynde bi[, wifhades de weres God alone knows how its sex is, [the sex of] female or male, Exon. 61 a; Th. 223, 6 ; Ph. 355. Dat ge aina [ge a ma, Grn.] gebrodra hafdon quod aliuni haberetis vos fratrem, Gen, 43, 6. 2 . sole, alone of its kind, singular, unique, without an equal ; unicus, eximius : — An sunu, mare meotudes beam the only Son, illustrious child of the Creator, Exon. 128a; Th. 492, 7; Ra. 81, 10: Hy. 8, 14; Hy. Grn. ii. 290, 14: Bt. Met. Fox 21, 19, 25, 32 ; Met. 21, 10, 13, 16. Dat was Sn foran eald-gestredna that was before a singular old treasure, Beo. Th. 2920 ; B. 1458. Dat was an cyning, aghwas orleahtre that was a singular king, faultless in everything, 3775 ! B. 1885. III. a certain one, some one; quidam ; v. sum : — An man hafde twegen suna homo quidam habebat duos filios, Mt. Bos. 21, 28. In this sense it is used as sum in the parallel passage. — Sum man hafde twegen suna homo quidam habuit duos fllios, Lk. Bos. 15,11. 2. sometimes, though rarely, an may be used as the English article a, an. It does not, however, appear to be generally used as an indefinite article, 38 AN— ANCOR. but more like the Moes. ain, or the Lai. unus. — When a noun was used 1 indefinitely by the Saxons, it was without an article prefixed ; as, — peodrlc waes Cristen Theoderic was a Christian, Bt. i; Fox 2, j. 3 . in the following examples it seems to be used for the indefinite article a, an : — An engel bodade dam hyrdum daes heofonllcan cyninges acennednysse an angel announced to the shepherds the birth of the heavenly king, Homl. Th. i. 38, 3. Bar bed an mann stande there shall be a man standing, Chr. 1031 ; Ing. 206, 5 ; Erl. 162, 7. Da stod dar an Iudeisc wer, dxs nama wxs Nichodemus then stood there a Jewish man, whose name was Nicodemus, Nicod. 11 ; Thw. 5, 38. On anum reste-daege on a rest-day or sabbath, Lk. Bos. 24, 1 : Jn. Bos. 20, I. Sceollon aenne ttman gebtdan must wait [abide] a time, L. C. E. 18; Th. i. 370, 18: Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 61, 36. Wire de nu aenne arc now make for thee an ark, Gen. 6, 14. Ane lytle hwile a little while, Bt. 7, 1 ; Fox 16, 4. Cynrlc ofslogon aenne Bryttiscne cyning Cymric slew a British king, Chr. 508; Ing. 21, 6. IV. each, every one, all; unus-quisque, una-quaeque, unum- quodque ; singuli, -ae, -a. It is in this sense that it admits of a plural form : nom. acc. pi. m.f. n. ane ; gen. m.f. n. anra ; dat. m.f. n. anum : — Anra gehwa, anra gehwylc every one, or, literally, every one of all. Swelte aura gehwile for^his agenum gilte unusquisque pro peccato suo morietur, Deut. 24, 16. Anes hwaet, Bt. 18, 3 ; Fox 64, 30, denotes anything, literally ‘ anything of all,’ and is used adverbially for at all, in any degree. 1 One, other,- — An aefter anum one after another, Jn. Bos. 8, 9 : Salm. Kmbl. 771: ; Sal. 385. To anum to anum from one to the other, only; duntaxat. Bast an, or for an this one thing, for one thing, only ; tantum- modo, Mk. Bos. 5, 36. Hy forbaerndon anne finger, and anne they burnt off one finger, and then another, Ors. 2, 3; Bos. 42, 15. Ete aenne and aenne let him eat one and another, one after another. Herb. I, 20 ; Lchdm. i. 76, 24. On an in one, continually, ever, Gen. 7, 12: Cd. 140; Th. 1 75> 9; Gen. 2892. der. nan [=ne + an n + one] none, no one; nullus [ne-ullus], an ; adv. Only ; tantum : — Cwej? din an word speak thy word only; tan- tum die verbo, Mt. Bos. 8, 8. v. AN II. ana ; m. One, sole, single, solitary ; unus, unicus, solus, solitarius : nom. f. n. ane one, etc; una, unum: gen. m.f. n. anan of one; unius = unici, unicae, unici : dat. anan to one; uni = unico, unicae, unico : acc. m.f. anan one ; unum, unam ; def. numeral adj. Baet [treow, n.] se ana is ealra beama beorhtast geblowen that is the one of all the trees most brightly flourishing. Exon. 58 b; Th. 209, 27; Ph. 177. God ana on eenysse rixaj ) one God