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Mele ot Aeon Cpeelgea/ Jorhat: de Yok AA, arf Byes art Cars oe es: ri rl Swiss wa oP as PLE SOS ¢, < ws sy Pees A —e Oe eS SAS wee eS a io = a. Pe =_ i q Som A ¢. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of Illinois Uroana-Champaign Alternates THE GEOLOGY AND PALAONTOLOGY OF QUEENSLAND AND NEW GUINEA, WITH SIXTY-KIGHT PLATES AND A GEOLOGICAL MAP OF QUEENSLAND. BY ROBERT L. JACK, F.G.S., F.R.G.S., GOVERNMENT GEOLOGIST FOR QUEENSLAND; FORMERLY OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SCOTLAND ; no AND ROBERT ETHERIDGE, JUNIOR, GOVERNMENT PALHONTOLOGIST (NEW SOUTH WALES); FORMERLY ASSISTANT-GEOLOGIST, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF VICTORIA ; ACTING-PALHZONTOLOGIST, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SCOTLAND; AND SENIOR ASSISTANT, DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY, BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON, PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE HON. W. 0. HODGKINSON, M.L.A., F.R.GS., Minister for Mines and Public Instruction, Queensland. BRISBANE: JAMES CHARLES BEAL, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, WILLIAM STREET. LONDON : DULAU AND CO., 37, SOHO SQUARE, 1892. DMevicated TO THE MEMORY OF THREE WORTHY PIONEERS IN AUSTRALIAN GEOLOGY, SAMUEL STUTCHBURY, WILLIAM BRANWHITE CLARKE, AND RICHARD DAINTREE. PREFACE. + : GEOLOGY. THe material for the present Work has been accumulating ever since my arrival in the Colony in 1877. It was, however, only in the year 1881 that the idea occurred to Mr. R. Etheridge, Junr., and myself to combine our labours, so that in laying a foundation for future work Stratigraphy and Paleontology should go hand in hand.* The necessity for a Handbook explanatory of the Exhibits at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition of 1886 brought forth a hastily-written réswmé of the conclusions arrived at up to that date, which must be understood to be superseded by the present volumes. But for the encouragement and assistance rendered to me by my Colleague, I question if I should ever have finished my portion of the congenial task. I do not, of course, refer to my work as finished in the sense that nothing need be added to it by myself or others, but it was necessary, at some time or other, to gather together the scattered material which had accumulated, and to regard the collection as a record of the Geology of Queensland up to date. My labours in the field, occupying, as they did, often the greater part of the year, and necessary office and laboratory duties at head- quarters, retarded the progress of the work from year to year. Another cause of delay, and that the most serious, was the difficulty of what is called in legal phraseology “closing the record,” as fresh material poured in from day to day, and called for the reconsideration of many of the results already arrived at. My lifetime, just as well as a portion of it, might have been spent on the work if this difficulty had not been resolutely looked in the face. To numerous Writers and many Personal Friends my obligations for assistance rendered are deep and heartfelt. Their services will be found referred to throughout the Work. The highest function of a Geological Survey is to lay a basis for future scientific observations by accurately mapping the relations of the various formations met with in a given district. I cannot say that this beau ideal has been reached in Queensland. In every country, and especially in every new country, it becomes necessary in the first place to give attention to districts remarkable for the presence or prospects of mineral deposits. The “Reports” of the Geological Surveys of Queensland form, for the most part, a series of such observations, and include as much stratigraphical work as has been been found possible under the circumstances. By piecing together these isolated surveys, and adding to them such information as is procurabie from outside * We began by publishing conjointly a ‘‘Catalogue of Works, Papers, Reports, and Maps on the Geology, Paleontology, Mineralogy, Mining and Metallurgy, &c., of the Australian Continent and Tasmania.” Svo. London: Stanford: 1881. The Catalogue was republished in 1882 by the New South Wales Government, Vi. PREFACE. sources, a Geological Map of the Colony has been compiled with some approach to accuracy, although in many cases all that could be ascertained was that a certain deposit occupied a given position, the boundaries having to be guessed at from the compiler’s knowledge, whether at first or second hand, of the topography of the district in question. The first Geological Map of the Colony was a Sketch on the scale of about a hundred miles to the inch issued with the late Mr. Richard Daintree’s Paper “ On the Geology of Queensland,” read before the Geological Society of London on 24th April, 1872. The next was a hand-coloured Map on the scale of sixteen miles to an inch, prepared by me for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition of 1886, and which was published in the same year under the authority of the Department of Works and Mines on the reduced scale of thirty-two miles to an inch. The third is that on the scale of sixteen miles to an inch, issued with the present Work. As this Work is, to a large extent, based on official Geological Surveys, it may be wel! in this place to give a brief account of the personnel anda list of the publications of these Surveys. Prior to the separation of Queensland from New South Wales, the late Rey. W.B. Clarke, F.R.S., &c., was employed by the Government of New South Wales in the Northern District of that Colony, as it now stands, and extended his observations into the Darling Downs and Moreton Bay Districts, which are now included in Queensland. Ina letter, dated 14th October, 1853, addressed to the Colonial Secretary of New South Wales,* Mr. Clarke described the Condamine Basin and the Creeks of the Darling Downs, with their included Marsupial and other remains, the trappean rocks of the Upper Condamine, the auriferous alluvial deposits of Lord John’s Swamp, the slaty rocks of Pikedale, and the portion of the Coalfield on the Condamine Waters. Mr. Samuel Stutchbury, F.G.S., Curator of the Bristol Philosophical Institution, on the recommendation of Sir Henry De la Peche, was appointed Geologist for the Colony of New South Wales on 27th December, 1850. Sir Henry described Mr. Stutchbury as “ highly qualified for the service, and well instructed in our mode of work on the Geological Survey of Great Britain.” Mr. Stutchbury held the appoint- ment till the end of 1855, and from October, 1853, was employed chiefly in the Southern portions of what is now Queensland, having extended his observations northward to Keppel Bay, when the state of his health obliged him to resign and return to England. Mr. Stutchbury’s Reports were issued tri-monthly, and published as Legislative Assembly Papers. The first to deal with a portion of Queensland is the Tenth, of which I have never seen a copy. It appears to have been descriptive of “ The Eastern Ranges opposite the Berrigal Station.”’ The Eleventh Report, dated from the’ Darling Downs, 1st October, 1853, deals with the same neighbourhood, and portions of the Dividing Range between Queensland and New South Wales, and is accompanied by a Geological Map of the district between the Nandawar Range in New South Wales and Talgai in Queensland. * Legislative Assembly Papers, N.S. Wales, fep., 1853. PREFACE. vil. The Twelfth Report is dated from South Brisbane, lst January, 1854, and describes the basalts of the Condamine River and its tributaries, and the portion of the Ipswich Coal Field extending from the Basaltie Range of Toowoomba to Brisbane, and is accompanied by a Geological Map of the district between Dalby and the mouth of the Brisbane River. The Thirteenth Report is dated from the Pine River, 20th May, 1854, and is descriptive of the Ipswich Coal Measures. It is accompanied by a Geological Map of the District from Ipswich down the Brisbane River and northward to Caloundra Point, and another showing the Coal crops of the Rivers Brisbane and Bremer. The Fourteenth Report dates from Durundur, Ist August, 1854, and describes the Country from the North Pine River, vid Caboolture, to Durundur. In this Report Mr. Stutchbury sums up his observations on the portion of the Ipswich Coal Field visited by him, and it is evident that he had not grasped the idea that it was separable from the Permo-Carboniferous Coal Measures of New South Wales proper. The Fifteenth Report, dated from Auckland Creek, near Gladstone, in January, 1855, deals with the Country from Colinton to Gladstone, and is accompanied by a Geological Map extending from the junction of the Brisbane and Stanley Rivers to the mouth of the Boyne River. Mr. Stutchbury’s Sixteenth and last Report is dated from Sydney, 20th November, 1855, and describes part of the Coast District between the Boyne and Fitzroy Rivers, and is accompanied by a Geological Map. Mr. Stutchbury’s Reports display keen powers of observation, and are not known so well as they ought to be. They are, however, extremely difficult to obtain. In 1868 Mr. D’Oyley H. Aplin was appointed Geologist for the Southern District of the new Colony of Queensland, and in the same year Mr. Richard Daintree, C.M.G., both formerly of the Geological Survey of Victoria, was appointed Geologist for the Northern District. Mr. Aplin held the appointment till the end of 1869, and Mr. Daintree to the end of 1871. Mr. Aplin’s Reports aré seven in number, all in fep., the first two, or perhaps three, published as Legislative Council, and the remainder as Legislative Assembly Papers. His First Report, ‘On the Geological and Mining Features of the Gympie Gold Field,” is dated 2nd July, 1868. The Second is a Report, dated 10th August, 1868, which I have never been able to obtain. The Third, dated 23rd October, 1868, is a ‘‘ Report of the Government Geologist of the Southern District,’ descriptive of an examination (for Gold) of the Country on the east side of the D’Aguilar Range, and of the Neurum-Neurum and Delaney’s Creeks and adjacent Country, as far as the jurection of “he former with the Stanley River. viii. PREFACE. The Fourth, dated 16th January, 1869, is a “ Concluding Report of the Govern- ment Geologist for the Southern Division, on the examination for Gold of the Country south of the Bunya Bunya Range, between the River Brisbane and the Coast, including some Observations on the Gold Deposits at Jimna and Gooroomjam.” The Fifth “ Progress Report of the Government Geologist for South Queens- land” is dated 31st March, 1869, and refers to the Talgai Gold Field. The Sixth, a “Report on the Auriferous Country of the Upper Condamine, embracing the Diggings at Talgai, Thane’s Creek, Canal Creek, and Lucky Valley,” is dated 28th July, 1869, and is accompanied by a Geological Map. The Seventh and last Report, dated 17th January, 1870, is “ On the Geological and Mineral Features of a part of the Southern and Northern Portions of the Burnett District.” Mr. Daintree made six Reports (all published in fep. as Legislative Assembly Papers), as follows :— (1.) On the Cape River Diggings, and the latest Mineral Discoveries in Northern Queensland, October, 1868. (2.) On Gold Discoveries in the Gilbert Ranges (with Map), dated 7th April, 1868. (3.) Progress Report on a Portion of the Rockhampton Mining District, with a Geological Map of Mount Wheeler. (4.) General Report on the Northern District, 2nd February, 1870. (5.) On the Ravenswood, Mount Wyatt, and Cape River Gold Fields, &c., dated 29th August, 1870. (6.) Geology of Queensland as represented at London Exhibition, 1871, 3rd Novem- ber, 1871. Mr. Daintree went to London in charge of the Queensland Mineral Exhibits at the 1871 Exhibition, and remained there as A gent-General for the Colony. In addition to the above Reports, Mr. Daintree wrote an important Paper, “‘ Notes on the Geology of Queensland,” in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, for 1872. To this Paper there were appended Descriptions of the Fossils, by Mr. Robert Etheridge, F.R.S., F.G.S., Paleontologist to the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and Mr. W. Carruthers, F'.R.S., F.G.8., Keeper of the Botanical Department in the British Museum. The Geological Map, which has already been referred to, was issued with this Paper, and was afterwards reproduced in colours by the Queensland Govern- ment. A. Map of Queensland, ‘“ Showing Mineral Areas,” by Mr. Daintree, was issued with a “ Handbook for the Use of Intending Immigrants’’ (n.d.), and again with a smaller ‘* Handbook for Immigrants to Queensland,” London, 1875. Both Ilandbooks were compiled by Mr. Daintree. The first-mentioned contains numerous photographs by him, which are evidently reductions of the large coloured photographs, mostly taken with a view to the illustration of geological structure, which adorned the Queensland Court of the 1871 Exhibition. PREFACE. ° ix. Mr. (now the Hon.) A. C. Gregory, C.M.G., F.R.G.S., formerly Surveyor- General, whose explorations had already added so much to our knowledge of the interior of Australia, held the appointment of Geologist for the Southern District from 1875 to 1879. During this period he issued the following Reports (all in fep.) :— (1.) On the Geology of Part of the Districts of Wide Bay and Burnett, 19th August, 1875. (Legislative Assembly Paper.) (2.) On the Coal Deposits of the West Moreton and Darling Downs Districts, 8th March, 1876. (Council and Assembly Paper.) (3.) On the Burrum Coal Mines, 9th November, 1878. (By Authority.) (4.) Geological Features of the,South-Eastern Districts of the Colony of Queensland, 15th September, 1879. (Legislative Assembly Paper.) With reference to this Report, a “ Geological Map of Moreton and Darling Downs,” on the scale of eight miles to an inch, was published by the Government in 1879. (5.) On the Search for Coal between Dalby and Roma, 10th September, 1879. (Legislative Assembly Paper.) In addition to the above, Mr. Gregory, when Surveyor-General, made a Report “On the Mineral Discoveries on the Head of the Severn River and its Tributaries,” dated 29th April, 1872. (Council and Assembly Paper.) After an experieffte of ten years on the Geological Survey of Scotland, I was appointed Geologist for Northern Queensland on 29th March, 1876, and arrived in the Colony in 1877. On Mr. Gregory’s retirement the Geological Survey of the whole Colony was placed under my charge. In 1883, Mr. William H. Rands, A.R.S.M., F.G.S., and on 6th December, 1888, Mr. Andrew Gibb Maitland, F,G.S., who had been trained in England for the Geological Survey, were appointed Assistant Geologists. These gentlemen and myself at present form the Field Staff of the Geological Survey. We have published the following Reports :— (1.) On the Geology and Mineral Resources of the District between Charters Towers Gold Field and the Coast, 14th May, 1878.(1879). R.L.J.* Fep. (C. A. Paper). With two Geological Maps. (2.) Geological Features of Part of the Coast Range between the Dalrymple and Charters Towers Roads, 7th June, 1878 (1879). R.LJ. Fep. (C. A. Paper). (3.) Preliminary Report on the Bowen River Coal Field, 18th July, 1878 (1879). R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper). With a Geological Sketch Map. (4.) On the Bowen River Coal Field, 23rd November, 1878 (1879). R.L.J. Fep. (C.A. Paper). With a Geological Sketch Map. (5.) On the Normanby and Marengo Gold Fields, 15th May, 1879. R.LJ. Fep. (C. A. Paper). With two Geological Maps. (6.) On the Progress of the Search for Coal in the Cook District, 19th June, 1879. R.LJ. Fep. (C. A. Paper). (7.) Second Report on the Progress of the Search for Coal in the Cook District, 12th August, 1879. R.LJ. Fep. (C.A. Paper). (8.) Explorations in Cape York Peninsula, 1879-80 (1881). R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper). (9.) Further Reports on the Progress of the Gold Prospecting Expedition in Cape York Peninsula, 16th February, 1880; and Report on the Wild River Tin Mines, 27th October, 1880 (1881). R.L.J. Fep. (C.A. Paper). With a Geological Map. * Robert L. Jack. ’ PREFACE. (10.) Six Reports on the Geological Features of Part of the District to be traversed by the Proposed Transcontinental Railway, 12th October, 1881—1st March, 1882 (1885). R.LJ. Fep. (C. A. Paper). With three Geological Maps. (11.) On the Little River Coal Field, near Cooktown, 8th May, 1882. R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper). With a Geological Map. (12.) On the Stanthorpe Tin Mining District, 24th July, 1882. R.LJ. Fep. (C.A. Paper). ° (13.) On the Tin Mines of Herberton, Western, and Thompson’s Creek Districts, and the Silver Mines of the Dry River, 12th May 1883. R.LJ. Fep. (C.A. Paper). With two Geological Maps and six Plates of Sections. (14.) First Sketch of a Geological Map of the Hodgkinson Gold Field. R.LJ. 1883. (15.) Progress Report of the Government Geologist for the Year 1883. R.L.J., in Annual Report of the Department of Mines for 1883 (1884), p. 54. (16.) On the Hodgkinson Gold Field, 7th August, 1884. R.LJ. Fep. (C..A. Paper). With two Geological Maps and five Plates of Sections. (17.) On the Mount Morgan Gold Deposits, 8th November, 1884. R.L.J. Fep. (Legislative Assembly Paper). With Geological Map and Sketch Map. (18.) On the Gold Deposits of Mount Leyshon, 6th February, 1885. R.LJ. Fep. (C. A. Paper). With a Geological Map. (19.) Progress Report of the Government Geologist for the year 1884. R.L.J., in Annual Report of the Department of Mines for 1884 (1885), p. 50. (20.) Progress Report of the Assistant Government Geologist for the year 1884. W.H.R.,* in Annual Report of the Department of Mines for 1884 (1885), p. 52. (21.) On the Gold Fields of Raglan, Calliope, Milton (Norton), and Cania, in the Port Curtis District, and on the Mineral Deposits in the Burnett District. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1885. With three Geological Maps and two Plates of Sections. (22.) Progress Report of the Government Geologist for the year 1885. R.L.J., in Annual Report of the Department of Mines for 1885 (1886), p. 53. (23.) Progress Report of the Assistant Government Geologist for the Year 1885. W.H.R., in Annual Report of the Department of Mines for 1885 (1886), p. 62. (24.) On the Burrum Coal Field. W.H.R. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 1886. With two Geological Maps and three Plates of Sections. (25.) On the Gold and Silver Deposits in the neighbourhood of Mount Shamrock. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1886. (26.) On the Argentine (Star) Silver Mines, Kennedy District. R.LJ. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 19th October, 1886. With a Geological Map and one Plate of Sections. (27.) On the Geology and Mineral Deposits of the country in the vicinity of Clermont. W.H.R. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 1886. With Geological Map and Plate of Sections. (28.) On the Geology and Mineral Resources of the Districts of Kilkivan and Black Snake. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1886. With three Geological Maps and one Plate of Sections. (29.) On the Gold Deposits in the neighbourhood of Nanango. W.H.R. Fep.(C.A. Paper), 1886. With Geological Map and two Plates of Sections. (30.) Geological Map of Queensland, on the scale of 32 miles to an inch. R.L.J. Issued under the authority of the Department of Publie Works and Mines, 1886. * William H. Rands. PREFACE. xi. (31.) Handbook of Queensland Geology. R.LJ. 8vo., Brisbane: Warwick and Sapsford, 1886. Also issued with Essays prepared by the authority of the Executive Commissioners in Queensland for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886. (32.) Annual Report of the Government Geologist for the year 1886. RL.J., in Annual Report of the Department of Mines for 1886 (1887), p. 63. (33.) Annual Report of the Assistant Government Geologist for the year 1886. W.H.R., in Annual Report of the Department of Mines for 1886 (1887), p. 65. (34.) Geological Map of the City of Brisbane and its Environs, accompanied by a Report. W.HR. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 3rd February, 1887. (35.) Geological Observations in the North of Queensland, 1886-7. R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 13th April, 1887. With three Geological Maps. (36.) Geology of and Mineral Deposits occurring in the country in the neighbourhood of Beenleigh and of the Logan and Albert Rivers. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 12th May, 1887. (37.) On Mineral Lease 276, Watsonville. R.L.J. Fep. (Legislative Assembly Paper), . 14th May, 1887. With a Geological Map. (38.) Report on a Cobalt Lode at Black Snake, Kilkivan. W.H.R. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 1887. (39.) On the Geological Features of the Mackay District. R.LJ. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 8th November, 1887. With three Geological Maps. (40.) Report on Glenelg and other Reefs in the neighbourhood of Thane’s Creek and Talgai, and certain Mineral Deposits near Stanthorpe. W.H.R. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 14th May, 1887. (41.) Annual Progress Report of the Government Geologist for the year 1887. R.L.J., in Annual Report of the Department of Mines for 1887 (1888), p. 81. (42.) Annual Progress Report of the Assistant Government Geologist for the year 1887. W.H.R., in Annual Report of the Department of Mines for 1887 (1888), p. 92. (43.) On the Eidsvold Gold Field. W.H.R, Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1887. With Geological Map and Plate of Sections. (44.) Coal Discoveries on the Flinders. R.LJ. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 23rd January, 1888. (45.) Geology of the Russell River. R.LJ. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 17th March, 1888. With Geological Map. : (46.) On Limestone District, part of the Palmer Gold Field. R.LJ. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 18th April, 1888. With a Map. (47.) Second Report on the Mount Morgan Gold Deposits. R.LJ. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 12th December, 1888 (1889). With two Plates of Diagrams and Sections. (48.) The Mineral Wealth of Queensland. R.LJ. 8vo., Brisbane: Warwick and Sapsford, 1888. With Map showing the positions of Mineral Fields. Issued for the Queensland Commission, Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888. (49.) Annual Progress Report of the Geological Survey for the year 1888 (1889). Eep. (C. A. Paper). (50.) On Taranganba Gold Mine. R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 18th May, 1889. (51.) On the Albert and Logan District. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1889. With Geological Map and Sheet of Sections. (52.) On Gympie Gold Field. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1889. With two Geological Maps and seven Plates of Sections. (53.) Geological Features and Mineral Resources of the Mackay District. A.G.M.* Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1889. With Geological Map and four Plates of Sections. * A, Gibb Maitland. xi. PREFACE. (54.) Geological Observations at the heads of the Isaacs, the Suttor, and the Bowen Rivers. A.G.M. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1889. With three Geological Maps. 55.) Report on Geological Specimens from New Guinea. R.L.J. and A. W. Clarke. Fep. New Guinea Government Gazette, 5th June, 1889. (56.) Report on Geological Specimens from New Guinea. W.H.R. Fep. Dew Guinea Government Gazette, 15th August, 1889. (57.) On the Sellheim Silver Mines and surrounding District. R.LJ. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 11th September, 1889. With two Geological Maps and Plate of Sections. (58.) Annual Progress Report of the Geological Survey for the year 1889 (1890). With Geological Map. 59.) The Coal Measures, Neardie Antimony Mine and Teebar and Culgoa Copper Lodes. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1890. With Geological Map and Plate of Sections. (60.) On Mount Biggenden Bismuth Mine, Gebangle, and the Mount Shamrock Mine. W.H.LR. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1890. With a Geological Map and Plate of Sections. (61.) Proposed Boring for Artesian Water on the Etheridge and Croydon Gold Fields. R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 18th January, 1890. (62.) Proposal to Bore for Artesian Water at Normanton. R.LJ.and A.G.M. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 20th January, 1890. (63.) Brookfield, Pullen Vale, and Moggill Districts. W.H.R. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 1890. (64.) Coal in the Parish of Noosa. W.H.R. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 29th November, 1890. (65.) Proposed Boring for Water at Brisbane. R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 5th March, 1889 (1890). (66.) The Tin Mines near Cooktown. R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 6th December, 1890 (1891). With Geological Map and two Sheets of Plans. (67.) The Mineral Selections on the Ballandean and Jibbinbar Runs. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1890. (68.) The Paradise Gold Field. W.H.R. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 1891. (69.) The Chillagoe and Koorboora Mining Districts. R.LJ. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 6th November, 1890 (1891). With Map and Geological Map. (70.) The Geology of the Cooktown District. A.G.M. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1891. With Geological Map and two Sheets of Sections. (71.) Geology and Mineral Resources of the Upper Burdekin. A.G.M. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1891. With Geological Map and two Sheets of Sections. (72.) The Coolgarra Tin Mines and Surrounding District. A.G.M. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 1891. With Geological Map and Sheet of Plans. (73.) The Cape River Gold Field. W.H.R. Fep. (C.A. Paper), 1891. With two Geological Maps and two Plates of Sections. (74.) Notes on Broken Hill (N.S.W.) R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 15th May, 1891. (75.) Geology of Magnetic Island. A.G.M. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1892. (76.) Second Report on Gympie Gold Field. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1891. * (77.) Annual Progress Report of the Geological Survey for the year 1890. With Plate of Sections, and Geological Maps of Cania and part of Gilbert Gold Fields. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1891. (78.) Report on Moondilla Gold Field. R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1891. (79.) Report on an Alluvial Cinnabar Deposit near Kilkivan. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1892. PREFACE. xiii. (80.) Report on the New Discovery of Coal near the Callide Creck, Port Curtis District. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1891. (81.) Report on Sapphire Deposits and Gold and Silver Mines near Withersfield. R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1892. With a Map. (82.) Report on the Kangaroo Hills Silver and Tin Mines. R.LJ. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1892. With a Geological Map. (83.) Third Report on the Mount Morgan Gold Deposits. R.L.J. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1892. With Maps, Views, and Sections. (84.) Report on the Styx River Coal Field. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1892. With Geological Map. (85.) Geological Observations in British New Guinea in 1891. A.G.M. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1892. With Geological Maps and Sections. (86.) Report on Olsen’s and Johannsen’s Caves, near Rockhampton. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1892. With Map and Plate. : (87.) Report on Supposed Gold-bearing Quartzites, near Traveston and Glastonbury ; and on Hyalite in Basalt, near Cooran. W.H.R. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1892. (88.) Annual Progress Report of the Geological Survey for the Year 1891. Fep. (C. A. Paper), 1892. From February, 1889, to his death, on 10th April, 1891, Mr. James Smith was employed as Collector for the Survey. Mr. Smith had for many years previously been collecting fossils and other Natural History specimens, many of which he donated to the Geological Survey. His appointment to the staff of the Survey enriched the collections with representative fossils from Rockhampton, Langmorn, Raglan, Broadsound, Bar- cealdine, the Drummond Range, and the Ipswich Coal Field. Mr. Smith, who was an enthusiastic naturalist, wrote a Paper “On the Discovery of Fossils at Rock- hampton,’* and contributed numerous articles to the Natural History Society of Rock- hampton and the Rockhampton Bulletin. His place on the Survey will be very difficult to fill. Mr. William Wood acted as Caretaker to the Survey Museum from 28th May, 1886, to 3lst May, 1891, when he retired, owing to the failure of his health. His place is now filled by Mr. Thomas Sythers. My Colleague, Mr. Robert Etheridge, Junr., has acted as Consulting Paleon- tologist in an honorary capacity ever since my arrival in Queensland. His connection with the British Museum, the Australian Museum, and the Geological Survey of New South Wales, and his former connection with the Geological Surveys of Victoria and Scotland, rendered him peculiarly fitted for this task. To my association with him in Scotland, I owe a friendship which has been very valuable to me as well as to the Colony of Queensland. The magnitude of Mr. Etheridge’s labours on our behalf may be esti- mated by his contribution to the present work. For some time back I have urged on the Government the attachment of a Chemist to the staff of the Survey. The three working members of the staff are chiefly employed, and can always be most profitably employed in the field, and have little time to devote to micro-petrographical work or to the chemical questions which arise in the course of their observations. I am, however, enabled through the kindness ee Ea ec en a a ee Dee * Proc. Austr, Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1888, vol. i., p. 300. xiv. PREFACE. of my friend Mr. A. W. Clarke, F.G.S., of Charters Towers, formerly Government Mineralogical Lecturer, to furnish an extensive series of Petrographical Notes on Queensland Rocks, the result of at least two years’ assiduous labour. It was originally my intention to include in the present volume all that I could say regarding the Mines of the Colony, but I had not made great progress when I became convinced that this would not only lengthen the work beyond all reasonable limits, but would also be a source of further delay. Notes will be found in the following pages on most of the Mining Districts, and I have drawn freely for statistics, &e., on “The Mineral Wealth of Queensland,”’* taking care, however, to bring the information up to date where it was possible; but the Economic Geology of Queensland must form the subject of another volume. I am informed that The Honourable W. O. Hodgkinson, Minister for Mines and Education, has a Work on this subject in preparation.t ROBERT L. JACK. Brisbane, 8th August, 1892. PALZONTOLOGY. The investigation of the material for the Paleontology of Queensland and New Guinea was commenced in 1881, and has progressed at intervals since that date as opportunity would permit during the leisure time of the Writer. The Paleontology of Queensland has hitherto been treated only in a disjointed and desultory manner, whilst that of New Guinea, to all intents and purposes, is untouched and hardly known. The present attempt is the first on which a collective account of the Fossil Organic Remains of these countries has appeared. Up to 1872 Sir Richard Owen’s masterly descriptions of the large extinct Mar- supialia, a notice by Prof. (now Sir) F. McCoy on some Reptilian Remains, and a few Mollusea, and the more extended essay of the late Mr. Charles Moore on the Mesozoic Fossils of Wollumbilla, were the only Memoirs of any importance extant. In that year there appeared an account of the gatherings of the late Richard Daintree, C.M.G., by Messrs. Etheridge and Carruthers. Since then large collections have been made, chiefly through the labours of my Colleague, Mr. R. L. Jack, his Assistants, Mr. W. H. Rands and Mr. A. Gibb Maitland, and by the late Mr. James Smith, of Rockhampton, frst as a private individual and afterwards as Collector for the Geological Survey. In addition many separate Papers have appeared, notably “Carboniferous Marine Fossils,” “Mesozoic Fossils from the Palmer River,” and “ Fossil Flora of the Coal Deposits of * See No, 48 in the preceding list of Publications. + Throughout the Work the paragraphs written by my Colleague and myself are distinguished by an initial (E. or J.) at the end. { With the exception of a short Paper by the Writer, ‘‘On our Present Knowledge of the Paleon- tology of New Guinea,” in Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, vol. ii., p. 172. Sydney; Government Printer ; 1890, PREFACE. xv. Australia,” by the late Rey. J. E. Tenison Woods; Dr. O. Feistmantel, “ Palaeozoische und Mesgozoische Flora” ; the ‘ Paleozoic Corals of North Queensland,” by Prof. H. A. Nicholson and the Writer; the ‘“ Fossils of the Bowen River Coal Field,” by the Writer; and others of minor importance. The work may be divided into two parts, the first treating of the Paleontology of Queensland ; the second recording what little is known of that of New Guinea. In describing the Queensland Organic Remains, I have grouped them in very general and broad geological sections, consequent on the present tentative grouping of the sedimentary deposits. The general determination of the species has been rendered more difficult than ordinary by the poor state of preservation of a large number of the specimens. This will, to a great extent, explain the number of species simply indicated (sp. ind.) and not named, as I thought it better to figure such when possessing any marked character, with the view of future determinate recognition. The species described represent not only those which have come under the eye of the Writer, but others published by various Authors, chiefly in the ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History” and the “ Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London.” In many cases descriptions are quoted verbatim, with the kind permission of Dr. Francis on the one hand, and the leave of the Council of the Geological Society on the other. In such cases the Author’s name is invariably given at the end of the extract in brackets. Similarly lengthy extracts have been made from a Paper of my own in the “ Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh,” again with the kind permission of the Council. I have endeavoured to arrange the subject matters under each species in the clearest possible manner. Following the name of the fossil will usually be found a brief synonymy, detailing only the principal works in which previous allusions to it will be found. To the synonymy succeeds the specific description when it has been found requisite to give one, otherwise general observations follow next, and the account is completed by the locality and horizon. In the synonymy I have endeavoured strictly to adhere to priority in the use of specific names, but I wish it to be distinctly understood that newspaper articles (a medium unfortunately adopted by more than one Australian Writer of note) have been purposely ignored. In the paragraph relating to the locality and horizon, the former is invariably followed by the name of the collector, or recorder, when known to me, and in italics to give it greater prominence ; but when the name of the collector is unknown, that of the describer is substituted. I have also endeavoured, but not always with success I am afraid, to indicate the Collection or Museum containing the specimens mentioned; and the absence of such reference will, in the great majority of instances, infer that the fossils are in that of the Queens. land Geological Survey. I am indebted to a large number of scientific friends for most cordial assistance. Had it not been for the constant kindness and encouragement of my old Colleague and Co-Author, the many difficulties which crop up in the production of a Work of this kind would probably have proved fatal to it. At no time was this more felt than on its resumption after my arrival in Sydney, when the sad lack of Paleontological literature in the Colonies was forcibly brought home to me. XVi. PREFACE. For assistance in their respective special groups I have to acknowledge my great indebtedness to Profs. H. A. Nicholson, M.D., of Aberdeen; T. Rupert Jones, F.RS., of London; Ralph Tate, F.L.S., of Adelaide; Sir F. McCoy, F.R.S., of Melbourne ; T. W. Edgeworth David, B.A., Sydney; the late Dr. P. H. Carpenter, F.R.S., of Eton, and the late Dr. T. Davidson, F.R.S., of Brighton (Eng.); Messrs. Edgar Smith, of the British Museum; Stuart Ridley, late of the same Institution; and John Brazier, O.M.Z.8S.; George Sweet, Melbourne; and T. Whitelegge, of the Australian Museum. For general assistance and advice I am equally beholden to Mr. R. Etheridge, F.RS., and Dr. Henry Woodward, F.R.S., of the British Museum. Dr. G. J. Hinde, of Mitcham (Eng.), has most kindly conducted an original investigation of the interesting Cretaceous Sponge, Purisiphonia Clarkei, for these pages; and I am thus able to afford a much more detailed account of this species. But to none am I more indebted than to Messrs. Robert Kidston, of Stirling, N.B., and R. B. Newton, of the British Museum. The former conducted the exami- nation of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Plants, and drew up a lengthy series of notes, which have proved of the greatest assistance. After my departure from London, Mr. Newton undertook the task of superintending the drawing of the lithographic plates, and general custody of the figured specimens. ‘This, no light duty, has greatly contributed to the completion of this undertaking. The success of all works on Paleontology depends in a great measure on the illustrations; and I was fortunate in securing the careful and well-known artistic skill of my friends, Messrs. Charles Berjeau and Percy Highley. Taking into consideration the exceptional circumstances under which the plates were drawn, they reflect the greatest credit on these gentlemen. Additional plates (Nos. 37 to 44 inclusive) have been kindly undertaken by Mr. G. H. Barrow, of the Australian Museum. Messrs. Richard Hall and W.H. Brown, the former of, the latter late of, the Department of Geology, British Museum, have rendered me very valuable assistance— the one in preparing microscopic sections and developing specimens, the other in helping to unravel many difficult questions of bibliography. Finally, as to the sources of the specimens described. The major portion are, of course, the result of the Geological Explorations of my Colleague and his Assistants. In addition to this, a valuable collection from the Rockhampton District was contributed by the late Mr. James Smith, of Rockhampton, who was also most kind in affording general local information. Mr. C. W. De Vis, Curator of the Queensland Museum, forwarded me another large series from the same neighbourhood, and many fine Cretaceous fossils from various localities. Besides these the cabinets of the British Museum, Australian Museum, and the Mining and Geological Museum, Sydney, have been laid under contribution. I am indebted to the Rev. H. H. Winwood, M.A., for the loan of the few existing specimens of the late Rev. W. B. Clarke’s Collection, described by the late Mr. Charles Moore,* now in the Museum of the Philosophical * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1870, xxvi., pp. 226-261. With the exception of these specimens, the whole of Mr. Clarke’s Collection was burnt in the Garden Palace fire at Sydney in 1882. PREFACE. XVll. Society of Bath (Eng.) The gatherings of my old Colleague, the late Richard Daintree, described by my Father,* have become much scattered, and it is difficult to refer to their present place of exhibition. The Corals are in the British Museum, and I have received some of the Mollusca from the Queensland Museum, but they do not all appear to be there. I was permitted to borrow a few fossils from the Collection of the late Rey. J. E. T. Woods, and through the courtesy of the late Prof. W. H. Stephens, M.A., access was granted to many of the plants described by Mr. Woods in his Memoir on the “Flora of the Coal Deposits of Australia,”’+ now in the Macleay Museum at, the University of Sydney. A Bibliography of the principal Papers relating to the Paleontology of Queens- land is given herewith. It may be necessary to point out that as it is now some time since the Plates were printed off, the titles affixed to some of them are not in accord with the classifica- tion finally adopted, and reflect opinions now abandoned as to the age of certain formations. This, however, is of little importance, as the changes adopted will be noted in the text. ; ROBERT ETHERIDGE, Junr. Sydney, 10th August, 1892. * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., pp. 317-350, + Proc, Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1883, viii., pt. 1, pp. 37-167. LIST OF PAPERS, &¢., RELATING TO THE PALEONTOLOGY OF QUEENSLAND AND NEW GUINEA. ae Baver, G.—The Systematic Position of Meiolania, Owen. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, ili. (6), pp. 54-62. Bennett, G.—Notes on the Chlamydosaurus, or Frilled Lizard, of Queensland (C. Kingii, Gray), and the Discovery of a Fossil Species on the Darling Downs, Queensland, Proc. R. Soc. Tas. for 1875, pp. 56-58. BovLenesr, G. A.—On the Systematic Position of the Genus Miolania, Owen (Ceratochelys, Huxley). Proc. Zool. Soc. for 1887, Pt. 3, p. 554; Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, iii., pp. 138-141. Bowrrsayk, J. S.—A Monograph of the Silico-fibrous Sponges. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1869, pp. 323-351. [Purisiphonia Clarkei, Bk. ] CarrurHers, W.—Notes on Fossil Plants from Queensland, Australia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviil., pp. 350-360, pls. 26 and 27. Canter, H. J.—Emendatory Description of Purisiphonia Clarket (Bk.), a Hexactinellid Fossil Sponge, from N.W. Australia. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1878, i., pp. 376-379. Crarke, W. B.—On the Genera and Distribution of Plants in the Carboniferous System of New South Wales. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1848, iv., pp. 60-63. Id. On the Relative Positions of certain Plants in the Coal-bearing Beds of Australia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1861, xvii., pp. 354-362. Id. On the Occurrence of Mesozoic and Permian Faune in Eastern Australia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1862, xviil., pp. 244-247. Id. On the Age of the New South Wales Coalfields. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1862, x., pp. 81-86. Id. On the Carboniferous and other Geological Relations of the Maranoa District in Queensland, in reference to a discovery of Zoological Fossils at Wollumbilla Creek, and Stony Creek, West Maitland. Trans. R. Soc. Vict., 1865, vi., pp. 32-42. Id. On Marine Fossiliferous Secondary Formations in Australia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1867, xxiii., pp. 7-12. Sth Dinornis an Australian Genus. Geol. Mag., 1869, vi., pp. 383, 384. Id. On the Dinornis and Saurian Remains in Australia. American Journ. Sct., 1870, xlix., p. 273. Id. ‘Remarks on the Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales, 1870. Sydney, 8vo. (and later Editions). Dartntree, R.—Age of the New South Wales Coal-Beds. Geologist, 1864, vil., pp. 72-79. Id. Report onthe Cape River Diggings, and the latest Mineral Discoveries in North Queensland. Pp.7. Fep. Brisbane, 1868. [Discovery of Belemnites. | Id. Notes on the Geology of the Colony of Queensland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviil., pp. 271-317. Dawson, J. W.—Note in Vindication of Leptophelum rhombicum and Lepidodendron gaspianum. Quart, Journ. Geol. Soc., 1873, xxix., pp. 369-371; Geol. Magy., 1873, x., p. 234. Id, Notes on New Erian (Devonian) Plants. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1881, XXXVil., pp. 299-308, pls. 12 and 13. (Dicranophyllum australicum.) xx. LIST OF PAPERS. De Vis, OC. W.—On Remains of an Extinct Marsupial [Sthenurus Charon, de Vis]. Proc. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. is Id. Id. Id, Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Jd. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1883, vii., Pt. 1, pp. 11-15. On Brachalletes Palmeri, an Extinct Marsupial. Proc. Linn, Soc. N.S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 2, pp. 190-193. Notes on a Lower Jaw of Palorchestes Azael. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, ~ 1883, viii., Pt. 2, pp. 221-224. On a Fossil Calvaria [Chronozoon australe, De Vis]. Proc. Linn. Soe. . N.S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 3, pp. 392-395. On a Fossil Humerus [Nototherium ? from Darling Downs]. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 3, pp. 404-408. The Moa (Dinornis) in Australia. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1884, i., Pt. 1, pp. 23-28, pls. 3 and 4. Ceratodus Fosteri, Post Pliocene. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1884, i., Pt. 1, pp. 40-43. On Bones and Teeth of a large Extinct Lizard (Notiosaurus dentatus, Owen). Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1885, ii., Pt. 1, pp. 25-32, pls. 1-3 On an Extinet Monotreme, Ornithorhynchus agilis. Proc. R. Soc. Queens- land, 1885, ii., Pt. 1, pp. 35-38, pl. 4. On Remains of an Extinct Saurian (Pallimnarchus pollens, de Vis). Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1886, ii., Pt. 2, pp. 181-191, pls. 10-15. On a supposed New Species of Wototherium. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1887, ii. (2), Pt. 4, pp. 1065-1070, pl. 38. A Post-Pliocene Artiodactyle. Froc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1887, iii., pp. 42-47, pl. 1. Ona Femur probably of Thylacoleo. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, pp. 122-128, _ pls. 3 and 4. : On an Extinct Mammal of a Genus apparently new [Owenia, De Vis], Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1887, iv., pp, 99-106, pls. 1-4. On Diprotodon minor, Hux. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1888, v., Pt. 2, pp. 38-44, plate (upper figs.) Note on the Genera Zygomaturus and Nototherium. Proc. R. Soc. Queens- land, 1888, v., Pt. 3, pp. 111-116, plate. Australian Ancestry of the Crowned Pigeon of New Guinea. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1888, v., pp. 127-131, plate. On a New Genus of Extinct Mammals (Synaptedon). Proc. R. Soc. Queens- land, 1889, v., Pt. 5, pp. 158-160. On an Extinct Genus of the Marsupials allied to Hypsiprymnodon. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1888, iii. (2), Pt. 1, pp. 5-8, pl. 1. A Glimpse of the Post-Tertiary Avi-fauna of Queensland. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1888, iii. (2), Pt. 3, pp. 1277-1292, pls. 33-36. Additions to the List of Fossil Birds. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1889, vi. Pt. 1, pp. 55-58. On Megalania and its Allies. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1889, vi., Pts. 2 and 3, pp. 93-99, pl. 4° On the Phalangistide of the Post-Tertiary Period in Queensland. Proc. R. Soe. Queensland, 1889, vi., Pts. 2 and 3, pp. 105-114. On a Bone of an Extinct Eagle. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1889, vi., Pt. 4, p. 61. The Moa in Queensland. NV. Zealand Journ. Sci., 1891, i. (2), No. 3, pp. 97-101. On the Trail of an Extinct Bird. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1891, vi. (2), Pt. 1, pp. 117-122. Note on an Extinct Eagle. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1891, vi. (2), Pt. 1, pp. 123-125. Residue of the Extinct Birds of Queensland as yet detected. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1892, vi. (2), Pt. 3, pp. 437-456, pls. 23 and 24, LIST OF PAPERS. XXL ErHeriver, R.—Description of the Palwozoic and Mesozoic Fossils of Queensland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., pp. 317-350, pls. 13-25. Ernerrver, R., Junr.—Notes on some Upper Paleozoic Polyzoa from Queensland. Trans R. Soc. Vict., 1876, xii., pp. 66-68. Id. A Catalogue of Australian Fossils, &c., 1878. Cambridge, 8vo. Id. On the History of Paleozoic Actinology in Australia. Zrans. R. Soc. Vict., 1878, xiv., pp. 102-108. Id. Report on a Collection of Fossils from the Bowen River Coal Field and the Limestone of the Fanning River, North Queensland. Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1880, v., pp. 263-328, pls. 7-17. Id. Further Remarks on Australian Strophalosie ; and Description of a New Species of Aucella from the Cretaceous Rocks of North-east Australia. Journ. R. Soc. N.S. Wales-for 1883 [1884], xvii., pp. 87-92, 2 pls. Id. [Catalogue of a Collection of Organic Remains representing the Sedimentary Deposits of Queensland.] Quwzensland Cat. Col. and Indian Exhib., 1886, pp. 152-167. Id. Notochelys costata, Owen. Geol. Mag., 1886, iii., p. 239. Id. Description of Fish Remains from the Rolling Downs Formation of Northern Queensland. Proc. Zinn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1888, i, Pt. 1, pp. 156-161, pl. 4. Id. On Additional Evidence of the genus Ichthyosaurus in the Mesozoic Rocks (Rolling Downs Formation) of North-eastern Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1888, ii., Pt. 2, pp. 405-409, pl. 7. Id. On Additional Evidence of Plesiosaurus in the Mesozoic Rocks of Queensland. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1888, iii., Pt. 2, pp. 410-413, pl. 8. Id. The Further Discovery of Plesiosaurian Remains in Queensland. Ann. Report Dept. Mines N.S. Wales for 1887 [1888], p. 167. Id. On Further Evidence of a large Struthious Bird (Dromornis, Owen) from the Post-Tertiary Deposits of Queensland. Records Geol, Survey, N.S. Wales, 1889, i., Pt. 2, pp. 126-136, pls. 11-13. Id. Note on Dromornis australis, Owen. Records Geol. Survey N.S. Wales, 1890, 11., Pt. 1, p. 36. Id. Note on the Occurrence of Fish Remains in the Rocks of the Drummond Range, Central Queensland. Records Geol. Survey N.S. Wales, 1890, ii., Pt. 2, p. 71. Id. On the Occurrence of Microscopic Fungi, allied to the Genus Pa/eachlya, Dunean, in the Permo-Carboniferous Rocks of N.S. Wales and Queensland. Records Geol. Survey N.S. Wales, 1891, 11., Pt. 3, pp. 95-99, pl. 7. Id. Lepidodendron australe, McCoy. Its Synonyms and Range in Eastern Australia. Records Geol. Survey N.S. Wales, 1891, 11., Pt. 3, pp. 119-134. Erueripce R., Junr., and Foorp, A. H.—On Two Species of Alveolites, and one of Amplexopora, from the Devonian Rocks of North Queensland. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1885, xiv., pp. 175-179, pl. 6. Erneriper, R., Junr., and Woopwarp, A. S.—On the Occurrence of the Genus Belonostomus in the Rolling Downs Formation (Cretaceous) of Central Queensland. Trans. R. Soc. Vict., 1891, ii. (2), Pt. 2, pp. 1-6, pl. 1. FrEIstMaNnTEL, O.—Palacozischeo und mesozoische Flora des Oestlichen Australiens. Palaeontographica; 1878, Suppl., Bd. iii., Lief. 3, Heften 2-4. Id. Notes on the Fossil Flora of Eastern Australia and Tasmania. Geol. Maq., 1879, vi., pp. 485-492 ; Jowrn R. Soc. N.S. Wales for 1880 [1881], xiv., pp. 103-118. XXii. LIST OF PAPERS. Hinpz, G. J.—Catalogue of the Fossil Sponges in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Natural History) &c. (4to., London, 1883) [ Purisiphonia Clarkei, Bk.) Hup.urstron, W. H.—Notes on some Mollusca from South Australia, obtained near Mount Hamilton and the Peak Station. Geol. Mag., 1884, i., pp. 339-342, Pls: Id. Further Notes on some Mollusca from South Australia. Geol. Magq., 1890, vit. (3), pp. 241-246, pl. 9. Hvuxtiry, T.—Preliminary Note on the Fossil Remains of a Chelonian Reptile, Ceratochelys Sthenurus, from Lord Howe’s Island, Australia. Proc. R. Soc., 1887, xlii., pp. 232-238. Letcauarpt, L.—Notes on the Geology of Parts of New South Wales and Queensland, made in 1842-43 ; translated by G. H. F. Ulrich, Esq., F.G.S., and edited by the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A., F.G.8., &e. Waugh’s Almanac, Sydney, 1867-68. Ld. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia, from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, &e. 8vo. London, 1847. LyprxKker, R.—Nototherium and Zygomaturus. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, iii. (6), pp. 149-162. lds Catalogue of the Fossil Mammals in the British Museum (Natural History). 8vo. London, 1887. Id. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History). Partsi. andi. 8vo. London, 1888-89. Td. Catalogue of the Fossil Birds in the British Museum (Natural Besa: 8vo. London, 1891. McCoy, F.—Remarks on a Series of Fossils collected at Wollumbilla, and transmitted by Rev. W. B. Clarke, of Sydney. Zrans. R. Soc. Vict., 1865, vi., pp. 42-46. Id. Note on the Cretaceous Deposits of Australia. Ann. and Mag, Nat. Hist., pp. 1865, xvi., 333-334. Id. On the Discovery of Cretaceous Fossils in Australia. Trans. R. Soc. Vict., 1866, vii. Id. On the Occurrence of Plestosaurus and Ichthyosaurus in Australia. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, xix., pp. 355-356. ld: On the Discovery of aio cus aaa other Cretaceous Fossils in Australia. Trans. R. Soc. Vict., 1868, vili., p. 41. Id. On the Teeth and Fossil Eye of Ichthyosaurus australis. Trans. R. Soc. Vict., 1869, Pt. 2, pp. 77-78. Moore, C.—Australian Mesozoic Geology and Palxontology. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1870, XXVi., pp. 226-261, pls. 10-18. Nicuotson, H. A., and Eruerrpes, R., Junr.—Descriptions of Paleozoic Corals from Northern Queensland, with Observations on the Genus Stenopora. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1879, iv., pp. 216-226, 265-285, pl. 14. Td: On the Tasmanian and Australian Species of the Genus Stenopora, Lonsdale. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1886, xvii., pp. 173-187, pls. 3 and 4. Owen, R.—Descriptive Catalogue of the Osteological Series contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 4to. London, 1850, &c. [Vol. i, Marsupialia. ] Id. On the Discovery of the Remains of a Mastodontoid Pachyderm in Australia. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1843, xi., pp. 7-12. Ld. Additional Evidence proving the Australian Pachyderm, &c., to be a Dinotherium, with Remarks on the Nature and Affinities of that Genus. Ana. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1843, xii., pp. 329-332. Id. Report on the Extinct Mammals of Australia, with Descriptions of certain Fossils indicative of the former existence in that Continent of large Marsupial Representatives of the Order Pachydermata. Brit. Assoc. Report for 1844 [1845], pp. 223-240. LIST OF PAPERS. Xxiil. Owen, R.—On some outline Drawings and Photographs of the Skull of Zygomaturus trilobus Id. Ia. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. Id, Id. Id. Id. Id. Id. (Macleay), from Australia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1859, xv., pp. 133 and 168-176, pls. 7 and 8. On a Collection of Australian Fossils in the Museum of the Worcestershire Natural History Society, witha Description of the Lower Jaw and Teeth of Nototherium inerme (Owen), and N. Mitchelli (Owen), &e. Quart. Journ. Geol, Sor., 1859, xv., pp. 176-186, pl. 9. _ Description of some Remains of a gigantic Land Lizard, Megalania prisca (Owen), from Australia [Part L] | Phil. Trans. R. Soc., 1859, exlix., pp. 43-48, pls. 7 and 8. Part ei pt cit., 1881, clxxi., Pt. 3, pp. 1037-1050, pls. 34-38. Part ii—Zoe. cit., 1881, clxxii., Pt. 2, pp. 547-566, pls, 64-66. Part iv.—Loc. cit., 1887, clxxvil., pp. 327-330, pls. 13-15. On the Fossil Mammals of Australia, Part ii—Description of an almost entire Skull of the Thylacoleo carnifex (Owen) from a Freshwater Deposit, Darling Downs, Queensland. Phil. Trans., 1866, clvi., Pt. 1, pp. 73-82, pls. 2-4. Part ii.—On Diprotodon australis (Owen), Loc. cit., elx., p. 519, pls. 35-50. Part iv.—Dentition and Mandible of Thylacoleo carnifex, with Remarks on Arguments for its Herbivority. ’ Loe. cit., 1871, clxi., pp. 213-226, pls. 11-14. Part v.—Genus Nototherium (Owen), Loe. cit., 1872, clxii., Pt. 1, pp. 41-82, pls. 2-11. Part vii—Genus Phascolomys (Geoflr.), Roe Ch 1 Sis Clete Lt 2; pp, 173-196, pls. 17-23. Part vii.—Genus Diselenys eee exceeding the existing ones in size. Loc. cit. 1873, clxii., Pt. 2, pp, 241-258, pls. 32-40. Part vili—Family Macropodide. Genera Macropus, Osphranter, Phascolagus, Sthenurus, and Protemnodon. Loc. cit., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 1, pp. 245-287, pls. 20-27. “Part ix.— Family Macropodidw. Genera Macropus, Pachysiagon, Leptosiagon, Procoptodon, and Palorchestes. Loc. cit., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 2, pp. 783-798, pls. 76-80. Part x.—Family Macropodide. The Mandibular Dentition and parts of the Skeleton of Palorchestes, with additional Evidences of Sthenurus, Macropus Titan, and Procoptodon. Loe. cit., 1876, clxvi., Pt. 1, pp. 197-226, pls. 19-31. Researches on the Fossil Remains of the Extinct Mammals of Australia, &c. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1877. "On a New Species of Sthenurus [S. minor}, with Remarks on the relation to Dorcopsis, Miller. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1877, pp. 352-361, pls. 27 and 28, Memoirs on the Extinct Wingless Birds of New Zealand, with an Appendix on those of England, Australia, &c. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1879. [| Dromornis australis, Owen. | Description of a portion of a Mandible and Teeth ofa large Extinct Kangaroo (Palorchestes crassus, Owen) from ancient fluviatile drift, Queens- land. Trans. Zool. Soc. 1880, xi., Pt. 1, pp. 7-10, pl. 2 On an Extinct Chelonian Reptile ( Notchelys costata, Owen) from Australia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1882, xxxviil., pp. 178-183. Description of part of the Femur of Nototherium Mitchelli. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., XXXvill., pp. 394-396, pl. 16. Description of portions of a Tusk of a Proboscidian Mammal (Wotvelephas australis, Owen). Phil. Trans., 1883, clxxiu., Pt. 3, pp. 777-781, pl. 51. On the Affinities of Thyiacoleo. Phil. Trans., 1883, clxxiv., Pt. 2, pp. 575-582, pls. 39-41. Pelvic Characters of Thylacoleo carnifex. Phil. Trans., 1883, clxxiv., pp. 639-643, pl. 46. On an Outline of the Skull, basal view, of 7hylacoleo. Geol. Mag., 1883, x., p. 289, pl. 7. XXIV. LIST OF PAPERS. Owen, R.—Description of Teeth of a large Extinct (Marsupial ?) Genus, Sceparnodon, Ramsay. Phil. Trans., 1884, elxxv., Pt. 1, pp. 245-248, pl. 12. Id. Description of Fossil Remains, including foot-bones, of Megalania prisca. Phil. * Trans., 1886, clxxvii., Pt. 1, pp. 327-330, pls. 13-15. Ratre, F.—Note on Crioceras Australe, Moore ? a Lower Cretaceous Fossil from Queensland. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1886, i., pp. 133-135, pls. 1 and 2. Srutcusoury, S.—On the Geology of the Dividing Range between the Gwydir and the Namoi, Liverpool Plains District. Parl. Blue Book, N.S. Wales, Dee. 1854, pp. 14-20. Id. On the Country bordering the Coast between the Rivers Brisbane and Boyne. Parl. Blue Book, N.S. Wales, July, 1856, pp. 6-14. Tare, R.—Description of a New Species of Belemnite from the Mesozoic Strata of Central Australia. Trans R. Soc. S. Australia for 1879-80 [1880], ii., p. 104, pl. 4. Wikinson, C. S.—Notes on a Collection of Geological Specimens from the Coasts of New Guinea, Cape York, and neighbouring Islands, collected by William Macleay, Esq., &c. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1876, xvill., p. 190; Geol. Mag., Dec. 2, iii., p. 428; Canadian Nat. and Geol., n.8., Vill., pp. 156-160. Woops, J. E. T.—On a Tertiary Formation at New Guinea. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8S, Wales, for 1877, ii., Pt. 2, pp. 125-128. , tah. On some Tertiary Fossils from New Guinea. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1878; i, Pt. 3; p.267. Id. On a Fossiliferous Bed at the Mouth of the Endeavour River. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1880, v., Pt, 2, p. 187-189. Id. On a New Cretaceous Deposit in Queensland. 8S. Science Record, 188i, i., No. 12, p. 185. Id. On Various Deposits of Fossil Plants in Queensland. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1882, vii., Pt. 1. pp. 95-98. ; ; ie On a Coal Plant from Queensland. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1882, vil., Pt. 3, pp. 342-344. Ia. On a large Mesozoic Mytilus from the Barcoo. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1882, vii., Pt. 3, pp. 389-392. Id. On some Mesozoic Fossils from the Palmer River, Queensland. Journ. R. Soc. N.S. Wales for 1882 [1883], xvi.; pp. 147-154, pls. 7, 8, and 10. Id. A Fossil Plant Formation in Central Queensland. Journ. R. Soc. N.S. Wales for 1882 [1883], xvi., pp. 179-192, pls. 11 and 12. Id. On a species of Brachyphylium from Mesozoic Coal Beds, Ipswich, ' Queensland. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1883, vii., Pt. 4, pp. 659-661. Id. On the Fossil Flora of the Coal Deposits of Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. NV.S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, pp. 37-167, pls. 1-10a. Id. On some Mesozoic Fossils from Central “Australia. Proc. Linn. Soe. N.S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 2, pp. 235-242, pls. 12 and 13. Woopwarp, A. 8.—See Etheridge, R., Junr., and Woodward, A. 8. Woopwarp, H.—On the Wing of a Neuropterous Insect from the Cretaceous Limestone of Flinders River, North Queensland, Australia. Geol. Mag., 1884, i, pp. 337-339, pl. 11. Id. Notes on some Mesozoic Plants from South Australia. Geol. Mag., 1885, ii., pp. 289-293, pl. 7. CONTENTS. ——_<$-—_—_—- CHAPTER I. Page. IntTropuctoryY sa ay are re SA 8 cat wei ney Ses - 1 PLUTONIC AND METAMORPHIC. CHAPTER II. GRANITE, SYENITE, AND Acrip CrysTALLINE Rocks. Mineral Areas, viz.:—Herberton Tin Field, Kangaroo Hills and Running Creek Silver and Tin Fields, Annan and Bloomfield Tin Fields, Ravenswood Gold and Silver Fields, Sellheim Bismuth Mines, Croydon Gold Field, Etheridge Gold Field, Kidsvold Gold Field, Mount Perry Copper Mine, Tenningering, Boolboonda, Molangul, and Normanby Gold Fields, Jimna and Gooroomjam Gold Fields .., 4 PALAOZOIC., CHAPTER III. Mertamorpuic Rocks (States, Scuists, GNEISsEs, &c.), oF UNDETERMINED AGE. Mineral Areas, viz. :—Cloncurry Gold and Copper Fields, McKinlay Gold Field, Charters Towers and Cape Gold Fields, Gilbert and Woolgar Gold Fields, Coen Gold Field, Normanby and Marengo Gold Fields, Peak Downs Gold Field, Peak Downs Copper Field Jeb Tee a ne ty 55 eo a a2 ay al) Devonian. CHAPTER IV. Mippte Devonian (Burpexin Formation). Argentine Silver Field os one ae Ct, res ce as BAG sii a Oe CHAPTER V. Tas Orcanic Rematns or THE Mippie Devonian (Burpekin) Formation, witH DEscRIPTIONS OF THE SPECIES ... Se sos os — oar aes Leys, tan Permo-Carboniferous. CHAPTER VI. Tur Permo-CarBONIFEROUS SysTEM ... ii cde se wr ane ae Py ih CHAPTER VII. Tur Permo-Carponirerous SystEM—continued. Tue Gympie ForMATION IN THE Typr District. to fi Mineral Areas, viz. :—Gympie Gold Field and Neerdie Antimony Mine ... “P ch YP: XXVi, CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. THe Prrmo-Carsonirerovs SystemM—continued. Tur Gympie Formation OUTSIDE OF THE Type DrtstRIctT. Including Yarrol, Mount Biggenden, Gebangle, Mount Shamrock, Eidsvold, Cania, Raglan, Langmorn, Calliope, Kooingal, Rockhampton, Dee and Don Rivers, St. Lawrence. Mineral Areas, viz.:—Kilkivan and Black Snake, Kilkivan Mercury Mines and Mount Coora Copper Mine, Gayndah Gold Fields, Mount Biggenden, Gebangle, and Mount Shamrock Gold Fields, Brovinia Gold Field, Paradise Gold Field, Raglan, Calliope, Norton, Cania, and Kroombit Gold Fields, Rockhampton Gold Fields (excluding Mount Morgan), Yatton Gold Field, Warwick Gold Fields , CHAPTER IX. THe Permo-Carponirerous SysteM—continued. Tue Gympie ForMATION OUTSIDE OF THE Type District—continued. Including Hodgkinson, Palmer, Mount Albion, Silverfield, Watsonville, and Chillagoe. Mineral Areas, viz.:—Hodgkinson Gold Field, Northcote Antimony Mines, Mulgrave Gold Field, Palmer Gold Field, Cannibal Creek Tin Field, Mitchell Antimony Mines, Mount Albion and Chillagoe Silver Fields, sae River Silver Fields, Nebo Gold Field, and Sellheim Silver Field , si Ae ; CHAPTER X. Tuer PreRmMo-CAaRBONIFEROUS SyYsTEM—continued. The Star Formation CHAPDERAXG: Tue PrErmMo-CaRrBonirerovus SystEM—continued. The Bowen River Coal Field and its Subdivisions CHAPTER XII. Tor PerMo-CARBONIFEROUS SysTEM— continued. The Lower Bowen Formation in the Type District CHAPTER XIII. THe Permo-Carponirerovus SystemM—continued. The Lower Bowen Formation outside of the Type District—Mackay District CHAPTER XIV. THe PermMo-CarBonireRous SystEM—continued. The Middle Bowen Formation in the Type District CHAPTER XV. THe Permo-Carponirerous SysteM—continued. The Middle Bowen Formation outside of the Type District, including Nebo, Mackay, Banana Creek, Cracow Creek, Nogoa River, Springsure, Logan Downs, and Roper Creek ... CHAPTER XVI. THE Permo-CarBoniIrerous SystemM—continued. Life of the Middle Bowen Formation CHAPTER XVII. THE PrerMo-CarBonirrrous System—continued. The Upper Bowen Formation in the Type District Page. 87 113 129 143 144 146 150 159 161 CONTENTS. XXVll. CHAPTER XVIII. THE PerMo-CarBonIFEROUS SystTEM—conlinued. The Upper Bowen Formation outside of the Type District, including Nebo, Mackay, Lenten Downs, Isaacs and Dawson’ Rivers, Cement Hill, Clermont, Blair Athole, and Dinner Creek, Stanwell CHAPTER XIX. THE PrerMo-CaRrBONIFEROUS SystEmM—continued. The Upper Bowen Formation outside of the Type District, continued, including Towns- ville, Oaky Creek, and Little River, Cooktown ... CHAPTER XX. Tue Prermo-CarBponireRous System—continued. Life of the Upper Bowen Formation CHAPTER XXI. - List oF THE FossiLs oF THE PERMO-CAaRBONIFEROUS SYSTEM, SHOWING THEIR Horizons CHAPTER XXII. THE OrGanic Remains or THE PerMo-CarBONIFEROUS SysTEM, WITH DeEscrIPTIONS OF THE SPECIES MESOZOIC, Trias-Jura. CHAPTER XXIII. Tue Triss-Jura System. Lower (Burrum) Formation CHAPTER XXIV. THE Oraanic Remains or THE TrRIAS-JURA SYSTEM, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SPECIES OCCURRING IN THE Burrum Formation (Lower Tartss-Jura) CHAPTER XXV. THE Trias-Jura System—continued. Tur Ipswich Formation (Upper Trias-JuRA) IN THE Type District ... CHAPTER XXVI. Tue Trias-J vga SysteM—continued. Tur Ipswich Formation (Upper Trias-JurA) IN THE Typre District—continued CHAPTER XXVII. Tue Tris-Jora SystemM—continued. Tue Ileswicn Formation (Upper Trias-Jura) Nn THE Type District—continued CHAPTER XXVIII. Tue Trias-Jura SystemM—continued. Tur Ieswich Formation (UprrEr Trias-J URA), OUTSIDE oF THE Type District. Including Stewart’s Creek (Rockhampton), and Rosewood and Wycarbah (Rockhampton) Beds te = it ae aa at =< fea rig Sty af CHAPTER XXIX. Tur Trras-Jura SystemM—continued. Tur Ipswich Formation (Upper Trras-JuURA), Its Aaz AnD RELATIONS Page. 167 189 300 333 346 . 305 359 XxVill. CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXX. Tue Oreanic Remains oF THE Ipswich Formation (Upper Trias-JURA), WITH Descrip- TIONS OF THE SPECIES ae ie ec By es sa uae es we 364 Cretaceous. CHAPTER XXXI. THE Rotting Downs Formation (Lower Creraczous)—ARTESIAN WELLS... .. 390 CHAPTER XXXII. THE Orcanic REMAINS OF THE Ro~ttine Downs Formation (Lower CRETACEOUS), WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SPECIES ... ie ro he: ~ Ty. Se on BE CHAPTER XXXIII. Tue Desert SANDSTONE Formation (UPPER CRETACEOUS) ... soe vee Sad SeOLL CHAPTER XXXIV. THE ORGANIC REMAINS OF THE DesERT SANDSTONE Formation (Upper Cretaceous), WITH DescrRIPTIONS OF THE SPECIES ee ga Rac aa a a we BODE CAINOZOIC. Tertiary. CHAPTER XXXV. Lower (Miocenr?’) anp Uprrr (Pirocenre?) Votcanitc Rocks anp Drirts. Russell River and Mulgrave Gold Fields, Mount Morgan Gold Mine, Moondilla Gold Field 575 Post-Tertiary. CHAPTER XXXVI. Post-Trrtrary AnD Recent. Caves. Ratsep Beacnes. Sanp Dunes. ‘THERMAL AND OTHER SPRINGS. Stanniferous Drifts, viz. :—Stanthorpe, Mount Spurgeon, and Pascoe Tin Fields we §©604 CHAPTER XX XVII Tue Organic REMAtNS OF THE Post-TertTIARY PERIOD me ann ae nie So at CHAPTER XXXVIITI. Gerotogy or British New Guinea ae Bc ec Ree ae Ei nee se. 004 CHAPTER XXXIX. PaLtzontoLocy oF New GUINEA ... Nee .. 690 CHAPTER XL. PerrograpHicat Notes ON SPECIMENS FROM QUEENSLAND AND ADJACENT COLONIES, BY Ae W. CrARKE, F.G.S. eee eee eee eee eee ene eee eee eee 699 bo “gf 9 >) | CO OO” EST ror LIST OF PLATES. —_—_ >—__—_—— . Devonian Corals. . Devonian Corals. . Devonian Corals. . Devonian Mollusea and Devonian and Permo-Carboniferous Plants. . Permo-Carboniferous Plants. . Permo-Carboniferous Plants and Corals. : Permo-Carboniferous Corals, Echinodermata, and Crustacea. . Permo-Carboniferous Annelida, Echinodermata, and Polyzoa. . Permo-Carboniferous Polyzoa and Brachiopoda. 10. a1: 12. 138. 14. 15. 16. 1%. 18. 19. 20. 21, 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Permo-Carboniferous Brachiopoda. Permo-Carboniferous Brachiopoda. Permo-Carboniferous Brachiopoda. Permo-Carboniferous Brachiopoda. Permo-Carboniferous Brachiopoda, Pelecypoda, Gasteropoda, and Cephalopoda. Permo-Carboniferous Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda. Permo-Carboniferous and Mesozoic Plants. Permo-Carboniferous and Mesozoic Plants. Permo-Carboniferous and Mesozoic Plants. Cretaceous Spongida. Cretaceous Echinodermata, Insecta, and Mollusca. Cretaceous Pelecypoda. Cretaceous Pelecypoda. Cretaceous Pelecypoda. Cretaceous Pelecypoda. Cretaceous Pelecypoda. Cretaceous Pelecypoda. Cretaceous Pelecypoda. Cretaceous Pelecypoda. Cretaceous Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda. Cretaceous Cephalopoda. XxX. 31. LIST OF PLATES. Cretaceous Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda. . Cretaceous Cephalopoda. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Al. Cretaceous Pelecypoda and Cephalopoda. Cretaceous Pelecypoda and Cephalopoda. Cretaceous Cephalopoda. Tertiary Corals and Post-Tertiary Mollusca and Crustacea. Devonian and Permo-Carboniferous Corals and Mollusca. Permo-Carboniferous Corals, Brachiopoda, &e. Permo-Carboniferous Brachiopoda, Cephalopoda, &c. Permo-Carboniferous Mollusca. Permo-Carboniferous Mollusca. . Cretaceous Mollusea and Mesozoic Plants. atey 44, Permo-Carboniferous and Cretaceous Mollusca. Permo-Carboniferous Miscellanea. . Geological Sections. . Geological Sections. . Geological Map of the Burrum Coal Field. . Geological Map of the Gympie Gold Field. . Geological Sections. . Geological Sections. . Geological Sections. . Geological Sections. . Geological-Sections. 54 & 55. Sections across Gympie Gold Field. 56. 57. 58. 59. Section across Gympie Gold Field. Section across Gympie Gold Field. Section across the Two-Mile, Gympie Gold Field. Plan of Charters Towers Gold Field. 60-68. Petrographical Sectiors. 69. Geological Map of Queensland, in six sheets. ERRATA. N.B.—The pagination is counted as a line. PAGE. 7.—Line 33, for “ Creek” read “ River.” 10.—Line 35, for “ CrerKk”’ read “ River.” sy 21.—After extract from Brisbane Courier referring to Last Call Mine, Cloncurry, refer to Note at foot of p. 149. 72.—Line 24, for “‘bisucleata” read “ bisuleata.” 73.—Second footnote, for ‘‘ Durandin” read “ Duranduyr.”’ 112.—Last line, dele ‘ Aplin.” 159.—Line 34, for “ duodecemcostata ” read ‘‘ duodecimeostata.”’ 170.—Line 9, for “ Lower” read “ Middle.” 193.—Last line, for “ No. 5”’ read “ No. 8.” 245.—Transfer first footnote to bottom of page 244. 269.—Line 23, for “ ILLAWARENSIS ” read “‘ ILLAWARRENSIS.” Line 26, for “p. 301” read “p. 163.” 273.—Line 42, for “‘ R. L. Jack” read “ The late James Smith.” 274.—First footnote, before Macrodon insert =. 308.—Line 25, for “A” read “ W.” 311.—After line 44 add as in Appendix VIII. 312.—Line 39, for “twelve” read “ thirteen,” and for “ four” read “ five.” 315.— After line 23 add as in Appendix IX. 394.—Line 23, for “ B. Canhami”’ read “‘ Belemnites Canhami.” 397.—Line 4, for “ Selheimi” read “ Sellheimi.” Line 14, for “ apendiculatus” read “ appendieulatus.” 401.—Line 27, dele “ Cloncurry.” 406.—Lines 6 and 8, for “ Crispii” read “ Cripsii.” 428.—At end of first footnote insert “ R.Z.J.”’ At end of second footnote insert ‘ J. B.H.” 434,—Line 5, for “ Bed” read “ Beds.” 457.—Line 3, for “ Pl. 20, figs. 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10” read “ Pl. 23, figs. 3, 5,7, and 10, ? figs. 1 and 2.” 475.—Line 29, for “ Macrocallista Taylori” read ‘‘ Macrocallista plana.” 478.—Line 12, for “‘ PAL HOMZARA” read “PALHOM@RA.” Line 14, for “ PatnommRa”’ read “ PALEZOM@RA.” 490.—Line 3, for “‘? Plate 39’ read “? Plate 29.” 511.—Line 40, for ‘‘ Down” read “ Downs.” 512.— Line 31, for “ Mitchell” read “ Maranoa.” Line 82, for “ following” read “ foregoing.” 549,—Line 8, for “ parallel’’ read “ meridian.” 644.—Between lines 35 and 36 add “ Limyma vinosa, A. Adams and Angas.” 672.—Line 38, for “ Strutchbury ’’ read “ Stutchbury.” 736.—Third line of footnote, after “crystals” insert “ of augite.” = GEOLOGY AND PALAONTOLOGY OF QUEENSLAND AND NEW GUINEA. | —_@—_——_- CHAPTER LI. INTRODUCTORY. THE eastern third, or perhaps nearly the half, of Queensland is the remnant of a lofty tableland, composed of hard materials which have resisted denudation, and which culminates, at an elevation of 5,150 feet, in the Bellenden-Ker Ranges.* This table- land is the chief seat of the mineral wealth of the Colony. Its eastern edge presents a series of escarpments, or a short and steep slope down to the Pacific. This elevated tract generally robs the rain-charged clouds which rise up-from the ocean, and a fairly watered and well-timbered country is the result. The generally indifferent character of the soil accounts for the fact that the grasses, although fair, are not first-rate for pastoral purposes. Where, however, basaltic plateaux occur, agricultural soils of the highest quality are produced, and are often covered by dense tropical jungles, watered by copious and perennial streams. Besides granites and syenites, partly of plutonic and partly of metamorphic origin, and basic igneous rocks, both bedded and intrusive,and of various ages, this coast region contains a series of stratified rocks, of which the older members are more or less metamorphosed. Among these, and recognisable by their fossil contents, are formations related homotaxially to the Middle Devonian (Burdekin), the Permo-Carboniferous (Gympie, Star, and Lower, Middle, and Upper Bowen), the Trias-Jura (Burrum and Ipswich), the Cretaceous (Rolling Downs and Desert Sandstone), the Miocene and Pliocene (Lower and Upper Volcanic Series with associated Drifts), the Post-Tertiary, and the Recent. The western interior presents a totally different aspect. The tableland slopes gradually westward and falls away towards the Gulf of Carpentaria and the south- western boundaries of the Colony. The greater part of the interior is covered by soft stratified rocks of Cretaceous age which weather into a fine soil, supporting nutritious grasses, but almost treeless except in the south-western districts, where thick scrubs of mulga and gidya cover a region which is perhaps partly of Tertiary age. The rainfall over this area is, however, comparatively small, and the watercourses are ill-defined and dried up to waterholes during the greater part of the year. This defect on the part of nature is rapidly being remedied by the sinking of artesian wells. At intervals portions of the interior are occupied by detached tablelands of what has been aptly named “ Desert Sandstone,” supporting, as a rule, only spinifex grass and stunted timber. The * Report on the Bellenden-Ker Range, North Queensland, by A. Meston. Fep. Brisbane: by Authority : 1889, 2 evidences that the Desert Sandstone once covered the whole of the western interior are unmistakable, and it is matter for congratulation that it has been so extensively denuded as to lay bare, over an immense area, the rich soil-producing Cretaceous rocks. Between the Desert Sandstone and the Recent deposits is a series of drifts containing the remains of extinct marsupials and other animals. In the following chapters, the various formations which tell a part of the geological history of the Colony are described in detail. In my “ Handbook of Queensland Geology” (Brisbane, 1886), of which the present work may to some extent be regarded as an expansion, I favoured the use of local names for the various formations described. In the present work, although the local names have been for the most part retained, I have ventured to point out the probable relations of the Queensland formations to those of Europe. In a highly philosophical essay, Mr. R. M. Johnston, F.L.S., Government Statistician of Tasmania, asked the members of the Australasian Association* the question, ‘‘ How far can Australian geologists safely rely upon the order of succession of the characteristic genera of fossil plants of a far distant region in the determination of the order and relationship of Australian terrestrial formations ?’’ and answered for them, that—‘‘Australian geologists cannot with safety so rely, and that even within the wide borders of Australia considerable differences may be expected in the biology and minor subdivisions of systems as developed in some of its widely separated colonies.” I, for one, heartily concur in this verdict, and I know that my Colleague in the paleontological work has been fully alive to the difficulties attending classification wben based upon paleobotanical evidence alone. In dealing with animal remains, however, we trace a parallelism between the formations of Australia and Europe, although in view of the wide distance between the two regions we do not claim more than homotaxial relationship for the formations to which in Queensland we have attached European names. We must, however, point out that the order of succession of the Queensland formations bears a general and striking resemblance to that of the European. These sedimentary formations are described in the order indicated in the following table, commencing with the oldest or lowest. * Proc, Austr. Assoc, Ady: Sci. for 1888 [1889} p. 302, 3 CLASSIFICATION AND SUPPOSED AFFINITIES OF QUEENSLAND FoRrMATIONS. FORMATIONS. Recent and Post-Pliocene Recent Alluvia Sand Dunes Raised Beaches High-level River and Lake Drifts Cave Breccias Bone Drifts Post-TERTIARY a . Post-Pliocene | Upper Volcanic, and Drifts (? Pliocene) TERTIARY. OI I sar ane Y Pliocene o eA = \ Lower Volcanic, and Drifts (? Miocene) - 22222 ODDO DDOODDODODO DOOD DOD RADA OOD ODS OM! = » Ria Desert Sandstone =| Ps === PPO P GE 59 0950 5654-446444446444644444- J——- 41 “In the vicinity of Wairuna Station, vertical shales of a reddish-purple colour strike north and south, some of which look not unlike fine voleanic ashes. At one place west from the station some of the shales are found to be associated with thick beds of quartzite ; these strike north-east and south-west. The Wairuna beds are seen cropping up at intervals along the track to Lake Lucy Station. “The environs of Lake Lucy are made up of reddish clayey shales, identical with those above described, and having the same general trend—viz., north-east and south-west. Interstratified with these shales are bands of limonite intermingled with veinlets of quartz. These bands are not continuous for any distance. All of these examined were parallel with the bedding planes, and of very variable thickness. A few quartz reefs intersect these shales. Between Lake Lucy and Oak Hills, the Wairuna Beds occupy the country ; they retain the same character and strike. Unless repeated by faulting and folding (which is not improbable) these Wairuna Beds must be of enormous thickness. “Among the rocks above described there may be beds which future detailed mapping may prove to belong to other systems. “At present, in the absence of paleontological or stratigraphical evidence, the whole beds are provisionally classed as belonging to one system.” The hill to the north of Torrent Creek, on the western side of the Reid Gap, is capped by a stratified deposit. The lowest strata are of limestone, of a total thickness of about 60 feet, divided by occasional thin layers of hardened sandstone. The deposit varies in quality from top to bottom, some strata being dark-blue limestone, and others white saccharine marble. Some of the blue beds are full of fossil corals. Above the limestone is a thickness of about 40 feet of hardened grey mudstones with calcareous bands. The strata on this hill-top dip N. 30° E. at about 25°. The hill on the opposite or eastern side of the Gap is likewise composed of stratified deposits, as follow :— Feet. 1. Hardened white sandstone or quartzite partly conglomeratic ... ote 2. Sandstone (thickness uncertain) ae Bc is cm a 3. Good blue limestone with corals, say ee . 30 4. Hard mudstones and fine-grained har dene “gandstones: “(almost quartzites), with limestone in bands ed aie planes ns 230 5. Good blue limestone (base concealed by talus) . The strata numbered 4 and 5 in the above section are the same as those already described as capping the hill on the opposite side of the valley. The limestone at the base of the section last given lies directly on granite. On the hill-tops west of the railway at Double Barrel Creek, the following strata dip to the south-west, and rest unconformably on greywackes, &c., probably of the same age as the stratified rocks west of Charters Towers :— Feet. Dark-blue limestone, full of corals; the lower part gs divided id) partings of quartzite, at least .. ; 200 Alternate quartzite, limestone, and marble bands, say . ae ee Ohne Blue greywacke a ' val is x Pe oe 13 Alternate quartzite and limestone bands . ss sis ass ef 40 Dark-blue greywacke ee ee at ro ee e, Fe 5 Scrub, perhaps covering are =: a. ee er BAG =i6 20 Limestone with quartzite bands... me Fc at a a AY) Fine-grained dark-blue greywacke .. ie i mi ae aes 4 Impure saccharine marble, with dark streaks a ats nee es 15 Dark-blue coraljine limestone, about ee se =H “ owe 60 42 In the neighbourhood of Clermont a bed of dark crystalline limestone crops out close to Douglas Creek, about three miles below its junction with Drummond Creek, and about four miles south-east of Copperfield. The limestone is full of corals, among which Mr. Rands recognised Fuvosites, Chetetes, Cyathophyllum, a compound cyathophylloid resem- bling Strombodes, and Stenopora (?), together with a fragment of a Lamellibranch shell.* In Marble Island, in the Northumberland Group, a limestone is extensively quarried. In some cargoes of this limestone I have seen corals of the species which characterise the Burdekin Beds. In 1887 I had an opportunity of visiting Hunter Island, which lies about half- a-mile west of Marble Island, in Lat. 21° 58’ S. and Long. 149° 9’ E. The island extends from north to south about a mile and a-quarter, and has an average breadth of less than a quarter of a mile. It is well grassed, but the timber is confined to a few trees on the beach, among which are some hoop pines. The southern portion of the island is joined to the northern by a narrow neck or isthmus, and is wholly composed of granite. In the bay, on the eastern side of the neck, and in the wide portion of the island to the north, a series of stratified rocks make their appearance. They have a north-and-south strike, and dip to the east at 65°, being, in all probability, divided by a fault from the granite on the south. The uppermost (easternmost) bed seen is a white marble at the north end and a blue limestone at the south. Below this, to the west, comes a considerable thickness of highly contorted shales or slates, with seatas, nodules, and lenticular patches of coralline limestone. Next comes a thick bed of blue lime- stone, which graduates northward into pink marble. Sandstones and conglomerates underlie the bed last mentioned, and are best exposed in the bay on the east side of the isthmus. The last and lowest bed seen is at least 100 feet in thickness. On the east side of the isthmus it is an ordinary blue limestone. On the edge of the bay to the north, its upper part is white and its base a pink marble. Considerations of wind and tide made my visit to the island, in spite of the time consumed in reaching it, a very short one, and I had no time to search for fossils. Thereis no reason to doubt, however, that the limestone and other stratified rocks of Hunter Island are of the same age as the limestone of Marble Island. The northern end of Marble Island is composed of limestones, &e., and the southern end of granite, so that it is probable that here, as in Hunter Island, the stratified and plutonic rocks are divided by a fault. It is noticeable that the northern portions of the outcrops of the three large beds of limestone in Hunter Island have become changed from the usual type of blue-grey limestone into marble. There is no visible cause for this development of “ regional metamorphism,’’ but it is likely to be due to deep-seated igneous rocks or hydrothermal action. As the limestones, &c., were laid down subsequent to the formation of the granite, and, where seen, at the southern part of the isthmus, in closest proximity to it, are quite unaltered, it is evident that the latter can have bad nothing to do with it. The western half of the northern portion of the island is composed of granite like its southern extremity, and it is probable that the stratified rocks were deposited on the granite long subsequent to its consolidation. A mass of diallage-rock is seen on the western shore of the island, apparently intrusive through the granite. The limestone, of which there is an unlimited quantity, would serve, admirably for a building stone or for the manufacture of lime. Some argillaceous portions would make hydraulic lime. The marble is minutely crystalline and pure white, and quite fit for ornamental architecture or statuary. What I have above alluded to as “pink” marble is a very beautiful stone suffused with a faint blush-rose tint. * Report on the Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Country in the Vicinity of Clermont, Brisbane; by Authority: 1886, p. 4. : 43 In the following list of fossils from the Devonian rocks of Queensland, all are included which my Colleague has recognised or admitted. The species are distributed among the four localities from which collections have been made, but these localities are practically on the same horizon. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF MIDDLE DEVONIAN FOSSILS. Broken R. Fanning. Burdekin. Reid. Kingdom—PLant x. Section—PHANEROGAMOUS PLANTS. Class—Exocun a. ? Order—CoNIFERR. Genus—DiIcrRANOPHYLLUM, Grand ’Kury. Dicranophyllum australicum, Dawson Age 508 ae 596 ao ||). oor x Kingdom—ANIMALIA. Sub-Kingdom—C@LENTERATA. Class—HypDROzOA. Order—HYDROCORALLIN ®. Family—STROMATOPORID®. Genus—StTRoMATOPORA, Goldfuss. Stromatopora, sp. ind., Pl. 1, figs. 3-5 Ge 500 aoe aes a0 x nc x x Class—AcTINOzOA. Order —ZOANTHARITA. Sub-Order—Z,. ScLERODERMATA. ' Section—PERFORATA. Family—Favositipm. Genus—F avosires, Lamarck. Favosites gothlandica (Fougt.), Lamarck ... on sn see 56 x Genus—Pacuyrpora, Lindstrém. Pachypora meridionalis, N. & H. fil. ... or te “i on, abo. ace x x x Genus—ALVEOLITES, Lamarck. Alveolites alveolaris, De Koninck, Pl. 2, figs. 1-3 ee ave As ee Var. queenslandensis, Eth. fil. and Foord, sed. 2, 2 figs. 4 4 6 ae Sor Hf: robustus, Rominger, Pl. 1, figs. 13,14 ... ee ia Se sp. ind., Pl. 1, figs. TSENG As eae sae aa pn eee Waele we x Genus—-AMPLEXOPORA, Ulrich. Amplexopora (?) Koninekii, Eth. fil. and Foord, Pl. 2, figs. 7-9a ... Shad) ah ae Nise x Genus—TrRracnypora, Hdw. and Haime. . Trachypora, sp. ind.,N.and EH. fil. ... Rae sa ai Bot foals ee wee x Genus—StTRIATOPORA, Hall. ; Striatopora (?) uniseptata, Eth. fil. ... “ins sare So avs Sobel! Bed x Genus—RomincGertaA, Nicholson. Romingeria (?) Foordi, Eth. fil. as Ase nef or ae sent | eee Sut jon x Genus—C@niteEs, Hichwald. Cenites, sp. Bon aie ne ser Sa nae Sa are ae ope x x ” jm oemat Family— Poritip®. Genus—Armopora, N. and FE. fil. Areopora australis, N. and HE. fil., Pl. 3, figs. 6-9 ate: ae Ag Scoalh on Rep x pap Section—Ruaosa. Family—CystIPHYLLID®, Genus—CystirpHyLiumM, Lonsdale. Cystiphyllum americanum, Edw. and Haime, var. australe, Eth. fil.,| ... es as x d Pl. 3, figs. 13, 14 Genus—CYATHOPHYLLUM, Goldf. Cyathophylium, sp. ind., Pl. 3, figs. 11,12... woe S60 wate cia eee her ane x 44. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF MIDDLE DEVONIAN FOSSILS—continued. oT eee 4 a 3 3 = # E 8 a) A a) =) Family— ZAPHRENTIDE. Genus—AmPLexts, J. Sowerby. Amplexus, sp. ind., Pl. 37, ‘figs. 15, 16.. 356 " tee . “ x Genus—CAMPoPHYLuM, Edw. and Haime. Campophyllum Gregorii, Eth. fil., Pl. 3, figs. 15-18 ... ant ieee Se ico |b. oar ny Bot x Order—ALOYONARIA. Family—HELIoLiItip®. Genus—Hertiourres, Dana. Heliolites porosa, Goldf., Pl. 1, fig. 6 a Daintreei, Eth, fil. and Nich., Pl. ib ‘figs. 7, gees x plasmoporoides, Eth. fil. and Nich. oat il figs. 9-11 Rs Nicholsoni, Eth. fil., Pl. 1, fig. 12. 6 x XX X Family —AvLoporip2. Genus—AULOPORA, Goldf. Aulopora repens, Edw. and Haime 0 sp. ind. wae wee eee ane tee eee eee eee eee Sub-Kingdom—EcnInoDERMATA. Section— PELMATOZOA. Class—CRINOIDEA. Order—PALEOCRINOIDEA. Crinoid stems ae ie ae 58 aac aad 6 Be x Sub-Kingdom—Mottvsca. Class—BRACHIOPODA. Order—TRETENTERATA. Family—SpirireRiIpm. J. Sowerby. Spirifera curvata, Schlotheim, Pl. 37, figs. 3-5, 7 ©... See 2s 55 euryglossa, Schnur, Pl. 4, fig. 1... “be x Family—ATRYPIDE. Genus—ATRYPA, Dalman. Altrypa reticularis, Linneus, Pl. 4, fie Ae ies ac 5b tf sos ih onc a desquamata, J.deC. Sowerby, Pl. 4, figs. 2,3; Pl. 37, fig. 8 x xX Family—RuYNCHONELLID®. Genus—RHYNCHONELLA, Fischer. Rynchonella primipillaris, von Buch., Pl. 4, fig. 5 ... Genus—PENTAMERUS, J. Sowerby. Pentamerus brevirostris, Phillips, Pl. 37, figs. 6, 9-11 Family—StTRin@ocEPHALID®. Genus—StRInGocrernalvs, Defrance. Stringocephalus ? sp. ind. : a nee cat nr = Ri abs ss Family—STRopHoMENID ®. Genus—OrTHOTETES, Fischer. Orthotctes umbraculum, Schl. a5 ? concentrica, Eth. fil. Class—CEPHALOPODA. Order—TETRABRANCHIATA. Family —NAvTILIDm. Genus—GyYroceras, De Koninck. Gyroceras Philpi, Eth. fil., Pl. 4, figs. 6,7 ... a bat ale Det Maes x ne a i « » 45 In the above list we have a fairly representative collection, with a decided pre- ponderance of Middle Devonian forms. It will be seen that not a single fossil hitherto collected is specifically identical with any which are known in the Permo-Carboniferous System. Three genera of Actinozoa, viz., Fuvosites, Pachypora, and Oyathophyllum, and two of Brachiopoda, viz., Spirifera and Rhynchonella, are, however, repeated in the Gympie Formation ; and the two Brachiopods above named are also repeated in the Star Formation. Sp7rifera alone survives in the Middle Bowen Formation. The Queensland Devonian may be fairly placed on the same horizon as the Middle Devonian Limestones of Bindi and Buchan, Victoria,* and is probably on a lower horizon than the Upper Devonian of Tynana Creek, Victoria. My Colleague informs me that the Lower Devonian age ascribed to various rocks in New South Wales is doubtful, and that all the fossils from these rocks which have come under his notice are now believed to be Upper Silurian. MINES IN CONNECTION WITH THE MIDDLE DEVONIAN ROCKS. ARGENTINE SILVER FIELD. The argentiferous lead lodes of the Argentine Field occur partly in granite country and partly among highly inclined micaceous clay-slates, mica-schists, and gneisses. Regarding the age of the sedimentary rocks above referred to, no distinct evidence has yet been brought to light, but from their position between the Broken River and Reid, they may be supposed to be continuous with the Middle Devonian rocks of these districts. A thick series of white sandstones, pebbly grits, and conglomerates, probably identical with the lower portion of the Star Formation, lies unconformably on the slates, &c., or rests on the granite. The field has been in existence since 1881. The lodes, especially those in the mica-schist country, offer every indication of richness and permanence; fuel and limestone and ironstone for fluxing are abundant and conveniently situated. In spite of all these advantages, prosperity has hardly yet dawned on the field. The majority of the lodes were originally secured as freeholds under the old Mineral Lands Act, the workings being for a time of a very perfunctory nature and having for their object the bare fulfilment of the “improvement conditions,’ or the raising of sufficient specimens to induce outsiders to purchase the mines, Some of the mines, worked on a “poor man’s” scale, have obviously failed through the mechanical difficulty of separating earthy low-grade oxide and carbonate ores from the almost equally heavy ferruginous gangue-stuff without dressing machinery. The failure of the smelting works, which were erected prematurely, before sufficient quantities of ore were ready for them, was a severe blow, destroying as it did confidence in the value of the mines, and bringing about their almost complete desertion. The Hero and Northbrook Mines have, however, been steadily worked at a profit for some years, the ores being shipped from Townsville. The Hero has recently been taken up by a Sydney company. The surface ores, which have alone been raised hitherto, consist for the most part of oxides, carbonates, sulphates, and sulphides of lead. The silver contents of samples which I have assayed average generally about 14 oz. per ton to the unit of lead, but occasionally reach 5 oz. of silver to the unit. In other words, a ton of galena ore containing 60 per cent. of lead might contain from 75 oz. to 300 oz. of silver. There can be no doubt that this field will yet take a high place among the silver-producing localities of Australia. * *Geology and Physical Geography of Victoria, by Reginald A. F. Murray. Melbourne : by Authority : 1887, p. 53. 46 As the Argentine Field was only occasionally visited by the Warden from Ravens- wood, the returns of the output as given in the Annual Reports of the Department of Mines only give occasional references to quantities of ore exported. The following are all the particulars obtainable from this source :— 1883 1884, 1885 1887 1888 1889 10 tons exported Value, £20 20, Fs Aon AC ie 225 20 ,, ae. » 600 40 ,, produced .., AOE * 680 5015; < fs Ae ee L000 76 ,, %» ue os » 8,804 Three exporters of ore have supplied me with the following returns of ore which passed through their hands during a portion of the time covered by the existence of the field :— ASSAY, Date. Exporters. Quantity of Ore. ee ere Lead. Silver. Gold. Tons ewt. qr. 1b. ee s. d.| Percent. |Oz. per ton.|Oz.per ton. May, 1883... | L. Ryan Sy MMO) Oe CO) || aalss (0) 60) - May, 1887... Ditto LOR OmnO op) 10) 0 Jan. 1, 1884 to Hays and Bundock 200 O 0 011,600 0 0 Jan. 1, 1888 June, 1885... | Allen and Sons* .., 3 By OF @ 39 8. 0 101:26 | 0327 July, 1885... Ditto Be LomsOmno) 46 0 0O ae 98 0°337 Aug., 1885... Ditto 6 14 2 26 3 OO 30 60°43 1:47 June, 1886... Ditto OM 1be 0 Oni alos Om O 43 84: SHC May, 1887... Ditto 3 tay a ae 20 OO 43 85 June, 1887... Ditto Le ORLG ive AG) 33 64: July, 1887... Ditto Gitone Zee 2716 O 20 57 Aug., 1887... Ditto ATES O SO 2116 O 64 27 Dec., 1887... Ditto DT LOOM 8 4 3 21 41 Jan., 1888... Ditto 3) ia ah 1211 4 22 53 Totals 298 17 010/2,206 11 7 - * Messrs. Allen and Sons’ returns give the amount received for the ore in England, less £1 per ton for freight. From these I have deducted £4 per ton for carriage to port and other expenses. J. CHAPTER V. THE ORGANIC REMAINS OF THE MIDDLE DEVONIAN (BURDEKIN) FORMATION, With DEscrIprions OF THE SPECIES. In the Devonian Series of Queensland there are at least four well-marked fossiliferous horizons, the three last of which may possibly be merely extensions of one deposit. They are :— Limestones of the Broken River. * » Burdekin Downs. a » Fanning River. », Reid Gap, near Townsville. The Oyen Remains derived from the three horizons above named are almost wholly corallian ; a few Brachiopoda from the Fanning Limestone, and one Cephaiopod from the Reid Gap Limestone completing the list, it the exception of a plant— Dicranophyllum australicum, Dawson—occurring both in a caleareous shale forming the upper portion of the Fanning Limestone, and the lowest beds of the suprajacent sandstone. The Burdekin Downs Limestone has yielded :— Stromatopora, sp. ind. Pachypora meridionalis, N. and E. fil. Alveolites robustus, Rom. s sp. ind. Trachypora, sp. ind. Areopora australis, N. and E. fil. Heliolites porosa, Goldf. Aulopora repens, E. and H. The Fanning Limestone has yielded :— Dicranophyllum australicum, Dawson. Pachypora meridionalis, N. and E. fil. Striatopora ? uniseptata, Eth. fil. Heliolites porosa, Goldf. Spirifera curvata, Schl. . euryglossa, Schuur. Atrypa reticularis, Linn. 5, desquamata, J. de OC. Sow. Rhynchonella primipilaris, V. Buch. Pentamerus brevirostris, Phill. Stringocephalus ? sp. ind. Orthotetes umbraculum, Schl. f concentrica, Eth. fil. Gyroceras Philpi, Eth. fil. 48 From the Broken River Limestone we have :— Stromatopora, sp. ind. Favosites gothlandica (Fougt.), Lamk. Heliolites porosa, Goldf. S Daintreei, Eth. fil. and N. x plasmoporoides, Eth. fil. and N. m Nicholsoni, Eth. fil. Amplexus, sp. Crinoid stems. The Reid Gap Limestone has yielded :— Stromatopora, sp. ind. Pachypora meridionalis, N. and E. fil. Alveolites alveolaris, De Kon. BS var. gueenslandensis, Eth. fil. and Foord. Mipieeoneed ? Koninekii, Eth. fil. and Foord. Romingeria ? Foordi, Eth. fil. Cenites, sp. Aulopora, sp. ind. Cystiphyllum americanum, EB. and H., var. australe, Eth. fil. Oyathophyllum, sp. ind. Campophyllum Gregorit, Eth. fil. Gyroceras Philpi, Eth. fil. The age of these beds appears to be fairly marked out. ‘The Fanning River Limestone and its associated shale have been shown to possess a strong claim to be con- sidered Devonian. We have determined only two corals satisfactorily from this horizon, Heliolites porosa and Pachypora meridionalis (nobis). The former, a typical Devonian coral in Devonshire and the Eifel, supports the evidence afforded by the mollusea in a marked degree ; that of the Pachypora will be considered immediately. “We now come to the two localities, both in the Burdekin district—a limestone developed on the Broken River and Arthur’s Creek, Burdekin Downs. The first point to be noticed in connection with these localities is the presence of massive Fuvosites of the Devonian type, quite undistinguishable from the F. gothlandicus and its variety F, Goldfussi, of the Devonian of Europe and North America. Secondly, we note the presence of numerous large colonies of Heliolites, including Heliolites porosa in abundance. “ Again, strong evidence of a Devonian age is afforded by the appearance here of a coral which we cannot distinguish from Awiopora repens, Edw. and H., a very characteristic Devonian species of the equally characteristic Devonian genus Trachypora; while species of Alveolites of a Devonian type are also present. Hardly less characteristic is the Pachypora to which we have given the name of P. meridionalis, and which is most intimately allied to P. cervicornis, De Bla‘nv., sp., of the Devonian of Europe, and to similar or identical forms in the Devonian of North America.”’* Lastly, in the Reid Gap Limestone we again find Pachypora meridionalis and Heliolites in abundance, together with Stromatopora, and the characteristic genus Cystiphyllum, represented by a species of a markedly Devonian aspect, and other Rugose corals indicating a similar horizon. ‘‘ Upon the whole, therefore, putting to the evidence afforded by the corals, that derived from such characteristic forms as Stroma- topora and Oaunopora, we cannot doubt that the deposits now under consideration are * Nicholson and Etheridge junr., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1879, vol. iv., p. 284. — 49 of Devonian age. So far as we are acquainted with their fauna, they would scem to correspond very closely with the Middle Devonian Limestones of the Hifel, or perhaps with the somewhat older series of the Corniferous Limestone of North America.’ In other words, the series of rocks in question may be said to homotaxially represent those formations. They are certainly not of Upper Devonian age, and there is no evidence to assign them a position in the Upper Silurian. The Brachiopoda so far obtained favour this view, and there is a marked absence of the large Pentameri, Strophomene, and Crinoids which are usually the most marked objects in an Upper Silurian Fauna. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES. Kingdom—PLANT&. Section—PHANEROGAMOUS PLANTS. Class—EXoGEN®. ? Order—CONIFER#. Genus—DICRANOPHYLILUM, Grand’ Eury, 1877. (Mem, Acad. Sci. Inst. France, xxiv., p. 272.) DiIcRANOPHYLLUM AUSTRALICUM, Dawson, Pl. 4, fig. 18. D. wustralicum, Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1881, xxxvii., p. 306, t. 13, f. 15. Sp. Char. The leaf bases are minute, narrow, elongate, and spirally arranged ; the leaves are linear and bifurcating at an obtuse angle at their extremities. Obs. This is the only plant yet found in the Devonian rocks of Queensland. Sir J. W. Dawson appears to regard it as Corniferous. Loc. and Horizon. Fanning River, Burdekin Downs, in a calcareous shale forming the upper portion of the Fanning Limestone, and in white flaggy sandstone overlying the same limestone. (2. L. Jack.) Kingdom—ANIMALIA, Sub-Kingdom—CC@iLENTERATA. Class—HYDROZOA. Order—HYDROCORALLIN &. Family—STROMATOPORID. Genus—STROMATOPORA, Goldfuss, 1826. (Petrefacta Germanie, p. 21.) Stromatoprora, sp. ind., Pl. 1, figs. 3-5. Obs. Stromatopora occurred amongst Mr. Daintree’s fossils from the Broken River Limestone, but in so highly silicified a state that a satisfactory examination of the specimen could not be made. Another example has been forwarded by Mr. Jack from the Arthur’s Creek Limestone, which is very like some Devonian species of Devonshire and the Eifel. Much more satisfactory and massive examples occur in the Reid Limestone, enveloping the various corals which constitute that rock. Prof. H. A. Nicholson, M.D., who was kind enough to examine specimens, at one time believed them to be a Pachystroma, allied to P. denswm, Nich. and Murie; but a subsequent inspection, since D 50 he has been engaged on his ‘‘ Monograph of the Stromatoporide,” has led him to regard the masses in the Reid Limestone as more probably referable to Stromatopora proper, and even allied to the typical and true S. concentrica, Goldf., and Stromatoporella (Pl. 1, figs. 1, 2). The surfaces of many of these large masses from the Reid Limestone present mammillary or button-shaped prominences, which have been left by the process of weathering, possessing, however, the same structure as the general mass. They may be merely the result of peculiar preservation, or they may be young examples included in the older ones ; at any rate, so far as we can at present ascertain, they do not appear to have any specific value. Pending a detailed and proper description of the Hifel. and Devonshire forms of Stromatopora,* I refrain from entering into details concerning these specimens, and hope to be able to do so, with more satisfactory material, at some future date. Loe. and Horizon. Broken River, a tributary of the Clarke River (The late R. Daintree) ; Terrible or Arthur’s Creek, Burdekin Downs (R. LZ. Jack); and Regan’s, Northern Railway, thirty-one miles from Townsville, Reid Limestone (R. L. Jack). Class—ACTINOZOA. The three groups of the Zoantharia, Aleyonaria, and Rugosa are represented in the Devonian of Queensland—the first by the genera Favosites and Alveolites, &c., the second by Awlopora, Amplexopora, &e., and the last-named by the genera Oyathophyllum, Campophyllum, and Cystiphyllum. The examination of all these corals is rendered difficult, as in the case of the Stromatoporoidea, by their highly altered condition. No doubt a further examination of the localities mentioned will bring to light a much more copious coral fauna than that here described. Order—ZOANTHARIA. Sub-Order—Z. ScLERODERMATA. Section — PERFORATA. Family—FAVOSITIDA. Genus—FAVOSITES, Lamarck, 1816. (Hist. Anim. sans Verttb., i., p. 204.) Obs. Amongst the Queensland corals are two forms of Favosites only separable by the size of the corallites composing the respective colonies. These are referred to the cosmopolitan Favosites gothlandica, and its variety Goldfussi. A single specimen of a massive Fuvosites with plenty of tabule was obtained at Raglan, Port Curtis, by Mr. W. H. Rands. It is preserved in a light slate-blue conchoidal limestone and has a strong Devonian aspect. The material was not sufficient in quantity to permit of the preparation of sections for a specific determination. FavosttEs GOTHLANDICA, (Fougt.) Lamarck, Pl. 3, figs. 1-5. Favosites gothlandica, Lamarck, Hist. Anim. sans Verttb., 1816, ii., p. 206. Calamopora gothlandica, Goldfuss, Petrefacta Germaniz, 1829, i., p. 78, t. 26, fig. 3 a-e. Favosites gothlandica, Edwards and Haime, Polyp. foss. Terr. Pal., 1851, p. 232. Favosites Goldfussi, Edwards and Haime, zbid. p. 235, t. xx., fig. 3 a, D. Favosites gothlandica, Nicholson and Etheridge fil., Ann. Mag: Nat. Hist., 1879, iv., p. 209. Favosites gothlandica, Nicholson, Tab. Corals Pal. Period, 1879, p. 46, t. i., figs. 1-6. Obs. It will be convenient to consider the form with the smallest corallites (Pl. 3, fig. 4), as the typical F. gothlandica, whilst that with the larger calices may be * Now in course of preparation by Prof. H. A. Nicholson, and publication by the Paleontographical Society. gyi ; F 51 looked upon as the variety Goldfussi (Pl. 3, fig. 1). It has been repeatedly explained that Edwards and Haime regarded: F. gothlandica as an essentially Silurian species; and the corresponding Devonian form was separated by them under the name of F. Goldfussi. The latter is stated by its authors to be distinguished from the former by its larger corallites and more closely set mural pores. The size of the tubes (13 lines), however, is frequently exceeded by typical Upper Silurian examples of F. gothlandica, notwith- standing their more commonly smaller size. Under any circumstances, the size of the eorallites merely cannot be regarded as a character of the smallest specific value, while the mural pores exhibit an at least equal variability. Upon the whole, therefore, F. Goldfussi, Hdw. and H., cannot be satisfactorily separated from F. gotllandica, except as a mere variety. In the specimens here referred to, F. gothlandica, var. Goldfussi, the diameter of the calices, as before stated, is about 14 lines, in extreme cases reaching as much as 2¢ lines. In one example there are four tabule in the space of 2 lines vertical, whilst in another specimen the same number are contained in a space a little exceeding this. The examples collected by the late Mr. Daintree appear to be only portions of colonies; but notwithstanding this, one of the specimens, a very fine one, measures 93 by 43 inches, forming a more or less elongated depressed parallelogram. This form of F. gothlandica corresponds in a striking manner with that met with in the Corniferous Limestone of North America, a careful comparison having been made with colonies of the latter coral in the cabinet of one of us. We now come to four specimens, and possibly a fifth, which are regarded as referable to Favosites gothlandica proper, a8 understood by Messrs. Edwards and Haime. They also bear a close resemblance to F. epidermata, Rominger, from the Corniferous Limestone of North America, which is probably, after all, only another variety of the widely spread and typical &. gothlandica. In the colonies in question the calices are much smaller, scarcely ever exceeding 1 line in diameter, and frequently less, whilst four tabule appear, on an average, to be comprised within the space of 13 lines vertical. We say on an average, because we find, on the examination of a sufficiently large number of specimens gathered from various quarters, and including those from Australia, that there is every gradation between the two conditions in the size of the corallites and disposition of the tabule. It is on these grounds, combined with the variable disposition of the mural pores, that we propose to consider F. gothlandica in the wide sense understood by Goldfuss, before its subdivision by Edwards and Haime. In the fifth example, previously referred to as probably identical with the other form, the septal spines are well developed. (Nicholson and Etheridge fil.) Loc. Broken River, a tributary of the Clarke River (Lhe late R. Daintree, Collection British Museum, and Geological Survey of Queensland). A small fragment of Favosites, probably F. gothlandica, has been more recently obtained by Mr. Jack from the above locality. Genus—PACH YPORA, Lindstrém, 1873. (Ofver. K. Akad. Foérhandl., 1873, p. 14.) PACHYPORA MERIDIONALIS, Wich. and Eth. jfil., Pl. 2, figs. 10-15. P. meridionalis, Nich. and Eth. fil., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1879, iv., p. 280. Sp. Char. Corallum ramose, of cylindrical branches, about 23 lines or 3 lines in diameter, dividing dichotomously at comparatively remote intervals. Corallites not regularly polygonal, with very thick walls, the diameter of which increases as the mouth is approached. Calices hardly at all oblique, about a third of a line, or sometimes rather more, in diameter, oval, rounded, or irregular in shape, often 52 opening into one another, surrounded by thick obtuse margins, which exhibit no traces of the original polygonal wall of the corallite. Mural pores few, very large, and irregularly placed. Tabule few and remote. (Micholson and Etheridge fil.) Obs. This species is unquestionably very closely allied to Pachypora cervicornis, De Blainy., of the European Devonian, and we have felt some hesitation in giving it a distinct specific designation. Both belong to that section of Fuavosites in which the walls are thickened by the secondary deposition of sclerenchyma in successive lamine, the amount of this thickening being increased as the mouth is approached, and are therefore referable to Lindstrém’s genus Pachypora. Both are alike in form and general habits, and have singularly large, sparse, andirregular mural pores. After a comparison, however, of the Australian specimens with examples from the Eifel, macroscopically and microscopically, we have come to the conclusion that the former must, in the mean- while, be regarded as specifically distinct, upon the following grounds :— (a) Pachypora meridionalis (nobis), is, on the whole, a much smaller species than P. cervicornis, De Blainv., the branches in the latter often reaching 8 or 10 lines in diameter. (b) The corallites in P. cervicornis can always be shown, by thin sections, to preserve their polygonal outline, in spite of the thickening to which they are subjected ; in the axis of the branches they are regularly polygonal, and even the thickened lips of the calices show more or less distinctly a polygonal line placed at a little distance from the mouth of the tube, which represents the original wall. On the other hand, in P. meridionalis *® the polygonal form of the corallites is more or less completely obliterated ; even in the axis of the branches the originally prismatic wall cannot be detected, and the thickened lips of the calices are simply rounded and obtuse. (ec) In P. cervicornis the calices are about half-a-line in diameter, rounded or sub-polygonal, and only occasionally opening into one another. In P. meridionalis, on the contrary, the calices are mostly only about a third of a line in diameter (counting in, as before, the wall around them); their shape is very irregular, and they open into one another so frequently, and to such an extent, that they sometimes become almost vermiculate in character. Upon the whole, therefore, the present species is sufficiently distinct from P. cervicornis, De Blainv., to deserve a separate name, and we know of no other adequately characterised species with which it is necessary to compare it in detail. We may add that the differences between P. meridionalis and P. cervicornis, above alluded to, are much more conspicuous if we take specimens of the form usually known by the latter name in the Devonian Limestones of Devonshire, and figured as such by Milne- Edwards and Haime.* (Nicholson and Etheridge jil.) Loe. Fanning River, Burdekin Downs, and Arthur’s Creek, Burdekin Downs; Regan’s, Northern Railway, thirty-one miles from Townsville. (R. L. Jack.) * Genus—ALVEOLITES, Lamarck, 1801. (Emend. Nicholson, 1879.) Alveolites, Lamk., Syst. Anim, sans Vertéb., 1801. 5 Nicholson, Tabulate Corals Pal. Period, 1879, pp. 117, 375. Billingsia, De Koninck, Foss. Pal. Nouv.-Galles du Sud, 1876, Pts. 1, 2, p. 75. Cladopora, Rominger, Report Geol. Survey Michigan, 1876, iii., Pt. 2, p. 50. Obs. The chaotic condition in which the genus Alveolites remained for many years has been commented on, and the genus made the subject of research by Prof. * Mon, Brit, Dev. Corals, Pl. xlviii., fig. 2, = Se 53 H. A. Nicholson, and the Writer,* and later by the former alone. As now restricted it contains Favositiform corals with thin-walled corallites opening obliquely on the surface by sub-triangular or semi-lunar calices. The septa are either obsolete or in the form of longitudinal rows of spinules. It has been already pointed out by Mr. A. H. Foord and the Writer + that the species upon which De Koninck’s genus Billingsia was founded is a true Alveolites, and it follows, therefore, that Billingsia must now be considered a synonym of the latter. Previous to this determination, Prof. H. A. Nicholson had remarked,t “It seems hardly possible, with our present knowledge, to arrive at any certain conclusions as to its true systematic position” (¢.e., of Billingsia). Cladopora, Hall, as defined by Réminger,§ does not appear to differ essentially from Alveolites. The corallites are said to be usually devoid of tabule, but Rominger observes—‘ Their occasional development is proved by many actual observations.” Under this name there have been deseribed from the Paleozoic rocks of Australia the following species :—The Upper Silurian Series of Burrowang has yielded to the researches of Prof. De Koninck,|| Alveolites repens, Fougt., and A. rapa, De Kon. The so-called Lower Devonian rocks of the same Colony have yielded Alveolites subequalis, Edw. and H., and A. obscurus, De Kon. The Queensland Alveolites in no way correspond to any of these; indeed, the two new species described by Prof. De Koninck appear to be very unsatisfactorily established, and nothing is known of their microscopic structure. In addition to the foregoing, Prof. H. A. Nicholson and the Writer described two imperfectly known species in 1879. ALVEOLITES ALVEOLARIS, De Koninck, sp., Pl. 2, figs. 1-8a. Billingsia alveolaris, De Kon., Foss. Pal. Nouv.-Galles du Sud, 1876, Pts. 1-2, p. 75, t. 2, f. 4 a, 0. Alveolites alveolaris, Eth. fil. and Foord, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1884, xiv., p. 176, t. 6, f. 1-le. Sp. Char. Corallum massive and apparently lobate. Corallites minute (about two in the space of a millim.), closely contiguous, of considerable length and their walls somewhat thick ; the apertures of the calices present an irregularly lunate form, and in some of them a single tooth-like septum may be detected. Tabule well developed, horizontal, or a little curved and tolerably numerous. Mural pores large, in a single series placed at pretty regular intervals of about half a millimeter apart. Obs. The highly crystalline condition of the specimens rendered their determi- nation very difficult. They occur in the shape of weathered masses in which some parts, harder than the rest, stand out in relief and exhibit well the structures described above. One of the specimens has the surface studded with small conical elevations, about 1 centimeter apart, measured from their summits. The significance of these is not apparent, and their occurrence is not known in any species of Alveolites. Of the two species of Alveolites recorded from Australian Devonian rocks, only one (A. subequalis, Ed. and H.) need be compared with the present form, and the much smaller corallites of the latter afford sufficient grounds for their separation. In his “ Paleozoic Fossils of New South Wales,’ Prof. L. G. De Koninck instituted a genus under the name of Billingsia, for a Devonian coral from the neighbourhood of Yass, which the author describes as apparently devoid of tabule (‘‘ Les planchers semblent faire defaut’) and as possessing lateral openings in the walls of the corallites resembling those of Syringopora. M. De Koninck appears to have * Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), xiii., p. 353. + Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1884, xiv., p. 176. + Tabulate Corals Pal. Period, 1879, p. 186. § Report Geol. Survey Michigan, 1876, iii., Pt. 2, p. 50. || Foss, Pal. Nouy.-Galles du Sud, 1876, Pt. 1, pp. 17, 18, 19. 54 entirely misunderstood the structure of this coral. The figures given by that Author accord remarkably well with our form; and although he states in his description that tabule are wanting, they appear to be shown clearly enough in Fig. 4 of his work, as cited. Assuming, then, that Billingsia alveolaris is identical with the Queensland specimens, it is impossible to accept De Koninck’s suggestion that the present species is transitional between Aulopora and Syringopora. Loc. Regan’s, Northern Railway, thirty-one miles from Townsville. (2. L. Jack.) ALVEOLITES ALVEOLARIS, var. QUEENSLANDENSIS, Lith. fil. and Foord, Pl. 2, figs. 4-6. Alveolites alveolaris, var. queenslandensis, Eth. fil. and Foord, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1884, Den dig tanvivged eects Obs. This form differs from that described above, chiefly in the size of the corallites, which are considerably larger than those of A. alveolaris. It also appears to be branching and lobulate, and occurs in large weathered and rounded fragments, one of which measures about 12 centimeters in its greatest length, aud about 6 centimeters in thickness, but the specimen must have been considerably larger when perfect. Scarcely any of its surface remains, and microscopic sections do not yield very satisfactory results on account of the extensive mineral alteration that the fossils have undergone. In their longer diameter the corallites measure about two-thirds of a millimeter, in their shorter about one-third or even less. The tabule are somewhat numerous, horizontal or oblique, and sometimes curved, and in some places they anastomose. The mural pores are large and apparently numerous. Loc. Regan’s, Northern Railway, thirty-one miles from Townsville. (2. L. Jack.) ALVEOLITES ROBUSTUS, Rominger, Pl. 1, figs. 13, 14. Cladopora robusta, Rominger, Report Geol. Survey Michigan, 1876, iii., Pt. 2, p. 55, t. 22, f. 1, 2. Obs. A ramose species, with affinities to Pachypora, and possibly really referable to this latter genus. The surface characters are much destroyed by weathering, and as its internal structure shows nothing but mural pores and tabule, with no special features of interest, little further can be said about it. The coral may at once be distinguished from Pachypora meridionalis by its very oblique tubes and calices. The largest of the specimens hitherto examined (by no means a perfect one) is 33 inches in length. The distance between two points of bifurcation or dichotomiza- tion of the branches is 1 inch 3 lines. This species is very like Pla7 gre: Crinoid stems. Granatocrinus ? Wachsmuthii, Eth. fil. Phillipsia Woodwardi, Eth. fil. : ? sp. ind. Griffithides seminifera, Phill. Rhombopora ? laxa, Eth. Spirifera vespertilio, G. B. Sby. + trigonalis, var. crassa, De Kon. $3 bicarinata, Eth. fil. Martinia? productoides, ©th. fil. Athyris Roysit, Levéillé. Rthynchonella pleurodon, Phill. Orthis resupinata, Martin. Orthis australis, McCoy. Productus cora, D’ Orb. » brachytherus, G. Sby. » undatus, Defrance. a semireticulatus, Martin ? 3 ~ sp. tnd, (6), PI12 digr is. » sp. ind. (c), Pl. 18, fig. 4. Chonetes cracowensis, Eth. es sp. ind. (a), Pl. 18, fig. 10; PI. 37, figs. 21, 22. 7 sp. ind. (6), Pl. 18, figs. 7, 8, 18. Aviculopecten Laurenti, Eth. fil. Loxonema, sp. Euomphalus, sp. Platyschisma oculus, J. de C. Sby. Bellerophon stanvellensis, Eth. fil. * Quart. Journ, Geol, Soc, Lond., xxviii., p. 333 et seq. —_— = | (5) EncrinitE Creek. Poteriocrinus crassus, Miller? Productus brachytherus, G. Sby. (6) Fenestetia Hirt. Poteriocrinus crassus, Miller ? Fenestella internata, Lonsd. Polypora? Smithii, Eth. fil. Productus brachytherus, G. Sby. (7) ATHELSTANE RANGE. Crinoid stems. Orthis resupinata, Martin. Chonetes cracowensis, Eth. i sp. ind. (b), Pl. 18, figs. 7, 8, 13. (S) Don River.* Phillipsia dubia, Eth. Spirifera, sp. ind. (a), Pl. 9, fig. 12. Productus longispinus, J. Sby.? Naticopsis ? harpeformis, Eth. Murchisonia carinata, Eth. (9) “ Rocxnampron Districr’’ (Dr Vis). Lasiocladia ? Hindei, Eth. fil. Cladochonus tenuicollis, McCoy. Zaphrentis profunda, Eth. fil. Actinocrinus, sp. ind., Pl. 7, fig. 9. Cup of crinoid, Pl. 44, fig. 7. Impressions of crinoid calix, Pl. 44, fig. 8. Mesoblastus ? australis, Eth. fil. Tricelocrinus ? Carpenteri, Eth. fil. Archeocidaris, sp. Griffithides seminifera, Phill. Glauconome, sp. ind., Pl. 44, fig. 11. Dielasma sacculus, var. hastata, J. de C. Sow. af ? sp. ind., Pl. 40, figs. 1, 2. Spirifera, sp. ind, (a.), Pl. 9, fig. 12. * trigonalis, Martin. aS pinguis, J. Sby. Reticularia lineata, Martin ? Orthis australis, McCoy. . Strophomena rhomboidalis, var. analoga, Phill. Productus, sp. ind. (d.), Pl. 40, fig. 4. Aviculopecten Laurenti, Eth. fil. Pterinopecten Devisit, Eth. fil. Mytilops ? corrugata, Eth. fil. Parallelodon costellata, McCoy. Nucula, sp. ind., Pl. 40, fig. 10. Platyschisma rotundata, Eth. Yvania Konincki, Eth. fil. Luciella? Graye, Eth. fil. Murchisonia, sp. a. As sp. b. + Sp. 0s Bucania textilis, De Kon. Porcellia Pearsi, Eth. fil. Nautilus, sp. 55 ? ammonitiformis, Eth. fil. Orthoceras, sp. Gyroceras dubius, Eth. fil. Goniatites planorbiformis, Eth. fil. Deltodus ? australis, Eth. fil. The Rockhampton District as a whole has afforded the following fossils :— Oalamites, sp. ind. Lepidodendron australe, McCoy ? Lasiocladia ? Hindei, Eth. fil. Oladochonus tenuicollis, McCoy. Zaphrentis profunda, Eth. fil. Actinocrinus, sp. ind., Pl. 7, fig. 9. Cup of crinoid, Pl. 44, fig. 7. Arms of erinoid, Pl. 7, fig. 7. es A: Pie ys ue. 8. Stems of erinoid. Impressions of crinoid calix, Pl. 44, fig. 8. Poteriocrinus ? Smithii, Eth. fil. ¥ erassus, Miller ? Mesoblastus ? australis, Eth. fil. * See remarks on p. 92. 94 RookHAMPTON District Fossits—continued. Granatocrinus ? Wachsmuthii, Eth. fil. Productus semireticulatus, Martin ? Tricelocrinus ? Carpenteri, Eth. fil. a longispinus, J. Sby. Archeocidaris, sp. sp. ind. (b.); P1212, fig, 15: Phillipsia dubia, Eth. % sp. ind. (c.), Pl. 18, fig. 4. : Woodwardi, Kth. fil. sp. ind. (d.), Pl. 40, fig. 4. “h ? sp. ind. Chonetes cracowensis, Eth. Griffithides seminifera, Phill. a sp. ind. (a:),-Fl.. la, aig ales Fenestella fossula, Lousd. Pl. 87, figs. 21, 22. “ internata, Lonsd. S sp. ind, (b.), Pl. 18, figs. 7, 8, 18. 4s sp. ind. Aviculopecten Laurenti, Eth. fil. Polypora ? Smithit, Eth. fil. Pterinopecten Devisii, Eth. fil. Protoretepora ampla, Lousd. Mytilops ? corrugata, Eth. fil. Glauconome, sp. ind., Pl. 44, fig. 11. Parallelodon costellata, McCoy. Rhombopora ? laxa, Eth. Nucula, sp. ind., Pl. 40, fig. 10. Myriolithes ? queenslandensis, Eth. fil. Naticopsis ? harpeformis, Eth. Dielasma sacculus, var. hastata, J. de C. Loxonema, sp. Sby. Euomphalus, sp. Dielasma? sp. ind., Pl. 40, figs. 1, 2. Platyschisma oculus, J. de OC. Sby. Spirifera, sp. ind. (a.), Pl. 9, fig. 12. _ rotundata, Eth. ke vespertilio, G. B. Sby. Mourlonia Strzeleckiana, Mor. = trigonalis, Martin. Yvania Konincki, Eth. fil. a trigonalis, var. crassa, De Kon. Luciella ? Graye, Eth. fil. < pinguis, J. Sby. Murchisonia carinata, Eth. a bicarinata, Eth. fil. Pi Sp. a. Reticularia lineata, Martin ? ' sp. 0. Martinia ? productoides, Eth. fil. * Sp. ¢. Retzia ? lilymerensis, Eth. fil. Bellerophon stanvellensis, Eth. fil. Athyris Roysii, Leveillé. Bucania textilis, De Kon. Ethynchonella pleurodon, Phill. Poreellia Pearsi, Eth. fil. Orthis resupinata, Martin. Nautilus, sp. » australis, McCoy. - ? ammonitiformis, Eth. fil. Strophomena rhomboidalis, var. analoga, Orthoceras, sp. Phill. Gyroceras dubius, Eth. fil. Productus cora, D’Orb. Goniatites planorbiformis, Eth. fil. Be brachytherus, G. Sby. i sp. ind., Pl. 15, figs. 14, 15. _ subquadratus, Morris. Deltodus ? australis, Eth. fil. + undatus, Defrance. Of the above, Fenestella fossula, Polypora ? Smithii, Protoretepora ampla, Fehombopora ? laxa, Spirifera vespertilio, Spirifera trigonalis, Strophomena rhomboid- alis, var. analoga, Productus cora, and Orthoceras, sp., are common to the Gympie Beds of the type district. Spirifera bicarinatx, Martinia ? productoides, Orthis resupinata, Productus brachytherus, P. semireticulatus, and Goniatites, sp. ind. (Pl. 15, figs. 14, 15), are common to the Cania Beds. Productus brachytherus and Mour- lonia Strzeleckiana are common to the Yarrol Beds. Myriolithes ? queenslandensis . common to the Langmorn Beds. Productus subquadratus is common to the Yatton eds. A scrubby hilltop, three miles south-west of the Yatton Gold Field Township (west of the mouth of the Styx River), is capped by a bed of grey limestone which dips —= _— — __—S—-~—>=s rarer 95 S.S.E. at 45°, but owing to the thickness of the scrub and other difficulties the relation of the limestone to other rocks in the neighbourhood is not ascertainable. This limestone has yielded a large number of fossils in good preservation, amongst which my Colleague has recognised :— Spirifera lata, McCoy. _ Stokesit (common to Gympie). Martinia Darwinit. Productus subgquadratus (common to Rockhampton Beds). “ sp. ind. (f.), Pl. 44, fig. 18. Aviculopecten limeformis (? common to Gympie Beds). Eurydesma, sp. ind. Between Yatton and St. Lawrence, in ascending the coast range from Waverley Station to Killarney by the old road from St. Lawrence to Peak Downs, a great thick- ness of coarse green conglomerate is exposed. The sandy matrix and the boulders are of similar material—namely, felsite and porphyrite—so that the conglomerate does not weather in the customary manner of conglomerates. The exposed surfaces, on the contrary, show the pebbles shorn off down to the same level as the matrix, so that it is only on a fresh fracture that the true character of the rock can be seen. In this respect the conglomerate resembles the Gympie conglomerate. It probably belongs to the same formation as the Yatton Limestone. Mr. Smith found his ‘“ Central Queensland Shales’? (Rockhampton Beds) unconformably overlaid by the strata of the Styx River Coal Field (Burrum Beds) on Barrack Creek, a tributary of the Styx. Between the Styx Coal Field and the Bald Hills he observed among the Central Queensland Shales a thick bed of encrinital limestone, striking north-north-west, and very probably a continuation of the Dalma and Rock- hampton Limestones. I have little hesitation in mapping the greater part of the district lying between the Burrum Coal Field on the east, and the Dawson River Coal Field on the west, from Gayndah on the south to Broadsound on the north, as of the age of the Gympie Beds. This area, it may be mentioned, was mapped as Devonian in the Geological Map of Queensland issued in 1886. In some districts within this large area the Gympie Beds are overlaid by Basalt, Desert Sandstone, the Burrum Beds, and by the Middle and perhaps the Upper Series of the Bowen River Coal Field, while on the other hand granite and other plutonic and intrusive rocks and masses of serpentine occupy portions of the area. The late Mr. Daintree observed, at Mount Wyatt Diggings, certain slates and shales containing Ohonetes sarcinulata, an Orthis allied to O. rustica, Receptaculites, and Leptena, as determined by Sir F. McCoy. These rocks were unconformably over- laid by beds, probably of the ‘Star’ Series, containing Lepidodendron. On the strength of the fossils the strata first alluded to were assumed to be of Upper Silurian age. The assumption was based on a single distiuctly specifically determined Brachiopod, Chonetes sarcinulata, now known to range upward into Devonian times, an Orthis, which might be allied to an Upper Silurian species, without being itself of that age—the genus ranging all through the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous—a Receptaculites* and a Leptena (Silurian and Devonian) not specifically determined. I have not been able to identify the locality referred to by Mr. Daintree, but as I observed both the Star Beds and the Gympie Beds in the neighbourhood, I think it probable that the Chonetes, &c., beds belong to the latter. * Every effort has been made, both in London and Brisbane, to trace this fossil but without success. (RE, junr.) 96 Treating the Gympie Beds from Lat. 21° southward as a whole, and including all the fossiliferous rocks of the Rockhampton District, Kooingal, Cania, Yatton, Yarrol, Raglan, and Langmorn, we have a very extensive list of fossils. By reference to the lists given on pages 43 and 92-94, several points of interest may be noted. It will be seen, in the first place, that there is a very decided hiatus between the life of the Gympie Formation and that of the Devonian, not a single species being common to the two formations, and only three genera of Actinozoa, viz., Favosites, Pachypora, and Oyathophyllum, and two of Brachiopoda, viz., Spirifera and Rhynchonella. Turning to the other members of the Permo-Carboniferous System, we find that all the genera of Plants, viz., Calamites, Lepidodendron, and Cordaites, known in the Gympie Formation, are also present in the Star Formation. Among Crinoids, Actino- crinus, and among Crustaceans, Phillipsia, are common to both. Among Polyzoa, Fenestella is present in both. Lastly, the two formations have no less than nine genera of Mollusca in common—viz., Spirifera, Reticularia, Retzia, Rhynchonella, Orthis, Strophomena, Chonetes, Naticopsis, and Porcellia. None of the genera of plants found in the Gympie Formation are met with either in the Middle or Upper Bowen Formations. Of Actinozoa, Stenopora is the only genus common to the Gympie and Middle Bowen. Of Polyzoa, Fenestella and Protoretepora are genera common to the Gympie and Middle Bowen. Of Mollusca, fourteen genera are common to the Gympie and Middle Bowen—viz., Dielasma, Spirifera, Martiniopsis, Productus, Chonetes, Aviculopecten, Modiomorpha, Astartella, Chenomya, Mourlonia, Bellerophon, Porcellia, Orthoceras, and Goniatites. Productus and Goniatites are genera common to the Gympie and Upper Bowen. No less than ninety-five species are peculiar to the Gympie Beds. Twelve are common to the Star Beds, seventeen to the Middle Series of the Bowen River Coal Field, and two to the Upper Series. It would appear from this that the Gympie Beds have most in common with the Middle Bowen River Beds, and nearly as much with the Star Beds. It must be recollected, however, that the Bowen River Beds and the Star Beds, especially the latter, have as yet been but imperfectly collected from. It will be remembered that Lepidodendron has never yet been traced upward into the Bowen River Beds, although it is a characteristic plant of the Star Beds. It has, however, been found in the Gympie Beds in the Training Wall Quarries at Rockhamp- ton, and naturally forms a strong link connecting the Star and Gympie Beds. The . abundance (in individuals) of Encrinites and Trilobites is another point which the Gympie and Star Beds have in common. Several species of Spirifera, Rhynchonella, Orthis, Strophomena, and Chonetes, and some of Gasteropoda, are also common to the Star and Gympie Beds. On the other hand, Fenestella is very abundant both in the Gympie Beds and the Middle Bowen River Beds. Three species of Spirifera, one of Reticularia, one of Martinia, one of Orthis, one of Strophomena, three of Productus, one of Chonetes, one of Aviculopecten, one of Chenomya, one of Platyschisma, one of Bellerophon, one of Porcellia, and one of Orthoceras are common to the Gympie and Middle Bowen Beds. In the face of the greater number of species common to the Gympie and Middle Bowen Beds than are common to the Gympie and Star Beds, it is not without some misgivings that I come to the conclusion that the Gympie Beds come nearer to the Star than to the Middle Bowen Beds. I was indeed till recently inclined to favour the idea that the auriferous Gympie Beds were only the coal-bearing Middle Bowen Beds some- what metamorphosed, and the presence of beds of graphite among the Gympie rocks lent colour to this view. But now, on the completion of my Colleague’s work, it strikes me forcibly that if the two series were identical there could not be such a large number 97 of species in the one which are not represented in the other. The Gympie Beds contain ninety-five species peculiar to themselves, and the Middle Bowen Series thirty-four species peculiar to itself. I am quite open to conviction should future evidence turn up to prove the identity of the Gympie Beds either with the Star or Middle Bowen Beds; but in the meantime I think it safer to keep the Gympie Beds apart and to assign to them a position beneath the Star Beds, for the reasons already stated. Iam not able to identify the Gympie Formation with anything in New South Wales or Victoria, unless mere lithological resemblance can be taken as a guide; but, considering how near to the southern border of Queensland the Gympie Formation has been traced, it is more than likely that some of the New South Wales sedimentary rocks, at present doubtfully referred to Silurian and Devonian, may yet prove to be on the Gympie horizon.