LIBRARY OF THE U N 1 VER.SITY or ILLINOIS llLiNOIS (;!S10Ry SURVEY LIS.VARY ^ HISTORICAL AND BIOGIIAPHICAL liECORl) OK DOUGLAS COUNTY ILLINOIS COMIMLKI) V,\ JOt-IlSI GF^FC^F^A^IM U. S. A. ll'NE, 1 11(10 FROM PRESS OF WILSON, HUMPHREYS & CO. LOGANSPORT, IND. PRKFACB. After several montlis of tediouf^ work, I present this volume of Doii.i^las County Biography and History to its subscribers. Like all local works of its ^- nature there will be no doubt criticisms, as it is impossible to please every- body. I have endeavored to do the work conscientiously. The biographies were all carefully written and submitted in type to each individual and the ^ errors consequently reduced to the minimum. Hoping tin; book will fully p ^come up to your expectations, rt I am yours respectfully, o> JNO. GRESHAM, June, 1900. Logansport, Indiana. 5047- EARLY SETTLEMENT DOUGLAS COUNTY. CHAPTKR I EARLY SETTLEMENT OE THE COUNTY. ((RIGIXAL INHABITANTS. Archaeologists tell us that the white race is the third, and perhaps the fourth, race that has possessed this laud. The evidences of the pres- ence of the earlier races are not abundant in all parts of the country, hut sutiicient is learned of their habits. nunil)ers and power to lead to the conclusion that they dominated the region within which the territory of Douglas county lies. Robinson Crusoe's unexpected discovery of a human footprint upi>n the sands of his deserted island was hardly more startling than have been the discoveries of antiquarians in luu-ojic within the past twenty-five years. Scientific followers of Usher and Petarius had placed the various migrations of men, the con- fusion of tongues, the peoi)ling of continents — the whole evolution of human society — within the narrow compass of a little more than forty centuries, when the discovery of the geologist and ethnologist developed the trace of htuuan e.xistence dating back to a possible period of 30,000 years. Nor are confirmatory evidences wanting to show that the "ekler man" had found a place in the New World. The gold- drift of California has supplied abundant tes- timonv to the high anti(|uity of man. and notably the "Pliocene skull," the ])opular con- ception of which is derived niore win)ecture as to their mode of life, their advancement in civilization, and final destinv- lUOCRArmCAL AND HISTORICAL. Tliese evidences, tliousli first accepted with ,yrpat distrust, have l)een so amplified and cun- firnied 1)V nmre recent researclies as to leave no r(Hiiii tor intelligent dissent to the former exis- tence of this race. The remains upon which this conclusion is based, "consi.sts," says Mr. Foster in his " I're-historic Races of the Lhiited States," "of tiunuli, symmetrically raised and often inclo.sed in matheiuatical figures, .sucli as the square, the octagon and circle, with long lines of circumvallation : nf ]iits in the solid rock, and rubbish heaps formed in the pros- ecution of their mining operations, and of a variety of utensils, wrought in stone, copper, or moulded in clay." To the uninstructed mind the mounds, doubtles.s, seem a very sligiit foun- dation upon which to rear the fabric of a national existence, and yet to the archaeol- ogist thev furnish "proof as strong as Holy Writ:" in them they find as distinctive charac- teri.stics as mark the pre-historic remains of the Pelasgi, the wall-builders of Europe, a not dissimilar race in many respects, and one which long ago found a place in the realities of his- tory; and while they differ in external form, and are scattered over a wide scope of country — characteristics in marked contrast with those of the aboriginal race found here in possession of the county; yet the scientist finds in each mound the ne\er-failing marks of a race peculiarity. The wiflest divergence from the typical mound is found in Wisconsin. Here, instead of the circular or pyramidal structure, are found forms, for the most part, consisting of rude, gigantic imitations of various animals of the region, such as the buffalo, bear, fox, wolf, etc. ; of the eagle and night-hawk, the lizard and turtle, and in soiue instances the unmistakable form of man. These, though not raised high abo\'e the surface, and even in some cases represented intaglio, attain the largest dimensions ; one, representing a serpent, extending sex'en hundred feet, and another, representing a turtle, had a Ijody fifty-six and a tail two hundred an the actiiiu of lire." ( S(|nicr and l)a\is' hcii;lil i if ninely feet. ( )ii the southwest fhere Ancient Monuments.) In relation to this w , -is a terr.nce, < mc hundred and si.xty by three 1,'iler characteristic, it should be said that it is hundred feel, wliii'h was reached by a i;radc(l mil at all pl.aiii that the use of hre was intended way, and the summit was truncated, .alTi ir.itents, which family ])rostrate. I'or months the are still ret.aincd .as .a souvenir by the family, f.amily were obliged to give uji further work were signed by Andrew j.ackson, as I'rcsident, on their improvements, .and the winter found on the Nth of .M.arcli, iS^o. Mr. Gill h,as not them still occupying the original cabin. ( )n been a citizen of the county, having returned to the following year the hewed log house Kentucky sot)n after his jjurchase of the land. fiui.shed and occupied, and still remains a land- John liammet was scarcely .second to (Jill mark of the olden time. in his entry of land in this comity; he visited 14 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. Illinois in 1828, and entered eight hundred acres of land north of the present site of Cam- ergo village, in company with Gill. Mr. Ham- met was a native of Virginia, from whence he moved to Kentucky, where his son, James R., was born. It was not until the fall of 1830 that he moved to his new purchase. The house- hold goods were brought from Kentucky by teams of horses and oxen — Mrs. Hammet and smaller children coming in a carriage. It was November before the family reached the site of their new home, and before the cabin could be erected winter was at hand. The family was therefore obliged to find shelter in a tent with a large fire before the opening to keep off the cold. The under bed ticks had been filled with blue grass seed in Kentucky, and upon these the feather beds were placed and drawn near the fire. This winter was very severe, as was the following one, which is known as the season of the great snow, and many of the Indians in the vicinity made frequent visits to this new addition to the white settlement. At the time of the arrival of the Hammets, there were only two families of permanent settlers in the territory of Douglas county, though some squatters had taken up their residence in the southern part and who removed soon after- ward. The family suffered great privations during the first years. No provisions had been brought from Kentucky, and everything during the first winter was only to be procured at a point on the Vermillion river, near the present site of Indianola. Their milling was afterward done at a still greater distance, at Eugene, Indiana, some forty miles away. John Hammet died in the winter of 1834, leaving the care of the farm and family to his widow, who discharged her responsibilities in a way to show how great a debt the country owes to its pioneer women. Eli Sargent was a settler in Douglas county in the same year. He was a native of Mary- land, but had subsequently emigrated to Ohio where his children were born. An.xious to avail himself of the cheap lands in Illinois, he made a journey here, accompanied only by his son, Snowden. They left home on the i8th of March, and proceeded down the Ohio river to Evansville, Indiana, on a flat-boat. Here they continued their journey overland, crossing the Wabash at Vincennes and directing their course to Paris. Mr. Sargent's original inten- tion was to seek a location in Buffalo Heart Grove in Sangamon county, a point he had greatly admired when he passed through it, returning from a trip to Missouri two years before. Coming through Walnut Prairie, some fifteen miles below Marshall, Clark county, Illinois, he learned of Walnut Point, on the Embarrass river, where Ashmore had made a settlement. The favorable reports of this loca- tion determined him to visit it, and so pleased was he upon examination, that he entered four hundred acres here when he returned to Pales- tine. The household goods were promptly brought forward in wagons, and arrived at the new location in April, 1830, Mrs. Sargent arriving soon afterward. A wigwam in the Indian fashion was the first erected, and later the usual cabins which served the family as homes for several years. Maj. Ashmore was the only settler in this township (Sargent). In 1834 Mr. Sargent died, leaving his son, Snowden Sargent, to care for his family. William Brian, a native of Ohio, came to Douglas county in 1834, and entered one hun- dred and sixty acres of land in section 18, BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. IS township i6 nortli, range 7 east. He arrived at this point in June and erected a cabin, return- ing then to bring liis family, consisting of his wife and four children. He returned to Illi- nois in the following September, and cultivated his farm for about a year, when he removed to the farm which is known as the old homestead For several years he was the only resident of what is now Tuscola township. Jacob Taylor was probably the first settler in Garrett town- ship. Soon after him came James Drew, who came to the territory of Douglas county in 1839, having, with his father, a job to split rails for Taylor. Land was cheap here at that time, and Drew being only eighteen years of age, thought it a favorable opportunity to secure a start by entering land. He first en- tered eighty acres, borrowing one hundred dol- lars of Taylor to make the purchase, and con- tracting to discharge a portion of the debt by day's labor. He put up a split-log house in 1840, and lived with his brother-in-law. At this time, for thirty miles west in the direction of Decatur, there was not a single house. Jacob Mosbarger was among the earliest set- tlers in Garrett township. He was a native of Ohio, settled subsecjuently in Indiana, and in 1845 started with the intention of settling in Iowa. He found it impossible to reach his proposed destination in time to secure a crop before the coming winter, and therefore stoi^ped iiere to raise one crop, proposing to continue iiis journey the next season. He was so favor- ably impressed with the country, however, that he gave up his idea of proceeding to Iowa. He first settled in the edge of the timber on Lake Fork, and rented land. Two years later he settled on Congress land, pre-empting one hun- dred and sixty acres, which still remains in the family. Nathan Garrett was another" early and prominent man in Garrett township; he was newly married when he came here in April, 1845, ^i"*-! began life on a capital of forty dollars in cash, and two horses and a wagon; he began by renting land until 1852, when he entered eighty acres, and has been successful in amassing considerable property. Benjamin Ellars, a native of Ohio, came to Illinois in 1835. In 1849 he moved to Douglas county, and settled on the west side of the east Okaw timber, just south of the Campaign county line. The family was one of the first to locate in that vicinity. To the west of their improve- ment on the prairie there was not a single set- tler. John D. Murdock, for whom a township m Douglas county was named, was a prominent settler in that section of the county; he was a native of Ohio, but had made a settlement in Fountain county, Indiana, but, dissatisfied with the health of the section, he sought a home in a prairie country. His attention was called to this region in 1853, and in July of that year came here to "spy out the land." Pleased with the outlook he woukl have purchased land, but did not meet with a satisfactory opportunity. On returning home he .sold his farm, and in January, 1854, returned, coming to George- town, and then by way of Hickory Grove, fol- lowing the ridge to Camargo. At this time he met with a man of whom he bought some three hundred ;uk1 forty acres at eleven dollars per acre. In the follcjwing April he bniught his family. A split-kjg house stood u])on the tract at the time of its purchase, Init being in- sufficient for the accommodation of his family, iVIr. Murdock prep.ired a frame house in In- diana, and hauled it to his new purchase where he put it up in readiness for his family. i6 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL William W. Young came to Douglas county in the fall of 1853, and was one of the earliest settlers in Newman township. He was a native of Indiana, and lived for a few years after his marriage on rented land in his native state. He then came to Douglas county, accompanied by two of his wife's brothers. After entering one hundred and sixty acres of land he re- turned to Indiana, and a year later came with his family to the place chosen for his new home. On their arrival they boarded for a week in the neighborhood, while Mr. Young erected a frame dwelling into which the family moved directly it was completed. J. M. Cooley, one of those accompanying Mr. Young, took up one hundred and sixty acres on a land warrant in November, 1853. B. C. Nelson came to Douglas county three years later, and bought three hundred and twenty acres of railroad land on section 4, township 16 north, range 8 east. With the exception of one or two fam- ilies there were no neighbors nearer than Okaw timber, and the site of Tuscola was a wild prairie covered with tall grass and resin weed. There was nothing in the character of the country or in the history of the emigrants to this section to lead to the early formation of villages or thickly settled communities. The pioneers of Douglas county came singly or l.\- twos and Ihrees, and fixed upon an eligililc site for farming, and there pitched their tabernacle. Up to the coming of the railroad influence in 1850, Camargo was the only village even on paper, and there was therefore no dislurl>ing intluence to divert the even settling up of the country. Camargo dates earliest among the townships of the county in settlement, and counts among the early settlers the Richmans, Hammets, Gills, Braggs, Watsons and Mur- docks. Tuscola claims William Brian, the Hacketts, O. J. Jones, J. W. Smith, G. P. Phinney, B. F. Boggs, B. C. Nelson and others. Garrett claims the Garretts, Otters, Mullens, Lesters, Goodsons, Mosbargers, Drews, Howes and Ellars. Newman incudes among its early settlers Enoch Howell, the Winklers, the Hoj)- kinses, Cooleys, Youngs, Skinners and Shutes. Sargent numbers the family from which it took its name, Ashmores, Gwinns, Reddens, Allisons, Maddox, Casebear and others. Bow- dre claims Isaac Davidson, Breedens, Davises and Barnetts. Areola, the Shaws, Henrys and McCanns; and Bourbon the Moores, Deharts, Weltons, Nelson Shaw, the Drews and others. In the latter township are quite a number of Germans who came in about 1852 and the years immediately following, and in 1864 the first of a considerable number of the same national- ity generally known by tlie "Amish," a name commonly bestowed upon this sect of relig- ionists. NATURAL RESOURCES. The country which these pioneers has thus chosen was a hunter's paradise. The prairie and timber were thronged with game of all kinds, and without this the early settler's fare must have been hard indeed. Tlie first coiners to this region were considerably in advance of those pioneer industries which mitigate the severities of pioneer life and were forced to make long journeys for the common necessities. Thus cut oft' from the natural sources of supply, the pioneer was forced to depend upon the re- sources of the country alone, which, even with the abundance of game, proved but a meager support for the family. Deer were found in BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 17 unlimited numbers, and tlie first settlers found found scMne fine edible fish. With tbis abundance no trouble in killing more than the needs of the of what are even now considered lu.xuries, it family required, right at his own door. Droves, would seem at a casual glance that the pioneer reaching to the number of a hundred, were life was a life of ease rather than banlshi]) : Imt often seen, and settlers were in the hal)it of car- when it is considered that these were the sum rying their guns on almost all occasions, and of their early luxuries, that what we deem Ihc seldom returned from any expedition without . cnnimun necessities and find so cheaj) as to ])ass an evidence of the abundance of these ani- almost unnoticed in our estimate of family mals in the shape of a haunch or ham of veni- supjjlies and exj)enses, were to the early settlers .son. Wild hogs served also to vary the frontier almost inaccessible and the most expensive, a fare. These were animals that had escaped great change is wrought in our estimate. Salt from the older settlements, and, subsisting upon was more exi)ensive than sugar and more dif- the nuts and niots of the woodland, bad gone limit to ])rocure. Mour could not I'or ;i time wild in the of nature. They were of a be ])roctued at any price, ;md even meal, such long-legged, gaunt species, and kept the timber as is pmvided to-day, was unknown on the ])retty closely. They were no particular dam- frontier. And even the variety of g;iuie ])ro- age or annoyance to the settlers, but furnished vided soon failed ti> answer the ])urposes of beef capital hunting sport, and gave a relief to the and jjork. The system exposed to niv.ages of monotonous recurrence of veni.son upon the disease, and sn1>ject to the trying experience of table of the settler. Wolves were of the coyote early farm l;il)or, demanded .something more species and were found in the open prairie. sul)stantial than this. Nor could all give their These were of more annoyance to the settle- attention to InnUing. 'i"hc i)rime reason for the ments, attacking sheep, young pigs and .some- presence of most of the i)ioneers in this country times cattle. They were miserable cowards, was to build up a home and lay the fomidations never attacking a per.son, and were hunted and for a future competence, and to accom])hsh tbis killed as a nuisance. They were small and un- the Larger part of the couimunity centered here dersized, making the night dismal with their had only their h.anils witli which to accomplish howling, and when overtaken i)y the dogs would tbeir mission. It no inicomuion occurrence fall on their backs and fight nmch like a cat. bi find men surrounded by this profusion of On frozen ground. ank capture rather than go ,,,,,. ,,j^ ,,,,||, ,,,.^,|^,,,. into it. Pinnated and ruffed grouse, better known ;is pr.airie chickens ;md partridges, were The ]>ioneers who formed the early settle- everywhere found in inexhaustible numbers and ments in this comity were fanuliar funushed a touch of delicacy to the early fare, with the isolatiou. ;nid inured to the haiHlships Wild geese and ducks were to be had in con- and privations of frontier life, but with all this siderable numbers, while in the rivers were the ojien jirairie ])resented dilficulties to which 2 i8 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. they had liilherto been a stranj;ei-. From the standpoint of this later day, when the adupta- bihty of the prairie has been so abnndantly proven, it seems unfortunate tiiat tlie early ex- periences of these pioneers led them to cling to the timbered portions of the country where foul w-ater and miasma aggravated the inev- itable discomforts of frontier existence. Life in a new country is everywhere sulijected to the misery of malarious diseases. The clearing off of timber or the breaking up of prairie sod, involving the rapid decay of large quantities of vegetable matter, gave rise to the inevitable miasma, which wrought its sure work upon the system. Such sickness was generally confined to the last of the summer and fall. There was but little sickness in winter, except a few lingering fall cases that had become chronic; there were but few cases after severe frosts, and the spring and early summer were per- fectly healthy. It was commonly remarked that when the bloom of the resin weed and other yellow flowers appeared, it was time to look for the ague. The first spring flowers on the prairie were mostly pink and white, then followed purple and blue, antl about the middle of August yellow predominated. High water in spring, flooding the Ijottoms and filling the lagoons and low places along the streams, and then drying off with the hot sun of Jidy and August, was a fruitful cause of disease, and in such localities it was often ([uite sickly, while the higher ])rairie was comparatively exempt. With these e\ils the pioneer was generally forced to struggle alone. Physicians were very few, and often so far situated from the scat- tered settlements that it took a day's ride to reach them. But where they were found within practical distance, the urgent necessity for the ])ractice of every economy led the settlers to de- pend upon their own skill. Boneset, Culver's physic (root), and a long list of teas and herb decoctions were to be found in every cabin, and most of the ailments incident to a frontier life were generally made to yielil to them. To have a severe case of malarial fever or several season's run of the ague was expected by each new-comer, and none were considered as having been fully inducted into all the mysteries of citi- zenship until they had had the regular malarial experience. THE CABIN. The early settlers brought with them noth- ing but what the necessities of the situation de- manded. One wagon generally sufficed to bring the family, household furniture, farming implements and freiiuently two or three months' supplies. It requires no great amount of con- sideration to conclude that luxuries, or even comforts, could find no place in such an outfit, and so the pioneer, after constructing a shelter for his family, found his skill and ingenuity taxed to their utmost to supply this deficiency. It was necessary to manufacture tables, chairs and bedsteads before they could be used, and some of the most striking incidents of frontier life are founded upon this universal dearth of ordinary comforts. Hand tools were always a part of the load when possessed by the emi- grant, but in the ab.sence of these the ax ac- complished all that was necessary. A section of a good-sized log, smoothed with an ax and furnished with a rough back, or often without a back of any sort, and legs, took the place of chairs. A rude bedstead was often constructed in the corner of the cabin with a single leg, the two sides of the structure supporting the IU()(iR.\l'lllt;.\L AXi:) IllSl'OKICAI.. '9 rest of the bedstead which was framed in the logs. Upon this tiie Ijed cord, whicli conld be easily brought, was arranged, or in its alisence, deer-hide thongs. This or simply a heap of brush supported the "tick," which was brought with the f.'imily, and tilled wilii leaves and dried grass until the first crop supplied a better sub- stitute in the husks. The cabin itself displayed the ingenuity rjf the pioneer and the poverty of his resources. A log pen, with a single door and window, the latter closed with greased paper t)r left open, and the door pro\-ided with a simple liL'uiket, the fireplace constructed of such loose stones as could be ftnnul, and the chimney built uj) of sticks protected with a covering of mud; the roof of "shakes" split from ;i straight-grained tree, and held in place by weight poles, com- pleted the lout cnsi'iiihlc of the early homes. At first there was often no floor but the ground, but generally slabs split out from tiie unsea- soned timiier were smoothed with the ax and made to do good ser\ice as a i)rotection from the bare earth. Wiien the door was con- structed, these "puncheons" serxed as tiie ma- terial from wln'ch it w;is constructed, wooden pins taking the place of nails, and wdoden hinges. Latch anil b.ars ser\ ing llu' pniposes of the modern Ijuilder's h.ardw.'ue. •Ill !