LI B R.AR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 63O.7 no. AGRICULTURE BIRCULATING CHECK FOR UNBOUND CIRCULATING COPY 3M 10-57 63570 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURE LIBRARY COMMERCIAL * CORN HYBRIDS IN ILLINOIS By EARL R. LENG Location of 1957 test fields ASHKUM STANFORD^ GREENFIELD^ I I BROWNSTOWN Bulletin 622 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CONTENTS PAGE PLAN OF THE TESTS 3 GROWING CONDITIONS 5 MEASURING PERFORMANCE 8 RESULTS OF VARIETY TESTS 10 Extreme Northern Illinois: Woodstock 10 Northern Illinois: DeKalb 11 West North-Central Illinois: Galesburg 14 East North-Central Illinois: Ashkum 17 West-Central Illinois: Bowen 20 Central Illinois: Stanford 21 East-Central Illinois: Urbana 23 West South-Central Illinois: Greenfield 26 Southern Illinois: Brownstown 28 Extreme Southern Illinois: Ridgway, Eldorado, Carbondale, and Wolf Lake 31 SUMMARY 34 CONTRIBUTORS 36 PEDIGREES 37 INDEX. ..38 Special acknowledgment is due W. C. Jacob and R. D. Seif for processing the data, and H. L. Portz, Southern Illinois University, for extensive assistance in conducting the Wolf Lake test. Acknowledgment is also due the following indi- viduals for assistance with individual tests: A. R. Kemp and Don Teel, farm adviser and assistant in Knox county, for assistance with the test at Galesburg; D. R. Browning and E. Arnzin for assistance with the test at Wolf Lake ; and Carlin Morton and John Abbott for assistance with the tests at Bowen and Ashkum, respectively. Credit is also due Melvin Peasley and Gerald Ross, crops testing technicians, and Robert Briggs and Wolf Prensky, graduate assistants, for their valuable aid in the field and laboratory work of the 1957 testing program. Urbana, Illinois January, 1958 Publications in the Bulletin series report the results of investigations made or sponsored by the Experiment Station PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS IN ILLINOIS, 1957 By EARL R. LENG, Associate Professor of Agronomy DESPITE UNFAVORABLE WEATHER conditions at planting and harvest, the 1957 corn yields in Illinois were the second high- est on record for the state. The estimated average yield for the state was 64 bushels per acre, 4 bushels below the 1956 record high average, but 3 bushels above the former record established in 1948. Official estimates placed total production at about 530 million bushels, about 68 million bushels less than the 1956 record crop. Moisture content of the grain was unusually high in many areas, and grain quality was generally poorer than average. 1 PLAN OF THE TESTS Number of hybrids and their sources. Four hundred twelve hybrids were grown on ten major test fields. Fifty-five companies and individuals and the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station fur- nished seed for the tests. The number of hybrids grown was more than 15 percent larger than in 1956, and nearly 70 percent larger than the number tested in 1955. One hundred ten hybrids were grown at DeKalb and Ashkum. At Galesburg 132 entries were tested, and at Urbana 125. Seventy-two hybrids were included in each of the tests at Woodstock and Greenfield, 75 were tested at Bowen, and 81 at Brownstown. The test at Stanford included 100 hybrids, while 56 were tested at Wolf Lake. The expan- sion in number of test locations begun in 1956 was continued, with new test fields being established at Woodstock, Bowen, and Stanford. General information on the ten tests is summarized in Table 1. A representative of the Illinois Station or of the Illinois Crop Improvement Association collected seed for planting the test fields. Seed was obtained directly from the warehouses or seed supplies of the producers entering the respective hybrids. Seed of certain Illinois and other open-pedigreed hybrids was furnished by the Illinois Station. 1 Estimates of yield for the state were furnished by the Illinois Cooperative Crop Reporting Service, Illinois State Department of Agriculture cooperating with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. 4 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Selection of entries. Each year producers of hybrid seed corn are given an opportunity to nominate hybrids for testing on the various fields. A fee is charged for testing hybrids nominated in this manner. As a rule, all hybrids nominated for testing are accepted and included in the performance test plots. In 1957, as in past years, a few hybrids were included in the tests to meet the field-performance requirements for certification. Some Station-produced open-pedigreed hybrids were included at each loca- tion, and several promising experimental hybrids were tested at some locations. The performance of additional experimental hybrids in 1957 and preceding years is reported in Illinois Bulletin 623. Table 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: Illinois Hybrid Corn Tests, 1957 Field, county, location, and number of entries Date planted Date harvested Average acre yield Moisture in grain Erect plants Stand Woodstock: McHenry, Ex. N, 72 ... May 29 Oct. 31 bu. 97.9 perct. 31.3 perct. 95 perct. 81 DpKaib: n^Kalb, N 110 May 18 Nov. 2 110 6 23 4 96 86 Galesburg: Knox, WNC, 132 , . . May 23 Oct. 26 118.1 23.5 85 90 Ashkum: Iroquois, ENC, 110 June 3 Nov. 7 106.2 24.8 77 91 Bowen: Adams, WC, 75 . May 30 Oct. 19 99.3 23.3 97 85 Stanford: McLean, C, 100 May 9 Oct. 17 128.1 19.9 97 90 Urbana: Champaign, EC, 125 . May 7 Oct. 14 131 .8 20 1 97 93 Greenfield : Macoupin, WSC, 72 . . June 5 Nov. 8 86.8 20.7 93 92 Brownstown: Fayette, S, 81 . . July 9 Dec. 14 41.4 51.9 51 90 Wolf Lake : Union, Ex. S, 56 May 2 Oct. 17 97.2 17 99 90 COOPERATORS: EARL HUGHES, McHenry county; RALPH ANDERSON and RALPH HAWTHORNE, Knox county; D. L. PETERSON, Iroquois county; ELDON GOLDEN, Adams county; ROBERT BUTH, McLean county; CHARLES Ross, Macoupin county; EARL SCHWARM and H. O. LEWIS, Fayette county; SHAWNEE HIGH SCHOOL, Union county. Tests in DeKalb and Champaign counties were located on University of Illinois farms managed by R. E. BELL and C. H. FARNHAM. P. E. JOHNSON, Assistant Professor of Soil Fertility, supervised field operations on the test in Fayette county. Soil characteristics of fields. The test fields usually are medium to high in productivity, and each is chosen to represent a soil type common to the region where it is located. Insofar as possible, each field is selected for uniformity in soil type, productivity, and drainage. Approximate locations of test fields are shown on the map on the cover. Soil characteristics and management are described in Table 2. Field-plot design. The experimental design used at Urbana was a 5 X 5 X 5 cubic lattice with 3 replications. A 9 X 9 lattice-square design with 5 replications was used at Brownstown. Experimental designs on the other test fields were rectangular lattices of the appro- priate size with 3 replications each. As a result of computer program- 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 5 ming difficulties, the data presented in this bulletin for all tests were analyzed statistically by the procedure normally used for randomized block tests. Method of planting. All test fields were planted by hand on land prepared in the normal way for corn. All test plots except those at DeKalb, Urbana, and Brownstown were part of larger cornfields, and were surrounded by farmers' corn. Individual plots consisted of two rows, each 5 hills long. Three kernels were planted per hill at Bowen, Greenfield, Brownstown, and Wolf Lake; four kernels were planted per hill at other test locations. The plots were not thinned. GROWING CONDITIONS The 1957 growing season in many sections of Illinois was char- acterized by excessive moisture at both planting and harvest times. As a result of heavy May rainfall, much of the corn in the state was planted two to four or more weeks later than usual. The delay in planting was particularly serious in considerable areas of south-central Illinois, where many fields were not planted until after June 15. In general, the crop made good growth in July and August, and crop prospects appeared generally favorable until early October. During most of October and November, cool temperatures and high relative humidities prevailed, and killing frosts occurred while much of the corn in northeastern and south-central Illinois either was immature or was carrying too high a moisture content for safe storage. Continued unfavorable weather for drying of the grain created a very serious harvest and storage problem in extensive areas of the state. The harvest problem was complicated still further by stalk breakage, which was unusually prevalent in most of the later-harvested corn. Seedbeds for the performance tests were generally wet and in un- favorable physical condition for planting. The test fields at Wolf Lake, Urbana, and Stanford were exceptions to this rule, since they were planted in early May, before the wet weather began. Except at these three fields and the DeKalb field, planting dates for the tests were much later than normal for the areas in which the tests were con- ducted. Continued wet weather forced delay in planting the Browns- town field until the second week of July. Wet, cool weather retarded early plant growth in most test fields, and excessive moisture resulted in some reduction in stands. Growing conditions during the summer months were generally 6 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, good to excellent, although a few test fields were subjected to temporary moisture shortages. Development of the plants was rapid, and plant growth was vigorous on most of the test fields. Crop prospects in September appeared very favorable on most of the test fields, although it was apparent that the crop on the Brownstown field might not mature before frost. Cool, wet weather in October and November retarded drying of the grain at all locations except Wolf Lake, Urbana, and Stanford. Moisture content of the grain was high at Ashkum and extremely high at Woodstock. Corn in the test field at Brownstown was killed by frost before much of the grain was more than barely dented, sub- sequent weather conditions were very unfavorable for drying, and the corn was soft and in bad condition when ultimately harvested Decem- ber 14. Table 2. TEST FIELDS: Soil Characteristics, Management Practices, and Rainfall in 1957 c ., . Lime Available Available Previous crops, soil manage- ment P hos P horus Potassium ment, and rainfall EXTREME NORTHERN: Woodstock tons Proctor silt loam High High Corn 1956 (previous cropping history and management not definitely known). Rainfall (inches): May 6.19; June 1.18; July 6.00; August 5.03. NORTHERN: DeKalb Flanagan silt loam High High Corn 1953; oats 1954; red clover 1955; corn 1956; 400 pounds 0-10-30 plowed down before planting; 250 pounds am- monium nitrate July 1 ; limestone applied in past. Rainfall (inches): May 3.87; June 1.80; July 5.72; August 3.14. WEST NORTH-CENTRAL: Galesburg Muscatine silt loam 2 Slight High Corn 1953; corn 1954; oats 1955; alfalfa 1956. Stable manure plowed down. Rainfall (inches): May 3.34; June 4.79; July 2.84; August 2.26. EAST NORTH-CENTRAL: Ashkum Pella clay loam 2 Very high Very high Corn 1953; corn 1954; oats 1955; alfalfa- brome 1956. 