2^,/^ L I E. RAFIY OF THE UN IVERSITY or ILLINOIS G IZeSEba v.l. cop. 8 iLi. ( MOia iii A 'i u i u ' iun 'i' O ' A HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1868-1945 Parti BY IRA O. BAKER, C.E/74 Late Professor of Civil Engineering, Emeritus AND EVERETT E. KING Professor of Railway Civil Engineering, Emeritus URBANA, ILLINOIS a CONTMTS ^^ FOREWORD V . / CHAPTER I. - THE BBGIMINGS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1 Th-e Morrill Land-Grant College Act - The Founding of the University - The G^erS B^dy^e Board of trustees - Duties of the Board of IVustees - SucSlonS^bJectives and Policies of the Pioneer Board of Trustees - Proposed Departments and Courses of Study. CHAPTER II.- THE REGEUTS AND THEIR ADMINISTRATIONS 12 t^mmmEm- gory's Later Life - President Draper's Eulogy. following his Death in 1903' I^omas Johnathan Burrill, Acting Regent, l891--l89U "^arly Training Sjositfon ■ inauguration of the Tvo-Year Preparatory School Doctor Burrill' s Subsequent Life . CHAPTER III.- THE PRESIDENTS AND THEIR ADMINISTRATIONS 35 Andrew Sloan Draper, President, l89^-190ii - ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^J^^^ Ir«.u«uratlon of the Se^ star Plan - "nlve-lty Finance Student^^roll ment - University Faculty - Improvement of the Physical ^^^^ ^ To? septate Administration of the Physical ^^^K'. ^^^^f^^^^^S:, leaes - New Buildings - Other Advancements - Creation of the University Sen'e - Creation 'S the Office of Dean of ^e- -^^^^^ °^/°^f ^^.^f ^^ Attention to Military Affairs - Tribute to Doctor Draper hy the Board of Trustees in 1904 - Sutaequent Life of President Draper. Mmund Janes Jamas, President, 1901.-1920 -Early Training ^^^JJ; ience - President James' Administration - Formal ^f ^^^^^^°S ^^oS . Jew iii The Academy Discontinued - Inauguration of the University of Illinois Press - Later Biography - President Kinley's Eulogy. David Kinley, President, I92O-I93O - Preparation and Previous Experience - Outstanding Trends and Events of President Kinley's Administration - University Finances - Educational Policies - Organization of the School of Journalism - The University Faculty - Events of President Kinley' s Later Life - President Willard's Eulogy. Harry Woodhum Chase, President, 1930-1933 - Early Training and Exper- ience - The Administration of President Chase - President Chase's Educational Policies ajid Objectives - Revision of the University Statutes - The Founding of the College of Fine and Applied Arts - The Founding of the School of Physi- cal Education - Total University Income - Number of University Faculty Mem- ters - Sutsequent Experience. Arthur Hill Daniels, Acting President, 1933-193^ - Early Training and Previous Work - Educational Policies and Philosophies of Doctor Daniels' Administration - Organization of the Division of University Extension - Estab- lishment of the Bureau of Institutional Research - The Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the National Youth Administration - Total University Income - Number on The University Faculty - Subsequent Life. Arthur Cutts Willard, President 193^ to Date - Early Life and Prepara- tion - President Willard's Administration - Problems Anent Increased Student Enrollment - University Finances - Number of Persons on the University Facul- ty - Educational Policies and Objectives of President Willerd's Administration - Educational Expediencies - Affiliations and Relations of the Chicago Colleges with other Chicago Institutions - Changes in the Administrative Organization at Urbana - Building Program - Student -Faculty -Alumni Social Centers - The University of Illinois Foundation - Division of Special Services for War Veterans CHAPTER rV.- GENERAL GEROWTH AND ACTIVITIES OF THE COLLEGE OF MGINEEEING 83 The Status of Engineering and Engineering Instruction in I87O - Chron- ology of the Departments - Educational Stajidards and Practices - Requirements for Admission to the College of Engineering - Early Methods of Instruction - Changes in Methods of Instruction - Instruction for Engineering Students Pro- vided by a number of Colleges vithin the University - The College of Engineer- ing Faculty - College Policies and Objectives - Authority for College Policy - The Development and Determination of College Policy - Professional Engineering and Science Courses vs. the Humanities in the Curricula - Language and Rhet- orici^Requirements - Non-Technical Electives - The Four- and Five-Year Curri- cula - Graduate Study in Engineering - Engineering Research - Dual Curricula - Study of Educational Reports - Study of the Mann Report - Study of the Wicken- den Report - Faculty Contacts with Industry - Visits of Engineering Societies - Student Contacts with Industry - The Engineers' Counci]. for Professional Development - Organization and Purpose - Basis adopted by the E. C. P. D. for Accrediting Engineering Colleges - Investigation of Engineering Curricula at Illinois by the E. C. P. D. - College Finance, 1868-1913 " College of Engi- neering Expenditures, 1913-194i4- - Faculty Meeting Rooms - Museums and Collec- tions - Museum of Engineering and Architecture - General College Activities - Illinois -Indiana Section of SPEE - All -Engineering College Lectures - The Engineering Experiment Station. iv CHAPTER v.- COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ADJtENISTRATION AND ADMINISTRATORS II3 Provision for College Administration - Duties of the Early Deans of the College of Engineering - Duties of the Later Deans of the College of Engineer- ing - Appointment of Deans - Biographical Sketches of Deans - Stillman Williams Rotinson - Nathein Clifford Ricker - James McLaren White - William Freeman Myrick Goss - Charles Russ Richards - Milo Smith Ketchum - Arthur Cutts Willard - Melvin Lorenius Enger - Office Accommodations - Assistant Deans - Biographical sketches of Assistant Deans - Floyd Rove Watson - Fred Duane Crawshaw - William Thomas Bawden - Harry Willard Miller - Harvey Herbert Jordan - Office Accommo- dations - Other Assistants - Marie Huber - Summary. CHAPTER VI . - BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS DEVOTED TO ENGINEERING PURPOSES I3O Land Acquired in I867 - Land Acquired from I867 to I893 - Land Acquired between 1893 and 1916 -Land Acquired after 1916 - Buildings Occupied in Common with other Colleges - University Building - University Hall - Old Chemistry Building - Old Armory or Gymnasium Annex - Buildings Assigned Primarily to the College of Engineering - First Mechanical Engineering Shop Building - Mechanical Building and Drill Hall - Engineering Hall - Machine Tool Laboratory - Elec- trical Engineering Building - Electrical Engineering Annex - Wood-Shop and Foimdry Building - Laboratory of Applied Mechanics - Civil Engineering Sur- veying Building - Mechanical Engineering Laboratory - Physics Building - Transportation Building - Locomotive Testing Laboratory - Ceramics Building - Mining and Metallurgical Building - Ceramics Laboratory - Building for Archi- tecture and Kindred Subjects - Arthur Newell Talbot Laboratory - Nuclear Radiations Laboratory - Sanitary Engineering Laboratory - Summary. CHAPTER VII.- THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING I62 Organization - Objectives and Methods of Instruction - Objectives - Early Methods of Instruction - Room Assignments for Office, Recitation, and Drafting Purposes - Early Classroom and Drawlng-Room Equipment - Development of Mechan- ical Engineering Facilities - Power Laboratory - Mechanical Laboratory Facili- ties, 1867-1893 - Mechanical Laboratory Facilities, 1893-1905 - Mechanical Laboratory Facilities, I905-I917 - Steam Prime Movers, 1917-19^5 - Internal- Combustion Engines, 1917-19^5 - PuD^s, 1917-19^5 - Air-Compressors, 1917-19^5 - Miscellaneous Equipment in Use in 19^5 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Condi - tloning - Heating Boilers - Warm-Air Furnace Testing Plant - Fan-Testing Plant - Warm-Wall Test Booth - Constant Temperature Room - Air -Condi tloning Plant - Warm-Air Heating Research Residence - I"B=R Research Home - Mechanical Refrig- eration - Thermodynamics - Railway Track and Rolling Stock - Dynamometer Car, or Railway Test Car, No. 609 - Dynamometer Car, or Railway Test Car, No. 17 - Development of Shop Laboratory Facilities - First Mechanical Engineering Shops - The First Shops of the New Mechanical Building, I872 - Mechanical Engineering Shops, 1890-1895 - Machine Shop or Machine Tool Laboratory, 1895-19^5 - Wood Shop - Foundry - Forge Shop - Heat -Treatment Laboratory - Cutting and Welding Laboratory - Museim Materials and Collections - Robinson Engine - Chicago Edison Company's Triple Expansion Engine and Generator - Other Materials - Faciilty Personnel - Heads of the Department - Other Professors - Associate Professors - Assistant Professors - Associates - Instructor and Research Assis- tants - Summary. CHAPTER VTII.- THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVTL ENGINEERING 2^1 Organization - Objectives and Methods of Instruction - Objectives - Methods of Instruction - Room Assignments for Office, Recitation, and Drafting Purposes - Development of Civil Engineering Laboratory Facilities - Early Surveying Apparatus - Early Surveying Areas and Field Problems - Surveying after l89'<- - Summer Surveying Camp, Camp Rabideau - The Cement and Masonry Laboratory, I868-1923 - The Cement and Masonry Laboratory, 1923-19^5 - The Road Materials Laboratory, 1906-1923 - The Bituminous Laboratory, 1923-19^5 - The Non-Bituminous Laboratory, 1923-1945 - The Structural Research Laboratory - The Soils and Other Granular Materials Laboratory - The Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, 1926- 19U5 - Museum Materials and Collections - Apparatus for the Lecture Room - Photographic Enlargements - Model of Continuous Arch - Mis- cellaneous - Departmental Meetings - State Board of Structural Engineers - Special State Assignment on Concrete Pavement Joints - Kaskaskia Valley Report - Faculty Personnel - Heads of the Department - Other Professors - Associate Professors - Assistant Professors - Associates - Lecturers - Instructors and Research Assistants - Summary. CHAPTER IX.- THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE 290 ' Organization - Objectives and Methods of Instruction - Objectives - Departmental Divisions - The Competitive System in Architectural Design - Buildings and Room Accommodations - Room Assignments for Class and Drawing- room Work - Development of Departmental Facilities and Eq,uipment - Collection of Casts - Ricker Library of Architecture - Lantern Slides, Mounted Photo- graphs, and Working Drawings - Wood Shop - Architectural Shop Equipment - Miscellaneous - Student Enrollment in Architecture - The Department Becomes a Member of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture - Relations with the Illinois Chapters of the American Institute of Architects - Contri- butions to State Development - Museum Materials and Collections - Art Gallery - Museum Materials - The Department Joins the College of Fine and Applied Arts - Faculty Personnel - Heads of the Department - Other Professors - Associate Professors - Assistant Professors - Associates - Instructors. CHAPTER X.- THE DEPARTMENT OF MINING AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING 323 Organization - Objectives and Methods of Instruction - Temporary Pro- vision for Instiniction in Mining - Apparatus for the Lecture Room - Early Laboratory Equipment - The Department Discontinued and Re-established - The Department of Mining Engineering Discontinued - The Department of Mining Engineering Re-established by Legislative Action - Office, Classroom, and Drafting Room Accommodations - Development of Laboratory Facilities in Mining and Metallurgical Engineering - Mine Surveying - Sampling and Grinding Labora- tory - Fuels Laboratory - Coal-Preparation and Ore-Dressing Laboratory - Mine Ventilation and Safety-Lamp Laboratory - Drilling and Blasting Laboratory - Heat-Treatment Laboratory - Assay Laboratory - Electrometallurgical Laboratory - Welding Laboratory - Melting Laboratory - Metallographic Laboratory - Museum Materials and Collections - Affiliated and Cooperative Agencies - Mine Rescue Station at Urbana - Mine Rescue Station Commission - Illinois Mining Investi- gation Commission - Illinois Miners' and Mechanics' Institutes - Cooperative Investigations of Illinois Coal Problems - Illinois Mining Institute and Mining Scholarships - Faciilty Personnel - Heads of the Department - Other Pro- fessors - Associate Professors - Assistant Professors - Associates - Instructors and Research Assistants - General Summary. ciin^mim jtvio « ■JT^iMiO OVtrSBaMIOMS Jj'.OHMJc. -•IHIM 'K) TJEMT^TA-Sa iSRP -,X flP. vi CHAPTER XI. - THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 355 Organization of the Department - Early Instruction in Physics - Eoom and Building Accommodations, 189^-19^5 - Tho Development of Laboratory Facxli- tiee in Physics - Developments from 1868 to 1909 - l^ly Laboratory Facilities in Physics, 1868-189O - Pioneer Lahoratoi^ Facilities in Electrical Engineering, 1890-1898 - Later Development of Physical Laboratory Facilities, I898-1909 - Developments from 1909 to 19^5 - General Physics Laboratories - Electrical and Magnetic -Measurements Laboratories - Acoustics Laboratories - Optical Labora- tories - Spectroscopic Laboratory - High-Tension Laboratory - Mass Spectroscopy Laboratory - Nuclear Physics Laboratory - Photograph Laboratory - Physics Seminars - Physics Colloquium - Other Seminars - Total Enrolluisnt in Physics^ 1907-19^^ - Faculty Personnel - Heads of the Departmant - Other Professors - Associate Professors - Assistant Professors - Associates - Instructors - Summary. CHAPTER XII.- THE DEPARTMENT OF MUKICIPAL AKD SANITAEY ENGINEERING 38? Organization of the Department - Conduct of Instruction - Room Accommoda- tions - Laboratory Facilities - Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, 191^-1926 - Faculty Personnel - Head of the Department - Other Professors - Associates - Instructors - Department Discontinued. CHAPTER XIII . - THE DEPARTMENT OF THEORETICAL pm) APPLIED MBCH.'\NICS 39^+ Organization of the Department - Instruction - Undergraduate Registration in T. & A. M. Courses, 1911-19'+^ - Building and Room Accommodations - Develop- ment of Laboratory Facilities in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - Materials Testing Laboratory, 1868-1902 - Materials Testing Laboratories, 190^-1929 - Materials Testing Laboratories, 1929-19^5 - Concrete Research Laboratories, 1929-19^5 - Engineering Materials Laboratory, 1929-19^5 - Fatigue-of -Metals Laboratories - Creep-in-Lead Laboratories - Rails- Investigation laboratory - Brake-Shoe Laboratory - Photoelastic Laboratory - Plastics Labora.tory - Vibra- tions Laboratory - Hydraulics Laboratory - Summary - Mscellaneous - Calibration Room - Machine-Shop Facilities - Departmental Meetings - Collections of Photo- graphs, Drawings, and Museum Materials - Photographs - Faculty Personnel - Heads of the Departmesit - Other Professors - Associate Professors - Assistant Professors - Associates - Instructors and Research Assistants. CHAPTER XrV.- THE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING UI+3 Organization of the Department - Objectives of the Department - Building and Room Accommodations - Development of Electrical Engineering Laboratory Facilities - The Power Laboratory - Storage -Battery Laboratory - Calibration or Standardization Laboratory - Wire-Communication Laboratory - Electronics Laboratory - Radio-Communications Laboratory - Radio-Transmission Laboratory - High-Potential Laboratory - Illumination and Photometry Laboratory - Meter and Relay Laboratory - Electric Railway Laboratory - The Electric Railway Test Car - University Light and Power Plant - Miscellaneous - Damage Due to Flood - Movie- tone Projector - Joint Meetings of the Student Branches of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers of Purdue, Rose, and Illinois - Conference of Student Branches of the Great Lakes District of the A.I.E.E. - Faculty Personnel - Heads of the Department - Other Professors - Associate Professors - Assistant Professors - Associates - Instructors and Research Assistants - Summary. vii CHAPTER XV.- THE D-EPAETMEM" OF RAHWAY ENGINEERING U8l Organization for Railway Instruction - Railway Engineering - Railway Engineering and Administration - Office-Classroom, and Drawing-Room Accommoda- tions - Foreign Student Enrollment - Relations with Local Railways - Development of Laboratory Facilities in Railway Engineering - Locomotive Testing Plant - Locomotive k^l - Brake-Shoe Testing Machine - Electric Railway Laboratory - Dynamometer Car or Railway Car No. 17, 22, and 30 - Electric Railway Test Car - Drop-Test Machine - Air-Brake Equipment - Signal Equipment - Museum Materials and Collections - Drawings - Photographs - Model Valve Gears - The Chicago and North Western Railway Locomotive Testing Plant - Richmond Locomotive - Collection of Steel Rr ils - Faculty Personnel - Heads of the Department - Other Professors - Associate Professors - Assistant Professors - Associates - Instruct- ors and Research Assistants - Discontinuation of the Department. CHAPTER XVI.- THE DEPARTMENT OF CERAMIC ENGINEERING 505 Organization of the Department - Aims and Objectives - The Development of Office, Classroom, and Laboratory Accommodations - The Development of Laboratory Facilities - Ceramic Materials Laboratory - Pottery Laboratory - Enamel Laboratory - Kiln Laboratory - Structural Clay-Products Laboratory - Drying Laboratory - Microscopic Laboratory - Glass Technology Laboratory - Research Laboratories - Collections and Museum Materials - Faculty Personnel - Heads of the Department - Other Professors - Associate Professors - Assistant Professors - Associates - Instructors and Research Assistants - Miscellaneous - State Scholarships in Ceramics - Summary. CHAPTER XVII.- THE DEPARIMENT OF GENERAL ENGINEERING DRAWING 529 Organization - A Service Organization - Objective© of the Department - Office-Classroom, and Drawing-Room Quarters - Enrollment in General Engineering Drawing Courses - Drawing-Room Facilities - Faculty Personnel - Heads of the Department - Other Professors - Associate Professors - Assistant Professors - Associates - Instructors. CHAPTER XTIII.- THE DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING 5^7 Activities in Aeronautics Begun here before 19^4 - Civilian Pilot Training School - Aeronautical Option in Civil Engineering - Aircraft Structures Testing - Organization of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering - Aeronauji^ics Ad- visory Board ~ Objectives - Office, Classroom, and Laboratory Accommodations - The Development of Laboratory Facilities - Aerodynamics Laboratory - The Air- creift Power Plants Laboratory - The Aircraft Laboratory - Faculty Personnel - Head of the Department - Assistant Professors. CHAPTER XIX.- THE DIVISION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 555 Development of Laboratory Facilities - Coal Experimental Laboratories - Low- Pressure Laboratories - Chemical Engineering Unit Operations -Ice-Production Laboratory - Gas- Absorption Laboratories - Fractional Distillation Laboratories - Catalytic-Processes Laboratory - Electro- organic Chemical Laboratories - Faculty Personnel - Heads of the Division - Other Professors - Assistant Professors - Associates - Special Research Assistants. viii CHAPTER XX.- MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES OF ENGINEERING lETIRiST DEVOTED TO UNIVH^SITY SERVICE 5^5 University Heating, Lighting, and Power Plants - University Hall Central Heating, Lighting, and Power Plant - The Boneyard Central Heating, Lighting, and Power Plant - The Mathews Avenue Heating, Lighting, and Power Plant - William Lamont Abtott Power Plant - Water Supply Stations - University Water Works Plant - University Radio Broadcasting Stations - Radio Station W-R-M - Radio Station W-I-L-L - University Airport - Student Center and Union Building - The mini Student Center - The Illini Union Building - Men' s Residence Halls - Twin-City Transportation Facilities through the Campus - Urbana and Champaign Horse Railroad Service - Urbana and Champaign Street Railway Service - Cham- paign-Urbaim City Lines, Inc. CHAPTffi XXI.- LIBRARIES AND LIBRARY MATIiI^IALS 588 Central, Main, or General University Library - Ikrly Library Facilities - General Library Facilities Extended - Engineering Libraries - Engineering Library Personnel - Departmental Libraries and Seminaries - /jrchitectural Library - Railway and Mining Engineering Library - Physics Library - Electrical Ehgineering Library - Ceramic Engineering Library - Textbooks - Early-Day Blueprint Textbooks - List of Textbooks Written by Members of the Engineering Faculty - Architecture - Ceramic Engineering - Civil Engineering - Electrical -Engineering - Gteneral Engineering Drawing - Mechanical Engineering - Mining and Metallvirgical Engineering - Physics - Railway Engineering - Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. CHAPTER XXII.- EVOLUTION OF ENGINEERING COURSES AND CURRICULA. 613 Courses and Curricula from I868 to 1900 - First Curricula in the Four Original Departments - Courses and Curricula at the Opening of the University - The General ^ijrrangement of the Curricula - Thesis - The Early Changes in Curricula - Subsequent Changes in Early Engineering Curricula - New Curricula - The First Curriculum in Electrical Engineering - The First Curriculum in Architectural Engineering - The First Curriculiim in Mimicipal and Sanitary Engineering - Builder's Course - Mechanical Engineering Shop Practice - Architectural Shop Practice - Description of Courses in Architectural Shop Practice - Shop Practice Reorganized - Early Summer Session in Shop Practice Held in Chicago - The Semester Plan - The Curriculum in Mechanical Engineering as Arranged when the Semester Plan went into Effect in 1898-99 - Railway Option in Mechanical Engineering - The Curriculum in Civil Engineering when first Placed on the Semester Plan in 189&-99 - The Curriculum in Architecture when first Placed on the Semester Plan in I898-99 - The Curriculum in Electrical Engineering as Arranged when the Semester Plan went into Effect in I898-99 - The flurriculum in Mvmicipal and Sanitary Engineering after the Semester Plan went into Effect in I898-99 - Courses and Curricula from 1900 to 1922 - Courses and Curricula from I9OO to 1910 - The First Curricula in Ceramics and Ceramic Engineering - Electives in Mechanical Engineering - Curricula in Railway Engin- eering in 1907-08 - The First Curriculum in Mining Engineering after the Depart- ment was Re-established in I909 - Summer Reading - Faculty Studies of Engin- eering Curricula, 1910- 15 - Changes Made in the Curricula Following the Recommendations of the Committee - Undergraduate Thesis - Other Changes - Added Qi5)hasi8 on Rhetoric for Engineering Students - Additional Changes in Shop Practice Instruction - Safety in Shop Laboratories - Special Engineering Covirses - Engineering Inspection Trip - Freshmen Engineering Lecture - Covtrses and Curricula from 1915 to 192c; - New Curricula and Curricular Changes - OUIJfiaK' ix Options in the Civil Engineering Curriculum, 1915-1916 - The Curriculum in Ceramic Engineering, I915-I6 - The Curriculum in Ceramics - The Curriculum in Engineering Physics - Courses and Curricula from 1922 to 19^5 - Curricula, 1922 to 19^1 - Changes in Language Requirements and in Hours for Non- Technical Electives - The Curriculum in Gas Engineering - General Engineering - The First Curriculum in General Engineering - Curriculum in Municipal and Sanitary Engin- eering, 1925-26 - Civil Engineering Curricula "between 1926 and 1931 " Curriculum in Architecture, 1929-3O - Curriculum in Architectural Engineering 1929-3O - Engineering Physics - Civil Engineering Courses Renumtered in 1930-31 - Theore- tical and Applied Mechanics Courses Renumbered in 1930-31 - Curriculum in Electrical Engineering - Curriculum in Mechanical Engineering, 1932-33 - Curriculum in Mining Engineering, 1932-33 - Curriculum in Agricultural Engin- eering - First Curriculum in Agricultural Engineering - Courses Given hy the ■ Department of General Engineering Drawing, 1933-3^ - Metallurgical Engineering - First Curriculum in Metallurgical Engineering - Administrative Option in Ceramic Engineering - New Courses in Electrical Engineering - Petroleum Engin- eering - Engineering Courses - Eng. 39, Industrial Relations - Eng. 10, Engin- eering Economics - Eng. 92, Engineering Law - Eng. 20, History of Engineering - Eng. kO, Transportation Development - Eng. kl, Transportation Problems - Eng. 29, Primary Civilian Pilot Ground Course - Eng. 30, Secondary Civilian Pilot Ground Course - Railway Curricula Abandoned - Curriculum in Railway Civil Engineering, I939-I1O - Curriculum in Railway Electrical Engineering, 1939-^0 - Curriculum in Railway Mechanical Engineering, 1939-^+0 - Engineering College Courses and Curricula in 1941-1+2 - Common Program for Freshmen - Agricultural Engineerixig - Ceramic Engineering - Ceramics - Civil Engineering - Option in Aeronautical Engineering - Public-Health Engineering Curriculum in Civil Engineering - SyntpoBlum on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering - Electrical Engineering - General Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Mining and Metallurgical Engin- eering - Engineering Physics - New Curricula and Curricular Reviaions for 19^4 - Curriculum in Mining Engineering Revised - Aeronautical Engineering - First Curriculum in Aeronautical Engineering. CHAPTa^ XXIII.- WARTIME TRAINING IN .ENGINEERING 719 World War I - Intercollegiate Intelligence Bureau - School of Military Aeronautics - Students' Army Training Corps - War-Service Records - World War II- Accelerated Schedule of Instruction - Engineering Instructors on Leave for War Service - Civilian Training - CA.A. War Training Service - Reserve Officers' Training Corps - Army Specialized Training Program - ASTP Curricula - ASTP Enrollments - Navy Training Programs - School for Navy Signalmen - School for Diesel-Engine Operators - School for Diesel- Engine Officers - V-l, V-5, and V-7 College Programs - Training Program V-12 - V-12 Curricula - V-12 Enroll- ments - War-Time Extension Service in Engineering Education. CHAPTER XXIV.- UNIVERSITY EXTENSION IN ENGINEERING 7^3 Engineering Conferences and Short Courses - Highway Short Course - Con- ference on Highway Engineering - Illinois Traffic Engineering Conference - Surveying Conference - Drainage Conference - Short Coiurse for Firemen - Illinois Miners' and Mechanics' Institutes - Congress on Labor Problems- Short Course on Coal Utilization - Electric Metermen' s Short Course - Electric Metermen' s Conference - Short Course in Plumbing, Heating, and Hydraulics - Sewage Treatment Works Operators' Short Course - V/ater Treatment Plant Operators' Short Course - Ceramics Short Course - Clay-Product Plant- Operators' Conference - Conference on Glass Problems - The Midwest Enamelers Symposium ajid the Porcelain Enamel Institute Forum - Conference on Air-Conditioning - Diesel Engine Short Course - Short Course on the Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures - Corres- pondence or Home Study Courses - Mechanical Engineering - Physics - Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - Electrical Engineering - General Engineering Drawing - Railway Qigineering - Mining Engineering - Civil Engineering - Miscellaneous Courses - Extramural Courses - Civil Engineering - General Engineering Drawing - Engineering Extension - National Defense Program - Engineering, Science, and Management War Training - School for Diesel- ihgine Officers. CHAPTER XXV.- THE ENGINEERING EXPERIMMT STATION 76? Development - Purposes that could be served by an Engineering Experiment Station at the University of Illinois - Founding of the Station - Administration of Station Affairs - Equipment and Facilities - Experiment Station Quarters - Levels Established for Station Performance - Collaboration between the University and other State Departments - Finances - Cooperative Investigations - Form of Contract for Cooperative Investigations - Personnel - Director - Assistant Director - Assistants to the Director - Draftsman - Research Staff - Research Graduate Assistantships - Number of Persons on the Station Staff - Publications - The Ceramic Industries - Porcelains - Clay Bodies - Refractory Materials - Glass - Vitreous Enamels - Glazes - Gypsum Plasters - The Chemical- Engineering Industries - Coking of Coal - Weathering and Storage of Coal - Other Studies in the Chemistry of Coal - Alloys - The Chemistry of Ice Production - Einbritlle- ment of Boiler Plate - Boiler-Water Treatment - Fractional Distillation - the Catalytic Oxidation of Ethyl Alcohol - Unit Operations - Flue-Gas Treatment - Hydroxylation of Double Bonds - ELectro-Organic Chemistry - Concrete and Rein- forced Concrete - Fundamentals of Concrete and Reinf orced-Concrete Construction - Haydite Concrete - Reinforced-Concrete Building Construction - Reinforced- Concrete Slabs and Bridges - Reinforced Concrete Arches - Other Engineering Materials and Ehgineering Structures - Steel and Steel Shapes - Steel Structures • Foundations - Timber Beams - Culvert Pipe - Miscellaneous - Fatigue of Metals - Definition - General Investigations on the Fatigue of Metals - Fatigue in Rail- way Car Axles - Creep in Lead and Load Alloys - Lead Sheathing - Land Drainage and Flood Control - Stream Flow - Flood Flow - Principles of Hydraulics - Flow and Measurement of Water - The Hydraulic Ram - Engineering Sanitation - Hydraul- ics and Pneumatics of House Plumbing - Sewage Disposal - The Electrical Indus- tries - Iron and Iron Alloys Melted in a Vacuum - Electronics - Sound in Motion Pictures - Radio Communication - Telephone Communication - Meter Performance - Illumination - High-Potential Circuits - The Electron Theory of Magnetism - Analysis of Flow in Networks of Conductors or Conduits - The Coal-Mining Industry - Coal-Mine Operation - Mine Ventilation - Mechanical Engineering Industries - Prime Movers - Steam and Steam Power - Gas and Automotive Power - Thermodynamics - Properties of Steam- Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning - Warm-Air Furnaces and Heating Systems - Direct Steam and Hot-Water Heating Systems - Summer Cooling of Residences - Flow of Air through Orifices in Circular Plates - Hand-Firing of Bituminous Coal - Ventilation Research on the Holland Vehicular Tunnel - Mechanical Refrigeration - Ammonia Vapor - Ammonia Condensers - Flow of Brine in Pipes - Shop Production and Management - Molding Samd - Core Oils - Twist Drills - Spur Gears - Metallurgical Industries - Electric Welding of Structural Steel - Heat-Treatment of Steel - The Hardenability of Steel - Micro- scopic Structure of Steel - Acoustics of Buildings and Building Materials - Acoustics of Auditoriums - Acoustics of Building Materials - Highway Engineering - Railway Track and Rolling Stock - Stresses in Railroad Track - Transverse Fissures in Steel Rails - Continuous Welded Rails - Shelly Spots in Steel Rails - Fatigue Failure in Rail Joint Bars - Locomotive Operation - Locomotive Front Ends - Railway Train Resistance - Railway Car-Wheel and Brake-Shoe Performance - xi Summary - List of PuTsllcations Putlished by the Engineering Experiment Station - Bulletins - Circulars - Reprints. CHAPTBR XXVT. - THE STUDENT BODY 83U The All-University Student Body and Its Affairs - Early Working, Living, and Social Conditions - The University' s Early System of Student- Labor - Student and Student-Faculty Relationships - Daily Chapel Exercises - Student- Government Systems - Early Government Plan - The University of Illinois Union - Student Council - Student Senate - Student Housing - Student Publications - The Student - The Illini and the Daily Illini - Other Student Publications - Military Training - Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps - Organized Athletics - The Interscholastic Track Meet - The State Basketball Tournament - Student Organizations and Associations - The Illinois Industrial University Telegraphic Association - Literary Societies - The Star Course - Intercollegiate Debating - Intramural Debating - The Men's and Women's Leagues - The Interfraternity and the Pan-Hellenic Councils - Men's Independent Ward Association - Women's Group System - Young Men' s Christian Association - Young Women' s Christian Association - Social Fraternities - Social Sororities - Student Social Events - All-Univer- sity Class Dances - Military Hops - The Military Ball - Other Social Events - Student Engineering and Scientific Clubs including Student Chapters of National Qigineering Societies - All- Engineering Societies - Student Branch of the American Association of Engineers - Departmental Technical Societies - Civil Engineering - The Civil Bagineers' Club - Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers - Mechanical Engineering - The Mechanical Ehgineering Society - The Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Society - The Mechanical Engineering Society again - Student Branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Architecture - Architects' Club or Architectural Club - Electrical Engineering - Electrical Engineering Society - Student Branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers - Ceramic Engineering - The Ceramics Club - Student Branch of the American Ceramic Society - Mining and Metallurgical Engineering - Mining Society - Mineral IMustries Society Affiliated with the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Ehglneers - Railway Engineering - Railway Club - General Qigineering - Illinois Society of General Engineers - Physics - Engineering Physics Society - Agricultural Engineering - Student Branch of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers - Aeronautical Engin- eering - Student Branch of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences - Student Membership in Engineering Societies - Honor Scholastic Societies and Frater- nities - All-University Organizations - Phi Kappa Phi - Sigma Xi - Phi Eta Sigma - All- Engineering Honor Fraternities - Tau Beta Pi - Sigma Tau - Depart- mental Honor Fraternities - Eta Kappa Nu - Keramos - Pi Tau Sigma - Gargoyle - Delta Mu Epsilon - Chi Epsllon - Sigma Epsllon - Phi Alpha Lamba - Phi Sigma Phi - Alpha Sigma Mu - Professional Societies and Fraternities - All-University Organizations - Synton - All-Ehgineering Organizations - Triangle - Theta Tau - Tau Pi - Sigma Phi Delta - Departmental Organizations - Scarab - Alpha Rho Chi - Mu San - Alpha Alpha Gamma - Student Administrative Organizations - The Associa- tion of Engineering Societies of the University of Illinois - Engineering Societies of the University of Illinois - Bogineerlng Council - Illini Engineers - Cooperative Supply Store - Engineering Cooperative Society - Engineering Student Publications - The Illinois Technograph - The Architectural Year Book - The Illinois Ceramist - Engineers' Day Activities - Illinois Engineers' Day - Engineering Student Exhibitions - Physics Open House - Mechanical Engineering Open House - Electrical Engineering Show - Engineering Open House or Illinois Student Engineering Exhibit - Student Amateur Radio Stations - Radio Station 9BCS - Radio Station W9Z0L - Engineering Student Honors - Biglneering Prizes and Awards Limited to the University - All-Engineering - The Schaefer Essay Prize li)il^ xii Sigma Tau Prize - The Technograph Prizes - Departmental - Architectvire - The Plym Fellowship in Architecture - The Plym Foreign Scholarship in Architectural Engineering - The Northwestern Terra Cotta Company Prize - The Llewellyn Prize - The Ricker Prize in Architectural History - The Van Dort Prizes - The Plym Prizes for Architectural Engineers - The Plym Prize for Summer Sketches - The Plym Prize for Sketch Prohlems - The Allerton American Travelling Scholarships - The Lake Forest Foundation for Architecture and Landscape Architecture - The Gross Prize - American Institute of Architects School Medal - Scarah Medals - Gargoyle Certificate - Civil Engineering - Ira 0. Bdker Prizes - Awards of the Central Illinois Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers - Awards of the Illinois Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers - Awards of the Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers - Mechajiical Bigineering - American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Prizes - Central Illinoit Section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Prizes - Pi Tau Sigma Prize - Electrical Engineering - Eta Kappa Nu Prize - Ceramic Qigineering - KeramoB Prize - Prizes and Awards not Limited to the University - American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Prize - Highway Prize - John Smeaton Award - Tau Beta Pi Fellowship - American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engin- eers' Prize - Engineering Student Dehating Contests - Engineering Student Social Events - All-College Affairs - Engineering Dances - St. Patrick's Ball - All- Engineering Smokers - Departmental - Class Dinners and Smokers - The Archltec- tviral Fete aiA Fine Arts Ball. CHAPTIR XXVII.- ENGINEERING EUROLLMEKT, DEGREES, AND GRADUATES 917 Enrollment - Undergraduate Student Enrollment - Graduate Student Enroll- ment - Engineering Degrees - Baccalaureate Degrees - Certificates and Degrees - Baccalaureate Degrees Conferred - Advanced Degrees - Academic Degrees - All- University Graduate School Fellowships - Engineering Research Fellowships - Masters' Degrees Conferred - Professional Degrees - Professional Degrees Con- ferred - Doctorate Degrees - Ph. D. Degrees Conferred - Honorary Degrees - Alumni Records - Professional Records - Geographical Dlstrihution of Graduates - Vocational or Occupational Distribution of Graduates. CHAPTER XXVIII.- A SUMMARY OF THREE- QUAHTiES OF A CMTURY OF PROGRESS 955 Changes in External Factors that have Influenced the Growth of the College - The Development of the Local Community - Development within the State - Develop- ments in the Qiglneering Profession - Developments in the Nation' s Industry in General - Changes within the University Itself that Represent Progress - Growth on the Urhana Campus - Growth on the Chicago Campus - General Educational Achievements - Changes within the College of Engineering - Growth of the Engin- eering Physical Plant - Growth of the Engineering Faculty - Membership of the Engineering Faculty in Technical Societies - Faculty Participation in Qigin- eering Society Activities - Faculty Contributions to the Technical Press - Changes in the Engineering Student Body - Relative Position in the University - Changes in Alumni-Status - Achievements of the College of Engineering - Accom- plishments in Engineering Research - Accomplishments in Engineering Training - The Future. xlii TABLES Tatle Page I - University Income, I867-I88O 23 II - Number of Persons in the University Faculty, 1867-188O 2k III - Numter of Persons on the University Faculty, 188O-1891 29 IV - University Income, I88O-1891 30 V - Number of Persons on the University Faculty, 1891-I89U 36 VT - University Income, 189^- 190^^ h3 VII - Number of Persons on the University Faculty, 1894-1904 k3 VIII - University Income, 1904-1920 55 IX - Number of Persons on the University Faculty, 1904-1920 59 X - University Income, 1920-1930 64 XI - Numher of Persons on the University Faculty, 1920- 193O 66 XII - University Income, 1930-1933 70 XIII - Number of Persons on the University Faculty, 1930-1933 71 XIV - University Income, 1934-1944 77 XV - Number of Persons on the University Faculty, 1934-1944 78 XVI - Number of Persons on the Teaching and Experimental Staff of the College of Engineering, I87O-1940 90 XVII - College of Engineering Operating Expenditures, 1913-1944 IO8 XVIII - Registration in Physics Courses, 1907-1944 367 XIX - Undergraduate Registration in Courses in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 397 XX - Registration in General Engineering Drawing Courses, 1904 to 1944 532 XXI - Numher of Volumes in the University Library, 1868-1944 589 XXII - Semester Hours Required for Graduation in Engineering 654 XXIII - Proportion of Time Allotted to the Different Groups of Subjects in the Curricula 654 XXIV - Number of University Men Enlisted in World War I 724 XXV - Registration in ASTP Curricvaa, Engineering, World War II 733 XXVI - Registration in V-12 Curricula, Engineering, World War II 74l XXVII - Departmental Authorship of Engineering Experiment Station Publications 78O XXVIII - Registration of Undergraduate Students by Years and Depart- ments in the College of Engineering and Total Registration in the University, 1867 to 1945 919 XXIX - Undergraduate Enrollment by Classes in Engineering, 1904 to 1945 923 XXX - Enrollment of Graduate Students in Baglneerlng, 1902-1945 926 XXXI - Summciry of Baccalaureate Degrees Conferred by the College of aigineering, 187O to 1945 931 XXXII - Summary of Masters' Degrees Conferred by the Graduate School on Students in Bigineering and Engineering Majors, I906 to 1945 939 XXXIII - Summary of Professional Degrees in Engineering Conferred by the Graduate School, I891 to 1945 944 XXXTV - Summary of Ph.D. Degrees in Engineering Conferred by the Graduate School with Majors in Departments Indicated, 1910 to 1945 948 XXXV - Summary of Honorary Degrees in Engineering 951 XXXVI - Recipients of Honorary Degrees 952 XXXVII - Membership of the Engineering Faculty in the Leading Technical and Scientific Societies 964 - iiXX - IIIXX. . ;£]& to (fj. . BoY 'id" 8 + II'OTDC xiv FOREWORD This publication, "A History of the College of Engineering of the Univer- sity of Illinois, 1868- 19*^5", is an attempt to bring up to date a work that was begun by Professor Ira 0. Baker many years ago and which was partly put into manuscript form by him in 1920. Its purpose is to serve as a record or as a reference book for the members of our own staff and such others connect- ed with the University as have an interest in the College, its organization and its policies, its objectives and its achievements. The files of many of the University offices have been made available for use in the preparation of the text, and, in addition, much material has been drawn from the records of the Bureau of Institutional Research and the Univer- sity Historian, from the annual reports of the Heads of the Departments in the College of ihgineerlng and the Dean of the Graduate School, and from the semester reports of the Associate Dean of the College. Much material has been taJcen, also, from such publications as the Annual Register, the reports of the University Trustees and the University Comptroller, from The Illinois Technograph, from the regular and special periodicals published by the office of the Alumni Association, from publications issued by the Bigineering Exper- iment Station, and from special bulletins and other articles sent out by the College office and by the several College departments. I have drawn very heavily, furthermore, on President James' "Sixteen Years at the University of Illinois" . The members of the departmental staffs have been very generous in their assistance in providing materials and in reading the text. Miss Huber has read portions of the manuscript and has offered many suggestions that have led to its inqprovement. Her staff has assisted very materially by mimeo- graphing the notes. Mr. C. V. Paape also read portions of the text and offered many valuable suggestions for its ingirovement . June, 19i^7 ^' ^- ^'^« j'sseeea X.'. CHAPT3R I TES Br^GIiriJINGS OF THS JUIVERSITY CF ILLINOIS The Morrill Land- G rant Collgge Act - At an early date in the history of Illinois, the citizens of this State 'becaEie extraordinarily active in securing federal aid for the support of higher education. Among other things, the General Assembly memorialized the Congress of the Nation, j.ra^'ing the Federal Government "To appropriate to each Gtate in the Union, an amount of public land, not less in value than five-hundred thousand dollars, for the liberal endo'-jment of a system of Industrial Universities, one in each State in the Union, for the more liberal and practical education of our industrial classes, in their various j-ursuits, for the production of knov;ledge and literature needful in those pursuits, and develop- ing, to the fullest and most perfect extent, the resources of our soil and our arts, the virtue and intelligence of our people, and the true glory of our common 1 country." Particular emphasis was laid on industrial education, and much personal as well as collective v/ork was dene in the effort to secure federal Subsidies in sup- port of this particular type cf instructional training. In the light of historical events, it seems perfectly safe to say that to the peojle of the State of Illinois more than to those of any other stf^te, ^7as due the passage of a bill by Congress, approved by President Lincoln on July 2, 1862, knovm as the Morrill Land-Grant Act, - a bill that provided for a miore technical form of education than had been possible under previous conditions and one that ^^as destined to have a far-reach- ing influence on American educational policies and institutions. Under the terms of this Act, public land scrip equal to 30,000 acres for each senator and repre- sentative in Congress "for the endowment, support, and maintenance of at least one college whose leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tadtics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts — in order to promote the ,1. "Makers of the University" by Henry M. Beardsley, '79, in Alxunni Quarterly, 1910, page 2, 2. liberal and cln.sGical education of the industrial classes in the 5ever?il pursuits and professions of life". This grant thus 1^000110 the foundation for a ncsr typo of industrial education to "bo supported jointl^^ by f'lderal and state or territorial j-i-overnment s . The terms of this act, hcfover, had to be accepted and apr.liod by the states and terri- tories to their speoific objectives before July, lco7, to become effcotivc, -a proposition that served as a L-.cans for stimulating f^enerally the organization of land-grant schools in the United States, for manj;- of the present outstanding state educational institutions -vGro established "'ithin a fe"' years after that legislp.tion vas enacted. The observations 01 President Sdnund J. Jar.es regarding this natter '"ere es-^^ pecially appropriate vhen he stated: "The like of this a«t on the educational foundation has never been seen in the history of the vorld before. 'iThon ^"ou consider thf.t a largo proportion of these funds has been devoted to dcvcloning education in .•■=:ri culture and ncohanic arts pure and sinnle, you -'ill ro'ilize ho"' great an adrtition 'ms nado to the sux'i total of educational facilities by this Act of 1S62. "The Bill bears the nf^ne of Justin S. Horrill, 't.o "^as senator from Vermont "But great as is the honor due to lir. I'orrill, the real credit for originating the plan incorporated in the Lani?- Grant Aot , belon.r-- to an Illinois faiiier and professor, Johnathan 3. Turner. "Wen had talked about the desirability of rjraotical education for the farmer and the business nan. Efforts had boon made to get individual states to nal:e a,Ppropri- ations for this purpose. Efforts had been made to get the Federal Congress to make institutions '-'hich should serve these ends. They had all failed. Efforts had been nnde to got the Federal Congress to appropriate public lands lying 'vithin the various states, to t}iese states for the purpose of advancing the cause. This had boon donr in sone instances, but it had not accoip-^lished the results at nil commensurate '.vith ideas underlying this novnm.cnt. It was Johnathrui B, Turner "^'ho first propos'-^d that the Fpder'il C-ovcrnmnnt shoulri Mr>ko a grant of nublic I'-nds in supTiort of practical education in higher institutions of learning to each st-^tc in the Union." " 1 Johnathpn B. Turner served from I833 to loUS as a professor in Illinois College at Jacksonville. "From 12:^0 to I867 ho vigorously advocated 'A Fian for a State University for the Industrial Classes', and as thf bronze tablet in the ''Old' Agriculture.! Building states: 'To his persistent efforts as a cour.ngoous advocate of scientific I'ducation, the^ nation o'"'er the legislation -fhich Ipid the foundation of this University and of all our land-grant colleges' ".-Fi-'ora "U. of I, Seventy-fifth.. Anniversary, IS60-IQU3, Convocntion, llarch 2, 19^3''. 3 Conmencornent Address on June IP, 191C\ as recorded in the Alunni Q,u'^rterly, 1912, page 185. ' 3 On n,nothor occnsion, President J.ijnos spc-^^king r^.gain of the Lnjid-Grnnt Act SD.id: "I do not kno"7 of r.ny better illustration of the 'bcnefic cnt influence of sub- sidizing education by the largest potential unit, viz., the nation, than vas af- forded by the history of this L-^.nd-Grant Act of 1862. I r^m quite confident nyself that the State of Illinois '.7ould not have established nji agricultural college or an engineering school or any of the other departments of a state \inivnrsity for a full generation to come, if it had not been that the Federal Government offered this magnificent estate of half a million acres of land to the State for the es- tablishment of a college of agriculture and mechanic arts, on condition that the State ',70uld organize the institution." ■^ The Founding of the University - Pursuant to this action of the Ecderal Government under v/hich Illinois would receive U20, 000 acres of Irjid valued at *bOO,000, the General Assembly of the State of Illinois took, almost immediately, the requisite steps necessary to secure the advantages of this proposed contribu- tion by passing the follov'ing bill, signed by the Governor on February ik, I863: All ACT pccf-iiting the donation of nublic lands from Congress, ajjproved July 2, I862. . ' Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the act passed by the Congress of the United States, donating public lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture ojid the mechanic arts, approved July 2, I862, be and the provisions therein contained, accepted by this State. Section 2. Be it further enacted. That the Secretary of th« State inform the Secretary of the Interior, at 'Vashington, that the State of Illinois through their Legislature, has accepted the donation in said act. Approved February 1^, I363 . Thus, ithin a little over tight months after the passage of the Fpdoral Land- Grant Act of I862, under "'hich most of the states later established -agricultural and mechanical colleges, the State of Illinois accepted the benefits of that Act under the conditions imposed, and \vas one of the first of the Nation to consider the founding of an institution of higher learning under the terms prescribed. It took four years, ho./cver, to decide on the location of the state institution, dur- ing which time several counties of the State entered into competition to secure the location of the University by offering to donate specific sums of money, or their onuivalrnt, for the use of the school. There '-'ere several very determined efforts on the part of certain citizens of Chicago to h-ivc the mechanical division of the proposed institution located there. 1 Alumni (quarterly, October, I91U, page 2U7 4 The first one cnj.io in Jul^^ 1S6U, v/hcn Colonel Eol)crt E-i.stm.T.n of ChicAf:;o proposed to Govnrnor Y"t> k th-it onc-hilf of the funds virovirtrd hy the L'^nd-Gr.'^.nt Act for the cstpblislmcnt of ^n cducn.tionnl institution in Illinois, should he used for tho dcvnlopncnt of -^.n ,i.f^ricultur.'\l college centrally locnted ^^nd the other h^.lf to found a nechnnicrl college: in Chicn.go . In resDonso to this request, the Governor 'appointed r. connission to consider the proposition. This comnission issued r; crll for all cor-munities interested in securing the location of the educational insti- tution to ii-'J-rc application for a portion of tho funds allotted. A^'^ain, carl;-' in J nu-^.r;', lSb|;, the Chica.go ,rj;roup brought ■bcforr the Illinois General Asscnbly a petition .nsking for a division of the funds to establish a laechanical school in Chicago. Furthori.iore, Rejjrcsentativc Cooh of Cook County even presmtcd in Fcbrur.r,', ICij^j, a bill locatint-; the a.j^ri cultural school in Chaxipaign County, but establishing the technical college in Chicago. This bill was defeated -.Then the legislature adjourned -.'ithout giving it consideration. The final atteupt of Chicago interests to secure the Liecha,nical or pol,""tcchnic portion of the nc\i institution came in IS67. l.i J; nur'r:" of that yca.r, Colonel Eastnaji introduced a bill into the; Illinois Legislature requesting th:\t a portion of the L-^nd-Grant fund be set aside for the polytechnic division of the school to be loc-'ted in Chicago. The bill -vas referred to the coimiitte. on State. Institutions but after due considi-ration ■•c^.s tabled indefinitely. The Grigg<: bill, - "an Act in relation to the location of the Illinois In- dustrial University", as it was then callt'd,- finally passed by the Gener"! Asseiabl:-- on February 2'i, IZof , and signed b:-' Governor Oglcsby on February 26, fcllo'.ving, establish! d a single educational institution furnishing; instruction in both agriculture and the iiechnnic arts, located ia Urbana.. This act, providing for the incoi-jioration, organization, --.jid naintonancc of the University, gave authority to the Board of Trustees to procrcd and to foruul-ite pl-ins for the de- velovraent of the acM University, provided certaan conditions or sti ^ulations could be met by Ch^japaign County. These conditions "crc duly Liet, for in addition to 1 "The E.-rly History of the College of Unginecring of the University of Illinois", by Fred K. Turner, The Tcclinograiih, October, 1033i p-igcs J-Z 5 the ispecial cndovmient by Congressional grpjit of USO.OOO r-cros of scrip land, there was a donation hy Champaign County of $U00,000 including $100,00 in County bonds, one thousand acres of land, and a splendid university building practically ready for use that had been constructed for seminary purposes, kno'.'.'n as the Urbana and Champaign Institute. In addition, Mr. M. L. Dunlap delivered to the Board $2,000 v/orth of sha.de and ornamental trees and shrubbery according to his contract, and the Illinois Central Railroad pledged the svun of $50,000 in freight over its 1 lines. The Governing Body - The Board of Trustees . - The original state law creating the University in I867, placed the institution under the supreue control of a Board of Trustees consisting of the Governor, the Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, and the President of the State Board of Agriculture, '.7ho \7ere members cx- officio , and twenty-eight citizens to be appointed by the Governor, - five from each of the grnjid Judicial districts of the State, and one from each of the thirteen congressional districts. On account of the size, the body '^as found to be unwicldly , and in I873. the number of members '.'/as reduced to elevin,- the Governor and the President of the State Board of Agriculture, ex-off icio , and nine others who were still appointed by the Governor, three from ea,ch of the grand Judicial divisions of the State. In 1837, ^ If^w -ins passed mailing membership in the Board of Trustees r:lcctivc at a general state election and restoring the Superintendent of Public Instruction as a member ex-off icio . There were at that time, therefore, three ex-officio and nine elective members. In I917, the General Assembly passed a la'.' reorganizing the adtiinistrat ion of the Stat'e government. Under this law, the office of the President of the State Board of Agriculture was abolished on J.i^.nuary 1, 1919t •'^^d- since that time the Bo.ard of Trust(Mjs has been composed of two ex-officio and nine elective members. The nine members arc elec- ted at large by the voters of the State at the time of the gen^?ral elections, for .a term of six years, -the terms of three exjoiring every second year. 1 First Annu.al Report of the Board of Trustees, 1868, page 6 IXitics of the 3or..rd. of Trustees . - B-' In'.'f, the Board of Ti-ustot^s is coninittcd to siilcct the chief cx<-:cutive officer of the Univornity, to appoint arid promote members of the faculty upon his rcconncndation, to provide as far as possible the revenues required to nect the financial needs of the institution, .^xid to dctcrnine the conditions of their expenditure. It nust sanction all general rules and regu- lations for the conduct of the University and all najor cducationnj. policies fornu- latcd by the University faculty; but at no tine docs the Board itself operate as -an executive body. Stated Liorc specifically as provided by the la'7 enacted for the organization and maintenance of the Illinois Industrial University, "The trustees shall have po'.7er to provide the requisite buildings, apparatus, and conveniences; to fix the rates for tuition; to appoint such professors and insti-uctors, and establish and provide for the nanagencnt of such model farms, model art, and other departments and professorships, as may be required, in the most thorough manner, such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the meclia.nic arts, and military tactics, r/ithout excluding other scientific and classical studies." Since 1S73. the President of the Board has been chosen by the members of that body from among its ovn group for a term of one year. The Board is further or- g-^nized by the appointment of an executive committee ^nd of several standing com- mittees that give special consider.ation to matters cf general University policy and to student, a.lunni , rxA other needs. The Board meets once a month and at such other times as arc necessary for the transaction of business requiring special attention. Its proceedings arc published in biennial reports addressed to the Governor and the Gcnor-il Assembly. Educational Cbjoctives and Policies of the Pioneer Board of Trustees .- Section h of the Land-G-rnj-it Act of Congress in lSb2 provided that the le-iding objective of the University shall be " .ithout excluding other scientific and classical studies -nd including military tactics, to te^ch such branches of learning as arc related to agriculture nnd the mechanic n,rts, in such manner as the legislatures of the State may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and 7 practical education of the industrial classes in their pursuits and professions of life". 1 The University Catalogue and Circular of I867 stated :"The hope of the Trustees and Faculty is that the Institution will produce scholars of sound learn- ing, but also of practical sense and skill - men abreast V7ith the tines - men of Christian culture, trained to affairs, and able and v/illing to lend r\. helping hand in all great practical enterprises of this most practical age; fitted to be lenders, if need be, in those mighty industrial interests on v/hich the social v>'ell-being and civilization of our country so much depend. It is also their aim and hope that the University shall contribute to the increase and diffusion of knowledge of real science, and especially of that science ryhich bears upon and promotes the useful art s . " In accordance with the Federal Land-G-rant and the State acts previously men- tioned, "and under vrhich the University is organized, it holds as its principal aim to offer freely the most thorough instruction which its means ;'ill provide, in all the branches of learning useful in the industrial arts, or necessary to 'the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes, in the several pursuits and professions of life'. It includes this all useful learning - scientific and 2 classical - all that belongs tc sound and thorough scholarship". The report of the Committee appointed by the Board of Trustees to consider "Courses of Study and Faculty" for the Illinois Industrial University contained k among others the follo'/ing statements: 1 Page U 2 University Catalogue and Circular, I875-76, page 23. 3 At its first meeting, which was held in Springfield on liarch 12, I867, the Board of Trustees appointed John Milton G-regory as Regent , -Doctor Gregory accepting the appointment and entering upon the duties of his office on April 1 following, as described later. At that same meeting, the Board appointed a Committee consist- ing of the E.egent-ele-ct'.and four truytees.to formulate an outline of the general aims of the University, and a plan of "Courses of Study and Faculty" for the Illinois Industrial University. At its second meeting, which '/as held on May ], 1267, in the Chapel of the Urbana and Champaign Institute, -the stiricture that was soon to be taken over for University purposes, -the Board adopted the masterly re- port of the Regent and his Committee. So much preliminary work was necessary to place the University in lino with this report, however, that the formal opening of the institution was postponed until the following year. U.F^rgi ^QHual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University g "A clearer insight into the roal intention of the Congressional grant may be gained if ve call to mind that the colleges, existing at the time of the passage of the act mnJcing this great grant, '•'ere adapted only to fit men for the so-called 'learned professions', and that the influence of these colleges tended to with- dravj their students from the pursuits of industry. Congress therefore proposed to create a new class of colleges, iivhich should train men for industrial pursuits, and help to turn some portion of the great currents of educated life into the channel? of industry. They aimed to link learning more closely to later, and to bring the light of science more fully to the aid of the productive arts.. Any other inter- ]jretation of the design of Congress than this t'ould involve an absurdity. "The Industrial College v/as not an expression of Congressional condemnation of the ordinary college, or opposition to it. A grant of a township of land in each ne'.v State had already provided for State Universities of the common sort. And be- sides these, rich and po'verful seats of learning were cvur^/v^here fitting men for the great public fields of Law, Medicine ajid Theolog;^'. Congress only sought to extend still wider the benefits of science and liberal culture. They wished to establish other seats of learning, equally great and equally po'-'crful, -.vhich should send scholars of high scientific attainments and broad and liberal culture, to the farms and workshops of the country. "The Comnitteo profoundly appreciate and commend the far-reaching wisdom and • beneficence of these aims of the congrc^ssional grant, .-^id would seek to carry them out to the very letter. They have discussed thus fully the intent of the Congressional enactment, in order to' brush aside the false impressions which may have gained currency, and to bring out into clearer relief this grand idea of the Industrial University, as it lies involved in both State and National statutes- a true University, organized in the interest of industrial, rather tllan of the pro- fessional pursuits, and differing from other Universitii,s in that its departments arc technological rather than professional- schools of Agriculture and Art, rather than schools of Medicine pnd Law. Its central educational courses, while equally broad p.nd liberal arc to be selected to fit men for the study and mastery of the groat br.'xnches of industry, rather than to serve as introductions to the study of law, medicine, or theologj''. "The broad idea of the Industrial University proceeds upon two fundnmental as- sumptions: First, that the agricultural and mechanical arts are the peers of any others in their dignity, imjiortance and scientific scope: ".nd, Socond, that the thorough mastery of these arts, and of the sciences ppplicable to th^^m, requires T'n education different in kind, but as systematic pnd complete as that required for the comprchrnsion of the learn.d professions. It thus avoids the folly of offering as leaders of progress in the splendid industries of the nineteenth century, men of meager rttr.inmcnts and stinted culture, '-nd steers clear also of that other and absurder folly of supposing that mere common school boys, -'ithout any thorough discijiline, can successfully master and -^pply the complic-'tcd sciences ■■•■hich enter into and explain tht; manifold processes of agriculture and mechanic art. . "i\'or is it to bo forgotten that man is something more th.",n an artis-m, and that manhood has duties nnd interests higher -md gmjider th^.n those of the './orkshop and the farm. Sducation must fit for society and citizenship, -,s well as for science and industry. The educated agriculturist .".nd mech.-nic will not infrequent- ly be called to serve in Senate Ch-^mbers .and gab ern.ato rial chairs, and will need ■an education broader and better th.an the simple knowled,:;e of his art. "The State h-is need cvor;;r-^hcre, but cspccinlly in the center nnd ^t the head of the groat industries, on -.'hich, as corner stones, rest dovm her Lia.tcrial prepress ^nd pov/er, of broad- 'breasted, -./isc-heartcd, clear- thinking ncn of rich, deep culture, and sound education. "And besides all this, it should be reflected that half of the public value of educated and scientific a(_;riculturists and ncchanici.-uis -.vill be lost, if they lack the litcrar:" culture '7hich --'ill enable then to coimunica.tc throuf;h the press, or by public speech, their kno-.;lcdec and discoveries; or if they a,rc ••'antinr in that thorough discipline -.vhich '.-fill ur^jzc theu active and conprtent invest igators and inventors, lon{^ after their school days are over. "******** Let the State opo -'ide, then this Picri.-'ii fountain of learning. Let her bid freely all her sons to the full and unfailing;: flo:?: those ■vhosn thirst or -.vhosc needs are little, to -'hat they rcouire; those whose thirst and "'hose cajj-'Cities arc large, to r^rinlt their fill. Let the University bo nadc v'orthy of the ^-^reat State -'hoso nano it bears; '.vorthy of the j-rand r.jid stlcndid industries it see'rs to pro.ioto; and -'orthy of the great century in -/hich '7e live". "The Industrial University such as -'e arc planning is, in '-. large part, '.'ith- out precedent or oxaxiple. The field of its labors is as 2'ct untrackcd in its ■'idcst stretches. The very classes for -'hon its benefits arc designed arc as yet not half persuaded of the importance r.nd real value of those bcmfits. The farners and mechanics, accustomed to regard higher cduca.tion as needful and desinble only for profcssion/il men, and almost '.Tholly incredulous as to the utility of science in its applications to their -'ork, 'vill look "dth slo-'-coning faith upon a Uni- versity '.-'hich proposes to m-iro faming scientific ermloj/Tncnt , and to lift the mechanics into a learned profession. They have, in ma.ny cases, yotk to be con- vinced that a, highly cultured mind may be linked to a. brav.'ny hand, and that -i, classical scliolar may feci a,t home in r. '.;orkshop; "ye J -nd find use for m,11 his scholarship and taste in the successful practice of his •'^rt. "But the age is propitiou:^. The '.'orking masses of mankind arc •..'•^king to their needs, and calling for light. The thunder of the machinery- by the side of 'jhich they toil, and the ma^gic po-..'er of the nc'v processes of arts ••'hich they daily cm- ploy, have roused the long sliinbcring povcr of thought. 3i\ains arc coning into use "Xid honor in -^ll the fields of human labor, and brains v/ill speedily demand light ■ nd kno" 'ledge. In an age of leai'ning, the fa.n;.cr ajid the mechanic -'ill soon cone to covet the rich hi.ritagos of science for their sons. Alrc'd;'' t)ie children of the l-^boring cla.snos are cro'Tding the -public high schools. They -'ill not stop thiu-e. The University lies the next step beyond. Thoy ■'111 cro'-d to its doors; and soon ''ill begin to issue from its halls that long column, '.'ith its yc-U'ly -additions, of gradJ-atcs "ith broad brcs, and science-lighted brains, bca.ring back to tlie faiTis and "'oi-ksh-ops -^n ir.tclligent skill -nd po'.'cr, to invoke new and un-'ontcd fruitfulness fro:.; the soil ">id from the nrc]ianic art". These statements of the founders of the University point very definitely to the conclusion that these i;ionei rs hoped to raise the status of t]ie mech-^nic arts to tl^e level of -r learurd profession a.nd to nirovide i-yste- vatic training in the field of r'p-allcd scieTiCe that 'Tould improve '-ad incron.sr the, ^irocosscs of produc- tion rnd evolve a gre.-^t era of industri-l enterprise. As "O rrcord the events of ( iisuing years, '/e ri:alizc it is little iiore tJian •\ truism to s-y that the pl".ns 10 the:^ laid for the doveloi^inent of a ^rreat educational plant v.'ere axriply Justified and tile hopes the;-- held have oeen signally realized no dou'bt, far beyond their fondest dreans. Proposed Depart uents and Courses of Stud;"- The report of the Recent and the four Trustees nade in 12o7 and discussed at some length in previous paragraphs contained the follo',7in,r outline of propo;;,ed departments and courses of study for 1 the ne- institution: I A,-ricultural departnent 1. A-ri culture 2. Horticulture 3. Lanf'-Gcaj-ie gardening II Folyts-:chnic de-oa3'tr.ient 1. Mechanical science and art 2. Civil engineerin.'^ 3. liininc and metallurgy U. Architecture and fine :;.rts III Military depart rient i. Hiif-ineering ^ 2. Tnctics IV Cho^.iistry mid na,tural r.ciimce V Trade and coniierce VI General science nnd liternturc 1. Mathematics 2. I'atural history, chenistry, etc. 3. Sn-^lish language and literature K. Modern languages and literature 3. Ancient languages and literature 6. History and social science 7. .Philosoi;hy (intellectual and noral) There y;as little oncouragenent to "bo found anong educators of those times in support of efforts to "build u,.i a school teaching the fundamentals of the iicchanic arts, for practically all of the institutions of higher learning were interested only in trio r^im Ir,, clf.-.sical, or liberal rrt<3 courr.cs; --md the proponents of that type of ;:chool loohi'd v/ith gruat derision a.nd scorn upon my attempts to formulate oolicico that had a;; their aim the teaching of the mechanic arts. Because of this sta.tc of affairs, thert; nas little precedent to follo'^' in modeling the nolytcchnic 1 Ibid., page 50 11 or engineering division of this ne-.7 school, for engint;cring education iDeing a conparatively ne^v field, ^^as offered in only a fe'7 institutions at that time. Hcnnscloar Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Cornell University had been started only two or three ye- rs previously. The University of Michigan had been giving some courses in engineering for several years, and a few other schools taught a fer/ engineering subjects. In the main, however, there was little for a v;cstern school to follow; such an institution had to pioneer its own coui'sc of detcrnination. After this brief account of the various legislative acts creating the Universi- ty, the rosuine of the ains of those who founded it and soiic mention of the general plan of adiainistrative control, it scens appropriate to review the steps tnircn in opening the University, to present brief biographical sketches of each of its execu- tive heads, known at first as regents, but later as presidents, and to record the outstanding events of their several adninistrationG. 12 CHAPTER II Till] ESGEIJTS Ai;D TiaiR ADIIIillSTaATIONS General - From the time of the opening of the University until 1S9^, the chief executive officer of the University was called Regent, 'vho vras appointed by the Board of Trustees. Until 1S73. he v/as made ex-off icio a member of the Board of Trustees and presiding officer of both the Board and the faculty, but after 1873» the president of the Board v/as chosen by the Board itself from among those of its own gi-oup. The regent '.7as res]ionsible for the preparation of the budgets and for the ad- ministration of the general policies defined by the Board of Ti'ustees for the con- duct of University affairs. TThile it v/as in existence from lSb7 to I89U, the office of regent was held by three persons: viz., by John Hilton Gregory from IS67 to 1S3C; by Selim Eobart Peabody from 18S0 to 1',t purpos^.^, -xt teachers' institutes, and ivny tiuos at county -'.tp-'i cultural fairs talking: frou a farmer's lunber ■.r-xf;on to such rvadionces as he could di'av fron the side sho-.Ts, the stock ex- hibits, ,-'nd the horse race:;. As far as other duties vould allo'.v, he kept up this propafjanda for several ycrirs after the institution opened its doors to students. Kc '.'as a pleasine'T spenjcer, clear, forceful, eloquent; -md he ably set the needs and ideals of the University' before the people of the State; but the OTjposition he had to combat -^xionc groups in the different sections of the State, f^roups perhaps all equally in earnest to ..rouotc the nost useful forn of education, seriously re- tarded for a nunbor of years the nornal gro-'th of the University. Organization of the University into Schools nxtd Colleges -The first mention of dividing the University intr colleges '.7as in the lo7('i-71 issue of the University Catalogue and Circular. The Catalo^;:ue ^Jid Circular of lofJ-jZ states the case a little more clcai'ly, hc'evcr, in the follo'"'ing preser.tation; "The Institution is a true University in the best Ai.ierican sense, though differing designedly in char- acter of sonc of its Colleges fi'oii the older institutions of this country. It is divided into four Colleges, and these arc ag-dn subdivided into Schools.. . AuSohool is understood to enbrace the course of instruction needful for sone one profession or vocation. Schools that .-u'e cogn.".tc in character and studies, are grouped under the s.njie College". The arr.angcuent v.m.s as follows: 1 In 19'43, the college is still the nain adninistrativc and educational unit, con- prising departments or other r:rinary divisions that ,-irc grouped around conr.ion interests. Ihc School is an adninistrptivo and cduc;\tion'\l unit './hose st.atus is that bet-vcen a college and a dcT)artnent. 16 I . THE C^LLEaE OF AGRICULTURE School of Agriculture School of Horticulture II. COLLEGE OE EilGINEERING School of Mcchwiicil Engineering School of Civil Engineering School of Mining Engineering School of Architecture III. COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE School of Chemistry School of Naturn,l History School of Domestic Science IV. THE COLLEGE OF LITSRATUPJ] AITO SCIENCE School of English nnd Modern Lr'.ngu-^.gcs School of Ancient Languages V. ADDITIONAL SCHOOLS School of Miilitary Science School of Commorce School of Art and Design " Vocal and Instrumont.-^l Music, Telegraphing and Photography arc also taught, but not as parts of the regular courses." The chief advantage of the College as a unit in university organization is that such an arrangement i)rovides for "better coordination in the administration of the affairs of the several departments related by a common interest and for great- er efficiency in the conduct of the instructional and research programs. This is not meant to imply, of course, that the colleges and schools are educationally separated here. They are interdependent, and cooperate fully in the conduct of the several instinictional programs. Requirements for admission in the Early Days of the University - At f i rst , aA« mission to the University was solely by prescribed examination, and the require- ments in all colleges were very low. At that, scarcely more than half of the stu- dents could meet the conditions. In the first catalogue, the requirements for ad- mission to the regular course in science, literature, and art was natural philoso- phy (physics), physiology, algebra, geometry, latin grammar, Caesar, Cicero, Vir- gil's Georgics, and Aeneid. In addition, it was recommended that each student should be at least eighteen years of age, although the minimum was fixed by law at fifteen, As listed in the 1868-69 issue of the University Circular and Catalogue, the requirements for admission were detailed as follows: 17 1. "Each studont is required by la"; to be at least fifteen years of age, but it is believrd that fev; rdll be found nature enough at this aiiC to enter -nth the hi,:hcst profit upon the studies of the University, and it is rcconj;-,cndcd as a gen- eral rule, that students shoi-.ld be at least cii^hte^'n years old before entering. 2. "Che lav also proscribes that 'no student shall be adnitted to instructioi in any of the dcpartncnts of the University, who shall not previously undorf-^o a satisfactory o:rn::.iination in each of the branches orr'.inarily taught in the comiaon schools of the State'. In addition to those, candidates for any particular de- partment iTill bo c:canincd in such studies a.s nay be necessary to fit then to viursuc successfully the course in that dcpartnent. "The chief ain of fill nxfiainations for adnission to the University is to ascrr tain the student's preparation to pursue successfully the studies of the course. Hence, thorous^hnoss, .'Uid a general kno'7lod£;o of the subji^ct, -.vill be .accounted as of acre inportajicc than the ajiount studied. A student of ca,rncst ourposo and a vrrll-disciplinc^d nind nill often pursue a nc"f stud;' moro successfully than one of nuch more extensive preparation, but of less discipline and dilif^cnce. liuch more solicitude is felt about the progress of the student after he enters, tl:ian about the preparation lAade before he enters the University. Frequent r>Jid searching ex- aminations '■•ill be held to test the progress in study, nnd to dctorninc each stu- dent's fitness to renain in the classes. The University cannot be held responsible for the lack of thoroUf~hncss in the connon-school -.jtudics, but v.'ill insist upon thorou/^hnn-s in its O'rn propt.r studios". The Circular and Cat'do;7uo of looQ-yfJ"^ .stated: "In addition, cn,ndida,tcs for advanced standin{^ nust pass an cxarunation in each of the branches --Irculy pursued by the class, or an cquiv.-dont therefore. Those desirinr ancient lanf^,'i,<:,'0G nust })a.ss in the ordinai-y prc.yiaratory studies in such l.'vn/^a.jcs, • "There are cei-tain clcnrntary studios not yot reckoned rjiong the 'branches ordi- narily taught in the connon schools', such as Eleaentar;- Algebra, l^'atural Bhiloso- phy and English Conposition, -'hich it is strongly rcconmcnded that students shall pursue before coning to the University. They necessarily iii'ccodc the University courses. The advance of the class conpcls the discontinuance of instiaiction in tlicsc studies, and students should, if practicable, cone prepared to pass cxauii- nations in then", A t^qiical sot of c::aiii nation questions listed on pa-^es 30-33 of the 15o9-70 issue of this Circul'-.r pnd CatalocTuo, included the subjects of Ortho^^raphy, Head- ing, G-rrxanar, Aritiiiaetic, Geography, Algebra, Natur-I Philosophy, and L/inj-uagcs. The first statencnt published concerning the conditions for actaission to the Cnlloge of Engineering v.'as in the catalogue for lS71-7"-i in which the rcauiroaent s for 1872 '.7ere the "four con;."ion- school studies" ;vnd -ilso algebra to equations of the second degree, and rJ.ani- r;conctry; --.nd noticr v/as given that Vac rcquircncnts for 1273 v.'ould include "Igebra through quadratic;; and natur-^1 i)hilosophy ( clenentai'y physics), and for 1C7M-, all of gooraotiv and also botan^' 'md phy:;iology. In lo7o, 1 Page 23 is the rcquircincnts were incrcri.sod by adding bookkoc^Tiin^; and tv/o terms of English. • ■ At thnt tine the rcquircncnts for the classica course substituted r. year each of Greek -ind Latin for the English and the sciences required for the other courses of the University. Provision for the Preparatory School and Academy - The entrance requirements of the University -jcrc gradually raised through the years ajad the best high schools of the State r/cro able to keep a.broast of these requirements. The system of ac- crediting high schools, begun about I876, permitted students rrho vcrc gra,duates of such schools to enter the University without exrjninations. Ho^/ever, there were nan;/ prospective students for '.7hon no such accredited schools existed, and for these the Board of Trustees in Karch, IS/b, made a special provision by establishing a preparatory department at the University, to be opened the follov/ing September, th-^t sc^voral years later developed into the Academy. Tlic Catalogue a,nd Circular of ISJ^-JS carried this statement in this connection: "The University has steadily refused till now to open any preparatory school. Tho preparatory -70 rk is '.toII done in the many excellent High Schools of the State, a,nd the funds of the University ought not to bo diverted from their proper uses, to provide instruction in merely Preparatory Studies. A needful adwance in the standards for admission to the College courses and the necessity of providing tcuriorarily at least for those -/ho will come from places '-'here no good High Schools exist, no--- induce the Trustees to provide for preparatory classes in the studies lyinig bet'jccn the comuon school studies and the College courses . " ^ Candidates in the preparatory class h,ad to be fifteen years of age arid had to be '^blc to pass sa^tisf n.ctory examinations in arithmetic, geography, English grammar, and United States history. Educational Policies of Doctor Gregor;^ and his Administration - In his in- au.^ral address on March 11, iSfaS, Doctor Gregory stated: "It is no ordinary -'ork 'jhich -.re are set out to do, and it comes to us under no ordinary conditions. We n,rc not here to reproduce, in this ne'.7 locality, some old and '.7cll-kno'.7n style of college or university.. Nor arc '.ve permitted to sit do.Tn in quiet to invent, at our leisure, some now scheme of education, which, when settled to our own tastes, we may offer for public pa.tronagc, as a majiufacturer offers a nc'.v-fashioncd piano or plough. No such easy task of leisure hours is a.llowed us. 1 Tho requirements for cntrajicc to the College of Engineering were not chaJigod from IS76 until IS92-93, except that from IS73-7U to I09O-9I, a one-year Builder's Course was offered in the Department of Architecture for which the requirements for admission were only tho four common-school branches. 2 Page 2U. 19 Hosts of cp.rncst men .n,ro invo-tiontly --'natinij to sec ho'.'? xrc './ill meet the grc^t dut;^ ••.'hich the country iin.s entrusted 'to us," 1 The Cn,t,'dogu': and Circul-^.r of 1373. contnined the follo-'infj statement further il- lustrating the crrl;; educ-tional policies of the University": "The University'" bcinij dosi^uied not for children, but for young iicn and vromon v/ho n.%'- claim to Irnov/ somcthinf-; of their cm "ants, pov/crs pjid tastes, entire freedom in choice of studies is allo-'od to each student, subject only to such necessary Gonditions as the iirogi'css of the classes, or the convenience in teaching rc;i.uircs. It is not thought useful or right to urge every student, vithout regard to his Capacity, taste or practical vants, to trkc entire some lengthened curriculum, or course of studies. Liberty cvery'hcrc has its ris'.'s and responsibilities as ■'/ell ■IS its benefits, in schools as ",'cll as in society; but it is yet to be proved that ccmulsor;'- scholarship is necessarily better, riper and more certain than that ••'hich is free and self-inspired. Each student is expected to v/cigh carefully his o'.vn r;0'."'crE and needs, to counsel freely './ith his teachers, to chose v/ith serious and independent consider.-\t ion, the branches he ma;,' need -'ith earnestness ,and porsc- ver.ance, '--ithout faltering or fickleness, "It is necessarily required; 1st, That students shall bo thoroughly prepared to enter and keep pace ••ith the classes in studies c'.'.oson; -nc! 2nd, Th'-.t they shall tike these studies "hen they are being t.-'Ught. "It is expected that o.-'.ch student shall have three distinct studies, affording three class exercisos each dr,y, But on special ronucst to the Facult2S J-"^'^ ^"Q,'' "be allo'.'/ed less or norc, to meet the exigencies of his course. "lie changes in studies c-i^i be made after the beginning of a term, -dthout per- mission of the Faculty. ^ "It is recognized that students -'ill need advice in the selection of studies and in thi^ arra.ngcment of a proper course. To meet this need, the Fn.culty have care- fully arranged several courses of studies --hich are ex])ected to be follo--'ed by tJiosc '-'ho h'l.ve no special reasons for divergence from thc;.i, "Due care -'ill be t-iken to prevent as far as possible all abuse of the liberty of cnoice. Students failing to pass satisfactory examinations in their chosen studio;.; •■/ill not be allo'/ed to remain ■•'iid take other studies -ithout a vote of the Faculty. Experiments in thc ^ Use of Associate Examiners - In 1377 the Faculty adopted the plan of ap-;iointing anoth.er member of the staff to -assist tlie regular instructor in the subject in conducting the final ex-mi n-^t ion. Tlie -TguEients for this i-rocedure •.7erc that it •./ould acquaint t^io various members of the faculty •'ith the scope and methods of different subjects, and v'ould -ilso secure gro'iter uniformity in the method of conducting the ex'>minations ijul in gradint^ studcnits. Under this plan most, if not -^11, of the ex-amin-i.tions "cre oral. The examiners '/ere reluctnait to acceyit this mcth.od, since it "ould rcq.'airc many of them to 1 Page 21 20 pr.rticipntc in the cx.-^.ninntion of r/ork 'vith -Thich they were not fnmiliar; nnd the students './cro nervous for fen.r they v/ould be examined upon phn.scs of the sutject not fully considered in the cln,ss» As far as the functions of the special ex."jnincr •7crc concerned, they v.'Gre in a large degree perfunctorj'. After a trial of three years, the plan vias abandoned under the belief tha,t nothing good liad nor could come of it. University Finances - The ea.rly years of the University's life 'vere filled •jith perplexities due to fina.ncial stringency, v.'hich caused some clouds to gather on the administrative horizon. First, in Ma.rch, I87O, the Regent reported to the Trustees that the expenses the preceding year had been $3U,600, 'jhilc the income v;as only $32,100f a,nd reconmendcd that the deficit be met by the s''.lc of bonds re- ceived as a bonus for the location of the University, but urged that every effort be made to keep the expenses -jithin the income* Second, in IS7I, the Legisl-iture made an appropriation of $75iOOO toward the erection of a building cstim-ted to cost $150,000, -.vith the understanding tha.t at the IS72 session nn equal amount would be appropriated to finish tUe structure; but in the meantime a gigantic conflagra.tion had destroyed the business section of Chicago, and the Legislature decided to appropria.te its ava.ilablc funds for re- lieving the situation there rather than for finishing the building here.. Conse- quently, it really bccrune necessary for the Board of Trustees to sell enough endov/- mont bonds to conploto the building. Sarnest efforts -verc made later to persuade the Legislature to reimburse the endo'OTiont fund, but to no a,vail. Third, the University had expanded more r-\pidly th^ii its income -■arranted. The attendance of students increased rapidly, and the necessary expense for appar— ratus, library, and instruction increased still more rapidly; but there -as no in- crease in the endov.'ucnt nor in the income. Fourth, the endo-.-mcnt, $3lU,000, -'as invested in Illinois county and city bonds most of nhich paid 8 or 10 per cent interest; but the mnj-rcrs of the bonds had the 02)tion of paying them or of reducing the rate of interest. The outcome vas that '/ithin a fev7 years all of the bonds vTere I'efunded at a lower rate. By this rcductio 21 of the rate; of interest, the incono of the Univcraity ■bct'.'cen 1377 ^^'^ 1S33 shrunk onc-hnli . Durint'; the l.'^.st four ycp.rs of his n.toinistrr'.tion, i.e., lG75-gO, Re,'cnt Gregory in ;^evcral of -i.is rc-^orts to the Bo.-^a'd of Trustees discussed the need of nore fuiids, rind sur:;..:cstcd four t/p^s of securing a greater inconc. These '''crc, to raise tuition fees, to soouro possession of ccrt.-i.in college -and senin.ary funds held in trust Ijy the State of Illinois, to secure a fraction of a nill tax for the sup- port of the University, and to obtain a Ict^islativc appropriation for current ex- penses. The Trustees seen to have given careful consideration to the need of funds, and concluded that thr first throe methods of increasinf;: the income 'vcrc unv/isc or impracticable; but sccr.. not to h^wc left on record any definite opinion about the fourth not hod. In (Juno, IS70, the Trustees t-^a.vc notice that salaries vould probably be re- duced 10 per cent bcv~inning Sivptcubcr, IS77. In-lferch, IG77, in reicrrin,:; to this natter, the RQ^^ent in his ro^oilar ro-'iort to the Tinir.ters said: "If tlic s-i.la.rics ca.n not s;'.foly bo reduced to sue]-; extent as to brin~ then ''ithdn the djjainished income of the University, v/ill it not bo the duty of the 3oard to lay this fact before tho Lct;isla.turr of tho state that tho representative:- of tho v)eo ilr; na;^ havr^ the ori-')or- tunity to save the institution fron hai-^.i, if in their "isdon it is necessary, as Kichi._-;an and '.Visconsin h-rvo done in sinil-^r cases? T/ill the ^.eoyilo hold us jjuilt- loss if ''c .-illo"' the fair naiac and the bri:;l\t prospects of an institution -hich be- longs to then and not to us, to be sullied or blight id vithout any appeal to their rcTa-c-entativos for aid?" Evidently the 3oard t^iought s ilaries could be reduced safely, for t-icy did ro'^jicc the larger ones 'oy 10 percent. In addition, they also a.bolishcd sone positions. Apparently tlio Trustees lac'-ed f'>ith or courage to appeal to the Legislature for additional funds for current oxpenscs. Eo'.'cvcr, "in'-.n i;inediato effort to in- crc'isc receipts," thoy did authori'.';e "tho prej^aration and circul.-ition, throughout ever;, post office of the state, of circulars, posters, or ;;uch other r.dvertiscmcnts of the institution as uay bo thought best fitted to call the attention of our peopLc 22 to the University and its r>.(ivnjitn,gcs. " This method liad little, or no effect, upon the finances; and at host could not have had, since the University was spending soncthing like $150 por annum per student, '.7hile the student '.7as paying only $15, Of course, a fev more students would not have proportionally increased the total expense; Mt any considerable nunhor would have incre.-'.sed the size of the larger classes so as to have required additional teachers, and hence would have added ndarly proportional expense. In IS79, the 2rustees recommended that Lecturers , or non-resident Prof cssors-mon eminent in some special- ty of art or science, ',/ho m.Ty be employed to visit the University at specified seasons, and give cajw/a^s of lectures. Uth. Tutors , or young men, employed tempo- rarily to give insti*uction in the nore elementary studies. "■'• ^ 2 During the first tnrri, 'vjiich extended from liai-c'i 2, iSoo, to June I3, ISoo, and which iLad ;in enrollment of fifty men students, tl^c faculty ciinsisted of the Regent, who -'as also Professor of PhilosopIVi ■'^-^-^ three additional members, two of whom started at the ber;i:uiing and one began later in the tcrj.i. At the tine of the opening of the fall ter;.i of the next school year, ho'-'cvor, five additional persons had joined the faculty, so that besides the Regent there was a Professor of English Language and Literature, who was also instructor in Natural Philosoi^hy; a Professor of History and Social Science, vrho was also Insti\ictor in Latin; a Professor of Katur."! History paid Geolo.^/-; a Professor of Agriculture, wlio was also Instructor in French; a Professor of Theoretical and A]:plied Chonistry; an Assistant Professor of Natur'il Science; nnd .-ui Assistant Professor of Mathematics, -ho ''as also In- structor in Military Tactics. 1 Jirot Annual Report of the Board of Ti-ustees, 126S, page 61. 2 Report of the University of Illinois, iSoS, pages 37 and gU. 3 Wonen 'j/erc admitted in IS/O. The follovxintT; table gives the number of persons on the University faculty during the administration of Doctor Gregory: TABLE II- NUilBSR 0? FEHSOilS OK THE UNIVEESITY FACULTY, I867-IS8O Year Number of Members 1857-68 5" 136S-69 11 1869-70 19 IS7O-7I 20 1871-72 2k 1872-73 25 1873-7^ 25 lS7'+-75 30 IS75-76 27 I876-77 25 1877-7S 29 •1S7S-79 33 1279-80 29 Events of Doctor Gregory's Later Life - Doctor Gregory continued to serve as Hegent until September 1, 1880, v/hen his resignation became effective, For a time after that, he v/as a member of the Commission of Education at Washington, D.C, during '.vhich period he held the title of Professor Emeritus of Political Economy at the University of Illinois. From IS95, to I897, he was Acting President of Pennsylvania State College. Doctor Gregory passed away in Washington, D. C.,- on October I9, I898. His body was brought to the University of Illinois and placed in state in the rotunda of the Library Building (Altgeld Hall). On the following Monday, October 23, a memorial convocation was held in University Hall Chapel, following which his body was placed temporarily in a vault in Mt . Hope Cemetry. Within a short time there- after, the Board of Trustees voted that the body of Doctor Gregory be buried, in accordance with his wish, on the University Campus. This was during the following November. The site chosen was immediately west of University Hall, or as it now is, directly between the Administration and Mathenatics Buildings, a site marked by a clump of low-growing evergreens surrounding a bronze tablet mounted on a boulder removed from the ground during the construction of Lincoln Hall. President ' Draper's Eulogy - The remarks of President Draper in opening the memorial convocation assembled to pay last tribute to Doctor Gregory seem very 1 "Sixteen Years at the University of Illinois",, page 129 , appropriate to close the histor;' of the first rcgcnc-/-. "John Hilton Grcgorv came hero in the spring of I867 to nakc plans for this University'", to lay the very bottoia stones of its foundations, ajad, a year later, to stand in its doorway/ and receive its first students. Ho'.7 singularly qualified and ad;ir,ted he was for such a '.Tork, for years has been upon the lips of many, hut Can never he told too often. "He was then at the ai,-o of forty-five. He v.'as a sound English and classi- cal scholar. Ec had even norc than the ordinary versatility of thoi-ough scholar- ship, and he had already had nuch experience in educational administration. Cn occasions he v/rotc poetry of no mean order; silvery chines rang melodies in the teraplo of his soul. Our art gallery vill al'.vays bear 'fitness that he had the eye and the feeling of an artist. Kg '7as a clerg^.T-ian. Hot only v/as his heart keyed to the riusic of the huiianitics and concccratcd to the servic-e of the Master, but his nind had been disciplined by the coldly intcllecturil and logical philosophy of Calvin. He had studied the La'-v. Ho kncj the stor^'' of its dcvclopnent and vcncr^ ated it for what it had cost. Kc had the battles of mankind for freedom and for progress engraved upon his hcai't, and v/as thoroughly familiar ^ith the growth of institutions. He Ivad many of the oloments of a statesman. In a v/ord, he know histor^/-, and guided by its lights, could look clearly into the future. He vjas a forceful v/riter and an orator 'vho could comm.and a hearing. Ho had courage. He had Puritnii blood in his veins, and it settled the -va;' in vhich he '70uld maintain a, conviction. Ho could -'ithstand an assault or he could lead an advance; he could rise to an occasion or he could wait "Tith patience and bide his timci Perhaps more than all else he was a teacher. Ho had been an apt pupil, an ardent admirer and a strong friend of Sliphalot ITott of Union College, th.-tn whom no man in America had inspired and molded more lives. He acquired the spirit and ways of his own great college president. H.,- could put his heart against the hearts of others and warm them, ;ind he could linl; his mind into the minds of otxiers to draw them out and in- vigorate then. Again a:id again former students have testified to «ic, and in tcle- gr.aia and letter are hourly testifying nov/, of the u^olifting and lasting influence of Dr. Grcgorj^ upon their lives. "Ihcse different qualities, blended together, mcllo'-'cd nnd. refined by ex- perience, produced ,an altogether unusual m,aii, one '.vho could manage men --aid lead movcnonts as well; one v/ho could deal with the cvciv-day questions of educational detail bettor than most men could do it, but who could not be content with doing that alone; one vho could both fire souls and build institutions, and v.'hose frail body was charged -jith a spirit v-jiich would permit ]'dm to do nothing less. "Even more, and '.-hat is more import'\nt to us, there '..'ere not a hnlf a do::en other men in the world thirty years ago -'ho sa'.v, as he did, the necessity of the nc:ct groat step '.rhich "as imperative to the complete and enduring development of popular education. His knowledge of history, his stud;- of economics, his frequent conta,ct v/ith questions of st.ato, and his love for the common brothei-hood of m.an led him to sec that the old system of education ".as not equal to the support of demo- cratic institutions. This particular kno-'lcdge was the consiuiing fire in his soul. The enlargement of the educ-i.tion.-a plriji so that it should carry the opportunity for a. collegiate education to over;-,- hone, and so th.at the influence of liberal learning should bear directly upon the vocations of the industrial masses, '7as the matter to '.7hich he was impelled lij an irrestiblc imioulse of his heart to give the great powei's of his mind. "Shis is the particul.ar 'vork ho undertook for the jieoplo of the prairies and the ne'.T to'jns of this then pioneer common'..'ealth. His plans '.vere adequate. He kncv; that in cssentia_s they v/ero imperative. He did not bo'.-7 his head to the de- mand '-.'hich the thoughtless multitude made for merely practical training, for he kne'-" that '.7hat '7as denrijided '.70uld be neither scientific nor practical, nnd that i.'0 it must be both if it '.7oul(i endure; he ".7ould have been falso if he had wnvered, and he could not be false. He '.7ould never lower the plan of education: he would uplift the coEimon life. The croTrd '.vas disposed to ridicule his theories and over- throv; his plans, but he '.7ould not allon it, and as he '.vas right there \7as no need to allo\7 it. In all this he but brought his personality to the surface of affairs. If he had permitted himself to be controlled by the crowd he v/ould have disappeared in the crovfd, and the University of Illinois would have been insufficient for its constituency and un"./ortlv the great State for \7hich it stands. "His humanity, his learning and his courage laid the foundations not of a merely technical school, but of a University ready to supply instruction in any branch of advanced learning to anyone prepared to receive it. This distinguished him from among his fcllov/s: it won him the enduring gratitude of Illinois and of the friends of progress throughout the world, in his own and in all generations. His students v;ill cherish his memory for what he did to shape their lives, and well they may: but the University that is now, and the still greater University that is to be, will hold him in tender recollection for what he did for it. In- deed, his work is respected and his memory has become already a sacred influence in our life, but their value and their beauty will be more manifest to the Uni- versity, the State and the Comitry, with each of the coming years which is yet un- wound from the great reel of infinite time. "Wo mny take such formal steps as we can to honor his memory no'.7; but what we do v;ill seem feeble indeed; the University is his monument. He received from the State v/hose citizen and benefactor he became at middle life many marks of es- teem; he was sent abroad upon important missions and called to high public service by the General G-overnmcnt more than once: but the honors which will be most sub- stantial and last the longest will be the minds he quickened and the soulS he in- spired through personal contact, and yet more througli the form which he was able to give and the spirit which ho was able to breath into the University. These will be reproduced and multiplied infinitely". B, S3LIM HOBAHT PEA30DY, REGEMT 1380-1891 Barly Training and Experience - Selim Hobart Peabody was born in Rockingham, Vermont, on August 20, I829, was grad\iated from the University of Vermont in I852, and received his Fh. D. degree there in IS77. On March 11, 1S68, University In- auguration Day in Urbana, he was selected as the first professor in the University and was offered the chair of Mechanical Science and Engineering; but after consider- ing the matter for a year, declined. Ho did accept an invitation later, however, to join the University, for on October 10, I878, more than ton years after his first appointment, he became Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Physics, Near the close of March, I88O, he resigned to accept an attractive position in New York City as editor-in-chief of what later became the International Encyclo- pedia. On July 27, of that srune year he was called back to the University as Professor of Meclianical Engineering and Physics and as Regent pro t empo re , for 1 John Milton Gregory, LL. D, , Memorial Convocation, pages 5-8. 27 Regent G-rcgor;;.'- hnd nnnouncod his ovm resignation at the Councnceiacnt exercises on June S, 1S80. Dr. Pcal)od,v assuned his ne'j duties on Au(r;ust 15, follor/ing, p,nd on March 9, 1881, the next regular tine for appointing regents according to statutory provision, he v;as forr.ipJ.ly nade Regent. He 'vas in the same year honored v/ith the degree of LL.D. by the University of lo'Ja. Doctor Feabod^-'s Work as Teacher - For the first year after his election as Regent, Doctor Peabody taught all of the technic-^J. subjects in the mechanical- engineering course of stud;''. Kc served as Professor of llcchanical Engineering and Physics until the fall of lo35i teaching rcsistnncc of natcrials and hydraulics to all senior engineers and pliysics to all juniors. In addition, he taught all seniors mental science, or psychology as it is no'./ known, logic, and political economy, - subjects forr.icrly taught by Regent G-regor;-. He continued to be Professor of Mechanical Engineering until the fall of 1827, after uhich tine the title of regent stood as a position by itself. Do c 1 r Pcabody ' s I7or': as Regent - In addition to the '..'or]: of instructor, Doc- tor Peabod;;- '.Tas untiring in his attention to his duties .as Regent., Due to the oon- citions resulting fron the lack of finances, he had alnost no clerical help and practically no office equi-o.icnt. As there was no registrar then, he vrith his own hnjids, made out all clasis cards at the bcgiiining of each ten.i and entered all grades at the close of the tern. He conducted long-liand all the correspondence of the Regent's office, for he had no stenographer, and throughout his adnini strati on, the University did not ovni a single typewriting machine. ilot'./ithstanding the great anount of detailed labor reouired of hin, he served the University v/ith great fidelity and 7.c.p1. During the eleven years of his ad- nini stration as Regent, riainly throujgli his personal labors, the business and edu- cational nethods of the UnivciT.ity v/ere n.'iterially inprovcd; and the systen of accredited schools v/as e;ctcnded and the relations of these institutions vita the University '.vcrc greatly stren:gthened. Sonc of the outstanding events of Regent Peabod;"'c regii.ie are described in the follcving sections. 2S: Name of tho Institution Changed fron Illinois Industirial University to the University of Illinois- The chief argiinont leading to the establishment of land- grant colleges '.7as the need of industrial classes for technical education, pjid in the early history of this institution .all connected with it '.vore proud of its title; but as tiue \;cnt on, penjil or reforr.iatorj'' and nanunl-labor institutions, canc to be called industrial schools, and the term industrial took on a meaning entirely differ- ent from -Jhat it had v/hen the title of the institution was adopted. In I87S, Regent Pcabody reported to the Trustees that the narae of the University was "a misnomer which has already caused much confusion and the loss of many desirable students." As an example of the misapprehension caused by the nanc, a nan './rote: "My wife has recently died leaving six children from 2 to 11 years old. Cn \;h,at terms will you take those children?" Misunderstanding the nature of tho institution sometimes cast aspersion upon the students and graduates of the University. Students were sometimes asked: "Wlaat were you sent up for?" After the main difficulties were overcome — and there were many of them, for the propos.al to m.oke the change was contested bitterly even in the General Assembly .and especially in J;hc Senate — the name was changed by the legislature, and tho now nana was approved by tho Gevernor on July ig, IS35. This legislative act marked the culnination of years of patient effort on the part of Segcnt Peabody, in support of a movement started by the Alumni Association years before, and was considered one of the outstanding events of his adninistration. The University faculty - When Regent Peabody was appointed in ISSO, there were in addition to himself, fourteen full professors, two assistant professors, one instructor, and four assistants on the faculty — twenty-one in all. During the year I89O-9I1 there were twenty-three full professors, two assistant professors, six instructors and assistantsr-thirty-nine in all. This represents an increase of eighty-six per cent dui'ing his adr,-iinist ration. In addition to this substantial grcrth in the number of the staff there was a distinct improvement in tho quality of the work offered .and in tho standing which the institiitinn hnri n.ttninnrl thrniighmit the Stntn. IhouohJicUitO. r Peabody 's 1 "Selim Hobart Pcabod;^" by Il.athcrine Peabody G-irling, page ly^-. influence '/ns directed noi-c to orcn.nizinc-^, systen^.tizinf^, mid cxp.madint-]; the cur- riculun tlir\n to scholarly cudcri,vor, the prOfi^rossivc alertness to TiOdern education- al ains and ricthods 0:1 the part of the faculty that ;iad characterized the earlier years continued and bct-jan to he nore \7idcly knovrn and appreciated. T'^,'blc III :~ivcs the n\inbcr of persons connected 'vith the University faculty 2 durin," the years 1330-lCqi. TABLE III - NUMBER OF PERSONS ON THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY, 1880-1891 Year ITui.iher 13S0-S1 28 1881-32 26 1882-83 2k 1S3V3U 25 183^-85 ■ 27 1885-86 29 IC86-37 29 1837-38 29 l8o3-3q 30 iGu9-q6 32 1 890-91 39 University Finances - '^nc of the CJ-'catost contributions nadc by Ro.:jont Pea- body to the dcvolopnent of the University '^as his inprovonnnt in the finajicial re- sources of the institution. Procndin,: the tine of his adriinist ration, the State Lcf'^islature had been strongly opposed to appropriations for anythin.^ connected with the University be2"ond --'hat nas loi-a.lly necessary; and all of the connitnents had been clca.rly for specified objectives, such as for buildinf-;s and shops, for nuseuin and librar;/- purposes, and for spocinnn cabinets and cases, ajid did not include salarir^s for instruction.- Accordint':;ly, the salaries of all the leading; professors had been reduced due to lack of funds for the purpose; as sone positions had be- cone tii^.cant they -'ere left so, the duties bein;-; distributed to other persons; cer- tain departncnts, as those of conriercc, ninin.^, a,nd ronostic science, had been discontinued; the ^-'at'ccs of janitors and other onploynes had been reduced; the fees to be paid by students ha,d been increa.scd; and the no st ri(;;id econony '7as observed cvcr:a^rhere. 1 Historical Slretch, the Alw.ini Record, I9IS, pa^cs XIII-XIV 2 "Sir.tccn Years at the University of Illinois", pa..-:;e 129 3 I^y the texns of the Fcdcrnl-Land G-rant Act, no part of the federal funds could be used for the purchase, erection, or repair of buildinf-rs; and hence from the bo- (fiinnin,-;, the Le^'^islature had nade ratlier substantial appropriations for this pur-no s e . At the ler;islativc session of ICCl, his first year as Eef:ent, the Trustees, spurred on by Doctor Peabof^^ resolved, to ask, in addition to the usual suns for shops, laboratories, library facilities, and repairs, for an appropriation of $10,000 per year for the current Gxiicnscs of salaries and wafies. The Legislature grajited about half that ax.iount — $11,^00 for the tvTO-year period for this purpose and for coverin{^ sonc of the loss suffered by the University because of the re- duction in the interest on its investments. Hor/evcr, this contribution fron the State Treasury in support of .-general instruction \ins the first real ackno\vled(7nent by the General Assenbly that this '^as indeed the State University; and fron this bOi'^inninf:, the instructional fund was i^radually increased throUfiiout the years, bcin;-: $lU,000 for the t-ro years lCCJ,-3k, $2U,000 for lGS5-o6, $32,000 for IS07-88, and $UO,000 for lSSg-90. These v;cro lar.-to suns in conparison 77ith the salary bud- rtete of the prccodinf-r a^jiinist ration, but vrorc altogether inadequate for the v/ork the University was attempt inc to do. Eercnt Peabody -./as very active in the passage of the afiiri cultural bill by the national Con/^rcss establishinr* the Af^riculturnl Expcrincnt Station in loo7, njid of the second Morrill bill in iSgo, both measures yielding the University the sun of $Uo,000 annually. The total University Income for the several years of Regent Peaborly's in- 2 cunbcncy are r;ivcn by bienniuns in the followin.-' table: TA3L3 IV - UNIVSRSITY IlICCME^- ISol-lggO Year Ar-:ount lo3l-22 $129,621 lb'S3-8U 1^1,033 ISS5-06 lU9,67S ISG7-S6 180,960 1^39-90 237,17s Further discussion of finances, this tine ns it relates to nev buildinfrs, is presented in the next topic. 1 Historical Sketch, The Alunni Record, I9I0, paf^o XIII, and "Selin Hobart Peabody" by Catherine Feabor'^.- Girlin,-, pages 173-17^. 2 The Alunni Record, I913, pa.-e XXXI 3 Includes appropriations for constructing: the Mechanical Building; and Drill Kail Anne::, the Did An.iory, and the first unit of Natural History Buildinj-^. No\7 Buildlnf;s - During; tho atoinistration of Recent Peabody, a snail ono- story annex ';7as added to the Mechanical Building nnd Drill Hall for a 'blacksnith shop. Doctor Pcabody'r. efforts in securing appropriations for other 'buildincs is expressed vcrj^ aptly in the Resolutions adopted hy the University Senate in I903, at the tine of the passinr: of the fomcr Rodent. They read in part: "When in iGSy application was nade to tho State Lci~islature for a Military Hall, there 'Tas little "basis for hope of success, and it was a real triunph v/hon an appropriation of $10,000 was secured for this purpose. This, snail as the a- noimt was, proved to "be the 'be.'^iinnin;'; of a chrJirc in policy on the part of the people of the State as represented in the General Assenhly towards the University. During the next session in I809, $70,000 was appropriated for the Natural History Buildinf'^. In this case it was Ref:;cnt Peabody who secured tho passage of the lOf^islativc enact nent."l The Adninistration takes st eps to Advertise the University - During; the refine of Doctor Pcabori^, the University undertook a caiipaif^n to infom the people of the state and even the nation rcnardin,-^ the facilities and possibilities of the Uni- versity throuj-^h its alvuini and its students, through the efforts of its officers and faculty in visiting and addressing assemblies of the people, and by neans of exhibits illustrating the character of its instruction and acconplislinents. It was cstinatcd that durin,-; tho year 1238, the University faculty attended over 100 asscnblies and delivered no re than 200 addresses. The nost notable of the techni- cal exliibits were displayed at state fairs ajid at the rreat educationnl oxlaibitions at Madison, Wisconsin, and at ChicatTO, Illinois. In addition, they were shown for six nonths at the State House in Sprinnficld, and for sixteen nonths at the Expo- sition at New Orleans,'^ Other Si ,-,713 of Inprovcncnt durin,- Re/Tent Peabody 's Adninistration - In the closinn years of tho Rercncy of Doctor Peabody, the University shov/cd increased sii^^s of ('growth and prosperity, partly due to the chanf^o in the nane of tho in- stitution, and partly to the election of the Trustees by the voters of the State — two facts that tended to convince the people that this v,'as indeed the State Uni- versity — and partly to the advertising-!; Cfij.ipaifTn previously nentioncd. The nost con crete evi dence of th e chan.-^c in tho public sentincnt that followed as a result l"Selin Hobart Peabody" by Katherinc Peabody Girling, pa^c I73-I7U. 2 Report of the University of Illinois, iSSo, pa,Te 211. 52 of those activities './as the incroasc in the legislative appropriation for the "Drill Hfai", or, as it later 13000x10 known, tho Amory, and the first unit of the Natural History Biiildinf:;, the first ne'.7 buildin-^s in a decade. Doctor Foabody's Later Life- Rof;cnt Pcaborly presented his rcsif:nation on June 10, IG91, to taize effect on Septenber 1, in order that he nirfit 'becone Chief of the Department of Liberal Arts in the World's Colunbian E:qoosition at Chica,?). Later, he bcc.aMc its Actin." Director General. He v;as connected "ith other sinilar undo rtaki nits in after years, and passed a'.7ay in St. Louis, on May 26, 1903» '"'here he vras cni-^ancd in planninf^ for the St. Louis Exposition, The University Scnat c ' s Tribute to Doctor Pcabody follo?ri.n," his dcat h in 1903- Thc follo'vin,": tribute concornini-: the "vork of Doctor Foabody '7as expressed by the University Senate follorrin.- his death in I903: "Rcfjont Pcabody was everywhere recognized as a nan of hirh scholarship, as an attractive writer of sin;-;ularly tense and well-v;ordcd English prose, as a force- ful and efficient public speaker, and as an educator in the broader sense of the tcnn of .Teat ability and influence. In any educational convention he attended he he V7as; always, without .any sulf-peekinf^, one of the leaders of when nuch was ex- pected. He possessed very clear ideas upon a wide ranre of subjects and expressed then easily and vdth notable precision. He was Ions'- proninent in*thc Councils of the National Educational Association; and anon-; the representatives of the so-call- ed land-Tant collc:Tes no one had .":roater influence in the annual asscublics." C. THOMAS JOHITATHAIJ BUKRIIL, ACTING REGENT ^ IS9I-IS9U Early Trainin^-; ^ and Experience - Thonas Johjnathan Burrill, Actin.-^ Rerient fron 1891 to I09U, was born at Fittsfield, Massachusetts, on April 25, 1939, and was Craduatcd fron the Illinois State Nomal University in 1065. He received the honorary A.M. dc,';rcc at Northwestern University in IS76, and the honorary LL. D. dc^roe there in 1393. In addition, he received the Ph. D. dcf^reo at tho University of Chica':o in IGSI. Professor Burrill Joined the faculty here on April 20, i860, only two nonths after the University opened as Instructor in Alf^ebra, but v/as soon appointed Assistant Professor of Natural History. Ho bccanc Professor of Botany and Horticulture in iSyO, aiid was sorvinr™ in that capacity in 1378, '"hen he was asked to assiinc, in addition, the duties of the Dean of the College of Science. In 1879, he took over on top of his other assi^nncnts, the duties of Vice-Regent. He 1 "Selin Hobart Peabody" by Katherino Pcabody Girling, page 173 . 33 carried, the triple 'burdon until ISSU, '.vhen ho vjas rolievcrl of tho position of Dean. While he '.?as servinn as Vice-Rcr^ent and as Head of his DepArtnont in IC9I, ho '.7as requested to take on additional duties ai^ain, this tine as Actin/r Ecf^cnt. During the throe years ho served as the chief executive officer of the University, ho continued to adiiinistcr the affaiis of his cvn departnont. Tho Edacational Policies of Acting; Regent Burr ill - Mthouif^h his appointnent as Actin,'^ Ref;cnt was a kind of ad interim appointnent, his atoinistration was note- worthy in nany respects, as a result of which the University seoned to taJcc on new life. The nost outstanding: dcvolopnents in his rCi^inc for which ho V7as chiefly re- sponsible were as follows: the change in tho tenure of professors fron one year to an unlinitcd period, -this boinf alnost the first act of his adninistration, renov- inf'^ a cause of unrest and dissatisfaction on tho part of the nenbors of the faculty; the appointnent of nuncrous standin/^ connittocs fron tho faculty, each vrith cer- tain adninistrativo duties which had heretofore been perforned by the Recent, if at all, which nadc available in a direct and sinple nanner the experiences and services of all the leading?; ncnbers of the teachin^ staff; the auttiorization of a plan for a sabbatical year on half pay for professors, although it was recOf'!;nized that there was then no noncy v.'ith which to carry out the plan; the ostablishnent of now dcpartnonts and the appointnent of first-class nen to direct then; the de- vclopncnt of a freer student life; the creation of the office of registrar; the in- au^ration of the Gi'aduato School, and its support by convincin.-; l0t:;ic and inspir- ing eloquence; the oponin;^ of the first session of the Sunner School; and greatly inprovcd financial conditions \7hich allowed increases in salaries of the instructiona- al staff ?ind the construction of nev,' buildinf^s. The last four itons are expanded in sonc detail in the followinf^ paraf^raphs. Student and Adninistration Relationships - Tho bitter fcclin.i^s that developed in the previous a,djiinistrat ion over student eovornnent and student discipline and the abolition of fraternities, were very nuch inprovod durin^^ Doctor Burrill's three-year tenure, and f ra.tcrnitios- wore allowed to re-establish thonselves in the canpus area. There were nany difficulties to be ironed out, of course, but the 3^ .- problcns seem to hn,ve been lipjidlcd to the (•'general satisfaction of all rroups in- volved. Evory-rhcre a better spirit c^e^7 up. Students wore allov/ed f:reatcr liber- ty of action and they responded vith f;reater sanity in conduct. The student or- fjanizations becaiie enthusiastic in their support of the institution, and the re- lations bet'.vecn students and faculty becane norc agroenblc than thoy had been for several years. Or^rani2od Instruction in the^ G-raduat e School - IThilc facilities for advanced study and for research in various lines had been offered and carried on by the University as early as iSyS, and the faculty had announced courses Icadinsi to the master's dofiree as authorized by the Board of Tr to sixteen v/eoks. 2 Pa-e 173. 3o^ for the bienniun lo91-g2, mvl $1491,9^1 for tho bienniuri I093-9U. New Buildiiifs - In IS92, durinf^ Hc'ont Burrill's torn in office, the first Tinit or north portion of the Nn,tural Eistory Builrlin.i was constructed. Also dur- ing- this period — in lG93--constru.ction of Snt-^incorinn Enll v/as be;-:un and alnost conpletcd. Thus, by the cnr',. of his refine, there v/ere five lar,-^c buildin.^s in- cluding Mechanical Buildin,-; and Drill Hall, University Hall, ol'""- Chcnistry Build- inr:, old Amory, and the first unit of Natural History Buildin.-;, available for instructional purposes, and another one, Enrineerin^; Hall, v/as '.veil on tho v;ay to conplction, to say nothin/; of farn, service, and other structures of that type. The University Faculty - The nunbcr of University faculty ncnbcrs durinr- the tenure of Doctor Burrill, as indicated in the follov/in^-; table, increased alnost fifty per cent in the three-year period as follows: 2 SABLE V 1IU1.IBSR OF FERSOHS Oil THE UlIIVERSITY FACULTY, IS9I-9U Year N ui^ber lS91-q2 U3 IG92-93 ^3 * 1393-9^ 67 Of the sixty-seven in lG93-9^> twenty were connected with the faculty in enfji- necrin,-;, of v/hich five held the title of full professor. Exliibit at the Vo rl d ' s Coluiibian E:cposition - In IS93. the University prcsenii ted at the ITorld's Coluiibian E:q:)Osition in Chica.^o, a very extensive exliibit of its work, -"by far the nost extensive and nost representative shown by any insti- tution." die University was conpai'atively sanll at that tine cand not widely known even f-oaonf the residents 01 our own State; and this occasion afforded a splendid opportunity to inpross the citizenry -'ith the objectives, dovelopnents, and ac- conplishi.icnts of their educational plant. This exhibit was displayed in tho Illinois Buildin^^, a lar.^e and strikinf": stinicture occupyin;-; n conspicious position which attracted r;reat nunbors of the people of the State; and the publicity thus gained by tho University was a considerable f.actor in the subsequent rapid f-^rowth in the nunbcr of students a nd also in the f:reatly increased lef^islative 1 Tho Alunni Hocord. I9I8, parieUXXXI 2 "Sisteen Years at tho University of Illinois", pcaf;e I29. 37 appropriations the University received in the next few years. That portion of the exlii'bit relatin."; to the CollC(^e of Eni^iincorinn presented in nuch detail the v;orh of the several departnents, and attracted a .^reat deal of attention anonn teachers of eni-^ineerinn throu.-^hout the country. It received nany favorable coiinondations for its cxliibits and for the ncthods of instruction en- ployed at the University and the character and quality of the work done. Inau,--:uration of the xVfo-Yoar Preparatory School -In March, I09U, the Board of Tinistcos cstahlishcd a tv/o-years' course in the Prcpai'atory School. Prepara- tory classes had been tau.™ht alnost fron the bCf'^innin^ of the institutions hut vrith the njiticipation that the tine 'vould soon cone vh.cn such instruction ni-^lat he left to the hi-}i schools. If it had scencd possihlc, the University vroxild cla.c^ly have abandoned the preparatory work and have offered tr,",inin;" only above the hi.-h- school level; but if, as it appoar^^d, it nust continue 'vith such instruction be- cause nany hi'-h schools were not fully prepared to meet the educational dcnpjids, it had to raise the standards in order to provide for the school a norc creditable place in the University's instructional ■pTOfXrj.i. Consequently, a principal '"^'as appointed, teachers vferc onploycd, and a course of instruction v/as laid out. The attendance in the Preparatory School durinr; 1393-9^^ ''"^s l6b. Doctor Burrill's Subsequen t Life - Acting He^ent Burrill relinquished his duties as the chief o:a;cutive officer of the University on Septenber 1, 189^, but his throo-ycar tenure had an innstinable effect in start inir:; the University on the hirhivny tov;ards fTcater success and lar/:;er service. Doctor Burrill continued to servo as Professor of Botany and Horticulture until I903, and as Professor of Botfuiy fr-.n I903 until VjlP.. In addition, he was Denji of the Genuml Faculty dur- in- I09U-I9OI, Dean of the Graduate School durinr; IS9U-I905, Vice-President during I09U-I912, and Actin.- EoHcnt a-^ain during a portion of 190!+. On June 12, I912, at Corr.icnccnGnt exercises, 'lurin,- President HrLnund J. Jar.ics ' 1 On Dcccnber Z, 1903, the nru.ic of the Preparatory- Departnont v/as changed to "The Acadeny of the University of Illinois." 3S atoinist ration, the University of Illinois conforrod the honorary dc.^rcc of IjL. D. upon Professor Burrill in rccor-^nition of his lonf ai.d useful period of services to the University and the State. He retired on Septor'bcr 1, I912, as Professor Sneritus of Botany with a sustaining allovance fro: the Carncftie Foundation for the Advancc;.ient of Tcachiu':. On October 12, I912, at a specinl University con- vocation, the University Senate prosentod to Doctor Burrill a "old :neda.l in rccof;- nition of his outstandin.-; service as teacher, investif-;ator, and aflninistrator. Professor Burrill continued to reside in Urhana, .ind passed ri-ipQ- here on April lU, 1916, "he avenue, 'borderod with elns rhich he planted '.ath his CTn h^^nds, and naned after hin by the Board of Trustees at the sUtifTCstion of President Draper, bears fittinj'^ tribute to the r.ian \7ho so unstintin^ly devoted his entire workinf: life of alnost fifty years to the interest of the University, its cororiunity, and the State. 39 CHAPTER III TH3 PH3SIDENTS AND THSIH AIMINISTHATICNS General - In iSgU, the title of the chief adninistrative officer of the University was changed as described later, from regent to president. The presi- dents, as the regents v/ere before them, are elected by the Board of Tinstees. The duty of the president is to administer the general policies laid down by the Board for the operation of the University as defined by the rules and regulations prescribed for the conduct of the institution. He makes recommendations for ap- X^ointment of persons to jjositions of responsibility on the adninistrative, in- structional, exp'erimental staffs and supervises the operations of those indi- viduals in so far as they apjily to the performance of University processes. He has general resi-onsibility for the enforcement of the University regulations, and, v/ith the advice of the administrative assistants, preparorj the annual and bi- ennial budgets for ])rcsontat.ion to the Board of Tmisteos. Since ISnU, the office, of the executive head of the University has been held by six persons: viz., Andrcv Sloan Draper, President from Ib'gU to I90U; Edmund Janes James, President from igo'J- to I92O; David I'inlcy, Acting President from 1919 to 1920, and President from 1920 to I93O; Harry '.Toodburn Chase, President from 1930 to 1933; Arthur Hill Daniels, Acting President from I933 to 193^; and Arthur Cutts V/illard, Provident from 193^ to date. Some discussion of the events in the lives of these men and their ariminist rat ions follows. A. AilDZC;? SLOAl^I DRAPBH, PHESIDEIIS,. ip-qlutaoH Early Training and Experience - Andrew Sloan Drapur, the fourth to assume the duties of the office of chief executive of the University, was born at V/est- ford. How York, on J-'ono 21, IgUS, and was graduated from the Albany Law School of Union College in ISyi* He practiced his profession for a number of years, and served as a member of the Hew York State Legislature in 1S81, He v/as Judge of the U. S. Court of Alabama Claims from 188U to 1326, State Superintendent of Public Instruction in Now York^ from 1386 to IS92, and Superintendent of the Cleveland public schools from 1892 to 189^,. Change in Title from Regent to Fresidont - Doctor Draper, tendered the ap- pointncnt as Regent on April 13, I89U, accepted the position on May 10, following. One of his first acts was to request the title of president instead of regent as provided in the University charter; for the title of regent as applied to the ex- ecutive head of an educational institution was found to "be confusing, since the term was generally used for a member of the board of control or a trustee. On the day he came to the University, August 1, the Board of Trustees gave authority for the change in title, and ho assumed his formal duties as President on Sep- tember lU. This event in itself served as a harbinger to announce the signal de- velopments that were on their way for the University, and to forecast a new day for this seat cf learning. The institution, ospecirdly the College of Engineering was entering a new era of expansion scarcely drenjjed of in earlier days. President Draper's^ Administration - The spirit and purpose that animated his administration is shovm as follows in a portion of his lotter accepting the ap- 1 pointmcnt: "To enable the University to advance to a leading position, it must have financial aid to an extent which would have surprised the last feneration, for the field of University operations hfis broadened as the activities of the people have multiplied pjid become more intense. It must have adequate a.ccommo- dations ;ind liberal equipment. Its departments must be ^ble to supply life-givirg; instruction to all branches of liberal learning. Its work must attract a.ttention. It must be authoritative and command respect. It must shov; anxiety and ability to stimulate the common life of the people, and bring rcnovm to the good name of the State." 2 President Draper liodernizes University Processes • iJo doubt, one of the greatest contributions of President Draper towards the development of the Univcx'- sity was his work in modernizing the University's processes of handling the fi- npjices and the physical plant — the direct outgrowth of his genius for organi- zation and of his outstanding a.bility for administration, 1 Report of the Board of Trustees, I89U, page 264. 2 Much of the material in this section is taken from "The Life -uid Work of Andrew Sloan Draper" by Harland Hojrt Horner, published by the University of Illinois. hi In his first rcrort to the Board of Trasteos in Scptombcr. Iggll. Dr. Draper trn^smittcd a letter from the University Librari.-m prccntins in some detail the urgent needs of the University Library and suggestions for their accomplishments.. The 26.000 books then in the Library had not been properly catalogued, for the Dewey Decimal System, alreadj. established in most of the well-rogulatod libraries in the country, had not been introduced here, llo regular appropriation for libra ry expenditures had been made. The request for funds met an early response, and conditions in the Genor.a Library '^ere presently improved. In December, 183k, the President directed his attention towards the improve- ment of the status of the University's investments and the general administration of its business processes.' A oommittee consisting of the Governor, the President of the University and the Chairman of the Tin^ance Committee of the Board of Tnistees was appointed to present recommendations to the General Assembly for legislation that would safeguard the endowment funds held by the University by prescribing more definitely the methods of handling the funds and the kinds of securities which might be used for investments. During the next yea». another committee was appointed by the Board of Trustees consisting of the President of the University and two members of the Board to investigate the business operations of the University and to formulate a report on measures that would serve to pro- mote "greater efficiency, economy, and safety in the K^unagement of the Material Interests of the University." After some s.^udy the Con^aitteo made its report in March. 1896. presenting its recommendations as "Rules governing the Transaction of Business, the Keeping of Accounts, and the Custody, of Funds of the University of Illinois." These mles promptly adopted, outlined in some detail the duties and business methods that should be followed by the Treasurer, the Business Manag- er, the Secretary, and others, in such manner .md clarity that they are still tasic in the formulated instinictions prepared for the operation of the business offices of the University. 1 Eighteenth Heport of the Board of Trustees, page U5. Rules for the Government of the University - In I895, President Draper pre- pared a set of rules oXicl regulations for the conduct of the University in general ^hich were approved "by the Board of Trustees. These articles or "by-la'.7s" pro- vided for a Council of Administration, consisting of the President, the Vico- Prosidcnt, the Dean of the General Faculty, and the deans of the separate schools and colleges — a bodj- that v/as intended to i^ive attention both to administrative matters and educational policies. In I9OI, the ■b2''-la'.7s \7crc ajacnded or revised to establish a gcncml jolan of organization and administration vrhich has served as a basis for guidance in formulating administrative policies during rll the succeeding years, These by-la'.7s and amcndj-ient s , vrhich after I9OI, '.7crc designated as "University of Illinois Statutes", defined the duties of the Council of Ad- ministration, the Son.