^m H-.. r ' ' 9 DIRECTORY. 0. S^Ep^D 9 PRINTERS Binders and Blank Book Manufacturers 181 TO 187 MONROE ST. IbblNOIS. A DIRECTORY SACRAMENTO AVE. I.E. CHURCH ... OF ... CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. CHICAGO: WALKER & ROBERTSON, Printers, 170 Madison St. AUGUST, 1889. DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE palace JOSEPH KNIGHT, Prop. . DEALER IN ... Prestt, Salt and. Srqoked MEATS. poultrj/, Qame and fruits in Season. VEGETABLES AND FISH. Lard. Butter and all kinds of Dairy Products at the Lowest Market Price for the Best Goods. 138 Colorado /}ve., eor. Sacramento. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. CONTENTS. 1. The Services of the Church, - ^ 5 2. Officers of the Church, 7 3. Quarterly Conference Committees, 9 4. Ladies' Aid Society, 11 5. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, 11 6. Literary and Social Union, - 13 7. List of Preachers in Charge, - 15 8. Retrospective, 17 9. Pastoral Suggestions, - 23 10. The Classes, - 35 11. List of Members with their Residences, 37 12. Street Directory, - 51 13. Our Sunday School, - 57 14. The General Rules, - 71 15. Methodist Churches and Pastors in Chicago, 77 4 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE PICTURE FRAMES (Largest Line in the City.) , ETC, 84 WABASH AVENUE, J. JI?0/TlpSOp. SOD, Cleaning and Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. 1088 W. Madison Street, CHICAGO, ILL. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. SACRAMENTO AVE, M, E. CHURCH (HEAD OF ADAMS ST.) SABBATH SERVICES. \ CLASS MEETING, 9:30 A. M. PUBLIC WORSHIP, 10:30 A. M. CLASS MEETINGS, 12 M. SUNDAY SCHOOL, 2:30 P. M. YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING, 6:30 P. M. PUBLIC WORSHIP, 7:30 P. M. WEEK SERVICES. TUESDAY LADIES' PRAYER MEETING, 2:30 P. M. WEDNESDAY GENERAL PRAYER MEETING, 8 P. M. FRIDAY YOUNG FOLKS' CLASS, 7:45 P. M. SATURDAY CHOIR REHEARSAL, 8 P. M DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE Do You patronize tfyis Store? x * If pot; U/l?y doij't You? LARGE STOCK. FIRST CLASS GOODS. EVERYTHING AT STATE STREET PRICES. Hosiery, Gloves FANCY GOODS, Ribbons, T .aces. AND A FULL LINE OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. TRY THEM! TRY THEM! TRY THEM! WE KNOW IT WILL PAY YOU. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH, PRESIDING BISHOP." ' REV. JOHN P. NEWMAN, LL.D., OmahaT Neb". PRESIDING ELDER. RlY_. C .G,_TRUSPJELL^D,D., 57._Washington Street. PASTOR. REV. EDWIN C. ARNOLD, 1310 Adams Street. LOCAL PREACHERS. L. W. NEELANDS.' J. ARNOLD. CLASS LEADERS. A. ROBERTSON. W. W. MARSHALL. L. W. NEELANDS. E. C. ARNOLD. T. A. EVERETT. TRUSTEES. JOHN COUMBE, JOHN HOPE, J. L. BURLIN, B. H. VEEDER, A. ROBERTSON, D. F. ANDERSON, E. C. TUCKER, G. T. AIMER, ISAAC WALKER. STEWARDS. G. T. AIMER, J. COUMBE, JOHN HOPE, I. WALKER, H. WILLIAMS, B. H. VEEDER, W. W. MARSHALL, P. R. HILTON, H. H. MADDOCK, FRANK GOODALL, T. A. EVERETT. 8 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE JAMES MACK, DBKL.ER IN Wood, |7lour and [?eed 1380 W. MADISON STREET. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. COMMITTEES, USHERS AND COMMITTEE ON PEWS. JOHN COUMBE, P. R. HILTON, E. C. TUCKER, H. A. WILLIAMS. ON USE OF THE CHURCH. (Other than sacred services.) ISAAC WALKER, G. T. AIMER, JOHN COUMBE. ON MISSIONS. E. C. TUCKER, JOHN COUMBE, MRS. A. R. HILTON, MRS. AMY GIBSON, MRS. MARY HOYT. ON SUNDAY SCHOOLS. P. R. HILTON, B. H. VEEDER, MRS. A. M. MEARS, Miss K. FOMHOF. ON TEMPERANCE. B. H. VEEDER, J. L. BURLIN, F. GOODALL. ON EDUCATION. I. WALKER. JOHN HOPE, MRS. A. M. ON CHURCH RECORDS. W. W.' MARSH ALL, E. C. TUCKER. ON MUSIC. A. ROBERTSON. T. L. BURLIN. 10 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE OYNTOM FURNACE CO INVENTORS AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF furnace. Room Heater. RANGES, FIRE-PLACE AND ROOM HEATERS, With all Modern Improvements. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, ETC. J. H. MANNY, Manager, 47 & 49 Dearborn Sf., CHICAGO. Inventors of all " BOYNTON " Furnaces which have been on the market over 34 years. N. A. BOYNTON, President. C. B. BOYNTON, Vice-Prest. K. K. DICKENSON, Secretary and Treasurer. NeiflZ YORK. The Sacramento Avenue Church is heated with these Furnaces. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 11 LADIES' AID SOCIETY, Meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 2 p. M. PRESIDENT. MRS. AMY GIBSON. VICE-PRESIDENTS. MRS. E. C. TUCKER, MRS. M. H. ARNOLD. SECRETARY. MRS. A. M. MEARS. TREASURER. MRS. H. A. WILLIAMS. WOMAN'S FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Meets the second Thursday of each Month. PRESIDENT. Miss KATE FOMHOF. VICE-PRESIDENT. MRS. A. C. DELUGE. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. MRS. E. C. TUCKER. RECORDING SECRETARY. MRS. M. H. ARNOLD. TREASURER. MRS. A. R. HILTON. 12 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE ESTABLISHED 1867 . . . CENTRAL MUSIC HALL. All branches of Musical and Dramatic Art taught by competent teacher.- New Catalogue mailed free. DR. F 5 . ZlEGPEI-D. Fall term opens Sept. 9, 1889. H. TO. SORER'S . . . SCHOOL OF ... and Oratory CHICAGO ATHEN&UM, 50 .DEARBORN ST. Twelve years of Elocutionary work in Chicago. References: Hundreds of our Pupils in City, as well as in nearly every State and Territory in the Union. Public Speakers, Teachers, Lawyers, Clergymen and Elocutionists Special Course for each. Full Course Diplomas Granted. Stuttering and Stammering Positively and Permanently Cured. fcg^Soper's Scrap- Book Recitations, No. 7, recently published, contains several new Speeches and Choice Readings never before in print. 25 cents. Send for circular. INSTRUCTION./ LESSONS IN 0il painting, \V) Q te r Gl rs an< ^ Pastel Portraits in Crayon and Pastel. Special classes for the Summer Vacation--. with sketching parties by the pupils. Orders received in General Decoration. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 13 THE LITERARY AND SOCIAL UNION OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE M. E. CHURCH, Meets alternate Tuesday Evenings at the Church. PRESIDENT. REV. E. C. ARNOLD. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT. J. T. POPE. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT. MRS. CARRIE WEBB. SECRETARY. GRACE F. SMITH. TREASURER. FRANK GOODALL. RECEPTION COMMITTEE. MRS. L. W. NEELANDS, MAY L. ROBERTSON, S. U. ANDERSON. COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM. J. T. POPE, MRS. A. C. DsLucE, L. W. NEELANDS, E. C. TUCKER, ERMINIE WEBB. 14 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE A. B. GREENWOOD, (Organist Sacramento Ave. M. E. Church,) WHERE YOU CAN BUY YOUR FAMILY GROCERIES At the LOWEST PRICES for FIRST-CLASS Goods. He makes a Specialty of Teas, Coffees and Spices. BUTTER RECEIVED WEEKLY FROM THE COUNTRY. Keeps the Choicest Brands of Flours, and Warrants all his Goods. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 15 LIST OF PREACHERS IN CHARGE, FROM THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ORIGINAL JACKSON ST. CHURCH UNTIL THE PRESENT TIME. O. P. McCooL, - - Oct. 6, 1878, to Nov. 24, 1878. ALONZO WAKEMAN, Dec'., 1878, to October, 1879 J. W. RICHARDS, - - Oct., 1879, to May 23, 1880. W. T. HOBART, May 23, 1880, to Feb. 6, 1881. J. I. MCLAUGHLIN, - Feb. 6, 1881, to Oct. 11, 1881. '*W. C. WILLING, Oct. 11, 1881, to Oct. 8, 1883. J. W. RICHARDS, - Oct. 8, 1883, to Oct. 13, 1886. JOSEPH WARDLE, Oct. 13, 1886, to Oct. 3, 1887. EDWIN C. ARNOLD, - - Oct. 3, 1887, to * Dr. Willing \vas appointed Superintendent of City Missions, and thus became the legal pastor of the church, but the following ministers filled the pulpit for a considerable time each, viz.: J. I. .MCLAUGHLIN, WM. X. NINDE, D.D., and JAMES BURNS. 10 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE W. & J. SUMMERHAYS, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Coal, Coke, Wood, Kindlings, Etc. ALSO FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, ETC. 1000 & 1002 W, Lake St, and 1036 & 1038 W, Madison St, CQBBRCT (/) Q , to e coooooccoccccoooococoooooocooooooco ~^ C. J. WARNER. cu Ci. co' tt Q v <7 00 -r -i >0 f-r RELIABLE GOODS. For competent service and tender care, you cannot make a mistake in intrusting- to him the last sad rites in all cases of deceased friends. TELEPHONE 7209. POSTLEWAIT, UNDERTAKER, No. 257 OGDON METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 17 RETROSPECTIVE, In February, 1874, a Mission Sunday School was organized by members of the Western Avenue M. E. Church, and others, taking the name of " The Western Ave. M. E. Jackson St. Mission Sunday School." Its first superintendent was Brother S. Cload, and its ses- sions were held in the basement of the house of Bro. Charles Steers, at 1320 Jackson Street. In the winter of 1876-7, gospel meetings were held here Sunday evenings. Talk of church building led to a division in the school, a considerable number withdrawing to organize another school. A little band remained, but soon received fresh accessions and proceeded with their building enterprise. A church thirty by fifty feet was completed on the corner of Jackson and Francisco Streets and occupied before the church organization was perfected. The register shows that thirty-four persons were received by letter October 6, 1878, and as there is no earlier membership recorded we take that as the birthday of the church. It began as a mission church, but at the end of five years the missionary relation was discontinued and the first pastor sent from the Annual Conference was received. (A list of pastors is given on another page.) 18 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE H. A. BUTCHER, -CL.OTHIER-? JHATTER AGENTS' fURNISHER, 986-988 W. MADISON ST. TRUNKS AND VALISES. RUBBER GOODS. O. H. OU BOIS, DEALER IN Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, MRTIST TUTMTeRIML-. QTC. PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO ALL ORDERS FOR Paper Hanging, Painting-, Graining, Caleimining, Etc. ^BO l /2 COLORADO AVENUE, CHICAGO. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 19 During the pastorate of Brother Richards, the Jackson St. Church was enlarged, by extending it twenty feet to the rear. This afforded temporary accomodation for a rapidly growing Sunday School, but it soon became necessary to divide the school into two sections, the primary class meeting an hour before the main school. It was evident that the building of a larger church could not be long deferred. In December, 1887, the official board appointed a committee on church designs. Not long afterward an opportunity occurred to sell the church, and it was sold for $5,100. Possession was given May 1st, 1888 to the Welsh Methodists, and the church, still in our Conference, is now T known as the Bethany Church. Our own people found a place for Sunday services in Van Buren Hall, and other meetings were held at private residences. This arrangement continued until the follow- ing September when it was found possible to occupy the basement of the new church. The name of the church was now changed to accord with the location, and it be- came the Sacramento Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. With some delays and difficulties the work proceeded until the building was ready for dedication. On March 10, 1889, Bishop J. P. Newman preached the first sermon in the auditorium, and this was succeeded by other sermons on the same day and through the following week by able preachers of this city, and the church was dedicated to the worship of God on the evening of March 17, by the presiding elder, C. G. Trusdell. The cost of the new 20 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE GIVEN & SOLON, DEALERS IN Staple 22d Fancy Groceries, SPECIAL VALUE IN TEAS AND COFFEES. GOODS. 1335 W. VAN BUREN STREET. DAN'L C. GORDON, gev\?er pipe, 286 S. CAJMAL STREET. SEWERAGE CONTRACTOR. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 21 church was $27,000. The lots had been previously paid for. The entire church property is worth about $35,000. Clark St. Church, the bountiful mother of Chicago Methodism, purchased the site, contributed $5,000 toward the erection of the church, and will render further assist- ance in extinguishing the debt. The obligations incurred in building have been covered by liberal subscriptions, so that complete freedom from debt is assured in the near future. The church, occupying an exceptionally good site in a rapidly growing neighborhood, with its cheerful Sunday- School rooms, and its beautiful auditorium capable of seating seven to eight hundred people, offers a hearty welcome to all. The growth of the membership in numbers has been steady and gratifying up to the present time, and the outlook is full of encouragement. If we are simply faithful to our responsibilities and opportunities as Christian workers, our church will ere long take her place in the front rank of Methodist Churches in our Conference. 22 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE 13. H. VEEDEI^, MANUFACTURER OF , GOLD, BRONZE, WOOD AND IMITATION. OLD FRAMES REGILT. 59 Dearborn St., CHICAGO. JOHN MURRAY & Co. LEHIGH VALLEY COAL Wesh Epd GlpiGago /^tfenue Br?idge, TELEPHONE 4359. CHICAGO, V9 EMMONS. LOWERY & PARKS BROS. Bells of_all Kinds. Speaking Tubes, Annunciators, Burglar and Fire Alarms, Electric Bells and E ectric Gas Lighting especially for Churches. 