100 pounds ammonium ni- trate side-dressed. Rainfall (inches): May 3.52; June 6.63; July 10.20; August 2.17. (Table is concluded on next page) 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS Table 2. TEST FIELDS: Soil Characteristics, Management Practices, and Rainfall in 1957 concluded Soil type Lime Available Available phosphorus potassium Previous crops, soil manage- ment, and rainfall WEST-CENTRAL: Bowen Virden silty clay loam . tons High High Corn 1953; corn 1954; soybeans 1955; oats (clover catch crop) 1956; 100 pounds anhydrous ammonia plowed down; 125 pounds 4-16-16 starter fertilizer; lime- stone and rock phosphate applied 1956. Rainfall (inches): May 4.94; June 5.81; July 1.67; August 2.69. CENTRAL: Stanford Muscatine silt loam 2 High Very high Corn 1 953 ; soybeans 1 954 ; soybeans 1 955 ; soybeans 1956; 200 pounds 0-20-20 disked in before planting; 100 pounds 0-45-0 starter fertilizer; 115 pounds anhydrous ammonia applied during growing season. Rainfall (inches): May 3.80; June 3.80; July 3.74; August 1.83. EAST-CENTRAL: Urbana Brenton silt loam . . .0 Medium High Corn 1953; oats 1954; legumes (none re- moved) 1955; corn 1956; 80 pounds nitro- gen applied as anhydrous ammonia at last cultivation; limestone and rock phos- phate applied 1956. Rainfall (inches): May 4.08; June 6.46; July 5.09; August 1.53. WEST SOUTH-CENTRAL: Greenfield Herrick silt loam 3 Medium Medium Soybeans 1953; wheat 1954; alfalfa 1955; corn 1956; 300 pounds 3-12-12 at planting time; limestone and superphosphate ap- plied in past 4 years. Rainfall (inches): May 7.02; June 8.07; July 3.60; August 1.95. SOUTHERN: Brownstown Cisne silt loam . . .2 High High Corn 1953; oats and clover 1954; corn 1955; oats and clover 1956. 200 pounds ammonium nitrate side-dressed during growing season. Rainfall (inches): May 9.33; June 11.58; July 10.77; August 3.47. EXTREME SOUTHERN: Wolf Lake Riley fine sandy loam . High High Soybeans 1953; wheat and clover 1954; corn 1955; corn 1956; 150 pounds 4-16-16 at planting time. Rainfall (inches): May 14.72; June 4.03; July 4.17; August 1.83. 8 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, MEASURING PERFORMANCE The entries of the 1957 test are listed in the tables in alphabetical order. It is hoped that this arrangement will reduce the emphasis often placed on yield alone, and particularly that it will call attention to the importance of more than a single year's observations. Yield of grain. Except for the Brownstown test, the total acre- yield was calculated as shelled corn containing 15.5 percent moisture, the upper limit allowable in No. 2 corn. To determine shelling percent- age, all the ears from one replicate of each entry were shelled im- mediately after harvest. From the well-mixed shelled corn, one sample was taken to determine the percentage of moisture at harvest. 1 Moisture content of the ears in the Brownstown test was too high for them to be shelled, even though harvest was delayed until mid- December. To determine moisture contents in this test, a two-hill sample of ears from each plot in two replications was weighed at harvest, oven-dried, and weighed again after drying. Moisture per- centage of the whole ear was then computed from the weight lost in drying. Plot yields were computed on the basis of ear corn at 15.5 percent moisture content and 70 pounds bushel weight. Erect plants. The percentage of erect plants in each plot of each entry on each field was estimated at the time of harvest. Lodging may have been due to rootworm damage, weak or rotted roots, corn-borer damage, stalk rots, or weak stalks. Stalks broken above the ear were not considered lodged. Stand. A count was made in late summer, at all fields, of the number of missing hills and number of missing plants in each plot of each variety. It is assumed that missing hills were due to some factor other than the hybrid itself. Yields were corrected for missing hills by the following adjustment: Ear weight in field X l + ( hin^pfesent X ' 7 )] = ad J usted ear weight The percent stand is based on the total number of missing plants in relation to the number that would have been present if all the kernels had produced plants. Stand differences may be due to poor germina- tion, to disease, insects, or in some cases to destruction in cultivation. 1 All moisture determinations were made with a Radson moisture tester. 1958} COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 9 Readers are urged to keep in mind these two things when comparing the performance of hybrids on any one field: 1. Small differences in any one year do not necessarily indicate that one hybrid is inherently superior to another. In comparing the per- formance of two hybrids, figures may be obtained representing the range which differences between two entries must exceed before they can be considered significantly different. The method used in determin- ing this value is called the "Multiple Range test." 1 This method con- siders the number of entries that fall within the range as well as the variability of the test. It has been used in presenting the data from the tests discussed in this bulletin (Tables 3 through 12). In these tables, the differences necessary for significance are shown immediately below the averages. To find the difference necessary for significance in com- paring any two or more hybrids, the hybrids must first be ranked according to their performance for the character being considered (they are now listed alphabetically in the 1957 results and ranked by yield in the summary sections). Then the "number in range" can be found by counting the hybrids to be compared, plus the number falling between them in performance. When the "number in range" has been determined, the corresponding "difference necessary for significance" can be read from the table. 2. Tests covering two or more years (see upper part of yield tables) give more reliable results than those covering only one year. The fact that a hybrid does not appear in the summary is, however, nothing against it its absence merely means that 1957 was the first year it was tested or that it missed one year of the series. D. B., "Multiple Range and Multiple F. Tests." Biometrics 11, (1), 1-43. 1955. 10 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 3. EXTREME NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Woodstock Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1957 RESULTS bu. perct. perct. perct. Cornell M-4 (Station)* 76.9 24.1 94 62 DeKalb 221.. 90.8 29.1 96 82 DeKalb 222 101.9 28.5 87 92 DeKalb 244 77.3 31.9 90 79 DeKalb 252 97.6 27.7 64 82 DeKalb 253 100.0 29.7 100 84 DeKalb 406 107.8 28.5 96 90 DeKalb 409 108.2 25.0 94 91 DeKalb 414 98.9 35.1 97 87 DeKalb 423 94.4 32.2 96 83 DeKalb 444 96.7 33.3 96 83 Funk's G-23 100.5 31.6 96 92 Funk's G-24A 103.2 30.9 93 89 Funk's G-38A 96.6 29.3 99 81 Huebsch H-24 92.8 27.1 87 82 Huebsch H-44 103.8 35.3 93 92 Huebsch H-81 110.5 28.9 95 87 Illinois 101 (Huebsch) 91.1 32.7 92 58 Illinois 1258 (Station)* 95.5 29.7 93 82 Illinois 1277 (Station) 112.2 31.6 97 82 Illinois 1279 (Station) 102.9 29.7 94 52 Illinois 1281 (Station) 88.5 31.1 98 70 Illinois 1555 A (Station) 100.9 31.4 95 83 Illinois 1861 (Station) 113.5 26.5 90 81 Illinois 1863 (Station) 97.9 34.1 100 82 Illinois 1864 (Station) 105.9 34.0 98 84 Illinois 1960 (Station) 109.7 26.3 100 82 Illinois 3016 (Station) 86.1 34.8 99 67 Jacques 1 1 53 J 87.0 34.8 95 72 Jacques 1 158J 91.4 34.1 96 75 Moews 14A 94.1 29.7 92 75 Moews 14DR 109.5 30.7 97 85 Moews 14E 97.6 31.9 95 82 Moews 15 92.9 36.4 96 80 Moews 16 99.4 35.7 99 59 Moews 500A 121.6 29.9 98 84 Mountjoy M-64 81.0 37.6 98 80 Nichols NB-43 102.6 34.1 98 88 Nichols NB-65D 89.5 27.2 96 82 Nichols NB-75A 89.5 32.5 97 77 Nichols NB-75D 94.0 31.2 93 88 P.A.G. 62 94.7 26.9 98 80 P.A.G. 222 91.5 33.2 99 69 P.A.G. 225 99.0 32.5 93 82 P.A.G. 234 107.8 28.9 88 88 P.A.G. 244 99 . 1 29.9 98 82 P.A.G. 253 100.2 30.9 86 82 P.A.G. 277 91.7 30.7 95 77 P.A.G. 290 96.1 34.8 95 85 P.A.G. 323 107.2 35.2 95 83 P.A.G. 8884 Exp 111.6 34.8 97 92 Pioneer 325 96.7 34.8 100 86 Pioneer 346 96.8 32.2 93 86 Pioneer 347 111.8 30.1 92 94 Pioneer 349 95.3 30.3 91 75 Pioneer 352 85.2 29.7 97 68 Pioneer 354 103.6 30.9 97 80 Pioneer 371 95 . 7 29.7 99 82 Pioneer 1091 113.6 31.6 97 90 Pioneer 2369A 101.3 25.0 97 81 Pioneer 2772 102.1 28.9 93 81 Producers 309 96.8 30.3 94 85 Producers 315 96.8 32.2 91 82 Producers 320 100.1 31.6 91 87 Steckley Genetic Giant 4 92.5 28.1 93 74 Steckley Genetic Giant 13 88.4 37.1 98 79 Steckley 1 7 A 88.2 36.4 94 88 Steckley 18 104.4 31.9 98 84 Entered by Station; seed produced by Earl Hughes, Woodstock, Illinois. (Table is concluded on next page) 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 11 Table 3. EXTREME NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Woodstock concluded TJ. * Total acre Moisture in Erect c fo _,i yield grain at harvest plants 1957 RESULTS concluded Tomahawk 33 102.7 30.5 97 83 Tomahawk 43 92 .4 33 .5 96 85 Troyer E-5T 81.9 32.9 91 68 Troyer E-13T 94.9 34.8 95 81 Average of all entries 97.9 31.3 95 81 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 14.3 .... 9 N.S.o 3-5 15.9 10 N.S. 6-10 17.0 11 N.S. 11-20 17.9 11 N.S. Over 20 18.9 12 N.S. In this and following tables, the symbol "N.S." indicates that differences between entries were not great enough to be statistically significant. Table 4. NORTHERN ILLINOIS: DeKalb T- ., tntry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants SUMMARY: 1953-1957 bu. Perct. perct. perct. P.A.G. 234 111.4 20.8 95 87 Hulting 238 110.8 20.7 92 91 Hulting 240 109.5 20.9 95 86 P.A.G. 277 109.4 20.6 91 88 Producers 510 109.1 21.0 96 90 P.A.G. 244 108.0 20.8 93 89 Huebsch H-81 107.3 20.6 95 87 Frey 410 107.1 21.6 95 85 Sieben S-340 106.9 22.4 95 90 Pioneer 325 106.3 22.0 97 89 Crow's 402 106.1 21.2 96 82 Doubet D-45 105.7 21.2 96 85 Illinois 101 (Huebsch) 105.4 22.0 94 90 Holmes 11A 105.1 20.4 96 85 Nichols NB-75 A.. 104.7 21.3 95 86 Sieben S-560 103.5 21.1 97 82 Crow's 260 102.2 20.5 95 83 Sieben S-440E 101.8 21.5 93 84 Crow's 432 100.7 21.5 97 85 Crow's 487 99.8 20.1 96 80 Average of all entries 106.4 21.1 95 86 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 7.4 N.S. 5 5 3-5 8.3 N.S. 5 6 6-10 8.8 N.S. 6 6 11-20 9.2 N.S. 6 6 SUMMARY: 1955-1957 Nichols NB-43... 114.8 22.7 94 92 P.A.G. 234 111.8 21.9 95 87 Pioneer 345 111.2 22.4 93 88 DeKalb 459 109.3 21.7 90 88 Doubet D-45 108.8 22.0 95 88 Producers 326 108.6 19.7 93 89 P.A.G. 277 108.0 21.3 87 90 Hulting 240 107.9 22.0 94 83 Bear OK-414 107.4 21.1 96 89 Huebsch H-81 107.3 21.1 95 86 DeKalb 630 107.2 22.4 91 89 Pioneer 354 107.2 21.3 97 86 Frey 410 107.0 23.4 93 83 P.A.G. 222 106.7 20.4 95 88 Hulting 238 106.6 21.5 90 91 Holmes 17A 106.5 21.7 92 88 (Table is continued on next page) 12 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 4. NORTHERN ILLINOIS: DeKalb continued Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect Stand yield grain at harvest plants SUMMARY: 1955-1957 concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. Super-Crost 440 106.4 22.7 92 84 Moews 14DR 106.2 21.1 94 89 P.A.G. 253 106.2 21.4 87 86 Producers 510 106.2 22.6 95 91 Crow's 402 106.1 22.4 95 82 Sieben S-560 105.7 22.2 95 86 Doubet D-25E 105.6 21.3 94 92 Stewart S-56 105.5 22.4 94 86 P.A.G. 244... 105.1 22.1 90 89 DeKalb 409 104.9 20.6 90 91 Illinois 101 (Huebsch) 104.0 22.5 91 90 Pioneer 325 103.6 22.9 96 89 Sieben S-340 101.7 23.1 95 88 DeKalb 414 101.5 21.3 97 87 Crow's 260 101.3 21.5 94 82 Holmes 11A 101.3 21.5 96 84 Stewart S-66B 100.6 24.3 97 85 Crow's 487 100.4 20.7 95 84 Nichols NB-75A 100.2 22.0 94 84 Sieben S-440E 100.2 23.1 91 82 Crow's 432 99.8 21.8 97 84 Illinois 1280 (Coldwater) 99.0 22.1 89 83 Average of all entries 105.5 21.9 93 87 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2. . . N.S. N.S. 5 7 3-5 N.S. N.S. 6 8 6-10 N.S. N.S. 6 9 11-20 N.S. N.S. 6 9 Over 20 N.S. N.S. 6 9 1957 RESULTS AES 702 (Station) 104.6 22.8 95 74 Bear OK-414 119.1 21.6 96 94 Bear OK-420 109.9 22.0 99 78 Crow's 260 107.5 21.8 95 85 Crow's 402 104.5 23.5 99 82 Crow's 432 110.1 22.8 96 85 Crow's 487 100.5 22.8 98 76 DeKalb 3X3 99.2 22.3 96 80 DeKalb 409 105.2 20.6 86 92 DeKalb 414 105.8 23.2 100 82 DeKalb 423 108.8 25.0 93 84 DeKalb 444 114.1 23.9 98 83 DeKalb 459 112.7 22.8 90 82 DeKalb 603 101.4 21.8 95 84 DeKalb 623 96 . 7 24.6 90 87 DeKalb 630 114.6 22.8 92 89 DeKalb 633 123.4 24.2 99 92 Doubet D-25E 117.3 21.3 90 91 Doubet D-45 116.0 22.3 93 89 Frey 410 107.8 23.2 97 81 Funk's G-33A 113.9 20.9 95 92 Funk's G-75A 112.5 24.8 96 88 Holden H-348 . . 113.1 22.2 95 82 Holden H-422 106.5 23.5 100 75 Holden H-444 103.6 26.0 95 96 Holmes 11A 94 . 