•; I\KM. 'J hese i)relimin.Lrics ;icconiplislu'd. the most urgent necessity to secure a crop, 'i'he jjjows were crude .'ifTairs. strong ,-md serviceable but requiring great team ])ower and consider- able mechanical skill in the iilowman. The sod was lonnd tough, not easily "t;tined." ami very uncertain in jiroducing a first crop. So tenacious was the turf, that the furrow turned out one unbroken strip of earth, and occasionally, when not especially careful, the plowman had the dis- ai)pointmenl of seeing yards of this leathery soil turn back to its natural position, necessitat- ing the tedious o])eration of turning it all back again by h;md. The expenditure of all this la- bor was generally well repaid the first year, if the sod became thoroughly rotted, even thougii it ])rodnced but a small crop. Ofteutiiues the second and third plowing showed the soil stub- liorn .and unkind. bV'w, e\en among farmers, know much of the labor in\olved in "breaking prairie," unless they have experienced its ob- stacles and overcome them. Corn was the only cro]) ])lantcd at first, and this furnished food for man and beast. .\ few years later, it was a mark of unusual pros])erity to be .able to ftirnish wheat bread to especial guests. The first crop was generally planted by cutting a g;ish in the inverted sod with an ax, dropping in the corn and closing it by .another blow i)e- side the first; or it was dro|)ped in every third fiu^row, .and the sod turned on it: if the corn so placed ;is to find the S])ace between the furrows, it would lind daylight: if not, the re- sult of the |)lanting was extremely doubtful. Of course culti\;ition in this case was impos- sible, and il the crows and s(|uirrels gave tlie crop ;in o|)porliinity to mature, il generally |)ro\cd .1 s.ilistaclory return, i.ater the culture ol wheat begun, .and with the increase of markets grown to larger proportions. Most of the settlers brought in horses and cows, but the former pretty generally ga\e way to oxen for working purposes. Hogs and sheep were occasionally brought in at first, but gen- 20 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. erally they were a later importation. x'Ml these animals were supported with little cost. The wide range of wild grass afforded excellent pasture and hay. With the range the early set- tlers had, their cattle would put on more flesh and in less time than on any other jjasture. The sedge which grew along the sloughs was t',owerful intoxi- perienced hunter would go out in a bright, cant. This, liowe\'er. has passed away with warm day in winter or late fall and burn some many other of the homely joys of pioneer honev comb, which seldom failed to attract the days. game to the honey, which was provided for The ready tact of the jiioneer housewives, them. Loading up with this, the bee would rise, and the unpampered tastes of that early day. circling in the air. and then fly straight to its found a gooil substitute for fruit in the ])um])- tree. It was then the hunter's business to fol- kin. When frozen, they were ])re])ared and low the fleet-winged insect closely, and thus stewed down to a siru]). which furnished a \ery pert, and there were few who were marked acceptable substitute for sugar or molasses in discover its secret. To do this required an ex- the absence of honey, and mixed with fresh for their success. Sometimes a number of bees steweers of every de- the same lien u]>on all ])ropertv within the lim- scrijjtiou, with the certificates ot ackuowledg- its of s.aid countv of Douglas , as though the .said ment thereto, of l,aiin the third Monday of March, in the manner therein provided. "Sec. 3. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. ".\ppro\ed February 16, 1859." The partition left the new county with reg- outlines, save in the southeast corner, where some fifteen s(|uare miles of territory was not included to accommodate the citizens i)f Oakland an vicinity, who ])referre(l to re- main in Coles county, and by this concession the managers of the partition secured their co- operation. As finally formed, Douglas county contained four hundred a:id eight sections, the area amounting to between four hundred and nine and four humlrt'd ami ten scpiare miles, the sections varying in this coniUy considerably in size, the smallest being as low as two hun- dred and thirty acres, and many running some- what over one thousand acres. These and other irregularities are occasioned by the inaccuracies of the government surveyors, and the practical limitations of the system. The new county was now born and christened, and being admitted, the next thing in this case was to see that she was properly clothed, and to this end the first nominating convention for the selection of county officers was held in a board shanty on the McCarty farm, two and one-half miles east of Tu.scola. The men put in nomination were .selected with- out regard to party, and the officers wiio were then elected were : County judge — James Ewing, still living in Areola, and the associates were John D. Mur- dock, now a large land owner in Camargo township, who was again elected in 1861. Ik- filled the i)osition for .six years, and had been active in the formation of the new county. And Robert Hopkins, one of the pioneers of Newman township, who was, at the birth of the new couiUy. an associ;ite justice of Coles. Mr. Hopkins died in the spring of 1863. leaving a large unincumbered estate. The first county clerk was John Chandler, who was a good officer, lie was re-elected in i86r, serving in all aboiU six vears. Mr. Chandler was one of the most active in the partition, and by reason of a large experience in public business was altogether depended upon for statistics in the interest of the new county. He served in the war with Mexico. The circuit clerk and recorder, elected at this time, was .Andrew (I. W'all.tce, who was re-elected in i8Ci(), 1864 ;nid i8()8, Iiojding the office by re-election for over twelve years. Mr. Wallace was one of the first settlers, having arrived in Coles county in 1834, and was one of the first in Tuscola, lie died in Tuscol;i in 1877. Samuel H. Lt)gan was the first sheriff. Mr. Logan is now a resident of I'oiu'bon, Illinois, and is a large land owner. He was a captain 32 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL in the Fifty- fourth Regiment, Jlhnois Vohm- tecrs, in tlie war of 1861. The office of assessor and treasurer was taken I)y William Hancock, of Newman town- shi]). Mr. Hancock was engaged in banking in the city of Newman, and was a large farmer in Sargent township. He came to this vicinity in November, 1839. The first county surveyor was Henry C. Niles, who was re-elected in 1861 and again in 1 87 1. Mr. Niles came from Baltimore in 1857. The first meeting of the county court, as it was called, was held in Camargo, so that the minds of the people might not be prejudiced as between Areola and Tuscola. The selection of the county seat, as was to iiave been expected, was the occasion of nnich excitement. The cities of Tuscola and Areola, from their comparatively central position, and both being situated on the only railroad in the county, were the leading contesting points. The village of Camargo had claims to the honor which were strongly advocated, and the well known Hackett's Grove, not far north of the geographical centre of the county, was also talked of. The aspiring embryo cities of Tus- cola and Areola, at the first election, ^xjUed probably ten times their legal vote, and the count in these two places being so glaringly ].)reposterons. neither was considered at this time, and the unwritten history of this canvass for county seat will probalily remain unwritten during the present generation. At this first meeting" of the county court — a special term — April 28, 1859, it was ordered that a special election be held May 30, 1859, to choose a county seat as between the two rival towns, which election resulted in the choice of Tus- cola. Camargo was made county seat pro tcin, and Mr. W. H. Lamb was appointed commis- sioner to transfer from Coles county records those necessarily belonging to Douglas. Mr. Lamb had arrived in Camargo in 1853; was a merchant there until 1862, when he became adjutant of the Seventy-ninth Illinois Volun- teers in the war of the Rebellion. He was elected county clerk, or clerk of the county court, in 1865, and at the expiration of his term accepted the cashiership of the First National Bank of Tuscola, but now resides in Santiago, Califcjrnia. The people having, at an election held in Xoveml)er, 1867, decided to adopt township rjrganization, Lucius McAllister, of Areola, Jos. B. McCown, of Camargo, and Henry B. Evans, of Tuscola, were appointed Commissioners to divide the county into townships, wdiich duty they performed by making the sub-divisions as they now stand. Jos. B. McCown served hon- ouably in the war with Jvlexico, as also in the Civil war of 1861, when he was colonel of the Sixty-third Illinois Infantr)-. Col. McCown stood high in the estimation of the people antl CDUsequentlv exercised considerable influence in politics antl public business generally. He pos- sessed all the attributes of good citizenship, and his death, November 21, 1869, was nnich la- mented. H. B. Evans was elected assessor and treas- urer in 1865 and re-elected in 1867; as assistant Ihiited States marshal in 1870 he ]M-(icured the Douglas county data for the ninth census, and was postmaster of Tuscola for a number of years. The first meeting, under tnwnship organiza- tion, of the board of supervisors, was held in Tuscola, on Monday, May 11, 1868, and the BIOGRAPHICAL AND IIlSTORICAr. supervisors were : Caleb Garrett, of Garrett ; Lemuel Chandler, of Bourbon; Asa T. Whit- ney, of Areola; Oliver C. Hackett, of Tuscola; (leo. W. Henson, of Camargo; Benjamin W'. llooe, of Newman; Isaac W. Bnrget, of Sar- gent, and Benjamin Bowdre, of "Deer Creek" townshij), but upon 1)eing informed Ijy the state auditor that there was a "Deer Creek" township in Tazewell county, the name was changed to "])Owdre," in honor of its first representative. In September, the same year, a petition to the board of supervisors was circulated, to which a great many signatures Iiad been ob- tained, wherein the petitioners endeavored to show their belief that a majority of the voters of the county desired the abolition of township organization. Camargo township \\as formerly called Al- bany precinct, Newman was once Brushy Fork, Garrett township was a part of Bourbon, Bour- bon was once North Okaw, Bowdre, once called Deer Creek, was a i)art of Collins pre- cinct, and Sargent belonged to Oakland pre- cinct. Joseph G. Cannon came to Tuscola in 1859, the \-ear of the new county; was ck'clcd state's attorney in iSOi and again in 1X04. lie was elected to congress in iNjj and is tlieie now. 1 le resides in l)an\ille. The lirst session of circuit court was held in the tluni jnsl riiiisjicd dcpol building ol the llliu( >is ( 'entral Railri lad. and tin- fu^l ci\ il case- on the cloeket was llnlloii \ s, l\. I'.. Johusou, default ol ilefendant and judguieul lor three dollars and twenty cents. This was an appeal from Dr. J. T. Johnson, a magistrate in the vil- lage of Bouron. Dr nson removed from Bourbon to a point south of .\ewman, and after a few vears went west. Afterward ct)urt was held over J. M. Maris' store, on northeast corner (_)f Parke and Sale streets, in which building Mr. Wallace had his office as recorder; at that time this was the largest a\'ailable room in Tuscola, and after that, until tlie ])resent iiermanent C(.)urt house was built, in the large two-story wooden build- ing which stands opposite the court house em the north, judge llarlan presided and heard all cases, whilst busily engJiged in carving cur- ious toys from soft wot)d, a habit he rarely laid aside during business hours. For a while the county clerk's oflice was in the east end of the hotel, burned in 1864, which occupied the site of the ".Stanley House." The ori.ginal liotel was l)nilt by the Town Comp.any, and tjiere seems to Ije good authority for the statement that the Illinois Central Raih-oad Company had agreed to put the depeit about opposite the site of the court house, sa\- Houghton street, but under a mis- take of the person in ch.arge, it got its present location. The court house was lieguu under the ad- ministration, as a comity coiu't, in iSf)4, of Judge h'rancis (.'. Mullen, of Garrt'lt town- sliip, assisted by John J). Murdock, of Camar- go, and C aleb Hales, ol r)Oin'l)on, ;is associates. Mullen was the second county judge of I )ouglas county; was born in I )elaw'are amP came to (iairett towiishi]) in 1850. Mr. Hales was elected in 1 S( 1 1 associate ju.stici', .and in iXj-j repre>euled his township as supei\ isor. The court house was a brick building ol Iwii stories au^. Sanniel T. Callaway, elected November, 1869; re-elected November, 1873. C. W . W'lioKerlon, appointed .September, J. W. King, elected i\'c >vembei-, 1875. Mr. King resigned to accei)t post ollice ai>poiiit- nient at Newman and was succeeiled by ap- pointment of F. \-l. A. Starr. Josei)h R. Eurres served from 1882 to (886. Nora Smith, i8()4. Mamie Bunch, 1898. Thomas M. Wells, a most worthy young man, who was elected by an overwhelming vote in 1898, and was killed in a railroad wreck two weeks after being sworn int(.i office. On March (j, iX()i), lilanche Crn-away was appoinlrd and is the present incumbent. COUNTY SUKVEYOR. Henry C. Niles, elected April, 1859, ^'^' elected November, 1861. Issachar Davis, elected November, 1863. Enos C. Siler, elected November, 1865. Issachar JXavis, elected November, 1867. Edmund ImsIi, elected November, 1869. I lenry C. Xiles, elected November, 1871. Jssachar i )avis, elected November, 1^75. II. C. .\'iles, elected 1883. Win. I''.. I'rice was elected in icS,S3 and is the jiresent incumbent. MAS'ri-.i^ IX CTTANCI'.KV. Andrew J. Wallace, 1859 to ;88o, and was also Circuit ( 'lerk during the time, .\fler his death, in 1880, .\. ]'.. I'owell served six months, when, in 18S1, II. C. Niles was ai)])oiuted and has since lilled that office .satisfactorily. Sxslciii of surreys. — To nuc not informed in regard to the iirinciples nf the gnsernment snr\-e\-, the map of hnuglas cnnnly ]>reseuts a l;("hI UKinv difliculties, and it may nut be un ])|-(iritable 111 (le\i>te ;i l>age {'> this subject. The sy>lem ;idMpted by the I'mleil Slates is peculiar to the i)ublic lauds i>i the gov- ernment, and was de\ised for the old .North- west. I\Ieri(lian lines running due north from the mouth of some river are first established. These are intersected at right angles by a base 36 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. line, rimnini^- east and west, and arbitrarily lo- cated. The meridian lines are known as "prin- cipal meridians," the first one being a line run- ning due north from the mouth of the Miami river, and forming the east line of Indiana. The second principal meridian is a line running- due north from the Little Blue river, eighty- nine miles west of the former, and near the cen- tral [)art of the state of Indiana. The third principal meridian is a line running due north from the mouth of the Ohio river, and the fourth principal meridian is a line running due north from the mouth of the Illinois river. The base line from which the survey of Indiana was projected, and all of Illinois east of the Illinois river, crosses the state in latitude thirty-eight degrees and thirty minutes. With these principal lines established, the surveyors began at the intersection of the base line and a principal meridian line, and projected merid- ian lines, at intervals of one mile, parallel with the principal one, working eastwardly and westwardly from a given "i)rincipal meridian." Lines at right angles to these were run in sim- ilar manner, working northwardly and south- wardly from the base line. In running the north and sduth lines, owing to the shape of the earth, these are found to converge, and sul)- liase lines were established at intervals of twenty-four miles north of the base line and thirty miles below it, from which the line was l)egun afresh alter accurate nieasiu'ements east and west were obtained. At each of these ■'Correction lines" a jog in the meridian-parallels will be observed, which shows the error due to convergence of lines. These jogs are known to surveyors as "fallings," i. e., falling to the right or left of the true corner, at the end of the line run. In surveying east and west from the several established principal meridians another "fault" is found in actual practice. The dis- tance between these principal meridians is such as to leave a narrow strip of land between the survey proceeding west (for example) from the third and east from the fourth principal merid- ian, and the east and west lines from either meridian are not found to exactly coincide at the meeting point. In actual surveying the first lines were run each way at intervals of six miles, dividing the country into "congressional townships." These townships were subsequently subdivided into sections by lines at an interval oi one mile by other surveyors, the law making it illegal for the same svu'veyor to run both sets of lines, so that one might be a check upon the errors of the other. The land was first offered for sale by sections, but this was found to work disad- vantageously to settlers, and these sections, containing six hundred and forty acres, were subdivided into halves of three hundred and twenty acres, and quarters of one hundred and sixty acres each, which last were again subdi- vided in halves of eighty acres, and quarters of forty acres each. "Fractions" are parts of sections intersected by rivers, or confirmed claims or reservations, and are of various sizes. The sections of a township are designated by numbers, beginning with the northeast corner and following in regular order to the west side, the second tier of sections Iieginniiig on the west side of the township and proceeding east, using the numbers from one to thirty-six in- clusive. Townships are designated by numerals in- creasing north and .south from the base line, and are still further defined by ranges num- bered east and west from the principal me- r.lOCRAl'FllfAL AXD 1 1 ISTORICAF.. Z7 ridian, and both are rcfitiired to<;cflier witli tlie g west and ir east, tlic last bein.^;- fractional, furtlier description of nortli or south, and east .\ortIi of the Illinois river the rang-es are niini- or west to accurately locate it. hered east fi-oni the fourth ])rincipal meridian The sin-\ey of Illinois was ni.ide from n|) to the third ])rinci]>;il meridian, about iSi-' to i8_'4, and presents .some cxcep- In l)ou^las counly the peculiarities of the lions to the above rules. South of the base line survey are nearly all exemplified. The joj;- or both lo\vnshii)s and ran.L;es are regular, and "falliui;" in Newman and ("larrett to\vnshi]is north of it. to the southern liound.iry of town- shows the ])resencr of the correction line; rans^e ship ,^i. east of the Illinois ri\er. .\ portion of i i e;is1. in .\e\\ni;m and in Sargent townships, the state, east of a line runnin<4- due north froiu shows the result of the inilcpcndent surveys, the mouth of the W'abasli river fo the southern eastward from the third ])rincii)al meridian and line of towiishi|) 31 north, was sur\eyed west westward from the second ])rincipal meridian. fi-dUi the second princi])al meridian. ;ind r.-mi^'es and in r;m,ge n cast, the southern line of town- are numbered westward as high as fourteen; shii) 15 north shows the slight variation in the the ranges eastward from the third principal east and west lines of the two surveys. The meridian reaching number eleven, the last one long sections in the north tier of townshi]) 15, consisting of hut a single section in widtli. clear through Douglas comity, were the re- .\bo\-e townsliip 30, llie ranges extend east suit of the arbitrary placing of the correction from the fourth ])rincipal meridian to tlie cast- line: the townshi]) sur\eyor. having found the ern line of the state, and reach the number of extra hali'-mile on closing on his standard or sixteen. \\'est of tlie tbiril priiicip;d meridian correction line, threw it into lots and so re- llie r.nnges run rcgnl;irlv til till' Mississi])i)i and corded it. .M;my ci mtradictions between the Illinois ri\-ers so far north as the ])iiint where record and actual measurement are found, but the third principal mei-idian crosses the Illinois the rule is establisheil that where the original river, where the ranges west cease. The town- corners can be found they are imalterable. and ships are regular, extending south to number remain under the law as the true corners they iCi. and niirtli to number .\(\ North of town- were intended to re]iresent. even though not ship :;.^ north, the towiishi])s on tlie east side exactly where strict ])rofessional care nu'ght of the third ]>riiici])al meridian only ])roceed h.ive placed them in the lirst instance. IMissing regularly. That ])art of the sl.ite lying west of corners must be re-established in the identical the Illinois ri\er. and north of the Illinois ri\er localities they origin;illy oc<-upied. and when the and west of the third ])rinci])al is sjHit cannot be (k-turmined by existing land- surveved fnnu the t'ourth iirinci])al meridian, marks in the field, resort must lie hafl to the The base line fur this snrwy is a line running field notes of the original survey. The history due west from the point wliere the third jirin- of the first sur\ey of Douglas county is not cip.'d meridian crosses the Illinois river and complete, but township \(). range 8, was sur- passes just south of I'eardstown. The town- \eyed by John Alessinger, Ajiril. 