p t 1Q0.]
June 1 6.
125. Commissioners for the Aid, co. Leicester, to Salisbury.
Report their proceedings, send up some money, and request a renewal
of their commission, that they may gather in the remainder.
June 16. 126. Thos. Blague, Dean of Rochester, to the Same. Particulars
Lambeth. 0 f the revenue of the Deanery of Rochester ; is willing to make
such composition for the aid as Salisbury thinks good.
June 16.
June 1 7.
June 18.
June 19.
June 19.
June 29.
127. Matthew, Archbishop of York, to the Lords Commissioners
for the Aid. Concerning the aid chargeable on himself and the
clergy of his diocese. Reserves his composition until their pleasure
be further known.
128. Sir Thos. Gorges to Salisbury. Proceedings for the aid in
Wiltshire. Part of the money collected is assigned for repairs of Hurst
Castle. The people hope their contributions may not be recorded
to their prejudice. Desires to know if the King will come to hunt
in Cranborne Chace, that the ways may be prepared. Has appre-
hended two poachers who killed the best buck in the chace.
129. Sir John Harpur to the Same. Sends up the remainder of
the money collected for the aid, in Derbyshire. Causes of the small-
ness of the contribution. Desires instructions relative to the rene/wal
of licenses for alehouses.
130. Geo. Lord Carew to the Same. In favour of John Eaton
to be allowed to supply the place of Heniy Heme, Clerk of the
Works at Nonsuch.
131. Sir Robt. Gardener to the Same. Sends 334L collected for
the aid from one half of Sussex. Sir Ant. Felton, collector for the
other half, will send more. Requests renewal of his commission.
132. Robt. Lord Spencer to Salisbury. Has long since paid his
composition for the aid. Prays therefore to be excused from personal
attendance upon the Lords Commissioners.
June 19. 133. Wm. Prytherghe to the Same. Apologises for sharp words
My Taradise, between himself and Mr. Morgan [Commissioner for the Aid.] He
and others of the clergy, holding their land in franc-almoigne, are
not chargeable with aid, but they will pay a voluntary* contri-
June 19. 134. Commissioners for the Aid, co. Palatine of Durham, to Salis-
bury and Sir Jul. Caesar. Report their proceedings. Several Lords
will compound with the Lords Commissioners. Will send further par-
ticulars at Michaelmas.
Vol. XLV.
June 19. Warrant to pay to James Bovy, Serjeant of the Cellar, 750L for
L Westminster, wines and fruits to be purchased in France. [Warrt., Bk. II.,
X>. 100.]
June 19. Proclamation prohibiting the importation of alum, on account of
Greenwich, the discovery of alum mines in Yorkshire. Printed. [Proa Coll.,
p. 209.]
June 20.
June 20.
June 20.
June 20.
June 20.
June 21.
135. Sir Rich. Ogle to Salisbury and Sir Jul. Caesar. Proceed-
ings of the Commissioners for the Aid in Holland, co. Lincoln. The
sum is small, because of " the two great enemies" annoying the
country, — fresh and salt water. Negligence of the chief constables
in paying over moneys received by sale of the King's Avoods.
136. Sheriff of Worcestershire to Salisbury. Has certified the
Lords of the proceedings of the Commissioners of Aid for Worcester-
shire. Has received no money by sale of the King's woods.
137. List of packets received and despatched for the King's ser-
vice by Matthew de Quester, since May 9.
138. Petition of Pic. Dawson to Salisbury. That certain lands in
Scarborough, of which he holds a lease, may not be put into the con-
tractors' books. With reference to Baron Altham, and his return
Grant to Wm. Goodfellow, in reversion after Matt. Spencer, of
the office of Serjeant-at-Arms. [Ind. Wt. Bk., p. 82.]
Commission to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, and others,
for aid to knight the Prince. [Grant Bk., p. 57.]
June 21. 139. Commissioners for the Aid in co. Lancaster, to Salisbury.
Manchester. Report their proceedings ; in two of the six hundreds, the aid still
remains to be gathered in.
June 21. 140. Petition of Peter Frobisher to the Same. Has a lease of the
King's manor of Altofts, co. York, with allowance " of howsboote,
fyerboote, hayeboote, ploughboote, hedgeboote, and fenceboote."
Prays that Johnson, the surveyor, may be resti-ained from selling
trees there. With reference thereon.
June 21. 141. Petition of Thos. Mompesson to Salisbury. The parsonage of
Seamer and chapels of Cayton and Ayton, co. York, are held by
several tenants in fee-farm. Prays that as holding Seamer only, he
may not be charged with the rents of Cayton. With reference to
Baron Altham.
June 21. 142. Petition of Wm. Wyse to the Same. Prays that the steward
of the manor of Shippon, co. Berks, may be directed to receive his
surrender of his tenement therein, without which he cannot discharge
certain debts, With reference and return thereon.
June 23.
June 23.
June 23.
Vol. XLV.
1 43. Petition of Sir Hen. Whitehead to Salisbury. Prays for a
lease of the West part of Buckholt, Hampshire.
144. James, Bishop of Durham, to the Same. Prays that
Mr. Jackson, of Corpus Chisti College, Oxford, may have security
given from the widow of his brother John, for payment of a debt,
as condition of a grant to her of the wardship of her son.
Grant to Thos. Caesar of the office of Clerk -keeper to the Prince,
for life. [Grant Bk, p. 57.]
June 23. Warrant for repayment of principal and interest of a loan ad-
Westminster, vanced to the King the preceding year, by the city of London and
Sir Stephen Soame, alderman. [Warrt. Bk. II., p. 112.]
June 2*. 145. Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Thos. Lake. Understands
Sheffield Lodge, that the Earl of Rutland has petitioned the King for an umpire to
decide a dispute between them, as to whether Rutland's patent for
the keeping of Sherwood Forest constitutes him Judge of Eyre and
Terminer therein. Begs the affair may not be referred to the Judges.
Instances of Rutland's nefarious conduct towards himself.
June 24.
Eston Lodge.
June 25.
June 26.
June 26.
June 26.
June 27.
June 27.
146. Sir Hen. Maynard to Salisbury. Trusts he will not dis-
approve of his not yielding to the Countess of Oxford's desire in the
business of Herringham, though the young Earl, Mr. Trentham, his
uncle, and the Countess herself, earnestly pressed his giving up the
147. Earl of Exeter to the Same. In behalf of Vaughan,
who is no puritan, for a contribution out of the money bequeathed
by Mrs. Vennables to poor ministers, which the late Treasurer had
intended to divert to the King.
148. Sir Hen. Slingsby and Sir Thos. Metcalfe to the Same.
Have examined the differences between James Arundel and George
Wynne. Inclose,
148. I. Statement of the examination of ivitnesses in the cause
Arundel v. Wynne, concerning the right to a tenement
in Richmond, co. York. June 19, Middleham.
149. Warrant for a grant to John Thomas, of the benefit of the
recusancy of Dame Mary Sydenham, of Somersetshire.
150. Commissioners for the Aid, co. Cambridge, to Salisbury.
Report proceedings, and send a roll of all the compositions.
151. Roger Earl of Rutland to the Same. Urging the repairs ot
Beskwood Pale. Incloses,
151. I. View of the decay of the pale of Besktvood Park, and
estimate of the expenses of repair ; with the number of
trees and deer there.
152. Edward Lord Zouche to the Same. The bearer has given
information of abuses committed by the Escheator and Feodary of
Vol. XLV
June 28. Grant to William Boughton of the office of Keeper of Walmer
Castle, near Sandwich, co. Kent, for life. [Grant Bk., p. 49.]
June 29. Grant to Tlios. Stephenson of the office of Impaler of Marwood
Park, Barnard Castle, with the appurtenances, in the diocese of
Durham, for life. [hid. Wt. Bk., p. 82.]
June 29. 153. Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury to Salisbury. Lady Arabella
Sheffield Lodge. Stuart has informed him that the City of London desire to pur-
chase Houghton, part of the Queen's jointure, within a mile of
Pontefract Castle, which " would be a great prejudice to that fair and
stately castle." Would be glad to buy lands for his brother Sir Chas.
Cavendish. Enquires after Visct. Cranborne.
June? 15 4. Particulars of the manors of Houghton and Castleford, co.
York, possessions of the late Monastery of St. Oswald, drawn up
pursuant to directions given May 19, 1609.
June 29. 155. Archbishop Bancroft to Salisbury. The Commissioners
Lambeth. f or tl ie Aid, co. Cambridge, have dealt very favourably towards
the University ; those of Oxford, on the contrary, have exhibited
severity towards that University. Requests favour for it.
June 30. 156. Petition of the King's tenants of Richmond and Middleham
manors, co. York, to the Same. Pray that a time may be appointed for
them to attend, and amend their defective titles With note thereon.
June? 157. Particulars of the counties and towns from which moneys
have been paid into the Exchequer, by the several collectors of the
aid under the last Commission ; with the sums paid.
June. 158. Note of several counties in England and Wales assigned to
Mr. Trevor and Mr. Morgan for collecting the aid.
June. 159. Articles between the Commissioners for the sale and demise
of Crown lands, and John Eldred and others, contractors for purchase
of lands.
June? 160. Certificate of the fifth payment of the four subsidies granted
by the clergy.
Vol. XLVI. May, 1609.
Book of lands annexed to the Crown, calendared under May 8.
Vol. XLVII. July, August, 1609.
July 1. 1. Sir Wm. Waad to Sir Thos. Lake. For a reversion of the
office of Gentleman Porter of the Tower for Carew, who has
long supplied the imperfect services of Sir Wm. Worthiugton.
July 1. 2. Petition of Maxn. Colt, Carver on wood and stone of all his
Majesty's works, to Salisbury. Prays for allowance for his attend-
ance on the officers of the works. With reference thereon to the
officers of the works.
July 1. 3. Petition of Sir Rich. Ashton, late Sheriff of Lancaster, to the
Same. For warrant to demand repayment from the Exchequer of 81.
levied by him on the goods of Messrs. Brockholes and Cams, and
now demanded by the officer of first fruits. With reference and order
July 2. 4. Henry Earl of Southampton to the Same. Sandham Castle,
Isle of Wight, needs repairs. 1 ,000/. will restore it ; but it may
be repaired materially for 800/. Yarmouth Castle is also in need
of repair. Applies for a warrant for re-delivery of some pieces of
artillery, sent to the Ordnance for repair.
July 2. Grant to Lord Chandos of the office of Keeper of Ditton park and
messuage, co. Bucks, for life, [hid. Wt. Bk., p. 82.]
July 3. 5. List of assignments of money for the following week, signed
by Sir Julius Ctesar.
July 3. Warrant to advance to Sir Willm. Ryder and Sir Thomas Lake,
"Westminster. Farmers of the impost on sugars for the Queen, 442L 16s., her half-
year's allowance from the customs, to be by them paid over to the
Queen ; and also to pay to John Dacombe 600£, the same as to Sir
Hen. Lee, for redemption of his estate in Elthani Park. [ Yfarrt. Bk.
II, p. 101.]
July. Docquet of the above. [Docquet, July 4.]
July 3. W arrant dormant to pay to Thos. Norton 3s. 4cZ. per diem, for
"Westminster, repairs of the highways between London, Eoyston, and Newmarket,
during pleasure ; also to repay 1 81. disbursed by him. [Warrt. Bk.
11., p. 102.]
July. Docquet of the above. [Docquet, July 4.]
July 3. Letter to the Foresters and Keepers of the four wards in the
forest of Needwood, to deliver to Chas. Chambers, Groom of the
Queen's Privy Chamber, four bucks of the season. [Docquet, «Xu% 4.]
July 3. Grant to Sir Jas. Douglas, of the benefit of the recusancy of Wm.
Nay lor of Reading, co. Berks. [Docquet, July 4.]
July 3. Like grant for Sir John Andrew of the recusancy of Jane Andrew,
of Ilmington, co. Warwick. [Docquet, July 4.]
July 3. Letter to the Lord Mayor, &c. of London, for collections to be
made for repair of the Church of St. Olave, in Silver Street.
[Docquet, July 4.]
July 3.
J uly
July 3.
July 4.
July 4.
July 4.
July 4.
July 4.
July 4.
July 4.
July 5.
July 5.
Warrant to the Duke of Lenox, Keeper of the Honor of Gi'afton,
not to admit any warrant to be served for three years within the
honor, except under sign manual. [Docquet, July 4.]
G. John Thornborough, Bishop of Bristol, to Mr. Chichester, of
Turner's-Piddle. Is sorry he applied so late for the vicarage of that
place for Mr. Genge ; cannot now grant it, having promised it to his
. own son. Cannot excuse payment of the arrears of tithes, nor consent
that Chichester shall share the presentation. Dearly loves Robin
Willoughby, and will do his best for him. Annexed is,
6. I. Eliza Thornborough to the Same. Relative to the same
presentation, and the health of Robin Willoughby, a note
from whom is affixed. York, June 23.
7. Earl of Nottingham to Salisbury. Commendations of the
bearer, Sir Wm. St. John, Avho has taken Harris, the pirate, on the
Irish coast, and done good seiwice oft" the West islands of Scotland.
8. Paul De la Hay to the Same. Proceedings of Justices of
the Peace at Madley, Hereford, for licensing alehouses, &c. Com-
plains of Hen. Vaughan, one of the Justices.
9. Ann Lady Glenham to the Same. Begs him to desire Lord
William Howard and Lord Rivers not to sell the lease of Cecil
House, her father's intentions being to assure the same to herself
and her daughter.
Grant to Robt. Brandling and his heirs, in fee-simple, of the late
monastery of Newminster, Northumbeiiand, and lands thereto
belonging. [Docquet]
License to the Bailiffs, &c, of the City of Worcester, to purchase
lands in mortmain for relief of the poor ; also the like to the Master
and Commonalty of Weavers, Fullers, and Clothiers of Worcester.
Grant to Edith Wade of pardon for receiving seminary priests,
and for adultery. [Docquet.]
Grant to Edward Fitton of a pension of 12c?. per diem, on sur-
render of a like pension by John Hope. [Docquet.]
Letter to the Chief Justices, Judges, and others, directing them
to take order with the creditors of John Lepton, the King's servant,
for his enlargement from the King's Bench. [Docquet.]
10. William Lord Monteagle to Salisbury,
of his favour. Proffers service.
Solicits continuance
11. Grant to Sir Robert Brett, Sir James Sempill, and Thos.
Hetley, Esq., of all coat and conduct money since 10 Eliz., due and
not paid into the Exchequer, and of all fines for nonpayment of the
1609. VoL - XLVIL
July 5. Grant to Sir Robt. Brett and his heirs, of the prebends of
Sutton, Buck[land ?], Horton, and Horley. cos. Lincoln, Bucks,
Oxford, and Northampton, and City of Lincoln, at suit of the con-
tractors for rectories. [Docquet]
July 5. Grant to Ric. Footyet of pardon, for life only, for horse-stealing.
July 5. Commission for Robt. Rayne, Serjeant of the Buckhounds, to
hunt in any grounds, parks, forests, and chaces belonging to the
King or his subjects, in order to train the hounds. [Docquet.]
July 5. Grant to John Gravenor of an alms-room in the hospital of
Sherburn, Durham. [Docquet]
July 6. 12. Sir Fras. Bacon to Salisbury. The assurance of Potter's
Gray's Inn. Park, Chertse}', to Rich. Forbench, is perfected ; the purchase money
may therefore be paid.
July 6. 13. Dr. Wm. Branthwaite to Thos. Wilson. Has spoken with
Gonyille and Dr. Clayton, who said he had met him (Wilson) at the Bishop of
Cams College. R ocnes t er ' Sj an j would give him satisfaction. Offers Wilson a
scholarshij:* for a good scholar born in London.
July 6. 1 4. Patrick Lord Gray to Lord Salisbury. His brother, the
Edinburgh. E ai l 0 f Orkney, has been committed, through malice of his own
servants, for informalities in the government of his state ; begs that
his oversight may be attributed rather to simplicity than to malice.
July 6. 15. Abstract of the account of the Treasurer of the Navy for
the year 1608.
July 6. 16. Petition of John Smith to Salisbury. Prays that an execu-
tion against him, at the suit of Lewis and Henry Eynon, may be
stayed. With reference and report thereon.
July 7. 17. Petition of Wm. Ellwald, of Middleton, co. York, to the Same.
For confirmation of a yearly grant of faggots, cut in the woods of
Eppleworth, Pratt, and Southwoods, in Cottingham, co. York, detained
from him by Geo. Smith and others, the King's farmers of the lands.
With reference thereon.
July 7. 18. Account of John Coston, Registrar of the Archbishop of
Canterbury, of receipts for collations and institutions of benefices
in the province of Canterbury, for one year past.
July 7. Grant to Robt. Angel and John Walker, and their heirs, in fee-simple,
of certain manors, &c, value 125/. 12s. per annum, at the suit of Sir
Baptist Hicks and others, contractors for Crown lands. [Ddpquet]
July 7- Grant to Ric. Roberts and Chris. Babhara, of the moiety of 1 2,000/.,
debts due to the Crown, after completion of some former grants,
and on surrender by the Duke of Lenox of a similar grant for
18,000/. [Docquet.]
July 7. Like grant to the same of the moiety of 6,000/., with like provisoes.
July 7. Like grant to Willm. and Walter Alexander, of the moiety of
1,200/., on surrender of a former similar grant. [Docquet]
July 7.
July 7.
July 7.
July 7.
July 7.
July 7.
July 7.
July 7.
July 8.
July 8.
July 8.
July 8.
July 8.
July 8.
July 8.
July 9.
Like grant to Sir John Drummond, of the moiety of 5,000/., with
like proviso of surrender. [Docquet]
Like grant to Jas. Buddough, the King's footman, of the moiety
of 2,000/., with like proviso. [Docquet']
Like grant to Wm. Beeke and Wm. Barber, of the moiety of
4,000/., with like proviso. [Docquet]
Dispensation to Isaac Marrow, Chaplain to the Earl of Suffolk,
to hold another benefice with that of Withers field, diocese Norwich.
Grant to Sir John Dutton of two recognizances, amounting to
1,500/., forfeited by John Partridge, for incontinency. [Docquet.]
Discharge to the now Marquis of Winchester and the Earl of
Dorset, of 4,000/., received of Sir Thos. Gresham by the late Marquis
and others, and by them paid to Sir Henry Sydney, Lord Deputy of
Ireland. [Docquet.]
Grant to Sir James and Sir George Douglas, of 2,000/., part of
the King's moiety of a grant made to John Elphinstone and John
Gay. [Docquet]
Grant to Thomas Drury of an alms-room in Peterborough.
Warrant to pay to John Killigrew 232/. 10s., compensation for
damages and expenses of his late father, in the building of Pendennis
Fort/co. Cornwall. [Warrt. Bk II., p. 102.]
Warrant to pay to the Earl of Salisbury 1,200/. per ann. to be
disbursed by him for private services and rewards, with arrears.
[Ibid., p. 103.]
Warrant to pay to Sir Wm. Berwick, 1,000/. for a house at
Thetford, for the King's recreation. [Ibid., p. 103.]
Warrant to pay to the Lady Carey, having charge of the Duke of
York, 143/. 13s. 9c/., in addition to 600/. already paid for money
disbursed for him. [Ibid., p. 104.]
Warrant to pay to Thomas Larkin, the King's locksmith, 553/. 5s. 6d.
due to him. [Ibid., p. 104.]
19. Archbishop Bancroft to the Vice-Chancellor, &c. of the Con-
vocation House, Oxford. Renews the appointment of Dr. King,
Dean of Christchurch, as his Vice-Chancellor for the ensuing
20. Sir Oliver Manners to Salisbury. Regrets that his illness
prevents his returning home, but the physicians forbid his using any
exertion, even that of writing.
21. Earl of Salisbury and Sir Jul. Cassar to the Receiver of Hamp-
shire. Order him to pay 300/. to the Earl of Southampton, for repairs
of Sandham and Yarmouth Castles.
July 9.
July 9.
July 10.
July 10.
July 10.
July 12.
July 1 2.
July 12.
The Sea.
July 12.
The Sea.
July 12.
July 12.
July 13.
22. Earl of Southampton to Salisbury. Having received no
money from the Receiver of Hampshire, has advanced 300/.. for repair
of the Castles of Sand ham and Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. Desires
that it may be allowed him out of his half-year's rent for the farm of
sweet wines.
23. Ralph Lord Eure, Lord President of Wales, to the Same-
Concerning decays of the house and park of Tickenhill, co. Worcester ;
necessity of coppicing the woods.
Grant to Edm. Thorold of the office of Marshal of the Exchequer,
for life. [Ind. Wt. Bk, p. 82.]
24. Sentence of deprivation of Robt. Baker, Vicar of Crishall,
diocese London. Signed by Bishop Ravis, and other Commissioners.
25. Petition of Hen. Fleetwood to Salisbury, for redress against
Sir Geo. Gifford, who breaks the terms of an agreement, to allow him
to enter on the manor and parsonage of Weston, co. Gloucester.
With reference and report thereon.
26. Account of the receipts of certain first fruits and tenths paid to
[Thos.] Watson, Teller of the Exchequer, for the half year ending
June 30, 1609.
27. Bishop and Dean of Salisbury to Salisbury. Request him to
prevent the grant of a new incorporation, solicited by the Mayor
and Commonality of Salisbury, which will prejudice the ancient
rights of the church.
28. Edw. Reynoldes to Sir John Rawlins. Is hindered from
visiting him at Wakering. Lord Zouch's coming there uncertain.
29. Capt. George Taylor to Salisbury. Has escaped from prison
in the Canary Islands. Is willing to leave his present course of life ;
desires pardon ; has shed his blood in the public service, in Ireland
and the Low Countries. Indorsed, " A pirate's letter to my Lord."
30. Same to the Same. Similar but not duplicate. His only offence
is transgression of the articles of peace between England and Spain.
Requests his favour with the Admiralty for his pardon.
Grant to Sir Wm. Paston, Sir Thos. Knyvet, Sir John Hemingham,
Thos. le Gros, Edw. Paston, and John Jermyn, of the King's claim
to the lands or rents of Sir Wm. Paston, by reason of the idiocy of
his son Christopher. [Grant Bk, p. 52.]
Warrant dormant to pay 30/. per ann. to Sir James Sempill, as
Gentleman Usher. [Docqtiet, July 14.]
31. Sir Julius Csesar to Sir Thos. Lake. To draw a bill for pay-
ment to John Berwick, dangerously hurt by the misdemeanours
of Sir Edw. Littleton, Sir Walter Leveson, and others, of 100/. out
of fines imposed on them.
1609. Vol. XL VII.
July 13. Warrant to pay sums, not exceeding l,o00Z. per annum in the
"whole, to such persons as the Lord Treasurer, Lord Chamberlain, and
Chancellor of the Exchequer shall signify, for services to the King.
[Warrt. Bh, II, p. 106.]
[July 13 ?] The same, with an addition. [Ibid., p. 108.]
July 14. Docquets of the above. [Docquet, July 14? and July 31.]
July 14. 32. Archbp. Bancroft to Salisbury. Begs him to peruse the
Lambeth. inclosed letter to the King, and to alter it where he thinks fit.
Desires access to the records of judgments and precedents in the
Common Pleas.
July 14. 33. Sir Edw. Coke to the Same. Sends him a " Norfolk tumbler"
Stoke. to play in Salisbuiy warren.
July 14. Lease to the Earl of Worcester, Henry Lord Herbert, and Edw.
Somerset, son of the latter, of lands in the manor ofWondy, co. Mon-
mouth, " and of the fishing or river of Uske and Carlion," for their
lives. [Docquet]
July 14. Lease to Luce Hobman, Edw. Salewood, Matt. Harman, and
John Tennj', of lands, &c. of the manor of Hempholme, co. York.
[Docquet. ]
July 14. Lease to Leonard Welsted of the messuage of Baltesford, co.
Wilts, and demesne lands of the same. [Docquet]
July 14. Grant to John Bennet of the office of Serjeant-at-Arms.
July 14. Grant to Hen. Collins of a pension of 12d. per diem, for life, on
surrender of a like pension by Roger Evans. [Docquet]
July 14. Grant to Rich. Langford, and his heirs, in fee-farm, of lands in
Brinkeredick in the Comote of Collion, co. Denbigh. [Docquet]
July 14. Grant to Tho. White of the goods of Rich. Poore, a recusant, and also
a demise of his lands for 41 years. [Docquet.]
July 15. 34. Warrant for a grant to John Carse of the benefit of the
Westminster, recusancy of Edm. Coles of Lye, and Anth. Burche, co. Worcester, of
Thos. Appletree and Fras. Lovett, co. Warwick, of Fras. Elletts of
Aveley, co. Salop, and of Drew Lovett, co. Middlesex.
July 15. 35. Warrant for a grant to Ralph Baldwin, of the benefit of the
Westminster, recusancy of Jas. Tankard, Marmaduke Bowes, Fras. Berwick, John
Watkinson, and Eliz. Grimston, all co. York.
July ? 36. Names of such Lords, spiritual and temporal, as have contri-
buted to the aid since June 23, with the sums paid by each.
July 15. 37. Names of all the Lords, spiritual and temporal, who have
hitherto paid their aid money.
[July 15.] Warrant to pay to John Berwick, of Shareshull, co. Stafford, 1001.
[Westminster.] 0 ut of fines imposed in the Star Chamber on Sir Edw. Littleton
of Merevel, Sir Walter Levcson, of Ashmore, Willm. Cumberford,
and others, of Wednesbury, all co. Stafford, for misdemeanours, in
which Berwick was dangerously hurt. [Sign Man., Vol. I., No. 3.]
July 15. Entry of the above. [Warrt Bh, II., p. 105.]
July 15.
38. Note of the debts of collectors of the fifth and sixth sub-
sidies of the clergy, granted 3 Jac. I.
July 16. Commission to Charles Earl of Nottingham, Edw. Lord Zouch,
and others, to inquire after the injuries done to English subjects by
pirates. [Grant Bk, p. 61.]
July 17. Grant to Wm. Uvedale, jun., and Humphrey May, in reversion
after Sir Fras. Bacon, of the office of Clerk of the Council of the
Star Chamber ; with reversion after Wm. Uvedale to Wm. Worley.
[Ind. Wt. Bk, p. 82.]
July 17. 39. Sum total of the two payments of the second subsidy of the
laity, of the fourth and fifth payments of the clergy, and of the third
and fourth fifteenths ; with notes on the expected amount of the
third subsidy.
July 18. 40. Edw. Wardour to [Salisbury.] Respecting interest to be
allowed [to John] Eldred and [Arthur] Ingram on 9,250?., paid in
before the time.
July 18. 41. Sir Roger Aston's account, for works in Eltham Park, Kent.
July 18. Grant to John Hepborn, in reversion after Sir Rich. Cox, of the office
of Porter of the outer gate of Windsor Castle. [Ind. Wt. Bk.,p. 82.]
July 18. Warrant to pay to Arthur Ingram 673?. 15s. 8d., in abatement
Westminster. 0 f 1,876?. 7s. Id. advanced by him for purchase of the King's manor
of Bishop's Castle, Salop. [ Warrt. Bk, II., p. 1 06.]
July 18. Warrant to pay to John Murray 100?., towards repairs of an old
Westminster, priory near Guildford Park. [Ibid., p. 107.]
July 20. 42. Robt. Baynard and Rich. Wastfield to Philip Earl of Mont-
Pewsham Forest.gomery. They have surveyed and certify the decays of the lodges in
Pewsham Forest and Bowood Forest, Wilts. Estimate for repairs
of the same.
July 20. Release to Sir Fras. Woolley, Lionel Rawlings, and the heirs of
Sir Fras. Woolley, at the suit of Sir Chris. Hatton, and in part
recoinpence of Holdenby Park purchased from him, of rents reserved
upon several patents heretofore granted to them. [Docquet.]
July 20. Grant to Thos. Marbury and Rich. Cartwright and their heirs, in
fee-simple, of the manor of Watford, co. Hertford. [DocquetJ]
July 20. Letter to the President and Fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford,
to elect John West a Fellow. [Docquet.~]
July 20. Grant to John Davies of an alms-room in Ely Cathedral.^ Z)oc. 82.]
49. Lionel Sharpe to Salisbury. Requests the return of a treatise
which he sent him by Sir Wm. Godolphin, and hopes he has cor-
rected it. Begs a quarter of an hour of his time, during the progress.
50. Two petitions of And. Buckler, of Wyke -Regis, to the Same,
to be admitted to tenements in the manor of Wyke-Regis, parcel of
the Queen's jointure, which had descended to him whilst he was
absent in Virginia. With reference and report thereon.
Lease to Lord Knollys, for 13 years, of all fines, pro licencid
concordandi, to be levied in the Common Pleas, under certain
covenants. [Docquet.]
Warrant to pay money for victualling ships in the King's service
in remote parts, not mentioned in the contract made with the
surveyor of victuals. [Docquet.]
License to Sir John Went worth
to travel for three years.
L L 2
July 25.
July 26.
July 27.
July 27.
July 28.
Release to the Earl of Lincoln, of all debts, arrears, forfeitures, &c,
with which be stands charged in respect of himself or his father, on
surrender of lands in Royston to the King. [Docquet]
51. Grant to David Kennedy of the benefit of the recusancy of
Isabel Taylor, of Sillihut, and Thomas Browne, of Tanworth, both
in co. [Warwick ?] Imperfect.
Letter to the Lord Treasurer for license for Sir Edw. Holmeden to
export and sell 1 8 unserviceable dakers and 4 demi-culverins.
[Docquet, July 28.]
52. Writ of scire facias, calling upon the heirs of John Lord
Russell, and on James Biss, John Bampfield, and Fras. Buckland,
holding the manors of Inglescomb, Widcombe, Laverton, and West
Harp tree, co. Somerset, to show cause why the grant thereof by
Henry VIII. to the said Lord Russell should not be revoked,
these manors being annexed to the Duchy of Cornwall, in lieu of the
manor of Isleworth, thus annexed by Edw. III., but granted by
Hen. V. to the abbey of Syon. Latin.
53. Memorandum [by Thos. Wilson] of work appointed by Salis-
bury to be done at Hatfield House.
July 28. 54. Memorandum of money taken out of the revenue of the Court
of Wards and Liveries, and employed by Sir Wm. Fleetwood, late
Receiver General of the said Court, since Oct. 10, 1605.
July 28. Grant to Rich. Stockdale of 1,000/. of old debts due to the Crown,
on surrender of a like grant to Walter Toderick and John Hitton,
with a proviso. [Docquet.]
July 28. Grant of denization to John Syme, Scotsman. [DocqueL]
July 28. Grant to Sir Robert Carey, in reversion after Sir John Feme and
Sir William Gee, of the office of the King's Secretary and Keeper of
the Signet in the North parts, for life. [Docquct.^\
July 28. Grant to Sir Willm. Maynard, Heny Fleetwood, and Willm. Pitt,
of a debt of 3,100?., part of a debt of Wm. Gardener, Teller of the
Exchequer, deceased, in consideration of 900/. paid into the Exche-
quer by Sir Wm. Bowyer. [Docquet]
July 30. Grant to Rowland Robinson of an alms-room in Carlisle'Cathedral.
July 30. Like grant to Rob. Croft in the hospital of Peterborough. [Docquet]
July 30.
July 30.
July 31.
55. Warrant to pay to Humph. Flint sums not exceeding 40/.,
for empaling the park of Cheshunt, belonging to the house of
Entry of the above. [ Warrt. Bk., II., p. 1 50.]
Docquet of the above.
1609. Vol. XL VII.
July 31. 56. Grant to Thos. Buck and John Clifton, of the moiety of all
Westminster, forfeitures, &c. incurred by officers of the Navy, for frauds against
the Crown ; with additional articles.
July 31. Grant to Hugh Jones "and John Shepherd and their heirs, of
purchase of the manor of Lowthorpe, and all lands belonging to the
Collegiate Church there. [Docquct.]
July ? 57. Propositions for a grant to Sir Stephen Proctor for collecting
fines and forfeitures [on penal statutes] accruing to the Crown.
J uly 31 . Grant to Sir Stephen Proctor of the office of Collector and Receiver
of Fines on penal statutes. [Docquct.]
July 31. Grant to Rich. Humfrey of pardon, for life only, for man-
slaughter of Rich. Humfrey the elder, by casual discharge of a gun.
[ Docquct,]
July 31. Warrant to deliver ordnance and stores to Sir Ferdinando Gorges,
Captain of the forts at Plymouth and Island. [Docquet.]
J uly ? 58. Sir James Sempill to the Earl of Salisbury. Had hopes
of some favour from the King, by means of the Earl of Dunbar.
Beseeches his Lordship's permission to dispose of his pension, to
relieve his urgent necessities.
July ? 59. Petition of Sir James Sempill to the King for a grant of
3,000?. from recusants' lands.
July 31. Warrant for commissions, leases, grants, &c., for raising and levy-
ing 4,000?. out of lands and goods of recusants, to be convicted at
the charges of Sir Jas. Sempill and Tho. Leigh. [Docquct.]
July? Grant to Gwenhoyvar Lloyd, of Llanwddyn, co. Montgomery,
of pardon for arson, she having been found guilty of burning the
mansiondiouse of David Vachan, at Garthbullch, same county.
[Sign. Man., Vol. I.. No. 4.]
July. 60. Sir Edward Cecil to Sir Walter Cope. Begs him to recom-
mend the repair of Putney Park to the Earl of Salisbury. Incloses,'*
60. I. Estimate of repairs necessary in Putney Park.
July ? 61. Note of the value of lands to be passed, in fee-farm, to
certain contractors ; of the amount of those already so demised ; and
the amounts which still remain unpassed. Annotated [by Salis-
July? 62. Note of payments made on grants of moieties of old debts
of the Crown, from March 1 608.
Aug. 1. 63. Sir Wm. Waad to Salisbury. Hen. Parry, fisherman, and
his son, confess that two young men came over with the packets of
books brought from St. Oiner, and wei*e thought to go to Lord
Monteagle's, the disorders in whose house are an offence to the
country. Sends a copy of the two averments of Strange.
1609. VOL.XLVII.
Aug. 1. 64. Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thos. Lake. Commissions him to
subscribe a grant from the King of transfer from John Murray,
servant to the Queen, to Thos. Hampton, of annuity of 200 marks,
during the life of Anthony Dodswell, although Hampton is younger
than Murraj r .
Aug. 2. Grant to Wal. Lythe, alias Leigh, of the office of Serjeant-at-Arms
to attend on the Lord Chancellor, for life. [Ind. Wt. Bk., p. 83.]
Aug. 3. 65. John Lord Harrington to Salisbury. Has been at Nonsuch
Kew. with the Duke of York and the Princess. Has bought 1,500 trees at
Combe, and desires to have the sole purchase of timber in Launde
Aug. 3. 66. Sir Wm. Sedley to the Council. Reports proceedings in Kent
as to the aid.
Aug. 4. 67. Sir Julius C?esar to the Clerks of the Signet. To prepare a
warrant to pay 300?. to Hans Niloe, a Dutchman, for a clock with
music and motions.
Aug. Docquet of the above. [Docquet, Aug. 13.]
Aug. 6. 68. Sir Henry Hobart, Attorney-General, to Salisbury. His
Lincoln's inn. opinion as to where the trial of Strange, the Jesuit, must take place.
Aug. 6. 69. Mayor of Lyme-Regis to Sir Daniel Dunn. The merchants
Lyme-Regis. 0 f the town still refuse to join the new company trading into France.
They were unjustly charged with the new imposition, because it was
incurred by the false and defective cloth sent to Rouen by the
Londoners, and think its revocation only just. They cannot afford
the fee of 51. for entrance into the new corporation, and think it will
injure them and only benefit the Londoners.
Aug. 7. 70. Charges of the King's works for the month of July, with
particulars of sums expended at various places by And. Kerwyn.
Aug. 8. 71. Lord Admiral Nottingham to Salisbury. Has received the
King's letter. Mr. Wood shall have the charge of Capt. Button's
ship. Defends himself against a charge of too great lenity to
offenders. Particulars of the pirates Bishop, Sakell, and Jennings,
the archpirate Waid, and the fly-boat they took near Spahi. Hopes
he shall not have cause to wish he had been put in his grave when
his old mistress [Queen Elizabeth] was.
Aug. 9. 72. Edw. Smythe to [Dudley] Norton. Forwards the " constat
Middh Temple. an d quietus " for Lord Sheffield's debts, which the Earl of Salisbury
desired to see, before writing certain letters in his behalf. Sends a
new note of instructions, lest the old one be lost. Incloses,
72. i. Two notes of remembrance for Mr. Norton, of requests
to be made to the Lord Treasurer in behalf of Lord
Sheffield, — to pay his yearly pension of 1 ,000Z. for six
quarters, notwithstanding his debt to the King ; to stay
process on his lands therefor; to pass his grant of 500
marks per ann. ; and to have the King's house at York
and Sheriff Hutton Castle repaired, [See Sept. 3.]
1609. VoL - XLVIL
Aug. 9. 73. Dud. Carleton to John Chamberlain. Details his occupations.
Eton. His wife is working a carpet in Irish stitch, an ominous matter if
they should winter in Ireland.
Aug. 10. 74. Sir Fras. Bacon to Salisbury. Sends the draft of a new
Gray's Inn. proclamation relative to transportation of gold and silver. The
Frenchman did not attend as appointed, so a copy of his answer
could not be given to Sir Hen. Nevill.
Aug. 12. 75. Survey of the manor of Walberton, Sussex, by Thos.
Marshall ; with the names of the tenantry, and the nature of their
Aug. 13. 76. Mayor of Chard to Sir Daniel Dunn and other Commis-
Chard. sioners. Reasons of the merchants for refusing to join the pro-
posed French Company.
Aug. 13. Grant to Sir Lewis Lewkenor of leases, goods, &c, forfeit to his
Majesty by Ralph Bathurst, indicted for murder of John Savage,
who " refusing to take his trial for the same offence, according to the
lawe, stood mute, and thereupon was pressed to death." [Docquet]
Aug. 13. Grant to Wm. Shaw, Esquire of the Body, and Thos. Murray,
Tutor to the Duke of York, of 10,000/., debts due to the late Duke
of Somerset, to Lord Hussey, and to Cranmer Archbishop of Can-
terbury, attainted. [Docquet]
Aug. 13. Grant to Gilbert Primrose, the King's surgeon, of the one-half of
4,000?., old debts due to the Crown. [Docquet]
Aug. 13. Like grant to Henry Beswick, of the one-half of 8,000?. of similar
debts. [Docquet.]
Aug. 13. Gift to Ric. Brass and Tho. Atkins of 500?., being the King's moiety
of 1,000?. of old debts granted to John Richardson. [Docquet]
Aug. ] 3. Lease to Visct. Haddington of the castle and two parks of Farn-
ham, and the royalties of the chace of Hambleden, for 21 years, if
the present Bishop of Winchester retain the see so long. [Docquet]
Aug. 13. Grant to Pat. Ramsay of the office of Constable ot Farnham
Castle and Master of the game there. [Docquet.]
Aug. 13. Grant to Ric. Richards of pardon for scaling money. [Docquet]
Aug. 13. Grant to Thos. Lock of pension of 30?. per ann., for life. [Docquet.]
Aug. 13. Grant to Clement Edmondes of the office of Clerk of the Privy
Council, for life. [Docquet.]
Aug. 13. License to Ric. Lumley and Hodson, his tutor, to travel for
three years. [Docquet,']
Aug. 13. Grant to Sir Ralph Win wood, Master [of Requests], of 501. per
ann., for life. [Docquet]
Aug. 13. Grant to Sir Chris. Hatton and Fras. Needham, and their heirs, of
fee-farm rents, value 310?. 17s. 9c7., in part recompence for Holdenby
house and park, &c. [Docquet]
Aim. 13.
Aug. 13.
Aug. 13.
Aug. 13.
Aug. 14.
Aug. ?
Aug. 14.
Aug. 15.
St. Stephen's.
Aug. 15.
Aug. 15.
Aug. 16.
Aug. 16.
Aug. 17.
Aug. 17.
Aug. 17.
Warrant signifying the King's pleasure as to the nature of the
preceding grant to Sir Chris. Hatton. [Docquet]
Grant to Dr. Roger Fenton of the office of Penitentiary of
St. Paul's, London, with the prebend of St. Pancras annexed.
Presentation of Dr. Roger Andrews to the prebend of North
Muskham, in the church of St. Mary, Southwell, co. Notts. [Docquet.]
Letter to the Wardens of St. Mary's College, near Winchester,
and New College, Oxford, to elect William Oldis, a poor scholar, to
the latter College. [Docquet.]
Commission to Sir Wm. Waad, Sir Hen. Montague, and others,
to see due execution of a proclamation concerning starch. [Grant
Bk, p. 62.]
77. Statement by Wm. Crashaw, detailing what he knows con-
cerning " the discovery of y* damnable libell, y c Puritanus."
78. Same to Salisbury. Sends a collection of examples of the
abuse of Scripture by Popes and popish Doctors, in support of popish
doctrines ; with which abuse the author of the above libel charges
79. John Bingley to the Same. Has sent a grant for [Rob.]
Seymer, of the reversion of a Teller's place, after Sir Wm. Herrick
and young Mr. Bowyer. Certain digests of accounts are required
by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
80. Edward Lord Wotton to the Same. Requests I,000Z. to be
assigned to the King's Cofferer, for purchase of wax at Sturbridge
fair for the King's household.
Warrant to pay 2,000Z. to Adam Newton, in lieu of his grant of
privilege of letting certain tenements in the Tower. [Warrt. Bk.,
II., p. 110.]
Docquet of the above. [Docquet, Aug. 13.]
81. Sir Francis Vere to Salisbury. Has communicated his Lord-
ship's pleasure to those who are to wait on him. The defects of
Portsmouth are known to him.
82. Commissioners of Sewers, Isle of Ely, to the Same. Opposi-
tion cf some of the lower sort in Cambridgeshire to the charges for
drawing the level of the Ouse and Grant. Pray for protection.
83. Sir Julius Caesar to the Same. Has received the Privy Seal
for Stallenge. Is pressed by Hans Niloe for his 8001. for his clock.
Strange's trial postponed. Business with the Attorney General, &c.
84. Account of extraordinary payments made since Michaelmas
85. Weekly report of burials and christenings in London, made
by the parish clerks, since Aug. 10.
Aug. 17.
Ausr. 18.
Aug. 19.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 20.
Avis. 20.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 20.
Ana-. 20.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 20.
Vol. XL VII.
86. Like report from the nine parishes without the liberties of
the City.
Grant to Sir John Ca«ll of trees in the manors of Chesworth,
Sedgwick, and other places, co. Sussex. [Grant BL, p. 62.]
87. Thos. Martin to Sir Daniel Dunn, &c. Begs that the charter
of the merchants of Exeter trading to France may not he impaired
by the proposed general charter for French trade.
88. Grant to Oliver and Leynay [Leonard] Muncaster, and
Geffrey Eaton, of the benefit of the recusancy of Lawrence Price of
Washingley, co. Northampton ; Rog. Astell of Bassildon, co. Berks ;
— — - Thompson of Goring, co. Oxford ; Wm. Fenwick of the Sheld
Wyll, co. Northumberland ; Ric. Sackeld of Wensendell, co. York ;
and Geo. Skelton of Wetheral Abbey, co. Cumberland.
Docquet of the above. [Thompson omitted.] [Docquet]
89. Sir Rob. Johnson to Sir Julius Caesar. Reports proceedings
as a Commissioner to enquire into waste committed in the King's
forests. Difficulties of the task ; needs more clerks. Waste in
Whittlewood and Barnwood Forests. Meeting appointed at Tow-
90. Sir Mich. Stanhope to Salisbury. Pleads against the erection,
by the King's order, of a gunpowder mill and workmens' houses,
on his manor of East Bedfont, Middlesex.
Conge' d elire for the Dean and Chapter of Ely to choose a Bishop.
Letter to the Same to elect the new. Bishop of Chichester
(Launcelot Andrews) as Bishop of Ely. [Docquet.]
Grant to Sir Geo. Beeston of pardon for manslaughter of Tim.
Typpen. [Docquet]
Protection to John Hunt, Wm. Poynter, and Wm. Nevill for a
year. [Docquet.]
Grant to Sir Robert Carey, in reversion after Sir Wm. Gee, of
the office of Secretary and Clerk of the Signet in the North parts,
with contingent reversion to Sir John Trevor and Thos. [or John]
Trevor. [Docquet. Aug. 20 and Aug. 30.]
Letter to the Warden of St. Mary's College, near Winchester, for
Thos. Child to be admitted a Scholar there. [Docquet.]
Grant to Sir Fras. Freeman of pardon for receiving Nich. Mee,
his servant, after murdering Thos. Allibone. [Docquet.]
Grant to Thos. Snow, Adam Naylor, and Edm. Kelly, of the
benefit of the recusancy of Rowland Ayre, Geo. Bagshaw, Gentle-
man, and Geo. Bagshaw, Esqmire. [Docquet]
Warrant for the Officers of Customs to receive for the King speci-
fied duties on certain kinds of sugars imported. [Docquet.]
1609. Vol. XL VII.
Aug. 22. 91. Alex. Thorold to Salisbury. The King's tenants of Long
Long Bennington sue for release from payment for timber for the repair of
Bennington. {. ne j r nouses> They are brought to great poverty by the plague, &c.
Aug. 22. 92. Commissioners of Aid, co. Rutland, to the Same. Have
Oakham. compounded with the clergy, very few of whom opposed the aid,
and 801. has been paid into the Exchequer. The Dean, &c, of
Peterborough, have not yet responded to it.
Aug. 23. 93. Sir Dan. Norton to the Same. Has a suit in the Exchequer
between the College of Winchester and himself, for the title to
some abbey lands. Begs to purchase the title of the King, if it be
decided to be vested in him. Is related to Salisbury through his
Aug. 21?. 94. Sir Rich. Ogle to the Same. Solicits to be appointed his
Pinchbeck. Deputy, in the stewardships of Spalding, Gedney, and Holbeach in
Holland, co. Lincoln, vacant by death of Sir Robert Wingfield.
[August.] 95. Robert Wingfield to the Same. Requests to be appointed to
the bailiwick of Torpell, vacant by his father's death.
Aug. 26. 96. Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury to the Same. Sends informa-
Sheffield Lodge, tion of an accusation brought against Rutland Molyneux, by Lady
Markham, the most "pragmatical-headed lady in these parts of
England." She, Sir John Hollis, and his Chaplain, Chapman, have
all a grudge against Molyneux. Questions whether this information
be not a plot to drive him from this part of the country. Incloses,
96. I. Statement of Fras. Chapman, that on Aug. 4, 1609, Lady
■Markham told him that the Council once promised her the
'pardon and restoration of her husband, if she could
apprehend a most dangerous person, whom she had
inveigled to come to her house, when Molyneux met and
warned him of his danger. Chapman reported these
speeches to Sir John Hollis and Lord Shrewsbury. Lady
Markham offers to depose to Molyneux s conversing with
the most notorious recusants, but will bring no special
charge against him.
Auo\ 26. 97. Ralph Lord Eure, President of Wales, to the Same. Prays his
Bewdly. furtherance of the joint petition of himself and Lord Morley for
600Z. per ann. ; his ordinary allowance will not discharge the expenses
of the place he holds. Is compelled to sell his lands.
Aug. 26. 98. Roger Houghton to the Same. Has ordered some beer to be
Salisbury House, sent from London to Theobalds and Hatfield.^ The Countess of
Derby left Theobalds on Saturday. Lady Frances [Clifford], Lady
Cranborne, and the little ones are well. Has agreed with Mrs. Sey-
mour for her son's ground to be taken into the park.
Aug. 29. 99. Certificate of all Crown lands, &c.j sold, from 5 July, 13 Eliz.,
to 6 July, 16 Eliz. ; and of land sold to Christopher Hatton by war-
rant, 4 July, 14 Eliz.
1609. Vol. XL VII.
Aug. 29. 100. Six certificates, dated from June 17 to Aug. 29, 1609, of
Crown lands sold in general sales, at various periods, during the
reign of Queen Elizabeth.
Aug. 29. 101. Report of the rates, values, and prices of lands, &c, sold by
the Crown, under commission granted 43 Eliz.
Aug. 29. 102. Certificate of lands given away by Queen Elizabeth, in the
first 5 years of her reign. [This and most of the foregoing certifi-
cates are indorsed by Sir Jul. Gcesar.]
Aug. 30. Grant to Sir John Jolles, John Lawrence, and Jas. Collymore,
creditors of Robt. Bromley, of all goods and chattels forfeited by his
outlawry. [Docquet]
Aug 30. Warrant to pay to Nath. Matthew, the King's Cutler, various sums
for wares delivered into the Great Wardrobe. [Docquet.]
Aug. 30. Like warrant for payments to George Wynne, for wares delivered
by him. [Docquet.]
Aug. 30. Commission of review for Sir John Croke and others, to examine
a pretended contract of marriage between Lionel Morley and Joan
daughter of William Bereblock, of London. [Docquet]
Aug. 30. Grant to John Smith of an alms-room in Winchester. [Docquet]
Aug. 30. Grant to John Tucker of an alms-room in Ewelme, Oxford.
Aug. 30. Grant to Nich. Crompton of an alms-room in Durham. [Docquet]
Aug. 30. Letter to the Lord Chief Justice and Judges of the King's Bench
to take order with the creditors and debtors of John Parry.
Aug. 30. Grant to Rob. Seymer of the office of a Teller in the Exchequer
[Ind. Wt. Bk, p. 85.]
Aug. 31. 103. Thos. Earl of Exeter to the Same. Several offices have
become vacant by the death of Sir Fras. Vere ; solicits one of them
for Sir Edward Cecil, his son, and desires the stewardship of the
manor of Spalding for himself.
Aug. 31. 104. Sir Steph. Proctor to the Same. Complains that although
he was appointed Steward by Salisbury and Lady Derby, Sir John
Mallory, with 40 or 50 men, in the open fair at Thirsk, proclaimed
himself his Lordship's High Steward, and put out his (Proctor's)
Aug. 31. 105. Same to the Same. Relates his proceedings with respect to
his receivership of the King's fines and duties upon penal statutes.
Will forbear for the present to exercise it, except where it be accept-
able to the Court.
Aug. 31.
Aug. 31.
Aug. ?
Aug. ?
Aug. ?
Aug. ?
Aug. ?
Vol. XL VI I.
106. Thos. Murray to Salisbury. Incloses a summary of the
points concerning his youngest master (Prince Charles's) lordships
in the North. Recommends the appointment of competent Com-
missioners to settle his claims ; and, among them, of Hen. Dethick,
Hen. Ewbanks, Edw. Hutton, and Sir John Claxton. Incloses,
106. I. "The most regardable considerations" relating to the
evidences, liberties, houses, parks, &c, and lands of the
lordships of Raby, B r[ancepetli\ and Bar[nard-Castle].
See Sept. 8.
106. ii. Liberties claimed by the Prince within the manors of
Barnard-Castle, Raby, and Branccpetli, co. Durham.
107. John Murray to the Same. Has delivered his Lordship's
packet and his letter to the King, which latter is returned.
108. Lady Arbella Stuart to the Earl of Salisbmy. Thanks for
his services in effecting her suit.
1 09. Francis de Verton, Sieur de la Forest, to the Same. Journal
of his travels in many of the midland and eastern counties, for the
sale of mulberry trees. Has passed over 1,100 miles and distributed
100,000 trees. French. [See Stoa/s Annals, by Howe, p. 894.]
110. Remonstrance on the part of the Sieur de la Forest to the
Same, against a suspicion of his inability to fulfil his contract for
supply of mulberry trees. He has in France a nursery of 500,000
trees. Details the pains he has taken in sending for them, and in
inducing the people to buy, by shewing them spinners of silk at
work. Slanders against him by Julien Place, a spinner. French.
111. Reasons used by the Hollanders for continuing to fish on the
English coasts, contrary to the proclamation on the subject. With a
list of the Commissioners, Privy Councillors, and others, before whom
the matter was debated.
112. "Demonstration [by Sir Wm. Monson] of the Hollanders'
increase in shipping and our decay therein," through means of their
fisheries on the English coast ; with suggestions for restoring the
trade to the Enelish.
113. Copy of the above.
1 1 4. Particulars [by Sir Wm. Monson] of the laws observed by
other nations touching fishing, and the advantages that Avould
accrue from establishing an English fishing fleet. [In part to the
same purport as the above.]
Sept. 1.
Vol. XLVIII. September — October, 1609.
1. John Murray to the Earl of Salisbury. Has shewn his letter
to the King, who desires him to come no nearer London than
Kensington, in his way to Hampton Court, for fear of the plague.
The King has been hunting all day, and Las killed a stag with his
own hand.
1609. VcXLYin.
Sept. J. 2. Richard Earl of Dorset to Salisbury. Will, at his request,
Boolebrook. forbear felling any more timber in the Broyle Park.
Sept. 2. 3. Charles Earl of Nottingham to the Same. Necessity of sup-
pressing the pirates at Balfytemour. Has written to Sir Win.
Monson to take Captain Wood and his ship with him, which will
make three good ships for that purpose. The Lord Deputy of
Ireland should help with mariners.
Sept. 2. 4. Sir Edw. Coke to the Council. Proceedings in his commission
towards reforming depopulation, converting tillage into pasture, and
preventing decay of husbandry. Notice of offenders in these points.
Sept. 3. 5. Edw. Smythe to Dud. Norton. Requests warrants for the grant
to Wm. Turner, of 500 marks per ann., for repairs of York House
and Sheriff Hutton Castle, on behalf of Lord Sheffield.
Sept. 4. 6. Dud. Carleton to Sir Wal. Cope. Thanks for his appointment
Eton. in Ireland, but hopes it will only be as the road, and not as the
terminus, to future favours.
Sept. 4. 7. Sir Arthur Gorges to Salisbury. Lady Kennedy came to his
gates " bare legged, in her petticoat, old cloak, and night geer," in
a great fright, being violently driven out of her house by Sir John
Kennedy ; Avould not interfere between man and wife, but could
not refuse to receive her, she being cousin to his wife.
Sept. 4. 8. Emanuel Lord Scrope to the Same. Solicits the stewardship
of Richmondshire, held by his late father.
Sept. 4. 9. Same to Lord . On the same subject.
Sept. 4. 10. Recapitulation of a grant to Jas. Ross, of the place of ordinary
Footman to the Duke of York, dated 13th July, 1605, and now
transferred, mutatis mutandis, to Humphrey Rogers.
Sept. 6. 11- The King to the Lord Treasurer. To authorize the Wood-
wards of the New Forest, Hampshire, to grant 100 timber trees for
repairs of the house of Blandford-Forum, Dorsetshire, lately injured
by fire, and also 50 frees for repairs of Hurst Castle.
Sept. 6. 12. Alex. Serle to George Calvert. Has been with Mr. Chancellor
[Sir Jul. Caesar], to favour his suit. Begs him to deliver the
inclosed, with a warrant for the money, to the Lord Treasurer for
signature, some time when the Chancellor is with him. Incloses,
12. I. Same to Salisbury. Solicits his warrant for reservation
of the Mh part of the fines and forfeitures in all causes,
ecclesiastical and civil, and also his riding charges,
according to the patent of his office, Sept. 6, 1 609.
12. II. Draft of a warrant to the above effect.
Sept. 6. 13. Will of John Wiseman, of Bozeat, co. Northampton.
Sept. 7. 14. Grant to John Carse of the benefit of the recusancy of
Hampton Court. Thos. Laycon of Kynlake, Salop; Dan. Pyning, Rog. Palmer, and
John Bolt of King's-norton ; Wm, Taylor, alias Atwood, of Cod-
barrow Hall, Tamworth, John Whitmore, and Hen. Summerfield
of Byley, and Thos. Westcott, of Tamworth, co. Warwick.
Sept. 7.
Sept. 8.
Sept. 8.
Sheffield Lodge.
Sept. 8.
Sept. 8.
1 Title page of the tract called " Scala Cceli," or nineteen
sermons on Prayer, by Nath. Carmicbael, with an attestation by-
Gabriel Powel, Ric. Field, and Humph. Downes, that it is orthodox
and fit to be printed.
Grant to Edwd. Carew of the office of porter or overseer in the
Tower, for life. [Grant Bk, p. 49.]
16. Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury to Salisbury. Writes at Lad} r
Arabella Stuart's request, to thank him for his care in her suit
touching wines in Ireland. She wishes also to have the licensing of
brewing and sale of beer and ale in Ireland.
17. Thomas Lord Arundel to the Same. Death of Sir Francis
Vere. Solicits the captaincy of Portsmouth or the Brill. Has lost
18,000?. in the service of the King and his mother, and was promised
18. Hen. Sanderson to the Same. Necessity for appointment of
fresh Commissioners of enquiry into the decays, &c. of the castles
and woods of Brancepeth, Raby, Gainford, &c, the present Com-
mission being frustrated by the death of Sir Rich. Thekeston.
Recommends that the lordship of Barnard-Castle be included.
Hopes the. issue will be profitable to his Majesty and the voung
Duke of York. [See Aug. 31.]
19. Petition of John Bradell, Receiver of Westmoreland, to the
Same. Complains of Rob. Blakey and Wm. Seisson, the present
bailiffs, who have failed to pay in their moneys. Requests that
others be appointed instead.
20. John Bradell to the Same. Nominates John Bradell and
Ric. Southend, as bailiffs or collectors of the Richmond and marques
fees in Westmoreland. [See 1610, May 14.]
21. Petition of Ann, wife of Sir Griffin Markham, to the King,
that her banished husband may come over to England, to enable her
to pass a fine on her jointure lands, for discharge of his debts. With
order thereon, that if there be no other device in this petition, it
may'be granted, with certain precautions.
22. Avis Lady Cooke to Salisbury. Desires him to favour an
offer of marriage made by Mr. Fotherby, eldest son of the Arch-
deacon of Canterbury, for her eldest daughter, to which the
Archdeacon objects.
Proclamation against hunters, stealers, and killers of deer, within
any of the Kings forests, chaces, or parks. Printed. [Proc. Bk. f
p. 211.]
23. [The Council] to [the Justices of Peace] of Essex and Hert-
fordshire. They are to collect the arrears of the rate levied weekly
for charitable uses ; and to take bonds of poulterers, &c., not to offer
for sale pheasants, partridges, hares, or stolen conies, in order to the
better preservation of the game.
Sept. ? 24. Copy of the above.
Sept. 8.
Sept. 8.
Sept. 9.
Sept. 9.
Hampton Court
Sept. 10.
Sept. 10.
Sept. 10.
St. John's.
Sept. 12.
Sept. 12.
Sept. 12.
Sept. 12.
Sept. 12.
Sept. 12.
Sept. 12.
Sept. 13.
Sept. 13.
Gray's Inn.
Sept. 15.
Sept. 16.
Sept. 18.
Corse Court.
Sept. 18.
25. Sir Edw. Phelips to Salisbury. Proceedings on the Northern
circuit. Quiet state of Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland,
and Lancashire, where only thirteen persons have been executed,
and recusants decrease. Yorkshire and Durham are not so quiet,
nor so free from recusants.
26. John Hercey and Hen. Avis to the Same. Survey of the castle
and manor of Kenilworth, with Leeke-Wootton, and Hill, members
thereof, and the manor of Rudfen.
27. Memorandum of trees standing in Kenilworth Park and
28. Sir Simon Weston to Salisbury. To intercede with Dr.
Andrews, now Bishop of Ely, to be merciful as to the estate of the
widow of the late Bishop, his (Weston's) sister.
29. List of heads of various papers of accounts, indicated by alpha-
betical references.
30. Similar list, with some alterations.
31. Similar list, with alterations, and with sums specified to several
of the items.
32. Account of such portion of subsidies granted to the late Queen
as have been paid since the King's accession.
33. Account of lands sold since the King's accession.
34. List of extraordinary debts yet unsatisfied.
35. List of extraordinary payments made since Michaelmas, 1608.
36. Sir Lewis Lewkenor to Salisbury. Is making arrangements for
presentation of the Ambassador of Florence to the Queen and Prince.
The Ambassador has heard that the Count of Oldenburg and Count
Palatine dined with the King, and desires the like honour.
37. Sir Fras. Bacon to the Same. Sends abstracts of bonds and
conditions touching depopulation, &c.
38. List of heads of papers of accounts, similar to that of
Sept. 12.
39. The Council to the Clerk of Assize and Clerk of the Peace,
co. Salop. No proceedings are to be taken against Robt. Townsend,
of Ludlow, for recusancy, he being 77 years old and not of ill
40. Mary Lady Scudamore to Salisbury. Has been turned out of
house by Sir John Scudamore, her father-in-law, maltreated by her
husband, Sir James Scudamore, and refused justice by the Bishop
of London ; imprisoned, reduced to penury, &c. Prays his Lord^
ship's protection.
41. Account of the expenditure of the Prince's household above
his income, for the last year.
1609. V0L - XLVIIL
Sept. 20. 42. List of ordinary annual receipts and issues of the Crown,
with the inequality thereof.
[Sept. 20.] 43. Copy of the above.
Sept. 20. 44. Similar list, with note of increase in receipts and issues
since the King's accession.
[Sept. 20.] 45 Copy of the above, with notes of deductions to be made for
assignments and defalcations.
Sept. 21. 46. John Norden to the Same. Has surveyed the decays of
Porchester Castle. Gives particulars, and a drawing, showing the
buildings erected by Sir Thos. Cornwallis. Annexed is,
46. i. Statement of the rental of Porchester Castle, and of the
lands belonging to it.
Sept. 22. 47. Col. Stewart, of Eaglesay, to Salisbury. Attested complaint
[Stowe.] of the contemptuous conduct of the constable of Stone, co. Stafford,
who refused to honour his commission for post horses for the King's
service in Ireland.
Sept. 22. 48. Grant to Wm. Shaw of the benefit of the recusancy of Jas.
Hampton Court. Thatcher, of Sussex, Wm. Thatcher, his son, and of the wife of the
said son.
Sept. 22. 49. Commissioners for Aid, in Cheshire, to Salisbury. Report
Chester. their proceedings in that service. Almost the whole county has
compounded, without legal proceedings.
Sept. 22. Proclamation for adjournment of part of Michaelmas term.
Hampton Court. Printed. [Proc. Bh, p. 214.]
Sept. 22. Warrant to pay to John Williams 762?. 2s. Gd., for a basin and
Hampton Court, ewer of gold, given to M. de la Eoderie, the French Ambassador, at
his departure. [Warrt. Bh., II., p>. 110.]
Sept. 23. Warrant to pay to Thos. Pott 100?., for providing hunting horses
Hampton Court, for the King's use. [Ibid., 'p. 111.]
Sept. 23. Grant to the Same of 100?., of the King's free gift. [Ibid., p. 111.]
Hampton Court.
Sept. 23. 50. Lawrence Kemys to Salisbury. Excuses his desire to retain
power to surrender certain copyholds purchased from Sir Walter
Raleigh, till Sir Rob. Carr should redeem them, they being entailed
on Sir Walter Raleigh's youngest son. Defectiveness of the survey
of Sir Walter's lands.
Sept. 23. 51. Account of moneys laid out by Visct. Haddington, at his
lodgings in Farnham Castle.
Sept. 24. Grant to Anne Lady Berwick and John Berwick, of the custody
of the King's house at Thetford, co. Norfolk, for their lives.
[Grant Book, p. 49.]
Sept. 25. 52. Wm. James Bp. of Durham to Thos. Wilson. Thanks Salisbury
Bishop's for causing stables to be built for him [at Durham House]. Re-
Auckland. ( | Ues t s delivery of the key to his servant, that hay and straw may
be provided there, against his coming up to Parliament.
1609. XLVIIL
Sept. 25. 53. Account by Matthew de Quester of despatches received and
sent for his Majesty's service, since June 27.
Sept. 26. 54 Notes of the meeting, prorogation, and dissolution of divers
Parliaments, since Oct. 15, 1586.
Sept. 26. Proclamation for proroguing Parliament. Printed. [Proc. Bk,
Hampton Court, 216.]
Sept. 27. Grant to Sir Alex. Hay, Secretary of Scotland, of the office of
Keeper of Henley Park, co. Surrey. [Ind. Wt. Bk, p. 8L]
Sept. 28. Grant to Rob. Moore of the office of Gamekeeper at the King's
manor of Woking, co. Surrey, for life. {Grant Bk., p. 52.]
Sept. 28. 55. Rich. Percival to Salisbury. Requests him to fill up and return
Salisbury House, the draft of the Commission for examination of Sir Wm. Fleetwood
and others, as to Fleetwood's estate.
Sept. 28. 56. Muster roll of the garrison at Sandgate Castle, reviewed
before Sir Thos. Waller, Lieutenant of Dover Castle.
Sept. \ 57. Note of regulations recommended to be observed in the
garrison of Sandgate Castle.
Sept. 28. Grant to Ric. Earl of Dorset, of the offices of Master of the
King's Forest of Ashdown, co. Sussex, part of the Duchy of
Lancaster, and of the Game thereof ; of Steward, &c, of the
^ honor of Aquila Castle of Pevensey ; also of the office of Feodary
of the said Duchy lands in the said county. [Docquet]
Sept. 28. Grant to Wm. Browne of an alms-room in Carlisle Cathedral.
Sept. 28. Warrant to pay 1 2c?. per diem to each of the 13 Yeomen of the
Buckhounds, and 6d. per diem to each of the four grooms and to
one waggoner of the said buckhounds. {Docquet.]
Sept. 29. Warrant to pay to John Eldred, Martin Freeman, and others,
Hampton Court, contractors for lands, 690L of the King's free gift, for the advance of
large sums of money by them. [Ward. Bk, II., pp. 108, 112.]
Sept. Docquet of the above. [Docquet, Sept. 30.]
Sept. 29. Warrant to advance to John Thornton, 670Z., for payments which
Hampton Court, should be made by the Receiver General of the Court of Wards.
[Want Bk, p. 109.]
Sept. Docquet of the above. [Docquet, Sept. 30.]
Sept. 29. Warrant to pay 100/. to Ric. Brass, of the King's free gift.
Hampton Court. [W a rrt. Bk, p. 109.]
Sept. Docquet of the above. [Docquet, Sept. 30.]
Sept. 29. 58. Statement of the debts of the Crown, since 30 Eliz.
Sept. 30. 59. Accouut of payments made since March 24, 1602.
Sept. 30. 60. Duplicate of the above.
Sept. 61. Account of moneys payable out of the Receipt and the Court
of Wards, which may not longer be deferred.
Sept. 62. Payments made by the Treasurer of the Chamber, in the past
Sept. 30. 63. Account of debts owing by the King, put off to a future time
specified, but not assigned to any certain payment.
Sept. 30. 64. Account of debts owing by the King, not assigned to any
certain time for payment.
Sept. 30. 65. Duplicate of the above; with memorandum of some being
Sept. 30. 66. Similar paper, with corrections and a few additions.
Sept. 30. 67. Survey of the decay of the lodge in Gretton Woods, Rockingham
Forest, co. Nottingham, and estimate of repairs.
Sept. 30. 68. Charges of works "on Somerset House, since October 1, 1608.
Sept. 69. Charges of works on divers of the King's houses during the
Sept. 70. Account of moneys due for the Quarter ending Christmas, of
which part is to be advanced at Michaelmas.
Sept. 71. Duplicate of the above, with note of receipts expected between
Michaelmas and Christmas.
Sept. 30. 72. Conveyance from Rob. Cowper, of Horsham, to Rob. Wilding,
of Ticehurst, both co. Sussex, of the Highe Sleades, alias Hicke
Sleades, and other lands in Ticehurst.
Sept. ? 73. Profits arising from fines for alienations upon leases for term
of lives, at and since Michaelmas 1608.
Sept. ? 74. Anne Cooke to [Salisbury]. Thanks for favouis conferred.
Sept. 30. Grant to Edw. Ferrers and Fras. Phillips, and their heirs, nominated
by Sir Thos. Vavasour, Peter Van Lore, and others, contractors, of the
fee-farm of divers mills, value 2152. 6s. 7d. per ann. [Docquet]
Sept. 30. Royal assent for Launcelot Andrews, late Bishop of Chichester,
elected Bishop of Ely. [Docquet]
Sept. 30. Protection to Thos. Buck and Wm. Holliday, both of London,
and their sureties, for a year. [Docquet.]
Sept. -'JO. Warrant to pay to Ric. Wray, the King's Huntsman, 31. 16*. per
annum for apparel. [Docquet]
Sept. 30. Warrant to deliver to Thos. Elston, Clerk of the Cheque, 3422. for
liverijs for the Royal Guard, Yeomen, Grooms, &c. [Docquet]
Sept SO.
Sept. 30.
Sept. SO.
Sept. 30.
Oct. 1.
Protection to Sir John Kennedy, for six months, from claim for old
debts, except the debts due to Edw. Ferrers, that he may follow the
suits against him for debts of Elizabeth, daughter of Lord Chandos, the
lawfulness of whose marriage with him is questioned. [Vocquet]
75. List of Sir John Kennedy's debts and payments.
Grant, with survivorship, to Rob. Earl of Sussex, and Tho. Lord
Fitzwalter, of a pension of iOOl. per annum, with proviso contingent
on the death of Dame Eliz. Burgh. [Docqfiet.]
Lease to John Yearbury of lands escheated to the Crown by con-
viction of Thos. Mison, outlawed for felony. [Docquet]
Charles Earl of Nottingham to Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar.
Hampton Court. To firive orders for the felling and enclosure of Yonge Grove, in
Oatlands Park, for breeding the King's pheasants there. Sir John
Trevor, Keeper of the park, is to have the first offer of purchase of
the wood.
77. Sir Rog. Aston to Salisbury. The King hindered from hunting
that day by the frost. Sends a copy of indentures between the King
and Earl of Dunbar, on which his Majesty wants the Judges'
78. Sir Tho. Denys to the Same. Robt. Haydon, Under Steward
of the manor of Otteiy, Devon, is likely to die ; can easily discharge
that office, along with his own of Chief Steward.
79. John Waddelove to the Same. He (Salisbury) has been
hardly dealt with in reference to his recent purchase of the King's
manors of Elmsett, Oston, and Somersham, co, Suffolk. Is willing to
give him further information.
80. Edw. Lord Wotton to the Same. Recpiests order to be given
to the patentees for tin, to deliver 16,000 lbs. weight of tin yearly to
William Hurdman, the King's Pewterer.
81. Dud. Carleton to John Chamberlain. Family news. Is
returning to town. Sees no emploj'ment left but Ireland, as the
Ambassador atr Venice will remain three years longer. Sir Stephen
Le Sieur is set down for Florence ; has seen Sir Thos. Edmondes ;
Sir Rob. Wingfield dead. Attack on Sir Win. Paddy's house by Sir
John Kennedy, whose dispute with his wife is in hearing before the
Lords. The Court full of Germans, come about the pretensions to the
Duchy of Cleves. The Duke of Florence gone to see Sir Rob. Shirley
at Florence. Quarrel between Haydon, the Prince's servant, and
young Ramsay, Visct. Haddington's brother.
Oct. 4. Grant to Wm. Koade, in reversion after Wm. Staunton, of the
keepership of Gloucester Gaol. [Ind. Wt. Blc, p. 84.]
Oct. 4. 82. Grant to And. Alexander of the benefit of the recusancy of
Westminster. Wm. Wiborne, of London, Geo. Smith of Nonsuch, Surrey, and Walt.
Gifford of Hieon, Robt. Gorway of VValson, Robt. Smith of Knightly,
and Robt. Harecourt of Ellmol, all co. Stafford,
M M 2
Oct. 1.
Oct. 2.
Oct. 3.
Oct. 3.
Oct. 4.
The Priory.
Oct. 4.
Dover Castle.
Oct. 4.
Oct. 5.
Oct. 5.
Oct. 5.
Oct. 7.
Oct. 7.
Oct. 8.
Oct. 8.
S3. Sir Thos. Waller to the Earl of Northampton, Lord Warden
of the Cinque Ports. Details his examination of four Grecians,
habited as monks, who landed at Dover, professing to wish to
study in the English Universities. Sends a letter found on the
above persons. Incloses,
83. I. Simone Giuseppe to Giovanni Battida. Note of recom-
mendation of the hearer, a Parisian monk. Recent dis-
turbances through the discoveries of spies, one of them a
Genoese christian. Nov. 28, 1607. Italian.
84. George Lord Carew to Salisbury. Enforces the points of the
inclosed letter from the Ordnance officers. Recommends a place
near the Mint, for the monthly proof of powder. Incloses,
84. I. Officers of the Ordnance to Lord Carew. In answer to the
Lord Treasurer's letter, assure him that they meet three
times a week to debate on prices. They do not think it
advisable that to save transport money should be sent to
Ireland instead of wavlike stores, as they could not be so
well made there. Explications of their pecuniary affairs.
Wish for a safer place for the monthly proof of powder.
Ordnance Office, iScpt. 27, 1609.
85. Wm. Lord Compton to the Same. Prays that certain
extents against Lord Mordaunt's lauds may be stayed, his estate
being yet unsettled and small.
86. Archbp. Bancroft to the Same. Thanks for the book he
sent him. Is sorry that any Christian man should shew so great
a detestation of the sign of the Cross. Requests that similar works
sent over may be intercepted.
87. Commissioners for the Aid, co. Devon, to the Same. Doubts as
to the tenure by which sundry mean persons hold their lands.
Request directions.
88. Commissioners for the Aid at Coventry to the Same and the
Council. Explain the delay in their proceedings. Send 42/., all they
have gathered from this "poor decayed city." Some lands belonging
to the Dean and Chapter of St. George's College, others to Queen's
College, Oxford, claim exemption.
89. Hen. Earl of Southampton to Salisbury. Requests him to
stop the sealing of certain warrants for the King's tenants in the
Isle of Wight, as he wishes them to deal with the contractors
through himself.
90. Sir Rog. Aston to [the Same.] The King never intended
that the chain should cost more than SOI. The Earl of Dunbar has
presented his Majesty with a little book, written in his mother's
own hand, " very wisely, and good counsel to her son." It was
found in the Earl of Murray's house at St. Johnston. The King
"is very glad of it."
91. Sir Rog. Wilbraham to the Same. Sends a petition from two
Turkey merchants, spoiled by an English pirate, &C.
Oct. 8.
Oct. ?
Oct. 8.
Oct. 9.
Oct. 9.
Oct. ?
Oct. 9.
Oct. 9.
Raby Castle.
92. Rich. Rainsford to Salisbury. Fears that he disapproves his
project to raise a very great profit for his Majesty by fisheries.
Submits the business to him.
93. Same to [the Same]. Details his conversation with a
certain nobleman, on a project which lie had delivered to the
Government, concerning the fishing of strangers, which would be
very injurious to Spain.
9i. Answers by [Rich.] Rainsford to objections against his pro-
ject for levying a tax of every tenth fish, upon foreigners fishing in
the British seas.
- 95. Remarks on two projects heretofore devised, for procuring
payment of dues to the King from foreigners fishing on the English
seas : — The first was to demand the tenth fish from strangers ;
the second to restore the fishing to English hands, by building a
large number of fishing boats. Proposal for a third project, to incor-
porate a society of fishermen, into which the Hollanders may be
admitted, and which shall pay a certain tax to the King.
96. Commissioners for the Clergy Aid of Wells, co. Somerset, to
Salisbury. Thanks for his signifying that in regard to their tithes
and glebe, they are exempt from making composition.
97. Sir Hen. Lee to the Same. Suggests that some money arising
from a sale of timber might be employed in making Avails instead
of pales round Woodstock Park, &c, which would save much waste
of wood, through robbery, renewing of decayed pales, &c.
98. John Ferrour to the Same. On the proportion of the aid raised
in the City of Coventry. Requests the offices of Steward of the
Prince's manor of Chielsmore, Coventry, and of King's Attorney of
the justice seats for forest matters. Hopes, if appointed, to rectify
frauds by which the King is deprived of certain fines.
99. Bill in Chancery concerning the claim of the Prince, as Duke
of Cornwall, to a yearly rent of 98/. 6s. 8d., from the possessions of
the lately dissolved Priory of Coventry ; with notes of the annexa-
tion of the said rental, and of the manor of Chielsmore to the
Duchy of Cornwall.
100. Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to Salisbury. Recommends the
King's Chaplain, [Valentine] Carey, formerly his own chaplain, to be
appointed Master of Christ's College, Cambridge.
101. Sir Geo. Freville to the Same. Requests that certain trees
felled in Gainford Wood may be reserved for repair of Raby Park.
Sir Chas. Wren has sold his office of Constable of Raby Castle to
Sir Wm. Gascoigne, contrary to orders against change of officers
without leave of the Earl of Shrewsbury. Refuses to admit Gas-
coigne's deputies into the castle.
Oct. 10.
Oct. 10.
Oct. 11.
Oct. 12.
Oct. 13.
Oct. 14
Oct. 16.
Oct. 16.
Oct. 16.
Oct. ?
Oct. 16.
Oct. 16.
102. Sir Roger Wilbraham to Salisbury. Returns four letters,
which the King has read throughout, and rejoices that Ulster is so
settled. Sundry Irish affairs. The King playfully charges Salisbury
with treason, for accusing him of niggardly housekeeping.
103. Earl of Nottingham to the Same. Sir Win. Monson informs
him that pirates are victualled and relieved in Ireland. The
receivers of them should be put to death, as well as the pirates.
104. Edm. Lord Sheffield to the Same. On behalf of the bearer,
whose estate is begged of the King as felon's goods, because his son
had stolen and pledged some of his plate.
105. jSVilliam Douglas, Earl of Angus, to [Salisbury]. Having been
banished for his religion, at only 20 days' notice, begs permission to
return for six months to Scotland, to settle his affairs and take leave
of his wife and children.
106. Sir John Leigh to Dud. Norton. Respecting his request for
a lease in reversion, of lands in Buckholt, Hampshire. Incloses,
106. I. Particulars of the lease of the said lands, holden by Sir
Thos. West, formerly granted to Wm. Lord Be la Warr.
Grant to Edm. Lord Scrope of the bailiwick and stewardship of
Richmond, co. York, and keepership of the forest. \Ind. Wt. BL,
p. 84,]
107. Commissioners of Sewers, Isle of Ely, to Salisbury. The
Sheriff of Cambridgeshire refusing to levy the tax imposed for a new
drain, without the personal security of the Commissioners, against
suits that might be brought against him, they have been compelled
to give it. Hope their public duties may not involve their private
estates. The land to be drained is 500,000 acres.
108. Sir Simon Weston and John Ferrers to the Same. Have
bound Wm. Gopsill to make his appearance for intruding into a
copyhold, whereof the Countess of Leicester is lessee.
1 09. Bailiffs of the Town of Eye to the Same. Had intended to
elect Mr. Kemp as a burgess, but will elect the person nominated
by his Lordship. Hope he will be no charge to their poor cor-
110. The King to the Earl of Dunbar, Treasurer of Scotland.
To grant to Sir John Wood the benefit of the recognizances of
Gabriel Read and others, if the state thereof be conformable to his
Grant to Roger Caldert, in reversion after Sir John Wood, Sir
Thos. Lake, Levinus Munck, or Eras. Gall, of the office of Clerk of
the Signet. [Lid. Wt. BL, p. 84.]
"Warrant to pay to Thos. Pott certain sums for transporting six
horses into France, to M. de Vitry, and for saddles and other neces-
sary furniture. [Warrt. BL, II., p. 113.]
Oct. 16.
Oct. 17.
Oct. 17.
Oct. 17.
Oct. 17.
Oct. 19.
Oct. 19.
Oct. 21.
Oct. 21.
Grant to the Earl of Pembroke of the offices of Keeper and Captain
of the Tower and Isle of Portsmouth, Constable of Porchester
Castle, and Lieut, of Southbear Forest, for life. [Docquet]
111. Rich. Parry Bp. of St. Asaph to Archbp. Bancroft. In behalf
of the bearer Mr. Lloyd, and his suit in the Exchequer about his
benefice, which is attempted to be changed into a lay see.
112. Roger Earl of Rutland to Salisbury. Has received his direc-
tions to repair the park pale at Beskwoocl.
113. Sir Rich. Weston to the Same. His place as a Forest Keeper
[in Windsor] is painful without profit. Solicits a grant of 50 acres
out of lands now to be taken into the park.
114. Statement of "my Lord's" pleasure that Sir Rich. Weston
forbear to interfere with the holding of a court leet at Galley,
Surrey, summoned by Dr. Hammond, to whom the contractors for
lands have conveyed their interest in the bailiwick, but to which
Sir Richard pretends some others have a previous right.
115. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury. Explains a matter relatiug to
Pemberton for an office in Cambridge. The business of the con-
venticles is to be committed to some others. Sir Rich. W eston's suit
for a small farm in Windsor forest to be granted. Sir Wm.
Anstruther's suit for the materials of the castle of Kirk-Oswald to
be inquired into.
Warrant to pay to John Harris 200?., for a ring set with
diamonds, with the King's picture therein, given to Lord Aubigny.
[Warrt, Bk,, II, p. 1 13.]
Warrant to repay to the Earl of Southampton 300?., expended
by him for repair of the castles of Sandown and Yarmouth, Isle of
Wight. [lUd., p. 114.]
116. John Hender to Salisbury. Vacancy in the representation of
Bossiney, co. Cornwall, by death of Mr. Upton. He has the nomi-
nation, but sends a blank indenture sealed, for Salisbury to fill up.
Solicits that he may not be elected Sheriff of the county.
Oct. 22.
1 1 7. Lord Sheffield to the Same. Has signified the King's
pleasure concerning their Northern controversy to most of the
Council, but they will seek to reverse the order [for precedency of
the lawyers. See Nov. 3.] Begs to be one of the new patentees for
making copper. Has taken two priests, one holding most dangerous
and traitorous opinions. [See Nov. 14.]
118. Dr. Thos. Nevile, Dean" of Canterbury, to the Same. Pra3's
that the petition exhibited by a Doctor and certain Bachelors of
Divinity of Trinity College, Cambridge, may be referred to the Pro-
vost of King's College, and others. Annexed is,
118. I. Petition of the Graduates, Doctors, and Bachelors of
Divinity of Trinity College, Cambridge, to the Same, as
Chancellor of the University, that he will enforce execution
of the statute relative to the livings and lodgings of
Doctors and Bachelors of Divinity.
1609. Vol. XL VIII.
Oct. 22. 119. Dorothy Selkane to Salisbury. On a plan for digging coals
Hampton Court. j n iX certain manor. Sir Maurice Berkeley is not steward thereof.
Desires a patent for better security. Annexed are,
119. I. Considerations on the above request, and the conditions on
which it may be granted.
Oct. 22. 120. Dud. Carleton to John Chamberlain. Private affairs. Is
Eton- satisfied with the prospect of his Irish employment. Sir Thos.
Smith is likely to take his house. His cousin Carleton, being pre-
sented to the parsonage of Nuffield, rode by " in as great haste as yi
he rode post for a bishoprick."
Oct. 23. 121, Lord Eure, President of Wales, to the Same. Is prevented
Tickenhill by a pestilential fever from residing at Hereford this winter.
House. Numerous recusants in Monmouthshire. Ministers so scarce that
the Bishop of Llandaff is obliged to allow laymen to officiate.
Project for the support of six ministers, to be paid from recusants'
Oct. 23. "Warrant to pay certain sums to the Earl of Pembroke, Captain of
Westminster. Portsmouth, for the garrison there. [Warrt. Bk., II., p. 114]
Oct. 23. Warrant to pay to Sir Roger Dallison, Lieutentant of the Ordnance,
Westminster. 300?., for fitting up certain rooms in the Tower, for keeping and
proving gunpowder. [Ibid., p. 115.]
Oct. 23. 122. Sir Hen. Wallop to Salisbury. Desires to be informed if
Farleigh Wallop, certain of the clergy are to be forced into the payment of the aid.
Oct. 24. Grant to Jeronimo Talcott of the office of Master Bricklayer for
the King's residences. [Ind. Wt. Bk, p. 84.]
Oct. 2L 123. Sir Thos. Metcalf to Salisbury. A bond of 4,000/. was given
Nappay. by Thos. Hussey to Sir Chris. Metcalf, his grandfather, for assurance
to him and his heirs of certain lauds, on the death of Lady Hussey,
who lived 120 years. On account of legal difficulties, he has assigned
over the bond which is forfeited to the King, against whom they
would not be urged.
Oct. 25. 124. Earl of Shrewsbury to the Same. Will come to Court at
Worksop. Christmas, unless hindered by gout. Beseeches that he may not
have an adversary chosen as Sheriff of Derb} T shire that year.
124. I. List of names of gentlemen from whom Lord Shrewslmry
supposes a Sheriff' may be chosen. Recommends Mr. Hen.
Sacheverell, of Motley, or Sir Geo. Fulwood.
Oct. ? 125. Anth. Neville to Dad. Norton. States the qualifications of
Hen. Sacheverell for the office of Sheriff of Derbyshire, with an
account of his estates.
Oct. 25. 12(j. John Lord Harrington to Salisbury. Cannot wait in person
Kcw. with the book of accounts for the Princess Elizabeth ; the Prince
often calling for her to ride with him necessitates his own constant
Oct. 25. 127. Fras. Neale to Salisbury. Particulars of settlement of the
lands of Goathurst and Stoke-Goldington, part of the inheritance
of Mary, widow of Sir Everard Digby. The remainder is vested in
the Crown, and Lady Digby is willing to compound for the King's
interest. Begs he may have part of the benefit of the compo-
Oct. 25. 128. John Norden to the Same. Proceedings of Commissioners
Brockenhurst. for making returns respecting the New Forest. Articles for a new
Commission of inquiry. Obstructions in the Commission of inquiry
for the sale of wood.
Oct. 25. 129. Sir Robt. Johnson to the Same. Sends a third copy of the
articles touching the leasing of underwoods. With an abstract
about Lord Grey's woods.
Oct. 26. 130. W. Fowler to the Earls of Salisbury and Suffolk. Has
delivered to the Queen their packet, directed to Visct. Lisle, her
Chamberlain. She will meet the King at London, or elsewhere.
She hears that his Majesty has a swelled foot.
Oct. 26. Grant to Alex. Cleyland of the office of Governor of St. Kathe-
rine's Hospital, York, for life. [Grant Book, p. 50.]
Oct. 26. 131. Wm. Butler to Salisbury. In favour of Mr. Violet, of Lynn,
the assignee of a bond of his for 5,000Z. Has transferred it to the
King for more severe prosecution. Begs Salisbury to " besprinkle
with the dew of his comfort this withering Violet."
Oct. 26. 132. Sir Rich Weston to the Same. Desires to speak for himself,
Thursday. an( l h e w ill clear himself of Salisbury's imputations of dishonesty
towards his Majesty.
Oct. 26. 133. [Dud. Carleton] to Sir Walter Cope. Asks his advice if he
Eton. shall visit Lord Salisbury when the King comes to town.
Oct.? 134. Assignments made to the' four Tellers of the Exchequer,
Sir Edw. Carey, Sir Wm. Bowyer, Sir Fras. Egiock, and [Thos.]
Watson, of the receipt of different portions of the revenue.
Oct. 26. 135. Memorandum of regulations for the office of Tellers of the
Oct. 27. 136. Lady Tresham to Salisbury. Thanks for his letter in her
Lyneden. behalf, against John Lambe, her vehement adversary. Begs his
acceptance of half a hundred fruit trees, to plant at Hatfield.
Oct. 27. 137. Names of principal male recusants, sent by the Bishop of
Hereford, to Lord Eure, President of Wales ; with remarks on
[Oct. 27.] 138. Similar list of female recusants.
Oct. 27. 139. Accounts of debts of the Collectors of the sixth payment of
the four subsidies from the clergy, due 26th March 1609.
, rnn Vol. XL VIII.
Oct. 28. 140. Bishop of Durham to Salisbury. Concerning the timber to
Bishop's be disposed of in Gainford Wood. Repairs of Raby Castle, Brance-
Auckland. p e ^j 1; &r Ci Details his former services. Attempts made against the
privileges of the Bishoprick. [See Oct. 24.] Incloses,
140. 1. Account of an agreement madebetween the Commissioners
and certain contractors, for timber to be felled in Gainford
Wood, in reference to the tops and lops of trees granted for
repairs of Baby Castle, and of other trees.
140. 11. Sir Geo. Freville to Salisbury. Remarks on the Commis-
sioners appointed to survey the waste of Raby Castle and
Raby and Brancepeth Parks. It has been caused by
Mr. Sanderson, the steward, and others, deputy con-
stables : their allouunces should be fixed. Raby Castle,
Oct. 24.
140. in. Sir Charles Wren to the Bishop of Durham. Concerning
abuses committed by the King's officers of Brancepeth.
Sends a note of the pranks played by the constable
there. Binchester, Oct. 23. Incloses,
140. iv. Note of misdemeanours committed by Hen. Sanderson,
constable of Brancepeth Castle.
Oct. 28. Grant to Edw. Fawcett, and three others, cf the office of assign-
ments of statutes, recognizances, and bonds, for the relief of pur-
chasers. [Docquet.]
Oct. 28. Grant to the Lord Treasurer, of one per cent, on fees for conveying
and re-conveying the said statutes, &c. [Docquet.]
Oct. 28. Grant to Jas. Abercromy and John Gay, of 8,000L, old debts of the
Crown, to be recovered by them. [Docquet.]
Oct. 28. License for the son of Sir Thos. Chaloner to travel for three
years. [Docquet]
Oct. 28. The King's approbation of the contract for alum. [Docquet.]
Oct. 29. 141. Sir Edw. Watson to Salisbury. The Kings tenants of
Rockingham. Cottingham and Middleton, co. Northampton, desire to purchase
their copyholds. Requests to be the purchaser of the leet and view
of Francpledge and other casualties.
Oct. 29. 142. Hen. Sanderson to the Same. Proceedings in his commission
to encpiire of the spoils, &oof the castles and woods of Brancepeth,
Raby, and Barnard- Castle. Gathering in the benevolence ; has met
with opposition from the Bishop of Durham. Sends a petition,
which the Earl of Dunbar promises to favour.
Oct. 29. 143. Adrian Gilbert to the Same. Hopes for his favour in
the decision of a suit brought against him by an ungrateful
J 609. Vol. XL VIII.
Oct. 29. 144. Rie. Cockayne to Salisbury. Craves a protection from his
London. creditors for three years, during the progress of his suit against the
Grand Duke of Florence, through whose oppression he has lost
Oct. 29. 145. Ed. Wardour to the Same. Protests against the precedence
in office assumed by Mr. Bingley. Desires inquiry into their offices
as to precedency. Incloses the report of the Barons of the Exchequer.
Oct. 30. 146. Sir Edm. Hoby to the Same. Desires not to be nominated
Bisham, Sheriff for any place.
E. of Salisbury's J 1
Oct. 30. 147. Commissioners for the Aid in Worcestershire to Salisbury,
and others. Report their proceedings. The plague is rife in Worcester
and other towns.
Oct. 148. List [by Sir Thos. Lake] of prisoners in the Gatehouse,
Gatehouse. Westminster ; with grounds of their committal.
Oct. 149. Note of adjournments and prorogations of Parliament, since
Vol. XLIX. November, 1609.
Nov. 1. 1. Sir Wm. Cooke to Salisbury. To favour his petition, without
which the renewal of his old patent, now about to expire, would only
be a loss to him.
Nov. 1. 2. Alex. Serle to the Same. Abuses of the King's profits in the
Ecclesiastical Courts. Proposes the establishment of four more
Consistorial Courts, in addition to those of York and Canterbury.
Annexed is,
2. I. Notes by [Alex.] Serle to Salisbury, containing reasons why
'process of jurisdiction ecclesiastical should proceed under
the King's name and Arms.
Nov. 1. 3. Jane Jobson to the Same. Recommends Mr. Markham to the
Brantingham. prebendary of Langford in Lincoln Cathedral, the supposed incum-
bent, John Watson, being a layman and a papist.
Nov. 1. 4. Orders to be observed by Matthew Cale, appointed by the Earl
of Salisbury to the keepership of the water gate at Britain's Burse,
and to the new office of assignments there.
Nov. ? 5. Regulations for Britain's Burse, of which Thos. Wilson is suj^er-
visor, under the authority of the Earl of Salisbury.
Nov. ? 6. Project addressed by [Thos. Wilson] to Lord [Salisbury] for
making Britain's Burse flourish ; viz., to purchase Durham House
from the Bishop by Act of Parliament, and erect houses there.
Nov. 2. Grant to Lady Arabella Stewart of the privilege of nominating
such persons as shall sell wines, aquavitoc, or usquebagh, in Ireland.
1609. XLIX -
Nov. 2. Grant to Rich. Browne of the office of keeper of the gaols of
Ilchester and Dorchester, for life. [Docquet.]
Nov. 2. License to Jos. Killigrew and John Chapman to travel for four
years. [Docquet.]
Nov. 2. Grant to Mary Allam, widow, of pardon for killing Edward Chaplin,
her apprentice hoy, hy unreasonable correction. [Docquet.]
Nov. 2. Grant to Hen. Mynours, Serjeant of the Carriages, of two-thirds
of the goods and chattels of William Morgan, [recusant]. Also,
a demise of two parts of his lands, with reservations of rent.
Nov. 2. Like grant to Geo. Aske of the benefit of the recusancy of Rich.
Thimelby. [Docquet.]
Nov. 2. Lease to Claudius Delavale of divers lands, &c. in Tynemouth, co.
Northumberland. [Docquet.]
[Nov. 2.] Grant to Rob. Hill of the office of Clerk of Assignments. [Grant Die,
p. 50.]