■* So with the Engineering College; it T/as enlarged in every line and strengthened by many ac- cessions to its teaching force, and by an ample supply of apparatus and other facilities for inst inaction. The Engineering Experiment Station was established ^uid provided with equipment and capable men. The sciences and languages advanced no less, though the lp,ck of extensive manifestation made the work and increase less noticeable." Creation of the University Senate - As previously stated, the University Sen- ate was created on Suptember ik, I9OI, to rei^lace the Genei'al Faculty as the legislative body of the teaching and scientific staff. It v/r^s composed of the President, the Vice-President (l,atcr the Provost), the de.-uis ijid directors of the various sohools and colleges, Dean of undergraduates (later the Denji of Men), the Dean of Women, all other j)crsons of full professorial r/u'ik, and such others as were in charge of independent departments of instruction or ri.dministrp.tion. The list of cduca-tional and administrative positions expanded considerably after I9OI, 2 but the general statement as given above is sufficiently broad to cover them all. Creation of the Cfficcs of Dcpji of Men and Dean of ffomen - The office of Dean of Undergraduates and Assistant to the President '.ms created on June 11, I9OI, — another adventure in educational pioneerings In I9O] the title was changed to Dean of Men, the first office of its kind in an educational institution in this country. The Demi of Ken acts as advisor and counselor to undergraduate men; his duties include personnel work, vocational guidance in problems involving intel- lectual, emotional a.nd social adjustments. The office maintains records of class 1 "The Mnkers of the University, Andrew Sloan Draper", by Samuel A. Bullard, in the Alumni Quarterly, April, I9IO, page 97.. 2 The Senate acts no\i as it did in its bcginjiing, as a legislative bodj'' formula- ting general rules and regulations governing and promoting the educational in- terests of the University, It defines the general policies regarding admission to the University and to its several schools and colleges, the character of the various curricula, the schedules for the sessions ajid meetings, and the require- ments for degrees. 1^9 nttendance, class standing, health and living conditions, and social activities of fraternities, clubs, and other student groups. The office of Dean of Women, established in March, 1897» as the first of its kind in this country, serves to safeguard the physical and moral welfare of the women students in the University and to advise then in matters relating to general personal and scholastic problems in practically the eaxne capacity as the office of Dean of Men. As so many of the old grads testify when reminiscing and recalling events of their college days both offices have served individuals and groups of the student body long and well. Special Attention to Military Af f ai r s - Early in his administration, Presi- dent Draper set out to give milit.'i.ry affairs a much more prominent place in Uni- versity life than they had previously occupie.l. For ex,'unple, at his inauguration ho arranged that ncmb.rs of the regiment should be prominent in several ways, one of which was the guarding of Dngineoring Hall during the reception to the incoming president. This goncrnl attitude on the part of President Draper had a very hclj)- ful effect in stimulating interest in militar;/ natters. Ag the size of the stu- dent bod;,' grow, the military org.-mization c::cpandcd in even greater proportion and bccpjQc an oven greater factor in University life. Tribute to Doctor Draper by the Board of Trustees in 190U - Doctor Draper left the University in 190^4 to become Commissioner of Education of the state of Ne^-' York. His resignation v/as announced in March, I90U, to become effective after a two-month leave of absence. Upon his resignation a special committee of the Board of Trustees reported on June 7. 190^> 't^'^o following tribute to Doctor Drapen "Andrew Sloan Draper became President of the University and entered upon the active duties of that office August 1, I89U. He was not experienced in college or university administration. He came from the superintendency of schools of the Citj of Cleveland, Ohio, which he liad filled for two years, and to that office he came from the office of State Supci'intcndent of Public Instruction of the State of New York. His experience in public-school matters -ind his acquaintance with school administration and mc-dntenance, united with eminent abilities to organize men and things into an iinited force for the accomplishment of definite ends, were at once loy-illy applied by him to the end that the University of Illinois might fully ac- complish the ^vork proscribed for it by its founders njnd by the State. He fully believed in the -.vork -'hich the University 7,'as created to do. He fully believed that the University could be so organized as to do it ttcII, He fully believed that the State of Illinois would worthily support the University v/hcn shown that it v/as faithfully performing that work. He did not believe, and he so expressed himself in his letter of acceptance, that he v/as fully qualified to takr. the lead in the 50 gi-ent work the University vjns to do, But he inncdiatel:' nanifostod n clep.r men- tal grasp of the situation. He rightly comprehended the University's material conditions, the power of its Board of Trustees, the supreme importance of the 'vork of its faculty, o.nd the source and posability of its financial support. This a.ccuratc vic'.v of the University was a sure basis for success. "President Draper has "been ^ith us for practically ton years. He goes fro:o us to take up a largo work in the educational field in his native state. It is with a profound sense of vhat has been accomplished in, for, and by the Universi- ty of Illinois during his administration that this Board received his resignation. "During the past ton years, under the guidance of President Draper, the University has largely advanced in the following lines: "The University has been more closely and vitally articulated with the public schools of the State. "Its matcriril embodiment has been regularly ,and systematically promoted; there has been increased support obtained from the State for the instructional force; there has been a large expansion in the courses of study presented for stu- dents; and the affili-ition or the founding of the Colleges vof Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentistry, and La"/ '.vas accomplished, "There lia.s been unexcelled advance in sound scholarship. "There has been -an improved organization of the administration forces. "There has been a phenomenal increase in the numbtu' of students attending on the instruction of the University, " These are some of the things which have been actively promoted during Pres- ident Draper's administra.tion, which arc largely due to his initia.tive and per- se voranco. " It is the belief of the members of the Board that an equally great advance in the work of the University was promised for the next decade as the past one presents, had the President chosen to stay. "In his parting from us we commend his work done here, congratulate the University upon the advance made during his adtiinistration, and express our con- fidence that he will be eminently successful in his labors in another great commonwealth. "- Subsequent Life of Doctor Draper - Doctor Di-aper maintained the sane high- grade standards and efficiency in this ncvr office that he had insisted upon as head of the University of Illinois, and was very successful in his new assigiiment. Already awarded the LL, D. degree by Colgate University in 1889 and by Columbia University in I903, he w.as further honored with the snjne degree by the University of Illinois in 1905i r'.nd by Icstern Reserve University in I9IO, Doctor Draper passed av/a;" in Albfiny, New York, on April 2J, I9I3 . 1 Twenty-second Report of the Board of Trustees, I90U, pages 312-313. B. EDMUKD JMES JAMES, PRESIDENT 1904-1920 51 Early Training and Experience - Edmund Janes James was born at Jacksonville, Illinois, on May 21, I855. Following his early education at the Illinois State Normal University, he attended Northwestern University in I873 and Harvard Uni- versity in I87U. In 1875,, he entered the University of Halle in Germany, and received the Ph. D. degree there in I877. Doctor James served as Professor of Latin and Greek, and Principal of the High School Department at the Illinois State Normal University dviring I879-82. In I883, he became Professor of Public Finance and Administration at the University of Pennsylvania. While at Pennsyl- vania, Professor James organized and for twelve years directed, the Wharton School of Finance and Economics. In I896, he went to the University of Chicago as Pro- fessor of Public Administration and Director of the Division of University Ex- tension, He remained there until 1902, when he was elected President of North- western University. He resigned that position in 190^, to become President of the University of Illinois. President James was awarded the honorary degree of LL. D. by Cornell College (Iowa) in 1902, by Illinois Wesleyan College in I903, by Oueen's College in I903, by Harvard in I909, and by the University of Michigan and by Northwestern Uni- versity in I91I+. gust 23, I90I+, but did not take up his duties on the campus until November 5, following. He was formally installed on October I6, 1905,--the installation be- ing a very brilliant and colorful affair. His administration was particularly noted for his skill and energy in persuading the General Assembly to a more gen- erous support of the University, in instituting now departments and securing out- standing men to take charge of them, and in stimulating research work. The re- quirements for admission were advanced for all departments; and the number and variety of curricula were materially increased. The number of volumes in the Uni versity Library increased from 66,000 to 420,000, --a very good criterion for 1 Much of the material that relates to President James' administration, was taken from his publication "Sixteen years at the University of Illino VERSITY Of lUINOIS LIBRARY 52 gaging scholastic gror/th and strength. Other signs of advancement are presented in the next few pages. Formal Organization of the Graduat e School - Following its formal inception in 1892, the Gradiiato School through subsequent years gradually expanded its fa'^ cilities to meet the ever-increasing demands of its students, drawing its financial support from the general University fund. In I906, however, during the early years of Doctor James' tenure as president, the School "began to assume a more im- portant role in the training program. It was organized with a separate faculty under a dean in order to promote a greater development of interest in independent work and in the conduct of academic and experimental research. By action of the Board of Trustees, the teaching faculty of the Graduate School was made to in- clude all members of the University faculty who gave instruction in graduate courses. The 'vork was substantially increased and broadened through a legisla- tive appropriation in I906-O7 of $[30,000 a year — the first for such work in this country — and it has continued to receive a proportionate cojasi deration in the formulating of all budgets since that time. The School was formally opened on February U and 5i 19^^^, the occasion being marked with much publicity. One of the addresses v/as by Robert W. Hunt, the famous engineer, who spoke on "The Value of Engineering Research." Another one of interest to engineers was by W, A. Smith of the Sngineci-ing Reviov/ on the subject "The Need of Graduate Courses in EnginecringP Even in the early days, the Graduate School inspired many persons to carry on advanced study in preparation for teaching positions in the colleges and pub- lic schools of the State.- In research it served the arts and sciences in doing for them the same kind and grade of work that the Engineering and Agricultural Experiment Stations were doing in their special fields in discovering now facts and thereby adding to the general store of human knowledge along those particular 1 „ lines. In 1915i Bean Kinloy, later president of the University, stated: In its character and aim, graduate school work is really j^rofessional, for a graduate 1 Illio, page 79. -..fiir.m^'^fi.T'h'': 53' school is a school where work, coming after the general education of the college course, furnishes that deeper insight into knowledge and that thorough and earnest training which mark the student who is working with a purpose." Further atten- tion to the Graduate School as it pertains to engineering is given in a later chapter in this publication. The Mi 11- Tax Law - Thile the "biennial appropriations by the Illinois General Assembly seemed to be generous in many ways, the amounts were not sufficient to meet the needs of a growing state like Illinois and to place its chief education- al institution on an even footing with similar schools in neighboring states. Ac- cordingly, in order to raise the appropriations to a level consistent with Illi- nois conditions, President James undertook a state-'vide campaign more elaborate than those carried on in previous years, to bring to the people of the State in general and to the members of the General Assembly in particular, some realiza- tion of the advantages that would accrue if the facilities and opportunities of the University could be expanded. As the plan worked out in practice, influential farmers and officers of agricultural associations expressed their appreciation of the instruction and investigations by the College of Agriculture, and also their opinion that the largest development of agricultux'al interests of the University and of the State demanded a liberal support for the entire institution. The State Banl<:nrs' Association urged the establishment of a College of Commerce and Business Administration. The Illinois Society of Engineers, the State Manu- facturers' Association, and the Western Society of Engineers recommended generous support for the College of Engineering and the Engineering Exfjeriment Station. The Clay Workers' Association asked for a building and equipment for Ceramics. Associations of railway officials urged appropriations for railviay engineering. The teachers of the State asked for n College of Education. The Governor, Charles S. Deneen, took a keen interest in the University; and in his annual message to the legislature in I9II. presented a more complete revie-? of the needs of the Uni- versity than he had in n.ny former message, and called attention to other functions that the University might perform for the advancement of the industrial and 5U educational interests of the State. PresidBnt Janes presented at Springfield, and published through the State, figures which contrasted in terms of vrealth and population the support Illinois had given its State University, with that which neighboring states were giving to their chief educational institutions and showed that in proportion to both population and wealth, the State of Illinois was much behind in its suppoi't of higher education. It was a dull legislator who did not appreciate the demands of the people for a liberal support of the State University and consequently on June 13, I9II, the mill-tax law was passed without serious opposition. The measure gave the University a tax of one mill on each dollar of the assessed value of the taxable property of the State. After the mill-tax law became operative, the University received $U, 500,000 as a biennial approp:-iation in 1513- -his epoch-making law in its first two years not only gave the University over a million dollars more than the proceeding bi- enniura legislative appropriation, but also gave a more stable income and thus en- abled the authorities to plan more intelligently for the future development of the institution. This law gave the University an income the equal of any educational institution in the world, and one that woiild increase with the growth of the State in wealth. It was generally believed that "this law made the University's finan- cial future forever reasonably sure." The mill-tax law directed that the tax should be paid into the state treasury'- and remain there until appropriated to the use of the University. It v/as still necessary for the University to present a biennial budget; but there was no longer the necessity for a strenuous campaign before the legislature, no longer any need to enlist outside influences, no longer any serious uncertainty as to the future of the University. 1 The Biennial State Appropriations for the past decade had been as follows: 1901 $30U 330 1903 $1 152 Uoo 1905 1 ^1^ 535 1907 2 222 790 1909 2 313 500 1911 3 ^29 300 55- Some approhcnsion was felt for the nill tax, V7hcn in 1912, a change in state politics 'brought a democrat to the governor's seat, since a change in poli- tical parties often brings a change in policy; but Governor Dunne shovzed himself a firm friend of the University. In I913, weak attempts were made to repeal the mill-tax law or to reduce the rate, and also to impose on the mill-tax fund the support of the State Water Survey, the Geological Survey, the State Entomologist'-. office, and the State Laboratory of Natural History, all of which had been sup- ported by independent appropriations, although located at the University; 'out all such attempts proved abortive. Prom 1913 to 1919, the proceeds of the nill ta;: increased $U00,000, and kept pace with the more urgent needs of the University; and during this period, the institution had no other state support than the mill tax, But in I919, owing to economic disturbances arising from ^i^orld T7ar I and the consequent rise in prices of labor and supplies, particularly coal and wages of care takers, it was neces- sary to increase the legislative askings; and the approjiriation from the general reserve for that year was $U3S,000 more than the proceeds of the mill tax. Such 1 appropriations in later years exceeded the mill tax in oven greater ratio. Total University Income 190U- 20 - The total University income from all sour- ces from I90U to 1920 was as follows: TABLE VIII - UinVSHSITY INCOME I90U-I920 Year Amount 190^-05 $ S5S 69s 1905-06 1 159 363 1906-07 1 007 009 1907-02 1 Uos 762 190S-09 1 693 999 1909-10 1 639 792 1910-11 1 560 oUo 1911-12 2 292 651 1912-13 1 970 073 1913-lU 2 770 ISU 1 In 1921, when a state law changed the assessed value from one-third to one-half^ the tax for the University was changed from one mill to two-thirds of a mill foi each dollar of valuation, 2 From "Sixteen Years at the University of Illinois", page 30, and Reports of the Comptroller. 56 Year Amount igi^-iS 2 SOS 352 1915-16 3 023 375 1916-17 3 2U0 32s 1917-iS 3 081 055 1918-19 3 312 3U9 1919-20 3 916 2U9 The total income for the year 1919-20, for example, was supplied as follows: From U. S. Government 8.0^ $313,527 State Appropriations 73.3/« 2 87I 50O Student Fees 9.05^ 353 GSk DcpartncntnLsales,gifts,9.7^ j77 538 etc. Total $3 9l6 2% Nev/ Colleges - In I905, the Board of Trustees organised the courses in Edu- cation previously- given in the College of Literature and Arts and established a School of Education, which in I9I8, became the College of Education. In I913, the College of Literature and Arts and the College of Science were combined to form the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, In I915. the courses of instruc- tion in business practice previously given in the College of Literature and Arts and later in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, were organized fo form the College of Commerce and Business Administration, as previously mentioned. Now Buildings - Many important buildings were erected during President James' administration, including the following: Mechanical Engineering Laboratory; Woman's Building; Auditorium; Physics Laboratory; Matthews Avenue Power Plant; first unit of Lincoln Hall; Commerce Building; Locomotive Testing Laboratory and Reservoir; Transportation Building; Mining and Ceramics Laboratory; Floriculture-f Plant Breed- ingf and Vegetable Gardening Group; Stock Judging Pavilion; Hew Armory; Adminis- tration Building; Chemistrj' Addition; Ceramics Building; Vivariumi and Women's Residence Hall. Besides these large structures, sever?)! minor buildings were c- rccted and a number of additions were annexed to units already existing. Further- more new Medical, Dental, and Pharmacy buildings were erected in Chicago. The to- tal cost of the improvements in buildings during this administration was $3,2U6,'421. 1 The Bureau of Educational Research, the experimental agency of the College of Ed- ucation, was also established in I9I8. 57 Thus, the building profjran that began to accolerato during the previous ad- ministration continued to go forward at a rapid pace during this regime, giving the campus area the appearance of a groat educational establishment. The equip>- mcnt that wont into these twenty or more structures required an endless azaount of time for design and preparation and a huge outlay of money for purchase and in- stallation. There was no other recourse available, however, for the hordes of students that began to throng the campus made the investmisnts imperative.' The Urbana Campus Plan - In I907, the Board of Trustees created the office of Supervising Architect which should have charge of all building constmction and maintenance on the Urbana campus.. About that tine there -'as begun a systematic study of campus plans by architectural find planning experts looking towards a long-range program of physical-plant development that would provide for the con- sistent and orderly growth of the educational and experimental requirements of the University in the years to come. Out of the master plans outlined then or short- ly thereafter and revised from time to time as occasion has required, was evolved the prcsent-dai' arrangement of grounds and buildings vdthin the campus area. ^^^^^^, Educational Policies of President James ' Administration - In his in- stallation address given on October 17, 1905, President James made the following statement: "It (a state university) should be as universal as the American democisr- cy, as broad, as liberal, as sympathetic, as comprohcnsive — - ready to take up in- to itself all the educational forces of the state, giving recognition for good ^7ork wherever done, and unifying, tying together all the multiform strands of edu- cational activity into one great cable whose future strength no man ma;,- measure." President James, himself a great scholar and educational statesman, was a profound believer in the philosophy that the destinies of a university were de- termined largely by the creative scholarship and by the extent and character of the experimental and research prograj.is of its instructional and experimental staff. It was under the influence of his inspirational leadership in this direction that the University was enabled to attain and maintain a high-ranking position among the great educational institutions of the country. &n March 11, 1915t ^^ sl^ address to the students on the occasion of the forty-eighth anniversary of the opening of the University, President James stated: "The distinctive purpose of a University is to train young men and r/omen for the highest kind of service in all of the vocations of life for which a scientific training may be valuable, and to inspire them at the saJne time with the very highest ethical and moral ideals, and fire their hearts with an ambition to do great and real social service. And its equally important function is to add to the sum total of human knowledge and our power over the forces of nature, an 'ac- tivity which is sometimes characterijjed as research or investigation, promoted by the spirit of productive scholarship on the part of every member of the staff. If the University fails in either respect 'it fails of beiig a university in the highest sense of the term. And in working toward this ideal the University of Illinois has as great an opportunity to advance in the next fifty years as it has during the last fifty. "''■ At a later date, President James wrote the following message to the Alumni of the University on the occasion of the publication of the 1913 issue of She Alumni Record: "Wc are entering upon a new era of hiiman historj'. The demands to be made upon the University will be many, some of them of an entirely new character. To meet them properly will call for a new type of professor and trustee and al-umnus, men and v/omcn not merely of good training and with the culture of the past, but above all, men and women of vision and outlook. Our children and' our children's children v/ill not rest content with having stretched over them the dead hand of the past . "The University must load in all the paths of progress if it is to win and maintain that position of influence in our future development which we university people think should belong to it. At the same time, it is doubly necessary in this era of changing standards that all that is good and beautiful in the past should bo preserved and made the permanent heritage of our successors. In this work of conservation the University is by its very nature peculiarly fitted to play a permanent and even a decisive part.' The University Faculty - That President James was meticulous in the selection of the faculty members is indicated by the following observation: 1 Alumni Q,uartGrly, April, I915, page 95.' 2 Preface, The Alumni Record, University of Illinois, I9I8, page V. 3 "Sixteen years at the University of Illinois", page lU6» 59 "No other feature of n university will so largely determine its strength as will the men who are charged with the direct conduct of its various activities. Ahiindance of land, numerous and spacious "buildings, '-'ell- equipped laTsoratories ani libraries and large revenues will not singly or all combined insure for a univer- sity either strength or progress. In the final analysis it is the personnel of the faculty that will chiefly determine the value of the university to the common- wealth and its rank among its sister institutions of learning, "The increase in the number of the instructional and administrative staff of the University during the past twelve years has been a matter of necessity, in response to a steadily-increasing enrollment of students. An increase in the actual strength of the faculty, from the standpoint of scholarship and teaching ability, could, however, come only as a result of the exercise of the greatest care in the selection of individual instructors. Throughout the sixteen years from I90U to 1920, whether a candidate was to occupy an important or a minor position, thorough consideration has been .-ivcn to his scholarship, his ability to impart infox'mation and to inspire active efforts on the part of his students, his personal character and his cm activity as a thinker and a producer of that which would add to the world's store of knowledge. One college of the University after another has been thus strengthened, until at the present time there is probably no department in which the work done is not of a distinctly high grade and no department in which a student may not cone under the instruction of one or more of the country's leading scholars in that field of study." The number of University faculty members of all grades increased from 35I to 9^3 during the administration, as shown by the following table: TABLE i:: ilUIlSSR OF MSIBSRS OF TES UinVJHSITY FACULTY 190U-20''' Ye ar Niimbcr I90U-05 351 1905-06 U08 1906-07 khz 1907-OS kj2 1903-09 U97 1909-10 53s 1910-11 555 1911-12 5S3 1912-13 5S7 1913-iU 76^ 191^-15 777 1915-16 821 1916-17 S6S ' 1917-18 8U3 I9IS-I9 800 1919-20 9^3 o Revision of the University Statutes - In 1908^ the University Statutes a- doptcd in I9OI and I902, v;crc extensively modified and amended to meet current conditions, although they followed the pattern of the previous issue. The changes 1 "Sixteen Years at the University of Illinois," page 129. . 2 Approved by the Board of Trustees on DciCembcr 2S, I902. and developments within the University during that period of rapid growth made necessary a number of revisions in order to define more specifically the duties and powers of certain administrative bodies and offices. Change in the Class- Intermission Period - Early in the history of the Uni- versity, the intermission period between classes was fixed at five minutes. As the number of buildings was few and the distances between the buildings was rather short, this gave sufficient time for the students to meet their several class a- ppointraents within the campus area. As the number of buildings increased and distances increased corrcs-oondingly, howovor, the intcnnission time allotted be- came relatively short. On January k, I9IO, it was changed from five to ton minutes, the classes being called to order on the hour and dismissed after a session of fifty minutes. This interval seemed sufficient in the days following the change to allow the students to pass between classes in an orderly and un- confusiid fashion, but as the distances increased to somewhat greater proportions, the coming and going sometimes seemed a littlo strained. The length of the period, however, remained unchanged. The Academy Discontinued - The Preparatory School, which was begin in 1262, and which on December C, 1903f was designated as "The Academy of the University of Illinois", was di;:.continued in June, I9II, upon rccomLiondation of the Univer- sity Senate, for it v.'as felt at that time that the high schools of the State were adequately prepared to moot the University entraricc requirements. It was the in- tention of the Senate that in place of the Academy, there should be established a model training, experimental, and observational school of the secondary grade, "'hich would serve as a. laboratory for the School of Education under the control and direction of th-it School. The attendance of students registered in the Academy '^-as 309 in igiO-11. Inauguration of the University of Illinois Press - IThilo a continuous progiam of publications had been maintained by the University since I90C, when a general 1 The secondary-grade school wa.s established in I9I9 i" ^ separate building, as a model high school under the direction of the College of Education. scrios of "University Studios" was "begun, there '.7as no central agency for coor- dinating and carrying on this "vork until I918, \7hcn the University of Illinois Press '.7as established as an institution for editing, printing, and distributing the publications of the University itself. The list of publications no'j issued by this agency includes scholarly serials and monographs issued under the auspices of the Graduate School, and such other serials as the Annual Register, announce- ments of courses, announcements of schools njid colleges and extension services, publications of the Engineering Experiment Station, and corresponding publications from the other schools and colleges on the cajnpus, and the Bureau of Institutional E.dsearch. The advantages of such a central plant on the campus area are obvious, of course, for itp establishment under local University control conserves much time and expense, poimits a better and greater output of product, and coordinates all effort tovTards a common objective. Later Biography - President Jpjnes was taken seriously ill in the spring of 1919 nnd vTas given a leave of a.bsence until September 1, 1920» He did not re- cover sufficiently, however, to resume his duties -i,s President, and resigned to become President of the University of Illinois, Emeritus, He spent the last five or six years of his life in California, and passed away there at the home of his sister in Cavina on June I7, 1925« President Kinlcy's Eulogy - The follov/ing excrpts from the address by Presi- dent Kinloy at the Memorial Services held in the University Auditorium on Juno 22, 1925, seem verj' appropriately to summarize the administration of President James: "Ho set new standards of scholarship, inspired new enthusiasm for the higher scholarship, gave nov; dignity to the scholarly life, and new enthusiasm to student^ ambition. He raised the standard of work of our professional schools and put the University in its place among the scholarly institutions of the land, so that it was recognized by its associates which had developed the higher grade of Univer- sity work, as deserving a place in their rpjiks.- Hp. reorganized the work offered for higher degrees, particularly the doctor's degree, reconstructed the Graduate School, majcing it a separate group, and giving its work an impetus that led the University of Illinois into recognition as one of the great graduate institutions of the countrj'-. He threw the weight of his groat influence to the strengthening of the spirit and ideals of culture as well as of scholarship; of learning as well as of research; of the perfection of the scholarly life as well as of the rugged strength of the pioneer research after truth. 62 "In nil his s^-^horcs of activity; in every one of Ms varied lines of ser- vice, he stood conspicious for his gift of leadership, his high standard of v/ork and achievement, his vision and his ideals of social service."-^ C. DAVID KIxlLEY, PRSSID31TO, iq20-1930 Preparation and Previous Experience - David Kinley, Acting President from 1919 to 1920, and President from I920 to 1930, was born in Dundee, Scotland, on August 2, I86I. He received the A. 3. degree from Yale University in ISSU, and from Johns Hopkins in IS92. He received the Ph. D. degree from the University of TTisconsin in IS93, and the honorary degree of LL. D. from that institution in 1918. Ke served as teacher in Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Woman's College and the University of T7isconsin during 129I-.IS93. Ke came to the University of Illinois in I8Q3 as Assistant Professor of Economics. He was Professor of Eco- nomics and Dean of the College of Literature and Arts from I89U to I906. He was Director of the School of Commerce from I902 to 1915. i^ean of the Graduate School from 1906 to I91U, and Vice-President of the University from I91U to I919. During these years. Professor Kinley was active in the American Economic Association and kindred organizations, writing several hooks and reports and con- tributing numerous articles to society proceedings and periodicals. Ho was a delegate to the Second and also the Fourth Pan-American Congress and was Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy on a special Mission to Chile in I9IO. The most significant work at the University of Illinois of Doctor Kinley be- fore he became Pi-csidcnt was tho reorganization of the Graduate School, and the securing for it, in I907, of an appro'oriation of $50,000, tho first special appro- priation for such purpose in the State, and probably the first in the country. Two years later, largely through his efforts, legislative appropriation of $100,000 was received for tho Graduate Scliool and liberal appropriations subse- quently followed. Cf only slightly less importance, though, was his contribution towards the development of the College of Commerce and Business Administration, for he was largely responsible for the growth and expansion of this College to its present position. 1 "Memorial Service for Edmund Janes James", pages l8-ig, 63 Outstanding Trends and Events of President IZinley's Administration - Wlaen President James was taken seriously ill in the Spring of I919, he offered his resignation; but instead of accepting it outright, the Board of Trustees in June of that year appointed Doctor Kinley as Acting President. After a year's leave of absence from active duties, President James again submitted his resignation, which was accepted to become effective on August 3I. 1920. Doctor Kinley then be- came President, his formal installation on December 1 and 2, I92I, being made a ceremonial occasion, A few of the outstanding events of his administration arc discussed briefly in the follo'^ing sections. University Finances - Probably the most significant feature of Doctor Kinleys incumbency as President of the University was his ability to instill into the minds of the officials and people of the State greater confidence in the potenti- alities and greater vision of the purposes and possibilities of the University and to secure correspondingly greater appropriations to consummate his purpose of developing a great institution. In 1921, owing to the constantly-increasing number of students and to the consequent need for now buildings, and also to the necessity of increasing sala- ries of instructional and research staffs to meet the increased cost of living due to World War I, President Kinley asked the Icgislatliirc for $10,500,000, and claimed that an adequate and coriiprchcnsivc development of the University would re- quire that amount for each of the next five biennituns. He stated that at the be- ginning of this decennial period a considerable part of the appropriation was needed for the past-due buildings, and that as the dcccnnium progressed a less proportion would be required for a building program and more for maintenance, in- struction, and research. The legislature voted, without a dissenting voice in any committee or in cither house, the sum asked for, thus virtually approving the President's program for the decennium; but the Governor vetoed $1,600,000 for buildings. In 1923, President Kinley presented the same plan and the same program as two years before, and again asked for $10,500,000; and the legislature once more voted 64 all that was asked, and this time the Governor promptly signed the hill as passed. It is interesting to note, that the appropriation of 1921 as received hy the Uni- versity rras $3, '+00, 000 more than the proceeds of the mill tax; and in I923 the appropriation was about double the ianoiint . from. [thp.,.-t5». . That the repre- sentatives of the people should vote such magnificent suns to an educational in- stitution is indisputable proof that the people of the State have implicit con- fidence in the \7ork of the University, in what it is doing, and in the possibili- ties of the future advaiiccnent through it of the various industrial and social interests of the great conmonv/ealth. The total operating income from all sources for the University from 1920 to 1930 was as follo-..'s: 1 TABL3 X UillVSRSITY IITOOUS, I92O-I93O Year Amount 1920-21 $3 771 o46 1921-22 5 283 S3 8 1922-23 6 310 896 1923-24 5 657 S70 1924-25 7 795 067 1925-26 6 137 593 1926-27 7 825 7qo 7 730 843 I927-2S 192s- 29 6 926 602 iq29-3o 7 115 S64 The rapid strides of the University are further reflected by the fact tlxat the total income v/as practically' doubled during this ten-year regime. These figures apply only to the operating income and do not include any special appro- priations made for new buildings or major additions. Educational Policies - Fi'csident Kinley continued to uphold the established traditions and the high educational standards of the University, to emphasize the value of graduate v/ork, aj;d to stress the importance of scientific research — the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, the experimental agency of the College of Economics and Business Adninist ration, having been established in I921. In the University of Illinois Bulletin, Volume XVIII, Wo. 10, ITovcnbcr 8, 1920, Doctor Kinley stated: "The first and most importrijit v/ork of the University is to train 1 Annual reports of the Comptroller. 65 young men and women to develop character, to make them future servants of the people in leading the way in cultural ideals and the economic and social practices that go to make up progress. "But leaders must give out truth. The second great work of the University, therefore, is to discover new truth. It is the people's agency of research. As has been remarked "before, if the University did no teaching work, it would justify the appropriations made to it by the results of its research." In his inaugural address on December 2, I92I, President Kinley made these observations regarding the relations between the University and the State: "It is one of the glories of the State of Illinois that it has made its University free. Its Trustees arc the direct representatives of the people and are free to go back to the people at any time for instruction and support. The representatives of the' people in the legislature loyally support their institution. One of the wonders of our history is that the State Legislature has always been so generous and so ready, ^e are held to strict accountability, of course, and v/e arc glad to be so held. But in the discharge of the duties entrusted to us, no institution could be freer from political control." President Kinley took the necessary steps to increase the operating budget, to strengthen the teaching and research staffs, and to provide new buildings and equipment for a rap idly- expanding student enrollment. One of these buildings was the first unit of the new Librai-y» The buildings that offered the greatest re- lief to the College of Engineering were Architecture and Kindred Arts and the new Materials Testing Laboratory, later renamed the Arthur Newell Talbot Laboratory. The list of new structures included two that were especially designed to serve the general student body for recreational purposes — the Memorial Stadium and the Men's Gymnasium, later designated the George Huff Gymnasium, used not only for physical-training programs, but also for social gatherings and general University functions and assemblies. Other new buildings of general University interest were the McKinloy Hospital and the Radio Station W-I-L-L. Orgf^jiization of the School of Journalism - In I927, the instructional work in 66 Journalism, which was begun in I902 as a part of the courses in Rhetoric, and which after 1916 was administered as tda« division of English in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, was reorganized and expanded to form a separate unit — the School of Journalisr.i — under the supervision of a Director. The School offerj' three curricula which consist of two years of professional training after two yean of college work as prerequisite. The editorial curricultmi prepares students for positions as editors and reporters, the advertising curriculum, for positions in the advertising in radio and commercial vrork, and the publishing curriculum, for positions in the administrative phases of Journa3.isn, The University Faculty - The number of University facility members during the administration of President Xinlcy is shown by the following table: TABLE XI - iraiBUR OF PSHSOIIS Oil THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY, I920-I930 Year number 1920-21 973 1921-22 1 loU 1922-23 1 161 1923-2U 1 192 I92U-25 1 260 1923-25 1 313 1926-27 1 426 1927-23 1 332 1928-29 1 h^h 1929-30 1 U9g The rapid growth and development of the University is further reflected in the figures here given, the increase in hiojiibcrs being over 50 per cent in the ten- year period. President Kinloy continued the policy of maintaining the highest grade of staff possible v/ith the resources available for the purpose. He brought in man^'' men of eminence to fill new positions in adninist i-ativc and professorial ranks and soloctc3d young men of unusual promise for positions demanding good train- ing but less educational experience. Kc was unrelenting in his search for the best he could got . Event s of President I.inlcy's Later Life - In I93O, President Kinlcy reached thi age limit fixed by Univorsity regulations and was retired 7/ith the title of Presi- dent and Professor of Economics, Siiioritu s. Until his death on December 3. 19^'^> he continued to live in Urbana, making his homo in the property he occupied while 67 serving as President. Almost to the end he kept up his interest in community, University, and State affairs, for in I93I he served as special delegate to the Orient for the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago and during 1932-^0, as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the First National Bank in Champaign. President ITillard's Sulogy - The following tribute ty President Willard as recorded in the Urbana Evening Courier of December U, 19'+^, presents an excellent summary of Doctor Kinley's life work: "Few men in educational administration have had the opportiinities to serve in so many capacities. All of his services were performed unselfishly and with a devotion to ideals rarely equalled and never excelled. His memory deserves the highest acclaim and gratitude. "Doctor Kinley was a man of many abilities in all of v/hich he achieved dis- tinction. As an economist he had an international reputr.tion. He was an edu- cational statesman of the highest order. He rjll long be remembered for his ac- complishments as a scholar and university administrator, but most of all for his fine character. His rugged honesty, unquestioned integrity, indomitable will, and abiding faith in the University of Illinois and its future impressed his colleague; and inspired many generations of students. "Doctor Kinley brought to the presidency of the University a background of of training and exf the Federal 3rncrgency Hcliof Administration, or F.H.K.A., as it was generally called, inaugurated a national program for the financial relief of need;/- students in the publically- sup- ported colleges and universities throughout the countiy. This action was taken in view of the hardships that wore being imposed upon youth by the depression period, depriving them of the normal opportunities for obtaining employment to aid in defraying their college expenses.. Federal funds thus allotted to educational institutions, were assigned under the provision that they should bo devoted to special work or projects that the schools could not do at that time with their own funds and that v;ould .afford omployraent for worthy young men and "'omen who would not othcrv-risc be able to got an education, A number of students, not to exceed 10 per cent of the total registration, could be selected by each institution to participate in the fund if that number v;as in need and could not continue v/ithout assistance. Nearly 1,000 students at the University of Illinois benefited by this program. ■ The ma:cimuii which any student was permitted to cam v/as $20 a month and the mini-r mum was $10. . The average for all students participating was not to exceed $15 a 1 The nsune of the relief project was chang.jd in 1935 to National Youth Administra- ■ tion, or N.Y.A. as it v/as commonly kno'-'n, but the system remained about the same. Under this plan, as under the other one, the departments wore able to got many jobs done they could not have hoped to do under other conditions, and nanj'' stu- dents rc^mainod in school who would hravc dropped out if they had not had the help. The N.Y.A. was discontinued, however, in 19^3 f*^^ lack of Federal appropriation by Congress. At that time the civili.^m students remaining in the University seem- ed to be more self-supporting thnn formerly; besides, the money was more urgently needed to carry on the war effort. 7U month. The rates of pay vrere those usually paid by university authorities for work of corresponding grade. The students worked on useful projects proposed ty members of the staff in the different departments. This plan proved to be extremely worth while. It rendered much-needed as-» sistanco to students and kept many of them in college who otherwise would have had to leave. Total University Income - The total operating income of the University from all sources during 1933-3^^ •''as ^'j , Gf c, ,hkj . This amount is only slightly above that for the preceding bionnium, a,nd indicates that the State was still having difficulties in meeting its financial obligations. Salaries of the staff were still down to the level to which they were cut during the previous two years. The lack of funds for library and equipment expenditures called for serious thought in placing the incouo where it could servo to best advgmtagc. Ilumber on tho_ University rac\ilty - The total number of persons of all grades on the University faculty during 1933-3^ including full-tine and prfrt-time staff, was 1,522. This figure is even lower than that for the preceding bicnnium and in- dicates the financial predicament in which the University found itself at that time in trying to hold together its staff of trained personnel. Ptat\itory Subsequent Life - Having reached the/age limit, Doctor Daniels was retired in I93U with the title of Acting President and Professor of Philosophy, Hmcritus . He continued to reside in Urbana, taking an active part in University aiid com- munity affairs until he passed away on Ajiril 2, 19'+0. F. ABTHUH CUTTS MILLAKD, PISSID3KT, I93U-DATE Early Life and Preparation - Arthur Cutts ^Tillard was born in Washington, D.C. on August 12, 137s, and was granted the 3,S. degree in Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Tochnology in I90U. He was a teacher of industrial chemistry in the Califoi'nia School of F.ochanic Arts, San Prancisco, during 190U- 1906. He then scr-ved as Associate Professor of Mochanical Engineering at George Washington University in cliargo of the department from 190b to I909 ; as Assistant 75 Sanitary and Heating Bngineer, Q,uarter Master's Corps, U. S. Army, from I909 to 1911 ; and as Sanitary and Heating Engineer in charge of preparation of plans and specifications for heating and ventilating equipraent at all U. S. Army Posts, in- cluding awards of contracts and acceptance tests, from I9II to 1913. During that time ho served also as consultant on the mechanical equipment of huildings. Pro- fessor '^Tillard came to the University of Illinois in I913 as Assistant Professor, and in I917 he became Professor of Heating and Ventilation — a title he held un- til 193^. He assumed charge of the Hecha.nical Engineering Laboratory during the years 1917-20, and served as Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering from 1920 to I93U. During the period fi'om July 1, I933, to July 1, I93U, he served as Acting Dean of the College of Engineering and Acting Director of the Engineering Experiment Station, On July 1, 193^. ^g became President of the Uni- versity. Presiden t V'illard' s Administration - Shortly after coning into the office as President in 193^, he '.vas honored \'rith the degree of LL. D, by Northwestern and George T7ashington Universities, and with the degree of D. Eng. by Case School of Applied Science. In I936, President Willard was the recipient of the F. Paul An- derson Gold Hedal of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Some of the outstanding problems and events occurting in President Willard's administration arc discussed in the next few pages. Problems Anent Increased Student Enrollment - "During the period beginning with the year 193'+i *^c enrollnent of the University of Illinois increased at a rate that reached beyond anything experienced in the entire previous history of the institution. The magnitude of this growth can best be appreciated by citing some enrollment figures. For the twenty-nine years (from the founding of the institution to 1895-9S) enrollment remained under 1,000 students. The year 1896 to 1897 saw the beginning of a twenty-year period during which the figures mount- ed steadily, with the exception of the years I912-I3 and I917-I8, to 7,000. In 1 Other portions of President Willard's biogravjhical sketch appoa.r in later chapters^ 76 the session I919-20, a steeper climb began v/hich reached a climax of almost 15.000 in I93O-3I, or more than 100 per cent increase in thirteen years. In the three succeeding sessions (during the depression) losses of 1,000 students a year occurred. Beginning with 193^-35. however, there was an average yearly gain of 1,000 students; the climax was reached in 1932-39 with almost 18,000 students. A highly significant fact is that of the enormous increase in students on all campuses of the University of Illinois, almost 80 per cent was in undergraduate divisions of the Urbana campus. "Increases such as those occurring since 193^^ are likely to cause certain problems to arise in educational institutions. The first of these relates to the maintenance of standards of administration under the pressure of great numbers of additional students. The second grows out of a greater diversity of interests and abilities appearing among these new students. These differences in turn re- quire that the institution give consideration to their recognition and classi- fication, and to the modification of the educational program to mQ^t the new ed- ucational requirements. The third is concerned with the modification and expan- sion of the physical facilities and the administrative organization of the Univer- sity to care for the greatly-increased enrollment. The necessity for providing for so many more students than during any previous period brings enormous stresses and strains upon the physical facilities of the institution on the one hand, and on the other upon the mechanism of educational organization and administration." Some of those problems, especially those relating to the budget and the building program are discussed briefly in the next t'7o sections. University finances - The strain on the facilities brought about by the e- normous increase in the enrollment of the student bod;/ demanded a corresponding increase in the budget for buildings, eouipment, and teaching personnel. The to- tal University budget increased from about $11,595,000 for the biennium 1933-35 to about $19,3'40,000 in I9UI-U3, and the total araount spent for buildings and equipment from July 1, 1933, to June 30, I9U2, v/hich include President Daniels' 1 Thc^Uni vpy 3 ity. of -Illinois Survoy Report by a Connission of the American Council S^3S2^I?f o^^?^l§$3' J^.Co°^l '"""'^^ ^'"^ 77 administration, wan a"bout $7,959>000. These allowances during the early years of the recovery period follo'.ving the depression left some funds available for in- crease in salaries of the regular staff, hut not to restore them to their origi- nal values. Some of the later budgets did serve, however, to make up some of the deficiencies, especially among those in the lo'.ver-pay brackets. The total operating income at the University from all sources from I93U to I9UU was as follows:"^ TABLE ZIV - UNIVERSITY INCOME, I93U-I9UU Year Amount I9F-35 $5 787 702 1^35-36 6 Gkk 060 1936-37 6 929 335 1937-3S 7 910 256 1938-39 S 179 6U8 1939-^0 g 577 556 I9U0-U1 9 220 021 ic)hi-k2 11 U13 kkU- 19^2-U3 12 3oq 286 19^3-^^ 15 703 273 The income for the fiscal year ending June 30. 19^3. for example was pro- vided as follows: Erom the U. S. Government 21. 35^ $2 356 1U9 State Appropriations 59.6 6 5/3 795 Student fees 11. U 1 258 7IO Private gifts and endowments ^.5 277 oU2 Earnings of educational departments & miscellaneous 5.2 569 696 ?ii ouo 392 Gross income from residence halls. Union Building, hospital and tenant properties. 5 1 I7I kkk Gifts find endowment income from scholar- ships, prizes and sJinuities 92 050 $12 309 826 Number of Persons on the University Faculty - The total number of persons on the University faculty during the first ten years of President Willard's adminis- tration including full-time and part-time staff "'as as follows: 1 Erom Annual Reports of the Comptroller. 2 From Financial Summary of Report of Comptroller, page 5» 7S TABLE XV - lOIBSH OF PERSONS ON THS UinVEHSITY FACULTY, 193l|_i9UU Year Number I93U-35 1653 1935-36 1752 1936-37 1920 1937-38 2091 1938-39 21U5 1939-Uo 19UC-U1 2219 22U7 19U1-U2 2511. i':)}i2-kj, 236UI 23^7^ igU3-UU The demands made for research and for instruction by an ever-growing student body increased the size of the staff by practically 50 per cent during the ten- year period of this administration. No doubt, the next few years will see even greater additions when students return from milit.-i.ry service, for the Government is planning to subsidize those v/ho were deprived of their undergraduate training when they were inducted into the armed forces. Educational Policies and Objectives of President -Tillard's Administration - The general educational ideals and policies of President V/illard are clearly re- 2 fleeted in the following statements expressed by him in the 1936 Illio: "Unless our educated classes, whether they have specialized in the arts, literature, or sciences, have also an interest in, and an intelligent appreci- ation of, the social, political, and economic problems of the society in which they must live their lives, they may have received an education which they may not use effectively. The approach to these problems through the development of interest and appreciation therein depends on a sense of personal responsibility to the community and the state. In other words, we must develop a sense of citizenship if there is to be a well-balanced society in which to live and enjoy a richer life. "Briefly stated, we have developed during the past decade or so, as a re- sult of our amazingly-rapid advances in technological and other fields, a highly- specialized attitude towards education on the part of the students and faculty in many of our universities, liany are thinking only in terms of education for in- dividual competence, with the result that breadth of learning, background sub- jects, and even cultural ideals are being sacrificed in the rush for utilitarian knowledge which is so much in demand, especially in the professional fields and in the professional schools. The fact that social and economic trends might seriously impair the usefulness of such highly- special! zed knowledge has received scant consideration. Economic stability and social harmony have been taken for granted -- government v;ould solve all such problems as might arise, relieving the individual of any responsibility save to himself and his own career. "It is a proper function, therefore, for our state universities today to 1 Includes those on leave for "Tar Service. 2 Pago 21. 79 readjust the balance 'betucen education for individual competence alone, and edu- cation for breadth, for background, for cultural dovolopmcnt, for cit izenship, in order to j. remote the best interests of the community in which we live. The Uni- versity of Illinois expects to meet this situation V7ith frankness and deal with it without sacrificing any of those fundamental values which our educational experi- ence has taught us apply equally well in any situation — including the present. It is, in my opinion, equally mandatory on the University to produce men and women, who, when face to face with life in a world that is far from perfect, in a world that measures success too often by material success regardless of the means em- ployed, will use their knowledge for the common welfare of their fellow men." Educational Expediencies - While the educational and research policies of President Willard's administration have been, in the main, a continuation of those of his ^ireccdcssors, several innovations have been adopted to keep pace with changing and advancing conditions. In I9U0 there 'vas created the Division of General Studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences with the idea of pro- moting "anovT the ideal of the 'well-rounded maji.'' The curriculum is designed for several types of students who enter the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. It offers a well-balanced program in the sciences and humanities to the student who desires a general introduction to learning and culture before he enters upon specialized trainin^% To the student with conflicting inclinations toward several professions it offers an opportunity to exi.ilore the main areas of knowledge and to test his owi interests and abilities before he decides upon his life work.' Student Another addition was the establishment of the/ Personnel Bureau as an agency to provide student counsel and advice. Its greatest usefulness is to freshmen^ but it is equipped to offer advice to all students on matters of vocational apti- tude and guidance and in the choice of fields of stud;/. Furthermore, there was initiated a state-wide Kigh-School Testing Program that supplies an important ser- vice to the colleges and high schools of the State in classifying student per- formance and in developing essential information for the Personnel Bureau. Another activity inaugurated during his administration was th.- establishment of a state-wide Engineering, Science, and llanagement War Training Program by the U. S. Department of Education through our Division of University Extension to 1 Division of General Studies of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences of the University of Illinois!' August, I9U3, page 1. 80 serve the various war industries in Illinois. Ihile the agency was set up to meet an emergency condition, it will no doubt continue to function in modified form. This agency is discussed at some length in a later chapter. During this period, too, the Chicago departments were greatly strengthened hy the appointment of an Executive Dean to coordinate the educational and research programs of the professional colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy a*4 by an extensive building program to accommodate their expanding departmental needs, and by effecting affiliations and cooperative working arrangements with other Chicago institutions and other state health and clinical agencies located in the Chicago area. Some of these arrangements and agencies are mentioned in the follow- ing paragraph. Affiliations and Relations of the Chicago Colleges with other Chicago Insti- tutions - Rush Medical College and Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago became affili- ated with the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois in I9UI, By an act of the G-eneral Assembly in 19^1, the Research and Educational Hospital and the Illinois Surgical Institute for Children were transferred to the University from the State Department of Public T7clfarc, and the Division of Services for Crippled Children, formerly in that department, was placed under jurisdiction of the Uni- versity. The Illinois Kcuropsychiatric Institute, the Illinois Eye and Ear In- firmary, and the Institute for Juvenile Research, located on the Chicago campus, operate under an agreement between the University and the Dcpartm.ent of Public Welfare.^ The affiliations of these institutions offering infinite opportunities for instruction and research to those connected with the College of Medicine, has served to strengthen the University and move it still further into the topmost rank of American Universities. The numerous clinics, dispensaries, and hospitals; the extensive library and mpj.so\im coll actions; and the enlarged instructional and experimental staff combine facilities for study and investigation rarely equalled in this or other lands. 1 The Annual Register, I9U2-U3, page 66. 21 Changes in the Administrative Organization at Urbana - 3ffoctivc on September 1, I9U3, a number of changes in administrative organization at Urbana Tcre ap- proved by the Board of Trustees. One of these involved the creation of tho nevr office of Dean of Students directly responsible to the President, to direct and coordinate the work of a number of offices, committees, and functions that relate to student life and welfare, especially those of a non-curricular nature. Under this nev/ arrangement, tho Dean of Students supervises the activities of the Dean of Men, Dean of V/omcn, Student Employiftont Bureau, University Health- Service Station, McKinley Hospital and the hospital and medical services, the division of student housing, all boards administering extra-curricular affairs ex- cept those relating to athletics and the alumni association, and all cultural, educational, and social progr;ans of the Illinois Union and the residence halls. He is responsible, also, for the committee on Guidance Conferences for High-school students. Under this new plan, too, there is to be an office of Business Manager, im- mediately responsible to the president, to direct and correlate the business a- ffairs 01 the University except those assigned to the office of comptroller. The responsibilities of this ne'.7 post will include purchasing and non-academic employ- ment, and the construction, maintenance, and operation of the physical plant, the residence halls and tho Illini Union Building and Illini Hall. Building Program - The several nev; buildings erected during the administra- tion of President Willard arc located both on the Urbana ;'nd Chicago campuses. Thos in Urbana include: The Metallurgical Laboratory, I936; The Natural Resources Building housing the State Geological and Natural History Surveys, I9UO; The Geologic^a Survey Laboratory, 19UO; The William Lnxiont Abbott Power Plant, 1940; Gregory Hnll, I9U0: Men's Residence Hall, I9UI; wMb the Illini Union Building, the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, I3U3; and the Airport Hangar, iPU;;. 19^1y In addition there have been made major extensions to existing buildings on the Urbana Cnjnpus, the largest of which was the University Library. Those nev/ buildings located in Chicago include: Dentistry, Medical and Phar- macy building, 1937* Iii addition, there were some changes made to existing S2 buildings, the chief of which --vas for the ncr Chicaeo Illini Union Building, for- merly housing a part of the College of Pharmacy. Student-Faculty- Alumni Social Centers - The administration arranged to take over the old Y.M.C.A. building at Wright and John streets in Champaign ,?ind to con- vert it into a student center, which served temporarily to provide a nucleus of activities for the student bod^^ Later, there was constructed the new Illini Union Building, which has served so efficiently as a social and service center for activities on the Urbana campus proper. There was established, in addition, a student -faculty- alumni center on the Chicago campus, in what has been called the Chicago Illini Union Building, to serve somewhat the same purposes as the studcnt-faculty-alumni centers have done at Urbana. These Urbana centers are described more fully in later chapters.. The University of Illinois Foundation - The University of Illinois Foundation a non-profit corporation organized in 1935. under the la-./s of the State of Illi- nois, grew out of the Al\:unni Fund which had been started about ten'years previous- ly. Its objectives are s-amnarizcd in the igU2-U3 issue of the Annual Hogister-'- as follows: "l, to assist in developing the facilities of the University by encouraging gifts of money, property, v.-orks of art, etc., and by such other means as may seem advisable; 2, to receive, hold, and administer such gifts v/ith the primaiT object of serving purposes other than those for which the State of Illinois ordinarily malcos sufficient appropriations; 3, to act as the business agent of the Board of Trustees of the University in the performing of other services specified by them; and h, to undert.nko such other enterprises as tend to promote the interests and welfare of the University* "The Foundation consists of twenty-eight members. Three of these arc the President of the University, the President of the Board of Trustees of the Univer- sity, and the President of the Alumni Association, who are ex-officio members dur- ing their terms of office. Three other members are elected from the Board of Trustees of the University. The remaining members are elected, for terms of three years, by the existing membership. At the annual meeting of the Foundation, nine of the members, including the three cx-officio members, are elected to serve as Directors of the Foundation." 1 Page U20 82a Divis i on of Special Services for War Veterans - The Division of Special Ser- vices for War Veterans was created in 19kk to serve as an agency for receiving and counselling those veterans of World War II who are interested in continuing their University training and for supplying in so far as possible their scholastic needs. The Division operates under supervision of a director experienced in war-time veterans' service, who reports directly to the President. Small Homes Counc il - "The Small Homes Council was established in ISJ+l^ for the pur- pose of informing the general public on matters pertaining to home design, constnic- tion, maintenance, and ownership, by means of publications and approved forms of demonstration. The activities of the Council are under the direction of an execu- tive comniittee and the Coordinator. Its program includes the development and coordination of research and experiment in new fields of design, construction, materials, and human use of the home. The Council acts as an agency to coordinate the research and teaching facilities of all departments and colleges in the Uni- versity whose work touches on the problems pertaixiing to tlie home, both urban and rural. It also acts as a cooperating agency with elements of the building industry which are interested in the same fields of endeavor. The work of the Council ia done by a staff and by committees whose members are drawn from the faculty of cooperating departments and colleges." 1 New College of Veterinary Medicine - In 19'+5, there was established on the Urbana campus the College of Veterinary Medicine. Previous to that time, the work in this particular field had been administered by the Department of Animal Pathology and Hygiene in the College of Agriculture. Department of Naval Science and Tactics - The Department of Naval Science and Tactics was established in 19^5 as an agency to- continue the Navy training program set up during World War II and to adMnister the courses provided for the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps. Institute of Aeronautics - The Institute of Aeronautics was established in I9U5 as an agency to foster and correlate all of the University's educational and experimental activitea related to aviation. It is administered by a Director who is chairman of an Executive Committee appointed by the President of the ' University from departments having a part in the program of education and research in the field of aviation. 1 Annual Register, 19^5-^6, page ksk. .. "^ qA^ at f»'-^: '■■■■■'■■ ^- •;• aacteA ^f,% r.* '7r[Xi> :.jUj j.^^1^.:- ::::'i^ :. S3 CHAPT3H IV GEIIERAI GED'.YTH AID ACTIVITI3S 07 THE COLLEGE OF EIJGIIOIESIITG The Status of Engineering and Engineering Instruction in I87O - TThen defi- nite instructional vjork in Engineering was launched in I87O, practice in that field was largely an art, and as a consequence, the curricula of the early techni- cal departments came to contain many courses that were essentially manual in na- ture, such as shop 'vork, mechanical drawing, and surveying. For a number of years, these courses together with mathematics and the liberal-training subjects, made up the bulk of the curricula. Like everything else, however, instruction had to begin where it found itself, and make it;; o'to experience from that elementa- ry beginning. Chronology of the Department s - In IS70, provision was made for instruction in"courses in Kechmiical Science and Art, Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering and Metallurgy, and Architecture and Fine Arts." Instinction in some courses in Physics Has given as early as I870, but Physics did not become a separate depart- ment until ISS9 — a date marking the beginning of a period of great expansion of the Collc'go. . The Departments of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering and of Theo- retical and Applied Mechanics were established in I89O. Electrical Engineering became a division of Physics in I89I, but it was not made an entirely separate department until 1898. Hailv/ay Engineering was made a separate department in 1906, with three distinct curricula: Railway Civil Engineering, Railwaj*^ Electrical and Railway Mechanical Engineering. In 1915. the Department of Ceramics v;as trans- ferred from what was then the College of Science to the College of Engineering and became the Department of Ceramic Engineering. Some instruction in courses in drawing and descriptive geometry was offered when the four pioneer departments were organized in IS70, although a separate department of General Engineering Drawing was not established until I92I, The Department of General Engineering was also set up in I921, while the Department of Agricultural Engineering vras provided in I931 and the Department of Aeronautical Engineering in igUU. The Department of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering was discontinued in 1926, and the Department of Railway Engineering, in I9U0.. The facilities of these several departments including the personnel, and their courses and curricula are described in later chapters. A. EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS AND PRACTICES Requirements for Admission to the College of Engineering - Before I899. the requirements for admission to the College of Engineering were rather indefinite; after that, however, they were rather rigidly prescribed. From September, IS99, to September, I903. the requirements for admission -.vere 12 units of high-school work, and from September, I903, to September, 1905i the number was thirteen and one-half units. During I905-O0, the number was increased to fourteen, and since 1908, it has been fifteen units. Of these fifteen units now required, three must be in English, one and one-half in Algebra, one in plane Geometry, one-half in solid Geometrj', and nine from fields of general and special elect ivos, those most favored and rocommendud being foreign language, science, social studies, and in- dustrial arts. Early I.ethods of Instruction - In regard to instruction methods, the 1891-92 1 number of the University Catalogue stated: "^enevcr suitable textbool:s can be found, they are employed, because sav- ing much time in acquiring facts and data, and because such books become doubly valuable for later reference when enriched by notes and additions. But to arouse and awaken the enthusiasm of the student, occasional or stated lectures are neces- sary, and these are fully illustrated by sketches, diagrams, drawings, and photo- graphs of executed -.vorks. They are frequently used in the advanced classes partly because of the deficiency of textbooks was there most apparent. Additional courses of extended reading are marked out by reference to the University Library, so that each student may enjoy the greatest possible benefit from the course of instruction. In all courses of study offered by this College, drawing, in its manifold forms and uses, is made a special feature, both in its application and its modes of execution." "Thcr>^vcr possible the classroom instruction was supplemented oy the use of plates and models, while the drav/ing-room work was in a way coordinated with shop practice in that machines designed in the drafting room wore actually built in the shop by the students themselves. 1 Pages Uo-Ul : ■iv*^i4A'4 fS'jjV S5 During the lecture periods, the students took notes '.vhich they preserved in orderly fom for reference and stud;'' in preparation for the quizzes and exami- nations that followed during subsequent periods. In addition, many instructors' - were able to illustrate their theory by problems which the students were required to work on their ovm time and to turn in for the grader's records. As soon as suitable apparatus became available, laboratory insti'iiction was provided to supplement the classroom training, 3y means of these exercises which paralled the classroom assignments in so far as practicable, the students were able to verify the principles and laws of science and to apply them to specific casps. The ex- periments were designed to teach the use of the instruments ordinarily employed in Engineering practice, and to demand a high standard of performance, far above the level of a mere storotyped and routine process of reading and recording data. After the investigations were completed, the students were required to formulate constructive and analytical reports summarizing the results, making their own in- terpretations, and deriving their own conclusions. Thus, this pant of the in- structional schedule v/as planned to provide much more than a passing knowledge of the methods in practice. It was designed to develop for the individual that quali- ty of initiative and independence of thouglit necessary to turn out resourceful and successful engineers. Changes in r.ethods of Instruction - During the last seventy-five years there has been a very decided advancement in the overall methods of Engineering in« . struction made possible by the outstanding progress in the development and ex- pansion of the Engineering profession and the Engineering industries and, by im- provements in facilities available for educational jjurooses, although the general objectives in training remain the same. The production of modern textbooks has made it possible to replace a considerable amount of lecture and notebook work by the more tJfficient home- study and recitation method, and has bot,n a great aid to both teacher and student. Such texts have helped also to standardize the content of courses and probably to raise the standp.rd of quality of work done. 3, I'a: page 1 Bulletin I925, l'o.5, Land-Grant College Education, loiO-1920,Part IV, Engineering a.nd Mechanic Arts, pages 14—15. 36 The constant increase in the scope of angineering science and knov/ledge and in the extent and character of the applications of this ocience and knov/ledge, hac made necessary the inclusion of many new specialties and much new material in the curriculum, as well as the revision of courses to include new applications, some- times with a relocation of emphasis on matter already included. While the following quotations refer specifically to Mechanical Engineering, others similar in scope and tone typifying the progress in all other departments could be recorded with equal propriety. "The development and general utilization of the internal combustion engine the steam turbine, and the uniflow steam engine; the great increase in the con- sumption of mechanical and electrical power; and the development of great central power stations have made it necessary to modify the courses in pov/er engineering and to enlarge their scope. The introduction of improved tool steel and of high- power machine tools, and the demand for greater shop production and for the elimi- nation of waste in industry have called for additional attention to these matters in courses dealing with shop work." Changes in course-content of the curriculum in liechanical Engineering for example, ato illustrated by the following comparison between the years I87O and 1940 :. Year Language Mathematics Drawing Humanities Pure Science Engineering Subjects 1870 25fo 33?fl U2fi I9I+O 12> 30'^ 58f» "The great increase in the number of engineering Students in recent years has made feasible a greater degree of specialization by teachers and by students than formerly. Special courses in industrial history, English, Physics, and the like have to a considerable extent replaced the more general courses formerly given to all college students.. Similarly, the larger number of Mechanical Segi,*-- neering students has made possible the introduction of more options in the senior year, without reducing the n\mber of students in each section to too small a num- ber for economical instruction. Curricula in industrial engineering, heating and ventilating, pov;or engineering,, railway mechanical engineering, and the like have also been introduced in a nvimber of colleges. The larger niimber of liechanical Engineering teachers required for the larger number of students has made possible the specialization of the teachers in those subjects they are best qualified to handle, and has doubtless improved the quality of instruction. "3 A striking contrast between the instructional methods in Engineering during the first twenty-five years of the University's history with those of later l.Ibid. page 12 2. Ibid, page 12 3. Ibid, pages I3-IU 87 periods is in the use of laboratory equipment. Before 1893 i there was comparative- ly little apparatus available for laboratory purposes, but through the years since then, great strides have been made in providing facilities for instructional use. Throughout all this time, though, the dominating idea in formulating the instructional materials and the educational programs, has been to provide the best combinations of systematically-considered lectures, text assignments, col- lateral readings, discussion sessions, quizzes, problems, drawing-room and labo- ratory exercises, reports, and inspection trips that enable the students to master their chosen subjects to best advantage under the limitations imposed by Univer- sity and other social conditions. Instruction for Engineering Students Provided by a N umber of_ Colleges VTithin. the University - The instruction in technical engineering subjects has always been given to students registered in the College of Engineering by members of this College staff. That in such subjects as mathematics, language, economics, chemis- try, etc., however, has been provided by other colleges here on the University campus. Studies have been made at one time or another looking towards making the College of Engineering an autonomous or independent unit by supplying its own staff to give instruction in non-technical courses; but no appreciable change in this direction has even been effected. The College of Engineering faculty - The College was exceedingly fortunate in the personnel of its departments in the early stages of its development. Still- man V/illiams Robinson, the first teacher in the new College, was appointed Pro- fessor of Mechanical Engineering in December, l8o9, and served eight and one-half years in that capacity, iknong other things, he established the first strictly edu- cational shops in the United States. His clear-cut ideas of the aims of engi- neering education in this country dominated the early development of the College and determined a philosoph.y of education still considered sound in present-day programs. Mathematical theory and scientific research i-rerr admirably blended with discussions of engineering practice in Professor Robinson's classroom and and laboratory. Professor Robinson was associated 'jith and followed "by a group of pioneers in this alnost-new type of education — men who had a keen vision of the possi- bilities of the engineering profession^ Among them may be mentioned Professor Selim K. Peabody in Mechanical Engineering, and later Regent of the University; J. Burkitt webb and Ira Osborn Baker in Civil Engineering; Nathan Clifford Ricker in Architecture; Arthur Tannant Woods and Lester P.Breckenridge in Mechanical Engineering; Arthur Newell Talbot in Municipal and Sanitary Ungineering and Theo- retical and Applied Mechanics; Theodore Constock in Minin;]; Engineering; and S;imuel TT.Stratton in Physics. This small group of -.Tcll-t rained and enthusiastic educators, motivated by serious purposes to provide the best instruction possible, gave earnest consideration to the balancing of the curricular subjects in the in- structional program, as \icll as the requirements for aiiraission and graduation, to the organization and presentation of instructional materials, to the proper de- velopment and use of laboratory' facilities, and to the standards of student per- formance in their classroom and extra-curticular activities including their engi- neering-society programs. The impress of these early educational leaders upon engineering education in this country clearly persists to this day in many insti- tutions and in professional service and went a long v/aj^' in establishing the repu- tation vdiich the College has made for itself to ra,nk it among the foremost techni- cal institutions in the land. As the years went on, the size of the College faculty was increased to keep pace with the growth in industry and in numbers of the student bO(^, "and with this increase a greater variety of talent was obtained. No longer Y?as the vdsdom and knowledge and authority on a v.ddc range of subjects confined to one or two or three individuals in a department. V.'ith this increase in strength through de- velopment naturally camo a grovrth in the recognized standing of this College in the various fields. Likewise the number of individuals well-trained in special lines incrcaser'. Insofar as an institution's work may be judged by the strength of its faculty, the achievcmi nts of the College may be c;qiLCted to become more valuable, more outstanding with the improvement of its personnel, especially as the quality and attitude of the student "body may be expected to keep up to high grade. Something of the advances in the make-up of the institution may be judged by the development of the men having to do v/ith instruction,," In line with this educational policy, university administrators have long recognized that the most important part of a college plant is its teaching and scientific staffs — that of little value indeed would be buildings and equipment without competent and highly-trained men to utilize them for the most constructive purpose.. Such a staff, too,, is the most liquid part of the educational plant as many an executive including our own> has learned to his 'sorrow when other insti- tutions have lured a'.7ay some of his top-ranking men by offers of increase in pay or other recognized advantage. The type of men the University has sought to carry on its instruction and scientific work is clearly portrayed in the following comments by President James:. "With the increase of the student body it becomes necessary to enlarge the instructing corps, and with this increasing number of instructors, «4t becomes possible to secure a wider range of ability and preparation. This makes the Uni- versity a more interesting place to work, and yo\ing men who are looking forward to a scientific career arc more willing to come into it and remain a part of the staff for a longer time than would othor'-dse be the case. As our equipment is increased and as our libraries increase,, the University becomes to an increasing extent a center of scientific research and investigation; and life in the University is in- creasingly attractive to the best type of aspiring, progressive, highly-trained scientists.," "No institution can lay claim to the title 'University' unless it is a center of scientific activity which is spontaneous in the members of its instruct- ing corps — activity prompted by a divine thirst for increasing our knowledge. "I have urged upon the faculties and upon the trustees with all the earnest- ness of which I am capable tliat in the selection of young men for the position of instructor, that is, the lowest grade of our faculty positions,, only those young men should be selecti d who have it in them to be good teachers, capable instructoiB and at the s;imc time who have had the proper training and have within themselves the ambition to become invest ign.tors, research men, productive scholars, in the various lint:s in which they are-, at work. "There is no doubt that if this plan is adhered to closely, systematically, continuously, for a generation, the University of Illinois., if the State equips it properly with libraries and apparatus., v/ill become one of the great centers of learning in the world, a credit to the people of the commonwealth, a source of 1 The Technograph, February, 193^. page U. "r so:.:f.:-cf ..-1 ■:.^--{^^>-i^i!^ii^^ ~&^ ;> •■Uli'-i,'-;-^*.. 90 untold advaatnge to the culture and industry of this great state." The period follo'ffing I920 brought aliout an increase in the faculty of the College of Engineering in both the instructional and experimental fields, for there was at that time a substantial increase in student enrollment and interest in systematic research. In particular there v/as a noticeable improvement in the standards of prejiaration of the younger members of the staff that has continued to the present day — an improvement that was due in large measure to the pro- visions made for graduate work. The College has continued to follow the policy, established so long ago, of choosing expert:; for particular fields v/ith years of experience as a background, who are enabled thereby to present to their students not only the theoretical point of view of the subjects under consideration but also the professional appli- cations of the materials in the light of their practice in the industrial world. Many of these men have attained a national reputation for the work they have done and have become highly respected by the members of learned groups for their out- standing technical ability and accomplishment Sr The presence of a fev/ such top- ranking men is a wonderful asset to an institution of learning, and in this ex- perience the College of Engineering has been unusually fortunate* The number of persons of various grades or ranks serving on the College Faculty from I87O to ig'+O, is given in the following table: TABLE XVI NUMBER OF FERSOIIS Oil THE TEACHING AITD EXPERIMENTAL STAFF 8F THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, I87O-I9U0 2 ^ Year Prof . Assoc , Asstw' Associate Instr. Asst. Total Prof. IS7O-7I 1 1 187^-75 2 1 238 1879-80 2 1 36 18SU-85 U 1889-90 3 1 3 3 10 lg9M5 5 3 S 9 25 I899-00 6 2 8 6 U 26 1904-05 8 9 23 3 U3 1909-10 10 3 Asstw' Prof. Associate Instr. and Res. Asst. Asst? 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 3 8 3 S 6 3 I 9 19 9 23 3S 3 19 1 "Sixteen Years at the University of Illinois", page 15O. 2 The grade of Associate '.'as created by the Board of Trustees in 1907- 3 Includes Research Graduate Assistants. ^\lr.:.. .v. ■I...'-- 91 Year Prof. ASSOQ. Asst.. ..Associate Instr. Asst. Total Prof. Prof. and Res. A£st_. I91U-I5 19 1 19 15 H 30 131 1919-20 I92U-25 22 k 22 12 26 32 130 30 g 35 12 S 25 169 1929-30 193^-35 1939-^0 39 11 22 27 57 200 ho 12 25 29 16 35 157 U5 17 33 2k kk U9 212 Contrasted with a faculty of one man in IS70, eight in 1225. and 26 in I9CO, the faculty of the College of Engineering in 19^0 numbered 212 persons of all ranks including 95 n^en of professorial rank, 62 associates and instructors, and U9 assistants. B. COLLEGE POLICIES AlJD OBJECTIVES General - The College educational program was instituted or oriented on a high-level basis in the pattern formulated by Professor Robinson when he took over responsible direction of much of the work of the College in 127O and the years im- mediately following as previously stated. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, Professor Robinson was soon to become associated with and assisto(f by other in- structors who were also impcllod by lofty ideals for the building up of a great educational institution founded upon principles of nuporior performance. Thraggh the years since then, those same high purposes have continued to guide and to motivate the directing powers in formulating any plfuis or pi-oposgls for instruction^ al or experimental work the College might undertal-ie. This general objective of the College of Engineering is stated in the IS9I-92 issue of the Catalogue as follows; "The purpose of the College of Engineering is thoroughly to educate and prepare engineers and architects for their future professional courses. Its aim is therefore tv/ofold — general and technical.. A considerable portion of the courses of study must be devoted to general and literary work, since a graduate is now expected to arrange his ideas in clear ox'der, and to write and speak effectively whenever it becomes necessary. Professional success frequently depends upon this power far more than is commonly supposed. Moreover there is an ever-increasing fund of general and scientific knowledge with which any educated man is expected to be conversant, if he desires to retain the esteem of his associates and clients. A large and most valuable portion of the knowledge is still locked up in foreign languages, and these must be acquired by patient stud^'' and practice. Scarcely a single science is not at some time useful to the professional man, and some of them, like mathematics or physics, are so intimately interv/ovon with the different 1 Page Uc i ■:':, ■■^'A.l ■ .,M- : ) 92 branches of technical knowledge, as to be practically indispensable, and so re- quire a more thorough mastery than is necessary to the literary man. It might appear that this general training would alone be sufficient to absorb the entire attention of the student during his whole course, but not loss than one-half of his time must be given to purely technical training, and the acquiring of a pro- fessional capital, or stock of information and knov/ledge of details, which is al- most limitless in its denand and possibilities. The methods employed for embody- ing new ideas in drawings, intelligible to other professional men and to mechanics must likewise be acquired." "A knowledge of the latest results of scientific experiments is likewise essential, requiring; wide reading by some one, either student or professor. Engi- neering knowledge must be fresh, to be valuable, since ideas and methods are quickly supplanted by improved ones, and become useless except as mile-stones of progress. Consequently, the most valuable i:art of this professional knowledge can never be crystallized in textbooks, but must be drawn from the mental stores of the teacher." The University Catalogue of 190'4-05, the first to appear after the establish- ment of the Engineering Experiment Station in I903, stated anew in more detail the general alms of the College as follows: "The purpose of the College is a threefold one: 1 To train and prepare men for the efficient practice of the different pro- fessions of engineering and that of archittjcturo.; as v/ell as to become managers of great business and industrial entei^pri ses. Both profession- al and cultural studies are prescribed, since a successfiil engineer must possess broad viev/s and be able to write and speak correct and rigorous English in order to present his views clearly and effectively. Training in proper methods for solving engineering problems is of much greater inv- portance than the collection of stores and data, however valuable. But the graduate must be an efficient worker at the beginning of his career in some specialty of his chosen profession. 2 To provide instruction for graduates and to supervise thei/ studies in selected fields, thus meeting a demand for highly-specialized instruction and research. 3 To make original investig''tions qjid experiments in thosB lines of research which are of greatest interest and promise to the engineering and in- dustrial enterprises of the citizens of this State." The I908-O9 issue of the Annual Register contained the following statement outlining still further the purposes of the College: "The -Durposn of the College is to train young men for the profession of engineering. In arranging its courses of study and practice, cultural subjects have not been ne'-lected, but are interwoven ^ath the strongly theoretical subjects which underlie and reinforce the more practical development of the several depart- ments. The instruction in the classroom and the practice offered by the library, the drafting room, and the laboratory proceed hand in hand. Throughout his course the student works upon problems, and proceeds by methods which are similar to those which enter into the experience of the practicing engineer." 1 rage 93 2 In I9O8 the statement -'as add.^d:"and to distribute the knowledge gained from such research," 3 Pn.ge 96. 93 Exfolicitly Aofinod in more modern terms, the general aims of the in- structional progranis of the College are designed go to train men for true citizer>- ship and for such leadership and service that they nay bo able to utilize sound reasoning processes in visun.lizing, designing, constructing, and operating or ad- ministering any engineering project that they may be called upon to attend accori- ing to the following specifications prescribed by the Sngineors' Council for Pro- fessional Development in a pamphlet entitled "Enginuering as a Careeri' "The engineer first studies his problem to determine its nature and scope; then he breaks his problem dov7n into its nximcrous small component parts, estabHabr- cs the relationship between these parts, and determines the known and the unj-rnov/n elements; he then acquaints himself with all available pertinent facts that have been established by experience, research, or exiieriment ; then he solves the small component parts separately, and progressively fits them together to compose the answer to his original general problem. In reaching his conclusions, the engineer starts with known facts and established principles, and by logical reasoning and resourcefulness proceeds in an orderly step-by-step manner, avoiding the pitfalls of wishful thinking and the snares of purely personal or political considerations'.' Authority for Golloge Policy - Of course, the general educational policies of the College of Engineering have been synchronized with and governed in the maii\ by those instituted for the conduct of the University in general; and in so far as College action deals with general policies, such action must be approved by the University Senate or other University governing agency or body before it can become effective. In working out details of progrru.is, schedules, or curricula, the College has, however, a certain amount of autonomy. The Development and Determination of College Policy - The College faculty, the governing authority for the Engineering group, together with the Dean and Assistant or Associate Dean, and such committees as have been authorized by Uni- versity or College regulations, have from time to time given much time to consider- ation, examination, and appraisal of such matters as curricula, courses, and other topics relating to the educational policy and mr-.torial development of the College. Of the great number of subjects that have been considered along this line by the different groups, a few, but only a fe'.v, t^'pical cases arc discussed in the following pages » 1 Page 9. Professional Engineering and Science Courses vs . the Humanities in the ^ Curricula - 'iThile the general and specific objectives of the College have been pretty well defined throughout the years, the instructional program has been varied from time to time to correspond vjith changing conditions in industry. In the early days, engineering was largely an art, a craft, or a trade carried on generally by rule-of-thiomb practice. There were comparatively fe^v technological fields sufficiently developed to furnish instiructional materials for the curricu- lar programs. Sufficient time, then, could be allotted to the languages, humani- ties, and other liberal-arts subjects in addition to mathematics to form sound and well-balanced classroom schedules. Later, however, as the science of tech- nology began to develop, its evolution came at such a pace and so varied in scope, and pattern as to outstrip even the advances made by the older political, social, and economic institutions, affording unlimited possibilities of achievement for the engineer as he oame to assume more and more of the responsibilities of pro- duction . As the pressure to inject more of the teclinical subjects into the cur- ricula increased, the tendencies were to substitute them for the so-called cultur- al or classical courses* This matter of the relative values and relationships of curricular studies has at times seemed almost bewildering and is discussed briefly in the next few paragraphs. Language and Rhetoric Requi rement s - In the early days, much of the literatuiD relating to the field of engineering was written in a foreign language, especially G-erman and French, as previously mentioned, and training in these subjects became a part of the standard curricula. As time went on, hov/nvor, thn output of techni- cal literature in Ancrica began to increase, and as production improved, the litei^- ary materials turned out in this country became more valuable to us than those abroad. They became so voluminous, too, that the avcra.'c man in practice could scarcely hope to review all the publications in a particular field. Under press\3to of a,sscssine valuations of -potential materials for the curricula, various committees undertook at several times, studies of the matter of foreign language as require- ments for graduation, with the final result that language requirements were 95 eliminated from most of the curricula. All groups reviev/ing the curricular con- tent have been consistent in their opinion, ho'.7ever, that rhetoric should remain as a required subject; and in all curricula it is scheduled as a three-hour sub- ject through out a one-year period. Non-Technical IJlectives - Various committees and other groups have also studied the matter of non-technical electives — those non-technical subjects that are sympathetic ^'ith the basic instructional program, but '.vhich are not in- cluded in the prescribed schedule, and which are available for election by the student at hi'j cm volition. The space allotted to such topics has sometimes in- creased under the attempt to liberalize the curricula, '*^'^-'-^rrV i' FJSftiih.- 'A.ftp-V jrnar^--!^- ,Ae*-^tiiB-~ait4.afii^*^tX3 iibeTalig©" ti%e-cu-rrioula and har. again declined under the im- pelling demanr's for greater attention to technological training to serve in new and developing fields. "Vithin the last fev.' years, it has even disappeared entire- ly from some schedules and has decreased to six or eight hours at the most in others. A number of '7ays to solve the dilemma of conflicting interests have been proposed, one or two of v/hich are treated briefly in the following pages. The J'our-and Fivo-Year Curricula - About I915, there began the realization among engineering college administrators that the four-year curricula then current did not provide sufficient opportunity for the departments to include all the sub- jects — technical, scientific, economic, literary, and historical — tliat proper- ly belonged in a well-balanced instructional prograia designed to turn out gradu- ates as specialists equipped to cope v/ith complex conditions. After some years of serious deliberation, the several schools especially interested, folloi7ed generally one of t-^o major policies as a way out of the difficulty. One of these was the five-year plan for undergraduate study either on the basis of a straight five-year curriculum or on sin arrangement of two years of -.preliminary study in liberal arts as a prerequisite for registration in a threes-year curriculum in engineering — on. or t'.fo schools even roquirin.^ such preliminary stud^^ as pre- requisite for their four-ynar curriculum in engineering. The other policy was to adopt a four-year curriculum for undergraduate study follov/od l)y at least one 96 additional year of graduate study. The University of Illinois chose in general the second method and has maintained it to date. The College has defended this action on the ground that even a five-year cur- riculum is too long for the rank and file of students — that many of them v7ould drop out long before the day of graduation. It has felt tliat it would serve the purpose better to have the majority go four years and then graduate and go into practice, and let those who r/erc qualified and so inclined, sj)end one or more years of intensive graduate study in rather highl"- specialized fields in prepa- ration for such positions as involve research, design, or scientific analysis. Graduat o Study in Engineering - Because the demand from both students and industry for extensive trainin.^ in an tivei'-.incroasing number of teclonical subjects as well as for a more intensive ])reparation in the fundamental science courses, mathematics, and the hujnanities th^xt are so essential to any well-organized pro- gram, increased the number of desirable courses beyond the range of riossibilit ies of the four-year curriculum, as previously stated, and because the growing em- phasis placed upon engineering and scientific research served to focus greater attention on graduate study, the departments "'orc led to offer graduate work of one or more years stud;^ as a means for meeting the situation. Many students have taken advantage of the opportunities thus presented on the post-graduate level for attaining greater proficiency in some professional field, continuing in pro- grams of advanced study in their chosen lines of specialization beyond the senior year to earn the master's degree and to a relatively increasing extent, the doctor's degree. The academic atmosrihcrc offers in the doiiains of both pure and applied science a freedom for investigational effort that is in large measure un- fettered and unbiased by considerations of economic rewards or of utilitarianism and necessity that to a certain extent influence the motives in many an industrial enterprise in exploring the fundamentals underlying science and industry. Gradu- ate study is carried on a higher level of perfoniance than that maintained by the average undergraduate, and demands higher scholastic attainments, greater m'ental initiative, more independent thought and investig^'tion, and more concentration 97 than that displayed by youngor students. Bngincoring Research - Engineering Research is a systoraatic or organized effort to observe or establish ne:? principles and la.v/s of tinith and the relation- ships that exist between thera, to study meticulously find scientifically the be- havior or porfornance of engineering materi,-uLs and products, and to finalyze and exm.iinc precisely'' and intelligently the processes of production and operation in order to broaden or extend the foundational basis upon which our industi-y stands. The Collogc of Engineering has generally felt that research should go hruid in hand with engineering instruction, not only that certain material advantages woiid thereby accrue to industrjr, but also that such a policy, properly followed, v7ould serve to enlarge the basis of education and improve the instruction, benefiting the instructor himself as '.7ell as his students enrolled in both undergraduate and graduate courses. The experimental v/ork thus carried on here in correlation 'jith the instructional program is both pure and applied, the pure or academic efforts being devoted largely to the development of new facts or kncTrlege and relation- ships, and api'lied or industrial research to the utilization of such information to the development of ne-r industries or to the improvement of those alres.dy es- tablished. This subject, a topic of frequent discussion by College committees, is considered further in connection with the na.terials in Chal)ter XXV describing the Sngineoring Sxi^criment Station. I3ual Curricula - Beginning in ig3S-39, the College of Engineering adopted the principles of the dual curricula whereby undergraduate students of superior ability were fallowed to make deviations from the standard curricula and engage in special-work programs suiting the individual needs ?md tastes. A special schedule of subjects was made for each particular student to suit his peculiar case — only a comparatively few being granted this privilege, of cours(!, on account of the difficulties involved in administration. These special programs included, all the the fundamental subjects of the regular curricula of the respective departments, the variations being made only in the applied courses looking to particular train- ing in specialised fields.. This innovation was practically discontinued during the war poriod due to the rigidity of the schedules of the enlisted men and of the limited registration of other men, "but it did serve the useful purpose of stimu- lating registrants to greater effort, for students regarded it a signal honor to be accorded such consideration. C. STUDY OF EDUCATIONAL REPORTS Study of the Mann Report - The extensive report on the status and objectives of cneincering education in the United States prepared by Dr, Charles R. Mann, a professor of Physics in the University of Chicago, and published by him in 1918 as a representative of the iarnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, was made a topic of special study by the College of Engineering during the ad- ministration of Dean Charles Russ Richards. 1 The initial steps in this original investigation '7ero taken in I907 when the Society for th^ Promotion of Engineering Bduca.tion invited the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Insti- tute of Electrical Engineers, and the American Chemical Society to unite ^ith it in appointing delegates to a "Joint Committee on Engineering Education to examine into all branches of engineering education includin^^ engineering research, gradu- ate professional courses, undergraduate (mgineering instruction, and the proper relations of engineering schools to secondary industrial schools, or foremen's schools, and to formulate a report or reports upon the appropriate* scope of engi- neering education and the degree of coopf ratior and unity that may be advantageous- ly arranged between the various engineering schools*" - The Mann Report, page IX Wiile Dr. Mann carried on the investigation and formulated the report, tho Committee duly appointed by the several national organizations cooperating, frequently con- ferred \7ith him during the progress of his studies to satisfy themselves regarding the course of the investigation and the plans adopted to carry on the undertaking. The point of viev? from '.-.'hich the study vyas undertaken was the following:Fif ty years ago, when the engineering schools of the United States were inaugurated, they be- gan their work upon a definite teaching plan and one that had pedagogic consistencj^ The cours(5 was four years. The first two were spent in the fundamental sciencos— chemistry, physics, mathematics, and mochanics; the last two mainly in the appli- cations of these sciences to theoretical and practical problems. "In the half century that has passed, this course of study has been overlaid '"ith a groat number of special studies intended to enable the student to deal with the constantly-growing applications of science to the industries. ■ IThile the origi- nal teaching plan remains as the basis of the four-year engineering curriculum, the courses given in most schools have been greatly modified in the effort to teach special subjects. As a result, the load upon the studi-nt has become continually heavier and bears unequally in different placis and in different parts of the course. In addition, there is a wide-spread feeling that under this pressure the great body of students fail to gain, on the one hand, a satisfactory grounding in the fundamental sciences; and on tho other hand, do not fulfill the expectations of engineers and manufacturers in dealing with the practical problems with which thoy are confronted on leaving tho engineering schools. "It is out of this situation that tho Committee of the Engineering Societies be- gan its study, whose purpose is not so much to record the details of engineering teaching in the various schools as to examine the fundamental questions of the 99 Dean Richards believed, and many of the faculty concurred in the opinion, that such a revie',7 of educational practices v7ould serve the double purpose of in- forming the group on matters relating to technical training and of affording an opioortunity of reexamining and analyzing our ovm educational processes with the idea of naking improvements and of stimulating greater efforts in classroom per- formance. The local studies 'jere carried on largely by committee reports, each one representing some phase of the original presentation; and by emphasizing the im- portance of keeping abroast of the times ajid the necessity of meeting the peculiar demands made by an ever-cxivanding and growing industry, the study did serve the purpose of causing the faculty to re-assess the entire structure and objective of engineering education and to approach the problem of improving their teaching and laboratory processes. Study of t he Wickenden Report - During the administration of Dean Kilo S. Ketchum a aeries of reports on the status of engineering education in the United States and 3uropc, published during 1923-29 by the Board of Investigation and Coordination of the Society for Promotion of Snginoering Sducation, '.Yilliam E. Wickenden, ncv President of Case School of Applied Science, being the Director of Investigation, was made the basis for a lengthy study of educational practices. This rrport, often referred to as the Wickonden Report, was issued in final form in 1930 — the culmination of a comprehensive study begun in 1923 that looked to the improvement of engineering education, and tliat ntis sunmarized briefly in the 1 following statement: right methods of teaching and of the preparation of young men for the engineer- ing profession:" in other '-'ords, to question ane'v the pedagogic solution of fifty years ago, to examine the curriculum of today and the methods of teaching now em- ployed, and to suggest in the light of fifty years of experience the pedagogic basis of the course of study intended to prcparn young men for the work demanded of the engineer of today." - Preface to Ibid, by Henry S.Pritchett, pages V and VI. 1 Report of the Investigation of Engineering Education, I923-29, Foreword, page III. IOC "The assemblage of facts and data pertaining to the field of engineering education affords a definite idea of v/hat is now being done. It presents to those '.vho are familiar only with the particular institutions or fields of vrark in '.vhich they are engaged a general view; the present study integrates the whole field in a vray to afford insight into needed developments as ^-rell as appraisal of the present situation. It presents the condition within the schools and much in- formation regarding the engineering student, the alumnus, the attitude of practi~- sing engineers, teachers and industrial managers. It presents a basis for con* sideration of problems within the engineering school, both undergraduate and graduate, and it shows in illuminating perspective its relation to other fields - the preparatory school, the training courses for graduates in industry, the techni- cal institute, the engineering profession, and the economic phases of modern life' The meticulous review of this lengthy report served, like the previously- mentioned one, to cause the faculty to look critically into its curricular out- lines, to inquire analytically into its methods of tea.ching, and to impress upon the members the seriousness of the responsibilities placed upon then of turning out men competent to carry on the high standards of ]-.erfornance maintained by the engineering profession. D. FRCF3SSI0NAL COWTAGTS i7ITH IimUSTHY Faculty Pont acts v.'ith Industry - The administrative heads of the College of Engineering have always recognized the value of the experience to pe gained by associations with engineering industrj'-. This is evidenced by the fact that mem- bers of the teaching staff, especially the younger oner,, are urged to secure in- dustrial employment during the summer months as a means of providing a better foundation for their classroom instrur-t ion. This is shown, also, by the pro- visions of sabbatical or other leave which enables faculty members to absent thent- selves from their University duties for relatively short periods of time in order to study or to engage in engineering practice along their particular lines of internst. As another means of contact with industry, the members of certain staffs or departments have on frequent occasions, been hosts to engineering con- ventions, committee nectinc^s, short courses and conferences, or other groups as- sembled from industrial nntorpriscs. The value of contacts made through cooper- ative research and through active connection '-^ith professional and scientific societies is discussed at some length under other headings in this publication. Visits of Engineering Societies - Cnc of the evimts of great interest was the •f r _. r: 101 visit to the University on ITovenlDor 11, I898, of I6U nornbers of the Western Society of Engineers, among whom "rere many of the more prominent engineers of the Middle 'Ti'est, They arrived on a special train at one o'clock and -."ere given a luncheon in the Phj'sics Laboratory by the "vives of the engineering faculty. After that they inspected the University buildings and grounds, and finally attended an assembly of the students and faculty of the College at v/hich several of the visi- tors made addresses. They expressed themselves greatly surprised at the extent and variety of the buildings and onuipmont of the College; and their presence^ and speeches enthused and inspired the students, and greatly cheered the instruction- al staff. The effects of the visit were distinctly felt when students attempted to find positions during summer vacations or after gradus^tion; and the University, and particularly the College, materially profited through this visit more than once in its campaign before the Legislature for appropriations. On May 11, 1907i the same Society paid a second visit to the College of Engineering with similar results. On May 12, iSqq, about 200 members of the Railway Club of St, Louis spent the best part of the day visiting the College of Bngincering. The Club devoted 39 pages of its Proceedings to an account of the visit. Due to the many professional-society pnd enginccring-commitbao .nectlngs th^it came to be held and are still being held on the campus, to the many personal and professional visits made by individuals from time to time, and to the long list of publications tliat have gone forth describing the University, its work in progress and its accomplishments, such mass inspections gradually declined and no'7 no lon>epr seem necessary as a part of the program of keeping those especially interested, abreast of our College development. Such groups "/ould always be welcome, of course, but the many points of contact that have been established betvfeen the College and industry and professional service have provided even stronger and more lasting relationships than the earlier method could supply. Student Contacts with Industry - "iThile the College of Engineering has never advocated that a period of apprenticeship corresponding to that of internship in 102 medicine should te established as prerequisite for independent practice, the staff has always felt very strongly that a certain anount of contact ^7ith industrj^ would be beneficial to the student \7hile pursuins^ his college courses in giving him a better realization of the aviplications of his classroom v/ork to methods in practice and in aiding him in securing placement after graduation. It .was felt, hoAvever, that in the main, a sufficient amount of such experience could bo gained by employment during the sxiinmer months with some responsible engineering or in- dustrial organization to meet the ordinary needs. To assist in securing such ex- perience, the College has for a number of years maintained a committee devoted in part, at least, to placing students in summer positions. This service has the additional advantage of providing a closer re] ation-.hip between the University and industrial firms. The College has never given serious attention, however, to the establisliment of cooperative training hero such as the Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and other plans provide in which students spend part time in classroom study on the College campus and part-time in work in industry — a system designed to allow students to apply day by d--.y in practice what they learn in theory and thereby to give them a better grasp of the purposes and applications of educational training while learning the methods of industrial and commercial practice. The advantages of such arrangement are obvious where schools are located near large industrial centers where students can commute without serious dislocation to normal life. Here, hov/ever, where the University is so remotely sit\iated from urban centers, the College has not scrioua- ly considered this type of educational instruction. E. THE EilGIlTEEHS' COUNCIL FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Organization and Furpo s e - In order to provide a single accrediting agency as a substitute for the uncoordinated groups that had attempted to influence the trend of engineering education in the past, the Engineers' Council for Professional De- velopment was authorized in October, 1932, by the joint action of the following seven national engineering societies: The American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Institute of Ilining and Metallurgical Engineers, the American Society of T -.n-i' 103 Mechanical Engineers, the Ai.ierican Institute of 31ectrical 2ngineers, the Ameri- can Institute of Chemical Engineers, the Society for the Pronotion of Engineering Education, and the iJational Council of State Boards of Engineering Examiners. The organization., consisting of throe representatives from each of the seven partici- pating iDodios, had for its purpose "the enhancement of the status of the engineer. To this end, it aims to coordinate and promote efforts and aspirations directed towards the higher professional standards of education and practice, greater solidarity of the profession, and greater effectiveness in dealing with technical, social, and economic problems. Its immediate object is the development of a system whereby the progress of the young engineer toward professional standing can be recognized by the public, b;- the nrofossion, and by the man himself through the developncn-c of technical and other qualifications which will enable him to meet minimum professional standards." One of thj first studios undertal-:en by this t^roup, the E.G. P. p., as it is generally known, was to formulate a plan for rating or acc^rediting an-j or all of the engineering schools and colleges in the Un:ted States that desired to have their educational programs reviewed. Host of the engineering institutions of the country v/cre anxious to accept the services of this bodj" — the first one ever authorized and organized by the profession itself and one thoroughly competent to undertake such an assignment. "E.G.P.D. is merely authorized by its constituent organizations to publish a list of accredited colleges for use by those agencies which require such a list. It has no authority to imi)0sc any restrictions or standardizations upon engineer- ing colleges, nor does it desire to do so. On the contraiy, it aims to preserve the independence of action of individual institutions ajid to promote the general adv,ancomcnt of engineering education thereby." Basis Adopted by the . E.G. P.P . for A .c crediting Bngincoring Colleges - The following statements fon.mlated by the E.C.P.D. and approved by the seven major societies represent the basis for accrediting the individual curricula that were presented for cxaLiination: 1 First Ann\aal Report of the E.G.P.D., October, I933, page.l, 2 Fourth Annual Heport of .E.G. P. D., October, I936, page 15. I. Purpose of accrediting shall be to identify those institutions which offer professional curricula in Engineering worthy of recognition as suchi II. Accrediting shall apply only to those curricula vjhich lead to degrees. III. Both undergraduate and graduate curricula shall be accredited. IV. Curricula in each institution shall be accredited individually. ?or this purpose, the S.C.P.D. will recognize the six major curricula: Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical, and Mining Engineering — represented in its own organization, and such other curricula as are warranted by the education- al and industrial conditions pertaining to them. V. Curricula shall be accredited on the basis of both qualitative and quantitative criteria. VI. (Qualitative criteria shall be evaluated through visits of inspection by a committee or committees of qualified individuals representing the E.G.P.D. The visits of inspection either as to entire institutions or as to specific cur- ricula may be waived at the discretion of the Council. VII. Quantitative criteria shall be evaluated through data secured from catalogs and other imblications, and from qucstionnairer,. VIII. Qualitative criteria shall include the following: (1) Qualifications, ext^ericnce, intellectual interests, attain- ments, and professional productivity of members of the faculty. (2) Standards and quality of instruction: (a) In the Engineering Departments (b) In the Scientific and other cooperating departments in which Engineering students receive instruction. (3) Scholastic work of students. (U) Records of graduates both in graduate study and in practice. (5) Attitude and policy of administration toward its engineering division and toward teaching, research, and scholarly pro- duction. IX. Quantitative criteria shall include the following: (1) Auspices, control, and organization of the institution and of the engineering division. (2) Curricula, offered and degrees conferred. (3) Age of the institution and of the individual curriciila. {k) Basis of and requirements for admission of students. i'j) N\iraber enrolled (a) in the engineering collei',-f; or division as a whole. (b) in the individ,ual wurricula 105 (6) Graduation requirements, (7) Teaching staff and teaching loads. (8) Physical facilities. The cducationfd plant devoted to engineering education. (9) Finances; investcients, expenditures, sources of income-. Investigations of Engineering Curricula at Illinois b^ the E.G. P.P . - At the invitation of the University of Illinois, rejiresentatives of tlic S.C.P.D.vi sited the College of Engineering here on April 6, 1937f for the purj^oso of investigat- ing the different curricula in the College with thr idea of approving or disap- proving them.. In preparation for the inspection, each department had arranged in advance a collection of textbooks, notes, instructions, sar.iples of students' worl<„ assignments, etc., for ever;' course offered, so at; to eiqiclite the examination. Kr. Emerson P.Postc, Consulting Commie Engineer of Chattanooga, Tennessee, vas examiner for Ceramic IJnginet ring; Professor Ralph B. V/ilty, Head of the School of Civil Engineering nt Purdue University, for Civil and R;iilv/a2' Civil Engineering; Professor A. D. Moore of the University of llichlgan, for Electrical and Railway Electrical Engineering and Physics; Doctor Donald B. Fruntice, President of Rose Polytechnic Institute, for I'cchanical and Railway heciianical Engineering; Pro- fessor D. J. Domorest of Ohio State University, for Mining Engineering and Metal- lurgical Engineering; and Dean P. H. Daggett of Rutgers University for General Engineering. In addition to examinations of classroom facilities, the inspectors spent some time visiting the laboratories looking over the equipment used for in- structional purposes. As a result of the investigation, the curricula in Archi- tectural Engineering, Cerar.uc Engineering (technical option), Chemical Engineer- ing, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, General Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, liining and Metallurgical Engineering, and Railway' Engineering were approved during 1537-3^. The curriculum in Engineering Physics was not accredited, following the general decision that no curricula in Engineering Physics were to be accrrcdited. 10b F. COLLEGE FlilllJCE College of Engineering Finance . 1868-1913 - One of the things that the College of Engineering learned in its early history was that instruction in engineering especially in its laboratory classes, was more expensive than that in literature and arts courses because of the relatively high first cost of equipment and the heavy expense involved in maintenance and operation in proportion to the number of students trained.. This fact was sorely emphasized during the administration of President Draper, when on the night of June 9i 1900i the building containing the 'TOod shop, the materials and hydraulic laboratories and the gynnasivoi v/as conplctely 'destroyed by fire; and for the next acadcnic year it was necessary to omit a considerable pa.rt of the instruction in the "/ood shop and the laboratories. The loss was fixed at $76,000, and the Legislature at the ensuing session made an appropriation to cover the loss, but gave only $10,000 for maintenance and exten- sion of engineering equipment. The fire seriously handicapped the work of the College, as the money spent to repair the firf loss could have been employed to improve the other facilities; and therefore tho fire postponed for a bicnnium much-needed improvements and onlargoments in equipment and buildings. The University authorities were not lacking in interest in the College of Engineering, however, and on June 30, 1902, the Board of Trustees appointed a committee of its members to investigate and report upon the needs of the College. This committee reported on December 9i 1902, as follows: "Your committee after a Careful study of the methods of instruction and the equipment of the leading technical schools in this country is of the opinion that the Coll(;ge of Engineer- ing ought to have additional buildings, a large increase in equipment, some in- crease in the instructional force, and some changes in courses of study and methods of instruction." The coranittee presented a list of four needed buildings to cost $233,000, and also six items of equipment to cost $298,250. However, in preparing the budget of askings to be presented to the Legislature in I903, the Board voted to ask for $637,720 per annum, but included only $10,000 for engineer- ing equipment — that is, other University interests wore given precedence over 107 Engineering. At the same session, nevertheless, the Board voted that $300,000 ■be asked in a separate bill for the enlargement of the College of Engineering. The President of the University requested that he be not charged with the presen- tation of this bill, but tliat the nenbers of the engineering faculty be allowed to advocate its passage. The faculty organized for the campaign by appointing Professor L. P. Breckenridge to present the matter to the manufacturing and min- ing interests of the State, Professor A. W. Talbot to the alumni, and Professor I.e. Baker to the students. These and other members of the engineering faculty entered upon an active campaign of publicity, wrote letters, made addresses, se- cured articles in the nc.vspapers, and appeared before legislative committees; and in the end the Legislature voted $150,000 for the College of Engineering. Presi- dent Draper in a '.7ritton rejjort to the Board of Trustees said: "The appropriation was secured not by the efforts of the general authorities of the University alone, but by the very vigorous work of the engineering faculty and the student^ and the alxirani of the College, suppleraontod also by the vcr^- cordial cooperation of the organizations and business men engaged in the building and constructive business of the State." This appropriation narked a new epoch in the history of the College of Engi- neering. This sum not only mot some of the pressing needs, but set a new standaid for legislative askings and appropriations. In I905 the Trustees asked for and received $1|50,000 as a special appropriation for maintenance and extension of engineering equipment; a like appropriation v/as received in I907; and in I909 , the sum of $l60,000 was obtained for the purpose. The total expenditures of the College and Station for I9OS-O9 wore $200,000; for I909-IO, $235,000; for I9IO-II, $279,850; and for I9II-I2, $231,000. After I912, the total disbursements by the College and Station are given in the published annual reports of the Comptroller of the University. Eigures taken from these reports are included in the next section. College of Engineering Expenditures , 1913-19*^^ - The operating expenditures of the College of Engineering for each year for the thirty-two-year period from 1 Report of the Board of Trustees, December 8, I903 , page 256.) ^''^ 108 1912-13 to I9U3-UU are given in the folloiving table. These figures, of course, do not include the amounts appropriated for new "buildings, '.vhich vers given in a previous ch-iptor. DA5LE XVII - C0LLEG3 OF SIIGINEEHIITG OFERATIilG EXTENDI TUEHS, I913-I9UU Year 1912-13 1913-1^ I91U-I5 IQI5-I6 1916-17 1917-12 iqi3-19 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 I923-2U I92U-25 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 iq2q-30 1936-31 1931-32 1932-33 1933-3^ 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 193 7-3 S 1938-39 1939-^0 19U0-U1 19U1-U2 19I+2-U3 igl|3-UU College $202 S58 250 716 253 9S9 273 525 301 651 2Gk 202 2 SI 800 309 q62 288 68b U86 576 505 hyt 512 557 530 761 522 081 552 016 5U8 258 561 256 57 4 SOI 586 927 518 6U7 471 917 k2k 622 U26 kik 1+7 6 UU9 478 000 52U U86 550 613 569 UiU 567 573 5U1 970 553 7U9 5!