1821; town- ships extend south from this line to number 14. ship 15, range 9. by W. L. May, in May, iSji ; and north to number 29. The r.uiges number lown.shi])s 14 and 15, in range 8. by C. iMcK. BIOGRAI'HICAL AND HISTORICAL. llanitraiick.wlii) sulKlivitled townsliip 15, range 9, into sections in June, 1821. Topography and geology. — Douglas county lies about midway between tlie nortb and south limits in eastern Illinois. It is bounded on the north bv Chanii)aign. on the east by Edgar, on the south by Coles and on the west by Moul- trie and Piatt. It lies on the divide between the bydrographic basins of the AValiash and Kas- kaskia rivers, sending its surface drainage through the Embarrass to the one and through the Okaw to the other. The Eml^arrass, pop- ularly pronounced "Ambraw" through a cor- ruption of the French, takes its rise near To- loini, in Champaign county, and. flowing south- easterly through this county, proceeds in its meanderings some ninety miles liefore it reaches the Wabash in Lawrence county. It was marked b'ox rixer in the government surxey. but the French name seems to have outlived it. It is said that this name had its origin with the original settlers at Vincennes, who found the marshy margins of that river in that region a great embarrassment to early travel. The Okaw is the head waters of the Kaskaskia, and rises in Champaign county. Flowing nearly a direct south course, it passes through Garrett and l-)om"bon townsbi])S, ;uid thence sonth- westerlv to the Mississipi)i river in Randoli)h county, after a meandering course of lliree hundred miles. The regular tribnt-aries to these streams are few, the Embarrass receiving the r>rushv l'"ork from the northeast, a small creek draining the southeast corner of Newman and the northwest corner of Sargent town.ships ; Deer Creek, a prairie creek flowing nearly di- rectly east, and joining the main stream on the line of section 33. in Sargent town.ship; and Scattering Fork, a trilmtary which divides into three branches, which extend through Tuscola township, about a mile apart, and traverse the township in a southeasterly direction. The tributaries of the Okaw are all on the west side of the rixer in tliis county, and all have a south- easterly course. There are three only, Dry b'ork, Lake Fork and Big Slough, joining the main stream at points about five miles apart, and are characteristically named. The whole area of the county is covered so deeply witli drift clays that there is no outcrop of the underlying coal measure strata. From the exposures in the adjoining counties, it is known that the underl\-ing lieds belong to the upper coal measures, and prol)ably include two or three of tlie u]i])cr coals, but the extent to which they are dcx-elopecr, 1855. "" ^'i*^' .ground "lliat llinsc lands wliirli had licen remoxed hv the president nnder the act (il Sepleniher jo, 1S50. did nul ])ass tf) the state hy x'irtue of the swamp land aet." This decision has heen repeatedly re-atYirmed, anfl as late as 1881 efforts ai^e Ijeing made to set aside the effect of these several deeisirn. and the scarcity nf this in the cnunty s^reatly This is usually the first cm]) planted on .sod delawd its dc\cly the charter road is free from local and numicipal taxation. The number of acres granted to this road in tlie state was two million, iive hundred and ninety-fi\-e thousand. The relative elevations of points along the line of this mad in the county are as follows: The south hue of the county. . . . 303.0 Areola station ?,'^^-7 Bourbon Switch 279.3 TuscfT^a station 285.3 North line of comity Zo--7 This makes Areola 18.4 feet higlier than Tuscola, ou the line of the road. The north line of the count v is the highest point, hut one, between Centr;di;i and ( 'li;inip;iign, the higli est pi>int being two miles north ol ToImuo. It is notable, however, in counection with these facts, that Tuscola is conspicuous troin the sur- rciunding country. Avhicb is not the fact in the case of Areola, and mav be owing to some ex- tent to the elevation of soiue buildings, as the court house and seminary. These figures apply to this railroad only. It will not do to com])are Iheni as tbe\' stand with eoui])arati\e elevations U]ion other roads in the county. Till': lNI)I.\NAI'o|.IS, DICC.VITk X W l-'.S ll'.KX K.MI.W.W. This road lra\ei'ses the county from east to west, north of the middle, in lownshiii i') and near the middle of Newnnan, C'amargo, Tuscola and Garrett townships, intersecting the Illinois Central at Tuscola, the county seat. It was finished through the county in 1S72. The charter of the Indiana & Illinois Central Railroad Com[)any, of Indiana, liears date of December 30, ICS52; that of the Decatur & Indianajiolis was dated March 21, 1853. and these were consolidated in 1854, furming the I., I ). M- W. i\aih\ay.the road recei\-ing its pres- ent name imder reorganization in 1876. In i8f)8, Dniiglas county pmxhased 2,45(; shares of the ca])ital stock of the com])any and there was issued to the county a certificate for the shares. These were at a par value of $i_'_'.- 950 and were purchased of pri\-ate parlies in lndiana]iolis for $_'o,ooo. The transaction was co.nducted liy T. I I. Macoughtry, Maiden Jones, and Thomas S. Sluss, and reiiorted to April term of county couit, }H(\H. In 187J tlie ciiunty issued to the ci>m])any $80,000 in bunds, with interest at ten ]>er cent., i>ayable •.annnalh', ]irinci])al payable in twenty years, reserving the right to p;iy the principal after e'glit \'ears: this in accordance with the will of the electors, as exjiressed at the polls July 15, |80(). There was also subscribed in aid ol this road, b\- a \'ote of the ]>eople in Newman town- shi]), $12, 000; Camargo townshi]), $15,000; Tuscola township, $_'o.noo : (Barrett townshi]), $r3,ono; making an aggregate of $60,000, ]\avable in t'oiu'teen wars, with interest at ten ]K'|- cent. bending the building of the ro;id lai'ge (piantities of lands had been ;iC(|nired b\' the com]);mv. long its line in this and other comities, in subscriptions of private parties tor stock. Tlu' relative I'levalioiis of points along the line of this road, in the count)', are as follows: b'asl line of county 247 Newman 238 One mile east of Camargo 268 Two miles west of Camargo. . . . 268 44 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. Tuscola 251 Atwood, west line of county 257 THE ILLINOIS MIDLAND RAILWAY Tin's line tr;i\orses the county from east to west, in the south part, crossing the Illinois Central at Areola. It was originally an enter- prise of citizens of .Areola and the vicinity, and \vas first calle, and under m.-ister in the Sixtv-third Regiment. |. J'l. the call of July 18, 1864, for 500.000, it was iMcCown, of C.iniargo, was colonel of the 281, making a total of 952 men as the quota of Sixty-third, in which regiment J. W. iMcKiu- tlie county prior to December 31, 1864. Up ney was surgeon. W. II. I.;iml). of Tu.scola, to this period the enlistment had reached i.f)o8, w;is as: I. S. \Miecler, killed at Tea Ridi^c, l^anicl Jacobs; J. T. \\'alker, promoted first .Arkansas, March S, 1S62; A.J. Walston. pro- lieutcnant: John Yaker; John Scott, promoted moted sert^eant. second lientenant; G. P. McOnaid, died Manrii Kccniils — Perry Bnrnham ; J. A. Carthal. 2, 1863, of wounds received at Stone River. died at Rolla, IMissouri, January 18, T862; H. Musicians — G. P. Sart;ent J. A. Ritter. II. Crist; D. Dennis, died at Jefferson City ]Vagoncr — William 1 loqland. September \2. i(S()i: L N. Dickens, S. Epley ; Privates — Charles Allison, promoted cor- William Helm, died at Nashville November poral, died January 21, 1863; J>. I"". Allison, J. i). oXdj; 1). C. Johnson; S. Kin^jery, died at A. .Vrmstnini;-, G. \V. Anderson, T. .\ter; J. St. Louis l)eceml)er _'5, i8()i; William Muir, R. Big-gs, died November J I, 1803, of woinids; James Moore, W'. R. Mebruary 16, The comp.any \\;is leernited in the summer of 1865; Cjilman \oyes, promoted, but not luus- iSdi, ;nid \\;is assigned ;is Company I! to the tered. iMfty-fom'th Regiment, rendezvoused at C;un]) Sccdiid IJciilc'iiaiiis — A. At. ITonsfon, pro- 1 'iibois, .\nna, Illinois. This regiment \\;is oi-- nioteil, not nuistereil; A. 1'.. I'.alch, July 9, ganized as a p;n1 of the "Kentuckv l'>rig;ide,'" 1863 ; B. C. Pursell, resigned March 18, 1865: in the formation of which V.. ,Mct_art\-, of R. P). McComb, promoted, hut not mustered. I >ouglas county, was so ])niminent. The enlisted men were: The regiment w;is mustered into the Uniled First Sergeant — James Shrew. States .service February 18, 1862. On the 24th Sergeants — R. P. McComb, \L C. Wal- it was ordered to Cairo, Illinois, and on the ton, Alex. Rodgers and John Scott. 14th of March mo\ed to Columbus, Kentucky. Ctirporals — Levi Jester, G. P. Ross, John Luring the fall of iHl)2 three companies were Haley, W. A. (iriflin, William Moore, li. M. stationed at llumbolt, Tennessee, but on the Thomp.stni, J. Bennett. 18th of December the regiment was ordered AFiisician — I. W. Ross. to J.ackson, Tennessee. Two days later the Wagoner — Cosies. I-'i fly- fourth marched to Lexington, l)\it re- Frivates — F. M. .\br;uns, Isaac .\lliertz, J. turned on the 2ji\: then marche; S. Gillogly. mustered out as corporal; Alcx.nidcr Hess; E. Howard and Frank Hensely, diemoted while prisoner of war; llar\-ev tngrim. Jnhu Cummings, John Madder. Carf^arals — H. C. Jones,, nuistered out ;ts sergeant; P>. Jacubs, killed at .Stime l\i\ci'. December 31. i8Cj;|".. |. I'.arnett: S. k". Willis; A. Higgiiis; John Pall; R. (i. McCiiiurs; j. S. Reeves. Miisieidus — W. WiidilburN-; II. Ilelkin. // 'agduer — Laugbliu , Stew art. Pri^vtes — James Paruett: Tliom;is don; David Ball, killed at Stoiie River: Allen I'.ryaiit: j.Fu P.n.ckett: II. II. Clark; k". 1). Clark; A. C. Clark; J;nnes Coslett; Isaac Cos- lell: Cl;irk Cazard ; T. A. Clark: .Alexander Daw sou, died at X;isli\ille. k\'bru;iry 1. 1863; D.aniel I\l. C. Drake, mustered nut ;ts ci>rp(ir,il; W. M. Drake, unisteri'd out as cur- p(ir,il F. W. I'lastiin: bacdb k"ry. died at Gal- l.-iliu, December 15. i8()_': j. P. k'ry; James Inirman; W. IF b'niggelt : lieers Guire, died at Nashville, y\pril 18, 1864: C. Harlowe; I. Henderson; F. A. Holstnii; J.anies H.ariJcr, Jr., J. A. Hill; h>hn Ingrini; George Ingrini, died at leffersonville, Indiana, December 17, 6o BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 1864; Isaac Ingrim, died at Nashville, Decem- ber 8, 1862; Herd Ingrim; P. L. Jones; James Jacobs, died at Bowling Green, January 18, 1863; James Kess, died at Galatin, January 12, 1863; Alexander Lana, died at Gallatin, January 15, 1863; J. W. Lett, died at Nash- ville, January 11. 1863; J. W. Martin; James Munson; James Meek; William McShane; T. W. McDowell; E. Osliorn, died in Hart county, Kentucky, November 26, 1862; B. F. Osborn, died at Annapolis, Maryland, February 6, 1863; Thos. Robinson; W. H. Rake: N. Stephen; S. Sears, died at Nashville; William Sites; John Thomason; L. Thomason. died at Chatanooga. July 3, 1864; Elisha Tinker; W. P. Updike: W. D. West, died at Gallatin. Ten- nessee, February 14, 1863; John Willis; S. S. Weathers ; John Whirl. Recruits — J. S. Osborn, killed at Rocky Face Ridge, May 9. 1864: M. Reeves, promoted first sergeant and then first lieutenant. Company K. — Tlie commissioned t)fticers of the company were : Captains — H. D. Martin, till July 3. 1863; W. W. Davis, till March 6, 1864; W. H. Bas- sett. promoted March 6. 1864, but not mus- tered. First Lieutenants — W. W. Davis, till July 3. 1S63 ; W. H. Bassett, till March 6, 1864; W. H. Hutchenson. Second Licnienanis — Moses Hunter, till October 19, 1862: 1. P. C. Taylor, till June 6. 1863; W. H. Bassett, till July 3, 1863; W. H. Hutchenson. The enlisted men from Douglas county were: First Sergeant — I. P. C. Taylor, promoted second lieutenant. Sergeants — \\'. H. Hutchenson, promoted first sergeant, then first lieutenant : D. C. Hutciiinson: J. Douner; G. W. Allen, pro- moted sergeant major. Corporals — H. C. Waller, died at Nash- viiJe, December 3, 1864; R. Walch; C. Royrk; C. Brawnch, i)romoted sergeant and died in Andersonville prison, June i, 1864, number of g'Mve 1619; Lewis Zeller. Wagoner — A. P. Reeves, died near Ste- phenson, Alabama, October 21. 1863. Privates — N. Aldrid, died in Danville, Virginia, January 22, 1864, while prisoner of war; Joseph Brand, died at Nashville, January 4. 1863; W. H. Bassett, promoted first ser- geant, then first lieutenant; John Beedle; Samuel Chauney, died at Andersonville prison, October 6, 1864, numlier of grave, 10459; John Chauney; William Chandler, died at Nashville, December 21, 1862; John Fliss; Stephen Eliss, died at Annapolis, Maryland, February 15, 1863; Pin'lip Eaton, died in Dan- ville, Kentucky, October 20, 1862: Jesse Ea- vins: Edward Franklin; Barton Fallin, died at Tullahoma, Tennessee, July 5, 1863; James Fallin ; Andrew Hayes ; Eli How ; John Hun- ter, died near Murfreesboro: Henry C. Jones; Felix Lardenois: James Loyd, died at Mur- freesboro, July I, 1863; J. H. Lett; J. N. Louthan, mustered out as sergeant: (i. W. Maxon. mustered out as corporal: Thomas McConley, promoted corporal, died in Jeffer- son liarracks, December 22, J864: Hugh Mc- Kinney, promoted corporal ; Thomas Morri- son; John Monien; Elihu Monsell ; George Near: Israel Price: Lewis Pfifer: Levi Rem- niel ; S. T. Renmiel ; Jacob Remmel: John Row; James Riley; Jawes Standafer, died at Nashville, March 31, 1863; D. E. Shull; S. BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 61 Simmons, died at Xaslivilie, November ,^o, 1862; \V. B. Templeton; G. Waldmf, died at Chattanooga, June 24. i8()4; W. II. Wright; E. G. S. Wright ; All)ert Wood, died at Nash- viUc, l)eceni1)er 28, 1862; Henry Wood, cUed al Danville, Virginia, Feljruary 1, 1864, while a prisoner of \v;ir ; J. V. West, died at Nash- ville, iMay 7, i^'>J,\ Alexander West; Henry Wolf. Ri-cntils — Martin Minniet; Leonard C. Taylor, mustered out as sergeant. The Seventy-ninth Illinois Inf.antry was organized at M;ttloon, Illinois, in August, iXf)2, hy t_'ol. Lyman (iuinnip. ;ind was mus- tered into the I'nited States service August 22, i8r)_>. (_)n .Sei)teml)er 12, the regiment moved under orders to Louisville, Kentucky, where it was assigned the Third ih-igadc of Craft's division of the army of Kentucky. On the 29th it was transferred to the Fourth Bri- gade of the Second Division, October i. 1862, the .Seventv-ninth commenced the march through Kentucky with the army. .\t I'rank- fort it was tran>ferred to the ]'"iflh iSrigade. The regiment reached Lerryville, Kentucky, ijn October (). and continued its march thence to C"rab ( )rchanl, Lebanon, IViwling Creen and Nasluille, Tennessee, rciching the latter i)lace on the jlh of November. ( )clober 17, Col. (iuinnip resigning, Lieut. Col. S. 1'. Reed w;is ])romoted colonel. Mere the regiment re- m;iincd until Deccmlier, when it moved out with the armv toward Murfreesboro, .and on the 31st engagetl in the l)attle of Stone River. Col. Reed was killed early in the action, and the Command devolved u])on M;ij. I'.uckner. The Se\-enty-ninth was engaged until the 4th of January. 1863, losing one officer killed, three wounded and three missing; twenty-three men killed, si.xty-eight wounded, and one hundred and twenty-one missing. During the winter the regiment remained at Murfreesboro. ;mil were assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Division, Twentieth Army Corps, .\pril 25, 1863, Maj. Buckner was promoted to colonel. June 24, 1863, the regiment move to Lil)- erty Gap, and on the following day engaged the enemy, losing Capt. John I'atton, killetl; Capt. H. D. Martin, mortally wounded; Capt. Lacey and Lieuts. I'onlke, Jones and King, wounded; five men killed and thirty-six wounded. The division then moved to Tul- lahoma, and on the lOth of crossed the Cumberland Mountains, the Tennessee river, Sand Mountain, Lookout Mountain, and went into the battle of Chickamauga, in which the regiment was engaged during the 19th and 20th of Septem^jer. Its loss in this light w;is seven officers missing, four men killed, thir- teen wounded and ninety-seven nfissing. I )n the evening of the 20th the Seventy-ninth fell back to L'hattanooga with the army. While here, the regiment was rc-a.ssigned, being placed to the Third Brigade (Col. C. (i. Ilar- ker's). Second Division, (ien. l'"om1h Ai-mv Cor])s, comm.anded by ( ien. Cr.inger. When the Army of the CumberLand broke fiMm its i)rison at Ch;Ut;mooga .and .assailed I'r.agg in his monnt.ain fastness, the .Seventv ninth active i)art in the engage- menls that followed on the J_](\. 24th ,and 23th of November, and on the 25th stormed Mission Ridge, capturing two jjieccs of artillery. On the 27th, the regiment accomi).anied the l-'ourth Corjis in that famous march to Kuo.wille. Ten- nessee, going, however, to lll.ain's t.'ross-roads, and remaining there till January 15, 1864, when it advancetl to Dandridge, but fell back 62 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. two clays later to Knoxville. The Second Division being ordered to Loudon, the Seven- ty-ninth went to Sweetwater, forty-two miles south of Knoxville, on the railroad, where it remained during the larger part of the spring, moving to Cleveland in the latter part of April. On the opening of the Atlanta campaign, the regiment moved forward with Gen. New- ton in command of the division, and Gen. How- ard in command of the corps. The movement l)egan May 3, 1864, and on the 9th the regiment took part in its first engagement of the cam- paign at R(jcky Face Ridge; then followed a series of heavy engagements, at Resaca, May 13 and 14; Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, June 27; Peach Tree Creek, July 20; Atlanta, July 22, 27, and August 3 ; Jonesboro, Septemljer i , and Love joy on the 2d of September. The losses of the regiment in this campaign were four officers wounded, six enlisted men kdled and fifty-three wounded. In the latter part of September, the corps was ordered back to Chat- tanooga under the command of Gen. Stanley. The Seventy-ninth moved to Bridgeport, Alabama, and remained there till October 19, when it returned to Chattanooga. While here it made an expedition to Alpine Pass and re- turned, and then moved to Pulaski, Tennes- see. Held that position until November 22, when it commenced to fall back to Nashville with the army. At Franklin, the Seventy- ninth was engaged four hours, losing three officers and eighty men killed, wounded and captured, out of two hundred and ten veteran troops. That night fell back to Nashville, where, on the 29th, Pat Cleborne's division attacked the brigade and drove it into the city. On the 15th and i6th of December, the battle of Nashville occurred, in which the Seventy- ninth took an active part, and joined in the subsequent pursuit as far as the Tennessee river. The Third Brigade was then sent to Decatur, Alabama, arriving there January 6, 1865. March 30, the brigade moved to Bull's Gap by rail, sixty miles east of Knoxville, Tennessee, where it remained until April 22, and then went to Nashville. Here the Seventy- ninth was stationed until it was musterd out June 12, 1865. It subsequently arrived at Camp Butler, Illinois, June 15, and June 23 re- ceived final pay and discharge. In April, 1S64, the county court ordered a regimental Hag, which was presented to the regiment. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIFTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. This regiment was organized at Mattoon, and mustered into the one hundred-days' service June 6, 1864. Of this regiment Company G was recruited in Douglas county. The com- missioned officers were: Derrick Lamb, cap- tain; James Easton, first lieutenant; J. T. Switzer, second lieutenant. The enlisted men from Douglas county were : First Sergeant — J. H. I'errine. Sergeants — Charles Skinner, died at Jef- ferson City, Missouri, July 7, 1864; J. Z. Lin- ton; P. Kinder, O. Adams. Corporals — William Bays, promoted ser- geant; I. Watkins, Charles Dickens, A. Flem- ing, D. Jenkins, B. McAllister, T. J. Bagley. Charles Balen. Musicians — Austin Bishop; John Crowley. IVagoncr — Thomas Donnelly. Privates — I. Allison; Erastus Badler; W. II. Bard; A. C. Bragg; F. M. and Alexander Bragg; P. Burton; S. Bye; B. F. Barkley; C. mOGRAPHlCAL AND HISTORICAL. 63 H. Balch, died at Benton Barracks, June 29, mustered out as first sergeant; T. J. Bagley; 1864; J. Bogard; B. Bogard: L. IXaniel; C. Martin l^.radford. Dragoo; C. M. Donica, promoted corporal: J. Corporals — J. W. I\(iln-l)augh ; I. II. Wat- Dale; J. R. JCrland ; W. H. H. luistim; II. M. kins; E. K. Tli(>m])son, mustered out as ser- Franz, died at Benton liarracks June 23, 1864; geant ; L. Oslinrn: 11. I'". Ilarklev; I'",. Ilrewer; G. Ford; J. Garrett; William Calls: (1. W. A. A. Thomas. Goodson, promoted corporal: J. R. Hull; Musicians — .\. .V. Kertz ; S. I'.rewer. Thomas Haskell: N. Holden; N. Howard: E. ll'agoiicr — Richard l)a\is, killed hy rail- C. Holiday: J. Kennedy: E. Lay: .\. Long; mad accident, near Chattanooga, I'"chrnary _'6, J. R. Leslie; A. Moore; J. N. McKinney; J.' 1SO5. N. Mosharger; F. M. Maddo.x, died in Jeffer- I'riratrs — \\'illi;un llavs, promoted to sec- son City. Mis.souri, August 4, 1864; C. H. Mil- ond lieutenant: \.. 1 I. Ihcwer; J. iiartlclt, nnis- ler: j. D. McDowell; Kewton McAughy: J. tcrcd out as corporal: R. Bradford; R. M. 1>. I'eacock: J. IVtcrs: J. S. I'rose: I'". I'nckctt; T.rcwer; (;. W. Ihishy; Hi.arles ISoulen: J. I. .S. Reeder; J. .\. Richman : j. II. .Snnth; L. Baugh : I). T. Corhin : l\ M. Ch.imhers; G. William Scott; A. 11. Sluss: J. W. Tignor; C. \\\ Chase; James Davidson; R. A. Duane; II. Wetsell; 1'. Wildman: Alhert \\'ddni;m; Charles Dragoo; William Ennis; D. Fid- \V. II. Walters: 1, X. Wells: S. I',. Williams; dler; J. S. Fiddler, mustered out as C. B. Wells; W. H. Wells. corporal: W. J. Fid.ller; J. O. Foss, mus- This regiment was assigned to post duty at tered out as sergeant; William (iilkerson; JelTersou City, Missoiu'i, a point they reached William Ilittshew; H. Howell; W. |. 1'. Hope- hy way of St. Louis, soon al"ter heing nnistered well; N. N. Howard: J. T. Hicks: |. II. Ilen- into the service. Creenhury Wright, of Tus- dersou: j. R. Leslie: fi. L. Lin.sey; |ohn I.anih; cola, was the first m.ajor and aftei"\\ard lieuten- Derrick' L.amh. pronioteil ca]>tain: |. N. Me- ant Colonel of the regiment. The regiment Kinney: .\. Moore: W. T. Miller; James Na- was ordered home, and mustered out on Se]>- ])hew, died :d Cleveland, Tennessee, March 10, temher _>S, 1804. i8f)5: I). I',. ( )\crm;iii, died at Nashville. Jan- uary _'7. i8(i(): J. T. I'hilli])s: Willi.-im I'oor; ONK iiUNDRKi) .\Ni) I- 1 FTV- N I N Ti I I I.I.I .\r )is > • S. Rccdcr ; .\lex Ridcuour ; j . Skiimcr : Wil- INFWIKV '''"" •'^'■"'C J. Tnrryville; M. Wilson; II. II. Wright: W. II. Waters. ()t this regiment Com])any I" wris recruited 'I'hc ( )ne llnndrcd .and I'ortv-ninlli Reg- in Douglas county. The commissioiu-d of- iment was organized .at C.anip Ihitler, Illinois, ficers were: Derrick Lamh. ca])lain: I). (',. on h"cl)ruar\- m, 1X05. hy {',,]. William C. I'ddridge. first lieutenant: William liays. sec- Kneffner, ,and mustered in for one years' .ser- ond lieutenant. hailistcd men of I)(juglas vice. ( )n the T4lh, the regiment moved under county were : orders for Nashville and thence to Chattanooga. First Scri^raiil — S. R. Cox. Here it was assigned hy Cen. to Si'ri^canls — W. h". liargcr, J. 1'. Hancock, duty, guarding railroads. 