* The Star Beds have undergone, so far as I have observed, no very great degree of metamorphism. Portions of them, such as the Drummond Beds, may be said to have undergone no metamorphism at all. The Gympie Beds, on the other hand, are at least in places considerably metamorphosed. The Lower Series of the Bowen River Coal Field, which is believed to be newer than the Gympie Beds, has suffered in the Mackay District a very considerable amount of metamorphism. MINES IN CONNECTION. WITH THE GYMPIE FORMATION OUTSIDE OF THE TYPE DISTRICT. KILKIVAN AND BLACK SNAKE. “Most of the work at Kilkivan has been the driving of tunnels in a sheet of white porphyry, which occurs in the face of a range running north and south. The porphyry varies greatly in thickness. There are no defined reefs at all in the porphyry, but only minute veins of quartz with oxides of iron and manganese. Where the man- ganese dioxide occurs the veins are the richest in gold. In some parts of the porphyry these veins are very numerous, and the veins are very patchy. Where these patches occur, however, the whole of the mass will pay to crush. No large quantity of stone can be obtained. Two men who have been working in the Long Tunnel P.C., which is considered the best claim in the porphyry, after six months’ work, have just had a crushing of 8} tons for 24 oz. of smelted gold. The cost of carting and crushing alone was £3 per ton. “The country around Kilkivan consists entirely of metamorphic rocks, such as serpentine, hornblendic and micaceous schists. All the reefs found in this district occur in these rocks. From the Rise and Shine Reef very good specimens of gold in the quartz were obtained in the upper part. Lower down the stone changes to a mundic consisting greatly of zinc-blende with some iron pyrites and a little galena. “The country between Kilkivan and the Black Snake and Mount Coora is entirely of schists—chiefly hornblendic—and mica-schists, which have a steep inclina- tion to the north-west. “The gold-bearing reefs of the Black Snake district occur in a micaceous porphyrite. This rock consists of a felsitic base with porphyritic crystals of oligoclase * T suspect that the Gympie Beds will prove to be identical with the New South Wales strata termed by me ‘‘ Carboniferous”’—formerly known as ‘‘ Lower Carboniferous”—so largely represented in the Port Stephens District. Possibly the Star Beds will also be identical. (R.Z. unr.) G 98 felgpar and Mieg, some pyrites, and here and there viridite and chlorite from the decomposition of some of the original constituents of the rock. This rock occupies a small area of about 3 square miles. The reefs generally have a north-west bearing and are perpendicular, or have a slight underlie to the east or south- east. The ores from these reefs are complex; in the Mariner’s Reef, for instance, at a small depth the ore consists of iron, copper, arsenical pyrites, silver-lead ore (galena), and a small amount of sulphide of antimony. The gold in this ore was equal to a little over 1 oz. per ton, the silver to about 25 oz. per ton. Copper, as carbonate or sulphide, is met with, sometimes sufficiently rich to smelt; 50 tons from the Rose, Shamrock, and Thistle Reef were sold to the Mount Coora Copper Mining Company. “Outside this area of porphyrite, northward towards Mount Coora, are altered rocks consisting of serpentine and of an altered volcanic rock, probably an altered dolerite. The whole area was most probably of the same volcanic rocks, parts of which have undergone a greater change. It is in these rocks that the Mount Coora and Mount Clara copper lodes oceur. “The Black Snake is now almost entirely deserted. This state of affairs is due, in my opinion, not so much to the poverty of the reefs, as to the fact that the land, having become private property, is closed to general enterprise. This field has, moreover, got a bad name owing to the investment of a large amount of capital in erecting furnaces and extravagant crushing plants instead of in the mines themselves.” * In his “Report on the Geology and Mineral Resources of the Districts of Kilkivan and the Black Snake,’ + Mr. Rands describes the Rise and Shine (which has given 2,760 oz. of gold from 1,336 tons of stone), Morning Star, Welcome, Perseverance, and New Year’s Reefs at Kilkivan, and the Rose, Shamrock, and Thistle, Tableland, New Zealand, Black Snake, Homeward Bound, Mariner’s, and Victoria Reefs at Black Snake. Of the Black Snake Reefs, Mr. Rands observes: “ Judging from specimens of ore I saw, and also from assays of samples, there can be no doubt as to the high value of the ores in this district, and as the reefs generally are of a good average width, some of them, at any rate, should pay well to work. The ore would require special and expensive treat- ment to extract the gold and other metals of commercial value, and it would probably be found advisable to merely concentrate them on the field and send them elsewhere for treatment.” Important copper lodes occur in the Black Snake District at Mount Coora and Mount Clara and other locatities, but are not now worked KILKIVAN MERCURY MINES AND MOUNT COORA COBALT MINE. Mr. Rands reported as follows on the Queensland and Woif Cinnabar Lodes at the end of 1886 :— “The matrix of the lodes consists of quartz and calcite. Both lodes are looking well, showing cinnabar all through the stone. “ At the Queensland Lode the shaft is down 42 feet. The lode runs north and south. At the bottom of the shaft the lode is divided into two parts by a ‘ horse’ of mullock. On the eastern or foot wall is a small vein of quartz which is very rich in ore; next to this is about 8 inches of quartz and calcite with ore throughout it, while on the hanging-wall is another mass of vein-stuff containing cinnabar. A little to the * W. H. Rands, in Report of Department of Mines for 1885, + Brisbane: by Authority : 1886, 99 north of the shaft the lode takes a sharp bend to the west. The country is an altered conglomerate or agglomerate, probably of volcanic origin, as it is full of angular particles, “On the Wolf Lode a level has been driven on the bank of the gully for 170 feet on the lode. The country for the first 100 feet or so consists of sandstone and shale dipping south-west at this point, and above them is a volcanic ash, much decom- posed, and containing often large angular pebbles. The lode runs north-east, and averages about 1 foot in thickness. The matrix contains much more calcite than that of the Queensland Lode. “ A cross-cut lower down the gully cuts several lodes or veins. At 19 feet, one of 1 foot in thickness of calcite; at 55 feet, a lode of 1 foot 2 inches wide showing good ore ; at 119 feet is a vein of calcite which appears to be dipping towards some leaders at 145 feet, which contains cinnabar; and at 200 feet the Wolf is cut 4 feet 2 inches wide, and contains a very good percentage of cinnabar. “Very rich pieces of nearly pure cinnabar have been picked up in a gully on this claim, supposed to have come from a small vein a short distance from the Wolf Claim. “So far as the work has at present gone the prospect for the future of these mines looks very encouraging.’’* Nothing is recorded of the output of the cinnabar mines. In 1877 the Warden reported that ‘considerable progress has been made by the Messrs. Hester at their cinnabar works. They have for some time past kept the machines at Gympie fully supplied with quicksilver. The quicksilver supplied by Hester Brothers is preferred by the amalgamators at Gympie to the best article of its kind imported.” Very little progress has been made, although it was reported in 1886 that a company had been formed to work them. Recently information has come to hand that a valuable deposit of stream cinnabar has been discovered. Several cinnabar lodes occur in the district on the heads of Wide Bay Creek. A cobalt lode occurs in a spur of Mount Coora, consisting of serpentine. The lode has been traced over half-a-mile north and south, and underlies to the west at about 50°. ‘“ At its outerop the lode consists of 10 or 12 feet of a talcose casing, with cobalt ore throughout it next to the foot-wall ; then 22 feet of cobalt ore with a brown siliceous matrix (this forms the chief ore-bearing portion of the lode); above this again, next to the hanging-wall, is a mineral similar to pimelite, consisting of silicates of magnesia and alumina with a little silicate of nickel. A tunnel, 80 feet in length, has been put in on the back of the lode, and from the end of the tunnel a cross-cut. has been driven through the lode, which passed through 15 feet of the main portion or cobalt- bearing part of the lode, and then about 10 feet of the casing seen at the surface; beyond this another mass of cobalt ore occurs, the width of which has not yet been ascertained. The ore is that known as earthy cobalt, consisting of oxides of cobalt, manganese, iron, and a little copper. “‘ Assays have shown the average ore to contain about 6 per cent. of cobalt, which, according to last Sydney quotations, is worth about £13 10s. per ton. By hand-picking the ore it might be brought up to about 10 per cent., which would be worth £23 per ton. The extent of the lode, and the large body of ore it contains, makes this undoubtedly a very valuable and important discovery.” + * Report of the Department of Mines for 1886. + W. H, Rands in Report of the Department of Mines for 1886, 100 GAYNDAH GOLD FIELDS. MOUNT SHAMROCK. This goldfield is a comparatively new field, and its output appears for the first time in 1877, as 3,348 oz. of gold from 3,151 tons of stone crushed. In the same year 5 tons of bismuth ore were exported. Mount Shamrock is a low hill about 145 feet in height above the level of Didcot Creek, which runs at its foot on the eastern side. The hill consists almost entirely of a dark-coloured massive slate, which is intersected by dykes of porphyry. It was on the summit of this hill, close to where their shaft now is, that the prospectors first discovered the gold in a piece of iron-stained stone lying at the surface. Mount SHamrock Prospecting Cram. Ina shaft 30 feet deep “the following materials were passed through, in the order mentioned, in layers, all of which were dipping away steeply to the east :— “J. A breccia consisting of angular fragments of a fine-grained aluminous and siliceous rock, cemented together with a hard cement of oxide of iron and silica, throughout which are numerous blebs of quartz. “2. A yellow ochre containing a fair percentage of oxide of bismuth. “3. A brown iron ochre with veins of crystallised glassy quartz running through it. “These ochres form the principal part of what has been passed through in the shaft. The two together must be at least 8 feet to 10 feet in width, and they contain numerous veins and bunches of oxide of bismuth. “4, Earthy red hematite, with siliceous veins containing also broken particles and blebs of glassy quartz. “ All these materials contain gold in considerable quantity, the gold in some places being beautifully crystallised. “Much doubt has been expressed as to the nature of this deposit. Both from the character of the stone and the regular manner in which it strikes and dips, I am of opinion that it is a lode, the breccia being formed by the breaking up and subsequent cementing together of particles of the walls and matrix of the lode. The fissure in which the lode is formed appears to have acted as the channel for the passage of water of hot springs to the surface, for all the materials, the crystallised gold, the hard siliceous and iron cement of the breccia, and the ochreous materials are such as would have only been formed by deposition from solution in water. “The gold appears to be especially associated with the bismuth, for the veins of oxide of bismuth are exceptionally rich. A small sample of the oxide assayed by Mr. Hamilton contained 62 per cent. of metallic bismuth and 252 oz. of gold per ton of the material. “A dyke of white felspar-porphyry can be traced down the hill from a point immediately south of the shaft in a west-north-west direction. It is very probable that this dyke may have influenced the richness of the lode at this point. “Tn No. 1 and No. 2 North small quantities of gold have been found associated with the porphyry dyke. “Mount Melville consists of massive blue slates and hardened sandstones, intersected by dykes of felspar-porphyry of a similar character, and probably a continuation of those met with in the northern part of Mount Shamrock. A 101 sample taken from the outcrop yielded gold equal to about 2 oz. 12 dwt. 13 gr. to the ton, but a trial crushing of 31 ewt. yielded only 4 dwt., or a little over 25 dwt. to the ton. * At the foot of this hill a small reef is being worked. It is from 2 to 10 inches wide, consisting of quartz with a large percentage of the oxide of iron and manganese. At the bottom of the shaft, in one place, there is a vein, 1 inch wide, consisting almost entirely of pyrolusite (oxide of manganese). An assay from this reef gave 16 dwt. of gold and 6 oz. of silver per ton. It intersects a dyke of porphyry. The foot-wall is of dolerite. “ At Mount Ophir is a large reef of white translucent quartz, stained in patches with oxide of iron. It contains a good deal of molybdenite and specks of iron pyrites. At 25 feet a hole was drilled into the reef; the débris obtained from the hole, on being washed, gave a very good prospect indeed. The rock of which this—the northern— side of Mount Ophir consists is made of fine felspathic dust containing small and more or less rounded particles of a micro-crystalline felspathic rock. Fine gold is obtained on crushing and washing pieces of this rock.’’* Mr. Rands, in the Report above quoted, gives an account of the Old Chowey Reefs and Stanton-Harcourt alluvial diggings, and of the Allendale, Hannan’s, Union, Lady Mary, and other silver lodes. The argentiferous lead ores are associated with arsenical pyrites and zinc-blende. Mr. Rands observes: “The amount of silver in the lodes, as far as assays have at present shown, is small—only from 30 oz. to 40 oz. to the ton, which of itself will not pay to work, especially with a narrow reef. They all contain some gold. In the Allendale, which is the only shaft well into the sulphides, the ore contains as much as 1 oz. of gold to the ton. In 1886, the amount of ore raised was 75 tons, valued at £1,350. In 1887 the return was nil.” In a later Report,t Mr. Rands says:—‘‘ The deposit has been worked down to a depth of 215 feet, in the shape of a large square shaft about 40 feet across. This shaft was perpendicular down to a depth of 140 feet, from which point it inclines to S. at 40°, and to E. at 7°. “In my former report on this mine, I said that the deposit was probably in the form of a ‘pipe,’ rather than a lode, and that the metallic minerals, and cementing materials, had probably been deposited from solution in water which has come up through fissures. The work since done bears out this opinion. “ For the first 50 feet the stone consisted of a breccia of fine-grained aluminous and siliceous rocks cemented together with a hard cement of oxide of iron and silica, a yellow ochre containing a fair percentage of oxide of bismuth, a brown iron ochre, and earthy red hematite with siliceous veins through it ; and carbonate of bismuth in small pockets. “ At 50 feet in depth there was a large cavity filled in with a siliceous sinter, so light that it would float in water. Numerous such cavities, but smaller in size, have been met with at various depths. ‘‘A tunnel has been driven into the deposit from the eastern slope of the hill, at a depth of 56 feet from the summit. This tunnel was in slates and stratified mud-rock, to a point 100 feet from the shaft, when the wall forming the boundary of the deposit occurs running W. 40° N. Prospects of gold can be got in this 100 feet, and it, or a part of it, will probably be worked at some future time. * Report on the Gold and Silver Deposits in the Neighbourhood of Mount Shamrock. By W. H. Rands. Brisbane: by Authority : 1886, + On the Mount Biggenden Bismuth Mine, Gebangle, and the Mount Shamrock Mine. Brisbane; by Authority : 1890, 102 “There are numerous boulders of decomposed porphyry in the centre of the deposit at this level. On the western side of the deposit there is a dyke of kaolinite formed from decomposed porphyry; it is running north and south, and it is per- pendicular. “Slates are met with on the western side of this dyke, dipping north-north-east. There is a small vein of molybdenite very rich in gold in these slates. “As the width of the working place is about 30 feet, the width of the whole deposit from east to west is about 140 feet at this level. “ Below the 50-feet level sulphurets began to appear, and there was comparatively little free gold to what was obtained near the surface. At 70 feet in depth the ore contained a great amount of iron pyrites. - “At 100 feet in depth a second tunnel has been driven into the hill to cut the deposit. Slates and mud-rock occur in this tunnel from the mouth to a point 78 feet from the main workings, when the wall forming the eastern boundary of the deposit is met with again, running W.N.W., and dipping 8.S.W. at 70°. The deposit in the tunnel is in layers dipping to E. at 25°. Prospects of gold can be obtained throughout it, especially when the pyrites is in any quantity. The character of the stone in the portion being worked is much the same from this level down to the present depth—215 feet. “Jt consists of fragmentary mud-rock, with a soft greyish tufaceous material, interlaced with veins and fissures, filled with sulphides of bismuth and iron, molybdenite, arsenical pyrites, quartz, ime, &c. There are some beautiful specimens of molybdenite with sulphide of bismuth imbedded in it. Tetradymite—a telluride and sulphide of bismuth—occurs in small quantities in association with quartz. Small cavities occur in the deposit all the way down; these are often lined with well-crystallised minerals, among which I may mention beautiful needle-shaped crystals of bismuthinite, crystals of quartz, pearl-spar, and calcite. “The manager, Mr. Higgings, informed me that the bismuth ore decreases in quantity at a depth. At 140 feet in depth a ‘horse’ or mass of mud-rock comes in on the northern side, and dips S. at about 40°, and from this depth the workings have dipped with it. At the bottom the size of the workings is 35 feet by 33 feet; but this does not represent the whole of the stone to be taken out, as the eastern and southern walls of the workings consist of stone of similar character to that being worked. The layers of the deposit dip away to the east from the ‘horse’ of mud-rock. There are large detached masses of a hard, very fine-grained rock at this level—one was so large that it was thought the deposit had cut out.” . . . “to | OTe Dark shale ... er Aa 33 to O 6 Third coal, brittle, Seated inpare . Geto eeOmey) Dark sandy shale Ze7, Sandstone... 0 6 Dark sandy shale 0 10 Sandstone (bottom of shaft) 175 At the bottom of the underlie shaft the section is as follows :— Tn. Tt. in, . Coal, good ‘be oh eee en a7 aa . es an {Black shale ... oe. ~ i = Ke ea ea neealo 202 Coal, good... oes ee ey, 3 fe ant rae eto. OG Black shale ... ; _ 4¢ to 0 8 Second and third Boats brite: aathese HG) 12 hes hick ee end of shaft, although interrupted by 8 inches of shale 2 feet from end er : as be ie! From the Oaky Creek beds my ‘Colleague ie Picante among my collection Glossopteris linearis, McCoy, and Glossopteris ampla, Dana. Silicified wood, very much resembling that from the Upper Bowen Formation, is also common. The Little River Coal Field, near Palmerville, occurs in a somewhat peculiar position, having been wedged, by two faults, into the midst of an older series of grey- wackes, slates, quartzites, &c. After having been subjected to such a degree of lateral compression that its strata were inclined at high angles, it was covered over by a cake of Desert Sandstone. This cake was subsequently cut through by the Little River (a tributary of the Kennedy), exposing the Coal-Measures and older stratified rocks. The coal-bearing strata consist mainly of blue and dark shales, gritty sandstones, and fireclays. The coal-seams are numerous and thick. One is twenty feet in thickness, another eighteen feet, two are eight feet each, two are six feet each, and four are three feet each; but all of these thick seams are of poor quality. They appear to have been, from the first, much mixed with muddy sediment, and to have had much of their volatile matter driven off by the pressure which resulted in the uptilting of the beds. An eight-feet seam on the bank of the Little River, near Bower-bird Gully, was analysed by the late Mr. Karl Staiger as follows :— Moisture, with alittle gas... we ae aes .. 18°32 Carbon ... si aa ane S60 as ae ... 66°94 Ash ae ie a ova Pe oe sr we 15°74 10000 I analysed samples from an eight-feet seam on Dave Creek, with the following result :— Water ... con - ses ie oes sie eetOL LO Volatile Hydrocarbons... ae ies eng ee wo. 9388 Fixed carbon one 300 vee Gea ... 58°606 ASE “ss. at re LE sat ie i .. 31087 100-00 Specific gravity, 1°37. Near the junction of the Little River with the St. George River the following section is seen :— Ft. in. Coal, good... re ie a ; aS OO 7 Dark-grey shales 0 6 Coal, good Ore Dark shales ie 0 Decomposed carbonaceous Feder 0 3 Coal, fair 0 7 Grey shales ... x 0 4 Dark gnarled shales oe 0 3 Grey shales and sandstones, with a few. bands of oolitic ironstone (1 to 2 inches), and impressions of fossil trees __... a4 eee; 0 176 This coal, on analysis, gave much better results than any of the thicker seams ; in fact, it is one which, if of workable thickness, would take a high place among coals used for steam and smelting purposes. The following is the analysis :— Water ... a oe cae ses eo et) eee Volatile hydrocarbons... ee s ts te ye ay Fixed carbon... ae Sh akc a i ... 62:998 Ash 56 5c mae 50 aD sod er .. 8'042 100-00 Specific gravity, 1°32. The only fossil from the Little. River determined by my Colleague is Glossopteris Browniana, Brong. If the evidence for the Paleozoic age of the Oaky Creek and Little River deposits rested solely on the presence of Glossopteris, it would be of little value, seeing that Glossopteris has been detected in beds as new as the Desert Sandstone ; but in the cases before us, the coal-bearing beds are not only upturned, but are covered uncon- formably by the Desert Sandstone itself. In “ Notes on the Geology of Hann’s Exploring Expedition,”* with which Mr. Norman Taylor has obligingly furnished me, the following passages occur :—“ At Camp 16, on the Mitchell River (Camp 78 on the return journey), I found in the river-bed fragments and blocks of coal shales, with thin seams of bright coal, and on searching carefully I discovered pieces of a whitish indurated shale, containing indistinct plant- remains and an undoubted fragment of Glossopteris. (The shales are identical with some in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, north of Wallerawang, and again at Tallawang, north of Gulgong.)” . . . . “About a mile south of this camp is a low table-topped rise, consisting of horizuntal white and grey shales and a cherty- looking rock, with fragments and stems of plants and traces of Glossopteris in situ. This rests on porphyry, which forms a series of rocky hills two miles further south, extending seven miles south-easterly to the foot of and overlooking some high table- topped Carboniferous ranges (composed of sandstones, grits, and conglomerates, with silicified wood) in that direction.” The occurrence of Glossopteris alluded to by Mr. Taylor has always been a puzzle to me. It would appear as if the plant had been found in the horizontal sand- stones and shales, which I have always regarded as of Desert Sandstone age, and on this evidence, in my “ Handbook of Queensland Geology’’ (1886), and “ Geological Map of Queensland ’’ (1886), I classed the Mount Mulligan Tableland as a continuation of Mr. Taylor’s “ Carboniferous Range,” I confess with considerable reluctance. Since then, however, Mr. Rands’ discovery of Glossopteris in a portion of the Desert Sandstone, which clearly overlies unconformably the Lower Cretaceous Rolling Downs Formation, removes any difficulty there may have been in regarding Mr. Taylor’s Glossopteris- bearing beds as of Desert Sandstone age, and I have restored them accordingly to that formation in the Geological Map issued herewith. J. *For a full account of the late Mr. W. Hann’s Exploring Expedition in Northern Queensland (to which Mr. Norman Taylor was attached as Geologist), see Proc. R. Geogr. Soc., 1874, xviii., pp. 87-107. CHAPTER XxX. THE PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM—continued. LIFE OF THE UPPER BOWEN FORMATION. Tue fossils occurring in the Upper Bowen River Formation are :—Phyllotheca australis, Brong., Sphenopteris lobifolia, Morris, 8. flewuosa, McCoy, 8. crebra, Ten. Woods, Glossopteris Browniana, Brong., G. linearis, McCoy, Coniferous wood, Derbyia senilis, Phill., Productus brachytherus, G. Sby., and Goniatites, sp. ind., Pl. 15, fig. 5. Of these, Phyllotheca australis, Sphenopteris flexuosa, and S. crebra, are peculiar to this formation. Productus brachytherus occurs not only in this formation but also in the Gympie and Middle Bowen Formations. Sphenopteris lobifolia, Glossopteris Browniana, G. linearis, and Derbyia senilis, occur in both the Middle and Upper Bowen Formations. Goniatites, sp. ind., Pl. 15, fig. 5, occurs in both the Upper Bowen and the Gympie Formations. The following Genera are common to the Upper Bowen and Gympie Forma- tions :—Mo.uvsca: Productus and Goniatites. There are not even any. genera common to the Upper Bowen and Star Formations. The following Genera are common to the Upper and Middle Bowen Formations :— Pianta: Sphenopteris and Glossopteris. Moutusca: Derbyia, Productus,and Goniatites. J. CHAPTER XXI. LIST OF THE FOSSILS OF THE PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM, SHowrna THEIR Horizons. Noves. The Gympie Series (Column I.) includes, besides the Gympie area (G.), the following :—‘‘ Rockhampton District ” (R.), Lake’s Creek and Training Wall Quarries (L.), Kooingal (K.), Stanwell, in part (8.), Encrinite Creek (E.), Fenestella Hill (F.), Athelstane Range (A.), Don River (D.), Crow’s Nest (C.), Blackfellow’s Diggings (B.), Lilymere (LM.), Kariboe Creek, Cania (KC.), Yatton (Y.), Yarrol Lime- stone (YL.), Hodgkinson Gold Field (H.), Raglan* (RL.), Beaconsfield (BF.), Langmorn (LR.), Broadsound Ranges (BR.), Apis Creek (AC.) The Star Beds(Column IT.) include, besides the Star area (S.), the following :—Keelbottom (K.), Drummond (D.), Mount Wyatt (W.), Canoona (C.), Broken River (B.) The Middle or Marine Series (Column III.) includes, besides the Middle Series as developed on the Bowen River (MB.), the following :—Cracow Creek, in part (C.), Dawson River, in part (D.), Mount Britton (B.), Stanwell, in part (8.), Banana Creek (BC.), Springsure (SS.) The Upper or Freshwater Series (Column IV.) includes, besides the Upper Series as developed on the Bowen River (UB.), the following :—Cracow Creek, in part (C.), Dawson River, in part (D.), Little River, Cooktown (L.), Oakey Creek, Cooktown (O.), Stewart’s Creek, Townsville (S.), Walker’s Creek, Nebo (W.), and Dinner Creek, Stanwell (DC.) Il. IV. L | Middle Upper or Systematic Position and Name. Gympie | Aeeenee pee uk pertaen Series. | Bowen River | Bowen River | Coal Fiel@, | Coal Field. Kingdom—PnrantTm. Section— CRYPTOGAMI®. Class—ACOTYLEDONES. Order—CALAMARI®. Family—EQUISETACER. Genus—CaLAMITEs. Calamites varians, Germar. nas “00 es ae ane D sp. ind. ae se one toe L ” ” Genus—ASTEROCALAMITES. | Asterocalamites scrobiculatus, Schloth., Pl. 4, figs. 11, 12 at D Family—ScHIzoNnEURID®. Genus—PHYLLOTHECA. Phyllotheca australis, Brong. ... oh ars Ana wae 455 ret UB Order—FInLices. | Family—SPaENOPTERIDE®. Genus—SPHENOPTERiS. Sphenopteris lobifolia, Morris... sis eet 460 ee C, 2. MB flexuosa, McCoy ... Rel sins 500 Sige pn ses crebra, Ten. Woods... ue ae aes mes es aie q Bug Family—PaLm®OPrERIDE®. Genus—ANEIMITES. Aneimites austrina, Eth. fil. ae see Sor a by, D * T regard this as Devonian. See Footnote, p. 89. (R.E. Junr.) 179 LIST OF FOSSILS OF THE PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM—continued. On ne ee Systematic Position and Name. Family— DicrroTmNIoPTERIDE®. Genus—GLossoPTERIS. : figs. 9, 10 Sy linearis, McCoy “ ampla, Dana? Pl. 16, fig. 7 Order-—LYCoPODIACE®. Family—LEPIpODENDRID®. Genus—LEPIDODENDRON. Lepidodendron australe, McCoy, Pl. 5, figs 1-10 e veltheimianum, Sternb. ... . sp. mmd., Pl. 6, figs. 1,'4 ... Genus—CYcLosTiGMA. Cyclostigma sie Feist. eee eee = ., Feist., allied to ic Kiltorkense Genus—STIGMARIA. Stigmaria, sp.ind., Ten. Woods ... wes HAR Section—PHANEROGAMIA. Class—DIcoTYLEDONES. Order—CYCADACER. Family—CorDAITER. Genus—CorDAITES. Cordaites australis, McCoy ? Order—ConiFERE at Kingdom—ANIMALTA. Sub-Kingdom—PrRoT0z0A. Class—SPon@IpDa. Order—MONACTINELLIDE. Family— ? Genus—LASIOCLADIA. Lasiocladia? Hindei, Eth. fil., Pl. 41, figs. 1, 2 Sub-Kingdom—C@LeENTERATA. Class—ACTINOZOA. Order—Rvaosa. Group—ZAPHRENTOIDEA. Family—ZaPHRENTIDR. Genus—ZAPHRENTIS. * Zaphrentis profunda, Eth. fil., Pl. 44, fig. 1... Group— CyATHOPHYLLOIDEA. Family—CYATHOPHYLLIDR. Genus—CYATHOPHYLLIUM. Cyathophyllum, sp. ind., Pl. 3,f.10 ... : sp. ind, Pl. 7, f. 1 one Glossopteris Browniana, Brong., Pl. 16, figs. 6,8; Pl. tit Gympie Series, ?G BF LR | III. . Middle Tes or Marine Star Beds, Series— Coal Field. 2 MB 566 MB a, ? MB 8, W, C, B, D D 8,D D w,c¢ D D MB Tis Upper or Freshwater Series— Bowen River | Bowen River Coal Field. UB, D, 0, I, 8, W, DC 0, UB UB 180 LIST OF FOSSILS OF THE PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM—continued. Systematic Position and Name. Section—PERFORATA. Family—AULOPORIDE. Genus—CLADOCHONUS. Cladochonus tenuicollis, McCoy ... Order—MonTICULIPORIDEA. Family—MonTicuLipoRipz. Genus—MonvTicuLivora. Monticulipora, sp. ind., Pl. 38, figs. 1, 2 Genus—SrEnopora. Stenopora australis, Nich. and Eth. fil., Pl. Bs gee 5-8 - Leichhardtii, Nich. and Eth. fil, 6, figs. 9, 10; Pl. Clee A Jackii, Nich. and Eth. fils 3 Sp. ae Pl. 7, figs. 3-5 3 gimpiensis, Eth. ‘fil., io: figs. 14, 15 Pl. 6, figs. 11-13 Sub-Kingdom—EcHInopERMATA. Section—PELMATOZOA. Class—CRINOIDEA. Order—CoabDuNaAtTa. Family—ActinocrinIDm. Genus—ACcrINocRINUS, Actinocrinus, sp. ind., Pl. 7, fig. 9 Family—PuLatyceinipz, Genus—PLATYORINDS. Platycrinus ? nua, Eth. fil., Pl. 88, fig. 8 pat Order—InapUnata. Family—Porertocrinipm. Cup of Crinoid, Pl. 44, fig. 7 nas sac Poteriocrinus ? Smithii, Eth. fil., Pl. 8, fig. 1 erassus, Miller > Pl, if fig. 6 Arms of Crinoid, Pl. 7, ‘fig. 7 A ape ed big fig. ee Impressions of Crinoid Caly, Pi. 44, fig. 8 Crinoid Stems : 3 Class—BLAsToIpEA. Order—REGULARES. Family—PrntReMitipm. Genus—Mrsoptastus, Mesoblastus? australis, Eth. fil., Pl. 44, fig. 2 Family—GRaNATOBLASTID®. Genus—GRANATOCRINUS. Granatocrinus? Wachsmuthi, Eth. fil., Pl. 7, fig. 10 Family—TRoostoBLAstIp™. Genus—TRIC@®LOCRINUS. Tricelocrinus ? Carpenteri, Eth. fil., Pl. 44, fig. 3 Section—EcuInozoa Class—EcHINOIDEA. Order—PALECHINOIDFA. Family—ARCHHOCIDARID &. Genus—ARCHOOIDARIS. Archeocidaris, sp. ... ee ee III. IV. Middle Upper or as . IL. or Marine | Freshwater Gympie Star Beds. Series— Series— Rertes: Bowen River | Bowen River Coal Field. | Coal] Field. R kK MB MB eee MB K G R 8 B R 8 E, F 8s 8 R K,5,A “ 88 R 8 R R 181 LIST OF FOSSILS OF TILE PERMO-CAKBONIFEROUS SYSTEM—continued. Systematic Position and Name. Sub-Kingdom—ANNULOSA. Class—CRUSTAOEA. Order— OstTRacopa. Family—LrPERrDITIp2#. Genus— BEYRICHIA. Beyrichia varicosa, T. R. Jones, Pl. 7, fig. 15 ... Order—TrILopiTa. Family—PR@tip&. Genus— PHILLIPSIA. Phillipsia dubia, Eth., Pl. 7, fig. 12; Pl. 8, figs. 5,6; Pl. 44, fig. 4 Woodwardi, Eth. fil, Pl. 7, figs, 11, 18; Pl. 8, fig. 6; Pl. 44, figs. 5, 6 Fe ? sp. ind. ses He 5 Genus—GRIFFITHIDES, Griffithides seminifera, Phill ?, Pl. 7, fig. 14 Sub-Kingdom— Mo tivsoa. Section— MoLbuscorpEA. Class—Potnyzoa. Order—GYMNOLEMATA, Sub-Order—CrYcLostoMATA. Family—FeEnestEeLLip®, Genus—FENESTELLA. Fenestella fossula, Lonsd., Pl. 9, figs. 4, 5 internata, Lonsd., Pl. 9, figs. 6, 7 a sp. ind. .., re bist so vee i multiporata, De Kon. Pl. 8, figs. 7, 8 Genus—POLYPORA. Polypora? Smithii, Eth. fil., Pl. 9, figs. 1-3; ? Pl. 44, figs. 9, 10. Genus—PROTORETEPORA. Protoretepora ampla, Lonsd. ... ce ey: a 5 an var. Woodsi, Eth. fil., Pl. 8, fig. 12 % ¥ var. Konineki, Eth. fil. Family—THAMNISCIDE. Genus—GLAUCONOME, Glauconome, sp. ind., Pl. 44, fig. 11 Family—PETALOPORID mE. Genus—RHOMBOPORA. Rhombopora? laxa, Uth., Pl. 9, figs. 8, 9 Family— Genus—MYRIOLITHES. Myriolithes? queenslandensis, Uth. fil. ... Class—BRACHIOPODA. Order—TRETENTERATA. Family —TEREBRATULIDE. Genus—DIELASMA. Dielasma cymbeformis, Morris, Pl. 9, figs. 10, 11 Le Gympie Series. G, B, L G, K B, F, G B, G, BR, AC LM, RL* 2G me IV: Middle Upper or or Marine | Freshwater series— Series— Bowen River | Bowen River Coal Field. Coal Field. MB MB MB MB * T regard this as Deyonian. See Footnote, p. 89. 182 LIST OF FOSSILS OF THE PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM—continued. Systematic Position and Name. Dielasma sacculus, Martin, var. ... y af var. hastata, ue de C. Sty. rr sp. ind., Pl. 40, figs. 1, Family —SPrrtFERID®. Genus—SPIRIFERA. Spirifera striata, Martin? Pl. 9, fig. 16 sre 5 sp. ind. (a.), Pl. 9, fig. 12 nde “fs vespertilio, G. B. Sby., Pl. 10, fig. 8. 2 ~ convoluta, Phill., Pl. 10, figs. 10, gE e sh i lata, MeCoy ate sac 40 Clarkei, De Kon. Pl. 10, fig. 16? trigonalis, Martin, PI. 9, fig. 15 fen “or var, acuta, Eth., Pl. IO), ite PY F A var. crassa, De Kon., Pl. ikl, ie 5 ms dubia, Eth., Pl. 10, fig. 14 5c os Sp. ind. (0), Pl. 38, figs. 4-6 ... a tasmaniensis, Morris, ELSLO; oe 1, 215 Stokesii, Konig, Pl. 10, figs. 2-4 ace _ pinguis, J. Sby. 6 » ” i brcarinata, th. 41... PL 10, figs. 9, 13; Pl. 37, fig. 17; Pl. 11, figs. 1-3 nH Strzeleckii, De Kon., Pl. 10, figs. 5-7 oe Genus—SPIRIFERINA. Spiriferina duodecimcostata, Dag Pl. 44, me 12 ; sp. ind... Genus—RETIOULARIA. Reticularia lineata, Martin ? rages pp Urei, Fleming nee FE te Genus—MArtTINniA. Martinia? productoides, Eth. fil., Pl. 11, figs. 6-11 Genus —MARTINIOPSIS. Martiniopsis ? subradiata, G. B. Sby., Pl. 11, fig. 14 ... a subradiata, var. Morrisii, Eth. fil, Pl. 11, figs. 12, 13? f Darwiniti, Morris, Pl. 9, figs. 13, 14; Pl. 39, figs. 5-7 Family—NvcLEosPIRID ®. Genus—ReEtTzIA. Retzia radialis, Phill., Pl. 11, figs. 24, 25 “06 50 Ay ie lilymerensis, "Eth. fil., Pl, 11, figs. 20-22 Family—ATHYRID. Genus—ATHYRIS. Athyris Roysii, Leveillé, Pl. 11, fig 15... Gee si » ambigua, J. de C. Sby. ae 3 » Randsi, Eth. fil., Pl. 11, figs. 16-18 Family--RHYNCHONELLIDS. Genus— RHYNCHONELLA. Rhynchonella pleurodon, pai Jel ai wifes Bh 3 sp. ind, AoC one tee UF Gympie Series. eos Dy - File LM KO KC TE, Star Beds. LEE. IV. Middle Upper or or Marine Treshwater Series— Series— Bowen River | Bowen River Coal Field. Coal Field, BC MB MB MB MB, BC BO, B ?B MB, BO, B MB, B 183 LIST OF FOSSILS OF THE PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM—continued. EIS LV L Middle Pd ad oe Systematic Position and Name. Gympie yates eee arlene Series. Bowen River | Bowen River Coal Field. | Coal Field. Family—OrrtHID&. Genus—ORr?raHIs. Orthis resupinata, Martin, Pl. 11, figs. 26, 28 8, A, KC 8 » australis, McCoy, Pl. 11, figs. 27, 29 8, R Family—STROPHOMENID®. Genus—STROPHOMENA. Strophomena rhomboidalis, vay. analoga, Phill., Pl. 12, G, BR 8 figs.8,9; Pl. 40, fig. 6 Genus—DrrBytia. Derbyia senilis, Phill. MB Family— Propuctipm. Genus—PropvUctTUsS. Productus cora, D’Orb., Pl. 12, fig. 14; Pl. 13, fig. 1 G, 8, L B Pl. 38, fig. 11 . brachytherus, G. Sby., Pl. 12, figs. 10-13; | F, 5, s, Ke, MB, B UB Pills, figs? 3.21. 44, fig. 14 YL % subquadratus, Morris, Pl. 38, figs. 7-10; Pl. a0 BF MB, B 40, fig. 5. undatus, Defrance, Pl. 12, fig. 16 8 at semireticulatus, Martin ? 8, KO . longispinus, J. Sby.? ... D x sp. ind. (a.), Pl. 18, fig. 6 YL * sp. ind. (6.), Pl. 12, fe. 16 8 . sp. ind. (e.), Pl. 18, fig. 4 3 " sp. ind. (d.), Pl. 40, fig. 4 R #4 sp. ind. (e.), Pl. 37, fig. 18 es B > sp. ind. (f.), Pl. 44, fig. 13 Y Genus—STROPHALOSIA. Strophalosia geehe, Eth., Pl. 13, figs. 12-17; Pl. 14, MB, 83 fig. 19 . Gerardi, King, Pl. 18, fig. isin Tee eh, MB, BO fig. 18; Pl. 40, figs. 7, 8 Genus—CHONETES. Chonetes cracowensis, Kth., Pl. 13, fig. 9 A 8 © a sp. ind. (a), Pi. 13, fig. 10; PL 3i, figs. 21, 22 AP 8, K 73 sp. ind. (b.), Pl. 13, figs. 7, 8, 13 any A, 8 3 sp. tnd, (c), 1a B¥f fig. 20 : ie K + sp. ind. (d), Pl. 37, fig. 19 oi . B Order—CLISTENTERATA, Family—Line@vrip2. Genus—LINnGULaA. Lingula mytiloides, J. Sby.? Pl. 13, fig. 19 KC Section—MOottivusca VERA. Class—PELECYPODA. Order—OstTRACEA. Family—PrEctTINIDE. Genus— ENTOLIUM. Entolium, sp. 8 Genus—EvcHonpDRIA, Euchondria, sp. ... ae 8 184 LIST OF FOSSILS OF THE PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM—continued. Systematic Position and Name. Family—AVICULOPECTINIDE. Genus-—AVICULOPECTEN. Aviculopecten subquinquelineatus, McCoy limeformis, Morris? Pl. 14, fig. 1 3 ? imbricatus, Eth. wae _ multiradiatus, Eth. rf Laurenti, Eth. fils els 43, ‘figs. 3, “4 Genus—DELTOPECTEN. Deltopecten illawarrensis, Mor., Pl. 41, fig. 3; Pl. 43, fig. 2 Genus—PTERINOPECTEN. Pterinopecten Devisii, Eth. fil., Pl. 40, fig. 9 Order—MYTILACEA. Family—AVICULIDE. Genus—MERISMOPTERIA. Merismopteria macroptera, Mor. Family—Myrinipz. ~ Genus—MytiILors. Mytilops ? corrugata, Eth. fil., Pl. 40, fig. 11 ... » ¢ Sp.ind., PJ. 14, fig. 20 mae sae Genus—MopIioMoRPHA. Modiomorpha? Daintreei, Eth. fil., Pl. 14, fig.13 ... hy mytiliformis, Eth. fil., Pl. 14, fig. 5; PI. 40, fig. 4 Order —AROACEA. Family—ARcipZ. Genus—PARALLELODON. Parallelodon costellata, McCoy, Pl. 40, figs. 12, 13 Family—Nvcvxrip. Genus—Nuoucuta. Nucula, sp. ind., Pl. 40, fig. 10 Family—NvovuLanips#. Genus—NUcuULANA. Nuculana, sp. ind., Pl. 14, fig. 17... Order—LvcINAcEA, Family—SoLemyipz. Genus— SOLEMYA. Solemya Edelfelti, Eth. fil., Pl. 14, fig. 16 Family—AsTaRTID =. Genus—PLEUROPHORUS. Pleurophorus Randsi, Eth. fil., Pl. 14, fig. 14 ... Genus—ASTARTELLA. Astartella ?rhomboidea, Eth. fil., Pl. 14, fig. 15 Genus—CYPRICARDELLA. Cypricardella Jackii, Eth. fil., Pl. 14, figs. 11, 12 Genus—ASTARTILA. Astartila cytherea, Dana, Pl. 14, figs. 3, 4 Ke Gympie Series. ?G, PY K,G@ C,B KO YL II. Star Beds, III. Middle or Marine Series— Bowen River Coal Field. MB MB MB IV. Upper or Freshwater Series — Bowen River Coal Field. 185 LIST OF FOSSILS OF THE PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM—continued. Systematic Position and Name. Order—CHAMACEA. Family— TRIDACNID. Genus—EURYDESMA. Eurydesma cordata, Morris + sacculus, McCoy Order—VENERACEA. Family—Carpiipz. Genus—ConooarDIUM. Conocardium australe, McCoy, Pl. 14, fig. 6 Order—Myacra. Family—ANATINID. Genus—CHNOMYA. Chenomya ? Etheridgei, De Kon. ae ts 2? carinata, Kth. fil., Pl. 43, igs. 5, 6 FF 2? acuta, Eth. ... ‘ a ? bowenensis, Eth. fil. Genus—EDMONDIA. Edmondia ? obovata, Eth.... sae es ABS Genus —SANGUINOLITES. Sanguinolites concentricus, Eth., Pl. 48, fig. 7 ... Family—Sax1cavipH. Genus—PacHYDoMvs. Pachydomus globosus, J. de C. Sby. Genus—M moni. Meonia carinata, Mor. » recta, Dana Class—GASTEROPODA. Order—PRoOSsOBRANCHIATA. Family—Naricip». Genus—NatTICopsis. Naticopsis? harpeformis, Eth., Pl. 5, fg. 10:; A variata, Phill. ? F a $ sp. ind. oes nee Family—PYRaMIDELLIDE. Genus—LoxonEeMa. Loxonema, sp. ade age Family—EvoMPHALipz. Genus—EvomMPHALUS. Euomphalus, sp. Genus—PLATYSCHISMA. Platyschisma oculus, J. de C. Sby., Pl. 15, figs. 3, 4 a rotunda, Eth., Pl. ‘15, fig. 6 Family—PLEUROTOMARIIDS. Genus—PLEUROTOMARIA. Pleurotomaria carinata, J. de C. Sby., Pl. 15, fig. 16... Genus—Movrtnonia. Mourlonia Strzeleckiana, Moy., Pl. 15, fig. 2 ... ry ? coniformis, Eth. fil., Pl. 41, fig. 5 III. I Middle ‘pi 10 or Marine oe Star Beds. Series— ‘ Bowen River Coal Field. es . x le PG ae BC BO MB MB qa G . MB . MB MB D 8 8 8 8 8 be c G LM, YU ave eee BC TNE Upper or Treshwater Series— Bowen River Coal Field. 186 LIST OF FOSSILS OF THE PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM— continued. Systematic Position and Name. Genus—YVANIA. Yvania Konincki, With. fil., Pl. 41, fig. 7 Genus—LUcIELLA.” Luciella? Graye, Eth. fil., Pl. 41, fig. 6 Genus—MURCHISONIA. Murchisonia carinata, Eth., Pl. 15, fig. 9 » sp. (a) ” sp. (b) 5 sp. (c) 26 Family—BELLEROPHONTID®. Genus—BELLEROPHON. Bellerophon stanvellensis, Eth. fil., Pl. 15, figs. 11-13 Genus—BuvoantIa. Bucania textilis, De Kon., Pl. 41, fig. 8 Genus—PoRcELLIA. Porceilia Pearsi, Eth. fil., Pl. 15, figs. 7, 8 Class—PTEROPODA. Order—THECOSOMATA. Family—ConvuLaRiip®. Genus—ConvmLaRiA. Conularia tenuistriata, McCoy ... 3 sp.tnd., Pl. 41, fig. 10... Class—CEPHALOPODA. Order—TrETRABRANCHIATA. Family—NavtTiLipm, Genus— NAUTILUS. Nautilus, sp. is ? ammonitiformis, Pl. 41, fig. 9 Family—OrTHOOCERATID®. Genus—ORTHOCERAS. Orthoceras, sp. ee ate eh Eth. fil, Pl. 39, fig. 9; Genus— GY ROCERAS. Gyroceras dubius, Eth. fil., Pl. 41, fig. 12 Family —GonIAtitiIpm. Genus—GonIATITES. Goniatites micromphalus, Moy. ... ae FS sp. ind., Pl. 15, fig. 5 . m planorbiformis, Eth. fil., PL Al, fig. 9 9 y sp. ind., Pl. 15, figs. 14, ‘15 36 Sub-Kingdom—VERTEBRATA. Class—PIsczs. Order—CHONDROPTERYGII. Family—CocuHiopontTipm. Genus—DELToDUS. Deltodus ? australis, Eth. fil., Pl. 39, fig. 11 Order—GANOIDET. Family—PaLmoniscipm. Genus—PALZONISOUS. Paleéoniscus Randsi, Eth. fil. a I Gympie Series. BAY R INE Star Beds, IIl. IV. Middle Upper or or Marine | Freshwater Series— Series— Bowen River| Bowen River Coal Field. Coal Field. BO BO B MB UB 187 . SYNOPSIS. The Gympie Beds contain— 95 species peculiar to themselves. 12. ,, in common with the Star Beds, iy OP os - ,, Middle Series of the Bowen River Coal Field. ” ” ” Upper » ” » The Star Beds contain— 19 species peculiar to themselves. 12. ,, in common with the Gympie Beds. Sr a 3 rs Middle Series of the Bowen River Coal Field. The Middle Series of the Bowen River Coal Field contains— 34 species peculiar to itself. 17. ,,_ ~+in common with the Gympie Beds. 12 5 » Star Beds. Gar, a », Upper Series of the Bowen River Coal Field. The Upper Series of the Bowen River Coal Field contains— 3 species peculiar to itself. » Imcommon with the Gympie Beds. » » » Middle Series of the Bowen River Coal Field. bo for) CHAPTER XXII. THE ORGANIC REMAINS OF THE PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM. Witn Drscriprions OF THE SPECIES. Kingdom—PLANTA. Section—CRYPTOGAMIA. — Class—ACOTYLEDONES. Order—CALAMARIEX. Family—EQUISETACEA. Genus—CALAMITES, Suckow, 1784. (Act. Acad. Theodora-Palatina, v., p. 359.) CALAMITES VARIANS, Germar. Calamites varians, Germar, Verstein. Steinkohl. Wettin u. Lobejun., 1847, fas. 4, p. 47, t. 20 ; ar Sternberg, Flora, ii., p. 50, t. 12. .s ee Ten. Woods, Journ. R. Soc. N. S. Wales for 1882 [1883], p. 188. HA * Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1888, viii., Pt. i., p. 84. Obs. The roots and stems are described by the Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods as of common occurrence at the undermentioned locality, but the leaves are rare. He says, “They abound in the strata, and there are some portions of the stone which seem to be made up entirely from the stems.” These examples have not come under my notice. Loc. and Horizon. Bogantungan, Drummond Range (The late Rev. J. H. T. Woods)—Star Beds. CALAMITES, sp. ind. Obs. The occurrence of so typical a Carboniferous plant as Calamites, amongst other genera, associated with a Carboniferous marine fauna in Eastern Australia, has, so far, been a point of considerable doubt and controversy. Lepidodendron has already been recorded,* irrespective of the facts given in these pages. Of the two species known in Australia, one, Calamites (Asterocalamites) scrobriculatus, besides its Queensland habitat, occurs in the Lower Carboniferous of New South Wales, whilst C. varians is of doubtful horizon in the same country. In the specimen now about to be referred to, we have a plant from the Rockhampton Training Wall Quarries, which have yielded a rich Permo-Carboniferous fauna to the researches of Messrs. De Vis and the late James Smith, partaking of many of the characters of the genus Calamites. The stems are long, narrow, parallel-sided, and not increasing in width, oval in section arising from compression, and producing a gently convex surface. The longest of the specimens is nine inches in length, with an average width of one and a-half inches, although one of the fragments is nearer two inches. The internodes are of irregular * Ann. Report Dept. Mines N. 8. Wales for 1889 [1890], p. 239. 189 length, the longest being about three inches and the shortest an inch and a-quarter. The nodes, although faintly marked, are sufficiently so to demonstrate the generic identity of the plant, and are very apparent on the application of the finger, but the pressure which the specimens have undergone renders them rather oblique. The coste, or ribs, are fine, narrow, and close together, opposite on contiguous internodes, and not alternating. ‘The fineness of the coste probably indicates that the bark, when present, entirely concealed them, whilst the continuity of the cost from internode to internode indicates Areheocalamites as the section to which the plant should be referred. There are no scars of branches along the nodes, as in either Calamitina, Hucalamites, or Stylocalamites. The whole of the organic matter has been removed, the specimens being merely the infilling by matrix of the cavity left by the decomposition of the plant. Loc. Lower Training Wall Quarries, Fitzroy River, Rockhampton (The late James Smith). Genus—ASTEROCALAMITES, Schimper, 1862. (Terr. Transition des Vosges, p. 321.) ASTEROCALAMITES SCROBICULATUS, Schlotheim., sp., Pl. 4, figs. 11, 12. Calamites scrobiculatus, Schl., Petrefactenkunde, 1820, Abth. 1, p. 402, t. 20, f. 11. pe radiatus, Brongniart, Hist. Foss. Vég., 1828, p. 122, t. 26, f. 2. Ae radiatus, Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1879, Supp. Bd. iii., Lief. 3, Heft 4, p. 144, t. 6, f. 1, t. 7, ff. 3, 4. £ sea Ten. Woods, Journ. R. Soc. N.S. Wales for 1882 [1883], xvi., p. 187, t. 11, f. 5, t. 12, fia (aks 4 Dae Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, pp. 52, 83. Asterocalamites scrobiculatus, Kidston, Cat. Foss. Plants, Brit. Mus., 1886, p. 35, Obs. This species is quoted as a Queensland plant by the Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods at one part of his Paper on the “Fossil Flora of the Coal Deposits of Australia,’ but is not described in that portion devoted to the specific diagnosis. My Colleague, however, quotes Calamites radians * from a definite locality in Queens- land, and this may perhaps be meant for the same species. Good examples have been collected by Mr. W. Fryar, Inspector of Mines, from Bogantungan, correspond- ing well with Mr. Woods’ figures. One of these exhibits five nodes and the other three. Loc. and Horizon. Bogantungan, Drummond Range (W. Fryar) ; ? Drummond Range (&. LZ. Jack)—Star Beds. Family—SCHIZONEURID. Genus—PH YLLOTHECA, Brongniart, 1828. (Prodrome Hist. Vég. Foss., p. 151.) PHYLLOTHECA AUSTRALIS, Brongniart, Pl. 17, f. 13. Phyllotheca australis, Brong., loc. cit., p. 152. o- ne Morris in Strzelecki’s Phys. Descrip. N. 8. Wales, &c., 1845, p. 250. a5 - Dana, Geology Wilkes’ U. S. Explor. Exped., 1849, p. 718, t. 13, f. 6, t. 14, £ 1. * re Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1878, Supp. Bd. iii., Lief. 3, Heft 3, p. 83, t. 6, f. 3, 1, 7, £1, 2, t. 15;f. 1 and 2 (2): Obs. This plant is a very characteristic fossil of the Freshwater Beds of the Bowen River Coal Field Series. Some years ago I wrote on this pvint “that the * Handbook of Queensland Geology, 1886, p. 41. 190 remains are almost wholly those of plants, chiefly consisting of Glossopteris and Phyllo- theca.” The Revd. J. BK. T. Woods recorded Phyllotheca (P. indica ?) from the Oaky Greek Coal Field and the Burrum River Coal Beds,* but in a later publication he says, t “T now wish to state that, after a careful examination, there is no evidence that these specimens belong exclusively to Phyllotheca.” As, however, my Colleague regards the Oaky Creek Coal Beds as the equivalents of the Freshwater Series at Bowen, it is not improbable that a Phyllotheca does occur there in company with Glossopteris. A small specimen is figured (PI. 17, fig. 18) and, although not very perfect, it corresponds with one of Dana’s illustrations.{ It was identified by Mr. R. Kidston. Phyllotheca australis, like Glossopteris Browniana, is one of the few plants which pass from the Paleozoic into the Mesozoic plant-bearing beds of Eastern Australia. Dr. Feistmantel has remarked on this fact in the following words: “ This species has in Australia a distribution from the Lower Coal Measures . . . . into the Upper Mesozoic Beds of Queensland and Victoria.” Loc. and Horizon. Cockatoo Creek, twelve miles up (&. L. Jack)—Upper or Freshwater Series of the Bowen River Coal Field. Order—FILICES. Family—SPHENOPTERIDE.§ Genus—SPHENOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1822. (Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, viii., p. 233.) SPHENOPTERIS LOBIFOLIA, Jlorris. Sphenopteris lobifolia, Morris in Strzslecki’s Phys. Descrip. N. S. Wales, &c., 1845, p. 246, t. 7, ff. 3, 3a. 8 FP Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1878, Sup. Bd., iii., Lief. 3, Heft 3, p. 87. p = Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1., p. 88. Obs. ‘This species is described as a very delicate fern, with very slender pinnules, varying much in shape according to position. Loc. and Horizons. Near Cracow Creek, Dawson River (The late R. Daintree)— ? Middle Series, Bowen River Coal Field; Rosella Creek, two miles above Havilah- Byerwin Road-crossing (2. L. Jack)—Marine Bed intercalated with the Upper or Freshwater Series, Bowen River Coal Field; Bowen River District (Rev. J. #. T Woods ; Colln. Woods)—Middle Series, Bowen River Coal Field ? SPHENOPTERIS FLEXUOSA, WcCoy. Sphenopteris flexuosa, McCoy, Ann. and Mag, Nat. Hist., 1847, xx., p. 150, t. 9, ff. 4, 4a. = af Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1878, Supp. Bd. iii., Lief. 3, Heft 3, p. 88. - 5 Tenison Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, p. 91. Obs. A very graceful fern has occurred, thickly covering altered shale from the Dawson River, and associated with Glossopteris. It possesses the elongately lobed pinnules of this species, the characteristic forked venation, and the terminal trilobed division. * Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, vol. viii., p. 95, + Fossil Flora of the Coal Deposits of Australia. Sydney, 1883, p. 38. PUD ana LOC. Cites ualer, 1. Os §In addition to this family we believe we have the Pecopteride represented in specimens from Walker’s Creek, near Nebo, and Dinner Creek, Stanwell. In each case the Pecopterid plant is accompanied by Glossopteris Browniana, Brong, 191 The Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods does not quote this species as a Queensland fern, but in its place records the above species S. lobifolia from near Cracow Creek, Dawson River. This is, of course, quite possible ; but after a very careful examination of the present specimens, assisted by Mr. T. Whitelegge, my Colleague in the Australian Museum, I can come to no other conclusion than that 9. feawosa must also be added to the list. Loe. and Horizon. Dawson River (H. Mackay; Colln. De Vis)—Upper or Freshwater Group of the Bowen River Coal Field. SPHENOPTERIS CREBRA, Zen. Woods ? Sphenopteris crebra, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1883, viii.. Pt. 1, p. 98, 6. 3, f. 4. Sp. Char. Frond evidently tender and membranaceous, bipinnate ; pinne wide, alternate, slightly oblique, oblong-quadrate, pinnules so close together as not to be easily distinguished, faintly pinnatifid; lobes a little more oblique than the pinne, oblong-ovate, with a slightly undulating margin; costwe sending off veins which fork once, and the venules reaching the margin. (Zen. Woods.) Obs. Specimens before me are not sufficiently perfect to show the pinne, but, so far as one can judge from the brief characters of the pinnules, and the indistinct figure, they are the above species. The pinnules are quite close together, almost over- lapping in places, but this may be due, perhaps, to some extent to pressure ; oblong- ovate in outline, and with practically an entire margin. The veins fork only once, and all the venules reach the margin; of the former there are three on each side the midrib to the pinnule. Our specimens are distinguished from Sphenopteris exilis, Morris, 8. lobifolia, Morris, S. germanus, McCoy, 8. flexuosa, McCoy, and S. plumosa, by the almost entire margins of the pinnules; from S. hastata, McCoy, by the differently formed pinnule, the latter in the present examples varying from oval-pyriform to oblong-ovate. Mr. Woods speaks of the lobes of the pinnules, but if these are to any extent developed in the Ballimore Coal Field examples, our Queensland fossils must then be considered distinct, for the pinnules in the latter would certainly not come under this category. Loc. and Horizon. Dawson River (H. Mackay; Colln. De Vis)—Upper or Freshwater Group of the Bowen River Coal Field. Family—PALAOPTERIDEA. Genus—ANEIMITES, Dawson, 1860. (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xvii., p. 5.) ANEIMITES AUSTRINA, Etheridge fil. Aneimites austrina, Etheridge fil., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W., 1888, iii., Pt. 3, p. 1804, t. 37. Sp. Char. Frond elongately expanding, bipinnate; rachis moderately broad, carinate ; pinne sub-alternate, elongate, attenuating but slowly towards their apices, almost parallel-sided ; rachis carinate, frequently zigzag; pinnules petiolate, rather inequilateral, varying in shape on different parts of the frond, but generally ovate or obovate-pyriform, sometimes a little sub-imbricate, proximal or inner margins parallel to the rachis, upper and distal margins broadly rounded, and all entire; pinnules towards the apices of the pinne becoming more truly pyriform or pyriform-deltoid, the terminal leaflets being uni-, bi-, or tri-lobed; pinnules of the lowest (preserved) pinne lobate, the apical lobe more or less lanceolate. Petioles short and straight. Nerves well marked, numerous, bi- or perhaps tri-dichotomous. 192 Obs. The relation of this plant is with the group of ferns represented by such genera as Cyclopteris, Archeopteris (—=Paleopteris), Rhacopteris, Adiantites (so-called), and others. The resemblance is specially strong to Cyclopteris and Adiantites, but I believe Professor Géppert, the author of the latter, abandoned his genus in favour of Cyclopteris. In originally proposing Ane‘mites,* Principal Dawson evidently had in mind the British Coal Measures fern, Sphenopteris adiantoides, Lindley and Hutton; so much so that to this he at first referred the plant afterwards called by him Aneimites (Cyclop- teris) acadica.t This being the case, we may justly include Sphenopteris adiantoides in Aneimites. Furthermore, it is to be regretted that Principal Dawson did not refer to this obvious fact in his second and more detailed account of the Canadian fern. The strong resemblance borne by the Queensland specimen to the British Aneimites adiantoides, L. and H., sp., and in a less degree to A. acadica, Dn., renders it exceedingly probable that it should be placed in the genus in question. I shall, there- fore, speak of it in future as Aneimites austrina. The pinne of A. austrina are about three inches long, the entire frond, as preserved, occupying a space of more than one foot. The frond is generally flabellate and bipinnate, there being portions of eight pinne on one side, alternating with seven on the other, of a rather broad rachis.- The pinne are elongate and generally narrow, hardly expanding from a uniform width, and decreasing but very slowly in width towards their apices. The pinnules are ovate or obovate-pyriform, and retain their form throughout the length of each pinna until near their apices, when the pinnules become longer and more wedge-shaped, the pinna terminating in a uni-, bi-, or tri-lobed pinnule. The pinnules have likewise a somewhat flabellate aspect, seldom sub-imbricate, or overlapping one another, but separated by an interspace, which is certainly at times rather inconspicuous. The proximal margins of the pinnules are parallel to the rachis, and during fossilisation some of them have slightly infringed on the latter. The two lowest pinne exhibit a marked difference from those above them. The second pair are the best preserved and are deeply lobate and pinnatifid, conforming to the habit we are accustomed to associate with the pinnules in some Sphenopterids. The divisions of the pinne in question have quite lost their pyriform or obovate outline, but are irregularly trilobate, and ‘to some exteni incised, the apical lobe being the largest, and more or less lanceolate. The nerves are but faintly visible on the specimen occupying the greater portion of the slab, but are shown on a smaller example lying near. The lower pinne seem to be only a modification of the lobate apical pinnules of the higher pinne, as seen on the third to the right from the bottom of the specimen, and the fifth and sixth on the left hand. But they are not the basal, as the lower portion of the frond is concealed by matrix. The resemblance of A. austrina to A. adiantoides consists in the similar obovate or pyriform pinnules, with a like modification of the apical pinnules. The two ferns, however, differ greatly in the relative sizes of their respective portions, whilst in the British species there is no appearance of the dissimilar lower pinne. From A. acadica, Dn., the form of the pinnules will at once distinguish it. Loc. and Horizon. Near Mount Budge, Drummond Range (A. EH. Holmes ; Colln. Smith)—Star Beds. e * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1860, xvii., p. 5. + The Fossil Plants of the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit Formations of Canada. Geol. Surv., Canada, 1873, p. 26, 193 Family—DICTYOTANIOPTERIDE, Genus—GLOSSOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1828. (Prodrome Hist. Vég. Foss., p. 54.) Obs. Besides the Permo-Carboniferous localities in which different species of this genus afterwards referred to have been discovered, the genus also occurs in the Desert Sandstone. That the plants discovered at Cement Hill, near Clermont,* are Glossopteris there can be no reasonable doubt, but I must be allowed to consider my Colleague and his Assistant, Mr. W. H. Rands, as wholly responsible for the reference of the beds from which the specimens come, to the upper member of the Queensland Cretaceous, the Desert Sandstone.+ The case is, however, a parallel one to the supposed occurrence of Glossopteris in the Cretaceous of Russia, or the Tertiary rocks of Italy ;{ but in these cases there is an element of doubt whether or no the leaves in question are truly those of Glossopteris. | The Clermont plants came to hand too late for description in these pages, but they will appear amongst supplementary descriptions of Queensland fossils. GLOSsOPTERIS BROWNIANA. Brongniart, Pl. 16, figs. 6 and 8; Pl. 17, figs. 9 and 10. Glossopteris Browniana, Brong., Hist. Vég. Foss., 1828, p. 223, t. 62. ne 5 Morris in Strzelecki’s Phys. Descrip. N. 8. Wales, 1845, p. 247, t. 6, f. Land la. A 48 Dana, Geology Wilkes’ U. S. Explor. Exped., 1849, p. 716, Atlas, t. 12, f. 13. a 55 Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1878, Sup. Bd. iii., Lief. 3; Heft 2, p.78; Heft 3, p: 90, 6.8, f. 3iand 4, t. 19; f. 1, 1a, 3, 4, and’4@, 5 and 5a, 7, t. 11, £. 1. Obs. This much abused and disputed plant is very characteristic, in Queensland, of the equivalents of the Upper Coal Measures of New South Wales. Itis, undoubtedly, associated with the coal-seams of the Cooktown area, and on the specimens submitted to him from this locality Mr. Robert Kidston makes the following remarks :—‘ Among the specimens are some which may perhaps be referred to the variety australasica of Brongniart. Schimper mentions in his Zvraité de Pal. Veg. (vol. i., p. 646) that the form of the fronds varies much according to their age, and that he had seen on the same slab some that were almost linear, and others that were oblong- spathulate.”’ G. Browniana occurs in the Upper or Freshwater Series of the Bowen River Coal Field, which, like the Middle or Marine beds, possesses a Paleozoic fauna, but in a less degree. On the subject of the Marine bands in the former, I formerly made the following remarks :— “The Marine bed at Rosella Creek contains Goniatites micromphalus (Morris) and some indeterminable fragments of other Mollusca. The similar bed at the Havilah- Byerwin Road contains magnificent specimens of a particularly characteristic Carbon- iferous Brachiopod Derbyia senilis, Phillips, in company with Productus brachytherus, G. Sowerby, and a bivalve, either a Pachydomus or Astartila. Striking confirmation is again afforded by yet another locality, Cockatoo Creek, where we have Glossopteris and Phyllotheca actually in company with Strophalosia Clarkei, Eth.” * See p. 169. = + What I said (sce p. 170) was that beds in which G@lossopteris occurs, unaccompanied by other fossils, ‘may be of any age from the Lower” [I should have said ‘‘ Middle ”] ‘‘ Bowen to the Desert Sandstone.” (R.L.J.) : +t Feistmantel, Geol. Pal. Relations Coal and Plant-bearing Beds of E. Australia, Mem, Geol, Survey N. S. Wales, Pal. No. 5, 1890, p. 119, N 194: My Colleague’s testimony on this subject is of the highest value. He says in con- nection with a Bore (No. 1) put down on Pelican Creek through the Middle or Marine Series—“ The most interesting feature of this bore, is the presence, at the base of the Marine Series, of a considerable thickness of strata, containing Glossopteris, and undoubtediy on a lower horizon than the sandstone overlying the Garrick seam, which contain marine fossils.””* This would appear to entirely corroborate the previously expressed opinion of the late Mr. Daintree on the occurrence of Glossopteris in tho Bowen Marine Series.+ In our illustrations we have given more than one vanety of this fern. In Pl. 16, figs. 6 and 8, are two very finely reticulated leaves resembling a figure by Feistmantel t and another by Morris.§ In Pl. 17, fig. 9, is a somewhat coarser form, but fig. 10 of the same plate seems to represent the true variety intended by Brongniart, under the name of awstralasica || with a coarser and more open reticulation. Loc. and Horizon. MacArthur Creek, below MacArthur Coal-Seam ; Cockatoo Creek, three and a-quarter, eleven, and twelve miles up, Bowen River Coal Field (R. L. Jack); Walker's Creek, near Nebo (2. Z. Jack); Stewart’s Creek, near Townsville (R. Z. Jack); Dinner Creek, Stanwell (Lhe late James Smith) ; Dawson River (H. Mackay; Colin. De Vis)—Upper or Freshwater Series (Upper Coal Measures of New South Wales). G. Browniana has been recognised by Mr. Robt. Kidston in later Collections of Mr. Jack’s from Dave Creek, Little River, Cooktown; from a parting in a coal- seam at the Little River, Cooktown; from impure coal, south of the ‘forty-five acre seam;”’ from “ Built-up sidling” on old road from Daddy’s to Deep Creek, Cook- town. Mr. Kidston has also determined a Glossopteris from the right bank of the Little River, half-a-mile below Fairlight Station, Cooktown, and also from Baird’s Mine, Oakey Creek, on which he remarks—‘“ The specimens are too imperfect for specific determination, but probably most of them are referable to Glossopteris Browniana.” GLOSSOPTERIS LINEARIS, McCoy, Pl. 18, fig. 14. Glossopteris linearis, McCoy, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1847, xx., p. 151, t. 9, f. 5 and 5a. Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1878, Supp. Bd. iii., Lief. 3, Heft 3, p. 91, t. 8, f. 1 and 2, t. 11, f. 3 and 4, t. 12, f. 4. 33 Obs. This species has been identified by Mr. Kidston amongst my Colleague’s gatherings from the Oakey Creek Coal Field. In New South Wales it occurs in the Newcastle Coal Field, at Woollongong, and other places. In the Bowen River District, G. linearis is found associated with Phyllotheca and Strophalosia Clarkei, and is further confirmatory evidence of the occurrence of this interesting genus in company with Paleozoic Mollusca. In Pl. 16, fig. 4, the neuration would appear to spring from the midrib at too near a right angle to fully correspond with the recognised figures of this species. Loe. and Horizon. Cockatoo Creek, Bowen River Coal Field (R. ZL. Jack) ; Baird’s Mine, Oakey Creek Coal Field, Cooktown (2. L. Jack)—Upper or Fresh- water Series of the Bowen River Coal Field. * Handbook Geol. Queensland, 1886, p. 44. + Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 286. + Palaeontographica, loc. cit., t. 10, f. 5. § Strzelecki, /oc. cit., t. 6, f. 1. || Brongniart, loc. cit., t. 62, f. 1. 195 GLOSSOPTERIS AMPLA, Dana, PI. 15, fig. 7. Glossopteris ampla, Dana, Geology Wilkes’ U. S. Explor. Exped., 1849, p. 717; Atlas, t. 138, f. 1. Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1878, Supp. Bd. iii., Lief. 3, Heft 3, p. 91, t. 11, f. 2, tot ie Obs. The discovery of this fern in Northern Queensland, associated with a Paleozoic fauna, may be regarded as one of the most important paleontological facts brought to light by my Colleague’ ssurveys. It entirely corroborates the often-repeated statements of the late Revd. W. B. Clarke and Mr. W. Keene that @lossopteris, whatever its statigraphical position might be in other countries, was associated with Palszozoic Marine beds in New South Wales. I cannot do better than quote here the remarks I originally made when first recording the appearance of this fern in company with Paleozoic shells in the Upper or Freshwater Series of the Bowen River Coal Field :— “In the case of the Coral Creek deposit, we have an assemblage of fossils most carefully collected, and all presenting traces of one and the same matrix. An undoubted Glossopteris occurs here, near G. ampla, Dana, in company with Polyzoa of an Upper Paleozoic type, such as Fenestella, Protoretepora, two species of Stenopora, a specimen which is either Productus or Strophalosia, probably the latter; bivalves of the genera Pachydomus and Me@onia, another which I cannot distinguish from Aviculo- pecten limeformis, Morris, and certainly Pterinea macroptera, Morris. An assemblage of fossils such as this would have been considered by all those who have in previous years written on the subject, Professors Morris, McCoy, Dana, and Jukes, Mr. Daintree and others, as representing the Upper Paleozoic Series of New South Wales, &c. “Ina Presidential Address delivered to the Royal Society of Victoria on the 25th April, 1864,* Professor McCoy tells us that in a discussion which took place at the reading of a Paper by Mr. Daintree, the latter mentioned ‘a fact of the highest importance, and which may be found in some measure to reconcile the view of Mr. Clarke and myself, namely, that Mr. Clarke in making his original collections for determination had mixed together the fossils of the upper and the lower beds. Now, as a portion of the fossils could be identified with European-species, and there were among them two species of Trilobites (Phillipsia and Brachymetopus), characteristic of the Mountain Limestone as found in Ireland and Russia, the clearly marked age of these would have determined the age of the whole, if, as was supposed, they came from the same beds; and in this indirect way the Pachydomi and other new generic and specitic forms which, from their novelty, could not afford any indication of age of themselves, came to be considered as Paleeozoic forms from their supposed associations with those which certainly were of that age. It is obviously, therefore, necessary to collect and investigate the evidence afresh from each bed by itself with care,’ &c. These remarks, although undoubtedly sound in principle, will not apply in this case, for we have here careful collecting, showing that Glossopteris does actually exist in a deposit with a marine fauna, amongst which is at least one specimen of Productus or Strophalosia. Further, the same species of Polyzoa which are found in abundance in the Coral Creek deposit with the Glossopteris are also met with at Pelican Creek, where the characteristic fossil is Strophalosia Clarke. “Taking all these facts into careful and unbiassed consideration, it appears to me impossible to doubt, if the Coral Creek fauna is admitted to be of Permo- Carboniferous age, or, at any rate, of Upper Paleozoic, that we now have a tangible demonstration of the occurrence of Glossopteris in actual company with such a fauna.” Loc. and Horizon. Coral Creek, Bowen River Coal Field (2. L. Jack)—Middle or Marine Series. Led * Trans, R, Soc. Vic., 1865, vi., p. Ixvi, 196 Order—LYCOPODIACEE, Family—LEPIDODEN DRIDZ. Genus—LHPIDODENDRON, Sternberg, 1820. (Flora der Vorwelt, i., Fasc. i., p. 25, Fasc. 4, p. x.) LEPIDODENDRON AUSTRALE, McCoy, Pl. 5, figs. 1-10. Lepidodendron (Bergeria) australe, McCoy, Prod. Pal. Vict., Dec. i., 1874, p. 37, t. 9. “f nothum (pars.), Carruthers (non Unger), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxvili., Pt. 3, p, 353, t. 26, f. 11-14 (excl. figs. 1-4, 6-9). MG nothum, Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1878, Supp. Bd. iii., Lief. 8, Heft 2, p. 69, t. 1, f. 1-5 ; Ibid, 1879, Heft 4, p. 141, t. 1 (19), f. 1 and 2. es australe et L. nothum, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales for 1883 [1884], viii., Pt. 1, pp. 184 and 185. Obs. Both Mr. Robert Kidston and the Writer are quite in accord with Prof. McCoy in considering the plant described by Mr. Carruthers under the name of Lepidodendron nothum, Unger, as identical with ZL: australe, MeCoy.* Mr. Kidston remarks in his notes on the Queensland plants :—‘‘ The type of Lepidodendron nothum, Unger, on account of its imperfect preservation does not appear to afford any specific character from external markings, by which other specimens can be satisfactorily identified with it; therefore the identification of the Queensland or Tasmanian specimens with ' Unger’s plant does not appear admissible.” Prof. McCoy remarks that ‘‘ The scars are so much larger and fewer on approximately the same sized branches”’ (7.e., of L. australe), ‘“‘that it is not desirable to make such a reference”’ (z.e., to LZ. nothum, Unger). Lepidodendron nothum, Carruthers (non Unger), is believed by Mr. Kidston to include two species, belonging in part to Z. australe, McCoy, and in part to Leptophlewm rhombicum, Dawson.t According to this view, Mr. Carruthers’ figures (PI. 26, loc. cit., figs. 11-14), must be referred to Z. australe, and the remainder given on his plate (figs. 1-4, 6-9) to Leptophleum rhombicum. The differences in the form of the leaf-scar, the position of the vascular cicatricule, and mode of growth of these specimens, seems to prohibit their being included in one species.”’ The latter figures have a great resemblance to Leptophleum rhombicum in the form of the scar and position of the cicatricule. Loc.and Horizon. Corner, Sandy, Horse, and Donald’s Creeks, Great Star River (R.L. Jack and P.W. Pears); Road to Harvest Home, two miles west of Mount McConnell (P. W. Pears) ; Mount Wyatt, Canoona, Broken River (The late R. Daintree) ; Medway River, Bogantungan, and Drummond Range (Lhe late Rev. J. H. T. Woods)—Star Beds ; Training Wall Quarries, Rockhampton, with marine mollusea (The late James Smith) ; Murphy’s Tunnel, Pioneer Hill, Hodgkinson Gold Field (R. L. Jack)—Gympie Beds. LEPIDODENDRON VELTHEIMIANUM, Sternberg, Pl. 4, fig. 8, Pl. 6, fig. 2. Lepidodendiron veltheimianum, Sternberg, Flora der Vorwelt, 1870, i., Fasc. 4, p. xii., t. 52, £. 3. a a Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1879, Bd. iii., Lief. 3, Heft 4, p. 151, t. 7, f, 2'(? t. 5, ff. 2 and 3). 3 55 Ten. Woods, Journ. R. Soc. N. S. Wales for 1882 [1883], xvi., p. 182. t. 11, Lmli3; and 6, coal oentna. 56 rs Ten. Woods, Proc, Linn. Soc. N. 8S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, p. 185. Obs. This Lycopod was recorded as a Queensland species by the late Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods. It occurs as compressed branches, with impressions of distant narrow-pointed leaf-like scales. * For a full discussion of the relation of these two plants see my Paper—Lepidodendron australe, McCoy : Its Synonyms and Range in Eastern Australia. Records Geol. Survey N.S. Wales, 1891, ii., Pt. 3, pp. 119-134. (R. #., junr.) + Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xi., 1856, p. 175, Pl. x., f. 4-8. ~ Geol, Surv., Canada, Foss, Plants, Dev. and Up. Silurian Form, Canada, 1871, p, 36, t. 8, figs. 88 and 89, 107 Two good examples are included in my Colleague’s Collection, showing the elongated, narrow, and long diamond-shaped scars characteristic of the species. ‘These are accompanied by examples of the Knorria condition (Pl. 6, f. 2). Loc. and Horizon. Drummond Range (R. Sexton and the late Rev. J. E. Lenison Woods); Bogantungan, Drummond Range (W. Fryar)—Star Beds. LEPIDODENDRON, sp. ind., Pl. 6, figs. 1 and 4. Obs. A third, and perhaps even a fourth, species of Lepidodendron is repre- sented by the above figures. In both cases the scars have been rendered too plainly by the Artist. For want of sufficient material I have not attempted to determine them. Loc. and Horizon. Bogantungan, Drummond Range (W. Fryar); Corner Creek, Great Star River (P. W. Pears)—Star Beds. Genus—CYOLOSTIGILA, Haughton, 1860. (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1860, v., p. 443.) CYCLOSTIGMA AUSTRALE, Feistmantel. Cyclostigma australe, Feist., Palaeontographica, 1878, Supp. Bd. iii., Lief. 3, Heft 2, p. 76, t. 4, f. 3, t. 5, ale 45 sp., Ten. Woods, Journ. R. Soc. N. S. Wales for 1882 [1883], xvi., p. 184. ) australe, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. ‘bid., 1883, viii., Pt. 1, pp. 52 and 138. Obs. The late Rev. J. E. T. Woods obtained a specimen from the Drummond Range which he thought might be this species. Loe. and Horizon, Drummond Range (The late Rev. J. EL. T. Woods)—Star Beds. f CrcoLostiema, sp. did. Cyclostigma, sp., Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1878, Supp. Bd. iii., Lief. 3, Heft 2, p. 71. a vs Journ. R. Soc. N. 8. Wales for 1880 [1881], xiv., p. 116. Obs. A plant very closely allied to Cyclostigma kiltorkense is said by Dr. Feist- mantel to occur in Queensland in company with Lepidodendron nothum (L. australe, McCoy), but it may possibly be the last species only. Loc. and Horizon. Mount Wyatt and Canoona (Dr. O. Feistmantel)—Star Beds. Genus—STIGMA RIA, Brongniart, 1822, (Mém. Mus. Nat. Hist. Paris, viii., p. 209.) STIGMARIA, sp. ind. Stigmaria, Ten. Woods, Journ. R. Soc. N. 8. Wales for 1882 [1883], p. 192, t. 12, f. 8. - Obs. The late Rev. Mr. Woods did not describe this specimen, but remarked simply—“This fragment lay in the position of a root in the rock, subtending a stem probably of Lepidodendron veltheimianum.” Loe. and Horizon. Bogantungan, Drummond Range (Lhe late Rev. J. LH. T. Woods)—Star Beds. 198 Section—PHANEROGAMIA. Class—DIcOTYLEDONES. Order—CYCADACEAR, Family—CORDAITEA.* Genus—CORDAITES, Unger, 1850. (Gen. et Sp. Plantarum, p. 277.) CoRDAITES AUSTRALIS, McCoy. Cordaites australis, McCoy, Prod. Pal. Vict., Dec. iv., 1876, p. 22, t. 36, f, 6, 7. - “4 Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1883, viiil., Pt. 1, p. 155 Obs. The leaves of C. australis have been recorded by the Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods from the plant beds of the Drummond Range (Star Beds). He says—‘“‘ I believe I have identified the same species in the shales and slates of Gympie, Queensland (Lady Mary Shaft), and also in the sandstone ranges at the Drummond Range (Bogantungan), in the sandstone about one mile west of the railway station. In both it is not very abundant.” The plant has not occurred in any Collection I have examined from either of the above localities. Order—CONIFERE. Family—ARAUCARIE. Genus—ARAUCAROXYLON (Krauss), Schimper, 1870. (Traité Pal. Vég., 1870, ii, Pt. 1, p. 380.) Aravucaroxyton Nicnout, Carruthers (MS.) Araucaroxylon Nicholi, Carruthers in Etheridge, fil., Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 328. Obs. This name was given by Mr. W. Carruthers, F.R.S., to some wood obtained by Mr. Jack in the Bowen River Coal Field. As Mr. Carruthers has since failed to describe it, the name had better lapse, and be erased from nomenclature. It would not have been referred to here had it not been necessary to account for the name, which has unfortunately crept into literature. The occurrence of Coniferous wood, however, is in itself an interesting fact, as affording still further evidence of the identity of the Bowen Coal Measures with the corresponding series in New South Wales. My Colleague states that in the Middle or Marine Bowen beds “ portions of the trunks of coniferous trees are occasionally found lying horizontally in the strata.”+ Again, in the Upper or Freshwater Series of the same area, the strata exposed in Jack’s Creek contain ‘‘ numerous large drifted trees (Coniferous). These occasionally retain some part of the branching roots. They are silicified to a black flint, sometimes partly opalised.”{ In another place he adds—“ One tree was found to measure thirty-one feet in length.’ § And what is of equal importance, “the same species of drifted coniferous wood is common to the Marine and Freshwater Series.’’|| * Lesquereux, Coal Flora Carb. Form. Pennsylvania, 1880, p. 527. ‘‘The Cordaiteze are now generally referred to the Dicotyledonous Gymnosperms, as intermediate in character between the Cycadacez and the Conifers.” (Lesquereux.) + Report on the Bowen River Coal Field. Brisbane: by Authority: 1879, p 7. + Ibid., p. 22. § Handbook Geol. Queensland, 1886, p, 45 || Report, Joc, cit. p. 35. 199 Kingdom—ANIMALIA., Sub-Kinedom—PROTOZOA. Class—SPoNGIDA. Order—MONACTINELLIDE, Family— Genus—LASIOCLADIA, Hinde, 1883. (Cat. Foss. Sponges Brit. Mus., p. 19.) Lastocnapra ? HInpet, sp. nov., Pl. 41, figs. 1 and 2. Sp. Char. Form, as preserved, fan-shaped, originally globular or rotund probably, measuring one and three-quarters by one and a-quarter inches, formed of long, radiating, rod-like, siliceous spicules, closely compressed or matted together, and apparently all placed in one outward direction. Spicules very equal in size. Obs. The general appearance of this organism is that of a semi-circular or fan-shaped body, split in half longitudinally on the weathered surface of an indurated non-calcareous shale. To the naked eye the surface simply appears roughened, but when magnified, rod-like spicules and their impressions are at once apparent. Their direction is very regular, having a definite radiate arrangement, but there does not appear to be any attempt at transverse or obliquely placed spicules. On the bottom of the specimen, where ground down, the spicules are visible in sections, which are circular and solid. All the rods seem to be simple, and are undoubtedly siliceous. This interesting form is provisionally referred to Lastocladia, Hinde, but the spicules are not loosely arranged in more than one direction, as in that genus. The remark of Dr. Hinde that “the larger portion of the specimen merely shows the empty well-defined moulds of the spicules in the shale,” quite applies here. These rods do not seem to be in any way allied to the long rope-like anchoring spicules of Hyalostelia, in that they are solid, and not wholly parallel with one another. Drawings of this sponge were submitted to Dr. J. G. Hinde, who replied—“ It is very probable that the specimen of which you enclose drawings is a Monactinellid sponge, but further than that I can form no opinion.” Notwithstanding my friend’s cautious reply, I have ventured to provisionally refer this sponge to Lasiocladia, uniting with it his name. The rarity of sponges in our Australian Permo-Carboniferous rocks demands that every possible attention should be called to their occurrence, and no better plan can be adopted than that of giving the fossil a name. I have not been able to isolate any of the spicules, and am, therefore, debarred from giving measurements. Loc. and Horizon. Rockhampton District * (C. W. De Vis; Colln. De Vis)— Gympie Beds. * The fossils of the Collection received from Mr. De Vis do not bear separate localities, but are all from the Rockhampton District. In a letter dated 25th July, 1888, Mr. De Vis says—-‘‘ The fossils are from the Agricultural Reserve ; from the Fitzroy at Laurel Bank, about ten miles from Rockhampton, westward to the Nine-mile Lagoon; thence to the Corporation Quarry, Athelstane Range, and to the northern outerop (at foot of Bersekers) of the synclinal beneath the township andvbed of river.” 200 Sub-Kingdom—CCiLENTERATA. Class—ACTINOZOA. The Actinozoa are but very sparingly represented in the Permo-Carboniferous of Queensland and New South Wales,* and, so far as known to me, the same remark is applicable to Tasmania also. ‘This applies, not only to individual genera and species, but also to the orders of the class. The Zoantharia are perhaps repre- sented by the genus Stenopora, whilst the Rugosa in the present collection number but a few ill-preserved and undeterminable fragments. If this paucity of the Coral fauna should be found to hold good in the future, as more extended researches are carried out, it will, in conjunction with the repeated occurrence of Stenopora, greatly assist in supporting the view here advocated of the marked Permian facies of portions of the Upper Paleozoic fauna of New South Wales and Queensland. Order—RUGOSA. Group—ZAPHRENTOIDEA. Family—ZAPHRENTIDZ. Genus—ZAPHRENTIS, Rafinesque and Clifford, 1820. (Ann. Sci. Phys. Bruxelles, v., p. 234.) ZAPHRENTIS PROFUNDA, sp. nov., Pl. 44, fig. 1. Sp. Char. Corallum long and probably much curved, calice very deep, curved and wide, rather more oval than circular; floor formed by a very irregular and limited tabulum; a crest or callus is present on the dorsal side, and is formed by a convergence of the septa. The latter are very numerous, at least forty-six primary and a similar number of secondary, and pass well on to the floor; secondary septa rather more than one-third the length of the primaries; septal fossula deep, imme- diately under the ventral wall, bounded by two primary septa, and undivided by the intrusion of the counter septum. Dissepiments very numerous, forming a close and dense tissue. Depth of the calice eleven lines on the dorsal side, but one and a-half inch on the ventral; longest diameter one and a-quarter inch, from the dorsal to the ventral side. Obs. This is a very remarkable species, and appears to be quite distinct from any hitherto described Australian form. The large number of septa and the narrow oblique calice-floor are important and definite characters. The difference between the curvature of the dorsal and ventral sides is very great. The crest is situated at the top of the elongated fossula, with the dorsal and ventral septa converging thereto, the latter passing along the margins of the fossula; a second crest occurs at the immediate entrance to the latter, which does not seem to be otherwise divided. Loe. and Horizon. Rockhampton District ¢ (C. W. De Fis)—Gympie Beds. * For a full description of all the species known from N. 8. Wales, see my Memoir: A Monograph of the Carboniferous and Permo-Carboniferous Invertebrata of New South Wales. Part 1.—Ccelenterata. Mem. Geol. Survey N. S. Wales, Pal. No. 5. 4to. Sydney, 1891: by Authority. + Sce note, p. 199. 201 Group—CYATHOPHYLLOIDEA. Family—CYATHOPHYLLID A. Genus—CYATHOPHYLLUM, Goldfuss, 1826. (Petrefacta Germanie, I. Theil, p. 54.) CYATHOPITYLLUM, sp. ind., Pl. 3, fig. 10. (Compare C. helianthoides (Goldf.), Edwards and Haime, Mon. Brit. Foss Corals, Pt. 4, Dev., 1853, p. 227, t. 51, f. 1.) Obs. Nicholson and Etheridge fil., Ann. and Mag, Nat. Hist., 1879, iv., p. 265. $3 Nicholson, Tabulate Corals Pal. Period, 1879, p. 168. Ff Waagen and Wentzel, Pal. Indica (Salt Range Foss.), 1886, Ser. xiii., vol. i., Pt. 6, p. 885. a Etheridge fil., Mem. Geol. Survey N. S. Wales, Pal. No. 5, Pt. 1, 1891, p. 32. Obs. The views held up to the present time on the structure of Stenopora will be found expressed in the works and memoirs quoted above. A general account of the history and structure of the genus and the Australian species will be found in the “Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales,” as above indicated. The descriptions of the three first species following is substantially the same as that given by Professor H. A. Nicholson and the Writer in the “ Annals and Magazine of Natural History.” Type—Stenopora tasmaniensis, Lonsdale. STENOPORA AUSTRALIS, Wicholson and Eth. fil., Pl. 6, figs. 5-8. Stenopora ovata, Nich. and Eth. fil. (non Lonsdale), Ann. and Mag. Nat, Hist., 1879, iv., p. 271, f. 2a-o., p. 274, t. 14, £. 1-le. Sp. Char. Corallum sublobate or submassive, of cylindrical or flattened branches, which have a diameter of from less than two to more than three centimetres. Corallites vertical, or nearly so, in the centre of the branches but finally bending out- ward nearly at right angles and being continued for some distance in this direction before reaching the surface. Corallites in the central portions of the corallum thin- walled, polygonal, and closely contiguous; but in the horizontal portion of their course thickened by annular accretions, by which the tubes are placed in contact, the inter- vening, unthickened segments being free. Corallites on an average about one-third of a millimeter in diameter ; tubes of smaller size being here and there intercalated among the larger ones. In the outer portion of the tubes, about six of the annular thickenings * Genus Monticulipora and its Sub-Genera, 1881, pp. 101 and 108, 203 of the tubes, and as many unthickened segments, occupy the space of one line. Tabule horizontal, sometimes complete, or at other times perforated by a central aperture, remote from one another as a general rule, and, for the most part, placed at corresponding levels in contiguous tubes, these levels having no evident relation to the annular thickenings of the tubes ; acanthopores wanting. Obs. The original specimens from the Bowen River Coal Field did not exhibit the surface in any manner that would enable the external characters of the species to be described. In identifying them with 8S. ovata, Lonsdale, we formerly relied chiefly upon the rapid divergence of the tubes from the central bundle, and the great number and close arrangement of the annular thickenings of the corallites in the horizontal portion of their course, these being sometimes so much developed as to give to the exterior of the tubes a regularly crenulated appearance. The annular thickenings are also unusually broad ; and many smaller tubes are interpolated among the larger ones as the surface is approached. In its minute structure, however, the present species differs widely from S. ovata, and resembles no other species of the genus known to us. One of the most marked characters of S. australis, in which it seems to stand alone among the species of Stenopora, is the total absence of acanthopores (PI. 6, fig. 7). This character at once distinguishes the species from S. ovata, Lonsd. It agrees with the latter in the fact that the walls of contiguous corallites are completely amalgamated, the primordial wall only being visible in the axis of the branches, and also in the average size of the tubes ; but the corallites are mostly more of a polygonal than of a simply rounded shape. As seen in longitudinal sections (PI. 6, figs. 6 and 8), the corallites are thickened periodically, in the peripheral region of the corallum, by very regular fusiform thickenings placed at corresponding levels in contiguous tubes, as are also the tabule. As seen in long sections, the tabule appear to be complete; but, as viewed in tangential sections, appearances are seen which are difficult to explain, except upon the supposition that the tabule are perforated by a central aperture (PI. 6, fig. 7). Thus in many of the corallites, as seen in tangential sections, we observe a broad ring of light-coloured sclerenchyma internal to the proper walls of the tube, and enclosing a central rounded aperture. What this ring is, unless it be a perforated tabula, it is difficult to see ; but there is the curious feature that it is usually separated from the true wall for a portion of its extent on one side of the tube. In our former description of this species (loc. cit.) we described and figured the above-mentioned singular structures, but were unable to give any explanation of their nature, as we believed the tabul to be imperforate. We are obliged to admit, however, that if this be their real nature they differ in some inexplicable points from ordinary perforated tabule. In Stenopora Howsii, Nich., the tabule are not only perforated by central apertures, but this fact is quite as easily recognizable in long sections as in tangential ones. In this form, however, the tabule are extremely numerous and the state of preservation is also very good. Mr. John Young has proposed the generic name of Zabulipora for a coral allied to or identical with Stenopora Howsii. In all other respects, however, save as regards its perforated tabule, §. Howszi does not differ from the normal species of Stenopora. If no other species of Stenopora possessed perforated tabule, there would be ground for accepting Zabulipora as a sub-genus of Stenopora, or perhaps as a distinct genus. If, on the other hand, the structures above described as occurring in S. australis are really perforated tabule, there does not seem to be any need for a special generic name. Moreover, it is only on the supposition that perforated tabule occur in the species of Stenopora generally, that we can account for Lonsdale’s assertion that the mouths of the corallites in this genus are ‘‘ closed at the final period 204: of growth.” In most of the specimens we have examined (except 8. Howsiz) the surface is so badly preserved that the characters of the mouths of the-tubes could not be accurately determined, and in some (such as 8. ovata, Lonsd.), where the preservation of the surface was better, we have not been able to recognize any such closure of the mouths of the tubes. In one of the figures,* however, which Lonsdale gives of NV. tasmaniensis, the structure in question is well shown, and it corresponds entirely with what is seen in portions of the surface of S. Howsii, where it is undoubtedly the result of the existence of perforated tabula. We have ourselves observed the same structure in a single specimen of JS. tasmaniensis. Loc. and Horizon. Coral Creek, Bowen River (&. L. Jack)—Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field. Stenopora Lercuuarptit, Nicholson and Eth. fil., Pl. 6, figs. 9 and 10; Pl. 7, fig. 2. Stenopora Leichhardtii, Nich. and Eth. fil., Ann. and Mag. Nat, Hist., 1886, xvii., p, 179, t. 8, figs, 7 and 8. Sp. Char. Corallum dendroid, of cylindrical branching stems, which vary in diameter from less than a centimetre up to one and a-half centimetre. The corallites in the centre of the branches are nearly vertical, with comparatively thin walls, and polygonal in shape. -In the peripheral region of the corallum, the corallites bend outwards nearly at right angles to the axis, the walls becoming thickened and being entirely fused with one another, while the visceral chambers become oval or rounded. The periodical thickenings of the walls of the tubes in the final portions of their course . are mostly long and fusiform, and are generally placed at corresponding levels in contiguous corallites. The average diameter of the corallites is about one-fourth of a millimetre. In the walls of the corallites, in the peripheral region, acanthopores are developed in great numbers, their shape being usually oval or subangular, their size large, and their walls not specially, or only slightly, thickened. ‘Tabule are very sparingly developed, and are only occasionally to be recognised at all. Obs. In its general form. this species closely resembles S. ovata, Lonsd., aad the typical examples ee S. tasmaniensis, Lonsd. From these two species, Rewenen the present form is distinguished, among other characters, by the extraordinary abundance and large size of the acanthopores. 8. Howszi, Nich., has also very numerous acantho- pores, but these arefor the most part very minute, and the annular thickenings of the wall are quite different, while the tabule are very numerous, and are perforated. The acanthopores are best seen in tangential sections (Pl. 6, fig. 9), but they are also well exhibited in sections of the peripheral region of the corallum, cutting the corallites longitudinally, in which they appear as delicate clear tubes running in the thickened walls of the corallites (Pl. 6, fig. 10). Tabule are often not to be detected, and when present are very few in number. In tangential sections appearances are occasionally to be detected, which may perhaps be caused by the existence of perforated tabule ; the specimens are in a very peculiar condition of preservation, this cannot be affirmed with certainty. None of our specimens exhibit the surface of the corallum, and we therefore do not know if the mouths of the corallites were closed at the final period of growth by the development of a perforated tabula, as seems to have been sometimes the case in 8. tasmaniensis, Lonsd., and probably in S. australis, nobis. Loc. and Horizon. Pelican Creek, half-a-mile above Sonoma Road-crossing, Bowen River (&. L. Jack, and #. Hdelfelt)—Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field. * Strzelecki’s Phys. Descrip. N. 8. Wales, &c., Pl. 8, fig. 20. 205 Srenopora Jacki, Nich. and Eth. jil., Pl. 6, figs. 11-18. Stenopora Jackti, Nicholson and Eth. fil., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1879, iv., p. 270, f. la-c, p. 275. A Nicholson, Tabulate Corals Pal. Period, 1879, p. 73, f. 25a-c. “3 Nicholson and Eth. fil., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1886, xvii., p. 181. Sp. Char, Corallum ramose, dividing at wide intervals, the branches cylindrical, averaging about two lines in diameter, and gradually tapering to their free extremities. The corallites are nearly vertical in the axial portion of their course, but ultimately bend outwards nearly at right angles to the imaginary axis of the branches, and open on the surface by rounded calices which are free from any obliquity. As the terminations of the branches are approached the angle of deflection of the corallites becomes less and less, and the horizontal portion becomes shorter and shorter, until at the extremity the whole of the corallites are nearly vertical. Average diameter of the corallites from 7; to 25 inch, smaller tubes being intercalated among those of average size as the surface is approached. Annular thickenings of the horizontal portions of the tubes narrow and ring-like, about five occupying one line, this being the total length, in general, of the annulated portions of the corallites. Surface not observed. Obs. This is a graceful and well-marked species, easily distinguished from S. ovata and 8. tasmaniensis of Lonsdale by its habit and general proportions. We should have been inclined to refer it to Stenopora (Chetetes) gracilis, Dana, which it very closely resembles outwardly, had it not been for the fact that Dana lays stress upon the length of the tubes in the latter species, as well as upon the remarkable paucity of annulations in the same. In the present species, on the other hand, the annulations of the tubes, in the horizontal portions of their course, are much more numerous than in S. tasmaniensis, Lonsd., while it differs conspicuously from 8. ovata, Lonsd., and other species, in its size and general proportions. The presence of minute, irregularly placed mural pores was formerly believed to be readily made out in specimens which are longitudinally fractured, by an examination of the exterior of the tubes under low powers of the microscope. A study of additional specimens, however, in the Mining and Geological Museum, renders this point exceedingly doubtful, and it is more than probable that they do not exist. The corallum of 9S. Jackii is from three to six millimetres wide, the latter just previous to bifurcation. Two tubes occupy the space of one millimetre, when seen in longitudinal section. The mode of growth seems to be very regular and characteristic in 8. Jackii, the corallum bifureating at wide intervals, and retaining a uniform thickness throughout, until quite near the apices of the branches, when it tapers off to a comparatively fine termination (PI. 6, fig. 11). Loc. and Horizon. Coral Creck, Bowen River (&. LZ. Jack)—Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field. It will be more convenient to describe herea Coral having many points in common with S. Jackii, but differing in one or two very important particulars. This is repre- sented in our Pl. 7, figs. 3, 4, 5. The mode of growth is the same, repeated simple bifurcation at long intervals; the size of the corallum almost identical, from three to five millimetres in width; whilst two tubes similarly occupy the space of one millimetre. There is, however, this fundamental difference, that in this coral the tubes, although much thickened, are simple and apparently non-annulate. Since the figures were drawn I have had some excellent sections prepared, which demonstrate this feature in a very decided manner, and I hope in a Supplement to this Work to illustrate this form much more fully. 206 The dendroid corallum was evidently of some size, as a specimen has been observed three inches in length. The corallites radiate from an imaginary axis, and are thin-walled in the axial region, but very much thickened in the peripheral zone, which is short, and nearly at right angles to the former. The calices are round, or at times have a tendency to become oval. The thickening of the walls is very uniform and regular, the primordial wall occasionally being visible as an indistinct thin white line. String- like thickenings in the walls have not been observed, but this feature very much depends on preservation; whilst acanthopores are visible in a tangential section, irregularly distributed, and each with a central papilla. The structure of the walls is, as usual in these corals, laminar, the lamine directed convexly upwards. There are no pores, and tabule have not been observed. So well do the respective measurements of §. Jackii and the present coral agree, that I should have unhesitatingly referred the latter to the former had it not been for the total absence of tubular constrictiuns in this species. The differences observable in the figures of the two forms are more apparent than real. At present my investigations lave not satisfactorily demonstrated to what section of the larger genus Monticulipora this fossil should be referred; but, without entering into the question of the value of Orbdipora as a genus, as lately defined by Messrs. Waagen and Wentzel,* the latter would seem to be a fitting temporary resting-place.f As its provisional distinctness from 8. Jackii seems warranted by the structure, so far as at present known, a name is desirable, and I would provisionally propose to call it Orbipora? Waageni, as a slight appreciation of the valuable services rendered to Paleontology by Dr. W. Waagen, late of the Indian Geological Survey. Loc. and Horizon. Kooingal, near Gladstone (Lhe late James Smith) —Gympie Beds. STENOPORA GIMPIENSIS, sp. nov., Pl. 6, figs. 14 and 15. Stenopora ? sp., Nicholson and Eth. fil., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1879, iv., p. 276. Sp. Char. Corallum ramose, the branches from two to five lines in diameter, diverging from a main stem obliquely, or at right angles, the terminal portions always bifureating, and the apices of the branches rounded or lobate. The corallites, after a short vertical course in the axis of the branches, are abruptly deflected nearly at right angles; and after holding this latter course for a space of from half a line to a line or more, they open by direct apertures upon the surface. They are narrow but very constant in size; walls very uniformly and regularly thickened, the thickening increasing in amount as the calices are approached; structure is almost entirely destroyed, but the primordial wall is visible at times as a thin broken line; moniliform constrictions only visible in weathered specimens, the tubes always exhibiting in fractured specimens a very delicately and minutely wrinkled appearance. Acantho- pores large, but obscure, irregularly arranged, and at times surrounding the cealices. Tabule present in the peripheral zone, although very much scattered, and rare, horizontal. No pores visible. Obs. This coral was originally referred to Stenopora, by Professor Nicholson and the Writer, from general appearance only. We observed that though the coralla are calcareous, and are themselves permeated by crystalline calcite, their more delicate structures seem to have been destroyed during the process of fossilization, and micro- scopic sections fail to show the internal structure in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. * Pal. Indica (Salt Range Fossils), 1886, Ser. xiii., Vol. i., Pt. 6, p. 877. + See Nicholson on the subject of the generic value of Orbipora. Genus Monticulipora and its Sub Genera, 1881, pp. 11 and 24. 207 It was observed that the exterior of the tubes, in fractured specimens, was invariably delicately wrinkled in the peripheral regions; but the fortunate occurrence of a weathered and semi-decomposed specimen in Mr. De Vis’ Collection, revealed the presence of very fine and regular moniliform constrictions of the genus. These do not seem to be visible in any other state, and are certainly not to be seen in thin sections, so far as our united observation has gone. The corallum is usually from five to six millimetres wide, two tubes in the peripheral region occupying the space of one millimetre. The bifurcation is very regular, the branches always terminating in a lobato, or semi-plumose expansion. They possess this character to a much larger extent than any other Stenopore, and the individual branches are shorter. Herein lies a marked difference to Dana’s illustration of his Stenopora (Chetetes) gracilis,* and an equally strong resemblance to his figure of Stenopora ovata, Lonsdale.+ The axial portion of the corallum is as correspondingly narrow, as the peripheral is wide, and the angle of deflection between the two is a most marked one, quite a right angle, the peripheral portion of the tubes being perfectly horizontal. When compared with Stenopora Jackii the present species, S. gimpiensis, appears more robust, with stronger branches, and in place of the regular annulations, the exterior of the tubes is but faintly wrinkled. The stability of character displayed by this coral marks it as a good species, which I propose to call Stenopora gimpiensis, from its frequent occurrence in the rocks of that Goldfield. The figures (PI. 6, figs. 14 and 15) are not eminently satisfactory, and it will be refigured in the Supplement to this Work. Loc. and Horizon. Gympie, very characteristic of the green chloritic rock of the Goldfield (The late R. Daintree, Colln. Brit. Mus.; &. L. Jack; C. W. De Vis, Colln. Queensland Museum), Sub-Kingdom—ECHINODERMATA. Section—PELMATOZOA. Obs. The remains of this division, with the exception of stem-joints, being of rare occurrence in the Paleozoic rocks of Queensland, and usually very fragmentary, it has been thought better to reproduce the whole hitherto collected, with the view of further identification in the future. Class—CRINOIDEA. Order—COADUNATA, Family—ACTINOCRINIDZ. Genus—A CTINOCRINUS, Miller, 1821. (Nat. Hist. Crinoidea, p. 90.) ACTINOCRINUS, sp. znd., Pl. 7, fig. 9. Obs. A cast of a few fragmentary plates, ornamented with tubercules and radiating ridges, is referred to this genus. A more complete, although not so well preserved specimen has been found by Mr. C. W. De Vis, in the neighbourhood of * Geology Wilkes’ U.S, Explor. Exped., Atlas, t. 11, f. 10. Telus ter lls fs 208 Rockhampton, with similarly ornamented plates. The calyx has been obliquely pressed to one side, and although obscure, the shallow basal cup and the succeeding radials can be fairly made out. Loc. and Horizon. Corner Creek, Great Star River (R. L. Jack)—Star Beds ; Rockhampton District * (C. W. De Vis)—Gympie Beds. Family—PLATYCRINIDZ. Genus—PLATYCRINUS, Miller, 1821. (Nat. Hist. Crinoidea, p. 73.) PLATYCRINUS P NUX, sp. nov., Pl. 38, fig. 3. Sp. Char. Calyx nut-shaped, length twenty-two millimetres, breadth fifteen millimetres. Basal plates forming a well pronounced, moderately deep cup, to some extent flattened on its articular or dorsal side ; articular facet for stem-joint small. Radial plates oblong, gently convex, and straight-sided. The basals bear vertical, continuous, well-separated ridges, which are continued on the radials, and are most conspicuous on the distal two-thirds of the plates, where they spring from the basi-radial sutures especially. Obs. The foregoing are the only facts which can be gained from this imperfect fossil, which appears to be an internal cast of the calyx. The long straight-sided radials are very apparent, and, with a rather similar basal cup, give to the calyx a nut- shaped outline, more particularly that of the hazel-nut. No other plates are preserved. It is provisionally referred to Platycrinus rather than Dichocrinus, to which it also bears some resemblance, but it must be admitted there is no trace of the articular margins along the ventral edges of the radials. Loe. and Horizon. Richards’ Homestead, three miles south-west of Mount Britton Township, Lat. 8. 21° 20’, Long. E. 148° 30’ (A. Z. Morisset)—Middle or Marine Series of the Bowen River Coal Field. Order—INADUNATA, Family—POTERIOCRINIDA. Basat-Cur or Crrnorp, Pl. 44, fig. 7. Obs. At first sight, this little cup has much the appearance of a Platycrinite, but is perhaps made properly referable to one of the Encrinus-like genera with a depressed or saucer-shaped calyx, such as Ceriocrinus, White, Hrisocrinus, M. & W., or Stemmatocrinus, Trautschold. These are all Carboniferous genera, and mostly of rather late date in that formation. The under-basals in our little specimen form a flat dise, pentagonal in outline, and apparently undivided. The basals seem to be pentagonal, and are, certainly, abruptly bent upward, ‘the lower portion included in the truncate surface, the upper almost vertical.’ These characters so strictly accord with those of Stemmatocrinus, that it is better to provisionally include this fragment in that genus. Loc. and Horizon. Rockhampton District * (C. W. De Vis)—Gympie Beds. * See note, page 199, 209 Genus—POTERIOCRINUS, Miller, 1821. (Nat. Hist. Crinoidea, p. 67.) Potertocrinus? Smrruit, sp. nov., Pl. 8, fig. 1. Sp. Char. Culyx five millimetres high up to the articulation of the second radials, and marked by strong longitudinal ridges, of which two are radial in position, and two interradial ; the latter fork about the middle of the calyx, and the two branches of the fork are continued right and left to the articular facets on the radials. From these parts, therefore, three ridges proceed downwards, a radial one, and the right and left branch, respectively, of the interradial ridges on either side of it. The position of the basi-radial sutures is very obscure, but there seem to be indications of them at a comparatively short distance from the upper edge of the calyx, so that the radial plates would be relatively short, and the base high. The second radials, are short, transverse, and oblong, but not as wide as the first radials; the third radials, or axillaries, are a trifle longer, and pentagonal in shape, each bearing three arms; the outer remains undivided, but the inner one consists of two joints (or first and second distichals), the second of which is axillary, and bears two arms; the latter are composed of relatively long and rounded quadrangular joints, with delicate pinnules. The stem consists of numerous discoid joints, three or four of which are larger than the others, and bear whorls of cirri. Obs. This very interesting Crinoid is represented only by an impression on the surface of a piece of hard sandstone, and from which casts have been taken. The base is possibly dicyclic, but on this point the cast affords no definite information. The stem, so far as preserved, is long, and there are thirty-five internodal joints below the two lowest whorls of cirri, and about twenty in the next internode above. The rather obscure state of preservation renders the reference of this Crinoid to Poteriocrinus open to doubt; it is, however, believed to belong to that genus. Many species of the latter appear to have whorls of cirri on the stem joints, especially near the top of the stem. The same is the case in Hystricrinus, Hinde, some species of Belemnocrinus, and a few other types. The only Neocrinoids with whorls of five cirri are the Pentacrinide. I have much pleasure in associating with this interesting species* the name of the late Mr. James Smith, of Rockhampton, who was instrumental in bringing to light many new fossils from that district. Loc. and Horizon. Stanwell, near Rockhampton (Lhe late James Smith)— Gympie Beds. PorERIOCRINUS CRASSUS, Willer, Pl. 7, fig. 6. Poteriocrinus crassus, Miller, Nat. Hist. Crinoidea, 1821, p. 68, plate. . . T. and T. Austin, Mon. Recent and Foss. Crinoidea, 1848, p. 69, t. 8, f. 3a-m, t. 9, f. 1. a By De Koninck and Lehon, Mém. Acad. R. Belgique, 1854, Mém. 8, p. 97, t. 1, f. 10a-d. Obs. Numerous impressions of stems, quite indistinguishable from those of this characteristic European Carboniferous species, were obtained by the late Mr. James Smith, associated with Fenestella and Protoretepora. One specimen represents a portion of a stem, eight inches long, with a large number of strong cirri given off at close intervals. Impressions of Crinoid stems appear to be very common in the Fenestella Beds around Stanwell, in all stages of preservation, and many good examples were collected by Mr. Smith. * T am indebted for several suggestions on this species to the late Dr, P. H. Carpenter, F,R.S, oO 210 Loc. and Homzon. Encrinite Creek and Fenestella Hill, Stanwell, near Rock- hampton (The late James Smith)—Gympie Beds. In addition to those just described, the following specimens have been collected, but are too imperfect to be definitely named :— Arms or Crinorp, Pl. 7, fig. 7. Obs. We have here the impressions of eight arms, or portions thereof, in their present condition covered with pores or small pits. These represent blunt spines or tubercles ornamenting the arm joints, such as are very well defined in some recent forms. Loc. and Horizon. Stanwell, near Rockhampton (The late James Smith; Colln. Smith)—Gympie Beds. Arms oF Crinorp, Pl. 7, fig. 8. Obs. In this specimen may be seen the remains of nine or ten arms of another Crinoid, In the centre is an axillary radial plate supporting two sets of five distichals, followed by two pentagonal plates as axillary distichals, giving support to two series of palmars. This succession is repeated in the series of plates on each side. This fossil may belong to one of the Ichthyocrinide. Loc. and Herizon. Stony Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton (The late James Smith) —Gympie Beds. Impresston OF Crrnorp Caryx, Pl. 44, fig. 8. Obs. Pl. 44, fig. 8, represents a relief taken from an impression, on altered shale, of a portion of a Crinoid calyx, with the bases of small arms. Little or no trace of plates remain, but in the original the impression of the top stem-joint is visible. The late Dr. P. H. Carpenter, to whom a reproduction was sent, was disposed to refer it to the Platycrinide, from the above inequality in the plates and arms, amongst other characters. Loc. and Horizon. Rockhampton District * (C. W. De Vis)—Gympie Beds. CoLuUMNS. The remains of Crinoid stems have been obtained by Mr. W. Leigh, at Spring- sure, Central Railway; and by the late Mr. James Smith, plentifully, at Stony Creek, Stanwell, and at Kooingal. In the Athelstane Range, Rockhampton, the latter Collector found the remains of stems and corals, in an undeterminable condition, however, in a very peculiar oolitic and brecciated rock, containing grains of quartz, calespar, felspar, &c., cemented by a calcareous base, and decomposing into a spongy, friable mass. Class—BLASTOIDEA. : Order—REGULARES.t+ Family—PENTREMITID~. Genus—MESOBLASTUS, Eth. fil. and Carpenter, 1886. (Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus., p. 181.) MESOBLASTUS P AUSTRALIS, Etheridge jil., Pl. 44, fig. 2. Sp. Char. Calyx bi-pyramidal, tapering to both extremities; summit and base both small and narrow; periphery at the radio-deltoid suture. Basal plates forming a * See note, p. 199. + Etheridge fil. and Carpenter—Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Nat, Hist,), 1886, p, 148, 211 small conical cup. Radial plates oblong, and apparently spreading; bodies and limbs of nearly equal length. Sinuses long, narrow, parallel-sided, and nearly equally excavated between the radial and deltoid plates in two planes, the proximal or longer sloping away to the summit, the lower or distal directed towards the base, and shortest of the two. Radio-deltoid sutures strongly V-shaped. The deltoid plates are large, sharply lanceolate, and their surfaces probably a little concave. Ambulacra very long, narrow, parallel-sided ; lancet plates slightly exposed; side plates small, at least forty on each side, ambulacral. grooves rather deep, and much crenulated. Spiracles, hydrospires, and mouth unknown. Sculpture of radial and deltoid plates parallel to their outlines; that of the former consisting of ridges, separated by corresponding depressions ; but on the latter the V-shaped lines become sub-imbricate. Obs. I am constrained to place this anomalous form provisionally in Mesoblastus, although sensible that this is far from being its correct resting place. The general outline, contracted summit, and covered lancet plates, separate it at once from Pentremites, as that genus is now understood. The same characters indicate Pentremitidea as a near ally, but the large lanceolate deltoid plates quite forbid such areference. The only other genus of the family Pentremitide, the family to which the Blastoid clearly belongs, is Mesoblastus, E. and C. The resemblance between this genus and our species is so far identical that, in both, the deltoids are visible in a side view and conspicuous, the ambulacra narrow, without being linear in the sense as in the genus Metablastus, and there is to some slight extent a resemblance in form. In other features, on the other hand, IZ. ? australis does not conform to the structure of Mesoblastus, and it is possible that a new genus will be required for its reception. I am, however, not prepared to deny that it may not be an abnormal Mesoblastus, with both deltoids and base rather larger than usual in species of the latter. A very peculiar feature is exhibited by this specimen, which, if real, and not superinduced by distortion or crushing, will separate it from all known Blastoids. At the radio-deltoid sutures the two neice ambulacra are bent down at a sharp angle, following the bi-pyramidal outline of the calyx. From the appearance of certain markings I was led at first to regard this as the result of fracture, but the bilateral symmetry, and undistorted state of the calyx would appear to indicate otherwise. To restore these ambulacra to the evenly convex outline found in Blastoids, in which the ambulacra extend beyond the periphery, would so disarrange the radial plates as to remove all semblance in the specimen to a Blastoid at all. I am therefore constrained to regard this angulation of the ambulacra as, to some extent, a feature of the species. This curvature is met with in several genera, Jesoblastus, Schizoblastus, and especially Granatocrinus, but not to such an extreme extent as in the present species. I shall look forward with interest to the acquisition of further specimens, with the view of ascertaining how far this explanation of its structure holds good in ML. ? australis. Loc. and Horizon. Rockhampton District * (0. W. De Vis)—Gympie Beds. Family—GRANATOBLASTID + Genus—GRANATOCRINUS, Troost, 1849. Cioer: Jour. Sci., viil., p. 420; Emend., Etheridge fil. and Carpenter, Catologue, loc. cit., p. 288.) GRANATOCRINUS ? WACHSMUTHII, sp. nov., Pl. 7, fig. 10. Obs. Under this name is figured the first discovered remains of an Australian Blastoid, and it affords me great pleasure to associate it with the name of Mr. Chas. * See note, p. 199. + Etheridge fil. and Carpenter, Catalogue, Joc. cit., p. 287. 212 Wachsmuth, of Burlington, Towa, to whom J was, in former years, in company with the late Dr. P. H. Carpenter, ; Prontly indebted for very kind and exceptional assistance when working out the structure of the Blastoidea. The specimen is only the partial impression of a calyx on a piece of indurated shale, but is still sufficient to show how distinct it is from either of the other Australian Blastoids. Anambulacrum is visible, containing a large number of plates, and highly ornate bounding plates. But whether these are radials, or large deltoids, after the type of Granatocrinus derbiensis, G. B. Sby.,* it is difficult to say on account of the state of preservation, but probably the latter will be the correct reading. The summit seems to have been moderately large and truncate. Apparently a good deal of lateral pressure has taken place, otherwise it is difficult to account for the position and function of the large elongated plate immediately on the left (Pl. 7, fig. 10) of the radial sinus in the figure. Loe. and Horizon. Stanwell, near Rockhampton (The late James Smith)—Gympie Beds. Family—TROOSTOBLASTIDZ.+ Genus—TRICHLOCRINUS, Meek § Worthen, 1868. (Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., p. 356.) TRICHLOCRINUS ? CARPENTERT,{ sp. nov., Pl. 44, fig. 3 Sp. Char. Calyx large, elongately barrel-shaped, or ovate, bi-pyramidal, attenu- ated both dorsally and ventrally ; summit less contracted than is usual in this genus; base rather long, the excavations along the lines of the interbasal sutures wide and shallow, and extending as far as the radio-deltoid sutures; proximal or ventral section probably oval, or almost round, with rather rounded sides; distal or dorsal section indefinitely pentagonal, but more regularly so along a line drawn through the radial lips. Radial plates large, long, the lateral margins diverging, and giving an expanded appear- ance to the plates; bodies more than half*the length of the limbs, moderately carinate ; limbs narrowing upwards, their proximal margins very oblique; interradial sutures straight, in shallow concavities; radio-deltoid sutures deeply V-shaped, each half straight, sinuses long, narrow, and parallel-sided ; radial lips but little marked. Deltoid plates | large, elongately and unequally rhombic, more than one-third as long as the calyx. Ambulacra very narrow and of uniform width the distal fourth not penetrating each radial plate ; lancet plate long, narrow, and but very gradually tapering ; hydrospires four on each side, pendent for three-fourths the length of the ambulacra, and probably retained within the substance of the radials for the remaining distal fourth. Obs. The test, basal plates, mouth, and spiracles are not preserved. Although retaining all the general characters of Tricelocrinus but one, the calyx is much more oval and barrel-shaped than any described species of this peculiar genus. It departs entirely from the usual type in ‘the possession of very large Bbnk ; but as those of T. obliquatus, Roemer, are not known, and those of 7. Meekianus show an advance in size on the similar plates in the type species, 7. Woodmant, I have determined for the * Etheridge fil. and Carpenter, Catalogue, Joc. cit., t. 9, f. 1 and 2. + Etheridge fil. and Carpenter, Catalogue, loc. cit., p. 190. + The Writer desires to place on record his mite of testimony to the great loss Biology has sustained in the early and untimely death of his excellent Friend and Co-writer, Phillip Herbert Carpenter, D.Sc., F.R.S. No one amongst the latter’s circle of acquaintance was probably in a better position to estimate the manly, upright, unselfish, and truthfully honest career of P. H. Carpenter than was the Writer, from his close association with him for many years in scientific work, and no one has certainly felt his decease more. (R, £. Junr.) SS — OT —————————— 213 present to retain this species in the present genus. So far as its specific position 1s concerned it is unquestionably a new form. The large deltoids, and the fact of the radial sinuses being so largely enclosed by those plates, as well as the shallow basal excavations along the lines of the interradial sutures, are points of.the highest importance. The structure of the ambulacra resembles that seen in 7. obliquatus, Roemer. A little below the intersection of the sinuses by the radio-deltoid sutures, the impres- sions of the ambulacra on the surface of the cast abruptly cease. From these points, arguing by analogy, it is more than probable that they become enclosed within the substance of the radial plates. The surface of the cast below the visible terminations of the ambulacra is flattened and harpoon-head shaped, the apices representing the radial lips. At the proximal end of this depression are visible four hydrospire-sacs on each side, the outer ones becoming so much curved as to be almost at right angles to the ambulacra. The structure of this part of the economy of TZ. Carpenteri would seem to show that the hydrospires beneath the calyx plates were not cut off from the body cavity to the same extent as surmised by the late Dr. P. H. Carpenter and the Writer when describing the genus generally.* A comparison with our figures ¢ of the interior and exterior of the radial plates of 7. obliquatus will fully demonstrate the point. This, no doubt, arises from the much greater development of the deltoid plates in the Australian species at the expense of the radials. Structural details of the spiracles in Tricwlocrinus are much needed, and I regret that the otherwise instructive cast now before me does not directly so assist. But I believe the hydrospire canals are visible in one of the interradial areas, and partly so in a second. Their: structure is not altogether clear, but it seems to be generally in accordance with that scen in the class. Loc. and Horizon. Rockhampton District t (C. W. De Vis; Colln. De Vis)— Gympie Beds. Section—ECHINOZOA. Class—ECHINOIDEA. Order—PALECHINOIDEA. Family—A RCH AOCIDARID A. Genus—ARCHGCIDARIS, McCoy, 1884. (Synop. Carb. Limest. Foss. Ireland, p. 173.) Obs. The only evidence of the existence of this important group in the Paleozoic rocks of Queensland is the occurrence of a single plate, or rather the impression of it, in Mr. De Vis’ Collection. The impression is, as usual, hexagonal, the margins granular, and the surface between the latter and the central tubercle flat. The latter is strong and well marked. It is certainly an interambulacral plate of a member of this family, and probably of the type genus. I believe this to be the first announce- ment of the occurrence of the Palechinoidea in Australian Permo-Carboniferous rocks. Loc. and Horizon. Rockhampton District t (C. W. De Vis; Colln. De Vis)— Gympie Beds. * Catalogue, loc. cit., p. 205. + Ibid., t. 18, f. 10-13. + See note, page 199, 214 Sub-Kingdom—ANNULOSA. Class—CRUSTACEA. Order—OSTRACODA., Family —LEPERDITID&. Genus—BEYRICHTA, McCoy, 1846. (Sil. Foss. Ireland, 1846, p. 57.) Bryricuta varicosa, 7. R. Jones, sp. nov., Pl. 7, fig. 15. Obs. ‘*An internal cast of a right valve showing three main lobes as in B. Kledeni, but with differences. Thus the central lobe is nearly isolated: the two outer lobes are continuous below, and the hinder lobe is partially intersected from the dorsal edge, so that a small but definite supernumerary lobe is almost divided off from its inner (medial) ridge. The valve had a strongly flanged lip on its free margin, non-represented by a deep sloping furrow, stronger behind than in front. The dorsal and partly the anterior edge of the cast are obscured with matrix. Length of the valve two millimetres, height one millimetre.” On submitting this pretty little Beyrichia to Prof. T. R. Jones, F.R.S., he was kind enough to favour me with the above observations. He believes it to be distinct from any species of Beyricha hitherto published, and it forms a welcome addition to the scanty Ostracod fauna, hitherto described from the Upper Palzozoie rocks of Australia. Loc. and Horizon. Corner Creek, Great Star River (R&R. LZ. Jack)—Star Beds. Order—TRILOBITA. Family—PR@TIDZ. Genus—PHILLIPSTIA, Portlock, 1843. (Report Geol. Londonderry, Tyrone, &c., p. 305.) PHILLIPSIA DUBIA, Htheridge, sp. Pl. 7, fig. 12; Pl. 8, figs. 5 and 6; Pl. 44, fig 4. Grifithides dubius, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., Pt. 3, p. 338, t. 18, f. 7. Sp. Char. Body ovate-oblong, length about twice the width, sides parallel; general axis equal in width to the pleure ; cephalic shield and pygidium about equal in length, but somewhat shorter than the body respectively. Cephalic shield semi-circular, with rounded genal angles, anterior border striate; glabella ovate pyriform,and narrowing towards the front, gently convex anteriorly, but rather flattened behind, not in any way overhanging the anterior edge of the shield ; basal lobes prominent, rounded, and pea- like, deeply cut off by the neck furrow; basal furrows well marked, but the ocular furrows faint, oblique, and short, and the frontal furrows invisible ; palpebral lobes but faintly developed, and narrow; free cheeks elongately triangular, with nearly vertical and delicately striate surrounding rim; eyes moderately long, and rather narrow, but most minutely facetted; neck furrow behind the glabella broad and deep. Thoracic 215 segments nine to ten; axis very distinct, and as wide as the pleura, with strong axial furrows; pleure much bent down, with wide and spathulate facets. Pygidium of ten segments, without any terminal spine; margin entire, nearly vertical, and striate ; furrows of limbs wide and shallow. Testaceous sculpture unknown. Obs. The above description is taken from a very perfect individual, collected by Mr. P. W. Pears, from which the test had been removed. The presence of the shelly matter would only modify the above expressions in but a slight degree. The presence of the glabella furrows at once removes this species from Grifithides, and indicates Phillipsia as its proper resting place. It even appears to be peculiar amongst the species of this genus, for the remarkable diminution in width of the glabella forwards. Mr. Rk. Etheridge, F.R.S., described P. dubia as possessing from ten to twelve thoracic segments, but there appear to be only ten at the outside in the present specimen. Toc. and Horizon. Don River, Queensland* (The late R. Daintree)—Gympie Beds; Corner Creek, Great Star River (R. LZ. Jack and P. W. Pears)—Star Beds. Puivirps1a WOODWARDI, sp. nov. Pl. 7, figs. 11 and 13; PI. 8, fig. 6; Pl. 44, figs. 5 and 6. Sp. Char. Glabella round, without any lateral inflection of the margin, moderately convex in the middle line, and a little arched posteriorly ; neck furrow strong and deep, with more or less complete basal furrows; anterior furrows present, but faint ; anterior border thick and upwardly turned, leaving a wide depression between it and the front of the glabella. Obs. This is a much larger and rounder form than P. dubia; but the marked feature is the upwardly turned front rim to the head, separated from the front of the glabella, a character sometimes met with in this genus, but not often, as the border is usually confined to the immediate front edge of the glabella. In general appearance P. Woodwardi resembles some species of the allied genus Pretus, and in its remarkable rotundity Cheirurus. The glabella of P. Woodwardi may be distinguished from that of P. dubia by its continuous and non-indented outline. The pygidium referred to is much larger than that described as P. dubia, but otherwise resembles it ; and again only differs from the Trilobite figured by Dr. Koninck as Griffithides Hichwaldi in having a rather narrower axis; in fact it is quite possible that the two may be identical. De Koninck’s reference of a New South Wales Trilobite to that species is, I believe, erroneous. The pygidium he figures is much too round for G. Hichwaldi, and not so long from before backwards, being more semi-circular and less deltoid. Loc. and Horizon. Stony Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton (The late James Smith)—Gympie Beds. PHILLIPSIA? sp. ind. Obs. Portions of the largest Permo-Carboniferous Trilobite I have yet seen from Australia were collected by the late Mr. James Smith, in the neighbourhood of Mount Morgan. It is the half of a pygidium, measuring across the anterior end, from the border of the pleura to the centre of the axis, exactly half-an-inch, giving one inch as * The Don River referred to by Mr. Etheridge must be the tributary of the Dawson of that name— (Lat. 24° S,, Long. 150° 20’ E.) It cannot be the Don River near Bowen. (R.Z.J.) 216 the full width of the pygidium. The specimen is quite decorticated and without test. There are fourteen to sixteen pleure visible, the anterior ones rather sigmoidal in outline. The perfect tail was probably broad oval, or shield-shaped, and many of the pleural grooves are wide and open. This fossil is, in all probability, undescribed, and its imperfect eondioue is to be regretted. If new, I would propose for it the name of Phillipsia ? grandis. It will be figured in a separate Paper on Queensland fossils. Loc. and Horizon. West of the Dividing Range, at the Crow’s Nest, near Mount Victoria, near Mount Morgan (The late James Smith ; Mining and Geol. Mus., Sydney)—Gympie Beds. Genus—GRIFFITHIDES, Portlock, 1843. (Geol. Report, Londonderry, &c., p. 310.) GRIFFITHIDES SEMINIFERUS, Phillips, sp. ?, Pl. 7, fig. 14. Asaphus seminiferus, Phillips, Ill. Geol. York, 1836, Pt. 2, p. 240, t. 22, f. 8-10. Phillipsia seminifera, De Koninck, Foss. Pal. Nouv.-Galles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 3, p. 348, t. 24, f. 9 and 9a. Griffithides seminiferus, Woodward, Mon. Brit. Carb. Trilobites, 1883, Pt. 1, p. 28, t. 28, f. 1-9. Obs. brachytherus, Etheridge fil., Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 284, t. 8, f. 16, t. 9, f. 17 and 18, Sp. Char. Shell of medium size, subtrapezoidal to subrectangular, non-lobate, more or less reflected, or geniculate, and generally gibbous. Ventral valve very gibbous 249 in the visceral region, vaulted, geniculate, or reflected on itself; surface convexly rounded, no sinus; sides vertical, or even sometimes slightly concave separating the remainder of the valve from the more or less short, flattened, triangular ears; umbonal region often depressed from above, sometimes greatly recurved, and sometimes more or less incurved over the hinge-line; the latter is of median length, but a little less than the width of the valve, sharp and acute; front usually much recurved and occasionally laterally expanded, assisting to give the shell much of its geniculate appearance ; beak small and acute ; surface, when the outer shell is preserved, shining and silky, with a few growth constrictions towards the front, and indistinct undulations on the umbonal region; longitudinally and indistinctly costated by delicate, elongate, parallel spine bases, within the substance of the shelly matter, penetrating the latter, as small, free, short, tubercle-like spines, giving a general prickly or pimply appearance to the entire valve, especially towards the front. When the thin outer shell is removed, or in decorticated examples, these long spine bases leave a series of fine channels on the surface of the fossil. Ears with numerous tubular spines. The cardinal muscular scars are but little marked ; the adductors are straight, and formed of oblique ramifi- cations; surface granular. The dorsal valve varies in the amount of its concavity, being at times shallow, at others exceedingly concave, especially in the middle line; ears flattened; front produced ; surface with concentric lines and spine bases. The septum is moderately short; dendritic adductor impressions small; reniform impressions laterally extended, and well marked; internal surface granular. Obs. Productus brachytherus is one of the most interesting species of the genus yet published, and has been much misunderstood by several of those who have written about it. The species is well worth a separate and detailed study. Chance observers examining the various figures hitherto published would be apt to consider them as not all appertaining to one species. If full attention, however, is given to the various aspects under which the shell is found, I believe it can be shown that paey one and all represent a single well-marked and peculiar species. Ali who have written on P. brachytherus lay stress on the ee eees of the hinge- line as compared with the width of the front. This, with the elongated decurrent feces of the spines, forming channels in the shell, are particularly iierate ite points in G. B. Sowerby’s species. The channelling of the shell by the spine bases is seen in many species of Productus, but it appears to be pecularly distinctive of P. brachytherus. The length of the hinge-line varies according to age, in large and old individuals it becomes longer, and the shell, which is very convex and geniculate, loses some of its convexity and also widens out. In describing this species the late Professor John Morris referred to it two shells of very different aspect and state of preservation. One of these is a cast in sandstone, showing the general form, and more particularly the channels formed by the decurrent bases of the spines. The other specimen is a decorticated siliceous cast, and displays the internal characters of both valves to great perfection. On the ventral valve are exposed the node-like prominences of the cardinal muscles, the scars of the more elongated adductor muscles, and the internal cast of the beak. The dorsal valve shows the scars of the adductors, and the cast of the septum, which in this individual reaches almost to the front margin of the valve, an ususual length in the genus Productus. The vascular impressions are also preserved and come very far forward, like the septum. In his Work onthe “ Genus Productus,” again in that on “ Productus and Chonetes,” and more recently in his “ Fossiles Paléozoiques de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud,” Prof. De 250 Koninck has expressed an opinion that the two shells in question, referred by Morris to P. brachytherus, are different, and do not belong to the same species, one being possessed of a short septum in the dorsal valve and less marked muscular scars, the other, on the contrary, with a very long septum and strongly marked scars. In working out the species it became essential for anything like correct determination that some more satisfactory solution of this subject than mere opinion should be arrived at. The specimens used by Mr. G. B. Sowerby having disappeared, as already explained,* those contained in Strzelecki’s Collection in the British Museum, and described by the late Prof. Morris must be accepted as the types, and to their structure all future appeals must be made in determining the identity of P. brachytherus, G. Sow., Morris. Now, as stated above, Prof. De Koninck regards the silicified cast + with the long septum, described by Morris as P. brachytherus, to be specitically distinct from the true P. brachytherus,~ a name which he considers should be retained for a form with a short septum, amongst other characters. The silicified cast figured by Morris in Strzelecki’s Work (PI. xiv., ff. 4a and 6) has, for one of its most distinctive characters, a long septum in the dorsal valve, as previously pointed out; but the example of P, brachytherus represented by the sandstone cast accorded much better with Sowerby’s description of his species, than did the siliceous example. The specimen in question,{ as then exposed, was that of a ventral valve backed up with matrix so that on the removal of the latter the cast of the dorsal valve would be visible and the septum exposed, long or short as the case might be. It was found to possess, so far as we are able to judge, a short septum, so probably confirming in a remarkable manner Prof. De Koninck’s surmise. The matter then stands thus: The figure given by Morris in Strzelecki’s Work on “ New South Wales,” Pl. xiv., f. 4c, is the true P. brachytherus, characterised by the presence of a short septum anda little developed muscular system. On the other hand (Pl. xiv., ff. 4a and 4, of the same Work), the siliceous cast, with a very long septum and great muscular development, is a distinct and separate species. MceCoy’s type specimens of P. brachytherus, in the Woodwardian Museum, Cambridge, do not call for any particular notice beyond the fact that they show the species to be in outward appearance not unlike the variety pugilis, Phill., of the European species, P. semireticulatus, Martin, and a peculiar streaky appearance is the exterior of the shell by the decurrent bases of the spines. With regard to McCoy’s P. undulatus,§ Prof. De Koninck || refers it to PB. brachytherus; but a careful examination of the type in the Woodwardian Museum has not convinced me of their identity. I have not seen such peculiar undulating strie upon any specimen of P. brachytherus I have examined. When well preserved, and not crushed or broken, P. brachytherus is a subquadrate shell, high and gibbous in the visceral region, rapidly and deeply sloping off at the sides to the flat, triangular ears. Such a condition is represented by Morris’s original figure, one of De Koninck’s of his so-called P. subguadratus, Morris,** and his earlier figure of P. brachytherust+ and his last figure of the same The ears of this species appear to have been particularly fragile, and more often than not have com- * Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 285. + Strzelecki, Joc. cit., Pl. 14, f. 4a and b. t Strzelecki, loc. cit., Pl. 14, f. 4c. § Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1847, xx., p. 235. Foss. Pal. Nouy.