+9 3^3 station 35 606 ■43 800 37 S55 39 673 ^3 171 36 272 U7 560 46 50U 26 676 70 977 72 706 21 739 96 128 36 732 88 779 87 79^ 92 503 108 U82 235 995 22U 385 159 13s lUi 266 170 -jsh 162 580 17U 501 209 327 22U 075 2U9 625 2U5 533 2U3 059 220 U51 227 066 Coal Mines Miners ' and Investigations Mechanics ' Institute $2 897 k U57 5 277 U Uii 5 1^9 2 200 H 938 6 185 2 050 5 323 5 S73 U 7U5 U 929 610 ol U28 Cadet Aviation School 51 Obi Total 80 6 272 637 035 7S7 806 910 033 238 kGh 29U 516 291 2hk 317 523 350 3'+o 305 751 333 771 361 615 317 562 5UU U91 5SU 330 596 3'+6 632 212 61^ 686 6U5 5U0 6U0 981 658 369 688 089 S27 19U 7^8 669 635 090 569 675 601 ooU 6U2 939 656 53^ 733 S13 77^ 688 819 039 S13 106 785 029 774 200 776 hik G. FACULTY MEETING ROOMJ General - Vfhen the College of Engineering moved into Engineering Hall in in I89U, the faculty meetings vere held in Room 302 of that building, designated as the Faculty Parlors. After Dean Goss took over this room for his office in 1907, the faculty held its .'issenhlies in 22] Engineering Hall — the Physics Lecture room. After this room was remodeled in I93I fo^ ''-'•se as the second floor 1 Figures are taken from the published reports of the Comptroller of the Univer- sity of Illinois, The totals do not include appropriations for new buildings. 109 of the Engineering Library, the faculty meetings vfere held for a year or so in 319 Engineering Hall and after that in Roon 100 - the lai'ge assembly and lecture room — in the Physics Building. E. IIUSSUllS AlID COLLSCTIOIIS Museum of Engineering and Architecture - The following statement appeared on page 2b of the Catalogue and Circular of 1885-86: "A large room in University Hall v/as devoted to the gathering of a museum of practical art, the materials for which are constantly accumulating in the various schools of science. It contains full lines of illustrations of the work of the shop: models made at the University or purchased abroad; drawings in all departments; patent-office models, etc.; samples of building materials, natural and artificial; with whatever nay be secured that will teach or illustrate in the most important phase of University work; the elegant exhibit made by the Univer- sity at the Centennial and Gotten Exposition at New Orleans found a permanent a- bodc in this apartment. "A notable feature of this collection is the gift of Henry Gay, Architect of Chicago. It consists of a model in plaster, and a complete set of drawings of a competitive design for a monument to be erected in Rome, commemorative of Victor Emmanual, first King of Italy. The monument was to be of white marble, an ela- borate gothic structure, beautifully ornamented, and throe hundred feet high. Its estimated cost was to have been seven ajid a quarter million of francs. The design was placed by the art commission second on the list of 2S9 competitors; but both the first and second were sot aside for political reasons. Mr. Gay's generous gift occupies the place of honor in the Museum of Engineering and Architecture." Efforts were made at one time or another in later years, to bring together into one common place and preserve all of the museum materials of the College in a continuation of this early custom. The dominating difficulty in every instance was, of course, the lack of available and suitable space; for ever since the be- ginning, the College has boon perplexed to find sufficient room for its class and laboratory requirements. As a result, each department has sought to maintain such limited amounts of musoum materials as its restricted assignment of space has pep- mitted. I. GENERAL COLLEGE ACTIVITIES Illinois-Indiana Section of SPE5 - On'April 6, 1935, the newly-founded Illi- nois-Indiana Section of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education held n, meeting at Purdue University — the faculties of Illinois, Purdue, Ai'nour, Rose Polytechnic Institute, Northwestern, Lewis Institute being represented. The 1 On top floor of the west V7ing. 110 next neeting was held on April IS, 1936, in the La'.7son Y.l'^C.A. Building in Chicago — the !3choolr. in Chicago "being hosts. The third neeting was held in Urbana on April 3> 1937 — Professor Hoelscher of the Departnent of General Engi- neering Drawing at the University of Illinois heing President that year. Similar meetings during later years were held at Rose Polytechnic Institute and Notre Dane. The Illinois nenbers of the Section have been active in these meetings in the presentation of papers, reports, and discussion,, on natters relating to prob- lems dealing with engineering education. All Engineering College Lectures - In a letter addressed to the Board of Trustees under date of December S, I89I,. Dean N. C. Rickor nado the following re- q.u'est : "The faculty of the College of Engineering respectfully request that the Board of Trustees appropriate the sum of $500 to be expended in obtaining techni- cal lectures fron eminent specialists in engineering and architecture, on topics related to the course of study in the College, but in addition to the regular in- struction imparted by the professor in charge. It appears probable that the cost of a sing3.e lecture and oxi)cnscs of lecturer -'ould average about $50 each, unless several lectures fron each person are delivered during his stay at. the University. The effect of these lectures will be excellent; they will further enable advanced students to nakc valuable professional acquaincances, and we believe that no better means of advertising the University in technical and professional circles can be found. "■'• The request was granted, and these early lectures were held in the Chapel in University Hall. The first of the scries was given in March,. 1392, by W. L. B.. Jenny of Chicago, on the subject "Tall Buildings on Compressible Soils." The second was given in the sane month by David L. Barnes, consulting mechanical engi- neer of Chicago, on the subject "Locomotive Construction." The third speaker was J. A. L. 'Taddell, consulting engineer of Kansas City who on April 7, 1292, gave two lectures on the subject of bridges, the afternoon talk being on the "Design of Construction of Bridges and Roofs^"and th" evening talk on "Details of Con- rtniction of Brid^pp p.n^ P.oof Tm sses". Thus there was begun here a custom that has continued to the present time, of inviting noted men to the caiapus to lecture in their particulr'ir fields of engi- neering practice as a moans of bringing students and faculty into contact with men engaged in professional service, thereby inspiring and refreshing both groups and 1 Report of the University of Illinois, I892, page I7I. . nici;; Ill supplying specific information on topics relating to engineering practice, as well as educating the visitors regarding the University's attaiiiments and possi- bilities. Among the list of lecturers coming later r7as Charles P.. Gteinmetz, Chief ConsTolting Engineer of the General Electric Company and Lecturer in Union College, '7ho made several visits to the campus for the purpose of addressing the College. One of his lectures was given in the afternoon of November 27, I907, on the sub- ject of "Alternating Current Railway Kotors." Others were given during I9II-I3; one of the subjects being "Unex7)lorod Fields of Engineering" and still another (on Harch 7, I9II) "Electrical Ener^^'." Dr. Hobert A. Ilillikan of California In- stitute of Technology, gavo three lectures in the U?iiversity Auditorium during December, 19^7- Ci"'C of these, on December 2, was entitled "Evolution and Religion, Karl Von Tcrzaghi, noted professor of Vienna's Technischc Hoch Schulc, and later of Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology' and the ^"orld's foremost authority on soil mechanics, presented a scries of thi-ec lectures on March 30 and 3I. and April 1, 1931^ — the first being concerned with "Theory and Practice in Soils Mechanics"; the second with "Mohr's Diagrma and the Stress Conditions for Failure of Saturated, Porous Materials"; and the third, with "Arch- ing in Soils - a Neglected Aspect of Earth Pressure Phenomena." On. May 13. 1^. Jind I5, 1937. under the auspices of the Department of Ceramic Engineering and the University Lecture Committee of the College, Dr. IToldemar 7cyl, Head of the Glass Division of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute fur Silikat- forschung, Berlin, Germany, gave four Incturos. The first wa,s entitled "The Constitution of Glass", the second, "The Absorption Spoctra of Solutions ai^d Glasses; a Tool for Invest igjiting Intermolocular Forces and Constitution Problems", the third, "Colored Glasses", and the fourth, "The Interaction between Gases and Molten Silicatp.s." Four University' lectures were given in 215 Electrical Engineering Laboratory by Dr. Arthur Casagrande of the Harvard Graduate School on April 6, f , and S, 193^* on the subject of soil mechanics. The first of thos*" was entitled "The Principles 112 of Soil llcchanics", the second, "The Kc.t G-oman Hiehways", the third, "Recent De- velopments in Settlement Analysis", and the fourth, "Rocont Developments in Earth Dam Design." A fev of the other lectures v/ere Sugene Grace of the American Telegraph and Telephone Company, Samuel Insull of the Connon'rrealth Edison Company, and Ed'.vard J. Mohren, Vicc-prosidcnt of the licGraw Hill Fublishin;:; Conpany — oil aside from and in addition to the Ion.-;; lists of speakers that have been drawn to the campus by student scientific and other societies connected with the College of Engineer- ing. J. THE ENGIllEERIIJG EXPBRU'EIIT STATION General - The Engineering Experiment Station established in I903, has per- formed such an inportant service in connection '.vith the College of Engineering that fvn entire chapter has been devoted to a presentation of materials relating to its organization, operation, and acoomplishment s. It may be stated here, thou.'ch, as President James has put it in his "Sixteen Years at the University of 2 Illinois", that "probably none of the activities of the College of Engineering is of greater importance or has received more favorable and wide-spread attention than the Engineering Experiment Station." The achievements of its distinguished scientists and scholars have not only served to stimulate engineering education, but also to develop a vast bocTy of original information relatirig to engineering principles, engineering problems, a.nd engineering practice. It raay be further stated, therefore, '-dthout reservation that the ^':'ork of the Station and its ac- conplishracnts in the fields of science and technolOi^y, have been the means of ex- tending the circle of influence of the College and the University to practically every part of the industrial vrorld, thereby contributing a substar.tial share to- wards establishing the high place and prestige that these organizations now enjoy among the great institutions of higher learning in this land. 1 XCV 2 Page 20s 113 CHAPTER V COLLEGE 0? miGIKEERING AmillllSTRATION AND AJXIIKISTRATOHS Provisions for College Administration - The first mention of dividing the University into the four colleges, Agriculture, Engineering, Literature and Science, and Natural Science was, as previously stated, in the 1370-71 issue of the Catalogue and Circular, as it was then called. The faculties of the four 1 colleges were not organized, however, until IS78, ten years after the University opened, although the v/ork of the College of Engineering may be said to date from Januf^ry, I87O, when Stillman Williams Ebbinson became Professor of Mechanical Engineering. 2 The University statutes as adopted in December, 1903, provided that: "The faculty of each college or school nay exercise legislative functions touching any matter -ippertaining exclusively to the internal "^ork of that College and the progrers of students therein. It shfdl not, however, have authority to take away from any student any University privilege, nor shall it do anything trenching upon the executive duties of the dean. It must be understood that the college organization is only for convenience within University circles, ?ind that no college shall ta-ke action not well supported by rule or usago.for which the general officers of the University may be called upon to nnswnr. All matters of general policy, or matters involving the interests of outside parties, must be determined by general University authority." These stifiulations or similar ones have continued to bo the guiding elements in the determination of college policy and direction to the present day, although some modifications h-^vc been made in the details of administration from time to time as conditions have changed. For example, the statutes adopted in March, I936, made provisions for some modifications according to the following statements: "The college shall bo govorncd in its internal adninistration by its facul- ty. The faculty shall consist of the President, the dean and assistant dean of the college, and all professors, associate professors, assistant professors, as- sociates, and instructors within tho group it comprises, together with a repre- sentative of each such other department or group as maj' be entitled to represen- tation by virtue of participation in the progrfun of instruction in the college, and finally such othor officers of the University as the President may assign thereto , 1 On February 15, IS7S, the gonei'al University faculty recommended that the mem- bers of that body be divided into college groups and that Professor Stillman IVilliams Sobinson sorvc as Dean of the .Engineering group. 2 "Revision of University Statutes", December 2S, I90S, in Hoport of the Board of Trustees. "Tho collocc shfill have Jurisdiction in all educational matters, not in- volving questions of ftencral university policy and not involving its relation to other colleges or schools, f.alling within the scope of its program, including the determination of its curricula, except that proposals -Thich involve "budgetary chfingcs shall "be submitted to the President acting vdth the advico of the Council. Tho college shall have the fullest measure of autonomy consistent 'Jith the main- tenance of general university oducationfd policy and correct academic and adminis- trative relations uith other divisions of the Univn-sity. "There shall "be an exocutivf: committee of tv/o or more members, composed of or selected from the professors and associate professors in tho college, elected annually by the faculty, to advise the dean in the administration of the college and to transact such business as may be delegated to it by the faculty. The dean shall be ex-off icio a member and chainna.n of this committee. "•'■ As the College of Engineering has operated under the present rules during the last several years, the selective membership of the executive committee as nomi- nated and elected by the College faculty at tho beginning,^ of each school year has, for matters of convenience, consisted of the heads of the several departments vdth- in the College. Bach year, a niimbcr of standing committees have been appointed by the execu- tive committee to carry on studies of policy and to administer the more or less routine matters of interest to the College group. Among these h,^ve been included thos'-; on college policy and development, dual curricula, employment and alumni records, gra.duatc "oi'k, inspection trip, libi'ary, petitions, program, and rovicTr ' of student records. As occasion has required, q, number of special committees have been chosen, in addition, to consider topics requiring exceptional or unusual attention. As the chief administrative officers directing nil-college affairs in ongi- necring have been tho dcnn and the assistant or associate dean, tho roraainder of this chapter is given to a discussion of tho duties of these officers and to brief biographical sketches of the personnel that have served sinco those offices were established, A. DEAKS IXities of the Early Deans of tho College of_ Engineering - At tho time the 1 University of tllinois Statutes, March 10, I936, page 3. 115 office of Dean of the College of Enginocrinf: 'hrs created the solo function of the 'i^ean V7as to preside at the meetings of the College faculty — and about the only- business he brought up for consideration concerned chanj^os in the courses of stud^', requests of students for substitutions, and recommendations of students for gradu- ation; he had little to do vrith other student affairs. In September, 1S9^, howevci; at the beginning of President Draper's administration, thed'ean became a member of the executive Committee of the General Faculty, which became in I9OI, the Council of Administration, and his adininistrative duties v/ere thereby greatly increased. Duties of the Lat or Deans of the College of Bnginecring - While the dean continued to be the chief executive officer of the College, the duties of his office were littlo more than nominal and not well defined even as late as IS9U. After Enginet>ring Hall was comnlcted in 189^, however, in addition to presiding at the mc' tings of the engineering faculty, ?md carryin'; a heavy teaching load, the dean began to look after affairs pertaining to the students of the College. This work included the supervising of enrollment, the keeping of student records, and the receiijt of student petitions. For this pury,oso he had for a considerable 1 period only the part-time services of a single clerk, for that nerson also served 2 as stenographer to the several departments. After a tine, the dean ajid the heads of the departments came to act as a body in making the budgets, in distributing funds, and in making recommendations to the president concerning financial policies for the College. It vw.G not until 1907' that the administrative duties of the dean had become well prescribed. The functions of his office became so involved by tliat time tliat the dean did no teaching, but gave all his attention to matters requiring executive consideration. In I909, the dean became also the director of the Engineering Ex- periment Station, and has served in the dual capacity since that time. 1 The Board ordered a tyn-^owriting machine and authorized a stenographer for the CollGgo to begin January 1, I895. 2 During Dean kite's administration, I905-O7, the executive committee of the heads of the departments came into being, and h^.s continued to date as a permanent factor in the College organization. 3 During Denn Goss' administration. 116 Preparation of the "b-udcet and budfretinf; relations '^ith the vario\is College departments, frequent repreisentation of the College in University affairs and in public natters, increases in the number of students registered in the College of frowth Engineering, and in the number and size of the departnonts, of the Engineering A Experiment Station, and numerous other problems have combined from tine to time to multiply the duties anrl resi.onsibilities of the dean and director. Because final responsibility for the welfare of the entire College rests ^rith him, the dean must be a man possessed 'vith courage and decision and outstanding leadership and vision, one v'ho can bring together and formulate into an integrated whole the considered opinions .-md recommendations of the College committees and of the several departments in the ]-.rcparation of plans and policies so that they can operate to the greatest advantage of the College and the University organization. Appointment of Scfips - IThcn the faculties of the four original colleges, Agriculture, Engineering, Literature and Science, anrl Natural Science \7ere organ- ized early in iSyg, a doan of each was elected, as previously stated, by the general University faculty. Since iSn^, however, the deans have been appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Trustees. This v/as one of the innovations under President Dranor's administration anrl almost his first act. 3. 3I0SRAFHICAL SKETCHES OF TIS DEAIIS Gen oral - Stillman TTillipjns Robinson was the first to act as Dean of the College of Engineering. Eollovdng his resignation. Professor Nathan Clifford Ricker was elected dean in September, IS7S, and held the office continuously for twenty-seven years — that is, until Juno 2, I905, when his resignation was ac- cented. J,arar-s !!cLrren TTliitn served as Acting Dean during Igo^-Ob and as Dean dur- ing 1906-07. TTillifiin Freeman Kyrick Goss followed in I907 and was Dean until 1913 1 "'hen he took a leave of absence to engage in service for the City of Chicago and from 1915. when he returned to the University, to I9I7. Charles Russ Richards was Acting Dean from 1913 to I915 and Dean from I917 to 1922. Hilo Smith Ketchum followed Dean Richards and served a.s Dean until 1933* Dean Ketchum was succeeded by Arthur Cutts Wiiiard during 1933-3^, v;ho in turn was followed by Melvin 117 Lorcnius Engot', nho has continued to date. Short bio graphical shctchos of the lives and affairs of those men follo'^r. S tillnan 'Till Jams Robinson , -'ho had been elected Dean of the College of Ene:ineering by the G-eneral Facility of the University on February 15, ISJS, pre- sided at the first meeting of the faculty of the College on February 19 of that sane year. Ke continued to serve as Deaji until September I878 when he resigned to take a position at Ohio State University, Part of Professor Hobinson's biography is given under Chapter VII and the remainder under Chajiter XI. iTathan Clifford Picker , in September, IS7S, '."as asked to become Dean of the College of Engineering and to assume the duties of that office in addition to his regular '.vork as Head of the Department of Architecture. He carried both positions for t '.vent y- seven years, but relinquished the deanahip in I905 to give more time to the claims imposed by the greying needs of his department . The major portion of Professor Ricker's biogra.hy, even much that i.ertains to his '-'ork as dean, is given in Chapter IX, the Department of Architecture. James McLaren White 'ffas born in Chicago on October I6, I867, and r/as gradu- ated in IS90 from the University of Illinois v/ith the degree of B.S. in Archi- tecture. In September, ISHO, he joined the staff of the University as Assistant in Architecture. During 1893-06, he was Assistant Professor of Architecture, and after spending a year in study abroad, he was made Associate Professor. Ke became Professor of Architectural Engineering in 190I. In 190^, Professor TiJ'hite was appointed Acting Dean of the College of Engineer- ing and served in this capacity for one yea.r. The next year, 1906-O7, he became Dean, n'-'.^.n^'hilc carrying some teaching in the Department of Architecture. He made an excellent executive and was over alert to promote the interests of the College; he made many contributions towards the improvement of rela.tions between students and faculty in the College, Most noteworthy of his undertakings was an investigation to determine the relative weights to bo assigned to an hour's work of instruction in lecture, quiz, recitation, drafting, laboratory, and surveying 1 , 118 In l^OJ, Proferssor tThitn rRsi^^e'^ to acce-nt the ne'Tly-created position of Ru-n"rviP!in/r Architect of nil University 'buil'^in^ orterations, still retaining his title of Profpssor of Architectural 3n,^ineerinf;. As Supnrvising Architect he ren- flerert invalunhle Bervice in charge of the Physical Plant, and particularly in •nlanninr a connrphensive -nrogram of cam-pus develonnent , In IHPO, under President Kinley, he hecane also Sup<=rvisor of Business Oneration and occunied an inrortant position in thp ariministmtion of University affairs. Tliile still on active duty in this co-pficity, Professor ^hite -nassed a-^ay on February 6, 1933* H® '^^^ co- author of one billetin issued hy the Sni^iineering Experiment Station, ^illinm Prepnpn Hyrick Cross , who was ari-nointed Dean when Professor White was made Supervisinr Architect, was horn in Barnstahle, Hassrichusetts, in 1850. He "^as f^rariunterl fron Hasc^achusett s Institute of '^echnoloe^ in 1379. wfis granted the F.S. ^erree "by "Vahash College in iSoSI, r>nd the honorary degree of D.Eng. by the University of Illinois in IHOU. Jrom Igyn to 1907, he was a nemher of the faculty of ■^ur'^ue T^niversity, "being successively Instructor in Mechanic Arts, Professor of Practical I'echanics, P-rofessor of TSjmerinental Engineering and Director of the "^ginpprin,tr Lr."boratoriPs, nnri "Oenn of the Schools of Engineering. He was a nioneer in locomotive testing, anri riesigned anH installed the locomotive testing plant nt Purilue, the first of its i^inf^ in the worlH; nnd -"ith this equirinent he conducted numorous tests "^hich materially added to the kno\fleA/»« of locomotive performance. 'Thilp at Purine, Professor Goss was the author of three text-hooks entitlerl "■^pnch ^or''- in'^nod", ^»#»* "Loconotive Sparks", and "Locomotive Performance" and of four vqluahlo reports upon rps^arches upon locomotive performance. He was a memhpr of the Jury of Awards of the Columbian 'Torld Exposition (Chicago), of the Ai^visor;^ BoarH of the TT, S. Geological Survey on Fuels, and of the Advisory Conmittoo of tho Ponnsylvpnin Railroa^f of Testing Locomotives at the Louisiana Purchasp Exposition (St. Louis). Althoiigh Donn Goss assumed the duties of his office on October 31, 1907, he 1 Sop Pro. of Soc. for Promo. of Eng. Ed., Vol. XV, page 12U ff. 119 wan not formnlly installed until February 5, igog, '7ith exorcises in the Universily Auditorium -^ith Professor Jamos M. White, ex-I5can of the College, presiding. At the convocation, Professor Ira 0. Saic-r gave a short address on "Some Significant liiVnnts in the Dovelo-nment of the College of Engineering", President TT. L. Ahbott of the Board of Trustees sno'ce on "The St,anding of the Technical Graduate in the T^gineering Profe<5sion", and "Dean Goss eave his installation address on the suh- ject "The State College of Engineering." When Professor Breci-enridge resigned in 1909, Dean Goss took over the duties of the ■nirector of the Engineering Experiment Station. In carrying on the work of his office as Bean and Director, Doctor Goss was a most effective administrator. He '"as a good organizer, a nan of vision anH of great executive ability, and yet one who carefully attended to details. He had a pleasing personality and a wide acnupintance. He nroveH to he a very valuable addition to the engineering staff, and contributed greatly in making the College of Engineering of greater prominence fl.nd usefulness than ever before. His chief services as Dean of the College were in finding new Bembers of the tea.chinf staff, Pi.nfl in discovering and promoting ■nossible advances in equinment, methods, and buildings; and as Director of the Engineerin^r Exneriment Station in considering the investigations to be undertaJcen, in finr^infr research workers, and in supervising the nublicat ions of the results. He, himself, contributed two bulletins to the list of Station nublications. On December 18, 1P12, a s-necial engineering convocation was held to permit the general faculty anrf students in the College of Engineering to express their appreciation of the honor r^aid to Dean Goss in his election as President of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Brief addresses were made by President EHmund J, James pnd Professor A. K, Talbot, after which Professor Ira 0. Baker ■nresented to the Dean a beautifully engrossed testimonial signed by representatives of the faculty anri the various engineering organizations. The inscription read a.s follows; "Dr. William Freeman Myrick Goss, Dean of the College of Engineering of the 120 Univerrsity of Illinois, having recently been installed as President of the Ameri- can Society of liechnnical Engineers, 've, his co-laborers in the College of Engi- neering, the fello'7 members of that Society at the University of Illinois, and the students of the College of Engineering, offer this testimonial of appreciation of the honor that ha,s been conferred upon him, an honor richly deserved because of his long and eminent service in the field of engineering education, his researches and contributions to the advancement of engineering science, and his high quali- ties as a man and friend. "■'• Doctor Goss served as D(,vm and Director -until March, 1^*17, except during the calendar years 1913 '"^nd 1^1^ "'hen he was on leave as Chief Znginoor of the Chicago Association on Smoke Abatement .and Electrification of Rnilw.iy Terminals, in vrhich position, he published his voluminouB report of the investigation. He returned to the University on August 31. IS'l?. '^^^ served a,s Dean and Director until March 1, 1917i when he resigned to become President of the Ilail'.7ay Car Manufacturer's Association, Hew York City. He retired from t}iis ]-osition in I925, and passed away on March ?3, 19 2^. Charles Russ Richards v.'as born in Clarks Hill, Indiana, on March 23, IS7I, He received the 3. S. degree in Mechanical Snginrtiring at Purdue University in IS90 and the M.E. degree there in 18Q1. He was awarded the M. M.S. -degree fi'om Cornell University in IS93. After serving as Instnictor in Mechanical Engineering in Colorado Agricultural College during IS9I-92, he went to the University of Ncbrasl^a, vhere, between 1292 and I9II, he bec-ime successively Adjunct Professor of Manual Training, Profesr.or of Practical Mechanics, Professor of Mechanical Engi- neering, Associate Dean of the Industrial College in charge of Engineering, and still later after the reorganization of the Colleges of the University, Dean of the College of Engineering. Wiilo at llobraskn,, Professor Richards introduced the curriculum in Mechanical Engineering and later designed the liecha.nical Engineering building. On this build- ing he made all the drav/ings '^dth his own hands, personally wrote the snecif ications and supervised the constimction, all without the help of evrn a clerk or draftsman and in addition to his regijlar work, to the end that all of the money might go into the building, which was generally conceded to be one of the finest of its kind in the country. This -'ns fin expznple of the dt^votion which an earnest and interested 1 The Tnchnograph, page IO3, reb.1913, lJo.2. Volume TCVII 121 teacher gave to his v7ork. Ee was consulting engineer for the City of Lincoln in the erection of the municipal lighting plant and the improvement of the city water-'7orks. He exerted a powerful influence in building up a strong Department of Mechanical Engineering in a non-manufacturing state. Professor Richards c;ine to the University of Illinois on September 1, I9II, as Professor of Mechfinical Engineering and Head of the Department. One of his outstanding achievements after coming to the University of Illinois was to design and supervise the radical reconstruction of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory building. He also directed the reorganization of the shop ^70^k, rfhich is describo?- in a later chapter. During his administration marked progress '.vas made in in- stinictional methods. In the selection of members of his staff, Professor Richards Judgment and foresight '.7Grc of special value. He served as Acting Dean and Di- rector from July 1, 1913,to August 3I, I915. during the absence of Dean (Joss and was Dec'Ui and Director from March 1, I917, to July 3I, 19?2. It 'jas one of Derm Riclvards' outstanding cho.ractori sties to be systematic in his office '7ork and prompt in his official duties. He \7as alv/ays cordial and courtnous, and \7as readily accessible to those having occasion to see him. His genial smile made friends of evniyone he mot. His frankness, kindliness, and honesty in his dealings rdth the staff were responsible for the earnestness and loyalty of all the faculty. He was a most agreeable friend and an excellent officer, courageous .and efficient in presenting the needs and in defending the interests of the College of Engineering before University authorities. Ho em- braced every opportunity to present the '.Tork of the College and the Station before engineers and manufacturers. Er \7as much interested in research ;ind was ever ready to do nil in his povrer to help along such work and to stimulate instructors to nngagc in it. Hr '7as author of one 'Bulletin and one rtirculnr wnd co-author of of two l>ulletins of the Engineering Experiment Station. Dean Richards served as Director of the Aiaerican Society of liechanical Engi- neers during 19lS-c?0. He was av/arded the honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering by the University of Nebraska in I920. Ko resigned from the University of Illinor 122 September 1, 1922, to become President of Lehigh University. All connected with the University were exceedin^^ly sorry nhen he resigned, nnd as a measure of its esteen, the College of Engineering at a fare^^ell dinner given in his honor, on June 6, 1922, presented to him the following testinonial to which every member of the staff in the College had affixed his signature: To Charles Huss Richards: "As you leave the University of Illinois, we wish to expresr. the pleasure we hnvc had in our au-sociation with you and our regret that it must now be in- ternaptod. "In our dealings vith you as Dean of the College of Engineering wo h^ive prized csioecially the sjTnpathctic cooperation, the frajikness, the impartiality up- on which we have all cone to rely. T7e have felt ourselves, as a faculty, safely and adequately and vigorously represented both within and without the University. We shall alwa,ys remomb'ir the cordiality and sincerity that have marked our person- al as well as our official relations. "'n assistant dean to a^ivise students regarding their University problems and to riirect the ke"-pin.j^ of student scholastic ami personal records, and to maintain discipline wherever necessary. The appointment of such an assistant not only re- lieverl the riean of much routine responsibility in connection "^ith the iPirowin,:: registration, thereby enablin.^ him to e^iv^ his undivided attention to the larger problems renuirin/^ consi'^eration, but also s'^'rved a very useful purpose in the nrlmini strati on of student affairs. The duties of the office have multiplied stea/iily throuf^h the years "fith tho increase in student enrollment and the number of cu-"ricular ■^n'^ elective courses offered by the various departments. ^:. BIOGRAPHICAL SK:?]TCHES OP ASSIS"Air D:3A1IS General - In IQOy-OS, Professor Ployd Ro'^'e 'Tptson of the Department of Physics devotof^ three half days a 'veeh bo the office of Assistant Dean. During the years lOOS-lo, Assistant Professor Pred Duane Cra'-sha"' took over the office being in charge of General Engineering Dra"'ing also during that same time. During I9IO-I2, 127 Assir>tfint Prefossor ^illiaxi Thomas Bawdcn served as Assistant Doan, '."hile from ■ 1.912 to 1917i Enrry Tillard I^iller, who '"as Associate in General Engineering Vivn^inp-, took on the duties of the office. Professor Harvey Herbert Jordan then follo"7er1 ?5s Assistant Denn and continue'l under that title until I93U, uhen he be- came Associate Bean '"ith the same Huties ho previously performed. Biograr^hical sketches of these men follow. ?loyd Rcve Tat son - Since Professor T7p.tson'r; "biogranhical sketch is given unr^nr Phypi OS, it is not roneaterl here. Pred Duane Craw5ha.w received the 3.S. degree from Torcester Polytechnic Insti- tute in ISOG nnfl the H./<]. degree there in IPOS. Before coming to Illinois he had hari exnerience in -nuhlic- school '•'ork anrl as Instructor at Bradley Polytechnic Institute. ' Fe servef^ as Assistant Dean of the College of Engineering ,and in chaige of General Engineering "OraMn^ at Illinois from IQO?! to IPIO, after which he re- simeri to become Professor of Manual Arts in the University of Wisconsin. During IQI7-IS he se^vnH as President of the Academic Board of the U. S. School of Mili- tary Aeronautics at the Univer-'-ity of Illinois, and during igi8-in _he "ras Professor of Industrial Education and Assista.nt to the Director of the Engineering Experi- ment Station at the University. He resigned this fiosition to engage in commercial ""ork. He '"as the author of several textbooks on manual training and of one text on mechanical dra^'ing for secondary schools. Gillian Thomas Balden received the A, 3. degree from Dr>nnison University in 1?,QG, the B.S. degree from Columbia University in I903, and the Ph. D. degree thf^rp in IQlU. Before coming to Illinois ho had hnd teaching experience in public schools and from IQn?' to IQIO had served as Director of the De-nartmcnt of Manual Trpiininr at the Illinois State ITormnl University at Normal. He Tvas Assistant Doan of the College of Engineering at Illinois during I9IO-I2, after 'vhich he re- signed to acce-nt a position -irith the U. S. Bureau of Education at Washington, D. C. Farry "^illar^ liillnr , Assistant Professor of General Engineering Dra'^ing, continui-'d to givr^ something more than half his time to the duties of Assistant Donn of the College of Engineering from 1P1^e administrative office exriand from '"hat ".'as little more than a name in the iSy^^'s with duties that '7ere extremely simple, to a complex and complicated organi- zation in the iqUo ' s that renuires a sizeable staff '"ith corresponding office and eoui-nment accommodations to carry on the vast rirogram of administering the affairs of a do?;pn depa.rtment s having a combined staff of over 200 persons offering in- struction to almost 2000 students registered in the College to say nothing of the hundreds coming for training from other colleges within the campus area. To main- t-'in discinline and <^.tudent records for such a grou-n of registrants requires the full-time f^prvices of a substantial and well-trained staff. Then the problems re- latinf' to ernerimentation and extension teaching command a considerable amount of attention. Then to this list are ad/^od the duties involved in rjublic relations an'' an endless number not so ri-adily classified, it becomes evident that the task of administration of the College of 1^1nginecring horn demands an inestimable amount of oxac+ing effort rcnuiring skill and tact, resourcefulness and ingenuity, sympa- thetic understanding'^ a.nd courage, vision a.nd technical ability. 130 CHAPT3H VI :GrTTT,niTTGS Ai^T) GROUiros -nSVOTED TO jiIMCJIirESRING PU?J>OSSS A. aRHuiros 1 Lanf^, Acquired in lS mensurinr "^1 "by 6l f^^et '7as locpted directly ahove the chapel and had an apparatus and laboratory room ndjoinin.^ it on the north. Other rooms in this wing i^'erc used by the schools of p.rchitecture fijid art and design. The library or -"est 'ving "'as fireproof. One room measuring 6l by 77 feet locnted on the gro^jind floor contained the !?useum of Fatuml History. Another room f^irectly nbove it on the third floor, pud of the snme size, '.uas used for the University library and reading room. Other rooms in this -'ing contained the Art Prillery, nnd the Museum of "Engineering and Architecture, later designated the "iis-^um of Industrial Art. The main part of the building had thirty classrooms of good size, and a num- ber of o-Pficor,, one of 'rrhich, located on the third floor almost directly above the front entmnce, '-ras occunied by th^ Horrent. In addition there '^as a store room in-^ thf^re •"eri- cloal^ an'' rest-room accomnodations for both men and 'Tomen. After 1007 several la-ge rooms located on the um-ner floor --'ere remodelled and were .^ivon over solely to the use of the student literary societies. For a number of years, the building '^as heated by stenn from boilers located in the e^st '"ing of the basement. Later, ho'-'ever, steam was provided from central nlnnts. o A.S usod in its later dnys nra.ctically the entire building excerit those 1 In the ea^ly-cat"logup references to this building, the :'Tround floor '7aG called the basem-^nt, the main floor the first floor, and so on. In this nublication, ho'^ever, the ground floor is called the first floor, the main floor the second, and the tor, floor the fifth. 2 It is notpof interest to mention that on Se-ntember 10, l^tOO, the University o-nened p dining room on the .TTound floor of the building under the chapel and operated it there until June, 1903. 135 nortions of thn ton floor thnt continupd to house the literary societies, '7as used for cl-i.ri^-roonr, and offices by the Colle^^e of Liberal Arts anfl Sciences. In tine, in snite of fill ordinary efforts to maintain the structure in good rc-nnir, it he^an to sho"' sii^ns of failure, ■"hereunon unusual steps '"ere taken to •nre'^erve it, one of '^hich '^ns to reinforce it by nenns of a substantial steel post that extended fron the basement to the roof line of the east to^^er and served to nrolon^ its -oprioH of usefulness for a number of years. Finally, ho-^ever, in IQ38, the builrfin/^ hari to be razed, for it had been declared unsafe for further occunancy. This builrlinfT -^ns closer to the hearts of the aliimni than any other structure or -part of the Univorsity camnus; ?'l become nlmost sacred, and the sentiments that pre- vailed nmon^; faculty, students, nnd pl-unni alike as the msult of its lonfx associ- ?>tion '"ith camnus life, '"err almost r>^ strong r>s those due to family ties. Because of these feelings and reactions every reasonable effort '"as made to retain the builrllng and its ■noriod of sorviccability.but the tine had finally come, when it had to come dcin, for it '"as entirely unsafe for further use. 01 ri Chomistr;"" i^ilriing "- T^ocause portions of the old Chemistry Building •■vhidi '"as erectpfi betv/^on July, 1S77, ^^nd Anril, IS??, at a cost of $!40,000, '-'ere used at rliff ei-i^nt tines for laboratory anrl society rooms by some of the departments in the College of ""ilngineoring, this structure is included in the list of buildings describe''. This structure, 7U feet by 126 feet, four stories high, no"j kncm as Harker Hall, '"as at the tinp of its comnletion, one of the largest and best chemical laboratories in the country. The main entrance, a^ some'"hat pretentious affair, was located on thp north side and led rlirectly to the second or main floor. The roof was of the mansard t^.'^e like the one on University Hall. 1 Ori/^innl building designed by Professor Hicker. It '.7as dedicated during the Commencement exercises in ISJS* 136 In August, IS96, the 'buildinp still occupied largely by chemictry and its stock of laboratory sunylies, was struck by lightning — the resulting I'ire de- stroying the roof and practically all of the interior so that nothing of value re- mained except the four external brick walls. The loss was estimated to be $Uo,CXXl The roof was restored in good order at once although on very different lines, but the interior was replaced in a very hasty and inconplcte fashion because of lack of time PjQd money, -ho interior was later refinished, vrith more substantial materials; and in March, 1902, the building was turned over to the College of Law. In 1909, the northern cntmncc was remodelled, when the outside stone stops were removed and replaced by an inside stairway. The building continued to be used by the College of Law until 1925. after which it was occupied for a time by a number of departments. In I927, however, a portion of it v/as definitely assigned to the Department of Entomology and has been used by it to date, while in 1930, the second floor was rearranged to some extent an'' assigned to the Department of Botany. It is the oldest ^aajor building now standing on the Urbana campus. Old i rmo ry or SxTnnas ium Annex - The Military- Building, or what is now the Old Armory or G;,n-Ana,5iur.i Annex, completed in May, IS90, measures 100 feet by I50 feet and is one story high. -It v^a3 considered at the tine of its erection to be a grand and si^acious hall, giving ample room for company and battalion maneuvers. For a number of years it was used for commencement exercises, having been formallj^ dedicated '-hen commencement v/as first held there on Juno 11, IS90. Other large gatherings like class and military dances 'Tcre also assembled there upon special occasions. In Septembrr, IS97. the building v/as taken over for gymnasium purposes, for there v/as no military drill then on account of the fact that all of the military officers had gone av;ay to duty in the Spanish-American \la.Y, On March 5, iSgS, however, the gyimasium was moved to the top floor of the Old Mechanical Building and Drill Hall or Wood Shop and Testing Laboratory as it was then known, when 1 Designed by Professor U. C, Rickcr 137 military drill '.vas resumed, "but v/as movod "back into the old Armory again in September, I9OO, after the Wood Shop and Testing Laboratory had been destroyed by fire in June of that year. The name of the building v/as chpjiged to Gymnasium Annex in 19l5i "vhen the structure '7as adapted to physical-training use after the nev? Armory V7as completed on the south cnjnpus area. In 1912 a 50-foot addition^ knoun as the Engine Annex, '.7as constiructcd along the oast side for the use of the U. S. School of Military Aeronautics in giving instruction on airplane engines during TJorld "^ar I. In the summer of 19^2, anotiHi' addition nas provided along the north side to afford greater housing facilities for the Navy Training School stationed at the University during World War II. C. BUILDINGS ASSIGlffiD PRIMARILY TO THE COLLEGE OF ENGINSERIIIG General - All of the buildings except the first tvro, erected primarily for the use of the College of Engineering, still stand and arc in constant use. Those, forming a compact group located on the north campus, constitute a vrorking center for all concerned ivith instruction in engineering. Tlic close daily contact of students of all four classes in the College, from the freshman through the senior year, serves to unite them in r, common purpose, thereby developing a spirit of college unity and professional morale. Their interests are broadened, at the s-'jno time, through contact -rith students in other colleges of the University, in classrooms on other parts of the campus — the most common points of such assembly being for instruction in matenatics and those other subjects given by the College of Liberal Arts nnd Science that constitute rja important part of the first t",70 years' vrork in onginooHng.- The development of the College in a physical sense is illustrated by its 1 gro'-'th from a single shop building in IS70 to a '.7ell- integrated campus of fourteen spacious buildings in I9U5, containing about 50 classrooms, 25 drafting rooms, 70 laboratories, and a corresponding number of offices, a number of supply, storage, instrument, and other auxilliary rooms. These buildings including the t"'o that 1 One. additional — the Civil Engineering Surveying Building — is located on the South camT3Us»., ^ « - 138 have been removed, arc described briefly in the follo'.-'inf; pages. First Mochajiical Engineering Shop Building - The first building dr^votcd pri- marily to engineering instruction \7as originally a one-story 2U by 36 foot 'Toodon structure '-'hich had previously been used as a farm tool-house pjid mule stable, flnd '-'hich stood at the southeast corner of Wright Street and Springfield Avenue. In January-, I87O, pfter a second story ha.d been added to t>i»e house^ the University carpenter shop, the lover floor '.7as set apart for the use of a shop for the De- partment of Mechanic nl Sngincering. Later, the building became a students' dormi- tory, .^nd "as ultimately moved to the south-est corner of Wright and Clark Streets in Ch^^mpaign and becnnc part of a dwelling house. 1 Mechanical Building and Drill Eall - In IS7I, a t'.vo-story brick and stone building, 88 feet by 126 feet, costing $25,000, v;as erected near what is no'.7 the southeast corner of Springfield and Burrill Avenues, and vas opened on September 13 » of that year — the same d"te ps the laying of the coi'ncr stone of University Hall. It '.'.'as occupied jointly by the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Archi- tecture, and Milit.ary Science — Mechanical Engineering and Architecture using the first floor for shop purposes, and Military Science the second, for a drill hall. The first floor contained a boiler, forge njid tanlc room; a machine shop fur- nished for practical use V7ith a stc'm engine, lathes r\xid other machinery; a pattern and finishing shop; carpenter and cabinet-working shops furnished '•'ith vrood-v.'ork- ing m.achinery; -njid paint, printing, and drafting rooms. The Drill E1II '.7as 80 by 120 feet in size. One of the to'vers contained -in armorer's shop and military model room, an artillery room, and a. bnnd room. The other to"-cr contained a printing office and editor's room. A gallery holding 2 about 300 persons -'as -bovc the second floor. In 1835, '^- one-story .addition 32 by 36 feet '^'as constructed at the south'TCst corner for ^\ blacksmith shop. This was equipped 'Tith sixteen forges and with 1 C.illod Mechanical Building and Drill Hall from I87I to 188/; Mech.anical Building from I8S7 to IS9I; Machinery Hall from IS9I to I895; ^Engineering Laborator^.^ from IS95 to 1897; Wood Shops -rnd Testing Laboratory from I897 to I9OO; --.nd Old Armoiy generally. 2 Commencement exercises were hold in the Drill Hall until I89O 139 n,nvilG and tools, p,nd with n cupola for melting iron. In ISS9-9O, n separate building was erected for military purposes, and the upper floor of this Mechanical Building was devoted to a machine shop ajid the mechanical '//ood shop, tool room, and pattern and store room. The first floor in- cluding the addition continued to serve the forge shop, foundry, wash room, and architectural shop for carpentry and cabinet '.TOrk. One room on this floor served as a repair shop ajid was in charge of the Superintendent of Buildings cand grounds. As the laboratories of mechanical engineering and applied mechanics and hydraulics developed, they were given space on this first floor also. When the Kctnls Shop, or v/hp.t is now known as the Machine Tool Laboratory, v;as completed in 1895. the Department of Mechanical Engineering moved its metal- working machinery into it, leaving the first floor devoted to a wood shop, a materials-testing and hydraulic laboratory, and the mechanical- engineering labora- tory. In March, I898, near the beginning of the third quarter, a portion of the upper floor was tnj^en over for a University gymnasium for men. IThile it was not ideal in appearance, it was adequately furnished P.nd well-adapted to practical use. It was fitted '"ith a satisfactory'" supply of lockers and with reasonable toilot and bathing facilities. In I89S, too, vrhcn the Mechanical ajid Electrical Engineering Lpboratory v.vas completed, the equipment of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory was transferred into it, leaving the first floor of the old building to bo occupied by the wood shops and the materials-testing rijid hydraulic labora- tories. 1 A day or so after Commencement in June, I9OO, the entire structure and -nil of its contents were destroyed by fire, with an estimated loss of $76,000 as previous- ly stated. During the next year, there was erected on the s'^ine site, as described later, a building devoted to instruction in -"ood-shop practice. l"At t-o o'clock Saturday morning, June 9, the oldest building on the campus, which accomraoda,ted our Wood Shops, Testing Laboratory, Kydrajilic Laboratory, Gymnasium etc, '-'as entirely destroyed by fire. The origin of the fir© is unknown. Befoic wo were aware tha.t the building was on fire at all, it was beyond all hope. In an hour nothing '-ifxs left but the outside v/alls. "This entailr. upon the University another very serious loss. While the building was an old one', it was substrntial, and it was exccodingly useful. The result- ing inconvenience will be greatl' -Renort of the University of Illinois,190Q|j^pg. This '^'r^.s in cvoi'j' -py i, subst r,.ntial r^nd rathnr protcntious looking 'building, ■but 'bncn.uso it ''nr, dnsignod nftnr the pattern of the traditionaj. armory, it g.ivo the crimpus more of the ajrp onrnjico of a young militn.rj/- academy than of an cmliryo university. ITo doubt, during the almost twenty yc.'i,rs that it served in part as an ari^ory, it rlid add some interest to military training, but after it cnmc to be used only for laboratory purposes, its outlines must have seemed a little extraneous. Engineering Eall - One of the most momentous events in the early part of the career of the College -'as the erection in 1893-9^ o^ the Engineering Building or Engineering E^ll as it cnjne to be called. From the beginning of Acting Regent Surrill's administration, there '-'as much formal and infornnl discussion regarding the extent of the University's askings of the Legislature in 1393, particularly for buildings. Certain members of the University facvilty felt that there should be a ne'" natural-history museum, /i.nd submitted a strong memorial supporting that viev. Others charged that the chief need -'as a nc'.i library. The members of the engineering fp.culty urged, ho-'over, that much larger quarters vfere ijecdod by the College of Enginc'Ting to care suitably for its students and to extend properly its -'ork, arid called attention to the fact that for several years past considerably more thpn hnlf of the men students had been registered in the College of Engineer- ing, Neither the faculty nor the Board of Trustees '.vas •■'illing to decide as to t'^e relative merits of the demands for these three buildings, but asked the Legis- lature for all of then. An active csjnpaign ^^as carried on "by all three groups; but the ratio in the ntimber of students involved, the standing attained as an engineering school, the achievements of its graduates, and the great need for additional spaco for the proper development of the College as a v7hole, served to imnross tho Cron'^ral Assembly --s to the importance of a. separate building for on^inoprin." use. '^hn outconf^ '-'as that authority for the building '•'p.s granted — the aptsropriatAd sum being ftl(^n,n00 — rmd the rnnuests of the other groups '^cre deferred. After the annronriation -as allot ed, according to the 1893-9^ issue of the University Cat^lo^-nie, the Bosrr'' of Trustees asked for comnetitive plans from the Archltpctmrnl ^?i.r?u?i,tP5 of the University for the desi^ of the 'building. As a result of this coTrnntition, the Board ^'^arded the first prize to Georf^e Tf.Bullard, ".i.conn., ^Tfir.hini^ton, of the class of 1882, 'vho ^ns made architect of the "building. His nlans calle-^ for a four-storj'" st^'ucture -^ith a central wing on the hack. The si^-e chosen for its location 'ti.s on the north side of Green Street, midwav between the north ^md south r.roMv of huildings, facing thp latter. Construction work 'was started late in lS<^3f ^^'^ the cornerstone tt^s laid during formal exercises, on "Oecpnhpr I3, 1813, "^r, Robert H» Thurston of Cornell University giving the prin- cinal ad'^ress. The structurp, comnlpted late in the fall of 189*+, ^as formally derllcate'^ -"ith a-n-nro-nriate cerpmonies on the I5th of Novenher of that year — the same day as the fomal inauguration of President Draper. The program of dedica- tion is inHicate'^ in the follomng outline: Overturn - """o^'l's Peace Jubilee", (Beyer) -University Military Band Introrluctory Remarks — Pr^sirlent Draper Music - "On Deci' Polka" (Thrall) -University Mandolin Club , A-^flress -President Chnrles Kendall Adams, LL.D. , University of Wis. I'usic - "Down by the Riverside" - University Glee Club Af^(1ress - G^nprnl "'illiam Sooy Smith, of Chicago Ovorture - ( Theo Jtozps) - University Orchestra Benertiction 1 Prpsirient's Reception, 9 tOO P. II, _ Engineering Hall The building, still standing and in constant use, '"ith the exterior practi- cally unchanged from thr date of its construction, has a frontage of 200 feet, a rle-Dth of jG fp.p.t on the '"ings »nd I3S feet on the center. The roar central wing is 72 ff^et '"ido» The first story is of drab limestone laid in t'^elve-inch courses having a tooth-chisnlnd finish nn'^ deeply-chambered joints, '■'hilc the three upper storios P"r of buff -nrpssed brick with terra-cotta trimmings to match. The in- terior is slo'^-buming mill construction. The coiling is -nanolcd Washington fir, and the rcmainrler of the interior finish is opJc and was originally fitted with 1 Eighteenth Report of the Board of Trustees, page 36-37 lU2 "bT'onzr^ triraninrs. ':^hn "51111(^111^ ^n.r, first occunlod at the ■beginning of the TTintor Tonn of iSgU-'fjT torrfn . In the sssi/^nnent of rooms, each de-nartment '^as provided '^ith an office, »*■ onp o'' more -nrivatp ?;tudies for instructorr;, a seminp.ry room, class and draft- in/^ roomp, rrnr^ p cabinet room. The offices '^ere equipned ^'rith curtain-top desks, Shnnnon filing ca"binets, letter presses, card indexes, anri other cabinets design- ed to meet the needs of each denartment. "^e 8ata,lo,f!n.e of lS<^'-i-_nf^ contained this statement: "The first storv of the '^est and central r^in^s contains the laboratories of t^''i « . npqt nnd r a nt i^l -' "infiB. .<3»it^,«rs- -t-he- lftb<>J>=>tQj?i-<»«-ef the department of electri- cal engineering, '"hile the east win^ is devoted to masonr;'- laboratories and in- strument rooms of the denprtment of civil pnsineeriniP'. The central '"inf: of the second story contains the lecture room rind the preparation rooms of the department o-f "^hysics, tho rem^in'^or of the floor is used by the departments of Civil Sngi- n-^-^rinp- an^' Municinal r>n<^ Sanitary ?5nglnef rin/?; for recitation and dramng rooms cabinets and studies. The middle "ling of the third floor contains the laborato- ries of the deriartment of Physics, and the side winf^s the drawing rooms, lecture rooms, cabinets, nnd studies of the Mechanical Snfineorin/r; department. The central portion contains the library, the office (business office of the dean) raid the faculty parlor. The fourth story is devoted entirely to the department of archi- tecture, and contains drawing and lecture rooms, cabinets, photo studio and blue Tirint laboratory." '^e effect of the ne"r commodious and 'TOll-furni shed building on the engineer- ing instructors and students -ras verir marked. For the first time the former had offices in vrhich they could work undisturbed; and the latter had well-lighted and uncro^ded drafting rooms .and laboratories, and comfortable and stable drafting desks.- After the T)epartment of Physics moved into its ncT building in 190^, the room<^ it formerly occunied on the first floor as advanced laboratories ^7erc taken over qs offices n.ni^ recitption rooms by other departments. In I916, the partitions beti^een these rooms in the cent^pl '"ing 'vere removed nnd the entire space in this "fin^ 'fas devoted to the Ihiginenrlng Library. The large room on second floor of the central -ring '^as used for an engineer- ing pssenbly nnd lecture room after the Denartnent of Physics vacated it in I909 . In 1Q"S1 it, tofeth^r "^ith t-^o small rooms on the 'Test, '-'as rrmodclled to become the un-ner floor of the Engineering Library. 1 University Catalogue, £89^-95, page l6. 1^3 A-^ '^oor^. n". tho ■nhoto.^rr'ph «nH "bluo-nrint InborRtorv hnd "bonn transferred to the Physics B\iildin/? in IQlO-ll, thn rooms thus vf>,cn.ted on the fourth floor of Sn^innprinf- HpH -^erp rRnodelled to accomnodate the increased nunher of students in a.rchitpcture and to provi.-^e another office for tho facult;/. ">ie construction of this huildin^;, narlred the first out'-fard signs of the ex- •nnnsion of the College of Engineering. The old denartnents had out^ro'Ti their oua^'tei^s in University Hall and thp ne"' departnents "'ere dpnanding a plnce in -"Mdh they coulf^ set up in husiness, for cniS^ineerinf as a. rirofession nas develo-ninf^ rapidly, and the student enrollment "^as incre^isin^ ^nd the size of the faculty prrowins: in -nronortion. The engineers ^ere the first to be honored nith a separate majo-'' "buildinf? for their 0"in class~>oom use; and '-rhile the recognition came none too soon, it .i:r1 sprv^ as a source of inspiration to facility and students alike to Carry on to greater achievement. For a numher of years, the huilding housed the Collese offices and most of the rooms occur)ied hy the several departnents. Gradu- ally, as the Collpge ^r-erj, ho'-^ever, most of the departments, one by-one, moved out into nuartpr'> of their o"ti '"ithin the enginepria/? groun, leaving the building occu-nied at the riresent time by the College ndnini strativp f>nd Engineering Experi- ment Station off-icr.s anr" by the Engineering Library and much of the Department of Civil Engineering. Mpchinp '^ool Laboratory - The building kno^n in lf)U5 as the Machine Tool Labo- ? ratory, housin/r tho pr-sent machine sjiod an'-l hoat-tr'^atnent laboratory, -^as erected in tho fnii of iSo^ at a cost of about $23,000. It ir, a one-storx' brick stnjicture "SO feet by 250 feet., locaterl at the southeast corner of Burrill Avenue and Western Avenue, or '^ha.t "^as originally the railroa.d tra.cks. "he 13'^'^-Q'^ issue of the University Ca,ta.lo,gue gave substajitially the follow- in,c» desc^i-ntion: 1 It is n point of interest to note that the mosaics — the one in Hopm 3*^'- mailing the na,me Eara.rly ond thp one in Hoon 301 making the name T7a,tt, '7ere designed and pxecuted by members of tho staff of the Eepa.rtment of Architecture under the direction of Professor Ne-"Tton A', WellSj in Hay, IPIO 2 C'.llefl !!a.chinery Hr^ll from 1^95 to iSP?, Metal Shons from 1897 to I921, The ■*'nchinp an-^ Fo-^-^e Laboratory from 1Q21 to I93I, The I'achine Laboratory from I93I to 103^^, anri the Machine Tool Laboratory since 193''^,. "ho nnino, HnrhinGr7r Hp.ll '-"in nrir'licd to the ■builrUrit'^ orectod during the fall of IgoR "rViich contpino'i n lecture room, t'^'o office roons, nnd the machine shop, forf^ pihoT), r>r\^ foundry of the ^'^echnnical "^n.^^ineerin^ Department. The irifchino shor,, still in UR'^, is h^ "by lUo feet ^'ith the roof sup-norted by steel trusr.cs spa.ced ten fppt nn centers. Po'-'or -^as hrou/rht to the shon "by a, 30-horsepower rope ririvc from a "^all en.^ine loc-^ted in the j3nf;ineerin/^ Laboratory, ori^rinally called the Mochnnical "^il-^in^ ind "^rill Hall, '"hi ch stood where the Wood Shon and Foundry IBuilf^inp; rro"' stanrls. This mothod of drive oxisted fron 1895. T?hen the building onened, to IS^^S, '"hen th'^ Boneyar'" Central Po'^or Plant '"as completed "/ith its added pc^er facilities. On one s^de of the machine shon '-as a jack shaft support- ed above the lo-'er ehorfl of the roof truss, and from this jack shaft, line shafts on aither side ^"ere ri-^iven by belts on tight and loose pulleys. The turned line shafts, ? '•• inches in (diameter and onerating at 125 r.p.m., "'ere supnorted by If^-inch sr-lf-oilin-^ rlron hangers fastenp^l 'Urectly to the lo'^'er chord of the tTTissas. '^he line sh"ft on the north side extended through the foTindry and forge r-ViQ-n, -"horo the truss<-'s ••'ere snaced twelve fei^t on conters. After 1392, a 20- horseno-'ai' nloctric motor •"as 'ased to drivo the shaft in the machine shop, A three-ton traveling crane of 12-foot sTian covered tho center of the floor for the entire length of the machine shoT and extendefl ovf^r the drive^-'ay 10 feet '"ide a.t the east rnfl of the shop, furnishing excellent facilities for loading or or unloafiing materials and machinery. The floor of the drive',7ay was paved and was thre.^ feet belo'-' the floor of the machine shop. The foundr;;' camo next to the machine shon, the floor being on the level of the '^T-ivn'Tay. A '"in^ l8 feet by 2U feet nxtendcri north from the center of the foundry that container' a large anf^ convonient core oven,- a rattler, and a cupola. Castinp-s ••'oighing a.s much as 2,000 pounds '"ere sometimes made here. '^he forge shoT -^rljoined the foundry, at the ea,stern end of the building. "Electrical Engineering Building - In IS'^J-^Z, a T-shaped, pressod-bric): build- ing, callerl the Fechn.nical and Electrical Engineering Laboratory, -'ith a three "" story front, 50 by 100 f'-ct, nnd a ono- story '"ing, 5^ by 90 feet on the roar, '?'as lU5 erectfid at a cor.t of nhnut ^Uo.OOO for the '^epRrtnents of Ilpchanical nnd Electri- cal !3n/=rf.neerin/^ air^ -^Iso for the Univorsity electricnl rionor. -nlf^nt and the auto- rri'Mtic telpnhone pxchanre. The Der)firtnent of "^ipctricpl Engineering occuiiied the ^Tipcp on the three floors of the front of the "buildin/^, and the mechanical lahora- tory nnrl tho University lie;htin,e; and no'ver nlant occupied the ^ing. The |2;allery .•^cros", the '^est en(^ of the ste^^n-en'^ine Inhorntory overloolted the electric plpnt. Thr> huildinrT "^as const met erl throu^):out of solid "brick '^alls upon brick footings lai'^ in cenont. The ^alls Tre fnced on the outside vdth a dark ■brown flash^H brick mado 'b;'- the Illinois Hyr^mulic Press Brick Conpnny at Collinsvillc, Illinois. The bloc'- brick fomin^r the dianer pattern in the frieze were made by the snno continny at "it . Louis. The doonvay anrl -"indoi trinnin,?; were terra cotta. The '"alls of the first or ground floor were lined with buff Roman brick Inid in '^hit'^ mortar. The entire f^rounr^ floor was cement. The floo re above "^-ere supported ur)0n steel ^pjirriers anri yellc^-nine bcpms anrl constructed of three-inch yellow T^ine tonfoiofl anrl /rrooved mill flooring nn.'^ seven-eighths inch finished flooring, '^he floors "^ere capable of carryin/? P^'^ nounds a square foot. The entire upper '^toT/ ind roof trusses "r.ro sutj-norteri by six steel trusses of the Fini: type, the floof p,nr^ p?>rtitions bein;^ suspended by t'^o steel rods attached to each truss, '^^p roof of the stenn laboratory and power nlpiit '^as su-mnorted upon eight exposor' steel ?ink trusses -'ith horizontal chords. Thoy carried a line shnft and a trp.ck •for P -four-ton tmvolling crpne. The cmne was arranged to run out at the east ■•^n'^ of f.h.r' buildinr un^^'er the shod connecting the boiler house and laboratory, to ficilitnto tho hnndlinf" of he^v^'' ma.chiner^'. The opening left in the enst wall for the ■nr>ssnge of the cra.no "as closed by p count crbalajiced flap and t'-'o sliding floors." In 1905i ' thn De-nartment of Kechnnicnl ^Engineering moved into its ne'^ labora- tor?'' bullriing as mentioned else-fherp, and in IPIO, the electrical generating units 1 The ^echnograrih, Volume IP, lgP7-^S. P^ge U1-U3. Article by S. J. Tera^le, Asst Professor of Architecture entitled "The Buildings of the 'Hllectrlcal and Mechani- cal Laboratory, anri Central Heating Plant." nnfl thr trlfi-nhono exchange '^oro moved into th<^ Univrrsity Po'-'nr Kousn, thus lopving this f^ntiro "builriin/^ for the uso of the De-partmcnt of Slcctrical Engi- nnprinp. The rp>movfil of thoso units fron tho onn-story '-"ing nade it possible to per- mit chnnpos in the huildiniT' a'^rpngemcnt . The old ponnr-plant room rras divided Into t"'o Inrge lf>cturo rooms, t-^o recitation rooms, p\n6- one large room to "be used as a high-tension laboratory in which -^ere installed the high-tension transformer i pnd other aTi-narptus connected ^ith this line of "ork. This removpil of the classiDom from the upner floor of the building permitted an increase in the nunbpr of offices and a consequent increase in the efficiency of those occunying them.. The old /51ectricpl "Engineering Society reading room was conve-'-ted into n stenographer's office. A small room adjoining this was used as n senin,ir or library. To the I'llectrical Sigineering Society '.^as given the large general office which they enuinped with furniture and -oictures and made into a vpr7'- pleasant lounging and na^a^ine readin--^ room. • At each end of the building large rooms were set aside as graduate studies, fitted with desks and other necessary furniture, ";hore the students in the gradu- ate school did a Inrge part of their work. The stairs wore moved into the center of the building le'^ving room for an office on the upper floor and a concrete floor space below on which werf' installed the ne^ mo tor- generator sets. The office formerly occupie'^ by f^e Superintendent of ^^ildings was converted into an instru- ment nnr^ reports room, and the room on the ground floor known as the calibration room, Wfis thus left entirely/ for research work. In one corner of this room a dark room wa.s built for the photographic work in connection with the oscillograph. In 1Q2C), this entire structure was rt^modeled and joined by a. corridor across the boneynrd to the building formerly occupied as laboratories by the Department of ''theoretical and Applied Mechanics, as also mentioned elsewhere, and the com- bined structure ha.s been occupied sine then by the Depa-rtment of Slectrical 1 This paragraph and the t'wo following wRrn taken from an article entitled "Changss in the "Electrical 15ngineering Lab", by L. 7. James, Instructor in 5.3., The Techno PTaph, December 1911 , Pages 33-3'^ • 1^7 En^inpo-rinff for offino and Inborrtt.orjr. purposes, ""ll metrical "^ginoorlng Annex - The building that since 1932 has been kno'TO as the "''li pctrical ''^nrineprin? Annex ^'r>s erected in 1S97 to house the boilers of the second central heatin,?, lir,ht, and no'^er plant which was located immediately north of the 5oney«''d and ■nrhich is described in this -oublication as the Boneyard Po-^er Plnnt, Thir,,'^5-foot by 120-foot brick structure, ir, described in some de- tail in Cha-oter XJ^ under the section entitled "The Boneyard Central Heating, li^htin;?;, -ind Po-^er Plant." This building was left vacant in I9IO when the power- house enui-nment -^as transferred to the ne'-' Mathe'vs Avenue Station. A portion of the vacated stracture "^as later taken for p University j^ara^re, nnd another nortion was rnfitted in inp"^-r?U by the Department of Civil Engineering for a Cement and Concr'^te Labo rp.t o r^"- . Still l.'-ter another portion was mmodeled and taken over by the ■Hepartment of ^bno-^oticpl ,inr' Anrill ed Mechanics for a Ffitigae-of Metals Laboi;^ torv. ''hen these t-^o deTr^rtnents trnnsfei'red their equi-nnent to the new Materials Testing Lnborotory (later the Arthur Nowell Talbot Laboratory), in iqSQ the De- •nnr-tnent of "^Ir-ctrical "^ngino'^ring adapted the space vacated by Civil Engineering to thn •ar,n of n high-t '^nsion Inborntory, A short time later, it remodelod the portion formerly used for fatigue-of-metals testing for an Illuninatipn Laboratoiy nnd it extended this laboratory'' still Inter when the garage was moved to other quarters. Thus in 1<^3?, the Department of Electrical Engineering occupied the en- tire structuro using it for high-tension and ill\imination labomtorios. The ap- ■nro^lmate cost of this building to date is $22,700. %od-5hop and Poundr^-- Building - The brick building known as the Wood-Shop and Foundry located at the southeast corner of Springfield and Burrill Avenues, was constmcted in the form of a double H with the center portion two stories 2 high. The main portion "fas built for a wood-shon in 1901-02, on the site of the old building kno^n by various nnjnos as Mechanical Building and Drill Hall, and 1 Called 'Tood-Shon from I90I to I90U, Wood-Shop and Foundry from igoU to I92I, The Pa.ttorn Laboratory and Foundry Laboratory from 1Q21 to 1931 » ''"-^cl Wood-Shop and Foundry since 1931 2 Plans were nrovided by N.S.Spencer, Superintendent of Bldgs.& Grounds, I89S-I902 finally the Wood-Shon n,nd Testing Laboratory, T7hich was burnerl, in June, I9OO, as ■nreviously stated. It contained the "bench room, lathe room, machine room, lecture room, p-jchihition room, tool room, office, pat tern- storage room, and repair work- Toom. 'Oryinf' kilnn and storage rooms '^ere located in the basement. In I90U, a 3^^ "by ?0-foot addition w^s constructed at the eastern end for foundry purposes ■with a In.TKo molding: floor tmversed "by a fivp-ton traveling; crane, and with a InTfa "basement room for tho stora.p;e of materials. The overall dimensions of the "buil'^infc am about f?0 by 2^ feet. The total cost of the structure was approxi- mately SU3,00n — $31,000 for the wood-shon and $12,000 for the foundry. The follo'^in.'T dotailed rlescri-ntion unrier the title "The Hew Wood Shop" was 1 fum^ shorl by professor L. P. Bred'enridge in ^he Tpchnograph in IQGl-O?: "The ne'^ builfliniT was built of red brick, '-rith sandstone trimmings. The building fronted for 7*^ feet on Burrill Avenue. The denth of the building was 1P2 feet. "Tho locture room had a seating capacity of 100. The wall at the end of the room "^as finir;hef^ smooth nnd white for lantern projections. All speed and ■on.ttern/^makors' lathes were grouned in a room b^/ themselves. The machine room was at tho rear end of tho building. There wp.s sufficient head room under the entire shop 30 that all shafting and belting was placed below the main floor. Tho second- stor;"- nortion of the center was used for pattern storage, workshop for general TJnivnrrdty rerjair ""ork, as well as for storage of dry lumber. The equipment in the shons cost about $6oo. The benches were each provided with six drawers with combination locks, anf^ both side and tail quick-action vises. "■Donrnr w'as furnished by two electric induction motors — one of 20 horse PO'-'or nnd the other of 5 horso nower. A combination blower and heater, located in the sub-ba,s foment, furnished '^arm air for ?v small dry kiln. The building '^as lighted by electricity and heated by steam, mostly by direct radiation, both the light and heat being furnished from the central plant of the University. The shop^ coulri handle Uoo students. The first instruction in these shoTis was given by Mr. A, -R. Curtiss on February 2U, IPO?." 2 Laborator;,^ of A-p-nlied Mechanics - In 1902, a two-stoi'y building ^5 foot by ^5 ffi<^t, facing ''est on Burrill Avenue immediately south of the Boneyard was e- rected ns r^ materials testing laboratory kno"m as the Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, and a two-story wing kG feet by 115 ff^ct was added to the rear, extend- ing almost to the "^ater "^orks Building, for an Hydraulics Laboratory. The entire 1 Volume X^^I, Pages 23-90 2 Plfins were dra"m by H. S, Snencer Iks Tralldine wa.s constructed at n. cost of $3"^. 000, tho outside walls "being of buff- colorori pressed "brick, nnd the foundation of the main portion, rod sandstone. The materials te<^tin.^ labor.-^tory was desif^ied to house the testing machines a.nd testing appliances, "but theve 'va.s nothing unusual about the form of con- struction. . In the hydraulic laboratory, the stand-pipe foundation rose to the level of the main floor. "Phe floor ODening in front of the stand-pipe gave light and com- mnnication bet'i^een the t'/^o floors. Other onenings in the floor allowed pipes to nass through. On the main or unner floor wore placed weir tanks, orifice tanks, measuring ta.nks, motors, meters, and other similar ap'oaratus. The line of pipe for detenninatinn of friction in ♦jI'dcs was rilaced along the north "rail and on a balcony of the '■'all. Tht' basement or ground floor contained seven measuring -nits, two weir chambrrr. turbine -nits, sunp, and curront-meter rating channel. These were built of concrete all connected '^ith the sump and each other by a system of pipes under the floor, anri also to ""aste "ni-neo. One measurinr-r nit -"as also arranged for work on a large gcnln Mth tho jot meter. One weir chamber had a three-foot '^eir rfith end con- tractions, and the oth'^r a three-foot '"eir rith sunnresned '-^nd contractions. The current meter m.ting con^luit -a.s lOn feet long, . Tho floors, both n'bov^ an'i belo-', -.vere made of concrete, slo-ned to drain to the floor sumps having unflerdrainago. Space ■•'as provided for experimental 'TOrk '•Jith -olumbing dnvices, tra.-ns, sirihonnge, etc. An office, corn-nut ing room, brick testing room, and "'ork-shon took up the re- mainder of the Ting. As -nreviously staterl, in 192n, "rhen the Department of Theoretical and Apnlied T'ftchanics moved into its no'-' Materials Testing Lp.boratory, or Arthur Ne-foll Labom- tory, ns it '•'as after-Jards called^, trhis Laboratory of Applied Mechanics 'ms re- modeled, joined to the i^ectrical Bnglneering Building, a.nd taken over by the Demartmont of Electric al ""Ingi nee ring for laboratory purposes. 1 '^echnograph, lQOl-02, Volume l6. Pages 23-SU, from article "Laboratory of Appliol Mechanics"by A. 1',: Talbot. 150 Clv^l Engineering Survoylng Building - The Civil Engineering Surveying Builriing, a two-stor;'- "bricV: structure trimriod V7ith stone, erected in I90U-O5 as the Forticultural ^Building, "ras ta}:en over by the Department of Civil Sngineering »s a surveying "building in 19?3 f^nd opened in September, I92U. It contains the Instrunent locker rooms and drafting rooms for the surveying courses and offices for some of the instructors to-^ching classes in surveying practice. Its location on the south cnmnus ^rhere there is onen space availahlo for surveying purposes, offers many conveniences In the conduct of the surveying rrork. ITie cost of this structure to date is ahout $30,000. ' Mechanical %igineering Laboratory - The Hochanicnl Engineering Laboratory, a brick building, the first unit of which was erected in 1P05, originally had a frontage of SO feet and a totnl depth of 1S2 feet. The front section, two stories high, contained the offices, lecture rooms, comnuting rooms, and a largo instru- ment room. !^ack of this section "'ore t^o bays 'fith sa'''-booth roof construction, each bay being Uo feet by 13^ feet. The north bay '--as provided vith a concrete tost in;? floor and n in_ton, Ji-motor this construction -^as about J^P^.OOn. In 190^5, an addition Uo feet by 182 feet "^as constructed along the north side of the Ipboratory, similar in longitudina!!. section to thd original structure — the onft~story portion in the rear having been fitted with a 5"toi^ traveling crane. The eastern end of this portion was used by the Department of Civil Engineering for a cement and ro ad-mat eri.-^ Is laboratory, the middle '7as used by the Department of Electrical Engineering for storage snace for the electrical test car, and the west end was used by the De-nnrtment o-f" Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for a concrete testing laboratory/-. The cost of this addition v/as approximately $15,000. In time, the laboratory building as constructed during I905-O6 became suf- ficiently inadenuatf^ to so-nre the ner-ds of the Department as to v/arrant changes in the arrnngoment of the structure. Accordingly, follo^/ing the removal from the north room to other nuarters of the laboratory equipment belonging to the Depart- me nts of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Theoretical and Arrplicd 1 Gnivnrslty Catalogue, I90U-O5, page U6. 151 Hochnnlcs, thn -ork of romorlolins tho 'bullr1in,p; "bognr. in tho sunnor of I9ID. The f^OFscri-ntion thit follo'-'R, taknn fTv^ni thp Thp Tnchno^raph, gives a ,»oorl idna of tho, arran^oment thnt was nrovidod thon and "^hich for tho nost part, exists today. Tho 'bricl' '"all sonaratin,^ thr north room from the Mechanical Snginooring lato- rator^r '"as rnnnveri fiYinf a cloar availatlo spaco of 120 liy lUo foot. Tho old concrete floor '"as ta^on out of the laboratory and a basenent four feet bole?/ the old floor level '".-.s excavated pnd concretofl. Six feet above tho old floor line, there '"as constructed a mezznnine floor, nade of reinforced concrete 10 inches thici', su-p-norted by columns IS inches square spaced at 15-foot intervals over the basement floor. This mezzanine floor 'vas surfaced '"ith f^renite chips giving it thj resemblance of a terrasjo floor. T'"o ro'-'s of light "'ells, each J }, by 10 feet plicofi l^i feet on centers 'admitted daylight to the bpsenent. No change was made in the three sa'r-tooth skylights '"hich rnn full length of the laboratory proper. The south bay -ris nrrangert for heating nnd vont il-rting oauipment, the north bny for ste^n enuinnent, anri the nidHle bny for gas-engine equipment. At the west end of the midrlle bay on the street level, ■provision '"as made for an automobile- testinr r^lant ^nd e small gas -nroducer. 2 end In the basement '-'ere const ructerl t'"o l.irge flum^^s each U feet deep, k feet ^ji^r running the full length "f the laboratoi^/' to receive tho ".Tator from conden- sers nnr\ coolinp ft^f.r^r from gns engines. One large room adjoining the Inboratorj'- on the east -^as fitted '^ith individial steel lockers, n^.fl -^ith amnle snnce for '"ash-room aurposos. The laboratory too], r'n-^ su-n-nly room -'r>n also located on the east end of the laboratory, ■•ith a check- ing system for handling tools nnd laboratory -an-naratus. Th.e wor> of reconstruction -"es comnleted in llarch,1917, although it took some time '>fter that to mo-ke ari,,iustmcnts in eouirment . The chnnge arldod virtually a no'T s^^or;" to the labom.tory, 'ind rjermitted a much more ndv.'-i.ntageous arrnjigement of t^ie aTfnaratus. The cost of miking the chnnge -"as approximately $Uo,000. 1 "The TTp,, Ifpchanic-^l ^igineering Laboratory", by V.S. Day '17, >'ovember, I917 , Tiages kl-k^, 2 The basement has a head room of bet'''eon eight and nine foot and contains nil of the conrlensers accommodating tho engines. 152 During lf4l'^-17, nl^o, nn nddition, ?0 foot by Uo feet, w^s orectcd at the •^outhoant cornnr of tho liuilrlinp; nr a continuation of tho ouarters originally occuniod "by tho T)opartmont of Coramic Sngincnring, This rxtension, nrovidinf; for four officos and t'^o resoarch la'boratorios, nas constructod at a cost of $5,000. In 1^)23, ^hen thn addition (rrectod in I910) on the nouthwost comer of tho laboratory '^as vacatorf, tho Donartnnnt of Mochanicnl Sn^inoorin^ took ovnr the s-nac^ for shon, laboratory, nn^ classroom \ise. This addition ha,(1 housed thn Dn- na-''tTnont of Cnrnnic "^nrinoorin,!^ from IQIO to IPlo, and tho connnt and highway labo'^ntorios of tho T)o-nartmont of Civil !^nginnnring from I916 to I923. The total cost of this building is no^^' listed at aboxit $cil,000. Physics Building: - After s<-'Voral -nroliminary studies had boon prepamd by nernbors of the Denartnent of Physics and a student architect, final plans for the construction ^f the 3^ysics Builiiinp were '^ra'vn by T. C. Sinnernan, an architect of Chicnro. The contract for the construction of tho buildin.r ''as lot in July, IvOS. ■ The stnictur'^ '.".as conriloted the next year at a cost including; fur- nis'^iin^s of $250,000, nnrl "as formally (dedicated on Tovomber 26 ajid 27, I909 — the An'^-^icnn Fhy^^icpl Society mnkinp- this dedication th^ occasion for holding, in the no'^ buil-^in."-, its Tlianl:s.''ivin.'r meeting of that year. Governor Charles S. Denoen ""as Tiresrnt et the derlication ceremonies snd pccopted the building for the State nnfl -nresontorl it to tho University. President Jnmos delivered the charge to Pro- fessor A. P. Carman, Hpafl of tho Do-nnrtment of Physics. Dr. Honry S. Pritchett, President of the Carnegie Pounrlation for the Advancement of Teaching, delivered tiie main a'^i^'ror.s.. The builrling is a hanf^some four~story brick and fire-proof structure, trimmed "ith ■^erifor'^ limestone. It has a length of IJS feet and o depth over its '^ings of 12R feet. The first floor is rectangular, the court space bet'veen the "ings being user! for the f'O larre lecture rooms, both of -^hich are lighted by skylights. The largest of these rooms has a seating capacity of 2G?-, and the other, 120; end bo- cnuse of the mimbers of students involved, it is import^ant to have these rooms on the first floor. A one-stor;; annex,, 22 feet by yS feet, contains tho ventilating 153 nnd heating fans snd the machine shon of tho department. The foundations of the annex pre independent of those of the main 'buildinie^. Practically all of the ro- ta.tinp power machinery is thus installed outside of the main 'building. The total availaWe sDace, exclusive of the "basement, is about 60,000 square f ent . The wost i^in,^ contains three laTiSre, well-lighted laboratories and eeven recitation rooms. The oast winis: is of henvy construction and contains twenty-one smaller laboratories for advanced experimental work. In addition, this wing con- tains the chemical rooms, a balance room, a special lecture room seating 50, T»hotogrnn>iic on-l -nhotometer rooms, even-t erareraturc rooms, and the usual cloak and rest rooms. The rlnvator cnnnectin^T the several floors from the unpackini^t room in the basoment to th*^ attic nnd also the apnamtus stacks, orif^inally ""as a, direct-lift ■nlun^er. This t-^mr v.ps chosen because of Bfifoty and because it required no ro- tatin,:, ^flisn " ''■ '■ ^"+tijtif)Cl Sit* bnB . ibsb xS.letarto'i. -; • ta &i1T iioojCl . . •animoiq r -soirfO lo .E!f;.^ --■ . -.:- -.-■. ■" ■■ •dl noqi! bt^ias-ia ad od" Building for Archi- tecture nnd TTinr'rf^d Subjects, housing the Separtments of Architecture and Art, is locatr^r' on the south cem-ous immediately "est of the Commerce Builrling. The corner stone ■^as Ipid on Tovomber if', 1^?^, Profo^sor Loredo Taft making the main address, '^he building r^s dedicated on November g, lQ2g, President ICinley delivering the ■nrincinal address on that occasion. The building '-ras occupied at the beginning of the secon-^ semociter of l'^PJ-28, although much finishing and other '"ork reraain- r^rl to be done during tha<- semester. The structuro 5 s T-Rha^ed facing south, '^ith the main- enance in the center of this front, and ^ith the long axis cast and Trest ^ and the stem extending north, '^he main -nortion of the building is 5^ feet by SfiO feet, ^-Jhile the north 'ving is 50 feet by JO feet. The style of architecture is Georgian like the other build- ings in its neighborhood. The elevation is red brick "^ith Bedford limestone belt courses, trim, and cornices. The building, a fire-T^roof structure, comi^leted at a cost of about $US5,000, 152 ir> thrno stories high with a hascnont and attic in addition. The Tvost end of the basement is open throu^ the first floor level to provide space for the Hall of Casts. The east end of the basement is used bv the Architectural Club for its meetings ajid other purposes. The north wing or stem of* the basement contains a modeling room Uo feet by 50 feet and a room for filing blueprints of important buildings erected in this country/-. An exhibition room for paintings and dra'^ings is provided on the east end of the first or main floor, and a lecture room occupies the north side of the north wing. The middle portion of this floor is occupied by offices. The north wing on the second floor is occupied by the Hicker Library. At each end of the front part, on each side of the Library, are large dra"'i ng rooms. With this arrange- ment, books cnn be taken from the Library pxiA used at any point on this floor without being charged out according to the usual pi-ocess. A large dra'.^ing room occupies each end of the third floor with classrooms and offices bet'veen. The top floor is devoted to studios for students taking frcnhand drav/ipg, water-color, and other similar subjects. Arthur Ke\7ell Talbot Laboratory - Const ru.ct ion on the Arthur Newell Talbot Laboratory formerly called the Materials Testing Laboratory, a four-story brick and fire-proof building of modified Georgian design, was began in the fall of 192s. The corner stone was laid on October 25, I92S, with appropriate ceremonies including addresses by Doa,n Milo Smith Kctchum and by Professor Arthur Newell Talbot. The building was completed in the summer of I929. at a cost of about $^37,000, and was formally dedicated on Ma^^ 2 and 3, I93O, when Robert Ernest Doherty, '09, President of Carnegie Institute of Technology, gave the principal address. The building is located between Wright Street and Burrill Avenue a short distance north of the Bonoyard. It has a stiructural steel frame, reinforced con- crete floors, and partition walls of Haydite concrete blocks. It is constructed in the form of an H with the two wings measuring 50 foot by 18J feet, and the stem, 92 feet by 110 feet, making the over-all dcmcnsions of the building I87 feet 159 "by 212 feet. The structure h/is a large central bay, Uo feet by 150 feet, ojjen from the ground floor to the roof, served by a 3-Eiotor, 10-ton traveling crane operated by electric power — the distance from the floor to the under side of the crane being 50 feet. The main or second floor extends ovnr the bay opening a short distance on the north side and the two ends to form a balcony. The second nm4. third nnd fourth floors are entirely shut off from the bay except for case- ment windows in the corridors of these floors. A section of the floor of this crane bay is a slab of reinforced concrete I6 inches thick, 120 feet long, and 2U foot wide. In two directions at intervals of 6 feet on centers of the slab, 80 anchors wore cast into the concrete, each anchor capable of resisting a pull of 50,000 pounds. Adjoinin:?- the largo cmjio bay on the south is a smaller bay 112 feet by 2I4 foot, with a height of 2^} foot from the floor to tho bottom of the 6-ton traveling crpno — tho crnjio fornorl;- used in the concrctn laboratory.'- in the present Ce- ramics Building. In tho floor of this bay is nnothrr slab having anchorages along tho center capablo of resisting a pull of 10,000 pounds. These a,nchors arc placed at 3-foot intervals on rows U feet apart. The building is occupied by the offices, classrooms, and laboratories of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. It is used, also, for the ccmcnl; soils, bituminous, non-bituminous, and concrote-resoarch laboratories of the De- partment of Civil Engineering. At a special convocation hold in the University Auditorium on April 21,1932, the building was renamed by the Board of Trustees in honor of the outstanding work done by Professor Arthur Ilewell Talbot in the fiolds of civil enginrcring fjid mechanics, as tho "Arthur Newell TaJbot Laboratory." Nuclear Radiations Laborator^^^ - In 1931-32, fi ono-story brick building was erected immediately south of tho Bonryard on the west side of Goodwin Avenue as a laboratory and storage garage for tho State G-eological Survey. When the Survey vacated tho property in 10^0, the interior of the building was remodeled at an expense of about $5,300 and the building was taken over by the Department of i6o F^.ysicn for n !%cle^r Raflintions Laboratory to housn the new cyclotron. The total cont of this iDuildln^ as it now stan^^p is listed at about $37,000. Sanitary "Hingineerinf; Laboratory,'- - The Sanitary T^nf^iineering Laboratory, design- er^ to •provide for instructional and experimental work in sewage treatment, "vater ■purification, an*^ sanitation, is a reH-brick building, with a three-story, 2S by Uo_foot central -portion, a one-stor:', 2f< by 53-foot wing on the south, and a one- story, 1^-foot '"in? on the north, that ths ecrectefl bet wnon March and Se-ntemb.-^r, I9U3, on the TTniversity ^roun^^s east of TTOodwin Avnnuo and between the 3oneyard and "Testern Avenuo, TTrbana, at a cost of about •'5Un,000. The central portion of the builf^inf- contains the tank room, "rhich extends through the first and second floor? , «n officp on the first floor, a student laboratory on the second floor, and a classroom on thp thir-^ floor. Below the .-n'ound floor of this section is a channel for hydraulic fTP^riments. The onr-story wing on the north is used for a rpRea-rch laboratory nn<^ for graduate- sturient -"ork, and that on the south, for a "^ork room. • This building constricted by special a.n-propriation in supnort of the war- training nroPTnm, of "^orlr^ Tar II, was utilized to capacity in training enlisted men assifnei^ to the University for sioecial instruction in the field of sanitary enffine^rinp-. The unusual facilities thereby ma'le available here enabled trainees to secure a "forking kno'^le^lge of sanitary' processes as applied to armed-service conditions that only a ver^r fe-" institutions in this country could supply. Summary'- - All of tho buildings north of Green Street that have ever been assignef^ to the Colloge of Engineering for instructional and experimental purposeE^ are still in use exco-nt the original ^^ochanical I!!nginoering Shop Building, which wfi.s finally movo'^ from the cajmpus and rpmodelod for residential use, and the ^'echanicnl "^lilrling nn^^ "Orill Hall, "rhich was destroyed by firn in I9OO. Kany changes have b^en marlc in theso structures both inside and outside to meet the needs growing out of changing conditions, '^v^n ^-.hough one department was trans- fpr■^'e'^ from the College and t'^o othars '^ere discontinued, the buildings have come to bo cro-^rfef^ rlurin^ the acadnmic years on account of thn enormous increase in i6i <^t\if^Rnt pnroll"ipnt nnc\ in thp Pxtfinsive Rxpansion in research activities. Several of the "builriiniP;? Rrectfi-^ r^urinf: the lf?00'r. and the IQOO'f; have become seriously nutnorlf"^, -^ur- to chpn,f=i;es in industry r^nfl inrlustrial develonnent . There is urgent np"'^ for sovera]. no" hnilriinrs const ructerl- on nodnrn liner, to supply anplra space for instructional .•^nd rxi^nrinental Tiumoscs deriignnfl for -nres'^nt-day apparatus 5>nd in accordance "-i th nod.cTn li,?;;htinf: and ''orkin^ conditions. In spite, though, of nny handicaps that nny hnvo hoon due to huildin;^ arr?>ji|C;nmonts, the College has heen 'wonderfully successful in its efforts throughout the years to carry on its educationnl-traininp nnd r^^soarch nrogrnns, ^nd to attain such achievcnonts as haV"^, no douht, far sumassod any visualized objoctivos foreem by those "fho v7ero resnonsible for nroviding the funds for building const inaction. Ib2 CHAPTER VII THE DSFAHrUSKT OF MECHANICAL SiJGINSERING A. OHGAiilZATIOlI General - Although the report made "by the Regent and the four Trustees in 1867, made provision for Mechanical Science and Art in the Polytechnic Sejiartmcnt , it took a little time to get the department organized. Under officers and in- structors and their titles as recorded in the 1368-69 issue of the University Catalogue nJid Circular, is listed the position of Professor of Mechanical Science. No one had been chosen to fill the position, evidently, for the name was left blank. The Department of Mechanical Engineering, or School of Mechanical Science, as it was originaJ-ly known, was definitely entablislied as a going concern, though, in January, I87O, with tho appointment of S. It contains engines, boilers, puinj)S, surface condenser, and a large assortment of indicators, gauges, scales, thernometers, dynanoneters, calorimeters, reducing motions, planimeters, measuring tanks, and apparatus for the calibration of instruments. It is supplied with steam from the central boiler house through a 5-inch main, and steam may be used from this source or from boilers in the labora- tory itself. The engines ma;^ be run cither with or without a condenser, with plain slide or expansion valves, or with automatic or throttle governors. "Vfetcr is brought to the laboratory through a 2-inch main, furnishing a supply for condensers and boiler feed. "The heating nnd po'rcr plant of the University contains eight boilers, two Hoot, one Sterling, throe horizontal tubular, and two Babcock & Wilcox, aggro- gating eight hundred horse power. Those furnish additional opportunity for ex- periment. Tests are also made in the power plants, pumping station, and factories of the tv/o cities." In the latter part of I895. the laboraton^ equipment v;as transferred from the Chemistry Building to the Ilcchanicfd Building and Drill Hall. The building known as the Meclianical and ZLcctrical Engineering Laboratory (now the northern portion of the Electrical Engineering Building) V7as completed in 1897-92 and during lu9S the mechanical-engineering equipment was moved to the east wing of this new structure, and some now apparatus was added. At that time, there were six experimental ste.-ii engines available for instructional purposes connected by two independent mains to the near-by boilor house. These included one lO-horsepov/er Hobinson engine, one 35-horsepov7er Robinson cjigino, o:ic. 35— horsepov;er Ball engine, one 3^-^OJ-'3cpo'.7er Keycr automatic engine, one 8-horsepowor Sturtovant engine, and one S-horscpower Nagle engine. There -.Tore, in addition, a 2 10-horscpower Otto gas engine, .-'. lO-horscpowor Atkinson-cycle gas engine, a 2-horsopower Hider-Sricson hot-air Engine, tla;\t was used to illustrate the exteri- or-furnace type of motor, an Ingorsoll air compressor and air-storage tank, five steam pumps, one pulsoraeter, numerous storja .specialties, . njid a laJ'^o assortment of the usual instruiacnts arran^^ed for experimental testing. A four-ton traveling crane of 20- foot span covered the central floor space. 1 This is the engine that stood in the old Mechanical Building and Drill Hall and that was used to supply power through the rope drive to operate the equipment in the machine shop. Its power was given at various times as from 25 to 50 horsepower. 2 This engine V7as originally installed in the University Hall lighting plant and was later given to the Huscvim of Science and Industry, Chicago. l6S During the same year, also, the University lighting and power plant was in- stalled in the same wing of this building immediately adjacent to the equipment 1 described above. These facilities included one GO-horsepower "Ideal" single- cylinder, high-speed engine, made by Ide and Son of Springfield, one 100- horsepower "Ideal" tandem compound engine, and one 50-horsepo'.ver Uestinghouse "Junior" engine. These engines were supplied with high-pressure steam through independent mains from the boiler house, and were available for testing purposes. Vifhen the boiler house of the University central heating system (Boneyard station) was completed at the end of 1897, a few of the old boilers and several new ones were installed for power and heating purposes then or shortly thereafter. These included one llO-horsepower horizontal tubular boiler, equipped with Bright- man mechanical stoker; one 250-horsepower National 'I'atcr Tube boiler, equipped with Murphy smokeless furnace and automatic stoker; and t'."o 220-horsepower Babcock & Wilcox boilers, equipped with Roney mechanical stokers. A short time later, there was added one 150-horsopower Babcock and V/ilcox special boiler carrj'^ing 275 pounds steam pressure, provided with a hand-fired furnace, and one 150-horsepowGr standard Babcock and Wilcox boiler, furnished with a chain-grate stoker. All of these boilers were supyilicd with the usual auxilliary apparatus, and v/ere all available for laboratory testing purposes. In addition to the University engines and boilers described above that could be used for laboratory work, the public-utility pumping station and power plants of Champaign and Urbana and the shops of the Peoria and Eastern and Illinois Central Railroads furnished additional opportunities for experimental practice. Mechanical Laboratory Facilities, 190^-1^17 - In I905, the mechanical- engineer- ing laboratory was moved from the building occupied, since I89S, jointly by the mechanical and electrical engineering laboratory, into a new building, 80 by lU2 feet, erected for that pui'pose; and at that time or shortly thereafter, the De- partment added greatly to its equipment, so that within a few years, the College had for the first time a reasonably-equipped mechanical engineering laboratory. 1 Originally installed in the University Hall central lighting plant in I8g2. i69 The laboratory was arranged for testing fuels and various types of steam 'boilers, steam engines, superheaters, economizers, furnaces, gSiS engines, air compressors, pumps, and other devices and machines employed by engineers in the generation and transmission of pov/er. It was provided with a large assortment of various types of indicators, gauges, scales, thermometers, pyrometers, calorimeters, measuring tanks, etc. with arrangements for calibrating and standardizing them. There were nine steam engines of various types and capacities, one of which was the Reliance Corliss engine obtained in I905. This was a single-cylinder machine 12 by 2^- inches, horizontal, non-condensing type, double eccentric side crank, manufactured by the Allis Chalmers Company. It v/as equipped v/ith a vari- able speed governor giving a range from 20 to I30 r.p.m. Its steam-supply pressure was 1^5 pounds a square inch, and its rating was 100 horsepower at 100 r.p.m. This engine was provided v/ith a brake and other suitable apparatus for student testing. Another was a 65-horsepower four-valve tandem compound engine, originally designed by two students, Zimmeman and Sayers, for a thesis, and erected ijj the University shops during 1905-Ob. Still another was a 10-inch by 10-inch, 60-hcrrsepower, Ideal high-speed engine originally i.'rovidod for the University Hall power plant, and used later in the Boneyard Pov/er Plaint. It had been rebuilt and a throttling governor added to the centrifugal shaft governor. The two were independent so that the engine could bo operated rrith each governor, thereby permitting tests showing the relative economy of the different methods of governing v/ith a wide range of loads. In addition, there were three types of gas engines, nine pumps, eight in- jectors, one pulsomcter, one hot-air engine, and one large-volume fan. The labora- tory contained, also, a compound air compressor described later, a liquid-air plant consisting of a Norv/alk four-stage compressor, compressing up to U,000 pounds per square inch, and a Hampson liquifier with a capacity of about seven pints of liquid air per hour. Other equipment included a 210- horsepower Heine v/ater-tube boiler provided with a Green chain-grate stoker, a Sturtevant economizer, and a l^O-horsepower in- dependently-fired Foster superheater v/hich made possible the study of problems 170 relating to superheated steam. The arrangement of the plant was such tloat the flue gases could be dra'/7n, Y/hen desired through the Sturtevant economizer located Tieside the boiler, and the boiler setting was so constructed that the chain-grate stoker could be readily replaced by a hand-fired grate or another stoker. All varieties of Illinois coal could be burned efficiently without the production of smoke. The facilities included, also, a 15-horsepower De Laval steam turbine direct- ly connected to a compound centrifugal pump, v/hich could deliver lUo gallons of water per minute when operating against a head of 500 feet. The turbine wheel and small pump runner made 23,500 r.p.m., while the large pump runner made 2,350 r.p.m. The turbine was provided with condensing and non-condensing nozzles. Other equipment included a six-stage, 60-horsepower PZerr steam turbine supplied with an absonition dynamometer and a 60-horsepower V/heeler surface con- denser, a Worthington surface condenser having 3^2 square feet of cooling surface, and independent steam-driven vacuiim and circulating pumps, ,all arranged for special investigations of condenser i)erformance. There was installed in 1905i in addition, a 60-horsepower suction gas pro- ducer built by the Otto Gas Engine '•Jorks, for supplying gas for internal- combustion engines and other purposes. The producer was adapted to burn anthra- cite pea coal, coke, or charcoal. For use in connection with this gas producer, there was provided a 23-horse- power Otto gas engine '.vhich had a 10-inch cylinder and a 19-inch stroke. It was equipped with a compressed-air starting device, sparking generator, speed in- dicators, and a complete outfit of instruments used by the mechanical engineer for testing purposes. Furthermore, a tv7o-stage tandem cross-compound steam-driven, air compressor manufactured by the Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company, was installed in the labora- tory in 1905. The stefun cylinders were 12 and 22 inches in diameter with a 12- inch stroke, and the air cylinders '.'/ere 12 ^ .and IS z inches in diameter with a 12-inch stroke. The machine had a capacity of 3OO cubic feet of free air per 171 minute at a speed of 120 r.p.m. The delivery pressure was 100 pounds a square inch and the steam- supply pressure 125 pounds a square inch. In the early days, a vertical receiver k2 inches in diameter and 8 feet in height was provided for use with the compressor. This v/as replaced later, however, by a different form of tank. In December, I907. the Board of Trustees accepted a Sargent gas engine pre- sented to the College of Engineering by Charles E. Sargent, M.E., '86. It was a 10-inch by 20-inch tandem, double-acting 60-horsepower machine, with enclosed frame, and with self-oiling devices that operated without the crank or' discs • ' dipping into the oil. The side shaft was driven by a Rites governor. A 15-horsepower single-acting, U-cycle Bogart gas engine arranged to operate on city gas, producer gas, and gasoline, was obtained also about that same time. It was unique in that it had an adjustable piston rod Jind cross-head. The adjust- able piston rod provided different clearances of the engine and made possible comparisons of efficiency under the different operating conditions. In the spring of 1^12, there was added a steam engine equipped with a single cylinder, S by iS-inch horizontal t^fj^e and a single eccentric releasing Corliss slide cran]-: manufactured by the Murray Iron '.Torks. The steai.i- supply pressure was 120 pounds a square inch. The rating at one-fourth cut-off was 29 horsepower at 100 r.p.m. This machine was provided with Prony brai:e, condenser, and such appa- ratus as was necessary for student testing in laboratory exercises. Among the items of equipment procured in 1913 > '"'as a Fairbanks, Morse and Company direct -acting, tandem- compound, underwriters duplex pump. The steam cylinders wore 8 by 12 by 12 inches, and the punip was 7 by 12 inches. The intake suction pipe was 6 inches in diameter and the discharge pipe was 5 inches. The rated capacity of the pump was 750 gallons per hour at Yj single strokes per minute against a head of 300'fcct. The initial stcfim pressure was 120 pounds a square inch with atmos|ihorc exhaust. The pump was set to draw water from a cistern through a "Lea" water recorder of the self-contained pressure typo having a Capacity of 200,000 pounds of water per hour. The recorder registered 172 automatically the flow of water by means of a V-shaped weir and an automatic recording device. There was installed during 1912-13, a 7-inch by 10-inch left-hand and a 10- inch by 12-inch right-hand Chandler & Taylor balanced slide valve, throttling engine. The two engines were so arranged that either one could be operated as a simple engine or so that the tv;o shafts could be coupled and the t'^^o engines run as a cross-compound engine, one cylinder taking the partially-exjjanded steam from the other. The engines were fitted with approved reducing notions and a nev/ design of rope bral:e. The steftm supply was 1U5 pounds a square inch and the rat- ing, Uo horsepower at 210 r.p.m. There was T)rovided in 1913-1^. a 25-horsepower Erie City Iron 'Jorks economy steam boiler, which was connected to an old 15-horsepower Atlas engine to form a complete plant. A small open f end-water heater, and feed pump and an injector were included in this outfit so that students in undertaking a study of the steam engine and boiler could find it possible to trace out the several transmissions of energj^ from the coal pile to the delivered mechanical or electrical energy. A Peerless six-cylinder automobile engine rated at 70-brako horsepower, was obtained in 191^-15 for use in connection with the Engineering Experiment Station. It was connected to a Hichards Typo of hydraulic absorption dynamometer. A 75-horsepov/er Smith gas producer was receivijd and installed in I917 for use in experimental work to determine the adaptability of Illinois coal to use in gas producers. This was removed some time later, however, because of difficulties involved in operation. Steam Prime Movers , 1917-19^^ ~ -^fte^ 'the laboratory -vas reconstructed in 1917. three steam engines including the two Corliss machines — one made by the Allis Chalncrs Company and the other by the i'urray Iron "Jorks — and the Chandler and Taylor machine, all of which were previously described and all of which are still in USD in 19^5. '^'crc installed on the upper floor for instructional purposes Another important item of equipment provided here consists of a seven-stage condensing steam turbine manufactured by the Terry Steam Turbine Company, that 173 was installed in the lalioratory in I923. It is provided with a constant-speed governor and a separate emergency trip t^overnor driving a lOO-kilowatt, 250-volt direct-current generator made by the Allis Chalmers Company, the drive being ac- complished through herring-bone reducing gears. The driving, transmission, and driven units are all mounted on a single cast-iron base plate. The turbine is rated at 100-kilowatt capacity (with six nozzles in use) at a speed of 3.565 r.p.m. at full load with steam pressure at lUo pounds a square inch. The rate of steam consumption varies from 33 "^ pounds per kilowatt-hour at half load to 26.3 pounds at full load. The turbine has an ovei'load capacity of 125 per cent of full-load rating for a period of two hours. The generator delivers UOO amperes of current at 25O volts, at a speed of 1,200 r.p.m. and at a normal temperature of Uo to U5 degrees C. The efficiency of the generator ranges from 87.0 per cent at one-iialf load to 90''5 per cent at full load. The turbine was torn dovm in I92U in order to fit pressure gages and thermo- couples to the different stages so that more accurate information could be ob- tained about the thermal properties and the behavior of the steam in the operation of this particular type of engine design. The list of equipment includes, also, a 25-horsepower steam turbine made by the Westinghouse Eloctric and llanufacturing Company. It has a steam- supply pressure of lUo pounds a square inch and operates from 3iOOO to 6,000 r.p.m. The turbine is connected to a 30-horsGpower, 230-volt, Mid-17cst Dynamic dynamometer supplied v,'ith a Toledo scale. The equipment v/as procured from the Mid-ViTcst Syna- momctcr and Engineering Company in igUo. In addition to individual braiies, all of the engines above mentioned arc equipped with surface condensers and weighing tanks for collecting the steam — con- densing and mc.suring it in order to determine the tsteam consumption during the period of the test. These condensers are all located on the lower floor immedi- ately under their respective engines. The exj:ioricncc which the students have gained from cx].:)criments carried on TUlth, this equipment in the conduct of efficiency and other tests has enabled them to realize the relationships that exist between theory and practice in this particular type of power-plant operation, and has afforded sone first-hand knowled^B of the practical problems they will have to face in the design, construction, and operation of industrial plants employing that type of power. Internal-Combustion Sngines 1917^19.^5 - Because of the many applications of the internal-combustion engine to industrial use, a wide range of representative equipment of this type iins been provided from time to time for instructional and and experimental purposes relating to engine design, fuels and fueling systems, cooling systems, lubricants, ignition, and economy. These are described in some detail in the follo'jing paragraphs. The Bogart single-acting, four cycle illuminating gas or gasoline engine previously described, was installed on the main floor after the laboratory was rearranged for use in insti'uctional and experimental service. The 70-horsepower Peerless six-cylinder automobile engine was also installed at that -time. Both machines were later removed to make way for newer models. An Hvid type of compression-ignition oil engine, manufactured by the Midwest Engine Company, was added to the laboratory equij^ment in 1^21. It is a 10 5/2' inch by IS-inch, horizontal, single cylinder, four-stroke cycle, having a rating of 35-i^orsepower at 250 r.p.m. It can use kerosene or any other type of liquid fuel. The engine is started by a compressed-air starter using air from a storage tank — the air being shut off xihcn the motor begins to run. The machine is supplied with suitable bra]:es and other appliances for laboratory testing. There v/as instjilled in 1923, a 12 by 21-inch, single-cylinder, four-cycle, single-acting, horizontal type of gas engine, manufactured by the Otto Gas Engine Works, designed to operate on either city or producer gas. Using city gas as fuel it can develop 50 horsepower at a rated speed of 230 r.p.m. The rating for the same speed when using producer gas is Uo horsepower, and when so operated, the engine is supplied from the 50-horsepowor gas producer provided in the laboratory. The machine is equipped with a compressed-air starter and all accessories for 175 ninning tests including friction "brakes. The laboratory also contains a two-cylinder solid-injection, four-stroke cycle, Diesel engine 10 3/U-inch by 13 3//'+-ii^ch, manufactured by the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Conpany and installed in 1930- '^^^6 nanuf acturer ' s rating is 30 horsepo-'.''er at 327 I'.p.i^-- The machine is also started by ueans of compressed air, and is supplied v/ith brakes for testing purposes. A four-cycle, U 3/^-inch by 6 l/U-inch, marine Diesel engine complete with Bosch fuel ignition system, made by the Atlas- Imperial Diesel Engine Company and donated to the University by the manufacturer, was set up on the main floor of the laboratory in 19^2. The engine operates at 950 r.p.m. and develops 13 brake horse- power. It is supplied with appropriate brakes and other facilities for making laboratory tests. Among the Diesel engines, there is a four-cylinder, solid-injection, four- stroke, lo'.7-speed, Diesel-cycle engine of the tractor ty-^^e built by the Inter- national Harvester Comp^uiy and loaned to the Department in 1937- ?hc manufacturers rating is 62.3 horsepower at 1,250 r.p.m. Another installed in the same year is the six-cylinder, 3 'k 'oy ^ s-inch, solid-injection, four-stroke, high-speed, Diesel cycle automotive engine, made by the Hercules Hotor Corporation. The manufacturers rating is 77 horsepower at 2,600 r.p.n. This '.7as installed in 1937-3S. In ad- dition, there is a Chr^'sler Imperial, 193^ model, eight-c;;-linder, four-sti-okc,Otto cycle gasoline engine manufactured by the Chrysler Engineering Corporation. The manufacturer's i-ating is 120 horsepower at 31^^00 r.p.m. This was given to the Department by the manufacturer in 1935- T^io equipment also includes a 19^0 model, Hoyal 6 tyjic, six-cylinder, four-stroke, Otto-cyclo gasoline engine manufactured by the Chrysler Corporation and installed in 19^0. The manufticturer ' s rating is 108 horsepower at 3.60() r.p.m. It includes, too, a 19^0 model, eight-cylinder, four-stroke, Otto-cycle gasoline engine manufactured by the Ford Motor Companyi The manufacturer'!;: rating is &[> horsepower at 3iS00 r.p.m. This was loaned by the Chicago Branch of the Ford Hotor Conpany in I939-U0. These five engines described above are arranged in the west end of the south 176 bay of the lalDoratorj' so that each machine can be attached to an absorption and transmission d^-'namometer of the electric generator type — the dynanoneter in use for this purpose in I9U5 being the 150-horsepo',7er, 250-volt, Sprague machine ob- tained by the Departiaent in I916. The internal-combustion engine using various grades and types of fuel, has probably made greater strides in development than any other form of prime-mover power. Because of such rapid advancements, the University has had a difficult problem in attempting to keep abreast of such progress because of the heavy first cost of such equipment and the lack of space for proper housing and demonstration. Such facilities as it has been able to pi'ovide, though, have served to furnish excellent instruction to long lists of students and to supply data for the many bulletins issued by the Engineering Experiment Station. Pumjis - igiy-igU^^ - The several steam and electrically-driven punps that have been installed at different times, have been devoted largely to instructional purposes. Among those installed since the laboratory was reconstriicted in I9I7, is the Fairbanks, Morse and Company machine described under a previous section. In the nev,' installation, however, the p\imp takes water from one flujno in the base- ment and returns it to another one through a V-shajoed weir, and the use of the storage cistern has been discontinued. Another was the Dq Laval steam turbine- propelled centrifugal pump procured in I905 and described in an earlier paragraph in this chapter. This, however, was tai;on out some time later. There was provided on the lower floor of the laboratory in 1922-23 an Ameri- can V/ell 'Torks, Inc., U-inch standard open impeller centrifugal pump, direct- connected to a Spraguc cradclcd type of dynamometer. This pumj), removed some time ago, had a speed of about 1,200 r.p.m. The water discharged was measured by ori- fices in the bottom of a tank, the discharge pressure having been controlled by a hand-operated valve. In 1927, the Department installed a 3-sta3G, single-suction, Caracron Gcn- trifugal, boiler feed pump made by the Ingorsoll-Hand Company. The rated capacity is 250 gallons per minute at 200 pounds per square inch gage pressure. The rated 177 speed is 2,000 r.p.n. Ihe suction intake pipe is I'our inches and the discharge pipe is three inches in diameter. The water is measured by a Venturi meter and a V-notched ',7eir in series. The pump is attached to a 230-volt, 75-horsepo'j7er, Sprague dynamometer procured from the General Slectric Company in the same year. Air Compressors 1917 - 1^^5 - After the laboratory was remodeled in I917, the Ingersoll-Sargeant air-conpresr.or, previously described, was installed in the middle bay of the main floor and is still in use there. Another piece of equipment added to the laboratory in I92U-25, is a single- stage T'forthington 8 -^--inch by 9"inch feathervalve air compressor made by the Worthington Piimp and Machinery Corporation. It is operated by a 'Jestinghouse UO-horsepower induction motor operating at G70 r.p.m. full load. The outfit is used to supply compressed air for starting the laboratory gas engines and for experimental puri:)0ses. In 193s, there was installed on the lo'.^or floor of the laboratory a two-stage tandem 6-inch by 2 3/^-inch by 7-inch air compressor complete with equipment made by the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company. The compressor, belt-driver., is operated by a Fairbanl's, Morse & Company 20-horsepowcr motor. The jdant has a capacity of 56 cubic feet of free air per minute at 350 r.p.m. The delivery pressure is ^50 pounds a square inch. Miscollanoous Scjuipmcnt in Use in igU^ - Anong the items of miscellaneous equipment v/hich the Department has been able to provide is a Hceves variable-speed transmission apparatus mounted on a heavy cast-iron base, which was procured in 1925-26. In 192s, it installed a belt-testing sot consisting of one 50-horsepowcr cradeled electric motor for pov7cr input and one 50-horscpowcr generator for ab- sorbing the power transmitted by the belt. The equipment is used to study belt- tension and slippage and energy-transfer problems involved in the transmission of power by belt, rope, or chain drives. Another piece of apparatus consists of an automotive braice-tcsting device, constructed and erected by the Department in 1926-23, for study of the action and efficiency of automotive bralccs, the rate of docelcrationf and the amount of 178 energy consumed in retarding a vehicle. The uechanism is operated "bj applying the brakes to a rotating shaft loaded in such manner as to accumulate a noment\im equivalent to that of a moving car or truck. Miscellaneous small equijinent available for a variety of uses includes calorimeters, Orsatt apparatus, thermometers, pyrometers, gages, gas and steam- engine indicators, indicator springs, planimeters, tachometers, anemometers, Venturi meters, and so on, B. HEATING, VENTILATING, AITO AIR-CONDITIONING General - The science of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning is com- paratively ne'v. The problems that arise in this particular field involve the design, construction, installation, and operation of heating and heat-transfer systems and appliances, and cooling and air-conditioning apparatus used for do- mestic, commercial, and industrial purposes. The provisions that have been made here from time to time in supplying facilities for instructional and experimental uses arc indicated in the descriptions that follow. Keating Boilers - During 1907-09. the Depai-tment received tvro steam house- heating boilers — one an American Hadiator Company type and the other a Mercer. 3ach was jjrovided with its o;'m stack, load regulator, and complete au::illiary equipment for testing purposes. In I917-I2, the ICcv/anoc Boiler Company donated to the Department one of its standard tubular up-draft stOc-im-hcating brick-sot boilers, and erected it in place in the south bay of the laborator^A. The gift included also a stack for the boiler. The University supplied the brick ■■'ork, but the company paid all of the other ex- penses. In 1935-36, the Link Belt Company supplied as a gift to the University a mechanical stoker, No. 52, for use in connection with this boiler. At that time, also, the Field Manufacturing Company supplied gratis a barometric draft control for use at the base of the boiler st^ck. The complete outfit is still in use in I9U5. A number of other smaller boilers located in the laboratory, arc available 179 for instructional and experimental '//ork in hand-fired and stoker-fired systems of household heating. Warm -Air Furnace Testing Plant - For research pumoses, a 17am- air furnace testing plant was erected in the niddle bay of the laboratory- in 1917. consisting of a tower-like structure provided with three floor levels, the fui'nace occupy- ing a space on the siain floor level with the first, second and third floors above this level. The usual wam-air stacks were i)rovided from the furnace jacket to each of the floor levels, permitting a study of the movements of air in these devices, thereby enabling the staff to determine with precision the conditions affecting the efficiency of hot-air systems. Fan-Testing Flant - One section of the lower floor of the llechanical Engineer- ing Laboratory is arranged as a fan-testing plant in "hich have been installed eight or ten large-size blowers or fans of different ty])Gs and mal-zns equipped for testing according to the provisions of the AiMcrican Society of Heating and Venti- lating Engineers' Standard Code. These fans, driven mostly by electric motors of the dynariomcter type, vary in capacity up to 5,000 cubic feet of air per minute. Air ducts or tunnels simulating those found in jiracticc, servo as outlets to the fans. The rate of air movement in these ducts or pipes is measured by means of orifices, Pitot tubes, and other anemometer devices commonly used for flow-moter purposes. "iTarm-Wal 1 Tost Booth - In 1931. ^ warm-v/all test booth was set up on the main floor of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory with construction featured in accordance with the specifications given in the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers' Standard Code for Testing and Rating Concealed Gravity Type Radiation (Standard Code). The room, 12 feet by I3 feet U inches in plan and 9 feet in height, is supplied \7ith several types of radiators, convectors, and en- closures for experimental work in steam and hot-water systems of heating, and with such auxilliary appliances'" are necessary for reading and recording temperature, humidity, and heat losses. 1 Constant -Temperature Room - In 1927. there was constructe d in the south bay 1 The" Tcchnograph, March, l^FTTpagc 140. ISO of the main floor of the laboratory, a constant-temperature room l6 by 2] by l6 feet. Within this main room were built two small rooms 9 ^7 H ^7 3 feet each. Under and over each small room was located an air space of about 12 inches, which was also insulated from the larger room, thereby giving what resembled a small one- room house with basement and attic. These smaller rooms were used for con- ducting experiments, which required constant temperatures, for testing the heat- insulating properties of building materials. The floor of the larger room was laid on the concrete laboratory floor and was composed of two ])-inch layers of cork board and one 3-inch layer of concrete. The corkboard was made in blocks, 3 inches thick by 12 inches square. The two layers of cork were separated by a thin layer of psplialt, and the concrete was poured over the cork. The walls and ceiling of this larger room were made of the same materials, using three 2-inch layers of cork, separated by one-half inch of concrete mortar. One-half inch layer of cement plaster v/as laid on each aide of the cork wall. This constriction prevented loss of heat through the walls. • Thirteen thermo-couples were equally spaced in a horizontal position through- out the depth of the cork and concrete floor, at two sections of the large room. In this way the temi-jcraturc gradient could be determined of the materials under test. Sy substituting these sections for sections of other materials, also equipped with thermocouples, conductivity of any tj^oe of building material can be determined. At first, constant temperature was maintained by a thermostatically-controll- ed, single-cylinder, motor-driven, "iVorthington k -|-inch by h -y--inch, enclosed ammonia compression machine of about eight tons capacity, using a horizontal tube condenser v/all radiation, with circulators much like the ordinary wall radiators, instead of the usual pipe circulators. In I929, this compressor was taken out and a double-cylinder, 5-inch by 5-inch, motor-driven, York ammonia compressor of twelve about >«^ tons capacity, was installed in its stead, and is still in use for this purpose. In 1932, the constant-temperature tost plant was remodeled to the extent of 121 providing a single room 15 feet wide, IS feet long, and 8 f eet , b inches high, in place of the two smaller rooms previously described — the outside enclosing room remaining unchanged.- Air- Conditioning Plant - In 1936-37. the old T^ebster air washer, added to the laboratory equipment in I91U-I5, and typical of the type used for purifying and humidifying air in hotels, theaters, factories, and other large buildings, and the Buffalo Forge hot-blast heater adjacent to it, v/ere removed from the upper floor of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory and in the space thus made avail- able was erected the new all-year air-conditioning plant used for the study of air-conditioning in undergraduate and graduate courses and for experimentation in this particular field of engineering practice. The different units that comprise the plant are types of appliances used in actual constiniction of air-conditioning.. They arc so arranged tiiat all combinations of the various methods of treating air can be used. The overall length of this plant — 42 foot, 8 inches — is greater than in most commercial plants of its type and capacity because an attempt v/as made to incorporate into this assemblage as many different features as possible. The equipment included Venturi sections for measuring the discharged air, recirculated air, and ventilating air; dry air filters of the pocket type and an air washer for cleaning the air, the air washer being also supplied with an in- direct water heater; mf\nual dampers for controlling the relative aiiiounts of by- passed air, recirculated air, and ventilating air; extended surface steam temper- ing coil; humidifying mist nozzles; extended surface coils for cooling and de- hiimidifying with water; extended- surface direct-expansion Froon evaporator; direct expansion Freon water cooler; and a Frcon condensing unit. The Frick Company, Inc. very generously made the University a gift of the 5 3/'+-inch by U-inch, tv/in cylinder, Standard Frick Froon compressor, complete with V-bclts, grooved com- pressor wheels and motor pulley. This compressor when operating at a speed of ^+50 r.p.m., 38 degrees F. suction temperature, and 110 pounds condensing pressure, has a duty of 13»1 tons of refrigeration, . and requires apj>roximatcly 12./ boiler horsepower. 182 The equipment has a caj^acity of 3.000 cubic feet per minute. The fan motor and oompressor motor operate by 220-volt direct current with variable- speed con- trol. The entire assembly ;7as covered riith a 2-inch thick corkboard insulation from the air filters to the throat of the Venturi section for measuring the dis- charged air. The contract for the equipment, including complete erection, testinj-;; etc., v/as ai7arded to the Kid'.7est Engineering and Equipment Compan;/ of Chicago, who completed the assembling in the spring of 1937- The operation of the equipment is fully automatic with Powers' controls with the exception of the manually-operated air daiipers. Air cooling and dehumidifi- cation can be obtained by use of the air washer using chilled spray water, by use of chilled water in extended surface coils, and by direct oxi^ansion of Freon in an extended surface coil. One of the most interesting of the features of the equipment is the method of determining the humidity of the air in the ducts. Throughout the unit, there are sets of wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometers located at critical' points. These thermocouples are connected to the main control board, the difference in wet-bulb temperature and drj^'-bulb temperature being determined at any actual point in the 1 eystem. Prom this difference, the humidity of the air is easily determined. The apparatus is suitable for use in detailed studies of: 1. Air defining by use of either filters or washers. 2. Air humidif ication. 3. Air cooling and dehumidif ication by three different pieces of apparatus. h. Hot -blast heating using either stefiri or hot water as a heating medium. 5. Heat transfer of finned coils using either steam or hot water as a heating medium. b. Heat transfer of finned-tube cooling coils, using either chilled water or direct expansion of the refrigerant (Freon) with wet and dry surfaces. 7. Problems involving the reheating of cooled and dehumidified air by use of either a steam reheating coil or by by-passing recirculated air. 8. All-year air-conditioning of spaces in which typical load conditions nay be maintained either in summer or winter. 9 » Centrifu g al fan perforL iance under different load conditions. 1 The Technograph, December, 1937. page 9. 