1B2 Oolcra,d.o METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 23 PASTORAL SUGGESTIONS, DEARLY BELOVED: It is deemed fitting with this directory to send out some words of pastoral counsel. We congratulate you on the work you have accomplished in the past, and on the evident blessing of God upon your efforts. Your growth, your new church edifice, your continued steadfastness in trials and beneath burdens are all matters of rejoicing. With increasing strength come also growing responsiblities and widening opportunities. We have need of the con- tinued assistance of every member, small and great, that we may fulfil the trust committed to this church. Mere rules and methods, however wise, never make a living church, but when a church is alive with the energy of the Holy Spirit, rules and methods are useful conserv- ators of the work. The life is in the vine and the fruit is on the branches, but rules may form the trellis which supplies suitable conditions for fruit-bearing. Greater fruitfulness is not obtained by forsaking the trellis and spreading over the ground amid entangling weeds, where there is danger from every passing footfall. We hope, therefore, that every member will heartily and cheerfully abide by the rules and accept' the methods of our church. 24 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE E. GIBSON, . . . DEALER IN ... chiool Bool<;s SG^OO! Supplies, STATIONERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 1267 W. JACKSON ST. SOMETHING NEW!! CALL AND EXAMINE NEW * HIGH * ARM pamily Seu/ii} THE "No. 9. LIGHTEST RUNNING LOCK-STITCH MACHINE IN THE WORLD. WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO., 185 & 187 WABASH AVENUE. T. H. CKRUTHeRS, LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES, Cor. Western Avenue and Madison Street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. It would be an encouraging thing if there were not only Bibles and a hymnal in every home but also a copy of our discipline. A close walk with God, the inward evidence of divine pardon and sonship, and the love that is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Spirit, are the chief needs of every disciple. These needs are most fully supplied where there is a vigorous and believing use of the means, of grace. We feel, confident that the general acceptance of all the subjoined hints would prove a great blessing to us both as a church and as individuals. PRAYER. The secret of successful Christian living lies in prevailing prayer. Let us be a praying people. Let the fires of devotion glow on every family altar. At public worship let the first "act on entering the pew be prayer for God's blessing on the service. Hold up the pastor's hands by prayer. Follow the erring with tearful prayers. Especially remember the prayer-meeting, and so far as possible avoid engagements that would prevent your attendance. Come early, and take a seat at the front. " Pray for the peace of Jerusalem." TESTIMONY. As prayer is the secret strength so testimony is the open power of the church. Through it believers are comforted and sinners convicted. But religious talk is not always testimony. The witness to the simple but glorious facts of Christian experience, given in meekness and sincerity by the humblest disciple, is often more effective than the most elaborate sermon. The DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE Wnlff MannfsEliiring En, , ILL. Wolff's Open Lavatories " Ideal. The above cut illustrates one of the many designs of Open Lavatories as made by us. We make them of any size or style required, and of any kind of marble, viz., Italian, Pink Tennessee, Knoxville or Old Red Tennessee. As shown above, it is provided with our " Ideal " waste and overflow, and a 14x7 Square Basin, both of which are unique in design. All parts are easily accessible. To empty the basin, the waste tube is raised and given a slight turn to the right or left. A farther turn will permit the tube being taken out for cleaning. Full line of goods as manufactured by us on exhibition at our Exhibit Rooms, No. 79 Dearborn St., where we cordially invite all interested. Write for circular. EXHIBIT DEPARTMENT, 79 DEARBORN STREET. 93-1 13 West Lake Street. 93- I 3 W. Lake St., and Carroll and Hoyne Aves. and Fulton Street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 27 resurrection life in the heart demands expression by the lips, and fills the simplest words with power. Our class meetings have in the past been a means of great spiritual blessing to many. They afford opportunity for mutual brotherly encouragement and admonition. They help the weak, warn or fortify the tempted, assist all to a clear understanding of experimental religion, and help make a testifying church, which is always a conquer- ing host. Let every member attend class as often as possible and we may soon see the spiritual power of our church doubled. GIVING. Let your giving be systematic. Some adopt the rule of giving one-tenth of their income. As a volun- tary rule this may be wise though it is not commanded by Christ. Yet the love of God should prompt us to give more instead of less than was required by the law. We shall do well to follow the rule of I Cor. xvi :2: "Upon the first day of the week, let every one of you lay by him in store according as God hath prospered him." This secures a regular and appropriate time for deciding how much we can give. It suggests that everyone can and should do something. That we have but little is no reason for not giving what we can. This rule also indicates the true standard of our liberality "according as God hath prospered " us. Our church is supported by the weekly contributions of its attendants, and all who share in its privileges are kindly requested to assist in discharging its financial 28 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE (j^ LIT^ITeD, 233 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. ias and llBBtrie ligfit Supplies, GAS FIXTURE TRIMMINGS, Glassware for Gas, Incandescent and Arc Lights, Etc,, Etc. pire $ppa(?abus apd Upiforms, Sbr?eeb Lamps and Posbs. ELECTRIC LIGHT SUPPLIES, Pumps and Hydrants for Water Works, Etc. "A Manufacturing Supply House for the Trade." TELEPHONE 1634. JULIUS BAUER & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF THE BAUER * PIANOS ALSO DEALERS IN . . PIANOS and ORGANS of VARIOUS GRADES. NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS AT $1 75, $200 AND UPWARD. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. WAHEROOMS: FACTORY: I 56- 1 58 Wabash Avenue. 9 I -93 E. Indiana Street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. , 29 obligations. General and regular contributions through the envelopes will enable us to maintain the plan of having free seats, and a full welcome to all strangers. Let every member see that he contributes something, however small, to every benevolence of the church. We are part of a great connectional body that is encircling the earth with its evangelizing agencies, and its power and success depends on the loyalty and liberality of its individ- ual members. The regular benevolent collections of our church are for Missions, for Church Extension, for the Sunday School Union, for the Tract Society, for the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society, for Education, and for the American Bible Society. In addition to these, collections will be taken for our City Missions, and for the Wesley Hospital. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society and the Woman's Home Missionary Society are benevolent organizations fully indorsed by the church. INTELLIGENCE. We are commanded to love and serve the Lord with all our mind, as well as with all our heart and all our soul. We ought therefore to use all proper methods to become as intelligent workers as possible. For the promotion of biblical knowledge among old and young we have a school which meets every Sun- day afternoon to study God's word. Either as teachers or scholars our entire able-bodied membership should be enrolled in this school. None are too old to learn and none too wise. The young should have the encourage- 30 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE HENRY MEINEL, DEALER IN COAL, i COKE i AND t WOOD. OFFICE AND YARD: No. 1341 West Van Buren St. Orders Promptly Delivered. O Ul I O A O O Satisfaction Guaranteed. v rl I ^S M VJ {J . BOWIE* 1084 W. MADISON ST. DEALKR IN ALL KINDS OF PERIODICALS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, I make a. Specialty of Plain, Sugared, Salt and Choco late Pop Corn. F=RESH METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 31 ment of seeing their elders fully enlisted in the study of the Bible, and the old should keep in sympathy with the young hearts around them. Seven years of faithful study in the Sabbath school takes one through a very satisfactory survey of the entire Word. In every home there should be a religious newspaper. The Northwestern Christian Advocate keeps a bright and sharp lookout on the w T ork of the church in this region of the country, and brings tidings of Zion's war in all lands. Through it, or some other church paper, let us keep our- selves and our families in intelligent sympathy w r ith the general movements in our Redeemer's kingdom. Bibles, commentaries, lesson helps, hymnals, disciplines, books for your instruction as a Methodist, a teacher, or a student, for devotion, or for general reading, may be obtained of Cranston & Stowe, 57 Washington St. WORK. While we would not limit all Christian activ- ities to the church we are persuaded that it presents an inviting field to every worker. "All at it and always at it," was a favorite explanation of the success of old time Methodists. You can bring some one with you to the church or Sunday School, take an attentive interest in the service, and speak a word of welcome to the stranger near you. You can come to the social meetings ready to fill the minute that would otherwise be lost with a testimony for Christ. The Sabbath School needs constant reinforce- ments; perhaps you can best serve the Master there. There are families near you that would welcome a visit DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE J. W. COWIE, amilg l 14O COLORADO AVE. a MANUFACTURER OF ococccccccccocccoocoococooooccco isfcie (as Fixtures, COOCC.CCCOCCCCOCCCCCOOCCCCCCC C C C C 67 9 69 Souty ^393! Str^^t, NEAR MADISON ST. OHIOKGO. HUGH H. DUDDLESTON, .... DEALER IN .... Coeil, Coke ^ \Voodl, Office and Yard, 1048 WEST MADISON STREET, Het. Campbell & Western Aves. CHICAGO, ILL. 2000 Pounds to the Ton Guaranteed. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. from you made in the name and spirit of Christ. The Aid and Missionary Societies also have open doors for vvorkers. None need wait long without finding some- thing to do that shall contribute to the efficiency and wel- fare of the church, and none should refuse to use the talents given him for the glory of God. We need the work as much as the work needs us, arrd should remember that " the night is coming wherein no man can work." MISCELLANEOUS. Let all labor to promote unity and harmony in the church, "doing all things without murmur- ings and disputings," remembering it is the peace- makers who shall be called the children of God. Members removing permanently to some other place should not fail to take with them a certificate of member- ship and to identify themselves immediately with the church in the new locality. Those absenting themselves temporarily would oblige the pastor by informing him of their intended absence. If you have knowledge of any in need of pastoral attention, of strangers of our own faith coming to reside among us, or of .children who should be in 'the Sunday School, take the earliest opportunity to inform the pastor of the fact. In case of sickness or other trouble in which you would be glad of a call from the pastor, do not take it for granted that he knows your need, but send him -word and he will most cheerfully respond. 34 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE TELEPHONE. JH&k. TELEPHONE. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Ice Creeini and Confectionery, 528 West 31 a (I i son Street, Catering a Specialty. CHICAGO, E. BATTEGAY, Practical Watchmaker, From Lode, Switzerland, 1325 W MADISON STREET, OMIOHGO. MAKING AND REPAIRING JEWELRY. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. All Work Guaranteed. Order Work a Specialty. MILLINERY, 1335 W. MAD. SON STREET OHICKGO, ILL-. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 35 THE CLASSES, CLASS No. 1, ,A. ROBERTSON, Leader. Meets in Lower Class-room Sunday at 9.30 A. M. CLASS No. 2, W. W. MARSHALL, Leader. Meets in Lower Class-room Sunday at 12 M. CLASS No. 3" Young People's Meeting," L. W. NEELANDS, Leader. Meets Sunday at 6:30 P. M. CLASS No. 4 "Youths' Class," Led by PASTOR. Meets Friday at 7:45 P. M. CLASS No. 5, - T. A. EVERETT, Leader. Meets in Upper Class-room Sunday at 12 M. GENERAL CLASS first Sunday in each month at the close of the morning service. COMMUNION SERVICE on the first Sundays in January, March, May, July, September and November. DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE H. B. BROWN, Successor to B. VAN BUREN, 1249 Madison St., cor. California Ave * PHARMACIST * ALSO DEALER IN MIXED PAINT. OIL, VARNISH, GLASS, COLORS, DRY AND IN OIL, TUCK POINTERS' MATERIAL, BRUSHES, ARTISTS' MATERIAL, JlARD DRYING FLOOR PAINT, STOVE GASOLINE, ETC. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 37 LIST OF MEMBERS, WITH THEIR RESIDENCES. (Names of Probationers in italic*.) 1 Aimer, George T 1346 Jackson Street 1 Aimer, Mrs. Elizabeth 1346 Jackson Street 3 Aimer, Nellie.;.. 1346 Jackson Street 2 Anderson, Mrs. Jen nit 1286 Wilcox Avenue 4 Anderson, Jessie J 1286 Wilcox Avenue 2 Arnold, Mrs. Martha H 1310 Adams Street 5 Anderson, D. F 37 Whipple Street 5 Anderson, Mrs. Joan 37 Whipple Street 3 Anderson, Samuel 37 Whipple Street 4 Adams, Alice 501 Ogden Avenue 2 Arnold, Josiah W 1310 Adams Street 2 Arnold, Mrs. Emily C . 