7 22.7 97 77 Holmes 17A 109.3 23.8 94 91 Holmes 47 118.4 28.2 96 87 Huebsch H-44 113.3 25.8 94 87 Huebsch H-81 103.6 21.3 96 75 Hulting 238 99.6 22.5 89 89 Hulting 240 114.1 21.4 89 84 Hulting 242 128.1 22.8 97 95 Hulting 481 110.8 24.2 97 81 Hulting 482 127.0 24.4 99 87 Illinois 101 (Huebsch) 109.9 26.4 93 87 Illinois 1277 (Coldwater) 108.4 23.8 96 89 Illinois 1280 (Coldwater) 109.0 24.3 91 82 Illinois 1555A (Station) 116.9 20.8 94 91 Illinois 1861 (Station) 113.9 21.2 81 89 (Table is concluded on next page) 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 13 Table 4. NORTHERN ILLINOIS: DeKalb concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1957 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. Moews 14A 113.0 20.1 96 83 Moews 14DR 111.9 19.6 90 87 Moews 48 130.3 20.4 98 95 Moews CB6SA 120.7 23.5 98 82 Moews 500A 126.0 21.8 98 88 Nichols NB-43... 123.3 23.5 99 97 Nichols NB-65D 101.3 20.1 98 88 Nichols NB-75A 100.7 22.5 97 78 Nichols NB-75D 107.3 22.3 93 89 P.A.G. 222 109.6 21.6 97 83 P.A.G. 225 110.4 22.1 93 88 P.A.G. 234 121.1 21.6 98 88 P.A.G. 244 104.4 23.1 92 91 P.A.G. 253 118.0 21.1 91 84 P.A.G. 277 112.2 22.2 91 91 P.A.G. 303 98.3 26.4 95 87 P.A.G. 323 114.4 24.8 94 78 P.A.G. 347 95.6 22.5 95 78 P.A.G. 8884 Exp 119.0 21.8 97 88 Pioneer 325 105.1 24.8 97 83 Pioneer 329 122.6 23.0 99 92 Pioneer 344 121.4 20.8 99 92 Pioneer 345 114.7 21.1 94 82 Pioneer 346 110.7 21.3 92 84 Pioneer 352 110.7 21.6 98 91 Pioneer 354 105.3 22.0 100 83 Pioneer 371 101.7 19.6 95 83 Pioneer 1091 117.9 22.8 95 92 Pioneer 3497 111.2 23.2 98 82 Producers 326 115.0 20.1 94 89 Producers 363 114.8 25.4 96 88 Producers 505 114.8 24.4 96 92 Producers 510 113.9 23.0 97 88 Sieben S-320 107.2 23.9 96 84 Sieben S-340 102 .4 23 .2 96 84 Sieben S-360 111.8 26.4 97 85 Sieben S-440 102.3 23.0 98 85 Sieben S-440E 98.7 26.4 97 82 Sieben S-560 111.6 22.5 95 85 Steckley Genetic Giant 4 102.9 20.8 97 82 Steckley Genetic Giant 10 120.8 24.8 97 89 Steckley Genetic Giant 13 115.7 24.8 97 88 Steckley 17A 110.7 22.8 95 90 Steckley 18 113.9 24.6 97 80 Stewart S-56 108.0 23.2 98 93 Stewart S-60 103.0 25.4 99 76 Stewart S-66 105.5 23.9 96 85 Stewart S-66B 104.0 26.0 100 85 Super-Crost 438 120.4 21.3 100 94 Super-Crost 440 109.5 23.5 97 87 Tomahawk 43 117.0 23.5 85 92 Tomco 619 110.2 26.5 99 89 Trisler T-19B 93.1 28.2 99 82 Trisler T-32A 111.8 27.6 94 87 Troyer E-5T 100.9 24.0 93 88 Troyer E-13T 108.2 23.2 92 88 Troyer M-12T 102.2 26.6 99 85 Troyer M-13T 109.1 23.2 98 88 Troyer M-15T 112.5 26.6 95 89 Troyer M-17T 126.5 25.4 99 93 Troyer M- 18 121.1 26.8 100 76 United-Hagie UHWW-30... 90.5 27.2 98 76 United-Hagie UH-32A 112.4 21.3 99 90 United-Hagie UHWW-40 116.4 21.6 97 82 United-Hagie UH-41A 107.4 24.2 98 82 Wyckoff's W-10A. . 90.1 23.9 96 74 Wyckoff's W-20 121.3 23.7 97 83 Wyckoff's W-25A 110.2 28.0 98 81 Wyffels W-495 108.7 24.8 96 67 Wyffels W-600 125.5 25.4 100 95 Average of all entries 110.6 23.5 96 86 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 12.0 7 13 3-5 13.4 7 14 6-10 14.3 8 15 11-20 15.1 8 16 Over 20 15.9 9 17 14 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 5. WEST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Galesburg Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1953-1957 bu. perct. perct. perct. Schwenk S-34 116.9 19.5 90 92 Pioneer 313B 116.2 21.8 76 88 Holmes 39 114.0 21.3 85 87 Null N-83 112.6 19.9 86 89 Funk's G-95 112.4 19.8 87 89 Moews 520 112.0 19.7 85 86 Schwenk S-24 111.4 19.5 87 90 Tiemann T-78 111.0 19.6 86 91 Funk's G-95A 110.8 19.7 89 87 P. A.G. 403 110.4 21.3 93 91 Illinois 21 (Dittmer) 109.2 19.7 89 91 Sieben S-320 108.4 19.1 88 90 Moews 524 108.2 20.1 92 90 Doubet D-25 107.3 19.4 90 88 Crow's 407 106.6 19.4 89 87 Sieben S-340 106.6 18.6 85 88 Huey H-23 104.2 19.3 87 88 Crow's 608 104.0 19.4 89 86 Average of all entries . 110.1 19.8 87 87 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 1.7 7 N.S. 3-5 N.S. 1.9 8 N.S. 6-10 N.S. 2.0 9 N.S. H-18 N.S. 2.1 9 N.S. SUMMARY: 1955-1957 Pioneer 6727 132.1 20.7 91 93 Schwenk S-34 127.4 20.2 91 92 Producers 13-1 126.8 20.5 91 90 Hulting380B 124.8 20.1 86 90 Pioneer 329 123.6 19.8 93 91 Pioneer 313B 123.4 23.3 83 85 Tiemann T-68 123.4 20.1 93 95 DeKalb820 123.2 21.1 92 91 Whisnand 830 122.8 20.9 91 92 Moews 520 122.5 20.5 82 88 Funk's G-95 122.0 20.8 90 92 Null N-83 121.8 20.4 85 93 P.A.G. 383 121.5 20.6 90 90 Pioneer 301 B 120.9 19.4 91 89 P.A.G. 403 120.7 22.7 93 91 Keystone 48 120.4 21.8 91 93 Pioneer 316 120.1 20.5 90 90 Illinois 21 (Dittmer) 120.0 20.0 90 92 Sieben S-320 119.9 19.5 90 90 Trisler T-33 119.8 20.3 86 89 DeKalb837 119.2 20.9 92 87 Schwenk S-24 118.7 20.3 91 90 Doubet D-25 118.4 20.8 91 90 P.A.G. 401 118.2 20.5 92 87 Funk's G-95A 118.1 20.4 93 88 Holmes 39 118.0 22.4 88 86 Illinois 1831 (Station) 117.2 21.2 86 90 Moews 523 117.0 21.4 91 88 Moews 524 116.7 20.7 94 91 Appl A-130 116.5 20.5 92 89 P.A.G. 347 116.2 18.6 90 86 Sieben S-340 116.2 19.8 88 88 Appl A-259 116.1 20.7 93 84 Tiemann T-78 116.0 20.1 88 91 Trisler T-33B 115.8 20.3 92 89 Sieben S-360 115.6 21.1 94 91 Trisler T-32B 114.8 21.0 90 87 Crow's 608 113.1 20.1 92 87 Appl A-159 112.0 22.5 90 91 Crow's 407 111.8 20.0 91 87 Husy H-23 109.5 20.3 91 86 Average of all entries. 119.3 20.7 90 89 (None of the differences between hybrids in the 1955-1957 summary above are large enough to be statistically significant.) (Table is continued on next page) 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 15 Table 5. WEST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Galesburg continued Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1957 RESULTS bu. AES 702 (Station) 123 . 1 Ainsworth X-21 120.4 Appl A-130 121.8 Appl A-159 131 .3 Appl A-259 126.9 Bear OK-55 116.4 Bear OK-96 125.6 Bear OK-X600 118.4 Crow's Deep Root 127.1 Crow's 360 131.2 Crow's 407 117.3 Crow's 608 122.6 DeKalb3Xl.. 124.7 DeKalb3X2 118.8 DeKalb 3X3 122 . 1 DeKalb 660 115.2 DeKalb 661 118.8 DeKalb 805 115.3 DeKalb 812 130.0 DeKalb 820 119.1 DeKalb 837 130.6 DeKalb 856 116.5 Doubet D-25 114.9 Doubet D-47 108.8 Frey F-57 115.1 Frey 692 102 . 1 Frey 892 123 . 9 Funk's G-75A 121.3 Funk's G-76 124 . 5 Funk's G-95 119.9 Funk's G-95A 116.4 HoldenH-56.. 106.6 Holden H-422 120.4 Holden H-444 111.4 Holden H-455 133 . 8 Holmes 39 105 . 1 Holmes 59 112.3 Huey H-23 104 . 8 Huey H-50 114.4 Huey H-235 109 .3 Hulling 242 143.8 Hulling 380B 118.6 Hulling 481 133 .3 Hulling 684 125.6 Hulling 686 Ill .4 Illinois 21 (Dillmer) 111.5 Illinois 274-1 (Slalion) 111.3 Illinois 1421 (Slalion) 125.7 Illinois 1831 (Slalion) 118.9 Keyslone48 115.7 McAllisler 11 109.6 McAllisler 13A 128.5 McAllisler 23A 114.4 McAllister X1001 120.9 Moews CB69A 113.7 Moews CB90A 128.5 Moews 520 120.6 Moews 523 117.8 Moews 524 103.3 Moews 524A 119.1 Moews 525 116.2 Munson M-5 112.8 Munson M-13 111.7 Munson M-15 128.0 Munson M-77 116.7 Munson M-119 113.0 NullN-76... 114.8 NullN-83.... 119.6 perct. 22.5 22.8 23.0 23.8 23.4 28.2 24.3 21.5 23.8 24.8 22.6 22.5 25.5 24.9 24.4 25.9 24.5 23.8 20.1 24.6 22.6 22.9 22.2 24.8 24.5 23.8 24.7 23.5 24.2 22.6 21.5 24.6 22.7 22.4 22.1 27.2 24.1 22.2 24.1 23.6 22.5 24.5 20.2 24.2 23.0 22.8 21.9 26.0 24.2 25.2 23.8 22.2 25.6 21.8 24.2 22.2 21.3 24.6 25.8 23.1 23.6 23.5 24.5 22.2 22.9 25.2 21.1 23.2 perct. 94 86 89 85 90 89 68 75 95 96 88 90 86 86 84 78 89 85 82 90 83 80 86 82 86 89 80 86 91 81 91 74 89 75 86 84 77 93 85 92 79 81 80 62 92 85 91 85 86 86 80 79 79 88 87 92 64 91 86 83 80 82 89 89 88 82 85 82 perct. 92 92 86 91 90 92 95 82 85 90 87 97 93 96 88 98 91 92 93 94 88 87 92 78 90 84 94 89 86 92 91 78 92 97 92 89 91 83 93 85 91 93 92 92 81 92 94 88 90 92 83 92 86 92 92 93 92 93 88 95 95 89 93 88 88 88 86 95 (Table is concluded on nexl page) 16 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 5. WEST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Galesburg concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1957 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. P.A.G. 323 126.1 22.2 81 88 P.A.G. 347 115.8 21.2 80 86 P.A.G. 351 122.2 23.2 81 94 P.A.G. 377 124.8 19.0 93 87 P.A.G. 381 112.5 24.4 76 95 P.A.G. 383 137.3 22.9 85 92 P.A.G. 401 121.8 22.5 90 84 P.A.G. 403 116.4 26.3 90 88 P.A.G. 9028 124.8 22.5 83 88 Pioneer 301B 113.7 22.6 84 82 Pioneer 309A 120.8 18.2 86 89 Pioneer 312A 100.1 26.0 79 84 Pioneer 313B 123.4 28.5 86 87 Pioneer 316 117.5 22.8 83 92 Pioneer 317A 123.8 24.4 86 87 Pioneer 329 132.5 24.8 89 92 Pioneer 345 118.1 28.5 85 95 Pioneer 3756 120.5 19.5 75 89 Pioneer 6727 120.7 21.5 89 95 Producers 13-1 129.3 23.0 90 89 Producers 525 122 .0 22 .2 85 88 Producers 727 124.6 22.2 90 90 Producers 921 113.1 23.0 85 92 Robe 11 117.6 22.0 84 92 Robe 30 120.5 21.5 85 87 Schwenk S-24 . . 111.6 22.4 88 84 SchwenkS-27 116.9 23.3 75 90 SchwenkS-34 125.7 22.2 81 92 Sieben S-320 121.3 24.5 86 92 Sieben S-340 117.7 24.8 83 93 Sieben S-360 111.8 23.9 89 90 Southern States Mohawk 116.1 26.1 92 88 Steckley Genetic Giant 10 109.8 22.5 85 90 Steckley Genetic Giant 13 117.3 23.2 92 84 Steckley Genetic Giant 14 121.0 22.0 87 92 Stewart S-56B 113.8 21.5 91 90 Stewart S-65 119.5 23.8 82 92 Tiemann T-68 113.0 24.5 87 93 Tiemann T-78 110.5 24.2 88 93 Tiemann T-79 116.9 23.2 81 91 Tomahawk 81 108.2 21.8 90 91 Tomco 9155 110.7 22.9 84 94 Trisler T-19B 104.8 25.0 79 85 Trisler T-32A 128.3 21.8 87 86 Trisler T-32B 108.7 22.5 78 82 Trisler T-33 123.9 23.7 76 89 Trisler T-33B 108.6 22.6 87 93 Troyer L-ll 103.9 23.4 74 88 Troyer L-11T 111.8 22.6 94 90 Troyer L-13 122.9 22.2 83 94 Troyer L-14T 114.9 22.5 87 92 Troyer M-l IT 109.3 24.0 82 88 TroyerM-13T 113.1 22.1 90 92 United-Hagie UH-47A 104.2 24.8 88 90 United-Hagie UHWW-50 121.1 24.0 79 97 United-Hagie UH-52B 127.3 22.8 83 88 United-Hagie UH-55 123.6 22.0 80 92 U.S. 13 (Station) 112.7 27.9 88 92 Van Horn VH-98 102.3 28.2 69 86 Van Horn VH-101 115.5 23.8 90 92 Whisnand830 121.2 22.6 80 94 Whisnand852 115.3 22.6 83 93 Wyffels W-492 124.7 22.4 93 87 Wyffels W-495 111.7 23.5 78 98 Average of all entries 118. 1 23 .5 85 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 12.0 .... N.S. N.S. 3-5 13.4 N.S. N.S. 6-10 14.3 N.S. N.S. 11-20 15.1 N.S. N.S. Over 20 15.9 N.S. N.S. 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 17 Table 6. EAST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Ashkum Entry Total acre yield Moisture in grain at harvest Erect plants Stand SUMMARY: 1956-1957 bu. perct. perct. perct. DeKalbSOS 127.6 21.2 98 90 SchwenkS-27 127.3 21.4 92 88 SchwenkS-26 125.4 21.2 89 88 Pioneer 306B 124.3 20.9 91 90 Pioneer 316 123.6 22.2 92 94 Trover M-11T 123.3 22.3 97 88 Producers 921 123.2 19.6 88 86 TiemannT-68 122.8 19.3 86 92 Munson M13 122.6 21.0 82 90 Funk's G-9SA 121.8 21.6 88 84 Illinois 972A-1 (Station) 121.4 21.4 82 90 Illinois 1421 (Station) 121.2 22.2 86 84 DeKalb632 121.2 23.4 86 88 Illinois 274-1 (Station) 120.5 21 .6 80 89 Troyer M-13T 120.4 19.3 85 92 U.S. 13 (Station) 120.1 21.0 75 92 Moews 524A 120.0 21.6 86 89 Troyer L-14T 120.0 22.1 88 92 Pioneer 301B 119.2 20.9 88 90 Pioneer 313B 119.2 23.0 56 88 Hulting242 119.0 19.0 96 86 Funk's G-76 118.8 19.6 90 88 Trisler T-33 . . . 118.6 20.2 63 90 Wyckoff's W-46A 118.6 26.0 86 90 Bear OK-24 118.2 23.0 94 84 DeKalb837 117.9 24.4 94 88 Stewart S-56B 117.8 22.0 89 88 Pioneer 329 117.6 19.4 93 86 Null N-100 117.4 21.8 92 90 Crow's607 117.2 21.1 90 92 Hulling 380B 116.6 21.0 87 83 P.A.G. 401 116.6 21.7 84 90 P.A.G. 403 116.3 22.2 92 88 Trisler T-32B... 116.3 20.2 93 90 Frey 644 116.0 22.6 88 90 Frey692 115.8 22.8 91 84 Pioneer 354 115.7 18.4 89 88 Frey 892 115.4 20.8 78 90 Holmes 46 115.4 21.2 83 84 Troyer M-17T 115.2 21.8 94 88 Wyckoff's W-20 114.6 19.6 96 92 Whisnand804 113.8 21.0 81 88 Holmes 39 113.7 22.8 88 80 Hulling 481 113.4 20.5 94 88 Van Horn VH-100. . 113.3 23.8 92 86 Crow's 608 113.0 20.8 92 88 P.A.G. 377 112.7 21.7 86 86 P.A.G. 234 112.6 19.8 84 92 Funk's G-95 112.4 20.5 82 82 Van Horn VH-76 112.4 22.4 76 84 Producers 13-1 112.0 22.4 65 84 Crow's Deep Root 111.5 19.8 94 87 Illinois 1617 (Station) 111.2 22.7 76 88 Pioneer3608 111.1 22.5 86 83 Trisler T-19B 110.8 21.3 93 83 Moews CB96... 