123 10. Precision measurements of both di'^'' and wet bulb air tenjieratures. 11. Air distribution by means of nozzles, ^rrills, diffusers, etc. 12. The measurement of air-flow and friction loGset; in ducts of varying section. and shape and different units such as filters and coils. Warm- Ai r Heating Research Hesidence - During a special convention held at the University on December U, I923, the National '^am Air Heating and Ventilating Association made available a fund of $2S,000 for the purchase of a lot and for the construction and equipment of a residence to be knov^n as the Warm Air Heating Research Residence, for experimental use by the University in warm-air heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning studies. The site chosen for the residence was at llOS ITest Stoughton Street, Urbaiia, about a block from the University campus. The house, a modei'n three-story fr?ir.ie structuie containing eight rooms, was com- pleted in the fall of I92U at a cost of $22,800, and was dedicated on Tuesday, December 2, following — the dedication services being held in the building itself. Title to the real estate is held in trust for the Association ^y three trustees, one of whom is a member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University. During constiniction and after, the building was elaborately equipped with both indicating and recording instruments for the measurement of temperatures, air quantities and velocities, humidity, wind movement and direction, fuel con- sumption and waste. The house was furnished with regular living facilities so that the conditions prevailing in actual residences v/ould be duplicated in so far as possible. I-3-R Research Home - In April 19^0, the Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers signed a contract with the University, effective as of January 2, 19^0, providing the sum of $24,000 for erecting and equipping a Research Resi- dence and for conducting research on steam and hot-water systems of heating. A lot located at the southwest corner of Green and Busoy Streets in Urbana, was purchased with the funds, and plans and specifications wore drawn by J. E. Stewart, Associate in Architecture in the University. Construction was started in May, 19^+0, the 'building being a typical two-stoiy, red-brick veneer on a frame structure v?ith an attached garage, and representing houses between the $6,000 and $7,000 class. All of the outside walls and the second floor ceiling arc insulated with full- thickness nineral wool bats. Daring the time of construction, all necessary thoniiocouples, noisturc- mcasuring stations, and other facilities for the study of the thcrn;d. and ph;,'sical properties of the house structure were built into the walls. The house was com- pleted and all furniture and instruraents were installed b^- the latter part of the year. All necessary cquipncnt for the study of the atnosphcric and environmental conditions within the rooms effecting human comfort as well as for the operating characteristics of the heating plant itself were installed. Experimental work was begun about the first of January, 19^1. C. MSCHAi'ICAL REFRIGSHATION General - In 190^, the Department installed in the now iicchanical Engineer- ing Laboratory a vertical, twin-cylinder, ammonifi compressor, with, single-acting, open-frame, horizontal Corliss type of steam engine, made by the York Manufactur- ing Compan^% This plant was completely overhauled in 1920-21, r/hen new cylinders were provided and the entire machine was taken down, inspected, and carefully ad- justed for jjroper operation. This equipment, still in use in 19^5. I'^as a re- frigerating capacity of about 10 tons at SU r.p.m. The intake pressure is 20 pounds a square inch at the gage and delivery pressure is I65 pounds at the gage. The steam-supply pressure is 15O pounds a square inch. In 1920, the Department installed a 10-ton ammonia absorption refrigerating plant puTcliasod from the Henry Vogt Machine Company of Louisville, Kentucky, This plant Was dismantcled about 19^1. 2)r use in research work, the Automatic Car- bonic Machine Company of Peoria, loaned the Department a 10-ton carbon dioxide compressor, condenser,, and auxilliary apparatus, which v/as set up during 1922-24. This plant was also disiiantelcd a fc".7 years ago. For demonstration })uriJ0scs, the General Household Utilities Company, in 1935. provided the Department with a WilliaLi CGi-nnow household-type of refrigerator 185 unit complete, but without the enclosing case. The Freon refri {deration unit in- stalled in 1937i in connection with the special experinental air conditioning plant, is also available for studies in the field of refrigeration. The single-cylinder 'iTorthini-^ton ammonia conpressor that was formerly used in connection with the constant-temperature room, and the douhle-cylinder York machine that is nov7 used for that purpose, are both available for instructional and experimental v/ork in the field of mechanical refrigeration. It is apparent from the above descriptions, that throuchout the years, the Department has boon rather reasonably well supplied with facilities for conduct- ing classroom, laboratory, and experimental work with various t^rpes of refriger- ating systems used in space-coolin;;, cold-storage, and ice-production, as a means of demonstrating the economic and commercial ta])pli cations of refrigeration to domestic and industrial purjioscs. D. THSRIiODTilAillCS General - Since the opening of tho University, a limited number of engines and boilers of various tyi)os finil makes have been available for stud,y and demon- stration of the T^rinciplcs aiia la'"'s governing the behavior of liquids, gases, and vapors when subjected to applications of heat. In 1935-^0, however, there v/as begun the development of a new special or sc]iarate thcrmodyn.-uaics laboratory in which undergraduate students, graduate students, and members of the faculty could carry on research in the field of thermodynamics — a subject pertaining to the study of heat and the application of its meclaanical power to machines of productkji 03:ieratod by stc;ui or by gas, oils, and other liquid fuels. Tho laboratory was first located in Hoom 112 of the Mechanical Laboratory Building, but in the summer of 19^0, it v;as transferred to Room 101 of the saiae building. The equip- ment consists of apparatus for mniiing accurate determinations of temperature and the I'atc and volume of flow of liquids, gases, and vapors used in heat engines; of investigations of heat transfer by conduction, radiation, and convection; and of calibration or stand0 by 30-inch by 8-foot G. A. Gray & Company planer; one Ko. 2 improved Bro'.rn & Sharpe 1 Sometimes rated as high as 50 horecpower. 2 The Technograph, I89U-95, page 180. 3 Page 69. 191 universal grinding machine; one Brovm & Sharpe cutter and reanier grinder; one 2U-inch drill presa; one 20-inch drill press; one sensitive drill press; one Water emery tool grinder; one center grinding machine; one Stover power laack saw; one Worcester twist drill grinder, complete set of United States standard taps and dies; drills., arbors ; reamers, gear and milling cutters, calipers, caliper gauges, scales, and other small tools." Another reference stated that; "During the summer of 1913 ■ several ne'.v machines wore added to the shop. One was the horizontal drilling, boring, and milling machine manufactured by Lucas Machine Tool Company of Cleveland, Ohio. The spindle on this machine could be adjusted for height, thus doing away with the old method of adjusting the table to the spindle. Another machine was a tilted turret lathe manufactured by the Wood Turret Lathe Company of Brazil, Indiana. It was capable of taking v/ork up to an inch and a half in diaiicter. Still another was a lJo.2 Universal cutter and tool grinder made by the Ocsterlcin Machine Company of Cincinnati, Ohio. It was capable of grinding, nilling, and gear cutting, "A ncv line shaft in two units was installed. One unit ha.d roller bearings and was driven through a ilorris silent chain drive by a separate motor. The other was belt driven and had an old stylo babbit bearing. The arrangement provided more floor space. The cmnc sp.an was changed from 12 feet to 3 feet in order to make room for the nc\7 line shaft."-'- During the next several years, the shops wore provided with many nev/ machines including gear-cutting and milling machines, automatic and turret lathes, engine lathes, shapers, planers, drilling machines, boring mills, precision and tool- grinding machines, and so on, several of which were equipped with dyn.'tmomct ers by means of which it is possible to obtain essential records of power input and con- sumption, friction losses, torque, and thrust in drilling and other operations. In addition, facilities have been provided for ma>:ing tests of lubricating oils in the stud;/ of such properties as specific gravity, viscosity, flash, fire, and color. Furthormoru, there has been sup-plied a complete set of special tools, jigs, and fixtures for demonstrating the methods used in a jiodern mas s-]jro duct ion shop. In the almost half centui-y thfit the Machine Shop or I'iachinc Tool Laboratory has occupied its present fiu-.rters, the machines have become crowded because of limitations in sptice demonstrating the need cf providing greater floor area for this purpose. In spite of limitations, however, the facilities have served the pui-pose of supplying training to long lists of students enrolled in the College courses and of furnishing valuable materials published in several bulletins issued 1 The Teclinograph, November, 1913. Volixme XXVIII, Ko.l 192 by the Engineering Experiment Stsition. 1 ^■7ood Shop - The 1296-97 Catalo,3uc stated: "The V70od ahop occupies a part of the second floor of the Enginocring Laboratory (old Vfood Shop and Testing Lab. originally the Kcchanical Building and 3rill Hall) aiid contains twenty-six inprovod v/ood-working benches, fourteen of which are fitted v.dth 'ihmrai & Gordon patent vises; one 3U-inch F. H. Clenent & Co. band sav/; one 36-inch Yorkes & Finan band sa'./; one 20-inch Clenent & Conpany wood planer; one J. A. Fay & Co. Jig saw; one J. A. Fny & Co. Jointer; eight 10-inch wood lathes; one 18-inch pattern Linker's lathe; one No. k E. Fox trinncr; together with a conplcte cquipncnt of snail tools." When the new "ood Shop 3uilding was completed in I902, it was provided vdth a lecture roon, an exhibition room, a tool room, an office, a pattern-storage room, and a repair woi'k room all in addition to a bench room, a lathe room and a machine room. Some of the equipment was transferred to these new quarters from the old shop building and laboratory mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Other portions of the equipment were new. After the shop instruction was completely reorganized about I926, students were no longer re-juired to execute manual exercises in wood 'work, such as bench practice and turning. They were, hov/ever, required to carr,- on with training in the pattern laboratory, which has continued to bo anply sup])lied vdth the nccessaiy machines and tools for the design and production of metal and wooden patterns on a mass-production basis. In 1937» thi3 Division of Industrial Education of the College of Education began to utilize the facilities in the bench and lathe rooms for conducting teacher-training laboratory courses in industrial arts including -Tood working and general shop practice, and has continued to do so to date. Foundry - The IS9U-95 University Catalogue stated: The foundry is equipped with a small cupola, the necessary sand, ladles, crane, and flasks for making castings." It was then located in the old Mechanical Building and Drill Eall. The next year it was moved into its new quarters called Machinery Hall (novf Ha,chino Tool Laboratory) and the I896-97 Catalogue stated: 1 Page 65 2 After the fire of I9OO, a wood shop was provided temporarily with new equipment in the basement of the llochanical and Electrical Engineering 3ailding. i-ngi -„„- ^1 Page Pa.o ^1 193 "The foundry occupies a room US by Ug feet in Machinery Hall and is e- •• quipped with a 2U-inch "iThiting patent cupola, of two-tons capacity, a core oven, and the necessary sand, ladles and flasks for mailing castings. A No. 7 Buffalo steel pressure fan furnishes the "blast for the cupola". A small traveling crane had also been provided at that time. According to the records of I9IS, the foundry then had a brass furnace with a capacity of 5OO pounds of brass at one time, and it had also an electric gyra- tory riddle, and a Tabor shocklecs jarring roll-over moulding macMne. Several new machines were installed in 1923- A Jolt Stripper machine made by Osborn Manxifacturing Company was used in connection with the Tabor Stripper machine, the Jolt Stri])per being used to produce the cope or upper part of the flask, and the Tabor machine the drag, or the lower part of the flask. Both ma- chines automatically rairimcd the sand and drew the patterns. The two machines were used principally in the production of fly-wheel, cranii-case, and cylinder-block castings for the gas-engine parts tliat '.vere being turned out on a commercial scale in the shops as student exercises. An International molding machine of the roll-over pattern draw-type, manu- factured by the Standard Equipment Company, was also installed in 1923. and v/as used in "tumbling" the production castings of the gas engines manufactured by the students in the shops. • There was acquired in I92U-25 one radiation pyrometer, two Brown long- distance recording thermometers, one grinding machine, and one universal sand riddle. There was installed in 1927-28, a Booth electric furnace for experimental work in the foundry laboratory. It operates on 110 volts, 185 amperes, and is Capable of melting 60 pounds or iron or steel in about 30 minutes. The laboratory received also at that time, a Mcllvine moisture recorder for the determination of moisture content of molding sand. Other equijjment was provided from time to time so that in 19^5 the facilities include complete apparatus for testing, sifting, mixing, and grading foundry sands; various types of moulding machines, including stripper, squeezer, roll-over, and 19^ jolt varieties; a cupola for the melting of gray iron; an electric and a gas furnace for melting of non-ferrous metals; a crucible pit; apparatus for making and baking cores, and for the study of core oils; and necessaiy machinery for cleaning castings. In addition to receiving instruction in foundry practice, manj' students have been able to carry out experiments of their own in connection with special problems that have arisen in their own practical experience. Besides all that, the staff has been able to utilize the facilities to provide data for a number of bulletins issued by the Engineering Experiment Station. Eo rge Shop - In I89U-95, according to the University Catalogue, the forge shop, then located in the Mechanical Building and Drill Hall, contained, as previ- ously stated, sixteen forges fitted with a blower or power blast, exhaust fan, and the necessary small tools. In 1895. the equipment was transferred to Machines Hall (no"^ the Machine Tool Laboratory); and the I896-97 issue of the Catalogue stated that the forge shop occupied a room 36 feet by U8 feet in the east end of this building, and contained ten of the latest improved Buffalo down-draft forges. Blast was furnished these forges by a No. 5 Sturtevant pressure blower, and all gases of combustion v/ere exhausted underground by means of a No, 9 Sturteveint ex- haust fan. The shop was also equipped with the usual supply of small tools. When the foundry was moved from the middle room in Machinery Hall to its present location in the east end of the ¥ood Shop Building in I90U, the forge shop was moved from the east room to the space thus vacated in the middle room. A new punching and shearing machine driven by a 5-horsepo'.7cr motor was in- stalled in the forge shop according to the March, 191c?. issue of the Tochnograph. The machine had a 2U-inch jaw and was fitted with complete attachments for punch- ing and shearing iron bars, steel plates, angle iron, and roxmd and s^tiare rods. During I912, a 350-pound Niles Boment steam hammer was added to the equipment in the forge shop, the old forges being taken out and sold. For experimental and instructional use in the forge laboratory, the Department const meted during I92I-22 a 100,000-pound hydraulic testing machine after plans prepared by Pro- fessor E. F, Koorc of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 195 In many respects the machine is similar in design to its 25,000-pound prototype built in the SJiop Laboratories in 191^+, except that the earlier machine was e- quipped with a hani-operated hydraulic pump. The forge laborato'ry was entirely rearranged in I923, The east room of the laboratory was equipped for work in the heat-treatment of steel — all forging machines and apparatus being removed to the west room, which was continued as the metal-working laboratory. All instructional work in the forge shop was discon- tinued, however, in 1926, and the forges and forging equipment TTore reiaoved to provide additional space for the heat- treatment equipment, Heat-Treatment Laboratory - The work in the heat-treatment of steel began about I9IO-I2 in connection vith forge-shop practice. An oxy-acetylene welding and cutting outfit was set up in the forge laboratory in l^'l^; and a full re- vision was made of the equipment for the study of heat-treatment. Jive gas and electric furnaces with cyanide and oil baths that were provided v/ithin the next four years were placed under a ventilated steel housing. iiTheu the forge laboratory was rearranged in I923, the entire east room of tte Machine Tool Laboratory Building was set aside for the work in heat-treatment of metals, as previously mentioned. The furnaces were located in a group in this heat-treatment room. A physical laboratory was set up adjacent to the battery of furnaces so that the students could study heat-treated materials by means of the Brinnell and sclcroscope machines acquired at that time. A new microscope was also added then for use in the examination of heat-treated steels. Other equip- ment provided with the next year or so consisted of a gas heat-treatment furnace an electric furnace, a crucible heat-treating furnace, recording conti-'ollers, and additional microscopes. Vifhen the forge laboratory was discontinued as such in I926, the space was given over to additional heat -treatment furnaces and other heat-treatment facili- ties — the equipment in the east room being transferred to the space thus vacated. Additional apparatus supplied at that time or shortly thereafter in- cluded a Hockwcll hardness testing machine, an electric etching and demagnetizing 196 machine using 110-volt alternating current, gas and electric furnaces, recording scleroscopes, a tensile testing machine, polishing and etching machines, metal- lurgical microscopes, indicating and recording pyrometers, a micrograph cajnera, and miscroscopes all for the meticulous study of the annealing, hardening, tempering, fjjad carburizing processes involved in the production of carbon and alloy steels and of the heat-treatment of non-ferrous metals. Cut ting and Welding Laboratory - In the summer of I936, the Physical Plant Department of the University prepared space for a now welding laboratory in the Wood Shop by rcEioving the partitions between the old lathe room and the store room. This new space was provided with a concrete floor. In September, 1936, the Lindo Air Products Company installed the necessary piping and manifolds for fif- teen oxy-acotylcno torches. This company then made a peruanent loan to the De- partment of the fifteen torches, together with sufficient regulators and other equipment, so tliat all of the torches could be used simultaneously. ?rom time to time, other organizations, also, liavc loaned cquiimcnt including direct -current and alternating-current apjiliances, for use in connection with the welding course. In addition to the gas and cutting and welding apparatus, there has been added a variety of polishing and etching equipment, a number of microscopes, and an assortment of testing machines, for the scientific study of the usual types of electric-arc and oxy-acotylene v/clding processes employed in commercial and in- dustrial practice. G. FiUSSUli 1'LA.TSEIALS AND COLLECTIONS G-cneral - Due to lack of space suitable for assembling and exhibiting museum materials, the Department has not been able to accxxmulatc any more than the very few pieces of equipment mentioned below that have had some special significance in connection with University development or relationships. Robinson Engine - The original 35-h-orsepower stcajm engine made by Professor Robinson and his students within a year or so after the Department began in the early '70's, is mounted on the main floor of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratoi^ where it is being preserved as a tribute to the woi-k of this great pioneer in 197 engineering education. Chicago Edison Company ' s Triple Expansion Engine and G-enerator - The Depart- ment has installed on the main floor of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory one of the original ten GOO-horsepower engines that v/ere built "by the Southwark ffbundiy and Machine Company of Philadelphia, and that V7ere operated for a number of years in the Harrison Street Station of the Commonwealth Edison Company, having been erected there in the v/inter of 1893-9'+ and placed in service on August 1, 18914- — this particular one having been presented to the University on March 8, 1916, by Samuel Insull for his corporation. Originally, there xiere connected to the engine, one on each side, two 200- kilowatt, direct-cur: ent generators, built by the General Electric Company. The Chicago Edison Company later replaced these generators v/ith the present double- current machines, one for alternating and the other for direct current, which were among the first of this type of generators constructed. During its dfjy, this plant was considered to bo among the most" outstanding of its kind in this country and attracted v/ide attention. The rapid progress made in the design of contral-station facilities, however, soon made this particu- lar equipment obsoloto. Other Materials - The Register of I915-I6 contained the following statement regarding musexim materials and collections: "This department includes in its equipment a set of Heuleaux models, models of valve gears; sections of steam pumps; injectors; valves, skeleton steam and water gauges; standard packings; steam-pipe coverings; and droj) forgings. There are also examples of castings; perforated metal, defective boiler plate, and a set of drills, with samples of oil, iron, and steel. A number of working draw- ings from leading firms form a valuable addition to the collection." E. FACULTY PBHSONl^H General - A complete list of faculty members who have been connected with the Department of Mechanical Engineering in any capacity \Tith the rank of instructor, research assistant, or higher grade, together with brief biographical sketches giving dates of connection with the University, promotions, titles, and other items of interest compiled from official sources, is presented in chronological 1 Page 65. 19« order according to rank in the follovdng pages. a. Heads of the Department General - Stillman Williams Robinson served as Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering from 1870 until I878. Selim Hobart Peabody siicceded him with the title of Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Physics and continued until 1881, when he became Regent of the University. He was followed by his sen, Cecil Hobart Peabody, who remained Head of tht:: Department until 1883 . Arthur Tannant Woods succeeded him and continued until I89I, after which Charles Walter Scribner was Head until 1893- Lester Paige Breckenridge then became Head of the Department and continued until 1909, after which, George Alfred Goodenough, as Assistant Professor of Mecha/dcal Engineering, was Acting Head from 1909 to 1911. Charles Russ Richards succeeded him and was Head until 1920. Arthur Cutts Willard then follrwed, serving as Head from 1920 to 1933= Oscar Adolph Leutwiler became Head in 1933 and continued in that capacity until 19U$, when Alonzo Plumsted Kratz became Acting Head. Brief biographical sketches of these men follow. Stillman Williams Robinson was born on a farm near South Reading, Vermont, March 6, I838. He served four years, 1855-59, as an apprentice in a machine shop. This experience impressed him with a desire for a college education in mechanical engineering, but he could find no institution offering such a course. He decided that the best he could do was to take a course in civil engineering in the Univer- sity of Michigan. With only eight dollars in his pocket, he started on foot for that institution. It is not known hov;^ long it took him to cover the distance, more than 600 miles; but it is known that vrtien he arrived he had fifty-eignt dollars, which he had earned on the way working as a mechanic. On January 1, 1861, he entered the University of Michigan as a sophomore in civil engineering^ and was graduated in June, 1863. He paid his way through college by graduating thermometer scales, at first doing his work by hand, and later making a machine for the purpose which enabled him to employ other students to help him in the business. From I863 to I868 he was an assistant in the U.S. Lake Survey; from September, I866, to January, 18? 0, he was a teacher in :..! ^^ticii ^1:.;. .JV3i: j:.U.;:- 2\lil Ji:.-!! x^m/ JneittJifiasiC: :>raffl6t orfir.- ■;saoIA !'..:{t; .<;i' ' - :mJ:d'«po b^- ji; bnx'i bJJj •ri BA8X 199 the University of Michigan — for the last three years "being Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering and Geodesy. His graduating thesis was entitled "A ¥ev? Form of Suspension Bridge"; and within the next year after graduation he published in the Journal of the Franklin Institute two papers on that subject and a third upon a related subject. In the second year after graduation he published articles on magnetic circuit breakers, structural nechanics, and a classic on Stadia Survey- ing. The third year after graduation he put forth a paper sho^ring how to attain certain artistic effects with the jets of water of a fountain. In I867, then very early in the history of machine rock-drills, he took out a patent on a steam rock drill which he had tested in the Hoosac Tunnel, then a grave-yard for many rock- cutting devices. It is said that two men with Robinson's drill could do as much '.70 rk as sixteen with the machine boring next to his. It would have been difficult, if not imposr-iiblo at this time, to have found a man with a more promising education and better technical record for a pioneer professor of ncchanical engineering; and subsequent events show that he was equal- ly well equipped in other important respects. Although instruction in the University began March 2, 186S, the College of Engineering may be said to have started as a separate entity when Professor Robin- son entered upon his duties as Professor of Mechanical Science and Engineering. The appointment of Professor Robinson on December 13, IS69, and his entry upon his work January 1, IS70, inaugurated the third attempt in this country to give insti-uction in mechanical engineering — Massachusetts Institute of Toclinology having already preceded it in IS65, and Worcester Polytoclinic Institute, in 1S6S. Professor Robinson's work in his recitation room was a unique innovation and an inspiration to his students. The class room work in machine design v/as pro- fessedly instruction in invention; and while it violated some fundamental princi- ples in education, it vias eminently successful in arousing the enthusiasm of the students, and it is certain that the results justified the method. With small classes and a genius for a teacher, some of the more staid iniles of educational practice may be disregarded. The fact that Professor Robinson obtained about 200 forty successful and valuable patents, 1)631:163 being the inventor of several im- portant machines and mechanical devices that are not patented, is some evidence that the classroom work in machine design was neither aimless or useless, and that it conformed to good mechanical practice. All of Professor Hobinson's inventions were the results of stud;>r and investigation, and were not accidental discoveries. Of the machines designed in the classroom and made in the machine shop (described later in this chapter) by the students under the direction of Professor Robinson, Pi-ofessor Briker recalled the following: (l) first chronoloi^icp.lly, a steam engine which furnished the power for the University shop for tv/cnty-five years, and which had some features about it tliat were then new but are nov; regarded as standard practice; (2) a number of ingenious and novel mechanical movements for use in the recitation room; (3) numerous pieces of illustrative apparatus; (U) an automatically directed helioscope for the "United States lakes Survey"; (5) a lawn mower for the University; (6) a tool and guides for trimming photographs; (7) a machine for automatically graduating thorGomcter scales, v;hi(Jh seems to be the sole one in use in the world today; (8) a se'.iing machine with a new shuttle motion and a new type of treadle; and (9) last chronologically, our own tower clock, no'.7 in the Union Building, a clock of novel design which for about seventy years has continued to announce the time accurately. Professor ?obinson during the eight and one-half years he was connected with the University, in addition to his duties as Professor of Mechanical Engineering, personally taught all the classes in mining engineering and in physics, and for several years he gave lectures on geodesy to civil engineering seniors, even after a Professor of Civil Engineering had assumed his duties. As will be eirplainod later, Professor Hobinson's v/ork in physics, in scope and novelty, was second only to that in machine design. In still another field Professor Robinson ',"a.s more tiian a professor of mechanical engineering, for during his first two or three years of service at the University, he gave all the technical engineering instruction; and as long as he remained at the University, he taught some of the leading subjects taken by all 201 engineering students. His work in resistance of materials and in hydraulics was fully as stimulating and creditable as his work in machine design and in physics. In these subjects there was no apparatus, "but he so enthused his students that they were more than willing to work on Saturdays and in vacation constructing apparatus in order that they might make experiments and conduct research. Thus v/as implanted one of the highest forms of education. He proposed to his class in hydraulics a modified form of the Pitot tube for measuring the velocity of flow- ing water. The instrument was made by his students in the shop, and tested by them in the river at Danyillc, Illinois; and ten years later this improved form of Bitot's tube was the only jipparatus that could accurately measure the outflow of natural gas from wells in Ohio and Indiana. But incidentally, Frofesror PoDbinson performed a greater service to the Uni- versity and to the cause of engineering education than to devise instructive appa- ratus or to conduct interesting experiments, llany people believed that this in- stitution was founded as n protest against past educational practice; and many, if not most, of the students seeking preparation for the practice of engineering, misapprehended the purpose ajid method of what is not generally recognized as the most approved form of cnginooring education. Many of them thought that the sole purpose of the College was to give them engineering information in a prcdigcsted form. Fortunately, for the University of Illinois, Professor Robinson had clear- • and correct conceptions as to the better forms of engineering instruction, and his methods and ideals dominated in the early history of the College of Sngineer- ing. Almost contemporfuieously with the coming of Professor Sobinson to the Uni- versity, there was published in v/hat has since rightly become a noted engineering ha^fidbook, a statement boldly assorting that higher mathcmiitics was useless to an engineer. This statement greatly impressed the engineering students of that day, and strongly tended to alienate then from that mathematical ;^d scientific prepa- ration now universally recognized as necessary for any reasonable engineering education. Professor Robinson's versatility, ability, and enthusiasm in his work, and his constant and effective use of higher mathematics, however, were very 202 influential in leading students to adopt the tetter ideals of an engineering edu- cation. He did this "by force of his example, without argument or ostentation, Just as the liglit of the rising sun dispels the fog, gloori, and darkness of the night. In still another way Professor Robinson performed a service of inestimable value to the College of Engineering. For several years after this institution vas inaugurated, there was much skepticism among practicing engineers as to the possi- bilities of giving through college instruction any conception of the principles and practice of engineori"nti'. The early students of this institution found it un- ".7ise to disclose the face that they had taken collegiate training in engineering; but Pyofessor Robinson's acquaintance with practicing engineers enabled him to help students to positions whore they were able to demonstrate the value of the engineering education given here, and thus aided in dispelling, in some quarters, at least, doubts as to the value of collegiate instruction in engineering. Finally, in a still more important v/ay, Professor Robinson's viork contributed materially to general University interests. The v/ork of the Engineering College was more easily exhibited .to the public and more easily understood than the work of most other departments, and hence it contributed a large share to the early reputation of the University — a reputation which the struggling institution greatly needed in thosceai'ly days. "The engine designed in the classroom and made in the shop by the students", as the phraseology always ran, v/as frequently pointed out with pride by president, faculty and students; and the personal accompli shLients of Professor Robinson were frequently referred to in public and in private, in discussing the success of the University. Under such circ\imstanccs it is not surprising that for at least the first twenty-five years there were more students in the College of Engineering than in any other College, and for many years the engineering students constituted from half to two thirds of the men students. Rightly, then, the history of the College of Engineering of the early days is in a large measure the history of the University; and without the insist, ability, and enthusiasm of the first professor of engineering that 203 history night have been very different. In addition to directing the work and teaching in mechanical engineering and physics, Professor Hobinson becaae Dean of the College of Engineering in Febru- arj^ IS7S. On September 1, of that year, ho'vever, he resigned both positions to accept an appointnent as Professor of liechanical Engineering and Physics at the Ohio State University. It was unfortunate for the University that the condition of its finances seemed to nal:o it necessary to permit Professor Robinson to leave for a paltry difference of $^50 in salary; but it vas fortunate indeed that his ideals and methods had so peracatcd the work of the College that after his de- parture, they continued to dominate. The University of Illinois, and particular- ly its College of Engineering, ov.-es to Professor Hobinson a debt, for his services in a critical period of its history that has never been adequately recognized. In a letter addressed to the Board of Trustees, Regent Gregory made the following communt when he announced the resignation of Professor Robinson: "It is with profound regret that I fi,nnounce to you the resignation, since your last meet- ing, of Professor S, W. Hobinson, who has so long gjid ably filled the important chair of mechanical engineering. It is due to those who liavc served faithfully and efficiently, that some recognition be made of the value of the services render- ed, and of an appreciation of their good qualities, as well as of their fidelity and success. Professor Hobinson, though still a young nan, has already made a reputation in his department on both sides of the Atlantic, and stands today among the recognized authorities in mechanical science. The untiring zeal and energy with which ho has worked for tho development of the school of mechanical engineering, are too well known to need new testimony. The position that this school occupies in our University is due chiefly to his ability and enthusiasm. It mitigates, if possible, my regret at his loss to know timt he will be organ- izing, elsewhere, another centre of education, so important to our country." Professor Hobinson served Ohio State University as Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Physics until ISSI, and then as Professor of liechanical Engineer- _ing unt il 189^> when ho resigned to dovotc his time to private practice. 1 Report of Board of 'Trastocs, University of Illinois, I877-78, page IO5. 20U In addition to his duties at the University of Illinois and later at Ohio State University, Professor Sobinson was consulting engineer for the Santa Fe and other railroads. He also acted as Inspector of Railways and Bridges for the Hailroad Cotomission of Ohio during ISSO-ISSU. In addition, he was consulting engineer for the Lick Telescope and Mountings Company in 1S27. In all, he patented about forty inventions, among these being the first machine to be pro- duced for graduating thermometers, as mentioned earlier. After leaving the University, Professor Hobinson became interested in the development of machinery for manufacturing shoes, and ;unassed a considerable fortune from the royalties on his nimorous patents and from fees as consulting mechanical engineer for several manufacturers. He was the author of many magazine articles and pamphlets. He; was a member of several engineering and other scien- tific societies, being a charter member of the Society for the Promotion of Engi- neering Education. He va.s awarded the honorary degree of D.Sc. by the Ohio State University in IS96. Ho v/as made Professor of Ilechanical Ungineerinig, Emeritus , at Ohio State in 189?, and died on October 3, I9IO. Of the two landmarks v;hich still serve to honor the memory of Professor Robinson here, one is the old clock which he designed and built for the Class of loJS and which was for^iorly in the v/cst tower of University Kail, but which is now in the Union Building, and the other is the steam engine, now set up as museum material in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, which was designed by him and built by his students in the old original shops, and which for a quarter of a century furnished power for University purposes. Selim Hob art Peabod^^ - Much of the biographical sketch of Selira Hobart Pea- body was given under Hcgcnts in Chapter II. There are, however, some points of particular engineering interest that should be mentioned here. Doctor Peabod^/- was a scholarly man of wide experience in teaching, but his work had been mostly in high-schools — his experience in teaching engineering subjects having boon limited to a brief period in each of two elementary collegi- ate institutions. As previously stated, he becajnc Professor of Mechanical Engi- neering and Physics on October 10, I87S. He followed Professor Hobinson 's 205 method in teaching machine design, but lacked the latter 's experience as a .hov.'Pver, machinist and as a designer. His work in physics \7as very interesting and in- vigorating, as he had rare facility in devising instructive and striking experi- ments and in dratring illustrations from a wide range. He virs popular y/ith his students for the nearly two years that he was Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Physics. Although Professor Peabody became Scgont in 18S0, he continued for several years to be the nominal head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and to teach subjects in the mcclir-nical-enginccring curriculum. Cecil Hob art Peabody , son of Ecgent Selim Eobart Pcnbody, v;as born at Bur- lington, Vermont, on August 9, 1855. f^'iA '"ris graduated froi; Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology v;ith the degree of S.B. in ISJ], He had acquired considerable machine shop practice during his early years, and from IS79 to 1881 had been Pro- fessor of Engineering at the Imperial Agricultural College in JapaJi. In Septembei^ 1881, he became Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineer. ing and virtiially Head of the Department at the University of Illinois. Toclinically, he was well pre- pared to undertake the duties of the office, and under ordinary circumstances he v7ould have succeeded; but because he was the son of the Hegent, he had his problems. Some claimed ho had obtained his position through favoritism. Further- more, the adjustment of some difficult University administrative problems had alienated the students from the Hegent, in consequence of which, the son suffered. In l8S3i he accepted a call to the faculty of his alma, mater, v/here he was an honored and successful engineering teacher for thirty-saven years, retiring in 1920 as Professor of Haval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Emeritus. He died in I93U. Arthur Tannant "iVoods was born at Minneapolis, Minnesota, on January 9. I85O. Ho served as Cadet Engineer at the U. S. Naval Academy from IS76 to 1882, v/herc he was also employed in the Bureau of Naval Constmction. Ho received the M.M.S. degree at Cornell University in IS90. Mr, Vifoods served as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois, virtually in charge of the Department, from 1883 to I8S7, and as Professor of Meclianical Engineering and Head 20 b of the Department here from 13S7 to IS9I. He was a scholarly and forceful man who easily held the respect and confidence of his students. Under his adminis- tration the work of the Department advanced quietly and continually in both quali- ty and scope. On June 3. I89I1 greatly to the regret of all connected with the University, he resigned to become Professor of D^^namic Engineering at 'lYashington University, St, Louis. He remained there only a year, however, when he left to become Associate Editor of the Railroad Oazette and Consulting i3ngineer in Chicagc) where he died on February 7, IS93. Professor '.7oods was co-author with Albert ' Slit xd t -,i..K Y.3a ..'^ninaanisnS 1-'. ,*:..4''>' J-r-dduflaS biB5rf)5f- Iii*: 2l8a became Instructor in Mechanical Engineering here in 1931» Associate in 1932, Assistant Professor in 1939> and Associate Professor in 19U5. He was given a leave of absence on September 1, 19UU, to take a position in war work and returned to the University on February 1, 19U5. Professor Schubert is author of a textbook entitled "Foundry Practice" and is co-author of three bulletins issued by the Engineering Experiment Station. d. Assistant Professors William H. Van Dervort (B.S., 1889, Michigan Agricultural College; M.E., 1893, Cornell University) served as teacher in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Agricultural College during 1889-1893, and as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois during 1893- 1899. Gerdt Adolph Gerdtzen (B.S., 1893, and M.E., 189^', University of Wis.), after some years' experience in engineering practice, came to the University of Illinois in 1901 as Assistant Professor of Machine Design, but resigned at the end of the academic year. James Herbert Gill (B.K.E., 1892 and M.E., 189U, University of Minnesota) was engaged as a teacher of mechanical-engineering subjects in the University of Minnesota, Montana State College, and James Millikan University until he joined the staff at the University of Illinois in 1906 as Assistant Professor of Machine Construction in charge of the Mechanical Engineering Shops, He resigned in 1910 to accept a position as Director of the Columbus (Ohio) Training School. Dwight 1\ Randall (B.S., 1897 and M'E., 1905, University of Illinois) was employed in engineering practice until 1901 when he came to the University as In- structor in Mechanical Engineering. He resigned in 1902 to work for the Westing- house Church, Kerr & Company, but returned to the University in 190li as Assistant Professor, and remained here until 1906, when he withdrew to re-enter commerical practice. John Charles Thorpe (B.S., 1900, University of Illinois; M.E., 1903, Univer- sity of Michigan) was engaged in teaching work and practical work after graduation until he came to the University in 1906 as Assistant Professor of Steam Engineer- ing, He remained here until 1910, -vrtien he resigned to enter commercial service. rilootiBk b ■f.;'1.ff) IliO .:fT.rf.ife.!! 219 Mr.Thorpt-i died on Jujie 17, 1937 • Kenneth aardner Smith (A. 3., 1896. University of Chicago; 3.S., 1905. and M.E. 1916, University of Illinois) served in iiractice for a time, then came to the Uni- versity of Illinois in I9O8 as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering in charge of Engineering Exj^ieriment Station Extension. He remained only one year, ho'.Tever, and left to hecome Assistant Professor in the Extension Division of the University of Wisconsin. Elisha Noe l Fales (A. 3., I90S, Harvard University; S.B., I9II, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) spent several years in practical work in airplane service then came to the University of Illinois in September, I916, as Assistant Professor of Aeronautics, and inaugurated instruction in the new science of aeronautical engineering. Vftien the U.S. School of Military Aei'onautics was organized at Illi- nois in 1917, Professor Fales ^ms transferred to this new work and was in charge of cross-country flying and the general theory of aeronautics. In August, I9I8, Professor Eales was requested to accept a position with the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps to engage in research work. In 19^3. ^^ was Aeronautical Engi- neer with the U. S. Air Corps at '.vright Field, Dayton, Ohio. Harry William 7/aterfall (5.S., I9II, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) spent the year following graduation in ijractice and cjime to the University of Illinois in September, 1913i as Instructor in Machine Design. He resigned in July ^ 1917, to accept a position in engineering practice in India. lir. Waterfall re- tui'ned to the University in September, I9I9, as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, but withdrew in September, I920, to become Assistant Professor of Machine Design at Johns Hopkins University. Paul James Kiefor (A. 3., IQOo, V/ittenberg College: 3.S., 1911, and M.E. ,1930 , Case School of Applied Science) was Instructor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvryiia during 1913-15- ^^^ Cixne to the University of Illinois in 1919, after being discharged from the U.S. IJavy, as Assistant Professor of Steam Engineering. Professor ICiefcr resigned in the summer of I92O to become Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Post Graduate Department, U. S. 220 Naval Acadesiy, and since 1525> he hn,s been Professor there. Gustav H. Badebaugh became Assistant in Machine Shop at the University in 1911 and Instructor in 1913' ^^ ^'as made Associate in Machine Shop Management and Practice and Acting Director of the Shop Laboratories in September, 1917 • "^^ January, I919 , upon the return of Director 3. W. Benedict from military service, Mr. Badabaugh vjao made Assistant Director of the Shop Laboratories, still keeping the title of Associate in Machine Shop Management and Practice. In September, I919 his title was changed to Assistant Manager of the Shop Laboratories and Superin- tendent of the Machine Shop; and in I921, he was made Superintendent of the Machine Laboratory. Mr. Radabaugh resigned in February, 1923i to become Manager of the newly-created Ghampaign-Urbana Sanitary District, 'vhich ]iosition he hnld until his death on March 10, 1937- Huber Ogilvie Croft (B.S., I9I0, University of Colorado; M.S., I923, Univer- sity of Illinois) v/as engaged in engineering practice after graduation until he joined the staff at the University of Illinois in October, I92O, as* Instinictor in Mechanical Engineering. He bocane Associate in 19?U and Assistant Professor in 1925. Professor Croft resigned in September, I927, to accejit an appointment as Associate Professor at Stanford University. After three years there, he became Professor and Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Iowa, 'here he hat; rumainud to date. Professor Croft is author of one bulletin published by the Engineering Exjieriment Station of the University of Illinois. Howard Edward Degler (M.E., I91U, Lehigh University; M.S., I927, University of Illinois) was employed during I91U-I5 in engineering practice and during 1915' '^ t«r±^i4 taught drawing, physics, and mechanical engineering subjects at Hampton Institute in Virginia. He wr.s connected with practical work again until September 1922, when he joined the staff of the University of Illinois as Instructor on Mechanical Engineering. He became Associate in 19^5 and Assistant Professor in 1928. Professor Degler resigned in September, I93O, to become Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Chairman of the Department at the University of Texas. Vi'hile at Illinois, Professor Degler was co-author with \1 . H. Severns of a text bock 221 entitled "Steam, Air, and Gas Power", .and has written a number of others since that time. Frederick Hayward Thomas (B.S. in Industrial Administration, 192U, and M.S. in M.E., 1931, University of Illinois) was employed in engineering practice after graduation \intil he joined the staff in the University here in November, 1926, ap Superintendent of the Machine Tool Laboratory, He was made Associate in Mechani- cal Engineering in 1931* and Assistant Professor in 1932. He resigned in October. 19lil. Warren Skinner Harris (B.S. 1930, and M.S., 1933, University of Illinois) served as Special Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering here during the year 1931-32. He then took a position in industry, but returned to the University in April, 19U0, as Special Research Associate in Mechanical Engineering, and became Special Research Assistant Professor in 19Ui|. He is co-author of two bulletins and one circular of the Engineering Experiment Station. John Clem Miles (B.S., 1931, Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy; M.S., 19iiO, and M.E., 19U3, University of Illinois) was made Instructor in Mechanical Engineering at the University here in 1937, Associate in 19^1, and Assistant Professor in 19U5. He is joint author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station, Edward Louis Broghamer (B.S,, 193U, Kansas State College; M.S,, 19U0 and M.E., I9UI, University of Illinois) was made Instructor in Mechanical Engineering here at the University in 1937* Associate in 19Ul, and Assistant Professor in 19U5. He received a leave of absence in September, 19U2, to join the U.S. Armed Forces and returned to the University in November, 19U$. Prof- essor Broghamer is co-author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station. 222 Mario Joseph Goglia (M.E., 1937, and M.E., 19U0, Stevens Institute of Tech- nology) became Instructor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois in September, 1936, Associate in 19Ul, and Assistant Professor in 19U5. Donald Heathfield Krans (B.S., 1938, Michigan College of Mines and Technology; M.S., 1939, University of V/isconsin) became Instructor in Mechanical Engineering at the University here in September, 1939, Associate in 19Ul, and Assistant Professor in 19U5. He was on leave of absence with the U.S. Armed Forces from 19Ul, until February, I9I46. e. Associates John James Harman (B.S. 1902, and M.E. 1906, University of Illinois) served as Instructor in Mechanical Engineering during 1903-06 and as Associate dxiring 1906-07 . John Adlum Dent (M.E. 190S', Lehigh University) was employed in engineering practice after graduation until he came to the Univertjity of Illinois in Sept., 1910, as Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, ^e was made Associate in 1913, and retained his position here until September, 1917, when he resigned to accept a commission in the U.S. Army. Harry Frederick Godek e (B.S., 1905, M.E., 1916, and M.S., 1918, University of Illinois) was Assistant in Mechanical Engineering at the University during 1905-07, Instructor during 1906-17, and Associate in Steam Engineering during 1917-18. He resigned late in September, 1918, to accept a position as Chief Engineer of the Federal Rubber Company at Cudahy, Wisconsin. Gustave Adolph Gross who had served as Instructor in Shop Practice at the University of Montaia during 1911-13, came to the University of Illinois in 1913 as Instructor in Pattern Making, He became Associate in 1917, but resigned in Februarj^, 1918, to join the U.S. Ordnance Corps, Arthur C, Harper (B.S. 1906, and M.E,, 1907, Pennsylvania State College) for 223^ three years after graduation was a teacher at his alua uatc.r. Then during igiU-io he 7/as Instructor in Drawini^^ at Ohio State University. He joined the University of Illinois in January, I916 , as Instructor in Mochanical 3ngineering and was made Associate in Machine Design in I917. He resigned in Soi^teraber . 1920, to take charge of di'awing and design work at Pratt Institute. In 1931i iie 'became President of Wyomissing Polytechnic Institute at WyoLiissing, Pennsylvania, and has retained in that position to date. Edgar ticITaughton (M.S., I9II, Cornell University) '.van Ar.sociate in Mechanical Sngineering at the University of Illinois during 1918-19 . 'J7ard Sly Pratt (ll.I^., 191'+, Cornell University) bec?.u.io Special Research Associa,te in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois in I9IS, .and re- mained here in that position until I92O. Siebert Luke SinLiering (3.S,, I9IO, andli.lJ., IQlb, University of Colorado; M.S., 1913. University of Illinois) was Research A^sociatn in Mechanical Engineer- ing here at the University of Illinois during the school year 191^-19 • Leroy Alonzo V»ilson (l:.E.1909, andM.M.E., 19l4, Cornell University) for five years after graduation served as Instructor in the Mechanical Laboratory, in Gas Engine Design, and in Engineering Research at Cornell. lie joined the University of Illinois in September, 191^, as Assistant in Mechanical Engineering. He be- caxae First Assistant in 191i; <'Uid Research Asrastant in I916, but resigned in September, I9I7. to become Instructor in the U.S. School of I'iilitary Aeronautics. Mr. iUilson then returned to the University of Illinois in December, I9I8, as Re- search Associate in Mechanical Engineering. Ee was transferred to the teaching staff in 1919 with the title of Associate in Exijorimental Engineering. He resign- ed, however, in September, I92O, to accept a position as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. Since 1938, he has been Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of '.'Wisconsin. Professor '.Yilson is joint author of one bulletin published oy the Engineering Experiment Station at the University of Illinois. Proctor Edwin Ilenwood (3.S., I9IO, Armour Institute of Technology; M.S. ,1933 University of Illinois) served as teacher at the University of North Dakota for a 22U time after which he was engaged in engineering practice until he came to the University of Illinois in September I92I, as Associate in Mechanical Engineering. He remained in this position until his death on Hay 29, I93S. lir. Henwood was co- author of one bulletin of the Sngineering E:q)eriment Station. Edward J,aaeson Crane {2.S. ,l[il^, and il.E.,1921, riutgers University) was em- ployed after graduation at the University of Forto 5.ico, and later spent some time in engineering practice. He came to the University of Illinois in September I92I, as Instructor in Mechanical Engineering and was iiade Associate in iiachine Design in 1923. Mr. Crane resigned in Fobniary , I925, to accept an appointment with the V/estern Electric Company. He mJia co-author 'vith C.'-'. Piu.i of a textbook entitled "Mechanics of Machinery". Crandall Zacariah Hosecrn.ns (3.S. lyi'i, II.S. I92I, and 11. E. 1929, University of Illinois) joined the University of Illinois staff in Soptember^l921, as Sesearcli Assistant in Mechanical Engineering and was made Research Asr.ociati; in 1924. He author of one and co-author of two more bulletins issued by the Engineering Exj^eri- ment Station. Mr. Rosecrans resigned in August^ 19^-6, to accept an appointment ^7ith the Leeds & IJorthrup Company at Philadelphia. Ho later became Mcchanicf-il Engineer and Director of Research of that organization, which position he hold until his death on January 7, 1937- Lew Wallace Thayer (3.S. in Chcm.Eng., 1922, University of Michigan) became Associate in Foundr;,^ Practice in September I'ii^S, after spending four ;,^ears with the Cadillac Motor Car Comp.an;-. He resigned his University position in July,192S. Richard Ernest Gould (B.3., I923, and M.S., I929, University of Illinois)was engaged for two years following graduation in engineering practice. Ke joined the staff of the University of Illinoifs in December I925, as Research Assistant in Mecha,nical Engineering. In 192;t. he became Rcs(jarch Associate, but resigned in September, I93O1 to return to ouginooring practice. Mr. Gould vias joint author of five bulletins published by the Engineering Experiment Station. Edgp.r Thomas Lanham became Instinctor in the Forge Sho-p at the University of Illinois in I905, and he retained that title until 1919i ''hen it was changed to Superintendent of the Forge Laboratory. He was made Associate in Mechanical 225 Engineering in 1931i sjkX was retired under the University age vu.le in September, 1933. as Associate in Mechanical Engineering, Emeritus . He continued to reside in Urbana until his death on June 10, 19UU. Burrill Rupert Hall v/ho had spent several years r/ith the International Corre- spondence Schools at Scranton, Pennsylvania, in charge of the preparation of in- struction sheets and pamphlets in pattern-making for students carrying on corre- sj>ondence courses, came to the University of Illinois in February, I9I8, as In- structor in Pattern Shop Practice and Management. In I919. his title y/as changed to Superintendent of the Pattern Laboratory. Hr. Hall rcLiained in this position until Sept ember, 1931. ''.'hen he became Associate in Mechanical Engineering. He re- tired in September, I938, under the University i-ules for retirement with the title Associate in Mechanical Engineering, Emeritus. John Erank uoodell (a. 3., I92I;, Ohio St at o University; Mi.S., 19?6, Vanderbilt University) served as Suporintondent of the Foundry Laboratory at the University of Illinois from I929 to 1931, ;ind as Associate fror. 193I to I9U2. ^He was given a leave of absence in September, Vjh?-, to join the U.S. Armed Forces. John Clifford Hoe d (3.M.E. I92S, and M.E. I93U, Ohio State University; M.S. 1931» University of Illinois) becpinc Assistant in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois in Sc})tGmber ,1928, Instructor in I929. and Associate in 1933. He remained Tjith the University until September ^ 193 8, when he resigned to become Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. Edgar Elmer Ambrosius (B.S. I92S and M.S. 1931. University of Illinois) begtin as Instructor in Mechanical Engineering at the University in September 1930i ^^^-^ was made Associate in 1935 • He resigned in September, 193^1 to become Assistant Professor of ilechanicfil Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. Charles Josefih S tarr (3. S. 1933. University of Illinois) after spending several years in practice, joined the University staff in March, 1921, as Assistant Superintendent of the Machine Laboratory. He was made Instructor in Mechanical Engineering in 193^. ai^A Associate in 193^. and. has remained '^ith the University in that position to date. 226 Paul Ho'.vai-d Black (M.I!. I925, Rcnncsolcar Polytechnic Institute; U.S. I93I, University of Pittsburgh) sorvcd ps Instructor in I'cchrjucal Engineering at Eenncscloar during 1925-2S and was engaged in engineering practice during 1926-28. He came to the University of Illinois in September, I928, as Assist jint in Mechani- cal Snginocring. Ho was made Instructor here in I929 and Associate in Mechanical Engineering in 193^. Kr. Black resigned in September'^ 1937 • to become Assistant Professor of Machine Design at Cornell University and has remained there to the present time. He was author of one bulletin issued by the Engineering Experiment Station. Robert Downes Williams (A.B. I93U, Harvard University; S.M. 1937, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology-) was made Associate in Mechanical Engineering in 1937 ''i.nd remained v/ith the University in that position until February, 19^2. 227 Francis Seyfarth (3.S. 1936, Princeton University; M.S. I9U2, University of Illinois) 'became Instructor in Mechanical Engineering here in SeptemlDer, 193^. and Associate in 19^2. He ',7as given a leave of absence in December, I9U2, to Join the U. S. Armed Forces^ '"-nd returned in March, lP''b. F. Leicester Cuthbert (B.A. I935, and K.A. I937, University of Buffalo; Ph.D. 19^0, lo'.Ta State College; became Special Hesearch Associate in Petrography and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois in September, I9U2, and re- mained with the University until March, I9UU Alfred Otto Schmidt (K.I!. 1933, Ingenieurschule, Ilnenau, G-ennany; M.S.E., 19^^0, University of IIichi,:in School of liechanic Trades of St. Louis, was made Assistant Superintendent of the Kachinc Laboratory in October, 1919, and retained that position until September, 1^2b. Amos David "t^" right became Assistant Superintendent of the Pattern Shop at the University of Illinois in 1919- ^n 1931 1 his title was changed to Instructor in Mechanical Sngineoring, and has retained that position to date. Hoy './ilbur Schroeder wars Assistant Superintendent of the Foundry Laboratory from Sr.ptcmber, I92O, to September, 1926. Charles Nathan Arnold (3.S. in J.S., I9II, andil.S. inM.L., I92U, University of Illinois) became Instructor in Iiechanical Engineering at the University here in February, I921, after several years of practicnl experience in engineering work, and retained that position until Juno, 1925« Arthu r Hildoman Aagaard (3.S. 191^, University of Illinois) served several years as Instructor in Uochanical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin and P-icc Institute, after which ho was engaged in commercial v7ork. He came to the 236 University of Illinois in Fe'bruary, I92I, as Instructor in ilechnnical Engineering, but resigned at the end of the school year. &len N. Crosby after graduating in Manual Training at the Western State Nor- mal School, Kalamazoo, Michigan, came to the University of Illinois in lehruaxy, 1921, as Assistant Superintendent of the Foundiv Laboratory, '.vhere he remained un- til his death on March 31, 1923. Oeorge Theodore Felbeck (3.S. 19IQ, and ii.S. I921, University of Illinois) Joined the staff of the University here in September, I92I, as Hesoarch Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, and r(;maincd here until September I9 23. He is joint author of two bulletins published by the Snginoering Sxperimcnt Station. Fran]:: "Tliitcher Martin (B.S. in M.IJ. I92O, George Washington University) was transferred from the Department of General Engineering Drawing at the University of Illinois to the Department of Mechanical Ungineering in September, I92I, with the title of Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, but resigned in June, 1922. John Dallas "■'isc (B.S. in E.E., I9I5. Mississippi A.& M. College) nas engaged for some time after graduation in engineering practice, then Joined the U.S. Army. Following his discharge, he entered engineering practice again, but left it to come to the University in Septomber^l921, as Superintendent of the Foundry Labora- tory. Ho remained here until September, I922. 3.USSC11 James Engl ehart after some years' experience in engineering practice, came to the University of Illinois in September, I92I, as Assistant Superintendent of the Forge Laboratory, and remained in that position until October, I923 . Andrev/ John l.'icholas (M^E. I919, Lohigh University) s^n-vcd for a time as In- structor at Lehigh and for a, tine in engineering practice, after '-/hich he came to the University of Illinois in September, I92I, as Instructor in Mechanical Engi- neering. He V7ithdru'7 in Juno, I923. John Patrick liullon (B.Eng., I917, and S.Eng.Konr, . , I92O, Liverpool University) Was Bcsnarch Assistant in Refrigeration at the University of Illinois from October 1921, to September, I925. John Babcock Bfiker (B.S. in Chemical Engineering, I921, and M.S. I92I+, 237 University of Illinois) v/as Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering here from Sertem"ber, I923, to August, 1926. He is Joint author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station. Austin Sinclair Irvine (3.Ch.2.. I91U and M.S., I915, University of Michigan) was engaged in engineering practice from I9I5 to Fobruarj'-, I92U, when he joined the staff at the University of Illinois as Assistant Superintendent of the Forge Laboratory, which position ho hold until Septouber, I926. T endering C. Harnhill C Stoberi Te'.miker, 1917i Copenhagen Institute of ?ech- nolor/; F.ii. and 0., I923, V/entvorth Institute, Boston) had been employed in commercial foundry ''ork bofore coning to the University in October, I92U, as Assistniit Superintendent of the Foundry Laboratory. Ho remained here ur.til I929. Clarence H. Caughcy (3.S.,1921, nnd K.H. , I925, University of Colorado) served as Instructor in Mochanlcfil Unginoering at the University of Colorado after gradu- ation until ho bccrvmo Instinictor at the University of Illinois in September, I925. He remained horo, ho'vover, only u.itil July, I92S. H,n,rry . E--ught on ( Ph . 3 . , I919, Sheffield Scientific School, Ya.lo University) ■.7as onft'agod in engineering practice after graduation until he Joinod the staff at the University of Illinois in September, I923, as Assistant SupeJ'intondcnt of the Foundi\v Laboratory. He was made Superintendent of the Laboratory in I925, but re- signed in September, I926. John Houston Parker (3.S. I922, University of Illinois) Assistant in Mechani- cal Engineering from I923 to I925, was promoted to Inst.-uctor in I'iechanical Sngi- ncering in Sf^ptember, I32I1. He remained hero until Juno, I927. oustaf Adolph Gafvort (3.S. I923, and M.S., I925, IForcester Polytechnic Institute) became Assistant in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois in September, I925, and Instmctor in I926, but withdrcvf in Jiinc, I927. Milton O liver l.'ingard (3.1]., 19'-3. Johns Hopkins University) served as In- structor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois from January, 1927, to September, 1928. Lucius Duke Golden (3.S., I926, University of Texas) Joined the staff as In- structor in I'.ochanicnl Engincorin^'^ at the University of Illinois in September, 238 1927, nfter teaching a yeai- at hi a alma mater. He left the University in I928. Joseph Gibson LoTther (3.S. I927, University of Texas; M.S. I93I, University of Illinois) '^as Research Assistant in llcchanical Ungineering at the University of Illinois from 1923 to 193?. Ho is co-author of tv.'o Bulletins of the Sn^'^ineer- ing Zxi^erimont Station. ■■"illiaLi Henry Spencer (3.S., in Chen I]n{%1926, Vandei-" built University) served as Suri'irintcndent of the Foundry Laboratory at the University of Illinois from July, 192s, to September, I929. J ohn ?red >^,uereau (3.S., I926, University of Texas; ii.S., 1928, University of Illinois) "fas employed as Special Research Assistant in Mechanical 3ngineoring from SopcenDcr, 1922, to S.jptembur, I929. He is Joint author of one circular of the Znginocrin.'^: Experiment Station. ^ Jonn Rober t Connolly (3.S., I927, and M.S., I929, University of Illinois) served -is Special Research Assistarit in Mechanical Enfaneering from April to September, ].929. '.Ti l bur John -oodruff (M.S., I923, Massachus'-tts Institute of Technology) serv- ed as S-^ecial Research Assistant in Mechanical Sngineerin^; from April, I929, to April, 1930. :Sd'.'in Laurence 3roderick (3.S. I923, lo^a State College; M.S., 1933, Univer- sity of Illinois) "as Spe.cial M.,soa"-'ch Assistant in Mochojiical i^ngineering at the University of Illinois fron Seiitenber, I930. to M'ay, I9U1. H.' is Joint author of two bulletins of the Engineering IJxperinont Station. Jacl: Philip CoYan (3.M.2., I939, Ohio State Univ.rsity, IMS., I9U2, Univer- sity of Illinois) served a;; Insti^uctor in Mf:clianical Zngincering here from Sep- tember, 1937 1 'to June 19^3. "'"iT-'-n he resigned to engage in engineering practice. Charles Thoren ^race (3.S. 1936, University of Colorado; Mi.S. 19^1, Univer- sity of Illinois) served as Insti'uctor in Mechariical Engineering here from Sep- tember, 1937, to June, 19142 . Vfarren Eugene Compton (3.S. I933, and M.S. I93U, University of Illinois) was employed as Instiructor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois 239 from September, 1937, to November 19U0. Edwin Devere Luke (B.S. 1937, M.S. 1938, University of Illinois) was In- structor in Mechanical Engineering here from September, 1938, to September, 19Ul, when he was given a leave of absence to enter military service. He returned to his University duties in February, 19U6. Jay Arthur Bolt (B.S. 193h, Michigan State College; M.M.E., 1937, Chrysler Institute of 'England) was Instructor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois from September, 1938, to October, 19U0. Sam Sachs (B.S. 1939, and M.S. 19U2, University of Illinois) has served as Research Assistant from September, 1939, to date. He was graited a leave of absence on January 16, 19Uii, to join the U.S. Army. Ross J, Martin (B.S. 19U0, Michigan State College) became Special Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois in July, 19iiO. Hb was on leave of absence for service with the U.S. Navy from September, 19U2, until January, 19U6. He is co-author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station. Richard Bott Engdahl (B.S. 1936, Bucknell University; M.S., 1938, University of Illinois) became Special Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois in February, 1939. His title was changed to Instructor in Mechanical Engineering in October, 19U0; and he remained in that position until July, 19I4.I. He is co-author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station. Paul Stuart Collier (B.S. 1939, and M.S. 19^1, Purdue University) became Instructor in Mechanical Engineering in September, 19Ul, and remained with the University until September, 19UU. Vernon Morris Korty (A.B. 1937, Illinois College; A.M. 1939, University of Illinois) was special Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois from September, 19iil, to June 191^2. Morse Beryl Singer - who had spent some time in practice with industrial firms and who had served for several years here as Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, was made Instructor in Mechanical Engineering in September, 19h^, jj yT&y'.-ii 2U0 Chester Edward Derrough , after several years' experience in practice and as Assistant in the Machine Laboratory here, became Instructor in Mechanical Engineering in September, 19l45. I. SUMI^IARY General - Mechanical Engineering was the first department to be established in what is now the College of Engineering, and it has continued to be one of the major units. It has always had a relatively large enrollment of students and therefore has had to maintain a large teaching staff and an elaborate assortment of equipment most of which has been expensive in its first cost and operation. While the Department has sought to keep its teaching program in line with advancements in practice in the several fields of its endeavor, it has limited its instructional work to a single curriculum with a liberal allowance of optional subjects, and has left specialization tc the graduate years. Its instructional objectives have at times seemed a little severe, but they have so operated to ground the students in the fundamental principles of engineering practice as to enable them to go into all branches cf industry and serve there as a credit to themselves and the University. Aside from its educational value to students enrolled in engineering courses, the laboratory equipment has served many useful purposes in the conduct of research. It has enabled the staff to provide materials for the publication of a long list of bulletins issued from time to time by the Engineering Experiment Station, that have gonefer in establishing principles that have re- sulted in the development of this branch of industry. Much of the experimental work has been done in cooperation with commercial firms or scientific associa- tions interested in these particular fields; and like all such cooperative effort, it has brought to the campus many persons of responsibility and in- fluence, and thereby enabled the University and industry to establish mutual relations that cannot be reckoned in money values for any of the parties interested. ;^r : 7i;d .vTr'. . : su IX bMi.lciae r;.1;. si-teiMji iscJldf" '^ii.t " 2kl C:iA?TER VIII TE3 DSPARTMa^T OF CIVIL SilGINESRING A. ORGANIZATION General - fJhile the report of the original coiamittee of the Begent and four Trustees in 1867 made proviaion for Civil Engineering in the Polytechnic Depart- ment, it took a little time to get the department organized. In the Catalogue and Circular of the University for I06S-69 under officers aJid instructors and their titles, is listed the position of Civil and Rural Engineering. No one had been apr.ointed, apparently, to fill this chair, ho'/^ever, for the name was left blank. In the 1869-70 issue, Saauol Vfelker Shat tuck's name appears as Professor of Civil Engineering find Instructor in Military Tactics. In the 1870-71 number, the faculty list under the College of iicchanics and Engineering contains the names of S. \1. Shattuck, Professor of liathenatics, and Alex. Thompson, Teacher of 1 Railroad Engineering. In the Report of the Board of Trustees for I87O-7I appears the following statement: "The deviartraent of Civil Engineering has also won some laurels under the efficient management of Professor Shattuck and his assistants. Classes have been trained in both theory and field practice, and the services of some of the students have already' been sought by outside parties, in engineering work". The organization of the Department or School as it was somstimes called, must have been somewhat nebular at that time, though, for the Catalogue contained a four-year course of studies "rccom.icnded" for the School to follow. Professor Robinson, Head of the Department or School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, directed instruction in civil engineering from March, I87O, '.7hen Professor Shattudc Was obliged to give his entire attention to other natters, until November, IS7I, when John Burkitt I7cbb, became Professor of Civil Engineering and Head of the Department. The a}j:iointment of Pi'ofessor "Jpbb to fill the chair of civil engineer- ing served very definitely to establish the department as a separate entity with a required course of stud;^"- for its instructional prograi.i. 3. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS OP INSTRUCTION Objectives - The objectives of instruction in civil engineering were stated i Page 69 2U2 in various publications issued at different times by the University, as follows: "This school is designed to make good practical Engineers, thoroughly pre- pared for all branches of Engineering work, Railroad surveys, Toj.iograrihic and Geodetic Surveying, Bridge building. Government Surveying, etc. Several of the students, though not yet through their course, have already been honored with positions on the Coast Survey, and on important Railroadc", "The School is designed to furnish a course of theoretical instruction accompeinied and illustrated by a large amount of practice, whioiT^ll enable stu- dents to enter intelligently upon the various and important duties of the Engi- neer. Those who desire a preparation, at once broad and thorough, and who are willing to make persevering effort to obtain it, are cordially invited to connect themselves with this School". "While the instruction aiias to be practical by giving the student informa- tion and practice directly applicable to his future professional work, the prime object is the development of the mental faculties. The pov/or to acquire informa- tion and the ability to use it, is hold to be of far greater value than any amount of so-called practical acquirement s".^ "The curricaltm in civil engineering affords specialized training in the construction and maintenance of hi^ways, in irrigation, drainage, and the reclam- ation of land, and gives general consideration to hydro-economics. It emphasises structtiral engineering, including the theory, design, and construction of masonry, ^^ reinforced-concrete and steftl hridges, viaducts, btiildings, and other structxires". "The courses in the Department of Civil Engineering offer a systematic train- ing in the principles underlying the design and construction of bridges, "buildings, dams, retaining walls, and similar structures; of highways; of water-supply and sewage-rtlsposal systems; and of hydraulic engineering works; and in the principles of city and regional planning". - Methods of Instruction - "The method of instruction consists in coupling the development of intellectual power with the acquisition of information useful to the civil engineer in his profession". "The instruction is given by lectures textbooks and reading, to which are added numerous problems and practical exorcises, as v/ill servo best to exjjlain principles completely and fix them in the mind. Models and instruments arc con- tinually used, both in lectures and by the students themselves".© C. ROOM ASSIGmiBHTS FOR OFriCS, RECITATION, MD DRAFTING PURPOSES General - The first quarters occupied by the Department of Civil Engineering for office, class, and drafting purposes were in Old University Building. Then, the Department moved into University Hall '.vhen that building was finished in 1273. '.Then Engineering Hall was completed in I89U, the Department took over a portion of the second floor for offices, recitation, and drafting purposes — the Department office being in Room 203 . '^he Department also had a museum in the 1 Report of Board of Trustees, IS7O-7I, page Ul. 2 University Catalogue and Circular of 1872-73, page 33. 3 University Catalogue and Circular of I89O-9I, page 3^. U A Pictorial Description, 1919, page 9. 5 University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. XXXVITI, No. 10. 19^. 6 University Catalogue and Circular of I89O-9I, page 3U. 2^3 west wing of the same floor, that contained a large numter of samples of merchant iron, a numlier of full-size Joints of iron bridges, and a large number of models of bridges and elevated railroads* The drafting rooms wore equipped with a type of double drawing desks that all other departments in the College, except Archi- tecture used. The filing cases contained drawings of many actual engineering works then in service. As the student enrollment grew and other departments moved into other build- ings, civil engineering took over much of the space in Engineering Hall for its offices, recitation rooms and drafting rooms. For example, after the Department of Architecturo moved out of Engineering Hall at the beginning of the second semester of 1927-28, most of the space vacated was taken over by the Department of Civil Engineering, and the Department readjusted its room assignments. Rooms 211, 2lU, and 309 were used ass senior drawing rooms and Room 420 v/as used as a junior drawing room. Several of the other roomij on the fourth floor y/ere taken as office; for instructors. ^ In 19^51 the Department has at its disposal eight large drafting rooms for junior and senior students in design work. Each student is able thereby to have his own desk for work at any time much as he would in a commercial drafting office* D. DEVELOPMENT 0? CIVIL EI^GIIIESHING LABORATORY FACILITIES General - As a means of supplementing the classroom instruction, a number of laboratories have been developed during the past seventy-five years to provide practice in the use of instrumonts, to study and examine various types of materials of construction, and to investigate utility systems dedicated to public-health service. These facilities have served, also, to provide means for the conduct of many experiments in connection v/ith graduate study ;ind v;ith the programs sponsored by the Engineering E.-qjeriment Station. Brief descriptions of some of these de- velopments follow. Earlj Surveying Apparatus - The University Circulars of 1269-70 and I87O-7I stated that the school was provided with apparatus for surveying and engineering embracing all the field instruments necessary for making Government land surveys. 2kk farm surveys, and for conducting railroad and topographical surveying and levelingi Such equipment included the transit theodolite, a level from Newton & Company's, London, tv>'o leveling rods — the ordihary and self-reading; a first class Vernier compass; tv7o brazed-link steel chains — Giinther's and engineer's; instruments for stadia surveying, adopted in the Government surveys. It had also a model truss bridge, t^"enty feet in length, with movable braces, and other ajjparatus for practical illustration. 1 The Catalogue of 18/2-73 stated: "This School is provided "srith both English and American instruments for the different branches of Sngincering Practice and for the Astronomical work of Higher Surveying. It has numerous models for illustration of its specialties and access to the Cabinets of the other Schools. "Some expensive and accurate instruLients are being added to the Cabinet, which arc being made by the Instrument Maker of the U.S. Surveys. These are the first of a complete sot of Geodetic and Astronomical Instruments which with a few stations, will make possible practical instruction in Geodesy. "An Astronomical Observatory for meridian observation and of suitable size for the Practical Exercises in Astronomy, has been erected and is in use. An equatorial telescope has been mounted for the use of the students. A set of Smithsonian Meteorological instruments has been procured and placed in position for making observations". The I89O-9I issue of the University Catalogue and Circular contained the following statement: "The school is provided with the instruments necessary for the different branches of engineering field practice, including chains, tapes, compasses, plane tables, stadias, traiisits, levels, barometers, base rods and comparing apparatus, sextants, eneine;'r's transits arranged for astronomical observation, and solar compass attachments for transit. "A portable altitude and azimuth instrument of the latest and best form from the celebrated maicers, Troughton & Simms, of London, is used for instruction in geodesy and practical astronomy. It is read by micrometer microscope to single seconds, both of altitude and of azimuth. The astronomical observatory is pro- vided with an equatorial telescope, and astronomical transit, with attachment for zenith telescope work, a chronometer, and a set of meteorological instruments". Early Surveying Areas rUid Field Problems - Even as early as 1272, the Uni- versity had a specially-prepared area to facilitate the practice of topographic and land surveying in which the difficulties of plane surveying were presented to the beginner as soon as he was able to meet them, and v/here he 'ths taught practical methods of overcoming them. This was subdivided by a large number of lines whose 1 ?a,ge 35. 2U5 positions 'vcrc accurately-' kncTn "by the instructors, "but not "by the students. The students '."ere thus rcmirod to dotcmino the x^ositions of the "corners" hy various methods and to calculate the enclosed areas. 'The nunher of divisions v-'as so large that no t'7o students had the same protlon and so accurately laid out that the correctness of the students' \7ork: could at once be determined. Other problens '^ere given in determining distances, passing obstacles, avoid- ing local attractions, etc., for '.7hich the ground was prepared. In the;;,e problems, too, all possible distances, directions, areas, arid elevations '.7ere accurately knovm; hence the instimctors knew beforehand the pri;cise results '.vhich the students should obtain. L;ot a single problem or exercise 'Jas given in v/hich there Was AVant- ing an absolute check upon the accuracy of the v/ork. This 'Jas an incentive to the students and enabled the teacher to sho',7 thom the dogroo of accuracy attained and also to iioint out the errors. Surveying after l&jh- V/hen Zlnt.'ineering Hall v/as couplcted in 1S94, the sur- veying equipment A7as kept in Room 10^' on the first floor of that ^uilding. The instrument room contained a large number of '7all lockers where the surveying in- stilunonts -JcTe kej't. It also contained the table;.; used in the computation and the dra'.7ings pertaining to field '/'ork. The surveying oqui]imont consisted of five cngincir's transits, t^70 solar transits, two mining transits, five compasses, five ordinary levels, tvro jjrccislon levels, throe, common juid tv/o fine planetables, stadia boards, level rods, flag poles, chains, tapes, and other necessary appara- tus. Each instrument '.vas placed in a separate locker and only the person using it had access to it. The work shop in ?.oom 103 adjoining that room was equipped with tools and supplies for repairing the instruments. In iSgU, when a-itronomy .'as a required subject in Civil Snginecring, the engi- neering observatory '.vas located in p. separate building. It had in it mounted on brick piors, an astronomical trmisit, ;in alt-azimuth insti-uraent reading to seconds, two polar carononotors, one sidcrial cnronouetor, t-'o sextants, and several baro- meters. 1 The Tochnograph, IS94-95, Pages 177-/2. - 2U6 As the nvanljer^of •en^ifteeri.ng -•''otAliilngs 'in*re»sed, aiid the si3ece;:«,vails'ble-?or surveying purposes dwindled on the north campus, it hecajTie necessary to go to the south campus to conduct the field exercises. Finally, the distances became so great and it took so mach time to come and go that it seemed advisable to obtain quarters near the surveying fields for the surveying equipnent. Accordingly, the old Horticultural gilding was taken over in "lS25t and adapted to surveying needr. The division of surveying, under the immediafre direction of Professor W,H, Hayner, moved into it then and still occupies it in 19'^5. The building contains the in— sti*ument locker rooms and drafting rooms for the surveying courses and offices for some of the teaching staff giving instruction in surveying subjects. Appropriate equipment of' newest designs has been gradually accumulated for different grades of service. Numerous engineers' and solar transits, ordinary and precise levels, plane tables, sextants, rods, tapes, and smaller instruments were made available for regular plane- surveying practice. Several instruments of high precision were also made available for advanced work in hydrographic and geodetic surveying. In 19'+5i there is a sufficient number of instruments with al" supplemental equipment for appro xim^'^tely 30 transit parties, 3O level parties, an' 10 plane-table parties at the same time. The Department has, also, a representar- tive assortment of calculating machines to enaMe the students to acquire some proficiency in the use of such devices and t® make survey and_ other computations in connection with their classroom and laboratory assignments. Many civil engineering students begin their engineering practice either be- fore or after graduation in positions that involve some knowledpie of surveying. This is one connection they can make with industry whereby their University experience enables them to render immediate service to employers without under- going the usu^l period of apprenticeship so often required to attain professional status. Summer Surveying Camp,- Camp Rabideau - After much of the space conveniently located for surveying practice on the University campus had been taken for build- ing purposes, and after the student enrollment had increased to the point where 2U6a the available areas vvere no longer adequate, serious consider?tion was given to the subject of a summer caop that -/ould provide facilities commensurate with the needs for instruction in surveying practice. As early as I9IO, en effort was made to locrte suitable grounds for a cpjnp site in a number of places in both the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan, but no particular section seemed to meet all of the requirements of rn iderl site, a r6-'U-gh and rugf:ed, unsettled country, dotted with lakes ---nd traversed by water courses, v/herc stu'^ents would work under a variety of conditions somewhat simulating those generally found in actuol practice, L^ter, various places in Illinois, especially the regions near Danville and in a number of St'-te p^rks were consi'^cred, but none of these seemed entirely adequate. The search continue'', hoTcver, -"^nd the matter was 'definitely decided in the l-^tter part of 19^5» v;hen Camp Rpbi'^eau, a former CCC C-^rap locate'' about six miles from Blnckduck and about twenty-five miles northeast of Bemidji, in the million-acre tract of the Chippewa National Forest of No rthv/e stern Minne~ sota was chosen as the most desirable spot having all the opportunites requisite for wide rrnge of surve.ving experience. The tract w^s le-^sed form the U, S. Forest Service, approval having been given by the University Board of Trustees on December 11, It is a note of interest to mention that the camps of the Uni- versity of Minnesota and of Iowa St"te College -re also located in this area. The Camp, consisting of seventeen frrme buildings lighted by electricity and well adapted to the University's use, provides dormitory facilities for ai- bout one-hundred and fifty persons with complementary mess hall, bath house with hot and cold showers and toilets, hcspital, and recreation hall, in addition to the necessary clf'ssrooms, drafting rooms, and library accommodations. The C^^mp has pn excellent deej>-well water supply system pnd a very satisfactory sewage disposal plant. The adjoining lakes offer unusual opportunities for hy- drographic surveying ^n'^ the ne»r-by stipms corresponding facilities for stream gaging pnd measurement. In aMition, the region offers exceptional opportunities for such recrertion?sl diversion as swimming, fishing, canoeing, and hiking. The C-mp, under the general direction of Professor W^ c, Huntington and in 2^7 inmedlate chr.rge of Professor W. H, Raynor, is in operation for P.n cipht-weeks' period during the months of July and Auj^st, pnd p11 students rer:istered with the Department of Civil Enrtineerint: nre expected to attend "betv/ecn their freshmnn nn-^ sophomore ye-rs. The v/ork, consistin,": of lectures, quizzes, nnd drpwinp;— room exercises supplemented by appropri-^te field practice, covers the theory p.nd prac- tice of plane, topographic, and route surveying:, an-^ is equivalent to th-'t former- ly offered in the t\7o three-hour courses of Plp.ne an'^ Topor;raphic Surveying and one YpxiT of Route Surveying, giving a total of seven hours of University credit for the period. For the eight- weeks' session, the University tvition fee is $20 for residents of Illinois ajid $Uo for non-residents> "board is provided in addition at cost. Each stu'-''ent pays his o'm transportation expenses to and from the Cprnp, The ^rea is served by U, S. High'7ay 71 pnr*. the International Palls branch of the Northern Pacific Railway, The Cement and M- sonry Laboratory . 1868-192"^ - Laboratory v;ork in cement and masonry began in 1829 in the store room off the boiler room on the --ground floor of the University Hall, The University bou,~ht a fe-v briquette molds and a pair of grips which the stur'ents utilized in a home-made cement- testin." machine in conducting a series of tests on the adhesion of mortar to brick and on the strength of lime-cement mortar of various proportions. In 1892, the Department established on the around floor of the Chemistry Building (now Barker Hall) one of the first, if not the first, cement laboratory at an educ'tional institution. The equipment rras quite satisfactory, except that, for the numb'^r of students, the supply v;as too small. I^ con'-''ucting the experi- ments, the stu-^ents^ even at first, received definite printed instructions as to the methods of performing the rrork, and made formal vnritten reports thereon. Upon the completion of Engineering Hall in Janu-^ry, 1895, the cement and mr>sonry l^bor-tory w^-^s moved into Rooms 109 pnd 111 on the first floor of that building, .'>nd the equipment -•^n'^- the scope of the 'vork rrere consider'-^bly increased. The equipment consisted of a cement testing machine, several briquette moulding machines, a number of slate tables, briquette moulds, scales, sieves, a rattler and a stone grinder, the last two being driven by an electric motor. The 2Ug laboratory was one of the "best in the country. During the years I90U-06, the laboratory was again located in one of the rooms on the ground floor of the Old Chemistry Building — at that time occupied by the Law School and called the Law Building, and now known as Harker Hall. In 1906, the laboratory moved into the north bay of the Mechanical Laboratory, and remained in that location for a niimber of years. It was provided with apparatus for making the usual tests of hydraulic cement and sand. Facilities were also provided for testing the ingredients of concrete and for mixing and testing con- crete materials. The apparatus and the facilities installed in this laboratory continued to make it the best of its kind in the land. According to a circular issued in I9O8-O9, the laboratory contained all the materials and modern appliances necessary for the proper instruction of one hundred students in sections of twentjs- five each. Sach student had a desk and an individual locknr for his apparatus. In 1915, the laboratory was moved into the first or mezzanine floor of the quarters vacated by the Department of Ceramic Engineering in the old Ceramics Building, now the southwest corner of the Mechanical Engineering LaJhoratory, be- cause the space it occupied in the north bay was sorely needed by the Department of Mechanical Engineering for laboratory practice. This cement and masonry labo- ratory remained in this new location until I923, having been amply supplied with slate tables, testing machines, molding machines, sieves, and sample barrels of hydraulic cement, varieties of sand, and other nocessarj'' materials. The Cement ixnd Concrete Laboratory , I923-I9U5 - The materials of the cement and masonry laboratory, or the cement and concrete laboratory as it came to be caJ-led, were transferred to new laboratory quarters located in the old Boiler House immediately north of the Boncyard after that building was completely refitted in 1923-3U. These new quarters were provided with bins for the storage of cement standard sand, and ordinary and coarse aggregates. Ample spade was available for the student cement tables and for the molding of concrete specimens. There was a separate moist room for storage of these finished specimens. There v/as, too, a 2 briquctto storage tank and a moist clos et with an automatic temperature regulator. 1 The Technograph, I89U-95, Page 177 . 2 The Technograph, May, 192*+, page I98 2^9 Some new equipment made available there included a Ro-tap shieve shaker, a 200,000-pound hydraulic compression testing machine, a motor-driven Jaeger mixer, and additional 2-inch "by U-inch and 6-inch hy 12-inch cylindrical molds. When the new Materials Testing Laboratory, now the Arthur Ilewell Talhot Laboratory, was completed in 1929, the cement and concrete laboratory was moved from the Old Boiler house into a large room on the ground floor of the northeast wing of that building where it has remained to date. Along the south side of the room are three moist rooms for the curing of concrete specimens. There are four large storage bins for materials located outside on the north side of the building with access through the north wall. The equipment in this room includes twenty student work tables for individual use, various types of cement testing machines, balances, sieve shakers, material bins, rocoi'ding thermometers, and concrete mixers. It also includes a steam bath^ moist closet, gyratory riddle, drying oven, 200,000-pound hydraulic compression testing machine, field concreto-beara testing machine, flow table; refrigeration unit, and miscellaneous apparatus and equipment. qi '^In a small sound-proof rcora adjoining this laboratory is installed the original Talbot-Jones rattler for testing the wearing q\ialitios of concrete, and also a standard A.S.T.M. brick rattler. This collection of oqui^jment enables the students to ap})ly all of the ordi- nary regulation and many special tests to cement and concrete according to specifications that ha,vc been stjindardized for such materials, and to gain some proficiency in the use of apparatus generally employed for such purposes. The arrangement of tables for individual work requires the students to carry on in- dependently thereby compelling then to that extent to rely upon their own initi- ative and resourcefulness to bring the experiments to successful conclusion. The Road Materials Laboratory , I906-I923 - The road materials laboratory was provided as a part of the Engineering 3xperimont Station in order to supply in- formation to the State Highway Conmission through tests of all kinds of road materials. More specifically, the ]-)urposo of the laboratory was to study the road 250 building materials of the State and to devise n&n methods of making tests that would represent more accurately the action which materials must undergo when actually in service on the highways. The equipment for testing stone, gravel, and brick was provided and was installed during Jfinuary, I906. The machines we^-e first set up on the ground floor of the Slectrical Engineering Laboratory, i-t- in- cluded a ball mill, a briquette uolding machine, and an impact testing apparatus for determining the cementing properties of macadam stone. The laboratory '.vas al- so supplied with a variety of rattlers and other appliances for testing paving brick and for determining the relative efficiencies of different joint fillers for brick pavements. In September, I906, the equipment was moved to the north bay of the Mechani- cal Engineering Laboratory and by the following December the road materials laborar tory was fully equipped for making complete mechanical tests of road-building materials. It was supplied v.'ith scales and balances, Dcval abrasion and Page im- pact machines, Dorrcy liardncss testing machine, stone cnashor, b^Ll mill, hydrau- lic press, core drill, polishing disc, sieves, a National Brick Manufacturers' Association standard brick rattler, and the Talbot-Jonns brick rattler mentioned under a j)revious heading. The poncr was supplied by one 2-horsepowcr and one lO-horsepov/er induction motor. At that time, the laboratory '.^as one of the most outstanding of its kind in the United States. In 1915, the laboratory -vas moved from the north bay of the Mechanical Engi- neering Laboratory to the room now occupied as a shop on the first floor of the old Ceramics Building, now a jjortion of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory. Considerable equipment had been accumulated by 191^ for testing asphalts and bituminous materials, and this was set up on the second floor of this same build- ing. By I923-2U, the work of the road materials laboratorjr had been sufficiently extended in the work of analysis of oils, tars, asphalts, and other similar materials that the descriptions thereafter were listed in the Annual Register un- der bituminous and non-bituminous laboratories. These are described further in 1 'Hhe Hop.d Materials Testing Laboratory of the University of Illinois", by L.G-. Parker, The Technograph, 1906-07, pages 57-&+. 251 the following paragraphs. The Bituminous Laboratory . 1923-I9U5 - The room which formerly housed the cement laboratory on the first floor of the old Ceramics Building was completely equipped in 1923-2U for elementary bituminous work. Chemical facilities, gas, pn<^ electrical appliances were added for making all the standard analyses and many special tests of bitximinous materials such as asphalts, tars, and other products used in road and building const miction, and other engineering work. The old bituminous laboratory on the second floor was then turned over to use in advanced work in this field for tests which demanded special apparatus and the use of a gas hood. The room -vas provided with a six-stfill gas hood with slid- ing doors, transite partitions, bottom boards, and ventilating fan. Some of the additional equipment installed in the advanced laboratory and the elementary laboratory included a Kotarex extractor, a small electric oven, a Saybolt-Furol viscosimeter, and several types of extraction and distillation apparatus. A centrifuge having a m,'.iximum speed of 3,bOO r.p.m., was added in I92U-25 to be used in making tests of asphalts, oils, and other bituminous mixtures. i/hen the new Materials Testing Laboratory, now the Arthur Newell Talbot Laboratory, was completed in I929, the apparatus used in the elementary bitumi- nous laboratory was transferred from the Old Ceramics Building, now the south- west corner of the Mechanical Laboratory, to Room 201 on the third floor of the northeast wing of the new building. This room still used for this purpose, con- tains a largo work table with a ventilated hood, twelve hooded booths ventilated by a fan, a filtration table \7ith sixteen suction pumps, a centrifugal extraction machine for the examination of bituminous mixtures, a ductility machine, a rotary shelf oven, and several smaller ovens, a constfint-tenperature water bath, asphalt penetration machines, eight analytical balances, specific-gravity apparatus, Engler viscosimeters, etc. Small equipment is kept in 150 tv/alvc-inch cubical lockers. The advanced bituminous laboratory was at first locatc;d in Hoom 207 at the south end of the oast wing of the third floor of this same building, and was 1 The Tcchnograph. May I92U, Page I98. 2^2 equij.ped with six ventilated compartments, constant high- temperature oven, centrifuge, centrifug-al extraction machine for the examination of tiituininous materials, chemical desk, and miscellaneous small equipment. In 1936-37. much of the apparatus in this laboratory was transferred to the elementary "bituminous laboratory to make room for a portion of the sub-grade soils laboratory, so that after that time, most of the bituminous work was done in the one room. The use of this collection of apparatus serves to give the students a good idea of the behavior of bituminous materials under service conditions and to indicate some of the problems that they must face in the desigia, construction, and maintenance of roads and pavements constructed with bitiominous products. The Non-3ituminous Laboratory , 1^2'^-lOik^ - The removal of the cement and concrete equipment from the Old Corjunics Building (noT7 a part of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory) to its ne\7 quarters provided in the Old Boiler House in 19^3-2^, left much-needed space for the expansion of the non-bituminous labora- tory and added greatly to the convenience and efficiency of that laboratory. When the new 1-latorials Testing Laboratory, now the Arthur Newell Talbot Laboratory, was completed in I929, the equipment was transferred from the non- bituminous Laboratory in the Old Ceramics Building mentioned above to the east wing of the third floor of that now laboratory — part of it to Room 201, the elementary bituminous laboratory, and part to Hooms 205 "'JicL 206. This equipment together with \7hat has since been accumulated, consists of two drill presses with diamond-sot core drills for drilling one-inch and two-inch cores, a high-speed abrasive cut-off sav7, a Weaver forcing press for preparing abrasive specimens, a ball mill, a briquette molding machine, a Pago impact machine for cementation, a Page impact machine for toughness, a Dcval abrasion machine, a Dorry machine for hardness, a Ro-tap sieve shaker, and a number of ovens, pan racks, balances, and miscellanoous small appliances. As previously mentioned, the brick rattlers for testing the quality of pav- ing brick are located in a small sound-proof room on the ground floor of the cast wing. In this room is located, also, the original T.-Jbot-Jones rattler used 253 for testing the v/earing qualities of concrete. This assemblage of equipment provided for the most part under the immediate supervision of Professor C.C.ti'iley, for conducting regulation tests according to stsindard specifications of various engineering organi2ations and societies, is well adapted to the study and classification of such materials as hrick, stone, gravel, sand, and other non-bituminous substances used in hard-road constinict ion in connection with either' instiTictional or oxperimental programs. The Stiructural Research Laboratory - A portion of the old Boneyard Boiler House was remodelled to some extent in 1923 for use as a structural research laboratory for work in reinforced concrete carried on by Professor "7. M. ".Tilson. Two new testing machines were i",6ta3.1ed there.— one a 300,000-pound Riehle machine purchftpei in I923, capable of taking a 20-foot bean, column, or tensile specimen, and the other a 30,Ono-poTaid, 3-screw. Rifthle machine, acquired in I92U, equipped with autographic attechment, Vfeen the new Materials Testing Laboratory, now the Arthur Kewcll Talbot Laboratory, was completed in 1929, the structural research progr«D was materially expanded, for not only was the old ap})aratus transferred to the new location, but also much new equipment '.vas added, occupying the west end of the south bay and the main portion of the north bay. The large fatigue machines located in the south bay, some of the largest of their type in existence, are designed to study the fatigue phenomena of large-size plates, electric v/elds, and riveted joints under repeated and reversed stresses. Operating continously in applying a load of 200,000 pounds at the rate of 185 times a minute, the e(iuipment accelerates conditions as they usually occur in practice to accomplish in a comparatively short time whfit it would ordinarily take years to do iinder service conditions. The laboratory in the main or north ba^-- is shared '7ith the Department of Theoretical and Applied I'lcchanics for the study of the behavior of large-size specimens of metal, wood, rcinforcod-concretc and other structures under the action of tensile, compressive, transverse, shearing, and torsional force. The room, Uo feet wide by lUy feet long, occupies the central portion of the building to its full height, and is served by a 10-ton traveling crane that operates 50 feet above the floor line. Of the several large testing machines located in this 25^4 room used mainly in the conduct of research, the largest is the Emery- Tat nail machine of 3,000,000 i)ounds capacity, ^vhich is capable of handling a 38- foot tension or compression member. Another is a 600,000-pound Eiehle xiniversal machine designed to receive a 25-foot tension or compression specimen. Still others include a 230, 000- inch-pound Olsen torsion machine and a 200,000-pound Riehle universal machine. All of these machines are described more fully \inder Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. In addition, there v/as installed there, also, the 300, -000-pound and the 30,000-pound Hiehlo machines described above. The Soils and other Granular Materials Laboratory - In I936-37, most of the advanced bituminous laboratory apparatus and stone-testing equipment was trans- ferred to the elementaiy bituminous laboratory; and the rooms, 206 and 207, i^ the Talbot Laboratory thus vacated, were fitted up as a laboratory in soils mechanics. Hoom 208, -.vhich was devoted to soils h,HS been continued for that use in the conduct of special research projects. After the spnitary engineering laboratory was moved from Hoom II3 in this building in 19^3. the "tepacc thus va- cated was also taken over for soil-mechanics research purposes. The equipment, augmented from time to time, consists of appliances required to conduct routine and special tests for the classification of subgrade soils and to examine the physical cliaract eristic 5 of soils in foundations and embankments. It includes apparatus for the study of such topics as hydromechanics, freezing and tha',-7ing, consolidation and compaction, subsidence and displacement, and shear- ing and bearing of soils. The special devices include shear and compression machines, pressure cells, pen.ieaEieters, presses and consolidating instruments, and humid and freezing rooms. There are a number of model deep bins varying in size up to four feet in diameter for the stutty of bearing of grain against the bottom and sides of storage bins. The Sanitary Zngineoring Laboratory , I926-I945 - When the Department of of Municioal and Sanitary Engineering was discontinued in I926, the work in sani- tary engineering v/as trpjisf erred to the Department of Civil Engineering. The experimental work in sewage treatment continued to be carried on as before 255 1 under the immediate direction of Professor H. S. Babtitt, in the small wooden structure located east of G-oodv/in Avenue on the north bail!: of the 3oneyard about on line with Harvey Street, until 19^3. v/hen a neT Sanitary Sncineering Labora- tory Building was erected. Vmen the Materials Testing Laboratory (The Arthur lle'vell Talbot Laboratory) was completed in 1929. h sanitary laboratory for student use was provided in a suite of rooms on the second floor of the east ving of that building. It was equipijed for making the standard mici-oscopic and chemical analyses of water, and for the study of sev/age. After the new Sanitary Engineering Laboratory Building was erected in 19^3. ?i-s mentioned above, the desks, chemicals, and other facili- ties were moved to this new location. A room on the ground floor was set aside for graduate and other research work, and one on the second floor, for under- graduate and other yoooagoh vwpk , — ftn :er was awa^/' on leave, that Professor Sanborn acted as Head of the Department of Civil Engineering hero, serving with the title Assistant Professor. Professor Sanborn is author of a textbook entitled " Me- chanics Problems for Engineering Students" Allen Boyer McDaniel (3.S., I9OI, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was employed in engineering ])i-acticG until I906, when he became Instructor in Civil Engineering at Case School of Applied Science. After a yeay there he be- came Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of South Dakota and re- mained with that school until I912. He then served as Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois during 1912-lb. He resigned to accept an appointment as Head of the Department of Civil Engineering at Union College. He is author of a textbook entitled "Excavating Machinery" , and of an- other "Earthwork, Parts I and 11". He is author also of one bulletin of the En^ nocring Experiment Station here. John Ira Parcel (3.S. I903, 'Jestfield College; B.S., I909, University of Illinois) was Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering at the University here during the year 1913-l^i having had several yea,rs ' experience before that in structural work and teaching. He left the University to n.ccept a position at the University of Minnesota. Clarence Stanley Gale (3.S., igOb, Purdue University) followed engineering practice until I913. '-^hen he served as editor on tho staff of Dean Goss for tho Chicago Association of Commerce Commission on Smoke Abatement and Electrification of Hailways, during I9I3-I6. He continued with the College as Instructor in 279 Civil Engineering during I915-I7 and as Assistant Professor during I917-I2. Dur- ing 1917-lg, also, he was Assistant to the Director of the Engineering Experiment Station here. He resigned to enter commercial work. Clyde Beethoven Pyle (B.S., I9II, and C.E., I9I7. University of Pennsylvania) taught mechanics of materials and structures at the University of Pennsylvania during 1911-13- He was engaged in structural-engineering practice from I913 to 1921, and came to the University of Illinois in Septenber, 1921, as Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering. Ke left in August, 1922, to talce up work again in structural-engineering practice. Edward Ezra Bauer (B.S. 1919, C.S., I927, and M.S., I929, University of niinois) Joined the University staff in I919 as Assistant in Civil Engineering. He 'bocame Instructor in I920, Associate in I929, and Assistant Professor in 1931' He is author of tV7o textbooks entitled "--dghway Materials" and "Plain Concrete". Franl; Vfa i t worth Stubbs (B.S-. 1921. and C.E., I926, University of Colorado; i.^S., 1932, University of Illinois) served as Instructor at the Uaiversity of Colorado during I92I-23 and then was engaged in practice during 1923-26. He be- came Instructor in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois in September, 1926, Associate in I929, and Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering in I93I. He resigned in September, I936, to become Professor of Civil Engineering and Head of the Dc2)artmcnt at Hliode Island State College, and has remained in that position to date. Professor Stubbs is author of a textbook eiititlcd "Estimates and Cost of Construction". Although not published until I938, much of the manuscript was written while Professor Stubbs was at the University of Illinois. George Harper Dell (B.S. 1922, and C.E. 1926, Ponnsylv^xnia State College; M. S., 1931 and Ph.D., I9U3, University of Illinois) was employed in engineering practice until he came to the University in September, I927, as Instructor in Civil Engineering. He was made Associate in I933, and Assistant Professor in 19^1. Professor Dell's instnactional field has been survoyiiig, although he taught some classes in Civil Pilot Ground courses after that work was instituted in I9U2. Professor Dell is author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment 280 Station. Ralph TYendel Kluge (3.S. 1922, and M.S., I93O, University of Illinois) be- C'line Instructor in Civil Engineering here in September, 1030, and Special Re- search Assistant in February,. 1931- He was made Instructor in Civil Engineering in February, 193^4, and Special Research Associate in September, 1935- ^e was transferred to the Department of Theoretical and Applied l':echanics in December, 1936, with the title Special Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Me- chanics. Ko was given the rank of Special Research Assistant Professor in that Department in 19*41, but resigned in October following. Professor Kluge is author of one bulletin and is co-author of six others published by the Engineering Experiment Station. Ralph Brazelton Peck (C.E., 193^4. andD.G.E., I937, Renssclear Polytechnic Institute) was engaged in practical engineering work involving the design of engineering structures and foundations until he became Lecturer on Soil Mechanics at the University in September, I9U2. He was made Research Assistant Professor in December, 19^2. For a paper entitled "Earth- Pros sure Measurements in Open Cuts of the Chicago Subway", Doctor Peck was honorc;d in 19^5 '^ith the Norman medal, the highest award conferred by the American Society of Civil Engineers, James Gordon Clark (3.S., I935, and M.S., I939, University of Illinois) served as Instructor in Civil Engineering at Oregon State College and was for a time engaged in engineering practice before coming to the University of Illinois as Instructor in Civil Engineering in September, I936. He was made Associate in I9U1, and Assistant Professor in I9U3 . He was given a leave of absence from November 1, l^hk, until March 1, 19^+5, to t,ake a position in structural design in the aircraft industry. o. Associates Lawrence Gilbert Parker (3.S. 1902, and C.E,, I907, University of Illinois) served as Instructor in the Department during 1902-0? and as Associate during 1907-10.. He resigned to take up engineering practice. Neal Bryant Garver (3.C.E., 1905, andO.E., 1911, Iowa State College) was 281 employed in structural engineering from I905 to 1S)10, after which he came to the University of Illinois as Instructor in Civil Sngineering. He was made Associate in 1913, and remained with the University until October, I9I8, when he resigned to engage in practical work again. Raymond Earl Davis (3.S., 1911, and C.i:., 191^, University of Maine; M.S. 1916, University of Illinois) served as Instinictor in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois during I9II-I7 and Associate during I9I7-IS. He resigned in January, I9I8, to ontor military service; but later joined the faculty of the University of California, . and since I926 has been Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Engintioring Materials Laboratory there, lie was granted the honorary degree of Dr.Eng. by the University of Maine in I936. While at the Uni- versity of Illinois, Mr. Davis waa co-author of a tcrctbook cmtitled "Manual of Surveying for Field and Office" and was author of onu bulletin issued by the Engineering Experiment Station. Sinco leaving the University, he became co-author of other texts in the field of surveying, Craig Potter Ha.zolet (3.3. igi'j, University of Washington; B.S., I9I8, Kassachusetts Institute of Tuclinology) was employed in engineering practice dur- ing 1915-17 and I9IS-20. Ho came to the University of Illinois in I92O as In- structor in Civil Engineering* Ho v/as made Associate in I921, but left the Uni- versity in October, 1922, to accept a position as Office Engineer of the Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Company of Chicago. Later, ho bcc-imc General I'ianager of this organization. Henry Prit chard Ev;ins , Jr . (3.S. 1932, Carnegie Institute of Technologj/; M.S. 1933 1 University of lo^^a) spent three years in practical work after graduation, and then joined the staff at the University of Illinois in September, I936, as Associate in Civil Engineering. Ho w;.i.s given a leave of absence in July, 19^2, to join the U.S. Armed Forces. Alphonse Anthony Brielmaior (B.S., I926, and C.E,, I929, Case School of Applied Science; M.S., I93O, University of Illinois) was appointed Associate in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois in Soptombor, 1937. and remained in the Department until ho resigned in June, I9U3, to join the U.S. Army 282 Engineer Corps, Mr. Brielmaier is author of one circular issued by the Engineer- ing Experiment Station. Thomas LeRoy Speer (B.S,, 1938, Armour Institute of Technology) was em- ployed in engineering practice before joining the staff at the University of Illinois in September, 19U3, as Special Research Associate in Soil Mechanics. He remained in the University until September, 19Uli. Vail Hall Moore (B.S. 1933, University of Illinois) after some years in teaching and practical experience, served as Associate in Sanitary Engineering here during the second semester of 19U3-UU. In September, 19l;U, he was trans- ferred to the Department of Physics. Ahmet Munci Qzelsel (B.S., 1939, Rober'-.s College; M.S., 19Ul, and Ph.D., 19kh, University of Illinois) became Special Research Assistant in Civil Eng- ineering at the University of Illinois in September, 19U3, and Special Research Associate in September, 19U5. Thomas Hampton Thornburn , (B.S. in Chem., 1938, University of Illinois; Ph.D., 19hl, Michigan State College) after a year in research with the Michigan State Highway Department and three years' service in the U.S. Army Air Forces, joined the University here in the fall of 19U5, as Research Associate. f. Lecturers Albert Edward Cummings (B.S., 1921, and C.E., 1922, University of Wisconsin' became Lecturer in Foundation Engineering at the University in September, 19iil. He was not employed full time, but gave lectures vhenever they could be arranged. He still maintains his connection in 19U5. William Homer Wisely , (B.S., 1928, and C.E, 19U1, University of Illinois) while engaged as engineer in charge of administration and operation of the Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District, has served as Lecturer in Sanitary Engineering since the second semester of 19h3-UU. ■trrrA . , Prf* ; >g.q).. agooM n^ ;llfiq9(I 7£nU s-f<-^ MiijinaifO fa-iswba J-isdiA ,v:If»&-tW tamaU m&LLLiV! 282a Frank Alfred Randall , (B.S. 1905, and C.E., 1909, University of Illinois) Consulting Structural Engineer with offices in Chicago, was appointed Special Lecturer in Structural Engineering here in September, 19UU» Mr. Randall has for some time been making an exhaustive study of Chicago buildings, with emphasis on structural developments during the entire history of the city. Karl Terzaghi (Dr. Tech., 1911, Technische Hochschule, Graz, Austria) was employed in engineering practice in Europe during 1905-11 and in the United States during 1912-lU. He was professor of Civil Engineering at Roberts College from 1915 to 1925 and Professor of Foundation Enj:. ineoring at Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 192$ to 1929. He served as a professor in the Technische Hochschule in Vienna and as consulting engineer from 1929 to 1938. Since 1938, he has been Lecturer at Harvard University and since the fell of 19U5, has in addition, been Lecturer at the University of Illinois. Doctor Terzaghi is author of "Morphologie und Hydrographie des Kroatischen Karstes", "Erdbaumechanik" , and "Theoretical Soil Mechanics", and is co-author of "Ingenieurieologie", "Theorie der Setzung von Tonschichten", and "Erdbaumechanik und Baupraxis". He is the leading world authority in the field of soil mechanic and in 1930, was awarded the Norman Medal of the American Society of Civil Engineers for his paper "The Science of Foundations - Its Present and Future", g. Instructors and Research Assistants Alfred Leonhardt Kuehn (B.S., 1900, University of Illinois) served as In- structor in the Department during 1900-02, after which he left to take a position in railway service, being Engineer Maintenance of Way for the C.C. & L. Railway from 1902 to 190U, Engineer of Maintenance of Way for the Big Four Railway from 190U to 1906, and Superintendent of Way of that line from 1906 to 1909. Mr. Kuehn then joined the staff of the American Creosoting Company, in due time I moil >jaoIorL' L-i ".' '-MX'; -&,.! b5^1IA 283 ■becominfi; President of the organization with offices in Chicai-^o. Harlow Barton Kirkpatrick (3.S., I9OI, University of Illinois) was In- structor in Civil Sncineering here during the school year igoi-02, after which he took up engineering practice. Louis Liston Tallyn (B.S., I9OI, University of Illinois) served as Instructs in Civil Engineering here during I9OI-O2, after which he vdthdrew to enter rail- way service. Hoy Irving ]7ebber (S.S. , 1399, P^-irdue University; CH., I906, University of Illinois) spent the years 1899-02 in engineering practice, after which he served as Instructor in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois during 1902-Ob. He withdrew to go to Pennsylvania State College as Assistant Professor of otructural Engineering. Later, he 'became Su])erint endent of Buildings and Grounds there, and retained that position until his death in May, I929. He was author of Bulletin No. 6 issued by the Engineering Experiment Station in I906. Leslie Abrain T?atorbury (3.S. inC.S,, I902, C.E.,1905, 3. S. , -in A.S. , 1915, and A.E., I91S, University of Illinois) served as Instmctor in Mathematics and Civil Engineering at Michigan Agricultural College during I902-O3, and as In- structor in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois during I903-O7 . He resigned to take a position as Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Arizona. Ho was author of a textbook entitled "A Vest Pocl:et Handbook of Mathematics", and of a:iothor "Ccncnt Laboratory litinual" and of still ;«iother, "Laboratoi-/ I'lanual for the Use of Students". Ho died on J\inc I5, I9IS, at Nitro, West Virginia. Banus Hut son Pr a ter (3.S., I903, University of Illinois) served as In- structor in the Department hero during 1903-0U. He then joined the staff of the Isthmian Canal Commisr.ioi.. In 1906, llr. Prater bec;amc connected with the Oregon Short Line iiailroad, v/hich later was ta-ken over by the Union Pacific System. He was advanced in position on that lino until in I925, he became Chief Engineer. He served in that capacity until I932, when he was made District Engineer of the three western districts of the Union Pacific System. Since 1937, 2gU he has been Chief Engineer of these lines. Guy Henry Rump (3.S., I90U, ;ind C.S., I912, University of Illinois) was In- stnictor in Civil Engineering here for the academic year 190U-0[3, a-fter which he took up engineering practice. John Jefferson Richey (3,S., I903, and C.E., I910, University of Illinois) served as Instructor in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics dur- ing I903-O5. Ee then wont into engineering practice, hut returned to the Univer- sity in 1907 to "become Instructor in Civil Engineering. He resigned in September 1912, to accept an appointment as Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. Ralph Bethuel Slippy (B.S., I903, andC.E., I905, Cornell College, Iowa) served as Instructor in Civil Engineering at the University during I906-IO. Charles Clinton Albright (3.S., I903 and C.E., I90S, Purdue University) spent several years in engineering practice after graduation, then served as In- st inictor in Civil Engineering at the University during I9O8-O9 . Ho resigned to accept a position at Purdue. Archie Rood Alger (S.E., I90U, and C.3., I9II, Michigan Agricultural Collcg^ served as Instructor in Civil Engineering in Michigan Agricultural College dur- ing I90U-O7 and in Case School of Applied Science during I907-O8. He was engaged in engineering practice during the next year, and came to the University of Illinois as Instructor in Civil Engineering in I909. He remained here until 1913> '^hcn he v/ithdrev/ to re-enter practical ^7ork. Charles Elliott Henderson (3.S., 1906, University of Illinois) was employed in railv/ay service until he joined the staff here in September, I909, as In- structor in Civil Engiiieoring. He withdrew at the end of that school year to re- turn to engineering practice. Jei-ome Goodspeed Van Zandt_ (3.S., I90U, Purdue University; C.E,, I907, Uni- versity of Wisconsin) was engaged in engineering practice during I90U-O6, and as a teacher of civil engineering in the University of 7/isconsin and University of Southern California during I906-IO. Ho then joined the staff at the University 2S5 of Illinois in SeptembGr, I9IO, as Instructor in Civil Engineering, but resigned at the end of the school year to re-enter engineering practice. George Inncs Gay (3.S,, I909, and C,3., I912, University of Colorado) served as Instructor in Civil Engineering at the University of Colorado during I909-IO, then cane to the University with the same title. He withdrew; at the end of the school year, however, to accept a position at the University of California. Lockv/ood Janes Townc (Fh.3., I905, Depauw University; B.S., I909, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology) followed engineering practice during I909-IO and served as Adjunct Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Nebraska during I9IO-II. He then Joined the staff here as Instructor in Civil Engineering, but at the end of the school year I9II-I2, bocane Superintendent of Construction in the Office of Supervising Architect. He left to take up practice again. Frank Morris Okey (B.C.E. , I90U, Iowa State College) y/as employed in engi- neering practice until ho Joined the University staff here in I91I as Instructor ir. Civil Engineering. After a year here, he accepted a position as Professor of Civil Engineering at Colorado College. Guy G. Mills (B.S., I912, University of Illinois) '7as engaged in practical work for a year after graduation, then Joined the College staff here as In- structor in Civil Engineering. He served from December, I913, to June, I91U, and from February to June, I915. Hq withdrew finally to return to practice. Camillo Weiss (C.E. , I9IO, Vienna Trjchnischle Hochschule; M.S., I9I7, Uni- versity of Illinois) was employed from 1910 to I9I7 as stnictural engineer with various firms in the United States, after which he served during the academic year I917-IS as Instructor in Structural Engineering at the University of Illinois. He withdrew to return to practice. Earl '.Yesley Carrier (E.S., I9IS, University of Illinois) served as Instructor in Civil Engineering here from September, I9IS, to June, I920, after which he became associated with the Illinois Terminal Railroad. Clyde KqIso Mathews (B.3., I9I9, University of Kansas) was Instructor in 286 Surveying here from Scptcmlicr, 1921 to September, I92U. Walter Thompson Morro'.? (3.S., I9I8, University of Colorado) became In- structor in Stmctural Engineering at the University of Illinois in September, 1921, and remained here until September, 192"+. Chauncey Brockway Sclimeltger (3.S., I919, and M.S., 1920, University of Illinois) became Assistfint in Surveying in I920 a-nd Instructor in September, I92I, Ke retained this position until September, 1926, when he '.Tithdrew to engage in engineering practice. Harry Clow Boardman (3.S., I9IO, and C.3., I926, University of Illinois) was employed for several years in practical work, then joined the College staff here in September, 192^, as Instructor in Civil Engineering. He remained until Sep- tember, 1926, when he accepted a position with the Chicago Bridge and Iron '.Torks. Holand Horton (E.S., 1921, University of Oklaiaoma) served as Instructor in Civil Engineering at the University here from September, I92U, to September^ ^-92S. Harold Theodore Lars en (B.3., I923, and C.S., I92S, University of Illinois) v/as Instructor in Civil Engineering hero from September, I926, to September, I927, when he resigned to join the editorial staff of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Harold Everett Wessman (3.S.. I92U, M.S., 192|;, C.E., I929, and Ph.D. I936, University of Illinois) joined the University staff here as Instructor in Civil Engineering in September, I927. after two years of experience in practice. He resigned in September, I929, to accept a position in China. Since 1937, Doctor Wessman has boon Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering and Professor of Structural Engineering at Hew York University. Oeorge Everottc Spencer (3.S., 1927, Purdue University) -.vas Instructor in Civil Engineering at the University of Maine during 1927-28, then joined the staff at the University of Illinois in September, I92S, as Instructor in Civil Engineering. Ho resisted at the end of the academic year to accept an appoint- ment at Purdue. 