1310 Adams Street B 1 Brandon, Mrs. Marion _. . . 1240 Jackson Street 1 Boothman, William 186 Colorado Avenue 1 Boothman, Mrs. Mary 186 Colorado Avenue 3 Boothman, Florence A. 186 Colorado Avenue 1 Burlin, Mrs. Ada 1160 Jackson Street 3 Burlin, J. Leon 1160 Jackson Street 2 Bacon, Seymour A 1162 Jackson Street 2 Bacon, Mrs. Lydia 1163 Jackson Street 1 Barnum, Russell S 1066 Jackson Street 1 Barnum, Mrs. Minnie 1066 Jackson Street 3 Barnnm, Loie 1066 Jackson Street 1 Benedict, Mrs. Caroline 1233 Jackson Street 1 Bauld, Mrs. Emma 21 Nassau Street 38 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE THE WHITTAKER losgt The Most Reliable and Perfect Yalve for Water Closets. THE WHITTAKER SUPPLY CO., 151 VD. Washington St., - OHIOKGO. WM. AMERSON, P. O. Box 324, Austin. L. SCHAUBEL, 987 W. Madison St. WM. AMERSON & CO. Wall Paper, Window Shades, MIXED * PAINT, PAINTS AND OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, ETC paiptitycj apd Deeoratii??, 987 W. Madison St., CHICAGO. TELEPHONE 7057. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. CLASS 2 Barnard, Mrs. Nancy 1382 Monroe Street 1 Bond, Mrs. V. G 2 Bond, Mrs. Emma J 1308 Wilcox Avenue 4 Bond, Clinton 1308 Wilcox Avenue 3 Bauld, Margaret 1276 Van Buren Street 1 Ball, Mrs. Susan 1248 Monroe Street 3 Ball, Anna 1248 Monroe Street 4 Ball, Agnes 1248 Monroe Street 4 Ball, Thomas 1248 Monroe Street 1 Bennett, Mrs. Jennie 3 Barber, Nellie M 751 Warren Avenue 1 Bramhall, John 1194 Wilcox Avenue 1 Bramhall, Mrs. Sarah 1194 Wilcox Avenue 3 Baker, Ella 122 Kedzie Avenue 1 Coumbe, John 181 California Avenue 2 Carlson, Mrs. Tina 156 Owasco Street 4 Carlson, Carrie 156 Owasco Street 1 Collins, Mrs. Mary 125 Albany Avenue 4 Collins, Louise 125 Albany Avenue 1 Clark, Mrs. Minerva 79 California Avenue 3 Clark, Winnie May 79 California Avenue 3 Clark, Nellie Adell 79 California Avenue 1 Crawford, James 193 California Avenue 2 Cariyle, John 381 Chestnut Street 2 Cariyle, Mrs. Jane 38l Chestnut Street 2 Cass, Mrs. E. H 1302 Adams Street 3 Chadwick, Mrs. Ellen M 136 Colorado Avenue D 1 DeLuce, Mrs. Arvilla C 193 California Avenue 2 Darlington, Mrs. Annie 829 Walnut Street 2 Draper, Mrs. Ellen 1219 Jackson Street 5 Everett, Thomas A 1372 Jackson Street 5 Everett, Mrs. Hattie M 1372 Jackson Street 40 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE H, A, HADLEY, M. D. , f, .:;... ;..: ...,.., ;'...*-. . . 1452 W. MADISON STREET, HOURS, 30T09AM 1230T 2 OHICMGCD, 5 TO 6:3O P. M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 41 CLASS F 1 Fomhof, Katharine 1160 Jackson Street 1 Fox, Charles H 1321 Adams Street 1 Fox, Mrs. Elizabeth 1321 Adams Street 1 Furness, Mrs. Elizabeth .283 Claremont Avenue 2 Fuller, Mrs. Orphelia r 5 Fox, Harry 1326 Wilcox Avenue 5 Fox, Mrs. H 1326 Wilcox Avenue C 1 Gothard, Mrs. Martha 176 Albany Avenue 2 Guy, Charles E 519 Sacramento Avenue 2 Guy, Mrs. Hannah 519 Sacramento Avenue 1 Gibson, Mrs. Amy A 1267 Jackson Street 1 Greenhow, Mrs. Mary 1242 Jackson Street 3 Goodall, Frank 16 Troy Street 3 Greenwood, Mrs. May B 114 Colorado Avenue 3 Gilmore, J. H 1435 Madison Street 5 Gross, Mrs. Elizabeth 34 Gross Terrace H 2 Hilton, P. R . 1221 Jackson Street 2 Hilton, Mrs. Agnes R . 1221 Jackson Street 4 Hilton, Fred 1221 Jackson Street 4 Hilton, George Frank -. 1221 Jackson Street 1 Hope, John 1352 Jackson Street 1 Hope, Mrs. J 1352 Jackson Street 3 Hope, Lillie 1252 Jackson Street 1 Hildebrand, Mrs. Polly 1240 Adams Street 1 Hoyt, Mrs. Mary 1188 Adams Street 3 Hoyt, Jennie Belle 1188 Adams Street 1 Hopkins, Benjamin .*. ....1117 Adams Street 1 Hopkins, Mrs. Maraget ..1117 Adams Street 1 Houghton, Mrs. Annie 3 Hudson, George W 1415 Harrison Street 2 Hillier, Mrs. Ann 1152 Adams Street 3 Hodge, S. S 793 Warren Avenue 4 Han ft, Mrs. Eva. 1334 Van Buren Street 42 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE PUTNAM * CLOTHING * HOUSE. FINE CLOTHING . . . FOR MEN AND BOYS AT REASONABLE PRICES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF - MEN'S PRINCE ALBERT SUITS FROM $15.00 TO $35.00, Made from Worsteds, Tricots and Broad Cloths. FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS. PUTNAM CLOTHING HOUSE, 131 & 133 CLARK STREET. 1 13 A 1 17 MADISON STREET. CHILDREN'S ROOM, 117 MADISON ST. MAIN FLOOR. NO ELEVATOR or STAIRS. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 43 1 Jackson, Wm 1256 Van Buren Street 4 Jackson, Alice 1256 Van Buren Street 3 Jones, Fanny M 547 Warren Avenue t Johnson, Mrs. Emma 156 O wasco Street 1 Johnston, Wm 1165 Adams Street 1 Johnston, Mrs. Betsey 1165 Adams Street 1 Jeffreys, Mrs. Emily C 119 Sacramento Avenue 5 Janes, Wm. E 1144 Washington Boulevard K 3 Klosterman, May Kalamazoo, Michigan L 2 Lathrop, Mrs. Addie 1286 Jackson Street 1 Linklater, Mrs. Mary E 1314 Van Buren Street 1 Lucas, Mrs. Laura N r 43 Whipple Street 2 Latchford, Mrs. Mary 39 Gross Terrace 3 Latchford, Emily 39 Gross Terrace 3 Latchford, Florence 39 Gross Terrfice 3 Latchford, Claramina 39 Gross Terrace M Miller, Peter Washington Miller, Mrs. Bethia 1202 Van Buren Street Mears, Mrs. A. M 1265 Wilcox Avenue 4 Mears, Willie 1265 Wilcox Avenue Moore, Lula McKay, Angus 191 Sacramento Avenue 2 Marshall, Wm. W 184 Albany Avenue 2 Marskall t Eddie 184 Albany Avenue 1 McGraw, Mrs. Margaret 4 McCoy, Wm. S 224 Sacramento Avenue 1 McKnight, A. E South Chicago 1 Maddock, H. H 1403 Monroe Street 1 Maddock, Mrs Maraget 1403 Momoe Street 3 Maddock, Bertha 1403 Monroe Street 3 Maddock, Wm 1403 Monroe Street 44 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE STRANGERS WELCOME. C. O. Tips |*labiopal (Hisbopieal 125 ST7STE STREET. EXCELSIOR" OUR MOTTO. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. /Material for ^pb ^eed!e-\A/or?l^ a Specialty, L-eSSONS GI^zeN IN MOURNING GOODS A SPECIALTY, \ 1384 West Madison St., Cor. Gross Terrace, C. D. PEKCOCK, JEWELER AND SILVERSMITH, . Stat^ NichoaMs. 186 Boothman. 136 Chad wick. Flournoy Street. 536 Stevenson. 549 Roberts. 52 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE C. H. GAGE, DEALER IN Itaplc ^ Saneu roeerek -9 A G\5<2) iJ S-^v. -iBEST BRANDS 0? FL0UR.* 1267 Lake Street. - CHICAGO. ILL. Choice Teas and Coffees a Specialty. T. F. HICICS. W. K. GOI-DER. HICKS & COLDER DEALERS IN FLOUR, FEED, HAY, ETC. Sawed and Split Wood, Dry Slabs and Kindlings, 910 & 912 W. LAKE STREET. ALL O .O E P O R TO MPTLV ^CHICAGO TELEPHONE 7221. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 53 Francisco Street. 233 McLaughlin. 233 Tucker. Fulton Street. 1455 Ward. Cross Terrace. 34 Gross. 39 Latchford. 1415 Hudson. 1066 Barnum. 1160 Burlin. 1160 Fomhof. 1160 Snow. 1162 Bacon. 1219 Draper. 1221 Hilton. 1233 Benedict. 1233 Powell. 1240 Brandon. 122 Baker. 1361 Veeder. 1255 Roney. 1197 Wight. 