Nov. 3. Warrant dormant to deliver to Robt. Thomson, Groom of the
Robes, stuff for his yearly livery. [Docquet]
Nov. 3. Warrant for payments to sundry persons, for stuff delivered for
the use of the King, Queen, Prince, Duke of York, and Princess
Elizabeth. [Docquet]
Nov. 3. 7. Archhp. Bancroft to Salisbury. The King has bestowed the
Lambeth. Bishopric of Chichester on Dr. Harsnet. Requests a conge d'elire
to that effect ; and that the custody of the Bishopric, sede vacante,
may be committed to Dr. Drury, Chancellor of Chichester.
Nov. 3. 8. [Earl of Salisbury] to Lord Sheffield. Respecting the precedency
Whitehall, recently granted to lawyers, over other members of the Council of the
North. His interests are reserved in the patent for copper. The
examinations of the priests are to be sent tip.. [See Oct. 21.]
Nov. 3. 9. Account of debts owing by the King, and payable at or before
Christmas next ; and of sums to be l'eceived before the same time.
Nov. 5. 10. Bailiffs, .]
Nov. 7. Docquet of the above. «
Nov. 7. Grant to Edw. Bates and Hen. Ehves, of manors and lands, value
2U. 4s. per ann., in fee-simple, and of lands, value 102?. 14s. 2±d. per
ann., in fee-farm, at suit of Sir Baptist Hicks, and other contractors.
[Docquet, Nov. 7 and April 3, 1610.]
Nov. 7. Restitution of the temporalities for the Bishop of Ely. [Docquet.']
Nov. 7. Grant to Dr. Thos. Morton of the Deanery of Winchester.
Nov. 7. Conge' d'elire to the Dean &c. of Chichester to elect a Bishop.
Nov. 7. Letter to the Same, to elect Dr. Sam. Harsnet as Bishop.
Nov. 8. 15. Grant to Robt. Campbell of the benefit of the recusancy of
Westminster. Robt. Harcourt of Stanton-Harcourt, Oxford, Chris. Biggs of Staple-
ford, Wilts, and Edm. Tattersall of Catmere, Berks.
Nov. 8. Docquet of the above.
Nov. 8. 16. Edw. Came, Collector of the Aid in South Wales, to Sir Jul.
Nash. Caesar. Reports his proceedings. Smallness of the contributions in
certain counties, from the rate being charged only on the King's
immediate tenants.
Nov. 8. Grant to Sir Robt. Hitcham, the Queen's Attorney, and Ralph
Ewens, her Auditor, of 6,000?., the King's moiety of a grant [of old
debts], to Ric. Roberts and Chr. Babham, and also 6,000?. from a
like grant to Win. and Walter Alexander. [Docquet]
Nov. 8. Grant to Rob. Bacon, on surrender of a like grant, of the moiety
of 1,000?. old debts due to the Crown, with provisoes. [Docquet]
Nov. 8. Grant of the reward of os. per ton, on the building of six ships
named. [Docquet]
Nov. 8. Grant to Lord Harrington of the timber growing in Launde Park,
Westwood, and Loddington, co. Leicester, in consideration of 1,700?.
by him paid. \_Docquet]
Nov. 8. License to Sir Oliver Cromwell to keep a chaplain, beneficed or
not beneficed. [Docquet]
Nov. 8. Grant to John Royle of the place of Guider or Governor of
St. James's Hospital, Chichester, for life. [Docquet]
Nov. 8.
Nov. 8.
Nov. 9.
Nov. 9.
Nov. 9.
Nov. 9.
Nov. 10.
Nov. 11.
.Nov. 12.
Vol. XLIX.
Grant, with survivorship, to Ric. and John Wright, on surrender
of Nic. Bristow and Robt. Norton, of the clerkship of the King's
jewels and plate. [Docquet.]
Grant to Edw. Bed ware of an alms-room in Winchester.
17. Bishop of Worcester to Salisbury. Recommends the case of
Geo. Wykes, who has married the widow of Grant, the traitor ; " he
is robbed of his wife by popish spirits," who are endeavouring to dis-
possess him of her lands.
18. William Lord St. John to [the Same]. Professes devotion. The
reports that he is negligent in religion, and disregardful of his mother,
are raised by some enemy. Will return at once, in obedience to his
lordship's and his mother's commands, though young men are usually
allowed to spend some time in Paris.
19. Dud. Carleton to John Chamberlain. Suffers from the cold.
Sir Rowland Lytton advises his affair to be left to chance. Sir Allan
Percy, now at Syon, says that the Earl of Northumberland reserves
his answer. Will visit Chamberlain in London. Dislikes Sir Walter
Cope's conceit of sending him into France.
20. Wm. Lucas, senior, to Salisbury. John Gardner has disclosed
to him and others a plot against the King of England, and an offer
made to him by James Conway of a large reward, if he would aid
in it. Has sent Gardner to England to reveal the matter.
21. Same to the Same. Further account of Gardner and his past
life. He is thought to be an idle fellow, set on by the Jesuits. Has
sent over a box and letters, confided to him by Gardner.
22. Charges of His Majesty's houses, in the month of October
23. Earl of Salisbury to Baron Altham. Desires his opinion on
the claim of Sir John Savile to Cookridge Woods. Incloses,
23. I. Sir John Savile to Salisbury. States in detail the
particulars of his title to Cookridge Woods. Iloiulcy,
June 13, 1G09.
23. II. Minute of grant by Queen Elizabeth to Sir John Savile
and his heirs, of Cookridge Woods, in the parish of Addle,
co. York.
Nov. 1 2 2L John Murray [to Salisbury.] Sends the papers desired. The
Theobalds. King is well. Commends to him his business with Lord Coke.
Nov. 12. Release to Rob. Crome, Mr. Wilgrave, and John Doughty, of all
forfeitures wherewith the late John Doughty, recusant, stood charged
to the late Queen. [Grant Bh, p. 57.]
Nov. 13. 25. Mayor, &c. of Headon to Salisbury. They all with one voice
Ileadon. consent to his request to nominate their burgess for Parliament, in
place of Sir Hen. Constable. Hope he will defray his own expenses.
1609. Vol. XLIX.
Nov. 13. 26. Ralph Lord Eure to Salisbury. Increase of recusants in the
Bewdley. diocese of Hereford. Laxity of Justice Williams, who allows them
to take the oath of allegiance in a modified form. Refusal of Char-
nock to take the oath of allegiance. Irregular election of Sir Sam.
Sandys, as burgess for Worcestershire, in place of Sir Wm. Ligon,
deceased ; Sandys being a strong opposer of the jurisdiction of the
Council of Wales. Annexed is,
26. I. The recusants' oath, as administered at the last Hereford
Assizes, with the joints wherein it differs from the genuine
oath of allegiance.
Nov. 13. 27. Sir Thos. Bland to the Same. Proceedings touching the aid
Kippax. i n the West Riding of Yorkshire.
Nov. 13. Warrant for the issue of 1,000Z. to the Earl of Dunbar, Keeper of
Westminster, the Privy Purse. [Warrt, BL, II, p. 116.]
Nov. 13. "Warrant to pay to John Norton, 173?. 16s. 4. 120.]
Docquet of the above.
Warrant to pay to Sir Wm. Harmon, Keeper of Bagshot Park, co.
Surrey, the necessary sums for finishing the repairs of the lodge.
[Ibid., p. 121.]
Docquet of the above. [Docquet]
Grant to Thos. Emerson and Rich. Cawdale, in fee-simple, of
divers manors and lands, value 176/. 156'. 8{d. per ann., and of
others, in fee-farm, value 166/. lis. 8(Z. per ann., all surrendered
by Visct. Haddington. [Docquet.]
License to the Earl of Northampton, Lord Wotton, and others,
feoffees of Wm. Essex, to sell the manors of Chipping Lamborne
and four others, co. Berks, with reservation of the King's rents.
Grant of pardon for divers poor prisoners in York Castle, convicted
and reprieved many years since, and now released for relief of the
gaol, which is pestered with many prisoners. [Docquet.]
( I rant to Wm. Ellyne't, and his sureties, of protection for years.
(bant to Sir John Portman of the Keepcrship of Roche Forest,
co. Somerset. [Ind. Wt. Bt, p. 85.]
Nov. 26.
Nov. 27.
1609. Vol. XLIX.
Nov. 26. 60. John Hercey to Salisbury. Sends his opinion as to the best
means to induce the copyholders to compound ; forwards his patent
to be executed. Intreats increase of fee.
.Nov. 26. 61. Drs. Roger Goad and Humph. Tyndall to the Same. Have
received his letter for the election of Mr. Carey to be Master of
Christ's College, in which they concur.
"Warrant to pay 100 marks to the Grooms and Pages of the
Queen's Chamber, as the King's free gift at Christmas. \Warrt.
Bk., II., p. 122.]
62. Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thos. Lake. Glad the King is
satisfied concerning Sir John Kennedy's oath. Replies on Mr.
Marshall's and Mr. Lazomby's affairs. Doubts not that Sir Thos.
Chaloner has advertised him concerning the barriers. The King
needs not send to the Duke of Sully, but trusts to the " little beagle ''
for money, &c. Foreign news.
63. Mayor of Harwich to Salisbury. Arrival of a carvel with
300 soldiers for Sweden. Has furnished them with provisions, &c.
6L Hugh Glaseover to the Same. At request of the Earl of
Derby, he reports the ruinous state of Chester Castle.
65. Dorothy Wadham to the Same. Her late husband having
appointed good means for erecting Wadham College in Oxford,
beseeches his Lordship to defend her from any wrong imputations,
that she does not forward the good work.
Grant to Sir Jas. Creichton, Collector of Petty Customs in the
Port of London, of all sums due to the late Queen or the King,
therefrom. [Grant Bk., 'p. 50.]
66. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury. Sends the papers, signed by the
King, who halts a little in his walk. He is not satisfied with his
Grace of Canterbury's opinion on Sir John Kennedy's affair. The
whole business now is the ordering of the great [hunting] match,
which will take place on Thursday. Answers on sundry affairs.
67. Owen Oglethorpe and Rich. Smyth to the Same. Death of
Sir Thos. Smith, Latin Secretary ; he has left certaiu registers of
Latin letters, to be delivered to Salisbury.
Nov. 27.
Nov. 27.
Nov. 27.
Nov. 27.
Nov. 28.
Nov. 28.
Nov. 28. 68. Sir Thos. Edmondes to the Same. Declines a proffered employ-
Black friars, ment, and begs to be sent into France instead. Is afflicted by the
uncertainties of his fortune.
Nov. 28. Grant to Tho. Lord Knyvet and Edm. Doubleday, of the office of
keeping the plate and money in the Tower, and the coinage of money
there and elsewhere, for life. [Ind. Wt. BL, p. 83.]
Nov. 28. 69. Assignment from Thos. Wilson, of St. Clement's, London, to
Rob. Holte, of Ashworth, co. Lancaster, of the wardship and marriage
of Rich. Holte, the King's ward.
N N 2
Nov. 29.
Nov. 29.
Nov. 29.
Nov. 29.
Nov. 29.
Nov. 29 ?
Nov. 29.
Nov. 29 ?
Nov. 29.
Nov. 30.
Nov. 30.
Nov. 30.
Nov. 30.
Nov. 30.
Vol. XLIX.
70. Sir ¥m, Cooke to Salisbury. Solicits the speedy passing of his
patent, which will give him some credit where he dwells, and not
injure the Corporation [of Gloucester], who possess larger liberties
than any other city, and abuse them.
71. Bishop of Winchester to the Same. Solicits license for his
son to travel beyond seas, with Sir Stephen Le Sieur.
72. Earl of Bath to the Same. Respecting Rob. Venner, son of
one of his tenants, who turned papist abroad, and having returned,
was imprisoned for refusing the oaths of supremacy and allegiance.
73. Baron Altham to the Same. Thinks that Sir John Savile
should be allowed to compound for his title to Cookridge Wood.
Annexed is,
73. I. Altham's reference to Auditor Stanley, and his report
relative to the above.
74. Account of the revenue of North and South Wales, anno
6 Jac. I.
75. Memorial to Salisbury, showing that divers gentlemen of
good worth and credit are willing to undertake the farm of licenses
for alehouses.
76. Note of money hitherto received for licenses of alehouses.
77. Memorandum of the King's portion, amounting to 1 631. 10s. 8d.,
of the charge of enclosing the forest of Whichwood with a wall.
Warrant to pay to Rich. Batten, Ranger of Whichwood Forest,
1631. 10s. Sd., for erecting a wall there. [Warrt. Bh, II., p. 122.]
78. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury. Tn favour of Sir Arthur Savage
for some grant to be made to induce him to settle in Ireland.
Geo. Muncrieff, one of the King's Falconers, is to receive 301. per ami.
more, &c. &c.
79. Ric. Earl of Dorset to Thos. Wilson. To deliver his bill of
impost of wine to the bearer, Edw. Lindsay.
80. Sir Robt. Stewart to Salisbury. Thanks for preventing the
malice of his enemies by payment of a sum of money. Craves his
enlargement. His enemies brag of his arrest before his prison
81 . Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thos. Lake. Gives particulars of the
arrest of Sir Robt. Stewart for debt, by Mr. Lesley, who declares that
the money paid [by the King] to Lord Lindores was for service, not
in lieu of Stewart's debt. Arrival of a ship with Irish soldiers at New-
castle, in which, and in two other ships, are fourscore and ten women.
82. Certificate of decayed castles in England and Wales, and of
the royalties and services belonging to the same, by the Auditois of
the Exchequer and Duchy of Lancaster.
, rr . n Vol. XLIX.
Nov. 30. 83. Account of fines imposed by Commissioners on sale of lands
upon defective titles, since Nov. 10, 1606.
Nov. 30. Proclamation giving further time for the amendment of defective
Newmarket, titles. Printed [Pvoc. Bk, p. 217.]
Nov. 30. Proclamation inhibiting the importation of pepper from foreign
Newmarket, parts, except Dy the East India Company. Printed [Pvoc. Coll.,
No. 13.]
Nov. 84. Jas. Lord Hay to Salisbury. Is pursued by an importunate
creditor of Monsr. Gunderrot, for whom he is surety. Begs to know
what his Majesty will do for Gunderrot. The debt is 700/.
[Nov.] 85. Same to the Same. Thanks for favours in Gunderrot's affair.
When the hunting match is over, will visit him. The King better of
his gout, &c.
Nov. 86. Estimate of the value of the manor of Sherborne, at six
Co. Dorset, years' purchase, amounting to 8,000?., the sum desired for it.
Nov. 87. Another estimate of the value of Sherborne, making it
6,428?. 19s.
Nov. ? 88. Hen. Spiller to Sir Thos. Lake. To antedate the warrant of
the receivership of Buckinghamshire to be granted to Joseph
Mayne, some three months ; and to see him [Spiller] before he
writes to the Earl of Salisbury about it.
Vol. L. December, 1609.
Dec. 1. I. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury, The King is troubled how to
Newmarket, proceed concerning Sir Pobt. Stewart ; and says that Mr. [James]
Lesley's allegation that the money bestowed on Lord Lindores [Sir
Patrick Lesley] was not for discharging Stewart's debts, is " an
arrant lie/' &c. Lord Dunbar will try to compound with Lesley.
The King must undertake the thing, but he knew not that the debt
was so much as 2,500?.
Dec. 1. 2. Sir Alexr. Hay to [the Same]. The business of Sir Jas.
Newmarket. Fullerton is despatched. Suit of Sir George Erskine for compen-
sation, by the Spanish Ambassador, for a Scottish ship seized
in Spain. The Marquis of Huntly and Earl of Errol, excommu-
nicated for papistry, have subscribed the oath drawn up by the
King, wishing it might be offered to all papists. The Lord [Abbot
of] Holy rood-house is dead.
Dec. ? 3. Form of an oath of allegiance, declaring willingness to support
the King against the Pope, if needful ; and the Pope's incapacity to
release the King's subjects from their fidelity, or to dethrone Kings,
who hold their authority direct from God, and are accountable to
none. Indorsed " Huntly and Errol's oath."
Dec. 1.
Dec. 1.
Dec. 1.
Dec. 1.
Dec. 2.
Dec. 2.
Dec. 2.
Dec. 3.
Vol. L.
4. George Earl of Huntly to the Ecclesiastical Judges of his Diocese.
Desires absolution from their sentence of excommunication. Will
give lawful satisfaction for any offence he has committed. Remon-
strates against the presbytery of St. Andrews, which has excom-
municated him, as not being a competent tribunal.
5. Corporation of Ludlow to Salisbury. Decline to elect John
Leveson as burgess, in place of Mr. Benson, deceased, as they can
elect none but a resident, and have refused Lord Eure's request for
his brother, Sir Francis Eure.
6. Sir Ric. Martin, Master of the Mint, to the Same. Desires
that a false ingot of silver, introduced by Sam. Smith, may be
examined by the Wardens of the Goldsmith's Company, together
with the officers of the Mint. Annexed is,
6. i. Question as to the amount of fine silver and of alloy, found
in every pound's weight of an ingot of silver, tried by " the
subtill assay."
7. Account of the charge of the Collectors of the sixth payment
of the four clergy subsidies, granted 3 Jac. 1., with the debts of such
Bishops as have not yet accounted.
8. Account of the tenths of the Clergy, and of Bishops Avho
have not accounted for the money due at Christmas, 6 Jac. 1.
9. Sir Robt. Stewart to Salisbury. States in detail the circum-
stances of his debt, and of his arrest byJas. Lesley, son-in-law to the
late Sir Patrick Lesley, Lord of^Lindores.
10. John Norden to the Same,
lodges, &o, in Farnham Parks,
punishing robbers of the pales.
About reparation of the pales,
Negligence of the keepers in
11. Assignment by Leonard Robertson to Fras. Jones, both of
London, of the parsonage of Doncaster, chapel of Loversall, manor of
Carr-house, tithes, &c. of the lordship of Warmsworth, co. York.
12. Sir Wm. Godolphin to Salisbury. Sends up John Gardner,
lately come from Bourdeaux, to discover a treasonable plot against
the King. Incloses,
12. i. John Godolphin to Sir Wm. Godolphin. Cannot purchase
him any Bourdeaux wines ; they are too dear. Sends up
John Gardner, who pro] 'esses to know of a treason in-
tended against the King. Scilly, Dec. 3, 1 609.
12. ii. Examination of John Gardner. Had lived ten years
abroad for the sake of his religion. When at Bourdeaux,
ivas tempted by J as. Conway to enter into a conspiracy to
kill the King of England, but refused, and revealed the
plot to several p>ersons, before and since his return to
England. Dec. 3, 1609,
Dec. 3.
Dec. 4.
Dec. 4.
Dec. ?
Dec. 4.
Dec. 4.
Dec. 4.
Dec. 4.
Dec. 4.
Dec. 4.
Dec. 5.
Vol. L.
1 3. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury. Sends a letter from Mr.
Marshall. The King will allow him any moneys that have been
paid for the seal of Chester, but nothing from any other source.
The bill concerning Sir Thos. Overbury is signed, through the
importunity of Sir Robert Carr. Incloses,
13. I. George Marshall to the King. Prays for an advance of
money from other moneys in the Exchequer, if 5001. be not
already paid in for composition of the seal of Chester, of
which he discovered the title.
gone to
14. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury. The King
match. Hopes to speak with him that night, about
the hunting:
Sir Robert
15. Edm. Lord Sheffield to the Same. Sends letters about the
alum works. Desires reply to his last letters, about precedency in
the Council.
16. Petition of Thos. Henson, Bowyer, to the Same. Has exhi-
bited informations in behalf of the four decayed Companies of the
" Bowyers, Fletchers, Arrow-head Makers, and Stringers/' against
divers constables, co. Middlesex, for neglecting due execution of the
statute 33 Hen. VIII., " for maintenance of artillery." Prays that
due proceeding may be had on the above, the Justices pleading
Salisbury's orders against execution of the laws. With reference to
the Justices of Middlesex.
17. Justices of Middlesex to the Same. In answer to the
18. Probate of the will of Thos. Randolph, Master of the Posts.
[The ivill is dated April 1, 1589.]
Warrant to pay to Sir Roger Aston 79 81. 6s., for sums disbursed
by him, by the King's orders. [Warrt. Bk., II., p. 123.]
Warrant to pay the sums required for victualling and relieving
certain soldiers levied in Ireland for the service of the King of
Sweden, driven by contrary winds into English Ports. [Ibid.,
p. 123.] -
Warrant to pay to Ellis Wynne 501, for repairs and works at
Shrub Lodge, in Whittlewood Forest ; also to Thos. Evebyn 271., for
loss on exchange of lands made for eularging Nonsuch Park ; and
to Rich. Forbench 161. 13s. Sd., for lands in Windsor Forest sold
to the King. [Ibid., p. 124.]
Warrant to repay to Wm. Garway 700?., delivered by him to
Sir Hen. Wotton, Ambassador at Venice. [Ibid,., p. 124.]
19. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury. The King weary with yester-
day's hunting match, and the Prince indisposed. They are going
to try the Spanish hawks. Lesley is sent for, and if he refuses
to drop the action against Sir Rob. Stewart, they will make it void,
because Lord Lindores died outlawed, and so his debts are forfeit
to the Crown. Lord Knollys has begged the forfeiture of one
Vivian, a receiver of pirate's goods.
1609. Vol. L.
Dec. 5. 20. Earl of Dunbar to Salisbury. Sir Robt. Stewart is wronged
Newmarket. i n being arrested by Lesley, tie Executor of Lord Lindores, the
money paid by tbe King to Lnndoris being in lieu of Stewart's
Dec. 6. 21. Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thos. Lake. Sends warrants, among
Whitehall, wbich is one for [Sir Edw. Bromley], nephew to Lord Chancellor
Bromley, to be made Puisne Baron of the Exchequer, in place of
[Sir Edw.] Heron, deceased.
Dec. 6. 22. Sir Alexr. Hay to Salisbury. Lord Dunbar has explained the
Newmarket, nature of the grant to Lord Lundoris. Lesley not yet come. The
Prince leaving to-morrow. The frost too hard for hunting.
Dec. 7. 23. Sir Thos. Lake to the Same. Mr. Levingston solicited the
Newmarket, forfeiture of a recognizance by Sir Wm. Pope ; the King's just
answer ; he wishes further information before granting it.
Dec. 7. 21?. Earl of Worcester to the Same. Request for issue of money
to Rich. Snape, the bearer, for tools for the King's forge at the
mews. Incloses,
24. I. Note, by Snape, of the above tools.
Dec. 7. 25. Earl of Northampton to Sir Thos. Lake. Sends examinations
of two pirates, Jennings and Harris. Earnestly requests permission
to reprieve them, both having confessed to him, and Jennings
having given himself up voluntarily to the Earl of Thomond, in
hopes of pardon. Complains of the neglect of the Lord Admiral, in
suppression of piracy.
Dec. 7. Grant to Wm. Machell of a Gunner's place in Carlisle. [Ind.
Wt. Blc, p. 83.]
TJec. 8. 26. Grant to Sir Ephraim Wodrington of the benefit of the recu-
"Westminster. sancy of Martha Saniord, of Askham, co. Westmoreland.
Dec. 8. 27. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury. The King orders the reprieve
Newmarket. 0 f Jennings and Harris, the pirates, in hope of farther confessions
from them. The books come from the Duke of Deuxponts shall
be abridged, for the King's ease. His Majesty's perplexed answer to
Sir Alex. Hay, about Stewart's business.
Dec. 8. 28. Sir Gamaliel Capell to the Same. Sends him. 3 brtice of
Kookwood Hall, pheasants, killed by a hawk, and 1 brace of partridges.
Dec. 8. 29. Edwd. Quarles, Post Master of the Merchant Adventurers, to
the Same. Sends a packet, and solicits some allowance for past
services, and to have the carriage of his Lordship's packets.
Dee. 8. 30. Brief of the service done by Otho Nicholson for the assart
Dec. 8.
31. Note of copies of documents received by Otho Nicholson
from Robt. Bowyer, Keeper of the Records in the Tower, concerning
assart lands.
Dec. 8.
Dee. 9.
Dec. 9.
Dec. 9.
Dec. ?
Dec. 9.
Dec. 9.
Dec. 9.
Dec. 9.
Dec. 9.
Dec. 9.
Dec. 10.
Vol. L.
32. William Maton to Salisbury. While prisoner in the King's
Bench, heard a fellow prisoner say, that he knew where Rob. Cony ers,
servant of the late arch-traitor Percy, and the gentlewoman who
kept his house, were concealed.
33. Sir Thos. Lake to the Same. Sends warrants and bills
signed ; and also certain passages extracted out of Bellarmine's late
book, on which the King must have the Council's opinion, before he
can be merry with them at Christmas. The books of the Duke of
Deuxponts concern a contested title to an inheritance which he
34. Sir Alexr. Hay to the Same. Sends up Lesley to be confronted
with Sir Rob. Stewart, about some recent compact between them.
Order to be taken for Stewart's relief, and provision made for him
in some foreign employment. Thanks for Salisbury's favours to
35. Bishop of Durham to the Same. Commendation of Ambrose
Dudley, appointed to farm the King's demesnes of Chopwell.
36. Petition of Chris. Weston to the Same, for a lease of the tops
and bark of trees felled in Chopwell Wood, Durham, wrongfully
taken by the under-keepers. With note by Salisbury that it is an
improper request.
37. Sir Chris. Parkins to. the Same. Sends the letters ingrossed,
with the merchants' supplication, to be sent to the King of Poland.
38. Account of charges at sundry of His Majesty's houses, for
November last.
39. List of assignations of payments for public charges, pen-
sions, &c.
40. Account of money paid into the Exchequer, from Easter to
Dec. 7, 1609.
41. List of such of the nobility as have not paid the first payment
of the third subsidy 3 Jac. I., and are now made accountants in the
Exchequer ; with the sums specified.
42. Certificate of moneys due for confirmation of defective titles,
agreed on Dec. 2, 1609.
43. Sir Thos. Lake to [Salisbury.] The King has signed the letter
to the Turk, and the commission for ships. [See Irish Gorresp.,
Dec 28.] He hopes no leases are granted at Whichwood or else-
where in his forests, without his consent. [See Dec. 15.] Directions
on a complaint against the Deputy and Council of Ireland. His
Majesty much troubled that the Universities of Cambridge and
Oxford are loath to admit Scottishmen. Salisbury and the Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, the two Chancellors of the Universities, are
to consult about a visitation, for revocation of hostile statutes
against the Scots.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 12.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 1 1 .
Dec. 11.
Dec. U.
Vol. L.
44. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury. Sends a book to the Bishop of
Ely, with the Bishop of Bath's letter. The Churchmen will draw
the King into writing, contrary to his intention of answering [Bellar-
mine's book], by some mean person, and in scorn only.
45. Archbp. Bancroft to the Same. Requests him to peruse the
enclosed ; has sent a copy to the Chancellor of the Exchecpier.
46. Sir Fras. Fortescue to the Same. No timber has been felled
in Whichwood, except what Sir Fras. Stoner had warrant for.
Intended to sell some underwood. Begs permission so to do.
47. Sir Anth. St. Leger to the Same. Solicits the appointment
of Master of Requests, lately held by Sir Thos. Smith, deceased.
48. Sir Hen. Gunderrot to [the Same]. Begs for employment in
the King's service. Should he obtain it, will drop his name of
" le malheureux," and style himself " l'heureux Gunderrot."
Warrant to repay a sum not exceeding 1,300£., disbursed by Sir
Hen. Gunderrot for the King. [Warrt. Bk., II., j). 125.]
Docquet of the above.
Warrant to issue to Inigo Jones and others, on certificate of Sir
Thos. Chaloner, the necessary sums for the Prince's exercises at the
barriers. [Warrt, Bk, II., p. 125.]
Docquet of the above.
Grant to Ric. and Mary Cholmley of pardon for receiving and
relieving seminary or other popish priests. [Docquet.]
Warrant to issue commissions, returnable in Easter term, for
compounding with persons in arrear of their contributions for the
aid. [Docquet]
Grant to Alex. Thomson, of Bennington, co. Lincoln, of pardon for
stealing 10s. only. [Docquet.]
Restitution of temporalities to Dr. Abbot, Bishop elect of
Coventry and Lichfield. [Docquet.]
Gift to John Yearbury of all the goods and chattels of Thomas
Myson, outlawed for felony. [Docquet]
Warrant to deliver to Hen. St. George, alias Rouge Rose "Pur-
suivant, one coat-of-arms wrought upon damask with fine gold.
Re-grant of the Deanery of Winchester to Dr. Thos. Morton.
Grant to Bonham Norton and his heirs, of one weekly market in
the town of Church Stretton, co. Salop. [Docquet]
Gift to Josias Kirton of all debts and arrears of rents due from
the lands held by Charles Brandon, late Duke of Suffolk, before
Lady Day 1608, now let on lease by the Crown. [Docquet]
Dec. 11.
Vol. L.
Grant to Edm. Doubleday and Anth. Knyvet, of the office of
Tellers of the Mint, on surrender of a former grant to Doubleday.
Warrant to deliver to Sam. Smith, King's Trumpeter, stuff for
his livery. \_Docquet.]
Commission for making leases [of lands] formerly extended for
debts due to the Crown, and for demising custody lands for GO years,
according to former compositions. [Docquet]
Dec. 11. Grant to George Bud and his sureties of protection. [Docquet.~]
Dec. 12. 49. Lord Norris to Salisbury. Desires to farm his Majesty's
Ejcot. coppices in Shotover and Stow Woods. It is reported they will be
let to Sir Fras. Stoner.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 12.
Dec. 13.
Dec. 13.
Dec. 13.
Dec. 13.
Dec. 13.
Dec. 13.
Dec. 13.
50. Account by Matthew de Quester of packets dispatched since
Nov. 23.
recusancy of
51. Grant to Chris. Barwick of the benefit of the
Anne Floyer, alias Flear.
Docquet of the above. [Docquet, Dec. 15.]
52. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury. The Lord Mayor of London is
to take measures to prevent the revival of the sickness in the city
The King anxious for a reply about the Colleges. The match is
ended, and went against Lord Dunbar.
53. Same to the Same. Is about to return home. The King is
well satisfied with Salisbury's letter about the Colleges.
54. Earl of Nottingham to the Same. Cannot possibly send a
complete list of forest officers, but gives the names of the chief
Masters of the Game in the Royal forests in his charge.
55. Earl of Salisbury to Lord Sheffield. Has sent his despatch
to Sir John Bowyer and Mr. [Wm.] Turner. The last orders respect-
ing precedency are to be put in execution. They had been sent before
the receipt of Lord Sheffield's letter, and could not be altered [See
No. 47. Nov. 21.]
56. " Articles to be inquired of upon the Commissions concerning
mines and quarries."
License to Dr. Ric. Pilkington to hold the parsonage of Hamble-
don, co. Bucks, with one other ecclesiastical benefice. [Docquet]
57. Notes concerning certain lands given by [Hen.] Hatch towards
repair of the haven at Faversham. co. Kent, and of persons liable to
assessment for the same.
Dec. 13. Letter to the Mayor, &c, of Faversham, Kent, for a grant to
Fras. Garland, of a lease, in reversion, of Brook Farm, co. Sussex,
given by Hen. Hatch, for repair of highways adjacent to Faversham.
Dec. 13.
Dec. l;
Dec. 13.
Vol. L.
Warrant to the Lord Admiral to make out commissions for
Commanders of ships sent forth by the Levant Company, to autho-
rise them to suppress pirates. [Docquet.]
Grant to Thos. Armstrong, alias Sowters Tom, and Nic. Robson,
of pardon for stealing an ox from Lord Wm. Howard. [Docquet,]
Letter to the Lord Treasurer, to give orders for Nichs. Wise to
transport .900 ounces of plate into Ireland, duty free. [Docquet.]
Dec. 14. 58. Sir Rio Martin to Salisbury. Desires that no advantage may
Cheapside. be taken of him, until his just demand and petition shall have been
Dec. 14.
Dec. 14.
Dec. 15.
Dec. 1 5.
Dec. 15.
Dec. 1 5.
Dec. 15.
Grant to Giles and Walter Overbury of the office of registering
assurances on ships or goods in the Royal Exchange, for their lives.
[Grant Bh, p. 52.]
59. Note of the Queen's debts to Mr. Herriot, Sir John Spilmau,
Mr. Harris, and Mr. Gosse.
60. Grants to Edmd. Roiden, and four others, of the benefit
of the recusancy of Dennys of Dunmow, Essex, widow,
Wm. Ilsley of Mutmare Park, Tho. Yates of Buckland, J. Colle of
Callowes, Otes Galle of Greenham, Walter and Catherine Ilsley of
East Ilsley, and Alex. Fettipface of Kingston, all in co. Berks.
Docquet of the above. [Docquet, Dec. IS.]
61. Grants to Oliver and Leonard Muncaster and Geoffry Eaton
of the benefit of the recusancy of Sir Raph Wiseman of Revenhall,
Essex, John May of Yarum, York, Midlebowe of Brickleton,
Berks, John Greene of Samford, Thos. Clowley of Maldon, and
Mary Jennings of Dunmow, Essex, and ■ Yates of Buckland,
Docquet of the above [Clowley omitted]. [Docquet, Dec. 18.]
62. Grants to Hen. Martin and Aug. Griggs of the benefit of
the recusancy of Sir John York of Netherdale, Mary Gates of
Hannaby, and John Husband of iSetherdale, co. York, John
Bricknell, co. Huntingdon, Rob. Wright, co. Northampton,
Broughton of Turvey, John Love and Edw. Pesson, co. Bedford.
Docquet of the above. [Docquet, Dec. 18.]
63. Commission to the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the
Exchequer, to make leases, grants, &c, of extended and custody
lands, &c, upon composition for the same, as allowed by Commis-
sioners appointed Aug. 2, 1 609. .
64. Memoranda [by Salisbury] relative to the repairs of highways,
and the conditions of a grant to Turner [of the making of alum].
Commission to bargain with Wm. Turner, of London, or others,
for the sole making of alum, in England and Ireland. [Docquet]
1609. VoL ; L -
Dec. 15. Letter to the Lord Admiral to give order for victualling the ships
Nonsuch and The Lion's Whelp, appointed for scouring the seas, and
apprehending pirates in the Levant. [Docquet.]
Dec. 1 5. Grant of incorporation to the Mayor, &., of Bideford, co. Devon ;
with confirmation of former privileges. [Docquet.]
Dec. 1 5. Gift to Sir John Drummond of 1 ,0001., being part of the King's
moiety of a former grant to him of 5,000Z. of debts due to the Crown.
Dec. 1 5. Grant to Geo. Symcock, of Norton, Cheshire, of pardon for horse
stealing. [Docquet.]
Dec. 15. Warrant for Lady Walsingham to have precedency before Lady
Hoby, or " any other lady of her rank of a knight." [Docquet.]
Dec. 15. 65. Hen. Earl of Southampton to Salisbury. Reports a conver-
sation he had with the King about leasing the coppices in Whittle-
wood. Exculpates Lord Gerard from telling his Majesty of the leases
intended. The King is eager to have one of the Virginia squirrels,
that are said to fly.
Dec. 15. 66. Same to the Same. Knows not whether the justice court lias sat
yet, but when it does, will take care that his Lordship is satisfied.
His proceedings with the King, on complaint of leases being granted
in Whittlewood. [See Dec. 10.]
Dec. 16. 67. Lord Gerard to the Same. Explains the tenor of his speeches
Newmarket, to the King, about leasing the woods in Whittlewood Forest.
Dec. 1 6. 68. Sir Thos. Lake to the Same. The King dainty about signing
Royston. the letter for transportation of powder; he is displeased with the
inclosures about Newmarket, which impede his hunting. He thinks
the Lord Admiral's claim of right to compound with pirates cannot
be warranted ; the Judges are to be appealed to.
Dec. 17. 69. Lady Arbella Stuart to the Same. Beseeches that her
Puddle Wharf, patent may speedily pass the Great Seal, which will further the
dispatch of her suit in Ireland, &c.
Dec. ? 70. Same to the Same. Urges three requests : — first, that her
debts may be paid, on condition of returning her grant of the wines
in Ireland; second, for an augmentation of her allowance; third, for
1,0001. per aim. in lieu of diet.
Dec. 17. 71. Estimate of repairs necessary in the manor diouse of St. Mary,
near the Avails of York. With note by Simon Basill that they
are deemed reasonable ; dated June 28, 1611.
Dec. 18. 72. William James Bishop of Durham to Salisbury. Concerning
Bishop's certain claims by the townsmen of Durham, who, " in their pride,
usurp things never granted, and challenge things not grantable."
Dec. IS.
Dec. 18.
Dec. 18.
Dec. 18.
Dec. 18?
Dec. 20.
Dec. 20.
Dec. 20.
Dec. 20.
Dec. 21.
St. Bartholomew
Dec. 22.
Dec. 23.
Dec. 23.
St. Stephen's.
Dec. 23.
Vol. L.
Warrant to pay to Geo. Herriot, Sir John Spilman, and others,
20,500L for jewels, &o, provided for the Queen, and to pay 101. per
cent, to any persons who will advance the money for the same.
[Warrt. Bk, II., p. 126.]
Docquet of the above.
Warrant to pay to the Queen, or to Lord Knyvet for her use,
500Z., for trees sold out of her jointure lands. [Ibid., p. 126.]
Docquet of the above.
73. Certificate of the survey of the woods within Her Majesty's
jointure, co. Buckingham.
74. Sir Hen. Cock to Salisbury. Daily robbery of the King's
plate. Advises that John Williams, the King's Goldsmith, be put
into the Commission of the Peace for London, as Sir Ric. Martin, the
Queen's Goldsmith, was in the late reign. Also for Wm. Frankland
to be appointed a Justice for Hertfordshire, on account of the
frequent absence of himself and other Justices.
Warrant to pay to Rob. Barker 31 01. lis. Sd. for printing and
bindino- sundry books ; and to Edw. Jordan 49?. 2s. 9d. for seizure
of 398 Barbary hides. [ Warrt. Bk, II., p. 1 27.]
75. Account of debts due by the King Dec. 23, not assigned to
any certain payment ; among others, 435i. to [Wm.] Stallenge for
mulberry plants ; also of debts postponed, and not assigned.
7(i. Power of attorney from Edm. Andrews, of Bury St. Edmunds,
to Robt. Skinner, of Kelshall, Suffolk, to receive for him 101, his
Privy Seal loan to the King.
77. Dud. Carleton to Sir Walter Cope. Keeps in the back-ground,
•as he advised, but is ready to appear at a moment's warning. Recom-
mends his brother-in-law, Rich. Harrison, to fill his place in Parlia-
ment, if he leave before the sitting.
78. Grant to John Levingston of the benefit of the recusancy of
Wm. Hungate and William, his son, of Saxton, co. York.
79. Nathl. Fulwer to Salisbury. Has always attended his
office of Auditor, except when ill; but is willing to bestow 501.
yearly out of it on [John] Stanley and [Jdstinian] Povey, to assist
nim in it, if needful.
80. Sir John Skinner to the Same. Solicits payment of his
arrears for Berwick up to Christinas, &c.
81. John Bingley to the Same. The fee and entertainment de-
manded by Sir John Skinner for himself and twelve soldiers is
properly due, and has never been paid since the garrison of Berwick
was disbanded, in Christmas 1603.
82. William Maton to the Same, A gentleman, formerly intimate
with Percy, can reveal many things concerning the Gunpowder Plot ;
and has had recent intrigues Avith the Earl of Northumberland and
M r. Hanley, a servant of the King.
Dec. 23. Warrant to pay to Lawrence Kemys 8,000/!. for ,the manor of
Westminster. Sherborne, purchased of the feoffees of Sir Walter Raleigh, attainted.
[Warrt. Bk, II, p. 128.]
Dec. 24. 83. Warrant to pay to Geo. Herriot, on the 26th of June next,
Westminster. 5,245?., for principal and interest of money due to him.
Dec. 24. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk, II, p. 129.]
Dec. 24. Docquet of the above.
Dec. 24. 84. Warrant to pay to Sir John Spilmau, on the 26th of June
Westminster, next, 3,413?. 15s., for principal and interest of money due to him.
Dec. 24. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk, II, p. 1 29.]
Dec. 24. Docquet of the above.
Dec. 24. Warrant to pay to Sir Roger Dallison 372?. 12s. Gel, for the more
Westminster, orderly making up of his account for the office of Ordnance. [Warrt.
Bk, II, p. 127.]
Dec. 24. Demise to Geo. Shirley of two thirds of the King's part in the
lands and goods of Helen Brookesby, widow, recusant. [Docquet.]
Dec. 24. Instalment of the first fruits of the Bishopric of Chichester, after
the rate of 609?. 7s. He?., payable in four years. [Docquet.]
Dec. 24. Grant to Sir Tlios. Lake of the office of Latin Secretary, for life.
Dec. 24. Grant to Geo. Hopton of the fee-simple of the manor of Orleton,
co. Hereford. [Docquet]
Dec. 24. Grant, with survivorship, to Abraham Dawes and Win, Wymond-
sold, on surrender of John Allington and Abraham Dawes, of the
office of Surveyor of Customers' and Comptrollers' Books, . 65.J
27. Power of attorney from Sir William Chauncey, of Edgecott,
Northamptonshire, executor of his late father. Sir Toby Chauncey, to
John Barton, o Eastcole, same county, to receive 201. lent to the
King on Privy Seal, dated July 31, 1604, and sent February 29, 1605.
28. Grant to Case Surley of the benefit of the recusancy of Eliz.
29. Warrant to pay to Sir Hen. Seckford, Keeper of the Tents,
and Thos. Jones, Master of the Toils, 100 marks, for keeping and
airing the same.
Entry of the above, Jan. 23. [Warrt. Bk, 11., p. 433.]
30. Petition of John Danyell, to Sir Laurence Tanfield, Lord
Chief Baron of the Exchequer. For permission to enter a suit in the
Exchequer against the Earl and Countess of Clanricarde, for wrong
inflicted, or else to follow out the suit he has alread} r commenced
there, to which they endeavour to put a stop. With reference thereon.
31. John Danyell to the King. Appeals to His Majesty as standing
in the place of God upon earth, to protect him from the oppressions
described by himself and his wife, in some discourses which he begs
permission, to publish. Complains of the unjust procedings of certain
great persons against himself and his wife, by which he was fined
3,000£. in the Star Chamber, and deprived of all he had in the world
on pretence of levying the fine.
32. Duplicate of the above, with one clause omitted.
1610. VoL - LIL
Jan. ? 33. License to John and Jane Danyell to print and publish the
works entitled "Danyell's Disasters ;" " The varyable accidents in a
private man's lyffe ;" and " A Declaration of the fatal accidents of
Jane Danyell."
Jan. ? 34. " Danyell's Disasters," being an account of proceedings in
Chancery, in reference to the payment of his fine, &c.
Jan. ? 35. " The varyable accidents in a private man's lyffe," by John
Danyell. Pp. 1-16. Imperfect.
Jan. 29. Grant to Sir Rob. Stewart and Rich. Vaus of the roots and
stumps of trees in any of the King's forests and parks,, not having
deer. [Grant Book, 65. See July 30.]
Jan 31. Grant, with survivorship, to Sir Thos. Howard andChas. Howard,
sons of the Earl of Suffolk, in reversion after Lord Knollys, of the
offices of Keeper, Bailiff, and Surveyor of the manor of Newelme,
alias Ewelme, co. Oxford, and of the park there, and of Constable,
Steward, and Master of the game, of the castle, and manor of Wal-
lingford, co. Berks, parcel of the manor of Newelme. [Docquet.~]
Jan. 31. Grant to Fras. de Verton, alias Forest, of protection for — months.
Jan. 31. Grant to Bobt. Thomas, in reversion after his father Wm. Thomas,
of the keepership of the King's mews at Charing Cross, for life.
Jan. 31. Commission for John Parry, Master of the Otter Hounds, to take
up dogs for His Majesty's recreation, and to destroy dogs offensive to
the game. [Docquet]
Jan. 31. Grant to John Edwards of the office of Beceiver in cos. Bucks and
Bedford, for life. [Ind. Wl. Bk, p. 83.]
Jan. 31. Grant to Edmond Pigeon, in reversion after Fras. IngoLsby, of
the keepership of the King's Armoury at Greenwich, co. Kent, with
the house in the Tilt Yard. [Docquet]
Jan. ? 36. Proposal for farming the profits of the Office of Aliena-
tions ; 20,0007, to be paid down as a fine, and 6,000Z. given per
ann., over and above the receipts of any one year since the King's
Jan, ? 37. Note of the profits of the Alienation Office from 18 and 19
Eliz. to 6 Jac. 1.
Jan. 38. Discourse on the Office of Alienations, the nature and origin of
the fines exacted, the necessity of discretion b}' the Commissioners
in imposing fines, and the mischiefs that would ensue from letting
out the alienation fines in farm. »
Jan. 39. Copy of the above.
Feb. 1. 40. Account of repayment of sums borrowed by the King in
1604, and of sundry disbursements, anno 7°.
1610. Vol.L1I.
Feb. 1. 41. " Abstract concerning the occasions of His Majesty's repair,
five several times, unto the three Sessions of Parliament last past."
Feb. 1. 42. Order of the Court of Exchequer, for stay of proceedings in
the cause of Thos. Robinson, Oliver Skinner, and Fras. Wren, relative
to premises in the parishes of St. Botolph without Aldgate and St.
Peter's, London ; the cause pending upon the right of the city to
buildings erected on certain waste lands is to be decided by the
Court, on hearing the pleas of the Counsel of the city.
Feb. 1. Grant to Rich. Moore of the office of Receiver in the county and
city of Lincoln, for life. [Ind. Wt. Bk, p. 83.]
Feb. ? 43. The King to [the Earl of Dunbar ?]. Authorizes him, on his
approaching journey to Scotland, to give the oath of a Privy Coun-
cillor of England to the Earl of Dunfermline, who is to be admitted
a member of the Council.
Feb. 3. 44. Earl of Dunfermline to the Earl of Salisbury. Thanks for his
Edinburgh, influence in procuring him elevation to a place in the Privy
Feb. 3. 45. Mayor of Newcastle to Salisbury. Has provided necessaries
Newcastle, for the [Irish] soldiers, who sailed with a fair wind, 2d February.
Feb. 3. 46. Warrant to pay to Lord Stanhope, Treasurer of the Chamber,
Westminster. 1,71]?. 5s. 9%d., above the allowance for the Chamber, for bills paid,
and to settle his accounts.
Feb. 3. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk II., p. 134.]
Feb. 4. Docquet of the above
Feb. 4. Grant to the town of Haverfordwest, co. Pembroke, of incorpora-
tion and confirmation of privileges. [Docquet]
Feb. 4. Grant to Edw. Ferrers and Fras. Phelips of mills, &c, value
243?. 8s. 5d., part of the lands held by the contractors for mills.
Feb. 4. The King's bond to Alderman Cockayne for payment of 6,000?.,
principal debt, and 300?. interest. [Docquet]
Feb. 4. Grant to Thos. Smith of pardon, for life only, for burglary and
horse stealing. [Docquet.]
Feb. 4. Warrant for payment to Sir John Trevor, Sir John Norris, and
Abraham Greene, of 656?. 10s., for repairing the conduit pipes of
the fountain in Windsor Castle. [Docquet.]
Feb. 4. Grant to John Rochester of the remainder in the manors of Ringers
and Scarletts, and other lands, co. Essex, fraudulently conveyed to
the Crown by Edw. Rochester. [Docquet.]
Feb. 4. License; to the Bishop of Exeter to be absent from Parliament.
Vol. LII.
47. Fras. Smith to Mrs. Susan Nicholas. Letter of friendship.
48. Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury. Is too ill to attend
Parliament ; Legs him to obtain his leave of absence, and accept his
Feb. 5. 49. Lease from Thos. Lord Arundel of Ward our, and Anne
Catesby, widow, of Ledgers Ashby, to Thos. Shrimpton, and Valen-
tine Gregory, both of Harrington, co. Northampton, of the pasture,
&c, of Sillesworth, parish of Watford, same county.
Feb. 6. Grant to Edw. Bromley of the office of a Baron of the Exchequer.
[Incl. Wt. Bh, p. 85.]
Feb. 6. 50. John Hopkins to Lord Admiral Nottingham. Sir Wm. St. John
has taken a fly-boat of 100 tons. A pirate named Eston had been
hovering on the coast ; fears lest he capture all the ships and boats in
the Kingroad, there being now no commission to attack them. A
Bristol merchant ship taken b}^ pirates.
Feb. 7. 51. - — — to the Commissioners for the office of Earl Marshal.
Begs to be excused from attending the Prince at the tilting, having
lamed one of his hands by a fall from his horse.
Feb. 7. 52. Charges of works at several of the King's houses, in January
Feb. 7. 53. Warrant to re-pay to Geo. Sheffield, a Poor Knight of Windsor,
Westminster. J9£. 0s. 5f. 57]
March 20. 27. Edw. Reynoldes to Owen Reynoldes. Private affairs. Bond
Enfield. 0 f cousin Bagg to be taken care of. Fears Mr. Bowyer is trifling
with his brother.
March 21. 28. Grant to Thos. Gurlyn of the benefit of the recusancy of John
Westminster. Hornifould, Fras. Moore, Rowland Badger, Edmund Lachmore, Win.
Bradstock, and Edw. Folliat, all of Hanley-Castle ; Thos. Bartlet of
Castle-Morton, John Stayner of Worcester, Rich. Chambers and
John Smith of Woodborough, Sir Thos. Russell of Strensham, all of
co. AVorcester ; Lawrence Michel borne, co. Hants ; Rob. Pearpoint,
co. Nottingham ; Alice Penn, co. Bucks ; Thos. Sackville, of London ;
Griffith Doncaster of Woodhill, and John Smith of Langley, co.
Wilts ; and Roger Austin of Howgreen, Wm. Tempest of Caswell,
and Humphrey Askam of Fifield, co. Berks.
March 21. 29. Grant to Herbert Maxwell of the benefit of the recusancy
Westminster. 0 f Rob. Burton, co. York, and of Alice and John Barney, co.
March 21. 30. Memoranda of debates, this day, in the House of Commons.
Sir Wm. Burlacy's proposal that purveyors should be first in the list
of grievances. Resolution to proceed in them by Bill rather than
petition. The Lord Admiral's grant of the licenses to vintners
March 21. 31. Abstract of the King's speech in the Banquetting Chamber.
His opinions on Royal prerogative and government, and on the
duties of a Parliament ; the necessity of granting supplies.
March 21. Grant to Anthony of a Gunners place in the Tower, for life.
[Ind. ]\t. 9k., p. 85.]
March 22. Grant to Win. Hammond of the office of Master Gunner in the
Tower. [Ibid., p. 85.]
March 22. Grant to Sir Miles Fleetwood of the office of Receiver General of
the Court of Wards. [Ibid., p. 85.]
1610. V0L - LIIL
March 22. License to Lady Arabella Stuart, Sir George St. Paul, and Hen.
Yelverton to appoint such persons as they think fit, to keep taverns
and to sell wines and usquebaugh in Ireland, for 21 years. [Grant
Book, p. 65. See Irish Corresp., March 31, 1610.]
March 22. Grant to Rob. Hubberd of the office of Clerk of ■ throughout
England. [Ind. Wt. Bk, p. 85.]
March 22. 32. Statement of sums paid by persons in the City of London, on
account of the first payment of the third subsidy.
March 22. 33. Receipt by Hen. Isaacson of certain evidences concerning the
manors of Elm and Wisbeach.
[March 23.] 34. Memorandum of sundry payments and salaries to the Royal
family, officers of the Household, kc, in the years 5, 6, and 7 James I. ;
with notes of increase and deduction.
[March 23.] 35. Reasons for increase of the King's charges in anno 7, above
those of anno 6°.
[March 23.] 36. Declaration of the account of John Suckling, Receiver of
fines for licenses of alienation, and for pardons for 7 Jac. I.
[March 23.] 37. Certificate of the manors and lands belonging to the Duchy
of Cornwall ; with their present yearly rents, 7 J ac. I.
Marcli 24. Grant to John Took of the office of an Auditor in the Court of
Wards. [Ind. Wt. Bk'., p. 85.]
March 24. 38. Earl of Nottingham to the Clerks of the Signet. To stay any
Whitehall, grant of the deanery of Ely, it being promised by the King to
Dr. Clement Smith, the Earl's chaplain.
March 21. 39. Petition of the Bailiffs, Burgesses, and Commonalty of Tewks-
bury, co. Gloucester, to Salisbury ; having purchased the manor, &c,
of Tewksbury, pray to be exempt from giving bond for payment for
timber, there being no timber nor firewood there. With reference
and report thereon.
March 25. Proclamation calling in Dr. Cowell's book, " The Interpreter ;"
Westminster, with a notice that the Commission for the better oversight of books
is to be more strict than before. Printed. [Proc. Bk., p. 225.]
March 26. 40. Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Ca?sar to Sir John Reade,
Whitehall. Sheriff of Lincoln. Command him to extend the lands of Win.
Booth, Collector of the Subsidies, for his debt to the King of
682?-. 18s. If'?., to be paid by instalments of 100?. per ami.
March 26. 41. Grant to John Carse of the benefit of the recusancy of Ph.
Westminster. Woodward, of London.
March 26. 42. Robert Lord Lisle to Salisbury. Return of the Commission for
Baynard's Castle. seizing Sir llob. Dudley's land. The King intends to grant it to
Lord Kinch'ven and Lord Lisle.
March 26.
March 26.
Fetter Lane.
March 26.
March 26.
March 27.
March ?
March 27.
March 27.
March 27.
Vol. LIII.
43. Nich. Hillyard [Painter to the Kino;] to Salisbury. Has been
very ill, but resolved, before he died, to recommend the suit of Wm.
Goldsmith, labourer, who has discovered a new mode of repairing
highways, at half the usual cost.
44. John Fitzwilliams to the Same. Begs protection in his
proceeding against Purveyor Ives, for felonious purveying. Com-
plains of Sir John Croke, for protecting Ives at the Essex Assizes.
45. Grant to John Marshall, minister, of 1001. as a free gift from
the King.
Entry of the above. [Wt BL, II, p. 143.]
46. Lord Sheffield to Salisbury. Thanks him for acquainting
the King with his indisposition. Hopes to be in town by Easter.
47. Notes relative to the value of the manor of Greens -Norton,
surveyed by Sir Miles Fleetwood, as under steward of the honor
of Grafton.
Lease, in reversion, to Sir Wm. Ryder of the park of Greens-
Norton, co Northampton, in part of lands to be demised to John
Eldred and other contractors. [Docquet]
Similar lease to Lawrence Downes of the site of the manor of
Orsett, co. Essex, and of other lands belonging thereto. [Docquet.J
Similar lease to Wm. Zaynes of the site of the manor of Bowcombe
and other lands, &c, belonging thereto ; and of a messuage and
3 gardens, parcel of the manor of Newport, Isle of Wight. [Docquet]
March 27. Grant to Elizabeth Lady Hunsdon, widow of George late Lord
Hunsdon, of purchase of the manors of Cardisson and Riffham, co.
Norfolk. [Docquet.']
March ? 48. Warrants from Salisbury to Auditor Saxey, to deliver up to
Lady Hunsdon the court rolls, &c, of the manors of Riffham and
Cardisson, which she has purchased from the contractors, and to the
Receiver of the county to pay over to her the last half year's rents.
March 27. Grant to Morgan Adams of a Gunner's place in the Tower.
March 27. Grant to Edw. Hales, in fee-simple, of the manor of Blackmanstone,
co Kent, at suit of John Eldred and other contractors. [Docquet]
March 27. Lease to John Eldred and Wm. Whitmore of messuages, lands, &c,
in Sheriff Hutton, Glaston, Buckfastleigh, and other towns in several
counties, as part value of 2,000£. to be devised to them and other
contractors. [Docquet]
March 27. Grant, in reversion, to Jonas Bradbury of a Poor Knight's place at
Windsor. [Docquet]
March 27. Release to Fras. Earl of Cumberland of all the arrears of the fee-
farm rent due to the King, for the forest of Nichol, and the debateable
and other lands, co. Cumberland ; and grant to him of the fee-farm of
the said debateable lands, and of two court leets therein. [Docquet]
i> P 2
1610. VoL> LUL
[March 29.] 49. Report to the House of Lords of the resolution of the Com-
mons at the recent Conference, relative to tenures ; the conditions
proposea. for which they offer to the King 100,000£.
March 29. Grant to Win. Sale of an alms-room in Christ Church, Oxford.
March 29. Grant to Leonard Stallard of an alms-room in Bristol. [Docquet.]
March 29. Grant to Wm. Moseley of an alms-room in Trinity College, Cam-
bridge. [Docquet]
March 30. 50. Sir Rob. Johnson to Salisbury. Recommends the revival of
Swainmote Courts for the preservation of His Majesty's forests, &c.
March 30. 51. Warrant to pay to Sir Robert Carr 5001., in lieu of the rents of
Westminster, the manor of Sherborne, co. Dorset, formerly granted to him, which
he disbursed for the King's service.
March 30. Entry of the above. [Warrt. BL II., p. 144.]
March. Docquet of the above. [Docquet, March 27.]
March 31. 52. License to Hen. Snell to travel beyond seas to learn the lan-
Whitehall. guages, but not to go to Rome.
March 31. 53. Allowances made in the accounts of Lord Knyvet, Warden
of the Mint, for the charge of the King's game, for sundry buildings
for the Princess Mary, and for making defences for orange and other
fruit trees in [St. James's] Park and Spring Garden.
54. Sir John Brooke to [Salisbury]. Could not bear the sea, and
not being allowed to land in Spain for fear of the plague, they put
in at a small town in Portugal.
55. Earl of Dunfermline to the Same. Thanks for his tidings of
Lady Arabella. The rumour in Scotland was that she would marry
a younger son of Lord Beauchamp. The retreat of the Prince of
Conde' to the Archduke and to Spain. The appearances of great
commotion for the Duchy of Cleves are mere demonstrations. The
King of France is making large levies. Will assure certain parties
of his Lordship's good faith and integrity.
56. Petition of Sir Rich. Ashton to the Same ; recapitulates the
substance of his former petition. [See July 1, 1609.] Baron Altham
having certified in its favour, begs that the 81. mispaid by him into
the Exchequer, instead of the First-fruits Office, may be restored.
57. Notes [by Sir Dud. Carleton] of speeches at divers conferences
[of the two Houses] last session, respecting granting supplies to the
March 31,
March 31.
58. Account of the charges of the Household of the Prince and
Duke of York.
Maixh? 59. Estimate of the charge of the house and stable of the Prince
and Duke of York, according to the price then paid for provisions.
Noted [by Salisbury], " The prises consydered that oght to bee, this
is a high reckning."
March ?
March ?
April 1.
April 1.
April 1.
April 1.
Fetter Lane.
April ?
[April 3.]
[April 3.]
[April 3.]
April 3.
[April 3.]
[April 3.]
April ?
April ?
Vol. LIU.
60. Notes of New Year's gifts bestowed on and received by the
late Queen, and by King James.
61. Charges of the wardrobe for the year 7 James I.
62. Mr. Ferrers' bill for linen for the above yeaz\
63. Note of Crown debts pressing for payment.
6 4. Sir Rob. Cross to Salisbury. Is a suitor to His Majesty for
relief. Incloses his petition. [See Feb. 14, 1611.]
65. Earl of Salisbury to Simon Basil and Thos. Wilson. They
are ordered to go to Hatfield, and see how far the proportion of work
done there corresponds with the estimate of the whole expense.
[See April 4.]
66. Sir Thos. Lake to [Salisbury]. Sends the letters for Sir John
Digby's despatch, signed, with additional instructions ; also those to
the Duke and Duchess of Saxony. His Majesty says that the
Spanish Ambassador's first speaking of the marriage of the Prince,
was by direction of his master, &c.
67. Sir Geo. Wrottesley and Sir Walter Tichborne to the Same.
Have communicated his letters to the borderers upon the pales of
Farnham Parks, and send their answer.
68. John Fitzwilliams to the Same. Desires to be confronted with
Sir John Croke, returned from Hertford Assizes, that he may know
his faidt, or be released of his grievances for calling him in question.
69. Note relative to the creation of the heir apparent to the
Crown, as Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, temp. Henry III.
70. Arguments from precedents to prove that the Princes of Wales
were summoned to Parliament.
71. Draft by Sir Fras. Bacon and Sir Henry Hobart, of the
preamble of a patent creating Prince Henry Prince of Wales and
Earl of Chester. Latin.
72. Copy of part of the above. Latin.
73. Translation of the above. Two copies.
74. Another copy of the above.
75. Another translation of the draft.
76. Copy of the draft by Sir Fras. Bacon and Sir Henry Hobart,
with slight variations. Latin.
77. Two other drafts of the preamble of the Prince's patent,
slightly differing from the above.
Notes on the creation of the Princes of Wales, from the son of
Henry III. to that of James I. [Dom. Corresp., Nov. 4, 1613.]
1610. Vol. LIH.
April 3. Commission to the Lord Admiral to take pirates, with their vessels,
and to imprison them. [Docquet.]
April 3. Grant to Abraham Allen, in reversion after Wm. Godourus, of the
office of one of the King's surgeons. [Docquet.]
April 3. Presentation of Samuel Nicolls to the parsonage of Fulmer, co.
Cambridge. \_Docquet.~\
April 3. Grant to Sir David Murray of 2,500^., payable, out of the proceeds
from recusants. [Docqnef]
April ? 78. Petition of Fras. Hewitson, of the Tower, to Salisbury, for
transfer to himself of a pension of I2d. per diem, which he has pur-
chased from Henry Green. With note from Salisbury in favour of
the petition.
April 3. Grant to Fras. Hewitson, on surrender of Henry Green, of a
pension of 12d. per diem. [Docquet.]
April 3. Grant to Christian Weech of pardon for the murder of Mary
Freeston by witchcraft. \_Docquet.\
April 3. Order to the searchers of ports to suffer persons appointed by the
City of London to transport into Ireland 4,000/., for the plantations
in the province of Ulster. [Docquet.]
April 4. 79. Estimate by Simon Basil and Thos. Wilson of the charges of
the work done and to be done, in the Earl of Salisbury's buildings at
Hatfield. [See April 1.]
April 5. 80. Fras. Smith to Mrs. Nicolas. Letter of friendship. Wonders
The Office, they do not hear from Mr. Nicolas.
April ? 81. Petition of Sir Wm. Waad to Salisbury, to be allowed the
preference of purchasing a piece of ground in Marybone Park, from
[Wm.] Garway the contractor. With reference thereon to Mr.
April 5. 82. Vice Provost and Fellows of King's College, Cambridge, to
the Earl of Salisbury, Chancellor of the University. Pray that
he will maintain them in their privileges, in reference to the election
of a Provost.
April [5 ?] 83. Dr. Fogg Newton to the Same. Prays to be nominated by
the King Provost of King's College, Cambridge.
April 5 ? 84. to the Same. Prays to be appointed Provost of
King's College, in the room of the late Dr. Goad, as reward for his
frequent employment abroad.
April 6. Indenture of sale by John Carse, Page of the Bedchamber, to
Charles Buckland, of Stanninghall, Norfolk, of a grant made to
Carse of 30QL, debts due to the Crown by Edw. Morgan, recusant.
[Case A., James I., No. 1.]
1610. Vol. OIL
April 6. Warrant to the Earl of Salisbury and the Chancellor of the
Westminster. Exchequer to agree with Wm. Garway, Francis Jones, Nicholas
Salter, and others, for purchase of Crown lands not in the entail,
to the value of 3501. per annum, in addition to the 2,000£. already
assigned to them for moneys advanced to the King. [Sign Man.,
Vol, i., Wo. 6.]
April. 85. Draft of the above, dated April 6.
April 7. Docquet of the above.
April 7. 86. Certificate by Wm. Fleetwood of payments to Sir J as.
Stewart, out of the Court of Wards and Liveries.
April 7. 87. " Charges that have grown on sundry His Majesty's houses in
the month of March last."
April 7. 88. Warrant to pay to Sir Rob. Carr 20,000£., by way of compo-
Westminster. sition for the manor of Sherborne, co. Dorset, escheated to the Crown
by attainder of Sir Walter Raleigh, and bestowed on him by the
King, and also for other lands compounded for with him by the
April 7. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk II., p. 158.]
April 7. Docquet of the above.
April 7. 89. Warrant to pay to Thomas Pott 100 marks for his charges in
Westminster, conveying 20 couple of hounds, 4 brace of greyhounds, and 6 water
spaniels to the Duke of Lorraine.
April 7. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk. II., p. 144.]
April 7. Docquet of the above.
April 7. Lease to Lord Knollys of his dwelling house near the Tilt-yard,
Westminster, upon his surrender of a former lease, and grant of a
portion of the timber yard adjoining the garden wall of the said
house. [Docquet]
April 7. Grant to Fras. Kilborne and Nicholas Colman, as trustees of Sir
Wm. Bond, of 2,500Z., part of the remainder of certain debts due to
the King by Sir Philip Kighley, deceased, one of the Tellers of the
Exchequer, whose lands were extended for the same. [Docquet.']
April 7. Grant to Seth Baker, in reversion after his father George Baker,
of the office of maker of spangles, bullions, and other garnishments
of silver and silver gilt, for the King's Footmen, Guard, and
Messengers. [Docquet.]
April 7. Warrant dormant to pay 40£. per ann. to Simon Maison, ap-
pointed musician for the lute, from the death of Matathias Mason .
April 10. 90. Sir Jas. Croft to Salisbury. Begs that he may not lose the
grant made to him of the forfeiture of Mr. Lyngen, by the unfounded
claim which Lady Walsingham makes to it.
1610. Vol. Lift.
.April 11. 91, Warrant for payment of certain sums to the Clerks of the
Westminster. Privy Seal, for extraordinary charges in preparing letters of
Privy Seal for loans ; also for payment of certain sums to the printer
for the same.
April 11. Entry of the above. [Wcurrt. Bk II., p. 145.]
April 11. Docquet of the above. [Docquet]
April 11. Letter to the Council to consider what persons are of ability to
lend sums of money upon Privy Seals, and to make schedules or
books thereof, and send the same to the Lord Privy Seal to make
warrants. [Docquet]
April? 92. List of strangers resident in London, -who contributed to the
last loan in 1604.
April ? 93. Statement of the sums raised by each county in England
and Wales, on the last Privy Seal loan in 1604, amounting to
158,0612. 16s. 8d.
April 11. Warrant for the Lord Privy Seal to make out Privy Seals of loans,
directed to such persons as shall be noted in a schedule, signed by
six of the Privy Council. [Docquet]
Apsil 11 Warrant for delivery of stuff, books, &c. to Cuthbert Joyner,
Serjeant of the Vestry, for the King's Chapel. [Docquet]
April 1 1. Grant to the Master and Fellows of Gonville and Caius College,
Cambridge, of power to purchase lands to the yearly value of 500?.,
in mortmain. [Docquet.]
April 12. 91. Sir Tlios. Shirley, sen., to Salisbury. As the parsonages are
not yet sold for payment of the arrears for which they were
assigned, begs his letter to the Sheriff" of Sussex for delay of pay-
ment, Szc.
April 12. 95. Lord Sheffield to the Same. Has received his order to
Normanby. acknowledge, before a Master in Chancery, a surrender to the King
of his estate in the alum works, but the deed of surrender has not
reached him.
April 12. Docquet of the above.
April 12. Lease to Sir Thos. Metham of two-thirds of the King's share
of the lands of Sir Geo. Brown, recusant. [Docquet]
April 12. Warrant for payment of necessary sums to Sir Eobt. Vernon,
Cofferer of the Household, for charges of the entertainment of the
Duke of Brunswick during his abode here. [Docquet]
April 13. 96. Earl of Worcester to Salisbury. Requests that the Surveyor
of Woods may be ordered to rebuild a barn, destroyed by the Avind
in Nonsuch Park.
April 13.
April 1 5.
April 16.
April 17.
April 17.
April 18.
April 18.
April 18.
April 19.
Vol. Lin.
97. Edward Fenton to Salisbury,
to communicate a project.
Desires an audience, in order
98. Bennet Bishop of Hereford to the Same. Has apprehended
Roger Cadwallader, alias Rogers, a dangerous seminary priest,
leader of the riot four years ago, and Thos. Bailies, a Brownist.
Recusants swarm in the county, because he has no commission
against them.
99. Grant of a quarterne of a yard of land in Orton, co. North-
ampton, by John Watkin, of Thorpe-Malsor, to Geo. Kinsman, of
Ledington, both co. Northampton.
100. Deposition of Wm. Young, taken prisoner by Capt. Thomas
Salkeld, a pirate. Details of vessels' which were taken, and their
owners imprisoned, by Salkeld. He also took the island of Lundy,
and called himself King of it. Escape of the prisoners, under the
guidance of George Eskott, of Bridgewater.
101. Warrant to pay over to Sir Henry Carey, Master of the
Jewel-house, 1,000Z., being the remainder of a sum of 9,000£. to be
paid by Sir Thos. Shirley, jun., for a grant of old debts.
Docquet of the above. [Docquet, April 28.]
102. Justices of Carnarvonshire to Salisbury. In obedience to
his letter, they called before them His Majesty's tenants of the
manor of Weege, petitioners against Simon Williams, who failed to
appear, and therefore they cannot fully report the ground of his
claim to the tenements long held by the petitioners.
103. Warrant to pay to Thos. Elston, Clerk of the Cheque of the
Guard, sums for providing red cloth for summer liveries for the
Yeomen of the Guard and others.
Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk II., p. 146.]
104. Warrant to pay to the Same 181. 13s. 6d., for embroidering
red coats with the letters J. R. in Venice gold, for certain Grooms,
Pages, and Officers of the Household, enumerated.
April 19. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk II., p. 147.]
April 19. 10-5. Warrant to pay to Wm. Broderick, 'His Majesty's Em-
Westminster, broiderer, 130Z. 19s. id., for embroidering red coats with roses and
crowns, for certain servants of the Household.
April 19. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk II., p. 147.]
106. Warrant to pay to George Baker 698?. lis. ScZ., for fine gold
and silver for spangles on the coats of the Guard, Footmen, and
Messengers of the Royal Household.
April 19.
April 19. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk, II, p. 146.]
April 1 9.
The Office.
Vol. Lin.
107. Fras. Smith to John Nicholas. Recovery of Lord Compton,
who lives in Bishopsgate Street, transforming his late father-in-law's
house into a gay court, the old usurer himself being forgotten.
Anecdotes of Gibson, another usurer. Execution of Lambert, a
famous cutter. The King refused to pardon him, saying if Judas
were alive, and condemned for betraying Christ, some courtier would
be found to beg his pardon.
April 20. 108. Humphrey Flint to Salisbury. Divers persons have died
Theobalds, suddenly near Theobalds, and one of them of the plague. Reports
this because he understands the King is coming to see his deer.
April 20. 109. Warrant to pay to Geo. Herriot 60/. for a jewel of gold set
AVestminster. with diamonds, given to Jane Mewtas, one of Her Majesty's Bed-
chamber women, on her marriage with Sir Wm. Cornwallis.
April 20. Entry of the above. [Wurrt, Bk, II., p. 148.]
April 20.
110. Warrant to pay to Sir Roger Aston, Keeper of the Little
Park at Eltham, 20£. 12s. for constructing four bridges in the park,
and repairing the paling and lodge.
April 20. Entry of the above. [ Warrt. Bk, IL,p. 148.]
April 23.
April 23.
Jesus College,
April 21.
April 25.
111. Grant to Lady Walsingham of the benefit of the recusancy
of Edw. Lyngen.
112. Dr. John Duport, Vice-Chaucellor of Cambridge, to Salisbury.
Has restrained the scholars of the University from hunting and
coursing in his Majesty's walks ; the dogs used belong to Mr. Bankes,
who still courses with them, against orders to deliver them up.
113. Grant to John Corbet, Clerk of the Council, of the benefit
of the recusancy of Eleanor Kemp, of Pentley, co. Essex.
114. Edw. Reynoldes to Salisbury. Sends books found among
the papers of his brother, lately deceased, viz., the Council Book, a
list of Parliament Records, a book of His Lordship's negociations
in his French Embassy, and another of Parliament matters. A book
of Levies, Musters, &c, compiled by his brother, is missing. Begs a
little i-elief for the widow.
April ? 115. [Same] to Lord
April ?
In favour of his brother's widow,
hindered of administration to her husband's goods, by Svvetnam,
a servant of his Lordship.
April? 116. Jane Rey[noldes] to Mr. L . Reasons for breaking off
her engagement with him on her father's decease ; returns him his
will and a ring.
1 17. [Edw. Reynoldes] to [Sir Hen. Savile]. Thanks for favour to
his kinsman.
1610. Vol.LIII.
April? 118. [Edw. Reynoldes] to [Sir Hen. Savile]. Thanks for his
promise to promote the preferment of his nephew, Edw. Reynoldes,
at the next election. Was prevented by illness from visiting him at
Eton last holidays.
April ? 119. Evening meditation in Latin verse, by Edw. Reynoldes, copied
by his nephew.
April 25. 120. Grant to Sir Thos. Bartlet of 100?., as a free gift from the
"Westminster. King.
April 25. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk, II., p. 149.]
April 25. Docqnet of the above.
April 25. Grant to Sir Roger Aston of a pension of 80?. per annum, during
the life of . Bartlett, widow. [Docquet]
April 25. Bond from the King to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Recorder
of London, for the sum of 150, 000?., in part security for 100,000?.,
to be lent by them. [Docquet]
April 25. Grant to Rich. Smith of an alms-room in Winchester. [Docquet.]
April 25. Grant to the Queen of an annuity of 13,000?. upon surrender of
two former annuities to the same amount. [Docquet]
April 25. Grant to the Earl of Dunbar of annuity of 2,000?., for ten years,
upon his surrender of a former grant. [Docquet]
April 25. Commission to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, and others,
to grant to such of the King's subjects of England and Scotland as
are willing to undertake and bear the charge, all such castles, manors,
lands, &c, in Ireland, as are now in the King's hands, for such
rents, tenures, service, &c, as shall be thought fit. [Docquet]
April 25 ? 121. List of twenty-six grievances presented to the Committee
by a Member of the House of Commons ; with marginal notes as
to which were torn up, dashed, laid asleep, or committed.
April? 122. Notes of propositions for redress of grievances. Indorsed is
Wm. Vyner's account, taken July 23, 1609.
April 25 ? 1 23. Address of the Commons to His Majesty, touching
ecclesiastical grievances, execution of laws against recusants,
restoration of silenced ministers, pluralities, and the frequent use of
April 25 ? 124. Note of the King's message to the Commons, in answer to
the petition on ecclesiastical grievances.
April 26. 125. Thomas Viscount Bindon to [Salisbury]. Thanks for a kind
Lulworth. message sent by Dr. Hussey.
April 26.
Vol. LIII.
126. John Reynolds to Salisbury. Particulars of
whom he had met at Dieppe, and had seen in Rome, clad in pilgrim's
weeds. On arriving with him in England, caused him to be
examined at Folkstone, near Dover, but he was allowed to pass free.
He now professes to be a rich lawyer from Norfolk, but during the
voyage he :t assumed the speech of a simple and ignorant person.
April 27. 127. Edward Earl of Bedford to the Same. Cannot sell him his
Bedford House, inheritance of Covent Garden, having bound himself under a
heavy penalty, not further to impoverish himself by sale of his
April 27- 128. Warrant to pay to the Earl of Dunbar, Keeper of the Privy
Westminster. Purse, 300/., to be disbursed under the King's direction, and 20/. to
John Hare, for repairing the highways between Highgate and
April 27.
April 28.
April 29.
April 29.
April 29.
April 29.
April 29.
April 29.
April 29.
Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bl: II., p. 150.]
Docquet of the above. [Docquet, April 29.]
129. John Meere to Salisbury. Suggestions for amendments in
the Act of Parliament, by which Sherborne will be settled on his
Majesty. Fraudulent attempts of Sir Walter Raleigh to convey
away part of the lands. State of the parsonage. Requests confir-
mation of an enclosed deed of Sir Walter Raleigh, granting him
profits, &c, worth 10?. per ann. Incloses a letter from Sir Walter,
to prove that he would have given him 100/. a year, if he would have
concealed his frauds.
Grant to Wm. W neatly, on surrender
office of Master Carpenter of the Tower.
of Edm. Hedlond, of the
Grant to the Earl of Derby and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs
of the said Earl, in fee-farm, of the monastery and priory of Rushing
and Douglas, and of the Greyfriars of Brymaken alias Bymaken, and
rectories of Kirkcrist, in Shelding, and Kirklouan in the Isle of
Man, at a reserved rent. [Docquet]
Grant to Thomas Silvester and others of 5s. per ton for building six
ships. [Docquet.']
Letter for patents to be made out for the Duke of Lenox, touching
his grant of alnage and subsidies of woollen cloths and new draperies
in England and Wales, except London, and the counties of Somerset,
Worcester, and Hereford, which are granted to others. [Docquet]
Grant to William Fishington of a Gunner's room in the Tower.
Grant to Wm. Suthis of the office of Master Mason of Windsor
Castle for life. [Docquet]
Grant to the Company of Adventurers and Planters in Newfound-
land, of incorporation and a portion of territory j a special exception
as to fishing. [Docquet]
180. Archbp. Bancroft [Chancellor of Oxford] to Salisbury.
Sends him a letter from the Court. Hopes the worthiest man may
be chosen by his Majesty [as Principal of St. Edmund Hall ?], if
the choice lie in him by their statutes. Prays for the release of
Dr. Cowell from imprisonment.
April 30. Commission to the Lord Chancellor, Earl of Salisbury, and others,
to let and sell lands and castles in Ireland. [Grant Book, p. 57.]
[April.] 131. Dorothy Selkane to Salisbury. For her grant [of the coal
mines] to pass according to their Majesties' gracious favour. [See
Oct. 22, 1609.]
April 30. 1 32. Estimate of the charge of repairing Sandham Castle, Isle of
Co. Hants. Wight.
April ? 133. Petition of Robert Holden to Salisbury. To direct Auditor
Fanshaw not to receive composition from Ann and Wm. Farringdon,
for a water mill, at Acrington, co. Lancaster, which they pretend to
be copyhold of the King, he (Holden) having purchased it from the
contractors for mills.
[April.] 13L Petition of Robt. Bromley to the Same, for stay of execution
of a decree in the Exchequer Chamber, for 1,200?. to be paid to
Wm. Beecher by the petitioner, or the widow Babington, on the plea
that Beecher owes a still larger sum to himself and Mrs. Babington.
[See April, 1611.]
April 30.
Vol. LIV. May, 1610.
May ] . 1 . Grant to Rich. Browne of the benefit of the recusancy of Joseph
Westminster? Porter, co. Cumberland, Thos. Heysh, co. Salop, and Hugh Griffen,
co. Middlesex.
2. Duplicate of the above, dated April 3, 1609 ['probably cancelled]
May. Doccpiet of the above. [Docquet, May 15.]
May 1. 3. Estimate by Rob. Treswell, surveyor, of the expense of repairing
the lodge, pales, and bridges, in the Little Park, Ampthill.
May 1. 4. Edw. Forsett and Simon Basil to Salisbury. Survey and esti-
mate for rebuilding a barn at Nonsuch.
May 2. 5. Sir Thomas Lake to the Same. The King submits to him a
Tlietford. petition of Sir John Carew, concerning a fraud in a Privy Seal
loan. Incloses,
5. i. Petition of Sir John Carew to the King. Begs pardon for
having received 30£. from the Exchequer, for return of
a loan on Privy Seal, although he had previously sold his
claim for 181.
1610. V ^ L1V -
May ? 6. Petition of John Barksdale of Newbury, Berkshire, to the
Council ; desires that his proportion of the present loan, being Si.,
may be deducted out of the 10Z. formerly advanced by him on loan,
and not repaid.
May 2. 7. Earl of Exeter to Salisbury. Begs him to send to the Attorney
of the Court of Wards, and expedite the cause of the gentleman
for whom he writes, and for whom he was a suppliant two years
May 2. 8. Capt. Edw. Fitzgerald to the Same. Is ill and cannot attend
him. Begs favour for his petition concerning the coal mines in the
forest of Kingswood, co. Gloucester, granted him by the King, but
kept from him by the defendants, in spite of a verdict given against
May 2. 9. Arthur Jarvis, Clerk of the Pipe, to the Same. Touching the
suit in the Exchequer Chamber, between him and the executors of
Sir Francis Woolley. States the conditions which he had offered
May 2. 10. Rob. Heath to the Same. Begs that the contention between
Inner Temple. Si r John Roper and Sir Rob. Carr may not prejudice his reversion
of Sir John Roper's office.
May 2. 11. Sir Jas. Croft to the Same. Understands the King has con-
firmed Lady Walsingham's claim to the forfeiture of Edw. Lyngen,
recusant ; desires to know what course is intended to be held towards
May 2. 12. Estimate by Sir Ralph Coningsby, Sir Thos. Pope Blount,
and Rob. Treswell, of expense of the repair of the bridge in Red-
bourn manor.
May 2. 13. Warrant to pay to Geo. Nevey, Surveyor of his Majesty's
Westminster, works an d fortifications at Portsmouth, 28Z. 4s. lid., for surplus of
his -account for repairs.
May 2. Entry of the above. [ Warrt. Bk. II., p. 151.]
May 2. Docquet of the above. [Bocquet, May 6.]
May 3. 14. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury. The King is satisfied with his
Thetford. letter on the bill of non-residents, and will excuse his writing so
often, his own return being so near, &c. &c.
May 3. 15. Petition of the inhabitants of Brill, Borstall, and Oakley,
co. Bucks, to Salisbury. For continuance of a right to a common
ground in Godley Coiner, alias Brill Hills, lately leased to Chris.
Kendall, who intends to enclose it in Barnwood Forest. With
reference thereon to Sir Rob. Johnson, and his report.
May? 16. Particulars of the lands of Sir Geo. Typping in the forest of
Barnwood, co. Bucks, claimed by him as part of his manor of
May ? 17. Draft of the above.
1610. Vol.LIV.
May 3. 18. Bill of money laid out by Geo. Mynors, IJnder-keeper of
Nonsuch Great Park, since Michaelmas 1608.
May 4. 19. Charter confirming the foundation of the hospital at Stamford,
Westminster. C o. Lincoln, by ffm. Brown, temp. Rich. III. Latin.
May 4. 20. Petition of Andrew Hobbs to Salisbury ; requests that he
may pay by instalments the arrears in the account of Chris. Burrell,
late bailiff and collector of chantry land rents, co. Berks, for whom
he has been surety. With reference and report thereon.
[May 4.] 21. Act for taking, landing, and carrying sea-sand, for the
bettering of land and increase of corn and tillage, cos. Devon and
May 5. 22. Warrant for payment of 1001, to Rob. Barker, his Majesty's
Westminster. Printer, for books and paper provided for the Parliament, and for
certain printed Privy Seals.
May 5. Entry of the above. [Want. Bl\, II., p. 152.]
May. Docquet of the above. [Bocquet, May 6.]
May 5. 23. Warrant to pay to Sir Hen. Carey and Robt. Treswell 80Z.,
Westminster. f or repairing the lodges and pales of Mary bone Park.
May 5. Entry of the above. [Ward. Bk II., p. 152.]
May. Docquet of the above. [Bocquet, May 6.]
May 6. 24. Grant to Alex. Martin of the benefit of the recusancy of Hen.
Westminster. Blinkinsop, of Bourgh-upon-Stanmore, co. Westmoreland ; Jas.
Porter of Bolton, and Fras. Radcliffe of the Isle, co. Cumberland ;
Wm. Babthorpe of Thornack, and Rob. Ellicor of Holme, co. Lincoln.
May 6. Docquet of the above.
May 6. Grant, in reversion, to John King, of the office of one of the six
principal Masters of the Royal Navy, for life. [Bocquet]
May 6. Grant to Martin Basill of annuity of 50Z., on surrender of a like
annuity by Sir Jas. Lancaster. [Bocquet]
May 6. Grant to Anne, widow of Sir Walter Waller, of annuity of 100?.
during the lives of Wdliam and Walter, sons of Sir Thos. Waller,
and of Wm. Waller, son of Chas. Allen, late of Mole, co. Kent, on
surrender of like annuity by Sir Robt. Carew, and Henry and
Thomas his sons. [Bocquet]
May 6. Presentation of Thos. Swift to the rectory of Waddington, dioc.
of Lincoln. [Bocquet]
May 6. Grant to Sir Henry Fowkes and his heirs of the advowson of the
rectory of Purleigh, co. Essex. [Bocquet]
May 6. Grant to Sir John Andrew of two-thirds of the King's benefit of
the recusancy of Jane Andrew. [Bocquet]
1610. Vol. LIV.
May 6. Grant, with survivorship, to John De Crites, jun., and John
Maunchi, in reversion after Jolm De Crites sen., and Rob. Peake,
of the office of Serjeant Painter. [Docquet.]
May 6. Presentation of Gilbert Hawthorne to the rectory of Stretham,
with the chapel of Thetford, Isle of Ely, and co. C<»mbridge.
May 6. Grant to Andrew Knox, Bishop of the Isles of Scotland, and now
elected Bishop of Raphoe in Ireland, of an annuity of 1 00?. [Docquet.J
May 6. Grant to Eras. Maurice and Fras. Phelips, nominated by the con-
tractors for rectories, &c, of divers rectories, chantries, &c. in the
Duchy of Lancaster, value 87L 13s. o^d. [Docquet.]
May 7. 25. Thos. Jones to Salisbury. Was employed by the late Lord
Gray's Inn. Treasurer to prosecute those pewterers who had fradulently induced
the King to relinquish the pre-emption of tin. By his means they
were fined, and the pre-emption was re-established ; craves reward
for his services.
May 7. 26. Charges on sundry of the King's houses in April last.
May 7. 27. Note of such sums as remain due to the Treasurer of the
May 7. 28. Ralph Dobbinson to Salisbury. Has delayed arresting
Wm. Meysey, Keeper of the Convict Prison at Westminster, against
whom he has divers executions, because he professed to be Salisbury's
servant ; begs to know if he may put them in force.
May 8. 29. Earl of Salisbury's speech in the House of Commons, con-
veying tidings of the murder of Henry IV. of France ; it is another
argument to provide for his Majesty, and supply his wants.
May 8. 30. Petition of Wm. Seisson to Salisbury. For continuance in
his office as bailiff and collector of the marques fee in Kendall.
With reference and report thereon.
May 8. Grant to John King of the office of one of the six principal Masters
of the Navy, for life. [Grant Book, p. 73.]
May 8. 31. Estimate of expense of repairs of decayed land about Morehay,
Launde, and Geddington Woods Launde ; with note by the Earl of
Exeter, that it should be done before the Kind's visit this summer.
[May 9.] 32. Notes of the accusations against Sir Stephen Proctor, of
vexatious abuses in the exercise of his patent [forgathering concealed
debts] ; with answers thereto.
May 10. 33. Ralph Lord Eure to Salisbury. Particulars of the settle-
St. Jones', ment of complaints made by several of His Majesty's tenants against
the King's Farmers of Lands, for extorting unreasonable fines for
renewal of their leases. Must refer to his Lordship the case of Rich.
Williams against Owen Wood, of Anglesea. Annexed is,
33. I. Answer of Owen Wood fo the petition of Rich. Williams,
in reference to the oivnership of land in Anylesea disputed
between them.
Vol. LIV.
34. Sir Wm. Cooke to Salisbury. To befriend him in the suit
which he has with the townsmen of Gloucester, who seek to stop the
despatch of his grant. Progress of and impediments to the suit.
May ? 34. L Arguments and proofs upon a dispute between Sir Wm.
Cooke, and the Mayor and Corporation of Gloucester, as to
the rights of the latter to the fines of jurors and delinquents
in Duston and. Barton Regis, Gloucester, for which the
former is a suitor.
May ? 35. Copy of the above arguments.
May 10. 36. Orders by the House of Commons upon Sir Eclw. Sandys'
Thursday, motion, touching the grievance of new impositions for the search of
records, April 30, May 1, and May 10.
May 10. 37. Robert Lord Lisle to Salisbury. Sends letters from Sir Wm.
Thursday. Brown, brought over by an Irishman who had come from Flanders.
Brown had some discourse with Malrey, who has landed in Ireland,
especially concerning the King of France.
"May 11. B8. Sir Anth. Ashley to the Same. Has surrendered his patent
lloiborn. [f or alum], and begs payment of the quarter's arrears then due.
May 11. 39. Barlow Bishop of Lincoln to the Same. Incloses a plan for the
Westminster payment of his first fruits.
College. 1 J
May 14. 40. Sir Nich. Prideaux to the Same. In favour of Rich.
Cornwall. Prideaux, whose bark was hired for 20 marks to carry bread to
Ireland, by Rob. Bellman, Purveyor for Her late Majesty's forces,
who refuses on unjust pretexts to pay the hire.
May 14. 41. Earl of Pembroke to the Same. For renewal of the corn-
Bay nard's Castle, inission to take up materials for repairs of the works at Portsmouth.
May 14. 42. Estimate of the charge of building a new lodge in Leighton
Walk, Waltham Forest, for preservation of His Majesty's deer.
May 14. 43. T[hos], W[ilson] to Mr. Waterson, Warden of the Company
Whitehall. 0 f Stationers. The Lord Treasurer commands him to suffer nothing
to be printed concerning the late French King's death, without
sanction from his Lordship.
44. Earl of Salisbury to the Same. Of similar purport. In-
dorsed [by Wilson,] " Copy of my Lord's letter to the Warden
of Stationers, May 15, upon their answers that they would not
stay the impression of the French King's death, unless my Lord
May 15. 45. Earl of Sussex to Salisbury. Requests, in case of the death
Charier Hons-. 0 f fti r> Pelham of Sussex, the wardship of his son, whom he holds a
very fit match for his own younger daughter. Begs favour for Capt.
Lea, in the business between him and Pratt.
May 15. 46. Humphrey Wheeler to the Same. Has found out the track
of Richard More in Worcestershire, and will apprehend him. Sends
a letter from Sir Wm. Somerville, High Sheriff' of Warwickshire.
May 10.
May 15.
1610. Vol. LIV.
May 15. 47. Warrant to pay sums not exceeding 5,700?., to Sir Robert
Westminster. Mansell, Treasurer of the Navy, for building a new ship of GOO
tons, in place of one decayed, and repairing another.
May 15. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bh. II. p. 15.]
May 15. Docquet of the above.
May 15. 48. Warrant to pay to Sir Robt. Mansell, Treasurer of theNavy,
Westminster. 8,476?. 9s. 8d., to be disbursed to Benj. Decrowe, agent for the mer-
chants trading into Muscovy, and to Wm. Russell, merchant, for
cordage delivered into the storehouse at Deptford.
May 15. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bh II., p. 154.]
May 15. Docquet of the above. [Docquet]
May 15. Grant to Hen. Earl of Huntingdon, of the reversion of the King's
two parts of the manor of Cranfcrd, co. Dorset. [Docquet]
May 15. Grant to Robt. Gordon of the benefit of the recusancy of Thos.
Bartlet, of Saintbury, co. Gloucester. [Docquet.]
May 1 5. Grant to Robt. Raynes, Serjeant of the Buckhounds, of annuity of
501. [Docquet]
May 15. Grant to Wm. Battel 1, on surrender of Robt. Spencer, of the office
of Yeoman Pricker of the privy harriers. [Docquet]
May 15. Grant to Sir J as. Saudilands, Usher of the Privy Chamber, of
protection for four months. [Docquet.]
May 15. License to Thos. Cromwell, son of Sir Oliver Cromwell, to travel
for three years. [Docquet,]
May 15. Grant to John Tenant of the first advowson of Aldinafiam rectory,
diocese of Chester, to present George Proctor. [Docquet.]
May 15. Warrant dormant to pay 20/-. per annum wages to Wm. Shipman,
Purveyor of Herbs for the King, Queen and Household. [Docquet]
May 15. Grant to David Penry, Groom of the Privy Chamber, of the office
of keeper of the gaol in Montgomeryshire. [Docquet]
May 16. 49. Sir Thos. Shirley to Salisbury. Has laboured to procure
securities for payment of his arrears. They require him to give in
pawn his patent for Under-Sheriffs, and find defects in it ; he requests
amendment thereof, &c.
May 16. 50. Petition of the Aldermen and Corporation of Newark-upon-
Trent to Salisbury and Sir Julius Ccesar. Lord Burleigh, and others,
Commissioners for survey of the bridges and King's Hall, at Newark,
having certified the necessary repairs, they request that order be
taken for the same. Annexed is,
50. I. Lord Burleigh and others to the Court of Exchequer. Report
of the survey of the above places, and estimate of the cost
of repairs. April 11, 1610.
May 17. 51. Sir Oliver Manners to Salisbury. His brother, the Earl of
Florence. Rutland, detains his estates, in spite of an order of the Council to the
contrary, although he remains abroad by license, associating with
Lord Vaux and others who are licensed. Requests his Lordship's
further interference.
6] l
1610. Vol. LIV.
May ? 52. Vindication from records, of the King's title to the forest of
Lyfield, and the lands called the manor of Lye, in the said forest.
May 1 7. 53. Lord Harrington to Salisbury. Requests 20 oaks towards a
new lodge in Lyfield forest, co. Rutland ; will bear the rest of the
expense himself, out of care for the King's deer. Annexed is.
53. I. Estimate of the charge of building a lodge in Lyfield, for
preservation of the deer, &c. Nov. 24.
May 17. 54. Warrant to pay to Sir David Murray, Gentleman of the Bed-
chamber to the Prince, 1,000?., for extraordinary expenses incurred
by the abode of the young Duke of Brunswick with the Prince.
May 17. Entry of the above warrant. [Wt. Bh. II., p. 153.]
May 17. 55. Warrant to pay any sums not exceeding 700Z., to Sir Roger
Westminster. Dallison, Lieut, of the Ordnance, for providing fireworks and shows
upon the water, against the creation of the Prince as Prince of Wales.