ruleth to eternity, Homl. Th. i. 28, 23. v. AN II. an-ad, an-aed, es; n. [an unus, ad = ead, ea) desertus , vastus, Ett: Goth. au))s epr/ixos desertus: v. der. eade; adj.] Solitude, a desert; solitudo, desertum: — On dam anade in the desert. Exon. 37a; Th. 122, 12; Gu. 304: 37I) ; Th. 123, 24; Gu. 327. On anaede in a desert, 122b; Th. 471, 22; Ra. 61, 5. [O. Sax. enddi, einodi, /. n. solitudo : Ger. einode, f desertum, solitudo: M.H. Ger. einoede,/; einoete, einote, n: O. H. Ger. einodi,/; einoti, n. solitudo, desertum.] an-selan ; p. -aside ; pp. -aeled, -aeld [an, aelan to light ] To kindle, in- flame, enlighten ; accendere, incendere, inflammare, illuminare : — Mid andan daere rihtwlsnesse anaeld kindled with a zeal of righteousness, Chr. 694 ; Th. 66, note 2 : R. Concord. 5. v. on-aelan, in 1 - aelan. an-aedelian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad; v. trans. [an = un not, aedelian to ennoble] To dishonour, degrade; ignobilem reddere: — And donan wyrj 1 anaedelad o)-daet he wyr) unaedele and thence becomes degraded till he is unnoble, Bt. 30, 2; Fox no, 22: Bt. Met. Fox 17, 53; Met. 17, 27. v. un-aedelian. anan, anum by this alone, only ; dat. of an one. anan-be&m, es; m. The spindle-tree, prick-wood, prick-timber ; euony- mus Europaeus, L. M. I, 32 ; Lchdm. ii. 78, 13. ana-wyrm, es; m. [ana = an, in in, as in Goth, anahneiwan inclinare; wyrm a worm] An intestinal worm; lumbricus : — Gif anawyrm on men weaxe if an intestinal worm grow in a man, L. M. 1, 46 ; Lchdm. ii. 114, 13, 18, 23. an-baemys, on-baernys, -nyss, e ; f. [v. on-baerning, in-baernis] Incense, frankincense ; incensum, thus : — Sy gereht gebed min swa swa anbaernys dirigatur oratio mea sicut incensum, Ps. Spl. 140, 2. an-be-leedan ; p. -Ixdde ; pp. -lxded, -laid To lead or bring in ; indu- cere. der. belaidan, lfidan. an-bestingan ; p. -bestang, pi. -bestungon ; pp. -bestungen To thrust in ; immittere, intromittere : — Da anbestungne [Cot. MS. anbestungnan] saglas intromissi [scil. circulis] vectes. Past. 22, 1; Hat. MS. 33a, 22. an-bid, es ; n. Awaiting, expectation ; expectatio, mora : — Baer waeron ierendracan on anbide there ambassadors were in waiting, Ors. 3, 9 ; Bos. 68, 44. Naes ic on nauht [ne, aht, auht] Idlum anbide, deah hit me lang anbld )uhte, da da ic anbldode Godes fultumes expectans, expectavi Dominum, Ps. Th. 39, 1. Earmra anbld the expectation of the miserable, Cd. 169; Th. 212, 2; Exod. 533: Elen. Kmbl. 1767; El. 885. v. 011-bld. an-btdian ; p. ode, ude ; pp. od To abide, wait, wait for, expect ; mo- rari, eommorari, expectare : — Wolde dxr on xl[e6dignisse anbldian ut peregrinaretur ibi, Gen. x 2, 10. Me anbldiaj) rihtwlse oji-daet du afyldest 3 me me expectant justi donee retribuas mihi, Ps. Spl. 141, 10. Ic anbldude hine expectabam eum, 54, 8. an-btdung, es; m. An abiding, tarrying, awaiting, expectation; commo- ratio, expectatio : — Wlcode )reo niht on anbldunge moratus est tres dies, Jos. 3, 1 . H wylc is anbldung min quae est expectatio mea ? Ps. Spl. 38, 1 1 . an-bindan ; ic -binde, du -bindst, he -bint, pi. -binda) ; p. -band, du -bunde, pi. -bundon ; pp. -bunden ; v. a. [an = un un-, bindan to bind] To unbind, untie ; solvere, absolvere, religare : — Seo widerwearde wyrd anbint and gefreoj) aelc dara de hio togepie) adverse fortune unbinds and frees every one of those whom she adheres to, Bt. 20 ; Fox 72, 2. v. on-bindan, in-bindan. an-biscopod; part. Unbishoped, unconfirmed; non confirmatus ab episcopo, L. Edg. C. 15 ; Wilk. 83, 40. v. un-biscopod. an-boren; part. Only-born, only-begotten ; unigenitus : — Baet in Beth- leme cyning anboren cenned waere that in Bethlehem the only-begotten king was born, Elen. Kmbl. 783; El. 392 : Exon. 16 b; Th. 39, 6. an-broce, an ; /. Material, wood, timber ; materies, tignum : — AEdele anbroce noble material, Elen. Grm. 1029, note, p. 161. an-bryrdan ; p. -bryrde ; pp. -bryrded, -bryrd ; v. a. To prick, goad, vex ; compungere, stimulare : — He hehtende wses menn wanspendinne, and anbryrdne heortan persecutus est hominem inopem, et compunctum corde, Ps. Spl. 108, 15. v. on-bryrdan, in-bryrdan. an-bryrdnes, -ness, e;/. Compunction, remorse; compunctio, C.R. Ben. 70. v. on-bryrdnes. an-buende ; part. Dwelling alone ; anachoreticam vitam agens : — Eahtej) anbuendra persecutes those dwelling alone, Exon. 33 b ; Th. 107, 15; Gu. 59. an-bugan ; p. -beah, -beag, pi. -bugon ; pp. -bogen ; v. intrans. To bend or bow one’s self in, submit to any one ; se inflectere, se submittere alicui : — To don daet hi him anbugon that they might submit to him, Ors. 1, 12; Bos. 36, 25. v. on-bugan. anbyht-scealc, ombiht-scealc, onbyht-scealc, es ; m. [ambeht an office, scealc a servant] An official servant, a servant; minister, servus: — Hrade fremedon anbyhtscealcas swa him heora ealdor bebead the official servants quickly did as their lord bade them, Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 27; Jud. 38. v. ombiht-scealc, onbyht-scealc. an-byrdnys, nyss, e;/. [an contra, byrdnys status] Resistance; yepug- nantia: — Gif aenig man anbyrdnysse begin)) if any man begin resistance, L. Edg. S. 14; Th. i. 276, 31. v. gean-byrdan. an-byrignys, -nyss, e ; /. A tasting, taste ; gustus, fElfc. Gl. 70 ; Som. 70, 51; Wrt. Voc. 42, 59. v. byrignes. an-csenned ; def. se an-caenneda ; part. Only-begotten ; unigenitus : — • To arwurjiianne [MS. tarwurfuenne, v. weor)ianne = wur)ianne in weor- ))ian I] dlnne, done sodan and done ancaennedan, Sunu to honour thy, the true and only-begotten. Son, Te Dm. Thomson 35, 12. v. an-cenned. an-eenda = an-cenneda only-begotten. Exon. 99 a; Th. 370, 2; Seel. 51. v. an-cenned. an-cenned ; def. se an-cenneda ; part, [an unus, cennan gignere] Only- begotten; uni-genitus: — Ancenned Sunu only-begotten Son, 'Exon. 14 b; Th. 29, 18 ; Cri. 464. Se ancenneda Sunu the only-begotten Son, Jn. Bos. 1, 18: 3, 16. aneer; g. ancres; m. An anchor; ancora, Wrt. Voc. 73 . 84. v. ancor. ancer, es ; m. An anchoret, hermit ; anachoreta : — Mid dy he leornode be dam ancerum when he learnt concerning the anchorets, Guthl. 2 ; Gdwin. 18, 22. v. ancor. ancer-lic ; adj. Anchoretic, like a hermit; anachoreticus, Som. v. ancor-llc. ancer-lif, es; n. An anchoret’s or hermit’s life; anachoretica vita, Bd. 4, 28 ; S. 605, 6. v. ancor-llf. ancer-man, -mann, es; m. An anchor-man, the man in charge of the anchor; proreta, AElfc. Gl. 104; Som. 77, 126. v. ancor-man. ancer-setl, -settl, es; n. An anchoret’s cell, hermitage; anachoretae sedes : — Twegen halige menn, on ancersettle wuniende, wfiron forbearnde two holy men, dwelling in a hermitage, were burned, Chr. 1087; Th. 354, 23: Guthl. 4; Gdwin. 26, 10. ancer-streng, es; m. An anchor-string, a cable ; ancorarius funis, Solil. 4. ancleow, es ; m. The ancle ; talus : — Ancleow talus, .ffilfc. Gl. 75 ; Wrt. Voc. 44, 74. Lytel ancleow taxillus, 75 ; Wrt. Voc. 45, 1. [Dut. anklauuw, enklauuw, enkel : Ger. M. H. Ger. enkel, m : O. H. Ger. an- chal, m; anchala,/; Dan. Swed. ankel: O.Nrs. okul, dkli, m.] an-cnawan To recognise; agnoscere, iElfc. Gr. 28, I; Som. 30, 31. v. on-cnawan. ancor, ancer, oncer ; g. ancres ; m. [ancSra = ayicvpa : uncus = 07/ros a kook, v. der.] An anchor; ancora: — Bln ancor is git on eor)an faest thine anchor is yet fast in the earth, Bt. 10; Fox 30, 5. On ancre first fast at anchor, Beo. Th. 61 1 ; B. 303. On ancre rad rode at anchor, 3771; B. 1883. Ba ancras the anchors, Bt. 10; Fox 30, 10, 13 : Bd. 3, 15; S. 541,40. Y)mearas ancrum fasste ships [wave-horses] fast with anchors. Exon. 20 b ; Th. 54, 6 ; Cri. 864. [Chauc. ancre : Plat. Dut. Ger. M. H. Ger. anker, m ; 0 . H. Ger. anchar, m : Dan. anker, m : Swed. ANCOR— ANDETTERE. . 39 ankare, m : O. Nrs. akk^ri, m : Lat. ancora : Grk. ayxvpa : Lith. inko- ras ;• from the Sansk. anka a hook.