110.0 22.4 62 88 Frey 425 109.8 19.9 74 86 Pioneer 317A 109.7 22.6 90 92 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-300A 109.4 20.0 92 90 P.A.G. 383 109.0 21.0 92 86 Whisnand 830 108.4 21.0 92 86 Wyckoff's W-25A 107.9 22.7 90 90 P.A.G. 351 107.5 20.9 92 88 Super-Crost 660 105.4 20.2 90 85 P.A.G. 347 104.1 19.1 85 84 Crow's 495 100.4 22.6 97 79 Average of all entries 116.0 21.4 87 88 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 5.0 2.8 N.S. N.S. 3-5 5.5 3.1 N.S. N.S. 6-10 5.9 3.3 N.S. N.S. 11-20 6.1 3.4 N.S. N.S. over 20... 6.1 3.4 N.S. N.S. (Table is continued on next page) 18 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 6. EAST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Ashkum continued Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1957 RESULTS bu. A.E.S. 702 (Station) 102 .2 Bear OK-24.. . 112.2 Bear OK-S5 123 . 1 Bear OK-X600 122.2 Crow's Deep Root 99 .9 Crow's 495 95.2 Crow's 607 108.6 Crow's 608 103 .2 DeKalb 3X1 105 . 7 DeKalb3X2 106.2 DeKalb 3 X 3 1 03 . 5 DeKalb 632 102 .6 DeKalb 660 110.3 DeKalb 661 114.6 DeKalb 805 127.7 DeKalb 837 105 . 1 DeKalb 855 105 . 1 DeKalb 856 116.5 Doubet D-25 108.8 Doubet D-25A 98 . 1 Doubet D-47 105.8 Frey F-57 116.2 Frey 425 98.1 Frey 644 102.3 Frey 692 108.3 Frey 892 100.8 Funk's G-76 105 . 1 Funk's G-95 114.7 Funk's G-95A 117.4 Holden H-422 . . 108.1 Holden H-444 112.6 Holden H-455 115.3 Holmes 39 101 .8 Holmes 46 105.1 Holmes 47 115.3 Hulting 242 104 . 7 Hulting 380B 104 .2 Hulting 481 100.5 Hulting 684 117.6 Hulting 686 108.4 Illinois 274-1 (Station) 107.9 Illinois 972A-1 (Station) 111.5 Illniois 1421 (Station) 114.2 Illinois 1575 (Station) 104.3 Illinois 1617 (Station) 97.2 Illinois 1731 A (Station) 105.9 Illinois 1819 (Station) 104.7 Illinois 1831 (Station) 103 . 1 Illinois 1936 (Station) 99 .4 Mitchell CF-70 104.7 Mitchell CF-131 113.1 Moews CB60A 113.1 Moews CB69A 108.2 Moews CB90A 112.9 Moews CB96 103 .5 Moews 520 100 . 5 Moews 524A 116.4 Munson M-13 115.3 Null N-100 105 .9 P.A.G. 234 104.4 P.A.G. 323 109.0 P.A.G. 347 87.0 P.A.G. 351 92 .0 P.A.G. 377 97.8 P.A.G. 383 95 .0 P.A.G. 401 104.5 P.A.G. 403 102.2 P.A.G. 9028 106.8 percl. 25.4 23.5 26.8 24.2 23.0 26.8 23.8 24.5 23.3 24.9 24.0 27.4 23.5 26.0 24.2 27.8 26.8 24.9 24.2 25.4 23.5 27.2 23.3 24.7 28.2 25.2 22.3 24.2 25.8 24.7 26.4 24.2 26.0 25.2 25.6 22.3 25.4 21.4 22.6 25.8 26.4 23.8 25.6 21.6 27.0 25.4 24.9 23.3 22.1 21.8 26.6 24.7 25.8 23.0 25.2 24.2 22.8 25.6 24.2 24.2 23.5 21.6 25.8 25.4 24.7 24.9 26.6 26.2 percl. 84 93 77 53 90 97 85 87 81 90 88 76 94 80 96 87 88 76 82 82 65 83 49 77 83 63 84 70 78 92 90 95 75 68 70 95 79 89 93 91 61 67 74 60 55 57 67 77 52 93 73 63 76 85 35 64 73 68 86 71 77 71 87 77 91 73 87 80 percl. 90 87 93 88 91 91 94 89 90 93 93 91 92 97 94 85 89 94 91 81 88 90 93 93 88 92 88 91 94 97 97 90 81 91 92 90 86 88 91 82 96 94 94 92 91 91 88 58 95 95 93 92 90 96 93 90 94 91 91 96 88 81 91 88 84 91 89 (Table is concluded on next page) 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 19 Table 6. EAST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Ashkum concluded Entry Total acre yield Moisture in grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1957 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. Pioneer 301B 107.2 24.0 80 94 Pioneer 306B 114.9 25.4 85 98 Pioneer 309A 94.6 32.7 96 88 Pioneer 313B 98.9 27.2 27 95 Pioneer 316 109.8 25.8 87 97 Pioneer 317A 101.5 25.6 79 94 Pioneer 329 107.8 22.1 86 92 Pioneer 354 101.6 21.4 80 88 Pioneer 3608 101.4 26.4 76 89 Pioneer 6727 101.8 28.8 54 89 Producers 13-1 97.0 27.4 31 90 Producers 727 100.1 26.0 82 89 Producers 900 108.2 23 .3 45 88 Producers 921 113.9 22.6 81 93 SchwenkS-26 116.3 24.9 80 94 SchwenkS-27 115.6 23.3 86 89 Smiley M-10 107.6 23.3 34 93 Stewart S-56B 107.8 24.5 80 89 Stewart S-65 100.9 26.2 81 83 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-300A 103 .6 23 .3 86 92 Super-Crost 660 92.1 23.0 90 87 Super-Crost 680 103.8 25.4 94 89 Tiemann T-68 . . . 112.9 23.3 78 96 TrislerT-19B 102.7 23.8 90 88 TrislerT-32B 106.2 22.6 87 92 Trisler T-33 109.9 24.9 33 92 TrislerT-35B 104.8 28.4 90 92 TroyerL-11 104.5 24.9 74 95 TroyerL-llT 108.0 23.0 90 90 TroyerL-14T 111.2 25.4 79 97 Trover M-11T 115.6 25.8 96 92 Troyer M-13T 110.1 21.8 70 93 Troyer M-17T 98.9 25.2 90 95 Troyer M-l 8 106.1 24.2 95 82 U.S. 13 (Station) 102.3 25.6 55 95 Van Horn VH-76 105.8 27.0 57 94 Van Horn VH-100 104.0 27.0 87 87 Whisnand 804 . . . 98.0 24.5 69 88 Whisnand 830 96.1 22.8 86 95 Wyckoff's W-20 107.7 22.3 92 96 Wyckoff's W-25A 101.1 25.4 82 95 Wyckoff's W-46A 100.4 28.6 81 89 Average of all entries 106.2 24.8 77 91 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 14.0 24 N.S. 3-5 15.6 27 N.S. 6-10 16.6 29 N.S. 11-20 17.5 30 N.S. Over 20 ... 18.6 32 N.S. 20 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 7. WEST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Bowen Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1957 RESULTS bu. perct. perct. perct. Ainsworth X-14-A 90.7 24.5 87 78 BearOK-55 103.4 28.0 99 89 BearOK-69 97.6 26.5 96 81 BearOK-96 101.6 26.0 96 86 Bear OK-821 108.0 24.8 95 84 Bruns Plymouth P-3 7 113.6 19.8 92 86 Bruns Plymouth P-97 110.9 22.2 98 92 Canterbury 400 90.8 22.6 99 81 Canterbury 420 101 .5 21.1 99 88 DeKalb3Xl.. 105.6 21.5 94 88 DeKalb3X2 95.3 22.8 97 82 DeKalb3X3 90.8 22.1 98 77 DeKalb661 95.5 22.8 94 82 DeKalb 803A 101 .8 23 . 5 96 84 DeKalb812 100.7 24.2 96 94 DeKalb 837 94.7 22.4 97 89 DeKalb 852 104.5 25.8 100 82 DeKalbSSS 89.5 27.0 100 89 DeKalb 856 95.8 24.1 95 80 DittmerD-821 106.3 23.8 100 81 Funk's G-91 93 .8 23 .8 97 80 Funk's G-95 A 110.4 22.8 99 88 Funk's G-134 87.7 27.0 95 80 HueyH-23 96.5 22.2 95 80 Huey H-106 97.7 22.9 99 87 Huey H-X107 102.2 24.5 99 79 HueyH-235 103.7 24.0 100 87 Hulting684 101.6 23.2 99 91 Hulting686 101.8 24.3 100 87 Illinois 1337 (Dittmer) 90.4 22.2 97 87 Illinois 1919 (Station) 96.4 21.2 99 79 McAllister 11 100.0 23.1 92 79 McAllister 13A 99.3 22.5 95 82 Moews CB60A 98.2 24.2 99 90 MoewsCB90A 96.6 24.8 100 85 Moews 520 100.1 20.5 98 89 Moews 523 99.9 22.5 96 92 Moews 524 109.7 21.8 99 90 Morton M-6 98.2 22.0 96 84 Morton M-12A 85.0 25.5 96 77 Morton M-70 97.8 24.0 93 90 Morton M-303 89.5 22.5 98 74 Morton M-404 76.9 25.5 100 77 Munson M-13 92.4 21.3 97 80 Munson M-15 108.8 23.2 97 84 Munson M-119 108.6 21.0 87 92 Null N-68 101.9 22.6 96 90 Null N-83 96.4 22.8 100 75 NullN-100 101.0 21.5 99 76 P.A.G. 323 96.7 21.8 94 82 P.A.G. 347 86.6 22.0 97 77 P.A.G. 351 98.8 21.7 96 85 P.A.G. 383 87.9 23.7 94 84 P.A.G. 401 98.5 18.9 97 81 P.A.G. 403 97.0 23.8 94 88 P.A.G. 444 98.0 25.9 99 87 P.A.G.454 107.4 29.0 96 89 Pioneer301B 100.6 22.0 97 92 Pioneer 302 104.0 27.0 99 86 Pioneer 309A 97.2 29.0 97 92 Pioneer309B 108.6 28.0 96 88 Pioneer312A 114.9 25.0 100 92 Pioneer313B 103.6 22.8 99 90 Pioneer 316 94.9 22.1 99 84 Pioneer329 99.7 19.8 97 70 Pioneer 3608 79.3 22.0 98 69 Pioneer6727 115.7 23.0 97 81 (Table is concluded on next page) 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 21 Table 7. WEST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Bowen concluded p. . Total acre Moislure in Erect c t , yield grain at harvest plants 1957 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. Producers 13-1 102.7 21.5 97 88 Producers 921 102.2 19.0 96 92 Producers 946 106.7 19.8 96 86 Producers 1018 106.1 19.8 97 85 Tiemann T-68 102 .4 21.8 92 92 Tiemann T-79 99.8 21.8 98 89 Whisnand 830 .. 87.1 26.3 97 75 Whisnand 852 107.8 28.0 91 85 Average of all entries 99.3 23 .3 97 85 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 14.0 N.S. 12 3-5 15.7 N.S. 14 6-10 16.7 N.S. 15 11-20 17.6 N.S. 16 Over 20 18.6 N.S. 16 Table 8. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Stanford r:-_.. Total acre Moisture in Erect Cl . A Entry yield grain at harvest plants 1957 RESULTS bu. perct. perct. perct. Ainsworth X-13-3 129.6 19.9 97 92 Ainsworth X-14-3 134.1 19.2 96 94 Ainsworth X-31-127 131.0 18.9 99 90 Ainsworth X-31-130 121.8 19.2 98 97 Ainsworth X-31-132 122.0 19.1 95 92 ApplA-130 126.3 18.0 99 92 Appl A-159 135.2 20.5 96 88 BearOK-24 135.9 20.5 97 88 Bear OK-55 119.1 18.9 99 83 Bear OK-96 136.4 25.5 98 91 BearOK-X600 147.9 18.5 99 87 Canterbury 400 134.8 18.2 99 93 Canterbury 404 119.6 17.5 96 91 Canterbury 420 129.9 18.5 95 92 DeKalb3Xl 126.7 20.2 95 88 DeKalb3X2 124.7 20.2 97 88 DeKalb3X3 133.5 19.0 97 86 DeKalb661 116.2 19.7 97 88 DeKalb 803A 138.7 21.0 100 93 DeKalb812 126.5 19.5 99 93 DeKalb 837 128.8 21.0 90 90 DeKalb 852 126.1 20.4 95 88 DeKalb 855 128.9 17.5 98 93 DeKalb 856 128.2 20.3 95 82 Doubet D-25 127.2 18.8 100 85 Doubet D-25A 128.0 20.0 95 92 Doubet D-47 122.3 18.6 100 80 Frey F-57 137.0 22.8 97 88 Frey692 138.2 21.2 95 88 Frey 892 127.8 19.2 98 93 Funk's G-91 131.4 20.1 96 91 Funk's G-95 131.7 19.9 99 89 Funk's G-95A 128.3 19.0 95 92 Holmes 13 120.2 20.0 98 82 Holmes 39 131.0 20.4 94 93 Holmes 47 122.0 19.3 98 82 Halting 684 125.5 20.8 100 97 Hulling 686 127.9 19.6 97 88 (Table is concluded on next page) 22 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 8. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Stanford concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1957 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. Illinois 21 (Mountjoy). . . 131.2 18.0 92 88 Illinois 1919 (Station) 127.7 18.2 97 92 MoewsCB60A.. 130.1 22.3 96 92 Moews CB69A 142.3 19.3 97 92 MoewsCB90A 136.0 20.6 98 93 Moews 520 135.2 18.9 97 95 Moews 523 124.8 20.3 96 84 Moews 524 142.4 21.1 99 93 Mountjoy M-33 123.8 18.9 97 94 Mountjoy M-55 131.9 21.8 97 92 NullN-83 133.2 21.1 96 91 P.A.G. 323... 122.7 18.9 97 86 P.A.G. 347 112.0 19.5 98 88 P.A.G. 383 120.8 19.2 98 89 P.A.G. 401 118.1 17.8 99 85 P.A.G. 403 128.1 20.0 98 92 P.A.G. 444 133.7 21.2 99 87 Pioneer 301B 133.8 18.4 99 92 Pioneer 302 130.9 23 .0 98 91 Pioneer 309A 137.7 25.5 95 92 Pioneer312A 137.2 22.2 98 86 Pioneer 313B 123.8 20.9 93 88 Pioneer 316 130.7 19.2 98 92 Pioneer 329 130.7 18.0 100 94 Pioneer 345 121.7 17.5 95 89 Pioneer 3756 113.5 18.8 93 85 Pioneer 6727 140.5 20.6 94 92 Pocklington P-70 138.5 20.9 98 93 Producers 13-1 119.3 19.1 97 85 Producers 921 127.9 19.0 95 92 Producers 946 129.3 18.4 97 91 Schwenk S-25B . . . 118.0 19.8 99 88 SchwenkS-26 113.4 19.5 99 87 Schwenk S-34 130.0 18.8 89 88 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-300A 123.0 18.3 90 95 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 140.1 22.8 97 92 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 122 .5 20.5 95 84 Tiemann T-78 . . . 130.1 18.2 98 92 TiemannT-79 127.2 19.9 99 89 Tiemann T-81 134.0 21.6 99 88 Tomahawk 81 119.4 19.0 94 90 Tomahawk 82 115.6 22.9 99 91 Tomahawk 85 123.8 17.0 99 96 Tomahawk 88 130.3 19.5 99 95 Tomco 812 118.3 19.5 98 96 Tomco9155 131.8 23.9 99 95 Trisler T-19B 113.9 18.8 100 91 TrislerT-32B 130.6 20.4 100 90 Trisler T-3 SB 124.5 20.2 99 83 TroyerL-11 126.0 19.8 93 85 TroyerL-llT 111.8 18.7 96 89 TroyerL-13 115.8 18.9 98 97 TroyerL-14T 127.7 20.0 95 90 TroyerL-21T 131.1 22.8 100 93 TroyerM-llT 137.2 19.2 98 92 Van Horn VH-95-1 135.3 21.6 97 88 Van Horn VH-97 126.5 19.6 98 91 Van Horn VH-98 126.7 19.2 99 88 Van Horn VH-100 128.7 19.5 99 90 Van Horn VH-101 121.3 22.8 95 88 Whisnand830... 125.7 19.7 96 88 Whisnand852 140.0 20.8 97 89 Average of all entries 128.1 19.9 97 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 15.9 N.S. N.S. 3-5 17.7 N.S. N.S. 6-10 18.9 N.S. N.S. 11-20 19.9 N.S. N.S. Over 20... 21.1 N.S. N.S. 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS Table 9. EAST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Urbana 23 Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect c* A yield grain at harvest plants SUMMARY: 1953-1957 bu. perct. perct. perct. Appl A-159 123.2 17.4 89 93 Holmes 39 122.1 17.5 82 94 Canterbury 420 121.3 16.6 90 95 Frey 692 120.6 16.6 87 92 Canterbury 400 119.7 16.4 89 95 Appl A-130 119.3 15.7 88 90 Frey 892 118.6 16.5 90 92 Funk's G-9SA 118.6 15.8 89 92 Trisler T-32B 118.2 17.5 91 89 Holmes 13 117.8 17.2 90 94 Munson M-l 19 117.8 16.8 87 91 P.A.G. 173 117.2 16.6 85 90 Funk's G-91 116.6 16.9 92 88 Tiemann T-72 116.4 16.4 92 90 Funk's G-95 115.1 16.4 86 89 Ainsworth X-14-3 115.0 16.5 87 92 Pioneer 302 115.0 18.7 86 93 Canterbury 404 113.7 15.7 86 94 Moews 523 113.4 17.0 85 92 P.A.G. 403 111.3 16.7 92 93 Crow's 608 110.4 15.9 89 89 Average of all entries 117.2 16.7 88 92 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 7.0 1.3 N.S. 4 3-5 7.8 1.4 N.S. 5 6-10 8.2 1.5 N.S. 5 11-20 8.6 1.6 N.S. 5 Over 20 8.7 1.7 N.S. 6 SUMMARY: 1955-1957 BearOK-96... 