May 17. Entry of the above warrant. [Warrt. Bk. II., p. 153.]
May [17]. 56. James Button, officer of the Bishopric of Worcester, to Salis-
bury, High Steward. Death of [Babington] the late Bishop. Sends
a brief of the estate and worth of the Bishopric.
May ? 57. Rental of the lands of certain persons in Worcestershire, certi-
fied by most of their signatures. [Connected with the above ?].
May 18. 58. Sir Fras. Stoner to Salisbury. Begs that his lease of the
woods in Watlington Park, co. Oxford, may be granted according to
promise, relying on which he has purchased the land in the park,
which will be of little value to him without the woods.
May ? 59. Same to the Same. On the same subject.
May 18. 60, List of packets received and despatched since the 5th April
by Matthew de Quester.
May? 61. Memorial soliciting a patent of the office of Postmaster for
conveying foreign packets ; M. de Quester, the present conveyer of
letters, being very remiss in the execution of his office.
May 20. 62. The Council to Sir Thos. Fleming, Lord Chief Justice, and
Whitehall. Sir Edw. Coke, Chief Justice of Common Pleas. Directions for
careful examination of 4 apprentices, sent up prisoners for committing
sedition in Norwich. Inclose,
62. I. Examination of Nich. Dingle, of Norwich, worsted weaver,
as to information given by Bob. Kepas, that 100 appren-
tices of worsted weavers had agreed to strike, till all
persons who had not served an apprenticeship should be
discharged from the trade. April 23, Norxvich.
62. II.- vili. Examinations of Joshua Warden, April 23 and 25 ;
Thos. Townsend. April 25 and May 19 ; Rob. Willis, jun.,
April 24 and May 19; Thos. Harrison, April 24 and
May \§,all of Norvnch ; and Wm. Frany, of Pockthorpe,
May 3, relative to the above mentioned strike.
Q Q 2
May 20.
May 20.
May 20.
May 21.
May 22.
Vol. LIV.
63. Warrant to pay to Wm. Duck 67/., for expenses about the lodge
and grounds taken in on Hounslow Heath.
Entry of the above. [Warrt. BL, II., p. 155.]
Docquet of the above, May 31. [Docquet, May 30.]
64. William Lord Roos to [Salisbury]. Will obey his commands
by returning at once to France, and communicate with the English
Ambassador there. Sends him some Spanish gloves.
65. Abstract of the King's speech to Parliament. Reproaches
their delay in the subsidy business. Will not allow his prerogative
to be called in question, only the expediency of exercising it in
divers points. Has the full right to make impositions, but will not
exercise it without Parliament. Necessity of supplies. Papists to
be repressed.
66. Gregory Ackworth to the King. Desires permission to impart
to him some treasonable offence he had seen committed. Has par-
tially revealed it to one of the Council. It concerns a libel on
Queen Elizabeth.
May 23.
May ?
67. Petition of the tenants of the manor of Yorkfleet, co. York,
to Salisbury, requesting allowance of 70/. to repair two staiths or
weirs in the river Ouse, belonging to the said manor. Inclose,
67. I. Commissioners of Seivers to [Salisbury]. Are certified by
a jury that the above repairs are needful, and will amount
to 701. May 23, Wighton,
68. Memorandum of the sums yet due by the bishops, on the
seventh payment of the clergy subsidy of 3 Jac. 1.
69. Arguments to prove from precedent, that the prohibition to the
Commons against disputing the King's right in impositions, did not
preclude their proceeding against them by Act of Parliament.
[May 23.] 70. Petition of the Commons [in reply to the King's speech,
May 21,] in behalf of freedom of debate in Parliament, in reference
to the right of the Crown to impose customs.
[May 23.] 71. Copy of the above.
May 24. 72. Copy of the above.
[May 24.] 73. Reply of the King to the above petition, granting it with
provisoes, and explaining several points in his previous speeches.
Has no wish to abridge the liberties of Parliament.
May 25. 74. Earls of Suffolk and Worcester to Salisbury. Request payment
of 200/. more to Inigo Jones, on imprest for charges for the Queen's
masque. [See March 4. J
May 25. 75. Thos. Trusscll to the Same. Requests his acceptance of a small
labour, composed by him and dedicated to his Lordship, the object
of which is to suggest means for supplying the King's private
state, &c.
1610. Vol.LIV.
May 25. Grant to the Earl of Salisbury and his heirs, of certain tithes in
the manors of Forthampton and Swinley, parish of Bushley, cos.
Gloucester and Worcester, being abbey lands, value 15/. 8a 4c?. per
ann., at suit of the contractors [for rectories, &c.]. [Docquet.]
May 25. Similar grant to the Earl of Salisbury, Roger Houghton, and
John Dacombe of the rectory and certain tithes of Ormskirk, co.
Lancaster, of the Duchy of Lancaster, value 47?. 7s. 6c?. per ann.
May 25. Grant to Thos. Caesar of the office of a Baron of the Exchequer,
vice Nowell Sotherton, deceased. [Docquet.']
May 25. Warrant for the instalment of the first fruits of the Bishopric of
Lincoln, 828?. 4s. 9|c?., to be paid in eight years. [Docquet]
May 25. Grant to John Angel, on surrender of John Hepborne, of the
reversion after Sir Rich. Cox, of the office of porter of the outer gate
of Windsor Castle, and Keeper of the Armoury and Ordnance there.
May 25. Grant to Piers Pennant, of Mayland, co. Essex, of redemption
of the remainder of Maylandes manor and other lands, co. Essex,
of which he is tenant in tail, which remainder was fraudulently
transferred to the Crown. [Docquet.]
May 25. 76. William Lord Roos to [Salisbury]. Doubts whether it will be
Madrid. sa fe to go through France, on account of tumults feared on the sud-
den death of the King, but will leave Spain as speedily as possible.
May 26. 77. Mayor, &c, of Exeter to the Same. They have been obliged
Exeter. to make a new weir and leat for the mills on the river Exe. Pray
that his Lordship will aid their petition to Parliament, for establish-
ing the same in their present sites.
May 28. 78. Note of three petitions of the House of Commons to the King,
about recusants, secret catholic marriages, and want of due execu-
tion of the laws against Jesuits and priests. Sir Jo. Savile offers
8,000?. per ann. for Yorkshire [recusants?]. Sir Geo. Manners and
Sir Thos. Grantham, 2,000?. per ann. more than before, for Lincolnshire.
May 28. 79. Mayor, &c, of Salisbury to the Earl of Salisbury. Detail
Salisbury, their past attempts to procure a new incorporation. Beg his sup-
port against the opposition of the Bishop.
May 29. 80. Grant to Thos. Pinckney, Anthony Dodsworth, and Jerome
"Westminster. Metcalf, servants of the Prince, of the benefit of the recusancy of
Henry Shelley of Petersfield, Thos. Lane of Silsted, parish Horsley,
Elizabeth Hedger and Elizabeth Norton of Barden, Eastencaul,
and Thos. Linckhorne of Boyatt, all co. Hants.
May. Docquet of the above. [Docquet, May 31.]
May ? 81. Petition of Edw. Kirton to the King, for restoi-ation to his
post in the King's Household, from which he is displaced by the
Board of Green Cloth ; pleads seven years' faithful service under
Sir Robert Vernon, now Cofferer.
1610. VM " LIV -
May 30. 82. Warrant to pay to Sir Rob. Vernon, Cofferer of the House-
Westminstei-. hold, 800/. for extraordinary charges on the creation of the Prince
[as Prince of Wales.]
May 30. Entry of the above warrant. [Warrt. Bk. II., p. 155.]
May 31. Docquet of the above warrant.
May 31. Acquittance of a recognizance of 120?., acknowledged by Sir Walter
Leveson, deceased, to the late Queen, for true exercising of the office
of Sheriff, co. Stafford. [Docquet.']
May 31. Grant to Sir Geo. Keie of the King's two parts in the lands of
Thomas and Margaret Crowley, of Manewden, co. Essex, recusants.
May 31. Presentation of Edm. Griffith to the rectory of Llanbeulan, with
the chapels annexed of Llachilched, Llanvailog, Keirchiog, Tal-y-llyn,
and Llannech y Aneth, co. Anglesea. [Docquet]
May 31. Grant, in reversion, to John Chariot, of a prebend in Gloucester
Cathedral. [Docquet.]
Mav 31. Grant to Simon Clark, on nomination of Win. Garway and
other contractors, of the manor of Salford Priors, co. Warwick.
May 31. Lease to John Eldred and Wm. Whitmore, of lands, &c, in divers
counties, value 1 10s. lie/, per ann., in part of 2,000/. to be
granted to them. [Docquet]
May 31. Warrant to pay to the Earl of Northampton, certain sums due to
the King from the manors of Killingworth and Ladbroke, co.
Warwick, part to be paid to Lady Dudley, and the remainder to
satisfy the debts of Sir Robert Dudley. [Docquet.]
May 31. Grant to Nathaniel Wiborne of an advowson of the rectory
of Waddingham, diocese of Lincoln ; to present Thos. Walkington.
May ? 83. Petition of divers inhabitants near the Bulwark Gates of the
Tower, to Salisbury, to be continued in their tenements enjoyed on
lease from the Gentleman Porters of the Tower, of which they
understand a lease is about to be granted to another person.
With order thereon.
May 31. Demise to Sir Roger Aston of such messuages within the bulwark
of the Tower of London, kc, as belong to the Gentleman Porters of
the Tower, and also of piece of a wharf. [_Docquet]
May ? 84. Note of a claim of " my Lord " on a plot of ground in the Town-
wharf, part of which is granted to Sir Roger Aston. Imperfect.
May 31. Grant to Brute Babington, elected Bishop of Derry, Ireland,
to hold, in commendam, a prebend residentiary in the church of
Lichfield, and the rectory of Tatenhill, in the County of Stafford.
1610. V -- L1V '
May 31. Grant to Sir Anthony Ashley of an annuity of 50?., in consi-
dei'ation of the surrender of his office as Clerk of the Privy Council.
May 31. Grant to Wm. Kirkham of an alms-room in St. Peter's, West-
minster. [Docquet.']
May 31. Grant to Thos. Curwen of pardon for manslaughter of John
Hodgeson. [Docquet]
May 31. Grant to Thos. Pinckney of the benefit of the recusancy of Mary
Lady White, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Smalbone, and Fookes,
widow, of Holt Farm, co. Southampton. [Docquet]
May 31. Grant to Geo. Salter and John Williams of certain lands and
tenements, in fee-farm, value 123?. -As. lit?, per aim.; and of others in
fee-simple, value 70?. 8s. 10|cZ., at suit of Sir Baptist Hicks and other
contractors. [Docquet.]
May 31. Grant to Anth. and Thos. Luther of the office of Clerk of the
Crown in Chancery, during their lives, if Henry, son of Sir Thomas
Edmondes, lives so long. [Docquet]
May 31. Grant to Rob. Ballard of dispensation to hold the two parsonages
of Westhorpe and of Wiveton, long since united, in diocese Norwich.
May 31. Lease to Lionel Cranfield of divers messuages, parcel of the manor
of Wellington, co. Somerset, value 49?. 6s. 7d. per ami., part of the
contract with John Eldred and others. [Docquet]
May 31. 85. Charge of the works at Somerset House, since March 1609.
[May.] 86. Certificate of all sums paid into the Exchequer for defective
titles, since Dec. 23, 1609.
May. 87. Countess Dowager of Huntingdon to Salisbury. Entreats
him. by the precious memory of the late Queen, to protect her
against the Earl of Huntingdon, her nephew, respecting the lease
granted to her by Queen Elizabeth. [See June 15.]
May. 88. Avis Lady Cooke to the Same. Is disappointed of the wardship
of Mr. Brand, which he promised her, but which is granted to
another. Begs that her son-in-law, Mr. Fotherby, the Archdeacon
of Canterbury's son, may be made a Knight at the Prince's creation,
her daughter's worth and birth being much disgraced by that
[May.] 89. Account of rents of certain chantry lands and tenements in
March, April, and May, received from Mr. Harris.
[May.] 90. Memorandum of an inaccuracy in [Thos.] Caesar's patent [of
Baron of the Exchequer], relating to fees excepted therefrom.
1610. Vor - LIV -
May ? 91. Declaration of the King's determination to revive the ancient
tribute of "King's silver," a poll tax to be paid on taking the oath
of allegiance and supremacy, which shall yearly be enforced as a
safeguard against popery ; the profits to be devoted to the erection
of a college at Chelsea, for the better handling of religious con-
troversies. [See Winwood's Memorials, Vol. iii., p. 160.]
June 1.
Isle of Man.
June 1.
June 2.
Vol. LV. June, 1610.
1. John Philips, Bishop of Sodor and Man, to Salisbury. Has
disbursed this year 200 marks on his ruinous Bishopric. Mr. Ireland,
Lieutenant of the Isle, has taken away his " turfebery," and refuses
him a pass to come to England ; begs his Lordship's permission to
come over.
2. Sir John Swinnerton to the Same. Reports his proceedings
in a search for recusants ; could not find Mr. Taylor, but found his
popish books and certain observations touching the examination of
Proclamation for due execution of all former laws against recu-
sants, for banishing priests and Jesuits, and for administering the
oath of allegiance. Printed. [P roc. poll., No. 15.]
June 2. 3. Extract from the above proclamation.
June 2.
June 2.
June ?
June 2.
June 2.
June 2.
[June 4.]
4. Warrant to pay to John Browne, 11 01. 0s. 4td., for repair of the
lodges of Geddington Woods, Morehay, and Gretton Woods, Forest
of Rockingham, co. Northampton.
Entry of the above. [Warrt. BIc, II., p. 156.]
5. Memorandum of materials and money expended in repair of
the King's castles, houses, parks, &c.
6. Warrant to pay 412?. to John Norden, for repair of Sandham
Castle, Isle of Wight, and for repairs in the parks at Farnham.
Entry of the above. [ Warrt. BL, II., p. 1 56.]
7. M. de Tourval to Salisbury. Has executed six works for the
King, and has now a seventh given, but has received no recompense,
although his expenses have been great, especially in travelling in
vain from city to city abroad, to find a printer for the King's book,
and then staying three months hidden in Paris, to superintend its
printing there, and keep it concealed from the Jesuits. Begs some
gratuity. French.
8. Patent of creation of Prince Henry as Prince of Wales, and
Earl of Chester. Latin.
[June 4.]
9. Copy of the above.
1610. V0L - LV -
[June 4.] 10. Ceremonial preceding and attending the creation of Prince
Henry as Prince of Wales.
[June 4).] Account of the ceremony of investiture of the Prince, as Prince of
Wales. [Dom. Gorresp., 1613, Nov. 4.]
June 4. H. Different account of the same ceremonial, followed by a list
Monday. 0 f " things to be prepared at the creation of a Prince of Wales."
June ? 12. List of the robes, insignia, &c., necessary for the creation of a
Prince, also of an Earl and a Baron ; with notes of fees due to
Heralds on these occasions.
[June 4.] 13. Account of creation of Knights of the Bath in honour of the
Prince's creation ; with list of their names.
[June 4.] 14. Prerogatives of the Prince of Wales, as Earl of Chester.
June 7. 1 5. Wm. Combes and W. Barnes to Salisbury. For a discharge of
the arrears paid by them to the Earl of Northampton, for the manors
of Killing-worth and Ladbroke.
June 7. 16. Warrant for payment to Fras. Cotton, Paymaster of the
Westminster. Works at Portsmouth, of 42?. ] 7s. 1 Id., surplus of his account ; of 30?.
to Geo. Baynard, for repair of lodges and pales in Hyde Park ; and of
50?. to Baptist Hassell, for charges of the French Ambassador and
his retinue, before convenient lodgings were provided for him.
June 7. Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bl\, II.-, p. 158.]
June 7. 17. Warrant to pay to Rob. Treswell 236?. ]2s. 10c?., for building
Westminster. a lodge in Leighton Walk, Waltham Forest, a barn at Nonsuch, a
bridge at Redbourn, Herts, and for repairing the lodge and pales of
the Little Park at Ampthill.
June 7. Entry of the above. [Warrt. BJc, II., p. 157.]
June 9. 18. Certificate of Sir Wm. Killigrew and of Walter Dukman, sur-
Co. Middlesex, veyor of Middlesex, concerning the conditions desirable in a proposed
enclosure of ground on Hounslow Heath.
[June 9.] 19. Brief of the bill for permitting the Countess Dowager of
Oxford to sell the manor of Bretts, &c, belonging to Henry, Earl of
Oxford, a minor.
June 11. Grant to [Sir Henry Hobart], Attorney- General, and his heirs,
and to Thomas Plumstead and John Gooch, of purchase of the
manors of Marcham, Hevingham, and Marsham, co. Norfolk.
June 11. Demise to David Holland of the manor of Dinorben Vawr, and
other hereditaments, co. Denbigh. \_Docquet~\
J une 1 1 . Lease to And. Windsor and Lancaster Gibbon of the site of the
manors of Broxtow and Mapperley, cos. Nottingham and Derby.
1610. VoL - LV '
June ] L. Grant to Sir Augustine Nichols, Anth. Shugbrough, and John
Smith, in fee-siinple, of the manor of Kibworth-Beauchamp, co.
Leicester. [Docquct.]
June 11. Grant to Chris. Brown, Marshall of the Hall, of the custody of
His Majesty's pastures, &c, at Sayescourt [Deptford], co. Kent, and
of a mansion house there, under certain conditions. [Docquet.~\
June 12. Grant to Hen. [David?] Penry of the office of gaol keeper of
Montgomery, for life. [Grant Book, j>- 74. See May 15.]
June 13. 20. Mayor and Bailiff of Weymouth, Sic, to Sir Julius Caesar.
Weymouth and Chancellor of the Exchequer. Have elected a burgess in place of
MelcombeRegis. ^j- White ; regret that his recommendation of Lord Cranborne had
not arrived earlier, as the choice had already been made, and the
voters were unwilling to change. [See June 16.]
June 14. 21. Charges on the King's houses in the month of May.
June 14. Commission to the Archbp. of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor,
and others, to banish Jesuits and seminary priests. [Grant Book,
p. 67.]
June 15. 22. Heads of the petition of the Countess of Huntingdon, impleaded
in the Exchequer Chamber by her great nephew, the Earl of
Huntingdon, for arrears of rent due to the Crown, for the manor of
Loughborough, co. Leicester. With reference to Baron Altham, and
his report, June 30, detailing particulars of the grant of the lands ;
the Earl of Huntingdon fears lest, on the death of the Countess,
he may be made liable for these arrears, and therefore solicits a
settlement, which is very necessary, there being some doubt as to
her claim of exemption therefrom.
June 16. 23. Mayor, &c, of Weymouth, See, to Sir Julius Caesar. Since
AVeymouth and t, ue departure of his messenger, they have conferred with the person
MelcombeKegis. e j ec ^ g( j &g j 3ur g es5 'j \ ie willingly resigns in favour of Lord Cranborne,
whom they have now unanimously elected.
June 16. 24. Paul De la Hay to Salisbury. Incloses the descent and title
Your Lordship's 0 f Thos. Perrott, who wishes to marry his daughter. Prays favour
for Mr. Perrott's rights, &c. Incloses,
House of
24. I. Pedigree of Thos. Perrott, shaving him to be the heir male
of Sir Given Perrott ; with request for his restoration to
his estates.
June 1 6. 25. Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar to John Bradell. Had
Whitehall, displaced Win. Seisson, at his request, for non-payment of his collec-
tion ; find on examination that it has been duly paid, and therefore
order him to be reinvested in his office of collector of the rents
called the Marques Fee. [See May 8 and Nov. 25.]
[June 16.]
Vol. LV.
26. Petition of John Arundel, of Gwarnick, son of Roger Arundel
and grandson of Sir John Arundel, of Trerice, to the House of Lords,
against the Bill brought in by John Arundel, calling himself of
Trerice, in reference to the inheritance contested between them.
26. I. Note of exceptions to the Bill brought into the House
of Lords by Jofin Arundel of Trerice against John
Arundel of Gwarnick.
[June 16.] 27. Act for the assurance of certain lands and rents to the Bishop
of Durham and his successors, and of certain other lands [Britain's
Burse] to Robert Earl of Salisbury and bis heirs.
28. Warrant to pay to And. Kerwyn, Paymaster of the Works,
1,449^., to be employed on a new buttery at Whitehall.
Entry of the above. [Warrt. BL, II., p. 159.]
June 16.
June 16.
June 18.
J une ?
June 19.
June. 20.
J une 21.
29. Statement of the money due to the King for defective titles,
which were confirmed June 16.
30. Petition of John Sackford to the King, for re-grant of 13
tenements in St. Martin-le-Grand, and five acres of land in St.
Pancras, co. Middlesex, surrendered for defective title.
31. Charges of the works, &c, done at Somerset House from
May 1, 1609, to May 31, 1610.
32. Memorandum of petition to the King, for reviving the old
decayed forest of Knaresborough, co. York, belonging to the Duchy
of Lancaster, and for lease of the same, and of the waste lands
belonging thereto, to Capt. Thos. and Edw. Hayes. With reference
thereon to the Lord Treasurer and others.
33. Peter Hay to Salisbury. Hears that Dr. Casaubon has
become papist, by the inducement of Cardinal Peronne. Was called
before the kirk to answer for his religion. Has given to the Earl of
Errol a discourse against Popery, which he composed by order of his
Majesty, &c General dislike to Bishops in Scotland. Offers to
write a popular treatise in favour of them.
June 21.
34. Sir John Roper to the Same. Offers some tarsels for
sport, which, he understands, he likes better than falcons.
June 21. 35. List of the Committee on the Bill against non-residents and
Thursday, pluralities of benefices ; and also on that for restraining execution
Whitehall. Q f E cc ] es i as t,i ca l Canons, not confirmed by Parliament.
June 22. .'16. Similar list for the Bill against the common abuse of assign-
Whitehall, ment of debts to his Majesty, &c.
[June 22.] 37. Exceptions to the Bill [7 Jac. h, c. 15,] against assignments of
debts to His Majesty.
June 22.
38. Ambrose Randolph to Edw. Turner. Sends a list of his
tenants ; divers of his houses have no sign, but specifies such as have.
June 23.
Vol. LV.
June 24.
June 24.
June 24.
June 25.
June 25.
June 25.
June 25.
June 26.
June 25.
June 25.
June 25.
June 25.
June 26.
June 26.
June 28.
39. Lord Harrington to Salisbury. Touching a suit Avhich he
intends to prefer to the King, for a grant of certain incroachments
on his Majesty's lands.
40. Account of receipts for collations and institutions of eccle-
siastical benefices in the province of Canterbury, since July 7, 1609.
41-44. Four lists of dispensations, granted since June 24,
1609. Latin.
45. Bill to enforce a clause in the Statute 13 Eliz., [c. 12,] that all
ministers of the Church shall subscribe the articles of religion and
Confession of Faith only.
46. Rich Lloyd to Salisbury. Begs his opinion on his enclosed
letters to His Majesty and the Parliament, &c.
47. Anonymous to the King. Deplores the late assassination of
a monarch so much resembling His Majesty in virtue, wisdom, and
valour [Henry IV. of France]. Recommends His Majesty to guard
against any similar attempts upon his own person. Has been
suspected of a leaning to popery, from being educated at Rome ; but
this horrid deed were alone enough to deter him.
Warrant for order to the searchers and officers of the ports, to
allow English subjects to transport necessary moneys into Ireland, for
their own use. [Warrt. Bk. II., p. 173.]
48. Warrant to pay to the Earl of Worcester, Master of the Horse,
338/. 7s. 3tZ., for horses purchased for the Royal family since Jan. 18,
and 400£. on account, for similar purchases.
Entry of the above. [ Warrt. Bk II., p. 160.]
49. Warrant to pay to Edw. Field and Humph. Harpur, 71 I. in
recompense for tops and lops, and dead trees, in Kings Norton, sold
from them, contrary to the tenure of their lease.
Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk II., p. 160.]
50. Warrant to pay to Wm. Ward 453Z 14s. 2^d., for fitting out a
ship to prevent Frenchmen from fishing in the Stowe, and other
places on the Eastern coast.
Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk II., p. 159.]
Commission to the Earl of Salisbury to direct all officers of customs
to receive duty on wares and manufactures as before, and to put a
new tax on raisins, and other merchandise. [Grant Book, p. 66.]
51. List of the nobility who have not paid the second payment of
the third subsidy of 3 Jac. I.
Grant, with survivorship, to George Evelyn and Wm. Pennyman,
on surrender of Rich. Wilkinson and John Clapham, of the office of
Comptroller and Clerk of the Hanaper. [Docquet.]
1610. VoL>LV '
June 28. Grant to Thos. and Agnes Crowcher of pardon for murder of an
infant. [Docquet.^
June 28. Grant to Sir Win. Anstruther of all the materials of the decayed
castle of Kirk-Oswald, co. Cumberland ; also lease of the land on
which the castle stands, the gardens, &c. [Docquet.]
June 28. Grant to John Hatton, Footman in ordinary, of the benefit of the
recusancy, of Rich. Hume, of Male, co. Lancaster. [Docquet.]
June 28. Grant to John Corbet, of the benefit of the recusancy of Sir Hen.
James, of Smarden, co. Kent, and John Shelley, of Michel-grove,
co. Sussex. [Docquet,]
June 28. Letter to the Earl of Shrewsbury, Justice in Eyre beyond Trent,
to prohibit the inhabitants and borderers of the forest of Peak, from
destroying moor fowls and heath poults. [Docquet]
June 28. Release to the inhabitants of Nottinghamshire of a fine of 1801.,
imposed on them for not building Bawtry bridge, on condition that
the fine be employed in building the said bridge. [Docquet.]
[June 29.] 52. Authorities'and arguments by Chief Justice Coke, to prove that
the King cannot set impositions upon merchandise, without consent
of Parliament.
June 30. 53. Petition of Rich. Glanville to Salisbury. Prays permission to
recover by law certain sums borrowed from him in the Earl's name,
for the King's use. With note by Salisbury that lie discredits
the statement, and leaves the petitioner to his remedy at law.
June 30. Grant to the Mayor and Sheriffs of London to order the arrest of
all ships, merchants, &c., of Hamburg and Lubeck. [Grant Book.,
p. 69.]
June. 54. Sir Hen. Wyndain to the King. Prays for a habeas corpus,
[King's Bench such as has been granted to Sir Win, Constable, that he may appear
Pnson.J 'before the King and Council, for discovery of a service important to
the State.
[June.] 55. Speech in the House of Commons, in reply to Mr. Hyde and
others, concerning the proposed petition to the King against imposi-
tions, freedom of debate therein being conceded, in answer to the
former petition.
June? 56. Project for composition for tenures, by means of an Act of
June ? 57. Note of objections against the abolition of wardships ; with
replies thereto.
June? 58. Collections [by Dudley Carleton] out of divers speeches at
Conferences of the two Houses, touching tenures, the compensation
to be offered to the King for relinquishing wardships, &c.
June ? 59. Substance of a petition for repeal of a clause in the Act
.'! (• Hen. VIII., relating to the King's power to make or change the
laws for Wales ; the grant of* repeal to be affixed to the proposed
contract for redemption of tenures from the King.
June ?
June ?
June ?
Vol. LV.
60. Project for a new law relative to tenures in chief, wardship,
lively, primer seisin, &c, &c.
61. Considerations on the best means for raising 100,000£. yearly,
to be granted by Parliament to the King, for the relinquishment of
wardships, &c.
62. Fuller's report of 20 bills which are to be proceeded in by
Parliament, out of 34 shewed to the Committee.
Vol. LVL July, 1610.
July 2. 1. Dr. John Hammond to the Earl of Salisbury. States that he
is willing to pay as much as the contractors, for Chertsey mills, and
will purchase the reversion of the lease.
July 2. 2. Petition of Sir Peter Bradshaw and others to Salisbury, con-
cerning the stay in assigning an extended lease of their farm of
Chinley, alias Mainstonfield, co. Derby, which they purchased from
the contractors. With reference and report thereon.
July 3. Warrant to pay to James Bovy, Serjeant of the Cellar, 6501. for
Westminster, providing wines in France for the King. \Warrt. Bh, II., p. 162.]
[July 3.] 3. Notes [by Dud. Carleton] of arguments in the Committee for
impositions, for and against the King's right to impose them by his
sole authority.
[July 3.] 4. Copy of the above.
July 5. 5. Earl of Shrewsbury to Salisbury. Details the dealings of
Bradshaw, in the affair of Chinley.
July 5. 6. Edwd. Reynoldes to Sir John Rawlins. Cannot endure such
Westminster, delays, and claims the repayment of his principal, half in six months,
and the other half in twelve months.
July 5. 7. Statement of receipts of first fruits since December 1609 ; with
note of payments in specialties since 1 Eliz.
July 5. 8. Thos. Trussell to Salisbury. Renews his request to lay before
his Lordship some project "which may fall out very weighty."
July 6. 9. Points of the conferences alleged by the Lower House, and
answered by the Archbp of Canterbury and Bp. of London, about the
[July 7.] 10. Petition of the House of Commons to the King for redress of
grievances, viz., multiplicity of proclamations ; authority exercised
over the Counties of Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, and Salop, by
the President and Council of Wales ; abuses of the Ecclesiastical Com-
mission • stay of writs of prohibition, habeas corpus, &c. ; impositions
\ipon merchandise and sea coal ; exact ion upon sealing drapery ; tax
upon alehouses ; and monopoly of wine licenses.
[July 7.] 11- Transcript of the above.
[July 7-j 12. List of heads of grievances comprised in the above.
1610. V0L - LVL
July? 13. Declaration by the King that the granting of wine licenses
is a branch of Royal prerogative pronounced lawful by the Council
and Judges, and confirming those already granted.
July 7. 14. Charges on his Majesty's houses in June.
July 8. 15. Sir Hen. Guildford to Salisbury. Suggestions for the Commis-
sioners who are to sit on the Earl of Dorset's claim to 512 acres in
Broyle Park. Considerations for his Majesty's service thereon.
July 8. 16. Fras. Plowden, jun. to Thos. Windebank. Regrets that his
Sbipiake. father cannot at present receive him [Mr. Windebank], being called
away on other service ; will apprize him of his return, &c. French.
July 9. 17. Names and quality of all recusants and non-communicants,
co. Northumberland.
July 9. Warrant to pay to Sir Gamaliel Capell 131, 13s. 8d. for cleansing
Westminster, the intrenchment of West Tilbury Fort, and to John Killigrew
151. 12s. Gd. for rent of the land on which Pendennis Fort, co. Corn-
wall, is erected. [Warrt. Bh. II., p. 163.]
July 9. * AVarrant to pay to Lady Carey 386?. 8s. 5d. for the apparel of the
Westminster. Duke of York. [Ibid,, p. 163.]
July 10. 18. The King's answer to the petition of grievances, presented by
the Lower House. Indorsed by Salishury. " This was the answ* to
the first part of grievances, that only towched matters by w eh the
K. made profict."
[July 10.1 19. Draft of the above, corrected [by Salisbury.]
July 10 ? 20. Note of heads of ecclesiastical and other grievances.
[July 10.] 21. Note of report [from the Committee of Grievances], specifying
such as are to be reserved, and the heads of Bills for redress of others ;
with names of the Committees appointed for recording the grievances
delivered, and for the case of impositions.
July 10. 22. T[hos]. W[indebank] to Fras. Plowden, junr. His business is
not so pressing but that he can await his return. [See July 8, Ku. 1 6.]
July 10. Warrant to pay to Sir Wm. Ryder and Sir Thos. Lake 82SZ. 7s. 8d.,
Westminster. 0 n account of an abatement in the imposition cn sugars granted to
the Queen, for the half year ending 24 June. [ Warrt. Bk. II., p. 1 64.]
July 12. 23. Petition of Thos. Jones to Salisbury, for liberty and freedom
[Fleet Prison.] from arrears of rent and forfeiture of lease of lands near the Tower,
claimed from him contrary to a decree in his favour, in the Court of
Exchequer. With reference thereon.
July 14. 24. Petition of Nick Douglas, alias Dickason, to the Same ; was
apprehended on suspicion of being Cowrie's brother ; has remained
ten months in prison ; prays to be enlarged. With reference to the
Lords of Scotland, and report by the Duke of Lenox, that his impri-
sonment has been sufficient punishment for his indiscretion and folly.
July ? 25. Earl of Dunbar to the Same. Desires a warrant for the
bearer to apprehend John 01 i pliant, a follower of the traitor Gowrie,
who is about to go over into France. Knows it will be pleasing to
the King.
July 14.
Your Lordship'
House of
July 15.
^ July 16.
Vol. LVI.
26. Paul de la Hay to Salisbury. Entreats that be may not be
s disgraced by being left out of the Commission of the Peace ; the accu-
sations against him are proved by the J udges to be false clamours.
27. Sir Hen. Winston to the Same. Solicits the wardship of the
son of the late William Try, of Hardwick, co. Gloucester, for whom
he stands surety for 2,5301. ; his neighbours knowing that lie is a
poor kinsman of his Lordship, his failing to obtain it would be a
great disgrace.
28. Notes of arguments in speeches in Parliament, relative to the
supply, tenures, &c.
Warrant to pay 20/. half-yearly to John Hawkinson, out of the
yearly pension of 600/. granted by His Majesty to Edm. Nevill, till
160/. be paid. [Warrt. Bk II., p. 164.]
• 29. Note of receipts paid and expected in the Exchequer, before
SO. Additional propositions made by the Commons to the Lords,
touching the contract for tenures.
31. Warrant of leave of absence to Sir William Waad, Lieutenant
of the Tower, for a month per year, on condition that Sir Roger
Dallison, Sir John Kay, or Edw.Forsett take his charge in his absence.
Warrant to pay to Hen. Reynolds, 231/. Qs. Sd. for fees, &c, paid to
officers at the creation of the Prince of Wales. [Warrt. Bk. II.,
p. 165.]
32. Edward Lord Zouch to Salisbury. Commends Mr. Warner,
the bearer, to be employed in place of Baron Ca?sar.
33. Justices of Peace, co. Herts, to the Same. Great incon-
veniences in fulfilling the orders of the Purveyor, for 500 loads of
building materials to be conveyed to Royston, on account of the
harvest season. Pray for adequate compensation, if the service be
34. Robt. Lane to the Same. Begs to be continued in the keeper-
ship of Geddington Woods, Rockingham Forest, from which he has
been displaced by the Montagues' influence over the Earl of Exeter.
Warrant to pay to Thos. Lunsden, 300/. for surrender of a lease in
reversion, sold to him by Alex. Levingston, of lands value 20/. per
ann. [Wt. BL II., p. 165.]
35. Memorial of the demands made by the House of Commons to
the Lords, respecting the great contract for tenures ; March 26,
June 26, and July 21.
July 21. 36. Duplicate of the above.
July 21. 37. Assent of the House of Lords to the memorial of the Com-
mons, respecting the contract for tenures.
[July 21] 38. The Lords' memorial to the King concerning the contract for
tenures, &c. Indorsed [by Salisbury], "The Lords' memorial I, added
to the memoriall of the Lower House, for His Majesty's better
July 17.
July 17.
July 1 8.
July 18.
July 1 8.
July 20.
July 20.
July 20.
July 20.
July 21.
Vol. LVI.
89. The King's answer to the memorial of grievances delivered by
the House of Commons. Imperfect.
40. Extract from the above, concerning proclamations.
41. Note of " The times of the King's coming to the Parliament
at every Session." 1 604—1 6 1 0.
Warrant to pay to John Williams and others, 4,.94H. 4s. llftZ. for
gold and silver plate, coffers, linen, cutlery, d. for repair of the same ; to Thos. Sheffield,
keeper of the orchard and garden at Greenwich, 33/. for trees and
plants ; and to Sir Thomas Edmondes 501. for rent of a house at
Paris. [Ibid., p. 270.]
Grant to Robert Walter, Serjeant of the Buckhounds, and Rich.
Brass, one of the huntsmen, of 86/. as a gift. [Ibid., p. 172.]
Warrant to pay to Robt. Jossie, Deputy Keeper of the Privy
Purse in the absence of the Earl of Dunbar, 3,000/., for certain
important services and urgent affairs. [Ibid., p. 171.1
Aug. 14.
16. Geo. Montgomery, Bishop of Meath elect, to Salisbury. States
mpton. that the bearer, And. Aydie, Professor of Philosophy in Dantzic
College, was the means of suppressing the infamous libel against the
King, which came out under the name of Bartolus Pacenius, but
is really by the Jesuit Abercromby, now living near Dantzic, whom
he offers to apprehend and send over, if encouraged so to do. [See
Aug. 29.]
Aug. 14.
17. Sir Fulk Greville to the Same. Begs his acceptance of a stag
of his own breeding and killing.
1610. VoL - LVIL
Aug. 16. 18. Fras. Smith to John Nicholas. Letter of private friendship.
The Office.
Aug. 19. 19. Archbp. of Canterbury to Salisbury. His friends in Ireland
Lambeth, beg his influence in favour of Sir Chris. Plunket, who has a suit
before the Council.
Aug. 19. 20. "Warrant from the Council of Scotland for letters patent
Grafton. constituting George Earl of Dunbar, Treasurer of Scotland,
the Comptroller and Collector of the new augmentations, sole
and " full intremettor" of his Majesty's revenues and casualties, &c,
and regulator of the entire revenues of Scotland, in order to avoid
the abuses occasioned by a multiplicity of officers.
Aug.? 23. Declaration of the duties and prerogatives of the office of
High Treasurer of Scotland, since the addition of the comptrollership
Aug. 20. 22. Ralph Lord Eure to Salisbury. Contemptuous conduct of
Ludlow Castle. John Cole, co. Salop ; he refused to obey the orders of the Court of
"Wales, and arrested the pursuivant who was sent to enforce them.
His object is to bring the causes of the four counties to trial at the
King's Bench.
Aug. 21. 23. Sir Rowland Lytton to Sir Dud. Carleton. Congratulates him
Lechworth. on his employment ; suggests his taking Mr. Chamberlain with him ;
asks his advice whether to permit Will. Lytton to join the army
for Cleves.
Aug.? 24. Sir Dud. Carleton to John Chamberlain. Has finished his task,
Puddlewharf. an d seen Secretary Herbert, Mr. Edmondes, and Mr. Comptroller ; is
now going to the water. Directions about the transmission of letters.
Auo\ 21. 25. Lord Treasurer Salisbury to Auditor Gofton. The Kiner
Kensington, intends to settle on the Prince of Wales, lands to the amount of
10,000L per ann. Requests him to calculate the Prince's revenues,
with'certain additions, and send in particulars of the amount.
Aug. 22. Proclamation for abolishing the making of starch in England
Woodstock. an( j Wales, under severe penalties, and forbidding the purchase of
starch made in England. Printed. [Proc. Bk., p. 232.]
Aug. 23. 26. Sir Fras. Bacon to Sir Julius Csesar. On Sir Robt. Stewart's
Gray's Inn. petition, has examined* the state of k the foundation of Bedford
Hospital ; finds the right of possession very uncertain. Recommends
a speedy re-settlement, for the sake of the poor of the town.
Aug. 23. 27. Sir Roger Aston to Salisbury. Requests that the bearer may
Woodstock, receive the huntsmen's money.
Aug. 26. 28. Rich. Gifford to [the Same.] Signifies his delivery from the
Calais. tyrannical Florentines, who have kept him 3 years in prison. Prays
for protection for 6 months, to come to England without molestation,
a repeal of his exile, and restoration to favour.
Aug. 29
Aug. 30.
Aug. 31.
Aug. 31.
Aug. ?
Sept. 1.
Sept. 2
Vol. LVII.
29. And. Aydie to Salisbury. The book was probably indited
by Abercromby, and written by Stroza, President of the Jesuits at
Brunsbech. Found another libel among Dr. Bruce 's papers. The ap-
prehension of the Jesuit will not be without danger. [See Aug. 14.]
30. Earl of Northampton, Warden of the Cinque Ports, to Sir
Thos. Harfieet, of Ash, Kent. Commission constituting him Scout
Master of the Cinque Ports.
31. Complaints of an officer of the Cinque Ports to the Lord
Warden, against Mr. Harfieet, Mayor of Sandwich, and other inhabi-
tants there, for opposing the government of the Lord Warden,
and refusing to assist his officers, allowing them to be abused, and
their prisoners to escape, &c.
32. Sir John Hollis to Salisbury. The House of Commons having
postponed the decision as to the mode of collecting the moneys for
the contract with the King for tenures, that they might consult the
counties thereon, he intended to have the matter fully discussed
in a meeting of the Commissioners for the Subsidy, at Southwell, but
Sir Henry Pierpoint insisted on holding the meeting at Mansfield,
where, on account of its remoteness, few persons were present.
33. Edm. Wright to Mr. Typper. States the price at which Lady
Wharton purposes to sell certain lands, and the state of her title
thereto. Incloses,
33. I. Particulars of certain manors, co. Dorset, to be sold as
Grant to Claude Kussell of 402. as a free gift from the King.
[Wt. Bk. IT., p. 171.]
34. Sums expended upon works at Richmond and St. James's,
since March 1. Two papers.
35. Sums expended upon works at sundry of His Majesty's
houses in August.
36. Remembrance of decays and wants about the King's house
at Holdenby.
37. Abstract of the rentals at Holdenby as they were heretofore
and are now let, and of the rise that may be made in the rents, when
the prices of wool rise again. •
38. Instructions [given by Sir Hen. Savile to Sir Dud. Carleton]
in reference to purchase of books, collation of MSS., relating to St.
Chrysostom, at Paris and in Italy.
39. John Corbet to Salisbury. Begs him to excuse his attend-
ance until next month, as he has been ill.
40. Sir Thos. Lake to the Same. To ascertain the value of an
escheat likely to fall to the Crown, for which Mr. Barclay lias sued
to the King.
1610. V0L - LVIL
[Sept. 2.] 41. [Jean de] Barclay to Mr. North. Has remembered the name
of the person Avhose escheat was granted to him ; it is Cicely Howse,
alias Rokete. Begs its speedy entry, as she is extremely ill. Asks
whether, as a foreigner and the King's servant, he is bound to con-
tribute to the subsidy now raising. French.
Sept. 3. 42. Ellis Roth well to Salisbury. Prays to be remembered, it
Court. being reported that Mr. [Humphrey] Flint is dead, by which means
some places will be vacant ; requests some little thing for himself.
Sept. 3. 43. Examinations of Roger Woodall, Mark Charlton, and Rich.
Bankes, of Waterbeach, co. Cambridge, concerning misdemeanours
of John Yaxley, steward of the manor.
Sept. 4. Warrant dormant for letters to Sir Wm. Ryder, Sir John Trevor,
and others, Farmers of the imposition on sea-coals, to cease to levy
12d. per chaldron, on coals transported from Sunderland and Blyth,
and to repay sums received on this account since the close of the
late Parliament, such sums to be allowed in defalcation of their
accounts. [IFarrtf. Bk, II., p. 174.]
Sept. Docquet of the above. [Docquet, Sept. 9.]
Sept. 4. 44. Sir Thos. Lake to Edw. Anthony. Private business. Re-
London, quests repayment of certain advances made for him.
Sept. 5. Commission to the Earl of Salisbury to issue a book of rates, for
new regulation of customs. [Grant Book, p. 67.]
Sept. 6. 45. License by Sir Geo. Buck [Master of the Revels] for Thomas
Morris, Wm. Grove, and Martin Hill, to " shew a strange lion,
brought to do strange things, as turning an ox to be roasted, &c."
Sept. 8. 46. Sir Ralph Winwood to Salisbury. Advises that Baldwin be
sent straight to the Tower. Met him at Dusseldorf ; he acknow-
ledged himself a British subject, and was delivered to Sir John
Burlacy and Capt. Dewhurst, who promised to treat him well if he
did not attempt to escape. The King should thank the Elector
Palatine and Prince of Anhalt, for their share in his capture.
Sept. 8 Warrant to pay to Thomas Morgan 100?. 15s., for repair of the
fences of Oatlands Park" Surrey. [lfarr£. Bk, II., p. 172.]
Sept. 9. Docquet of the above.
Sept. 9. Confirmation to Wm. Taunton and his heirs, of the advowson
and right of patronage in the rectory and church of Ridmarley, co.
Worcester, parcel of the possessions of the Bishopric of London.
Sept. 9. Grant of new foundation to the Hospital of St. Mary Magdalen,
Colchester ; with confirmation of former liberties. \ Docquet. ]
1610. VoL - LVIL
Sept. 10. 47. Sir Ric. Verney and Wm. Barnes to the Earl of Salisbury.
Warwick. Answer to his letter concerning reports of their proceedings [in the
affairs of Sir Rob. Dudley s lands], which they assert to be ill
founded. Inclose,
47. i. Note of demands said to he made on behalf of Lord Lisle,
by Sir Rich. Verney, and Wm. Barnes, lessees of Sir
Robert Dudley's lands at Killingworth; with instruc-
tions in opposition to the granting tltereof [by the Lord
47. II. Ansiver of Sir R. Verney and Mr. Bournes to the several
parts of the note above mentioned.
Sept. 10 ? 48. Note of the increase of rents proposed for divers places at
Sept. 10. 49. Simon Basil to Salisbury. Sends the charge of wages for the
month of August. Has appointed the tasks for the workmen at
Salisbury's house, &c.
Sept. ? 50. Specifications of a plan by Mr. Osborne, for making a portico
at the south end of the Earl of Salisbury's garden in the Strand.
Scale of proportions for architectural mouldings annexed.
Sept. 10. 51. Mayor and Jurates of Dover to Stephen Brett, Jurate of New
Dover. Romney, and bailiff elect for the East ports at Great Yarmouth.
Send him the names of the questman elected for Dover, and of the
masters of fishing boats who intend to fish on that coast this year ;
with the names appended.
Sept. 10. 52. Sir Herb. Croft to Salisbury. His cousin, Edw. Blount, with
Croft. a servant, killed one of the King's gamekeepers in a fray. Desires
favour for Blount, as being formerly a servant of his Lordship.
Sept. 11. 53. Henry Lord Grey to the Same. Sends the answer of Sir
Broadgate. Wulstan Dixe, to whom he committed the hearing of widow Cater 's
Sept. 11. 54. [Earl of Salisbury] to Sir Hen. Fanshaw. To draw a coin-
mission for examination of the misdemeanors of John Yaxley,
steward of Waterbeach, and of Rob. Spicer, deputy-steward.
Sept.? 55. Petition of Sir Rich. Martin to the King, that his accounts in
his former office of wardenship of the Mint may be passed ; being an
old man, he wishes to be even with the world before his death.
Sept. 11. Warrant to repay to Sir Rich. Martin, late Warden of the Mint,
Hampton Court. 41 0Z., due to him from the late Queen. [Warrt. BL, If., p. 175.]
Sept. 13. 56. Earl of Shrewsbury to Salisbury. Will be glad to hear that
Broad Street, his Tuesday's exercise only brought an aching of his heels, &c. His
Thursday. w ^ e ] mf , attended the Queen at Nonsuch. Begs for news, that he
may send it to the Archbp. of York.
Sept, 14.
Sept. 14.
Sept. 15.
Sept. 19.
Sept. 19.
Sept. 20.
Sept. 21.
Sept. 21.
Sept. 21.
Sept. 21.
Sept. 21.
Sept. 21.
Vol. LVII.
57. Names of the High Sessors for London, for the subsidy of
7 Jac. I.
58. Lease from the Goldsmith's Company to William Ward, of
London, of a tenement in Cheapside. With note of assignment to
Wm. Banks, Dec. 5, 1632, and re-delivery at the hall, July 10,
1645. .
59. Grant from Sir Thos. Savage to Wm. Noy, of Lincoln's Inn,
of an annuity of 5t, issuing out of his manor of Melford, co. Suffolk,
as a retaining fee.
60. George Earl of Dunbar to Sir Rob. Carr. Thanks for his
friendly offices with the King in a certain suit. Hopes to see him
Warrant for Chas. Anthony, Engraver of the Mint, to make seals
for the service of the Prince, in his Courts of Revenue, Stannary
Courts of Devon and Cornwall, Court of Trematon, and office of
Sheriff of Cornwall ; also, to make hammers of iron for the coinage
of tin in those parts. [Warrt. Bh, II., p. 174.]
Docquet of the above. [Docquet, Sept. 21.]
61. Extract from the will of Wm. Pymme of Wollavington, co.
Somerset, concerning the alleged misconduct of his wife. Indorsed
" libellous scandal."
Grant to Sir John Kennedy of protection for six months, by order
of the Council. [Docquet.]
Grant to Geo. Salter and John Williams, in fee-simple, of divers
manors, lands, and tenements, value 173/. per ann. at nomination of
Wm. Garway and other contractors. [Docquet.]
Grant to Wal. Bessey of a Gunner's place in the Tower. [Docquet]
Grant of the accustomed reward of 5s. per ton, for building six
ships, of the aggregate burthen of 1,318 tons. [Docquet]
Grant to Alban Coxe and J ohn his son, of the keepership of the
of the King's game about Barnet, Hadley, South Mims, and Tat-
teridge, cos. Hertford and Middlesex, for life. [Docquet]
Grant to Thos. Corbin and Wm. Peasley, of annuities of 251. each,
on surrender of a pension of 501. by Elizabeth Fortescue, late Mother
of the Maids. [Docquet]
Sept. 21. Grant to John Mason of an alms-room in Carlisle. [Docquet]
Sept. 22. 62. Sir John Hollis to Salisbury. Proceedings relative to trying
Houghton, the disposition of the people of Nottinghamshire, as to the money
to be raised for the contract with the King for redemption of
tenures ; they rejoice at the prospect of freedom from purvey-
ances and tenures.
Sept. 22.
Sept. 22.
Sept. 23.
Sept. 21.
I Ionor of
Hampton Court,
Sept. 25.
Sept. 25.
Sept. ?
Sept. 25.
Sept. 25.
Sept. 25.
Sept 25.
Sept. 27.
Sept. 28
Sept. 28.
Vol. LVII.
63. Sir Thos. Bartlett to Salisbury. Entreats protection, and
relief. Is ready to tender " a project or two, of good value and con-
64. Capt. Wm. Turner to the Same. Overtures made to him by
the Pope's nuncio to decoy some Englishman of note, — young Lord
Koos or Lord Cranborne, — into the Pope's dominions, where he
might be seized and detained, in hope of procuring the release of
Baldwin, the Jesuit, in exchange. Proffers of service ; begs his
intercession to obtain the King's pardon.
65. Ann Ferrers to Mr. . Has been very ill, and there-
fore begs to be excused her half-year's rent.
Proclamation signifying His Majesty's pleasure for the revocation
of certain former proclamations, and for a review of the statute laws.
Printed. [Proc. Coll., JS r o. 15.]
66. Thos. Hooper to Salisbury. Particulars of planting the park,
and erecting- the mansion at Cranborne. Thanks for his own
appointment, as keeper of the chace.
67. Sir Thos. Bartlett to the Same. Repents his past errors and
entreats the loan of 1001. Incloses a project for reducing to due
courses His Majesty's revenue, of which he is at present defrauded.
68. Same to the Same, Renews his request for consideration of
his project, which will prevent his own ruin and that of many
Restraint to Sir Rich. Tichborne, Ranger of the Forest of "West
Beare, co, Southampton, from serving any warrants for deer for three
years, on account of the small number of deer there remaining, with
order to charge the borderers not to disturb the game. [Docquet]
Grant to Clement Edmondes, Clerk of the Privy Council, of the
benefit of the recusancy of Sir Edw. Mansfield, co. Bucks ; Augustine
Belson, co. Oxford ; Charles Townley and Dorothy Brookesby, co.
Lincoln. [Docquet]
Grant to Thos. Dale of the benefit of the recusancy of John Winter,
and Russell, widow, co. Worcester. [Docquet]
Grant to David Drummond of the benefit of the recusancy of Dame
Mary Grisly, co. Derby. [Docquet,]
69. Certificate of the revenue arising from the Mises in Wales ;
with notes [by Sir Julius Csesar] in reference to payment of subsidies
there, on expiration of the Mise.
70. John Griffith to Edw. Anthony. To prepare a new Privy
Seal for John Murray, of lands escheated by the fugacy of Sir Rob.
Dudley, — the former Privy Seal being mislaid.
71. Sir Thos. Bartlett to Salisbury. Is driven to despair ; craves
money or employment, not having 5s. in the world, and the prospect
of a dungeon for his abode, &c.
Sept. 28.
Dover Castle.
Sept. 28.
Sept. 29.
Sept. ?
Sept. ?
Sept. ?
Sept. ?
Sept. ?
Sept. ?
Sept. ?
Sept. 29.
Sept. 29.
Sept. 29.
Vol. LVII.
72. Sir Edward Herbert to Salisbury. On landing at Dover,
heard that Sir Thos. Waller had orders to stay him, and therefore
repaired voluntarily to him. Means to forget past differences, but
if accused of any wrong, desires to clear himself.
73. Articles agreed on betwixt the Lord Lieutenant and Lord
Wm. Cranston, respecting the apprehension and punishment of
Borderers, &c.
74. Auditor Nath. Fulwer to Salisbury. Remonstrates against
the monopoly by Mr. Connock, Auditor to the Duchy of Cornwall,
of the auditorship of all other lands assigned to the Prince.
75. Memorandum of the charge of diet, for officers of the Prince's
76. Notes [by Salisbury] concerning the establishment of the
Prince's Household.
77. List drawn out for the Prince, of the names and tenures of
manors, &c, in the Duchy of Cornwall.
7S. Statement of the revenue of the Principality of Wales, Duchy
of Cornwall, and Earldom of Chester, in the time of Edward the
Black Prince.
79. Memorandum relative to Sheriffs appointed by the Dukes of
Cornwall for that county.
80. Particular account of such lands and revenues of the King,
co. Cornwall, as are no part of the Duchy of Cornwall ; also of
such lands of His Majesty, co. Chester, as are no part of the Earldom
of Chester.
81. Names of the counties where the Prince's lands lie.
Grant to the Prince of Wales of the ancient possessions of the
Principality of Wales, amounting to 1,1 061. 12s. l\d. per annum,
and other manors and lands in Wales annexed to the same,
amounting to 2,943Z. 10s. 9^d., with arrears since Lady-day;
reserving to the King a certain yearly rent for the manor of
Tal-y-garn and Carew Castle, after the death of Dorothy Countess
of Northumberland, together with all rights and jurisdictions
annexed by Act of Parliament to the Crown. [Docquet]
Similar grant to the Same of the honor of Eye, co. Suffolk, and
divers manors and lands annexed to the Duchy of Cornwall,
amounting to 2,706£. 3s. per annum. [Docquet]
Grant to the Same of the County Palatine of Chester and
Flint, with the possessions thereto anciently belonging, amounting
to 280i. 9s. \0d. per ann. ; reserving to the King the appointment of
the Chief Justice of Chester, and other rights and jurisdictions
annexed by Act of Parliament to the Crown. [Docquet]
Vol. LVII.
Sept. 29. Grant to Anth. Washborne, in reversion after Rich. Delabere, of
the office of Attorney General of cos. Carmarthen, Pembroke, Radnor,
and Brecknock. [Docqnet]
Sept. 29. Grant to Thos. Cole, the King's Chaplain, of dispensation to hold
the rectory of Stokesby, diocese York, and to reside elsewhere, on
account of his age and infirmities. [Docquet]
Sept. 29. Grant to Wm. Fawne of an alms-room in Christ Church, Oxford.
Sept. 29. 82. Bill of disbursements about Lord Salisbury's house at Hatfield,
since September 22, 1609, [by Thos. Wilson.]
Sept. 29. 83. Account of Sir Roger Aston, Master of the Great Wardrobe,
for the past year.
Sept. 29. 8k Estimate of a year's account, in the office of the Great Ward-
Sept. 29 ? 85. Estimate of a year's charges for the Prince and Duke of York,
in the Great Wardrobe.
Sept. 29. 86. Account of Lord Stanhope, Treasurer of the Chamber, for the
past year.
Sept. 29. 87. Accounts of Sir David Murray for Prince Henry's Privy
Purse expenses, since Michaelmas 1609. [The details of this account
are very curious. It is signed in several places by the Prince.']
Sept. 30. 88. Earl of Rutland to Salisbury. The weakness in his legs
Belvoir. still continues. Prays him to further his suit to the King, to be
excused attendance in Parliament.
Sept. ? 89. Memorial by Lewis Harris, Messenger of the Chamber, praying
allowance for riding express from Hatfield to the Earl of
Northampton's, at Greenwich, with letters for the King's service,
and returning.
Sept. ? 90. Notes [addressed to the Earl of Shrewsbury] on Bradshaw's
dealings concerning the herbage of Chinley. [See July 5.]
Oct. 2. 91. Earl of Hertford to Salisbury. Glad to hear of the health of
Amesbury. His Majesty, " now the only Christian pillar of a monarch uphold-
Tues ay. fe^fa » Lady Hertford purposes to hunt in his Lordship's
new warren, in his castle of Old Sarum.
Oct. 5. 92. Sir Edwin Rich to the King. A Jesuit, Philip Beamond,
Naples. alias Oswald Tesmond, has arrived there, and is plotting to send the
King an embroidered satin doublet and hose, which are poisoned,
and will be death to the wearer.
Oct. 5. 93. Same to Salisbury. On the same subject. Wishes his corn-
Naples, munication to be kept secret, that he may have further opportunities
of serving the King.
1610. Vol. LVII.
Oct. 5. 94. Sir Wm. Waad and Sir Roger Dallison to Salisbury. Have
Tower. failed to make an agreement between Merry and Timberley, pur-
chasers of Sir Roger Aston's lease of the Bulwark in the Tower.
Subjoin a list of the demands of the lessees, and offers or objections
of the tenants.
Oct. 8. Warrant to pay to Sir John Burlacy and Capt. Barnaby Dewhurst,
Hampton Court. 120/. for conveying Baldwin, the Jesuit, from Dusseldorf, in Cleve-
land, to London. [Warrt. Bk, II., p. 176.]
Oct. 8. Commission to the Archbp. of Canterbury and the Lord Chan-
cellor to examine into injuries and exactions of the officers of
different courts, and to institute fitting ordinances. [Grant Book,
p. 68.]
Oct. 9. 95. Charges of sundry of His Majesty's houses in September.
Oct. 10. 96. Ralph Lord Eure to Salisbury. A last assault is being made
Ludlow Castle, by the malcontents in Hertfordshire, against the jurisdiction of the
Court of Wales. The Grand Jury have got up a petition to the Jus-
tices, under direction of certain Knights, leaders of the opposition,
who themselves keep aloof.
Oct. 12.
Oct. 12.
Oct. 12.
Oct. 13.
Oct. 14.
Oct. 14.
97. Articles of agreement between the Commissioners for Sale of
Lands, and John Eldred, Arthur Ingram, Martin Freeman, and Wm.
Whitmore, Contractors for the Customs, that, in lieu of a claim now
relinquished on the customs, granted in payment of certain moneys
owed them by the King, lands be assigned to them in fee-simple,
value 50,000?,
98. Note of divers manors delivered to the Farmers of the Cus-
toms, as part of their grant.
99. Bill of payments of the bailiffs of Yarmouth, for articles of
provision. Oct. 3 and 12.
Warrant for payment of expenses to Thomas Pott, for conveying
certain greyhounds and water spaniels to the Duke of Lorraine.
[Warrt. Bk., II., p. 176.]
100. D. Home, Minister at Duras, to the King. Detailed account
of a manuscript at a printer's at Bourdeaux, entitled " De Unione,
Tractatus Secundus," written by a Scotchman, concerning the Union
of England and Scotland ; he (Home) thinks it so unfair as to be
prejudicial to the interests of the Union. French.
101. Wm. Lord Sandys to Salisbury. Is ill, and his eyes bad.
Sends his proxy for parliament.
102. Sir Thos. Shirley, jun., to the Same. Begs compassion, as
an execution for 2,000/, is issued against him from the Exchequer,
for his debt to Rob. Bromley, outlaw. Incloses,
102. i. Copy of the Exchequer writ above named. June 27.
Oct. 15.
Oct. 1 5.
Oct. 15.
Oct, 1 6.
Oct. 17.
Oct,. 17.
Oct, IS.
Oct. 1 8.
Oct. 20.
Oct. 20.
Oct. 21.
Vol. LVII.
103. Edmund Lord Sheffield to Salisbury. Glad to hear of the
King's recovery. Begs to be excused being present at the beginning
of Parliament. Is afflicted with sickness, and not merely making
excuse of it.
104. D. Home, Minister of the Reformed Church at Duras, to
the Same. Has stayed the printing in those parts of a Latin
book concerning the Union, of a dangerous nature. Requests direc-
tions thereon. Sends a newly published book, the reply of the
Jesuits to the accusation of their bein&- authors of the Kin": of
France's death. He is living with a protestant nobleman, whose
house has been much persecuted for protection of the English, and
who has become Earl of Montgomeri.
Grant to John Spottiswood of the Archbishopric of Glasgow.
[Grant Booh, p. 76.]
105. Dates and duration of the several sessions of Parliament,
from Henry III. to 8 James I.
106. Petition of Thos. Shalcroste to Salisbury, for grant of a
lease of premises belonging to Lord Seymour and escheated to the
Crown 60 years before, for lack of right heirs. With reference
107. Petition of Wm. and Geo. Thompson to the Same, for grant
of a lease of premises formerty belonging to John Clarke, of Waltham-
stow, deceased. With reference and report by Sir Fras. Bacon, and
order thereon, granting the lease.
108. Sir Thos. Lake to the Same. Returns Sir Ralph Winvvood's
letters and other papers, signed. The King pities the Count of
Emden and wishes the States to assist him. He defers declaring
for the Princes of the German Union, till the administration of the
Palatinate be settled between the Dukes of Neuburgh and Deux-
ponts. Incloses a German letter from the former, for translation.
Wan-ant for payment of expenses to Sir James Murray, sent to
the Marquis of Brandenburg, with a present of horses from the King.
[Warrt. Bk, II, p. 177.]
1 09. Estimate of decays and needful reparations of several of His
Majesty's parks at Ampthill.
W arrant to pay to John de Clerc, merchant stranger of London,
21 01. for moneys disbursed by Sir Thos. Edmondes, Ambassador in
France. [ Warrt. Bk, II., p. 1 77.]
110. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury. Reception of the Ambassador
of Denmark, whose chief errand is about the Princes of the Union.
Reply to be postponed till the King's return to town. The
United Provinces disposed to treat with Sweden. Order to be taken
for entertaining the Prince of Anhalt, &c, &c.
Oct. 22.
Oct. 24.
Oct. 25.
Oct. 25.
Oct 27.
Oct. 28.
Oct. 28.
Oct. 29.
Oct. 30.
Oct. 30.
Oct. 30.
Brand peth
Vol. LVII.
111. Sir Thos. Lake to Salisbury The Ambassador of Denmark
proposes the removal of the Merchant Adventurers from Stradt to
Critnpe. The Merchants to be consulted thereon. The King will
be in London on Tuesday week, or earlier if needful.
112. Same to the Same. The King is convinced that the slanderous
French book against him is written by Pierre Mathieu, who is now
in Lyons, and recommends measures to be suggested to the Fi*ench
Government, for his apprehension before he can take refuge in the
Pope's dominions, &c. &c.
113. Sir Thos. Cornwall to the Same. Prays to be left out of the
roll of the Sheriffs for Herefordshire, on account of his necessary
attendance on the Prince [of Wales], and his having no present resi-
dence in the county.
Warrant to pay to Sir Roger Dallison, 6001. for charges of fire-
works used at the creation of the Prince of Wales. [Wavrt. BL, II.,
p. 178.]
114. Thomas Lord Arundel to Salisbury. Desires the fulfilment
of a decision in Parliament, that he should have 20 marks per ann.
in chantry lands, in lieu of land in controversy between himself and
the two Companies [of Salters and Brewers], which land was allotted
to them. [See Jonrn. Com., Vol. i., p. 404.]
115. Last will of Rich. Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury.
116. Examination of Frances, wife of John Gurley, of Bramham,
co. York, relative to speeches spoken by her master, the Vicar of
Bramham, against the King.
Grant to John Sotherton of the office of one of the Barons of the
Exchequer, during pleasure. [Grant Book, p. 76.]
Warrant to pay 1,500?. per month to the Prince of Wales, for
support of his Household, &c. [Wavrt. BL, II., p. 178.]
License to John Speed to print genealogies of the Holy Scriptures,
together with the maps of Canaan, for ten years. [Grant Bool; j). 76.]
117. Hen. Sanderson to Salisbury. The complaints brought
against him by Thos. Lewin are false and groundless. Begs they may
not be referred to the Bishop of Durham, who patronises his oppo-
nent, but to the Duke of York's Commissioners.
118. Lady Arabella Seymour to the Queen. Sends a copy of her
petition to the King, whereby her present hard fortune will be
perceived, and entreats Her Majesty's mediation.
1 1 9. Petition of Maurice Peeter to Salisbury for his freedom ; has
spent his patrimony in prosecuting two suits to His Majesty and
the Queen, for reformation of the deceits in manufacturing fustians
and dyeing silks.
Nov. 2
Nov. 2.
Nov. 2.
Nov. 2.
Nov. 3.
Nov. 3.
Nov. ?
Nov. 6.
Nov. 6.
Nov. 6.
Nov. 7.
Vol. LVIII. November, December, 1610.
1. John Osborne to Salisbury. Transmits records required, relative
to certain matters.
Grant to Rob. Brooke, goldsmith, of London, of protection from
• arrest, for one year. [Sign Man., Vol. i., No. 7.]
Grant to Rich. Lazomby, for service to be done at Theobald's Park,
of part of the fee enjoyed by Humphrey Flint, deceased, as keeper of
Theobalds and Cheshunt Parks. [Ibid., No. 8.]
Grant to And. Bussey of the residue of the fee of Humph. Flint,
• deceased, with the keepership of Cheshunt Park. [Ibid., No. 9.]
2. Mary Lady Lovell to [Salisbury.] Understands that Father
Baldwin is in England, and likely to be condemned for treason.
Strong confidence in Flanders of his innocency. Has heard him
swear by his priesthood that he knew nothing of the Powder Treason.
Fears his execution would cause reflections on his Lordship.
Grant to Hildebrand Prosen of the office of Merchant in the
East for furnishing the King's ships, for life. [Grant Book, p. 75.]
3. Appeal and protest of Thos. Curtis and Wm. Laxton, church-
wardens of Harringworth, diocese Peterborough, made through John
Lambe, Notary of the Arches' Court, against the false charges brought
against them by Christ. Middleton. Latin. Annexed is,
3. I. Power of attorney from Curtis and Laxton to Lambe and
others. October. Latin.
4. Petition of Thos. Baldwin and others his Majesty's tenants of
the manor of Braisle, co. Warwick, to Salisbury, to assign them a day
to attend him, they having come up by his order, to compound
for their estates.
5. Petition of the farmers of Hendre, Rosair, Trebill, and other
townships, co. Anglesea, to Salisbury, against Wm. Owen, who was
commissioned by them to obtain confirmation of their leases, on the
proclamation for defective titles ; instead of doing which, he had the
leases drawn out for himself. With reference and report thereon.
6. Rich, Parry, Bishop of St. Asaph, to Salisbury. Failure of his
attempt to settle the difference between the King's tenants of Llys-
faen, co. Caernarvon, and Sir John Gwyn, who urges that the offer
which the tenants make, by way of fine for their tenures, will
not pay the charges of his patent of purchase thereof.
Grant to Hen. Whitaker, of Euncot, of pardon for homicide of
John Wrennowe, of Chorley, both co. Lancaster. Latin. [Sign
Man., Vol. i, No. 10.]
7. to the Earl of Salisbury. Proposes that the King should
exact a tithe of the value of 100,000 horse loads of turf, annually
carried from Dartmoor Forpst, co. Devon. Requests the patent and
certain profits thereof for himself and Sir. Wm. Monson ; is an old
servant of the late Queen, and has never received the reward she
meant for him.
Nov. 7. 8. Ralph Lord Eure to the Earl of Salisbury. Rich. Atkins, Chief
Ludlow Castle. Justice of Assize for cos. Pembroke, Cardigan, and Carmarthen, is dead.
Requests the appointment of a person who will maintain the dignity
of the Council of Wales. The Bishop of Hereford dangerously ill.
Nov. 8. 9. Rob. Liminge to Thos. Wilson. Progress of the works at
Hatfield. Hatfield.
Nov. 8. Grant to Rob. Newell of the treasurership of Chichester Cathedral.
Westminster. Latin. [Sign Man., Vol. i., No. 11.]
Nov. 8. Grant, with survivorship, to Sir Thos. and Wm. Russell, of the
office of Masters of the Game in Malvern Chace, co. Worcester.
Latin. [Ibid., N~o. 12.]
Nov. 8. Presentation of Wm. Webb to the rectory of Thurmaston, co. Lei-
cester, vacant by promotion of Dr. Brute Babington to the Bishopric
of Deny. Latin. [Ibid., No. 13.]
Nov. 8. Warrant to pay 1,800£. to Lord Stanhope, Treasurer of the Cham-
Westminster. l)Q Y} f or surplus expenses of that office. [Ibid., No. 14).]
Nov. 8. Entry of the above, f Warrt. Bk, II, p. 178.]
Nov. 9. 10. Answer of the Commons to the King's message touching the
contract for tenures, declining to proceed therein according to some
points in his last declaration.
Nov. 9. 11. Indulgences granted by Paul V., at the instance of Cardinal
Borromeo, Archbp. of Milan, on occasion of the canonization of
Santo Carlo Borromeo. French.
Nov. 9. Presentation of Jeremiah Holte to the rectory of Horton, diocese
Westminster. Lincoln. Latin. [Sign Man., Vol. i., No. 15.]
Nov. 9. Warrant to advance to Henry Prince of Wales his half yearly
Westminster, rents, due at Michaelmas last, from the lands assigned to him for
supporting his dignity, but not yet received into the Exchequer.
[Ibid., No. 16.]
Nov. 10. Entry of the above. [Warrt. BL, II, p. 179.]
[Nov.] 12. Bill against transportation of iron ordnance, gun metal, iron
ore, iron mine, and iron shot.
Nov. 1 0. 1 3. Note of the Committee who are to meet at Whitehall, to con-
sider of the above Bill.
Nov. 10. 1L Note of assignations of certain Crown debts. Imperfect.
Nov. 10. Commission to the Bishop of London and others, to inquire
Westminster, concerning dilapidations in the Bishopric of Durham, during the
time that the See was held by Tobias Matthew, the present Arch-
bishop of York. Latin. [Sign Man., Vol. i., No. 17.]
Nov 11. Grant to Ric. Kilby of the Hebrew professorship in Oxford, void
Westminster, by death of John Harding. Latin. [Ibid., No. 18.]
S 8
Nov. 11.
Nov. 12.
Nov. 12.
Nov. 12.
Nov. 12.
Nov. 12.
Nov. 12.
Nov. 14.
Nov. ?
Nov. ?
Nov. 14.
Nov. 14.
Nov. 14,
Nov. 1 4.
15. Hen. Williams to Salisbury. Begs that he will himself hear
a case decided by him tea years before, in the Court of Wards,
between Wm. Williams, his late father, and his grandchild, Dorothy
Williams, the same being again brought in question.
16. Charges of works, &c, on sundry of His Majesty's houses in
Grant of the accustomed bounty of 5s. per ton, on six new ships,
built by John Lowe and five others. [Sign Man., Vol, i., No. 19.]
Grant to Rob. Treswell, on surrender of Thos. Morgan, of the office
of Surveyor of the Woods South of Trent. Latin. [Ibid., No. 20.]
Docquet of the above. [Docquet, Sept. 29.]
Warrant to pay to John Norden, 36?. for services, and 49L 6s. 8d.
for repairs done in several forests. [Sign Man., Vol. i., No. 21.]
Entry of the above. [Warrt. Bk. II., p. 179.]
The King to the Treasurer, . Digest of regulations concerning copyholders, in reference to
the ascertaining and exaction of their fiues. Indorsed " The effect
of the printed bookes concerning the coppiholders."
1610. :VOL.LVm.
Dec. 13. Grant to Hen. Maynard of the office of Clerk of the Parliament,
for life. [Grant Book, p>. 74.]
Dec. 14? 76. Dr. Matthew Lister to Sir Dud. Carleton. His Lordship
Friday. [Visct. Cranborne's] sickness lingers on week after week, and the
1 adua. event is still doubtful. Has written to the Lord Treasurer truly
but hopefully about it.
Dec. 14. 77. Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar to the Earl of Nor-
WHtehalL thumberland. Send a note of his debts to the King, and desire
speedy payment. [See Dec. 22.]
Dec. ? 78. Valuation of the manor of Haselbury-Bryan, [co. Dorset,]
belonging to the Earl of Northumberland.
Dee. 15. Grant to Sir Thos. Mead of the office of Marshal of the Marshalsea,
King's Bench, for 21 years. [Grant Book., p. 74.]
Dec. 15. Warrant to pay to the Earl of Dunbar 400?., to be disbursed for
His Majesty's urgent occasions. [Warrt. Bk. II., p. 183].
Dec. 15. Warrant to pay to Walter Gawen 300?., for releasing an annuity
of 30?. per ann., charged on the estate of Sir Walter Raleigh before
his attainder. [Ibid., p. 1 89.]
Dec. 16. 79. Examination of Francis Magner, sailor, of Ratcliffe, near
London. His meeting with Father Patrick, who tried to persuade
him to join some troops to be sent by the King of Spain to persuade
the Irish to rebel. Plots to seize Dublin castle, and to send the Irish
regiment from Flanders to Ireland. Met the Earl of Tyrone and Sir
Win. Stanley at the Spanish court.
Dec. 17. Warrant to pay to Sir Geo. Buck, Master of the Revels, 100/.
towards the charges of the revels for the ensuing year. [ Warrt. Bk.
II., p. 185.]
Dec. 17. Warrant to pay to Francis Speering, 254?. for two pieces of hang-
ings, skilfully wrought. [ Warrt. Bk. II., p. 183.]
Dec. 17. Warrant to pay necessary sums to Miles Whytakers, keeper of the
house and park at Theobalds, and to And. Bussey, keeper of
Cheshunt Park, co. Middlesex, for repairing and keeping up the
same. [Ibid., p. 182.]
Dec. ? 80. Petition of Miles Whytakers to Salisbury, for a lease of certain
lands in Kirkby Moorside, formerly granted to Henry Earl of West-
moreland, escheated to the Crown by attainder of his son Charles,
afterwards granted to Ralph Bowes, deceased, and now estated to the
Duke of York. Annexed is,
80. I. Certificate by Aaron Rathborne of the quantity and value
of the said lands in Kirkby Moorside.
1610. Vol. LVIII.
Dec. IS? 81. Dr. Matthew Lister to Sir Dud. Carleton. Visct. Cranborne
Tuesday. improves, but too slowly for his desire of returning immediately to
England. Asks Carleton to write, as if instructed by the Earl of
Salisbury, and advise Cranborne to visit Florence and other places,
and not to leave bis travels unfinished.
Dec. 20. License to Dorothy Wadham to found a College at Oxford, and
grant of divers privileges for the same. [Grant Book, p. 74.]
[Dec. 21.] 82. Warrant to pay to Sir David Fowlies, Cofferer to the Prince,
200?. per month, and surpluses, for defraying the Household expenses
of Charles Duke of York.
Dec. 21. Entry of the above. [Want. BL II., p. 186.]
Dec. 21 ? 83. Dr. Matthew Lister to Sir Dud. Carleton. Recovery [of
Friday. Visct. Cranborne] tedious. He has a slow fever, and is not im-
proving so well as could be wished. There is no crossing his desire
to return to England, therefore sends back Carleton's letter. The
Lord Treasurer has been informed of his danger.
Dec. 22. 84. Hen. Earl of Northumberland to Salisbury. Concerning the
two debts claimed as due to the King, for arrears of rent from Tyne-
mouth and Newham. Explains the particulars of his tenure, &c.
[See Bee. 14.]
[Dec] 85. Inquiries to be made on behalf of the Earl of Northumber-
land, respecting the arrears charged against him for Tynemouth and
the manor of Newham.
Dec. 22. Warrant to pay 5001. per annum, for three years, to Sir Wm. Ryder
and Sir Thos. Lake, for their loss by alteration of the impost
on sugars, demised to them by the Queen. [Warrt. BL, II.,
p. 185.]
Dec. 22. Warrant to pay 350?. 13s. 4c?. to Auditor Pourde and Ralph
Tooke for purchase of lands to enlarge Cheshunt Park, and 53/. 0s. 8d.
for fencing the same. [Ibid., p. 184.]
Dec. 22. Warrant to pay to Geo. Wood, lately employed at sea, 182?. 10s.,
his pension for a year. [Ibid., p. 185.]
[Dec. 24.] 86. Petition of Edw. Thornburgh, of Shaddesden, Hants, to the
King, for a grant in fee simple of the decayed forest of Chute,
cos. Hants and Wilts, leased to him and his father, Edw. Thorn-
burgh, of Hamfell, co. Lancaster, by the late Queen, at so high a
rent that it has been the overthrow of an ancient house.
Dec. 24. 87. Edward Thornburgh to Salisbury. For his favour in reference
London. to the above petition to His Majesty, &c.
Dee. 24.
Dec. 24.
Dec. 24.
Dec. 24.
Dec. 26.
88. Account of Wm. Garway, Fras. Jones, and Nich. Salter,
Farmers of Customs, for the past year.
89. Account of reparations at Berwick since Dec. 25, 1609.
Signed by Sir Wm. Bowyer, Deputy to the Earl of Dunbar,
Warrant to pay to the Earl of Essex 3,000?., in lieu of claims
made by his late father, notwithstanding his father's attainder.
[Warrt. Bk. II, p. 187.]
Warrant to pay to John Wolfgang Rumler, Apothecary,
879?. 13s. 6d. for physical and odoriferous parcels, provided for
the Queen, Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and Princess Sophia,
deceased. [Ibid., p. 186.]
Warrant to pay to Lady Ellen M'Carty 40?., for relief of her great
necessity and present want. [Ibid., p. 187.]
Dec. 27. 90. Warrant to the Privy Council to grant special licenses to
Westminster, recusants to repair to London, &c.
Dec. 27. Warrant to pay certain sums to the Earl of Worcester, Master of
the Horse, for horses and geldings. [Warrt. Bk. 11., p. 187.]
Dec. 28. 91. Wm. Typper to Salisbury. Particulars of the claim made
upon the Earl of Northumberland, for the manor of Newham.
Dec. 28. 92. Account of John Lord Stanhope, Treasurer of the Chamber,
for the year ending Michaelmas 1610 ; with list of bills yet unpaid,
and note by Sir Julius Caesar, dated 7th Feb. 1610-11, ordering
their payment.
Dec. 28? 93. Dr. Matthew Lister to Sir Dud. Carleton. Has not yet ventured
Friday. to give the Lord Treasurer's letters to Lord [Cranborne], lest any
agitation produce a relapse. His Lordship is bettei', and still
intending to return to England.
94. [Sir Dud. Carleton] to Salisbury. Has stolen away to visit
Visct. Cranborne at Padua, and found him better, but extremely
anxious to return home. The Grand Duke of Florence has offered to
facilitate his journey by Bologna, but the offer was declined because
of his [Salisbury's] unwillingness to incur foreign obligations.
Dec. 28.
Dec. 29.
Dec. 29.
Dec. 30.
a Scotchman, to
— [names of both parties blotted
out]. Ten pounds is all the writer craves ; the business he has
been about is that of his master, not the Queen's.
Warrant to pay to Sir Roger Aston, 1,000?. in gold to be bestowed
on the Prince of Wales, and 200?. in gold on Charles Duke of York,
as his Majesty's New Year's gift. [Womt£. Bk. II., p. 184.]
Declaration by the King of the dissolution of Parliament.
[Grant Book, p. 69.]
1610. VOL.LVIII.
Dec. 31. 96. Ralph Lord Eure and Sir Rich. Lewkenor to Salisbury. Re-
Ludlow Castle, quest that the suit of John Meredith v. Thos. Puleston, for present
possession of certain lands of which he has only the reversion, may
be settled in the Marches' Court, or in the county where the lands lie,
in order to discourage the practice of taking up suits to London.
96. I. Petition of Thos. Puleston, of Trevalyn, co. Denbigh, to the
Council of Wales, that John Meredith, who claims pos-
session of his lands, may be ordered to try the cause in
the county, being himself too old and infirm to travel to
London. Dec. 29.
Dec. 31. 97. Statement of the several natures of forfeited bonds and recog-
nizances, remaining in the Exchequer Office since 30 Eliz.
Dec. 31. Warrant to pay to Sir Robert Carey 100?., for the Duke of York
to spend in New Year's gifts. [Warrt. B7c. II., p. 185.]
Dec. 31. Proclamation for dissolving Parliament. Printed. [Proc. Bk,
Westminster, p. 238.]
Dec. ? 98. Petition of Wm. and George Thompson to Salisbury, to pass a
lease granted them of a messuage, &c. in Walthamstow, Essex.
[See Nov. 17.]
Dec. ? 99. Notes of sundry projects for the increase of the revenue made
by surveyors of lands, &c.
Dec. 100. Charges of works on sundry of the King's houses in December.
Dec. 101. Particulars of alterations in sundry of the King's houses.
Dec. 102. Blank form for the weekly return of christenings and burials
in London and the suburbs, being 121 parishes, with a column for
such as have died of the plague. Printed.
Vol. LIX. 1610? Undated.
Warrant to pay to Sir Hen. Mynne sums not exceeding 6,000?. per
ann., for increased wages and allowances of the band of Gentlemen
Pensioners. [Warrt. Bk. I., p. 185.]
«* 1. John Bradshaw to Salisbury. For his favour to the inclosed
petition. Has served him three years, on recommendation of the
Countess of Derby.
2. Robert Dudley, of Newcastle, to the Same. Requests him
to nominate some indifferent person to decide the difference between
himself and his son Ambrose.
3. Dorothy Countess of Northumberland to the Same. Thanks
him for favour shown to her son at Court, in this time of his father's
Co. Dorset.
Vol. LIX.
4. Earl of Essex to Sir Fulk Greville. Advice on the best course
for availing himself of the services of others, whom he may employ
in taking notes from books for him ; urges the necessity of personal
industry to make a good scholar.
5. Maurice Peeter to the Earl of Salisbury. Requests confirmation
of a grant made to him by the King, at Sir Oliver Cromwell's house
at Tlinchinbrook, for reformation of frauds daily committed in the
manufacture of bombazine cotton, and in the dyeing of silks. Has
long been a suitor thereon to his Lordship and the Queen.
6. Capt. Edward Prinne to the Same. Prays that he may have
the conveyance of a packet, which will enable him to go to Paris to
speak with Don Christopher, son of Don Antonio, the deceased
King of Portugal ; has not means to journey at his own cost.
7. John Sedley to Sir Dudley Carleton, his brother-in-law. Ac-
knowledges favours ; desires to do him service, &c.
8. Mary Lady Wingfield to Salisbury. Regrets her son's dis-
orderly conduct. Professes her devotion to his Lordship.
9. Warrant to William Brookes to seize all setting dogs who
destroy game, within five miles of Cooling Park, Kent.
10. Petition of And. Buckler to Salisbury, that his tenement in
the manor of Wyke Regis, Dorsetshire, may be resettled on himself
and his intended wife. [See July 25, 1G01>.]
11. Petition of William Williams to the Same; prays for a
Commission to the Chief Justice of the Circuit, or to the Lord
Bishop of St. Asaph, to examine the complaint which he has pre-
ferred by bill in the Court of Exchequer, against Sir John Wyn
and others, for detaining from him the remainder of lease of a farm
left him by his uncle, in Carnarvonshire.
12. Petition of Christopher Shaw, the Queen's Embroiderer, to
the Same, for payment of embroiderer's work done for the Queen,
for a masque on the creation of the Prince of Wales, &c.
13. Petition of Sir Wm. Walsh to the Same, for a lease of Alton
Woods, co. Worcester, being within his manor of Aberley. With
report thereon.
14. Petition of His Majesty's tenants of Kirk-Levington, parcel of
the possessions of the late Countess of Lenox, to the Lord Treasurer.
Understanding that lands not in the entail are now to be sold, they
desire to purchase those which they hold.
15. Satirical paper assigning certain armorial bearings to Jesuits,
puritans, usurers, pedants, and ignorami. Indorsed " Cambridge
Herald rie."
1 G. Allowances to the Gentlemen Ushers for making ready certain
df His Majesty's houses, and for riding and hunting journeys, with
causes of increase of such expenses this year. A nnexed is,
1G. I. Queries in reference to the regulation of expenses, to which
the above is a reply.
Vol. LIX.
17. Particulars of the value of materials at the old Banquetting.
House, Whitehall, which have not been accounted for by the Board
of Works. Indorsed [by Salisbury] " Note of abuses in the King's
18. Charges of repairs done at the old Close Lodge, at Elsholt, by
Mr. Nairn.
19. Charges of repairs of lodges at Farnham Park, by Mr. Nairn.
20. Memorandum of the times and places of sitting of certain
Courts and Commissions. Indorsed, " E. of Salisbury."
21. Note in the cause Sir Warwick Hele, executor of Serjeant
Hele, and Sir Francis Hele v. Simon Killigrew, relative to lands
extended by Serjeant Hele, for a debt due to him by Killigrew.
22. Table of profits of the Alienation Office, from the year 1570
to 1610.
23. Titles of original writs customarily issued from the Chancery
at Lancaster ; together with particulars of the fees thereon, alpha-
betically arranged.
24. Law case between John Parker and Thomas Allen, the latter
having promised to repay a loan of 4s. Gt/. made to him by the
former, by giving him one grain of wheat for the first of the 36
buttonholes on his doublet, and doubling the amount for each of the
others ; the total is found to amount to 32,768 quarters of wheat,
against the payment of which Allen remonstrates.
2.j. The King to the Judges of the Court of Exchequer, forbidding
causes to be brought into their court by writs of subpoena, not
justly belonging thereto, and ordering the attorneys of the King's
Bench to be allowed to plead in court, as the attorneys of the Com-
mon Pleas do.
26. Account of the sources from which fees are due to Officers of
the Exchequer, and of persons receiving moneys from the Exche-
quer, who pay no fees.
27. Book of the remainder of all the lands within the last entail,
not assigned to the Queen aud Prince, and not already assigned nor
to be assigned to the Duke of York.
28. Petition of the King's tenants of Brailes, co. Warwick, to
Salisbury, to fix a time for their attendance, to purchase their
several tenements in fee-farm.
29. Petition of George Anglesea to Salisbury, to be paid a debt
owing to him by the widow Babington, out of certain money due
to her out of the Exchequer, she being " a very wilful woman,"
and refusing to pay it.
30. Another petition to the same effect.
Vol. LIX.
31. Petition of Win. Beecher to Salisbury, to confirm his previous
order to the Serjeant-at-Arms to fetch Mrs. Babington ; which
order is stayed, on her pretence that she will give satisfaction.
Annexed is,
31. I. Petition of Wm. Beecher to Salisbury, that Anne Babington
may be apprehended by his Lordship's Serjeant-at-Arms,
and compelled to perform the decree of the Court oj
32. Petition of the creditors of Anne Babington and Robert
Bromley, surety to the late [Uriah] Babington, to the Same, that
Anne Babington be enjoined some speedy course for their satisfac-
tion, her husband having spent the public money which he received
as accountant in the Exchequer, in the purchase of lands.
33. Petition of the Same to the Same, to establish the award
given under the Commissioners' hands and seals.
84. Representation of the estate and assets of Widow Babington
and Robt. Bromley, which are liable to meet the demands of the
creditors of Uriah Babington, deceased, with request that Mrs..
Babington may be compelled to perform the decree of the Exchequer,
relative to their payment.
35. Account of the revenue of the manors of Falmer, Ford, and
Climping, co. Sussex.
3G. Valuation of manors in various counties, including those
granted to Helena Marchioness of Northampton. Indorsed [by
Salisbury], " Exchange."
37. Note of sums due to the Exchequer, by the Collector of the
fifteenths, &c.
38. Statement of the revenue and expenses of the Bishop of
39. Statement that the inventor of a project, undisclosed, by which
His Majesty may satisfy a great part of his debts, wishes a tenth
part of the j)rofits of it to be applied to establishing an institution
for voyages of discovery, and bringing in merchandise.
40. William Brown's evidence respecting the abuse offered to
Marmaduke Channer, of Waltham Cross, the Lord Treasurer's
servant, by Raymente, &c.
41. Report concerning the fines called reliefs, due to the Crown on
the death of a peer or landowner, his heir being of full age.
42. Note of certain lands, parcel of the manor of Ashburto:i, co.
Devon, which are to be passed in fee-simple or fee-farm. With
notes of land let in other counties.
Vol LIX.
43. Estimate of the fines that might be raised on certain demesnes
and leaseholds taken out of the entail, if their present leases were
extended for 50 years.
44. Difficulties on behalf of the King and of the tenants, in en-
franchising the King's copyholds of inheritance.
45. Memorandum of common grounds inclosed by consent of the
Mayor, Bailiffs, and Burgesses of the town of Cambridge, to the
use of sundry Colleges.
46. Memoranda of divers particulars of giants of fines, debts,
offices, &c, whereof it is fit that their values be known, before His
Majesty grant any part of them.
47. Opinions on divers modes suggested for increasing the King's
revenue. Raising money on the penal laws disapproved, as having
been productive of mischief to Richard II. and Henry VII. The sale
of offices and honours commended, and the creation of an order of
Baronets, each to pay l,000i. for the dignity. Debasing the coinage
not advisable, but rather a coinage of copper money, to which a
nominal value is to be given, and it is to be made legally payable
with other money, in the proportion of 1 to 20. [Pages 33 to 44
of a MS. book. Imperfect.]
48. Estimate by Hen. Beale of the expense of setting forth a ship
of war of 500 tons, being 4,077?. 10s.
49. Estimate for maintenance of the navy at Chatham, and
keeping the shipping on the coasts of England, Scotland, and
Ireland ; with a project for letting one of the King's ships of war to
the East India Company.
50. Note of requests for grants, presented by different parties to
Lord [Salisbury].
Vol. LX.
Index to warrants 1-7 Jac. L, calendared under the dates of the
respective entries.
A. B., 304, 388, 442.
Abbey-Holme, 518.
Abbot, Dr. George, Dean of Winchester, 421,
450 ; Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield,
570; Bishop of London, 575, 580, 622,
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 646, 648,
Abbots-Bromly, 404.
Abbots-Langley, 298.
Abbots- Ripton, 363.
Abercromby, David, 368, 470.
, Robert (jesuit), 628, 630.
Abercroniway, William, 92.
Abercromy, Abraham, 4.30.
, James, 554.
Aberfraw, 81, 124.
Abergavenny, Barons of, 94.
Aberley, 656.
Abermarles, 34.
Aberston, 249, 346.
Aberystwith, 227.
Abington Magna, 456.
Abington, Richard, 264.
Thomas, 279, 283, 286, 288, 291-293,
295, 297, 303, 304, 321.
, , letters of, 305, 306.
, Mrs , 295, 299.
Abraham, Robert, 242.
Accession, see James I.
Acheson, John, 7, 34, 60.
Achmouty, James, 160.
, John, 47, 64, 88, 362, 415.
Ackworth, Gregory, 612.
Acomb, 114.
Acrington, 605.
Acton, 383, 511.
Acton, Francis, 28.
, Robert, 206, 242.
Acts, clerk of, 8.
Acworth, William, 105.
Adams, Francis, 174.
, Henry, 50.
, Morgan, 595.
, Richard, 589.
, Thomas, 326.
Addis, William, 125.
Addington, 24, 228, 372, 407.
Addle, 558.
Addy, John, 272.
Adelmare, see Caesar.
Admington, 234.
Admiral, Lord High, .see Howard, Chailes.
Admiral Galley, 21.
Admiralty, 210, 508.
, causes in, 458, 497, 588.
.court of, 135, 159, 169, 437,457, 52S,
, officers of, 92, 129, 162, 192, 352.
399, 416, 482.
, , judge of, see Caesar, Sir Julius.
, , treasurer of, sec Greville, Sir
Advocate-General, 11, 496.
Ager, Captain, 47.
, Thomas, 312.
Agges, John, 32.
Aguey, 592.
Ahmed I., Grand Seignior, 228, 270, 311.
Aid for knighthood, see Henry, Prince.
marriage, 489, 494.
Ainsworth, John, 514.
Airay, Dr. Henry, 362, 363.
Alabaster, Thomas, 104.
, letters of, to Cecil, 27, 37, 40, 53. 54,
59, 77, 143, 170.
Albany, Duke of, see Charles, Prince.
Albert, Archduke, Regent of Flandei^, 1, 27,
145, 146, 216, 294, 596.
, ambassadors to, 181, 512.
, ambassadors of, 217 ; .sec also Arem-
berg, Count.
, army of, 37, 40, 410.
, servants of, 103, 244.
, transactions of, with English c.itholics
&-.,236, 273, 274, 298, 324, 325.
, treaty with Holland, 355, 407.
Alborne Richard, 379.
Alcester, 234.
Alchemy, 305.
Alcock, William, 356.
Aldborough, 353.
Alden, John, 369.
, (fellow), 68.
Alderchurch, see Alderkirk.
Aldcrkirk, 102, 395, 418
Aldermaston, 381.
Aldershott, 597.
Aldgate, see London, streets of.
Aldingham, 610.
Hall, 4 79.
Aldmerston, 338.
Aldrich, Francis, 177.
, Jonas, 579.
Aldridge, Thomas, 431.
Aldritt, John, 188.
Aldsworth, 513.
Ale and Alehouses, 411, 421, 434, 437, 474,
525, 542, 560, 564, 622.