-Galles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 3, p. 198. 4] Strzelecki, loc. cit., t. 14, f. 4c. ** Mon. Gen. Productus, t. 14, f. le. +t Ibid., t. 16, f. la and 6. +t Foss. Pal. Nouv.-Galles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 3, t. 10, f, 4a and b. 251 pletely disappeared. When this is the case we find the shell assumes a subtrapezoidal outline, and presents a very different appearance to that previously described. In this state it is represented by another of De Koninck’s figures of P. swbquadratus,* and my own from the Bowen River Coal Field+ At times a highly geniculate form is assumed by P. brachytherus, with various intermediate conditions between this and the former outlines. When much reflected in this way it becomes the P. fragilis, Dana,{ and one of the intermediate forms is shown in another figure of my own from North Queensland.§ In the Mining and Geological Museum, Sydney, is a very geniculate individual from the Bowen River Coal Field, in which the depth through the sheli is two inches. These are the forms usually assumed by P. brachytherus. The elongated spine bases are clearly contained within the substance of the shell, and when decortication takes place, the spine bases appear to be removed with the outer- most shelly layers, leaving long open channels. For quite a third of the height from the front margin, these spine bases are absent, and this portion bears scattered out- standing spines, the intermediate portions being glossy and smooth. Now, with regard to the reference of Productus subquadratus (Morris), De Koninck, and P. fragilis, Dana, to this species. P. subqguadratus, Morris,|| was very briefly described—too briefly, in fact—and in the absence of a figure would have been unrecognizable, had it not been for the fact that Morris says —‘“‘ Mesial furrow broad and distinct.” Herein it differs entirely from P. brachytherus. The only figures extant referred to P. subguadratus are those published years ago by De Koninck,{ one of which is an ordinary form of the P. brachytherus, a second is that form of this species with the ears broken off, as I have above described : and the identity of the third is doubtful. There can be no doubt about the second figure, the short (broken), erect, sharp hinge, trapezoidal outline, short septum, and no trace of a sinus, are characters not to be mis- taken. It is but just to Prof. De Koninck to say that he even doubted the accuracy of his own determination, for he says—‘‘ Je ne suis pas entiérement convaincu de la réalité de cette espéce, et je le n’adopte provisoirement qu’en faisant mes reserves pour l’avenir.” Productus fragilis was the name given by Prof. J. D. Dana** to the highly geniculate condition of P. brachytherus, an opinion I have previously expressed tf and still adhere to. Prof. De Koninck held a contrary view, and has furnished an elaborate description of what he believed to be P. fragilis, Dana, in his recent So little reliance can be placed on some of the late Prof. De Koninck’s descrip- tions, this amongst the number, that it is extremely difficult to grasp the requisite characters for the detection of the species then running in the mind of the Author. He states that the dorsal valve of P. fragilis is “legérement concave’’; but some few lines further on, on the next page, when comparing the species with P. brachytherus, he nullifies this statement by saying, “la convexité de sa valve dorsale.’’ It is quite possible, as he observes further on, that the shell he is describing as P. fragilis may be identical with the unnamed siliceous casts in Strzelecki’s work, previously referred to (t. 14, f. 4a-b). Of the true P. fragilis, Dana, however, I am in no doubt. I fail to see how it can be anything more than a variety of the species now under description. * Mon. Gen. Productus, t. 14, f. 1d. + Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., t. 8, f. 16. + Geology Wilkes’ U. 8. Explor. Exped., 1849, Vol. x., Atlas, t. 2, f, 17. § Loc. cit., t. 9, £. 17 and 18. || Strzelecki’s Phys. Descrip. N. 5. Wales, &c., 1845, p. 284. {| Mon. Gen. Productus, p. 203, t. 14, f. la-d. ** Geology Wilkes’ U. 8. Explor. Exped., 1849, Vol. x., p. 686, Atlas, t. 2, f. 7. +t Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 287. tt Foss. Pal. Nouv.-Galles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 3, p. 201. 252 As compared with Productus scabriculus, the present one is much more geniculate, but they frequently otherwise resemble one another in shape. Our species does not possess a divided septum in the dorsal valve ; but, on the other hand, an area is present, the surface of the dorsal valve is far more concave, and the spine bases on the surface of the ventral valve quite lack the regular and close arrangement of those of P. scabriculus. As a rule, when examined in the state of casts, the muscular scars of P. brachytherus do not appear to be highly developed, and, as compared with similar features in P. subquadratus, there is a marked difference. But in examples of the former from the Darr River,* in which the whole of the shelly matter is practically retained, this difference is not of so marked a character, and it is further evident both that the shell attained a very considerable thickness, and that a distinct area was present (Pl. 44, fig. 14). This varies much in breadth, sometimes becoming quite linear, and at other times broad and appreciable. Loc. and Horizon. Stonehumpy Creek, and Pelican Creek, near No. 1 Bore (R. LZ. Jack)—Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field; Havilah-Byerwin Road, one mile south of Rosella Creek-crossing (2. ZL. Jack)—Marine band in the Upper or Freshwater Series, Bowen River Coal Field, associated with Derbyia senilis ; Fenestella Hill, Encrinite Creek, and Stony Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton (Zhe late James Smith) ; Limestone, close to Yarrol Station, Burnett (W. H. Rands) ; Spring Creek, Cania, Burnett (W. H. Rands)—Gympie Beds; Darr Rivert (Prof. A. Liversidge) ; Richards’ Homestead, three miles south-west of Mount Britton Town- ship (A. LZ. Morisset)—Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field. Propuctus suBQuaDRATUS, Morris, Pl. 38, figs. 7-10; Pl. 40, fig. 5. Productus subquadratus, Morris in Strzelecki’s Phys. Desc. N. S. Wales, &c., 1845, p. 284. De Koninck, Mon. Gen. Productus, p. 203, t. 14, f. la and 0. De Koninck, Mon. Productus et Chonetes, 1847, p. 100, t. 14, f. la and 6. xD -~ Etheridge fil., Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 283. Sp. Char. Shell large, quadrate-triangular, inflated, gibbous, and very geniculate, being produced much towards the front; when viewed laterally the sides are wall-like, but when seen from the dorsal side the shell has a more expanded appearance. Ventral valve very convex and much curved, inflated about the middle of the shell; a well- marked sinus usually extends from the umbonal region continuously to the front margin, shallowing towards the latter, and giving to the valve a more or less bilobed appear- ance; sides vertical, and flattened ; umbo large, thick, incurved, but not overhanging the hinge-line, or produced beyond it; area shor§ and triangular, transversely striate ; pseudo-deltidial aperture triangular and very marked, the area on each side below it sometimes thickened into a blunt prominence (hardly teeth) ; adductor scars deeply impressed, forming prominent oblong or oval eminences in casts, vertically ridged and grooved, cardinal scars narrow, elongate and deep, the median dividing groove very linear; umbonal cavity much pitted and grooved. Dorsal valve flattened above, becoming concave and geniculate towards the front, when the valve often becomes bent almost in the form of a right angle; hinge-line rather shorter than the width of the valve, with the alar angles rounded; area longer and narrower than in the ventral valve; septum entire, strong, sharp, extending to within a short distance of the front edge, and distally projecting as a thick and strong cardinal process far into the umbonal cavity; alar ridges inconspicuous ; adductor impressions in deep depressions, 9) 9 99 9 * There must be some mistake as to the lccality of this example, as the Darr River is wholly in the Rolling Downs Beds. Perhaps the ‘‘ Don,” near Rockhampton, is the river referred to. (R.L.J.) + Locality doubtful. (&.Z.7.) 2538 circumscribed by the strong prominent encircling ridges, higher than wide, and vertically dendritic ; reniform impressions oval, large, and faintly marked, the limbs quite horizontal. Surface of both valves with alternate rows of tear-like tubercles, arranged roughly in quincunx, giving support to short free spines, the whole interrupted by a few concentric undulations. Obs. The above characters are taken both from specimens with the outer shell more or less preserved, and excellent internal casts. It occurs in some profusion near Mount Britton Township, in the latter condition (Pl. 38, figs. 7-10) exhibiting many of the characters in great beauty. This is probably the largest of the Australian Producti, even exceeding P. cora in size, which it resembles somewhat in outline. It is remarkable for its massive and geniculate form, wide open sinus, and straight wall-like sides, characters to some extent commented on by Morris. The umbo of the ventral valve is fairly large for the size of the shell, doubtless to provide room for the large proximal end of the cardinal process, and although incurved, is not produced to overhang the hinge-line. Without doubt there isan area in both valves, which is always short and triangular in the ventral, but seems to be longer in the dorsal. That of the former is excellently shown in its most exaggerated form in a specimen from Yatton, in which nearly the whole of the shelly matter is pre- served. The area of both valves, when united, is seen in several specimens from Mount Britton, but more particularly on the impression of a large valve, three by three and a-half inches in size, from Lake’s Creek. Here the dorsal margin is thickened, forming an area nearly one-eighth of an inch wide, and delicately transversely striate. This, and the triangular pseudo-deltidial aperture, are characters which do sometimes occur in Productus proper, as, for instance, in the specimen of P. semireticulatus figured * by the late Dr. T. Davidson, from the English Carboniferous Limestone. He remarked on this—“ Possesses sometimes, although rarely, a well-defined area and fissure covered by a pseudo-deltidium.” The presence of the blunt protuberances, one on each side of the fissure, have already been referred to in the Yatton shell, and it might be argued that from the presence of these we are dealing with a Strophalosia ; but the reniform impres- sions are clearly those of Productus, so that any reference to the former must be abandoned. Could we be certain that these callosities represent hinge teeth received into sockets on the opposite, or dorsal valve, the genus Productella, Hall,f would put in a much stronger claim. In this genus there are a “ narrow area on each valve, a foramen or callosity on the ventral area, small teeth, and more or less distinct teeth sockets.” But Iam by no means sure that these thickenings are any more than so, and do not actually represent hinge teeth in the sense of those seen in Strophalosia and Productella. The adductor muscular scars of the ventral valve are placed low down, and are dendritic (Pl. 40, fig. 5). In Productus, as a rule, these scars are elongately reniform, but in a few species, such as P. humerosus{ and P. lineatus, Waagen, they resemble the examples now before us. Taking, therefore, the general structure of P. subguadratus, it will be found to depart considerably from the restricted description of Productus, and marks a transition towards those ponderous and abnormal shells called Productus comoides and P. llangollensis, by Mr. Davidson.§ In Dr. Waagen’s later classification of the Productide, these are made the types of a new genus Daviesella,|| and rightly so. * Mon. Brit. Carb. Brach., Pt. 4, t. 43, f. 5. 1 Pal. IN. York, 1867, 1v., p. 153: { Mon. Brit. Carb. Brach., 1861, Pt. 4, p. 147, t. 36, f. 1 and 10. § Loc. cit., 1862, Pt. 5, t. 55, f. 8 and 9. || Pal, Indica (Salt Range Fossils), 1884, Ser, xiii., Vol. i., No. 4, fas. 4, p. 613, 254 They, however, differ from Productus, restricted, in the presence of supplementary adductor sears, which are certainly not visible in any of the Australian specimens examined by me. Under these circumstances, P. subquadratus must for the present remain in the older genus, although it would probably simplify the classification of such intermediate forms if another genus were established for them, differing from Productus as above indicated, and agreeing with Daviesiella in all but the character named. The casts of both the dorsal and ventral valves are much pitted towards the front margin, and the general surface of the former is covered with pockmark-like depressions. P. subquadratus is distinguished from P. brachytherus by its much larger size, sinus of the ventral valve, length of the septum, much larger area, and lastly the dendritic adductor scars of the ventral valve. There are some points in common between the present species and Productus scabriculus, Martin, such as the bilobate form of the ventral valve, the sinus, and generally speaking, aC ornamenting spines. Unlike the British species, however, our form is remarkably geniculate, is really more deltoid, and not so transverse. Further- more, the septum is here entire, of great length and development, and the reniform impressions much more lateral in position, and placed lower down. A single specimen of P. scabriculus has been recorded by De Koninck from New South Wales, and the description leads me to infer that the Author had before him some condition of the present species. Near to P. subquadratus is Productus Purdoni, an Indian species described by the late Dr. Davidson,* both in the form of the shell and general surface characters ; but the Indian species is not geniculate, and has a pronounced fold in the dorsal valve. Neither of the numerous examples of the former shell examined by me have shown this, nor the fine reticulation of the surface described in P. Purdoni by Dr. Waagen.t Before concluding, a few words must be said about the siliceous cast figured by Morris as Productus brachytherus,{ and which, although now known not to be that species, is at the same time in want of determination. It possesses many points in common with P. subguadratus, and in the figure there is a very suspicious indication of an area. If the ventral adductor scars could only be shown to be dendritic, the resemblance would be complete. I think it not impossible that we are dealing here with a small and short form of the present species. Loe. and Horizon. Richards’ Homestead, three miles south-west of Mount Britton Township (4. LZ. Morisset) ; Pelican Creek, two and a-half miles above Sonoma Road-crossing (2. L. Jack)—Middle or Marine Series of the Bowen River Coal Field Lake’s Creek, near Rockhampton (Zhe late James Smith); Yatton Gold Field (2. L. Jack)—Gympie Beds. Propuctus unpatus, Defrance, Pl. 12, fig. 16. Productus undatus, Defrance, Dict. Sci. Nat., 1826, xliii., p. 354. +3 2 Davidson, Mon. Brit. Carb. Brach., 1861, Pt. 4, p. 161, t. 34, f. 7-13. AA m De Roninol Foss. Pal. Nouy.-Galles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 3, p. L90, t. 11, f. 4. x, 6 Etheridge fil., Cat. Australian Foss., 1878, p. 53. Obs. This species is known only by a single specimen, exhibiting the regular concentric undulations characteristic of it. The latter are much more uniform and continuous than those on the figure of the example from New South Wales given by * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1861, xviii., p. 31, t. 2, f. 5a and b. + Pal. Indica (Salt Range Fossils , 1884, Ser. xiii., Vol. i, Pt. 4, fase. 4, p. 705, t. 73, £. 1-3. + Strzelecki’s Phys. Descrip. N. S. Wales, &c., t. 14, f. 4a and 0. 255 Prof. De Koninck. The terrace-like undulations are much too pronounced and coarse for the wavy lines ornamenting the surface of P. widulatus, McCoy,* otherwise there is some resemblance between the two forms. Loe. and Horizon. Stony Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton (The late James Smith)—Gympie Beds. PRODUCTUS SEMIRETICULATUS, Jartin, sp. ? Conch. (Anomites) semireticulatus, Martin, Pet. Derb., 1809, t. 32, f. 1 and 2, t. 33, f. 4. Productus semireticulatus, Davidson, Mon. Brit. Carb. Brach., 1861, Pt. 4, p. 149, t. 43, f. 1-11, t. 44, f. 1-4, £ - De Koninck, Foss. Pal. Nouv-Galles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 3, p. 188, t. 9, f. 2. Obs. Small, partially decorticated casts, with the long hinge-line, alar spines, and chequered surface of this species have been collected by Mr. James Smith and Mr. Rands. The length of the hinge-line, amongst other characters, distinguishes it from P. brachytherus. Loc. and Horizon. Stony Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton (The late James Smith) ; Spring Creek, Cania, Burnett (W. H. Rands)—Gympie Beds. Propwuctus Loneispinus, J. Sowerby, ? Pl. 13, fig. 2. Productus longispinus, J. Sby., Min. Con., 1814, i., p. 154, t. 68, f. 1. 7 Ag Davidson, Mon. Brit. Carb. Brach., 1861, Pt. 4, p. 154, t. 35, f. 5-19 (for general synonymy). vi 7 Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., Pt. 3, p. 333, t. 18, f. 9. Obs. This common and widely spread shell is the most variable of the Producti, and seldom attains a larger size than our specimen, which is a east of the interior of the dorsal valve. It is known in the Carboniferous Limestone of the Punjaub, in India, Carro Creek in Tasmania, Bolivia, Russia, and Belgium, and everywhere in Britain; we now, for the first time, record it from Queensland. (Ltheridge.) Loe. and Horizon. Don River (The late R. Daintree)—Gympie Beds. Propvuctws, sp. ind. (a), Pl. 18, fig. 6. Obs. A peculiar form which must, for the present, from the want of sufficient material, remain undetermined, has been obtained in the Burnett District. Specimens consist of decorticated casts, with well-separated, distinct, fine, string-like radiating coste. Such are found in some varieties of Productus giganteus, Martin. They are not reticulate like P. semireticulatus, and the ribs are too coarse for a variety of P. cora, although characters ix common with each of these species are present. The sharp and incurved condition of the beak of the ventral valve indicates a transition towards Productus striatus, some forms of which occasionally possess coarse strie. Loe. and Horizon. Near Yarrol Station, Burnett District (W. H. Rands)— Gympie Beds. . Propvctrvs, sp. ind. (6.), Pl. 12, fig. 15. [Compare P. fimbriatus (Sby.), Davidson, Mon. Brit. Carb. Brach., 18 1, Pt. 4, t. 33, f, 13.] Obs. A very remarkable and interesting fragment presented itself on a slab, with other fossils, from the prolific beds of Stanwell, consisting of the outer shell of a Productus, seen from the inside. The spine bases are serially arranged in concentric rows, after the manner of those of Productus fimbriatus, Sby., whilst around the edge of the shell they are visible in section diverging from the surface of the valve. There is not the irregularity of disposition seen in the spines of P. aculeatus, but, on the con- trary, the bases are on rather raised concentric rims, as in the species first mentioned. * Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1847, xx., p. 236, t. 13, f. 2. 256 The umbonal region and hinge-line are, unfortunately, not preserved, and in consequence a direct reference to Productus may have elements of doubt, but, at the same time, I cannot satisfactorily compare it to any other Brachiopod. The spines are too coarse and much too far apart for either an Athyris, such as A. Roysii, or a Reticularia, like R. lineata. Wad it not been for the regular concentric method of arrangement of the spine bases, P. spinulosus, J. Sby., might have put in a claim for comparison. Loc. and Horizon. Stony Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton (Lhe late James Smith)—Gympie Beds. Propvuctws sp. ind. (¢.), Pl. 13, Fig. 4. [Compare Productus prwlongus (Sby.), Davidson, Mon. Brit. Dey. Brach., 1865, Pt. 2, p. 602, t. 19, f. 22-25. ] Obs. A very remarkable fragment is represented in the above figure. It is the external impression of the ventral valve of a Productus, regularly and delicately striate, with a slight median ridge, representing the cast of the mesial sinus, on which are five pits ina line. These are the impressions of spines, and both the position of them and the general appearance of the fossil, strongly recall to mind the structure of Productus prelongus, Sby. It is, however, probable that the shell possessed a more regular shape than that species. A similar distribution of spines is met with in Productus mesolobus, Phill., to some extent, accompanied by other characters which are not present in our fossil. Lec. and Horizon. Stony Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton (Lhe late James Smith)—Gympie Beds. Propvctvs, sp. ind. (d.), Pl. 40, fig. 4. Obs. A small and peculiar, partially decorticated specimen of the P. costatus group. It is a ventral valve with along straight hinge, depressed broad visceral regions, irregularly and concentrically wrinkled, whilst the central front, and that portion of the surface only, bears distinct, fine, and well separated vertical ribs, the sides being free. Some of the ribs bifurcate, whilst others seem to have been spined. The concentric wrinkles are strongly marked on the alar expansions. Only one example of this peculiar little shell has come under my notice, otherwise I believe the characters are sufficiently peculiar to warrant a name being given to it. The form and nature of the coste indicate P. costatus as the group to which it is referable, but in this species the whole of the front bears ribs, except a very limited portion of the ears, but in our specimen the limitation is a very marked one. In a like manner it differs from the allied Indian species Productus indicus, Waagen, P. vishnu, Waagen, &e. Loc. and Horizon. Rockhampton District * (C. W. De Vis; Colln. De Vis)— Gympie Beds. Propucrovs, sp. znd. (e.), Pl. 37, fig. 18. [Compare P. Humboldti, D’Orbigny, in Waagen, Pal. Indica (Salt Lake Fossils), 1884, Ser. xiii., Vol. i., Pt. 4, fase. 4, p. 695, t. 76, f. 1-3.] Obs. This peculiar and well-spined form has caused me much trouble, and I am not even now prepared to say to which of the known species it should be referred. It is a decorticated cast of a rather transverse ventral valve, with a moderately long hinge- line, a wide open sinus, a well ineurved beak, and vertically elongated, somewhat tear- shaped spine bases arranged roughly in quincunx, those of one row alternating with * See note, p. 199. 257 those of another. The alar expansions are covered with minute short prickles. At one time I took this to be either the young state of Productus subquadratus, or a peculiar condition of P. brachythwrus, and I am not prepared to deny that it may not be one or the other even now. However, in many points the specimen has even a closer resemblance to Dr. Waagen’s figures of three Indian species—P. Hwmboldti, D’Orb., P. Abichi, Waagen,* and P. serialis, Waagen.t The shape is identical, the clustering of the prickle-like spines on the wings the same, the broad undefined sinus similar, and above all the long tear-like quincuncially arranged body spines in every way like those on our specimen. ‘The only difference I can detect—but this may result from the fact that the latter is not perfect towards the front margin —is the absence of the closely clustered and smaller spines all round the front of the shell, and similar to those on the alar expansions. These forma very marked feature of the Indian shells. Whatever may prove to be the identity of the present form, there remains the fact that we have in the Queens- land beds one in many respects closely similar to forms found in India, more particularly that called by Waagen Productus Abichi. I say “called” because it seems to me that Dr. Waagen has figured under three separate names what might, with great advantage to science, have been confined to one. All three species, P. Humboldti, P. Abichi, and P. sertalis, so closely resemble one another, that I think only the Author himself could Separate them. Of the two first, Dr. Waagen candidly states it to be “solely a matter of taste whether the difference be admitted or not as sufficient for the distinction of two separate species.” The difference consists simply of a “coarser tuberculation, and by the more elongated form of the tubercles.” P. serialis is said to differ from P. dAbichi by a well-developed concentric folding in a more or less close relation to the spines distributed on the surface of the ventral valve. I regard all three species as one, therefore, which may be known under the name of Productus Humboldti, as originally determined by Dr. Davidson.t There is the bare possibility that this may be a Strophalosia, The spines have greatly the appearance of those of this genus, but I have not seen any evidence of the teeth or sockets of the hinge-line. In my Paper on the Permo-Carboniferous Fossils from North-West Australia, I omitted to mention that the shell there named Productus brachytherus, and which is certainly the same as that now figured, possessed a depressed vertical groove on the beak, after the manner of some Strophalosie. Loc. and Horizon. Richards’ Homestead, three miles south-west of Mount Britton Township (R. Hull)—Middle or Marine Series of the Bowen River Coal Field. Propuctts, sp. ind. (f.), Pl. 44, fig. 18. Obs. A small form, which cannot be passed over, from the fact that the shell is preserved. It recalls to mind, in a very curious manner, the young condition of one of the varieties of the common Productus giganteus of the European Carboniferous rocks. The body of the shell is large and gibbous, as compared with the small and sharp ears, and transversely oblong in shape. The umbone is obtuse and much incurved, and the surface covered with fine, separate, thread-like direct ribs, and the small ears delicately wrinkled. In fact I never saw a closer resemblance in miniature to the above species than in this little shell. Loc. and Horizon. Yatton Gold Field (R. L. Jack)—Gympie Beds. * Pal. Indica (Salt Range Fossils), 1884, Ser. xiii., Vol. i, Pt. 4, fas. 4, t. 74, f. 1-7. + Ibid., t. 74, £. 8a-d. + Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1862, xviii., p. 32, t. 2, f. 6. 258 Genus—STROPHALOSTIA, King, 1844. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1844, xiv., p. 313; Mon. Permian Foss. England, 1850, p. 93.) STROPHALOSIA CLARKEI, Etheridge, sp. Pl. 18, figs. 12-17,; Pl. 14, fig) 19: Productus Clarkei, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 334, t. 17, f. 2 and 2a-b, t. 18, f. 4-4a. ” i De Koninck, Foss. Pal. Nouv.-Galles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 3, p. 208, t. 10, f. 5, t. 11, f. 2. ” Etheridge fil., Cat. Australian Foss., 1878, p. 51. Strophalosia Clarkei, Etheridge fil., Proc. R. Phys. Soe. Edinb., 1880, v., p .289, t. 9, f. 18a-21, t. 10, f, 22-98, t. 11, f. 29-31, t. 12, f. 32 and 33, 55 Woodsit, Davidson ane Sp. Char. Shell rotundate-quadrate, ventral valve strongly gibbous, or inflated ; prominent and convex about the visceral region, sloping gradually off to the front, bat non-geniculate and unproduced. Hinge-line straight, but not equal to the width of the shell. Ears flattened, small when compared with the general proportions of the valve. Beak large, short, ana blunt, but not overhanging the hinge-line; imme- diately under it are two lar rere, obliquely placed teeth, which “fit into the Sbokets of the dorsal valve. In the umbonal region of the shell, proceeding from the beak towards the front, is a fine ridge or septum (a groove in casts) with, on each side of it, the dendritic adductor muscular impressions, each bounded on its outer margin by a well defined groove (ridges in the cast). Immediately in front of these adductor impressions is a large blunt prominence (which in the cast becomes a hole or fossa of varying depth, and. of a very marked character), with the outer edge much less precipitous than the inner. On each side this prominence are the depressed scars of the cardinal muscles, much deeper and more impressed on their inner or umbonal margins, and gradually dying out laterally towards the sides of the valve; they are vertically grooved and ridged. (In the cast these impressions become ridged prominences, projecting or searp-like along their upper edges, and they impinge somewhat on each side over the deep fossa just described.) The interior surface of the valve is pitted and ridged, producing, in the cast, granules and grooves; the former are continued over the surface of the blunt prominence (fossa in the cast) ; the ridges seen on the interior represent the decurrent bases of spines. The exterior surface is comparatively plain, with fine, vertical, wavy lines, projecting from which are occasional slender spines. The dorsal valve is square, oval, flat, and very thick, bevelled outwardly from the interior on the front margin. The latter is apparently continuous, and not indented in any way. Hinge-line with rounded alar angles; area well marked, but not broad. Cardinal boss thick, strong, and prominent, projecting from the hinge-line at an angle of 119°, with the exterior plane of the valve centrally divided by a groove, which is flanked on each side by a kind of shoulder. Sockets for the reception of the teeth of the ventral valve, deep, broad, and so far surrounding the boss as to produce an appearance of isolation in the latter from the remainder of the valve. The cardinal boss is supported on each side by indistinct, oblique, alar ridges. Septum strong and ridge- like, extending for more than two-thirds the distance hetween the cardinal boss and the front margin, sometimes terminating in a small button. Immediately under the boss is a deep Sbsieera divided in the Fiddle line by the septum, and in which are situated the dendritic adductor muscular impressions. This depression is separated by a transverse ridge running across the valve from a second heart-shaped depression similarly divided by ie septum. The reniform impressions are narrow, semilunar, much incurved, and abrupt at their front termination, and bounded outwardly by a deep groove or linear depression following their course. The internal bevelled edge is marked with very fine granules of pustules and small veinings, being the indications of ’ P EE 259 the vascular system. The shell has a silky appearance, and when weathered or decorti- cated, the shell-substance is marked by a series of fine, wavy, vertical lines. The valve is externally ornamented with a number of close, concentric, scaly lamine and a few scattered spines similar to the ventral. A series of spines are also placed along the hinge of the ventral valve, erect, and graduating outwards from the umbo. Obs. The history of Strophalosia ieee is a brief one. It was originally described by Mr. Etheridge as a Productus, from indifferent material in the Daintree Collection, and the external characters defined. Subsequently Prof. De Koninck placed under this name a shell in the W. B. Clarke Collection, and described it in his New South Wales Work. In my “Catalogue” I follow both these Authors in placing the species under the genus Productus, but had not then enjoyed an opportunity of examin- ing specimens. This interesting species, at the time my former description was written,* was known under two conditions only—internal casts of the ventral valve, and dorsal valves retaining more or less of their shelly matter. More recently I have enjoyed the opportunity of examining no less than thirty-three excellently preserved specimens in the Mining and Geological Museum, Sydney, from New South Wales localities, several of which have the valves united. Nothing is brought more prominently forward by these specimens than the flatness and non-spinous condition of the dorsal valve, and herein, it appears to me, we have, in conjunction with the comparative absence of spines from the ventral valve, excellent specific characters for the separation of S. Clarkei from allied forms. If we examine casts of the ventral valve, and compare them with the fine interior of S. Goldfussi, Miinster, figured by the late Dr. Davidson,t it will be observed that in fig. 9, representing a cast in a similar state of preservation to our specimens, there is, as in the latter, the corresponding blunt and gradually attenuated but prominent beak (figs. 29 and 30,7,7) ,¢ and deep pits left by the teeth of the ventral valve (fig. 30,¢). Again, compare, in fig. 10 of the “ Permian Monograph,’ the concave or grooved back of the umbo with that of the Queensland cast (figs. 27-30,0). Thirdly, the position of the adductor scars in the same Permian figure is quite comparable with that of the Australian specimens (figs. 26-30,c,c,c,c). In Mr. Davidson’s figure, the deep pit or fossa in front of these impressions is not so marked as in our fig. 29; but this is itself a variable point in the Australian shells. With regard to the cardinal muscular scars, we observe a perfectly similar arrangement—the position identically the same, similar ridging and grooving, the only apparent difference being that in the Permian 8. Goldfussi the abrupt or scarp-like side appears to be towards the front, whereas in 8. Olarkei it is towards the umbo or the hinge-line (figs. 27 and 29,¢,¢,e,e). It must, however, not be forgotten that all these characters are open to much variation in development, but not in feature, being very pronounced in some individuals, and feeble in others. Itis strange that, out of the large series obtained by my Colleague from the Bowen River Coal Field, so fow specimens should retain traces of the septum, reniform impres- sions, and other anatomical details. The usual condition under which the dorsal valves of 8. Clarkei are presented to us is shown by figs. 18a, 19, and 20, a flat, bevel-edged, more or less oval, silky shell, and, although viewed from the interior in each case, no trace of the marked characters of figs. 21 and 23 are visible, but on the contrary there is, in the place of the strong cardinal boss and septum, an oval gap in the shell * Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 289. + Mon. Brit. Permian Brach., t. 8, figs. 9-10. + These numbers and letters refer to the figures given in my former description of S. Clarkei (Proe, R. Phys, Soc. Edinb., 1880, v.). (R. #., Junr.) 260 substance. This discrepancy between such examples as figs. 18a and 21 can be accounted for simply by decortication, because, on several specimens, traces of much shelly matter remain, which, if wholly preserved, would bring the shell up to the thickness required to make it correspond with fig. 21 or fig. 23. The dorsal valve is invariably flat, or, at any rate, what little concavity there is, is simply a median depression. The surface is composed of scaly concentric lamine, with wavy cross-lines and an occasional small spine. In specimens with the valves in apposi- tion the relatively narrow and long area, as compared with that of the succeeding species, becomes very apparent. Tn the Memoir on the Bowen River Coal Field fossils, three species of Australian Strophalosie were described, the present one, the succeeding species, 8S. Gerardi, and 8. Jukesii. At that time much doubt existed as to the limitation of these species, but now, I believe, I am in a position to satisfactorily place all three on a firmer footing. The distinguishing features of §. Clarkei have already been pointed out; its relation to 8. Gerardi will be shown under that species, but a few remarks on S. Jukesii may be made here. The chief point relied on formerly for the separation of §. Clarkei from 8. Jukesii, was the deltoid or sub-quadrate form of the latter, as compared with the broad oval outline of the former. It appears to me now that the internal characters of the dorsal valve afford a far better ground for separation. In S. Clarkei the septum extends almost the whole width of the dorsal valve, but in S. Jwkesiz it hardly does more than reach the middle of the valve. The deeply excavated cordate depressions on each side the septum of the former is absent in the latter. In the first-named species the renal impressions form together a broad oval curve, and terminate forwards in a line with the front end of the septum; in the second species, on the other hand, the renal scars are much more aurate, comparatively broader, but not so oval, and project towards the front far beyond the termination of the septum. These characters, when viewed together, present a very different appearance in the two species. The original specimens on which I described S. Jukesii were said to have come both from New South Wales and Tasmania, but I believe this will prove a far more representative species of the latter than the former country. Loc. and Horizon. Pelican Creek, Bowen River, five miles north of Sonoma Station ; the same, opposite Palmer’s Old Station; the same, three-quarters of a mile above Sonoma Road-crossing ; Parrot Creek, Bowen River, four and a-half miles, eight miles, and nine miles up; Cockatoo Creek, Bowen River, half-a-mile above junction with Parrot Creek ; Bowen River, two miles above Beasley’s Old Public House (R. L. Jack) ; Springsure (The late James Smith) —Middle or Marine Series of the Bowen River Coal Field. STROPHALOSIA GERaRDI, King. Pl. 13, fig. 18; Pl. 14, fig. 18; Pl. 40, figs. 7 and 8. Strophalosia Gerardi, King, Ann, and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1846, xviii., p. 98. De Koninck, Mon. Productus et Chonetes, 1847, p. 137. King, Mon. Permian Foss. England, 1850, p. 96, t. 19, f. 6 and 7. Davidson, Mon. Brit. Foss. Brach., Introdaction, 1857, t. 8, f. 211. Etheridge fil., Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 294, t. 12, f. 34-37, t. 13, £38. Etheridge fil., Journ. R. Soc. N. S. Wales for 1883 [1884], xvii., p. 87. 39 Sp. Char. Shell of medium size, ovato-rotund, at times becoming almost deltoid, strongly concavo-convex. Ventral valve convex, most so about the umbonal and visceral regions; umbo prominent, rounded, and overhanging the area to some extent; area short, high, and triangular ; dorsal valve varying from coneave to semi-concave, following closely the contour of the ventral, assuming a more or less deltoid form, usually much 99 ee OOO eee 261 longer than wide; hinge-line variable in length but never as wide as the shell; area well marked, elongately triangular; deltidium conspicuous, convex; septum short; renal impressions broadly oval ; internal surface highly granular. Surface of the ventral valve concentrically laminated, and giving rise to numerous adpressed tapering spines, which, when worn off, leave the valve covered by a series of short, blunt, somewhat projecting tubercles ; surface of the dorsal valve similarly ornamented, but the concen- tric lamin appear to be smaller and closer together ; near the front edge of the valve the lamellz become very close and numerous, and assume a strongly imbricated appearance. The greatest concavity of the dorsal valve is just below or in front of the hinge-line, where it appears to become much pressed in. The shell at times assumes a slightly irregular aspect, with an inclination or oblique tendency towards one side or the other; the front margin is rounded and continuous, and shows no indication of an indentation or sinuosity. Obs. The identity of this Indian species with shells from the Bowen River Coal Field was based on certain individuals from the latter, possessing, amongst other characters, very concave dorsal valves. This separation was made, to some extent, on the advice of the late Dr. Davidson, but it was hinted that perhaps the one might prove to be a variety of the other.* The following remarks on this subject were made :— “Notwithstanding the flat valve of typical specimens of 8. Clarke, it is just possible: that it and the shells now referred to 8S. Gerardi, with the concave dorsal valves, may after all be one and the same. . . . . On the one hand we have aseries of dorsal valves, all flat, and no ventral valve attached (=. Clarkez) ; on the other hand, a number of bivalve examples, with very concave dorsal valves (?=8. Gerardi).” It was subsequently shown,} through specimens obtained by Prof. A. Liversidge from the Darr River,t that the two species were in all probability distinct, a point which 1 think now capable of proof. In contradistinction to 8. Clarkei, the valves of S. Gerardi are both densely spined ; the dorsal valve always very concave; the form more irregular in outline and smaller, the area wide, short, and triangular; spines long, pendent, and adpressed to the shell ; and the surface of both valves very concentrically frilled; but particularly noticeable amongst these are the concave dorsal valves, and the short, high triangular area in the ventral valve. The internal structure of the dorsal valve has always been wanting to complete the comparison, but this is now supplied by a Tasmanian specimen in the Australian Museum, which I believe to be this species. The broadly oval forms of the renal or vascular impressions resemble those of 8. Olarke?, rather than S. Jukesii, whilst, on the contrary, the short septum indicates a resemblance to the latter. The deep depressions on each side the septum in 8. Clarkei are quite absent, so is the transverse ridge separating the upper from the lower pair of these, and probably the support of the adductor muscles. The concavity of the dorsal valve varies, to some extent, in different individuals, but it is always very apparent. The hinge-line also varies in length, long in some examples, short in others, although, as before stated, it never extends the whole width of the shell. It would appear, therefore, from the foregoing remarks that in the Permo Carboniferous rocks of this Continent and Tasmania, at least three species of Strophalosia are met with, as originally described by the Writer. The resemblance of the Australian examples of 8S. Gerardi to Prof. King’s Indian type is very marked, both in outward shape, nature of the spines, form of the dorsal valves, and the area. * Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 295. + Journ. R. Soc. N. 8. Wales for 1883 [1884], xvii., p. 87. + Locality doubtful. (R.Z.J.) 262 Loc. and Horizon. Pelican Creek, Bowen River, five miles north of Sonoma Station ; the same, opposite Palmer’s Old Station ; Parrot Creek, Bowen River, eight miles up; Bowen River, between Traverse Stations 25 and 26 (R. L. Jack); Banana Creek (H. W. Mackay; Colln. de Vis)—Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field ; “Darr River,* about three hundred miles south-west of Port Denison” (Prof. A. Se oka ge; Colln. Sydney University). Genus—CHONETES, Fischer, 1837. (Oryctographie Gouy. Moscou., p. 134.) CHONETES CRACOWENSIS, Etheridge, Pl. 18, fig. 9. Chonetes cracowensis, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxvili., Pt. 3, p. 336, t. 18, f. 2. Laguessiana, De Koninck, Foss. Pal. Nouv. alles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 3, p. 207, t. 10, f. 7 (excl. ES: ‘5 99 Etheridge fil., Cat. Australian Foss., 1878, p. 48. Sp. Char. Shell transversely oblong or semicircular, wider than long, both valves ornamented with many ribs; hinge-line straight, not so long as the width of the shell; area narrow and parallel; ventral margin convex. Cardinal angles rounded and flattened at their extremities. Ventral valve slightly convex. Dorsal valve nearly flat, or following the curve of the ventral. Beak small, apparently slightly incurved, but not covering the hinge-line. The place of the hinge-spines faintly traceable. The surface of the shell covered by what must have been short and stout spines numerously distributed. (theridge.) Obs. Mr. Etheridge considered that his species differed from the typical Carboniferous Chonetes hardrensis (= C. laguessiana), De Koninck, by possessing flatter cardinal angles, and many more spines. On the other hand, Prof. De Koninck united ©. cracowensis with his C. laguessiana, and guided by his universally accepted high opinion, I followed a similar course in the ‘“ Catalogue of Australian Fossils.” But an examination of numerous specimens from the Star River Beds causes me to doubt the advisability of this course, especially when Mr. Etheridge’s figure, which excellently represents his species, is compared with that given by Prof. De Koninck of the shell from New South Wales. The figure of C. cracowensis represents a form with flat roundly rectangular sides, whereas the so-called C. laguessiana figured by De Kouinck has acute cardinal angles, and the lateral margins rapidly and sharply merging into the ventral margins. I quite fail to see how two such differently shaped shells can be relegated to one species, and it will be better, in the meantime, to accept the name applied by Mr. Etheridge to this shell. Loc. and Horizon. Cracow Creek, Dawson River, Lat. 25° 20’ S., Long. 150° 15’ E., approximate (The late R. Daintree)—Middle or Marine Series of the Bowen River Coal Field; Athelstane Range, Rockhampton (The late James Smith)—Gympie Beds ; Corner Creek, Great Star River (R. L. Jack)—Star Beds. > CHONETES, sp. ind. (a.), Pl. 18, fig. 10; Pl. 87, figs. 21 and 22. Obs. A transversely semicircular, deep, and very convex, or, in fact, almost deltoid species, occurs in the Corner Creek Beds. It possesses the general form of Chonetes polita, McCoy,t but, unlike the latter, is strongly costate. The alar angles are pointed, and it is altogether an elegant little shell. * In this, as in the case of Productus brachytherus, I doubt the correctness of the locality quoted, as the Darr River is wholly in the Rolling Downs Beds. (R.L..J.) + Davidson, Mon. Brit. Carb. Brach., 1861, Pt. 4, p. 190, t. 47, f. 8-11. ~ 263 In the Keelbottom River Series a somewhat similar shell is found, but less convex, and very strongly ribbed, with the hinge abou equal in length to the shell. The ribs are coarse and bifurcate, about thirty-five previous to division, and irregularly rounded. It is quite possible that both these shells are one species, but in the presence of the immense number of Chonetes already described, it is impossible to venture on a name, especially when dealing with imperfect material. Lec. and Horizon. Corner Creek, Great Star River (R. LD. Jack); Gully rising in cliff between two peaks on left bank of Keelbottoin River, north of old Plum-tree Inn (R. L. Jack)—Star Beds. CHONETES, sp. ind. (b.), Pl. 18, figs. 7, 8, and 13. [Compare C. australis, McCoy, Prod. Pal. Vict., Dec. iv., 1876, t. 35, fig. 1.] Obs. The present Chonetes differs wholly from either of the preceding. The ventral valve is broad and semicircular, quadrate, deeper than wide, and very slightly convex. The hinge-line was as long as the shell, and when perfect the alar angles bluntly pointed, but, as a rule, they are broken. A moderately broad hinge appears to have been present, and there are the remains of several well-developed hinge-spines. There was a well-marked septum in both valves, and the inner surface highly pustulose, and punctate. The surface bore numerous distinct bifureating ribs, and there is some indication of their having been spinose. This species is probably closely allied to Chonetes australis, McCoy. It is certainly not C. laguessiana, as figured by De Koninck from New South Wales, and it does not appear to be a large form of C. cracowensis. It is also advisable to compare, in passing, Chonetes falklandica, Morris and Sharpe,* with which there is again some resemblance. Except that it is a larger species, C. ¢Jlinoisensis, Worthen,t would represent our shell, especially in the very large number of costs. The latter are numerous, but less so than in C. falklandica, and coarser; they bifurcate high up on the visceral region, and are prominent and bold, although not coarse. Loc. and Horizon. Athelstane Range, Rockhampton (The late James Smith) ; Stony Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton (The late James Smith)—Gympie Beds. CHONETES, sp. ind. (c.), Pl. 37, fig. 20. Obs. A small, very flat shell, the ventral valve slightly elevated below the umbo, then depressed in the middle line, producing a broad and very flat sinus. The hinge- line as long as the shell, and the alar expansions also apparently flattened. The area is small, and the septum extends for about half the height of the valve. The ribs are very numerous and fine, and each one bifurcates ; they must have been provided with regular concentric rows of spines, as the depressions representing the actual ribs are regularly so pitted. The lateral ribs are much curved outwards, whilst the umbo was very fine and small. This pretty little cast at times looks more like an Orthotetes or Streptorhynchus, than a Chonetes. The tripartite division of the surface probably arises from a rather flatly prominent central region, and flattened alar expansions This is evidently not far removed from Chonetes compressa Waagen,t and, in fact, differs chiefly in the alar regions, being delicately striate, instead of quite plain. Waagen’s remarks apply well to our specimens, bearing in mind that his examples were perfect, comparatively speaking, whilst ours are only impressions. He says—‘‘ This is a * Quart. Journ, Geol, Soc., 1846, ii., p. 274, t. 10, f. 4. + Illinois Geol. Report, 1868, iii., t. 15, f. 8. t Pal. Indica (Salt Range Fossils), 1884, Ser. xiii., Vol, i., No. 4, fase. 4, p, 680, figs. a-d, 264 rather small species, with very flat valves, which are so close together that scarcely any room remains between them. The ventral valve bears, in the middle, a low sinus, and the radial striation of both valves is limited to the median parts, whilst the lateral parts remain entirely smooth.” Loc. and Horizon. Gully rising in cliff between two peaks on left bank of Keelbottom River, north of Old Plum-tree Inn (2. LZ. Jack)—Star Beds. CHONETES, sp. ind. (d.), Pl. 87, fig. 19. Obs. A somewhat large, elongately quadrate, convex, and high cast occurs in the fossiliferous masses of Mount Britton. There is a large wide area, deep sinus in the dorsal valve of casts, and at least four hinge-spines on each side the umbo. The front and sides are densely pitted, but the nature of the surface is unknown. This form is only known to me as casts, but probably, judging from its size, is allied to the Athelstane Range species (Pl. 18, fig. 8). The septum of the dorsal valve was large and strong. The cardinal muscular scars of the ventral valve were small and pear-shaped, and in this valve a septum also existed. Loe and Horizon. Richards’ Homestead, three miles south-west of Mount Britton Township (4. L. Morisset)—Middle or Marine Series of the Bowen River Coal Field. Order—CLISTENTERATA. Family—LINGULIDA. Genus—LINGULA, Brugquiére, 1791. (Encyclop. Méthod., i., Pl. 250, f. 1a-c.) Lineuta mytinorpes, J. Sowerby, ? Pl. 18, fig. 19. Lingula mytilloides, J. Sby., Min. Con., 1813, i., p. 55, t. 19, f. 1 and 2. a mytiloides, Davidson, Mon. Brit. Carb. Brach., 1861, Pt. 4, p. 207, t. 48, f. 29-36. Obs. Except that the specimen referred to this species is rather more angular along the middle line of the valve, it is difficult to distinguish it from typical examples of LZ. mytiloides. The test is preserved over half the surface of the specimen. Dana, in his Work on the Geology of the Wilkes Expedition, describes a species, Lingula ovata, which may perhaps also be the present shell. It is “quite small, much convex, regularly broad ovate, with the front margin not at all truncate. Beak acute, valves thin, smooth, with faint concentric lines of growth.” The genus Lingula is of so scarce an occurrence in Australian Permo- Carboniferous rocks that the present specimen is of some importance. Loc. and Horizon. Spring Creek, Cania, Burnett (W. H. Rands)—Gympie Beds. Section—MOLLUSCA VERA. Class—PELECYPODA. Order—OSTRACEA. Family—PECTINID ©. Genus—EHNTOLIUM, Meek, 1872.* (Hayden’s Final Report E. Nebraska, p. 189.) Obs. The existence of this, as an Australian genus, depends upon a few small and ill-preserved specimens in the Star River collections, made by my Colleague, and * Prof. James Hall says—‘‘ Pal. California, 1864, i, App. B., p. 478,” and that Zntoliwm in its Paleozoic sense is but a synonym of Pernopecten, Winchell. See Pal. N. York, 1885, v., Pt.1, No. 2, p. Wit. 265 resembling the characteristic British species HZ. Sowerbii, McCoy, sp. One specimen showed the concentric close ornament, and seems to be the valve with the conate ears ; another displays the interior of the flat-eared valve (Pl. 14, fig. 10), and, above all points, the typical central cartilage pit, the sockets for the obliquely diverging ridges, and the long posterior lateral grooves; and there is a trace of the large eccentric adductor muscular impression. | These Corner Creek specimens are small, but bear no comparison with the E. Sowerbii ; it is therefore, probably, a distinct and smalier species, but the material is not copious enough to permit of a satisfactory determination. Loe. and Horizon. Corner Creek, Great Star River (R. LZ. Jack)—Star Beds. Genus—EUCHONDRIA, Meek, 1874. (American Journ. Sci., 1874, vii., pp. 445 and 488.) Obs. In this genus of Pectenoid shells, the hinge structure is peculiar. There is a “comparatively large, oblique, central cartilage pit, and a row of smaller ones crossing the area at right angles all along, both before and behind the large oblique central pit.”’ The above are the late Professor F. B. Meek’s remarks in establishing his genus for the little Pecten neglectus, Geinitz, from Illinois. He believed Euchondria to be more nearly allied to Pernopecten, Winchell,* than to Aviculopecten, but differs from the former in the obliquity of the central cartilage pit, and the presence of the true eartilage pits along the hinge. The so-called cartilage pits along the hinge of Pernopecten are probably only interlocking crenulations of the hinge, and not receptacles for any portion of the ligament. Amongst the many indistinct fossils from the Corner Creek Beds, was a small semicircular shell with close, fine, concentric strix, a very rounded ventral margin, a long hinge-line, anda small anterior ear with radiating ridges. Along the latter are faintly visible the impressions of a vertical series of hinge-pits resembling those of Euchondria. No central oblique pit was observed, however, and since the specimen has passed from my hands, it has struck me that the genus Crenipecten, Hall,f might put in as good a claim for it as Huchondria. In Hall’s genus the “hinge is furnished with a series of small cartilage pits throughout its entire length”; and it would not surprise me to find that the impression under discussion is more properly referable to this than to the genus to which I assigned it in the list originally forwarded to my Colleague.t Loc. and Horizon. Corner Creek, Great Star River (R. LZ. Jack)-—Star Beds. Family—A VICULOPECTINID:.§ - Genus—AVICULOPECTEN, McCoy, 1851. (Ann, and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1851, vii., p. 171.) Obs. In the Corner Creek Beds, three species of Aviculopecten have been noticed. In the first species the hinge-line is long, the surface covered with fine radiating coste, and the anterior ear very pronounced, narrow, long, and triangular, with * As a matter of fact it is more nearly allied to Crenipecten, Hall. + Prelim. Notice Lamellib. Shells, Up. Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups, Pt. 1, 1884, p. 406d, + Handbook Queensland Geol., 1886, p. 39. § Meek and Hayden, Pal. Up. Missonri, 1865, Pt. i., p. 49 266 three or four strong diverging ridges. The second species is highly cancellate, the radiating coste being fine, close, and round. ‘The third shell is very small, and indicates a triangular species very narrow towards the umbones, and widening ventrally. No ornament is preserved, and only one of the anterior ears, which is triangular and deeply divided from the body of the shell. The whole of these points are such common characters amongst this group of shells, that they cannot be alone used for specific differentiation. Mr. Rands has collected from Banana Creek, near Rockhampton, what is obviously another fragment of an Aviculopecten. It is a fragment without ears or hinge-line, covered with fine, elevated, radiating striz, slightly curved towards the sides of the shell, and with an intermediate rib between each pair; the whole are crossed by equidistant regular concentric lines, forming, by their intersections, small quadrangular spaces. AVICULOPECTEN SUBQUINQUELINEATUS, McCoy, sp. Pecten comptus, Dana (non McCoy), American Journ. Sci., 1847, iv., p. 160. 3 subquinquelineatus, McCoy, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1847, xx., p. 298, t. 17, f. 1. », comptus, Dana, Geology Wilkes’ U. S. Explor. Exped., 1849, Vol. x., p. 704, Atlas, t. 9, f. 5. » subquinquelineatus, McCoy, Proc. R. Soc. V. D. Land, 1851, i., p. 322, t. 17, f. 1. Aviculopecten subquinquelincatus, De Koninck, Foss. Pal. Nouv.-Galles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 8, p. 295, t. 22, f. 2 » A Etheridge fil., Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 297, t. 15, £. 52. Obs. This is a large, strong, and distinctly marked species, at first sight resembling A. Fitton, Morris,* but easily distinguishable from it by the plain and entire condition of the radiating cost ; whereas in A. Fittoni the latter are composed of a series of smaller radii. In both species the valleys between the ribs are filled with subordinate coste. In Morris’s species there is only one between each pair of ribs, but in McCoy’s there are from three to five. In A. swbquinquelineatus the ears are large and radiately striated, and the whole shell must have grown to some considerable size. It appears Professor Dana’s name of P. comptus has precedence of McCoy’s by a short time, and would be the accepted one for this species, were it not that the name comptus had already been used by Professor McCoy + for an Irish Carboniferous Limestone shell. Professor Dana’s name has therefore to give way to the subsequently described P. subquinquelineatus. Loc. and Horizon. Bowen River, at No. 25 Traverse Station (R. L. Jack), in a hard flinty micaceous sandstone of the Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field. AVICULOPECTEN LIMHFoRMIs, Worris, ? Pl. 14, fig. 1. Pecten limeformis, Morris in Strzelecki’s Phys. Descrip. N.S. Wales, &c., 1845, p. 277, 6. 18, f. 1. Aviculopecten limeformis, De Koninck, Foss. Pal. Nouv.-Galles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 3, p. 291, t. 22, f. 4. ae sp. nd., Etheridge fil., Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 298. Obs. A single specimen of a large species of Aviculopecten, with portions of the valves in apposition, has been obtained by my Colleague. It is a mere cast with remains of shelly matter here and there, but appears to correspond to a great extent with A. limeformis, Morris.{ The shell is very inequivalve, one valve being moderately convex, the other almost flat, or even, towards the ventral margin, a little concave. These characters would accord better with those of the species mentioned, than with any other of the Australian forms so far as described to the present time. In the Daintree Collection, Mr. Etheridge determined the presence of this shell and gave the following * Strzelecki'’s Phys. Descrip. N. S. Wales, &c., 1845, t. 14, f. 2. + Synop. Carb. Limest. Foss. Ireland, 1844, p. 90, t. 15, f. 14. {Strzelecki’s Phys. Descrip. N. S. Wales, &c., 1845, p. 277, t. 13, fig. 1. 267 diagnosis * :—‘ Shell inequilateral or oblique, slightly convex near the umbonal region or beak ; the ribs are also irregular and wavy, about thirty-five in number, and all meet near the umbo ; lines of growth obscurely wrinkled ; ears small, radiated, and coarsely wrinkled. Prof. Morris does not state the dimensions of his shell; proportionately our single specimen agrees with his, but apparently is individually larger.” The general obliquity of the valve, and the convexity in the umbonal region, certainly point to this species, but the anterior ear, well relieved from the body of the shell, does not accord at all with Morris’s figure, nor is there any indication of this in De Koninck’s illustration. I must confess to never having seen a complete individual of this species, and I am therefore rather in the dark as to its true appearance ; but the obliquity, and the great inequality of the valves, as expressed above, are certainly important characters. I now figure a rather similar Avicwlopecten (PI. 14, fig. 1) from Gympie, in which the anterior ear is similar in shape to that of Mr. Etheridge’s figure, but is less detached from the shell. This, for the present, must be regarded as referable to A. limeformis. It is so rare to obtain any of these Australian Aviculopectens with the true shell remaining that identification in such a case, especially with mutilated examples, becomes difficult. Such a specimen has been obtained in the Yatton Gold Field, but space does not permit of our figuring it. The valves are in apposition, and portions of the ears wanting. The larger valve is oval and decidedly convex, the smaller convex in the visceral region, but gradually becoming flat, or even concave towards the front margin, and to some extent also, the sides. In these we trace decided A. limeformis characters. Both valves possess about twenty-four broad, rather flattened ribs, those of the one valve fitting into those of the other at the ventral margin, and causing the latter to become fluctuating. Corresponding interspaces exist crossed by very close projecting frills. One end of the shell (itis difficult to say which, the ears being removed) is convex in the larger valve, but sublobate in the flat or concave piece, another character of A. limeformis. Until the entire appearance of the last-named is more familiar, the identity of these species must remain open, but if not A. limeformis, it is possible that the present form, and Mr. Etheridge’s figured specimen, may form a separate species, as they appear to have several points in common. Loc. and Horizon. Coral Creek, Bowen River, below Sonoma Road-crossing (Rh. L. Jack) —Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field ; ? Gympie (2. L. Jack) —Gympie Beds; ? Yatton Gold Field (R. L. Jack)—Gympie Beds. AVICULOPECTEN ? IMBRICATUS, Htheridge. Aviculopecten ? imbricatus, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., Pt. 3, p. 326, t. 14, f. 2. ns a Etheridge fil., Cat. Australian Foss., 1878, p. 6. Sp. Char. Shell inequilateral, and possessing twenty-two ribs, the ends or extremities of which imbricate or overlap in the cast; there appears to be, or to have been, a space between the end of each rib at its extremity, or along the ventral margin ; faint longitudinal markings run down each of the ribs, following their course. (Ltheridge.) Obs. An impression only occurs, and that of the inner surface, of one valve of this singular and doubtful shell. Our figure is taken from a gutta-percha cast of the impression left. That it belongs to the Asiphonida I do not doubt, and, I believe, * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 326, t. 14, f 1. Iam much puzzled by the central oval impression on the umbonal region. It cannot be a cartilage pit of the hinge, as it is in the wrong position for such a structure. (R. ZL., jun.) 268 to one of the Aviculide. The umbonal region is certainly not complete ; and, therefore, no true conclusion can be arrived at relative to the nature of the ears and hinge-line of the perfect shell. (Htheridge.) Loc. and Horizon. Gympie (Lhe late R. Daintree)—Gympie Beds. AVICULOPECTEN MULTIRADIATUS, Htheridge. Aviculopecten multiradiatus, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 327, t. 18, f. 1. Sp. Char. Shell nearly equilateral, orbicular, depressed, slightly convex, with about sixty well-defined equidistant sharp ribs, all meeting at the umbo; these ribs appear to have been sharply elevated and plain; ears not seen; lines of growth well defined. (Htheridge.) Obs. Aviculopecten multiradiatus was compared by Mr. Etheridge to A. plano- radiatus, McCoy, and A. docens, McCoy, both species of the British Carboniferous Limestone. It differs from the first in being less convex, but appears to be a more robust shell than the latter. The Author likewise added— It has also affinity with Pecten squamuliferus, Morris, from Mount Wellington, Van Diemen’s Land.* I cannot, however, clearly determine the presence of imbricated scales upon the ribs.” Unfortunately, in the figure accompanying these remarks, the indications of scales on the ribs are distinctly visible, and it is exceedingly probable that the shell is only, after all, Aviculopecten squamuliferus, Morris. Loc. and Horizon. Gympie (The late R. Daintree)—Gympie Beds. An Aviculopecten like this species also occurs at Kooingal (Zhe late James Smith)— Gympie Beds. AVICULOPECTEN LAURIENTI, sp. nov., Pl. 43, figs. 3 and 4. Sp. Char. Shell small, orbicular, sub-equilateral, anterior, posterior and ventral margins rounded; umbones small, moderately acute. Right valve hardly convex, much flattened ; anterior ear elongately triangular, narrow,. separated by a long, deep, and narrow byssal sinus; posterior ear small, more or less rectangular; surface smooth, or with a few concentric growth-marks ; ears apparently smooth. Left valve slightly convex, with a straight hinge-line, rather less than the width of the shell, squarish ; anterior ear small, triangular, posterior small but wing-like; anterior ear and body of the valve covered with a large number of very fine radiating coste and interpolated riblets, crossed by equally fine concentric decussating lamine, and especially well marked on the anterior ear. Obs. It is impossible to admit the shell De Koninck has ealled Avieulopecten depilis,+ to McCoy’s species of the same name. It is probable that the present shell is that referred to by the former under that designation. In A. depilis, McCoy, the anterior ear of the right valve is squarish, not particularly elongated, and but little separated from the shell. In the present species it is quite the opposite of this. Had these characters been applicable to the left, instead of the right valves, a very close resemblance would have existed between the fossils now before me and A. variabilis, McCoy.§ On the whole I think it will be better to separate them under the above name rather than admit a doubtful reference to a little known European species. I name this in memory of Prof. L. G. De Koninck. * Strzelecki’s Phys. Descrip. N. S. Wales, &c., 1845, p. 278, t. 14, f. 1. + Foss. Pal. Nouvy.-Galles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 3, t. 22, f. 7. + Synop. Carb. Limest. Foss. Ireland, 1844, t. 16, f. 11. Sel iidaabalamesid s 269 Loe. and Horizon. West of the Dividing Range, at the Crow’s Nest, Mount Victoria, near Mount Morgan (The late James Smith; Mining and Geol. Mus., Sydney) ; Rockhampton District * (C. W. De Vis; Colln. De Vis) —Gympie Beds. Genus—DELTOPECTEN, gen..nov. Gen, Char. Shell possessing the general structure of Aviéculopecten, but the valves very inequivalve, the larger or convex valve with a high overcurved umbo, overhanging a long triangular hinge area, with longitudinal cartilage furrows, and a large deltoid-triangular cartilage pit. . Obs. Deltopecten is intermediate in its structure between Pecten and Aviculopecten. It possesses the central cartilage pit of the former, and the furrowed area of the latter, and besides this the larger or convex valve is much higher than its neighbour, the umbo of the one overhanging that of the other, similar to the structure of the genus Janira. It may therefore be said to be a compound of the structure of all three genera. This so thoroughly departs from the structure of Aviculopecten, and is, further, such an additional modification of the hinge structure in this group of shells, to that indicated cf late by various American Authors, that it seems to me to be worthy of generic distinction. I therefore propose for the following Australian species, the only one in which I have as yet noticed this structure, the name Deltopecten, in allusion to the shape of the cartilage pit or depression occupying the hinge area. Type. Pecten illawarensis, Morris. DELTOPECTEN ILLAWARENSIS, Morris, sp., Pl. 41, fig. 3; Pl. 43, fig 2. Peston illawarensis, Morris in Strzelecki’s Phys. Descrip. N. S. Wales, &c., 1845, p. 277, t. 14, f. 3. fe Dana, Geology Wilkes’ U.S. Explor. Exped., Vol. x., 1849, p. 705, Atlas, t. 9, £..9. A yeaitonenten ulawarensis, De Koninck, Foss. Pal. Nouv.-Galles du Sud, Pt. 3, 1877, p. 301, t. 22, f. 1. Obs. Prof. De Koninck has correctly described this shell as inequivalve, even allowing for the fact that nearly all shells of this group are more or less so. The larger valve is very much the more convex of the two, and better developed, with a large and high umbo overhanging the hinge area. These points are well shown in De Koninck’s figures. The area is exceedingly broad and strong, especially beneath the umbones, where it is excavated into-a pseudo-cartilage pit of a deltoid or roundly triangular form, the area gradually narrowing outwards towards the anterior and posterior extremities. The pit must have been the receptacle for a large and strong cartilage. The whole area is coarsely transversely striated, or grooved. The radiating cost of the surface vary to some extent in number. In Prof. Morris’s figure, which appears to be that of the smaller valve, there are twelve or thirteen ribs, in that given by De Koninck of the same valve fifteen, whilst his view of the convex valve exhibits still more, perhaps twenty. In our specimens, the average number appears to be about fourteen. The depression of the valves towards the front margins, referred to by De Koninck, takes place between the edges and the pallial impression, which is a well- marked feature in the examples before me. In Professor James Hall’s figure of Aviculopecten princeps, Conrad, sp.,¢ there is both a triangular area, and a central depression. The former is very apparent, * See note, p. 199. + Prelim. Notice Lamellib. Shells, Up. Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups, Pt. 1, 1884, 6.2, f. 4, 270 but the latter is but indistinctly outlined. It is possible that a re-examination of this species, with the light thrown by D. il/awarensis, may show a closer relation between the two. Loe. and Horizon. Richards’ Homestead, three miles south-west of Mount Britton Township (Ze. Hull)—Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field. Genus—PTERINOPECTEN, Hail, 1884. Pterinopecten, Hall, Pal. N. York, 1884, v., Pt. i., No. 1, p. xii. a 35th Ann. Report, Regents Univ. State Cab. N. York, 1884, p. 406d. Gen. Char. General characters of Aviculopecten, but the hinge-line long. Lars not well defined, being simple expansions or extensions of the upper lateral margins to the hinge-line. Test ornamented with rays. (Hail.) Obs. Prot. Hall is, I believe, quite correct in separating from Etheridge fil., Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 301. Obs. The fossiliferous rock of Pelican Creek has furnished a ponderous example of this species, but in a wretched state of preservation, without any trace of shelly matter remaining, and the whole substance of the cast having assumed the form of a * This was written before I had left London. Iam sorry to say that I do not find that the material in Sydney will advance the subject much. (RZ. Jun. 283 decomposed ferruginous ironstone nodule. The specimen measures roughly about eight inches by five and a half, without the shelly matter. Across the dorsal region, from the one rounded diagonal ridge to the other, the shell measures at least five inches. This will give some idea of the great breadth attained by this species, and its general globose or gibbous outline. The umbones are very large, incurved, and quite anterior. Judging by the space occupied by matrix between the cardinal edges of the two valves, the ligament must have been of great dimensions and strength. The collection contains two examples of this species, that from which the foregoing notes are taken, and a smaller one, which is believed to represent the young condition of the species. The latter, when held in certain lights, shows indistinct traces of radiating strie in the cast. Upon examining a remarkably fine specimen in the late Count Strzelecki’s Collec- tion, I find that it also, where the shelly matter is worn off, exhibits similar radiating ridges. In the paper on the Bowen River Coal Field Fossils I overlooked the fact that Prof. J. D. Dana had already ealled attention* to the identity of his Cleobis grandis and Pachydomus globosus, Morris. My Colleague has obtained a specimen, denuded of all external shelly matter, from the Gympie Gold Field, which, although small, may be an individual of the present species ; it is, however, too imperfect to name definitely. Loc. and Horizon. . Pelican Creek, Bowen River, half-a-mile above Sonoma Road- crossing, in a highly fossiliferous concretionary and ferruginous mudstone; Pelican Creek, in a sandstone above the Garrick Coal-seam—both horizons in the Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field (2. LZ. Jack). Genus—MAONTA, Dana, 1847. Myonia, Dana, American Journ. Sci., 1847, iv., p. 158, Meonia, Dana, Geology Wilkes’ U. 8. Explor, Exped., Vol. x., 1849, p. 694. Obs. This genus is provisionally used, pending a detailed examination of all these dubious Permo-Carboniferous Bivalves, for shells after the type of I. elongata, Dana, and I. carinata, Morris, sp. The muscular system of the latter is quite different to that of various genera in which it has been placed, and accords better, although not exactly, with the characters of I/@onia as laid down by Dana in his latter description. Mamonta cartnata, Morris, sp. Pachydomus carinatus, Morris, Strzelecki’s Phys. Descrip. N. 8. Wales, 1845, p. 278, t. 11, f. 3 and 4. Cypricardia rugulosa, Dana, American Journ, Sci., 1847, iv., p. 157. Pachydomus carinatus, McCoy, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1847, xx., p. 301. Meconia ? carinata, Dana, Geology Wilkes’ U. 8S. Explor. Exped., p. 696, Atlas, t. 6, f. lw and b. Pleurophorus ? carinatus, De Koninck, Foss. Pal. Nouv.-Galles du Sud, 1877, Pt. 3, p. 283, t. 19, f. 8. Pachydomus ? carinatus, Etheridge fil., Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 300, t. 16, f. 53. Notomya (Mconia) elongata, Ratte (non Dana), Proc. Linn, Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1887, ii., Pt. 1, p. 189, t. 3. Obs. The strongly marked umbonal ridge, and the slightly concave posterior slope, at once mark this species as peculiar. Two specimens in a moderately good state of preservation were obtained in the Bowen River Coal Field; both have the entire shell removed, and are therefore in the form of casts, but with the exception of some slight displacement of the valves, the general outline is retained. I formerly placed this species in Pachydomus, but both this reference and Prof. De Koninck’s to the genus Plewrophorus I now believe to be erroneous. ‘The shell does not coincide with the original types of Pachydomus, such as P. antiquatus and P. cuneatus.¢ With regard to * American Journ. Sci., 1848, v., p. 435. + Megadesmus, J. de C. Sowerby, in Mitchell’s Three Expeds. Int. E. Australia, 1838, i,, p, 15, t. 1, f° 2 and 3. 284 Pleurophorus, I have quite failed to trace a dental structure in any of the casts of M. carinata examined, and of which there are several good examples in the Australian Museum. J. carinata seems to be wholly devoid of hinge teeth, but possesses a very peculiar system of muscular scars. These have been well figured by the late Mr. Felix Ratte,* and still further show its dissimilarity to Pleurophorus. The double anterior and fringed muscular scars, and the accessory scars at the apex of the beaks, accord with the characters originally laid down by Dana for his genus Meonia, and i think it not improbable that this name will have to be retained for transversely elongate shells with the above characters, typified by JZ elongata, Dana, and Pachydomus carinatus, Morris. Loe. and Horizon. Coral Creek, Bowen River, below Sonoma Road-crossing ; Bowen River, at No. 25 Traverse Station (&. LZ. Jack)—Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field. Monta recta, Dana. Cleobis recta, Dana, American Journ, Sci., 1847, iv., p. 154. Meonia recta, Dana, Geology Wilkes’ U. S. Explor. Exped., 1849, Vol. x., p. 698, ‘Atlas t. (pain e4 Notomya (Mconia) recta, Etheridge fil., Proc. R. Phys. Sec. Edinb., 1880, v., p. 299. Obs. The chief characters of this species are its very inequilateral and oblong form with the parallel dorsal and ventral margins. Professor Dana’s specimen measured three and a-half inches in length, but the shell here referred to C. recta measures seven and a-quarter inches in the same direction. Like all the Bivalves in my Colleague’s Bowen River Collection, the state of preservation is very bad, but there appears to be the remains of an obscure posterior slope, a character which is not mentioned in Dana’s description. The generic affinities are by no means clear, a state of matters common to a number of these Bivalves, and even Dana appears to have figured an imperfect example. Loc. and Horizon. Coral Creek, Bowen River, below Sonoma Road-crossing, in a yellow micaceous decomposed ironstone, of the Middle or Marine Series, Bowen River Coal Field (&. LZ. Jack). Class—GASTEROPODA. Order—PROSOBRANCHIATA. Family—NATICID. Genus—NATICOPSIS, McCoy, 1844. (Synop. Carb. Lime. Foss. Ireland, p. 33.) NatIcoPsis ? HARPHFORMIS, Ltheridge, Pl. 15, fig. 10. Naticopsis harpeformis, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., Pt. 3, p. 337, t. 18, f. 6. Obs. Under the above name Mr. Etheridge figured a fragment of a very problematical fossil. He considered it to be a portion of the body-whorl of a naticiform shell, the suture being ornamented with ‘thirty or thirty-five nodes or tubercules, each of which occupies the summit of a rib or varice.” He further pointed out that the whorls of some species of Loxonema are similarly ornamented. On the other hand, Prof. John Morris suggested that the fossil might be a portion of a small Goniatites, with a wide umbilical cavity. Either of these views may be the correct one, so very doubtful are its affinities. Loc. and Horizon. Don River (Lhe late R. Daintree)—Gympie Beds. * Proc. Linn, Soc, N. S. Wales, 1887, ii., Pt. 1, p, 139, t. 3. 285 Naticopsts vARTATA, Phillips, sp.? Natica variata, Phillips, Tl, Geol. Yorksh., 1836, Pt. 2, p. 224, t. 14, f. 26 and 27. Naticopsis variata, McCoy, Brit. Pal. Foss., 1852, fas. 2, p, 544. Obs. We are acquainted with a shell possessing the general outline of this species, but only in the form of casts, from the Corner Creek Beds. The spire was small, the body-whorl large and ample, and the ornament consisted of strong stria in and emerging from the suture, as in the above species. On the other hand, the spire, although small, was, perhaps, rather too large for WV. variata, and it has therefore been thought advisable to give this determination with a note of interrogation. Loe. and Horizon. Corner Creek, Great Star River (Rk. L. Jack)—Star Beds. Naticopsis, sp. ind. [Compare WV. elongata, Phill., loc. cit., t. 14, f. 28.] Obs.

UO ts teh) tinal Obs. Proposed as a variety for that form of Z. odontopteroides in which the habit was stouter, and probably not so large in growth. The rachis is always grooved and more slender, and in some specimens the terminal pinnules form a long lanceolate pair. ; The ferns from Petrie’s Quarry, in my Colleague’s Collection, and identified by ' Mr. R. Kidston as this variety, to some extent resemble it, but the pinnules are hardly decurrent or falcate enough. Mr. Woods, however, says that they become long and faleate as they ascend the rachis, and this is so far borne out by our specimens, in that the upper pinnules are much longer and lanceolate than the lower, the latter retaining more of their normal wedge-deltoid outline. Closely allied to this variety, in all probability, is that denominated var. lancifolia — by Morris,* and which would appear to have been refigured by Feistmantel + without remark, from another specimen. Now the plants from Petrie’s Quarry have the upper pinnules shaped like those of var. lancifolia, but with the lower ones as above described, and taking upon themselves the more exact outline of Z. odontopteroides. One or two are even slightly falcate. Loc. Rosewood, near Ipswich (The late Rev. J. LZ. T. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney) ; Petrie’s Quarry, near Brisbane (R. C. Ringrose). THINNFELDIA MEDIA, Ten. Woods ? Pl. 17, fig: 2, Pl. 18, fig. 10 (compare Pl. 17, £. 7): Obs. For description of the species, see under ‘“‘ Burrum Beds.”’ Loc. Rosewood, near Ipswich (Rev. J. H. TL. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney) ; Colinton, Upper Brisbane River, Pl. 18, fig. 10 (Hon. A. C. Gregory) ; Tivoli Coal Mine (@. Sweet—Colln. Sweet, Melbourne). Occurs also in the Burrum Beds. * Phys. Descrip. N. 8. Wales, &c., 1845, p. xvi., t. 6, f. 4 + Palaeontographica, Suppl. Bd. iii., 1878, Lief. 3, Heft 3, t. 15, f. 4, 370 Family—PECOPTERID. Genus—ALETHOPTERIS, Sternberg, 1826. (Flora der Vorwelt, Heft 4, p. xxi.) ALETHOPTERIS AUSTRALIS, Morris, sp., Pl. 16, fig. 1. Obs. For description of the species, see “ Burrum Beds.” Loc. New Chum, Bundanba, Ipswich Basin, fifty feet above the second seam (R. Archibald); Gray’s Seam, Ipswich (R. Archibald) ; Kileoy Range, above Creswick * (W. Souttar) ; Colinton, Upper Brisbane River, Pl. 16, fig. 1 (Hon. A. C. Gregory) ; six miles north of Esk, forty-six miles west-north-west of Ipswich (W. Souttar— Mining and Geol. Museum, Sydney); Rosewood, near Ipswich; Peak Mountain, Moreton District; and Fassifern (Zhe late Rev. J. HL. Tenison Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney); Stewart’s Creek, Stanwell (Zhe late James Smith). The plant bed at the last locality consists of a decomposed earthy ironstone, chiefly composed of Teniopteris and the pinnules of a Pecopteroid fern. Several of these have the precise venation of Alethopteris australis, and I think we must accept this as an additional locality for this species. Alethopteris australis occurs also in the Burrum Coal Measures. ALETHOPTERIS LinpLEYANA (Royle) Feistmantel, Pl. 17, figs. 3 and 4. Alethopteris Lindleyana Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, Suppl. Bd. iii., 1878, Lief 3, Heft 3, t. 18, f. 10. “0 Lindleyana, Feistmantel, Pal. Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1881, iii., Pt. 3, p. 80, t. 18a, f. 2 and 2a, t, 19a, £. 3 and 4, t. 23a, f. 11,'t. 39a, ft. 10.and 1, Obs. The small specimen figured (Pl. 17, figs. 3 and 4) .is believed both by Mr. Kidston and myself to be identical with Feistmantel’s representation of Alethopteris LIindleyana, Royle; at any rate it is indistinguishable from his earlier figure. Further- more, there is a considerable general resemblance to Tenison Woods’ representation of Merianopteris major, Feistmantel, but in the specimens before me the basal secondary veins do not diverge from the primary vein or midrib in any way different from that usually met with in Alethopteris, and certainly not possessing the outward sweep charac- teristic of Merianopteris. It naturally follows that in many Alethopteroid ferns there must be a greater or less resemblance to the vein-arrangement of Merianopteris. The resemblance will much depend on the degree to which the pinnulesare incised, or cut up. In some cases, and even in the same specimens, the pinnules may be divided almost to the pinna rachis, leaving only so much of their surface confluent as to constitute one of the generic characters. This is apparent in the above figure. When, however, the division between the pinnules is only marginal, or but partial, some of the basal veinlets of contiguous lobes appear in apposition, and in such cases the fern is likely to be mistaken for a Merianopteris. Such an appearance is, in reality, widely different from the structure represented in Feistmantel’s figures of JZ. majort+ where the two lower veinlets on each side a pinnule are arched outwards, and in an otherwise clear space devoid of veins, the latter being crowded together towards the apices.. Loe. Redbank, near Mount Esk, Brisbane River, north of Laidley (W. Souttar). * Determined by Mr. R. Kidston. + Pal, Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1881, iii., Pt. 3, t. 19a, f. 9-11. 7. 871 Family—GLEICHENIACES, Genus—GLEICHENTA, Smith, 1791. (Mém,. Acad, Turin, v., p. 418. GLEICHENIA LINEATA, Zen. Woods. Gleichenia lineata, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, p. 180, t. 3, f. 6, t. 8, f. 2. Sp. Char. Frond small, coriaceous, with a strong thick rachis, dichotomously divided, pinnate, bi-pinnate. Pinnules entire, linear, attached by almost the whole of the base, but slightly contracted at the lower portion, somewhat distant, not decurrent. Upper edge convex; lower slightly concavé, but in a few pinnules divided into deep rounded lobes, apex acute, emerging from the rachis at an angle of about 35°, veins not prominent, coste not forking, and quite persistent to the apex, not very visible in any of the specimens, but apparently grouped and numerous, emerging at an acute angle, and bifurcating ; there appear to be two venules emerging at the very base of the pinnule. Rachis conspicuously marked with a single deep, dark, median groove. (Zen. Woods.) Obs. This is said to be closely allied to the recent Gletchenia flabellata, R. Brown, common to the east coast of Australia. The Author thinks that perhaps the deep rounded lobes may be a monstrosity. I have not met with the species in my Colleague’s gatherings. Loc. Rosewood, near Ipswich (The late Rev. J. H, T. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney). Family—TANIOPTERIDA. Genus—TAANIOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1828.* (Prod. Hist. Vég. Foss., p. 61.) TmNIOPTERIS (P ANGIOPTERIDIUM) DatnrrReEeEr, McCoy. Teniopteris Daintree’, McCoy, Trans. R. Soc. Vict., 1860, v., pp. 196 and 215. re McCoy, Geol. Survey Vict., Dec. ii., 1875, p. 15, t. 14, f. 1 and 2, Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1878, Suppl. Bd. iii., Lief. 3, Heft 3, p, 110, t. 14, f. 2and 3; Ibid. 1879, Heft. 4, p. 169, t. 12, f. 5. ‘S Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, p. 117. Sp. Char. Frond very long, narrow, strap-shaped, elongately lingual, petiolate, straight, slightly curved, or rather flexuous, parallel-sided, or the margins undulating, or gently sinuous in places, with an average width of five-sixteenths of an inch. Apex rounded, acute, or emarginate. Petiole strong, striated, and naked. Midrib, or costa, thick, striated longitudinally, retaining its size throughout the length of the frond; veins distant or close, simple, or bifureate, generally at right angles to the midrib, but at times slightly oblique, without curve, dichotomisation taking place near the midrib, or at a variable distance between it and the margin. Obs. Ihave been, for some time past, accumulating material, with the view of assisting in the identification of some fragmentary Tniopterid remains from Queens- land. YL. Daintreei was first recognised as a Northern form by Dr. O. Feistmantel, from the Talgai Diggings. I have been favoured from time to time with a Teniopteris from Stewart’s Creek, near Stanwell, where the matrix is almost wholly composed of fragments, by my Colleague; from the Peak Mountain, Moreton District, by the late Rev. J. E. T. Woods; and from Starfield, near Mount Morgan, by Mr..A. J. Vogan. In New South Wales, Z. Daintreei was first recognised in the 3? * Restricted, Schimper, Traité Pal, Vég., 1869, i., p. 600. 372 Clarence Series of Grafton by Mr, E. F. Pittman,* and we now possess a very excellent series of Teniopteris from the Mesozoic Beds of the Talbragar River District.t More recently the late Mr. C. 8S. Wilkinson collected a series of specimens at Mylne’s Gap, about twenty-five miles north-west of Grafton. The identity of the Talbragar River specimens with the typical 7. Daintreei in the National Museum, Melbourne, has been obligingly confirmed by Prof. McCoy, to whom specimens were sent. The determination of the united Queensland and Clarence River examples has given me a great deal of trouble, from their fragmentary condition, and variability of characters. Notwithstanding the opinion of Pro? McCoy, to whom specimens were also sent, that these “ are specifically distinct from 7. Daintreei,” I have provisionally united these leaves with that species for the following pore ieee an similarity in the growth and form of the frond ; (6) identity in the nature of the venation in all but one point ; and (c) absence of other negative characters. The frond of Z. Daintreei attained some size, one specimen from the Talbragar River measuring seven inches in length (and then not perfect) by eight-sixteenths of an inch wide. Prof. McCoy states that he had never seen a specimen of this fern more than about four lines wide, but, as individual fronds reached as much as four inches long, it must “ have been of a singularly narrow, long, linear shape.’ It most resembles the English Oolitic 7. vittata, Phill., but is smaller, very much narrower, and thicker than the latter. All seen by me are separate and detached leaves, no trace of a pinnate arrangement having presented itself, but the general resemblance to those species possessing this character, and for which Schimper proposed the genus Angiopteridium, is so strong, that one is insensibly led to refer the present species to it. The petiole was long and strong, the frond insensibly expanding in width upwards from it, describing either a straight, curved, or flexuose course. In the majority of instances the margin is entire, and the frond in consequence parallel-sided, but examples are before me in which the edges are irregularly emarginate, producing at times almost fantastic outlines. In specimens from the Talbragar River the apices are either rounded or acute, generally the former; but in Queensland examples the rounded apices are sometimes emarginate centrally. These blunt’ rounded apices are precisely similar to Oldham and Morris’s, fig. 5,f and to that of Nathorst’s 7. (Olean- dridium) obtusa.§ The direction of the veins in the Talbragar examples, on passing from the midrib is, as described by McCoy, at right angles, but here and there a specimen is met with in which the veins break from the midrib at a decided angle. The bifurcation of the veins into venules is very variable, and does not seem to follow any general rule. It may take place close to the midrib, halfway between the latter and the margin of the frond, or near the last-named. Whether we take the Clarence River or Queensland specimens, the form and proportions of the fronds are the same, and the venation and its bifureation are of a similar character, but here there is great variation in the angle of divergence of the veins from the midrib. These discrepancies, however, are all to be seen on one and the same specimen. Thus: some veins are quite at right angles, as in a typical 7. Daintreei from Victoria, and the Talbragar River examples; others, a few lines away, are inclined upwards ; * Ann. Report Dept. Mines N. 8. Wales for 1879 [1880], p. 227. + Ann. Report Dept. Mines N. 8. Wales, for 1889 [1890], p. 287. t Pal. Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1863, i., Pt. 1, fase. 5, t. 6. § Flor. Skones Kolforande Bilningar, i., "1878, Haft 1, t. 8, f. 10 and 13 (Sveriges Geol. Undersbniee Ser, C., No, 27). 373 and again, here and there, a little downwards. From these facts I am inclined to regard such differences simply as the result of pressure or fossilisation, and, in the absence of other negative evidence, to look upon the whole as one variable species. On the other hand, if, following the valued opinion of Prof. McCoy, we regard the Queensland and Clarence River Zeniopteris as distinct from the Talbragar and Vic- torian form, the former can hardly be separated from Angiopteridium spathulatum, McClelland,* a plant possessing fronds of similar size to ours, and a similar variability of venation. Indeed Dr. O. Feistmantel has already remarked on the similarity of this plant to 7. Daintreet. If future researches should warrant a separation of these various fronds into two species, the only possible characters upon which such a division can be made are the somewhat thicker midrib, and slightly wider-apart venation, characters which are most strongly marked in the examples from Peak - Mountain, Moreton District. But here, again, we are met by the Clarence River fronds, which are intermediate between this condition and that of the Talbragar and Victorian forms. With the above exception, the contiguity of the veins to one another in the Queensland examples is fairly constant, there being three veins in the space of one millimetre, as a general rule. Most of the specimens are fragments, but one or two examples observed measure three and a-half and five inches in length. The breadth varies, of course, according to the part of the frond measured, but basal portions have been found to be as much as thirteen millimetres wide, whilst higher parts of the frond are five in breadth, and at the apices immediately below the tip about three millimetres. The distal ends or apices of the Queensland fronds are very rare, but in two instances observed the terminations taper very gradually to pointed apices, but without being acute. As in 2. Daintreei, so here, some of the veins bifurcate, others do not; when division takes place it is either immediately at the midrib or at about half the distance between it and the margin. In some few cases bifurcation is almost marginal. The whole of our specimens oscillate between ZL. (Angiopteridium) Daintreei, McCoy, and 7. spathulata, McClelland, with very strong affinity to the latter, and it even becomes a question if the species be not identical. Speaking of these ferns, Feistmantel remarks: ‘“ Of foreign forms the Australian Zenopteris Daintreeit, McCoy, can, to a certain extent, be compared with this Indian form; but the veins in the former seem to be still straighter and are thicker than in our species.” + The latter part of this sentence exactly expresses the difference which exists between the Queensland fossils and McCoy’s species, as well as between the latter and the Indian plant. It will not, however, surprise me if these species have to be united ; if not, most of the Queensland fronds will have to be referred to A. spathulatum, McClelland. Loc. Talgai Diggings, Condamine River (Dr. O. Feistmantel—Mining and Geol. Museum, Sydney); Stewart’s Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton (R. L. Jack); Rosewood, near Ipswich (Hon. A. C. Gregory); Starfield, near Mount Morgan (4. J. Vogan—Mining and Geol. Museum, Sydney); Peak Mountain, Moreton District (The late Rev. J. H. T. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney). T. Daintreei occurs also in the Styx Coal Field (Burrum Formation). * Oldham and Morris, Pal. Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1863, i., Pt. 1, fas. 6, p. 34, t. 6, f. 1-73 Feistmantel, Jbid., Pt. 2, 1877, p. 96. t+ Pal. Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1879, i., Pt. 4, p. 207 374 TxNroprenrts (P ANGIOPTERIDIUM) CarruruERs!, Ten. Woods. Tewiopteris Daintreet, Carruthers, Quart. Journ, Geol. Soc., 1872, xxvili., p. 355, t. 27, f. 6. ” 7 Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1878, Suppl. Bd., iii., Lief. 3, Heft 3, t. 14, f. 4 (excl. figs. 2 and 38). ny} Carrutherst, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1883, viil., Pt. 1, p. 117, Sp. Ohar. Frond simple (?), broad-linear, cost somewhat thick, veins leaving it at an acute angle, then passing out at right angles to the margin, once or twice dichotomously divided. (Zen. Woods.) Obs. This isa larger plant than the original 7. Daintreei of McCoy, and the general form is different. The veins, instead of leaving the midrib direct at right angles, as in the case of the species named, pass from it at first obliquely, and then assume a similar course to the former. These points were used by the Rev. J. E. T. Woods for the separation of this plant from 7. Daintreei, McCoy. It is, however, but due to Prof. Sir F. McCoy to state that he appears to have been the first to point out * the difference between the two species, an opinion in which he was supported on three separate occasions by Dr. Feistmantel.t I point this out because the Rev. Mr. Woods appears to have ascribed this matter to the latter observer, although it1s of course possible that Dr. Feistmantel may have independently arrived at sucha conclusion. The great width of the frond, and the comparatively narrow midrib are striking features in this species, and should, with the venation, always serve to distinguish it. It should be distinctly borne in mind that veins leave the midrib at an acute angle, and then inmediately proceed towards the margins horizontally, or at right angles, like those of 7. Daintreei. At least this is Mr. Woods’ statement, but I would observe that in Mr. Carruthers’ figure the veins do not diverge at aright angle after leaving the midrib, but. at one rather more acute than this, although less than that by oie they at first issue from the midrib. Teoniopteris Carruthersi is remarkably like Angiopteridium Maclellandi, Old. and Morris, and seems only to possess a wider frond and thicker midrib. The Geological Survey Collection contains a single leaflet from the Stewart's Creek Beds which partakes in part of the characters of both the species, and I am quite at a lossto which to refer it. The specimen possesses the form of 7. Carruthersi, and the more numerous and widely diverging veins of dA. Macclellandi, but I have provisionally referred it to the former, In Pl. 16, fig. 4, we have a large Teniopteris, at present undetermined, and unfortunately a single specimen. The veins have been drawn as anastomosing, but in reality this is not the case, they simply fork. The leaflet is too large, and the veins too close together for A. spathulatum, neither does it correspond with Z. Carru- therst. Mr. Kidston suggested a reference to A. Jfacclellandi, relying on Zeiller’s figure of the plant from Tonkin,§ but this does not correspond with the original illustration of Oldham and Morris. The specimen must for the present remain unnamed. Loc. Tivoli Coal Mine, Ipswich (The late R. Daintree)—Redbank, near Mount Esk, Brisbane River, north of Laidley, Pl. 16, fig. 4 (W. Souttar). See also under Stewart’s Creek Beds, Rockhampton. * Geol. Surv. Vict., Dec. ii., 1875, p. 16. + Pal. Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1879, i., fas. 4, p. 207; Journ. R. Soc. N. S. Wales for 1880 [1881]., p. 114; Palaeontographica, loc. cit., Heft 3, p. 110. t Pal. Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1863, Pt. 1, fas. 5, p. 33, t. 23. § Ann. des Mines, 1882, ii., t. 10, f. 5. 375 Genus—ANGIOPTERIDIUM, Schimper, 1869. (Traité Pal. Vég., i., p. 602.) ANGIOPTERIDIUM, sp. ind. ‘Angiopteridium ensis, Ten. Woods (non Oldham and Morris), Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, p. 119. . Obs. The fossil identified by the late Rey. J. E. Tenison Woods with the above species does not appear to accord either with the description or figure of Messrs. Oldham and Morris. In the first place, the Rev. Author’s diagnosis and remarks (the first two paragraphs of his observations on this species), which are presumedly made on his Australian specimens, are, with one or two trivial alterations, copied verbatim from Oldham and Morris, and do not apply in the least degree to the latter. The original specimens, now in the Macleay Museum, at the Sydney University, were obligingly lent to me by the late Prof. William J. Stephens. The fronds are long and narrow, nearly three inches, and that without being perfect, ribbon-like, or linear-lingual, hardly tapering, and parallel-sided. The midrib is wide and flattened. The veins are very distinct, wide apart, very oblique to the mid- rib, and very little curved, being almost straight. They bifurcate at about one-third from the midrib. The veins do not fork particularly near the margin, and the latter is not in any way serrated ; the former, measured along the margin, are about one millimetre apart. The outline of the frond is much more that of Angiopteridium spathulatum, but the venation is wholly different. I have not succeeded in identifying this fern with the limited bibliography at my command, but in the event of its being undescribed I propose to name it A. Tenison- Woodst. Loe. Rosewood, near Ipswich (The late Rev. J. EH. 7. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney). Genus—PHYLLOPTERIS, Saporta, 1873. (Pal. Frang., Plantes Jurassiques, i., p. 448.) Paytiorrerts FEIStMANTELI, sp. nov. Sp. Char. Frond, or leaflet, oval, or broadly lanceolate, slightly petiolate ; mid- rib very distinct, evanescing towards the apex of the leaflet, but tapering very slowly ; veins springing outwards from the midrib at a very acute angle, then gracefully curving outwards to the margin, fine, once or twice furcate. Obs. The form of the leaflet appears to be constant and characteristic, those from Queensland and South Australia agreeing closely. The veins bifurcate first near the midrib, and either proceed in this form to the margin, or again divide at about half the distance between the latter and the midrib. Near the apex the midrib evanesces into a few distributed veins. Phyllopteris Feistmanteli is very distinct from Saporta’s type, P. plumula,* both in the form of the leaflet, and from the many times dichoto- mising veins of the latter. The species is named in honour of the late Dr. Ottokar Feistmantel, formerly Palzontologist to the Geological Survey of India. At first sight, and when superficially examined, the frond might be taken for a Glossopteris ; in fact, I had them sent to me by Collectors from Queensland as such. The venation of Glossopteris is of the well-known reticulate type, that of Phyllopteris is simply furcate; the one being a member of the family Dictyoteniopteride, the other of the Tniopteride. * Pal. Frang., Plantes Jurassiques, 1873, i., p. 450, t, 63, f. 6. 376 The genus Phyllopteris is an old one of Brongniart’s resuscitated by Count Saporta * for a plant from the Ammonites angulatus zone of the Infra-Lias of the Moselle, France. The portions of fronds from the localities below so thoroughly corres- pond with the structure of Phyllopteris, as described by Saporta, that I have adopted it in the sense of the latter. The relation of Phyllopteris to other Terrontereee is a very close one, especially those with obliquely curved veins, such as Angiopteridium. In the absence of fructi- fication, or the system of branching, it is somewhat difficult to indicate the difference in words, but the fronds in question certainly do not possess the strap-shaped outlines of many Teniopteris, nor the more or less flabellate appearance of Macroteniopteris, but approach nearest to the first-named genus Angiopteridium. As, however, the full frond in the latter genus is known to be pinnate with marginal sori, and as nothing whatever is known of these characters in the Queensland and South Australian plant, it will be better for the present to retain it in Phyllopteris. Loe. Stewart's Creek, Stanwell, near Rockhampton (#. ZL. Jack); Styx River Coal Shaft, Styx River, Broadsound (The late James Smith). I have also received this plant, through the good offices of Mr. H. Y. Lyell Brown, Government Geologist of South Australia, from Cooper’s Creek, Central Australia, about one hundred miles due north of the Leigh’s Creek Bore. Genus—MACROTHANIOPTERIS, Schimper, 1869. (Traité Pal. Vég., i., p. 610.) MAcRoTHNIOPTERIS WIANAMATTH, Heistmantel. Macroteniopteris wianamatte, Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, Suppl. Bd. iii., 1878, Lief. 3, Heft 3, p. 107, to 13, fe, aa =r Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, p. 118, t. 10a. Sp. Char. Frond elongately obovate, simple; base attenuate; apex?; midrib thick, grooved, or striated; veins emerging at angle of 20°-25° close, near the midrib from six to eight-tenths of a millimetre apart, slender, dichotomous towards the margin. (Zen. Woods.) Obs. The late Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods recorded this fern from Ipswich, but added that the dichotomy of the veins is near the rachis, and suggested that in consequence it might be a new species. The presumption is, of course, that the veins divide nearer the midrib than do those in Feistmantel’s type, but on consulting the latter’s figure, it will be noticed that subdivision takes places at various distances between the margin and the midrib. This separation will hardly, therefore, hold good. Loc. Ipswich (Lhe late Rev. J. H. Tenison Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney). MAcROTANIOPTERIS CRASSINERVIS, Heistmantel ? Pl. 16, fig. 5 Macroteniopteris crassinervis, Feistmantel, Pal, Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1877, i, Pt. 2, p. 102, t. 38, £. 1-3. Sp. Char. Frond very large, single, strong, thick, and coriaceous, broad, elongately obovate; margins plain; apex obtusely rounded, not re-entrant; midrib distinct, but not wide for the size of the frond, vertically ridged; veins, except near the apex, diverging at a right angle, or nearly so, very strong; distant from one to one and a-half millimetres apart, very regular and direct in their course, simple or forked; dichotomisation at irregular intervals, but always dividing close to the midrib. Obs. I have ventured to refer this noble frond to Feistmantel’s Macroteniopteris “rassinervis, from its coarse nervation, and the uniform manner in which the veins re nie gk tal Wd tc ad le pe eee. ee a * Pal. Frang,,-Plantes Jurassiques, 1878, i., p. 448. 377 divide close to the midrib. The Author remarks of his species—‘ The chief character, however, lies in the secondary veins; they were not numerous, and somewhat distant from each other, showing regular intervals.” The number, of course, depends upon the size of the frond, but otherwise these remarks quite coincide with the characters of our frond. I am unable to make a closer comparison than with the above species, but Feistmantel remarks that JL crassinervis “was of no very large size.” Herein lies a marked departure from our fern, and may perhaps constitute a difference, in which case I should feel disposed to regard this as undescribed, at any rate so far as Australian species are concerned. As preserved, the frond is fifteen inches in length, and, if perfect, would measure fully five in breadth. Want of space does not enable me to figure this fine fossil, but the apical portion of a second specimen on the same slab of stone is given (Pl. 16, fig. 5). As regards size, the only species with which it is in my power to compare it is MM. lata, O. and M.,* but here the frond is very delicate, and the veins fine and close, producing a far more tender leaf than that under consideration. The veins in the Australian specimen are fully one millimetre apart, and frequently one and a-half. Their regularity is a very marked feature, and the angle of divergence is usually a right angle, or but very slightly removed from it. No rule seems to exist as to the order of subdivision of the veins, but when they are dichotomous the split always takes place in close contiguity to the midrib. It is only towards the apex that the divergence assumes another angle, and then it is much more acute. The apex of the frond is shown in a second specimen, about six inches long, on the same slab. It is obtuse, but at the termination of the midrib sub-mucronate. Two and a-half inches from the apex the width of the frond is three inches. Loc. Wycarbah, near Rockhampton (Zhe late James Smith). MacroreNoPreris, sp. Obs. A portion of a frond which was originally at least four inches wide, generally resembles that of IZ. wianamatte, Feistm. On emerging from the midrib, or costa, the veins are strong and about one thirty-second of an inch apart, but after bifurcation they become exceedingly fine and close together. The subdivision takes place near the rachis, and in this it differs from the species above named, in which bifurcation is much nearer the margin of the pinnule. The late Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods remarked, when speaking of IZ. wianamatte, ‘‘I have some similar specimens near Ipswich, but the dichotomy of the veins is near the rachis, and it may be a distinct species.’’ I take it that the present fossil is a similar one to that mentioned by the Reverend Author, and if 1t should prove distinct, as I anticipate it will, it may be known as DMacroteniopteris Woodst. An early opportunity will be taken to figure this interesting plant. Loc. Tivoli Coal Mine, Ipswich (G. Sweet—Colln. Sweet, Melbourne). Genus—SAGHNOPTERIS, Presl. (Sternberg’s Flora der Vorwelt, ii.+) SAGENOPTERIS RHOIFOLIA (Presl.), Keistmantel. Sagenopteris rhoifolia (Presl.) Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1879, Suppl. Bd. iii., Lief. 3 Heft 4, p. 170, t. 30, f. 1-4 and 7. A ¥ Ton. Woods, Proc. Linn, Soc. N. S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. i., p. 128, t. 9, f. 4. Sp. Char. Frond very variable both as to shape and size; pinne narrow at the base, articulate, spathulate, obovate, or oblong-acuminate, rarely oblong-lanceolate or * Pal. Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1863, i., Pt. 1, fas. 6, t. 1, t. 2, f.1,t.4, land 2, t. 5, &. + Fide Schimper, Traité Pal. Vég., i, p G41. 378 subrotundate, inequilateral, very rarely subsymmetrical, the middle leaves larger than the lateral ones, and quite entire. Ordinary length about thirty-two millimetres, with a diameter of sixteen millimetres. The internal margins of the lateral fronds somewhat expanded, furnished here and there with a broad indistinct dental lobe. (Zen. Woods.) Obs. I have examined the type specimens used by the late Rev. J. HE. T. Woods, which are very beautifully and distinctly preserved in the ferruginous rock of the Darling Downs deposit. Some specimens in the Australian Museum measure as much as three and three-quarter inches in length. Dr. Feistmantel records this species from the Talgai Diggings, but Mr. Woods says, ‘ All Australian specimens are from the Upper or Mesozoic Coal Basins of Ipswich, Queensland, and Jerusalem, Tasmania.” . Loc. Talgai Diggings, Condamine River (Dr. O. Feistmantel—Mining and Geol. Museum, Sydney) ; Darling Downs, near Toowoomba (The late Rev. J. H. F. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney). SAGENOPTERIS P CUNEATA, Carruthers, sp. Cyclopteris cuneata, Carruthers, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxvili., p. 355, t. 27, f. 5. ;; *- Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1888, viii., Pt. 1, p. 109. Sp. Char. Pinne entire, generally large, cuneate-triangular, narrowed towards the base, and more or less petiolate-like, and the distal margin obliquely rounded, veins delicate, but distinct and very regular, about one-thirty-secondth of an inch apart, once or twice dichotomously divided, sometimes anastomosing at intervals, and then forming a long narrow oval mesh; no trace of a costa or midrib. Obs. Both Dr. Feistmantel and the late Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods were inclined to the belief that the original figure represented but a fragment of a pinna. This, and the anastomosis of the veins, described by Mr. Carruthers, led both Authors to doubt the reference to Cyclopteris, Mr. Woods remarking that “ some fragments of Sagenopteris may resemble it.’”’ Mr. George Sweet has obtained a specimen from Tivoli, with a distinctly cuneate- triangular outline, and perfect. Mr. Carruthers describes the veins as ‘“ sometimes anastomosing once in their length near the middle of the pinnex,” but Mr. Sweet’s specimen clearly shows that it took place more frequently than this, and, when present, divided the leaf into an imperfect oval network. I have provisionally placed the species in Sagenopteris, although it does not conform strictly to the characters of that genus. It need not in any way be mistaken for a Glossopteris, the outward curve of the veins, the absence of a midrib, and the paucity of the vein-reticulation quite separating S. ? cuneata from that genus. Loc. Tivoli Coal Mine (The late R. Daintree; G. Sweet—Colln. Sweet, Melbourne). Family—DICTYOPTERID”. Genus—PHLEBOPTERIS, Brongniart,* 1828. (Prod. Hist. Vég. Foss., p. 30.) PHLEBOPTERIS ALETHOPTEROIDES, Etheridge fil. Phlebopteris alethopteroides, Etheridge fil., Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8S, Wales, 1888, iii., Pt, 3, p. 1806, t. 38 f, land 2; Ibid., 1889, iv., Pt. 3, p. 625. Sp. Char. Pinne large, probably elongate. Rachis strong, moderately thick or wide, and longitudinally grooved and ridged. Pinnules lingual, strap-shaped, narrow, * Emend. Schimper, Traité Pal. Vég., 1869, i., p. 624. 379 very long, parallel-sided, alternate, sub-alternate or opposite, very regular in appearance, and equidistant, markedly confluent. Midrib strong, tapering gradually, and extending to the apices of the pinnules; reticulation small, consisting of elongate, rather irregular scale-like vesicles; veins almost at right angles to the midrib, bifurcating immediately after leaving the reticulation. Obs. Amongst a collection of plants in the Australian Museum, from the Tpswich Coal Measures on the Dariing Downs, near Toowoomba, I observed some fairly good specimens of what appeared to be Alethopteris ; but the narrow elongate pinnules, springing horizontally from the rachis, did not allow the plant in question to fit happily into that genus. Close examination of the better-preserved examples, revealed a small and very delicate reticulation, consisting of small, elongate, and irregular vesicles, if I may call them so, lying close to the midrib of each pinnule. The appearance presented by this reticulation is very well shown in Schimper’s figure of Phlebopteris affinis, Schenk.* Portions of this fern, which I have called Phlebopteris alethopteroides, are as much as seven inches in length, so that the pinne must have attained a no mean size. Individual pinnules, although imperfect, still measure two and a-half inches in length, their breadth, which is very disproportionate to the length, remaining very uniform. The greatest width I have observed a pinna to attain, and that again imperfect, was four and a-quarter inches. The pinnules are, on an average, from a quarter of an inch to five-sixteenths wide, and are separated from one another by interspaces of about a quarter their width. A good deai of irregularity exists in the manner in which the midribs of the pinnules are given off from opposite sides of the rachis. Some are opposite, others are regularly alternate, many are sub-alternate, and others are even intermediate between these positions. The veins are very regular, and given off at an angle which slightly varies from a right angle with the midrib, to one more acute. They bifurcate shortly after leaving the reticulation, and proceed direct to the margin. Along the rachis, on the confluent portions of the pinnules, the veins are longer and much wider apart. The rachis is always broad and well marked, being rigid and fluted ; and it may not be uninteresting to note a segmentation of the stem in some of the specimens, and always at the base of the pinnules, but arising only from fracture. The regularity and stoutness of the rachis and pinnules give to this fern, especially when not too well preserved, almost the aspect of a Cycad. In the form of the network on each side the midrib, our species is much like the figure of P. contigua, L. and H., given by Lyell + under the name of Hemitelites Brownti, Gopp. The fructification is shown on aspecimenin the Mining and Geological Museum, Sydney, the position of the sori being similar to that of Brongniart’s P. polypodioides— viz., at the ends of short nervules which do not reach the margin of the pinnules. The fructification in its present state is stellate and occupies a large portion of the pinnule surface, and in its minute structure much resembles that of P. Schowvit, Brong. It would seem that the indusium had in each case burst, leaving the interior of the sori exposed, in which case the sporangia are represented by the small radiating sub- divisions. Loe. Darling Downs, near Toowoomba (The late C. H. Hartmann—Australian Museum, Sydney). * Loc. ct. “Atlas, t. 39; fig. 15: + Student’s Elements of Geology, 2nd Edition, 1874, p. 337, f. 357. 380 Section—PHANEROGAMIA. Class—DICcOTYLEDONES. Order—CYCADACEE. Family—ZAMIEZ, Genus—PODOZAMITES, F. Braun. (Miinster’s Petrefactenkunde, vi., p. 36.*) PoDOZAMITES LANCEOLATUS, Lindley and Hutton ? Zamia lanecolata, L. and H., Fossil Flora, 1837, iii., t. 194. Podozamites lanceolatus, Teisumentel Pal. Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1877, ii., Pt. 2, p. 11 (91), ae eaves © t. 4, f. 1-10. + a Ten. Woode: Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. i., p. 145. Sp. Char. Leaves remote, deciduous, entire, narrowed at base, lanceolate, acuminate at the apex; nerves many, forked just above the base, then simple, and converging to the apex, parallel, from eight to twelve in a leaf. Leaves from forty-five to one hundred millimetres in length, and from two to twelve in breadth, according as the leaf is ovate or lanceolate, (Ten. Woods.) Obs. The above is the late Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods’ description of the Australian plant. The determination is open to some doubt, as the Reverend Author seems to have hesitated between P. lanceolatus aud Zeugophyllites elongatus, Morris. Denuding his remarks of quotations from other Authors, he says: ‘‘ Both these varieties (¢.e., the Indian) occur abundantly in the Ipswich Basin, one specimen showing how the leaves were affixed to the parent stem, and, though the fragment is imperfect, it shows precisely the growth figured by Schimper . . . . . . This plant may have been the same as Zeugophyllites australis, Morr. It must be remembered that the latter genus was established by Brongniart for a plant ‘with leaflets such as these, but in pairs.” Loc. Ipswich Basin (The late Rev. J. H. T. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney). Popozamitss, sp., Pl. 18, fig. 5 Obs. Leaflets somewhat similar to those described from “ Burrum, above the Bridge Seam—Hon. W. Walsh”’ (Pl. 18, fig. 4), are presented in this specimen, but larger and displaced with respect to one another. The venation is stronger than in the previous form, and the apices blunter, although that of the larger pinnule does not represent a true margin, but a fractured edge. There are about eight veins in the space of half aninch. This approaches nearest to Podozamites Zeillerianus, Zigno,} an Italian species, both in size and nature of the venation, except that in our plant the veins occasionally bifurcate, whilst in the former they are simple. Similar broad pinnules are figured by Schenk, in Richthofen’s “ China,” as Podozamites lanceolatus, var. latifolia. Here,t on the whole, they appear much more finely veined than our Pl. 18, fig. 5, but some have acute apices, as in Pl. 18, fig. 4. The questionable occurrence of Zeugophyllites in Queensland rocks has already been referred to under Podozamites lanceolatus. From Mount Esk some long and fragmentary striated and simple leaves have come under notice, which Mr. R. * Fide Zigno, Flora Foss. Formationis Ool., Vol. ii., p. 118. + Zigno, Flora Foss. Formationis Ool., ii., p. 180, t. 41, f. 1-6. t Beitrage zur Palaontologie von China, 18838, Bd. iv., t. 49, f. 5, t. 50, f. 4, t. 51, f. 6. 381 Kidston suggested might be those of Zeugophyllites. They are certainly like those of Z. eagapus. Morris, but it seems to me that their length is too great in proportion to their width, and the aces too parallel for a leaf possessing the somewhat tapering outline of the species named. ‘The leaves are striated faintly, and associated with Thinnfeldia odontopteroides, and Teniopteris. These leaves are, I think, much more likely to be those of Podozamites, leaving out of question the relation of the latter and Zeugophyllites. Loc. Redbank, near Mount Esk, Brisbane River, north of Laidley (W. Souttar). See remarks on the specimen, Pl. 18, fig. 4, under the head “ Burrum.” Genus—OTOZAMITES, F. Braun. (Miinster’s Petrefactenkunde, vi., p. 36.) OTOZAMITES MANDESLOHI, Awrr. Otozamites (comp. Mandeslohi, Kurr), Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1879, Suppl. Bd. iii., Lief 3, Heft 4, De lily t. boot. AE Mandeslohi, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, p. 151. Sp. Char. Leaves long linear, gradually narrowed towards the apex, twenty- five millimetres wide, leaflets densely crowded, oblique, alternating, inserted on the rachis with contiguous bases, ovate, oblong, obtuse, base subcordate, fourteen millimetres long, eight broad; nerves close, diverging. (Zen. Woods.) Obs. The Australian plant is believed by Dr. Feistmantel to be identical with that from the Lias of Wurtemberg. Loe. Talgai Diggings, Condamine River (Dr. O. Feistmantel—Mining and Geol. Museum, Sydney); Darling Downs, near Toowoomba (The late Rev. J. HE. T. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney; Lhe late OC. H. Hartmann—Aus- tralian Museum, Sydney). Genus—PTEROPHYLLUM, Brongniart, 1828. (Prod. Hist. Vég. Foss, p. 95.) PTEROPHYLLUM ABNORME, sp. nov., Pl. 17, fig. 5 and 6. Sp. Char. Pinne probably long and narrow; pinnules small, narrow, quite parallel-sided, alternate, or sub-alternate, decurrent, attached by their whole bases, generally distinct from one another, but sometimes slightly confluent, not constricted at the base; apices broadly rounded and not in any way acuminated ; veins distinct, about ten at the basal end of pinnules, each bifurcating at about half the length of the leaflet, direct, not converging towards the apex; rachis not very broad, distinct, and longitudinally striate. Obs. A few examples of this plant have come under my notice, but all presenting similar characters. Strictly speaking, the dichotomy of the veins would remove the species from Pterophyllum, where they are always described as simple. On the other hand, in those genera in which the simplicity of the venation is lost, the pinnules are either inserted on the rachis by a callosity, as in Zamites ; with an articulated base, as in Otozamites; by an attenuated and articulated base like Podozamites ; or partially united, as in Ptilophyllwm. Inthe present case the pinnules are most certainly decurrent, and for that reason I prefer to provisionally retain the plant in Pterophyllwm. In the form of the pinnules and their separation from one another, there is a general resemblance to Pteroph yllum Falconerianum, Morris,* but the fronds of this species are larger, and the veins simple. Loe. Redbank, near Mount Esk, Brisbane River, north of Laidley (W. ay * Pal, Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1863, i, Pt. 1, fas, 3, t, 14, f. 1. 382 PrEROPHYLLUM, sp. ind., Pl. 16, fig. 8. Sp. Char. Form of frond unknown. Rachis moderately broad, longitudinally wrinkled. Pinnules long, transversely elongated, parallel-sided, apices unknown, expand- ing slightly towards the base of attachment, in one instance almost confluent, alternate, but moderately contiguous to one another. Veins strong, well-marked, apparently about twenty. Obs. A single example, and that fragmentary, does not permit of a species being established, although, so far as Queensland is concerned, there is no doubt this is quite new. It appears to partake of the character of P. Falconerianum, Morris.* This is not unlike some forms of Zamites, but, although one or two of the bases of the pinnules appear a little thickened, I do not see any trace of a callosity in the sense as applied to that genus. Loc. Colinton, Upper Brisbane River (Hon. A. C. Gregory). Genus—PTILOPHYLILUM, Morris, 1840. (Trans. Geol. Soc., 1840, v.) PriLOPHYLLUM OLIGONEURUM, Ten. Woods. PI 18) fie. and 2 PEO. pees, Ptilophyllum oligonewrum, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1883, viii., Pb. 1, p. 149, t. 7, f. 2-4. Sp. Char. Frond pinnate, long linear, gradually tapering to the apex; pinne rather long, narrow, slightly oblique, alternate, separate, but very close, rounded and curved, somewhat falcate, ending in quite an acute apex at the upper edge, base rounder or auriculate above, obliquely inserted, leaving when detached a series of oblique, alternate, elongate depressions on the rachis; veins distinct from their origin, and parallel to the apex, from four to six in number, all well marked and conspicuous. Length of longest pinne twelve to fifteen millimetres, breadth one and a-half to two millimetres. (Ten. Woods.) Obs. “Thespecies . . . . partakes of anintermediate character. It has the acute leaflets of P. acutifoliwm and the small size of P. cutchense, and furthermore is distinguished from both by its few, simple parallel veins.” , I much question the distinctness of this plant from some varieties of P. acuti- Solium, Morris,t to which in fact Mr. Kidston had referred our specimens. Loc. Rosewood, near Rockhampton (The late Rev. J. H. T. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney); Wycarbah, near Rockhampton (2. L. Jack, and the late James Smith). Order—CONIFERE. Obs. The following epitome of our knowledge of Australian Fossil Conifers is quoted from the late Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods’ Memoir:—‘ We have abundant evidence of the existence of Conifers in Australia, in almost all our plant beds except the very earliest coal formations.{ This is necessary to bear in mind, because Morris, in Strzelecki’s Work already referred to, lays stress upon the absence of such woods from the New South Wales specimens. Wood, leaves, and scales of conifers are mentioned by Dana. Many specimens of coniferous wood are reported to occur in the Lower * Pal. Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1863, i, Pt. 1., fas. 3, t. 16, f. 1. t+ Pal. Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1863, i., Pt. 1, fas. 4, p. 29, t. 20, t. 21, f. 2. t Even this exception need no longer be made. See pp. 49 and 198, 383 Coal Measures, Greta Creek. Wood and leaves are found in the Jerusalem Coal Basin in Tasmania, and both are common, as we have .scen, in the Ipswich Coal Beds, and in the Tivoli Mines in Queensland. “ Fragments of a kind of jet, in which, however, the coniferous structure is very visible, are common also in the Desert Sandstone in Queensland. Finally, there are some fossil Walchia, which evidently bore a large share in forming the coal at Ballimore.” The late Mr. James Smith collected coniferous wood at Wycarbah, near Rock- hampton (Pl. 4, figs.9 and 10). Our figures have hardly been enlarged enough to show the complete structure, but in the specimen from which they are taken it is very finely preserved. They are portions of a Cupressinous Conifer, allied to, if not identical with, Spondylostrobus, von Mueller. Pl. 4, fig. 9, is a radial section showing the medullary rays in horizontal lines, and the woody fibres in vertical lines. Fig. 10 is a transverse section, the walls and cavities of the woody fibres shown in quadrangular spaces, but the resin ducts are not visible. The latter, however, Baron von Mueller informs me, are frequently not visible in Spondylostrobus. The Baron has examined these slides and assents to their reference to his genus. Mr. Smith informed me that the block of wood was not found zz sitw at Wycarbah, but, with many others, lay scattered over the surface of some miles of country, and, in fact, that such fragments are common every- where in Central Queensland. From this it is exceedingly doubtful if it belongs to the plant-bearing series at Wycarbah; in fact, the evidence is pretty conclusive that it does not. On the contrary, the wood is probably derived from the denudation of some later formation now swept away. Family—ARAUCARIZ. Genus—ARAUCARITES, Sternberg. (Flora der Vorwelt, ii., p. 203.) - ARAUCARITES P PotYcaRPA, Zen. Woods, PI. 18, fig. 1. Araucarites ? polycarpa, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, p. 165. oe australis, Ten. Woods, Ibid., t. 10, f. 1. Obs. The late Mr. Woods did not give a description of this cone, but the few characters now offered are taken from our specimen—which, although much smaller, may possibly be the above species. The cone was probably elongate, and perhaps cylindrical ; the scales are rhomboidal, with a subapical mucro, or stout blunt spine, but do not appear to be ridged in the true sense of the word, nor divided into an upper or lower portion; in each oblique row on the side visible there are about ten scales. Now, irrespective of the size of the cone, there are obviously a less number of scales in each spiral series in this specimen (PI. 18, fig. 1) than am Woods’ figure of A.? polycarpa, and I think it questionable if the two can remain under the same name, an opinion in which I am sustained by that of Mr. R. Kidston. In passing, a reference might be made to those plant-remains from the South Australian Mesozoie rocks, named by Dr. H. Woodward Mantellia babbagensis,* which bear a general resemblance to our fossil. In addition to this cone, my Colleague has lately communicated to me an almost complete impression, too late to be figured, of one four inches long with a diameter rather exceeding three-quarters of an inch. It is a hollow external cast contained in an ironstone nodule rather similar to Mr. Woods’ example. The diameter of the present specimen is less than the latter, but the length is greater. * Geol. Mag., 1885, ii., p. 290, t. 7, ff. 1 and 2. 3 384 The scars were approximately rather smaller, and about the size of those in the figure now given. So far as the specimen is preserved, thirty leaf-scales are visible in an oblique row, and probably as many more would be so were the fossil complete. Woods’ cast is much broader at the base, and less cylindrical than that just described. The leaf-scales are two millimetres in vertical diameter, and about the same in the contrary direction. Loc. Stewart’s Creek, near Rockhampton (R. L. Jack). Family—TAXODIACEZ. Genus—SEQUOTLIITES, Carruthers. SEQUOIITES ? AUSTRALIS, Zen. Woods. Sequotites australis, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1888, viii., Pt. 1, p. 162, t. 7, f. 5. Sp. Char. Leaves very close, two-rowed (?), spread out, flat, alternate, rarely faleate, smooth above; midrib prominent below, rounded at the apex, towards which there is only a very slight tapering, not contracted at the base but becoming a sheath, down the centre of which the midrib can be distinctly traced, from twenty to twenty five millimetres long, and one and a-half wide, but much shorter and smaller near the extremities of the shoots, where they are somewhat imbricated all round the branch, and loosely spiral; the sheathing base of the leaves gives rise to a jointed appearance to the stem. (Ten. Woods.) Obs. The Author justly speaks very cautiously of his reference of this plant, only known from foliage, to Sequodites, “as no cones, either male or female, have been hitherto discovered.” He adds—‘ We have no Australian conifer with leaves similar to Sequoia except Podocarpus, but though in some species of that genus the foliage is long, flat, and with a prominent midrib, there is a distinct petiole, which in this fossil is wanting.” Loc. Rosewood, near Rockhampton (The late Rev J. HE. T. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney). Family—TAXACEA, Genus—TAXITES, Brongniart, 1828. (Prod. Hist. Vég. Foss., p. 108. TaxrTes MEDIus, Zen. Woods. Taxites medius, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, p. 160, t. 9, f. 3. Sp. Char. Branchlets thin ; leaflets spirally and bilaterally disposed, emerging at an acute angle, sub-alternate, sometimes slightly curved outwards, narrow, linear, obtuse, rather long; the decurrent pedicel thick, Jong, and broad (nearly as broad as the leaf at times), midrib thick and conspicuous, surface shining and transversely wrinkled. (Len. Woods.) Obs. This is intermediate in character between the two Indian species 7. tenerrimus, Feist., and T. planus, Feist. In the first of these the leaflets are very small and horizontal, but in the second the leaflets are much broader and longer, although horizontal also. Loc. Ipswich (The Rev. J. FE. T. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney). 385 Genus—BRACHYPHYLLUM, Brongniart, 1828. (Prod. Hist. Vég. Foss., p. 109.) BRACHYPHYLLUM cRrassuM, Ten. Woods, Pl. 18, fig. 2. Brachyphyllum crassum (aut. var. B. mamilare ?) Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1883, vii., Pt. 4, p. 660. “5 australe, var. crassum, Ten. Woods, Loc. cit., 1883, viii., Pt. 1, p, 159, t. 5. Sp. Char. Plant robust, thick; stem and branches repeatedly dichotomous ; leaves thick and fleshy, densely crowded, homodromous, short, broad, obtuse, conspicu- ously keeled, erect, closely imbricate, but slightly spreading ; branches and branchlets very little narrower than the parent stem, and of equal width to the summit; all portions of the plant curved, three leaves visible in each spiral, and about three rows in one centimetre. Length of leaves, from two to three millimetres; breadth, from five to six; diameter of cauline stem at widest part, ten millimetres; of branchlets, eight millimetres ; length of shortest, eighteen millimetres. (Ten. Woods.) Obs. This is a very interesting plant, as the leaf-scars resemble those of Lepidodendron. Mr. Woods seems to have been in much doubt as to the name his fossil should bear. At p. 54 of the Memoir cited*, in the list of Queensland Jurassic plants, he mentions Brachyphyllum mamillare, but on p. 62 he gives B. mamillare, var. crassum, whilst to the description on p. 159 is appended the name JB. australe, var. crassum. By what name, therefore, is this plant to be known? With the view of avoiding this confusion I have adopted his varietai name as the specific one, particularly as I believe the plant in question to be distinct from Feistmantel’s species. This will also avoid any confusion with Mamillaria Desnoyersii, which appears to have been dragged in without any special object. If Mr. Woods intended to convey the idea that his B. crassum is identical with the latter, why did he not adopt it as the specific name for the Queensland plantat once? From the respective descriptions and figures of Feistmantel and Woods, it seems to me that their species are distinct. In B. australe the leaves are said to be flattened and sub-keeled; in B. crasswm they are described as conspicuously keeled. These points are borne out by the Author’s figures. In fact, the short, broad, and obtuse leaves on the branchlets of B. crassum correspond much more closely with the somewhat similar leaves on the amentum of B. australe than they do with the rhomboid oblong leaves on the branchlets of the latter. B. crassum is said by its describer to closely resemble the European B. mami- lare, Brong., but to differ from the latter, and all other known forms, in the thickness and shape of the leaves, and the continuous branching without diminution of diameter. The leaves are covered with a fine granulation, and have slightly raised margins. Mr. Woods adds that the sharp and raised keel is not visible on all leaves. A specimen before me, from Clifton Colliery, has some of the leaves keeled, others not, but all with a more or less thickened margin. On examining the figured type I find the characters laid down by Mr. Woods as quite correct, and it is clear that where the vertical ridges have disappeared the plant has been subjected to much pressure. The main branch of this specimen is six inches long, and eleven millimetres wide, whilst the scales are from three to five millimetres in transverse measurement. When really well preserved the leaf-scales have the form of our Pl. 18, fig. 8, terminating upwards in a short mucro. This makes me hesitate the less in referring this specimen also to B. crassum. In the example from the Walloon Mine, * Author’s separate copy. 2A 386 on the contrary, no edges or mucro are preserved, nevertheless it corresponds perfectly with those portions of Woods’ type which are crushed. There is a very close resemnblance between B. crassum and B. Papareli, Saporta.* Loc. Tivoli Mine, Ipswich (The late Rev J. EB. T. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney); Clifton Colliery, Ipswich (R. LZ. Jack); Rosewood, near Ipswich, in ash-beds (Hon. A. C. Gregory). Genus—CUNNINGHAMITES, Sternberg. (Flora der Vorwelt, ii., p. 203.) CUNNINGHAMITES AUSTRALIS, Zen. Woods. Cunninghamites australis, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 1, p. 165, t. 3, f. 1-3, $14 feel, Sp. Char. eaves long, linear, pointed, decurrent, entire ; male amenta in rather thick corrugated clusters at the ends of the branches, generally two are alone distinct in the fossil, but others can always be traced in the centre; amenta curved. (Ten. Woods.) Obs. The indistinetness of the figures quoted renders it impossible to follow the specific characters laid down by Mr. Woods. He remarks that the presence of the male amenta renders “ the identification of the genus much more certain. The leaves, however, are seldom entire, which gives the appearance of an obtuse or unequal foliage.” Loc. Rosewood, near Ipswich (The late Rev. J. LH. T. Woods—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney). PLANTA INCERTA SEDIS. Genus—CARDIOCARPUM, Brongniart, 1828. (Prod. Hist. Vég. Foss., p. 87.) CARDIOCARPUM ? AUSTRALE, Carruthers. Cardiocarpum australe, Carruthers, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 356, t. 27, f. 4. ? wustrale, Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, 1878, Suppl. Bd. iii., Lief, 3, Heft 3, p. 112. Sp. Char. Fruit cordate, with an acute apex, and a ridge running along one side of the fruit within and parallel to the edge; seed ornate, acute. (Carruthers.) Loc. Tivoli Coal Mine, Ipswich (Lhe late R. Daintree). Genus —CYCADINOCARP US, Schimper. (Traité Pal. Vég., ii., p. 208.) Obs. A name proposed for the seeds of Cycadaceous plants. They are sub-globose, ovate, or oblong fruits, usually associated with stems and leaves of plants of that order. In PI. 16, fig. 10, such a seed is represented, and resembles very closely Cycadinocarpus rajmahalensis, Feistmantel.t Loc. Wycarbah, near Rockhampton (The late James Smith). * Pal. Franc. Terr. Jur. Vég., iii., t. 33. + Pal, Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1877, i,, Pt, 2, p. 132 (80), . 35, f. 10, 387 Kingdom—ANIMALIA. Sub-King¢dom—A RTH ROPODA. Class—CRUSTACEA. Order—PHYLLOPODA. Family—LIMNADIDZ. Genus—ESTHERTA, Riippell and Straus, 1837. (Mus. Senckenberg, 1887, ii., p. 119.*) EsTHERIA MANGALIENSIS, Jones. Estheria mangaliensis, Jones, Mon. Foss, Estherie, 1862, p. 78, t. 2, f. 16-28. Sp. Char. Valves broadly subovate, hardly convex; dorsal margin straight, about half the length of the valves, terminated at the anterior end by the umbones ; anterior, posterior, and ventral margins fully and broadly rounded, the anterior shorter than the posterior, rendering the valves narrower at the former of the two ends; umbones depressed; ridges twelve in number, but probably two or three more exist on each umbo, strong and well marked; interspaces wide, depressed, or perhaps very slightly concave, especially towards the ventral portion of the valves; reticulation not preserved. Length, about three-sixteenths of an inch. Obs. This little fossil, the first /stheria found in the Secondary rocks of Queens- land, appertains to the group represented by such species as EH. mangaliensis, LE. Forbesi, &c., and, in fact is so very close to the former in its general features, that I feel constrained to consider it as identical, notwithstanding the absence of the reticulated surface in our fossil. It is particularly like Prof. Jones’ Pl. 2, fig. 16. The Indian specimens are from the Mangali Beds of the Damuda Series, and the occurrence of the species in the Ipswich Beds is but another link in the chain of evidence uniting the great Secondary Coal-bearing Series of India with those of Australia. The specimen was obtained, with a magnificent collection of Mesozoic plants, by Mr. J. H. Simmonds from the Ipswich Beds. Loc. Denmark Hill, Ipswich Coal Field (J. H. Simmonds—Colln. Simmonds, Brisbane). Class—INSECTA. Order—COLEOPTERA., Family—BUPRESTIDZ. Genus—MESOSTIGMODERA, Etheridge fil. and Olliff, 1890. (Mem. Geol. Survey N. S. Wales, Pal, No. 7, p. 9.) MesostiaMopERA Typica, EZ. and O. Mesostigmodera typica, Etheridge fil. and Olliff, Mem. Geol. Survey N. S. Wales, Pal. No. 7, 1890, Dod teiles teul-o. Obs. A detailed description of this interesting Insect-Wing will be found atthe reference quoted above, supplemented by the following remarks :— “The remarkable character of the ornamentation or sculpture of this wing will at once distinguish it from the various genera of the family Buprestide, both recent * Fide T, R. Jones, Mon. Foss, Estheriz, 1862, p. 10. 388 and fossil, and from the allied families Elateride and Eucnemide; indeed we cannot recall, at this moment, a single genus throughout the whole Coleopterous order in which the ordinary punctate-striate sculpture—consisting of distinct punctures arranged in regular series one behind another—is combined with small irregularly disposed elevations. Its form and structure clearly indicate that it belongs to the Buprestidae, and there is little doubt, we think, of its affinity to that type of the recent genus Stigmodera (e.g., S. gratiosa, Chey., S. Roe’, Hope, &c.), which prevails in Western and South Australia. Thetypeof which wespeakis represented in New South Wales by one or two species, and it is to one of these, 8. sanguinosa, Hope, that the fossil wing appears to be most nearly ailied. The peculiar punctuation appears to indicate that this Insect belongs to avery ancient type, and an examination of the specimen suggests the possibility that the ordinary rugose form of sculpture, accompanied by deep pits, now so prevalent amongst the Buprestide, may, so far as the Australian species are con- cerned, have been derived from this older type.” We are indebted to the researches of Mr. J. H.Simmonds for this very interesting fossil. Other Insect remains were found by him at Ipswich, with one exception the remains of Coleoptera. Two well preserved elytra are certainly referable to the Rhynchophora, and one is evidently related to the genus Glochinorrhinus, or its immediate allies. Two other fossils, exhibiting the thorax and elytra, are probably representatives of the family Hydrophilaw, both of them having the wing-cases punctate-striate, &c. A fifth specimen appears to be the head and pro-thoracie segment of a Coleopterous larva, possibly of one of the Lampyrida, but in the absence of further material, it is not judicious to venture a decided opinion. The only other specimen which has, so far, been found, appears to be the impression of the abdomen of one of the large Hemiptera. Loc. Denmark Hill, Ipswich Coal Field (J. H. Simmonds—Colln. Simmonds, mii. Sub-Kingdom—MOLLUSCA. Section—MOLLUSCA VERA. CLASS—PELECYPODA. Order—UNIONACE. Family—U NIONID. Genus—UNIO, Phillipson, 1788. (Dissert. Hist. Nat. Nov. Test. Genera, p. 16.) UNIO IPSVICIENSIS, sp. nov., Pl. 42, figs. 2 and 3. Sp. Char. Transversely elongated, narrow, wedge-like, sub-acute posteriorly. Dorsal or cardinal margin short, much less than the length of the shell; ventral margin generally rounded, but straight towards the centre. Anterior end short and rounded ; posterior end produced and obtusely pointed Umbones small, quite anterior, and much eroded. No true posterior slope, but the flanks insensibly graduating into the posterior end. Surface with concentric roughened corrugations. Obs. This species is so generally like many other species of Unio that it is difficult to point out its distinctive characters. It is a very much smaller species than the following one, and it is quite distinct from anything yet described from Australian Mesozoic rocks. Loc. Shaft at the Bremer Basin Colliery, at a depth of two hundred feet (H. Heaviside). 389 fa’ Unio Eynrensis, Tate. Unio Eyrensis, Tate (m.s.) »” Etheridge fil., in H. Y. L. Brown’s Reports on Coal-bearing Area in the Neighbourhood of Leigh’s Creek, S. Austr. (S. Austr. Parl. Papers, 1891), p. 11, t. 2, f. 1-3. Sp. Char. Shell transversely elongate, or elongately subovate, length more than twice the height; anterior end slightly produced, posterior end obtusely pointed, and produced ; hinge-line behind the umbones obliquely inclined; ligamental area broad; ventral margin convex; umbones tumid, depressed, and much eroded; anterior muscular impressions low down, the posterior small and close under the hinge-line ; shell moderately thick, surface representing the epidermis coarsely striate and subimbricate. Obs. This species is represented by two examples, one an internal cast with portions of the shell still remaining, the other a more complete individual, with nearly the whole of the shell preserved and the umbones eroded. The specimens are con- verted into ironstone, and their appearance is so different from the other North Queens- land fossils as to at once suggest a totally different deposit. The species of Unio hitherto deseribed from Australian rocks are very limited in number, and we have now in consequence to deal with one of an entirely new facies. U. eyrensis resembles to some extent the species from the Judith River Group of North America, but is a more convex and bulky form, and devoid of radiating strie. Unio Dane, Meek and Hayden,* from the Laramie Group (Cretaceo-Tertiary) , resembles the present Species to some extent, but is not so nasiform, or elongately wedge-shaped. Amongst European Wealden species it is not unlike J. porrectus, Sby., but still more like Unio sub-porrectus, A. Roemer,+ or U. Dunkeri, Struckmann.t Loc. Bundanba, near Ipswich, in brick clay overlying coal (Hon. A. C. Gregory, and J. Malbon Thompson). Unto, sp. ind. Obs. A second species occurs in the same bed at the Bremer Colliery, but it is distinct from U. ¢psviciensis. It is far larger than the latter, and evidently differed much in shape, being a broader and stronger species. The specimen consists of the anterior portion of the conjoined valves, and had Jost all trace of shelly matter. It is too imperfect for further diagnosis. E. Se * White in Powell’s 8rd Ann. Report U. S. Geol. Survey, 1881-82 [188 t. 17, f. 1-3 + Dunker, Mon. Norddeutchen Wealdenbildung, 1846, p. 27, t. 11, f. 6. ¢ Die Wealden-Bildungen, 1880, t. 1, f. 6. CHAPTER XXXI. THE ROLLING DOWNS FORMATION (LOWER CRETACEOUS). ARTESIAN WELLS. As will be seen by the Geological Map, the “Rolling Downs Formation’’ covers an area which may be roughly stated at three-fourths of the total extent of the Colony. It extends westwards from the Paleozoic ranges on the east coast, from near the heads of the Macintyre in the south to the Palmer in the north. West of this line it occupies the whole of the Colony, save where it is unconformably overlaid by the Desert Sandstone, and where the Paleozoic rocks of the Cloncurry, and of De Little, Cairn, and the Grey Ranges rise from beneath it like islands. Westward and southward it extends across South Australia into Western Australia and New South Wales. Except in Queensland, however, it appears to be covered to a considerable extent by Tertiary rocks. It marks the position of a sea which in Cretaceous times divided the Australian Continent into two islands. The Ipswich Coal Field seems to pass upward into the Rolling Downs Formation, although the junction has not yet been satisfactorily traced. To draw a definite line between the Ipswich and the Rolling Downs Formations is quite impracticable, but the appearance of Belemnites and Ammonites, with other marine forms, in the latter, suff- ciently marks the change from the plant-bearing beds of the former. Everywhere in the North the Rolling Downs Formation lies directly, and of course unconformably, on schists and slates of undetermined age, or on granite or gneiss, the Ipswich Formation being unrepresented. The “ Rolling Downs” is by nomeans a mountain-forming formation. Generally, its decomposition forms a rich soil which is taken possession of by the nutritious “ Mitchell’? and “ Blue’ grasses, so highly favour- able totherearing of sheep and cattle. The surface rises into a series of gentle undulations, not, however, of sufficient importance to disturb the idea of a dead level. Travelling over the “ Downs” becomes monotonous after a few days, the sun rising in the east and setting in the west on the horizon of an ocean-like plain. The watercourses which intersect it are dry for the greater part of the year, except for a few waterholes, and are so ill- defined that it is hard to tell in dry weather which way the water flows in wet. Each watercourse is marked by a straggling fringe of timber, while the rest of the plains are treeless. As the streams are of this character, it results naturally that they » rarely cut through the soil, and consequently sections of the strata occur only at wide intervals. The monotony of the scenery is the direct result of a sameness of composition throughout the whole series. In announcing the discovery, in 1867, of a suite of fossils by Mr. W. P. Gordon, in Wollumbilla Creek,* the late Rev. W. B. Clarke ¢ referred to the “ pale sandstones of the creek, and hard red conglomerates and quartzites from between Wollumbilla and the River Amby.” [The latter probably Desert Sandstone.] Subsequently Mr. Clarke f{ stated that the Wollumbilla fossils occurred in rounded, nodular, or concretionary boulders, imbedded in a brittle marl in the creeks, and on the downs, which are covered * Wollumbilla Creek is crossed by the Western Railway, 294 miles from Brisbane. + Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xviii. (1862), p. 245. + Recent Discoveries in Australia, :p. 52. 391 by grits and sandstones, mostly red and evidently partly fused by igneous action [Desert Sandstone]. The calcareous sandstone occurs along the creeks and downs where water has denuded it ; and, above all, is a coarse grit. The descending section in the creek bank, where the fossiliferous nodules occur, at Wollumbilla, is as follows :— 1. Brown stiff clay, full of pebbles of quartz, much waterworn. 2. Clay. 3. Slate-coloured marl, very friable above, but hard below, charged with strings of crystalline carbonate of lime, and breaking into rectangular fragments. In this oceur the calcareous masses. The height of the section is about fifteen feet. On the east, at about three miles distance, coarse con- glomerates rise above these beds. The bluff end of the conglomerate rises to about twenty feet. [The conglomerates referred to after the words in italics must be the Desert Sandstone. | “The caleareous boulders from the Wollumbilla Creek, when broken, are found to be of a deep olive colour internally, a few presenting a dull brown or bluish hue They are very compact. In all of them organic remains are very abundant. The exteriors of many of the boulders are much waterworn, and exhibit only sections of the organic remains they contain, whilst in others a certain amount of decomposition or oxidation of the surface has taken. place, which has produced a rotten exterior, looking like an impure chalk, of a yellow or buff colour. Where this is the case the fossils stand out sharply from the matrix.” I may observe that I do not agree with the Author as to the waterworn condition of the boulders, which are probably concretionary masses weathering spheroidally. The Wollumbilla fossils were described and figured by Mr. Charles Moore, F.G.8S., in 1869.* I do not propose to repeat Mr. Clarke’s or Mr. Moore’s lists, which are incorporated, with annotations, in my Colleague’s observations. Mr. Moore’s conclusion as to the age of the deposits is as follows :— “Tt is not easy to decide with certainty as to the exact position of the fossils that come from Wollumbilla. The Lias, the Great Oolite, the Oxford Clay, the Portland Qolite, and the Cretaceous Beds may each put in a claim; but that of the Oxford Clay appears to be strongest. That they all belong to the Upper Oolite may with safety be inferred.’ Of the Bungeworgorai and Amby Beds, in the same neighbourhood, Mr. Moore says, “From the nature of the matrix, though this does not pass for much, they appear to have been derived from beds of a different character from those from the other districts. As similar Criocerata have never been found below the Lower Greensand, it is reasonable to infer the presence of Neocomian Beds in Australia, from whence it may have been derived.” Mr. Daintree mentioned in 1868 + the occurrence of Belemnites on the Dugald River, Cloncurry District. In accompanying Hann’s Northern Exploring Expedition in 1872, Mr. Norman Taylor discovered richly fossiliferous deposits in the Walsh District. From notes which he has kindly placed at my disposal, I make the following extracts :— “At Camp 11 on the Walsh River, and likewise at Camp 79 (return journey),{ at Elizabeth Creek [near what is now Wrotham Park Station], where mostly * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xxvi., p. 226. + Report on the Cape River Diggings, and the latest Mineral Discoveries in Northern Queenslard Brisbane: by Authority: 1868, + The positions of the Camps referred to are laid down (Mr. Taylor says not very accurately) on the map attached to Mr, Hann’s “ Diary of the Northern Expedition.” Brisbane: by Authority : 1873. 392 Belemnites were found ina calcareous conglomerate. In a creck a short distance to the north-east of Camp 81 (return journey), there occur large quantities of ironstone nodules, in one of which I discovered a fine and very perfect crustacean, which, however, appears to have been lost,* as it was not noticed by Mr. Etheridge, senr., when describing the Collection. The Mesozoic rocks here rest on a grey felsitic quartz-porphyry. “At Camp 11 the Mesozoic beds consist of thin-bedded brown, olive, and whitish concretionary shales, passing downward into blue marly-shales, having a crystalline efflorescence on the surface (sulphate of soda?) and decomposing rapidly. The olive-coloured limestone concretions form lines (in the shales) in the cliffs, like the flints in the chalk of England. These beds dip slightly northwards, and are faulted in several places, and are jointed east and west. To the south the plains are occasionally covered with these boulder-like concretions and glazed ironstone pebbles. “At Elizabeth Creek, between Camps 11 and 18, the cliffs consist of red and white conglomerates t passing downwards into sandy beds, which rest on blue shales and gypseous marls, with thin layers of gypsum and cone-in-cone limestone. Septaria also occur with veins of dolomite and centres of cale-spar. Irregular patches of red and yellow concretionary ironstone also occur, some pebbles having an external jet-black polish. With the exception of a fragment of an Orthoceras,§ the only fossils I could find were Belemnites in a calcareous conglomerate at the base of the cliffs and obscured by talus. “At Camp 14, Mesozoic blue shales and concretionary limestones occupy the river bed, overlaid by a grey jointed calcareous sandstone. The rounded flattened concretions (not boulders) in these beds, as well as the beds themselves, contain a rich store of fossils, especiaily Cephalopoda (Ammonites, Crioceras, &e.). These fossil beds are everywhere overlaid by siliceous pebbly conglomerates, coarse grits and sandstones, and ironstone and ferruginous grits.” || “In a letter from the late Rev. W. B. Clarke to myself, dated 4th June, 1874, he says: “ Prof. Etheridge (senr.) says of the Walsh River fossils, ‘there is no specimen of Orthoceras in the entire series,’ and Mr. Carruthers writes thus: ‘ There is not sufficient to warrant establishing a species, but the fragments point to a form of Laeniopteris, nearly allied to Strangerites ensis (Oldham and Morris in Indian Survey Memoirs), which Schimper calls Angiopteridium. We must have more materials, however, before we can be certain.’ ”’ The following is Mr. Etheridge’s description of the Walsh River fossils, quoted in a letter of the late Mr. K. T. Staiger, the then Curator of the Queensland Museum, Brisbane, dated 8th May, 1874. “The Walsh River fossils consist of the following forms:— CEPHALOPODA. Ammonites, allied to A. clypeiformis. Ammonites, sp. (?) | Crioceras (4), sp. All from nodules. Belemnites (2), sp. | * In a letter to me, dated 25th October, 1879, Mr. Taylor says : “ In looking over the list of Queensland Exhibits, at Sydney, I find one by the Trustees of Brisbane Museum of a Crustacean unknown, from the Walsh, which must be my missing specimen.” (R.Z.J.) The specimen exists in the Queensland Museum, and will be described. (R. E. Junr.) + Mr. Skene, of Wrotham Park Station, assures’ me that Ammonites and Belemnites occur at Elizabeth Creek in situ. (R.L.J.) + Desert Sandstone, apparently. (R.Z..J.) § Probably the phragmacone of a Belemnite. (R. Z. junr.) || Desert Sandstone? (R,L.J.) 393 BIvVALVE SHELLS. Myacites Hinnites Byssoarca Cytherea Solemya Cyprina Arca Myoconcha . Panopea Pecten Inoceramus Teredo in fossil wood. ‘‘T believe the whole of these are Cretaceous (Lower) and one perhaps Neocomian. Most of the species are new, but to figure and describe them would serve no good pur- pose, as they are all apparently in drift nodules, and can hardly have been found in situ. I shall always have much pleasure in rendering you what assistance I can in these matters, but I would at the same time point out the uselessness of sending home any fossils for determination which are simply drifted surface specimens. The perplexing mixture of forms from Wollumbilla, previously described by Moore, arose from this collection of specimens from drifted nodules. The whole series will be returned to the Colony as soon as Mr. Carruthers has completed his investigation of the supposed speci- mens of Glossopteris.”’ Mr. Taylor continues:—‘‘ No mention is made of some fine Ichthyosaurus vertebrex discovered on the Walsh by Warner (one of our party), or of my Crustacean. “The Mitchell River bed is composed (at Camp 14) of thin grey shales and brittle, conchoidally fractured, marly mudstones, full of large and small flattened globular concretions. The mudstones are full of Dentaliwm (?) and small bivalves (Leda 7), and the concretions of large bivalves and Cephalopoda (Pecten, Ammonites, &c.) always lying on their flat surfaces. That they have been formed cn situ by segregation of the calcareous matter round the decomposing animal, there can be no doubt. The idea of their drift origin is simply preposterous.” Caicareous nodules, such as are described by Mr. Taylor, are of common occur- rence among the shale beds all over the Rolling Downs, and I have no doubt that Mr. Taylor’s fossils were found zz situ. At the same time the misconception on the part of Mr. Etheridge probably arose from the imperfect data concerning the occurrence of the fossils with which he was furnished. As a matter of fact, am given to understand that the Ichthyosaurus vertebre, from what cause I cannot tell, never reached Mr. Etheridge. The late Mr. R. Daintree remarked * that “all the great plains of Queensland westward of the Main Range consist of subaérially decomposed Oolitic and Cretaceous shales, limestones, and sandstones ;” and, further—“ The only variety in the lithological character of the Flinders and Thompson Rivers Mesozoic rocks is the change from shale to fine-grained sandstone in the alternating beds, the shale greatly predominating , its line of bedding marked by thin bands and nodular layers of argillaceous limestone.” “One other peculiarity in the strata forming the series is the presence at intervals of thin layers of limestone having the well-known cone-in-cone structure. This has more the appearance of a chemical precipitate than a.mechanical deposit, and contains no fossils. Its analysis gave :— Insoluble in hydrochloric acid .., es <6 cee a .. 14°920 Ammonia-precipitate ... eae 7A ae ses vas .» 4860 Carbonate of lime or Fis aa +4 ase = .. =75'458 Undetermined constituents... A ive — es ww» «=—«4762 100°000 ” * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 1872, xxviil., p. 282, 394 Speaking of the collection examined by Mr. Moore, Daintree suggests * that “ it is possible that fossils from different localities, or perhaps drift specimens, have been mixed up.” In the same Paper Mr. Daintree (p. 278) remarked that “a single shell (Tellina) found in a bed of horizontal limestone at the head of the Gregory on the Barkly Tableland, and forwarded to me by the Rev. W. B. Clarke, of Sydney, would, if belonging to this Desert Sandstone [Series], as it probably does, give reason to believe that the lacustrine condition may be eliminated.’ This observation is noticed merely for the purpose of correcting Daintree’s mistake, the limestone of the Barkly Tableland having since proved to belong to the Rolling Downs Formation. Daintree continues as follows:—‘ As early as 1866, a suite of fossils was collected by Messrs. Sutherland and Carson (of Marathon Station) on the Flinders River, and forwarded for determination to Prof. McCoy in Melbourne. They were never figured +; but his manuscript names are as follows ft :— REpTILIA. Ichthyosaurus australis, McCoy. Plesiosaurus Sutherlandi, McCoy. Plesiosaurus macrospondylus, McCoy. CEPHALOPODA. Ammonites Sutherlandi, McCoy. A. Flindersi, McCoy. Belemnitella diptycha, McCoy [=B. Canhami, Tate]. Ancyloceras Flindersi, McCoy. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA, Inoceramus Carsoni, McCoy. a Sutherlandi, McCoy. “One locality being assigned to all the fossils alluded to in the above notice, it was evident to me that either fossils from different localities had been mixed together, or derived specimens had been mingled with those obtained in sétw, and no satisfactory conclusion or inference could be drawn, for purposes of correlation with European, Asiatic, or African forms. In company with Mr. Sutherland, who supplied McCoy with the before-mentioned materials, I therefore visited the Upper Flinders and care- fully collected the fossils from three localities—viz., Marathon Station, Hughenden Station, and Hughenden Cattle Station. ; “At Marathon, which is some forty miles further down the Flinders than Hughenden, there is, close to the homestead, au outcrop of fine-grained yellow sand- * Loc. cit. p. 282, + Prof. (now Sir. F.) McCoy published his researches on these fossils in a series of Papers entitled as follows :— (1.) A Note on the Cretaceous Deposits of Australia, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3rd Ser., xvr., p. 332. (2.) On the Discovery of Cretaceous Fossils in Australia. Z'rans. R. Soc. Vict., 1866, vii., pp. 49-51. (3.) On the Occurrence of Jehthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus in Australia, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, 37d Ser., xix., p. 355. (4.) On the Discovery of Lnaliosauria and other Cretaceous Fossils in Australia. Z'rans. R. Soe. Vict., 1868, viit., p. 41. From these references, it will be seen that Sir F. McCoy was absolutely the first to announce the occurrence of Cretaceous fossils in Australia. + Without the attached notes, 395 stone, which has been quarried for building purposes ; and below this, down to the edge of a waterhole supplying the house, is a series of sandstones and argillaceous limestones, containing numerous organic remains. “These I have submitted to Mr. Etheridge [Senr.], for examination and correla- tion, the result of which will appear in the Appendix to my paper; I, however, attach here a summary of the forms determined by him from this locaiity :— Inoceramus marathonensis, Eth.* ‘, allied to problematicus. £ pernoides, Eth. s multiplicatus, Stol., var. elongatus, Eth. “From these beds also came McCoy’s Reptilia. “The ‘Marathon’ Beds, as they may be designated, are undulating, with an uncertain dip. Proceeding from ‘ Marathon’ up the Flinders River (most probably over a series of older beds) no cliff-sections are met with; but at Stewart’s wash-pool, on the main road, the Avicula hughendenensis, Eth. [=Aucella hughendenensis, Eth. fil.] of Hughenden is found in abundance. “At Robert Grey’s Hughenden Station, however, which lies about three miles east of Mount Walker, a series of calcareo-argillaceous beds crop out, containing a marked and well-preserved fauna, indicating no great difference in facies from that of Marathon.” A section accompanying Daintree’s text “of a cliff on Bett’s Creek, intermediate between Marathon and Hughenden,” and another “on the bank of the Flinders,” ‘‘ show how nearly horizontal the great Mesozoic system of the Flinders remains; but the latter indicates their general dip towards the north-east [north-west must be meant], and therefore places the Hughenden Beds below those of Marathon. The observations collected on the journey between these two places give the same result. The paleeonto- logical evidence is not sufficient to enable Mr. Etheridge [Senr.] to draw any great line of demarcation. His determination of the species from the Hughenden beds is as follows :— Ammonites Beudanti, D’Orb, var. Mitchellii, Eth. 5 Daintreei, Eth. Avicula hughendenensis, Eth. Pecten, &e. ““These were obtained from horizontal calcareo-argillaceous beds, fronting the water-hole where the sheep-wash is placed, about half a mile from the Hughenden Station. The Avicula bed, which is a very marked band, about four inches thick, gives by analysis :— Residue insoluble in HCl, chiefly clay .. bas ey pr 8) Ammonia-precipitate, of which 1°219 per one was fone oxide .. 9368 Carbonate of lime.. ka = rom or ie a .. 67°888 Carbonate of eeaean oes ot a wae 50 nae ree i020) Undetermined, water, &c. abe tee ae ab; aus soo PAE! 100°000 “The Hughenden Cattle: station is twenty miles further up the Flinders than the Hughenden Head Station. Here hundreds of Belemnites are strewn over the surface of the two ridges which front the Cattle-station huts, but they are rarely found in the soft shales which crop out from under an escarpment of‘ Desert Sandstone.’ *The names quoted here must be understood to be subordinate to those hereafter given by my Colleague. 396 “The lithological character of these Cretaceous strata is such that decomposition is rapid; and cliff-sections are accordingly very rare, the resulting physical aspect being that of vast plains, which form the principal feature of Queensland scenery west of the main dividing range ; but that the ‘ Desert Sandstone’ has extended over all this country is evidenced by its existence either in the form of outliers or as a marked feature in situ on all main watersheds, or by its pebbles of quartz and conglomerate, which are strewn everywhere over the surface of the plains. “The height of the watershed between the Thompson and the Flinders Rivers is locally not more than 1,400 feet above sea-level; and as the former river has to travel as many miles before reaching the sea, it is easy to understand why, in a country subject to heavy tropical rains at one period of the year, followed by a long dry season, the river channels are ill-defined, and vast tracts of country covered by alluvial deposits.” Mr. Robert Etheridge, F.R.S., in an Appendix to Mr. Daintree’s Paper, gave a detailed description of the fossils from the Flinders area, which need not here be repeated, as in the following pages the names and descriptions are recapitulated, with annotations and the results of a fuller experience, by my Colleague. Speaking of the material which formed the subject of Mr. Moore’s paper already referred to, Mr. Etheridge says * :—“ It is, however, to be regretted that his specimens were not obtained im situ, instead of from drifted materials; for nothing is known of the beds or sections from which the Wollumbilla fossils originally came. It is not a little singular, however, that Mr. Moore recognised twenty species as common to England and Western Australia.” In this, and the same Writer’s remarks on Mr. Taylor’s Walsh fossils, as well as in Mr. Daintree’s remarks, we can trace the steady growth of the misconception which I believe was started by the Rev. W. B. Clarke’s error in taking the Wollumbilla nodules for drifted boulders. From the imperfect materials at his disposal, and taking his stratigraphical information, it must be remembered, at second-hand, Mr. Etheridge read the sequence of the Mesozoic and Cainozoic strata, as follows :— Pleistocene. Upper Volcanic. Desert Sandstone. Lower Volcanic. ( Marathon Beds. , | Cretaceous 4 Hughenden Beds. Maryborough Beds. Cainozoic Teniopteris [Tivoli and Burrum Coal Measures]. ¢ Oolitic } ele Beds. Lias and Oolite. Gordon Downs Beds.t I may say here that later stratigraphical observations show, and paleontological research corroborates, that the Burrum Coal Field is older than the Ipswich (repre- sented by Tivoli in the above list); that I regard the Hughenden, Marathon, and Wollumbilla Beds as practically on the same horizon and of Lower Cretaceous age; and that the Desert Sandstone and Maryborough Beds are identical and Upper Cretaceous. Sir Richard Owen describes { under the name of Wotochelys costata, Owen,§ a Chelonian reptile from the Flinders River. Mesozoic SS Se * L0¢. Cit., DP. o2os + Gordon Downs, near Roma, the locality referred to, must not be confounded with Gordon Downs at the head of the Roper, near Clermont, where Permo-Carboniferous Coal Measures occur, + Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. xxxviii., p. 178. § Hereinafter described as Wotochclone costata, Owen, sp. (R. E. Junr.) 4 397 The Rey. T. W. Ramm, in 1885, presented to the Geological Survey Collec- tion, a Cephalopod from the Flinders River, near Hughenden, which I took for Orthoceras, but which my Colleague now identifies with Belemnites Selheimi, Ten. Woods. The extracts above quoted appear to exhaust the stratigraphical and litho- logical information recorded by former writers on the Rolling Downs Formation, and I now add what I have myself observed in various traverses of the Western District. From the junction of Julia Creek with the Cloncurry north-westward to Gregory Downs, the strata of the Rolling Downs Formation can be traced. At Kamilaroy, on the Leichhardt River, and the ‘ Grass Gunyah,” twelve miles south-west of Kamilaroy, are extensive outcrops of magnesian limestone. At Kamilaroy the limestone yielded specimens, among which my Colleague recognised Belemnites ; Otodus apendiculatus, Agassiz; vertebre of a Teleostean fish; and a posterior costal plate of a Chelonian. On the Leichhardt, nine miles from the mouth of Gunpowder Creek, ancther limestone yielded Belemnites, a portion of the tooth of Zamna, and Aucella hughen- denensis, Eth. Running up the Gregory River, Paleozoic rocks occupy the greater part of the distance from Gregory Downs to the mouth of the O’Shanassy. Carl Creek Police Station is situated on the right bank of Carl Creek, a fine rushing stream, which leaves the Gregory and runs into the O’Shanassy. Behind the barracks is a large open plain bounded on the south by cliffs of a hard yellow limestone, horizontally bedded. This limestone evidently occupies an ancient depression, and overlies (unconformably) nearly vertical Paleozoic sandstones, &c. Thesummit of this limestone forms a plateau which extends to Rocklands under the name of Barkly’s Table-land. The occurrence of Tellina on Barkly’s Table-land has already been noted. On the Upper Flinders, eighteen miles N. 29° W. of Coalbrook Railway Station, on the Northern Railway, the Rolling Downs Formation is seen beneath the Desert Sandstone. The uppermost beds seen are soft crumbling dark-grey shales, about sixty feet in thickness, with bands of red ferruginous sandstone or arenaceous ironstone and grey limestone. Thence, down to the level of the river, are seen about ten feet of dark, fine-grained, felspathic sandstone. The surfaces of the sandstone beds in the river are in places covered with obscure markings suggestive of the tracks of gigantic reptiles. The beds of the Rolling Downs Formation seen in this section, although nearly hori- zontal, undulate slightly, but their general tendency is to dip down the river, while the Desert Sandstone remains horizontal, thus affording a new instance of the unconform- ability observed elsewhere between the two formations. The shaly beds of the inferior formation, with their bands of ironstone and limestone, bear a close resemblance to the portion of the Rolling Downs Formation exposed in the neighbourhood of Hughenden. A few hundred yards up the river, the rise of the strata exposes beds on a lower horizon than those above described. These are thick-bedded sandstones, partly of felspathic but mainly of siliceous materials, varying into grits, pebbly grits, and conglomerates. About two miles further up the river the following section is seen on the left bank :-— Section No. 1. Ft. in. (a) White gritty and pebbly sandstone aa oe a ae eae O (6) Laminated grey micaceous clay... fc ah or Hs we O49 (eye Coal. © 3: Re a me sh - i Ha ae »» O25 (d) Fine-grained brown siliceous shales, with plant-remains or Moye At 398 ee DAOOWNHOAE Coal soe dee G 8 ies oh oo “nc (e) | Broa laminated clay = a 5c ae “is et Dio Coal ss Black mud with coaly str eaks Grey-brown shale, with coaly specks and streaks (f) Coal . ory foe as cas Grey shales with ehaly streaks a 5 (9) Coal in bed of river (bottom of seam not nie On the right bank of the river, about one chain below the last section (south- south-west), the following section was measured :— bole HOrFOOOOF S Oo Section No. 2 Ft. in. (a) Sandstone ae 40 0 (6) Laminated grey micaceous clay or le ve US (c) Coal ee 0 2 (dq) Fine-grained brown wliceous alihs with plantar remains 0. 25 (e) Coal ae * ik As (f) Dark-grey shale or fire- clay, with “Abin remains se eer (g) Coal in bed of river (bottom not seen) 0 7 On the left bank of the river, about three chains above Section No. 1, the following section was seen :— Section No. 3. Ft. in. Coal bes Leal (a) | aris sandstone fed 0 13 Coal 0 2 Brown hard unlaminated siliceous clay, with coaly streaks, i in hibed of river (bottom not seen) .. a) iy; sf re ee +, 6 Das In the above three des the identifiable beds are distinguished by italic letters. An analysis of a sample of seam (9g) gave the following results :— Water ae Be red nae a2 He ae im 8°30 Volatile hy drocasbane “pa a ae ‘al ie ai ay. SYfae Fixed carbon dee are we a ae ho be oe LO LOs Ash oe eee nee va as ase Bae “eke sae 2°80 100:00 Specific gravity 1°38. The coal scarcely soils the fingers, and gives a jet-black powder. The ash is white, with a faint yellow tinge, and mainly siliceous. The coke is hard and firm. The small amount of incombustible residue, and the proportions of volatile hydrocarbons, and fixed carbon, make this coal a very valuable one, either for gas-making or steaming purposes; in fact, it may be pronounced to be a better coal than some of the most highly prized coals of Newcastie (N.S.W.). The thickness of the overlying Desert Sandstone is not great, and may place no very serious difficulty in tracing the coal-seams, should any be found of workable thickness, to the railway line.* In the Diagram (PI. 45, fig. 1) the relation of the Rolling Downs Formation to the granite and other rocks, as seen at Tatoo Camp, in a gully near the head of the * R.L.J. on Coal Discoveries on the Flinders. Brisbane: by Authority : 1888, 399 Flinders, is well shown. It rests on the granite, and is overlaid unconformably by the Desert Sandstone, which overlaps it, and abuts against the granite. The Desert Sandstone itself is covered by lava-form basalt beds which overlap it and appear again in great force on the Burdekin side of the granite range. The altitude of Tatoo Camp was estimated (by Aneroid) at 1,840 feet. On the Dalrymple Road, twelve miles above Hughenden, a guliy, risingin Mount Beckford, and falling into Porcupine Creek, exposes a section of about twelve feet ef horizontally bedded grey clay shales, with thin bands of grey flags and “ damper-shaped ” nodules of magnesian limestone, each enclosed in an envelope of glittering carbonate of lime. Exactly similar strata are exposed at Hughenden Township, in the Chinaman’s Gully, and at the washpool from which Daintree obtained some of his fossils. I could see, however, only a few Belemnites, and some shells, all in bad preservation. The “‘damper-shaped nodules” are, I believe similar to those from which the Wollumbilla and Walsh fossils were obtained. 1 have within the last year or two received several fine specimens of Crioceras, some in nodules, from Hughenden Township, and in July, 1891, visited the locality a second time. On this occasion Iwas more successful than on the former, having split up many of the “damper-shaped” nodules, each of which was found to contain a Crioceras or other fossil or fossils. There can be no doubt that the nodules are merely concretions occurring in lines along the bedding-planes. Mr. George Sweet, of Brunswick, Melbourne, made a collection of fossils from Hughenden in 1889, which have not yet, however, been described.* The Rolling Downs Formation occupies the district traversed by the Cloncurry Road from AV onenler above Hughenden, to Fisher’s Creek, near Cloncurry. Eight miles below Hughenden, I saw some oval nodules of limestone, one of which, on being split up, was found to be full of fragmentary shells. Between fifteen and thirty-nine miles west of Hughenden, frequent outerops were seen of nodular calcareous sandstone (which had for the most part, when weathered, lost its lime) and of flaggy, fine-grained, pale-brown, tough sandstone. Thirty-nine miles below ueenelay a gully falling into the left bank of the Flinders exposes horizontal beds of brown sandstones, with Belemnites and small shells, which, however, were not in preservable condition. Seven miles above Marathon Station, a limestone bed yielded Awucella hughen- denensis, Eth., Inoceramus pernoides, Eth., and the wing of a Neuropterous insect, Aischna flindersensis, Woodward.¢ One bed of limestone was entirely made up of fragments of Inoceramus. At Marathon Station I saw ie beds of fine-grained buff-yellow sandstone, shales, and limestone referred to by Daintree as the source of his fossils, but in the time I could spare (1 was hurrying to join the Transcontinental Railway Expedition under General Feilding, at Cloncurry, in the year 1881) I could find no fossils well enough preserved to take away, but I saw numerous tragments of Inoceramus. ‘Seven miles below Marathon Station I obtained specimens of Inoceramus (of the remains of which one bed was entirely composed) from buff-coloured and reddish calcareous sandstones. * This Collection has now been partially examined (May, 1892), and a few of the results are incorporated in subsequent pages of this work. The whole will be stihsequently described with other material officially collected in the meantime. (R. ZH. Junr.) + On the Wing of a Neuropterous Insect from the Cretaceous Limestone of Flinders River, North Queensland. By Henry Woodward, L,LD., F.R.S., Geol. Mag. (1884), vol. i., p. 337. 400 Twenty-five miles below Marathon Station the road began to be strewn with “cone-in-cone”’ limestone, evidently derived from beds in situ beneath, and from one to four inches in thickness. About a mile further I saw fine-grained yellow sandstones and grey shales dipping at 7° to the S.E. Three miles above Richmond Downs I observed the following section :— ft. in. Shales, say _.. aes te is af a oti a re a) Soft grey and yellow sandstone ... ct ae Pes ss Aree re Aw) Limestone A me Se fas Se oe ee an vee eee The bottom of the limestone had a cone-in-cone structure, and the top was full of shells, which my Colleague named Jnoceramus Carsoni, McCoy, I. Sutherlandi, McCoy, and Inoceramus, a third species. Daintree’s observation, already quoted, that the cone-in-cone limestone contains no fossils, and has the appearance of a chemical precipitate rather than that of a mechanical deposit, will be remembered. I saw an Inoceramus quite a foot in length, but was unable to detach it from the matrix. Between Richmond Downs Station and the Flinders, yellow sandstones haying a slight dip to the south-east were observed. In similar sandstone below the stockyard I found an Inoceramus. Near the Richmond Downs Post Office I saw a fragment of an immense Crioceras lying on the roadside. Thirteen and a-half miles below Richmond Downs Station a gully falling into the left bank of the Flinders exposed a section of crumbling grey and bluish shales with limestone and grey calcareous sandstone. From these I obtained specimens of Inoceramus Carsoni, McCoy. Twenty-one and a-half miles below Richmond Downs Station, a gully on the left bank of the river showed a scarp of about twenty feet of brown shales, overlaid by grey sandstones, with an apparent dip (though undulating) up the river. From the shales I obtained Inoceramus Sutherlandi, McCoy. Eight miles further the bed and banks of the Flinders expose a series of blue- grey shales and thin-bedded and flaggy soft fine-grained blue-grey sandstone, dipping about 3° to the E. In the sandstone I saw only a fragment of a large flat bivalve. At the crossing of Neelia Creek I found Awcella hughendenensis, Eth., and Inoceramus in a bed of limestone. Brown sandstone and cone-in-cone limestone are seen at the crossing. For sixteen miles beyond Neelia Creek the road is covered with loose blocks of grey sandstone and cone-in-cone limestone. Belemnites are occasionally seen on the surface. On some ridges sixteen miles from Neelia Creek, I saw sandstone and cone-in- cone limestone dipping slightly to the east. Between Neelia and Julia Creeks, grey and brown sandstone and cone-in-cone limestone are frequently seen. At Julia Creek I found-the Gasteropod named Watica Jackii, Eth, fil., and a fragment of a Cephalopod. Sections of brown flaggy sandstone and cone-in-cone limestone are exposed by Box Creek. One mile west of the Williams River is an outcrop of semi-vitreous sandstone containing Belemnites and nodules of limestone resembling “curling stones’’ in size and shape. _ Eight miles beyond the Williams are blocks of avery hard brecciated siliceo- calcareous stratified rock, from which I obtained Jnoceramus. Portions of the rock were almost entirely made up of the disintegrated shelly fibres of this genus. Ialso observed in one piece the impression of a Belemnite. 401 Fifteen miles from the Williams (on Fisher’s Creek waters), sandstones composed almost entirely of the fibrous shelly matter of Znoceramus are seen to rest on hardened black slates and Lydian stone. Indeed, in several places, notably near Marathon, I noted the presence of beds almost entirely composed of this fibrous material, sufficient to attest that this mollusc must have lived in almost incredible numbers. I believe the strata above described, from Wongalee to Fisher’s Creek, near Cloncurry, to form one continuous series. They seem to form a large synclinal trough, with an axis crossing the Flinders from east to west, somewhere in the neighbourhood of Marathon. At the heads of the Flinders the lowest beds do not crop out, as the Rolling Downs Formation there overlaps the Paleozoic and Metamorphic rocks of the Dividing Range, and are covered by the Desert Sandstone and the basalts of the table- land. To the west of Richmond Downs, however, a gentle rise to the west brings up a series of strata which apparently occupy a lower horizon than those in the centre of the trough. From Hughenden to Marathon the strata consist for the most part of grey shales with nodules of magnesian limestone and grey and brown sandstones, which are oceasionally caleareous and nodular. Near Richmond Downs, where an easterly dip is, for the first time, distinctly observable, the limestones assume a different character, and are distinguished by a prevalent cone-in-cone structure. Further west there are fewer shale beds and thicker and browner sandstones. The latter are extensively veined with gypsum, and I have been informed by squatters and others that beds of gypsum are frequently met with in sinking wells. The whole series is fossiliferous.* A bed of gypsum, of workable thickness, and of great purity, occurs at Chollarton, near Collingwood. Specimens of this have been presented to the Geological Survey Collection by Mr. Julius von Berger. Tbe return journey from the Transcontinental Railway Expedition, from Clon- curry to Charters Towers, vié Cloncurry, Winton, and Rockwood (1881-2), afforded me opportunities of observing the Rolling Downs Formation on a course to the south of that of the outward journey. From Edington Station to the head of Eastern Creek scarcely a section of the strata was seen, although the shale dédris and the marked features of the Rolling Downs sufficiently attested the presence of the formation to which they give their name. The divide between the Gulf waters and those of the Great Australian Bight (Diamentina River ?) was crossed imperceptibly, as it forms no “range” whatever. One and a-half miles down the Diamentina, from Kynoona Station, some grey and buff sandstones, cone-in-cone limestone, and grey shales were observed. The sandstones contained Echinus spines. For the next twenty-five miles down the river, wherever the rock was visible it was found to be of grey or buff sandstone. Sometimes the ground was strewn with large, not well-rounded pebbles of tough quartzite, occasionally inclining to opalization, and smaller and better-rounded pebbles of sandy-brown ironstone. These pebbles are probably derived from the Desert Sandstone, cliffs of which are seen to the south. For six miles up and five down the river, from Dagworth Old Station, sandstones with grey sandy shales prevail, and the sandstones get coarser in grain and greyer in colour as the river is followed down. A good deal of silicified wood is seen on the surface; but it is doubtful whether it came from the Rolling Downs Formation, or from the Desert Sandstone, which must have covered it. — * Report by R. L. Jack on the Geolugical Features 0 part o the District to be traversed by the pro- posed Transcontinental Railway. Brisbane: by Authority: 1885 Supplemented by Notes made on the Journey and hitherto unpublished, 23 402 Between the Diamentina and Wokingham Creek, grey sandstones are seen at intervals, with occasional sandy ironstone or ironmasked sandstone. Silicified wood is strewn over the soil. On Watts’ Creek, a tributary of the Diamentina, pale greenish-grey sandstones are seen in thick beds. The sandstone has a remarkable internal structure. Although the lines of bedding continue without interruption, a concretionary process acting on the protoxide of iron in the rock appears to have hardened spherical portions of the mass, which can easily be detached from the softer portions. These spheres weather out, as round as cannon-balls, and can be seen in the bed of the creek, of all sizes, from that of small shot to six feet in diameter. I have so frequently heard descriptions of similar “sandstone balls”? from different portions of the Rolling Downs, that the structure referred to cannot be uncommon, but the above is the only instance I have seen. The *balls”’ are not waterworn, it must be remembered, but concretionary. In a well sunk, about 1878, on the march between Werna and Ayrshire Downs Runs, a three to four inch seam of coal was cut at one hundred and forty feet; a second seam was struck between one hundred and forty feet and one hundred and eighty feet. The sinking was left off in hard fine-grained sandstone at two hundred and four feet. I was informed that the strata passed through were, with the exception of the coal-seams, all grey sandstones and sandy shales, and that among the beds cut through were an argillaceous flagstone with shells and several beds of sandstone with iron pyriies, and that many fragments of silicified and carbonised wood were met with. Some fragments of coal from the spoil-heap gave, on an approximate analysis :— Carbon oe one a Ae As, nn se ot Peo O7, Volatile vee ei ar ne sae tf 25; 2. se 06396 INCU, eae ae Ae 5c sey AA ae a on eco) 100°00 This coal does not soil the fingers, and bears a close resemblance in composition to the famous Lesmahagow Cannel Coal, although it is brighter and more lustrous in cross fracture. My samples had lain exposed to the weather for two and a-half years, and must have lost some of their volatile matter. An analysis of the Lesmahtagow Coal is given for comparison :— Carbon HAR wae oe ah a Sot Ane — Mee tg) Volatile nie sn APC oe a ae ar we ee wo:60 PN et par Be Aap ae bef eh =a ee acm ... 400 100°00 A little water was struck below the first coal-seam, and a little at one hundred and eighty feet. Water stood at one hundred and thirty-four feet from the surface. In the Township of Winton, “ Sheppard’s Well” was sunk in Allotment 7 of Section 1. Mr. Julius von Berger supplied me, in 1882, with the following section :— Ft. in. Alluvial layer (yellowish, sandy, with a few seams of carbonaceous ash) 40 O Coaly shale O 0f Second alluvial layer 40 0 Coal-seam . ss oy “fe a as sc Ay emt. Third alluvial layer (compact clay-shale with pieces of jet and lanceolate leaves : in the middle of the layer a bed of shells) ie =e ay ae ey, a ee Ae) Coal-seam ... at 04 ae ae we sau ssi Po Hard alluvial clay ss oe a ee re rey EK 8] 403 No water was obtained in the well. The following analysis of some of the coal fragments from the spoil-heap was made on my return to Townsville :— Carbon aga “oF He sf aAe AS ae vee ». 30°32 Volatile a0 rae it Pee ra Sea fe ae we =49°34 TA Shion rc ey! Ar: sae aa Mae a6 Bae ... 20°34 100:00 Another well was sunk by the Government, just behind the Court House in Winton, but owing to the recent sudden death of the contractor I could get no informa- tion as to the strata passed through. I found (2nd January, 1882) that the greater part of the shaft was slabbed up, but I was informed that a coal-seam fifteen inches in thickness was cut at seventy feet, and another at about one hundred feet. At the bottom of the shaft (one hundred and fifty feet), where it was still unslabbed, I saw horizontally bedded sandy shales. The coal-seams were fifteen and twenty-four inches in thickness respectively. That is, I came to that conclusion, for the accounts I got differed considerably. Opinions would naturally differ as to how much was coal and how much shale. From the fragments I picked up in the spoil-heap, I should say that the coal occurred in thin layers among dark carbonaceous shales. Specimens I analysed at Townsville gave— Carbon Bor ae ame pa eo Se 56 ies w 02°49 Volatile aa ie ee Rie ee es; S “rr vee =42°93 Ash ooo eee vee eee eee eee eee eos wee eee 4°58 100°00 Two species of the genus Unio from this well were presented to the Geological Survey Museum by Mr. Julius von Berger.* On Vindex Station, near Winton, a well was sunk about 1880. As the station had changed hands between that time and the date of my visit (8rd January, 1882), I could get little information, but I learned that a nine-inch coal-seam was cut at seventy- five feet, and other two seams (the upper one sixteen inches thick) between seventy-five and one hundred feet. At one hundred and ten feet a sufficient supply of water (which rose twenty-five feet) was struck, and the sinking was stopped. The rubbish round the well consisted of soft grey shales and flags, with chips of coal, and a few lumps of hard buff-coloured sandstone. ~ A second well was sunk on Crawford’s Creek, nine miles east of Vindex, and water was obtained at one hundred and fifty feet. The strata passed through were very much the same as in the well at the station. I heard that coal had been passed through, but could get no reliable information. A twelve-inch bore was being sunk by Mr. F. de Kock on Vindex Run, about seven miles N. 15° E. of the station. I had previously seen, in Mr. von Berger’s hands in Winton, samples of some of the strata labelled according to their depths. Mr. de Kock supplied me with the latest particulars of the boring :— Feet. Surface ... he se oe wa se so ar BAe eine Fine-grained, soft, friable, buff-coloured sandstone -. ee Pe 45 Loose ground _... wie re yi9 oe sas ove ny 2 alt Yellowish sandstone, hard and fine-grained, with silicified wood below... 7 Loose ground ,.. oh “ te oat kod ep a caw * A deposit of Unio has been met with by Prof, R. Tate in the Lake Eyre Basin, South Australia. The specimens have been examined by my Colleague, 4:04 Feet. ( Blue clay, with a little fine siliceous sand ... aw 6 | Stiff brown plastic clay, with a little hard bluish clay, with plant- impressions ... =a site = 2 Ngee: of pale pyrites from depths of NEA ae ie xP 120. 139 Coal, 2 feet thick at 130 feet deep... ze t he a coke & Damp Hard grey sandstone ... ar Hs mes 4 i Coal, 2 feet thick united with sandy clay, vi ie age Be pee oO Sandy clay, carbonaceous, down to ... dna ses ae one cae 8 Fine-grained sandy clay (very wet), to 7. 3 pis np we 5186 Hard grey sandstone, to Pa a ss - ne : we L87, Grey sandy clay. At the “ Stone Hut,” on Rockwood Creek, is a bed of grey sandstone weathering buff, the lowest four inches of which is a sort of conglomerate of curious long oval pebbles of clay, which I think must be rolled casts of Lingula-like bivalves, together with fish-teeth, Echinus spines, Belemnites, Gasteropods, and Pelecypods. Among thespecimens which I brought home, my Colleague recognised fangs and tooth of Otodus, Belemnites, Aucella hughendenensis, Eth., and sections of long spiral univalve shells. Half-a-mile east of Byrinnia Station are some quarries of blue-grey sandstone weathering buff, containing some shells. From Rockwood, on the Landsborough, grey sandstones and drab-coloured lime- stones are seen at intervals for sixteen miles, when, at the “Jump Up” on the head of Jirking Creek, the Desert Sandstone unconformably overlies the Rolling Downs Formation. From the Junction of Rockwood Creek with the Landsborough, my Colleague recognised Inoceramus (a young form) among my Collection; from the Landsborough, five and a-half miles north-north-west of Rockwood, Awcella hughendenensis, Kth., and Pecten; and, from near the head of Jirking Creek, Awcella hughendenensis, Eth., and Pecten. In the same district numerous examples of Jnoceramus were seen on the ground, but they were either too bulky, or too imperfect, to carry away. During a journey in the southern part of the Western Interior, in October and November, 1885, accompanied by Mr. J. B. Henderson, Hydraulic Engineer, I made the following notes :— At Minmi Old Station, on Bungil Creek, near Roma, a soft dull-grey sandstone, with thin partings of blue shale, dips to 8. at 2° to 3°. The sandstone contains numerous plant-impressions, some fragments of silicified wood, and fossil Pelecypoda, of which a list is given on a subsequent page. On the Maranoa River, about half-a-mile north of the Railway, are blue shales with bands of limestone nodules. The shales and limestone at the lowest point down the river dip wp the river at about 15°. The remainder of the section dips, if anything, up the river, but is practically horizontal. From the limestone noduies I obtained numerous fossils, among which my Colleague recognised the Pelecypoda, of which a list is also given on a subsequent page.* On Yo Yo Creek, a tributary of the Warrego, in Lat. 26° S., is a section of green sandstone with calcareous and ferruginous parts, and grey shales, and cone-in-cone limestone in very thin bands. Ironstone nodules in the shale contain doubtful leaf-impressions and shells, and the sandstone contains Belemnites. The Rolling Downs rocks are seen’at intervals between Yo Yo Creek and Ellangowan. *Tna collection from the Lake Eyre Basin, submitted by Prof. R. Tate to the undersigned, an exactly similar matrix and mode of preservation of the fossils exists, (R. Z, Junr.) 405 On the Nive River, at the Royal Hotel, grey shales with indistinct plant+ remains, accompanied by greyish-green sandstone and cone-in-cone limestone, dip to S. at about 1°. In the neighbourhood of Tambo the country forms extensive “downs,” with here and there blocks of sandstone, soft and not very coarse-grained, yellow near the outside and green in the interior. The sandstone is pierced with round holes at right angles to the bedding-planes. The holes occur too sporadically and are too deep to be ‘ rain-drops. The sandstone has, apparently, all been calcareous, and occasionally has films of half-an-inch to three inches of cone-in-cone limestone adhering to it. Nine miles down the Bareoo River from Tambo, a calcareous sandstone was observed, crammed with Belemnites and other fossils, including Zrigonia. An exactly similar rock was seen four miles further down the river. Six miles below the Northampton Hotel, on the Barcoo, a stony ridge on the right bank of the river contained large and small round and roundish nodules of limestone. In the centre of each of the smaller nodules is a shell, while the interiors of the large nodules are, for the most part, shapeless masses of red iron ochre. ‘The shells are mainly Aucella hughendenensis, Eth. Five miles below Northampton Downs Station, a white limestone is seen on a small hill-top. Ina gully on the west side of the hill is a section of grey shales and brown sandstones underlying the limestone of the hill-top. These strata bave a sight dip to east-north-east. The sandstone contains a few shells. At Blackall, the town well, two hundred and fifty feet deep and unsuccessful, passed through grey-green flaggy sandstone, a bed of cone-in-cone limestone, and grey shales, containing bivalve shells and Belemnites. The bivalves have their shelly matter converted ito carbonate of lime, and crumble very readily. Between Blackall and Aramac, seven miles from Skeleton Creek (in “ Recovered South” Block), brown sandstones dip at 5° to S. Two miles beyond Home Creek Station a cone-in-cone limestone is met with. At Coreena Wool-shed, twenty-one miles north of Saltern Creek, a drab-coloured limestone yielded numerous examples of Aucella hughendenensis, Eth. At Aramac,a well had been sunk to the depth of three hundred feet by the Divisional Board. From specimens preserved by Mr. S. Sharwood, and the information that gentleman afforded me, I constructed the following section :— At 22 feet.—Yellow clay shale. 30 feet.—Yellow clay shale more sandy. » 36 feet.—Two veins of gypsum. 45 feet.—Alternate shale and fine sandstone. 47 feet.—Fine-grained permeable sandstone, felspathic, siliceous, and micaceous. Salt water in this. 60 feet.—Clay shale, black films of plant-impressions and impressions of shells, 70 feet.—Clay shales with shells and pyrites concretions. 78 feet.—Clay shales, a little sandy. », 83 feet.—Clay shale. 90 feet.—Clay shale. ,, 110 feet.—Clay shale and a concretion, in part calcareous. », 112 feet.—Clay shale. », 128 feet.—Clay shale. 132 feet.-—Clay shales with shells (unaltered) and pyrites. 150 feet.—Sandy clay shales. 153 feet.—Sandy clay shales. 176-8 feet.—Sandy clay shales, and a calcareous sandstone nodule. +] 9 33 ”? 406 At 212 feet.—Clay shales with shells and a limestone nodule. * At 224 feet.—Grey fine-grained sandstone with Ancyloceras Flindersi, McCoy. », 232 feet.—Clay shales. »5 235 feet.—Clay shales with shells. * At 238 feet.—Clay shales with Inoceramus Crispii, Mantell?, Belemnites Canhami, Tate, and Ancyloceras Flindersi, McCoy. * At 244 feet.—Clay shales with Inoceramus Crispii, Mantell ?, ” * Denks, K, Akad. Wissensch. Wien, 1859, xvii., 1 Abth., p. 186. 558 specimens now under description agree entirely with the Indian species, but seem to be rather smaller than the European, the general width of a pinna being two-sixteenths of an inch. The figures of Oldham and Morris* represent portions of fronds as long as seven inches, and two and a-half inches wide, but the largest of our specimens is four inches long and one and a-quarter wide. The pinne are certainly narrower than D. gleichenioides, but as this point may entirely depend on the position occupied by the specimen in the frond, it cannot be taken as a point of much importance. As no fructification has been seen, it would perhaps be more advisable to place the Croydon fossils, ‘characterised by the slenderness of the whole Jeaf, and by the delicate linear form of the pinne”’ (Feistmantel), in Gleichenites, as Oldham and Morris have done with their species; although, be it noted, they refer to the general resemblance of the latter to Didymosorus. On the other hand, so close a resemblance can hardly have existed without some corresponding affinity in the productive state, and I shall therefore venture to place Gleichenites gleichenioides in Didymosorus, and pro- visionally refer the Australian form to it. The general relations of this peculiar fern have been ably discussed by the late Messrs. Oldham and Morris; but in their description they state the pinne are alternate. Their figures, however, show as much variation from alternate to opposite as do our specimens. At the same time the pinne are apparently closer in the Indian fossils. The small ovately-pointed pinnules, entirely deeurrent as they are, give to the pinne a fret-saw-like appearance, and are evidently a very characteristic feature of the fern. In consequence of the gritty nature of the matrix the venation is obscure, but Oldham and Morris say generally—“ The nervation of the pinnules is very indistinct, but seems to consist of a small flexuous midrib becoming nearly obsolete at the end of the pinnules, and from which secondary veins pass off obliquely at irregular intervals.’ + Loc. and Horizon. True Blue Hill, Croydon Gold Field, North Queensland (R. L. Jack). Family—DICTYOTANIOPTERIDZ. Genus—GLOSSOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1828. (Prodrome Hist. Veg. Foss., p. 54.) Obs. The discovery of this genus by Mr. W. H. Rands, in beds believed to be of the age of the Desert Sandstone, has already been referred to.t That the plant-remains so discovered are portions of the fronds of Glossoptevis is unquestionable. The majority I am simply unable to distinguish from G. Browniana, Brong., two at least possessing the broad striated midrib represented in some of Dr. O. Feistmantel’s figures.§ With these are portions of two other very large fronds, with fine close veins, which stream out at a very low angle from the midrib, producing a long, narrow mesh, and recall to mind the appearance of G. teniopteroides, Feist.,|| and G. ampla, Dana.{ - The large size that these leaves unquestionably attained indicate the latter species as that to which they are more nearly allied It will be remembered that both G. Browntana and G. ampla occur in the Bowen River Series of the Permo-Carboniferous.** * Pal. Indica (Gondwana Flora), 1860, i., Pt. 1, fas. 6, p. 45, t. 25, t. 26, f. 2 and 8. t+ Loc. cit., p. 46. + See pp. 169 and 193. § Mem. Geol. Survey N. 8S. Wales, Pal. No. 3, 1890, t. 17, f. 1, la. \| Ibid., t. 18, f. 1, 1a. WI foid., t. 19, £. 1 and-2: ** See pp. 193 and 195, 559 This is the first occasion on which Glossopteris has been found in Australia outside beds of Permo-Carboniferous age, z.e., beds which could be shown so to be by the associated fossils. Hitherto, the occurrence of Glossopteris in our Paleozoic, and Teniopteris in the Mesozoic strata, has been regarded as an article of faith, the first never having been, to my knowledge, found above the Upper Coal Measures, and the second plant below the Clarence Series. So long has this stood the test of inquiry in the field, and so closely do the leaves found by Mr. Rands correspond to two of our most characteristic Permo-Carboniferous species of Glossopteris, that were it not for a personal knowledge of the extreme care and wide stratigraphical experience of my Colleague and his Assistant, I should be tempted to question the reference of the beds yielding these leaves to the Desert Sandstone Series. It must, at any rate, be regarded as a very remarkable survival. In India, it is true, Glossopteris passes, according to the stratigraphy of the late Dr. O. Feistmantel, into the Trias,* and the same appears to be the case in South Africa. There the upward course of Glossopteris, with any certainty, appears to cease, uccording to our previous knowledge of its range in time ; for although a species has been described by Prof. Trautschold from the Russian Cretaceous, and by Messrs. Visiani and Massalongo from the Italian Tertiary,} still, these determinations require confirmation. Perhaps the present instance may to some extent supply this. ' Mr. Norman Taylor, when acting as Geologist to W. Hann’s “ Expedition in Northern Queensland,” as long ago as 1872, found Glossopteris in a tableland between the Mitchell and Walsh Rivers, to which he in consequence ascribed, and with our then knowledge justly so, a Carboniferous age, and it became known as “ Taylor’s Car- boniferous Range.’’+ The tableland in question, however, according to my Colleague, is a denuded fragment of the Desert Sandstone, and Mr. Taylor’s fossils must in conse- quence be added to the list of the Desert Sandstone Flora. Loc. Tableland south of Mitchell River (N. Taylor) ; Bett’s Creek, near Cape Gold Field (W. H. Rands—Colln, Geol. Survey, Queensland). Kingdom—ANIMALIA, Sub-Kingdom—HCHINODERMATA. Class—ECHINOIDEA. Order— EU ECHINOIDEA, Section—REGULARES (Endocyclica). Family—SPATANGIDA. Genus—MICRASTER, Agassiz, 1834. (Prod. Mon. Rad. Echinod.) MicrastER SWEETI, sp. nov. Obs. It affords me much pleasure to associate with this, the first Mesozoic Echinoderm described from Australian rocks, the name of my friend Mr. George Sweet, of Brunswick, Melbourne, who has worked with much success amongst the fossiliferous rocks of Eastern Australia, and to whom I am indebted for the contribution of a large number of specimens. * Mem. Geol. Survey N. S. Wales, Pal. No. 3, 1890, p. 119. + Feistmantel, loc. cit., pp. 119, 120. + Proc. R. Geogr. Soc., 1874, xviil., p. 92. 560 Two previous but indefinite records of Cretaceous Echini have been made. In 1860, Dr. A. R. C. Selwyn wrote*: “I have lately discovered, embedded in our Pliocene water-worn gravel, near Melbourne, fwo specimens, considered by McCoy to belong to decidedly Chalk species. One is a very perfect Echinoderm, the other a fragment of a Coral.” Such specimens have never been described by Prof. McCoy, but he has referred to them in very emphatic terms in his Paper “On the Discovery of Cretaceous Fossils in Australia,” wherein he remarks t: “ Mr. Selwyn also alluded formerly to a specimen of an Echinide in flint given to him as found in sinking a well at Prahran, near Melbourne, having been identified by Prof. McCoy as the European Cretaceous Conulus albogalerus. The Author had also a flint Ananchytes ovatus of the same age, given to him as found at Richmond, near Melbourne, also ; but he considered both these specimens were unsatisfactory as far as the proof of their having really belonged to any Australian stratum.” Nor is any reference made to these species in Prof. McCoy’s second Essay “On the Recent Zoology and Paleontology of Victoria,” under the section, ‘“‘ Cretaceous Period.” The second reference is to a remark of the late Mr. Charles Moore, who, speaking of a collection of West Australian fossils on view at an Exhibition, says §: “In addition . . . . there was a silicious cast of a Micraster from the Chalk.” So far as I am aware, no further steps have been taken to test the occurrence of this genus in West Australia. Few absolute particulars can be obtained from the present specimen, I regret to say, from its bad state of preservation, beyond the fact that it is one of the Spatangide, and probably referable to Micraster, but as neither the fascioles nor tubercles are visible, the reference to this genus is even questionable. The test, in its present state, is two inches long from anterior to posterior, and one and a-half inches wide. It is spatangoid in outline, with petaloid ambulacra, the anterior pair much the longest, odd or anterior ambulacrum reposing in the sulcus, which evidently indented the anterior border. The specimen is a cast, the test having been entirely removed. The whole of the abactinial surface is concealed in immovable matrix. It will be subsequently figured. Loe. Corporation Quarry, Maryborough (G@. Sweet—Colln. Sweet, Melbourne). Sub-King¢dom—MOLLUSCA. Section—MOLLUSCOIDA. Class—BRaACHIOPODA. Order—TRETENTERATA, Family—RHY NCHONELLIDA. Genus—RHYNCHONELLA, Fischer, 1809. (Notice Foss. Gouv. Moscou, p. 35.) RHYNCHONELLA CROYDONENSIS, sp. nov., Pl. 41, figs. 18 and 14. Sp. Char. Shell moderately transversely elongated, wider than high, feebly convex, and sometimes attaining rather large proportions ; cardinal margin angular; front faintly sinuated. Ventral valve with a wide shallow sinus, and the flanks to some * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1860, xvi., p. 148. + Trans. R. Soe. Vict., 1866, vii., p. 50. $ Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, xx., p. 195. § Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1870, xxvi., p. 227. 561 degree flattened; umbo sharp and projecting; dental plates, as indicated by the impressions left, strong, short, and rather eurved ; flanks bearing six prominent angular ribs, and the suleus occupied by four fainter coste, with indistinct traces of distant transverse lamelle. Dorsal valve depressed, with a faint flat fold; septum very short ; coste similar to those of the ventral valve. Obs. This Rhynchonella is common in the Croydon Grit, but always in the form of casts, and those usually of the ventral valve. At first sight it would appear to have some resemblance to R. lacwnosa, Schl., from the White Jura of Germany, although the outline is decidedly more that of I. compressa, Sby., of the European Cretaceous, but the coste in our shell are too few and coarse for that species. With the exception of the inequilateral feature in Rhynchonella asteriana, D’Orb., our shell comes very close to this. The specimens are not large for a Jurassic Rynchonella, but they are so as compared with the generality of the Cretaceous forms, and when compared with Tertiary or Recent species are very large. Another shell allied to R. croydonensis is R. major, J. de C. Sby., sp.,* from tho Upper Mesozoic Beds of Cutch, but the cost are far too numerous and close. Associated with 2. eroydonensis is a smaller cast, apparently that of a dorsal valve. It possesses a much more regular degree of convexity, and is without a mesial fold, but there is present the same flattened umbonal region as in the above. Its more convex form generally and the want of a fold forbids it being the dorsal valve of 2. eroydonensis, but at the same time the two forms do bear an indescribable resemblance to one another. As in the former case, the septum is short (Pl. 42, fig. 8). Loe. True Blue Hill, Croydon Gold Field (2. LZ. Jack); Mount Angus, Croydon (R. L. Jack). | Section—MOLLUSCA VERA. Class—PELECYPODA. Order—OSTRACEA, Family—OSTREID ZA. Genus—OSTREA, Linneus, 1758. (Syst. Nat., Ed. x., p. 696.) OstrEa, sp. ind., Pl. 43, fig. 8. Obs. Some obscure impressions and casts from the Croydon Grit appear referable to this protean and widely spread genus. It is difficult to assign any definite characters to them, but the casts are irregularly sub-obovate, oblique to some extent, not greatly widening towards the front. The umbo of the under valve is thickened although not curved upwards, but the left-hand edge or margin of the shell deeply sinuated. The grooved cartilage area is roughly triangular, and obliquely inclined towards the sinuated side. This resembles many forms of Oyster, but is not unlike a variety of Ostrea patina, which the late Mr. Meek proposed to call Ostrea subsinuata,t except that the sinuated margin is on the right side of the attached valve; in our specimens it seems to be on the left. In addition to this the ligamental depression is oblique, but in Meek’s figure it is not so represented. There is not sufficient evidence to warrant a specific name being given to these specimens. Loc. True Blue Hill, Croydon Gold Field (W. Samvel?). * Trans. Geol. Soc., 2nd Ser., v., Expl. t. 22, t. 22, f. 16, + Report U. 8. Geol, Survey Ter., 1876, ix. (Invert. Cret. Tert, Foss. Up. Missouri), p. 18, t. 11, f. 4a and 4b. 2M 562 Family —ANOMIID®. Genus—PLAOUNA, Bruquiére, 1789. (Encycl. Méthod., i.) Pracuna, sp. ind., Pl. 43, fig. 9. Obs. The presence of the genus Placuna in the uppermost Mesozoic Beds of Queensland is shown by the occurrence of a small shell, one and a-quarter inch wide by the same in height, with a nearly straight cardinal margin. The specimen is only an impression, possibly of the interior of the right valve, and shows the indentations left by its own diverging teeth, and the impressions of the teeth of the opposite valve. There are also traces of the shoehorn-shaped muscular impression, but there is no sign of any pit between the “ cartilage fulera.” The transverse outline of this species renders it a peculiar one, as it is more or less equal to the vertical measurement. Loc. True Blue Hill, Croydon Gold Field (R. L. Jack). Family—LIMID&. Genus—LIMA, Bruguiére, 1789. (Tab. Encycl. Méthod., Pl. 206.) Tima (Rapvura) Ranpst, sp. nov., Pl. 21, fig. 18. Sp. Char. Shell obliquely ovate, more or less compressed, very slightly alate posteriorly. Huinge-line very short, straight, and horizontal. Anterior side rounded, alate above, margin convex; posterior side small, very slightly alate, with a convex margin, slightly emarginate above; posterior slope sharp; ventral margin obliquely rounded. Umbones moderately acute, apparently incurved. Surface bearing as many as fifteen (twelve to fifteen) broad, to some extent flattened, radiating ribs, with at times traces of a few shorter interpolated costs, separated by flat interspaces, con- siderably wider than the width of the ribs, crossed by delicate concentric lamelle; the anterior and posterior wings, and the sides of the valves contiguous to them, are devoid of ribs. Obs. This shell, although allied to Lima Gordoni (P1. 24, fig. 16), is believed to be distinct. The cost of the former are much more numerous, the margins of the shell are quite differently curved, and there does not appear to be any pronounced hinge-line. LZ. Gordoni is also much more obliquely produced towards the posterior side. A fragment of another specimen would seem to show that some of the ribs on the anterior side were spinous at their front edges. From the shell I have called Oxytoma rochwoodensis (P1. 24, fig. 15) the present differs in a less convexity, altogether different posterior wing and umbo, and by possessing radiating ribs thicker and more obtuse. Our species resembles a shell figured by Conrad as Lima leonensis,* but is less oblique. Named in honour of Mr. W. H. Rands, Assistant Government Geologist of Queensland. Loc. Near Mullet Creek, twelve miles south of Rosedale Station, Port Curtis (W. H. Rands); Corporation Quarry, Maryborough (W. H. Rands; G. Sweet— Colln. Sweet, Melbourne; and 7. W. #. David—Colln. David, Sydney). * Descrip, Cret, and Tert, Foss. Report U.S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, 1857, i., Pt. 2, p. 151, t. 5, f, 3a-c, 563 LIMA, sp. NF e anita BE Obs. A shell allied to this genus is perhaps represented in the ill-preserved example represented in Pl. 21, fig. 11. The hinge has disappeared, but a small portion of one of the ears remains. The exterior, as seen through the thin shell, is highly cancellate, resembling that of Pecten equilineatus, Moore (Pl. 21, fig. 10). Loc. Isis River, near Bundaberg, and Maryborough Road (W. H. Rands). Order—MYTILACEA. Family—A VICULIDZ. Genus—PSEUDAVICULA, Etheridge fil. (See p. 449.) Obs. A description of this new genus comes more conveniently under the head of “ Rolling Downs Fossils,” to which the reader is referred. PsEUDAVICULA ? ALATA, Etheridge, sp., Pl. 24, fig. 14. Avicula alata, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviil., p. 342, t. 20, f. 8. Sp. Char. Shell inequivalve, inequilateral ; auricles unequal, posterior much expanded, anterior small; hinge-line straight, umbones acute and prominent, umbonal region thick; valves with numerous (thirty-four) radiating ribs; with alternating smaller ones, except near the middle of the valve, where the ribs (seven and eight) are all equal, and range from the umbo to the ventral margin. (Ztheridge.) Obs. The generic affinities of this species are at present very obscure. It is not an Avicula, but may have relations with the present genus. Loe. Maryborough (The late R. Daintree). Genus—MACCOYELLA, Etheridge fil. (See p. 451.) Maccoyvetta BaRKLYI, var, MARIMBURIENSIS, Ltheridge fil. Pl. 22, fig. 3; Pl. 42, figs. 4 and 5. (For synonymy and description, sce p. 455.) Obs. The species will be found fully described amongst the Rolling Downs fossils ;* particular attention, however, may be called to Pl. 22, fig. 3, which seems to be distinguished by the size and rugosity of the primary costw, and development of the posterior spines. It is particularly characteristic of the Desert Sandstone Beds. Other figures are given, Pl. 42. figs. 4 and 5, of specimens from Croydon. Loc. Spring and True Blue Hills, Croydon Gold Field (R. L. Jack and W. Samwell). Occurs also in the Rolling Downs Beds. Maccoyretna corBiEnsis, Moore, sp. Pl. 22, figs. 8 and 9. Avicula corbiensis, Moore, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1870, xxvi., p. 246, t. 11, f. 7. Crenatula ? gibbosa, Etheridge, Ibid., 1872, xxviii., p. 339, t. 19, f. 3. Obs. M. corbiensis nas been fully described under the “Rolling Downs” section from specimens in the combined Collections of the Geological Survey and Messrs. Tate, Sweet, and David. It is a particularly characteristic fossil of the Maryborough Beds. * See p, 455, Pl. 22, figs. 1-5, Pl, 23, figs. 1 and 2, 564 Loc. Corporation Quarry, Maryborough (R. L. Jack ; G. Sweet—Colln. Sweet, Melbourne; 7. W. H. David—Colln. David, Sydney). Occurs also in the Rolling Downs Beds. MAccoyveLLa REFLECTA, Moore, sp. Pl. 23, figs. 8-7 and 10; ? figs. 1 and 2. Avicula reflecta, Moore, Quart. Journ, Geol. Soc., 1870, xxvi., p. 246, t. 12, f. 1. » Barklyi, var. reflecta, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 2, p. 240, t. 12, figs. 4-6, Obs. This species is described under the head of “ Rolling Downs,” to which the Reader is referred.* It has been found in the Desert Sandstone at the following locality :— Loc. Isis River, near Maryborough and Bundaberg Road (W. H. Rands). Occurs also in the Rolling Downs Beds. Maccoyetta ? susstriata, Moore, sp. Pl. 23, figs. 8 and 9. Avicula substriata, Moore, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1870, xxvi., p. 247, t. 11, f. 6. Obs. As in the case of the other species of Maccoyella, this is described amongst the Rolling Downs Mollusca.t The shells figured (Pl. 23, figs. 8 and 9) are believed to appertain to the present species. The reference is chiefly made on account of the extended posterior wing, but this is accompanied by a peculiar elevation of the hinge or dorsal margin at its outward termination. The specimen is in a poor state of preserva- tion, so that a definite opinion may be for the present held over. Both figs. 8 and 9 occur in close contiguity on the same piece of matrix, and are probably the right and left valves of the same species. They are but casts. Fig. 9 is a convex valye, and more or less oblique, bearing thirteen or more strong ribs. The cardinal margin is long, and produced upwards, forming with the posterior end a high elevated wing. The whole length of the cardinal margin is bordered by a small longitudinally grooved area, not shown in the figure. The subject of fig. 8 is a flatter valve than fig 9, with finer and much more numerous ribs, and in addition interpolated riblets, with the interspaces cross-striated. Loc. Maryborough (&. LZ. Jack). Occurs also in the Rolling Downs Beds. MaccoyveLia ? uMBoNALIS, Moore, sp. Pl, 23, fig. 4. Avicula umbonalis, Moore, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1870, xxvi., p. 246, t. 12, figs. 2 and 3. Obs. This species is fully described under the head of “ Rolling Downs,” to which the Reader is referred. t I have not seen a perfect specimen of this species, but Mr. Rands has collected a large bivalve at Maryborough which has some resemblance to Moore’s figure. It is transversely ovate, with an obtuse umbo, and a sharp, incurved beak. A large number of radiating ribs were present, some being larger and more determinate than the others. Loc. and Horizon. Corporation Quarries, Maryborough (W. H. Rands; G. Sweet—Colln. Sweet, Melbourne); Wharf Railway, Maryborough (W. H. Rands). Occurs also in the Rolling Downs Beds. * See p. 457, Pl. 23, figs. 1, 2, 3-7, and 10. + See p. 459, Pl. 22, fig. 10. t See p. 458, Pl. 22, figs. 6 and 7, 565 Order—ARCACEA, Family—ARCIDA. Genus—CUCULLAA, Lamarck, 1801. (Syst. Anim. sans Vertéb., p. 116.) CucuLLzZA Ropusta, Htheridge, Pl. 26, figs. 1 and 4. Cucullea robusta, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 340, t. 20, f. 1. Ap costata, Etheridge, Ibid., t. 20, f. 2. Sp. Char. Shell trapeziform or rhomboidal and nearly equilateral; body of the valves very convex and inflated; dorsal margin straight, long; area wide and flat ; posterior teeth three or four, horizontal crests of the teeth and bottoms of the sockets denticulated ; ventral margin rounded, closed, the interior wide and flattened; anterior and posterior ends truncated ; umbones large, gibbous, distant, and incurved ; pallial fine straight; coste or ribs thirteen to twenty-four in number, equal, sharp, composed of from three to five subordinate ribs, the posterior end apparently devoid of ribs; inter- spaces wide, filled with very fine riblets parallel to the principal coste. Obs. It is very questionable if two species exist at Maryborough, where these shells appear to be moderately common. I have therefore combined both for the present under one name. The ribs, or costw, become wider apart towards the extremities of the valves, and are sharp with wide interspaces. The latter are filled with very fine riblets, and the whole surface is well cancellated by sub-imbricating frills. The usual number of principal coste is thirteen, three on the anterior end and the remainder confined to the body of the shell, the posterior end being apparently devoid of them, or at any rate with the cost very faintly developed. Between each pair are four or five smaller or secondary coste, besides the five lines previously mentioned. Cucullea virgata, J. de C. Sby.,* from the “ Upper Secondary” Formation of Cutch, is remarkably like C. robusta, both in shape and ornament. Loc. Maryborough (The late R. Daintree); Corporation Quarry, Maryborough (W. H. Rands; Messrs. T. W. EB. David and G. Sweet—Collns. David and Sweet). Family —NUCULID®. Genus—NUCULA, Lamarck, 1799. (Prodrome—Meém., Soc, Hist, Nat. Paris, 1799, p. 87.) Nucvura quaprata, Etheridge, Pl. 26, figs. 8 and 9. Nucula quadrata, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 341, t. 19, f. 5, t. 20, f. 3, Sp. Char. Shell quadrate and tumid, umbones anterior, and anterior side short and vertical; posterior side much elongated and sharply rounded; teeth on posterior side large and numerous; those on anterior side few (seven or eight) and smaller ; posterior dorsal margin flat. (Ztheridge.) Obs. This and the following species appear to be unusually large for Cretaceous forms. The muscular scars and pallial line are very strongly marked in the cast. _ In one of Mr. Etheridge’s original figures of this species the scars of the retractor (?) muscles, usually met with on the visceral region of the interior surface of Nucule, are exceedingly developed, and give to the surface of the cast quite a pock-marked appearance. It isa rather thick, heavy species, with fifteen or sixteen posterior, very large hinge-teeth. * Trans. Geol. Soc., 2nd Ser., v., Expl. t. 22, t, 22, f. 1. 566 Loe. Maryborough (The late R. Daintree; the Hon. A. C. Gregory; Messrs. T. W. E. David and G. Sweet—Collns. David and Sweet). Occurs also in the Rolling Downs Beds. Nucuta @igantea, Htheridge, Pl. 26, figs. 6 and 7. Nucula gigantea, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 341, t. 20, f. 4. Sp. Char. Shell ovately oblong; dorsal margin nearly horizontal; ventral margin nearly semi-circular; umbones placed very anteriorly and nearly straight; hinge- teeth thirteen or fourteen, on posterior side, and five or six on anterior side of umbo. (Ltheridge.) Obs. The ligamentary pit in this species is large and spoon-shaped, and directed towards the posterior end. One specimen examined possessed sixteen teeth on the posterior hinge, and another from Port Curtis only ten, but this may depend on preservation. ‘The exterior was ornamented with fine concentric lines. Loc. Maryborough (The late R. Daintree; Messrs. T. W. EB. David and G. Sweet—Collns. David and Sweet) ; near Mullet Creek, twelve miles south of Rosedale Station, Port Curtis (W. H. Rands). Genus—NUCULANA, Link, 1807. (Beschr. Natur. Sammi. Rostok, iii., p. 155.) Nvucurana (? Youp1s) Ranpst, sp. nov., Pl. 26, fig. 10. Sp. Char. Shell elongately ovate, rather tumid, moderately large, rostrate posteriorly. Cardinal margin or hinge-line somewhat convex in front, excavated or concave behind, with about fourteen teeth both on the anterior and posterior sides. Anterior end rather produced; anterior and ventral margins rounded. Posterior end bluntly rostrate, curved upwards. Umbones sub-central. Obs. The surface markings and the pallial line are not visible, but I believe the species is referable either to Nuculana or Yoldia. It is allied to such as Leda protexta, Gabb,* and Yoldia seaphuloidea, Stoliezka,} more particularly the latter, but differs in size and in having a more acute rostrum. The species is named in honour of Mr. W. H. Rands, Assistant Government Geologist of Queensland. Loc. Isis River, near Bundaberg Road, Wide Bay (W. H. Rands). Genus—ADRAWNA, fl. and A. Adams, 1858. (Gen. Recent Moll., 11., Pt. 33, p. 547.) ADRANA ELONGATA, Ltheridge, sp., Pl. 33, fig. 8. Leda clonyata, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 341, t. 20, f. 5. Sp. Char. Shell elongated, length nearly double the height; umbones nearly central, nearer anterior than posterior margin; teeth very numerous on both sides of umbo, anterior twelve or thirteen, posterior fifteen. (Htheridge.) Obs. In form this species seems to approach much nearer to H. and A. Adams’ genus Adrana than either to Leda or Yoldia. The resemblance to Leda scapha, d’Orb., does not appear to be so apparent, as stated by Mr. Etheridge. As regards Yoldia scaphuloidea, Stol., of the Arrialoor Group of India, the likeness is greater, but the two shells are clearly distinct. When perfect, the anterior margin is regularly rounded, and * Pal. California, 1864, i., p. 199, t. 26, f. 185. + Pal. Indica (Cret. Fauna), iii., 1871, Fas. 5-8, p. 324, t. 17, £. 11 and 12. }Non Adrana, Loew, 1878, a genus of Diptera, nec Adrania, Stal, 1863, a genus of Hemiptera. 567 tolerably deep from the dorsal to the ventral. There is no definite evidence of the valves gaping, although some appearance of this does exist at the posterior end of one specimen. It was evidently a very much compressed species. An example collected by Prof. T. W. E. David measures one and a-half inches in length. Loc. Maryborough (Zhe late R. Daintree; T. W. EB. David—Colln. David, Sydney). Family—TRIGONIDA. Genus—TRIGONIA, Bruquiére, 1789. (Encyel. Méthod. i., Pl. 14.) TriIgonra Nasuta, Ltheridge. Trigonia nasuta, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 339, t. 19, f. 2, 2a. Sp. Char. Shell triangular or deltoid, much produced or elongated at the posterior end; anterior side truncated; umbones prominent and thick; hinge area and teeth not preserved, save a few on the posterior area. (Ltheridge.) ‘Obs. We possess only the cast of this shell, and had it been found in the Cretaceous rocks of Britain we should have allied it to Trigonia aleformis, Park., or T. caudata, Ag., but from the umbo to the ventral margin it is much higher or deeper than either of the two forms referred to. I am inclined to believe that the concentric folds or ribs supported tubercles upon them, as in Vrigonia scabra and T. caudata. I unhesitatingly refer it to the Cretaceous deposits, and it belongs to a type not known in the Jurassic rocks. 7. sancte-crucis, Pictet and Camp., much resembles this shell; and again, Mr. C. L. Griesbach describes a Trigonia, from the Umtafuna River, Natal, which has an elongated posterior end, and, in general shape and deltoid form, is much like our shell. (2theridge.) The folds distributed over the umbonal region in Mr. Etheridge’s figure are shown, on the internal cast of a left valve obtained by Prof. IT. W. E. David, to occur generally over the whole valve, except on the posterior slope. ‘They are wide and flat. Loc. Maryborough (Lhe late R. Daintree; TL. W. E. David—Colln. David, Sydney). TRIGONIA, sp. ind. (a.), Pl. 26, fig. 5. Sp. Char. Cast subovately elongate, subconvex, but not inflated; anterior side rounded from the umbones downwards, and but little produced; posterior side pro- duced into an obtuse, somewhat flattened, nasiform extension, witha straight oblique margin; ventral margin rounded, extended, without apparent undulation or excavation posteriorly ; hinge-line concave, sloping towards the posterior end; umbones acute, little incurved, nearly vertical to the longer axis of the shell; area narrow and elongate, bounded by a sub-acute ridge from the umbones, which gradually dies out; escutcheon not preserved; dental sockets oblique, divergent, the anterior tear-shaped and long, the posterior thin ; flanks of the cast but little convex, whilst the posterior end immediately below the bounding carina of the area bears a depression or groove. Obs. An exceedingly well-preserved cast, which appears to differ from any of the hitherto described Australian Trigonias, but is probably nearest to 7. mesembria, Woods. It differs entirely in shape from Z. lineata, Moore, and is not sufficiently pointed at the posterior end for 7. nasuta, Etheridge. In many points this cast agrees with Trigonia conocardiiformis, Krauss,* from the Cretaceous rocks of South Africa, but is * Nova Acta Acad, Cees, Leop.—Carol. Nat. Curio., 1850, xxii., Pars. 2., p. 454., t. 49, f. 1. 568 by no means so massive a shell, and some of the internal characters are different ; still, it is undoubtedly closely allied to Krauss’ species. It doesnot in any way agree with the other South African Cretaceous shell, Zrigonia Shepstonei, Griesbach.* I think it quite likely that the present shell may be an elongated variety of LP. mesembria, Ten. Woods, but as the figure of this species represents an individual with the shell on, and the present fossil is only a cast, it is difficult to compare them. On the difficulty of dealing with Trigonia casts, the late Dr. Lycett made the following remarks, which are very applicable to these Australian forms. He said :—‘“ It rarely happens that any. of the external ornaments are visible upon them; and even under the most favourable conditions the impressions of these ornaments are only faintly and insufficiently shown, so that by means of these alone the external aspect even of a single species could never be fully ascertained, and even when both the mould and test have been obtained it is not in every instance that the mould can with certainty be dis- criminated from those of other allied species. The practice of authors, therefore, who have described supposed new species even partially, and have named them from internal moulds alone, is objectionable, as tending to create doubt and hesitation in the minds of students, and encumbering the list of species with things which for all practical purposes are little more then mere names.” Loc. Maryborough (Hon. A. O. Gregory). Family—CY PRINID&. Genus—CYPRINA, Lamarck, 1818. (Hist. Anim. sans. Vert¢b., v.) Cyrprina CrarKet, Moore, Pl. 27, fig. 9; ? Pl. 26, figs. 18 and 19. (For description see under *‘ Rolling Downs,” p. 474.) Obs. This shell appears to have attained considerable dimensions in the Australian Cretaceous seas, being much larger than the Cyprina planata of the Lower Tertiaries of Britain and France. In form and habit C. erpansa is closely allied to C. planata, possessing also the compressed ventral border, deep lunule, and expanded anterior or pedi-lateral margin. (Ltheridge.) C. expansa is a-very characteristic species of the North Queensland Cretaceous deposits. In the Maryborough Beds it has invariably been met with in casts, but in the nodular limestone of the Walsh River portions of the shell are usually attached to the specimens. In some individuals the anterior side is longer, and the dorsal margin very much more oblique, than represented in Mr. Etheridge’s figure. The umbones are much incurved, and the lunule deep. The anterior end rather compressed and flattened towards the margins. The pallial line is strongly marked, but the sinus is not deep. The shell, where preserved, is thick and concentrically corrugated, with fine intervening concentric lines. Loc. and Horizon. Maryborough (Lhe late R. Daintree; T. W. HB. David— Colln. David, Sydney; G. Sweet—Colln. Sweet, Melbourne). In connection with this genus may be mentioned a shell (Pl. 27, Fig. 1) figured + by Mr. Etheridge without name. The following is his description :—‘ Shell apparently smooth, semicircular, nearly equilateral, equivalve ; umbones central, slightly acute and anterior ; posterior and ventral margins equally rounded and smooth; hinge-~ line straight, rounded at the angles, giving the shell an almost circular appearance.” * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1871, xxvii., t. 3, f. 11. + Ibid., 1872, xxviii, p. 389, t. 19, f. 4. 569 “Obs. It is to be regretted that we have not a particle of the original shell wherewith to recognise the nature of the markings, or even the ventral margin to aid us in determining whether the inner edge was erenulated or plain; externally the shell appears to have been smooth or delicately concentrically marked. The cast of the hinge-line is such as to prevent our determining any teeth below the junction of the two valves. “In outward form this shell much resembles Lweina (Codakia) pererassa, Stol., from the Arrialoor Group (India) ; and the shell is nearly equal in length to that of this species, but not so high. The pallial line appears to be simple; and the muscular impressions resemble those of Pectunculus. Some Axinea from the Indian Cretaceous rocks, but for their size, would very closely resemble this shell. We possess one specimen only, and that a cast of one valve. Three similar casts have come under my own observation (Pl. 27, fig. 1), but I am in no way better prepared to offer any definite suggestion as to their generic affinity than was Mr. Etheridge. Cardinal and lateral teeth were undoubtedly present, so that the supposed resembiance to Awinea (Pectunculus) may be at once dismissed. The hinge characters, however, are too ill-preserved to warrant us in a complete generic, reference, but, in all probability, these shells belong either to the Cyprinide or Luci- nide. Fora true Cyprina, the umbones are too central, although slightly on the anterior side; whilst the absence of crenulations along the ventral interior of the valves separates them at once from that section of Codakia referred to by Mr. Etheridge. Prof. K. Martin has described a large shell, having much the appearance of our fossils, but with the shelly matter preserved, from the Tertiary Beds of Java. He provisionally refers it to Lucina.* Prof. J. D. Dana, again, has figured a similar form, referred to the same genus, from the Tertiary series of Oregon, under the name of Lucina acutilineata.t The outline corresponds well with our shell. The almost central beaks, and nearly round outline, with an apparently indefinite or smooth surface ornament, are features of too marked a character to be easily passed over. The posterior muscular scar was large, deep, and round-oval, and the pallial sinus wide and open, and it is not impossible that we may here have the foreshadowing of a new genus. In two of the specimens one of the valves has been thrust upwards, producing an apparent inequality of the valves, but in the third they are normal. Loc. Maryborough (The late R. Daintree). Order—LUCINACEA. Family—LU CINID. Genus—UNICARDIUM, @ Orbigny, 1850. (Prod. Pal. Strat., i, p. 218.) Unicarpium ? ETHERIDGEI, sp. nov., Pl. 27, fig. 1. Genus 7, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 339, t. 19, f. 4. Sp. Char. Shell large, more or less semicircular, if anything slightly oval, the transverse measurement being slightly the greater, nearly equilateral, convex, and inflated in the umbonal region. Dorsal margin nearly straight, rounded at the lateral angles; anterior and ventral margins rounded, but the posterior slightly produced. * Sammlungen Geol. Reichs Mus. in Leiden, 1888, i., No. 5, Heft 4, t. 13, f. 43. + Geology, Wilkes’ U. S. Explor. Exped., 1849, x., Atlas, t. 18, f. 2, 570 Umbones large, incurved, slightly anterior. Cardinal teeth large, apparently one in each valve; the dorsal margin thickened internally on the posterior side, and assuming a rather lateral, tooth-like appearance. Adductor muscular scars well developed, especially the posterior, which is deeply excavated on the outer side. Surface with wide concentric lamine, and intermediate finer lines of growth. Obs. The reference to Unicardium is made provisionally, as the casts of this shell have long puzzled me, as did those in Daintree’s Collection perplex Mr. Etheridge. It always occurs as internal casts and from the one locality, the almost equilateral form and central beaks being among its chief peculiarities. The pallial line is simple, although in our illustration (Pl. 27, fig. 1) it appears sinuated, but this only arises from a fracture, all other specimens having presented a perfectly continuous line. Named in honour of my Father, Mr. Robert Etheridge, F'.R.S. Loe. and Horizon. Corporation Quarry, Maryborough (Zhe late R. Daintree, and R. L. Jack; G. Sweet—Colln. Sweet, Melbourne). Order—TELLINACEA, Family—TELLINID. Genus—PALAHOMGRA, Stoliczka, 1870. (Pal. Indica (Cret. Fauna), 1870, iii., Fasc., 1-4, p.116.) PALHOMERA MARIEBURIENSIS, Ltheridge, sp. Telling Maricburiensis, Utheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 341, t. 20, f. 6 and 6a. Sp. Char. Shell compressed, transversely elongated, nearly equilateral, acutely rounded anteriorly; posterior margin slightly truncated ; lines of growth strongly marked and band-like; these concentric bands are broad and of equal width, (Ltheridge.) Obs. In many respects this shell resembles Tellina (Paleomera) inconspicua, Forbes, from Trichinopoly ; but the band-like markings, if in the external shell, which they appear to be, remove it from that species; in form, size, and habit, however, it closely approaches the latter. (Etheridge.) The distant concentric depressions appear to be a very characteristic feature in this species. Loc. Maryborough (The late R. Daintree ; G. Sweet—Colln. Sweet, Melbourne). PALHOM@RA? sp. ind., Pl. 26, fig. 17. Tellina sp., Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 341, t. 20, f. 7. Obs. This species is less elongated and more deltoid in form than P. marieburiensis, and apparently possessed a smooth shell instead of the banded structure of that species; the anterior side is obtusely rounded, and the posterior more acute. (Ktheridge.) A small form resembling this occurs in the Walsh River nodules, but the specimens appear to have an inflection in the posterior ventral margin. Loe. Maryborough (Lhe late R. Daintree). Genus—GLYOIMERIS (Klein), Lamarck, 1799. Glycimeris (Klein), Lamarck, Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1799, p. 83 [non Lamarck, 1801, Syst. Anim. sans. Verbéb., p. 126=Cyrtodaria, Daudin]. Panopea, Ménard de la Groye, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1807, ix., p. 135 Obs. Glycimeris is here used as originally proposed by Klein, and adopted in his earlier writings by Lamarck, who was a binomial Author. As employed by the 571 latter in his “Systtme’’ it is equal to Crytodaria, Daudin. In this sense Panopea, Ménard, simply becomes a synonym. The two species described by Mr. Moore it is almost impossible to recognise, the figures are so indefinite and badly executed. They may be here described under other names, but in such cases this cannot be avoided. GLYCIMERIS suLcaTa, Ltheridge, sp., Pl. 17, fig. 18. Panopea sulcata, Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 342, t. 21, f. 2 and 2a. Sp. Char. Shell oblong, transversely or ovately elongated, thin, with many concentric, deeply sulcated plications or furrows ; umbones pointed, anterior side much rounded, posterior side acute. (Ltheridge.) Obs. This shell resembles P. orientalis, Forbes *; but the concentric sulcations are fewer and coarser, the posterior margin is more acute, and the umbones slightly more central. It also much resembles P. Prevost, D’Orb.,f but our shell is more coarsely plicated than either of the abovenamed species. (Ztheridge.) Crushed examples appear to be plentiful in the Maryborough Beds. What appears to be a short variety also exists with few and exceedingly coarse concentric ribs. Individuals of G. sulcata vary greatly in appearance, both as regards the coarseness of the furrows on the surface, and the marginal outline of the anterior end. Impressions of the thickened hinge-margin are usually well displayed on these casts. The posterior end gaped but little. This is certainly distinct from G. rugosa, Moore, judging from the form and concentric, corrugated lamine, but it may be allied to Moore’s Mya Maccoyi. The later Author says that the anterior margin of his species is truncated and angular, and so is that of G. swleata. If the former is also a somewhat long and narrow shell, resembling a specimen in Prof. Tate’s South Australian Collection, the resemblance is intensified. Specimens of this species are always so crushed that it is difficult to say what the precise structure of the dorsal margin was—whether a ligamental fulcrum existed as in Glycimeris, or a cartilage process as in Iya. The variety is short and obtuse, and is distinguished by having the length much less in proportion to the width (Pl. 17, fig. 18) than the species proper. It may perhaps represent a distinet species. Loc. Maryborough (The late R. Daintree) ; Corporation Quarry, Maryborough (W. H. Rands ; and G. Sweet—Colln. Sweet, Melbourne). GuycrmeriIs ruGosA, Doore, sp., Pl. 28, figs. 4 and 5, ? f. 6. (For description see under ‘‘ Rolling Downs Beds,” p. 478.) Loc. Prof. T. W. E. David has collected an internal cast in the Corporation Quarry, Maryborough, which appears to be too large a shell for G. sulcata, Eth., and may indicate the presence of the present species. Occurs algo in the Rolling Downs Beds. Genus—CEROMY A, L. Agassiz, 1842. (Etudes crit. Moll. Foss. 2e., p. 25.) CEROMYA? sp. ind., Pl. 26, fig. 20. Obs. This ill-preserved, although stratigraphically important, cast is pro- visionally referred to the present genus. One valve is much crushed, but the other is * Trans. Geol. Soc., 2nd. Ser., vii., p. 189, t. 17, f. 4. + Pal. Franc. Terr. Crét., 1843, iii., p. 354, t. 356, f. 3 and 4. 572 fairly intact; but the whole of the test has been removed. It possesses the oblong outline of several species of Ceromya, and was similarly inflated about the umbones. The dorsal margin is fairly straight ; the umbones much inrolled, overhanging a large false lunule. The exterior was concentrically and broadly laminated as in several Ceromye. The specimen is five and a-half inches long by three and three-quarter inches high. Its relation to the genus will be apparent if such species as Ceromya excentrica, Voltz, sp., are compared with it. Ceromya is chiefly an Oolitic genus, but Agassiz has described species from the Neocomian. Loc. Maryborough (Zhe Hon. A. C. Gregory). Family—MACTRID. Genus—LUTRARIA, Lamarck, 1799. (Prodrome—Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1799, p. 85.) Lvurraris, sp. ind. Obs. A very indifferent cast may perhaps be referable to this genus. On the other hand it is not unlike some forms of Siliqua or Oultellus. The specimen is two inches long, and broken posteriorly. It is a cast of the exterior. Loc. Maryborough (The late R. Daintree). Order—-PHOLADACEA, Family—PHOLADID. Genus—TEREDO, Linneus, 1758, (Syst. Nat., Edit. x.) TEREDO, sp. ind., Pl. 43, figs. 11 and 12. Obs. Portions of tubes resembling those of Zeredo, especially the Cretaceous Teredo amphisbena, occur in the siliceous rock of the Croydon Gold Field. The valves of the shell are unknown. The tube is moderately tortuous and curved, two and a-quarter inches long, and seven-sixteenths of an inch in diameter. The test is thick. (Pl. 43, fig. 11.) In addition to the species named there is also a resemblance to 7. partita, Stoliczka,* and 7. Reguienianus, Math.,+ of the French Chloritic Chalk, but our form is rather larger than the latter. It corresponds with species of this description better than it does with the smaller forms of the Oolitic rocks. A very interesting specimen (Pl. 48, fig. 12) was given to me by the late Rev. J. E. T. Woods, consisting of a number of shelly tubes of Zeredo, most of them straight and parallel, but one or two curved, and preserved in a drab limestone. The longest is over two inches, with a diameter of three-quarters of an inch, but the average diameter is a quarter of an inch. Many of these tubes are seen in section, and at the larger end of one of them are two disjointed and displaced valves, probably those of the species. The specimens closely resemble Zeredo crassula, Stol.,t and the section of the valves would agree intimately with those of our fossils. * Pal. Indica (Cret. Fauna), 1871, iii., t. 1, f. 1. + D’Orbigny, Pal. Franc. Terr. Crét., iii., p. 303, t. 348, f. 3-6. + Pal. Indica (Cret Fauna), 1871, iii., t. 1, f. 2 @ and 0. 573 Teredo-bored wood also occurs in the Rolling Downs Series, Mr. G. Sweet having obtained such from the Walsh River, and at Hughenden, the borings being from ten to fifteen millimetres wide. Loc. True Blue Hill, Croydon (W. Samwell). Class—GASTEROPODA. Order—PULMONATA. Family—SIPHONARIID A. Genus—SIPHONARIA, G. B. Sowerby, 1824. (Genera of Shells i., Pl. 143.) SrPHONARIA SAMWELLI, sp. nov., Pl. 42, fig. 9. Sp. Char. Shell patelloid, depressed conical; anterior margin expanded on the left side; posterior contracted; apex recurved and much depressed. Surface with a large number of radiating costs, not all equal in size, but about twelve stronger than the others proceeding direct from the apex; the intermediate and smaller coste# proceed from the margin for two-thirds the distance between the latter and the apex, but do not reach the last-named ; the whole are crossed by very wavy and sub-imbricating ridges, which become more numerous and delicate as the periphery is approached. Obs. This shell is known under the condition of impressions of the exterior. The unsymmetrical outline suggested to Mr. J. Brazier, who examined the specimens, the genus Siphonaria as a more fitting resting-place than Patella. The interior has not been observed. Of Stiphonaria, Mr. G. B. Sowerby remarked: “ Its lateral canal, and the vertex being obliquely turned backwards, may be considered as its principal distinctive characters, separating it not only from Patella, but from Hmarginula, whose canal is anterior and vertex posterior.” The nearest fossil ally I have seen is Patella caperata, Tate, from the Uitenhage Series (Jurassic) of South Africa. This is, however, a Siphonaria in all probability, as the “ periphery is irregular, and slightly sinuated.” The present species is named in compliment to Mr. W. Samwell, late Goldfield Warden, who collected extensively at Croydon. Loe. True Blue Hill, Croydon (W. Samwell). PECTINIBRANCHIATA. Family—NATICIDZ. Genus—NATICA, Adanson, 1757. (Hist. Nat. Sénégal, Coquilles, p. 172.) Order Nartica VARIABILIS, Moore, Pl. 31, figs. 2 and 3. (For synonymy and description, see p, 485.) Loc. Maryborough (The late R. Daintree), Occurs also in the Rolling Downs Beds. 574 Class—CEPHALOPODA. Order—DIBRANCHIATA. Family—BELEMNITID. Genus—BELEMNITES (G4. Agricola), D’ Orb., 1840. (Pal. Frane. Terr. Crét., 1840, i., p. 37.) Obs. Mr. Rands notes * the presence of “numerous casts of Belemnites” in the Maryborough Desert Sandstone in a quarry “just a couple of hundred yards on the Maryborough side of the Copenhagen Bend” of the Mary River. I have not seen any of these casts, but Prof. T. W. E. David obtained a portion of the highly altered rock at the Corporation Quarry, Maryborough, with an elongated cavity, which may be either that left by the decomposition of a Belemnite or a Dentalium. Another specimen in Mr. Sweet’s Collection is an elongated hollow, in the proximal end of which reposes a portion of a phragmacone. The distal extremity bears two lateral ridges indicating the lateral grooves, and the distal outline gradually swells out with an oval section resulting in a form much resembling Belemnites Canhami, Tate, to which it is probably allied, although the apex of the guard is too pointed to be that species. EK. a * Report on the Burrum Coal Field. Brisbane; by Authority 1886 ~ CHAPTER XXXYV. TERTIARY. LOWER (MIOCENE?) AND UPPER (PLIOCENE?) VOLCANIC ROCKS AND DRIFTS. RUSSELL RIVER AND MULGRAVE GOLD FIELDS, MOUNT MORGAN GOLD MINE. The presence of Tertiary rocks in Queensland is rather inferred than proved. To begin with, it is in the highest degree unlikely that this epoch passed over in Queensland without any deposition of either fresh-water or marine strata, such as exist in all the neighbourning colonies. The absence, so far as we know for certain, of Tertiary marine strata may be due to the fact that the elevation which took place after the deposition of the Upper Cretaceous (Desert Sandstone) rocks placed the whole of Queensland above the reach of the ocean during Tertiary times. But in that case we should expect a widespread accumulation of fresh-water deposits. Daintree, indeed, who describes the’ Desert Sandstone as “ without doubt the most recent, widely-spread stratified deposit developed in Queensland,” and correctly observed that it lies unconformably on the Cretaceous Rocks of the “ Rolling Downs,” classed the Desert Sandstone as “ Cainozoic,” adding “all that can be asserted is that its horizon is above and unconformable to the Cretaceous Series of the Flinders.” As will be seen in the Chapter relating to the Desert Sandstone, that Formation must be regarded as Upper Cretaceous, the idea of its “ Cainozoic”’ age being no longer tenable. There is reason to believe that the Tertiary epoch was marked by intense voleanic activity, accompanying or following extensive movements of elevation. It may be well at the outset to glance at the history of volcanic activity in the other colonies in Tertiary times before considering whether Queensland affords any evidence of similar activity. In Victoria, according to Mr. Reginald A. F. Murray, Government Geologist,* the Eocene of Europe has no Victorian representative. “ The Victorian Lower Tertiary beds, which the term Oligocene has been employed to designate, really belong to the upper- most portion of the Lower Tertiary group, arid appear to occupy an intermediate position between the Eocene and Miocene.” These consist exclusively of marine deposits. The Middle Tertiary (Miocene) is extensively developed in Victoria. It comprises “ deposits due to marine, lacustrine, and fluviatile agencies, and also the rocks of igneous origin, classed as Older Volcanic, which appear to be the youngest of the group, and to form the division between beds of Middle Tertiary and Miocene and those of Upper Tertiary or Pliocene age.” “The Older Volcanic rocks are the latest products, and mark distinctly the close of the Middle Tertiary or Miocene era. There do occur, occasionally, thin volcanic layers, interstratified with the Miocene sedimentary beds, showing that vulcanicity was not altogether dormant during the formation of the latter, but the greatest volcanic activity evidently took place at the close of the period. Where undecomposed, the Older Voleanic basalts are usually dark, dense, and solid, of a polygonally jointed and * Geology and Physical Geography of Victoria. Melbourne: by Authority : 1887. 576 sometimes distinctly columnar structure, and composed chiefly of augite, labradorite, olivine, and specular iron. They are, however, as a rule, either wholly or partly decom- posed. In the former condition they consist of red, yellow, purple, brown, and nearly white amygdaloidal clays, containing hard lumps of less decomposed rock showing concentric structure; in the partly decomposed state, the rock exhibits in sections the appearance of a conglomerate of such concentric masses in a clay matrix. “Tn every locality throughout the Coiony where the Older Volcanic rocks are at the surface, the soil immediately resting on or derived from them is of great fertility and of exceptional value for agriculture. In the Neerim, Brandy Creek, and other districts in Gippsland, the natural vegetation growing on such soil is of a most luxuriant, sub-tropical character, forming a serious impediment to the labours of the selectors, who, during late years, have eagerly taken up every available acre of such land. ‘The sources whence the Older Voleanic lava streams issued have not yet been distinctly recognised ; no well-marked points of eruption, such as are common in the Newer Volcanic districts, have been observed, and it would appear that the original volcanic cones have been entirely removed by subsequent denudation, so that it would only be in what are now narrow or small pipe-shaped dykes, easily passed over unobserved, and probably far distant from where the Older Voleanic rocks remain in considerable area, that we might look for the vents whence the flows were poured forth. The original extent covered by Older Volcanic rocks was once very much greater than now. ‘The areas we now see occupied by them are, for the most part, disconnected vestiges of what were once long, continuous, and frequently also widespread sheets, which have been cut into and through by subsequent denuding agencies, so that in many places the Older Volcanic rocks, which, at the time they were poured forth as lavas, flowed down and partly filled in the valleys of the period, are now the eappings of ranges, owing to the erosion of still deeper valleys on either side. Enough still remains to enable some conjectures to be formed as to the areas once occupied by the Older Volcanic rocks. The conclusions arrived at will, however, be better understood after the existing Older Volcanic areas have been described, and will, therefore, be included in the general sketch history of the Tertiary period, given in a subsequent chapter. “Older Volcanic rock occurs in patches, filling hollows in Miocene and other older formations in the neighbourhood of the Moorabool River, near Maude, and in one place as an intercalated band between marine Miocene beds; it also constitutes a considerable area of the Bellarine distri¢t, south of Geelong Harbour. “From between Ballan and Blackwood down to near Bacchus Marsh the Older Volcanic rock occurs in a number of localities, especially on the Pentland Hills, where some of the undecomposed basalt of this age is highly magnetic. “From near Romsey down to Melbourne there are several exposures of this rock in beds and banks of creeks that have cut their way down to it through newer overlying formations. Near Flemington is an area consisting of Older Volcanic decomposed basalt, which may be seen in natural section on the bank of theSaltwater River, passing under Upper Tertiary ferruginous deposits, capped with basalt of Newer Volcanic age. From Hoddle’s Creek, a branch of the Upper Yarra, a series of disconnected patches, in some places underlaid by auriferous gravels, are traceable, in the direction of Melbourne, as far as Lilydale. Other patches occur between the Yarra and the Plenty, near the Kangaroo Ground. This formation occurs again at Berwick and Cranbourne, and has been proved by boring operations to exist beneath some two hundred feet of Upper Tertiary deposits near Frankston. Cape Schanck and portion of the country between Western Port and Port Phillip, also Phillip Island and French 577 Island, in Western Port Bay, consist of Older Volcanic rocks, in places undecomposed, and consisting of hard, dark, dense basalt. This rock, more or less decomposed, occupies a strip extending from Griffith’s Point along the east coast of Western Port Bay, and I believe this to be portion of and continuous with the French Island and Phillip Island layers, and to be united, beneath the Newer Tertiaries, with the Older Volcanic rocks which occupy so extensive a tract in the Neerim and Buln Buln district. “Large and small strips and patches are found between the Tanjil and La Trobe Rivers, and in various portions of South Gippsland. A well-defined lead, covered by two hundred feet of older basalt, has been proved to trend, from between Walhalla and Mount Baw Baw, southward to the level country near Toongabbie. Very extensive sheets of older basalt probably underlie parts of the low Upper Tertiary country of Gippsland, as it may be seen sloping from the hilly country, and passing under the plains at Haunted Hill, Toongabbie, Seaton, Glenmaggie, and also at many places on the south side of the La Trobe Valley. The basalt of the Dargo and Bogong High Plains has been classed as Older Volcanic, because it immediately overlies sedimentary beds containing Miocene flora, and its lithological character also justifies this classification. Here we find many hundreds of feet in thickness of lava, for the most part undecomposed, and often highly magnetic, showing, in many places, columnar structure in a marked degree. Portions of the plains where the rock is bare resemble a pavement of five- sided blocks; while, on the slopes below the escarped edges of the plains, acres in extent are covered with pentagonal columns of basalt like logs confusedly heaped together. “Similar outlers of basalt, but of less extent, occur at Connor’s Plain and Fullarton’s, Spring Hill, both points on the Main Divide between the Gippsland and Murray River basins ; also to the southward at Mount Useful and Mount Lookout, the ranges between the Aberfeldy and the Thomson, and between the Thomson and the Tyers Rivers. A very small outlier occurs on the east slope of Mount Matlock, and other patches are found on the Southern Spur, between the sources of the Yarra and those of the La Trobe. “The general evidence obtained from observations of the Older Volcanic areas points irresistibly to the conclusion that they are remnants of extensive lava-flows which poured down the valleys of the Miocene period, partially filling in the basins and covering the sedimentary deposits in them, and also spreading in wide layers over the beds of the estuaries and inlets. Subsequent denudation has cut through and destroyed the con- tinuity of these lava-flows; new channels have been excavated to lower levels than the ancient ones, which they filled, and fresh accumulations have in many places over- spread them.” Under the head of Upper Tertiary, Mr. Murray says,* ‘ are included all aqueous deposits marine or fluviatile, and associated lava-flows, younger than the Older Volcanic and older than the Newest Voleanic rocks, which latter are taken as the latest products of the Tertiary period; deposits newer than they being regarded as Post-Tertiary and Recent.” “The basalts, or anamesite and dolerite lavas, familarly known as ‘bluestone,’ occur in sheets or strips of varyirg breadth overlying a large extent of the central western portion of Victoria. The great plains of the Western district, from Geelong to Hamilton, and from Colac to Ararat, are nearly wholly of voleanic origin, while most of the ancient river-beds or leads trending north and south from the Main Divide are more or less filled in and covered by lava-flows, which, though often confined between elevated Silurian ridges near the hilly country, spread out and unite with the wide sheets a i i Loe. cit, p. 113. 578 that constitute the plains. To the northward of Ballarat, portion of the Main Divide itself is of voleanic formation, and a wide-sheet extending to the north, and finally dis- appearing under the Post-Tertiary deposits of the Loddon, covers the system of deep leads of Creswick, Clunes, and Daylesford, on their trend towards the Murray. At Ballarat there are four, and in other places two or three, distinct layers of basalt covering the leads. “The lowest overlie the deepest part of the gutters, and the next in succession spread more widely, till, as may now be seen, the uppermost lava-flow forms a wide sheet, covering not only the old rivers and their tributaries, but also most of the lower ridges of Silurian rock which separate them. “Throughout all the Newer Voleanic areas are found the points of eruption whence the lava streams issued, mammaloid or conical hills, in many of which well- formed crater-basins still exist, while in others the crateriform shape is_ still distinguishable, though the basin has been obliterated. Many of these extinct craters are now occupied by lakes or lagoons, as Tower Hill, near Warrnambool, which has an insular peak rising from the centre of the lake; Mount Eels, and other crater basins in the western district, and Mount Mercer, south from Buninyong. Mounts Buninyong, Warrenheip, Pisgah, Franklin, and numerous other voleanic hills in the Ballarat, Creswick, Daylesford, and other districts, are familiar instanves of points of eruption where the outlines of the craters are still discernible. ‘“‘ Around nearly all such points are scoriaceous lavas and voleanic ashes, among which are frequently found ejected masses of older rocks, from mere dust up to several tons in weight. “For instance, in the voleanic ash of the Anakies, near Geelong, are found ejected blocks of granite. At Buninyong and Hardie’s Hill, to the south thereof, are ash beds, composed principally of large and small fragments of slate and schist. In some places, as on the Werribee Plains, near Mount Mary, the ash beds present a stratified appearance, as though their materials had fallen into and had been arranged by water. It is probable that this may have been the case, but there is no evidence of any very considerable submergence since, as, had such taken place, very few, if any, of the volcanic hills, composed as they are of loose incoherent materials, would have preserved their form as we now see them. It is probable, however, as suggested by Mr. Selwyn, that some of them formed low islands in the Tertiary seas.” Of the New South Wales Volcanic Rocks, the late Mr. C.S. Wilkinson wrote *:— “ The voleanic rocks, dolerite, basalt, amygdaloid, &c., are almost entirely of Tertiary age. They occur in many places on the high lands of the Great Dividing Range, forming ylateaus, and also upon its eastern and western slopes. They have been chiefly erupted irom ‘pipes or fissures,’ without forming any of those conical hills with crater-basins which so characterise many of the points of eruption in the volcanic districts of Victoria. The lofty Conobolas, near Orange, are, however, extinct volcanoes. “In the Gulgong Gold Field we have amygdaloidal basalt containing analcime, stilbite, &c. From its position in regard to the drifts, it is probably of Upper Miocene age; while overlying the Pliocene drifts (deep leads) in the same locality occur extensive flows of basalt, which have filled up old valleys, and here and there spread out over considerable areas. Similar occurrences may be observed in the stanniferous districts of Inverell and in several other parts of the colony. ‘ Basaltic rocks occupy some of the highest points of the Dividing Range near Kiandra, as at Mount Table-top, which is over 5,000 feet above the sea, and which the late Mr. Lamont Young, who explored it in 1880, regarded as a point of eruption. * Notes on the Geology of New South Wales, by C. S, Wilkinson, Government Geologist. Sydney: by Authority : 1882, p. 62, 579 “Near Inverell the Pliocene basalt contains large crystals of herschelite, with analcime and aragonite, also small rounded masses of olivine. Basalt of the same age caps the Bald Hills, near Bathurst; it here exhibits columnar structure.” Referring to the basalts and associated drifts of New England, Mr. T. W. Edgeworth David says * :— “During the greater part of that vast period of time (the Mesozoic) the surface of the land was being slowly broken up and worn down by the action of rain, frost, sunshine, vegetation, and perhaps marine erosion, until a land surface was evolved, which in its broad features resembled the present. Vast thicknesses of sedimentary material having been removed by these means, the underlying crystalline rocks were laid bare, and, erosion proceeding still further, the crystalline rocks themselves and their metalliferous veins became disintegrated and their materials transported and redistributed by water. In this way were formed the deposits of gravel, of which the outliers at Scrubby Gully and Ruby Hill are the insignificant remnants. The intensely worn surfaces of the pebbles in this gravel, and the fact that only the hardest and most indestructible minerals—as quartz, tinstone, and gemstones, &e.—have survived in them, shows that they must have been subjected to a long process of battering and bruising, in which the weaker pebbles of claystone, granite, &c., were completely pulverised. The only power in nature capable of doing such a work is the sea, where it breaks on a rocky coast. These Tertiary gravels are, therefore, probably of marine origin, a fact of great significance as bearing upon the probable richness of stream tin of the ‘deep leads,’ for marine beds must have had a wide extent, and the great richness of these small outliers favours the expectation that the far larger portions which have been swept away were equally rich; so that large bodies of ore derived from this source must have gravitated into the lower level gravels subsequently buried under lava. As the land continued to rise the sea would recede further west, and the rivers being increased in size and power subaerial degradation would proceed more rapidly. The channels of the rivers would be continually deepened, and the whole surface of the land gradually lowered to adapt itself to the increasing fall of the rivers. The three terraces of gravel at the Surprise Mines mark the levels at which the bottom of a large river stood at three successive epochs. What was the exact configuration of the country at the time of the first outburst of the basalt lavas geological evidence fails to tell. That part only which has been sealed up under the lava sheets has been preserved to the present day, and its shape is being gradually restored by the workings on the ‘deep leads.’ The results of these subterranean explorations tend to show that most of the country now covered by lava sheets, and forming in places main lines of water parting, was at that time near to or part of the principal drainage channels, and that the trend and fall of these old rivers agreed approximately with that of their nearest modern equivalents. Of course there are no exact modern representatives of these old streams, nor is it always possible to determine, even approximately, with what present rivers they should be correlated. At the Fishing Grounds, however, near Kangaroo Flat, there can be no doubt that the old stream, which produced the coarse shingle now capped by lava, was related to the present Beardy River. The bottom of the channel of the Beardy at the nearest point, one mile distant, is now 550 feet below the level of the bed of this buried river channel. The flora of the period, to judge from the number and variety of leaves entombed in the Hocene pipeclays, was rich and diversified. The fossils are chiefly leaves of herbs, trees, and ferns, some having fruit, and one a blossom delicately * Geology of the Vegetable Creek Tin-Mining Field, by T. W. Edgeworth David. Mem. Geol, Survey NV. S. Wales, 1887, p. 58. 