1246 Moore. 1248 Ball. 1250 Salter. 1374 Nicholl. Harrison Street. Jackson Street. 1242 Green how. 1267 Gibson. 1282 Purdy. 1286 Lathrop. 1346 Aimer. 1348 Robertson. 1352 Hope. 1372 Everitt. 1374 Waugh. f Kedzie Avenue. Lake Street. Madison Street. 1435 Gilmore. Monroe Street. 1382 Barnard. 1403 Maddock. 1404 Roberts. 1414 Moore. North Albany Avenue. 53 Schoonmaker. 54 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE D. & L. BAIN, ai?3 Bas litters, 633 West Madison Street, CHICAGO. ERNEST HEALY & CO., DEALERS IN 789 W. MADISON STREET. WE KEEP A VERY FINE QUALITY BUTTER. ORDERS SOLICITED. GIVE US A TRIAL. Tips Sbr?ang (House Deco^abipg Go,, WILLIAM STRANG, MG R. Painting, Calsomining, Paper Hanging, Glazing, Etc, Shop, 39O W. Randolph Street, Besidence, 617 W. Monroe Street, O H I O 7T G O . METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 55 Nassau Street. 21 Bauld. 26 Pope. 23 Rennie. Odgen Avenue. 501 Adams. Owasco Street. 152 Mortenson. 157 West. 156 Carlson. 172 Pease. Sacramento Avenue. 119 Jeffreys. 224 Williams. 191 McKay. 310 Mahany. 224 McCoy. 519 Guy. Stephen Street. 6 Owen. Troy Street. 16 Goodall. Van Buren Street. 1256 Jackson. 1314 Linklater. 1271 Walker. 1334 Haupt. 1276 Bauld. 1521 Orchard. 1302 Miller. Walnut Street. 702 Soper. 884 Watt. 829 Darlington.. Warren Avenue. 547 Jones. 822 Webb. 751 Barber. 941 Webb. 793 Hodge. Whipple Street. 35 Walker. 43 Lucas. 37 Anderson. Wilcox Avenue. 1176 Patterson. 1297 Morrison. 1194 Bramhall. 1308 Bond. 1265 Mears. 1326 Fox. 1286 Anderson. 56 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE 874 W)est TVtadison Street NEAR LEAVITT. liny I. DENTIST, 78 MONROE STREET. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 57 OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL, JOHN COUMBE, - Superintendent. G. T. AIMER, Ass't Superintendent. E. C. TUCKER, - Ass't Superintendent. KATE FOMHOF, - Ass't Superintendent. FRED. L. HILTON, Secretary. MAGGIE BAULD, - Treasurer. ISAAC WALKER, - Librarian. LUTHER COUMBE, Assistant Librarian. SAMUEL U. ANDERSON, - Assistant Librarian. MAY L. ROBERTSON, ANNIE WILLIAMS, - Organists. 58 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE \^ x PRACTICAL APOTHECARY 170 Colorado flueptj?, cor. U/l?ippl 233 s ate, 49, 51 & 53 Jackson Sts. 1243 VAN BUBEN STREET, ing ^ [Hair Gubblng Parlors, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY. Give us a call. We will give you good work at Moderate prices. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 65 CLASS NO. 12. MISS JESSIE ANDERSON, TEACHER, 1286 WILCOX AVE. Lillie Anderson, Pearl Ellithorpe, Sylvia Heintz, Jessie Spring, Mabel Spring, Nettie Campbell, Eva Guy. CLASS NO. 13. MRS. J. COUMBE, TEACHER, 181 CALIFORNIA AVE. Richard Williams, Silas Whitmore, Delmont Felthousen, Arthur Smith, Charles Boothman, Jere Mahany, Willie Jones, Walter Good- win, Jesse Kensley. CLASS NO. 14. MISS C. WHITMORE, 12^ CICERO COURT. Frank Boothman, Christian Buehler, Eddie Marshall, Harry McKindley, Henry Carmichael, Walter Miller, Charlie Smith, Charlie Collings, Frank Murch, James Gothard, Stephen Washburn, Frank Anderson, Calvin Patch, Emil Selle, Robbie Jones. CLASS NO. 15. MISS C. LATCHFORD, TEACHER, 39 GROSS TERRACE. Daniel Draper, 1219 Jackson Street; Lynden Eck, 157 Sacra- mento Avenue; Edgar Lewis, 25 Nassau Street; James Millar, 1302 Van Buren Street; Willie Pierce, 1244 Congress Street; Arthur Pierce, 1244 Congre'ss Street; Joe Pease, 172 Owasco Street. CLASS NO. 16. MISS NELLIE PURDY, TEACHER, 1282 JACKSON ST. Julia Buehler, Katie Robertson, Clara Mears, Edna Lucas, Alice McKay, Martha Boothman, Maud Warner, Edith Hall. CLASS NO. 17. MRS. C. H. FOX, TEACHER, 1321 ADAMS ST. Myrtle Eck, May Roney, Cora Anderson, Myrtle Esterbrook, Doda Sharp, Flossie Weed, Stella Noble, Ethel Seville, Ella Handy, Ethel Schofield, Fannie Glover. DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE D. R .HDD0RSOD, BUILDERS / 79 DEKRBORN STREET, Roora S. CHICAGO, ILL. ESTIMATES ON ALL KINDS OF WORK FURNISHED. I=. E. SMITH'S DRY * Emms * STUHE, ^* > 1272 U/. l/ai? Burer? St., eor. prai^eiseo. tAYING enlarged, my stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, I am thus en- abled to supply you with anything in these lines and much cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Representing the well-known Dry Goods Commis- sion House of S. M. Marshall & Co., I am enabled to pur- chase at bottom prices and will sell likewise. I am now getting in a full line of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Fall and Winter Underwear, etc. Come and examine goods and prices. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 67 CLASS NO. 18. MRS. D. F. ANDERSON, TEACHER, 37 WHIPPLE ST. Hattie Tuchbreiter, 187 Albany Avenue; Lena Tuchbreiter, 187 Albany Avenue; Mary Buehler, 11 Nassau Street; Constance McCoy, 224 Sacramento Avenue; Willie Anderson, 1413 Monroe Street; Milo Goodall, 16 Troy Street; Frank Goodall, 16 Troy Street; Laura Whitmore, 12^ Cicero Court; Oliver Haines, 1384 Madison Street. CLASS NO. 19. MISS BERTHA MADDOCK, TEACHER, 1403 MONROE ST. Hattie Margetts, Carrie Janes, Susie Janes, Nellie Mahany, Helen Glover. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. MISS ANNA BALL, TEACHER, 1248 MONROE ST. Miss MAY ROBERTSON, Miss MARY GOTHARD and Miss NELLIE AIMER, Assistant Teachers. Blanche Adams, Evelyn Adams, Nellie Anderson, Florence Arnold, Gladys Arnold, Carrie Atkinson, Jennie Bauld, Jennie Buehler, Mamie Bradshaw, Grace Bradshaw, Minnie Branley, Flor- ence Bush, Annie Carmichael, Egglie Clark, May Chambers, Sarah Chambers, May Coleman, Minnie Cramer, Vina Deal, Ada Deal, Clara Deal, Ella Dollan, Mabel Dodd, Louie Ellison, Nina Fox, Cappie Goodman, Minnie Gibson, Jessie Gibson, Minnie Goran, Maud Heaford, Edith Irwin, Gracie Jackson, Olga Jacobson, Maud Jenkins, Vera Johnston, Lizzie Jones, Vida Jones, Sadie Mears, Minnie Margetts, Olive Margetts, Minnie McBride, Maggie McLarty, Margaret McKay, Florence McKinney, Jessie Murch, Georgia Oyne, Lucy Parker, Bessie Patch, Hilda Patch, Georgia Purssell, Bessie Roney, Gertie Roney, Gladys Shoop, Bessie Saunders, Jessie Saw- der, Libbie Schoville, Maud Schoville, Christie Shaubel, Ada Stone, Josie Sturges, Ida Sturges, Georgia E. Tapper, Nellie Toerpe, Ada Tome, Mabel Tuchbreiter, Beatrice Veeder, Ida Walker, Clara 63 DIRECTORY OF THE SACR.AMEXTO AVENUE F. O. CHRISTENSEN, PURE GOODS OUR SPECIALTY. 1 235 W JACKSON ST. CH ICAGO N.-W. COR. CALIFORNIA AVE PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY Cc WHOLESALE PLUMBERS SUPPLIES ^ 203 LAKE STREET, - - CHICAGO. We invite those who contemplate building to call at our Store and examine our "INDURATED WOOD FIBRE" BATH TUBS, EVERLASTING, CLEANLY, INEXPENSIVE. DECECO SYPHON WATER CLOSETS. STONEin75RE L-KUNDRV Cheaper than wood and ten times as good. TELEPHONE 7299. ESTABLISHED 1859- ROGERSON &SON, 485 W. MADISON ST. CHICAGO. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 69 Walker, Irene Warner, Lucy West, Nina West, Edith Weller, Ethel Wight, Gladys Woods, Louie Woods, Nellie Wright. Willie Aimer, Norman Aimer, Albert Art, Albert Arnot, John Biedert, Arthur Bond, George Branley, Otto Cramer, Haldo Denis, Arthur Denis, Harry Dodge, Robbie Draper, Harry Draper, Elmer Faul, Robert Fish, G. Gronner, Herbert Hemstreet, Newton Hard- ing, Freddie Heaford, Paul Hopkins, Tommie Hopkins, Everett Holman, Bert Jackson, Willie Johnson, Alfred Kastner, Freddy Kohler, Bertie Lewis, Alex, Maddock, Eddie Miller, Robbie Miller, Willie McKindley, C. McLoria, Boyd McBride, Austin Pease, Harry Pease, Arthur Pierce, Francis Pierce, Lester Pope, Marshall Pope, Arthur Smith, Marshall Steer, Willie Stuait, Ernest Tapper, Tracy Tapper, George Tuchbreiter, Bertie Tucker. Fred Woods. You will find a very great variety of advertisements in this Directory almost all kinds of business being repre- sented. We commend to your attention these houses. Give them your patronage, and thus serve your own interests and make it an object for them to advertise with us again. COM. OF PUBLICATION. 70 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE GET A HOME OVER HERE! Near the Beautiful West Side Parks. BEFORE making final selection call upon . . . J. T. SUTQR. (the only original dealer to make a specialty of this fine property), at his beautiful Central Office, No. 1302 Madison Si., Cor, of Francisco. Or for property* west of the parks, call at Branch Office cor. 40th and Madison Streets; for Douglas Park property, call at Branch Office cor. Kedzie and Fillmore; for property north, our Branch Office is cor. Central-Humboldt Boulevard and Kedzie Ave. Down Town Office, 155 Washington St., room 32; Residence, Flournoy Street, between Central Park Avenue and Boulevard. Estates managed for non-residents, rents collected, taxes paid, etc. Loans and insurance negotiated at lowest rates. Also headquarters of the Central Park Building and Loan Association. TELEPHONE 7OO7. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 71 Methodist Churches and Pastors IN OHIO-A.QO. This list includes pastors and churches in the Rock River Conference, but not our German, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish pastors who are in other Conferences. RESIDENT BISHOP, S. M. MERRILL, 57 Washington St. PRESIDING ELDER, C. G. TRUSDELL, 57 Washington St. SUPT. CITY MISSIONS, LUKE HITCHCOCK, 3428 South Park Ave. Ada Street J. P. Brushingham. Asbury R.I. Fleming. Bethany Lewis Meredith. Bohemian, First F. J. Hrejsa. Bohemian, Second Frank D'Chada. Brighton Park A. L. Morse- Centenary H. G. Jackson. Clark Street H. W. Bolton. Deering John D. Leek. Douglas Park W. A. Burch. Erie Street H. C. Gavitt. Fifty-fourth Street J. S. Eberhart. Forty-seventh Street Wm. H. Carwardine. Fulton Street W. H. Crawford. Grace Church Robert Mclntyre. Halsted Street Joseph Odgers. Lincoln Street . . Edward W. Drew. 72 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY BY USING MERRICK'S : SPOOL > COTTON It is SIX CORD, SOFT FINISH, FULI, MEASURE, and is equally well adapted for machine and hand sewing-, also MERRICK'S READY-WOUND BOBBINS General Western Agency, 205 Fifth Ave., CHICAGO. E. A. STILL, Manager. Cat ^ doctor yourself or your r]orse, iq all simple diseases, by r]aviqg a srqall case aqd book of Hal- sey Bros, mild, (^armless renqedies. We have rqade tr|ese in Chicago for 35 years. HALSEY BROS. BRONCHIAL SYRUP, tr|e rrpst successful Horqoeopatr|ic Cough rerqedy iq tr]e world; Safe, Pleasant; 25c. and 50c. Cases of Mediciqe, $1.00 upward. 7 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 73 Marie Chapel John O. Foster. Marshfield Avenue Fred Porter. Millard Avenue C. Verden. Moreland J. J. Rapp. Northwest Church R. H. Wilkinson. Oakland J. M. Caldwell. Park Avenue William Fawcett. Paulina Street Wm. B. Leach. Saint Paul's Church R. H. Pate. Sacramento Avenue E. C. Arnold. Sheffield Avenue N. J. Harkness. Simpson Church and Normal Park ... . .*. . .F. A. Hardin. South Park Avenue H. D. Kimball. State Street J. C. Stoughton. Taylor Street J. Hasty Odgers. Trinity Church F. M. Bristol. Wabash Avenue R. H. Pooley. Wesley Church ' W. H. Burns. Western Avenue C. E. Mandeville. Wicker Park M. W. Satterfield. Winter Street W. A. Phillips. Woodlawn Park . . . . P. K. Hammond. 74 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE S. K. KEKN St CO. BANKERS, 100 WASHINGTON ST., CHICAGO. Receive Accounts, Issue Interest Bearing Certificates of Deposit and Drafts on principal cities of Europe, and transact all business in the line of legitimate Banking. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. Also deal in Municipal Bonds and other Choice Investment Securities bearing Four to Six per cent. Interest. HOME SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS: NEW YORK OFFICE: Home Insurance Bldg., 1 43 Adams St. I I 5 Broadway. 9 PRINTERS 170 St. UNDERSELLING ALL COMPETITORS. N. B. HOLDEN, 226 State St., cor. Quincy. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 75 GENERAL RULES OF THE M, E, CHURCH, In the latter end of the year 1739, eight or ten persons, who appeared to be deeply convinced of sin, and earnestly groaning for redemption, came to Mr. Wesley, in London. They desired, as did two or three more the next day, that he would spend some time with them in prayer, and advise them how to flee from the wrath to come, which they saw continually hanging over their heads. That he might have more time for this great work, he appointed a day when they might all come together; which from thenceforward they did every week, namely, on Thursday, in the evening. To these, and as many more as desired to join with them (for their number increased daily), he gave those advices from time to time which he judged most needful for them ; and they always concluded their meeting with prayer suited to their several necessities. This was the rise of the Untied Society, first in Europe, and then in America. Such a Society is no other than "a company of men having the form and seeking the poruer of godliness, united in order to pray together, to receive the ivord of exhortation, and to watch over one another in love, that they may help each other to -work out their salvation.' 1 '' That it may the more easily be discerned whether they are in- deed working out their own salvation, each Society is divided into smaller companies, called classes, according to their respective places of abode. There are about twelve persons in a class, one of whom is styled the Leader. It is his duty: 1 . To see each person in his class once a week at least ; in order, (1) To inquire how their souls prosper. (2) To advise, reprove, comfort, or exhort, as occasion may require. (3) To receive what they are willing to give toward the relief of the Preachers, Church and Poor.