Ale, export of, 33, 92, 144, 210, 505.
Aleppo, 228.
Alexander, Andrew, 547.
Henry, 396, 592.
, Sarah, 145.
, Sir Sigismimd, 592.
, Walter, 78, 83, 145, 396, 557.
, William, 357, 557.
sec Zinzan, Sir Robert and Henry.
Alford, Edward, 126.
Algiers, 426, 469.
Alieeholt Forest, 508.
Alienations, see Crown lands.
Aliens, (foreigners and strangers), 156, 179,
192, 229, 285, 350, 426, 428, 464, 468,
509,517,549, 631, 643; see also Mer-
chant strangers.
Alkaster Malbishe, 218.
Allam, Mary, 556.
Allegiance, Oath of, 100, 139, 330, 363, 370,
397, 407, 425, 463, 565, 616, 626.
, , refusals of, 276, 559, 564.
Allen, Abraham, 598.
, Charles, 607.
, Edward, 167.
, Thomas, 657.
, Capt. Thomas, 384.
, William, 92, 591.
Allensmore, 225.
Allett, John, 180.
Allexton, 154, 249.
Alley, Emanuel, 16, 81.
, Jeremy, 16, 81.
Alleyn, David, 265.
Allhallows parish, London, 119.
Allian, John, 488.
Allibone, Thomas, 537.
Allington, 404.
Allington, John, 575.
Allinson, Christopher, 513.
, Robert, 105.
Allison, Ralph, 112.
, Walter, 114.
Almoner, sec Andrews, Lancelot ; Watson,
Anthony; Scott, Robert.
Alnwick, 260, 332, 633.
Castle, 254, 262.
Alterinnis, 525, 618, 623.
Altham, Edward, 422, 423, 444, 492.
, Sir James, Baron of the Exchequer,
469, 470, 473, 479, 512, 513, 521, 558,
564, 596, 618.
Althorp, 495.
AltoftS. 521.
Alton, 365.
Alton Priors, 191.
woods, 656.
Alum, 521, 554, 567, 572, 600, 609.
A lured, Thomas, 645.
Alverley, 331.
Alvingham, 515.
, Priory, 202.
Alvington, 158.
Amadas, Philip, 484.
Ambassadors, 34, 68, 72, 79, 147, 165, 174,
299, 507.
Ambler, James, 96.
Amesbury, 147, 636.
Amice, Israel, 250, 406.
Ammunition, see Ordnance.
Amounderness, 381.
Amport, 172, 344.
Ampthill, 14, 230, 234, 343, 458, 605, 617,
628, 638.
Ampton, 579.
Amsford, 173.
Amwell, 287.
Ancy, Richard, 402.
Anderby, 121.
Anderson, Sir Edmund, Chief Justice of the
Common Pleas, 16, 19, 237, 304.
, Sir Francis, 333, 373.
, Sir Henry, 181.
, John, 497.
, William, 373.
Anderton, Christopher, 174.
, James, 115, 174, 218, 227.
, James, jun., 218.
, Matthew, 123.
, see Strange.
Andover, 58.
Andrew, Arthur, 164.
, Sir Eusebius, 435.
, Jane, 524, 607.
Sir John, 524, 607.
, Thomas, 423.
, AVilliam, 247.
Andrews, Edmund, 574.
, Edolph, 379.
John, 32, 110, 131.
, Lancelot, Bishop of Chichester, Al-
moner, 383, 412, 443, 463, 467, 472 ;
Bishop of Ely, 537, 543, 546, 557, 570,
576, 627, 648.
, Richard, 418.
, priest, 273.
.. , Dr. Roger, 536.
, William, 56, 379.
, Sir William, 369, 379.
, Captain, 17.
, Mr., 154, 403.
Angel, John, 613.
, Robert, 526.
Angiers, Mr., 231.
Anglcsea, 84, 119, 124, 391, 407, 429, 444,
608, 614, 640.
Anglcsea, George, 657.
Angus, Earl of, see Douglas.
Anhalt, Christian, Prince of, 631, 638.
Ann, George, 441.
Anne of Denmark, Queen of James L, 12, 49,
72, 83,116, 141, 148, 182, 185, 203,217,
226, 272, 348, 365, 451, 459, 485, 488,
496, 524, 543, 553, 576, 582, 605, 610,
632, 646, 651, 653, 654, 656.
, accouchement of, 210, 250, 311.
, auditor of, see Ewens.
, aurum regina?, 383, 393.
Chamberlain of, see Sydney.
, closet, furniture for, 109, 399, 401.
, coronation of, 14, 24, 25.
council of, 41, 44, 45, 194, 307, 493,
, court of, 15, 186, 201, 203.
debts of and to, 273, 277, 307, 389,
572, 588.
, gifts to, see James I., gifts of.
, grants of and to, 107, 141, 603, 623.
, household of, 124, 147, 156, 205, 254,
, jewellers of, 7, 574.
.jointure of, 35, 45, 51, 52, 53, 61, 68,
94, 106, 111, 136, 210, 226, 231, 273,
401, 523, 531, 574.
, journeys and removals of, 3, 5, 18, 50,
66, 72, 131, 203.
, ladies of, 3, 74, 208, 602.
, lands of, 359, 464, 578, 657.
, letters, &C, of and to, 6, 12, 60, 277,
509, 639.
masques of, 187, 298, 386, 472, 590,
612, 646.
, officers of, 24, 30, 31, 34, 35, 38, 74,
99, 109, 125, 134, 136, 142, 148, 192,
213, 399, 408, 416, 583.
, payments for, 171, 182, 186, 187, 654.
, portrait of, 148.
, servants of, 71, 78, 100, 120, 135, 143,
150, 155, 156, 200, 21G, 396, 414, 420,
427, 432, 463, 470, 481, 524, 534, 563,
582, 650, 656.
, surgeon and physician of, 205, 233,
, Vice-Chamberlain, see Carew, Sir
, -wardrobe, jewels, and furniture of, 12,
14,30,42, 136, 176, 187,217,395, 420,
425, 556, 574, 578.
Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII., 35, 288.
Anne, Jar., 196.
Annesley, Brian, 190.
Annuities, lists of, 482.
Anonymous letters, 6, 12, 145, 147, 237, 238,
278, 311, 333, 337, 443.
, to James I., 275, 300, 350, 620.
Ansam, William, 143.
Anstey, John, 142.
Anstey Pasture, 106.
Anstruther, James, 37.
, Sir William, 98, 146, 157, 346, 551,
Antelownd, Erancis, 346.
Antenati, see Scots, naturalization of.
Anthony, Charles, King's engraver, 6, 83, 160,
164, 179, 357,579.
, , warrants to, 2, 82, 83, 225, 633.
.Edward, 14, 131.
, , letters to, 122, 336, 405, 443,
476, 588, 593, 631, 634.
, Thomas, 357.
, (priest), 7.
Anthony, , 593.
Antonio, King of Portugal, 656.
Antwerp, 140, 181, 190.
Anys, William, 490.
Ap Griffith, David, 194.
, Ap John, &c, 127.
Ap Hughes, Maurice, 63.
Ap Owen, Ralph, 643.
Ap Thomas, Cadwallader, 389.
Apocrypha, 474.
Apparel, 41, 74, 190, 504.
Appleby, 408.
castle, 435.
Appleby, Robert, 418, 502.
, William, 418, 502.
Appletree, Thomas, 529.
Apprentices, 342.
Apthorpe, 51, 627.
Aquaviva, Claudius, Father general of the
Jesuits, 223, 228, 321, 339.
A quila castle, 545.
Aragon, 101.
Archbishops, 40, 114, see Canterbury and York.
Arch-cliff bulwark, Dover, 405.
Archdale, Richard, 89, 147, 152.
Archduke, .see Albert.
Archer, Nicholas, 430.
Arches, Court of, 204, 216, 323, 407, 447,
, , clerks and notaries of, 231, 640.
Archibald, John, 137, 390,414.
, Walter, 404.
Archibold, Mr., 256.
Archpriests in England, sec Blackwell and
Arden, Sir Henry, 146.
, John, 646.
, Thomas, 430.
Ardmannoch, Lord, see Charles, Prince.
Aremberg, Count, Ambassador from the Arch-
duke, 6, 22, 26, 31, 35,40, 41, 54, 55,
Argentre, Bertrand De, 101.
A rgyle, Earl, see Campbell.
Arkenstall, Giles, 261.
Arkilgarth Dale, 158.
Arkleside, 159.
Atiey, William, 496.
Arlington, 390, 511.
Armfield, Edward, 42'.).
Armiger, Mr., 158.
Armin, 578.
Armington, William, 399.
Armourer, Cuthbert, 538.
, David, 438.
Armouries, .sec Greenwich: Hampton Court;
Portsmouth ; Tower ; Westminster ;
Windsor ; Woolwich.
Arms and Armour, 163, 191, 2-'0, 241, 252,
272, 434, 443 ; see also Guns, Ordnance.
Arms, coat of, 312.
, see Royal Anns.
Armstrong, Sanders Ringcll, 216.
, Thomas, alias Sowtcrs Tom, 355, 572.
William, 100.
Arnet, Robert, 507.
Arnold, Richard, 408.
Arthurct, 78, 320.
Artillery, 285, 507.
Artleborough, 587.
Arundel, manor, 129.
House, Strand, 31, 187, 189, 390.
Arundel, Lady Blanche, 390.
Dorothy, 390.
, James, 447, 513, 522.
, John, 287, 373, 619.
, Sir John, 619.
, Roger, CI 9.
, Thomas, 390.
, Sir Thomas, 390.
, Thomas, Lord of Wardour, 215, 240,
364, 390,516, 586.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 516, 542,
, Karl of, see Howard.
Arundel], John, 171.
Ascham, Humphrey, 593.
Ascott, 34, 141, 312, 372, 441, 459.
Ash, 117, 508, 630.
Ash, Margaret, 259.
Ashburton, 658.
Ashby, 259, 383, 465, 520.
Ledgers, see Ledgers Ashby.
Ashby, Sir Robert, 151.
, Stephen, 33.
Ashdown Forest, 201,428, 545.
Ashfield, Sir Edmund, 92.
, Robert, 243.
Ashill, 403.
Ashington, 429.
Ashley, Sir Anthony, 609, 015.
, Henry, 284.
, John, 49.
, Sir John, 395.
.\shmore, 529.
Ashpoole, Lieutenant Edward, 470.
Ashridge, 450, 549.
Ashtead, 4 22.
Ashton, 450.
Keynes, 191.
Ashton, Ralph, 197.
, Ralph, jun., 197.
, Richard, 530.
Ashton, Sir Richard, 427, 519, 524, 596.
| Mr., of Leaver, 519.
Ashworth, 503.
Askc, 332.
Aske, George, 556.
Askew, Robert, 248, 252.
Sir Roger, 65.
| , .see Pennington, Bridget.
Askhani, 568.
I Ask with, Henry, 202.
, Aslaby, Francis, 93.
! Aspeden, 177.
Aspley, 231.
Assart lands, sec Crown lands.
Astell, Roger, 537.
Asterley, 52.
Astley, Thomas, 80.
Aston, Sir Arthur, 140, 218.
, Hugh, 506.
, Mary, 153, 178.
Sir Roger, 42, 65, 68, 80, 130, 158,
174, 175, 178, 333, 339, 460, 470, 496,
530, 636, 637.
, , grants to, 57, 64, 89, 90, 152,
153, 177, 357, 385, 506, 603, 614.
, letters of, 625.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 547, 548,
561, 629.
j , letters to, 221, 443.
! , payments, &c., to, 373, 386, 388,
391, 491, 492, 567, 579, 602, 625, 654.
, , warrants, &c, to, as Master of
the Wardrobe, 111, 404.
Aston in-thc-Walls, 511.
Aston-sub-Edge, 147, 234, 268, 288, 301,
Astrology, 185.
A tee, Francis, 383, 403.
Ater, Christopher, 242.
Atheists, 5.
Atherton, Richard, 83.
Athew, Thomas, 468.
Atkins, Dr. Henry, 95, 151, 21S.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 128, 231.
, Richard, 227, 041.
j Thomas, 535.
Atkinson, Anthony, 430.
Henry, 389.
, John, 18.
Robert, 198.
Thomas, 42.
William, 53, 82, 627.
Attainder, bills of, 310, 317.
Attorney General, sec Coke, Sir Edward ;
Hobart, Sir Henry.
Atwood, sec Taylor, William.
Aty, Sir Arthur, 175.
Aubigny, Lord, see Stewart, Estne.
Aucher, Captain, see Autcher.
Auchterlony, Sir James, 309, 491.
I , Sir William, 294.
Audley, George Lord, letters of, to Salisbury,
439, 583.
, Henry, 22:5.
, Hugh, 152.
, Thomas, 283.
Augmentations, Court of, 387.
Austin, John, 108.
, Nathaniel, 64.
, Roger, 593.
Austin Friars, 373.
Austerley, sec Osterley.
Austria, 301.
Austria, Ambassadors of, 14 7.
, Archdukes of, 2 1 8 ,
, House of, 101.
Autcher, Captain, 209, 502.
Avcbury, 128.
Aveley, 529.
Avelyn, Abraham, 66, 380.
Avery, Robert, 299.
Avis, Henry, 543.
Awre, 365.
Axminster, 93, 197.
Ayala, Christopher, 281.
Aydie, Andrew, 628, 630.
Aylesbury, 508.
Aylshot Forest, 382.
Ayre, Rowland, 493, 537.
Ayrey, Thomas, 402, 428.
Ayscough, Sir Roger, 111.
Ayton, 521.
, Robert, 430, 514.
Baber, see Bavar.
Babham, Christopher, 526, 557.
Babington, 251.
Babington, Anne, 507, 605,657, 658.
, Dr. Brute, Bishop of Den y, 614, 641.
, Gervase, Bishop of Worcester, 448, 611.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 392, 558.
, Uriah, 108, 110, 658.
, Dr., Chancellor of Coventry and
Lichfield, 504, 505.
Babington conspiracy, 13.
Babthorpe, William, 607.
Bacheler, Daniel, 107.
Backhouse, Henry, 165.
Mr., 493.
Bacon, Dorothy, 208, 232.
, Edward, 123.
Sir Francis, 144, 176, 182, 317; Soli-
citor-General, 368, 384, 400, 457, 530,
, , speeches of, 101, 349, 355.
, , letters of, 442, 629.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 245, 287,
302, 393, 453, 461, 526, 534, 543.
Bacon, Sir Francis, writings of, 62, 100, 244,
350, 361, 475, 597.
, , letter to, 483.
, George, 123.
, Matthew, 136.
, Nathaniel, 123; Sir Nathaniel, 208, 232.
Nicholas, Sir, 387, 400, 498.
, Robert, 557.
Badger, Rowland, 593.
, Sir Thomas, Master of the Privy
Harriers, 190.
Badley, 52.
Bagg, James, 459.
Baggs, Mr., 292, 593.
Bagley, Elizabeth, 387.
Bagliano, Signor, 486.
Bagot, Walter, 36.
, Mr., (of Blyfield), 476.
Bagshaw, Dr. [Christopher], 249.
, George, 537.
, George, 5:s7.
Bagshot, 390.
Park and Castle, 23, 65, 562, 591.
Bagwell, John, 119, 179.
, William, 119, 179.
Baildon, Sir Francis, 154.
Bailey, Richard, 333.
Bailies, Thomas, 601.
Bailiff, James, 358.
Baily, Richard, 26.
, William \ 407.
Bainbridge, 158.
, Philip, 369.
, (collegian), 230.
Baize, -see Wools.
Baker, Abraham, 501.
, Alexander, 59 1 .
, George, 506, 599, 601.
, George, (surgeon). 591.
Matthew, 98.
, Richard, 183.
, Robert, 528.
, Seth, 599.
, Thomas, 390.
, Mr. 648.
Baldersby, 22.
Baldwin, Ralph, 394, 400, 529.
, Thomas, comptroller of works, 312,
, Thomas, 119, 640.
, William, (jesuit,) 103, 263, 290, 297,
314, 411, 631, 634, 637, 640.
Bales, Peter., 456.
Balfour, Michael, Lord Burly, 71.
Ball, John, 294, 324, 325, 326, 329, 389.
, Peter, 586.
, Thomas, 145, 227.
Ballard, Robert, 615.
Ballmer, Robert, 283.
Bally temour, 541.
Balmerinoch, Lord, see Elphinstone.
Baltesford, 5-29.
Baltimore, 453.
Bamfield, William, 82.
Bampfield, John, 532.
Banbury Castle, 45.
Banckes, see Banks.
Bancroft, Richard, Bishop of London, 38, 109,
122; Archbishop of Canterbury, 155,
171, 189, 195, 216, 224, 226, 321, 333,
370, 414 ; Chancellor of Oxford, 449,
563, 588, 622, 626, 645.
, accounts of, 203, 526.
, commissions to, 216, 444, 618, 637.
, letters of, 17, 21, 204, 445, 477, 527.
, letters of, to Cecil. 20, 22, 29,
41, 239, 451, 499, 548, 556, 570.
, , letters of, to Lake, 40, 85, 133,
320, 334.
, letters to, 86, 307, 373, 463, 477, 484,
507, 551, 586.
, letters to, see James I., letters of.
, -will of, 639.
Banes, Thomas, .372, 470.
Bangor, 317.
Bangor, Bishop of, see Rowlands, James.
, Dean of, 165.
, Monachorum, 121, 180.
Banham, 77.
Bankes, Richard, 238, 631.
, Thomas, 447.
Banks, or Banckes, John, 65, 271, 381, 517,
, William, 633.
Bannister, George, 46, 47.
, Henry, 389, 390, 419.
, Sir Robert, 87, 88, 338, 371, 581.
Baptist, John, 160, 164, 179.
Baptista, John, 216 ; see Battista, Giovanni.
, Mr., 249.
Barbary, 422, 480, 518, 574.
Barber, Matthew, 74.
, William, 527.
Barbon, Hugh, 412.
Barby, Philippe de, 30.
Barclay, Jean de, or John, 376, 506, 514, 561,
577, 579, 630, 631, 651.
Barden, 613.
Bardsey Monastery, 207.
Bardwell, 581.
Barefoot, Robert, 371, 398.
Barcmoor, 295.
Barford, 368.
Barforth, 414, 442.
Barges, .ice James T .
Barliam, Dorothy, 400.
Thomas, 236.
Barith, George, 447.
Barington, Sir Francis, 33.
Barker, Christopher, 8.
, James, 1 10.
, John, 57, 164, 370.
Barker, Robert, King's printer, 20, 40, 74, 232,
574, 607, 650.
, Robert, 355.
, Justice, 497.
Barkesdale, Ralph, 389.
Barkham, Edward, 407
Barking, 248, 371, 398.
cum Needham, 508.
Barkley, Henry, 145.
, John, 581.
, Thomas, 49.
Barksdale, John, 606.
Bai ley, see Corn.
Barley, Captain John, 368.
Barlichwav, hundred of, 234.
Bailings, 499.
Barlow, Sir Alexander, 486.
, Dr. William, 217 ; Bishop of Roches-
ter, 229,426; Bishop of Lincoln, 577.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 506, 508,
545, 609.
, Mr., of Pembrokeshire, 556.
, priest, 310.
Barmoor, 262.
Barnard Castle, 16, 98, 401, 411, 523, 540,
542, 554.
Barnard, Richard, 91, 137.
Barnastroppe, 577.
Barnby, Robert, 429.
Barnardiston, Anne, 221.
, John, 221.
, Sir Thomas, 221.
Barneby, Francis, 31,38, 94, 178.
Barnes, 150.
Barnes, John, 442.
, Paul, 454.
Robert, 29, 581.
, Thomas, 189, 273, 289, 294.
, Thomas, (felon), 497.
, William, (canon), 70.
, William, 632.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 617, 628,
, Mr., 257.
Barnet, 604, 633.
Barney, Alice, 593.
John, 593.
Barnstable, 180, 231.
Barnstaple, 107, 304, 338, 404, 455, 593.
Barnwood, Forest, 537, 606.
Baron, George, 74.
Baronets, 659.
Barrett, Edmund, 166.
, Edward, 394.
, Henry, 75.
, Richard or David, 278, 279, 287.
, Thomas, S3.
Barro, William, 181.
Barrow, 412.
Barscourt, 422.
Barsetlow, 76, 407.
Bartlet, Thomas, 593, 610.
Bartlett, George, 242.
, Rowland, 472.
Sir Thomas, 603, 634.
, (widow), 603.
Barton, John, 98, 583.
, Richard, 83.
Barton Regis, 609.
Harwell, Edmund, 157.
Barwick, Christopher, 571.
Basford, 429.
Bash, Mr., 458.
Basilden, 137.
Basilicon Doron, see James I., writings of.
Basill, Martin, 607.
, Simon, 286, 312, 404, 573, 597, 598.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 519, 591,
6 0532.
Basing, 34, 36, 367.
Baskervile, Lawrence, 160, 215, 218, 227, 442.
Baskerville, John, 19.
, Thomas, 114.
Bassano, Andrea, 165.
, Arthur, 165.
, Edward, 165.
, Jeronimo, 165.
, Scipio, 165.
Basset, Edward, 180.
, Elizabeth, 137.
, Sir Robert, 64, 184, 301.
, William, 137, 249.
Bassildon, 537.^
Bastwick, Nicholas, 255.
Bate, John, 311, 420.
Bateman, Abraham, 104.
, John, 104.
, Oliver, 363.
, Robert, 472.
Bates, Edward, 557.
, John, 252.
, Martha, 244.
, Thomas, 244, 252, 259, 267, 279, 291.
Bath, Mr., 259.
Bath, 5, 61, 199, 454, 457, 520.
, Earl of, see Bourchier.
, Knights of, 24, 186, 187, 617.
, Dean and Chapter, 416.
and Wells, Bishop of, M0 Still, John;
Montague, James.
, Diocese of, 179, 452.
Bathurst, Ralph, 535.
Batley, (jesuit,) 268.
Battel, William, 610.
Battel!*, 273.
Batten, Henry, 408.
, James, 204.
, Richard. 564.
Battersea, 469.
Battcrsca Marsh, 501.
Battesfonl, Philip, 188.
Battista, Giovanni, 548 ; see Baptista, John.
Battleswalk, 372.
Batty, Matthew, 248, 256.
, William, 406.
Bavar, Francis, 196, 298.
Bawdeswell, 230.
Bawlden, John, 309.
Bawtry Bridge, 621.
Baxter, Francis, 505.
, Marmaduke, 505.
, Thomas, 440.
Bayley, Edward, 184, 278.
, Lawrence, 217.
, William, 183, 627.
Baylie, James, 431.
, Mr., 274.
Bayn, Paul, 211.
Baynam, Mr., 411.
Baynard, George, 617.
, Robert, 530.
, Captain, 12, 277.
Baynard's Castle, 319, 594, 609.
Baynham, Sir Edmund, 279, 280, 291, 297,
466, 493.
, William, 400.
Bayning, Paul ,290.
, Susan, 290.
Baysey, John, 390.
Beacon, Dr. Thomas, 84.
Beale, Henry, 659.
, Leon, 449.
, William, 105, 169.
Beamond, Henry, 459.
Beamonds, 490.
Beamount, Thomas, 137.
Bear and bull baiting, 167, 201.
Beard, Thomas, 137, 195.
, Mr., 245.
Boast, Randoll, 447.
B.auchamp, Lord, see Seymour.
, Lady, see Seymour.
B auchamps Court, 252, 271.
Bcaulieu, 340, 367.
B aumaris, 407.
Bjaumont, Francis, 254, 287.
, Sir Henry, 336.
John, 381.
, Sir Thomas, 391.
, M. de, French Ambassador, 60, 244
family of, 335, 336.
B.-ccles, Hospital, see St. Mary Magdalen.
Bjck, Edmund, 284, 420.
, Mr. (of Richmond), 32.
Beckett, Mr., 27.
Beckingham, Richard, 219.
Becliff, 479.
l'econtree, or I'ekentre, 95, 195.
Bedford, 253, 346.
, Barony of, 24.
Hospital. 346, 629.
Bedford House, 601.
Bedford, Earl of, sec Russell.
, Marquis of, nee Stafford.
Bedfordshire, 43, 480, 492.
, grants of lands in, 61, 75, 152, 320,
366, 376, 580.
, justices of, 245.
, lands and places in, 55, 245, 382.
, receivers of, 138, 584,
, recusants in 572, 587.
, residents in, 426, 497.
Bedingfield, Sir Henry, 38?.
, Thomas, Master of tents and toils, 32.
Bed-ware, Edward, 558.
Bed-was, 410.
Bedwell, 408.
Bedwell, Richard, 408.
Beecher, William, 131, 507, 605.
Beeke, William, 527.
Beer, see Ale.
Beere Regis, see King's Beere.
Beeston, George, 175, 495.
, Sir George, 537.
, Sir Hugh, 175, 368, 451.
, Peter, 102, 444.
, William, 73.
Beeston-Regis, 141.
Beetham, 349.
Bekentre, see Becontree.
Belesby, 511.
Beling, Mr., 439.
Bell, Richard, 167.
, Robert, 559, 626.
Bell Inn, Daventry, 252.
.Friday Street, London, 455.
Bell metal, 437, 625.
Bellamy, see Spiller.
Bellarmine, Robert, Cardinal, 370, 463, 467,
472, 569, 570, 651.
Beliasis, Sir Henry, 261, 559.
, Margaret, 511.
Bellassis, 27.
Bellew, Richard, 64.
Belley, John, 77.
Bellman, Robert, 609.
Bcllott, Thomas, 146.
Belloy, Augustine, 468.
Beloe, Mr., 470.
Belou, William, 166.
Belsnap, 383.
Belson, Augustine, 634.
Bslstead Hall, 114.
Belvoir, 522, 551, 636.
Castle, 5.
Bempton, 320.
Bendbo, John, 55.
Bcndloss, alias Bendishe, Andrew, 383.
Bengworth, 208.
Bonnet, John, 529.
, Matthew, 63.
Bennet, Philip, 272.
, Robert, Bishop of Hereford, 225, 264,
553, 641.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 500, 587,
, Thomas, 384, 511, 516.
, Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor of London,
52, 146.
, , house of, 246, 251, 255.
, William, 232.
Bennett, John, 592.
Bennington, 570.
Benny field, 518.
Benock, Mr., 241.
Benshall, Richard, 230.
Benson, Richard, 566.
, William, 408.
, Mr., 190.
, , letters to, sec Vincent.
Bentley, 68.
Bentlowes, Andrew, 505.
Benwell, 512.
Benyon, Edward, 98.
Beoley, 591.
Berebloek, Joan, 539.
William, 539.
Beresford, Christopher, 417.
, Thomas, 123.
Bergen-op-Zoom, 324.
Berington, John, 404.
Berkeley, Henry, 296.
, Sir Maurice, 354, 552.
Berkshire, grants of lands in, 105, 133, 160,
285, 351, 357, 644.
, lands and places in, 65, 93, 161, 215,
326, 423, 439, 506, 521, 562, 584.
, offices in, 15, 607.
, receivers in, 121, 224.
recusants in, 346, 383, 407, 414, 430,
524, 537, 557, 572, 589, 593.
residents in, 143, 250, 301,372, 381,
393, 606.
Bermondsey Monastery, 10.
Bernard, Francis, 71.
Bernard}-, Philip, 429.
Berne, 341.
Berrige, Robert, 207.
Berry, Sir Benjamin, 64.
, Hugh, 397.
, Humphrey, 1 10.
, Robert, 215.
, Thomas, 215.
Berry-narbor, 110.
Bertie, Hobert, Lord Willoughby of Eresby,
18, 465.
Berty, Erancis, 490.
Berwick-upon -Tees, 1 52 .
Berwick-upon-Tweed, 2, 3, 58, 82, 98, 187,
208, 209, 258. 2)4, 385, 118. 453, 646.
, bridge of, 205, 208, 358, 431, 453.
, captain of, 58, 59; see Bowyer, Sir
Berwick-upon-Tweed castle, G4, 87,453, 654.
, chamberlain of, see Skinner.
charter of, 100.
, commissioners for, letters to, see
James L, letters of.
, garrison of, 4, 5, 12, .32, 38, 41, 49, 56,
58, 65, 67, 70, 98, 109, 113, 125, 186,
274, 345, 420, 424, 500, 574, 580.
letters of, 38, 49, 94, 98, 187.
, mayor, &c, of, 65, 107.
, ordnance in. 113, 405, 444, 485.
, palace, 98.
receivers for, 222.
treasurer of, 134, 205.
Berwick, Anne Lady, 544.
, Francis, 529.
, John, 528, 529, 544.
, Sir William, 527.
Beseby, 442.
Beskwood Park, 14, 358, 522, 551.
Bessey, Walter, 633.
Besson, Bichard, 21, 158.
Beste, Valentine de, 190.
Beswick, Henry, 387, 535.
Bethell, Sir Hugh, 181, 294.
Betts, Robert, 328.
Betune, (priest;, 309.
Beverley, 512.
, mayor of, 137.
Beverley, George, 262.
Bevilham, 160.
Beville, Sir Robert, 375.
Bewcastle, 360, 405.
Bewdley, 517, 528, 538, 559, 582, 583.
, park, 313.
, see Tickenhill.
Bewick farm, 414.
Bewreper, 149.
Bexley, 642.
Beythim Forest, 457.
Beza, Theodore, 17.
Bible, the, 49, 74, 135, 206, 212, 213, 340, 455,
474,475, 536, 639.
, translators of, 478.
Bickenholt, 107.
Bickerstaft', Edward, 251.
Bideford, 573.
Biggs, Christopher, 557.
, Thomas, 389.
Bignows, 272.
Billing, 517.
Billing, Henry, 172.
Billingsley, Henry, 166, 330,364.
(collegian), 230.
Lady, 556.
Billy, Hugh, 390.
Bilsborough, 191.
Bilson, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Winchester, 42,
08, 106, 212, 345, 301, 376,;431, 407,
, letters of, 486, 564, 576.
Bilson, Dr. Thomas, letters of, to Salisbury,
345, 564.
| , letter to, 403 ; see also
James I., letters of.
| , Mr., 233.
Binchester, 554.
Binding, Richard, 142.
! Bindon, Viscount, see Howard.
' Bing, Henry, 366.
, John, 366.
! , William, 457.
Bingham, Ellis, 148.
I John, 219, 452.
Bing'.ey, George, 332.
, John, 140, 449, 478, 555.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 536, 574.
Birch, Edward, 55.
Birchington, 487.
Birchley, Mr. (armourer,) 434.
Birchmore, Thomas, 121, 120.
Bird, Peter, 401, 415.
William, 464.
Dr. William, 123.
, Mr., (late), 492.
Birkby, James, 117.
Birkett (or Birkhead), George, Archpriest,
397, 455.
Bisham, Salisbury's house, 555.
Bishop, James, 93.
, James (pirate), 534.
Bishop's Auckland, 55, 278,461. 522, 544,554,
569, 573.
Bishop's Burton, 205.
Bishop's Castle, 530.
Bishop's Hall, 320,
Bishop's Ottery, 484.
Bishop's Waltham, 212, 480.
Bishop's Wilton, 114.
Bishop's collector, see Worcester diocese.
Bishops, 26, 36,62, 67, 114, 136, 147, 189,
197, 212, 275, 316, 331, 459, 504,
, letters to, 12, 40, 44, 175, 204.
, in Scotland, see Scotland, Bishops of.
Bishopsgate, see London, streets of.
Bishopthorpe, 177, 559.
Bisley, 51, 123, 481.
Biss, James, 532.
, Thomas, 125.
Bittern, 336.
Bittleston, 313.
Blackburn, 210, 496.
Black Deeps, 108.
Blackford, 197.
Blackfriars, see London, street of.
Blackfriars, the, 72, 413.
Blackmanstone, 595.
Blackmore Forest, 154, 402.
Blackstone Quarry, Peak, 407.
Blackwall, 20, 264.
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 583,
Blackwell, George, Arcbpriest, 8, 126, 229,
240, 245, 269, 307, 314, 303, 370, 397,
Blagrave, John, 71.
Blague, Dr. Thomas, Dean of Rochester, 143>
180, 520.
Blake, Richard, 387.
, William, 124, 125, 126, 131, 133, 146,
173, 175, 215, 218, 227, 336, 337, 356,
Blakeston, Sir William, 643.
Blakey, Robert, 542.
Bland, Adam, 181.
Peter, 432, 497.
, Thomas, 364, 389.
, Sir Thomas, 181, 559.
, William, 497.
Blandford -Forum, 541.
Blantyre, Lord, see Stewart, Walter.
Bleeching Court, 96.
Blenfield, 287.
Blethin, Ambrose, 200.
Bletsoe, 140, 141, 625, 626.
Blewet, Arthur, 29, 44, 416.
, Mrs., 44.
Blifield, 476.
Blincow, Dr. Anthony, 59, 97.
Blinkinsop, Henry, 607.
Bliss, Thomas, 194.
Blockhouses, see Milton, West Tilbury.
Blockwood, see Logwood.
Blofield, Edward, 13.
Blomeart, Jehan, 417. »
Blounder, William, 88.
Blount, Charles, Lord Montjoy, Earl of Devon-
shire, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 3 ; Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland, 23, 47, 53, 89,
107, 110, 149, 203, 251, 272, 278, 282,
287, 298, 314, 355.
, grants to, 16, 31, 64, 83, 192,
195, 227, 480.
, , illness, death, and funeral of, 307,
308, 312, 315.
, , letters of, 260.
.letters of, to Cecil, 182, 234, 301,
, letters to, 163, 182, 245.
, , warrants to, 86, 113.
, Edward, 173, 632.
, Sir Edward, 45, 55.
, George, 68.
, John, 464.
, Sir Thomas Pope, 606.
Blower, William, 17.
Bloxam, Thomas, 147, 385.
Bloxham, 45.
Bludder, Sir Thomas, 29, 39, 312, 3C2, 435,
458, 469, 531.
Blundesdon, 211.
Blunston, Christopher, 312.
, Nicholas, 142.
Blunt, Francis, 416.
Blunt, John, 269.
, Richard, 103.
Blyth, 631.
Boas, Roger, 407.
Boats, see Ships.
Bockholes, Thomas, 416.
Bockmore, 396.
Bodeley, John, 153.
Bodenham, Jonas, 257.
Boderie, M. de la, French Ambassador, 461,
477, 544.
Bodine, John, 62.
Bodley, Sir Thomas, 124, 137, 503.
Bois-le-duc, 37, 40.
Bold, Philip, 159.
Boleyn, Sir James, 62.
Bolle, Elizabeth, 386.
Bolls, John, 455.
Bolney, 185.
Bologna, 654.
Bolt, John, 541.
, Richard, 85.
Roger, 392.
Bolton, Lancashire, 91.
, Cumberland, 607.
Bolton, Francis, 104.
, William, 110.
Bond, George, 64.
Harry, 287.
, John, 328.
, Robert, 62.
, Sir William, 599.
, Dr. Nicholas, 219.
Bonds, 45, 133, 149, 161, 184.
Bonfield, Sir William, 628.
Bonington, 297.
Bonithon, John, 189.
, Richard, 33, 83.
Bonner, Anthony, 321.
, Michael, 508.
Books, 59, 62, 101, 140, 152, 166, 181, 184, 210,
214, 244, 261, 290, 314, 333, 339, 341,
348, 354, 387, 390, 392, 398, 452, 484,
495, 515, 531, 533, 548, 568, 569, 570,
576, 586, 591, 594, 602, 607, 646, 650,
, heretical and seditious, 36, 193, 308,
449, 455, 628, 630, 638, 639.
.licenses for, 74, 139, 226, 344, 406,
425, 542, 584.
, popish, 109, 250, 272, 324, 382, 502,
616, 638, 649.
Book of articles, 109, 210, 406.
canons, 393.
common prayer, 40, 85, 86.
equivocation, 270, 273, 286, 288, 303.
rates, 451.
succession, 8.
Bookbinding, 474, 559, 574, 577.
Boolebrook, 541.
Booreman, , 233.
Boorne, John, 251.
Booth, John, 371.
, Richard, 375.
, Thomas, 253, 263.
, William, 594.
Boothby, Thomas, 115.
Boots, Christopher, 128.
Borderlands, 75, 163, 174, 195, 202,343.
, debateable, 8, 195, 219, 595.
Borderers, 258, 635.
Borders and Marches, 24, 62, 172, 241,295,
302, 335, 361, 367, 504.
, commissioners of, 2, 9, 24, 67, 193,
201, 202, 203, 229, 295, 302, 316, 325,
338, 358, 366, 440.
, letters of, to Privy Council, 257,
283, 313, 315, 319.
, , letters to, 192, 289, 313, 345.
, letters to, see James I., letters of.
, disturbances on, 3, 4, 5, 9, 25, 56, 58,
73, 161, 192, 198, 201,313,315,316,
lieutenants on, 13, 32, 47, 73 ; see also
Clifford, George and Francis, Earls of
Cumberland ; and Home, Alexander,
, military service on, 29, 8G, 91, 95,201,
438, 440.
Boreman, William, 367.
Bornstra, Captain J. Wibrants, 62.
Boroughbridge, 556.
Borromeo, St. Carlo, 641.
, Cardinal, Archbishop of Milan, 641.
Borstal], 606.
Borton-on-the-hill, 234, 288.
Bosevile, Henry, 173.
, Sir Ralph, 188.
Sir Robert, 173.
Bosley, 587.
Bosmere and Claydon, 495.
Bossiney, 551.
Bostock, Edmund, 378, 380.
, Edward, 366.
Boston, 130, 146, 210.
Bosvile House, 628.
Boswell, William, 483.
Boswell House, 289, 292, 301.
Botcherby, Margaret, 220.
Botelio, (Portuguese,) 216.
Botfield, , 269.
Bothal, 265.
Bothnia, John, 31.
Bothwell, Francis, 105, 128.
, Francis, Earl, of, 116.
Botreaux Castle, 551.
Boughton, Edward, 628.
William, 523.
Bouillon, Henry de la Tour, Puke of, 284,
298, 308.
Boulstred, Sir William, 500.
Bourchier, Sir George, 17.
Bourchier, Sir James, 196.
, William, Earl of Bath, 64, 84, 138,
149, 258, 272, 304, 444, 455, 593.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 258,
304, 444, 469, 488, 564.
family of, Earls of Essex, 32.
Bourdeaux, 5, 459, 558, 559, 566, 637, 638.
Bourdin, Peter, Lord of St. Anthoine, 82, 407.
Bourdman, John, 221.
Bourgh-upon-Stanmore, 607.
Bourne, William, 41, 42, 143, 498,499, 502.
Bouth, Richard, 390.
, Robert, 137.
Boveytracey, 15.
Bovy, James, 393, 521, 622 ; see Boy.
Bow, 27.
Bow Bridge, 95.
Bowcher, Henry, 92, 95, 101.
Bowcombe, 595.
Bowes, George, 51, 76, 140, 156.
, letters of, to Cecil, 90, 114, 123.
, Jane, 46.
Bowes, Sir Jerome, 233, 373, 518.
, Sir John, 470.
, Marmaduke, 529.
Ralph, 150, 219, 652.
, Sir William, 56.
Bowie, Agnes, 143.
Bowland, 121, 124.
Bowler, John, 172.
Bowles, George, 429.
Bowll, Robert, 200.
, William, 202.
Bowood Forest, 530.
Bowyer, Sir Edmund, 61.
, Emma, 501.
, Henry, 151, 536.
, John, 88, 501.
, Sir John, 571.
, Robert, 124, 178, 568.
, Sir William, Captain of Berwick, 2,
5, 65, 67, 98, 105, 109, 113, 151, 257,
345, 511, 532, 553, 654.
, .letters of, to Cecil, 94, 187, 258,
340, 450, 453.
, , letters to, 382, 402 ; see also
James 1., letters of.
William, 120.
, Mr., 593.
Boy, James, (Bovy), 447.
Boyatt, 613.
Boy land, 77.
Boyle, Richard, 146.
Boys, John, 427.
Boyse, William, 244.
Bozeat, 541.
Brabant, 127, 397.
Rrabon, Mr., 190.
Bradborn, 317, 333
Bradburn, 373.
Bradbury, Jonas, 59").
Braddell, Edward, 89.
Bradell, John, 325, 542, C18.
letters of, to Salisbury, 518,
Braden Forest, 149, 176 ; see Braydon.
Braderton, John, 412.
Bradfarton, 479.
Bradley, 171.
Bradney, 403.
Bradninch, 156.
Bradock, Thomas, 131.
Bradshaw, Alexander, 592.
John, 655.
, Peter, 213, 224.
, Sir Peter, 622, 636.
Roger, 389.
, Thomas. 158, 592.
Bradstoek, William, 593.
Bradston, Edward. 432.
Bradwell, 164.
Brad well, William, 381.
Bradwood, Melehizedec, 406.
Bragg, Robert, 111.
, Thomas, 407.
Braig, John. 65.
Brailes, or Braisle, 383, 640, 657.
Brames, Daniel, 428.
Bramham, 639.
Brampton, 51, 216.
Brampton-Bryan, 98.
Brampton, Henry, 581.
Brancepeth. Castle and Park, 43, 59, 386,
390, 401, 461, 540, 542, 554, 559, 581,
, forest, 59.
Brand, Launcelot, 375.
Mr., (ward), 615.
Brandenburg, Marquis of, 560, 638.
Brandling, Robert, 525.
Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk, 167,292,
410, 570.
Brandsburton, 418.
Branscombe, 467.
Branston, 257.
Branthwaite, Dr. William, 370, 526.
Brantingham, 555.
Brass, Richard, 34, 53, 91, 153, 219, 374, 375,
418, 535, 545, 628.
Braxsted Magna, 143.
Bray, 93, 507.
Bray, William, 53.
Braybrook, James, 479.
Braydon Forest, 593 ; see Braden.
Braye, John, 61.
Brazil sugar, 207, 429.
wood, 207, 413, 429, 439.
Breach, Philip, 438.
Bream, the, 437.
Brecknockshire, 81, 174, 361.
, officers in, 83, 429, 430, 636.
Brecknockshire, places in, 14, 513.
residents in, 644.
Brecon, 22, 342, 357.
Bredgate, John, 26, 294.
Bree, William, 46.
Bremen, Commissioners at, 3.
Brenchley, 576.
Brenning, Richard, 402.
Brentford Bridge, 395.
Brereton, Andrew, 141.
, Mr., 112, 513.
Bretagne, 101.
Brett, Sir Alexander, 138
John, 366.
, Mar , 366.
, Dr. Richard, 433.
, Robert, 352.
, Sir Robert, 370, 525, 526, 581.
, Stephen, 632.
Bretton, Nicholas, 325.
Bretts, 6 1 7.
Brewdnell, Katherine, 472.
Brewers and Brewing, 392, 416, 474, 512.
Brewning, Anthony, 530.
Brewster, Richard, 312.
Brice, Robert, 177
Brickleton, 572.
Bricknell, John, 572.
Bridewell, 227, 265.
Bridgeman, John, 158.
Bridgenorth, 272, 592.
, Castle, 284.
Bridges, Dr. John, Dean of Salisbury, Bishop
of Oxford, 59, 67, 69, 87, 93, 97.
Bridges, Thomas, 338.
Bridgetown, 246.
Bridgewater, 348, 407, 601.
Brigcasterton, 211.
Briggs, Henry, 131.
Brigham, 268, 366.
Brigham, Thomas, 13, 152, 157, 335.
Bright, Andrew, 89, 158, 241.
Ellen, 241, 243.
, John, 448.
Brightlingsea, 487.
j Brigstock, 9, 136.
I , Park, 6, 7, 9, 225.
Brill, The, 53, 56, 108, 210,257, 295,302, 537,
Brill Hills, alias Godley corner, 606.
Brill, Bucks, 606.
Brimstede (or Brymstede), Edward, 26, 253.
Bringewood, Forest of, 133, 142.
Brington, 107, 495.
Brinkerediek, 529.
Briskett, Mr., 61.
Bristol, 39, 57, 111, 130, 348, 436, 453, 483.
, alms rooms in, 596.
, mayor of, 436, 453.
merchants of, 453, 518, 586
Bristol, Bishop of, see Thortiborotigh.
, prebends of, 125.
Bristow, Nicholas, 558.
Britain, see Great Britain.
Britain's Burse, 501, 555, 619.
British dominions, 477.
Britons, see English.
Brittain, Samuel, see Wharton.
, William, 28.
Britton, Henry, 414.
, Thomas, 290.
Broadbury, 401.
Broadcloths, see Cloth.
Broadclyst, 121.
Broadgate, 632.
Broadhempstone, 334.
Broadkirk, .398.
Broadway, 395.
Broadwell, Theodosia, 184.
, William, 184.
Broeas, Henry, 484.
, Sir Pexall, 24, C9, 102, 211. 473.
Brock, William (felon), 370.
, , 579.
Brockholes, Mr., 524.
Brokenhurst, 518, 553.
Broderick, Thomas, 390.
, William, King's embroiderer, 9, 131,
220, 432, 601.
Brokesby, Halpb, 271.
Bromecroft, 417.
Bromfield, 379, 439.
Bromley, Sir Edward, Baron of the Exchequer,
568, 586.
Sir Henry, 76, 98, 147, 255, 281, 284,
296, 301.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 255, 283,
, Robert, 108, 110,380,507,5.39,605,
637, 658.
, Sir Thomas, Lord Chancellor, 568.
, William, 345.
Bromley Hall, 27, 37, 40.
Brompton, 363.
Bromyard, 264.
Bronker, Henry, see Bruncard, Sir Henry.
Brook, Charles, 328.
John, 292.
, Sir John, 361, 596.
, Sir Richard, 463.
, ,205.
Brook Farm, 571.
Brookbank, Henry, 488.
Brooke, Ambrose, 91.
, Ann, Lady Cobham, 487.
Arthur, 30.
.Basil, 117.
, Calisthenes, 487.
, Frances, Lady Cobham, Countess of
Kildare, 49, 50, 95, 108.
5.3, 54, 66, 81.
Henry, Lord Cobham, Warden of the
Cinque Ports, 18, 26, 27, 38, 41, 46, 57,
64, 68, 109, 137, 197, 347, 490.
, , allowances to, 211, 488.
, attainder of, 75, 101, 123, 138,
, , conspiracy and trial of, &c,
21. 22, 31, 34, 35, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54,
, , letters of, 19, 26, 49, 50, 54.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 20,41,50,210,
295, 297,491, 506.
, , letters of, to James I., 6, 50, 55,
210, 577.
, , letters to, 5, 6, 17, 20, 50.
, , rents, lands, &c, of, 64, 81,
95, 106, 125, 181, 195, 206, 218, 227,
, Richard, 346.
, Robert, 349, 640.
, Silvester, 106, 162.
Brooke, gee Gerard.
Brooker, Hugh, 230, 302.
Brookes, AVilliam, G5G.
Brookesby, Bartholomew, 38, 53,87, 115. 116,
250, 292, 297.
, Dorothy, 293, 303, 389, 631.
Helen, 575.
, Thomas, alias Jennings, 250, 292, 297.
Mrs., alias Jennings, 250. 293, 303.
Brooks, Robert, 393.
j Brotherhead, John, 141.
Brough, George, 93.
j Broughton, 252, 562.
, John, 138.
Mark, 514.
, Peter, 19.
(servant), 260.
, , 476.
, (recusant), 572.
Broughton Tower, 416.
Brown, Anne, 357.
, Anthony, Viscount Montague, 1, 127,
258, 265, 266, 274, 291, 295, 329, 351,
, , letters of, 246, 251, 255.
, Bartholomew, 244.
, Christopher, 618.
, Sir George, 356, 600.
, Sir Henry, 252.
, Jacob, 366.
, Robert, 407.
, Sir Valentine, 422.
Sir William, 609.
, William (late), 607.
, William, 658.
or Browne, priest, 256, 260, 261, 265.
Browne, Anthony, 205.
Christopher, 58.
, Edward, 95.
Browne, Evan, 65.
Francis (registrar), 54, 96, 113, 135,
Hugh, 58.
, John (minister), 34.
, John, 616.
, Lancelot, 99.
, Richard (minister), 34, 241.
, Richard (gaol-keeper), 556, 605.
, Sir Richard, 72, 76, 171.
, Robert, 96, 149, 171.
, Robert (yeoman of the cellar), 142,
367, 391.
, Samuel, 301.
."Thomas (surveyor), 78, 146.
, Thomas (recusant), 532.
, Thomas (potter), 153.
, William (pauper), 545.
William (recusant), 511.
, William (servant), 245.
, William (warder), 42.
Biwnists,"463, 601.
Brownlow, Richard, 180.
Broxburne, 452.
Broxtowe, 617.
Broyle Park, 428, 531, 541, 623.
Bruce, Edward, 468.
, Edward, Lord Kinloss, 2, 7 ; Lord
Bruce, Master of the Rolls, 130, 144,
, , grants to, 31, 54, 277, 292, 298,
, letters of, 2, 31, 95, 361.
, , letters to, 144.
, Robert, 200.
, William, 60.
, Dr., 630.
Brudenells, John, 312.
Brudnell, Thomas, 576.
Bruet, William, 165.
Bruges, 146.
Bruges, Ann, Lady Chandos, 410.
, Grey, Lord Chandos, 21, 79, 228, 295,
359, 410, 547.
, , grant to, 524.
, William, Lord Chandos, 194.
Bruncard, or Bronker, Sir Henry, 59, 295, 323.
, William, 397. .
, Mrs., 397.
Brunsbech, 630.
Brunswick Luneburgh, Augustus, Duke of,
, Frederick Ulric, Duke of, 600, 611.
Brush, Mr., 123.
Bruskett, Michael, 577.
Brussels, 274, 319, 329, 333, 339, 389, 410.
Bryde-kirk, 131.
Brymstede, Edward, see Brimstede.
Bubb, Richard, 389.
Bucanus, , 341.
Buchan, (usher), 583.
Buchanan, John, 31, 104, 106.
, Thomas, 398.
Buck, George.'master of revels, 16 ; Sir George,
631, 652.
, Peter, 91, 94, 95 ; Sir Peter, 279, 286.
, Peter, jun., 91, 94.
, Thomas, 374, 533, 546.
Buckden park, 363.
Bucke, John, 308, 309, 310.
Buckeridge, John, Bishop of Rochester, 648.
Buckfastleigh, 595.
Buckholt, 380, 522, 550.
Buckhounds, see James I., buckhounds of.
Buckhurst, Lord, see Sackville.
Buckingham, 433.
, Duke of, see Stafford.
Buckinghamshire, 43, 94, 480.
, grants of lands in, 7, 84, 97, 103, 169,
320, 355,413,415, 580.
, lands and places in, 23, 47, 83, 98,
272, 449, 462, 493, 500, 508, 524, 526,
571, 574, 606.
, receivers in, 121, 138, 565, 584.
, recusants in, 356, 408, 593, 634.
, residents in, 275, 288, 396, 418.
, sheriffs of, 282.
Buckland, 201, 526,572.
Buckland, Barbara, 515.
, Brewer, 417.
, Charles, 598.
, Edward, 472.
, Francis, 532.
, Maurice, 515.
Buckler, Andrew, 531,656.
Bud, George, 571.
Budd, Peter, 203.
, Richard, 65, 120.
Budden, Dr. John, 219, 489.
Buddough, James, 97, 401, 527.
Bugges, Anthony, 144.
Builth, 14, 22.
Bulkeley, Sir Richard, 132, 442.
Bull, Richard, 415.
Buller, Robert, 104.
Bulleyn, Robert, 77.
Bullingham, Francis, 347, 460.
Bullion, 11, 153, 352 ; see Coin.
Bullivant, Hugh, 323.
Bulloch, Dorothy, 269.
, John, 269, 443.
Buhner, Bevis, 51, 68 ; Sir Bevis, 196, 221
298, 368, 421, 424.
, Diana, 375.
Bunbury, Henry, 221.
Bunch, William, 421.
Bungay, 198.
, priory, 289.
Bunny, Richard, 147,
Buny, William, 519.
Burby, Cuthbert, 442.
Burche, Authony, 529.
Burchett, Humphrey, 160.
Burcbill, John, 15.
Burcot, 279.
Burdeaux, Baldwin, 346.
Burford, 639.
Bur ford, Walter, 264.
Burges, John, 15, 127.
Burgh, Elizabeth, 547.
, Frances de, Countess of Essex and of
Clanricarde, 37, 344, 371, 456, 583,
586, 587.
, Lady, 20.
, Richard de, Earl of Clanricarde, 37,
371, 456, 457, 583, 586, 587.
Burgh Castle, 208, 232.
Burghley House, 5.
Burghley, Nicholas, 153.
Burgundy, 166, 235.
, House of, 394.
Burham, 330.
Burials, see Funerals.
Burien, Richard, 420.
Burlace, Nicholas, 46.
, William, 396.
Buriacy, Sir John, 631, 637.
, Sir William, 365, 441, 593.
Burlamachi, Laurence, 4.
Philip, 477.
Burleigh, Lord, see Cecil, Thomas and William.
Burley, Captain, 233.
Burly, John, 63.
Burnby, 172.
Burneby, John, 70.
Burned Lodge, 194.
Burnell, Edward, 226.
, Captain Francis, 2.
Burnham Abbey, 23.
Burrell, Christopher, 607.
, James, 205, 208.
, Robert, 218,
Burroughes, Henry, 121.
Burrow, Robert, 429.
, Wilmot, 429.
Bursco, priest, 63.
Burscougb, 80.
Burton, Herefordshire, 142.
, Westmoreland, 256, 385.
Burton, Edward, 85, 98.
Robert, 593.
Samuel, 642.
Burwash, 160.
Bury, Edmund, 78.
, Leonard, 78.
Bury St. Edmunds, 10, 108, 116, 371, 406, 441,
504, 574, 579, 590.
Bush, John, 309.
Bushell, Edward, 72.
Sir Edward, 256, 257.
Bushen, Philip, 138.
Bushley, 613.
Bushop, Baruaby, 383.
Bushton, Philip, 107.
, , 304.
Bushy Park, 207.
Bussey, Andrew, 640, 652.
Busshopdale, 158.
Butcher, Henry, see Bowcher.
, Sir Henry, 478.
Butchers, 397, 419.
Butler, Elizabeth, 511.
, Henry, 86.
, Sir Henry, letters of, to Cecil, 181, 209.
, Sir Oliver, 424.
.......... Sir Philip, 180, 339.
, Thomas, Earl of Ormond. 351, 452
, William, 553.
priest, 190, 309, 310.
, Lady, 424.
Butterall, Thomas, 384.
Butterton, William, 155.
Butterwick, 406.
Button, James, 470, 611.
, Captain Thomas, 89, 534.
, William, 405.
, Sir William, 470.
Bye, Reynold, 127.
Byfleet, 169, 422.
By ley, 541.
Bymaken, Greyfriars at, 604.
Bynion, Edward, 35.
Bynns, Ottiwell, 418.
Bythorn-cum-Oldweston, 107.
Bywater, Thomas, 203, 204, 206.
Cadbury, Richard, 194.
Cade, John, 461.
, Nicholas, 46.
Cadwallader, Roger, alias Rogers, 224, 225,
, see Ap Thomas, Cadwallader.
Caen, stone from, 451, 452.
Caerleon, 529.
Ca;sar, Alice, 120.
, Dr. Henry, alias Adelmare, 78, 409.
, Sir Julius, Chancellor of the Exche-
quer, Judge of the Admiralty, 451, 476,
497, 508, 515, 524, 536, 541, 570.
, commissions to, 415, 424, 432
440, 493, 574, 618.
, grants to, 32, 120, 418.
, letters of, 59, 118, 434, 437, 472,
483, 495, 527, 531,534, 594, 618, 652.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 306, 450,
451, 492, 536.
, letters of, to Lake, 365, 379, 401
406, 409, 528.
17 u 2
Cicsav, Sir Julius, letters to, 20G, 212, .173, 508,
509, 520, 521, 537, 547, 557, 618, 629 ;
see also James I., letters of.
, notes and endorsements by, 539,
034, 654.
, , petition to, (i 10.
, , warrants to, 357, 423, 599.
, Thomas, 522.
, Thomas, 63, 378, 483 ; Baron of the
Exchequer, 613, 615, 624.
Cage, John, 76, 169 ; Sir John, 578.
David, 24.
Caistor, 351.
Calais, 17, 151, 235, 248, 265, 289, 304, 308,
309, 334, 493, 629.
governor of, 14 5.
Calandrini, John, 449.
Calcott, 351.
Caldert, Roger, 550.
Cale, Matthew, 555.
Calico, see Cotton.
Calley, William, 410.
Callowes, 572.
Calon, Nicholas, 65.
Calshot Castle, 400, 583.
Calstock, 119, 128, 498.
Calverly, Henry, 274.
William, 274.
Calvert, George, 51, 52, 53, 55, 77, 89,90, 438,
474, 514, 541.
, Sampson, 323.
Calvin, Robert, 377, 428, 452.
Calwich, 407.
Cam, Thomas, 379.
Cambaia, 121.
Camber Castle, 71, 579.
Camberwell House, 61.
Camborne, 53.
Cambridge, 183,218, 225, 333, 406, 505.
castle, 244, 255.
, letters from, 428, 465, 560.
, Mayor of, 289, 659.
University, 20, 177, 185,206, 210, 230,
276, 375, 386, 466, 489, 506, 523, 548,
551, 569, 571,582, 659.
, .charter of, 201, 203, 206.
, , Chancellor of, (Sir Robert Cecil)
19, 136, 551, 569.
, Vice-Chancellors of, 186, 210,
255, 280, 302, 361,428, 602.
, , , letters of, to Salisbury,
428, 489, 506.
, , , letters to, see Cecil, Earl
of Salisbury, letters of.
Proctor of, 447.
, ,Lady Margaret (Tudor's) lecture,
478, 489
, , Regius Professor of Greek at,
, , Colleges of, viz.,
Rennet College, see Corpus Christ! .
Cuius, see Gonville and Cuius.
Catherine's Hull, 177.
bridge University, colleges of— continued.
Christ's, 157, 271, 353, 549, 560, 561, 5GS.
Clare Hall, 177, 320, 425.
Corpus Christi, 8, 84, 186, 214, 230, 386.
Emmanuel, 177.
Gonville and Caius, 85, 186, 368, 526, 600.
Jesus, 115, 602.
King's, 68, 84, 459, 505, 551, 598.
Magdalen, 151, 177, 209.
Pembroke Hall, 157, 177.
Peter House, 276, 361, 387, 484.
Queen's, 142, 186, 238, 450.
St. John's, 230, 311,418.
Sidney Sussex, 177.
Trinity, 186, 190,204, 262, 334,364, 382,
417, 551, 581, 582, 596, 644.
Trinity Hall, 177.
Cambridgeshire, 81, 536.
grants of lands in, 125, 177, 200, 215.
lands and places in, 95, 115, 211, 288,
385,433. 578, 598, 608.
offices in, 164, 379, 386.
, residents in, 24, 290, 631, 644.
sheriffs, of, 550.
Camden, William, Clarencieux, 185, 369.
Campbell, Archibald, Earl of Argyle, 31, 46.
, Robert, 557.
Campion, Edmund, jesuit, 421.
Camps, 125, 357.
Campsall, 133.
Canaan, maps of, 639.
Canary Islands, 54, 528.
Candeler, Richard, 141,
Candia, 198.
Cank, 36, 374.
Cannefield, Robert, 390.
Cannon Row, 397, 593.
Canon, Thomas, 201.
Canterbury, 41, 151, 373, 391, 519.
letters from, 312, 330, 375, 551.
, ruins at, 450, 451, 452, 456, 458.
, park at, 229, 473.
, Archbishops of, see Whitgift ; Ban-
.Archbishopric of, 60, 135, 155, 443,
526, 620.
, Archdeacon of, see Fotherby, Charles.
, Consistorial Court of, 555.
, Deans and Chapter of, 551, 561.
, cathedral of, 643.
, alms-rooms in, 92, 117, 161,
167, 179, 197.
, prebends of, 72, 74, 108, 115.
, Prerogative Court of, 28, 204.
Canty re, 418.
Capell, Sir Gamaliel, 33, 568, 623.
Caple, Richard, 68, 118, 133.
Thomas, 263.
Cardell, Francis, 161.
Thomas, 161.
Garden, Mr., 239.
Cardenas, J. de, IS 7.
Cardiff, 446, 518.
Cardiganshire, 15, 164,259.
, justices in, 74, 227, 641.
, offices in, 83, 122, 361, 368,487.
Cardisson, 595.
Cardoini, Camillo, 1 7.
Cards, customs on, 209.
Carell, Sir Edward, 77, 158.
, Sir John, 146.
Careston, Edward, 391.
Careswall, 505.
Carew, Edward, 542.
, Sir George, Lord Carew of Clopton,
214, 243,384.
, , as Vice-Chamberlain and Re-
ceiver of the Queen, 136, 189, 231, 254.
, , as Lieutenant of Ordnance, 42,
380,418, 434, 442.
, , as Master of Ordnance, 442, 448.
, , letters of, 448, 456, 503.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 275, 520,
, , letters to, 17, 548.
Joyce Lady, 246.
, Sir George, 233 ; Ambassador to
France, 265, 289, 305, 329.
, Lady, 289.
, Sir John, 605.
, 524.
Carew Castle, 200, 635.
Carey, Sir Adolphus, 505.
, Sir Edmund, 100.
, Sir Edward, Master of the Jewels, 7,
10, 15, 89, 137, 147, 151, 388, 428, 504,
, Sir George, 446, 495.
, Lord Hunsdon, 307.
, George, Lord Hunsdon, Lord Cham-
berlain, 4, 10, 595.
, Elizabeth, Lady Hunsdon, 121, 595.
, Henry, Lord Hunsdon, 288, 349.
Sir Henry, Master of the Jewels, 15,
72, 137, 147, 326, 388, 428, 601, 607,
, Henry, 607.
, Henry, sen., 272, 274, 277.
, Henry, jun., 277.
, John, Lord Hunsdon, 58, 136, 324, 465.
Sir Philip, 504.
, Richard, 310, 403, 503.
Robert, 1C9.
Sir Robert, 1, 2, 35, 44, 89, 98, 490,
504, 532, 537, 607, 655.
Thomas, 607.
, "Valentine, 549, 561, 563.
, Elizabeth, Lady, 400, 444, 445, 527,
575, 623.
Cargill, Thomas, 39, 170, 396, 496.
Carill, Sir John, 60, 116, 537
Carington, Andrew, 276.
, John, 276.
Carington, Samuel, 276.
Carleton, 401.
Carleton, Alice, 234, 333.
Dudley, 37, 82, 88, 164, 207, 208, 222,
227, 235, 239, 243, 249, 265, 375 ;
Ambassador to Venice, 627 ; Sir Dud-
ley, 630.
, , notes and papers by, 2, 101,
109, 122, 159, 167, 596, 621, 622.
letters of, 234, 272, 287, 329,
378, 514, 515.
, letters of, to Sir Walter Cope,
274, 371, 468, 484, 503, 514, 541, 553,
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 44, 265,
271, 274, 287, 319, 333, 335, 380, 468,
473,514, 645.
, letters of, to Chamberlain,
(1603) . 18, 59.
(1604) : 68, 141, 146, 151.
(1605) : 186, 187, 255.
(1606) : 294, 305,306, 312,315, 317,
320, 323, 329, 333, 338, 339.
(1607) : 348, 365, 367, 368, 370, 391.
(1608) : 394, 441, 444, 447, 457, 463,
465, 466, 472, 474, 476, 477.
(1609) : 484, 486, 489, 491, 492, 493,
505, 506, 535. 547, 552, 558.
(1610) : 581, 629.
, , letters to, 2, 3, 32, 46, 155, 187,
204, 235, 272, 274, 310, 312, 329, 441,
454, 579, 643, 645, 656.
, , letters to, ace Chamberlain, John ;
Lister, Dr. ; Lytton, Sir Rowland ; Mat-
thew, Tobie; Norris, Erancis Lord;
Percy, Sir Allan.
, Anne, Mrs., 378, 474, 506, 515, 535.
, George, 2.
, Dr. George, 552.
Carlion, see Caerleon.
Carlisle, 94, 114, 319,406, 576.
, alms-rooms at, 81, 170, 198, 532, 545,
, castle of, 20.3, 204, 260.
, , gunner's places in, 407, 502, 512,
gaol of, 237, 279, 283.
letters from, 5, 24, 237, 258, 279, 280,
292, 313, 317, 319, 325, 355, 635.
, Mayor of, 5.
Carlisle, Bishop of, see Robinson, Henry.
, Christopher, 487.
, Mary, 487.
Robert, 398.
Carlton, 24.
Carmarthen, Richard, 14, 70, 81.
Carmarthen, 1 1 7, 342.
Carmarthenshire, lands, &c. in, 259, 385.
, grants of lands in, 38, 201.
Justices of, 34, 74, 641.
, offices iu, 83, 1 1 9, 1 22, 36 1 , 487.
, residents in, 34.
Carmichael, James, 126,
Carmichael, Sir Henry, 286.
, Nathaniel, 542.
Carmina, 596.
Carn, Edward, 83. 556.
Carnaby, Laneelot, 299, 307, 310.
, servant of, see Healey, John.
Carnarvon, 601.
, Castle, 14, 560.
Carnarvonshire, grants of lands in, 18, 87, 643.
, lands and places in, 130, 207, 317,
, officers in, 175, 226, 391, 429, 444, 601,
, residents in, 13, 640.
Carol, Sir John, 592.
, , junior, 561.
, Sir Thomas, 592.
Caron, Sir Noel de, Ambassador from Holland,
92, 181, 185, 280, 290, 405, 426, 491.
Carpenter, Edward, 511.
, Peter, 397.
, Koger, 112.
, Thomas, 242.
, jesuit, 231.
Carpenters, 163.
Carr, John, 205.
, Philadelphia, 648.
, or Kerr, Sir Robert, 391, 405, 417,
485, 544, 567, 606, 650.
, grants, &c, to 147, 162, 163,
385, 596, 599.
, letters to, 633, 651.
, Robert, 472, 648.
Mr. (recusant), 294.
Carrack, The, see Spain, carrack of.
Carrhouse, 334, 566.
Carrycr, William, 88.
Carse, or Kars, John, 57, 80, 390, 395, 505,
529, 541, 590, 594, 598.
Carthay, 344.
Cartmel, 497.
Cartmell, Thomas, 191.
Cartwright, Francis, 86.
, Richard, 11, 320, 530.
Cams, Mr., 524,
Carvile, John, 34.
Casaubon, Dr. Isaac, 25, 619.
Case, Bryan, 130.
Cashel, Edward, 647.
Cason, Edward, 176.
Cassand Island, 151.
Casse, Mr., (tutor), 302.
Cassinghurst, Mr., 369.
Castel, John, 190.
Castell, George, 507.
Castile, 101.
, Constable of, Juan Ferdinand de Ve-
lasco, Duke of Frias, Spanish Ambas-
sador, 54, 59, 140, 141, 146, 148,151,
Castillian. Francis, 213.
Castle Ashley, 146.
Eden, 30.
Hedingham, 397.
Moithen, 368.
Morton, 593.
Rushin, 102, 104.
Castle, Thomas, 644.
Castleford, 523.
Castleton, 190.
Caswell, 593.
Catchmay, Thomas, 363, 415, 495.
Catechism, see Books.
Cater (widow), 632.
Catesby, Ann Lady, 242,244, 252, 383, 403,
, Robert, 190, 240-46, 251, 254, 256,
258, 259-66, 268, 270, 279-82, 288,
292, 293, 296, 297, 299, 300, 314.
, .death of, 247, 255, 301.
, , grants of lands of, 322, 337, 346.
, , servants of, 248, 249, 252, 259,
267, 279.
Cathay, 121.
Catberick, Anthony, 233.
Catherine of Aragon, Queen of Henry VIII.,
Catherine Parr, Queen of Henry VIII., 35.
Catholic Bishops in England, 457.
, succession, 38, 300, 305.
Catholics, 1, 2, 37,55, 72, 127, 229, 236, 243,
245, 260, 261, 262, 271, 272, 274, 291,
297, 300, 309, 313, 322, 325, 397, 555,
558, 565, 626.
, conduct of the King towards, sec
James I., opinions of.
, conspiracies and projects of, 6, 28, 126,
200, 223, 228, 241, 263, 299.
, doctrines of, 270, 288, 341.
, English, 4, 5, 16, 18, 243, 261, 263,
265, 272, 273, 299, 301, 330, 355.
, English, abroad, 60, 249, 253.
, faction of, 59, 260, 282, 315.
, favour towards, 177, 224, 266, 274,
, letters of, 5, 6.
, lords, 258, 264, 265, 280.
names of, 249, 250, 255, 257, 281.
.proceedings against, 12,36,53, 61, 181,
224, 254, 258, 267, 277, 278, 279, 286,
298, 301, 306, 308, 341, 612.
Catmere, 557.
Catterlen, 395.
Catteshall, 24.
Cattle, 39.
Causton, John, 141.
Cavan, 282.
Cave, Lady, 495.
Cavell, John, 181.
Cavendish, Sir Charles, 523.
, William, Lord, of Hardwick, 214.
Caversfield, 97, 413.
Caversham, 257.
Cawdale, Richard, 562.
Cawmillne, Laird of, sec Lawther.
Cawood Castle, 459, 520.
Cawood, Thomas, 6.
Cay ton, 521.
Cayworth, "William, 223, 224.
Cecil, Sir Robert, Secretary of State, Keeper
of the Privy Seal, Master of "Wards
and Liveries, Chancellor of Cam-
bridge, 1,6; Lord Cecil of Essendon,
8, 9, 25, 45, 46, 50, 52, 68, 73, 89,
94, 96, 112, 133, 136, 138, 145; Vis-
count Cranborne, 165, 181, 182, 187,
197, 201 ; Earl of Salisbury, 214, 224,
229, 230, 269, 271, 272, 274, 275, 278,
287, 292, 294, 296, 303, 311, 312, 326,
329, 330, 332, 334, 335, 336, 346, 355,
359, 364, 367, 368, 376, 391, 394, 417 ;
Lord High Treasurer, 435, 440, 444,
447, 452, 454, 458, 459, 462, 467, 469,
477, 478, 480, 484, 493, 497, 498, 501,
502, 511, 514, 517, 529, 533, 534, 541,
544, 551, 553, 555, 559, 565, 579, 590,
609, 614, 619, 625, 627, 632, 652, 653,
654, 659.
, commissions to, 10, 74, 331, 371,
373, 432, 436, 439, 444, 449, 458, 461,
464, 476, 477, 493, 510, 511, 521, 572,
603, 605, 620, 631.
, corrections and indorsements by, 7, 56,
72,98, 134, 141, 156, 162, 166, 168, 172,
189, 226, 227, 237, 243, 263, 271, 275,
298, 315, 318, 335, 336, 342, 350, 351,
353, 373, 374, 393, 405, 409, 425, 426,
438, 467, 471, 479,485, 488, 494, 509,
572, 589, 596, 623, 624, 635, 657,
, designs against, 263, 270, 278, 287,
290, 313.
, , grants to, 9, 68, 86, 197, 206, 214, 272,
326, 333, 351, 384, 385, 427, 441, 510,
515, 554, 613, 643.
, memorials and petitions to, 38, 85, 91,
97, 109, 183, 184, 194, 264, 309, 315,
323, 340, 349, 393, 405, 428, 438, 450,
456, 457,464,466, 467, 469, 471-73,
479, 480, 485, 487-90, 493, 504, 507,
511-16, 521-24, 526, 528, 542, 551, 557,
564, 567, 569, 577, 594, 596, 598, 605-8,
610, 612, 614, 621-23, 638-40, 642,
643, 646, 648, 649, 652, 655-58.
, papers by, 2, 167, 451, 483, 560, 650.
.payments to, 48, 218, 364, 513, 515,
, references to, 186, 487, 497, 619.
, secretary of, see Munck, Levinus.
, sen-ants of, 479, 480, 658.
speeches of, 351, 361, 588, 608.
, warrants to, 137, 423, 599.
, letters of, to various persons, 12, 36,
47, 51, 52, 55, 73, 78, 80, 86, 94, 103,
123, 131, 140, 146, 150, 169, 177, 208,
213, 233, 235, 280, 289, 298, 301, 321,
347, 353, 355, 401, 443, 448, 449, 451,
461, 466, 478, 495, 500, 501, 511, 527,
530, 531, 558, 588, 594, 597, 609, 618,
629, 632, 648, 652.
Cecil, Sir Robert — continued.
, letters of, to
Cambridge,Vice-Chancellors, 450,582.
Coke, Sir Edward, 193, 306.
Customs, Officers of, 433-5, 437, 441,
448, 449, 454, 456, 458, 469, 477,
485, 502, 505.
Howard, Lord Henry, 2, 3.
James I., 1, 187.
Lake, Sir Thomas, 2, 3, 72, 181, 187,
189, 201, 203, 237, 280, 316, 352,
354, 355, 405, 534, 563, 564, 568.
Osborne, John, 530, 531.
Privy Council, 3, 227.
Seaton, Earl of Dunfermline, 265,432.
Sheffield, Lord, 556, 571.
AVindebank, Sir Thomas, 10, 189,
212,326, 327.
, letters to, from various persons,
(1603) :— 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 24, 34,
35, .36, 41, 51-6, 60, 61.
(1604) :— 68, 69, 73, 78, 94, 98, 139,
146, 150, 15], 155, 162, 177, 182.
(1605) :— 204, 206, 208, 211, 213,
222, 224, 231, 232, 234, 239, 241,
244, 245, 246, 248, 250, 256, 261,
263, 265, 268, 272, 274, 276.
(1606) :— 280, 281-5, 292, 295, 297,
299, 302, 305, 306, 307, 313, 319,
329, 337, 338, 340.
(1607) :— 343, 347, 385.
(1608) :— 397, 403, 415, 420, 421,
422, 424, 425, 426, 428, 430, 433,
435, 436, 439, 441-4, 446, 448-53,
455, 457, 459, 462, 464, 465, 468,
469, 470, 473, 474, 477, 478, 479.
(1609) :— 484, 485, 486, 487, 489,
490, 492, 493, 495, 499, 502, 503,
504, 506, 508, 513, 516-20, 522,
526, 528, 532, 536, 538, 549, 550-6,
558, 559, 560, 562-5, 568, 569, 570,
572, 574, 577.
(1610) : — 585, 586, 588, 590, 592,
595, 596, 597, 598, 601, 602, 604,
605, 606, 608, 609, 611, 613, 615,
616, 619, 620, 622, 623, 624, 628-32,
634-40, 642, 644, 649, 653-6.
, letters to, sec
Abbot, Bishop.
Aid Commissioners.
Alabaster, Thomas.
Arundel, Lord.
Aston, Sir Roger.
Atkins, Dr.
Audley, Lord.
Babington, Bishop.
Bacon, Sir Francis.
Bancroft, Bishop.
Barlow, Bishop.
Barnes, William. •
Basui, Simon.
Bonnet, Bisnop,
Bingley, John.
Cecil, Sir Robert — continued.
, letters to, nee
Blount, Earl of Devonshire.
Bourcbier, Earl of Bath.
Bowes, George.
Bowyer, Sir William.
Bradell, John.
Bromley, Sir Henry.
Brooke, Lord Cobham.
Butler, Sir Henry.
Cicsar, Sir Julius.
Cambridge, Vice-Chancellors of.
Carew, George Lord.
Carleton, Dudley.
Cecil, Thomas, Earl of Exeter.
, William, Lord Boos.
, WiIliam,Viscount Cranborne.
Clifford, Francis, Earl of Cumberland.
Cock, Sir Henry.
Cockayne, Richard.
Coke, Sir Edward.
Combe, William.
Compton, Lord.
Cooke, Sir William.
, Avis, Lady.
Cotton, Henry, Bishop.
Croft, Sir Herbert.
, Sir Jasper.
Cromwell, Lord.
Denys, Sir Thomas.
Digby, Sir Everard.
Docwra, Thomas.
Dudley, Lettice, Countess of Leicester,
Edmondes, Sir Thomas.
Egerton, Earl of Ellesmere.
Elphinstone, Lord Balmerinoch.
Erskine, Viscount Fenton.
Eure, Lord.
Ewens, Ralph.
Fane, Sir Thomas.
Fitzwillianis, John.
Forest, Anthony.
Freville, Sir George.
Fulwcr, Nathaniel.
Gerard, Thomas Lord.
Glenham, Lady.
Glover, William.
Goad, Dr.
Godolphin, Sir William.
Goodere, Sir Henry.
Gorges, Sir Thomas.
Gray, Patrick.
Gregory, Arthur.
Grevillc, Sir Fulk.
Harrington, Lord.
Harvv, Sir George.
Hastings, Sir Francis.
Hay, Sir Alexander.
, Earl of Erroi.
Cecil, Sir Robert — continued.
, letters to, sec
Hay, Paul de la.
Herbert, Earl of Fembroke.
Hercey, John.
Hitcham, Eobert.
llobart, Sir Henry.
Hollis, Sir John.
Howard, Charles, Earl of Nottingham.
, Henry, Earl of Northampton.
, Thomas, Viscount Bindon.
, Thomas, Earl of Suffolk.
Hume, Earl Dunbar.
James I.
James, Dean and Bishop.
Jarvis, Arthur.
Johnson, Sir Robert.
Ker, Lord Roxburgh.
Lane, Sir AVilliam.
Lawson, Sir Wilfrid.
Leigh, Sir Henry.
Lewkenor, Sir Lewis.
Lloyd, Bishop.
Lok, Henry.
Manners, Sir Oliver.
, Earl Rutland.
Markham, Sir Griffin.
, Lady.
Maton, William.
Matthew, Bishop.
Mayors of Chester, Exeter, Headon,
Meere, John.
Metcalfe, Sir Thomas.
Murray, Sir David.
, John.
Neale, Francis.
Newton, Adam.
Norden, John.
Norris, Lord.
Ogle, Sir Richard.
Osborne, John.
Parker, Lord Morley.
, Lord Monteagle.
Paulet, William, Lord St. John.
Percy, Earl of Northumberland.
Peyton, Sir John.
Phelips, Sir Edward.
Phclippes, Thomas.
Popham, Sir John.
Privy Council.
Ratcliffe, Earl of Sussex.
Kobinson, Bishop.
Roper, Sir John.
Russell, Earl of Bedford.
Sackville. Earl of Dorset.
St. John, Oliver Lord.
Saltonstall, Sir Samuel.
Sanderson, Henry.
Scrope, Lord.
Cecil, Sir Robert — continued.
, letters to, sec
Seaton, Lord Fyvie, Earl of Dun-
Selby, Sir William.
Selkane, Dorothy.
Sempill, Sir James.
Serle, Alexander.
Sheffield, Lord.
Shirley, Sir Thomas.
Skinner, Sir Vincent.
Skrimshaw, Richard.
Somerset, Karl of Worcester.
Stallenge, William.
Stanhope, John Lord.
, Sir Michael.
Stanley, Earl of Derby.
Stapers, Richard.
Stewart, John, Earl of Mar.
, Sir Robert.
, Colonel William.
Stoner, Sir F.
Stuart, Lady A rabella.
Sydney, Lord Lisle.
Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury.
Tichborne, Sir B.
Tindall, Humphrey.
Townshend, Sir H.
Tresham, Lady.
Trussell, Thomas.
Vcre, Sir Francis.
Verney, Sir Richard.
AVaad, Sir William.
Wales, President and Council of.
Wardour, Edward.
AVarwickshire, Sheriffs.
Weston, Sir R.
, Dr. Simon.
Wharton, Samuel.
Wilbraham, Sir R.
Willis, Simon.
Wilson, Thomas.
Worcestershire, Sheriffs.
Wotton, Lord.
Wright, Henry.
Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton.
Zouch, Lord.
, Elizabeth Lady, 54, 506.
William, Viscount Cranborne, 18.">, 23:2,
237, 276, 302, 311, 332, 466, 473, 479,
i_! ">, 618, 634, 613, 645, 652, 653, 654.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 276,
311, 466.
, Catherine, Viscountess Cranborne, 538.
, Lady Frances, 466.
William, 1st Lord Burleigh, 145, 305,
340, 490, 587.
Thomas, 2nd Lord Burleigh, 24, 29,
32, 7S, 95, 148, 161,210,211,213; Karl
of Exeter, 214, 414, 608, 624.
Cecil, Thomas, letters of, to Salisbury, 213,
214, 232, 441, 522, 539, 606.
, Dorothy, Lady Burleigh, 24 ; Countess
of Exeter, 505.
, William, 3rd Lord Burleigh, 455, 516,
, William, Lord Roos, 32, 220, 463,579,
, letters of, to Salisbury, 612, 613.
, Sir Edward, 35. 271, 406, 408, 533,
Richard, 362.
, Sir William, 32, 186, 353.
Cecil-Hatfield, 448.
Cecil House, 499, 515, 525.
Cccill, Dr. J., priest, 17, 35, 290.
, Thomas, 447.
Cee, Mr., 256.
Ceely, .'.nn, 35.
, Thomas, 35.
, William, 35.
Cepy, Nicholas de, 294.
Chaderton, William, Bishop of Lincoln, 98,128,
135, 199, 316, 363, 421, 460.
, Laurence, 177.
Chadwell, 24.
Chadwick, John, 345.
Chalcroft, Richard, 166.
Chalkhill, John, 471.
Challock, 442.
Challoner, Captain, 426.
Challoner (or Chaloner), Sir Thomas, 30, 99,
126, 127, 142, 169, 176, 178, 191, 411,
439, 554, 563, 570.
Chalmer, William, 31, 77, 217.
Chamber, John, 82.
, William, 373.
Chamber, Treasurer of, 399 ; see Stanhope, Lord.
Chamberlain, Lord, see Carey, George, Lord
Hunsdon ; Howard, Thomas, Earl
Chamberlain, Francis, 591.
, Henry, 443.
, John, 629.
, letters of, 234.
, , letters of, to Dudley Carleton,
(1603) :— 1, 3, 20, 43.
(1604) :— 141.
(1605) :— 185, 213, 237, 244.
(1606) : — 296, 299, 305, 308. 312,
322, 326, 332, 333. 334, 337, 339.
(1607) :— 348, 365, 372, 391.
(1608) :— 394, 403, 448, 448, 459,
463, 464, 466, 467, 473, 475, 476.
(1609) :— 484, 485, 487, 492, 495,
505, 506, 576.
(1610) :— 583.
, , letters to, see Carleton, Dudley ,•
Lytton, Sir Rowland.
, Richard, 152.
, Robert, alias Jones, John, 514.
, Sir Robert, 94.
Chamberlain, William, 175, 178.
, Mrs. 493.
Chambers, Charles, 367, 416, 524, 578.
, Edmund, 360.
, George, 376.
, George, priest, 283, 286, 291, 293, 295,
, Richard, 593.
Robert, 199.
Chancellor, Lord, see Egerton, Thomas.
of Exchequer, sec Hume, Sir George ;
Caesar, Sir Julius.
of Duchy of Lancaster, see Fortescue,
Sir John ; Parry, Sir Thomas.
Chancery Court, 7, 70, 132, 204.
causes in, 4, 157, 167, 191, 341, 401,
549, 584.
, masters in, 346, 600.
officers of, 26, 96, 105, 131, 153, 286,
355, 615.
, records of, 144, 178.
Chandos, Lord, .see Bruges.
Channer, Marmaduke, 658.
Chantrell, Robert, 346.
Chantry lands, see Crown lands.
Chapel Hainault. see Hainault.
Chapei Royal, see James I.
Chapham, John see Clapham.
Chaplin, Edward, 556.
, John, 513.
Chapman, Adam, 487.
, ^nn, 401.
, Clement, 85, 501.
Francis, 538.
, Henry, 285.
John, 73, 149, 197, 556.
Robert, 589, 651.
Thomas, 495.
Char, Sir George, 49.
Charcoal, see Coal.
Chard, 27, 227, 297.
, Mayor of, 535.
Charing Cross, 589.
, mews at, 156, 488, 584.
Charisius, Jonas, Danish Ambassador, 647.
Charles IX., King of Sweden, 501, 567, 580.
Charles, Nicholas, 469.
Charles, Prince, Duke of York, &c, 151, 186,
187, 194, 203, 246, 534, 542, 644, 647.
, journey of, to England, 119, 122,
, apparel, jewels, &c, of, 339, 395, 404,
424, 430, 432, 445, 556, 636.
, books for, 591.
, commissioners of, 639, 649.
, gifts to, see James I., gifts of.
guardian of, .see Carey, Elizabeth
, household of, 482, 488, 596, 653.
, lands of, 222, 401, 540, 578, 651, 053,
Charles, Prince, officers and servants of, 95,
226, 246, 280, 284, 398, 414, 415, 481,
541, 644.
, payments for, 582, 654, 655.
, residences of, 161, 453, 488
, tutor of, see Murray, Thomas.
Charleton, Edward, 358.
Charlett, Francis, 126.
Chariot, John, 614.
Charlton, Edward, 358.
Mark, 631.
Charlton, 281.
Charlton-upon-Otmoor, 433.
Charneley, John, 191.
Charnock, priest, 29, 256, 55!).
, John, 587.
Charter House, letters from, 203, 505, 609.
Chartley-Beomond, 281.
Chatham, 22, 94, 95, 317, 329, 659.
Chatsworth, 417.
Chaimcey, Sir Toby, 265, 583.
, Sir William, 583.
Chaunt, John. 85.
Chauton, 416.
Chaworth, George, 463, 519.
Cheapside, see London, streets of.
Chedzoy, 199.
Cheek, Lady, 153.
Chelie, 262.
Chellaston, 320.
Chelsea, 119, 461, 516, 525, 560.
, college at, 616.
House, 330, 486.
Chelston, 404.
Cheney, Thomas Lord, 180.
, Richard, 449.
Cheque, see Prick and cheque, Clerks of.
heriton, 205.
Cherry -Burton, 103.
Cherry, Edward, 189, 191.
Sir Francis, 118, 157, 189, 191.
Chertsey, 526, 622.
Chesham, Alexander, 417.
Cheshire, 10, 544.
, lands and places in, 83, 143, 385, 515,
, mises in, 274, 485.
, offices in, 175, 209, 353, 444.
receivers for, 18, 197,469.
, residents in, 44, 374, 428, 573, 107.
Cheshunt Park, 361, 376, 406, 532, 640, 652,
Nunnery, 406.
Chesilhainpton, 365.
Chesshall, William, 306,
Chester, 4, 202, 373, 374, 383, 407, 415, 426,
443, 502, 567.
, letters from, 375, 502, 563.
, alms-rooms in, 30, 78.
u Castle, 203, 315, 563.
Chester, Chamberlain of, 50, 153.
, Earldom of, 461, 635.
, justices and sheriffs of, 274, 429, 635.
, Mayor, &c., of, 27, 202, 271, 378.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 24, 287, 502.
, Bishop of, sec Vaughan, Lloyd.
, Dean and Chapter of, 176, 217, 364,505.
, Diocese of, 147, 206, 610.
Herald, see Knight, Thomas.
, County Palatine of, 27, 108, 117, 153,
198, 271, 274, 344, 401, 635.
, , exchequer of, 198.
Chester, George, 396.
, Sir Robert, 86.
, William, 382.
Chesterford, 232.
Chesworth, 537.
Chewte, Christopher, 319.
, Philip, 334.
Chichester, 43, 60, 78, 164, 359, 453, 517, 557,
, Lieutenant of, 78.
, Mayor of, 43, 517.
, Bishop of, see Watson, Andrews,
Cathedral, 641.
, Dean and Chapter ©f, 340, 557.
, Diocese of, 262, 556, 575.
, Chancellor of, 556.
Chichester, Amias, 300.
, Sir Arthur, Lord Deputy of Ireland,
236, 274, 339, 385, 429, 478, 541, 569,
, Gertrude, 390.
, Sir Robert, 469.
, Mr. (of Turner's-piddlc), 525.
Chickford Walk, 230.
Chitklade, 511, 516.
Chief Barons, see Periam, Sir William ; Flem-
ing, Sir Thomas ; Tanfkld, Sir Law-
Chief Justices, see King's Bench and Common
Chielsmore, 549.
Child, Thomas, 537.
Childwall, 497.
Chiltern Hills, 294.
China, 121, 344.
Chinley, aliat Mainstonfleld, 622, 63(5,
Chinnor, 497.
Chipley, 45.
Chippingalc, Dr. John, 1 78, 205.
Chipping Campdcn, 268.
Chipping Lamborne, 562.
Chiswick, 189.
Cholmley, Mary, 570.
, Richard, 570.
, William, 308, 516.
Chopwcll, 217, 384, 418, 569.
, Wood, 569.
Chorlej , letters and confessions of, 20, 21,
22, 27, 37, 38, 39, 55.
, William, 106.
Lieutenant, 448.
, Mrs., 273.
Copp, Powland, 179.
Copper, 326, 551, 556, 592, 626.
Coppin, Sir George, 105, 381, 399, 495.
Coppinger, Ambrose, 334.
, Francis, 37.
Copyhold lands, see Crown lands.
Corbet, John, 234, 271, 272, 274, 389, 434
438, 561, 602, 621, 630.
, Katherine, 425.
, Sir Miles, 425.
Robert, 363, 415.
Corbett, Clement, 592.
Corbin, Thomas, 633.
Cordall, Thomas, 120.
Corea, 121.
Coin, 210, 273, 300, 348, 349, 422, 428, 430.
431, 435, 474, 607.
, dearth of, 437, 451, 458.
, export and import of, 43, 44, 58, 131, 261,
391, 412, 418, 421, 429, 458, 471, 502.
Cornhill, see London, streets of.
Cornish, Nicholas, 163.
Cornwall, 118, 326,352, 368, 428, 607, 609.
, grants of lands in, 35, 105, 160, 330.
345, 484.
, lands and places in, 48, 56, 119, 128,
141, 179, 190, 233, 281, 353, 373, 431,
458, 466, 498, 527, 551, 623, 635.
, lieutenants and justices, in &c, 109,
244, 431, 633, 635.
, receivers of, 427.
, recusants in, 287.
, residents in, 27, 53.
, tin and tinners in, 33, 68, 83, 85, 117,
146, 152, 196, 199, 335, 362, 368, 633.
, Duchy of, 138, 518, 635.
, , lands belonging to, 224, 532,
549, 594, 635.
offices in, 9, 28, 60, 68, 186, 191.
223, 392, 460, 635.
, receivers of, 85, 93, 143, 152, 198,
Cornwall, Sir Thomas, 400, 639.
Cornwallis, Sir Charles, 264, 309, 348.
, Thomas, 89, 144, 152, 205 ; Sir Tho-
mas, 376, 414, 544, 591.
, Thomas, jun., 205.
, William, 310.
, Sir William, 87, 172, 275,352,425,602.
Coronation, see James I.
Corse Court, 543.
Cosen, Edmund, 253.
Cosill, 383.
Coston, John, 391, 443, 526.
Coswarth, 231.
Coswarth, Edward, 231, 244.
Cotes, John, 354.
, Thomas, 47.
Coton, 430.
Cottesbach, 33.
Cottingham, Yorkshire, 526.
, Northamptonshire, 554.
Cotton or calico, 271, 350.
Cotton, 365.
Cotton, Francis, 617.
Henry, Bishop of Salisbury, 613.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 486, 528.
llichard, 561.
, Sir Robert, 1, 299, 360, 484.
, William, 472.
, William, Bishop of Exeter, 149, 181,
, Mr., 465.
, Mrs., 465.
Cottrell, Edward, alias Sampson, 347.
Cotty, Thomas, 294.
Coughton, 248, 279, 291, 292, 295. 297, 299,
Council, the, see Privy Council.
Councils, the, 243.
Couudon, 64.
Counsel-at-law, and Counsellors, 11, 22, 144
Counterfeit money, see Coining.
Counties, four English, .see Gloucestershire,
Herefordshire, Shropshire, Worcester-
County attorneys, 404.
feodaries, 511.
lieutenants, 25, 344, 369, 376, 460.
sessions, 358.
sheriffs, 2, 404, 411.
surveyors, 388.
Courcelles, Mary, 96, 115.
Court, the, 27, 36, 40, 47, 50, 53, 54, 66, 131 187
216, 237, 255, 262, 274, 276, 329, 454'
460, 479; 505, 539, 547, 552, 560, 57o'
627, 655.
.absence or banishment from, 11, 19
25, 146, 232, 292, 323, 333, 492.
amusements of, 68, 72, 187, 200 394,
.letters from, 51, 155, 160, 223, 347
354, 448, 477, 503, 520, 563, 605,'631. '
news Of, 3, 18, 332, 348, 448.
Court, Thomas, 581.
, William, 319, 642.
Courtenay, James, 204, 228.
, James, jun., 228.
Courtney, Elizabeth, 312.
Francis, 341.
, George, 191.
Courts, foreign, 76.
Coveney, 447.
Covent Garden, 604.
Coventry, 242, 277, 480, 548, 549.
, lieutenancy of, 78.
, mayor, &c, of, 64, 263, 287, 348.
, priory of, 549.
Coventry and Lichfield, Bishops of, see Overton
Abbot, Neile.
, diocese of, 504, 505, 575.
Covert, Sir Walter, 78.
Covewald, 262.
Coward, Thomas, 218.
, William, 159.
Cowbit, 356.
Cowdry, or Cowdray, 414, 442, 311.
Cowell, Dr. John, 177, 186, 465, 594, 605.
Cowes, 444.
Cowley, Thomas, 420.
Cowper, John, 48.
, Sir John, 48, 530.
, Robert, 22, 546.
, Mr. (minister), 263.
Cox, Mr., 448.
Coxe, Alban, 633.
, John, 633.
, Sir Richard, 77, 530, 613.
, Roger, 399.
Coxiter, Richard, 128.