~\ ancor, ancer; g. ancres ; m. An anchoret, hermit; anachoreta: — Slef- leas ancra scrud hermits’ sleeveless garment, ffilfc. Gl. 63; Som. 68, ill. [O. Sax. enkoro, m : O. H. Ger. einchoranar, m : Grk. dvaxwprjTrjs.] ancor-bend, es ; m. An anchor-band or cord or rope. v. oncer-bend, ancor-lic ; adj. Anchoretic, like a hermit ; anachoreticus. der. v. an- cor a hermit, lie like. ancor-lif, ancer-ltf, es ; n. An anchoret’s or hermit’s life, a solitary life ; anachoretica vita, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, II. ancor-man, ancer-man, -mann, es ; m. An anchor-man, the man in charge of the anchor; ancorarius, proreta, ffilfc. Gl. 83; Som. 73, 66: 104; Som. 77, 126. ancor-rap, es ; m. An anchor-rope, a cable, v. oncyr-rap. ancor-setl, es; n. An anchor-seat, the fore-castle of a ship, the prow; prora, ffilfc. Gl. 104; Som. 78, 11. aneor-stow, e; /. An anchoret’s or hermit’s cell, a solitary place; anachoretse mansio, solus locus, Bd. 5, 12 ; S. 627, 26. ancra, an; m. An anchor, ballast; ancora vel saburra, .ffilfc. Gl. 83; Wrt. Voc. 48, 21. v. ancor. ancra, an; m. An anchoret, hermit; anachoreta, solitarius, ffilfc. Gl. 69 ; Som. 70, 20. ancre, an; f. [antre?] Radish; raph&nus = patpavos : — Ancre, daet is raedic raphanus, Mone A. 493. v. ontre. . anc-sum, anc-sum-lfc troublesome, v. ang-sum, ang-sum-llc. an-cuman ; p. -com, pi. -comon ; pp. -cumen, -cymen To come, arrive; advenire : — Da he west ancom [westan com, MS.] when he came to the ■west, Cd. 90; Th. 113, 9; Gen. 1884. der. cuman. an-cummum ; adv. [an one, cummum the dat. of cuma a comer ] One by one, singly ; singulatim, Jn. Lind.War. 21, 25. an-cyn ; g. m. n. -cynnes ; /. -cynre ; adj. [an one, only ; cyn proprius] Only ; unicus : — De seo [MS. se] halige andett geladung, — dfnne sotfan and ancy nne sunu te sancta confitetur ecclesia, — tuum verum et unicum [ = proprium\filium, Te Dm. Lye. v. an-ltc. and; prep. dat. acc. I. with the dative; cum dativo With; cum : — Emb eahta niht and feowerum after eight nights with four [ twelve nights ], Menol. Fox 419 ; Men. 211. Ymb twentig and ftf nihtum after twenty with five /lights, i. e. after twenty-five nights, 373; Men. 188. II. with the accusative ; cum accusativo Against, before, on, into ; contra, apud, in ; ward : — Haefdon dream and heora ordfruman had joy before their creator [apud creatorem], Cd. 1 ; Th. 2, 2 ; Gen. 13. Daet is craeft eagorstreames, waetres afid eor)ian, and on wolenum eac that is the power of the sea, of water on earth, and also in the clouds, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 245 ; Met. 20, 123. Yj> up fxrep, ofstum wyrcejj waeter and weal- faesten the wave goes up [ and] rapidly makes [worketh] the water into a wall [ wall-fastness ], Cd. 157 ; Th. 195, 27; Exod. 283. [O. Sax. ant usque ad : O. Frs. anda, and in, on : Goth, and against : O. H. Ger. ant : O. Nrs. and contra : Lat. ante : Grk. avri, aura : Lith. ant on, upon : Sansk. anti opposite, against, before. Thus and seems to be connected with Goto, andi end, A. Sax. ende frontier, boundary, and Sansk. anta end, boundary, limit, border, which is probably derived from the Sansk. root ant, and to bind; hence near or with, and that which is with or near, may be against.'] and ; conj. and ; et, atque, ac : — Gescedp God heofenan and eor[an creavit Deus ccelum et terram, Gen. 1, 1. Cum and geseoh veni et vide, Jn. Bos. 1, 46. And swa forji and so forth; et caetera, ffilfc. Gr. 25 ; Som. 26, 59. and- [Goth, anda- : Icel. and-, ond- : Grk. avn-] in composition denotes opposition, — Against, without; contra : — And-bita, and-beorma without barm, what was unleavened; azymos = a-£vpos, Cot. 17. And-saca an adversary, apostate, Cd. 23; Th. 28, 27; Gen. 442. And-swaru an answer, Beo. Th. 5713; B. 2860. anda, onda, an ; m. emotion of mind, — Malice, envy, hatred, anger, zeal, annoyance, vexation ; animi emotio, — rancor, invidia, indignatio, ira, zelus, molestia : — Anda rancor, ffilfc. Gl. 89 ; Som. 74, 93. Naefst dfi nanne andan to nanum [inge thou hast not any envy to anything, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 18. Hyne for andan sealdon per invidiam tradidissent eum, Mt. Bos. 27, 18. Nyste naenne andan know not any hatred, Bt. 35, 6 ; Fox 168, 10. For hwilcum li[rum andan ex prava aliqua invidia, L. M. I. P. 12; Th. ii. 268, 11 : Bt. Met. Fox 20, 72; Met. 20, 36. Habba}) andan betweoh him have enmity between them, 28, 104; Met. 28, 52. On andan in hatred, Beo. Th. 1421; B. 708: Cd. 191; Th. 237, 28 ; Dan. 344. Manigum on andan for vexation to many, Elen. Grm. 969. For dzm andan his rihtwisnes [-nesse MS. Cot.] per zelum justitice, Past. 17, 1 ; Hat. MS. 21b, 28. [O. Sax. ando, m. indignatio, ira, zelus : O. H. Ger. anado, anto, m. zelus : O. Nrs. andi, m. halilus oris, spiritus, animus.] der. andian : andig. an-dasge ; adj. [an one, daeg a day] For one day, lasting a day : diur- nus, unius diei : — Naes daet andaege nip that was no one-day evil, Exon. 92 a; Th. 345, 25; Gn. Ex. 195. Sz-weall astah, uplang gestod an- daegne fyrst the sea-wall arose, [and] stood erect one day’s space, Cd. 158 ; Th. 197, 9; Exod. 304. De hire andaeges eagum starede who daily gazed on her with his eyes, Beo. Th. 3874 ; B. 1935. andsettan to confess, Th. Anlct. v. andettan. an-daga, an; m. [daeg a day — daga, q.v.] A fixed day, a time ap- pointed, a day or term appointed for hearing a cause; dies dictus, dies constitutus Gesette me anne andagan constitue mihi tempus, Ex. 8, 9 : 9, 5 : Gen. 18, 14. Dad gehwile spraec haebbe andagan hwaenne heo gelaest sy that every suit have a term when it shall be brought forward, L.Ed. procem; Th. i. 158, 6: 11; Th. i. 164, 21: L. Edg. H. 7 ; Th. i. 260, 13 : L. C. S. 19 ; Th. i. 386, 14. [O. Sax. en-dago, m. dies statutus, fatalis, — terminus vitce : O. Nrs. ein-dagi dies oculalus, tempus prcescrip- tum, a verbo eindaga cerium tempus defnire.] an-dagian ; p. ode; pp. od ; v.a. To appoint a day or term, to cite; diem dicere, L. Edg. H. 7; Th. i. 260, 12. der. ge-an-dagian. v. an- daga. and-beorma, an ; m. That which is without barm, unleavened, un- leavened bread, the feast of unleavened bread; azyma : — Andbita vel [and-]beorma azyma. Cot. 17. v. beorma, and-bita. and-bidian ; p. ode ; pp. od To expect ; expectare : — De andbidiaf) de qui expectant te, Ps. Spl. 68, 8. Andbidiaf wildeor on [urste heora expec- tabunt onagri in siti sua, 103, 12. v. an-bidian. and-bidung, es ; m. Expectation ; expectatio : — Na du gescend me fram andbldunge mine non confundas me ab expectatione mea, Ps. Spl. 118,116. v. an-bidung. and-bita, an ; m. That which is unleavened, unleavened bread, the feast of unleavened bread; azyma: — Andbita vel and-beorma azyma. Cot. 17. [Goth, unbeistei, f. a^vpov.] and-owis, -ewiss, e; f. An answer; responsum: — Andcwis ageaf gave answer. Exon. 47 b; Th. 163, 26; Gu. 999. anddetan To confess; confiteri : — Hyra synna anddetende confitentes peccata sua, Mk. Bos. 1, 5. v. andetan. and-edw ; adj. [and against, eaw = sew lawful, legitimate] Arrogant, presumptuous, proud; arrogans, Scint. 46. Andefera, an ; m. andover , a market town in the north west of Hamp- shire built on the east bank of the river Ande or Anton; oppidum in agro Hamtunensi : — Hi da lseddon Anlaf to Audeferan they then led Anlaf to Andover, Chr. 994; Th. 242, 27, col. 1 ; Th. 243, 26, col. 1, 12, col. 2. To Andefron, Th. 242, 26, col. 2. [Dun. Andeafara : Kni. Andever.] About the year 1164 Simeon Durham writes it Andeafara = Ande-ea-fara a farer over the river Ande, on the bank of which Andover is built, v. fara a traveller, faran to go, travel, sail. From the A . Sax. of the MS. Cott. Tiber. B. IV. to Andefron, of Knighton Andever, about 1395, and from the