137.3 19.5 86 90 Whisnand 851 134.3 21.1 88 89 P.A.G. 444 132.2 20.1 88 92 Appl A-159 132.0 18.0 86 92 Frey 692 131.2 17.2 81 91 Pioneer 6727. . 131.2 17.5 74 91 Canterbury 420 129.5 16.8 86 95 Holmes 39 128.9 18.1 74 94 Funk's G-95A 128.8 16.4 84 91 Trisler T-33B 128.8 17.7 87 94 Frey 892 128.1 17.6 86 92 Whisnand 830 127.8 18.9 92 90 Bear OK-24 127.6 19.0 90 94 Trisler T-32B 127.2 18.1 88 90 Pioneer 316 127.0 17.7 85 92 Appl A-130 126.2 16.5 83 89 Schwenk S-34 126.2 16.8 81 94 AES 805 (Station) 125.7 19.0 92 92 Munson M-l 19 125.5 18.1 83 87 Moews 520 125.4 17.8 83 92 Hulling 380B 125.3 17.5 82 93 Moews 523 124.9 18.3 80 92 P.A.G. 173 124.9 16.9 79 88 Canterbury 400 124.6 17.6 84 93 Illinois 1919 (Station) 123.4 16.6 83 88 Holmes 13 123.2 18.0 87 92 Tiemann T-72 123.0 17.8 90 88 Trisler T-19B 122.8 17.5 82 87 Funk's G-91 122.6 17.7 89 87 Canterbury 404 121.5 16.9 81 93 Pioneer 301 B 121.4 17.1 90 91 P.A.G. 401 121.3 15.6 84 90 Southern States Pocahontas. . . 120.9 17.1 93 87 Ainsworth X-14-3 120.3 17.2 83 90 Illinois 6021 (Station) 120.2 17.5 77 88 Trisler T-33 120.1 19.0 85 91 P.A.G. 403 119.5 18.1 88 91 Pioneer 302 119.3 19.5 83 90 Pioneer 329 117.4 16.6 85 93 Crow's 608 117.2 17.0 84 87 Funk's G-95 117.0 16.7 81 88 (Table is continued on next page) 24 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 9. EAST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Urbana continued Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1955-1957 concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. Hulting 680 116.4 17.6 80 94 Southern States Mohawk 113.4 16.3 88 84 Average of all entries 124.6 17.7 85 91 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 8.8 N.S. N.S. N.S. 3-5 9.8 N.S. N.S. N.S. 6-10 10.4 N.S. N.S. N.S. 11-20 10.9 N.S. N.S. N.S. Over 20 10.9 N.S. N.S. N.S. 1957 RESULTS AES 805 (Station) 134.6 20.8 98 94 Ainsworth X-14-3 132.1 18.2 98 90 Appl A-130 139.7 17.1 96 88 Appl A-159 142.3 20.2 99 92 Bear OK-24 . . . 136.0 22.0 98 93 Bear OK-SS 150.8 21.2 98 98 Bear OK-72A 135.4 21.5 96 91 Bear OK-96 151.2 24.2 100 94 Canterbury 400 139.0 19.8 96 93 Canterbury 404 122.9 17.1 96 96 Canterbury 420 137.2 17.3 98 97 Crow's 607 129.0 17.8 97 89 Crow's 608 122.9 17.7 98 81 Crow's 805 127.8 18.6 98 89 Crow's 821 128.4 18.5 99 95 Currens 305 130.5 20.3 99 97 Currens 306 121.6 21.8 95 93 DeKalb 3X1 135.1 20.2 99 93 DeKalb3X2 123.1 20.3 98 92 DeKalb 3X3 128.0 19.3 98 93 DeKalb 661 125.2 20.2 97 91 DeKalb 803A 140.1 20.2 100 92 DeKalb 812 121.3 21.3 97 89 DeKalb 837 131.3 20.5 99 94 DeKalb 852 113.8 22.2 92 93 DeKalb 855 133.4 17.1 100 94 DeKalb 856 146.1 19.1 96 92 Doubet D-25A 117.5 19.0 97 84 Doubet D-47 119.3 17.0 96 87 Frey F-57 142.9 22.9 97 97 Frey 692 142.4 19.0 98 88 Frey 892 138.8 20.8 98 98 Funk's G-91 135.5 19.2 100 90 Funk's G-95 122.3 21.5 98 88 Funk's G-95A 129.2 17.5 99 89 Griffith 125-3 139.4 23.3 96 93 HoldenH-56 131.9 19.4 99 96 Holden H-444 146.4 20.3 100 98 Holden H-466 136.3 23.0 100 91 Holmes 13 127.4 21.8 96 94 Holmes 39 130.1 21.1 95 96 Hulting 380B 135.3 18.5 96 94 Hulting 680 119.1 21.3 97 97 Hulting 684 128.2 18.3 99 92 Hulting 686 129.6 21.8 96 88 Illinois 21 (Station) 131.5 15.3 94 88 Illinois 972A-1 (Station) 142.3 18.4 97 97 Illinois 1332 (Pfeifer) 134.0 17.0 97 98 Illinois 1332 (Stone) 133.0 18.9 98 92 Illinois 1337A-1 (Station) 138.6 17.2 94 93 Illinois 1421 (Pfeifer) 127.0 21.5 97 92 Illinois 1570 (Pfeifer) 121.7 21.5 95 95 Illinois 1731 A (Station) 137.9 21.7 100 95 Illinois 1813 (Pfeifer) 135.6 21.6 97 98 Illinois 1893 (Station) 140.7 18.8 97 99 Illinois 1919 (Station) 128.5 17.5 93 88 Illinois 1939 (Station) 129.1 25.5 100 92 Illinois 1992 (Station) 130.9 18.9 98 93 Illinois 6021 (Station) 131.9 17.3 84 90 (Table is concluded on next page) 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 25 Table 9. EAST-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Urbana concluded Entry Total acre yield Moisture in grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1957 RESULTS concluded bu. Keystone Hyperlific 1 123 .4 perct. 18.9 perct. perct. 90 93 Mitchell CF- 131 .. 140.3 22 .9 95 95 MoewsCB60A 140.8 21.2 99 98 MoewsCB69A 140.7 20.1 100 98 MoewsCB90A 142.0 21.5 99 93 Moews 520 133.2 18.5 97 92 Moews523 135.1 21.0 99 91 Moews 524A 141.9 21.8 98 95 MunsonM-119 131.1 20.3 97 92 New Jersey 8 (Southern States) 129.3 21.4 100 91 Null N-68 124.3 21.2 97 86 P.A.G. 173... 135.4 19.1 84 94 P.A.G. 323 129.1 17.0 98 94 P.A.G. 401 125.7 16.3 99 90 P.A.G. 403 129.4 18.3 100 92 P.A.G. 444 137.1 22.5 98 92 Pioneer 301B 131.6 17.2 99 92 Pioneer 302 136.6 22.9 99 91 Pioneer 309A 148.9 21.0 98 90 Pioneer 312A 145.5 23.5 98 94 Pioneer 316 131.4 20.4 99 93 Pioneer 317A 127.8 20.0 97 96 Pioneer 329 124.3 17.1 99 93 Pioneer 3608 134.6 19.2 100 96 Pioneer 3756 134.0 19.0 95 92 Pioneer 6727 143.5 18.5 96 94 Pocklington P-70 138.2 21.0 98 90 Producers 510 116.8 18.1 99 93 Producers 921 129.6 19.0 100 90 Producers 946 113.1 19.1 98 91 Producers X953 107.9 16.9 96 86 Schwenk S-34 133.7 19.6 94 96 Southern States Mohawk 130.6 17.1 99 89 Southern States Pocahontas 131.3 19.1 100 92 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 137.4 22.5 97 91 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 136.2 21.4 98 89 Stone 843 125.1 25.5 98 90 Super-Crost 880A 115.2 21.5 93 83 Tiemann T-68 130.1 18.4 99 98 Tiemann T-72 128.8 19.8 99 92 Tiemann T-79 113.7 19.8 96 97 Tomahawk 85 131.7 19.0 99 96 Tomco9155 135.0 25.0 100 88 TrislerT-19B 130.4 19.1 98 94 Trisler T-23 127.8 18.0 91 90 TrislerT-32A 123.6 21.5 94 90 Trisler T-32B 136.9 20.5 99 90 Trisler T-33 119.4 22.4 99 89 Trisler T-33B 136.3 20.3 97 97 Trisler T-35B 133.0 22.6 99 94 TroyerL-11 129.1 19.5 87 96 TroyerL-llT 118.7 18.5 98 91 Troyer L-13 130.1 17.4 97 91 Troyer L-14T 129.0 20.5 96 92 Troyer L-21T 124.2 22.8 97 91 Troyer M- 11 T 128.9 20.0 99 95 U.S. 13 (Station) 139.6 20.5 95 91 Van Horn VH-76. . 128.9 20.0 97 90 Van Horn VH-95-1 131.2 23.8 100 92 Van Horn VH-97 140.3 18.5 98 96 Van Horn VH-98 127.6 19.3 97 96 Van Horn VH-100 135.7 20.5 99 97 Van Horn VH-101 124.3 25.5 97 93 Whisnand 830 130.9 21.5 100 90 Whisnand 851 139.7 22.9 92 91 Whisnand 852 145.3 24.5 96 96 Average of all entries 131.8 20.1 97 93 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 12.8 5 N.S. 3-5 14.2 6 N.S. 6-10 15.2 6 N.S. 11-20 16.0 6 N.S. Over 20 16.9 7 N.S. 26 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 10. WEST SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Greenfield Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand SUMMARY: 1956-1957 bu. perct. perct. perct. Whisnand 852 114.3 18.8 96 89 Pocklington P-7SA 114.1 19.1 97 90 Pocklington P-78A 114.0 18.6 93 97 Producers 921 113.3 15.1 96 90 Pioneer 6727 113.0 16.6 96 94 Pocklington P-70 112.0 17.4 94 92 Ainsworth X-14A 111.7 17.9 91 95 Pioneer 301B 111.5 15.8 97 96 Pioneer 302 111.3 19.8 97 94 Pioneer316 111.3 15.7 98 98 Keystone 45 110.9 18.4 91 96 Funk's G-95A 110.6 15.4 94 95 BearOK-96 109.2 18.4 97 97 BearOK-72A 109.1 17.6 99 92 Canterbury 420 109.0 14.8 98 97 P.A.G. 173 108.7 15.7 93 89 P.A.G. 444 108.6 19.5 98 94 Whisnand 830 108.4 16.3 98 93 Canterbury 400 107.9 15.5 97 97 Producers 1050A 107.7 16.3 93 93 P.A.G. 454 106.8 20.3 90 88 DeKalb893 106.3 24.9 90 93 Producers 1018 105.6 16.8 95 95 Pioneer 312A 105.5 20.3 98 94 Producers 13-1 105.3 16.6 94 94 P.A.G. 403 104.8 16.7 96 94 Crow's 805 103.4 18.1 96 88 P.A.G. 347 102.6 16.0 95 97 Van Horn VH-97 102.4 16.8 98 90 Moews523 101.5 17.0 96 90 Pioneer 3608 101.4 17.8 97 91 BearOK-69 101.3 18.9 98 96 TiemannT-78 100.9 15.2 97 91 Pioneer 313B 100.6 17.6 96 91 Funk's G-91 99.7 18.1 95 92 Van Horn VH-76 98.3 17.8 95 91 P.A.G. 351 97.3 17.0 97 91 Crow's 821 97.0 15.5 98 88 Van Horn VH-101 95.5 18.2 95 93 Average of all entries 106.5 17.5 96 93 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 1.4 N.S. N.S. 3-5 N.S. 1.5 N.S. N.S. 6-10 N.S. 1.6 N.S. N.S. 11-20 N.S. 1.7 N.S. N.S. Over 20 N.S. 1.7 N.S. N.S. 1957 RESULTS Ainsworth X-l 4- A 84.5 20.7 83 94 BearOK-69 84.0 22.2 96 96 BearOK-72A 91.6 21.0 99 89 BearOK-96 91.0 21.2 94 97 BearOK-878 93.0 19.8 72 96 Canterbury 400 87.6 18.2 95 98 Canterbury 420 83.2 17.9 97 99 Crow's 805 93.8 21.7 93 92 Crow's 821 81.5 18.2 97 86 DeKalb 3X1 81.5 19.1 92 88 DeKalb3X2 82.9 19.5 85 92 DeKalb3X3 81.2 19.7 89 89 DeKalb 803A 77.1 20.9 95 89 DeKalbSSS 83.4 19.7 96 91 DeKalb 856 89.1 18.3 95 90 DeKalb 893 78.6 29.4 81 94 DeKalb X6024 89.1 20.5 100 89 DeKalb X6025 96.9 20.1 95 95 DeKalb X61005 98.6 21.2 92 98 (Table is concluded on next page) 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 27 Table 10. WEST SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Greenfield concluded Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants Stand 1957 RESULTS concluded bu. Percl. percl. perct. Funk'sG-91 82.3 21.8 90 95 Funk's G-95A 96.3 18.3 89 96 Funk'sG-134 75.3 22.1 85 90 Funk's G-144 88.5 20.9 90 85 Holden H-56 102.1 21.2 98 95 Huey H-23 85.5 18.3 87 91 Huey H-106 74.2 21.2 94 90 Huey H-X107 90.0 19.5 92 92 Huey H-235 95.4 20.2 92 95 Illinois 1332 (Station) 90.4 18.6 95 96 Illinois 1570 (Station) 80.0 20.2 90 90 Keystone 45 87.9 20.6 84 95 MoewsCB60A 83.5 21.7 98 91 Moews CB69A 88.8 20.2 100 91 Moews CB90A 91.2 20.0 98 94 Moews 523 92.7 19.5 92 92 Moews 524 91.2 21.9 95 94 P.A.G. 173... 89.2 19.2 92 87 P.A.G. 347 77.2 19.7 90 97 P. A. G. 351 78.3 19.4 95 91 P.A.G. 403 80.2 20.6 93 92 P.A.G. 444 92.9 22.7 96 90 P.A.G. 454 78.4 22.6 89 94 Pioneer 301B 90.6 19.0 95 92 Pioneer302 93.8 23.0 94 94 Pioneer 309 A 84.0 25.1 96 91 Pioneer 309B 90.9 25.7 98 95 Pioneer 312A 86.2 23.9 98 96 Pioneer 313B 86.6 19.8 93 92 Pioneer 316 90.6 18.8 97 97 Pioneer3608 83.2 21.5 96 89 Pioneer 3756 97.6 18.6 94 89 Pioneer 6727 97.5 20.3 93 90 Pocklington P-70 90.0 20.7 88 92 Pocklington P-75A 81.2 22.2 98 92 Pocklington P-78A 90.7 21.6 87 95 Pocklington P-80 95.0 22.0 98 94 Pocklington P-84 94.1 24.8 84 95 Producers 13-1 88.4 19.6 89 92 Producers 921 90.8 18.6 93 90 Producers 1018 89.8 20.1 91 96 Producers 1050A 96.0 20. 1 88 95 Tiemann T-78 76.7 18.5 95 85 Tiemann T-79 90.4 18.2 86 97 Trisler T-33 89.5 19.8 93 92 TrislerT-35B 75.1 19.8 99 95 Van Horn VH-76 .. 79.6 21.9 92 91 Van Horn VH-95-1 79.5 21.6 94 96 Van Horn VH-97 76.7 20.2 96 88 Van Horn VH-101 77.1 20.7 90 90 Whisnand 830. . . 87.2 18.8 97 95 Whisnand834 79.2 21.4 95 85 Whisnand 852 82.6 22.1 93 82 Average of all entries 86.8 20.7 93 92 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 12.0 12 8 3-5 13.4 13 8 6-10 14.2 14 9 11-20 15.0 15 9 Over 20 15.5 15 10 28 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Brownstown Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect Stand yield grain at harvest plants SUMMARY: 1953-1957 bu. perct. perct. perct. Tiemann T-78 63.0 19.0 78 91 Producers 13-1 61.3 21.0 66 93 Funk's G-91 60.2 22.9 73 88 Ainsworth X-14-3 59.3 20.6 74 91 Munson (M-119) 58.9 22.3 69 91 U.S. 13 (Station) 58.3 19.5 71 87 Tiemann T-72 58.3 21.0 71 92 Canterbury 400 58.2 23.1 71 94 Canterbury 420 57.5 20.4 72 90 Producers 946 56.6 23.1 77 87 P.A.G. 383 56.5 21.7 75 92 Moews CB60A 55.8 23.2 71 87 Moews CB70A . 55.5 21.1 78 88 Pioneer 302 55.4 24.3 74 92 Illinois 1570 55.2 22.2 70 88 P.A.G. 631 (W) 54.8 25.1 61 91 Trisler T-32B 54.5 24.0 72 87 Pioneer 6727 54.1 24.4 71 88 P.A.G. 403 52.1 22.5 76 93 Average of all entries 57.1 22.2 72 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. 3.5 7 N.S. 3-5 N.S. 3.9 8 N.S. 6-10 N.S. 4.1 8 N.S. 11-19 N.S. 4.3 9 N.S. SUMMARY: 1955-1957 Funk's G-91 73 . 7 28.2 58 89 Producers 13-1 72.9 25.5 47 93 Tiemann T-78 72.7 23.1 67 89 BearOK-69 70.2 27.1 67 91 Moews CB70A 69.5 26.6 67 89 Illinois 1511 (Station) 69.2 24.8 48 92 Pioneer 312A 68.9 31.3 67 86 Moews CB90A 68.8 24.8 62 92 P.A.G. 631 (W) . 