Coyte, Nicholas, 345.
Cradock, John, 42.
, John, 240.
, Richard, 35.
Craig, James, 55, 127, 170.
, John, 175.
Sir Thomas, 354.
Cranborne, Viscount, .we Cecil, Robert and
Cranborne house, park, and chaee, 93, 157, 430,
45G, 520, 634.
Crane, Fr., 311.
, JohD, 56, 59, C7, 70, 511.
Ralph, 497.
Cranfield, 127.
Cranfield, Lionel, 209, 378, 387, 615.
Thomas, 103.
Cranford, 610.
le Mot, 178.
St. John's, 178.
Cranmer, Robert, 75.
, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury,
Cranston, Sir William, 283, 349 ; Lord, 635.
Crashaw, William, 530.
Craven, 339.
Craven, John, 417.
, Richard, 399.
Crawley, Thomas, 379.
Creichton, Sir James, 113, 128, 401, 5C3.
, Jesuit, 17.
Creslow, 84.
Cressy, William, sen., 407.
William, jun., 407.
Creswell, Joseph (Jesuit), 224, 263, 411.
Crew, Thomas, 349.
Crewe, Anthony, 1 60.
Crichton, Robert, Lord of Sanqnair, 141.
Crick, Samuel, 151.
Crimpe, 639.
Cripplegate, see London, streets of.
Cripps, John, 423.
Crishall, 528.
Crites, John de, 39, 89, 92, 212, 588, 608.
, John de, jun., 608.
Crixith, 107.
Crockerne, 53.
Crockford, Richard, 153.
Crockhill, 149.
Crockley-in-the-Edge, 279.
Croft, 632.
Sir Herbert, 83; Steward of Leominster,
307, 370, 400, 401,402.
_ letters of, to Salisbury, 307, 632.
Sir Jasper, letters of, to Salisbury, 599
Croft, Bobert, 532.
, see Moatford.
Crofton, 423.
Croke, or Crooke, Sir John, 79, 182; Justice of
King's Bench, 382, 470, 539, 595, 597.
Crome, Robert, 558.
Crompton, John, 366.
, Nicholas, 496, 539, 580.
Dr. Thomas, 11, 14, 334.
, Sir Thomas, 103, 444.
Cromway, Euphemia, 57, 94.
Cromwell, Edward Lord, 57, 97, 154, 169, 193,
247, 249, 298, 317.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 249, 298.
, Sir Oliver, 52, 179, 228, 32*6, 305,
377, 479, 557, 610, 656.
, Thomas, 610.
Crooke, George, 48G.
, Henry, 434.
, William, 42.
Crooke, Sir John, see Croke.
Crosby, Richard, 124.
Cross, Sir Robert, 597.
Cross, sign of, 548.
Croston, 530.
Croydon, 20, 23, 41, 73, 239, 248.
Crowcher, Agnes, 621.
Thomas, 621.
Crowhurst, 160.
Crowley, Margaret, 014.
, Thomas, 614.
Crowmill et Bickton, 222.
Crown, clerks and prothonotaries of, 10, 22,
119, 122, 167, 174, 231, 325, 387, 391,
487, 615.
debts of, 80, 134, 136, 140, 171, 235,
287, 300, 326, 372, 378, 381, 427, 455,
459, 467, 469, 475, 477, 501, 503, 545,
546, 556, 574, 576, 580, 588, 597, 641,
645, 658.
, debts to, 32, 46, 61, 80, 96, 111, 134,
165, 167, 192, 202, 204, 219, 229, 381,
416, 421, 422, 442, 446, 461, 403, 465,
490, 504, 5.34, 561, 589, 594, 595, 618,
619, 653, 658.
, debts to, for recusancy, 59, 61, 136, 173,
debts, grants of, 364, 366, 386, 394,
421, 428, 466, 478, 485, 486, 487, 520,
527, 563, 570, 573, 599.
debts, old, 364.
debts, old, grants of, 367, 368, 309, 370,
371, 372, 376, 378, 379, 383, 385, 387,
392, 396, 399, 400, 401, 411, 412, 427,
431, 467, 470, 472, 491, 497, 532, 533,
535, 554, 557, 579, 627.
jewels, 8, 10, 207 ; sec alio James I.,
jewels of.
, revenue and expenditure of, 10, 62, 76,
181, 184, 300, 353, 300, 413, 419, 426,
433, 436, 448, 451, 461, 462, 470, 475,
476, 477, 480, 481, 482, 503, 544, 553,
579, 594, 629, 655, 059.
Crown lands, 43, 57, CI, G3, 103, 150, 190,
284, 31G, 341, 342, 3G0, 420, 430, 447,
451, 47G, 481, 485, 487, 489, 507, 509,
511, 523, 526, 530, 533, 553, 55C, 599,
608, 613, 630, 634, 635.
, assart, C2, 105, 1C3, 196, 21C,
226, 285, 300, 331, 335, 379, 402, 408,
421, 4C8, 471, 493, 568.
, chantry, 125, 160, 173, 215, 218,
326, 327, 329", 352, 356, 357, 365, 373,
377, 378, 380, 381, 385, 399, 410, 417,
424, 427, 432, 476, 492. 503, 526, 589,
600, 607, 608, 613, 615, 639.
concealed, 43, 160, 184, 204,
218, 307, 328, 358, 369, 444, 450, 451,
460, 503, 505, 513.
, copyhold, 48, 51, 298, 342, 423,
456, 469, 470, 471, 474, 4S0, 494, 495,
508, 513, 515, 550, 554, 557, 561, 578,
605, 650, C51, 659.
, encroached, 461, 620.
, entailed, 330, 476, 509, 510, 560.
escheated, 171, 638.
, undervalued, 331, 386, 491.
, Commissioners for sale or lease
of, 45, 48, 54, 124, 196, 199, 270, 320,
330, 331, 335, 350, 3G9, 376, 386, 393,
402, 404, 436, 438, 439, 440, 441, 450,
460, 464, 471, 474, 483, 486, 493, 510,
523, 553, 554, 560, 571, 572, 578, 637,
alienations of, 460, 461.
, fines for alienations of, 175, 327,
380, 492, 546, 584, 594.
, office of alienations of, 406, 434,
450, 584.
farming of, 422.
grants of, 390, 400, 432, 457,
468, 484, 485, 498, 547, 557, 585, 599.
, sales and surveys of 404, 470,
471, 477, 499, 503, 515, 538, 539, 543.
, surveyors of, 15, 71, 119, 135,
215, 216, 404.
Crumpton, , (prisoner,) 628.
Crutched Friars, 230.
Cryggion Mores, 457.
Cudberd, ltichard, 281.
Culcheth, Jeffery, 515.
Cum Turth, 127.
Cumberford, Humphrey, 356.
, William, 529.
Cumberland, 172, 258, 319, 325, 388, 399, 401,
, grants of lands in, 75, 78, 174, 209,
286, 336,366,415, 643.
, lands and places in, 114, 122, 131, 174,
191, 218, 320, 360, 405, 430, 473, 485,
502, 595, 621.
lieutenants of, 123, 376.
, recusants in, 537, 605, 6()7.
residents in, 258, 395, 507.
Earls of, see Clifford.
Cunliffe, Richard, 159.
Cunningham, Patrick, 145.
, Robert, 626.
Cunningsby, Thomas, 123.
Cure, Cornelius, 286.
Curie, William, 383.
Curll, Edward, 478.
Currants, customs on, 51, 72, 79, 136, 161, 165,
168, 1C9, 208, 211, 219, 228, 306, 311,
Currer, William, 474.
Curriers, 103, 351 ; see also Leather.
Curtis, Thomas, 27, 640.
Curwen, Cuthbert, 280.
, Thomas, 615.
Custom House, 139, 294, 324, 396, 439.
Customs, CI, 72, 149, 150, 193, 337, 353, 3G7,
428, 464, 470, 612, 621, 622, 626, 631,
637 ; see also Cards, Cloth, Coals, Cur-
rants, Dyeing Woods, Gold and Silver
Thread, Lead, Muscadell, New Drapery,
Oil, Pewter, Plate, Raisins, Salt, Starch,
Sugar, Tin, Tobacco, Wines, Wool.
, abuses in, 322, 470, 480, 490.
collectors of, 12, 111, 345, 370, 421,
426, 449, 463, 490, 492, 510.
commissioners for, 139, 15G, 158.
exemption from, 72, 102, 147, 148,
152, 183, 191, 210, 349, 356, 418, 429,
437, 508, 572.
, farmers of, 12, 134, 139, 156, 165,
168, 192, 208, 303, 306, 311, 312, 322,
339, 343, 349, 356, 374, 386, 389, 390,
393, 406, 408, 409, 424, 430, 459, 475,
477, 480, 485, 499, 507, 510, 524, 586,
590, 628, 631, 637, 654.
farmers of, letters to, 191,210.
, grants of, 88, 92, 117, 161, 168, 180,
191, 269, 397, 419, 437, 496, 527, 588.
.officers of, 7, 70, 139, 161,166,214,
229, 294, 437, 503, 518, 537, C20.
, officers of, letters to, see Cecil, Earl of
Salisbury ; Sackville, Earl of Dorset.
Cuthbert, John, 380.
Cutts, Allan, 220.
, Francis, 103.
, George, 220.
, Sir John, sen., 103, 140, 288, 420.
, Sir John, jun., 103.
D , Mr., 451.
Dacombe, John, 424, 524, C13.
Dacre, Avice, 491.
, Ann, 367.
, Elizabeth, 367.
Frances, 367.
, Francis, titular Lord Dacre, 246 367,
Dacre, (or Dacres,) George, Lord, (of Gilles-
land,) 61, 473.
, llandal, 491.
Thomas Lord, see Fiennes.
, William Lord, of Gillesland, 491.
, barony of, 184.
Daeres, John, 46.
Dakins, William, 129.
Dalby, Thomas, 430.
Dale, Thomas, 634.
, William, 89, 147, 152, 244.
, Captain, 448.
Dalkeith, 5.
Dallison, Sir Roger, 446 ; Lieutenant of Ord-
nance, 478, 499, 552, 575, 576, 611,
624, 637, 639.
, grants to, 58, 106, 161, 323, 444.
Dalston, Sir George, 406.
, Sir-John, 576.
Dalton, Edward, 170.
, Robert, 139.
Damport, William, 223, 349, 502, 504.
Danby, 233.
Danby, Christopher, 93,
Daneaster, Griffin, 493.
Daniell, Francis, 383.
Danson, John, 69, 97, 150, 156, 216, 220.
Danton, 320.
Dantzic, 628.
College, 628.
Danvers, Sir Charles, 288.
, Henry Lord, 23, 35, 311 ; President
of Munster, 411, 453.
Danyell, Jane, 6,80, 185,583, 584, 586.
John, 6, 80, 185, 371, 456, 457, 5S3,
584, 586.
, John, (of Yorkshire,) 172.
, Samuel, 72, 1S2.
Darby, Edward, 144.
Darcy, Sir Francis, 581.
, John Lord, 230, 289, 465.
, Thomas Lord, 354.
, see Garnet.
Darell, James, 205.
, Sir Marmaduke, 29, 39, 72, 312, 393,
458, 531.
, Sampson, 366.
Darley, Francis, 5(>7.
Darling, , 500.
Darnell, Sir Thomas, 82, 445.
Darnley, Henry Lord, .sre Stuart.
Darrell, George, 375.
Darren, the, 225.
Dartford, 19, 470.
Dartmoor Forest, 640.
Dartmouth, 138.
Darwin, Edward, 577.
Daston, Richard, 74, 227.
Davenant, John, 450,489.
Davenport, Randal, 117.
Daventry, 244, 252.
Davers, John, 154, 495.
Davies, Edward, 118.
, George, 476.
Griffin, 149.
, Henry, 433.
, John, (pauper,) 158, 530.
, John, 498.
Sir John, 495, 496.
, Joshua, 99, 126, 127, 291.
, Roger, 106.
, William, 498.
Daville, Ralph, 117.
Davis, Sir John, 647.
Robert, 341.
Davison, John, 313.
Michael, 313.
, Robert, 248, 260, 262, 265.
, Sir William, secretary of state, 464,
Davy, John, 1 1 9.
Dawes, Abraham, 575.
Dawney, Thomas, 627.
Dawson, Richard, 521.
Thomas, 107.
Day, William, 143.
Deakin, John, 377.
Deal, 361.
Castle, 457.
Dean, 576.
.Forest of, 71, 395, 4S3.
Debateable lauds, see Border lands.
Debts, see Crown debts.
Dccrowe, Brnjamin, 610.
Deddington, 126.
Deeble, Nicholas, 498.
Dee, John, 41.
Dee River, 378.
Deene, 312.
Deer, see James I., deer of.
Deering, Mr., 492.
Dolabere, Richard, 636.
Delavale, Claudius, 556.
, Sir Roger, 193, 198, 237.
De la Warr, Lord, see West.
Delves, George, 233.
Den, Thomas, 154.
Denbighshire, lands and places in, 103, 203,
221, 371, 402, 463, 511, 529, 617.
, offices in, 231, 325, 379, 498.
, residents in, 130, 655.
Denization, grants of, 105, 127, 128, 184, 190,
218, 223, 229, 231, 413; see Scots,
denization of.
Dcnman, William, 377.
Denmark and Danes, 412, 561.
Denmark, Ambassadors of, 638, 639 ; see Chari-
sius, Jonas.
King of, sec Christian IV.
Denning, John, 332.
Dennorwiek, 18.
Denny, Sir Edward, 141, 150; Lord Denny,
230, 408, 415.
, Honor, see Hay, Lady.
Dennys, (recusant, j 572.
Dent, Anthony, 124, 344.
, Catherine, 66.
, Robert, 66.
Denton, 401, 420, 642, 651.
Denton, Sir Thomas, 179, 581.
, Mr., 430.
Denys, Thomas, 154.
Sir Thomas, letters of, to Salisbury,
249, 503, 547.
Depopulations, 464.
Deptford, Kent, 47, 610, 618.
Strond, 157, 317.
Derby, Earl of, see Stanley, Ferdinando, and
Derbyshire, grants of lands in, 21, 75, 86, 89,
320, 347, 373, 617; 622.
, lands and places in, 76, 149, 216, 218,
407, 514, 520.
, receivers of, 179, 444, 469.
, recusants in, 389, 472, 493, 634.
, sheriffs of, 552, 560.
Derham, Robert, 144, 276, 387.
Derickson, Captain, 277.
Deroquigni, Adrian, 226.
Derry, Bishop of, see Montgomery, George.
Derwen Vawr, 317.
Dethe, Anthony, 513.
Dethick, Henry, 540.
, Sir William, Garter King, 25, 68.
Deux-ponts, John H., Duke of, 568, 638.
Develish, 481.
Devereux, Frances, Countess of Essex, 6 ; see
also Burgh, De.
Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex, 2, 6, 15,
130, 190, 236, 382, 445, 456, 586, 587,
, Robert, 3rd Earl of Essex, 232, 236,
237, 259, 322, 344, 654, 656.
, Wat., 478.
Devon, Vice-Admiral of, 457.
Devonshire, 118, 190, 326, 352, 393, 548, 607.
, grants of lands in, 197, 332, 334, 365,
404, 417.
, lands and places in, 99, 107, 138, 156,
, officers in, 272, 392.
, receivers of, 427, 469.
recusants in, 383, 390, 404, 413, 416.
residents in, 53, 110, 121, 318,407.
, tin and tinners in, 68, 83, 85, 117, 139,
146, 196, 199, 335, 362, 368, 633.
, Earl of, see Blount, Charles.
Dewhurst, Captain Barnaby, 631, 637.
, Thomas, 406.
Dey, Richard, 252.
Dias, Anthony, 429.
Dick, Thomas, 77.
Dickason, see Douglas, Nicholas.
Dicke, Michael, 4.
Dickenson, John,
, Thomas, 145.
Dieppe, 604.
Diet, Anthony, 349.
Digby, 330.
, Sir Everard, 242, 243, 246, 251, 259,
260, 279, 282, 283, 297, 299, 325, 332,
344, 346, 366, 553.
, , letters of, 261, 266.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 261, 266.
, , examinations of, 265, 267, 270,
279, 281.
, servants of, 247, 248, 249, 252,
260, 261, 263, 266,270.
, James, 243.
John, 312, 366.
Sir John, 597.
, Mary Lady, 248, 270, 283, 299, 553.
, Sir Robert, 162, 242, 260, 266.
, Rowland, 332.
, Simon, 243, 383.
, Susan, 332.
, Thomas, 270.
Diggens, Nicholas, 142.
Digges, Dudley, 91.
Diggle, Edmund, 162.
Dike, Richard, 153.
Dimples, the, 383.
Dingle, Nicholas, 611.
Dingley, Francis, 208, 281.
Dimock, see Dymock.
Dinorben Vawr, 617.
Dirleton, 100.
Discourses, 62, 387, 475, 619.
Dispatches, see Posts.
Ditchley, 364.
Dithey, William, 338.
Dithoure, 301.
Ditton house and park, 47, 52 1.
Dives, Sir John, 346.
Dixe, Sir Wulstan, 632.
Dixon, Thomas, 35, 142, 430.
, scrivener, 646.
Dobbes, , 259.
Dobbinson, Ralph, 302, 608.
Dobson, Robert, 85.
.William, 16,591,
Docwra, Thomas, 73,89, 198, 204, 420.
, letters of, to Cecil, 55, 73.
Dodd, Edward, 198.
, Dr. Roger, 83 ; Bishop of Meath, 238,
, Thomas, 160.
Doddenham, 413.
Dodderidge, John, 147, 317.
, Sir John, Solicitor-General, 162, 169,
171, 468, 470.
Dodderston Grange, 277.
Dodford, 226.
X X 2
Dodswell, Anthony, 534.
Dodsworth, Anthony, 390, 401, 414, 442, 613.
, Richard, 113.
, Silvester, 34, 94, 120, 151, 211.
, Thomas, 344.
, Mr., 505.
Dogget, Captain Edmund, 427.
, William, 153.
Doilie, Cox, 365.
Dolle, John, 516.
Dollman, Sir Robert, 591.
Dolman, William, 172.
Domingo, Dr. Jacob, a German, 61.
Doncaster, 129, 238, 244, 334, 566.
Doncastle, Griffith, 593.
Donne, John, 196, 492.
Donster, Richard, 479.
Donton, 508.
Dorchester gaol, 556.
Dormer, Anthony, 404.
, Sir John, 107, 355, 427.
Sir Michael, 365, 472.
Robert, 107, 404.
, Sir Robert, 43, 107, 275, 404, 580.
, Lady, 472.
Dorrington, Francis, 153.
, John, 229.
, William, 37, 374.
Sir William, 212.
Dorsbury, 371.
Dorset, Earl of, see Sackville.
Dorset House, 89, 147, 109, 150, 192, 196,
210, 211, 214, 229, 236, 302, 331, 377,
407, 477, 484.
Dorsetshire, 42, 96, 489, 565.
, grants of lands in, 55, 115, 138, 188,
201, 235, 610, 644. „
, lieutenants in, 350.
, lands and places in, 48, 57, 82, 121, 170,
190, 192, 195, 227, 342, 439, 481, 483,
488, 489, 518, 531, 541, 630, 652, 656.
, receivers in, 112, 114, 121, 209.
, recusants in, 389, 395, 530.
, residents in, 277, 489.
sheriffs of, 164, 382.
Dotting (scholar), 125.
Douay, 38, 151.
College, 268, 455.
Doubleday, Edmund, 89, 93, 452, 474, 563, 571.
Doughty, Edward, 27, 42, :;78.
, John, 558.
, John (late), 558.
Douglas, 604.
, Alexander, 15, 192.
, George, 587.
, Sir George, 527, 577.
, James, 462.
, Sir James, 379, 415, 437, 524, 527.
, Nicholas, alias Dickason, 623.
.Robert, 231.
Thomas, 203, 224, 226.
Douglas, William, Earl of Angus, 550.
Mr., 307.
Dove, Mrs, 333.
, Thomas, Bishop of Peterborough, 183,
Dover, 81, 141, 232, 246, 264, 290, 294, 309,
310, 343, 473, 487, 548, 604, 632, 635.
, haven, 20, 50.
letters from, 34, 289, 308.
, mayor of, 493, 632.
, passage at, 26, 345.
, pier, 377.
, water-bailiff of, 16.
Castle, 17, 18, 64, 141, 302, 478, 548,
, constable of, 152.
, lieutenants of, see Fane, Sir
Thomas, and Waller, Sir Thomas.
Dowell, James, 389.
Dowgate, 239.
Dowlies, George, 261.
Downam, Dr. George, 128.
Downe, Nicholas, 365.
Downe Barton, 136.
Downes, Andrew, 478, 506, 513.
, Humphrey, 542.
, Lawrence, 595.
Downing, alias Tailor, , 203.
Downs, the, 203.
Dowood Grange, 499.
Dragwell Rents, 87.
Drake, Francis, 167, 192.
, Sir Francis, 167.
, John, 100, 245.
, Richard, 18, 167.
, Robert, 223.
Thomas, 167, 192.
Drakelow, 249.
Drama, masques, and plays, 59, 72, 186, 187,
201, 394, 403, 470, 590, 645, 656 ; see
also Anne, Queen, and Henry, Prince,
masques of.
Draperies, see Cloth.
Draycot, 327.
Cerne, 210.
Draycot, John, 327, 350, 576.
Drayton, 231, 252, 450.
Drayton, William, 199.
Drew, Sir Daniel, 367, 368.
, John, 422.
Driffield, 314.
Droeshout, Martin, 397.
Droitwich, 372.
Drummond, David, 591, 634.
, James, Earl of Perth, 368, 380.
, Lady Jane, 42, 74, 201, 208, 381.
, Joan, 384.
, John, 321.
Sir John, 78, 399, 527, 573.
, William, 319.
Drury, Sir Drew, 152, 180.
Drury, Henry, 514.
, Dr. John, 97, 556.
, Robert, 338.
, Sir Eobert, 108, 116, 216, 387.
, Thomas, 527.
, Sir William, 216.
, see Stansby.
Dryden, Erasmus, 200.
Dublin, 3, 502.
Castle, 385, 652.
Duchy, the, see Lancaster, Duchy of.
House, 191.
Duck, Thomas, 391.
, William, 52, 117, 395, 612.
, William, jun., 395.
Ducket, Francis, 349.
, John, 220.
, Nathaniel, 130.
, Roger, 280.
Duckett, priest,
Dudley, Alice, Lady, 614.
, Ambrose, 217, 418, 569, 655.
, Ambrose, Earl of Warwick, 214, 229.
, Ann, Countess of Warwick, 78, 229,
347, 427.
, John, 643.
, John, Duke of Northumberland, 513.
, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 32, 450.
, Lettice, Countess of Leicester, 32, 550.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 465, 478,
, Sir Robert, 225, 317, 347, 355, 403,
491, 594, 614, 628, 632, 634, 650.
, , mistress of, see Southwell.
Thomas, 512.
, Lord, see Sutton.
Dudley Castle, 245.
Duffield, 89, 163, 347.
Duffield, Captain John, 429.
Dukman, Walter, 617.
Dulas, 447.
Dull, Edmund, 235.
Dummer, 317.
Dumper, Richard, 330.
Dun, see Dunn.
Dunbar, Earl, see Hume.
Duncame, James, 120.
Dunce, Thomas, 135, 476.
Dunche, Mary, 128.
Dunchurch, 243, 244, 247, 249, 260, 263, 265,
266, 282, 404.
Duncomb, Richard, 226.
Dundalk, 647.
Dundee, 156, 257.
Dunfermline, 128, 235.
, Earl of, see Seaton, Alexander.-
Dungan, Richard, 142, 226.
Dunhead, 390.
Dunkirkers, 12, 118.
ships of, 217, 277.
Dunmow, 137, 225, 531, 572.
Dunn, or Dun, Sir Daniel, 149, 204, 216, 323,
432, 485, 500, 534, 535, 537, 583.
, Thomas, 487.
Dunstaburgh, 75, 120, 146.
Dunstar, John, 396.
Dunston, 146.
Dunston, John, 328.
Duntish, 481.
Duport, Dr. John, 602.
Duppa, Jeffrey, 207, 215, 422, 589.
Duras, 637, 638.
Durham, city, 573.
, alms-rooms in, 92, 170, 220, 418, 498,
gaol, 436, 460.
letters from, 278, 286, 294, 332.
, Bishop of, see Hutton, Matthew ; James.
, cathedral, 127, 371.
, Chancellor of, 332.
, Dean and Chapter of, 76, 205.
, diocese, 36, 82, 91, 110, 217, 219, 287,
319,354, 388, 390, 401, 461, 523, 554,
589, 641.
prebend of, 106.
, county of, 401, 543, 642.
, , grants of lands in, 177, 209, 317,
418, 644.
, lands and places in, 70, 98, 150,
173, 513, 540, 569.
, , recusants in, 36, 264, 294, 375,
401, 511.
, , residents in, 137, 220, 310, 643.
, county palatine of, 520.
Durham house, 195, 207, 329, 446,463, 480,
501, 544, 55S.
Durham, Richard, 390.
Dursley, 642.
Dusseldorf, 631, 637.
Duston, 609.
Dutch, 57, 139, 184, 412, 534, 647; see also
Hollanders ; Germans.
Dutch strangers in England, 229, 352, 392.
Duties, see Customs.
Dutton, John, 221.
, Sir John, 527.
, Sir Thomas, 627.
, William, 427.
Dwinford, William, 277.
Dyeing and Dyers, 146,218,277,370, 397,423,
462, 473, 639, 656.
Dyeing woods, customs on, 269, 370, 413, 444,
452 ; see also Brazil wood.
Dyer, Sir Edward, 152, 331.
, Henry, 394.
, Richard, 415.
, Walter, 421.
, Sir William, 454.
Dymock, Sir Edward, 24, 102.
E B , 184.
Eaglesay, 544.
Earbery, Anthony, 109.
Eardley, 149.
Earebury, 147.
Earl, Augustine, 79.
Earl Marshal, Commissioners for the office
of, 74, 192, 505, 586.
, court of, 505.
Earl's Colne, 4.
Earle, Vincent, 257.
Earth, Joseph, 45, 55, 293.
East, merchants in, 119, 191, 640; see also Rus-
sia merchants.
East Beare, forest, 376, 382,405, 414.
East Bedfont, 537.
Chirton, 557.
Greenwich, 120, 197, 216, 363, 375,
Grimstead, 338, 589.
Rsley, 572.
India Company, 54, 77, 328, 391, 442,
503, 512, 565, 576, 592, 647, 648, 650,
trade, 1C8, 411, 467.
Indies, 37, 54, 77, 84, 143, 344, 350,
391, 400, 648.
Lulworth ; see Lulworth.
Eetford, 382.
Thickley, 137.
Wickham, 642.
Witton, 54.
East, Thomas, 286.
Eastcole, 583.
Eastencaul, 613.
Eastergate, 383.
Eastholt, 398.
Easton-neston, 268.
Eastwell, 503.
Eaton, Geoffrey, 537, 572.
, John, 520.
Ebrington, 321.
Ebrington, Margaret, 24.
Ecclesiastical benefices, 391, 393, 443, 447, 480,
526,551, 619, 620.
causes, 67, 407, 458, 497, 541, 603.
causes, commissions in, 121, 194, 197,
206, 212, 216, 225, 382, 622.
causes, officers in, 14.
courts, 135, 204, 357, 382, 555.
Echard, Christopher, 323.
Echelford, 462.
Ecop, William, 167.
Eden, Bhilip, 420.
Edes, Dr. Eichard, Bean of Worcester, 176.
Edgar, Eleazar, 155, 16G.
Efeekiel, 154,
Edgar, Joseph, 155.
Edgecott, 583.
Edgin, Thomas, 266.
Edinburgh, 72, 94, 235, 358,428, 453.
Castle, 387.
, letters from, 1, 21, 90, 104, 105, 200,
213, 237, 258, 278, 282, 286, 298, 305,
328, 348, 430, 450, 526, 585, 596, 619,
plague in, 94, 278.
Edmondes, Clement, 156, 190, 419, 535, 634.
Edward, 194.
, Henry, 615.
, Thomas, Erench secretary, 3 ; Sir
Thomas, 181, 187, 209, 466, 506, 512,
547, 587, 615, 628, 629, 638.
, , grants to, 63, 105.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 3, 4, 20, 5 63.
, , letters to, 59.
, Lady, 162.
Edmondsey, 415.
Edsforth, 486.
Edward III., of England, 532.
Edward VI. of England, 223, 397, 435.
Edward, the Black Prince, 635.
Edward, Richard, 51.
Edwards, David, 60.
, Henry, 63.
, Hugh, 496.
, John, 584.
, William, 501.
Effingham, Earl of, see Howard, William.
Egerton, Edward, 153,
, Sir John, 198, 359, 379, 381, 410, 447.
, Sir Thomas, Lord Chancellor, Earl of
Ellesmere, 23,50,111,204, 206, 218,
225, 308, 341, 353, 387, 479, 511, 515,
529, 534, 577, 587.
, , commissions to, 148, 163, 187,
905, 206, 285, 320, 330, 331, 335, 338,
379, 409,415, 420,421,422, 432, 436,
438, 439, 444, 446, 476, 477, 483, 511,
521, 603, 605,637.
, , grants to, 29, 379, 381, 447.
, , letters of, 2, 477.
.letters of, to Cecil, 50, 456, 549,
, , letters to, 50, 86,97, 123, 158,167,
202,221, 233, 289, 477, 484, 507.
, letters to, see James I., letters of.
, , petition to, 497.
, , reference to, 220.
, , speechesof, 351,361,438.
, , warrants to, 28, 71, 74, 105, 128,
380, 381.
Egerton, Alice, Countess of Ellesmere, 456.
, Lady Frances, 410.
Egglestone, 219.
Egiock, Francis, 10 ; Sir Francis, 151, 552.
Eglionby, Dr., (minister), 354.
Eland, George, 382.
Elbing, 429,
Eldrcd, John, 20S, 210, 393, 469, 476, 530,
579, 581, 637.
, as contractor for lands, 523, 545,
560, 590, 595, 614, 615, 643.
Eldrich, Tristram, 442.
Electors, Imperial, 224.
, Palatine, see Frederic V.
Elemosynars-Barnes, 1 08.
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 1, 2, 6, 10, 12, 14,
18, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 62, 99, 108, 114,
115, 127, 131, 136, 145, 146, 150, 162,
172, 173, 184, 185, 190, 244, 272, 274,
288, 306, 321, 372, 377, 414, 446, 464,
475, 479, 534, 543, 586, 597, 612, 614,
632, 646, 649.
, illness and death of, 1, 2, 4, 6, 40.
, funeral and tomb of, 3, 5, 201.
debts to, 32, 71, 76, 197,228,233,417,
433, 490, 558, 563.
, events in reign of, 1, 8, 23, 29, 60, 61,62,
63, 81, 92, 106, 209, 212, 223, 228, 261,
275,276, 286, 300, 314, 376, 393, 405,
409, 439, 448, 450, 460, 461, 481, 539,
574, 587, 647.
, grants of, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 27, 32, 60,
63, 77, 88, 107, 134, 135, 158, 159,
181, 186, 201, 223, 233, 273, 307, 368,
438,481, 513, 539, 558,615, 653.
Elizabeth, Queen, officers and servants of, 26,
48, 52, 64, 118, 148, 257, 640.
Elizabeth of York, Queen of Henry VII. of
England, 35.
Elizabeth, Princess, 15, 18, 81, 241, 242, 243,
246, 254, 266, 280, 431, 434, 485, 501,
534, 552.
, apparel and jewels of, 388, 395, 488,
556, 590.
, gifts to, see James I., gifts of.
, officers and servants of, 57, 92, 124, 143,
414, 434, 591.
Ellesmere, Eord, see Egerton.
Elletts, Francis, 529.
Ellicor, Robert, 607.
Elliot, John, 414.
, Robert, 591.
, Thomas, 395.
Elliott, Robert, 46.
Sir Thomas, 430.
Ellis, Andrew, 164.
, Hugh, 164, 479.
, John, 139, 196.
, Mary, 317.
, Philip, 47.
, Richard, 464.
Susan, 461, 463.
, William, 260.
Ellmol, 547.
Ellwald, William, 526.
Ellynet, William, 562.
Elm, 594.
Elmes, Thomas, 473, 495, 496.
Elmhurst, Roger, 1 79.
Elmsett, 547.
Elnborough, 379.
Elphinstone, Alexander Lord, 1, 174. •
, Sir George, 75.
, Sir James, 20, 33.
, Sir James, 103, Lord Balmermoch, 132,
224, 259, 262, 348, 354, 461, 466, 509,
, , letters of, to Cecil, 94, 132, 259,
262, 348, 468.
, trial of, 497.
, John, (clerk), 362, 485, 527.
, John, (Queen's Usher), 218, 408, 479,
Elsdon, 316.
Elsholt, 657.
Elsing, Henry, 1 78.
Elsley, Walter, 277.
Elston, Thomas, 506,546, 601.
Eltham, 160,221, 271,454.
Park, 160, 217, 397, 402, 422, 451,
514, 524, 530, 602.
, , game at, 221, 454. '
Eltoft, Thomas, 394.
Elvaston, John, 360.
Elvish, Thomas, 429.
Elvyn, Dr., 463.
Elwes, Henry, 557.
Elworthy, 403.
Ely, 316, 536, 550.
alms-room in, 511, 530.
Bishop of, 438 ; see Heton, Andrews.
, Dean of, see Tindall, Humphrey.
Dean and Chapter of, 438, 537.
, deanery of, 594.
diocese of, 575.
Ely, Isle of, 132, 290, 536, 550, 608.
Ely house, Holborn, 285.
Ely, Robert, 643.
Embalming of the dead, 189.
Emden, Count of, 638.
Emerson, Dorothy, 430.
, Thomas, 200, 215, 301, 330, 333, 562.
Emley, 430.
Emperor, see Rodolph II. '
Empson, Avis, 591.
, John, 591.
Enborne, 393.
Encroached lands, see Crown lands.
Enderby, 232.
Enfield, 3, 150, 179, 232, 247, 419, 478.
, letters from, 273, 282, 290, 292, 344,
458, 501, 593.
Chace, 3, 1 79, 445 {see fl/wWhitewebbs.
house, 293.
Engelbert, William, 60.
England, 1, 2, 3, 17, 27, 33, 52, 101, 114, 119,
188, 209, 231, 233, 234, 244, 265, 268,
276, 278, 281, 283, 296, 301, 303, 317,
321, 324, 348, 350, 353, 356, 359, 361,
367, 388, 389, 393, 403, 426, 438, 444,
446, 452, 470, 509, 515, 517, 538, 558,
560, 564, 566, 594, 600, 604, 616, 626,
629, 640, 647, 653, 654.
England, ambassadors of, sec Albert, France,
Holland, Spain, and Venice, Ambas-
sadors to.
, arms and flag of, 2, 811, 328.
, coasts of, 426, 509, 540, 549, 659.
, headlands of, see England, ports of.
Jesuits in, 99, 308, 310, 314, 339. 41 1,
manufactures in, 333, 356, 413, 572,
628, 629.
, merchants of, 62, 112,168, 173, 193,
208, 221, 228, 229, 264, 336, 516.
, offices in, 81, 92, 366, 431.
plague in, 340, 555.
, ports and headlands of, 19, 139, 161,
185, 192, 202, 256, 370, 422, 430, 490,
567, 575, 580, 598, 620, 632.
, priests in, 139, 243, 249, 256, 284, 294,
309, 455, 457.
, residents in, 5, 16, 211.
, recusants in, 264, 307.
, subjects of, 18, 19, 530, 565, 603, 631.
, trade of, 112, 168, 183, 186, 208, 233,
306,336, 426, 433.
, union of, with Scotland, see Union.
, visitors to, 327, 412.
Engleby, John, 394, 400.
Englefield, Sir Francis, 230, 353, 371.
, Margaret, 371.
English, 17, 44, 79, 130, 192, 236, 246, 253,
267, 278, 283, 284, 298, 304, 324, 334,
358, 392, 428, 487, 508, 548, 638.
English troops, 40, 68, 314, 373.
English, David, 31.
Enshall, 37.
Ensworth, Eleanor, 404.
Entail and entailed lands, see Crown lands.
Eppleworth wood, 526.
Epsley, Mr., 243.
Equivocation, Book of, sec Books.
Erbury, see Earebury.
Erdiswick, Walter, 416.
Erith, 288, 303, 312.
Erie, Robert, 142.
Errington, Anthony, 642.
, Robert, 401.
, Roger, 642.
Errol, 235.
, Earl of, sec Kay.
Erskine, George, 92 ; Sir George, 565.
, James, 11, 16 ; Sir James, 497.
, John, Lord, 455.
, Robert, 120, 175, 323.
, Sir Thomas, 145, 156 ; Lord Dirleton,
196, Viscount Fenton, 343, 356, 375,
376, 441, 470.
, grants to, 14, 43, 100.
, letter of, to Salisbury, 287, 375,
490, 491.
letter to, 458.
, Elizabeth, Viscountess Fentoi 343.
„ , William, 357.
I Escheated lands, .see Crown lands.
I Esher, 422.
! Esk river, 56, 75, 78.
Eskott, George, 601.
I Essendon, 139.
Essex, county of, 86, 131, 289,452,480,508,
, grants of lands in, 35, 44, 72, 85, 112,
125, 128, 137, 144, 147, 160, 164, 165,
288, 304, 364, 371, 397, 408, 415, 587,
595, 613, 655.
, lands and places in, 15, 18, 22, 23, 24,
34, 48, 76, 93, 95, 143, 145, 180, 195.
217, 231, 260, 268, 285, 354, 449, 514,
607, 645.
, Lieutenants, Justices, &c, of, 4, 33,
146,223, 227, 542.
, receivers in, 119, 198, 216.
recusants in, 59, 348, 3S3, 438, 463,
531, 572, 592, 602, 614.
, residents in, 26, 87, 107, 172, 216, 245,
331, 352.
Essex house, 263, 320.
, letters dated from, 247, 248, COS, 326,
332, 338.
Essex, Earl and Countess of, see Devereux.
, William, 562.
Estcombe, see Nethercombe.
Estcourt, Sir Edward, 452.
Estcourt, George (alias Willis), 200.
, Sir Thomas, 455.
Estmassey, 260.
Eston, (pirate), 586.
Eston at le Mount, 24.
Eston Lodge, 522.
Etal, 177.
Etherington, 38.
Eton, letters from, 46, 348, 457, 463, 465, 466,
468, 474, 476, 477, 484, 486, 489, 491,
492, 493, 535, 541, 552, 553, 558, 581.
, Court at, 365.
College, 68, 357, 477, 603.
, Provost of, 357 ; sec Savile, Sir
, .letters to, see James I., letters of.
Eure, Sir Francis, 389, 566.
, Ralph Lord, President of Wales, 369,
423, 495, 515, 553, 566 ; see Wales,
President and Council of.
Ralph Lord, letters of, 398, 450, 500,
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 383, 389,
401, 402, 404, 423, 425, 434, 451, 528,
538, 552, 559, 582, 583, 608, 629, 637,
641, 650, 655.
, letters to, 398, 401, 489, 490.
, Sir William, 16.
Europe, 101, 145, 185,355.
Eusden, John, 459.
Evans, Ambrose, 517.
David, 75, 114.
, Erasmus, 167.
Evans, John, 122, 581.
, Richard, 138.
, Roger, 118, 529.
, Thomas. 20.
Evat, Mr., (minister), 421.
Eveleigh, John, 141.
Evelyn, George, G20.
, John, 156.
, Robert, 156.
, Thomas, 340, 379, 567,
Everard, John, 423.
Evesham, 85, 208.
Evreux, Cardinal, 57G.
, Ewbanks, Henry, 540.
Ewell, 339, 403.
Ewelme, 105, 125, 326, 447, 584.
, alms-rooms in, 159, 191, 207, 382,
, hospital of, 362.
Ewens, Ralph, Auditor of the Queen, 34, 51, 55,
112, 132, 557.
, letters of, to Cecil, 35, 628 .
Ewer, Edward, 97.
E worth, 191.
Exchange, Royal, 572.
Exchange, .see Coin.
Exchequer, 6, 80, 102, 109,171,201,286, 462,
470, 471,. 479, 488, 495, 561, 567, 585,
610, 623, 637, 641, 649, 658.
, Auditors in, 10, 57, 58, 65, 120, 146,
169, 232, 316, 327, 388, 564, 574.
Barons of, 46, 125, 156, 346, 442,
464, 465, 519, 555, 586, 613, 615, 624,
, bills and suits in, 346, 471, 472, 514,
516, 538, 551, 583, 606, 618, 656.
, bonds in, 456, 457, 655.'
Chamber, 434, 437, 438, 605.
, Chamberlain of, 436.
, Chancellors of, see Hume, Sir George;
Ca:sar, Sir Julius.
, Chief Barons of, see Periam, Sir
William ; Fleming, Sir Thomas : Tan-
field, Sir Lawrence.
, debts from and to, 407, 471, 507, 525,
657, 658.
, King's Remembrancer of, we Fanshaw,
Sir Henry.
, , office of, 327, 439.
lands, 43, 116, 196, 199, 388, 420.
, , grants of, 14, 16, 34, 47, 113, 136,
137, 139, 142, 147, 164, 169, 188, 197,
219, 221, 225, 270.
, Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer of,
see Osborne, John.
, messenger and door-keepers of, 17, 91,
officers of, 140, 294, 296, 333, .362, 391,
421, 465, 480, 4S2, 528, 657.
, payments into, 29, 76, 116, 154, 172,
230, 424, 426, 445, 449, 464, 493, 494,
518, 523, 532, 538, 569, 586, 590, 596,
615, 624, 626, 643.
Exchequer, payments from, 25, 62, 80, 131, 219,
504, 524, 582, 605, 657.
, petitions to, 511, 586.
, receivers of, 93, 519.
, records of, 120.
, tellers of. 10, 75, 120, 122, 151, 528,
532, 536, 539, 553, 599. .
, warrants to, 16, 39, 80, 83, 101, 122,
131, 132, 152, 171, 202, 377.
Excommunication, 323, 565, 566, 603.
Exe, River, 613.
Exeter, 99, 116, 181, 276,537, 651.
, letters from, 99, 547, 548, 613.
Mayor of, letters to Cecil, 99, 278,
613, 651.
, Bishop of, see Cotton.
, Dean and Chapter of, 99, 1C3, 651.
, diocese of, 15, 85, 103, 149, 276, 394.
, Earl of, see Cecil, Thomas.
, earldom of, 213.
Exeter house, 441.
Exton, 23.
Eye, 71, 550, 635.
Eyer, Margery, 389.
Eynesford, 70, 123.
Eynesham monastery, 301.
Eynon, Henry, 526.
, Lewis, 526.
Eysey, 75.
F , J , 312.
Fabian, John, 447.
Faccombe, 61.
Faculties, Clerk of, 650.
Fairfax, Sir Charles, 151.
, Sir Thomas, 218, 559.
, priest, see Fisher.
Fakenhurst, 17.
Falconbridge, William, 494.
Falconry, 209, 452, 560, 567, 568, 619 ; see also
James I„ falconers, &c.
Falkland, 213.
Fall, John, 69.
Falmer, 377, 658.
Falmouth, 449.
Castle, 10, 353.
Fane, Sir Francis, 408.
, Mary, Lady Despencer, 113.
, Sir Thomas, Deputy Warden of Cinque
Torts, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, 25,
49, 50, 94, 308, 309, 310.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 232, 289,
Fanshaw, Sir Henry, King's remembrancer of
the exchequer, 45, 130, 337, 414, 435,
460, 492, 632.
, John, 130.
, Sir Thomas, 108, 146, 605.
, William, 108.
, Lady, 299, 446.
Farleigh, 372.
, Wallop, 552.
Farley, 365.
Farley, Mr., 181.
Farmer, Richard, 53.
, Simon, 119.
, Father, see Garnet.
Farmor, John, 383.
Farn island, 56.
Farnham, 24, 32, 467, 532.
Castle, Parks, and Chaces, 138, 326,
329, 354, 431, 437, 446, 508, 535, 544,
566, 597, 616, 657.
Farr, Henry, 275.
Farrant, Daniel, 383.
Farringdon, Ann, 605.
William, 605.
Farrington, Hugh, 383.
Faukes, Guy, 240, 244, 246, 248, 252, 255, 260,
269, 274, 283, 292, 296, 297, 315.
, , confessions and declarations of,
246, 247, 258, 281, 314.
, , examinations of, 239, 241, 243,
246, 247, 263, 279, 283.
, mother of, 269.
Faulkoner, Stephen, 589.
Faunt, Nicholas, 63, 371.
Fauntleroy, William, 316.
Fausley, 157.
Faversham, 72, 571.
Fawcett, Edward, 554.
Fawkes, see Faukes.
, Mr., 222.
Fawley, 58.
Fawne, William, 636.
Fayal island, 183.
Fees and wages, lists of, 362, 482.
Felbridge, 31.
Felley Priory, 1 3.
Fells, William, 208.
Felton, Sir Anthony, 520.
, Thomas, 1, 393.
Fenner, Sir Edward, Justice of King's Bench,
, Sir Richard, 591.
Fens, the, 290, 300, 316, 347.
Fenton, 473.
Fenton, Viscount, see Erskine.
, Edward, 601.
, James, 407, 426.
, Dr. Roger, 530.
Fenwick, John, 207 ; Sir John, 440.
, Randall, 222.
, Roger, 516.
William, 217, 537.
, Sir William, 358.
Fcrr>bosco, Alphonso, 198.
Feria, (Jane Dormer,) Duchess of, 44.
Ferkin, Abraham, 189.
Fermery, Robert, 577.
Fcrmor, Sir George, 249, 257, 259, 268.
, Lady, 249, 259, 266, 267, 268.
, Robert, 268.
Ferne, Sir John, 118, 250, 387, 532.
Ferrand, Dr., 28.
Ferrers, Ann, 634.
Edward, 348, 366, 425, 546, 547, 585.
, Henry, 113, 132, 243.
, John, 550.
, Sir John, 408.
Richard, 246.
, Thomas, 175.
, Walter, 408.
, William, 424, 597.
Ferris, Francis, 660.
Ferrour, John, 549.
Ferrybridge, 241, 581.
Ferrys, Anthony, 179.
Feshara, 406.
Fetherston, Ralph, 373.
Fettiplace, Alexander, 430, 572.
Field, Edward, 68, 72, 80, 582, 620.
, Dr. Richard, 542 ; Dean of Glou-
cester, 580.
, Thomas, 1 1 9.
Fielder, Henry, 165.
Fielding, Edward, 199.
Fiennes, Sir Henry, 405.
, Richard, Lord Saye and Seale, 29, 45>
410, 562.
, Thomas, Lord Dacre, 184.
Fifield, 593.
Fifteenths, see Tithes.
Filey, 106.
Finch, Sir Moyle, 41, 503.
Moyle, 453.
, Richard, 118.
, Samuel, 73.
Thomas, 414.
Finchampstead, 273.
Fines and forfeitures, 51, 61, 65, 101, 171, 174,
185, 234, 334, 355, 357, 380, 381, 391,
409, 414, 439, 456, 457, 460, 461, 462,
465, 468, 470, 474, 479, 480, 486, 489,
494, 497, 541, 546, 549, 560, 565, 567,
568, 606, 608,609, 640, 648, 651, 658,
, clerks and receivers of, 325, 327, 342,
369, 371, 397, 425, 442, 458, 488, 533,
, composition for, 495, 515, 650.
grants of, 72, 141, 164, 165, 191, 311,
317, 366, 367, 371, 382, 407, 411, 423,
525, 528, 533, 590, 592, 599, 642, 659.
, remission of, 15, 106,447,558,621,625.
Fines, Irish, 413.
Fineshade, 472.
Fingry, 24.
Finkley Walk, 517.
Ffrle, 576.
First fruits, 387, 524, 528, 596, 609, 622.
, composition for, 202, 430, 642.
First fruits, instalments of, 195, 575, 613.
, receivers for, 76, 211.
, remembrancer of, 25, 45, 55, 346.
, remission of, 16, 93, 104, 133, 217, 229,
468, 506.
Fish, John, 271, 353.
"Walter, 405.
, Mrs., 405.
Fish, fishing, and fishermen, C4, 76, 110, 118,
144, 210, 227, 229, 352, 509, 540, 549,
604, 620, 632.
Fish, tribute on, 426, 468, 509, 549.
Fishmongers' Company ; see London, Com-
panies of.
Fisher, Henry, 288.
James, 170.
, John, 324.
, Captain John, 13, 16.
Thomas, 382.
, John, alias Fairfax, alias Percy, alias
Pierce, priest, 261, 263, 265, 268, 270,
Fishington, William, 604.
Fitch, Lady, 463.
Fittleton, 333.
Fitton, Edward, 416, 525.
Fitzgarrett, Captain, 4.
Fitzgerald, Captain Edward, 499, 606.
, Richard, 251.
Fitzherbert, Anthony, 514.
, Nicholas, 86.
, Richard, 264.
, Thomas, 301.
Mr., 46.
Fitzjames, priest, 309, 324.
, Thomas, 297, 586.
Fitzpain Okeford, 115.
Fitzwalter, Thomas Lord, 547.
Fitzwilliam, William, 54.
Fitzwilliams, Sir George, 442.
John, letters of, to Salisbury, 595, 597.
or, Fitzwilliam, Sir William, 63, 65,
84, 233, 455.
Flampstead, 111, 201.
Flanders, 57, 156, 184, 186, 190, 230, 232, 236,
246, 273, 314, 324, 325, 333, 397, 609,
640, 652 ; see also Low Countries.
, merchants in, 59.
, Eegent of, sec Albert, Archduke.
, trade in, 77.
, treaty of, with Holland, 403, 407.
Flasket, John, 116, 119.
Flecton, Robert, 64.
Fleet, Lincoln, 165.
Fleet, the, see Navy.
Fleet, prison, 88, 271, 306.
prisoners in, 140, 399, 497.
, warden of, 399, 591.
, John, alias Walsgrovc, 87, 284.
Fleetwood, Sir George, 115.
, Henry, 85, 128, 528, 532.
Fleetwood, Sir Miles, 149, 593, 595.
Richard, 407.
, Thomas, 32, 100.
, "William, 130, 353, 599.
, Sir William, 137, 149, 364, 532, 545.
Fleming, Sir Thomas, Solicitor-General, 96 ;
Chief Baron of Exchequer, 162, 190 ;
Lord Chief Justice of King's Bench,
367, 378, 383, 392, 394, 431, 525, 587,
, , letters to, see James I, letters of.
, Thomas, 121.
Flemings, 89.
Flere, Anthony, 383.
Fletcher, Robert, 234.
Fleury, Charles, 512.
Flight, John, 223.
Flint, Humphrey, 361, 365, 376, 532, 602,
631, 640.
Flint, County Palatine of, 635.
Flint Castle, 401.
Flintshire, 121, 175, 180, 353, 444, 461.
Flitcham, 77.
Florence and Florentines, 278, 31 1, 371, 378,
380, 446, 484, 547, 579, 610, 629, 653.
Florio, Giovanni, 328, 330, 333.
Flour, see Corn.
Flower, John, 247, 266.
Flowton, 547.
Floyd, Lodovick, 408.
Floyer, Anne, 571.
Fludd, Henry, 391, 411.
, Humphrey, 395.
, John, 516.
Flushing, 5, 21, 53, 56, 108, 257, 295, 323, 324.
Fokingham, 143.
Foliambe, Hercules, 154.
Folkstone, 73, 604.
Folliat, Edward, 593.
Folliott, Sir John, 255.
Folly John Park, Windsor Forest, 78, 236,
Fontenay, Count, 468.
Fookes, (widow,) 615. *
Foord, Walter, 464.
Foorth, "William, 218.
Footyet, Richard, 526.
Forbench, Richard, 515, 526, 567.
Forces, paymaster of, sec Wright, Eichard.
Ford, 144, 658.
Foreigners, sec Aliens.
Forest, Anthony, letters of, to Cecil, 52, 88 ;
Sir Anthony, 508.
Forest, Sieur de la, see Verton.
Forests, see Woods.
Forhomc, 70.
Formeby, William, 389.
Forsett, Edward, 292, 293, 295, 446, 512, 514,
605, 624.
Forstall, Jetb.ro, 167.
Forster, Giles, 110.
Forster, Giles, jun., 110.
, John, 401.
, Julian, 384.
, Thomas, 348.
Fortescue, Elizabeth, (533.
, Sir Francis, 275, 570, 649.
, John, 320.
, Sir John, Master of the Wardrobe,
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster,
10, 29, 34, 39, 82, 90, 94, 98, 132, 140,
148, 17G, 212, 265, 299, 356, 391, 399,
, .warrants to, 8, 12, 28, 75, 90, 110.
, Nicholas, 189, 253.
, Thomas, 434.
, Sir William, 506.
Mr., 240.
, Mr., (of Warwickshire), 304.
Forthampton, 613.
Fortun, Agnes, 246.
Forty, Charles, 69, 93.
Foster, Nicholas, 74.
, Thomas, 443.
, Sir William, 381.
, Jesuit, 253.
, (recusant,) 269.
Fotherby, Charles, Archdeacon of Canterbury,
542, 615.
, Mr., 542, 615.
Fotheringay, 45.
Fotherley, T., 244, 250, 256.
Fougli, Alexander, 330.
Fouke, John, 205.
Foulthrop, Edward, 1 84.
Fountaine, Martin, 136.
, Thomas, 93, 498.
Fountains Abbey, 120.
Fountayne, Mr., 280.
Fourre, Paul, 647.
Fowes, John, 242.
, William, 127.
Fowkes, John, 205.
, Sir Henry, 30, 418, 607.
Fowks, Sir Bartholomew, 76.
Fowle, Matthias, 153.
Fowler, Edward, 297.
, Henry, 120.
, Moses, 135.
, Richard, 119, 391.
, Sir Thomas, 285.
, William, 463, 553.
Fowlies, David, 7; Sir David, 72, 155, 653.
Fowlis, Alphonso, 512.
Fox, Charles, 395.
Francis, 378.
Henry, 88, 222, 395.
, Humphrey, 472.
Foxall, William, 428, 431.
Foxholes, 154.
Foxley, 230.
Foxon, Henry, 462.
Foxwell, (recusant,) 251.
Frampton, Charles, 112.
, Robert, 112.
, William, 112.
France. 5,40, 54, 101, 209, 248, 249,255,261,
274, 284, 317, 332, 340, 355, 368, 372,
411, 413, 439, 463, 464, 466, 473, 476,
486, 492, 540, 550, 557, 558, 563, 612,
613, 622, 623, 639, 651.
, ambassadors of, 3, 12, 23, 40, 187, 416,
473, 544, 583, 617, 646, 647; see also
Beaumont, Boderie, Rosny.
, ambassadors to, 181, 305, 512, 602.
612, 651 ; see also Parry, Sir Thomas ;
Carew, Sir George.
, church of, 466.
, constable of, see Montmorenci.
, court of, 448, 651.
, King of, see Henry IV.
, merchants of, 193, 301.
, prince born in, 405.
relation of, to Scotland, 277, 305.
, Scotch guard in, 277.
, Scots in, 149, 167, 337, 351.
, trade with, 173, 208, 229, 233, 306,
315, 433, 516, 517, 518, 534, 535, 537.
, treaty of, with England, 235, 343, 651.
, vessels of, 13, 54, 64, 309, 377.
visitors to, 26, 230, 235, 308, 448.
wines of, 198, 297, 521, 626.
Franceschi, Colonel Jaques, orGiacomo de, 319,
324, 325, 326.
, Tomasio de, 323, 324, 325, 326.
Franchetti, Sigismund, 4.
Francis, Edward, 1 3.
, Sir Edward, 223, 247, 248.
, Elizabeth, 223.
, John, 208.
, William, 142
Franciscans, Superior of, see Harrington, — .
Franck, Robert, 479.
Frankenthal, burgrave of, 224.
Frankland, Joyce, 85.
, William, 574.
Franklin, George, 137.
, Henry, 71.
, Richard, 248.
Frany, William, 611.
Freake, Edmund, 150.
, John, 166.
Frederic V., Count Palatine, 224, 226, 543, 631.
Frederico, Giovanni Antonio, 72.
Freed, John, 469.
Freeman, Charles, 312.
, Sir Francis, 537.
, John, 106, 517.
, Martin, 173, 356, 476, 545, 637.
Ralph, 475.
William, 163, 349, 475.
, sec Spiller.
Freemantle Park, 54, 104, 438.
Freemasons, 163.
Freeston, Mary, 598.
Freke, Thomas, 32 G,
Fremington, 365.
French, 22, 82, 226, 290, 419, 432, 437, 461,
508, 535, 620.
French church in London, 290.
French edict, 62.
Freshville, Sir Peter, 154.
Freville, Sir George, 390, 514, 581.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 462, 549,
Freysarde, , 256.
Freyson, 406.
Frith and Bird's Nest, 106.
Frohisher, Peter, 521.
Frodsham, 10.
Frome-Selwood, 366.
Fromond, Bartholomew, 592.
Frost, Catherine, 408.
Fryar, Francis, 194.
Fryer, Leonard, 212, 260.
, William, 387.
Fryser or Frisar, Ingram, 149, 179.
Fuentes, Conde de, 231.
Fulbourn, 95, 288.
Fulbrook Park, 371, 579.
Fulham, 17, 22, 29, 40, 133, 154, 495, 563.
Fuliambe, Joan, 389.
Fuller, Ambrose, 293.
, Nicholas, 370, 382, 391, 394.
, Richard, see Johnson.
, Mr., 622.
Fullerton, Sir James, 565.
Fullingmill meads, 415.
Fulmer, 598.
Fulmodeston, 86.
Fulnetby, Robert, 220.
Fulwer, Nathaniel, 57, 120.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 574, 635.
Fulwood, Sir George, 552.
Richard, (priest), 310, 313.
Funerals, 25, 91, 140.
Furnes, monastery, 197, 218.
Furtado, friar, 209.
Fustians, 639.
Fyvie, Lord, see Seat on, Alexander.
G M , 5.
Gaddesden, Thomas, 469, 495.
Gage, Edward, 175, 178.
, Edward, (recusant), 592.
, John, 389, 576.
, Mr., 139.
Gainford wood, 542, 549, 554.
Gainsborough, 238.
Galbraith, Francis, 221, 485.
, James, 221.
Gall, or Gale, Francis, 35, 198, 550.
, Guido, 412.
Galle Otes, 572.
Galley, 551.
Galloway, Patrick, 31, 77.
Galtres, manor, 513.
Galtres Forest, 126, 304, 413, 420.
Game, see James I., game, &c.
Gamston, 125.
Gamull, Thomas, 378, 426.
Gardener, John, 498.
, Sir Robert, 512, 520.
, William, 532.
Gai'diner, Thomas, 126.
, see Harryman.
Gardner, James, 217.
John, 558, 559, 566.
Gare Mill, 457.
Gargarran, 35.
Gargrave, 427.
, Sir Richard, 123, 345.
, Thomas, 123.
Garland, Francis, 571.
, Thomas, 385, 486.
Garnet, Henry, alias Darcy, Farmer, Meaze,
Walley, Superior of Jesuits in England,
240, 247, 249, 250, 254, 259, 261, 263,
268, 270, 280, 283, 284, 286, 290-293,
295,298-301,303-306, 310, 314, 321,
325, 339, 340, 346, 411.
, confessions and declarations, &c, of,
300, 303, 306.
, examinations of, 288, 296, 297, 299,
300, 308, 312, 616.
, letters of, 7, 228, 291, 296, 308, 309,
, letters to, 14, 223, 279, 302.
, execution of, 315.
, portrait of, 315.
Garuiston, , 204.
Garrat, Francis, 361.
Garrett, John, 99.
, Sir John, 429.
Garston Hall, 497.
Garter King-at-arms, see Dethick, Segar.
, chancellor of, 432.
, knights of, 25, 41, 114, 115, 312, 444.
, order of, 18, 106.
Gartertop, 447.
Garth, Christopher, 591.
Gaithbullch, 533.
Gartra, 416.
Garvey, James, 248, 270.
Neal, 432.
Garway, 515.
Garway, John, 120.
, Thomas, 181.
Garway, William, 158, 37-1, 40G, 415, 480, 48.3,
488, 51G, 55G, 5G7, 592, 598, 599, G14,
G33, 654.
Gascoigne, Sir William, 549.
Gascony, 500.
Gaskyn, Joel, 289.
Gatacre, Elizabeth, 426.
Gateacre, William, 367.
Gatehouse, Westminster, 38, 183, 279, 285, 307,
.prisoners in, 15, 36, 200, 272, 287, 289,
295, 302, 304, 310, 363, 555.
St. John's, 170.
Gater, Gavin, 4G6.
Gates, Mary, 572.
Gavdy, Sir Francis, Justice of King's Bench,
Sir Henry, 113.
Gawen, Catherine, 345.
, Walter, 652.
Gawsell, Robert, 468.
Gawsworth, 587.
Gay, John, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 376, 383,
396, 470, 486, 527, 554.
Gay lard, Ellis, 188.
Gayer Milne, 514.
Gayer, Mr., 140.
Gaywood, 422, 440.
Geale, Richard, 178.
Geddington, 6.
wood, 608, 616, 624.
Gedney, 132, 538.
Gee, Sir William, 118, 532, 537.
, William, 590.
Geere, Michael, 416.
, William, 162.
Geffe, Nicholas, 42, 43, 73.
Geneva, 17, 25, 44, 68.
Genge, Mr., (minister), 525.
Genings, Ambrose, 456.
Genoa and Genoese, 231, 548.
Gent, William, 312.
Gentilis, Dr. Albericus, 159, 333, 489.
, Robert, 159, 333.
Gentleman pensioners, 9, 13, 3G, 89, 424, 432,
Gentlemen-at-arms, 432.
George, Sir Arthur, 20.
German Union, 638.
Germans (Alinains), 213, 413, 547, 645 j see
also Dutch.
Germany, 112, 185, 198, 203, 285, 450, 625.
Gerard, Gilbert, (?) Lord, 338.
, Henry, 259.
, John 141.
, John, alias Brooke, Lee, jesuit, 240,
247, 254, 25G, 259, 2G8, 270, 278, 279,
280, 284, 291, 29G, 300, 304, 306, 310,
326, 304.
, , letters of, 282.
, , Mary, 370, 384, 390, 395.
Gerard, Sir Thomas, 326.
, Thomas Lord, 23, 77, 102, 338, 435,
573, 627.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 450, 573.
, William, 355, 440.
Gerard's Bromley, 23, 435.
Gerini, Ottavio, 448.
Ghent, 640.
Gibb, Anthony, 592.
, Henry, G25.
, John, (groom), 47, 64, 88, 105, 175,
412, 454.
, John, (pauper), 398, 498.
Gibbins, Gideon, 240.
Gibbon, Lancaster, G17, 645.
Gibbons, Thomas, 129.
Gibbridge, Richard, 244.
Gibbs, Henry, 488.
Gibson, alias Watson, Anthony, 148.
, John, 144.
, Richard, 301, 311.
, Robert, 400.
, William, 130, 144.
, Dr., 28.
, (usurer), 602.
Giffard, Nathaniel, 177.
Gifford, Elizabeth, 461.
, Sir George, 469, 528, G25.
, Henry, 209.
, Humphrey, 449.
, Richard, 328, 560, 629.
, Sir Richard, 421.
, Walter, 285, 289, 547.
, Dr. William, 31, 314.
Gilbert, Adrian, 554.
, Sir John, 311, 446.
Gilby, John, 234.
Giles, Nathaniel, 151, 334.
Gill, Alexander, 497.
, Francis, 392.
, John, 131.
, Ralph, 107, 249.
, Thomas, 107.
Gillesland, 46.
Gillett, Job, 131, 133.
, John, 124.
Gillingham, 48.
Gillot, Thomas, 334.
Gilsborough, 157.
Gimingham, or Gymingham, 111, 508, 513.
Giroue, Ferdinand de, Spanish Ambassador,
473, 476.
Gittons, John, 414, 442.
Giuseppe, Simone, 548.
Gladdis, (servant), 303.
Glamorganshire, 81, 83, 120, 174, 361, 446.
, judges and justices of, 429, 430.
, residents in, 483, 644.
Glangrese Gill, 90.
Glauville, Richard, 341, 621.
Glany, Owen, 167.
Glascock, Henry 197.
Glaseover, Hugh, 149, 159, 170, 175, 203,315,
Glasgow, archbishopric of, 235, 638.
Glass, John, 345.
Glaston, 595.
Gledthorpe, Grange, 11.
Glenham, Ann, Lady, 499.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 515, 525.
, Sir Henry, 104.
Glen, John, 78.
Gloucester, 177, 450, 564.
, alms-rooms in, 122, 179.
gaol, 547.
mayor, &c. of, 279, 284, 609.
, New Inn at, 77.
, archdeaconry, 354, 642.
, bishop of, see Eavis, Parry.
, bishopric, 354.
dean and chapter of, 155, 361.
, prebend, 614.
Gloucestershire, 181, 276, 298, 326, 342, 353,
405, 423, 424, 466, 622, 629, 649, 650.
, feodary of, 522.
, grants of lands in, 27, 46, 72, 82, 125,
126, 137, 191, 232, 234, 321, 328, 365,
384, 385, 498, 644.
, lands and places in, 51, 57, 71, 142,
160, 190, 279, 395, 483, 499, 513, 528,
594, 606, 613.
receivers in, 121, 223.
recusants in, 437, 530, 610.
residents in, 122, 234, 288, 301, 385,
400, 427, 432, 581, 609, 624.
sheriffs of, 451, 455.
Glover, Alexander, 30.
, Richard, 84, 334, 335, 447.
, Thomas, 32, 503.
Sir Thomas, 311.
, "William, 513.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 508, 517.
, , 84.
Goad, Dr. Itoger, 459, 598.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 459, 465,
505, 560, 563.
Goathurst, 553.
Goche, Barnaby, 177, 202.
, Margaret, 202.
God's house, Southampton, 588.
Goday, Juan de, 341.
Godby, John, 200.
Goddard, William, 91.
Goddington, 418.
Godley Corner, see Brill Hills.
Godmanchester, 106, 322.
Godolphin, 518, 566.
Godolphin, John, 566.
, Sir Francis, 16, 17, 55, 60,85, 117, 143,
Godolphin, Sir William, 145, 333, 427, 453
512, 531, 566, 588.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 474, 518,
566, 576.
, Mr., 52.
Godourus, William, 598.
Godsalve, Robert, 351.
Godwin, Francis, Bishop of Llandaff, 354.
Gofton, Francis, auditor, 10, 33, 470, 488,510,
Gogirthan, 164.
Golborne, 111.
Gold, 68, 114, 123, 134, 576, 627.
Gold and Silver, 51, 90, 462, 535, 579.
Golding, Peter, 357.
Goldsmith, William, 595.
Goldson, Robert, 316.
Gomeldon, William, 107, 4C6.
Gomes, Francisco, 183.
Gooch, John, 617.
Gooche, Matthew, 515.
Good, John, 340, 379, 486.
Goodere, Henry, 334.
, Sir Henry, 221.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 213, 592.
, William, 334.
Goodfellow, William, 521.
Goodlack, Mary, 589.
Goodlat, Robert, 108.
Goodman, Gabriel, 119.
Godfrey, 119, 378.
, John, 515.
Thomas, 207.
Goodrowse, William, 490.
Goodwin, Sir Francis, 90, 94, 223, 232. 344,
433, 493.
, John, (minister), 179.
, John, 195.
Goolayton, 416.
Goosnargh, 383.
Gopsill, William, 550.
Gordon, George, Earl and Marquis of Huntley,
, George, Lord, 441.
, John, 68.
, John, dean of Salisbury, 104, 213, 528.
, Robert, 374, 610.
Gore, Richard, 271.
, Walter, 76.
Gorges, Arthur, 231.
, Sir Arthur, 330, 541.
, Sir Edward, 55, 395.
, Sir Ferdinando, 26, 39, 426, 533.
, Lady Helen, Marchioness of North-
ampton, 63, 199, 219, 395, 658.
, Robert, 55.
, Sir Thomas, 7, 10, 135, 199, 219,231,
291, 329, 395, 424, 508, 518, 589.
, , grants to, 26, 63, 70, 329.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 452, 502,
Gorges, Theobald, 55.
Gorhambury, 453.
Goring, 5:57.
Goring, Mr., 74.
Corsage, James, 389.
Gorse, George, 8G.
Gorway, Robert, 547.
Gosberkirk, 506.
Gosling, or Gostling, Dr. John, 3G8.
Gosnold, Captain Robert, 50, 154, 496.
Gosport, 225, 345.
Gosse, Mr., 572.
Gostwick, William, 24.
Goteland, 98.
Gough, Thomas, 213.
Gowarth, 3G9.
Gower, Alexander, 281.
, J., 68, 72.
Gowrie conspiracy, 200, 403, 467, 627.
Gowrie, Earl, see Ruthven.
Grace Dieu Monastery, 381.
Gradsby, 531.
Grafton, Northamptonshire, 272, 403, 500, 525,
595, 629.
Graham, George, 207.
, Hutchins, 216.
, John, alias Jock of the Pear tree, 313.
, John, (surveyor), 354.
, Sir John, 219, 223.
Lady, 223.
Richard, alias Jock Rychie, 292, 313.
Robert, 166, 174, 211.
, alias Rosetrees, William, 304.
, Mr., 627.
Grahams, and Greames, the, 56, 192, 237, 257,
258, 279, 280, 283, 284, 289, 292, 295,
302, 313, 315, 317, 319, 325, 349, 355.
Grain, see Corn.
Graine, Sir John, (Grame or Graham"), 17.
Grammar Schools, 4, 102, 114, 122, 173, 208,
397, 447, 516.
Grand Duke, see Tuscany.
Grand Seignior, sec Ahmed I.
Grange, Justice E., 239.
, John, 47.
Grange, the, 304.
Granger, John, 29, 423.
Grant, Francis, 199, 242.
, Mrs., 190, 251, 255, 256, 269, 558.
, John,241, 242, 243, 246, 247, 251, 254,
255, 256, 259, 261, 266, 269, 281, 299,
325, 346, 471.
, , letters to, 57, 190, 199, 206, 222,
, John, 212.
Grant, river, 536.
Grantham, 115.
Grantham, Sir Thomas, 613.
William, 240.
Grave, William, 427.
Graveley, 232.
Graveley, Edward, 400.
Gravelines, 27, 232, 248, 420.
Gravenor, John, 526.
, Martha, 430.
Graves, Thomas, 215, 381.
Gravesalls, 397.
Gravesend, 17, 224, 239, 246, 444.
Gray, Lady Catherine, 261.
, Edward, 120, 193, 237, 358.
, Francis, alias Cooke, 95.
, Dr. Hugh, 129.
, Sir John, 148, 325.
, Patrick, master of, 213, 235 ; Lord
Gray, 526.
, letters of, to Cecil, 156, 257.
, Ralph, 120.
, Sir Ralph, 435.
, or Grey, Robert, see Douglas, Thomas.
, William 112.
Gray's Inn, 35, 88, 124, 256, 400, 480.
letters from, 61, 526, 535, 543, 608,
Graye, John, 63.
Great Britain, 101, 163, 198 ; see also James I.,
titles of.
Great Grimsby, 489.
Great Munden, 131.
Great Yarmouth, see Yarmouth.
Greaves, Thomas, 426.
Grecians, 548.
Green, Rook, 59, 71.
, Thomas, 400.
, William, 582.
Green Cloth, Board of, 47, 72, 76, 146, 273,
385, 613.
Green Wax, 158, 175, 507.
Greenakers, Richard, 3S9.
Greene, Abraham, 211, 509, 585.
Giles, 247, 256, 259, 397.
, Henry, 598.
, John, (King's coffer maker), 29, 102.
, John, (minister), 161.
, John, (recusant), 284, 572.
Margery, 466.
Richard, (page), 57, 80, 157, 395.
, Richard, 39.
, Richard, (receiver), 444.
, Robert, 466.
, William, 501.
Greener, Henry, 486.
Greenham, i}72.
Greenhow, 72.
Greenhowe, Thomas, 577.
Greens Norton, 595.
Greenway, Oswald, alias Greenwell, Tesmond,
99, 126, 263, 267, 268, 269, 279, 280,
281, 291, 297, 299, 300, 309, 312, 313,
Greenwell, see Greenway.
Greenwich, 99, 141, 203, 310, 63G.
, armoury at, 92, 9C, 97, 178, 43-1, 445,
, letters, &c, from, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14,
1"), 16, 17, 110, 124, 120, 128, 204, 207,
211, 213, 216, 219, 221, 223, 225, 227,
319, 321, 324, 327, 329, 302, 431, 435,
441, 512, 517, 521, 619.
, park and gardens at, 149, 197, 214, 027,
wardrobe at, 327.
Greenwood, John, 92.
Gregory, Arthur, letters of, to Salisbury, 339,
340, 430.
, Valentine, 586.
, William, 413.
Gresham, Sir Richard, 120.
, Sir Thomas, 417, 527.
Gresham college, 129.
Gresham's hall, 398.
Gresley, Sir Thomas, 249.
Gretna, 399.
Gretton AVoods, 546, 616.
Greville, Sir Edward, 234, 301.
, Sir Fulk, Treasurer of the Admiralty,
24, 29, 98, 110, 128, 192, 234, 246,
251, 252, 271, 364, 05G.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 271. 373,
Grey, Henry Duke, of Suffolk, 499.
, Frances, Duchess of Suffolk, 03, 499.
, Henry Lord, of Groby, 23, 36, 162,
171, 553, 632.
, Jane Sibilla Lady, 386.
Sir John 18, 490.
, Thomas Lord, of Wilton, 21, 22, 27,
31, 39, 48, 54, 56, 57, 329, 347, 386.
, letters of, to James I.. 30, 55.
, Sir William de, 135.
sec Moatford.
Greystocke, 61.
Griffen, Hugh, 605.
Griffin, Nicholas, 401.
, Rice, 404.
, Sir Rice, 493.
, priest, 1.
Griffith, Edmund, 614.
, Henry, 240.
, John, 634.
, Richard, 510.
, William, 142, 407.
Griggs, Augustine, 401, 572, 581.
Grimesdich, John, 66, 177, 385, 427.
Grimcskirk, 23.
Grimeston, Christopher, 135,204.
, Richard, 180, 191.
Grimsby, 129, 142, 429.
Grimseot, 492.
im9tone, Elizabeth, 529.
Elizabeth Lady, 591.
Grinstead, 54.
Grin wore, 410.
Grisby, 401.
Grisly, Mary, 034.
Groby, 23.
Grosse, Ezekiel, 2 51.
Grove, John, 179.
, William, 631.
Grovelegh, 380.
Gryme, George, 592.
Guard, captains and yeomen of, 2, 42, 43, 69,
93, 97, 123, 124, 145, 153, 156, 220,
287, 294, 338, 372, 433, 506, 546, 599,
Guevara, Henry, 313.
Guiana, 127, 576.
Guildford, 36, 473, 498.
Park, 233, 414, 510, 530, 578.
Priory House, 231.
Guildford, Henry, 133,
, Sir Henry, 7, 65, 116, 126, 531, 623.
Guildhall, 305.
Guillim, John, 225.
Guillin, Thomas, 15.
Gunderrot, Sir Henri de (Gontheraut, Gun-
trode, or Guntreade), 380, 417, 565,
570, 580.
Gunne, Thomas, 318.
Gunnersley, 644.
Gunns, Thomas, 389.
Gunpowder, 6, 156, 248, 256,300, 356, 443,
460, 548, 552, 57 3.
Gunpowder Plot, papers bearing upon, 57, 99,
103, 113, 126, 190, 199,206, 232, 233.
237, 238, 317, 437, 471, 493, 574, 592,
Commissioners for, 241, 247,271, 282,
292, 297, 300, 303, 304.
details of, 239-274, 278-286, 288-
Guns and gun makers, 212, 397,406, 448, 503 ;
see also Arms.
Gunthorpe, 512.
Gurley, Frances, 639.
, John, 639.
Gurlyn, Thomas, 593.
Gurnet, Richard, 131.
Guy, Piers, 66.
Gwarnick, 619.
Gwcltesdale, 211, 308.
Gwillin, John, pursuivant, 81.
Gwylliams, Thomas, 179.
Gwyn, Edward, 142.
, Sir John, 588, 040, 643, 656.
, Roger, 13, 16, 17, 113, 184.
, Mr., (recusant), 288.
, Mrs., (recusant), 288.
Gwynu, John Lewes, 130.
, Richard, 317.
Gwyon, David Lloyd, 164.
Gymingham, see Gimingham.
Gyve, Thomas, 134.
H , G , Signor, 333.
Hacheston, Mr., 369.
Hackett, Mr., 257.
Hacking, Lawrence, 111.
Hackney, 78, 150, 433, 493.
Hadde, Matthew, 62G.
Haddenham, 644.
Haddington,Viscount, see Eamsay, John.
Hadley, 633.
Hadsor, Eichard, 306, 307.
Haggatt, Bartholemew, 650.
Haggerstone, 294.
Haggerstone, Mr., 294.
Hague, The, Commissioners at, 411.
Hagworthingham, 232.
Haia Park, 147.
Haigh, Mr., 321.
Hailes, 46.
Hainault, 187, 398.
lodge and walk, 150, 371, 408, 593, 651.
Haistenes, Matthew, 156.
Hakewill, William, 383.
Hale, 497.
Hale, Henry, 179.
, Eichard, 16.
, Thomas, alias Jerome Price, 34.
Hales, Bartholomew, 255.
, Sir Charles, 24, 95, 313, 319, 325, 440.
, Edward, 595.
Sir Nicholas, 509.
Eobert, 275.
Halfheid, Henry, 114, 414, 433.
Halifax, 387.
Haling, 455.
Hall, Arthur, 102.
, Edward, or Father, see Oldcorne.
, Francis, 427.
, George, 138, 387.
, John, 122, 325, 400.
, Eichard, 586.
, Thomas, (server), 49.
, Thomas, 142.
Sir Nicholas, 426.
William, (of Penrith), 473.
, William, (of Leicester), 33.
, William, (of London), 52.
William, 408.
, Mr., 183, 458, 507.
Halsey, John, 235, 384.
, William, 589.
Halton-Holgate, 262.
Ham, Jerome, 57.
Hambledon, 571.
Hambledon chace,.376, 431, 535.
Hamburgh, 54, 61, 621.
Hamerton, Eichard, 403, 404, 423.
Hamfell, 653.
Hamilton, James, 161.
, Thomas, 159.
, Sir Thomas, 212, 213.
, priest, 454.
Hamly, 464.
Hamlyn, Michael, 502.
Hammond, Christopher, 423.
, Dr. John, 82, 281, 551, 622.
, William, 114, 593.
, (jesuit), see Hart.
Hampden, Sir Edward, 215.
Hampshire, 272, 294, 431, 452, 462, 496, 605.
, forests in, 209, 344, 369, 382, 418,
517, 541.
, grants of lands in, 68, 123, 162, 175,
320, 329, 344, 349, 410, 550.
, lands and places in, 23, 54, 58, 126,
175, 190, 209, 321, 328, 344, 353, 395,
400, 438,439, 471, 496, 508, 522, 579,
589, 634, 653.
, offices in, 89, 135, 414.
, receivers in, 121, 223, 527, 528.
recusants in, 272, 294, 317, 493, 530,
561, 953, 613, 615, 627.
, residents in, 61, 256, 317, 503.
, sheriffs of, 48, 57, 69, 164.
Hampstead, 34, 36, 37, 39, 51.
Hampton, 25, 428, 441.
, Westmoreland, 479.
Hampton -in- Arden, 51.
Hampton, Eichard, 66.
Thomas, 468, 534.
Hampton Court, 59, 207, 381, 480, 540, 643.
, armoury at, 445.
, chaee at, 422.
game at, 395, 490.
, letters from, 21, 27, 29, 30, 66, 67, 68.
71-76, 154-158, 192, 234, 290, 330, 331,
411, 456, 458, 460, 483, 541, 542, 544,
545, 547, 552, 632, 634.
, palace and gardens, 75, 76, 80, 99,
330, 376, 467.
wardrobe at, 64.
Hamworth, 277.
Hamworth park, 238.
Hanaper, comptrollers of, 26, 206.
clerks of, 374, 620.
llanborough, 356.
Hanbury, Thomas, 120.
Handy, William, 249, 263,
Hanley, Hugh, 401, 415, 574.
, Eichard, 216.
Hanley castle, 593.
walk, 233.
Hannaby, 572.
Hansby, Kalph, 205.
Hanse Towns, 154.
Hanslope, 4C4, 493, 506.
Hapsburg, Maria Magdalena of, 366.
Harberbouse, 401.
Harborne, William, 479.
Harbottle, 132, 174, 190.
castle, 190.
Harcourt, Kobert, 514, 557.
, Sir Walter, 445.
, Mr., 453.
Hardam, Jobn, 43.
Hardelagh, see Harlech.
Harderet, Abraham, 125, 396, 436.
Jacob, 590.
, Mar., 317.
, Nathaniel, 396.
Harding, Dr. John, 91, 403, 407, 641.
, John, 646.
, Richard, 156.
, Thomas, 161.
Hardingham, 319.
Hard wick, Bedfordshire, 580.
, Gloucestershire, 624.
Hardwick, Francis, 180.
Hardy, Peter, 60.
Hare, Hugh, 7.
, John, (clerk), 7, 54, 152, 180, 484,
, John, (member), 289, 292.
, John, (merchant), 348.
, Michael, 171.
, Nicholas, 152.
, Sir Ralph, 101.
Mr., 158.
Harecourt, Robert, 547.
Harenedar, John de, & Co., 184.
Hareward, William, 128.
Harewood, John, 192, 399.
, William, 192, 399.
Harfield, 50, 52, 151, 320.
Harfleet, Sir Thomas, 630.
Haringay, 70, 440.
Harington, 188.
Harkstow, 357.
Harlech, or Hardelagh, 489, 490, 500.
castle, 495.
Harlesewes, 447.
Harleton, 115.
Harley, Sir Robert, 133.
Thomas. 98, 578.
Harlow, Thomas, 435.
Harman, Matthew, 529.
Harmon, William, 469.
, Sir William, 445, 562.
Harmondsworth, 391.
Harper, Alexander, 60.
, George, 187.
John, 404.
Harpur, Henry, 216.
, Humphrey, 620.
, Sir John, 154,419, 520.
Harriers, see James I., harriers of.
Harries, Thomas, 81.
Harrington, Arthur, 319.
, Sir Edward, 251,289.
, Isabel, 124.
John, 124, 448.
, Sir James, 405.
, Sir John, 124, 125, 560.
, John Lord, 23, 57, 81, 191, 241, 242,
244, 263, 287, 434, 557.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 241, 242,
263, 265, 534, 552, 61 1, 620.
, , Superior of Franciscans, 479.
Harrington Week, 90.
, Hants, 579.
Northamptonshire, 586.
Harringworth, 640.
Harris, Arthur, 142.
, Christopher, 16, 17.
, Edward, 7.
Sir Francis, 1 44.
, Henry, 304, 615.
, Honoria_Lady, 487.
, John, 339, 551, 571.
, Lewis, 636.
, Richard, 98, 345.
, Thomas, Serjeant, 36, 37,431.
, William, 183, 383.
(pirate), 525, 568.
Harrison, Anthony, 70.
John, 116.
, Richard, 111, 574.
, Thomas, 159.
, Thomas, (of Norwich), 611.
, Wiliam, 348.
Harrowden, 253, 256, 278, 300.
Harry, (prisoner), 296.
Harryman, alias Gardiner, Robert, 433.
Harsnet, Dr. Samuel, 361, Bishop of Chichester,
556, 557, 577.
Hart, Sir John, 70.
, John, 221.
, Nicholas, alias Hammond, 263, 280,
, Richard, 385, 592.
, Sir Percival, 37.3.
Harthurst, 480.
Ilartington, 75, 218.
Hartlebury, 558.
Hartley, 346.
Green, 416.
Hartside, Margaret, 31
Hartwell, 262.
Harvey, Sir Gavin, 26, 627.
Robert, 38.
, Tristram, 136.
, William, 25.
, Mr., (surgeon), 457.
Harvy, Sir George, Lieutenant of the Tower,
25, 26, 88, 109, 140, 145, 210, 347.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 37, 41, 50, 209.
, Lady, 41.
, Sir William, 126.
Y Y 2
Harwich, 2, 93, 338, 503, 580.
Harwood, 384.
Haselbury-Bryan, 652.
Haselrigg, Thomas, 403.
Ilaslope, 493.
Hasselgrave, Robert, 283.
llassell, Baptist, 01 7.
Hast, Henry, 379.
Hastings, 160.
Hastings, Catherine, Couctess Dowager of
Huntingdon, 561, 615, 618.
, Sir Francis, 194, 251, 257.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 251, 257,
George, 4th Earl of Huntingdon, 1*40,
, Henry, 195, 257
, Sir Henry, 257.
, Henry, 5th Earl of Huntingdon, 194,
359,409, 410, 465. 610, 615, 618.
, Elizabeth, Countess of Huntingdon,
, Robert, 439.
Hatch, Henry, 571.
Ilatesbury Court, 4 1 3.
Hatfield, 477, 506.
castle, 455.
house and park, 158, 230, 354, 358,
514, 515, 516, 532, 538, 553, 592. 597,
598, 636, 641.
Hatherton, 159, 374."
Hatton, 28.
Hatton, Sir Christopher, 312, 414, 453, 488,
518, 530, 535, 536, 538.
, Edward, 113, 166.
, John, 621.
, William, 114.
, Sir William, 152.
, Lady, see Coke, Lady.
Haughton, Adam, 486.
, Thomas, 439, 442.
Hauksley, 430.
Haverford, West, 74, 83, 122, 585.
Havering atte Bower, House and Park, 18, 22,
Havers, Thomas, 492.
Havington, 89.
Haward, Thomas, 517.
Hawdon, Cnthbert, 286.
Hawft, T., 227.
Hawkes worth, Robert, 286.
Hawkins, Alexander, 72.
, John, 415.
, Sir Richard, 207, 437, 457.
, Robert, 413.
, William, 418.
Hawkinson. John, 624.
Hawks and Hawking, see Falconry ; James T.,
Hawthorn, Gilbert, 608.
William. 407.
Ilawthornden, 319.
Haxey, George, 222.
Hay and Straw, 60, 394, 401, 413, 445, 544.
Hay, Alexander, 111, 187, 188, 265, 324, 354.
381, 417 ; Sir Alexander, 456, 473^
498, 545, 568.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 454, 565,
568, 569, 651.
Alyson, Lady of Dunkerrant, 108.
, Lad)' Anne, 74.
, Francis, Earl of Errol, 187,188,505,619.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 235, 298.
, George, 212.
, Sir George, 580.
Sir James, 84, 88, 102, 141, 213,219;
Lord Hay, 321, 334, 348, 364, 478, 651.
, .grants to, 108, 149, 152, 215,
230, 287, 355.
, payments to, 269, 381, 419, 421,
, , letters of and to, 461, 565.
, Honor Lady, 149.
, Lord James, 213.
, Paul de la, letters of, to Salisbury,
525, 618, 624.
Peter, 619.
, William, 120.
Haydock, Richard, 212, 213.
Haydon, Michael, 215, 406.
, Robert, 547.
., Mr., 547.
Hayes, Captain Edward, 39, 619.
, John, 112.
, Captain, Thomas, 30, 163, 619.
Sir Thomas, 63, 65, 397, 415, 465.
, Thomas, 61, 05, 150, 232.
, Timothy, 268
William, 591.
Hayman, Henry, 405.
Haynes, Richard, 31.
Hayton, 507.
Hayward, John, 22.
, Timothy, 162.
Hazell, Henry, 345.
Headon, 590.
, mayor of, letters to Salisbury, 558, 590.
Healey, alias Vavasour, John, 295, 299, 301,
Heard, Nicholas, 30.
Heardon, Mr., (of Folkestone), 73.
Hearne, Jeremiah, 427.
Heath, Robert, 362, COO.
, William, 498.
, Mrs., (of Worcestershire), 3G.
Heathley Wood, 194.
Heaton, Ralph, 115.
, William, 498.
Hechstetter, Daniel, 223.
, Emanuel, 223, 502.
Hedger, Elizabeth, 613.
Hedgman, Francis, 105.
Iledle) -, Thomas, 340.
Hedlond, Edmond, 219, 604.
, John, 219.
Hedworth, AVilliam, 205.
Heigham, Sir John, 412.
Hele, Sir Francis, 657.
, Serjeant John, 46, 181, 402, 657.
, Sir Warwick, 657.
Heles, George, 339.
Helliar, William, 99 ; Archdeacon of Barnsta-
ple, 276.
Hellingley, 496.
Ilelmans, Charles, 342.
Helmc, Thomas, 516.
Hclpston, 84.
Ilelvoet Sluys, 21, 143, 146, 156, 190,317, 324,
Helweth, 513.
Heming, Edward, 209.
Hemingham, Sir John, 528.
Hempholine, 529.
llemsworth, George, 181.
Hender, John, 551.
Hendre, 640.
Hendred, 589.
Heneage House, 492.
Heneage, Michael, 249.
, Thomas, 249.
, Sir Thomas, 180.
, AVilliam, ISO.
Henley, 68, 147, 321.
park, 331, 545.
Henlcy-xipon-Thames, 175.
Henlip, 293, 295, 300,313.
house, 281, 283, 296, 297.
Ilenllan, 130.
Henn, Henry, 404.
Henry III., of England, 597.
Henry IV., of England, 359.
Henry IV., of France, 3, 6, 23, 37. 40, 42, 59,
64, 77, 257, 284, 298, 300, 308, 317,
326, 339, 410, 419, 477, 577, 596.
death of, 608, 609, 613, 620, 626,
, mistress of, see Verneu!!.
Henry V., of England, 532.
Henry VI., of England, 357.
Henry VII., of England, 101,275, 659.
Henry VIII., of England, 62, 87, 91, 124, 201,
210, 532,621.
Henry, Prince, 15, 51, 66, 131, 203, 208, 367,
398, 411, 454, 459, 500, 517, 543, 552,
557, 568, 576, 577, 597, 611, 633.
, , aid for knighting, 494, 498, 500,
502, 5(13, 504, 506, 508, 511, 516, 519,
520, 521, 523, 529, 534, 548, 552, 557,
559, 562, 570.
, , , commissioners, letters of,
500, 502, 518, 519, 548.
, , , , letters of, to Salisbury,
504, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 588,
•"44, 548, 549, 555.
Henry, Prince, apothecary of, 80, 134, 383,
, , apparel, jewels, &c. of, 165, 167,
170, 190, 404, 415, 424, 430, 432, 461,
465, 556, 562, 580, 587, 636.
, , council of, 392.
, , creation of, as Prince of Wales,
588, 597, 611, 614, 615, 616, 617, 624,
639, 656.
, , dog-keeper of, see Polt, Thomas.
, , gifts to, see James I., gifts of.
, household of, 29, 30, 109, 16G,
205, 236, 328, 378, 383, 413, 482, 488,
543, 596, 635, 639.
, , buuting and hawking of, 176,567,
, , jeweller of, 7, 125.
, lands of, 439, 549, 578, 635, 641,
651, 657.
, , masque for, 646.
, masters of, 176, 198, 407.
, , musicians of, 173, 176, 207.
, , officers of, 29, 32, 38, 78, 85, 86,
100, 129, 145, 180, 195, 202, 218, 32S,
367, 430, 446, 498, 522, 562, 587, 625,
643, 653.
, , payments for, 74, 121, 131, 178,
402, 501, 654.
, , privy purse expenses of, 636.
, , residences of, 132, 135, 328.
, , revenue of, 75, 629.
, servants of, 60, 69, 88, 93, 94,
113, 116, 121, 126, 130, 131, 143, 159,
199, 205, 221, 235, 414, 420, 427, 431,
, , stable and horses of, 414, 485,
562, 582, 596.
, , surgeon and physician of, 82,
, , tiltings of, 570, 586.
llenshaw, Thomas, 135.
Henslow, Phillip, 167, 180, 228
Henson, Francis, 309.
, Thomas, 567.
, William, 345.
Hepborn, John, 530, 613.
Hepburn, John, 92.
Hepburne, Marian, 226.
Heralds, 115, 312, 324, 482, 61 7 ; seeaho Lan-
caster, Richmond, Somerset, Windsor.
Herbert, Anne Lady, 6.
, Edward, 263.
, Sir Edward, 207, 448, 583, 635.
, Henry Lord, 256, 529.
, John, 432.
, Sir John, Second Secretary, 63, 1 44,
330, 348, 415, 418, 467, 629.
, Mary, Countess Dowager of Pem-
broke, 383, 518.
, Lady Mary, 231.
, Sir Philip, 88, 102, 186, 214 ; Lord
Herbert and Earl of Montgomery, 219,
312, 319, 334, 348, 411, 415, 465, 492,
Herbert, Sir Philip, grants to, 152, 164, 180,
191, 210, 215, 226, 287, 372, 377, 410,
495, 498, 629.
Lady Susan, 180, 186, 210.
, Richard, 207.
, William, Earl of Pembroke, Warden
of the Stannaries, 57, 68, 106, 109, 149,
155, 191, 199, 319, 378, 392, 395, 483,
, , grants to, 6, 515, 551.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 155, 448,
465, 507, 561, 609.
Sir William, 580.
, Mrs., see Woodhouse, Mrs.
Hercey, John, 215, 439, 471, 481.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 436, 543,
556, 561, 563.
Hereford, 552.
, letters from, 225, 400, 587.
, Bishop of, see Bennet.
, Dean and Chapter of, 378.