287 Elmer Michael Loebs (S.S., I92S, Purdue Univei'sity) taught a year at Pur- due, then came to the University of Illinois in September, I929, as Instructor in Civil Engineering. He resigned at the end of the school year, to engage in engineering practice. Harry Bdv/ard Schlenz (3^S. I927, M.S., 1929, and C.E.. I933, University of Illinois) was Instinictor in Civil Engineering during I929-3O. He is co-author of one bulletin issued by the Engineering Experiment Station, '.Vilf red Main Honour (3.S., I929, Georgia Institute of Technology; M.S. ,1932, University of Illinois) served as Special Research Assistant in Civil Engineering from ScptombGr, I929, to February, 1932. Kenneth CIgl-i Tippy (3.S,, I927, andti.S., 1931, University of Illinois) be- came Instructor in Civil Engineering here in Soptomber, 1930' ^o resigned in April, 193^. to accept a position with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Marvel Prod Lindenan (3.S., I928, .andM.S., 193(1, University of Illinois)wa3 Xnstnactor in Civil Engineering from February to June, 1931- Bonn Joseph Loland (3.S. 193^, and M.S. 1936, University of Illinois) served as Hcsearch Assistant in Civil Engineering from March to Juno, 193^i sind as Special Hcsearch Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering during 193^-36. He is co-author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station, Max Sut£r (Dipl.Ing. , 1913i Podcral Polytechnic School, Zurich, Switzerland; M.S., 1933, and Ph.D., 1935. University of Illinois) served as Special Research Assistant in Civil Engineering from January to Juno 193^. Franlc Peter Thomas (3.S.,1929, Carnegie Institute of Technology; M.S. I93I. University of Illinois) was Special Research Assistant in Civil Engineering from February, I936, to March, 1937 • He is co-author of two bulletins of the Engi- neering Experiment Station. John Van Veghten Coombe (B.S., I93O, and M.S., 1933, University of Illinois) was appointed Special Reseai'ch Assistant in Civil Engineering here effective in Fcbru;\ry, I937 but resigned in December, I9U0, to accept an appointment with the U.S. Navy. Mr. Coombe is joint author of three bulletins of the Engineering 288 Experiment Station. Gordon Lutz Jeppesen (B.S., 1936, and M.S., 1938, University of Illinois) was made Instructor in Civil Engineering here in September, 1938, but resigned in September, 1939. Charles Udell Kring (B.S., 1932, and M.S., 1939, University of Illinois) became Instructor in Civil Engineering in April, 1939, and resigned in June, 1939. Thomas Hunter McCrackin, Jr . (B.S., 19U0, University of Illinois) served as Special Research Assistant in Civil Engineering from September, 19iiO to April 1, 19U2, when he resigned to enlist in the U.S. Armed Forces. He is co-author of two bulletins of the Engineering Experiment Station. David Hume Caldwell (B.S., 1938, University of California: M.S., 19hO, and Ph. D., 19U3, University of Illinois) joined the staff at the University in I9I4I as Instructor in Civil Engineering. He resigned in 19U3 to become Director of the Research Laboratory for the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, California State Department of Health. Doctor Caldwell is co-author of two bulletins of the Engineering Experiment Station. Walter Edmund Hanson (B.S., 1939, Kansas State College) became Instructor in Civil Engineering in February, 19li2, for the remainder of that college year, but returned to the same position in February, 19U6. Mehmet Nejat Tokay , (See Theoretical and Applied Mechanics). William Herman Munse , (B.S., 19U2, and M.S., 19UU, University of Illinois) was engaged in engineering practice until he joined the staff at the University here in September, 19U3, to give one-third of his time as Instructor in Civil Engineering and two-thirds as Special Research Assistant in Civil Engineering. He withdrew from the University in September, 19hh» Clinton Paul Atkins , (B.S., 19U2, University of Illinois) was employed in structural designing in industry until he accepted an appointmeftt in September, 19U$, as Special Research Assistant. y*i iud ,1 i, ;0?. ;!j s'l^ri '4:.'.r'j.,>of:j on. , i.av J ■ ,.■■;.'.■ ;.:.i'-io:j:,:^ .i ic \ji--::Vi' Iti'^U n:. vii^:-i:.vaTU ..riJ •.'J .;.'•: tanl ■•.•i.G;.'--*d rgaalXoO 9d'6vff ?o-ini-,:i .'.f';:, .^.H-.O) no?.f»>H bni/fltbS': - ^3-+q?if^ ni •■fKamjTtioCfrjfi ;,., :: -; x3rr-'-.!--:-'j 289 H. Summary- General - While Civil Engineering was one of the original four departments in engineering as it was organized shortly after the opening of the University, it has continued all through the years to be one of the major units of the College, The rapid advancements made in its installations of laboratory equip- ment and the numerous changes effected in its curricular programs are only reflections of progress as it has occurred in engineering practice in this particular field. While it is true that emphasis on special subjects has changed from time to time following developments in practice, the fact remains that the fundamental principles of training towards certain objectives have not altered to any considerable extent, and that the main purpose is still to provide a grade of instruction that will supply a body of men so grounded as to permit them to meet any social as well as engineering and economic problems that they may be called upon to attend. The departmental staiff has been active in experimental work as well as teaching, as the list of Station publications indicates, and its accomplishments in this direction have had a substantial influence in shaping improvements in the design, construction, and operation of engineering materials and engineering projects, in both public and private enterprise. m^'.fi ■-■/..■'xq 290 CHAPTER IX THS DEPAHTliBlIT OF ABCIiIT3CTUH3 A. OS&AKIZATIOII General - Although Architecture v/as one of the divisions in the Polytechnic Department recommended in the report made by the Hegent and the four Trustees in lSb7, it took some time to get the vrork established. Ko mention is made of any staff assigned to this Department until IS7O-7I, \7hen the University Catalogue and Circular listed James Bellangco, U.S. \7ith the title of Teacher of Archi- tecture and Jlcclianical Drawing, lir. Bcllangce had spent a brief period as a draftsman in a Chicago office. That same issue of the Catalogue and Circular al- so contained an njinounccnent of the School of Architocturo as it v/as then called, with mention of a definite cours> of studies arraiigod for the instructional pro- gram, ^.vhich was patterned very closely after Civil Snginc-ring. In I87I, the work Y/as taken over 'oy Mr. Hansen who had spent tv7o years at the Bau-'Academie in Berlin. Mr. Hansen taught architectural dra'.7ing, and for one term,' taught also a course in architectural design fUid rendering. In June, 187^, he went to Chicago to work for the suromer, the fire there having occasioned the need for many men trained in architecture,. On account of illness, however, he did not return in the fall, and a senior student named Nathan Clifford Hicker took charge of the work at the University, -/here he was graduated from his o-m department in the following llarch> It is of interest to note that the IS7O-7I issue of the Catalogue and Circular carried the statement that "This Department is for the present appended to the College of Engineering. Its studies embrace many of those belonging to the course in Civil Engineering. They include, also. Architectural Drawing, the principles and styles of Architecture, the history of Architecture, aiid plans and specifications for buildings of all kinds". ".Thile the School or Department con- tinued as a nominnl unit of the Colleg. , it ,lid not bucoLie a well-established organization until October, I873, when young Hicker returned to the University to t,ake charge of the School with the title of Instructor in Architecture. 291 Throughout the years, the Department developed very rapidly, and in 1390, there was added the Division of Architectural Engineering, the first of its kind in this country, to provide training in the engineering features of "building design and construction. B. OBJECTIVES MD METHODS OE INSTHUCTIOil 1 Objectives - As stated in the 1872-73 issue of the University Catalogue and Circular: "This school is designed for those '-/ho desire to fit themselves for the profession of Architect or Builder. The specialties of the Course arc taught upon the same general plan as in the European Art Schools, by a gentleman of much practical experience, who is no'.7 studying in Berlin, but is expected to return this yepr. The Eistory of Architecture is taught by Lectures during the second and third years, and it is arranged to give Cprpentcrs, Builders and Masons, not able to take a full Architectural Course, the opportunity of getting the whole history of Architecture in one year, besides instruction in Architectural Drawing. The principles of the different styles of Architecture arc taught partly by lectures, but chiefly by drawing exercises". A publication issued in 1S99-1900-? outlined the objectives of the Department as follo'vs: 1. To prepare younf^ architects thoroughly for the actual conditions and requirements of American Practice. 2. To give a thorough training in construction. 3. To gnther from history of past architecture, ideas that arc suggestive and useful now. U. To develop and cultivate power in design as fully as possible. k As stated also in a still later publication: "The priaary aim of the course in architecture is to fit the student to conceive and design buildings which shall be at once thoughtful and beautiful. The aim of the course in Architectuial Engineering is to train the student thoroughly in the scientific determination and verification of structural methods. The subjects studied must bo largely the same, but emphasis and method of treatment are and should be different". Department al Divisions - As the professional field expanded and as the 1 Page 36 2 Young Nathan C. Sicker 3 "Circular of the Department of Architecture, I099-I9OO", page 6. U. "University of Illinois, The Department of Architecture; Development , Conditioi Ideals", by Sidney F..:imball, I913 . 292 enrollment in architecture grew in response to the demand for men trained in this particular line, the v;ork in the department began to sh/ipe itself into di- visions so that in about ig2U, there existed the divisions of design, freehand drawing, architectural engineering, hi stor-/ of architecture, and construction, each under the direction of 9t*e member of the staff. Optional curricula were offered in architecture and architectural engineering until 1930-31. -^hen three options were announced: namol7, design, construction, and general architecture, each with a number of divisions of study. This was later reduced to t\7o: anmely, general option for students seeking a degree in architecture, and construction option for students sookiag t» Aogroo ' in np e hi t eetun a, -^anji-i io nct yu n t i on O' j ^ * i-ett-^oir-fftn-dent s working for a degree in architectural engineering. The Competitive System in Architectural Design - For a number of years now, the work in Architectural Design has been conducted under an arrangement of competitive conditions. The following description taken from the Architectural \ Year Book of I9I6, explains the procedure as practiced at that time. "The work in (architectural) design of the last three years is not divided into courses of fixed duration, but into six stages of a fixed degree of diffi- culty, through which the students advance in varying lengths of time, depending on their ability and success. The first three grades are devoted primarily to the study of simple architectural units; the general elements of facades — bays, pavilions, loggias, and so on; the general elements of the plans — vestibules, porticoes, stairways, and other means of circulation. The three upper grades are devoted primarily to the study of composition, using these elements, in the de- sign of complete buildings of increasing extent and complexity. Problems are of two chief kinds; rendered problems lasting sov. ral weeks, in which mature study is given and somewhat elaborate drawings are made, representing the subject with essential completeness; sketch pi-oblcms of a week or less, in which an idea is presented in a more summary w;ij'» "All these problems arc competitive, based on a set of common requirements to which each man must conform. The drawings arc graded by a jury composed of all the instructors in design, avoiding any injustice through personal idio- syncrasy or favoritism. Immediately after the judgment, while the difficulties of the problems arc still fresh in mind, the drawings are hung in the exhibition hall of the department to enable the students to compare solutions and progress. "The av/ards given in the problems are 'Pass', which denotes an average standard of excellence, 'Mention', and "Mention Commended', which denote successive degrees of distinguished excellence. For very exceptional work a i still higher recompense, the 'Medal' is given". An acc-umulative point system for the design courses v/as developed for rat- ing the rendered exercises that confonnod to the University grading plan 1 Page 10. 293 established for evaluating student performance, first accordine to the original numerical schedule and later according to the literal scheme v;hich became effective in I9I7 . In order to secure the benefits of decisions by an impartial jury having no local interest, the Department of Architecture here in I922, decided to accept the plan maintained by the Beaux Arts Institute of Design in Ilev? York City where- by its students could compete with those from other architectural schools in the United States in the submission of problems assi-^ied under that system. In pur- suance of this policy, the acc\inulative point system then in effect for grading the students' work as well as for the administrative records of the Department, was carefully revised to represent the schedule and awards of the Institute while conforming to the University regulations for reporting grades. In carrying out the plan, a semester's work is assumed to be of fifteen vecks duration regardless of the actual calendar time assigned to it. A certain number of weeks of credit is allotted to each 3.A.I.D. jirojet, which corresponds as closely as possible to the actual time spent in developing the problem, A valu-- ation representing a certain number of points a week is assigned to each award as given by the Institute. The number of points gained by a student on a projet is found by multiplying the allotted number of weeks on a pro jot by the number of points a. week assi^od to the award. The assi;i3amcnt of points to B.A.I.D. awards in class A, for example, are: 1st Ilodal, S points a week; 2nd Medal, 7 loints a week; 1st i'iontion, 6 points a wcrlr; find 2nd Mention, 5 points a week. A total of 90 points or more for a semester's > Tade is equivalent to an A grade in the Uni- versity schedule; 30-39, 3; 70-79, C; 6O-69, D; and below 60, E. The ratings for Class B and other projcts arc figured on a similar basis. Under this system of com .(itition, rivalry between schools of the country in securing recognition for student production has become very keen. ?or obvious reasons, each department is anxious to have its students receive the highest awards; and no doubt, students arc inspired to do better work when they know their' product will be judged in a nation-wide contest, but th... scheme does place a ^ tln^vcrsiTy^oi^'^fYTinSis^'*^ ^^ ^*^® office of the Department of Architecture at the 29U heavy responsibility upon the instructors in charge of the assignments. C. BUILDING AlID ROOM ACCOMODATIONS Room Assignments for Class and Drawing-Room Vi'ork - The first classes in architecture met in the Olil University Building until University Kail was opened in December, 1373, when the Department was assigned to the northeast tower room on the fourth floor. Later, the next room became available, ".ftien the number of students had increased to 65, the Department was transferred to three rooms on the fifth or top floor of the east wing. It remained in these quarters until the 1 fall of 1S9^, '-.'hen it v/as installed on the fourth floor of the new Engineering Hall in quarters which it occupied during the most of the remainder of its stay in the College of Dngincorin". It utilized Dractically the entire space on this floor, which "-'as divided into class-rooms, drafting room, private studies, or offices for the teaching staff, a bluc'"print labomtoi-^-, a photo studio, a seminary room, a lecture room, a musour:, and a cabinet room. The photo studio .and the blueprint laboratory wcro in the so\i*hwest corner of the west wing, the Mhoto studio being equipped v/ith a number of cameras and a dark room, ;t,nd the blueprint laboratory consisting of an office, a sensitizing room, and a printing room. The printing room was supplied v/ith a printing frame, with developing sinks, and -\. drying fr,'imo. 'The lecture room, lioom 4l2, was fitted with a stejrpod floor aiid had a seat- ing capacity of seventy-five. It was sup^died with an electric-arc lantern of the latest and most approved design. The cabinet room cont^.ined about 1,200 slides, all listed in a card index system for convenience. At the beginning of the second semester, V^2'J-2o, the doDartment moved into its new building on the south campus, vacating all but t-/o of its rooms formerly occupied in Snginecring Hnll. These new quarters provided additional space and much better working arrangements arid facilities than -.^hs possible to have in iingincering Hall. The new building for Aichitecture and llindred Subjects, is shared b y the De partment of Art, fomcrly known as Art and Design. 1 Sec The Technograph, iZ'^k-^y^, Pages I7U-I75 2 Professor Ricker occupied Room 402 for an office from iSqU to I912. 295 The first or ground floor is devoted to work in modeling, graduate design, and as quarters for the Architectural Club. The '7est end of the second or main floor houses the Kail of Casts, ^hich contains a fine collection of reproductions of sculpture, architoctumj. motifs, and casts from antiques. At the east end of this floor is the exhihition gallery -^hich at different times houses loan col- lections and student and faculty exhibits. The north side of the north wing is used as a lecture room, vaiile the middle portion of this floor is occupied by offices. The third floor has a large drawing room at each end. The Hickcr Libra- ry occuijies the north v/ing, and offices the middle portion. The fourth floor is also occup)icd by drawing rooms and offices, while the top floor is devoted to freehand drawing, water-color, and other studios. D. DSVELOPMENT OF DEPAHTl 3WT.\L rACILITi::S AlID IlQUIPIOiT Collection of Casts - The Univeri'.ity Catalogue and Circular of I87U-75 stated: "The school possesses a fine collection of plaster casts, 15O in number, made by Christian Lchr, Berlin, mostly from architectural subjects^ for use in the drawing classes, besides those in the Art Gnllery". The Department continued to add to the collection from time to time although there was only limited space for storage. In 1923, hov/evor, vvhen it moved into its no.vi quarters, it v;as able to extend the collection very materially; and in I93I, when it Joined the College of Fine and Applied Arts, it Jaad assembled a fine assortment of models of structural ornament and design and casts of famous statuary and historic buildings. Rickcr Library of Architecture - A good library serves a double purpose in any department of architecture. It is to architectural students all that any library is to the general student — a source of the literary contributions of the best writers of all periods; and in addition, it is a depository of Illus- trations — printed, photographic, and plastic — of the architectural library master-pieces of the a&'s. An architectural library for architectural students is somewhat as surveying instruments and testing macliines are to civil engineer- ing students, and the shop and power laboratories to ncch.-inical engineering students. 296 After Professor Rickcr was appointed Head of the Department of Architecture in 1873, ^^ asked for and received $500 for the purchase of books; and each year thereafter, he used as much as he could out of his meager allo'.vances for the De- partment for the purchase of hooks. At first, he housed these hooks in his own office in University Hall, but later, when the Department moved to the top floor of tliat building, he transferred them to a room adjoining the combination reci- tation and drafting room located in one of the towers, where they were accessible to students at all irking hours of the daj--. There were about 700 volumes at that time. For many years, Profe'-.sor Ricker clipped engravings from architectural journals, mounted them upon cardboard, and indexed them all with his own hands. As maney v/as available, he bought unmounted photographs and mounted and indexed them, again by his ovm indefatigable personal efforts. ".Then the Department moved to the top floor of 3nginccring Hall in I09U, it kept its books and plates in a portion of one small room, Hoom U03'. In I903, however, it took over for the use of the departmental library, Room UOO, the large room formei'ly occupied for drafting purposes, and assigned a trained librarian to part-time service in charge of the books, plates, jind the collection of lantern slides. In 1910, the Architectural Library was enlarged and removed into quarters that extended partially across the central wing at the north end of the north 1 corridor on the top floor of Engineering Hall, and a full-time librarian was em- ployed. "iVith new book shelves, a comiDlcte card filing index and plenty of light, the Library took on added importance to the Department. Wew and rare and old books were added from time to time as appropriations permitted. The library con- tinued to be to Architecture what the Sngineering Library and the laboratory equipment was to other departments in the College of Sngineering. Collections of mounted plates and photogra]ihs, lantern slides, and classified portfolios of illustrative materials were added whenever possible. The outstanding current 1 "his space was made available by throwing the three north rooms, a classroom, studio, and office into one large room about 25 by 63 feet in plan. 297 poriodicals on architecture and i-elated sutject^ wore also available. A panphlet entitled "The Department of Architecture: Development, Condition, and Ideals", published in I913 by Sidney ?. Kimball, Instructor in Architecture, contains this statement re£!;arding the Architectural Library: "The really in- valuable resource of the school is its suiiox'b collection of architectural books. The solid range of folios, '.vhich must serve as a substitute for the surroundings of students in Paris or Home, arc probably suriiassed in but a single archi- tectural school of ALierica. The Avery Library of Columbia is thought to be the most complete of all special libraries of prchitecturc, and is undoubtedly the first in America for research in architectural hi'otor;,'. It maj'' bo doubted, how- ever, '.whether oven the Avery Librair is supei'ior to the Library at Illinois for serving the prime function of a school collection, the furnishing of precedent find inspiritation for design". In 1916, when the collection consisted of about 3i500 volm.:es, the whole of the top floor in this north 'ving was assigned to the use of the Library — a space about 70 feet square. In January, I917, by authority of the Board of Trustees, the Library was formally nfuncd the Packer Library of Architecture. Form,al dedication exercises were hold in the library on I'.c^j 23, following at a convocation held to commemo- rate the forty-third anniversar;- of the connection of Dr. C. N. Hicker with the Department. At this meeting, the staff of the Department of Architecture pre- sented to the Library a bronze tablet marking the dedic-^tion of the librar;." to the memory of Doctor Hicker. The tablet contained the following statement: HIGiZSR LIBRAHY OF AHCKITDCTUH51 11; zxoG::iTioi: os' his FOHTY-THHSE Y3AHS 01 ACTIVD SZaVIC3] 11; TIi3 DaPAHTiOI'JT or AHCHIT3CTUH3 1 Page 5- 298 THIS LI3KAEY IS DSDI GATED TO NATHAN CLIFF03D HICIC3R M C M XVII At this convocation, Professor Newton A» '.7ells presented a mosaic portrait of Professor Hicker; and the Alpha Sho Chi, organization of architectural stu- later dents, presented a plaster bust of Professor Hicker, which v/as cast in bronze. In 1920, the Librar:/ contained about 8,000 bound voliiraes, 11,000 lantern slides, 15,000 mounted plates and photographs, 5iOOO samples of American woods, 350 plaster casts of statues and architectural details, and n\imerous drawings and other materials useful in the teaching of architecture. So far as volumes were concernod, it r/as the second largest architectural library in this coimtry. It Was the only architectuml library in which a student could 7/ork upon drawing boards with the open books around him. The Avery Architectural Library of Columbia University, by some said to be the most complete of all tRe architectur- al libraries in the world, as iireviously stated, had more books than the Rickcr Library; but it was virtually only a reference or really a circulating library, and students v/erc not permitted to use drawing materials in it. In the Ricker Library the books were all p'laci.;d in open stacks and in unlocked cases, and were easily accessible; and a competent attendant was ever ready to heljD the students find what they wanted. It is doubtful whether even the Avery Library was su- perior to the Rickcr Library for serving the prime function of a college col- loction — the furnishing of precedent and inspiration in design. When the building for Al«chitccture and Iiindred Subjects was completed in 1928, the Rickcr Library of Architecture was trf^insf erred to that new location; and up to 1931 • when the Department of Architecture became a part of the College of Fine ;-ind Ap])liod Art, the Hicker Library had accumulated about 12,000 volumes. These publications contained '7orks on biography, decoration, painting, theory, periods and styles, travel and description, city planning, and architectural competitions that had boon held the world over. 299 Lantern Slides Mount ed Photographs and Working Drawings - The Department gradually iDrought together im -unusual collection of lantern slides and mounted photographs for use in connection mth lectures illustrating the history of the architecture of all nations. The collection included views of government "buildings, schools, churches, theaters, business houses, apartments, and single residences, all classified and indexed for ready reference. In igOO, there were 2600 slides; in I903, 6,000; in I9I3, 10,000; .ijid in I93I. 'vhon the Department v/as transferred to the College of Fine and Applied Arts, 11,500. The collection of classified jihotographs, .ihotogravurcs, engravings, plates, and drav/ings,many of v/hich were mounted by Professor Hickor himself, totaled about 15,000 in 1931.^ In addition, the Department has boon supplied vnth a long list of v/orking dravjirigs furnished by individuals and firms engaged in architectural practice for refer- ence use in connection \7ith drawing- room assignments. Wood Shop - Classes in arcliitectural shop practice 'vere held in the Me- 1 chanical Building and Drill Hall. -According to The Technograph, tSe shop occupied about lialf of the first floor of that building and was equipped \7ith thirty benches each provided with a full set of tools, ten power lathes with the necessary turning tools, a large planer, and a number of power saws. This separate woodshop for architects was discontinued after September, I895, when the architectural shop was merged with the mochanical-engineoring shop. Architectural Shop Squipmont - The I87U-75 Catalogue stated on page '}G: "The Carpenter shop is fitted up for the regular shop i^ractice of students in architecture. It contains a 'Thitney Planer, a moulding liachinc, a Tenoning Machine, a Jigsaw, Cutting off and Slitting saws, a Morticing liachine, a Yankee Wliitler, a Turning Lathe, a ?oot Lathe, with saws, drills, taps, dies, etc., and three power Grindstones. Ten work benches with six sots of bench tools, and six sets of tools for making models. Also a small dry kiln built on an improved plaiii The University Catalogue of 1892-93 sta.ted: "The architectural workshops in the same building with the mechanical laboratory arc fully equipped for bench and lathe work, and are supplied -vith all essential machine tools. Students become familiar with the tools and with the work of the carpenter and cabinet-maker, as well as Y/ith the draughting operations of the architect's office". 1 I89I4-95, page 175- iftf .fr'i'IC' '.■'.-> J. 300 3. MISCSLLANEOUS Student SnrollaGnt in Architecture - In I902 the nunbcr enrolled in pro- fessional courses in the Department of Architecture, reached S3; in I907, ll^-O; and in the fall of I912, 332. Por a time, the Department had the largest enroll- ment of the departments in the College of Engineering, and for some time, too, it had the largest enrollment of all the architectural schools in America. The most interesting feature v/as the relatively large number of students from outside the State — the measure of the reputation the Department had attained. In I912, two-fifths of the students in the Department came from outside the State — the University's ratio being only h-df that proportion. The Department becomes a Monbor of the Associatio n of Collegiate Schools of Architecture - The Department of Architecture bccjime a member of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture in 1912-I3. Other members of the Associ- ation were the University of California, the University of Michigan, Washington University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnci-^ie Institute of Tcchnologj--, University of Pennsylvania, Col\imbia University, Cornell University, sr.d Harvard University. Syracuse University became a member in I91U-I5. The purpose of the organization was to develop a close association of all the leading schools of architecture in the country, offering an opportunity at its annual meetings to discuss the various problems confronting the departments. In order to be- come a member of the association, a school must have had an approved four-year curriculum in architecture for at least four years, with minimxim standard re- quirements as to the amount of time spent upon design, freehand work, con- struction, engineering and cultural courses. Relations v/ith the Illinois Chapter: of the Ame rican Institute of Architects - The Department has always had the undivided support of the Chicago and the Central Illinois Chapters of the American Institute of Architects. This relationship has been the means for bringing to the cajnpus ra;\ny men of dis- tinction to lecture before student bodies on subjects of interest to the pro- fession and for malcing such contacts as have enabled students to secure po- sitions in architectural practice. :,^j.zi s'^i 301 Contributions to_ State Jevelopinent - "It is difficult to estimate the in- fluence this department has exerted in creating a demand for the construction of safe, comfortable, convenient, and artistic buildings in the State, but it has undoubtedly been large, for the graduates of the department are widely scattered, and each of them has left his impress upon the community in which he lives, "The Department of Architecture has participated in many activities for the betterment of building conditions of the State. It was concerned with the passage of the law for the licensing of architects, and for more than twenty years it has had a representative on the Board of Examiners; it has advocated the construction of better buildings throughout the State; and it has cooperated in the solution of problems connected with civic improvements. In I917, when a portion of the City of Mattoon was destroyed by a tornado, this department pre- 1 pared drawings for the reconstruction of the devastated area". F. MUS3Ui; L'lATEHIALS iUIU COLLSCTIONS Art Gallei-y - Because portions of the Art Gallery were used extensively for instructional purposes by the Department of Architecture, The Gallery is de- scribed in some detail. The Catalogue and Circular of I8SU-85 stated the 2 follovving: "The University Art Gallery is one of the largest and finest in the ViTest* It wa^ the gift of citizens of Champaign and Urbana. It occupies a beautiful laall ol X 7y feet and the ln.rge display of art subjects has surprised and de- lighted all visitors. In sculpture it embraces thirteen full-size casts of celebrated statues, including the Laocoon group, the Venus of Milo, forty statues of reduced size, and a large number of busts, ancient and modern, bas reliefs, etc., malcing over four hundred pieces. It includes also hundreds of large autotypes, photographs, and fine engravings representing many of the great masterpieces of painting of nearly all of the modern schools. Also a gallery of of historical ]iortraits, mostly large French lithographs of peculiar finoness, copied from the groat national portrait galleries of Franco". Museum Materials - 'when the Department moved into the top floor of Engineer- ing Hall in December, 18gU, it took one of the large rooms in the north wing for a musctim. From various accounts, it is evident that this museum contained many v.aluable specimens of rav; and finished building materials, including a fine Qollgction of moulded and pressed bricks and of pa nels of mosaic construction, ^•'fi,-^i^<^^?'5io^.°^'' i,h*2 Dpvelopmcnt and linods of the Coilcge of Engineering and the the Engineering Experiment Station"^, November 25, I9IS7 2 Page 17. 302 which were contributed by the manufacturers. It also contained a good col- lection of fixtures, models^ and working drawings of finished buildings. G. THE DSPAHTM3KT JOIUS TH3 C0LL3G3 OF FIlOl AKD AFPLISD AHTS The Department of Architecture joins the College of Fine and Applied Art r. - On Llarch 12, I93I, the 3oard of Tnjstees authorized the formation of a College of Fine and Applied Arts with the Department of Architecture as one of the com- ponents — the others being the Department of Art and Design of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Division of Landscape Architecture of the College of Agriculture, and the School of Music. As a result, beginning on September 1, 1931. the administration of the Department of Architecturo passed automatically to the College of Fine and Ajiplicd Arts. Thus, one of the largest departments in the College of Dnginecring withdrew after having been associated with it sinct the founding of the University in 1&S6, Up to that time, between one-fourth and one-fifth of the enrollment in the College had been made up of students in archi- tecture or architccturfil engineering. H. FACULTY PHRSOlfilSL ^^"Q^Q^ - S^ic^ biographical sketches of faculty members above the grade of Assistant that were connected with the Department of Architecture at some period between the time of opening of the University and the year I931, when the Depart- ment joined the College of Fine and Applied Arts, are listed in the following pages in chronological order ,-i,ccording to rank. a. Hcf.ds of the Department 1 General - Nathan Clifford Hicker served as Kcad until I9IO. Frederick Maynard Mann followed and was Head until I913, when Loring Harvey Provine became Acting Head and later Head of the Department. Short biographical sketches of these men follow in the next few pages. Nathan Clifford Hicker , the founder of the Department of Architecture and Dean of the College of Engineering from iS/g to I905. was born on a fann near 1 During the academic year I87I-72 the University employed an "Instructor in Archi- tecture and Free Hand Drawing", but the work consisted' only of elementary geo- metrical drawing and a little artistic picture making. The first real in- struction in architecture was in the fall of I873, when N. Clifford Bicker was placed in charge of the Department of Architecture. 303 Acton, iiainc, in l8kj> . He taught a country school in lS6l and again in 1262, For several years, he worked as a cariienter, wa^on raalcer, mill wright, and later as a maker of piano cases, when they '.vere made mostly by hand. Through all this time, young Bicker devoted his evenings and spare time to study. In I867, he migrated to Lr>. Harpe, Illinois, and for a year and a half engaged as a carpenter in building dv/ellings ? ^ ■ ■, r. lojc, ,md the C.^. degree m ISqo at the University of in 18914 ,.^nd the K,S. in IS96 at the Minnesota, In addition, he received the S.3. M....C.U..U3 In,.Uut„ of .oc.„„l„,. K„ scvoa a. In.t^ctor .n A.cMtoctu.o at the Unlv„„it.. of P.nnsnvania durln, 1336-01, ... „.„„,,,„, ,,^ ^,„,^^^,„„ in PMl«.olpMa fro. Xms to 190.. Ho then wont to .„=M„,-t„„ Unlvor.lt., St. Louis, .:,horo ho served as Profossor of Architooturo fro=, 1902 to I910. It was In 30S 1910, that he became Professor of Architecture and Head of the Department at the University of Illinois. Until somewhere near the year that Professor Kann be^^an work at Illinois, there had been considerable variety in the objects and the methods of the various architectural schools of the country, since each reflected the character if the training, usually European, obtained by its directing head; but at about that time the leading practicing architects manifested great interest in architectural education and made through the American Institute of Architects certain i^ecom- mendations concerning the contents and the methods of the curricula of archi- tectural schools. An Association of Collegiate Architectural Schools was formed to study the subject, ;mA after deliboi'ation recommended the outline of an architectural curriculim, v/hich was adopted by most of the architectural schools as rapidly as local circumstances would permit. During his adminlatration at Illinois, Professor Mann introduced this unified course. Ho resigned in June, 1913. to accept a similar position at his alma mater, the University of Minnesota. Loring H^^xrvoy Pro vine was born on August 18, 1880, at Q,uincy, Illinois. He received the B.S. degree in Architectural Engineering in I903 and the A.E. degree in 1909 at the University of Illinois. Following graduation, young Provino practiced as an architectural engineer in Chicago, St. Paul, Boston, Seattle, jjjid Los Angeles for ton years. He was Superintendent of Construction of the buildings of the Big Creek Hydroelectric Development of the Pacific Light and Power Corporation in Southern California; and was in charge of the design and estimates for the superstructure of the power house of the Mississippi River Power Development at Keokuk, Iowa. In June, I913. Mr. Provine became Professor of Architectural Engineering and Acting Head of the Department at the University of Illinois, and in 192O, bec-une Head of the Department. He has been active in the Collegiate Association of Architectural Schools, and has maintained high standards for the Department of Architecture. When the Department v/as trans- ferred to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in I93I, Professor Provine con- tinued as Head of his Department, and has continued as such to date (19^5) • 309 b. Other Professors Jpines McLaren IThite . See Defuis, Chapter V, page II7. Kev/ton Alonzo Wells (3.P.1877, Syracuse University) studied extensively sibroad after graduation, then served as a teacher in Union College, Syracuse University and in TJ'estern Reserve University. About the time the University Library Building (now Altgcld Hall) v?as comj)lotcd in 1897, a competition was held for decorative paintings^^ for the nev; buildin,^, and the award went to Mr. ■Jells, then an artist and. teacher in Pari;.-.. After he had finished his assign- ment on the building, he bcct.'jnc Professor of the History and Practice of Painting; in the College of Literature and Arts in the University. In I903, he was made Professor of Architectural Decoration in the Colliige of Jingihcering. Ko was a man of unusual ability, his work outside the classroom being represented by oil paintings, v/atcr-color studies, and pastel drav/ings. Ho v/as recognized as one of the best etchers in this country because of his v/ork in dry-point tmd aquatint etchings, iie was a wood carver, and was ,alao skilled in metal working. Ihe last few years he became much interested in ancaustic mosaic as a material for general art 'vork; and left behind at the University work in this material reprcsonti-'d by mosaic portraits and In.ndscapes. His work in oil is ri^presented by sever;il portraits in the University Library, and by mural paintings in the old University of Illinois Library and the Auditorium, the Champaign (Illinois) Hir:;h School, the S.-.jig,amon County (Illinois) Court House the Colonial Theatre of Bor.ton, the 3nglowood High School of Chicago, and ten historical paintintjs in the C.ayoyo Hcitel, Memphis, Tenncscjee. He wrote n\xmcrous articles for the popular and for the i)rof essional press. He v.-as an authority on color, his best work being "Psychology of Color". He became Professor of Archi- tectural Dpcoration, Zmeritus ^in I9I5, and died in Algiers on January 16, I923. Hcxford Newcomb (3.S., I9II, c-Jid li.Arch. , I9IS, University of Illinois; Li.A. 1915, University of Southern Cfdifornia) taught architecture in Long Beach, California, from 1912 to I917; in the University of Southern California during 1 The mural in the Auditorium was later removed while remodeling the building in the effort to improve its acoustical properties. 310 1916-17; and in the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas during I917-I8. Ke ■became Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Illinois in I9I8, Assistant Professor of Architectural History in I919, and Professor of Architectural Historj'- here in I92I. In I93I, when the Department of Architecture was transferred from the College of Engineering to form one of the units in the neY^ly-created College of Fine and Applied Arts, Professor Ncvvcomb became Dean of that College, and has retained that position to date. Professor Newcomb is the author of several books relating to architecture, some of which are the following: "Francisc-m Mission Architecture of Alta California", "Old Mission Churches and Historic Houses of California", "The Spanish House for America", "Mediterranean Domestic Architecture in the United States", "In the Lincoln Country", and "Outlines of the History of Architecture". He is co-author with W. A. Poster of a book entitled "Ho.ie Architecture". Pro- fessor Newcomb is also author of one bulletin issued by the Engineering Experi- ment Station, and in addition, is author of several books which he wrote after he was transferred from the College of Engineering, but which arc not listed here. Professor Newcomb served as Architectural Editor of Western Architect, Chicago, during I923-30 and Editor-in-Chief during 193O-3I. His work in the field of his chosen profession has brought much credit to himself, his department, and the University.. Lemuel Cross Dillanbacl: - (A.B.. 1913. and M.A. I91I1, Carnegie Institute of Technology) became Instructor in Architecture in I915, Assistant Professor of Architectural Design in I92O, Associate Professor in I923, and Professor of Architectural Design in I927. He resigned in the summer of I930 to taice a position in Columbia University. Professor Dillanbach was a hard taslavaster. hut he was gratifyingly rewarded for his efforts; for his students fared re_ markably well at the h,ands of Judges appointed to appraise and award archi- tectural compositions in national and international competitive assignmentments. Czrus Edmund Palmer - (B.S., in A.3.. 1912. University of Illinois; M.S. , 1916. Pennsylvania State College) becruac Instructor in Architectural Engineering 311 at the University of Illinois in I916, Associate in I9I8, Assistant Professor in 1919. Associate Professor in I925. and Professor of Architectural Engineering in 1929. When the Department of Architecture was transferred to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in I93I, Professor Palmer became Assistant Dean of the new College. Ke -.vas made Associate Dean in Ipl+l, and has remained with the Univer- sity to date (I9U5) . Arthur Francis Deam (B.Arch, , I921, Ohio Stat e Universi ty; 3. Arch., I923 Columbia University) in addition to his t-o years of experience in teachin- at Armour Institute of Technology, gained wide training in practice before joining the University hero in Soptombcr, I930, as Professor of Architectural Design. He was transferred -ith the Department of Architecture to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in 1931, remaining in charge of the courses in Architectural Design, whore his students have been successful in winning more than a proportioin al share of honors in the national competitions. c. Associate Professors Nathaniel Cortlandl SHrtiil (HuB.. I90O, Unlvoraity of Berth Carolina; B.S., 1901*. CotaMa Univorolty) served a. teacher froM I90!* te I9I7, l.ein£ Head of the School of Architecture at Tul.„o University during 1512-17. p.efes.or Curtis joined the staff ef the University of Illinois in 191, „s Associate Professor of Architectural Design. He resigned, l>„„ever, in Septc,,ber, 1920. CJUister .iortoi, ?ajisea (3.S., 139a, University of Illinois) was engaged in further study and in practice until he Joined the College staff in 190U. He withdre.,. hcever. in I905. He .as employed in architectural practice again e.r- in. the years following until he rejoined the University faculty in 1920 as Associate Professor ef Architectural Design. He ,ithdre, finally in August.1923. !!iiliam Macv Stanton (B. 5., 1913 „n,l M q im), n • ■ ■ • ^'■^' ^"'^ ^■''^" 151^. University of Pennsylvania) came to the University of Illinois in igiU .,. A.H.f n. • a u- -L^xH, a. Assistant m Architecture. He was made Instructor in lqi5, but rcsi^neti in iqiv * resigned m I917 to return to his alma mater. Ho joined the College staff again in 1930, as Assistant Professor of Architecture. He .as .ado Associate Profcsser of Architectural Design in 19a. .ut resigned in 1922, 311a Newlln Dol'by;Morgar^ (^.S. in C,3. , I9IO, and C.S. , 1925, University of Colorado; H,S. , 1928, University of Illinois) was employed in enf;;ineerlng practice after graduation until 192U, when he Joined the Colleere staff here as Associate in Architectural SnFlneerinfr, He was made Assistant Trofessor in 1925 and Associate Professor In 1929. He was transferred with the Department of Architecture to the Collecce of Fine and Applied Arts in 1931| and "became Professor of Architf'Ctural Sn^^lneerlng In 1935. Professor Korfran is co-author with Hardy Cross of a texfbook entitled "Continuous Frames of Reinforced Concrete", 312 Thomas Edward O'Donnell (3.S.. I913, M.S., 192U, and M. Arch., I925, Uni- versity of Illinois) was employed in architectural practice until I917, vfhen he joined the College faculty as Instructor in Architecture. He was made Associate in 1919, Assistant Professor in I923, and Associate Professor in I93O. When the Department was transferred to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in I93I. Pro- fessor C'Donnell became a member of the new college, and has continued there with the University to date (19^5)- d. Assistant Professors Cyrus Daniel HcLanc (3.S., IS92, University of Illinois) served as As- sistant in Mathematics here during IS9I-93 find as Instructor in General Engineer- ing Drawing during I893-9U. He was made Instructor in Architecture in I89U, and Assistant Professor of Architectural Construction in liiJ^G. He remained 'Tith the University until I90U, when he resigned to engage in the private practice of architecture. Seth Justin Tonplo (Ph. 3., IS92, Columbia University) spent several years in study and practice after graduation, and then in I096, joined the staff at the University of Illinois as Instructor in Architecture. Kc was made Assistant Proffsnor in IS97, and retained that position until I90U, when he iTithdrew to engage in independent practice of architecture. John Watros Case (3.S., 138S, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) studied abroad for a number of years, then v/as engaged in architectural practice until ho joined the sttiff at the University of Illinois in I905, as Assistant Pro- fessor of Architectural Design. Ho remained in that position until I9IO, when he resigned to trk e up indeijendont architectural practice in Detroit, Michigan. David. Varon , after studying for some time in Beaux Arts, Paris, spent the years I903-O7 in architcctursJ. practice in this country nnd abroad, I907-O5 as Professor of Architectural Design at Syracuse University, I909-IO in private teaching, and I9IO-I2 as Assistant Professor of Architectural Design at the Uni- versity of Illinois. He resigned to engage in private practice. Percy Ash (B.S. in C.3., I006, and CIl., I086, University of Pennsylvania) became Assistant Professor of Architectural Design at the University of Illinois 313 in 1913, and rGnainod '.vith the University until Septeiriber I9IS, when he resigned. He died in Fryeburg, liaino, on Juno I9, 1933' Charles Richard Clark (3.S., I298, .-uid M.Arch. , I91U, University of Illinoi^ was engaged in secondary- school work and in architectural practice from I89S to 190'-l-, after which he came to the University to become Instructor in Architectural Construction. He was made Associate in I906, and Assistant Professor in I915. He withdrew in I919 to tal:e up private practice in architecture. Hobert Taylor Jones (3.S., I912, University of Illinois) became Instructor in Architecture at the University here in September ^1912, Associate in I915. and Assistant Professor in I919. He resigned in I920. Donald Llaheny A llison (A.3., I9II, Carnegie Institute of TechnolosO had a teaching fellowship at Carnc,::;ie Institut.^ of Technolog:/ during I9IO-I2. He served as editor for iTublications at the International Correspondence Schools during I916-I7, after y/hich he became Associate in Architectural Design at the University of Illinois. He was made Assistmit Professor in I9I5, *ut resigned at the end of that school year. Joseph Edwin Z3urgcss (3. P., I91U; Syracuse University) became Instructor in Freehand Drawing at the University of Illinois in I9I6 after two years exi)erience in commercial work. He was made Associate in I919 and Assistant Professor in 1921. He withdrew from the University in September, 1922. Norris Ingersoll Crandall (B.Arch., I91U, and li. Arch., 191|^, Cornell Uni- versity) joined the College staff in I921 as Assistant Professor of Architcctui-al Design, but resigned in August I922. Trill iam Caldwell Tit comb (A. 3., 19CA fxnd S.B., I907, Plarvard University) served as Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Illinois dur- ing I913-I7, after which he left to engage in reconstruction work in France. He rejoined the staff at Illinois in I921 as Assistant Professor of Architectural Design, but resigned in September, 192'3, to accept an appointment at the Uni- versity of Michigan. La Force Bailey ( 3, S . , I915, ,-mdH.S., I916, University of Illinois; 3. P. 3iU 1920, University of Kansas) was a teacher in the University of Kansas from I916 to 1922. He then joined the University staff here as Assistant Professor of Architectural Design. He remained with the Colleee until 1931 • when he was transferred with the Department of Architecture to the College of Fine and Ap- plied Arts, being made Associate Profeusor of Architecture in I93I and Pro- fessor of Art in 19U1. ■Villiaai Arthur Foster (3.S. in Education, 19l4, 3. Arch., igi'^, andA.3., 1923, Ohio State University) tau^-ht at Iowa State College and at Ohio State and for a time served as Head of the Department of Architectural Engineering at Georgia State College of Agriculture. He came to the University of Illinois in September, I92U, as Assistazit Professor of Architecture — a new position in- tended to render service to rural communition along architectural lines. In this connection, he gave one-half of his time to Architecture and the other half to Fann Mechanics. Ec v/as transferred to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in I93I1 -'ind was made Associate Professor of P.ural Architecture in I935. Pro- fessor Foster was author of n textbook entitled "Farm Buildings", and of another "liome Architecture", He remained with the University until his death on April 12, I9U1, at Urbana. Frank Mills Lescher (3..S., I911, University of Illinois) was engaged in architectural practice after graduation until he joined the College staff in September, 1923, as Instructor in Architecture. Ho became Associate in 1928, and Assistant Professor in I93O. He was transferred in I93I with the Department of Architecture to the College of Fine and Applied Arts, and was made Associate Professor of Architecture in I937 and Profer>sor in I9U1 . Olaf Stavsing F^jeldc (3.S.. I92U, University of Minnesota: A.M., 1935. Uni- versity of Illinois) bec-me Associate in ..rchitecturo at the University of Illinois in 1928 and Assistant Professor in I93O. Profc.sor Fjelde was trans- ferred ^7ith the Department of .>rchitecturo to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in I93I. c. Associates Vfilliai i Mathews Hokking (3. P., 1903,. Syracuse University) studied abroad in 315 Beaux Arts and other schools, and in I915 Tsecame Associate in Freehand Drav/ing at the University of Illinois, He withdrew, however, at the end of the school year . Bhodes Hobertson (A. 3.. I9OC, and M. Arch., I9IO, Harvard University) was en- gaged in study and practice until he came to the University here in I916 as Associate in Architectural Desi^. He resigned in Septenher, I9IS1 to enter military service. Ralph Sta nlee Fanning (3. Arch., 191^, Cornell University; U.S., I9IS, and M.Arch., 1921, University of Illinois) served as Instinictor in Architectural Design during I91U-I8, then withdrew for -/ar work. He roturned to the University in Septemhor, I920, as Associate in Architectural Design, but withdrew finally at the end of thB,t academic year. Chauncey Ruthven IIcAnli s (3.S. in C.S., I9IO, and CH., I915. Pennsylvania State College) joined the staff at the University of Illinois in September, I919. as Instructor in Architectural Engineering. He was made Associate ,in 1921, and remained with the University until September, I92U. Ernest Langford (E.S., 1913i Agricultural], and Moclifinical College of Texas; M.S., 1924, University of Illinois) first camo to the University of Illinois in 1919 as Instructor in G(3neral Engineering Drawing, but was transferred to the Department of Architecture in ig20 with the title of Instructor in Architectural Construction. He became Associate in Architectural Construction in I92I, but resigned in August, I925, to accept a position at the Agricultural and Mechani- cal College of Texas. Claude Allan Pattegson (3. A., I915, University of Iowa; A.Ii., I9I9, Harvard University) came to the University of Illinois in September, 1922, as Associate in Freehand Drawing. He remained here until September, I925. George Fred Keck (B.S., I920, University of Illinois) became Associate in Architecture here in September, I923, and remained with the College only during that academic year. Ott^ Marensius Olsen (^.3., I922, Carnegie Institute of Technology) served for a time in architectuna practice, then joined the staff at the University 316 here in September, I925, as Associate in Architecture. He withdrew at the end of that school year. Daniel Donald McGervey (A. 3., I923, Carnegie Institute of Technology) join- ed the College staff in I926, as Associate in Architecture, and retained the position only during that college year. John Anthony Hartell (B.Arch., I925, Cornell University) took graduate work in the Hoyal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm, and became Associate in Archi- tecture at the University of Illinois in September, I926. He remained with the Department until September, 1930. f. Instructors 1 ,»'.•=;.. James BelaBgee was a teacher of Architecture and Mechanical Drawing in the A ^ University of Illinois from October, I869, to June, I871. Harold M. Hanson was Instructor in Architecture and Freehand Drawing at the University here from September, 18/1, to September, I872. Previous to coming here, Mr. Hanson had spent tv/o years in study at the 3au-Academie at Berlin. Joseph Corson Llewellyn (3.S., I877, and M.S., 1895, University of Illinois) became Instructor in Architecture here immediately after graduation. He re- mained until 1379, when he became engaged as Superintendent of Building Con- struction in St., Louis, continuing there until 1S81, He was then made Superin- tendent of the Lindell Railway Company, but withdrew from that organization in 1836, and later began the practice of architecture in Chicago. In 1913, Mr. Llewellyn established the Llewellyn prize in architecture here, but discontinued it after four years of uncertainties of v/ar and industry. Nelson Strong Spencer (B.S., 1SS2, University of Illinois) served as In- structor in Architecture hei'c during 1880-81. He resigned to engage in archi- tectural practice, but returned to the University in I898 to become Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. He left the University after four years of service in this connection to take up architectural practice again. George Washington Parker served as Foreman of the Carpenter Shop in 1882 and as Instructor in Woodwork in the Department of Architecture from 1883 to 1^5. John Christopher Gustafaon (3.S. in A. 2., I905, aJidK.Arch.. I906, 317 University of Illinois) was Instructor in Architecture during 1906-O7, then re- signed to take up commercial work. John Terrill Yawter , Jr. (B.S., I90U, Univernity of Illinois) served lib In- structor at the University here during I907-O8, after which he resigned to en- gage in architectural practice. Charles Fabens Kelley (A. 3., igo6, Harvard University) -.vas Instructor in Art and Architecturn here during; 1903-09. 5udolj)h Weaver after r.tudying architecture in Drexol Institute and Columbia University, was employed in Architectural practice durin,:; I907-O9. He then served as Instructor in Architectui'e at the University of Illinois during I909-II after v/hich he resigned to accept a position as Professor of Architecture tuid as Supervising Architect at the State College of Washington. Robert, Jaznos Love (B.S., 1908, University of Illinois) served as Instructor in Architecture at the University here from February to Juno, I9IO. Hoy Chi Ids . Jones, (3. S.. iqoS. ajid A.M.. 191U, University of Pennsylvania) spent two years in practice after gr;,duation before coning to the University here as Instructor in Architecture. He rcsi.gned in July, I913. to become con- nected with the University of lannesota. Angelo Benedetto Ma^ Washington University; S.Li. 1913. Massachusetts Institute of Technology) joined the College staff here in I9II as Instmctor in Architecture aiid remained here until igifs -/hen ho withdrew to en- gage in architectural practice in St.Lo^jis. He remained in St.Louis until his death on September 9, 19^3. Roger imtonDidd^ (B.S. 1906, University of Pennsylvania) was employed in architectural practice from 1906 to 1911. He Joined the faculty here in I9II as Instructor in Architectural Design, but withdrew at the end of the academic year to return to architectural practice. Lee Wallace (3. P.. 1905, Syracuse University) served as Instructor at his alma mater during I9O7-II and as Instructor at the University of Illinois from September, I91I. until his death on September 16, I912. Samuel ChatwQod 3urton( A.C.T.O. , noU Bl-ioVhu-rr, f'.,n -1 •, ' •^-'^^' -oiack burn Ool lege, England; A.M. ,1909 31S Royal College of Art, London) spent several years in teaching and study in England and on the Continent. He Joined the staff at the University of Illinois in 1912 as Instructor in Architecture and remained here until I915, when he with- drew to accept an appointment at the Univertsity of Minnesota. Frederick Kitson Cowley after several years of study at the University of Michigan and the Art Institute of Chicago, came to the University of Illinois in 1912, as Instructor in Jrooloand Drawing. Ho remained here until 191^t when he withdrew to take a position at the Univt3rsity of Minnesota. Joseph Mitchell Kellog (B.Arch.. I909 , and H. Arch., I912, Cornell University) ■became Instructor in Architectural Design at the University of Illinois in I912, and remained with the Department until 191b, when he withdrew to enter inde- pendent practice. Sidney xi eke iZimball (A.B., I909, and K. Arch., I912, Harvard University; Ph.D., 1915, University of Michigan) served as Instmictor in Architecture at the University of Illinois during 1912- I3, after vdiich he accepted an appointment at the University of MichigH,n. Allen Holmes Hi mhall (3.S., I9IO, University of California; M.S., I912, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) became Instructor in Architecturja Design at the University of Illinois in 1912, and remained here until 191U, when he withdrew to become Professor of Architectural Engineering and Head of the De- partment at Iowa State College. Jaaes. Hutchinson gors,£thc (3.S.. 19O8, University of Pennsylvania; M.Arch., 1913. Harvard University) was engaged in practice during I9OS-O9 and served as Instinactor in Architecture at Washington University during 1909-10» He joined the staff at the University of Illinois in I913 as Instructor in Architecture and remained hero until the end of the school year, .hen he accepted a position at the University of Minnesota. HiinS£l Sidney Wolfe (B.S. inA.S.. 1913. and M.S.. I91U. University of Illinois) served as Instractor in Architectural Bnginccring here from 191U to I9I8. when he withdrew to accept a civilian position in war service. Ho later be- came engaged in architectural practice in Detroit, where he remained until his 319 death on February 17, I9UU. He was author of a text "book entitled "Graphical Analysis" . ffilliagi Dewey Foster (B.S., I9II, and M.S., I913, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) was engaged for a short time in i:iractice following graduation, then joined the staff at the University of Illinois in I91U, as Instructor in Architectural Design. He withdrew, however, at the end of the academic year to talce up journalistic work. Carl Victor Burger (3. Arch., I512, Cornell University) served as Instructor in Freehand Drawing at tho University of Illinois from I515 to 1917i after which ho resigned to enter military service. Ralph Edv/ard Ku ehlman follovang several years of stud;/ in a number of schools including H,j,i-vard University, joined the College staff hero in February, 191^+, as Assistant in Architectural Design. He was made Instructor in I916, but withdrew at the end of the school year to enter private practice, Owen James Trainer Southwell (3. Arch., l^l^, Carnegie Institute of Tech- nology) became Instructor in Architectural Design at the University of Illinois in 1916, but withdro'.v in April, I9I8, to enter military service. Arnold G-eorgo Schcole (A.B., I9IO, andA.K., I9II, Obcrlin College) after further study and some years in practice, became Instructor in Freehand Drawing at tho University of Illinois in 1917i i^t resigned at the end of the school year to go to liichigan Agricultural College. James Troy Peterkin (B.S., I91U, Colurabia University) spent some years as a teacher and then joined the faculty at the University of Illinois in 1917. as Instructor in Freehand Drawing. He remained here, however, only a year after which ho accepted an apjiointment at tho University of Minnesota. Vfilliam Franklin licCgughoy , Jr.(B.A. , I916, Carnegie Institute of Technology; M.S., 1931, University of Illinois) spent a year in practice, then joined the Department staff in December, I9I7. as Instructor in Architectural Design. He resigned in September, I92O. Wallace Brigh t Livesay (3.S., 1907, andC.J., I9IO, Virginia Polytechnic Institute; 3.S. in A. 13., 191^,, University of Illinois) roas employed in 320 engineering practice until I9I8, when he joined the staff at the University of Illinoic as Instructor in Architectural Engineei'-ing. He remained here only lontil the end of the school year, ho'.vever, when he withdrew to enter commercial work. Charles Leonard Morgan (B.S., in A.E., 13lU, University of Illinois) practiced as an architect in Chicago until I912, when he came to the University as Instinictor in Architectural Drawing. He remained here only during one school year; but, in addition to his teaching duties, Mr. Morgan painted an excellent bird's eye view of the College of Engineering campus * He withdrew to return to private practice. Louise Marie ffoodroofc (3..?., 1919» Syracuse University) came to the Uni- versity of Illinois in I919 as Instmctor in Freehand Drawing. She resigned in April, 1926, but joiiiod the staff again in September, I930, as Instructor in Architecture. She was transferred with the Department to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in 1931 • Stanley P otter Stewart (3. Arch., I92O, Carnegie Institute of Technology) be- came Instinictor in Architectural Design at the University of Illinois in September, 1920. He resigned in Juno, 1922, to engage in architectural practice. Prentice Van Walbeck Ducll (A.B., I916, University of California; A.M.,1917, University of Arizona) bec-imo Instructor in Architectural History at the Uni- versity of Illinois in 192I. He remained hero, ho\7evor, only one school year. Edgar &roer Shelton (3.S., 192I, University of Texas) practiced a year, then Joined the College staff here in September, I922, as Instructor in Architecture. He withdrew, however, at the end of the academic year. ■ Ernest Pickering (3.S. iuA.E., 1919, University of Kansas; B.S. in Arch., 1920, c-^nd M.Arch., 1926, University of Illinois) cazac to the University in October, 1922, as Instructor in Architectural Design. He v/ithdruw in September, 1925. to accept a position at the University of Cincinnati. gla£ence Andrew j^i.ssingcr (B.S., 1923. University of Illinois) became In- structor in Architecture in September, I923, but remained only during the school year . Alberta Raffl( B.S. , I923, University of Illinois) bec^rac Instinictor in 321 Architectural Design in September, l^^h, but remained with the Department only during the one cchool year. J.-uaed Howard Chance (B.S., 19'^3» University of Illinoiij) becjime Instructor om Architecture here in September, I92U. He retained this position until June, 1927, when he resigned to engage in architectural practice. Rodney Bugene Spangle r (3.S., I921, University of Illinois) became In- structor in Architecture in September, 1925i and remained in that position until 1929. Gerald Vivia n Davis after several years of stud,7 in Switzerland and France, became Instiiictor in Freehand Drawing at the University of Illinois in January, 1926. He resigned in Juno, I92S. John TifilliaLi llcnnedy (A. 3.., I925, Carnegie Institute of Technology) joined the staff at the University hero in September, I926, as Instructor in Freehand Drawing. He was transferred with the Department of Architecture to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in I93I, becoming Associate in 1932 and Assistant Pro- fessor in igi+O. Philmore Jacobson (B.S. I925, Armour Institute of Technology) served as Assistant in Architecture during 192^-26 and as Instructor during I926-27. Zlmor Isaac Love (3. A.. I926, Carnegie Institute of Technology) came to the University of Illinois in I927 as Instructor in Architecture, and Y/as traiisferred with the Department of Architecture to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in 1931. at which time he becyjne Assistant Professor of Architecture. Ira Douglas Seals (3.S.. I927, and M. Arch. 1922. Massachusetts Institute of Technology) served as Instructor in Architecture at the University of Illinois during the academic year I9 28-29. Keith Graham Reeve (B.S. I925, and Ivi. Arch. , I92S, University of Illinois) bo- c;aiie Assistant in Architecture in September, I925, and Instructor in I92S. He withdrew in I929. James Denton I^_san( A. B., 1925, Carnegie Institute of Technology) studied for a time in Beaux Arts, then joined the College staff hero in February, I929, 322 as Instinictor in Architecture. He was transferred with the Department to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in 1931. becoinin,3 Associate in 193^ and As- sistant Professor in I9U0. Granville Spear Keith (3.S., 1927, and M.S., I93O, University of Illinois) becane Assistant in Architecture in I927 and Instinctor in 1929« He was trans- ferred with the Department to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in I93I. He was made Associate in 1931. ^^^ Assistant Irofessor in 19^1. V7illiaffi Hune Scheick (3. Arch., I928, Camcgic Institute of Technology) came to the University of Illinois in 1930 as Instructor in Architecture. Ho was transferred with the Department of Architecture to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in 1931. He was made Associate in I93I, Assistfint Professor in 1932, and Associate Profossor in 194l. John a.uo Sweet (3,S.. I927, University of Illinois) hccamc Instructor in Architecture here in I93O, and was trfinsforred to the College of Fine and Applied Arts in I93I. He was made Associate in I935, and Assistant Professor in 19^1. • 323 CHAPTSH X THE DBPARTi''IElJT OF MINING MID M3TA1LURGICAL ElIGIlffiERINa A. OHGANIZATIOH General - Like the other three divisions px-ovided for in the Polytechnic Department referred to in the report of the Hegent and the four Trustees, the Catalogue and Circular of 1S67-63 contained courses of study given in other educational institutions, but did not list any as arranged for the University here. V/hile the Catalogue of I87O-71 did not include any mention of an in- structional staff assigned to mining, it did state that "This Department embraces trro branches of studies: 1st. Engineering operations; including mine surveys, the oijening and working of mines, all mining constructioris, etc., taught at present in the College of Engineering. 2nd. The subjects of Ilineraloir^, Metal- lurgy, Assaying, treatment of ores, smelting, etc., as taught in the College of 1 Chemistry." Eai-thor on, the sane issue stated: "The course for Mining Engineers differs from that of the Civil Engineering, only in the substitution of Mine Surveys and Constructions, Metallurgy, and Assaying for Roads and Railroads, 2 Topographical and Goodctic Surveying, and stono cutting." For a number of years, the engineering subjects listed under the School of Mining Engineering wore taught by instructors from other departments X7ithin the College, and the Depart- ment did not become a well-established independent unit until 1885 when Theodore 3. Comstock wa.s appointed Professor of Mining Engineering and Physics. B. OBJECTI^IIS AITO METHODS OP INSTRUCTIOII General - In general , it may bo said that instruction in mining engineering deals with problems involved in the excavation and extraction, and the analysis and preparation of minerals that lie beneath the surface of the earth, while that in metallurgy relates to the analytical study of metals and the processes involved in the production of iron, steel and other alloys. As stated specifically in the IS72-73 issue of the University Catalogue and Circular, the object of the School of Mining Engineering was sumn^rized as follov/s: 1 Page 31 2 Page k2 32^ "This School is intendod to qualify the stuilent for undortfJcing mining operations of all kinds. Its instniction consists of a thorough training in the principles of theoretical and applied chemistry, of chemical and blovTpipe analysis, of assnying and metallurf^^ i-aul of the engineering opei'ations of mining".-^ The University Catalogue and Circular of lS2'4-g5 carried the following 2 statement: SCHOOL OF MIKING EKGIIffiSRING OBJECT 07 ITHE SCHOOL "This school has been established to meet the growing demand for a veiy important industrj' for thoroughly trained engineers, fitted to solve the numer- ous per75loxing problcus Tvhich arc con&tantly arising in ill mining '.vork. The subjects of the discovery, opening, economical v/orking and proper ventilation of mines, the prevention of accidents, transportation above and bclov? ground, treat- ment of products, :vith many others which fall within the scope of the mining engineer, can bo mastered only by a carei"ul study of facts and principles. This is the proper foundation for the practical v;ork of the profession, and it is the aim of this school to present this in the mor;t complete ivnd thorough manner. IKSTHJCTION "It is important that a broad basis be laid by way of general preparation, for the more technical studies hero included. V/hatovor of general culture the student may obtain before entering the University, will not come amiss, and, although the req.uiremont is not made, it is advised that all who fan do so, should acquire a reading knowledge of French or German before beginning this course. "This course comprises the greater part of the pure and applied mathe- matics of the courses in mechanical and civil engineering. Much time is devoted to chemistry and geology, with the addition of technical studies peculiar to mining engineering and metallurgy. "Students who are graduiites from this school are not supposed to be familiar with all the details of mining management from actual experience, but they y/ill have obtained such a knowledge of the principles underlying all successful practice, and such familiarity with the science of mining in all its branches that the art may be acquired with the minimum of practice. "Lectures are given where desirable, but these are to be regarded as supplementary to other modes of instruction, which are made to conform as close- ly as possible to the routine of the engineer in practice. In every detail the student is made to feel that he is dealing with the actual problems which he will meet in his professional work. "Plans, estimates, drawings, and calculations, based upon drta obtained in the student's oto experience, are constantly required, and no pains are spared to familiarize each member of the class with the duties and responsibili- ties of every grade, from miner to maiiager. COUHSE OF STUDIES • r- .^■^S *^° ^^^^* *"° ^"^"^^^ *^° ™^^ ^^ Gimilar to that required in the course m uivil i-ngineering, but more time is given to chemistry. In the third year, 1. Page 32 2. Paee kk 325 geology and mining engineering, with assaying nnd metallurgy, take the places of special technical studies in the other engineering courses. In the fourth year, with the exception of tv70 terms in Prime Movers taken with the students in mechanical engineering and some studies of general character, the work is strictly technical". Temporary Provision for Instruction in Mining - Professor Robinson, Head of Mechanical Engineering, continued to lecture on mining topics until his resig- nation in 1278. During lSg2-83, Regent Peabody lectured on mining subjects to the two or three students who were registered in the course. Some subjects were, of course, offered by the Department of Chemistry, but no other work was presented in this particular field until Professor Comstock took charge in IS85. 2 Apparatus for the Lecture Room - The catalo;;iic of 1878-/9 stated that lectures in mining on,';ineoring were "illustrated by n valuable series of models,' obtained from Froibur.^, at a cost of $2,000 illustrating sections of mines, machinery for elevatin,,?: and breaking ores, -.vith furnaces and machinery for metal- lurgical processes". Early Laboratory Equipment - In regard to the progress made in -providing laboratory equipment, the Catalogue and Circular of I887-SS contained the follow- ing statement: "An extensive mining and metallurgical laboratory is in process of arrangement. A considerable portion of the machinery is already in working condition" . The Catalogue and Circu3.ar of IS9O-9I described the equipment somewhat in detail as follows: "The department has a valuable collection of mining and metallurgical machinery. "The newly- equipped laboratory (located in the Chemistry Building) now con- tains a very complete line of illustKitivo machinery, designed for practical use, and covering a wide range of metallurgical processes, The machines are operated by steam power, and include apparatus for crushing, screening, washing, concentrating leaching, precipitating, and many other methods of ore treatment of the latest modern typos. "In the manipulation of these machines, jind the tests made on a '.vorking scale, the student is afforded opportunity for practice illustrative of the class- room work. The plant consists of a Dodge ore-crusher, a pair of Cornish rolls, elevator with deflecting spouts, autorajitic sampler, revolving screen, separators, rotating table, Jigs, etc.; chlorine generator, tariks, vats, and troughs, gas and blast furnace, with suitable appliances so arrfxngod that they may be used together or separately as occasion may require". i- ^hese subjects were given by the Department of Chomistx-y. 4! Pages 4l-U2 326 C. THE DEPARKffl^T DISC0i^Tli«J3D AlO HE-3STA3LISH3D Tlie D epartment of Mining Sngineering Discontinued- As the curriculum in Mining Engineering was much less complete in those early days than the three other engineering curricula, and as there -.vas no one who took more than an in- cidental interest in the work, it did not attract much attention from the stu- dents. During the first ten years, there were usually one or two mining stu- dents registered in the course of study, but never more than six. The Department was not really organized until I8S5. At that time, there came a considorablo demand from among interests of the State for recognition in the curriculum of the University; and in response to this demand a professor was appointed and a Department of Mining Engineering, the equal of the other engi- neering department f.;, 7/as organized at considerable exi)onse. After a trial of four years without any considerable application of this course by students, the Department was allowed to lapse. After lying dormant for two years, it '.;ar. resuscitated and a course for the benefit of the coal miners was developed. Thii; effort met no bettfer response, however, and the Department was abolished in I8g3 v/ith no thou^t that it ever would be re-ostablished, for "the business agent and Professor Breckcnridgo wore given authority to dispose of the machinery, now in the basement of the Chemical 1 Laboratory, provided they could do so on terms deemed satisfactory". The Department of Mining Engineering Re-established by Legislative Action - In spite of the earlier c:qoeriencn abolishing the Department in 1293 because of an apparent lack of interest, a very substantial movement had gained consider- able headway by igog to re-establish the Department here. For one thing, the Braidwood disaster had. served as a vital stimulus in reviving mining education and in revising the lav/s pertaining to the inspection and regulation of mines. Other factors were having their influence too, so that by 1908 the mining interests of the State were sho';7ing a new spirit and \7cre urging the recstablish- ment of the work at the University. Dean Goss took a deep interest in the rcestablishLicnt of mining engineering Report of Trustees, 1^3^. page 213, giving an account of the meeting of the Board on Doc ember 13, 1893 • .inn.lT-.tSL 327 at the University after ho joined the staff here; and under date of Mny 26, I90S, in his first annual report as Dean of the College, made the following statement: "Illinois stands third arnong the states of the union in the value of its ninei'fj. products. Its iron and steel nills make up one of the great manufactui"- ing centers of the world. Smelters for lead, gold and silver are operated with- in its borders. Its coal mines alone employ 62,000 people; but there is no place in our educational system where the v/oiiccrs of this industry can go for guidance. There is no laboratory in the state, nor any corps of men who in a scientific way are studying the problems of the mine. Such fundamental matters as ventilation and as the use of pcvdor arc but imperfectly understood, and the problems of haulage, hoisting, screening and washing ai'c not being especially studied by those who later on are to be res]ionsible for the operation of the mines of the state. The College of Snginocring should as soon as practicable enter this field As the mining and. notallurgical activities of our state arc not the same as those of other localities, so a department of mining engineering for Illinois would not be the sfime an existing departments of schools of other states. There is an opportunity before the University to es- tablish along broadly scientific lines a department of raining engineering which will be unique among the institutions of our country I shall hope that the time i;s not far distant when a beginning can bo made in the es- tablishment of such a dep.v.rtment " . Shortly after this, the Dean sent out letters to prominent coal operators, mining engineers, dealers, and other persons of influence in the State, exjilain- ing the proposal mid asking for their opinions regarding it. In every case, the replies were heartily in favor of the pljin and some were decidedly enthusiastic. Accordingly, Dean Goss included in the budget for the two years beginning on July 1, 1909, an item of $25,000 as a provision for instruction and equipment in mining engincei-ing. On March 11-13, I909, the Illinois Pucl Conforoncc was hold at the Univer- sity of Illinois under the auspices of the College of Engineering, the Engineer- ing Experiment Station, and the U.S. Geological Survey. About that time, too, a movement that had been under waj' to establish a Mine Rescue Station (desci'ibed later in this chapter) at the University that would be a cooperative enterprise of the University and the Technologic Branch (later, the U.S.Bureau of Mines) of the U.S. Geological Survey, matcrialiaed so that the date sot for the opening was made to coincide vrith that of the Fuel Coiifercncc. During this joint meet- ing and conference there was developed a strong feeling favorable to the adoption of more scientific methods in the further development of the mining properties of the State. The need of trained men to plan and to supervise mining operations attolteiL iriMiUSXCBi 93JJX)01tJli oJ 331 until late in the fall. Tho machinery could not be installed in time for the first semester, but was ready for use at the beginning of the second semester. The facilities provided for laboratory work after I909 are described briefly in the following pages. Mine Surveying - Shortly after the Department was located in the Transpor- tation Building, it procured a nvunber of instruments including mining transits , levels, and accessory apparatus for surveying both above ground and undergroiind, the underground surveying being carried on within the heating tunnels of the Campus system. The equipment was kept in one corner of Room 207 of the Trans- portation Building so that it could be used for demonstration purposes in con- nection with the classroom exorcises, until 1922-23, when it was transferred to an adjacent room, 2073, formed by partitioning off the south end of tho building corridor. Sampling and G rinding Laboratory - As soon as the Mining Laboratory was opened in 1912-I3, or shortly thereafter, complete field and laboratory equip- ment was provided for sampling and reducing safiplos of coal and ore. The grind- ing room was equipped v/ith coal and mineral grinders and pulverizers, pebble mills, testing sieves and sieve-testing apparatus, disc-type of pulverizing mills, a jaw crushor, a mochanically-drivcn at'^ate mortar, a sample mixer, and other similar apparatus. Puels Laboratory - When the Mining Laboratory was completed in 1912-I3, one room at the south end of tho building was set aside as a chemical and physical laboratory' and was equipped with facilitios for the analysis of coal, coke, oil, natural gas, and mine gases, and for carrying on assay work. At that time or within tho next few years, there was provided compete equipment for the proxi- mate and ultimate analysis of coal, for the determination of the coking proper- tics of coal, and for the studi.' of sulphur in coal, f usability of ash, and tho Calorific value of coal. Special apparatus includes gas furnaces, fuel calo- rimeters, drying ovens, sulphur turbidimeter, calorimotric pH comparator, com- bustion trains, and specific-gravity apparatus. The facilities have been im- proved from tine to time as nov devices and methods have been dovclopcd. A >t \jbii«7 wii "Sialnla s^j -ii/ uiia 'lo bne i. ia liicKt a; ,uj i...a'i'.*;u lo't hftcu erf fiXiJOO i i><;« Iboo rfti, •.jfuai^ oixii. 332 well-eauipped balance room adjoins the laboratory. In I9U2-U3, additional space was taken for this work when Room I5I in the southwest corner of the building was developed into a calorimetry and gas testing laboratory. Coal-Freparat ion and Ore-Dressing Laboratory - Early in 19IO-II, as previ- ously stated, a portion of a small room on the first floor of the Mathews Avenue Power Plant was used for illustrating the operations of coal-waahing and ore- dressing equipment. During the second semester of tliat scliool year, Room 202, in that same building was used to house the equipment. iVhen the Mining Labora- tory was finished in 1912-I3, approximately half of the north end of the main room Was given over to equipment devoted to vrork in the preparation and testing of coal. The facilities installed at that tine or a fc-v years later included coal crusherr, and pulverizers, shaker and vibrating screens, wot concentration tables, air tables, jigs, sand-flotation and froth-flotation facilities, a centrifugal drier, nnd filters. A briquetting press was put in for making coal briquettes. The other half of the main room was occupied by machines that had a special application to oro-drossing and hydrometallurgical problems. Some of this in- stalled at the opening of the laboratory or a few years afterwards, included gyratory/ and other rock cmshcrs for the initial crushing of the ore; rolls; pebble, ball, and rod mills; lij'draulic <'ind mechanical classifiers; stamp mill with amalgamation plates; jigs; sand and slime leaching equipment for gold or other metallic ores; a magnetic separator; an electrostatic separator; and a large drying ovon. Special apparatus for carrying on oxporincntal work in a- malgamation, cyanidation, cdcctro-magnetic and electro-static testing, oil flotation, and other hydro-metallurgical commercial operations has been provided from time to time as the opportunity presented itself. Ml no- Vent i lat ion and Safety-L.gnp Labo rato ry - During the second semester of I9IO-II, a small room on the first floor of the Mathews Avenue Power Plant was equipped with aprpliances for the study of mine gases find safety lamps. During I9II-I2, Room 315 of the Physics Building was made into a safety-lamp laboratory 333 At the beginning of I912-I3, the Transportation Building waB completed and Room 210 in that building was taken over for a ventilation or safety-lamp laboratory and a mine gas laboratory. This space was fitted '^ith equipment designed for ventilating coal and metal mines — with such applifrnces as safety and testing lamps, and ',7ith practically every makre of safety lamp represented, for the study of mine gases. Theru was installed apparatus, also, for detecting various in- flammable find explosive gases in mines. A dark room contained in the laboratory was equipped with an Oldham gas -testing machine. In the summer of I913, there was added a Hnilwood gas cap observation machine for safety lamps, an electric relighter for safety l.'imjjs, and other equipment. By I917, there had been ac- cumulated also facilities fcr the measurement of ventilation air currents, and the Fraser coal-dust testing apparatus as developed by the U. S. Bureau of Mines. This materiel was all traiisf erred to Hoom 101 of the Mining Laboratory in 1917 and 1918, This equipment has been added to from time to time as it bec^e available in the market for instructional and experimental purposes, until in 19^5i the collection of various kinds of minors' lights, dating from the primitive fire wheel to the modern types of flame safety Ir-unps and appi'ovcd electric cap lamps, is one of the most complete in the United States. A photorauter, gas-analysis apparatus, juid laiiip-testing machines, as well as gas detectors, are available for research and instruction purjioses. In addition, mine ventilation models, fans^ and a duct system in which amall-scalc shaft and tirabnring conditions may be simulated and tested, comprise a very important part of the ventilation labora- tory. Miscellaneous equipment consists of anemometers, sling psychrometers, katathermoraeters, TWilen and Sllison gages, otc. Drilling and Blasting Laboratoiy - In I9II-I2, Room Uoi in the Physics Building was used to house materials illustrating exijlosion and blasting equip- ment. Room U07 in tloat smnc building was used to house coal and rock drills set up for exhibition purposes, but there was no poiver available there for operating them. IThen the Mining Laboratory was finished in I912-I3. the drilling and blasting apparatus was trar.sferred to the south end of tne main room of that 33^ building -/heroa itick-<.lrillinij and coal-cuttinp table was provided. Foui' ad- ditional rock drill'3 were acquired in 19^4-2f;. A sullivan Rock-drill sharpener and shaper powered by compressed air, a gats forge for heating rock drills, and a comparascope for dotenaininc quenching points for drills, v/ere supplied in 1925-26. Other apparatus has been added as funds have become available from time to time until I9U5 the collection of representative cutting and drilling machinery and accessories consists of coal cutters, hand and electric ruigurs, percussion rock drills of various types, a portable diamond drill, a gas-fired heating • furnace for drill stool, and a conpreascd-air drill i;har])ener. There has been provided, also, such tyr)ical devices as dumiiy cartridge;!, squibs, fuses, electric detonators, taupiUf?: tool:"., blasting machines, circuit testers, shot-firing equip- ment, and a demonstrating model for studying the charging of drill holes. Heat -Treatment Laborator^y- - V/ork on the development of the heat-treatment laboratory/, designed to stud^' the effects of heat-treatment on the physical properties of aotals and alloys, was begun as soon as the Metallurgical Building was completed in I93G. The equipment installed then or since that time includes a number of large, mediuin, and small gas /\nd electric furnaces — some vrith time clock and automatic control. The gas furnaces are capable of attaining a temperature of 2,8(.tO degrees F. ;ind are useful in carborizing and nitriding steels. An electric arc furnace built by the Department in 1937-33, is capable of producing a temperature of 3,000 degrees F, There has also been provided adequate pyrometric equipment consisting of base and noble metal thermocouples, potientiometers, millivoltneters, optical and radiation pyrometers, and other appropriate facilities. One side of the room is provided with a Riehlc uni- versal UO, 000-pound testing machine and a universal 220 foot-pound testing machine used to examine the physicfil pi-opcrties of hoat-trnated steels, and v/ith Brinell, Vickers, and Hoctavell testing machines for determining the hardness of these steels. A high-speed cutting machine, with a carborundum disc capable of rotatiiig at extremely high speeds, has been provided to cut the finest grades of rx i.xiiiiii- wpjr, iQ^iO fsvfkf Oil* . i ,"ibi;.tB ot boa:: ,'r -n- -:rf7 335 tool steel. There has also been added a V/ilson dilatonetor to study the ex- pansion of metals during the heating processes. The laboratory is supplied, in addition, with apparatus for grcving single crystals of metals and alloys; with thenno-analysis devices having a speed of 0-3 000 degrees ?. in one second; with liquid and metallic heat-treating baths for studying isotheinal phase changes; with furnaces and facilities for investigations on the hardenability of steels; and with appliances for determination of the endurance limit of metals and alloys. Assa^- Laboratory - After the llining Laboratory was completed in I912-I3, the work in the assaying of ores was done in the departmental chemical laboratory along with such other v;ork as fuel and nine-gas analysis. The equipment pro- vided at that tine or shortly thereafter for assaying included analytical work- desks, hand jigs, clar-.aif icrs, gas muffle furnaces, gold pans, magnetic ore separators, and other auxilliary apparatus for making tests of ores and ore products. In 1936, when the Metallurgical Laboratory Building was completed, the facilities used for assaying purposes w;eietransf erred to it from the Mining Laboratory, The assay laboratory is now equipped with chemical desks, hoods, and the necess;iry apparatus to accoi.imodato t'.venty students jjcr section working on analysis of gold, silver, and other ores. A balance roori located adjacently is well supplied with facilities for insti*uctional and experimental '.wrk. Sleet rometallurgical Laboratory - For small-scale experimental work, there is located on the first floor of the lii;tallurgical Building a large electro- metallurgical laboratox'y that was equipped during 1937-3'' "''ith tables, hood, voltmeters, a:ameters, and accesoorj'' electrical equipment, and supplied with both direct and alternating current for carrj.'-ing on electroplating and other phases of elect rometallurgj--. Wei di ng Laboratory - Work was begun recently on the establishment of a welding laboratory. In a lai'ge I'oom set aside for this purjnose, have been pro- vided a Lincoln arc welder and an oxy-acetylene welder set up in specially- '©liifl on i : 336 prepared bootha with appropriate auxilliary apparatus. Melting Laboratory - The melting laboratory, recently opened, contains an Ajax-Northrup high-frequency induction furnace rated at 50 pounds capacity and auxilliary appliances for fusion in vacuum. There is also a ^O-jtound electric- arc furnace for direct and indirect types of melting. Metallographic Laboratory - The mot alio graphic laboratory designed for the study of the internal or micro-structure of motals and alloys and the relation of the structure to the physical properties of metals, is located in Room 209 on the second floor of the Metallurgical Building and is one of the main features of the building. The laboratory lias accommodntions for twenty students per section and each man has his o'.7n equipment including a metallurgical micro- scope. One one side of this room is an enclosed grinding room for specimen grinding containi.ng belt and wheel type of grinders, v/ork benches, and equipment for the prepax'ation and deep etching of specimens. There are a number of in- dividual-drive polishing machines for the pro]iaration of specimens for micro- scopic examination. Supplemnntax-y to the metallographj'' laboratory is a room containing a number of cameras including both the micro t^-pe, or those for tak- ing photographs at high magnification, and the macro ty]:)C, or those for talcing pictures at low magnification, for use in the stud,y of the structure of metals in connection with either instructional or research programs. Adjacent to the camera room are a niuaber of dark rooms for developing and printing work. Recent- ly there Mas provided an /i-ra;^ diffradtion unit for the study of the atomic structure of materials'. F. IWSIWl^ MATIRIALS AilD COLLECTIONS General - The Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering has assembled museiim materials from tine to time, liaving In 19^5 s, collection of models showing the methods of working coal and ore mines. It has also a complete set of safety lamps and other mine-lighting devices. It has, in addition, a complete set of ex];)losive and blasting materials i^nd appliances, a number of devices used in mine ventilation, and an exhibit of helmets and other mine - 1. The Tcchnograph, February, 1936, page J 337 rescue and first-aid demonstration aquipnent . There is available, too, a number of full-size sectionalized and working machines showing the operation of mining apparatus. Besides all of these facilities, the Department has a large col- lection of photographs and blueprints illustrative of mining and metallurgical practice and consti'uction, and of specimens of ores, coal, non-metallic minerals metallurgical products, and refractories. G. AFFILIATED AITO C00PERATIV3 AG3NCIES General - In addition to its wrk of instruction, the Department of Mining Engineering beciune closely associated with the various mining activities of the State and with the Technologic Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey (later the U.S.Bureau of Mines) and the State Geological Survey in establishing Mine Service Sta':ions and in the conduct of investigations on coal-mining problems, with the Mining Investigations Commission, and with the Illinois Miners' and Mechanics Institutes. The vrork of these various agencies is described briefly in the following paragraphs. Mine Re scue Station at Urbana - As previously stated, a Mine Rescue Station was established at the University on March 11, I909, by the Technologic Branch of the U.S. Geological &,irvcy( later the U.S.Bureau of Mines) to cooperate with the Illinois State Geological Survey and the Department of Mining Engineering of the University. IThile the main station at Pittsbur;3;h devoted most of its study to problems of mine uxplosions — analysis of coals and gases — the Urbana Station, the second of its kind in the United States, was intended to concentrate upon the rescue of men overcome in mine disasters. Specifically, its work was to demonstrate to mine operators, mine insi)ectors, and mine workci^ and others, the value of modem mine-rescue equipment, such as oxygen helmets, and resuscitation apjiaratus for use in connection with rescue work in mines, as an aid to fighting mine fires, and to open and examine nines which had been sealed in order to determine the cause and effects of explosions and fires. The equipment of the Station included recent inventions as follows: four Draeger Oxygen helmets and recharging apparatus; one Draoger resuscitating case; 1 "The Mine Rescue Station at Urbana," by A.C.Yehling S.-^.'09, The Tochnograph 1908-09, pages 122-125. 33 S four Hubbel electric portable safety lamps; one portable Orsatt outfit for qualitative analyses of nine gases; and one "Einoke room". The oxygen helmets were made of metal, and resembled the helmets worn by deepsea divers, except that they were smaller. There was no need for their be- inc; heavy and strong because there wai? no pressure as in deep-sea diving. The liubbel portable safety lamps were made of aluminum to give as little weight as possible. The light was supplied from a small incandescent lamp lighted from current from a small storage cell. The Orsatt outfit '.vas a necessary apparatus for the hasty call to any mine for making analyses of mine gases. The analyses -were made before any heavy reconstruction or rescue work was attempted. The "smoke room" was a gas-tight stioicture 12 by ?.[-) feet by 12 feet located in the north bay of the Liechanical Engineering Laborator;/ Building. The interior was fitted with heavy beams and low passageways, similar to the construction of an actual mine. Sulphur could be burned in the room, producing conditions re- sembling those found after actual mine disasters. A dummy of a man offered an opportunity for practice at resuscitation of victims. The Station not only gave demonstrations, but also undertook to train men in the use of such apparatus, the service being given gratuitously, and as far as possible, to all interested within the limits of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, sifostern Kentucky, Iowa, tmd Missouri. Several mine operators and mine bosses took advantage of the services offered by the Urbana Station to obtain training in the use of the new apparatus. During the twelve-month period follovdng the establishment of the Station, the engineer in charge of the Station, Mr. Hobert Y. 'Jilliams, was called into the field on the occasion of two explosions, seven fires, four mine examinations with the aid of the helmets, and two conference demonstrations. The Department of Mining Engineering v/as especially fortunate in having the Rescue Station established at the University. It offei-ed the students in mining engineering an unusual oi)portunity to study roscuR "'ork and to come in contact with men in practice from all parts of Illinois and the neighboring .too snioii' riobau oaln in . o^^otv^f 339 states who came to tho Station for training in rescue operntion. Mine Rescue St action Commission - One rosult of the work of the Urbana Sta- tion, aside from any material assistance given in the rescue v/ork at the dis- asters visited, 'vas that on Februai-y 17. 1910, the Gcner.nJ Assembly enacted a law providing for a Mine Hescuo Station Commission authorized to establish, equip, and operate three rescue stations. An appropriation of $75,000 was se- cured for instituting these stations. The Head of the Dopai'tment of Mining Engineering at tho University was made a member of the Commission. Shortly after the Commission was organized, the Cherry Hill (Illinois) mine disaster 1 occurred, at which Mr. 3. Y. 'Jillirans, '.7ho was in charge of tho Urbana Station, as previously mentioned, and Professor Stock, dist .nguishcd themselves in work- ing v7ith the; :.'onmi8uion in affording aid to T;he victims of the explosion and fire, using the newly- invented oxygen helmets for the first time. The establishment of tho three stations following the one at the University made Illinois the first state in the country- to adopt the modern rescue appa- ratus and rescue methods to safeguard tho lives of its citizens engaged in the coal-mining industry. 7ith the reorganization of the State C-overnment in I917-I8, the work of the Mine Heecue Commission '.vas transferred to the new Department of Mines and Minerals, and the University was relieved of ?.\ny further responsibility in connection with this Commission, Illinois Mining Investigation Commission - In I909 the General Assembly authorized the appointment of tho Illinois Mining Investigation Commission to formulate desirable legislation for the control of coal mines — Professor H. E. Stoek, Head of the Department of Mining Snginocring at the University, becoming a member of tho Commission on Docombor 3. Room 2lU Transportation Building, originally assigned to the Department of Mining Engineering and fitted for a laboratory, was made into an office for the Commission. The Commission gave much time to studying the existing mining conditions in this ,and other states, to fonnulating bills to correct the most outstanding evils then prevailing in the 1 November I3, I909 ;!n-»rr»r 3^0 minin;:; industry in the Statn, and to hcnrinfis on the bills boforo the General Assciiibly. As a result of the fforts of the Commission, the nininr la'.7s of Illinois 7/cre v>-r:v substantiaJ.ly inpi'oved to tho advanta;sunting his former students, colleagues, and friends to remind coming generations of students of the contributions of Professor Stock to mining education. PSOGHAl.i OF MEIIOHIAL SILERCISSS AlTD PSESLlITATIOii OF TABLET IN HOiiOH OF PROFESSOH liARPY HARiaCESS STOEK Arthur Ke'vell Talbot, Professor of Municipal and Sani- tary Engineering and in charge of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Presiding Professor Stoo]-: - Enginec;r, Editor, and Educator Slnor Allen Holbrook Dean of the School of Mining .-ind Metallurgy Pennsylvania State College Professor Stock - Friend S,-anuel '.Yilson Parr Professor of Applied Chemistry Presentation of the Stock Memorial Tablet Alfred Copoland Gallon Professor of Mining Engineering and ILvad of the Department of Mini n,^ Engineering 1 The Technogratih, May, 102b, page 19 3U6 Acceptance of the ilociorial Tablet on 'behalf of the University of Illinois Albert Pruden Carman Professor of Physics and Head of the department of Physics Professor Harold Leroy ^olkcr, in his article entitled "History of the De- partment of Mining jind Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Illinois," published in the Proceedings of the Illinois Mining Institute, I9U2, pays the following tribute to the woi4: of Professor Stock: "Doctor Stock's vision, his enthusiasm, and technical ability were responsible for the development of the curriculum, the construction of the equipment of a fine mining laboratory, the 30c\iring of a competent staff, and the maintenance of the highest standards of 1 technical instructioi". Doctor Stuck was as much adiaircd by his students as he was respected by his colleagues both within and outside of the University circles. He was closely associated \7ith several national scientific organisations and was a frequent contributor to their journals ;ind to other publications of the technical press. Alfred Copeland Gallon - war; born in Pan Arg;>-1, Pennsylvania, on July I7, ISSS. Ho was granted the D. w. degree from Lehigh University in I909 and the M.S. degree in I91I. He was Instructor in Physics at Lehigh in I909-IO and Instructor in Mining Sngineoring there in I9IO-II, after which he was engaged in engineering practice during l-^'ll-lM-. lie served as Instnictor in Mining Engineering at the University of Illinois during igi^i-lG and as Associate in Mining Engineering here during 1916-I7. He resigned in November, I916, to become Professor of Mining Engineering and Director of Mining Extension at the University of West Virginia, but returned to the University of Illinois in I92U as Professor of Mining Engi- neering and Head of the Department. He maintained that position until 1939i when he accepted a call to become Professor of Iiining Engineering and Head of the Department and De£in of the College of Engineering at Lehigh. During his tenure of office at the University of Illinois, Professor Gallon was instrumental in introducing the division of Metallurgical Engineering in 193'+. 1 Page 'ih 3^7 since which tine the name of the Dep.artment has been ..iining and Metallurgical Engineering. Px'ofessor Callen acted as Editor of a magazine entitled "Co;3l1 Mine Management," Chicago, during 1922-29. He nerved as President of Kiwanis Inter- national in 1936-37. He is Joint author of five bulletins of the Engineering Experiment Station. Harold Leroy Walker was born at Benton, Illinois on June I9, 190!^. He was granted the 3.S. dogi'ee at Michigan College of Mines imA Technology in 1932, the M.S. degree in 1933, find the Met .3. degree in 1935. Ho was engaged in engineering practice during 1925-29, and was Instructor in Metallurgical Engineering at the Michigan College of Mines and Technolog;/' during I932-36. Kn then Tvent to the State College of ^'ashington, ivhcre he became Assistant Professor of Metallurgy and Metallography. Ho remained -/ith that position Tintil 1937 • '"'hen ho became Assistant Professor of Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Illinois. He was Act- ing Head of the Dopartriont of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering here from I939 until I9U2, having been made Associate Profes-jor of Metallurgical Engineering in I9U1. Since 191+2, ho has been Professor of liotallurgical Engineering here and Head of the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering. In 19^3. Pro- fessor T.'alker was awarded the Army-Havy "E" for his v/ork in developing a formula for the production of anaor-piercing shells. He is the author of one reprint of the Enginoerin.^ Experiment Station. b. Other Frofcsr.ors Elmer Allen Holbrook (S.3., I90U, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; B.K. 1916, University of Illinois) was employed in mining practice from I90U to I9IO, and '.7as Professor of Mining and Mctallurg;,' at iiova Scotia Technical College at Halifax, from I910 to I9I3. Ho joined the staff at the University of Illinois in September, I913, as Assist jint Professor of Mining Engineering. He was Professor of Mineral Production hero from September, 1917. to October following, when he resigned to accept a position with the U.S.Bureau of Mines. Later, he bccane Dean of the Schools of Engineering and Mines at the University of Pittsburgh. Pro- fessor Holbrook is author of one bulletin and one circular of the Engineering 3^S Experiment Station. c. Associate Professors Arthur Joseph Ho skin (3.S. inM.E., 1^90, and M.S., 1905. University of Wisconsin) spent several years in idning-^igineering practice, then served as Assistant Profefisor of Mining at Colorado School of Mines during 1905-OS, and as Professor during I9O8-II. Ho was engaged in independent practice in Denver and as editor of various mining publications from I9II to September, 19f'li when he came to the University of Illinois as Research Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering. On March 2, I923, Professor ifoskin was appointed Acting Head of the Department of Mining Engineering to take the place of Professor Stock, who died the day preceding. He served as Research Associate Professor of Mining Engineer- ing and Acting Head of the Department during 1923-2'+. Vifhen Professor Callen be- came Head of the Department in September, I92I+, Professor Hbskin still remained with the Department as Renoarch Associate Professor, but on February 1, I926, he was given a leave of absence on account of ill health, and he resigned at the end of that school year. He died on March I3, I935, at Boulder, Colorado. Professor Hoskin was author of a book entitled "The Business of Mining". Ho V7as author of one bulletin and was Joint author of two more published by the Engineering Experiment Station. David Ray Mitchell (3.S.. I92U, and M.S., 1927, Pennsylvania State College; S.k., 1931, University of Illinois) bocaue Instructor in Mining Engineering at the University of Illinois ia February, l«t27, after having been emploj^ed for some time in engineering practice. He was made Associate in Mining Engineering in 1927, Assistant Professor in 1931, and Associate Professor in 1937- He resigned in September, I938, to becomo Head of the Department of Mining Engineering at Pennsylvania State College, whore he has remained to date. Professor Mitchell is author of one bulletin and is joint author of t'/o more published by the Engineer- ing Experiment Station. d. Assistant Professors Franci s Church Ijincoln ( 3. S . , iqoo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; . it ttb insii'. -■!:\i!Sei HflW 'it. 3U9 S.i:., I90U, New Mexico School of Mines; A.M., 1306, and Ph.D., I9II, Col\imbia Uni- versity) becaue Associate in Mining Sngineorinf-: nt the Univernity of Illinois in September, I9II, tond Assistant Professor in I912. He resigned in August, I9I3, to accept a position in mining-engineering practice. Later, he became Director of Mining Schools of Nevada. Professor Lincoln is author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station here. Stephen Osgood Andres (A. 3., I897, Bo'.vdoin College; 3.S., I902, andS.M., 1903, Michi;^an Colloge of l!ines) gained to.nching experience in secondary schools and in the University of Pittsburgh, then becaiie Fitdd Assistant in the Co- operative Mines Investigation in Illinois in Itovembur, I9II. He became Associate at the University in I913, and Assistant Pi'ofo;;3or in 191n. Ke resigned in iTovember, I'jl^i, to enter engineering practice. In 1917-lg, he served as In- structor and Assistant Director of the School of Military Aeronautics at the Uni- versity of Illinois. Clinton Maso n Young (3.S.. 1898. Hirm: College; 3.S., I90U, an^E.M., I909, Case School of Ap])licd Science) served as Assistant Professor of Mining Research from July I9I6, to August I9I9, when he resigned to accept a position as Head of the Department of Mining Engineering at the University of Kansas. Ho was author of two bulletins of the Engineering Experiment Station and a niambcr of articles in the technical press. John Burns Read (B.S. I906, and E.K.1909, South Dakota School of Mines) was Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering at the University of Illinois from September 1919, to September I92O, ".'hen he -Tithdre'.v to accept an appointment in industry. In I927, he became Professor of Mining at the Colorado School of Mines. Art Imr Eilert Druckor was graduated from the California School of Mechanical Arts, San Frnncisco in I897 and received the 3.3. degree from the University of California College of Mdnos in I902. He was engaged in engineering practice in the aining industry in this country ;ind abroad from I902 to 19^9 • after which he became Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering at the Wisconsin State School of Mines at Plattevillc. Ho then served as Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering 350 at the University of Illinois from February, I920, to October, 1926, '/7hen he re- signed to accept a position as Dean of the School of Mines and Geology and Director of the Mining Experiment Station, at Washington State College. Ra^^ W. Arms (3.S. 1912, Ohio State University; 3.M. , I919, University of Illinois) came to the University in November I917. as Instructor in Mining Engi- neering after spending some time in practice. He v/as made Associate in I920, and Assistant Professor in I92I, but resigned in November I922, to engage in employ- ment T/ith the Roberts and Schaefer Company of Chicago. He is author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station. Thomas Mel lor Baina, Jr., (E.M. I916, Columbia University) served as Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering at the University of Illinois from January I923, to September 192U, when he resigned to accept a position at Oregon State College. Thomas Fraser (3.S., I917 and E.H., I92I, University of Illinois) was connected with the U.S.Bureau of Mines Experiment Station at the UnAvorsity here from 19I8 to 1923 carrying on investigations in coal washing; and in September 1923, was appointed Research Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering. He left the University in September I92U. to join the teaching staff of the University of We)st Virginia with the title of Assistsint Professor of Mining Engineering. He is joint author of two bulletins of the Engineering Experiment Station. Irvine Meredith Marshall (3.S. I920, Queen's University, Canada) was employed in engineering practice after graduation until he came to the University of Illinois in October, 192^, as Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering. Ho resigned in September I92S, to become Manager of the Central Manitoba Mining Company at Wadhopc, Manitoba, Canada. Cloyde Moffett Smith (3.S. I920, M.S. iq2S, 3.M., I93U, and Ph.D., I935, University of Illinois) w.vn employed in engineoring practice during 1920-21, and came to the University in September ,1921, as Assistant in Mining Engineering. In 1923, he v/as made Instructor in Mining Saginccring, and in October I926, ho was transferred from the teaching to the research staff. He was made Research SSqi l^d: :i90Ai»flS .^taiovlnV 351 Assistant Professor in 1931. ^^^ rc:iaaine(i in that jiosition until October 1937» when he left to become editor of a new publication known as "Mechanization — the Magazine of Modern Coal". Professor Smith is author of seven bulletins and is co-author of five more of the Engineering Exporinont Station. Arthur B. Wilder (3.S.. I925, lit. Union College; M.A., 192S, Ohio State Uni- versity; and D.Sc, 1933. Harvard University) served as Instructor at Case Sohool of Applied Science for one year and as .-m assistant at Earvard for t-ro years. After 1933. 5ie was engaged for a time in engineering practice at Cleveland, Ohio. He cano to the University of Illinois in July I935, as Assistant Professor of Motallurgical Engineering, and remained in that position until August ,1939. when he resigned to return to engineering practice. Professor '.Tilder is joint author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station. Hugh Philo liicholson (3.S. 1923,and 3.11., I930, Iowa State College; M.S., 1933, University of Illinois) was connected with mining practice after graduation until ho joined the staff at the University 01 Illinois in Septemljcr 1928, as Instructor in Mining Engineering. He was made Associate in 193'^. f^^ Assistant Professor in 1935. He withdrew from the University in September 19U2, to become President and General Manager of the Chestnut Hill Zinc Company. ffalter Herbert Bruckner (A. 5. I927, andCh.!)., I93O, Columbia University) joined the staff at the University of Illinois in Januarj' I93S, as Research Associate in liotallurgical Bnginocring. Ho became Hoscarch Assistant Professor in 1939, and has remained horc to date (I9U5). Professor Bruckner is author of one bulletin and is joint author of four more published by the Engineering Experi- ment Station. John Louis Gallus \7eysscr (3.S., I93I and E.M. , 1937, Lehigh University) joined the staff at the University of Illinois in ScpteT-ibcr 1939. as Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering. In ITovembor 19^1. ho v;as granted a leave of absence to join the staff of the War Production Board at Washington, D.C., but resigned in August 19U2, to continue his Govcrniiient work. Arthur C. Forsyth (3.S. I92U, M.S., I929, and Ph.D., I937, University of 358 Mlnneeota) Joined the staff at the University of Illinois In September 19^1, as Assistant Professor of )49tallurgical &glnaerin6 after having spent fourteen years as a msaiber of the faculty of the University of Minnesota. He has remained vith the staff to date (l9l*5). Herman Rath Bberle (B.S., 1922, S.M., 1922, and M.S., 1929, Michigan College of Mines and Technology) served as Assistant Professor of Mining Sngineering at the University of Illinois from Roveoher, 19^1, to August, 19^2. Janes Varren Stewart (B.S, I923, University of \foet Virginia; M.S., I927, University of Illinois) vas eiqplqyed en the mining staff at Pennsylvania State College and at Lafayette College for fifteen years, then eauB to the University of Illinois in September, 19*^2, as Assistant Professor of Mining Aiglneering, and ha» remained here to date (I9l»5) . Joseph Arthur Bottomley (B.S. 1930, and S.M., 19M», University of Illinois) served as Special Rasearch Assistant in Mining Etaglneering at the University of Illinois from January to June, 1936, vorklng under Professor Mitchell on the coal utilitatloQ project financed hy the Board of Trustees. He took up engineering practice then, but returned to the Iftilversity in September, 19^, as Assistant Professor of Mining ftigineerlng, vhera he remained until September, 19l»H. garl Joseph Bekel (B.S. I937, Michigan College of Mines and Technology) came to the University of Illinois in September, 1939, as Instructor in Metallurgical aiglneerlng. He vas appointed Associate in 19^3, and Assistant Professor in I9U5. Bernard Gordop Rletotts (B.S., 1937, and M.S. 1938, Washington State College) was ccnnected with the U.S. Geological Survey until he Joined the staff at the University as Instructor in Mstallurgioal Engineering. He was proooted to Associate in 19^3, and was granted a leccre of absence from November 15, 19W», until Agusut 31, 19^5, to work in the U. S. Bureau of Mines B«perlB»nt Station at Boulder City, Nevada. He became Assistant Professor in 19Jf5. e. Associates iSSS. ^iSSell Fleming (E.M. I9II, University of Pittsburgh) served as Junior Mining aiglneerlng with the U.S. Bureau of Mines and as Instructor in the U. S. q\>t ~iTtp'-y i-.nfiie j4iitv«d[ •ie^^t^-gtt'HW: 'I ^^HUliifK OS ,X'4(?I ,iediBi5tro?r Aio*rt oionlj ' ej>f+ % ..■• V ■ . • ■. -,.!••; , : ••.-. .••:s yJf*...' •.' CAf^Ioarfo;;;•',; .H ■^^^'^'■ 353 School of Mllltaiy Aarooautlca In 1918, and as Heeearch Aseoclate In Mining Engi- neering at the University from Septeniber, 1919, to August, 1921, when he reeigied to engage In connerclal work. He Is co-author of cue bullatln of the Engineering Ebiperlment Station. f . Instructors and Research Assistants Carl S. Stevenson (E.M. , I908, Ohio State University) was Assistant In Mining Engineering at Ohio State during I9O8-O9 and was engaged in engineering practice during 1909-10. He cam to the University of Illinois In September, I9IO as Instructor in Mining Engineering, but resigned In June, I9II, to re-enter engineer- ing practice. Herbert Houghton Lauer (E.M. , I906, Lehigh University) followed engineering practice after graduation until he Joined the faculty of the University of Illinois In January, 1912, as Instructor in Mining Engineering. He withdrew, how- ever. In July, 1913, to return to engineering practice. Lewis Emanuel Young (B.S. I9OO, Pennsylvania State College; E.M., I90U, Iowa State College; and Ph.D., 1915, University of Illinois) served as Instructor in Mining Engineering at the University of Illinois during the academic year from September, I913, to June, 1911*, and then Joined the College of Commerce here where he remained for some tln». He is co-author of one bulletin of the fliglneerlng Eiperlmsnt Station. Noah Arthur Tolch (B.S. 1921^, University of Illinois) was Research Assistant In Mining aiglneerlng from February to August, 1926, when he resigned to accept a position with the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Rodney Bruce Hoover (B.S., I925, and E.M., I925, Michigan College of Mines) served as fecial Research Assistant In Mining Engineering here fron December, 1928, to June, 1929. Jerome Ellis Machamor (B.S. 1922, University of Illinois) served as Special Research Assistant in Mining Engineering from December, I928, to June, I929. John Alden Snyder (B.S. 193T, University of Illinois) came to the University in September, 1939, as Instructor In Mstallurglcal Engineering. He resigned in ^:tJBi urn to looriof aicmioV.'.-'. I; jBoeefl tea aiQiaihtonl .1 aA Attr (^ ^s;^ olrfO' .80^1 ^.M;?) ii08flqy»»R .P ■e »^.jr*:?3B; . h BloatLlI Jo xiUnnfrlaV ■ >&al%ta. gnhi^Ji jt^ o/i 1-: .t., '•■ »^.1:;J ■■::^o 'l-- 'io^ijul. •;i -.at.?) i 35U February, igUl to .enter engineering practice. Harold Carl Beede(3.S. 1937, University of Washington) served as Special Research Assistant in Metallurgical Snginccring froi.; September I9U0 to January, I9U2 when he obtained a leave to enter service with the U.S. Armed Forces. Jup. Hlno (B,S. 191*1. and. M.S, 19^. University of Illinois) became Re- search Aseietant in Metallureical Brigineering in September, I9U1, and continued with the Department until September, 19^+3. when he left to go into engineering practice, I. GENERAL SmOIARY General - Although circumstances seemed to limit the registration of students in courses in mining, the results have justified the efforts. In varying ways a larger service has been given to the State and llation. A most im})ortant service has been the contributions of the members of the staff in the way of bulletins giving reports of investigations and researches of mining problems in connection with the Engincei'ing Exi^eriment Station, the Geological Survey, and the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Since the addition of metallurgical engineering, the enrollment- has increased very rapidly for the vast number and extent of metallurgical industries located in Illinois and neighboring states are calling for more and more men trained for this particular line of service; and no doubt the demands will become even greater as metallurgical engineers continue to demonstrate their value in metal-manufacturing establishments. On this account the Department is practically assured of a continuous and successful career as one of the major units forming the College of Engineering group. 355 CHAPTER XI THE) hepahtI'ISIit of physics A.OKGAiaZATION OP THS DZPARTMSInIT General - It v/as recognized at the beginning of instnaction here that a knowledge of the science of physics, or natural philosophy as it ^.vas originally kno'TO, "/as f vmdament al to the training of every engineer — that he should become familBr with the laws of mechanics, heat, lislit, sound, and electricity and magnetism. Accordingly, subjects in physics 'Jere taught to engineers from the time of the opening of the University; but in spite of that fact, Physics was not made a separate department until 1389, when S;anuel Wesley Stratton was placed in charge with the title of Assistant. Up to that time, responsibility for in- struction had been with the heads of the Departments of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Professor Robinson having served from IS70 to ISJS, Doctor Peabody from IS7S to 13S5 and Professor Comstock fron 1385 to 1889 . While the Department has operated as a service organization offering courses to students' enrolled in all other departments in engineering and in other schools and colleges on the campus, it has, in addition, vithin the last few years scheduled its own curricu- lum of study -prepared especially for those undei-graduates v/ho desire to specialize in this particular field. 3. EAPiY INSTRUCTIOil IIJ PHYSICS ^ 1 General - The 1872-73 issue of the Catalogue stated: "This subject has been amply provided for in the Kow Suilding(University Hall) by the appointment of a Physical Laboratory and Lecture Room, to which the Apparatus will be removed this summer, and rThore the expected additional in- strvuncnts naccsso,ry to fully illustrate the subject can bo accommodated. In connection vrith the lectures, Silliman's Physics is used as a textbook; as many of the topics are more thoroughly discussed in other classes, special attention is paid to the portions remaining. The following are the main heads: Matter, Force, Motion. Properties and Laws of Solids, Fluids, and Liquids. Acoustics and Optics, with mathematical discussion of the undulations and instruments, solar and stellar spectra, etc. Magnetism.. Electricity. Chemical Phj-^sics is given in a special course of locturcs". The Catalogue of 187^4-75 carried the further information that, "The department of physics is amply provided with illustrative apparatus, for use in the lecture room, and an cxtonsive iihj/-sicai laboratory has boon 1 Page Us 2 Page kS 356 instituted in the Now Building. The laboratory is adjacent to the Physics lectire room; connected by sliding doors r.o that the apparatus is convenient either for use in the lectures or for the laboratory work. Instruction in physics enbraces four kinds of work: 1. Hecitation, four exercises a week in which a textbook is used as a guide. 2. Physical experiments one day each week in which the student uses the in- struaents in testing the principles taught. 3. Illustrative experiments one evening each week in which the more costly apparatus is used before the whole class in such experiments as are difficult to perform, and which are most effective when prepared for an audience. k. The higher physical experiments by advfinced classes, consisting either of research, or of reviews of careful and elaborate experiments previously worked up by others. 1 The Technograph of 1851-92 furtheraorc contained the follo-jing item: "The in.:traction in electricity begins with the third tern of physics in the sophomore year. The laboratory work in electricity includes simple problems in electrical measurements, which are designed to acquaint the student with terms and the use of olecti-ical apparatus. Later on the students in advanced classes take up testing of primary nnd secondar:,'' batteries for efficiency, cable testing, designing of electricn.1 machinery, installation of light and power plants, the trsinsmission of power by electricity, and lastly photometry." 2 An announcement in the 1S92-93 issue of the Catalogue appeared as follows: "The course is intended to give 2''oung men the best possible preparation for work in the practical application of electricity. Instruction is ,^von by lectures and laboratory practice. The student in encouraged to add to his gehoial intellectual culture by systematic reading of the best periodical literature in the theory and application of electricity. 