68.6 31.1 46 92 Canterbury 400 68.4 29.6 56 94 Tiemann T-72 68.4 25.6 54 90 Trisler T-33B 68.3 28.1 56 93 Pioneer 302 68.0 31.0 62 91 Super-Crost 700A 68.0 31.7 57 89 Funk's G-95A 67.6 26.2 64 86 Munson (M-119) 67.6 28.0 52 91 Producers 946 . 67.0 29.5 65 85 Ainsworth X-14-3 66.8 25.0 61 93 P.A.G. 444 66.8 30.9 63 90 Canterbury 420 66.4 25.1 59 88 DeKalb 925(W) 66.2 33.0 49 93 P.A.G. 383 65.9 26.9 65 95 P.A.G. 401 65.7 26.8 59 91 P.A.G. 173 65.6 26.6 54 83 U.S. 13 (Station) . 64.4 24.3 58 85 Pioneer 6727 64.2 31.8 57 85 Moews CB60A 64.1 28.5 58 86 Pioneer 313B 63.7 29.6 48 90 Whisnand 830 62 . 1 30.8 67 83 Trisler T-32B 61.5 30.0 57 86 Illinois 1570 60.7 27.5 57 87 Trisler T-33 60.7 27.0 52 90 P.A.G. 403 57.9 28.2 64 93 Average of all entries 66.7 28.0 58 89 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 N.S. N.S. 11 N.S. 3-5 N.S. N.S. 13 N.S. 6-10 N.S. N.S. 13 N.S. 11-20 N.S. N.S. 14 N.S. Over 20 N.S. N.S. 14 N.S. (Table is continued on next page) 1958} COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 29 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Brownstown continued Entry Total acre Moisture in yield grain at harvest Erect plants Stand 1957 RESULTS bu. perct. perct. perct. Ainsworth X-14-3 50.8 42 .3 47 93 ApplA-130 41.1 43.9 36 94 BearOK-69 . 44.6 47.3 53 91 BearOK-72A 37.1 55.0 48 92 Bear OK-96 46.6 51.8 54 90 BearOK-878 42.5 47.8 38 88 Canterbury 400 33.0 58.8 51 91 Canterbury 420 44.9 42.1 51 84 DeKalb3Xl 47.6 49.9 28 90 DeKalb3X2 50.1 45.7 45 88 DeKalb3X3 52.0 43.0 52 92 DeKalb 803A 51.0 51.3 45 97 DeKalb 812 38.1 55.8 54 85 DeKalb 852 36.6 54.0 33 93 DeKalb 855 49.6 50.3 76 90 DeKalb 893 29.9 64.8 31 96 DeKalb 925(W) 37.7 63.8 33 89 DeKalb X8031 45.8 54.8 61 91 Funk's G-91 40.6 52 .3 51 88 Funk's G-95A 42.2 46.7 48 84 Funk's G-134 55.0 44.3 47 97 Funk's G-144 44.8 52.9 56 90 Holden H-56 38.5 60.3 87 92 Holden H-466 48.4 47.9 69 94 Illinois 1332 (Pfeifer) 45.9 40.5 57 91 Illinois 1421 (Pfeifer) 43.2 48.6 59 89 Illinois 1511 (Station) 46.3 43.1 31 90 Illinois 1570 (Pfeifer) 45 .9 49 . 7 46 80 Illinois 1813 (Pfeifer) 30.9 61.1 51 87 Illinois 1851 (Station) 32.0 61.6 45 89 Mitchell CF-131 42.9 51.5 65 87 Moews CB60A 46 . 5 48 . 8 46 91 Moews CB70A 43.1 46.5 60 96 Moews CB90A 56.0 40.7 61 92 Moews 523 52.8 41.5 59 90 Mountjoy M-103 42.4 46.6 55 84 MunsonM-119 34.0 53.6 37 82 P.A.G. 173 48.5 48.2 35 85 P.A.G. 383 40.8 50.1 65 93 P.A.G. 401 44.3 49.1 52 93 P.A.G. 403 32.5 52.7 57 90 P.A.G. 444 33.8 60.2 57 93 P.A.G. 454 30.1 54.2 30 84 P.A.G. 631(W) 39.8 57.9 25 91 Pioneer 301B 44.2 54.4 88 96 Pioneer 302 41.2 54.2 60 94 Pioneer 309A 21.7 73.5 72 91 Pioneer 309B 33.3 60.9 54 85 Pioneer 312A 39.7 53.9 68 88 Pioneer313B 35.9 54.1 35 92 Pioneer 2990 46.3 51.2 77 91 Pioneer 3608 33 .3 54 .3 76 93 Pioneer 3756 48.2 43.0 66 95 Pioneer 6727 37.4 56.9 53 85 Pocklington P-70 43 .8 52 .2 57 89 Pocklington P-75A 38.2 54.8 39 92 Pocklington P-78A 46.4 48.7 58 95 Pocklington P-80 39.7 57.8 55 92 Pocklington P-84 31.5 64.2 24 93 Producers 13-1 52.1 45.5 28 93 Producers 921 27.9 62.0 55 87 Producers 946 31.2 56.0 59 94 Producers 1050 A 38.8 50.6 23 90 Stull'slOlY 51.0 42.6 82 94 Super-Crost 700A 34.1 64.6 49 88 Super-Crost 880A 26.2 65.0 35 88 (Table is concluded on next page) 30 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Brownstown concluded &*., Total acre Moisture in Erect Stand grain at harvest plants 1957 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. Tiemann T-72 40.8 45.4 42 88 Tiemann T-78 57.5 39.9 70 94 Tiemann T-79 47.0 48.8 46 92 Tiemann T-81 39.5 52.4 47 88 Trisler T-23 43 .4 45 .2 35 89 Trisler T-32B 35.4 55.2 48 94 Trisler T-33 41.8 48.1 39 88 Trisler T-33B 42.2 50.6 56 90 Trisler T-3 SB 43.5 47.2 73 94 U.S. 13 (Station) 59.9 40.9 49 95 Van Horn VH-76 . 42.5 47.6 35 86 Van Horn VH-100 35.8 50.9 46 91 Van Horn VH-121 25.4 61.2 30 83 Whisnand830 37.0 56.8 57 92 Whisnand 852 38.9 61.3 48 92 Average of all entries 41 .4 51 .9 51 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2... 9.0 9 N.S. 3-5 10.0 6-10 10.7 11-20 11.3 Over 20 11.7 10 N.S. 11 N.S. 12 N.S. 12 N.S. 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 31 Table 12. EXTREME SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Ridgway 1953, Eldorado 1954, Carbondale 1955, Wolf Lake 1956-1957 Entry Total acre Moisture in Erect c ta j yield grain at harvest plants SUMMARY: Ridgway 1953, Eldorado 1954, Carbondale 1955, Wolf Lake 1956-1957 bu. perct. perct. percl. Ainsworth X-14A 100.8 16.8 92 89 DeKalb 925(W) 99.9 19.3 98 91 P.A.G. 631 (W) 98.4 18.5 97 88 Pioneer 6727 97.3 16.9 96 90 Stull's 400(W) 97.2 16.7 97 88 Moews CB60A 95.0 16.9 97 88 Moews CB90A 92.9 16.5 96 89 Pioneer 302 92.8 17.9 98 91 Whisnand 851 92.6 17.8 98 92 Tiemann T-78 92.4 16.2 98 92 DeKalb 898 86.2 17.1 98 91 P.A.G. 403 85.1 15.6 97 89 Average of all entries 94.2 17.2 97 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 . N.S. 1 3 N.S. N.S. 3-5 N.S. 1.4 N.S. N.S. 6-12 N.S. 1.5 N.S. N.S. SUMMARY: Carbondale 1955, Wolf Lake 1956-1957 Stull's 400(W) . . . 111.2 17.0 96 92 P.A.G. 631 (W) 104.2 18.3 98 88 Ainsworth X-14A 104.1 17.0 89 88 DeKalb 925(W) 103.3 19.1 98 89 Trisler T-32B 101.8 17.3 99 92 Whisnand 830 101.6 17.5 99 88 Pioneer 312A 101.3 18.9 97 91 Moews CB60A 99.4 17.3 97 88 Whisnand 851 98.2 18.4 98 92 Funk's G-704 97.2 18.8 97 84 Moews CB90A 96.8 17.1 95 89 Pioneer 6727 96.6 17.7 98 89 Illinois 1570 (Station) 95.6 17.0 92 87 Tiemann T-78 94.5 17.0 99 92 Producers 1018 93.7 16.1 97 91 Pioneer 302 92.7 17.7 98 91 Tiemann T-72 91.1 16.4 98 86 P.A.G. 401 85.7 16.3 99 87 DeKalb 898 85.2 17.5 98 92 P.A.G. 444 85.1 17.4 99 89 P.A.G. 403 84.8 16.1 96 87 Average of all entries 96.3 17.4 97 89 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 12.2 1.6 4 N.S. 3-5 13.4 1.7 5 N.S. 6-10 14.2 1.8 5 N.S. 11-20 14.8 1.9 5 N.S. SUMMARY: Wolf Lake, 1956-1957 DeKalb 1024. ., 116.0 16.0 100 91 Stull's 400(W) 115.8 15.4 100 91 DeKalb 1023 115.2 17.4 100 94 Ainsworth X-14A 109.7 15.9 94 87 Whisnand 830 108.9 16.1 100 88 Illinois 2214(W) (Station) 108.7 15.6 98 92 Van Horn VH-55(W) 108.6 16.2 92 86 (Table is continued on next page) 32 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Table 12. EXTREME SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Ridgway 1953, Eldorado 1954, Carbondale 1955, Wolf Lake 1956-1957 continued Entrv Total acre Moisture in Erect Stand yield grain at harvest plants SUMMARY: Wolf Lake, 1956-1957 concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. P.A.G. 631 (W) 108.3 16.1 98 88 Pioneer 6727 108.1 15.2 100 94 DeKalb 925(W) 106.8 16.6 100 90 Moews CB60A 106.7 15.4 100 91 Pioneer 312A 106.6 16.8 98 90 Pioneer 302 106.0 16.4 99 96 Moews CB90A 105.2 15.6 97 94 Illinois 1570 (Station).. 104.8 15.2 98 86 P.A.G. 454 103.4 15.6 100 88 Super-Crost 1005A 101.9 15.1 99 88 P.A.G. 485 101.8 16.2 100 90 Whisnand 851 101.4 16.4 100 95 DeKalb 893 101.2 16.8 100 90 TrislerT-32B 101.2 15.4 100 92 Tiemann T-78 99.0 15.6 100 90 Pioneer 3608 98.3 14.8 100 90 Keystone 256 97.6 17.8 88 83 Van Horn M66Y 97.1 16.3 99 88 Funk's G-704 96.6 16.4 98 85 Stull's 101 Y 96.4 15.6 100 89 Producers 1018 95.7 14.7 100 94 Tiemann T-72 95.0 15.6 99 86 P.A.G. 403 94.7 15.0 99 87 P.A.G. 444 94.6 15.3 100 90 Van Horn VH-121 92.0 16.2 100 84 P.A.G. 401 90.0 14.6 100 86 DeKalb 898 88.1 15.8 100 92 Average of all entries 102.4 15.9 99 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2 13.7 1.4 N.S. N.S. 3-5 15.0 1.5 N.S. N.S. 6-10 15.9 1.6 N.S. N.S. 11-20 16.6 1.7 N.S. N.S. Over 20 16.6 1.7 N.S. N.S. 1957 RESULTS Ainsworth X-14-A 100.4 17.2 98 87 BearOK-90 102.9 16.6 100 92 Bear OK-96A 111.5 17.1 100 96 DeKalb 852 99.6 16.7 99 90 DeKalb 893 94.9 17.2 100 89 DeKalb 898 76.8 17.0 100 95 DeKalb 925(W) 105.9 17.9 100 94 DeKalb 1023 106.5 18.8 100 94 DeKalb 1024 97.3 16.5 100 88 DeKalb X61003 94.5 18.5 100 92 DeKalb X61004 79.2 17.1 99 88 DeKalb X61 005 96.4 17.1 100 94 DeKalb X61018 89.3 16.9 100 94 Funk's G-134 101.8 17.5 100 88 Funk's G-144 97.6 16.6 99 92 Funk's G-704 96.8 17.5 100 88 Illinois 1570 (Station) 101.1 16.8 99 87 Illinois 1851 (Station) 108.4 15.0 100 90 Illinois 2214(W) (Station) 104.6 16.6 97 88 Keystone 256 84.8 19.4 82 92 Moews CB60A 101.2 17.1 100 94 Moews CB90A 96.0 16.7 100 94 Moews CB100 99.7 17.4 100 88 (Table is concluded on next page) 1958} COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 33 Table 12. EXTREME SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Ridgway 1953, Eldorado 1954, Carbondale 1955, Wolf Lake 1956-1957 concluded Total acre Moisture in Erect yield grain at harvest plants c . . 1957 RESULTS concluded bu. perct. perct. perct. P.A.G. 401 .................................... 83.0 16.0 100 85 P.A.G. 403 .................................... 89.2 16.5 99 88 P.A.G. 444 .................................... 92.1 17.2 100 91 P.A.G. 454 .................................... 98.1 16.8 100 85 P.A.G. 485 .................................... 101.6 17.5 100 91 P.A.G. 631(W) ................................ 105.4 17.4 100 87 Pioneer 302 ................................... 102.0 17.7 98 98 Pioneer 309A .................................. 98.6 17.5 100 91 Pioneer 309B .................................. 103.5 18.9 100 89 Pioneer 312A .................................. 105.9 17.0 100 92 Pioneer 318 ................................... 95.4 15.5 100 90 Pioneer 2990 .................................. 112.7 16.2 100 97 Pioneer 3608 .................................. 91.6 16.2 100 90 Pioneer 3756 .................................. 88.5 16.1 100 87 Pioneer 6727 .................................. 104.3 15.9 100 95 Pocklington P-84 .............................. 105.1 16.9 100 95 Producers 13-1 ................................. 83.6 15.7 100 86 Producers 921 ................................. 97.3 15.5 100 95 Producers 1018 ................................ 86.0 15.6 99 91 Stull'slOlY ................................... 91.0 15.9 99 87 Stull'slllY ................................... 88.5 19.1 100 95 Stull's 400(W) ................................. 116.7 17.1 100 97 Super-Crost 1005A ............................. 87.3 15.9 100 82 Tiemann T-72 ............................... 86.6 17.9 99 84 TiemannT-78 ................................. 89.9 17.2 100 87 Tiemann T-32B ................................ 100.5 16.9 100 90 Tiemann T-35B ................................ 93.4 16.7 100 84 Van Horn M66Y .................... 84.5 18.0 99 88 Van Horn VH-55(W) ........................... 111.2 17.0 83 82 Van Horn VH-121 ............................. 87.4 16.9 99 86 Whisnand 830 ....................... 103.7 18.0 100 84 Whisnand 851 ................................. 100.1 17.8 100 96 Whisnand 852 ................................. 109.0 17.6 100 86 Average of all entries ....................... 97.2 17.0 99 90 Number in range Difference necessary for significance 2... 17.9 7 8 3-5 20.0 6-10 21.3 11-20 22.4 Over 20 23.7 8 9 9 10 9 10 10 11 34 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, SUMMARY In 1957, 412 hybrids were grown on ten test fields in Illinois. Excessive moisture at planting and harvest seasons caused many of the test fields to be planted late and grain moistures to be unusually high at harvest. Yields were generally excellent, although in most cases somewhat lower than the record yields produced in 1956. 