, diocese of, 559.
Herefordshire, 25, 181, 298, 342, 353, 405, 423,
466, 604, 622, 629, 649, 650.
grants of lands in, .33, 204, 384.
lands and places in, 103, 133, 142, 215,
447, 515, 575.
, receivers of, 110, 121.
recusants in, 225, 404, 443, 447, 486,
559, 592.
residents in, 61, 62, 223, 225, 400.
, sheriffs and justices of, 398, 451, 525,
556, 639, 649.
Hering, Andrew, 345.
Heriot, Mr., 25, 263.
Heme, Henry, 520.
Heron, Sir Edward, Baron of the Exchequer,
429, 568, 648.
, Reynold, 113.
, Richard, 108.
, Robert, 137.
, Walter, 137.
Herrick, William, 7, 116, 119, 120, 122, 151,
167, 170 ; Sir William, 226, 365, 377,
536, 592.
Herringham, 522.
Herriot, George, 572, 574, 575, 602.
, Thomas, 141.
Herris, Anthony, 107.
, Edward, 152.
, Sir William, 107.
Hertford, 463, 597.
Hertford Park, 164.
Hertford, Earl of, .sec Seymour, Edward.
Hertfordshire, 93, 131, 150, 181, 209, 452, 637.
, grants of lands in, 13, 111, 358, 400,
, lands and places in, 24, 48, 55, 87, 131,
141, 145, 152, 157, 176, 177, 201, 204,
287, 292, 387, 478, 495, 617, 633.
, lieutenant in, 443, 485.
„, , offices in, 361, 369.
Hertfordshire, receivers in, 119, 198, 216.
, residents in, 26, 396.
, sheriffs and justices, &c. of, 162, 219,
225, 542, 574, 624, 637.
Hertingfordbury Park, 141, 164.
Hervy, William, 340.
Hesketh, Sir Thomas, 87, 313.
Hesse, Landgrave of, 413, 417.
lleston, 143.
Hetley, Thomas, 525.
Heton, Francis, 131.
, Martin, Bishop of Ely, 103, 285, 543.
, Thomas, 262.
Hevingham, 617.
Hewes, John, 190.
, Richard, 30.
, Thomas, 587.
Hewet, Israel, 406.
Hewett, Joseph, 240.
, Lawrence, 357.
, Thomas, 357.
Hewick, Dr., 250.
Ilewish, Thomas, 189.
Hewitsou, Erancis, 413, 598.
Hewitt, Sir William, 590.
Hexham, 299, 438.
Hext, Sir Edward, 292, 435.
, Solomon, 125.
Hey burn, Christopher, 141.
Hcydon, Sir Christopher, 377.
, Dr. Benjamin, 380.
Heyes, Thomas, 61.
Hey ford, 497.
Heysh, Thomas, 605.
Hibblethwaite, Mr. (minister), 232.
Hicke Sleades, 546.
Ilickes, William, 350.
Hickman, Walter, 199,
Hickman's Lands, 188.
Ilickmote, Anthony, 304,479.
Hicks, Sir Baptist, 134, 397, 513, 526, 557, 615.
, , payments, &c, to, 29, 365, 391,
415, 465.
, Michael, 9, 119, 125.
Hickson, Humphrey, 327.
Hide, Captain, 507.
Hides, see Leather.
Ilieon, 547.
Iliggins, Anthony, 419.
, Robert, 251.
, Mrs., 255.
Higginson, Symon, 93, 191.
High Commission Court, 94, 362.
Higham, John, 10.
Higham Ferrers, 129,312, 316, 321.
Park, 75, 184, 405.
Higrgate, 198, 604.
Highnatn, 564.
High Teak, Derby, 149.
Highways, repair of, 524, 572, 595, 604.
Highworth, 360.
Higlinde Park, 408.
Higons, or Higgins, Theophilus, 586.
Hill, 543.
Hill, John, 38, 95.
, Martin, 631.
, Kobert, 117, 556.
, AVilliam, 10, 120.
, Dr. William, 251, 257, 297, 465.
Hilles, D., 165.
Hills, Mary, 117, 194.
Hillyard, Sir Christopher, 590.
, Captain Joshua, 355.
, Lawrence, 374.
, Nicholas, 131, 179, 374, 595.
Hilton, 317.
Hilton, Andrew, 256.
John, 385.
Hinchinbrook, 170, 236, 650, 656.
, wardrobe at, 374.
Hinckford, 180, 231.
Hincklesam, 384.
Hinckley, 111.
Hind, Thomas, 251.
Hindman, Kobert, 218.
Hindon, 511, 516.
Hinton, 43.
Hippen, Anthony, 648.
Hitcham, 52, 441.
Hitcham, Robert, Queen's Attorney, 52, 55,
502, 557.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 35, 48, 61,
106, 111,502.
Hitchcock, Thomas, 429.
Hitchin, 55, 73, 387, 469, 470, 495.
Hitton, John, 411, 532.
Hoarcross, 404, 407.
Hobart, Sir Henry, 238, 239 ; Attorney-Gene-
ral, 346, 392, 407, 483, 536, 560, 597,
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 468, 534.
, Robert, 393.
Hobbes, see Hollis.
llobbs, Andrew, 607.
Hobman, Luce, 529.
Hobson, John, 371.
, William, 371.
Hoby, Sir Edward, 109, 134, 186, 368, 555, 586.
, Sir Thomas P., 502, 516.
Lady, 573.
Hochstraeten, 27.
Hockliffe, 243.
Hoddesdon, 60, 78.
Hodges, Christopher, 277
, Margaret, 277. J
Thomas, 268.
Ilodgeson, John, 615.
Hodgson, Rowland, 518.
Hodson, Mr. (tutor), 535.
Hogan, Anne, 75.
Hogan, Charles, 75.
, AVilliam, 75.
Hogg, Robert, 264.
Hoggesden, Christopher, 45.
Hogsdon, 225, 249, 270.
Hoilhouse, 349.
Holbeach, 210, 248, 249, 253, 254, 261, 265,
274, 281, 375, 538.
house, 242, 247, 255, 262, 266, 270,
Holcomb, Thomas, 263.
Holcombe Rogus or Regis, 53, 416.
Holcroft, Sir Thomas, 443.
Holden, Robert, 605.
, Roger, 448.
Holdenby, 488, 627, 648.
letters from, 451, 452, 627, 628.
house and park, 414, 417, 422,423, 451,
453, 488, 501,530, 535, 626, 630.
Holderness, 414.
Holdich, Henry, 172.
Hole, John, 196, 221, 298.
Holehall, 325.
Holland, 53, 271, 367, 463, 466, 638.
, ambassadors of, 365 ; set also Caron,
Noel de.
ambassadors to, see Winwood, Ralph.
, contests, &c, of, with Spain, 118, 151,
185, 355, 364, 403, 407, 467, 473, 485,
495, 505, 506.
, intercourse of, with England, 2, 3, 20,
40, 68, 187, 197, 217, 302, 323, 365, 434,
437, 503,512, 650.
, manufactures of, 112, 183.
, ships of, 54, 118, 235, 411.
Holland, David, 617.
, John, 77, 255.
, Ralph, 120.
, Robert, 35.
Holland house, see Cope castle.
Holland, Lincoln, 521, 538.
Hollanders, 18, 141, 186, 290, 339 ; see also
, contests of, with the Spaniards, 54, 59,
143, 216, 217, 274, 280, 334.
fisheries of, 426, 509, 540, 549.
Hollcroft, Thomas, 198.
Holliday, William, 374, 546.
Hollinshead, Raphael, 97.
Hollis, Sir John, 467, 519, 538.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 630, 633.
, Richard, alias Hobbes, 266.
Holme, 607.
Park, 506.
Holme-Cultram, 191, 518.
Holmeden, Sir Edward, 532.
Holmes, Gersome, 398.
, John, 398.
Holsey, John, 580.
Holstein, Ulric, Duke of, 186, 187, 203, 499.
Holt, William, 349.
Holt, Mr., (of Warwickshire) 36.
, Mrs., (of Warwickshire) .36.
Holt castle, Worcestershire, 284.
Holt, alias Lyons or Lions castle, Denbigh-
shire, 381, 451, 463.
farm, 615.
forest, 432.
Holtby, priest, 313.
Holte, Jeremiah, 641.
, Richard, 563.
Robert 563.
Holwell, 561.
Holy Island, 56, 177, 257, 258.
Holy rood, Lord Abbot of, 565.
Holyrood house, 2, 94, 259, 262.
Home, Alexander Lord, Lieutenant of the
Borders, 11, 28, 32, 47, 91.
D., 637, 638.
Hone, John, 342, 456.
Honing, or Hunning, Edward, 152, 164, 441.
, Wingfield, 164.
Honney, Degory, 466.
Hookeslow, 157.
Hooper, Edward, 345.
, John, 325.
, Richard, 424.
Thomas, 634.
Hoord, Allen, sen., 393, 403.
Allen, 403.
, Thomas, 310, 360, 393, 479.
Hope, John, 447, 525.
Hopkin, Ralph, 443.
Hopkins, John, 586.
Hopper, (servant), 479.
Hoppisley, John, 262.
Hopton, Sir Arthur, 253.
, George, 575.
, Sir Richard, 556.
Horbury, 406, 419.
Horley, 526.
Hormead, 24.
Home or Horn park, 104, 356.
Hornifould, John, 593.
Horse, Master of, sec Somerset, Earl of
Horseheath, 24.
Horsemondcn, 360, 576.
Horsey, Sir Jerome, 121.
, Sir Ralph, 561.
Horsham, 228, 546.
Horsley, 613.
Horsted-Keynes, 356.
Horton, 526, 641.
Horwell, Thomas, 269.
Hostile laws, abolition of, 360, 361 ; sec Union.
Hotchin, James, 371.
Houghton, 42, 523, 633.
Houghton, Sir Richard, 290, 381,
, Roger, 613, 538.
lloukott, 587.
Hounds, see James L, hounds of.
Hounslow heath, 339, 382, 612, 617.
House, the, sec Commons, House of.
Houses of Correction, 212.
Household, see James I., household of.
How, Agnes, see Milward, Agnes.
Howard, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk, 7 7...
117, 225, 468.
, Philip, 19th Earl of Arundel (son of
Thomas), 31, 77, 225, 468.
, Ann, Countess dowager of Arundel,
(wife of Philip), 61.
, Lord Thomas, 37, 46; 20th Earl of
Arundel (son of Philip), 129, 225, 258,
309, 319, 365, 390, 453, 468.
, Henry (2nd son of Thomas), 7, 645.
Howard, Thomas Lord, of Walden, 2nd son of
Thomas Duke of Norfolk, 17 ; Earl of
Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain, 23, 66, 75,
77, 131, 168, 201, 203, 275, 307, 334,
348, 354, 374, 435, 469, 470, 476, 485,
498, 527, 529, 584.
, , commissions to, 74, 254, 366,
371, 373.
, grants to, 17, 70, 77, 92, 108,
117, 192, 225, 229, 359, 360, 374, 421,
468, 515.
, , letters of, 160.
, , letters of, to Lake, 173, 174, 229.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 612, 627.
, , letters to, 50, 90, 231,367, 428,
553, 644, 645.
, , payments to, 176, 364, 472.
, , petitions to, 183.
, , warrants to, 166, 399.
, Catharine, Countess of Suffolk, 8, 66,
75, 249, 257, 359, 360.
, Lord Theophilus (eldest son of Tho-
mas), 308, 322.
, Sir Thomas (2nd son of Thomas),
359, 360, 422, 584.
, Lady Elizabeth (daughter of Thomas),
249, 257, 267.
Howard, Lord William (3rd son of Thomas
Duke of Norfolk), 61, 197, 225, 229, 344,
355, 360, 382, 383, 433, 468, 479, 499,
515,525, 572.
, Philip (eldest son of William), 433.
Francis (2nd son of William), 383.
Howard, Charles, Earl of Nottingham, Lord
Admiral, 24, 47, 70, 76, 80, 169, 186,
192, 194, 210, 269, 273, 359, 382, 388,
390, 422, 453, 455, 560, 568, 573, 593.
, commissions to, 10, 74, 78, 216,
331,352, 419, 530, 593, 598.
grants to, 31, 17, 94, 108, 144,
1 74, 192, 384, 453, 491.
letters of, 3, 150, 279, 347, 360,
547, 594.
letters of, to Lake, 2, 89, 91, 94,
1 59, 187, 189, 410, 41 1, 422, 455.
Howard, Charles, Earl of Nottingham — roni.
letters of, to Cecil, 437, 461, 465,
525, 534, 541, 547, 550, 571, 577.
, , letters to, 27, 50, 54, 279, 428,
437, 573, 586; see also Winter, Captain
William ; and James I., letters of.
, , warrants to, 92, 150, 153, 273,
Elizabeth, Countess of Nottingham,
119, 329.
, William, Lord of Effingham (eldest
son of Charles), 80, 116, 131, 174, 404.
, Sir Charles (2nd son of Charles), 47,
194, 584.
, James (son of Charles), 560.
Howard, Lord Henry, 4 ; Lord AVarden of the
Cinque Ports, 64, 73; Baron Marnhill
and Earl of Northampton, 130, 141,
223, 275, 302, 329, 348, 356,405 ; Lord
Privy Seal, 436, 439, 446, 458, 505,
562, 617, 626, 630, 636.
, commissions to, 74. 258, 371,
373, 419, 432, 464, 476, 477, 511.
, .commissions by, 345, 419, 474.
.grants to, 17, 64, 77, 115,117,
192, 197,201,413,425.
, , letters of, 22, 141, 359, 360, 468,
487, 502, 630.
letters of, to Cecil, 22, .324, 430,
452, 453, 625.
, , letters of, to James I., 140, 141.
, , letters of, to Lake, 135, 189,
203, 236, 568.
, , letters to, 2, 3, 19, 217, 302, 307,
308, 310, 355, 462, 548, 644; .see also
James L; Cecil, Sir Robert; and Rey-
noldes, Edward, letters of.
, payments to, 445, 614.
, , petitions to, 72, 183.
, , warrants to, 152, 600.
Howard, Thomas, Viscount Bindon, 2,96, 192,
195, 277, 334, 350.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 489, 603-
Howard, Earl of, Surrey, 307.
Howard, Sir Edward, 111, 169, 422; Knight
Marshal, 470.
AVilliam, 308.
Howard House, 7.
Howden, 241.
Howell, Francis, 135.
Ilowgrcen, 593.
Howlcy, 558.
Howse, Cicely, 631.
, Erancis, 49S.
, Nicholas, 498.
ilowsman, Thomas, 274.
Hnbbert, Robert, 594.
Ilubbock, AVilliam, 577.
Huhy, Thomas, 399.
Haddington, 242, 243, 245, 247, 251, 264, 260,
274, 280, 281, 282, 297, 356.
JIuddieston, Sir Edmund, 245.
Huddleston, (or II nrleston), Henry, 245, 251,
259, 267, 268, 300, 348.
, Dorothy, 249, 268.
Mr., juu., 268.
Hudson, James, 86, 91.
Robert, 360, 361.
Thomas, 91.
Huet, Nicholas, 513,
Huggin, Leonard, 518.
Hughes, Cadwallader, 385.
, John, 413.
, Owen, 383.
, Robert, 386.
, Thomas. 298, 407.
Hu-nienots, 284.
Hull, see Kingston-upon-Hull.
Hull, John, 39.
AVilliam, 643.
Humber River, 643, 648.
! Humble, George, 425.
, Thomas, 401.
Hume, Alexander, 27.
, Gavin, 74, 390.
George, 79, 151, 173, 21 1.
, Sir George, Chancellor of the Exche-
quer, 30, 42, 43, 44, 79, 94, 96, 121 ;
Lord Hume of Berwick, 129, 130, 132,
199 ; Earl of Dunbar, Treasurer of Scot-
land, 278, 294, 342, 345, 373, 405, 448,
454, 457, 485, 505, 533, 547, 548, 554,
565, 568, 571, 628, 651, 654.
, .commissions to, 10, 74, 373, 376.
, .grants to, 13, 41,53, 59, 64, 75, 76,
87, 91, 113, 137, 148, 177, 190, 218,
235, 269, 320, 347, 386, 399, 559, 580,
603, 604, 652.
, , letters of, 5, 223, 356, 390, 633.
, .letters of, to Lake, 27, 71, 167,
222, 311.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 478, 568,
, , letters of, to James I., 187, 504.
, , letters to, 386, 388, 401, 649,
650 ; see also James I.
, , payments to, 380, 438, 439, 500.
, , payments to, as Keeper of the
Privy Purse, 9, 43, 46, 66, 81, 92, 108,
132, 150, 160, 174, 195, 218.
, , payments to, as Master of the
AVardrobe, 80, 1C5, 171, 197, 205, 221,
, , services of, in Scotland, 354, 355,
367, 432, 453, 629.
, Sir George, jun., 1 13, 128.
, Sir John, 32.
, Patrick, Master of the Harriers, 34, 37>
71, 90, 233.
, Sir Patrick, 221.
, Richard, 621.
AVilliam, 16.
Humerston, Henry. 187.
Humfrey, Michael, 277.
, Richard, 533.
Humfrey, Richard, jun., 533.
Huncot, 640.
llundon, 45.
Hungary, 429, 464, 625.
Hungate, William, 574.
, William, jun., 394, 574.
Hungerford, Anthony, 516.
, Sir Edward, 105.
, Sir John, 384, 580.
, Walter, Lord, 105.
I lunning, Edward, see Honing.
Hunsdon, Lord, see Carey.
Ilunslet, 504.
Hunston, Brian, 259.
Hunt, Christopher, 53.
, Edmund, 222, 376.
, Gilbert, 559.
, John, 132, 162, 412, 537.
, John (recusant), 437.
, Richard, 72.
, Robert, 332.
, William, 232, 404.
, Mr. 604.
Huntercomb, 2, 294, 441, 447.
Hunting, 8 ; see also James I., hunting of.
Huntingdon, 195, 650.
, Derby, 218.
, Earl of, see Hastings.
, Countess of, see Hastings.
Huntingdonshire, 81, 152, 171, 379, 454, 508.
, grants of lands in, 322, 337, 580, 644.
, lands and places in, 48, 51, 52, 103,
106, 128, 188, 644.
, recusants in, 472, 572.
, residents in, 141, 216, 360.
Huntley, Earl and Marquis of, see Gordon,
Hurdman, William, 547.
Hurleston, Henry, set Iluddleston.
, Hugh, 450.
, Rose, 450.
Hursborne, 253.
Hursley, 443.
Hurst castle, 395, 471, 496, 502, 508, 518, 520,
541, 589.
Husband, John, 572.
Hussey, Christopher, 163.
, John, Lord, 535.
, Thomas, 552.
, Lady, 552.
, Dr., 603.
Hutchinson, Thomas, 66.
Hutton, 233.
Hutton, Edward, 540.
, John, 92, 218.
, Matthew, late Bishop of Durham, 41 ;
Archbishop of York, 79, 106, 135, 177,
193, 197, 206, 238, 281.
, Archbishop of York, letters to,
see James I., letters of.
, Richard, 181, 487.
Hutton, Thomas, 58, 120.
, Sir William, 292.
Huxley, William, 44.
Hyde, 409.
park, 351, 384, 446, 448, 617, 643.
Hyde, Nicholas, 621.
Ilynam, 400.
Hyrne, Clement, 377.
Ilyron, Robert, 268.
Ibgravc, William, 292, 298.
Icklesome, 561.
Ilchester gaol, 556.
Iliffe, John, 462.
Illington, Sir Giles, 24.
Ilmere, 580.
Ilmington, 524.
Ilsley, Catherine, 572.
, Walter, 572.
, William, 572.
Impositions and imposts, see Customs.
Ince, John, 384.
Inclosures, 359, 362, 365,368, 373, 419.
India, 487.
Indians, 127.
Indies, 89 ; see East Indies, West Indies.
Infanta, sec Isabella.
Inglescombe, 532.
Ingoldmells, 155.
Ingoldshead, 383.
Ingolsby, Francis, 584.
Ingram, Arthur, 149, 370, 376, 378, 381, 419,
421, 430, 452, 530, 628, 637.
, Christopher, 32.
Inquisition, 77, 317, 579.
Inverleith, 116.
Ipswich, 47, 52, 289, 502.
Irchester, 224.
Ireland, 37, 39, 47, 67, 89, 114, 160, 199,
287, 306, 325, 355, 356, 373, 421, 429,
438, 443, 446, 451, 452, 455, 478, 487,
502, 535, 541, 542, 544, 548, 555, 564,
572, 594, 598, 608, 609, 620, 629, 647.
, affairs in, 435, 550, 573.
, Chief Baron of, 334.
, coast of, 111, 525, 659.
, council of, 569.
, customs in, 384, 437.
, garrisons in, 211, 324.
, grants of land in, 449, 603, 605.
letters and packets from, 3, 430, 444.
, Lord Lieutenant of, sec Blount, Earl
of Devonshire.
, Lord Deputy of, see Blount, Lord
Montjoy ; Chichester, Sir Arthur.
, military service in, 23, 56, 60, 1 10, 180,
251, 282, 358, 362, 449, 481, 487, 528,
Ireland, offices in, 492, 493, 547, 552.
, ordnance in, 17, 380, 460, 491.
pirates in, 550.
, rebellion in, 411, 415, 432, 652.
, soldiers levied in, 564, 567, 580, 585.
, treasurer of, see Ridgeway, Sir Tho-
, troops in and for, 58, 110, 376, 388,
401, 438, 439, 441, 456.
Ireland, Anne, 472, 498.
, John, 225.
, Mr., 480.
, Mr. (lieutenant), 616.
Irish, 17, 245, 324, 405, 443, 609.
Iron, 202, 306, 576, 641.
Irving, William, 367.
, Sir William, 409.
Isaacson, Henry, 594.
Isabel (servant), 239.
Isabella Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, joint-
regent of Flanders, 1, 38.
Isburd, Alice, 420.
Iseley, Mr., 260.
Isfield, 217.
Isle, the, Cumberland, 607.
Isle of Man, 102, 104, 359, 435, 465, 604, 616.
Isle of Thanet, 72.
Isle of Wight, 19, 190, 233, 345, 360, 440,
444, 462, 503, 524, 548, 605, 616.
Isle-worth, Syon, 129, 530.
Islingham, 89, 147, 152.
Islington, 115.
Islip, 196, 354.
Italians, 364, 486, 578.
Italy, 71, 261, 278, 285, 32 1, 332, 333, 334, 450,
489, 630.
Itell, 294.
Ives, 507.
, Mr., 595.
Ivington, 103.
Izod, John, 68, 80, 184.
J , 1) , 101.
Jackman, Henry, 488.
Jackson, Arthur, 589.
Eleanor, 278.
, George, 390.
, James, 437, 439.
John, 329.
, Sir John, 463.
, Ralph, 334.
, Kit-hard, 243, 244.
Robert, 380.
, Thomas, 74, 278, 522.
Jackson, Captain Thomas, 208, 215.
, William, 111.
, Mr. (collegian), 522.
Jacob, Abraham, 329, 366.
, John, 304.
Jacobson, Adrian, 413.
, Phillip, 217, 346.
Jaggard, William, 114.
James I., of England.
, general mentions of, passim.
, journey of, to England, 3, 56.
, entry of, into London, 74, 80, 205.
, accession and coronation of, 3, 5, 7, 10,
18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 29, 31, 36, 38,
112, 143, 185, 299, 315.
, parents of, see Mary Queen of Scots;
Darnley, Henry Lord.
, titles of, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 103,
130, 159, 203, 241, 338.
, prerogative, &c, of, 73, 90, 154, 184,
210, 405, 461, 462, 550, 593, 612, 622,
623, 635.
, designs against, 2, 4, 16, 21, 22, 26, 33,
34, 43, 151, 273,278, 323, 324, 411,
515, 558, 566, 639 ; sec also Gunpowder
, libel against, 286.
, personal notices of, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 18,
23, 31, 50, 76, 126, 127, 135, 141, 177,
185, 188,203, 204, 212, 213, 227, 230,
236, 237, 258, 275, 294, 295, 329, 334,
350, 352, 355, 370, 394, 403,413, 461,
462, 464, 466, 467, 469, 470, 473, 486,
492, 497, 505, 548, 550, 563, 565, 568-
71, 573, 576, 577, 583, 597, 602, 616,
620, 625, 627, 636, 638, 639, 643, 647,
649, 651.
, opinions and proceedings of, in matters
of religion, 4, 6, 8, 12, 29, 40, 60, 67, 68,
103, 109, 177, 274, 463.
, residences of, 47, 178, 320, 354, 364,
395, 419, 423, 449, 451, 458, 474, 527,
534, 544, 546, 552, 558, 569, 581, 599,
608, 616, 618, 627, 630, 637, 642, 650,
655, 656.
, progresses and sojourns of, 18, 22, 29,
35, 37, 44, 88, 140, 151, 191, 326, 330,
332, 334, 3.39, 348, 365, 370, 394, 413,
433, 446, 473, 485, 506, 645, 651.
gifts of, 48, 57, 58, 69, 75, 105, 108,
127, 130, 146, 147, 148, 153, 154, 164,
188, 207, 226, 254, 353, 394, 421, 468,
489, 493, 500, 502, 507, 509, 513, 544,
545, 563, 575, 595, 603, 630.
, , to the Queen, 186, 187, 391,
488, 489, 582.
, , to Prince Henry, 419, 490, 579,
, , to Prince Charles, 582, 654.
, , to Princess Elizabeth, 186, 582.
debts of and to, see Crown debts.
, lands of, see Crown lands.
, writings of, 8, 12, 63, 98, 306, 452,
457, 472, 504, 506, 570, 576, 577, 616,
James I. — continued.
, orders and instructions of, 48, 96, 404.
attendance of, at Parliament, 585, 625.
, speeches of, 130, 335, 354, 355, 362,
405, 593, 612.
, messages and declarations of, 7, 1 2, 30! ,
409, 42?, 466, 603, 616, 623, 625, 641,
messages and declarations to, 2, 17, 18.
, forged letter of, 224.
, letters of, to various persons, 3, 4, 7,
9, 19, 22, 25, 26, 30, 39, 40, 44, 45, 57,
59, 60, 64, 67, 68, 73, 76, 79, 82, 85,
87, 90, 102, 103, 109, 113, 117, 118,
136, 139, 140, 149, 153, 154, 155, 157,
177, 185, 186, 195, 201, 205, 211, 216,
221, 234, 241, 261, 264, 271, 275, 276,
287, 294, 297, 298, 301, 304, 320, 328,
333, 344, 346, 358, 385, 435, 454, 458,
467, 483, 488, 518, 561, 645, 649.
, letters of, to —
Bancroft, Archbishop, 290, 320, 373.
Berwick Commissioners, 56, 59.
Bilson, Bishop, 326, 483.
Border Commissioners, 216, 358.
Bowyer, Sir William, 2, 67.
Caesar, Sir Julius, 216, 348, 423,467.
Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, 39, 84, 96,
116, 133, 134, 150, 170, 194, 210,
228, 348, 390.
Commons, House of, 104, 125.
Egerton, Earl of Ellesmere, 11, 12,
27, 38, 70,100, 107,161,223,254,
259, 262, 284, 345, 561, 650.
Eton, Provost of, (Sir Henry Savile),
68, 82, 221.
Fleming, Sir Thomas, 192, 216.
Howard, Earl of Nottingham, 39, 432,
, Earl of Northampton, 19, 116,
Hume, Earl of Dunbar, 14, 66, 207,
338, 550, 585.
Hutton, Archbishop, 33, 40, 44, 49,
113, 197.
Judges, the, 76, 155, 401, 657.
Knyvet, Lord, 11, 60, 211.
Lord Mayors of London, 10, 14, 73,
153, 154, 213, 323, 364.
Matthew, Archbishop, 113, 320, 327,
Percy, Earl of Northumberland, 9, 92.
Popham, Sir John, 19, 95, 107, 216.
Privy Council, 90, 136, 144, 186,
192, 231.
Sackville, Earl of Dorset, 7, 10, 11,
14, 58, 67, 82, 88, 116, 150, 207,
208, 324, 346, 463.
Sheffield, Lord. 51, 118, 197, 459.
Stanhope, Lord, 454, 476.
Stanley, Earl of Derby, 153, 344.
Still, Bishop, 221, 298.
Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, 19, 413,
James I. - continual.
, letters of, to —
Universities, 19, 20, 17 7.
, Colleges of, 68, 82, 85, 118,
1 57, 276, 320,330, 333, 346,364,483.
Vaughan, Bishop, 113, 154.
Whitgift, Archbishop, 28, 40, 44, 49,
Zouch, Lord, 19, 56.
, letters to, from various persons, 5, 8,
17, 18, 20, 25, 102, 127, 139, 141, 163,
175, 184, 185, 187, 200, 213, 222, 273,
275, 316, 328, 338, 450, 567, 578, 612,
621, 624, 625, 637 ; see also Anony-
mous letters ; Brooke, Lord Cobham ;
Cecil, Viscount Cranborne ; Grey, Lord
of Wilton ; Howard Earl of Northamp-
ton; Hume, Earl of Dunbar ; Percy, Earl
of Northumberland ; Kaleigh, Sir W.
, petitions to, 8, 11, 41, 55, 61, 80, 96,
103, 130, 157, 183, 186, 193, 194, 220,
251, 273, 276, 294, 297, 311, 314, 319,
321, 332, 340, 349, 359, 364, 367, 377,
392, 409. 431, 442, 458, 461, 466, 480,
489, 494, 500, 509, 522, 533, 542, 582,
583, 597, 605, 612, 613, 619, 621, 622,
632, 639, 649, 653.
, portrait, and portrait painters of, 148,
374, 417, 551, 595.
, carvers and sculptors of, 449, 496, 524.
, engraver of, see Anthony.
bookbinder of, 104.
printers of, see Barker, Bobert ; Nor-
ton, John.
, goldsmiths and jewellers of, 7, 89, 97,
120, 124, 125, 148, 165, 170, 352, 396,
449, 488, 507, 574, 581, 592.
, embroiderer of, see Broderick ; Parre.
, carriage and coach builders, &c, of, 64,
65, 375, 449.
, stables and horses of, 30, 65, 99, 107,
108, 121, 145, 153, 166, 205, 208, 219,
414, 485, 582.
, tradespeople of, 92, 97, 102, 108, 113,
120, 129, 141, 212, 424, 458, 547, 608.
, surgeons and physicians of, 82, 141,
151, 219, 535, 591, 598.
apothecaries of, see Shiers, Rumler,
, bailiffs and rent collectors of, 10, 102,
126, 399, 416, 511.
, deer of, 79, 138, 141, 142, 164, 176,
207, 380, 394, 395, 401, 413, 419, 445,
455, 517, 611, 634.
, game and gamekeepers of, 18, 57, 58,
79, 86, 96, 99, 103, 126, 138, 140, 141,
142, 157, 184, 192, 201, 203, 221, 226,
230, 328, 387, 390, 406, 428, 469, 542,
545, 547, 571, 584, 596, 609, 632, 633,
641, 645.
park-keepers of, 70, 141, 169, 326, 395.
, hunting and huntsmen of, 9, 34, 79, 89,
91, 130, 137, 138, 142, 151, 164, 166,
177, 208, 211. 375, 382, 385, 394, 413,
518, 520, 540, 54 4, 5 46, 547, 561, 563,
507, 573, 576, 58 4, 656.
James I. — continued.
, buck hounds of, Serjeants and grooms,
&C, of, 15, 34, 42, 120, 126, 130, 142,
151, 152, 15.3, 164, 173, 219, 344, 364,
372, 37-1, 395, 398, 403, 418, 526, 545,
610, 628.
, harriers, and yeomen prickers of, 91,
, , master of, see Hume, Patrick ;
Badger, Sir Thomas.
, hounds of, 34, 42, 71, 166, 187, 234,
398, 424, 584, 599.
, falconers and falconry of, 30, 39, 43, 45,
104, 107, 114, 170, 213, 339, 396, 414,
416, 424, 425, 496, 580, 581, 643.
, fletcher of, see Powell, John.
, bows and bowyers of, 32, 42, 417,
, swans of, masters of, 428.
, cockmasters of, 165, 367.
barges of, 1.35, 182, 228.
, master of tennis of, 75, 379, 383.
, apparel of, 10, 80, 144, 269, 413, 467,
476 ; see also Wardrobe.
plate and jewels of, left by Queen Eliz-
abeth, 10, 35, 66, 69, 70, 75, 76, 409.
, , payments for, 80, 89, 110, 116,
119, 124, 167, 196, 211, 226, 428, 448,
449, 499, 581, 625.
, payments for gifts of, 147, 148,
165, 170, 391, 394, 417, 419, 449, 488,
507, 602.
, , surveyors of, 125, 436, 558 ; see
also Crown jewels and Jewel house.
officers of. 9, 11, 15, 24, 27, 29, .30, 31,
34, 35, 38, 65, 67, 74, 76, 85, 86, 87,
89, 91, 94, 99, 119, 120, 121, 132, 137,
143, 162, 174, 190, 196, 202, 244, 269,
365, 366, 367. 371, 330, 385, 386, 390,
391, 393, 397, 400, 404, 408, 409, 415,
417, 419, 430, 432, 449, 452, 482, 497,
502, 521, 528, 535, 5.39, 552, 556, 561,
571, 580, 588, 618, 622, 625.
, household, officers of, 88, 104, 124,
205, 404, 437, 445, 447, 482, 485, 506,
594, 601, 613, 656.
, , charges of, 29, 34, 66, 153, 154,
156, 164, 166, 236, 356, 397, 488, 590,
, , supplies for, 137, 196, 329, 418,
459, 476, 536, 610.
, chaplains of, 205, 340, 504, 549, 636.
, chapel and chapel attendants of, 70,
151, 173, 176, 225, 334, 600.
, chapel, dean of, see Montague, James.
clerk of closet of, 401.
, guard of, see Guard.
, musicians of, 16, 65, 66, 169, 202, 383,
417, 446, 599.
, bedchamber, grooms and pages of, 47,
57, 66, 69, 80, 96, 108, 118, 124, 130,
153, 201, 236, 445 ; see also Leving-
stou, John.
, , gentlemen of, see flay, Sir
James ; Aston, Sir Roger.
James I. — continued.
, privy chamber, and grooms, &c, of,
19, 44, 47, 58, 64, 76, 86. 137, 202, 331,
379, 476, 483, 610, 636.
servants of, 41, 42, 47, 48, 58, 64,
66, 72,79,87,88, 91,97, 111, 117, 118,
126, 129, 131, 134, 142, 143, 150, 151,
157, 162, 174, 203, 205, 216, 220, 225,
226, 236, 346, 349, 375, 382, 389, 398,
407, 412, 414, 420, 433, 445, 466, 525,
527, 574, 590, 592, 598, 599, 621,
wardrobe of, see Wardrobe.
James V., King of Scotland, 11.
James, Arnold, 4.
, Francis, 372, 396, 470, 486, 644.
, Sir Henry, 244, 621.
, Richard, 348.
Roger, 243.
, Thomas, 214, 365.
, Valentine, 463.
Walter, 91.
William, 255.
, William, Dean of Durham, 289 ; Bi-
shop of Durham, 329, 544, 555, 581,
619, 639, 658.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 269, 281,
286, 287, 294, 332, 461, 552, 554, 569,
, .letters to, 340, 358, 389, 417,
554. •
James (prisoner), 296.
Jamyson, Robert, 69.
Janveryn, Thomas, 98.
Walter, 98.
Japan, 121.
Jaques, Captain, see Pranceschi, Tomasio.
, Colonel, 103, 314.
Jacob, 212.
Jarrett, see Garnett.
Jarvis, Arthur, letters of, to Salisbury, 606,
, George, 294, 421.
Jays, William, 301.
Jedworth, 105.
Jefferies, Edward, 36, 37, 367, 444.
Jefferson, John, 85.
Jefferyes, Thomas, 151.
Jefferys, John, 283.
Jefford, John, 413.
Jeffreyson, Robert, 401.
Jegon, John, Bishop of Norwich, 421.
, Dr. Thomas, 8, 84.
Jenings, , 298.
Jenison, or Jenyson, William, 298, 401.
Jenks, Richard, 106.
Jenkins, William, 73.
(pursuivant), 310.
Jennings, Henry, 163.
Mary, 572.
Owen, 430.
, Thomas, see Brooketby.
Jennings, Captain (pirate), 453, 534, 568.
, Mrs., see Brookesby.
Jephson, Francis, 292.
Jenny, Sir Thomas, 360.
Jermyn, John, 528.
Jernegan, Henry, sen., 99, 102.
Jerome, Edward, 188.
Jersey, Island of, 10, 26, 45.
Jervaux Grange, 31.
Monastery, 31.
Jessopp, James, 279.
Jesuits, 1, 2, 7, 16, 17, 20, 21, 99, 151, 236,
239, 255, 258, 264, 269, 270, 289, 290,
293, 308, 309, 317, 326, 332, 457, 616,
628, 634, 636, 637, 638, 656; see also
England, Jesuits in.
, conspiracies of, 22, 26, 27, 30, 37, 38,
103, 126, 185, 223, 240, 247, 254, 256,
268, 273, 277, 411, 415, 558, 559.
favour towards, 59, 223, 437.
, Father-general of, see Aquaviva, Clau-
, letters of, 8, 12, 224.
, proceedings against, 80, 148, 225, 231,
280, 288, 291, 318, 320, 355, 382, 389,
444, 449, 479, 515, 534, 613, 616, 618,
, superior of, in England, see Garnet.
, , in Scotland, 321.
, , in Paris, 321.
Jewell, John, Bishop of Salisbury, 406.
, Melancthon Thomas, 181.
Jewel House, 75, 482, 507.
Jewel House and Jewels, treasurers and mas-
ters of, see Carey, Sir Henry and Sir
Jewels, 60, 77, 82, 119, 233, 338, 346, 352, 367,
394, 509 ; see also James I., jewels of.
Jewkes, Paul, 115.
Johson, Humphrey, 47, 344, 453.
, James, 79.
, Jane, 555.
, Eichard, 169.
John (prisoner), 296.
Johnson, Benjamin, 245.
, George, 359, 366, 427.
, George (tailor), 404.
, James, 250, 262, 292, 293.
, John, 23, 195, 283, 371, 521.
, John, see Faukes, Guy.
, Eichard, alias Fuller, alias Whiting,
247, 248.
, Robert, 174.
, Sir Robert, 174, 217, 286, 537, 581,
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 553, 596.
, Thomas (surveyor), 23, 371.
, Thomas, 218T
, William, 285.
, William (Keyes' servant), 245.
, William (Rokewood's servont), 252.
Johnston, John, 399.
Johnstone, Sir James, Laird of, 4, 25, 29, 32.
Jolles, John, 172 ; Sir John, 539.
Jolly, John, 579.
Jones, Charles, 161.
, Charles (prothonotary), 325.
, Daniel, 447.
Edward, 323, 366, 419.
, Francis, 192, 322, 339, 356, 374, 406,
424, 566, 599, 654.
Griffin, 433.
Henry, 13, 15, 84, 385.
, Henry, 374.
, Hugh, 453, 533.
Inigo, 570, 612.
, James, 224.
, John, 179.
John, see Chamberlain, Robert.
Robert, 498.
Rowland, 407.
.Thomas, 13, 15, 84, 391 ; (master of
toils), 513, 583, 608, 648.
, Thomas (prisoner), 623.
, Sir Thomas, 15.
, Walter, 485.
, William (printer), 109.
William (merchant), 162.
, William (prothonotary), 325.
, William, 424.
, Mr., 337.
, priest, 111.
Jordan, Edward, 438.
Edward (of Cardiff), 518, 574.
, Thomas, 469.
, Mr., 184.
Jossie, or Jossy, Robert, Deputy-keeper of the
Privy Purse, 206, 496, 626, 628.
Joye, Francis, 151, 374.
Joyner, Cuthbert, 600.
Joynour, John, 531.
Joys, William, 301.
Judges and Justices of Assize, 26, 40, 49, 90,
96, 103, 137, 142, 153, 159, 171, 182,
197, 223, 311, 350, 352, 382, 383, 407,
436, 438, 442, 466. 473, 522, 531, 541,
547, 573, 583, 623, 624.
, letters of, 165, 171.
, letters to, 188, 359.
letters to, sec James I., letters of.
JUlick, 397.
Juries and Jurors, 323, 361, 374, 393,397,409,
435, 502, 503, 609, 649.
Justice, Lord Chief, of King's Bench, see Pop-
ham, Fleming.
Justice, Lord Chief, of Common Pleas, see
Anderson, Gawdy, Coke.
Justices in Eyre, see Talbot, Earl of Shrews-
bury ; Howard, Earl of Nottingham.
Justices of Peace, 13, 25, 36, 67, 73, 129.
, commission for, 368, 574, 624 ; see also
under the different counties.
Kars, John, see Carse.
Kay, Sir John, 397, 447, 624.
Matthew, 375.
Kaylewaies, 210.
Keale, Edward, 356.
Keble, William, 386.
Kedreth, 422.
Keeling, John, 152.
, William, 350.
Keeper, Lord, see Egerton, Sir Thomas.
Kegworth, 87, 88.
Keil, Sir George, 614.
Keirchiog, 614.
Keisby, Elizabeth, 322.
Geoffry, 322.
Kelden, 331.
Kelleythorpe, 149.
Kellison (jesuit), 309.
Kelly, Edmund, 537.
Kelsay, William, 372.
Kelshall, 574.
Kelway, Henry, 419.
Kemerlinck, Andrew, 429.
Kemerton, 232.
Kemitmayne, 87.
Kemp, Eleanor, 602.
Erancis, 53, 99.
Thomas, 323, 550.
William, 393.
Kempston, 133.
Kemys, Lawrence, 35, 37, 347, 544, 57,5.
Kendall, 608.
Kendall, Christopher, 606.
Edward, 55, 374, 380.
, Samuel, 497.
, Thomas, 72.
Kendar, Abraham de, 395.
Kendrick, John, 420.
Kenilworth, 268, 323, 543, 643.
castle and park, 191, 543, 628.
Kenleth, Owen, 103.
Kenne, Elizabeth, 98.
Kennedy, David, 532.
, Sir John, 79, 541, 547, 563, 633.
, Lady, 541, 547.
Keuninghall, 229.
Kensington, 27, 453, 540, 629, 644.
Kent, 46, 104, 137, 138, 197, 326, 356, 359,
512, 517, 534.
, grants of lands in, 16, 17, 89, 96, 108,
136, 180, 193, 206, 210, 222, 227, 272,
323, 324, 328, 330, 360, 363, 372, 375,
415, 498, 595, 643, 644.
lands and places in, 8, 19, 47, 48, 57,
59, 73, 123, 132, 134, 147, 152, 157,
181, 214, 218, 221, 302, 371, 397, 423,
457, 487, 523, 530, 571, 576, 584, 618,
642, 656.
Kent, receivers in, 141, 368.
, recusants in, 389, 407, 409, 592, 621.
, residents in, 91, 173, 228, 229, 345, 350,
361, 387, 406, 442, 476, 607, 630.
, Earl of, see Grey, Henry.
Kent, Patrick, 256.
, Thomas, 151.
Kentish Town, 435.
Kenton, 85.
Kenton, Peter, 264.
Kenvill, Henry, 468.
Kepas, Robert, 611.
Ker, Eobert, Lord Roxburgh, 21, 269, 271.
, letters of, to Cecil, 104, 116.
Kercher, D., 421.
Kerr, Sir Robert, see Carr.
Kerrich, Thomas, 389.
Kerry, 231.
Kerry, Thomas, 407.
, Mr., Clerk of Privy Seal, 230, 273,
282,290, 292, 344.
Kersey priory, 98.
Kerseys, see Cloths.
Kerwyn, Andrew, 145, 148, 153, 156, 534,619.
Kesteven (Lincoln), 94.
Kettering, 256.
Kettleby, 248.
Kettlewell, 158.
Kevett, George, 485.
Kew, 46, 199, 231, 534, 552, 620.
Keye, Robert, 252.
Keyes, Robert, 240, 245, 246, 264, 266, 285.
, Mrs., 259.
Keynes, Edward, 530.
Kibworth Beauchamp, 618.
Kidd, John, 447.
Kidder, Richard, 54.
Kidderminster, John, 11, 156, 440.
Kiddie, Thomas, 508.
Kighley, Sir Philip, 75, 151,211, 599.
Kightley, Robert, 383.
Kilborne, Francis, 599.
Richard, 372.
Kilboy, John, 69.
Kilby, Richard, 641.
Kildare, Lady, see Brooke, Frances.
Kilgramhaugh Grange, 31.
Killigrew, Sir Henry, 212.
, John, 527, 623.
, , (late), 527.
, Joseph, 9, 556.
, Simon, 657.
, William, 10, 238.
Sir William, 436, 617.
Killingale, William, 272.
Killingworth, 614, 617, 632, 650.
Kiltefany, 282.
Kimbolton, 508.
, castle and park, 580.
Kincleven, Lord, see Stewart, John.
Kindt, William, 488, 499.
King, Alexander, 47, 120, .'327, 479, 485,
, Geoffry, 228.
, John, 279, 41C, 592, 007, C08.
, Dr. John, Dean of Christchurch, 362, !
445, 527.
Richard, 17.
King's Beere, 488, 489.
forest, 209, 634.
King's Cliffe, 83.
King's Langley park, 207, 215.
King's Lynn, 126, 169, 440.
King's Norton, 68, 72, 80, 131, 413, 541, 582,
King's Bench, Court of, 6, 10, 181, 182, 209,
362, 366, 381, 387, 422, 591, 629.
, chief justices of, see Pophani, Fleming.
justices, 97, 396, 425, 428.
officers of, 20, 97, 152, 188, 397, 657.
prison of, 264, 525, 569, 621.
, Marshalsea of, 28, 33, 652.
King's Remembrancer, see Fanshaw, Sir Henry. |
King's Remembrancer's office, see Exchequer.
King's Wards, see Wards.
Kings-at-arms, see Garter, Clarencieux, Norroy.
Kingsclere, 58.
Kingsey, 79.
Kingsland, 98, 578.
Kingsley, Edward, 198.
, Richard, 198.
, William, 115.
Kingsmill, Andrew, 517.
Henry, 438.
Sir William, 4 .8.
Kingston, 31.
, Berks, 430, 572.
, Hampshire, 383.
Kingston-upon-Hull, 10, 78, 289, 338, 429,
Kingswell, Robert, 54.
, Sir William, 87.
Kingswinford, 375.
Kingswood Forest, 499, 606.
Kingwell, Sir T's., chamber, 12.
Kinlet, 472.
Kinloch, John, 531.
Kinloss, Lord, see Bruce, Fdward.
Kinnersley, 443.
Kinsale, 23.
Kinschotte, Adrian, 274.
Kinsey Lacey, 55.
Kinsman, George, 601.
Kippax, 559.
Kirby Misperton, 418.
Kirbybeacock, see St. Bees.
Kirk-Levington, 656.
Kirk-Oswald castle and parks, 485, 551, 621,
Kirkby house and park, 99, 627
Kirkby-Moorhouse, 652.
Kirkl.y -Stephen, 215.
Kirkcrist, 60,4.
Kirke, Stephen, 247, 266.
| Kirkham, Edward, 72.
! , George, 48, 126.
, Michael, 126.
William, 615.
Kirklouan, 604.
Kirkpatrick, Samuel, 59, 71.
, Sir Thomas, 71, 114, 133,218.
Kirtlington, 126.
Kirton, Edward, 613.
, Josias, 126, 570.
, Mr., 422.
Kirton in Lyndsey, 106.
Kitchin, liobert, 172.
Kittelbitter, Herman, 397.
Kitter, Elizabeth, 582.
, Richard, 582.
Knaresborough, 471, 619.
Knaresborough, Edward, 394, 400.
j , Walter, 394, 400.
| Knatchbull, Reginald, 409.
Knebworth, 312, 339, 368, 396, 583.
, letters from, 185, 225, 375, 391, 394.
Knight, George, 382.
Thomas, 83.
Knight Marshal, see Vavasour, Sir Thomas ;
Howard, Sir Edward.
Knightley, Sir Richard, 193, 200, 435.
, Sir Valentine, 44, 193.
Knightlow, 325.
Knightly, 547.
Knighton, 88,
Knights and Knighthood, 5, 60, 62, 66, 110,
113, 115, 163, 174, 284, 316, 319, 326,
369, 455,481,637.
Knill, Richard, 394.
Knockfergus, 487.
Knoll, 210.
Knoll, Grace, 442.
Knollys, Henry, 8G.
, de Grays, William Lord, 8, 78, 200,
236, 237, 328, 344, 438, 531, 567, 584,
599, 627, 648.
Lady, 244.
Knotting, 142.
Knowles, Thomas, 81, 379.
Knowsley, 378, 469.
Knox, Andrew, Bishop of Derry and Raffo,
Knoyle, 511, 516.
Knoyle, Thomas, 295.
Knyvet, Anthony, 452, 571.
Sir Thomas, Warden of the Mint, 10,
1 1, 65, 69, 76, 104, 1 14 ; Lord Knyvet,
366, 388, 452, 574, 596.
, , grants to, 27, 81, 161, 563.
, , letters to, 211, 412 j mc James I.,
letters of.
, letter of. 93.
Knyvet, Sir Thomas, -warrants to, G6, 85, 160,
16-1, 384,410,411.
Sir Thomas, jun., 123, 528.
Koade, William, 547.
Kolleb, 361.
Kyddall, William, 248.
Kynlake, 541.
L , Mr., 602.
La Fontaine, M., 22, 31.
La Motte, M., 453.
Lachmore, Edmund, 593.
Lacock, George, 55.
Lacon, Elianor, 472.
Lacy, John, 128.
Ladbroke, 614, 617, 650.
Ladiman, John, 332.
Laet, John de, 140.
Lake, Dr. Arthur, 410; Dean of Worcester,
, John, 323.
, Mary Lady, 171,230.
, Sir Thomas, 109, 122, 259, 352, 381,
399, 490, 550, 555 ; Latin Secretary,
, , grants to, 7, 43, 171, 518, 575.
, letters of, 230, 438, 631.
, , letters of, to Cecil,
(1604):— 76, 117.
(1606) :— 290.
(1607) :— 352.
(1608) :— 412 : 413, 448, 461, 462, 469,
470, 472.
(1609) :— 486, 551, 560, 561, 563, 564,
565, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 573.
(1610) :— 583,597, 605, 606,625,627,
630, 638, 639, 644, 645, 646, 647,
649, 650, 651.
, .....letters to, 2,12, 15, 90, 93,94,
95, 102, 191, 199, 201, 203, 204, 212,
229, 230, 231, 251, 260, 311, 320, 346,
354, 361, 363, 407, 409, 410, 411, 421,
426, 486, 522, 565, 592, 627 ; see also
Bancroft, Bishop ; Cecil, Earl of Salis-
bury ; Caesar, Sir Julius; Coke, Sir Ed-
ward ; Howard, Earl of Northampton ;
Howard, Earl of Nottingham ; Howard,
Earl of Suffolk ; Hume, Earl of Dun-
bar ; 1'rivy Council ; Sackville, Eai-1 of
Dorset ; Somerset, Earl of Worcester ;
Waad, Sir William.
, , payments to, 492, 524, 588, 623,
, William, 320.
Lamb, Andrew, 31, 95.
Lambe, John, 183, 200, 447, 500, 507, 553, 640.
Lamberhurst, 360.
Lambert, Edward, 1 66.
, Henry, 86.
Lambert, Simon, 581.
, Thomas, 94.
(felon), 602.
Lambeth, 203, 264, 333, 363, 370, 469.
letters from, 85, 204, 239, 257, 258,
261, 262, 334, 445, 451, 499, 504, 520,
523, 527, 529, 548, 556, 569, 570, 605,
Lambton, George, 455.
Lampard, William, 198, 398.
Lanaunte Rectory, 35.
Lancashire, 81, 174, 175, 227, 249, 294, 297,
326, 519, 521, 543.
, grants of lands in, 23, 121, 128, 160,
337, 339, 381, 460, 613.
, lands and places in, 128, 132, 149,479,
497, 515, 605.
, offices in, 115, 167, 157, 197, 468,524.
, recusants in, 264, 294, 384, 389, 390,
394, 416, 419, 486, 530, 587, 621.
residents in, 63, 80, 91, 111, 191, 383,
390, 563, 640, 658.
, visitors to, 199, 367, 448.
Lancaster, 63, 172, 264, 657.
, County Palatine of, 6, 89, 108.
, Justices in, 133.
, Duchy of, 158, 175, 194, 481, 657.
, , Chancellor of, 14 ; see Eortescue,
, , lands belonging to, 29, 34, 39,
137, 140, 196, 199, 388, 471, 496, 619.
, , grants of lands belonging to, 16,
31, 34, 45, 47, 64, 65, 71, 76, 81. 83,84,
85, 91, 99, 110, 121, 124, 126, 128, 131,
136, 137, 141, 142, 144, 149, 152, 162,
163, 169, 177, 178, 179, 188, 217, 220,
286, 337, 424, 608, 613.
, , officers in, 89, 108, 1 14, 135, 147,
204, 355, 386, 410, 426, 474, 545, 564.
, receivers for, 29, 78, 121, 197,
198, 325, 364, 386.
Lancaster, Sir James, 607.
Thomas, 455.
Lancaster Herald, see Charles, Nicholas.
Lands, grants of, .see Crown lands.
Lane, Robert, 91, 624.
, Sir Robert, 166.
, Thomas, 159,613.
, Sir William, 200, 323, 337.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 250, 258,
Lanercost, 46.
Lanes, see London, streets of.
Lanfrank, Mr., 280.
Langar, 541.
Langdale, William, 591.
Lange (minister), 417.
Langer, Clement, 165, 169.
Lange west, 221.
Langford, 452, 502.
Langford, Richard, 529.
Langford Ecclesia, 555.
Langham, Rutland, 2j.
Langham, Suffolk, 579.
Langley, Hertford, 292.
, Wilts, 593.
Langley, John, 333.
, Dr., 581.
Langley Mary's, Bucks, house and park, 11,
156, 440.
Langney, 217.
Langston, Anthony, 80.
Langton, 35.
Lanherne, 287.
Lanier, Alphonso, 146.
Lanyer, Nicholas, 66.
Lapley, 346.
Lapworth, 248, 252.
Lardo, Paulo, 1 44.
Larke, Robert, 208.
Larkin, Thomas, 102, 437, 527, 588.
Lassells, Edmund, 44, 269, 271, 278, 403.
, , grants to, 78, 118, 175, 403.
Lathom, 441.
Latier, Humphrey, 197.
Latin Secretary, see Smith, Sir Thomas.
Latwise, William, 383.
Laud, Dr. William, 312, 314, 644.
, Mr., 403.
Laughton, 496.
Launcelot, John, 439.
Launceston, 16, 17, 466.
Launde Priory, 53, 57.
Park and Woods, 534, 557, 608.
Launderells, 345.
Laverock, Thomas, 503.
Laverton, 532.
Law, Ealph, 55.
Law, doctors of, 349.
Lawarre, Lord, see West.
Lawe, Anthony, 514.
Lawley, Edward, 122, 487.
, George, 122, 417.
, George, jun., 122.
, Thomas, 122, 487.
Lawood House, 220.
Lawrence, Edward, 369, 422.
, John, 539.
, Leonard, 456.
, Matthew, 479.
, Thomas, 119.
Lawson, Francis, 375.
, Henry, 462.
, Ralph, 472.
, Roger, 512.
Sir Wilfrid, 193, 268, 283, 430, 440,
, letters of, to Cecil, 237, 253,
258, 279, 283, 316, 317, 319, 355.
, Mr., 244.
Lawthcr, Laird of Cawmillne, 38.
Laxton, William, 640.
Laycon, Thomas, 541.
Layfield, Dr. (minister), 232.
Laythwait, Alexander, 468.
Lazomby, Richard, 32, 42, 417, 563, 579, 640.
Lea, Evans, 80.
, Captain Philip, 212, 609.
Lead, 90, 391, 438, 474.
, customs on, 437, 477.
Leadenham, 417.
Leake, Edward, 556.
.Robert, 118.
Leash, Masters and Children of, 23, 66, 83,
Leather (hides and skins), 103, 146, 148,358,
469, 518, 574.
, export of, 32, 65, 107, 164, 165, 202,
214, 420,494.
Leaver, Roger, 115.
Lecavill, Richard, 130.
Leche, Edward, 483.
, John Rodrigos, 183.
Lech worth, 334, 503, 512, 629.
Ledcome, 589.
Ledgers Ashby, 244, 337, 403, 586.
Ledgold, Richard, 462.
, William, 462.
Ledington, 601.
Ledington, Thomas, 323.
Lee, 25, 428.
Lee, or Lea, river, 78, 86, 150, 158, 412, 452,
492, 501.
Lee, Francis, 433.
, Gilbert, 65.
, Sir Henry, 58, 152, 364, 380, 401, 434,
445, 459, 462, 486, 512, 524.
, Hugh, 144.
, John, 108.
, Nicholas, 170.
, Richard, 25, 149, 170, 175, 428.
, Sir Richard, 184.
, Sir Robert, 224.
, Lady, 326.
, see Gerard, John.
Leech, Edward, 575.
, Nathaniel, 418.
, Thomas, 418.
Leeds, 29.
,Kent, 464.
Leeds, Sir Thomas, 411.
Leefield, Abraham, 219.
Leeke-Wootton, 543.
Leeson, Bennett, 244.
Legate, John, 94, 95.
Legge, Dr. Thomas, 186.
Leghorn, 355.
LeGris, Robert, 461.
Le Gros, Thomas, 528.
Leicester, 247, 496.
Forest, 194.
, Mayor of, 1 78.
New Park, 106.
Leicester, Earl of, see Dudley, Robert.
, Countess of, see Dudley, Lettice.
Leicester's Commonwealth, 166.
Leicestershire, 53, 249, 480, 520.
, grants of lands in, 23, 53, 57, 87,
88, 106, 108, 111,115, 121, 140, 169,
195, 317, 325, 381, 618.
, justices of, 247.
, lands and places in, 33, 194, 222, 296,
389, 394, 398, 462, 466, 545, 557, 618,
receivers in, 53, 201, 222.
recusants in, 389, 408, 531.
, residents in, 222, 252, 257, 330, 434,
Leigh, 422.
, the, 486.
Leigh, Captain Charles, 127.
, Sir Edward, 37, 247, 253, 268.
, Sir Francis, 404.
Sir Henry, 201, 203, 204, 283, 292, 313,
, , letters of, to Cecil, 237, 284, 292,
, , letters to, 201, 349.
, James, 580.
Sir James, 74, 180, 468, 511.
, John, 1 04.
, Sir John, 151, 153,348,440,550.
, Oliver, 356.
, Sir Oliver, or Oliphe, 24, 451, 514, 642.
, Robert, 501.
, Thomas, 533.
, Sir Thomas, 642.
Sir Uriah, 83, 149.
, alias Lythe, Walter, 534.
, "William, 180.
Leighton, 51.
"Walk, Waltham Forest, 609, 617.
Leighton, Lady Elizabeth, 17, 118.
, Sir Thomas, 76, 118.
, Sir William, 445, 590.
, (justice), 389.
Leminge, Robert, see Liminge.
Lennard, Sampson, 184.
, Margaret, 184.
Lenox, Duke of, see Stuart, Lewis.
, Earl of, see Stuart, Matthew.
, Countess of, see Stuart, Margaret.
Lenton Priory, 121, 124, 125, 236.
Leo XL, Pope, 214, 486.
Leominster, 402.
, steward of, see Croft, Sir Herbert.
Priory, 47.
Lepingdon, Edward, 386.
Lepton, John, 10, 39, 47, 172, 241, 250, 300,
Le Sieur, Stephen, 184, 204, 230, 334, 400,
413,417; Sir Stephen, 484, 491, 512,
547, 564, 579.
Lesley, Sir Patrick, Lord of Lindores, 564-568.
I Lesley, James, 564-569,0:1.
, William, 433.
Lessingham, Mr., 247.
Lester, Henry, 472.
Lethersall, Edward, 205.
Letters, see Posts.
Levant, the, 198, 434, 573.
Company (Turkey merchants), 51, 79,
136, 165, 168, 169, 208, 211, 228, 233,
270, 271, 311, 434, 458, 469, 548, 572.
, , ambassadors of, 228, 233.
Leven river, 56.
Levens, Hans, 519.
Lever, Ralph, 192.
, Thomas, 192.
Leveson, John, 64, 566.
, Sir John, 24, 49,64, 81, 103, 125,348,
, or Luson.Sir Richard, 48, 92, 394.
Sir Walter, 246,253, 528, 529, 614.
William, 87, 103.
Levett, Thomas, 343.
Levingston, Alexander, 107, 624.
, Daniel, 105.
, Henry, 344.
, John, Equerry of the Queen, 75, 167,
, John, jun., Groom of the Bedchamber,
153, 167, 183, 206, 325, 568, 574.
John, 107.
Levyns, Sir Melchoir, 220.
Lewen, Sir Justinian, 136.
Lewes, 54, 416.
Lewes, Anthony, 645.
Lewgar, John, 476.
Lewin, Thomas, 639, 649.
Lewis, A nthony, 317.
, John, 389.
, Thomas, 148.
.William, 111.
Lewisham, 73.
Lewkenor, George, 359.
, Sir Lewis, 244, 305, 535.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 34, 35, 40,
41, 233, 543.
, Lady, 233.
, Sir Richard, Chief Justice of Chester,
26, 28, 423, 655.
Ley, John, 181.
, Thomas, 181.
, see also Leigh.
Leyden, 501.
Leyland, Christopher, 502.
Liber Rubeus, 236.
Lichfield, 505, 543.
, Bishop of, see Coventry and Lichfield.
, Dean and Chapter of, 176.
, prebend of, 614.
Lidall, Richard, 366, 378.
Lidd, Henry, 17.
Ligon, Sir William, 559.
Lilburn, Ferdinando, 483.
, John, 116, 137.
Lime, 480.
Limehouse, 227.
Liminge, Robert, 582, 641.
Liuchford and Ash, 115.
Lincoln, 443, 526, G44.
, Bishops of, see Chaderton, William ;
Barlow, William.
, cathedral of, 555.
, Dean and Chapter of, 129, 42G.
... diocese of, 62, 107, 127, 262, 328, 347,
395, 506, 508, 607, 613, 614, 641.
, Earl of, see Clinton.
Lincoln, Thomas, 96, 178.
Lincolnshire, 81, 184, 313, 379,409,480, 521.
grants of lands in, 17, 120, 133, 142,
143, 149, 160, 330, 348, 351, 356, 357,
402, 406, 418, 643, 644.
, lands and places in, 68, 99, 102, 106,
115, 127, 129, 130, 132, 146, 155, 162,
165, 397, 429, 439, 440, 441, 442, 455,
471, 499, 607.
receivers of, 82, 441, 445, 469, 485,
500, 585.
, recusants in, 383, 386, 402, 515, 607,
613, 634.
residents in, 127, 142, 248, 249, 255,
289, 442, 570.
Lincoln's Inn, 240, 334, 534, 633.
Lindley, Sir Henry, 142, 209.
, Lawrence, 318.
Lindores, Lord, see Lesley, Sir Patrick.
Lindsay, Bernard, 69, 150, 189, 433.
David, 42.
, David, Bishop of Boss, 31, 93.
, Edward, 564.
, Sir Henry, 37.
Sir James, 48, 121, 172,230.
Lindsey, 429, 455.
Linewray, Sir John, 286.
Ling, see Fish.
Linkhorne, Thomas, 613.
Linley, Martin, 406.
Linlithgow, 278, 282, 450.
, Earl of, see Livingston.
Linsden, Thomas, 327.
Linton, 339, 443.
Walk, Waltham Forest, 285.
Lions, John, 82.
Lisbon, 17,253, 411.
Lisle, Norman, 280.
, William, 459.
, Mr., 37.
, Lord, see Sydney.
Lister, Ingram, 151.
, John, 144.
, Dr. Matthew, letters of, to Carleton,
652, 653, 654.
Liston, 24.
Lithuania, 100, 101.
Little, Bichard, 164, 173.
Little Dalby, 1 1 5.
Little Stanmore, 1 7 1.
Little Thurrock, 72.
Little Weldon, 24.
Littlebury, Humphrey, 2 1 8.
Littkjohn, see Owen, Nicholas.
Littleton, Sir Edward, 528, 529.
, Humphrey, 282, 288, 299.
John, 17.
, Muriell, 17, 288.
, Stephen, 253, 256, 258, 280, 281, 282,
Livedon, 438.
Lively, Edward, 150.
Liveries, see Wards.
Liverpool, 254, 469,472.
, Mayor of, 22.
Liversedge, 504.
Livingston, Alexander, Earl of Linlithgow, 33,
, George, 504.
Llachilched, 614.
Llan-Armon, 511
Llanbadarn Abuseyth, 15.
Llanbadarn Fawr, 15.
Llanbeulan, 614.
Llaudaff, Bishop of, 552.
, diocese of, 410.
Llandeilo-Vwaur, 34.
Llandinam, 453.
Llandough, 644.
Llanidar, 368.
Llannech-y-Aneth, 614.
Llan Peddroch, 130.
Llan Sainte y Catherine, 407.
Llanvailog, 614.
Llanwddyn, 533.
Llarneston, 385.
Llewellyn Griffith, 115.
Llewelyn, Mr., 411.
Lloyd, Charles, 457.
, Fulk, 130.
, George, Bishop of Man, 176, 187 ;
Bishop of Chester, 188, 463, 497.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 407, 429 ,
, Gwenhoyvar, 533.
, Humphrey, 425.
, Oliver, 368.
, Dr. Oliver, 28, 65, 95, 107, 373.
, Rice ap David, 127.
, Bichard, 620.
, Robert, 497, 514.
, Thomas, 407, 551, 576.
Llysfaen, see Penmaen Llysfaen.
Loader, alias Suttell, Thomas, 277.
Loan to the King (1604), 133, 136, 161, 162,
164, 172, 181, 209, 232, 235, 276, 378
381, 404, 600.
, (1610), 600, 606.
, Loan to the King, repayment of, 136,
465, 574, 579, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585,
, see also London.
Lo chard, Johan, 443.
Locherson, John, 283, 291, 292, 293, 295, 323.
Lochleven Castle, 96.
Lock, Thomas, 535.
Lockley, Frances, 429.
, Eobert, 429.
Locksmith, Richard, 77, 215.
Loddington, 169, 195, 517, 557.
Lodge, Dr. Thomas, 298.
Logwood, 448, 462.
, customs on, 269, 362, 370, 439, 444.
Lok, Henry, 244, 307.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 244, 307,
431, 463.
Michael, 443.
London, 2, 17, 53, 61, 87, 93, 97, 107, 144, 161,
196, 201, 239, 250, 257, 259, 270, 334,
392, 409, 421, 423, 427, 439, 450, 456,
458, 460, 51 1, 523, 526, 538, 547, 574,
598, 652, 654.
, aldermen of, 10, 65, 146, 153, 154, 172,
212, 235, 359, 370, 415, 455, 519, 522,
582, 603, 604.
, buildings in or near, 4, 39, 77, 83,
105, 108, 154, 200, 287, 375, 377, 415,
449, 585, 633, 644, 647.
, burials and christenings in, 536, 537,
, charter to, 457.
, churches of, 218, 244, 270, 278, 339,
448, 463, 524, 580.
, citizens of, 24, 84, 128, 172, 209,
415, 420.
City Companies of, 342, 360, 365. m
Barbers and Surgeons, 189.
Brewers, 438, 639.
Butchers, 419.
Cloth-workers, 90, 309.
Cordwainers, 146.
Feltmakers, 138.
Fishmongers, 83, 144, 287.
Goldsmiths, 566, 633.
Grocers, 578.
Haberdashers, 138.
Ironmongers, 120.
Leathersellers, 134, 420.
Mercers, 4, 103, 497.
Merchant Tailors, 323, 404, 471.
Mineral and Battery Works, 68,
Musicians, 106.
Pewterers, 13, 84, 152, 157, 334, 335.
Pinmakers, 211,353.
Poulterers, 392.
Salters, 639.
Starchmakcrs, 375.
Stationers, 48, 609.
Turners, 116.
London, freemen of, 118, 323.
, highways near, 275, 359, 524.
, King's entry into, see James I.
, letters dated from, passim.
, loan to King, 85, 172 334, 419, 439,
465, 477, 519, 522, 603.
Lcrd Mayors of,
(1603): Lee, Robert, 1, 10, 14, 24, 44.
(1603-4): Bennet, Sir Thomas, 52,
67, 73, 92, 107, 118, 129, 133,
154, 159, 161.
(1604-5): Low, Sir Thomas, 179,
212, 213, 228.
(1605-6) : Holly day, Sir Henry, 273,
285, 323.
(1606-7) : Watts, Sir John, 343, 359,
360, 364.
(1607-8) : Rowe, Sir Henry, 392,
415, 423, 448, 462.
(1608-9): Weld, Sir Humphrey, 524.
(1609-10): Cambell, Sir Thomas,
571, 603, 621.
, , letters to, see James I., letters of.
, merchants of, 91, 108, 116, 120, 133,
183, 196, 198, 236, 336, 348, 410, 412,
415, 435, 468, 518, 638.
, offices and officers in, 16, 72, 146, 153,
156, 296, 330, 419, 442, 444.
, parishes of, 31, 70, 105, 112, 119, 240,
332, 342, 390, 409, 433, 449, 461, 516,
519, 563, 583, 585, 619, 647.
, plague in, 11, 16, 17, 20, 22, 25,36,
38, 40, 332, 381, 452, 492, 540, 571,
, , port of, 66, 81, 140, 179, 274, 330, 338,
, , customs and custom officers of,
14, 89, 139, 147, 148, 149, 191, 192,
196, 197, 210, 294, 376, 456, 492, 563,
, prisoners in, 313.
receivers in, 119, 216, 198.
, recorder of, 10, 14, 16, 462, 442, 633.
, recusants in, 244, 384, 408, 409, 547,
593, 594.
, residents in, 52, 60, 88, 106, 130, 137,
175, 227, 250, 253, 271, 288, 289, 317,
333, 342, 374, 380, 396, 465, 476, 486,
508, 513, 516, 534, 546, 566, 572, 579,
581, 589, 633, 643, 644.
sheriffs of, 7, 591, 621.
, ships of, 228, 422.
, streets of : —
Aldgate, 103, 585.
Aldersgate-street, 77, 233.
Bishopsgate, 112, 117, 188, 602.
Blackfriars, 19, 50, 108, 561, 563,
586, 604.
Broad-street, 632.
Cheapside, 4, 105, 370, 566, 572,
Cornhill, 288.
Cripplegate, 272, 338.
Dowgate, 239.
* London, streets of — continued.
Fenchurch-street, 451.
Fetter-lane, 474, 595, 597.
Fleet-street, 70, 513, 516.
Friday -street, 455.
Friars, the, 49.
High Holborn, 414.
Holborn, 245, 257, 260, 285, 292,
355, 409, 454, 516, 609, 639.
Kingwell-street, 90.
Knight Rider-street, 472.
New Fish-street, 580.
Philip-lane 207, 209.
St. Giles's, 47, 239, 482.
St. John's-street, 244, 309.
St. Martin's-lane, 482,
Shoreditch, 428, 647.
Silver-street, 524.
Strand, 272, 289, 480; see also
Thames-street, 297.
Trinity- lane, 299.
"VVatling-street, 105.
Wood-street, 105.
, subsidies in, 154, 332, 352, 370, 449,
496, 504, 594, 633.
, tradespeople in, 272, 309, 436, 442,
, travellers to or from, 3, 5, 6, 20, 22,
140, 141, 222, 232, 233, 234, 238, 241,
242, 245, 248, 249, 252, 261, 266, 268,
269, 272, 299, 301, 310, 321, 344, 354,
370, 375, 387, 415, 437, 455, 465, 486,
492, 558, 637, 639.
, Bishops of, see Bancroft, Vaughan,
Ravis, Abbott.
diocese of, 35, 84, 154, 268, 528, 575.
London House, 646, 648.
London, Elizabeth, 73, 439.
Lone, Samuel, 345.
Long, Thomas, 433.
Long Bennington, 538.
Long Buck by, 169.
Long Preston, 427.
Longdale, Peter, 22.
Longe, Catherine, 210.
.Robert, 210.
, Thomas, 210.
, Sir Walter, 210.
Longland, 217.
Longney, 328.
Longstock, 178.
Long worth, 301.
Longworth, William, 255.
Lorchin, Richard, 402.
Lords, the, see Privy Council ; Lords, House of.
Lords, House of, 94, 129, 186, 285, 289, 316,
323, 346, 352, 473, 619, 624, 628,
,,„ , conferences with the Commons,
101, 351, 596, 645.
Lords, list of, 238, 335.
Lords Spiritual and Temporal, 335, 511, 529
Lorraine, Duke of, Charles le Grand, 146, 330,
, , son of, see Vaudemont.
, Duke of, Henri le Bon, 599, 637.
Losse, Sir Hugh, 87, 172.
Lostwithiel, 33, 458.
Lotchard, William, 447.
Lothbury, 354.
Lotti, Ottaviano, 328, 333.
Loughborough, 618.
Louth, 397.
Love, John, 383, 572.
, Nicholas, 212.
, Thomas, 143, 144.
Lovel, Captain Thomas, 127.
Lovelace, Sir Richard, 512.
, Sir William, 171.
Lovell, Antiocheston, 94.
, Edward, 498.
Jane, Lady, 260, 329.
, John, 443.
, Mary Lady, 640.
,421. °
Loversall, 331, 334, 384, 566.
Lovett, Drew, 529.
, Francis, 529.
Low, Francis, 420.
, James, 225.
Low Countries, 146, 269. 299, 326, 337. 359,
368, 411, 435, 439, 441, 448, 454, 464,
470, 476, 493, 528 j see also Flanders,
Lowde, John, 161.
•Lowdham, 512.
Lowe, priest, 289.
, Jobn, 642.
, Sir Thomas, 429.
Lowe, the, 269.
Loweley, Thomas, 453.
Lower, Sir William, 266.
Lowman, Francis, 272.
Philip, 204.
Lowther, Leonard, 36.
, Sir Richard, 317.
Lowthorpe, 533.
Loxfield, 217.
Lubbesthorpe, 140.
Lubeck, 621.
Lucas, William, sen., 559.
Lucca, 366.
Luddington, 191, 402.
Ludlow, 25, 26, 118, 129, 269, 400, 566.
Ludlow Castle, 433.
, letters from, 383, 389, 398, 401, 402,
404, 423, 425, 450, 451, 629, 637, 641,
649, 650, 655.
Lugger, John, 199.
Lukin, Bartrobe, 32, 95,
Lukin, Thomas, 9 .
Luis, Arnold, 217, 338, 352.
Lulworth, 192, 195, 603.
Lumley, John Lord, 15, 19, 220, 234, 442, 478,
, Richard, 535.
Lundoris, Lord, see Lindores.
Lundy Island, 601.
Lunsden, Thomas, 343, 624.
Lurgishall, 356.
Luson, Sir Richard, see Leveson.
Luther, Anthony, 615.
, Martin, 392.
, Thomas, 615.
Lutley, George, 417.
Lutterworth, 466.
Luxemburgh, Duke of, 370.
Lydd, 358.
Lyddall, 78.
Lydeat, George, 181.
Lydney, 160.
Lydston, Robert, 127.
Lydyard, Hugh, 124.
Lye, 529, 611.
Lye, Alexander, 38.
Lyfield Forest, 251. 289, 611.
Lyme Regis, 121, 517, 534.
Mayor of, 517, 534.
Lympsham, 385.
Lynam, 350.
Lyndhurst, 123.
Lyneden, 500, 553.
Lyne, Mr. (of Westminster), 302.
, Thomas, 592.
Lyngen, 33.
Lyngen, Edward, 33, 106, 599, 602, 606.
, Ellinor, 224. .
Lynn, 553.
Lynn Regis, see King's Lynn.
Lyntell, Edward, 158.
Lyons, 208, 639.
Lyons, John, 642.
Lyons, or Lions Castle, see Holt Castle.
Lytham, 383.
Lythe, Walter, see Leigh, Walter.
Lytton, Philip, 477, 581.
, Sir Rowlaud, 312, 372, 465, 476, 486,
492, 505, 558.
, , letters of, to Chamberlain, 225,
368, 375.
, , letters of, to Carleton, 334, 503,
512, 629.
, William, 185, 368,375, 396, 465, 505,
506, 629.
Lyvalls, 401.
M'Carty, Lady Ellen, 654.
, Florence, 113, 184.
M'Donnel, Sir James, 387.
Sir Ronald, 421.
M'Sorrell, Randall, 432.
Macclesfield, or Maxwell, Peter, 37,
Machell, William, 568.
Mackew, John, 427.
Macwilliams, Henry, 354.
Maddison, Ralph, 485.
Madley, 525.
Madock, Richard, 59.
Madrid, 338, 411, 612, 613.
Magdalen Hospital, Norfolk, 422, 440.
Magner, Francis, 652.
Maherley, 8.
Maidenhead, 138.
Maidstone, 134.
Mayor of, 178.
Mainstonfield, see Chinley.
Mainwaring, Arthur, 500; Sir Arthur, 625,
, Christopher, 272.
, Henry, 209.
, Hugh, 209, 337.
, Mr., 505.
Mak, E. F., 238.
Malaga, 193.
Malaspina, Marquises of, 231.
Malbeck, 630.
Malcohntosh, John, 422.
Maldon, 216, 479, 486, 572.
Male, 621.
Malines, Gerard, 62.
Mallerthorp, 255.
Mallet, George, 390.
Mallory, Sir John, 494, 539, 559, 588.
, Thomas, Dean of Chester, 364, 505.
Mallows, John, 504.
Malmesbury, 114, 359.
Malrey, Mr., 609.
Malta, vessels of, 306.
Maltravers, Lord, see Howard, James.
Maltsters, 474.
Malvern, 354.
Malvern Chace, 641.
Malyn, Ferdinando, 234.
Man, Bishop of, see Lloyd ; Philips.
Manaden, 379.
Manchester, 521.
College of Christ Church, 41, 42, 497,
498, 499.
Mancididor, , 314.
Manedo (a savage), 368.
Manewden, 614.
Manfield, Frances, 223.
, John, 223.
Manisty, Edward, 177.
Manley, Richard, 29.
Mann, William, .197, 422, 425.
Manners, Francis, 358.
, Sir George, 613.
, Oliver, 60 ; Sir Oliver, 176, 260, 261,
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 526, 610.
, Ralph, 112.
, Roger, 297.
, Roger, Earl of Rutland, 14, 25, 93, 94,
137, 266,275, 522, 610.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 522, 551,
, Elizabeth, Countess of Rutland, 237,
Manning, Peter, 380.
Mansell, Sir Robert, 51, 69, 98, 110,279, 409,
610, 645, 646.
, Lodowick, 327.
, Thomas, 327.
Mansfield, 219, 630.
Mansfield Waterhouse, 578.
Mansfield, Sir Edward, 634.
, Henry, 408, 479.
Mantell, Thomas, 218.
Mantua, Vincent I., Duke of, 463.
Manuscripts, see Books.
Manwood, John, 418, 645.
Manyfold Wick, 167.
Maperley, Roger, 408.
Mapes, Leonard, 483.
Mapledingham, 256.
Mapperley, 617.
Mar, Earl of, see Stewart, John.
Marbury, Francis, 580.
, George, 355, 447.
, Lawrence, 148,389,430,472.
, Thomas, 148, 320, 419, 447, 472, 498,
530, 583, 587, 650.
Marcham, 617.
Marches, see Borders.
Marcus, Jenkin, 383, 403.
Marden, 155.
Margate, 309.
Margitts, George, 451,460.
Mariners, 200, 235, 281, 304, 327, 360, 541.
Markes, manor of, 145,
Market Harborougb, 330.
Market, Clerks of, 6, 10.
Markets andFairs, 83, 115, 123, 129, 130, 136,
145, 156, 157, 171, 215, 236, 310, 340,
360, 387, 404, 406, 412, 538, 570.
Markey, William, 486.
Markham, Charles, 374.
, Sir Griffin, 20, 21,22, 25, 26, 31, 53,
57, 246, 257, 259, 493, 538, 542.
, attainder of, 65, 125, 378.
, , confessions and examinations of,
23, 33, 37.
, , , letters of, to Cecil, 33, 37, 440.
Markham, Anne Lady, 65, 259, 278, 280,
538, 542.
> , letters of, to Salisbury, 259, 278.
, John, Serjeant-at-arms, 645.
, John, 374.
, Mr. (minister), 555.
Marks, C, 14.
Marnhill, Baron, see Howard, Henry.
Marque, Letters of, 63, 349, 357.
Marrick House and Park, 233, 352.
Marrow, Isaac, 527.
Marsfield, 474.
Marsh, Henry, 52.
, Leonard, 225.
, Michael, 320.
Marshal of the Field. 487.
Marshall, George, 560, 567.
, John, 595.
, Richard, 401.
, Robert, 299.
, Thomas, 499, 563, 567.
Marshalsea Prison, 88, 268, 628.
Marsham, 617.
Marshagh, 149.
Marshland, 450.
Marson, Simon, 599.
Martaiew, 340.
Marten, Dr. Henry, 496.
, Dr. Richard, 497.
Martin, Alexander, 607.
Bartholomew, 311.
, Edward, 15.
, Henry, 202, 401, 572.
, Richard, 7, 160, 166, 337.
, Sir Richard, Master of the Mint, 166,
368, 566, 572, 574, 632.
, Richard, Bishop of St. David's, 38.
, Thomas, 159, 535, 537.
, (friar), 209.
, Dr. (physician), 205, 233.
Martin Abbey, 406.
Martock, 51.
Marton, 126, 130.
Marven, Sir James, see Mervin.
Marvyn, or Marvin, Thomas, 174, 158.
Marwell, 356.
Marwood Hag, 9S.
Marwood Park, 523.
Mary I., Queen, 223.
Mary, Princess, 217, 246,377, 430, 596.
, , funeral of, 372.
, Queen of Scots, 5, 8, 11, 13, 96, 150,
232, 267, 490, 542, 548.
de Medicis, Queen of France, 18.
Marybone Park, 137, 598, 607.
Maseall, Edward, 255.
Mason, Ambrose, 581.
, Henry, 507.
John, 633.
, Matathias, 599.
Mason, Peter, 383.
, Robert, 139, 458.
Masques, see Drama.
Mass, service of, 60, 111, 250, 251, 258, 261,
263, 277, 313.
Massam, William, 271, 3S7.
Massey, Gerard, 132.
Massock, Henry, 407.
Massy, William, 389.
Masters, Ralph, 197.
Matliieu, Pierre, 639.
Matilson, Henry, 162.
Maton, William, letters of, to Salisbury, 569,
Matthew, Edmund, 483.
John, 447.
, Morgan, 106.
, Nathaniel, 129, 539.
, Tobias, Bishop of Durham, 36, 82, 269,
272; Archbishop of York, 329, 391,
632, 641.
, , commissions to, 436, 531.
, , letters of, 401, 520.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 55, 459,
, , letters to, see James I., letters of.
, Tobie, 128, 207, 213, 348, 368, 403.
, , letters of, 164.
, , letters of, to Carleton, 195, 278,
Matthew, , 304.
Matthews, Peter, 483.
Mattingley, John, 85.
Maudit, Mr. (of London), 339.
Maugier, John.
Maull, Patrick, 66, 96, 162, 163.
Maunchi, John, 608.
Maunder, Thomas, 248, 263, 266.
Maundy, the, 206, 413.
Maurice, Francis, 608.
, Count, see Nassau.
Mawdit, John, 402.
Mawdsley, , 388.
Mawe, Leonard, 158.
Mawgan, 287.
Maxwell, Herbert, 593.
, John Lord, 387.
, Peter, see Macclesfield.
, Robert, 150.
, Ronald, 478.
May, Hugh, 392.
Humphrey, 86, 384, 530.
, John, 298.
, John (recusant), 572.
, Martin, 85.
, Philip, 4, 6.
Captain, 262.
Maycock, Sir Cavalliero, 110.
Maydenhall, 406.
Mayes, William, 581.
May land, 613.
Maylandes, 613.
Maynard, Henry, 652.
, Sir Henry, 24, 33, 181, 522.
, Sir William, 532.
Mayne, John, 379.
, Joseph, 84, 379, 565.
May net, Michael, 190.
Mayo, ,231.
Mead, Sir Thomas, 379, 652.
Meares, Henry, 472.
Meath, Bishop of, see Dodd, Roger; Mont-
gomery, George.
Meaze, see Garnet, Henry.
Medals, 179.
Medianburg, 281.
Mediterranean Sea, 579.
Medway River, 110.
Mee, Nicholas, 537.
Meek, AValter, 498.
Meere, John, 484.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 561, 604.
Melbourn, 111.
Melchet, 380.
Melcomb Regis, 334, 517, 618.
Melford, 633.
Melin, Cornelius, 226.
Melksham Forest, 408, 578.
Meliersh, Richard, 49, 50.
Mellett, George, 408.
Melvill, Andrew, 354.
, Sir Robert, 72.
Mendip, 196, 221, 298.
Mendoza, Don Bernardino de, Spanish Am-
bassador, 62.
Merchandize, 53, 59,89, 112, 139, 141, 152,
348, 449, 620, 621, 622, 647, 658.
Merchant Adventurers, 1 17, 309, 368, 568, 639.
Strangers, 168, 179, 308, 332, 337, 343
344, 347, 348, 350, 371, 451, 469, 477,
499, 578, 638, 647.
Merchants, 11, 107, 147, 183, 192, 193, 208,
276, 277, 294, 315, 342, 349,357, 361,
383, 387, 418, 425, 429, 432, 437, 455,
459, 470,490, 492, 535, 569, 586, 610,
621, 625.
Merden, 498.
Meredith, Edward, 434.
John, 434, 655.
Richard, 205, 380.
, Thomas ap John, 372.
, Sir William, 217.
, William, 236, 374.
Merefleet, 625.
Merell, Thomas, 112, 152.
Merevel, 529.
Merfin, George, 331.
Merick, Jenkyn Thomas, 135.
Merifield, 563.
Merionethshire, 317, 495.
.justices and judges in, 429, 489.
, offices in, 119, 226, 391, 444.
Merlyon, the ship, 412.
Mermaid and Anchor inn, 247.
Merrick, Hugh, 108, 431.
, Rowland, 327.
Merry, Henry, 581.
, Thomas, 330.
Mr., 637.
Merswe, 384.
Merton, James, 102.
Merton Abbey, 328.
Mervin, or Marven, Sir James, 81, 379.
Meryton, Francis, 144.
Mesnil, M. du, 30.
Metcalf, Brian, 642.
, Jerome, 414, 442, 613.
, Sir Christopher, 552.
Metcalfe, Sir Thomas, 513.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 522, 552.
Metham, Sir Thomas, 600.
Metlawe and Welawe, 415.
Mevagissey, 431.
Mewtas, Mrs. Jane, 492.
, Thomas, 144.
Mewtys, Captain Thomas, 347, 452.
Mewys, Sir John, 440.
Meysey, Ma., 88.
, Thomas, 88.
, William, 608.
Miccoti, Julian, 364.
Michelborne, Sir Edward, 121, 162, 237, 487.
, Lawrence, 32, 390, 593.
, Thomas, 496.
Michel-grove, 359, 621.
Michel-marsh, 320.
Michel!, Francis, 176, 399.
, Lawrence, 440, 648.
, Mr., 489.
Middenham, 55.
Middleborne, 347.
Middlebowe, 572.
Middleburgh, 27, 37, 40, 505.
Middleham, 158, 462, 511, 513, 522, 523.
Middlemore, John, 437.
, Richard, 128.
, Thomas, 589.
, William, 430.
, Mrs., 583.
Middlesex, 72, 86, 196, 449,518, 519, 617.
, grants of lands in, 20, 35, 70, 98, 115,
119, 129, 332, 346, 355, 377, 391, 433,
560, 643.
, justices in, 456, 567.
, lands and places in, 48, 171, 179, 188,
402, 428, 440, 506, 537, 619, 633, 643,
, offices in, 384, 407.
, receivers in, 9, 119, 198, 216.
, recusants in, 414,493,529,583,593,605.
, residents in, 143, 151, 157, 189, 249,
275, 419, 462, 507.
Middlesex, sheriff of, 7, 48.
Middleton, Christopher, 200, 640.
, David, 503.
Francis, 511.
, Henry, 84, 592.
, Hugh, 187.
, Robert, 114.
, Sir Thomas, 103.
, William, 8.
William, 127.
, William (recusant), 402
Middleton (Kent), 498.
(Lancashire), 519.
(Northampton), 554.
(York), 526.
Milan, 231, 527.
Mildmay, Sir Anthony, 51, 179, 375.
, Sir Thomas, 33.
, Sir Walter, 164, 185.
Mile End, 362.
Milebrook, 628.
Miles (priest), 44.
Milford, 329.
Militia, 469.
Mill, William, 176, 384.
Millaston, , 227.
Miller, Alexander, 120, 175, 323.
. Hugh, 52.
, James, 316.
Milles, Arthur, 226.
Millington, Anthony, 13.
(priest), 111.
Mills, Francis, 82, 336,411, 436,439, 458, 588,
, , letters to, see Reynoldes, Edward.
Henry, 419.
, Richard, 172.
, Thomas, 12.
Milo, 306.
Milton, 455.
blockhouse, 102, 444.
Milton, Adam, 60.
Milverstone, 339.
Milward, or How, Agnes, 116, 119.
Dr. John, 116, 119,504.
Thomas, 134.
Minchinhampton, 581.
Mineral and Battery Works, sec London, Com-
panies of.
Mines and Minerals, 134, 139, 140, 429, 571,
576 ; see also Scotland, mines in.
Mines Royal, 135, 144, 625.
Ministers, 31, 49, 67, 86, 172, 175, 185, 186,
194, 206, 263, 393, 421, 474, 487, 488,
495, 552, 595, 620, 626.
non-conforming, 127, 175, 193, 197,
200, 204, 282, 290, 299, 314, 452, 471,
522, 603.
Ministers in Scotland, see Scotland.
Ministry, 19, 118, 183, 189, 348.
Minories, the, 350, 427.
Minors, Roger, 447.
Minster, 72.
Mint, affairs of, 11, 452, 474, 548.
, auditors of, 33.
, master of, see Martin, Sir Richard.
officers of, 60, 65, 83, 105, 160, 166,
373, 386, 560, 563, 566, 571, 579.
, warden of, see Knyvet, Sir Thomas.
Mison, or Myson, Thomas, 547, 570.
Misterton, 154.
Mitchell, Francis, 10.
John, 127.
, Thomas, 111.
Mitford (priest), 443.
Moatfords, priests, alias Croft and Grey, 259.
Mockett, Abraham, 371.
Mocktree Forest, 142.
Mogg, Walter, 277.
Mokett, John, 182.
Moldavia, Prince of, 376, 458.
Mole, 607.
Mole, John, 511.
, Mr. (tutor), 463, 579.
Molino, Nicolo (Venetian Ambassador), 289.
Moluccas, the, 344.
Molyneux, Sir Richard, 364.
, Rutland, 538.
Mompesson, Jasper, 511.
, Thomas, 521.
Monday (pursuivant), 310.
Mondon, 560.
Mondy, Edmund, 94.
Moneys, see Coin.
Monglatt, M. de, 60.
Monk Orchard, 87.
Monk, Sir Thomas, 44.
Monksmill et Monkey, 222.
Monkwearmouth, 310.
Monmouthshire, 174, 253, 256, 361, 378.
, lands and places in, 53, 217, 378, 529.
, receivers of, 83.
, recusants in, 253. 552.
Monopolies, 7, 79, 157.
Monox, Edward, 352.
family, 579.
Monro, Angus, 122.
Monson, Sir Thomas, 184, 386, 486, 512.
, Sir William, 212, 232, 540, 541, 550,
Montague, Sir Edward, 193.
, Sir Henry, 369, 419, 441, 457, 536.
, Henry, 10.
, James, Dean of the Chapel Royal, 176;
Dean of Worcester, 199, 203, 368, 410;
Bishop of Bath and Wells, 416, 430,
, Roger, 425, 427.
, Viscount, tee Brown, Anthony.
, Lady, 57.
Montague House, 310, 312.
Montagues, the, 624.
Montaigne, Dr. George, 142, 463 ; Dean of
Westminster, 647.
, Hugh, 119.
Monteagle, Lord, see Parker, William.
Montgomeri, Earl of, 638.
Montgomery, 135.
Castle, 287, 448.
gaol, 154, 610, 618.
Montgomery, George, 102 ; Bishop of Derry,
Raffo, and Clogher, 199 ; Bishop of
Meath, 628.
, Sir Neil, 396.
, Earl of, see Herbert.
Montgomeryshire, 127, 135, 231, 498.
, lands and places in, 301, 457, 533.
, offices in, 135, 231, 325, 372.
Montjoy, Lord, see Blount, Charles.
Montmorenci, Henri, Due de, Constable of
France, 308.
, Charlotte Marguerite de, 308.
Moon, William, 117.
Moore, Adrian, 475.
, Erancis, 328, 334, 414, 593.
, Sir George, 24, 437.
, John, 364.
, Mary, 77.
, Richard, 157. 377, 381, 424, 427, 585.
, Robert, 337, 545.
Robert (of Hampshire), 317, 318.
, Robert (coachmaker), 65.
, Sir Robert, 437.
, William, 389.
, Mr., 126.
Moorfields, 297, 332.
Moorhead, William, 326.
Morborn, 52.
Morcomb, William, 123.