3y keeping himself informed about the efforts of others in every department of his profession, it is hoped that he may be stimulated to independent and original investigation in his oiTn field. To this end a department reading room at all times accessible to students in this course has been recently established, whore the leading Journals of general physics and applied electricity arc kept on file. The instructors meet weekly to discuss the leading articles in these joui'nals. A critical discussion of one or more papers is required from each student". The Catalogue of I89U-95 set forth the case a little differently: "The courses in the department arc designed to furnish the student who in- tends to follow the profession of engineering, ecience teaching, or research in physical science, such a knowledge of the phenomena and laws of physics as may be of greatest use in the chosen callinr:. "The instruction is given by means of lectures and by practice in the laboratory. The work in the laboratory consists almost entirely of quantitative measurements made under the personal supervision of the instructors, with in- struments of- precision. An cffoi't is made to have each student determine for 1 Front is piece 2 Page 78 3 Page ^j,k 357 himself the relation existing betvyeen the facts which he has observed, in order to stimulate him to the formation of habits of sound thinking". The '7ork in Physics presented to all studentri in the College of Engineering, was intended to give such a knowledge of the more important laws and phenomena of physical science as to enable each one to pursue profitably his subsequent techni- cal studies. Hore extender, courses for scientific research were also offered. Thu work in electrical engineering was given with special reference to the needs 1 of those 'vho were preparin,:; to undertake the practical applications of electricity. C. ROOM JUJD EUILDIKS ACCOiCIODATIOiTS, IS9U-I9U5 General - The opening of Engineering- Hall in the fall of I89U, permitted the Department of Physics to mcvo into it from the limited quarters which it had occupied for so man-- years In the basement and east ^7ing of University Hall. Physics proper was ar.signed space on the second and third floors of the central or north -^ing. It had a department office, private studios, and a large lecture room arranged in the form of on amphitheater, furnished with about 200 opera chairs equipped -^ith tablet aiT.is. Piers at the lecture desk and in the center of the room made demonstration with the most delicate apparatus possible. A perma- nent scrcvjn and rolling blinds operated by a motor facilitated illustration by :. lantern. The four cabinet rooms and the preparation room adjoining the lecture room, were stocked with apparatus suitable for illustration and demonstration, and were provided v/ith conveniences for hjxndling apparatus for lectures. The general laboratory room 60 feet 3(iu;\ro occupied the third-floor central wing. It was a well-lighted, well-ventilated room, supplied with tables, shelves, and sink, and was arranged for genci'al experimental work. The cabinet rooms ad- joining this general laboratory contained a full line of apparatus suitable for elementary and quantitative laboratory work, and niso a line of high-grade appa- ratus intended for advanced experiment nl work. 3y mcfijis of a small freight ele- vator, this room was in diroat communication 7/ith the rooms on the second floor and the testing rooms on the first floor. The electrical division of the de- partment occupied the central and west wings of the first floor. This group 1 The Technograph, lS9^-95, Page I78 2 The Technograph, I89U-95, Page I76 35S included a drafting room, recitation roon, office, and seminaiy room. In addition, there were six small testing laboratories abundantly supplied with masonry piers '.vail shelves, sinks, dark curtains, etc., and equipped with apparatus for electri- cal measurements. It included, also, a constant-temperature room which was in- sulated from the surrounding space by double masonry walls and double doors, and was arranged for such experiments as required low uniform temperatures. There wan a battery room and a number of private studies and laboratories for the storage of instruments and for the use of advanced students and instructors. In the advanced '.7ork, the apparatus for special investigations v/as set up permanently or kept in specially-provided cases. There was i\ workshop near the small laboratories equipped with machine tools for the mfinufacture and repajr of instruments and other apparatus. Because the classroom and laboratory facilities of the Department became in time very much overcrowded on account of the comparative large student enrollment and additional quarters seemed necessarj.', a movement ^7as started in 190^-'^5 to obtain a new and modern laboratory for the department. In I906 the General Assembly was asked to mal-:e an appropriation for the building, but other interests seemed more urgent. The request was renewed to the next Assembly, and at that time an appropriation was made for buying the grounds at the northv/cst corner of Mathews Avenue and &i-eon Street as a site for the new building. The General Assembly of I907 did make an appropriation of $250,000 for a new physics building. The building was completed for occupancy in the fall of I909. A suite of three rooms in the southeast corner of the second floor was ta!:cn over for de- partmental offices and a departmental sominai-y and librarj'-. This seminary and library room, still in use, is I9 by 2] feet in plan, and is equipped with fixed book cases, and with special finish and furnishings to make it an attractive room for reading and study purposes. It is supplied with a liberal allowance of reference books and sets of important physics journals and periodicals. , In I9U1 the Department took over the garage service building across the Bone- yard from the Ceramics Building and romodelud it for housing the large cyclotron 1 Rooms 203 and 205 were taken for offices and Room 201 for the libi'ary. 359 plant Y/hich it constructed in it during tho next tv/o or three years. In I9U1, furthermore, two rooms on the first floor of the oarjt wing of Engineering Itill were taken over for the instructional \7ork in iih^/sics given in the survey courses ad- ministered by the General Division of the College of Liberal Arts and Science. D, ]?H2 DSVIZiOFIISilT 0? LASOHATORY FACILITIES IK FHISICS fieneral - From tho beginning, the instruction in the classrooiri worl: in physics has been supplemented by laboratory exercises as equipment could be pro- vided, in order to penait the students to demonstrate the underlying principles of the science to their ovvn satisfo-ction and to i^rovide some training in the use of precision instruments. Tho addition of such apparatus has served the nurpose, too, of allovring graduate students and the faculty to carry on research projects par- ticularly associated 'vith tho subject matter of their special interests. Progress made in the dovolopnent of some of these facilities is recorded in the following sections. a. Developments fror. 1362 to I909 Early Laboratory Facilities in Physics - l86C-lb'90- The CatalOf^e and Circular of IS69-7O contained the follo.ving statement: " Physics and Natural Philosophy - This collection includes some of the latest and most important improvements in the apparatus of physics and natural philosophy. The air pump is of the best form in use. It was made by the cele- brated firm of 3. S. Hitchie & Sons, of Boston, and cost $275. It has a rotary movement, combined with 'Ritchie's patent action" of the piston and valves. This final step in the perfection of the air pump furnishes the means for the nearest approach to an absolute vacuum that it is possible to make by mechanical means. The electrical machine is Ritchie's Patent Iloltz Machine. This remarkable machine is of recent discovery, and for this reason is found in but few of the cabinets of older institutions of learning. It is distinguished for its wonderful power and great ease of action, rendering it suitable for performing many experiments which, 'vith the ordinary machine, were extremely difficult. The collection also includes a Grove's Battery of six cups, an induction coil, model telegraphic apriaratus, liagdebui-g hemisphere, vacuum tubes, receivers, magnets, and other accompanying apparatus!' 2 » The Catalogue and Circular of 1372-79 bore tho following description: "The Cabinets of tho Physical Laboratory contain a collection of apparatus from tho most celebrated European and American malcers, costing over ^5.000 and illustrating the subjects of Mcclianics, Pneumatics, Optics, Heat, and Electricity. Ample facilities arc afforded to the students for performing experiments of pre- cision by v/hich the theories of Physical Science may be tested and original work may be done". IPago 20 2 Page 20 36o The collection enbraced aiiparatus for the stud;; of acoustics fron R. Koenig of Paris, of heat and molecular physics from Solleron of Paris, tuid of light, optics, and electricity fron Stoehrer of Loipsic ;uid fron Browning and Newton of Lo ndo n . 1 According to the 1JS2-S3 Catalogue and Circular:' "A series of standard -ffeiglits and measures has "been received from the office of the Coast and Geodetic Survey of the U.S. Government and raay be consulted at the Physics Lahoratory". A 3-li5ht T7eston arc-lighting generator procured in Febniary iSSo, i7as set up in the machine shop, and was connected v/ith the physical and chemical labora- tories for exnerimental purposes. Pioneer Laboratory Facilities in Electrical E ngineering - 1890-1395 - In the fall of IS9I, the Head of the Department of Pl^sics, Professor S.Vi'.Stratton, started vrork in electrical engineering by setting up the nucleus of the first electrical engineering laboratory on the catipus. He used a room under the chapel in what was then called the New Bailding, but later. University Hall* According to the accounts in the University Catalogue nnd Circular and The Teclino graph, the division of electrical engineering lia-d, 'dthin a short time, developed for its quarters the entire ground floor of the east wing of this building, with each room especially adapted to its distinct purpose and equipped for instruction and experimental purposes. These rooms included a dynamo laboratory, an electrical- measurements laboratory, a battery room, a photometry room, and a tool room and shop. At first the dj''mii;ios were operated by a lO-horsepower "grass-hopper" Atkinson cycle gas engine, but a 60-horsepower "Ideal" high-speed steam engine was soon p installed." The dynamos were so connected to the main jack shaft and so -arranged that cither or both of the engines could bo used. The gas engine v/as soon dis- carded, however, because of operating difficulties, and the steam engine was used alone. '.Tithin a year or so a fairly rcprcocntat ivo collection of dircct-durront and alternating- current generators was assembled for instructional and experiment- al use. The direct- current machinery included a comrilcte Brush 10-light arc 1 Page 2U 2 The first -units of the University Hall Central Power Plant ,whichsee. 361 li^^iting plant, complete 'Thounon-Houston 3-li.'$it arc lighting plant, a complete Sdison 100-lif;ht incandescent plant, ojid a saall Jenny 500- volt po'ver plant. The alternating-current machinery conprir.ed a complete Thomson- Houston 300-ligkt generating plant, two single-ph«asc V/estinghouse machines, and a number of trans- 1 lonners. The electrical -meastiremonts laboratory had necessary piers for the more sensitive instrijunents, and numerous conveniences imlisviensable to rapid and accui-atc me/isurements. The lS9'--93 Catalogue stated in this connection: "The electrical engineering laboratory has been supplied with apparatus from the leading makers at home and abroad. There arc several forms of the Tfiioat- stonc bridge, resistance boxes, including an Anthony 100,000-olui box, a lladler Bros . subdivided riegolim box, an assortment of s^vitchcs, keys, condensers, and the loading forms of doadbeat .'md ballistic galvanometers, including a. Thompson high resistance, and an Udclma doadbeat gHlvanomctnr; also several D'Arsonv.al galvano- meters, and nnncrous others. Several reading telescopes are used in connection with the galvanometers. The laboratory is also supplied r/ith artificial standai^c of resistance, standard colls, Kelvin's current balance, .njnmctcrs, voltmeters, and TVatt-meters. Current is brought to the room from the d;;Ta;imo and battery rooms". The battciy room 'vas i^rovidcd with a large storage battery made by members of the Department, and a collection of the leading forms of primary cells. The photonctry room 'jas fitted with a >>aeon & Company's complete electric- light photmctcr, numerous types of direct -ind alternating- current incandescent airc Ipjnps, and convenience:; necessary for mailing complete tests. The work shop -./a.s oquip-jcd with a speed lathe, -.m -mgine lathe, and a grinder rind a lino of fine tools suited to the manufacture of speci?il apparatus. An electric motor furnished pov/cr for use in this room. The large Iccturrj room for physics find cloctri c.vl engineering located on the third floor of the east wing of the building directly above the chapel, was supplied y/ith current from the dynjimos and storage battery on the ground floor and was wired for both arc and incandescent lighting. Later Development of Physical Laboratory Facilities, iSgg-igog - Until IS92, the electrical '^rk was for the most part, in charge of the same man that was head of Physics, and for several years substantially all of the small appropriations 1 The Technograph,lS91-92 front; lS9U-95,p.-',cc 129; and University CatalO(guc and Circular, IS9I-92, page 71; 1392-93, pages, 7S-79. 2 Page 79 362 r.ade for these two fields were used in the purchase ruid installation of electrical apparatus, as ^as then -.iso. o./ing to the rapidly- .^ro.7ine importance of electrical science, and also owing to the fact that the other divisions of Physics had been taught for more tlmn twenty years -and presumably -.ere fairly well equipped. The complete separation of the adiainistration of the work in electrical engi- neering from the Department of Picnics in the fall of ISOS. however, gave better opportunity for the development of the work in physics. The equipment of the De- partment was within the next few years practically all rej.lacod by new and modern ai^paratus. The rapid increase in the nm^bor of engineering students taking re- quired courses in physics made it necessary not only to replace the old apparatus, but also to add very largoly to the equipment and also the immbcr of instructors in th. Department. This expansion absorbed the enor y of the Department for a n\ambcr of years. -, The 1901-02 Cat.ao,3ae of the University contained the following statement: "The laboratoxY contains a large collection ox standard oldctric and mag- netic measurement .^paratus from the best maJ:ers. together with various pieces a^d devices designed and constructed in the department, so that the facilities for all such work are equivalent to the very best. In optics there are spectrometers. Rowland diffraction gratings (piano and concave), a 5^resnal optical bench, a complete photometer bench in a woll-equip .ed dark room, a spectrum photometer, polarisation .^paratus. etc. The collection nlso includes apparatus for measure- ■u -v, ir.ry-^r,^ Hi'-vv'-^ oiGine. CTthctomotor, chronograph, ment of precision, such as balances, di^/i-t, en^iu^, Kater's pendulum, thcrmo: .eters. etc. The .-orl.shop of the department is equipped -ith power lathe, milling nachin. and a good collection of tools. The services of a mechaniciaxx g*yc the department facilities for malting apparatus from original designs, both for instruction and investigation". b. Developments from 1909 to ig'+l? QnmrraL Physics Laboratories - Since the construction of the Physics Build- ing in 1905. three large ^-^ell-lighted laboratories have been available for ■■ 1 Pages lOU-105 363 experimental exercises supplementing the class room theory taught in elementary- physics. These are provided vith the usual types of equipment necessary to demonstrate the most common problems in the various "branches of "beginning courses in physics, thereby enabling the students to check the fundament '.d principles they learned in their recitation assignments, and to attain some measure of proficiency in the use of facilities ordinarily employed in the conduct of physical research. Electrical and Magnetic -Measurements Laboratories - The Department of Physics has gradually brought together a complete roprosontativo assortment of precision Instruments for advanced instructional and experimental use in the field of electrical and magnetic measurements to deal with such subjects as electrostatics (mi magnetostatics, capacitance and inductance, f erromagnetism, and high-frequency circuits. Such equipment consists of current and ballistic galvanometers, po- tentiometers, ammeters, resistances, capacitrjicee, inductances, Vheatstone and other types of bridges, oscilloscopes, and cathode-ray and other oscillographs. Acoustics Laboratories - Sound, of course, has always been one "bf the major divisions of the field of physics. As new devices became available for use in this particular line, there was accumulated apparatus pr determination of pitch and quality and intensity of sound waves; for study of tr,ansmisslon, absorption, and reflection of sound waves; for correcting echoes and reverberations in buildings; and for reducing vibrations set up in machinery. The present apparatus Includes such typical appliances as resonators, oscillators and amplifiers, phono- graphic and other reproduction instruments, microphones, interferometers, oscil- loscopes, oscillographs, wave meters, wave filters, and equalizers. Optical Laboratory - The equipment provided for instructional and experi- mental work in optics includes different typos of filament and arc lamps, photo- meters, lenses of all kinds, crystals, prisms, filters, magnifiers, and other devices for the study of physical and geometrical optics. It includes also, apparatus for work in reflection, refraction, double refraction, dispersion, interference, polarization, and diffraction of light. There have been accumu- lated spectrometers for the exact determination of indices of refraction; ruled 364 gratings and interferometers for dctcnnination of y/ave lengths; polp.rjscopes for study of j'olarized light; and Gpcctrosco2-)os for study of dispersion. Spectroscopic Laboratory - A great deal of equipment has been provided for the study of spectroscopy, thcat branch of physics '^hich deals with the spectra and their analysis. A large Hilger quartz spectrosco]ie made in Europe vjas re- ceived in I927-2S. A nicrophotometer by Kipp and Zenon, Dclf, Holland, r/as ob- tained in I92S-29. The instinimcnt was located on the fourth floor of the Physics Building in the spec train- analysis laboratory, made possible after the removal of the University Blueprinting and Photographic Department from the building in I92U a:id 1925, and v/as used for ineasuriug the intensity of spectrum lines. Other aopa- ratus procured from time to tine includes other grating wtd quartz spoct x-oscopes, filters, prisms, lenses, mirrors, monochrometers, thermopiles, and radiometers for studying the visible, ultraviolet, and infra-red regions of the spectrum. Other accessories include .ndditional spectrophotometers, interferometers, microphoto- meters, and vacuum spectrographs, one of which is the largest grazing-incidence vacuum spectrograph in the 'world. Hi gli- Tension Laborator;;^ - V/lien the a.dded space on the fourth floor was made available after 192U-25 by the removal of the University blueprint and photo- graphic apparatus, there was installed in the east wing a 100,000-volt , 60-kilowatt transformer, with rectification by four kcnotrons. This new high-tension electri- cal equipment provided the Department v/ith exceptional facilities for investi- gational work along several lines, including X-rays, electrical corona discharge, spark spectra, and the testing of insulating materials and dialc^ctrics. Mas s Spectroscopy Laboratory - Hasft- spectroscopy is that branch of physics which treats of measurement of atomic masses and the determination of the relative abundances of isotonics. For use in the study of subjects in this particular field, a mass spectroscope was constructed at the University by Professor Edward Brent Jordan during the years I93S-U1 from funds supplied by the Graduate School. The equipment includes the most powerful mass spectrograph in existence, which is devoted to a determination of the masses of the light elements. The equipment 365 includes also a relative-abundance ayiectrometer, which is used for the study of ioni:^ation and dissociation of products produced by electron impact on molecules and for the determination of the abundance of these i roducts. The equipment in- cludes, furthermore, a beta-r.a^' spectrocrajih, used to study the hi^-speed e- lectrons given off by natural radioactive substances; that is, to measure their energi^ the relative number ot! having a given eneri,;y, .and to determine the energy of internal conversion gamiia ra^/'s. Hue 1 ear Physics Laboratories - A number of machines have been accmiulated for 77oric in the comparatively new field of nuclear physics — that division of physics T7hich deals ^^rith the stud;/- of atomic nuclei; isotopes; cosmic rays; artificial radio-activity; excitation and transmutation of nuclei; nuclear bombardment properties of protons, deuti-ons, neutrons, ;\lpiia, beta, and gamna rays; electrons and positrons; and artificial disintegration. One of the high-tension electro- static machines is the Van de C-raff generator v/hich was built at the University here during 1937-39 from ftands supplied by the G-raduate School. This piece of apparatus con.iists of endless belts of bc-illoon fabric that travel in a vertical plane through an insulating column into a large metal sphere producing potentials around ^00,000 volts. In addition to use in nuclear disintegration experiments, this machine is also useful in connection 'vith high-})otentir-il vacuiom-tube work, and with corona fxnd electrical surge inver.ti gat ions. Another of the electrosta,tic machines is the linear accelerator, in the operation of which, jjrotons or dcutrons are accelerated from the bottom of the instrument; nnd as they move upv/ards under the force of electric fields, they produce particles whose energy is approximatel;-" 500,000 electron volts. Another tiqic of machine in this field is the cyclotron. In 1935-36, there v/as constructed under the immediate supervision of Professor P. Gerald Kruger, a member of the Physics staff, a seven-ton electro-magnet in the Physics Building as ;:. cyclotron for the stud;,^ of nuclear physics. The instrument is capable of developing energj^ of 2,000,000 electron volts, which gives the particles a velocity of about 12,000 miles a second. The Department has another one of these machines — one of the largest in the United States. It was designed 366 and built in place during 19^-0-'43 under direction ol" Professor Iruger, fuid is housed in a separate building kno'-'n an the Nuclear lladiation;5 Laboratory/, which is devoted entirely to the use of this equipment . It is a, direct-current macMne, so constructed as to be able to produce ]irotons having an energy' of 30,000,000 electron volts. Still ariother machine is the betatron, sonotimes knovni cti-ons to higher energies than car; be obtained by .-^ny other laboratory equipment so far devised; and tfn this account it is oj^ening up an unlimited range of study in the field of nuclear phonomena, and no doubt, is the most outstfinding develo-ment of physics made '-.'ithin recent years . Photograph Labo rat ry - Work in the photograim laboratory was begun about I937-3S. The equipment has been gradually extended from time to time since then and includes apparatus and materials required to conduct experiments in color photography, color sensitivity, infra-red arul ultra-violet rays, cinematography, stereoscopic photography, photomicrogi"aphy, ;ind aorial photography. Z. PHYSIC.S S-illNAHS Physics Colloquim - The Physics Colloquium, started about I903 as a means for bringing together persons interested in the discussion of recent developments and current problems in physics and allied branches, especially of vnvlc being done at the University here, has continued to the j:)rosent time. Host of the discussions center around organized research being carried on oj members of the faculty and atlvnnccd students. The organization servos as a means for disseminating new facts 367 and rirovides a source of inspiration to others ".^ho are engaged in research or are interested in beconing research 'vorkers. The meetings arc held weekly during the academic year, and graduate students are e:cpected to attend. Other Seminars - Other seminars v;hich have held or are novi holding meetings regularly throughout the academic year for students enrolled in physics courses include Seminar in Theorotic^il rii;,'sics, Spectroscopic Seminar, Physics Journ;-a Club, Nuclear Seminar, and Applied Physics Club. The programs scheduled once a ;7eek sometimes during the afternoon find soaetimos during the evening hours, have featured papers or discussions by members of the staff including student assistants and by students registered in graduate courses in this Department. F. TOTAL Sl^HDILlilLIT li: PIiTSICS Total Hegistrafcion in Ph:,^sics Courses , Ig07-1'34^ - The total registration in courses given by the Department of Physics for all students of both ixnder graduate and graduate grade in all departnontr, of the Uiiiversity during the school years 1307-02 to I9U3-4U inclusive is given oy the following table: • TAS LI] XVIII - 2i:GIGT5.lTI01i lii; PHYSICS COURSES 1907-19^4^ Year 1907,-0 S 190L^-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-1!+ 14-15 15-lS 16-17 17-18 18-19 •'• 19-20 1920-21 21-22 22-23 23-2U 2U-25 25-26 26-27 27-2S 28-29 29-30 30-31 31-32 1 Q,uarter rilan Pirst oocond Ijiiini.-jnr Tntnl .v5nipa.t.ai: Semester School 1035 SbO 1012 lSpi+ 2047 930 S3 2 1762 991 8 65 1856 987 836 1S33 316 767 1583 982 S?9 1881 1020 9^6 1966 lOUl 924 1965 loss 921 2009 362 652 S7 1601 750 b93('iuartcr) 532 56 2031 i;362 1%8 1255 75 2392 1366 2?0 3056 139^^ 1109 27U3 275^ lUib 1151 1S7 I19U 1011 SU 2289 1231 1011 15s 2U0O 143^+ 1221 163 2823 1620 1316 15U 3090 i6so 1335 I29U 202 3267 1736 158 3188 1659 1361 181 3201 1905 1592 215 3712 1905 1719 275 3899 First Semester Second Semester Suiacier School Total 36s 1607 1373 21+7 3227 l4Sb 1232 221 2939 lUUU 1229 202 2875 1U99 1320 172 2991 17S5 1607 166 3588 2089 1756 21U 1+059 2145 1756 199 Uioo 135I+ 1526 209 3589 1223 1565 191 3579 1925 1659 lOU 3688 1322 1395 i+88 3705 746 51I4 655 1915 Year 32-33 33-34 34-35 35-36 36-37 37-38 38-39 39-40 4o-4i 41-1+2^ 42-43^^ 43-44I G. FACULTY PSESONiJEL General - Brief 'biographical sketches of members of the staff above the grade of assistant that have been connected '.7ith the Department of Physics are listed in the next few pages in chronological order according to rank. a. Heads of the Department General - Stillman Williams Robinson served as Professor of Mechanical Engi- neering from I87O to I878 and V7as in charge of Physics during those years. Selim Hobart Peabody was made Professor of Mechanical IDngineering and Physics in I878; and although he became Acting Regent in 1880 and Regent in 1881, he continued to teach subjects in Physics. Theodore B.Comstock was Professor of Mining Engineering and Physics from 1S85 until I889. From 1839 to I892 , Samuel Wesley Stratton was in charge of the Depart- ment of Physics and Electrical Engineering. Daniel W. Shea was Head of the De- partment of Physics from I892 to January, 1896, and Fred Anson Sagor and Bernard V. Swenson looked after the affairs of the Department during the remainder of the academic year 1895-96. Albert Fruden Gannon served from September lSg6, until September I929, and F. ^Vheelcr Loomis from I929 to date (I945). During the years 'When Professor Loomis ■'.vas absent from the University for service in the Federal Government, P. Gerald IJrugcr served as Acting Head of the Department. The biographies of these men follow. Stillman Vfilliams Robinson was in charge of the work in Physics during IS70 and through I878 while he was Professor of ilechanical Engineering, for although Physics was not made a separate department until 1389, subjects in that field wore 1 Three- semester plan 369 listed in the University Catalogue and Circul/i.r -xlmost from the lioginning of the institution. The scope and novelty of the in:itruction given by Professor Robinson deserve special attention.' The recitation instruction was based upon a textbook, but the 'Jork v/as ciuch more inviiC:o rating and stimulating than nei-ely questions and ans'vers upon the text. The professor was fertile in showing the relations of the princijilos of the lessons to the phenomena in nature or to practice in the industries, in suggesting puzr.ling relations v/hich ho asked the student to ex]-)lain by applying the princi- ples of the text, and in proposing practical problems. For example, when thu class Was stud^dng mathematical optics, he proposed for a problem the design of a spectacle lens which should be free from the reflection that frequently jinnoys the auditors of a public speotcor. He steadily declined to offer any help to the few students who accepted the challenge and attempted to solve the problem; but when the students finally brought in an answer that he said was fairly satisfactory, he showed them another and better solution.' He employed no deaonstrating a,pparatU3 j.;i the daily recitation; but one night a week called his students together for an extra class exercise which was largely a demonstration lecture. Many of his comments c'md ex]jeriments were strik- ing and stimulating. A considerable number of students not members of the class attended these lectures. Again, one example must suffice. Before thn days when a professor of Physics had an unlimited oloctrical current at his command by simply turning a key on his lecture room desk, Professor Hobinson used two hundred platinum-acid porous-cup batteries to generate an elect li. c-^l current, and with poor lenses and jjrisms set up a table, projected the spectra of metals as large as the side of his lecture room, fmd discussed before his students the bearing of certain features of those upon the then cura:'cnt theories of the physi- cal constitution of the fitmosnhcre of the sun. But unfortunately, Professor Robinson 'jas not a ready or fluent speaker, al- though he ■7rotc fairly v/oll. Svcn before his own clasij, ho was timid and diffi- dent, and his enunciation was low and often indistinct; and before a larger group 1 It is interesting to note that in 1911,pr'icticaHy Uo years after the above, and a year and a hair after his death, Prof cssor Robinson was allowed a pa,tcnt on a machine for grinding bifocal spectacle lenses. 370 it was often painful to see and hear hin, particiilarly if he was exjjlaining some- thing that •?7as original with him. nowyver, notwithstanding the defects of public speech, the lectures were well attended and the students were interested. Professor Robinson inaugurated laborator:^ practice in physics in January I875 — a time when there was little or no laboratory practice in colleges, and probably none in high schools. The only other laboratory v/ork of any kind at the University then was in cheraistri'' and botany; and the only other institutions then offering laboratory practice in physics were Stevens Institute of Technolog:\'- and Massachusetts Institute of Technologjs the first beginning such work in IS7I and the latter in 18/3 . Physics laboratory •7ork was taken by all Juniors during the feiecond and third terns. No list of the twenty or twonty-onc experiments can nov; be found; but at least twenty of the cxpcrinicnts then given arc no'.7 included in the one year laboratory work offered by anj^ institution noted for the excellence of its work in physics; and it is kno'.vn that Professor Robinson's list included two elaborate experiments not found in the nodorn list. The equipment was meager much of the apparatus being made in the shop or improvised in the laboratory. A long-hand manuscript description of each cxperinont was handed to each student when the problem was assigned the week before it was to be performed; and each student was required to submit a formjvl report — ■ for which no form was provided. The most of the students were intensely interested in the work; and although the laboratory period was tv/o hours a week, a majority of 'the class put in tv/o or three times the minimum requirement; and there was strong competition as to the appearance and completeness of the reports and the accuracy of the results. Selim Hobart Peabo d;^ - See Regents, Chapter II, and -lechanical Engineering Chapter VII. Theodore B.Constock - See iliniug and Metallurgical Engineering, Chapter X. Samuel Wesley Stratton was born at Litchfield, Illinois, on July 13, I861 . Ke was graduated from the iiechanical Sngineering curriculum at the University of Illinois in ISSU and served as an instructor in mathematics and physics in the Preparatory De'oartmeut during 1S85-37, and as Assistant in Architecture during I8S7-89. In September I889, he was made responsible for the '^ork in Pliysics, '--hich 371 from I87O to I8S5, had heen assigned to the Professor of Meclianical Engineering and from 1885 to I889 to the Professor of Mining Engineering. Ke began with the title of Assistant even though he was in charge of the new department, but in I89O he was given the title of Assistant Professor, and in IS91 that of Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering, His work in Physics attracted the attention of the entire University and aroused the hi^est enthusiasm of his students, because of his ability in presen- tation, in devising experiments, and in making apparatus. Under his direction was established here in IS9I-92 the first instruction in electrical engineering and the nucleus of the first electrical engineering laboratory in the room under the chapel or east wing in what v/as then called the New Building, but later University Hall. Primarily on account of his low snlarj', he resigned in Juno I892 to accept a position in the Department of Physics of the ilew University of Chicago. There he served for nine years and became in succession, Assistant, Assistant Professor, and Professor. In I90I, he became the first Director of the National Bureau of Standards, then being organized from the old Bureau of Weights and Measures; and under his direction that Bureau became one of the most important of the many scientific organizations of the Federal Government. In I923 he was elected President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Stratton was honored -vith the degree of D.Eng. by the University of Illinois in I903 ; the D.Sc. degree by Western University of Pennsylvania (now the University of Pittsburgh) in I903, by Cambridge in I909, and by Yale in I919 ; the LL.D. degree by Harvard in 1923; and the Ph.D. degree by Renneselaer in I92U. He died on October 18, I931 at the age of 70. Daniel William Shea was born at Portsmouth, Hew Hampshire on November 27, 1859 , He received the A. 3. degree at Harvard University in 1886, t-hc-A^M^- degree a t Ho . rv . a xd- ^ivoa 'fi ity in 1 8 86 ., the A.M. degree there in 1888, and the Ph.D. degree 1 This v/as an unusual case. The Professor of Mining Engineering and Physics had failed to return to the University in the fall after the long summer vacation, and Mr. Stratton was asked to take over the work under the emergency conditions. 372 at Froiderich Williclns Univorsitat in 1852. Ilr, Shea was Assistant in Physics at Harvard during 13SS and IS92, He cane to the University of Illinois in September 1892, as Assistant Professor of Physics in charge of the Department and served as Professor of Physics during 18q4-95. Professor Shea moved the Department from its craaped quarters in University Hall to the commodious rooms in the new Engi- neering Building, or Engineering Hall as it is nov7 knovm. He very materially in- creased the equipment and extended the scope of the work, particularly in electri- cal engineering. In January 1896 he resigned to become the first Professor of Physics in the Catholic University of America at u'ashington.D.C. Later he became Dean of the Faculty of Science at that institution. Albert Pruden Carman v/as born at 'Toodbury, llev; Jersey, on July I5, I861. He received the A. 3. degree at Princeton University in IS83, the A.M. degree there in 1285, and the Sc.D. degree in lo36. He studied also in Berlin and Vienna dur- ing IS80-9O. Doctor CaiTian became Instructor in Physics and Mathematics at Princeton in ISSU and remained there in that c.-vuacity until 1888. Ke was made Professor of Physics ;ind Slectrical Engineering at Purdue University in I89O and Professor of Theoretical Physics at Stanford University in I893. He came to the University of Illinois in September, 1856, as Professor of Physics. During the time that Professor Carman was in charge of the Division of Electrical Engineering he Was in responsible charge of equipping the new lighting and power plaJit (the Boneyard Plrnt) of the University, which was installed in the rear jDortion of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Laboratory Building in l8Qg. After electrical engineering became a separate department in IS9S, Professor Carman continued as Head of the Department of Physics. One of his duties was to supervise the production of plans for the construction of the Physics Building which was erected in I9OS-O9. In the new quarters Professor Carm<-in continually developed the equipment and instruction until the Department bocatie one of the leading organizations of its kind in this country, and for maiiy years now, it has continued to attract a considerable number of graduate students. Professor Car- man remained as Head of the Department until September 1, I929, when he reached 375 the age limit prescribed by statutory rogulationt: and was retired -.vith the title of Professor of Physics. Emeritus . After his retironeni, Doctor Carman continued 1 to live in Urbana* He is author of one bulletin and is co-author of t'.70 more of the En,-ineerinfi Experiment Station. He is also author of the section on Elec- tricity and Magnetism in Alexander "J. Dufi 's "Physics for Students of Science " and Engineering", Prances Wheeler Loomis -/as born at Parkersburg, West Virginia, on August k, 1839. He received the A. 3. degree at Harvard University in igiO. the A. li. there in 1913. and the Ph.D. degree there in I9I7. He served as Instmctor at Harvard during 1913-15 and as Research Physicist viith the 'Jestin^house Lai^ip Company dur- ing 1920-22. He then served as Assistant Professor of Physics at Nct York Uni- versity from 1920 to 1922, .wl Associate Professor of Physics there from I922 to 1929, at the end of -mich time he Joine.-L the faculty of the University of Illinois as Professor of Physics and Head of the Dopartnont. During World V/ar II, Pro- fessor Loonis was on leave from the University to carry on research Vtork for the Government in the Radiations Laboratory at liass-chusetts Institute of Technology. He is co-author of a publication entitled "liolecular Spectra in Gases" issued by the National Hesearch Council. b. Other jTrofossors Charles Tobias Knipp (A.3., IZqk and A.!:., IS96, Indiana University; Ph.D., 1900, Cornell University) served as Instructor and Assistant Professor of Physics at Indiana University between IS93 and I903 . He became Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Illinois in 1903, and was made Associate Professor in 1915 and Professor of Experimental Electricity in I9I7. Professor ICnipp is an outstanding experimentalist, and has designed many clectric^a devices used in radio and other branches of physics and electricity, and ha.s made many contri- butions to the body of kno;7ledge in matters relating to his particular field of interest. He is co-author of one bulletin issued by the Engineering Exi3crimcnt Station, and is author of the section "Conduction of Electricity through Gases" in Duff's "Physics for Students of Science and Engineering". He vras Vice-Prcsi- degt_ofJhc Jtatc Academy of Scienc e in 1920-21 a nd Pre sident in I9 21-22. He was 1 Professor Carman died on February 10, 19U6. 37^ a member of the Advisory Sub-coraLiittee on Pliysics foi' the Century of Progress Exposition in Chica/;o in 1933. In 1937, Professor ioiipp reached the University age limit, and was retired with the title Professor of Sxperinental Electricity, Emeritus. In the fall of IQ'+S, he accepted an invitation to taiVe active charge of the Department of Physics at Hollins College, Florida, and has xenained there to date (I9U5) . Floyd Howe Watson (3.3. 1299, University of California; Ph. J. I902, Cornell University) served as Assistant in Physics at the University of California during 1897-99, after which he came to the University of Illinois and became in turn Instructor, Assistant Professor, !Uic\ Associate Professor of Physics during IS99 and 1917. In 1907-Ob, Professor Watson served as first part-time Assistant Dean of the College of Ilngineering, giving attention to student records and matters of that kind. In I917, he became Professor of Experimental Physics, and later pro- duced three bulletins and 7/as joint author of one more in the field of acoustics for the Engineering Experiment Station. In I9U0, he reached the University age limits and was retired with the title Professor of Experimental Pliysics, Emeritus. Ho is author of a textbook entitled "The Acoustics of Buildings," and of one chaoter on Acoustics of Buildings in Kidder-Parker "Architects and Builders Hand- book". During World War II, Professor Watson was engaged in iiational Defense Work at Washington, D.C. Jakob Kunz (Ph.D. I902, Eidg.Folytnchnicuip, Zurich, S- /it zorlpjid) was engaged in enj^ineering practice during I902-OU, and serve A. as "Privat-Do?.ont" in mathe- matical physics at the Polytechnicum during I90U-O7. lie studied in Cambridge, England, during I907-OS and Y/as Instructor in Physics at the University of Michigan during 1903-09 . He Joined the College staff here in Scptonbcr, I909, as Assistant Professor of Hathenatical Physics. &: was made Associate Professor in 1915 and Professor in I923. In I909 he developed the photoelectric cell and spent the next two years in perfecting it. This was such an extraordinary development that it served to revolutionize many processes in industrial practice; and on that account has come to be widely adopted in many phases of commercial enterprise. 375 Being an outstanding^ analyst, Professor Kunz fox' many years carried practically all of the responsibility for the instruction of graduate students in theoretical physics. He himself did a great deal of e3q:)erimental work in a variety of sub- jects, and was co-author of two bulletins published by the Engineering Experiment Station. Ke was author of "Induction der Drehfeldem I'otierenden Kugeln aus der Lammlung electrotechnischer Vortragc," "Teilbarkeit der Materie," and "Theorctische Fhysik auf iiechanischer Grundlage Eneke" . Pi'ofessor Kunz continued with the Uni- versity until his death on July 18, 193^. Peter G erald Kruger (A. 3. ig25, Carleton College; Ph.D. I929, Cornell Uni- versity) studied in this country and abroad and served as Instructor in Physics at Cornell during iqL'5-26 and I927-29. He joined the staff at the University of Illinois in 193^ ^-s Assistant Professor of Physics and became Pi'ofessor of Physics in 1930. Professor Kruger has given considerable attention to the development of the cyclotron for work in nuclear jihysics and supervised the construction of the cyclotron plant at the University — the lar^^est of its kind in existence. He served as Acting Head of the Department of Physics during the absence of Professor Loomis from I9U1 until the close of the war. Gerald Marks Almy (B.S. I92U ,and U.S. I926, University of Nebraska; Ph.D. 1930i Harvard University) becarae InstxTictor in Pli;^rsics at the University of Illinois in September I93O, Associate in 1933. Assistant Professor in 1935 n^d Professor in 19^3. Donald ^Tilliap Kerst (3. A. 193^, and Ph.D. 1937. University of TTisconsin) served as a teacher at the University of Wisconsin and as a research worker with the General Electric Company, then in 193S boc^ime Instructor in Physics at the University of Illinois. He was xaado Assistant Professor in 19^0, Associate Pro- fessor in I9U2, and Professor in I9U3 . As previously stated. Professor Korst is the discoverer of the betatron, r.,n instrument that shows outstanding possibilities in the field of nuclear physicn. For his remarkable work in this connection, ho was awarded the Comstock Fri^'e of The Hationol Acadeny of Science at its fall meeting in V^h}. This award, made only once ovei-y five years, represents a very 376 unusual recognition and a nai* of great dlatlnctlon, going to that person vho made the most extraordinary contributions to the fields of electricity and magnetism or radiant energy durlx^g the period. He was given a leave of absence on November 1, 19^*3, for war service. Harold Meade Mott > 8mith (A.B. 1919, ComsU University; Ph.D. 1933, University of Illinois) becan» Assistant Professor here In 193** end Associate Professor In 1939, On September 1, 19^1, he was given a leave of absence for war service, with the Bureau of Ordnance, U.S. Navy, aixd In September, 19l*U^was made Professor of Physics. Leland John Haworth (A.B. 1925, and A.M. I926, Indiana University; Ph.D. 1931, University of Wisconsin) beoama Associate In Physics here In September, 1938, after having had several years teaching and research experience at the University of Wisconsin and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was made Assistant Professor In 1939 and was given a leave of absence on October 1, 19^1, for war service in the Hadlationa Laboratory of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In September, I9I1U, he was made Professor of Physics. Jangs Holley Bartlett . Jr. (B.C.E. 192I+, Northeastern University; A.M. I926, and Ph.D. 1930, Harvard University) became Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Illinois in September, 1930, Associate Professor in 1937, eaoA Profes- sor in I9U5. Robert Berber (B.S. I93O, Lehigh University; Ph.D. 193U, University of Wiscon- sin) was made Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Illinois in Sep- tember, 1938, Associate Professor in 19^1, and Professor in 19'*5. On September 1, I9U2, he was given a leave of absence for war service. Morita Goldhaber (Ph.D. 1926, Cambridge University, England) came to the Uni- versity from the Cavendish Laboratory in CaJnbrldge, ihgland, on September, 1938, as Assistant Professor of Physics. He was promoted to the title of Associate Pro- fessor in 191^3, and of Professor in I9U5. Ami ^i krlivitiiaoa ^atin via maw © ■^tf;'.'!^Via^ rf;!.'a- 377 e. Aseoclatd Professors Wllllaa Fredorlck Schulz (B.S, I893 and Ph.D. I9O8, JcAn Hopkins University; E.E. 1900, University of Illinois) served as Instructor In Physics at the Uni- versity of Illinois from 190O to I906, as Assistant Professor from I908 to 1925, and as Associate Professor from 1925 to 19^0, when he was retired under Univer- sity regulations to become Associate Professor of Physics, Bneritus . Professor Schulz is author of a textbook entitled "Manual of Experiments in General Physics". Blmar Howard WllllaaB (A.B. I905 and A.M. I906, University of Wieoonsin; Ph.D., 1910, University of Illinois) served as Instructor in Physics here during 1907-12, as Associate daring I912-I8, as Assistant Professor during 19l8«29, and as Associate Professor from I929 to date. Professor Williams is author of one bulletin published by the Ehglneerlng Experiment Station. Robert Frederick Paton (A.B. 1915, A.M. I916, and Ph.D. 1922, University of Michigan) was a teacher in the University of Michigan until I918. He then taught in Western Reserve University during 1919-20, and returned to the University of Michigan and taught there during 1920-22. He Joined the staff at the University of Illinois in September, 1922, as Associate in Physics. He was advanced in position until he became Associate Professor of Physics in 1929* He is Joint author of one bulletin issued by the aiglneerlng Eaqperiment Station. He is also co-author of a textbook entitled "Physics for Colleges" Ernest Mcintosh layman (B.A. 193 1, Pomona College; M.A. 1933, Dartmouth College and Ph.D. I938, University of California) Joined the staff at the University of minois In September, 1938. He was given a leave of absence on September 1, 1941, to engage in war work. He was made Assistant Professor in September, 1944, and Associate Professor in 1945. Sidney Michael Dane off (B.S. 1934, Carnegie Institute of Technology; Ph.D. 1939, University of Pittsburgh) becan» Instructor in Physics In September, 1940, and Associate in February, 1942. He remained with the University until June, 1943, when he Joined the staff of the Metallurgical Laboratories at the University of ttnwtttU •tot B:,ih.\ •9oA eaarv- ^x'l^f'^X' \fbr ,-^i5X «^:+, .^ri... DOW 379 Richard Henry Bolt (A.B. 1933, and M.A. 1937, University of California, and Ph.D. 1939, Univereity of California at Lob Angelas) bacania Associate in Physics in Septenbar, 19'*0, and Assistant Professor in 19^3. On Saptanbar 1, 19^1, he Vas given a leave of absence for war research abroad, Bnil J. Hellund (B.S. 1935, and Ph.D. 1939, University of Washington) was appointed Assistant Professor of Physics in Noveoibar, 19'*'*, and remained with the University until October, 19'*5. Herbert Arnold Kya (A.B. 1936, Allegheny College; A.M. 1938, and Ph.D. 19l*l, University of Illinois) became Instructor in Physics hare in September, 19'*1, Associate in I9UU, and Assistant Professor in 19'*5* Guenter Schwarx (Diploma Engineer, 1938, Technical High School, Berlin- Char lot tenburg; Ph.D. 19'»1, Johns Hopkins University) became Instructor in Physics in September, 19'*2, and Assistant Professor in 19'*5> Gail Dayton Adams . Jr. (B.S. 19l*0, Case School of Applied Science; M.S. I9U2, and Ph.D. 191*3, University of Illinois) was appointed Hesaarch Physicist here in September, 191*3, and Beeearch Assistant Professor (Betatron research) in 19'*5. Herman William Koch (B.S. 191*1, Queen's College; M.S. 19l*2 and Ph.D. 194U, University of Illinois) became Research Physicist in September, 19l*3, and Research Assistant Professor (Betatron research) in 19l*5» e. Associates William Howard Sanders (A.B. 1920, A.M. 1922, and Ph.D. I925, University of Illinois) became Assistant in Physics In 1920, Instructor in I926, and Associate in 1930. He resigned in August, 1931** Norman Foster Ramsey (B.A. 1935, and Ph.D. 19l*0, Columbia University; B.A. 1937, and M.A. 191*1, Cambridge University, England) became Associate in Physics in September, 19l*0. He was on leave from November 7, 19l*0 to August 3I, 1941 on National Defense, but did not return to the University, Ijrla Winston Phillips (B.S. I932, North Dakota State CoUege; M.S. 1935, Uni- versity of Buffalo; and Ph.D. , 1939, University of Illinois) was made Instructor ^* ed ^Li^^l ^lywkiK ralaaA boa ^04»<3X , r.i. n^^ ^ ..e^CX «t io«aeto«x« *m;^eX6aA Baa ,S4qX .TsrfniKfqe?. fl2 ^--XXoO a"'n6w^ ,X4pi .B.fi) dooX matX/JV. nameH X (t^dflnik^^dS at ^aioiat^'f laiaoed (a) t 9tnr (ai. ^^'^■'^ 379a In Physics at the TInlverslty hero In September, 19l»0. He Ijecane Associate In 19^2 and remained vlth the Department until July, I9H, John Paul Qlrard (B.S. In E.E. I938, Purdue University) became Research Engineer In Physics In September, 19'*2, and remained here vmtll October, 1^^» John McSlhlnney (B.S. I9U2, Urslnus College; I.S. 19'»3, University of Illinois) vas made Special Research Associate of Physics In April, 19^^. Warren Harding Snlth (A.B. 19^2, Colgate University; M.S,, 19*^3, University of Illinois) became Research Physicist In Februaryj 19'»^, Special Research Physicist In M»y, 19^*^, and Special Research Associate In September^ 19^. He resigned In January, 19^6, Lloyd Smith (A.B. 19^2, and M.A., 19^*3, Unlvefslty of IlJ.lnole) was appointed Speclea Research Associate of Physics, effeotlye September 1, 19W*. He left the Department In September, 191^5. Qerhart Ksrl Groetzlnger (Ph.D. 193I, University of Vlemmi beCaa© Iiistructor In Physics In September, I9U2, and vas made Associate of Physics In September, 19hh, He left his position In June, I9U5, to accept *: ^Qppolntmeni at Ohio State Uni- versity. Yall Hall Moore , see Civil Engineering/ waa appointed Associate In Physics for the first semester of 19l;U-U5. During this period, as well as that with Civil Engineering, Mr. Moore vas on leave of absflnce frou the State Qeological Survey. -H 4 ax «^4ooaaA ii9:cee««0 Xasioaqf: i>r ■^^' ■ .v.>^- -i . , • ■ • •. '.r '■.■■..,■. '.-'.: ^'■- ■ .. ■ . .; ;t>fr soiavl*^ «I orfjsiooaaA J6i©*ttlo«^' .nlsT^rifl «• 38U minola) taught a nuniber of years In secondary schools before coming to the Uni- versity In September, 19^*3, as Instructor In Physics, He too withdrew in September, Albert Jerold Hatch (B.S. in E.E. 1939, University of Illinois) became Lecture -Demonstrations Instructor in Physics here in September, I9U3. George Stanley Klaiber (B.A. 1938 and M.A. 1939, University of Buffalo; A.M. 191*1, and Ph.D. 191*3, University of Illinois) Joined the staff as Instructor in Physics in September, I9U3, and retained that position vmtll September, 19^*^. Scott Anderson (B.S. I935, Illinote Weeleyan University; M.S. I936, and Ph.D. 1940, University of Illinois), after some year's experience in teaching and in Industry, served as Instructor in Physics here from November, 19^1*, until June, 191*5. Rosalyn Sussman Yalow (A.B. 19l*l, Hunter College of the City of New York; M.S. I9I+2, and Ph.D. 19U5, University of Illinole) became Instructor in Physics in September, 1944. Joseph Clare (M. Eng., I905, University of Liveirool; B.D., I9II, University of London Hackney College) served as Instructor in Physics from January until October, 19^5. Barnard Herschel Cmsinberry (B.S., I932, Lewis Institute; M.S., 1942, Drake University) also served as Instructor in Physics from January until October, 1945. Klaus Schocken . (Ph.D. , I928, University of Berlin) after some years experience in teaching in secondary schools in this country, becane Inatnxctor in Physics in October, 1945, in the ASTP Program. H. SUMMAEY General - WhlJ.e the major portion of the instructional effort of the Depart- ment of Physics has been devoted to service for other departments and other colleges on the caayue, the staff has been able to provide its own curricular program for undergraduate students and to offer training to a vezy substantial :/eflts*0n j&na yt^l :I '.ijB^oetf (8lO£tl.UJ. to \v Jifil 385 list of gradtiata students that have gone out Into academic and Industrial positions. In spite of the heavy demands Inposed upon the staff by the Instructional work, the ffl9ol>erB of the group have been able to carry on very substantial re- search pirojects that have produced far-reaching benefits towards the advancement of the field of physics. The Inventions of the photo-electric cell and the betatron to say nothing of other developments that have contributed materially towards Improvements in this science, have been among the most Inportant In their day and have brought much credit to the Department In general and to tlie University In particular. ."•TBa^eJiTB \i8v itci.opfxiip «^ QXil* r-j hns I«-tcflea «* ;^fl«Ed^flq[' ' -'©to iotm 3S7 C?L-iPTHR XII , " THE DEPAHTIiElJT OF MUNICIPAL AND SAIHTAHY SITOINESRIIIG A. ORGANIZATION OF THE DSPARHiENT Ge neral - The Department of liunicipal and Sanitary Engineering was organize! in I89O — about the time the applications of water-supply and aanitary engineer- ing were receiving serious attention on the part of cities and to\7ns that were urging the construction of better sewer, sanitary, and drainage facilities. In- stmction in these subjects had been previously given by the Department of Civil Engineering, but it was believed that a formal curriculiim for training city engi- neers would serve a public need and attract many students. This was probably the first curriculum to be established in a lanrl-.":j.ant otllc^^'e in the United States offering orga-iized instruction in m\inicipal and aanitary 3ngineering. B. lilSTRUCTIOH Conduct of Insti^uctio n - The cur ri culut; in iiunicii^pj. and Sanitary Engineer- ing, a modification of the one in Civil Unginoering, was described in the I89U-95 Catalogue as being "designed for students desiring to make a specialty of city engineering work. It prepares for the various duties of engineers of the depart- ments of public works of cities and includes instruction in methods of sanitation of cities. "Instruction is given by lectures, textbooks, nnd seminary work; by field laboratory, and drafting work. The methods of training are intended to develop pov/cr to take up and solve nev; problems connected aith municipal works, as well as to design and su, iOi-int end the ordinary const i-nct ions. Surveying, structural materials, and structural design arc taught as in the civil engineoring courses. The studj^ of chemistry, botany, and bacteriology necessary to a comprehension of the questions involved in nat or- supply onginocring and sewage disposal arc given, and the facilities for this instruction arc very good. The jirinciplcs of the generation and transmission of electrical energy arc given. Head engineering, Wrator-supply engineering, and se'verage received special attention. A collection of dra'''ing3, plans, photographs, utc, ha.s boon added to the other equipment". 1 Page 53. 3SS The curriculum is described in a later pu^blicatioi-i of the University issued in 1919 entitled "The College of Engineering and Engineering Experiment Station, 1 a Pictorial Description," as offering "training in the design, construction, and operation of municipal public works, and considers generally the needs of city and community development. "The Department is concerned with the solution of engineering problems affecting the public health and welfare, a» the supply and distribution of potable Y/aters, the construction of means for furnishing a water supply, including wells, impounding reservoirs, and lake intakes, and the building of water purification works, the disposal and treatment of the sewage of a city and the drainage of streets. Instraction is given in the desigii and construction of pavcxnents, walks, bridges, viadu(;ts, a: d the several means for provii;n,? f n- public safety and health" . C. ROOA ACCOM'iODATIONS General - The Department moved into qvuirters on the s.econd fleer of the west wing of Engineering Hall as soon as the buil>iiiig was completed in IS9U. Its 2 assignment included the departmental office, a drafting room, a thesis room, and a seminary and lecture room. There was also a recitation room, an office and a com- imting room adjacent or. the sjamo floor for the work in theoretical and applied mechanics. The Department had a large collection of plans, prints, specifications, re- ports, and photographs, covering municipal aiid sanitary-onginccring subjects. D. LABORATORY FACILITIES General - The 1921-22 issue of The Register contained the following state- ment: "The hydraulic laboratory is well equipped with apparatus illustrating the laws of hj'-draulics as apjjlicd in waterworks and sewerage practice, aiid it also contains a small rapid sand filter, a small slow aand filter, several arrangements of dosing siphons, a model of a water-purification plant and models illustrating the disposal of sewage by Imhoff tarJcs, sprinkling filters, and sand filters". 1 Page 12 2 Room 20U 3 Page 131 389 Sanitary angineering Laljoratory 19l4-192h - The original exr^erinental onni- tary laboratory conntmctod in I91U-I5, was located in a small frarie building that stood on University property east of Goodwin Avenue near the Boneyard between the Boneyard ?ind the street railway tracks. In 1922, the plant was enlarged in accordaJice v/ith plans providing for a cooperativG research project between the Do- partncnt of liunicipal and onnitary Sngineerin/^, the Dopartaent of Faiin llechanics, ■and the State V/ater Survey Division, to study mothods of sewage disiiosal. The frame structure housed an olovatcd distribution trui!:, scdJ.ricntation tanks, dosing tanks, air and ox^y-gcn tarJ-:s, snail septic tanlcs such as might bo suitable for in- dividual rcsi donees ,?jid r.m-u.l institutions, trickli'.:' fjl.ors, puiaps and other devices, and c^ieaicals nee led for sewage and water .uial^B.. s. Sewage was taken from the Champaign and Urbana outfall sewer aiid '.7.-\s returned to it after treatment. The State Water Survey was especially iiit. rested in biological aspects of the a,ctivatGd slu Ige pi'ocess ajul trickling filtcrr, and alno in the operation of the nidus tank. The Dopartracnt of Farm ilpchanics was interested in the small septic tanks, and the Department of liuniciixal and Sanitary Znginecring in the distribu- tion of sewage on and in trickling filters. In 1924-25, the Choriical Foundation gave ¥1,000 from its receipts that had been collected from the use of the C-crm^in patents on the Imhoff taiilc process, towards the study of sewa.ge treatment at Illinois. The investigation was under- taken as a cooperative project between the Department of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, the State Wn-ter Survey Division, and the Division of Sanitary Chemis- try . The fund from the Chemical Foun.Lation v/as pla.cod under the control of the Division of Sanitary Chemistry. V.'hcn the Department of Municipal and Sanitary Snginecring ^7as discontinued in 1926, the work of the Sanitary Engineering Laboratoi'y ';?as transferred to the De- partment of Civil Engineering. 5. FACULTY PSriSOiJIiEL a. Huad of the Department General - Arthur Ucv;ell Talbot served as Head of the Department of Municipal 390 find Sanitary Sngineerin^? from its inception in IS90 to its close in 1926. A portion of Professor Talbot's biographical sketch appears below. Arthur Ne'.7ell Talbot was born at Cortland, Illinois, on October 21, 1857, and was graduated from the civil-engineering curriculum at the University of Illinois in 1881. As a student young Talbot was noted for thoroughness of scholarship, breadth of interests, steadiness of purpose, and maturity of judge- ment. The average grade of his undergraduate studies was 9^ — an achievement that remained the record for many years. The student Talbot did not devote all of his time and energy to study, how- ever, but was active in extra-curricular activities. As the literary society was the chief source of interest outside of the classroom program during the days when he was a student, he took a prominent part in the affairs of the Philomathcan organization. He must have been a guiding spirit in the institution, for ho be- came in turn Secretary, Vice-President, and President of that organization. Pie served as delegate to the Interstate Oratorical Association, as Class Essayist, and for a year as Associate Engineering Editor of the Illini. It cannot be doubted that his interest in student literary activities and the training he re- ceived in that connection, helped to develop the precision and clearness in speech and writing which became one of his outstanding characteristics. He served also as a leader in student govci'nmcnt and as a ranking officer in the Cadet Corps. In addition to these activities, he gave instruction in preparatory mathematics and in his senior year, was a student assistant in Physics. After graduation he was engaged for four years in railroad surveying, construction, and maintenance of way in the ucst; and in June, I8S5, for his practical experience and the px'cparation of a thesis, he was granted the degree of Civil Engineer. It was then that he became a member of the Department of of Civil Engincorins. Ho remained v/ith this Department until June I89O, when he bccaiic Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering. At that time also, he tos , formally placed in charge of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics although for several years he had practically directed that work, and had already 391 inaugurated laboratory practice in materials testing and hydraulics. During the 1890's, although seriously hampered by lack of money and suitable space, he gradually developed his work to a high degree of efficiency; and this did much to advance the status of the entire College, since all engineering students took mechanics and most of them hydraulics. Before the turn of the century. Professor Talbot had made contributions to the engineering profession in a nixmber of fields v/hich brought distinction to him and the College of Engineering, Ono of these earliest was a formula for areas of waterways for bridges and culverts, which was first published in 1837-88 in "Selected Papers of the Civil 3ngincers' Club," — an organization that later be- came The Technograph. Another was a formula for rates of maximum rainfall. This was also published in an early issue of The Tcchnograph. Both formulas have been often quoted and widely used and boar his name today. A small treatise on a very flexible method for layin,^ out casement spirnlc. at the ends of circular curves (first described by him in Volume 5 of The Tcciinograph issued in IB9O-9I) was publiehcd in 1399 as "The Bailway Transition Spiral". It has gone through several editions and has been used by many railroads. His pioneer work in sewage treat- ment by means of septic tanks later made it possible for municipalities to contest certain patent claims on methods and principles of sewage disposal. During this period his investigations provided standard tests of paving brick for strength and abrasion. Before the age of forty ho had made important contributions in hydrology, railway engineering, sanitary engineering, and testing materials. After the era of expansion in engineering schools began, mechimics and engineering materials absorbed the attention of Professor Talbot oven more than sanitary engi- neering; and without a change in title, the emphasis of his work swung to the field of theoretical and applied mechanics. b. Other Professors Harold Eton Babbitt- See Civil Engineering, Ch^ipter VIII c. Associates __ Roy Harley Slocum (3.S. in ^.S. 1900, and C.3. I9IO, University of Illinois) 1 The rcriaindcr of Professor Talbot's biography appears under Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. X 392 served as Assistant in the Department of Theoretical and Applied liechanics during I9OI-O2 and Instructor during 1902-05. He becane Instructor in M\inicipal and Sanitary Engineering in I905 and Associate in I906. He withdrc\7 in I907 to be- come Professor of Civil Engineering at North Dalcota Agricultural College — a position he has held to date. George Conrad Haberineycr (5.S. in C.S. I903, University of Illinois) was em- ployed in engineering practice for four years after gradiJation, then in Sopt ember 1907, joined the College staff here as Instructor in Municipal and Sanitary Engi- neering. He became Associate in I909, and remained vith the Department until 1913, when he resigned to rc-cntcr engineering practice. In I916, he became connected '.vith the State Water Sui-voy Division and continued with it until 1928, serving during I9I8-I9 as Acting Chief. Paul_ Hanse n (B.S. in Sanitary Engineering, I903, Hassachusctts Institute of Technology) v/ar. engaged in public-hnalth engineering for several years after gradu- ation. He beciune Chief Engineer for the Illinois State Water Survey and Associate in Municipal njid Sanitary Enginceriiag at the University here in 191I. He resigned this position in 1915 to bccono Chief Engineer of the Illinois State Department of Health at Springfield. From I920 until his death on February 6, I9UU, he was a member of the firm of Pearse, Greely, and Haiison (later Grocly and Hansen) Con- sulting Engineers. d. Instructors Hoy Victor Engstrom - See Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chapter XII, Harvey Ellison Murdock (3.3. in M.E. 1906, i'i.E. I9O8, and C.E. I9II, Uni- versity of Colorado) served as Instructor in Muiiicipal and Sanitary Engineering here from 1906 to I909, and in Theoreticc-a and Applied Liechanics from 1909 to September 1912, after which he became interested in irrigation work in the West. Mr. Murdock was author of a textbook entitled "Strength of Materials". F.THE DSPAEiruSNT DISCOHTIIWED General - Due to one cause or aiiother, the curriculum in Municipal and Sani- tary Engineering never attracted any considerable number of students. The reason 393 for this is not clear. Certainly the content of the curricxilun and the instiixc- tion were not inferior to those of other more popular curricula in the College. Possibly the small registration was due in some measure to the usual uncertainty of tenure of office of city engineers. At the time Professor Talbot was retired from teaching and administrative duties, on September 1, I926, the Department was discontinued and the work was transferred to the D,:,partmnnt of Civil Sngineoring, which offered a nev? option in Sanitary Engineering to provide for instruction in water supply, sewage dis- posal, and hydraulic engineering. Thit; option io described in some detail in a later chapter. 39^ CiiAPTSR XI 11 TH3 D3FAHTME1IT OF THEORETICAL Al^'D AFPLIZD MSCEIinCS A. ORGAI'IIZATIOK OE THE IDSPAETIfflNT General - It was recognized nt an early date in the history of the Univer- sity that all students should have instruction in mechanics, the science that deals with the forces and deformations which must be considered in the design and construction of 'bridges, buildings, nachines, and other engineering structures, the materials of engineering, and the motions set up in machines. It was also recognized that there should also be instruction in hydraulics, which deals with the flow of water through pipes, canals, channels, and conduits, and the problems to be solved in the development of water po'7er. Accordingly, some work, although not designated by the -inae mechanics, was offered in the l870's; but about 1825, Professor Talbot, wlto for long years aftervards was Head of the Department, initiated some orgajiized instruction in engineering materials. The Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics was made a separate organization though in I89O, by combining instruction in mechanics for all engi- neering students into one service department. This plan, which has become common in most of the engineering schools, h ao bc e omo ooLimoft in aoat &j^"t-fatr-efigineering schools, has proved to an advantageous arrangement for it has created interest in the particular fields of its divisions, has fostered proficiency in instinictional methods, and has stimiilated effort in analytical aJ'id experimental research. 3. INSTRUCT 1 01' 1 General - In the University Catalogue and Circular of 139^-95. when the De- partment of Theoretical and Applied liechanics was first mentioned as a separate department, this statement appeared: "The courses in theoretical and applied mecharics are designed to meet the ne'^d of students in the College of Engineering. Training is given in the principles of the subject and in the application and methods used in engineering design and construction. The textbook '7ork is supplemented by lectures and reading. Streasi is placed on the solution of engi- neering problems involving discrimination in the use of data and in the state- mont of conditionst Experimental v/ork and investigations in the laboratory of - Page 56. 395 applied mechanics is a part of the regular inBtruction. Opportunity is also gi^ien for advanced laboratory investigation for thesis and special 'vork" . "?hile the Department has no curriculun ajid does not grant baccaulaureate degrees as most of the other departments do, it does act as a service department to give instruction in analytical mechanics, mechanics of materials, and hy- draulics, not only to students of all the other departments of the College of Engineering, but also to students in the College of Liberal Arts jind Sciences and in the College of Commerce — all students in Chemicjil Engineering and Industrial Administration being required to register in some courses in this particular field of engineering. In addition, the Department has many students registered in advanced courses looking towards the U.S. rmd Ph.D. degrees. In a publication entitled "The Function of the Laboratory in Engineering Education," John Sanford Feck brought together a number of statements made by various instractors concerning the objectives to be attained by laboratory in- struction in mechanics, from which the folio iving have been selected: "Boomsliter, in 1930, published the most comprehensive stud;;- of the work of the materials testing laboratory that had been made up to that time. He listed seven objectives, with the comment that the emphasis on thorn varied widely in different schools. These objectives were: 1. To give the student first-hand kno'vlcdge of the behavior of materials. 2. To acquaint him './ith the various types of testing ajjparatus and their o]jeration. 3. Drill in the standard tests of materials. h. To enable him to make intelligent selection of materials for various purposes. 5. To show the effects of alloys and variations in quality on the various properties of materials. b. Drill in curve plotting and the interpretation of curves. 7. Drill in report writing. "Boonslitcr also listed four additional objectives which he credited to H. ?. Moore, Research Professor of Engineering Materials at the University of Illinois. They were: 1. A study of the laws of mechanics of materials. 2. A study of the basic properties of materials of construction. 1 193 (S, pages 1^-15. 396 3. Training in the technique of handling testing apparatus. h. Secondary purposes: a. 'The presenting of contact bctweon college and industry. ■5. Devolopcicnt in the student of an appreciation of the proper degree of accuracy and sensitivity in experimental vjork. c. Study of the mechanical substitutes for nathenatical analysis. "According to Boomsliter, lioorc held that some laboratories v>cro used entire- ly for the second puiT)Osc while others combinod one and two from his list. "The latest contribution was made by Draifin in 1932. Kc stressed these objectives : 1. To teach the student to observe the behavior of a typical material, such as wood, or steel, under a given t:,'pe of loading. 2. To relate the action under load with the mathematical analysis which he has studied in the classroom. 3. To draw a conclusion from his work. 'Df this la^t objective. Draff in has this to say: This last is one of the most important and educational parts of the exercise the student has done a piece of work and he is now asked to evaluate it. Perhaps the conclusions v;hich should be drawn are obvious, but it is surprising how many obvious things are unseen or not considered important until one is trained to look for them '" . Further mention regarding instruction in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is made as follows in a I9U0 publication of the College of Engineering: "Courses in theoretical and applied mechanics are required in all the engi- neering curricula. The purpose of the courses is to teach the student to analygc and solve engineering problems by applying the principles of mathematics and of physics to conditions as they arise in the design, construction, and operation of engineering structures and machines. In the well- equipped laboratories, the stu- dent tests many engineering materials, such as steel, brass, aliiminum, timber, and concrete, to dctorrainc the various properties that arc needed in the use of the materials in design and construction, and in the writing of specifications for the materials. In the hydraulics laboratory, he performs experiments on the flow of water in pipes and oiicn channels, and determines the operating characteristics of different kinds of pumps and turbines. A number of advanced courses in the analysis of stresses in materials, in testing of materials, and in hydraulics arc offered, which may be elected by junior and senior students. A large amount of research work is carried out in the laboratories, some of which involve tests of large members. Students are encouraged to follow the progress of this investi- gational work."-^ Undergraduat c Registration in T.c: A.ii. Course s, I9II-I9UU - The following figures in Table XIX give the total registration by years of undergraduate stu- dents in the various courses offered by the Department of Theoretical and Applied 1 University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol.XIuvVIII, October 29, I9U0, No. 10, page I7, 397 Mechanics: TABLE XIX- UNDERGRADUATE REGISTRATION IN COURSES IN THEORETICAL AND APPLIED IIECK/'J-ilCS, 1911-191+^ 1911-12 1579 1912-13 1759 13 -iH 1750 II4-15 1287 15-16 1297 16-17 1229 17-lS 899 18-19 767 19-20 1370 20-21 1352 21-22 1379 22-23 1197 23- 2U 115s 24-25 1081 25-26 IIS3 26-27 13^^ 27-28 13 6U 22-29 1-+0S 29-30 . i4oo 30-31 21S5 31-32 23S2 32-33 1902 33-3^ 1595 3M5 1613 « 35-36 1682 36-37 1^21 37-3S 2I413 38-39 26SO 39-^0 2660 Uo-4i 2553 U1-U2 21+63 U2-U3 2135 k^-kk 2269 Comparison of figures after I93O-3I 'vith thoseof preceding years is difficult iDecause of the renumbering of courses a^id the changes in course arrangement made at that time. The peak of enrollment for the thirty-three year period, no doubt, was reached in 1932-39 though when the registration totalled 2.680. C. BUILDING AIID ROOM ACCOliiODATIONS General - The laboratory of applied mechanics, first mentioned as such in the I893-9U issue of the University Catalogue and Circular, was located principally on the first floor of Machinery Hall (old Mechanical Building and Drill Kail). After this building and its contents wore almost entirely destroyed by firu in I9OO, a new structure called the Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, was erected in I902, that was 1 Courses renumbered. 39 S devoted entirely to mechanics and hydraulics. The two-story front of this build- ing was used for mechanics — the first floor being given over to laboratory work and the upper floor being used for offices and computing rooms. The one-story rear portion was fitted up for a hydraulic laboratory. The Department continued to use some class rooms and offices in Engineering Hall, and in addition, It tool: over in I906 the v^est end of the north bay added to the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory for experimental work in reinforced concrete. It transferred its equipment from this location to the northeast room of the basement and first floor of the Ceramics Building when that structure was completed in I916. Further- more, in 1919, the Department arranged the upper room at the north end of the old Boneyard heating plant for a fat igue-of -metals laboratory. However, all of these experimental laboratories were transferred to the Hew Materials Testing Labora- tory (later called the Arthur Newell Talbot Laboratory) when that building was completed in ig29 . D. DSVEL0Hi31W OF LABOHATORY FACILITIES III • THEORETICAL AlO APPLIED IIECiiAillCS Ma terials Testing Laboratory. iSog-igOS - The College of Engineering had been established twenty years before it offered any systematic engineering laboratory work, although in the early 1870 's Professor Robinson in giving instruction in Physics, so enthused his students in resistance of materials and hydraulics that they built apparatus v/ith their own hands that they might conduct experiments. For example, thoy made two pieces of apparatus for testing the flexure of wooden "beams" (sticks one to one and one-half inches square and twenty-four to thirty inches long), and another piece of apparatus for detei'mining the elongation of wires. Though compelled to pump the water from a well and carry it up a flight of stairs, students in the class in hydraulics made two tanks and conducted experi- ments in the flow of water through a variety of orifices. These two scries of experiments occupied many afternoons and Saturdays of most of the members of these classes. They showed commendable inventive ability and a surprising degree of accuracy, and gave valuable training in interpreting observed results and in 399 eliminating sources of error. All three sets of apparatus were aften/ards used for several years in the classes in pliysics laboratory practice. More extended instruction in applied meciaanics and hydraulics began about I877 under Professor Hobinson with such improvised equipment and apparatus as he could provide from his onn resources. When Professor Talbot began to teach He- si stance of Materials in 1385, he introduced the use of a small home-made bean- testing machine for showing the agreement between the conx'uted and observed de- flection of several forms of beams. In 1837, he received an extensoneter for use in class instruction. Some of the woric done by students with those two machines was exhibited at the 'World's Colmibian Exposition in Chicago in 1393. As illustrating one of the diff icultio;; of securing laboratory apparatus, the follo-.'dng may bo cited. One of the engincV:ring professors upon going to the Regent and urging the desirability of the University securing a materials testing machine, 'vas told rather sharply that it was "the function of a teacher to stand part '.7ay up the mount of hnowlcdgo and liand down inforr^iation to those below". However, late in the same year, 1S37, the Regent apparently without further urging or even request, bought a 100,000-pound Riohle materials testing machine which was installed early in 1883 and put to use in instruction and investigation. The first use of this machine was by Professor Balcer in investigations in connection with the first edition of his book on "Masonry Construction" then in preparation; and the first class instruction with this machine was by Professor Tolbot on February 25, 1888. 2 The I89I-92 Catalogue and Circular made mention of the Testing Laboratory as follows: "The testing laboratory has a Richie Testing machine of 100,000-pound capacity, a smaller apparatus for testing beams, a Richie cement testing machine, a stone grinder for preparing test pieces of stone, a rattler for abrasion tests of stone and brick, v;ith other apparatus for making all necessary measurements and observations, molds, standard sieves for cement, etc. The laboratory is fitted up as a working laboratory where students may acquire such practice in 1 Price at factory $1100 2 Page hi . 4oo experimental work as engineers are called upon to perform, as well as for the purpose of illustrating principles as for use in original investigations. The ordinary work includes testing metal, wooden 'beams, cement briquettes, and stone and brick" . 1 The 1892-93 Catalogue and Circular stated "The testing laboratory located in Machinery Hall, gives opportunities to students of the College of Znginecring to maice various practical experiments and tests, and to prosecute original investi- gations in the linos of their specialties". In IS93, the legislative appropriations were sufficient to allow the Board of Trustees on July 6, 1393, at their first meeting after the passage of the bill to grant to Professor Talbot an amount of ;?1,700 for the materials testing laboratory, '.Vith this money, there was added in 189^ a Tinius Olscn testing 2 machine arranged for tension, compression, and cross-bending tests, with a capacity of 100,000 pounds for beam loading and 200,000 pounds for center loading, the machine taking beams up to 20 feet in length. By tiiat time, the laboratory was fairly well equipped, for it had already acquired a 100,000 pound Richie test ing machine, as previously stated, an Olscn cement testing machine, and a machine for testing small beans. There was added vithin the next two years or so a 10,000-pound Hiehlc wir.-. testing mn.chinc}, a large collection of cxtcncomctcrs, dcf lectometers, scales, micrometers, calipers, and other measuring devices. A little later, there was added several smaller testing machines, and apparatus for testing wood in shear, and for determining the shearing strength of rivets and the strength of riveted joints. There were also devices for holding and testing cables and a variety of different forms of test pieces and test structures/ 3y 1900, the equipment of the laboratory v;as brou,giit uj^ to bo, in variety and com- pleteness, as good cr better than that in any other, except perhaps two, of the engineering schools of the country. During this period the laboratory'" methods of instxniction were developed and perfected to be second to none. In this laboratory some excellent thesis work was done which gave new in- formation of value — tests of large size timber beams, tests of riveted joints, 1 Page 25 2 Cost at factory 31,550. UOI tests of shearing strength of rivets, impact tests of '.voodcn beans, etc. The most noted of these ^7as aJi investigation made in I896 on the method of testing brick by means of the rattler. This investigation proved to have a marked effect upon testing methods and engineering practices. The use of brick for paving vjas comparatively no'.7, and the testing of paving brick was in a very confused state. The National Brick Manufacturers' Association had recently completed an elaborate series of experiments and proposed a standard method of testing paving brick which had been 'jidely adopted. Mr. Henry J. Burt, G.I]. '96 as his graduating thesis under the direction of Professor Talbot, made a series of tests on paving brick and secured results '7hich afterwards enabled Professor Talbot to convince the parties interested of the need of making radical changes in the then standard method of testing paving brick. Thereafter, the method developed by Professor Talbot and Mr. Burt became the accepted standard. In June 1900, the building housing the Inboratory '7as burned and practically 1 all of the equipment \7as sevcrly damaged or destroyed. During tiuj year follo'7ing very little work could be offered in materials testing. 'Vliat little that was done along that line, \7as carried on in a room on the ground floor of the 1 "The first large-sized testing machine bought by the laboratory was a Riehle 100,000-pound machine operated by a liydraulic cylinder with the load measured by compound levers and a moving poise. In the Inventory Record this machine is marked 'Destroyed in the Fire of I9OO'. However, only the poise and the scale beam v/ere destroyed. The remainder of the machine was stored in the basement of the old TM A.M. building until about I9IO or I9II, V7hen I designed a pendulum v/eighing device, had it built in the old T.& A.ii. s!5:op, and put on the machine and calibrated. A small hydraulic pump was bought fcr the machine, and the machine itself v/as used for five or six years. The apparatus was eventually loaned to another department for some special tests, it was ovarloaded, and the main levers broken. The hydraulic cylinder of the machine is now stored under the Engineering Building. "The 200,000-pound Olsen machine now in the Talbot Laboratory was injured in the fire of I9OO. I do not know hov/ badly it was damaged, but in I902 it was repaired and used by Professor Talbot on his first series of tests of reinforced concrete beams. It has been in use ever since. It has not been calibrated for some years, but when last calibrated was found to have a good accuracy, but a rather low sensitivity on account of the blunted knife edges. "In the Inventory Record there is also a designation of the 10,000-pound wire testing machine which is marked as 'Destroyed by the Fire of 1900'. I liave never seen any 'remains' of that machine, so I tske it that that one was destroyed. "A large number of pieces of au;ciliary apparatus and some strain-measuring equipment were also destroyed in the fire ofigOO". - Letter from Professor H. F. I'ioorc dated November 6, 19^3 • Mechnjiical and Slectricf^il Sngineering LaTJoratory. Materials Testing Laboratories. 1902-1929 - The materials testing laboratoij/ of the Department of Theoretical and A-pplied liechanics occupied the new Labora- tory of Applied Meclianics completed in I902. Under the direction of Professor Talbot, the equipment '.vas extended as rapidly as possible, and there '7as soon assembled machines for class room and exijerimental use in testing specimens for tension, compression, fle:cure, torsion, and irrp'ict . The most notcvorthy pieces of apparatus included the 100,000-200,000-pound capacity Olsen machine obtained in I89U as previously mentioned; a 100,000-pound, 2-screw machine, obtained from the Philadelphia liachine Tool Company in 1902; a 230,000-inch-pound Olscn torsion machine obtained in 1902; a 10,000-pound long beam type of iiand-po'.7cr Riehle machine obtai; ed in I903; a 100,000-pound, 2-GCre\7, Hiehle testing machine with autographic recorder, received in I90U; and a vortical testing machine of a new type that had a capacity of 600,000 pounds. This last-nsimcd machine at the time of its const i-uct ion, \7as one of the largest in any laboratory devoted to edu- cational purposes, and is described in some detail in the follo'.7ing paragraphs. "During the first half of the year I905, there was installed in the Laboratory of Applied I'ocl-ianics a bOO, 000-pound testing machine of the vertical scre\7 type. It was the largest vertical scrov; machine that had been built up to that time and liad many novel features in the degi,';^. Coupled 'jith its large capacity ^7as an unusual distance between screws and a height which admitted of vciy long and bulky specimens. Among the novel features were guide columns to * take the thrust due to eccentric loads, rtxoil cylinders to lessen the blow on the knife edges when the lead was suddenly released by the breaking of the specimen, do ubl 0-7/ ebbed levers to distribute the load more evenly over the knife edges, and a new style of poise ai'rangement . "The machine was built by the Riohlc Bros. Testing Machine Company of Philadelphia in accordance with designs furnished by the Department. It was a universal testing machine and was designed for tests in tension, compression, and cross-bending. It was intended to tal^c columns, long tost pieces, beams, large irregular shapes, reinforced concrete, stone and brick construction, built-up metal trusses, and a great variety of other forms of test pieces. "The Vertical type was necessitated by the fact that with spt^cimens of any considerable length in a horizontal position it is impossible to determine with accuracy the increase in stress due to the weight of the specimen, itself, and this is especially'' ti'ue of such materials as concrete and reinforced concrete. "The machine rested on a bed of concrete four feet thick. The Irving gears and lovers wore below the floor level, which was .level with the tox) of the 1 "The 600-OOO-pound Testing I'iachinc, " by P.A.Iiandall, in Tcchnogral^h,190U-05, No . 19, page 103-108. i403 v/cighing tatlc. "The dimensions of tho machine '.voi'c: Extreme height 30 feet 3 inches Extreme length, including motor 17 feet inches 3xtremo widtli 10 feet S inches Distance bet'.veen scre'js 3 feet inches Height above floor 30 feet & inches height 130,000 pounds "The machine could take compression members 25 feet long. It could handle tension specimens 22 feet long with 20/i elongation in 20 feet. The grips could talce pieces 6 inches round or square to 3/^ inch round or square, and specimens 12 inches by U inches or less. It could take transverse pieces 10 feet by 3 feet Y/ide. 3y means of an I-bear.i extension to the vrei^^hing table, the length of tho specimen in transverse test could be 25 feet. "The machine was built especially for the University in connection with the Engineering Exjieriment Station, but was also used for instructional purposes". During I905, there \.'as received also a 100,000-pound Olson, 3-scren universal testing machine, and in l^Oo, a 10,000-pounri capacity hand-po'.ver Olsen machine. There were obtained, in addition, during these years, a number of extensometers and auxiliary.- pieces of apparatus, many of "hich '.7erc designed by members of the Department. In I906, when the north bay of tho !-:>..chanical Engineering Laboratory was completed and o.dclitional space was provided at the west end of it for making, storing, and testing concrete test specimens, there V7as installed there a com- pression machino made up of four hydraulic jacks .-uid pumps havin,;; a total capacity of about 800,000 pounds for conducting o;cperimonts involving tho uso of external pressure on largo rings, such as US-inch by 100-inch culvert pipes, embedded in saiid. In 1907, there was installed in the main laboratory a lO.OOO-pouiid Olson hand-operated U-scrow, urdvcrsal machine; .-iind duri:;^" 1907-05, tliore were provided a l'>0, 000-pound, y-scrcw Kichlc machine, mid a Purdue tyj^o of impact machine made by the Licchanical Engineering Department of Purdue University. In I9IO, there were added a 100,000-pound, 2-screw Hichlo machine, and a 10,000 inch-pound HiclUe torsion machine; while in I912, there was procured a 50,000-pound, 2-screw Riehle machine with autographic recorder. Tncn the Ceramics Building was corajilcted in I916, a large double story room extending from the basement floor to tho coiling of the main floor in the north- east corner of the building was assigned to tho Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for research v7ork in concrete and reinforced concrete. A new 300,000-pound Olsen testing machine V7as installed there and remained there until the ne'.7 Materials Testing Laboratory '.vas completed in I929. A new Olsen testing machine of 100,000-pound capacity was added to the equip- ment of the Department during the summer of I920. The machine 'vas of three- screw type £ind was independently driven by a reversible electric motor through a system of spur reduction gears. Four speeds vrere provided for running the head in each direction. There '.vas installed, also at that tine, a 10, 000- inch- pound Pdehle torsion machine, a 10,000-pound Olson liand-pcver bean testing machine, and a 10,000-pound Hiehle hand-po'-zer bean tostin;^ machine. A 50,000-pound Richie com- pression machine for testing mortar specimens and a Honr^/ L. Scott and Company machine of 1,000 pounds capacity for testin.;: -.'ire and flat netal specimens v/ere added in 1921-22. During I923-2U, a 250-pound Henry L. Scott and Company verti- cal machine; v;as installed for testing rubber, fabrics, and so on. A ncv/ 100,000-pound testing machine made by Amslor at Schaffhauson, Switzer- land, '.vas delivered in I925-26. It rc:prescntr.d the best European practice in testing machines and was regarded by Professor Talbot as in some ways the best testing machine built. It was especially adapted to rapid and accurate testing. Bcggs dofometors and a Rocln7ell hardn>:!ss tester were added in 192-1-25, and a new 200,000-pound Hiohlcj testing machine T7as installed in I927. In addition, during I927-2S, there was provided a 5i 000-pound Aiehle motor-drivon transverse testing machine equipped with an autographic attachment. Additional equipment acquired in I92S included an Olsen -ire testing mM.chino of 1,000 poiinds capacity and a 50,000-pound Rielilo, l-scrc"/, testing machin.;, fitted with a largo table aad high head. ilntorials Testing Laboratories I927-I9U5 - ".Vhon the ncv.' Materials Testing Laboratory Building, nor? the Arthur I'le-vell Talbot Labor,'-\tory, 7/aa completed in 1929, the testing equipment used for instructional purjioses was luoved from the old Laboratory of Applied Mechanics into t'-'o large rooms on the third floor of the new building. Ilew machines were added as funds permitted, so that I9U5, the south room of the two contains the following equii)ment, mostly small-capacity machines'; ijractically all of which have been mentioned in previous sections; two hand-power Hiehle 10, 000 -inch-pound torsion machines, one procured in I9IO and one in 1920 ; two 5.000 inch-pound hand-power torsion testing machines designed by H. I. Moore and built by the J. '^. Hayes Com mny of Urbana in 1931; two Olsen hand- power beam-testing machines of 10,000 pounds capacity, one bought in I906 and one in 1920 ; two Henry L.Scott and Company tensile testing machines, one of 1,000 pounds capacity purchased in 1922 and one of 250 poxinds capacity procured in I923-2U; two Hiehle hand-power bean testing machines of 10,000 pounds capacity, one obtained in I9O3 and one in I92O; one Olsen Izod haind-power impact machine of 10 foot-pound capacity purchased in 1923; one Olsen, 3-screw testing machine with dial indicator and autograjiiiic recording devi:e, of 50,000-pound capacity, secured in 1938; one i and-oporated 10,000-pound Olsen testing machine made with four snail screws, obtained in I907 ; fUid one fatigue-of-motals machine and one testing machine built by the University. In I9U5, the north room of the Materials Testing Laboratory ^n the same floor contains the following equipment: One 100,000-pound 2-scre'7, testing machine se- cured from the Philadelphia Hachinc Tool Compfin.-,- in 1902; one 100,000-pound Riehle 2-scrcv/ machine with autographic recorder purchased in I90U ; one 100, 000- pound, 3-scrcw testing machine obtained in I905; one 100,000-pound 2-screw Richie machine purchased in I907 ; one 100,000-po-und 2-sciyiw Hiehle machine received in I9IO; one Hiehle 50 , 000-poixnd 2-serc^7 machine with autographic recorder obtained in 1912; one 100, 000- pound 3-scrcw Olsen machine obtained in I92O; one 50,000-pound 3-scrcw machine purchased in I92S; one 5»000-pound Hiehle beam machine with auto- graphic recorder, procured in I92S; and one 60, 000-pound, 2-screw, Southwark- Dmory hydraulic type obtained in 1932 and installed in the space formerly occupied by the L'OO , 000-pound Riehle machine -/hich was obtained in I927 and which had been transferred to the large crane bay on the first floor. The equipment in this room as well as that described in the proceding para- graph, is regularly devoted to instructional purposes and has been the means for enabling students to acquire some proficiency in the h?.indling of testing machines and in obtaining thereby a working knovdedge of thuir operating characteristics, and in the examination of the materials of construction ordinarily employed in koS engineering practice; when it is not so engaged, however, it is frequently used for experimental service. Concrete Research Laboratories 1929-19^5 - ^^len the new Materials Testing Laboratory, now the Arthur Newell Talbot Laboratoiy, was completed in I929, the apparatus used by the Departments of Theoretical and Applied liechanics and Civil Engineering for materials testing was transferred to this new building. The con- crete laboratory used for research purposes occupies the southeast rring of the ground floor of the building and the east end of the small crane bay, imdi is under the direction of Professor F.3. Hichart. This space provides storage for concrete materials and reinforcing steel, concrete mixers, a concrete saw, a core drill, and other tools and equipment used in fabricating and testing members built of plain and roinforcod concrete. There are large moisture rooms fitted with temperature control to euro test spccimcins ujidor sta,ndard conditions. The small bay is equipped with a 300,000-pound GlsorT vmiversal testing machine with a 22-foot table, used for testing reinforced concrete beams and slabs, and with a 6-ton overhead ti'aveling crane to facilitate the handling of test specimens. Engineering Materials Laboratory 1929-19^5 -The engineering materials re- search laboratory, shared with the Department of Civil Engineering as previously stated, occupies all of the large crane bay and is designed primarily to study the behavior of large specimens of \700d, metal, and reinforced concrete under various systems and conditions of loading. The large crane bay is equipped with a number of heavy testing machines for examining large structural members under something like service conditions. The largest of these is the 3.000,000-pound capacity machine described in some detail in the follov/ing statements summarized from an article in The Technograph by Professor ?aibur M.Wilson entitled "The 2 3,000,000-Found Testing Machine of the Materials Testing Laboratory". A new testing machine liaving a capacity of 3.000,000 pounds in either tension or com.prossion was installed in the Materials Testing Laboratory, now the Arthur Kcwell Talbot Laboratory, in 1929-3O. The machine was built and erected by the 1 This is the machine which was installed in the Ceramics Building by Professor Talbot in 1916. 2 May, I930, pages I53-I5U South"7ark Foundry and Machine Company of Philadelphia, under a license issued from the Emery-Tatnall Company, The operation of the mechanism is partly mechani- cal and partly hydraulic. The equipment ia uoed. jnintly by the DepartmeJ^-t-" ^^ Theoretical and Applied Mechjinics and Civil Engineering for.woi'F- in research in- volving heavy loadings. It is located on the ground floor of the lai'ge crane bay, and occupies the full height of the building, extending U9 feet 6 inches above the floor line and 15 feet belon that level. The maximum clear height from the bottom of the compression head to the top of the bed of the machine is 32 feet 6 inches. The clear distance bet"een screws is 7 feet 6 inches. The main screws, v/hich are steel forgings, have a total length of 57 feet S inches, an outside diameter of 12 inches, nnd weigh 11 tons. Acting as tension members, the screws resist the full capacity of the machine, 3.0^.000 pounds. The screws do not turn when being loaded and therefore arc not subjected to com- bined tension and torque. These screws, operated by means of a 50-horsepower motor, move the pulling head at a rspecd of 2 foot a minute. Tho load delivered to the specimen under investigation is measured by means of the Emery Hydraulic support built into tho pulling head. This support consists essentially of a rein- forced diaphrni^m whose area subjected to oil pressure is definite and kno\7n. The resistance of the specimen produces a }irossurc in the oil, which is measured by of three Emery precision gages means of an electric autographic recording rarchanism and also by mcans.having capacities of 200,000, 1,000,000, and 3,000,000 pounds respectively — tho small gages being provided to give a greater sensitivity at small loads. The pressure of the oil in the cylinder when the machine is \7oiicing to full capacity is approximately 1,800 pounds a square inch. The pressure is developed by means of a Helc-Shaw pump directly connected to a 15-horscpowcr motor having a speed of 1,500 r.p.m. By means of an automatic regulator, the load can be maintained constant for a period of several hours. The machine is used for testing full-size steel and concrete columns, masonry piers, steel cables, riveted and welded joints, cyc-bars, car couplers, chord members of bridges, cast iron and steel pipe, and other heavy structural materials. Uos This large crane bay also houses the previously-described 600,000-pound testing machine transferred from the laboratory of Applied Mechanics to the new location when the building was completed in 1929- It houses, in addition, the 300,000-pound Hiehle universal testing machine purchased in I923, which is capable of handling a 20-foot beam, coliunn, or tension member, and which was formerly located in the old Boneyard Boiler House after a portion of it had been remodelled for a structural laboratory. Besides these, there is the 230,000-inch pound Olsen torsion machine obtained in 1902; the 200,000-pound Riehle testing machine which was transferred from the north room of the Materials Testing Laboratory in 1932; the Olsen testing machine having a capacity of 100,000 poxinds for beam loading and 200,000 pounds for center loading, which was obtained in I89U; a Riehle 30,000-pound, 3-r,crew machine 'vith autographic attachment, pui'- chased in I92U; a Riehle 3,000-k:ilogram Brinell hardness testing machine obtained in I92U; and the Purdue impact machine secured in 1907-OS. A].l of these machines except the Brinell instrument were mentioned in previous statements. The many tests that have been run with the machines in this laboratory have provided a groat mags of data used as basis for the publication of a long list of bulletins by the Engineering Experiment Station that have served to clear uj) many of the problems relating to the design and construction of machines, structures, and other fabrications made up of iron, stool, concrete and "reinforced concrete, timber, and other typos of ongineoring materials. Fat i gue-of -Metal s Laboratories - V/ork in the fatigue of metals, devoted to a study of the behavior of metals under action of repeated loadings, was started in 1919 by Professor H. F. Moore in a laboratory provided in the north end of the second floor of the old Boneyard Boiler liouse, which was later named the Electrical Engineering Annex. Various types of machines were set up in this room and were kept there until the new Materials Testing Laboratory was completed in 1929. Then, the equipment was transferred to the northwest room on the top floor of this now structure, and was composed of the following items: T'jenty-onc rotating-beain machines, three of them large size, aiid one capable of testing car-axle specimens 2 inches in diameter; three machines for testing metals under Uo9 repeated twisting stress; three machines for testing metals under repeated tensile loading; t\70 machines for testing sheet metal under repeated bending, three of which were arranged to test the metal at elevated temperatures. Many of these machines were designed by the laboratory staff and were constructed in the laboratory shop. Ne'.T apparatus '7as added from time to time as funds rrere available. The 1 follo\7ing description in The Technograph gives some idea of the facilities on hand in 1935. "The fatigue of Metals Laboratory is one of the most completely equipped in any college in the country. There are over ko machines varying from small rotating beam machines which take a 3/^^ inch, specimen and run at 10,000 r.p.m. to rotating bc^m machines turning a 2-inch in diameter specimen at 1,000 r.p.m. "The most nximerous of the many types of machines i'l the laboratory arc the rotating-bcaiT' .lachines, the simple-beam machines VTith constant bending moments and the smaller, faster cantilever beam machines. There are special machines for repeated torsion and repeated tension-compression, as well as special machines for conducting tests at temperatures 1,200 degrees F. Some of the fatigue machines have attachments for investigations of the simulcaneous effects of corrosion and fatigue. "The fatigue specimens operate 24- hours a d.'iy every day in the year. Fatigue specimens usually have to run 10,000,000 cycles aiid often as much as 100,000,000 cycles. Some specimens h<-ive been rvin continuously for over a year in the laboratory with as many as 1,000,000,000 cycles". Most of these machines are still in use in IS^b and still others ha.ve been added. Besides, there is the 100,000-pound dialer testing machine, procured in 1925-26, as previously mentioned, a machine designed in the laboratory for test- ing sheet metal, and a number of machines for ha,rdness and impact tests of metals. There is also a gas furnace for heat-treating and case-carburizing and nitriding of specimens. Crecp-in-Lead Laboratories - Several rooms in the east wing on the top floor of the Arthur Ucwcll Talbot Laboratory liave been occupied since I929 for in- vestigational work directed by Professor Moore, involving crecp-in-lead and load- alloy specimens under conditions in some casos of continuous tension maintained by suspended '.'eights, in other casos of repeated loadings, and in still other cases of constant internal pressure. Some of the apparatus is constructed and arranged to carry on studies of crecj) in lead at elevated temperatures. 1 March, 1938 4io Rails- Invest! gat ion Laboratory - The laboratory tests on rails conducted on the main floor and top floors of the Arthur i.'ewell Talbot Laboratory, under the direction of Professor lioore, have included 'vork for the study of transverse fissures in steel rails and of the different forns of \7elded rail joints. The equipment consists of machines for applying repeated rolling loads to rails and for applying^ bending, impact, and other tests to determine the mechanical properties of rails pnd rail welds, and of facilities for examining the chemical composition and the met alio graphic structure of steel specimens. The apparatus includes a Leitz metallographic microscope capable of taking pictures ni th magnifications of 10 to lU.OOO; a 6-volt, 2000-rixrpere, direct-current motor- generator set, a grinder; t'vo rail-testing machines; strain gages; and so on. Brake- Shre Laboratory - The bral-cc-shoc laboratory was transferred to the Department of Theoretical and Applied liochanics v;hen the Department of Railway Engineering v/as discontinued in 19'+0. Bccaucc of its long association with the Department of Railway Engineering, however, the description of the equipment is carried under that Department. Fhotoclastic Laboratory - In 1922-23, a small collection of apparatus for study of the distribution of stress in irregularly- shaped specimens, such as angles, hooks, gear teeth, turbine blades, I-beams, riveted connections, etc. , was brought together in a light-proof basement i*oom of the original Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, where it would be free from disturbances. The specimens used in the experiments wore of such transparent materials as glass, celluloid, and bakelite. The equipment consisted of apparatus for producing and analyzing polarized light, and a microscope through vjhich this light could pass and which could be focused upon any part of the specimen. '.Tlicn the New Materials Testing Laboratory (Arthur Nev/ell Talbot Laboratory) was completed in I929, the equipment was transferred to one of the rooms on the south side of the top floor of that new building, where the investigations have continued to date. Plastics Laboratory - In February 1939, exjicrimental work was begun by Mr. ".7. K. Jindlcy on the mechanical pi'operties of plastics. It was soon found that because of the effects which snail variations in temperature and huciidity produce on the meclianical properties of such materials, both of these factors must be controlled during the period of the tests. Accordingly, Room 1-C in the basement of the Arthur Newell Talbot Laboratory ';;as provided -.vith home-made temperature and humidity- control apparatus in order to furnish this constant temperature and humidity condition. This equipment ^7ns modified during the next three years, and is no',7 capable of maintaining automatically a constant temperature of 77 degrees I. and a relative humidity of 50 per cent through the year. Various pieces of experimental equipment have been installed in this room over the intervening time. At present, the facilities include a combination tension, compression, and torsion machine for determining the static properties of plastics subjected to those different conditions; five repeated-bending fatigue machines; three rotating: beam fatigue machines; a repeated- impact testing machine; creep-testing apparatus for a total of twenty-four specimens; and such incidental appli.anccs as temperature and humidity- recording instruments, analytical balances, ajid so on. Vibrations Laboratory - The stu'ly of the characteristics of mechanical vibrations was begun by Professor Thomas J. Dolan about 1939* "^h"^ apparatus axcumulatcd from time to time since then illustrates the vibrations in machines, mechanica.1 devices, t Transport at ion equipment, trajismission linos, bridges, and buildings and other structures. Special a.pparatus available shows the effects of wind in building up vibrations in transmission lines pjnd suspension bridges, and the transfer of vibrations from one mode to another. Special appliances consist of an harmonic analyzer, of frequency meters, and a number of models illustrating the typos of motion and relative amplitude developed in free, forced, damped, and self-induced vibrations, sjad the effects of resonant or critical speeds on machines. Hydraulics Laboratory - In Harch I892, again largely through the interests of Acting Regent Burrill in laboratory work, an appropriation of $525 was given to Professor Talbot as a beginning towards a hydraulic laboratory, which he set up in the first floor of the old Mechanical Building and Drill Eall, or at that time known as Machinery Eall. The equipment purchased included a turbine, a 1+12 stepm pump for producing hi^ pressures, water motorr,, water meterr,, and pressure gages. It included, also, measuring tanks, v/eir tanks and other apparatus for exiieriniental work with orifices, weirs, etc. In addition, there was a 10-inch standpipc with an elevated supply tank as a source of water supply. The first regular class instruction in the liydraulics laboratory was given ir. I893. apparently the first in this country and probably in the world. In 1896-97, according to Voliime 11 of the Technograph, the l^draulic labora- 2 tory occupied the north room in the Engineering Laboratory Building and the room on the second floor directly above it. Hany improvements had been made diiring the previous year or two in the facilities for o.xi:.crimcnting along various lines of hydraulic invest iga,t ions. A steel stniadpiioc U feet in diameter and Uo feet high, had been erected in the oast end of the laboratory. It rested on a concrete foundation scvon feet in diameter and five feet in depth. Its largest opening was a short distance above the lower floor, whore a quick-opening, 15-inch valve lead to a 15-inch cylinder three feet long. In the end of the cylinder could be fitted plates containing orifices and short tubes of various forms and sizes. At other points in the stjindpipe, openings were provided for connecting hose in the investigations of friction and discharge from nozzles, for experimenting with jets, Pjid for connecting pipes for the stud;/ of flow of water in pipes. The head of water was measured by a mcrcuiy column. In front of the standpipc was a concrete pit 26 feet long, S feet wide, and 3-| feet deep. This contained tanJcs and scales for measuring the quantity of water discharged. The pit itself was also used for measuring larger quantities of water — the depth being determined by means of a hook gauge. Water was supplied to the standpipc directly from the city mains through a six-inch pipe running near the north wall and under the floor. Four vertical U-inch pipes rose from this main supply pipe to furnish iwatcr for tests of weirs, meters, motors, etc. The water discharged was weighed in the pit. A 3- inch Venturi meter was connected with one of the risers for purj^oses of testing. At the west end of the laboratory was the previously-mentioned 10-inch standpipe 35 feet higli connected at the top with a b-foot wooden tank. At the 1 "The Hydraulic Laboratory, "by Paul Chipman '9U, pages 125-12S. 2 Origiiially kno'.7n as iiechanical Building EOid Drill Hall. Hl3 bottom, suitable provision was made for attaching orifice plates, or for making other connections. A Gordon duplex pump enabled the ^vater to be pumped from the pit to the standpipe or to the wooden tank, and then to be used over again. Other details of apparatus in the laboratory included a ntimber of plates vjith round, square, and rectangular orifices of different sizes, short tubes, both straight and converging of various sizes; rectangular, trapezoidal, and triangular weirs of different dimensions; various makes of water neters; a 12- inch Pelton water wheel; two hundred feet of fire hose with a play-pipe; a set of calibrated nozzles for use in measuring quantities of water; and numerous piezometers and other gauges. Altogether, the equipment v/as V7ell-designt;d and well chosen; and in variety, extent, and instructional usefulness, the hydraulic laboratory although very seriously overcrov/dod for lack of space was not excelled by that of any other engineering school in this country. The work in the laboratory was required of all students in the College of Engineering, The old building with all of this equipment, and no doubt some added later, was destroyed by the fire of June, I9OO, except the U-foot standpipe, which being full of water remained intact. "Tithout being dismantled in any way, this stand- 2 pipe was later removed to the new laboratory. In the new laboratory^opened in I9OI-O2 in the Laboratory of Applied Mechanics Building, the standpipe foundation oxtonded to the level of the main or upper floor. The opening in the upper floor in front of the standpipe was a means of getting light to the lower floor and of communication between the two floors. A number of woir tanks, orifice tanks, measuring tanks, motors, meters, £ind other similar equipment was placed on the upper floor. A line of pipes, some attached to the north wall and some placed on the balcony directly above, were used for dotonnination of friction in pipes. 1 Of thesis work carried on in this laboratory during this early period, two theses may be cited as especially noteworthy —one the flow of water through long pipe siphons by M.S. Kctchum '95. f^-iid. C.V.Soastono '95; and the other an investigation of water hammer in pipes by E.C.Smith, '99. 2 No laboratory work was given in t^draulics from 19OO to 19OI 3 "Laboratory of Apr^licd Mechanics, " by A. 11. Talbot. The Technograph,1901-02, pages 33-86. In the basement of the laboratory were seven measuring pits, two weir chambers, a turbine pit, a sumiJ, and a current-meter rating channel, all made of concrete. All of these pits, sumps and ciiannels were connected with one another and to a waste pipe by a systen of piping laid under the floor. One measuring pit was arranged for carrying on work on a large scale with the jet meter. One weir chamber had a three-foot weir vrith end contractions, and the other a three-foot weir with suppressed-end contractions. The conduit used for rating the current meter was 100 feet in length. A steam pump and a centrifugal pump and engine pumped water from the sump into the piping system. A line of suction pipe also ran from the sump to the fire pump of the water works located at the east end of the building. The distribution pipe was suspended froE^ the I-bear. of the main floor. A line of 12-inch pipe extended the length of the laboratory to the fore bay of the weir chamber, and was connected with the storage tank of the water works — those tanks also being available for displacement measurement of water. A line of eight-inch pipe through the laboratory was connected to the pressure tank of the water works. Two lines of 6-inch pipe also ran through the room and also connected with the distribution main of the waterworks. Those lines were inter- connected and had connect ion-s with the laboratory pumps and standpipe, and had branches running to the main floor. An S~inch Vcnturi meter was connected with the system. The water works reservoir could bo usod as a source of supply and for displacement measurement . There was added to the equipment of the hydraulic laboratory in igi3-li+, a throe-stage, direct motor-driven Vnriablo speed, centrifugal pump to operate against a head of UOO feet. iJh.cn the new Materials Testing Laboratory, now the Arthur Nov/cll Talbot Laboratory, was completed in I929, the hydraulic equipment was transferred from ^5 the old Laboratory- of Applied Ilochanics to the firnt or ground floor and second or main floor of the west v/ing of that ncn liuilding. There are several large concrete channels on the lo';/er floor which nay he used both for conducting hj^draulic experinents and for receiving water discharged from apparatus on the upper floor. One of these cliannels is 5 feet by 5 feet in cross-section and 175 feet long. Another is 6 feet wide, and has a depth of IS feet for a distance of 2U feet, Ij feet S inches for a distance of 59 feet, then changes to a weir section 10 feet deep and 37 feet long. In this channel it is possible to make tests involving discharges up to U5 cubic feet per second. New pumping equipiaent inst;illed in I929-30 includes a 500-gallon-per-minute vortical motor-drivon sump punip, two 1,000-gnllon-pcr-minutc motor'-driven centrifugal puj.ps arranged for parallel or for scries operation, and tv70 2,000 gallons-por-minutc pumps similarly connected. All of those pumps operate against a maximum head of 30 feet when used sin.qly or in parallel, and against a head of 160 feet when connected in scries. The pumpr. discharge into a piping system consisting of four lines of 12-inch pipe servin-j all parts of the laboratory. There v/as also installed in 1329-30 a pump having a capacity of 30 cubic feet per second (l3,500 gallons per minute) against a head of Uo feet, direct-donnected to a 200-horsciJower, 2,300-volt, synchronous motor. The pump discharges into a 2U- inch spirally- riveted ster.l pipe line. The v/atcr used in the laboratory'' is re- circulated through pits having a storage ca^^acity of about g^^.C^OC) gallons. A standpipc b foct in diameter and 60 fc.-t in height added new in I9 29-30, is located in the northeast corner of the west wing of the building. Four over- flow weirs arc provided in the standpipc so that a constant head nay bo hold at one of four levels. Since each weir is nearly 16 feet long, the head nay bo held within a fow inches of a constant level under anj^ condition of operation. The main or upper floor of the la,boratory contains weirs, orifice tanks, meter-testing equipment, Venturi motors, a three-stage centrifugiil pump capable of delivering 3OO gallons per minute agiiinat a '•(•60-foot head, in-pulse watcr-whocls, motor-driven centrifugal puiips, a 50-horscpowor mo tor- generator set, a hydraulic T;xm, a glass-encased turtine, and other appa,ratu3 for general student laboratory work. By moans of oijenings in the floor, covered by removable steel gratings, the water used in experiments may be discliarged into steel tanks of various sizes in the lower floor for measurement or direct weighing on platform scales. Summary - Beginnin;? in 1S88 with the first 100,000-pound testing machine ^ex- panding somewhat in I3g3, and going on to the 600,000-pound machine in I905, and the 3,000,000-pound machine in I929, the materials testing laboratoi-y has kept well in the van among engineering schools. Sinilarly the hydraulic laboratory from a small beginning in 1892 to a larger installation in 1902 upon completion of the Applied Hechaiiics Building and the further extension in the new Materials Testing Labo x-at o rj-- in I929, has had a unique dovelopnont excelling in quality and variety as an instnimcnt for instructional and investigational purijosos. Such laboratory practice as the student gains here coupled with the theory ho learns in the classroom assignments, provides him with sufficient training as to form the basis for more advanced work in all cnginonring fields and to occupy positions in industry where ho can be of imi.icdiatc usefulness to an employer. In research, the output in reinforced concrete beams, slabs, columns, foot- ings, pipes and frames, in tests of stone, brick and concrete, and in investi- gations of cast iron and steel columns, in fatigue of metjils, and transverse fissures in rails, find in a variety of other crpcrimontal ?ind analytical work in- cluding investigations in hydraulics, has contained contributions and knowledge that arc highly valued by the engineering profession. 3. IIISCSLLMSOUS / Calibration Room - In the calibration room located in the Arthur Nevvell Talbot Laboratory arc kept the accurate standards of length and weight, with the necessary appai'atus for calibrating and standardizing the ordinary equipment of the laboratory. A set of Johannson blocks and auxiliary tools, and special calibrating apiparatus may be used in checking aiid calibrating extensometers and strain gages. A precise Scalers Balance oM ^^ analytical balance, together with a set of Class A st,^dard ^-eigiats certified by the U. S. Bureau of Staixdards. Ui7 permit the standardization of dead v/eights up to 50 pounds. A Crosby fluid pressure scales is used as a standard of reference for pressure gages of capacities up to 10,000 po\inds per square inch. An Amsler standardizing box of 100,000-pound capacity is provided for use in checking the accuracy of testing machines in various laboratories. Machine Shop Facilities - Two "/ell- equipped machine shops are located in the new Arthur Newell Talbot Laboratoi'y. The shop for the stractural research labora- tory is conveniently located on the first or lower floor adjacent to the largo crane bay. The shop for research and student laboratories in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is located in the south end of the west wing of the top floor. In 19'+3i four mecha,nicians were employed in malting specimens for research in- vestigations and for student tests, in constracting apparatus, and in keeping the equipment of the laboratories in the building in rc]mir. Delivery of heavy materials to the top-floor shop is by a large freight elevator, and by a 10-ton crane. A portable landing platform in one corner of the crane bay allows the crane to dcijosit its load at any floor level. P. DEPARH'OMTAL M33TI1IGS General - Early in its history, the Department began the custom of holding evening dinner meetings once a month for members of the stfiff and graduate stu- dents to discuss matters pertaining to the Department and topics of current interest in the field of mechanics. Most of these meetings arc now held in the University Club. Usually some member of the staff presents a paper or talk on some phase of research in Y^ro grass. For the last several years, the Department has hold meetings of the teaching faculty approximately every V7eck to consider routine matters connected v/ith the a.dministration of the various courses and to discuss topics of interest that should be presented by members of the staff. G. COLLECTIONS OF FHDTOGBAPHS, DEA'.nyGS, AND riUSSUl^^. MATERIALS Photographs - As soon as the new Materials Testing Laboratory was completed in 1929, Professor J, 0. Draffin of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics began to bring together a collection of photographs of men prominent in the fields of mechanics and hydraulics. These were placed in the corridors of the building where they could be seen by those who have occasion to use or visit the building. In addition, he i s attempting, also, to get a collection of photo- graphs of every man that has been connected with the department as teacher or full- time research worker. H. FACULTY P3RS0MEL General - Brief biographical sketches of the staff members above the grade of assistant that have been connected v/ith the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, arc listed in the following pages in chronological order according to rank. a. Heads of the Department General - Arthur llcwoll Talbot served as Head of the Department of Theo- retical and Applied Mechanics froK its beginni 11^7 in 18^)0 to Vj?.^. Molvin L.Enger v/as Head from I926 to I93U, and Fred 3. Sccly hs.s been Head from 193^ to date (I9U5), Biographical sketches of those men follo'.7. Arthur Newell Talbot - The early biographical sketch of Professor Talbot 's Y/ork was given under Municipal and Sanitary Engineering. His early activities in practice and in the conduct of these t',70 departments — Municipal and Sanitary Engineering and Theoretical and Applied Mechanics — produced a background of experience and ripened judgment that prepared Professor Talbot to take full advantage of the increased facilities for \70rk which were provided \7hen the Engineering Experiment Station was organized in I903. ■'^s a matter of fact, he. v;as very influential in the formation of the Station, and he provided the first Station bulletin. His leadership in formulating policies, ideals, and methods made the Engineering Experiment Station an immediate success. A comprehensive and thorough investigation on reinforced concrete, conducted and directed by him, was started in 1903 > ^■'^^ '''''as continued for many years on rein- forced- cone rote bc;ims, slabs, columns, footings, pipes, frajncs, and buildings. This experimental work became a principal source of the early knowledge on which the properties and requirements for the design of roinf orccd-concrotG structures was based by engineers and engineering organizations and on T^hich the principles and methods of practice were fonaulated. The conception of relations existing Ui9 between the strength of a concrete mixture and items involving the absolute volumes of cement, sand, and coarse aggregate, and the voids in the mixture, as well as the so-called relative water content of the mixture, put forth in a paper in 1921, and in a later bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station, has proved useful to concrete engineers. Tests of stone, brick, and concrete, the investigation of steel columns and timber stringers, and a variety of other experimental and analytical works lia.ve also aided to engineering knowledge. There v/ere many contributions, in addition, in the field of hydraulics. Altogether, Professor Talbot was author of thirteen bulletins, and was co-author of nine more. A notable piece of research which Professor Talbot directed from 191^ to igUl was the investigation of railroad track and described usually as "Stress in Railroad Track". This investigation was conducted with the view of obtaining definite and authoritative information on the properties, mode of action, and resistances developed in th.c various parts of the track structure (rail, ties, ballast, and roadbed) under the application of locomotives and cars moving at various speeds. At the time the '.Tork was begun, comparatively little of a scientific nature was knov/n of the stresses in rail and other parts of the track or the effect on the track of the many variations in action of the rolling stock in its operation. Through the tv/cnty-seven years, with the help of a trained staff, a multitude of tests were made with a number of different types of locomotives and cars on track of more than twenty railroads in different parts of the coiontry. Besides, much exporimontal work supjilcmenting the field tests Was carried on in the laboratory. Data from all these tests were inter- preted and coordinated with analytical treatment to establish principles and findings. In addition to many minor rcj)orts of this engineering research. Doctor Talbot prepared seven formal rc]xirts, all of which were printed in the Pro- ceedings of the American Railway Engineering Association and part of which were published in the Transactions of the Anerictm Society of Civil Engineers. This research project produced reliable knowledge on the interrelation between track and rolling equipment, and thus aided in putting on a more nearly rational basis the design and construction of the track structure to carry locomotives and cars under modern tr,affic conditions, as well as giving valuable information appli- cable to the design of rolling stock. Commendation by railroad engineers in important executive and supervisory positions is indicative of the value placed on the investigation by men fitted to pass judgment. It has been characterized as one of the most significant contributions to the scientific kno'^rlcdgc of railroads ever made. On March 11, 1925i the American R-dlway Engineering Association at its annu.n.l convention held in Chicago, passed a resolution of appreciation and commendation of this work done by Professor Talbot and his assistants. Hril 29, iSSk. Ho received the B. S. degree fron the Univcrsit;/' of Illinois in 1915» He was engaged in engineering practice d?aring 1907-OS, and served as In-.tiructor in Meclxanical Engineering at Villa Nova College in I90S-O9. -He cnjne to the University of Illinois in I9O9 rijid becatie successively Instmctor, Associate, Assistant Profes- sor, and Associate Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics until 1921, when he was appointed Pi'ofessor of Thcoreticr-l p.nd Ajjpliod Mech,anic9. He has served as Head of the Departnent since 193^* Professor Seely is co-nuthor mth Professor il. E. Ensign of a textbook en- titled "An.'ilytical Mechanics for Engineers". He is author of two other texts in nechanics: viz, "Resistance of Materials", and "Advanced Mechanics of Materials". He is the co-author of one bulletin and is joint author of five norc, of the Engineering Expcrinont Station, Eor a number of years. Professor Sccly has been Chairman of the College of Engineering CoLinittcc on College Policy aiid Development, b. Other Professors Herbert Eishcr Moore , (3. S. , IS9S, New E-inpshire State College; M. E. , IS99, pjid M. M. E., 1903, Cornell University), was Instructor in Machine Design at Cornell University during I9OO-O3 . He then served as Instructor in Machine Design in Drcxcl Institute, and Mechanical Engineer for Hiclilc Bros. Testing Machine 1 Much of the material in this biograplv was taken from a University of Illinois publication Vol. XXXV, No. 62, issued on April 1, I93S, entitled "Arthur Newell Talbot Laboratory, a Tribute to Arthur Newell Talbot". U25 Company, Philadelphia, I903-OU; Instructor and Ansistant Professor of liochanics, University of Wisconsin, 190U-O7; Assist-'int Professor of theoretical -ijid Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois, 1907-1^; and Sosoarch Professor of Engineering Materials fron I91U-UU. He is the dcsii^nor of the 600,000-pound tostini^ machine in the natcrials testing laboratory of the University of Illinois, and also of a siviilar one 'belonging to the University of Wisconsin. He is the author of an excellent textbook of "Engineering Materials" ; rind is the author of six bulletins and eleven reprints, and is co-autlior of twenty bulletins, one circular, and one reprint of the Engineering Experiment Station. Ho is noted as an expert machine designer, a skillftxl m.anipulator, and a resourceful and vcrsatilo investigator. At the Coni:ienceni..nt exercises in Jujic, 19"5, Professor Moore w-^s granted the honorary degree of D. Sc, by his rlnr. mater, xIc't H;u.ipshire State College, in recognition of his a.chi evcmcut s in the field of mechanics. On the evening of November 3. 