SCHOOL LIBRARIES SELECTED TEN DOLLAR BOOK LISTS FOR Rural School Purchase COMPILED BY ELIZABETH B. WALES Secretary Missouri Library Commission THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY Minneapolis, Minn. 017*31 wnh SCHOOL LIBRARIES PROGRESSIVE PURCHASE LISTS JANUARY 1912 The series of lists is so arranged ( i -6) that each $10.00 purchase supplements the former ones and all six form a well balanced $60.00 school library. This folder may be used as an order list. In- dicate clearly the books desired and enclose folder in letter ordering books. In ordering any list complete, draw a pencil line from top to bottom of page on all other lists and state in letter the number of list desired thus: “Pro- gressive Purchase List No. 4.” Prices quoted are those given in the recom- mended list (1911) of the State Superintendent of Schools of Missouri. A. C. McClurg & Co. have agreed to furnish Missouri schools with books at these prices and to prepay freight on orders of $10.00 or more. Similar prices may be obtained in other states from agents furnish- ing books for school libraries. Acknowledgment is hereby made of the co-operation of the Mis- souri Library Commission in the preparation of the lists. Duplicate copies of this list may be secured at rate of ten copies, 25c, or, $1.50 per hundred from The H. W. Wilson Company, Minneapolis, Minn. Progressive Purchase List No. 1 Baldwin Beebe ^Blaisdell 0 Blaisdell -Eurt