Mordaunt, Henry Lord, 9, 225, 492, 548, 625,
, , connection of, with Gunpowder
Plot, 245, 254, 258, 259, 264, 265, 266,
273, 274, 281,285, 295.
, Margaret, Lady, 245.
More, Edward, 240.
, Sir Edward, 286.
, Elizabeth, 240.
, Gabriel, 364.
, Sir George, 138.
, Richard, 85, 609.
Morehall, 383.
Morehay, 608, 616.
Morehay Walk, 473, 495.
Morekey, William, 396.
Moreton, Albert, 185.
, Dr. Thomas, 361.
Morgan, Bridget, 497.
, Sir Charles, 225.
, Edward, 275, 352, 590, 598.
Morgan, Francis, 500.
, Harry, 232, 254, 255, 259, 279, 282.
Mrs., 232, 259.
, John, 198.
, Mary, 345.
, Sir Matthew, 145.
, Recs, 135.
Robert, 235, 329, 373, 379, 417.
, Thomas, 187, 232, 314.
, Thomas (surveyor), 10, 319, 446, 449,
483, 492, 520, 523, 631, 642.
, AVilliam (recusant), 224, 225, 556.
, William, 423.
Morice, Edward, 211.
Morking Mills, 95.
Morley, 552.
Morley, Edward, 335.
, Lionel, 539.
, Thomas, 462.
, "William, 304.
, Lord, see Parker, Edward.
Morleys, the, 587.
Mornington, Richard, 443.
Morpeth, 519.
Morrall, Walter, 477, 478.
Morrell, Roger, 217, 302.
Morrice, Nicholas, 270.
Morris, Erancis, 70, 467.
, John, 398, 479.
, Sir John, 492.
, Nicholas, 430.
, Robert, 2 1 0.
, Robert (of Essex), 216.
Thomas, 453, 631
, Sir William, 338, 348.
, Winifred, 479.
(servant), 491.
Morrison, Bess, 441.
, Sir Charles, 196.
, Fiennes, 121.
, John, 448, 591.
Morse, William, 438.
Mortimer, 625.
Mortimer, Mr., 321.
Mortlake, 531.
Lodge and Park, 35, 408.
Morton, Dr. Thomas, Dean of Gloucester, 580;
Dean of Winchester, 557, 570.
Morvill, 26, 28.
Moseley, William, 596.
Moselhew, Lawrence, 172.
Mote Park, 372.
Mote's Bulwark ,155.
Mottisfont, 637.
Mouchy, John, 190.
Moulswortli, Wingfield, 396.
Moulton Fark, 127.
Mounson, Thomas, 357.
, Mrs. (of Lincolnshire), 255.
Mount, The, 142.
Mount Howard, Guiana, 127.
Mountfield, 531.
Mountford, Sir Edward, 146.
, John, 112.
Moxsay, Nicholas, 402.
Moyses, David, 93, 113, 349, 504.
Muckleston, 374.
Mulberry trees, 344, 398, 540, 562, 574.
Mulcaster, Richard, 497.
Muncaster, Leonard, 537, 572.
, Oliver, 537, 572.
Munck, Levinus de, Secretary of Cecil, 14, 35,
198, 512, 550, 627.
, letter of, 627.
, letters to, 225, 240, 249, 256, 260,
273, 287,368,492.
, papers by, 243, 247, 256, 266,
281, 296, 315, 346.
Muncriefif, Alexander, 30, 107.
, George, 107, 564, 576, 643.
, Henry, 170.
, Robert, 71.
, Thomas, 396, 414, 424.
Munden Hall, 85. 128, 133.
Munford, To., 142.
Munition, see Ordnance.
Munster, 39, 446.
, Lord President of, sec Danvers, Henry
Murray, David, 108, 114, 195.
, Sir David, 446, 465, 562, 580, 587,
598, 611.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 490, 626.
, David, Lord Scone, 213.
, George, 47, 64, 88, 219.
James, 367.
, Sir James, 402, 474, 638.
, Jane, 396.
, John (Queen's servant), 534, 540.
, John (curate), 106.
, John (groom of the bedchamber), 47,
64, 88, 219, 223, 233, 254, 395, 414,
491, 530, 634.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 540, 558.
Sir Patrick, 69, 413, 491.
, Prudence, 69.
, Richard, 121, 497, 498, 499.
, Robert, 126.
, Thomas (tutor of Prince Charles), 226,
340, 396, 417, 535, 540, 577, 591.
, William, 369.
, Earl of, .see Stewart, James.
Muscadell, customs on, 136, 165.
Muschamp, Thomas, 163.
Muscovado, 496.
Muscovy, 437, 480.
company, 298, 610; see also Russia
Muse, Thomas, 42.
Musgrave, Christopher, 431.
, Edward, 2C4.
, Sir Edward, 507.
, JohD, 319, 395.
Leonard, 46.
Sir Kichard, 12, 24, 223, 405.
Thomas, 360, 399, 405.
Mush, William, 642.
Music, lecture on, 447.
Musicians, see James I., musicians of.
Mussell, Thomas, 190.
, William, 190.
Musters, 51, 58, 226, 231, 238, 374, 441, 443,
452, 455, 460, 461, 469, 470, 485, 489,
545, 602.
Muster-masters and commissioners, 126, 145,
227, 258, 272, 323.
Mutmare Park, 572.
Muttlebury, Thomas, 403.
Mutton, Peter, 231, 353.
Mydleton, John, 290.
Myers, Andrew, 576.
Myles, John, 244.
Mylwarde, William, 257.
Myng, John, 302.
, Judith, 302.
Mynne, Sir Henry, 424, 432, 655.
Mynors, George, 388, 443, 607.
Mynours, Henry, 346, 449, 556.
, John, 224, 346.
Mynterne, Mr., 51.
N T , 8.
Nairn, Mr., 657.
Nantbay Grange, 513.
Naples, 636.
Nappay, 552.
Napper, Archibald, 356, 413.
Narberth, or Norbertes, 510, 556.
Narrow Seas, 110, 185, 277, 280, 361.
Nash, 557.
Nasmyth, John, 108, 219, 233, 403.
Nassau, Count Maurice of, 27, 37, 40, 57, 143,
Nassington, 310.
Naunton, Robert, 327.
Navarre, 101.
Navy, or Fleet, 92, 277, 347, 361, 495, 645.
, abuses in, 419, 483, 484.
charges of, 110, 459, 659.
, officers of, 11, 29, 39, 76, 91, 94, 95,
98, 110, 189, 279, 286,321,329, 347,
393, 431, 458, 531, 533, 577, 607, 608.
, supplies for, 29, 39, 1 19, 157, 189, 191,
220, 222, 366, 409, 418, 458, 473, 508,
531, 640, 646.
treasurer of, 526, 608, C10, 645.
Nay, John, 196.
Naylor, Adam, 537.
, William, 524.
Neale, Francis, 120, 461, 513.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 441, 553.
, Thomas, 120.
, Walter, 51.
Neate, the, 479.
Neave, John, 502.
Neck, Roger, 241.
Nedham, Robert, 238.
Needham, Arthur, 119.
, Francis, 89, 135, 347, 419, 535.
, John, 531.
, Sir John, 435.
, Oswald, 559.
Mr., 650.
Needwood Forest, 408, 524, 502.
Neile, Richard, Dean of Westminster, 200, 302,
401, 410 ; Bishop of Rochester, 443, 447,
468, 526; Bishop of Coventry and Lich-
field, 643, 647.
William, 131.
Nelson, Neils, 64.
Nethercombe, alias Estcombe, 375.
Netherdale, 233, 572.
Netherham, 435.
Netherlander, see Dutch and Hollanders.
Netherlands, see Holland, Flanders.
merchants of, 331, 346, 353.
Nether Padley, 86.
Neuburgh, George William Duke of, C38.
Nevey, George, 28, 410, 496, 508, 606.
Nevile, Dr. Thomas, 186, 551.
Nevill, Lady Adeline, 124, 209.
, Sir Andrew, 25.
, Lady Ann, 124.
, Lady Catherine, 124.
, Henry, 5th Earl of Westmoreland,
, Charks, Oth Earl of Westmoreland,
124, 174, 209, 275, 052.
, Edward, or Edmund, of Latimer, titu-
lar Earl of Westmoreland, 240, 201,
275, 342, 382, 402, 474, 497, 024.
, Lady Margaret, 30.
, Lady Mary, 94, 124.
, Ralph, 1st Earl of Westmoreland, 342,
, William (merchant), 162, 412, 537.
William (examiner), 511.
Neville, Anthony, 552.
, Edward, 24, 94.
Henry, 371, 372.
Sir Henry, 2, 275, 371, 372, 409, 463,
493, 505, 515, 535.
, , letters of, 188, 310, 456, 486, 645.
New, John, 34, 160.
New Drapery, 63, 215, 233, 288, 306, 311, 336,
477, 604.
, customs on, 343, 348.
New Forest, 152, 344, 405, 408, 409, 410, 470,
518, 541, 553.
New Lodge, 230.
New Park, Leicestershire, 112, 123.
New River, 358.
New Romney, 302, 632.
Newark on Trent, 4, 134, 2G0, 351, 516, 610.
, hospital, alms-rooms in, 161, 389, 394,
398, 498.
Newark Grange, 178.
Newark Wood, 2 1 8.
Newborn, 302.
Newborough, 579.
Newbury, 213, 606.
Newby, 252.
Newby, Alexander, 135, 476.
Newcastle on Tyne, 161, 184, 235, 264, 285,
312, 345, 376, 389, 564, 642, 655.
, gaol of, 237, 279, 283.
, letters from, 114, 253, 257, 283, 284,
315, 316, 453, 585.
, Mayor of, 207, 295, 585.
, recusants in, 264.
Newce, Captain William, 319, 323, 324, 325,
Newcome, Dr., 465.
Newell, Robert, 641.
Newelme, see Ewelme.
Newenham, 197.
Newfoundland, 560, 604.
Newgate, 592.
, prisoners in, 91, 305, 514.
Newham, 653, 654.
Newham-IIuntlo, 516.
Newland, 160, 437.
Newman, John, 63.
, Dr. George, 377.
Newmarket, 271, 384, 404, 413, 418, 423, 517,
524, 573.
, inn at, 403, 449.
, letters dated from, 200, 383, 412, 462,
469, 470, 547, 564, 565, 567, 571, 573,
Newminster, monastery, 525.
Newport, Isle of Wight, 348, 392, 503, 595.
Newport, Captain Christopher, 279, 367.
, Edward, 304, 322, 339.
, Sir Francis, 238, 301.
, Robert, 257.
, William, 230.
Newsham, 320.
Newsom, Edward, 47.
Newstead Grange, 31.
Newton, Adam, 176, 536.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 367, 451.
, Ann, 198.
, Dr. Fogg, 598.
, Katherine Lady, 422.
Theodore, 422, 424, 425.
, Thomas, 44.
, Mr., 133.
Newton Ferrers, 5 1 .
Nichol Forest, 75, 78, 595.
Nicholas, John, 598, 602, 629.
, Reynolds, 342.
Richard, 394.
, Susan, 586, 598.
Nicholls, Sir Augustine or Austin, 382, 618.
, John, 581.
Nicholson, Edmund, 51, 226.
, George, 28.
, John, 130, 434, 460.
, Otho, 96, 226, 421, 468, 493, 568.
Thomas, 131.
, William, 426.
Nicolls, Samuel, 597.
, Thomas, 113.
Niloe, Hans, 534, 536.
Noades, John, 592.
Noball Hall, 356.
Noke, Thomas, 382.
Non-communicants, see Communicants.
Non-conformity, see Conformity.
Nonsuch, 547, 589.
house and park, 15, 234, 340, 353,
379, 388, 401, 402, 443, 520, 534, 567,
600, 605, 607, 617, 632.
, game at, 220.
, letters dated from, 328, 439, 442, 454.
Norbertes, see Narberth.
Norbrook, 241, 242, 243, 252, 279.
Norbury, 514.
Norden, John, 186, 191, 508, 509, 616, 642.
letters of, to Salisbury, 509, 518,
544, 553, 566.
Norfolk, 37, 51, 125, 386, 387, 517, 529, 604.
, grants of lands in, 17, 31, 59, 72, 77,
87, 90, 133, 141, 224, 229, 351, 377,
, lands and places in, 24, 48, 70, 101,
111, 126, 169, 230, 254, 276, 287, 292,
310, 319, 369, 425, 468, 513, 544, 617.
, manufactures in, 448, 483.
offices in, 386, 503, 508, 644.
, receivers in, 152, 595.
recusants in, 59, 390, 416,511, 530,
, residents in, 96, 145, 208, 326, 505
581, 598.
sheriff, &c, of, 75, 105, 227.
Norfolk, Duke of, see Howard, Thomas.
Norham Castle and Manor, 41, 76, 91.
Normanby, 595, 600, 638.
Normandy, 101.
Norrington, 345.
Norris, Allen, 205.
, Edward, 205.
, Sir Edward, 3.
, Francis Lord, 235, 237, 239, 249,
255, 278, 317, 330, 441, 454, 457, 473,
, accounts of, 239, 249.
Norris, Francis Lord, illness of, 235, 237, 255,
278, 454.
, , letters of, to Carleton, 422, 435,
, , letters of, to Cecil, 209,465, 571.
, Bridget Lady, 317, 454, 475.
, Bridget, 454.
, John, 338.
, Sir John, 285, 585.
, Silvester, 265.
, William, 6.
, Sir William, 107.
, Mr., 260.
Norroy King-at arms, see Segar, William; St.
George, Richard.
North, Lady, 70.
, (priest), 225.
, Mr., 631.
North (of England), the 239, 259, 261, 262,
268, 322, 332, 370, 390, 455, 473, 481,
531, 540.
officers in, 237, 405, 532, 537.
, Council of, 24, 39, 63, 118, 241, 321,
358, 418, 463, 466, 511, 519, 531, 649.
, , precedency in, 551, 556, 559,
561, 567, 571.
, , President of, see Sheffield, Ed-
mund Lord.
North Allerton, 82, 365.
Auckland, 173.
Barsted, 499.
Cleohury, 269.
Hill, 179.
Muskham, 536.
Shoebury, 35.
Stoke, 46, 115, 418.
Northall, 47.
Northampton, 274, 628.
archdeacon of, 183.
proctor of, 500.
Northampton house, 487, 634.
Northampton, Earl of, .see Howard, Henry.
, Marchioness of, see Gorges, Lady
Northamptonshire, 43, 81, 253, 312, 437, 446,
504, 508.
forests in, 19, 423.
, grants of lands in, 75, 84, 149, 169,
224, 320, 330, 337, 496, 595.
, lands and places in, 23, 24, 83, 128,
129, 136, 157, 161, 214, 226, 227, 262,
272, 403, 405, 439, 440, 472, 477, 493,
515, 526, 586,601, 616, 648.
, lieutenants of, 29.
, offices in, 338, 362, 379, 423.
recusants in, 390, 430, 479, 497, 511,
537, 572, 576, 587.
residents in, 194, 200, 206, 252, 310,
312, 328, 383, 473, 483, 541, 583.
, sheriffs and justices, &c, of, 9, 193,
244, 252, 322.
Northumberland, 62, 123, 313, 388, 401, 519,
, grants of lands in, 41, 91, 146, 148,
177, 190, 191,209, 352, 421, 556, 643.
, lands and places in, 174, 438, 512, 525,
557, 642, 651.
, officers, &c , of, 74, 315,358, 376, 519.
, receivers of, 82, 120, 319, 642.
, recusants in, 511, 537, 623.
, residents in, 161, 217, 253, 299.
Northumberland, Earl of, see Percy, Henry.
Northwich, 274.
Norton, 11, 242, 435, 530, 573.
Norton, Bonham, 570.
, Sir Daniel, 538.
, Dudley, 534, 541, 550, 552.
, Elizabeth, 613.
, Eustace, 176.
, John, King's Printer, 9, 74, 398, 418,
474, 559, 591.
Richard, 339.
, Robert, 558.
, Samuel, 126.
, Thomas, 119, 375, 418, 524.
, Walter, 59, 71.
Norwich, 95,225, 394,448, 463, 465, 611, 644.
, alms-rooms at, 118, 371.
castle, 337.
, hospital of, see St. Stephen's.
, mayor and corporation of, 348, 464,
, Bishop of, see Jegon, John.
, deanery of, 102, 199, 465.
, diocese of, 378, 527, 615.
, prebends of, 113, 141, 166, 205.
Nostell, 123.
Note, John, 442.
Nottingham, 220, 444.
, mayor, &c, of, 21, 65, 413.
castle, 55, 381.
Nottingham, Earl of, see Howard, Charles.
Nottinghamshire, 435.
, grants of lands in, 11, 13, 79, 88, 121,
124, 125, 128, 209, 395, 512, 617.
, lands and places in, 14, 76, 154, 219,
236, 382, 407, 536, 546.
, offices in, 358.
, receivers in, 179, 444, 469.
, recusants in, 593.
, residents in, 473, 621, 633.
Noy, William, 346, 633.
Nuffield, 552.
Nuneaton, 131, 155.
Nunn, John, 579.
Nunnington, 35.
Nurenberg, 38.
Nuttall, Thomas, 231.
Oakham, .323, 538.
Oakley, 606.
Oaths, see Allegiance and Supremacy.
Oatlands, 326, 422, 437.
house and park, 52, 99, 132, 133, 493,
514, 547, 631.
Oats, .see Corn.
Oats, Thomas, 392.
Oborne, Edward, 511, 516.
O'Bryan Donatus, Earl of Thomond, 568.
Ockley, Edward, 263.
Thomas, 263.
Ocknolds, 14 3.
O'Dogherty, , 429.
O'Donnell, see Garvey, Neal.
O'Donnell, Kory, Earl of Tyrconnel, 373.
Odell, Jerome, 114.
Odington, 443.
Odstoke, 576.
Offerrell, Faghuy, 245.
, John, 245.
Offley, Mr. (merchant), 468.
Ogle, Cuthbert, 19.
, John, 199.
, Sir John, 514.
, Sir Richard, 165.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 94, 521, 538.
Oglethorpe, Thomas, 78, 93.
, Owen, 563.
Ognell, George, 96.
O'Hagarty, James, 403.
O'Haggan, Henry, 301.
Oil, customs on, 51, 136, 165.
Okeford- Shilling, 115.
Oking, 348.
Old Sarum castle, 333, 636.
Old Stratford, 590.
Oldcorne, Edward, alias Hall, Tarker, "Vincent,
280, 282, 283, 284, 286, 290, 292, 293,
296, 297, 299, 305, 308, 309, 312, 313.
, , examinations of, 288, 291, 296,
297, 300.
, letters of, 304.
Oldenburg, Antonius Guntherus, Count of, 543.
Oldis, William, 536.
Oldsworth, Arnold, 116, 381.
, Edward, 116.
Oliphant, John, 623.
, Robert, 381.
Oliver, Peter, 310.
Richard, 198.
, Robert, 337.
Olney, 7.
park, 83.
Ombersley, 489.
Ommeren and Ashenbroke, Henry de, 213.
O'Neil, Hugh, Earl of Tyrone, 3, 14, 329, 373,
415, 443, 652.
O'Neil, Catherine, Countess of Tyrone, 443.
Ongar, 619.
Onley, Sir Edward, 435.
Ord, AVilliam, 2G2.
Ordc, Henry, 30.
, Richard, 519.
Ordnance, munition, &c, 164, 380, 431, 456,
473, 524, 562, 576, 641.
Ordnance, Lieut. -General of, see Carew, Sir
George ; Dallison, Sir Roger.
, Masters of, see Blount, Earl of Devon-
shire ; Carew, George Lord.
officers of, 38, 81, 174, 286, 318, 397,
434, 467, 548.
stores, &c, 92, 317, 419, 449, 458, 460,
Ore, see Lead, Silver.
Orkney, Earl, see Stewart, Patrick.
Orleton, 575.
Orlingbury, 157.
Orme, Captain Roger, 470.
Ormskirk, 613.
Ormond, Earl of, see Butler, Thomas.
, Marquis of, see Charles, Prince.
O'Roughan, Denis (priest), 52.
Orrell, George, 355.
, George, jun., 355.
Orsett, 595.
Orton, 601.
Orton Madock, 121, 180.
Osborne, Christopher, 226.
, Edward, 128.
John, Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer
of the Exchequer, 226, 499, 508.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 483, 640.
, letters to, see Cecil, Earl Salisbury.
, Sir John, 451.
, Peter, sen., 226.
, Peter, jun., 226:
, Sir Robert, 435, 493.
, AVilliam, 98, 128, 498.
, Mr., 632.
Ossulston, 402, 42 S.
Ostend, 57, 14G, 151.
Osterley, or Austerley, 52, 232.
Oston, 547.
Oswald, Matthew, 217.
Osward by Soke, 473.
Otford, 222.
Othen, Edward, 219.
Otter-hounds, see James I., hounds of.
Otteringham, 163.
Ottery, St. Mary, 479, 547.
Ottoman, Mons.,226.
Ouse river, 536, 612,
Ouseley, Nicholas, 162.
, William, 369, 370, 371.
Outlaw, Richard, 310.
Outlaws and Outlawry, 2, 5, 24, 1S9, 227, 279,
345, 358, 374, 488, 539, 547, 567, 570,
581, 590, 591, 637.
Over Padley, 86.
Overbury, Giles, 572.
, Nicholas, 234.^'
, Thomas, 372 ; Sir Thomas, 567.
, Waiter, 572.
Overgorthenr, 514.
Overton, John, 222.
, William, Bishop of Coventry and
Lichfield, 505.
Owdby, 462.
Owen, Alice, 4.38.
, Hugh, 103, 247, 203, 273, 274, 280,
306, 309, 314, 315.
, John, 84.
, John (yeoman pricker), 395.
, Lewis, 365.
, Nicholas, alias Littlejohn, 256, 283,
286, 293, 295, 297.
, Sir Hoger, 370, 517.
, William, 640.
, Mr. (minister), 420.
Oxenbridge, Goddard, 424.
Sir Robert, 253, 403.
, William, 253.
Mrs., 452.
Oxford, 35, 92, 95, 141. 163, 212, 279, 281, '
392, 588.
letters from, 30, 92, 95, 191, 175, 323,
, Earl of, s.-e Vere de.
, Bishop of, see Bridges.
diocese of, 67, 93, 105, 433.
, prebends of, 1 42.
Oxford University, 20, 31, 119, 191, 210, 232, (
447, 475, 523, 548, 569, 571.
, , letters to, 34, 92, 362, 410. 445 ;
see also James I., letters of.
, Chancellors of, (Sackville, Tho-
mas, Karl of Dorset), 19, 34; (Bancroft,
Archbishop of Canterbury), 362, 445,
569, 605.
, , Vice-Chancellors of, 92, 279,
363, 445, 475, 489, 527.
, , Hebrew professorship at, 91, 340,
, library at, 124, 214.
, , proctor of, 92.
, Colleges of ; viz. —
All Saints, 82.
All Souls, 92.
, warden, &c, of, letters of, 298,
, warden, &c, of, letters to, 96,
101, 120, 123, 141, 159, 333, 371,
375, 483.
Brasen nose, 123, 346, 371.
Christ Church, 2, 58, 83, 148, 164,
167, 196, 419, 422, 424, 527, 575,
596, 636.
Corpus Christi, 36, 330, 522.
Exeter, 119, 125.
Hart hall, 141.
Oxford Uni versity, Colleges of — continue I.
Magdalen, 39, 68, 118, 13 !, 219, 3*0,
403, 407, 489, 530.
Merton, 371, 382.
New, 1.30, 212, 213, 264, 536.
Queen's, 548.
St. Edmund Hall, 605.
St. John's, 155.
St. Mary's of Winton, see New Col
Wadham, 563, 650, C 53.
Oxfordshire, 504, 523.
, grants of lands in, 34, 75, 126, 130,
160, 190, .305, 418, 044.
, lands and places in, 8, 125, 191, 215>
354, 382, 418, 447, 497, 520, 539, 584,
offices in, 356, 362.
, receivers in, 121, 224.
recusants in, 442, 537, 557, 591, 034.
Oyer and terminer, 358.
Pacenius, Bartolus, 628.
Packer, Hugh, 408.
, John, 131, 199.
Paekington, Sir John, 317, 398.
, , daughter of, 317.
Packnam, Mark, 17, 73, 244.
Paddon, Robert, 120.
Paddy, Sir William, 547.
Padstow, 287.
Padua, 18, 390, 645, 652, 653, 654.
Page, Charles, 326.
Edward, 134.
, Richard, 479.
, Thomas, 92.
Paget, Charles, 21, 32.
Thomas, Lord, 32, 391, 465.
, William, 32.
, Mr., 274, 285, .314.
Pagrave (recusant), 530.
Painsley, 350, 576.
Paington, 121.
Painters, 397.
Painton, Shropshire, 231
Palatinate, 638.
Palatine, Count, see Frederic V.
Palavicino, Fabricio, 326.
Sir Horatio, 326.
Palfreyman, James, 350.
, Richard, 350.
Palmer, Andrew, 625.
, Christopher, 119.
, Sir Henry, 279, 286.
John (bailiff), 95, 180, 190, 394, 413.
3 A
Palmer, John, 151, 154.
, Robert, 370.
, Roger, 541.
, Sir Thomas, 78.
, Valentine, 284.
(embroiderer), 490.
Pamphlets, see Books.
Pamphlin, Robert, 35, 174, 179.
Papists, see Catholics.
Papworth, Roger, 488.
Parcell, Catherine, 216.
Pardons, general, 185, 392.
Parham, Sir Edward, 36, 53.
Paris, 60, 72, 200, 249, 261, 284, 333, 407, 558,
587, 616, 628, 630, 656.
, Jesuit college in, 321.
, letters from, 25, 164, 187, 209, 234,
235, 255, 284, 289, 550, 558, 634, 649.
parliament of, 651.
Paris, Henry, 248.
Park Head, 219.
Parker, see Oldcorne.
, Christopher, 259.
Edward, Lord Morley, 165, 538.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 454, 465.
, Henry, 386, 397.
, John (serjeant of bears), 502.
, John (footman), 130.
, John (pauper), 197.
, John, 657.
John (recusant), 232, 262.
, John (castle- keeper), 18, 501.
, Sir John, 8, 10, 353, 501.
Sir Nicholas, 26, 78.
, Richard, 249.
, Robert, 22.
Thomas (Privy Seal clerk), 231.
, Thomas (felon), 426.
, William, 459.
, William, 3rd Lord Monteade, 1C7.
, William, 4th Lord Monteagle, 167, 199, '
254, 258, 262, 263, 271, 283, 284, 291,
292, 297, 304, 314, 410, 533.
, , grants to, 57, 170.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 465, 525.
letters to, 237, 238, 244, 306, |
servant to, 248, 256.
Parkins, Sir Christopher, 569.
Parks, Mr., 46.
Parliament, 7, 27, 99, 102, 103, 106, 111, 122, i
130, 159, 170, 173, 232, 251, 258, 266, !
271, 281, 291, 294, 299, 300, .318, 324,
332, 362, 370, 423, 473, 544, 577, 593, |
607, 612, 621, 631, 650.
, absence from, 79, 81, 84, 95, 237, 244,
251, 258, 261, 268, 273, 283, 285, 287,
295, 299, 585, 636, 638.
, acts of, 96, 288, 386, 387, 555, 589, I
604, 612, 621, 635, 651,
Parliament, adjournment and prorogation of,
179, 230, 254, 395, 455, 457, 484, 545,
555, 588, 643, 646, 647, 649.
, bills, &c, before, 109, 139, 286, 288,
304, 305, 307, 315, 316, 318, 336, 358,
619, 622.
, clerks and ushers of, 84, 112, 176, 293,
311, 652.
, dissolution of, 654, 655.
house, 84, 113, 132,240, 241, 243, 262,
members of, 102, 281, 285, 368, 456,
558, 650.
.orders and proceedings in, 109, 117,
254, 284, 298, 301, 311, 312, 335, 338,
341, 350, 351, 360, 361,363, 392, 439,
443, 503, 588, 596, 621, 625, 626, 639,
644, 645.
, petitions to, 94, 117, 613, 620.
, proxies in, 336, 353, 355, 574, 586,
587, 637.
, records of, 602.
, seats in, 187, 321, 335, 350.
.speeches in, 621, 624, 649.
summons to, 71, 73, 88, 238, 335, 456,
588, 597.
, Scottish, see Scotland.
Parma, Prince of, 62.
Parnel, Mr., 361.
Parre, John, King's embroiderer, 9, 42, 69, 97,
Parris, Thomasine, 189.
Parry, Dr. Henry, Dean of Chester, 217 ;
Bishop of Gloucester, 443; Bishop of
Worcester, 642.
, Henry, 533.
John, 35, 539.
, John (master of otter-hounds), 166,
187, 584.
Miles, 447.
, Richard, Dean of Bangor and Bishop
of St. Asaph, 155, 165, 175, 507, 551,
588, 640, 656.
, Sir Thomas, Ambassador in France,
17, 40, 72, 94, 249, 353, 391, 399, 410,
415, 426.
, William, 582.
Parsonages, see Crown lands, Chantry.
Larsons, see Ministers.
Parsons, John, 56, 72.
, Robert, Jesuit, 8, 103, 291, 299, 317,
333, 411, 443, 450, 452, 457.
Thomas, 383.
Partington, William, 142.
Partrich, James, 389.
Partridge, Edward, 501.
John, 527.
, Stephen, 414.
Paschall, John, 592.
Pashley, Francis, 384.
Pass, Matthew, 197.
Passage of Seas, 20, 183, 329, 330, 345, 425,
432, 462, 473, 474, 487.
Taston, Christopher, 528.
Edward, 528.
, Sir William, 52S.
Paswick, 245.
Pate, Thomas, 91.
Paterson (priest), 454.
Patrick, William, 241.
, Father, 652.
Patrington, 643, 648.
Patten, John, 382.
, Mercury, 46.
, Thomas, 109, 399.
Pattingham, 407.
Pattison, John, 278.
Paul V., Pope, 223, 228, 229, 230, 248, 259,
265, 266, 268, 272, 273, 279, 280, 299,
300, 307, 309, 314, 317, 363, 403, 443,
464, 492, 565, 579, 641.
, bulls and briefs of, 300, 303, 305, 330,
, dominions of, 634, 639.
, letters of, 397.
, letters to, 466, 497.
, nuncio of, 224, 301, 305, 634.
Paul, George, 8.
, Henry, 23.
Paulet, Sir Hampden, 496.
, AVilliam, 3rd Marquis of Winchester,
, William, 4th Marquis of Winchester,
, Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester, 558.
, AVilliam, Lord St. John, 147, 463, 579.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 446, 558.
Paunton, John, 231.
Paver, llichard, 157.
Pavilions, see Tents and Toils.
Pawlet, Mr., 310.
Pawlett, John, 108.
Paxford, 234.
Payne, Henry, 78.
, John, 65, 78.
, Margaret 267.
, Robert, 72.
, Thomas, 442.
, William, 326.
Peace, see Justices of Peace, commission for.
Peach, Henry, 178.
Peachamp, Edmund, 26.
Peacock, Sir Edward, 1 88.
, Uichard, 76, 155.
Peak, Edward, 124.
Peak, the, 467.
, forest of, 621.
Peake, Robert, 608.
Peape, Ralph, 198.
Pearce, Thomas, 293.
Peare, John, 183.
Pearls, see Jewels.
Pearpoint, Robert, 593.
Pearson, Thomas, 332, 421.
Pear-tree, Jock of the, sec Graham, John.
Peasley, William, 633.
Pedlars, 509.
Peeter, Maurice, 277, 639, 656.
Peirce, Stephen, 374.
Pelborough, Michael, 266.
Pelham, Thomas, 78, 160, 299, 609.
Pellet, Sir Benjamin, 185.
Pells office, 222, 334.
Pemberton, Mr., 551.
Pembridge, 443, 447.
Pembroke, 601.
, Earl of, see Herbert.
Pembrokeshire, 122, 215, 276, 556.
, grants of lands in, 35, 200.
, justices in, 74, 641.
, lands and places in, 510, 556, 585.
, offices in, 327, 361, 487, 636.
, receivers for, 83.
Penal Statutes, 165, 171, 188, 311,318, 367,
533, 539.
Penckevell, John, 27.
Richard, 344.
, Thomas, 27.
Pendennis fort, 527, 623.
Pendle-trenthide, 483.
Pendleton, Francis, 217.
Pengogo, 87.
Penicock, Walter, 26.
Penley Park, 182.
Penmaen Llysfaen, 640, 643.
Penn, Alice, 593.
, William, 211.
Pennant Piers, 613.
Pennell, Roger, 180, 191.
Pennington Bridget, 401.
, Joseph, 193.
Pennyman, AVilliam, 204, 620.
Penrith, 292, 415, 472.
Penruddock, Sir Thomas, 126.
Penry, David, 154, 610, 618.
Penryn, 13, 588.
Penryn, William, 498.
Penshurst, 8.
Pensions, lists of, 482.
Pentley, 602.
Penven, Elizabeth, 83.
Gilbert, 83, 287.
Penvose, John, 287.
, Michael, 287.
, Richow, 287.
Penzance, 340.
Pepper, 54, 69, 147, 565
Pepper, Sir Cuthbert, 363, 380, 451.
, John, 58.
, Robert, 451.
., 181.
Pepper-hill, 279.
Percivall, Mr., 244.
Richard, 383, 545.
3 A 2
Percy, Lord Algernon, 0.15.
Sir Allan, 36, 322, 420, 501, 558.
, letters of, to Carleton, 50, . r )3, 1 99,
200, 303, 320, 330, 332, 338, 344.
, Sir Charles, 200.
, Dorothy, Countess of Northumberland,
114, 201, 320, 330, 635, 655.
Henry, Earl of Northumberland, 2, 3,
32, 50, 53, 76, 213, 239, 322, 329, 330,
332, 344, 371,408, 501, 558, 574, 052,
C53, 054.
, connection of, with Gunpowder
plot, 241, 244, 250, 257,258, 201-200,
208, 273, 274, 278, 295, 299, 308, 319,
322, 320.
, , grants to, 129, 138, 140.
, , household of, 88, 222.
, .letters of, 160, 183, 271, 322,329.
letters of, to Privv Council, 250,
257, 324.
letters of, to Salisbury, 12, 23,
231, 250,200, 202, 205, 458, 053.
, , letters of, to James I., 23, 54,
, letters to, 100, 244, 247, 248,
253, 254, 250, 329, 052 ; see also James
I., letters of.
servants to, 243, 244, 250, 256,
257, 277, 326.
. ., Josceline, 247, 248.
, Sir Richard, 100, 180.
Thomas, 54, 113, 132, 237-241, 243,
244, 240, 247, 250, 253-258, 260-262,
264-266, 268, 270-272, 279, 283, 295,
299, 300, 313, 322, 346, 574.
servants of, 245, 248, 200, 205,
272, 284, 280, 569.
, Mrs., 239, 251.
, Thomas, late Earl of Northumberland,
, see Fisher.
Periam, Sir William, Chief Baron of the Ex-
chequer, 28, 36, 102.
Periors, 400.
Perkins, Francis, 10.
, Mr., 292.
, Mrs., see Vaux, Anne.
Perkinson, , 250.
Peronne, or Perron, James Davy du, Cardinal,
Perrot family, 201.
Perrot, Sir James, 385.
, Sir John, 114, 172, 200, 201, 339.
Perrott, Sir Owen, 618.
, Penelope, 38.
, Thomas, 018.
Persia, 37.
Persons, Walter, 30.
Perth, 132.
Perth, Earl of, see Drummond.
Pescodstreet, 120.
Pesson, Edward, 572.
Peterborough, 88, 447.
Peterborough, alms-rooms in, 99, 219, 408, 527,
Bishop of, see Dove, Thomas
, ecclesiastical court of, 204.
, dean and chapter of, 116, 538.
diocese of, 183, 407, 485, 507, 640.
Peters, Peter, 047.
Thomas, 104.
William, 53.
Petersfield, 013.
Peto, Mr., 478.
Petre, John Lord, 23.
Pett, John, 283.
, Jos?ph, 98.
, Phineas, 98, 221, 409, 510.
Pettar, Edward, 189.
| Pettit, Mary, 389.
Petty, William, 242.
j Petworth, 223.
Pevensey, 487, 545.
\ Pew, William, 519.
Pewsham forest, 154, 402, 530.
Pewter, customs on, 437, 441, 469.
Pewterers, 008; see also London, companies of.
Pewteres, John, 480.
Peyton, Sir John, sen., Lieutenant of Tower,
4, 15, 25, 20, 40, 45, 68, 171.
, letters of, to Cecil, 25, 45.
, jun., 3, 33.
Phelippes, Stephen, 187, 189, 294, 29G.
Thomas, 13, 62, 72, 181, 185, 18C,
189, 190, 313, 504.
, letters, &c, of, 273, 274, 294 ;
see also Vincent's letters to Benson.
letters of, to Cecil, 25, 45, 190,
191,285, 289, 295.314,416, 490.
, , letters to, 273.
, Mrs., 490.
Phelips, Edward, Serjeant-at-law, 9 ; Sir Ed-
ward, Speaker of the House of Com-
mons, 88, 104, 109, 133, 316, 352, 396,
468, 643.
, Sir Edward, grants to, 472.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 289, 292, 301 ,
302,310, 543.
, letters to, 233, 456.
or Phillips, Francis, 120, 424, 427, 546,
585, 608.
Philip HI., King of Spain, 40, 170, 173, 228,
231, 246, 264, 295,300,306,315,325,
443, 467, 473, 506, 652.
Philip (servant), 326.
Philips, John, Bishop of Sodor and Man, 188,
235, 616.
William, 66.
Phillips, Francis, see Phelips.
Phillipps, Edward, 151.
.William, 165.
Mrs., 389.
Philpott, John, 286.
Philpotts, Watkin, 225.
Ph) ton, Edward, 586.
Piacenza, 390.
Pickering forest, .'355.
Pickering, Christopher, 280, 440, 576.
, Gilbert, 473, 495.
, Lewis, 206.
, Michael, 340.
, William, 92.
(late), 377.
Pickhaver, Thomas, 52.
Pierce, see Fisher.
Piero, Richard, 317.
1'ierpoint, Sir Henry, 226, 630.
Piers, "William, 422.
Pierson, John, 102, 402.
, Richard, 229.
, William, 173, 176, 207.
Pigeon, Bristow, 66, 100.
, Edmund, 150, 461, 584.
, Hugh, 150.
, John, 100.
, Nicholas, 75, 150.
Pigott, Gervase, 128.
Pilchers Courtheth, 217.
Pilkington, Dr. Richard, 571.
Pillingbeare, 188, 199.
Pinchbeck, 78, 356, 409, 441, 521, 538.
Pinchbeck, John, 473.
Pinches, William, 293, 405, 476.
Pinckney, Thomas, 414, 442, 581, 613, 615.
Pinkerton, Robert, 396.
Pins, 346, 353.
Pinuto, Paolo, 429.
Pipe office, 481.
, clerks of, 369, 606, 648.
Piper, William, 255.
Pipewell, 259.
Piracies, 41, 59, 98, 167, 178, 194, 200, 218,
412, 432, 444, 461, 485, 568, 647.
Pirates, 166, G01, 321,453, 455, 457, 469, 470,
487, 505, 525, 530, 534, 541, 548, 567,
568, 572, 573, 579, 586, 593, 598, 601.
ritcairn, Patrick, 47.
Pitt, Sir Edward, 208.
, John, 89.
, Jonas, 644.
, William, 532.
Place, Julicn, 540.
riague, The, 20, 21, 29, 32, 34,35, 39, 46, 134,
141, 213, 235, 332, 333, 448, 456, 457,
458, 463, 470, 517, 519, 538, 596, 602;
see London.
Plate, gold and silver, 448, 572; see James L,
plate and jewels of.
, customs on, 437, 44'.).
Playdell, John, 418, 466.
, Katherine, 418.
Playfair, Dr., 489.
Plays, sec Drama.
Plessington, Robert, 383.
Plomer, William, 55, 73.
Plommer, Ananias, 345.
Plots, see Gunpowder Plot ; Conspiracies.
Plowden, 110.
Plowden, Francis, 26, 27, 28, 110, 623.
Francis, jun., 623, 625.
Plower, William, 73.
Plumer, John, 8.
Plumpton, 319.
park, 219, 223.
Plumpton, Ann, 382, 402.
Plumstead, Thomas, 617.
, Mr., 407.
Plunket, Sir Christopher, 629.
Pluralities, 7, 603.
Plymouth, 17, 437, 456.
, letters from, 426, 457, 459.
, mayor of, 17, 44, 210.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 44, 210, 588.
... fort, 26, 39, 533.
Pocktliorpe, 611.
Pocock, Mr., 118.
Poe, Dr. Leonard, 232, 501 ; see Por.
Poland, 100, 101, 429.
, Ambassador of, 72.
, King of, see Sigismund III.
Poles, 31.
Polcy, Edmund, 52.
Pollard, Anne, 397.
, George, 154.
Polley, Richard, 416.
Polly, Thomas, 326.
romfret, sec Pontefract.
Pontefract, 147, 471.
, alms-room at, 497.
I castle, 523.
! park, 69.
Ponyand, Robert, 363.
I Poole, Montgomeryshire, town and port of,
353, 430, 450, 457.
j Poole, Sir Edward, 284.
, Sir Henry, 422, 424.
i Pooley, Sir John, 70.
Poore, Richard, 529.
Pope, Sir William, 568.
, Dr., 237.
Pope, the, 341 ; see Clement VIII., Leo XL,
Paul V.
Popery, 6, 16, 60, 127, 139, 177, 197,253, 263,
283, 288, 319, 331, 536, 616, 619, 620.
, converts to, 95, 263, 564, 619.
Popham, Amy, 179.
i , Sir Francis, 179, 407.
' , Sir John, Lord Chief Justice of King's
Bench, 6, 16, 28, 36, 97, 153, 179, 183,
224, 227, 230, 254, 255, 257, 259, 261,
267, 283, 296, 300, 326, 341.
, commissions to, 330. 353.
, , grants to, 326.
, letters of, 203, 212, 310.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 239, 240,
241, 289, 303, 304. 339.
Fopham, Sir, John, letters to, 28, 30, 36, 117,
161, 233, 267, 268, 297, 359 ; see also
James I., letters of.
Poplar, 264.
Poppcshall, 91.
Por, Dr. Leonard, 485 ; see Poe.
Porchester castle, 544, 551.
Pordagc, Francis, 345.
, William, 592.
Port bonds, 46.
Portcullis Pursuivant, sec Thompson, Samuel.
Porter, Henry, 16.
James, 607.
, John (bailiff), 231, 500.
John (pauper), 498.
, Joseph, 605.
, Nicholas, 147, 224, 234, 268, 288, 301,
Thomas, 276.
Porter's park, 5 1 5.
Portington, William, 142,286.
, William, jun., 178.
Portland, Isle of, 58, 107,432.
castle, 58, 432.
Portman, Sir John, 416, 562.
Portpigham, 281.
Ports, see England, ports of.
Portsacks, see Arms.
Portsmouth, 64, 91, 169, 307, 317, 321, 412,
. 444, 453, 498, 536, 577.
, letters from, 421, 422, 428, 431, 508.
, armoury at, 445.
castle and garrison, 64, 91, 107, 321,
444, 542, 551, 552.
, , lieutenant of, 453.
Isle of, 64, 321, 351.
, works at, 28, 409, 410, 496, 606, 609,
Portugal, 100, 101, 198, 253, 455, 596.
, King of, see Antonio.
, commerce with, 112, 193-, 221, 264,
306, 349.
Portuguese, 37, 44, 54, 216.
ships, 12.
Pory, John, 368, 579.
Post fines, 158, 174, 175, 342, 366, 438, 483.
Postmasters, 237, 260, 311, 366. 482, 567, 568,
Postnati, see Scots, naturalization of.
Posts and Packets, 2, 3, 9, 13, 28, 62, 90,
106, 118, 162, 182, 203, 397, 426, 430,
444, 491, 512, 514, 545, 568, 571, 576,
583, 588. 611, 646.
Posts, Master of, see Stanhope, Sir John.
Potman, Sir Richard, 137.
Fott, or Potts, Thomas, 8, 42, 147, 205, 398,
409, 433, 544, 550, 599, 637.
Potter, John, 286.
, (coiner), 203.
Potter's park, 526.
Fotters-pury Park, 103.
Totts, Mr., 307.
Poultucy, Prancis, 587.
Poulton, Ferdinando, 288, 356.
Poultrain, Maximilian, alias Colt, 449, 496,
Poultry and Poulterers, 392, 542; sec also
London, Companies of.
Pound, or Poundes, Thomas, 63, 318.
Pourde, Mr. (auditor), 653.
Povey, Justinian, 316, 574.
Powder, see Gunpowder.
Powder treason, see Gunpowder Plot.
Powel. Gabriel, 542.
Powell, Hugh, 263, 372.
, John, King's fletchcr, 42, 69, 123, 220,
328, 342, 406.
.Richard, 144.
Roger, 83,361.
, William, 1 14.
Power, Matthew, 263.
Powis, Thomas, 65.
Powlton, George, 390.
Pownde, Thomas, 490.
Poynter, William, 162, 412, 537.
royntz, Edward, 530.
Sir Gabriel, 420.
, Sir John, 420.
Pratt, 526.
Pratt, Henry, 85.
, Mr., 609.
Preachers, 36, 49, 105, 127, 213, 253, 382, 452,
463, 592, 643 ; see also Ministers.
Precious stones, see Jewels.
Preesall, 486.
Prerogative, Royal, 19, 287 ; see James I., pre-
rogative of.
Prescott, Alexander, 364.
, John, 80.
, Richard, 377.
Prestbury, 83.
rreston, 381.
Preston, Sir Amias, 9, 111, 286.
, Bellingham, 334.
, Sir Richard, 46, 71, 326.
Prestwood, forest of, 133.
Priaux, Mr., 382.
Price, Hugh, 427.
Jerome, sec Hale, Thomas.
, John, 162, 345.
, Lawrence, 537.
, Sir Richard, 164.
, Robert, 171.
, Stephen, 19.
Thomas, 13.
William, 120.
, Captain, 453.
, , 310.
Prichard, Richard, 125.
Prick and Cheque, clerks of, 47, 48, 69, 94,
95, 121, 169, 329, 340, 546, 601.
Prick ett, Robert. 4.
Prideaux, Nicholas, 287 ; Sir Nicholas, 609.
, Richard, 609.
Priests, Romish, 147, 236, 243, 250, 254, 259,
261, 262, 263, 265, 279, 284, 289, 298,
300, 308, 309, 313, 317, 363, 382, 411,
421, 570.
, favour towards, 29, 431.
, letters of, 2, 139.
meetings of, 8, 53, 249, 260, 272,
, proceedings against, 17, 22, so, 103,
225, 251, 280, 286, 290, 310, 312, 389,
415, 479, 551, 556, 559, 613, 616.
Primrose, Archibald, 113.
, Gilbert, 219, 535.
Prince, The, see Henry, Prince.
Prince, George, 243.
, Richard, 35, 98.
, Robert, 587.
Prince's Risborough, 151.
Princes, foreign, 171, 378, 349, 420, 474, 514,
Princess, The, see Elizabeth, Princess.
Prinne, Captain Edward, 656.
Printers and Printing, 135, 232, 261, 309, 310,
560,577, 600, 609, 616, 637,638; see
also Barker, Robert, King's Printer.
Printing, licenses for, 20, 48, 74, 226, 344, 425,
452, 639.
Prior, Francis, 252.
Priors Heies, 497.
Priory, The, 547.
Prisoners, 27, 37, 46, 54, 57, 94, 97, 113,154,
192, 242, 255, 257, 258, 271, 274, 284,
286, 355, 368, 448, 458, 503, 601, 611,
623, 629.
Privy Council, 1, 11,36, 40, 55, 57, 59, 67,
74, 75, 88, 100, 102, 103, 123, 133,
154, 170, 177, 182, 187, 192, 194,203,
213, 229, 236, 243, 258, 261, 265, 274,
283, 286, 298, 300, 301, 322, 326, 335,
340, 354, 363, 378, 381, 387, 392, 400,
405, 409, 448, 451, 456/459, 462, 466,
469, 538, 547, 568, 583, 612, 621, 623,
629, 646, 647, 649, 650.
book, 602.
chamber, 15, 175, 192, 215, 381.
clerks of, 25, 60, 176, 271, 389, 403,
432, 434, 443, 446, 535, 602, 615, 634.
, letters of, 4, 17, 36, 50, 51, 145, 175,
190, 196, 206, 222, 226, 233, 234, 313,
345, 346, 348, 368, 417, 443, 448, 460,
462, 463, 492, 495, 543, 611, 626.
, letters of, to Cecil, 3, 227.
, letters of, to Justices of Peace, 4, 188,
219, 225, 359, 378, 542.
letters of, to Lake, 15, 368.
, letters to, 12, 13, 16, 17, 22, 26, 27,
28, 30, 36, 37, 43, 47, 50, 53, 114,
118, 127, 142, 146, 165, 171, 193, 20.3,
223, 238, 245, 247, 249, 250, 252, 253,
257, 258, 268, 287, 304, 306, 309, 325,
348, 360, 419, 436, 441, 442, 455, 457,
468, 470, 518, 519, 534, 541, 548, 559,
600, 626.
Privy Council — continual.
, letters to, see James I. ; Border Com-
missioners ; Cecil, Earl of Salisbury ;
and Percy, Earl of Northumberland,
letters of.
members of, 26, 27, 30, 68, 136, 278,
338, 393, 585, 600.
, orders and proceedings in, 4, 7, 13,
138, 154, 359, 397, 470, 473, 480, 487,
489, 591, 610, 633.
petitions to, 60, 96, 168, 181, 183, 205,
228, 264, 269, 276, 340, 343, 349, 361,
512, 606.
, warrants from and to, 11, 64, 66, 254,
476, 654.
Privy Purse, 399, 476.
, keeper of, see Hume, Sir George.
deputy-keeper, see Jossie.
Privy Seal, 6, 15, 50, 71, 84, 89, 99, 131, 133,
134, 162, 165, 196.
, keeper of, see Cecil, Earl of Salisbury;
Howard, Henry, Earl of Northampton.
, clerks of, 13, 14, 25, 131, 231, 273,
316, 436, 600.
, office of, 4, 19, 344.
Proby, Peter, 73, 88, 144, 191.
Proclamations, —
(1603) : 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 29,
39, 41, 46, 47, 52, 53, 56.
(1604) : 66, 85, 86, 90, 102, 130, 133,
149, 158, 159, 166, 168, 179.
(1605) : 196, 200, 228, 230, 231, 232,
234, 246, 253, 254, 256, 258, 259.
(1606) : 289,302, 305,311,312,320,
321, 329, 331, 333.
(1607) : 359, 362, 363, 365, 368, 375,
(1608) : 395, 425,437, 449, 452,455,
459, 460, 466, 470, 474.
(1609) : 484, 485, 491, 492, 495, 505,
509, 512, 520, 535, 536, 542, 544,
545, 560, 565.
(1610) : 581, 587,616, 622, 625, 629,
634, 640, 655.
Procter, Thomas, 383.
, (lunatic), 285, 286.
Proctor, George, 610.
, Sir Stephen, 120,494, 533, 539, 608.
, Lady, 494.
, (parson), 495.
Proger, Arthur, 488.
Prosen, Hildebrand, 640.
Protestants and Protestantism, 5, 59, 185, 197,
251, 272, 283, 285, 504, 536, 638.
Prowse, Richard, 516.
l'rudhoe Castle, 253, 254,
Prydeaux, Nicholas, sec Prideaux.
Prytherghe, AVilliam, 520.
Puckeridge, 89
Puckeridgc, Thomas, 340.
, Mrs., 340.
Puckering, Sir Gilbert, 253.
Tinkering, Mr., 454.
, widow, 454,
Puddle Wharf, 573, 629.
Pudsey, Thomas, 414, 442.
Puleston, Thomas, 655.
Pulford, Henry, 223.
, John, 399.
, Thomas, 394.
Pulham, 92.
Pullyn, Joshua, 233.
Pulton, 365.
Puritans and Puritanism, 5, 12, 40, 177, 181,
189, 194, 200, 272, 282, 368, 394, 522,
560, 656.
Purleigh, 150, 217, 607.
Purpett, John, 302.
Pursell, Thomas, 88, 414, 514.
Pursuivants, 81, 310, 324, 629 ; see also Port-
cullis, Kouge-croix, Rouge-rose.
Purveyors, 236, 237, 257, 273, 289, 292, 298,
301, 312, 316, 394, 593, 595, 609, 610,
624, 625, 633.
Putney Park, 406, 533.
Putto, Richard, 411.
Putton, Mr., 61.
Pye, Walter, 169.
Pymme, John, 223.
, William, 633.
Pyning, Dan., 541.
Quirlcs, Edward, 568.
, James, 220, 222.
Joan, 220, 222.
, John, 33.
Quarrier, James, 170, 213, 396.
Quarries, 571.
Queens, see Elizabeth ; Anne.
Queenborougli, 281.
Queen's Chancellor, sec Wilbraham, Sir Roger.
Auditor, sec Evens, Ralph.
Queens of England, 73.
Qucndon, 531.
Quester, Matthew de, 162, 397, 426, 491, 512,
521, 545, 571, 576, 583, 588, 611.
Quin, Henry, 429.
Quixote, Don, 317.
R G , priest, 22.
Rahy, Nicholas, 363.
Raby castle and parks, 70, 110, 401, 460, 461,
514, 540, 542, 549, 554.
Race, Thomas, 253.
Radcliffe, Francis, 607.
Radder, 483.
Radford, Lawrence, 230, 302.
Radlington, 73.
Radmersham, 345.
Radminton hall, 364.
Radnorshire, 81, 83,88, 174, 276, 327, 636.
,judges and justices in, 429, 430.
, recusants in, 389, 443.
Radwinter, 35, 112.
Raffo, see Raphoc.
Ragdale, 531.
Rainsford, Elizabeth, 1 63, 204.
, Miles, 57, 64, 163.
, Richard, 468, 549.
, Robert, 485.
, William, 16, 59.
Raisins, customs on, 51, 620.
Raleigh, Sir Carew, 48, 432.
Sir Walter, 2, 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25,
31, 46, 48, 50, 51, 68, 129, 146, 256,
261, 329, 486, 544, 576, 581, 604, 652.
, , attainder of, 26, 76, 138, 484,
485, 575, 599.
, , conspiracy of, 27, 34, 35, 55,
, , imprisonment of, 53, 307, 347.
, , letters of, 5, 57, 484.
, , letters of, to James I., 72, 138.
, letters to, 6, 38.
, , servant of, see Kemys, Lawrence.
, , trial, 54.
, Elizabeth Lady, 20, 50, 57, 138, 347,
.Walter, 138, 544, 581.
Rammekens, 53.
Ramsay, Alexander, 120.
, David, 121, 126.
George, 8, 120, 343.
, Sir George, 486, 557.
, Sir James, 75.
(or Ramsey), Sir John, 161, 164, 215,
237, 310 ; Viscount Haddington, 334,
348,376,380,403, 417,485, 493,49^,
544, 547, 562.
, grants to, 15,41,42,79, 113, 120,
197, 200, 219, 225, 317,364, 535.
, , letters of, 421.
, Patrick, 225, 469, 470, 535, 547.
Robert, 137.
, William, 165, 560.
Randall, Elizabeth, 198.
, James, 409.
(of Weymouth), 176, 457.
Randby, 142.
Randoll, John, 590.
, Captain Oliver, 205.
Randolph, Ambrose, 619.
, Edmund, 368.
, Captain Oliver, 31.
, Thomas. 25, 567.
Rundulph (or Randolph), James, 70, 159, 170,
175, 374, 428, 510.
Rands, George, .'360, 361.
Rant, Roger, 82.
Raphoe, Bishops of, see Knox, Andrew ;
Montgomery, George.
Rapier, Michael, 261.
Raskill, 149.
Rateliffe, Charles, 314, 390.
, Sir Edward, 478.
, Lady Elizabeth, 403.
, Lady Honora, 609.
, Mrs. Mary, 8. 10, 35, 66.
, Robert, Earl of Sussex, 24, 33, 3S, 136,
179, 188, 417, 478, 547.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 307, 465,
505, 589, 609.
, Thomas, Lord Fitzwaltcr.
, William, 141.
Rateliffe, 652.
Ratcliffe-upon-Soar, 128.
Ratfen, see Rothfen.
Rathborne, Aaron, 652.
Rattlesden, 175.
Raven, John, Richmond herald, 28.
Ravenscroft, Thomas, 26, 153, 206.
Ravis, Thomas, Dean of Christchurch, 2 ;
Bishop of Gloucester, 155, 159, 196,
202 ; Bishop of London, 354, 448, 463,
503, 528, 543.
Rawley, George, 483.
Rawlins, Sir John, letters to, see Reynoldes,
, Thomas, 232.
, , letters to, see Reynoldes, Edward.
Rawlings, Lionel, 530.
Rawlyns, Dr. 464.
Ray, see Wray.
Raymente, , 658.
Raynes, Francis, 98.
(or Rayne), Robert, 98, 398, 526,
Raynhoo park, 376.
Raynolds, Dr., 28.
Read, Andrew, 61.
, Gabriel, 550.
, Margaret, 70.
, Mrs., (of Chelsea), 486.
Rcadbank, 292.
Reade, Francis, 232.
, Fulke, 379.
, Sir John, 594.
, Simon, 406.
, Thomas, 268.
William, 68, 234.
Reading, 65, 257, 524.
Ready, John, 112.
Records, 71, 173, 175, 609,
, courts of, 362, 589.
.sec Chancery ; Exchequer ; Tower.
Rectories, see Crown Lands, Chantry.
Recusancy, 59, 135, 136, 157, 173, 189, 228,
234, 365, 422, 425, 427, 467, 500.
Recusants, 2, 43, 55, 61, 196, 204, 224, 225,
227, 231, 237, 265, 272, 278, 281, 287,
310, 340, 341, 479, 486, 538, 543, 578,
601,606, 654.
, favour towards, 111, 171, 177, 246,
461, 463.
lands, commissioners for, 212, 319,
lands and fines, grants of, —
(1604) :— 71, 105, 146, 175, 184.
(1605) :— 187, 223, 227, 233, 275.
(1606) :— 301, 327,333, 341.
(1607) :— 345, 346, 348, 349, 350,356,
359, 370, 372, 374, 375, 377, 379, 381,
383,384,386, 389, 390.
(1608) :— 393, 394, 395, 397, 400, 401,
402, 403, 404, 407, 408, 409, 413, 414,
415, 416, 417, 419, 426, 429, 430, 431,
436, 437, 438, 442, 443, 447, 449, 460,
463, 472.
(1609) :— 486, 493, 497, 498, 503, 504,
505, 511, 515, 522, 524, 529, 530, 532,
533, 537, 541, 544, 547, 552, 557, 561,
568, 571, 572, 574, 575, 576, 577.
(1610) :— 580, 581, 583, 587, 589, 590,
591, 592, 593, 594, 598, 600, 602, 605,
607, 610, 613, 615, 621, 634, 643.
, laws and proceedings against, 60, 125,
139, 193, 284, 285, 287, 298, 307, 314,
318, 319, 330, 603, 613, 616, 627.
, names of, 63, 232, 239, 250, 251, 261,
262, 263, 264, 269, 310, 313, 442, 457,
553, 558 ; see also Recusants in the
different counties.
Redbourne, 606, 617.
Redman (priest), 309.
Redrith, 112.
Redshaw, Christopher, 511.
Reede, Captain Sir William, 114, 257.
Reeve, , 628.
Relics, 502, 559.
Rdigion, 5, 40, 44,49, 114, 127, 130, 177, 185,
190, 231, 259, 264, 275, 282, 298, 329,
352, 355, 392, 445, 550, 558, 566, 616.
, articles of, 68, 620.
, conferences on, 67, 68, 72.
, uniformity in, 109, 193.
Rcnell, Sir Carew, 19, 163.
Benny, George, 444.
Renzo, Ortelio, 72.
Requests, Master of, 149, 190, 570.
Resbrooke, William, 323.
Reve, John, 125.
Robert, 250.
Revels, Master of, >cc Buck, Sir George ; Tilney,
, officers of. 482.
Kevenhall, 572.
Reves, Mr., 256.
Rewardean, 483.
Reynoldes, Edward, 131, 443.
, , letters of, 182, 223, 236, 382,
602, 603, 627.
Reynoldcs, Edward, letters of, to Howard,
Earl of Northampton, 428, 445.
, letters of, to Francis Mills, 43fi,
, , letters of, to Sir John Rawlins,
182, 396, 528, 591, 622.
, , letters of, to Thomas Rawlins,
58, 222, 223, 227.
, , letters of, to Owen Reynoldes,
4, 5, 37, 77, 80, 84, 86, 87, 223, 227,
232, 233, 234, 270, 273, 282, 290, 292,
307, 344, 417, 458, 501, 593.
, Edward, jun., 603.
, Jane, 602.
, Owen, 602.
, , letters to, see Reynoldes, Ed-
, Mrs., 223, 232.
Reynolds, Henry, 114, 624.
, John, 373, 452, 560, 604.
, Thomas, 245, 644.
Rhine, river, 230.
Ribbesworth, 206.
Ribleton, 383.
Rich, Sir Edwin, 30, 636.
Henry, 381.
, Sir Robert, 152, 581.
, Robert Lord, 152, 288, 381, 465.
, Penelope Lady, 32, 42.
Richard II., of England, 659.
Richard III., of England, 607.
Richard, (prisoner), 278.
Richards, Philip, 382.
, Richard, 170,424, 535.
Richardson, Ferdinando, 141.
, John, 395, 535.
Dr. John, 484.
, William, 384.
Richbell, William, 220.
Richmond (Surrey), 32, 334, 422.
, house and park at, 63, 135, 199, 215,
395, 424, 498, 630.
, game at, 125, 323, 424.
, wardrobe at, 374, 395.
(Yorkshire), 82, 462, 505, 512, 522,
523, 540, 550.
, archdeaconry of, 78, 82.
Castle, 55.
Richmond herald, see Raven.
Richmond, Henry, 234.
Richmondshire, 332, 541.
Riddesdale, 313,316, 358.
Riddle, Thomas, 342.
Riddlesden, John, 81, 397, 497.
, Stephen, 81, 286.
Rklgcmont, 587.
Ridgeway, Sir Thomas, Treasurer of Ireland,
Ridley forest, 174.
Ridley, Hugh, 198.
, James, 198.
Ridley, Dr. (physician), 375.
Ridlington park, 502.
Ridmarley, 631.
Ridolph, , 478.
Riffham, 595.
Rigby, Alexander, 167.
, Edward, 167.
Rigby-Wray, 89, 93.
Riggs, Gregory, 76, 102.
Ringers, manor of, 585.
Ringmer, 217, 531.
Ripley, John, 81.
Ripon, Cathedral of, 146,646.
, Dean and Chapter of, 135, 360, 410,
419, 646.
Rippin, Ralph, 592.
Ripple, 150.
Risby Gate, 406.
Risby, William, 406.
Rishton, William, 384.
Rising castle, 17.
Rivers, Sir George, 338, 434, 525.
Rivett, Thomas, 488.
Rizzio, David, 11.
Rizzo, Francisco, 37.
Roades, Edward, 129.
Roan, John, 104.
Robbins, John, 121.
Roberts, Alexander, 488.
, Edward, 268, 422, 423.
, Hugh, 195.
, JefFry, 472.
, John (priest), 239,240, 327, 514.
, Richard, 526, 557.
, Mr., 278, 279, 287.
, see Catesby, Robert.
Robertson, Leonard, 334, 566.
Robinet, Reignold, 209.
Robins, Barbara, 644.
Robinson, Andrew, 74.
, Arthur, 119.
, Dorothy, 243.
, Henry, 119.
, Henry, Bishop of Carlisle, 3, 5, 36
113, 313,345.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 355
, Jane, 250.
, John, 53.
, Rowland, 532.
, Thomas (recusant), 63.
, Thomas, 585.
, William (prebendary), 71, 409.
, William, 119.
(customer), 405.
Robson, Alexander, 38.
, Nicholas, 572.
, Robert 516.
, Thomas, 162.
Rocester, 348.
Roche, Thomas, 387.
Roche forest, 562.
Rochelle, 318.
Rochester, 246, 517.
, alms-rooms at, 75, 158, 216, 580.
, Bishop of, sec Barlow, Dr. William;
Neile, Richard ; Buckeridge, John.
, Dean and Chapter of, 442, 443, 520.
, prebends of, 112.
Rochester, Edward, 585.
John, 585.
Rochford, 288.
Rockingham, 191,473, 554.
castle, 231.
forest, 32, 161, 223, 473, 493, 495, 518,
546, 616, 624.
Rockley, James, 591.
, Isabel, 591.
Roddame, Christopher, 198.
Rodney, Sir George, 79, 161.
RodolphIL, Emperor of Germany, 54, 185, 223,
230, 645.
Rodus, Richard, 426.
Roger (park-keeper), 138.
, John, 158.
Rogers, Bartholomew, 440, 648.
, Gervase, 373.
, Humphrey, 15, 134, 541.
, John, 204, 389.
, Lewis, 229.
, Roger, 320,
, Simon, 384.
, William, 252.
, .see Cadwallader.
Rogues, Bertran, 4.
Roiden, Edmund, 572.
Rokewood, Ambrose, 240-243, 246, 247, 250,
252, 253, 255, 256, 280, 282.
, , attainder of, 293, 325, 338, 346.
, , confessions and examinations of,
266, 270, 279.
, , servants of, 240, 242, 247, 253,
264, 266.
, Mrs., 252.
, Thomas, 252.
Rolandes, Jean Baptista, 410.
Rolles, Thomas, 152.
Rolleston, 142.
park, 426.
Rolls, Master of, see Bruce, Edward Lord.
Rolls house, Chancery-lane, 472.
Romanism, see Popery.
Romanists, see Catholics.
Romans, King of, 5.
Rome, 185, 188, 256, 267, 279, 284, 288, 300,
317, 334, 411, 463,467, 596, 604, 620.
, letters from, 8,14, 299, 330, 333, 339,
370, 397,443.
, English college in, 188.
Romero, Nicholas, 437, 439.
Romncy, Sir William, 330, 502.
Roo, Mr., 48, 55.
Rouke, George, 390.
Rookes, Robert, 240.
Rookesby, Ralph, 389.
Rookwith Grange, 31.
Rookwood hall, Essex, 568.
Roos, Lord, see Cecil, William.
barony, 93.
Rootes, James, 511.
Roper, Sir Erancis, 317.
, Sir John, 233, 249, 253, 006.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 209, 229,
301, 619.
, Philip, 260.
, Robert, 531.
, Sir William, 115, 171, 271.
Rosair, 640.
Rose, William, 383, 384, 443.
Rose castle, 468.
Rosny, M. de, (Maximilian de Bethune, Duke
of Sully), 6, 34, 40, 41, 563.
Ross, Anthony, 501.
, James, 541.
Robert, 224, 256.
, Thomas, 31.
, Bishop of, see Lindsay.
, Earl of, see Charles, Prince.
Rosseter, Philip, 165.
Rotherham, Edmund, 497.
Rothfen, alias Ratfen, 403.
Rothwell, 54, 330.
Rothwell, Ellis, 221, 357, 395, 471, 631, 642.
Rouen, 315, 534.
Rouge-croix, .see Wyrley, William.
Rouge-rose, see St. George, Henry.
Rowde, 578.
Rowdom, John, 91.
Rowe, Francis, 269.
Rowell, 157.
Rowesley, 149.
Rowington, 2.34, 437.
Rowland, Dudley, 458.
, John, 385.
Rowlands, Henry, Bishop of Bangor, 261.
Rowles, Jasper, 397.
, Richard, 400.
Rowley, 404.
park, 642.
Rowse, John, 322.
Roxburgh, Lord, sec Ker.
Royal arms, 77, 81, 82, 106, 316, 555; sec also
James I., arms of.
family, 20, 134,278,476,482,594, 620;
see also James I. ; Anne, Queen ; Henry
and Charles, Princes; Elizabeth, Sophia,
and Mary, Princesses.
Royle, John, 557.
Royston, Anne, 648.
, Robert, 648.
Royston, 3, 151, 153, 166, 174, 199, 250, 323,
324, 332, 354, 418, 524, 532, 589, 624.
Royston, game at, 94, 99, 114, 648.
, letters from, 3, 352, 374, 375,461,486, '
491, 548, 550, 551, 560, 561, 573, 583, j
597, 638, 639, 644, 646, 650, 651.
Rudd, Anthony, Bishop of St. David's, 373.
Kudfen, 543.
Rudyard, Benjamin, 491, 581, 651.
Rufford, 209.
Rugby, 244.
Rugby, Ralph, 375.
Rumler, John Wolfgang, 134, 379, 387, 501, j
Rumney, Sir William, 429.
Ramsey, 162, 175.
Rushall, 247, 268.
Rushbrook, Lawrence, 133.
William, 581.
Rushford, or Rushforth, Lawrence, 260, 262.
Rushing, 604
Ruslinger, John, 179.
Russell, John Lord, 532.
, Francis, 2nd Earl of Bedford, 397.
, Edward, 3rd Earl of Bedford, 15, 138,
304, 327, 339, 347, 491, 642.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 465,604. ;
, Lucy, Countess of Bedford, 347.
, William Lord, of Thornhaugh, 347.
, Claude, 630.
, Sir Francis, 495.
, Henry, 192, 399.
, James, 501.
, John, 61.
, Simon, 397.
, Thomas, 452, 474, 626.
, Sir Thomas, 593, 641.
William (recusant), 447.
, William (poor knight), 583.
, William (merchant), 610.
, William (gamekeeper), 641.
, (widow), 634.
Russia, 437.
merchants, 117; see Muscovy company.
Rutgerson, Reynyer, 134.
Ruthin, 203, 402.
Ruthven, Alexander, Earl of Gowrie, 5.
, Lady Barbara, 9, 43.
, Patrick, Earl of Gowrie, 5.
, Patrick Lord, 1 1.
, William, 5, 623.
Rutland, Earl, sec Manners.
, Countess, see Manners.
Rutlandshire, 8, 500, 538.
, forest in, 19.
, grants of lands in, 25, 118, 175, 211.
, lands and places in, 23, 312, 502, 611.
, offices in, 322, 500.
, residents in, 312, 323.
Rutlinger, John, 60.
Rychie, Jock, see Graham, Richard.
Rychman, William, 310.
Rycot, 305, 306, 422, 435, 488, 571.
Ryder, Sir William, 69, 296, 312, 378, 381,
399,595, 631.
, , letters of and to, 89, 204.
, payments to, 492, 524, 588, 623,
, William, 93, 113, 199, 499, 501.
, Lady, 231.
Rye, 82, 244, 473, 474, 487.
, gunners at, 141, 180.
, mayor, &C. of, 474.
Rye, Edward, 154.
Rye, sec Corn.
Ryegate, 261.
Ryme, James, 226.
Ryse, 115, 222.
Ryves, Dr. George, 212.
Sachcvcrcll, Henry, 128, 552, 560.
Sackeld, Richard, 537.
Sackfield, Sir Henry, 89.
Sackford, Harry, 61.
, John, 619.
Sackville, Sir Henry, 527.
, Robert, 78.
, Thomas, 593.
, Thomas, Lord Buck hurst, Lord Trea-
surer, Chancellor of Oxford, 50, 62 ;
1st Earl of Dorset, 130, 139, 182, 192,
204, 207, 220, 235, 237, 300, 315, 348,
367, 406, 414, 423, 428, 436, 439, 450,
472, 499, 515, 522, 525.
Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset, commis-
sions to, 10,45, 46, 69, 74, 78, 148, 161,
320, 330, 331, 335, 352, 362, 373, 404.
, , grants to, 53, 192, 320, 390,
, , letters of, 20, 63, 109, 150, 187,
229, 362.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 212, 233, 290,
331,396, 541.
; , letters of, to officers of customs,
89, 147, 192, 196, 210, 214, 229, 302.
, , letters of, to Lake, 2, 58, 87, 99,
108, 115, 181, 195,201, 211, 212,215,
222, 228, 229, 232, 233, 235, 236, 254,
277, 282, 295, 310, 311, 320, 353, 364,
377, 407.
, , letters to, 31, 39, 43, 44, 51, 59,
105, 135, 136, 139, 149, 152, 158, 160,
233, 246, 251, 255, 315, 322, 343 ; see
also Caesar, Sir Julius, Cecil, Karl of
Salisbury, and James I., letters of.
, notes by, 334, 349.
, , petitions to, 63, 183.
, warrants to, 6, 8, 28, 45,85, 133,
150, 217, 273, 356, 357.
Sackville, Robert, Lord Buckhurst, 139; 2nd
Earl of Dorset, 477, 495, 499.
, letters of, 428, 484.
, Anne, Countess of Dorset, 477, 484.
, Richard, Lord Buckhurst, 4G6, 495 ;
3rd Earl of Dorset, 545, 564, 623.
Sackville house, 156.
Sadberge, 272.
Sadler, Mr., 289.
, Mrs., 289.
St. Albans, 145, 157, 158, 184, 198, 308, 370.
St. Andrew's Cross, 328.
St. Andrew's parish, Holborn, 409, 433, 461.
Castle, Hants, 126, 496.
, Archbishop of, 187.
, Archbishopric of, 235.
, Presbytery of, 566.
St. Armin's Hill, Westminster, 582.
St. Asaph, 507.
, Bishop of, see Parry, Richard.
, Dean and Chapter of, 155.
diocese of, 138.
St. Aubyn, Thomas, 13.
St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 41.
, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 235.
St. Austell, 431.
St. Bainard's castle, 188.
St. Barbe, Sir Henry, 223, 232.
, Captain, 223, 232.
St. Bartholomew, 574.
fair, 29.
St. Bartholomew the Great, 297.
St. Bees, Cumberland, 11 1, 122.
St. Botolph's parish, Aldgate, 585.
St. Briavel's castle, 395.
St. Bride's parish, London, 516.
St. Catherine's, 385.
hospital, 32.
St. Chrysostom, 484, 630.
St. Clement Dane's parish, 31, 390, 449, 519,
563, 583.
St. Clement's church, 244, 278.
inn, 246.
St. David's, diocese of, 373.
, Bishop of, see Rudd, Anthony.
St. Dunstan's church, 270, 339.
St. Dunstan's-in-the-Wcst parish, 332.
St. Edmund's, Bury, see Bury St. Edmund's.
St. Ethelburgh's parish, Bishopsgate, 112.
St. Fiancesca, 443.
St. George, Henry, Rouge-rose, 570.
, Richard, Norroy, 71,80.
St. George's cross, 328.
college, 548.
feast, 18,95, 444.
St. German's, Cornwall, 233.
St. Ive's chapel, Cornwall, 35.
St. James's fair, 20.
hospital, Chichester, 557.
St. James's palace, 132, 135, 148, 153, 506,
512, 630.
, letters from, -111, 490.
park, 211, 596.
, game and deer in, 410, 412, 463
St. Jeau de Luz, 184.
St. John, Oliver, 39, 143.
, Oliver Lord, of Bietsoe, 347, 363, 454
, letters of, to Salisbury, 465,497.
Sir William, 525, 586.
, William Lord, see Paulet.
St. John Zachary, 159.
St. John of Jerusalem, priory of, 28, 407.
, hospital of, 356.
St. John's hospital, Huntingdon, 195.
St. John's house, 170.
St. John's, Lichfield, 367, 543.
St Johnston, 548.
St. Jones', 608.
St. Katherine's hospital, York, 553.
St. Lawrence, Sir Christopher, 376.
St. Leger, Sir Anthony, 570.
St Leonard's parish, Shoreditch, 647.
St. Lucas, 334.
St. Margaret's church, London, 580.
parish, Westminster, 104.
St. Martin's parish, London, 240.
, near Salisbury, 385.
St. Martin-le-Grand parish, 619.
St. Mary's church, Oxford, 92, 95.
church, Southwell, 435, 536.
college, Winchester, see AVinchester
, York, 507.
, Manor house, see. York.
St. Mary of the Arches parish, Loudon, 105.
St Mary Magdalen's priory, Barnstaple, 404
St. Mary Magdalen's hospital, Beccles, 389
399. 1
Hants, 496.
, Colchester, 631.
, Norwich, 394.
, poor house, Somerset, 4 1 3.
St. Mary Ottery, see Ottery.
St. Mawes castle, 56, 518.
St. Michael, feast of, 343.
St. Neot's, monastery, 175.
bridge, 492.
St. Nicholas island, 26.
St. Olave's church, London, 524.
St. Oiner, 290, 291, 533.
St. Oswald monastery, 523.
St. Pancras, prebend, 536.
parish, 619.
St. Paul's cathedral, 448, 463.
, cross at, 213.
, Dean and Chapter of, 100, 159, 174,
189, 448, 463, 575.
penitentiary, 536.
school, 497.
St. Paul, Sir George, 594.
St. Peter's, Exeter, 276.
, Isle of Thanet, 18.
, Westminster, see Westminster Abbey.
St. Saviour's chapel, Norfolk, 276.
church, Southwark, 218.
St. Sebastian's, 294.
St. Sidwell, Exeter, C51.
St. Stephen's, letters from, 5.36, 574.
hospital, Norwich, 62, 74, 93, 95,
, Westminster, alms- rooms in, 115, 374,
379, 387, 392, 412, 430.
St. Swithin's parish, London, 70.
, Pentecostals of, 123.
St. Thomas's hospital, Sandwich, 371.
alms-rooms in, 389, 407, 412,
413, 430.
, Southwark, 227, 414, 423, 433.
island, 496.
St. Winifred's well, 270, 299, 459.
Saintbury, 610.
Sakell, see Salkeld, Captain Thomas.
Salcombe, 207.
Salden, 570.
Sale, William (yeoman of buckhounds), 126,
137, 372.
, William (pauper), 596.
Salewood, Edward, 529.
Salford, 137.
Priors, 614.
Salisbury, 53, 212, 256, 385, 452.
, court at, 368.
, letters from, 4, 5, 37, 50, 58, 222, 223.
227, 232, 233, 234, 367, 486, 528, 536,
613, 637.
, mayor. &c, of, 528, 613.
Salisbury-court, 165.
Salisbury house, Strand, letters from, 231, 244,
324, 325, 437, 449, 450, 451, 452, 454,
456, 461, 464, 538, 545.
, works at, 431, 451, 632.
Salisbury, Bishop of, see Cotton, Henry.
, Dean of, see Bridges, Gordon.
, Dean and Chapter of, 104, 368, 385.
, diocese of, 416.
, Earl of, see Cecil, Sir Robert.
Salkeld, or Sakell, Captain Thomas, 534, 601.
Salley, 149.
Salmon, Margaret, 511.
, Robert, 416.
Salop, see Shropshire.
Salt, customs on, 227.
Salter, George, 615, 633.
, Nicholas, 192, 322, 339, 356, 374, 406,
424, 480, 488, 599, 654.
Saltonstall, Sir Samuel, 345, 413.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 426, 439.
Saltpetre, 6, 156,356.
Salway, Humphrey, 255.
Samford, Hugh, 342.
Samford-Dorcas, 442.
Samford, Essex, 572.
Suffolk, 495.
Samlesbury, 486.
Sampson, Captain, see Cottrell, Edward.
Sandall, 406, 419.
Sanderson, Henry, 43, 55,59, 66, 386, 401, 554,
559, 649.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 542, 554,
581, 639.
Samuel, 59, 66.
, Sir Thomas, 447.
Sandgate castle, 545.
Sandham castle, 524, 527 ,528, 605, 616.
Sandiland, John, 121, 126.
Sandilands, Sir James, 61, 76, 79, 161, 301,
Sandleford, 186.
Sandon, 440.
Sandown castle, 154, 440, 551.
Sandsfoot castle, 82, 628.
Sandwich, 12, 154, 209, 217, 310,371, 458,
473, 487, 523, 630.
hospital, see St. Thomas's hospital.
Sandy, Robert, 506.
Sandys, Sir Edwin, 100, 244, 351, 357, 609.
, Elizabeth, 259.
, Sir Samuel, 489, 559.
, Sir William, 211.
, William, Lord, 84, 222, 259, 637.
Lady, 459.
Sanford, Martha, 568.
SankveU, , 502.
Sanquair, Lord, see Crichton, Robert.
Sardinia, vessels of, 306.
Sarnesfield, 443.
Sarum, sec Salisbury.
Sasacomett, (a savage), 368.
Saulccy forest, 493.
Saunders, Nicholas, 339.
Savage, Sir Arthur, 564.
.Edward, 512.
Erancis, 6.
, John, 535.
Sir John, 230, 429.
, Lady Mary, 230.
, Robert, 129, 416.
, Sir Thomas, 10, 176, 633.
Savile, Edward, 419.
, Sir George, 467.
(or Savill), Sir Henry, provost of Eton,
221, 474, 506, 630.
, , letter of, 46.
, letters to, 382, 602, 603 ; see also
James I., letters of.
, Margaret Lady, 489, 506.
, Sir John, Baron of the Exchequer,
133, 348, 362, 364, 406, 419, 558, 564.
, Mr., 222.
Savoy, Duke of, 407, 650.
Savoy and Savoyards, 68.
Savoy house, 450, 501, 522, 624.
Savoy hospital, 346, 463.
Sawsell, Robert, 181.
Sawyer, Edward, 346, 351.
, Lewis, 179.
, Thomas, 357.
Saxey, Hugh, (auditor,) 120, 595.
, Captain William, 298.
, William, 180.
Saxon Kings, 1.
Saxony, 486.
Duke of, 560, 597.
Duchess of, 597.
, Ambassador of, 583.
Saxton, 574.
Say, Edward, 375.
, William, 15, 175, 192.
Saye and Seale, Lord, see Fiennes.
Sayer, Francis, 233.
John, 352.
Sayescourt, 618.
Scamp, Thomas, 459.
Scarborough, 281, 521.
Castle, 21.
Scarlet, Arthur, 148.
Scarletts, 585.
Schondonck, Giles, 290.
Schoverus, Martin, 99.
Scilly Isles, 55.
Scio, 306.
Scole, 310.
Scone, Lord, sec Murray, David.
Scot, Henry, 220.
Hugh, 220.
Scotch fir, 473.
Scotland, 2, 19, 92, 94, 100, 166, 168, 270, 278,
284, 295, 319, 321, 350, 352, 354, 355,
360, 418, 422, 451, 509, 550, 596, 603,
623, 645.
, affairs in, 12, 21, 75, 187, 265.
, almoner of, 166.
, coasts of, 659.
council of, 51, 90, 237, 265, 282, 305,
328, 350, 626, 629,651.
exchequer of, 213.
, intercourse of, with France, see France.
, Jesuits in, 321.
lords of, see Council.
, merchants of, 61, 173, 336.
, mines in, 68, 76, 90, 114, 123, 134,
156, 187, 354, 384, 424, 450, 451, 453,
474, 486.
, mint in, 432.
, North seas of, 426.
, Parliament in, 104, 105, 132, 170, 173,
286, 370, 504, 577.
, President of Session in, see Seaton,
Alexander, Lord Fyvie.
, residents in, 221, 398, 399.
ships of, 565.
Scotland, trade of, with England, 52, 337, 348,
, travellers to and from, 1, 11, 15, 33,
56, 87, 95, 151, 196, 258, 298, 457,
468, 504.
troops of, 373, 432.
, Union of, with England, see Union.
West islands of, 525, 606.
, West parts of, 419.
, Lord Chancellor of, see Seaton, Alex-
, Treasurer of, see Steward, Walter ;
Hume, Earl of Dunbar.
, Secretary of, see Elphin stone, Sir
James ; Hay, Sir Alexander.
, Deputy Secretary of, 381, 417.
, bishops in, 619.
, Church of, 200, 234, 236, 619.
, Kirk of, see Church of.
, ministers in, 184, 187, 200, 237, 278,
290, 305, 450.
, Presbytery in, 329.
Scotney, 96.
Scots, 17, 26, 43, 59, 73, 95, 130, 145, 160, 170,
192, 290, 298, 315, 350, 358, 394, 428,
433, 457, 464, 487, 569, 583, 637, 644,
, denizations of, 68, 81, 83, 220, 398,
401, 415, 430, 532.
, naturalization of, 167, 349, 350, 351,
352, 355, 438, 452, 473.
on Borders, see Border disturbances.
King of, see James I.
, Queen of, see Mary.
Scott, John, 155, 370.
, Robert, Sub-almoner, 262, 412, 417.
, Zachary, 648.
Scotton, 13.
Screven, William, 188.
Scriptures, see Bible.
Scroby, 33.
Scroope, Francis, 233.
Scrope, Edmund Lord, 550.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 465, 541.
, Sir George, 462.
, Thomas Lord, 55, 447.
Scrutton, William, 52.
Scudamore, Sir James, 400, 543.
, Lady, 543.
, John, 25, 27, 114,327.
, Sir John, 543.
, Rowland, 110.
, Thomas, 4, 27, 58, 78, 86, 418, 500.
Sculton, 24.
Scumfrith, 53.
Scutage, 337.
Seaborne, John, 155.
j Seafaring causes, see Admiralty.
I Seale, Robert, 41, 42, 48, 69, 86, 93, 123, 156,
220, 340.
, Thomas, 97.
Seals and Signets, 2, 225, 567, 579, 633.
Seaman, George, 44.1.
Sea me r, 521.
Searchfield, Ronald, 155.
Seas, East and West, 163.
Seaton, 265, .312.
Seaton, Alexander, Lord Fyvie, President of
Session and Lord Chancellor of Scot- I
land, 119, 187, 188, 190; Earl of Dun-
fermline, 235, 258, 278, 282, 305, .148,
430, 585, 596.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 21, 170,
, letters to, see Cecil, Earl of
Thomas, 427.
Seaton-Delavall, 237.
Seckford, Ileury, master of tents and toils, 137,
321, 419, 513, 648.
, Sir Henry, master of tents and toils,
27, 32, 04, 74, 198, 51.3, 583.
Secretary of State, see Cecil, Earl of Salisbury.
, Second, see Herbert, Sir John.
French, see Edmondes, Sir Thomas.
, Latin, see Smith, Sir Thomas ; Lake,
Sir Thomas.
Sedan, 284.
Sedgwick, 5.37.
Sedgwick, William, 105.
Sedley, John, 656.
, Sir William, 534.
Segar, William, Norroy and Garter, 70, 74, 75,
11.3, 115, 144.
Segrave, Abednego, 48.
Seguiran, Father Caspar, Superior of College
of Jesuits in Paris, 321.
Seignior, Grand, see Ahmed I.
Seisson, William, 542, 608, 618, 646.
Selby, Sir George, 285.
, William, 105, 106.
Sir William, 74, 125, 186, 193, 198,
201, 313, 358, 440.
, letters of, to Cecil, 253, 262, 283,
295, 316, 317, 319, 4.35, 562.
Selkane, Dorothy, letters of, to Salisbury, 552,
Selling, James, 198.
Selsey, 233.
Seminaries (Popish), 8 ; see also Seminary
Seminary priests, 20, 29, 111, 113, 151, 217,
241, 260, 277, 330, 525, 570, 590, 642.
, favour towards, 142, 178, 437.
, proceedings against, 13, 16, 17,
80, 87, 148, 294, 320, 444, 514, 559,
601, 618.
Sempill, Sir James, 230, .381, 462, 468, 525,
528, 533.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 258, 533,
Semple, Robert Lord, 258.
Senhouse, Peter, 191, 518.
Sennocke quay, 396.
Septnam, 132.
Seringius, John, 74.
Serjeant-surgeon, 490.
Serjeants' Inn, letters dated from, 165, 171,
2.39, 240, 241, 268, 289, 303, .304, 310,
339, 439, 487.
Serjeants-at-law, 9, 60, 125, 171, 181, 238, 346,
402, 495, 496.
Serjeants-at-arms, 111, 154, 163, 408, 469, 482,
502, 521, 529, 534, 592, 645, 658.
Stile, Alexander, 135, 407, 458.
letters of, to Salisbury, 541,
Sermons, 26, 70, 127, 212, 213, 264, 281, 302,
.329, 339, 394, 505, 576, 627.
Sevenhampton, 427.
Sevenoaks, 345.
Severn river, 218.
Seville, 326, 341.
English college in, 281, 283.
Sevinghampton, 70.
Seward, John, 390.
Sewers, 482.
Commissioners of, i.32, 140, 165, 290,
317, 450, 455, 530, 550, 612.
Sewster, Samuel, 275.
Seymau, George, 120.
Seymer, Kobert, 75, 536, 539.
Seymour, Lady Arabella, letters of, 626, 633 ;
see also Stuart, Lady Arabella.
, Catherine, Countess of Hereford, 636.
, Edward, Duke of Somerset, 276, 535.
Edward, Earl of Hertford, 126, 227,
292, 410, 430, 499, 636.
, Edward, Lord Beauchamp, 410, 596.
, Honor, Lady Beauchamp, 410.
, George, 126.
, Sir Thomas, 1 1 5.
, Thomas Lord (of Sudley), 638.
Mrs., 538.
Seys, Richard, 120.
Shaddesden, 653.
Shaftesbury, 227.
Shaftoc, Robert, 557.
Shakespere, William, 2.34, 293.
, Thomas, 157.
Shalcroste, Thomas, 638.
Shane, Sir Francis, 449.
Shareshull, 529.
Sharpe, Lionel, 506, 531.
, Robert, 31, 41.
Sharpey, Alexander, 400.
Robert, 32.3, 3.32, 470.
Shaw, Christopher, 650.
, Edmund, 89.
, Julye, 29.3.
, William, 121, 421, 433, 535, 544.
(steward), 52.
(priest), 229.
Sheafe, Thomas, .30.
Sheapre, William, 589.
Shedworth, 72.
Sheeles river, 227.
Sheerman, Richard, 479.
Sheffield, 102.
Sheffield Lodge, letters from, 386, 505, 522,
523, 538, 542.
Sheffield, Anne Lady, 475.
, Edmund Lord, President of Council
in the North, 24, 222, 328, 336. 396,
455,511, 531, 534, 541, 559, 577.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 362, 465,
485, 499, 531, 550, 551, 559, 561, 567,
586, 595, 600, 638.
, letters to, 39, 105, 148, 463 ; see
also James L, and Cecil, Earl of Salis-
bury, letters of.
, George, 586.
, Henry, 124, 218.
, Mary, 124, 218.
, Thomas, 141, 149, 197, 627, 628.
Shelbury, John, 76, 102, 141, 334, 484.
Sheld Wyll, 537.
Shelding, 604.
Sheldon, 147, 162, 171.
Sheldon, Edward, 110, 360, 591.
, Francis, 346.
, Ralph, 26, 27, 28, 300, 479, 591.
Richard, 360.
, William, 110.
Shelfanger, 77.
Shelfield, 505.
Shelford, 271.
Shelley, Henry, 256, 613.
, Jane, 17, 171, 464.
, John, 359, 621.
, Thomas, 256.
, William, 87, 116, 131.
, Mr., 131.
Shelton, John, 172.
, Sir John, 276.
Shenfield, sec Shinfield.
Shenston, , 259.
Sbenston, 163.
park, 78.
Shephard, Elizabeth, 250.
, (or Shepherd), William, 250, 299.
Shepherd, John (servant), 243.
, John, 513, 533.
, Maurice, 328.
Owen, 559, 643.
, (musical lecturer), 447.
Shepley, John, 366.
Shepperd, Richard, 396.
, Edward, 286.
Shepperton, 189.
Sheppey, isle of, 180,214.
Sherard, Charles, 106.
, Sir Philip, 99.
Sherborne, 88.
, Dorset, 138, 256, 486, 565, 575, 596,
599, 604.
, Gloucester, 427.
Sherborne, Henry, 530.
Sherburn hospital, D;irh ,m,340, 417, 443, 526.
Sherfield, Henry, 52.
Sheriff Hutton, 223, 327, 595.
Castle, 534, 541.
Sheriff's, 259, 376, 411.
Sherley, see Shirley.
Sherlock, Anthony, 284.
Sherman, George, 648.
Sherwood Forest, 33, 351, 473, 522.
Shiers, George, 38, 48, 98, 445.
Shilling, Andrew, 11.
Shiltington, 55.
Shinfield (or Shenfie'.d), 161, 414.
Shiplake, 623, 625.
Shipley, 592.
Shipman, William, 610.
Shippon, 521.
Ships and Shipping, 16, 20, 32, 108, 109, 141,
166, 170, 212, 254, 278, 281, 311, 325,
372, 407, 412, 426, 429, 437, 446, 460,
483, 564, 569, 576, 620, 648 ; see also
Navy and Tonnage.
Ships, capture of, 216, 228, 306, 421, 453, 487,
586, 601, 621.
, license to sell, 120, 176, 387.
, freight of, 92, 358, 421, 459, 576.
sent against pirates, 541, 572, 573, 579,
Ship-building, 107, 117, 337, 344, 422, 510,
590, 610, 645.
.rewards for, 16, 80, 104, 124, 142,
157, 162, 176, 198, 221, 289, 394, 557,
591, 604, 633, 642.
Shipwrights, 211.
Shipton Bellinger, 123.
Shirley, Sir Anthony, 76.
, George, 7, 86, 575.
, George (recusant), 531.
, Sir Robert, 547.
, or Sherley, Sir Thomas, 125, 160, 218,
297. 327, 380, 387, 406, 442, 497, 561.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 562, 600.
, Sir Thomas, jun., 370, 451, 601.
Shoes and Shoemakers, 103, 146, 148.
Shoreditch-place, Hackney, 433.
Shoreham, 360.
Shotover woods, 435, 488, 571.
Shrewsbury, 513.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 60, 234.
, Earl of, see Talbot.