193^'. •"'• dinner 'jas tendered Professor Moore by 86 members of the faculty of the University and other friends here, 'in Bradley Eall, in recognition of his researches in fatigue of metals and in celebration of the a\7arding to him of the 193^ Amcric;ui Iron and Steel Institute Medal. Professor Moore was invited to give the annual Howe Memorial Lecture before the meeting of the Aticrican Inf.titute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers at New Yorl: City in 193^. This v/as a signal honor, for such pji invitation is extended only to individuals of recognized and outstanding attainment in the science and practice of iron and steel metallurgy or metallography. Professor Moore reached the University a.gc limit in September, 19^3 1 "^^ 'i^ the request of the adi~iinistra.tion, continued in active work for another year, re- tiring in September, I9UU, as Research Professor of Engineering Materials, Emeritus, leaving vdth the Uj^ivcrsity the rich heritage that accrues from outstanding achieve- ments in his chosen profession. Herald Malcolm Westcrganrd, (B. S., I9II, Boyal Technical College, Copenhagen; Ph. D., 1916, University of Illinois; and Dr. Eng. . I925, Technische Hochschule, Munich, (Jonnany) , was engaged in practical industry from 1911 to igiU, then served 1+26 as Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University of Illinois during I916-I9, Associate I919-2I, Assistant Professor I92I-2U, Associate Pro- - fessor 192^-27, and Professor 1927-36. He resigned in Septenter, I936, to bocone Gordon McKay Professor of Civil Eiitjinccring at Harvard University, and was nade Dean of the Graduate School of Engineering at Harvard University then in 1937. Doctor Westergaard earned an international reputation for the brilliant application of the theory of elasticity to engineering structures,-nany of his nathcnatical solutions have settled probleus tliat had baffled engineers for years. Ke was a-arded the Leonard C. Wason Medal by the American Concrete Institute in 1922, njad the J. Janes R. Crocs Med.n,l of the ALiorican Society of Civil Engineers in 1935 for his paper entitled "Water Pressure -m D-xis during Earthquakes". Professor i''istor,^>-uard vas granted the honorary degree of Dr. Tech. by the Eoyal Technical College, Copcniiagcn, in I929, ajid the D. So, degree by Lehigh University in 1930. ?rank Envin Hi chart , (3. S., I91U, M. S. , I915, and C E., 1923, University of Illinois), was engaged in engineering practice during I915-I6, ••.fter -jhich he becaac Insti-uctor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University. He served as Research Associate during igi9-21, Research Assistant Professor during 1921-28, Research Associate Professor during I928-3I, and Research Pro- fessor of Engineering Materials fron 1931 to date. Professor Richart is author of one bulletin and co-author of thirteen norc issued by the Engineering Experi- ment Station. Ee served as Vice-president of the American Concrete Institute in 1937 -'3.i''-d as President in I93S. He r,'as awarded the Leonard C. Wason nedorinont St.-tion. . Jasper O'^en Draf fin. (B.S. I913, University of Ven.iont; M.S.. I916, University of Illinois), was enployod in onginocrin,.': pr.acticc during 1913-1^. He bccanc Instructor in Mcch.anics at the Ohio State University in I916 .and continued there until 1919 • 2c •v.as successively Instructor, Associ.T,te, Assistant Professor, and Associate Pj,ofcsr.or in the Dcpartnent of Tlicorctic.al and Applied Mechanics at the University of Illinois during 1919-1935. .'ind since 1935 has been pro- fessor of Theoretical .and Ai)plicd Mechanics here. He is joint author of one bulletin -uid one reprint of the Engineering Exi)erinent Station, and author of tv/o W© text books entitled "The Story of linrJs Q,uc3t for Xatcr" .-md "Strength of M.-.terials" . Her.nr'.n John Schrader , (B.S., I923, Purdue University; M.S., 1937. University of Illinois), spent t\70 years in railw.ay engineering practice after graduation, then car.ic to the University in Septonbor, I925, as Instructor in lUdlv/ay Moch- anicril Engineering in the Departnent of R!\il'7ay Engineering. He becane Assoc- i.'-.te in I93O, Assistnjit Professor in I93U, /and Associate Professor in 1939 . Wacn the Department of 'Rixilvp.y Engineering '.7as discontinued in 19^+0, Professor Schrader was transfcrcd to the Departnent of Theoroticnl and Applied Mechanics with the title of Research Associate Pi-ofessor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. In 19^3, he v/as nade Research Professor in the sane depax'tnent . Professor Schrader is author of one bulletin .and co-.author of three nore pub- lished by the Engineering Experinent St.ation, his principal experinonts Ixaving U28 been in connection with etudles relating to railvay car and brake-shoe performance. Nevton Edvard anelgn . (A.B., I905, McKendree College; B.A., I908, and M.A., 1932, Oxford), was Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, ffligland, during I905-O8. He served as Instructor In the University of Illinois Academy during I909-IO, as Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics here during I9IO-I5, as Associate during 1915-21, as Assistant Professor during 1921-30, and ae Afl«oclate Professor during 1930-45. Since 19U5, he has had the title of Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Profeseor Ensign Is co-author of a textbook entitled "Analytical Mechanics for diglneers" . Vllllam Louis Schwalbe . (B.S. In C.E., 19II, Unlversltj- of Wisconsin; M.S., 1920, University of Illinois) , was engaged In engineering wcrk after graduation until 1920, irtxon he Joined the staff at the University of I Illinois as Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He was made Associate 1^ 192U, Assistant Professor In 1932, Associate Professor In 19'H, and Professor to 19'*5. Professor Schwalbe Is co-author of one bulletin of the Englneerliig Experlrjent Station. Thomas Jaaaas Dolan . (B.S. In C.E., I929, and M.S., 1932, University of Illln»l8| became Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mschanlcs In September, 1929, Assistant Professor In 1937, Associate Profeaaor In 19^1, and Professor In 19*^5. He Is author of one bulletin and Joint author of four more published by the Biigl- neerlng Experiment Station, He was on leave of absence for war work from September 1, 191*2, until November I6, I9U5. c. Associate Professors Jesse Benjamin Kommers. (B.S. In E.E, , I906, and M E., 1922, Unlver^jlty of Wisconsin), served as Instructor In Applied Mechanics at his alma mater di'jring 1907-13 and as Assistant Professor during 1913-20. He became Special Besee^rch Associate Professor of Engineering Materials at the University of Illinois Ip 1919 on a special appointment for two years to engage In research on fatigue of metals In cooperation with Professor H.F. Moore. In September, 1921, Professor : ' 8rf* s& r. ■ ' -r r.Jf .b:^- • . . . .9M bm ,?-^^l ;iiiiiO ^,si.jii:i^: ^i uU^i.-,, .^i^' 'iv^ 429 Kommsrs returned to the University of Wleconain, where he becam© Profeeeor of Mechanics in I927 and has retained that position to date. Professor Kommers Is co-author vlth Professor Moore of one bulletin In the Boglneerlng Experiment Station. Thomas McLean Jasper . (B.S. . I9U, M.S., I9II, and C.E., 1921, University of Illinois), was employed In practical engineering work until he Joined the college staff In September, 1921, as Special Research Asslatant Professor of Engineering Materials. He was made Special Research Associate Professor in 1925, but resigned In March, 1926, to accept a position in the research department of the A.O. Smith Corporation at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Later, he became Director of that department. Professor Jasper is Joint author of three bulletins of the Engineering Ejqperlment Station. Vernon Peter Jensen . (B.S., 1929, and M.S., 1931, University of Illinois; Ph.D. 1936, Iowa State College), became Specied Research Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in 1929, but withdrew in February, 1930, for further study. He retximed in I936 as Special Research Assistant Professor, and was made Special Research Associate Professor of Engineering Materials in 19^1. He was given a leave of absence on July I5, 19^3, for war service, but resigned on October 1, 19^5. Doctor Jensen Is author of three bulletins and co-author of two others issued by the Englx;eering Etperinent Station. Wallace Monroe Lansford . (B.S. in C.E., 192^*, M.S., I929, and C.E., I93I, University of Illinois) , became Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in September, 1929, Associate in 1933, Assistant Professor in 1937, and Associate Professor In 19^*3. Professor Lansford Is author of two bulletlngs and co-author of one more published by the Engineering Eiperiment Station. Ralph Ellsworth Cramer . (A.B., I92O, Sinjjson College; M.S., I935, University of Illinois), was Instructor in Chemistry at Iowa State College from I92O to 1923. From 1923 to 1931, he was engaged in comnercial work in chemistry and n»tallurg- ical engineering. He was made Special Research Assistant in Boglneering materials In July, 1931, to carry on the metallographlc work in connection with the Rails Ji.ilurS ©flb "to otooK >/j1 ■"i^i-'i. fi: /:^x ui: sa^aBxi:)(ih Investigation at the Unlrerelty of IlllnoiB. He becane Special Besearch AeelBtant Profeeaor In 19^3. Professor Cramer Is author of two and co-author of one re- print of the Englneerlne Ej^jerlment Station. Worvllle Janes Allenen . (B.S. In M.E., I926, M.S., I929, and M.E., 1937, Uni- versity of Illinois), vas made Special Peaearch Asaletant In Einglneerlng Materials In 1926, Special Research Associate In 1938, Special Research Assistant Professor In I9UI, and Special Research Associate Professor In 19^3. Professor Alleman's special Interest Is In the creep of lead and lead alleys, and he Is co-author of three bulletins and two reprints Issued by the Siglneerlng Experiment Station. Vim am Lelghton Collins . (B.S. In C.E., 1928, and M.S., 1932, University of Illinois), became Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics In September, 1929, Associate In 1937, Assistant Professor In 1939, end Associate Professor In I9U5. He was on leave of absence for war work from September 1, I9U2, until October 1, 19^5. Clifford Proctor Kittredf^e . (B.S., 1929, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Doctor der Technlschen Wlssenschaften, 1933, Technlsche Hochschule, Munchen, Germany) , received the Freeman Travelling Fellowship for graduate study abroad In hydraulics, and came to the University in September, I936, as Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. On Noveniber 1, 19^1, he was given a leave of absence for war service. In October, 19'^5, he vas given the rank of Associate Professor, but did not return to assume the position. r,fi9f l9.»?i«Te i-?«*-^rf *» ?sM biw . >w ■'4^ -iol esiXdBtfe U30 D. ASSISTAII-T PH0F3SS0RS Cl:nrlGn Horxry Hurd. (S. S., I90O, University of Chicago) , tjcrvcd in pr.-icticine and tcnchinc positions uuitil I905, rrhcn he C'-Jic to the University as Assistant' Professor of Theoretical and Applied V.cchrxi-iicv, in charge of testin,; and hydraulic laboratories. He vithdrow at the end of that school year, however, to re-enter cntjineoring practice. Hc£ Victor Sngstron, (B. S. in M. & S. 3., 190U, University of Illinois), served cas Instructor in Thooreticnl and Applied Hcch-Tnics and Municipal and S.-mitary Sncineerinc in I905, Ijut v/ithdrew in I906 to oncnge in practical -.Tork. He re- turned to the Departnont in 1907 ns Associate. He was nado Assist.-int Professor in 1909, but resi.-ned in 1910 to take up cn^lneorinfi practice aC'dn. miiH AEplcford Slat or , (3. S. in K. & S. 3., 1906. i:. S., 1910, raidC. 3.. 1912, University of Illinois), ser-zed as First Assistant, Bngineoring Bxperincnt Sta- tion, Theoretical ,and Applied Mechanics, during 19IO-I5 ^ind Hcscarch Assist.ant Professor of Applied Mechanics during 1915-17- Ho rosii37ied on May 30, I917, to take charge of research v/ork for the 3ncrgcncy Fleet Corporation, but in 1919 bec.nxie Bnginccr-Physicist of the U. S. Bureau of Standards in charge of rcin- forccd-concrcte research. In I928. he bccmie Research Professor of Engineering Materials and Director of the Fritz Engineering Laboratory at lehig^ University, and renainod there until his death on October 5. 1931. His studies and contribu- tions to the technical press nade a narked inprcssion on the standards ,nnd practice of reinforced-concrete construction. He was co-author of one bulletin of the Sngincering 3xperinont Station. VirgU Bai^a^ Fl^iin£. (B. S. in C. B. . 1905. University of Illinois), spent the first fvo years in practice after graduation, ^nnd bocane Instructor in Theore- tical and Applied Mech,anics at the University here in I907. He v/as nade Asso- ciate in 1911, ..j,d Assistant Professor in 1917, njid remained with the University until his death on March 20, I9UU. Professor Flening was Joint author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experinent Station. 52££i-n?Vedexlclc Gor^^ (B. S. in C. 3.. I9O8. and M. S. , 1913. University 431 of Illinois), served as Aselatant In the Engineering Experiment Station here during 1908-10, Inatructor In Kieoretlcal and Apj^lled Mechanics during 1910-14, Pesearch Associate during 1917-I8, and Research Assistant Professor during 1919- 1920. He resigned in 1920, to engage in engineering practice. In 1922, he was made Associate Jbglneer In the Structural Materials Research Laboratory of Lewis Institute. He remained in this posltian until I927, ^en he became Manager of the Research Laboratory of the Portland Cement Association, which position he has retained to date. Mr. Gonnerman is co-author of 000 bulletin issued by the aiglneering Experiment Station at the University of Illinois and of many articles in the technical press. Nereus Hubert Roy . (B.S., I92O, University of Texas; Honoraiy B.S.C.B., I923, University of Mexico, Mexico City; M.S., I929, and C.E., 1930, University of Illinois) , was engaged in practical engineering work until he Joined the College staff as Special Research Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in I93O en the Ralls Investigation project. In April, 1931> he was made Special Research Assistant Professor of Engineering Materials, and retained that position until his resignation in 1937. Professor Roy is Joint author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station. Ralph Wendell Kluge . See Civil Btiglneerlng, Chapter VIII Curtis Walter Dollins . (B.S., 1930, and M.S., 1933, University of Illinois), became Special Research Associate in Engineering Materials at the University here in June, I937, and Special Research Assistant Professor in 19^3. William Nichols Flndley . (A.B., I936, Illinois College; B.S.E., 1937, Universily, of Michigan; M.S., Cornell University), became Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in 1939, Associate in 19^2, and Assistant Professor in 19^3. Professor Flndley was awarded the Charles B. Dudley msdal of the Anerican Society for Testing Materials In 19^5 for his paper intltled "Creep Characteristics of Plastics", Edward Washington Suppiger . (B.S. In C.E., 1928, M.S., 1932, and Ph.D., 19^2 in T. 88 A. M., University of Illinois), becaa» Instructor in Theoretical afeloT^ ^oc^eteaA ri: bbA rioi««r."H ;^T:i»j ;.o:. •:"frta»iO oj.'ti.' <7^0 ^^1 ri-V' IdTl dffltB: I £«9S»ae 8i!v .(alosriJii U32 and Applied Mechanics here In September, 1929, and Aeeoclate In 1937. In July, 1942 he vaa given a leave of ahaence for war service. In October, 19^*5, he waa promoted to Assistant Professor, but accepted a position at Princeton University. He is author of one bulletin puhllshed by the Engineering Jbcperlment Station. Paul Guy Jones. (B.S. In E.E., 1933, and M.S., 191^0, University of Illinois), hecame Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics In 1937, Associate In 191^1, and Assistant Professor In 19*^5. ja^B Ohrea Smith . (A.B., 1930, B.S., 1933, and A.M.. 1935, University of Alabazna), became Instructor In l^eoretlcal and Applied Mechanics at the University of Illinois m 1937, hut resigned In 1938. He returned to the Department In September, 19^1, as Associate In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and was given a leave of ahsence on September 1, 19^*2, for war service. He returned to the university In Octoher, 19»^5, with the title of Assistant Professor. He Is author of two bulletins Issued by the Engineering Experiment Station. Winston Edward Blacl. (B.S., 1936, and C.E., 19^2, University of lUlnols; M.S., 1938, Lehigh University), became Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics In September, 1938, and was made Assistant Professor In 191^5. He Is author of one bulletin published by the a^lneerlng Experiment Station. He was on leave of absence for war wort, from September 1, 19»^2, until October 1, 191^5. CM..ter Paul Sless . (B.S., 1936, Louisiana State University; M.S., 1939, University of Illinois), becaB« Special Research Associate In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics In September, 19U, and Special Research Assistant Professor m 19U5. He is co-author of one bulletin of the Engineering E^erlment Station. 0. Associates T,.,. ^« MOO,. . (B.S. in M.E., 1900, a.^ CI., 1906, Unt«r.lty of Wl=o«. .in), ™b eng.«.d In .nsl«erlng pr^tlce until he Joined tho CoUeg. faulty m 1901. a. lnrt«otor In Theoretical «>4 APPUed Mechanic.. Ba «>a Bade Aeeo- clate in 1906, imt vlthdrev In 1907 to re-enter engineering practice. !an6^ *i»!fu U33 TT^^h^nt LaciuB Whittemore . (B.S., 1903, and M.I!., 1910, Unlyerelty of WlBCon- sin), spent three yeare In practice abroad, then Joined the faculty at the University of Illinois as Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He became Associate In 1907, and ren^ned here until 1910, vhen he resigned to accept an ^polntmant with the Vatertovn Arsenal. Duff Andrev Abraas . (B.S., 1905, and C.B., 1909, University of Illinois), vas Assistant In the Engineering a5»eninent Station here during 1905-07 and Associate during 1907-lU. He resigned to accept a position as Professor In charge of the Structural Materials Research Laboratory at Levis Institute. He remained at Lewis until 1927, when he withdrew to become Director of the International Ceinent Corpo- ration. In New Yoric. He served this position until 1931, then became cmsultlng engineer on concrete and concrete products, which position he has held to date. Professor Abrams discovered and developed inany new principles in concrete con- Btruction, one of which was the water-cement ratio ie concrete conetniction. He is author of one bulletin and co-author of another, issued by the Bngineering Experiment Station. a^nvae Paul Boomsliter . (B.S. in C.E., I906, Michigan State College; M.S., in T.A.M., I9U, University of Illinoia) , was engaged in engineering practice before joining the faculty of the University of Illinois in September, I9IO, where he served in turn as Instructor and Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics until February, 1920. He withdrew from the Department to become Professor of Mechanics at the University of *st Virginia, where he has continued to the present time. Louis John Larson. (B.S., I91U, and C.E., 1915, University of Minnesota; M.S. 1917, University of Illinois), served for two years as Assistant and Associate Englneer-Physlclst at the U.S. Bureau of Standards, and was later Chief Engineer of the Lumber, Tie, and Timber Vulcanizing Company. He came to the University of Illlnols m Februa^, 1920, as Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and became Associate in 1922. He resigned in January, 1927, to re-enter engineer- ing practice. Mr. Larson is co-author of one bulJ^tin of the Engineering a^erl- m«n+-. R+.n+.i nr\ ■«*JiX«^^ UiUi^ ijiali3vi^ij^>tx£ ytM) :■caq^ ci* lo tg-: R9I Lenol Brovn . (B.S., 1919, University of Kansas j M.S., 1921, University of IlUnols), was appointed Research Assistant In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics here In 1921 and Besoarch Associate in 1925. In 1937-38, Mr. Brovn v&b trans- ferred to full-time teaching voric vlth the title of Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He is Joint author of six bulletins of the Engineering Ezperiment Station. LeSpy Tucker . (A.B., 1912, Washhum College; B.S. in Ry. Civ. Bag., 1923, C.E., 1928, and M.S., I93I, University of Illinois), vas engaged In engineering practice for a time, then served as Professor of Mechanics at Clemson College from 1926 to 1929. He was e^polnted for one year as Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics here to take over the teaching vork of Professor H.M. Westergaard while he was on leave of absence during 1929-30. He later Joined the staff at Ohio State University, and in 19^3 was Assistant Professor of Mechanics there. Joseph Louie Besesi . (B.S. in Ry. E.E., I923, E.E., I93U, and M S. 1938, University of Illinois) , was enployed in practical engineering work after grad- uation until ho came to the University in June, I93I, as Special Research Assistant in Engineering Materials, to work on the Palls Investigation. He was made Special Research Associate in I938, and remained with the Department until July, 19^1. Howard Creiditon Roberts . (a.B. 1933, University of Illinois), began as Special Research Associate in Theoretical and APPlied Mechanics in March, 19^*2. He remained on the Staff until September, 19^U. Roy Kenneth Jacobs . (B.S. InC.E., 193I, and B.S. In Ed., 1933, Ohio North- em University; M.S. in C.E., 1938, University of Michigan), served as Associate in Theoretical and implied Mechanics from September, 19^*2, to August, 19^*3 . JorJ Oscar Osterberg . (Ph.D., 19^*0, Cornell University) , became Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in September, 191*2, but resigned in August, 191*3. Russell 3. Jensen . (B.S., 1936, University of Illinois), became Special Research Assistant in January, I9I12, and Special Research Associate in September, 19»»3. rwiy ,: 1^35 He is co-author of one bulletin and one reprint of the Engineering Experiment Station. Dimitry Morlcovin . (B.S. (B.A.), 193**, M.B.A., 1935, and B.S. in M.E., 1937, Univeraity of Southern Califomia; Ph.D., 19^^, University of Illinois), became Instructor in Theoretlced and Applied Mechanics in February, 19^2, and Associate in September, 1914^3. He vlthdrev from the staff, however, in September, 19^*. Arthur Ulrioh Theuer . (B.S., 1928, Leland Stanford, Jr., University), became Special Besearch AaBOclate on the cooperative investigation of Reinforced Concrete Footings in September, 19W», after spending several years in engineering practice in state and federal service. Omar Marlon Sidebottom (B.S. . 19^2, and M.S., 19'*3, University of Illinois) became fecial Research Assistant in September, 19^3, In connection with the car- wheel and brake-shoe investigations, and Special Research Associate in 19^5. Myron Lee Gossard (B.S., 1937, and M.S., 1939, University of Illinois), after teaching experience at Iowa State College and the University of Louisville, and industrial practice with a number of firms, became Specita Research Associate in October, 191*5. f . Instructors and Research Assistants Lorln William Peabody . (B.S. in M.E., I89I, University of Illinois), served as Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics during 1893-95. Frederick Alexander Mitchell . (B.S. in M.E., I898, University of lUlnols), was enployed in engineering practice until I9OI, when he became Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University. He withdrew in I903 to take up practical work again. Frank A. La Motte . (M.S., I900, University of Chicago), woe Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics here during I9O5-O6. Boy Harley Slocum . See Municipal and Sanitary Etaglneerlng, Chapter HI John Jefferscaa Rlchey . See Civil Engineering, Chapter VII Charles Henry Pierce . (B.S., I90U, University of Vermont), was enployed in engineering practice until he Joined the staff at the University of Illinois In ■tASvewod .ttBi.ta erf* ii O'.tonllllAo ^ odi»I&oamA. Applied MechRjiics. Ho was transferred to the teaching staff, however, in that sane year with the title of Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He withdrew fron the Uaiversity in Bepteubcr, I923, to accept a position as Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Colorado. Later, he became H^ad of the Departnent of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Iowa State College. Jean Paul Lpinroth, (M.E., 1912, Cornell University), bec.-inc Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University of Illinois in February, 19 21, but resigned in February'-, I922, to enter engineering practice. Williajn Ruprecht Osgood. (A.3., I917. Harvard University; 3.S., I919, Massachu- setts Institute of Technology; M.S., 19?^, .^ndPh.D., I933, University of Illinois) Joined the staff here in Scptenbor, I921, as Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechfinics. Ho remained hero until June, I926, when he ^dthdrew to take a position as Assistant Professor of Stmctural Engineering at Cornell University. U39 David Ward Pease. (3.S. in U.S., 1920, Univorr.ity of Illinois), becanc Instru- ctor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in IcbruHiy, 1922, but withdrevT in the suar.or of 1923 to take up practical '.7ork. Cyril Lanbcrt Erickson, (3.S,, 1922, University of Wisconsin), v/as Instructor in Sngincering in Boloit College during 1922-23, H^ then served as Special Research Assistaiit in Engineering Materials at the University here fron July, 1923, to April, I92U. Irving i^'inenan, (B.E., I912, Cropcr Union; S.3., I917, Massachusetts Institute of TcchnolOf^r), spent several years '.vith the Construction Corps of the U.S. Navy, then c.-mo to the University in Soptenbcr, 1923; as Instructor in Theoret- ical and Applied Mech.u^ics=, He resigned in Ju::c, lSi-7« Kenneth L ouis Grcenan, (B.S, in C.S., I92I, Purdue University), was encaged in Engineering practice until he joined the College staff in Scptenber, I923, as Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Mr* Geenan resigned in Jtme, I92U, to accept an appointnent in civil engineering at Hose Polytechnic Institute, While on the '.7ay to take up his new duties, his autonobile was struck by a train and he v/as killed. Edward Franklin Wilscy. B.S., I922, and M.S., I923, University of Iowa), was appointed Ij^structor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Septenbcr, I92U. E^ renainod in that position until June, I928, v/hen he withdrew to bcconc Assoc- iate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Roberts College. Julius Miller. (B.S., I921, and M.S., I925, University of Illinois) , served as Special Research Assistant in Engineering Materials during 1925-26. Stuart Wellington Lyon. (B.S. in M.S., 1924, and M.S., I931, University of Illinidis) was Special Research Assistmit in Engineering Materials fron May, I926, to September, I930, and fron Septenbcr, I936, to Ifovenbor, I9U0. H„ is Joint author of three bulletins issued by the Engineering Experiment Station, Rplland George Stum. (B.S., 192^, University of Nebraska; M.S., I926, and Ph.D., 1536, University of Illinois), bednac Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University here in S(,ptor.iber, 1926. Hp remained in kko that position until June, 1929, i^en he resigned to enter eotoissrelal work vlth the Alumlnim Coni>an7 of America, Waldo Edvard Smith . (B.E. In C.E., 1923, and M.S., 192l(, University of Iowa), became Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics here In February, 1927, after spending some time In practice In the field of vater^supply engineering. He resigned In June, 1928, to becc»ne Associate Professor of Clyll Bnglneerlng at Roberts College. Joseph Warner Hove . (B.E., 192U, and M.S., 1925, University of Iowa), was Instructor In Theoretlced and Applied Mechanics during 1927-29. Jesse Clarence Duccamnm, (A.B., 1926, Momlngslde College; B.S., 1927, and M.S., 1928, University of Iowa), served as Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University of Illinois during the school year I926-29. Glen Nelson Cox . (B.E., I925, and M.S., I926, University of Iowa; Ph.D., I928, University of Wisconsin), served as Instructor In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University here during 1928-29. • Bernard Breast Betty . (B.E., 1926, Vanderbllt University; M.S., 1930, University of Illinois), served as S|peclal Research Assistant In Engineering Materials from I93O to 1937. He is co-author of three bulletins Issued by the Engineering Experiment Station. James Ross Trimble . (B.S., I92U, Pennsylvania State College), was Special Re- search Assistant In Engineering Materials from September, 1933, to May, 1936. Since then he has been associated with the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Conqpany at Binnlngham, Alabama. Harold Bertram Wiehart . (B.S., 1931, and M.S., 1932, University of Illinois), was Special Research Assistant in Engineering Materials from January to November, 1936. Since that time he has served as engineer for the Camegle-Illlnols Steel Company, being at present Supervisor of Research at the Gary Plant. •i«e08 •f€»,t'>.<; ■ufb BXoa. i-a e;>fixerfoiM rf;^ is iftrutee«fl lo i Francis Louis Ehaaz (B.S., 1933, New York University; M.S., 1936, Lehigh University) became Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in September, 1938. He resigned in September, I9UI. Keith Carson Love. (B.S., 1939, University of Illinois) served as Special Be- search Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from September, 1939, to May, 191^1. Warren Gilbert Dugan . (B.S., 1939, and M.S., I9UI, University of Illinois), served as Special Keaearch Assistant on the steel car-vheels investigations from September, I9IH to November, 19»+2, when he resigned to enter special military work. He died on August 26, 19^5. He was Joint author of one bulletin published by the Engineering Experiment Station. nh^rles Forrest Shriver. (A.B., 191^2, University of Illinois), became special Research Assistant in September, 19»^2, and remained here until September, 19i^3. Will Junior Worley . (B.S. in M.E., I9U3, University of Ullnois), became Instructor in Theoi^ical and Ap^Ued Mechanics In September, 19l*3, but resigned in September, 19****. Mehmet Ne.lat Tokay . (B.S., 19^*3, University of lUlnois), Joined the CoUege staff m September, 19^*3, to give one-half time aa Instructor in Civil Engineer- ing and one-half as Special Research Assistant In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He resigned in October, 19^*5. wnilam Everett Johnson. (B.S., 1937, Georgia Institute of Technology), became Special Research Associate in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in September, 19^3. Rnbert Eugene Kraft. (B.S., 19^, University of Illinois), became Special Research Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in September, 19^3. ~:^ CaJ^oaflXI *to t^IeieviflU ,Cti?X j.3.ff) >woJ aoBrtcd rf»^^ *tttoO •«» e& . « tow y^rMtllim ■■' -.•At -iH t- . ' ".^ v^lsioMiay ,4.Wc>X. , .C.Ji) .;_■•.„-,. , :^;. •. kk2 TTrirrcn I rwi n Mi t chcll , ( 3> S» , 19^+^, Univoruitv of Illinois) 3ocnj:ic Instructor in Theoretical and Applied MpChanics in Fcbru,-iry, 19UU. Jf-.hn Cglvin Aschemn.n,^ (B.S., 19^1 University of Illinois), \7,'if5 appointed Spocinl Research Assistant on the cooperative invostir':;ation of Reinforced Concrete ^ootin.^s, ■bcninnint^l Soptonbor, 19UU, 41+3 CHAPTim XIV DEPAHIirBI'T OBI BLEGTHICAL 3NGI1I33RING General.- _ Electrical Enf^inecrin.-- as n field of instruction bc^^an to be dev- eloped here about I891 as a division of Physics. By order of President Draper, though, the work of Adiiinistration nnd Instruction in Physics and elcctricnl enir:inccrin,7; was separated tonporarily into two dopartnontH upon the resi,^ation of Professor Shea in Novcnbcr, 1^95, vrith Fred A. Sagor in char,-c of Physics and Bernard V. S^enson in char,-e of Electrical En,'^neerine, at least, for the rest of that acadenic year. However, in Scpteribcr, I896, Albert P. Charnnji boc^/ie of Profcsso/ Physics in charge of both physics rjid electrical cn^^ineorin,-, but in the f.aLl of I898, the tv/o fields were a,-:ain separated adninistratively, thr#^tlr:o definitely, and electrical ongincerin,- becaric an entirely in- dependent dcpartnent of the Collef^o with V^iHian Ssty, Associate Professor of Electrical Enf:inoering in char,-e. The new Dcpartncnt continued its instructional pro.-T-Tn on the sane hi,-^ level of perfom.ance as that orif^inally established in Physics. It was ope ninf^ an entirely now province in cnrineorinf: education, however, and had to nakc its o\7n experience stop by step as the renarkablc developments of the industry dictated. 1. President Draper had taken up his office only the year before aiid was nakin^ every possible effort to advance electrical cn,:;inecrin;i as rapidly as possible, for, on account of the incrcasinj^ dcnand for nen trained in the principles of electricity as it was applied in tho desi,-?i, production, and operation of such electrical equipnent as telephone -md telCj^raph apparatus, power plants, and city and industrial systcns, it was felt that better educational pro,'^ress could be nade with separate administration. B. OBJECTIVES OP THE DEPiiHKIEl-Iir Gonergl.- The general objectives of the nc? dcpartrioht '.7ere to provide ;in adcqu-itc 'ind systonatic tr-dnin,^ in the fundniiontnl principle;:, of nathenatics and other "basic sciences and in the use of En:;;lish -uid other lan,-^,'i,,-^es as '.7cll as -m cssenti.'il undcrst-ijidin,-!; of the tochnolo,:y of the industr;^ in so far as it had been developed, n.s a prepai'ation for 'vliatcvor nev; adv.anceiiont s the profession ni.-^ht produce. As stated in a publication isouod in IQl^, sone tine after the Departncnt was created, the ^7ork of the Department '.7a3 to prepare nen to cr..-;n.r,c "in the dcsi/,'n, care, and naintn.nenco of electrical apparatus of -^11 kinds, the f~encration and distribution of cloctricnl energy, and its apjilication in the dovclopncnt of po7?or, in li-hting and in telOj^raphy, tclophon;/-, and '.Tireless sif:n-ilin:-;,' nl C. BUILDIIIG .JO HDOi: ACCOm-IODATIOlJS Grcncral.- After the Mnchanical and Electrical 3n,-incerinf-^ Labo rater;' Buildinr was completed in the f.all of l39o, the ne-./ly-fomed Departnent of Electrical Ennincerin." transferred its laboratory,' couipnont there fron Univcirsity Eall,- thc nc-.v quarters offc'rin.-- i-^reatly inproved opi^ortunities for instruction. At that ti/ic, the first or basoncnt floor under the front part of the buildin.-:; contained the calibration roon, hi;'^i-i-)ot(;ntial laboratory, students'* shop, storv'c-battory roon, a stock roon, a r;cch;-uiical-en, "inoorin.-: tofjl roon, and a toilet and locker rooii. The d.ynano laboratory and attendin,^ .-ipiparatus occupied the entii-e front of the second or nain floor and h'ul a clear floor space of 50 by 100 feet, the south end bcinj-^ nachinists' and students' '7ork roori, instrunent roons, e;cperinental and tool roons, separated fron the laboratory proper by lo'.Tpaneled partitions .'ind niro railint:^s. The third or top floor 1. University of 111. Bulletin, Vol. XVI, J-muary b, I919, Ko. I9, "The Colle(-c of En-ineoi'inn and En,-. Ex.). Sta. of the University of Illinois -A Pictorial description". ^1+5 contained the Inrr.e lecture roon, spcci-^J. toot in.- and thesis roons, photonctry rooms, pjid offices. A recitation roon, drii"tinf:; rno:-i, scninary roon, and the nain office renained in Sngincerin;- Hall. The drafting roon and scninary roon Jr»«ce 'vere v/ell li,:;hted -uid v/ere supplied '7ith every convenience, -the seninary roon beincT accessible to nonbers of the senior class at all tines. It contained files of the loadin,-! Journals of theoretical -and applied electricity in IHn.'^lish, French, and Goman, besides a departnental rcfei'cncc librar;/, The Dcpartncnt had, also, six lari-:c pier roons in Bngincorinf; Hall that it fomorly occupied for advanced electrical and nagnctic neasurcnonts when it -Tas a div- ision of the Departncnt of Physics. The 1907-OS issue of the Ec-^ister stated that the top floor of the Slcctrical En,':;inccrin(:; Labora.tory had three recitation roons, the photonotric and telephone laboratories, the readini"; roon for the Sloctrical Bnf'^inocrinf; Society, and offices of the IDopartnent. In I9II-I2, the rear '.7in.^ of the Slcctrical Enf:incerin;-; Labortary Buildin.^ V7as rcriodclled after the University Power Plant was rcnovcd to the Matho-.TS Avenue Po':7er Pl.ant Buildinf^. The lar.-^o roon thus vacated r;as divided into two lar^c lecture roons, trjo recitation roons, and one hirh-tcnsion laboratory. During 1925-26, R)on 207 ^^ the liJlcct ric-a Snf^ineerin,-:; Laboratory was converted into a dyn.-vio laboratory, ajid laboratory classes wore scheduled in this roon durin;^ the second sencster of that year. This new laboratory space was nadc necessary by the increase in cnrollncnt in the Dcpartncnt. Durin;!; the sunncr of I929, <"'- conncctinf-:; structure was built across the Soneyard, joinin.^ the Slectrical Bniiinccrinr Laboratory ;uid the old laboratory of Applied Mechanics, which was vacated when the D^^partnont of 'Theoretical and Applied Mechanics novcd into its now buildin,-; on the \/est side of Burrill Avenue. This connecting addition '/as nadc to contain four offices, t-TO of which were taken over by departnental offices which wore novcd fron the top floor of the Electrical Enf':^inecrinf"; Laboratorj'- portion. A lar^^e instruncnt roon was provided in this addition or connection, also, for the new hallway passed throUf-^h the space fomerly occupied by the old instrument roon. The front part of the lower floor of the old nochnnics buildin.-: xins converted into a dynnj-io lal)or,ntory, and the equipncnt forrierly housed in Bi>on 207 of the SlcctricrJ. Bn^rinoerinfi; Lalsoratory was novcd into it. The floor innediately aix)ve it was occupied by the radio laboratory and the equipnent fomerly located in Boon 20U of the Electrical Enf':inccrin,^ Laboratory was tmrLsfcrred to it. The basonent of the old hydraulics laboratory was-, transfomed into research roons for nenbers of the staff, .'graduate students, and undor.-;raduate students who were en;-:a:;'ed in cxperincntal work requirinn individu.-a space. The upper floor of the hydraulics laboratory was converted into a lecture roon for general use liy the Department of Electrical Bnftinocrinf; or by other dcpartncnls of the collcjTo of Sni-^inccrin,-. Scnts were provided to acconnodate 300 persi->ns and space available for a considernble increase in seatin,-^ capacity was soon utilized for that purpose. The roons on the top floor of the Electrical Sn{:;incerin{!; Laboratory fomerly occupied as dcpartnent^l offices, were tnhen over for use as a co inunications laboratory. The chiji,^es nade in the office rvnd laboratory arran.iiencnt and in the buildin:": structure nade it desirable to novo the 100 kilowatt s^mchronous notor- :-;ener",tor act fron the roar of Hoon 207 Electrical Bni-^ineerinr: Laboratory/- to the snail roon containinf: the 85-kilowatt notor-.^encrator set. e While the chaniies were bin.'": nade in the Electrical Encineerin,^ Laboratory and the old laboratory of Applied Hf^chanic?,, the south end of the old Bonayard Boiler House was converted into a hi.-;h-volta..-:e laboratory; and the hi^-h-volta'Te transforricr .and auxilliary equipnent foniorly housed in Joon 20b of the Electrical Enr;ineerin,': Laboratory were transferred to this nev/ location. The renoval of the equipnent fron the back roons of the Electrical En,'iineerinf Laboratory nade it possible to assi.-ji the space thus v,T,catod to the e:xpcriencntal activities on hi ,::h-f requcncy wave-leni~;ths . On account of the larre student onrollnent in electrical enrTinecrin,'; and the rapid advances nade in the devclopnent of science in this particular oUroction, the Departnent has been obli,":ed to use practically all of its ovrn space for office and laboratory purposes and to rp outside of its buildin.; assi.-xinents for roons in which to carry on its cl.ass-roon exercises. mj D. DSVELOH/ISUT oF 3L3CTHICA1 SNGIlCHillllG LABOBATORY PACILITI^S GenoraL.- Althouf^ vory little was kno^Tn about clcctricit:/ it tho tine of the opening of the University three-quarters of a century ano, dcvclopncnts Tere "begun shortly thereafter that have continued at an accelerated rate to the present tine. 1^ order to keep in step with practice, the University has throui-i^liout tho years installed representative types of electrical equipnont for the use of students in their la1oorT,tory assif^inonts to supplonont thoir refTilar classroon instruction, wherolDy they could derionstrate to their own satisfaction the funr- d'i;iental principles underlyin/s the science involved and study the pcrfomance characteristic of tyiiic-il nachincs. This oquipnent, which has consisted of notors and .::enerators, traiisfomers and other power-trnjisnission apparatus, dielectrics, wire and radio comunicntion sots and electronic devices, and a lonn list of precision instrunents for indicating and recordin/- electrical units, and which has enabled the students to attain sone neasure of proficiency in testin,-; and operating such facilities, is described in sone detail in the follO'.7in:": paces. The Power Laboratory .- The elect ric-a-en-incorinf-: laboratory equipnont was nrcatly extended when it was moved durin,- tho sunner of lE<)S fron University Hald into its new quarters in the new 31octrical Enf^ineorinn Laboratoiy Building. The 1898-99 issue of the University cat-ilo/Tnc described the equipnont in the dynar.io laboratory as follows: "The dynano laboratory/ is equipped v/ith various types of continuous current dymnos and notors, alternators,' -md transfomers, with apparatus and every convenience for nakin^ conplete tests. Included in the equipnont arc a 300- li:::ht Thonson-Knuston nltomator, a UO-horso power Westinjfiouse t'vo-phaso Idlson (two machines), Thorn son-Houe ton, Weston, United States, induction notor. Brush rind Thonson-Houstonarc li^t machinea, / ■ and other ll©-volt dyn-a-ios; also two snail Wcstin,-^hou3e alternators, and a nunber of fan ■md battery notors. "a nar blc s'.Titohboard, consistin,: of eir^ht lar:;c panels, has been desifTi-ed 1. Pai"c 84 2. designed and instnlled by students. with special reference to facilitating the work in the laboratory. From it can be distributed to all parts of the building alternating and continuous currents of various electromotive forces,^ . - Connections- can easily be made to the various circuits of the University lighting plant, and to the storage battery. There are two large Cabinets of instruments for laboratory use. Among these are Weston ammeters, volt- met<»rs, and wattmeters, Whitney, Hoyt & Queen ammeters, Ayrton <^ Terry ammeters and voltmeters, Cardew & Queen voltmeters, Siemens dynamometers, Kelvin balances, electrostatic voltmeters, Shallenberger, Thomson, and Shaeffer recording meters, hysteresis meters, electrometers, condensers, inductive and non-inductive resis- tances, lamp, German- silver, carbon, and water rheostats, a Srackett cradle dy- namometer, tachnmeters, revolving contact makers, and other devices and appliances which are essential to the thorough experimentaJ. study of direct and alternating currents." The Register of 19C7-08 contained the following statement: "The 200- kilowatt power plant of the University located in the Electrical Engineering laboratory, supplies current for department use and affords opportunity for tests. A Uo-kilowatt motor-generator set recently installed in the laboratory together with two new experimental switchboards furnish excellent facilities for operating the direct and alternating machines of the department under any specified condition." 2 A publication issued in I909 1 stated that in addition to the equipment the mentioned in/preceding paragraph, the Department had three- rotary converters furnishing current based on 110 and 55^ volts direct current; two General Electric stationary-armature alternators designed to operate as either 2- or 3- 1. rage 100 2. "The Engineering Experiment S-^ation and its Rplation to Illinois Industries", by L. I. Breckenridge, page 24. -phase /generators or notors at a variety of voltar^es; a nunbor of 110 --ind 2eO- volt direct-current notors of fron 10 to 15 horsepo'.7or and a variety of direct- current (Generators of various nalccs ran-ann up to 10-kilow/itt capacity; several induction notors rani^^in,-^ fron 2 to 5 horscpoT7cr, of one, two, and three phases, and of various volta,^es; a sinful e-phase, variable- speed, 220-volt, 10-hor3opo'.7er, alt ernatin;>cur rent notor; and a lar^e number of transfomcrs of various capaci- ties, volta.ics, .-uid transformation ratios, includinr: a snail 10,000-volt, and a 10-kilowatt, 100,000-volt testin,:^ tr-jasfomcr. The equipnent included, also, switchboards designed for the rapid han'^infi of apparatus, nionbrous Iruip banks for resistance, oscillo^iraphs, inductances, condensers, a noTCury-arc rectifier, arc lanps of nany types, and nany devices used in instructional ajid research worki During the next year or so, the Dcpartnent vns able to procure a 125-kilo- \7att ftteacjfcurbo-alternator with exciter and s'jitchboard and a self- re cording st- ean flo'.; neter fron the Grenernl Sloctric ^onp^ny. It ^dso was provided \iith an oscillograph with funds supplied by the Graduate School. After the Boneyard Power plant was novcd out of the rear of the 3Lectrical Enginecrin;'^ Laboratory in the sminer of I9II and the building- was renodellod, the tv/o TSfestinghouse nachincs that wore transferred fron the Ploysical Plant Depattncnt to the Dopartnent of Electrical 3n,:;ineerini;, wore coupled to, -pother to forr:i an S5-kilowatt notort-t-enorator set to supply direct current for lab- oratory purposes. In addition, the power swittshboard in the nain laboratory was onlar^jcd so that the facilities for laboratory work wore nuch inproved. In the fall of I9II, the Dopartnent received a 2000-cyclQ rltemator, a snooth core nltcrnator, four di roct-current notors, and a lar,"e nui.iber of precision instruiacnts. During; I9II-12, two 20-kilowatt Sdison bipolar tienorators were presented to the Departnent by Mr. P. J. 3,aker, President of the Public Service Corporation of Northern Illinois. / 1. The Techno fi^raph, Deccnber, I9II, pa ;o 50* U50 By June, 1912, the equipment of the Department of Electrical Engineering Included the 125-lcllowatt turhe -alternator; a 250,000-volt transformer; a 100,000-volt transfomer; two 30,000-volt transfonnere; a emooth-core alternator for generating aine waves; a 2000-cycle alternator; two oscillographe; a 60-cell, 21^0-ainpere-hour storage hattery; two motor-generator sets, -one rated at 85 kilowatt and the other at U5 kilowatts; a 10-kllowatt induction furnace; a 3O- kllowatt arc furnace; and in addition, a number of meters. A 30-lcllowatt Hosklne reslatance furnace and transfonaer owned Jointly by the departments of Electrical Engineering and Chemlstzy, was located in the furnace room and was availahle for experlnental work as well as for instructional use. In the faU of 1912, the Department received a 50-cycle, 100-kllowatt, 200,000- volt testing tranaformsr with controlling and measuring apparatus, the total equipnent weighing approximately 56,000 pounds. The equipment was used to study corona and other phenomena of high-voltage lines in caanection with the action of lightning arresters and other protective devices and in the determination of the break-down point of oil and of various forms of insulators. The equipment was hunt to order for the University by the General Electric Company, the machine heing similar to the high tension transfonner used by Doctor Stelnmetz in hie research laboratory at Schenectady. During 1920-21, there was added to the equipment a motor-generator set coaspoaed. of a dlrect-current, 230-volt, U3.5-ainpere motor, direct-connected to a 125-volt, 56-anpere, direct-current generator. An outdoor eubetatlon designed by the General Electric Company as typical of modem practice, was set upon a substantial concrete foundation on the north Bide of the laboratory building in I923-2U. Three 15-kva, single-phase, 33,000- 2,300.volt transfomers were used in connection with this substation. Protection was obtained by using oUde fila lightning arresters. The station was not connected with any electric circuit, - its punposes being to demonstrate construction processes. Xf^JK.+r i^S/Ti£ Si^' ^51 A now v7estin,-house 100-kilovn.tt ::otor-r-onor-itor snt^ consistin.- of r. 2 200- volt, 3~phase, self-startinj-:, synchronous iiotoi', and a 220-110- volt , 3--.7irc, direct-c\irrent f;oner.ator, 'jas installed in the IVDomtor;,^ in I92U. The nachino was connected by cable with the Mathc'Js Avenue Po'.7cr Plant and '.7as used to furnish direct current for the laboratory. It replaced the old 85-kilO'.7att notor-cenorator conprised of machines vhich \icrc forncrly used in the Bonoyard power plant, as previously nentioned, and -vliich had been used for the ten or twelve years preceding to supply uost of the direct current for laboratory use, but 7;hich wore no lon/^er of sufficient capacity to nect the needs of that tine, A new Reliance-^, va,ri\ble- speed, di roct-ctrrrent , notor was added to the list of equipncnt durinf- I92U-25. The nost unusual feature of the nachino was its method of speed control. The speed, which could be v-,,ried fron 200 to 16OO r.p.n., was chanr^^ed by sliding the motor alon,: its axis of rot-'tion into or out of the maiTnetic field sot up by the field "dndin-ics. The motor was used to drive a new 3-phase alternator capable of delivcrin,- power at 110 volts, 25 cycle; 220 volts, 60 cycle; and at ■^.n.'j other frequency betv/cen 10 and SO, • A new notor-f-;cnerator set was inst-^llcd in the alternatin.::-current lab- oratory in 1926-27, This consisted of a direct-current motor drivin^r a 125 k.v.a. alternator. Leads ',7cre brou,^ht from the amature -vindinf-^s of the alter- nator, so that any number of phases fron one to tv/elve could be tapped off. Other new equipment added from tine to time included a number of storaf-^o batteries, small motors, .■generators, and stand.ard types of motor-jienerator -ind rotary-converter sets, autotransformers, constant-current transformers, re^ ulators, rectifiers, capacitors, reactances, meters, potentiometers, oscillators, cathode-ray oscillographs, tachometers, slipncters, and stroboscopes. T, The TcchnOf-raph, J;inuaiy, I925, Pa.Tc 9I, 2. This set was about twenty-five years old at that time and was no lonj-er re- liable, but was retained, however, -is -'.n auxilliary emert^ency unit. It still remains in position in 19^5* 3, The Techno .-^raph, March, I925, Paf^e lUl, 1+52 After the building hr\r[ been ronodellod in 1929, nH'l considor-iblc laboratory space had been added thereby, the Departncnt '.7as able to provide several nev; pieces of typical equipnent such as notor-,-^cncrator sets of various capacities, generators, motors, volta;:;o ree^ators, transfomers, neters, and other auxill- iary appliances. The stock was enlar,-:;ed froii tine to tine after then as funds all077cd until in I9U5, the dynano and notor laboratories contain representative motors and .-generators of cvorj' standard type, r.-ui^inrT in size fron those of fractional horsopo'ver to those of I5 'md 25 horsepov/cr, and control equipment for stuflyin^ the operation and characteristics of an;/ of these machines. The apparatus includes direct-current motors •>jid -•cncrators, synchronous motors and gencrat'-'Ts, singlo-pliase conmutator motors, variable- and multiple~speed alter- nating-current motors, synchronous converters, motor-generator sots, tr.insformers, regulators, rectifiers, and storage batteries, -,all selected to conf')m to tho best stanrlards of practice prevailing in industrial use and in tho leading commercial laboratories of the co-untry. St rage- Bat t o ry L abo rat o ry . - A publication issued in I907 stated that the Department had a 60-cell *^ould storage battery of 2Uo ajipero-hours capacity with a switchboard so arranged that all voltages bet'veon 2 and 120 could be obtained. There could be provided current up to 100 amperes at full voltage and greatly- increased c\irrent at lower voltage. Anot tor storage battery with a capacity of 2U0 ampere-hours capacity was added in the early part of 1912-I3. Similar provisions have been made since then as conditions seemed to justify theri. Thus, from time to tine since tho Department was organized, the laboratory has been supplied with such batteries and auxilliary appli-nces as seemed essential to ©arry on the instructional and experinent'il programs established in line \7ith the pro;^-;rcssive College policy. n '"the Uollegc of Bnginecrin^ of the University of Illinois," page 9. See also a publication entitled "The Engineering Eiqierimcnt Station and its Relation to Illinois Industries", I909, by L. P. Breckenridge, page 2h, U53 Calibration or Standardization Labo rat o ry . -As early as I898, the standardizing lab-- oratory, located on the ground floor of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Laboratory Building, was equipped for measuring accurately current and electromotive force, thus permitting at all times, ready calibration of the instjruments used in the laboratory. A publication Issued in I9O9 stated that the Department had pro- vided "a fine set of standard electrical measuring instniments including a Weston D. C. laboratory standard voltmeter and a milivoltmeter, Westinghouse precision voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter and a Leeds and Northrup potentiometer." The laboratory was remodelled from time to time, as previously stated, and in I92U-25, a new calibration laboratory was set up in Eoom 305 of the Electrical Engineering Laboratory Building. Then, in I926-27, Room 205, Electrical Engineering laboratory was converted into a standards laboratory. Various standard instruments used for accurate calibration of different types of meters, were placed in this room. Much work was done by N.Y.A. students during the years 1935-^0 in building storage cabinets, benches, and in repairing and rebuilding and calibrating electrical instruments for this laboratory. Otht^r improvements wore added as conditions per- mitted so that in I9U5, the calibration laboratory is provided with a great variety of apparatus for accurate calibration of electrical instruments used for instruction?' and experimental purposes, -that is, for measuring resistances, inductances, and capitances; and potentials, current, and power. This precision equipment consists of such devices as standard colls, certified resistances, potienticmetcrs, shunts, bridges, voltmeters and millivoltmeters, ammeters, and wattmeters. Wire Communication Laboratory .- In 1698, an experimental telephone and signaling line was erected on the third floor of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Laboratory, and several sets of manual and automr.tic receivers and transmitters were provided for testing purposes. Cables, coils, batteries, and instruments were added from time to time to keep pace with improvements in commorcial searvice. The Register of I907-OS contained the following statement! "Two rooms... fi>^ n.^,.- - -.-;■!•-,;. •jp™,pv.;^,j,ont Station and its relation to Illinois Industries, by LoPoBreckenridge, page 25. J+5U nrc furnished with special 100-line s'-vitchboards, ;xnd -.vith ca'Ucs, coils, batteries, and instruments to illustrate recont practice in telephony and telegraphy, as '.7ell cas to provide for the rapid comparisons required for tele- phono cxperinents. The first step in 'buildinr^ up the present telephone laboratory 't.-is the de- sir5a and construction of a torninal board for an artificial line which the Departncnt had acquired as a f'ift fron the Bell ^eloplione Syston in I92U,- the Cift including; an artificial line sinulatin.7 about 200 niles of open-wire type of line to.7ether with an oscillator yicldin;.-; frequencies fron 100 to 50,000 cycles per second, and a nunber of instmricnts useful in nakinn tests on the artificial line for the sturly of telephone circuits and problons relatin,-; to lon,?!-line telephone connunication. Additional dcsir^i and construction work was done by electrical enf^ineerin,; students as a special problcn in E.E. J2, "Special Electrical En^T^ineerin,^ Ppoblens", when instructional ^-/ork in wire cooLiunication was begun in I93O under this course. She Western Electric Company donated the Department a len^^h of 600-pair lead sheath telephone cable, \*ich was installed on the roof of the connection which was built between the old Electrical En^^ineerin,"; Laboratory Buildin,-; and the old Laboratory of Applied Mechanics when the two v;ere made into one structure. This cable ■ ts approximately 150 feet in len<^h; but by usin;:; a system of interconnecting paris, it is possible to ret for experimental purposes the equivalent of a single pait* twelve miles long. Thus in I936, the laboratory had available for instruction and research the equivalent of a. cable-pair line twelve miles in len^^h of the twisted-';7irc type. Another piece of equipment built by the Department for use in this conn- ection, was a ca.thode-ray oscillograph. During the years from I93I to 193^, the Department received from the American Tclci-^raph imd. lolephone Compajiy by gift much valuable equipment, some of which 7/as used as received and some was rebuilt into more effective pieces for department ,al use. 1. page 100 ^55 Other oquipnont procured or indo by tho Dcpartnent .■T,''x)iit this tine under the innodiato direction of Professor C,S. Skrodor, '.7ho was and still is in chart-^e of this division, included a telephone repeater, a transnission neasuring set, parts of automatic telephone switchint^ and dlalin,-: lino systous, vacuuB. - tube voltncters and nillaiuietcrs, tc^ethor •.7ith such appliances as Jack boxes, Switch bozea, transfomers, net'7orics, nriplifiers, loud speakers, and niscellaneous apparatus. Additional facilities added fron tine to tine consist of retard coils, loadin-T coils, telephone trniisfomcrs, condensers, repeaters, filters, impcd-^nce brid,':;es, audio-frequency oscillators, relays, transmission i.ieasuring sets, and vacuum-tube devices, njid other instrui.icnts for neasurin.^ currents and volta,.-:es for telephone frequencies. Electronics Laboratory.- ^7ork in a special division of electronics was begun ar> bout 1933-3^, v;hon the Departnont boiian the dcvelopnent under tho inncdiate direction of Professor H. J. Reich, of an electronics laboratory to carry on instructional and oxpcrinental studies alon;-; such lines as electronic li,':^t sources, thermionic omissions, photeolcctric effects, e;''^,s-di3chart7in,7 phenomena, ionization, and hinh-vacuum tubes. The N.Y.A. students in 1935-37 did a ^roat deal of -.^ork in preparation of the electroiiics laboratory by asaenbling speed meters, lecture- demonstration equipment, and such laboratory apparatus as speech scramblers, volume expanders, po'.ver ^uaplifiers, and cathode-ray oscilloscopes. Other equip- ment provided from tine to time includes electrometers, vacuum-tube voltmeters, audicO- froquoney 'briag"q,OHCillatorB,phoi>ooloctrici, aa;'o of Professor H. A. 3ro\7n, who, hinsclf, had an .anateur radio operr-.tor's license, and v/ho was then and continued to be in char:3e of this division^ Utti-t'l his death in February, 1S^^3. U57 A radio cor.inuni cat ions laboratory/-, containing the equipment of tho University short wave station W9IH (gO n, 393S kc, 2^0 watts) was in operation in 1933-3U. A 250-'.7att television transnitter and a group of wave neters, condensers, osci- llators, and other apparatus for the study of the principles of radio conr.iiinicar- tion weoe avail able. Little by little, the laboratory equipncnt, built up for instructional and expcrinental purposes in tho field of radio connunciation, cane to include apparatus for transuission and reception; television; and high, nediim, and short- wave frequencies. Anong the facilities arc such devices as nicrophones; oscill~ ators; power amplifiers; loud speakers; nodulators and denodulators; detectors; short-wave and ultra-high frequency and television trananitting and receiving sets; transfomors; photo-electric cells; piezelctric apparatus; and high-fre- quency ncasuring sets and standards. Ra.dio-Transnission Laboratory.- The construction of the new studio for the University Broadcasting Station nade available tho old studio and to'.vcrs at the south end of Illinois Field for use by the Dgpartnent of ELoctrical Engineer- ing for instructional and research purposes. After this old studio had been assigned to tho Departnent, certain equipncnt fomerly housed in the Radio Mf,asurci.icnts Laboratory, was noved into it. I^^ addition, the old 1,000-watt transnitter originally used in W-I-L-L was installed there. This additional space and equipnent, together with the traaisnission towers, afford unusual facilities for both instructional and cxperinontal purposes. This plant has been designated as the Radio-Transnission Laboratory. High-Potential Laboratory.- I^^ 1<39S, the higb-potential laboratory was located on the ground floor of the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Laborato^'^, The equipnent included a high-potential transforner, with a specially-designed electrically-heated oven, and other accessory apparatus, to facilitate disruptive tests on insulators and insulating or dielectric materials. A 12-foot induction transforner coil.-Tesla coil, -was constructed during I91U-I5 under the supervision of R,3.Hn,rt, I915, for sturly of the behavior of U5S hif^voltnr-G circuits njid dynanic ■\rcs. The coil cnuld r'^oncr-xto 2,500,060 volts, and coiild produce a spark ten feet lon,^. After the rciiodcllin,:; of tho space vacated by the rencval of the old po'jcr units in the cast win,-;; of the Slectricnl Enif^inccrin,-; Ln.'boratory, the coil wns located in one of the roons of this '-dn^. A nev; Tcsla transfomcr coil was "^uilt in 1921-22, with a spark-.-rap cap- acity of 9 feet for the study of speci.al problcus relatinr-^ to radio cormunication and spark-nap perfomancc. The coil was 10 l/2 foot lonr and hold 1,800 turns on the secondary windinr .livinsT 25,000 volts on the secondary; and by usiriij a special ,;;lass condenser, the resulting spark could "be caused by a potential drop of several nillion volts. During the year, I926-27, Boon 206 of the Electrical ^^neerin,- Laboratory, forncrly a classroor.i, was converted into a confined radio nnd hi.ii-volta:-:c laboratory. The hii^-volta(::e tr-'uisfomer was noved into this roon .aLoni-; with the radio-laboratory equipnentt When the old Boiler House was rciiodellcd in I929, the south half of the building; was transfomcd into a hirJi-volta.-:e laboratory, .-md tho hir:h-tonsion oquipncnt was noved into it fron Boon 206 of the Electrical En/^^inecrinf: Laboratory. New apparatus was added fron tine to tine until in I9U5 the facilities include transfoniers, hir;h-voltacc rectifiers, surc^.-o-voltarc recorders, 3hperc-..':;ap voltnotors, a aurgo s-^tenerator which can develop an inpulse potential of 300,000 volts, -a power-factor bridf^^e, aji ionization-dischar^e brid,:::e, and a hi,^h-quality wavc-fom k.v.a. notor-generator,- all devoted to invest itiation.Tl work in hif-^h- tonsion circuits. A new Tesla transfonaer coil, built during; 1939-^Oi developing alternatin,-^ current \7ith a potential of 1,500,000 volts, bocanc available for the further study of hi,-:h-voltaCG, hi^i-frequency phcnonena in tho field of electronics and radio enf-;ineerin;^, and of invest if-;:at ions concerned with trans- nission-line equipnent, insulation Materials, corona effects, and spark-over perfomancc. I llui-ii nation and Photonetry Laboratory.- The following™ description of tho ill- unlnation ruid photonetry equipnent appeared in the IS98-99 issue of the University Catalogue; ^59. 'The photometry rooms are supplied with two electric light photometers, one of which is the latest type of Krues-Bxinsen apparatus fitted with a standard Hef- ner lamp and various accessories. There are numerous types of incandescent lamps and of continuous and alternating arc lamps; and various conveniences for making candle power, life, nnd efficiency tests are provided." In 1905-06, one of the rooms located on the top floor of the Electrical Eng- ineering LaDorator:,\ was equipped as a photometry laboratory. At that time, facilities consisted of two photometers and display-lightning apparatus for conr- ducting tests and for making practical comparisons of the various forms of gas and electric lanps. Another photometer was added within a year or so. A statement- from a publication^ issued in IQO9 indicated that the laboratory had a *i««©c"meter r-nd a 5-niotor photometer bar, photometers of various kinds, standard lamps, and a Sharp Millar illuminomcter. The first courses devoted entirely to illumination wore offered in 1931-32. During that year, classes wore held in the Little Theater in Lincon Hall because the room had a stage equipped v/ith lighting fixtures of the modern type. A portable demonstration cabinet was built for use on this stage. During the summer of 1932, however, facilities were provided on the engineering campus when, the Boiler House south half of the former Fatiguc-of-Mctale Laboratory in the old Bonoyarc^ known by that time as the Ulcctrical Engineering Annex, was remodelled to form a light- tight room for class and demonstration purposes in illumination. The equipment installed in the new location at that time or shortly thereafter included several Varieties of lighting fixtures, sign-demonstration panels, show-window and other lighting demonstration cabinets, demonstration fixtures for direct and indirect lighting, mercury-vapor and other forms of l?imps, colored lights, and flourescent lighting appliances. The room was arranged to seat fifty students dregularly and coiild be equipped to seat a hundred for special lectures. A projection lantern was provided and a collection of slides accumulated that illustrated the principles of modern illumination covering the fields of railroad, street, sport, field, fountain, airport, airway, and general flood lighting. 1 The Engineering Experiment Station, and its relation to Illinois Industries" by LoP.Breckenridge, page 25. U6o During the summer and fall of 1936, the room occupied by the Illiominntion Laboratory '.vas again remodelled by providing it with a new floor .and ceiling, and a fire escape, ventilating system, and other accommodations. Additional equipment was installed that had been given to the University by the various commerciriJ. agencies interested in this particxilar phase of engineering. The room, provided with a floor space of 52 feet by 37 l/2 feet, was finished with plaster ceilings, side walls, demonstration counters, a demonstration stage, and a storage space. In 1937. the Physical -Plant Department arranged to move its store room under the ill-umination laboratory to other quarters and to convert the space thus vacated, 52 feet by 52 feet, into a photometry' laboratory, During the next year or two the room was supplied with modern equipment; so by that time, the' Department had the most outstanding illumination and photometric laboratory of any school in this country. O^c unusual piece of equipment installed luring 193S-39 is an icosahidron photometer with a di.-ameter of 10 feet, designed and constructed under the sup- ervision, of Professor Kraehcnbuehl , who is In charge of this division, that makes possible the measuring of output of lighting equipment and the testing of commercial lighting fixtures. This is a rather unusual piece of apparatus found in only a few laboratories. O^hor facilities installed in the photometric laboratory include a 60-inch sphere photometer for the measuring of lamps and the checking of measuring equipment^; a visibility meter used for research on writing boards and other facilities; a contrast sight box; a projection foot- candle meter used for demonstrations; a large distribution photometer; and a writing board machine for study of depreciation of writing boards in research. ^- 1^ 19^0, funds were made available by the Graduate School for the purchase of a General Electric automatic recording spcctrophotospectrometer with a specifil re- ducing lens for use in making color analysis of ^mall specimens. The instrument is being used not only by Electrical Engineering, but also by many other depart- ments on the campus. There was also received in I939-U0 a Gaertner qua.rtz mono- crooeter with an extra flint-glass prism. I>iring thle time, there was U6i constructod in the departnontal shop a 10-foot distribution photometer, a chalk- board testing machine, a 15-foot special bar photometer v;ith reflecting and transmission distribution attachnent. The add3.tion of .-dl this nev; equipment has served to keep this laboratory in the forefront of other corresponding in- stallations in American colleges. Meter and Rp.lp.y Laboratory .- ITith the organization of the short course for electric metormon in I92O, under the imnedi=',te direction of Professor A. R. Knight, the Department gave special, attention to the problems of electric re- cording v/att-hour meters nnd relays, Prcn th.at beginidng, the '.vork, developed little by little, year by year, in connection with the short courses that A7erc conducted, together with the reports, papers, ,and bulletins prepared by members of the staff, attracted favorable attention of the various mctei^nanufacturing companies. As n result, the meter-manufacturing companies cooperated heartily in furnishing equipment and materi;ils for conducting research in those fields, with the results that the Department had developed by I936 an outatanding lab- oratory for the study of meter and relai' problems, much of the work in preparation of denonstT'rtion panels, repairing meter -ind relay equipment, repairing work tables, control boards, h->,ving been done by H.Y.A. students during 1935-36. During the next two years, the Department received bv gift from a number of companies and by imrch-ise, an. -.assortment of different iyj>eii of meters and relays for use in this laboratory. Gradually, the list of equipment -vas extended to include a liberal assembly of electro-magnetic and Vacilum-tube rela;^"s, watt-hour meters, wattmeters, amm- eters, voltmeters, frequency meters, power-factor meters, oscillographs, oscill- oscopes, and other instruments devoted to measuring and recording the energy dcm.'.inded .and consiimed in the operation of power, transmission, and conmimication systems. Electric RailvTay Laboratory.- The electric railway laboratory was transferred to the Department of Electrical Engineering when the Department of Railway Engineer- ing was dissolved in I9U0. Because most of its histor;^' is associated with the Doj^ytf nent of Railway Engineering, the description of the equipLicnt is rulntod \;iicicr a heading under that department. 1+62 Tlie Electric Railway Test Car.- In I905, the Depnrtnont secured and equipped an electric tent car of the interurban type dosit^ied by nenbcrs of its o\7n staff, which the students and instructcrs used for aaking tost runs on the city and interurban linos of the Illinois Traction Syston. Later, the car -/as ti'ans- f erred to the Dopartnont of Hjiil'.vay Sngincering, and is described norc fully under that department. University Light and Tovter P l ant. -^ The IS9S-59 issue of the University Cat- filogue stated tliat the electrical equipnent in the University Light and Power plant was available for t^ ;;ts by the D.^iiartnent of Sloctrical Engineering. It consisted of two Westinghouse, 2-.2^ha3C, alternating-current dj'nanos, one of /'^-hilov/att and one of U5-kilowatt capacity; a. jO-kilowatt , 1300-volt, constant - potential generator; a. Wood series arc-ligLit n,-,chino for lii^hting the canpus grcunds and Military Hall; and a nuiibor of induction r.iotors. A circular issued by the University- in 1903. described the electrical equip- uent in the Central Hpat , Liglit, and Power Plnr.t, as it calicfi. it, o.s conposed of one 120-kilowatt, UUO-volt, 2-phasc, alternator, direct connected; one 75-kllo- watt, UnO-volt, 2-phase alternator; one 2|3-kilowatt -^ood arc-ligiit generator; ;tnd ei ;ht induction notors. After the Mathe'-'s Avenue Plant was opened in I9II, the ccntrn.l-station facilities were not so readily jvailablc for departnontal use, E. MISCSLLAiJEOUS Damage Duo to Flpod. - Early in July, 1929, while the outfide wolls of the Electrical Engineering Laboratory/- were boirtcen ''oy workmen during construction changes, the Boncyard rose sufficiently high to flood the basement of the build- ing to a depth of throe .and a half feet. Flood waters entered the building on two successive days, and caused damage to electrical equipment, water-soaking many electrical machines -md instrmicnts, aiid entirely subr.icrging the storage batteiv. The estimated aijount of daxiago due to flooding wac $1^25. The Board of Trustees on December 9, 1930» nade a special approin'iation to cover this damage. It v/as found out aftcnvards, however, that sovor.-tL pieces of apparatus 1. All of this equipment is described further in a later chapter of this •publication. had insulation so wcnkcned by 'vatcr that thoy "broke do'.vn in service during the school year. Thus, the total damage to the equipment was greater tlian the amount for •which special appropriation waf; nade. Movietone Projector.- During the school year 1933-3^i the College of Engineering 77as offered a movietone projector by the General SLoctric Company. The equipment had been used to some extent, but it ^7as in excellent condition, and was offered to the College at a cojit \7hich \7as only a small fraction of the original price. The equipment, purchased vdth general College funds, was installed in the general assembly room in the Electrical Engineering Buildin,^, where it could be used for freshmen lectures and such general lectures as used the talking films. J^int MgOtings of the Student Branches of the Americ.ui Institute of Electrical -Inginecrs of F^^rdue, ^-pse, . ind Illinois.- A joint meeting of the electrical engineering societies at the University and student branches of the jimcrican Institute of Electrical Engineers at F^rdue University and Rose Polyteclinic Institute v;as held at Uj.bana, on April 20, I929. This was the firat attempt at a joint meeting of these three groups. About thirty persons from Pardiic and twenty-five from Hose were present. Such meetings gave students and faculty an opportunity to discuss their common problems and to become faniliar with equip- ment and methods of instruction used in other institutions. On April 12, I93O, a similar joint meeting was held at Purdue University. Thirty-three students in electrical engineering and nine members of the facxiLty at Illinois attended this session. A third meeting was held at Hose Polytechnic Institute on April 18, 1931. There were fifty representatives at the meeting from Illinois, several of whom were faculty. One feature of this meeting was an inspection trip to a major electrical power generating station recently put into operation on the bank of the Wabash Hiver in Terro Haute, using coal mined on the spot as fuel supply. Ar^al^gement s vrerc made for students to enter the mine so that they could become familiar with the methods used in bringing the coal to the power house and converting its energy into the form of electricity for distribution into the transmission system which linked the middlo-west States. U6i| These noetings were considered so 'benoficial that they have "boon continued to this day, each of the three schools taking its turn at being host. Conference of Student Branches of the Great Lakes District of the A.I.B>B.- The G j^ab Ii i.i LLj DlSlifiiAr Connittoo on Student Activities of the Ancrican Institute of the Great ^akes District, pf Electrical Engineers/ net at the University on April 22, and 23, I938, with faculty counselers and incoming student chaimen fron 15 of I7 schools attending as delegates. The 17 schools included Iowa State College, University of Detroit, University of Michigan, Annour Institute, University of Wisconsin, Michigan State College, Marquette University, Michigan College of Mining and Technology, Univ- ersity of Iowa, Purdue University, University of Minnesota, Lewis Institute, Hose Polytechnic Institute, Northwestern University, llotro Dnjne, Milwaukee School of Engineering, and University of Illinois. The attendance on the first day was 87. The tri-school ne* t,- Purdue, Hose, and Illinois, was held on April 23, to nake the total attcndnjice on that day 110. 7. TACULTY PSRSONIiSL General.- Short biographical sketches of neubers of the staff above the grade of assistant that have been connected v/ith the Dopartr.ient of Electrical Engineer- d ing, are listed in the following pages in chronological order accoring to rank. a. HEADS OF THE DEPAHTI-IENT General.- The following persons served as heads of the Department of Electrical Engineering after its work was separated administratively from Physics in I89S: William Esty from I89S to IS99, William Sleeper Aldrich fron I899 to I90I, Morgan Brooks from I90I to I9O9, Ernest Julius Berg from 1909 to I913, Bllery Burton Paine from I913 to 19^^+, and William Ljttell Bveritt from 19UU to date. Biographical sketches of these men follov/. William Ssty^^ was born on July 9, 186S, at Amherst, Massachusetts. He received the A.B. degree at Amherst College in I889, the 3.S. degree at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in IS93, ;and the A.M. degree at Amherst in 1293- After engaging in engineering practice for a tine, Mr. Esty came to the University of Illinois and served as Instructor in Electrical Engineering in the Department of Physics during I893-95, Assistant Professor in the same department during 1+65 1895-98, and Associate Professor in the Departnent of SLectrical Sngineoririg during 189S~01, 'being in charge of the Departnent during IS9S-99. He resigned in 1901 to accept a position at Lohigl-i University, and later 'bocanc Head of the Department there. Professor Ssty is author of a text entitled "Alternating Current Machinery", published by the American Corresponding School^ and is co-author ^lith W.S.Franklin of "The Elements of Electrical Engineering", Vol. I, and Vol. II; with W. S. Praiiklin, O.E. Clewell, and S.S. Seyfeit of "Dynamo laboratory Mf^jiual" ; and -.Tith W.S. Eranklin of "Dynamos and Motors". William Sleeper Aldrich was born in Philadelphia on March 3, I863. He received the M.E. degree from Slovens Institute of Teciiiiology in 18SU, and taught in sec- ondary-school work during 188^-39. H^, -.vas Instractor in Johns Hopkins University during IS89-91 ojid Associate there in I891-92. After serving as Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of Mechanic Arts at the University of West Virginia during IS93-99, he became professor of Electrical Engineering and Hpad of the Department at Illinois in I899f resinning, however, in I9OI, to become Director of Olarkson Menorial School of Techjaology, at PotBdam, N^w York. Morgan Brooks was bom in Boston, Massachusetts, on March 12, 186I. He was graduated from Brcm University in IS8I with the Ph. 3. degree and from Stevens Ij^stitute of Technology in 1883 with the M.E. degree. H^ was -engaged in engineer- ing practice during I883-I898 and was Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Nebraska during I898-I9OI. In I9OI, he joined the faculty of the University of Illinois as Professor of Electrical Engineering and remained with the University until I929, being H^^ad of the Department during I9OI-O9. H^ reached the University's age limit on September 1, I929. ?uid was retired with the title of Professor of Electrical Engineering, Emeritus, and for some time continued to make his home in Urbana. Ppofessor Brooks is co-author of one biill- etin published by the Engineering Experiment Station. Ernest Julius Berg was born in Ostersund, Sweden, on J.anuary 9, I871, and was graduated in mechanical engineering from the Hoyal Polytoclmical Institute in Stockholm in I892. H^ cane to this country in IS93, and joined the staff of the Thompson-Houston Electric Company, and after a year, went with the General Electric company, serving that organisation first as practicing and later as consulting eng- ineer. He hixd. a leading Tiart in the invention and development of various elccti'icl mnchines and instnuiients manufactured by the General Slectric G;o:.ip'iiiy, and v/as frcqucatly called into consultation "by otlicr electrical experts in this country and .'ibroad. He designed and ijcrsonnlly inst.a3.1cd in IS97 the first rotary transformer in Chicago. In M.ddition to his duties uith the General Electric Conpany, he served as special lecturer in Union Colle,_-o durins'; I906-O9 and at the end of that tine was a'vardcd there the honorary degree of Doctor of Science. On Novcnber I7, I909, Doctor 3ct{£ left the General Electric Conpnaiy to bcconc Head of the Departnent of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ill- inois. Ab the salary received by hin fron the conpany was substantially noro than the University did or co'uld pa;,' its professors, his coning was nade possible only by the fact tivit scvornl I'lrge Illinois corporations interested in electricol natters, at the solicitation of Dean Goss, supplenentod the University salary by giving Doctor Berg a retaining fee as consulting engineer, partly to have an outstanding electrical expert rrithin easy call, and partly as a testinony of their interest in engineering education and particularly in the dcvelopnent of the electrical engineering departnent of the University. ^ Doctor Berg vnv. a likable and hospitable nan, ajid had a keen nind, nagnetic personality, nnd a broad experience. H^ vaa a valuable a.nd stinulating ncnber of the teaching staff, and particularly of the Senate Con.iittea on University Policy as ho thrcv; light upon n.-uiy probloi.is fron a nev/ angle. He aroused tlie intense enthusiasn of his students and of the instructors on the departnontil staff. It was currently reported tliat the students •rould''work their heads off for Doctor Berg". He created a great interest anong his graduate students in the study of advanced physics and higher nathcnntics. Eq '.vas the author of a text-book entitled "Electrical Energy". He nade nnjiy contributions to the Proceedings of the Anerican Institute of Elect ric?\l 3n:p,necrs and other publicat 'ons. Dean W. E. U. Goss v/rit- ing of hin in the Tcclinograph-^ stated: "Doctor Berg's experience in designing, building, installing, a,nd operating electrical nachinor;/' pemits hin to deal with the noro practical problons of his profession ^7ith a degree of enthusiasn that is well-nigh irresistable, and the fact that ho Ixas achieved success in advancing the nore thcoreticnl plvascs of electrical engineering is inspiring to those who arc interested in the developnont of problens throusjli nathenatical processes. As 1. Vol. x:av, 190^-10. 467 a close perecaial friend and for many years a co-worker with the celebrated Doctor Stelnnetz, Doctor Berg has kept In touch with the best thought In his field and has had a part In Its development." For fanily^ reasons, he resigned his position here In June, 1913, and returned to the services of the General Electric Conpany and to i:[nlon College, much to the regret of all connected with the University. He continued with both organizations until he retired in I9UI, passing away on September 9 of that year. ailery Burton Paine was bom on October 9, I875, at Willlngton, Connecticut, and obtained the B.S. degree at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in I897, the M.S. degree there in I898, and the fi.fi. degree in 1904. He was enployed with the General Electric ^oopany dxiring I898-99, and served as Electrical engineer for the Lehigh Coal Congpaiy during 1899-02. He was Dean of the College of Technology and Engineering, Stetson University, Florida, during 1902-04, and Professor of Electrical Btogineerlng and Physics and Head of the Department, at Horth Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts during 1904-0?. He came to the University of minois in I907 as Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. Following the resignation of Doctor Berg in 1913, Professor Paine became Acting Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, and later became Head, and retained that poBltl .t* cfitul ^f}^l4is!pq^■^.■ .^ bate xffiimofi !5.rta !:;.'•£ .ri:3Bj:!. ,iV-jfi(«, Jiiii fi(t^ tedaae^ '^^ .Willi.nj.i Littoll Bvcritt war, born at Balti:iorc, llaryland, on April ik, I9OO, -and •.7as graduated fron Cornell University in 1922 •vith the de.crcc of Electric.-^ Eng- ineer. He received the M.S. dOtTrco fron the University of Michi,;:ai-i in 1926 and the Ph. D. de^^ree fron Ohio State University in I933. Dr. Sveritt \7ns on the teachini- faculty at Cornell fron 1920 until I922, at the University of Michigan fron I92U untii I926, and at Ohio State frru.i I926 until Scptenbor, I9UU, when he iDecane Professor of Elect ricaJ.3nt;ineerin.^ ,and Head of the Dcpartnent here. He has had extensive oneineering cxporionco in industry having been on leave fron his tcachin,: 'vork to serve as Chief of Operational Hcsearch in the office of Chief Si(:?ial Officer of the U.S. Amy Si.Txial Cor^^s fron I9U2 until he assuned his duties here on Mp^- 1, I945. Profesr.or Evcritt is author of a textbook entitled "Connmiication Unf;- inecrinr;" ,and is co-author and editor of another one entitled "Pundnnentals of Radio". He is ,aLso author of a section on ^cle^raphy nnd Telegraphy in the "Standard Haiidbook for Electrical Engineers". Ho is author, in aidition of nany articles in the engineering press and is co-author of one bulletin issued by the Ohio State Engineering Experinont Station. Doctor Bveritt was honored by being elected President of the Institute of H^dio Engineers for I945. b. OTHjS PROFESSORS Joseph Tykocinski Tykociner. (S.E.. 190I, High Technical Institute at Cothen, Gcniany), -as cnployed for a nunbcr of years in engineering practice in Europe pjid the United States. He cane to the university of Illinois in Sf^ptonber, I921, as Research Assist.-mt Pj,ofessor of Electricnl Engineering, and was nade research Professor of Electrical Engineering in I929. H^ is author of one bulletin and Joint author cf eight additional ones, and is Joint author of oue circular issued by the Engineering Experinent Station. Professor Tykociner has had a large part in the developnent of sound in the noving picture industry. His work has been outstaiiding in its field ax.d has brou,3l-.t nuch prestige to the University. Abner Rich ard Knight. (M.B..iqQq. Ohio State University; M.S.. I917, nndE.E., 1922, University of Illinois), was engaged in electrical engineering practice during 1+69 190Q-11. He served a,s Instructor in Slcctricnl Engineering n.t the University of Ponnsylvroiia in 191I-I3. Ho cane to the University of Illinois in I913 and served successively .is Instructor, Associate, Assist.int Pj.ofessor, and Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering until 1931. Since that tine he has been Professor of Electrical Engineering. Professor Kni;-;lit is joint author of one bulletin issued by the Engineering Bxperinent Station, and is co-author of a terctbook entitled "Introduction to Circuit Analysis". Upon the rotirenent of Professor Paine in Septenbcr, I9UU, Pyofessor Knight '.7as appointed to serve ad intcrin as Acting Hpad of the DcPartnent, Hugh Alexander Bro^m, (B.S., I9II, M.S., I91U, and E.B., I92O, University of Illinois), taught t'.70 years as Instructor in Electrical Engineering at the University of Arkansas, one year as Instructor in Sii^ialing in the School of Military Aero- nautics at the University of Illinois, one year as Instructor at Pennsylvania State College, and cane to the University of Illinois in Sf,ptenbcr, I920, as Instructor in Electrical Engineering, He was nade Associate in I921, Assistant Professor in 1925, Associate Professor in 1937, and Professor of Electrical Engineering in 1939. Professor Brown was author of a textbook entitled "Radio Frequency Electrical Mpasurenents", and V7as joint author of five bulletins issued by the Engineering Expcrincnt Station. He v:as closely associated with radio dovelopracnt and with radio activities on the campus \intil his death on Ecbniary 25, I9U5. John Otto Kraehenbuehl, (B.S. in E.E. and also M.E., I917, University of Tonnessoo; M.S., 1922, and E.E., I926, University of Illinois), Ife was engaged in engineering practice during 1917-20. He becatio Instructor at the University of Tennessee and served in that capacity during 1921-22. H^ then cane to the University of Illinois and served successicely as Instructor, Associate, Assistant Pj.ofessor, and Associate Professor fron 1922 to 1939 . Since 1939, he has been Ppofcssor of Electrical Engineering. Ho is co-author with Professor Max A, Eaucett of "Machines in Electrical Engineering", of "Circuits in Electrical Engineering", and of "Circuits and Machines in Electrical Engineering", and is author of "Electrical Illuninntion" . ^q is co- author of one bulletin and is the author of two circulars of the Engineering Bxperinent Station. Herbert Joseph Beich , (M.E. , I92U, M.S. in Thysics, 192^, n.nd Fh.E. in Physics, 1928 Cornell University), was Instructor in Machine Deisgn at Cornell during I92U-25, and Assistant in Thysics and Instructor in Physics there during 1925-29. H^ came to the University of Illinois in I929 and served ns Assistant Professor of Electrical Eng- ineering until 1936 and Associate Pj-ofessor from I936 to 1939' Since 1939. ^e has been Professor of Electrical Engineering, although he has been on leave of absence for war service since January 1, 19^^i with the Radio Research Laboratory at Hr.rvard University. Professor Reich is the author of the text, "Theory and Application of Electron Tubes". H^ has written extensively for the leading scientific journals and has designed and invented numerous electronic devices. Charles Alva Keener, (3.S., I919, University of Kansas; M.S., I92O, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and E.B., I929, University of Illinois), joined the staff at the University of Illinois in September, I929, as Instructor in Electrical Eng- ineering. H^ became Associate in I927, but left the University in I929 to engage in electrical-engineering practice for one year. Ho returned in Sf^ptember, 1930, with the title of Assistant Pj,ofessor, Hp was made Associp.te Pj.^^®^^*^^ ^^ 1937« ''^^ 'Pj.ofessor in 19^3. H^ is joint author of two bulletins of the Engineering Experi- ment Station. c. ASSOCIATE PRCFESSCHS Edward Hardonbergh Waldo , (A.3., 1888, Amherst College; M.E., I89O, Cornoll Univ- ersity; and M.S., I913 andE.B., I917, University of Illinois), was employed in engineering practice during I89O-93, and was Instinictor in Electrical Engineering at the University of r^nnsylvania during I89U-I90U. Aftc^r three years' experience in practice again, Mj.. Waldo cnxie to the University of Illinois as Assistant Professor of Electrical Design. He became Associate Pj^ofcssor of Electrical Engineer- ing in 1931 and remained with the department until he reached the University age limit on September 1, 193^» when ho was retired with the title Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Emeritus. Ernest Alexander Reid, (B.S., I9II, Mississippi Agricultural and M'chanical College; 1 Professor Reich resigned on Septeipber 1, 19U5, to accept a position at Yale U71 B.S., 191^*, M.S., 1915, and E.E., 1927, Univyrelty of IlllnoiB), Joined the College staff here in September, 1917, as Instructor In Electrical Engineering, after two years' teaching ojqperlence at the University of Minnesota and one year In practice. He hecane Aeeoclate In 1920, Aeslsrtant Professor In 1923, and Associate Professor In 1931, and has remained vlth the University to date (19'*5). John Kline Tuthlll . (B.S., I91U, and B.E., 1925, University of IlUnole), vas engaged In engineering practice for a number of years before he Joined the University of Illinois School of Military Aeranatitlcs In I917. He served as Instructor In this work during 1917*18, and then returned to practice. In September, 1920, he became Research Associate In Railway Electrical Engineering In the Department of Railway Engineering, and Assistant Professor In 1921. He was made Associate Professor In 1932. When the Department of Railway Ihglneerlng was dissolved In I9I+O, Professor Tuthlll was assigned to the Department of Electrical Engineering to teach electrical and railway electrical subjects. He Is author of a textbook entitled "Transit Baglneerlng" . For the last several years, Professor Tuthlll has had charge of the Jointly-owned University of Illlnols--Illlnola Central Railroad dyiiamoneter car, handling It for both Instructional and experimental purposes. Max Albert Faucett . (B.S., 1921, and M.S., 192lf, Rose Polytechnic Institute; E.E., 1929, University of Illinois), became Instructor in Electrical Bktglneerlng at the University of Illinois in I923, Associate in 1931, Assistant Professor in 1937, and Associate Professor in 194U. He is co-author of a textbook entitled "Machines in Electrical Engineering", of another "Circuits in Electrical Etagineering" , and of still another "Circuits and Machines in Electrical Engineering". He is also co-author of one bulletin of the Engineering Experiment Station. Luther Bunyan Archer . (B.S., 1922, University of Texas; M.S., 1921+, and E.E., 1930, University of Illinois), Joined the College staff here in 192U as Assistant in Electrical Engineering and became Instructor in I926, Associate in 1930, and Assistant Professor in I938, and Associate Professor in 19^*5. Carl Eric Skroder . (B.S., 1921, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; M.S., I929, University of Illinois) , was eng?loyed in engineering practice until he came to the 'f^^t'^r".-' ■II— BiOXll ti*loo8BA dsrUBMHiH; 471a University here In October, 1925, as Ixxetructor In Electrical Engineering. He was made Associate In 1931, Assistant i'rofessor in 1938, and Associate Professor In 19U5. Professor SDcroder Is author of a textbook entitled "Laboratory Analysis of Direct-Current Machines." Harold Nathaniel Hayvard . (B.S., 1925, M.S., 1930, and E.E., 19^1, University of Illinois) , was engaged In practice until he became Instructor In Electrical Engineering here In September, 1929. He was made Associate In 193^*, Assistant Professor in 19^1, and Associate Professor In 19l*5. He was on leave of absence from November 15, I9UU, until August 3I, I9U5, to serve In the Bureau of Ships of the U.S. Navy, Gilbert Howard Fett . (B.S., 1931, and Ph.D., 191^0, University of Illinois; M.S. 1932, Iowa State College) , after graduate work at Iowa State College was employed In engineering practice until he Joined the College staff here In 1935 as Assistant In Electrlcea Engineering. He was made Instructor In 1937, Associate In 19l*l, Assistant Professor In 191^3, and Associate Professor In 19^5. He Is Joint author of a text entitled "Introduction to Circuit Analysis" . Edward Conrad Jordan . (B.S., 193**, and M.S., 1936, University of Alberta; Ph.D. , 191*0, Ohio State University) served as teacher at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and at Ohio State and was for a tine engaged In research at Ohio State with the Reaearoh Foundation before he came to the University of Illinois in October, I9U5, as Associate Professor of Electrical aiglneerlng. He is co-author with W, L. Everltt of a textbook entitled "Fundamentals of Radio" . d. Assistant Professors Bernard Victor Swenson . (B.S. In E.E. and B.S. in M.E., 1893, and M.E., I9OI, University of Illinois; E.E., 19OI, University of Wisconsin), served as Instructor in Electrical Engineering In the Department of Physics at the University here during 1893-95, and as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical aiglneerlng dixrlng I895-98. He left to accept an appointment at the University of Wisconsin. William Hand Broyne . Jr., (A.B., I89O, Johns Hopkins University) , was employed for a number of years after graduation in engineering practice, then served as Instructor o^Alooe- 1+72 in Electrical Sngincerins at the UnivcrDit:,- of Nptraska fron 1896 to I89S, after which he cane to the University of Illinoic as Assistant Professor of Slectrical Bn^inecrinf-r. Ho ronained here until I902, \*ion he resif^ned and later becane P1.0- fessor of Physics and Electrical SngineoriUi- at North C,,rolina State College of Agriculture and Mochanic Arts. Still later, he bocaiio Professor of Electrical Engineering and Head of the Department '.t that institution, where he h;is renained to the present tine (19U5) , Wm 1 nn H9n ry m 1 H q^c^^ (B.E.S., I896, University of Wisconsin), was engaged in teaching work after graduation and caric to the University of Illinois in 1902 as Assistnjat Professor of Electricfj. Engineering. H^, remained here three years and left to enter coonercial TOrk. Thonas Mooney Oa r lnor, (B.K.H,. , I092, Purdue University; M.l'I.E., I896, Cornell University), vjas employed in practical work and in teaching positions fron IS92 to 1905i after which he 'bccmnc Assistant Professor of Electrical Ent^^nooring here. He withdrew at the end of the school year, however, to accept a position ^t Oregon State College. Harry Petcnnan Wood. (3.S., I899, .-indE.E., I903, Pennsylvania State College) , served as Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois during the year I906-O7, after having been engaged in engineering practice for a tii.ic, and as Assistant Professor at his alna nater during I902-O6. Hq with- drew to accept ,an apointacnt as Professor of Electrical Engineering at Georgia Institute of TechnolOf^y, J;uies Myron Bryant. (3.S., I9OI, ?uid E.E. , I909, Worcester Poly tecl-inic Institute; M.S., 1911, University of Illinois), bec.-u.ie Instructor in Electrical Engineering here at the University in I903, Associate in 1907, and Assistant Professor in I909. He resigned in Septeuber, I91U, to t,nke a position as Head of the Dopartncnt of Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas, where he renained until I928, During 1925-29, he gave attention to .consulting practice, after which he joined the staff at the University of L'iinnesota as Professor of Electrical Engineering •md Head of the Dopartnent, and has continued there to date. Professor Bryant Is Joint author of one bulletin of the Engineering Sxperincnt Station at the University of Illinois. ^73 rhilir Sheridan Bicglcr, (B.S., 1905, :ind E.E. , I915. University of Wisconsin; M.S. 1916, University of Illinois), wns in turn, Instructor and Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Iowa during I906-O9, He was engaged in engineoring practice during I909-IO, and was Assist?int Professor of Electrical if Engineering )*t at Purdue University in I9IO-II, and Professor of Electrical Engineer- ing at the University of Montana during I9II-I3. Hg joined the staff at the Univers- ity of Illinois in I913 as Assistant Fj.ofessor of Electricnl Engineering, and re- mained here \intil Septemb.^r, I9IS, when he withdrew? to hecome Associate Editor of the Electrical World. After three years in that position, he went to the S^ate College of Washington as Associate PpOfessor of Electrical Engineering. I^ I923 he became Professor of Eloc+:ric;il Engineering and H^ad of the Department at the Univ- ersity of Southern California, where he has remained to date. In addition, during 192&,.19Uc, he served as Dean of the College of Engineering there. Trygve D. Yensen . (B.S., I907, M.S., I912, andE.S., I913; ;uid Ph. D. in Physics, 1927, California Institute of Technology), spent n year with the General Electric Company, then a year C19C8-O9) as Assistant in the D»p->.rtmcnt of Electrical Engineer- ing at Illinois. Following another year in practice, M^. Yensen came to the Univ- ersity as an Assistant in the Engineering Experiment Station, After five years he became Eirst Assistant in the Station and in January, I916, became Research Assis- tant Professor in Electrical Engineering. He resigned in July, I916, to accept a position with the W^stinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company in their Research Laboratory. At present, he is Manager of the Magnetic Department of that company. He was awarded the Edison medal by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in 190s, and the Ho'.'c M^dal by the American Society for Mr^t£as in 1935* ^c is author of four biilletins and co-author of one more, published 'tiy the Engineering Experiment Station. He has developed many patents and has contributed many papers to the technical press. Ira William Pisk^ (B.S., I909, and M.S., I913, University of Illinois), served as Assistajit in Electrical Engineering here during I9IO-II, Instructor during I9II-I3, as Associate during I913-I7, and as Assistant professor during 1917^18. He resigned In Septeniber, I918, to 'become Head of the Departsidnt of Electrical euod Mechanical Engineering at Drexel Institute. Later he Joined a firm of ccneultlng engineers In New Yoric City. Albert Janes Bbel . (A.B., 1937, University of Iowa; M.3,, 19^3, University of Illinois), who hecame Chief Engineer of the radio station W-I-L-L In 1937, Joined the staff In September, 19'*'*, aa Assistant Professor to assist for a time In the Instructional work of the Extension Division end later In the regular work of the Departnent. He ireslgned In Febiruary, 19*^6, to enter commercial radio practice. Harry Wallace Horn . (A.B., 1930, University of Kansas; B.S., 1935, University of Illinois; and M.S., 1937, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), was made Instructor In Electrlced flaglneering here In September, 1937, Associate In 19¥^, and Assistant Professor In 19^5* He was on leave of absence for war service from July 1, I9UU, until July 1, 19^*6. Marlon Stanley Helm . (B.S., 1933, and M.S., 193l», University of Illinois), became Instructor In Electrical flaglneerlng at the University In September, 1938, after spending four years In engineering practice. He was promoted to tho rank of Associate In. 19^^, and Assistant Professor In 19^5* George Roland Felrce . (B.S., I936, and M.S., 1937, University of Illinois), was employed In englneertng practice after graduation until he Joined the College staff here In September, I938, as Instructor In Electrical Engineering. He has made Assistant Professor in I9I15. .■>.JK: X vx^ oc.tv.^■oa•. -i;. ^15 0. ASSOCIATES Thouns H-yncr Anrinc, (B.S., I906, .-u'ld 3.3., I9O8, University of Illinois), served as Assistant in Electrical En/rinocrlng in the Bnf^ineorin;;; Sxperinent Station during 1906-07, as First Assistant durin,^ I907-O9, and Associate durin,^ I909-IO, during which tiue he was author of two bulletins and co-author of one noro, published by the Snginecring Experinont Station. H^ rcsif^ncd f ron the University to enter enf^inccrini'^ practice with the General Sicctric Conpany, his last position with the organization bcin^^ liana,;cr for Japan, v/hcre he and his faiiily perished in the Tokio Earthquake on S(Vptenber 1, I923. Leonard Vau^'han Janes. (B.S., 1906, and U.S., I912, University of Illinois), spent a year in industry, then caiie to the University in Soptenber, I907, as Assistant in Electrical Enginoerinn. Ho was laadc Instructor in I909, and Associate in I913. He v.'ithdrcv/ in Soptenber, I9I8, to bcconc H<>ad of the En^^ineers Division, School of Military Aeronautics, at Austin, Texas. Charles Ruby Moore, (B.S, in E.B. aaid B.S, in M.E., I907, and E.E., I9IO, Purdue University), served as Instructor in Electrical Sncincerinf: at Purdue during 1907-10, ,-md as Assistnjit Professor there during I9IO-I3. He was enga-ed in engineering practice during I9I3-IU, after which he served as Instructor in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois fron Epbruary to September, 1915. He was made Associate in I915, but withdrew in June, I916, to engage in engineering practice again. Frcei.ian Thayer Tingley. (B,S.. 1922, Bucknell University; U.S., I929, University of Illinois), served as Associate in Electrical Engineering for the year I929-30 to tpicQ the place of Charles Alvin Keener, who was on leave of absence. He left at the end of the acadcoic year to bcconc Assistajit Professor of Electrical Engineering at Cienson College. Laurence Lewis Snith, (B.S., I927, University of Nebraska; M.S., 1937, and LL.B., 1939, University of Illinois), was cnploycd in practical work until he Joined the College staff hero in I929 as I^^structor in Electrical Engineering. He was nade Associate in I93U, and continued with the D^partnent until the smiiier of I9U1, 476 whan he withdrew to take an e^potntment with the General Electric Coinpany. He Is author of one bulletin of the BnglneerinL Eaqperlnent Station. Wllllain Joseph Warren . (B.S., I93I, University of Santa Clara; M.S., I933, and Ph.D., 1936, University of .Illinois), became Assistant in Electrical Saglneerlng at flhe University of Illinois In September, 193'*> and Instructor In 1935. He withdrew from the University in 1936 to accept a position in engineering practice, but returned to the Department in September, 1938, as Associate in Electrical aiglneerlng. He withdrew from this position during the sunner of 19*^1 to tate charge of the work in electrical engliwering at the University of Santa Clara. f . Instructors and Pesearch Assistants Frank Gardner Vlllson . (B.S., I903, University of Wisconsin; M.S., I9I3, University of Illinois), served as Instructor in Electrical Engineering at the University here from I905 to 1913, whan he resigned to become Head of the Department of Applied Electricity at Wentworth Institute. Edgar Issac Wenger , See Reilway flagineering, Chater XX. Harry Gray Hake . (B.S., I907, M.S., 19IO, and E.E., 1913, University of Illinois) , imnedlately after graduation became Aseistant in Electrical aiglneerlng here, then Instructor, and remained with the Department until July, 1913, wben he withdrew to accept a position at Washington University, St. Louis. He is Joint author of one bulletin published by the Sigineering Experiment Station. Frank Carlton. Loiljie, (B.S., 190**, Purdue University; M.A., I907, Columbia University) , was engaged in teaching work and practice for a time after graduation, then in 1912 Joined the staff at the University of Illinois as Instructor in Electrical Engineering. i.M iatan .a,fl) »«; 'f.'» Yf' ^e,('' Cft'ff ^ir? U77 He rcnaincl here only until Novcntcr, 1913f when he '.Tithdrew to boconc connected •/ith Governnent service at Washini^ton, D.C. John Willi an Davis. (M.S., I9IO, Cornell University; M.S., I9I7, University of Illinois), served as Agsistant in Sluctrical -^f^inccrinf^ at Earvard University durinc": I9IO-II, as Instructor in Mathenatics and Physics at Vanderbilt University during I912-I3, and as Instructor in Slectrical -^gineerinc at Lel.and Stanford University durin/^ I913-IU. He c-^jne to the University of Illinois in 19l4 as Instructor in Electrical Ent-^incerin,:; ajid rcnained here until Sgptenber, I9I7, V7hen he TTithdrev? to ,^0 into Military service, Walter Arthur aat'.7ard. (3.S., I913, Washin^^on State Collc^To; M.S., I916. University of Illinois), was uadc Hcscarch Assistant in Electrical ^nginecrin;: here in Scptcnber, I916, b\it uithdrev/ in March, I9I8, to enter eni-rincerin.: practice. He is joint author of one bulletin of the Eii^-inccrin.': Experinent Station. Peter Jacob Nilscn. (B.S., I915, University of Illinois), spent a year in practice 77ith the Illinois Public Service Coniiission, then in Scpteiibcr, I916, becaiie Instructor in Electrical Enj^ineerinfi hero. He resigned, ho-vevor, in May, I917, to take a, position in pra.ctice again, Paul Henry Burkhart. (B.S., I916, University of Illinois), spent t'.70 years as Assistaxit at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology!, then Joined the College staff here in Septenber, I9IS, as Instmctor in Electrical Engineering, He regained until Jxine, 1922, when he accepted an appointr.ient in the Departnent of Electrical Engineering at Yale University. G-eorgc Sins Parker, (E,3., 191^. Syracuse University), becarae Ij^structor in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois in Septenber, I920, but left in June, 1922, to be Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Syracuse University. Cornelius Shiland Bullions, (E.E., I916, Rennselear Polytechnic Institute), was engaged in practice for several years after graduation before he joined the College staff here in Septe:--iber, I921, as I^^structor in Electrical Engineering. Hg remained here until Septenber, 1925^ ^^^^ l^g accepted a position as electrical engineer vri.th the Pcnn Public Sorvlco Conpnny at Johnstov/n, Pennsylvania. ;abcrt Lylc Chavannes. (B.S., I9I8, University of Tcnnesueu), -r^nt several years as a tcnChcr at the University of Tennessee, then cnxic to the University hero as Instructor in Electrical Sni~ineorin,7; in Scptcnbcr, 1922, He v/ithdre'^ in June, 1923, to accept an appointnent -.7ith the Southern California Edison Co;.ipany at Lqs An.r-^eles. Er.ank Charles MpCk, (E.S.. I913. Coluiibia University; A.Ii. in Physics, I916, University of liichi.-an), bccaiie Instructor in Electrical -^nt'jincerin,-; here in February, 192U. Ho rcnained here until Ju,ne, I926. Harold Funstron Huff nan, (B.S., I92U, University of Kansas), follo'7ed ein.-inccring practice until ho cane to the University of Illinois in I926 as Instructor in Electrical En.-inoorin;^. Ho rcnained here until I929, '.vhen lie accepted nil appointnent at Southern Methodist University. Arthur Willis Hershy, _ (B.B.E., I925, Ohio State University; U.S., 1929, University University of Illinois), bocane Instructor in Electrical Ent^incorini- hero in Sept- enber, 1926, and continued in that position until Scptenbcr, 1929. ^^hen he took a position '.vith Leeds & IT^^rthrup Conpany. Maurice Coffyn Holnes. (B.S., I925, University of West Viri^inia; M.S., I927, Massachusetts Institute of TcclinolOiiy) , served as Special Research Assistant here fron Spptenber, 192g, to July, I929. Lloyd Parker Morris, (3.S.. 192o, University of Illincjis), served as Special Research Assistant in Electrical Ens-ineerin.3 fron September, I929, to March, I932. Robert Stanley Jorrlan, (B.S., I93O, and M.S., I93I, University of Illinois), was Instructor in Electrical Enf-^incorin,-: fron October, I93I, to February, 1932. Charles B. Krause, (3.E., I92I, andE.E., I927, University of lo-ja) , served as Instructor (half tine) in Electrical EnninecrinH here durin;-: 193^-35. Janes Curtis Mace, Jr., (Ph.B. , I929, Ripon College; M.S.,193U, and Ph.D., I9U0, University of Illinois), bccanc Instructijr in Electrical En,'^inccrinf-" here in Septenbcr, 193g. He was i^ivon a leave of absence on Novenber 7, 19^2, to go into 'War rrork. l^79 Janas Hsniy Smith , (B.E. and M.S., 1931, University of Cincinnati), epent several years In engineering practice and later served as Head of the Department of Slectrlcal Saglneerlng at Detroit Institute of Technology. He l>ecame Instructor In Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois In September, 1939, and remained here xmtll the sunmer of 19lfl, vrtien he withdrew to enter engineering practice again. Louis Richard Bloom . (B.S., 1938, and M.S., 1939 and 19U1, University of Illinois) hecane Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering in September, 19'^0, and remained with the University until December, 19^3. He is Joint author of one bulletin and one circular Issued by the Engineering Experiment Station. Albert David Bailey . (A.B., 1936, Iowa State Teachers College; B.S., 1938, Iowa State College), became Instructor in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois in September 19^1, and heis retained that position to date, although he was given a leave of absence on July 1, 19*+^, to Join the U.S. Navy. Wendell Earl Miller . (B.S., 1936, University of Illinois) Joined the staff at the Ifalversity of Illinois in September, 19^*1, as Instructor in Electrical Engineering. He was granted a leave of absence on December 1, 19^3, to enlist in the U.S Navy. Paul Fowler Schwarzlose . (B.S., I928, University of Illinois), came to the University in Septeni>er, 19^*1, as Instructor in Electrical Engineering, and has remained with the staff to date (19'U^) . G. SUMMARY General - Electrical BJagineering was at first a division of Physics and was also closely associated with Mechanical Ehgineerlng. The rapid development of electricity in its application to arc and incadeacent lighting and to small power-plant operation, however, offered an opportunity for the organization of a separate department to train sen in these particular fields. Then later, the ,04. i-^at^Jf frf 4nB*B2«aA ■ rtla^di ftMf £jCfr U80 ^ro-/7th of facilities in tolcphony, illuninntion, central-station po'7er production and distribution, transportation, radio and electronics fiirthor extended the possibilities for trainin,^ alons these particular lines and brou,:ht about such an enrollncnt of students as to nnke the Departnent one of the najor units in the Collef-Tc. The Departnent has al'.7ays attcnptcd to naintain its laboratory facilities sone- thin^like parallel to dcvelopncnts in industry, althour^ it has net with sone difficulty in this direction because of the rapid succession of chai^'cs that h-^vc cone about in practice. In spite of chanj];in^- conditions, thour:h, its in- structional prOf-rnJ.! has been systcnatically sound and has not uaterially deviated fron its original objectives of turnin..^ out a bo.iy of .T-'aduatcs that '-muld be able to enter .any phase of the industry and servo '.vith distinction in tncir chosen profession. As opportunity has presented itself, the nenbers of the staff itnve devoted as nuch tine as they could spare fron their instructional work to carry on research projects in their particular line of speciraization. In lar^-e neasure, they have been successful in these attenpts and have been able to produce sone najor contributions tovvards the dcvelopi.ient of this rapidly-expandint-^ industry. U21 CHAPT3H XV ■ ■ TH3 DSPAHaMBxOT OP RAILWAY SUGINESHIKG- A. ORGANIZATIONS ?0R RAILWAY INSTRUCTIOII^ Railwpy 3nc-ineoririi^.- In 1S93, the Dcpartncnt of Mechanicfd EnrTinccrinj; 'besrin to offer a curiculur.i arrani-cd for students prcparin;--: to enter the notivc-powcr dcpartncnt of rail'.7nj' service. The curriculun continued to attract souc interest ar-ion.-: students; and 'ffith this as a nucleus, the Board of Trustees, on Januar;/- 30, 1906, authorized the or.---.nization of the Dcpartncnt of Raj.lT7ay ^n.-^ineering -/ith 1 The followin,:; letter froii President Jajics addressed to Derm J.M, Ihltc under d.atc of January 3, igOo, has -;cncral interest in this connection: "I have for soric years felt that soncmoro in the United States shoiild be ort-;anized a school for the trainin- of railway/ cnployos and nana;:'crs in all different departncnts of railv;ay service. "Since iDcinr-: hero I have wondered --hether we had not the foundation al- ready laid for the erection of such a school,- a school perhaps to be called a School of Railway 3ii.":inoorin:-: njid Mana; 'enent or sonc sinilar title. "We ni,:ht sinply --^roup to^Qthcr for this purpose the various courses in cn,-;ineerin.-; vhich arc offered in the Bnt-^incerins^ College and the courses of transportation considerably enlar;%-ed which arc given in the College of literature ind Arts, so as to offer a center for the study of railway problens of -ill sorts,- en.'^ineoring, organization, rate naking, financiering, aoninis- t ration. "If the tiuo has cone when the creation of such a school is feasible and if we can undertake it here, I believe it will be of narked advantage to the University. "Such a school ni'ht be organized without interfering with the adninis- trativc organization of the University at all, soncwhat along the lines of the School of Education which has been roccntly organized. It wo\ild be necessary probably to add to our forco of instraotara a director of the school,.- a nan known for nis ability in scce line of railroad work. "This of course v/ould be a natter of detail. "I v/ould be glad if you would lay this suggestion before the College of Engineering and if it seens to the faculty that there Is anything of value in it to appoint a connittee to consider it rjid nake a report upon it." Faithfully yours, (Signed) Br^rund J. Janes. The Connittcc appointed consisted of Pj-ofessor Baker, Talbot, and Breckenridge, who after careful consideration, reconriended that steps be tnJken inraediately in the direction of President Janes' suggestion, but that instead of a separate School, only a Departnent of Railway Engineering '.Tithin the College of Engineer- in;-: be established at that tine with three divisions,- one in railv/ay civil engineering, one in railway laechanical .and electrical engineerin ::, ?^jid one in railway/ administration, the latter dealing with courses coni.ion to the railway curricula and possibly sone special railway topics and with a nunber of courses 1+82 po\7cr to offer three curricul-,- r-.il'.^'y civil m 'inc. rin -, i-.ilwey oloctric-l ci-i.-iiiccrinn, and railway nech.anicnl Zn/^incorini^,- for it vjas thou,.:;ht th.-^.t by offerinr; additional specialized trainiU;:: and broadening the field of instruction, the University could render a valuable service to the railway interests of the State and Nation, which at that tine v;cre at the penk of their construction prof^ran. The curricula in railwa:^' civil and railway uechanical cn(p.neerinc were intended prinarily for those who expected to enter the services of stenxi roads in the dcpartnents of construction and maintenance of wr'y and of notive power. The curricului in railw.ay electrical enf-:ineerin;^ was arran>':ed for those who woiild find enployj.ient on electric railways or in the service of steon roads with electrified lines. Railway Enginccrin,?; and Adinnistration.- Por a nunber of years prior to the or- ganization of the Eepartinent of Railway En-iincerin/:;, courses in railway aduinis- tration had been offered in the Department of Ecnnonics in the Collej^o of Literature and Arts, in which special attention was boin,' t^ven to corporate and financial oTi^anization, econonic location, traffic nana.?enent , rate n.akin..-', railway accounting-;, etc. At the suAVtestion of President J.anes, v/ho saw an oppor- tunity for a conprehensive plan of education for railway service by coordinating the work offered in railway en.-incerin,-: and railway adtiinistration, there was or^Tanized the School of Railway En;-;inoorin,-: and Acliainistration,- ,an action approved by the Board of Trustees on January 22, I907. As stated in the I907-OS issue of the Register, the purposes of this School were: " To noet the deviand for technically-trained nen for railway service-not only for the en^inecrinr- departnents, but for the financial, traffic and oper- ating- departnents as well,™ there has been established a School of Railway Snp;ineerinr and Adiiinistration, from the Dcpartnent of Bconouics. As the pl.an was finally workcdout, how- ever there was established at that tine three separate curricula 111 railway cn^ineerin.-,-one in railway civil en.rinccrinr:, one m railway electrical enrincorinr-, and one in railway nechanic-al enr-ineerin::, - and next year there was provided the School of Railway Sn^ineerin,- and Adninistration according to President Janes • idea with the Dean of the College of Engineering as director. k83 "It is the function of this school to coordinntc the various facilities of the University so as to provide specialized trainin,T for all branches of railv/ay service. In dcvelopin,-; the plan, there has 'boen created in the Colleco of Enftincer- ^ in/^, a separate departncnt of railway cn<;incorin::;; ■md the departiiont of econonics of the Collct^c of Literature and ^irts has added to its Ijusiness courses, one in railvray adninistration." "It is the purpose of this school to provide courses of trainin,";; -vhich shall prepare ncn to 'bccone efficient •.•/orkcrs on steai: and electric rail'vnys in all departncnt s except the le^al." A circular issued in I913 dGscribiUi'; the Transportation Buildin,";, the Locomotive Laboratory, and the Minin,^ Laboratory, containod the follo-.Tin,'^ state- nont conccrninf':; the School of R.ail'^ay Sn^inoerin,^ and Adninistration: "Illinois is second r\,\on{; the statns of the Union in its nile.^e of rail- way tracks, and t-;onty-t'.7o per cent of the porplo in the st,"te dcpcnd-for their support upon tr.-ide and the transportation interests. In vie',7 of those facts, the Trustees have decncd it important tlxat the activities of the University enbrace such lines of instniction and research as '-/ill best prepare Men for positions of responsibility in the rail'way service." The activities of the School of Hail'.Tay Snginecrin^; and Adninistration were suspended in I917 \7hcn sono of the Icadinj rionbers of its faculty \7crc called away for service in World War I, and tho School vas never re-cst-'.blishcd. B. 03TIC3, CLASSROOM, AITO IHA'TIHG-HOOM ACCOMMODATIONS G-cncral.- Fron the tine of its or^-^anization in igo6 until the conplction of the Transportation Buildin;-; in I912, the Dopartncnt of Eail^/ay Sn^^inoerinc had -its officers, classroons, an.d drav/inj:; roons in Ent^incerin,^ Hall. As soon as tho Transportation Buildin;^ was ready for occupancy, the Departi.ient took over the entire first floor of that buildin^^. Tho departncnt office was in Boon 101, where it renained until the Departncnt was dissolved in I9U0, Eoon II7 was used as a students' study roon and Roon 202 on the second floor was token over for a joint library for Railway and Minin,-^ 4i,'inoering. Because at tines there -.718 no nttcnd.nnt and because of other difficulties, the library vras abandoned in I91S, '.7hen nost of the books were deposited in the no-'ly-fonied En;;^inoorin,-: Library. C. F0K3IGN STUD3ira ZmOLU^SI^T Forci;?. Students in Hail-.vay Work.- Because of their inherent interest in rail- -.vay lines, n-'jny forcif-^i students -vore enrolled in rail'vay classes. There were both undcrL;T'iduates and graduates in this .;rnup, the lar,-est sin-rlc representation bcin.,' Chinese, practicpJLly all of whnn caiic nith scholarships ondo'vod or sub- sidized by their nation-d or local ,';ovcrniicnts. Because these scholarships v.'cre coiipetitivG, nost of these students ca le -Tith hi,'h scholastic records, and continued to naintain such records durin;-: their comiections ;7ith the University. Their lack of practical experience in their chosen fields operated sonewhat as a h'tndicap to n.•^r;y of then, ho'.Tovnr, but it scciiod to spur then on to ,^eater effort in their attenpts to nake the best of their opportunities while studying? and travclin.^ in this country. There is no '7ay to estiriate oven the value of the training which these non received, but there is anplo reason to believe thn.t the experience they fvained here has been turned to profit in nany ways, in the in- proved operation of the comion carriers of their respective Injids, and in advanc- ing; to higher levels the professional standards of their several scientific and adj.iinistrative personnel. 3. ISuATIONS WITH L0C.4L HAIL WAYS General.- The follo\7inr^ statenent, t.Tken fron the I907-O8 issue of the University Rc.-:ister, indicates the fortunate position in which the University found itself in its relations with the local railways; "Three stean roads - the Illinois Central, the Cleveland, Cincinatti, Chica^'ro, and St. Louis, and the Wabash Hpili'oads- and an electrical interurban road- the Illinois Tiactioa Systen- enter Ch;inpai;'::n ,-^nd Urbana. The departncnt enjoys the interest -u'ld cooperation of the officers of these railways aiid is afforded by their courtesy, nu.neri-us opportunities for practicpl road tests and field work. The division shops of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chica^^o, and St. Louis Railroad arc located in Urbana, and provide ad'Utioaal opportunity for sinilar work." Hg5 3. D3VZL0PMEKT 0? LJ?OIU-^OHY F^CILITISS .IN BA1L\L\Y 3MGINEERING Genornl.- The laboratory equipnont iiaintainGd by the Dcpartnent of Railway BnpinecririH in I9U0, '.vhor. the Dcpartncnt '.7as discontinued, included a loconotive tcstin^: plant, a bmJcc-shoe tcstini'^ pl'^^it, aji electric rail'.vv l-^-'ooratoiy, a dynaiiOMctcr car or stcr.ji rail'.7.iy teat car, an electric rail'7a,y test car, a drop~ test nachine, an assciibly nf air-brajcc cquipncr.t, ^aid a proup of rail'jny sifinn.1 nochanians. Many of those facilities, described at sone len.;-th in the follo\7in;-: paragraphs, are still in use in 19^5i but they have been transferred to other depart. lent s. - Loconotive Testing Plant.- Because of the nany inherent difficulties involved in the conduct of loconotive road tests due to uncerti^intios nrisinr^ fron opcrat- in,-: conditions aiid to variations in the conditions of traffic, '.7ind and '.vcathor, and track and roadr?,ay, the loconotive laboratory has been developed as an aj-jency for obviatin,?; these problcns. The fact, torj, that in the laboratory the loconotive operates as a fixed nachine, thereby pomittin,-:; the use of delicate accessory apparatus in testin,,- as in any other stati'-nary por/cr plant, and adnittin,- of a dc.~rce of accuracy not possible in the conduct of road tests, is a najor ar£;unent fo,vorin'"; the tcstinf; plant. The nountiniT^ nechonisn for rcccivin;: the loconotive to bo tested, '.7ith ',7hich the laboratory at the University of I-j^linois -jas equipped in 1912, was of ori,^inal desi.-n njid of such capacity as to f-jivc accoiaodatinn to the larf^cst- loconotive built includin,:; the M'lllet and articulated types. Supportin,-:; '/rheels were de- siiined to carry the loconotive drivers, -one f/hoel for each driver on the loconotive. The po'.7cr tnnsnitted to such suponrtin,-"; wheels throuj^h friction bet'veen the two sets of wheels, was absorbed by a hydraulic brake which consisted of three cast- iron disks keyed to a suppoi'ting axle, eacli disk revolving betv/een two copper t plates attached to the surroundia.-^ stationary casin,; -mri fornin;'^ a closed conpar.ient 1. It is interesting to note that the ilidvale Steel Conpany of Philadelphia donated to the University the four pairs of supporting wheels and axles. The natorials were nadc of heat-treated steel of unusually hi.:*^ .^rade and represented the finest product of this sort obtainable. The nonetary value of the ,iift was $2,700:- The Techno/^raph, Decenbor, 1912, Paj?;e 29. The surf cos of the c- at- iron fli ^i:s -nc" co:rr-r ciif hr-;xis th- t -ore in nutunl cent- ct, .!■:.:- luoric-.tcd b;^ •• continuou;? ilo-' of oil unclor prs.v-,ur:;; ;uiri op^iosite 3urf: ccR of the copier 'lipphr- ns '"rr.- cooled b;- circtil- ",inr "^ter. a'hc pressure of the coolin: •? trr could on V' I'ind oy nn^ns of suit-jic vlv-n in rccordnnce ith Ihf; ,<--nount of po-'or to "09 -bso'^'bed. Tlie entire pov.'.-?r of the loconotivc •.'PS thus disp-':o--'tr^!l •'t t;ie ;:urf"re of th". copp r dirphr- y.\^, rli,/ of :i '.vi-i.rin^' he-ri -^n-A r ".'oi^hin-; sc-^le, dcsi.m'l f-nd built oy thrD .dlli n o-ll-r- Conp-n, of Fuil- el-;.ii.-. .lithiu th;^ -oLhin;!; I'o- rl -ra in oil cn'>j,ibf;:' v/ith n flexible ■.wli, which received and balanced any force transmitted through copper tubes of small bore to a smaller oil chamber, the pressure within which moved the beam of a substantial but very sensitive scale. The force transmitted to the dynammoetnr was thus weighed. The capacity of this dynamometer was such as to permit th<;- measurement of a force as -great as 125,000 pounds, and yet so delicate as to permit great accuracy when the forces to be measured wore small. Tv;o spoci.-il features of this part of the plant were that the adjustment of the poise weight on the scale beam "-/as accomplished automatically, and that the amount of the force -.veighod on the scale '7as recorded autographically. The laboratory was equipped with an elevator for use in carrying fuel from the storage bin to the firing platform, './ith scales upon which to weigh the coal as fired, and with a series of weighing tanks by the use of -/hich the amount of water delivered to the boiler could be accurately determined. There wore steam- engine indicators for measuring the power developed in the cylinders and a supply of thermometers, pyrometers, and calorimeters for use in studying the behavior of the various parts of the whole machine. A new method was employed in this laboratory for disposing of the exhaust gases and in determining the amount of fuel lost in the exh;iust, the latter being an item of considerable importance. Hpretofore to detcrmino the fuel lost 1, These br>ikos were designed .and furnished by Professor G-,1. Alden of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. 4S7 in the exhaust gases, it had been customary to collect in a snjnpling tube the solid matter -.vhich passed a small section of thn oxhaust-gas stream, and prorate the loss thus determined over the entire stream suction. This method was al'.vays in con- venient, and under certain conditions, its results ;7Gre open to doubt. In the plant at the University of Illinois, the exliaust gases as they emerged from the locomotive stack '^ere dischax'ged into a steel exh,iust elbo\7 which carried them up and over to a horizontal duct running throughi the roof trusses. The gases 77ere dravm through this elbow by >\n exliaust fan. The gases ajid solid matter were de- livered into the spark trap or cinder collector, which consisted of a stack Ul feet high rising from the top of a larger cylinder, 36 feet high. The cylindrical lining of the stack projected do'.7n about 12 feet into the supporting cylinder. ^I'he exhaust gases were delivered horizontally against the side of this cylindrical lining, considerably above its lower end, and consequently they could escape up the flue only by f leaving aro^lnd the lining and downward into its lower end. The whirling action of the gases caused the cinders to be thrown against the walls of the cylinder which supported the stack, from whence they dropped into a hopper below. Thus, all of the cinders wore collected and weighed — an innovation which permitted a more accurate determination of the fuel lost through the exhaust."^ In line with attempts at conservation of resources, a concrete reservoir h'ving a capacity of 90,000 gallons was built outside the laboratory near Goodwin Avenue in the fall of I913 for the purpose of collecting and cooling the water used for operating the brakes. A new set of supporting wheels similar to the others was later presented to the department by the St.andard Steel "orks, a subsidiary of the Baldwin Locomotive ''iforks. This permitted the testing facilitiv::s to iiccomraodate an engine v.'ith five drivers instead of four. This entire plant was desigiiod, installed, and operated under the general direction of Professor E.G. Schmidt, H^ad of the Departraent. 1. The first locomotive installed for testing on the new plant was Illinois Central Consolidation type, Kq* 95S. It came directly from the Burnside Sliops of the Ulinoit Central in Chicago, moving over the Illinois Central -md Chicago and Eastern Illinois lines to Grlover and thence over the Illinois Traction System to the campus. It was placed on the plant on April 12, I913 . When the Department of Hail-jay Engineering wns discontinued in I9U0, the Inboratory was assigned to the Department of Mechanical ^gincering. Later, ho-.vever, it Y/as decided to discontinue the plant; and the v/ork of dism'^jit oiling it was begun during the latter p-irt of I9U3, so that the building could be arranged for other uses. Most of the dismantclling ^as done by the end of that year, and the stack '.7as taken dovm during the follc^jing spring. Some of the equipment was taken for use by other departments hero in the College, but most of it, together with the parts that had been received from the Iowa State College plant, was shipped a'.7ay for conversion into war materials.} In the fall of 19^^i the building was assigned temporarily to the newly-created Department of Aeronautical Engineering for laboratory purposes. Aside from its value for instructional purposes in connection with the curricula: program in railway engineering, this plant, one of only t\7o or three of its kind in America, served as a means for conduct iong many experiments carried on in cooperation with the common carriers and commercial interests of the State, Several important bulletins presenting information that was useful alike to those engaged in locomotive construction and locomotive operation, were published by the Engineering Experiment Station from data developed during the operation of this plant. There is no way to calculate the value of this instructional and experimental effort, but there is little doubt that its contributions towards a better knowledge of locomotive perfomance far outweigli any su.ns of money invested in the construction and operation of this peculiar and unusual assemblage of laboratory apparatus. Locomotive U31.