6a BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. On May i it was assigned to. Col. Felix, Prince Salni's brigade, the Second Separate Division, Army of the Cumberland, and on the fiilJDwing day moved to Dalton, Georgia. Here the regiment remained until July 6, when it was ordered to Atlanta. On the 26th, being assigned to duty in the fourth district of Alla- toona, it was put on guard duty in that dis- trict. It was subsequently ordered to Dalton, where the regiment was mustered out January 27, 1866, and ordered to Springfield, Illinois, for final payment and discharge. THIRTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. This regiment was composed of only eight companies, one of which. Company G, was recruited principally from Douglas county. The commissioned officers were : Captain — Charles H. Roland. First Lieutenants — Albert Erskin, promot- ed captain of Company E; James G. Kearney, only officer from Douglas county, from August 10, 1862. Second Lieutenants — \Villi:mi K. Trabue, till August 9, 1862; Forrest D. Spincer, till mustered out of the regiment. The enlisted men from the county were : First Ser^^eant — J. G. Kearney, promoted first lieutenant. Sergeants — G. F. Green; \V. H. Flint. Corporals — O. E. Vandeventer, \V. J. Henry. Buglers — N. R. Gruelle. Farrier — Henry Campbell, mustered out as sergeant. Privates — A. Burton; George Boyer; M. Cavanaugh ; Elijah Carr, died at Ironton, Missouri, Ai)ril 12, 1862; F. Cunningham; \V. J. Churls ; F. Collum ; F. O. Easton ; L. Fetters ; R. C. Grissom; Gilbert Green; John Keneas; Elizer Lathrop; J. T. Maynor; J. Mos- barger, died at Helena, Arkansas, August 30, 1862; Ezekiel Miller, died at St. Louis. Missouri, March ig, 1862; John Mack; L. McAllister; M. G. Neff, died at Ironton, Missouri, May, 1862; E. Poul; I. S. Reeder; N. Roland; John Shule; J. N. Tannihill ; S. Waldrop; L. Wilkins; W. H. Wright; A. H. Wildman; William Woodhall ; J. Whitlock; Macey Whitlock, died at Ironton, Missouri, April 30, 1862. There were some from Doug- las county transferred to other companies; of these in Company H, were G. W. Austin ; John Brighton; Henry Campbell; Robert Davis; C. H. Jones; Henry Littlefield ; Ira Magnor; M. Stewart; George Thebedient; William Taylor; S. Walthrop; Samuel Winan. The Thirteenth Illinois Cavalry Regiment was organized at Camp Douglas, Illinois, in December, 1861, by Col. J. W. Bell. The reg- iment was moved to Benton I'arracks, St. Louis, where it was armed and ccjuipped, and in February, 1862, moved to the field. Until June I it was on duty in southeast Missouri, where it joined Gen. Curtis' army, at Jackson- port, Arkansas. With Gen. Curtis, the Thir- teenth moved through Arkansas, taking part in the .skirmishes of the campaign to Helena, Arkansas. In the fall of i8r)2 it returned with Gen. Curtis to Missouri, and was engaged with General Davidson, in the campaign of south- west Missouri and northwest Arkansas, driv- ing Marmaduke and his command out of the state. On May 20, 1863, in accordance with orders from headquarters Department of Mis- souri, the Thirteenth was consolidated; the eight companies being formed into three, Maj. BIOCIRAI'MICAL ANi:) HISTORICAL. 65 L. T,ii)])ert heiiii^- retained in coniniaiul of the A list 1 if battles and skirmishes in which tlie Iiattalicm. I'>\- tlie same (irder C"ol. I'.eU, Lieut, regiment was engaged is as follows : I'itman's (ol. llartman and Maj. Charles I'.eU were Ferry, Arkansas, July 20, 1862 ; Cotton Plant, mustered out of the service. Arkansas, July 25, 1862; Union City, Mi.s- In the following July the hatlalion moved .souri, August jj, 1862; Cam]) I'illow, Mis- with Gen. Davidson's cavalry division into Ar- som-i, August 2(j, i8()_>; Bloomlleld, Ali.ssouri, kansas, taking part in the battles of llrowns- Sejitemher 13, 18O2; Van Huren, Missouri, ville, August 24 and 25; I'.ayou Metre, 27 and 17. .1863: Lleven Point River, Missouri, 28; Austin. August 31. and again at liayou March j(>, i8C)_:;; Jackson, Missouri, .Xpril .Metre, Septeml)er 4. The Thirteenth w-as the 22, 1863: White River, Missouri, April lirst organization to enter Little Rock, on its 23, 1863; Ijloomlield (J), Missouri, ,\])ril 24, capture, September 10, 1863, and was engaged 1863; Union City and Chalk Bluff, Missintri, in the pursuit of Price, to Red River. In the April 25, 1863; Bushy Creek, Misscntri, May .spring of 1864 the battalion accompanied (ien. 31, 1863; near Helena, .Arkansas, .August 8, Steele in the expedition to Canulen, taking a 1803; (Irand Pr;iirie antl White River, .Ar- l)roniinent part in the actions at .\rkadclphia, kansas, August 24 and 25, 1863; Bayou Metre, Okoloma, Little Mis.souri Ri\er, Prairie du Arkansas, .\ugust 17, 1863; Brownsville, .\r- -\nne, Camden and jeiikin's l'\'rry, during the kansas, August 16, 1863; Deadiuan's Lake, month of April. After returnitig to Little, .August 2- and 28, 1863; .\ustin, Rock, the battalion was engagetl in many raids Arkansas, .\ugust 31, 18O3; Ba_\ou .Metre and scouts, and in skirmishing with the forces (2d), .Arkatisas, September 4, 1863; Little of Shelby and Marmaduke, defeating them at Rock, .\rkansas, September to, 1863; Benton, Clarendon and Pine ISlutT. In tiie suiumer of Arkansas, .Sc])teniber 11, 1863; Batesville, .Ar- 1864 the battalion was stationed at I'ine Bluff, kansas. ( )ctober 22, 18O3: Pine T.luff..\rkanas, in Col. Clayton's brigade, and engagetl in i\o\'ember jH. 1803; .Xrkadelidiia, .\rkansas, scouting and ])icketing. ( )n the 25th of Jan- April 2, i8')4; Okoloma, .Arkansas, .\pril 3, nary, i8C)5, the cavalry di\-ision ha\ing I)een 1864; Little Missouri Ri\er, Arkansas, April discontinued, the Thii'tei'nth was assigned to 4. i8()4; Praii'ie du .\nne, Arkansas, .\pril m, duty at the jiosl of Pine Pluff. In .\pril, 11 and 12, i8()4 ; Camden, Arkansas, April 15, detachments were sent to lake ])ossessihingtou, leaving 18^)4; Cross Ri.iads, .\rkansas. Se|)teinber 1 r, the headquarters ;U Pine Pluff. .\ugust 31, i8()4; Mount l''.lb;i, .\rkansas, ( )clober 18, i8(')5, the regiment was mustered out, ;ui(l t8f)4; Douglas Landing, .Arkansas, l'"ebruary received final ])ay and discharge at Springfield, 22. 1805; iMonlicello, Arkansas, March 28, Illinois, Se])tember 13. 1865. The Thirteenth 1865. Ca\-alry Regiment's aggreg;ite strength during' Douglas county was represented in other its organization was i.75<) men. the battalion organizations in the army, liut concerning having been consolidated with a newly-formed whom there is no reliable information. To but incomplete regiment in the spring of 1864. notice the e.special achievements of the volun- 5 66 J'.IOCRAPIJICAL AND HISTORICAL. teers from tliis county would be a pleasant luit this shall sliuw that Douglas county was not an impossible work. Even to note the indi- wanting in patrotisni and sacrificing- devotion vidiial experiences of companies formed in the when demanded Ijy the nation's peril, the ob- county has l^een found impracticable. A brief ject of the foregoing ])ages will have been sketch of the regiments of which they formed reached, a part is all that can be attemiited, and if HISTORICAL SKETCHES TowiSHiFS IS iifloiiiis coysTy. CHAPTER IV. TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL SKETCHES. CAMAKCo TowNsiiu". raising. Tiiis hmise was fm- a liiiig time tlie Iicaclquaiicrs for eiections and military nuis- Caniargo tdwnshi]) cnjnys the iKinnr of (crs. licing the earhest scttk-d pcirticm ni Douglas There was a small tribe nl Imlians campeil eoinitv, the first eomcrs df whom we lia\t' any al llridge])! Tt, nnw llugn I'. ()., section u. 15, acconnl hax'ing arrived in iSj<). The townslii]) (). which was a trading i)oint with them, and tlerivcs its name from the city nf Caniargo in a store or trading post was ke])t by (iodfrey Mexico, and was suggested bv C<>\. AfcCown. N'esser. a i'"renehman, or perhaps \ esser & The first house built in I )(inglas cimnty is yet linlborv. standing on section _^_^. 1'). (), on the lies land, Jd'hi llamniet and his sons, W'm. .S. and west of the railroad bridge at Caniargo and |as. R., ru'rived in November, rK_^o. The lam- north of the track. Jt was raised in t8_'() by ily lived in a tent the lirst winter ;nid were John A. Richman, the father of John Richman \isited by large numbers of Indians who of our day, and well aut \ irgiin.a in the \ear iSiS; one with go\erinncnt sni'veyors, near mentioned — some say, howe\er, \f>2~ — and the creek in Coles county. John 1 lammet and Jolm Richman, then a lad, made a hand at the I larrison Gill, of Kentucky, were the first land 70 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. (nvners in tlic area of the county, after the government, liaving entered land on the same day. Mr. Hammet took several hundred acres north of Camargo village, and Mr. Gill enter- ing two hundred and forty acres in section 35, cast of Gamargo. The i)atents for these first entered lands were signed 1)y Andrew Jackson, in March, 1830. .Samuel ;\shmore enterenr years. terially reduce the interest. Tiiiihcr. — ()ne third i>t the area of the The area of the township is I'll'ty-six sections townshij) is within the uri^'inal timber limit, of land or about ec|nal to sixty and onedialf which .i^rew adjacent Id the ri\-er, as is usual s(|uare miles, some of the sections having over here. Many fine tracts of tiiul)er yet remain, one thousand acres. The township contains Tlood timbei" was held as lui^h as sc\- thirty-eight thousand, seven hundred and si.xty- enty li\e dollars per acre, and tift\ dollars \\;is nine acres. a common price; it was used, after hnilding- 'i'lie notable hi.t;li-li;mded and desperate ri>l)- \\ith it. and for ;i loiiii;' time, almost e\clusi\ely bery of W'm. S. Hammet and his household oc- foi- fticl first, and then fenciniL;'. As the country curred on the night of June S, 1S70. The fam- grew older saw nulls were introduced and na- il\' had retired. .Mr. llammet was aroused Iiy ti\e boards ajipeared: but since the nufitipli- a knock at the door, and n])on opening it was catiou ot railroads leading to the easy trans- instantly seized by two armed and masked men, portatiou of foreign fencing and coal, timber who demanded silence and money. Tie was land has dejireciated, until good prairie is f,ar unarmed and ])artly unclothed, taken by sur- more \-aluable. Some large farmers use foi-ci;ni l)rise, with a loaded ])istol pointing directly at planks, or hedges, for fencing, and bium co;il and close to his heart, which nnght at any in- exclusixely, many of tlieni having not an acre stant ha\'e been discharged bv the trembling ot timber. hand of his guard, and after carefully weighing Ratlraads. — The 1. 1). iS; W . l\.iih-o;id the chances concluded to siu'render, a prudence crosses this townshi]) in an east and west ili- that is commended b\- men of bi-;i\er\'. He rection. confing in on the west side and was held strictly under gu.ard until the villains near the middle of section _:;_'. townshi]) 10. had obtained watches and ii'welrv to the range <), and runs upon a straight line until amount of two hundred and lifts- dollars and a shortly after passing the \illage of Camargo, little mone}". The}' had taken care to fasten in section 33, where it dellects to the south the door of a room occupied by some work about twelve rods, and continues at that dis- bands, rmd, ha\'ing accomplished their ]iuri)ose tancc from the middle line of the section till with dispatch, ixdeased Mr. llammet and dis- it le;i\es the comity. It has a substantial a|)peareil with great baste in the darkness. bridgi'. one hundieil and lhirt\' leet long. The town ot .W'w T.oston was laid oiU li\- on the west side of the \illage at the crossing Mtd)owell on section 35, i(>. <). in .\'o\ember, of the l''.mbarrass i'i\er, which resistetl the ice- 1X37, and vac;ited b'ebrnary. 1S45. I'ar- How of the winter of oSSj, whilst the wagon menas Watson was made sherilT in Xo\em- bridge, out' hundred and fifty feet north of it, l)er, T8t)0, and S. S. li'win was superintendent ga\e way. of schools from the fall of iSOi, serx'ing two The townshi]) took stock in the railroad years. Dr. f<.)hn C. Parcel was elected county inu'er its t'ormer name, l.X; I. C_"., to the amcjunt 72 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. of fifteen thousand dollars, payable in fourteen years, with ten per cent, interest, and the bonds were refunded in June, iS8o, being placed with Preston, Kean & Co., of Chicago, at si.x per cent, interest, which transaction was negoti- ated bv Charles C. hA-khart, l'-S(|.. nf Tuscola. CITY OF C.\M.\KGO. Creation and development. —The original town of Camargo was laid off in November, 1836. by Isaac Moss, being surveyed by Joseph Fowler, and was callecl New Salem. Mr. Moss made an addition in T840; the name was then changed to New Albany, the voting precinct being known by the name of Albany, and finally, when, upon the suggestion of J. ?). Mc- Cowu. the name of the precinct was changed to Camargo, the village accepted the same name. It is the most ancient village in the county, antedating Tuscola, Areola and New- man, and even the time-honored Bourbon, which was laid off in 1853, Camargo, with her 1836 record, leading Bourbon by seventeen years. This village in the long years preceding the advent of the east- and west railroad lan- guished and was long considered finished; the final completion of the road, however, gave it somewhat of an impetus, that may end in'some distinction, it being the i)lace of residence of some of the leading men of (he county and the starting point of several of its most successlul business men. Struggle for county seat. — The \iHage of Camargo, from its central position, had claims •fo the honor of being the county seat, which were strongly advocated, and which could not very well be ignored. She had no railroad, but everybody said she would have one at no (listant day, the I. & T. C. having been chartered in 1852, and the route through the village se- lectetl and staked out. and further encouraged by the almost annual appearance of engineer corps along the line through which, amongst other things, the interest was kept up. Pend- ing the selection of a shiretown, Camargo was made county seat pro tem. The election returns of the county seat contest were stored at the place, and rumor hath it that interested parties, olitaining access to the tickets, procured a set of scales, and upon ascertaining the "weight" of each package of votes, took special care that their favorite ])oint should have superior heft. The first meeting of the county court, ])resided oxer ])\- James lowing, of Areola, as judge, and John D. Murdoch and Robert Hopkins, as asso- ciates. John Chandler, clerk, a special term was held April 28, 1859. u])-stairs over Coleman l>right's store, and here it was ordered, amongst other things, that a special election be held May 30, 1859. as between Tuscola and Areola, wdiich rival towns, whose vote had not been considered in the first canvass, were found to embrace the choice of the people, upon which occasion Tus- cola won. Ancient prairie travel. — The new officers all met here to get their commissions. The county was almost co\-ered with water, and the Cfiunty sur\'e_\'or, being a small man. was mounted upon a horse about sixteen hands high, and sent from fxiurbon to Camargo "by way of Areola," at w hich ])lace the owner of the horse had a mes- sage to deliver, and told the surveyor it was "on the way," so it was — the way he went; he did not know any better. As there were no prairie fences, or roads, he went straight from Bour- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 73 Ijon to Areola and straight from Areola to Ca- ty. Maiden Jones, who came in 1840, was margo. across the prairie, with a general direc- sheriff of Coles cdunty wiien Douglas county tion from his advisors, at Areola, to kee]) the was parted fniui it. lie was elected in 1858, northeast wind in his face, which he proceeded and was elected to the state legislatm-e in 1864 to do as far as possilile: hut as the aforesaid and again in 1866. Lemuel Chandler was the northeast wind came on that occasion from first sujierNisor of the township and served four all points of the comjjass, he accordingly got consecuti\e terms. The Dehart sons were lost, as was to he expected. The wind was like \~.ell known active husiness men. C"urtis Ci. old Cncle Tack. s comjjass, which siMUehodv gave and C.'unphell McComh were old residents of him to use in the woods; no matter how he held Coles -at the institution of the new county, it, it would diddle-daddle to the southwest Thomas Moore entered west half northeast every time. ((uarter-section 23. 15. 7, in i8_y. Cliiirclhw. — The fn'st church hnilt in the vil- John Cam]>l)ell, called "Uncle Jack," was lage was ])ut up hy the Methodists, and we are a hrother of Allen and ^\'ill!alu Cani])hell. and informed was erected as early as 1850. at a \vas proh.ihly the last representative or tyi)e cost of ahout five hundred dollars. It was o| the gemn'nc old-fashioned ])ioneer, scout and eventually .sold, and the present hrick huilt. hiniter. .anil wonderful stories were told of his endur.ance and his ahilify to follow a trail. He was widely known in the earlv d.avs. i);issing the greater p.'irt of Itis time in hunting. He llom'hon township consists of fort\--lwo sec- \\as found dead in llie woods. His son I lir;im. tions of land in the southwest part of the conn- who died in i8f)4, h.'id the reputation of heing tv, eipial to ahout the same numher of scin.are one of the hest hunters of the time, miles, and twenty-seven thousand, one hundred Jacoh Aloore, Sr., was one of the earliest and seventy-five acres, .\mong the first set- settlers in the townshi]) and hecame an exten- tlers were Geo. Dehart and his sons, Samuel ^ive cattle dealer .and Large land holder. He and Lucas. He was road-master in Coles was also a noted hunter of great endurance, county and his district extended from Sadorus' His first land was entered in section i, 14, 7, (irove, on the north comity line, to a point six in .\l)ril, 1X35. lie died July 15. i860, leaving miles south of the Si)ringfielhich can be readily detected by an intelligent ol)server, and the language is popularly known as "Pennslyvania Dutch." They all speak ".\merican" as well as their neighbors, so that, trusting to the hearing alone, few would sus- pect the presence of a German speaking per- son. They are a good class of people in their way. but are bigoted in manv ways. They do not teach their children the "American idea," preferring that they become isolated from others who are as true, or truer, in their re- ligious princii)les than tliey. They are intensely selfish among themsehes and seem to "float in the creeil" "we shall be happy in heaven whether we find our God there or not!" The original village of Bourbon, section 14, 15, 7, was laid out by Maiden Jones, in Octo- ber, 1853, and is the third town in priority, having been preceded by both Camargo and Fillmore. An addition was made in the fol- lowing January by Benjamin Ellars. At the institution of the cotint\- this was a thriving village of some dozen business houses and the most important trading point in the county. L. C. Rust, Dr. J. D. Gardiner. Jos. Foster, \\"m. Chandler. Benjamin Ellars. (i. W. Flynn and others flourished here at the time. The location of the Illinois Central Railroad some four miles to the east, giving rise to Tuscola and Areola, interfered with the future prospects BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 75 of the place to tlie extent that tlie merchants, for tlie most part, not only removed to the new- towns on the railroad but took their buildings with them. One of these, a two-story frame, was put upon runners made of large sticks of timber, and with some fifteen yoke of steers, under the conduct of LTucle Daniel Roderick, was hauled in a nearly straight line over the snow to Areola. "Uncle Daniel" still lives on his farm in section i, 15, 7. He entered this land on March 13, 1838. Sanuiel Sharpe, of Bourbon, took Rust's store to Areola in a sim- manner. The census of iS(;o gives Bourbon eighty- three inhabitants. It has a postoftice, two or three stores, two grain buyers, good church and school. Isaac Gruellc founded the first store near the place in which for some years IMalden Jones was a partner. Luther C. Rust was a leading merchant in the early days of Bour- Ijou and was well liked. He died suddenly in Areola February 14. 1873. H. C. Niles clerked for Mr. Rust and Abram Cosier served in the same capacity for Mr. Fosler. another early merchant of the village. Fillmore had been laid out by H. Russell in 1848, on section 35, 15, 7. and the firm of Bales & Thr(nvbridge, afterward Bales, Os- born & Co., controlled the trade of a large are.'i ; but the business of this house was re- moved to .\rcol;i. and I'illnKire is .'uuung the things that were. Mr. l'.;des was associate justice of the cnunty in iS()i, and su])ervisor of the township in 187J. I'.agdad is a point on the Okaw three miles west of .Areola. Newton [. Cooper, of this towushi]), was elected sheriff of the county in the fall of 1870, up to which time for a period, he liad been township ciillector. In the following M.arch he disappeared suddenly, leaving between five and six thousand dollars of township funds unaccounted for. Cooper, a recent comer in the neighborhood, was a man ()f jjlcasing ad- dress and appearance, and that, togetlier with his rather notable business c|ualiBcations, in- s])ire(l ciinficlence in all who had dealings with bim. On Thursday afternoon, November 4, 1875, R. r. McWilliams, a well known and highly resjiected citizen of Bourbon township, was instaiitlv killei! at the highwav crossing of the Illinois Midland Railwav, west of .Ar- eola and near the residence of J.-icob Mproached the crossing and, as he thought, allowed the train t(^ pass and be- gan to resume his way, probably, naturally looking at the train, but he was unfortunately caught liy the latter ])art of the train, which had become uncoupled. The team escaped. The name of this township is deri\-ed from that of Bourbon county, Kentucky, which was represented by several of the first settlers. The people \-oted bonds in aid of the I. M. Railway to the amriunt of thirtv-fi\'e thousand dollars. ■ The township has contrilwted liberally of her citizens to the ])ublic service. John Chand- ler, the first clerk of the county, was electefl in i85() ;ind ,'ig;iiu in iSOr. Caleb P)a!es was associate justice for ;i term beginning \o\'em- ber, i8()r, and was also supervisor in l87_'. I^amnel B. Logan the first sheriff of the county, 1859. Newton I. Cooper was made sherift' in 1870. Lem;iuel Chandler served as supervisor in i8r)8-6/3. and was succeeded by Andrew Ray in 1874, who was returned in 1875. J. F. Bouck came from Ohio in 1866 to Bourbon townshi]) and served with a ca))tain's com- mission in the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Regiment of that state in the war of 1861. Chesterville is a small hamlet with a post- office and store and one church, the United Brethren. The ixipulation in 1890 was twenty- eight. The villages of Fillmore an trawi'sed b\- the I1h- the east half of northeast (quarter of sectii>n _', nois Midland Kail way fnin the west In the township 15, range 9, and other lands, jhjhn sotitheast, a considerable deiiection having been Davis, in October, 1833, entered west half of matle in the line of the road thai it mighl pass northeast (juarlcr, same section. In iS3(), in within a mile of the center of the townshi]). h'ebruary, the northeast (piarter of northeast u]K)n which condition and for otlier (juarter of section 11, township 15. range y, the people of the township \otcd bonds in ad was entered by the Barnets, and as in other of the road to the aniomit of thirty thousand parts of the county, the great bulk of the dollars. lands were entered in 1852 and 1853. Isaac Railroads. — This township is intersected Davidson arrived in 1838. James -A. P.reedea b\' the Illinois Midland Railway, now the settknl, in J 853, upon section 9, township 14, Vandalia system, running east range 9, and built the lirst house on the prairie, and west, entering it near the north- betwei-n the old "Wallace .Stand," near llick- west corner of section 4, township 14, ory (lro\e, and the Okaw timber, which was range 8, running thence cist along the eight miles to the west. congressional township line for about two The "Wallace .St.and" was the residence of miles; thence southcastw ardly. leaving the .