present name Andover = Ande + 6fer, another derivation may be sup- posed,- — Ande the river Ande, and ofer ; g. ofres ; d. ofre ; m. a margin, bank, that is a town on the bank of the river Ande. and-efn, es ; n. [and, efen even] An equality, a proportion, measure, an amount; proportio : — Be hire andefne by its proportion, Bt. 32, 2; Fox 1 16, 14. andet, andett, e ; /. Confession, praise, honour, glory ; confessio. v. comp, wlite-andet, andetnes. andetan To confess, acknowledge, give thanks at praise ; confiteri : — Ic de on folcum andete confitebor tibi in populis, Ps. Th. 56, 11: 98, 3: 104, 1 : 135, 27. v. andettan. andetla, an ; m. A confession ; confessio, L. Alf. pol. 22 ; Th. i. 76, 4. andetnes, -ness ; andetnys, -nyss, e ; f. A confession, acknowledgment, profession, giving of thanks or praise, praise, honour, glory ; confessio : — In andetnesse in confessione, Bd. 4, 25 ; S. 599, 42. Se6 andetnes de we Gode andettajj the confession that we confess to God, L. E. I. 30 ; Th. ii. 426, 33. De his naman ne6de sealdon him andetnes zghwaer habban ad confitendum nomini tuo, Ps. Th. 1 2 1, 4. Is upp-ahafen his andetness, heah ofer myclum heofone and eor[an confessio ejus super ccelum et terram, 148, 13 : 95, 6. Andetnysse and wlite du scryddest confessionem et decorem induisti, Ps. Spl. 103, 2. andetta, an ; m. One who confesses, a confessor, an acknowledger ; con- fessor :— Se dzs sieges andetta sle who is a confessor of the slaying, L. Alf. pol. 29 ; Th. i. 80, 7. andettan, andetan, ondettan, ondetan; p. and-ette [and =Lat. re, contra ; Grk. avri ; hatan to command, promise] To confess, acknowledge, give thanks or praise ; fateri, confiteri : — Gif he wille and cunne his dseda andettan if he will and can confess his deeds, L. De. Cf. 2 ; Th. ii. 260, 18, 16. Ic andette ffilmihtigum Gode I confess to Almighty God, 6; Th. ii. 262, 20. Se6 andetnes de we Gode anum andetta):, d e]> hi6 us daet to g6de the confession that we confess to God alone, it doth this for our good, L. E. I. 30; Th. ii. 426, 33. Drihtne andette confitebatur Domino, Lk. Bos. 2, 38. Folc de andetten conjiteantur tibi populi, Ps. Th.’66, 5. Ealra godena Gode andetta)) confitemini Domino omnium dominorum, 135, 28. [O. Sax. and-hetan, ant-hetan prcecipere, vovere : O. H. Ger. ant-heizan proponere, spondere, polliceri, vovere.] der . and- detan : ge-andettan, -ondettan : andet, -an, -la, -nes, -ta, -tere, -ting, andettean to confess.; confiteri, Bd. 1,1; S. 474, 3. v. andettan. andettere, es ; m. A confessor ; confessor : — Daet Albanus haefde done 40 ANDETTING— ANDRED. Cristes andettere mid him confessorem Christi penes Albanum latere, Bd. ' I. 7i S. 477, 7. andetting, es; m. A confession, profession; confessio, professio. v. andettan. and-feng, an-, on-, es ; m. A tailing to one’s self, taking up, a receiv- ing, defence, defender ; assumptio, susceptio, susceptor, Lk. Bos. 9, 5 1 : Ps. Spl. 90, 2: Cd. 218; Th. 279, 28; Sat. 245: Ps. Spl. 88, 18. v. an-feng, on-feng. and-fenga, -fengea, -fencgea, [ond-], an ; m. A receiver, undertaker, defender ; susceptor : — Is andfenga Drihten sawle mtnre Dominus sus- ceptor est animce mece, Ps. Th. 53, 4 : 1 18, 1 14. Du me, God, eart and- fengea tu, Deus, susceptor meus es, 58, 18 : 143, 2. Andfencgea, 58, 9. and-fenge, -fencge ; adj. That which can be received, acceptable, ap- proved, fit ; acceptabilis, acceptus, aptus : — Asette his hand ofer dxre offrunge heafod, donne bi}> heo andfenge ponet manum super caput hostice, et acceptabilis erit, Lev. 1, 4. Bodian Drihtnes andfenge ger prcedicare annum Domini acceptum, Lk. Bos. 4, 19 : 4, 24. Nys andfenge Godes rice non est aptus regno Dei, 9, 62. Andfencge acceptus : andfengra acceptior, iEIfc. Gr. 43 ; Som. 44, 47. and-fengend, es ; m. A receiver, undertaker, defender ; susceptor : — Ure andfengend is lacobes God susceptor noster Deus Jacob, Ps. Th. 45, 6. and-fengnes, -ness, on-, e; f. A receiving, reception, a place for receiving, a receptacle; receptaculum, Bd. 2, 9 ; S. 510, 12: Cot. 190. v. on-fangennes. and-findende ; part. Finding, getting; nanciscens, Cot. 138. and-geloman, and-16man ; pi. m. Implements, tools, utensils ; instru- menta, Cot. 104. v. ge-loma. and-get, es ; n. The understanding, intellect ; intellectus, Bt. 39, 4 ; Fox 216, 28. v. and-git. andgete; adj. Manifest ; manifestus, Exon. 26 a; Th. 76, 22; Cri. 1243 ; [ perhaps we should read or-gete : v. 1. 1238.] andget-full, andgit-full; adj. Sensible, discerning, knowing; intelli- gentix plenus, intelligens, intelligibilis : — Daet xnig mon sie swa andgetfull [andgitfull, MS. Cot.] that any man is so discerning, Bt. 39, 9 ; Fox 226, 1 : R. Ben. 7 : 63. and-giet, es; n. understanding, intellect, knowledge; intellectus: — Ic dec, mon, xrest geworhte, and de andgiet sealde I first wrought thee, O man, and gave thee understanding. Exon. 28 a ; Th. 84, 30 ; Cri. 1 38 1 : 117 a; Th. 449, 16; Dom. 72. v. and-git. andgiet-tacen, es ; n. A sensible token ; intelligibile signum : — Ge on wolcnum daes andgiettacen magon sceawigan ye may behold a sensible token of this in the clouds, Cd. 75 ; Th. 93, 3 ; Gen. 1539. and-git, -giet, -gyt, -get, [ond-, on-], es; n. [and, git = get, p. of gitan to get], I. the understanding, the intellect; intellectus: — purh daet andgit, man understent ealle da ping, de he gehyrp odde gesihp by the understanding, man comprehends [ understands ] all the things, which he hears or sees, Homl. Th. i. 288, 21. purh dxt andgit, sed sawul understent through the understanding, the soul comprehends [ un- derstands ■], 288, 28. Dxr dxt gemynd bip, dxr bip dxt andgit and se willa where the memory is, there is the understanding and the will, 288, 26. Dxs andgites mxp the measure of the understanding, Bt. 41, 4 ; Fox 250, 23. Andgit intellectus, JElfc. Gl. 69 ; Som. 70, 28 : Exon. 28 a ; Th. 84, 30; Cri. 1381: Ps. Th. 31, 10. II. understanding, know- ledge, cognizance ; intellectus, cognitio, agnitio : — Ic de sylle andgit intellectum dabo tibi, Ps. Th. 3 1, 9: 91, 5. Fordan bip andgit xghwxr selest therefore is understanding everywhere best, Beo. Th. 2122 ; B. 1059. Nolde ic hiora andgit xnig habban non agnoscebam eos, Ps. Th. 100, 4. III. sense, meaning, one of the senses; sensus : — Hwtlum [he sette] andgit of andgite sometimes [he put] meaning for meaning, Bt. prooem ; Fox viii. 3. Da fif andgitu ure lichaman, dxt is, gesihp and hlyst, swxcc and stenc and hrepung the five senses of our body, that is, sight and hearing, taste and smell and touch, Homl. Th. ii. 550, 10. andgitan; p. -geat; pp. -giten To perceive, understand; animadver- tere, Cot. 3. v. on-gitan. and-gite, -giete, an; f. The intellect, understanding, knowledge; in- tellectus, cognitio. v. ond-giete. andgit-fullic ; adj. Fully or clearly understood, intelligible ; omnino intellectus, intelligibilis : — TElc stemn is odde andgitfulltc odde gemenged. AudgitfulHc stemn is de mid andgite bip geclypod, swa swa is, Ic herige da wxpnu, and done wer arma virumque cano, — every voice is either intel- ligible or confused. Intelligible voice is what is spoken with understand- ing, as. Arms and the man I sing, AElfc. Gr. 1 ; Som. 2, 32-34. andgit-fullice ; comp, or; sup. ost; adv. Sensibly, clearly, plainly, distinctly, intelligibly; intelligenter : — Swa swa he hit andgitfulllcost ge- reccan mihte as he most clearly might explain it, Bt. prooem ; Fox viii. 4. andgit-le&s ; adj. Foolish, senseless, doltish ; stolidus, insipiens : — Geonge men and andgitlease man sceal swingan young men and foolish must be beaten [one shall beat], L. M. I. P. 14; Th. ii. 268, 26. andgit-Iic ; adj. Sensible, intelligible ; intelligibilis, Solil. 11. andgit-ltoe; adv. Clearly; liquido, Cot. 123. v. andgit-fullfce. andgitol; adj. understanding ; intelligibilis. v. andgyttol. andgit-tacen, es ; n. a sensible token, v. andgiet-tacen. and-gyt, es; n. the intellect, understanding, knowledge; intellectus, cognitio: — Dam nis andgyt quibus non est intellectus, Ps. Spl. 3 f, 11: 1 18, 73. Ne magon andgyt habban? nonne cognoscenti Ps. Th. 52, 5 : 66, 2. v. and-git. andgyttol, andgytol ; adj. understanding, intelligent, sensible ; intel- ligens, intelligibilis, R. Ben. 7 : 63. v. andget-full. and-hetan ; p. -hette to confess ; confiteri : — He his gyltas Gode andhette he confessed his offences to God, Ps. C. 50, 29 ; Ps. Gm. ii. 277, 29. v. andettan. andian, -igan ; part, -igende ; ic andie, andige, du andast, he andap, andgap, pi. andiap ; p. ode ; pp. od [auda envy] To envy; invidere : — Ic andige on de invideo tibi, -ffilfc. Gr. 41; Som. 43, 58 : 26; Som. 29, 3. Andgap invidet, Prov. 28. at; dig ; adj. Envious; invidus, Scint. 15. andigende ; part, envying, R. Ben. interl. 55. v. andian. and-lang, -long, [ond-] ; adj. All-along, throughout, continuous, ex- tended; per totum, continuus, in longum porrectus : — Wxs andlaiigne dxg swungen was beaten all day long, Andr. Kmbl. 2550; An. 1276: Chr. 937; Th. 202, 27, col. 2 ; .ffidelst. 21: Beo. Th. 4237; B. 2115. and-lang, ond-long, on-long ; prep, only gen. On length, along, by the side of; in longum, per : — Lxte yrnan dxt blod nyder andlang dxs weo- fudes decurrere faciet sanguinem super crepidinem altaris ; he will let the blood run down along the altar, Lev. 1, 15. Andlang dxs [MS. das] westenes along the desert, Jos. 8, 16. Andlang dara nxgla along the nails, Bd. 3, 17; S. 544, 30. Dxt wxter wyrp to ea, donne andlang ea to sx the water runs to the river, then along the river to the sea, Bt. 34, 6 ; Fox 140, 20. Andlang Mxse along the Mase, Chr. 882; Th. 150, 22, col. 2, 3. Andlang dices along the dike. Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 442 ; A. D. 956 ; Kmbl. iii. 438, 18. and-lean, ond-lean, es ; n. Retribution, retaliation ; retributio, talio :— HI sculon onfon wraplic andlean they shall receive dire retribution, Exon. 20 a; Th. 52, 12 ; Cri. 832. der. le&n. and-leofen, -lifen, -Iyfen, es ; n. I. living, food, sustenance, nourishment, pottage ; victus, alimenta, pulmentum : — Mon to andleofne eorpan wxstmas ham gelxdep man for sustenance brings home earth’s fruits , Exon. 59 a; Th. 214, 22 ; Ph. 243. Du winnan scealt and dine andlifne selfa gerxcan thou shall labour and thyself get thy sustenance, Cd. 43 ; Th. 57, 25 ; Gen. 933. Sealde him andlyfene dedit eis alimenta, Gen. 47, 17 : Bd. 1, 27, resp. 8 ; S. 494, 16. Sealde ealle hyre andlyfene misit totum viclum suum, Mk. Bos. 12, 44. II. that by which food is procured, money, wages, alms ; stipendjum, stips : — Dxt he mihte dxghwamlice andleofene onfon ut quolidianam ab eis stipem acciperet, Bd. 5, 2; S. 615, 3. Beop ephylde on edwrum andlyfenum estate con- tend stipendiis vestris, Lk. Bos. 3, 14. and-licnis, -niss, e ; /. A likeness, similitude ; imago : — God gescedp man to his andlicnisse creavit Deus hominem ad imaginem suam, Gen. 1, 27. v. an-licnes. and-loman, and-luman; pi. m. Utensils, vessels; utensilia, vasa, ?£lfc. Gl. 22 : R. Ben. interl. 31. v. and-geloman. # and-long; adj. All-along, throughout; per totum: — Andlonge niht all night long. Exon. 51b; Th. 179, 14; Gu. 1261: Beo. Th. 5383 ; B. 2695. v. and-lang. and-mitta, an; m. [and, mitta a measure] A weight, a standard weight; exagiuin. v. an-mitta. an-draedan ; part, an-drxdende To fear, Cd. 156; Th. 194, 25; Exod. 266. v. on-drxdan. Andreas ; m. indecl. but Andrex and Andrea are found in dat. as in Lat. and Grk. Andrew; Andreas. [Lat. Andreas ; g. dat. Andrex ; m.— ’Avb peas ; g.ov ; dat. a ; to. from avSpda ; g. as manliness, manly strength or courage, from dvi)p ; g. avSpus a man] : — Andreas, Simones broder Petres Andreas, f rater Simonis Petri, ’AvS peas, 6 aSe\