- In December, 1915f after the locomotive testing plant was comple- ted, the Illinois Central Hailroad Company loaned the University their locomotive No. 431,-^ a Mogul, or U-6-0 type, using saturated steam, for instructional use in connection with laboratory exercises. This mp.chinov thus saw considerable service and served a very useful purpose in providing data for classroom and laboratory work. In addition, this locomotive in operation on the testing plant, was always one of the main exhibits of the Engineering Open House or other special occasions bringing visitors to the Cfiinpus. The locomotive remained in the laboratory/' until 1 The drivers were 56 inches in dinmeter, the cylinders were I9 by 26 inches, and tJi steajm pressure '7as I60 pounds a square inch. The engine and tender together weiglied 206,000 pounds, "Then the locomotive was in service with the Railroad. The tender itself was not delivered here. 1+89 Novcmbor, I9U2, v/hcn it '.vas returned to the Illinois Ccntml for use in ■bra^ich- linc operation. Brake- Shoo Testing Machino.- The bralcc-shoc testinr:; machine, designed by mciabors of the Department of Eail'vay Snginoorin^'^ in accord.ance -.vith the specifications of the Master Car Builders' Asi;ociation, ■^a•6 built in I9O8-O9 at the Burnside shops of the Illinois Cpntral Railroad Company and -.>fas installed in June, I9IO, tovrards the v/cst end of what -.vas then the morth bjiy of the Mechanical Entrinccrinf^ Laboratory. The plant 'vas provided 'vith apparatus not only to study the performance of bralcc shoes themselves, but /O-so to dotorinine the stresses, tempcr/itures, and structural phenomena developed in the rotating 'vheol. Tiic equipment consisted essentially of a shaft c/'.rrying a flywheel and a standard cast^^iron or steel wheel. The shaft could be driven at any desired spbed by means of an independent engine which transmitted motion to the main shaft throuf^ .■>, bolt, pulley, and clutch. The design of the flywheel was such as to naJ-:o '.VM.il-iblo at the surface of the car wheel the same fimount of energy as -./ould be inprcnsnd upon one --heel of a 6D, 000-pound Capacity car in service, under like conditions of speed. The brake shoe to be tested was suspended above the car wheel from a lever by means of which thu shoe could be applied to the wheel with any desired prcsurc up to 18,000 pounds. The t.-mgential pull of th(j shoe thus applied to the moving wheel was transmitted to a Sellers' d^avinonetcr whore it was recorded upon a moving paper chart. By this means the coefficient of friction of any shoe could be deter- mined under any desired condition of shoe pressure and speed up to S5 miles an hour. The machine seirved, also, in the deterr.ii nation of shoo and '/heel wear under conditions similar to those in service. In the fall of I916, at the time when the Mechanicnl Engineering Laboratory was being remodelled, the bral-:e-shoo equipment .and the Chandler and Taylor engine, \vhich was built in I90S and which had been in service to power the plant since it was installed in I9IO, were transferred to a 29 by 35-i'cet, one-story, stucco building erected at that time on the site of the proposed railway electrical laboratory, dis- cussed in the following section. Some improvements were made to the cqT-".praent from time to time in later years, to correspond to changed conditions in practice, one ^90 of T7hich. was to pcnnit an increase in speed to lUo ailcr. an hour, and another, an increase in bearing p res cure to 22,000 povmds. When the Department of Hail'vay Sngincoring v;as abolished in I9U0, the plant was assigned to the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mpchanics, under the immediate supervision of Professor H.J. Schradcr. After the engine 130001110 damaged beyond repair by an accident in 19^+1 1 tho old Ball engine formerly used in the Mathe'7s Ayonuc Po'ver Plant, was put in as a substitute. About that time, also, a substantial steel enclosure '.vas constructed for the 'jhcol under test in order to afford protection for the attendants at work in the room. This plant, one of the few of its kind in the United States, has served for a number of years as a moans for conductiaag experimental, projects in cooperation -vith the leading car-whool and br.ilre-shoe nanufacturcre in ALiorica. It has been in scrvici almost continuously since it -.Tas instilled and has been the instrumentality for providing a comprehensive body of knowledge that has materially influenced the design of steel and cast-iron car 'vhoels and of various tyj^es of br.-xke shoes and brake-shoe linings in the effort to provide safer and more efficient operation in Aiaerican train service. Electric Railway Laboratory.- Tlic plan for railv/ay dcvolopncnt at the University called for a laboratory patterned on the plan of the locomotive laboratory that would be built immediately west of the locomotive building for housing a plant devotee to railway electricil engineering .and other phas s of railv/ay service. In conformity with this idea, a snail tenporar:'- structure was erected on the intended site in which was installed on more or loss permanent foundations, the brake-shoe equipment, described in the previous para^^raph. This building, known as the brake-shoe laboratory, like the locomotive laboratory, was placed at an angle with the street and property line in order to permit a better track aligmient from the Illinois Traction System, if and when the railway electrical laboratory could itself be constructed. When it became evident that a complete laboratory for railway electrical engineering could not be realized, a sliort extension was built on the west end of tho brake-shoe laboratory in 1923 to house the first unit of railv/ay electrical equipment. This equipment and later installations are describod in the following para.gr,-,phs. As a source of po'.7or supply for the nlcctric- railway cquipncnt, there was pro- vided an under;^round cable fron the s'/itchboard in the Mathcjs Avenue Power Plant to a bank of outdoor transfor/.iors located inincdiatoly north of the Laboratory building. Those t r-^jisfomcrs reduce the po-or pressure fron 2,300 to 230 volts for opcr-,tinp a 40-kilo'7att notor-.-;enerator set which supplies.. 600 volts direct current, the kind of current used by a nojority of the street railwa;/ systems of this country. A switchboard was provided, by r.ieans of which the 600-volt current is connected to the railway notor test set. This set consists of an automatic notor controller like those used on the notor cars of the Illinois Central Terminal Electrification in Chicago, that serves to rcgul'^to the current supplied to the motors, v.hich ,ij:e two 25-hor3epowcr units of the saLic tyi^e as those usually found on the one-nan safety Cf'.rs that operate on nearly all strect-railwny systems in the United States. The motors arc geared to a shaft on which t'wo solid iron fly.7heels are mounted. The wheels have the sar.-.e wciglit and inertia as a standard Barney safety car,-nar.-iely 16,000 pounds,- so that the motors in brint^in^z; the v/heels up to speed, do the sane amount of work as that done by the motors midcr a safety car during the period of acceleration. Specially-constructed prony brat:es arc used to load the motors after the desired speed is readied. There was installed also in the laboratory' a l4-horsepower sin^jle-phase series motor having characteristics similar to the driving motors which oppcratc cars on the New York, Ne'.? Haven, and Hartford Railroad electrification out of Nqw York City. This motor can operate either on direct current or on 25-cycle alternating current. The motor-generator set previously mentioned furnishes the current at^ nrnpor volt- age for opcratip..-; the motor.l A gener;-a Electric mercury-arc rectifier v/as received in I926-27 and installed in the laboratory as ;in alternate me-'jis for sujiplying current, for previous to that ti^e, alternating current could be converted into direct current only by means of the motor-generating sot. The now outfit has a factor;.^ rating of ko kilowatts at 600 volts direct current. The rectifier has t-o tubes, each of glass from which all air has been extr-cted and '.■hich iiavc boon filled with mercury. The tubes are of the threc-ph->.sc type and contain throe anodes, -t'.'o exciting anodes and a mercury starting 1 The lochnogr.-ph, November, 192b, Pago 2S ^92 nnode,- and a cathode. When the Departncnt of Hailv/ay Engineering was disontinued in I9U0, the lab- oratory was transferred to the Dopartnont of SLcctrical Engineorint?; njid has continued -to be operated by Professor J.K. Tuthill for instructional purposes in connection kwith classrooi.1 work in railway electrical en; -^i nee ring, Dynaiaoinctcr Car or Railway Test oar Ho. I7, 22, .-^nd 30.- The railway test car, originally known as No. I7 until I915, when the Illinois Central Hailro-.d chanjTcd the nunbcring on sonc of its rolling cquipnont, and after, that as No. 22 until the latter part of 1926, since when it has been Icno'.m as No. 30i is owned and operated Jointly by the University and the Illinois Contr;il Railroad Company. Havin.- been designed for instructional and cxpcrinental purposes in the study of train resistance and locomotive perforriancc on steam railway lines, it has fonicd an important part of the equipment of the College of Engineering. As previously mentioned, this car was built originally in 1900 under the direction of i.icmbers of the staff of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and was transferred to the Department of Railway Engineering when that Department was organized in 1906. The car was nodernizcd from time to time,- some portions of the apparatus being entirely rebuilt a few years ago,- and was thorou.ghly equipped with the best available facilities for maJ-cing train-resist -^nco and tonnage- rating tests including locomotive road tests. The dynamometer itself is of the i:iydraulic transmission type. The special instru- ments included in the car equipment consist of devices for measuring the force exerted on the train by the locomotive, the speed of the train, the velocity and direction of the wind, and the temperature of the car journals or bea.rings. All of these measurements are automatically recorded by pens upon a strip of heavy paper which moves slowly over the recording table at a rate proportionate to the speed of the car. The record includes, also , the locntion of the mile-posts, stations, and other land-marks along 'the right of waj-. Several important tests h .vc been made by menns of the car on the Central Hail- road of New Jersey, the Baltimore and Ohio, the Big Four, and the New York Central. The most significant tests, though, have been made on the Illinois Centr.al where it has been extensively used by members of the Department not only for providing valuable ^93 information to that conpany rcgardin;; certain phases of train oporation, but also for furnishing instruction to students enrolled in railv/ay courses in University and for supplying data '.vhich fomcd the basis for the publication of several inportant bulletins of the Sn^anecrin^ Expcjincnt Station, here,- natcrirds that have been fvery influential in establishing standards for train-resistance tables and loconotivo perforn,-^nce in Anoric-'ji railroad practice. Uhcn the Departncnt of Rail'.iay Sn^^inecring '-'as dissolved in 19^0, the car was assi^cd to the DepartMont of Sloctrical ■'^a(:;inccrin[;^ under the ii.ii.iedi ate direction of Professor J.K. Tuthill, vmo hnd been directly responsible for its operations for a nui.iber of years prior to that tine. I^ the sujii.ier of 19'4-3, the car 'vas supplied '.7ith an entirely nc'.v steel body and underfrai.ic, nnking it probably the nost out- standing of its kind in existence. Electric Railway Test Car.- A test car of the interurb.an type, especially designed and built in I9O5 for the University for cxperiuental and instruct ioaal purposes on electric railv/ays, vvas r.ceivod fron the Departnent of Electrical Engineering when the Departnent of Railway Engineering was organized in I906. The car was ^+5 feet in length over ,all, and 'vas equipped with four 50-horsepower Westinghouse direct- current notors. The electric contact oquipncnt was a Westinghouse unit switch systen of nxiltiple control and consisted of a circuit breaker, switch grip, notor-control cut-out, linit switch, line relay, one set of grid resistance boxes, two storage b.atteries, and two naster controllers. The car was anply provided, also with recordin.'' voltucters, nxmeters, and wattnetcrs, ajid with auxilliary measuring and recording devices which supplied automatically a graphical chart of voltage, current, power, speed, acceleration, and tine. Through the courtesy of the Illinois Traction System, later the Illinois Terminal iRailroad, the staff and students were enabled to perforr.i experimental work with the car on the lines of this interurban road that reached the University caxipus,- inves- tigations that provided much valuable information not only for student and University use, but also for the railroad company itself. The car was housed in the north bay of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Buildin,- durin;- I907-O9,- until the first xniit of the Unthcws Avonuo Por/cr Plant 'jas placed undor construction. After that a spur v/as t-nken fron the Boncyard Po^cr Plant track to run into the Mathe-.vs Avenue pl.-^Xit iixiodiatcly v/oGt of the electric units. This track '7n,s rciioved in I519, '.'hen the buildin^":; -/as extended for installing vadditional second units of Tcoilors in the llathc.vs Avenue Plant. After that the car vas kept on a track inncdiatoly north of the Loconotivc La'boratory. liTlicn the Departnent of Hailwa.; En.v-ineerin;^ '.7a3 discontinued in I9U0, the car '.7as returned to the Departnent of Electrical ^n^'^ineerin,-: under the immediate charco of Professor tuthill, hut it •..-■is scrapped late in I9UU hocauso of lack of track outlet facilities. Srop-Tpst Machine.- A drop-test :.v chine of the standard dcDi:':n of the Master C.^r Builders' Association and the Ai.icrican E-ailv/ay Snj^ineerinj-: Association, uns "built for the University durin,- the school year I9OS-O9 "by the Bir; Four Rail'7ayl at its Urbana shops fron dra-.7in.-D furnished hy the Pennsylvania Railroad. The nachinc v/as constructed for use in testin- car a::cles, car couplers, coupler knuckles, knuckle pins, draft .'^ear, ;\nd rails "'^id rail Joints. It consists essentially of a hani.ier '^ci.-^liin.,-; I6U0 pounds that noves bctv/een tuo upri.-ht r^ides fifty feet in hcift^ht, lict-jccn 'jhich it is allorred to fall upon the spccincn to bo tested. The anvil of the nachine -^eit^hs about 12,000 pounds and is supported by sprint-^s rcstint-^ upon a concrete base. Ai r-Br;ikc Bquiprient . ^^ An arrane^cnent of Wcstinf^iouse air-br^^ikc apparatus desi^^nod prinarily for instruct ion.-d puri^osos, -liid arran.Ted in scries -.7ith the NpV Y^rk equip- .ncnt already on hand -'as inst-^lled durin.^ the school year 1909-IO in the M.^chanical Sn^inccrinf-^ Laboratory. Ij^ addition to coverin.-^ all the current desi,^s for the usual cn.?;inc, passeni;5er, and frei.'^ht service, the equipnent included the follo-."'in(=: f features: Conbination autonatic and straif-ht air, duplex nain reservoir control, double pressure control, the "K^^f^'- speed" bmko, retarded release ,-ind recharge tuploq, the "E.T." (inprovcd engine and tender) equipnent, and a "St. Clair" car equipnent conplcte. 1 The Big Four donated its services in this connection naking a gift to the Universit; of about six hundred dollars. 2 "NeW Railway Hf,chanical Equipnent", the Tcclmogi'aph, I909-IO, page 125. ■ ^95 Sectional nodcls of ail parts v.'cro included. These '.7orc connected v/hen possible in tandcn -vith operating parts so that the operations of internal parts v/as visible. In erecting the apparatus, liberal use v;as i.iade of by-passes, cocks and gaUi-^es for illustra,tin^ defects in the usual nanaer. In addition, provision '-/as nade for showing the building up and dor/n of va.rious pressures in serial action in order to dononstrate to the students as clcirly as possible the points which -.ver^ then occupyin,'^ the attention of railroad clubs, and of air-brajko instiructors in connection vjith the handling of lonr^ ho'\vy trains in severe service. The plant was disnanteled in I916 at the tine of the renodellinn of the Mgchanical Enginccrin,-: L/'boratory. It was reassenbled in the Brake Shoe Laboratory in I92U, and it was kept there until it wis scrapped in I9U1. Signal Equipnent.- A four-lever Saxby and Jamcr interlocking nachine was received by purchases fron the General Hailway Signal Coni3any in I92U-25 to be used for in- structional purj:)OSGs in coniicction with the course in rail-'ay sL^naling. At that tine, also, there v/as acquired a top-post auto;iatic signal built by tHc Scane conpany, tha.t was nade to operate on 110- volt alternating current. During that sane year, the Depa.rtiiont purchased a nodol of a two**levcr elect ro-pnem-iatic interlocking nachine and svdtch nechanisn Manufactured by the Union Switch and Sign.al Conp.any. All of these nachines were set up in the south corridor of the nain floor of the Transport at i- fin Juno 6, I9IO, the Chica,iD (S; North Uestem Hailroad Conpaiiy shipped to the University at Urbnjia, the old loconotive testin--: plant that it had formerly used to test its loconotivcs. This plant, the first of its kind over to be built in this country, had been installed in the Fortieth Street, Chicago, Shops of that conpany, but had been out of service for sono tine. It '.vas presenter! to the University as a gift. The plant, built in I39U, ^/as dcsii^ncd and operated under supervision of Willian A. Qja-vic, Superintendent of Motive Po-jcr. It was an out;:;ro'.Tth of earlier attcupts Mr. Q,uayle had nade by turning car trucks upside do'.7n to support a loconotivc so that the ncchanisn could run while the locoiootivc itself reiiained station,ary. There were three pairs of Tjhecls to support the three pairs of driving '^dieels of loconotivoi of that day. The bralces that absorbed the ener,^ had a capacity of 25O horsepower per pjclo. Mr, Q,u,Tyle served on a research connittee of the Anerican Hail'.7ay Master Mechanics Association, and the results of the tests he nade ',7ith the plant contributor inportant infomation regarding the perfomanco of steara loconotivcs. The equipnent \tis never used here for testing purposes, but sone tine after it was received, it was set up as nuseun natorial to illustr-.te a step in the developnent of loconotive testing plant. It was asscnbled behind the Transportation Building just as it had stood when in service on the North Western Lino. The plniit was disn.'uitled in Septonbor, I9U2, however, and contributed as scrap during the drive for nctals needed for war purposes. 1+97 Eichnond Loconotlvc- A full-size front end of a t'/o-cylindcr, coniound locouotivo r7as flivon to the University by tho Aucric-ui Locoriotivo Conp.-my in 1909. ^^c cxliibit included n, prvir of full-size cylinders equipped '7ith intorccptin^T; v.-xlvc iDoltcd up n.s in actual practice. The full arrfijir^enent of stonn and exliaust pipin{^ norr.-ial to the locoTiotive -.'as provided in the front end so that students could see at o ;^lance the construction of this t:,-pc of loconotivc. This was also sacrificed to the -Jar scrap netnl drive in Octovor, I9U2. Collection of Steel E-ails.- A collection of rail sections representinr; the develop- of steel rails on linos in Anerica, was brou/^ht to.ietur durin;-^ the lifetime of the Departyicnt and maintained In the east corridor of the Tran3i-)ortation Buildin,-;. There -xrc fifty-five pieces in the set includin"; rail sections t'vo feet in len-Tith froii the earliest -^Jid li:^htest to the latest and hcwicst used in Aricrican practice. This exliibit '.vas al-far/s a source of interest to students -^nd visitors alike, for it inprcssively dorionstratcd tlio pro ;ress nadc in the inprover.cnt of steel rails used in Anerican transportation service. This collection 'vas delivered 1>o the Departnect of Civil En'^inecrin.T in 19^^-0, but continued to renain in the Transportation Buildinf.;. &. FACUIiTY P3RS01^WSL General.- Brief bio. -graphical sketches of faculty Monbcrs above the ,'rade of assis- tant that '.7crc connected v/ith the Dopartncnt of Eailv/ay En!::ineerin.^, are listed in on the follovvinf-j pa^es in chronolo,^cal order accordin.^ to r;\nk. a. HSADS or THE DEPASTMENT General.- Only three persons served as Hnad of the Departnent of Rail'.7ay Engineering durin," the lifetine of that or.r^anization. Dean Goss '7as head fron its beginnin/^ in 1906 until I9IO, Professor Ed-7ard Charles Schnidt, fron I9IO until I917, p.nd a,:^ain fron 1919 until I9U0, and Professor John McBeath Snod.'^rass fron I917 until ^ 1919 durin,^ the absence of Professor Schnidt. The bio.-rraphical slietch of Dean Goss is (Tiven else'7herc; those of the other tv/o follow. Ed'-vard Charles Sclmidt vas born in Jersey City, N^^w Jersey, on Ma,y lU, 127^, and . was graduated fron the Mcch-^xiical-cngineerin,": curriculwi of Stevens Institute of 1 Aluj.mi Qjuarterly, I909, Pa:-:c 17^. Technology in 1395' After ^TacLuation, he '7ac cnployed in cicchn.nical-en.^inccrinf; prncticc until ISgS, -Then he Joined the staff of the University of Illinoia as Instinictor in Mechnjiical 3n,:;ineerin,-:. Itop. I89S to I903, ho '7hs successively Ins- tructor ind Assistant Professor here, but froi.i I903 to I906, he was enf-^ar^ed in practice a^nin. He returned to the University in I906 as Associate Professor, and in 1910 T3eca;-ie Professor of A'l.il-Tay 3n(:i.nccrin-; in char,-:c of the Dcpartncnt. In Novonbcr I917, he left the University for nilitary service as Major in the Ord/nanco Dcpart.-.cnt ; and on January/ I9, I9I8, I'^c 'tps detailed for service under the U.S. Fuel Adrainistr-tion. Proa 1919 to I921, Professor Schiidt •.7as cn.-a.-ed as ncchanicnl cn,vineor -ith the North Auerican Conp-\ny in the operation of public utilities.. He returned to the University in Septaibcr, I92I, and ros^funed his fon.ier position as Head of the Depart, icnt of R^il-7ay Sn,-dnccrin,> In SoptG:-ib.;r, I912, Professor Schraidt was r:ivcn .■. coniussion by the Inpori.al Govcmnent of Japan to assist in iraportant rail-Jay construction -.vork. One of the duties of his assi.-rrinent was to desi,-n a stean dynajioncter car for use on the Japmiosc railways. This cn,r was built in the United States and delivered to the Japanese Governncnt in the sumcr of I91U. While ho was connected "^ith the University, Professor Sclmidt directed nany research projects in the field of railway Mechanical en.-ineerin,-. Ho w-^s author of ■ two bulletins issued by the En:nnccrin,- Experinent Station and was co-author of nine nore. Early in I9U0, he asked to be relieved of his University duties on account of ill health. His request was .^ranted, and ho was retired v/ith the title of Professor of Hiilway Sn;:;inecrin,3, Erieritus. He took up his residence near Kcw Yori: City, with his dau.^Litcr Kathorinc, whore he died on March 21, I9U2. John McBcath Snod,-?ass was born on Sc]Dtcnbcr 1, 12?^, at Coldsprin.-:, Wisconsin, and was nraduatod with the do^-roe of B.S. in Mochnnicnl En^^ineerin,- at the University of IllinoiB in I902. Ho served as Instructor in Mf,chanicnl 3n,'7;inocrinn here from 1902 to 1906, when he left to 'vTork for the Araerican Loconotive Coupany. Ho returned to the University in 1908 as Assistant Professor in the Dcpartncnt of Mechanical Ent^ineer- in,-. He was transferred to the Departnent of Rnilway Eiwneerin,! in Septenber, I912, as Assistant Professor of RailwT;^ Mechanical En-ineerin,-. Later, he becane Associate 1+99 Professor nnd Professor of R.ial\7n,y KQchanical Snr;ineerinr;, and served as Acting Head of the Departnent duriiir" the absence of Professor Schmidt in 1917-I9. He '.vas author of two 'bulletins and Joint author of six nore, of the Enf^ineorini-; Experinent Station, He continued as Professor of Rail'-vay Mechanical En,^i nee ri n,^ until his death on Deccnbcr k, I926, b. 0THE3R PHDFESSOHS Everett Bd,-;ar Kin,-;.- See Civil Ea,-i neo ri n,-, Chapter YIII Jai-ies Thoron Rood, (B.S., I9S9, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Ph. D., I906, Clark University), served as Professor of Mathenatics and Physics at Ursimis durinsT; 1906-07, Professor of Phj/sics and Sloctrical Enrlncerin.-: and H^ad of the Departnent at ihc University of Alab.ai.ia durin,-: I907-O9, and Professor of Electrical Enr;inoerinn and Head of the Departnent at Laf^i^^ette Collo,-:c fron I909 to I9I8. He cane to the University of Illinois on Scpteribor 1, I9I8, to bocone Professor of Railvray Electrical En,':inccrin(':. H^, then wont to the University of Wisconsin where ho was Professor of Electrical Eni-iineerin,-: fron 192O to I929. After that, he served as Dean of Enf-^ineer- inf^ at the Now lioiico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts at Las Cruces until his death in 193U. Everett G-ilhan Younf:.- See Mechanical Bn.-^ineorinr, Chapter VII c. ASSOCIATE PH0E3SS0HS Jphn Zline Tuthill . See Electrical En.-cineeria.T, Clxapter XIV Homan John Schrader.- See Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chapter XIII d. ASSISTANT PROFESSORS Shelby Sauflcy Roberts , (3. S., I09S, and C. 3., I907, Rose Poly teclmic Institute), carie to the University of Illinois in Septenbcr, I90S, as Assistant Professor of Railway Civil En,Tincurin,:, after havin.T spent several years in railway service. He ^remained here until Scptenber, I9IO, when he resi,'::ned to accept an appointnent with the Interstate Conuorce Connission. Hq obtained the decree of LL. B, fron Washin/::ton Law School in I925. Later he becane Assistr.iit Director, Bureau of Finance, ',7ith the Coniiission, and served in that position until his death in I926. Pi^ofessor Roberts was the author of a textbook entitled "Track Eorrmlao and Tables." 500 c. ASSOCIaTSS SAc>T,r Isaac Wengcr, (B.S,, 1903, McGill University), spent his early years in practice. He served as Instructor in Electrical En,';inccrin.': at the Uiaivcrsity of Illinois durin.- 1905-O6 and as Associate in. Railway En.-^inecrinr; during I906-O9, He rcsi;~:ned to accept an appointnent as Asslstaait Professor at McGill» Franklin Wales Marquis. (B,S., I905, and I'l.S., I909, University of Illinois), was onployed in practical work fron I905 to I906, and then cnne to the University here as Assistant in Railway 3ni"^necrin.: in the Sn,7inecrin,-; 3xperinont Station. H^, vras nade Associate in I909 and retained that position until he rcsi.Tned in 1913to accept an appointment at Ohio State University. I^ I929, he bocane Professor of Mechanical En.-^inecrin,-^ njid Chaiman of the Dopartnent there, and hT,s retained that title to date. He is co-author of one h^J-lctin issued by the En.'^inoerinn Exporinont Station here •. and of one at Ohio State. Alonzo Morris Buck. (M.S., I90U, Cornell University; 3,E., I917, University of Illinois) was enployed in en,:incerin;T practice durin,:; I90U-O5, was Instructor in Electrical En.-Tinccrinf':; at Cornell during 1905~06, and vt&s en^ar'^ed in eni^ineerin,^ practice ar;ain durinr: I906-O8. Hq then served as Assistant Professor of Electrical En(";ineorin:" at Now H-uapshire University durin,-: 19O8-IO, and as Professor of Electrical En^incorin,-^ at Clarkson Collo,-;e of Technolo,^ durinr I9IO-II. Hq cano to the University of Illinoi. in Scptenbcr, I9II, as Assistant Professor of Railway Electrical En,-!;! nee rind and re- naincd here in that position until the sunrier of I917, when ho rcsi,ined to rc«ontcr en^'^ineerinr; practice. Sone years later, he becano Bn,-:incerinf; Editor of the Electric Rcailwny Journal, no:7 knovm as the Transit Journal. Professor Buck is author of a text- book entitled "The Electric Railway" and of one bulletin published by the En^'ineerins Experinent Station here, I Arthur Francis Oonstock, (B.S., I906. and C.E., I913, University of Illinois), was enj-aged in cncinecrin,- practice after graduation until ho cane to the University of Illinois in Soptenbcr, I912, as Instructor in Railway Civil Enf^rinecrin,-. H^ bocane Associate in 1913, but resirncd durin,- the sumner of I917 to re-enter engineerin,- practice. 501 Harold Houaiton Dunn, (3.S., l^OS, and M.S., 15)1'5, University of Illinois) , was ori:';ai':ed in enj^ineerin.-; jTrp.ctico for sovcnl yenrs nftor .^rnduation aiid c-tne to the Urjivcrsity in 191I ;\s Assistant in S.,iil'.7.'\^^ 3nf':;inearin,--, Ho served in this capacity |iii'itil 1517 v;hon he becane Research Associate in Eail'vay En.^inecrini'^, He resi|-:ncd in Septcnbcr, I920, to accept a position vath the Westinf-'house Electric and ManUf- facturin.-: Conpany, Mr, Dunn i.s the author of one biilletin and co-author of tv/o iiore, issued by the ^Hf-^ineerinr E;q)erincnt Station. f . INSTRUCTORS AiQ RESEARCH ASSISTANTS Albert St. John Willianson, (3,S., IS98, .-xnd M. E., 1902, University of Illinois), spent several years after ^^raduation in railwny ncclvmicnl en"inccrinf^ service, then joined the st^xff at the University in I9O8 as Instructor in H.ail'.7ny Mechanical Bn(>« inecrin,^. He resi-:ncd in I9II to n.cccpt cuploj-iciit in cn.-^inocrin,- practice. Mr. Willia-ison was author of nany articles in the field of railway acchanicnl en-'ineerins^ published in the tcclmic^l press, Harry Cole Kendall, (3.3., 190^, University of Missouri; B.S., I905, Massachusetts Institute of Tcchnolo,y), was cnploycd fron I905 to I909 in practical vroik. He served as Ij^stmctor in R-i,ilway McChanicaL Eii/.-inccrin;': at the University of Ill- inois durin;^ I909-II, after '/aaich he returned to pr^'.ctice in railw.-i^^ service. Francis Soclcy Pootc^ (3.M., I905, Coluiubia University) , spent two years in on.-;incerir^ practice following .--raduation, then served as Assistant in Colunbia durin.7 1907-=-10. Ho joined the staff at the University of Illinois in Soptenber, I9IO, as Instructor in Rail-ny Civil Sn,-:inccrin,-;, but left the University in I912 to bccone Associate Pi'Ofcs-or of Railway 3n,':;incerinf-: at the University of California. Robert Browder Keller, (3.S., I90S, Purdue University), spent several years as an -apprentice teacher njid sujiertisor and ca"ie to the University of Illinois in I913 t as First Assist-^ait in the Eni-^ineerin,! Expcrinent Station. He rcsipicd in 1915 to accept p, position as Director of the O.S. Johnson Manual Trainin.-; School, Mr. KellCr fs joint author of one bulletin of the Bn,7ineerinf; Expeirinont Station, Otto Stcrnoff Beyer, (l'i.2., I907, S4;(n'cns Institute cf Tochnolo,-:::^) , spent scv. i-.;il yea.-c In pr cticc, then joined the staff at the University of Illinois nxid served 502 as Hese^rch Assistnnt durin,-: 1913-I7. Ho rcsi,:;nGd this position in 1917 to bccone Instructor in the U.S. School of Military Aeronautics at the University, and later received a coni.iission as Captain in the Ord,7manco Reserve Cojrps. He is co-author ^ of one bulletin of the En,-;ineorin,-: Experincnt Station. Sarold Ncvins Parkinson, (B.S., Ifjlo, Purdue University), '.7as en,7;a;:cd in rail'.7ay service after ,-:raduation until he c.aiie to the University of Illinois in January, I92I, as Instructor in Rnilviay Mechanical Sn;-:ineerin,-. Eg left the University in Septcnber^ 1925, to ro-entur rail'.Tay pr-'cticc. Frederick Roy Mitchell. (3.S., I917, and E.M., I917, Michi,-nn Collogo of Minos) became Roaearch Assistant in Rnilviay Bn.iinccrinf^ in January, 1922, but resiiTiod in Janun.ry, I92U, to enter en.iincorin,: practice in the otecl ind-ostry at Bimin,ilinji, AlabaJia.. David Le'.7is Fiskc, (B.S., I92O, Massachusetts Institute of Tochnolo.-y; M. S., I92U, University of Illinois), becniie Research Assist^ijit in Railway' 3n,-incorin,-. in Sept- onber, I92U, but rcsif-tncd in Soptenbcr, I927, to accept a position as Sccretaiy of the American Society of Rcfriiicrati^n:! Bnninoers, ^hich position he has held to date. Clifford Ellis M^r,i.an , (B.S,, I927, University of Idaho), served as Special Research Assistant in R-,ilwfiy En.-inccrinf-: during I93I-32. H. DISCOl^INUATION OF THE DBPABTl'OJOT general .- It was expected that the unparalleled facilities provided by the Departnent of Rnil'^ay Bnf-^inccrin,-: to,::ether 'jith the other '^ell-known extensive cquipi.ient of the Colle.-e of Bnginecrin,-, '.7ould quickly attract a considerable nunbcr of students desirinrr to enter railvjay scsrvice; but in this the University authorities V7ere .previously disappointed. Eio nunbor scekini- instruction in these subjects scarcely Justified the attenpt particularly considcrin;": the very Great nui.iber of nen enploycd by the rail\7ays in these linos. This lack of popvdarity of the curricula in railTiny enr;inecrin,- vras not due to ,the professional activity of the nenbers of the staff of this Departnent, for they published 22 biilletins nnd Circulars of the En.'rineerinn Experincnt Station Givinfi results of inportant investigations in fields in which thcr ; -las a death of reliable •aif at;: 503 data; and these publications linifomly received the hi.rhest praise fron railway officials. The results published in these bulletins '.7as Justification for all the noney s])ent for equipnont ;\nd for the conttuct of the invcstiiTations; but the Univ- ersity had hoped also to educate nany students who '.Tould render effective service I to the railways and possibly add to thoir efficiency and value to the public. Appar- ently, these publications were norc potent, proportionally, in attractin,': students fron China, Japan, and South Aricrica than fron ou.r own country, Anain the lack of popularity of these curricula was not due to the fact that nradua.tcs fron other dcpartnents of the Colle./^e had not attoined reasonable success in rail'.vay circles, for nany of such .-^r^^/iuat es had been .-ible to secure responsible un positions in railwa;,' service. Purthcrnoro, the popxolarity of the curricula could not be ascribed to the lack of success of tTraduntcs of the DoP'T-rtneht ofRailway Sni^v. incerinr;, for considerinsi tho snaLl nutibor of ..graduates, the shcTin/^ was reasonaily satisfactory. Possibly one reason for the lack of v.opularity of the curric\ala- in railway en^incer- in,"; --ns that there was no reco,":nizcd profession of railway- en.-^inccrin;':;, or of rail- way civil cn.^ineerin -;, etc., and consequently there was no professional tie or lure to these curricula. In addition, after the establislinent of the railjTay-en::p.neerin,'T curricula, the railways were nearly continuously under the harrow throu,^ adverse financial conditions and restrictive legislation. Consequently, they did not expand their forces, but rather decreased then, nor did they do any const-ruction work that could be postponed. Due to these situations, students and .graduates fo-und norc dif- ficulty in (-^ettin,-^ enployncnt in railway service and received lower renuneration than in other lines; and these circunstanccs served to decrease the popularity of railway service. Then, too, in sonc branches of railway work, the officials did not rAvc serious reco^Tnition to tho fact that one or nore years in an enj::ineerinti colle(':;e develops the intellectual powers of the student so as to fit hin to nalce nore rapid pro.-^ress than one who has not had such technicil trainin,^, and consequently that it is an injustice to enr'?.nccrinn students and ."rraduatcs to require then to (-^ive as nuch tine to apprentice courses as those who have had no such traininr: and for when such a course nay be entirely appropriate. 50lt Wliatcvcr the rc-.son or reaoons for the sn.-ai onrollncnt, the registration coEtl.iuM to be lif;lit uiitil ill Pobru-^.r-/, I9I+O. the Dopartnont -7as ordered to be dissolved, effective S.ptenbcr 1 follo^7in,,; for Professor Schnidbt. who had been conneetod ;vith the Dcpartnent since its be^^innin,, except for a period of approxin- j ately t;70 years at about the tine of World War I. had aslced to be retired on aecout of ill he.alth. The courses in the three divisions were revised mid the number of subjects was sonewhat reduced. Jhe work in railway civil en.,ineerin,, was transferred to the Departnent of Civil Sn,:ineerin,-', that in railwn;^ electrical cn,,incorin,. to the Departnent of Slectrical 3n,,ineerinr, and that in railway nechanical en.^ineerin,- to the Departnent of Mechanical Sn.^ineerin,,. The laboratory cquipnent was also trrmsferred to the respective departnents except that the brake- ^hoe laboratory was turned over to the Departnent of Theoretical a.ad Applied Mech-- anics because of the experinental 'Tork bein,-r done at that tine. 505 CH^TZR XVI DBPAHTtlENT 01 CZHi\lIIC EWGIi^SRIlfG A. OHGAinZATIOiJ OF TH3 DEP.'iR'E ISiiT I SoncrFil.- In enrlier tir.ico, the teni ccr,-i;.iics dealt -Jith the nakin.": of pottery and pottery products. As used in nodcrn industr^A, ho\7ovGr, it has (-gradually acquired a nuch 'jidcr si,-;nific,ancc, and is r":cnGrally applied ncv to the tcclmolo,'?y of prac- tically all of the cartrr or non-netillic uinerals; that is, of nearly vll niner.al products except ores, and nincrals of or,;aaiic origin. The ccratiic industries thus onbracc the Manufacture of all kinds of clay products, cencnts, ("glasswares, enai.iels, ■ iazes, ^nd abrasive materials. Cerai.iic education at the IJhivorsity of Illinois o';:es its ori:-;in to a plan oric-in^ ated and formulated in 189^ by Professor Charles Wesley Holfc, -.vho '.7as at that time Professor of GpOlo,-y. E^ conceived the idea of establishin;- a "Laboratory of Economic G(,olO;-y" at the University and prepared a small printed circiilar viiich discussed the desirability for state aid in the invcsti, Rations and dcvelOjjmont of the mineral resources of the State. In the "Bill for an Act to Establish a Laboratory of Economic GcoloQ'", which he brou^'ht out, he specified that the direcotr of the proposed lab- oratory should collect samples of coal, clay, buildin,'^ stones, materials for the manufacture of ,-:;lass, limes, cements, subject these samples to such analysis and combinations .as will demonstrate their valuable properties; publish bulletins and make a collection of raw materials and products. While the bill did not specificially mention instruction, yet it 'TOuld have bech an easy and l0;-;ical procedure to use the staff and laboratories for the purpose. That, in fact, was the intention. This bill had the hearty support of the ceramic industries of the state. The Pj.esident of the University approved the idea in principle, but the time seemed in- opportune to undertake the project. Thereupon, Professor Holfc was obli.-red to let the matter lie dcrr.vant until I905 when President James, who had recently been installer sanctioned the plan and ur^ed him to proceed with the undortaJcin;-;, A vii'^orous canpaifT was launched to secure favorable action by the General Agsenbly. A:-^ain Professor Holfc h.',d the stronf- support of the Illinois Clay Manufactures' Association, an or,ianization 506 which v;a3 thorou,^y faiiiliir -Jith the situation, ".-hich hnd a broad vision of its own inportrsncc, and v/luch sa'.7 the uc-'l for an adcquatG trainin,; of youn,-^ nen who could "be called upon tc t.nlcc leadership in the devclopncnt of the industry and of ^ the clay resources of the State. These nen realized the dependence of nodern civil- ization upon ceramics for the uaturids necessary in industrial cntearprisos, in cn.--inecrin£; projects, and in the ordinary needs of life. Industrial expansion had nade lariie demands upon the ceraiiic industries which they -.verc not fully prepared to ncct. For centuries the craft had been shrouded in nystery, and rule-of-thunb ncthods and ,-;reat secrecy concernin.^: processes prevailed. Since other industries had profited tliroUiXli the enployncnt of technically-trained nen, it seoncd evident that such tr„inin,~ was f undr>j.-ient al to the future success of the clay v/orkinf:^ interests- The bill was passed in due course, and the Depamtnet of Ceranics was authorized on Docenber, 10, 1905» The work in Cer,-i>iics v/as instituted at once; njid for the acadeaic years of 1905-IO, courseo in Corru-.ics and Cerariic SUijineerwi;;; were .7;iven under the direction of the Departncnt of GcolOtiy in the Colle:-:e of Science. These tv/o curric\ala were sono-'hat sinilar except that the latter contained more subjects in onrineerinsT:, For the years I9IO-I5, the courses wore under the direction of a separate Departncnt of Ceramics, also in the Coller-;e of Science. Since Septcnber, 1915. however, the v/ork has been a'lnini stored by the Departncnt of Ceranip Sni^ineerinf- in the Collc.i;e of 3n;Tineorin,-^, B. AIMS AInD 03J3CTIV3S general.- The followin,-: article taken fron a University bulletin published at the tine of the founding; of the Departncnt of Ceranics states yct-- clearly the object and ai;.is of the courses offered. "The study of ceranics lias to do '-.'ith the application of physical science to the nanufacturc of wares nade v/holly or in part fron clay. The conditions under which coranic products nay be successftdly and profitably produced arc so conplex and exact- in;'^ as to require speci.-'l scientific trainin- for the prospective ceranist. Low interest rates and cheap transportation have so broadeno'.l the field of conpetition that each nanufacturcr n\iv,t look shari^ly to the quality of his wares .a:id to the cost 507 of production. He must not only know the qualities of the materials he is using and of all other deposits so situated that they may possibly be of commercial use, but he must know what changes he can produce in his wares by various mixtures in body or glaze or by changes in method of treatment. "He must know what machinery, what fuel, and what ways of handling are best suited to the materials he must use, what grades of ware he can produce and the cost of each. Hp must not only hn.vc this information in regard to the materials he can obtain on a commercial basis, but also like information concerning those within the reach of each of his competitors, if he would entor successful competition with them. "Reliable information and scientific training along the linos indicated above are not easily gained by a yoxing man through apprenticeship, no matter how large the factory in which he may be employed, nor even by expert service in some one depart- ment of the industry in several factories; but the training may be acquired in a comparatively short time through a well-b.alanced course of study properly supplomentec by practical work. The best preparation for the management of largo ceramic interest: is not to be found in th'- factory or in the yards, but in the school with courses and equipment especially adapted to the purpose, and under instructors \7ith broad trainin, "This does not mean that ability to manage successfully any largo business enters price can be acquired in school. There is a large clement of practical experience • • -vhich can only be obtained by actual contact with the business world and -Ith the details of the special line of business in which one embarks. The school ought to give the student mental strength, knowledge of principles and methods, skill in the manipulation of apparatus, training in scientific methods of experimentation and in the interpretation of results, f.amiliarity with fundamental processes covering the whole field of research with which he is engaged, and thcn'turn him into practical life while he still retains the plasticity of character to enable him to adapt him- self to the conditions' which he will meet in the particular branch of industry to which he shrll devote himself. "It is not expected that the student upon graduation ^-dll be able to manage successfully a large manufacturing plant. It is expected, however, that he will bo in position to acquire this ability very rapidly when brought in practical contact with the problems of the fa.ctory, and that having reached this stage he 'vill there- after be stronger ani in every way more capable than he could h,ave been if he had not come under the influence 6f the school. "^ C. ^ THE D3VEL0FMEHT OF CFFICE, CLASS-ROOM, AND LABCRATCBI ACCOMHCJUATIONS G-eneral . - When the deprrtment was inaugurated in I965, it was provided '--ith two roomc in the basement of Natural History Building. As n special provision h,ad to be made fc the kilns, a snail brick building about twenty feet square was erected, which was arranged to house not only the two kilns, but also the grinding equipment and the dry pan. This structure, still in existence, stands at the northwest corner of the Physic Building, immedi'itely across the drive\7ay from the University Fire Station, and for r. number of years, it has been used as a garnge. In I909, the Illinois Gl.agf Manufacture: Association issued a circular which stated that the department was obliged to use "a roon or tv.'o in the basenonts of e-ch of three buildings scattered over a distnjicc- of throe city blocks". This condition was relieved by the i.-rcction in I9IO of a t'TO - story L- shaped brick l"Courses in Ceramics at the University of Illinois", Bulletin, U. of I. Vol.III.NoV.l, 1905, No. 3, p,-.^-Rs 7-8 50 S builrliriri •;dth bnscncnt, h-^.vin-; -t, totnl floor spncc of 6036 squnro feet. This liuild- in;-; was loc-itcrl on the north side of th Bono Ifnrd directly north of the kiln house, and was "built as an addition to the Ilechanical Bn,^inecrinn Laboratory. The catalOfTue; of 1909-10 and 1910-11 described the Ccrnj-iics Laboratory as a t:70-story brick build- in,-^ in which were provided a rzencr,al laboratory, plaster roon, pottery roon, roUf'^h- nrindin,-; roon, nachinc roon, dra^7in,-; roora, library, recitation roon, chenical labor- atory, and office, all equipped with appropriate apparatus, Althou,ih this structure allowed an inncdiatc expansion of cquipnent, it soon bccano inadequate for tho dcpart- ncntal purposes.-*- In 1912, a one-story L-shapcd, brick buildin/: \7as erected irincdiatcly cast of the Transportation Buil^^'dn,-, one jrartion of which was arrnxK-ed for office, classroon, and laboratory and kiln-house use, as the first unit of a new ceramics plant,- the other portion bein,-; assiiTio'l^ to the Dcpartnont of Minin," •^lineerin,'^ for laboratory pui^oscs. In 1915-16, the present Cerftnics 3uildin,T on Goodwin Avenue was const laict oil, p-nd a corridor connection w.as nade to the kiln-house previously nontioncd. Wlien the Dcpartnont of Ccraiiic Enrincoiln,: noved in the fall of 1916 into this new build- irx,-; fron its quarters in the old Ccranics Buildin." at the southv/est corner of the Mechanical En.-^ineerin,-; Laboratory, it took over nost of the bascnent as a stora-^e and plaster shop, .and a lar.iie portion of the first floor for a clay shop, & store roon, and offices and ccrnnic-naterials l.-'.boratories. It occupied all of the second floor, usin,-; a. suite of two roons for the departnent office and .an adjoinin,-^ roon for the nuseun in which were displayed ceranic wares and sanplcs of raw naterials. The southwest corner roon was used for the departncntal library, in which was pro- vided not only books but also ceranic journals and naiiazinos. Other roons there were assi.^ncd for office use .and still others for Laboratory purposes in connection v/ith chenicnl and physical work -and hi.-Ja-tenperature investi.-.ations. After the U.S. Bureau of nines noved out of the buildin;-^ on J.anu?\ry 1, 1926, the Departnent took 1 It is intorcstin;-; to note that this sp-cc was later utilized by the Departnent of Civil Bn/einecrin.-r for a Ji-atcri-'ls-tcstin,- laboratoi^.- and still l.-.ter it was incorporated into the Mechanical Sn^ineerinf- Laborator-y, it bein- located at ' the southwest corner of that building. 5C9 over the roons it the north on'l. of the third floor thus vjn.cn.torl for office use and for Inboritory sp'^.cc for '.vork in nicroscopy, pyronctry, nnd thcn.i,->-oxpansion studies. Wlicn the Dcpartnent of Theoretical and Applied Hechnjiics novcd its equipnent fron the Ccmnics Buildin,-: in I929, the Dcpartncnt of C^rariic En,Tincorin/^ tool: over the lari-^c trro-story la"boratory it vacated at the northeast corner of the buildin,';, rcnodellcd it sone'vhat, and thereby provided .pod la^boratory space in the oascnont and additional la'boratorics on the nain floor, D. D3^;EL0PH3IIT 0? LA30RAT0HY FACILITIES^ Gcner-xl.- The laboratory oquipricnt that has ■been assei.iblcd "by the D^^partncnt thi-ouriiou" the years since its inception in I905, has been designed to offer to the students an opportunity to acquire sonc undcrstaudin;: of the proiDcrtios of clay natcrials and other related nincral resources and to :";ain sone j.iroficiency in the utilization of facilities con lonly enploycd in the ccr-ii.iics industry. In addition, it has served to provide the ueans for the conduct of expciunontation by advanced students and faculty on problons of particular interest or inportancc to the profession or to the users and producers of cerai.iic products. Sonc of the i^pccird laboratories are described briefly under the follo'.vin,": hcadin.os. Ccrarjic-Materials Laboratory.- The present eeranic-nate rials laboratory inst.-^lled '.Then the Coranics Buildin.: ■7as conpleted in I916, is supplied 'vith laboratory tables njid lockers, balances, ^nd other facilites needed in the study of the physical and chenical properties of clay .and other ccr.anic ra\; Materials and the identification and classification of the varieties usually found in connorcial work. The eif:;ht lar.^c tables furnish locker space for ei.iiity students ajid working space for forty at one tine,- each individual bcin," supplied -ath app.i,ratus for independent vork in order to develop initiative and self-reliance as ^7ell as to provide experience in this f particular field. In addition to tho facilities for the ]Dreparation of test spccincns, there havp been accumulated equipnent for spcci.al physical tests such as furaaces for dctcmininr the thcmal expansion of bodies and for npkint'^ thernal analyses of clays, nachines 1 Huch of the natcrinls in this section Met-, talcen fron a nanuscript prepared by R.L. Cook, Associate in Cera.iic En..~:ineerin!-;. 510 for testing; the dry n.:id ourncd stren.-th of products, equipncnt for ncasurin;": the noduliis of clcsticity of claypicccs, ruid such particular appamtus as an Sndell plasticinctcr for ncasurin..^ plasticity and an autoclave for testing .Tlazcd -Jare for delayed crazin,:;. In an adjacent roon there has "oeen provided ball nills of various sizes, ■blun.-7;er<. and stirrers for preparin,^ bodies and .blazes, a ferrona^^netic filter and t'.70 auto- natically-controlled dryin.-; cabinets. In the basenent there has been accuiiiilatod such rrrindinp" eq.uipnent as jav; crushers, roll nills, and disl-: nills that are used in the preparation of clays for laboratory vrork. Supplies of equipnent for classroon use are issued frora the storeroon v/Mch is located on the first floor a^ljacent to the laboratory and which is connected directly •.7ith the wei.^'tin,'": roop tJiat contains the v/orkinn supplies of rav/ aaterials. Reserves of ccraiiic uaterials arc kept in storaj^e bins in the basenent. Near by is an apparatus roon '.vherc equipnent for class c;rporinental work and for research is stored v,'hcn not in use. Pottery Laboratory.- 'Ihe pottery laboi'atory, used for instruction in the preparation of borly nixtures and for detionstration and practice in the various nethods of pottery and chinavvare or tableware production, as well as for nalcin.- special articles necessary for class and research work, has ^oon equi^jped fron tine to tine with such nodern appliances as are found in connercial service. The slip-house apparatus includes nixin.-j; units consistin.-: of blunj-;ers, aititators, cleanin,™ equipnent, a filter press v,'ith a capacity of fron 100 to 600 pounds of clay per batch and .a sn.aller unit with a capacity of fron 30 to 4o pounds of clay per char^'^e. The noldin;' equipnent includes a throwiiij"' wheel, ji^i-^er, and pull-down lathe, and a nur.iber of c-istinf and pressing: benches and tile presses, pernittine'^ operations of different tyi^cs used in connercial nanuiacture of various pottery pro- ducts. In addition, there is a plaster shop for the use of the potter in n;TJ:in£: nolds and other re.^ular .aiid special articles for use in the classroon and research projects of the Dcpartncat. 3naJ .lel L abo r at ry . - iVhon the Cerasiics Buildin;- was conpleted in I916, the en.-uiel 511 IVooratory v/as instolle'-l on the first floor at the south end of the ■builrUn.-. The oquipncnt was ^-radually extended to include facilities for instruction and research in all 'branches of vitreous or porcelain cn.anelin,:. These facilities conprise apparatus for chcnicol clcanin,-, pic.irlin,-:, annealing, scalin-, and sajidblastin;- of iron. They include, also, a \attcry of sevcn-,-as fired crucible pot furnaces, each vith a capacity of three pounds per nelt. There are, in addition, t-ro coiii.i- ercial types of rotary furnaces for sncltin,- enaiiels, each havinr a. capacity of sixty pounds of natcrial. Besides, there is a five-pound and a one-pound elcctricaliy- heatod snelter -rith autointic tonpcraturc control for use in research work. Further- nor., there has been added a tanjc t;rL3C of furnace, fired by ,-as '7ith the fl-^nc pass- in;-: directly over the batch, as in coniiercina smelters, that produces about sixty po\inds per riclt. For the nillin.- of cnaxiels, various sizes of nachincs have been uadc available, including snail one-pound laboratory,' nills, ro.-xilar four-pound nills, fifteen-pound nills, and one of one hundred-pounds capacity. Facilities are available for check- ing fineness, pick-up, specific .gravity, and consist .ency by cither the Bin-Jian Consistonctcr, Ir'/rin Plastoneter, or the Garrlnor Mobilonetcr. A Pranz-F^rro na^T- netic filter is used for extract in,.T iron fron the nilled on-i.iel, and a Roto spray is available for screonin^- the nilled cn,mcl. 3naj.iels are applied by dippin,- and spraying, the oquipncnt for the latter consistin,- of a nodcrn '7atcr-'7ash spray booth with both pressure and suction type of sprny oquipncnt. The onxncls are fired in electric furnaces of the chronel resistance type, -two of the furnaces havin.:; burnin- chajibers 5 by S by I3 inches inside, one 9 by 12 by 2k inches, another 9 by I9 by 2k inches, and still another, located in the kiln house, 13 > 20 by 3I+ inches. Those arc controlled ^rj autonatic rocordinr: pyronotcrs. The apparatus provided for testin^-: the finished en;uiol surface includes a U.S. Bureau of Standards inpaot machine, a Lindenann-naniclson bondin,- test nachine, a GarrLncr Ma,^a -au,-:c, a Geneml Slcctric thickness ,,aurc. a U.S. Bureau of Standards f-ou.-in,-: nachino. .nd such special apparatus as RCA J^. VoltJ^hynst and Cesco tester for nc.surinr- the continuity of en.jnel surfaces. The General Electric spect rophoto- nctric photonotor an'', a Hintor ■.nultipurposc-rrtfloctoneter - ^, ^, . ^. ■ -re used for dctcrnmations 512 of color nii'l opicity, an^l the ultrapn.c nicroscopo -vrA the X^ray cquipncnt arc r<,vn.il- ablc for dot crrai nations of crystalline stinacturo. The int erf oronetcr is used to study the coefficients of expansion of cnancls, and a spocially-dcsiTiod nachine for the tensile strcn,-:th and elasticity. In adlition, the tostin,": cquipncnt vhich has 'been developed under ,-\ cooperative project sponsored "jy the 3nrj.-iolcd Utensils Manuf actuers ' Council is availalilo for tostinn all kinds of en-Tjielcd utensils. Kiln Laboratory'-.- A U2 hy 100- foot portion of the kiln-house, v/hich '/as erected in !j.311-12 as previously stated, h.",s "boon devoted to the housin--" of kilns and furnaces of various types used for 'ooth instructional and e:-rpcrinontal pur^^oscs. The largest kilns h'wc ''oeen fitted \n.th "both oil- and coal-f irin-': apparatus, and have ran;";ed fron one to three cu'jic yards capacity, in nhich it has been possible to develop tcnperatures as M>ih as 2,600 dc~roes F or norc, one :oinr; 'ls hi;^! a,s 3>100 de.";reGsF. Soiic of thise v/erc arrrm^od for either up-draft or dc/n-draft firin,-:, but at this tir.io all are of the do'/n-'lraft t^-pe. Several snpJLlcr kilns h-vc been constructed for firin,:: individual batches, in sone of v/hich it has beer, possible to develop tonperaturos of 2,700 dCiTecs F. Snail r:as-fircd furnaces h-ivc been provided for conductin;- hi,ih-tenperaturo fusion tests of refractories, -one furnace beinf: capable of developin,!: a t enporature of 3,100 dO;-;rocs P. for the tcstin,-; of refractories under load, O^e rotatiniT kiln was sup]:)lied for testing the rosist->nco of fire fed brick to coal-ash and other sla^s, the powdered ala^^ beinn^thi'0U;-h the ,71s burner so as to inp^fin,-^e and fuse on the test brick that forn the linin,; of the furnace. lUiother furnace for this s;vie pur^jose ivas been developed in -jhich the burner rotates '/rhilc the furnace rennins station;.,ri'-, a type v;hich is no'.7 considered to be the stand- ard for such eiqaerinental use. T-io rotary sneltin;'^ furnaces of 60-poxinds capacity '.7ere added for nakint]; scni-pl,'\nt size ennnel frit batches .and ;ilso for studying; sneltin.^ processes. The e'iuij)i''.ont includes also, a battci^y of nine sn.-ill frit fur- naces and a n'onbor of snail fusion furnaces for classroon 'ind experinental service. A 12-point uall sot of indicatin.-; and rocordin;'^ pyronetors mth conpensatinc leads for both base and nobel notal thernocou])lcs v/a.s installed in an adjacent roon as a part of the pyroneter equipnent of the kilns and furnaces. This 513 arr^mrTonent pcmits any kiln or furn-icc to be connected so thnt roadin;-;s nay "be tnken at c-^reat convenience, v/ithout the use of portable instrur.ien-ts, A recorflin.'^ Carbon dioxide neter of the electrical rosist^'ncc type, has been inst^illed for the deteminntion of atnosi^here conbustion conditions in the lariTer kilns. There was recently inst died one 26-kilo',7att and one 36-kilo'7att Box type onanelinj-: furnace iiadc of alloy 10 that can be operated /it 2,300 de.Ti'ees F. for use in en-melin,-; and in firin.-: ..'J.aaos. There has. also been recently added a clcaniu,'^ and picklin;:; roon •.;dth conjilete tankin,:; and ventilatin.: cquipncnt, and a special Koleno noltcn srtlt electrolytic cleanin,-: set. Structural Clay-Pro ducts Laboratory,- Wien the kiln house v/as conplctcd in I912, one end was taken over for ri structural clay-products laboratory, and has been utilized for that purpose to date. The laboratory equipnent -radually built up since then, includes a connorcial size brick-nakin,-: unit capable of turnini':; out 1,000 jrick per hour, conprised of a five-foot dry p.-\n for i-^rindin,":, a five-foot wet pan for teniierin.'; clay batches, an elevator, a vibratin.": screen for sizinfi, a i:)U^ nill, an au.iur brick nachine aiid dies, rijid a h.and-opo rated cutter. There is also provided a .snail au..u.r nachiac for nnkin^: hollow tiles, drain tiles, roof tiles, and bars, a snnll dc-airin.': unit, a Siiipson mixer, a 7 ''^7 10-inch j.aw crusher, a h-and-pov/cr sa,y:or iircss, a h-md-pov/cr repress, a dryer, a 50,000-pound Capacity hydraulic press, n^id a nui-ibcr of sn-ill plim^^or presses, A series of bins located alonfi; one of the v;\Lls of the laboratoiy provide storaiTc space for clay, co.al, fire brick, and sa.^i'^ers. Drying; Laboratoi-:^,- A C.^rricr dr^^in/; cabinet equipped with forced-air circulation and autonatic control of terxper-iure and relative hwiidity has been provided for exijcrinental work on the dr;"in;^ of clay products and in the dotcrnination of the fund.'u.iental princijjles involved in di'yii-f"^« A scale nodcl of n pro,-rcssivc indirectly- heated dryinf: tunnel constructed sone years .a;P for the stud;)- of air novencnts and circulation in dryers of this ty],5e, is still on hajid, althouih it is no longer used for this purpose. 51^ Kicroscooic Lf oorabon'"*- 2hc ;;iicro3Copic Irbor^.tory has been gnodrnxlly fitted for use iA 1)0*11 insi/ructional and eiw-perinentrl -.'ork in the conduct of intensive studies of the physical structure of ceramic raw materials and ceramic products, large col- lections of which are availahle. Among the new and used ceramic products, the samples of refractories after use in glassmelting furnaces are especially complete. From this assemhlage of products more than 1,000 thin sections have been prepared and are available for laboratory purposes. The special laboratory equipment in- cludes a combination lathe for sawing and polishing microscopic sections, two research petrographic microscopes, and seven student petrographic microscopes. The special apparatus consists of a photomi orographic camera supplied with three lenses for doing also photographic work at low magnification: accessory facilities and lenses fitted for reflected light illumination for study of polished opaque surfaces; a filarmicrometer and euscope for measurement of small particles; a parabaloid con- denser for dark field work; and a cai'diod condenser for stud^' of materials of col- loidal size. There have been provided, too, a number of small electric furnaces for the preparation of artificitil minerals. Glass Technology Laboratory.- A complete assortment of equipment has been brought together for instructional and experimental purposes in connection v/ith the study of glass and glassy silicates and the properties of fused and solidified glases. The apparatus' includes gas-fired furnaces operating at temperatvires up to 1,650 degrees C, and electric Globajr-element furnaces which may be used up to 1,500 degrees C. It includes, also, molds and presses used in the production of glass test pieces, complete grindinjfe and polishing facilities for the preparation of test samples, and appliances for the special study of the softening point by Littleton' s method, of the electrical conductivity of glass, and of the surface tension of molten glass. In addition, there has been provided equipment including both polariscopes and a (Cabinet compensator, for determination of strains in glasses, and apparatus of both the interferometer and the fiber-coinparison types for the determination of the thermal expansion of glasses. Furthermore, there has been added apparatus for studying the chemical durability of glass, for making solarization tests by the 515 quarte-mercury arc, for conducting flo\irescence studies and for determining the transmission of colored glass, for testing the surface hardness of glass, and for examining the resistance to thermal shock of various types of glasses. Research Laooratories.- Several research Laboratories have been fitted up "by the Department for the study of the properties of such raw materials as clays, feldspars, and quartz, and for conducting experimental work on such semi-finished and finished products as glasses, enamels, glazes, porcelain bodies, refractory materials and products, plasters, and cements of various types. Since much of the investigational work must be carried on at high temperatures, there has been assembled a n-omber of ftirnaces capable of close temperature regulation, some with atmospheric control, for use in the accurate determination of such physical proper- ties of materials and products as the melting point, specific heat and thermal expansion and contraction; in the identification and q\iantative determination of dissolved gases in glasses and enamels; in the examination of surface tension and electrical conductivity of glasses and enamels; and in the observation of physical and chemical changes of the materials at various temperatures. Other special ap- paratus includes an X-ray diffraction unit for the study of the crystalline structure of ceramic materials and products. Besides the facilities maintained by this Department, the equipment of other departments here on the cararpus is accesible for research purposes. For example, the electron microscope, various spectrographs, colorimeters, and additional X-ray apparatus are available in the Department of Chemistry, and the spectrophotometric photometer in the Department of Electrical Engineering, B. COIIiECTIOlTS MD MUSSQM MA-TERlAlS General.- The Department of Ceramic Engineering has brought together an unusual collection of modern ceramic wares r-epresenting types of bodies, glasses, glazes, onanols, and other materials, and illustrating methods of decoration, - the special display of glasses including cut glass, art glass, fiber-cloth glass, and insulating materials; and that of enamels comprising a number of miscellaneous items illustratin the use of sheet-iron and cast-iron bases. An assortment of over 1,000 pieces 516 typical of American and foreign potteries, acquired through, donation and purchase, demonstrates the range of the field of ceramic art. One piece of partictaar interest is the duplicate of the English Wodgewood "bono platO made for ex-President Theodore Roosevelt, , One room originally set aside for the Ceramics Library, is given to a display of articles made in the Department here, to an accumulation of white wares such as porcelain and chinawaro presented hy the manufacturers, some of which are located in IllinolB, and to an oxhihit of the "Heinrich Eeis Collection", a gift ty Heinrich Reis of fifty-three pieces of \musu3.1 and fine foreign pottery collected hy him diiring his visits to the various countries of continental Europe. Still other collections in the htiilding include tiles, terra cotta, cements, abrasives , pottery, mosaics, iinusunl forms of chinawr.rc, and a number of pieces of Indian ware. The Department ho-s assembled, also, numerous saaples of raw materials representing varieties of such products as ano commonly found in coiamercial work. Of special note and interest is the fact that much of the face brick lining the corridors of the building itself, illustrates many of the different structural tj'pes made in industrial plants. This elaborate display of exhibits serves to point out the developments in the field of ceramics and ceramic engineering better than any descriptive account could provide. It serves as a source of information for both stiidents and visitors alike to indicate something of the scope of the ceramic industry and the progress that has been made in the production of materials from clay and related mineral resourcos and that have boon so widely used for domestic and comraercial purposes throughout the country. 1 Presented to the Departnent in Hovember, I9UU. 5l6a P, FACULTY PlRSOffiTEL Oeceral .- Brief biographical sketches of staff Eeabers of the grade of assistant or above that have been connected with the Department of Ceramic Engineering, are Ijsted in the nezt few p&gec in chronological order according to rank. a. Heads of the Department General.- The work in Coronics was first given in the College of Science in 1905 under the adninistration of Professor C. U, Rolfo, who served as general director ■until 1910,- Dr. Robs Coffin Ptirdy being in innediate charge during 1905-O7. Albert Victor Bloininger was Director during 1907-O2, 1910-12, and 1915-l6,-Roy Thonas Stull 517 serving as Acting Director of the cotirses during the intorin period 1912-15 . When Professor Bleininger returned to the U.S. Biireau of Standards on Pehruary 1, 1916, following his leave of absence to direct the courses here, Ralph Kent Hursh assuned charge until the following Septenber, when Dr. Ednund Wight Washhurn was appointed Head. Doctor Washhurn served until 1922, at which tixno Cullen Warner Parraelee hecane Head and continued in office until I9U2, Andrew Irving Andrews then succedod hin and has renainod Head to date. Biographical sketches of those ncn folic Charles Wesley Rolf e.- Although Charles Wesley Rolfe was never a nentier of tho staff of tho College of Engineering, a brief biographical sketch of his life is entirely appropriate in this publication, for he was largely responsible for tho initial steps taken in founding the Departnont of Coranic Imgineering and for the high level of instructional standards naintaincd in its several currictila. Professor Rolfe was born at Arlington Heights, Illinois, on April IJ, 18^0, He was graduated fron the University of Illinois with the degree of- B.S, in IS72, and was granted the M.S. degree in IS76. He becanc Instructor in Matheaatics and Botany at the University here in 1S81. He served as Assistant Professor fron IS83 to 1885 and Professor 7H3-cology frna I885 until he was retired as Professor of G-oology, Encritus, Sopteraber 1, I917. After retironent. Professor Rolfe con- tinued to nako his hone in Clia:jpaiga until his death on April 6, 193^* Ross Coffin Purdy was born in Jasper, New York, on March 3, I875. Mr. Purdy was engaged in engineering practice until he joined the staff of Ohio State University as Assistant in Certu-aics in I9O2. He remained at Ohio until he caae to the Universit of Illinois in I905 to become the first instructor in Ceranics. He remained here in that position until 19O7, when ho returned to Ohio State University as Assistant of Professor of Clay Working and Ceramics. Ho served as Professor/ Ceramic Engineering there from 1909 to 19II. He returned to practice then and became General Secretary of the •^erican Ceramic Society in 1922, and has remained in thn.t position to date. Professor Purdy received the degree of Cer. B. at Ohio State University in I9O8 and the D, Sc. degree at Alfred University in 1935. • 5ig Alliert Victor Bloininger was born on Jvly 9, 1873, "•* Polling, Gerrmnj', and received the B.S. degree at Ohio State University in I9OI, After thjrcc years in practice, he served as Assistant and then as Associate Professor of Ceranics at Ohio State during igoU-Oy, Ho was appointed as Assistant Professor of Ceranics at Illinois effective in ScpterAer, I907. During I9OS-IO, he was with the U.S. Geological ^urvey, hut returned to the University as Professor of Ceranics and Director of the courses in Ceranics fron 19IO to 1912. In 1912, Professor Bicininger left the University to go to the nev/ly- created Lahoratory of Clay Products of the U.S. Geological Survey, He returned to the University again, however, for a short period fron Septenher 1, 1915, to February 1, I916, to take charge of the Dopartnent while on leave fron the U.S, Bureau of Standards. Wh-ic at the Bureau of Standards during World War I, Mr. Bleininger "through his skill and untiring energy did a narvelous work in the production of large quantities of nost excellent optical glass,"- an article then greatly needed by the U»S, Arny and Navy. Mr. Bleininger left the Bureau of Standards to Join the Honer Laughlin Pottery Conpany about 192U. Ray Ihonas Stull was born on March 12, 1875, at Elkland, Pennsylvania, and received the E.M. degree at Ohio State University in I902. After graduaticn, Mr. Stull spent several years in ceranics parctice and joined the University in I9O7, serv- ing as Instructor in Ceranics during I9O7-II, Associate during 1911-12, and as Acting Director during I912-I5. During his adninistration, the attendance reached a total of 8k undergraduate students. The Ceranics Short Course, an industrial progran of two-weeks' s duration for nen in practice, which succeeded one of shorter duration conducted by the Departnent of &eology under Professor Rolfe, was institute^ in 1913. in 1915, Professor Stull resigned to re-enter engineering practice. He continued in industry until I927, when he becane Chief of the Heavy Clay Products iection of the U.S. Bureau of Standards, a position he held until his death on January 5, 19U^-. Edward Wight Washburn was born on May 10, 1881, at Beatrice, Nebraska. He received the B.s. degree at Massachusetts Institute of technology in I905 and the Ph.D. degree there in I9O8. Mr. Washburn served as Research Associate at Massachusetts IProfessor Bieinin^^died on May 19, 19^6. 519 Institute of Technology during 1906-OS, as -^ssocinto in Chcnistry at tho University of Illinois diiring I9OS-IO, as Assistant Professor of Physical Chenistry during 1910-13, and as Professor of Physical Chenistry during 1913-22. In @epten'ber,19l6, Doctor Washburn bccane Head of the Departnent of Ceranic Engineering while still retaining tho title of Professor of Physical Chenistry. Professor Washtrurn resigne. in Septen"ber, 1922, to ■becone Chf^drnan of the Division of Chenistry and Chenical Technology of the National Besearch ^ouncil. He also served as editor-in-chief of the International Critical Tables of Physical, C henical, and Slngineering Constants. Pron 1926 until his death on February 6, I93U, he was Chief Chenist of the U.S. Bureau of Standards. Professor Washbiirn v/as author of a textbook entitled "Introduction to the Principles of Physical Chenistry", and was co-author of two bulletins of the Engineering Experincnt Station^, Cull en ''''Earner Parnclee war, born in Brooklyn, How York, on June 27, iSjk. He received the B.S, degree fron Rutgers University in I896, being an honor student in chenistrj', and was granted the M.S. degree there in I926, Mr, Parnelec was engaged as a practicing chc;v.ist fron I896 to I9OI. He was associated with Rutgers University in Chenistry and Cerauics fron I9OI, being Professor of Ceranics and Director of the Departnent of Ceranics fron 1906 until I916. He cane to the University here in Septenbor, I916, as Professor of Ceraiiic Engineering, beconing Acting Head of the Departnent in 1922 after the resignation of Professor Washburn, and Head in I923. Professor Parnelee has been active in the affairs of the -fl-nerican Ceranic Society serving as President of tho organization during 191^4-15. He has contributed nany articles to the technical press, and is co-author of seven bulletins issued by the 'Engineering ^xperinent Station, In I936, Rutgers honored hin with the degree of D, Sc,,. and on Septonbcr 25, 1937, ^^c Gcrnan Ceranic Society nadc hin an honorary nenber of that association. In Septenbor, 19'+2, he reached the Univ- ersity ago Unit and retired with the title of Professor of Ceranic Engineering, Eneritus, 520 About the tine of his rctircncnt, Professor P-imclco was presented vnth a terra- cotta plaque at an alunni dinner attended by ei.-^.ty-four fonicr students, hold in Cincinnati durin,- a neetin,' of the Ar-ierican Ccr-aiiic Society. The plaque, later nountcd in the east corridor of the Ccr.ai-iics Buildin.-;, boars the following inscription: . CULLSN "JARNER P.lHIvlELEE AN APPBECIATION OF HIS CONTRIBUTION TO CEIUaC ENGINE3RINCj EDUCATION .UID TO TH3 TEGHNOLO&Y 0? THE GER/UIIC INDUSTRY. Erected ^oy Alur.mi of the Dopartnont, 19U2 At the sane nectin,- Professor Pnmcloe ^7as also presented ^jith a bound voluiic of pcrson.Tl letters fron 2Uo alunni and -vith a life nenbcrship in the Anericaa^ Ceranic Society. A g'Cholarship has been nnned in Professor Pamelce's honor, as a tribute to hin for his lonr; period of faithful and efficient service to the University and the ccranics industiy. Andrc-.7 Irvin,- .lndro',7S.«. \7as born in Baraboo, Wisconsin, on June 10, IS95. He received the B.S. de.-ree -.t the University of Wisconsin in I920, the M.S. decree there in I921, njid the Ph.D. dc-rec at Ohio State University in I92U. He ^7a3 Pro- fessor of Goranic En,-ineorin^- at Alfred University during I92U-25I after vhich he served as Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois durin/;- 1925-22, Ass- ociate Professor durin.T 1923-32. and Professor of Gernj.iic 3n,Tinccrinr 1932 to date. Doctor Andrews bec^'ie Head of the Departnent of Ccn-uiic En.-lneerin,- here in Sopvenber 19^+2, when Professor Parr.ielco retired. Professor Andrews is author of a text entitled "Ceranic Tests and Calculations" -^d of another "En-.jiGls", and is co-author with Ralph L. Cook of one Entitled "En-nncl Laboratory Manual' . In addition, he is author of one bulletin and is joint author of three nore. of the Sn,':;inocrinr'? Hxperincnt Station. H^ served as Chairnan of the 3nai.icl Division of the .Vneric-m Cemnic Society in I933 and as President of the Society in 193 9. b. OTHER PROFESSORS ^liEhJr-lJursh^ (B.S. inI.I.E.. 1908. University of Illinois), was associated with the U.S. Geolc^ical Survey pjid the U.S. Bureau of St,andards durinr 1903-11. He .. 521 cr'j.ic to the Uj^ivci'Gity in I9II as Instructor in Cur-^iiics, nnd tlicn ■bocanc in turn, Associ-,tc, Agsistpjit Professor, .'ind Associ-^.te Pj,ofossor of Ccr-nic Snrl nccrinr;. He ur.s naflc Pj.ofossnr of Ccrr^jiic Sn.iinecri n.'; in I929. Durinf .", tine in I916, nftcr the ^Director of CourncE in Ccr-^jiics hn.d rcsi;:ncd, pT^ofcssor Hursh '7p,s in ch,n.r,-^c. He vns in charf--c, a<.-nin, durin,^ the ncn/iei.iic yc-^.r I93O-3I, "Acn Professor Pn,rr.icloc was on leave travellin"; and studyin;?; a'!3road. Professor Hursh is joint author of t\70 cir- culars issued by the Sn.rinecrin.- 3:cpcrincnt Station. ]>;virht G-mjivillc Bonnet, (3.S., I93O, University of Illinois), -.vas enployed in re- search and dcvclopncnt '.7rirk: for industrial ornanizations and the HcHon Institute until he joined the staff at the University in Au-^ast, 19U3, as Special Research Professor of C^^ranic En.dncorin'; on the cooperative invosti -ation of Cprar.iic Coatin.ts for E;. position in cnj-^inocrin." practice. He is author 01" >"nc 'mllctin of the SnetinGerin:-- 3x[ocrincnt Station, Willi:vi Ray Hor-ui, (B.S., 1920, U.S., 1932, --.ndPh.D., 1937. University of Illinois), ';7ho froM February, I929, liad 'boon a Special Research Assistant, bocane Instructor in Ceranic En.-incerin.- in 1935 ^■^''^ Associate in 1936. He rcsiiTncd in Sei-jtonbor, 1933, to join the staff of the Dopartncnt of C^ranics at Rut.'tors University. Ho is author of two "bulletins and .no circular of the SncinocrinrT Sxperinent Station. Goor-e Herbert Zinic, (3.S., I93S, -uidM.S., I9U2, University of Illinois), was appointed Assist'uit in Ccranic Sni^inocrinr in S^vptaiber, 1933, Srjecial RoGoarch Assistant in 19^0, and Special Research Associate in 19U1 . He resif'^ned in Septenber, I9U2, to enter nilitary service. Ralph LaVcrnc Cook, (B.S., 193U, University of Alabana; M.S., I9U0,. and Ph.D., ig^U, University of Illinois), spent four years in practice before conin~ to the University in Scptenbcr, 1933, as Instructor in Ci^r^jiic •^n-'^ineerinr:. Hq was nadc Associate in 19^3* He is co-author of a textbook entitled "En.ai.iel Laboratory I'anucl". Howard Rnynond S^.-dft. (B.S., I9U0, naadH.S., I9U3, University of Illinois), becasic Research Associate in Coi'ru-iic Bn^-inccrinf in Scptenber, I943 but -./ithdrcw in Septenber,19UlJ Louis Millard Doncy, (B.S., 19^0, University of I-j_linois), becanc Special Rcscai'ch Associate in Ccranic Unj'^incerinf: in Septcnbcr, 19^3* Hj-. .also withdrew in Septen'beE', 194-4-, to accept ail ap^jointncnt in corii;.crcial vio:-]:. f . IITSTHUCTORS AKD EZ1S2LIRCK ASSIST.'iNTS Junius Frederick Krohbiel, (B.S., I90U, ;Uf red University) , joined the staff at the University of Illinois in 1906 as Instructor in C^r-uiics. He rcnained here only until ■■^the end of the scJiool ye^i.r, however, wheri he rcsifiicd to enter oa,3incorin--7 Practice, John Mc Bride Knote, (A.B., I90U, ITittenber,-- CollO(-^e; A.M., I906, Ohio State University] served as Instructor at Ohio State University durinr I90U-O0. He c-jie to the Uni-^ersit' of Illinois in I90S, as Instructor in Coraxiics, and reiiained in that position until ho withdrew in 19II. 52l4 Fr.-inlc Miller Wallace, (3.S., I9II, University of Illinois), bccmic HcsGn,rch Ass- ist-\nt at the University imicr'j.ri.tcly after ^ "graduation, "but T7itii(lro'.7 at the end of the acadcnic year to trlzc up "orh in en:-;inccrinf-; pr.actico. I Gcor.-:c H^7/ard Baldv/in. (B.S., I9II, Hut -crs University), war; Hosoarch Assistant in Ccr.aucG hero durin.^ I9II-I2. Clnrenco Edward Fulton, (B.S., I9II, Butters University) , "vas Roscarch Assistant in Cerardcs here durin.- I9II-I2. Henry Harrison B.artclls, (B.S., I913, University of Illinois), served as Rcsea.rch ^iGsistant in Coranics durin,-; I912-I3. Barney Sinonson R„.dcliffo, (A.B., I9O0, lliani University; M.S., I9IO, University of Illinois), served sone years in practice, then in 191i) joined the staff at the University of Iili:iois as Incstructor in C^r.-iriic 3n,:;incorin,T. He rcnained here until 1916. Arthur Edwards Willians, (B.S., I9IO, and M.S., 1916, University of Illinois), spent sone tine in practice, theii joined the staff at the University in 1915 ^^' Instructor in Cprarjics,-his special intci'cst 'jcin-; in the field of .-lass, H^ rcnained here until 1916, when he resigned to accept an appointnont '.Tith the U.S. Bureau of Stan- dards, v;hcrc he undertook the production of optical r'^ass. Durinr, il7orld War I this was a very inport.-.uit itai on account of its United suirply, for up to that tino it had 1:ccn nadc alriost c;cclusivoly in Gernany. H^, achieved nota'^le success in this endeavor. Later, he ■'^ccanc Consultin;": Glass Technolofist to the Eartford Enpirc Conxjany, Eartford, Connecticut. Howard Clinton Arnold, (3.S., I91U, University of Illinois; A.M., I916, Ohio State University), was enployod in cn;-:inecrinn industry durinn 19lU-l6, He served as Instructor in Ccranic En;-;inecrins~; here during 1916-I7, after which he resigned to enter defense work in World War I. Frank Jarnsworth ^ootitt, (A.B., 191^, iUbion Colle.-e; K.S., I916, University of Illinois), Served as Rosearch Assistant in Cpraj'aic Enj-^iinoerinf-; during 1917-lS* So is joint author of one "bulletin published by the Ennineorin,^ E:q:)erinent Station, John ^bcrt Spabrirlht, (3.S., I9IO, University of Virginia), was en.-a;-od in cn;> inoerinr practice until he was appointed to the staff at the University of Illinois 525 ir. Ic^rafxTTj, I9I0, for the second soncstcr oiily, as Instructor in C(,rraaic Enninoorin,'^. Bp.rl Brianucl LjTjnnn, (S.S., I916, M.S., I920, and Ph.D. (Physics) 1922, University of Illinois), spent one ye-ar in practice, then joined the staff at the University . as Assistant in Ccr^uviic Ensiinccrin:-; in Spj)te)V-icr, 1917. Eq 'Jec-uie Instructor in 1921, hut his appointnont tcminatcd in July, 1922, 'jhcn he hecario a nonher of the staff of the Dcpartncnt of Mathcnatics here. Still later, ho r/as appointed as a ncr.i'ber of the staff in the Drpartncnt of Physics ('.Thich sec) .Mr, Lihnan is author of two 'jalletins and is co-author of one norc issued by the Snrtinecrinr ExiTcrinent St at i n . Austin Joseph Paul, (3.S., I92I4, University of I^^linois), served as Special Hcscarch Assistant in Ccranic En(7ineorin,- here fron Septcifjcr, I926, to Pc'^ruary, I927. ffillDur Hpnry Pfciffcr, (3.S., I92U, University of Illinois), was Special Research Assistant in Ccranic ^n-inccrin.-: fron Scptei-.i':er, I926, to Tc^nirxry, I927, Ho is co-author of one 'mllotin pu'Jlishod 'oy the Ensinccrinr: Sxpcrinent Station. Chester Earl Gri.-rsby, (B.S,, I925, University of Illinois), vns Special Research Assistnr.t in Ccrauic Enf-tincerin,- (Turiiif'^ I926-27. Ho is co-author of one circular of the Sn.-:inocrin,-: Experinont Station. Gcor:-c Alfred Ballai.i. (3.S., I92U, and M.S., I9I';, University of Wisconsin) , '7as Research Assistant in Ccrniiic Sn.-^inccri:^; here durinr 1923-29. H^ is co-author of one 'oulletia of the Snninocrin,-: Bxpcrinent Station. Ei-.-ianuel ^. Hcrtzcll, (B.S. in Cheiiistry Bn^Tincerin,.?, I925, Pennsylvania State Collc,-:c; M.S. in Chen, sine;., 1926, Carno.-ie Institute of Technology), served as Special Re- search Assistaiit in Ccrniiic Enrinccrin,'; duriu;-; I920-3O. He is co-author of two ■bulletins of the Bn^ineorin," Bxpcrincnt Station. Richard ^avid Rudd, (^.S., I927, and M.S., I929, University of Illinois), served as Research Assistant in Ccmjiic En.-incerin." iron Scptcnbcr to Deccnber, I92O. Alfred Jpxies Monack, (3.S., I527, University of West Vir.-inia; M.S., I929, University of Illinois), served as Special Research Assistant in Cci'miic ^nfineeriu.-; here fron Soptonbcr, I929, to March, rj32. ^illiar^ IVebcr Coffocn. (3.S., I935, and M.S.. I937, University of Illinois), servM as Special Research Assistr-.t in Craaic Enrinccrinr here du-in,.; 1935-37, 526 Brunlirjn Willian Kinf, (B.S. in M.S., Yj^l, OnrncrSc Institute of Technology; M.S., 1933» Oi'-io St n.tc University; ;inrlPh.D., 1932, University of Illinois), ■bccru-ic specinl Hcsc.'',rch Assistant in Ccronic 4i.-dncei'iiif'-: in 1937i '^''J-'t rcsi,ined in July, I9U1, to enter cn,-;i no crinj- i-jractice. Joseph ^i^\^J^ Fask. (3.S., 193^. andPn.D., l^Ul, University of Illinois; M.S., 1539, University of Washin,::ton) , was narl.c -rf-ssistant in cern.nic Sni-tinccrinf-: p.t the Univ- ersity of Illinois in Pobruary, 1937. ^^''^^ Instructor in Scptcn'Der, 1Q3S. He rc- sis'^icrl in Soptenoor, 19^1, to 'Docono Assistant Professor of Ccraraic 3n,'^inecrinn and Acting; Head of the Dcpartncnt at the University of Wp.shini'^ton. Earold Carl Johnson. (3.S., I9U0, and M.S., I9U2, University of Illinois), was appointed Sp,cci,al RpSC-rch Assistant in Ccr.aiic Sn^inecrin,.-; effective Septcnlier, 19^+0, "sut left the University in I9U2 to cn-a.-'-c in on-;inccrin;-: practice. 21u.';cnc Parrel Lynch, (B.S., 19^3. University of Illinois), "'jccaric S-pccial Research Assistant in Ccr.-inic 3n,--incori ;-.;-; ir. Soptcri'Dor, 19^3. He withdrew in October, I9U5, Gordon Harene Johnson, (S.S., 19^^, University of Illinois), ■':cc,arie Special Research Assistant in Scptcn'scr, l^kk, on the use of Strontiuri in Ceramics. He also withdrew in October, I0U5. G. MISCELL.^JJ3X)US State Scholarships in CernJiics.- IThcn the Departncnt was or.^anized in I905, the Board of Trustees approved the policy that 102 free scholarships, one for each county, in tlie State, "3c .":ra!ited in ceranico on the nonination of the Illinois Clay Manufacturers' Association^. This practice served to advertise the Dcrartneut, and .'■radually norc aiid norc of the schol-.rships were applied for each year, "Dut the in- crease was nost rapid durinr: the deprossio:i of 1929-35i- the na^iinuri n^anbcr of scholarships '3oin,-: assii'nod in Yj3^- I>u.c to the noces'jity of rcducinr the nun'ocr of free scholarships accepted ^r/ the University, these scholarships in Ccr.ai-iics were r',isoontinucd effective at the "je.iinrdni'; of the school year l[)'}2-yj. This re- sulted in narked decrease in the cnrollncnt in ceranics and cerauic eni-^inocrinn dur- in- the years ir.ii mediately following:. In 1Q37, it was 72; in 1933, 24; and in 1939, 1. Minutes of the Board of Trustees, June 2, I905. 527 2h. To offset this decline, ■\t Icist to sono c:cto:-it, :\ trust fund pro vidinr for scholarships ii: ccr-.-iic cn.rinoorinr' vris .-ipprovcd "rj the 3onrd of Trustees in Oct- o'jor, I'jh],, Appointi.icnts nade on r\ ;icrit ''j.'isis, P.rc for one year c:^tcnda'ble an additional year to students '.vho arc interested in this pn.rticular field and \ih.o have sufficient nnncy in addition to ''^e a'^lc to attcr.d at least t-ro years. Sirri-yry.- Durin;-; the years of the existence of the Dcpartnent of C^rai-^iic •'^^nfinecr- inr;, the non''3ors of its staff have sliovm rxp- active participation in affairs of the national scientific societies rcprcscjitin-: the cer^iiiic industries and have n.aintaincd a close cooperation '/ath the nanuf-vcturcro cn,-a-';cd in the proriuction of ceranic products. Because of such contacts -.Tith individuals, fiiris pjn<\ other or,-:anizations associated •,7ith the clr^:^r nnd related resources of the State, ,and Nation the Dcpart- ;-icnt has attracted ■\ --toodly nuji')er of students to the University to tnjce instruction in this XJ'T-rticular field. Its ■'"raduatcs, mv-xr of v/hon have chosen to continue in advanced v.'ork to secure their doctor's de:";rec, n,al-:in.-: thenselves thci'b'by norc val- ua'ile for careers in their chosen profession, have ;-:onc out to all parts of the country to assune j.iositions of rcsponsihility as teachers a;id research workers in educationnl institutions and as on.. -inccrs in industrial and connorci.-xl practice. The dcpartnental staff has bceri very successful, also, in tlie trainir.,' of v/orkers and ad^iinistrative :roups corjiocted v/ith the industry throu.'h its short courses and conferences \7hich have 'Dee:"! vddely att.:;ided even 'jy reside;:ts of other states and nations. Of no less ix.iporta]"icc, though, have boon the contriiDutions that have ■boon nade "oy faculty and •graduate students throU;-^! their invest i, -Rational efforts in connection v/ith the dovelopnent of the clay and nincr-^l resources of the State, V7hcrc''3y the st-ff has ■':)oen a")lo to denonstratc that n,any coruion earthy clencnts previously considered to '"dc 'vorthlcss cormerci-'lly, cc'uld "^o processed to advantage in the production of hi,-;h-.-rade constmction materials. In addition, it has 'jeen a'ole to develop riany ;.c'7 processes used in the proriuction of ceraiiic ,:pods and to inprovc a nun'jer of those ;ilrca''^/ esta'Dlishcd, thcrc-jy pointini-r the way to no re ocononical use of cl;-iy and other rav; nateri-ils in the develo:-)nent and utilization of the State's resources. As a result of all of those efforts, the Dcpartnent 1ms 522 novc'l into n, position -ulicrc the ccr.-^iiic interests of tlie State can look with con- fidence for a sup^-ily of nen trained in their particular field and for a satisfac- tory solution of such pro':)lcns as nay confront thcu in the rounds of their convcn- tion.-^l practice. 529 CHAPT3H XVII THE D3PAHTi421W OF G3i\'2UL 3N5IiGJRIIIG DH^i^/ING 'a. ORG^iNIZATION Gc:-.cr-l.- Ir. the c^rly rlrxys (.f the Uaivcrsity, nochanicnl dra'7in : '.ins 'i.osi.-:nn,tcd project ior. 'I.ra'.^iii.-:; n.nd for tvm dcc-i/los it and tho clcnonts of descriptive .-coi-ictry 'Tcrc ."ivon to the freslricn, '.-'hilc th.c n/'v.-^.nccl descrii^tivc -Tccictry ^n.s .Tivcii to juniors. Souctincs o::o su''')jcct -tis under the rilrcctio;: of one rvn^i, '.vhilo the other •^•^.s under another. Of course, this uas a very unfortiiiTatc state of affairs, "^ut durin,7 tlior:c days, the jo'5 of tcachin.-; ncchanical ^drawing ' 'iJ''^- ''T-cscriptivc ,::con- etry to fresh lan cuj^incors, was like an uri'.7elcono orj^han rgion,-; the children of the household, — . these su'ijccts ■!")cin:;- the umvclconc and tcnporary ^addenda to tho 'jork of sine instructor -.vhosc consuiiin.-: aiMtions v/crc clsowha.rc. This condition was due partly to the strai--hte:.cd circuj-ist-inccs of the University's finances, and partly to -a lack of the appreciation of the imortnnco of the subject or of the opportunities the instructor in those su'^jects had of ooconin.-: acquafntcd with the fresh.icn and of influencin,-; "jid holpin,-: thcri in a tryin- tine of their college life. Consequently, no traditions were csta'^lished, no adequate appiaratus and facilities '7crc accuj-iulatcd, and no instructor acquired the experience necessary/- to ^iidc the frcshicn -visely and efficiently. During this j^.criod this subject was successively under the personaA 'mt tcnporary char :c of H. C. Hickcr, I. 0. B.Jcer, S. V/. Stratton, and A. II. Tal^jt, all of whon weru then, or shortly aftcr.vards 'iDocane, professors of other dcpartnents of instract ion. At intcrvxl;:; during these year;;., and even suV^ scqucntly, the teachin;- of this su'jjcct -;as co:i;iittod, without nuch if any general supervision, to irou-rir and inexperienced instructors who for one reason or another continued in the work for only a 'iriof period of tine. Finally, however, nechanical drawing; and dcscrictivo .•"i:eonctry cpj'.o to "oo :?roupcd tor^ether under the title General ' 3ilnr:inecrin.'7 Drawinf-^, a:id v;crc tau.iit thereaftor as a sin,::le unit runnin.^ throU;iiiout the entire fresluian year, Durinc the interval fron 190" to l"j2l, the work was in char,:o of the assistant dean of the CollC:^o, who divided his tine 'between the two as-^i.^niicnt s, In l U13 334 jkY^ 33-34 1|2S 349 777 34-35 526 jrji A^i 3W6 622 iJ2 1.094 36-37 762 561 • -* 37-3S 964 744 ^T'}P "71 566 1*1137 ^^1 901 ^\l ^'^'f ?a S5 1.536 1.562 1.323 1.703 W2 S39 203 522 The roristrntion fi,7ircs in nenorrd cnf-inocrinn drawin,- courses before 1904- 05 are not -vnilnblo at this tine. ]>irin,- I913-19 the cnrolluont reached a new M,^h, OGin,-: sonc-,/hcre near I.50O based on a seiacster count. The total then ,-rad- ually declined to 747 in 1932-33.- the -.vorst depression years. The nuLibcr ..rad- ually increased to reach rvn ,all-tinc hi,,-h of 1703 in 1937-3S. Durin,T 1943-44. the Derartnent ,rave instruction in dra-,7in,. to nany trainees re^Tiatofed in ASTP and Navy curricula in addition to the u.u.:d contin„,ent fron other colleges on the 533 c^jipus. The tot^.l nuii'^er of service ncn thus instructed for the three senentcrs was 069, 592, .-mrl 226 respectively. ■X DHAWING-HOOM FACILITI3S G-encrril.- Either early in the history of the Collet'e, those in responsible chariic of the -.70 rk in General Bn.-^ineorinf'^ Dra'.7in:-: bcr^an to accToiiulatc s^'jiplcs of drav/in,";s, nodels, and other uaterials that v/ould serve to advanta.^c in facilitating find ill- ustratin,- dra'Jin.^roon practice. In 1^,11. there was providcf"'. a llolscy printin::^ press for use in instructional -vfrk, althoU;-:h there had been sonc print in-^-press cquipncnt available for student use boforo that tine. This Kelsey outfit was turned in in 191U as part ijayiicnt for a standard Colts Amory print-in.-; presn •.7ith type and accessories, v.'hich the Dcpartnent still aaintains. All specifications and instuction sheets for student vro rl: are printed by neans of this cquipncnt. The press roon houses scver?a thous-.nd zinc etchin;:s on periia.nent nountint-^s for problon use in courses in drri'vin,; Pjid descriptive :iconetry. • A blucprintin.- nachinc was installed in I91I to enable students to acquire sonc experience in this ncthod of roproducin."; drawinrjs. Later, the Dc]'artncnt procured ;i larj-^c-size electric-driven continuous bluci^rintin,- nachine with electric dryer, •m electric-arc nachine, and Dirccto and Ozalid devolopin/: nachines for the saiae purpose alon- -vith the usual baths and chcnicals enploycd for devclopinf: prints. As soon as the north end of tho Transportation BuilfUn/r v/as conpleted in 1021-22, the 'Departncnt iioved the blueprint in..- cquipncnt into a lar.-e roon on the fourth floor of this extension. Ij. 1519-20, the Departncnt -.Tas .able to jirovidc a No, 1 photostat n.achine nadc . by the Gcnncrci.-il C.ancro.-rai-jh Cdy.ip.any of ITev; York, for the use of students in the rcpro'^'uction of printed naterials. Tlie Do:'^artncnt also o\rns a conplete collection \ of nodern draftinr: instruncnts for both display -md classrocn use, as well as a suspended pantG;:raph and a universal dr.aftin.- nachinc. It also has a ,-"enerous col- lection of up-to-date r:achanic,al and structur-d nodels for dr,a-7inr;-roon use. These inclliidc' ji,-'s and fircturos, ..:,-a,;es, and other nechanical devices, ,and structural parts. There are, in addition, a nunbcr of ,-oonctric nodels used to f.acilitato 531+ czcjplaa-ation of the principles of descriptive Moouctry -is .'xppliorl to the flovolopncnt 'Ui'l ]>rojoction of pline sections.. I. Faculty psHsoKiiEL General." Brief 'nor":raphic-Tl sketches of f-'.culty ncn^ers n/iovt; the rr^Ac of ass- ist-int thn.t h-vc 'jceu connected -.'ith the Dcpartncnt of Gencrn.1 Sn-inccrinr Drav/in.^ n.rc listed in the followin:; pa,-cs in chronolo,':ic'\l r^rdcr nccordinr; to rp.nk, a. lUVDG 0? THE DEPARTI-IEIJ? Gc:ior"l.- The follov/in,:; persons hn.vc served in rcs/'Onsi^lc ch'i,r;Tc of General Enfj- inecrin,: Dr^.v/iiv: J/uios D. Phillips fron IG93 to 1902; Victor Tyson Wilson iron IQOU to 1907; Carlos Lcuox I'cliastcr fro;.i I907 to IQOo; Fred Daanc Crawshav' durinf: 190?.- 10; Harry \1. Miller froia ll;10 to l'jl7; -.nd Harvey Hcr'jcrt Jordan fron I517 to date. A short ''jio,":ra.phical sicctch of each follo'..'s. J-^-iaes David P hillips, Ai-ch. '93, the first instructor to :.inJ-:c the tGachin;-: of onr;inocrin.-: dra.win,;; his chief or solo 'vori-: ni-.d to continue in it for any considera')le period of tine, W'ji of the Colle.TC He continued in that capacity until I921 when G-eneral Er-'anccrin,-: Dra'vin.'; '^as nade a separate dcpartnont and he v/as appointed head •;7ith the rank of Professor. Professor JortlaJi has aadc the instructional -.TOrk in cn:-"inocrin,^ dra".7in.-; an inportant and inte.^ral part of the cn.';ineGrin;^ courses in a wa^- that has influenced the attitude and interest of the students. Hq has the a'l'ility to develop conpa.r- ativcly youn-t ncn into excellent and enthusiastic teachers of dra'Tin..-* and '''-cscriptive rconetry. E^ is author of a book entitled "En^Tinecrin.--; a Career, a Culture", and is co-author with Hnjidolph P. lioelschor of a tc:.cfbook entitled "En^'ineerin,'^ Dramnif , and with Professor I, ¥.. Porter of another one entitled "Descriptive Geonetry". li; is co-author of one 'mllctiu piu-jlit-hod 'jy the Sn/^incorin,-: Exrpcrincnt Station, Pro- fessor Jordaji served as Vico-P^,esiderit of the Society for the P^oiiotion of 2n;Tincer- in,-: Eduction during I93I-32. In addition to his tcachin,.-: duties, P^^fessor Jorda,n was Assistant Dean of the CollC;--c of Sn.-^inecrinf froi; I917 to 1Q3^. Since that tine ho has 'jeen AsGociato Dean, as jireviously nentioned. b. 0.TH3H PH0P3SS0RS RandolT-h Philip Hoolscher. (B.S., I912, and C.E., I929. Purdue University; M.S., 1927, University of Illinois), was cn,-:a;ied in en<-inccrin,.": practice fron I912 to 1916, au'-'' served as Instructor at Baldwin- Wall aco CollCf::e durin/: I916-I3, He crune to the University in 191S and 'Decai:ie successively Instructor, Associate, Ass- istant P^,ofe3sor, aaad Associate Professor in General Sn.-incerinr Dynv/in-'T durin-i I9I0-I931. In 1931 he v/as appointed Professor of Gcncma En.iineorin.-- Drav/in,-:;. Profer.f.or Ecielschcr is author of a texfbook entitled "Teaching-; Mcclianic-a Drawing", -.nd is co-author with A.3. Hays of one, "3asic Units in Mechanical Drawin,-, Books I n.nd II", '.vith H. H. Jordan of one, "3n,-ineorin- Drawin.-", ^itl _gii_fford :-:. Sprini^er of one, "^ssonti-ds of Draftin,-", and with Cljl^^ , v » .. .iiorci H, Sprin.-^er 537 and Richard F. Pohla of another, "Industrial Production Illuatratlon for Students, Draftsmen, and Illustrators" . Professor Hoelscher served as President of the Illinois -Indiana Section of the Society for the promotion of fiigineerlng Sducatlon for the academic year 1936-37. Clifford Harry Springer . (B.S., I916, and C.E., 1929, Ohio State University; M.S., 1929, University of Illinois), Joined the staff of the University of Illinois in September, 192U, as Instructor in General Engineering Drawing, after several years* ej^erience in engineering practice. He was made Associate in 1928, Assistant Professor in 1931, Associate Professor in 1937, and Professor in 19'*3. Professor Springer has done nnich of the work in preparing the programs and in registering students enrolled In the Department of General Engineering and has acconpanied the seniors on their annual Inspection trips. He is co-author with Randolph P. Hoelscher of a textbook entitled "Essentials of Drafting" and is Joint author with Professor Hoelscher and Richard F, Pohle of another, entitled "Industrial Production Illustration for Students, Draftsman, and Illustrators." c. Associate Professors Francis Marlon Porter . (B.S., I907, Ohio State University; M.S., I9II, University of Illinois) , served as Assistant in General Bigineering Drawing at the University of IlUnois during I907-O8, Instructor during 19O8-I3, Associate during 1913-21, and Assistant Professor during 1921-1*1. Since 19l*l, he has had the title of Associate Professor of General Engineering Drawing. He is author of a temthook entitled "Mechanical Drafting", and is co-author with H. H. Jordan of another entitled "Descriptive Geometry" and with James T. Lendrum of still another entitled "Architectural Projections", Albert Jorgensen . (B.S., 1924, Michigan College of Mines; M.S., I928, University of Illinois) , became Instructor in General Engineering Drawing at the University of Illinois in September, l^k, Associate in 1931, Assistant Professor in 1938, and Associate Professorin 19l*5. ,iiti.oVbttl" ytfjiitoaB lit-C-.X. •:i.i: igB&i,136»e. a«d Ana ^altebtil;jx& LatdOBO to .tnaoii^Mj KO JOQJE, ■*xet4Sfij/i£ 538 Stemley Gilbert Hall . (B.S., 1923, University of Maine; M.S., 1930, University of Illinois), cane to the University of Illinois In September, 1925, as Instructor in General Engineering Drawing, He vas made Associate in 1931, Assistant Professor in 1939, end Associate Professor in 1945. Professor Hall is author of one hiilletin published by the Stagineering Esperinent Station. James Thobum Lendrum . (B.S. in Arch., 1930, University of Michigan), Joined the staff at the University of Illinois in September, 1930, as Assistant in General Engineering Braving. He became Instructor in 1931, Associate in 1937, Assistant Professor in 194U, and Associate Professor in 19^5, He is co-author with Francis M. Porter of a textbook entitled "Architectural Projections". On September 1, 19*^5, he was given a leave of absence to work with The Small Hcanes Council. d. Assistant Professors Robert gent Steward. (B.S., I908, and C.E., I9II, University of Maine) , seirved as Instructor in General Engineering Drawing at the University of Illinois during 1909-13, as Associate during 1913-15, and Assistant Professor during 1915-I6. John Knox McNeely . (B.S., I908, University of California; A.M., 1917, Universltj of Southern California; and E.E., I923, University of Illinois) was engaged as an engineer in practice and as a teacher in Junior-college work after graduation until he cane to the University in September, 1920, as Associate in General Engineering Drawing. He was made Assistant Pi-ofessor in 1921, but resigned in the summer of 1923 to accept a position in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Washington University, St. Louis, Rudolph Michel . (B.S., In M.E., I916, University of Wisconsin; M.S., I928, University of Illinois), Joined the staff of the University of Illinois In September, 1923, as Assistant Professor of GenereO. Englneeriiig Drawing, He resigned in September, I929, 4»i}t«ri.t,f;v '»;j. ,i it^f; ■ . . . ■■\..; :£j Ir 'ivifo i i"S?X nJt TCM3eeto"i f> gntitow^anc^ to bod&em vea 540 John Henderson ?o-7ell. (B.S. in C.3., IG91, University of Illinois), served -is InstiTLctor in Gcnerrd Dni-ineerin." Dra^vin:": here durin- lGgi-92. He resi^-ned to enter comercial -'ork ru"d later 'jecane interested in the re-d- estate ^ousincss. Jnjnes Zrnnklin Ka^lc, (3.S., 1299, University of Illinois), served as Assistant in Gcncr-il 3nr-incerin,- .'it the University durinr; IG99-OI. He then -jas Instructor in Descrii^tivc aeonetr;; at the University of "iTisconsin for the school year I9OI-O2, after v/hich he returned to the University of Illinois to bcconc Instructor in General Bn'tinccrin,-; Dra-dnt~. He rcnained here until I90U, ;7hon he rcsi.^ed to cn.^a,-;c in arc'iitccturnl and en^-ineorin;? practice, Ho-3ert Cleyton llatthe-js. (3.S., I902. University of Illinois), becnjio Assistant in General Sn^inoerin- Dra^in- in..iodiatcly after ^-rr.duation, then 'xas Insti-uctor in that dcpartnent durin.- 1903-O5, He was transferred to the Dcpartnent of Meclv- anical En^inoerinr in I905, "out resi^'^ncd at the end of the school year. After spcndin,- scvcr-d years in practice, Hp. HPotthc-.vs becnnc Assistant Professor of Dra-^in,-: and Machine Dcsir?! at the University of Tennessee. He has served as iiat- ional Secretary/' of Tau Beta Pi since I905. Har.:-;ond Willi nji Vrnitsitt. CS.S., I903, University of Illinois), served as Instructor in Gcner.Tl Sn,'::incerin,-: Dra'.7ini-: fron I903 to I905. He rcsir^nod to en.-a.-c in the practice of Architecture. ganscy (Thonas) Radi'.rd At^. (3.S., I905. lo-va State Coller^c) , served as Instructor in General Sn-inccrin- D^^a^n,-; at the University of Illinois during I905-O6 and Instructor in Theoretical and A^'plied Mechanics here durin,-^ I906-O9. He resitT^cd to cn;Ta.-;e in en-inc^ rin,-; practice.. Several years later, he joined the staff at Io-7a State Collo>:e 'ind in 1932 'jecaiMC Deaja of Sn.iinccrinr tlierc, ao^Jort Burns Otis, _ (3.S., in 11,3. I903, University of Kichigan),, was cnployed in cnr-'incerinf; .and conr.crcial woi-lc after A'raduation until 1905, -7hcn he Joined the staff at the University of Illinois as Insti-uctor in General Sn;i3.necrin<- Drawin;-;. He renainod here until I907, when he left to 'Dcconc Dircctin,^ 3i;nf::incer of the Board of Industrial Sducation in Milwaulccc, TiTisconsin. Charles .Tillard Black , (M.E.. I905, Cornell University), was emrloyed in eneineenng practice for a tine, then served as Instructor in General Bncinecring Drawing at the University here during 190b~07» 5^1 Austin G, Johnson. (3.S. inK.B., I905, University of Minnesota) , served as Instructor in Gcncr-^ En^-^inccrin;-- Dra'Tin,- hero durinr l^oS-Oy. Onrl Ranlriu Dick. (3.S. in Arch. Snn., I907, University of Illinois), served ns Instructor in Gcnor.-d Sn.-inccrin;-: Dra-7in,- here durin,- 1907-O3. IIq -.Tithdrc;? in Pobrurvry, 1909, to enter cn:-inccrin:-: pr 'ct ice ■■\t Dccrttur, Illinois, -.vith the Dccntur Bridf^e Qci-Lpnx)y. Ghnrlcs Bg yard Gib^jons. (3.S. inH.S., I907, University of Illinois) , sorvod as Instructor in Gonor/Tl Bn^-^ncorin..- Dr,T7in,j; durin,- the year I907-OG. He rcsi.-ncd to accept a position -jith the University of ITg'? Mexico. Shcr-.70od Hinds. (.3.5. inH.E., 1905, Kichi. -an Agricultural College), -.las Instructor in Michigan A^-ri cultural College during- I905-O0 .-uid at the University of Kansas during 1906-07. I'hcn ho joined the faculty of the University here as Instmctor in Gencr.Tl En,-ineerin.-; Dra^vin,-. Hq rcsi-ned, hov/evcr, at the end of the first school yc'ir to enter on.-ineorin.; ^jracticc. Arthur Bassoll Lord. (3.S., 1907, ,andC.S., 1910, University of Maine; M.S., 191I, University of Illinois), served as InStmctor in the University of liainc in I907-OC; nnd Instmctor in General Enrinecrin,-: Dra^7in,- at Illinois in I9OG-O9. He resigned to en,--c in consulting pr-cticc after which he •■ccepted a position -t Lchi.-h University. Seveml years later he becnjno Consult-jit in the Pro-ress Division, 3urcau of Y-irds and Docks, U.S. Ka^-y, at Washin.^.on. D. C. Durinj: 1933-35 ho '7as -/irninistrator for the Civil Works ArTj.iinist ration -^nd for the i?oi^-r and HchaMlitr^tion Division of the Illinois 3r.icr,-cncy H^lief Connission. Since' I935, ho has seized ns consulting- en,-incor njid as Asoistant State Adninistrator for the Works Pro^-rcss Administration in Illinois. Ho is co~author of one ^mlletin of the EnfTinccrin,- E:q,crinent Station and isanthor of a oo.>k entitled "Handbook of Reinforced Concrete Buildin- Desi,-n".. Mr. Lord -7as a'./arded the Leonard C. Wason nedal by the Ariorican Cnncrctc Institute in I927. Gcor.Tc Earl Iiartin._ (3.S.. 1909. andC.E.. iqiU, Purdue University) , -.7as Instructor in General En.::inoorin,- Dr^mn., at Illinois in 1909-10^ He resi.-ned to accept a position as Professor of Civil En/^ineorin.- at Colorado Colle,:c. After four years 5^2 there he '7ont to Purdue Uaivcrsitj'- to 'bcconc Assistant P-^cfossor of liirth'jny 3n.',incerinf:. :->,rQld 0rd-.7n.y Ru-:i':. (3,S. IQOS, .-indC.E. , I909, D-vrtnouth Collc.-c) , scr-/cd ns Instructor in &cncri,l 3n.-incoriii; • Drnvdn;-; at the University of Illinois froii Scpter.'ber, I9II. to Fe'Dr^aar^/-, 1915* Hufus Or.-inc, (A.3., I909, Middlc':ury College; 3. S. , I9II, Massachusetts Institute of T (.clinolo, ■•:/), ''7as cnraoyod \y the Boston Elevated R-iilv/ay durin.i I9II-I2. Ho •vas Instructor in Baker Univijrsity dui-ir.,' I912-I3 njni Instructor in General Enriucerin.;- Dra.^in.-- at the University of Illinois frou 1913 to I9IS, He rcsi-ncd in April, I9IS, to accept rm appointnent v/ith the ^oro'st Products La'^oratory at Madison, Wisconsin. 5o':ln Beach, (3.S., 1913, U.S., 19r?2, and S.S., I922, University of How IK-Hishire) , served as Instructor in Goncr-d 3n,'^inecrin,~; Drardn,-: at the University of Ij^linois fron Uovcji'ber, 1913f ^^ ^^"'■o end of the school year. He resi.";ncd to *vccept a position at Texas A,^ricultur'il and licchanical Colle:-e. ;a^crt ?ranl-: V / cstlund,^ (3.S. in 11.3., I9II, University of Illinois), 'vas Instructor in General Sn.";inccrinr; Di-a'.Tin.-: at the University fron Jp'^ir^jiary to June, 1915» Clarence Allen At ■-veil, (3.S., 191U, -uidH.E., 193O, University of Ko'^i'fT-ska) , served as Assistant in General Enrincerin.;- D-j'.av/in.-: at the University of I]linois durin- 191^-15 n,nd as Instructor durin.- I915-I7. Ho ' resigned in Au.iast, I917, to cn..7a:e in cn,':;ineerin;- practice. Leo Starr Baldwin, (A.3., 19l5, ajidB.S., I916, University of Illinois), "beCTno Instructor in GoncmJ 3n,-1.necrin,- Dra-vin- hero in I916. He resi^^ncl in July, I9I0, to ')ocone Instructor in the U.S. School of Hilit-^r;,- Aeronautics at Illinois. He vn.s transferred to the Dopartncnt of General Ent-^ineorin.T Dra-vin- in February, I919, 'out rcsi-'ned in July, foUomn.-^, Merton Ford 3anl-:s. (3.S., I915, University of ii-^ane) , served as Assistant in General Snrinoorin,-: Dra-dn- at the University of Illinois durinr: I915-I7 and as Instructor fron Septcnber, I9I7, to Decenher, I917, v;hen he ;vithdrc-7 to enter nil i t ary s crvi cc . 5U3 WillJ.Tj.i JosG-oh Bin.-en, (3.S., I912, njidC.E., I913, University of Minncsot-i) , scrvcrl •',3 druftsnirin .?,nd tc^.cher at his aln.T. nater durin^-'; 1913-17* ^^c joined the staff at the University of Illinois in October, I917, ^.s Instructor in General Sn.'inccrin'; Dra'.rinr'^.. He rcnaincd here until March, 1920, -vhon he vathdrc:.7 to accept an apjiointncnt in the Catholic University at '(!'a3hin;::ton, D.C, Charles L^Tinji Bllis, (A. 3., I9IO, University of I]_lin'.is), 'Jas on;Ta:;ed as teacher in secondary-school \7ork fron I9IO until I917, v/hen he joined the stoi'f at the University of Illinois as Assistaiit in General En^ncorin,-: Dravdn,-:. li^ "bccaiio Instructor in January, I9IS, Ijut rcsi -;ncd at the end of that school year. He '.vas nadc Instructor a.^ain I919, but '.vithdrcv at the end of that college year, Ja^^cs Earl Robertson, (2.S., I909, I'ichi.^an Ai^ri cultural Colle.ie) , served as Instructor in Gcneml 3n>-inecrinf Dra-.vin,' at the University here durin;^ 1915-20. ^7altcr El'.70od ^'arnlian. (3.S. inM.3., I917, University of Maine), joined the st.aff at the University of Illinois in Scptonber, I9IS, as Instructor in General En.'^inccrin, Dra'Tin;;;', but resi,-:ned in July, 1919* Russell A. Watt^ (B.S, in Arch. En,',, I918, University of Illinois), was nade Instructor in General Enj-;inGeriniT Dra'/in;: in October, I9I0. He resi;":ned in Feb- ruary, 1925, and died at Oknul,Tec, Okl^ihona, on Ju:ie 6, 1927* Ernest Lan.^ford, (3.S., I913, Texas A.-ri eta tural and Mechanical Colle,-:c' M.S. in A.E, , I92U, University of I^^linois), -.vas nado InstiMctor in General Enf';:inecrinjT Dra',7inr^ at the University of Illinois in Scptenber, I919, but v/as transferred to the Dopartncnt of Architecture in 1920. (See Architecture). Bernard Snith. (3.S., in E.S., 19l4, Gcor.-;ia Institute of Technoloy; M.S., I915 Goi-ncll University), served an Instnactor in General Enf^incorin;^ Dra'vin.-: at the University of Illinois durin;-: the school year I919-20. Leonard Miscall, (^.3., I9I9, Cornell University), served as Instructor in General En.-;inccrin,-: Drawing here fron February, I920, to June, I921. Chai--les Sidney '^Tashburn, ^ (3»S., in E.3., I915, University of Illinois), served aS Instinictor in General En^-^i nee ri nr Dj,a'7in,~: fron I920 to I923. Elncr Franlclin Hoater, (3.S., I9II, University of Illinois), served as Instructor 5hk in G-cncrn.1 2n<;ineerin,™ Dr.-i.\Tinn during 1920-21, T,ftcr vrhich he ■bccaric dr.nftsnroi •jith the SnninccriniT; Srqjcrinent Stntion, (which Sec.) Arthur I/I itch ell Suff^ (3,S,, in C.E., I9II, University of Colorri'do), ■cnne to the University of Illinoia in Pe'jru.i.ry, I921, ai3 Instructor in Grcncml En(::inGcrinc Dr-i.v/ini^, IIo rcsi-^ncd durinf- the sur.ir-icr of 1923« ^r.-ink TiThitchcr Mr.rtin, (sec Mpchnjiicnl Snt^inecrin^";) , -.irxz Instructor in General En,-:inoerinf: D^.-v.vint-; here fron "^ Q^imn.vj to Septenber, I921, '\ftcr '.vhich he '.vns transferred to the Dgpartnont of M^chinicnl 3nr;ineorin['^, Dnnicl Ro'ocrt grn.ncis, (3. A., I909, ind B.S. , I909, University of llorth Dnkota), served as Instructor in General Hn.Tinccrin,--* Drav/in.- fron I'c'^ruary to June, I92I. Allen I.Dunn. (3.3., in M.S., I92O, University of lo'ja) , served as Instructor in General En,-ri ncc ri n,~ Dj.a'.7in.: here durin,^ 1921-22. Tfilliain Jar.Tcs ^arrisee, (S.3,, I92I, Massachusetts Institute of TechnolOr'^) , was Instructor in Goncrnl ^n.^ncerin;-: Dra-an^; here durinf'7 1921-22. Adcl'bert Dicfendorf, (C.E., I9II, Ohio Northern University) , "jccarAe Instructor in General Sbfii ncc ri n^ Drawin;-^ in Sopten^or, 192I. He resicncd in June, I923. Henry Tregellas 3ovman, (M.S., 1922, L^hi.^ University), served as Instructor in '^oncr'^1 Bnf^ineerin;-; Dra-.vin,' here fron Scpton'ber, 1922, to June, 192^. Arthur -^lindor L^nd.Tren, 3.S., I920, University of Illinois), served as Instructor in General. Sn^^ineerintT Dra.Tinr; durin;-: 1922-2!4-, Geor,-e Sv/end Mndscn, (3,S. in C.3., I922, University of No'Draska) , cane to the University of Illinois in S.^^tcn^or, I923, as Instructor in General Sn.-:ineerin,7: Dj,a'7in.-:, He rc3i[-^ned in June, I926. Sr'jin Walter ^r^tzinr, (3,s. in 3,3., I919, Amour Institute of TcchnolOf-;y) , craio to the University of Illinois in Sppteifoer, I923, as Instructor in General Sn^ineerinf Dravdnr; after havin^": had tcachin,--: experience in Goorr^ia Institute of TechnolOf-y and in arr.iy schools. He resi..-nGd at the end of the school year. Louis Frank Ealin. (3.S., I921, University of Michigan), joined the staff at the University of I^^linois in Septeiiber, I923, as Instructor in General Snninccrinf^ Dravdn,":, Hq resi,^ned in June, I926. 5^5 ■7 p,ltor Scrstcr ^ichcnbor,-;er, (3.S., l'^illi-u.i Graves Tonnkins. (2.S., 1925, Virginia Polytechnic Institute) -.vas Instructor in General Sn.-tinoorin,- Dra'jinf: during I926-27. R-lph aider Lindsey. (3.S. in A.S., I920, University of Illinois; r..S.. 1925, becane lo-.-. State Colle-c) y Instructor in General Sr.f^neerin,-; Dravda,- in Scptcuber, I927. He rcsi.^ned in 19 29. Hay so Il^nry 31ack. (3.S., 1929, University of lo-.va) , was Instructor in General 3n.:-i.ncerin-: Drawin.T frcn Eentcntcr 1930 to June I533. Lorenzo Donald Doty, (3.S., 1925, Dcnnison University; U.S., 1935, and C.E., 1937 University of Illinois), served as Instructor in General 3n..-:ineGrinf; Drav/inr^ fron 1930 to 1932. Horatio Hn,v Fitch. (3,s,, 1923, U.S., 1933, and C.S. , 193U, University of Illinois), vas Instructor in General Sn^inoerih,^ Drawin,^ fron I930 to I933. Gpor-e 5. ?ink^ (3.S. in Arch,, 1932, University of Illinois), '.ras en./^a/^ed in en-;inccrinr pr-'-cticc until he joined the st-ff of the University in ScptoMber, 1935. H^ v;ithdre-7 in Soptenber, I9UI. Robert Kin;- Yicrck, (3.S., 1932, andll.S,, 1933, University of Io-.7a). bec.ane In- structor in C-pnor.al Sn^ncerin,": Dra'.7inf' in October, 1936, but resi;-:ned in May, 1935. to accept an appointncnt -.rith the Federal Po77er Comiission. Lloyd 3utler Hitchey. ^ (3.S., I93S, Purdue University), served as Insti-uctor in General 3n..^inccrin:-; Drr.vin,-^ at the University fron Sf,ptonbcr, 1937. tci Septcnbcr, I9U1, v/non he "/as .-ranted a leave of absence to enter nilitar^.^ service. 3ernt Oscal Larson, (^.S., 1933, University of Illinois), bec-uie Assistant in Gcncml 3n.-ineerin.-- Dra"dn.^ in Scptcnbor, 1937» ^-^^ Instructor in 1[)3"« -c was ;-;ranted a leave of absence in Pobi'uary, 19^2, to enter military service. 5^6 John Sd-.vin Po.-irson, (3.S., 1935, Purdue University), ■bocnxio Instructor in Gcncrnl Snrinecrin,- Dr.- .-in,-; in Soiitcr.a-oer, 1939* "e ^^^^ fTrontod n 1c;\vg of -•l-isenco Scptcnbor, 1, 19^+2, to Join the U.S. Anicd S'orccs. Hill.-'.rd Orl-i.ndo Stn.rr, _ (-^.S., 1935, University of Illinois), '.vas cnf^awd in r-dl'.7/ij/- on.~;iaccrin,'" practice, then ■•cccptod a Strnthcona pQllovshi]) rit Yale, after which he returned to r-dl-.Tny cer^/icc. lie joined the staff at the University of Illinois in Scpter.i:)or, 19'+1, as Instructor in General Bnrinccrin;-; Drav/in,-^, •.7-Itcr Sdjiund Il-^nson. (^.S., I939, Kansas S^atc Collc,-'c) , ^Doc-mo Instructor in Gencr-^l -^/^inoerin,- D^pa-vin.- in Scpton'oor, 19U2. He -.v/is :iiven a leavo of '•.'bscncc on October iS, 19^3, for v/ar service, Ro"'jcrt Gcor,-e Zilly. (3.S,, 1942, U.iivorsity of Illinois), joined the Dcpartnont in Sopton'b.-r, 19'-^-2, as I^i^tructor in G-Qncra,! Sn.^inecrin,': Dravvlnn, "Jut left the University in S^.ptorfoer, I9UU. CHATTER XVIII ABECNAUTICAL ENGI ISSUING A. ACTIVITIES IN ASRCNAUTICS BEGUN HEEE BSFhre I9UU General .- The first training in aeronautical en^^ineering at the University of Illinois was provided in September, I916, \7hen B. N. Fales came to the College of Engineering as Assistant Professor of Aeronautics in the Department of Mech- anical Engineering and scheduled instruction in M.E. 33, Aeronautic Engineering, for the first semester of that school year. The course materials covered the "History and Development of Aeronautic Science with critical analysis of the design and construction of aircraft". As soon as the U.S. School of Military Aeronautics was established here in 1917 > Professor Pales was transferred to the new organization in charge of cross-country flying and the general theory of aeronautics; and the work in M.E. 33 ^as discontinued. To provide additional background regarding instruction in aeronautical engineering here, the following somewhat detailed account of the organization and operation of the School of Military Aeronautics,- a subsidiary of the U.S. War Department,- as established here in I917 for war-training purposes and as recorded in the l'nd one squr.dron ^^r-uluitcd each v'cok. The avor-ifc size of a squadron for the dur.-.tion of tho School '.vas nearly fifty. "".to cadets before they reached the third sta.:c of instruction i if they failed to shov/ an aptitude for the -vork of tho course. "The total nuaber of hours of instruction in the tvclve-'jccki ' course -jas UUo, an avera,-c of 36 2/3 hours per week. Increases in the nuaber of hours of instruct!. . for acadcinic subjects 'Jerc nadc for Aii^plancs, Bnf^incs, and n,-\p readinj^ in fbservation, v/hile tho Military v.'as increased by 5U hours of Military Tactics and Inspection, and 21 hours for theoretical Military studies. "Instruction in tho School '.7as s'ivcn in certain rooas in several of the University buildin,:s. The Gy:masiua iVnnex (old Araory) '7as used entirely for laboratory,' v/ork. To this buildinr- aji annex was added, (-ivin/; an additional lab- oratory floor area of 7,200 square feet. The School increased in size froa twenty- five cadets durin,: the first week of instruction in May, 1917, to SJ 5 on July 22, 1912. The totaJ nuaber of cadets entcrin- the School durin- its history of approxiaately nineteen aonths v/as 3. 625, of v/liich nui.ibcr 2,691 v/ere c^r-'^duated and 596 were di s charred up to the day wh'en instructional work stopped, Novcnber 22, I91S. At this tiiie there v;ero 33S cadets in the School. "Cadets wcro housed in the Y.M.C.A. Buildin,-, knov/n as Barracks IIo.. 1. and in the TToaen's Hosidonce Eall, known as Barracks Ho. 2. Moss was provided in each of these buildin.-s. Cadets had access to the University libraries, and special library facilities wore provided in each barracks. Tho Sncirieorin,- Collerie Library arran,-:ed a special dcpartaent of books and periodicals on aeronautics". 5U9 The staff -/as composed of be tia Arm;.- and civilian personnel, most of the teaching staff being members of the College of Engineering faculty. Professor 5'r,,le3 V7as transferred to tva Army assignment at Dayton, Ohio, in August, 1912, and no further instinict ion v/as given here after the closing of the School of Military Aeronautics until the beginning of the academic year- 1920-21, when Matthe'.7 R. Riddell, who had Joined the Collogc staff as Assistfint Pi-ofcssor of Aeronautic Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in February, I920, scheduled t-vo courses U.E. 33, Aeronautic Engineering, with the same description as originally announced in 1917i .-ind M.S. 3U a continuation of M.E. 33..-M.E. 33 coming the first semester 7ith prerequisite of senior standing in the College of Engineering and, in turn, serving as prerequisite for M.E. 3^ coming the second semester. Some addition.al training in aeronautics was provided here v/hen the Civilian Pilot Training School Progr.-un v/as established in 1935i -"^s described in the follov.'ing section. Civilian Pilot Training School.- Pursuant to the Civilian Pilot Training Act of Congress of 1939» 'J^l^ich authorized the Civil Aeronautics Authority to provide a program for the training of civilian pilots through educational institutions, the ground school v/ork for civilian pilot training for students -vas begun in t'.vo sec- tions by the College of Engineering as an extracurricular progr.-im v/ithout Univ- ersity credit, on Hovomber I3 and ih, 1939* '^^e sections met tvlce a week during the t-;tlvo remaining -.voeks of the semester and continued into the second term until the students had acquired the 12 hours of instruction covering the follo\7ing topics: History of Aviation 2 Hours Civil Air Regulation, 12 navigation 15 •I»4«»3:*elog:^ 15 Parachutes 1 Aircraft and Theory of Plight 15 Engines 5 Instruments 5 Radio Uses and Eorms ^2 72 550 The actunl flight training was begun about December 1, 1539* 'j^^.c Civil Aeronautics Authority had approved the Champaign airport, which was loc:>ted about tv/o miles north'.7ost of Champaign, as an official flying field. It was equipped './ith five planes for insti^uctional purposes of an approved type and an equal number of certified instructors. From 35 to 50 hours of flying inr- structions v;ere given three hours a ".veek in ono-hour periods over both semesters. During 1939-^0, fifty applicai'.ts, the University quota, '.-ere trained, and of this total, forty men and one '.voman received pilot certificates. The v/ork v,'as offered again during the summer of 19^0, The v/ork in 19^0-Ul •:in.s given in t'.7o courses each semester, a preliminary course entitled "ControllC't Private Flying Course" nnd a secondary course entitled "Controlled Restricted Commercial Course", the completion of the two courses being deemed the equivalent of the Army Pj-imarj-' Course. The University quota for the first course -.Jas fifty and for the second, ten, for the first scmc-,tcr of 1940-41, . In July, 194^, the College undertook an accelerated progr.-on of training under the Civil Aeronautics Administration. This progr.am, later designated as the C.A.A. War Training Sprvice, consisted of cight-vjeek sessions in which each enrollee received T'Uo hours of gro\ind schooling and from 35 to Uo hours for flight instruction. After January, 19^31 the classes wore composed of Air Corp^s Cadets in the llavy "V-5 Progran. A new group of 20 students was enrolled for each session. The program of study included courses in mathematics and ph^'sics, military and ph^;-sical training, i:»*»5jr.?l«gy ajid navigation, aircraft identification, civil air regulations, ana general servicing and operation of aircraft. Faculty mombi^rrj of sevcrfd departments of the University- cooperated in teaching these courses, under the direction of the Dean of the College of Engineering, This v7ork was later transfcrcd to the Nav;/-12 program. Aeronautical Option in Civil Engineering,- Further instruction was offered in aeronautical engineering when the Department of Civil 3ngineering in September, 19^2, as mentioned in Chapter XXII, set up an option in Aeronautical Engineering to run parallel -dth a number of other options scheduled for the work of the 551 senior year. Tho special coursoG relating to this particular field that '.vore included in this option '.7erc C,3. 10, Kavigntion; M,2, 33i previously mentioned; C,S. 2*4, Airport Design; and C,3, 70i Airplane Stresses. These courses './ere intended to provide the students with a v/orking knowledge of airplane design and construction, with the developnont of airport facilities, and with the fundamont.al principles of aircraft navigation. The option has continued to the present time with one or t'/o modifications in course numbers. Aircraft Structures Testing. ~ The first attempts here at research -/rork in connection with aircraft structures '.'as begun in the Talbot Laboratory -about 19^0, This v.'ork is still being carried on in the conduct of tests of pro- pellers, wing ribs, -md other structural parts of pl.anes to supplement the study of design and strength of both trussed axid stressed-skin types of aircraft structures. M.atcrials testing ma.chinos with the usual run of strain gages and other auxillinx'y appliances a.re available for the ex.amination of*staniard sec- tions, and drop-test machines are .at hrvid. for the study of the beh.^wior of land- ing gc-'T under imp.act. Photoclastic appai-atus h.as been assembled and has been in use for some time for the detcrrain-ation of the stresses around holes and angles and in irregular .and complicated section of the structure. 3. CHOAIUZATICN 01 TE2 D3PA3TM3NT OF AEROilAUTI CAL EIJGIN3IHIH& General.- I^ the summer of 19^^, the Board of Trustees of the University authorized the establishment here of a separate Department of Aeronautical Engineering in the College of Engineering, with Professor H^nrj' S. Stillwell, who v/as then in charge of a similar department in the University of Kansas, as He.ad v/ith the title of Associate Professor of Aeroaautical Engineering. Professor Stillwell arrived on the cunpus in October following, and at once began to a,rrange to have the first five semesters of instructional -/ork of his department begin at the opening of the f;=ill semester, November 2. Aeronautics Advisory 3oard.- In the early part of I9UU, the Board of Trustees of the University authorized the .appointment of a University Aeronautics 552 Advisory Bo",rd th-^.t could net in .on .'\dviGor7 cip^city in tho orc.i.nizntion of a nc'.v Dcp-rtincnt of Acronauticil Engineering here '^xid in the fomr>.tion of an insti-uction.'d -.nd expcrinentnl proe^r.-on. Dr. 3n,ld-in H. WoodG, Professor of Mcchanicnl Sn^^incerine^ and Director of University Extension, University of California at Serkley, became Chairman of this new Board. The other seven men- tcrs -.vere actively enga/^ed in work represent in.i; some phase of the aircraft in- dustry, and brou/^t to the Board a balance and breadth of experience that '.vere valuable in dotenainin^ the course of the University's contribution to aviation development • C. OBJECTIVES G-onoral.- It is important to observe at the outset that th3 instructional pro- gran provided here by the Department of Aeron-iutical En^-ineerin^^ is desif'^ned to tr'dn students on the snme high colleec levei of scope ;-Jid perfon.vmce as those that have been lonr in effect in other departments of the Gollef^cf of Engineering; in prcparatj.on for professional sei-vice.-that it is not a mere pilot-training course of study, ho'vevcr important a place such training fills in thi,' -iviation industry, plthou.ia pilot training has been .a natural by-product of such provision. It is intended to afford instruction to engineering students v.ho are interested in preparing themselves for positions that involve the design, const iiict ion, production, pnd operation and maintenance of aircraft ;ind r.ircraft appliances. In r.ddition, the plant arrangement affords splendid opportunity for f.-iculty and experimental staff, gr.-^duatc students and oven undergraduates to eng;i,ge in scientific research projects that are vital to the development of principles n.nd their appilication to the technical problems relating to air transportation, D. OEEICE, CLASSHOOM, M^D LABOS^ITORY ACCOMODATIONS Ge neral.- I^ the fall of IS^k, the suite of rooms at 101 Transportation Building formerly occupied by the Department of Eailway Engineering, was assigned as the office of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Classes v/ere held in the Transportation Building along -/ith those from other departments. The 553 building forticrly used p.s ;\ loconotivc laboratoiy v/ns renodellcd to some extent for ,"'Xi aeronaut ic'il laboratory, and tv/o ncv offices wore provided there on the second floor in the sp;i.ce fonncrly used as a fan and storn^e roon. The facilities of the nov/ Airport becatie available for the use of the Dep-'.rtnent when they were opened for service in October, 19^5* 3. THE DSVZLOHffllJT OF LABOR/iTCRY FaCILITISS G-cncral.- It '.vill require a ,;rcat dcpj. of tine ^jid effort to provide .ample laboratory facilities for this ne\7 department, Squipnent for a nunbur of laboratories, hov/evcr, is being assembled and arranged for both instructional and experimental purp.oses. For the present, one of those is housed in the Aeronaut! c-d Engineering Laboratory Building formerly used for the locomotive testing plant, and the othc^rs at the nc-.7 Airport, Aerod^/'nnx'.ics Laboratory. The aerodynnnics l-\boratory, located in the Aeronauticrl Engineering Laboratory Building, provides for a closed-throat, return type of wind tunnel -.-.dth an overall length of 2/ fi,.-.>t and an overall height of 15 feet. The tunnel has an octagonal test or throat section that measures 30 inches by Us inches in size,- the contr^ict ion ratio bring four to on'.. It has a horizontal jet ."jid is po'.vured by a [jO-horscpov.'or electric motor v/ith a vari. able- volt. age con- trol that drive;: a diroctly-connect ed, three-blade propeller v/hich is U foot 1 -^ inches in dipxieter to provide a wind velocity .at the test section of about I30 n.p.h. The tunnel has a six-component balance which measures lift, drag, side force, roll, yiw, .and pitch. This b.al.-'ncc, mounted in the throat section where both model .^u'ld instrui.icnts mai" be observed simult.-^eously, pciTiits observations on variations of both the; angle of .attack njid the .ingle of yaw. The Aircraft Power Plnjits Lnbor.ntory.-^- The aircr-ft power pl.-,ntG l-boratorj' is locr'ted ,at the University Airport. The facilities provided horc are used to n.alce tests of engines, engine installations. Jet propulsion units, .and burner appliances. 1. The Xocimograpu, Dccemb: r, I9U5, Pages 9 and 10, 55^ An r..ir jet for operation at speeds slif;htly 'bclo'.T that of sound is provided for the study of burner .and airfoil equipnent. This arrangement allows opportunities for instruction and research in aerodynamic phenomena in the trans-sonic range, a field little kno'.7n at the present time. The Aircraft Laboratory .- The aircraft labomtory, also located at the Airport provides facilities for i.ialcin,-: static and dynoxiic tests of component parts of airplanes, of assemblies, and even of complete airj^lnncs. The use of this plant a.ffords opportunities for thi.: verification of structur-^l theories minting to the dosi('Ti of now types of equipment or the improvoncnts of those already in operation. I, FSKSOiuiEL -.. iCAD OF TH3 D3P;i2m3IIT Henry Sheldon St ill- 'e ll -.ras born in K^jisas City, Missouri, on M'>y 15, I9I7. He received the 3.S. dorTee in Aoron-mtical Sn.Tinccrinf-!; at the Univdft'sity of Minnesot- in 1939 -Mjid the M.S. Dc.-rce there in I9U0. From I9U0 to l^k?, he -vas Instructor in Aeron.'^uticrl Snr'incerinr: at his alma nator. He then served as Hrad of the Department of Aeronaut iCM.l 3ngineerinr^ at the University of Kansas until October, 19^^, 'vhen he c^nc to the University here as Associate Frofessor in charge of the ncv/ly-crcated Department of Aeronautical Enrrineerin,;, Pj,ofessor St.ill-vcll, experienced in flyinp since 1935 nnd a. licensed pilot since 19^1, has had an extensive contact in onr7;ineerin,; -ind consulting practice •.7ith vr^rious aircr-^ft dosiiTiers and producers and in experiment -l -70 rk in connectio; with those onc-.'\