580 preserved. At Rose Valley, near Emmaville, the vegetable matter has almost entirely disappeared, the cast only remaining in the white pipeclay, which is stained a rusty yellow where it has received the impressions of the fossils. At Witherden’s tunnel, in portion 50, parish of Hamilton, the fossils are enclosed in a dark brown fine sandy clay, the original material of the leaf being preserved; and at the head of the Wellington Vale Lead, leaves are similarly preserved in a hardened biack silt. A collection of the fossil plants from Rose Valley has been sent to Baron von Ettingshausen, and, as already stated, they are considered by him to contain many types found in the early Tertiary flora of Europe and America; thus establishing the age of the oldest leads near Emmaville as Early Tertiary. Amongst them are several varieties of beech and oak, pines allied to the kauri pine, and Wellingtonian pine, intermixed with banksias, grevilleas, laurels, and eucalyptus. A detailed list and description is given in Baron Ettingshausen’s work now published. Impressions of fossil insects have been found on the Red Hill, near Emmaville, the markings being plainly visible in fine brown earthy ironstone ; but these belong to the later part of the Tertiary voleanic epoch. Ata time, then, when the physical features of the country were somewhat similar to what they are now, and its surface, probably some twenty feet or so higher than at present, was covered with an Eocene flora, voleanie energy revealed itself in the first eruptions of basalt. The hard rocks of the quartz-porphyry, felstone, and granite were rent open; and, where the voleanic forces became centralised, small cones were thrown up composed of comminuted fragments of the underlying rock and_scoriaceous basalt. The lava emanating from these centres poured into the valleys in streams from one hundred to two hundred feet thick, flowing for a distance of from six to twelve miles. Dispossessed of their old beds, the creeks and rivers bad to wear for themselves fresh channels, either down the centre of the lava stream, or along one or both of its margins. It is probable that, in accordance with facts observed in connection with recent lava streams, the sides of these old basalt flows in contact with the cold rim-rocks would cool and consolidate while the centre of the mass was still fluid. The result of this would be that the centre of the stream would flow away from the sides leaving them at a higher level, and so giving rise to a slight central depression. This would favour the erosion of the new channel immediately over the site of the old one, where the lava must necessarily have been thickest and so most fluid, and where consequently the lowest point of the depression should lie theoretically. More frequently, however, the water chose the junction lines of the basalt with the Paleozoic rocks. That the voleanic activity was prolonged for a vast space of time is proved by the extent of denundation which has taken place between the older flows of lava and the newer. The amount of this can be measured at the upper end of - the Vegetable Creek Lead at Rose Valley. The section at Griffith’s and Fox’s shafts shows that a watercourse has cut through one or more flows of basalt altogether to adepth of about sixty feet. Then succeeded another flow of basalt, which buried the second channel to a depth of a hundred feet. These second eruptions appear to have been less violent than the first, the lava welling up, probably from wide rents, and producing the low, gently sloping cones of solid lava, destitute of the volcanic dust and scoria characteristic of the earlier outbursts. Evidence as to which is the latest flow of basalt israther meagre; but judging from the general freshness of the appearance of the lava at Kangaroo Flat, in Portions 70 and 73, Parish of Arvid, it seems to me that this flow is one of the most recent. Powerful streams must have flowed in places over the surface of the basalt long after its consolidation, as evidenced by the coarse Pliocene gravel in Portions 696 and 751, Parish of Strathbogie, where some of the water-worn. blocks are over one foot in diameter. This gravel is, roughly, about one hundred and 581 fifty feet above the Severn River. At the time such a coarse gravel was formed it is searcely conceivable that the present Severn Valley existed, and its erosion was, there- fore, probably subsequent. Here, however, a question of great difficulty arises. The statement already made, that most of the present river channels have been deepened by from three to six hundred feet since the last lava-flows, is generally correct ; but what appears to be a remarkable exception to the general rule occurs at Strathbogie. Yor about a mile above the head station basalt occurs in position a few feet only above the level of the present river; and, on the left bank of the same river, a shaft sunk through the lava proves that it extends to a considerable depth below the river channel. Alsoon Swamp Oak Creek, one mile north of the north-east corner of Portion 5, Parish of Astley, the basalt comes down within a few feet of the level of the creek. In the latter instance the position of the basalt may be partly due to landslips; but the first case is incapable of such an explanation, and the interpretation of this phenomenon must Pe deferred until a geological examination is made of the country south of the Severn iver. “These patches of Pliocene river gravel show that at the close of the Tertiary Volcanic period the outpouring of the lava streams by filling up the valleys had locally raised the level of the drainage channels. Running water, however, ceaselessly fretting the rocks, by degrees wore fresh troughs as deep as the old ones, and eventually considerably deeper. The heavy rainfall of the Pleistocene period must have materially accelerated this work of erosion; but in this rocky district, with its steep falls, little trace is preserved of Pleistocene Deposits, except in the wide plains of coarse gravel in the valley of the Dumaresq. The shallow deposits of subangular gravel and sand in the beds of the present creeks and rivers were evidently formed under conditions similar to those which now obtain ; and their stratigraphical position, as well as the occurrence in them of natives’ stone hatchets, proves them to belong to the recent period.” From Dalton, near Gunning, there have been obtained the remains of a copious Tertiary land fauna, which Baron von Ettingshausen regards as of Eocene date.* Of this deposit, so far as we know, we have no representative in Queensland. In South Australia, as will be seen in the Chapter on the Desert Sandstone, that Formation is sometimes not separable from the Lower Tertiary. It appears as if the emergence of the land which took place in Queensland at or near the close of Mesozoic time did not take place in South Australia till somewhat later. We certainly have in Queensland an Older and a Newer Volcanic series, both chiefly basaltic, which may be presumed to be of Tertiary age, although direct evidence of their age is not forthcoming. The absence of evidence on this point may be due to some extent to the fact that the drift deposits beneath the basalts of Queensland have not been explored for gold as they have been in Victoria. Our Older Volcanic Series forms extensive beds, which cover the Desert Sand- stone, where the latter is present, or the still older rocks where it is absent. The Newer Series occurs as lava-flows or coulées, which have flowed down the valleys denuded out of the Desert Sandstone or out of the lower basalts. OLDER VOLCANIC SERIES. The granitic range dividing the Burdekin and Flinders waters is crossed by the road from Townsville to Hughenden at an elevation of 3,040 feet above the sea-level. The range is flanked on the eastern side by deposits of basaltic lavas extending to * Contributions to the Tertiary Flora of Australia, by Dr. Constantin, Baron von Ettingshausen. Mem, Geol. Survey N. S. Wales, Pal, i., 1888, p. 9. 582 Dalrymple, on the Burdekin (see Diagram-Section Pl. 45, fig. 1). On the western side similar basaltic lavas extend to Tatoo Camp, seven miles above Wongalee Station. Here, at an elevation of 1,840 feet, the lowest bed of the basalt is seen resting on the Desert Sandstone. Outliers of the basalt occur between Poreupine Creek and the Flinders as far as Mount Beckford. In all probability it extended over a considerable portion of the Western interior, from which both it and the Desert Sandstone have now been denuded. North of Coalbrook Station, on the Northern Railway, fragments of basaltic lava-flows are seen resting on the Desert Sandstone, on the divide between the heads of the Thomson and Flinders Rivers. Mr. Rands describes * a basalt about fifty feet in thickness overlying Desert Sandstone in a cafion of the Walker River (Head of the Flinders), which has been cut through both rocks to the depth of two hundred feet. And in the same river, two and a-half or three miles above the junction of the White Mountain Creek, he says,t “The Desert Sandstone is seen faultedagainst the schists by afault running east south-east and dipping south-south-west. ‘The schists and Desert Sandstone are both covered with basalt. The Desert Sandstone is bent up near the fault, and is dipping south-south- west.’’ Here we have an instance showing that a sufficient period elapsed after the deposition of the Desert Sandstone to permit of its upheaval, probably accompanied by faulting and partial denudation, before the basalt was poured over it. In the same Report, Mr. Rands describes “a vast table-land of basalt extending for many miles” to the west of the Walker River. ‘ Remnants of this basaltic table- land occur on the east side of the river, between it and Oxley Creek, forming ‘ outliers’ which have been separated by watercourses. The remainder of this basalt has been entirely removed by denudation. The cavities in the basalt are full of zeolites. Thin sections of the basalt under the microscope show it to be made up of a ground mass of small interlaced crystals of felspar, with crystals of olivine throughout it. The olivine crystals are much decomposed, especially around the margins of and along the cracks in the crystals. It contains very little magnetite. The basalt is clearly of Tertiary age, overlying, as it does, the Desert Sandstone.” Mr. Rands, speaking of the Cape Gold Field, says :—‘‘ The only instance of basalt on the Cape side of the range is that of Mount Blaek, situated about nine miles west of the Upper Cape. Mount Black is a hill of schist, capped with basalt about two hundred feet in thickness. The latter is a dense olivine-basalt, and has in places assumed a columnar structure. It possesses magnetic polarity.’’t An immense area of horizontal basalt occupies the whole district extending from Lake Cargoon and Wandovale on the west to the Burdekin on the east, and from Lolworth Creek on the south to the heads of Emu and Maryvale Creeks on the north. Beds of white pipe-clay are occasionally met with between the beds of basalt. This area is watered by Lolworth, Fletcher's, Allingham’s, Emu, and Maryvale Creeks, and the Basalt River. In Maryvale Creek the ‘‘ Diprotodon-breccia” described by Daintree occurs, so that we here have the age of the basalts defined so far as that they lie between the Upper Cretaceous and the Post-Tertiary. The basalts of this area are known to overlie, at least in their northern portion, gold-bearing drifts, which, however, have never been prospected to any extent. . Further north, between the heads of the Broken River (a tributary of the Clarke) and those of the Hinasleigh, horizontal beds of basalt cover a wide stretch of * Report on the Cape Gold Field. Brisbane: by Authority ; 1891, p. 11. t+ Loc. cit. ~ Ann, Progress Report Geol. Survey of Queensland for 1890, Brisbane: by Authority : 1891. 583 country, resting apparently on the eastern side on the “ Star Beds,” and on the western on mica schists and granites. This area is thus described by Mr. Maitland in his Report on the “ Geology and Mineral Resources of the Upper Burdekin ”’* :-— “The basaltic lavas oceupy an area of about two thousand square miles at the head of the Burdekin. “The largest development occurs in the corner near the divides between the waters of the Burdekin and the Hinasleigh, and between the Herbert and the Burdekin ; they form an extensive plateau, having an average altitude of about two thousand feet above sea-level. The western boundary of this immense plateau has not yet been mapped. ‘“Basaltic outflows are known to exist at Surprise Creek, a tributary of the Einasleigh. These, which emanated from foci, on the Burdekin-Einasleigh Plateau, are erossed by the coach road from Herberton to Georgetown, near Quartz Hill. This is distant about forty miles from the watershed of the Burdekin and the EHinasleigh. “The northern boundary has also not been delineated. Streams of lava have flowed down some of the existing valleys in the neighbourhood of Gunnawarra Station, and have been described in a previous report.t Doubtless the hot springs therein described is but the ‘dying gasp’ of that volcanic action which was at one time rife in this district. “Tn addition to this immense plateau, there occur other isolated patches in.the district, shown on the map. These lavas, since their formation, do not appear to have been very much affected by denudation. “The basalt, of which the tableland is made up, occurs in a series of super- imposed lava-flows, emanating from numerous voleanic foci, which rise as conspicuous hills all over the plateau. “The surface of these lavas is, in places, formed of ‘chaotic heaps of angular blocks of basalt, tossed in every variety of disorder,’ rendering locomotion a matter of some considerable difficulty, especially with horses. Generally, the surface produces a luxuriant growth of vegetation, well suited for and much relished by stock. The more tugged surfaces of some of the more recent flows are covered with bottle-tree scrub. “On the other side of the Burdekin, west from the Valley of Lagoons Station, the surface of the lava-flows is full of dismal-looking deep pits, of all dimensions, in which water often accumulates. The formation of these pits appears to be due to the caving in of the surface of a lava stream. The surface of a lava stream flowing from one of the volcanic foci cools and hardens, whilst the molten matter flows from beneath, leaving a tubular cavern; in course of time, a portion of the hardened surface gives way, and a pit with vertical sides is the result. These caverns can sometimes be followed for a considerable distance ; they form excellent hiding-places for the natives. Water can often be seen and heard flowing at the bottom of these holes. Many of these large holes, filled with water, are met with on the divide between the Herbert and the Burdekin. In the whole of the area examined there was found no trace of any fragmental rocks associated with the basaltic outflows. It is conceivable that denudation may have removed all trace of the more incoherent material ejected ; but still it is hardly likely that in an area of twothousand square miles there would not be some fragments left “ Professor J. D. Dana,t in the course of his studies in vuleanology, has concluded that basaltic lavas are but rarely associated with fragmental deposits (ashes, cinders, and * Brisbane: by Authority: 1891. + “The Geology of the Coolgarra Tin Mines and Surrounding Districts.” A, Gibb Maitland. Brisbane : by Authority; 1891. + J. D. Dana, Characteristics of Volcanoes, London: 1890, 584 the like). When such discharges do take place, they are usually occasioned by the diminution of the internal heat. Hence it would appear that ashy deposits from basaltic volcanoes are among the last stages in their history. “In the Cooktown and the Herberton districts there do occur beds of ashes which emanate from basaltic cones; but whether these are of later date than the Burdekin-Hinasleigh lavas, yet awaits proof. “Throughout the area occupied by the lavas, there is a very great difference both in texture and colour. Some portions are very vesicular and slaggy, whilst others have that peculiar ‘ropy’ or wrinkled appearance, characteristic of lava streams, which have flowed slowly from their source; others, again, are fairly compact. In colour they vary from bluish-grey to bright red, with all degrees of variation. In cavities in the basalts beautiful specimens of chalcedony can sometimes be seen. “The black soil formed by the decay of the rocks is often crowded with fragments of semi-opal. ‘“A number of slices of the basalts have been prepared and submitted to microscopic examination. “A partial analysis of a specimen from the Valley of Lagoons has been made for me by Messrs. Coane and Clarke, Charters Towers, with the following result :— Combined silica ... ves ae aise sa¢ wea ... 43°8 per cent. Free silica... va rhs tS oe as = Os » Tron Nas ‘ A i ASG » “One example—viz., that from Mount Razorback—would be more correctly described as a magma-basalt, from the fact that the minerals are scattered through a glassy matrix or magma, which by ordinary transmitted light is of a brownish colour. This, however, is merely a local occurrence; afew yards distant from the summit of Mount Razorback the basalt resumes its ordinary type. “The felspars, which make up the larger portion, occur as long lath-shaped erystals, showing plagioclastie twinning. They are remarkably clear and fresh, and contain numerous minute inclusions. “Olivine, in erystals and crystalline grains, is altered along its edges into a ferruginous product. Sometimes the whole of the crystals and grains have undergone this alteration, but generally the decomposition is found to extend only a short distance from the periphery. “The augite occurs in long brownish crystals, often showing faint dictoroism, and magnetite in grains, “Tn the slices of any of the basalts which were examined, there occurred a little clear transparent isotropic matter. “Some portions of the glassy matter contain minute particles of some doubly refracting mineral (quartz ?). “The partial analysis made by Messrs. Coane and Clarke shows the presence of a sinall quantity of free silica, and to this the isotropic matter may be referred. ‘There existed no primary quartz in any of the slices of these basalts. “All over the plateau numerous small ‘ puys,’ the remains of orifices from . which these basaltic lavas emanate, are met with. “ Ascending the Valley of Reedy Brook to its head, and crossing the divide into the waters of Gunnawarra Creek, a tributary of the Herbert River, a good idea of the mode of occurrence of the lavas and the structure of the volcanic foct can be obtained. ; “Much more work will be necessary before a full description of the whole of the sources of the lava on the plateau can be obtained. 585 “Mount Lang is situated on the eastern bank of one of the heads of Kinrara Creek; its summit is about four hundred and forty feet above its base. The hill presents a steep face to the west, with a somewhat gradual slope to the east, and is formed of very vesicular basalt, which sometimes has a reddish hue. Its western face has a vertical wall of bare basalt, through which fragments of scoria are scattered. Round about the base the fragments of basalt have a tendency to weather into rudely hexagonal blocks. “Teaving Mount Lang and travelling almost due north, with the object of reaching Mount Razorback, several minor ‘ puys’ are passed. . These were only visible when in close proximity, owing to the dense timber. “ About three miles from Mount Razorback, and to the south-west of it, a conspicuous hill formed of vesicular basalt was examined. This hill is in shape semi- circular, with its diameter running north-west and south-east. It is a breached lava cone, the stream flowing north-east from it and thence down one of the heads of Anthill Creek. “Mount Razorback is situated in the northern portion of the area, and is by far the largest and most conspicuous of any of those occurring within the Burdekin watershed. “Its shape is that of a long razor-backed ridge, with a conspicuous eminence forming its highest summit, which, by aneroid, is 680 feet above its base. The mountain is composed of basalt of a reddish colour near its highest point, but of a bluish-gray throughout. “ The basalt is very vesicular and somewhat glassy in places. From the summit, as many as twenty-five minor ‘ puys’ are visible; these appear to be much more plentiful to the west. They assume all shapes and sizes; sometimes merely a slight elevation marks their position, as though the molten matter had merely oozed out from an orifice and flowed away on all sides. “ Tn other parts of the district outlying patches of basaltic lavas are met with. “‘ A well-marked area is to be seen in the vicinity of Mount Fox, near the head of one of the tributaries of the Douglas River. “ Mount Fox, an extinct volcano, is the culminating point of this area. Its altitude is 2,870 feet above sea-level. In shape it is a truncated cone. The summit comprises an area of two or three acres, surrounded by a low semicircular wall, about thirteen to fourteen feet in height, on the north, with a shallow hollow or depression in the centre. To the south this wall has been breached by a lava which flowed down that side of the mountain, filling up all the inequalities of the surface, and forming a plain of no inconsiderable extent. “The mountain is almost devoid of timber, save a few patches of scrub on four sides. The portions devoid of timber are covered with sheets of vesicular lava, now broken up into blocks of all shapes and sizes. These timberless portions, now overgrown with long grass reaching to a height of about 2 feet, mark the site of old lava flows. “ From the western side of the peak a conspicuous flow follows the eastern bank of a gully flowing south-west at a considerable elevation above the creek. The flow ends abruptly to the south-west; its surface is covered with blocks of compact basalt. “ All round the mountain denuded tables of basalt can be seen. A conspicuous one consists of a semicireular ridge of compact lava, about 30 yards in width, trending generally north-west for about a quarter of a mile. The summit of this is about 2,310 feet above the level of the sea. “ Nearly due west from this a section, at an altitude of 2,220 feet above sea-level, shows the basaltic lavas resting on a bed of quartzose grit. 586 “‘ The hill, 2,475 feet high, to the south-west of the section, is formed of a series of successive sheets of lava. “Tt is impossible to estimate the thickness of the basalt on the plateau, because there are no data available which will enable an idea to be formed as to what was the form of the ground before the lavas were poured out ; and, further, there is no record of their ever having been penetrated by any excavation. “The age of these basaltic outflows has not yet been definitely fixed. The lavas rest in turn upon all the other rocks in the district; one section, seen near the Valley of Lagoons Station, shows them resting directly upon the Desert Sandstone Beds. The basalts, therefore, are younger than the Upper Cretaceous. “Mr. Daintree conjectured (presumably on account of their lithological similarity) that the lavas to the ‘north of latitude 21° were probably the equivalents of the “Upper Volcanic series’”’’ of Victoria which were referred to Pliocene- Tertiary.* “ Lithological similarity is not to be safely relied upon in determining geological age; still there is strong presumptive evidence that all these basalts have been emitted at approximately the same time. “These Upper Burdekin lavas are in all probability Tertiary, but as to the exact horizon to which they are to be assigned no evidence has yet been collected.” It is impossible, on reading the above account, to avoid suspecting that in the above notes Mr. Maitland is describing basaltic outflows of different ages—an older, to which the bulk of the basaltic tableland belongs, and a newer, to which may be referred the ‘‘puys” or foci still remaining in a remarkable state of preservation, and in all probability the flows of basalt which come down the valleys below the edge of the basaltic tableland. One of these comes down the Valley of Reedy Brook, washed on either side by its tributaries Kinrara and Reedy Creeks. This flowis at least twenty-five miles in length, and I was informed by the late Mr. Scott, of the Valley of Lagoons, that it emanated from a crateriform hill near the head of Kinrara Creek. Beds of white pipeclay are occasionally met with between the beds of basalt on the tableland. On both sides of the range which divides the upper portion of the Herbert River on the west from the Johnstone and Barron Rivers on the east, are large plateaux of horizontally-bedded basaltic rocks. On the western side the thermal spring of Innot’s Creek remains to attest that the volcanic activity has not yet entirely died out. Mr. Maitland has furnished the following Notes on a specimen of the basalt from this nly after a microscopical examination :— “Specimens collected from the bed of Prior Creek—one of the heads of Mazzlin Creek, a tributary of the Barron, at the crossing of the Port Douglas and Herberton road, where beds of coarse vesicular basalt alternate with others of much finer grain— were found to be of bluish-gray colour, with small grains of olivine set in a fine-grained matrix. Examined under the microscope the rock is found to consist of a fine-grained matrix, made up of lath-shaped plagioclase felspar, augite, and magnetite, through which large crystalline grains of olivine are scattered. “The felspars, which form by far the largest portion of the rock, are remarkably clear and fresh. Under a high power they are seen to contain glass-inclusions, minute needles of apatite (?) and colourless microliths of augite. “The ferro-magnesian constituent, augite, never occurs porphyritically, but always as a constituent of the ground-mass. Well-defined crystals are absent, the * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xxviii., p. 318, 587 usual form being irregularly shaped granules and granular aggregates, devoid of cleavage. One of the minute colourless augites, presenting the usual eight-sided outline, shows what are undoubtedly lines of accretion. “The crystals of olivine present all the characters common to olivines of basaltic rocks. “Trregularly shaped grains of magnetite are of common occurrence. “A little clear, glassy matrix can be detected.” On the eastern side of the range, the basalts, in horizontal beds, form a tableland at an elevation of between 2,000 and 3,000 feet, extending from the brow of the Coast Range to the base of the Herberton mountains. The tableland is covered with a most magnificent tropical jungle, through which hardly a ray of sunshine can penetrate. The basaltic soil and a heavy rainfall have combined to produce in this region an almost incalculable wealth of cedar and other valuable timber. Accompanied by Mr. Maitland, I visited, in 1889, the “crater-lake,’’ Lake Eacham. The lake occupies the very summit of the divide between the heads of Petersen’s Creek (Barron Waters) and the heads of creeks flowing into the Mulgrave. It is located, but not named, on the Two-mile Map issued by the Department of Lands ; but is minutely charted in the “ Plan of the Village of Eacham, Parish of East Barron,” issued by the same Department in 1889. I observe that Mr. A. Meston* spells the name Yeetcham, as more in accordance with the native pronunciation. Mr. Meston briefly describes another lake, named “ Boonoobagolomee,” seven or eight miles to the west, and adds :—“ The blacks speak of a third lake much smaller than the others, but so far [October, 1889] it has not been seen by white men.” My companion and I reached Lake Eacham by a track from Halfpap’s Hotel, in “ Petersen’s Pocket,” on the Cairns and Herberton pack-road. At the junction of the roads from the Mulgrave and Russell Gold Fields to Cairns, we found a tree marked “ Lake 400 yds., 8.W., J. MeL., R. Hood.” From this point we made a considerable ascent to the highest point of the ridge surrounding the lake, where we found a tree marked 84 over V., which we understood to be the south-east corner of an “ Agricultural Area,” and another marked with the name of the discoverer and the date of discovery, “J. McLellan, June, ’79.” This point, from which the first glimpse of the lake was obtained, was 2,680 feet above sea-level by Aneroid measurement. The descent to the lake was very steep, and, like all the rest of the day’s journey, clothed with dense jungle. The Aneroid gave the surface of the water as 2,390 feet. The lake is surrounded by a ridge composed of loose weathered volcanic ash, containing stones up to six inches in diameter, mostly of bombs of a doleritic reck full of olivine. In ascending the lip of the lake we came on rocks in sifu which we had missed in the descent. These were of rudely stratified “ash’’ of angular fragments, dipping at 5° away from the lake. The lake has neither affluent nor effluent; and as it stands higher than the surrounding country, and is enclosed by a wall of ashy materials heaped up above the level of the basaltic tableland, I think it is very probable that it really occupies a crater. It is clearly impossible that, in the latitude where it occurs, the lake could have been hollowed out by an ice-sheet, which would, moreover, have levelled the surrounding rim of soft ash. The lip of the crater is not of uniform height ; and although it is likely enough that it has suffered greater denudation in some places than in others, it may be conjectured that the greater height of the rim on the western side may be due to some extent to the tendency of the prevailing south-east winds to drive the ejected materials to the leeward. The lake is said to be of vast depth, * Report on the Government Scientific Expedition to the Bellenden-Ker Range. Brisbane: by Authority : 1889. 588 and to contain no fish. At any rate, we saw none. Neither did we see any water-fowl, which are said also never to visit the lake. There was nothing in the taste of the water to account for this absence of life, if it be a fact. The highest flood-marks we saw were about three feet above the water. It must be remembered that we visited the lake at the latter end of an unusually protracted drought. The slight variation of level might be accounted for by the fall of rain on the lake and its banks on the one hand, balanced by evaporation and leakage on the other. The ‘Volcanic Hill’”* marked on the map in “ Pinnacle Pocket,” on the right bank of the Barron, between the mouths of Leslie and Petersen’s Creeks, stands about 200 feet above the level of the basaltic tableland, and is composed of a highly scoriaceous basalt very rich in olivine. There are said to be several similar hills in the jungle in the neigh- bourhood, and in all probability they are “necks” or ‘ plugs’’—7.e., volcanic orifices filled up with solidified basaltic lava. It is interesting to find two volcanic craters almost side by side, the one filled up with hard lava-form rock, and the other surrounded by friable ejected ash and forming a crater-lake. It is just possible that in spite of their proximity they may be of different ages, the “ plug” belonging to the ‘‘ Older”? and the ‘‘crater-lake ’’ to the “ Newer” Volcanic series. Or they may even both belong to the latter. On the Russell River, south of Mount Bartle Frere, gold is obtained in considerable quantities, mixed with stream tin ore and (rare) platinum, from gravelly drifts which rest on slates and schists, and are overlaid by horizontal beds of basalt. The basalt is one of many denuded fragments which once formed a part of the immense plateau extending southward from the Mulgrave to the heads of the North Johnstone and west- ward to nearflerberton. In Messrs. Clarke and Joss’s Claim, which is the south-eastmost working, the edge of the basalt is seen to overlie a siliceous sandy silt permeated with iron peroxide. The silt shows alternate layers of coarser and finer material, and is in places cross-bedded. It rests on a “ washdirt” mainly composed of well-rounded quartz boulders. There are no basalt stones in the wash, and no boulders of granite. The latter circumstance is hard to account for in a valley where granite is frequently to be met with zz situ. The washdirt varies in this claim from 2 inches to 30 inches in thickness. Between the washdirt and the slaty bed-rock avery fine white siliceous silt, a few inches in thickness, generally intervenes. The fact that this silt is traversed by a few thin veins of quartz renders it probable that the sand was formerly cemented into a sandstone, but has lost its cement after the formation of the quartz veins. The outcrop of the washdirt has been opened out along the south-eastern and north-eastern side, and a tunnel has been driven through the washdirt for 135 feet from S. 10° E. to N. 10° W. This tunnel is connected with another running 50 feet to the east. Another tunnel has been driven 70 feet to W. 10° S. from a point on the hillside 120 feet N.W. of the northern end of the long tunnel. At the inner end of the 70-feet tunnel the slate bottom rises up and the basalt comes into direct contact with it. This tunnel is only used as a reservoir, from which the water is conducted to the tip at the end of a tramway leading from the mouth of the long tunnel. The basalt is in some places at least forty feet thick, but is often decomposed throughout its entire thickness. It rests, as seen in some places (of which there is an example in an opening near the south corner of the claim), directly on the washdirt, the absence of the upper silt proving that it was poured out over an uneven and denuded bottom. * “Volcanic” is scarcely distinctive enough in the midst of a volcanic region, but the “hill” in the midst of the basaltic plateau is a conspicuous feature, 589 The washdirt from the long tunnel gives prospects equal to about half-an-ounce to the load, the gold being in very fine grains. Minute flakes of platinum are occasionally found among the gold. In Burns and Party’s workings (half-a-mile to the north-west of Clarke and Joss’s), a red decomposing basalt rests on yellow sand which overlies ten or twelve feet of gravel in coarser and finer layers. The gravelly washdirt is irregularly cemented by brown hematite. It has gold throughout, which, however, can only be saved from the unconsolidated portions. The bottom is of slate with numerous quartz veins. In Butler and McDonald’s Claim, a quarter of mile north of Burns and Party’s, a drive has been made under the basalt. On a bottom of decomposed slate and grit is a cemented gravel about one foot in thickness. On this lies a gravelly wash, having a thickness of two feet and under. The washdirt occasionally has fifteen feet of soft white sand above, and occasionally a few inches of fine siliceous silt beneath, as in Messrs. Clarke and Joss’s claim. A shaft above -the workings passed through ten feet of basalt, fifteen feet of sand, and five to six feet of gravelly wash. I saw some good prospects washed from the dirt. Slates and greywackes are seen in the gulley, striking to W.N.W. In Robinson and Anderson’s Claim, a quarter of a mile further north, a drive shows a very bouldery gravel from two and a-half feet in thickness and under, lying between the slate bottom anda fine white sand. The bottom is very uneven. In one place there is no sand or gravel between the basalt and slate. An open cutting south of the drive showed a fine white sand lying on from eighteen inches to two feet of fine gravelly wash with lumps of ferruginous cement at its base. The bottom was slate. The upper part of the gravel gave 2 dwts. gold per load, and the lower part none. It may be mentioned that Robinson was nearly killed (on 4th January, 1888) by a native who attacked him with a tomahawk while he was engaged in laying down a rail. Sampson’s Claim is on an isolated hill about a hundred feet below the level of the others, and about half-a-mile east of Robinson and Anderson’s. A shaft has been sunk through sixty feet of basalt and four feet of gravelly washdirt, and a tunnel had been driven from N.N.W. for 150 feet towards this shaft from the outcrop of the wash. The slate bottom is seen at the mouth of the tunnel. About fifty feet in there are two and a-half feet of gravelly washdirt capped by basalt and resting on a slate bottom. Attbis point the tunnel had caved in. A little sand was seen on the gravel a few feet short of the cave-in. I saw some very good prospects washed from the dirt taken from the shaft. The gold in the wash of the Terraces is always so fine that it is difficult to prevent some of it floating out of the prospecting dish. A few ounces of fine-grained stream tin always remain in the bottom of the dish, and the separation of this from the gold is a very tedious process—indeed, with the most careful manipulation a proportion of the gold is always left in the residue of tin ore. Even at the edges of the drift from which the basalt has been denuded, washing by hydraulic pressure is impracticabie, as the trees of the jungle would fall and obstruct the faces. Buta convenient and unfailing supply of running water is always at hand for sluicing the gravel, which can be shot down to the sluice-boxes. The average yield from washdirt reported in Victoria for 1883 was 1 dwt. 20°32 grs. ; for 1884, 3 dwts.; and for 1885, 1 dwt. 10°59 ers., per ton. I am certain that the terraces of the Russell River will give a much higher yield than this. The limited workings now opened up are likely to prove only the beginning of an industry which for many years to come will employ the energies of thousands of workmen. The basalt left on the top of the ridge between Cooppooroo and Wairambar Creeks is a narrow tongue, on both sides of which the auriferous drifts which it has preserved from denudation are 590 easily accessible. But an immense area of the basalt stretches from the Mulgrave to the heads of the Johnstone and westwards to near Herberton, and under this the auriferous drifts probably remain intact. | It seems probable that the Valleys of the Mulgrave, Russell, and Johnstone were dammed up by a voleanic outbreak, so as to form a vast lake, in which for a time a fine siliceous sand was quietly deposited ; that the barrier was at length broken down by the stream at the outlet of the lake, and numerous torrents:removed the greater part of the sand and brought down gravel charged with gold; that a second barrier was thrown up and a great thickness of fine silt again deposited ; and that over the nearly level surface thus produced immense flows of basalt were finally poured out, filling up the lake. The waters draining this area, if the lake had not been filled up, would have found their way to the sea by a single outlet, instead of forming as they do three independent rivers. ‘The immense amount of denudation since the outpouring of the basalt is evident when we consider the number and depth of the valleys, which have been carved out, in places, to adepth of more than a thousand feet, through basalts, older river and lake beds, and slate and granite rocks; but the lesson will be impressed more deeply than any description could do on anyone who ean stand on a neighbouring eminence and try to reconstruct, in his mind’s eye, the shores which contained the lake.* Gold has for some time been worked, chiefly by Chinese, in the Recent alluvia of the Russell and Johnstone. This gold, which is mixed with stream tin, in all probability came, for the most part, from the “leads’’ under the now denuded basalt. Probably only a small portion of the alluvial gold came directly from the reefs exposed in the slate and granite country since the denudation of the basalt, as a comparatively small area of this country is yet exposed, and not many reefs are known in it. I am informed by Mr. John Falconer that on the dividing range between the Dawson and Condamine, lava-form beds of basalt overlie the Desert Sandstone in places. - I have also been informed that a cake of basalt overlies the fragment of the Desert “andstone left on the crown of the ridge dividing the head waters of the Langlo River from those of the Coorni Paroo, between Tambo and Adavale. It may be thought remarkable that numerous sheets of lava should have been poured out, one after another, and retain such an even surface. No doubt the fact that this has been the case argues a high degree of fluidity in the lava. Some remarks by Captain Clarence E. Dutton, of the United States Army,t on the Volcanic Rocks of the Zuni Plateau, New Mexico, may be quoted on this point :— “Jt is plain that the lava sheet which forms the capping of the mesa was gradually accumulated by the repeated outpourings of numberless local vents thickly scattered over its broad surface. And yet it may seem a little strange at first that this diffuse form of volcanic action should have produced a surface which is so little diversified. Judging by the analogy of other regions we should have expected to find the thickness of the lava-cap extremely irregular and studded with large cones with intervening valleys of considerable depth. In reality the thickness, as we recede from the base of Mount Taylor, diminishes very slowly, and even at the extreme northern end is quite three hundred feet. In truth Mount Taylor does not appear to have con- tributed much, if any, to the lava which is more than five or six miles from the immediate base of its cone. The surface of the mesa away from the mountain is but little diversified, and the local cones are for the most part insignificant features. All * Report by R.L.J. on the Geology of the Russell River. Brisbane: by Authority : 1888. + ‘Mount Taylor and the Zufii Plateau” in Sixth Ann. Report U. S. Geol. Survey, 1884-85. 591 this indicates a rather mild type of voleanic energy, in which the eruptions were not highly explosive but only moderately so. The more violent eruptions are attended with the ejection of great quantities of fragmental products, while the milder ones disgorge little else than flowing lava. It is well known that the greater the amount of frag- mental ejecta, the steeper and more compact is the cone or mountain built up around the vent, while the fluent lava spreads out over wide areas, often flowing great distances, - and the slopes which it generates are much gentler and sometimes imperceptible to the unaided eye. As already remarked, fragmental ejecta are common here, and I have seen none at all away from Mount Taylor except the lapiili in the cinder.cones. We shall appreciate this mode of growth of a great lava-cap when we come to study the modern lavas in the San José Valley, where their freshness enables us to see every detail of the process. “We may infer, then, that the state of affairs in the region now occupied by the valley of the Puerco was, during the activity of the vents now represented by the necks, much the same as that which is indicated in the mesa above. From 1,000 to L,500 feet (according to locality) of Cretaceous strata, since eroded, then overspread the valley and regions to the eastward and southward, also to the northward, from which they have been swept away. Over their surfaces the lavas were outpoured from many vents. The eruptions were of a ‘mild’ type, attended with little violence, and the ejecta were doubtless lava with few fragmental products. These streams, issuing from many vents, became interwoven with one another, and through a long period of time accumu- lated, sheet upon sheet, to great thickness, just as they have done in the valley of the San José in modern times. The result was a lava-cap differing in no respect from that which is now seen upon the surviving mesas.” NEWER VOLCANIC SERIES. The grounds on which I separate the Post-Mesozoic Volcanic rocks into a Lower and Upper Series are ,(1) that the former was laid down after the elevation of the Desert Sandstone, but before it had suffered any considerable amount of denudation, while the latter was laid down after the former had suffered denudation, in some cases sufficient to allow of the Desert Sandstone and even of underlying formations being exposed ; and (2) that since the deposition of the former, most, if not all, of the vents from which the lava was poured out have been removed by denudation, while the vents of the latter series are still extant, either as crateriform hollows, crater-lakes, or “necks,” filled with plugs of basalt or ash. To the latter (the Upper) Series belong the basaltic rocks north of Cooktown Basalt has emanated for the most part from voleanie centres, which occur generally in the form of dome-shaped unwooded eminences near the heads of the valleys which have been denuded out of the sandstone tablelands. Conspicuous among these are the Sisters,” at the head of the Endeavour, the “ Piebald Mountain,” Mount Morgan (Cooktown), &c. These hills do not present a crateriform appearance, but are mere rises, marking the site of the lava eruption, which has spread around them when situated on level ground, or escaped in glacier-like cow/ées down the valleys. These points of eruption bear, in fact, such relation to the lava-flows as the similar foci in Auvergne bear to the basalt there. Coulées of basaltic lava have flowed, from the foc above referred to, down the Valleys of the North and South Forks of the Endeavour River, and have radiated out from Mount Morgan and other centres to the east and north, over the flats between the mountains and the sea, where they form by their decomposition a - chocolate-coloured soil of great depth, peculiarly fitted for agriculture, 592 Where the basalt bas decomposed into soil on the spot it gives rise to open, well-grassed country, almost bare of trees. Where, on the other hand, the soil has been re-deposited in alluvial flats on the sides of the river courses, it is usually covered by dense tropical jungle. The surface of the basalt couwlées, as well as of the dome-shaped centres of eruption, are frequently scoriaceous in a marked degree, forming spongy masses, light and porous as pumice-stone. Occasionally the basalt of the coulées is columnar, as at the Waterfalls in the Endeavour, between Williams’s Station and Brannigan’s. There the basalt is of the usual character, but contains occasional hornblende crystals and much olivine. It also contains lievrite in geodes. Gate’s Look-out isa volcanic centre of a different character—the once deep-seated stump or “neck” of a crater, which discharged showers of ashes from its mouth. It forms a conspicuous mountain of tuff, and can be seen from Isabella Creek to cut through the escarpment of a thick bed of the Desert Sandstone. Therock is anagglomerate of volcanic débris, with a certain rude bedding—courses of larger alternating with courses of smaller bombs—having a dip to the east at about 15°. That the bombs are not detached fragments of an already consolidated rock, but have been consolidated from a molten mass while whirling through the air, is proved by the spherical envelope of vesicular basalt which invariably enfolds them. The interior of the bombs, which range from an eigbth of an inch to a foot in diameter, is a mass of black and green crystals of augite and olivine.* The Morgan Tableland is a fragment of the Desert Sandstone, about four miles across, and resting on upturned slates. Near its northern extremity a bald—z.e., treeless—mamelon, another of the voleani foci, rises out of the slates, below the level of the Desert Sandstone. Another, which I was unable to visit owing to the prevalence of “ Devil-Devil” country of a very pronounced type, was seen about three miles east of the Morgan Tableland. ei Below the level of the tableland of Older Volcanic rocks, a flow of basaltic lava partly fills up the Valley of the Mulgrave River, and doubtless covers alluvial deposits. This lava must, of course, have been poured out after the Older Volcanic rocks abutting against the granitic Bellenden-Ker Range had been cut through by the Mulgrave. In the Herberton Deep Lead, stream tin ore in considerable quantities has been obtained from a gravelly wash beneath a capping of basalt, which fills up the Valleys of Nigger Creek and the Wild River. The wash rests on granite. Some remarks on the basalt-flows down the Valley of Reedy Brook, &c., and volcanic foci, which I suspect belong to the Newer Voleanic period, although occurring in connection with Older Volcanic lavas, will be found on page 584. In the neighbourhood of Gunnawarra Station (Herbert River waters) “ the prevailing rocks are vertical schists overlain in places by sheets of basalt, which appear to occupy portions of some of the existing valleys.” + Besides the localities above referred to, basaltic lavas occur in the following places under conditions which show that the Desert Sandstone had been denuded before they were poured out :— California Creck (Tate River).—The floor of the valley above the tin-mining township of Ord is covered by a flow of doleritic lava. * Report by R.L.J. on Explorations in Cape York Peninsula, 1878-9. Brisbane: by Authority : 1881. : + Report on the Coolgarra Tin Mines and Surrounding District. By A. Gibb Maitland. Brisbane: by Authority: 1891. 593 Lynd River.—A coulée of basaltic lava has flowed down the Valley of the Lynd. The coulée is two miles in width where it is crossed by the Herberton and Georgetown Road, covering the whole of the district between the Lynd and Fossil Brook. Fossil Brook is remarkable as being a strong running stream even in seasons when the Tate, the Lynd, and other larger streams in the neighbourhood are dried up. The permanence of streams in basaltic country has often been remarked. The basalt of Fossil Brook rests on gneiss rock. Black Springs.—On the same road, further west, a basaltic cowlée, about a mile in width, occupies the valley of the creek which takes its rise at the Black Creek. Surprise Creek.—In the bed of Surprise Creek, and forming the plateau upon which the “ Quartz Hill Hotel” (Herberton and Georgetown Road) is situated, is a highly vesicular basalt with immense geodes coated sometimes with calcite and sometimes with silica. The basalt extends about a mile from the left bank of the creek. Mr. Maitland has examined thin sections of this rock, and has furnished me with the following note :— “A specimen collected is of a dark greyish-blue colour, and somewhat porous and vesicular. Scattered through it are yellowish grains of olivine, which often show a beautiful iridescence on fresh fractures. Under the microscope the rock is found to be made up of a granular mixture of felspar, augite, and olivine, with a little magnetite. The felspar (plagioclase) occurs in long lath-shaped crystals, and is perfectly clear and transparent. The crystals (which do not attain any great size) are remarkably free from alteration. The augite occurs in crystalline grains, and is usually of a pale brown colour, and exhibits faint dichroism. The olivine, which occurs porphyritically amongst the other constituents, has almost always undergone a certain amount of alteration into some ferriferous substance; generally the alteration is seen to commence along the external boundaries of the crystals, and to extend gradually inwards along lines of weakness. The magnetite, which is more easily detected with a magnet than under a microscope, exists as small grains of every conceivable shape. In addition to these constituents, there are long, colourless, acicular crystals of what appear to be apatite. A fair quantity of glassy matter is discernible throughout the slice. A rock of this character would be classed with the ‘ felspar-basalts.’ ”’ Hinasleigh River.—Large sheets of basalt occupy the bed of the EHinasleigh River and adjacent country where the river is crossed by the Pentland and Georgetown Road, and also the valley of Spring or Lagoon Creek, near Carpentaria Downs Station, and the Copperfield River where it is crossed by the same road. Lower down the Einasleigh valley basaltic cowlées overlie alluvial deposits older than those of the recent times, having been poured down the valley over the bed of the river, which at length cut through, or found its way through past the edge of the basalt. It was after the denudation of the Desert Sandstone of the Newcastle Range, which overhangs the left wall of the valley, and subjacent rocks, had been carried on by the Einasleigh for at least 1,000 feet that the lava-form basalts burst out and flowed down the valley. Near the basalt a thermal spring, described in another chapter, shows that the voleanic forces which produced the basalt, though diminishing, still possess some vitality. The basalts overlying auriferous drifts on Kroombit Gold Field probably belong to the New Volcanic series. Mr. Rands* thus refers to these basalts :— “Small outliers of basalt overlie the Gympie Beds on the range dividing the Kroombit and Three Moon Creek waters. A patch of basalt occurs about two miles north-west of the township [Cania], and a small outlier is seen about three-quarters of a mile south of Starlight Gully. The basalt is full of small blebs of olivine. *Annual Progress Report of the Geological Survey for 1890, Brisbane: by Authority ; 1891, 20 594: “That the basalt is newer than the Desert Sandstone is shown by its level and position. The Desert Sandstone once covered the whole of this district, and it must have been removed by denudation before the basalt could have occupied its present position. A large plateau of basalt occurs north of Cania Station, on the eastern side of Spring Creek.” The Basalt Wall which lies on the top of the older basalts of the Lolworth and Dalrymple area is about fifty miles in length from west to east, and forms the highest. land between Lolworth and Fletcher’s Creeks. “Tt runs along in an east and west direction, at a distance of from two to six miles north of Lolworth Creek. The basalt is highly seoriaceous. Everywhere the cracks produced in the rock on cooling are visible, and there are immense spheroidal- shaped masses in it, also produced by cooling. The lava must have outflowed ina semi-viscous condition, for the well-known ‘ropy’ structure, formed by masses of semi-liquid lava rolling over and over, is verv conspicuous ; this structure is easily seen, even in hand specimens. The basalt consists of a groundmass of small felspar crystals, with specks of augite (?) and magnetite. “The basalt does not form a wall in the ordinary sense of the word—that is to say, there are no perpendicular cliffs of it, but it gradually rises in steps, getting thicker and thicker as it recedes from the margin. It is destitute of any vegetation, with the exception of some plum and bottle trees and a few other scrub trees. I was informed by Mr. Clarke, of Toomba, that he had discovered some miles of well-grassed open country in the middle of this basalt. Its average breadth is about eight miles. Its general appearance is that of a recent outflow of lava, and it probably represents the latest outflow in the district.” * ; It may be observed that many of the Newer Volcanic outbursts took place in the neighbourhood of areas occupied by the Older Volcanic rocks, or actually overspread the latter. Possibly the volcanic activity in some districts was continuous, but where it is possible to distinguish between an older and a newer, the two may for the present be kept apart. Lithological observations on the basalts, &c., of this period will be found in the notes by Mr. A. W. Clarke which accompany this work. The late Mr. Daintree classed + with the Pliocene certain alluvial deposits occurring at high levels above the Recent alluvia of the Cape River, which he thus described :— “Whilst the recent alluvial deposits seem only to reward the miner in the immediate vicinity of some rich quartz reef or other gold matrix, this, so far as yet tested, yields gold of a rounded waterworn character, independent of any local source of supply. It differs from the first mentioned in the rounded character of the contained pebbles, its interstratified white clays, and purer waterworn gold. Isolated patches of this drift were observed from the head of the ‘Cape’ to the ‘Lower’ diggings; what had probably at one time been a continuous line of deposit having evidently been partially redistributed by the present watercourses. At the junction of ‘Sandy Creek’ with the ‘ River Cape,’ a well-defined band of rounded pebble-drift joins what may, for convenience sake, be called the ‘Main Lead;’ this branch heads from the ‘Springs’ at ‘Talavera’s’ Camp, and keeps a course between the Cape and Sandy Creek until it gains the so-called ‘Main Lead,’ as before mentioned. Hence, following the line of ‘Gehan’s Flat,’ the ‘White Hills’ and ‘ Deep Lead’ (the * Report on the Cape River Gold Field, by William H. Rands. Brisbane: by Authority : 1891. + Report on the Cape River Diggings and the latest Mineral Discoveries in Northern Queensland. Brisbane: by Authority : 1868, 595 gold workings of which are all in this old rounded drift), there is no difficulty in tracing similar material in cliff sections in a south-westerly direction, until it is no longer confined within moderate limits, but opens out into a large marine or lacustrine deposit to the south and south-east. “On the accompanying map the extent of this particular Formation is shown by the distinguishing colour ‘yellow’; and on reference it will be seen that down the ‘Cape’ as far as the ‘Lower’ diggings, and down the ‘Running Creek’ at far as the junction of ‘Golden Gully,’ it may be considered as the representative of old-river channels; beyond these points to the south and east it can be regarded in no other light than that of accumulated sediment from a vast lake or sea. It has been found in working that where this supposed old watercourse is narrowest, as at ‘Gehan’s’ Flat, ‘White’ Hill, &c., there the gold is most concentrated; but when it becomes broader, and the drift deeper, as on the extension of the ‘ Deep Lead’ to the south, the gold is found to be too scattered to pay for the additional cost of mining.” Of these drifts, Mr. Rands observes * :—‘ Several alluvial leads of older date than the alluvium of the present watercourses occur, and have been worked for gold. They consist chiefly of a schistose drift, with a ‘wash’ of coarse quartz pebbles at the bottom, and are evidently the drift of old watercourses. Some of them have given splendid returns of gold. The principal ‘lead’ is one running south from the Lower Cape, which averaged about 3 ozs. of gold to the load for about two miles in length. The depth of this drift varied from three feet to one hundred feet. It got wider and deeper towards the south. The gold was much waterworn and rounded. Leads of very similar character occur on the opposite side of the Cape River, at the Lower Cape, and also up Sandy Creek, near Chinaman’s Gully. The Canton and Pothole Leads, at the Upper Cape, have also given handsome returns.” The late Mr. D’Oyly H. Aplin, evidently inclined to consider the “‘ Older Alluvial” of the Gympie Gold Field as the equivalent of the Victorian Pliocene, says +:——“ A stratified quartz pebble drift of older date than the existing valleys, and of which the remains now occupy the summit of ridges skirting these valleys. It is well shown capping a series of ridges on the west side of the One-mile Creek, about two and a-half miles above its junction with the River, in a large ‘pocket’ of the creek known as Macpherson’s Paddock. It forms also a conspicuous feature on the west side of the Six-mile Creek, near the crossing of the road, about seven miles above Gympie; and has doubtless at a former period extended over a considerable area of the valley now occupied by the Mary and its tributaries. It consists almost entirely of rounded and waterworn quartz, varying in size from small gravel to boulders upwards of one foot in diameter, and intermixed with sandand clay. Associated with it are beds of ferruginous quartz conglomerate. These deposits are precisely similar in appearance, character, and position to those which constitute the ‘ made hills’ of many of the Victorian goldfields, and which have there proved to be highly auriferous. They appear to have been almost entirely neglected or overlooked here, but are well worth the attention of prospectors, as the discovery of alluvial leads in the adjacent valleys would probably follow should the result of prospecting amongst these ‘made hills’ prove successful, The gold, if any, would be in a smooth, waterworn state, and entirely free from quartz—in this respect, unlike that obtained from the shallow gullies in the vicinity of the reefs.” * Annual Progress Report of the Geological Survey for 1890. Brisbane: by Authority: 1891. t+ Report on the Geological and Mining Features of the Gympie Gold Field. Brisbane: by Authority: 1868, 596 Of the Gympie drifts, Mr. Rands writes as follows * :— “ An alluvial deposit occurs in many parts of the district of an older date than the deposits being formed by the existing streams. It consists chiefly of a drift of large waterworn pebbles, varying in size from half-an-inch to eight or more inches in diameter, the pebbles consisting of quartz and of hardened jasperised sandstone. There are also layers of ferruginous grit and conglomerate. “This older alluvium can be seen in many places in the western side of the river; on some ridges on the western side of Deep Creek, about three miles from its mouth; near the Brisbane road on the Six-mile Creek; to the north of Gympie patches of it are met with here and there for the whole of the distance to Maryborough. Close to Maryborough, in the Tinana Division, a shaft that was sunk on a ridge passed through some thickness of this drift, and gold was found in one or two of the pebbles on their being broken. “There is another alluvial deposit, probably of still earlier date, which forms a capping to the One-Mile (Red Hill) and Surface Hills in Gympie. This deposit consists of yellow and red stratified sandy and aluminous silts, with, in places, masses of pebbles and boulders of quartzite, which are well shown in the new railway cutting on the north side of Red Hill. There is no evidence as to the exact age of these deposits, beyond that they are newer than the reefs in the Gympie Beds below, as they are not intersected by them. A little waterworn gold has been found on parts of Red Hill; and on Surface Hill, in the Channon-street cutting, small nuggets of gold have been picked up. Small prospects of gold are nearly always obtained on working the soil on Surface Hill.” The Upper and Older Alluvia of the Stanthorpe tin-mining district are probably contemporaneous with similar drifts on the New England side of the border, which Mr. David classes as Pliocene. It is quite possible that the Cape, Gympie, and Severn, and many other ancient alluvial drifts may turn out to be Pliocene, but at present we have no direct evidence to enable us to distinguish them from Post-Tertiary drifts. They probably never were covered by basaltic lavas, as any erosive agent capable of denuding the latter would in all likelihood have cleared away the underlying incoherent drifts also. In my opinion the drifts of the Severn Valley point to a period of heavy rainfall, accompanied probably by the occasional melting of snow. A somewhat more rigorous climate than the present probably prevailed, but a careful search failed to reveal striated stones or anything indicative of a true glacial period. Mr. Henry G. Stokes, who has collected near Oxley a number of beautifully preserved plant remains, which have been submitted to Professor Baron Von Ettingshausen for determination, has kindly given me the following notes “On the Occurrence of Tertiary Beds in the neighbourhood of Brisbane” :— “Between Sherwood and Wolston stations, on the Ipswich Railway Line, and extending for some distance to the south-south-east of Sherwood, a series of beds occurs, consisting of pale and yellow-coloured, coarse and fine grained, argillaceous and ferruginous sandstones, sandy shales, and clays. “The principal rock in .this series is a pale-coloured variety of sandstone, consisting of an abundance of small angular and sub-angular quartz grains, and white mica, with clay, and a little oxide of iron and carbonate of lime as the cementing material. It is not a very coherent stone, and, with the exception of those portions in proximity to an intrusive rock, weathers rapidly on. exposure. * Report on the Gympie Gold Field. Brisbane; by Authority : 1889. 597 “Numerous cracks and joints divide the rock into small, rough prisms; and especially is this the case in the neighbourhood of the basaltic rock, where the sandy shales have seemingly separated into rough spheroids. The beds are traversed by a number of small faults, striking S.E.,S8.S.EH., and 8S. 10 E., the largest displacement noticed not exceeding eight feet. ‘As by far the greater portion of the formation is covered by alluvium, the dip of the beds and strike of the faults and joints can alone be noticed in a few localities, and where they have been exposed by denudation the bedding planes are not sufficiently defined to allow of accurate measurements being taken The beds are generally horizontal, undulating slightly, and where they are inclined they dip at varying angles. “In Mr. De Winton’s paddock, Corinda, adjoining the river bank, this series, which is there horizontal, is seen resting unconformably on a series of coarse, gritty sandstones and conglomerate, belonging to the so-called Ipswich Beds. “These Tertiary deposits occupy a considerable portion of the depression, extending from Sherwood, on the Southern and Western Railway Line, to beyond Runcorn Station, on the Logan Line. Outcrops of the coarse grits and conglomerates, apparently of a different geological age, occur in several places, rising above the level of the valley, forming extended ridges and hillocks. “‘ Most of these beds contain monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant remains, which may be referred to some period of the Tertiary epoch. In the shales and clays, the venation of the leaves and stems of the plants are sharply defined, and their outlines well marked in the remaining beds, but few of the impressions are well preserved, their exterior outlines being with difficulty discernible.” I have gone over the section ecarefuliy, and can see no marked lithological distinction between the strata from which Mr. Stokes obtained his fossils and many other well-known beds which unquestionably form part of the Ipswich Coal Measures ; nor can I see any evidence of an unconformability of more importance than many local unconformabilities which occur in the Ipswich Beds. I should incline to regard Mr. Stokes’ fossils as additions to the flora of the Ipswich Formation rather than as evidence of the presence of Tertiary strata. The whole question can, however, remain in abeyance pending Baron von Ettingshausen’s determination of the fossils. MINES IN CONNECTION WITH THE TERTIARY ROCKS. RUSSELL RIVER GOLD FIELD. This is a recently opened alluvial. field which is likely to rise into importance. Its centre is about six miles west of Mount Bartle Frere. The gold is found associated with fine-grained stream tin ore in a gravelly wash beneath basaltic flows, about 2,500 feet above the sea-level. This basalt forms part of the tableland which extends from the heads of the Russell, Johnstone, and Mulgrave to the basin of the Barron near, Herberton, and is covered with dense tropical jungle and intersected by plentiful running streams. It probably dates from Miocene times, but of this no direct evidence has yet been observed. Wairambar Creek, on the west, and Cooppooroo Creek, on the east, have cut through the basalt, exposing the underlying auriferous drift and the “bedrock” of slates, schists, and greywackes. Extensive preparations for sluicing the drifts have been made, and as the area covered by the basalt is enormous, and the drift has been exposed, owing to the accident of denudation, merely on the fringe of the deposit, almost unlimited possibilities are before the field. The average yield from washdirt reported in Victoria for 1883 was 1 dwt. 23°32 grains; for 1884, 3 dwts.; and for 1885, 1 dwt. 10°59 grains. I am certain that the Terraces of the Russell will give a 598 much higher yield than this, and there is no comparison between the extent of the auriferous areas of Victoria and those of the Russell. The Wardens have been unable to form any estimate of the alluvial gold from this field. Gold and stream tin ore are found in the beds and alluvial flats of the Lower Russell and the Johnstone. No reefs of any importance have yet been worked in the district, and it is probable that the alluvial gold has been mainly derived from the denudation of the drifts beneath the basalt. There is, however, a rumour of a rich reef having been lately discovered. MULGRAVE GOLD FIELD. For remarks on alluvial workings, see Chapter XIII. MOUNT MORGAN GOLD MINE. This mine, which has already (up to 3lst December, 1891) produced 907,697 ounces of gold, is not only one of the richest in the world, but presents geological features of unusual interest. It lies about twenty-six miles south-south-west of Rockhampton. In the immediate neighbourhood of the mountain, the country-rock consists mainly of bluish-grey quartzite—a fine-grained siliceous sandstone, now more or less porcellanised—full of minute crystals of iron pyrites and specks of magnetic iron ore; greywackes of the ordinary type—hard fine-grained sandstones of mingled siliceous and felspathic materials, now somewhat indurated; and, lastly, occasional masses of pyritous shale, hardened to a flinty consistency, and a few belts of serpentine. These sedimentary rocks have been shown, from a large collection of fossils made by the late Mr. James Smith, to belong to the Gympie Formation. In the immediate neighbour- hood of the Mount the sedimentary rocks appear to have been in thick beds, and they have suffered a considerable amount of metamorphism, so that their dip and strike are not easily ascertainable. The stratified rocks are, moreover, interrupted and inter- sected in every direction by dykes and other intrusive masses of hornblendie granite and porphyritic dolerite,* the intrusive masses occupying nearly as much space as the remnant of the original stratified formation itself. The country-rock within a short distance of the Mount is traversed by reefs of the ordinary description, such as, for instance, the Golden Spur Reefs, the Crow’s Nest Reef, and the Mundic Reef, all of which contain a pretty fairamount of gold. The Mount is about 1,200 feet above the sea-level, or about 500 feet above the level of the Dee River, which flows past its eastern foot. The “ mine’’ presents the appearance of a series of step-like quarries at different levels. The actual summit of the mountain has now been bodily quarried away to a depth of thirty-five feet, the level of the Second Floor.+ Numbers 3 and 4 Floors are respectively thirty-five and seventy feet below the level of No. 2; and No. 5 Floor is thirty-five feet below No. 4. What is called the Crown Shaft or Main Pass is sunk from the second Floor to a depth of 155 feet, beneath No. 5 Floor. No. 2 Tunnel is driven right across the hill from north to south at the level of No.5 Floor. No.1 Tunnel, a little more to the west of north and east of south, is driven across the whole of the auriferous area one hundred and fifty-five feet below the level of No.2 Tunnel, while the Freehold Tunnel is driven from east to west thirty-three feet above No.1 Tunnel. The Sunbeam Tunnel is carried * See Notes on a Collection of Rocks and Minerals from Mount Morgan, collected by Mr. C. 8. Wilkinson, F.G.8., &c. ; by T. W. Edgeworth David, B.A., and William Anderson, Geological Surveyors. With an introduction by C. S. Wilkinson, Geological Surveyor in Charge. Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, ii., p. 85. Sydney: by Authority : 1891. + Now (June, 1892) mainly to the level of No. 4 Floor, atl sie ate 599 from the south-west nearly to the Crown Shaft, and the Grass-tree Tunnel (about seventy feet below the level of the Freehold Tunnel) is driven from the south-east to the Crown Shaft.* The upper portion of the mountain consists of a deposit varying from red and brown hematite on the one hand to a frothy, spongy, cellular, siliceous sinter on the other. Fine gold is disseminated throughout the mass, but it varies considerably in richness. So far as the upper excavations show, the auriferous deposits are bounded to the south-west by a large kaolinised granitic dyke, but on No. 8 and No. 5 Floors the dyke intersects the auriferous deposits, some portion of the latter being found on its south-west side.t At the eastern end of the auriferous deposit, on the other hand, there are immense quantities of kaolinised rock, “rich in gold—z.e., from }-0z. to 22 ozs. to the ton.” (Manager’s Report, Ist June, 1891.) No. 1 Tunnel discloses immense quantities of highly pyritous quartzite country-rock. Indeed, there is more pyrites than quartzite. Possessing (as will be seen from any plan of the workings) none of the characteristics of a “reef,” as the term is generally understood, it becomes necessary to seek for another explanation of the origin of the auriferous deposit. I am of opinion that the gold must have been precipitated in the ferruginous and siliceous sinter deposited by a thermal spring, which, charged with chlorine, dissolved the gold from the pyrites of such reefs as the “ Mundic Reef,” and from the pyrites with which the country-rock beneath and around the summit of the Mount is abundantly charged. Even if the gold was present in the pyrites of the country-rock in a very infinitesimal proportion, it might be collected by a thermal spring from such pyrites over a wide area. The occasionally angular condition of the sinter, and the tumbled condition of the ironstone masses (as evidenced by the deflection of stalactites from the vertical) would appear to indicate that explosive discharges of gases or steam occurred at intervals with sufficient violence to disturb the deposits accumulated by the thermal spring. Mr. A. W. Clarke, of Charters Towers, late Government Mineralogical Lecturer, has favoured me with the following Note on some specimens from Mount Morgan :— “‘ A very large proportion of the substance is soluble in strong potash solution, the residue being nearly pure crystalline silica. This is what ought to be expected of a siliceous sinter, as, of course, the silica would be hydrated and colloidal, and the presence of some quartz (or crystalline silica) in it is quite conceivable.” Mr. Walter H. Weed, of the United States Geological Survey, who has made a special study of the wonders of the Yellowstone National Park, writes me ¢ as follows:— “The specimen of sinter which you enclosed is too small for satisfactory examination. It bears a striking resemblance to certain rhyolitic pumices from the Yellowstone, but lacks porphyritic crystals, while your observations regarding its occurrence render such an origin impossible, while another proof is easy in complete analysis. The sinter is not quite like anything in our collection from the Yellowstone, Iceland, or New Zealand districts. It appears, however, to be a good sinter, and its vesicular or frothy nature indicates that it was formed at the surface. As to Mr. Cameron’s remarks (quoted on p. 5 of your Report of 1889), his objection to the thermal spring theory, based on the * An account of later workings and developments will be found in the Writer’s ‘‘ Third Report on the Mount Morgan Gold Deposits.” Brisbane: by Authority : 1892, + This is also the case in the ‘‘ Freehold Stopes,’ a few feet above the level of the Grass-tree Tunnel, Sce ‘‘ Third Report.” , t In a letter dated 27th November, 1889, 600 absence of calcareous tufa, is quite erroneous. Hot waters issuing from voleanic rocks usually deposit siliceous sinter, and that alone, the lime being carried off in solution by the waters, and usually present in very minute quantity. Calcareous deposits under such circumstances are rare exceptions,* and not the rule. The facts described in your Report seein to offer conclusive evidence in favour of your theory.” As has already been mentioned, numerous dykes of diabasie dolerite + intersect the country-rock. Not one, however, is met with in the auriferous deposit. Had the latter been merely the siliceous skeleton remaining after the removal of the pyrites from the pyritous quartzite, the dolerite dykes would still be present to attest the original identity of the two masses. But there is at least one clear instance of a dolerite dyke intersecting the quartzite country-rock (in No. 1 Tunnel, one hundred and twenty feet north of the shaft sunk from No. 5 Floor) and not intersecting the overlying sinter (in the south branch of the Freehold Tunnel, only thirty-five feet higher) ; showing tbat the sinter and ironstone were deposited on, and were not altered portions of the pyritous quartzite country-rock. It is hardly credible that the highly auriferous siliceous and ferruginous material now being worked represents merely a weathered condition of the pyrites with which the quartzite country-rock is so highly charged, and which is so poor in gold. Again, the fact that the sinter is mainly a hydrous silica is an argument against its being the skeleton produced by the solution of masses of pyrites from an anhydrous quartzite. For some distance around the Mount, the country-rock is frequently impregnated with aluminous, siliceous, and ferruginous material. Some portions of this rock were so far gone that on my first visit to Mount Morgan (1884) I imagined them to represent deposits from the overflow of the thermal spring, an idea which I have since abandoned, although it is likely enough that the influence of the thermal spring may have assisted in the decomposition of the adjacent rocks for some distance, and some of the easily soluble mineral matter may have percolated into the superficial portions of the adjacent rocks. The gold of Mount Morgan is probably the purest that has ever been mined. Dr. A. Leibius, of the Sydney Mint, says it assays as high asy99°7 per cent. The gold is extracted by a process of chlorination, but its recovery from the recently discovered “kaolin ores’’{ has proved to be a much slower process than its extraction from the siliceous and ferruginous. My reasons for classing the Mount Morgan Gold Mine as Tertiary are the following :— ‘That the deposit left by the thermal spring is newer than the altered stratified rocks through which it has burst is obvious; and that it is even newer than the much later date when the dolerite dykes filled up fissures in the stratified rocks, is proved by the fact that the dykes are clearly seen in some instances to be covered over by the siliceous, aluminous, and ferruginous deposits of the spring. “But yet another circumstance helps us in our endeavour to ascertain the age of the outburst of the Mount Morgan hot spring. About a mile to the west of the ‘mountain’ is a mass—apparently about one hundred and fifty feet in thickness—of horizontal bedded sandstone, undoubtedly the ‘ Desert Sandstone.’ It rests, apparently, at this point, on a mass of diabase, but in other places it may be seen lying on the upturned edges of quartzite and greywacke strata, similar in character to those of the ‘country’ around Mount Morgan. The base of this Formation is a fine volcanic dust. The upper beds are coarsely gritty, and for the most part siliceous, varying from white. * The Einasleigh Thermal Spring is one of the exceptions. See Chapter xxxvi. t See Notes by Messrs. Edgeworth David and Anderson above quoted. } The kaolin of these ores, I understand, rarely exceeds thirty per cent, of the whole, the remainder being siliceous sinter. 601 to brown and red, and containing occasional pebbles of quartz and quartzite. The base of the Desert Sandstone I should judge to be about a hundred feet lower than the summit of Mount Morgan. “ Standing on fits sandstone cliffs, so as to look to the east, past the south side of Mount Morea the observer can descry, across the valley of the Dee, the familiar contour of horizontal-bedded sandstone cliffs stretching North and South. As nearly as can be judged by the eye, they are on the same level as the cliffs on the opposite side of the valley, and there can be no doubt that the valley has been carved out of a once- continuous cake of horizontal sandstone. The question arises, ‘Was Mount Morgan an island in the sea or lake in which the sandstones were laid down?’ In that case the hot spring was older than the Desert Sandstone. “The answer is easily made. Had there been shores to this sea or lake where Mount Morgan now stands, the sandstone in the neighbourhood would have been full of pebbles of sinter and ironstone derived from the waste of such easily degraded rocks. But I saw none such, and I believe they do not occur. The hot spring, then, was newer, and not older, than the Desert Sandstone.”’* In many localities in the North, as may be seen in previous portions of this Chapter, the valleys carved out of the Desert Sandstone became the theatres of voleanie activity, represented by flows of basaltic lavas and “foci” filled with ash or basalt and in some instances by crater-shaped hills. Another form of volcanic activity was developed at the same period near the head of the Dee Valley. After the Desert, Sandstone had been uplifted, and the carving-out of the present valleys had been carried on for long ages—in fact, till the valleys had nearly acquired their present contours— basaltic lava flowed down the valleys over the upturned slates of the MacIvor and over the auriferous drifts of the Mulgrave, and a thermal spring of enormous proportions burst out, or perhaps even a geyser spouted fitfully in the valley of the Dee, carrying with it not only water, but in all probability chloride of gold. The literature of Mount Morgan is already apleinane The reader may consult — (1.) Lzrerus, A—Notes on Gold. Journ. R. Soc. N.S. Wales for 1884 [1885], xviii., p. 37. (2.) Grecory, A. C.—Observations on the Occurrence of Gold at Mount Morgan. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1884. (3.) Jack, R. L.—Report on the Mount Morgan Gold Deposits. Brisbane: by Authority: 1884. (4.) ZId.—Second Report on the same. Brisbane: by Authority: 1889. (5.) Macponatp Cameron, J.—Report on Mount Morgan, to the Directors, dated 26th March, 1887, reprinted in Rockhampton Bulletin. (6.) Ricxarp, T. A. (of California).—Mount Morgan Mine. Articles in Melbourne Evening Standard for 183th and 14th March, 1890. (7.) Sykes, Writt1am H.—A Practical Treatise on Mount Morgan. Mount SMa ian Chronicle Office, 1888. (8.) Witxtnson, C. S.; Davin, T. W. Enegewortu ; and AnpERsoN, WIL- 11AM.—Notes on a Collection. of Rocks and Minerals from Mount Morgan, already quoted. (See page 598.) (9.) Mine Sections and Working Plans issued by the Directors, July, 1890. (10.) Jack, R. L.—Third Report on the Mount Morgan Gold Deposits. Brisbane: by Authority: 1892. * Report (First) by R.L.J. on the Mount Morgan Gold Deposits, Brisbane: by Authority: 1884, 602 MOONDILLA GOLD FIELD. Although widely different in its physical aspects, this Goldfield belongs, I am fully persuaded, to the same category as Mount Morgan, representing another phase of the activity of thermal waters, probably manifested at or about the same period of time. The “ Goldfield” occurs on the dividing line between Gumbardo and Milo Runs, in the middle of nearly dead-flat mulga-covered pastoral land. What may be called the -“bed-rock” of the district is the “ Rolling Downs” or “ Lower Cretaceous” strata, which have already been described. This is covered by the material about to be described, and which can be identified as derived from the debris of the Upper Cretaceous or Desert Sandstone, of which denuded fragments occur in the neighbourhood. The groundwork of the field consists of what is known as “cement,” a some- what consolidated ‘‘wash” of materials for the most part siliceous, but to some extent felspathic. This cement, on being broken up and washed, is found to contain a considerable quantity of hydrous silica, which is not in rounded waterworn grains, but in concretions or nodules. Sometimes the silica, when present in large quantities, forms lenticular concretionary masses, and even what may be called beds, strata or seams interstratified with the cement. When these beds attain any thickness they present almost every variety of the chalcedony group of hydrous silica, varying in colour from smoky to yellow, pearly, milk-white, and water-clear, and, while breaking with great facility (with a conchoidal fracture) into “knives’’ or “ flint-flakes,” can be seen on every surface and in every thin section to have a nucleated structure throughout. The above characteristics, and above all its low specific gravity, would enable any miner to distinguish this from the auriferous stone of any hitherto known goldfield. The low specific gravity is, of course, due to the fact that water enters into its composition, so much of it as is water being only two-fifths of the weight of an equal bulk of common anhydrous quartz. If it be permissible mentally to reconstruct the conditions under which the Goldfield was created, we may imagine, in the first place, a land surface on which the Upper Cretaceous (Desert Sandstone) lay on the Lower Cretaceous (or “ Rolling Downs”) strata. In course of time the Desert Sandstone was denuded till mere fragmentary tablelands of it remained in sitw, the débris of the portion removed being spread over the surrounding low country. From abundant evidence furnished by other parts of Australia, it is known that at a period (Newer Tertiary ?) when the denudation of the Desert Sandstone had gone on for some time, immense outbursts of volcanic activity took place, giving rise in some cases to flows of basaltic lava, and in others to fountains of warm water. We may presume that the latter was the case at Moondilla, and that the water was highly charged with dissolved silica, of which it carried quantities into the then loose and incoherent masses of débris formed of the waste of the Desert Sandstone. The silica, at first ina gelatinous condition, would eventually be segregated into concretions surrounding nuclei or filling up spaces or openings in the bedding- planes, and on consolidating and crystallising would have no difficulty in elbowing portions of the cement matrix out of the way and assuming the gnarled and twisted forms presented by the majority of the concretions and seams. In all probability the thicker beds of silica represent pools of silica-charged water, which were ultimately covered up by further accessions from the débris of the Desert Sandstone. With the silica a limited amount of gold appears to have come up in solution, and to have been deposited with it, possibly precipitated by the agency of sulphate of iron. The portions of the silica richest in gold are those which are seamed with iron oxide. The silica occurring in the cement has evidently hada similar origin to that which forms comparatively thick beds. It is not waterworn, and has not been carried by | | 603 running water, but is concretionary—the result of the segregation, around nuclei, of a certain amount of the same material, once more widely disseminated throughout the surrounding mass. There is no reason to suppose that the gold, any more than the silica, was carried from a distance, or emanated from any reef which may be discovered by trenching or sinking. The following, from a trench in “No. 1 East”? Claim, may be taken as a typical section:—1, Red soul, 1 foot; 2, Silica, 1 foot; 3, Cement, with bands of silica, 3 inches ; 4, Cement, with horizontal lines of cavities, a yellowish stain, and small concretions of silica, 1 foot 8 inches; 5, Silica, 0 to 3 inches; 6, Same as No. 4, 10inches ; 7, Cement, with bands of silica, sometimes coming together into a thick bed, 1 foot 3 inches. The silica beds sometimes attain a thickness of three feet, and in some cases thin out rapidly, so that it would be impossible to say, without continuous working, whether beds seen in shafts a few yards distant are identical or not. On the “Range” (an almost imperceptible rise, perhaps six feet above the general level of the flat), the first silica bed is generally met with within three feet of the surface ; but some shafts have not met any thick bed. The deepest shaft, when I visited the place in company with Major Moore, the Warden for the District, in September, 1891, was fifteen feet. Before I left Brisbane for Moondilla, I was permitted to see a parcel of specimens, apparently rich in gold. The stone was unquestionably of the same unusual character as that which I subsequently saw stacked in large quantities on the Field itself, although in the latter I could detect no visible gold. After much careful pounding and washing, a very few “colours” were, however, obtained. It is now said that the specimens exhibited in Brisbane had fine gold ingeniously plastered on them. I retained only one of the Brisbane specimens, showing a minute speck of gold, and the latter, after the lapse of ten months, has disappeared. I have been unable to obtain a sight of the other specimens. There can be little doubt that the short-lived “ Moondilla rush” was the result of a rascally case of “salting.” The visit of inspection had the effect of preventing further mischief, as the Warden agreed with me that the “ prospects” did not warrant the proclamation of a Goldfield. The Moondilla country is, in ordinary seasons, a very dry one, but, the geological conditions being favourable to the discovery of artesian water, infinite possibilities of profitable working are open should payable gold be found. Even as it is, I consider that the discovery of gold although in minute quantities must attract attention to the presence of the precious metal under conditions which are certainly new, and which may yet prove to be of importance, as a similar formation to that of Moondilla is reported to cover extensive areas in the West. J. CHAPTER XXXVI. POST-TERTIARY AND RECENT. THERMAL AND OTHER SPRINGS. STANNIFEROUS DRIFTS, VIZ.: STANTHORPE, MOUNT SPURGEON, AND PASCOE TIN FIELDS. Sir Thomas Mitchell, in January, 1842, sent to England some specimens of Diprotodon “from the Condamine River, in Lat. 28° S., Long. 150° EH.” It is evident that the Latitude and Longitude are wrong, and Mr. George F. Bennett concludes * that the part of the river’s course referred to must be between Leyburn and Yandilla. Leichhardt is quoted by Mr. Bennett + as having written, apropos of some fossils sent home by him on 10th July, 1844, from the Darling Downs :—“ The plains are filled by an alluvium of considerable depth, as wells, dug fifty to sixty feet deep, have been sunk within it. The plains and creeks in which fossils have been found are—Mr. Hodgson’s Creek, Campbell’s Creek, Mr. Isaacs’ Creek [Gowrie Creek], and Oakey Creek. They pass all into and through immense plains on the west side of the Condamine, into which they fall. The bones are either found in the bed of the creek, particularly in the mud of dried-up waterholes, or in the banks of the creek, in a red loamy breccia, or in a bed of pebbles, containing many trachyte pebbles from the Coast Range, from the west side of which these oak descend.” In his “ Journal,” Leichhardt wrote { in the end of September, 1844:— “We passed the stations of Messrs. Hughes and Isaacs, and of Mr. Coxen, and arrived on the 80th September at Jimba [Jimbour?], where we were to bid farewell to civilisation. “These stations are established on creeks which come down from the western. slopes of the Coast Range . . . and meander through plains of more or less extent to join the Condamine River. . . . These plains have become remarkable as the depositaries of remains of extinct species of animals. : “Mr. Isaacs’ Station is particularly rich in these fossil remains ; and they have like- wise been found in the beds and banks of Mr. Hodgson’s and of Mr. Campbell’s Creeks, and also of Oakey Creek. At Isaacs’ Creek [Gowrie Creek] they occur together with Recent freshwater shells of species still living in the neighbouring ponds, and with marly and caleareous concretions, which induces me to suppose that these plains were covered with large sheets of water, fed probably by calcareous springs connected with the basaltic range, and that huge animals, fond of water, were living either on the rich herbage surrounding these ponds or lakes or browsing upon the leaves and branches of trees forming thick brushes on tke slopes of the nie bonnet hills. Mr. George I. Bennett (son of Dr. George Bennett, of Sydney, and an enthusiastic naturalist and collector of Darling Downs fossils), in the Paper above referred to, gives the following notes :— “The bank of Gowrie Creek, from the Gowrie Junction Railway Station until it goes into Westbrook Creek, is more or less rich in fossils. The portion from the * Notes on Rambles in Search of Fossil Remains on the Darling Downs. [1876.] Queensland Philosophical Society’s Annual Report for 1877. + Loc. cit. +t Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia, p. 1. London, 1847. 605 junction to the Railway Bridge, Dalby Line, has only had a few stray bones found in it, as the black soil there is very deep, and, in my opinion, the strata containing the fossils are only just now becoming exposed; but from thence to the boundary of Gowrie is very rich. “ To return to the consideration of the localities in which fossil remains are to be found, I think I can put the boundaries pretty well from Gowrie to Spring Creek, Chfton (none are recorded as being found in Dalrymple Creek, on the Warwick side of Spring Creek) ; thence to the Condamine River, and along its eastern bank as far as Chinchilla (where I have seen specimens embedded in the rock). These boundaries include Eton Vale, Clifton, Pilton, Gowrie, Yandilla, Cecil Plains, St. Ruth, Jimbour, and Warra Warra, Jimbour Station being the northern boundary.”’ Mr. Samuel Stutchbury refers * to “the cementation of drifted matter [on the Darling Downs] such as pebble, shingle, frequently containing fragments of the bones of extinct animals, many of them being much abraded by rolling, whilst others, together with the exuvia of fresh-water mollusks of existing species (the Unios only differing from their having attained a larger size and thickness), are found drifted together with little or no injury, and cemented by calc-sinter, calcareous tufa, and travertin.” He adds: “ Bones have been found at all the various depths at which the alluvial soil of the plains has been penetrated, even from wells at a depth of sixty or more feet, as was the case in sinking a well at Nombi, on the Liverpool Plains; therefore, the race of animals now extinct must have existed throughout the period of time necessary for the accumulation of the vast amount of alluvial drift; or the drift must have undergone many mutations, by being swept away and being redeposited.” In a later Report + Mr. Stutchbury mentions the following localities from which bones of extinct animals have been obtained :—King’s Creek, Emu Creek, Hodgson Creek, Clifton, Gowrie Creek, Myall Creek, Bowra Creek, and Dalby. From this Report the following stratigraphical notes are taken :— “King’s Creek presents a succession of waterholes, circular, oval, and linear, and exhibits on the banks, by successive layers of shells, distinct periods of deposition ; this is particularly apparent near Clifton, the bed of the creek being composed of a peculiar conglomerate made up of débris containing shells, bones, &c., and cemented with lime; fossil trunks of coniferous trees upon the same level were observed in situ as if cleanly sawn ; above this the deposits of different periods may be clearly traced.” “Crossing Gowrie Creek, I proceeded to the junction of Oakey and Pitt’s Creek with Westbrook Creek; the banks in many instances exposed a reddish marble containing calcareous tufa and fragments of bone. *¢T was shown at Dalby the jaw of a wombat (Phascolomys Mitchelli) and other larger bones, obtained at a depth of sixty feet from the surface while sinking a well. The fact of bones being found at such depths, while in other places they are near the surface, would, at first sight, appear to be evidence of their having existed throughout the period of time necessary for the deposit of sixty or more ie of alluvial matter. This, I presume, is not the case, but that their being found at such depth results in [from] the watersheds [water-channels] having altered their courses, and carrying the bones with the other drift, and fillmg up and levelling some large waterhole; the bones, from their size and lightness, being the first deposited.” * Eleventh Tri-monthly Report upon the Geological and Mineralogical Structure of New South Wales, Sydney : Legislative Council Papers : 1858. + Twelfth Tri-monthly Report, &c. Sydney: Legislative Council Papers: 1854, 606 In 1869 the late Rev. W. B. Clarke reported * the discovery of a femur of a Struthious Bird, subsequently named by Owen Dromornis australis, at the depth of 188 feet in drift resting on granite, from a well in that part of Peak Downs which lies between Lord’s Table Mountain and the head of Theresa Creek, near the track from Clermont to Broad Sound. The bone was found in a deposit of drift pebbles and boulders one hundred and fifty feet thick, overlaid by thirty feet of black trappean alluvial soil. In the same communication, Mr. Clarke says, “In some of the creeks running more to the south-eastward from the Peak Downs, and, like Theresa Creek, belonging to the McKenzie River system (e.g., Crinum Creek), occur bones of Zrionyx and Crocodile.” The late Mr. R. Daintree, in his Paper on the Geology of Queensland,t says :— “From the Gulf of Carpentaria, in the north, to Darling Downs, in the south, the fossil remains of extinct mammalia have been found in breccias and indurated muds, which are representatives of the beds of old watercourses, through which the present creeks cut their channels. At Maryvale Creek, in Latitude 19° 30’ South, good sections of these old brecciated alluvia occur. The fossils from this section, as determined by Professor Owen, are:—Diprotodon australis, Macropus Titan, Thylacoleo, Phascolomys, Nototherium, Crocodile teeth, &c.t ‘““Tmbedded in the same matrix occur several genera of mollusca of species undistinguishable from those inhabiting the Maryvale Creek. My friend and late colleague, Mr. Robert Etheridge, jun., has compared these with the Recent forms, and finds them to consist of — “ GasTEROPODA—Melania pagoda, M. arca, M. subimbricata, M. mesta, M. sp., Limnea rimosa, Physa truncata, P. sp.§ “ LAMELLIBRANCHIATA.—Corbicula australis; Unio, sp. “The fact of these older alluvia forming both the bed and banks of the present watercourse . . . . goes to prove that Diprotodon and its allies inhabited the Queensland valleys when they presented little difference in physical aspect or elevation from that of the present time. The Crocodile (Crocodilus australis), however, had then a greater range inland than it has now. ‘A study of these Diprotodon-breccias leads to the conclusion that the remains were chiefly entombed in what were the most permanent ‘ waterholes’ in seasons of excessive drought, and that the animals came there in a weak and exhausted state to drink and die, just as bullocks do under similar conditions at the present time. ‘“‘ No human bones, flint-flakes, or any kind of native weapon have yet been dis- covered with the extinct mammalia of Queensland.” In his Report “On the Geological Features of the South-eastern District of Queensland,” || Mr. A. C. Gregory gives the following description of the “Older Alluvial or Fossil Drift ”’:— ‘The deposit is restricted to the valleys descending westerly from the main range dividing the waters flowing to the east coast from those which flow westerly to the Darling and Murray Rivers. Its limits are not well defined ; but it forms the banks of the present watercourses, near the summit of the range, and extends down them to the * Geological Magazine (1869), iv., p. 383. t+ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1872, xxviii., p. 274. {List corrected by my Colleague (sce Post-Tertiary Organic Remains) as follows :—Crocodilus porosus ; Diprotodon australis, Owen; Macropus Titan, Owen. § List corrected by my Colleague (Zbid.) as follows :—Corbicula nepeanensis, Lesson, Melania onca, Adams and Angas, M. balonensis, Conrad, M. denisoniensis, Brot., Limnea vinosa, Adams and Angas, Physa truncata, H. Adams. ‘ || Brisbane : by Authority ; 1879, 607 level plains near the banks of the Condamine River, where it appears to attain a depth of more than a hundred feet, as fragments of bones have been obtained at that depth in sinking wells. ‘Tt may, however, be observed that, though the fossil drift is only found on the - western waters in Southern Queensland, there are rich deposits in bone drift on eastern waters of Peak Downs in the central district. “This alluvium is remarkably rich in fragments of bones of extinct animals, including Diprotodon australis, Macropus Titan, Thylacoleo, Phascolomys, Notothe- rium, &e. “The bones are associated with fragments of shells of Unio and other fresh-water mollusea similar to those now found in the present watercourses, but more massive in structure, basaltic pebbles, sand and mud, the stratification of which indicates inter- mittent currents flowing down the present valleys, such as now result from the annual rainfall, but of much greater volume. “ Although the greater part of the bones are broken into fragments, and show evidence of being drifted and waterworn, there are some which prove that many animals cannot have been deposited before decomposition in the localities where their remains are now found grouped together. “The general condition under which the bones are found indicates that what are now broad valleys and plains were originally extensive marshes with watercourses flowing westward into lakes, and that the gradual filling up of the lake-beds with drift, and the deepening of the channel of the Condamine River which drains the country, conjoined probably with a gradual decrease in the annual rainfall, have combined to change a swampy country covered with coarse, weedy vegetation into open downs and plains producing short grasses totally inadequate for the support of animals with the heavy frames and peculiar teeth which characterised the majority of the ancient occupants of the district. “There is no trace, either in the Darling Downs or any other part of Queensland, of any violent convulsion of nature which would be adequate to cause the total destruction of the Diprotodon and co-occupants of the country, and it seems most probable that their extinction resulted from a gradual change of climate and more effectual drainage through the deepening of the channels of the watercourses—aided, perhaps, by some slight changes of level. Few satisfactory traces have been found of the vegetation of this period, though some fragments of what appear to have been woody seed-vessels are met with in the bone drift, but their condition is not sufficiently perfect to admit of any definite conclusions. The general character of the vegetation may, however, be surmised from the form of the animals, the structure of their teeth, and the mode in which they are worn by feeding on it. These data suggest coarse reeds and aquatic plants, such as would betoo succulent and liable to rapid decay for their preservation as fossils, while the absence of wood and ferns, which are so abundant in the older coal strata beneath, indicates that there was little or no forest. “ One remarkable feature of the older alluvium is that the fossil bones are only found in the detritus of the basaltic rocks. Alluvium of the same age, derived from the Carbonaceous and Devonian Series, have not as yet been found to contain remains of the extinct animals. This may have resulted from the superior fertility of the basaltic lands, which would be capable of producing abundance of food, while the comparatively sterile soil derived from the older formations would not furnish suitable vegetation for the sustenance of the massive quadrupeds of that era.” The occurrence of Diprotodon in the auriferous drift of Gogango Creek, near Rockhampton, is noted by Mr. Daintree in his “General Report on the Northern 608 District.” * This specimen was said to be in the possession of Mr. John Jardime, Gold Commissioner (now deccased), Gogango, according to the Railway Survey, is only three hundred and fifteen feet above sea-level. A. portion of a lower jaw of a Diprotodon, pronounced by Dr. EH. P. Ramsay, Curator of the Australian Museum, Sydney, to be probably the young of D. australis, or perhaps a new species, was found by Mr. T. Buckland on the bank of | the Burdekin, opposite Gilgunyah Station. A cast is in the Geological Survey Museum. Taking the Maryvale, Burdekin, Peak Downs, and Darling Downs localities, from which remains of the extinct mammalia have been obtained, it will be seen that all these places are at considerable elevations, none of them being less than 900 feet above the sea-level. Caiwaroo, where Mr. Cotter’s fossils have been obtained, must be about 400 feet above the sea. The doubtful instance of Gogango Creek would, however, bring the fossils down to 315 feet. The only instance of which I am aware of remains of the extinct mammalia having been obtained near the sea-level is that of the Hight- mile Plains, near Brisbane. ; There is abundant evidence + to show that in the southern Colonies the extinct mammalia existed in Pliocene times. On the other hand, in Queensland there is no evidence that they went back to the Tertiary Epoch, although it is quite possible that they did. Such direct evidence as we have, consisting of the association of the mammalia with fresh-water and land shells of species still living, would lead to the conclusion that the former were, in the Queensland area, confined to the Post-Tertiary deposits. Still, considering how imperfect is our knowledge of the Tertiary in Queensland, we may well be prepared for the production of fresh evidence on this point. The introduction of the peculiar Mammalian and Avian Tertiary and Post-Tertiary Fauna into Australia is one of the most puzzling problems offered by geological history. Mr. Alfred Russell Wallace says :— ‘Marsupials are almost certainly a recent introduction into South and North America from Asia. They existed in Europe in Eocene and Miocene times, and presumably over a considerable part of the Old World; but no trace of them appears in North or South America before the Post-Pliocene period.’ It must not be understood that the first appearance of marsupials in Europe was in Eocene times, as they are known as far back as Triassic. The migration of marsupials from Europe and Asia to America may have been accompanied or preceded by a migration from Asia to Australia by way of a land connection formerly existing. At any rate, marsupials make their first appearance in Australia in Pliocene times, and in great force. There is no paleontological warrant for the supposition that they originated in Australia , The migration of marsupials does not appear to have extended to New Zealand, although a land connection seems to have existed in Cretaceous times, but not later.§ The wingless birds of New Zealand and Australia, both fossil and recent, present evidences of former connection ; but as their avian ancestors may have possessed the power of flight and even of swimming,|| their distribution may have been more rapid than that of the mammalia, and may have extended to New Zealand before the land connection was cut * Page 4. Brisbane: by Authority: 1870. + Notes on the Geology of New South Wales, by C. S. Wilkinson, p. 57. Sydney: by Authority : 1882. + Geographical Distribution of Animals, i., p. 155. London, 1876. § Professor Hutton. ‘‘ On the Origin of the Fauna and Flora of New Zealand.” Presidential Address to the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, 1st November, 1883, Pt. i., p. 17. || See A. R. Wallace, p. 451. Island Life. London, 1880, 609 off. The generic and specific distinctions between the marsupials and the wingless birds of ethe Old and New Worlds and of Australia and New Zealand may have arisen during the progress of migration, and may have been further developed by the insulation which Australia and New Zealand subsequently attained. The extinction of the same fauna, which had a, geologically speaking, brief existence in Australia, has been accounted for by Professor Owen and Professor Tate by the intervention of Man; and by the late Mr. C. S. Wilkinson by the supervention of the present arid climate on a period of heavy rainfall, which there is evidence to show occurred, after Pliocene times.* Mr. Wilkinson argued that heavy rainfall and con- sequent luxuriance of vegetation were necessary for the support of the numerous and in some cases gigantic animals of which we have now only the fossil bones. Darwin has, however, shown f in the most striking manner that the regions which in the present day support the largest and most numerous quadrupeds are by no means those which are most remarkable for luxuriance of vegetation ; nor, conversely, are the regions now most characterised by luxuriance of vegetation the favourite haunts of large animals. As for the intervention of Man, it will be seen in a succeeding page that the evidence in favour of his existence in Australia coeval with the extinct Post-Tertiary Fauna is at least doubtful. I do not mean to advance a thesis which I am prepared to defend against all comers, when I suggest that the extinction of the Post-Tertiary Mammalia, &c., may have had something to do with the subsidence afterwards referred to,f but simply draw attention to a factor which appears to have been overlooked. It is not unreasonable to suppose that changes of climate followed, on the subsidence of the land, sufficiently great to have a disastrous effect on the now extinct fauna. It is also possible that when the shores of the Great Australian Bight were ground down by ice, the climate may have been too rigorous for their existence even on the Darling Downs and the tropical portions of Queensland. CAVES. None of the Caves which penetrate the limestones of Queensland have yet been systematically explored. They may yet prove as interesting for their imbedded organic remains as the Wellington Cave itself. Some of these caves may be here described :— The limestones of the Chillagoe District (Gympie Beds ?) are remarkable for the number and size of the caverns which have been excavated. I was informed by Mr. H. G. Livesey, of Irvinebank, who has made numerous admirable photographs of the scenery of this remarkable region, that at least thirty caves are already known. I visited, under the guidance of Mr. W. Atherton, of Chillagoe Station, the cave known as “The Temple,” which occurs in one of the limestone ranges on the left bank of Chillagoe Creek, about two miles from the Station. Entering by a lofty opening on the western side of the range, we walked erect for perhaps sixty yards, and then found ourselves in a magnificent theatre, about one hundred feet in diameter and some eighty feet high. The cupola-like interior was lighted from the top by a hole which had an area of perhaps two hundred square feet. The roof was festooned with stalactites, while the floor was covered in places with stalagmite. Occasionally these met, forming long and graceful columns. But the stalactites and stalagmites were rarer than is * Anniversary Address to the Royal Society of New South Wales, 2nd May, 1888. + Journal, Voyage of H.M.S. ‘‘Beagle” Round the World ; Chap. v. + Sce remarks on the depths of the drifts in the neighbourhood of Townsville. 2P 610 usually the case in limestone caves, this circumstance probably pointing'to the dryness of the climate. The greater part of the floor was deeply covered with drab-coloured “cave-earth,’ vepresenting probably the insoluble argillaceous impurities of the limestone. Shells of Helix, in all stages of incrustation by lime, were plentifully scattered over the floor in some places—probably the sites of pools in wet weather. On one side of the “‘theatre” a dark recess opened out, its lower half blocked by a nearly flat limestone boulder, in front of which a row of stalactites depended from the roof like a partially uplifted curtain. Perhaps the most picturesque aspect of the cave was that seen from behind the stage, looking past this screen into the proscenium. A narrow passage behind the stage led to other caves, some at lower and some at higher levels. One of these must have been at least two hundred feet in length, and fifty feet in width, with a gothic roof eighty feet high. There were many nooks where the stalactites were little thicker than pencils, and arranged in groups of exquisite beauty. Very few of them had, at the date of our visit, the drop of water which one expects to find in such a position. From a few, drops of water fell at very long intervals. The floors of the caves appeared to be about on a level with the surrounding country, and, according to Mr. Livesey, this is usually the case with the caves of the district.* The Middle Devonian Limestone of the Broken River, a tributary of the Clarke, contains numerous caves, from the detritus on ‘the floors of which gold is said to have been obtained. The limestone beds of the same-age near the Fanning Station also contain beautiful if not large caverns, adorned with stalactites. The caves in the limestones of Raglan and Langmorn, Port Curtis, have been described by the late Mr. James Smith} as large and picturesque. Mr. Smith has obtained from the stalagmitic deposit on the floors some fragments of bones, still undetermined, together with recent land shells, and has also noted the occurrence of a deposit of stalagmite, containing fossil bones, from which the limestone that formerly enclosed them has been entirely weathered away. In the neighbourhood of Rockhampton numerous caves occur in the immensely thick limestone beds of the Gympie Series. Some of these were explored to some extent by Mr. Smith, whose descriptions (somewhat condensed) are quoted below. Making every allowance for Mr. Smith’s well-known enthusiasm, it is evident that the caves are worthy of systematic and scientific investigation.t It may be added that Mr. Smith’s determination of species may be incorrect, and in point of fact my Colleazue does not adopt them, as further collections will be made. Olsen’s Caves.—* Traversing these long, extensive subterranean passages, lofty galleries, spacious chambers, and wide spanning arches, by the light of a candle that but reveals the gloom, you cannot help becoming possessed with a sense of solemnity and awe in the presence of Nature’s mysteries. But these walls are not of a black and ghastly funereal hue. They are everywhere of a neutral tint of shaded white, abundantly tapestried with encrusting infloresence, panelled with curiously-carved pendentand planted alabaster decorations, and clothed with many hangings of petrified cascades, entirely made up of minute hexagonal, needle-pointed, reversed crystals of purest calcite. Do these caves contain any records throwing any light on the conditions of local former life ? This is a problem that will provide occupation for many labourers for long years to come. * Report by R.L.J. on the Chillagoe and Kooboora Mining Districts. Brisbane: by Authority : 1891. t+ MS. notes. + Mr. W. H. Rands has recently examined the Caves, and his Report will shortly be published. 611 “What has been done already is interesting enough, but nothing very strange, wonderful, or startlingly new as yet. The shells and bones locked in the stalagma and those found loose in the bat exuvie are identical with those of existing species. Casts of fossil millipedes are among them. “The first new cave is in a low mound, a few hundred yards to the left of the big hill. You descend a deep, narrow shaft by méans of a rope half-way, and there is a further descent by leaping from one projection to another, in a slanting direction, till you come to the bone-bed. There is no foul air; ventilation seems to come from another opening, but there is the closeness of the charnel-house, and the mustiness of the tomb. The bones-are the remains of a large Kangaroo. The leg bones are sixteen inches, and thigh bone ten inches. The lower jaw was originally ten inches long. I did not see the skuil. They are very decomposed and crumbly. I think the Raita must have fallen down the shaft, and floundered along in its uninjured state to the centre of the deep cave where it was lying. In the other new caves adjoining, a com- plete skull of a Native Cat, with its retractile teeth, and several Wallaby and Opossum skulls, with other remains, were found. These bones are now on view at the School of Arts, Rockhampton. “The beauty, cleanness, variety, and number of the ornaments in these new vaults far exceed anything to be found in the larger caverns. These are the realisation of the works of the most wonderful genii of our youth, the elaborate grottos of the fairy tales. Ladders are to be placed. so that they may be reached, and, above every- thing, they ought to be wire-netted. “The increasing value of what was once termed ‘ the waste lands of Australia’ suggests attention to her waste products. Contemplation of the vast mounds and deep deposits of the bat manure, mixed with the pulverulent lime marl in these caves, points to large sums of money that may be realised from their utilisation. From what I have read of what is being done with this substance in other places, its value is sufficiently established.’’* Johannsen’s Caves.—‘‘ These caves are situated contiguous to our local ‘ Mount Etna.’ They are in a great mountain of compact limestone—a grey, dense marble, exactly corresponding to the rock of Gibraltar, hard, homogeneous, and unstratified, but cracked and tilted in thick irregular beds. The outside weathering is of the usual sharp-pointed, pock-pitted nature all these formations throughout the district present to the eye. All round the base of the mountain are the usual fallen masses, and the numerous lumps of thin stratified stalagma among them tell how cave action has reduced the hill to half its former size. The chief entrance is greatly blocked up by the fallen roof of a former cave. One feature of Johannsen’s Caves is their narrow entrances, and their wide swelling proportions inside. You crawl and creep through a ‘hole in the ground’ that hardly admits you, and in a moment you may walk for six solid hours through the great squares, wide streets, intricate labyrinthian mazes, circling wynds, courtyards, and lanes, ‘through-gaun closes’ of a great subterranean town with surrounding suburbs. The architecture is entirely gothic, of cathedral form; and the strong impression besets you that you have stumbled on the ruins of a medieval city. The black gloom of these lofty corridors, of which no candle can show the roof, and the great groined arcades, with rear aisles, deep secret recess-arched alcoves, and hanging rock-flitches, must be seen to be appreciated. They beggar description. “One of the beaiaeieal points is a black bed-crack circling round all the central caves, about the height of a man’s head, showing that in former times the whole * Rockhampton Bulletin, 12th October, 1886. Mr. Rands, whoj has since visited the caves, does not think that the bat manure can be profitably worked. 612 formation was connected together like solid steel, and that the whole thing has been slowly cut out of the cracks and crevices by the agency of water percolation, holding a modicum of carbonic acid in solution. “The tale of the economic value contained in these caves may well come in here. Capitalists, sighing for profitable investments, sink to the knees at every step in the most fructifying of all materials, consisting of deep deposits of bat exuvie that must have taken millions of years to accumulate, mixed with a floeculent lime powder that slowly drops from the rock faces, and is the undoubted agency that has melted them away. If allthis be true of mere naked nothingness, enormous vacuity, black and murky midnight darkness, what shall be said when you begin to see these walls clothed in snowy whiteness, the niches filled with the nicest carved statuettes, the arched alcoves framed in the most unique of alabaster pilasters, the floors studded with the rarest forms of marble columns, the roofs an inverted forest of pendent cones, and the tout ensemble a glittering mass of saccharine, granular, glancing, acicular crystals, beyond the power of pencil to paint, designer to plan, or heart to conceive. “Our party was the first of the public to conquer the ‘deep sink.’ Progression was like gasteropods, and, feet foremost, through the narrow tunnel, deep down a series of perpendicular ladder-flights, lashed together with iron wire. At the bottom of this series of caves there isa burst of exclamation of mingled astonishment, rapture, and delight. The wide floor is covered with shells, like a sea shore, crunch-crunching at every step. But the chief feature is a perennial bubbling fountain, like a cold-water geyser, that has built a wide mound, in a succession of tiny terraces. The structure of these overflowing circles is of the cellular rhomboid form of the inside coating of a bullock’s stomach, and has been named ‘tripe-stone.’ From numerous dried-up formations of this shape, throughout all the caves, we have the evidence of very much of this work having been done in the past. It is a petrifying spring. The water is as clear as glass, as cold as ice, tasteless, and palatable. This is where the fossils are found ; and the samples show every stage of the process—the bright bands of the scrolled shells beginning to be coated, others deeply incrusted, and some turned to balls of solid marble. The teeth in the skulls and the incrusted shank bones are very remarkable and deeply interesting, for these are the things that Science asks for, and care will be taken that they will be placed in proper hands. Any object you desire to be turned into stone, from a human being to a spider’s web, has simply to be immersed for a time on the shelves of these terraces, in that lime-water. “But Nature has built the most handsome of all her ornaments, the chastest, most delicate, superb, and beautiful of these cave treasures away up in the most secret recess of the ‘ benmast bore.’ ‘“‘As high up again as you have descended, overhead high benches and long, sloping moraines—in an upper corner a great cluster of twin wavy, stalasso, in projected canopy, semi-circular form, joined to the wall with the widest, deepest, folded curtain drapery of the most curious dendritic weaving that ever eyes saw. “We visited the Crystal Cave, replete with the most magnificent slabs of com- pressed, pure calcite crystals.” Mr. Smith sent mea small collection (now in the Geological Survey Museum) of bones dug by him from the stalagmitic floor of Johannsen’s Cave, together with the following notes by Mr. C. W. De Vis, dated 1887 :— Nos. 184. Chip from inner fore side of right radius of Horse. 185. Right femur of young Kangaroo Rat (Hypsiprimnus sp.). Uniess the Rockhampton species differs much from the common H., rufescens and H. Greyi, this bone is significant. 613 Nos. 186. Right side of pelvis, hardly distinguishable from that of Malmaturus temporalis, the Moreton Bay “ Padymelon.”’ 187 and. 196. Right mandibular ramus of Phalangista canina (Opossum). [No. 187 sent to Queensland Museum. ] 188 and 191. Left tibia of a “Padymelon.’ Unlike any existing species available for comparison. 189. Left side of pelvis of Rock Waliaby. Possibly Petrogale penicillata. 190. Part of left mandibular ramus of a little Wallaby, smaller than any living species known tome. [Sent to Queensland Museum. ] 192. Small bone, too delicate for manipulation. 193. Apparently the outer metatarsal of a Kangaroo Rat. (Compare 185.) 194. Part of skull of young “ Padymelon.” The nearest living species is Halmaturus stigmaticus, of the Cairns district. 195. Femur of young Kangaroo Rat, of larger size specifically (?) than No. 185. 197. Upper canine of a large Opossum, Phalangista, sp. 198. Right mandibular ramus of a Bandicoot. Very like, if not identical with, Perameles nasuta. 199. Second upper molar, off side of a Horse.* It may be remarked that my Colleague has determined four species of Helix, all living in the district, as occurring with the bones in the stalaymite deposit of Olsen’s and Johannsen’s Caves. The constant association of Recent land and freshwater mollusca with the remains of the extinct mammalia and birds in the drift beds has already been noticed. From Cape Palmerston to the mouth of the Herbert River, the eastern coast is fringed by a strip of alluvial flat, varying in breadth up to thirty miles or more. Although apparently level to the eye, it attains an elevation of nearly three hundred feet at the base of the Coast Range west of Townsville. Whether seen on the spot, or as delineated on the Geological Map, the first idea of the observer is naturally that this alluvial flat is a Raised Beach; but, in spite of the presence of beds of clay well fitted to preserve fossils, no remains of marine organisms have ever, so far as I have been able to learn, been discovered in it. Numerous bores and wells have proved this flat to be composed of alternating beds of clay, sands, and gravels, the latter being sometimes cemented or consolidated. The gravel, which is sometimes very coarse, contains well-rounded pebbles or boulders such as probably belonged to river beds. In the neighbourhood of Townsville, a bore (Bore 4) at the Hubert Well did not “‘ bottom” these drifts at 125 feet; a bore (Twaddle’s No. 2) in Portion 100 (Stewart's Creek) had 101 feet of drift; and another in the same Portion (Twaddle’s No. 4) had 109 feet of drift. As the sites of these bores are not more than thirty feet above the sea, the “ rock-head,” or old land surface, must be from eighty to one hundred feet below the present sea-level. No river could possibly have excavated a channel to this depth while the land stood at its present level. The land, therefore, must have been depressed to or beyond the position at which it now stands with reference to the ocean. Moreover, if, as I believe, the alluvia referred to are those of land valleys (lakes or rivers), their western walls or rim-rocks must have occupied sites now marked by islands in the Pacific or submerged or carried away by marine erosion. Fragments of this lost land remain, I believe, in Fitzroy Island, Hinchinbrook Island, the Palm Isles, Magnetic Island, Cape Cleveland, Feltham Cone, Cape Upstart, Gloucester Island, and the Whitsunday, Cumberland, Beverley, and Percy Islands; while a submerged range still further to the east may be represented by the Barrier Reef. * The occurrence of the remains of the Horse quite destroys the interest which would otherwise attach itself to this deposit from a geological point of view. (R.Z. Junr.) | 614 This submergence, in all probability, took place after the period to which the Extinct Mammalia belonged. It is probably the same submergence to which the late Rey. J. E. Tenison Woods attributed * the formation of Sydney Harbour. I am quite in accord with Mr. Woods on this point, as the harbour has all the appearance of a submerged land valley, The late Mr. C. 8S. Wilkinson ascribed + the depression which created Sydney Harbour to certain faults which divide the tableland of the Blue Mountains from the low-lying coast country, arguing that the faulting took place towards the close of the Tertiary Epoch, “for no marine Tertiary deposits are known along this portion of the coast of Australia, whereas in New Guinea on the north, and in Victoria on the south, the marine Mivcene beds occur at elevations up to eight hundred feet above the sea. Had this low-lying country along the East coast of Australia then existed, it must have been covered by the Miocene sea, and doubtless some traces of the marine strata of that period would have eseaped denudation and remained, as those have which are seen in Victoria and elsewhere; but it is very probable that until or during the Pliocene period it stood above the sea-level and extended some distance beyond the present coast line. Then, again, the Tertiary deposits throughout East Australia show that the valleys draining the Great Dividing Range have been chiefly eroded since the Miocene period, for we find deep valleys and ravines cutting through later Tertiary formations; there- fore the sinking of the land traversed by any of these valleys—such as that of Port Jackson—evidently took place in comparatively receut geological times, and may have been contemporaneous with the extensive volcanic eruptions of the Upper Pliocene period during which the southern portion of Victoria especially was the locale of great voleanic activity.” I regret that I cannot agree with the reasoning of my lamented friend, so far as regards the age of the faults in question. All that is certain on this point is that the faulting took place at a period subsequent to the deposition of the strata which they disturb, as no strata of later date are superimposed on the faults themselves. There is no evidence that a low-lying country was immediately produced on the down-throw sides of the faults. The country east of the faults may have remained during Miocene times at a level high enough to be above the reach of the Miocene sea, and may have only since then been reduced by sub-aérial denudation to the present level. The argument — from “deep valleys and ravines cutting through later Tertiary formations ”’ fixes the oldest possible, but by no means the newest possible date for the depression of the land surface resulting in the formation of Port Jackson. It need excite no surprise that the same Geologist who denied that the Desert Sandstone had been laid down at a lower level than that at which it is now found refused to admit that ‘ one well-reeorded observation has been brought forward” in proof of recent elevation on the Eastern coast.{ Nevertheless, there are several observations on this point which must be treated with respect. Near Cape York, Dr. Alexr. Rattray, Surgeon, R.N., noted§ several circumstances which prove that Raine Island has in Recent and even in modern times risen from its former position. He says:— “Raine Island, which possesses its own special and active fringing reef, is low, flat, about one-third of a mile long, and a quarter of amile broad. Itrises about ten feet above * Journ. R. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1882-1883, xvi., p. 58. The Hawkesbury Sandstone. + Notes on the Geology of New South Wales. 2nd. Edition, p. 70. Sydney: by Authority : 1887. . t Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods. Geology of Northern Queensland. TZrans. Queensland Philosophical Society, 20th December, 1880. § Notes on the Geology of Cape York Peninsula. Quart. Juwrn. Geol. Soc., xxv. (1869), p. 303. | 615 y high water, and consists of hard, compact, brecciated coral conglomerate, with a shelving beach of coarse coralline and shelly sand, anda scanty superstratum composed of the coral débris sparingly mixed with vegetable matter, and a thin layer of guano deposited by the numerous turtle and flocks of terns, gannets, and other aquatic birds that, like the former, make this their headquarters and favourite breeding-place. The whole constitutes a soil capable of supporting a scanty vegetation of weeds, coarse grass, and creepers, but some- times—as at Cairncross, the Howicks, Pipers, and many others— a dense scrub and well- grown mangroves—Casuarine, Pandani, Pasonie—and other trees common along this coast. Of this organic rock the beacon on Raine Island was built eighteen or nineteen years ago ; and the durability of the material is shown by the fact that the structure has hitherto undergone no decay from weathering.. It doubtless tops some crystalline formation, on which it has been slowly reared. Still, it is evident that, though now permanently out of, it must have been formed while under water, and have reached the surface at low water with the zoophytes which built it in full activity, when the greater part of the long reef now in full activity at the sea-level at ebb, and of which it forms only a fractitional part, was still many feet below. And now, when the latter has reached close to the surface at low water, the former projects twenty feet in the air, but denuded by weathering of its soft and brittle exterior, with its dense solid interior laid bare, and its living, many-hued, branching madrepores repiaoee by less gaudy forms of vegetable life. “‘ Between the active coral reef still under water and the extinct ones now well raised above it, like Raine Island, we meet with many intermediate forms, occasionally as islets which consist of a sand-bank just showing above the surface, and either still unclad with vegetation or having a few sprouts of mangrove, the hardiest of trees, and usually the first to find a ene in the coarse coral debris , little capable, to all appear- ances, of sustaining life of any sort, while others show rte elevation, and both more extensive and better-clad area. In short, we find islands of this class in many different stages of upward progress, sometimes forming part of the reef, but more usually lying between it and the mainland.”’ The late Professer J. B. Jukes mentioned* the occurrence of pumice pebbles on a plain on the west side of Lizard Island, “at least one or two hundred yards back from the sea, and several feet above any possible tide.” A. Raised Beach extends for five miles north of Camisade Creek, Temple Bay. It is ten or twelve feet above high-water mirk, is nearly a quarter of a mile in breadth, and is covered in places with blown sand. I have reason to remember this locality, where I was speared through the neck in the course of a murderous attack by the blacks, who filled up the tents of the party with spears. Mr. G. Elphinstone Dalrymple, in his Narrative of the Queensland North-east Coast Expedition, 1873, (p. 16,)¢ refers to a “high beach of broken coral, shells, and granite detritus,” on the north-west side of Fitzroy Island, and adds:—‘“ Here there is a recurrence of the old raised beaches and pumice pebbles rising in successive steps from the sea-level.” Mr. W. Saville Kent, I'.L.S., in a Presidential Address to the Royal Society of Queensland (22nd November, 1890),§ has the following :— ‘“‘ Apart from the vital processes by which reefs and their component corals are continually adding to their bulk, there can be but little doubt that a slow motion of * Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of H.M.S. ‘‘Fly,” i, p. 95. London, 1847. +Report by R.L.J. on Explorations in Cape York Peninsula, 1879-80. Brisbane: by Authority ; 1881, p. 41. { Brisbane: by Authority: 1874. § Proc. Ann. Meeting Roy. Soc. Queensland. Brisbane, 1891, p. 38. 