, Countess of, see Talbot.
Shrimpton, Thomas, 586.
Shropshire, 181,238, 298, 342, 386, 405, 423,
466, 500, 622, 629, 649, 650.
, grants of lands in, 354, 417.
, lands and places in, 17, 28, 59, 77, 129,
196, 215, 222, 231, 284, 356, 433, 515,
530, 570.
, lieutenants in, 369.
, offices in, 353, 543.
, recusants in, 25, 395, 472, 529, 541,
592, 605.
3 B
Shropshire, residents in, 110, 269.
, sheriffs and justices in, 110, 234, 451.
Shrub Lodge, 567.
Shugbrough, Anthony, 618.
Shurland, 180, 186.
Shurlock, Robert, 431.
Sibil Hedingham, 397.
Sicklemore, John, alias Ward (priest), 286,
289, 307, 313.
Sickness, the, see Plague.
Sidley, Sir Ralph, 325.
Lady, 448.
Sidney, see Sydney.
Sigismund III., King of Poland, 72, 569.
Signet office, 122, 201.
Signet, clerks of, 11, 14, 22, 35, 198, 328, 333,
336, 371, 437, 531, 534, 550, 594.
, secretary and keepers of, 118, 532,
Silk, 304, .344, 540, 639, 656.
spinners, 540.
Silkworms, 344, 398.
Silkstone, 179.
Sillesworth, 403, 586.
Sillihut, 532.
Silsted, 613.
Silver, 65, 450, 452, 474, 566 ; sec also Gold
and Silver.
Silverton, 99.
Silvester, Dorothy, 219.
, Gregory, 219.
, Thomas, 604.
Simon, Mr., 271.
Simony, 61, 121.
Simpson, Brian, 110.
Giles, 69, 88, 97, 143, 220.
, John (minister), 108.
, John (messenger), 367, 450.
, Nicholas, 103.
Richard, 145.
, Thomas, 110, 386.
Simson, Thomas, 331.
Sinclair, Sir Andrew, 424, 448.
Singleton, 89.
Singleton, Edward, 416.
, George, 430. \
Robert, 117.
, Thomas, 383.
, Father, 126, 268, 300.
Sitemgambos, 57.
Sivedale, Henry, 479.
Skaffe, John, 167.
, Richard, 167.
Skelsmergh park, 288.
Skelton, George, 479, 537.
Skillicorne, John, 486.
, Nicholas, 486.
Skiltes, 27.
Skinner. Anthony, 27, 505.
, Sir John. 574.
Skinner, Oliver, 585.
, Robert, 292.
, Robert (of Suffolk), 574, 590.
, Sir Vincent, 99, 351.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 3, 15, 587.
, William, 99.
Skinning, Piers, 408.
Skins, see Leather.
Skipton, 304.
Skipwith, Richard, 71.
Skory, Edmund, 363.
Skrimshaw, Richard, letters of, to Salisbury,
436, 460.
, James, 436.
Skynner, Mr., 243.
, Mrs., see Bright, Ellen.
Slaney, John, 472.
Slaters, 163.
Sleep, Thomas, 244, 309.
Slingsby, Francis, 147.
, Sir Guildford, 76.
, Sir Henry, 178, 513, 522.
Sir William, 178, 625.
Sluys, see Helvoet Sluys.
Slymond, William, 53.
Smaithwaite, John, 316.
Smalbone, Elizabeth, 615.
, Thomas, 615.
Smallpece, Leonard, 242, 267, 282, 430.
Smallwood, 153.
Smallwood, Marmaduke, 85.
Smalt, 323, 501.
Smarden, 621.
Smissarte, Adrian, 181.
Smith, Ann, 408.
, Sir Charles, 226.
, Christopher, 111.
Dr. Clement, 594.
, Edward, 114.
, Francis, 586, 598, 602, 629.
, Sir Francis, 389.
, George, 111, 201.
, George, 43.
, George, (King's farmer,) 526.
, George, (priest,) 285.
, James, 10,
, John, 526, 618.
John, (trumpeter,) 147, 174.
, John, (fellow,) 101.
, John, (pauper,) 539.
, John, (recusant,) 593.
, John, (recusant,) 224, 225, 593.
, Sir John, 197.
Millicent, 328, 375.
Nicholas, (receiver,) 326, 345, 450, 428.
, Ottwell, 208.
, Richard, (late,) 288.
Richard, (of Huntingdon,) 360.
, Richard, (castle-keeper,) 400, 588.
Richard, (tradesman,) 505.
Smith, Richard, 428, 452.
, Richard, (pauper,) 603.
, Sir Richard, 93, 143, 152, 196, 193,
235, 331.
Robert, 76.
, Robert, (recusant,) 547.
Roger, (late,) 286.
, Roger, (recusant,) 531.
Samuel, (trumpeter,) 571.
Samuel, 566.
, Thomas, (felon,) 585.
Thomas, (of Huntingdon,) 360.
Thomas, (registrar,) 183, 507.
, Thomas, (customer,) 139, 197.
, Thomas, (trumpeter,) 176.
, Sir Thomas (Latin Secretary, Council
Clerk), 14, 63, 90, 118, 176, 292, 403,
432, 515, 552, 563, 570.
, letters of, 3, 230, 344, 426.
, Sir Thomas, (Cheshire,) 149, 159, 170,
174,374, 428.
, or Smyth, Sir Thomas, (receiver,) 93,
William, 57.
, "William, (pauper,) 117.
, William, (park-keeper,) 157.
, William, senior, (serjeant,) 111, 409.
, William, jun., (serjeant,) 1 1 1.
William, Dr., 84, 147.
, William, Dr., (Cambridge,) 505.
Mr., 55.
Smithe, George, 442.
Smithers, William, 92.
Smyth, George, 44.
, John, 103.
, Richard, 563.
, Thomas, 112.
Smythe, Edward, 534, 541.
or Smith, Sir Thomas, (E. India mer-
chant,) 442, 576.
Snagg, Sir Thomas, 24.
Snape, Richard, 568.
Snell, Henry, 596.
, Peter, 513.
Snetsham, 90, 224.
Snigg, Sir George, Baron of the Exchequer,
125, 156, 429, 487.
Snow, Thomas, 537.
, William, 262.
Snowdon forest, 207, 352.
Snowe, William, 252, 266.
Soame, Robert, 177, 361.
Sir Stephen, 24, 522.
, Thomas, 276, 361.
Sodbury, 122.
Sodington, 68.
Sodor and Man, Bishop of, see Lloyd ; Philips.
Sohara, 177, 385.
Soldiers, 8, 51, 62,234, 257, 295, 359, 482, 563,
Soldiers, levies of, 373, 383, 388, 401, 432, 434,
456, 567, 577.
Solicitor-General, see Dodderidge, Sir John ;
Bacon, Sir Francis.
Sombourn, 421.
Somers, Sir George, 123.
Somersall, Lewis, 443.
Somerset, Duke of, see Seymour, Edward.
Edward, Earl of Worcester, Master of
Horse, 121, 202, 204, 354, 356, 357,
378, 578, 582, 647.
, , commissions to, 74, 371, 373.
, , grants to, 67, 192, 217, 529.
, letters of, 223, 359.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 170,568,
600, 612, 627.
, letters of, to Lake, 132, 216, 354,
, letters to, 253, 376, 644, 645.
, payments to, 208, 472, 485, 620,
Edward, 529.
, Henry, Lord Herbert, 529.
, Sir Thomas, 71, 231, 380, 406, 483.
Somerset House and garden, Strand, 141, 412,
440, 441, 460, 477, 490, 493, 499, 508,
546, 615, 619.
Somersetshire, 118, 258, 480, 604.
, grants of lands in, 46, 51, 70,105, 115,
137, 138, 160, 162, 175, 188, 197, 227,
291, 328, 329, 366, 416, 418, 643.
, lands and places in, 53, 57, 179, 190,
199, 385, 413, 440, 499, 532, 549, 562.
, lieutenants and sheriffs of, 126, 164,
, receivers in, 112, 114, 121, 209.
, recusants, 384, 390, 403, 442, 452, 511,
522, 530.
, residents in, 251, 633.
Somersham, 128, 188.
, house and park, 103, 140, 547, 644.
Somerville, Elizabeth, 216.
, John, 213, 221.
, Sir William, 609.
Sonkey, William, 278.
Sopforth, 384.
Sophia, Princess, 322, 654.
Sorrell, John, 358.
Sotherton, John, Baron of Exchequer, 639.
, John, jun., 138.
, Nowell, Baron of Exchequer, 613.
Sothworth, John, 486.
Soubise, M. de, 473, 488.
Souch, Sir John, 419.
Sourdeac, M. de, 184.
South Castle, 91.
South Cowton, 451.
South Elmham, 70.
South Mims, 633.
South Molton, 318.
South Moreton, 357.
South parts, 1 0.
3 B 2
Southaick, George, 240, 249, 250, 200, 340.
Southam, 120, 342.
Southampton, 40, 41, 50, 89, 183, 458.
mayor of, 59, 431.
, county, nee Hampshire.
Southampton, Earl, see Wriothesley.
Southbear forest, 321, 551.
Southbrook, 489.
Southcote, Sir George, 180.
Southend, Richard, 542.
Southfleet, 468.
Southminster, 560.
Southrope, 224.
Southwark, 15, 218, 409.
hospital, see St. Thomas's.
Southwell, 33, 134, 435, 536, 630.
Southwell. Robert, 320.
, Sir Thomas, 275.
, Miss, 403.
Southwoods, 520.
Sowerby, 64.
Sowerby, James, 407.
Sowfers Tom, see Armstrong, Thomas.
Spa, 99, 102, 104, 329, 424, 427.
Spain, 2, 6, 16, 18, 21, 54, 55, 62, 100, 101, 170,
186, 198, 253, 261, 267, 271, 274, 278,
2S9, 303, 304, 314, 324, 334, 361, 367,
368, 407, 426, 435, 440, 450, 403, 512,
534, 549, 565, 612, 649.
Ambassadors and Commissioners of,
37, 62, 110, 140, 147, 166, 187, 216,
239, 289, 305, 354, 405, 505, 597 ; see
also Mendoza; Taxis, Juan de; Castile,
Constable of ; Girone, Ferdinand.
, Ambassadors to, 181, 185, 187,332;
see also Wilson, Thomas ; Cornwallis,
Sir Charles.
, carrack of, 3, 09, 147, 176, 212, 271,
connection of, with Holland, 3,365,505.
, court of, 183, 652.
government of, 349.
, King of, see Philip III.
sister of Queen of, see Ilapsburg.
trade of, 40, 53, 59, 77, 1 12.
, with England, 183, 193, 300, 315.
, traders to, wrongs, &c. of, 116, 264,
306, 349, 357, 361, 368, 565.
.traders to, merchant company of, 112,
183, 190, 193, 221, 306,315, 349.
, travellers to or from, 4, 44, 235, 263,
209, 297, 422, 448, 492, 596, 613.
.treaty of, with England, 53, 68, 77, 112,
145, 151, 185, 209, 224, 235, 338, 343,
506, 528.
, troops of, 55, 263.
vessels of, 10, 54, 143, 151, 153, 185,
207, 281, 334, 411.
Spalding, 51, 78, 94, 146,356, 538, 539.
Spaniards, 17, 21, 57, 63, 127, 141, 146, 209,
230, 237, 239, 349, 357, 394, 415, 426,
Spanish succession, 6, 37.
Sparke, John, 508.
Sparks, John, 290.
Sparrow, John, 220.
Sparry, William, 413.
Speake, Hugh, 346.
Speaker, the, see Phelips, Sir Edward.
Speed, John, 425, 639.
Speering, Francis, 652.
Speke, George, 205.
, Sir George, 442.
Hugh, 205.
Spelsbury woods, 356.
Spence, Gilbert, 286.
Spenceley, John, 513.
Spencer, John, 173.
, Sir John, 508.
, Matthew, 521.
, Sir Richard, 173, 181, 187, 367, 463.
, Robert, 610.
Sir Robert, 495.
Robert Lord, 23, 520.
Thomas, 82, 173, 234, 648.
, Sir William, 120.
Spens, James, 378.
Spenser, Henry, 429.
Spenswick, Robert, 226.
Spicer, Robert, 632.
Spices, 107, 328, 512.
Spierinx, Francis, 371.
Spiller, Henry, 59, 285, 294, 377, 565.
, Robert, alias Freeman, 285, 294, 290,
Spilman, John, 82, 119, 148, 190, 272, 352.
Sir John, 110, 338, 488, 572, 574, 575,
Spinola, Ambrose, Marquis of, 230.
Spottiswood, John, 31, 038.
Sprat, (felon,) 407.
Spray, Nicholas, 292.
Spring Garden, 359, 596.
Sprowston, 630.
Spur alley, 243.
Stafferton, Robert, 104.
Stafford, 205, 246, 268.
Stafford, Sir Edward, 14, 89, 139, 144, 152.
, Edward, Duke of Buckingham, 457.
, Sir John. 436.
, Robert, 72.
, William, 30.
, Lady, 30, 154.
Staffordshire, 247, 260, 294, 348, 368, 515,
544, 579.
, grants of lands in, 86, 204, 365, 375,
, lands and places in, 17, 23, 78, 142,
179, 408, 423, 614.
, recusants in, 275, 356, 374, 404, 407,
408, 416, 430, 505, 547, 576, 591.
, residents in, 253, 281, 346, 350, 529.
Staffordshire, sheriffs, &c. of, 37, 110, 246, 253,
470, 614.
Stagbach, 103.
Staines, 551.
bridge, 395.
house, 128.
Staingrave, 151.
Staining Hall, 511.
Stalbroke, 476.
Stallard, Leonard, 596.
Stallenge, Lady, 478.
, William, 344, 398, 536, 562, 574.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 256, 340.
Stallinge, Eichard, 98.
Stallingborough, 429, 455.
Stamford, 146, 202.
hospital, 607.
Stamford-Baron, 324.
Standen, Anthony, 1 1 .
, Sir Anthony, 11, 72, 113, 184, 230.
Standish, 111, 624.
Standrobe, 354.
Standrop, 460.
Stane, 439, 442.
Staney, Thomas, 430.
Stanford, Charles, 356.
, (priest,) 229.
Stanford Rivers, 34, 108.
Stanhope, Charles, 15, 354, 366.
, Sir Edward, 454.
, Sir John, Treasurer of the Chamber,
Vice-Chamberlain, 125, 212 ; Lord of
Warrington, 214, 331 ; Master of Posts,
459, 546, 636, 654.
, , commissions to, 74, 254.
, , grants to, 15, 354, 366.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 209, 437,
, , letters to, 46, 160, 209 ; see
James I., letters of.
, , payments to, 9, 218, 235, 378,
405, 434, 476, 585, 641.
, , warrants to, 157, 294, 440.
, Lady Margaret, 405.
, Sir Michael, 52, 77, 141, 164.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 52, 232, 536.
, Sir John, 394, 405.
, Sir Thomas, 394.
Stanion, 9.
Stanley, Edward, 6, 181.
, Alice, Countess Dowager of Derby,
164, 227, 435.
Elizabeth, see Hastings.
, Ferdinando, Earl of Derby, 359.
, Henry, 345, 502.
, James, 287, 288.
John (auditor), 450, 502, 564, 574.
, Sir Robert, 276.
, Thomas, 212.
Sir William, 263, 274, 298, 314, 652.
Stanley, William, Earl of Derby, 6, 23, 27, 50,
123, 139, 261, 289, 290, 335, 355, 359,
, , grants to, 27, 23, 50, 604.
, , letter of, 441.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 378, 469,
, , letters to, see James I., letters of.
, Elizabeth, Countess of Derby, 23, 195,
276, 290, 359, 538, 539, 587, 604, 655.
Stanley Regis, 385.
Stanlinch, 515.
Stannaries, 34, 46, 68, 83, 117, 140, 199, 392,
633 ; see also Tin.
, warden of, see Herbert, Earl of Pem-
Stanninghall, 598.
Stannye, 221.
Stansbie, alias Drury, 264.
Stanton, Thomas, 193.
Stanton-Harcourt, 557.
Stan well, 27.
Stanwick, 233.
Stanzaker, 416.
Stapers, Richard, letters of, to Cecil, 79, 228,
Staple, Mayor of, 16.
Staple Inn, 157, 507.
Stapleford, 99,557.
Staples, Peter, 423.
., Walter, 48.
Stapleton, Elizabeth, 226.
, Richard, 226.
Stapley, Anthony, 180.
, Mr., 299
Starch, 300, 358, 368, 390, 445,470,536,58 1 ,629.
, customs on, 370, 413, 419, 421, 430,
441, 628.
Starch-makers, 365, 375.
Starchamber, 87, 95, 120, 124, 176, 185, 236,
237, 257, 295, 298, 335, 389, 414, 420,
447, 465, 489, 505, 560.
, clerks of, 323, 384, 530.
, fines in, 529, 583, 586.
, keepers of, 1 7.
suits in, 50, 181, 490.
Starchy, Henry, 486.
Starkey, John, 72, 142, 209, 330.
Starky, William, 160, 644.
Starr, Richard, 454.
, Samuel, 58.
Starton, 485.
State, the, 5, 7, 318, 340, 621.
, officers of, 21.
, secret service of, 468, 513, 515, 527.
States, the, see Holland.
Statutes and Recognizances, 20, 45, 139, 159.
171, 317, 342, 405, 409, 434, 527, 550,
554, 556, 568.
clerks of, 16, 591.
Staoghton, Thomas, 438,
Staunton, William (recusant), .390.
William (gaol-keeper), 547.
Staveleys, 330.
Staverton, 276.
Stayner, John, 593.
Stead, Sir William, 180.
Steeple Asbton, 469.
Stephens, John, 29.
, Thomas, 56, 645.
, Thomas, 202.
Stephenson, Thomas, 523.
Steping, 155.
Stepney, 31, 188, 232, 362.
Sterrell, William, 407, 592.
Stetterington, 28.
Stevenson, John, 48.
Stew Quay, 396.
Steward, Francis, 31, 119, 368.
, James, 224.
Toby, 153.
Stewart (or Steward), David, 370, 384, 390,
Lady Elizabeth, 184.
, James, 380.
, Sir James, 599.
, James, Earl of Murray, 48, 87, 368,
John, 231 ; Lord Kincleven, 594, 650.
, John, Earl of Mar, 12, 278, 298, 366,
, grants to, 34, 45, 46, 70, 71, 72,
92, 455.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 12, 105, 278,
, Patrick, Earl of Orkney, 526.
, Robert, 143.
, (or Steward), Sir Robert, 98, 564, 565,
567, 568, 569, 629, 651.
, , grants to, 127, 313, 584, 626.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 564, 566.
, Walter, Lord Blantyre, Treasurer of
Scotland, 1 1 L
, Sir William, 115, 134, 167, 222.
Colonel William, letters of, to Cecil,
10, 544.
Stidstone, Francis, 188.
Stifkey, 208.
Stiler, John, 160.
Still, John, 416.
John, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 196,
, , letters to, see James L, letters
, Miles, 230.
Stirling, 278.
Stirrall, Mr., 190.
StirriU, William, 28.
Stirrop, William, 91.
Stixton, 591.
Stockdale, George, 401.
, Richard, 173, 532.
Stockdale, William, 238.
Stocklcdge, John, 91.
Stockley Park, 423.
Stockwell, William, 198.
Stoddard, Sir Nicholas, 217.
Stodham, 365.
Stoke, 33, 52, 210, 291, 529.
Stoke Clymesland, 179.
Stoke Goldington, 553.
Stoke upon Trent, 70.
Stokehammond, 98.
Stokes, Adrian, 63.
Stokesby, 636.
Stonard, , 387.
Stondon Place, 464.
Stone, Lady Barbara, 449.
, Benjamin, 84.
, Edward, 52.
, George, 52.
John, 29.
Sir William, 189, 370, 449.
, Thomas, 390.
, Mrs. (of Bedford), 587.
Stone, Constable of, 544.
Stonefield, 356.
Stoneleigh, 642.
Stoner, Sir Francis, 291, 388, 570, 571.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 291, 611.
.William, 231.
Stonihurst, 530.
Stormer, Robert, 204.
Story, Christopher, 244, 252.
, Fergus, 262.
George, 17, 159.
, John, 245.
Stotterton, 269.
Stoughton, Lawrence, 578.
Stourbridge, 247, 263, 266.
Stourton, Edward Lord, 54, 258, 265, 281, 285,
295, 465.
Stow, 142.
Stowe, 544.
Stowe River, 620.
Stowe Woods, 488, 571.
Stowe, John, 84.
Stowel, 191.
Stradt, 639.
Straits, the, 412.
Strand, the, see Somerset House, and London,
streets of.
, deaths and burials in, 91, 140, 235, 297.
, letters from, 455, 487, 489, 490, 492,
528, 536, 564, 566, 583, 616, 634 ; see
also Salisbury House.
Strange, Thomas, 240, 267, 268, 270, 283, 291,
293, 300, 305, 308, 533, 534, 536.
Strangers, see Aliens, Merchant Strangers,
Stratford-on-Avon, 293.
Stratford Langthorne, 144.
Stratford, Robert, 34.
Btratton, Sir Alexander, 530.
Streat, John, 66, 83.
Street, John, 447.
Streets, see London, streets of.
Strensham, 593.
Stretham, 608
Streylley, Humphrey, 263.
Stricklaud, Edward, 376.
Stringer, Philip, 183.
, Thomas, 420.
Strixton, 149.
Strode, George, 71.
Stroza, President of the Jesuit6, 630.
Strumw ell, Edward, 330.
Stuart, Lady Arabella, 6, 21, 22, 31, 43, 153,
308, 365, 394, 417, 494, 523, 542, 576,
583, 596 j sec also Seymour.
, , grants to, 173, 351, 555, 594.
, .letter of, 379.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 540, 573.
Esme, Lord Aubigny, 33, 125, 141,
328, 369, 372, 433, 489, 500, 551, 644.
, Henry, Lord Daraley, 11, 267.
James, 148.
, Lewis, Duke of Lenox, 15, 74, 148,
203, 251, 282, 306, 329, 336, 348, 357,
361, 365, 377, 525, 526, 604, 623.
, , commissions to, 74, 148.
, , grants to, 28, 96, 192, 233, 270,
272, 335, 427.
Matthew, Earl of Lenox, 7, 28, 3], 54,
277, 319.
Margaret, Countess of Lenox, 11, 28,
William, 236.
Stukeley, Sir Thomas, 315.
Sturbridge, 29, 536.
Sturminster Newton, 170, 188.
Sturtevant, Mr., 411.
Subsidies, 122, 125, 287, 298, 300, 301, 302,
304, 305, 332, 339, 347, 353, 378, 384,
402, 417, 428, 451, 471, 500, 503, 504,
508, 569, 587, 604, 612, 620, 631, 634 ;
see Clergy and London.
commissioners for, 393, 495, 630.
, farmers of, 158, 335, 390.
, payment of, 367, 381,445, 464, 499, 543.
receivers and collectors of, 96, 116,
324, 331, 372, 449, 460, 483, 516, 553,
, remission of, 133, 165, 178, 214, 407.
Suckling, Dr. Edmund, 102.
John, 162, 175, 377, 434, 594.
Suclingham, 276.
Sudbury Woodhall, 106.
Suffolk, 45, 387, 480, 502, 517, 537.
, grants of lands in, 17, 45, 108, 116,
117, 133, 147, 160, 175, 208, 215, 229,
232, 356, 377.
, lands and places in, 48, 52, 292, 371,
389, 399, 406, 412, 480, 495, 508, 547,
633, 635.
Suffolk, offices in, 105, 164, 253, 386, 508.
, ports of, 253.
, recusants in, 384, 472.
, residents in, 59, 71, 114, 171, 198, 240,
243, 252, 302, 383, 574, 579, 581.
Suffolk, Duke of, see Brandon, Charles ; Grey,
, Earl of, see Howard, Thomas.
, Countess of, see Howard, Catherine.
Sugar, 422, 449, 496, 537; see also Brazil sugar.
, customs on, 422, 429, 449, 496, 524,
537, 588, 623, 653.
Suits, commissions for granting, 11, 12, 467.
Sully, Duke of, see Eosny.
Sullyard, Edward, 171.
Summerfield, Henry, 541.
Sunderland, 631.
Sunning, 215, 423, 506.
Sunninghill park, 372.
Suprani, John Francisco, 429.
Supremacy, Oath of, 9, 73, 177, 193, 210, 254,
273, 317, 564, 589, 616.
Surley (or Urley) Case, 373, 397, 443, 583.
Surrey, 112.
, grants of lands in, 88, 89, 218, 281, 643.
, lands and places in, 11, 24, 35, 52,
115, 123, 130, 169, 328, 390, 406, 431,
439, 440, 446, 469, 501, 510, 545, 551,
562, 593, 631.
, offices in, 198, 359, 368, 473.
, recusants in, 403, 505, 547, 587, 592.
Surrey, bailiwick of, 273, 394.
Surrey, Earl of, see Howard.
Surveyors, see Crown lands, surveyors of.
Sussex, 53, 368, 520, 600.
, grants of lands in, 96, 129, 144, 160,
217, 338, 351, 360, 377, 571, 643, 644.
, lands and places in, 228, 416, 428, 474,
481, 496, 499, 531, 535, 537, 545, 561,
579, 658.
, lieutenants of, 78, 428, 453.
, recusants in, 359, 383, 389, 414, 429,
442, 511, 531, 544, 576, 589, 592, 621.
residents in, 26, 71, 185, 201, 223,
299, 356, 496, 546, 609.
Sussex, Earl of, see Katcliffe.
Sutcliffe, Matthew, 333.
Suthis, William, 604.
Suttell, Thomas, see Loader, Thomas.
Sutterton, 162.
Sutton, Berks, 407.
, Lincoln, 402, 526.
, Northampton, 328.
Sutton, Charles, 249, 256.
, Edward, Lord Dudley. 2L
, John, 422.
Kichard, 470.
(minister), 159.
Swaffham, 200, 215.
Swaffham Bulbeck, 200, ilo, 578.
Swain, Philip, 141.
Swainmote, Court of, 596.
Swale, Dr., or Sir Richard, 216, 328.
Swallow, Paul, 105.
, Thomas, 105.
Swallowfield, 161.
Swanbrough, 320.
Sweden, 563, 638.
, King of, tee Charles IX.
Swetnam, Francis, 256.
, (servant), 602.
Swift, Ann, 173.
, Thomas 607.
Swinborne, John, 137.
Swineshead, 580.
Swinley, 613.
Swinnerton, 275.
Swinnerton, Sir John, 137, 348, 459, 480, 616.
Swyned, Thomas, 239.
Sydenham, Mary, 522.
, Richard, 385.
Sydney, Sir Henry, 517, 527.
, or Sidney, Sir Robert, 5 ; Lord Sydney,
8; Viscount Lisle, 214, 315, 453, 581,
632, 650.
, as Lord Chamberlain of the
Queen, 12, 155, 213, 254, 553.
, grants, &c, to, 229, 320, 323,
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 188,
594, 609.
, , payments to, 470, 491.
, Sir William, 581.
Symcock, George, 573.
Syme, John, 28, 83, 532.
Symnell, John, 582.
Symon, George, 397.
Symonds, Thomas, 378.
William, 262.
Symondson, William, 371.
Symons, Christopher, 132.
, Lee, 178.
Syon abbey, 532.
Syon House, 558.
, , letters dated from, 12, 32, 53,
151, 231.
T G , (jesuit), 321.
Taddington, 38.
Tadford, 349.
Tailbois, William, 260, 272, 286.
Talbot, Sir Edward, 69.
, Elizabeth, Countess dowagerof Shrews-
bury, 365.
Talbot, Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury, Chief
Justice in Eyre, North, 15, 24, 119, 126,
140, 183, 4 55, 531, 549, 636.
, , grants to, 11, 351.
, , letters of, 359, 386, 401, 522.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 209, 417, 441,
463, 467, 505, 523, 538, 542, 552, 559,
560, 622, 628, 632.
, , letters to, 132, 390, 621.
, letters to, see also James I.,
letters of.
, Mary, Countess of Shrewsbury, 261,
, John, of Grafton, 87, 139, 146, 157,
173, 222, 242, 253, 266, 267, 279, 281,
282, 283, 293.
, Mary, 395.
, John, of Oakley, 279.
, Thomas, or Sherrington, 279.
Talcott, Jeronimo, 522.
Talebushe, see Tailbois.
Talworth, 340.
Tal-y-garn, 635.
Tal-y-llyn, 614.
Tamepark, 267.
Tampion, John, 312.
Tamworth, 541.
castle, 550.
Tanfield, Sir Lawrence, Chief Baron of the
Exchequer, 378, 380, 393, 474, 514,
Tankard, James, 400, 529.
Tanworth, 532.
Tapestry, 371.
Taplowe, 126, 408.
Tarbock, Peter, 143.
Tasburgh, Charles, 319.
, Sir John, 218.
, Lady, 240, 259, 267, 271.
Tate, Francis, 81.
, William, 256.
Tatenhill, 614.
Tatnall, Henry, 132, 240, 323,
Tatteridge, 633.
Tattersall, Edmund, 557.
Taunton, 179, 328.
Tauntou, William, 631.
Tausworth, 587.
Tavcrner, or Tavernor, John, 135, 215, 353,
381, 388, 401, 402.
, Richard, 88, 492,
Taverns, 174.
Tavistock, letters dated from, 258, 304. 444,
455, 469, 488, 564.
Tawte, John, 43.
Taxis, John, Baptista de, 40.
, Juan de, Count of Villa Medina,
Spanish Ambassador, 27, 34, 35, 40, 41,
49, 72, 151, 230, 232, 233, 235.
Taylor, Brian, 200.
, Captain George, 528.
, Isabel, 532.
Taylor, John, 402.
, Ralph, 6S, 72.
, Robert, 80.
, Thomas, 11G, 158.
, William, 541, 610.
Taynton, 27.
Teckwood, 550.
Tempest, Robert, 8.
Thomas, 246.
, William, 593.
Temple, The, 159, 187, 536.
, Inner, 269, 270, 606.
, Middle, 307, 319, 334, 369, 534.
Temple bar, 390.
church, 307, 378.
mills, AValtham forest, 449.
-wood, 218.
Temple Grafton, 437.
Newsham, 8, 28.
Temple, Peter, 579.
, Thomas, 322.
, William, 477.
Templehurst, 72.
Tempsford, 382.
Tenant, John, 610.
Tenny, John, 529.
Tenterden, 406.
Tents, toils, and pavilions, officers of, 14, 94,
, , Masters of, see Seckford, Henry
and Sir Henry ; Jones, Thomas ; Bed-
ingfield Thomas.
Tenures (King's), 341, 589, 596, 621, 622, 624,
625, 630, 633, 640, 641, 643, 644 ; sec
also Wardships.
Terold, William, 71, 108.
Tervey, Henry, 221.
Tesmond, see Grcenway.
Tetherton, Lucas, 210.
Tewksbury, 594.
Tey, John, 215*.
Thacker, Thomas, 436.
Thames river, 110, 118, 128, 133, 141, 182,
199, 241, 473, 580, 591.
.freezing of, 391, 394, 488.
, navigation of, 279, 363.
, seal taken in, 187.
, swans in, 81, 379.
watermen on, 228, 400.
Thatcher, James, 389, 544.
, William, 389, 544.
Mrs., 544.
Thawiate Wood, 194.
Thekeston, Sir Richard, 10, 382, 542.
Thelwall, Bevis, 42, 55, 349, 395, 474.
, Euble, 203, 391, 402.
, John, 402.
Thelwell, Ambrose, 36 4.
Theobalds house and park, 60, 138, 361, 373,
394, 412, 485, 506, 532, 538, 589, 602,
645, 651.
Theobalds house and park, purchase of, &c.
354, 358, 359, 364, 385.
game at, 138, 602.
, keepers of, 361, 365, 640, 652.
, letters from, 7, 137,. 138, 203, 447, 448,
558, 602.
, wardrobe at, 369, 374,
, works at, 376, 419.
Thessam, Alexander, 446.
Thetcher, James, 180.
Thetford, 473, 527, 544, 008.
, game at, 203, 387, 411, 648.
, letters from, 200, 201, 412, 413, 421,
470, 472, 474, 605, 606.
Thickpcnny, Robert, 457.
Thimble, John, 164.
Thimelby, Richard, 289, 511, 556.
Thirlewell, Philip, 299.
Thirsk, 123, 539.
Thockington, 530.
Thomas, Anthony, 164.
, Hugh, 392, 413.
, James, 83.
, Joan, 164.
, John, (minister,) 124, 522.
, John, (late,) 194.
, John, (gunner,) 416.
, Robert, 584.
, Samuel, 164.
, William, 584.
Thomason (or Thomazine), Edward, 1 50, 1 6,
Thomond, Earl of, see O'Bryan.
Thompson, George, 638, 655.
, James, 502.
, Sir John, 497.
, Paul, 128, 188.
, Robert, 556.
, Samuel, Portcullis and Windsor, 80,
, William, 638, 655.
, (recusant,) 537.
Thomson, Alexander, 570.
, Thomas, 375, 450, 452, 453.
Thorall, Sir John, 154.
Thornack, 607.
Thornburgh, Edward, 653.
, Edward, jun., 653.
, John, (castle-keeper,) 21.
, John, Bishop of Bristol, 237, 415, 525,
, Eliza, 525.
Thorndon, 378.
Thornc, 455.
Thorne, John, 71.
, Richard, 65.
, Robert, 174.
, Dr. William, 340.
Thorneback, William, 66.
Thornell, Dr., 277.
Thorney college, alms-rooms in, 498.
Thornhaugb, 23.
Thornhaugh, Sir John, 473.
Thornhirst, 196.
Thornton, 35, 221.
Thornton, Captain Giles, 212.
, John, 545.
, Richard, 30.
Robert, 286, 32S.
Thorny, James, 458.
Thorold, Alexander, 538.
, Edmund, 528.
Thorp, John, 502.
, Mr. 155.
Thorp hall, 386.
Thorpe, Robert, 384.
Thorpe-Malsor, 601.
Thrampton, 128.
Thread, Gold and Silver, 153.
, , customs on, 180, 191.
Threele, John, 561.
Threlfall, Edmund, 383.
Throckmorton, Robert, 216.
Martha, 216.
Throgmorton, Ann, 383.
, Sir Arthur, 493.
, George, 437.
, Sir George, 169, 433.
Sir Nicholas, 581.
Robert, 418.
, Thomas, 171, 248, 260, 263, 270, 274,
279, 295, 356.
Thunderidge by Ware, 204.
Thurgar, Robert, 143.
Thurmaston, 641.
Thurrock, 24.
Thursby, Cuthbert, 16.
, Thomas, 16.
Thurston, 356.
Thurston, Edward, 394, 419.
Thwing, 386.
Thwinge, Thomas, 591.
Thymic Sir John, 52.
, Sir Thomas, 646.
Ticehurst, 546.
Ticheborne, Sir Benjamin, Keeper of Win-
chester castle, 57, 69, 76, 348.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 53, 249.
Sir Richard, 76, 634.
, Sir Walter, 597.
Tichfield, 493.
Tickenhill (or Ticknell) house and park, 313,
450, 528, 552.
Tickhill, 471.
Ticknell, see Tickenhill.
Tiddesley, Edward, 587.
Tilbury, 452, see West Tilbury.
Tilletson, Francis, 2, 411.
Tilney, Edmund, Master of the Revels, 178,
391, 410.
Tilton, 252.
Til ton, Eliz.,312.
Timber, 92, 107, 138, 218, 304, 342, 570, 473,
, felling of, 150, 158, 160, 201, 414, 423,
492, 509, 518, 541, 547, 549, 569.
for building, 200, 473, 538.
, grants of, 495, 537, 557, 584, 626.
, purveyors of, 178, 431.
, sale and purchase of, 32, 207, 353, 420,
469, 470, 508, 517, 534, 549, 574.
Timberley, , 637.
Tin, 44, 85, 143, 146, 152, 198, 212, 235, 441.
customs on, 79, 140, 228, 437, 441,
444, 469.
, export of, 84, 334, 383, 435, 437.
, pre-emption of, 13, 14,84,139,140, 157,
331, 334, 335, 435, 475, 476, 547, 608 ;
see also Cornwall and Devon, tin in ; and
Tindall, or Tyndall, Humphrey, Dean of Ely,
186, 361.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 560, 563.
Tintinhull, 188.
Tirrel, Richard, 282, 331.
Tirwhit (or Tyrwhit), Robert, 240, 248.
Sir Robert, 249.
Tisdale, John, 4.
Tise, Philip, 175, 178.
Tithes and fifteenths, 19, 20, 49, 305, 328, 357,
377, 385, 387, 441, 464,499, 504, 525,
528, 530, 549, 587, 640; see also Clergy.
, collectors of, 62, 154, 194, 331, 443,
, grants of, 35, 125, 148, 159, 160, 191,
217, 218, 347, 348, 365, 373, 378, 379,
385, 613.
, receivers of, 75, 211.
, remission of, 202, 324, 644.
Titles, concealed, sec Crown lands, concealed.
, defective, 196, 222, 424, 475, 523, 560,
569, 579, 580, 587, 589, 615, 618, 650.
, commissioners for, 328, 438, 441,
477,514, 519, 565.
Tiverton, 516.
Tobacco, 140.
customs on, 159, 339, 393, 586.
Tockett, Roger, sen., 427.
Roger, jun., 427.
Toddington, 245.
Toderick, Walter, 57, 80, 395, 411, 493, 532.
Tokefield, Henry, 86.
Toldervey, Christopher, 154.
Toledo, Don Pedro de, 448, 492.
Tomkins, Thomas, 111.
Tomlins, Richard, 18, 320.
Tompson, Nicholas, 219.
Tonnage and Poundage, 61,202, 212, 296, 349,
384, 416, 449, 494.
Tooke, Giles, 180.
, John, 337, 383, 594.
, Ralph, 653.
Walter, 383, 560.
WiUiam, 198.
Topcliffe, Charles, 61.
Topesfield, 84, 147.
Torbay, 12, 412.
Torpell, 477, 538.
Torpenhow, 336.
Torporley, Nathaniel, 263.
Torringham, 332.
Totnam, or Tottenham, 256, 259, 267.
Tourval.M. de, 616.
Towcester, 537.
Towe river, 138, 304.
Tower of London, the, 17, 21, 30, 77, 93, 207,
273, 352, 474.
, armoury in, 350, 418, 445.
, beasts in, 107, 141, 182, 237, 249.
, buildings in and near, 209, 307, 452,
486, 512, 536, 614, 623, 637.
, garden and wardrobe in, 66, 100.
, gentleman porters in, 85, 71, 524, 614.
, gunners in, 28, 29, 30, 31, 48, 74, 81,
83, 106, 129, 137, 142, 145, 163, 205,
226, 392, 398, 413, 415, 416, 426, 447,
592, 593, 595, 598, G04, 633.
, letters, &c, from, 4, 6, 20, 21, 25, 26,
31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 50, 73, 88, 209,
210, 224, 239, 246, 258, 269, 273, 306,
314, 329, 437, 452, 515, 637.
.., lieutenants of, see Peyton, Sir John ;
Harvy, Sir George ; Waad, Sir William.
Lords Commissioners of, 25.
, money in, see Mint.
, officers in, 85, 149, 219, 312, 542, 577,
, ordnance, &c., in, 9, 111, 113, 156, 169,
293, 318, 356, 416, 447, 552, 592.
, plague in, 37, 38.
prisoners in, 4, 15, 57,59, 72, 88, 127,
140, 211, 224, 239, 241, 243, 246, 247,
260, 261, 262, 263, 267, 283, 288, 291,
297, 299, 300, 304, 313, 322, 324, 326,
329, 370, 386, 435, 454, 491, 506, 631.
, records in, 15, 73, 144, 178, 568.
, waiters or warders in, 15, 29, 32, 39,
42, 69, 83, 86, 111, 114, 123, 130, 131,
165, 199, 220, 250, 437, 592.
Tower, Bloody, 347.
White, 515.
Tower hill, 263, 330, 344.
Tower, Thomas, 469.
Townley, Charles, 634.
Townsend, Robert, 379.
, Robert (of Suffolk), 252, 256.
, Robert (of Ludlow), 543.
, Thomas, 611.
Townshend, Elizabeth, 377.
, Sir Henry, 344.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 315, 425.
, Sir John, 649.
Tracts, see Books.
Tracy, Mr., 256, 411.
Trade, 79, 121, 139, 154, 193, 211, 233, 311,
335, 336, 337 ; see also Spain, trade
Trade, Free, 53, 77, 112, 117, 306, 315.
Trafford, Thomas, 18.
Tragyhall, Mr., 229.
Tranmore, 44.
Travell, Robert, 217.
Trayton, Thomas, 416.
Treasurer, Lord High, see Sackville, Thoma6 ;
Cecil, Robert.
Treatises, see Books.
Trebill, 640.
Trees, see Timber.
Trefford, 330.
Treluddroo, 46.
Tremontane, the (ship), 111, 453.
Trench, Edward, 95.
, John, (clerk), 95.
, John, (bailiff), 386.
Trenchard, Sir George, 82.
Trent river, 371, 473.
, lands, north of, 59, 89, 108, 158, 621.
, , south of, 23, 158, 381, 446, 593,
Trent, Somerset, 384,418.
Trentham, Mr., 522.
Tresame, see Tresham.
Tresham, Anne, 303.
, Francis, 246, 251, 254, 258, 259, 262,
263, 269, 270, 273, 274, 299, 303, 306,
314, 346, 370.
, Lewis, 269, 270.
, Richard, 592.
, Sir Thomas, 115, 136, 171, 223, 224,
225, 269, 270.
, Lady, letters of, to Salisbury, 500, 553.
, William, 269.
Treswell, Robert, 510, 593, 605, 606, 607, 617,
642, 649, 651.
Trevalyn, 655.
Trevor, John, 22.
, Sir John, 28, 199, 275, 279, 286, 312,
396, 409, 493, 514, 537, 547, 585, 593,
, , grants to, 13, 52, 111.
, Sir Richard, 212, 441.
, Sir Sackville, 212.
, Thomas, 111, 119, 523, 537.
Trewman, Richard, 262.
Triago, 447.
Triggs, Paul, 116.
Tring, 447.
Trinity house, Deptford Strond, 157.
Trinity house, Dover, 343.
Trinity house, London, Wardens and Company
of, 117, 431.
Tripoli, 216.
Trombull, William, 28, 137.
Trontes, Thomas, 437.
Trott, Nicholas, 204.
, Mr., 176.
Trotter, Lawrence, 70.
Trudgioc, Mr., 40.
Trundle, (preacher), 463.
Trussell, Thomas, letters of, to Salisbury, 612,
Try, William, 624.
Tucke, George, 302.
Tucker, John, (shipmaster), 317.
, John, (pauper), 539.
(or Tooker), Dr. William, 176.
Tudder, John, 511.
Tuddington, 448, 449, 591.
Tudhoe, 581.
Tunstead, 508.
Tunstead, Robert, 68.
Turberville, Anne, 530.
Turgis, William, 345.
Turke, Mrs., 223.
Turkey and Turks, 168, 190, 216, 355, 506.
Turkey Merchants, see Levant Company.
Turnbull, Mr. 307.
Turner, Clement, 121.
, Edward, 619.
, Sir John, 505.
, Dr. Peter, 307.
, Richard, 648.
, William, (carter), 264.
William (of London), 541, 571, 572.
Captain William, 100, 303, 304, 308,
309, 634.
, (fencer), 141.
Turner 's-Piddle, 525.
Turpin, Sir Andrew, 247.
, Sir William, 251.
, (steward), 249.
Turringtou, 205.
Turssis, Don Juan de, see Taxis.
Turvey, 426, 548, 572.
Tuscany, Ambassador of, 422, 543.
, Grand Duke of, Ferdinand de Medici's L,
18, 120, 231, 355, 366, 422,443,469,
, , Cosmo de Medicis II., 547, 555,
579, 654.
Tusser, Mr., 158.
Tutbury, 179, 562.
Tutt, Sir Alexander, 379.
Tuttofte, John, 273.
Tweed, River, 41, 76.
Twickenham, 35, 98.
Twisden, Thomas, 74.
Twist, Ann, 1 38.
, Dorothy, 138.
, Thomas, 111.
Twydnack, 35.
Twyford, Henry, 137.
Twynyho, William, 323,
Tyas, Robert, 18, 26, 42, 55, 170.
Tydsdale, John, 319.
Tylands, 275.
Tyldesley, Thurstone, 416.
Tyler, John, 328.
, Robert, 124.
Tymperly, Nicholas, 384.
Tyndall, Humphrey, see Tindall.
, Sir John, 221.
Tynedale, 313, 358.
Tyneinouth, 254, 556, 557, 653.
castle, 253, 254, 420, 435, 501, 562.
haven, 227.
monastery, 642.
Typpen, Timothy, 537.
Typper, William, 43, 292, 331, 424, 630, 654.
Typping, Sir George, 606.
Tyrconnel, Earl of, see O'Donnel.
Tyrer, John, 30.
Tyringham, Anthony, 506.
, Thomas, 15.
, Sir Thomas, 142, 364, 403.
Tyrone, Earl, sec O'Neil.
, Countess of, see O'Neil, Catherine.
Tyrwhit, see Tirwhit.
Tyson, George, 169, 386.
, John, 386.
, William, 169.
Tyte, George, 356.
Lewis, 394.
Tytherton, John, 127.
Tythyn, Sion, 317.
Udall, William, 35, 91, 252, 415, 449.
Udwart, Nathaniel, 35.
Ulster, 329, 512, 550, 598, 626.
Underwood, Robert, 336, 337.
Union of England and Scotland, 97, 100, 101,
103, 104, 105, 126, 130, 132, 149, 150,
173, 181, 246, 266, 294, 319, 350, 351,
354, 355, 358, 361, 370, 428, 637, 638.
Act and articles of, 170, 182,271, 336,
, bill of, 316, 335, 338.
, Commissioners for, 98, 99, 103, 104,
112, 118, 132, 149, 151, 167, 170, 173,
176, 348, 349.
, proclamation for, 9.
United Provinces, see Holland.
Universities, see Oxford and Cambridge.
Unning, Ralph, 458.
, William, 458.
Unton, Thomas, 60.
Upcher, Elizabeth, 331.
Uppingham, 500.
Upton, George, 551.
Upton, 126, 355.
Upton St. Leonard's, 169.
Upton-ryne, 394.
Urley Case, see Surley.
Urseleet, 402.
UrwyD, William, 399.
Uske river, 529.
Usquebaugh, 593.
Uttoxeter, 346.
Uvedale, William, jun., 530.
Vacandare, Tsaac, 419.
Vachan, David, 533.
Vachell, Sir Thomas, 10.
Vaget, Joachim, 61.
Valence, 248.
Valenciennes, 151.
Valentine, Jane, 48.
Valla Crucis, Monastery of, 221.
Valladolid, 224.
Van Barton, Jacob, 127.
Van Hulfen, Henry ck, 417.
Van Lore, Peter, 58, C7, 69, 88, 102, 191, 215,
219, 486, 546.
, , grants to, 125, 126, 146.
, , payments to, 80, 110, 122, 148,
171, 175, 186, 211, 219, 391. 580, 587.
Van Mettecoven, Andrew, 62.
Van Somer, Martin, 148, 171.
Vanderveaken, Hans, 342.
Vasey, John, 116.
Vaudemont, Francois, Count, 330, 332.
Vaudry, Edward, 344.
John, 344.
Vaughan, Charles, 443.
, Henry, 525.
, Margery, 443.
, Peregrine, 379.
Richard, Bishop of Chester, 113, 143,
154; Bishop of London, 174, 176, 178,
189,202, 228, 268, 290, 310, 340.
, , letters to, sec James I., letters of.
, Walter, 224.
, William, 22, 515.
, (minister), 522.
Vaus, Richard, 584, 626.
Vause, Thomas, 440.
Vaux, Mrs. Anne, 250, 259, 263, 268, 270, 291,
292, 296, 297, 299, 302, 303, 305, 308,
309, 312.
, Edward Lord, 256, 257, 267, 208, 465,
, Elizabeth, 208, 239, 240, 245, 249, 253,
254, 256, 257, 259, 266, 267, 271, 291.
, William, 487
Vavasour, Ann, 95.
, George, 269,270, 283.
, John, see Healey.
, Sir Thomas, Knight Marshal, 48, 66,
113, 164, 184, 376, 386, 470, 486, 546.
William, 269, 303.
Vawer, William, 483.
Venables, Richard, 471.
Venables, Sarah, 471, 472, 522.
Venetians, 44, 79, 144, 200, 211, 228, 469.
Venice, 271, 352, 443, 455, 462, 463, 476, 512,
547, 567, 643, 645, 651.
, ambassadors of, 41, 44, 50,289, 301,
470, 583 ; see also Molino, Nicolo.
, ambassadors to, see Wotton, Sir
Henry ; Carleton, Sir Dudley.
glass, 373.
gold, 71, 506, 601 ; see also Thread,
gold and silver.
, , customs on, 348.
, merchants of, 168.
Venner, Robert, 564.
Verdon, John, 308.
Vere, Sir Francis, 68, 320, 321, 414, 444, 539,
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 452, 536.
, Sir Thomas, 107.
John de, 10th Earl of Oxford, 354.
, Edward de, 17th Earl of Oxford, 22,
24, 112, 465, 522.
, Elizabeth, Countess of Oxford, 405, 522,
, Henry de, 18th Earl of Oxford, 155,
187, 359, 617.
, Lady Susan, see Herbert.
, Lord, 428.
Verneuil, Marquise de ; Mdlle. d'Antraiges,
mistress of Henry IV., 187, 326.
Verney, Sir Francis, 182.
, Greville, 379.
, Sir Richard, 249, 632.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 256, 257,
628, 632.
, Uriah, 182.
Vernon, Robert, 12 ; Sir Robert, 32, 331, 338,
424 ; Cofferer of the Household, 600, 613,
, William, 328.
Verton, Francis de, Sieur de la Forest, 380, 487,
540, 584.
Vesey, Captain John, 102, 104.
, William, 401.
Vicar, , 452.
Vice Chamberlain, see Stanhope, Sir John.
Victuals, 6, 131, 394, 420, 437, 578.
Villa Medina, Count de, see Taxis.
Villeroy, M. de, 651.
Vincent, letters of, to Benson, 181, 185, 180,
187, 191; see also Phelippes, Thomas.
, Mr., 476.
, sec Oldcorne.
Violet, Mr. (of Lynn), 553.
Virginia, 367, 440, 487,492, 508, 531, 573.
Company, 515.
Vitry, M. de, 393, 550.
Vivian, Francis, 56.
, Michael, 189.
, , 567.
Voyages, 84.
Vyner, William, 603.
W , J , treatise by, 150.
W , Mr., 14.
Waad, Sir William, 22, 31; Lieutenant of the
Tower, 234, 250, 281, 291, 296, 308,
309, 322, 446, 454, 577, 598, 624.
, commissions to, 390, 419, 441, 470,
, grants, &c.,to, 64, 91, 121, 435.
, letter of, to James I., 273.
, letters of, to Cecil, Earl of Salisbury,
27, 35, 239, 246, 247, 258, 269, 273,
305, 306, 452, 515, 533, 637.
, letters of, to Lake, 323, 437, 524, 592.
, letters to, 27, 38,314.
Wadborough, 298.
Waddelove, Jobn, 547.
Waddingham, 614.
Waddington, 607.
Waddon, 395.
Wade, Edith, 525.
"Wadbam, Dorothy, 563, 653.
, Nicholas, 563.
Wadley, 44.
Wadsworth, Nathaniel, 378.
Waferer, Elizabeth, 583.
Waid, (pirate,) 534.
Wake, Isaac, 362.
Wakefield, 328, 406,419, 467, 471,496.
Wakeman, John, 27.
Wakering, 528.
Wakering, Sir Gilbert, 375, 448, 476, 644.
, John, 331.
Walberton, 535.
Waldegrave, Charles, 275, 511.
, Sir George, 285.
Walden, 391, 627.
Wales, 34, 101, 231, 234, 276, 287, 299, 306,
326, 407, 470, 494, 564, 577, 582, 600,
604, 621, 629.
, causes in, 181, 182, 466.
, Court of, 13, 63.
, grants of lands in, 439, 635.
, King's jurisdiction over, 405, 466.
, lands in, 458, 515.
, Lieutenant, &c, of, 3, 63, 269.
mises of, 485, 634.
officers in, 13, 18, 119, 322, 325, 327,
353, 393,370,389, 461, 556, 557.
, Prince of, see Henry, Trince.
, Princes of, 597.
, Principality of, 24, 337, 342, 361, 635.
, Sessions in, 63, 489, 490, 500.
, wardrobe in, 56, 645.
Marches of, 67, 231,381.
, Council in, 450, 641.
Wales, Marches of, President and Council of,
letters of, to Salisbury, 398, 400.
, , Jurisdiction of, over Border
counties, 181, 298, 342, 398, 400, 404,
405, 423, 451, 466, 559, 622, 637, 649,
, , Court of, differences with King's
Bench, 181, 182, 629, 655.
, , officers in, 87, 110, 154, 203, 364,
371,401, 415,488.
, Presidency of, 466.
, , Presidents of, see Zouch, Edward
Lord ; Eure, Ralph Lord.
Walford, 443.
Walford, Thomas, 589.
Walgrave, Sir William, 387.
Walker, John, 238, 526.
, Margaret, 250.
, Kobert, 53, 219, 372, 374, 375.
, William, 469.
Walkington, Thomas, 614.
Wall, Robert, 513.
Waller, Anne, 607.
Rous, 592.
Thomas, 447.
, SirThomas, LieutenantofDover Castle,
154, 155, 345, 374, 387, 487, 545, 548,
607, 635.
, , commissions to, 390, 474.
, letters to, 502, 626.
, Walter, 607.
Sir Walter, 607.
, William, 191, 607.
Walley, John, 310.
, see Garnet.
Wallingford, 326.
castle, 584.
Wallis, Francis, 145.
, John, 91, 137.
Wallop, Sir Henry, 231, 368, 492,552.
Walmer Castle, 374, 523.
Walmsley, Henry, 346.
, Sir Thomas, Justice of Common Pleas,
394, 405.
Walpole, Henry, 326.
Father, 333.
Walsall, Mayor of, 268.
Walsgrove, see Fleet, John.
Walsh, Katharine, 485.
Sir Richard, High Sheriff of Wor-
cestershire, 247, 255.
, Sir William, 656.
Walsingbam, Lady Awdrey, 113, 179, 184,
420, 573, 599, 602, 606.
, Sir Thomas, 64, 81, 397, 420, 627.
, Lady Ursula, 326.
Walson, 547.
Walter, J., 233.
, Robert, 628.
, W., 233.
Waltham, 287, 345, 415, 564, 576.
cross, 658.
Walthani forest, 10, 22, 187, 2.30, 371, 398, 408,
449, 453, 593, 627, 645, 651.
grange, 408.
Walthamstow, 638, 655.
"Walton, Alexander, 355.
Anthony, 294.
, John, 215.
, Thomas, 511.
, William, 382.
Walton, Northumberland, 516.
Walton-on-Thames, 422, 440.
Walton-cum-Trenibly, 48, 52.
Walwood, 150.
Walworth, 401.
Walworth, Edward, 152.
Walwyn, Mr. (of Southam), 342.
Wanborough, 402.
Wandesford, Christopher, 436.
, Catherine, 436.
Wandles park, 17.
Wandsworth, 303, 501.
bridge, 328, 406.
Wansforth, 162.
Wanstead, 304.
Wapping, 264.
Warburton, Peter, 32.
, Sir Peter, Justice of Common Plea?»
304, 405.
, Sir Richard, 89, 93, 304.
W r ard, George, 157,373, 379, 417, 516.
, Marmaduke, 252.
, Richard, 154, 582.
, Thomas, 279.
, William, 620, 633.
, see Sicklemore.
Warden, Joshua, 611.
Wardington, 169.
Wardour, 542.
Wardour, Edward, 478.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 530, 555.
Wardrobe, The, charges of, 65, 148, 171, 221,
311, 331, 365, 374, 460, 590, 597, 636.
, Master of, see Fortescue, Sir John ;
Hume, Sir George ; Aston, Sir Roger.
, officers of, 18, 42, 48, 55, 56, 93, 127,
150, 170, 175, 236, 355, 374, 396, 400.
, supplies for, 13, 65, 432, 503, 539, 578.
, surveys of, 366, 371.
Wardrobes, see Greenwich, Hampton Court,
Hinchinbrook, Richmond, Theobalds,
Tower, Wales.
Wards and Liveries, Court of, 6, 32, 63, 74,
84, 299, 331, 337, 348, 353, 380, 386,
425, 439, 441, 467, 532, 546, 561, 577,
589, 599, 625, 642.
, , attorney of, 237, 239, 363, 468,
511, 606.
, , clerks and auditors of, 7, 15, 150,
152, 337, 343, 383, 560, 594.
, , keepers of, 440, 648.
, , master of, see Cecil, Sir Robert.
Wards and Liveries, Court of, receivers of, 41,
66, 137, 149, 364, 532, 545, 593.
Wards and Wardships, 98, 180, 181, 234, 275,
302, 341, 355, 417, 420, 440, 452, 454,
478, 505, 508, 522, 563, 576, 609, 615,
621, 622, 624, 625, 644, 645.
Ware, 199, 204, 239, 339.
park, 312, 332, 333, 339, 505, 506.
Wark, 174, 190.
castle, 56.
Warkworth, 332.
Warlaby, 121.
Warmington, 496.
Warmington, Mr., 44.
Warmsworth, 566.
Warnam, Captain, 367.
Warner, Henry, 352.
, John, 385.
, Richard, sen., 135.
, Richard, jun., 135.
, Mr. (fellow), 118, 133.
, Mr., 624.
Warnford, Thomas, 427.
Warren, Giles, 191.
, Robert, 252.
Warter, Raphael, 251.
Wartlington, 561.
Warwick, 242, 244, 245, 247, 248, 251, 266,
281,304, 310, 628, 632.
Castle, 128, 245,254.
, Eai'l of, see Dudley, Ambrose.
, Countess of, see Dudley, Ann.
Warwick, Thomas, 217, 503.
Warwickshire, 208, 217, 241, 242, 246, 260,
261, 272, 310, 313, 368,437.
, grants of lands in, 131, 137, 162, 171,
288, 322, 371, 498, 590, 614, 643, 644.
, lands and places in, 23, 95, 155, 214,
234, 248,323, 325, 404, 514, 579, 614,
040, 657.
' , lieutenants of, 44, 78, 226, 249.
, receivers, &c, of, 47, 53, 201.
, recusants in, 251, 356, 383, 389, 430,
437, 505, 524, 529, 532, 541, 591.
, residents in, 36, 193,243, 279,303,345.
, sheriff and justices, &c, of, 245, 249,
253, 256, 609.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 242, 248,
251, 255.
Washborne, Anthony, 636.
Washingley, 573.
Washington, Laurence, jun., 96.
Wastfield, Richard, 530.
Watchet, 179.
Water Newton, 328, 360.
Waterbeach, 631, 632.
Waterhouse, David, 387.
, Stephen, 406.
Watermen, see Thames.
Waterson, Mr., 609.
Waterson's shop, 59.
Waterton, 383, 402.
Watford, 227, 275, 322, 530, 58G.
Wuthe, Twiford, 122.
Watkin, John, 601.
Watkins, George, 35, 98, 40G.
Henry, 432.
Watkinson, John, 529.
Watlington Park, 461, Gil.
Watson, Anthony, Bishop of Chichester,
almoner, 9, 97.
Anthony, see Gibson, Anthony.
Sir Edward, 9, 554.
, Jane, 370, 407.
, John, 479.
, John (papist), 555.
, Thomas, 90, 120, 151, 211, 378, 528,
Sir Thomas, 381.
William (priest), 20, 21, 22, 23, 25,
27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 49, 53,
54, 72, 370.
, William, 4G0, 513.
, Mr. (fellow), 230.
Watton, 43.
Watton, Thomas, 407.
Watts, Sir John, 176, 342, 343, 513.
, Thomas, 82.
Waugh, William, 99.
Waverley, Robert, 301.
Way mouth, George, 377.
Weavers audWeaving, 336,478, 525, 611.
We£b, Giles, 384.
, Jehu, 75, 379, 383, 647.
, Sir John, 576.
, Robert, 394, 419.
, William, G41.
Webber, Thomas. 236, 486.
Webster, John, 145.
, William, 103, 180.
AVedgebury, 356.
Wednesbury, 529.
Weech, Christian, 9G, 598.
, Thomas, 9G.
Weege, 601.
Weever River, 143.
Weir, Robert, 75.
Welbeck Monastery, 11.
Welburne Castle, 94.
Weldon, Sir Ralph, 338.
, Thomas, 223, 401.
Wellingbourne, 256.
Wellington, Norfolk, 581.
, Somerset, 615.
Wellington, Alice, 225.
Wells, 549.
, Bishop of, see Bath and Wells.
, Cathedral of, 194.
, Dean and Chapter of, 104. 297, 380.
dioce o of, see Bath and Wells.
Wells, prebends of, &c, in, 417.
Wells, Elizabeth, 389.
James, 179.
, John, (post), 28.
, John, (storekeeper), 317.
, John, (recusant), 404, 407, 426.
, Robert, 134, 199, 380.
, William, 205.
Welsh, Walter, 122.
Welsh Court, see Wales, Court of.
Welsted, Leonard, 529.
Welwick, 384, 643, 648.
Wemmes, Humphrey, 13, 152, 157,335.
Wemms, L., 342.
Wemys, John Lord, 103, 117.
Wenham, John, 496.
Wenman, Sir Richard, 240, 259, 266, 267.
Agnes Lady, 259, 267, 268, 271.
Wensendell, 537.
YVensleydale, 21, 29, 158.
Wentworth, Lady Anne, 465.
, Sir John, 79, 531.
, Peter, 23.
, Thomas, 649.
Wesel, 317.
West, Henry, 517.
, John, 439, 445, 470.
, John, (pauper), 511.
, John, (fellow), 530.
, Sibyl, 123.
, Sir Thomas, 550.
, Thomas, Lord de la Warr, 448, 550.
, William, Lord de la Warr, 550.
West Baily Walk, 445.
Bear, sec King's Beere forest.
Country, 51, 306.
Harptree, 532.
Indies, 183, 334.
Sheen, see Richmond.
Tilbury Fort and Block-house, 76, 102,
268, 422, 423, 444, 623.
Witton, 159.
Wcstbonealveyt, 141.
AVestbury, John, 433.
, Richard, 252.
, see King's Beere.
Westby, Thomas, 389, 419.
Westcott, Robert, 427.
, Thomas, 541.
Westham, 345, 371, 383.
Westhay Lodge, 502.
Westhorpe, 615.
Westlcy, 59.
Westley, Richard, 94, 99.
Westminster, 46, 75, 144, 146, 171, 174,305,425,
442, 466,479, 506, 582, 586, 643, 644.
alms-rooms in, see St. Stephen's.
, bailiff of, 302.
Bridge, 22.
Westminster, collegiate school of, 185, 582.
, , letters dated from, 229, 506, 508,
51 609.
deaths and hurials in, 91, 140, 235,
297, 4-6.
, houses in. 132, 256, 474, 476, 486, 487,
489, 599.
letters, &c, dated from, passim.
, Palace of, 85, 194, 320, 562.
, , armoury at, 445.
, places in, 104, 340, 582.
, plague in, 38, 302.
, prison at, 608; see also Gatehouse.
, tilt-yard at, 599, 648.
Abbey of St. Peter, 22, 114, 201, 377,
406, 433, 585.
, , Dean and Chapter of, 24, 138,
, , prebends, 71, 78, 159, 196, 409,
, , alms-rooms in, 195, 197, 615.
Westmoreland, 258, 264, 275, 276, 388, 401,
408, 543.
, grants of lands in, 349.
, lands and places in, 215, 479.
, lieutenants of, 376.
, offices in, 399, 479-
, receivers in, 325, 542, 646.
, recusants in, 264, 568, 607.
, residents in, 258, 288.
, Earl of, see Nevill.
, earldom of, 275.
Westmoreland, Father, 281.
Weston, Christopher, 569.
, Dr. John, 70.
, Sir Eichard, 79, 81, 115, 158, 237, 503,
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 503, 551,
, Dr., or Sir Simon, 27.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 367, 543,
, William, 80, 383, 399.
Weston, Derby, 21.
, Gloucester, 528.
, Northampton, 217.
Warwick, 591.
Weston Underwood, 418.
Weston-sub-Edge, 268.
Westwood, 557.
Wetheral Abbey, 537.
Wetherall, 479.
Wethered, George, 511.
Weybridge, 422.
Weymouth, 5, 87, 176, 334, 338, 517.
, burgesses of, 80, 84.
, Mayor of, 517, 618.
Weymouth, Captain, 510.
Whalley, 542.
Wharton, 51, US.
WhartoD, John, 139.
Wharton, Samuel, 334, 337.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 21, 334.
, William, 642.
, Lady, 630.
Wheat, see Corn.
Wheatly, William, 604.
Wheeler, Evan, 326.
, Humphrey, 608.
, Thomas, 235.
Whetenhurst, 126.
Whiclrwood Porest, 564, 569, 570, 649.
Whitaker, Henry, 640.
Whitbrook, Sir John, 592.
Whitby, 502, 516.
Stroud, 516.
Whitchurch, 75.
White, Arthur, 256.
, Martin, 148, 353.
, Mary Lady, 615.
, Kobert, 374.
, Rowland, Postmaster of Court, 14, 87,
210, 222, 411, 492.
, Thomas, 529.
, Robert, 618.
, . , 310.
Whitehall Palace, 5, 47, 89, 141, 146, 158,
161, 354, 370, 388, 444, 458, 516, 560,
619, 641, 657.
, Court at, 78, 89, 90, 96, 131, 135, 146-
159, 169, 409.
, letters, &c, dated from, passim.
, works at, 589.
Whitehead, George, 254.
, Sir Henry, 522.
Whiteleade, 383.
Whitelock, Captain, 457.
, Mr., 256, 330.
Whiteparish, 77, 80, 84, 86, 87.
Whitesander, Thomas, 479.
Whitewebbs, Enfield Chace, 3, 250, 262, 288,
291, 292, 293, 295, 296, 297, 299, 300,
Whitfield, 225.
Whitfield, Herbert, 406, 414.
, Lawrence, 174.
Whitgift, 450.
Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 20,
24, 41, 60, 155.
, , letters to, see James I., letters of.
Whiting, Richard, see Johnson.
Whitmore, 430.
Whitmore, George, 643.
John, 541.
, Thomas, 643.
, \ViIliam, 590, 595, 614, 637, 643.
Whitnell, 416.
Whitnoll, Robert, 412.
Whittingham, Ralph, 161.
Whittington, 138, 443.
family, 579.
3 C
Whittlesey mere, 81.
Whittlewood Forest, 233, 338, 493, 537, 567,
573, 581, 648.
Whitton, George, 110.
, John, 356.
Whitwick, 490.
Whitworth, 513.
Whorewood, Sir William, 253.
Whorlton Castle and Park, 31, 100.
Whyn, 447.
Whynniard, Mr., 262.
, Susan, 243.
Whynyard, John, sen., 64, 132.
, ,jun., 64.
Whytakers, Miles, 163, 652.
Wiborne, Nathaniel, 614.
, William, 547.
Wicardesbury, 440.
Wichford, 448.
Wickens, William, 472.
Wickensham, 44.
Wickham, 286, 589.
Wicklyf, William, 238.
Wicks, Henry, 317.
Widcombe, 532.
WidhiU, 493.
Wiersdale, 149.
Wigan, 128, 384, 468.
Cross, 87, 132.
Wighton, 612.
Wigmore, Sir Richard, 110, 229, 487.
Wigston Magna, 462.
Wilbraham, Sir Eoger, 1 5 ; Queen's Chancellor,
123, 144, 170, 337, 346, 379, 380, 512,
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 457, 548,
Wilbraham Bushes, 271.
Wild, Edward, 136.
Wildgoose, Thomas, 182.
Wilding, Robert, 546.
Wilford, Francis, 297, 531.
, Thomas, 112.
Wilgrave, Mr., 558.
Wilkes, Dr., 64.
Wilkinson, Richard, 204, 206, 620.
, Valentine, 288.
Mrs., 288.
Willford, James, 350.
Williams, Arthur, 130.
, Sir David, Justice of King's Bench,
159, 378, 380, 424, 559.
Dorothy, 642.
, George, 70, 83, 418.
, Henry, 22, 14, 642.
John, 89, 147, 394, 507, 544, 574, 615,
625, 633.
, John, Dean of Bangor, 1 65.
, Dr. John, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford,
, Richard, 608.
Williams, Richard, (fellow), 159.
Roger, 151, 152.
, Simon, 601.
, Thomas, 378, 413, 430, 443.
, William, 18, 642.
, William, 656.
, Captain, 453.
, Mr., 496.
Williamson, Egbert, 217.
, John, 111.
, Sir Joseph, 277.
, Ralph, 380.
, Sir Richard, 440.
, Thomas, 502.
Willimont, Edmund, 125.
Willingdon, 217.
Willingham, George, 310.
, Samuel, 328, 375, 439, 442.
Willington, 174.
Willis, Robert, jun., 611.
, Simon, 13, 131.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 489,
, Thomas, 207.
, see Estcourt.
Williton, 179.
Willoughby, Ambrose, 126.
Willoughby, Robin, 525.
, William Lord, of Parham, 465.
Sir William, 579.
, Lord, see Bertie.
Willow, 345.
Wilmot, Leonard, 442.
Wilsford, Sir Thomas, 71.
Wilson, Alexander, 113,221.
, Arthur, 506.
, George, 53, 286.
, Robert, 243.
, Thomas, (pauper,) 498.
, Thomas, 286.
, Thomas, (keeper of State Papers, ser-
vant of Salisbury,) 229, 250, 262, 319,
364, 406, 440, 480, 506, 515, 532, 555,
563, 582, 598.
, , letters of, 447, 609.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 231, 233, 284,
289, 310, 337, 351, 450, 451, 452.
, , letters to, 370, 375, 450, 452,
455, 456, 458, 459, 467, 476, 526, 544,
564, 576, 582, 597, 641.
, , notes, &c. by, 168, 224, 229,
316, 335, 346, 350, 358, 501.
, , note book of, 185.
Wilton, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58.
Wiltshire, forests in, 176, 369.
, grants of lands in, 34, 82, 89, 90, 105,
128, 186, 188, 191, 210, 230, 333, 359,
360, 361, 403, 408, 511, 529, 643.
, lands and places in, 9, 57, 123, 154,
190, 230, 402, 430, 439, 469, 509, 516,
530, 653.
.., , lieutenants and sheriff in, 126, 380,
Wiltshire, receivers in, 121, 223.
, recusants in, 356, 384, 493, 515, 557,
residents in, 75, 210, 345, 427.
Wimark, Ned, 583.
Wimbledon, or Wimbleton, 232, 522.
Winch, Sir Humphrey, 334.
Winchcombe, Bennett, 275.
Winchelsea, mayor, &c. of, 487.
Winchester, 40, 41,43, 47, 50, 53, 59, 174, 303,
390, 503.
, alms-rooms in, 83, 149, 161, 394, 539,
558, 603.
Castle, 53, 54, 76, 348.
, , keeper of, see Ticheborne, Sir
, , prisoners at, 51, 53, 57, 69.
college, 110, 136, 212, 264, 361, 429,
433, 483, 536, 537, 538.
gaol at, 345.
, letters from, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 55.
, lieutenants of, 89.
, Mayor of, 183, 403.
, Marquis of, see Paulet.
, Bishop of, see Bilson.
, Dean of, see Abbot, George ; Morton,
, Dean and Chapter of, 123, 354, 410.
, diocese of, 172, 205, 212, 216, 361,
383, 535.
Windebank, Francis, 198, 284, 285, 289, 366,
390, 403.
, Sir Thomas, 136, 146, 155, 208, 284,
285, 289.
, .letters to, 188, 223, 271, 366, 456 ;
see also Cecil, letters of.
Windham, Christabella, 392.
, Edmund, 392.
, Jane, 31.
, John, 31.
Windsor, 150, 151, 273, 507.
, Mayor of, 151.
forest, 62, 78, 79, 93, 115, 138, 236,
273, 275, 372, 394, 402, 515, 551, 567.
, game at, 275.
letters, &c, from, 18, 19, 20, 21, 60,
133, 134, 135, 149, 150, 228, 233, 365,
369, 453, 455, 487, 540.
castle and park, 13, 18, 44, 77, 122,
199, 211, 275, 396, 432, 509, 514, 530,
551, 585, 590, 604, 613.
, , poor knights at, 42, 66, 102, 104,
126, 148, 159, 205, 218, 219, 583, 586,
, armoury at, 48, 77, 445, 613.
, dean of, 70, 186, 208.
, prebends of, 86, 65, 82, 83, 378, 392.
Windsor Herald, see St. George, Richard j
Thompson, Samuel.
Windsor, Andrew, 283, 617.
Henry Lord, 21, 245, 264, 276, 412.
Sir William, 144, 470.
Wines, 57, 129, 271, 276, 290, 362, 447, 593,
.customs on, 111, 117, 198, 488, 564,
, foreign, 137, 297, 393, 426, 459, 480,
500, 501, 521, 566, 622 ; see France.
, license to sell, 102, 208, 219, 220, 390,
429, 622, 623.
, in Ireland, 542, 555, 573, 594.
, Scotch, 645.
, sweet, 34, 111, 329, 366, 528.
Wing, 118, 175.
Wingfield, Sir Anthony, 181.
, Sir James, 508, 580.
, John, 139.
, Mary Lady, 656.
, Sir Eichard, 580.
Sir Robert, 90, 146, 210, 455, 477, 547.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 139, 302,
473, 504.
, Robert, 538.
, William, 184.
, Mr., 502.
Winkley, John, 328.
Winlock river, 51, 76, 90, 123.
Winston, Sir Henry, 624.
, Dr. Thomas, 390, 425.
Winter, Sir Edward, 160, 395.
, Gregory, 385.
, John, 254, 261, 266, 634.
, Robert, 242-5, 247, 251, 253, 256, 258,
261, 262, 270, 279-81, 283, 288, 292,
293, 295, 296, 299,300, 304, 315, 346,
, , letters of, 206, 222, 282.
, , servants of, 245, 248, 252, 263,
264, 281.
, Gertrude, 245, 356.
, Thomas, 111, 113, 206, 240, 241, 243,
246, 254, 255, 257, 260, 261, 262, 263,
267, 274, 279, 280, 281, 292, 314.
, letters of, 57, 190, 199, 232.
, Captain William, 428, 577.
, , letters of, to Lord Admiral Not-
tingham, 412, 421, 422, 428, 430, 431.
, WiUiam, 169.
Winterbourne, 432.
Winwood, Ralph, 20, 234, 337, 338; Sir Ralph,
367, 434, 466, 472, 476, 503, 505, 506,
514, 631, 638.
, grants to, 437, 535.
Wirix, Johan, 315.
Wirmerstone, 378.
Wirrall, Sir Hugh, 331.
Wisbeach, 290, 594.
castle, prisoners at, 262, 285, 382.
Wise, Nicholas, 572.
Wiseman, Edmund, 130.
, John, 541.
, Sir Ralph, 572.
, Simon, 348.
, (capuchin), 311.
Wish, Thomas, 276.
Wissell, Hen. Antonison, 490.
Wisteson, 447.
Wiston, 160.
Witchcraft, and conjuration, 96, 117, 218, 406,
Withcock, 531.
Witherings, Anthony, 407, 426.
Witherington, see Wodrington.
Withernam, custom of, CI.
Withers, Dr. Henry, 123.
, Richard, 416.
Withersfield, 527.
Wittenham, 196.
Wittlesmere, 379.
AViveton, 615.
Wodland, George, 581.
Wodrington, Wotherington, alias Witherington,
Sir Henry, 161, 254, 262, 265. 316.
, Sir Ephraim, 568.
Roger, 222, 234.
Wokesey, 361.
Woking house and park, 11, 510, 519, 545,
Wolfe, Mary, 429.
, Nicholas, 425.
, Thomas, 425.
Wollascot, William, 15.
Wollaston, 320.
Wollavington, 633.
Wolles Park, 16.
Wolley, Ralph, 160.
Wolmer forest, 382.
Wolstenholme, John, 406, 449.
Wolverston, Edward, 625.
Wondy, 529.
Wood, Andrew, 376.
, George, 653.
, Gilbert, 490.
, John, 376, 446.
, Sir John, 550.
, Michael, 122. .
, Owen, 608.
Robert, 255, 505.
, Thomas, alias Swaggerer, 199.
, Captain, 534, 541.
Wood, .see Timber.
Woodall, Roger, 631.
Woodbastwick, 425.
Woodborough, 593.
Woodcock, Robert, 78, 200.
Woodford Walk, 285.
Woodhall Lodge and Park, 158, 181, 209.
Woodhill, 593.
Woodhouse, Sir Henry, 377.
, Sir William, 106, 452.
, Mrs., alias Herbert, 244.
Woodmancot, 410.
Woodperry, 130.
Woodrove, Lady Elizabeth, 121.
Woodrove, Robert, 92.
Woods and forests 82. 133, 138. 140, 218, 331,
377, 431, 504, 528, 541, 542, 571.
commissioners for, 133, 537.
, farming of. 388.
overseers and surveyors of, 89, 176,
215, 371, 381, 446, 507, 600, 642, 619,
, preservation of, 390, 491, 495, 510,
, sale of, 6, 510, 521, 553.
, surveys of, 291, 388, 422, 476, 484,
Woods, .see Dyeing Woods.
Woodstock, 37, 152.
, letters from, 38, 39, 43, 149, 549
, park, &c, 152, 549.
, , deer in, 380, 401.
Woodward, Edward, 486.
, John, 515.
, Philip, 127, 590, 594.
, Richard, 427.
Woodyer, Mr., 459.
Woolley, Sir Francis, 236, 369, 466, 530, 606.
Wools, 115, 120, 134, 274, 368, 473, 478, 604,
, customs on, 229, 343, 347, 348, 350,
Woolwich, 329, 510.
, armoury at, 445.
, works at, 124.
Wootton, see Wotton.
Wootton, Thomas, 155.
Worcester, 206, 252, 255, 284, 392, 398, 525,
555, 593.
, alms-rooms in, 70,93,106, 113, 163,
170, 390.
, castle and gaol, 317, 501.
, Bishop of, see . Babiugton, Gervase ;
Parry, Henry.
, cathedral, 126, 167.
, dean and chapter of, 87, 176, 410.
, dean of, see Montague, James ; Lake,
, diocese of, 150, 587, 642.
, , collector of, 470, 611.
, prebends of, G, 30, 374.
, Earl of, see Somerset, Edward.
Worcestershire, 181, 242, 260, 261, 267, 281,
298, 326, 342, 405, 423, 434, 450, 466,
559, 604, 609, 622, 629, 649, 650.
, auditor of, 47.
, grants of lands in, 162, 171, 321, 338,
372, 384.
, high sheriff of, see Walsh, Sir Richard.
, justices, sheriff, &c, of, 242, 253, 281,
283, 294, 298, 451.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 255, 521.
, lands and places in, 17, 313, 331, 515,
528, 613, 631, 641, 656.
, lieutenants of, 110, 369.
, officers in, 353.
Worcestershire, recusants in, 140, 350, 413,
430, 529, 591, 593, G34.
, residents in, 3G, 157, 20G, 223, 234,
243, 253, 279, 280, 34G, 400, 517, 577,
Works, office and officers of, 132, 145, 148,
163, 199, 312, 317, 404, 412, 464, 474,
492, 507, 512, 524, 534, 581, 586, 591,
619, 627, 630, 642, 655, 657.
Worksop, 463, 467, 552, 560.
Worley, Mary, 92, 95.
, William, 530.
Worlingt on, William, 71.
Wormenhall, 606.
Wormleighton, 23.
Wormsworth, 334.
Worrall, Henry, 444, 519.
, Leonard, 319.
Mrs., 319.
Worshall, 352.
Worthenbury, 121, 180.
Worthington, Dr. Thomas, President of Douay
College, 38, 455.
, William, 209.
, Sir William, 524.
Wotherington, see Wodrington.
Wotton, Anthony, 472.
, Edward Lord, 8, 221, 236, 280, 498,
562, 629.
, letters of, to Salisbury, 292, 460,
536, 547.
, Sir Henry, Ambassador to Venice,
301, 547, 567, 583.
Wotton, 152, 356.
Wotton Bassett, 230.
Woxhall Ward, 408.
Wranford, Kichard, 249.
Wrangle, 348.
Wray, John, 120.
, Kichard, 211, 546.
, Thomas, (minister), 133.
, Thomas, 40G.
, Sir William, 120.
, William, 499.
Wren, Sir Charles, 461, 514, 549, 554.
, Francis, 585.
Wrennowe, John, 640.
Wrexham, 221.
Wright, Christopher, of Ipswich, 289.
, Christopher, 222, 240-248, 250, 255,
256, 269, 286.
Edmund, 630.
, Henry, 99, 625.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 305, 625.
, Henry, (of Bury St. Edmund's), 590.
, John, 408.
John, (clerk of plate, &c), 558, 561.
, John, (traitor), 241, 243, 244, 246-248,
252, 255, 267-269, 438.
, Mrs. John, 252.
Wright, Richard, 161, 427.
, Richard, (paymaster of fo ces), 197,
217, 434.
, Richard, (lime-burner), 480.
Richard, (packer), 179.
Richard, (harbinger, &c), &c., 226
558, 561.
, Richard, (member). 281.
, Robert, (recusant), 572.
, Robert, (packer), 179.
Robert, (servant), 355.
, Sir Robert, 427.
, Dr. Robert, 194.
, William, 194.
, Mr., 344.
Wrightington, Edward, 7, 152, 378.
Wrightson, Roger, 85.
Wriothesley (or Wrottesley), Sir George, 368,
Henry, Earl of Southampton, 2, 23, 58,
89, 106, 175, 187, 203, 308, 354, 453,
527, 551.
, , grants to, 8, 19, 34, 137, 162,
184,344, 405, 515.
, , letters of, to Salisbury, 233, 453,
458, 465, 524, 528, 548, 573.
Writt, Mr., 464.
Writtle, 23.
Wroth, Henry, 172,453.
Wrothe, Sir Robert, 10, 78, 150, 285.
Wrott, Samuel, 289.
, Mr., 289.
Wrottesley, sec Wriothesley.
Wroughton, Mr., 454.
Wyatt, Henry, 122.
, William, 293.
Wye, 320, 324.
Wyer, Thomas, 152.
Wyke Regis, 531, 65G.
Wykes, George , 558.
Wyles, William, 265.
Wymondham, 296.
Wymondley, 24.
Wymondsold, William, 575.
Wynall, Thomas, 170.
Wyncott, Mr. (minister), 448.
Wynd, Sir Robert, 413.
Wyndam, Sir Henry, 322, 621.
Wynn, see Gwyn.
Wynne, Ellis, 567.
, George, 522, 539.
, Morgan, 218.
, Mr., 126.
Wyntour, see Winter.
Wyrardisbury, 462.
Wyrley, William, Rouge croix, 106.
Wyse, William, 521.
Wysse, Robert, 170.
Wyvell, Marmaduke, 497.
Yale, 379, 439, 511.
Yardley, 420.
Yardley, , 308, 310.
, John, 412.
Yarmouth, Great, Norfolk, 94, 358, 360, 450,
632, 637.
Yarmouth castle, Isle of Wight, 233, 524, 527,
528, 551.
Yarum, 572.
Yates, Thomas, 572.
Yaxley, 52, 73, 88.
Yaxley, Anne, 472.
, Mary, 472.
, John, 631, 632.
Yeamans, Thomas, 390.
Yearbury, John, 547, 570.
Yellietts, Sir Thomas, 371.
Yelverton, Sir Christopher, Justice of King's
Bench, 378, 428.
, Henry, 360, 594.
Yewart, William, 114, 474.
Yong, Captain, 216.
Yonge Grove, 547.
Yonglove, Robert, 644.
York, 3, 43, 53, 54, 78, 135, 148, 209, 250, 295,
299, 454, 507, 553, 559.
Castle, 137,562, 642.
, Council at, see North, Council of.
, letters from, 250, 415, 531, 550, 551,
567, 590.
, Lord Mayor, &c, of, 43, 56, 86, 117,
, Lord President of, see Sheffield, Lord.
, manor house of St. Mary's at, 534, 541,
, Archbishop of, see Hutton, Matthew.
, Archbishopric of, 33, 96, 106, 113,
197, 329, 459, 520, 555, 636.
, Chancellor of, 505.
, Consistorial court at, 555.
, Dean and Chapter of, 503.
, Duke of, see Charles, Prince.
York farm, 35, 98.
York house, 204, 230, 541.
York, Sir John, 572.
Yorke, Sir Edward, 239.
, Richard, 252.
, (priest,) 251.
Yorkfleet, 612.
Yorkshire, 87, 211, 238, 307, 310, 311, 312,
326, 450, 521, 543.
, grants of lands, in, 7, 17, 22, 28, 31,
35, 47, 54, 64, 72, 98, 121, 124, 136,
147, 149, 152, 157, 162, 179, 196, 209,
277, 328, 334, 345, 353, 360, 365, 366,
384, 386, 402, 418, 419, 460, 529, 566,
643, 644.
, lands and places in, 8, 16, 17, 21, 76'
102,114, 115, 120, 123, 126, 129, 151-
154, 158, 159, 218, 222, 223, 304, 320,
331, 391, 407, 410, 420, 455, 462, 471.
502, 504, 511, 513, 516, 521, 523, 526,
612,619, 646.
, offices in, 60, 203, 327, 355.
.receivers of, 4,25,29, 32, 56,58, 78,
86, 91, 148,300, 327, 418, 500.
.., recusants in, 222, 264, 294, 352, 375,
384, 389, 390, 394,400,401, 414,442,
472, 529, 537, 572, 574, 591, 593, 613.
, residents in, 103, 133, 137, 172,241,
252, 427, 639, 643, 648.
, West Riding of, 60, 371, 450, 519,
Young, Charles, 164.
, George, 320.
, John, 164, 396.
, Matthew, 252.
, Peter, 166.
, Richard, 421, 433, 461, 463.
William, 601.
Zanchius, Jeronymus, 226.
Zaynes, William, 595.
Zealand, 112, 118, 183.
Zechelius, 38.
Zinzan, alias Alexander, Henry, 389.
, alias Alexander, Sir Robert, 145, 157,
Zouch, Sir Edward, 510, 519.
, Edward Lord, President of Wales, 3,
8, 11, 231, 329, 528, 530.
, , grants to, 137, 142, 214, 220.
, , letters of, to Cecil, 207, 209, 465,
501, 522, 624.
, , letters to, see James I., letters of.
Zwingerius, John, 31.
Readers are particularly requested to correct the errata in their
respective copies, as the Index answers only to copies thus corrected.
Page 11, No. 106,/o?- Sir John Egerton, read Sir Thomas.
„ 14, No. 6, for E. Marks, read C. Marks. ■
„ 19, Entry 9, for Sir Edward Anderson, read Sir Edmund.
„ 25, No. 78, for Sir Gilbert Dethick, read Sir William.
„ 37, No. 51, for Edward Leigh, read Sir Edward.
„ 46, No. 20, for Sir John Parry, read Sir Thomas.
„ 62, No. 55, dele the whole entry.
„ 63, No. 71, for coal, read coat.
„ 128, No. 89, for Copiter, read Coxiter, and for Bareward, read Hareward.
„ 131, Entry 3, for William Beech, read Beecher.
„ „ Entry 3 from bottom, for John Parker, read Packer.
„ 139, No. 127,/or Bob. Wingfield, read Sir Bobert.
„ 168, No. 22, for answers to arguments against it, read of the coinage of base (or
copper) money.
„ 170, No. 38, for enter the King of Spain's service, read trade between Spain and
its colonies, under sanction of the King of Spain.
„ 176, Last entry, for Floyd, read Lloyd.
„ 185, No. 41,/or Herald, read King-at-arms.
ii „ No. 45, add relating more especially to his own travels and his mission to
„ 188, dele No. 27.
„ 191, Entry 1, dele Hen. Leigh.
„ 195, Entry 5 from bottom,ybr East Sulworth, read Lulworth.
„ 198, Entry 6 from bottom, and page 237, No. 106, for Sir Bob. Delavale, read Sir
„ 207, No. 40, transfer to page 304, March 26, 1606.
„ „ No. 41, for Earl of Dunbar, read Lord Hume.
„ 210, No. 67, for babes, read babe.
,. 223, No. 41,/or [See July 24], read [See July 14.]
„ 224, No. 49, for Wm. Vaughan, read Walter.
„ 227, No. 69,/or Buskerville, read Baskerville.
„ „ No. 70, for Alric, read Alice.
„ 228, No. 8, for Bancroft, read Vaughan.
„ 231, Entry 9, for Hackford, read Hinckford.
„ 233, No. 53, for to the same, read to Sir Thos. Lake.
„ 243, Entry 4 from bottom, after Skynner, add and then in possession of Mrs.
Skynner, alias Bright.
„ 271, No. 43, for College, read [Christ's] College.
., 285, No. 63, from Spiller, dele [Henry].
„ 287, No. 73, for Penrose, read Penvose.
„ 291, No. Ill, and p. 297, No. 16, and entry 2, for Sir Edw. Baynham, read Sir
„ 298, No. 31, far Bevis Buhner, read Sir Bevis.
., 304, Entry 6, for Green way, read Gerard.
„ 307, No. 103, dele upon the death of Queen Elizabeth.
„ 316, No. 14, for Laurence Chaderton, read William.
„ 318, No. 48, after recusant, add [Thomas Poundes].
„ 328, No. 3, for 10,000/., read 4,000?.
„ 336, No. 74, for Edward Lord Sheffield, read Edmund.
„ 338, Entry 4, for Gilbert Lord Gerrard, read Gilbert [Thomas?]
„ „ No. 22, for Bob. Vernon, Balph Weldon, and Bob. Bannister, read Sir Bobert,
Sir Balph, and Sir Bobert.
„ 339, No. 29, for the King, read the King of France.
„ 352, No. 91, for Same to the Same, read Salisbury to Sir Thos. Lake.
Page 35G, Entry 8, for Napier, read Napper.
„ 360, Entry 3, for Richard Sheldon, read Ralph.
„ 3G2, Entry 5 from bottom, for Salisbury, read Dorset.
„ 363, Entry 5 from bottoms/or Catchway, read Catchmay.
„ 368, No. 37, for Tobie Matthias read Matthew.
„ 369, Entry 9, for Fras. Woolley, read [Sir] Eras.
„ 375, Entry 2 from bottom, for England, read London.
„ 380, Entry 7, fir fines and alienations, read fines on.
„ 391, Last entry, after receipt, add of the Exchequer.
„ 397, Entry 2, for Droeshont, read Droeshout.
„ 407, No. 48, after president, add [of Magdalen College].
„ 421, No. 7, for to the Same, read to Salisbury.
„ 424, No. 16, for Andrew Sinclair, read [Sir] Andrew.
„ 425, Entry 2 from bottom, for were, read were forfeited.
„ 427, No. 36, for 1,000/, read 11,000/.
„ 435, No. 80, for Edw. Hext, read [Sir] Edw.
„ 451, No. 52, for Poldenby, read Holdenby.
„ 458, No. 35, for stores, read stones.
„ 467, No. 66, for debts due in, read from.
„ 468, Entry 6, after to pay, add to persons nominated by the King.
„ 484, No. 2, for Coke, read Cope.
„ 491, Entry 5 from bottom, for Alice, read Avice.
„ 492, No. 76, for Dunn, read Donne.
„ 495, Last entry,/or Sampford, read Samford.
„ 497, Margin, dele Sir Andrews.
„ 499, Entry 5, for Revenue, read [Customs].
„ 508, No. 11, after Salisbury, add and Sir Julias Csesar.
„ 514, No. 68, dele Sir.
„ 522, Entry 3, after clerk keeper, read [clock-keeper?].
„ 525, No. 9, for Lord Rivers, read Sir George.
„ 527, Entry 6, for Marquis and others, read Marquis, treasurer, and Sir Henry
Sackville, under treasurer of the Exchequer.
„ 539, No. 103,/or the Same, read Salisbury.
„ 541, No. 4, for commission, read office as justice of assize.
„ 544, No. 46, for the Same, read Salisbury.
„ „ Margin, dele Stowe.
„ 547, No. 81,_/br gone to see, read gone to sea.
„ 552, No. 121,, for the Same, read Salisbury.
„ 555, No. 146, for Sir Edm., read Sir Edward.
„ No. 3, for prebendary, read prebend.
„ „ Last entry, for Stewart, read Stuart.
„ 580, No. 5, for Merton, read Morton.
„ 588, Nos. 70, 71, Margin, for [Feb. 17], read [Feb. 14].
„ 592, No. lb, for Lord Burgh, read his brother at his father's.
„ 593, Entry 7, for Doncaster, read Doucastle.
„ 600, No. 93,/or 158,061/. 16s. 8d., read 162,996/. 6s. 8d.
„ 607, Entry 4 from bottom, for Carew, read Carey.
„ 623, Nos. 16 and 22, and p. 625, No. 46, for Thomas, or Mr. Windcbank, read
Sir Thomas.
„ 626, No. 52, for Vans, read Vaus.
„ 628, Entry 6, dele Sir.
„ 628, No. 14, dele the whole Entry.
„ 635, No. 73, after Lieutenant, add Earl of Cumberland.
Printed by George E. Eyre and William Spottiswooub,
Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty.
For Her Majesty's Stationery Office.