1957 yields. The Urbana test field, in east-central Illinois, again had the highest average yield, 131.8 bushels per acre. This was 4.0 bushels above the previous record average, produced on the same field in 1956. Average yields on other test fields were: Woodstock 97.9, DeKalb 110.6, Galesburg 118.1, Ashkum 106.2, Bowen 99.3, Stanford 128.1, Greenfield 86.8, Brownstown 41.4, and Wolf Lake 97.2. The average yield of all hybrids tested was 101.7 bushels per acre. This was the second highest average on record for these tests. The average yield for the seven locations comparable with the 1956 loca- tions was 15 percent lower than the 1956 record average. Five-year summaries, 1953-1957. Five-year averages were com- puted for the first time in these tests. The six highest-yielding hybrids in the five-year summaries were the following: Northern Illinois P.A.G. 234, Hulting 238, Hulting 240, P.A.G. 277, Producers 510, P.A.G. 244. West North-Central Schwenk S-34, Pioneer 313B, Holmes 39, Null N-83, Funk's G-95, Moews 520. East-Central Appl A-159, Holmes 39, Canterbury 420, Frey 692, Canterbury 400, Appl A-130. Southern Tiemann T-78, Producers 13-1, Funk's G-91, Ains- worth X-14-3, Munson M-119, U.S. 13 (Station). Extreme Southern Ainsworth X-14A, DeKalb 925 (W), P.A.G. 631 (W), Pioneer 6727, Stull's 400(W), Moews CB60A. Three-year summaries, 1955-1957. The six highest-yielding hy- brids in the three-year summaries were the following: Northern Illinois Nichols NB-43, P.A.G. 234, Pioneer 345, De- Kalb 459, Doubet D-45, Producers 326. West North-Central Pioneer 6727, Schwenk S-34, Producers 13-1, Hulting 380B, Pioneer 329, Pioneer 313B. East-Central Bear OK-96, Whisnand 851, P.A.G. 444, Appl A-159, Frey 692, Pioneer 6727. 1958} COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 35 Southern Funk's G-91, Producers 13-1, Tiemann T-78, Bear OK-69, Moews CB70A, Illinois 1511 (Station). Extreme Southern Stull's 400(W), P.A.G. 631(W), Ainsworth X-14A, DeKalb 925 (W), Trisler T-32B, Whisnand 830. Two-year summaries, 1956-1957. Three test locations, Ashkum, Greenfield, and Wolf Lake, were newly established in 1956. The six highest-yielding hybrids in the two-year summaries at these locations were the following: East North-Central DeKalb 805, Schwenk S-27, Schwenk S-26, Pioneer 306B, Pioneer 316, Troyer M-11T. West South-Central Whisnand 852, Pocklington P-75A, Pock- lington P-78A, Producers 921, Pioneer 6727, Pocklington P-70. Extreme Southern DeKalb 1024, Stull's 400(W), DeKalb 1023, Ainsworth X-14A, Whisnand 830, Illinois 2214(W) Station. Single-year data, 1957. Three test locations, Woodstock, Bowen, and Stanford, were added to the testing program in 1957. The six highest-yielding hybrids in each of these three tests were the following: Extreme Northern Moews 500A, Pioneer 1091, Illinois 1861 (Station), Illinois 1277 (Station), Pioneer 347, P.A.G. 8884 Exp. West-Central Pioneer 6727, Pioneer 312A, Bruns Plymouth P-37, Bruns Plymouth P-97, Funk's G-95A, Moews 524. Central Illinois Bear OK-X600, Moews 524, Moews CB69A, Pioneer 6727, Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396, Whisnand 852. Lodging. Wide variations in lodging were observed both be- tween and within the various test plots. In general, the test fields harvested before November 1 showed little lodging, although the Galesburg field was an exception. Stalk breakage was moderate to severe in the other fields. Statistically significant differences between hybrids in lodging were observed at Woodstock, DeKalb, Ashkum, Urbana, Greenfield, Brownstown, and Wolf Lake. Moisture. The average moisture content of the grain varied greatly in the different test fields, but was generally higher than normal. Grain moisture averaged between 23 and 25 percent in the DeKalb, Galesburg, Ashkum, and Bowen test fields and more than 31 percent at Woodstock. The corn at Brownstown was immature when killed by frost, and the ears averaged more than 50 percent moisture content when harvested in mid-December. 36 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, Stand. Stands varied from fair to excellent, depending on the test location. The lowest stand percentages were at the Woodstock, Bowen, and DeKalb fields, each of which was wet and in unfavorable physical condition at planting time. The average stand for all entries tested was 89 percent, practically the same as in the past few years of the tests. Statistically significant differences between hybrids in stand percentages were found at DeKalb, Bowen, Greenfield, and Wolf Lake. CONTRIBUTORS OF SEED AES Hybrids AES 702 (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.; Mountjoy) AES 805 (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.) Ainsworth Hybrids Ainsworth Seed Co Mason City Appl Hybrids Appl's Hybrid Seed Co St. Joseph Bear Hybrids Bear Hybrid Corn Co Decatur, Box 628 Bruns Hybrids Bruns Bros. Seed Co Camp Point Canterbury Hybrids C. E. Canterbury Seed Co Cantrall Cornell Hybrids Cornell M-4 (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.) Crow's Hybrids Crow's Hybrid Corn Co Milford Currens Hybrids Currens Seed Farm Macomb DeKalb Hybrids DeKalb Agriculture Assn., Inc DeKalb Dittmer Hybrids Junior Dittmer Carthage Doubet Hybrids E. W. Doubet Hanna City Frey Hybrids Frey Hybrid Corn Co Oilman Funk's Hybrids Funk Bros. Seed Co Bloomington Griffith Hybrids Griffith Seed Co Bloomington Holden Hybrids Roland Holden Williamsburg, Iowa Holmes Hybrids Holmes Hybrids Edelstein Huebsch Hybrids L. A. Huebsch and Son Mundelein Huey Hybrids Huey Seed Co Carthage Hulting Hybrids G. E. Hulting and Son Geneseo Illinois Hybrids 111. 21 (Dittmer, 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., Mountjoy Hybrid Seed Co., Atlanta) 111. 101 (Huebsch) 111. 274-1, 972A-1 (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.) 111. 1258 (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.) 111. 1277 (A. I. Coldwater and Son, Elwood) (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.) 111. 1280 (Coldwater) 111. 1281 (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.) 111. 1332 (Geo. L. Pfeifer, Arcola; 111. Agr. Exp. Sta.; Stone Seed Co., Pleasant Plains) 111. 1337 (Dittmer) 111. 1337A-1 (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.) 111. 1421 (111. Agr. Exp. Sta., Pfeifer) 111. 1511, 1555A (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.) 111. 1570 (111. Agr. Exp. Sta., Pfeifer) 111. 1575, 1617, 1731A (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.) 111. 1813 (Pfeifer) 111. 1819, 1831, 1851, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1893, 1919, 1936, 1939, 1960, 1992, 2214W, 3016, 6021 (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.) Jacques Hybrids Jacques Seed Co Prescott, Wis. Keystone Hybrids Corneli Seed Co 101 Choteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo. McAllister Hybrids McAllister Seed Farms Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Mitchell Crib Filler Mitchell Farms Windfall, Ind. Moews Corn Belt Hybrids .. Moews Corn Belt Co., Inc Boswell, Indiana 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 37 Moews Hybrids Moews Seed Co Granville Morton Hybrids Roy A. Morton and Sons Bowen Mountjoy Hybrids Mountjoy Hybrid Seed Co Atlanta Munson Hybrids Munson Hybrids Galesburg New Jersey Hybrids N. J. 8 (Southern States) Nichols Hybrids Nichols Bros Hebron Null Hybrids Null Seed Farms Colchester P.A.G. Hybrids Pfister Assoc. Growers, Inc Aurora Pioneer Hybrids Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Co. of 111.. . .Princeton Pocklington Hybrids Pocklington Bros Girard Producers Hybrids Producers Seed Co Piper City Robe Hybrids Robe Hybrid Seed Co Smithshire Schwenk Hybrids W. T. Schwenk and Sons Edwards Sieben Hybrids Sieben Hybrids Geneseo Smiley Hybrids Glen Smiley Milford Southern States Hybrids. . .Coop. Seed and Farm Supply Co.. .Muncie Steckley Hybrids Steckley Hybrid Corn Co 2416 N. St., Lincoln, Nebr. Stewart Hybrids Frank S. Stewart and Son Princeville Stiegelmeier Hybrids H. L. Stiegelmeier Normal Stone Hybrids Stone Seed Co Pleasant Plains Stull Hybrids Stull Corn Co Sebree, Ky. Super-Crost Hybrids E. J. Funk and Sons Kentland, Ind. Tiemann Hybrids Tiemann Seed Co Bloomington Tomahawk Hybrids Tomahawk Hybrid Seed Co Belmond, Iowa Tomco Hybrids Tomahawk Hybrid Seed Co Belmond, Iowa Trisler Hybrids Trisler Seed Farms Fairmount Troyer Hybrids C. E. Troyer LaFontaine, Ind. United-Hagie Hybrids United-Hagie Hybrids, Inc Ames, Iowa U.S. Hybrids U.S. 13 (111. Agr. Exp. Sta.) Van Horn Hybrids Van Horn Hybrids, Inc Cerro Gordo Whisnand Hybrids Whisnand Hybrid Corn Co Arcola Wyckoff's Hybrids Wyckoff Hybrid Corn Co Valparaiso, Ind. Wyffels Hybrids William Wyffels Geneseo PEDIGREES OF 40 HYBRIDS Following is a list of open-pedigree hybrids whose performance is shown in this bulletin. AES 702. . .(WF9XHy2)(C103XM14) AES 805. . .(WF9X38-ll)(C103XOh45) 111. 21 (WF9X38-1 l)(Hy2 X 187-2) 111. 101 (WF9XM14)(187-2XW26) 111. 274-1... (WF9XHy2)(Oh7X 187-2) 111. 972A-l..(WF9XOh7)(Hy2XL317) 111. 1258....(WF9XM14)(R2XW32) 111. 1277....(WF9XM14)(187-2XI.205) 111. 1279.... (WF9XM 14) (A375X 187-2) 111. 1280....(WF9XM14)(187-2XOs420) 111. 1281....(WF9XM14)(A374XA37S) 111. 1332 .... (WF9X38-1 l)(Hy2 XOh7) 111. 1337....(WF9X38-ll)(Hy2XR61) 111. 1337A-l.(WF9XHy2)(38-llXL.E.2) 111. 1421....(WF9XHy2)(P8XOh7) 111. 1511....(WF9XHy2)(38-llXL304A) 111. 1555A. .(WF9XOh51A)(I.224XOh28) 111. 1570....(WF9X38-ll)(Hy2XOh41) 111. 1575....(WF9XM14)(L12XOh28) 111. 1617. . . . (WF9XB10)(Oh7XOh41) 111. 1731A...(WF9XC103)(Hy2XOh7) 111. 1813. . . .(WF9XHy2)(C103XOh45) 111. 1819....(WF9XR2)(R6lXOh43) 111. 1831 .... (WF9XW146)(K237XOh45) 111. 1851. ...(C103X38-ll)(Oh7XCI.21E) 111. 1861 .... (WF9XM14)(I.224XOh28) 111. 1863 (WF9XM 14)(1.205 XOh43) 111. 1864 (WF9XM14)(Oh43XW22) 111. 1893 (C103X38-ll)(Oh7BXOh29) 111. 1919. . . .(WF9X38-11)(R130XR156) 111. 1936. ...(WF9XHy2)(M14XB14) 111. 1939. ...(R71XR98)(R105XR153) 111. 1960. . . . (W64AXM14)(B14XA545) 111. 1992. . . .(WF9XOh7A)(B14XC103) 111. 2214(W).(R30XKy27)(H2lXK64) 111. 3016. ...(WF9XB14)(B37XOh43) 111. 6021 (R75XR76)(R84XK4) U.S. 13 (WF9X38-ll)(Hy2XL317) Cornell M-4.(Oh51AXB8)(3XD50) N.J. 8 (WF9XHy2)(C102XC103) 38 BULLETIN No. 622 [January, INDEX Several of the tables are divided into two or more sections, and an entry may appear in several places in a table. Five-year, three-year, or two-year summaries are shown first in each table, followed by the 1957 results for the particular test location. Hybrids are ranked according to their yield in the summaries, but are listed alphabetically in the 1957 results. AES 702 (Station)... ...4, 5, 6 DeKalb 812 5. 7, 8. 9, 11 AES 805 (Station) 9 DeKalb 820 5 Ainsworth X-13-3 8 DeKalb 837 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Ainsworth X-14-A 7, 10, 12 DeKalb 852 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 Ainsworth X-14-3 8, 9, 11 DeKalb 855 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 Ainsworth X-21 5 DeKalb 856 5. 6, 7, 8, 9. 10 Ainsworth X-31-127 8 DeKalb 893 10, 11, 12 Ainsworth X-31-130 8 DeKalb 898 11, 12 Ainsworth X-31-132 8 DeKalb 925 (W) 11, 12 Appl A-130 5, 8, 9. 11 DeKalb 1023 12 Appl A-159 5, 8, 9 DeKalb 1024 12 Appl A-259 5 DeKalb X6024 10 DeKalb X8031 11 Bear OK-24 6, 8, 9 DeKalb X61003 12 BearOK-55 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 DeKalb X61004 12 BearOK-69 7, 10, 11 DeKalb X61 005 10, 12 Bear OK-72A 9, 10, 11 DeKalb X61018 12 Bear OK-90 12 Dittmer D-821 10 Bear OK-96 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 1 Doubet D-25 5, 6, 8 Bear OK-96A 12 Doubet D-25A 5, 8, 9 Bear OK-414 4 Doubet D-25E 4 Bear OK-420 4 Doubet D-45 4 BearOK-821 7 Doubet D-47 5, 6, 8, 9 Bear OK-878 10, 1 1 Bear OK-X600 5, 6, 8 Frey F57 5, 6, 8, 9 Frey 410 4 Canterbury 400 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Frey 425 6 Canterbury 404 8, 9 Frey 644 6 Canterbury 420 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 Frey 692 5, 6, 8, 9 Cornell M-4 (Station) 3 Frey 892 5, 6, 8, 9 Crow's 260 4 Funk's G-23 3 Crow's 360 5 Funk's G-24A 3 Crow's 402 4 Funk's G-33A 4 Crow's 407 5 Funk's G-38A 3 Crow's 432 4 Funk's G-75A 4, 5 Crow's 487 4 Funk's G-76 5. 6 Crow's 495 6 Funk's G-91 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 1 Crow's 607 6, 9 Funk's G-95 5, 6, 7. 8, 9 Crow's 608 5, 6, 9 Funk's G-95A 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Crow's 805 9, 10 Funk's G-134 7. 