616 upheaval is progressing throughout the region of Torres Straits and the Great Barrier system, and this, too, must tend towards rendering the older charts untrustworthy. The coral reefs volunteer their own evidence upon this point. At many stations throughout this region the-cireumstances may be noted that large expanses of dead coral intervene between high water mark and the living banks. This dead coral here referred to, is not the broken débris that has been cast up by storms, such as commonly exists all along extreme high water mark; but occurs at a lower level 2m situ as it originally grew, and is only lacking in vitality to distinguish it from the living reefs. The Albany pass between Cape York and Albany Island, yields a prominent illustration of this phenomenon. On either side of the passage there isa fringing coral reef, the living inner margin of which, composed chiefly of a branching Madrepore, is only exposed at the lowest spring tides. Immediately adjoining this living bank, between it and the foreshore, there is a belt of the same species of coral, but entirely dead and brittle, like rotten ice to walk upon. Within a few more years this dead belt will no doubt be. broken up by the action of the waves and chemical disintegration, and be added to the existing inshore area of coral mud and débris. An examination of “the circumstances that have brought about the present condition of the reef shows that this dead belt of coral is now exposed to atmospheric influences, which are antagonistic to its growth, with every ordinary spring tide; while the living coral, as’ before observed, is only visible above the water at the exceptional or lowest springs. At the period that the inner belt of dead madrepora was alive, and which from its state of preservation cannot be long ago, it must have grown at a similar lower level as that now living, and nothing but the general upheaval of the area on which it throve can logically explain the fact of its decadence. The fringing reef off Magnetic Island, near Townsville, presents closely analogous phenomena. Dead bivalve shells of large size, such as Tridacnas and Pinnas, also occupy their original positions here, in close contiguity to the dead corals. Yet more substantial evidence of the upheaval in this district was afforded me by a station-holder on Magnetic Island, and by whom I was informed that within the time he had been located there a very perceptible change had taken place in the small bay facing his property. In former years boats could approach the landing-place at all tides, excepting very low springs, whereas now it was not possible to bring a boat in at even ordinary low tide. The shallowing of the water could not be accounted for by the silting up of the bay, there being no fresh water flowing into it, while the rocky bed of the bay itself had apparently been raised to a higher level. The instances now recorded might easily be multiplied.” Mr. Maitland describes * the occurrence of stranded pumice in various parts of Magnetic Island, notably on those portions most exposed to the open sea, and adds that he never observed it at a greater elevation than twelve feet above sea level. “ The rounded. form and somewhat decayed interior presented by many of the pebbles, bear evidence of their having travelled some considerable distance, and as has been noticed by various observers in many islands of the Pacific, pieces were found incrusted with calcareous tubes of the tubicular annelids, Serpula and Spirorbis. The source of these pumice drifts is to be looked for in many of the volcanic islands with which the Pacific is known to be studded.” I am informed. by Mr. Joseph Hughes, Sub-collector of Customs, Townsville, that on Rattlesnake Island a deposit of dead coral, similar to that described by Mr. Saville Kent, occurs at about five feet above high water mark. * Report on Magnetic Island? Brisbane: by Authority: 1892. 617 In Ross Island, Townsville, near the mouth of the Ross River, a thick bed of clay forms part of an estuarine deposit above high water mark. This is a “ Raised Beach,” in the ordinary sense of the term. It is crowded with fossil shells, and the late Professor Denton having insisted that it was of Tertiary age, I made a collection, which my Col- league examined and found to consist entirely of species still living in the adjoining seas. The late Prof. Jukes, speaking of the coast flats near Cape Upstart,* referred to pebbles of pumice found among the grass and under the roots of the trees “ wherever we landed, from Sandy Cape to this place,” and added, “ I have never observed them at a greater height above the sea than fifteen feet.”” I can confirm Prof. Jukes’ remarks and extend them to almost every part of the Eastern Coast I have visited. Speaking of the coral conglomerate of Cape Upstart and the Capricorn Islands, Prof. Jukes remarked + :— “ Flats composed of it, half-a-mile in width, are frequent along the shore of the north-east coast of Australia. Upon all these flat spaces formed of the conglomerate, as well as upon all other flat land along the eastern and north-eastern coast of Australia, which is not more than ten feet above high water mark, there is found an abundance of pumice pebbles. They are never, or very rarely, seen on the present beach or recently washed up, nor are they found now floating at sea. . . . They are also found embedded in the coral rock of Raine’s Islet. Whatever age, therefore, may be given to the coral conglomerates must be extended to the pebbles.” In the neighbourhood of Nudgee, near the mouth of the Brisbane River, a sandy Raised Beach, perhdps twenty feet above sea level, contains an abundance of fossil shells all of living Pacific species—at least no other have been detected in a collection made by me and critically examined by my Colleague. Speaking of Peel Island, Moreton Bay, Mr. Stutchbury wrote t in 1854 :— “Tn proof of its modern but gradual uprising, I offer the following facts:— “The whole length of the beach on the eastern side, above the present water line, is studded with dead coral in situ naturale, much of it never having been removed from the place in which it lived, principally consisting of the genera Meandrina, Astrea, and other shallow water corals. It is known that these genera, although capable of living in very shallow water, cannot exist the length of an ebb tide unless there is a spray sea wetting them, and, as it does occur that at occasional times, during changes of wind or calm, they would be left perfectly dry for six or seven hours, then, from the delicate nature of their structure they would be destroyed, and such is the case here exhibited. In addition, I find that in the shallow waters—now mere sandbanks (which may be waded at a depth of three or four feet) of areas of hundreds of acres—there may be seen Pocillopora, Caryophyllee, and other genera which only exist in tolerably deep water, z.¢., from five to ten fathoms. No living species of the latter genera are now to be found in the bay. I endeavoured to obtain them by the dredge, but without success, but on the shallow banks, always covered even at low-water, fine examples of the first-named genera may still be found alive. Further, several feet above the present high-water line, clumps of dead rock-oysters may still be seen adhering to the rocks on which they grew. “The above facts, taken together with those seen in the islands of the River Hunter, described in the Report of my trip to Newcastle and Maitland in December, 1850, I think are sufficient to prove that the whole of this vast island [Australia] is still gradually emerging from the ocean.” * Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of H.M.S, ‘‘ Fly,” i., p. 53. London, 1847. + Loc. cit. p. 335. { Twelfth Tri-monthly Report upon the Geological and Mineralogical Survey of New South Wales. Legislative Assembly Paper, N.S. Wales, p. 7. 618 In his next (Thirteenth) Report Mr. Stutchbury gave furtner proofs of the modern uprising of the land in Moreton Bay District, under date 20th May, 1854 :— “At Luggage Point* I found the remains of a skeleton of an exceeding large whale which had been thrown whole upon the beach. It was much decomposed, every cell in the bones being filled with mud, and deposited just within the verge of the present high water mark, in fact in such a position that it would have been impossible for the highest waves to have rolled it from deep water over the extensive shoals which lie out in this direction.”’ On Bribie Island “the whole of the eastern seaward coast is composed of the purest sand, with scarcely a pebble intermixed—an east and west section showing, in a line of a quarter of a mile in length, several distinct parallels of shore—a further instance of the fact of upheaval.” In his “ Sixteenth Report,’ dated 20th November, 1855, Mr. Stutchbury has the following note on Fraser Island: — “The curvilinear beach between South Trees Point and Barney Point presents an immense barrier of marine shells, extending far above the present high tide limit, and a few yards further inland considerable quantities of detrital pumice may be observed. This occurrence of pumice above the tidal lines of this period presents itself along the whole of the north-eastern shores, especially on the eastern or ocean beach of the Great Sandy Island.” Mr. Alexander Macpherson read a Paper before the Royal Society of Queensland, on 7th August, 1890, showing from observations at Sandgate and Nudgee that the land at the mouth of the Brisbane River is gradually being elevated. As shown in an exhaustive Memoir by Mr. T. W. Edgeworth David and my Colleague,t raised beaches occur in the delta of the Hunter River, New South Wales, and reach to fifty feet above Ahe sea level. I hold that a great submergence of the eastern coast (as exemplified by Sydney Harbour and the Townsville Deep Drifts) was, at a comparatively recent date, succeeded by a movement of elevation, which is still in progress. No evidence of a Post-Tertiary Glacial Period has ever, so far as I am aware, been met with in Queensland, unless the presence of temperate plants on some of our tropical mountains be taken to afford the necessary proof. It is not improbable, however, that evidence may yet be found in the southern ranges of the Colony of an approach to the climatic conditions which prevailed in South Australia and perhaps in Victoria and the southern parts of New South Wales (Mount Kosciusco). Professor Ralph Tate, in a Paper read before the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science at its meeting in Sydney in 1888,{ described certain glaciated surfaces on the shores of Hallett’s Cove, in St. Vincent Gulf, a few miles from Adelaide, in the following terms :— “The glaciated surface, which I announced in 1877 as well developed ‘on the coast cliffs at Hallett’s Cove, south of Holdfast Bay in St. Vincent Gulf, remains as yet unique; but once it is accepted as of glacial origin, many other features obscure in themselves acquire co-ordinate value in relation therewith. It is not my purpose to describe the various signs which now can safely be attributed to glacial action, but simply to bring to your notice tangible evidences of the glaciated condition of the rock surface at Hallett’s Cove, and of its associated moraine débris. Actual inspection would, I am sure, convince you. * The north head of the mouth of Brisbane River. + Rec. Geol. Survey of N. S. Wales, 1890, ii., 2. * Proc. Austr, Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1890, i., p. 231 619 “The path of the glacier is traceable for a distance of two miles along the top of the scarped sea-cliffs at about forty feet above the sea-level; on the worth, it is cut out from the cliff by encroachment of the sea; from this point ie glaciated surface is continuous in a southerly direction for a Aine of one mile to Black Point, the north headland of Hallett’s Cove. On the line of the glacier there now invervenes the broad but shallow bay of Hallett’s Cove, but on the south headland the track is picked up on about the same trend, though apparently at a little higher level—here again the glacier path is soon cut out by removal of the cliff. “On the north side of the Cove the glaciated surface is beautifully displayed, the edges of nearly vertical strata are sheared off, and when of quartzite the surface shows a high polish, and when of mudstones conspicuous grooves and strie. Some moraine débris, including stones that have been beneath the glacier, occur here. On the south side moraine matter is very abundant, and includes many boulders, some occurring as blocs perchés. “‘The common rocks of the morainic débris are granites, gneiss, hornblende- schists, and others, which do not occur iz situ nearer than the gorge at Normanville, about forty-six miles to the south. In all seventeen distinct varieties of rock, chiefly metamorphic, and foreign to the immediate neighbourhood, have been collected along the path of the glacier. “The proximity of the Miocene escarpment suggests the possibility of the Pre- Miocene age of the glacier. The Miocene fore ationt throughout its whole length on this part of the coast has a conglomerate base consisting of well-rounded Sane of limestone and quartzite and flat pebbles of slaty rock, but none other than local material has been yet observed, though diligently searched for. It is highly probable that the glacier cut its way through the incoherent Miocene formation, and that some of the Miocene shingle furnished some portion of the moraine débris. “Some measure of the antiquity of the glacier is further afforded by the amount of marine erosion that has subsequently taken place. Assuming that the glacier was in an alignment with the two headlands of Hallett’s Cove, then a length of three-fourths of a mile by a breadth of one and a-half furlongs, and a thickness of forty feet, has been removed since the glacier ceased to exist.’ The correctness of Professor Tate’s observations has been called in question by Mr. Gavin Scoullar,* Professor Hutton,t Dr. Lindenfeld,t and others, but the two latter gentlemen, at least, have not seen the place. An opportunity having occurred, I visited the locality, in company with Professor Tate, in March, 1891. As it was my almost daily occupation for at least ten years, when engaged on the Geological Survey of Scotland, to map the direction of glacial striz, I may, without vanity, lay claim to some knowledge of the subject. I came to the conclusion that Professor’s Tate’s observation was correct in every particular, and, in addition, satisfied myself that the movement of the ice must have been from south to north. There are certain little niceties of observation which enable one to judge of the direction of the movement of an ice-sheet when producing polished surfaces and striations. Thus, for instance, in passing over a slight fissure, the sharp edge of the solid angle formed by the planes of the surface and of the side of the fissure will be polished on the side furthest away from the motive force, while the edge on the other side of the fissure will not be interfered with. Professor Tate has never committed himself to an opinion on this point, although he expressed himself as satisfied with the * Proc. Roy. Soc. South Australia, 1884-5, p. 46. + Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xli., p. 218. t Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, x., p. 2. 620 evidence which I pointed out when on the spot. A movement from south to north accords very well with Professor Tate’s own observation that “the common rocks of the morainic débris are granites, gneiss, hornblende-schists, and others, which do not occur in situ nearer than the gorge at Normanvyille, about forty-six miles to the south.” Naturally, it seemed reasonable to suppose that a local glacier must have produced the roches moutonnées and striz, but, on the other hand, there are no mountains in the neighbourhood of sufficient altitude to give rise to a glacier of such importance as to fill the whole broad valley occupied by St. Vincent Gulf. It is equally true that there is no sufficiently high land to the south. It is possible, but not probable, that such high land may have formerly existed either to the north or south, and have subsequently been depressed. Violent as the supposition may be, it is more likely that an Antartic ice-cap extended as far as the southern coast of Australia. South of St. Vincent Gulf, and west of Tasmania, an oceanic depth of over twelve thousand feet is speedily reached, and in sea-water of this depth ice of nearly seventeen thousand feet in thickness would float without grounding. These figures may be supposed to reduce the argument in favour of an Antartie ice-cap ad absurdum. Be this as it may, I regard it as an ascertained fact that a sheet of ice moved from south to north up St. Vincent Gulf. As bearing on the question of the possible extension of an Antartie polar ice-cap, some pregnant observations were made during the Scientific Voyage of the “ Challenger.”’ Not having it in my power to refer, as I write, to the “Challenger” reports, I am compelled to quote, at second-hand, from some comments thereon by Mr. G. S. Griffiths, F.G.S.,* relating to evidences of a Glacial Period from Kerguelen Land. Kerguelen Land is situated in the Indian Ocean, approximately in Long. 70° E., and Lat. 50° S.—i.e., about 15° south of the latitude of Adelaide. It may be remarked, further, that it is just south of Kerguelen Land that the curve denoting the northern limit of (Antartic) drift ice recedes nearer the pole than in any other portion of the Southern Hemisphere. The curve is denoted on physical maps as keeping about 10° or 12° south of the Australian Continent, and about the same distance south of Kerguelen Land, although the latter is quite 15° further south than the former. For a continental ice-cap to reach Australia from the southern polar regions would be no more remarkable, therefore, than for one to reach Kerguelen Land. In other words, the change of temperature required to bring about the one would suffice to bring about the other. That the evidence of a Glacial Epoch in both places is much of the same character will be evident from the following extract :— ; “ The interesting feature in relation to these glaciers is that, whereas they are to-day confined to the higher valleys of the higher ranges, there are abundant and indisputable evidences that the whole island down to and even below the sea-level was buried under ice at a comparatively recent period. The furrows of glaciers are seen wherever the island has been explored. The lower hill-tops, still bare and barren, have been cut down by travelling ice, which has planed them smooth, exposing clean-cut horizontal sections of the geodes of the amygdaloidal rocks. Each shelf of the basalt stairs has its strie, and the lower valleys are scratched and scraped and smoothed by glaciers which have since disappeared. Every harbour is an ice-cut fiord.t” It may be remarked that the whole island being buried under ice is apparently inconsistent with the idea of local glaciers. * Trans. R. Soc. Victoria, xxiii. + ‘* Challenger ” Reports, p. 356, 621 If an Antarctic ice-sheet actually impinged upon the shores of the Great Australian Bight, we may expect to hear of the discovery in Victoria of glaciated surfaces similar to those of St. Vincent Gulf, although, perhaps, the soft and incoherent Tertiary rocks of which a great part of the southern coast-line is composed may be unfavourable material for the retention of markings. The evidences of former glacial action are thus succinetly summed up by Mr. James Stirling, F.G.S., F.L.8.* :— “ Erraties in the Mitta Mitta and the Kiewe Valleys, huge blocks weighing many tons ; smoothed surfaces on the Cobberas Mountains and Mount Bogong; morainics at the base of the latter on the Mountain Creek Valley; eroded lake basins, Dry Hill, Hermomugee Swamp ; Omeo lake basin; morainie lake, Mount Wellington; smoothed and scratched surfaces on Mount Kosciusko. The interest appertaining to this question is no doubt great, and although the fact of glacier action can, I think, be satisfactorily established in the Australian Alps, yet further evidence is desirable as to the synchronism of the glacier period in Australia with that of the glacial epoch in the Northern Hemisphere. That the glacier action was widespread over South-east Australia, I have no doubt, and without entering into a discussion as to the causes of such glacier action, it seems to me difficult to resist the conviction that, considering the uniformity of natural operations all over the globe during past time, Australia was not exempt from the refrigeration which in the Northern Hemisphere culminated in a glacial epoch. The geological evidences are, I think, accumulating in favour of the view that glacier action has played a very important part during Mesozoic and Paleozoic time in the distribution of boulder deposits and the abrasion of rock surfaces. Mr. Dunn, F.G.S., has recently found some well-marked striated boulders in the Older Tertiary conglomerates in the Beechworth district, which may be seen at the Melbourne Centennial Exhibition, while the author has found similarly striated boulders in the Upper Silurian conglomerates of the Gibbo River.” To the most recent phase of the Post-Tertiary, and extending to the present day, belong the accumulations of Blown Sand, or Dunes, which fringe the coast at intervals from Cape Moreton to Cape York. In some cases the Blown Sand attains a considerable elevation, but this circumstance must be attributed to such conditions as force and direction of the wind, slope of the land, &c., and not to upheaval. Blown Sand occurs at the north end of Moreton Heads, and all along the western or sheltered side of Moreton Island, at a height of about 150 feet above the sea. At Double Isiand Point, near the south end of Fraser Island, the late Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods referred} to ‘‘a formation of sand which forms cliffs for some three or four miles,’ and adds that the sand cliffs “‘are densely covered with a light brush (Melaleuca genistifolia?). The cliffs of sand are quite precipitous on the seaward side, and are from 100 to 200 feet high. On a close examination, the cliffs present exactly the appearance of the Hawkesbury Sandstone, except in colour, and they are not consolidated.t{ There are the same undulating ‘layers,’ of varying thickness, forming thick sinuous marks upon the cliffs, which can be seen at a great distance. The layers are entirely constructed of lamine of sand, with false bedding, which dips at every angle not outside 30°. The layers are of different colour, and they seem to preserve this colour throughout, giving the cliffs a curious ribbon-like structure. Some are white, * The Physiography of the Australian Alps. Proc. Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci., i., 1889, p. 359. + The Hawkesbury Sandstone. Journ. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales for 1882 (1883), xvi., p. 53. +The Author argued that the Hawkesbury Sandstone is of zolian origin, and mentioned the sand- dunes of Double Island Point in illustration of the theory, which is inconsistent with the fact of the discovery of fish-remains in the Hawkesbury Sandstone, and with many other observed facts, 622 others yellow, and some ochreous red. The formation is entirely one of blown sand. On the surface, where ti-tree brush does not grow, the sand forms the usual shifting dunes of rounded outline and great height. In places there are sand-slips on some of the dunes, where the false bedding becomes revealed. The undulating lines which separate the various layers are found to consist of decaying vegetable matter, or rich loamy earth with roots, leaves, and land shells intermingled. They represent the former surface of the drifting sand, where its shifting has been stayed by the growth of a dense brush. Thus it has remained stationary for years, until a change of wind, or, perhaps, a bush fire, has brought the sand on to the surface again and overwhelmedit. In part of the brush there are swamps of water; at least, so I was informed. a Sand-dunes occur near Mackay, between East Point and Armhurst, “ forming hillocks of no very great height and of which the landward slope is much steeper than that facing the sea.’’* North of Townsville, in the Town Common, and south of Townsville, between the mouths of the Ross River and Alligator Creek, the Raised Beach is covered in places by three or four parallel ridges of blown sand which sometimes attain a height of thirty feet. In Shelburne Bay, Cape York Peninsula, sandhills occur at a considerable elevation, and enclose a circular lagoon of fresh water about a quarter of a mile in diameter.t ‘ In Temple Bay, the Raised Beach already referred to as occurring north of Camisade Creek is partly covered by blown sand, which extends for a considerable distance inland and attains an elevation of nearly four hundred feet. Sandhills stretch inland for a considerable distance from Orford Bay, attaining a height of three hundred feet in places.t HAS MAN A GEOLOGICAL HISTORY IN QUEENSLAND? The answer to this question may be given in one word—No. That is to say, so far as I am aware, no evidence of the presence of Man, or of his works, has yet been discovered in any raised beach, cave, or stratified deposit associated with the remains of extinct animals. The question “ Has Man a Geological History in Australia?’’ has been discussed at length by my Colleague in the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales.§ His conclusion is as follows :— ““(1) Up to the present, as at the time Mr. R. B. Smyth wrote, the existence of Man’s works in any geological deposit, above question, has not been shown to exist. (2) The molar crown found in the Wellington Breccia Cave appears to be that of a human being, and is to all intents and purposes a fossil. (3) Its position in the cave and association with the other organic remains there entombed is open to doubt. (4) No other human remains have been found at Wellington under similar conditions. “The mineralized condition of the tooth is, of course, its strongest recom- mendation ; but I do not think that, in a momentous question of this kind, and one on which so much theory can be built up, this should be allowed to outweigh other evidence pointing in a different direction. “The matter can hardly be summed up better than by the very reasonable and often correctly applied Scotch verdict of ‘ Not proven.’ * Report on the Geological Features and Mineral Resources of the Mackay District, by A. Gibb Maitland. Brisbane : by Authority : 1889. ; + Report by R.L.J. on Explorations in the Cape York Peninsula, 1879-80. Brisbane: by Authority : 1881. eae hivehs post § 1890, v., (2), p. 259. 623 “Tn conclusion, I woud distinctly wish it to be understood that I have not lost sight of the bearing the relative antiquity of the Tasmanian Aborigines has on this subject. The former geological connection of Australia and Tasmania now appears to be a generally accepted fact. The late Mr. James Bonwick regarded* the Tasmanians as an older race than the Australians, although emanating from a common centre, and dispersed over a then existing continent of which our present Australia and Tasmania formed portions. If such be the case, how vast a period of time must have elapsed since then, allowing for the formation of the channel we now know as Bass Straits ; and herein lies one of the strongest proofs of Man’s early existence on the Island Continent of Australia. Notwithstanding this, however, there remains the undoubted fact that we still lack trustworthy geological information of the approximate date of his first advent in Australia.” Professor Ralph Tate, on the other hand, would assign to Man in Australia an age as far back as Pliocene. Speaking of the volcanic district of the south-eastern. portion of South Australia (Mount Gambier, &.), he says +:— “The Pliocene sands and loess of this place are of terrestrial origin; they contain remains of Diprotodon, Phascolomys pliocenus, McCoy; and leaves of Casuarina and Banksia are imprinted on the under surfaces of the superimposed ash layer. “ Did Man witness the showers of ashes and the glow of the internal fires of these cones reflected from the clouds? Probably, Yes! . . . The dingo (Canis dingo) was the contemporary of the Diprotodon, whose remains are buried beneath the ashes of the Mount Gambier volcano, as proved by their remains occurring together in the Gisborne and Wellington Caves. ‘“‘ Now, the dingo is an alien; he forms no part of the Australian fauna; and his introduction by Man, as a companion and assistant in the chase, can only satisfactorily explain his presence in this continent. Man and dog may have pursued together the Diprotodon, and in later times have been awed by the volcanic outbursts. Indeed, no other cause of extirpation of the huge mammals has suggested the mind of ‘Professor Owen, save that of human agency. He says, ‘To a race of men, depending, like the blackfellows, for subsistence on the chase, the largest and most conspicuous kinds of wild beasts first fall a prey.’ ” I am quite willing to admit that the Dingo is an “alien”; but it is open to question whether the agency of Man was the only possible means of effecting his introduction into this island. The Dingo is a wily animal, full of resource and self- reliance, and very different in this respect from the domesticated dog, which appears to have to some extent lost the habit of independent action, as it is well known that many dogs will suffer agonies of thirst rather than go to the nearest water, unless their masters take them out “ for a walk.” The Dingo, as we know him to-day, is capable of taking care of himself, and he or his ancestors may have arrived in Australia by some chance means of conveyance without assistance, or may have simply walked overland. It is quite possible, therefore, that he may have been contemporary with the Diprotodon, and have witnessed the ash showers of Mount Gambier without having had his emotions shared by a human companion. f * J. Bonwick. Daily Life and Origin of the Tasmanians, 1870, p. 259. + Anniversary Address to the Royal Society of South Australia, for 1878-9. + There is not a fragment of evidence to show that the arrival of Man was‘coeval with that of the Dingo, On the contrary, the absence of authenticated remains of the former with those of either the Diprotodon or Dingo points rather the other way. It is not even certain that the bones of the Dingo have been found in the Wellington Caves. On the other hand, the late R. Brough Smyth states that the remains of the Dingo have been found under “ volcanic ash some thirty or forty feet in thickness.” If my memory does not deceive me this was at Towerhill, Warrnambool. (RZ. Junr.) 624 THERMAL AND OTHER SPRINGS. It is desirable to record in this place such information as we have on the subject of the Thermal and other Springs which break out, chiefly, in the Western Interior. The subject is closely connected with Artesian Wells, as has been remarked in a previous chapter. Further notes on the springs which break out at the base of the Desert Sandstone will be found in Chapter xxxiii. (p. 518). Mud Springs, Hamilton River.—Mud springs break out in many places between the channels of the Hamilton River (Lat. 23° 20’ S., Long. 140° E.). These are described by a writer in the Townsville Bulletin® as “miniature volcanoes casting out liquid mud instead of lava.’ In several bores in this neighbourhood Artesian Water has been met with at shallow depths. Hot Mud Springs, Flinders River—Daintree, in his “ Notes on the Geology of Queensland,” + described as follows the hot spring on the Saxby River :— j ‘“‘ At Gibson’s Cattle station, on the Saxby River, a tributary of the Flinders, a spring of hot water rises above the surface of the plain; and its overflow deposits a white incrustation, which, on analysis by Dr. Flight, under the direction of Professor Maskleyne, afforded :— Water... ine i ca BS ae ae #5 sn CV PEEE Silica Ase ai see Set see ae ME ais ... 0°600 Chlorine ... aa Ae wae aes ips mie ose Ap eset, Sodium ... fae ven aad ha a vas sat Rom | rapists: Carbonic acid Ake ae ace ae vee — oe se OO 78D Soda sg cae ae sae ies re ome a soo, ont] 8) 99°370 “The sulphuric acid, of which there was a small portion, was undetermined. “ Apart, therefore, from the 5552 per cent. of chloride of sodium, the deposit consists of sesquicarbonate of soda, or native Trona, and as such it is used by the settlers for culinary purposes, &c.”’ I do not gather from Daintree’s Paper that he had seen the hot spring referred to; at least he gives no description. This is supplied by Mr. E. Palmer, M.L.A., in a Paper on “ Hot Springs and Mud Eruptions on the Lower Flingers River.” t Mr. Palmer remarks that the Springs “on the Lower Flinders occur in separate clusters, each consisting of innumerable small eruptions, surrounding one or two large central or main springs, within a radius of a mile or so, and all more or less in a state of activity—that is, they emit streams of thin mud or water intermittently. They are found on either side of the river, and seem to have no connection with, or influence on the water in the river, which may be said to be only a surface water. Although possessing a striking similarity to each other, still any connection between them must exist beneath the present course of the Flinders, which is cut out of the level plains by the annual tropical rains, and is a river of Recent times; no hollow or valley exists where the course of the river runs; the banks are nearly perpendicular, but not very deep, while the level plains extend right up to the bank of the river. The springs belong to an older formation than present river system, and must derive their force from some very distant inland mountainous country.” * 23rd July, 1891. + Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xxviii. (1872), p. 28 . + Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, i., 1884 [1885], p. 19. 625 After describing the course of the Flinders, Mr. Palmer continues :— “The only elevations are Mount Browne, in about 20° south latitude, a low stony rise of ironstone and granite, rising from the plain, and about a mile from the river on the right side, and Fort Bowen, twenty miles west, similarly situated with regard to the river, and rising also abruptly from the open plains. These are the only rises of any consequence near the river, and at both of these small mountains numbers of springs and mounds of erupted mud, coated with a whitish crust of soda, lie scattered about, with stumps of large tea-tree and reeds, and pools of discoloured water throughout; while at Mount Browne occur two hot springs on the south side with a temperature of 120° Fahrenheit at the surface. The water stands in a large basin on a mound raised many feet above the level of the plain, and covered with gigantic tea-trees (Melaleuca leucadendron), amongst the matted roots of which the hot water streams in clear, shining, crystal pools. The basin, or cavity, is fathomless, while the roots and branches lying in it are coated with a soft, green vegetable matter with air-bubbles attached, small bubbles of carbonic acid innumerable, which are continually rising to the surface. The water is too hot to bear the hand in for any length of time; but when cooled is good for use, and always bright and clear and free from any taste, while*that in the adjoining cold springs is extremely dis- agreeable. No change has been observed in the hot springs in level or temperature since 1865, when a cattle station was settled there by Mr. James Gibson.* The ground round all these springs is treacherous, is hollow, shakes to the tread, and feels like a huge blister, merely covered with a skin of soil, held together by roots and rushes, over which one can walk. At times the pressure from below forces the thin crust upwards, and a flow of this brown liquid mud spreads about, sometimes in great quantities. In one of the springs at Mount Browne, flakes of granite are forced up and lie on the surface. It seems as if a connection existed down by the side of the mountain to subter- ranean regions, whence the hot water flows, and is kept at one constant level and temperature. Most of the mud springs have formed large mounds, or cones, by constant overflow, and the water now stands at the top, while the surrounding parts are spongy, and liable to break through when stock comes near them; at others lagoons are formed, and kept at a uniform level by the flow of water. The occurrence of these hot and cold mineral springs suggests the possibility of obtaining supplies of water on the artesian principle over some portion at least of these extensive plains. Some mud springs, as they are called, opened at Manfred by a small shaft at ae side, produced a permanent flow of good water. “Fresh ground keeps continually breaking up, or is forced up, while old cones are sometimes falling in, forming holiows half- full of reddish water, strong as lye, and quite undrinkable. None of the springs are isolated, but confined to the vicinity of one or other of the half-dozen groups which compose the collection on the Lower Flinders. The direction of these groups is in a north and south course from each other, with the Flinders River dividing them, and they are comprised within a line or distance of eighty miles. Above Dalgonally Station, on Julia Creek, some very extensive mounds are an indication of the force of the pressure from below, while an open spring between it and the Flinders has numerous small fishin it. A thoroughly scientific description of these numerous and wonderful displays of natural forces would prove very interesting and instructive. The vegetation surrounding them is peculiar, and somewhat distinct from that of the plains. The locality of any of the groups of mineral springs is indicated by the presence of gigantic ti-trees surrounding them, and many *I think there can be no doubt that this refers to the same Spring as that referred to by Mr, Daintree. (2.L.J.) : 2Q 626 of the mounds present a pleasing green appearance, from being covered with a sward of Fimbristylis, in such masses, fallen or recumbent, as to form a safe carpet, yielding and soft, but dense enough to support cattle going in to feed on the various grasses found there. “In ancient days the same springs have proved a trap for too-confiding animals, as is proved by the fact of some bones having been ejected in the mud from one of them; the bones are coloured, but in a good state of preservation.” On the Gilliat River, a tributary of the Cloncurry, below the junction of Eastern Creek, some mud springs are marked on the ‘“‘Sixteen-mile Colony Map,” but I have neither seen nor been able to obtain any description of them. Einasleigh Hot Springs.—I visited these Springs in November, 1889, in company with Mr. A. Gibb Maitland. The Springs have been known for about eighteen years, but the knowledge was for a long time confined to the station hands. Of late years, however, a few pleasure parties have gone out to visit them from Georgetown, the centre of the Etheridge Gold Field, from which they are distant about forty-five miles, and, since the opening of Croydon Gold Field, in 1886, a few rheumatic and other invalids have camped on the Einasleigh and bathed in the hot water. Mr. C. A. Vogan read a Paper on the Springs in September, 1888, before the Geographical Society in Sydney. The Springs are best reached by following the river down from Cobb and Co.’s Stage on the coach road at the crossing of the Hinasleigh. As the left bank of the river is flanked by rough broken country for some distance, it is best to keep the right bank for three miles and then cross to the left bank. The crossing presents no difficulty, as although the river is here nearly a hundred miles from its source and almost half-a-mile wide, its bed is, in ordinary seasons, a sandy waste, only relieved by occasional waterholes. 3 About six miles below the road the traveller is guided to the Springs by a small cloud of vapour rising from a mound partly concealed by trees in the middle of an alluvial flat, and distant about a quarter of a mile from the left bank of the river. On closer inspection the mound proves to be a dome-shaped mass fifteen feet in height and two hundred yards in circumference, rising out of a plain of recent alluvial deposits. That the latter are of no great thickness is shown by sections on the river banks and in gullies, which expose gneiss, granite, and schists very near the surface of the plains. Scattered over the dome are five distinct springs of clear, blue water, all of which, with one exception, leak quietly over their: rims without ebullition or geyser action. The story runs that about nineteen years ago the Georgetown Mailman heard, from a distance of two or three miles from the Springs, an explosion and a hissing noise like that of escaping steam. Little notice was taken of this report at the time, buta year later the Springs were found in the locality indicated by the mailman. If the story is true, it would appear that the Springs really do burst into geyser activity at rare intervals. The apex of the mound is occupied by a sheet of water which measures roughly five by three feet across the mouth of a well which has a depth of six feet (Spring a). This Spring discharges by one principal and two minor breaks in the lip of the cup, streams having an estimated total section of nine square inches. Bubbles of gas continually rise to the surface, but at intervals of two and a-half minutes there is a rush of bubbles. Eighteen feet north of (a), a pipe (2) of one foot in diameter is filled with seven feet of water, which does not rise to the surface of the mound nor discharge by any visible orifice. From the surface of the mound to the surface of the water is two feet, 627 and the cup is continued from the water-level upward, in funnel shape, the funnel measuring about three feet across the top. The surface is about five feet below the tevel of the apex of the mound. Gas-bubbles rise slowly through the water. Fifteen feet north of (4) is a third well (Spring c), measuring six by four feet across the top, which is about the same level as that of Well (J). The water is three and a-half feet deep, and stands about six inches below the lip, but discharges to the north a stream, estimated at thirty-six square inches, two feet below the level of the lip. Gas- bubbles rise slowly through the water. Twenty feet east of (a), a fourth well (Spring d@) is three feet in diameter at the surface, which is on the same levelas (4) and (c). The water, which is seven feet deep, escapes at the surface in a stream estimated at nine square inches, and at the base of the mound—.e., ten feet below the surface level of the water—in a stream estimated at a hundred and forty-four square inches. Gas-bubbles rise slowly through the water. The lowest well (Spring e) is full to the lip, which is about seven feet below the apex of the mound. Bubbles of gas rise constantly, but irregularly. The cup is very irregular in shape, but is, roughly speaking, about twenty-five by fifteen feet across. The depth of water over the greater part is only three feet, but one portion, about five feet in diameter, is of greater depth—probably six or seven feet. The water leaks out over the rim in every direction, but chiefly towards the west, in streams with an estimated total sectional area of four hundred square inches. The water in all the wells was too hot to touch, evidently not far from the boiling point; but, as I had no thermometer, I was unable to ascertain its exac temperature, Its taste, when cooled, was indescribably nasty, resembling what one could imagine to be that of water in which very much decayed fish had been boiled. The gaseous emanations from the largest well smelt distinctly of sulphuretted hydrogen, and twice only [ got a whiff as of sulphur. A quantity of the water from Spring (d) was bottled and sent to the Government Analyst, whose report is as follows :— * Carbonates of calcium and magnesium .., vee sr aE ... 6°25 grains per gal. Carbonates of sodium and potassium ... sas op ae eee Lo; 04 wee. Chloride of sodium and potassium Ay vei ae Ae wos 6b 75 is Total fixed salts .., Pn ais Ase Pe nee 500 ERS) ap a Volatile matter ... tee “fr oa i 5 waa o0 ” Total solids... oe pte va ‘ee = ... 57°60 Sulphuric acid, trace. Sulphuretted hydrogen, 2°19 grains per gallon. “ The same is a chlorinated sulphuretted water, and possesses similar medicinal properties to that of Harrowgate (England), but in a lesser degree—to the extent of about one-seventh of the Harrowgate Le “Roper Mar, F.O.8., Govt. Analyst.” Little less than the want of a thermometer did I regret the want of a bar of soap, with which I could have tried the experiment which has been successfully carried out in the Yellowstone Park (to such an extent, indeed, that it has become a public nuisance). Perhaps the next visitor may go better provided, and succeed in temporarily exciting the quiet springs into active geysers. Mr. Arnold Hague, of the United States Geological Survey, in an article on “ Soaping Geysers,” read in February, 1889, before the American Institute of Mining Engineers, after detailing his experi- ments on the ‘“ Chinaman,’”’ “Old Faithful,” ‘ Beehive,’ ‘‘ Giantess,” and other geysers, accounts for the artificial ebullition as follows:—“ If soap or lie is thrown into most of the small pools, a viscous fluid is formed ; and viscosity is, I think, the principal cause in hastening geyser action. Viscosity must tend to the retention of steam within 628 the basin, and, as in the case of the superheated waters, where the temperature stands at or above the boiling point, explosive liberation must follow. All alkaline solutions, whether in the laboratory or in Nature, exhibit, by reason of this viscosity, a tendency to bump and boil irregularly.” It may be mentioned that the “ Chinaman,” like the Hinasleigh Springs, is a mere hot spring, never seen in geyser action, except when excited by soap. Round the margins of all the basins we found a little rim of remains of dragon- flies, beetles, Savers frogs, &e. These had the appearance of having been boiled, and a slight deposition of carbonate of lime had, in some cases, taken place on their harder parts. The deposition is evidently a slow proesss, some twigs, which had certainly been a long time in the water, being “petrified” only in a trifling degree. It would be interesting for a naturalist to ascertain how these animals met their deaths, but our time did not permit of such an investigation. Did the dragon-flies hover over the surface of the water, as is their custom, till they were overpowered by the gaseous emanations? Did the frogs leap into the inviting blue water in ignorance of its deadly temperature ? I may mention that I have seen frogs sporting in the warm water issuing from some of the New Zealand hot springs. The mound is composed of carbonate of lime, and is covered by semi-circular or oval basins forming a series of steps from the summit to the edge of the dome. The water overflowing from the wells pours into these cups one after another, and, decreasing in temperature as it recedes from its source, the cups afford natural baths in which an invalid may be immersed in water of any temperature he may fancy. It is easy to see the cause of the formation of the cups in the comparative rapidity with which the calcareous sinter would form round the edges of any accidental hollow in which the water might lodge. The heightening and extension of the rim would gradually enlarge the cup till it contained so much water that the tendency of the overflow would be to wear one channel deep enough at last to drain the cup. The calcareous sinter is light and spongy on the surface, but is tolerably compact in the interior. Loose in the bottom of the dry cups are shovelfuls of needles and spikes of calcite, each an ag gregation of rhombohedral crystals. It may be remarked that the deposits of hot springs in other parts of the world are much more commonly siliceous than calcareous. It must be confessed that there is little of the picturesque in the general appearance of the mound, which is not striking for its size, and is of a dirty white or drab colour ; but, to the eye capable of dissociating colour from form, some of the cups are exquisitely beautiful in the freedom and originality of their curves. In this respect, at least, the Einasleigh mound and terraces will compare favourably with anything of the kind remaining in New Zealand since the destruction of the Rotomahana Terraces by the eruption of Tarawera. Not the least singular thing about the Springs is the stream formed by their overflow. It gives rise to a narrow swamp on the surface of the alluvial flat, and runs parallel with the bank of the river for about half-a-mile. The bulk of the water empties into the river at the far end of the swamp, but portions of it form two distinct gullies discharging into the river nearest the Springs, and two still higher outlets, though now dry, evidently at times convey part of the stream. Whether this points to an increased flow from the Springs at times, or whether the volume of water in the swamp is simply increased during wet seasons, I cannot say. It is in the highest degree unlikely that five distinct hot springs should rise from unknown depths to escape within an area which can be compassed by two hundred and sixty paces. It is much more probable that there was originally a single orifice, which 629 was gradually choked up by the deposition of sinter till it became insufficient for the passage of the water. The water would then have to find other outlets; though it is quite possible that a much greater volume of water would overflow if the deposit of sinter were removed eitber violently by a “ convulsion” or by artificial means. Assuming (as we may with safefy) that the “bed-rock” on which the sinter mound is built up is not ten feet beneath the surface of the surrounding alluvium, we have a cone of known dimensions, and could roughly estimate the time required for the formation of the cone, knowing as we now do, from Mr. Mar’s Analysis, the amount of lime and other salts held in solution by the water, and the amount of water discharged by the wells, if observations were carefully made to show the amount of solid matter held in solution by the water escaping beyond the limits of the mound. Here again, however, we should have to assume that the discharge of water was always the same as now, whereas it is probably diminishing, so that we should get as a result only a minimum time. It now remains to consider the evidence bearing on the geological age of the Springs. | , In a section from the Etheridge to the Hinasleigh, taken on the level of the two rivers (both about 1,200 feet above the sea), mica-schists, gneisses, and granites alone would be met with. The mica-schists probably represent sedimentary rocks of pre-Devonian age, although Iam not aware of any direct evidence to that effect; and the gneisses and granites, metamorphosed rocks of like origin and age. ‘The granite largely predominates along the supposed line of section. But above the level of the two rivers, the Newcastle Range has been built up, from an elevation of 1,920 feet at its base to 2,240 feet near its summit, of a coarse angular volcanic agglomerate. On this rests a cake of Desert Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous), perhaps a hundred feet in thickness. A strictly parallel section is seen on crossing the Newcastle Range by the Townsville and Georgetown Road twenty-five miles to the south. Large sheets of basalt occupy the bed of the Einasleigh and surrounding country where the river is crossed by the Townsville and Georgetown Road, and, lower down the valley, basaltic cowlées are found overlying the older alluvial deposits, having been poured down the valley over the bed of the river, which at length cut through or found its way past the edge of the basalt. Similar fragments of basaltic coulées, it may be mentioned, occupy portions of the valleys of Surprise Creek and the Lynd River, on the road from Georgetown to Herberton. It was after the denudation of the Desert Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous) and sub- jacent rocks had been carried on by the Hinasleigh to the depth of a thousand feet that the lava-form basalts burst out and flowed down the valley. Probably no inconsiderable portion of Tertiary time was occupied by this stupendous amount of denudation; and it is more than probable that the volcanic forces which produced the outbursts of basalt may still, though diminishing, possess sufficient vitality to give rise to thermal springs. Jn all likelihood, the EHinasleigh Springs broke out in the bed of the river immediately after the denudation of the basalt—in the bed of the river by preference, because there the pressure of superincumbent rock offered the least resistance. The building of the sinter-mound would keep pace with the formation of the alluvial terrace when the river subsequently altered its course. In modern times the sinter is probably overlapping the alluvium. Innot Creek Hot Springs.--These Springs are about twenty-eight miles from Herberton, a coach running once a week. A hotel has been built for the accommodation of visitors, 630 Mr. Ludgwig Bruck, in an Article on “The Mineral Springs of Australia,”* gives the temperature of these Springs as 189° F., and says:—“The waters taken internally have an aperient action ; but patients undergoing treatment combine bathing with the drinking of the waters, two or three baths of a duration of twenty to thirty minutes being taken daily. These Spring’ have already gained a considerable reputation for their curative virtues in chronic rheumatism, gout, liver, and kidney diseases; but like Karlsbad,in Bohemia, the most celebrated Thermal Spa in Europe, the Innot Hot Springs should also be invaluable in catarrh of the stomach and intestines, dyspepsia, constipation, dysentery, diseases of the genito-urinary organs, hemorrhoids, sterility, &. The principal spring in Karlsbad is the ‘ Sprudel,’ with a temperature of 170°, or 19° lower than the Innot Springs, while in mineral salts the Karlsbad Springs are considerably richer.” Mr. A. Gibb Maitland, in a report on “ The Coolgarra Tin Mines and Surrounding District,” + says :—“ Between Gunnawarra Station and the Hot Springs, near Woodleigh, the road passes over rather flat sandy country, with scarcely a section visible. Probably the underlying country is granite. Within four miles of the Hot Springs, portions of the country are occupied by basalt. In the vicinity of the Hot Springs, the prevailing country rock is a granite of variable composition and texture, intersected by dykes of felsite and a rock not unlike a quartzite in appearance. “The Springs are situated in the bed of Innot’s or Nettle’s Creek, a tributary of the Herbert River, and about two and three-quarter miles north-west of Woodleigh Station, at an altitude, by Aneriod, of 120 feet above Gunnawarra, or about 1,900 feet above sea-level. ‘Tradition has it that some years ago the present site of the Springs was occupied by a large waterhole full of and overflowing with hot water. “ The only analysis of the water which is believed to have been made is that by the late Mr. Karl Staiger, sofmetime Government Analyst, who reported that the sample analysed by him contained 61°126 grains of solid matter in one gallon, viz. :— Chloride of sodium BY: a sks A nee ae «625245 Alumina and iron ae Sa ary, ane wee ae .. 2°057 Carbonate of lime ane a a ce she see vee «= 2304 Sulphate of lime,,, Th ee 38 ne re mea ... 6230 Silica awe Att ah ae ai ane aes vee OL Insoluble solids ... fae ine ae fr aa nee ... 16040 Organic matter ... re oa mod aa “ne ere .. 4140 . Lithia ane AC AC ... Trace “This, however, must not be considered as conclusive, as it was made of a small quantity, quite insufficient for the purpose; it will be seen that Mr. Staiger does not even mention the carbonates of soda and magnesia which the water is known to contain —in fact, in one hundred parts of solids the carbonate of soda constitutes 12'8.t “There appear to be at present two main outlets for the water at (#) and (y), while in two small holes hot water is met with, but overflows very feebly. The outlet (a) in the sandy bed of the creek, about nine feet from the eastern bank, is connected by piping with (vy), which is about twenty feet further east. The outlet (#) has an elevation of from a foot to eighteen inches above the bed of the creek. “Where the water emerges through the sand which fills the bed of the creek, a square tub has been inserted in the sand to collect it. The water overflows, and a good deal of it runs away down the creek. * Australian Medical Gazette, January, 1891, p. 104. + Brisbane: by Authority: 1891. { L. Bruck, loc. cit. 631 “A fairly large quantity of gas, which has a slightly sulphurous odour, is constantly being given off with the water. “ For some distance round the orifice (x), the sand still retains a considerable portion of the heat derived from the percolation of the heated water through it. In some places it is nearly impossible to place one’s hand in a hole dug in the sand to a depth of about eight inches. A considerable portion of the water from the main orifice still finds its way down the creek, by percolation through the sand without even rising to the surface, “No deposit exists around the mouth, but many of the pebbles in the more immediate vicinity of the overflow are covered with an exceedingly thin white coating. “The outlet (y) is on the bank of the creek, and a fair quantity of water rises and is allowed to overflow into (x), but no gas appears to be emitted from this outlet. “The pool (z) is distant about twenty feet south of (y). It is about three feet by two feet across, and about ten to twelve inches deep. The temperature of the water is much below that of the other two sources, and the quantity of overflowing water is not nearly so great. The bottom of the pool is covered with a fine mud. Bubbles of gas rise almost continuously through the water. “About thirty feet further south, on the bank of the creek, another pool similar to the last occurs. The water has a temperature slightly exceeding that of the surrounding air. Very little water overflows, and no gas is emitted.’’ Mitchell River Mud Springs.—In his Paper already quoted, Mr. E. Palmer mentions some springs, with similar characteristics to those on the Flinders, as occurring “about ten miles north of Gamboola Station, on the Mitchell River, with Pandanus growing very plentifully through them,” and gives the following Analysis by Mr. Robert Mar, Government Analyst, of “ a rather earthy sample of the saline incrustation”” from these springs :— Per cent. “ Soda... aoe eee ooo vee doe eee eee eee 87°54 Lime... ene A00 Sr 5 was aes 50 cee ree eins; Oxide of iron ee tes eA vee oa wae o bas Fal Sand... we nee so BROT: “‘ The acids are undetermined, but carbonic acid is chiefly represented. The water of the springs is alkaline carbonated.” Inniskillen Hot Springs—Mr. E. Palmer, in his Paper on “ Hot Springs and Mud Eruptions,” already quoted, refers to “some small ones” on the Barcoo, below Inniskillen (between Tambo and Blackall). Between Langlo Downs and Whitechapel Creek (approx. Lat. 25° 30'S. and Long. 145° 50’ E.), I am informed by Mr. G. Neville Griffiths, several ‘extinct’? mud springs have left mounds measuring about thirty feet in diameter at the base and about thirteen feet in height. Angy Springs, near Boulia, Lat. 22° 55'S., Long. 140° 25’ E.—I am also informed by Mr. Griffiths that at Angy, about twenty-seven miles east of Boulia, between Warrenda Creek and the Hamilton River, twenty or thirty strong springs are met with, forming large mounds of white soda. The water is clear and of normal temperature. Thargomindah Hot Springs—Hot mud springs are known to occur in the neighbourhood of Thargomindah, but I am unable to give any description of them. In a letter addressed to me on 24th September, 1889, the late Mr. C. S. Wilkinson referred to a ridge of granite and gneiss, standing island-like in the Cretaceous area, and added :—‘* This ridge lies chiefly on your side of the border, and is surrounded with mud springs, one of which is a thermal spring. Probably the water is coming up along the line of junction of the granite and Cretaceous beds.” 632 South Australia.—To the above there may be added a short description of the South Australian Mound Springs by Mr. H. Y. L. Brown * :— ‘“‘The mound springs, which are the natural indicators of artesian water beneath these plains,t are found in many places near the outcrops of bed rock,f between the junction of which and the Cretaceous rocks the water has doubtless found an easier egress. On the surface, the water often forms accumulations of travertine limestone rising to heights of forty or fifty feet, and showing in the distance across the level plains, where there is a group of springs, like a low range of hills; the deposition of this limestone has in many instances formed raised cups or basins, over the edges of which the water flows. The water of these springs contains soda, and is generally good drinking water ; in some cases, however, in the same group of springs, there is a great difference in the quality of the water, which in one spring may be drinkable, and in another, a few feet away, salt. As a rule, these spring waters are warm, and must have a considerable temperature beneath the surface.” LIFE OF THE POST-TERTIARY AND RECENT PERIODS. The following is the List, as revised by my Colleague, of extinct animals of whose existence in Queensland since the close of Tertiary times we have direct evidence. The names of such living animals as are associated with the extinct, in the same deposits, are also given. It is, however, not within the scope of this work to publish a Census of the present Fauna and Flora of the Colony. The completeness of the break between the life of this Period and that of the older Cretaceous Period is the first circumstance to strike an observer. The absence of Tertiary organisms is equally noteworthy. The leading feature of the Fauna is the immense development of some forms of life which at present distinguish the fauna of Australia from all others, but which latter, after all, prove to be only a remnant of the peculiar assemblage of animals that flourished in the same area in Post-Tertiary times. Kangaroos, Wombats, Wallaroos, and other Marsupials were represented by a large number of species now extinct, and the Wingless Birds were in greater numbers than in the present day. DIPROTODON BRECCIA, MARYVALH. Class—PELECYPODA. Order—VENERACEA. Corbicula nepeanensis, Lesson Er ads or tes i ... Freshwater, Living : Class—GASTEROPODA. Order—PECTINIBRANCHIATA. Melania onea, Adams and Angas san as ues ves AAO rr » balonensis, Conrad eis sae ae x 360 ee 7 » denisoniensis, Brot aa fac 0b ae 5G aes 7 Order—PULMONATA. Limnea rimosa? Adams and Angas ot ee sat a ves ” Physa truncata, H. Adams... an nae ae Mr wae eae fA Class—REpPTILIA. Order—Crocopizia. Crocodilus porosus, Schneider ce re me site ahs ons ms * The Mesozoic Plains of South Australia. Proc, Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sct., 1889, i., p. 243. + The Rolling Downs. ~ Mr. Brown evidently means by ‘‘bed rock” the Paleozoic and Plutonic rocks underlying the Cretaceous. 633 Class—MAM™MALtA. Order—MARsvUPIALIA. Diprotodon australis, Owen Macropus Titan, Owen DARLING DOWNS. Class—GASTEROPODA. Order—PECTINIBRANCHIATA, Melania balonensis, Conrad Class—PIscEs. Order—Dipno1. Ceratodus Fosteri, Krefft Class—-REPTILIA. Order—CHELONIA. Meiolania Oweni, Smith Woodward Chelodina longicollis, Shaw Order—LaAcERTILIA. Chlamydosaurus Bennettii, Owen ... Megalania prisca, Owen Varanus dirus, De Vis » emeritus, De Vis Notiosaurus dentatus, Owen ? Order—CrocopDIiLia. Crocodilus porosus, Schneider : Pallimnarchus pollens, De Vis __... we Soe Class—-AVEs. Order—CaRINATH. Taphetus brachialis, Ne Vis Necrastur alacer, De Vis Pelicanus preavus, De Vis Paleopelargus nobilis, De Vis Platalea subtenuis, De Vis ... an a) ca ae ae as Anas elapsa, De Vis es we ee a en ae 00 Dendrocygna validipinnis, De Vis ... in ae Ye ie ams Biziura exhumata, De Vis ... Nyroca reclusa,De Vis... » robusta, De Vis Plotus parvus, De Vis LTithophaps ulnaris, De Vis... Progura gallinacea, De Vis a ites a 500 ove ED Chosornis preteritus, De Vis Porphyrio? reperta, De Vis os Mackintoshii, De Vis... nite ae aoe sr = Gallinula strenuipes, De Vis 6 bei aes ts 7” peralata, De Vis =e pbc xo — Res Tritonyx effluxus, De Vis ... one Fulica prior, De Vis Xenorhynchus nanus, De Vis Order—RatiTZ. Dromaius patricius, De Vis “a gracilipes, De Vis ts Bod Dinornis queenslandia, De Vis__... an Metapteryx bifrons, De Vis Bt ar Chosornis preteritus, De Vis noe on eee ee 07 Ks Extinct ”» Extinct Living Extinct Living Extinct Echidna Owenii, Krefft ... Ornithorhynchus agilis, De Vis Phascolomys medius, Owen... 3 magnus, Owen ry Mitchelli, Owen oF parvus, Owen ae platyrhinus, Owen Thomsoni, Owen 33 Phascolonus gigas, Owen ... Sceparnodon Ramsayi, Owen Nototherium Mitchelli, Owen , inerme, Owen ... a dunense, De Vis Diprotodon australis, Owen . minor, Huxley Euoenia grata, De Vis ie robusta, De Vis Phalanger procuscus, De Vis Pseudochirus ? notabilis, De Vis Koalemus ingens, De Vis_ ... Archizonurus securus, De Vis Thylacoleo carnifex, Owen... Macropus Titan, Owen 3 affinis, Owen A Ajax, Owen sis * robustus, Gould ... + sp. ind. (a) ye. » ” (2) sige Leptosiagon gracilis, Owen... Osphranter Cooperi, Owen ... Rs Gouldii, Owen ... Palorchestes Azael, Owen ... Pachysiagon Ferragus, Owen ; Otuel, Owen ... Phascolagus alétus, Owen Procoptodon pusio, Owen ... * Goliah, Owen... - Rapha, Owen ... Protemnodon Anak, Owen ... - Anteus, Owen % Mimas, Owen Og, Owen 5s rechus, Owen... Sthenurus Atlas, Owen 5 ¥ Brehus, Owen ... Sthenomerus Charon, De Vis Brachalletes Palmeri, De Vis Triclis oscillans, De Vis Synaptodon evorum, De Vis Thylacinus speleus, Owen ... Sarcophilus laniarius, Owen ‘ prior, De Vis ... Dasyurus viverrinus, Shaw ... angustidens, De Vis see 634 Class—MAMMALIA. Order-—MoNOTREMATA. Order—MARSUPIALIA. Extinct » ” Living Extinct ” ” ” ” ”» » » ”» ” »” ” ”» ”» ” ” ” ”» ” ” ” ”» ”» » ” » ” »” Living 635 Order—SIReEnra. Chronozoon australe, De Vis Le nA a ea ee ... Extinct Order—UnaGuuatTa. Procherus celer, De Vis a aa Order—PROBOSCIDEA. Notoelephas australis, Owen ? ee aes wae aoe ee aks “A EIGHT-M1ILE PLAINS, NEAR BRISBANE. Class—PIsczs. Order—DIpnot. Ceratodus Fosteri, Krefft ... a Spi ee “2 ae ... Living Class—R&Prinia. Order—CrocopiLia. Pallimnarchus pollens, De Vis__... aes ae ase oa a ” CAIWAIROO, NEAR THARGOMINDAH. Class—AVuS. Order—RatitH. Dromornis australis, Owen... fe sol e Sees ae ... Extinct Dromaius patricius, De Vis abe cee, oa 56 aoe aa ay PEAK DOWNS. Class—AVES. Order—RatTITz. Dromornis australis, Owen ... ies aie aA ees i ane 7 OLSEN’S AND JOHANNSEN’S CAVES, ROCKHAMPTON. Class —GASTEROPODA. Order—PULMONATA. Helix Cunninghami, Gray ... ise owe S50 rise ae .. Land, Living » Lncei, Pfeiffer... es o. ss re ar te if + » Whartoni, Cox oa wee ort ae. BA an sic ny » Larson, Cox ... ae aes ae ae 5x ae abe op RAISED BEACH, NUDGEE. Class—PELECYPODA. Order—OsTRACEA. Ostrea pes-tigris, Hanley oe ny nee . Living Order—ARCACEA. Anomalocardia trapezia, Deshayes. ae ee ae sae ni ” Order—PECTINIBRANCHIATA. Potamides ebininus, Bruguiére. ... Bhs ane ae oh das 3 Natica plumbea, Lamk. S3 awe Ane ae a HO Ane = RAISED BEACH, TOWNSVILLE. Class—CRUSTACEA. Order—DrEcapopa. Thalassina Emerii, Bell. ... Ms eh bee wr ane ... Mxtinct ? POST-TERTIARY DRIFTS. STANTHORPE TIN FIELD. The Stanthorpe Stream Tin Mines, on the borders of New South Wales, lie on the surface of a granitic tableland, at an average elevation of a little less than three thousand feet above the sea. The heads of the streams are shallow and swampy. Where the streams attain any magnitude they find it easy to wander among the soft decomposing surface of the granite country. The Severn, therefore, and its tributaries, such as Quartpot Creek, have exceedingly tortuous courses and deep alluvial deposits. 636 By far the greater part of the stream tin is in fine grains of the size of a pin’s head and under, and almost always reveals under the lens some trace of an original erystalline condition. It contains a large proportion of the “ruby” and “amber” varieties. Together with quartz granules, it forms, as a general rule, the matrix of a coarse, imperfectly cemented conglomerate or gravel of quartz and granite pebbles. The pebbles are often rather squared than rounded. They are not of a nature to retain striations well, but the shape of some of them leads me strongly to suspect that their attrition might, in the first instance, have been due to glacial action. The crystalline fragments of felspar, which have frequently been carried into the wash along with the quartz and tin-stone, have in most cases decomposed into a stiff kaolin, which sometimes helps to keep the wash together. The tin wash is for the most part confined to the layer of gravel or uncon- solidated conglomerate lying directly on the bed-rock. This gravel is generally overlaid by a varying thickness (up to twenty-five feet or more) of gritty sand, which is occasionally interrupted by thin layers of gravel (with streaks of tin-stone) or of clay. After an examination of the alluvial workings (in 1882), I concluded that the tin-stone, in its original matrix, must have been in the form of crystals, rarely of large size. ‘The ore was probably concentrated by the weathering of its matrix—whether reef, lode, or dyke—and of the encasing granite country during a long period of gentle subaérial denudation, when the rains were never sufficiently heavy to remove the tin, or even the larger quartz stones, from the hillsides where they were left by the decay of their matrix. To this there apparently succeeded a limited period of heavy rainfall, or possibly of snow whose melting produced a rush of water sufficiently strong to “sluice” the general surface of the hill country, and to deposit its heavier materials (including the tin-stone) in the upper reaches of the Severn and its tributaries, while carrying off its finer particles to the plains of the south-west. To the now current period belong the accumulation, under temperate conditions, of the existing surface-wash on the hill- sides (moderately rich in tin ore), and the deposition of the sand (almost destitute of tin ore) which overlies the tin wash in the streams. Two distinct types of tin-bearing rocks are met within the district—quartz reefs and igneous dykes. The reefs are best developed in the ridges on the left bank of Quartpot Creek, nearly opposite Sommerville’s Homestead. Here are the outcrops of at least seven reefs or veins, four of which bear north-north-east, one north-east, and one east and west. These reefs are of highly crystalline quartz (sometimes smoky), and all contain much wolfram and moderate-sized crystals of tin ore, the latter almost always confined to faces and joints. Such reefs are apparently the sources of some of the coarser stream tin which is locally met with. The dykes are composed of granular quartz, fine scaly lithia-mica, and small crystals of tin-stone, and form a rock much resembling the stanniferous greisen of Saxony. They seem to have been erupted in a molten condition (bringing up the tin oxide with them) among fissures in the granite. The tin-stone bears, in some samples I have seen, a proportion of five or ten per cent. to the general mass of the rock. Dykes of this character are seen at various points in the Range on the Boundary of the Colony between the heads of Kettle Swamp and Sugarloaf Creek. They run at varying angles from north-north-east to east-north-east, coinciding in their direction with a system of jointing which characterises the granite. The tin-ore crystals of the dykes are precisely what, with a little attrition, would form the main mass of the stream tin of the heads of the Severn. 637 Notwithstanding the-richness of the alluvial deposits of Stanthorpe, no payable tin lode has yet been found on the Queensland side of the border. The Stanthorpe Tin Field has never been geologically mapped in detail, but the exhaustive Report of Mr. T. W. Edgeworth David on the Vegetable Creek Tin Mining District of New South Wales throws considerable light on the subject. Mr. David classifies the starniferous deposits as follows :— Deposits of Tin Ore. Alluvial Stream Works. Plutonic Veins. Recent and Pleistocene Tertiary “ Shallow Leads.” “Deep Leads,” mostly capped by lava. YrerpD oF StantHorRPE Tin FIELD. Year. How Figures Obtained. nye Eh Tin eag 1872 1,407 109,816 1873 8,938 606,184 1874. 5,702 358,550 1875 From Ann. Rep. Dep. Mines for 1885 ... 4,475 237,879 1876 4,315 187,201 1877 3,335 133,432 1878 2,849 88,366 1879 | Total in Queensland 2,877 tons, value 5 £120,391 ; less Herberton 1314 tons, value as £5 O60" Mae eh ae os 2,'7454 115,131 z ~ [1880 | Total in Queensland 2,847 tons, value = a £142,977; less Herberton 193} tons, value S28 STA Mee hee g Sioa arene nr 2,6534 135,237 2 8 1881 | Total in Queensland 3,456 tons, value a £193,699; less Herberton 1,1834 tons, zs Peele: £47,840 5 geo uso pe eo 5s 2,272 146,359 | o | 1882 Total in Queensland 4,261 tons, value re aE ‘ £269,904; less Herberton 1,810 tons, = value l7 0.400" ee. Lerten, 2,451 197,504 1883 a 817 40,233 1884 see 934 41,096 1885 ie 503 25,150 1886 a 430 24,940 1887 ozs 356 22,072 1888 sie 414 26,910 1889 “Oe 310} 16,146 1890 ses 277 14,404 Totals... nee 45,185 2,526,610 —_— SS 638 MOUNT SPURGEON TIN FIELD. This field was discovered in 1886, and has not yet attained great importance. It is situated among slates and schists of undetermined age, although it is more than likely that they belong, like the Hodgkinson Gold Field, to the Gympie Formation. Lodes are known to exist, but the only export as yet has been stream tin ore. The “Annual Report of the Department of Mines” for 1888 gives the amount for 1887 as 60 tons, valued at £4,800; and for 1888, 370 tons, valued at £18,500. The “ Report” for 1889 gives 180 tons, valued at £6,980, for the year. The Report for 1890 gives 34 tons, valued at £1,530. PASCOE TIN FIELD, CAPE YORK PENINSULA. Stream tin has recently been discovered near the mouth of the Pascoe, but the value of the discovery has yet to be tested. The tin ore probably came from the granite country of the Carron and Janet Ranges. J. = 639 CHAPTER XXXVII. THE ORGANIC REMAINS OF THE POST-TERTIARY PERIOD. We have seen that during the Period in Queeusland, vertebrate remains were confined to those of Enaliosaurian and Chelonian Reptilia, and fragmentary remains of Fish. From this time onward, the geological record, paleontologically speaking, is a blank. No fossiliferous Tertiary beds have been discovered—certainly none of a marineorigin. The ‘raised beaches” near Brisbane and Townsville, which my Colleague* says ‘“ have been classed as Tertiary,’’+ are doubtless simply of Post-Tertiary age; whilst the existence of the Tertiary plant-beds described by the Hon. A. C. Gregory as met with on Darling Downs,t requires confirmation, notwithstanding the presence of “woody seed-vessels (Conchotheca turgida).” But, of the forerunners of the present Avi, Reptilian, and Mammalian Faune ample and wonderful evidence exists in the remains of the extinct, and frequently colossal vertebrates met with in the Post-Tertiary or Quaternary Fluviatile Drifts of Queensland. So little geological knowledge appears to have been displayed in the collection of these fossils, as to render them useless to the geologist, for any but the broadest stratigraphical generalisations. The only important attempt at a detailed description of these drifts is by Mr. Gregory, under the name of “ Older Alluvial or Fossil Drift,’ but further information, with the view of an attempted classification of these fluviatile deposits, is very desirable. On several occasions Mr. C. W. De Vis has hinted at his belief that some portion at least of the so-called Post-Tertiary Fauna should be regarded as appertaining to an older geological period—for instance, the Pliocene. I am not aware that Mr. De Vis has fully enunciated his views, but, no doubt, very much can be said in support of his suggestion. The fresh-water Mollusca accompanying the ossiferous remains are all living species, so far as we know, but sufficient attention has not been paid by collectors to this important point. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES. Kingdom—ANIMALIA. Sub-kingdom—ANNULOSA. Class—CRUSTACEA. Order—DECAPODA. Family—THALASSINID 2. Genus—THALASSINA, Latreille, 1806. (Gen. Crust. et Insect., i., p. 51.) THatassina Emertt, Bell, Pl. 36, fig. 6. Thalassina Emerit, Bell, Proc. Geol. Soc., 1844, iv., p. 360. 39 is Etheridge fil., Cat. Australian Foss., 1878, p. 197 ( for synonymy). Obs. The original specimen was described simply as coming from “ New Holland,” without any further indication of precise locality or horizon. Prof. Bell found some difficulty in fixing upon valid distinguishing characters between this species and the recent form Thalassina anomala, Herbst. (7. scorpioides). * Handbook Queensland Geology, 1886, p. 78. + They were’so described to me by the late Professor Denton, but from the first time I had an oppor- tunity of seeing them I regarded them as comparatively recent ‘‘raised-beach” deposits. (R.L.J.) + Report on the Geological Features of the South-eastern District of Queensland, p, 2. Brisbane: . by Authority: 1879 640 From the time of Prof. Bell’s description to the discovery of the specimen which came into my Colleague’s hands, nothing else appears to have been added to the history of this peculiar fossil.* The present example, of which only the abdominal somites and the legs are preserved, is contained in a blue limestone nodule. The three first pairs of legs are almost entirely preserved, especially the second pair, but of the fourth and fifth only small portions remain. The whole of the thorax has been removed, leaving the six abdominal somites turned under and adpressed against the remains of the legs. Neither the original figure nor the present specimen shows any trace of the lateral or sub- marginal ridges visible on the abdominal segments of the recent ZT. anomala. Ina letter dated Townsville, May 27th, 1881, my Colleague says, speaking of the present fossil, ‘The nodule of limestone was picked up here, but | can throw no light on where it came from. J do not know of any limestone on the coast uearer than Temple Bay, and No. 6 Northumberland Island.’’+ Loc. and Horizon. Beach at Townsville (. L. Jack)—Post-Tertiary or Recent? Sub-Kingdom—MOLLUSCA. Section—MOLLUSCA VERA. Class—PELECYPODA. Order—OSTRACEA. Family—OSTREIDZ. Genus—OSTREA, Linneus, 1758. (Syst. Nat., Ed. x., p. 696.) OsTRFA PES-TIGRIS, Hanley, Pi. 36, figs. 7-9. Ostrea pes-tigris, Hanley, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1845, xiii., p. 106. » mordax, Gould, Wilkes’ U.S. Explor. Exped., 1852, xii. (Mollusca and Shells), p. 464, Atlas, f. 575, a and b. Obs. Several examples of a small Oyster, still retaining traces of the deep red purple colour characteristic of this species, as described by Gould, as well as the spatulate outline and solid structure, have been collected from Post-Tertiary deposits by my Colleague. The attached valve shows the “erect triangular tooth-like folds” for the reception of the digitations of the larger valve; and also the concentrically-arranged pits round the margin within the valve, together with the darkly-stained adductor-scar. Authenticated specimens of Ostrea pes-tigris, Hanley, have been compared with the present specimens, and also recent Australian shells, by Mr. EH. A. Smith and the Writer, and we believe them to be identical. Hanley’s specimens were derived from Borneo, Gould’s from Fiji, and, being identical, the former’s name must be adopted. Dr. J. C. Cox, in his Paper, “ On the Edible Oysters found on the Australian and Neighbouring Coasts,” says :—“ This species is a rock oyster found adhering very firmly to the rocks by the whole of the lower valve, from Brisbane in Queensland to far north beyond Port Denison . . . and probably all along the coast north of Moreton Bay to Cape York, and at Lord Howe’s Island.’’} Loe. and Horizon. Child’s Vineyard, Nudgee, about nine miles from Brisbane (R L. Jack)—Estuarine Beds (Raised-beach). * A number of specimens, apparently of the same species, were collected by the late Mr. James Smith, shortly before his death, at Casuarina Island, Keppel Bay. They occur in limestone nodules, and are now in the Geological Survey Collection, but have not yet been seen by my Colleague. (R.L.J.) ++ These limestones are Palaozoic. (R.L.J.) t Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1883, vii., p. 130. 641 Order—ARCACEA. Family—ARCID 2. Genus—ANOMALOCARDIA, Klein, 1758. (Tentamen Meth. Ostracol.) ANOMALOCARDIA TRAPEZIA, Deshayes, Pl. 36, figs. 10-12. Arca trapezia, Deshayes, Mag. Zool. 3, lobata, Reeve, Conch. Icon. (Mon, Avca), 1844, ii., Sp. 19, t. 3, f. 19. Anomalocardia trapezia, Angas, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1867, p. 931. Sp. Char. Shell obliquely-rhomboid, much produced posteriorly, and post- ventrally, gibbous and prominent in the umbonal region; test solid, inner margins strongly toothed. Hinge-line shorter than the width of the shell-area, which is elongately triangular, with two to four or five cartilage grooves, and transversely striate; teeth about forty-five in full-grown specimens; umbonal region convex and gibbous, pro- jecting upwards much above the hinge-line ; umbones anteally incurved. Anterior ends small, the margins obliquely rounded, insensibly passing into the ventral, which is similar; posterior sides variable in their proportions, sometimes abruptly sub-truncate, at others becoming expanded and rather flattened, with an obliquely elevated hinge- line, their margins rounded ventrally, and obliquely truncated more or less dorsally ; muscular impressions strongly marked. Surface with numerous strong radiating ridges or cost, quite two-thirds of which are inclined towards the posterior, and becoming much flattened on the posterior slope, crossed by concentric frillings, and rising on the cost into echinations. Obs. Amongst an abundance of this species is a shortened and very gibbous variety, with high elevated umbones, and greatly produced in a posterior ventral direction (Pl. 36, figs. 11 and 12), and in which the marginal crenulations are also very strong. Reeve gives the locality of this common Australian shell wrong, as he does in so many other cases—viz., the West Indies. The National Collection in London contains numerous examples from the Brisbane Water, which entirely correspond with the fossil. Loc. and Horizon. Child’s Vineyard, Nudgee, about nine miles from Brisbane (R. L. Jack) — Estuarine Beds (Raised-beach). Order—VENERACEA. Family—CYRENIDZ. Genus—CORBICULA, Megerle, 1811. (Berlin. Magazin, 1811, p. 56.) CoRBICULA NEPEANENSIS, Lesson. Cyclas Nepeanensis, Lesson, Voy. Coquille, Zoologie, 1830, ii., p. 428, Atlas, t. 13, f. 14, g-n. Cyrena Australis, Deshayes, Eacyclop. Method., 1830, Vers. ii., No. 12, p. 50. Corbicula Australis, Deshayes, Cat. Conchif. Brit. Mus,, 1854, p. 230. Daintree, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 274. . “fA Smith, Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 1883, xvi., p. 300, t. 17, f. 26 and 27. Obs. This is probably the shell cited by the late Mr. Richard Daintree as occurring with Diprotodon remains at Maryvale Creek. The specimens of these freshwater shells are not forthcoming now, which is to be regretted, because fresh comparisons would have been advantageous. Loc. and Horizon. Maryvale Creek, Clarke River, North Queensland (The late R. Daintree) —Diprotodon-breccia, 28 9? ” 642 Class—GASTEROPODA. Order—PECTINIBRANCHIATA. Family—MELANIID. Genus—MELANIA, Lamarck, 1801. (Syst. Anim. sans Vertéb., p. 91.) Metania onca, A. Adams and Angas. Melania onca, A. ieee and Angas, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1863, p. 415. ap Brot, Kiister’s Conchyl. Cabinet, Edit. 2, 1874, p. 330, t. 34, f. 7. ? 4, arca, Daintree, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 274. oF onca, Smith, Proc. Linn. Soe. (Zool.), 1888, xvi., p. 259. Obs. The name Melania arca occurring in Mr. Daintree’s “Notes on the Geology of the Colony of Queensland ” is probably a misprint for the above species. Loc. and Horizon. Maryvale Creek, Clarke River, North Queensland (The late Rk. Daintree) —Diprotodon-breccia. MELANIA BALONENSIS, Conrad. Melania Balonensis, Conrad, Prod. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1850, v., p. 11. = 7 Conrad, American Journ. Conchol., 1866, ii., p. 80, t. 1, f. 10. 55 " Brot, Kiister’s Conchyl. Cabinet, I., Edit. 2, 1874, p. 287, t. 28, f. 14, 14a and 0, and 15. 4 ty) Smith, Proc. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 1883, xvi., p. 257, t. 5, f. 1-3. », pagoda, Daintree (non Lea), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., p. 274. Obs. There appears to be much variation in size and appearance, both in the living and fossil individuals of this species, especially in form and stoutness, whilst a few of the fossils are more elongate than any of the recent examples in the British Museum. The former certainly_ appears to have grown to a larger size than the latter. This is probably the species recorded in Mr. Daintree’ s Paper as Melania pagoda, which is not known as an Australian living species. Loc. and Horizon. King’s Creek, Darling Downs, in Post-Tertiary deposits associated with extinct marsupial remains (Dr. G. Bennett—Colln. British Museum) ; Maryvale Creek, Clarke River (The late R. Daintree) —Diprotodon-breccia. MELANIA DENISONIENSIS, Brot. Melania Denisoniensis, Brot, Kiister’s Conchyl. Cabinet, Edit. 2, 1874, p. 234, t. 25, f. 6. . - Smith, Journ. Linn. Soe. (Zool.), 1883, xvi., p. 259, t. 5, f. 4-8. », mesta, Daintree (non Hinds), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., Pt. 3, p. 274. Obs. In all probability this is the species mentioned by Mr. Daintree as Melania mesta. Loc. and Horizon. Maryvale Creek, Clarke River, North Queensland (The late R. Daintree)—Diprotodon-breccia. Family—CERITHIID A. Genus—POTAMIDES, Brongniart, 1822. - (Descrip. Géol. Environs Paris.) POTAMIDES EBININUS, Bruguiére, sp., Pl. 36, fig. 14-16. Cerithium ebininum (Brug.), Deshayes, in Lamarck, Hist. Nat. Anim.s. Verttb., 2nd edit., 1843, ix., p. 287. Potamides ebininus, Reeve, Conch. Icon. (Mon. Potamides), 1866, xv., Sp. 2, t., f. 2a, 2b, and 2. Sp. Char. Shell elongately pyramidal; whorls twelve-fourteen, concave above, convex below; body-whorl usually highly varicated ; sutures well marked; apex acute ; angles of the whorls bearing a series of obtuse prominent tubercles, which fall into a 643 series of obliquely vertical lines, the surface being otherwise spirally ridged, the ridges and intervening sulci about equal, the former passing over the tubercles. Aperture much expanded ; canal oblique, open and wide; outer lip very much foliated and thickened, with a sinuosity of greater or less depth; inner lip reflected, thickened above and beneath. Obs. This fine species appears to occur in a fossil state near Brisbane in as great profusion as it does in the estuaries of the eastern coast of Australia at the present time. In some specimens the mouth is greatly thickened, especially the outer lip, forming a strong varex (Pl. 36, fig. 16). Its amount of sinuosity also varies, being very sharp in some specimens, and obtuse in others, when the lip is much thickened. Loe. and Horizon. Child’s Vineyard, Nudgee, about nine miles from Brisbane (R&. L. Jack)—HEstuarine Beds (Raised-beach). Family—NATICIDA. Genus—NATICA, Adanson, 1757. (Hist. Nat. Sénégal, Coquil., p. 172.) Natica pLuMBEA, Lamarck, Pl. 36, fig. 18. Natica plumbea, Lamarck, Hist. Nat. Anim. sans Vertéb., 1822, vi., Pt. 2, p. 198. Ap - Reeve, Conch. Icon. (Mon. Watica), 1855, ix., Sp. 34, t. 9, f. 34, a and b. Obs. The fossil possesses the oblong-turbinate shape, conoid spire, infra-sutural flattened space on each whorl, and the narrow, elongate umbilicus of Natica plumbea. Loc. and Horizon. Child’s Vineyard, Nudgee, about nine miles from Brisbane (2. L. Jack)—Estuarine Beds (Raised-beach). Order—PULMONATA.* Obs. We are greatly indebted to Mr. Charles Hedley, F.L.S., for the following epitome of his views on the origin and distribution of the Australian Pulmonifera. As these have an interesting geological bearing we are glad to avail ourselves of the opportunity of inserting them + :— a “One of the most remarkable facts yielded by an analysis of the Australian Land Molluscan Fauna is that the operculate snails are confined to a narrow strip of landalong the Queensland coast. Proceeding southwards from Torres Straits they diminish gradually till the last outpost of the invading army is reached about the Clarence River, in N.S. Wales. The sole apparent exception to this rule is Zrwncatella, which spreads to Tasmania and South Australia, but as this genus is strictly littoral, and evidently migrates not by land but by sea, it cannot be considered as a disturbing factor in my generalisation. Contrasting the fauna of Queensland with the more typically Australian and probably archaic fauna of Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia on the one side, and that of New Guinea on the other, it will be seen that this foreign aspect of the * In addition to the species enumerated here, Messrs. C, T. Musson and C. Hedley have recorded the following species from Olsen’s Caves :— Helix (Charopa) iuloidea, Forbes. », (Rhytida) splendidula, Pf. re Ap ae 5, var. strangeoides, Cox. Pupina Coxi, Morelet. » meridionalis, PE. (See Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1892, vi. (2), pp. 551-564.) + Land Molluscan Fauna of British New Guinea (Anatomical Supplement). Proc, Linn. Soe. NV. S. Wales, 1892, vi. (2), Pt. 4, p. 694, 644: operculate genera Pupina, Helicina, and Diplommatina is shared by the inoperculate forms of Atopos, Hadra, Chloritis, and Papuina; A. prismaticus of Papua claiming affinity with 4. australis of Queensland, H. Broadbenti with H. informis, C. chloritoides with C. Porteri, and P. naso with P. Macgillivrayi. The species actually common to both regions are few ; B. Macleayi inhabits both countries, ZT. annula only finds a place in the Queensland catalogue by courtesy, while P. pedicula, S gracilis, T. ceylanica, T. valida, and L. vitrewm are widespread throughout Polynesia. From these premises it may be deduced that this portion of the Queensland molluscan fauna, though isolated sufficiently long to have lost specific identity with that of Papua, has nevertheless been derived from it. “The shallow sea of Torres Straits now severs this Continent from the adjoining Island. Were its bed raised but seven fathoms the two countries would be united, while an elevation of ten fathoms would form a wide bridge between them. When the marine life east and west of Torres Straits is better known it will be of interest to observe whether the influence of an ancient isthmus is still visible in any divergence between the fauna inhabiting the two areas. “ Further to the westward the coasts of Australia and New Guinea again converge, being separated by an arm of the Arafura Sea, which gradually shoals from a central depth of forty fathoms, and stretches for about a hundred and fifty miles between Cape Wessel in the Northern Territory, and Cape Valsche on the opposite shore of Dutch New Guinea. “In the ‘Transactions of the Royal Society of S. Australia’ (vol. v., pp. 47-56), Professor Tate enumerates the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of tropical S. Australia. It is remarkable that whereas a third of the land shells of Papua, and a sixth of the land shells of Queensland, are operculate, his census includes no operculate land shells whatever. Thus, at the remote date when the ancestors of the present Queensland molluscan fauna migrated from New Guinea across the ancient isthmus that I suppose to have bridged Torres Straits, the Arafura Sea appears to have still presented an impenetrable barrier between the two countries. The former elevation of land in this region, if uniform from east to west, may therefore be calculated at more than seven and less than forty fathoms.” Family—LIMN IDA. Genus—LIMN AIA, Lamarck, 1799. (Prodrome—Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1799.) Amphipeplea vinosa, A. Adams and Angas, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1863, p. 415. Limnea (Amphipeplea ?) vinosa, Smith, Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 1883, xvi., p. 273. 35 rimosa, Daintree, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., Pt. 3, p. 274. Obs. The name Limnea rimosa, given in Mr. Daintree’s Paper, probably refers to this species. Loc. and Horizon. Maryvale Creek, Clarke River, North Queensland (The late R. Daintree)—Diprotodon-breccia. Genus—PHYSA, Draparnaud, 1801. (Tab. Moll. Terr. Fluy. France.) Puysa truNcaTA, H Adams. Physa (Ameria) truncata, H. Adams, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1861, p. 144. » truncata, Daintree, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., Pt. 3, p. 274. 3, (Ameria) truncata, Smith, Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 1883, xvi., p. 292. Loc. and Horizon. Maryvale Creek, Clarke River, North Queensland (The late . Daintree)—Diprotodon-breccia,. 645 Family—HELICID A. Genus—HELTIX, Linnéus, 1758. (Syst. Nat., Ed., x. Herrx (Pepryoeyra) CuNNINGHAMI, Gray. Helix Cunninghami, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1834, p. 64. +3 + Reeve, Conch. Icon. (Mon. Helix), 1852, vii., t. 7, f. 363. .5 Cox, Mon. Australian Land Shells, 1868, p. 52, t. 1, f. 5 and 5a. of (Padincgura) Cunninghami, Pilsbury in Tryon, Man. Conch., 2d. Ser., vi., Helicide, iv., Pt. 21, 1890, p. 14, t. 2, f. 28-31. Obs. A very large and remarkable shell, of which a much decorticated example was obtained by the late Mr. James Smith. It is now living around Port Curtis and Rockhampton. It is a depressed discoid, and very solid shell, with a scarcely pro- minent spire; four or five quickly-increasing whorls, the last being very wide and bluntly- keeled, and suddenly deflected in front.. The umbilicus is very large and open, so as to form what Mr. U. Reeve calls “a wide perspective basin,’ this being one of the chief characters of the shell. The fossil has a diameter of three and three-quarter inches. Loc. Olsen’s Cave, Rockhampton, in red stalagmitic limestone (Lhe late James Smith). Hetix (Hapra) Incer, Pfeiffer. Helix Incei, Pfeiffer, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1845, p. 126. 3 », Reeve, Conch. Icon. (Mon. Helix), 1852, vii. t. 68, f. 356, a-c. ss »» Cox, Mon. Australian Land Shells, 1868, p. 54, t..5, t. 18, f. 1. », (Hadra) Incei, Pilsbury, in Tryon, Man. Conch., 2nd. Ser., vi., Helicide, iv., Pt. 21, 1890, p. 167, t. 39, f. 77-81. Obs. The sub-fossil form very closely resembles the figures of Reeve. It is a depressed-globose umbilicated shell, with a convexly-conoid spire; whorls are six in number, the last large and well-rounded, and the columellar margin reflected and nearly covering the umbilicus. The shell is finely preserved and encrusted with stalagmite. Loc. and Horizon. Johannsen’s Cave, Rockhampton, in stalagmite (Zhe late James Smith). Heurx (Hapra) Wuartont, Cox. Helix Whartoni, Cox. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1871, p. 55, t. 3, f. 5, 5a. » (Hadra) Whartoni, Pilsbury in Tryon, Man. Conch., 2nd. Ser., Helicide, iv., Pt. 21, 1890, p. 171, t. 19, f. 31, 32, t. 33, f. 68, 69. Obs. This is an openly umbilicate, depressed-globose thin shell, with a rather raised spire; there are six and a-half flattened whorls, the last descending in front. The columellar margin of the aperture is triangular and dilated, half concealing the umbilicus. H. Whartoni is found around Port Denison. The shell is finely preserved in the fossil. Loc. Johannsen’s Cave, Rockhampton, in stalagmite (Zhe late James Smith). Herix (Hapra) Parsont, Coz. Helix Parsoni, Cox, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1872, p. 18, t. 4, f. 2. », (Hadra) Parsoni, Pilsbury in Tryon, Man, Conch., 2nd Ser., vi., Helicide, iv., Pt. 21, 1890, p. 162, t. 80, £. 11-13; Obs. H. Parsoni is described by Dr. Cox as a globose-conical shell, with an obtusely conical round spire, and a deep open umbilicus; whorls seven, convex; the suture margined with a distinct white line; the last whorl produced and deflected in front, and the base flattened. The aperture is ovately lunar, with a slightly thickened 646 peristome, expanded and reflected throughout; the collumellar margin triangularly dilated, and overhanging the large umbilicus. The specimen is a decorticated example. Loc. Olsen’s Cave, Rockhampton, in red stalagmitic limestone (Zhe late James Smith). Genus—BULIMUS, Scopoli, 1777. (Introd. Hist. Nat.) Section—PLACOSTYLUS, Beck, 1837. (Index Moll., p. 57.) Buiimus (PLAcOsTYLUS) FIBRATUS, Martyn. Limasx fibratus, Martyn, Univ. Conch., 1734, t. 25. Bulimus fibratus, Gray in Diffenbach, Travels in New Zealand, 1848, ii., p. 247. », Bairdii, Reeve, Conch. Icon. (Mon. Bulimus), 1848, v., t. 48, f. 272. ‘ Obs. A specimen of this species, with a portion of the body-whorl wanting, was presented to the British Museum by the late Mr. R. Daintree, and was said to have been collected in “ Australia.” The section Placostylus has not hitherto been observed on the Australian Continent, although known from many of the Pacific Islands, and the fossil must therefore remain doubtfully associated with its former fauna. An error may have been committed, but as Mr. Daintree was known to be a careful collector and keen observer, the species is provisionally included amongst the latter. The specimen retains the coarsely rugate appearance of B. fibratus, and is preserved in a fine ochre-yellow sandy matrix. Sub-kingdom—VERTEBRATA. Class—PIScES. Order—DIPNOI. Family—LEPIDOSIRENIDA. Genus—CERATODUS, Agassiz, 1838. (Poissons Foss., iii., pp. 129 and 166.) Crratopus Forstert, Krefft. Ceratodus Forsteri, Krefft, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1870, p. 221, p. 222, f. 1-3. 5 a Gunther, Phil. Trans., 1872, clxi., Pt. 2, pp. 511 and 514, t. 30, f. 2 and 3, t. 31, f. 1-9, t. 32, f. 1 and 2, t. 33, f. 1-3, t. 34, f. 1-3, ete. 3 Palmeri, Krefft, Nature, 1874, ix., p. 293. _ Forstert, Huxley, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1876, p. 24. Pf “s De Vis, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1884, i., Pt. 1, p. 40. Ff Fs Smith Woodward, Cat. Foss. Fishes Brit. Mus., Pt. 2, 1891, p. 274. Obs. The late Mr. Gerard Krefft appears to have been the first to call attention to the fossil remains of this very remarkable genus. In a short communication forwarded to “‘ Nature”’ he recorded the discovery of the left upper dental plate of a Ceratodus, to which he applied the name C. Palmeri, on the grounds that the tooth was larger than the corresponding one in C. Forsteri, the enamel coarser, and the surface more undulated. The single tooth acquired by Mr. Krefft has since been supplemented by others obtained for the Queensland Museum, consisting of four pterygopalatine plates and five mandibulary. Of these teeth Mr. De Vis states—“ We can perceive an approximate similarity in their leading features, which enables us to avoid the error of considering them all of different species, and leads us to regard them as not only one, but one with the living C. Forsteri.”’ 647 Loc. and Horizon. Darling Downs (C0. W. De Vis, Colln. Queensland Museum)— Chinchilla Conglomerate. A Ceratodus tooth has also been obtained at the depth of about seventy feet from a well sunk in the Eight-mile Plains, near Brisbane. Class—REPTILIA. Order—CHELONTIA. Family—MEIOLANIIDA.* Genus—MBEIOLANTIA, Owen, 1886. (Proc. R. Soe., xl., p. 315.) Meronanta Owent, Smith Woodward. Megalania prisca, Owen, Phil. Trans. 1881, clxxi., Pt. 3, p. 1087, t. 37, f. 1, t. 38; £. 1-3. an Owen, Loe, cit., elxxii., Pt, 2, p. 547, t. 64, t. 65, f. 1-4. Ceiichet ys sthenurus, Huxley, Bree. R. Soc.; 1887, xliii., p. 237 (Queensland cranium and tail-sheath). Meiolania Oweni, Smith Woodward, Ann. il Mag. Nat. Hist. 1888, i., p. 89. Miolania Oweni, Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Reptilia and Amphibia Brit. Mus., Pt. 3, 1889, p. 166. Obs. A few pages further on will be explained the restriction which has been made in the use of the name Megalania prisca, Owen. It appears that it originally included—(aq), lacertilian vertebre, and an occipital fragment; (6), a chelonian skull and tail-sheath ; and (c), marsupial foot-bones. ‘The name is now restricted to the first of these, the chelonian skull and tail-sheath being referable to Owen’s later described genus Mevolania. This skull, found by Mr. G. I’. Bennett in 1871, at King’s Creek, Darling Downs, was spoken of by Sir Richard Owen as that of a Lacertilian, in the following words—‘ They [z.e., the pieces] included unquestionable horn-cores, and the fore-part of an upper jaw, showing no trace of teeth or sockets on the alveolar border. . . . . . . On restoring the cranium, as far as its transmitted fragments could be correctly juxtaposed, it manifested, in one part, not only a well-defined surface from which an apparently autogenous horn-core, as in the Giraffe, had become detached, but also pairs of exogenous ones like those of the Ox. The longest of these extended from the upper and side borders of the hinder portion of the cranial specimens, but evidently anterior, as in the Bison, to the occipital ridge. The surface, seemingly for the sutural attachment of a horn-core, was on the upper part of the nasal bone, symmetrical in shape, crossing the mid-line, like the horn of a Rhinoceros.’’ Only in the small Australian Lizard— Moloch horridus, Gray—could Owen find a head ‘resembling in its proportionate breadth and shortness that of Megalania.” The tail-sheath was found in 1881, at the same spot as the previous specimen, and was referred by Owen to the same animal. The specimen included three annular segments, and the terminal cap of an osseous sheath. ‘ Each of the annular segments,” says Prof. Owen, “sends off two pairs of massive conical processes, like the horn-cores of the skull, but of a larger size. This caudal armour resembles that seen in Uromastia princeps, O’Shaugn., from Zanzibar, and more particularly still that of Moloch horridus, Gray.” These remains were obtained by Mr. G. F. Bennett at King’s Creek, Darling Downs. The researches of Prof. Huxley + on other similar remains from Lord Howe Island, named Metolania platyceps and M. minor by Prof. Owen,t{ and having the greatest * Boulenger, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1887, Pt. 3, p. 554; Gunther, Encyclop. Brit., 9th Edit., 1888, xxiii., p. 457, + Proc, R. Soc., 1887, xliii., p. 237. t Phil. Trans., 1886, clxxvii., Pt, 2, p. 471, t. 29-31. 648 possible resemblance to the skull from King’s Creek, but smaller in size, appear to put it beyond doubt that these fossils are Chelonian and not Lacertilian. They are believed to be most nearly allied to Ohelydra and Gypochelys, Cryptodiran genera. A full explanation of this matter will be found a few pages further on. The occurrence of this genus of Chelonia in Queensland is exceedingly interest- ing, because the section of the order to which it appertains is not otherwise represented in Australia. This statement of Prof. Huxley’s has been controverted by Mr. G. A. Boulenger,* who considers that Meiolania is a member of the group to which the Australian forms belong—viz., the Pleurodira. The balance of evidence, however, favours Prof. Huxley’s view.t In concluding a brief review of this subject Mr. R. Lydekker makes the following pertinent remarks {:—‘ Perhaps the acquisition of the plastron may be necessary before we can be absolutely certain as to the Pleurodiran nature of Miolania, but in the first place distributional evidence is very strongly in favour of this view, while the osteological evidence adduced by Boulenger seems still more so. That the genus represents a distinct family there can be no question whatever. Loc. and Horizon. King’s Creek, Darling Downs (G. F. Bennett—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. Family—CHELYID&. Genus—CHELODINA, Fitzinger, 1826. (N. Class Rept., p. 6.)§ CHELODINA LONGICOLLIS, Shaw. Testudo longicollis, Shaw, Gen. Zool., 1802, iii., p. 62, t. 16. Chelodina longicollis, Gray, Syn. Rept., 1831, p. 39. ” a Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Reptilia and Amphibia Brit. Mus., 1889, Pt. 3, p. 168. Obs. The British Museum Collection contains an imperfect nuchal bone, a tenth marginal bone of the right side, and a small right humerus, said to be of this species. : Loc. and Horizon. Westbrook, branch of Oakey Creek, Condamine River (Dr. G@. Bennett—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. Order—LACERTILIA. Family—AGAMID&. Genus—CHLAMYDOSAURUS, J. H. Gray, 1827. (P. P. King’s Survey, Coasts of Australia, ii., p. 424.) CHLAMYDOSAURUS BENNETTII, Owen, m.s. Chlamydosaurus Bennettiit, Owen in Bennett, Papers and Proc. R. Soc. Tas. for 1875 [1876], p. 57. * Kingi, Lydekker (non Gray), Cat. Foss. Reptilia and Amphibia Brit. Mus., Pt. 1, 1888, p. 276. Obs. The Frilled Lizard (C Kingii, Gray), appears to be represented in the Quaternary Deposits of Queensland by an extinct species which has received the ms. name of C. Bennettiz, Owen. The remains, consisting of part of ajaw with teeth, were found by Mr. G. F. Bennett, and forwarded to Prof. Sir R. Owen, but the fragment has never been * Proc. Zool. Soc., 1887, Pt. 3, p. 554; Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, iii., p. 188. + See Bauer, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, iii., p. 54. + Cat. Foss. Reptilia and Amphibia Brit. Mus., Pt. 3, 1889, p. 160. § Fide Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Reptilia and Amphibia Brit. Mus., Pt. 3, 1889, p. 168. 649 described in detail. The extinct species differs from its living representative, Dr. G. Bennett says, by possessing a shorter, more obtuse, and higher head. On the other hand, Mr. R. Lydekker states that it does not show any characters by which it can be distinguished from the living species. Loc and Horizon. Gowrie Station, Darling Downs (G. F. Bennett)—Fluviatile deposits. Family—VARANIDZ. Genus—MEGALANTA, Owen, 1858.” (Proc. R. Soc., ix., p. 273.) MEGALANIA PRISCA, Owen. Megalania prisca, Owen, Proc. R. Soc., 1858, ix., p. 273. » Owen, Phil. Trans., 1860, cxlix., p. 43, t. 7, f. 1-4, t. 8, f. 1-4; Zbid., 1881, clxxi., Pt. 3, p. 1037, t. 34, f. 1-2, t. 35, ff. 1-4, t. 36, f. 1-2; Jbéd., 1886, clxxvii., Pt. 1, p. 327, t. 18. Megalania (? Varanus) prisca, Smith Woodward, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, i., p. 89. Varanus priscus, Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Reptilia and Amphibia Brit. Mus., 1888, Pt. 1, p. 284. ? Megalania (Vertebre, ribs, fibula, and ulna) De Vis, Proc. -R. Soc. Queensland, 1889, vi., Pts. 2 and 3, p. 94. Obs. The above name was originally applied by Sir Richard Owen to three vertebre of a land lizard surpassing in bulk the largest existing species, and equal in size to those of the largest living Crocodiles, representing an individual of not less than twenty feet in length. Prof. Owen arrived at these conclusions by a comparison of measurements between the fossils and similar parts of the great Lace Lizard of Australia, Varanus (Hydrosaurus) giganteus, Gray. The vertebre in question were obtained on a branch of the Condamine River, and were purchased for the British Museum. The second contribution to our knowledge of this peculiar lizard contained descriptions of an entire dorsal vertebra from the Darling Downs, forwarded to Sir R. Owen by Dr. George Bennett; some-sacral vertebre, and an expanded end of a scapula from the neighbourhood of Melbourne, obtained by Mr. F. M. Raynal; caudal vertebre from Gowrie, Darling Downs, from Mr. St. Jean, with the occipital segment of the skull from the same locality ; and lastly the anterior portion of a skull found by Mr. G. F. Bennett, in 1871, at King’s Creek, Darling Downs. Subsequent to, and including the last discovery, other bones were referred to Megalania by Sir Richard Owen, but unfortunately in his earnest and enthusiastic zeal he united under one name remains from widely separated localities, and obtained at irregular intervals. The oversight which Prof. Owen committed in this respect has been unravelled with marked ability by Mr. Smith Woodward, and I cannot do better than quote his remarks in extenso. Speaking of the cranium found by Mr. G. F. Bennett, he says—“ The latter fragments were hypothetically assigned to the same genus and species + as the original fossils discovered in 1858, and the presence of bony horn-cores upon the skull led to a comparison with the small Australian Jfoloch horridus, which is also provided with dermal horns, though never of an osseous character, A restoration of Megalania was given upon the assumption that the extinct and surviving types were closely allied. In 1881 a tail completely ensheathed in bony armour like that of Glyptodon, was found at the same spot in King’s Creek whence had been obtained the fine portion of skull described in the previous year, and this, too, was determined t as belonging to what had now become known as the ‘Great Horned Lizard.’ Uromastix princeps, from Zanzibar, was next compared with the fossil, and Sir Richard Owen pointed out that * Restricted, Smith Woodward, 1888. + L.e., Megalania prisea. + Phil. Trans., 1881, clxxii., Pt. 2, p. 547, t. 64. 650 the caudal armour of this lizard only differed from that of Megalania in the same manner as the horns of Moloch were distinguished from those upon the Queensland skull—namely, in the absence of bony tissue in their structure. The tail of Moloch horridus was also shown to be encased in horny scutes similarly disposed, these even ‘more closely repeating the number and arrangement of Megalania’ than the scutes of Uromastix. Still another contribution was made to the subject in 1886,* when a sacral vertebra from Gowrie, Darling Downs, was described, and also a number of foot bones, supposed to show that Megalania prisca was truly terrestrial, with well developed claws. . . . . A number of fossil remains from a superficial coral-sand formation — in Lord Howe Island . . . . were soon found to comprise parts of an animal very similar to the possessor of the horned bead and armoured tail already known from a locality four hundred miles distant in Queensland. Of these specimens Sir Richard Owen described and figured portions of the skull and mandible, the tail and the partly restored pelvis, besides briefly noticing an anterior vertebra, a portion of a scapula, and a fragment of humerus. He concluded that they belonged to a new sub-genus—perhaps a new genus—to be named Mezolania, comprising apparently two species—M. platyceps and If. minor. Associated with the described fossils, however, were numerous other fragments which Mr. William Davies had placed amongst the Chelonia; and the whole were subsequently re-examined by Professor Huxley, who arrived at the conclusion that they were all Chelonian.t The animal was now considered to be most nearly allied to Chelydra and Gypochelys (Macroclemmys), and other Cryptodiran genera of that type, and Mr. G. F. Bennett’s Queensland skull and tail were unhesitatingly removed from their association with the Megalanian vertebra, and referred to this new genus, for which Professor Huxley thought the name of Ceratochelys would be more appropriate than that of Mecolania. He also re-named Meiolania platyceps, Ceratochelys sthenurus. A new element was thus added to the reptilian fauna of Pleistocene Australia, the Cryptodiran Chelonia being totally unrepresented there, both at the present day and among known fossils from the superficial deposits. Still more satisfactory specimens of Meiolania platyceps afterwards reached Sir Richard Owen, who again presented descriptions to the Royal Society, and concluded that the animal displayed affinities both with the ‘orders Chelonia and Sauria,’ but was more nearly allied to the latter. Another contribution to the correct interpretation of the ‘ Megalanian’ fossils is unwittingly made by Mr. Lydekker in the last volume of his Fossil Mammalia Catalogue just issued. Among the foot-bones assigned to uncertain members of the marsupial families of Notothertide and Phascolomyide are included specimens precisely similar to those described by Sir Richard Owen in Part iv. of his Memoir on Megalania, as affording information in regard to the characters of the feet of this reptile. It thus appears that under ‘ Megalania prisca’ have been included (i.) lacertilian vertebre and an occipital fragment; (ii.) a chelonian skull and tail sheath; and (ii.) marsupial foot-bones. The first necessarily form the type specimens of the genus and species, and the last are obviously at once excluded from consideration. The second series of fossils, however, require a name. “Professor Huxley, as already remarked, unhesitatingly places Mr. Bennett's Queensland skull and tail in the same genus as the Lord Howe Island fossils, and the reference appears fully justified by the specimens at present known. . . . . The rules of nomenclature do not permit of the adoption of a new name Ceratochelys, however appropriate it may be, and the genus must henceforth be termed Metolania. * Phil. Trans., 1886, clxxvii., p. 327, t. 18-15. + Ibid., p. 471, t. 29 and 30. — } Proc. R. Soc., 1887, xliii., p. 232. 651 “With regard to species, the figures and descriptions of the Queensland Specimens are at once conclusive of their distinctness from any form yet determined from the distant Lord Howe Island, though they were not specifically distinguished or named by Professor Huxley. They are thus at present nameless; and I would venture to suggest that they may be appropriately known as MJeiolania Oweni.” Mr. C. W. De Vis, the able Curator of the Queensland Museum, had, however, without any knowledge of Mr. Smith Woodward's views, arrived at a precisely similar opinion * touching the Lacertilian character of the bones on which Megalania was originally established, and that the “attribution to it of a horned skull is untenable.” Notwithstanding the fact that both Messrs. Smith Woodward, Lydekker, and De Vis appear to regard Megalania, Owen, as restricted, simply as a Varanus, or Gigantic Monitor, I have for convenience’ sake, and until the discovery of further and more complete remains, retained the generic appellation. _ The vertebre, remarks Mr. R. Lydekker, agree in general character with those of Varanus sivalensis, Falconer, but attain three times the dimensions. Loc. and Horizon. Branch of the Condamine Kiver (Colln. Brit. Mus.) ; Gowrie, Darling Downs (Mr. St. Jean)—Fluviatile deposits. Genus—V ARAN US, Merran, 1820. (Tent, Syst. Amphib., p. 58.) + VARANUS DIRUS, De Vis. Varanus dirus, De Vis, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1889, vi., Pts. 2 and 3, p. 98. Obs. Founded on a large Varan tooth, in which the compression usually seen in representatives of this genus is carried to an unusualextent. ‘“‘ Its height and breadth at the base are thrice those of a corresponding tooth of V. varius—wherefore, on the assumption of like proportions throughout, it represents a Varan of about sixteen feet in length.” Loc. and Horizon. King’s Creek, Darling Downs (2. W. Frost—Colln. Queensland Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. . VARANUS EMERITUS, De Vis. Varanus emeritus, De Vis, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1889, vi., Pts. 2 and 3, p. 98. Obs. Lacertilian remains consisting of portions of a humerus and tibia. The humerus is “from an adult individual, and indicates a species not greatly larger than an average V. varius ; the tibia represents an individual nearly one-half as large again.” Loc. and Horizon. King’s Creek, Darling Downs (2. W. Frost—Colln. Queens- land Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. ° Genus—NOTIOSAURUS, Owen, 1884. (Proc. R. Soc., xxxvi., p. 221.) NorrosaURUS DENTATUS, Owen. Notiosaurus dentatus, Owen, Proc. R. Soc., 1884, xxxvi., p. 221. 4s se Owen, Phil. Trans., 1884, clxxv., Pt: 1,.p. 249, t. 12. ? a ne De Vis, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1885, ii., Pt. 1, p. 25, t. 1-3 (humerus and scapula) ; re 33 De Vis, Ibid., 1889, vi., Pt. 2 and 3, p. 97. Obs. The remains of a Pleurodont Lacertilian, consisting of “the outer end of a dentary element of the mandible,” with portions of two teeth zm situ, were described *Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1889, vi., Pts. 2 and 3, p. 97. + Fide Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Reptilia and Amphibia Brit. Mus., 1888, Pt, 1, p, 281. 652 undet the above name from Cuddie Springs, Co. Clyde, New South Wales. These were compared with the living Australian Lizard, Varanus (Hydrosaurus) gigas. Mr. C. W. De Vis has since hypothetically referred to Notiosaurus a left humerus and scapula, representing a reptile with a “ probable length of fifteen feet,” and a tooth. The latter resembles in outline that of Hydrosawrus, but is proportionately thicker. The tooth is from Darling Downs, but the localities of the bones are not stated ; but it is quite clear they were obtained at widely separated places, for Mr. De Vis says, speaking of the scapula—‘ which, from wide difference of locality, could not have belonged to the same individual as the humerus.” Although the bones described by Mr. De Vis may represent a large Lacertilian, related to Hydrosaurus or Monitor (=Varanus), to place them definitely with the species NV. dentatus is perhaps a little premature. It would have been better to have referred these bones to a distinct genus. Loc. and Horizon. The tooth at Clifton, Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.)—Mr. De Vis informs me that the bones came from Pilton and Chinchilla—Fluviatile deposits. Order—CROCODILIA. Family—CROCODILIDZ. Genus—OROCODILUS, Laurenti, 1768. (Spec. Med. Exhib. Synop. Reptilium.) CrocopiLtus Porosus, Schnerder. Crocodilus porosus, Schneider, Hist. Amphib., Pt. 2, 1801, p. 159. e Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Reptilia and Amphibia Brit. Mus., Pt. 1, 1888, p. 59. Obs. The British Museum Collection contains portions of the right maxilla, teeth, dermal scutes, and caudal vertebre, which Mr. R. Lydekker refers to this species. Teeth were found by the late Mr. R. Daintree in the Diprotodon-breccias of Northern Queensland, and called by him Crocodilus australis, but in all probability they were those of C. porosus, mentioned in the British Museum Catalogue as presented by “Sir’ R. Daintree.* Mr. Daintree remarked that the Crocodile had, during the Quaternary Period, a greater inland range than it has now. Loc. and Horizon. Maryvale Creek, Lat. 19° 80'S. (The late R. Daintree— _ Colln. Brit. Mus.) ; Clifton Plains, Darling Downs (The late Prof. Harkness—Colln. Brit. Mus.); Diprotodon-breccia, Gowrie, Darling Downs (Dr. G@. Bennett—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. Genus—PALLIMNARCHUS, De Vis, 1886. (Proc. R. Soc. Queensland for 1885, ii., Pt. 2, p. 181.) PALLIMNARCHUS POLLENS, De Vis. Pallimnarchus pollens, De Vis, Loe. cit.,-p. 191. Obs. Speaking of the occasional occurrence of Crocodilian fragments in the Queensland drifts, Mr. De Vis says :—‘‘ Recently, however, more instructive cranial and mandibular fossils have been met with, and it may now be no longer premature to invite * Strange to say, the late Mr. Richard Daintree, C.M.G., &c., is frequently spoken of by Mr. Lydekker as “Sir R, Daintree.” The same mistake is committed by Mr. R. A. F. Murray, in his “*Geology and Physical Geography of Victoria.” (S8vo. Melbourne, 1887.) 653 attention to the evidence they give in favour of two conclusions—first, that the saurian member of the past fauna was not identical with either of the two crocodilians in the present one; second, that it was not even nearly allied to them.’ Portions of the skull, both young and adult, jaws, teeth, and scutes are described. Mr. De Vis’ conclusions are—‘‘ No doubt remains that the fossil species was one distinct from the Indo-Australian, and probably ecdemic, Crocodilus porosus on the one hand, and from the saurian peculiar to our northern tableland on the other it appears that the portions of skull examined do not, in their imperfect condition, present a combination of characters exclusively alligatorian, nor on the other hand distinctly crocodilian ; but that if we allow this seeming equilibrium of testimony to be disturbed by the weight derived from the imbrication of the scutes, the beam must sink at once on the side of the American family.” Loc. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Gowrie Creek, Wiembilla Creek, Condamine River, and Eight-mile Plains, near Brisbane (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.)— Fluviatile deposits. Class—AVES. Obs. According to Mr. C. W. De Vis,* twenty-four genera of birds, containing twenty-eight species, are now known from Queensland deposits. Seven of the genera and the whole of the species are considered by him to be extinct. Mr. De Vis remarks :—‘ The extent of the change which the Nototherian avifauna of Queensland is thus shown to have undergone is very much the same as that observed in the case of the marsupials. With two or three very doubtful exceptions, all these have submitted to specific metamorphosis, and of twenty-six of the old genera but fourteen survive. Has the change been rapid? Then, from what cause ? Not from the advent of man; savages do not exterminate. Have we hitherto considered this fauna younger than it really was? Possibly ; but for the solution of these questions we must look to further accumulation and study of paleontological evidence. So far as the Writer can see at present, the Age of the fauna preserved in the Darling Downs Deposits cannot well be later than Early Pliocene.” Order—CARINATA. Family—FALCONIDA. Genus—TAPHATUS, De Vis, 1891. (Proc, Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, vi. (2), p. 123.) TAPHETUS BRACHIALIS, De Vis. Urotus brachialis, De Vis, Loc. cit., 1889, v. (2), Pt. 4, p. 162. Taphetus brachialis, De Vis, Loc. cit., 1891, vi. (2), Pt. 1, p. 123. Ots. The distal half of a humerus and a femur of a diurnal bird of prey are recorded under the above names respectively, given in the synonymy. The humerus was “ the first relic of an arborial bird of flight hitherto recognised amongst the remains of the extinct birds of Queensland.” The femur, on which Mr. De Vis appears to lay the greatest stress, is compared with that of several living genera, and the following description offered:—‘‘ Femur stout (index circ. 9-4), proximal end transversely expanded, shaft compressed, pneumatic foramen small; a rudimentary third trochanter, entepicondylar pit between condyle and epicondyle.” Loc. and Horizon. King’s Creek, Darling Downs (0. W. De Vis—Colln. Queens- land Mus.) ; Neighbourhood of Warwick, Darling Downs (H. Hurst—Colln. Queensland Mus.) * Proc, Linn. Soc, N. S. Wales, 1892, vi. (2), Pt. 3, p, 455, 654 Genus—NECRASTUR, De Vis, 1892. (Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, vi. (2), Pt. 3, p. 487.) NECRASTUR ALACER, De Vis. Necrastur alacer, De Vis, Loc. cit., p. 437, t. 24, f. la and b. Obs. Portion of the proximal end of a right humerus, and the distal end of an ulna representing a bird allied to Nisetus, the Little-crested Eagle. Loe. Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.) Family—PELICANID A. Genus—P ELICANUS, Linneus, 1748. (Syst. Nat.) PELICANUS PROAVUS, De Vis. Pelicanus proavus, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1892, vi. (2), p. 444, t. 24, f. 6a and 0. Obs. A left tarsometatarsal and a mutilated metacarpal have been identified. by Mr. De Vis as those of a small Pelican. Loc. Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.) Family—ARDEID&. Genus—PALAOPELARGUS, De Vis, 1892. (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vi. (2), Pt. 3, p. 441.) PALMOPELARGUS NOBILIS, De Vis. Palcopelargus nobilis, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1892, vi. (2), Pt. 3, p. 441, t. 24, f. 4a and b. Obs. The remains of this bird consist of the “distal end of aright ‘medius’ metacarpal in conjunction with that of the ‘ annularis.’ ” The metarcarpals most nearly allied to P. nobilis, Mr. De Vis believes to be those of Carphibis and Xenorhynchus, and of these the latter approaches it most nearly in general form and size combined. Loe. Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.) Genus—PLATALEA, Linneus, 1766. (Syst. Nat., Ed. xii.) PLATALEA SUBTENUIS, De Vis. Platalea subtenwis, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1892, vi. (2), Pt. 3, p. 448, t. 24, f. 5a and 6. Obs. Proximal two-thirds of a right femur of a supposed Spoonbill. ‘* The specific differences from P. regia and P. flavipes observable in the fossil are a greater flattening of the proximal end of the shaft on its posterior surface, and a diminution of the transverse axis of its distal moiety, resulting in a more cylindrical but more slender form.” Lec. Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.) 655 Family—ANATID. Genus—ANAS, Linneus, 1748. (Syst. Nat.) ANAS ELAPSA, De Vis. Anas elapsa, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1888, iii. (2), Pt. 3, p. 1281, t. 33, f. 4a-c. Obs. The presence of Anas amongst the Post-Tertiary fossils of Queensland depends upon the identification of a left tibia and portion of a left femur by Mr. De Vis. The proportions and general appearance of the bones are those of a Teal, and the size about that of Anas punctata. Loc. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queens- land Mus.)—Lacustrine or Fluviatile deposits. [‘“ The Chinchilla deposits are beds of sand of considerable but unascertained thickness . . . overlaid by a hard con- glomerate of argillaceous grit and gravel . . . and evidently a lacustrine beach, or river bank detritus.”—De Vis. ] Genus—DENDROOCY GNA, Swainson, 1837. (Nat. Hist. Birds, p. 365.) DENDROCYGNA VALIDIPINNIS, De Vis. Dendrocygna validipinnis, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1888, iii. (2), Pt. 8, p. 1282, t. 34, f. 5-6. Obs. A Wood-duck is represented by the proximai half of a left humerus, and aright ulna. The bones cannot be identified, says Mr. De Vis, with either of the living Australian species. Loc. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queens- land Mus.)—Chinchilla Conglomerate. Genus—BIZIURA, Leach, 1824. (Gen. Zoology.) Biziura EXHUMATA, De Vis. Bisiura exchumata, De Vis, Proc, R. Soc. Queensland, 1889, vi., Pt. 1, p. 57, t. 4. Obs. The fossil to which this name is applied is the left metatarsus of a Duck, agreeing in its massive proportions with the existing genus Biziwra. Itis approximately two-thirds the size of the metatarsus of a male Biziura lobata, Shaw; if, therefore, from an individual of the same sex it would represent a smaller species, but if, on the other hand, from a female, a larger one. Loc. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queens- land Mus.)—Chinchilla Conglomerate. Genus—NYROCA, Fleming, 1822. (Phil. Zool.) Nyroca rosusta, De Vis. Nyroca robusta, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1888, iii. (2), Pt. 3, p. 1278, t. 33, f. 1 and 2. Obs. This name was proposed for portions of a right humerus, ulna, and left coracoid, supposed to represent a Nyroca of superior strength to the White-eyed Duck (WV. australis, Gould). “It was a distinctly larger species than its Australian representative in modern days, being one-eighth more in the width of the elbow-joint.” Loc. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queens- land Mus.)—Chinchilla Conglomerate. 656 Nyrroca reciusa, De Vis. Nyroca australis et reclusa, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1888, iii. (2), Pt. 3, pp. 1281 and 1292, ti Osha os Obs. A coracoid bone is referred to the recent species WV. australis, Gould. “It is the first instance, within the Writer’s personal experience, of identity, or even of affinity so close, between recent and post-pliocene vertebrates from Darling Downs.” In a postscript, however, reasons are assigned for regarding it as distinct from Myroca australis, and the specific name reclusa is given to it. Loc. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queens- land Mus.) —Chinchilla Conglomerate. Family—PLOTIDA. Genus—PLOTUS, Linneus, 1766. (Syst. Nat., Ed. xii.) Protus Pparvus, De Vis. Plotus parvus, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1888, iii. (2), Pt. 3, p. 1286, t. 35, f. 10a and 6b. Obs. A left humerus would appear to indicate the presence of a Darter, with certain affinities to the Pelicanide. ‘‘ Together with the essential traits of Plotus this bone has, as we have seen, a few indications of extraneous aflinity—perhaps we may infer that, as an early form of the genus, it had not attained the high specialisation of its later representative.” Loc. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Darling Downs (C0. W. De Vis—Colln. Queens- land Mus.)—Chinchilla Conglomerate. Family—COLUMBIDZ. Genus—LITHOPHAPS, De Vis, 1891. (Proc, Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, vi. (2), Pt. 1, p. 121.) LIrHoPHAPS ULNARIS, De Vis. Lithophaps ulnaris, De Vis, Loe. cit., p. 122. Obs. A genus and species founded on an ulna having the general proportions of the genus Chalcophaps. It is thus described —“ Ulna stout, index 7-88, subcylindrical, continuously arched, with a single row of eight remigial tubercles; arthral surfaces as in Megaloprepia.” Loc. and Horizon. Neighbourhood of Warwick, Darling Downs (H. Hurst— Colln. Queensland Mus.) Family—GOURIDA. Genus—PROGURA, De Vis, 1888. (Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, v., Pt. 4, p. 131.) PROGURA GALLINACEA, De Vis. Progura gallinacea, De Vis, Loc. cit., p. 127, 2d. pl., 4 side figs. Obs. The presence of a Gouwra or “ Ground Pigeon” during Post-Tertiary times is indicated, according to Mr. De Vis, by four portions of metatarsals. Affinity with the genus Gouwra is “indicated by the shortness of the calcaneal process, sudden attenuation of the inner edge of the bone at its proximal end, elevation of the hind toe, rapid expansion of the distal end, and subsequent descent of the lateral trochleas.” The fossils are twice the size of the corresponding bones of Goura. Loc. and Horizon. Chinchilla and Gowrie Creek, Darling Downs* (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.) . * Information supplied by Mr. De Vis. 657 Family—MEGAPODIDZ. Genus—CHOSORNIS, De Vis, 1889. (Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, vi. Pt. 1, p. 55.) CHOSORNIS PRETERITUS, De Vis. Chosornis preteritus, De Vis, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1889, vi., Pt. 1, p. 55. Obs. Mr. De Vis has proposed this species for the reception of the proximal half of the metacarpus of the left manus of a bird which agrees in several special points with those of the mound-building family. The bone combines features common to both the existing genera Talegallus and Megapodius, with others peculiar to itself. Loe. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Darling Downs (0. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.)—Chinchilla Conglomerate. Family—RALLIDZ. Genus—PORPHYRIO, Brisson, 1760. (Ornithologie. )* PorPHyRio ? REPERTA, De Vis. Porphyrio reperta, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1888, iii. (2), Pt. 3, p. 1288, t. 34, f.7aandb. Obs. A right tarso-metatarsus is referred provisionally by Mr. De Vis to a Coot, near Porphyrio melanotus in size. It may, however, be generally distinct. Loc. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queens- land Mus.)—Chinchilla Conglomerate. Porpuyrio Macxintosut, De Vis. Porphyrio Mackintoshi, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1892, vi. (2), Pt. 3, p. 440, t. 24, f. 2a and 6, Obs. The distal extremity of a right tarso-metatarsus indicates a species differing from the preceding in its greater size. Mr. De Vis remarks that probably the present species and Porphyrio reperta will require to be placed in a new genus, in con- sequence of the lesser elevation of the hind toe than in the recent forms of Porphyrio, whilst the inner trochlea in the present fossil is distinctly shorter. Loc. and Horizon. Near Warwick (H. Hurst—Colln. Queensland Mus.)— Fluviatile deposits. Genus—GALLINULA, Brisson, 1760. (Ornithologie. ) + GALLINULA STRENUIPES, De Vis. Gallinula strenuipes, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1888, iii. (2), Pt. 3, p. 1284, b. 34, f. 8, 8a, Obs. De Vis, New Zealand Journ. Sci., 1891, i. (2), No. 3, p. 97. Obs. The presence of a species of Moa during Post-Tertiary times in Queensland has been inferred by Mr. C. W. De Vis from the characters of a struthious femur in the Queensland Museum. The specimen presents precisely the measurements of Déinornis erassus, Owen, aud Mr. De Vis adds —“ The large air channel into the interior bone of the Emu, so intimately connected with the excursive habits of the typical birds, is wanting in all the fossils under consideration, but in the Moa, and in our fossil alike, it is fore- shadowed by three small foramina just beneath the hinder edge of theneck. .... The chief particulars in which the femur differs from that of Dromornis, are a long sloping neck, constricted at its junction with the head, a full and irregularly oval shaft, and a broad outer trochanterian surface. These are precisely the characters by which the corresponding part of the thigh-bone of Dinornis is differentiated by Sir R. Owen from that of Dromornis, and in all of them our fossil agrees almost exactly with the femurs of D. crassus and D. elephantopus.” I am indebted to the courtesy of Mr. De Vis for a reproduction of this fragmentary bone. A very careful comparison with the femur of a Dinornis and with the type of Dromornis compels ine to admit the close resemblance between his bone and the former. On it Mr. R. Lydekker also remarks—-“This specimen appears indistinguishable from the femora of true Dinornithide, and is quite different from the femur of Dromornis.”’ Loc. and Horizon. King’s Creek, Darling Downs (J. Daniels—Colln. Queensland Mus.)—F luviatile deposits. Family—APTERYGIDA. Genus—METAPTERYX, De Vis, 1892. (Proc, Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, vi. (2), Pt. 3, p. 453.) METAPTERYX BIFRONS, De Vis. Metapieryx bifrons, De Vis, Loc. cit., p. 453, t. 23, f. 8a and b. Obs. The distal half of a tarso-metatarsus, on careful comparison with the similar bone in the Apteryx, seems to “ justify the conclusion that in spite of all our preconcep- tions this Australian relic represents a bird having a decided family relationship with the Apterygide of New Zealand.” The more striking features in which it appears to resemble the Apteryx are the great distal extension of the pedicels of the trochlee, a like equality in the length of the opposed surfaces of the lateral pedicels, and the exten- sion of the mesial trochlea beyond the extremities of the other two, &c. It is, however, not an Apteryx, as is evinced by the absence or rudimentary state of the hind toe, the 663 superior length of the inner one of the lateral toes, and the enlargement of the middle one out of all proportion to the laterals. Although WZ. bifrons did not exceed the living Kiwis in stature, its cursorial power was much greater, and it may be inferred that the bird was as much an Emu as an Apterye. Loc. and Horizon. Darling Downs (0. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.)— Fluviatile deposits. Class—M AMMALIA. Order—MONOTREMATA. Family—ECHIDNID. Genus—ECHIDNA, Cuvier, 1797. (Tabl. Eléméntaire, p. 143.) Ecuipna Owentt, Krefft. . Echidna Owenii, Krefft, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1868, i., p. 113, f. 1-5. 3 re Krefft, Australian Vert. Fossil and Recent, 1871, p. 22. . Ramsayt, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1884, clxxx., Pt. 1, p. 273, t. 14. $5 Owenii, Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 295. Oés. The late Mr. G. Krefft figured a fragment of a humerus of larger size than the corresponding bone of the existing Echidna, to which he applied the above name. Sir Richard Owen has since described the remains of an Echidna from the Wellington Valley Caves as #. Ramsay, but he made no comparison between his own and Mr. Krefft’s fossils. It is, however, probable that Mr. Richard Lydekker is correct in uniting both in one species. He remarks—‘ Considerably exceeding in size the exist- ing E. Bruijniit of New Guinea.” Sir Richard Owen’s type was obtained in the ossiferous breccia of the Wellington Caves. Loc. and Horizon. Darling Downs (The late G. Krefft—Colln. Australian Museum)—Fluviatile deposits. Family—ORNITHORHYNCHID. Genus—ORNITHORH YNCHUS, Blumenbach, 1800. (Voigt’s Magazin.)* ORNITHORHYNCHUS AG@ILis, De Vis. Ornithorhynchus agilis, De Vis, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1885, ii., Pt. 1, p. 35, t. 4, f. 1-3. Obs. The existence of the Platypus in Post-Tertiary times in Queensland is believed by Mr. De Vis to be assured from the presence of an adult right tibia. “It shows no sign of having been inherited from a less modified, that is, more reptilian precursor ; on the contrary, it possesses all the character of the genus as represented by [0.] paradoxus, fully matured, and even more pronounced than in its descendant. It is, perhaps, worthy of remark that, presuming this tibia to be full-sized as well as adult, it indicates a species of smaller dimensions than the present one.” The bone is even thought to represent a distinct and undescribed genus. A mandible was also collected at the same locality which corresponds in repre- senting a smaller species than the living O. anatinus. Messrs. Flower and Lydekker appear to have entirely overlooked the occurrence of this extinct species in their otherwise excellent account of the “ Duck-billed Platypus.” + Loc. and Horizon. Near Pilton, King’s Creek, Darling Downs (0. W. De Vis— Colln. Queensland Museum) — Fluviatile deposits. * Fide Agassiz, Nomenclator Zool., Fas. 1, p. 23. + Introd. Study of Mammals, Living and Extinct, 1891, p. 119. 664 Order—MARSUPIALIA. Family—PHASCOLOMYID&. Genus—PH ASCOLOM YS, Geoffroy, 1803. (Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, ii., p. 365.) Obs. The extinct Wombats may be divided, as they have been to a certain extent by Sir R. Owen, into two groups—those of equal or less size than the existing Species, and those exceeding the latter. In the first division we have P. medius, Pe magnus, and P. gigas; in the second one, P. Mitchelli, P. parvus, P. platyrhinus, and P. Thomsoni. Professor Owen states that we are now acquainted with species of Phascolomys exhibiting “gradations of bulk rising from that of a Marmot to that of a Tapir ;” butit is quite open to doubt if the gigantic species burrowed, like their more recent and smaller brethren. PHASCOLOMYS MEDIUS, Owen. Phascolomys medius, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1873, clxii., Pt. 2, p. 241, t. 32, f. 2-7, t. 33, f. 2-6, t. 34, t. 35, £. 7. Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 339 and 353, Atlas, t. 57, f. 2-7, t. 58, f. 2-6, f. 59, t. 60, f. 7. np of Lydekker, Cat. Foss, Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 149. Obs. Lower and upper jaws of this species have been discovered, indicating a Wombat larger than either of the two largest existing species. The lower jaw must have been six or seven inches in length, and the entire animal when full grown one-half larger than P. platyrhinus. Loe. and Horizon. Condamine River at Eton Vale, Darling Downs (Z. 8. Hill —Colln. Brit. Mus.) ; King’s Creek, Darling Downs (Mr. Turner—Colln. Brit. Mus.) ; Drayton, Darling Downs (Sir D. Oooper—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. Ya 9 ” PHASCOLOMYS MAGNUS, Owen. Phascolomys magnus, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1878, clxii., Pt. 2, p. 246, t. 35, f. 1-6. Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 344-346, and 353, t. 60, f. 1-6. 5 Fe) Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 148. Obs. The disposition of the upper molars in this species resembles that of P. medius, and is of the type of the existing Hairy-nosed Wombat. Loc. and Horizon. Eton Vale, Darling Downs (£. S. Hzll—Colln. Brit. Mus.) ; Drayton, Darling Downs (Sir D. Cooper—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. Phd ” PuHascotomys MircHeit, Owen. Phascolomys Mitchelli, Owen, Mitchell’s Three Expeds. Int. E. Australia, 1838, ii., p. 362, t. 30, f. 4-6. Owen, Phil. Trans., 1873, clxii., Pt. 2, pp. 177, 179, 181, 182, and 191, t. 17, f. 1, 3-5, 7 and 8, t. 18, f. 1-7,.t. 19, £. 5, t. 21, £. 5 and 6. Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 318, 320, 322, 324, 332, and 358, t. 50, f. 1, 3; 5, 7, and 8, t. 51, £. 1-7, t. 53, £. 5, t. 55, f. Dand:6; Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 152. on A De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1891, vi. (2), Pt. 2, p. 239. Obs. This species agrees more or less in size with the existing Wombats, and is close to P. platyrhinus. Mr. C. W. De Vis has quite recently afforded strong evidence of the satisfactory specific importance of this species, by describing numerous bones other than those of the cranium. Loc. and Horizon. Gowrie, Darling Downs (Ff. NV. Isaac)—Fluviatile deposits. ” ” ” ” 3” ” 665 PHASCOLOMYS PARVUS, Owen. Phascolomys parvus, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1873, clxii., Pt. 2, p. 193, t. 19, f. 6 and 7; t. 20, f. 6-8, t. 23, f. 6 and 7, t. 38, f. 5 and 6. ” + Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 334 and 353, Atlas, t. 53, f. 6 and 7, t. 54, f. 6-8, t. 56, f. 6 and 7, t. 63, f. 5 and 6. ” of Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam, Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 156. Obs. Although a small species, does not agree with the smallest known living form, the Tasmanian Wombat. Loc. and Horizon. King’s Creek, Darling Downs (Mr. Turner—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. PHASCOLOMYS PLATYRHINUS, Owen. Phascolomys platyrhinus, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1873, clxii., Pt. 2, pp. 175, 180, 198, t. 19, f. 2, t. 20, f. 3-5, t. 21, f. 2, t. 23, f. 1 and 8—cuts p. 175, f. 1, p. 179, f. 5, and p. 180, f. 7. » 53 Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 328-334, and 353—cuts p. 316, f. 3, Dercc ie Os) Paoelet te (anty Dest. oa Galo; te 0 oe lotta oo, ty DD, ft. 2, t. 56, f. Land 8, t.58, f. 1, t: 98, £.3, 4, and 13, t. 99; £3 and 4, t. 100, f. 4-6 and 8, t. 101, f. 3, 4, and 10, t. 102, f. 2, 4, and 6. ” Hf Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 155, Obs. The shape and proportions of the molars seen in the living examples of this species, says Prof. Owen, are closely preserved in the fossil forms. The researches of Mr. C. W. De Vis * amongst the Darling owns Phascolomydw# have rendered it exceedingly doubtful if this species is represented in ithe ossiferous deposits of that district, the remains hitherto ascribed to P. platyrhinus being in all probability those of P. Mitchelli. Loc. and Horizon. Eton Vale, Darling Downs (#. S. Hili—Colln. Brit. Mus.) —Fluviatile deposits. PHascotomrys THomsoni, Owen. Phascolomys Thomsont, Owen, Phil. Trans,, 1873, clxii., Pt. 2, p. 192, t. 18, f. 8 and 9, t, 21, f. 7. ” ? Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 333 and 353, t. 51, f. 8 and 9, t. 55, f£. 7. Fr, A; Lydekker, Cat, Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 156. Obs. The critical examination of the Darling Downs fossil Wombat remains, already referred to, has led Mr. De Vis to the conclusion that this supposed species has no existence. He remarks t—‘ P. Thomsoni, Ow., is an extremely doubtful species, uniquely represented, and dependent for its validity upon a single character, the. backward extension of the symphasis, a character which varies with age. P. Thomsoni should, therefore, be expunged from our lists.” Loc. and Horizon. Drayton, Darling Downs (Sir D. Cooper—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. PHASCOLOMYS ANGUSTIDENS, De Vis. Phascolomys angustidens, De Vis, Proc. Liun. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1891, vi. (2), Pt. 2, p. 243. Obs. Established by Mr. De Vis for a Wombat distinguished by the narrowness of its teeth, “which are intermediate in breadth between those of P. parvus and P. Mitchelli, though serially as long or longer than in the latter species. As a marked reduction in the width of the teeth has not been noted in the descriptions of known species, and as the teeth in all the mandibles of P. Mitchelli are appreciably the same in width, I must perforce regard this narrow-toothed wombat as a new species.” A . humerus anda tibiaare also referred to P. angustidens. The animal is supposed to have been equal in size to P. Mitchelli, but more delicate in structure. Loc. and Horizon. Valley of the Condamine, Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis— Colln. Queensland Mus.)—F luviatile deposits. * Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1891, vi. (2), Pt. 2, p. 239. + Loc. cit., p. 239. 666 Genus—P HASCOLONUS, Owen, 1872. (Phil. Trans., clxii., p. 248.) PHASCOLONUS GIGAS, Owen. Phascolomys gigas, Owen, Encyclop. Brit., 1859, xvii., p. 175, f. 114. os (Phascolonus) gigas, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1873, clxii., Pt. 2, pp. 248 and 255, t. 36-38, f. 1, 3, and 4, t. 39, f. 1-3, t. 40. ” ” 5» Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, p. 346, t. 61-63, f. 1, 3, and 4, t. 64, f Sri GD. Phascolonus gigas (pars.), Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 157. 55 »» De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1891, vi. (2), Pt. 2, p. 237. Obs. For this gigantic Wombat, equalling as it did the Wild Ass in size, Prof. Owen has proposed the sub-generic name of Phascolonus, but both Mr. Lydekker and Mr. C. W. De Vis have raised it to generic rank. Loc.and Horizon. King’s Creek, Darling Downs (The late OC. H. Hartmann—Colln. Brit. Mus.) ; Gowrie, Darling Downs (Sir D. Cooper—Colln. Brit. Mus.) ; Eton Vale, Darling Downs (Z. 8. Hill—Colln. Brit. Mus.) ; Tributary of the Condamine River, St. Jean Station (S. St. Jean—Colln. Australian Mus.) ; Clifton Plains, Darling Downs (Str F. Nicholson—Colln. Queen’s College, Cork)—Fluviatile deposits. Family—NOTOTHERIIDZ, Genus—NOTOTHERIUM, Owen, 1845. (Brit. Assoc. Report for 1844, p. 231.) Obs Nototherium is second only in bulk to Diprotodon. The skull of the former is shortcr in proportion to its breadth and depth than that of the latter. Nototherium resembles the Koala and Wombats, whilst Diprotodon is more nearly allied in many of its characters to the Kangaroos.* Nototherium does not possess incisors of the relative sizé and shape and persistent growth characteristic of Dipro- todon, but it surpasses the latter in both absolute and relative size of the zygomatic arches. The dental formula of Wototheriwm is 7. +, ¢. 0-0, m. 8:3, = 28. By some Authors Zygomaturus, Macleay, is considered as distinct from Woto- therium, but Sir R. Owen believes them to be identical. Recently Mr. De Vis has revived this question, and arrives at the following conclusions :—lst. That the upper premolar of Nototherium shows a departure not more than generic from that of Diprotodon, and consequently that both genera belong to one family, the Nototheriida, which also includes Luowenia, and perhaps Sthenomerus. 2nd. That Zygomaturus is a good genus, and its affinity with the Nototheriide is, to say the least, doubtful. 3rd. The mandibular structure and dentition of Zygomaturus are, as yet, unknown, as it was one of the rarer animals of its day, the paucity of its remains contrasting strongly with the abundance of those of Nototherium. These conclusions have been combated by Mr. R. Lydekker,t who regards the previous determination of Owen, that Mototherium and Zygomaturus are one and the same, as correct. Mr. De Vis has also described a humerus which he axscribes to Notothertum.§ * Mr. De Vis informs me that he considers that this view is by no means favoured by the pelvis and foot-bones, which are essentially phascolomine. Notwithstanding its molar system Dzprotodon is far more a.Wombat than a Kangaroo. + Note on the Genera Zygomaturus and Nototheriwm. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1888, v., Pt. 3, p. 111. { Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, iii., p. 149. § Proc. Linn. Soc, N, S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt, 3, p. 404. 667 NotrorHertum MitcHEni, Owen. Nototherium Mitchelli, Owen, Brit. Assoc. Report for 1844 [1845], p. 232. » i Owen, Phil. Trans., 1872, clxii., Pt. 1, pp. 41, 52, 60, 66, and 82, t. 2, f. 1 and 2, t. 3, frleo, tad, Dy and G, te Om tel-4G-5. t10, £& 1-3) 7 and &, t, 11> p, 42; & 1; p. Gl, £ 2. ; ” S Qwen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 249, 272, 514, t. 36, f. 1 and 2, t. 37, f. 1-3, tt. 38, 39, 40, t. 43, f. 1-4, 6-8, t 44, f. 1-3, 7 and 8, t. 45, t. 88 f. 11-14, p. 250, f. 1, p. 269, f. 2. ” = Owen, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1882, xxxviii., p. 394, t. 16. ” a (pars.), Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 163. Obs. The skull, without a lower jaw attached, from King’s Creck, presented to the Australian Museum by Mr. F. N. Isaac, and upon which Mr. Macleay established his genus Zygomaturus, Prof. Owen says, belongs to the same species as the lower jaw originally described by him from the same locality as Nototherium Mitchelli. The latter is now in the British Museum, and was purchased after being sent to London by Mr. Boyd. Loc. and Horizon. King’s Creek, Darling Downs (Restored Skull—Colln. Brit. and Australian Mus.) ; Eton Vale, Darling Downs (Z. S. Hili—Colln. Brit. Mus.) ; Gowrie Creek, Darling Downs (H. Hughes—Colln. Worcester Nat. Hist. Soc.); Albert River (R. Daintree—Colln. Brit. Mus.) ; Warra Warra Station, Condamine River (Dr. G. Bennett—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. NorToTHERIUM INERME, Owen. Nototherium inerme, Owen, Brit. Assoc. Report for 1844 [1845], p. 231. 3 An Owen, Phil. Trans., 1872, clxii., Pt. 1, pp. 41, 43, and 67, t. 8, t. 9, f. 5. += rh Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 271 and 514, t. 42, t. 43, f. 5, t. 88, f. 15-17, Ue bey Obs. The specific difference of WV. inerme from the other two species of the genus is shown in the relative position of the symphysis to the fully-developed molar series. The name refers to the absence of incisor tusks. Mr. Lydekker includes both this species and WV. victorie, Owen, as synonyms of N. Mitchelli.* Loc. and Horizon. Gowrie, Darling Downs (G. F. Bennett—Colln. Brit. Mus.) —Fluviatile deposits. NotrotHERIUM DUNENSE, De Vis. Nototherium dunense, De Vis., Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1587, ii. (2), Pt. 4, p. 1065, t. 38. . 9 De Vis, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1888, v., Pt. 3, p. 116, 2nd Pl., centre figs. Obs. A mandibular fragment and a left adult mandibie have been separated by Mr. De Vis as representing another species of Mototherium. It is distinguished from N. Mitchelli, Owen, “by the size and structure of the premolar and position of the inlet of the dental canal”; from WV. inermis, Owen, “ by the development of the tusks and consequent retrocession of the symphysial curve”’; and from D. Victorie, Owen, “by the position of the inlet of the dental canal and by the gradual enlargement of the molars serially.” Loc. and Horizon. Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis — Colln. Queensland Mus.)— Fluviatile deposits. ° * Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 162. 668 Genus—DIPROTODON, Owen, 1838. (Mitchell’s Three Exped. Int. E. Australia, ii., p. 362.) DIPROTODON AUSTRALIS, Owen. Diprotodon australis, Owen, Loe. cit., p. 362, t. 31, f. 1 and 2. Mastodontoid Pachyderm, Owen, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1843, xi., pp. 8 and 9, f. 2 and 3 (non f. 1). Dinotheriwm australe, Owen, Ibid., p. 329, f. 1, p. 330, f. 2. Diprotodon australis, Owen, Brit. oon Report for 1844 {1845}, p. 224. . ¥ Owen, Phil. Trans., 1870, clx., Pt. 2, p. 519, t. 35, f. 1-4, t. 36-39, t. 40, f. 1-13, 16-18, t. 41-50. x an Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 189 and 507, t. 19, f. 1-4, t. 20, 23, and 24, f. 1-13, 16-18, t. 25-35, t. 122, f. 1-3, 7-10, t. 123 and 124, and frontispiece—cuts, ni land la, p. 189, f. 2, p. 204, “ D; p: 212, £26; p. 219. a 33 Etheridge fil., Cat. Australian Foss., 1878, p. 180 (for full synonymy). Obs. Diprotodon combines the characters of the genera Macropus and Phascolomys, but with special modifications of its own, more particularly exhibited in the bones of the trunk and limbs. The pelvis and femora present resemblances to the Proboscidex not hitherto observed in any other remains of large extinct quadrupeds in Australia. In all the bones, setae essentially marsupial characters are visible. The dental formula is z. 8-8, ¢. 0:0, m.$3,=28.* Sir Richard Owen has a one -one occasions on which the remains of this large marsupial have been found throughout Australia ¢; of these discoveries no less than thirteen refer to Queensland, viz. :— 1. Tributaries of the Condamine River in a deep bed of alluvium; Sir T. L. Mitchell, 1842. 2. Hodgson, Campbell, Isaac, and Oaky ein Condamine River, either in red loamy breccia, or a bed of pebbles; L. Leichhardt, 1844. 3. King’s Creek, Darling Downs ; — Turner, 1847. 4, Isaac’s Creek, Gowrie, Darling Downs; F. WV. Isaacs, 1849. 5. Galtindaddaiy Melville Plains; W. Buchanan, 1851. 6. Creeks, Darling Downs; H. Hughes, 1856. 7. Gowrie, Darling Downs; J. #. Allport, 1869. 8. Condamine Valley, 100 feet below surface; J. H. Hood, 1861. 9. Eton Vale, Darling Downs; £#. S. Gill, 1863. 10. St. Ruth’s Station, Condamine River; H. Campbell, 1865. 11. St. Jean Station, Condamine River; S. St. Jean, 1865. 12. Clifton Plains, Darling Downs; F. Nicholson, 1866. 13. King’s Creek, Clifton Station, Darling Downs; G. F. Bennett, 1877 (about). This list of localities does not appear to include that of the original skull sent to London by Mr. Boyd and purchased for the British Museum. It was from the ‘ bed of a creek at Gowrie, near Drayton, Darling Downs,” and is probably identical, says Sir R. Owen, with the head referred to by Dr. G. Bennett as found by a shepherd on King’s Creek. To the above must be added the discovery of Diprotodon remains in brecciated alluvium by the late Mr. R. Daintree, on Maryvale Creek, Clarke River. Loc. and Horizon. As given above—Fluviatile deposits. * Proc. R. Soc., 1870, xvii., p. 196. + Phil. Trans., 1870, clx., p. 570; Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 240 and 507. The numerous localities at which Diprotodon remains have been found by the Geological Survey of New South Wales and Collectors in South Australia and Queensland are not included here. ~ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1872, xxviii., Pt. 3, p. 274. 669 Diprotopon minor, Huzley. Diprotodon minor, Huxley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1862, xviii., p. 422, t. 21, ff. 4-6:* Nototherium, sp., Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, p. 511. Diprotodon minor, Etheridge fil., Cat. Australian Foss., 1878, p. 181. » % De Vis, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1888, v., Pt. 2, p. 38, Pl., top figs. Obs. The fossils described by Prof. Huxley as representing a small species of Diprotodon appear to be regarded by Sir R. Owen as a Notutherium, it we may judge by the very brief remarks he makes in his “‘ Extinct Mammals of Australia.” Latterly Mr. De Vis has studied Diprotodon minor, and states that both of the species figured by Huxley “ were in 1887 identified by Sir R. Owen with ascertained species of his genus Nototherium ; D. (australis?) was figured as N. Mitchelli, D. minor as N. victoria.” I have failed to find any identification of this kind by Prof. Owen, who simply suggests to the reader a comparison of Huxley’s D. minor with his Nototherium Mitchelli. The conclusions arrived at by Mr. De Vis are as follows :—“ The premolars figured by Professor Huxley are unmistakably those of Diprotodon. The distinctness of the animal they represent from D. australis, affirmed with some reserve by Prof. Huxley, and practically without reserve by Sir R. Owen, is confirmed by fresh evidence. The differences between the three premolars made known are reconcilable, the difficulty raised by them less than that of admitting three allied species in the same habitat. They represent one form, 7). minor, which is a species, and not the female of D. australis. The genus therefore combines two species, D. australis, Ow., and D. minor, Hux.” Loc. and Horizon. Gowrie, Darling Downs (Ff. NV. Isaac)—F luviatile deposits. Genus—HUOWENTA, De Vis, 1891. Owenia, De Vis, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1887, iv., p. 100 (non Presch, nec Kolli cker). Euowenia, De Vis, Proc, Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1891, vi. (2), Pt. 2, p. 160. Evowenta Grata, De Vis. Owenia grata, vik Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1887, p. 100, t. 1-4; Jbid., 1888, v., Pt. 3, 2nd plate (lower 8). Euowenia grata, De ey Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1891, vi. (2), Pt. 2, p. 160 and 165. Obs. A new genus of Diprotodontide, with the dental formula 7. 2, p.m. 4, m. +. Extinct Mam. Atstealin: 1877, p. 412, t. 84, f. 17 and 18, Heo Conn Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 234. Obs. This name was applied by Prof. Owen to the “fore part of the left man- dibular ramus of an aged individual of a Wallaroo, of the size of Osphranter robustus.” Loc. and Horizon. Darling Downs, Queensland—Fluviatile deposits. * Cat, Foss, Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 231. 675 OsPHRANTER GOULDII, Owen. Osphranter Gouldii, Owen, Proc. R. Soc., 1873, xxi., p. 128. of .; Phil. Trans., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 1, p. 261, t. xxiii., f. 15 and 16, os - Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, p. 418, t. 83, f. 15 and 16. Obs. A corresponding but smaller species of Wallaroo than the last. The name was also founded on the left mandibular ramus. Mr. Lydekker refers this to the living Macropus Parryi, Bennett.* . Loc. and Horizon. Darling Downs.—Fluviatile deposits. Genus—PALORCHESTES, Owen, 1873. (Proc. R. Soc., xxi., p. 386; Phil. Trans., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 2, p. 797.) PALORCHESTES AZAEL, Owen. Palorchestes azael, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 2, p. 798, t. 81, f. l and 2, t. 82, f. 1 and 2, t. 83, f. 1; Ibid., 1876, clxvi., Pt. 1, p. 197, t. 19-21, t. 22, f. 1-4, t, 23, f.1, 2, and 5, t. 24, t. 29, f. 1-3. Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 466 and 500, t. 96, f. 1 and 2, t. 97, f. 1 and 2, t. 105, f. 1, t. 106 and 107, t. 115, f. 1, 2, and 5, t. 116, f. 1-3, t. 129, t. 130, f. 1-4, t. 131. De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1883, vili., Pt. 2, p. 221. “ “r Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 237. Obs. Portions of jaws were described by Sir R. Owen, under this name, without assigning to them any definite locality. He considers that these remains deviate less from the type of the bilophodont Macropodide. than those of Procoptodon, some of which, P. Goliah, for example, were of larger bulk. The entire skull would probably measure about sixteen inches in length. Mr. De Vis has described a portion of the jaw and dentition, since the appearance of Owen’s “ Extinct Mammals of Australia.” He considers P. azael to have been a true saltigrade of Macropodoid type. Loc. and Horizon. Near St. Ruth, Darling Downs, at a depth of seventy feet from the surface (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. > ” ” ”? Genus—PACHYSIAGON, Owen, 1873. (Proc. R. Soc., xxi., p. 386.) Obs. This name was applied by Sir R. Owen to two extinct species of Macropodide in which the massiveness of the mandible was greatly in excess of the teeth it supported. PACHYSIAGON FHERRAGUS, Owen. Macropus Ferragus, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 2, p. 784, t. 81, f. 4, t. 82, f. 3 and 4, t. 105, f 3. Pachysiagon Ferragus, Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, p. 449, t. 96, f. 4, t. 97, f. 3 and 4, t. 105, f. 3. Obs. Obs. P.vrapha, from the portions hitherto found, consisting of a lower Jaw, femur, metatarsals, &c., would appear to be of larger size than P. pusio, but inferior to P. goliah. The characters of the jaw are nearer to those of Wototheriwm than 1s usually shown in Macropodoid genera. Loc. and Horizon. Gowrie, Darling Downs (@. F. Bennett)—Fluviatile deposits. Genus—PROTEMNOD ON, Owen, 1873. Proc. R. Soc., 1873, xxi., p. 128 ; Phil. Trans., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 1, p. 274.) Obs. Protemnodon is allied to Sthenurus, but is distinguished by the “more simple trenchant shape of the crown of the premolars.”” The upper molars are more like those of Sthenurus atlas than those of Macropus titan. PROTEMNODON ANAK, Owen. Macropus atlas, Owen, Descrip. Cat. Mam. Aves. R. Coll. Surgeons, 1845, pp. 325 and 327, Nos, 1513 and 1519. Protemnodon anak, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 1, p. 275, t. 28, f. 4-9, f. 1-4, 7-10, and 14. sc », Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 428, 449, 498, t. 83, f. 4-9, t. 85, f. 1-4, 7-10, and 14, t. 120, f. 1-6. Obs. The remains of this old Kangaroo hitherto found consist of a lower jaw, metatarsal, and other smaller bones. Loc. and Horizon. Condamine River, West of Moreton Bay (Sir 7. L. Mitchell —Colln. Coll. Surgeons, London) ; Darling Downs (—. Hughes—Colln. Worcester Nat. Hist. Soe.) ; Eton Vale, Darling Downs (Z. 8. Hill—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. PROTEMNODON ANTHUS, Owen. Protemnodon Anteus, Owen, Extinct. Mam. Australia, 1877, p. 448, t. 88, f. 18, t. 110. Obs.- The remains of this species, consisting of a right and left mandibular ramus, with molar dentition, are described by Sir R. Owen without affixing a locality. This is united by Mr. Lydekker with Protemnodon rechus, Owen, and referred to Macropus. : Loe. and Horizon. Clifton, Darling Downs (Dr. G. Bennett and PF. N. Lsaacs— Colln. Brit. Mus.) ; Gowrie, Darling Downs (Dr. G. Bennett—Colln. Brit. Mus.)— Fluviatile deposits. PROTEMNODON MIMAS, Owen. Protemnodon mimas, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 1, p. 278, t. 24, f. 18-16, t. 26, f. 1-8, t. 27, f. 1-4 and 14. Fp An Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 431, 447, t. 84, f. 13-16, t. 86, f. 1-8, t. 87, f, 1-4 and 14. ; Obs. In this species, says Professor Owen, “a greater depth and thickness of mandible, and a concomitant large size of molars, are associated witha relatively smaller size of the trenchant premolar, which does not exceed that in P. anak.” This is united by Mr. Lydekker with Sthenurus brehus, Owen, and referred to Macropus. . ; Loc. and Horizon. Gowrie Creek, Darling Downs (Dr. G. Bennett); Eton Vale, Darling Downs (Sir D. Oooper—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. 678 Protemnopon Oc, Owen. Protemnodon Og, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 1, p. 277, t. 25, f. 5 and 6, 11-18, as », Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, p. 480, t.85, f. 5 and 6, 11-18. Obs. Of this species Prof. Owen remarks—“ With a certain increase of size of» both mandible and molar teeth, represents the form and size of the premolars in P. Anak.” Mr. Lydekker unites the specimens with Protemnodon anak, Owen, in part, and Sthenurus atlas, Owen, in part, and refers them to Macropus. Loe. and Horizon. Gowrie, Darling Downs (Sir D. Cooper—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. PROTEMNODON RECHUS, Owen. Protemnodon rechus, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 1, p. 281, t. 27, f. 10-13. ” »» Owen, Extinct Mam, Australia, 1877, p. 434, t. 87, f. 10-13. Obs. In a left mandibular ramus “the molars have the characters of those of P.anak . . . but the increase in size is more than can be granted to difference of sex.’’ Loc. and Horizon. King’s Creek, Clifton Station, Darling Downs (@. King)— Fluviatile deposits. Genus—STHENURUS, Owen, 1873. (Proc. R. Soc., xxi., p. 128.) STHENURUS ATLAS, Owen. Macropus Atlas, Owen, in Mitchell Three Expeds. Int. E. Australia, 1838, ii., p. 359, t. 29, f. 1. Owen, Descrip. Cat. Mam. Aves R. Coll. Surgeons, 1845, pp. 325-330, Nos. 1513-16, 1519- 1520, 1525, and ? 1527. Sthenurus atlas, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1874, clxiv., p. 265, t. 20, f. 30, t. 22, f. 3-9, t. 24, £. 4-93 Jbid., 1876, clxvi., Pt. 1, p. 210. Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 416, 439, 446, t. 76, f. 2 and 3, t. 77, f. 4 and 5, t. 79, £. 4, t. 80, f. 30, t. 82, £. 3-9, t. 84, £. 4-9, t. 88, f. 1-4. Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 232. ” 99 Obs. The form and structure of the premolars in this and its fellow species, as compared with their proportion to the molars behind, indicate, according to Prof. Owen, a distinct sub-genus of Macropodide. The name Sthenurus was suggested by the form and proportions of the vertebre of the very powerful tail of this great extinct Kangaroo. The portions hitherto recorded consist of jaws with teeth, portion of a skull, and tail vertebra. Loc. and Horizon. Darling Downs (Sir C. Nicholson—Colln. Oxford University Mus.) ; Gowrie, Darling Downs (Sir D. Cooper—Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. STHENURUS BREHUS, Owen. Sthenurus Brehus, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1874, clxiv., Pt. 1, p. 272, t. 27, £.5-9 ; Ibid., 1876, clxvi., Pt.1, p. 212, t. 28. = as Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, pp. 424, 442, 449, t. 87, f. 5-9, t. 88, f. 5-10,t. 92, f. 6 and 7, t. 108, t. 109, ? t. 77, £.-7. Macropus brehus, Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 207. Obs. The foremost of the upper incisors in this species “has a greater relative superiority of size over the second and third than in any existing species of Kangaroo.” Loc. and Horizon. Clifton Station, Darling Downs.—F luviatile deposits. 679 Genus—STHENOMERUS, De Vis, 1883. (Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, viii., Pt. 1, p. 15.) STHENOMERUS CHARON, De Vis. Beinerié Charon, De Vis, Loe. cit., p. 15. Obs. Of this animal the portions hitherto discovered consist of a deciduous molar, a femur, radius, and ulna. Mr. De Vis remarks—‘ In dentition the animal diverges considerably from Wototheriwm, more so from Diprotodon ; its divergence is towards the Macropodide. In its long bones it approaches very closely to Diprotodon, possibly to Nototherium also. Its thigh-bone shows that it hardly departed from these in the structure and movements of its hind-quarters. It is, in sbort, a transition form.” The tooth is fourteen lines in length, ten and a-half lines in its anterior and nine lines in its posterior transverse diameter. Loc. and Horizon. Gowrie Creek, Darling Downs (H. Tryon—Colln. Queens- land Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. Genus—BRACHALLETES, De Vis, 18838. (Proc. Linn, Soc. N. S. Wales, vili., Pt. 3, p. 191.) BRACHALLETES PatmEnt, De Vis. Brachalletes Palmeri, De Vis, Loc. cit., p. 191. Obs. Mr. De Vis has lately drawn attention to the great divergence which exists amongst the various genera of Macropodide in the “gluteal angle” of the femur. “ By gluteal angle is meant the angle made with the long axis of the bone by a straight line touching the top of the trochanter and the summit of the head”’ of the bone in question. The value of this angle, adds Mr. De Vis, expresses the measure of the leaping ability of the animal. A femur lately discovered, having the very open gluteal angle of 773°, has afforded this Author the opportunity of establishing the above genus, the loss of saltatory power consequent on this open angle quite precluding its reference to any of the more typical genera of Macropodide. The femur of B. Palmert was equal in size to that of Palorchestes azael, Owen, and not much inferior to Procoptodon goliah, Owen. The generic name has reference to the contracted gait of the animal. Loc. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queers land Mus.)—Chinchilla Conglomerate. Genus—TRICLIS, De Vis, 1888. (Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, iii. (2), Pt. 1, p. 8.) TRICLIS OSCILLANS, De Vis. Triclis oscillans, De Vis, Loe. cit., p. 8, t. 1. Obs. Both genus and species are founded on a left mandibular ramus, which seems to indicate an animal allied to a gigantic Hypsiprymnodon. Mr. De Vis remarks :— “Tt would seem that the relations of the extinct animal are complex ; capriciously, as it were, its relic yields us glimpses of each of the three families so frequently named [z.e., Phalangeride, Pleopodide, and Macropodide] . . . . . Though its affinity to Hypsiprymnodon may be said to be paramount, it must be confessed that it is not so to any great extent.” In Triclis the lower incisor is followed by a tooth, small in size, but occupying the position of the so-called canine in the Phalangeride. In Hypsiprymnodon, on the other hand, this tooth is absent. 680 The name Triclis had already been employed by Loew for a genus of Diptera, in 1851. Loc. and Horizon. King’s Creek, Darling Downs (2. Frost—Colln. Queensland Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. Genus—SYNAPTODON, De Vis, 1889. (Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, v., Part 5, p. 159.) Gen. Char. Molars rooted, antibilophodont, distant at base, in contact by facetted projections fore and aft. (De Vis.) Obs. This genus is founded on a fragment of a right lower jaw, says Mr. De Vis, with a nearly perfect cheek-tooth and the half of its adjacent posterior neighbour, which are said in their form and connection to be unique. They abut against each other, not by a basal line of contact, resulting from pressure in the rear as usual, but by means of coadapted processes extending from each end of each tooth, somewhat after the fashion of a vertebral zygopophysis. . SYNAPTODON HyoruM, De Vis. Synaptodon cevorum, De Vis, Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1889, v., Pt. 5, p. 169. ; Sp. Char. The perfect tooth is nine millimetres in length, and five millimetres in its greatest breadth. The space between the teeth is nearly equal to the length of each fore lobe. (De Vis.) Obs. The general facies of the teeth induced the Author above quoted to con- sider them as belonging to a new genus of Macropodide. Loe. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Darling Downs—(Colln. Queensland Mus.)— Chinchilla Conglomerate. Family—DASYURIDZ&. Genus—THYLACINUS, Temminck, 1827. (Mon. Mammologie, i., p. 60.) THYLACINUS SPELHUS, Owen. Dasyurus laniarus (pars.), Owen in Mitchell Three Exped. Int. E. Australia, 1888, ii., p. 363, t. 31, f. 7. Thylacinus spelceus, Owen, Descrip. Cat. Mam. and Aves R. Coll. Surgeons, 1845, pp. 335-36, Nos. 1548-49. s5 major, Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, p. 106. ie », Luydekker, Cat. Foss, Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 264. Obs. This species is said to be represented from the Queensland Post-Tertiary Series by part of aright ulna, and axis vertebra in the British Museum (Natural History Branch). Loc. and Horizon. Queensland (Colln. Brit. Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. Genus—SARCOPHILUS, F. Cuvier, 1838. (Hist. Nat. Mam., vii., 70me Livr., p. 2.) SARCOPHILUS LANIARIUS, Owen. Dasyurus laniarius, Owen in Mitchell Three Exped. Int. E. Australia, 1838, ii., p. 363, t. 31, f. 3-6. Sarcophilus laniarius, Owen, Extinct Mam. Australia, 1877, p. 105, t. 5, f. 1-6. a a Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 265. Loc. and Horizon. Gowrie, Darling Downs (G. F. Bennett—Colln. Brit. Mus.) —Fluviatile deposits. 681 SARCOPHILUS PRIOR, De Vis. Sarcophilus prior, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1883, viii., Pt. 2, p. 189. Obs. The discovery of a portion of a right tibia, with the head preserved, has enabled Mr. De Vis to determine the former presence in Northern Australia of an animal allied to the Tasmanian Devil. The bone gives the impression of a better-knit and more muscular animal, of a size too superior to be included in the same species with §. wrsinus, one whose last molar must have equalled, or nearly equalled in size, the great sectorial of a large dog. Loc. and Horizon. Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.)— Fluviatile deposits. Genus—DASYURUS, Geoffroy, 1796. si (Bull. Soc. Phil. Paris, i., p. 106.) Dasyurus viverrinus, Shaw. Didelphis viverrinus, Shaw, Gen. Zool., 1800, i., Pt. 2, p. 433. Dasyurus viverrinus, Waterhouse, Nat. Hist. Mam., 1846, i., p. 442. + A Krefft, Mam. Australia, 1871, t. 13. 9 of Lydekker, Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., 1887, Pt. 5, p. 268. Obs. Numerous fragments of the skeleton ofthe Native Cat have been found in the Wellington Valley Caves, but only one specimen, a nearly entire right mandibular ramus, has been recorded from Queensland. | Loe. and Horizon. Gowrie, Darling Downs (G. F. Bennett-—Colln. Brit. Mus.) —Fluviatile deposits. MARSUPIALIA INCERTA SEDIS. Genus—SCHPARNODON, Ramsay. (Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1881, v., Pt. 4, p. 495.) Sceparnopon Ramsay, Owen. Sceparnodon Ramsayt, Owen, Phil. Trans., 1884, clxxv., Pt. 1, p. 245, t. 12. Obs. But one species of this genus, and of that only the teeth are known. They resemble the scalpriform incisors of the upper jaw of Rodents, but the microscopic structure of the dentine has a nearer resemblance to that of the incisors of the large extinct Phascolonus. Sceparnodon Ramsayi is believed by Prof. Owen to have been a large massive animal, and in all probability matsupial. Mr. Richard Lydekker has recently suggested* that it is identical with Owen’s genus Phascolonus ; but Mr. De Vis, who has had far better opportunities of studying the question, remarks—‘ Phascolonus, Owen, is demonstrably good; but the ground on which it has been separated—namely, by identification with Sceparnodon, a determination so improbable in itself that nothing short of direct proof should suffice to give it currency—appears to me quite inadequate to say the least.” Not only does Mr. De Vis combat the view that the teeth known as Sceparnodon Ramsayi “ grew in the upper jaw of Phascolonus,” but he believes that * they include the teeth from both jaws of the otherwise unknown animal.’ { His reasons for this opinion are too lengthy for quotation here, but are well worth perusal by those interested in the question. His final paragraph is—‘‘ It must be concluded that both * Cat. Foss. Mam. Brit. Mus., Pt. 5, 1887, p. 159; and Proc. R. Soc., xlix., p. 60. + Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1891, vi. (2), p. 237. t Ibid., p. 258, 682 the upper and lower incisors of Sceparnodon are known, and, consequently, that Sceparnodon is not a synonym of Phascolonus.” There is much to be said for the bold conception given when defining the Family Nototheride—viz., ‘‘ Probability is also in favour of Sceparnodon proving to belong to this family.’’* The geographical range of Sceparnodon is a wide one, as teeth have been found in the vicinity of Lake Eyre, South Australia; and in addition to the Queensland locality a number have been found in the rich bone deposit of Myall Creek, near Bingara, N.S. Wales, by Mr. Charles Cullen, Collector to the Geological Survey of N. 8S. Wales. Loc. and Horizon. King’s Creek, Darling Downs (The late C. H. Hartmann— Colin. Australian Mus.; C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queensland Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. Order—SIRENIA. Family—MANATID. Genus—CHRONOZOON, De Vis, 1883. (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, viii., Pt. 3, p. 395.) CHRONOZOON AUSTRALE, De Vis. Chronozoon australe, De Vis, Loc. cit., p. 395, t. 17. Obs. A portion of a skull, consisting of the parietal and upper part of the occipital bones of a non-marsupial animal, has been described by Mr. De Vis, and com- pared to the corresponding portions of a Dugong. The chief difference between the fossil and the skull of the Dugong consists in a shallower temporal fossa and feebler muscles for working the jaws. A mould taken from the interior surface of these bones has enabled the Author to study the brain characters with much success. The brain was clearly of inferior development to those of existing Sirenians, “and a smoothness of skull indicatory of feebler masticating power, may have been the ¢o-adaptation of the softer vegetation and less perilous condition of life enjoyed by a Sirenian tenant of fresh waters.” Loc. and Horizon. Chinchilla, Darling Downs (C. W. De Vis—Colln. Queens- land Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits, associated with Crocodile, Turtles, Ceratodus, and the remains of land animals. Order—UNGULATA, Family—DICOTYLIDZ. Genus—PROCHZRUS, De Vis, 1886. (Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, iii., p. 47.) PROCHHRUS CELER, De Vis. Procherus celer, De Vis, Loc, cit., p. 47, t. 1. Obs. The occurrence of various peculiar teeth in the Post-Tertiary Beds of Darling Downs has led Mr. C. W. De Vis to suggest the former presence in Australia of a swine-like animal, more nearly allied to the Peccary (Dicotyles) than to the true Pigs. The teeth so determined are a quinque-tuberculate tooth of bunodont type, of the general shape of the last lower molar of Dicotyles torquatus, Cuv.; a middle lower * Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, 1891, vi. (2), p. 164. 683 incisor of the left side ; several second upper incisors, and a portion of the crown of a compressedly triangular tusk. These are described in detail by Mr. De Vis, and compared with their supposed living homologues. On the general question the Author remarks :—‘ It is truly a remarkable fact that New Guinea swine have never, to our knowledge, accomplished the short passage between the northern and southern shores of Torres Straits, or, having done so, failed to establish themselves where the European pig finds it easy to recover and maintain its independence.’ He concludes by stating that the comparative frequency of its teeth shows that it was not altogether a rare member of the Post-Pliocene Fauna of Queensland. Loe. and Horizon. Sharrow and other localities, Darling Downs (0. W. De Vis— Colln. Queensland Mus.)—Fluviatile deposits. Order—PROBOSCIDEA. Family—ELEPHANTID2. Genus—NOTOELEP HAS, Owen, 1882. (Proc. R. Soc., xxxiii., p. 448.) NoToOELEPHAS AUSTRALIS, Owen. Notoelephas australis, Phil. Trans. 1883, clxxiii., Pt. 3, p. 777, t. 51. Obs. This genus and species were founded on portions of a tusk indicating a mammal larger than Déprotodon, in fact the largest fossil mammal yet foreshadowed amongst the extinct Australian forms. Sir Richard Owen appears to regard it as a Proboscidian Placental. He says, ‘‘ Supposing the dingo to be a human introduction into the Australian Continent,* we here have a gyrencephalous exception to the characteristic aboriginal mammalian organisation of that remote southern continent.” He does not appear to apprehend any connection between this tusk and the molar tooth formerly described by him, and forming a portion of the late Count P. EH. de Strzelecki’s Collection. Prof. Owen remarks that this molar is too large to be associated with the tusk, supposing the latter to have come from the upper jaw of a full-grown individual of its species. Up to the time of the publication of his “ Fossil Mammals of Australia,” , Owen had received no confirmatory evidence from the Australian Continent of the former existence of any animal to which this molar could have belonged. Grave doubts have been expressed by several Writers as to the probability of this tooth as an Australian fossil, and it would perhaps be better to expunge it from the list. Loc. and Horizon. Darling Downs (The late F. N. Isaac)—Fluviatile deposits. In closing this very brief and imperfect account of the Post-Tertiary vertebrate remains of Queensland, it may not be out of place to refer to the “‘ Great Bone Beds” of Mount Guthrie, Berserker Ranges, near Rockhampton. From the notes of the late Mr. James Smith, who investigated this deposit, it would appear to be a tufaceous limestone containing the remains of leaves and shells, probably Helix, but I have not been able to satisfactorily determine the presence of bones in the specimens I have seen. The matrix very much resembles the Hobart Travertin, but is more friable and stalagmitic, and lighter in colour. E. * Ample evidence now exists to show that the Dingo was coeval with these extinct marsupials both in New South Wales and Victoria. CHAPTER XXXVIILI. THE GEOLOGY OF BRITISH NEW GUINEA. Mr. A. Gibb Maitland, of the Geological Survey of Queensland, travelled exten- sively in New Guinea and the adjacent islands from May to September, 1891, and since his return has made a valuable Report, of which I am enabled, through the kindness of His Honour Sir William Macgregor, to give a brief reswmé. The Report embodies not only Mr. Maitland’s own observations, but also a digest of those of previous observers, and is accompanied by Geological Maps. Mr. Maitland gives the following table of Geological Formations :— Recent Superficial Deposits— Wide Plains along the Rivers ; Coastal Flats, &e. Coral Reefs, Coral Islands, Upraised Reefs, and associated deposits. Kevori Grits: Post-Tertiary—Grits, Sandstones, and Conglomerates. Port Moresby Beds: Tertiary ?—Greenish Sandy Shales, Limestones, Calcareo- Siliceous Beds of Port Moresby. Boioro Limestones, of undetermined age—Greyish Limestones, &c., of Boioro and the Coast. Metamorphic Rocks, of undetermined age—Schists, Slates, Gneiss, Kc. Igneous Rocks—Basalt and other Volcanic Rocks, Ashes, &c. Plutonic and Intrusive Rocks—Diorite and other Basic Plutonic Rocks, Granite, Mica-Trap, &c. RECENT SUPERFICIAL DEPOSITS. Recent Superficial Deposits are represented as commencing on the Southern Coast at the mouth of the Vanapa River, west of Port Moresby, and occupying a belt _of country which gradually widens until, at the Dutch Boundary, it covers three out of the four degrees of latitude which comprise the Western limit of the British Possessions. CORAL REEFS, CORAL ISLANDS, UPRAISED REEFS, AND ASSOCIATED DEPOSITS. The exigencies of rapid travel did not permit Mr. Maitland to examine any of the existing coral reefs, but opportunities occurred of observing many of the upraised reef masses, especially at Einauro (Cette) Island, Ware (Teste) Island, the Bell Rock, Pannietta Island, Kimuta (Renard) Island, Misima (St. Aignan) Island, and along the north-east coast. The latter present “all gradations, from reefs only a few feet above the water up to two thousand feet above the level of the sea.” Mr. Maitland gives the following description of the upraised reefs :-— “The rocks present pretty much the same lithological characters throughout— viz., very hard and sonorous compact limestones, of a whitish colour. Some varieties are of a distinct yellow or reddish-brown colour. Coral fragments do not appear to be very common ; but in some of the upraised reefs molluscan remains are by no means rare. The limestones, in the majority of instances, are seamed with veinlets of carbonate of lime. “Generally the structure of the coral has been destroyed by the action of infiltrating water. Instances, however, do occur—e.g., at Misima—in which this is not the case. 685 Here the base of one of the upraised reef masses consists of a chalky limestone, in which the remains of corals still exist. In most of the islands and localities examined, these elevated reef masses, when viewed at a distance, present the appearance of vertical walls and level terraces stretching often for considerable distances. The faces of these ‘cliffs are sometimes covered with vegetation to such an extent as to present the appearance of consisting of a huge wall a foliage. “The reefs raised only a few feet above the sea level, such as those of Pan- nietta, present, along the shore, a white perpendicular cliff, of varying height, above which is an almost level tableland, very broken and rugged, and with a very uneven surface. “Gigantic ‘ swallow-holes’ and enormous caves have been carved out of some of the limestones, and are lined with stalagmites and stalactites. The faces of the limestone cliffs are weathered into most rugged and sharp-edged forms, often presenting features of great beauty. “In the majority of cases which came under my notice, the various limestone terraces were horizontal, but at Ware (Teste) Island a marked peculiarity of the reef limestones was their disposal into a series of gentle folds, the axes of which trended, roughly, north and south. In Einauro (Cette) Island, the cream- -coloured limestone had a dip of 50 degrees to the west-north-west.” As the collection of fossils from the upraised reefs has not yet been critically examined, no definite information can be given regarding the age of the deposits. I may remark, however, that there is nothing in the evidence accumulated by Mr. Maitland to warrant an inference which might be hastily drawn from the position occupied by the upraised reefs on his scale of classification—viz., that the elevation— extending to at least two thousand feet—attested by the altitudes attained by the reefs, took place entirely since Tertiary times. The process of elevation may have been going on continuously from a period much further back in the geological story. Indeed the comparatively unimportant altitudes attained by Tertiary rocks may be taken as evidence (however incomplete, and to some extent merely of negative value) that the position of these latter rocks forms a measure of the elevation accomplished since Tertiary times. KEVORI GRITS: POST-TERTIARY. Under this name Mr. Maitland describes a Series of Sandstones, Grits, and Conglomerates, which, in the Kevori District, north-west of Hall Sound, rest directly upon the Port Moresby Beds. The strata in question have been little disturbed from their original horizontal position, but in places they dip at a low angle to the north-east. Mr. Maitland observes :—‘‘ That the Kevori Grits are younger than those which have been called the Port Moresby Beds, and which are regarded by Mr. R. Etheridge, Junr., as being Miocene* or Pliocene Tertiary, is all that the meagre evidence at present collected permits us to say.” PORT MORESBY BEDS: TERTIARY. These beds occupy a considerable area of country, fringing the coast from Caution Bay south-eastward to McFarlane Harbour, and extending inland for about twenty miles up the Kemp-Welch River. They consist of sandy limestones and fine- grained calcareous shales, with black and yellow lenticular nodules of flint and chalcedony, and are generally vertical, or inclined at high angles. * A Miocene age was ascribed to these fossils by the late Mr. C. 8. Wilkinson, not by me. I am in acgord with the late Rev. J. E. T. Woods, as explained later on, that these fossils are much more likely to be of Pliocene age, and probably even to one of the younger divisions of that Formation, (2,2, Junr.) 686 From these beds Mr. Maitland obtained a suite of fossils, which, however, have not yet been critically examined, but he provisionally names the following :— GASTEROPODA. Conus. Turritella. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Cardita. Pecten nove-guinee, Ten. Woods ? Pectunculus. Venus. And fragments of undeterminable corals. CRETACEOUS. Mr. Maitland does not locate on his Geological Maps, nor does he find a place in his table of formations for the strata containing the Cretaceous fossils referred to by the late Mr. C. 8S. Wilkinson and my Colleague,* although he quotes from the writings of both these gentlemen on the subject. The fossils in question, together with a further collection forwarded by the Administrator in the beginning of 1890,+ are enclosed in water-worn boulders and pebbles of white limestone occurring above the confluence of the Strickland with the Fly River. They do not appear to have been found iz situ. The last-mentioned collection consists mainly of corals. As my Colleague comments fully on the Fly River fossils, it is unnecessary for me to say more. BOIORO LIMESTONES (AGE UNDETERMINED). “ What have been called the Boioro Limestones are best exposed in that headland in Launoka Division (Mayri Bay) from which the beds are named. ‘At Boioro, the limestones are of a leaden-grey colour, and are seamed with veinlets of carbonate of lime. The weathered surfaces present a curious brecciated aspect. The bedding-planes, marked by lines of brecciated fragments (?), are inclined to the north-west, at angles varying from 35° to 40°. Some of the limestones contain flint nodules ; in some places there is a gradual passage from limestone into flint. A dyke of dolerite was seen to penetrate the limestones in the cliffs of Boioro. ‘“‘On the very feeble evidence of lithological similarity, the limestones of Rogea (Heath) Island, and the Mainland north of Samarai, in the vicinity of Waiera Creek, are denoted by the same colour as those of Boioro. The Rogea Limestones are arranged in thin beds in a small synclinal trough. The limestones of the Mainland are identical in every way with those of Rogea. In neither place did they yield any organic remains. “The limestones of the Mainland are penetrated by dykes of dolerite, and sections show what have every appearance of being interbedded dolerite sheets. “There is no evidence as to the age of the beds. From their position they appear, prima facie, to be beneath the Port Moresby Beds, and they present totally different lithological characters to those possessed by the latter. They are uncon- formably overlaid by the Recent Volcanic Rocks.” Referring, in a foot-note, to the Boioro Limestones of Mayri Bay and Port Glasgow, Mr. Maitland suggests that the limestones ‘“‘may be merely portions of an upraised coral reef,’’ and observes that “ the adjacent island of Cette is obviously of this nature.” * The only fossil referred to by me as perhaps of Cretaceous age is an Inoceramus or Aucella, the great bulk of the secondary fossils (Ammonites) being regarded as of uppermost Oolite age. (R.Z. Junr.) + Letter dated 6th May, 1890, from the Writer to the Administrator of the Guvernment of British New Guinea. Appx, Z. to the Administrator's Annual Report for 1890-91. Brisbane: by Authority: 1892. 687 From what has already been said regarding the age of the upheaval of the coral reefs, it will be seen that there is not necessarily anything in Mr. Maitland’s suggestion inconsistent with the assignment of an early Tertiary, or Pre-Tertiary, date to the Boioro Limestones. . From observations made by Mr. Maitland at Millport Harbour, it is evident that the Boioro Limestones have a thickness of at least 800 feet. METAMORPHIC ROCKS. The approximate definition of the area occupied by these rocks, in which, and the granitic and other plutonic rocks, deposits of the “precious” and less precious metals may be looked for, is, from an economic point of view, one of the most important results of Mr. Maitland’s observations. The Metamorphic Rocks are separable, according to Mr. Maitland, into two broad subdivisions. ‘The first includes what may be called the crystalline schists, and the second comprises all those other rocks in which the alteration has not gone sufficiently far to conceal their clastic or derivative nature. To draw a line separating the two divisions is quite impossible at present.” An immense area, extending for a few miles back from Port Moresby, nearly to the 8th parallel of South Latitude (the German Boundary) is occupied by Metamorphic rocks, Another large area occurs on the Mainland to the east, at Mount Suckling. Although unexplored, the greater part of the intervening district, and indeed probably the greater part of the highland interior of New Guinea, may be conjectured to be of similar constitution. The islands of the D’Entrecasteaux and Louisiade Groups, several of which are known to be auriferous, are also mainly composed of metamorphic rocks. It will remain for future geologists to determine whether, among these rocks, the representatives of our “‘Gympie” and “ Burdekin’? Formations, and of the still older formations not yet recognised in Queensland, are to be distinguished. IGNEOUS ROCKS. From Mr. Maitland’s Maps it appears that volcanic rocks are met with at intervals from the Douglas River (Long. 144° 15’ E.) to the Eastern end of New Guinea and throughout the D’Entrecasteaux Islands, where they occupy considerable areas. In the Louisiade Archipelago they seem to occur more sparingly, or, at least, they have not been noted east of Long. 152° 40’, where they form some of the smaller islands of the group. Mr. Maitland says that “the Volcanic rocks fall into two primary divisions, the Acidic Series and the Basic Series, the former of which appears to predominate. Representatives of the Trachytic, Andesitic, and Basaltic lavas, with their associated fragmental beds, were met with throughout the Possession. From the fact that these rocks rest, with a violent unconformability, on the most recent strata, they cannot be of any very great age.” Interesting particulars are recorded of some forms of modified volcanic activity in the D’Entrecasteaux Islands and the Mainland of New Guinea. In Fergusson Island, the largest of the D’Entrecasteaux Group, Captain Moresby, Mr. Andrew Goldie, Mr. Basil H. Thompson, and Sir William Macgregor have noted the occurrence of thermal springs. Sir William records that “ the whole of the low country near Seymour Bay contains, here and there, over an area of, perhaps, eight or ten square miles, boiling springs, saline lakes, and thousands of fumaroles, giving out sulphur fumes.” Mr. Thompson describes “springs of boiling water and boiling mud,” and adds that “in one instance boiling mud was spouted up from a chimney-like cavity in the hillside.’ 688 In Fergusson Island (Moratau)* Mr. Maitland ascended the Crater of Diau, 900 feet. ‘‘ The ascent was made up a gully carved out of a blackish ash, with fragments of pumice-stone and a glassy volcanic rock. From the summit an excellent view of the cone and its associations could be obtained. This is a tuff cone. Its south-eastern face is hollowed out into numerous ravines, in which occasional sections show stratified ashes. The crater wall has been breached by a lava, which flowed to within a short distance of the beach, near Worua Island. 1 followed the edge of the lava-flow from its source to its termination, and was enabled to ascertain that its general character is similar throughout. The rock has a glassy resinous lustre and a splintery fracture. Weathered surfaces show undoubted fluxion-structure, the lines of flow sweeping round the sanidine crystals, sanidine being the only mineral visible to the eye. From the summit of the crater the emanation of water-vapour could be seen over a large area of country to the north.” In referring to the small bay in Fergusson Island, to the north-west of Rawat Point, Mr. Maitland observes that “ its peculiar scythe-shaped form pointed to its being the segment of an ancient crater, and an actual examination gave credence to this view. Manifestations of solfataric action were evident on the face of the cliff. . Tn places the sea water was quite hot, owing to the streams of hot water which flowed down from the hills behind.” Mr. Maitland describes two visits made by him to the island of Dobu (Goulvain), south of Fergusson Island, ag follows :— ‘Approaching Dobu from Dawson Straits, it appeared to have all the characteristics of a voleano. Steam could be seen issuing from points on the beach on the north side of the island. “My first visit was paid at about the time of high water. There were several orifices from which water issued at an average temperature of 200° Fahr. I estimated the area over which the waters issued at about one hundred square yards. The gas, given out copiously, had a strong sulphurous odour. The sandstones in the neighbour- hood were slightly bleached, | “A second visit, at low water, showed that the so-called boiling springs were merely fissures to which sea water had access. The sides of the fissures were encrusted with deposits of flowers of sulphur. A few yards behind the fumaroles was a whitish-grey cliff, exhibiting undoubted evidences of solfatarie action. In caverns in the cliffs there occur large deposits of yellow and greyish-brown sulphur, commonly massive, but here and there in the form of acicular crystals. These caverns, many of which I discovered when breaking down the cliffs with my hammer, were found to have a very high temperature. In one case a stream of hot air rushed out witha hissing noise, but this was only momentary.” In the same island there are two extinct craters, which must be of considerable proportions, for Mr. Maitland mentions that ‘“‘a few villages” have been built on the “lofty almost circular wall, roughly estimated at about a hundred feet in height,” of one of them. Mr. Maitland got sufficiently near the active voleano of Mount Victory (on the north-east coast of New Guinea), to see volumes of steam and smoke issuing from the ° sides of the mountain. PLUTONIC AND INTRUSIVE ROCKS. The area occupied. by granitic rocks is apparently not large. So far as exploration has extended, it has only been noted in the Mainland at Mabadaan, north of Sabai Island, and in a few of the islets of Torres Strait. Diorites and other basic rocks, which Mr. Maitland regards as either Plutonic or Intrusive, are met with in limited areas in the Owen Stanley District. a ea ee a ee * In the 1890 Map the name Moratau is applied to Goodenough Island, west of Fergusson Island, 689 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY Gold.—Alluvial gold has been worked in the Islands of Saint Aignan and Sudest, and is known to exist also in Normanby Island, in the Vanapa River, and in the Saint Joseph District. In Normanby Island the gold is associated with cinnabar. Reefs are worked on a small scale in Sudest Island, and have been noted in Normanby Island. In the years 1888 to 1891, inclusive, 8,399 oz. of gold, valued at £34,310, have been reported to the Customs at Cooktown, from New Guinea.* Sulphur.—Native sulphur occurs in Fergusson and Goulvain Islands, in the D’Entrecasteaux Group. Lignite.—Seams of lignite are known in Yaru Island, and on the Fly and Strickland Rivers. Mercury,—Cinnabar has been found in small quantities at Merani, in Cloudy Bay, and in Normanby Island. J. * ««That gold exists in the western and northern portions of New Guinea has long been known; that it exists also on the south-eastern shores of that great island is equally true, as a specimen of pottery procured at Redscar Bay contained a few laminar grains of this precious metal. The clay in which the gold is imbedded was probably part of the great alluvial deposit on the banks of the rivers, the mouths of which we saw in that neighbourhood, doubtless originating in the high mountains behind, part of the Owen Stanley Range.”—MacGillivray. Narr. Voyage of H.M.S. “Rattlesnake,” &c., 1852, ii., p. 69, 2V CHAPTER XXXIX. PALZONTOLOGY OF BRITISH NEW GUINEA. As might naturally be expected, but little is known of the Paleontology of New Guinea. The existence of fossiliferous Tertiary rocks was announced in 1876, by the late Mr. C. 8. Wilkinson, who based his determination on a small collection made by the late Sir William Macleay, at Yule Island, during the ‘‘ Chevert” Expedition. Post-Tertiary deposits were shown to exist by the late M. de Miklouho-Maclay, on the Maclay coast; and since then shells of the same age have been met with at the Aird Hills, Douglas River, by Mr. Theodore Bevan. Rocks of Mesozoic age exist in New Guinea, as evidenced by Ammonites brought from the Strickland River by the late Expedition of the Australian Geographical Society. Although these are only rolled specimens from the river-bed, they satisfactorily show the presence there of deposits of Oolite age, probably about the horizon of the uppermost Oolites. Lastly,* my Colleague’s Collection contains a few Tertiary Corals and Mollusca from Maiva, collected by Mr. E. Edelfelt. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES. Kingdom—ANIMALIA, Sub-Kingdom—C@iLENTERATA. Class—ACTINOZOA. The Collection of the Queensland Geological Survey has been enriched by the presentation of some hand specimens of a brownish-yellow marl, by Mr. E. Edelfelt, from New Guinea. This marl has plentifully scattered through it the remains of small shells in the form of casts anda few fragments of corals. The locality is Maiva Village, at a height of about two hundred feet above the sea-level. Although these fossils are very fragmentary, “any Tertiary Marine remains from the Pacific are of high interest, because of their bearing on the coral reef theory.” + The most striking of the corals is a species of Alveopora, allied to those described by Dr. A. E. Reuss from the Tertiary Beds of the Tiji-Lanang Valley, Rongga District, Java.~ The trabecular septa are strong and spine-like, much curved, and six or perhaps more ina cycle. They have this peculiarity, that they appear to be developed. in pairs—a character to some extent seen in Reuss’ specimens, but in the present fossils carried to a much higher degree. The spurious columella formed by the union of the septa is of the slightest construction. Jn the character of the septa this coral appears *Sir William MacGregor, Administrator of British New Guinea, has forwarded a collection of rolled coral specimens from the Fly River, evidently brought down the course of that stream from its upper sources, where, doubtless, the rocks from which these are derived are in place. Many of the corals present excellent material for microscopic examination, but the absence of the necessary works of reference for their elaboration has so far prevented the Writer from progressing with the work. + Tenison Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1879, iv., p. 539. { Ueber fossile Korallen yon des Insel Java. Reise Osterr. Fregatte Novara, 1857-59. Geol. Thiel, ui, Band, 2 Abth., p. 165, : 691 to be most nearly allied to Alveopora brevispina, Reuss,* but in the other features to A. hystrix, Reuss.¢ If the paired condition of the septa, here so very marked, is a constant and definite character, and it appears to be so, it will at once distinguish this coral from all those described by Dr. Reuss. : The largest and best-preserved coral is a species of Leptoria, a genus not met with either by Reuss amongst the Javan corals, nor by Prof. K. Von Fritsch,t amongst those collected in Borneo by Mr. R. D. M. Verbeek. On the other hand, Prof. K. Martin, of Leiden, describes § an allied genus, Celoria, from the former country. The characters of the New Guinea Leptoria, as pourtrayed in the single specimen, are not sufficiently clear for specific description, and make one long for further material. Leptoria is extensively distributed in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Next in order is a well-marked Galaxea, again only a fragment, but clearly not far removed from the recent G. clavis. The corallum, as preserved, is split in half longitudinally, and exhibits several corallites radiating outwards and surrounded by a copious peritheca. The last to be noted, but certainly not the least important, are two examples, fragmentary unfortunately, of the interesting genus Deltocyathus, distinet both from the Tertiary and Recent species D. italicus, Ed. and H., and the recent D. magnificus, Mosely. The occurrence of this genus in these New Guinea beds is of the highest interest, following as it does upon its discovery by the “ Challenger’’ Expedition in the Pacific. || The material presented by Mr. Edelfelt to the Queensland Survey Collection is of too limited a nature to permit any definite statement to be made as to the age of the beds, but they are either Younger Miocene or Pliocene, probably the latter. The Javan series described by both Reuss and Professor Martin are considered by the latter to be of Miocene age. Sub-king¢dom—ECHINODERMATA. Class—ECHINOIDEA. Order—ENDOCYCLICA. Family—TEMNOPLEURIDA. Genus—TEMNECHINUS, Forbes, 1852. Mon. Brit. Tertiary Echini, p. 5.) TEMNECHINUS Macteayana, Zen. Woods. Temnechinus Macleayana, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1877, ii., Pt. 2, p. 126. Sp. Char. Test small, depressed, circular, and the ambitus rounded; actinal surface slightly rounded and depressed to the actinostome; interambulacral areas twice the width of the ambulacral at the ambitus, and about one-third broader at the mouth, slightly depressed in the middle by an undulating line of suture, which * Loc. cit, t. 3, 1. 1 a-c. + Ibid., t. 3, f. 8a-c. + Fossile Korallen der Nummulitenschichten von Borneo. Palacontographica, Suppl. 1878. Band. iii. Lief, 1, Heft. 3, p. 93.) § Die Tertiirschichten auf Java, 2 Thiel., p. 137 (folio, Leyden, 1880). || Report on certain Hydroid, Aleyonarian, and Madreporarian Corals, &c., by Prof. Mosely. Voy Challenger, vol. ii., Zoology, 1881, pp. 147 and 148, { Loc, cit., 2 Thiel, p. 38, 692 becomes a very distinct depression on the abactinal surface, on which the line of the plates are well marked; pores in a vertical row, slightly oblique, and their zones sunken. Interambulacra have two rows of primary tubercles, each row being flanked again on each side by a vertical row of secondaries, all small and imperforate, both primaries and Secondaries surrounded by circles of granular tubercles, which are frequently con- nected with the main tubercle by a ridge. Primaries of the ambulacra in two vertical rows, each close to its poriferous zone; secondaries not so visible, but the rings of granules are very manifest, with an indented vertical line of suture in the centre. Actinal opening larger, with conspicuous but not deep indentations. Diameter, sixteen ; altitude, six millim. (Zen. Woods.) . Obs. Mr. Woods appears to consider this near the Zemnechinus lineatus, Duncan,* from the Mordialloe beds, Hobson’s Bay, but, again, he adds—“ The nearest affinities are Z. globosus, of the British Crag.” The species is provisionally named only. Loc. and Horizon. Yule Island, New Guinea (The late Sir W. Macleay— Macleay Museum, University of Sydney) —Lower Pliocene ? Family—LAGANIDZ. Genus—PERONELLA, Gray, 1855. (Cat. Recent Echini Brit. Mus., Pt. 1, 1855, p. 13.) PERONELLA DECAGONALIS, Lesson, sp. Peronella decagonalis (Lesson), Agassiz, Revision (Echini Il. Cat. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 1872, No. vii., Pts. 1 and 2, p. 148. 1 7 Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8S. Wales, 1877, ii., Pt. 2, p. 126. Obs. This has been recognised by the late Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods asa fossil from Yule Island, New Guinea. He says—‘“ The specimens, two in number, are extremely thin and concave,on the actinial side, but they are both young specimens, and one scarcely above an inch in diameter.’ Loc and Horizon. Yule Island, New Guinea (The late Sir W. Macleay— Macleay Museum, University of Sydney)—Lower Pliocene ? Sub-Kingdom—MOLLUSCA. Class—PELECYPODA. Order—OSTRACEA. Family—PECTINID. Genus—PECTEN, O. F. Miller, 1776. (Zool. Danice Prod., p. xxxi.) PECTEN NoVH-GUINER, Ten. Woods. Pecten nove-guinew, Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N, 8. Wales, 1877, ii., Pt. 3, p. 267. Sp. Char. Shell regularly orbicular, equivalve, regularly convex, but not: globose, equilateral, and symmetrically rounded at the margin; ears quite square, one being a little obliquely indeuted at the edge, but otherwise almost equal, and rather large, and with from eight to ten very granular ribs; surface with from twelve to * Quart, Journ. Geol, Soc., 1877, xxxili., pp. 46 and 65, t. 3, f, 3-5, 693 fourteen large rounded radiate ribs; each with two rather shallow radiate grooves and transversely striate, strie at the marginal end becoming scaly raised imbrications, eight to ten in number ; interstices furnished with two or three conspicuous granular ribs ; umbone very acute ; Long. 60, Lat. 50, thickness of two valves 30 millim. (Zen. Woods.) Obs. This shell is said by its describer to have relations with Pecten asper, of South Australia, the common Australian P. bifrons, and P. radula, Linn., from the Philippine Islands, but to be distinct from all. Loc. and Horizon. Yule Island (The late Sir W. Macleay—Macleay Museum, University of Sydney)—Lower Pliocene ? Order—VENERACEA. Family—CYRENIDZ. Genus—-CYRENA, Lamarck, 1806. (Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, vii.) Crrena nitipa, Deshayes. Cyrena nitida, Deshayes, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1854, p. 28. x a Canefri, Ann. Mus, Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1883, xix., p. 286. Obs. This species is reported from the Aru Islands, by Canefri; and he quotes New Guinea, on the authority of Beccari. Loc. and Horizon. Aird Hills, Douglas River, British New Guinea. This species, with Melania clavus, Lamarck, and Neritina gagates, Lamarck, was collected by Mr. T. F. Bevan during his Fifth Exploring Expedition to British New Guinea. He says—‘‘The term Aird Hills describes an island of probably moderately recent upheaval, on which a cluster of volcanic cones, some ten in number, and covering an area of about five square miles, are surrounded by deep navigable channels of fresh water. The country for thirty miles to the south, and for some ten miles to the north, is chiefly of low-lying alluvial formation. The general form of these trachyte hills is a volcanic cone. The summit of this particular cone, however, is covered with a deposit of semi-fossilised fluviatile shells, contained in an earthy mould or silty mud.’”’* Class—GASTEROPODA. Order—PECTINIBRANCHIATA. Family—MELANIDZ. Genus—MELANIA, Lamarck, 1801. (Syst. Anim. sans Vertéb., p. 91.) MeELAnrIA ciavus, Lamarck. Melania clavus, Lamarck, Loc. cit., 1822, vi., Pt. 2, p. 165. A AS Brot, in Kuster’s Syst. Conch.—Cabinet, 1874, Melaniaceen, p. 175, t. 21, f. 17 a-c. Obs. Mr. J. Brazier informs me that this species has been met with in the Solomon Islands, but not before in New Guinea. Loc. and Horizon. With the preceding. * Mr. T. F. Bevan’s Fifth Expedition to British New Guinea, 1888, pp. 21-22 (8vo.: Sydney : by Authority : 1888). 694 Family—DOLIID. Genus—DOLIUM, Lamarck, 1801. Syst. Anim. sans Vertéb., p. 79). Doxrium costatum, Deshayes. Doliwm costatum, Deshayes, in Lamarck Hist. Nat. Anim. sans Vertéb., Ed. 2, 1844, ix., p. 144. Fe - Ten. Woods, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1878, ii., Pt. 3, p. 268. Obs. Characteristic casts of this species have been recorded by the late Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods from the New Guinea Tertiary strata. He remarks—“ There is no other species known to me which has the peculiar sub-acute distant ribs, and decidedly eanaliculate suture, all of which, as well as the corresponding shape, are well shown in the cast in Mr. Macleay’s Museum.” These casts are accompanied by others of a Phos, and Strombus nove-zealandia. Loc, and Horizon. Yule Island, New Guinea (The late Sir W. Macleay— Macleay Museum, University of Sydney)—Lower Pliocene ? Family—NERITID &. Genus—NERITINA, Fleming, 1828. (Brit. Animals, p. 321.) Neririna GAGATES, Lamarck. Neritina gagates, Lamk., Hist. Anim, sans Vertéb., 1822, vi., Pt. 2, p. 185. Reeve, Conch. Icon. (Mon. Weritina), 1855, t. 10, f. 47. Brazier, Proc. Linn, Soc. N. S. Wales, 18 ii., p. 21. oy a Canefri, Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1883, xix., p. 66. Obs. This species was obtained in the living state by Mr. J. Brazier at the Katau River, in the “ Chevert’’ Expedition. Loc. and Horizon. Aird Hills, Douglas River (2. F Bevan—Mining and Geol. Museum, Sydney)—Post-Tertiary. ” 9 9 ” A very interesting Paper on the Geology of New Guinea was a few years ago contributed by the late Mr. C. 8S. Wilkinson, Government Geologist of N. S. Wales, “* Notes on a Collection of Geological Specimens collected by William Macleay, Esqr., &c., from the Coasts of New Guinea, &c.”* Amongst these were— 1. Oolitic limestone from Bramble Bay. 2. Yellow calcareous clay from the Katau River. 3. Yellow and blue calcareous clays from Yule Island and Hall’s Sound. The included fossils led Mr. Wilkinson to regard these clays as of Lower Miocene age, and “exactly similar in lithological character to the Lower Miocene beds near Geelong, and on the Cape Otway coast in Victoria.” The larger number of fossils were obtained at Hall’s Sound, and in the condition of casts, but the only two specifically determined were— Voluta macroperta, McCoy anticingulata, McCoy. ” The evidence for assigning a Miocene age to these beds seems to be anything but conclusive. The deposit at Yule Island is a caleareous concrete, composed of Shells, * Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1877, i., Pt. 2, p. 118. 695 Corals, and Echini. These are probably the species referred to in previous pages from Yule Island, and described by the Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods in two papers, “On a Tertiary Formation at New Guinea” * and “On some ‘Tertiary Fossils from New Guinea.’’+ He considers these deposits not as old as the Murray River Tertiaries, or those of Cape Otway in Victoria, or Mount Gambier in South Australia. Although this is clearly a criticism of the previously published view of Mr. ©. 8S. Wilkinson, that the New Guinea fossils are referable to the Lower Miocene, no mention whatever is made of that gentleman’s paper on the subject. In addition to the shells first described, the late M. de Miklouho-Maclay collected no less than thirty-eight species of Mollusca from a greenish sandy clay forming the nearest hills to the coast line, at the Village of Bongu, Maclay coast.t The specimens were determined by Mr. John Brazier, who states § that they all belong to species at present living in the China Sea, in Torres Strait, and around the Philippine Islands. The following is a list of his determinations :— Ranella albivaricosa, Reeve Cultellus, sp. ? Nassa liquijarensis, A. Adams Corbula crassa, Hinds Nassa, sp.? Corbula albuginosa, Hinds Mitra, sp.? Mactra, sp.? Oliva neostina, Duclos Tellina (Tellinella) Mc Andrewi, Sowerby Oliva sidelia, Duclos Tellina (Arcopagia) pinguis, Hanley Oliva, sp. ? Tellina (Phylloda) foliacea, Linn. Oliva lepida, Duclos Tellina (Angulus), sp. ? Oliva ispidula, Sowerby Tellina (Tellinides), sp. ? Oliva, sp. Tellina (Peronea) scalpellum, Hanley Oliva, sp. Tellina (Strigella), sp. ? Terebra straminea, Gray Tellina (Metis) spectabilis, Hanley Conus (Dendroconus) glacus, Linn. Venus (Chione) calophylla, Phillipi Strombus canarium, Linn, Venus (Chione) imbricata, Sowerby Bulla ampulla, Linn. Dione bullata, Sowerby, sp. Atys cylindrica, A. Adams Dosinia canaliculata, Sowerby, sp. Atys cylindrica, var. elongata, A. Adams Leda pullata, Sowerby Atys, sp.? Area, sp. ? Dentalium longirostrum, Reeve In the “Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales ” || I contributed a paper “On our Present Knowledge of the Paleontology of New Guinea,” from which the following extract { is taken, bringing the history of the subject up to date :— During the comparatively recent Expedition to New Guinea in 1885, fitted out by the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia,** a few fossils were obtained which next claim our attention. From the head of the Strickland River an olive-green mud- stone was obtained, full of comminuted marine fossils, chiefly mollusca. The lithological character of the matrix points to volcanic origin. None of the species were nameable. From the first foot-hills of the Upper Strickland River a block of fine sandstone containing Pecten was obtained. This, Mr. A. J. Vogan, who was attached * Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1878, ii., p. 125. + Ibid., p. 267. if fbed., 1885, ix., Pb. 4; p. 963. § Ibid., p. 988. || Vol. i., Pt. 3, 1889, pp. 172-179, Pl. 29. Wee 74 ** Special Record of the Arrangements of the Exploration of New Guinea. Proc, Geogr. Soc Australasia, Special Vol., 1885, p. 157. . 696 to the Expedition, informed me was in situ. Theshells are too much worn by weather- ing to attempt a specific determination, but they seem to have more of a Tertiary than a Secondary aspect. At Observatory Bend, Strickland River, numerous travelled nodules and small boulders were collected, revealing a totally different kind of life, chiefly the remains of Ammonites. But amongst them is a bivalve, either an Awcella or an Inoceramus. If the latter, it is decidedly of the type of the Cretaceous I. concentricus. Unfortunately, the characters of the hinge cannot be ascertained. These fossils are, however, of little importance when compared with the Ammonites. Out of a number of nodules, in which the fossils are indicated by impressions or casts, a fairly representative series has been selected, containing four more or less recognisable species, or at any rate species which can be referred to one or other of the sections into which the old genus Ammonites is now broken up, and the facies of which is sufficiently clear for broad generalisation. The section Stephanoceras is largely represented by an Ammonite of the group of A. calloviensis, Sby., and even closely allied to that species. At first sight the primary cost springing from the umbilical margin are not very apparent in our specimens, but attentive examination reveals them as in D’Orbigny’s figure * of this species, but closer together, and therefore more numerous. It would appear that the umbilicus is smaller than in the European form, and less telescopic, wherein these shells approach Stephanoceras transiens, Waagen,t from Kutch, or S. maya, J. de C. Sby.t They possess the same form and arrangement of ribs as in the latter, which commence quite simple at the umbilicus, and break up at about equal distances into bundles of three, whilst the shell is rather more compressed. The next species partakes of the form of Stephanoceras Blagdeni, J. Sby., or equally well with S. coronatus, Brug. It is a small shell, with the coste of the back and the tubercles less marked than in the above species. On the other hand, the cross-section of the whorls clearly indicates its relation to this group. The specimen also partakes,in some degree, of the features of the shell figured by D’Orbigny as Ammonites Humphresianus ; § but the umbilicus in the former is deeper. A comparison may also be made with Quenstedt’s figure of S. coronatus ||. Two rather well-marked Ammonites appertain to the group Stephanoceras lamellosum, J. de CO. Sowerby,{] but, as compared with that species, possess a wider and more open umbilicus, with the coste of the back less upwardly curved and more horizontal; in fact, the costs are all more direct, and lack the sigmoidal curve on the flanks of S. Jamellosus. From S. Grantianum, Oppel, as figured by Waagen, the cost seem to be finer, but to J. de C. Sowerby’s figure of this species, under the name of 4. Herveyi,** our fossils bear a close resemblance, and also to D’Orbigny’s figuret++ of the same, in the breadth and nature of the back. An affinity is also to be detected in the same Author’s Ammonites macrocephalus,tt but not with that of Waagen under the same name. A third fragment, however, possesses costs as coarse as those shown in the latter’s illustration of Stephanoceras Grantianum. * Pal. Franc. Terr. Jur. Ceph., i., Atlas, t. 162, f. 10. + Pal. Indica (Jurassic Fauna of Kutch), i. Ceph., t. 32, f. 2a, t+ Trans. Geol. Soc., v. (2), t. 61, f. 8. § Pal. Frang. Terr. Jur. Ceph., i., Atlas, t. 134. || Cephalopoden, 1849, Atlas, t. 14, f. 4a. “| Trans. Geol. Soc., v. (2) t. 23, f. 8. ** Trans. Geol. Soc., v. (2), t. 23, f. 5. ++ Pal. France. Terr. Jur. Ceph., i., Atlas, t. 150. + Pal. Frang. Ter. Jur. Ceph., i., Atlas, t. 151, 697 Yet ‘another Ammonite, which Dr. H. Woodward—who was kind enough to examine casts of all these fossils sent him by myself—compares to A. lingulatus, Quenst., of the White Jura. Figures of this species are not accessible to me, and I cannot find anything precisely like it, although it seems to be of the Upper Oolite type of A. Lamberti, Sby., and A. Sutherlandie, Sby., as figured by D’Orbigny,* in so far as the break in the double costation goes, but the back of our shell is much too broad and the coste too fine. The square back, wath its oblique cost, and the marginal crenulations, all convey to this shell a much more Upper Oolite or Lower Cretaceous aspect than they give to it a Lower Oolite facies. Neither is it impossible that a relation may exist between it and 4. Leai, Forbes.+ So far as our present knowledge of Queensland Ammonites exists, there is no connection between the latter and either of the species described above, although our one bears some resemblance to Moore’s Ammonites macrocephalust from Western Australia. The article then proceeded to refer to the fossils already described as collected by Mr. E. Edelfelt and Mr. T. Bevan, and this portion need not be repeated. Such is a brief outline of the Paleontology of New Guinea, so far as it is known to the Writer. Briefly reviewing these facts, it is manifest that the oldest fossiliferous rocks on this Island-continent of which we at present have any record, probably correspond homotaxially with the Upper Oolites of other countries, more particularly the European, at the same time displaying some relation to the Indian beds of the same age. As regards the Inoceramus, it would appear to resemble an old-world Cretaceous species ; but the specimen being a single one, too much stress must not be laid upon this point. It may simply be said that Cretaceous rocks put in a claim for consideration. Of the Tertiary fossils it is necessary to speak more fully, but with caution. The presence of Voluta macroptera and V. anticingulata in the Yule Island deposit, would go a long way towards-correlating the latter with the beds containing these shells at Schnapper Point and Muddy Creek, in Victoria, as suggested by Mr. C. 8. Wilkinson. I was indebted to the kindness of the late Prof. W. T. Stephens, M.A., for an opportunity of examining the Yule Island collection in the Macleay Museum,§ but the species mentioned were not observed there, and only those described by the Rev. Mr. Woods came under observation. An attentive examination of these rather leads me to accept Mr. Woods’ suggestions as to the age of the fossils in question. The matrix is also clearly the same as that containing the corals collected by Mr. Edelfelt at Maiva Village. || The Urchin described as Zemnechinus does not appear to belong to that genus as defined by its originator, Edward Forbes,4{/ and at the present moment I am not prepared to generically place the specimen. It may probably be an undescribed form. The Peronella would appear to be a small individual of the characteristic and generally distributed Australian species to which Mr. Woods has referred it. The * Pal. Franc. Ter. Jur. Geph., i., Atlas, t. 177. + Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., i., p. 178, t. 12a@ and b. ~ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xxvi., t. 15, f. 5 § The fossils were collected by Mr. J. Brazier. || Specimens are in the Mining and Geological Museum, as well as in the Queensland Survey Collection. §| Mon. Echinodermata Brit. Tertiaries, 1852, p. 5. The New Guinea fossil does not possess the typical excavations along the sutural margins of the plates seen in all true forms of Zemnechinus, nor are the ambulacral plates confluent. These characters are emphasised by Forbes and accepted by A. Agassiz in his ‘‘ Revision.” 698 specimen of Doliwm costatum, although only an internal cast, is one of so strongly and distinctly marked a species as to be readily recognisable from the other Australasian forms; the simple and distinct cost and canaliculate suture distinguish it at once. The Pecten nove-guinee is not identical, says Mr. Brazier, with any existing species in neighbouring waters, and must therefore be regarded, with the so-called Temnechinus, as peculiar to the Yule Island deposit. It is, however, remarkably like a South American Pecten, described by D’Orbigny? from the Tertiary rocks of Patagonia, as P. paranensis.* In addition to these species just mentioned, I detected in one of the blocks of the Macleay collection the internal cast of a Strombus, which Mr. Brazier regards as that of S. (Gallinula) Campbelli, Gray, a species now living in the Australian seas. E. *See Darwin’s Geol. Obs. Vole. Islands and Pts. of 8S. America; Voy. ‘‘ Beagle,” 2nd Edit., 1876, t. 3, f. 30. In P. paranensis, each costa, as in the New Guinea species, is divided into three or four ribs. The concentric lamine in the latter are continuous over the costz and intervening valleys, forming frills, but in the former the ribs of the coste are separately decorated by concentric lines of projecting tooth-like spines. The interior ear also in the South American form is more deeply divided than in our species, and the posterior is less granulate, ‘ CHAPTER XL. PETROGRAPHICAL NOTES ON SPECIMENS FROM QUEENSLAND AND ADJACENT COLONIES. BY A. W. CLARKH, F.G.S. INTRODUCTORY. When the following Notes were being compiled I hoped that they would form portion of a larger work, viz.:—The description, in petrological language, of the rocks of Australia ; but want of time, together with the difficulty of getting typical rocks from the other colonies, has narrowed the scope of this ambitious attempt, so that little has really been done besides describing a few of the rocks of Queensland and the neighbouring Colonies. As a Queenslander (by adoption), I am glad to be able to contribute, in any way, to the codification of our natural history; and the appearance of these Notes in Messrs. Jack and Etheridge’s Work on the Geology and Palxontology of Queensland is gratifying to me, and not inappropriate, since nearly every rock described in the following pages was collected by the Government Geologist, or by members of his Staff. For the last three years I have constantly been supplied with field notes and reports on these rocks, and am now entrusted with a great deal of the petrological work of the Geological Survey, so far as the preparation of rock-sections is concerned. The microscopical drawings, signed ‘‘ J. Pheebe Clarke,’’ were drawn and painted from the microscope by my wife. To those persons who know anything of the subject, they tell their own tale; but for general readers it may here be necessary to describe, as shortly as possible, what they mean and teach. Imprimis, the drawings are made from the highly magnified images of extremely thin films of rock. ach film is preserved between two glasses, which are made to adhere together by means of Canada balsam. These films or sections show the exact relative positions of the different constituents of the rock. When they are placed under the microscope, and light is reflected from the sub-stage mirror through the section, the structure or texture of the rock is revealed, and this is a highly important factor in the grouping and classification of rocks. Thus the New Guinea rhyolite, No. 108, drawn on Plate 61, fig. 1, represents fluxion-structure, as do several other of the drawings appended to these Notes. In petrological language, “ fluxion-structure’” means that the section bears irrefutable internal evidence of flow during that period of the existence of the rock when its temperature just allowed the creation out of the molten magma of one or two classes of minutely crystalline minerals, which thus become indices of the past move- ment of the rock. In examining this particular group of rocks it is easily seen that the microscope plays an important part; for to the naked eye the little lath-shaped crystals seen in the magnified section are generally invisible, while the microscope discovers their presence and arrangement in vast numbers throughout the glassy base, resembling what occurs when a bundle of twigs and straws is cast into a running brook—viz., the twigs and straws arrange themselves end to end in the direction of the flow of the brook. Rocks whose sections reveal, microscopically, this end-to-end arrangement of lath- shaped crystals (crystallites) are placed in the rhyolite group. There are other rock structures or textures which are described in various text- books on the subject, and occasionally our own Australasian learned Societies deal with 700 the subject in their published “ Proceedings.” But the fluxion-structure is the most striking, and it suffices to illustrate, in this particular direction, the value of the microscopical examination of rocks. The microscopical examination of its section does more, however, than merely disclose the structure of the rock, for, by using polarized light instead of ordinary light and an avalysing Nicol’s prism (usually referred to as a “ Nicol”), the observer goes further, and is able to identify the different component minerals constituting the rock. Tt is hardly possible to explain, in a short introductory chapter, how this is done; but, to simplify the matter so that general readers may be attracted to, and not repelled from, what is really a most attractive subject, 1 will try to explain how polarized light differs from ordinary light. If we imagine a ray of ordinary light to be magnified many millions of times, then that portion of a test-tube cleaner which carries bristles, or the same portion of the cleaner supplied with an infant’s feeding bottle, may represent, roughly, the ray of ordinary light, the wire being the path, and the bristles representing the cross vibra- tions of the ether-particles. By arranging the bristles parallel to each other a fair illustration is obtained of the polarized ray. Thus, then, in ordinary light, the ether-particles vibrate in all directions across the path of the ray ; and in polarized light, the ether particles vibrate in parallel planes across the path of the ray. Now, to produce polarized light we can compel the ether-particles to vibrate in parallel planes, in two ways—either by reflection from glass or polished metallic surfaces, at certain angles, dependent on the nature of the reflecting material; or by refraction through crystal plates. Nicol (a Scotch professor) found out how to obtain this polarized light by compelling it to pass through prisms of Iceland spar (a variety of calcite), specially cut and prepared; and this is the method universally adopted in petrography at present. To recognise when light is polarized requires a similar prism or reflecting plane. Hither does, no matter what means are employed for polarizing the light to be examined. In the microscopes used for petrographical work there is a polarizing prism beneath the stage, and a precisely similar prism over the eye piece. Both can be revolved ; and by adjusting the analysing prism so that its principal axis is at right angles to that of the lower polarizing prism, perfect darkness covers the field of the microscope, and the nicols are technically known as “ crossed.” By turning the analysing prism the field gradually gets illuminated till at 90° the maximum of illumination is reached, and the nicols are said to be “ parallel.” A continued revolving of the analysing prism would lead to the gradual darkening of the stage until no light passed through, when the nicols would be again “ crossed.” Most of the drawings illustrating these Notes represent sections as viewed between crossed nicols, and under such circumstances the different minerals exhibit characteristic optical properties. For instance, the bands appearing in one of the minerals in the drawing of the Cape Upstart section certainly prove it to be one of the felspar group of minerals. Again, colour is of some value, certain minerals being illuminated vividly, like the augite crystal depicted on Plate 65, fig. 2; while orthoclase is always a delicate lavender grey. These colours vary, however, being dependent on the thickness of the section. There is one system of crystals belonging to the cubic form and its derivatives, none of which are illuminated at all, even in thick sections.* To this group belong fluorspar, garnets, &c. They are, therefore, easily recognised. * A thin section may be about ‘001 inch or less, while a thick section would be about ‘006 inch or even thicker. 701 Finally, to render this introductory preface as complete as possible, I will briefly describe the method of preparing rock-sections. Sorby * (one of the fathers of petrography) prepared his sections by grinding a flake of the rock and polishing it on one side.t The polished surface is next cemented with Canada balsam to a piece of plate glass, which latter forms a sort of handle, as well as insnring more or less parallelism between the two faces of the polished film. The best grinding surface is plate glass with a sprinkling of emery powder (No. 40); and for polishing, I always use flour emery, on another and similar glass plate. The powders are kept fairly moist with water. The rough side of the mounted flake is then ground down till a mere film of rock remains adhering to the glass. That film is the “section.” When properly ground it is in most cases perfectly transparent—hornblende transmitting green light; quartz, white light; and felspars being more or less transparent, according to the changes that the rock may have undergone. Different students have, of course, different methods of working. I use a lapidary’s wheel, which facilitates the work ; but the simplicity of the other apparatus commends itself to a frugal mind. Having then obtained a film of rock containing various contiguous minerals, the thickness of which may vary between ‘006 inch to ‘001 inch, we proceed to mount it in Canada balsam, and then to examine it according to the methods detailed in the above sketch. In this way, a rock-section, when carefully prepared and examined, reveals to a trained eye different contiguous mineral films. The structure and texture of the aggregate is first noted; next the minerals are examined for their optical properties, which are compared with the tabulated optical constants of rock-forming minerals, and thus identified. Lastly, under a high power, t-inch or }4-inch objective, the gases, liquids, and solids included in the different minerals are observed. Under such a power quartz reveals vast masses of gas-bubbles aud liquids with little oscillating bubbles. These bubbles go on travelling round the walls of their tiny prisons apparently for ever ; and in one section, ‘001 inch thick, literally scores of these enclosures can be seen between the two polished surfaces of the section. In one of Fuess’s sections under ‘001 inch thick, belonging to Mr. Jack, I have counted over ten almost superimposed, yet never touching each other, and with room for a score or so more, in each of which the little bubble flew round.t In this particular section there were over 1,000 enclosures in every cube whose edge measured ‘001 inch, and this was by no means a quartz rich in enclosures. Quartz is not the only mineral exhibiting such phenomena. In concluding these few Notes, introductory to the science of petrology and petrography, I will leave the general reader to form what judgment he can on the microscopic structure of some of our Queensland rocks, asking pardon from students of geological science for my temerity in writing such a bald introduction to so vast a subject. A. W. CLARKE. Charters Towers, 26th June, 1892. * H. C. Sorby, F.R.S., late Pres, Geol. Society. + Mr. W. H. Rands, F.G.S., Assistant Government Geologist, obtains excellent flakes by smashing, with a vigorous blow from a sledge hammer, a large lump of the rock ; amongst the débris, Mr. Rands states that generally several suitable flakes will be found. + Mr. Jack informs me that these sections have been in his possession for more than sixteen years ; and yet they stz// show the oscillation, 702 NOTES. SS GRANITES. No. 26. Kitna of Croypon Cram, Croypon (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°661. Colour red. Granular, allotriomorphic. Water-clear quartz, reddish felspars, hornblende sparse, with magnetite, epidote, and ferrite as secondary minerals. Quartz clear, allotriomorphic, with numerous inclusions ; some rather large with moving and fixed bubbles, the latter unaltered by exposure to ice, or a jet of hot air blown on to the section through a blowpipe whose tube was heated with a small spirit- lamp while the slide was on the microscope stage. A few long clear fine prismatic needles penetrate the quartz in no particular direction, in some cases passing through the quartz into a neighbouring felspar. Their index of refraction must be high, for the needles shine out sharply with dark borders. I think they are rutile, which Teall suggests as occurring in the quartz of some of the Scotch granites ; only he describes them in a single word as being “ hair-like,”’* while these needles are not trichitic. An actual measurement (with a Stage Micrometer, however) gave ‘03 x ‘0005 inch. Ferrite is enclosed in the quartz, amorphous, visible under the 4-inch objective. With the ferrite occur flecks and specks of what must be hematite, being bright orange-red and transparent to translucent, but they are found more in the irregular cleavage-cracks and fissures, pointing to secretion, from pre-existent minerals, carried on for ages by the infiltration of water. Felspars much altered, nearly opaque. They enclose dirty light-green epidote. Magnetite occurs once only, associated with possible epidote and chlorite, in the wreck of a plagioclase felspar. In ordinary transmitted light there appear long parallel cuts, allowing the light to pass up through a semi-opaque mass of dusty and cloudy matter. Between crossed nicols, these lines are parallel with an axis of extinction. Whether this is due to the “ aggregation of a perfectly uniform colourless substance along the cleavage-cracks of an orthoclase erystal,’’ as noted by Rosenbusch,* I cannot say. The structure is common in the felspars of Croydon and Charters Towers, and among other granites. Hornblende brown, showing cleavage parallel to C, generally fringed with epidote. If the hornblende abuts on quartz and felspar the epidote prefers, invariably, to secrete itself on the felspar side. A few instances of the fan-shaped groups of epidote occur, as drawn in Zirkel’s Petrography.t - ° No. 162. Ernrertpar Gorp Frerp (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°615. Colour greyish white. Granular, with large fresh idiomorphic felspars, often $-inch long, with well-marked cleavage. Quartz allotriomorphic, and the whole speckled with small grains of biotite. Very little hornblende. Both biotite and hornblende are accessory minerals. * J.J. Harris Teall. British Petrography, 1888, p. 324. + H. Rosenbusch. Microscopical Physiography of the Rock-making Minerals, translated by Joseph P. Iddings, 1888, p. 286. {Ferdinand Zirkel. Microscopical Petrography, in Report Geol, Explor, Fortieth Parallel Washington, 1876, Plate iii., Fig. 4. 703 Felspars frequent and fairly fresh, consisting of orthoclase, microcline, and plagioclase. The first is the least’fresh, and often there is an intergrowth of the first two mentioned. The microcline is exquisitely lined, markings under the }-inch being finer than the finest lines in a good steel engraving. ‘The simultaneous extinction of the two sets of cross lines is marked; one set of cross lines is less perfect than the other, being slightly spindle-shaped or wedged. The angle between the two sets of lines varied between 91° 30’ and 93°, but it is not easy to see when the cross web exactly coincides with the less regular cross lines of the felspar, so that the angle in no case is quite accurately measured. In the plagioclases the angle between the traces of the twinning planes and an axis of elasticity is between 7° and 10°. In one case the angles of extinction on either side of the twinning planes were 8° 10’ and 7° 30’—angles so nearly equal that it will be safe to assume that the section of the crystal is cut parallel to the zone at right angles to MZ. The nearest angle to the mean of these given in Rosenbusch* is 7° 35’, which would give a formula to these felspars of Ab* and An‘.+ Quartz rich in inclusions and microlites. The inclusions are sometimes fluid and dihexahedral, with moving bubbles. The microlites are an interesting feature in the rock, as they closely resemble those in the quartzes of granite found at Summit Springs, Hovallah Range, North America, described and drawn by Zirkel ; but he describes them as being black, whereas the microlites in the quartzes of my section are milk-white by reflected light, strongly resembling the raphides found in Typha angustifolia, Linn.,t except that the microlites much exceed the raphides in length. The quartzes do not always polarize uniformly, and may be described, according to Professor Hutton’s nomenclature of rock textures, as granulitic.§ The Mica is a dark-brown biotite, and very sparsely distributed. No. 14. Cooktown (QUEENSLAND). F. Bauer’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°6437.|| Colour grey. Granular, allotriomorphic. Felspars large, commonly 4-inch and sometimes 3-inch long, idiomorphic, cleavage well-marked when held in light falling onit obliquely. Sparsely scattered allotriomorphic quartz. Little hornblende. Biotite and tourmaline in minute black shining grains and prisms. Quartz rich in inclusions, varying considerably in size, a few just visible under the 1-inch objective; some fluid, with moving bubbles ; others with fixed gas pores, also glass inclusions. They are all spread out in planestraversing the crystal and crossing each other at low angles. The more persistent are rudely parallel to an axis of elasticity, possibly the principal axis. The micrometer screw shows how they “hade”’ in all directions. What I take to be the glass-inclusions are very irregular in outline, being pear-shaped, globular, and quite irregular, resembling the smear left by an oily finger on perfectly polished glass or the magnified image of a finger-mark on a glass-slip such as is used for mounting microscopic objects. Felspars much decomposed, showing the clear, straight lines described in the Croydon granite, No. 26 (probably orthoclase). * “ Microscopical Physiography,” p. 300. + Where Ad represents albite, and An anorthite. Vide note at end of Chapter. + A bulrush infesting tailings-dams at Charters Towers. Sce ‘‘Synopsis of the Queensland Flora,” by ¥. M. Bailey, p. 571. Brisbane: by Authority : 1883. § Prof. Hutton’s Catalogue of Rock Textures, as given in his Paper, on ‘‘The Eruptive Rocks of New Zealand.” (Proc. R. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1890, xxiii., p. 107.) || In determining these Sp. Grs., as large a piece of rock as could be procured has always formed the material for experiments. The piece used in this determination weighed 18,189 grains, which warrants carrying the calculation to the 4th decimal place. This rule has been observed throughout, * 704 Tourmaline is in short stunted prisms, very pleochroic, varying from red, pink, yellow, and green to blue. Often the tourmaline is in rounded grains. Biotite in hexagonal brown plates, very small. No magnetite, and very little apatite. : CooKTowN (QUEENSLAND). A. J. Madden, Esq., Collector. Tourmaline and cassiterite associated with quartz. Although this aggregate of minerals has no place amongst the granites, it comes in with some advantage here, because Plate 63, fig. 2, illustrates a tourmaline crystal in quartz from the same Cooktown district. The tourmalines drawn on the plate show the pleochroism and the cleavage of the microscopic tourmalines in the Cook district. The section was prepared from a piece of quartz-carrying cassiterite and tourmaline, forming part of a large sample of tin ore sent for assay by A. J. Madden, Esq., of Cooktown. The exact locality is not known to me. The ore is typical of over a hundred samples assayed by myself from time to time from the neighbourhood. The tourmalines tend to separate into segments transverse to the principal axis (¢.e., along the cleavage), quartz filling up the spaces left. The quartz so introduced between the segments “ orients” uniformly with that contiguous to the sides of tourmalines. The quartz does not always uniformly polarize, however; much of it is in the form of granulitic aggregates. These aggregates often, but not always, border large grains of ‘quartz, separating it from its neighbours. In these quartzes the tourmalines pass through larger grains and aggregates, sometimes being separated into segments in the larger crystals, and at others in the suture. The interesting question arises, which of the two minerals is the first born. Rosenbusch says* that “ tourmaline is not directly secreted out of the eruptive magma in eruptive rocks, but resulted from the action of fumaroles, carrying fluorine and boron, on the eruptive rock, especially on its felspar and mica.’ Teall also alludes to the action of fumaroles in the genesis of tourmaline. This would rather support the pre-existence of the quartz. On the other hand, the uniform orientation of the quartz - between and alongside of the broken prisms would lead one to think that the reverse was the case. Could it be that the tourmaline crystallised out in the quartz by the action of fumaroles, as above, while the quartz was viscous and under pressure, and that earth-stresses and dynamic metamorphism followed, separating the prisms, after which the quartz proceeded to crystallise P+ Cassiterite isin brown, gum-like drops, sometimes honey-yellow, included between tourmaline prisms. Quartz very dusty and, under the 4-inch objective, shows yellow, yellowish-red, and red flecks, probably hydrated oxides of iron. The inclusions are very numerous, but exceedingly minute. Some are liquid; others might be liquid with gaseous envelopes, but this has not been definitely ascertained. Certainly some of the inclusions contain oscillating bubbles only visible under the $-inch. In all of the section prepared of this rock or sample of tin-bearing quartz, the tourmalines were sharp and highly * ‘Microscopical Physiography,” p. 184. + Since these slices were prepared Mr. Jack has shown me a most striking example of the parting of tourmaline in quartz, the quartz having filled up the spaces between the segments just as in the above samples, but the evidence of dynamic metamorphism is much more striking in this sample (which comes from the same district, and, I strongly suspect, from the same mine). Mr. Jack’s specimen shows how the tourmaline has also been bent out of the straight, small bundles of the prisms following the curve. The bundle of tourmaline crystals forms a flagellum about four inches in length. The specimen came from the Mount Leswell Tin Mine, Cooktown. 705 crystalline. The edges of the partings are still jagged, when highly magnified (4-inch objective), as they were the day they separated. On the other hand, the tourmaline in the Cooktown granite is highly granular, and the small prisms by no means sharp. No. 250. Movnr Brsmancx, CoongarRa (QUEENSLAND). A. G. Maitland’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°66. Colour, dark-brown. Fine-grained, almost microgranitic. Quartz, hornblende, with epidote in grains, plagioclase and orthoclase. Section.—Quartz is hardly granulitic, owing to the epidote, which is interstitial. But for this it would fulfil the definition—viz., “ In approximated allotriomorphic grains, small, of nearly the same size, and independently oriented.” Rare mica; in one case it is fibrous, much broken up into septe between crossed nicols, the ends of the fibres frayed out, the whole slightly curved in the form of the letter S. No apatite or magnetite. No. 257. Drrwenr Creex, Coongarra (QUEENSLAND). A. G. Maitland’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°718. Colour, dirty red. These rocks are not true granites, and, according to Professor Hutton’s system, would be placed in the elvanite group, as they consist of microgranitic orthoclase and quartz, with porphyritic crystals of quartz and orthoclase, and sparsely distributed hornblende, or perhaps mica. Section.—The quartzes are generally allotriomorphic, and often the felspar and quartz are in a crystalline-granular state—pegmatitic (graphic-granite). Rutiey would probably class these two rocks as haplites. The pegmatitic quartzes carry the usual inclusions, but they are minute, and a great many are mobile. The inclusions are not arranged in lines, but occur without system, and, as it were, haphazard; while in the porphyritic quartzes the inclusions’ are arranged much more systematically, being generally strung together in lines, which, however, bear no constant relation in their direction to the crystallographic or any other axis. The felspars are finely fibrous. One single example occurs of plagioclase. It is too much altered to classify, but it is distinctly banded ; and the angles of extinction, right and left of the twinning planes, are—right, 10° 40’; left, 15° 30’. The fibres cross at an angle of 46° 30’. Some of these fibre-spectra cross each other at right angles, and are suggestive of microcline, but the felspars are all so opaque that their optical properties are not discernible with any precision. Unfortunately, in the three slices beside me of this rock, the hornblende or mica isabsent. One or the other, however, occurs, or perhaps both may occur, as accessory minerals visible to the naked eye, in the hand specimeus. No. 255. Derwent Creek, CooLgarra (QUEENSLAND). A. G. Maitland’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°568. Colour, a dirty grey, with ill-defined dirty green specks of secondary origin. The same remarks apply to this rock as to No. 257, except that some ferrite occurs, and a little epidote around very minute hornblendes. 2w 706 No. 188. Homestrap Rance, Norruern Rattway (QUEENSLAND). W.H. Rands’ Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°58. Colour, red. Would be placed by Professor Hutton in the same class as Nos. 255 and 257. Orthoclase is the prevailing felspar. Sometimes the latter is quite clear and limpid. The kaolinized felspars are stained red with oxide of iron, and sometimes ferrite is concentrated round centres, the eyes of which are opaque, the edges being transparent and just stained. Section—Micropegmatite occurs, showing the simultaneous extinction of the interpenetrating quartz when the section is revolved. The quartzes contain the usual fixed and oscillating bubbles. The micrometer-screw reveals planes formed of extremely minute inclusions which have a faintly pink tinge to my eye, and are transparent. The inclusions are probably glassy. Sometimes their shape is similar to that of the inclusions described as occurring in quartzes in the Cooktown granite, but more often they are round or ovate; the smallest would measure less than ‘0001 inch. The micrometer- screw shows how they traverse the crystal in various planes, whose directions are independent of any of the crystal axes. The quartz, when porphyritic, is often idio- morphie, as is also the orthoclase. Macroscopically, the rock carries sparse black specks, which have not been determined. No. 202. Norru or Curnaman’s Guuty, Care River Gotp FIeEtD (QUEENSLAND). W. H. Rands’ Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°663. Colour, nearly white. Quartz, white mica, felspars, and garnets, the latter pale yellow. The structure is granular, granitic, or holocrystalline, and the minerals are all fresh and transparent. Section.—The felspars are most abundant, and therefore come first. One felspar is much kaolinized, but still sufficiently fresh to identify. The axes of extinction, on either side of well marked cleavages, are—right, 7° 20'; left, 8° 50’. The cleavage being so well marked, and the angles of extinction with regard to it being also well marked, show that the section is probably cut parallel to the plane of symmetry 010, and the cleavages must be parallel to the basal pinakoid, all pointing to orthoclase which is rather fresh. In addition, there are plagioclase felspars, some very finely striped and others coarsely striped, suggestive of oligoclase. The mica is a potash mica, and possibly muscovite. The sections show marked absorption for rays vibrating parallel to the basal planes in such crystals as are cut transverse to the lamelle. The garnets appear brilliant and rough, of course, by reflected light, owing to their high index of refraction. Their optical properties are normal, and irregular cracks traverse the crystal. The grains average ‘01 inch in diameter, and are of a pale-yellow pink colour. Probably they are almandine garnets. The inclusions in the quartzes are very small, being only just discernible under the 74-inch objective, and under the $-inch a few minute moving bubbles were to be seen. Nos, 240, 241, 242, 243. Vicrorta Reer, Coarters TowErs (QUEENSLAND). These rocks were collected by the Hon. H. Mosman, M.L.C., with the view of determining, through Professor Judd, whether there is any difference between granite bordering gold-bearing reefs and granite bordering non gold-bearing reefs. The four samples were sectioned in my laboratory ; and before their despatch to Professor Judd, 707 Texamined them. Nos. 240 and 241 are from the hanging and foot walls respectively of gold-reef-bearing granite ; while 242 and 248 are the hanging and foot walls of the non-gold-reef-bearing granite. Macroscopically, the specimens are grey. No. 240 is permeated by one single vein, ~; inch thick, of # zeolite, which I have often analysed, as per Mineral Census, Royal Society, Queensland, &. Vide Plate 67, fig. 2. The rock consists of quartz, felspars, and hornblende. There is no mica visible with a lens in the hand specimens. Section.—The texture is granitic, holocrystalline. The richness of the quartzes in fluid-inclusions is very great. Planes of these inclusions intersect in various directions, and each plane absolutely teems with fluid-inclusions. Under the one-inch objective, by oblique reflected light, these inclusions appear beautifully silvery. The hornblende is bright green, in part often crumpled, and sometimes reedy (the “schilfige hornblende” of Rosenbusch). Well-defined crystals of magnetite appear, both included in this hornblende and on the margins. The magnetite occurs in the felspars when remote from hornblende, and in one case the octahedral crystal is in quartz, having been derived from the horn- blende which is contiguous to the quartz, but this is uncommon. All these exhibit strong magnetism on powdering and washing off the dirt, and using the magnetised needle as a means of separation. In the neighbourhood of magnetite crystals, exquisitely clean-cut apatite crystals aggregate, as is the habit of this mineral. In a prism of apatite, ‘008 inch long and ‘OOL inch broad, there is a fluid-enclosure whose figure is symmetrical with its host. The hornblende is frequently interpenetrated by epidote of a yellowish-green tint, polarizing in high colours, and appearing, by reflected light, very rough on the surface, owing to its strong index of refraction. The pleochroism of the hornblende is, for rays vibrating parallel to cleavage, bluish green, and at right angles itis yellow. In many crystals the cleavages are parallel to an axis of elasticity. Felspars.—They are much altered, probably orthoclase amongst them, but not certain, and in small quantity. The section must be fairly thin, since the quartzes only colour to No. 13 in Newton’s scale, and sometimes lavender grey, yet the great majority of the felspars are filled with a perfectly transparent colourless mineral, which is strongly coloured between crossed nicols. From the fan-shaped groups of some of these invested secondary secretions, it is probable that they are epidote. Some may be calcite. In No. 241 orthoclase occurs sparingly and between crossed nicols; the felspar is not simultaneously extinguished on turning the stage. A black envelope environs a luminous centre, and that is succeeded by a luminous envelope environing a black centre (7.e., “ undulose extinction’’). There is a curious affinity between the magnetic iron and the apatite. Very little difference exists between the hanging-wall of the gold-bearing quartz and the hanging-wall of the non-gold-bearing quartz. In No. 242 there appears perhaps iess hornblende than in No. 240, and what there is, is more crumpled. In No. 243, the felspars are less kaolinized, and orthoclase twinned on the Carlsbad type occurs together with plagioclase. One large orthoclase crystal shows signs of zonal structure, and exhibits undulose extinetion. “In No. 242 the felspars are most delicately banded, and the hornblende is crippled, while the other parts of the slide can be described as in the foregoing cases. Some of the felspars in No. 240 appear like picture frames with much beading, slightly thrust on one side-—7.e., like quadrilateral figures with their opposite sides equal, but all their angles not right angles. 708 Werriineton Reer, Cuarrers TowErs (QUEENSLAND). From 600 feet vertical depth. Portion of core from diamond drill. Section.—Quartz shows fewer and smaller inclusions, sometimes very minute and red (hematite probably). Epidote and magnetite as before. A little apatite, but less than in the four previous rock samples ; orthoclase and microcline, the former being often filled with fine particles of mineral matter polarizing in high colour. Vide Rosenbusch on “‘ Epidote.” * The other felspars are much decomposed and difficult to identify. The orienta- tion in most of the felspars is undulose. This was the first of a series of rocks that I sliced in Charters Towers, and is hardly thin enough for microscopic examination, the quartzes all polarize in a deep purple colour, owing to this, whereas in the previously described samples from Charters Towers, the quartzes are all light yellow or lavender. The hornblende is much replaced by minerals of secondary origin, viz—epidote, chlorite, magnetite, and viridite. Norrnh Avstrattan Reer, Cuarrurs TowErs (QUEENSLAND). From deep ground. The special characteristic of this rock is the very large amount of hornblende present. Unfortunately I have only the slice, which is too thick, as it belongs to a group of rocks similar to the preceding. There are two varieties of hornblende, a grass-green species with feeble absorption for rays vibrating parallel to an axis of elasticity. Then there are some granules with very irregular outlines, whose greatest length and breadth would not exceed ‘91 inch, whose pleochroism is very marked, ranging through green, yellow, and rose-pink to red, in the course of a quarter revolution of the stage. At one position of the stage the centres will be surrounded by zones of different colours. These, from the high refractive index, should be epidote. The other species of hornblende is brown, showing well-marked cleavages, with an angle of extinction of 14° 40’ to these cleavages. In other examples of the hornblende the extinctions with regard to cleavage, fall to 0°. Absorption very strong for rays vibrating parallel to cleavages. The felspars show a high angle of extinction (—29° 40' on P.) Therefore there must be much anorthite present, as indeed is shown in the following partial analysis of a Charters Towers granite published in the Annual Report of the Mines Department for the year 1887.+ The sample is from the Court-house Reserve, and was dressed up from a boulder at surface. The sample looked quite clean, and was not perceptibly weathered. Silica... ba a ae of oi ... 72°00 per cent. Iiyesey ss fue ni 500 oes sa aos Alumina wae a on wa ate 500 aes fame,-CaQ" iz. my a af mae wae 3°22 i Loss on ignition ire ht a ry sc BO Ee The iron and alumina together present in the sample weighed over 20 per cent. No attempt was made to ascertain whether the iron was protoxide or ferric oxide. The felspars are twinned on the albite and pericline law, and often highly kaolinized. Orthoclase rare. . : The quartzes are full of inclosures, and the same description given in Nos. 240 to 243 applies here. * *€ Microscopical Physiography,” p. 286, + Brisbane: by Authority : 1888, 709 Microliths, probably of hornblende, occur, and apatite often penetrates the hornblende, and is easily recognised by its glaring limpidity, and when cut transversely on o P the crystal sections are, of course, hexagonal and isotropic. Magnetite occurs as in other Charters Towers rocks. Court Hovsrt Reserve, Cuarters Towers (QUEENSLAND). Surface boulder, weighing several tons Is very similar to the last, except that, being a surface stone, nas suffered from weathering, the result of which is that there are few minerals fresh enough to be of much interest, except the quartz, which is exceedingly rich in fluid and gaseous inclu- sions. Magnetite abounds. The triclinic felspars show marked cleavage, rectangular to the striations; and the orthoclases show striz. Tbe minerals of secondary origin are similar to the other Charters Towers samples of granite. Unirep Queen Consors Reer, Cuartrers Towrrs (QUEENSLAND). “Deep ground.” Differs from the North Australian sample in the sparseness of hornblende and its derivatives. The constituents are granular qnartz and felspars, with an occasional prism of actinolite. The rock sometimes has blade-like crystals of green actinolite, two or three inches long. The felspars are like those occurring in the Cooktown granite, No. 14 showing the white ruled surface by reflected light, the ruled lines being transparent by transmitted light, and being extinguished parallel to the principal section of the polarizer between crossed nicols. A little chlorite showing feeble absorption. No epidote. Magnetite, or apatite, and the felspars and quartzes, as a rule equal in size, measuring ‘01 inch. No.6. Star River (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°69. Colour, dark-grey. A medium-grained rock with quartz, felspar, and black mica (biotite) in fairly equal proportion, and a little hornblende. Section.—By reflected light, pure milk-white felspars, other limpid felspars, clear quartz, and dark mica, some black-lustered mineral enclosed in mica and a very little light greenish brilliant epidote. Felspars.—Some of the triclinic felspars are exquisitely marked, the crystals being fresh and the bands extremely fine and sharp. - The finest in the slice is ‘08 inch long by about ‘027 inch broad.* There are twenty-two parallel lines, whose extinction right and left of the normal to the twinning plane JZ is 6° and 6° 10’, respectively, so ‘the section must be about exactly normal to the twinning plane. Another felspar gave 22° 10’ and 22° 30’ on either side of the boundary lines between the lamella. Some of these felspars are not uniform in their orientation, and some of the orthoclases show zonal structure. The inclusions in the plagioclases are numerous; some consisting of clear, colourless, rounded grains; and others similar, but green. With these are black opaque grains, probably magnetic iron, also trichites. The orthoclases are very dusty, with possible kaolin. The hornblende fringed with epidote in places, sometimes highly * None of my microscopic measurements are exact, as they have been determined with a stage micrometer, 710 pleochroic, showing bright green, red, and yellow. Some of the hornblendes are pierced with apatite, its hexagonal section looking like holes. Some of the hornblende has a highly pleochroic tip or teather-edge, which for light vibrating parallel to the cleavage, is reddish-yellow, and at right angles, blue. Many microliths of hornblende in the quartz. The quartz is not plentiful, but is allotriomorphic, full of small inclusions and microliths, much traversed by planes of inclusions, a few with very dark margins pointing to gaseous, a few mobile pointing to fluid, and a few sporadic, probably glass, and a vast quantity of dusty particles. The mica is probably biotite, often pierced by apatite. Magnetic generally contiguous to the hornblende, and in the neighbourhood of apatite. The apatites are larger than usual, measuring about ‘001 x ‘002 inch. No. 77. Kipper Pornt, Mount Exriorr, near TowWNSVILLE (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°628. Colour, reddish-brown. Felspars, quartz, mica, and hornblende. Microscopically there appears to be more felspar than all the rest added together. Felspars orthoclase twins, Carlsbad type, rather altered, showing bright lines as described in the Cooktown and Etheridge granites, often interpolating felspars of the albite and oligoclase type with somewhat broad lamellae. The rock derives its reddish-brown tint from the oxide of iron which stains the orthoclase. ~ Plagioclase, very fine, large, the crystals delicately cross-hatched, Jooking like the plan of a building, but not quite rectangular. In the centre of these rhom- bohedral figures are inclusions of ferrite, hematite, apatite, and dusty matter. The apatite is plentiful and ranges in size from ‘005 inch across the section of prism to ‘0005 inch, and these latter are sometimes ‘04 inch long. Amongst the colonies of apatites are generally to be found greenish hornblende and magnetite. Epidote is rare. Quartz sparse, containing the usual inclusions, which, however, appear fixed, and, from the dark borders, may be glass. The quartz seems to be peppered with dusty particles and glassy inclusions. No. 76. Magnetic Istanp, NEAR ToWNSVILLE (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°641. This rock is similar in every respect to the preceding, except that it appears more weathered, and perhaps carries more hornblendes. It obviously belongs to the same series. No. 25. Mount Catuerine, St. Hetens, neAR Mackay (QUEENSLAND). A. G. Maitland’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°64. Colour, grey. Fine-grained, no mineral large enough to identify without a lens, microgranitic, holocrystalline. Section.—By reflected light, lath-like milky felspars; green hornblende, the larger sections of which are pierced with pellucid apatites which shine like diamonds ; biotite in grains; and but little quartz; the whole section literally peppered with magnetite. 711 Felspars.—About three-fourths of the section is made up of the lath-shaped felspars, which are opaque, even on the edges of the section which is always the thinnest part, being feather-edged. One much altered felspar shows the fine striz in the centre, but it becomes lost on the margins, where the kaolinization has effaced it as a felspar. Another felspar *1 inch long, is very clear, and for a portion of its length is nearly ‘015 inch broad, and shows the traces of twinning plane Jf very clearly. Quartz, crossed by very pale, slender needles, probably hornblende, inclusions unimportant and sparse. Hornblende well marked when cut parallel to o P, showing cleavages crossing at the angle of about 125°. Magnetiteabounds. The larger particles, however, are found more often in the neighbourhood of the hornblende, associated with apatite. Biotite showing marked absorption for the rays vibrating parallel to cleavage. When cut parallel to the base they are difficult to identify, owing to their granular state. A little pyrites in minute cubes in the powder when panned off. No. 74. Mackay (QUEENSLAND). A. G. Maitland’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°68. Colour, dark greyish-brown. Highly felspathic, hornblende, and very little quartz. Section.—The bulk of this rock is make up of triclinie felspars, ‘07 to ‘1 inch in length. Originally, these felspars must have been extremely beautiful—even now the striations are exquisitely regular when not marred by kaolinization. In one mass of twins there are ninety-three lamelle, broken here and there by opaque secondary minerals, but the stripes pass “through” the shadow, as it were, and emerge clean-cut and bright. The angles of extinction, with reference to the twinning planes are, right 2°, left 9° 40’, and in another, right 2° 50’, left 8° 30’. Again, in another, whose colours, in maximum illumination between crossed nicols, are, for one set of lamelle, pale-yellow ; for the other, white. The angles are, right, 24°, and left, 5°. Another gives right, 1° 10’, and left, 7°. Orthoclase occurs in the usual Carlsbad twins, but not plentifully. All the felspars exhibit more or less unduloes extinction. The angles given above are taken from the central extinction as far as possible. In one or two cases the stripes have violet centres and blue ends, with the quartz plate and the analyser arranged for a violet field. Hornblende reedy (“schilfige’’) and absorption feeble, much epidotized. The crystals have been seriously mutilated in the process of grinding, the centres of nearly all being ground away, leaving microliths of hornblende in a ragged state, arranged marginally around cavities originally occupied by the mineral. Magnetite and apatite, the former always and the latter occasionally, associated with the hornblende. The apatite, however, is small and infrequent. One or two hexagonal sections of apatite occur in the felspars. Quartz in allotriomorphic grains, playing an insignificant part in the constitution of the whole rock, pretty much of one size, Ol inch in diameter. The enclosures are normal but large, in some cases fluid, in other cases glassy, and in afew gaseous. A few translucent oxide of iron specks, only visible under the 4-inch objective. No. 23. BovnpEer Creek, Srrent Grove, NEAR Mackay (QUEENSLAND). A. G. Maitiand’s Collection. Colour, red. Granular, allotriomorphic, holocrystalline; the contained minerals include what looks like pink orthoclase, quartz, and a little hornblende. No mica visible in hand specimen. 712 * _RHYOLITES, Eve. No. 1. FrErevusson Istayp, Dawson Srrarrs (NEw GuINEA). Sir W. Macgregor’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°426. Colour, black. Vitreous, containing numerous macroscopic quartz and sanidine crystals. The crystals appear to be centres of cracking.* Fracture conchoidal. Section.—Perfectly isotropic. Glassy base, with plentiful sprinkling of colour- less rods, whose angle of extinction, being parallel with the principal axes of the nicols, would indicate monoclinic felspar microliths. Some of the felspars are tabular, measuring about ‘Ol inch in length and half or less in width, with very minute inclusions. The rods are sometimes plates, looked at edgeways, but this is not always the case; many undoubted rods occur whose arrangement discloses fluxion-structure. The quartzes are large, measuring *06 inch to ‘1 inch in length, and filled with gas pores, all fixed. The Drawing on Plate 66, fig. 1, exhibits one lenticular inclusion in the left- hand corner of the quartz crystal, containing upwards of forty fixed gas pores. The drawing also shows the two habits of the felspars, tabular and prismatic. The cracks traverse the glassy base and the quartz crystal. Magnetite sparse, in well-formed octahedra. Hornblende (?) green; in three instances with enclosed crystals of magnetite ; a few pale-green hornblende (?) microliths visible under the + inch. The felspar laths are mostly stepped, but the tabular felspars are perfectly he The higher powers also show the existence of deposits along the cracks of the quartzes, ramifying, and spread like the dentritic manganese deposits found in the joints of rocks. Very often these cracks pass over the margin of the quartz crystal, penetrating into the contiguous glassy base. Amongst the quartzes are many glass enclosures, whose contours are invariably rounded, but never quite spherical, and the fixed gas bubble is generally at one end. No. 16. Croncurry (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°297. Colour, black. Vitreous. Opaque. Section.—A perfect glass, a little traversed by cracks, in no particular direction. A slab ‘01 inch thick is faintly illuminated between crossed nicols. No. 3. Mironrert Rrver (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2:72. The rock is of a bluish-gray colour, in spheroidal lumps with conchoidal fracture. Section.—Light coffee-coloured glass, perfectly isotropic. Spherical bodies occur in the glass, one of which is shown in Plate 63, fig. 1. As there shown, some of these bodies are certainly crystalline, and the crystals seem to have gathered round one point asa centre, and grown outwards, absorbing the material for their growth from the glass. The microlites near the centre seem to have had the best chance, and to have availed themselves of it, for they are more distinctly crystalline than those more remote from the centre, while the great opacity, and want, apparently, of crystalline structure in the periphery, would suggest the rejection of the material that was of no use to the growth of the crystals. The clear marginal zone round the globular bodies iz every case proves that they grew by the abstraction of certain substances from the glassy base. (Vide Plate 63, fig. 1.4) ‘This is almost analogous to the assimilation of food-stuffs by plants and animals. * These cracks must be produced by the unequal contraction, on cooling, of the quartz and the glass, respectively. This suggests the question, what are the coefficients of expansion for quartz and glass ? + The zone may be due to the heat developed in the crystallization, keeping the neighbouring glass fluid, while the more remote was getting viscous. Thus no more supplies could be got for the growth of the young crystals, except from the envelope immediately surrounding the sphere, which, being less viscous, was more thoroughly drained of the material necessary for the crystal’s growth. 713 No. 11. Mackay (QurEENSLAND). A. G. Maitland’s Collection. This rock is opaque, with a dirty reddish-yellow colour, and might belong to either the obsidian or tachylite group. Section—Only shows a few completely altered felspars and a dense opaque yellow glassy base, which is isotropic on the feather-edge. Mr. P. F. Sellheim, Under Secretary for Mines, kindly prepared this section for me. No. 196. SwHerrretp (TAasMANTA). R. L. Jack’s Collection. Colour, black. Vitreous. Glass with clear little white crystals. This is by far the most beautiful example of pitchstone I have yet seen. The crystals are olivine, and they are mostly preserved in exquisitely regular forms in the glass; the faces 0 P (‘001) are wanting. The section being a little thick and the glass very transparent, together with their high angle of refraction, enables one to recognise in these crystals many of the characteristic planes of the typical olivine crystal. In this rock, students of micro- scopical crystallography have an opportunity of studying olivine in a perfect crystal form. Under the 4-inch objective the olivines are seen to include glass with fixed glass bubbles. The glassy base carries nothing else but opaque dusty matter in spots, which is probably a darker glass nucleus fringed with dusty matter, in whose neighbourhood gas bubbles are commonly found. The glass has bubbles at tolerably regular intervals, and in one or two cases, bubbles are strung out in shapes or outlines, The microlites are very small, and play no great part in the constitution of the rock. They are tabular felspars, not unlike the New Guinea felspars in obsidian described in the No. 1 of the Rhyolites. (Hor Drawing see Plate 64, fig. 2.) No. 58. Mackay (QuEENsLAND): Setection No. 1642. A. G. Maitland’s Collection. Colour, light-brown. Vitreous. Fracture conchoidal, with strongly marked fissure planes, not unlike slate in this respect, rendering it difficult to mount when the section is removed from the grinding-slip. Under a lens, the rock is seen to carry numberless whitish-yellow granules, which appear as yellowish patches on the plate. Section.—Isotropic glassy base filled with most delicately matted microlites. In the plate they appear too white; the real colour is a faint yellow. By reflected light they have just the colour and sheen of the hair of a fair young child. They mark the fluxion, which would otherwise be invisible. I cannot suggest a name for the yellow patches, which are amorphous and well distributed, often enveloping the smaller -felspars. The two ovate bodies in the sanidine crystal are composed of the same substance, and are between the two faces of the sanidine section, as verified by the micrometer- screw. The felspars are fairly fresh sanidines. The extinction-angle of the sanidine in Plate 62, fig. 2, with reference to the crystal edge, is 24°, so that the section must be cut slightly oblique to the clinopinakoid (010), since, were it exactly parallel, it would be about 21°.* The rock is not quartzless, but only three small rounded quartzes occur in a section ‘75 inch square. * Rosenbusch. Physiography of the Rock-making Minerals, p. 281. 714 No. 108. Neri Isre (New Guinea). Sir W. Macgregor’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°407. Section.—A. greyish glass filled with somewhat large felspar microlites, which mark the fluxion-structure, as in Plate 61, and Plate 62, fig. 1. But even if the microlites were wanting the fluxion would still be well marked by the dusty matter with which the glass is charged. The felspars are very clear, almost limpid, and generally of a tabular habit ; though some are prismatic, like the felspar, abutting on the olivine crystal in the three figures on Plates 61 and 62. A felspar is shown thereon close to the margin, which is slightly inclined to the plane of the section. It is one of the tabular crystals, which, hading away from the olivine, has passed through the other side, where it has been ground off with the slice. Sanidine, twinned on the Carlsbad type, is pretty common, and exquisitely limpid. An olivine crystal is represented in each drawing, abutting on a felspar, and the structure of the glassy base, shows fluxion, as marked both by the microlites and the dusty matter. All three are magnified forty-two diameters—(1) polarized between crossed nicols, (2) with polarizer only, and (3) between parallel nicols respectively. The roughness of the olivine is shown in Plate 61, fig. 1. The black crystals on the margin and in the interior of the olivine are either magnetite or titanic iron, more probably the latter. Under the }-inch objective the microliths are peculiarly numerous. ‘They can be divided into two classes,—first, a large form of microlite, as a rule measuring about ‘0005 x ‘004 inch, which are always stepped like the drawing given in Rosenbusch*; and, second, hair-like microliths, which, however, are not trichites, being transparent. The brownish-grey wave flowing over the felspar, shown in the drawings, is very rich in these minute microliths. The feathered edge of glassy base on the other felspar, just peeping out at the surface, on the right-hand side of Plate 61, fig. 2 (also showing in Plate 62, fig 1), becomes very useful, as it enables us to get a clear view of these small bodies without the image getting blurred by a background composed of the same bodies, in different azimuths. In one of the clearest and most limpid of the sanidines is a very curious growth of what I take to be a glass inclusion. The growth starts from a poiut on the margin of the crystal, and branches out not unlike a fern, but that the divergent branchlets are clubbed at the end, and are a pale hyacinth colour. 7 TRACHYTE. No, 24. GtapsTonge (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection, Sanidine Trachytes. Sp. Gr. 2°79. Colour, dirty whitish-red; with somewhat large crystals of sanidine. Very porous, with a few small cavities not unlike the smaller holes in a sponge. Section. Ground-mass plagioclase, showing fluxion-structure; quartz in very small allotriomorphic grains; sanidine, clear. One sanidine crystal is well marked with curved markings as drawn by Rutley in the “ Study of Rocks”’ (p. 96, iii. edition) and sometimes tabular, being parallel to J; at other times the sanidines are twinned on the Carlsbad type. By reflected light one sees a very thorough sprinkling of the whole slice with brownish-red ferritic matter, and a whitish-yellow substance, both amorphous. Only the sanidines escape the peppering. The slice being somewhat thick it is difficult to make out the glass that ought to be present. The only glass observable is that lining the interior of cavities. * Physiography of the Rock-making Minerals, 715 MACKAY DISTRICT. The following eleven rocks from the Mackay District, together with the very excellent sections thereof, were kindly lent me by Mr. A. G. Maitland. They are, without exception, the thinnest sections described in this Paper, having been sliced in London by Mr. Cuttell, of Kentish Town. Drawings and sections showing the mode of occurrence of the rocks in question, given in Mr. Maitland’s “ Report on the Geological Features and Mineral Resources of the Mackay District,” * are reproduced in Plate 46, figs. l and 2, of this Work. (1) From a Gar on tHE Norru stpe or Mount Jukes. Sp. Gr. 2°490. Colour, red, blotched with white specks. Section.—Shows granulitie quartz, the grains about ‘01 inch; comparatively very large orthoclase, as Carlsbad twins, the largest reaching ‘08 inch in length. These felspars are dusty with ferrite, which gives the rock its colour. They areall kaolinized, and but for the exceeding thinness of the section could not be identified. No plagioclase. A few crystal wrecks with grains polarising in high colours on the margin of holes originally occupied by a primary crystal. These grains have a clean bright aspect in ordinary light and might be epidote or olivine. A good deal of opaque oxide of iron incysts these brilliant specks. Under the +4-inch objective, the quartzes have a few inclusions ; some may be glassy, others are certainly fluid with moving bubbles. (Vide Mr. Maitland’s “ Report’’ and Section on Pl. 46, fig. 1.) (2) Mount Martin, Jortmonr Creex. Sp. Gr. 2°570. Colour, dirty brown. Fine-grained. The hand specimen looks like a felsite. There are no porphyritic crystals. Section.—Ground-mass a felt of microlites, without any glass, but between crossed nicols feebly illuminated. Felspars much changed, packed with granules, which are the only points of illumination throughout, the rest of the section being a dark-lavender colour. The granules may be epidote. Orthoclase was a constituent mineral of the rock, Magnetite (or titanic iron), with a little apatite, is present in small quantity, but at fairly wide regular intervals. One hexagonal section of the latter measures about ‘10 inch. (3) Mount Manparana, “Tue Leap.” Sp. Gr. 2°498. A white rock, speckled with small black grains and sanidine; highly porous when applied to the tongue. Section.—The ground-mass is made up of alittle granular quartz and numerous felspar laths, and is holocrystalline. The macroscopic sanidine (Carlsbad twins) is perfectly limpid and shows the faulting along the suture, the boundaries not participating in the apparent movement, as pointed out by Rutley.t Under the }-inch objective, the black specks turn out to be grains of deep-green mineral, with marked differences of absorption when viewed with polarizing prism. With these specks, apatite, and perhaps magnetite, is associated in fine grains. No fluxion-structure. In the felspars of the ground-mass is one beautiful spherulite, the arms measuring nearly ‘03 inch, but I cannot find another in the whole section, which is seven-eighths of an inch in diameter. Mr. Maitland says :— “One of the most conspicuous examples of the lavas is to be found at Mount Mandarana, better known as the Black Gin’s Leap, close to the Bowen Road, about twelve miles north-west of Mackay, where it forms a broad table-like mass, rising to a height * Brisbane : by Authority : 1889. + F, Rutley, The Study of Rocks, iii, Edition, page 44. 716 of 650 feet, by corrected Ancroid, above the level of the Road. The rock of which the Leap is made up is lithologically a trachyte, and may be generally described, when examined with a lens or the unaided eye, as consisting of a light-coloured porous matrix, in which crystals of sanidine and minute crystals of what appear to be horn- blende are embedded. It is seen* to rest upon black shales, at a point in a gully flowing from the north-west corner of the mountain three hundred feet above the Road; at the junction of the two the shales for a few inches are slightly hardened. The lower portion of the sheet is made up of rudely hexagonal curved columns, the outward curvative being northwards. The structure of certain parts of this rock would seem to imply that in reality it is a succession of lava-flows of variable thickness. The estimated thickness of the sheet is not less than 350 feet.” (4) SupaqurEous Turr, ALLIGATOR CREEK, Sarnt Hevens, Macway. Sp. Gr. 2°618. This is a white porous rock, with reddish oxide of iron in strings and lenticular veins. The section is cut transverse thereto. Section.— All but quartzless, the grains being very few, small, and sparse, with matted plagioclases in the ground-mass, the laths being clouded and ill-formed, measuring under ‘01 inch in Jength. One or two much altered porphyritic felspars occur, with traces of many lamelle. Dusty specks of a mineral polarising in higher colours occur throughout the section, but they are too minute to resolve with the }-inch objective The highest colour produced between crossed nicols in the ground-mass is slate-grey. N.B.—Hydrochloric acid failed to produce effervescence except where the section cut through an iron speck, when a very slight effervescence ensued, making one suspect the presence of siderite. (5) Mount JuKEs. This rock is similar to (1) except that the colour is lighter, it being white. The felspars glisten when the hand specimen is turned about in the light, owing to the cleavage planes of the felspars catching and reflecting the rays. Section.—By reflected light there is hardly any ferrite, and the orthoclase is less -kaolinized. The quartzes limpid,as in (1). The rock is a perfect example of holocrys- tallinity. There are but two constituent minerals—orthoclase in Carlsbad twins, dusty - from kaolinization which is rudely paraliel to the cleavages, the latter making angles with the plane of composition; and the quartzes, which have marked dihexahedral inclusions, liquid, glassy, and gaseous. In some of the quartzes are moving bubbles. Others with the dark margin, occur, denoting gaseous inclusions. The quartzes average ‘Ol inch, the smallest being ‘002 inch, and the orthoclase sometimes ‘03 inch long by ‘02 inch or less broad. Two or three jet-black lustrous grains, and a few longer or rod- like of the same substance were not identified. Mr. Maitland says :— * Another denuded wreck of an old volcano is to be found in Mount Jukes, some 1,800 feet above sea level, and situated on the bank of Neilson’s Creek, and about twenty miles distant from Mackay in a north-westerly direction. The mean specific . gravity of the rock, from specimens in different parts of the mountain, was found to be 2°55. Different parts of the mass present different characters, but generally two varieties can be recognised— (a) A coarse-grained rock in which a matrix can scarcely be said to exist; and (4) A second in which erystals of sanidine and plagioclase are embedded in a microcrystalline base, which, with the aid of a lens, is seen to be made up of small crystals and crystalline grains of sanidine and hornblende (?). * See Pl. 46, fig. 1. (A.W.C.) 717 “The former variety, owing to its coarse grain, would be called a nevadite, whilst the latter would be best described by the term sanidine-trachyte; both, however, are merely varieties of one and the same rock. The rock is intrusive through the volcanic series, and sends out here and there dykes of no great thickness, and of a somewhat similar character to the rock forming the main mass. Hardly any apparent alteration has taken place in the rocks through which the mass has burst.” (6) Mounr Manparana. Sp. Gr, 2°46. Colour white, with a tinge of blue. Microgranitic, holocrystalline. The whole rock is made up mainly of ground-mass, there being very few porphyritic felspars. Section.—Shows a little corroded mica, some minute specks of a mineral polar- izing in high colours, with a greenish, sometimes colourless, tint. A very few porphyritic felspars, probably oligoclase. A very regular seattering of grains of hematite (or some translucent iron oxide) and a little interstitial glass spread over an area of ‘05 inch, and not occurring anywhere else in the section. The mica shows complete absorption for rays vibrating parallel to lamella when the section is normal thereto. . (8) Pinnacte, Hitisporovau. Sp. Gr. 2°49. Colour, brownish-red. With marked fluxion-structure, porous and very fine- grained. Section.—Ground-mass highly felspathic, with well-marked spheroidal structure, and but little quartz. A few specks of a mineral polarizing in high colours, and a few water-clear sanidines. The angle of extinction right and left of the twinning line for a twinned crystal is—right 9° 40’, left 19° 30’; this crystal measures ‘12 inch long by ‘04 inch broad, and is perfectly limpid. There are certain lines in the section, on either side of which the microlites arrange themselves transversely. Whether this is a result of fluxion is not certain. I have not seen fluxion-structure exemplified in this way before. Mr. Maitland says :— ; “ Another fragment of rock of this class is seen capping the Finlayson Hills, 22 miles north-west of Mackay, and about 14 miles from the sea-coast, where it forms a sugarloaf-shaped peak, resting on granite, and rising to a height of about 100 feet above the summit of the hills.* The rock has a matrix of a purple-grey hue, with well- marked banded or ribboned structure, in which the lines of flow can often be seen to bend round the larger sanidine crystals embedded in the base. As a whole, the rock is much more compact than the Mandarana trachyte, and, like it, forms rudely hexagonal columns.” : (9) AtticaTor Creex, Saint HeLens. Fine-grained brown rock. Section.—By reflected light shows ferrite, white dusty specks, and occasionally pyrites, without magnetite. Between crossed nicols there is no interstitial glass, and it is difficult to say whether the much kaolinized felspar laths are embedded in a felsitic mass or not, since although, as a whole, the laths are distinct, yet when a higher power is used all definition disappears, the edges merging into a fine-grained granular aggregate, sometimes polarizing brilliantly. The felspars are highly altered. Many of them are filled with irregularly scattered grains of a very doubtful epidote. The rarer sanidine is pellucid as usual. Calcite is occasionally seen in small grains in twinned lamellez. The porphyritic crystals are represented by two or three wrecks of felspars, * See Pl, 46, fig. 2. (A.W.C.) 718 so changed as to be impossible to identify. Another remnant of what has been a large prism, measuring ‘08 inch by ‘01 inch, is crossed by yellowish-red bars of a non-fibrous but rather granular structure, feebly anisotropic. If this crystal could be restored and identified, great light would be thrown on the whole matter of the origin and life-history of this rock. Asa concluding observation, the proximity of calcite to the relics of this crystal and its possible occlusion amongst the somewhat heterogeneous mass of secondary mineral matter is to be noted. (10) SrarortnH Hitis, West Srpr, Mackay. Sp. Gr. 2°48. Colour, dirty grey, with a tinge of blue. Quartz is the only porphyritic mineral, and is embedded in a fine-grained pasty-looking ground-mass. The whole rock is sprinkled with fine blackish grains, The quartzes are very brilliant. Section.—By reflected light, the ground-mass consists of kaolinized felspars, not lath-like, but granular and pretty uniform. The black grains are innumerable, not sharp, but irregular, and often surrounded by ferrite. Under the 3-inch objective the fresh felspars are twinned, and might be orthoclase or sanidine. Owing to dusty matter and kaolinization, it is difficult to identify these very minute felspars, particularly as they are too small to be inspected under any lower power than the j-inch. There is no interstitial glass or fluxion-structure. Quartz is the only porphyritic mineral, and is rounded, showing, in two or three cases, the “ bays, inlets, and islands” peculiar to the quartzes of the rhyolites and porphyrites. The quartzes carry liquid, gaseous, and glassy inclusions. Mr. Maitland says :— ‘Near the head of Niddoe’s Creek, one of the watercourses draining the western side of that range of hills lying between the Main Range and the Coast, a trachyte lava of a somewhat different character is seen dipping south-east at an angle of 12 degrees, and resting upon the sedimentary rocks of which this range is made up. Lithologically the rock may be called a quartz-trachyte, and throughout it presents a great uniformity in its physical characters ; it is made up of a light-grey, porous matrix, in which quartz, sanidine, and small specks of what appear to be hornblende are embedded.” (11) Tue Pinnactr, Saint HELEns. A nearly white rock, weathering red, very fine in grain, and without any porphyritic minerals. Section.—By reflected light. Fine-grained, without any porphyritic minerals, with a few green and much corroded fragments and many minute specks of a reddish semi-translucent hydrated oxide of iron. The base is microlitie, without any pasty matter whatever, and is built up of orthoclase, plagioclase, and quartz, and the greenish mineral may be mica very much corroded. Mr. Maitland says :— “In the Parish of St. Helens, on the south bank of Alligator Creek, a lofty ridge of mountains, the Pinnacles, which form a corry, encircling one of the branches of this creek, a great thickness of lava occurs. The rocks are trachvtes of a brownish- grey colour, and with which fine-grained trachyte tuffs are associated. The lava-sheets have their steeper faces southwards, and appear to dip in a general northerly direction. One of the sources from which some of these lavas and ashes have been ejected appears to be Mount Barron, a steep, triple-peaked mountain, the highest summit of which is about 2,000 feet above sea-level, and which is almost surrounded by the head-waters of St. Helen’s Creek. (Section IV.) The rock of which this mass is made up is greyish- white in colour, and somewhat porous, with a mean specific gravity, as determined by a Walker’s Specific Gravity Balance, of 2°56. In the matrix, small crystals of sanidine 719 and minute specks of a black mineral—probably hornblende—ean be recognised. Throughout the whole mass, the rock retains very much the same character. The mountain rises perpendicularly from the alluvial flat on the north bank of St. Helen’s Creek, and in Barron Creek the mass is seen to be intrusive through an ‘ orthoclase porphyry ’ upon which the sedimentary strata are seen torest. No perceptible amount of alteration was detected in any of the sections in which its intrusive character was observed.” BASALT. No, 2. Goopenoven Isuanp, Moressy Srrair (NEw Gurnea). Sir W. Macgregor’s Collection. Section.—Vesicular, with minute augite and felspar crystals visible to the naked eye. Augite crystals are plentiful, with glassand magnetite inclusions. Mr. Maitland, who has recently visited New Guinea, suggests that the augite may have to be referred to enstatite ; in which case the rock would be classed among the andesites. The sanidine crystals show growth by accretion in a very beautiful manner. The ground-mass is so opaque that minute plagivclase crystals not thick enough to reach through and touch each surface of the section do not appear by transmitted light at all, while by reflected light a very large number of these minute pellucid crystals can be observed. No. 173. Patm Ispuanp. H. C. MecDonald’s Collection. Sp.Gr. 2°622. Colour, speckled greenish-brown. The specks are yellowish. The rock has a compact texture.* Section.—This rock is so much decomposed that its section does not reveal very much. Its constituent minerals are augite and felspar. Apatite (in considerable quantities) and magnetite occur as accessory minerals. The augite is much cleaved and shattered, the basal sections having very well- marked cleavage, parallel to 1i0. The felspars must once have been of great beauty (and their even size and perfect twinning is still discernible). They are associated with a green mineral of secondary origin, probably chlorite, plentiful, not regular in outline, not pleochroic, differences of absorption nzJ, between crossed nicols appearing a speckled yellow-green ; the specks do not extinguish uniformly. No. 15. Normansy Reers, Cooktown (QUEENSLAND). F. Bauer’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°808. Colour, black, with reddish spots. Compact, slightly vitreous, fine-grained. Section.—Ground-mass abundant, with idiomorphic hyalosiderite, or perhaps fayalite, and plentiful hydrous oxide of iron, pseudomorphous after olivine. The latter mineral exhibits all the stages of decomposition, some examples being quite fresh and coffin-shaped, others having a deep-red margin and clear interior, others being only specks, and others being without a trace of the original olivine. The olivines are the only crystals of any size in the rock; they measure from ‘04 inch to ‘06 inch in length. The rough look, owing to a high index of refraction, is marked. In one or two rare cases the red envelope round an olivine is packed with magnetite. There are no inclusions. The drawing on Plate XIX. of Rosenbusch’s “ Physiography of the Rock- making Minerals” illustrates these olivines exactly. The ground-mass is peppered * Mr. McDonald stated that this sample was taken from a dyke passing through a ‘‘ conglomerate ” dipping towards the sea, 720 with fine black lustrous grains, which are magnetite, as was found by testing a washed sample of the pounded rock, and trying it with a magnetised sewing needle in a watch- glass full of water under the microscope. There is a great deal of interstitial glass and fine felspar microlites. Leucite occurs sparsely in small six and eight-sided sections. Often in these crystals there is a central mass of inclusions consisting of magnetite and microlithic felspars, leaving a glass-like hexagon or octagon perfectly free from any inclusions, but with the angles generally rounded. But for this feature 1 might have passed it over, but when once seen in the slice it becomes striking. The wearing of the angles of leucite is noted by Teall.* No quartz or augite, and no fluxion-structure. No. 75. Russrrn River (QUEENSLAND). -R. L. Jack’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°864. Colour, black. Compact. The fine crystals cause it to sparkle in the light. The weathered surface is earthy, and coloured dirty yellow. Absorbent to the tongue. Section.—Ground-mass glassy, matted with felspars, and perhaps very minute augite (?) grains, sharp grains of magnetite and granular serpentine, &c. The section is not thin enough for accuracy in these determinations. Olivine in fairly large crystals, undergoing alteration to serpentine, is the only porphyritic constituent. The felspar microlites in the ground-mass measure about ‘Ol inch by ‘O0Ol inch. Plate 65, fig. 1, shows the olivines, the largest of which has a hole through it, which, of course, appears black between the crossed nicols. The drawing shows the confused aspect of the base, owing to the thickness of the section. Quartz absent. No. 167. Surprise Creek, Herperton (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°64. Colour, gray, with reddish-brown specks. Vesicular, with zeolites. Section—Very rich in augite grains, which are about ‘0Ol inch in diameter, plagioclase felspars and delicate microlitic needles permeating the felspars. No quartz, and very little glass. The plagioclases are usually ‘02 inch long, and each is banded three or four times, The only porphyritie crystals are much cracked. Augites invariably enveloped in a red mineral of secondary origin. The augites carry minute enclosures of glass and magnetite. Sometimes the secondary mineral has completely taken the place of the augite. No orthoclase. Rich in magnetite, which occurs as sharp grains. The rock would be better classed as anamesite than as basalt, all the constituent minerals being of large size. No. 169. ‘“Votcantc Hitt,’’ In Peterson’s Pocket, HerBERTON (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2:291. Colour, black. Vesicular, with grey streak. Section.—Very vesicular, with large, fresh, much-cracked augite, sections of which, parallel to clinopinakoid, have an angle of extinction of 25° 30’. Very fine- grained ground-mass of microlithic felspars, and literally swarming with magnetite. Magnetite and glass are the only enclosures in the augite. * “British Petrography,” p. 366. 721 No. 170. Avnerton’s Creex, Herperton (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection. Colour, greyish-black. Very compact. Section.—May be described in the same language as No. 167, except that the minute felspar microliths are wanting, and the ground-mass is richer in augite granules. No. 171. AtHERTON’s CREEK, HERBERTON UEENSLAND). b>] - R. L. Juck’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°738. Colour, purplish-grey. Small vesicles. Section.—The ground-mass is more glassy than in the preceding sample, No. 170, and the augite is microgranulitic, with a little magnetite in the ground-mass. The porphyritie augite is precisely similar in every respect to the last. The angle of extinction on the clinopinakoid subtends an angle of 24° with the edge of the crystal. The felspar microliths are long (about ‘92 inch), and seldom show more than two stripes. They gracefully sweep past the obstructing augites, giving a fairly well- marked fluxion-structure. It is by far the most interesting of the basalt collection, and the section is peculiarly thin. No. 251. Mirre Rock (New Gurnna). Sir W. Macgregor’s Collection. Colour.—A. dark greenish-black rock with yellow specks. Section.—Ground-mass plentiful, consisting of a glass with innumerable felspar microlites and sharp grains of magnetite. The felspars do not exceed ‘001 inch in length, and the magnetite grains, which are wonderfully equal in size, measure ‘0002 inch in diameter. Fine black dusty matter makes the glass obscure, but under the ¢-inch objective the constitution is resolved as given above. The porphyritic minerals are plagioclase and augite, both very fresh, particularly the felspars. Sanidine in Baveno twins with perfect zonal structure; also in Carlsbad twins. The best example of the plagioclases several times twinned show angles of 26° and 24° 30' between the respective axes of elasticity and the traces of the twinning plane JZ, so that the section must be nearly normal to that plane. It is not certain whether this section cuts the basal pinakoid or the clinopinakoid, but, whichever it may be, the formula of the mixture cannot be less than Ab An.,* according to Rosenbusch’s table quoted in the granite series. Zonal structure occurs in the plagioclases. . The augite is in large crystals, averaging ‘06 inch, showing marked cleavage. The angle between cleavage and an axis of elasticity is 28° 30’. The augites are but little altered. In some cases serpentinization seems to have started. The inclusions are glassy and gaseous. No moving bubbles. - No. 214. Lotworrn Ron, rrom THE Foor of tHE Granite Ranar, Homestead, Cape RrivER (QUEENSLAND). W. H. Randy’ Collection. A black, very fine-grained, compact rock. Carries no glass or pasty matter in the ground-mass; might be a dolerite. The augite is microgranulitic. The felspars are much striated. Compared with a section in a collection sold by R. Fuess, of Berlin, * Where Ab represents albite and An anorthite. Vide Note on Rosenbusch’s Felspar Formule at end of Chapter, ax 722 from Spiddal, it would be classed as a diabase, and, accepting Allport’s view that diabase is really an altered condition of dolerite, it would be placed amongst the diabases, following after the dolerites. (Professor Wadsworth places melaphyr, diabase, gabbro, and many of the diorites under this head, so it may remain here.)* Section.—Much augite in small grains, cracked ; little olivine, porphyritic augite ; and exquisitely clear pellucid plagioclase felspars, showing several lameile. The angle between the extinctions of the lamelle, right and left, is about 30°. Nos. 51, 52, 53, 60, and 64. Tur BurpEKin River (QUEENSLAND). A. W. Clarke’s Collection. No. 266. Mount Razorpack, Upper BuRDEKIN (QUEENSLAND). A. Gibb Maitland’s Collection. No. 267. Mount Lane, Upper Burprkin (QUEENSLAND). A. Gibb Maitland’s Collection. Sp. Gr. of No. 266, 2°667; of No. 267, 2°477. The first four rocks are from three well-known points on the Burdekin River— viz., the “Top Rocks,” the “ Lower Rocks,” and the Crossing at Great Sandy Creek. They are all vesicular black basalts. The weathered rocks are often found with a white secretion in the vesicles, probably zeolites.f Section.—The ground-mass is made up of large plagioclase laths, ‘001 inch by ‘02 inch, mostly stepped, and polarizing in high colours for felspars, and some doubtful sanidine. The walls of the vesicles are lined with glass, in which occur afew very minute specks, faintly luminous, but otherwise there is little glass and no fluxion- structure. Magnetite in fine grains, plentiful. Augite in very small grains and plentiful. The porphyritic minerals are olivine and augite. Along the cracks and fissures of the former is a secretion of ferrite. The augite inclusions are glassy, with fixed bubbles, and magnetite. Unfortunately, the thickest section was that from which Plate 66, Fig. 2, was drawn, so that the slice is too opaque, and in those crystals which do allow the light to pass the colours are too high. However, in the drawing the olivines come out very well. No. 266 differs from the preceding in the development of the transparent hydrated oxide of iron which incysts some of the olivine, so that hyalosiderite or fayalite must be reckoned amongst the varieties of olivine present in the rock. Certainly a few sanidines exist, and a little glass eccurs. The rest of the rock may be described in the terms of the preceding note on Nos. 51, 52, 58, 60, and 64. In No. 267, the last of the Burdekin series of basalts, some beautiful prismatic felspars oceur ‘05 inch by ‘002 inch, the angle of extinction with the edge of the pellucid crystals being 0° or 8° and 4°. Otherwise the same description applies as to No. 266. No. 72. Oxenpen, Mackay (QUEENSLAND). A. Gibb Maitland’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°704. A black, fine-grained, compact rock, with greyish-white streak. Section.—Microgranitic, granulitic. Plentiful magnetite. Some highly-coloured specks between crossed nicols, pointing to augite. No glass in the ground-mass, and no porphyritic constituents whatever. *M. EH. Wadsworth. Preliminary Description of the Peridotytes, Diabases, and Andesytes of Minnesota, 1887. + Black ants build their nests in the vesicular cavities of this basalt, 723 No. 29. Near Baruurst (New Sour Watss). The late Mr. C. 8. Wilkinson’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2:993. A black, fine-grained, compact rock, the faces of some of the constituents glistening ; weathering yellowish-grey, and spotted; rarely with zeolites. Section.—The ground-mass contains fine lath-like felspars, a little glass, por- phyritic augite, and olivine with plentiful black grains of magnetite or titaniferous iron. The felspars show fluxion-structure, arranging themselves in little streams dividing before, and closing up after meeting an obstructing porphyritic erystal in the flow. The felspars are about ‘01 inch in length. A greenish secondary mineral matter is often secreted along the augite cracks. Magnetite frequent, enclosed in the augites. No. 30. Baruurst (New Sourn WALEs). The late Mr. C. 8. Wilkinson’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°951. Black, compact, with occasional spots of zeolites. Weathering to a yellow ochreous colour. Section. —The ground-mass contains fine lath-like felspars, with very minute grains polarizing in high colours, probably augite, and very little glass. The porphyritic augites are asa rule fresh, though in some cases tne secretion of greenish matter is to be observed along the very irregular cracks. Some water-clear plagioclase felspars occur with a very wide angle of extinction between broad and handsome lamelle, polarizing in a low colour. The highest angle of extinction observed was 63° 30’, and the lowest 32°. The fluxion- structure is even more prettily marked than in No. 29. One of the augites shows distinctly cross cleavages (which, however, are not very regular) parallel to the face oo P. Another augite shows twinning in an interesting manner, there being three lines along the suture, as in the section of the Gympie augite illustrated on Plate 65, Fig. 2. The whole section swarms with magnetite. No. 31. Mount Sassarras (New Soutn Wates). Intruding through the Hawkesbury Formation. The late Mr. C. S. Wilkinson’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°816. Greyish-black. Crystals quite visible owing to reflection. No zeolitic matter. Section.—The ground-mass has very little glass, and is much charged with a dirty brownish-green opaque matter. Magnetite and plagioclase felspars. On the margin of one of the olivines is a stellate group of secondary secretions, which polarize in the aggregate, one portion certainly spherulitic, Augite and olivine oceur por- phyritically, the latter a pinkish-brown, and dark, polarizing in high colours, and much pierced and riddled by the felspars. Crossing the junctions are fine needles, probably of apatite. The latter also abounds throughout the ground-mass. Magnetite is plentiful, as is probably also titanic iron. A rather large augite crystal is traversed by cracks, along which there are secondary deposits. Their pleochroism is exceedingly remarkable, in some cases sky blue, yellow; and green, very distinct. The periphery of this large crystal is marked by a dark-brown zone, and extending radially into the contiguous ground-mass is a fine, delicate, semi-translucent, aggregately-polarizing fringe. Arranged in the same way under the 4-inch objective, this fringe is seen to be composed of fine microliths, clear, and rather short, very much crowded together, owing to which there is no extinction in any azimuth. The augite is rich in gaseous pores, 724: No. 309. Vicoror1a: OME. P. Platt’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°71. Greyish-black. Compact. Section.—A compact basalt, with lath-like felspars, doubtful olivine, and grains of magnetite. A yellow isotropic glass occurs amongst the crystals. Fluxion-structure. A yellow envelope, precisely similar to the above, encloses an augite crystal, which has symptoms of spherulitic structure. No. 310. Batrtarat (Victoria). P. Platt’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°54. Greyish-black. Compact basalt from core of diamond drill. Section.—The texture is nearly the same as the above (No. 309), but the slice is too thick for much keen observation. The yellow isotropic mineral is rare. DOLERITES. No. 47. Govan (New Soutn WALtgss). The late Mr. C. 8. Wilkiuson’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°964. Black. This is a compact basalt, speckled with white crystals. Section. —The rock is granular, idiomorphie and holoerystalline. The plagioclase felspars are often ‘03 inch by ‘002 inch, and the majority are a pale-lavender, with very small angles of extinction between the sets of lamelle, which latter are repeated many times in all of the crystals. Other plagioclases have high angles of extinction, and polarize in higher colours—i.e., in light yellow and orange. The latter often exhibit undulose polarization. Olivine somewhat large and fresh. Augite granular, with granulitic structure as defined in Professor Hutton’s Paper before alluded to. Magnetite sparse. Very little apatite, and no interstitial glass. No. 35. Wottoncone (New Sour WaAtss). The late Mr. C. S. Wilkinson’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°778. Colour, brownish black. Section.—Semi-crystalline, the lath-shaped felspars being separated from each other by felsitic matter. Magnetite and perhaps titaniferous iron most abundant. Augitic matter in very small granules, and not abundant. There is no interstitial glass. Nos. 18 ann 19. Surniuemm Sinver Mines (QUEENSLAND). (No. 18 is from the surface, and No. 19 from 30 feet depth.) R. L. Jack’s Collection. Sp. Gr. of No. 18, 2°854. Colour, dark-grey, speckled with what looks like hornblende. Section.—Both show similar contained minerals, with the exception of hydrated iron oxides, which are abundant in No.18. The minerals are so altered that even on the thinnest feather-edge there is nothing very clear or worthy of description. The rock is mainly composed of lath-shaped felspars, some being tabular and frame-shaped. Needles of apatite are plentiful, in fact I have never seen a rock-section so crowded with this mineral. Ina single group of quartz crystals, there is a continuous band ‘22 inch long, containing apatites, cut parallel and at right-angies too P. They are of various sizes, ranging from the finest hair up to prisms ‘001 inch in diameter, and from ‘02 inch to ‘03 inch in length, 725 Magnetite completes the list of constituent minerals that can be identified. The felspars are filled with a granular deposit, some grains of which polarize in high colours, and may be epidote. Some rounded grains also are to be observed in the felspars, which polarize in high colours and might be put down either as olivine or augite, more probably the latter. No. 71. Tue Lear, Mackay (QUEENSLAND). A. Gibb Maitland’s Collection. Section.—This is another rock whose mineral contents are wholly changed and altered. The ground-mass has been micro-granulitic and holocrystalline, with idio- morphic crystals of lath-shaped felspars. There are a few fairly large porphyritic orthoclase crystals, some of which are ‘06 inch long, twinned on the Carlsbad type, and a few triclinic felspars. The plagioclase felspars show marked fluxion-structure in the rock, Quartz very sparse, in grains with rounded edges, carrying inclusions, some of which have fixed bubbles, and others are glassy. No moving bubbles. A little pyrites and magnetite make up the rest of the rock. No. 21. Mount Kincuant, Mackay (QUEENSLAND). A. Gibb Maitland’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°816. Colour, grey, speckled with white felspars. Section.—One turns with relief from examining the ill-defined wrecks of crystals in the last three rocks to this; with its fresh, clean-cut, many-striped felspars. Epidote is in fan-shaped groups. Magnetite, much of it sharp; and apatite in fine needles. The texture is not holocrystalline, there being a pasty mass of felsitic matter separating what would otherwise be contiguous crystals. Felspars striated many times, often over five, and once over forty times. The angle between the axes of extinction for each set of lamelle in the largest felspar is 27°20’, and it measures ‘161 inch by ‘Ol inch. Many of the tabular felspars are built up zonally. The epidote is sometimes in rods, decidedly pleochroic ; at other times it is in fan-shaped groups, merely showing differences of absorption on rotating the stage over the polarizer. The magnetite is sometimes in sharp, clean octahedra, and sometimes rounded, The apatite, which is sparse, is in fine needles. ; DIORITES. No. 246. Sweprennore Reer, Coarrers Towers (QUEENSLAND). The Hon. H. Mosman’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°866. Colour, greenish-black. Speckled. Perfectly clear, fresh. Microgranular, holocrystalline. Section.—The felspars, although minute, are very perfect, often twinned several times. Angles of extinction between parallel lamelle vary from 11° to 60°. The perfect rulings of these felspars are very beautiful when viewed between crossed nicols. Hornblende in about equal proportion to the felspars, showing marked absorption and perfect intersecting cleavages when cut parallel to basal pinakoid, often punctured by apatite prisms. Magnetite and possible ilmenite common. One or two specks of titanite, being bright yellow with a high index of refraction. Perfectly colourless transparent microliths commonly occur in the felspars. Very little accessory quartz. 726 No.13. Day Dawn P.C., Coarturs TowErs (QUEENSLAND). A. W. Clarke’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°949., This sample of rock comes from the No. 10 level, and is almost black in colour, very fine in grain. Section.—Hornblende is the prevailing mineral. With ordinary light, itis in very slender long needles which are felted together. The felspars are plagioclase, and not clear as in the last example of diorite. No quartz, and but little magnetite. No. 17. Quarry Reserve, Mount Atma, Coarters TowErs (QUEENSLAND). A. W. Clarke’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 3:057. Colour as in No. 13. This is a very similar diorite to No. 13, being of interest only because the diorite No. 13 is from a depth of about seven hundred feet, while this is a surface rock distant about one mile from the mine. PORPHYRITES. Nos. 129 ro 151. Croypnow (QUEENSLAND). Sp. Gr.: Mean, 2°542; Extremes, 2°396 and 2°640. In the following description a good deal of ground is covered ; the notes being culled from some twenty-three rock samples collected by Mr. Jack. At one end of the series, the rock is jet-black, very compact, with conchoidal fracture, and studded with quartz whose surface of fracture is coincident with that of its matrix. At the other end of the series, the rock is milk-white with identically similar quartz. The rock occasionally shows blebs of graphite, and about the middle of the series the hand specimens appear banded with different coloured varieties of the same rock. The larger quartz grains cause waves in the banding, just as in sections of the rhyolites. The following notes on the microscopic sections do not throw much light on these rocks, and the whole matter is in the hands of the Geological Survey Department, but they form an item of information which may not be devoid of interest :— Ground-mass under the 2-inch objective shows no interstitial glass, and polarizes in a hazy way, but every illuminated speck suffers extinction in the course of revolution of the stage. Perfectly opaque, amorphous patches of a white substance (not unlike kaolin) are distributed over the slice. By reflected light these patches are seen to aggregate together. Part of the ground-mass is coarser in its crystalline structure than are other portions, and the quartzes are all more or less penetrated by it in the shape of bays, inlets, and islands. ‘The isolated ground-mass in the quartzes is due probably to the transverse sectioning of a penetrant tongue. There are the wrecks of orthoclase erystals. The ground-inass has so penetrated and become part and parcel of the original crystals that it is difficult to speak with certainty as to whether they were sanidine. In the quartzes are numerous glass-inclusions with fixed, and some few moving bubbles. There is a patch of faintly green granular particles mixed with the ground- mass. The green grains are very faintly dichroic (famt green to pale faint yellowish- green). The quartzes are mostly rounded cn their edges and angles. In other sections the pale-green granular Aceh are seen aggregated together in what appears like the wreck of a crystal. These flecks are faintly dichroic, and in one aggregate there is possibly apatite, but it is uncertain. The very small green grains are sometimes numerous, and, under the 4-inch objective, allotriomorphic. They are not dichroic. Some patches of undoubted hornblende occur, which, though not very fibrous, are too much changed to allow me to speak certainly on this point. Black, opaque h_—e—=__*—_mee 127 masses appear in juxtaposition with the hornblende. They are also amorphous, and may be graphite. Occasionally brown hornblende occurs, which, as usual, is very strongly dichroic. Epidote occurs amongst the altered hornblende. It is white, and polarizes of course brilliantly. Some few yellow varieties occur; and in one of the white epidote masses, a few microliths, that favour the monoclinic felspar variety, occur, shaped thus :— In the reddish varieties of the porphyry, ferrite is plentiful. Mr. Jack, in a letter to me, dated Croydon, 4th December, 1889, states that this rock “forms the hills lying side by side with the syenite forming the flats, and in which the reefs of Croydon proper lie. The junction runs N.W. to S.E., just a few chains off the Queen line of reef for two or three miles, and so straight as to suggest a fault.” x Vg Kew Ka he x 1S CER OL 0) ee PP ts ee Oe . OPP ON ALA ea ae Ce caus Ce eer CK Me Ae ee Hy. ie te On ie RE ee ores SS ES eh Pr oe KNEE RE CI RIC TRS Sr Rie 2e x x “T have never seen the syenite intruding through the quartz porphyry, or vice versd. Then again the quartz porphyry shows fluxion-structure in a manner suggesting a true igneous rock. Further, the quartz porphyry at times weathers so as to show apparently purely siliceous, rounded enclosures, suggestive of an altered conglomerate. The quartz porphyry (as well as the syenite) is full of little nests of graphite, also suggestive, I think, of metamorphism.” Nos. 79 anp 80. Great NortHern Tin Mine, HERBERTON (QUEENSLAND). No. 79 is from three hundred feet below the surface. It is a grey elvan, with glassy spots of quartz, and occurs as a dyke in granite. Section.— Elvan with felsitic base. This is really a quartz-porphyry: a microcrystalline granite base, with porphyritic quartz. The felsitic matter, under the highest powers, carries light-green specks, quartz, and felspar, but there is no absolute certainty about these minerals except that the green specks show faint absorption when the stage is rotated over the polarizing nicol without the analyser. The ground- mass is dusty, and carries rare pyrites. The quartzes show corrosion and rounded contours, with the usual bays, inlets, and islands filled up with the ground-mass. These quartzes are from 0:2 inch to 0'4 inch, and one is 0°8 inch in diameter. The specific gravity of the rock is 2°603. No. 80 is from the same dyke cropping out at the surface, and is precisely the same as No. 79, but for the reddish colour due to weathering. The specific gravity of the rock is 2'559. Section.—Felsitic matter much more opaque and dusty, and quite impossible to resolve. Porphyritic quartz, whose edges and angles are much less rounded and corroded than is the case with No. 79. They measure from 0°3 inch to 05 inch. The felspars are represented by one much altered twinned plagioclase, whose angle of extinction, between the two sets of lamelle, is only 1° or 2°. It is 100 inch long, is often twinned, 728 and the whole space occupied by the late crystal is now filled by little specks of a highly-coloured mineral (between crossed nicols) in addition to dusty kaolin. The specks may be mica or epidote. No. 95. AtuErtTon’s CREEK, Mackay (QUEENSLAND). A. Gibb Maitland’s Collection. Sp. Gr. 2°66. Colour grey, with small black specks and small flesh-coloured felspars. Section.—Felspathic spherulites, contiguous, without interstitial paste, but some- times with intervening microgranulitie quartz. Dusty porphyritic felspars, packed with specks showing high colours between crossed nicols. These specks are distributed in a base whose definition is hazy and suffers partial extinction on rotation of the stage, . while some of the specks remain illuminated in all azimuths. The felspars measure from ‘O01 inch to ‘02 inch, and some show faint twinning bands. Occasional porphyritic quartz, very much corroded. Some ill-defined chlorite and very sparse apatite. No. 5. Gympre (QUEENSLAND). R. L. Jack’s Collection, “‘ Greenstone.” Sp. Gr. 2°49. Colour green, with white streak, and speckled with slightly deeper green spots. Section.—It is not easy to describe this rock. It is highly metamorphosed, no component mineral being now in its pristine state, with the exception of a few small augities, whose sections are parallel with the basal pinakoid, and show cleavage parallel to prisin-faces (parallel to 110). They are the only shining lights of the section, except doubtful epidote grains. There is a pasty ground-mass filled with felspar microliths. The porphyritic felspars are impossible to name: they merely present confused kaolinized patches with opaque specks, which, by reflected light, are found to be milk- white. The hornblende or augite cavities, on the other hand, show light, bright-green, very translucent patches, polarizing in very low colours, almost requiring the quartz plate to discern, in many cases associated with a little apatite. This light-green mineral of secondary origin might be chlorite, or,as Mr. Jack suggested, viridite. In one or two cases there is a lattice structure, polarizing in vague blue slate colours, but it is ill-defined. At first sight the section looks uncommonly like a porphyry. The lattice structure may possibly be serpentinous, and derived from the pre-existent augite. New Sourn Waters. Marked “ Intrusive Dyke-stone from the Peak.” Plate 60. The late Mr. C. 8. Wilkinson’s Collection. Colour, dirty brownish-red, coloured with green spots. Section.—The chief interest of this rock lies in the abnormal development of epidote, which, in fan-shaped groups and green laths, fills the space probably at first occupied by augite. The colours between crossed nicols are very high. The index of refraction is high, and the pleochroism is fairly marked, so that there is little doubt about the presence of epidote ; but there is an uncertainty with regard to the percentage of these epidotes, for in no single instance has the change been incomplete. ‘The shape and angle of the prisms suggest augite. Originally the crystals were perfect in shape, — since the outlines are even now clear and sharp. The prism-angles I made out to be about 88°. There is abundant apatite, and there are also transparent red grains, while ferritic matter is developed with and alongside of the epidote. The rest of the section calls for little description, the ground-mass being microfelsitic. The porphyritic —— ace 729 felspars are large, measuring from ‘05 to ‘linch long. The angle between the axes of extinction for the two sets of twinned lamelle in the largest felspar shown in Plate 60 is 14°, No. 177. Mount Biscnorr (TasMantia). R. L. Jack’s Collection: Sp. Gr. 2°783. Colour, a dirty-white rock, with a few dark specks. Section.—Ground-mass microgranulitic. Quartz and felspars with prophyritic quartzes, not very much corroded. Felspar forms filled up with felsitic matter and a radially-arranged mineral, highly coloured between crossed nicols. The quartzes carry inclusions with moving bubbles, often dihexahedral. Dirty greenish-black, semi- translucent grains are pretty evenly distributed over the section. They polarize feebly under the 4-inch objective. Nore.—The following is an extract from the ‘‘ Physiography of the Rock-making Minerals” (p. 292), explanatory of Rosenbusch’s Formule for Plagioclase Felspars, referred to in the foregoing notes (pp. 703 and 721). ae chemical composition of the theoretical albite is Na,O, Al,O;, 6 SiO,=Na,, Aly, Sig, O|,=Ab; that of anorthite, 2 CaO, 2 Al,O,, 4 8i0,=Ca,Al.,, Al,, Siz, O,,=An. All other lime- soda felspars, then, are isomorphous mixtures of albite and anorthite=Abn, Anm. Of the many possible mixtures, certain ones occur more frequently, and have received particular names. If these be enlarged by the addition of those compounds closely connected with them, then, following Tschermak, the lime-soda felspars or plagioclases may be brought into the following table :— Albite series embraces the compounds _... .. «b,, Ano—Ab,, Any. Oligoclase series * fe .. Ab,, An,—Ab., An,. Andesine series ss ae .. Ab,, An,—Ab,, Anj. Labradorite series a ee .. Ab,, Anj—Ab,, An,. Bytownite series er as .. Ab,, An,—Ab,, Ang. Anorthite series 3 Pe Ab,, An,—Ab,, An,.” SUMMARY. The foregoing notes throw no new light on the science of petrography. Indeed, one is struck with the microscopical similarity of the crystalline rocks of Australia, America, and Europe. In many of the granites almost the same language can be used in describing the structure and constituting minerals of the innumerable varieties of the group as is employed by authorities like Rosenbusch, Rutley, Teall, Zirkel, and others. This is no deterrent, however, to the student, because the very sameness of our crystalline rocks with those of other parts of the world proves the uniformity of those chemical and physical forces which operated so powerfully in their formation and subsequent mutations. In all branches of science the recording of facts is the preliminary work. The arrangement and classification of these facts generally falls to the lot of a distinctly different type of worker. I have endeavoured to contribute something to the pre- liminary work. The rocks described are divided into six groups, viz.:—Granites, Rhyolites, Basalts, Dolerites, Diorites, and Porphyrites. GRANITES. The quartzes of this group do not radically differ from those of the ordinary typical granites. Allusion may be made to the long, brilliant, colourless needles, particularly noticeable in the Croydon granite. They are not plentiful, possibly they are rutile, but might be apatite, though from their solitary habit I think the first more likely, as suggested by Teall in describing the Scotch granites. Many quartzes in this group carry such inclosures. The hornblendes, both green and brown, are sometimes fringed with epidote. Occasionally a bluish-green envelope surrounds a deeper green or brown variety. It is 730 to be noted that epidote generally secretes itself on the felspar frontier rather than the quartz; that is to say, a hornblende bounded by quartz and felspar prefers to secrete the secondary mineral on the felspar boundary. The micas, black and white, do not commonly exhibit that piercing with apatite which is frequent in the micas of typical German granites. The felspars are, as a rule, exquisitely banded, and sometimes perfectly limpid. The fibrous structure in some of the felspars is to be noted, but not confounded with twinning. Some of the orthoclases are very highly kaolinized, as is usual. Microcline intergrows with orthoclase, particularly in the Etheridge samples. Undulose extinction is most marked in the Charters Towers granites ; and with regard to this matter I may quote Teall’s “ British Petrography” (page 33) :—“ Zonal structure unquestionably indicates changes in the environment of the crystal during the period of growth. The separation of crystals in a magma must necessarily produce a change in the composition of the part which remains liquid; and this cause alone may explain such cases as those observed by Hépfner and Becke. Changes from green to brown and vice versé observed in certain hornblendes can probably be explained on the assumption that the growing crystals were alternately subjected to oxidising and reducing agencies. Until we are more fully informed as to the chemical and physical changes which occur during the period of erystal-building in igneous magmas, and the effects of such changes on the growing crystals, we cannot, however, hope to render a complete account of the various structures observed in the crystalline constituents of igneous rocks.” The accessory minerals are not so minutely described as is usual in this branch of science. I have not recognised any of the cubes, supposed to be salt cubes, in the quartz inclusions, neither have I noted any microscopic zireons, which are generally found in some samples of granite; but, as the prepared sections are to be handed over to the Geological Survey Department, it will be possible in the future for others to search more diligently, and with better instruments than are at my disposal. Apatite, as an accessory mineral, nearly always is found in the vicinity of magnetite. Particularly is this so in the Charters Towers samples of granite. The tourmaline granite of Cooktown is interesting from the fact that the Cornish tourmaline granite may be described in nearly the same language, and both are tin- bearing districts. Teall says :—“ The amount of tourmaline increases towards the margins of the granitic masses. The increase in the amount of tourmaline is accompanied by the disappearance of mica, and finally of felspar, the ultimate result being a rock composed of tourmaline and quartz (schorl rock).” But whether this holds in the Cooktown district is unknown to the Author. The garnetiferous granite of the Cape River Gold Field bears out Zirkel’s. observation that the American garnet-bearing granites do not carry the mineral in microscopic size, all the garnets being macroscopic.* ; RHYOLITES. These rocks exhibit fluxion-structure. Zirkel describes them as follows +:—‘ In the glassy and half-glassy rocks, it is a widely-spread phenomenon for the colourless green and black, needle-formed, microscopical elements to be grouped together into strings, bands, and flocks. There are bodies among them which have the appearance of * Microscopical Petrography.” + Loc. ctt., p. 4 731 undulated and bent streams, damming up before a larger crystal, and flowing around it to unite on the other side (giving the crystal something the appearance of an eye), often also really scattered and dissipated by one of them. These appearances evidently indicate that the fluctuations happened iu the stiffening glass magma, after the microlites or little needle-formed crystals had been solidified. Analogous pheno- mena of motion, fluctuation or fluidal structure, invisible to the naked eye in the hand specimens, are very often observed in the thin sections of partly ‘or almost wholly erystalline massive rocks, such as basalts, trachytes, phonolites, melaphyres, and green- stones. The smallest ledge-formed sections of orthoclastie or plagioclastic felspars, prisms of hornblende or augite, microlites of a variety of kinds; in short, all the microscopical bodies possessing a longitudinal axis, are locally grouped parallel to one another, and form undulating streams which diverge in the form of fans or ice-flowers. Where larger crystals lie in the paths of these crowded bands, the little needle-formed erystals encircle them on all sides with a tangential arrangement, are turned aside into different paths, or come to an abrupt end before them, as if by a shock, the microlites being thrown asunder in all directions. Observations of these phenomena of fluidal microstructure are best made between crossed nicols, for the single crystals are then coloured, and exhibit their characteristic direction much better than in ordinary light. A low magnifying power best enables one to overlook at once a larger portion of the then section, and thereby to follow the lines of fluctuation. The shape of the little erystals is not without importance in the distinct observation of the form of the fluctua- tions. If they are needle-like or ledge-formed, even feeble movements of the mass will be unmistakably expressed ; if, on the contrary, they are of a roundish, granular form, it often happens that strong fluctuations which have taken place fail to leave a trace of their action. In some rocks, especially the rhyolites, this wavy structure is produced by small dark grains grouped into lines and bands. These lines of grains undulate in a most remarkable manner, so that the figures of their curvature resemble marbled paper. There are also curled and twisted stripes of felsitic material, aiffering in colour and behaviour, which render the waving motion evident. “ Three important points present themselves upon which light is thrown by this remarkable microstructure, connected with the fluctuations of the solidifying mass. It proves that the rock was at one time a magma, in a plastic state, and that, after larger crystals had been secreted, a shifting and displacement of the small microlites happened. Soon afterward the mass seems to have been so suddeniy solidified that the streams became fixed, and their fluctuation preserved for our observation. And, from these facts, the conclusion follows that the large and small crystals were not formed exactly where we perceive them, but that they have been thrown into their present place by the purely mechanical action of the surrounding plastic mass. It is worth mentioning that those rocks whose microfluidal structure is particularly distinct, are generally propor- tionately rich in broken crystals, shivered into detatched, sharply angular fragments. And, lastly, this structure proves that the smallest crystals of the rock have not altered their mutual grouping and form, which date back to their solidification; and that, although secondary decompositions may have occurred in the lapse of time, these metamorphic influences have by no means been sufficient to obliterate the original characteristic structure.” The word “‘rhyolite’’ is compounded from fvag (a lava stream), and Aios (a stone), and was first introduced by Richthofen in 1860. I was somewhat exercised as to the inclusion of the quartz-trachytes of Mackay in the group, but Rutley says * :—‘‘ Some petrologists include obsidian, pitchstone, * «The Study of Rocks,” p. 177, 732 perlite, pumice, and certain quartziferous trachytic lavas, under the terms rhyolite and liparite. The student should therefore bear in mind the fact that the separation of the vitreous from the erystalline rocks refers merely to physical differences which the members of these two sub-classes respectively present, and does not imply any special difference in their chemical composition. These physical differences depend upon the conditions under which solidification was effected, whether gradual or rapid. In the former case the molten mass would develop erystals, in the latter it would remain amorphous; it would, in fact, result in a more or less perfect glass. In these natural glasses it is, however, common to find crystallites and crystals, the former usually developed very completely, the latter less perfectly formed asa rule, since they generally present rounded boundaries, or their angles, if any exist, also appear rounded.” From Rutley’s remarks, as above quoted, and from the fact that the whole subject of the classification of rocks is so beset with pitfalls, it appeared safer to provisionally place the Mackay quartz-trachytes under the rhyolite group.* Subse- quently they may be re-ciassed, when the rock collections are more representative. I have no wish to evade the eclassificatory difficulty, but after quoting Professor Hutton’s remarks on the difficulty of classifying rocks, I shall leave the reader to judge of the wisdom of waiting for further developments. He says + :—‘ The confusion, indeed, has become so great that some petrologists discard names as much as possible, and in their place give a list of the minerals composing the rock. This plan has the merit of not adding to our confusion, but it will not help us out of it. And when we read of ‘ plagioclase-augite-olivine-mica rock,’ or of ‘felspar-pyroxene-magnetite-garnet rock,’ our patience is well-nigh exhausted. “‘ progresses by the comparison of objects, and when objects are numerous they must be named, if for no other purpose, still for indexing; so that an observer may readily find descriptions of similar objects for comparison, and ascertain what others have said about an object similar to the one he may be studying. As books get more and more numerous a uniform nomenclature becomes of more and more importance from the single point of view of indexing, and until some uniformity in rock nomenclature has been attained we cannot expect any very great advance in petrology.” The rhyolites are poorly represented in this Collection, but are generally typical. Particular attention is drawn to the Nell Isle sample, No. 108, which is so beautifully characteristic that the artist has drawn it in three different lights. For those readers to whom the subject is new they afford excellent illustrations of fluxion-structure and rock-texture. The Mackay sample, No. 58, shown on Plate No. 62, fig. 2, is also a good type of the group. The Mackay quartz-trachites are fairly interesting, but as type rocks they are not above the average. What makes them of special interest is that they illustrate Departmental work, having been prepared in London by a professional, and are about as thin as rock-sections can possibly be, which is the desideratum in petrography. The Cloncurry obsidian ealls for special notice, owing to its anisotropic pro- perties. It faintly polarizes between crossed nicols, and it is remarkable that the section is free from microlites, crystal growths, and gas-pores. Zirkel says such vol- canic glasses are extremely rare. Finally, the single example of tachylyte merits a * Mr, Maitland informs me that the Mackay trachites exhibit, in the field, almost all degrees of texture, from coarse trachites at one end of the series to nearly trachite glass at the other. + ‘The Eruptive Rocks of New Zealand.” A Paper read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, 7th August, 1889, and published in their journal, vol. xxiii., p, 102. 733 passing notice. Had circumstances been more kindly, the yellow glass would have teemed with crystals and crystallites. After reading Professor Judd’s last Paper on “The Rejuvenescence of Crystals,” one cannot help musing on the barrenness of a Soil so capable of sustaining crystal life. BASALTS. But little description is necessary of this group of rocks, for the name is cld and the rocks are familiar under that name to most. There are three varieties of basalts: basalts proper, anamesites, and dolerites ; names denoting difference of structure or texture rather than mineralogical variation. I. Basalt proper is compact, amorphous, often semi-vitreous, breaking with a perfectly conchoidal fracture. II. Anamesite (from avé-yecos, intermediate) is uniformly crystalline, but close- grained, the crystals being very small. IIT. Dolerite is coarsely crystalline, the word signifying: deceitful, a name suggested by the difficulty of distinguishing it from certain Plutonic rocks. Zirkel classifies the basalts mineralogically into— 1. Felspar-basalts. 2. Nepheline-basalts. 3. Leucite-basalts. Mohl divides the members of the basalt group into— 1. Magma-basalts, with a colourless or brown-glass matrix. 2. Plagioclase-basalts, containing notably plagioclase and occasionally nephelene in addition to the essential augite, magnetite, &e. Leucite seldom. 3. Nepheline-basalts, containing notably nepheline, and sometimes leucite, in addition to augite, magnetite, &c, Plagioclase rare or absent. 4. Leucite-basalts. 5. Hauyne and nosean-basalts. 6. Mica-basalts. Rutley says :— “In microscopic sections of basalts which have undergone partial decomposition, the olivine and augite crystals are often merely represented by pseudomorphs of green matter, which is serpentine or some other hydrous silicate. The augite in basalts is generally rich in glass enclosures. Steam pores and fluid lacune are also of common occurrence in them. The olivine sometimes appears in tolerably well-defined crystals ; but it is more usually in roundish grains, or in granular aggregates. The latter are sometimes of considerable size, and occasionally show, in external configuration, that they are large, rudely-developed crystals. The plagioclase basalts are of more frequent occurrence than any of the other rocks belonging to the basalt group.’’* The most interesting of the basalts, described in the foregoing pages, is the leucite-basalt from the Normanby Reefs of the Cooktown District. This is the first oceurrence of leucite noted in Queensland. The Mineral Census of Australasia t (including only the Colonies of New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland, and New Zealand) records only three places where it has been recognised. They are— 1. Leucite-basalt, Castle Point, New Zealand. 2. Byrock, County Cowper, N.S.W. (T. W. E. David and W. Anderson.) 3. El Capitan, County Cambelego, N.S.W., in a basaltic lava sheet. * F, Rutley. The Study of Rocks, page 254. + Report of Committee, No. 7; Mineral Census of Australasia, Proc. Austr, Assoc, Adv. Sci., IL., 1890, pp. 213-273, 734 In connection with the subject of leucite rocks, Zirkel says :— “More than twenty years ago, Alexander von Humboldt published his conclusion that leucite was a mineral only found in Europe; and it is rather curious that this casual remark has not been disproved until very recently. This mineral, up to the year 1868, was only known as a constituent of several lavas of Italy, of the Laacher See, and of the Kaiserstuhl, in Baden. Since that year, it has been discovered to be a microscopical ingredient of many basalts of Saxony, Bohemia, the Thiiringer Wald, and the Rhén Mountains, occurring in unexpected frequency. But all these localities were European; so the remark still held good; and the other extra-European basic rocks, examined in large quantity, were never found to contain leucite. “In 1874, Vogelsang discovered an Asiatic leucite. It occurred in a basaltic rock from the Gunung Bantal Soesoem, upon the small island of Bawean, north of Java. . “ And now the microscopical study of the rocks of the Fortieth Parallel estab- lishes the existence in America of the most classicl eucite rocks. Moreover, these rocks are richer in the mineral than any occurrence in the Old World, besides which their general composition is very peculiar. Leucite was always considered, as is well known, one of the most perfect members of the regular system, until, in 1872, G. vom Rath stated that it belonged to the tetragonal or quadratic system, the apparent icositetrahedron being a combination of (P,P,). The colourless crystals, which geverally show in the section a more or less regular or rounded octagon, have the peculiarity of containing a great quantity of strange little crystals and grains grouped into a small central heap or (which is more often the case) concentric zones, of which the sections are also octagonal or roundish. These corpuscula, which are supposed to be intruded into the leucite, are, instead, situated on the surface of the leucite forms or globular figures.”’* Teall states that leucite has not yet been found in Britain.t The “ Mitre Rock” sample from New Guinea is to be noted on account of the abnormally large size of the augites, many sections of which happen to be cut parallel to the plane of symmetry (OLO) or ©P». The other Queensland basalts of this collection call for no special remark, although some, like the Herberton basalts, are highly typical rocks. But the three samples from New South Wales (two from Bathurst, and the other from Mount Sassafrass) are, par excellence, the basalts of the whole collection. Some of Zirkel’s excellent drawings in “ Microscopical Petrography,” quoted above, might almost be used to illustrate their textures. The dolerites of the Sellheim River are so rich in apatite that one cannot fail to be struck with the sections, with their brilliant little water-clear hexagons appearing as black as ink, of course between crossed nicols. Lastly, the Mount Kinchant (Mackay) sample is of interest, as it is pretty fresh, and its felspars very much banded and pellucid. DIORITES AND PORPHYRITES. Diorite proper is a crystalline-granular mixture of plagioclase felspars and horneblende, while porphyrite is characterised by a granular base of plagioclase felspars, and either hornblende or augite, in which base are developed larger crystals of the same minerals, There is, therefore, a mineralogical connection between the two groups, though structurally they are different. Professor Hutton uses the word “ porphyritic’’ for * “* Microscopical Petrography,” p. 259. t+ “British Petrography,” Note on Fig. 2, Plate xli. 735 describing a rock texture. Lyell uses the word in describing that granite in which large crystals of felspar, usually orthoclase, are sometimes scattered through an ordinary base of granite. I have measured crystals in the porphyritic grarite of Dartmoor two inches in length, and Lyell mentions crystals measuring three inches in length in the porphyri'ie granite of the Land’s End.* The rocks are so variously named by different writers that it is not easy to be precise in definition. For instance, Judd, after examining some of my sections, states in a letter to me that ‘the rocks named ‘Queensland granite’+ belong to the class of quartz-diorites (tonalites) which appear to be very abundant in Queensland. They were recognised as such by the late Mr. R. Daintree.” The diorites are very poorly represented in the Collection. They call for no summarising. In the rocks grouped under the head of porphyrites it is otherwise. The Croydon series is of interest, as are also the two, Nos. 79 and 80, from the Great Northern Tin Mine, Herberton. The sections from this porphyrite dyke show how much more the quartzes have suffered from erosion at the 3800-feet level than is the case with the samples from the surface. No. 82, from the Peak, New South Wales, is remarkable for the size of the felspars. The artist had to draw this really striking section on a very much larger surface in order to illustrate the two sets of felspar twins (Vide Plate 60). I should have liked to have learned something from the Gympie “ greenstone” sections; but neither Mr. Rands nor myself came to any definite conclusions. In Mr. Jack’s ‘* Mineral Wealth of Queensland,” published in 1888, he says :—‘‘ The greenstone of Gympie has long formed a subject of controversy . . . . evenin microscopic sections, these rocks are much altered and ‘ masked’ by viridite.” INDEX TO PLATES. Plate 60.—Intrusive Dyke-stone from the Peak, New South Wales. OC. S. Wilkinson’s Collection. With polarizer only, magnified 50 diameters. Plate 61, Fig. 1.—Rhyolite.—Nell Island, New Guinea Sir W. Macgregor’s Collection. With polarizer only, magnified 42 diameters. a Fig. 2.— hs Nell Island, New Guinea. Sir W. Macgregor’s Collection. With parallel nicols, magnified 42 diameters. Plate 62, Fig. 1.— i Nell Island, New Guinea. Sir W. Macgregor’s Collection. With crossed nicols, magnified 42 diameters. As Fig. 2.— + Hamilton, Mackay, Queensland. A. G. Maitland’s Collection. With crossed nicols, magnified 27°5 diameters, showing fluxion- structure. Plate 63, Fig. 1.—Tachylite—Queensland. .R L. Jack’s Collection. With polarizer only, magnified 27°5 diameters. Fig. 2.—Quartz, with tourmaline crystals —With polarizer only, magnified 42 diameters. Cooktown. A.J. Madden, Esq., collector. Plate 64, Fig. 1.—An interesting unnamed rock, from Cape Upstart, collected by R. L. Jack, partially prepared by him and finished by the Author. Mr. Jack has no more of the rock left, the whole chip having been ground away. Between crossed nicols, magnified 27°5 diameters. 3” * Sir Charles Lyell. Elements of Geology, 2nd Edition, p, 556. + The granites referred to are from Cooktown, John Bull, Ravenswood, and at about 700 feet down the Queen Block Extended shaft, Charters Towers. 736 Plate 64, Fig. 2.—Pitehstone Sheffield, Tasmania. R.L. Jack’s Collection. With polarizer only, magnified 42 diameters. Plate 65, Fig. 1.—Basalt.—Russell River, Queensland. R. L. Jack’s Collection. With crossed nicols, magnified 50 diameters. % Fig. 2.—Augite crystal showing twinning. Gympie, Queensland. W. H Rands’ Collection. With crossed nicols, magnified 50 diameters.* Plate 66, Fig. 1.—Obsidian.—New Guinea. Sir W. Macgregor’s Collection. With crossed nicols, magnified 50 diameters, showing fluxion-structure and quartz crystals full of gas pores. 3 Fig. 2.—Basalt, Burdekin, Queensland. A. W. Clarke’s Collection. With crossed nicols, magnified 27°5 diameters. Plate 67, Fig. 1—Hornblendic dyke running through the Durham Mine, Etheridge, Queens- land. R.L. Jack’s Collection. With polarizer only, magnified 27°5 diameters. 5 Fig. 2.—Zeolitic mineral vein running rudely parallel to a calespar vein in a red granite. Rainbow Claim, Charters Towers, Queensland. Natural size, drawn from a polished face. Plate 68.—Daunton’s Hill, Upper Cape River, Queensland. W. H. Rands’ Collection. Between crossed nicols, magnified 42 diameters. Mr. Rands states that quartz leaders running through this rock cease to earry payable gold. (No. 34 in Appendix.) Notes to Prats 67, Fig. 2 The Analysis of the red zeolite shown in this Plate is as follows :— $i0, oe es Rt ine bis Se ae ane 47°0 Hie 0 ee sale Fc $0 13°7 This hyde silicate is common on is Chanter. Towers Gold Field, occuring in the joints of the granite. Various samples have been analysed. The following are selected from many others :— 1. From the Queen Block Extended, 700 feet vertical i Silica ... ; one RIC ae ‘ee A io 46°25 Alumina be sj ™e ie ie ds aa 27°35 Ove Se ose age er, act oes sa races Lime ... ch nn He a aa 13:95 Water (by ry ey rs or rae ee 13°47 101°02 2. From the Mary aren occurring at a map e of 300 feet. NiO. : Bee Bee 49°04: Ab, 0; aah tae 436 oe wea Be We 26°64: Caio é me et ne See Ng Pa H,O (by ignition £3, bas ne er ‘is ie 13°30 On as ; tee re a as we 554 Traces 101°22 3. From the Mexican Claim, at a low fa SiOZames ae x00 ani ac are se 47°24 Al OR ns an sik mf ods Nea wae er, 26°64 CaO ce “0 ae ee nies ate se na 12°95 HOw: ns a ee we rey yf vet 1420 Fe, Q,..; A se Ae aes Sen i's .. Traces 101°03 * Mr. Rands has favoured me with the following description of this rock, which he names Diabase- porphyrite :— “A dark-green, interbedded, amygdaloidal rock. Amorphous ground-mass, with porphyritic crystals sharply defined, and for the most part showing twinning. Magnetite in small grains, and calcite. Amygdules filled with carbonate of lime.” + Vide Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 1887. 737 APPENDIX. A Suorr Descriprion or Some or THE CapPE River Rocks ExaMIneD 1N Tuin SEcTIONS UNDER THE Microscorr. By Wixi1am H. Ranps. 1. A dark-coloured, fine-grained hornblende schist, from Union Reef, near Mount Davenport. The slide consists almost entirely of green hornblende and quartz. The quertz contains enclosures of apatite and other minute enclosures. In a section cut transversely to the cleavage the longer axes of the hornblende have a inear arrangement. 2. A white mca schist, from Mount Davenport. The slide consists chiefly of quartz in small grains, with mica. In a section cut transversely to the cleavage of the rock the mica is arranged in layers. 3. A hornblende schist, from the southern slope of Mount Davenport. Green hornblende, beautifully cleaved, with bands consisting of grains of quartz. There is more hornblende than quartz in the section. Magnetite occurs in grains. 4. A red fine-grained granite, from Mount Frank. Quartz occupies the larger portion of the slide; itis full of minute enclosures. Plagioclase felspar, which is much kaolinized. White and black mica. - The slide contains numerous large specks of magnetite. 7. Felsite, from dyke in schists, Pentland Reefs. The rock consists of a fine decom- posed felspathic ground-mass, with ferrite throughout it. 8. A red, medium-grained granite, from Homestead Range. The section is rather thick and indistinct. The slide contains crystals of plagioclase felspar, and also beautiful star-shape spherolites of plagioclase felspar; gwartz, with enclosures of magnetite; mica; and specks of magnetite throughout the slide. 12. Dolerite, from dyke near Specimen Creek, Mount Remarkable. This slide is very thick, and the only minerals that can be determined are decomposed felspar and small specks of augite in a semi-crystalline ground-mass. 15. Graphic granite, from dyke near Specimen Creek, Mount Remarkable. The slide consists of elongated plates of quartz in felspar. All the quartz extinguishes simultaneously ; and the same is the case with the felspar. 16. Quartzite, from Golden Hill, near Mount Remarkable. This rock consists almost entirely of semi-rounded and irregular-shaped granules of quartz, containing numerous enclosures, among which are small acicular crystals, probable apatite. There are crystals of magnetite in the slide, and some ferrite. 17. Quartz felsite, from a dyke on the ridge north of Mount Remarkable. The slide consists of an amorphous ground-mass, with blebs of quartz throughout it. It contains a little ferrite. ; 22. Gabbro,a dark crystalline rock from a dyke near Specimen Creek. This slide is made up of diallage, which is very feebly dichroic, a plagioclase felspar, and mica. Small grains of magnetite occur throughout it. 24. A white kaolinized felsite, from Running Creek, Norwood. It consists of an amorphous ground-mass, with minute grains of quartz throughout it, which have a banded structure. ‘There are also small grains of magnetite, and a few porphyritie crystals of felspar. 25. A reddish-brown fe/site, from Running Creek, Norwood. The slide shows a fine felspathic ground-mass, with minute lath-shaped crystals of felspar throughout it. Porphyritic erystals of plagioclase felspar, with enclosures of apatite and magnetite; a few porphyritic erystals of orthoclase felspar. Crystals of magnetite occur in the ground-mass. Ferrite occurs in considerable quantity, giving the red colour to the rock. The rock shows a beautiful perlitic structure. 26. A purplish Jelsite or porphyry, from Running Creek, Norwood. The rock consists of a dark-coloured amorphous ground-mass, containing a large amount of ferrite, and showing in parts a well-marked fluxion-structure. There are numerous porphyritic crystals of decomposed fée/spar, most of which were rubbed away in the preparation of the slide. Large crystals of magnetite occur. 27. Dolerite, from a dyke in Chinaman’s Gully, Sandy Creek. A dark, fine-grained rock with a spherulitic structure on weathering. A felspathic ground-mass full of small 2X 738 lath-shaped crystals of felspar, and also magnetite in both large and small grains. The pyroxene element has been changed into viridite. There are a few larger crystals of both orthoclase and plagioclase felspar. a 30. Hornblende schist, from Sandy Creek. A very beautiful slide containing green hornblente, having a linear arrangement, and showing very perfect cleavage parallel to the plane of symmetry and faces of the prism. These crystals contain enclosures of apatite and epidote. Beautifully twinned crystals of plagioclase felspar, some of which appear to have had a secondary growth; they contain enclosures of apatite. A few solitary crystals of orthoclase JSelspar. There are a few specks of quartz ; magnetite is very rare. 31. Garnetiferous granite, from the Pentland Range, at the head of Sandy Creek. The slide is much broken. The minerals that can be distinguished are—Quwartz, containing prismatic enclosures of apatite ; plagioclase felspar ; mica, and garnets. 33. Hypersthene rock. A dark-coloured, highly crystallised rock, from a dyke on Daunton’s Hill, Upper Cape. Hypersthene is the principal mineral. It is a green mineral, possessing strong pleochroism; the cleavage is prismatic. The mineral extinguishes parallel to the planes of cleavage. It contains several hexagonal enclosures of apatite, and also of quartz; streaks of quartz follow the cleavage planes. It also contains enclosures of magnetite. Quartz in large plates is the next mineral in importance; it is full of very minute enclosures. Brown mica oceurs in the hypersthene, and also in a semi-transparent iron compound— leucoxene, of which mineral there is a large amount in the slice. 34. Hornblende schist, from Daunton’s Hill, Upper Cape. A crystalline rock resembling a coarse diorite, except that the hornblende occurs more or less in layers. This is the rock in contact with which the leaders on Daunton’s Hill ceased to carry gold. The rock is made up to a large extent of very beautifully twinned crystals of oligoclase felspar, full of small hexagonal enclosures of apatite, and also enclosures of leucowene. Hornblende, well-cleaved, and containing also enclosures of apatite. Quartz in small blebs. Magnetite changing around its edges into lewcoxene. : 35. A highly erystalline schist, from Mount Elvan, Upper Cape. Quartz is the principal mineral ; it contains enclosures of small garnets. Entwined around the quartz is green hornblende. Plagioclase felspar. Very small garnets occur throughout the rock. 36. A fine-grained, grey micaceous granite, from Mount Elvan, Upper Cape. The minerals in the slide are—Plogioclase felspar, some of which is much decomposed. Well- cleaved white mica ; and quartz with acicular crystals of apatite, and other minute enclosures. 38. A purplish porphyry, from the Cape River, near the Pot-hole Lead, Upper Cape. It consists of an amorphous ground-mass, showing fluxion-structure, and full of ferrite and magnetite. It contains porphyritic crystals of plagioclase felspar. 40. Olivine basalt, from Mount Black. A compact black rock, possessing polarity. ‘he slide shows a microcrystalline ground-mass, containing numerous specks of magnetite, with crystals of olivine, a few crystals of felspar, and specks of augite. 42, Olivine basalt, from the Tableland, Oxley Creek, a somewhat scoriaceous basalt containing zeolites. The rock consists of an interlaced mass of acicular crystals of felspar, with crystals of olivine throughout it. Some of the olivine crystals are much decomposed around their margins, and along cracks in the crystals. Magnetite is comparatively rare. 43. Basalt, from the Basaltic Wall, Lolworth. A highly scoriaceous basalt. The rock was a difficult one to cut, and the slice is very small. It shows an interlaced mass of crystals of plagioclase felspar, with small specks of olivine. Norr.—The microscopial slides described above were prepared for me by Mr. A. W. Clarke. APPENDICES. —_—~<}—--- APPENDIX I. AGE OF THE MOUNT ALBION AND CHILLAGOE BEDS. My Colleague leans to the opinion (See pp. 118-120) that these beds are equivalent to those of the Palmer and Hodgkinson, whick he provisionally refers to the Gympie Series, but remarks on the paucity of organic remains. Mr. William Thompson, Government Mineral- ogical Lecturer, appears to have been more fortunate in the discovery of fossils, and says*:— “Owing to the alteration the limestone has undergone the fossil remains are generally so crystalline that beyond the outline nothing indicative of the original organic structure remains. Corals and encrinite stems are everywhere common, though, as a rule, very imperfect; in places, however, bands of rock exist containing remains more or less distinct, and from these several fossils have been derived. Amongst them are examples of Aviculo- pecten and Huomphalus, Cyathocrinus, Lithostrotion basaltiforme, Zaphrentis, Cyathophyllum, and numerous cther corals. Two or three poor specimens of what appear to be small Trilobites and a fine example of an Annelid were also found. I would remark that these are named with reserve; as I have no means of comparing them either with recognised specimens or diagrams.” The assemblage of fossils named by Mr. Thompson might be present in a Carboniferous deposit, but I have never seen Lithostrotion basaltiforme in Australia, nor have I seen Cyathophyllum in the Queensland Permo-Carboniferous. Zaphrentis, however, does occur in the latter, as well as close allies of Cyathocrinus. Allowing for Mr. Thompson’s “reserve” in naming the fossils as he had done—a reserve which would be justifiable on the part of any Paleontologist without “means of comparing them either with recognised specimens or diagrams ”"—the supposition of the Permo-Carboniferous age of the beds in question appears still to be the most probable. ° E. APPENDIX II. THE GLASSHOUSE MOUNTAINS. The difficulty of determining the nature of the rock composing these mountains is con- siderably increased by the conflicting testimony of various writers on the subject. Mr. Stutch- bury, in 1854, regarded the rock as a “ metamorphic sandstone ” (See page 73). The Honourable A.C. Gregory (See page 5) referred to it, in 1879, as an “ outburst of porphyry.” JT inally, the Rey. J. EK. Tenison Woods, in 1888, in his Paper on the Desert Sandstone,} published a view of “ Prismatic Basalt, Glasshouse Mountains,” but without any reference in the text. Recently Mr. Henry G. Stokes has. presented to the Geological Survey a series of specimens collected in the Mountains themselves, from which it appears that the staple rock is trachite, although it is possible that basalt or porphyries may be present as intrusive masses. The mountains are accordingly marked in the Geological Map as trachite. J APPENDIX III. ARTESIAN WELLS. , Referring to the remarks on page 418, regarding the possible diminution of the supply from Artesian Wells, the Charleville Well furnishes some suggestive facts. In 1890 the pressure per square inch had increased from 95 lb. to 100 lb., and the temperature was 106° Fahr.f On 10th July, 1892, the pressure had decreased to 87 lb., and the temperature to 101°. The last-mentioned measurements were made by Mr. J. B. Henderson, Hydraulic Engineer, in my presence. J. * In Annual Report of the Department of Mines for 1891, p. 185. Brisbane: by Authority : 1892, + Proc. Roy. Soc. N. 8. Wales, t See page 427, 740 APPENDIX IV. ORGANIC REMAINS, EIGHT-MILE PLAINS, NEAR BRISBANE. In stating (p. 608) that remains of the Extinct Mammalia had been discovered in this locality, I was under the impression that Mr. C. W. De Vis had obtained, among others, remains of an extinct Species of Wombat, but Mr. De Vis informs me that I was mistaken. The only organic remains from the Hight-Mile Plains yet identified are those of Ceratodus Fosteri and Pallimnarchus pollens—a fish and a reptile, both of living species. The case, then, still stands thus, that the known remains of extinct mammalia have all been derived from comparatively high levels, whatever significance the fact may have. y APPENDIX V. EOCENE BEDS IN VICTORIA. The following should have been added as a footnote after the word “ Miocene,” p. 575, line 29 :— “ Professor R. Tate, on ihe other hand, regards the fossils from the Schnapper Point clays, Port Phillip, as of Eoceneage. Journ. R. Soc. N.S. Wales for 1888 [1889], xvii., p. 242.” J. APPENDIX VI. DARR RIVER DOWNS BORE No. 3. In a paragraph on p. 424, the depth of this bore is given as 2,700 feet, and the daily overflow as 50,000 gallons. The bore has since been continued to 3,530 feet, and is therefore the deepest in the Australian Colonies. (See “ Muckadilla Bore,” p. 428.) Mr. Fiskin, one of the owners of the Station, states that the “bottom” is sandstone, that the daily overflow is 500,000 gallons, and that the temperature of the water is 172° Fahr. J APPENDIX VII. LACERTILIAN REMAINS ON SUTTOR RIVER. An additional locality for remains of the extinct Lacertilia has been furnished by Mr. De Vis, who informs me that a Vertebra of Megalania, from black soil on the bank of a lagoon at Mount Lookout, near the head of the Suttor River, was sent to him by Mr, Peter Murray about twelve years ago, and is now in the Queensland Museum. J. APPENDIX VIII. LIST OF FOSSILS OF THE BURRUM BEDS, WITH THEIR SYSTEMATIC POSITIONS. In consequence of the introduction of Phyllopteris Feistmanteli into my Colleague’s List after Chapter X XIII. was in type, the following corrections are necessary :— Page 311. After the paragraph on Teniopteris (Angiopteridium) Daintreet, insert :-— “ Genus—PHYLLOTHECA, Saporta. “ PHYLLoPTERIS FristMantsE.i, Lth. fil. * Zoc. Styx Coal Field (Burrum Beds). Occurs also at Stewart’s Creek, Rockhampton —(Ipswich Beds).” Page 312. In the Synopsis, after Alethopteris australis, Morr., insert :— “* Phyllopteris Feistmanteli, Eth. fil.” And the last two lines should read :— “ Of the thirteen species above named, five are common to the Ipswich Formation, and the remaining eight are peculiar to the Burrum Formation.” J 741 APPENDIX IX. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SPECIES OCCURRING IN THE BURRUM FORMATION. In consequence of the introduction of the new species Phyllopteris Feistmanteli after Chapter XXIV. was in type, the following addition becomes necessary :— Page 315. After the paragraph on the Genus Trichomanites, insert :— * Genus—PHYLLOPTERIS, Saporta, 18—. “ PHYLLOPTERIS FrtstManTELI, th. fil. “Obs. For description of the species, see ‘ Ipswich Beds’ (p. 375). “Loc. Styx Coal Field (Burrum Beds). Occurs also at Stewart’s Creek, Rockhampton —(Ipswich Beds).” E. APPENDIX xX. GEM-BEARING DRIFT AT WITHERSFIELD. For an account of a Drift, probably of Tertiary age, containing Sapphires, Oriental Emeralds, Zircons, &c., see Report by the Writer ‘On Sapphire Deposits and Gold and Silver Mines near Withersfield.”” Brisbane: by Authority: 1892. J. 7 = INDEX TO PERSONS QUOTED OR REFERRED TO. SS SSS Page. Page. ABICH, — ... 244, 461 Bronn, H. G. ; fe . 278, 448, 452 Adams, A. veo. G9 Brot, A. d eA ... 606, 632, 642, 693 Adams, H. . . 606, 632, 644 Brow ra aE vl ; 376, 408, 433, 450, 451, Adams, H. and A. . a 000 454, 456, 457, 467, 473, Adams and Angas... 600, 632, 642, 644 A79, 493, 549, 552, 632 Adanson, M. . 485, 573, 643 Brown, R. ... A A i oe 371 Agassiz, A. ... 692, 697 Brown, W. H. a un oe en, SVE, Agassiz, L. .... 84, "287, 296, 397, 413, 446, "480, Bruck, Ludwig ; 428, 630 481, 503, 504, 559, 567, 571, 646 Bruguiere, J.G. ... ; 264, 444, Allport, J. E. ote .. 668 447, 462, Ae 562, Allport, Samuel... aes ; 79, 145 567, 635, 642, 696 Anderson, William 542, 598, 601, 735 Buch, Leopold von we 44, 67, 03, 242 Aplin, C. D’Oyley H. See Cals; 20, 34, 72, 73, Buchanan, W. ee =a : OS 74, is 2, 323, 324, 595 Buckland, T. fan ee xa ees! Ayrchiac, E. J. A. a’ ; 289 Burkitt, J. ... ae aft . 407, 503, 506 Archibald, R. ay tee ae soa AB, Burrows, N. H. ... a Be me hs: Astier, J. E. ay Be Say rie OL, Bus, B. du ... ies —_—_———- Page. Page. ABERDARE ... . 341, 351, 368 Beverley Islands... 500 a ton (oll Adavale “at a ae 427,513 Bindi, Victoria .- ... nas ais as 45 Agate Creek ae oh Ss 522, 523 * Birkhead Creek ... 366 ae peDLO Ageston.... wey 33 seit 3 328 Birnam Range se Si OOO. Albany Pass sag ets Sf 542, 616 Blackall te 405, 411, 414, 416 Alberton ... me oo. GyAs! 424, 471, 492, 515 Albert River aie 324, 850, 548, 544 Blackfellows’ Creek, near Too- Alice Downs ae , oo © 2 woomba -... : i 338, 341 Alice River ... ao re nw sao aa Blackfellows’ Diggings 92,178, 219, 222 Allingham’s Creek ... $e a) OSS. Black Snake MESA PK SOs00 7. Allora ee ae eh at to BO Blair Athole ae 167, 170 Alpha a eS ss sah er ROLG Blenheim ... oc eee pL Ambatalla Creek ... soo. cele Bloomfield River, near Cooktown... er 10 Amby River . 390, 410, 480, 481, 511, 512 Bloomsbury... ee Loo Amelia Creek oes = OG Blue Mountains, N.S. Wales 176, 528, 554, 614 America, North 415, 418, 428, 431, 564, 590, 608, 627 America, South .... see . 608 Angellalla Creek ... e ant rob, fabs Angellalla Range ... aa 512, 514 Angy Springs nf ai Sid, kept Annan River, near Cooktown 4c. 10, § 529 Apis Creek . F se 178, 222 Aramac “405, 411, 416, 425, 447, a 465, 469, 470, 480, 482, 491, 492, 494, 495, 498, 502, 515 Argentine : ste OX, 45, 129 Arthur’s Creek "85, 48, 50, 54, 61, 64 Athelstone Range, Rockhampton... 90, 91, 93, 262, 263, 299 Augathella ... : tts 426, 515 Avon Downs en sa ia .. 419 Avon River, Victoria ber ‘or me we 142 Ayrshire Downs eas 402, 421 Baconts Marsu, Victoria ane OLS Back Creek ... & 500 ... 416, 423, 424 Ballandean ... a ae Be £ xii. Balonne River aes rE .. 614 Banana Creek 143, 15! 575 , 178, 226, 229, 232, 233, 239, 262, 266, 277, 279, 288, 290, 291 . 411, 414, 416, 423, 491, 495 405, 411, 462, 467, 513, 515, 516, 631 Barkly Tableland ... a si 894, 397, 418 Barrier Range, N. S. Wales ae fon gp SOLA: Barron River . 122, 586, 588 Barcaldine... Barcoo River Basalt Wall tee 594, 738 Batavia River soa ot Battle Camp , 580, "532, 533, 5385, 554, 555 Beaconsfield : : 178, 201 Beaudesert ... a soo BB) Be, EID Bee Creek ... eae a a 167, 168, 169 Beenleigh ... ey ae xi., 824 Bellenden-Ker Range 1, 122, 592 Belyando River ... re 515, 516 Berserker Range, Rockhampton Aa 91, 683 Betts’ Creek ae bor ... 518, 554, 659 Blythesdale... . 410, 456, 459, 477, 486, 512 Bogantungan suc se . 188, 188, 189, 156, NGYZ 198, 296 Bogie River... aap jae 50 Fac 31 Bollon ant ¥n sac ay 429 Boolboonda... ‘ 17, 18, 87 Boyne River ae am ee Ree vii. Boulia 485 aay Aes abe 556, 631 Bowen Downs Br as 411, 422 Bowen River 56 ee Isp ss KV OU: 70, 96, 97, 143, 144, 150, 158, 159, 161, 167, 168, 177, 178, 190, 194, 195, 198, 204, 205, 208, 218, 222, 223, 226, 228, 229, 230, 232, 239, 241, 247, 252, 254, 260, 262, 266, 267, 271, 275, 277, 280, 281, 282, 284, 294, 295, 520, 525 Bowra Creek Sse ape 860 sop AOS Boyne River Bas ee sor =. 30,.59 Bradley’s Creek... eee dat sua tall Braeside shea fia G 343, 345 Brazil vas Ras as as .. 407 Breadalbane 380 .. 482 Bremer River Vile; 886, 344, 353, 388, 389 Bribie Island se OLS Brinsop ena ane ane oe seo, ULE Brisbane... te, Be Tis, Xils, Oss, 821, 341, 352, 369 Vil., Vill., 5, 337, 841, 369 95, 178, 222, 300 Brisbane River Broad Sound Broken Hill, N.S. Wales ... Xil. Broken River Aa aa of Clarke River) .. ... 19, 28, 34, 36, 39, 43, 47, 48, 50, 51, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 120, 137, 178, 196, 521, 582, 610 Brovinia ... ae A Bie SoA 105 Bulgroo sie ifs ate ae 514, 556 Bullock Creek ah et He seat YE Bulloo River aa Bee aaa 406, 513 Bundaberg ... ie os ao EXO Bundanba ... 313, 316, 333, 335, 341, 343, 344, 349, 351, 352, 353, 366, 369, 370, 389 Bundilla ... eae at we «= 482 750 INDEX TO PLACES. Page. Bungeeworgorai .., 391, 406, 410, 456, 457,458, 459, 460, 466, 479, 481, 512 Bungil Creek - fe (002 Bunya- Bunya Range By yabuks ill Burdekin River _... Oe Xia ppodeooas, 39, 43, 47, 50, 58, 59, 65, 66, ; 120, 132, 133, 134, 516, 517, 521, 581, 583, 608, 722, 736 Burenda re : a 429 Burleigh Heads ae ine 350, 544 Burnett District ... re Ville, 1K.) Sey 40 8 Burnett River ae ad ... 811, 312, 314 Burra se &: i at ee 17, Burranbilla... ae wes 428, 480 Burrendilla ... Be: A eae bal Burrum LX Rees 95, 190, 300, 313, ar 351, 352, 354, 356, 356, 359, 363, 367, 369, 370, 373, 396, 518, 620, 545, 740, 741 Bynoe River re see Dar Byrinnia_ ... ee is ee . 404 CABBAGE-TREE CREEK ... ee ) Caboolture ... aft on Arie yil., 34 Cairn Range ee AS aa son» eee) Caiwaroo... ee ee falerl Caledonian Creek, Etheridge .» 28, 522, 523 Caledonia Station, Aramac re a e426: California Creek ... sa an Seo) Pe Callide Creek A van : Fille Soy, Calliope eA : Ke 85, 89, 107, 169 Cambooya ... aa ne oe a Cambridge Downs ... a ae 413, 49 Camel Creek ae fe 2 40, = Camisade Creek .. 542, 615, 622 Campaspe River... sr et Bape = Lay: Campbell’s Creek ... we 604 668 Canal Creek ae: Re : nae | et a Cania ae 3 X,, X11-100, 05, 107, 108, 109, 236, 240, 24.4, 252, 255, 264, 540, 543, 593 Cannibal Creek... a 24 Canoe Creek ne a = BAL Canoona ... lis ae 137, 178, £96; 197 Canowindra, N.S. Wales ... me le Cape Aberdeen ... se ia .. 548 Cape Bedford oe 529, 530 Cape Bowen wee is se ce Oe Cape Cleveland... ee ate meee eke! Cape Flattery = ae ae fe OEY) Cape Hillsborough... nt we a) OA Cape Melville ae Re a 530 Cape Palmerston Cape River ... , “B46, 614 ‘ “yiii., xii, 20, 23, 135, “186, 516, 518, 519, 540, 582, 594, 706, 721, 730, 736, 737 : ; OLS, 617, 735 i 542, 614 ix., 527, 533, 540 Cape Upstart Cape York ... ae Cape York Peninsula Capricorn Islands ... ee ae leiley Carborough Creek ..., ah ie oen ee LOe Carborough Range... . 168, 169, 528 Cargoon fx ae = ae 23, 582 Carl Creek , ae ice me we OO7 Carpentaria, Gulf of a ee 1, 606 Carron Range ae a ae we OAL Cartwright Point aa 300, 305 Cave. Creek ... ae ae ae se) BP Cawarra oF a ane hee BIO) -Condamine River ... : Page. Cawarral ... _ Aa .. 91,110, 248 Cecil Plains.. ; POU Cement Hill, Peak ‘Downes 32, Base 169, 193 Cerito Geen ee ss ae DLS Charleston ... iS ae na 523 Charleville ... ' 416, 427, 512, 739 Charlotte Plains ... san IBN 1k. ei: 23, 25, 706, 708, 709, 725, 726, 730, 735, 736 Charters Towers Cherwell Creek ... = a = 3805 Cheviot Range . i 513, 514 Chillagoe siG 119, 120, 121, 609, 789 Chinchilla 652, 653, 655, "656, 657, 658, 670, 67 79, 680, 682 Chollarton ... ve. pe 401, 445 Chowey Creek ae 3A 88, 101 Christmas Creek, Beaudésert ice S882 Clara Creek.. nee rh 514, Clarence River, N. 8. Wales at ae A Clarke Range Clarke River i, Ee on Claverton ... 7m oe . =~432 Clermont oe Xu 20, 31, 34, 42, 143, 158, 167, 169, 193 Clifton re sop otek, 341, 347, 350, 353, 386, €05, 652, 666, 668, 677, 678 30, 144, 168 39 Cloncurry a» 20,11 2s9Gr aor 397, 401, 520, 712, 732 Coalbrook we. 897, 517, 582 Coen River, South .. one was 31, 541 Colinton vii., 313, 352, 353, 369, 370, 382 Collingwood er 500 aa ie Os Comet River Ae a se) NGS Vi. -vil., 34, 224, 341, 51], 590, "604, 631, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 673, 674, 675, 677 Conglomerate ss ss ee “ges: Cooktown es ix., xt, b72, dae “175, 178, 190, 193, 194, 365, 529, 530, 553, 555, 584, 591, 703, 704, 719, 730, 733, 735 Coolgarra ws ni xii., 705 Coomera River te 329, 544, Coonabilla Creek ... oe Aer Rep aes Coongalla ... a ar vor . 482 Cooper’s Creek... re “407, 517 Coorajah Creek... Ba aa w= «BA Coorni Paroo River “ah it 7 oe Copperfield River ... BoB: Coreena ae : 405, 411, 422, 462, 482 - Corinda > we om) AZ Costello’s Creek des Sj pee NRL Cracow Creek 143, “157, 158; Lea, 190, 191, 262, 286 Crawford’s Creek ... Aer ee OZ Cressbrook ... sie a5 Ae Rrra aos: Crinum Creek ie oar aa: OO Crocodile... an 110 Crow’s Nest, near Mount “Morgan 90, 92 Croydon... : ... Xil, 14, 454, "B25, 526, 540, 554, 555, 558, 561, 562, 563, 3 873, 702, 726 Culgoa River oe Sabie, AU | Cumberland ee ane nee 15 Cumberland Tslands = nts sap a (enkG: Cunnamulla au ee 416, 429 Cunningham’s Gap Pa 350 on wlan Cunningham’s Range Se iat .. +629 Cunungra Creek . Curambin Creek Curra D’ AGUILAR RANGE... Dagworth Dalby cae Dalgonally ... Dalma * Dalrymple ... Darby Point Dargalong ... Darling Downs Darlington Range ... Darr River ... Dart River ... Dawson River Degilbo Creek Delaney River, Rikendse Delaney’s C este De Little Range oO Fletcher’s Creek Diamentina River ... _ 401, 402, 514 Flinders Peak Dideot Creek 88 Flinders River Dinmore : Sea ms 342 Dingo Creek, Kangaroo Hise s vt 9 Dillalah sit Far As 431 Fort Bowen... Dismal Creek 515 Fort Cooper... Donor’s Hill ee 48) Fossil Brook Don River, Bowen. 31, 215 Fraser Island Don River, R ockhampton ... Dotswood Double Barrel Creek: Doughboy Creek Douglas Creek Dray ton ‘ Drummond Range... Dry River, near Herberton Dugald River Dulacca Fae Dulbydilla ... Durham, Etheridge Durilla Creek Durundur HAStERN CREEK Eastwood Edington Eel Creek Hidsvold . Eight-mile Plains ... Einasleigh River Elbow Creek Elgin Downs Elizabeth Creek Ellangowan. Emu Creal... oe Encrinite Morgan Endeavour River ... England. Escape Inlet Esk River ... wae Vi, ix. 4, 32, 34, 313, 352, Creek, é INDEX TO PLACES. Page. es as aor 329 Etheridge ve , B44, Eton Vale .., 301, 305 Eukalunda ... vii. Eungella ,.. 401 Evora Rot Vii., ix., 605 625 Exmoor 89, 90 ., 517, 582, 594 Farr Care... 6 426 Fanning River 120 Farm Creek... vee tee 751 Page. xli., 15, 28, 29, 524, 702, 736 605, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 672, 677 See te a9 157 | 411, 424, 474, 483, 487, 515 168, 169 ees se 84; 35, 39, 43, 47, 49, 52, 65, 6 66, 67, 68, 69, 132, 616 : .. 840 379, 381, 604, 606, 633, 639, Fassifern 5 352, 370 642, 647, 654, 655, 657, 662, Feather-bed Range ak ate eS 663, 668, 670, 671, 673, 674 Fenestella Hill, near Mount 675, 676, 677, 678, 681, 683 Morgan 90, 92, 98, 210, 218, 219, 252 es ec ee BBY Fern Island... % 542 : | 252, 424, 740 Finlayson Hills ae : 547 : 30 Finnegan’s, Etheridge... oa Zé 15 95, 143, 157, 158, 167, Fisher's Creek wee "399, 401 169, 178, 190, 191, 511, 590 Fitzroy Island 613, 615 LOS Fitzroy River : vii., 90 28, 522 Flagstone Creek, Beaudesert 5 GHD vii. Flagstone Creek, Toowoomba 328 , 341 92, 93, 178, 228, 255, 284, 289 132 ts 4] Gatr’s LooKout 39, 521 Gayndah 40,521 Gebangle 664, 665 Geikie Range 32, 97, 138, 140, 178, 188, 189, 192, 196, 197, 198, 516 Germany Friendly Springs Georgina River : 582, 594 5, 345, 516, 517 ., 393, 394, 396, 397, 399, 400, "401, 407, 412, 413, 475, 483, 506, 517, 518, 519, 581 oa wa 625 ne 168 aa ae 593 618, 621 515 892 95, 100, 106 87, 105 tA 541 418, 419 630 vey (8, JUS Gilbert River .. Vili. > xii, 15, 23, 28, 36, 137, 22, 391, 520 520, 522, 523, 524, 526, 540 te = «. 49 Giiliat River : joe, YA) A406, 511, 512, 514, 515 Gladstone af vii., 714 = 3 15 Glanmire 411, 469, Ey 483, 494 513 Glasshouse Mountains 5, 73, 739 Vii. Glastonbury TAA eee Glendower ... , 407, 412, 506 .. = 401 Glenelg ye See re at te xi. 336, 341 Glen Linedale ae a poe A 6 431 Gloucester Island ... 613 544 Gogango Creek... ape er soe. BOY xi., 16, 88 Goldsmith’ 8, Etheridge ... vee 15, 522, 523 Me 647, 740 Goodna , 334, 335, 341, 342 30, "38, 582, 583, 5938, 626 Gooroomjam oils, LSS PLT - 34, 73 Gordon Downs Hiss: 396, 410, 478, 480, 485 140 Gowrie Creek ...604, 649, 651, 652, 653, 656, 391 664, 666, 667, 668, 669, 672, 404, 514: goes 674, 677, ite 680, 681 , ae 518, 605 Gracemere ... 90, 91 near Mount Grandchester oss ao 348, 544 ... 90, 92, 93, 210, 252 Grant River : ae ie 30 .. 529, 580, 588, 591 Gray Creek ... 38 142, 396, 409, 418 Greendale ee see, US, or aie ae 541, 542 Greenvale ... ioe 40, 521 Pe 7, ... 851, 365, 370 Gregory Downs ,,.., ey, ay om Loot 752 INDEX TO PLACES. Page. Gregory Range «. : 28, 525 Gregory River, near Maryborough Pe 2 DUD Gregory River ule te ac 394, 475 Grey Range 390, 409, 454, 471, 488, 514, 550, 551 Grey’s Creek es 3 ; boxe oi Oek Gumbardo ... a me a eee Gunalda_... is es ; oe 30d) Gunnawarra - 583, 584, 592 Gunpowder Cracks sae 397, 413 Guppy’s Tableland _ Be we oS Gympie Vii., Xu., 34, “70, 72, 87, 160, 177, 178, 207, 218, 219, 222, 224, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234, 239, 246, 248, 267, 268, 272, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 287, 291, 292, 544, 595, 596, 728, 736 Hart Creek ea oe Sie Jou WG? Halifax Bay Hn ase ae a 9 Hamburgh Creek ... are ise Nae pole 138, 624: 135, 136, 137, 196 Hannam’s Gap... Harvest Home acc Henderson Creek ... Aare a 542 Hendon re ats +7 Peron) Herbert River 522, 588, 586, 613 Herberton ... x., 5, 584, 592, 720, 727, 735 Highfields ... a ee hh Hinchinbrook Island be OLS Hodgkinson... : Xs nee 121, 178, 196, 201, 527, 540 ... 8389, 841, 511, 604, 668, 672 ive | 405, 424, 515 Hodgson’s Creek Home Creek Hood’s Range sae He stele .. 514 Hookey Creek ace xe a8 oo oOD Hughenden.., 394, 396, 397, 399, 401, 407, 409, 412, 462, 489, 494, 495, 505, 517, 555 Hungerford... ae ane 75 .. 514 Hunter Island sir nti ao we. 84, 42 Hunter River, N. 8. “Wales iis a aT ILFRACOMBE a is = 503 India we ae be 409, 417, 520, 653 Inniskillen ... or aan head Innot Creek... bite 0 is bf O29 Ipswich... 468 : vii., 5, 300, 311, 312, 316, 317, 321, 333, 346, 352, 3938, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 364, 387, 388, 390, 396, 414, 434, 441, 520, 54d, 597 Irvinebank ... - ae 6, 118 Tsaac’s Creek ae = 668 Isaacs River Anae SUPR 143, 167, 168, 169, 528 Isis River foe BOOST “45, 545, 554, 563, 564, 566 JANE’S TABLELAND a a a) (Doo Janet Range alee vee ee man OAM: Jardine River me ay a Canoe: Jeannie River a: Ror a woe tu) Jericho nae . at ah de 515 Jibbinbar ... ise ee ooo ae xi. Jimbooinba .., an ee 329 Jimbour oat _ 347, 350, 604; Jimna Se Rare vii., 18 Jirking Creek ee 404, 411, 462, 516 Page. Johannsen’s Caves, Rockhampton xiii., 91, 611, 635, 645 Johnstone River 586, 590, 598 Julia Creek ... 397, 400, 413, 486, 625 KABRA bre re rei ia 91 Kamilaroi | 397, 413, 504 Kangaroo Hills xiii, 7, 39, 134, 521, 522 Kannagan Range ... 1. me OR 88, 178, 234, 243, 244, 245 39, 129, 182, 133, ane 178, 244, 268, 264 Kariboe Creek Keelbottom River ... Kendal River a ; .. 940 Kennedy River... at ae 531, 538 Keppel Island, North wa ac aoe OL Kerguelen Land... ee Se oe Kileoy BSA a7 sft 351, 352, 369, 370 Kilkivan : Ke Key So. 87, 97, 98 King’s Creek 595, 642, 647, "648, 651, 653, 661, 662, 663, * 664, 668, 636, 667, 672, 678, 674, 675, 676, 678, 680, 682 Kingston... a“ : 325, 327 Kinrara Creek ah aes oa oe OSG Knapp’s Peak .... Sat Ss ri 5 Kooingal 35, 89, 178, 202, 206, 268 Koorboora ... al a xii., 6, 119 Kroombit 88, 107, 109, 234, 243, 24:4, O45, 273, 593 Kyabra oes “8 514, 556 Kynoona ... Bee 6 ase ie | SOL Lacaian River, N. 8. Wales... ve =A Laidley 7 ; ' w= 4, 823, 544 Lake Tae aoe we ae i 43686 Lake Lucy . ae sists 41, 134, 522 Luke Mueller’ me us oe MED TS: Lake’s Creek, Rockhampton .. 90, 91,92, 178, 218, 295, 296 Lancewood Range ... 30 ve Sol Landsborough River 411, 462, 463, 464, 498, 501, 502, 503, 517 Lane’s Creek as in B24 Langlo River ne i DOO: Langmorn 35, 89, 90, 178, 201, 610 Lansdowne ... . 425 Last Call, Cloncurry Ae Fr 21, 149 Laura River : . 529, 533, 536 Lee Creek ... he nots ee 38 Leichhardt Distr ict rs ae Rete! bay Leichhardt Downs... . EO Leichhardt River 1168, 397, 413, 462, 504 Leuten Downs 167, 169 Leyburn ... an sie OO Lilymere ... ae 89, 90, 92, 225, oe 287 Limestone Creek, Mitchell Riv er. Pe bi hy da 120, 527 Lion Creek . Pe baie ie oe 90 Littabella Creek "300, 546 Little Kennedy River, Cooktown... 2a O28 Little River, Gooktown woe Sy 172) 176 176, 178, 194 Liverpool Plains ... as ae ia 695 Lizard Island vhs oe Ke ce [OLS Lochaber ... aes 500 Nia a 88 Logan Downs : 157, 158 Logan River 4, 324, 350, 543, 544 Lolworth ee 28, 582, 594 Lord’s Tableland i” 606, 661 Lornesleigh ... Lowood ae Lucky Valley Lukin River Lynd River... Lynd Station MoCoy’s Creek Macintyre River Mackay "148, 146, 157, 167, ‘iss, "169, INDEX TO PLACES. Page. eee . 135, 186, 296 vee eee . = B46 ; viii. 34, 73, 74, 112 ues Se 533, 540 oe wee 521, 593 res # 38 a 523 gers 390 O07, 546, 622, 710, 711, 713, 716, 722, 7 725, 728, 732, 734, 735 Mackenzie River ... ‘ 143, 169 McKinlay , .20 Macpherson Range... 4, 350 Mackinlay River ae 421 Magnetic Island Salhi 173, 613, 616, 710 Magowra te % OL 7 Malbon-Thompson Range. pa aa ioe Malta a oat ah : 406 Malvern Hills Pe 4ok Manfred Downs 407, 413, 416, 417, 420, 506, 625 Manning River, N. 8. Wales uae 46, HEY Manoa Creek : Be 516 Manuka 422 Maranoa River Marathon Marble Island . 84, 42 Marburg 346 Marengo a Pity ou Marlborough re fa aed a 34. Maroochy River... see on swe 4 Maryborough ‘ .. 800, 396, 409. 454, 457, 458, 479, 544, 554, 555, 560, 562, 574 Mary River ... 4, 305, 544; Maryvale 582, 606, 608, 632, 641, 642, 644, 652, 668, 673 Maxford ge) awee Maxwelton ... _ 412, 419, 503 Mayne River 514, 556 Mazzlin Creek ees wa 3 586 Meerschaum Mountain ... sai s. | 330 Melville Plains sae #3, stor Aakete} Mihi Sa ie meas 336, 343 Millie 5 “er ao feo, a0!8) Milo : 513, 602 Minmi 404, 410, 454, 475, 481 Mitchell (S. ‘and W. Rly.) as 410, 429, Mitchell Downs Mitchell River 404, 409, 410, 475, 479, 480, 488, 501, 512 ...394, 396, 399, 400, 401, 407, 409, 412, 421, 441, 462, 463, 464, 466, 496, 508, 509, 555 4.46, 451, 472, 479, 482, 486, 501, 511 .. 440 at 1y, 120, 123, 176, 393, 512, 520, 527, B54, 559, 631, 712 Miva Creek ... 305, 341 Moggill xil., 333, 341 Molangul 18 Moondilla xii., ., 407, 427, 602 Moreton Bay Ae! 618, 621 Moreton District ix., 4, 34, 74, Morgan River fe ye Gye Morgan Tableland .., 530, 592 Morinish » 402 Waverley 95 Wealwandangie ., 158 Weddin Mountains, N. 8. “Wales... 142 Weelamurra a : , ESI Welcome Valley , 532, 533 Wellesley Islands ... 558 533 Wellington Caves, N. 8. Wales ... Uae O2e Wellshot ... Pe ... 426, 497, 503 Werna ; 2 ost 402, 421. Westbrook Creek ... 605, 648 Western Australia ... 390, 396, 434, 560, 643 Western Creek, Gilbert River ma” APS Westlands ooh . 24 White Mountain Creek “519, 582 Whitsunday Island 613 Whitula e 432 Wide Bay Creek 99 Wide Bay District ix., 4 Widgee Creek 332 Wiembilla Creek 653 Wild River ... ade Wilkinson Range ... Williams River ix., 6, 592 541 400, 401 Page. Willie’s Range... Ace EK cece HOLE Wilson’s Peak ae i aes se 5 Windeyer Creek ; 515, 541 W indorah ay as 513, 514 Winton ; 401, 402 AL, 421, 468, 514, 556 Withersfield F (om. VSSe740 Wokingham Creek... ma os 402, 514 Wolca * me realy) Wolltunbilla SExIVe; 390, 393, 396, 399, ‘406, 408, 409, 414, 435, 436, 439, 440, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 44.7, 448, 449, 451, 454, 456, 4.57, 458, 460, 462, 466, 467, os 469, 470, 471, 475, 476, 4.79, 480, 488, 484, 485, 4.86, 487, 488, 489, 501, 512, 555 Womallilla ... oe os Re ah Wongalee 399, 401, 517, 582 Woolgar... ous . 15, 23, 28, 522, 524 Wrotham Park od Wycarbah ai 313, 355, 356, 377, 382, 383, 386 SY LAACED Aue a “e6 ie 90 Yandilla . "604, 605 Yarra Basin, Victor ah : 20 Yarrabil Grsek fee (320 LOG Yarrol > 36, ‘87, 178, 252, 255, 276 Yass, N.S. W Vales .. i. 20, 53 Yatlon ‘94, Tis 178, 229, 233, 241, 254, 257, 267, 278 Yeppoon... is ote Yo Yo Creek ee wee ree Yorke’s Peninsula, Ss. Acatralia a BEC 20 Yuleba ae ee aca wee Tee bile ZILLMANTON 119, 120 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. SSS SS Page. Page. AGATE Bet fete es we ae 28, 145 Bowen River Formation, Middle, in the Andesite... Ce eo ae a Assi ' ype District . 150 Antimony— Life of the Period ae 159 Eidsvold oo ne he so 16 Bowen River Formation, Middle, marth Trvinebank AES Ramon Aan are 6 of the Type District alsy/ Mitchell River aa a plate Bowen River Formation, HEPPe in the Neerdie nes ay wi ace 85 Type District 16] : 121 I 7 “6 L Northcote aie aes 500 309 2 ata of the Pesiod 177 Pandanus Creek os ren a 38 : pe 9 Bowen River Formation, Upper, outeide Ravenswood ... Ms as Be 12 4 District 167 Arsenical Pyrites ... Loe ... 6, 11, 98, 101 ¢ Bee a ee istric oe ier Artesian Water 321, 323, 414, 433, Blain At os é eS air Athole 170 516, 526, 739, 740 Odskansuclt Benes 169 Ash and Agglomerate, Volcanic: ... 27, 105, Bee ae ie 2 9 Cement Hill, Clermont 169 144, 146, 148, 172, 173, few Riese 169° 321, 516, 533, 546, 548 “i SEN : ; saacs River 169 New Guinea ... Ad Sa “5 LGhare! Nati Lenten Downs.. 169 Tertiary aoe Fo ee eo ES Little Ri C ce pe ES he Af 936 ittle River, Coo town 175 S: ae ee Mackay e ane 168 Mackenzie River 169 Basatt— fs : Basalt Wall, Lolworth =... «.. 738 ne Greok, Cook i Bowen River ... e x 144, 150 Bee ty Oo ul ak fi AL Stanwell F er ital Burdekin River hoe Re eee Le ‘ CatclRiver 721 Townsville 172 Giitton be ib a ae ... 340 Burdekin (Middle Devonian Hormaton 34 Cooktown Re) wit ie ae List of Fossils from : : 43 Herberton wh 720, 721 Organic Remains of ... AT Ipswich oe 333, 350 Burrum Formation oe she ... 3800 Mackay ... 146-149, 722, 725 List of Fossils.. 5 ia 811, 740 Mount Beckford as 3 abn = sly Description of the Species Ae 313, 740 Mount Black ... ce sto. IS) New Guinea ... im ". 687, 719, 721 New South Wales... st ee oa es, CavEs me ne a4 Fe 91, 609 Oxley Creek ... ae an one. fists} Chaleedony .. 145 Palm Island ... Mee iF Jom. mOErAS) Classification ‘of Queensland Formations 3 Pleasant Creek ~ ae ngae © alls? Coal— Rosewood, near Ipswich ee yess. Ayrshire Downs 402 Russell ey we 720, 736 Bee Creek 167 Surprise Chak x oor eer 20 Blair Athole =: 14 a 170 Tertiary an “e ae ae anDis Bowen River 151, 161, 163, 164, 166 Toowoomba ... ves 550 aay eae Brisbane : 321 Victoria ee an ve ee | REM Bundaberg 307 Bibliography ote ae 580 so nau eaten ala 406 Bismuth— Burrum ae 800 Cloncurry x a0 ace 55 21 Callide Creek . ie 357 Halifax Bay ... ane ae noe 9 Cherwell Creek | we OOS Irvinebank ... Se en ise 6 Desert Sandstone, in ... ... 029, 582, 588 Kangaroo Hills ae see se 9 Dulbydilla 406 Mt. Biggenden a ae 87, 102 Flinders River 397 Mt. Shamrock ee me 88, 100 Gregory River ve OOo Percy River ... ee en Bie 30 Ipswich Coal Field ... 822, 333, 347 Sellheim fete : sind 13 Isis River 305 Boioro Limestones, New Guinea .; OCG Jimbour 347 Bowen River Formation, Lower, in Lenten Downs 167 the Type District tad ae w. 144 Little River, Cooktown 175 Contemporaneous Volcanic Malta ... ; 406 Rocks A .. 144 Mitchell River! A ae O27, Bowen River Formation, "Lower, Miva ... » curta a ne ~ a eB » hughendenensis ; 395 » orbicularis ae 409, 451 » reflecta . 409, 453, 457 5 simplex 449, 453 + substriata... 453, 459 "., 409, 453, 458 » wmbonalis ... S56 762 INDEX TO GENERA, ETC. Page. Aviculopecten ve 8 a0 eee Ae659) PA illawarrensis ier Sou Aa, es ? imbricatus . 84, 184, 26'7 ~ Laurenti 92, 93, 94, 184, 268 3 limeeformis... 84, 95, 159, 184, 266 _ multiradiatus. 84, 89,184,268 3 subquinquelineatus 159, 184, 266 BAIERA ee Bie are aPC OLS bidens te 312, 318 Banksia wes ie ane as Ro isleys Baylea Konincki ... ses AG “aot paetetsl Belemnitella diptycha 394, 490 Belemnites ... . 487, 545, 574 = australis 409, 410, 411, 48'7 > Barklyi Soe .. 489 5 Canhami 394, 406, 409, 411, 412, 413, 490 = eremos... 409, 410, 488 ” Oxys 411, 488 5 paxillosus 408, 4:88 x Sellheimi .. 897, 409, 410, “AL, 413, 489 Bellerophon : : sop, eS, i micromphalus a w=: 294, 5 stanvellensis ... 94, 158, 159, 186, 289 Belonostomus AC sis ee w. 504 5 Sweeti . 407, 412, 504 Beyrichia ... He ... 214 a varicosa ... 130, 137, 141, 181, 214 Billingsia alveoluris s a 53 Biziura vate ar ne eh weal |p (ODD » exhumata ... bat 6c Ae 655 Brachalletes sas ee ant Oso Palmeri ee ae oe O79 Brachyphyllum sie Set sae sou ahold) * australe, var. crassum ... 3885 e crassum 353, 354, 363, 385 Bucania a oh are Se ANY) x textilis 93, 94, 186, 290 Bulimus... Bie noe .. 646 “ Bairdii... Sa nite .. 646 A fibratus ... so sas .. = 646 Bulla ampulla ae ine 3 O90 Burrows ? a" 297 CALAMITES ... 91, 92, 93, 185, 186, 178 mr radiatus eae Loo * varians ies 140, 141, 178, 188 sp. ind. Soe LOS Campophyllum noe ati ane aa 60 -- Gregorii ... 44, 48, 6O Canis dingo cat a oe sow OPP? Casuarina oe Ge th ee o2e Ceratochelys sthenurus ... 647, 650 Cardiocarpum & ae OOO * australe ay, 353, 354, 363, 386 Ceratodus ... fe ein 646 x Fosteri ... Bia 50 ... 646 i Palmeri ede ea a 646 Cerithium ebininum Ae nh .. 642 Ceromya ... ee bof a 571 ra sp. ind. or BBA, 571 Chenomya ... tn Or sy) WARS! " acuta iso, 185, 280 3 ? bowenensis ... 159, 185, 280 33 ? carinata Soo sth 159, 185, 279 + ? Etheridgei 84, 158, 159, 185, 279 Page. Chelodina ae ate wa 048 an longicollis 6c .. «=»: 6 48 Chlamydosaurus —. vee ‘bs ies 1088 3 Bennettii vias .. 648 ie Kingi se 2048 Chonetes Soh Bee ACY . australis ... 263 - cracowensis a laguessiana “ sp. ind. (a) ” ” (0) ”» 2 (c) ” ” @) Chronozoon .. ry australe Chosornis sae 33 preeteritus Cinulia ae we », Hochstetteri Cladochonus Fi * tenuicollis Cladopora robusta... Cleobis grandis » recta Codakia percrassa ... Ceenites Ee SDalud. Conchotheca turgida Conus glacus Corbicella - - P maranoana Corbicula ve _ australis ‘, burrumensis i nepeanensis Corbula crassa » albuginosa Cordaites sc 5 australis .., Corimya... nee * primula “A Wilsoni Crenatula ? Sena Crioceras 5 australe . 409, 410, 411, 412, 413,499 . Edkinsi ... 411, 502 5 Jackii wu. 499 . irregulare “418, 409, 501 sp. ind. 411, 412, "502 Cristellaria ... Se ae em ww. 488 . acutauricularis, var. longicostata 409, 435 x cultrata, var. radiata 409, 435 Crocodilus ... a0 : nee Boo. MY x australis 606, 652 =. porosus... sO De Cucullxa Pets ar 468, 565 ‘ss costata + se ee a) a Hendersoni 411, 468 3 robusta ace 554, 565 Cultellus, sp ? a .. 695 Cunninghamites : pc x) | S80 a australis .., 353, 354, 363, Se Cyathophyllum _... by sie ; a Leichhardtii ... : 59 4 sp. ind. (a) Re 179, 201 i a te) és 179, 201 _ 92, 93, 94, 130, 137, 141, 158, 159, 183, 262 ey 92, 94, 130, 133, 138, 141, 183, 262 . 92, 93, 94, 183, 263 133, 138, 141, 183, 263 157, 159, 183, 264 ey: 682 657 657 484 “409, 410, 484 i ees 93, 179, 201 Tee 282 284, 569 56 43, 48, 56 os oe | RO eu pa 5 Reames pane ala 410, 471 319, 641 606, 641 312, 319 606, 641 695 695 198 * 83, 140, 141, 179, 198 = ni 410, 481 458, 459 499 INDEX TO GENERA, ETC. 763 Page. Cycadinocarpus ... aes dav) « O00 Cycadopteri is preacaats vides “as ne OOS Cyclas nepeanensis.. ae He Be 641 Cyclopteris cuneata i ey 378 Cyclostigma “es : 135, 136, 197 ‘ australis 140, 141, 179, 197 sp. ind. 137, 141, 179, 197 Cypricardella ¥r ps S276 “f Jackii ae . 84, 184, 276 Cyprina 474, 568 , Olarkei 410, 412, 413, 414, Page. Dromaius patricius... Boe a OO Dromornis ... mee oF 606, 658 of australis... .. 606, 658, 659 ECHIDNA ... oh harpeeformis , .. 93, 94, 185, 284 denisoniensis 606, 642 variata 130, 188, TAL, 185, 285 3 moesta 606, 642 5 SYOH MAB, oc 130, 138, 141, 185, 285 5 onca A 606, 642 Nautilus a Nee e 292, 502 » pagoda 606, 642 HK: ? ammonitiformis 93, 94, 186, 292 - subimbricata 606 5 Hendersoni 411, 412, 502 sp. ind. 606 a sp. ind. 93, 94, 186 Meleagrina .. Be (Oe Necrastur 354 Meleagr inella 453, 482 a alacer 354 Melosira arenaria ... 330 Neritina gagates 694 Merismopteria ne Se eg Notiosaurus AA 651 % macroptera _ 159, 184, 271 ms dentatus 651 Mesoblastus * 5 walls, Notochelone oe OOO oe ? australis 93, 159, 180, 210 3 costata | 396, 412, 505 Mesostigmodera_... Ant MeL OO L Notochelys costata . oe 396, 505 lee ; 353, 354, 363, 387 Notoelephas i ee wf 683 Metapteryx .. ; eLOO2 7 australis ees 5 tao, Kehes3 =f bifrons.. a 662 Nototherium be , 606, 607 Micraster 4 wx, HY) mn dunense OO? 45 Sweeti Be 554, 559 =, inerme . 667 Mitra, sp.? ... i Oue of Mitchelli ae LOOT Modiola be 468 -| Nucula 469, 565 » linguloides... OT, » australis 410, 469 » unica 410, 468 COO pert 410, 469 Modiomorpha Ser a ee » gigantea : 554, 566 ss Daintreei 88, 184, 272 » quadrata 406, 409, 411, 414, “p mytiliformis 157, 158, 469, 554, 555, 565 ° 159, 184, 273 » truncata cai 409, 410, 469 Monotis Barklyi : 4.55 sy toh eavell “6 F 93, 94, 138, 184, Monticulipora ee (2, 274, 406, 411, 470 ” sp. ind, 89, 180, 202 Nuculana ... not “ i 276, 566 Mourlonia ... ae ne eS 4 Randsi . ae 554, 566 = ? coniformis i 158, 159, 185, 287 5 sp. ind. 130, 188, 141, 184, 275 ‘e Strzeleckiana 92, 94, 185, 287 Nyroca 655 Murchisonia : e289 5 australis 656 Me carinata 93, 94, 186, 289 or reclusa 656 “ sp. ind. (a) 93, 94, 186, 289 » robusta 655 » » (0) 93, 94, 186, 289 » x. | (e) 93, 94, 186, 227 Odontopteris OG Babes 368 Mya McCoyi 1 w. 480 Oliva ispidula : bis wv. 695 Myacites McCoyi ... ae 409 5, Jlepida... “he wea aw » 69D » TUYOSA st ... 409 a neostina a6 ee ... 695 Myophoria ... : 470 » sidelia,.. eee vue pa aun CO5 Myriolithes .. 225 BPA. tise se oe pp 8219) * queenslandensis 89, 92, 94, Orbipora ? Waageni acs, on sou, NTs 181, 225 Ornithorhynchus 663 Mytilops.... tie +r ese ala . agilis vee vw» 668 » ? corrugata a 93, 94, 184, 272 Orthis 244, soe COB Ate «7 va venuit OAs, 184, 272 » australis 92, 93, 182, 245 766 Orthis resupinata ... INDEX TO GENERA, ETC. Page. 88, 92, 93, 130, 137, 141, 182, 244 Orthoceras ... Soe eee 298 nA sp. ind. ... B4, 93, 94, 130, 138, 141, 157, 159 , 186, 293 Orthotetes ; é : 68 As concentrica A, 47, 68 - crenistria He ie 68 i Mi var. senilis ... . 246 ‘ wnbraculum 44, 47, 68 Osphranter at ee . Cooperi 674 5; Gouldi Son ws Ostrea : 445, 531, 536, 561, 640 » mordax 3 640 » pes-tigris ... 640 » vesiculosa 412, 445 Resp ands * BBA, 561 Otodus appendiculatus . 307, 413, 503 Otozamites ... soo toll Ms Mandeslohi 323, 354, ee 381 7 sp. ind. ; 2, 318 Owenia grata ’ 669 Oxytoma 3 . 448 a rockwoodensis _ 411, 412,448 s ? simplex 410, 449 PACHYDOMUS : 282 E globosus _ 159, 185, 282 Pachypora ... ae e 51 & mericionalis _ 43, 47, 48, 51 Pachysiagon : aoc poe heiress BS Ferragus 75 BA Otuel 075 Parallelodon XK: we DTA s costellata 84, 274 Paleomeera.. 478, 570 es marieburiensis iE 554, 570 Sr sp. ind. 411, 478, 554, 570 Palzoniscus ot 186, 188, 140, 141 4 Randsi sf 186, 296 Paleopelargus . 354 - nobilis 354 Palorchestes sy 675 4 azael .,. 675 Pallimnarchus 5 652 - pollens AOD Panopea 478, 570 TUgOsSa 478 5 sulcata ee OL Pecopteris australis 316, 360 , gleichenoides 557 a odontopteroides 368 Pecten ae = 445 » equilineatus 409, 445 5 comptus 266 » fimbriatus .. 445 » limeforiis ... bi 266 » Moorei 409, 44.5 » nove-guinese » psila » socialis , 4 e subquinquelineatus sp. ind. Pelicanus ae 3 proavus ... Pentacrinus.. Fe australis Pentamerus.. eon 5 brevirostris ans Perameles nasuta ... a 692, 698 .. 409, 411, 446 409, 413, 446 wah 266 2, 446, 695 354 354 .» 439 “409, 410, 489 Be 67 411, 41 4A, 47, 67 soo LOUUB Perna » gigantea Peronella decagonalis Petrogale penicillata Phalanger a = procuscus Phalangista canina Phascolagus 5 altus Phascolomys es is x angustidens ... a GJigas... nS magnus & medius * Mitchelli 5 parvus re a platyrhinus ... f pliocenus rr Thomsoni Phascolonus 3 Bi A gigas ... ea Phillipsia *, dubia 93, 94, 130, ye Woodwar di Fe sp. ind. Phlebopteris fs alethopteroides Phyllopteris i Feistmanteli... Phyllotheca : x australis i carnosa a sp. ind. Physa see » truncata Pinna Re » australis Pe epalnds Placuna F sp. ind, Planorbulina oad = lobatula 5 Ungeriana Platalea ae a subtenuis .. Platyceps Wilkinsoni Platycrinus ... So 5 CREDUL Kat Platyschisma a acutus * rotundata Plesiosaurus.. L macrospondyl lus Fs Sutherlandi .. Pleurophorus Randsi Pleurotomari 1a Ss carinata “ Cliftoni Plotus es 5 parvus Podozamites ae fe Barklyi * ellipticus 5 Kidstoni : lanceolatus 55 sp. ind. Polymorphina vse Page. pee) 410, 462 692 613 670 670 613 676 Meee. ... 606, 607, 664 605 666 664 .. 664 605, 664 665 665 622 665 666 666 ve 214 137, 141, 181, 214 92, 94, 181, 215 . 92, 93, 94, 181, 215 I 378 352, "854, 363, 378 ‘ 378, 518 354, 356, 362, 375 ane 168, 365 177, 178, 189 351, 354, 362, 8365 351, 354, 362, 865 “ae 644 606, 644 fe HOD 465 he a 466 “418, 465 a: 562 554, 562 436 409, 436 409, 436 354 3854 860 Ma Bi 208 159, 180, 208 or 286 94, 185, 286 93, 94, 158, 159, 185, 286 B08, 509 394, 413, 508 394, 411, 412, 413, 508 ads ees WES 71S4n 27a aks bon 287 . 84,185, 287 410, 484 656 656 Sule 360 ; 360 “311, 312, 317 352, 354, 363, 380 311, 312, 318, 352 354, 363, 380 436 nee oor INDEX TO GENERA, ETC. Page. Polymorphina gibba 409, 436 oe lactea Ae 409, 436 Polypora... a ay aie kh te ? Smithii ... 83, 92, 93, 94, 181, 219 Porcellia ... we ... 290 * Pearsi : 93, 94, 1380, 138, “14, 158, 159, ee 290 Porphyrio ... a 657 As Mackintoshi_ ... a ee ODF. Re ? reperta one ee OUT Potamides ... es ane eos ws | 642 a ebininus at “fe ee 642 Poteriocrinus of Re See 209 a crassus son ABE “180, 209 ‘ Smithii ag 93, 180, 209 Procherus ... es ane 682 - celer .... toe 2s ... * 682 Procoptodon ee ey Wes POLO rp Goliah site aes OVO a pusio don Act coe O70 BS rapha ve re soe RE Productus ... tie me 247 _ brachytherus ... 87, ‘88, 92, 98, 94,, 159, 177, 183, 248 A: Clarke 2OS cora . 84, 92, 94, 157, 159, 183, 248 e longispinus 93, 94, 183, 255 o semireticulatus 88, 92, 94, 183, 255 iy subquadratus 92, 4, 9, 159, 252 i sp. ind. (a) ; 87, 255 > eed (G) 92, 94, 255 A ey Ge 92, 9A, 256 ae (cl) ; 93, 94, 256 3 . ite) 158, 256 ” ” (f) 99, 257 Progura os a Soo a s 656 » gallinacea ne ee Oot Protemnodon An hos cos oe OFT Pe anak ... uae fs sc5 9 OWE 5 anteeus es sa ee OL 7 iP mimas aS Bon cee Or d, x Gores aCe ae a O18 i Reechus wee ae Ee Oe Protoretepora we Oko i ampla 83. 92, 94, 151, 181, 221 * » var. Konincki stat 159, 181, 222 e » var. Woodsi... 159, 181, 222 Pseudavicula we 449, 563 a ? alata 554, 563 y anomala 410, 450 a australis nee ae 410, 451 Pseudochirus ms * es ao, Soya a ?notabilis ... he AL Pterinea macroptera na a nee | meatal Pterinopecten os ae oh, rere _ Deyisii 93, 94, 184, 270 Pterophyllum _" be el dant! 4 abnorme : 358, 354, 363, 381 - sp. ind.) 353; 354, 356, 363, 382 Ptilophyllum 4g da ge eso “aes eo 363, 382 Pupina Coxi : ve ats 643 # meridionalis Be Sc . 643 RANELLA ALBIVARICOSA ... aoe to a 695 Reticularia ... Aes Se 235 * lineata ... oe 93, 94, 182, 235 i Urei 130, 137, 141, 182, 235 Retzia me on Ais . 242 » ? lilymerensis crs 92, 94, 152, 242 Retzia radialis Rhombopora ww. 224 3 laxa ‘83, 92, 94, 181, 224 Rhynchonella 244, 443, 536, 560 BS croydonensis 564, 560 pleurodon ... 92, 94, 133, 137, 141, 182, 244 , primipilaris -. 44,47, 67 % rustica 409, 443 ‘* solitaria 409, 444 3 variabilis we | 408 s sp. ind. : 244. Rocellaria ... re ve 319 a ee 312, 319 . Romingeria . awe a8 56 53 ? Foordi- 43, 48,56 SAGENOPTERIS oie Pos SUEY if “ ? cuneata ... 352, 354, 363, 378 4 rhoifolia ... 323, 352, 354, "363, 377 Sanguinolites 4 eco concentrica ... . 84, 185, 281 Sarcophilus ... “on Aetshll as laniarius 680 “ prior 681 Sceparnodon : 681 Es Ramsayi 681 Schloenbachia 493 i inflatus 493 Sequoiites ee .. 884 % australis 355, 356, 363, 384 Serpula Ge .. 440 = intestinalis . 408, 409, 440 Siphonaria ... eee Be Es Samwelli 554,573 Solemya_... i oe 24D » Edelfelti “159, 184, 275 Sphenopteris : of 169, 190, 314 ap Bailiana 351, 354, 362, 366 rr crebra .. 177, 178,190 Sphenopteris elongata 767 Page. 130, 187, 141, 182, 242 367 3 flabellifolia ... 311, 312, 314 . Fr var.erecta 311,312,314 .s flexuosa 177, 178, 190 a lobifolia 177, 178, 190 Spirifera ee FA eee 227 Sh bicarinata : 88, 92, 94, 130, 183, 137, 144, 182, 234 ig Clarkei ae 159, 182, 229 as conyoluta ... 154, 182, 229 - curvata 44, 47, 64 S dubia .. 83, 182, 231 5 euryglossa 65 ne ‘44, 47, 65 ap lata 95, 157, 159, 182, 229 . pinguis a 93, 94. 182, 233 * Stokesii 83, 95, 159, 182, 232 s striata . 159, 182, 227 . Strzeleckii 157, 159, 182, 234 a tasmaniensis Ae 159, 182, 232 _ trigonalis woos 94, 159, 182, 230 . e var. acuta 83, 230 :. * var. bisuleata eee 2o0) > a var. crassa 92, 94, 230 - ¥ var. Strzeleckii 83, 182 7 vespertilio 83, 92, 94, 182, 228 n sp. ind. (a) 03, 94, 157, 228 %9 » (0) wee + 231 Spiriferina ... ify “i w= 234 nf duodecincostata 137, 157, 182, 234 or sp. ind..., ese 130, 141, 182, 235 768 INDEX TO GENERA, ETC. Page. Spondylostrobus_ ... es ae eco Sporangia ... AAC ae a8 Se OL. Stenopora ... use os eee 3 australis Rae "159, 180, 202 i gimpiensis ; 83, 180, 206 s Jackii 151, 159, 180, 205 RS Leichhardti 151, 159, 180, 204 3 ovata... ae .. 1202 Stephanoceras 5G: ac

P plana . 410, 477 - sp. ind. ., ee 410, 478 Taphetus... 6 be 5B ageegOOS Es brachialis Rat aes PODS Taxites kar Aric Ba . 884 » medius 353, 354, 363, 384 Tellina foliacea ... we 695 » McAndrewi ae ep Pe OOo: » pinguis one Ae ase OUD » scalpellum ... Ads ae LOCO 5 eeapectabilis —.. sae as ae eb: ay ajekbey a he a co OOO Terebra straminea ... dite bap Bog Leos) Terebratella xe ies os 442 Davidsoni 409, 442, Tercbratula cymbeeformis .. 159, 225 Fi sacculus _ 159, 226 Teredo oe ace is Aa 5, OYA Bp ond: 554, 572 Page. Temnechinus Macleayana... fen ey Cols! Teuthis : ee 2 ABs ee ED. nds 50 410, 487 Thalassina ... ds Ai ees Lae Ope Emerii ... ois ate Ren) fabs, Thinnfeldia .. ry: ns ea ao) Oe 3 cr aacineryis ae et OOS 5 media ... “311, 312, 315, 352, 354, 362, 369 “ odontopteroides 851, 354, 357, 362, 368 y Ae var. fal- 352, 354, cata 362, 369 a subtrigona we one ae sin! Thylacinus ... ee ic 500 -- 680 os speleeus a Jeo 680 Thylacoleo ... os Fs .. 606, aie oe 3 carnifex % : ae Thracia Wilsoni ... ue ioe ase ist Trachypora .. ae ae ae et 55 fe sp. ‘ind. . 43, 47, 55 Tribonysc., Aor Mae ioe ae) OOS _ effluxus ... se MBs OOS Trichomanites ey ate Bee ley ig elongata Bball 354, 362, 367 y laxum 811, 312, 315, 351, 354, 362, 367 - spinifolia ... —... 851, 854, 362 Triclis BE Ace Bee aa OLS * oscillans ... we vA vas ee Triccelocrinus ose ae wae pale - Carpenteri ... 93, 94, mis, 212 Trigonia... os tae ee 470, 567 e lineata ... 409, 410, 470, 567 “4 mesembria es 411,470 i nasuta 409, 554, 567 a APs ttc sco 411, 471, 554, 567 UNICARDIUM we : a 472, 569 - # Etheridgei . 554, 569 ys Meeki a 413, 472, Unio Se see Are ae 388, 468 » eyrensis ... 858, 354, 363, 389 »» ipsviciensis ... 358, 354, 363, 388 esp: ands Nar ae ... 889, 412, 468 Uroetus br achialis Aen se Gos VAGINULINA ae Be ae w. 485 = striata : Le 409, 435 Varanus... ne sys nae Zn ee Ook - dirus ® re Bi sy Letaile ~ emeritus ... we oa fee KL CS CUS es ac we 649 Venus (Chione) ealophylla are Baie Psy! < imbricata ., sine Bae tls Voluta anticingulata a on 694, 697 macroperta 694, 697 XENORHYNCHUS ... nae ee (ODS 55 nanus .., a OOS YVANIA oe Sn aed ee tote: . s Koninckiils.. 93, 94, 186, 288 ZAMITES LONGIFOLIA 356 ae OOO Zaphrentis ... sh 500 x sae "93, 179, 200 i; profunda ee By Authority: James C. Brat, Government Printer, William street, Brisbane. i i) Tes HS ths, Fe 4 iia ae Sy Set a Mi rp et oe ae erste tare F Tope N ts X was RRS SANA YA * ERAN * ALY o y 4 zt \ Nets AWAY NDR ANS sy nS st My PARSON wh a : GONE S x ‘ Abeer NaN ve i ») Raa ett MI ay eee LEE Leer . i) Nike Ny SN) NN aN Ne ni it a see 2)