* 2. To meet the Ministers and the Stewards of the Society once *This part refers to towns and cities, where the poor are generally nuirerous, and church expenses considerable. 76 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE a week, in order: (1) To inform the Minister of any that are sick, or of any that walk disorderly, and will not be reproved. (2) To pay the Stewards what they have received of their several classes in the week preceding. There is only one condition previously required of those who desire admission into these Societies, "a desire to flee from the wrath to come, and to be saved from their sins." But wherever this is really fixed in the soul, it will be shown by its fruits. It is, therefore, expected of all who continue therein, that they should continue to evidence their desire of salvation : First, by doing no harm, by avoiding evil of every kind especially that which is most generally practiced, such as The taking of the name of God in vain. The profaning the day of the Lord, either by doing ordinary work therein, or by buying or selling. Drunkenness, buying or selling spirituous liquors, or drink- ing them, unless in cases of extreme necessity. Slaveholding; buying or selling slaves. Fighting, quarreling, brawling, brother going to law with brother; returning evil for evil, or railing for railing; the using many words in buying or selling. The buying or selling goods that have not paid the duty. The giving or taking things on usury, that is, unlawful interest. Uncharitable or unprofitable conversation ; particularly speaking evil of magistrates or of ministers. Doing to others as we would not they should do unto us. Doing what we know is not for the glory of God ; as : The putting on of gold and costly apparel. The taking such diversions as cannot be used in the name of the Lord Jesus. The singing those songs, or reading those books, which do not tend to the knowledge or love of God. Softness, and needless self-indulgence. Laying up treasures upon earth. Borrowing without a probability of paying ; or taking up goods without a probability of paying for them. It is expected of all who continue in these Societies that they shall continue to evidence their desire of salvation: Second, bv doing good; bv being in every kind merciful after METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 77 their power; as they have opportunity, doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possible, to all men : To their bodies of the ability which God giveth, by giving food to the hungry, by clothing the naked, by visiting or helping them that are sick or in prison: ' To their souls, by instructing, reproving, or exhorting all we have any intercourse with ; trampling under foot that enthusiastic doctrine that "we are not to do good unless our hearts be free to it" By doing good, especially to them that are of the household of faith, or groaning so to be; employing them preferably to others, buying one of another, helping each other in business, and so much the more because the world will love its own and them only. By all possible diligence and frugality, that the Gospel be not blamed. By running with patience the race which is set before them, denying themselves and taking up their cross daily; submitting to bear the reproach of Christ, to be as the filth and offscouring of the world; and looking that men should say all manner of evil of them falsely for the Lord's sake. It is expected of all who desire to continue in these Societies that they shall continue to evidence their desire of salvation, Third, by attending upon all the ordinances of God; such are, The public worship of God ; The ministry of the word, either read or expounded; The Supper of the Lord; Family and private prayer; Searching the Scriptures; Fasting or abstinence. These are the General Rules of our Societies ; all which we are taught of God to observe, even in his written word, which is the only rule, and the sufficient rule, both of our faith and practice. And all these we know his Spirit writes on truly awakened hearts. If there be any among us who observes them not, who habitually breaks any of them, let it be known unto them who watch over that soul as they who must give an account. We will admonish him of the error of his ways. We will bear with him for a season. But if then he repent not, he hath no more place among us. We have delivered our own souls. 78 DIRECTORY OF THE SACRAMENTO AVENUE INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS, Page . 12 ARTISTS. Mrs. A. C. DeLuce . . BANKERS. S. A. Kean&Co 74 BARBERS. Fred Imhof 64 BELLS. Chicago Bell Hanging Co 22 BOOTS AND SHOES. T. H. Caruthers 24 N. B. Holden 74 BUILDERS. D. F. Anderson 66 CLOTHING. Browning, King & Co 60 H. A.Butcher 18 Putnam Clothing House 42 COAL. Hugh Duddleston 32 Hicks and Golder 52 James Mack 8 Henry Meinel 30 John Murray 22 W. & J. Summerhays 16 Daniel Gordon 20 CONFECTIONERY. J. Dowie 30 J. Keand 62 Fish 34 DENTISTS. Pliny I. Lawrence 56 DRUGS AND MEDICINES. H. B. Brown 36 F. O. Christensen 68 Halsey Brothers .-. 72 B. MacDonald 48 John Ritter 58 DRY GOODS. Page Fern & Co 5 Chas. Gossage F. E. Smith C. J. Warner ELOCUTION. H. M. Soper FURNACES. Boynton Furnace Co GAS FIXTURES. H. S Holden Gleason & Bailey Mfg. Co. GROCERIES. J. W. Cowie C.H.Gage Given & Solon A. B. Greenwood Ernest Healy & Co Henry Rabe HARDWARE. Fred Kurtz 50 ICE. Washington Ice Co 60 INSURANCE. Glens Falls Insurance Co .... 62 JEWELERS. E. Battegay 34 C. D. Peacock 44 LIVERY. S. E. Cleveland & Son 62 MARKETS. Andrew Burns 48 Joseph Knight 2 MILLINERS. Mrs. Delia Branson 44 Miss Jennie A. Jones 34 Mrs. Roy 56 46 66- 1ft 12 10 32 28 32 52 20 14 54 48 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. INDEX CONTINUED. Music. Page Chicago Musical College 12 PAINTERS. Strang House Decorat'g Co . . 54 PHOTOGRAPHS. C. D. Mosher 44 PHYSICIANS. H. D. Hadley 40 PIANOS. Julius Bauer & Co 28 Estey & Camp 64 PICTURE FRAMES. H. J. Thompson 4 B. H. Veeder 22 PLUMBERS. D. &L. Bain 54 Walcott, Hurlbut & Co 68 Whittaker Supply Co 38 L. Wolff Manufacturing Co . . 26 PRINTERS. Henry Shepard Cover Walker & Robertson. . . .74 Page 70 24 REAL ESTATE. J. T. Sutor SCHOOL BOOKS. Mrs. Gibson . . SEWER BUILDER. Daniel Gordon ............... 20 SEWING MACHINES. Wheeler & Wilson ........... 24 SPOOL COTTON. Merrick Spool Cotton .... ____ 72 TAILORS. MilanEngh ................. 54 Jacobson & Son ............... 4 UNDERTAKERS. C. H. Jordan & Co ........... 60 Postlewait ................... 16 Rogerson & Son ............. 68 WALL PAPER. Wm. Amerson & Co ......... 38 D. H. DuBois... . 18 6X RARE LAWRENCE J. GUTTER Collection of Chicogoano. THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO The University Library