10, 11, 12 Crow's 821 9, 10 Funk's G-144 10, 11, 12 Crow's Deep Root 5, 6 Funk's G-704 12 Currens 305 9 Currens 306 9 Griffith 125-3 9 DeKalb 221... ...3 Holden H-56. . ..5,9,10,11 DeKalb 222 3 Holden H-348 4 DeKalb 252 3 Holden H-422 4, 5, 6 DeKalb 253 3 Holden H-444 4, 5, 6, 9 DeKalb 3X1 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Holden H-455 5, 6 DeKalb 3X2 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Holden H-466 9, 11 DeKalb 3X3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Holmes 11 A 4 DeKalb 406 3 Holmes 13 8, 9 DeKalb 409 3, 4 Holmes 17A 4 DeKalb 414 3, 4 Holmes 39 5, 6, 8, 9 DeKalb 423 3, 4 Holmes 46 6 DeKalb 444 3, 4 Holmes 47 4, 6, 8 DeKalb 459 4 Holmes 59 5 DeKalb 603 4 Huebsch H-24 3 DeKalb 623 4 Huebsch H-44 3, 4 DeKalb 630 4 Huebsch H-81 3, 4 DeKalb 632 6 Huey H-23 5, 7, 10 DeKalb 633 4 Huey H-50 ... 5 DeKalb 660 5, 6 Huey H-106 7, 10 DeKalb 661 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Huey H-235 5,7,10 DeKalb 803A 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Huey H-X107 7, 10 DeKalb 805 5, 6 Hulling 238 4 1958] COMMERCIAL CORN HYBRIDS 39 Hulling 240 4 Hulling 242 4, 5, 6 Hulling 380B 5, 6, 9 Hulling 481 4, 5, 6 Hulling 482 4 Hulling 680 9 Hulling 684 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Hulling 686 5, 6. 7, 8, 9 Moews CB100 ............................. 12 Morton M-6 ............................... 7 Morion M-12 A ............................. 7 Morion M-70 .............................. 7 Morion M-300 ............................. 7 Morion M-303 ............................. 7 Mounljoy M-33 ............................ 8 Mounljoy M-5S ............................ 8 Mounljoy M-64 ............................ 3 Mounljoy M-103 .......................... 11 Munson M-5 ....................... , ...... 5 Munson M-13 ......................... 5, 6. 7 Munson M-1S ........................... 5. 7 Munson M-77 ............................. 5 Munson M-119 ..................... 5, 7. 9, 11 New Jersey 8 (Soulhern Slales) .............. 9 Nichols NB-43 ........................... 3. 4 Nichols NB-65D ......................... 3, 4 Nichols NB-75A .......................... 3, 4 Nichols NB-75D ......................... 3, 4 Null N-68 ............................... 7, 9 Null N-76 ................................. 5 Null N-83 ............................. 5, 7. 8 Null N-100 .............................. 6, 7 Illinois 21 (Dillmer) ........................ 5 Illinois 21 (Mounljoy) ....................... 8 Illinois 21 (Slalion) ......................... 9 Illinois 101 (Huebsch) ....................... 3 Illinois 274-1 (Slalion) .................... 5, 6 Illinois 972A-1 (Slalion) ................... 6, 9 Illinois 1258 (Slalion) ....................... 3 Illinois 1277 (Coldwaler) .................... 4 Illinois 1277 (Slalion) ....................... 3 Illinois 1279 (Slalion) ....................... 3 Illinois 1280 (Coldwaler) .................... 4 Illinois 1281 (Slalion) ....................... 3 Illinois 1332 (Pfeifer) .................... 9, 11 Illinois 1332 (Slalion) ...................... 10 Illinois 1332 (Slone) ........................ 9 Illinois 1337 (Dillmer) ...................... 7 Illinois 1337A-1 (Slalion) .................... 9 Illinois 1421 (Pfeifer) .................... 9. 11 P.A.G. 62 .................................. 3 Illinois 1421 (Slalion) ..................... 5, 6 P.A.G. 173 ........................... 9, 10, 11 Illinois 151 1 (Slalion) ...................... 11 P.A.G. 222 .............................. 3.4 Illinois 1555A (Slalion) ................... 3, 4 P.A.G. 225 .............................. 3, 4 Illinois 1570 (Pfeifer) .................... 9, 11 P.A.G. 234 ............................ 3, 4, 6 Illinois 1570 (Slalion) ................... 10, 12 P.A.G. 244 .............................. 3, 4 Illinois 1575 (Slalion) ....................... 6 P.A.G. 253 .............................. 3,4 Illinois 1617 (Slalion) ....................... 6 P.A.G. 277 .............................. 3, 4 Illinois 1731 A (Slalion) ................... 6, 9 P.A.G. 290 ................................. 3 Illinois 1813 (Pfeifer) .................... 9, 11 P.A.G. 303 ................................. 4 Illinois 1819 (Slalion) ....................... 6 P.A.G. 323 ................... 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Illinois 1831 (Slalion) ..................... 5, 6 P.A.G. 347 .................... 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 Illinois 1851 (Slalion) ................... 11, 12 P.A.G. 351 ............................ 5, 6. 7 Illinois 1861 (Slalion) ..................... 3, 4 P.A.G. 377 .............................. 5, 6 Illinois 1863 (Slalion) ....................... 3 P.A.G. 381 ................................. 5 Illinois 1864 (Slalion) ....................... 3 P.A.G. 383 ........................ 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 Illinois 1893 (Slalion) ....................... 9 P.A.G. 401 ................. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 Illinois 1919 (Slalion) ................... 7. 8, 9 P.A.G. 403 .............. 5, 6. 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Illinois 1936 (Slalion) ....................... 6 P.A.G. 444 .................. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Illinois 1939 (Slalion) ....................... 9 P.A.G. 454 ....................... 7, 10, 11, 12 Illinois 1960 (Slalion) ....................... 3 P.A.G. 485 ................................ 12 Illinois 1992 (Slalion) ....................... 9 P.A.G. 631 (W) ......................... 11, 12 Illinois 2214(W) (Slalion) .................. 12 P.A.G. 9028 ............................. 5, 6 Illinois 3016 (Slalion) ....................... 3 P.A.G. Exp. 8884 ......................... 3, 4 Illinois 6021 (Slalion) ....................... 9 Pioneer 301B ............... 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Pioneer 302 .................. 7, 8,9, 10. 11, 12 Jacques 1153J .............................. 3 Pioneer 306B ............................... 6 Jacques 1158J .............................. 3 Pioneer 309A ............ 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Pioneer 309B ..................... 7, 10, 11, 12 Keyslone Hyperlific 1 ....................... 7 Pioneer 312A .............. 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Keyslone45 .............................. 10 Pioneer 313B .................. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 Keyslone 48 ............................... 5 Pioneer 316 .................... 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Keyslone 256 ............................. 12 Pioneer 317A .......................... 5, 6, 9 Pioneer 318 ............................... 12 McAllisler 11 ............................ 5, 7 Pioneer 325 .............................. 3, 4 McAllisler 13A ........................... 5, 7 Pioneer 329 ..................... 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 McAllisler 23A ............................. 5 Pioneer 344 ................................ 4 McAllisler X1001 ........................... 5 Pioneer 345 ............................ 4, 5, 8 Milchell CF-70 ............................. 6 Pioneer 346 .............................. 3, 4 Milchell CF-131 ....................... 6, 9, 11 Pioneer 347 ................................ 3 Moews 14A .............................. 3, 4 Pioneer 349 ................................ 3 Moews 14DR ............................ 3, 4 Pioneer 352 .............................. 3, 4 Moews 14E ................................ 3 Pioneer 354 ............................ 3, 4. 6 Moews 15 ................................. 3 Pioneer 371 .............................. 3, 4 Moews 16 ................................. 3 Pioneer 1091 ............................. 3, 4 Moews 48 ................................. 4 Pioneer 2369A .............................. 3 Moews 500A ............................. 3, 4 Pioneer 2772 ............................... 3 Moews 520 ........................ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pioneer 2990 ........................... 11, 12 Moews 523 ................... 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Pioneer 3497 ............................... 4 Moews 524 ......................... 5, 7, 8, 10 Pioneer 3608 ................. 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 Moews 524A ........................... 5. 6, 9 Pioneer 3756 ................. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Moews 525 ................................ 5 Pioneer 6727 ............ 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11. 12 Moews CB60A ............. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12 Plymoulh P-37 (Bruns) ..................... 7 Moews CB65A ............................. 4 Plymoulh P-97 (Bruns) ..................... 7 Moews CB69A ................... 5. 6, 8, 9, 10 Pocklinglon P-70 .................. 8, 9, 10, 11 Moews CB70A ............................ 11 Pocklinglon P-75A ..................... 10, 11 Moews CB90A ........... 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Pocklinglon P-78A ..................... 10, 11 Moews CB96 ............................... 6 Pocklinglon P-80 ....................... 10, 1 1 40 BULLETIN No. 622 Pocklington P-84 10, 11, 12 Tiemann T-79 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 1 Producers 13-1 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 Tiemann T-81 8, 11 Producers 309 3 Tomahawk 33 3 Producers 315 3 Tomahawk 43 3, 4 Producers 320 3 Tomahawk 81 5, 8 Producers 326 4 Tomahawk 82 8 Producers 363 4 Tomahawk 85 8, 9 Producers 505 4 Tomahawk 88 8 Producers 510 4, 9 Tomco 619 4 Producers 525 5 Tomco 812 8 Producers 727 5, 6 Tomco 9155 5, 8, 9 Producers 900 6 Trisler T-19B 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 Producers 921 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12 Trisler T-23 9, 11 Producers 946 7, 8, 9, 11 Trisler T-32A 4, 5, 9 Producers 1018 7, 10, 12 Trisler T-32B 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12 Producers 1050A 10, 11 Trisler T-33 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 Producers E1406 9 Trisler T-33B 5, 6, 9. 11 Trisler T-35B 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Robe 11 5 Troyer E-5T 3, 4 Robe 30 5 Troyer E-13T 3,4 Troyer L-ll 5, 6, 8, 9 Schwenk S-24 5 Troyer L-11T 5, 6, 8, 9 Schwenk S-25B 8 Troyer L-13 5, 8, 9 Schwenk S-26 6, 8 Troyer L-14T 5, 6, 8. 9 Schwenk S-27 5, 6 Troyer L-21T 8, 9 Schwenk S-34 5, 8, 9 Troyer M-11T 5, 6, 8, 9 Sieben S-320 4, 5 Troyer M-12T 4 Sieben S-340 4, 5 Troyer M-13T 4, 5, 6 Sieben S-360 4, 5 Troyer M-15T 4 Sieben S-440 4 Troyer M-17T 4, 6 Sieben S-440E 4 Troyer M-18 4, 6 Sieben S-560 4 Smiley M-10 6 United-Hagie UH-32A 4 Southern States Mohawk 5, 9 United-Hagie UH-41A 4 Southern States Pocahontas 9 United-Hagie UH-47A 5 Steckley's 17A 3, 4 United-Hagie UH-52 5 Steckley's 18 3, 4 United-Hagie UH-55 5 Steckley's Genetic Giant 4 3, 4 United-Hagie UH-WW30 4 Steckley's Genetic Giant 10 4, 5 United-Hagie UH-WW40 4 Steckley's Genetic Giant 13 3, 4, 5 United-Hagie UH-WW50 5 Steckley's Genetic Giant 14 5 U.S. 13 (Station) 5, 6, 9, 1 1 Stewart S-56 4 Stewart S-56B 5, 6 Van Horn M66Y 12 Stewart S-60 4 Van Horn VH-55(W) 12 Stewart S-65 5, 6 Van Horn VH-76 6, 9, 10, 11 Stewart S-66 4 Van Horn VH-95-1 8, 9, 10 Stewart S-66B 4 Van Horn VH-97 8, 9, 10 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-300A 6, 8 Van Horn VH-98 5, 8, 9 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-396 8, 9 Van Horn VH-100 6, 8, 9, 10 Stiegelmeier Hi-B-Jack S-600 8, 9 Van Horn VH-101 5. 8, 9, 10 Stone 843 9 Van Horn VH-121 11, 12 Stull's 101 Y 11, 12 Stull's 11 1Y 12 Whisnand 804 6 Stull's 400(W) 12 Whisnand 830 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12 Super-Crost 438 4 Whisnand 834 10 Super-Crost 440 4 Whisnand 851 9, 12 Super-Crost 638 6 Whisnand 852 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Super-Crost 660 6 Wyckoff's W-10A 4 Super-Crost 700A 11 Wyckoff's W-20 4, 6 Super-Crost 880A 9, 1 1 Wyckoff's W-25A 4, 6 Super-Crost 1005A 12 Wyckoff's W-46A 6 Wyffels W-492 5 Tiemann T-68 5, 6, 7, 9 Wyffels W-495 4, 5 Tiemann T-72 9, 11, 12 Wyffels W-600 4 Tiemann T-78 5. 8, 10, 11, 12 12M 1-58 64577 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA