Year Book BIENNIAL ISSUE wwERsnt oFia«o» UWMrf \UG 23 1922 1919 - 20 1920 - 21 THE PRESBYTERY OF CLEVELAND FORM OF BEQUEST I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the Church Extension Committee of the Presbytery of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio, and to its successor or successors* (Here insert amount) Dollars •If property instead of money is given, insert in above blank the legal description to the property* if possible; if not describe the property so it can be identified. A RECORD in Pictures and Statistics of The Churches of Presbytery and The Work of the Church Extension Committee and Presbyterian Union Years 1919 - 20 1920 - 21 Compiled by Charles L. Zorbaugh Superintendent Presbyterian Headquarters 801-5 Hippodrome Bldg. - Cleveland, Ohio Telephone Main 4591 [2] The Presbytery of Cleveland Official Roster As of January 1, 1922 THE PRESBYTERY Moderator, Rev. Adelbert P. Higley, D.D 2681 Scarborough Road Stated Clerk, Rev. Arthur C. Ludlow, D.D 9719 Miles Avenue Phone, Broadway 980-J The Executive Commission Officers, the Officers of Presbytery Trustees of Presbytery Mr. Henry F. Pope President Mr. John W. Walton .. Treasurer Rev. Arthur C. Ludlow, D.D Clerk Church Extension Committee Rev. James D. Williamson, D.D ...Chairman Rev. Arthur H. Limouze Secretary Mr. William 0. McClure Treasurer Rev. Charles L. Zorbaugh, D.D Superintendent Chairmen of Committees Examination of Candidates Foreign Missions Education Wooster and College Aid Ministerial Relief and Sustentation Temperance and Sabbath Observance.... Bible and Tract Societies Narrative on Christian Life and Work. Freedmen Religious Education Evangelistic Brotherhood Church Finance Vacancy and Supply Nominations History and Necrology Church Extension Rev. A. B. Meldrum, D.D. Rev. W. F. Dickens-Lewis, D.D. Rev. Elliot Field, D.D. Rev. Adelbert P. Higley, D.D. Rev. David E. Platter Rev. Rollin R. Marquis, D.D. Rev. William L. Swan, D.D. Rev. Newton Donaldson Rev. Basil R. King Rev. Harry H. Bergen Rev. Louis F. Ruf Rev. H. D. Borley Rev. Chas. A. Hunter Rev. Chas. L. Zorbaugh, D.D. Rev. Robert I. Platter Rev. Arthur C. Ludlow, D.D. ... Rev. James D. Williamson, D.D. '$C~3(L \ I b )9 5 , 85.1 «ra/aj The Presbytery of Cleveland [3] THE PRESBYTERIAN UNION Mr. John H. Hogg President Mr. Clyde H. Judkins Secretary Mr. William 0. McClure Treasurer Rev. Charles L. Zorbaugh, D.D Su'perintenden THE WOMEN’S PRESBYTERIAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs. C. S. Cutter President Mrs. N. S. Lewis First Vice-President Miss Harriette B. Crosby Foreign Treasurer Mrs. Eugene T. Izant Home Treasurer THE PRESBYTERIAN MINISTERS’ CLUB Rev. William L. Swan, D.D President Rev. Henry Schmidt Secretary St. Mark’s Church [41 The Presbytery of Cleveland STATISTICS OF THE CHURCHES Year Ending March 31, 1920 Added on Confession Total Additions Members Sunday School Cong. Exp. Benevolence Benev. per Capita Total Total per Capita Quota Raised Akron First 41 144 1072 846 $13161 7752 $ 5503 $ 5.13 $18664 $17.41 Central 30 66 250 237 3038 621 968 3.87 4006 16.02 Firestone Park 30 60 202 383 2081 500 933 4.62 3014 14.92 Ashtabula First— 21 47 683 493 6891 6014 14638 21.43 21529 31.52 East Side 100 171 215 Harris Memorial 17 34 70 150 <1 X ZJX 241 1106 15.80 1891 27.01 Prospect St 5 5 275 250 2848 927 941 3.42 3789 13.78 Barberton 11 45 260 168 3533 499