\. (1. W'.allace for souk- years. .Mr. W'all.ace township about the nn'ddle of the east line of is noted elsewhere in this book. John i)a\is, section 8, township 14, range 10, then making who entered his land in 1833, arrived in the a decided large curve to the north, and liack state from lirown county, Ohio, in September, again. 1834. Me died in .March. iH(>~i. .Sliiloah (hi! This extra length and i'nr\atm"e was arrived in 185J, .nid led on the l;md entered caused by a demand on the part of the citizens by his father in 1833. (See sketches else- lliat the road should pass within a mile of the where.) ;8 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. John Barnet, called "J^ck" by everybody, came from Kentucky to the Little Vermillion in 1 832, and to Coles county, since Douglas, in 1842. The life partners of several prom- inent citizens were his daughters. School lands. — Section 16, township 14, range 9 east, the "school" section, was purchased from the state in the first instance of its occu- pancy, each section 16 having been set apart by law for the use of schools. The sales were made in 1856. John Cofer took four hundred acres, and W. D. Martin two hundred and forty acres. It was surveyed and lotted as required by law. Lot one is northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, forty and two-thirds acres; Lot two is southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, forty and two-thirds acres; three is west half of northeast quarter, eighty-one acres; the east half of northwest quarter is Lot four, seventy-seven acres; northwest quar- ter of the northwest quarter; thirty-eight and one-half acres, is five; and southwest quarter of the northwest quarter is six, which also con- tains thirty-eight and one-half acres. The south half of the section corresponds in position and area. This lotting was arbi- trary, though the surveyor ostensibly preserved the original areas. In this case, the east half of the section is found to contain seventeen acres more than the west half. It is fair, then, to suppose that the quarter section corners on the north line and on the south line must have been found as originally surveyed much too far west. Section 16, township 15, range 9, another school sectiiin in Bowdre bounds, was lotted in forty and eighty acre lots, and found to come out exactly even all around; perhaps it was surveyed in the house. It was aparted into ten lots; east half of northeast quarter was one, and west half was two and three; east half of northwest quarter was four, and west half of northwest quarter was five and six; tlie south half of the section was made into four lots, of even eighty acres each. These school lands were sold all too soon, and consequently almost sacrificed, bringing in some instances as low as two dollars per acre. It was not believed in those days that the prairie would be settled. The high grass and weeds, and the absence of roads added to the blank, dreary lookout generally, and forbade the idea that homes would ever have a place there. As late as 185 1, John Davis ofifered to sell lot two, southwest quarter of section 6, town- ship 15, range 10, eighty- four acres, for the entry money he had paid for it, viz., $1.25 per acre; this was seventeen years after he had entered it. It was in Camargo township. Old inhahltants. — H. L. Thornsbrue is the oldest living person born in Doug- las county; Mrs. Mary West, relict of. Thomas West, was the oldest resident, and settled here in 1834. She died March 3, 1884, aged seventy-nine, after a residence of half a century in the county. Issachar Davis is the oldest male inhabitant, his residence here dating from October 3, 1834. Mr. Davis was a farmer and land surveyor. He was elected county surveyor in 1863, 1S67 and 1875. Churches. — In the southeast quarter of sec- tion 16, township 15, range 9, is situated Mt. Gilead Methodist church, which offers conven- iences to neighboring church-goers. .\t Hugo is Antioch church. The Methodists have a church in section 14, township 14, range 9, BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 79 and tlie Cliristians and Metlindisfs in TTinds- Hindsboro is a good business center, liav- boro. ing two good genera! stores and two enter- uiN'DsnoKo viiLVGE prising grain Iniycrs. Its ])o])ulation is about tbree iiuneb-ecL Tbe town or village of Hindsboro is situ- Kemp is a small village in tliis tnwnsbip. atcd in section 6, 14, 10, and was laid out by Hugo lias a postot'tice and store witli a tbe railroad company upon tbe lands of tbe [xipulatiou of about fifty. It is tbe scene of Hinds Brotbers in 1t line was extendetl to the range or township line on the east, and to the south jiart was addeil two tiers of sections off the north end of the congressional township on the south. As now constituted, it is bounded on the north and on the west by the county line, on the south by the township of Bourbon, and on the east by Tuscola, and consists of all of township 16 north, of range 7 east, of the third principal meridian, and sections i to 12 in- clusive, of township 15 north, of range 7 east, the total area in square miles being 51.83, the same being according to the United States government survey 33,171-95 acres. This is the shape it received upon the adop- tion of township organization in 1868, a partic- ular acccjunt of which is given elsewhere in this volume. A section of land is usually esti- mated to contain six hundred and forty acres, which is indeed the average, the exceptions being the fractional sections, occurring on the north and west sides of all townships surveyed by the government. The north tier of secticnis in township 15 north, range 7 east, in Garrett, one to six inclusive, are all over one thousand acres in area, and section 6, township 15, range 7, mostly owned byjames Drew, was the largest government section of land in the county, con- taining 1,148.21 acres; it is over one and one- half miles in north and south length, and con- siderably over one mile in east and west measure. The government surveyors were instructed to make all townships of thirty-six sections to contain, as near as may be, twenty-three thou- sand and forty acres, that is to say, to l)e six miles square and include thirty-six sections. Township 16 north, range 7 east, is the only congressional township in the county which "fills the bill." the area, according to govern- ment survey, being exactly the proposed area in gross. It does not follow that each section is exactly six hundred and forty acres. BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. Tupography, drainage, etc. — The Kaskas- land, and tlie drains are constructed at an e\- kia river traverses the east tier of sections in pensc of about twenty-cio-ht humh-ed dollars, this sub-division of the county, and, being These consist of large open ditches, which are here near the very scnnxe of this river, which by law under the control of the highway coni- rises in Champaign county, depends upon the missioners, whose duty it is to keep llieni in rainfall for its waters. It is therefore about repair from year to year, the same :is mads, dry in the summer months, while immediately the expense of which is met by ;i tax levied after heavy rains it comes ui> in a hurry, and u]>on the land owners in the district, for the becomes a rapid stream of a width of from four benefit of whom the original district was or- to six rods, and in the north part, getting out ganized. The ditches will average sixteen feet of the banks, has an indefinite extent. Tiie in width, tlie cost of construction being about sudden rise of this and other streams in the one dollar per lineal rod. C. (i. l-'ckcrl was the county is owing materially to the improved attorney for the commissioners, who also c-m- system of farm drainage, which of late years ployed II. C. Xiles as surveyor and engineer, has so much obtained. Every man who ditches The work was regularly staked out railroad his land at all in this region is contributing fashion, ami the elevations taken. These drains to the waters of the Okaw, the capacity of were exceedingly popular in their inception, which to carry off the accumulated waters is very much the contrary when the tax is made comparatively less than of old, which naturally known and collected, and the pride and boast of suggests improvement, and it is only a (fues- the people when c.mipleted. tion of time when the imi)rovement of our The highest ])oinl in (iarrett township is, main streams will be considered the one thing probably, near the southeast corner on the needful in the pn>per drainage of the farms of "(iruelle" farm, which place, by actual measure, the county. A water course known as Dry is thirty feet higher than Tu.scola : the bottom Fork runs through the tniddle of the township of the Okaw, near this point, is tlnrtv-five I'eet in a north and south direction, and, I'alling into lower th;m this highest point, which is a the ()k;iw at the south line of the township, ■'dixide" near the hue of Tuscola ;ind this is an important carrier for the ])rairie lands tiiwnslh]). to the north. Lake kork. which is born in The great body of timber in (i.arrett is on Piatt county, comes into (larretl li.alf a mile the south side, but the Okaw in its entire south ol the \illage of .\twood. ;md is a con length is fringed, as it were, with woods, tributor to the Okaw in Ijonrbon township; On the west side, and in the neighbor- like all prairie water courses, it is wet and dry hood of Lake Porl-c, many small but attractive by turns and nothing long. natural groves occur, notabh' on the lands of The drainage commissioners of this town- Xathan (iarrett and others; and in the heart ship ha\-e, on petition of interested parties, of the woods, near the south center of the town- established a large drainage district, under the shi]i, a large "■gl.ade" occurs; the original sur- statute, which is sitnatetl in the southwest part, \'e\'ors calleil it a "draught." Coodsoii's contains about thirtv-two hundred acres of (irove is situated at the northeast corner of 6 82 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. section t,t,, township i6, range 7, and is a nice little piece of woods. All of these glades, cut- offs and groves were duly noted and mapped liy the original surveyors, who did their gov- ernment surveying in this region in 1821. Bowlders of granite or other rock are rarely found of any great dimensions; in many parts of the county, whether prairie or timlier, they are unknown, while in otlier sections there are enough of small hulk, weighing from one hun- dred to five hundred pounds, to obstruct to some extent the tilling of the soil; but these are few. The largest granite rock in the coun- ty, visible above the soil, is in the southeast cor- ner of section 8, township 16, range 7, upon the farm once owned by Judge Mullen, in this township. It stands aliove the grotmd about twelve feet, and is al)out as much in thickness. All of these surface rocks have been rounded by the action of water, and have evidently lieen transported by natural agencies from their nat- ural beds. A glacier, for instance, ages ago, was started from the .Vrtics as a frozen river of ice, bearing upon its bed tons of rock, which it deposited as it luelted in the summer heat of the then temi>erate zone. .\n extensive ledge of limestone, which makes good lime, as proven by actual Imsiness, occurs in Sargent town- ship (q. v.). Railroads. — The St. Louis liranch of the I. D. & W. Railway, first called the Indianap- olis & Decatur, afterward the Indiana & Illi- nois Central, and next the Indianapolis, De- catur & Springfield, traverses this township from east to west along the luiddle line of the south tier of sections, in township 16 north, range 7 east, and is a straight line through this township. It was completed here in 1872. A bridge burned. — A Hcjwe truss bridge over the Okaw, west side, section 36, township 16, range 7. half a mile west of Howe Station was maliciously burned nn the night of July 3, 1873, and as a Fourth of July excursion was on the tapis for ne.xt day, it is difficult to imagine the state of mind of the fellow who did it. By withholding his name, lie has lost the distinction of being Douglas county's great- est scoundrel. Laud cutric;. — Among the first entries of land in Garrett township we find that Jacob Lease, in December, 1834, entered the north- east cjuarter of section 2_|, township 16, range 7; and in 1835, in June, J. G. Devault took the southeast cpiarter of section 13, township 16, range 7. I. F. Lewis entered the northeast quarter of section 12, township 16, range 7, in 1836; and June 16, 1849, Benjamin Ellars located and patented the west half of lot i, northeast quarter of section 2, township 16, range 7, and other lands. Josiah Hoots owned a large body of land in the southeast corner of the township. He was an ancient settler of prominence and influence. He died in Octo- ber, 1876, in the fifty-eighth year of his age. He was a native of Salem, North Carolina, removed to Indiana at the age of seven, and subsequently to this neighborhood, of which he was a useful citizen for about thirty-eight years. He was Ijuried, Alasonically, at Cartright Chai)el, three miles west of Tuscola, by Tuscola Lodge, No. ^^2, of which he was an ancient and honored member. According to legendary report, Lenuiel Randall entered, ]\Iarch 16, 1850, the four forties lying around the center of section 34, township 16. range 7. Thomas Goodson was with Randall, and knowing the numbers of the land, got the patent for him. This entry BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. was made before the railroad had selected its lands, hilt, under a mistake, the railroad tem- porarily gut these. Meanwhile, Randall had sold to Nathan Drake, who had transferred to D. Maris. Drake had taken the precaution of re-entering- the tracts, having had intimation of the error. The books at the office still showed it til be railroad land, and finally the land entry Ixxik of the county shows the land was really and finally entered by J. W. L. Slavens, February 22, 1865. This is, then, the very last entry of government lands in Douglas county. In shi>rt, the railroad never had ac- quired the tracts, and they were left open to have the distinction of being the last entries. Thesixteenth section in township 16 north, range 7 east, reser\-ed for schools, the title to which is derived from the state, was taken up in 1854, having been divided into eight lots by the surveyor, containing se\'enty-eight to seventy-nine acres each, lot i lieing the east half of the northwest ([uarter. J. L. Jordan took two, Harvey Otter one, E. T. Roinine two, J. C. \\"ythe two, etc. Pioneer personals. — Isam (larrett, in com- pliment to will nil the towiishi]) was n;inicd, li\'ed to the adxanced age of eighty-two \ears. He died February 14, 1880. it is the jiopular opinion that Mr. Garrclt ne\x-r used tobacco ov dr.ank spirits, never served on ;i jury, never was a witness in cmirt, iie\er sued and iie\er was sued, and lli.-it he ne\er tdld a lie in bis life. He was an educated free-thinker, and held that life is a terrific ])ri)lileni; that we are placed upon this earth witliDiU being ci insulted, ;iiid rem()\-ed \vitIiout mir consent: and that the golden rule was the mily guide: and to "dn good and throw it into the sea; if the fishes (ion"t know it, God will." Dr. Thomas Parsons, of this township, was a imted hunter and marksman, and now, at the advanced age of eighty-three, shows with pride some thirty targets which he has pre- served for many years, representing his vic- tories. These are about two inches in diameter, and show the size of a rifle ball reiieated to any extent and cutting into each other at ;i]I edges. The Doctor was once the ])receptor of Galeb Garrett, at Terre Haute, as a carpenter ;md builder. Mr. Caleb (i.arrett, son of Isani, reiiresented the county of \'igo in lndi;iiia in 1842, and was re-elected at the age of twenty-one. He settled in Douglas county in 1847, served on the first grand jury, justice of the peace in 1854, and for some years after. He was also supervisor of Garrett t])hies secured in the first ease was the head, It is somewhat interesting to speculate as to horns and a I'oot, as the relics of the "hio-o-cst what might have been the consequences to the huck." In this fiat country there was almost Judge on this occasion, if he had not heen for- no vantage-ground for the deer; he ran till he Innately delayed, for he had just arrived a jjcr- could run no more, and was too much e\- fect stranger and had on his person in gold hansted to fight. A "stag at l)a\'" was rai'e, precisely the amount they were looking for. ;uid to he in at the death took rajiid riding .and The chase. — Hunting at the i)ro])er .season g 1 shooting; the horses enjoyed the sjxirt occupied the attention of the early settlers con- ;uid learned to run hv sight, siderahly, and a principal part of the living was Many persons rememher the rece])tion these venison ; this, with the natural love of the sport hounds ga\-e e\erv visitor to the various farms. born in and with more enterprising and vig- 1 le would ride up to the house, and if he ])assed orous of the settlers, made the pursuit a fa- along, all riglu, hut if he stopped and gave the vorite. Isaac L. Jordan and his brother customary "hello!" ten or a dozen houmls "Wash." faleb and Xatliau ( larrett, Thomas rushed toward him, with an open-mouthed Goodson and the I,esters were enthusiastic deei) baying .salute that would m.ake the hair hunters. The (iarretts and Jordans had of a timid man "stand on end," but all he had amongst them about twenty-tne hounds. Fn to do to restoi'e perfect peace was to "li'dit." iS5;v while on ;i wolf hunt. Jord.m .and Garrett It was only a bay of welcome, and ;i notice to liad followed the trail from their neighborhood the family that perhaps a wayfarer wanted his to the present site or Tuscola, eight miles, and supper and a bed. the peculiar action of a favorite Ixmnd attract- ./ lyiichiii;^. — .Mr. J. 1.. hirdau.of this town- ing the attention of Jordan, he, with his e.\- shi]), informed me that in the case of Ivuching perience as a hunter, immediately called the nth- mett. Coleman r.right. Henry I. owe and bilin west and was run down and kilfeil by the dogs I'rahme, of Camargo township; .\m/i Wild- in the Gruelle I'arm. I'our miles southwest. 1. \ .. Jnrda.n ami Israel Harris, of (iar- On another occasion a trained hound conr rett: .S. .\Uwers. D.aniel Martin. Scpn're .Adams l)elled the attention of G.arrett and conducted and Dan hosier; thc\- brought in a \erdict of him to a place where the dogs had killed a ' nun-der in the lirst degree." This mob had deer, which they had chased T)f their own no occasion to violate the law, but having 86 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. come to see the show, and fearing disappoiiit- ineiit, concluded to have the show anyway. Mr. Jordan, and otliers of tlie jury, tliink they could have prevented it, if present. It is tlie blackest blot on Coles county, of which Douglas was then a part. By the way, is not the fact that burglaries and robberies in the earlier days were rare, owing to something besides the honesty and scarcity of valuables amongst the people. The lierception, memory and observation of the residents were sharpened by the want of gov- erniuent. and no man could pass through the country without being es])ecially marked and remembered; not from suspicimi — this rarely obtained — but from a habit of ol)ser\ation, born partly of their isolated position, and some- what of their thirst for news. A man on horse- back, or "any other man," who went through the country, could be traced a hundred miles, and if necessarv. overtaken. The "spirit of ilw fiinrs." — The residence of I. L. Jordan, north half of the soutliwest quarter, and southeast quarter of the south- west (|uarter of section 29, township 16, range 7 (lands which he entered in 1852), being ceii- tral in the township, was a point for elections and other public meetings ; it was also made a center for the collection of taxes by the sheriff, wIk^ was then "sheriff and collector" under the old irgiinc (l^efore 1868) and county organiza- tion. Ujion one occasion. 1859, the first sheriff, Sam Logan, had made his collections at "Jor- dan's," as it was called, when ni>t onl}- had the ])eople generally met liim there to pay ta.xes according to notice, but Jonlan was shelling corn with twelve or fourteen hands. Sam had his saddle-liags with him, containing the re- sults of two or three days' collections, wdiich were augmented at this place. About night, after "Sam" had partaken of the hospitalities of "Ike," which any (jld settler who knows either will certify were not stinted, he mounted his horse and started for Tuscola, to deposit his money. At about half past ten o'clock — pretty late, in those days, for men who began wcn-k at four A. M. — Jordan, in bed, heard the customary "hello," and, as usual, responded promptly, expecting to entertain a belated trav- eler. It was "Sam;" and tlie next word was. of "light." But Sam said. "No, I can't stiip. I hung my saddle-bags on the corner of the stable, forgot them, and went off. and now they are not there." Ike. after joking him a good deal, which he couldn't help, handed him to him, ancl Sam went on his way rejoicing. The saddle-bags contained about twenty-five hundred dollars. This little incident is related to sliow the spirit of the times. Sam probably took his "pile." and going on to Tuscola quietly tleposited — well, simply woke up some mer- chant, at a store, and, making up his package, a conglomerate mass of wild-cat money issued by almost everv bank in North America, slapped it into such a safe as was used, and calmly went on his way, or more likely went to bed where he struck. The only banks were the safes of merchants — \\'yeth. Craddock & Co., J. i\I. Smith. Davis & Ensey, etc. Every fellow called for his money when he wanted it, and always got it. The depositors would often ])ermit the merchant to use some of the money, and always got it on call. This mutual con- fidence was never abused, though they never t(M:)k receipts. AT WOOD \ILL.\GE. The village of Atwood is situated on the BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 87 west line of the tmvnsliii), at the ci>unty line, ami lilocks, with some rescr\ations. This led lyini^- partly in both the counties of Douglas to some confusion, many deeds liaN-ing heon and Piatt, and on cither side of the east and niaarrctt. at the southwest corner of (.'ountv and others "put in" laud in Piatt county. It street and South I'ront street. was laid off on paper liy Patterson, lirst as- Cliiirdics. — The first clunxdi ercctdl in the sistant engineer of tlie railroad, and surxeycd village is the New-Light Christian chui-ch, by .Mr. Xiles, the then county sur\eyor, in 1S73. which was built in iSSo at an expense of about In those years, the county sur\-eyor was, by fourteen liundred dollars. It is fiuaiished law, the only person qualified to sur\cy town with a good bell, costing eighty dollars, and lots, the law l)eing changed, so that any coin- commands in its memliership many of the best petent siu"\'eyor can now act. citizens. They are not the same as the Discii)les The streets arc n.amed East A street, East of (du-ist, which is the Christian church, who B street and East C street, etc., and North added the present edifice subsecjuently, at a cost Front, North Second, North Third, etc.. The of about sixteen hundred d(.)llars. This church Douglas County jjlat consists of blocks, which has also a godd bell. These bells chime in lov- are generally forty feet front by one hnn- ing unison, and in iheir sweet accord gi\c no ch'cd and fifty feet; streets, lanes and alleys intimation of tlu-ir preferences. are jjarallel with and at right angles The Methodist cluu-ch was rcmoxed from to the railroad, and the whule is compactly Mackxille as part of the exodus therefrom in and conxenicntly arranged. The railroad, be- 1883. The building is worth ;ibont twelve .sides the usual right-ot-way i"eser\'ed of one hundred dollars. ;uid the cost of moving it hundred feet wide, h;is also reser\-ed a tract was about two hundred dollars, north of its line one hundred and fifty feet wide. We ha\ e in little Douglas the Presbyterians and extending east fn mi the county line eleven .-iml the Cunibei-laud rresbvicrians, the .Metli- hundred feet, nearly four acres. The dcdica- oilist l".piscop;iI, the Methodist Protestant, the tioii of the lots and blocks, in the signing of the I-'rce .Methodist, the l'".])isco])aliaiis, the C'hris- ])l;Us for record, was m;ide jointlv bv the orig- tiau church ;uid the "( )ld Xew-I -iglit" Chris- proprietors of the l;ind, ;md II. C. Moore, tiau church, and two kinds of Paptists, etc., the su](erinteiidcnt of the railway, 1 l;iiiimond, ;uid :iw thus able to offer 1,'icilities to trnth- the i)rcsidcnt. and T. 11. Macougbtry, the rail- seekers not to be surpassed by any county of roaci attorney, the owners of the ground hav- our size in the st.ate. ing, l(ir certain considerations, agreed to give /'//(• /TiW.v. — The rn"st newspaper [lublished these gentlemen a half-interest in all the lots in the village was the .\twood Indeiiendent, 88 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. and. under tlie charge of S. W. and F. E. Lucas, made its salutatory on Decemlser 14. 1883. (See sketch of Wilham E. Means.) Incorporation. — Decemlier 14, 1883, a pe- tition was filed with W. H. Bassett, county judge, signed 1)y tliirty legal voters residing witliin certain territory, tlie greater portion of which hes in Douglas county, setting forth a desire to become incorporated as the "village of Atwood ;" that the number of inhabitants in the proposed bounds was three hundred. The county judge accordingly fixed uixni Jaiui- ary g, T884, as the time, and the office of J. W. Merritt, J. P.. as the place, when and where the election should be held, and he appointed as judges of election James A. Hawks, M. C. Drake and A. L. Marshall, which gentlemen, in due course, made the following report : There were cast at such election : For vil- lage organization, sixty-six votes; against vil- lage organization, forty-two votes; total, one hundred and twentj'-eight votes. The area of the c'iHagc. — The territory in- cluded in the \illage incorporation is com- prised of the west half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, and the west half of the southeast quarter of the northwest (piarter, and the west half of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and the north half (if the southwest cfuarter of the southwest quarter, and the northwest quarter of the south- west (piarter in section 31, in Douglas county; and the east half of the northeast cpiarter of the northeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, and the east half of the southwest, quarter of the northeast quarter, and the east quarter of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, and the north half of the southeast (|uarter of the southeast quarter in section 36 in Piatt county, all in township 16 north, being in area two hundred and ninety acres, of which one hundred and sixty acres are in Douglas, leaving one hun- dred and thirty in Piatt county. The matter was prepared and concluded by C. G. Eckhart, Esq., of Tuscola. * Atwood at present has se\eral first-class stores, a bank, a good hotel, a newspaper, good churches and schools and has a poi)ulation of about six hundred people. Garrett has been represented at the county seat by F. C. Mullen, who was elected county judge in 1861. This was under the old style (if county organization which stopped in 1868. I. L. Jordan was elected sheriff in 1864. Caleb Garrett was the first supervisor of the township, elected in 1S68. He was succeeded b}' William Ellars in 1869. who was re-elected in 1870- 71-72, being followed by J. W. Hackett in 1873, Thomas Owen in 1874, and by Josiah Hoots in 1875. William Howe was in the same position in 1876. 1882 and 1883; Jason Green was elected in 1877, and is the only Democrat placed in that office to date. He was re-elected in 1878-79. Claus Greve, a naturalized Ger- man, was sent in in 1880, and Green was re- turned again in 1881, and returned in 1882. The village of Garrett has of recent years became (|uite a trading point; with good school and church. It has a p(jpulation of about two hundred and fifty. .SARGENT TOWNSHIP. Derivation of name, bounds, area, etc. — Sargent township takes its name from that of BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 89 one of its oldest settlers and who was one of the most prominent business and cattle farmers — Snowden Sargent. In the old Coles county days it was a part of "Oakland precinct," set off for election purposes, and that ])art which I'cniained in Doug'las, after the formation nf the new county, took the name of Sargent precinct, and was very small, ha\ing' only about twenty-three .square miles. It was bounded on the east and south by the county line, on the north by a line from corner of sections \(). 17, 20 and jt, running' east to Edgar county, and it had a southwest boundary at the Embarrass river, which separated it from Deer Creek, since T'xiwdre township. Sargent at the time of township organization, in 186S, was made into its present shape, and is l)ounnc hundred feet, from which to take instrumental observations for the connection of the triangu- lar snrvev of the great lakes with that of the I\lississii)pi river and the gull coasts. 90 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. I Old Settlers. — Among tlie most prominent Land entries. — Tlie first entries of land of the earliest settlers was Snowden Sargent, were made in 1830. We find that in this year for whom the township was named. He made lands were entered by Eli Sargent, I. Ashmore, his first visit to the state in 1830, and entered Amos Leslie, Joseph Redding, Jr., David Sears, four hundred acres of land at the oflice at Pal- Samuel Moore, Pharmer Leslie and Hez. estine, and passed through all the usual vicis- Rhoades. North half nf the northeast quarter situdes and privations of pioneer life, and be- of section i, township 14, range 10, was en- tered in this year by Sargent, who also took large bodies of other lands in the vicinity. came eventually one of the largest land owners in the county ; dying in 1875, he left a large es- tate to his descendants. Andrew Gwinn settled here before 1836, from his last location in Indiana, and visited In 1 83 1, June i. John Laughlin took lot 2, northwest (|uarter of section 2, township 14, range 10, and other lands. In the same year the Richmans in Camargo (who were the first Stanton Pemberton covered several tracts in settlers in the county, 1830). His lands, ad- section 10. township 14, range 10. Pharmer joining Mr. Sargent's and together occupy- Leslie, October 29, 1830, entered the west half ing so much territory, made the establishment of the southwest quarter of section 2;^, town- of a school district quite a problem. He had ship 15, range 10, and east half of the northeast the largest farm in Douglas county — three quarter of section 34, township 15, range 10. thousand and one hundred acres. In 1834 S. and R. S. Williams entered large I. W. Burgett lived in this township for bodies of land, taking all of section 9, township more than forty years, and controlled about 14, range 10, and the school section. Joseph sixteen hundred acres of land, all of which P. Winkler. March 11, 1835, took northeast had been accumulated since his residence there, quarter of the northeast quarter of section 7, He represented his township for about six township 15, range 14. Daniel Landers, 1836, consecutive years as supervisor, antl afterward November 30, northwest quarter of the south- for four years more. Mr. Burgett died of west quarter of section 14, townsliip 15, range typhoid fever February 13, 1884. He was 10. Snowden Sargent, 1835, November 13, fifty-five years of age, and had resided in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of state forty-five years. He was a man of gixid section i, township 14, range 10, and other appearance and fine business ability. lands. Daniel Miller, May 24, 1837, entered Other early settlers were the Reddings, east half of the .southwest quarter of section 1 1, Samuel Allison — Casebeer, B. F. Coykendall, township 15, range 10, and Reuben Donalds, William Hancock and W. F. Murphy. 1837, February 22. and May 29, northeast phus Redding was born in Edgar county in fjuarter of the southwest quarter of section i, 1829, and came to this region in 1831, when township 14, range 10, and east half of tlie two years of age. Samuel Allison arrived in northeast quarter of section 6, township 14, 1853, since deceased. Coykendall arrived in range 14. Henry K. Potts .settled in this town- 1847, and I. W. Burgett in 1839. W. F. Mur- ship in 1856. Robert Matson, 1835, April 20, phy bought his first land here in 1850. entered northwest quarter of section 22, town- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 91 sliip It, range 10; in 1837, tlie nortlieast ti) '■Rrusliy Fork." wliicli is the only post office quarter of the northwest quarter of section 27, in the township. township 15, range 10, and in 1839, May 27, A jjroposed city called Columbus was reg- the east half of the northeast quarter of section ularly laid out in February, 1841, on the land 21, township 15, range 10. There is some ac- of James H. Hicks, on the west side of the east count of him in Bowdre township (q. v.). In half of the northeast quarter of section 35, 18^7, Tnne 28, Isaac Wells, north half of the townshi]) 15 north, of range 10 east, and con- southeast quarter of section 7, township 15, tained about forty acres. The land was en- range 10. Same year, June i, John Hopping, tered by Eli Sargent October 29, 1830. The southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of town was surveyed by S. Sconce, Coles county sectin 33, townshi]) 15, range 10. Jonathan sur\'eyor, for Hicks, who does not appear to W. Powers entered, in 1849 to 1857, the south have had any deed tn the land, half of the northeast quarter of section 5, town- County office holders. — Residents, both ship 14, range 14, and other lands. Cornelius former and present, of this township h;i\e had Hopkins took the mirthwest quarter of the nnich to do with the public business. William southeast quarter or section 7, township 15, Hancock was the first assessor and treasurer range 14. and other lands, August 23, 1849; of the new county, having been elected with the and Robert Albin, on March 4, 1850, entered first corps of officers in 1859. James H. Shaw- the northeast quarter of tlie southeast quarter of ban was elected sheriff in 187 1, to fill the unex- section 7, township 15, range 14, and subse- pired term of Cooper, of Bourlion township, quently other lands, 'inhere are few if any en- who had disappeared in company with Bourbon tries in the years intervening between 1840 and townshi]) fluids. I. W. liurgett was the first 1841;. supervisor. The railroad crosses the southwest part of the township, entering at the west side of sec- ml'RDOCK township. tion <;, tiiwnship 14, range 10, and Ica\ing at east side of section 15, same townshi]), where Erection, etc. — In years, area and ]i<)i)ula- it crosses the Embarrass river on a substantial tion, com])ared with the other ])olitical sub- bridge of some six hundred feet in length. This (Hvisions of Douglas county. Miu'dock town- road got no subsiih- f n im the tinvnshiit. The shi]) ranks number nine and last, ha\'ing been Toledo, Cincinnati iV St. Louis Railroad crosses created at the December meeting of the .board the southeast corner in section 4, townshi]) 14, of su])er\isors in 1882. range 14, having been constructctl along here The ]>etition for the new townshi]) was ill 1881. closely followed by a counter])etilion in the I'illages, etc. — There is no trading point slia])e of a remonstrance leading to a warm of com])arative imi)ortance in the townshi]), the discussion of the "pros and cons," it being held business of the ])eoi)le, with regard to ,shi])ping and strenuously maintained that the board held d i:)0St office, going jurisdiction only of the inhabitants of the ])ro- 92 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. posed new territory, and not of those out of whose area tlie new townsliip was to he made. This nice distinction evolved from the ingenuity of the attorneys, cUd not, liowever, prevail; the matter was taken to the circuit court on appeal, and at the Octoher term, 1883, the action of the l)oard heing confirmed, Murdock became an independent township. The name of the town- ship was given in compliment to John D. Mur- dock, an old resident yet li\-ing (see sketch)- lis area. — The area is made up from twenty-two square miles of territory, which were generously donated by the township of Camargo on the west, and about se\'en from Newman, which lie upon the east side. It in- cludes the west twenty-four sections of town- ship 16 north, of range 10 east, of third prin- cipal meridian, and sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 of township 15 north, of range 10 east, compris- ing twenty-eight regular sections, containing, according to the United States government survey, 30.65 square miles, the same being 19,617.61 acres, being the smallest township in the county. With regard to the first entries of lands in this township, while there were some very early entries, most of the lands, being all prairie, were taken up along about 1852-53, which years seem to have been at the close of a period in which the government lands were tempor- arily withdrawn from sale pending the location of the Illinois Central Railroad and its selec- tions of lands witliin the six-mile limit, which limit was afterward extended to fifteen miles to enable the road to supply the quantity i_)f lands not found in the first limit. The latter extended limit takes in all of Murdock. On February 2^, 1853, William Cline en- tered the east half of the southeast quarter of section 2, township 15, range 10. This is the extreme southeast eighty acres in the townshii). The first entry made was by James Brewer June 18, 1847; 'le entered lot No. 2 of the northwest (|uarter of section 31, township 16, range 10, and Samuel Roderick took the south- east quarter of section 30, township 16, range 10, in 1849. J- Y. Campbell entered se\eral tracts, as alsD Jdhn Tenbrook and the Baileys, 1852 to 1855. THE VILLAGE OF MURDOCK. This village, established antl named before the township was made, is situated generally on the north side of the I. D. & W. railroad, and between it and the east and west half-mile line of section t,;^. township 16 north, range 10 east. It was laid oft' by the I\Iurdi_icks in September, 1881. It was shortly afterward followed by an addition made by R. F. Helm on the north side of the east and west public road. The railroad has a reserve on the north side of its track, about eighty rods long and one hundred and twenty-five feet wide, and a right-of-way on the south side of fifty feet; a roomy side track is estabhshed which gives ample facilities to shippers in the \icinity. Mr. S. Ba.xter purchased a few acres di- rectly east of the village, where he erectetl several neat tenant houses which assist in gi\-- ing Murdock tlie air of quite a busy place; this is further assisted by the elevator erected by the Murdocks in 1878, and later by Fred P. Rush & Co., of Indianapolis. The Methodists, with their pro\-erbial zeai, erected a substantial church here, and finished BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 93 it in October, i88_', ahout as soon as the town ship, formerly of Sargent, was elected sheriff was laid ont. It has a steeple and a ninety- in 1871, and also served several years wilh dollar hell, the cost of the strnctnre heing in all credit as highway commissioner, abont eighteen hundred and fifty dollars. The sur\e\-ors appointed by the court in Fairland is a new and thriving village in October, 1871, were Edmund l-'ish, of Areola; the northwest part of the township. It contains H. C. Niles, of Tu.scola, and A. H. Guy, of several first-class stores, good church and \'ermilion county. They worked a week at it school. The l)usiness men are mostly young and reported to court. The case was tried men and are thoroughly in touch with the ad- three times for various reasons, and finally .set- vance of the times. It has one l)ank, the Fair- tied down to the lines made Ity the commi.s- land Exchange Bank, which was recently sioners. Mr. Is.sachar Davis, surveyor in the founded by John (juinn (see .sketch ). neighborhood, gave the bo.-u'd valuable and The first township ofiicers were: Su])er- willing assistance. The confusion mostly arose visor, David Smith; as.sessor, W. C. Whallcu; originally from a proven nnstake of the . I[\ans was the enumerator. At \eyed by E. C. Siler. county surveyor. In the the tenth census. 1880, tlie population was about first addition. liowe\er. lie was the deputy ot the same; within th.'it decade the city had not Niles. The lots were made large, to meet a progressed much in the \\a\- of extending areas seeming demand for such, among which streets, or erecting new buildings. While |)rogi-ess in lanes and alleys were \ery scarce. The progress this respect has not been obser\et house which .ap- est in the Lands of the Tow n Comp,an\ . ]ieared in Tuscol.a a part of the ])resent The greater ]i.aia ol ibis ,additi(in was Laid mU dwelling of TlKnnas S. .Sluss. at tlie northwest into lots or blocks, coiu.aunug in gross .about corner of Main .and 1 ).agg\' streets. It was ten .acres, ;nid since ln'cn used almost ex- pl.aced there b\- William (handler, who h.auled clusixely lor l.arming Lands. 'I'he streets in this it from the close neighborhood of llourbon. portion ol 'l'usco];i di 1 n( it coulorm to those in lie occupied it .awhile and soLJ it. building sub- ihe tiiwn. not only being of differeiU seipieiUK' the dwelling now st.anding directly widths. lnU ilo not f.airl_\- meet the cast, streets. dbi' lirst house built ilu' store .at the Ccnirliiis' (uldilion. — Cornelius" .addition r.ailroad. on tlu' north side of !^ale street, long consists of abotit IwetUv acia's of laud in the since gone. .Siniou (i. ILassetl. briither of I )r. southwest coiaier ol the secti(jn, being .a re- II. J. Il.assett. of Tuscola, the hrsi post- ser\ed |)oiaion of tlu' town .and m.aster .as well as expix'ss .and lieiglit .ageiU. lying east of the Illinois Centr;d R.' and The sec .nd house huh w .as eia'cted on I'aike north of the south line of the section. The lots street, cast si(k', near the pieseni brick', snuth ,are ol gi md ,a\er,age si/e. with .a location not ol .Sale street; it was]int up by A. I,. ()tis. \ery desirable. It was Laid out b\- 1'. S. Cor- Tlu' third house built the residence of nelius .and sur\e\ed b\- .\iles August K). 1870. W Iv. erected on the northwest cor- Pii/^iihit!i)ii iiinl cinniitiiiu. — The popul.ation ner of stakes and moving down into town. The Lewis store was removed bodily to State street. The stock was bought by J. M. Ephlin and A. M. Woody, and was the foundation of the large Woody & Russell grocery store. Dr. Wright built a store and dwelling combined on the southwest corner of Main street and Cen- tral avenue, where he had sole control of the drug business until 1865. He finally went to California, being succeede<{ the most active state organized under the general incorporation workers for the foundation of the new county, act, which tof)k effect July i. 1872. In 1870 He was the first justice of the peace elected in Thomas .S. Sluss presided as mayor ; alderman Tuscola, 1858. and in 1859 was elected the present. J. C. Walker and James Dilly; A. H. first circuit clerk .and recorder. He was con- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. loi tiiiuonsly re-elected until he had served four hnards and was the "fair ,t;r(iund" nf the hrsr cimsecutive terms of four years each. Upon Dout^Ias county fair. The old court house was retirins;- from tlie office, he conchicted for sev- used for a "'lloral hall," as it were, and ;i hand era! years a real estate and loan office, and was and speakers' stand had heeu erected in theuorth always an active and leadin.i;- memher of the side of the s(|uare. K. McCartv. Caleh ( larrctt Methodist Epi.scopal church. Mr. Wallace ,ind Ira j. 1 lalslead, secretarv, were the m;in- tlied on the Jjth of July, 1879. agers. The first dance was held in the room The Beach House began an existence as a over ni>rthcast corner of I'arkeand .S.ilc streets, boarding lH)Use on the southeast corner of where .Mrs. John Mailison danced the fust si-t Ensey and Parke streets. It was then under the with Joseph G. Cannon, 'fhis old court house contluct of Henry Beach. He huilt the first was, on its completion, hailed with joy hy all Beach House on the site of the present hotel of who believed in wholesale .sociahilitv. Parties, the same name. Some time after his death, balls and dances were frequent and enjoyable, the first hotel was burne(.l to the ground, about The first was the celebration of the finishing of 1869, and rebuilt by Mrs. Beach in 1870. She the building liy a well-attended dance. This was succeeded by her son-in-law. W. Kissel, was in iSOr. who is just completing a \ery fine and com- The first session of circuit court was held modious brick hotel. in the fall of ]>ouglas conn- Johnson,: default of defend.inl ,inying the two-story frame directly east of (it hers. It was a neat guthic brick abnul tdrty the drug store, now at the .southeast corner of feet by one hundred, with a graceful spire one Sale and Parke streets. The building was re- hundred and ten feet high, and a belfrv with a iiioved to the north side of the avenue to .1 standard bell-metal bell of a weight of six point east of Opera bl(~ick. and Imrnt in the hundred [xnnids. It alwavs commanded great fire of 1873. The first cashier of the the largest congregations, and the\-, being of bank was W. P. Cannon, who married a the superior class of citizens as t(i intelligence daughter of William Warmsley an uUl resi- and standing, have always been able to com- dent. niand the best average talent of the conference. Whilst the Commercial Block and haul: In i8(;5 the Methodists erected their ])resent were burning, W. P. Camion contracted with church eilifice which is the finest church bnild- Coleman Piright for the sectMid storv of his ing in the county. brick building on the .south side of the axenue. The I'resbyterian church, situated on lots anlus of $-'5,- west corner of Wilson and Main streets. A 000. Mr. II. T. Carraway, president: W. II. ]\lr. Carnes was the builder. The leaders in Lamb, cashier: ,\. W. Wallace, teller and the church were Mr. William li. L.imb. bookkeeper at that time. The Douglas comity Judge Ammcn, John J. Jones and others, with bank was established Se]>tember, 1X70. W. 11. their fannlies. This church is second onlv to Lamb, cashier, on Sale street: and another on the Methodist in point of numbers. The first the avemie by Cham])aign ])arties; both, how- [lastor was George D. Miller, who eame to e\er. were merged into other banks. The pres- Tuscola in .\ugnst, 1860, and was in charge ent banks are: The Fist National liank. .\. W. up to 1804, when he resigned from ill licilth. Wallace, president, and F. W. Hammett. cash- The Baptist church is the largest in the city ier. This is one of the best, most substantiai with regard to seating capacity: in actual mem- and up-to-date banking houses in the state. bership it is the smallest. It was erected in r.aughman, Bragg & Co. is the other banking i8()5, mainly throught the exertions and ex- '"•'n- anii)le of I'Llijah McCarty and Dr. 1. N. Ryner- The opera house of Tuscola, owned by the scola is a line brick structure and is ne.xt to the Methodist church in cost. The Roman Catholic church of the Forty Martyrs is a fr;une building situ.ated on the southeast corner of \'an Allen antl Center streets. It was erected in the summer of 188.^, at a cost of ,$1,000. The Episcopal cliurch was erected on the northwest corner of Center and Houghton Houghton streets in i88_': was consecrated in July of that year, 1)\' Right Rexerend .Sexanour, Bisho]) of Springfield, assisted by several cler- gymen from the surrounding cities. The church was built through the exertions of the Re\'. Mr. F'eck, then in charge of the mission, and is known as St. Stephen's. Regular ser- \-ices were held for about one year, l)Ut the remo\'al of families most interested has so re- duced numbers that the services are rare. The I'ree Methodists also have a church building. (See sketch of David Cooper.) Sunday Schools. — The first Sunday school in Tuscola was instituted by Mrs. Archibald \'an Deren and others at the old Tuscola House, the erstwhile hotel. The first Sundav school was convened on the second Sabbath of September, in the year 1859. It was started, at the instance of JNIrs. \'an Deren. her coad- lutors. among others, being Thomas W'liodv and his excellent daughters, Mesdames Town- sell and Lindsay, who were the first scholars, and who ha\e jiassed away. Dr. J. L. Reat, \\ith us. Dr. Samuel Daggy and Mrs. Van Deren are the only survivors. Dr. Reat is mentioned elsewhere. Dr. Daggy, a prom- itient Presltyterian, was an acknowledged lead- er in religion and indeed in all other mat- ters Ijcaring upon the general elex'ation of ]iublic sentiment from the beginning of Tus- cola. .\fter a twenty years' useful residence here. he. with his family, moved to Philadel- phia, where he is engaged in real estate busi- ness. Here it may not be out of place to record the \arious chnrclies of Tuscola have been remarkable for a cordial co-operation in relig- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 105 iiuis matters, juint nieeting.>^ and exchange tin," the assistant engineer nf Dan\-ille. Tus- (if pnlpits being the l're(|uent lea!v; Parks, and was 1 )eni- Tuscola Press. Il was startcher\. — The Congress ni the llarrv Johnson ;is paragi'aphist and general Cnited .States, March ij;, iSjd, passed a res- outside manager, and by Ceorge Classco in ulntidu recummending that the |)eople ol the jamiary, tSSi. .\fterwai'd by "Tom" W il- sev'eral states assemble in their several towns liams and a Mr. (Ikisscd. It is nnw dwued an. at a special term of the board ever issued in the county. Tom died suddeiilv of superviscvn offered hv the super- day of Jul}-, iSSi. lie was ,a man of wit and \isor from (iarrett, .Mr. William Howe; humor; was for a time the assistant of "Mar- Rcsuk'cd, That Henry C. Niles be employ- io6 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. ed to prepare a statistical and biographical history of Douglas county, from its origin to the present time, and to ha\e the same ready hy the 4th of July next, provided the said work shall not cost to exceed one hundred dollars. This work was prepared in manuscript, read to the hoard of sui)ervisors and approved; an attempt to ha\e it ])rinted at the expense of the county failed, and the author, assisted by D. O. Root, the then county clerk, had it printed in pamphlet form, to save the matter, being eighty pages octavo, in paper co\ers. This history contained, in a perhaps too much condensed style, a history of the main facts pertaining to the county, with separate histories of townships, and was not much elal)orated, the "fixed price" forbidding a thorough detail of the points touched upon. It was dedicated "To the young men of Douglas county. "In the hope that they may be reminded of the responsibility they are about to assume in taking charge of the destinies of little Doug- las, may they emulate the noblest deeds of their fathers, .so that the blessings which they secured may descend upon them to posterity. In opening out the resources of the country, converting the rude land into cultivated tields, building cities where none existed before, and making possible the civilizing influences of churches, schools and railroads, their fathers have borne the brunt of the battle, and are now resigning into their hands the result of their labors, for they are passing away." This pamphlet was ])rinted at the printing office of the Illinois University, at Urbana. The contract was taken Ity & Parks, editors of the Review of Tuscola, and the "setting up" done by J. T. Williams, afterward proprietor of the Tuscola Journal. Mr. Williams took great pride in the matter, and produced a specimen of printing not sur- ]iassed by anv pamphlet work extant. A copy of the work was duly forwarded to the Illinois state librarian, the congressional library, at Washington, the Historical Society of Chicago, and to various other i)oints. either \-oluntarily, or on demand, and kindly acknowledgments were received in each case, and in some cases a return was promptly made of similar works. Photography. — Photography in its advanc- ed artistic e\cellence was first instituted here by W. Boyce, who is succeeded by his son David N. Having devoted his entire business time to the perfection of his work, making a studv of all the latest improvements, he shc^ws wi^rk which is not surpassed by that of the artists in the larger cities. D. X. Boyce is not only a first class artist but he is a gentleman in nature and instinct. Illinois Light, Water, Heat and Power Company, recently established in Tuscola, is supplied with the very latest type of machinery and renders efficient service. The water power plant operated in connection is so com- plete, perfect and systematically arranged that the most energetic critic has failed to criticise. Tuscola Society. — The moral and intellect- ual standard of the city is far above the aver- age, with plenty of room for impro\ement. In main the citizens are a peaceable, law abiding and God fearing people. They ha\e good churches, good schools and are lovers of good books. Selfishness and bigotry in many in- stances are disguised here as true religion, as it is elsewhere throughout the world, and one of the most loved and commendable character- istic of the human heart, love one another, is is asleep in the beautiful little city of Tuscola. BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 107 Its retired fanner contingency of its popula- imin 1S54 to 1858, and npon him, as bein^i: tion is wonderfullv tired, nnprojjressive and the nearest postmaser. devolved tlie dnty of cer- in many instances is jiositive and painful hin- tifyinj; the necessity i>\ a new posloHice at (h-ance to its fiUure development. Where a ( )ka\v, w Inch had heen petitioned tor hy judge citizen with nionev refuses to assist in needed and Dr. I ienry. John r.l;ick\\ ell and others. In improvements cif the town, to assist in caring due course, Col. Cofer sent the i)apers to Wash- for the \vorth\- iioor and needy under his nose, ington, and they were returned, as is usual in he is not onlv lacking in his religiou, taught such cases, with the inl'ormation that there was h\ the lowlv Xazarene. hut he is lacking in his already in the state of Illinois a postoftice with good citizenship. Tuscola has nothing worse the same name as tiie one proposed. This maile to fear than to allow the management of its it necessary that a new name should be .selected ])ul)]ic adnnnistralion In fall into tlie hands of before the office could, under the law, be estab- the unprogressive, the dollar worshipers ;uid lished. Mr. E. Hewitt, the first Illinois Cen- the stingy. There are snme so called wurship- tral railroad agent at this ])iiint. after cudgel- ers of Christ and leading churcii members in ing his brains to no effect, obserying a knot of Tuscola who shduld heed more the teachings citizens near, came out of his oflice at the of the Master and jiermit the dead, against depot, and in the presence of Judge James whnin they nnglit have had a personal grievance Kwingand others a-ked for suggestions, where- uithout cause, to Rest, Rist, RrstW. upon James Kearney said "Areola." The name took instantly, and was adopted. It ARCOL.v CITY .\xn Towxsinf. api.ears to haye. been .selected from its eui.ho.iy rather than from any allusion or reference to The Niiiiu-. — I'lcfore Douglas county had ;i historical remini.scencc, though one of Xapo- an existence, the city of .\roila. from which Icon's greatest battles was fotight and gained the township derives its name, was called by oyer the .Vustrians in Italy at a iilacc by that the railroad com])any '"( )kaw," after the river name. Both of the names terminating alike of that name, which the west jiart is food for rumination, but all attempts to con- of the county. "Okaw" was a local name nect the two as some relation have f.ailed. John only, the true name of the river being Ka,s- Blackwell was here ])rominent in all that per- kaskia, from the iM-encb, and it has been claimed tains to good citizenshi]), and had much to do by knowing ones that the word '"( )kaw" is a with the management of affairs. His resi- corrni)tiiin of Kaskaskia. which, in the ver- dence dated from 1857. He was the tirst mag- nacular.was "Kawkaw'"( Indian: Crow Ri\er?) istrate of .\rcola. He died in January. i8r.(). hence, by an easy transition, "( )kaw." Col. John lilackwell was a grandson of C'ol. Jacob John Col'er, who had represented the county of l!l;ick\\cll df the Revolution. The Colonel was Coles in the state Legisl;iture. was postmaster the owner of lllackweirs Islaml and nearly to accommodate the neighborb 1 at Rural all the e;istern end of l.i>ng Island adjacent to Retreat (in the southeast cpiarter of section 10, .\'ew \'ork. from .Astoria to Brooklyn. This township i4north, range 9 east, since abolished), tract includes Astoria, Ravenswood, Long Is- loS BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. land City. Creen Point and W'illianislinrs-. 1 [e resided in llie did mansion on Webster axcnuc. where lie entertained (ien. Washington and in the g-rounds atlaehed thereto re])ose the hones of the Colonel and his wife. Col. Waekwell was prominently identified with the Revolu- tionar\- partw and was a meniher of the Con- tinental Congress. His door, liranded with the letter "R" (rebel) because of his opposi- tion to tiie British Crown, is still kept as a iieirloom by some of his descendants. Areola Precinct. — At the time of the for- mation of Douglas county, February, 1859, that portion of its area now known as Areola township was called .\rcola precinct. It was bounded on the north ))}■ Tuscola town- ship, but now extends one mile further north. It contained a tier of six sections on the east, which are now included in Bowdre, and it also included eighteen sections of laud, all of town- ship 14 north, range 7 east, which were, on regular township organization in 1868, handed over to Bourbon. This was an election precinct, and con- tained an area of about seventy-one, which was, in 1868, ciU down to fifty-three and eight- tenths square miles, lieing exactly, according to the government sur\ey, 34.f)43'.jO acres. Townshi]') organization was voted for in 1867, and the apportionment made in iS;>8, Dr Lucius McAllister being one nf the commis- sicjuers a])poinled bv the county board to make the partition. Cabin jmies was associate county judge. The township 1 3 north, of range 8 east, the congressional tnwiislii]) laying be- tween Areola and Tuscola, was survey.'il in i8j[. The south line was established by lohn Messiuger. de]Hit\' snrxeyor, and linislied .\l)ril 5 (if that year. The subdi\iding of the t^nvnship into sections was finishetl Ijy A. McK. llamtranck, a deputy, June g, 182:. The sur\e_\ing was dmie nine years before the first settler struck the comity. In this con- nection ;l may be said that no Douglas county sur\" has e\er discov(;red in the interior of lbs township .a single original goxernmeut corner out of the seventy-eight which the gov- ernment surveyor certifies he made, and per- petuated with mounds and stakes. Local sur- veying was done here first in 1850. Laud Entries. — The first of land within the present bounds td' this tow'iiship was made December 24, 1832, by James Shaw. He entered several tracts at about the same time in Bourljou township, and subsequently other lands. His descendants are yet citizens of Bourbon, and one of his sons, W. N. Shaw, represented Bourbon as a super\isor for al)out six years cimsecutively. and died in 1882, while in office. Land was also entered in 1853 by the Geres and Maiden Jones and O. B. Fick- lin. Many large farms on the jirairie were started bv men who, ciMuing trom a hilly or timbered location, seeing the beautiful rolling ])rairies for the lirst time, ready for the i)l;)w without stuni]) or s!tone to hinder, co\-eted the whole expanse, as far as the eye could reach, and iiearK' e\er\' one purcli.ased too much for his capital. Smaller farms mean more ])eoi)le, more real W(_irkers and more real owners. Time and again railroad lands were taken up by the whole section, a house and some teiic- iiig built, but, after a few years' exjierience, the li>ad pn>\ed too he;i\y, and the laud was ]ierniitted tn gi 1 back, or perhaps a small [lor- lioii was ])aiil Inr, and retained. The Railroads. — The township is traversed BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 109 Ijy the Chicago hranch nf tlie iniiiois Central delixered in no greater amount per mile than railroad, rtinnino; aliout mirth and south, lea\-- six thuus.ind dulLars. ihniugh the eiiunt\- as t"ai- iiig two-thirds nf the are.a to the east side of ;is it was praetieahle, to inllnence tlie other the road. lo\vnshi])s through whii'h the road should p.ass. Areola towmship is also traversed from east to action, the ])etitioners suggested to west hy the Illinois Midland railwaw now the lh;il ;i meeting lie hel iv l)c- ])elitiou \\;is sigiu'd li\' t". h". i'lo^^\vortll, 1. ( i. catur ; upon the extensi(jn of the road to Tcrre, J. W. l)(.ugl;is, |. 11. Ward, II. 1). 1 laute, the n.ame of that city ])relixed, ;md Jenkins, j. R. .Smith. John hames Mat- linally it recei\ed its pi-esent name. The lirst ters, W. II. I'.nrton, I'. M. |. W. tr.ain passed over this road Octoher _>5, 187-'., j.ames Heggs ;ind C. C. Rust. The .\rcola aui] other township honds were is- election held ;iccordingl\ . and resulted for sued hy a \oic ot tlie people. :imoi;uting in the suhsciaption t^j^ \otes, .against it one \ote. ( )n aggregate to $if)5,(X)Ci, the amount Nuted hy .\ugnsl id. oSjo. John R.av anthori/ed to this township lieing .$100,000. These ho'iid.^ procure tin- hl.ank hoiids; they were made to were dis])osed of hy the com]i.any. .and linail)'" ten \>vv cent interest from Al.ay 1, iXji, found their way into the h.ands of innocent i>,ai p.iy.ihle ;il the .Securitx l'.,ink in .\'ew ^'o^k. ties ,as an iinestment. The leg.ality of the |iro John J. Ilenrv .ippoiiUeil to .act .i^ trustee ce to i-.illing to ia'cei\e, hold and p;i\ out the honds, .and the the election .and \oting the honds. .all of which signing of them r.atilied hy the town .and were decided ,ad\ersely; conse(|uently itors ou the 3d of April, 1 Sj i . the honds ha\e not lieen ]iaid hy the township, This w .as pro jected .and ])ut through h\- though the railroad re.apeil the henelit of them. three or four residents of Areola Citw who. The enters the township .at tlu' uortlc pa ior to the heginning of the enterprise, w laa- west coiaier of section d, township 1.; north, pursuing the e\en tenor of their w,a\- ,as range 8 e.ast, runs in a sonllu'.astei'l)- ilirectioCL iiuiel .ami good (atizens, n( it rem.ark.ahli' .aho\e to the city of .\rcol,a, thence e.asl .along the mid their fellows for .an\- more lin,an( .ahiht\- line of the north tier of sections, .and le.a\es the the .aver.age. The\' huilt the road .am! townshi]) at .ahont the northeast corner of sec- controlled the fr.inchist's milil it cousol- tion 3, township 1 _) north, r,ange () t'.asi, occu- idated. pying a length of .ahont eight miles. The ]iro- ])osed don.ation of the towiishi]) honds to the vi[\ oi' .\kcoi..\. in conse(pience of ,a petition which suggested that they should {v\\ jier cent .Arcol.a Cit\' occu])ies all of section interest, ])ayahle, the honds not 4, west h.alf of southwest ipi.artei- of to he delivered until one mile of tr.ack heen section 3, .and the north h.alf of the north- graded ;uid ironed in the township, and to he e.ast (|u.arter of section i), .all in township No, I to BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 14, north of range 8. east of the tliird ])rinci- pal meridian. "Okaw." tlie original town, was laid off 1)V the Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany, upon its own lands in section No. 4, and occupied a tract of land lying on the west side of the southeast quarter of the section, ahout one-half mile long hy about one-quarter mile wide, on either side of the railroad track; it was surveyed by John Meadows, Coles county surveyor, October 22. 1855, so that Areola antedates the county by about four years. The ]ilat and survey were indorsed by J. N. A. Gris- wold, president of the company, and they reserved a strip of land one hundred feet wide on either side of the centre line of the track. North and south, across the whole of said plat, they also reserved the right to lay side tracks on both Chestnut and Oak streets, outside the two hundred foot limit, and for warehouses, and it was specially stated, that "no right of crossing that part marked as reserve for Illi- nois Central railroad, at any point between .Second South and Second North streets is granted to the public." The first town was laid off jjarallel with. and at right angles to the railroad track, and consists of twenty blocks, the lots next to the railroad having a front of forty feet, the back lots being eighty; they all have a uniform depth of one hundred and sixty feet; the east antl west streets are of a width of seventy feet ; those running parallel with the railroad alter- nate with widths of seventy and forty feet. McCaiiii's first lulditiaii. — In .\pril, 185S. John McCann made the lirst .'iddition, con- sisting of varied sizes of lots and blocks. It was surveyed by Stephen B. Moore, of Coles county. Mr. Moore also surveyed Ilcnrv's iuldilion. — This addition was made by Dr. F. B. Henry, .August 2. 1858. It con- sists of ten blocks of fifty feet front, being one hundred and sixty feet dee]). Dr. Henry caused the streets to be continuetl as first ])lanned by the railroad. Chandler & Bales' addilioiis. — In July, 1864. Messrs. John Chandler and Caleb Bales laid out their addition on the south, and fol- lowed in June, 1865, with the second addition, all surveyed by E. C. Siler. These two ad- ditions occupv the north half of the northeast quarter of section 9, township 14 north, range 8 east, eighty acres. McCauii's second addition was made in July, 1877. Sheldon & Jacqne's addition, being tlie west half of the southwest quarter of section 3, township 14, range 8, was surveyed Ijy Issachar Davis. August 6, 1868. Conned proceedings. — The first city coun- cil or l)oar(l of trustees was convened in May, 1858; Mahlon Barnhardt was the president. The city clerk was 1. S. Ta\l( ir. \V. T. Sylves- ter and John J. Henry were of the board. City records ])rior to 1872 do not seem to be avail- able. June 3, 1872, a meeting was held. Mayor 1). Tibbott. presiding, and the council con- sisted of James Matters, 1'. 1). Ray, Byron Willis and J. M. Righter. George Klink was clerk. October, 1872, a minute appears which re- cites that "no huckster be allowed to sell pro- duce for less that one dollar or more than five dollars." George Klink, Democrat, was elected mavor in .April, 1873, and re-elected April 17, 1877. In 1873 the first council consisted of lames Jones, J. H. Magner, James E. Morris and H. M. McCrory. W. J. Calhoun was city clerk. BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. II I liicorponitioii. — A petition fur iiicorpora- tiim was circulated in June, 1873, signed by (ine luuidred and twenty citizens. Tlic election was held June 16, same year, and resulted for incorporation under the general law, two hun- dred and forty-four votes: contra, eleven ; total, two lunulred and sixty-t'ue, and .\ugust (>. 1873, the city was incorporated under the gen- eral law for incorpiirating cities and villages, which was in force July i, 187-'. \V. H. Spen- cer, at or aI)out this time, was made city at- torney, the salary being fixed at three lumdred and se\enty-ti\e dollars per annum. Mr. Spen- cer was a member of the Douglas county bar, and later remoxed to Terre Haute. The city clerk's wage was one hundred and litty dollars a year. Mr. Spencer w;is autlKjrized to ])roceed to S])ringtield to endeavor to procure an amend- ment to the general incorporation law with ref- erence to minoril\- re])resentation. riw frrss. — The .\rcola Record, the first newspaper to appear in the city, was inaugu- rated under the auspices of the Sellars Brothers of Tuscola in i8t)6 — the enter])rise having been instittUed bv the subscription ot liberal- minded citizens, witliiptit reg.ird to ])olitical attinities; it was an independent paper until the plant was liought liy John M. ( iruelle, which occurred soon after it was f.airly st.arted. h'or about sesenteen \'ears Mr. (iruelle conducted it as an advocate of l\c])ubli(an prin('i])Ies, dur- ing which time, bv ilose attention to tlie busi- ness interests of the ofl'ice, and .a i\\k- regard for those of his ;ido])ted connty .and city, he merited and received ;i l.air sli.are ol success. I ie died in .Areola on the _\:;d of ( K'tober. 1883, in the i)rime of life, .after ne.irly .a year's ill- ness. The papei" is continueil under the man- agement of Collins & .Son. The Herald aiul .\rolian are the other two ]iapers of the city. luirix business riilcrl^riscs. — The first house l>ut up in the city was the Illinois Central sta- tion and de])ot, in the upper part of which E. Hewitt, the lirst railroad agent, his resi- dence and the ])ost office; a very short dis- tance northwest I'.arney Cunningham erected the lirst dwelling. Mr. Cunningham was the father of I'rank Cunninghaiu, who became sheriff of the county in 1872, removing to Tuscola, where he died. The freight house was burned in the great fire of 1881. John Weber, a little, keen, wiry German, kejit store here in 1857, first situated in a little shanty south of the southwest corner of First .South street and Chestnut street, and after- w.ard at the corner at Ewald's present loca- tion. This corner was twice l)urned, as a hotel lirst, and again in the fire of 1881. The first dry goods store instituted by V. 11. iv J. J. Henry, ;md afterward under the name of the Latter. The binlding w;is lo- cated on the sonth side of b'irst .Smith street, east of the railroad, and was destroyed in the tornado nf ]S38. Mr. J. J. Henry .as- sociate justice of the Connty in iS()5. He died March 1 1, i8()5, an). 18S3, in llu- prime of his life .and uselnlness. Tlie drug store of W. 1'. liovil estab- 112 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. libhed in 1867. By tlie way, tlie first officially recorded survey made in Dout^ias cnunty was ivr his father, Mr. W. P. I'.cyd. It was May 21. 1859 — west half of section 5, township 14, range 8, half-mile west of city limits. Wil- son B. Boyd came to Douglas in 1859, and re- sided here until the time of his death, March 10, 1867. The first Ijanking house was instituted m March, 1868, by Messrs. Beggs & Clark, which, hank, December 9, 1875. l)ecame merged into the First National Bank of Areola: ad inlcriin Wyeth, Cannon & Co., of Tuscola, bought the business, and in August, 1870, Mr. Wickes, their Tuscola bookkeeper, removed to Areola, taking charge of their interests until they were relinc|uished. The bank had a capital of fifty thousand dollars. James Beggs, president; (".. L. Wickes, cashier. The i)resent l:«nks arc the First National i'>;ink and the State Bank. At the lirst bank of Wyeth, Cannon & Co., at Tuscola, a Pennsylvania Dutchman bought a draft for sixty-nine dollars from Cannon, and taking it home jiasted it in with his receipts, and sat down at the stove with the happy con- sciousness of having done his whole duty. In the course of time he was further pressed by his creditor for a settlement, ;ui(l pitched into the bank for keeping his nmney. I'lic churcJu's. — The I'resbyterians built the first church in the city in i8r)0, the first pastor being Jos. .Allison. The (Christian church w;is instituted Jnlv 10, 1863; the lirst trustees being W. T. Sylves- ter, Joseph Walling. J. M. Lessinger, J. AI. Hollandsworth, John Woodall. L. McAllister, who were elected for five years. The churcn lionght lots I and _', block 7, of Henry's aildi- tion to Okaw, October 1,^. 1864. and built the church the same year. St. John's Roman Catholic church was built on lot 8, block 7, Henry's addition, in 1874, tlie deed for the lot being dated January 1 3, 1 87 1, and first made to the .Archbishop of St. Louis, bv him to I'.ishoj) Alton, and then to St. John's Roman Catholic church. The mcm- Ijers of this church, though not generally of the wealthier classes, show a devotion to their les- sons and modes well \\orth}' of imitation. The Methodist church acquired lot 4, block 16, in original town, April 13, 1864. The church was built in 1865. This denomination in Areola was a little late in building. The Metliodists generally build about the time the proposed city is laid out. They are now con- structing a fine brick edifice at a cost of several thousand dollars. The Ba])tists have also a church building, erected about 1804. The Lutherans have also a church ImiKling. The Fpisco])alians. .At ;i of about one thousand dollars an l4)isco])al church was erected on lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, on the northeast corner oi block 3, in the original town. I\e\ . Wells was the first pastor. .Among those who are supporters of the clnn-ch, through natural alTinilv and educalion. are the descendants ol John P.lackwell and the families of J. R. Smith, L. C. Rust, 1. C. Justice, N'ellum and others. The society has only been aide to secure occa- sional ser\-ices. The luislnmstcrs. — K. Hewitt, the agent, w;is the first postmaster ( 1858), and the office was in the first freight house, where he lived with his family. He afterward removed to Tuscola, and was agent there for many years. Once upon ;i time a jjelition was circul.ated in BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 113 Tuscola for his removal, but it failed to get a respectable number of signers; the olijcction was his manner. Galtoii and Filsoii slations. — daltoii is a point on the Illinois Central Railroad, three and a half miles north of the railroad crossing in Areola, and is situated in the southeast cor- ner of section 16, township 13 north, range 8 east. It had been known as the liciurbon switcli, or Tie switch, and was originally lo- cated as a point for the reception of cross ties during the construction of the road. It was m;ide a dag station in 1SS2. Mr. J. P. Wool- ford is the only merchant and grain buyer Iiere (see .sketch). I'^ilson is a station and postoffice situated in tlie northwest ]);irt of section 5. township 14, range 9 east, on the line of the Illinois Mid- land Railway. It has a side track, and is a receiving point for considerable agricultural productions. NEWM.VN TOWNSHIP. Newman township is nearly all prairie. The country tow;ird the north and fi >rms .'• narrow rise of land genendiv known .as the ■■Ridge." P.eing all prairie, this town.ship was one of the latest settled, the first comers seem- ing to |>ret'er the timbered ]xirtions as a ])ro- tcction from the ble.'ik winds and .also as a means of procm-ing fuel, building m;iteri;d and fencing, .\ewnian township occupies the north- east ])ortion of Douglas county. In iS.Sj Mnr- dock townshi]) u;is created out of .\'ewnian .and Camargo townships. Forty years ago Newman township was one vast unbroken level and it was not supposed at that time that it could ever be settled. K.\- cepting after a rain, a drink of water could not i)e had between the lunbarrass and the Little V'eriuillion rivers, for upon these boundless ])rairies no habitation was seen. Yet a few brave and far seeing pioneers \entiued to es- tablish homes here, realizing there was a for- tune in the black and lo.aiuy soil when they could once get it into proper condition. Some ot the land was very low and wet, biU they persevered and cut open ditches first, until in course of time a steam dredge was einploved which was ca])able of excavating a ditch ten feet dee]) ;md from ;uiy wihn Coolley. came with him and m;m in 1800, where he was a successful physi- also took u]) land. When ;i young man in Indi- ci;m for over a (|u;irter of a centurv. He was ana James split many ,1 lot of r.iils ;it fifty cents a soldier in the Mexican war, and one of the per Inmdred. With a cousin of his he one charter members of the Masonic lodge winter s]ilit twenty-fne thousand rails. His and its first worshii)ful master. las. Mclntvre first vote for president w;is cast for ( len. Win- came from (.'an.ada in 1S04. He was born in field Scott. iM-oni 1808 to 1 87_' he was justice 1805. an. when his ni.antel fell ii]ion his son. tier, whose large f.arm lies just cast of towai. Re\-. C. I'. Coolley, now the liiKancial .agent of ihougli he residt's in this cil)'. He .also belongs l.incoln Cni\ersity. J.isi.ih I ).aines came from to the ( i. .\. R. .and is .a Mason. I'ennsylv.ani.a in 1834. He built .1 inimber of 'idle m.ajority of the early settlers have houses in the lu-igbborhood. His aged wil'e. ji.assed to the great beyond, while ,a sm.all ma- who is .a sister ot Jas. (iillogly, still siir\i\es jorit\- still siuwise, whose strong hands bore him. I. N. Co\ert, J.aines (iillogly. Joseph the heal .and burden of the d.ay. and who now. Dawson. .Moses Stickles .and .a niimber of others in the exeniiig of their life, are resting and en- ii6 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. joying the fruits of tlieir early toil and labors. Many interesting facts relating to the ])ersonal history of various prominent men u ill he found in the biographical department. THE CITY OF NEWMAN. The Newman of to-day is not the Newman of twenty or thirty years ago. A person re- turning here e\'en after an absence of ten years would tind but few familiar scenes left. Such a wave of improvement has swept over the town, its biiuiidaries Ijecome so extended and the magical wand of enterprise so touched our slothful industries and laggard capital that the progress made through these agencies has so changed the ti])ographical appearance of the place that old settlers returning on a visit after an absence of some years can scarcely lind their bearings. The old home has 1)een re])laced by a new Newman which has far outstrippetl the old one. The city of Newman, consisting originally of about forty acres, was laid out about 1857 by B. Newman, one of the original proprietors, in honor of whom it was named. Mr. Newman was a son-in-law of Peter Cartwright, the cel- elirated Methodist itinerant preacher. The progress of the place fniui the beginning was very slow, the pe()])le waiting fifteen years for the railroad to l)e cunstructed through it. iM^r very many years it was bul a small \illage con- sisting of one church, two stores, a school house, Masonic li.ill, blacksmith shop and a dozen or so small dwelling houses. "L'ncle" Jiihn Stockton, who is the oldest inli;ibit;mt of the city and also the townsbi]), kept the hrst grocery store anrl was the first white man who slept within the limits of ijr' \illage. The first dry goods store was kept by John Dicken. First dwelling house was built by Hezekiah Howard, just east of where the Commercial Hotel now' stands, no vestige of which remains. His willow, "Gramlma" Howard, at the time of her death was the oldest person in the town, living long enough to see the fifth generation of her family in the person of the little daughter of the late Judge Moffit. In 1872 what is now known as the I., D. & W. Railroad, after nearly sixteen years of preparation, was com- ]jleted, which runs through the city connect- ing Indianapolis, one hunart of the state — an elegant two-story brick school buikling with tower, in which hangs the bell, and a new frame building for the primarv was a ])r( miiiiciit citizen of Xcwman ami a nicniliiT i<\ its hoanl of education, was Imin Aui^iist i(>. 1S45, and died March 14. :Si)-, ai;cd fiftx-one years, six nioutlis and t\\ent_\- ei,i;lu days, lie was a n;i- ti\e of (ireene count\', I 'enns\I\ ania, where his early youth was |)assed anmnL; the ])icturesi|ne hills and scenery of that nicuintaincius region. He was a son of William and Mary lleaton. At the aire of sixteen \ears he came to Illi- nois and located on the Ridge, four miles north of Newman. At that time there was no church building in that section and in \HU) when the Cumberland Presbyterians Iniilt their church he contril)uted liberally toward its construction and helped in the good cause in various ways, ]n 1S7-' he joinen. Iowa, a daughter of juhn and Lucinda Harris. To their marriage were born live cliilihen. three of uhuni are !i\ing-: Eva E.. wlio is the wife of Joe Walker, a law- yer of Tuscdla; Ada' May and Boyd H. Mr. Healon held .several local offices, was four vears su])er\isor and was collector for the same length of lime nf his township ni ]'~dgar count v, and at the time of his death w;ts a men.'.- ber of the hoard of education, and city alder- man of Newman. He was a member of the I. O. O. F., and in the death of Mr. I leatmi New- man lost one of her most pnpular and usetnl citizens, who was always ready to ailvance tlie interests of the community in which he lived tor the common good of all. tncky, antl a daughter of Washington lies, who was a stock bn\'er and who was horn in Ken- tucky and emigrated to .S])ringfield, llhnois, where he li\ed until his death. Frank E. Loose located in Douglas county in about 1880. and on September 3, 1879, he married Miss Fannie, the only daughter ot the late Mr. and Mrs. lohn M. Madison (see FRANK E. LOOSE. Frank E. Loose, one of the leading farmers and business men of the county, residing upon his farm in the north suljurb of Tuscola, was born in the city of Springfield, Illinois, in the year 185Q. He was reared on the larni anl was educated in S|)ringheld. his fathet "s tarni lying just .south of the cit\-. I lis father. Jacol.) G. Loose, was born in l-'ranklin count)'. Penn- sylvania, just across fmm the Maryland line. He sank the first shaft in the vicinity of Spring- field, on his own farm, mortgaging almost everything he had to accomijlish this, and his venture was richly rewarded by finding a paying- vein of coal, lie bei'ame (|iule well to do, and died on his farm in 1874. M;u-y I'dizabeth (lies) Loose, his mother, was a native of Iven- sketch). She died June 25, 1897. She was born in Tuscola, and was nearly thirt}-five vears old at her death. .\t the age of fifteen she united with the Christian church of Tus- cola, in which denomination she was an active church worker throughout the rest of her life. \\'hen seventeen years of age she w as united in marriage to Frank E. Lo(.xse, who survives, with their only child, Jennie, who is aliout fif- teen years old and was the constant companion of her mother. In 1898 Mr. Loose married for his second wife Miss M. Estelle, a daughter of Svlvester J. Paris, of Tuscola. Mr. Loose owns two hundred acres of valuable land ad- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 123 joining the city of Tnscola. and also owns tlie hnsincss Ijlock now occnpicd liy Warren & Mnrpliy. Aliont iSgj he joineil the Christian fhnreh and has heen an olfieei" in it e\xT since. He is the father <>f luie chdd, a dauL;hter, Jen nie Ehzahcth Loose, who is now in eollci^e at Jacksonville. Mr. Loose and wile reside in their heantifnl hn the ( )hio ri\er for what was then consideretl the far west. Stephen Redden was at that time four years old. At Louisville they would not trust the flat-boat to carry them o\er the falls, but were put ashore and either walked or were con\c\cd in some other man- ner to Porthuul, just below the falls, where tliL- boat landed and took them on lioanl. 'I'hey landed at Evansville, Indiana, sometime in the fall of i8_'_', and after disposing of the llit-boat and investing in an o.\ team Mr. Redilen and family started for the land of promise, the Prairie state, while the other families cast their lot with the Hoosier st.ate. It was no uncom- mon thing for them to meet l)ands of blanketed Indians and see droves of deer, or to be "lulled to sleep" at night by the "music of the wolves," on their journey irom the Ohio ri\er to the small village of Terre Haute, Indiana, which at that time consisted of a tavern, a few saloons and stores, and a horse ferry to cross the Wa- bash river. They located on Big Creek, Edgar county, where they remained until 1830, when they removed to Coles county, now Douglas county. Here Ste])hen Redden grew to man- hood at the hard labor of making rails and breaking the new prairie soil with o.\ teams, but occasionally taking a little pastime with his trusty rifle and his faithful dogs, and many no- ble Inicks dropped at the crack of his rifle and many a sheep's life was saved by his dogs get- ling the wolf before the wolf got the sheep. In BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 125 Iiis later clays, while suffering in his last sick- ness, he wnulil forget the racking pains while telling oi his hunts in his hoNhoml days. .\t that time there were no schools that he could attend and all his education was recci\ed l)y reading from the light nf liick(jry hark hurned in the old fire i)lace. He ne\er learned to write, hut his mark on any note was worth one hun- ilred cents to the dollar. He was married to \'ashti Winkler in March, 1840; he made rails all day and was married in the evening. His wife was horn in Warwick county, liuliana, I'V-hruary 2. iSiS, and was a little owr two months older than iiim. He hought eighty-four acres of laud a sliorl time aftc'r he was married, at tweuty-two dollars ])er aci'c, an\ frugality and strict economy he [)aid for the land aud Inult a house in which he h\ed until his 4. Ills f.ather was u native of \, i m. K y .- V' ^:, 'i 4\ ^i^ ■^ ^BBH^BfiivLiiiii^ .Montgomery countv. ( )hio, and his mother of G.ahell Countv. W I'sl \ irgini.i. ( it-orge Irwin was horn ( )ctolKT j^, ijt)<). and dii'd .May J_^, iSjr. Me followed the occu]i;ition of farming ])rinci|)allv ; emigr.aled from his native countv to l.;ivvrence countv, ( )lho, in the w.iv iSiS. lie w .IS a son of 'I'lioinas Irvv in. w ho was a na- live of Ireland, aud served in the war of iSij. 126 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. John Russell (maternal grandfather) was horn in Virginia and was a weaver hy trade. In 1870 Mr. Irwin reni(i\ed fnim Ohic. to Illinois, and settled on a farm of three hun- dred and twenty acres, two miles north of Ca- margo. where he continued the pursuits of the farm until 1894. In that year he retired from active business and removed into the village of Camargo. where he and his wife reside in one of the most beautiful homes in the village. When he retired he divided his property among his children. On September 11, 1845, he wedded Miss Lettie Wiseman, who was born in Monroe county. Virginia, and was a daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Ramsey) Wiseman. Her grand- father, l.saac Wiseman, was probably a native of Virginia. To John T, Irwin .and wife have been born eight children, four of whom are now living: William T., who resides in Lhi- cago; Lewis K., who resides on part of the old homestead; Harriet, wile of Dr. W. H. Burt- nette; and Ida May. wife of Charles D. Ham- mett, of Tuscola, i hey have hjur dead : Sarah J., Mary E., Jane and Ella. Mrs. Irwin was bom May 6, 1827. They will have been mar- ried tifty-tive years their next wedding anniver- sary. John T. Irwin's early advantages for an education were very limited, he having attended only fourteen days in all at school. Me has served as supervisor of Camargo township, and he has been superintendent ol roads. On July 4. 1861, he volunteered in an in- dependent company of Ohio cavalry. 'I hese were ninety-day men called out to serve uiild they were superseded by ;i comp.any of regulars. On Inly _'_', i8()3, he joined the Xinety-hrst Ohio X'olunteer Infanlry, as hrst lieutenant of Company D, and in the following October he was wounded in a skirmish near Mt. Pleasant, Maryland, which disabled him for further act- ive service. He was licensed to e.xhort in the Methodist Episcopal church in 1865. CHAS. L. McMASTERS. Chas. L. McMasters, dealer in grain, coal and seeds, and a popular young man of Tus- cola, was horn on a farm three miles north- west of Tusc(^la, in Tuscola township, March 26, 1867, and is a son of S. L. and Hannah ( Maris ) McMasters. win > were natives of Parke county, Indiana. In \X(») bis father sold, his farm and remo\ed to Sand Springs. Kansas, where he folldwcd f.irming .and stock raising until his dealb in May. 1870. ;ifter which bis mother, with three children, two sons and one BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 12; daugliter — Charles heinq' the vonnQ-er — re- Scotcli-Irish ancestry and were memhers of t!ie nioxeil to W'inllelil. Cuw ley cnunty, Kansas, I'reshyterian clnn-ch. I'he latliei- dieil in 1X7:;. wliere she resided vnitil the spring- nl 1X77. at;ed almnt si\t_\- li\e years; the nmiher died thence niox-int^- to Jo]ilin, jasper county. Mis- wlien oni suhiect was ahont f\\el\e wars souri, where slie chetl Octoher 3. of the same old. year. In March, 1878. Charles, heinj^ only in Mr. Lindsey was reared on a f.arm and re- his ele\'enth year, returned to Tuscola to li\e cei\ed a coninion-scliool educaticjii. and w as en- wilh his nncle, janies Haxis. Jlere lu' weiU t^as^ed in f.arniini; in ( )hio up to .St'j)k'nil)er 14, to schcKil until l'"ehrnary, iXSd. when lu' he- 1855, when he einii^rated to llhnois an jiariiu'r and since then heeu .alone*. Me is U'.iw in the midst i>f ]iromises to he a most successful husiness career. I le hu\s and selK .ahout two hundred ami lifl\- thou^aud Iiu.^hels lit grain ainui.alh. and aKi, deals in coal for the local trade. Mr. McMasters has tin-ice heen elected to the eiffice of cit\ ti'easuiei-, Ir-Iouos to the Masonic and Red .Men fralenulies and is de- servedly popular ui husiness and social larcles. fOlIX I.TXD.Sl-A-. ed some llirei,- or four \e.ars. lie then houghl torty ;naes .and tilled this until 1S71, when he removed to .and rem.aiiied tlu're for .ahoul two \ears ,aiid a h.df. .at the end of which lime he returned to Illinois .and loe.iu^d jolni l.milsey, owner of the l".\er;'reen Mcklin. mi .a f.uan of , me hundred .and thirt v- l.arm. two miles west of Tuseol.a. horn in I'our acres, which he liought .and still owns, h'airlield county, Ohio, .\pril j. i8:;,.|, .and is He resided on tin's f.arm until 18X5. when he a sou of and Mary ( r.l.ackhuru ) i.iud- came to his I'Aeigreen larm, which cont.ains sey. I hey were hoth natives of Irelaui!, one hundred .and sixty acres, ■and .atter their m.arriage came to this country In 1S5:; he united in maiiiage with 111 .ahoni \Sj(). They were hoth desceiid.ants of Miss l'",lix,aheth h'.hert. who .also Imiih iu 128 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. Fairfield county, Oliio. Slie is a daughter of Daniel and Mary (Gaul ) I'^hert. To their mar- riage have been horn ten children. John Lind- say is one of the devout and useful nieniliers uf the Methodist church. He is a pleasant, affa- ble gentleman, has accumulated a considerable competency, and resides in a beautiful home where be is surrounded by the modern con- veniences and comforts of life which fittingly crown an active and successful career. DAVID COOPER. David Cooper, an old and uni\crsallv re- spected citizen oi Tuscola, wlio has long led an unselfish and benevolent life, was born in 1 . ■ ^ ^-^-'.■^ § W ^ ,^ r \ ^ Greenbrier county, West \'irgini;i, in the year 1813. He is a son of b'rancis and Elizabelb (Miller) Cooper, who were both born in ihe same county. Simeon Cooper (grandfather) was also a Virginian by birth, and was in the Revolutionar}- war. Henry Miller, his moth- er's father, was born in (ierman\-, and was among the old settlers of the Old Dominion. He was also a Revolutionary soldier. David Cooper grew to manhood in his na- ti\e county, his early schooling l)eing almost en- tirely neglected. y\ttheage of twenty-seven years he emigrated to Lawrence county, Ohio, and was there engaged in farming up to 1856, when he rem<)\-ed to Kansas, remaining there but .a short time, when he went to Nodaway county, Missouri, and lived there for seven years. In 1862 he returned to Illinois, and settletl in Champaign counts , and some twenty years ago located on a farm of twD hundred acres in Tuscola townsliip. which he still owns. In 1886 he retired from the farm and removed to Tuscola. On April 11, 1839, he was united in marriage to Miss Virginia Asbury, who was a native of Greenbrier county, West \'irginia, and was a daughter of William .\sbur\-, also a na- tive of the same county. She is still living and is in the eighty-third year of her age and the sixty-first year of her marriage. Da\'id Cooper, or, as he is familiarh' known as "Cirandpa Cooiier" has been a devout and consistent memljer of the first Methodist Episcopal church, second, the United llrethren, then joined the Free Methodist church, of which he has been a member aliout twebe years. making in all about seventy years a member of the church, a most remaikalile record of ;i remarkable man. W ithout family intluence or outside help of any kind Mr. Cooper has not only succeeded in life, but has un^eltlsl1l\• helped others to succeed In aboiu 1888 he was BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 129 chicllv instnniR'iilal in the ImiMin^ (if the l<"rcc Methdchsl church, in the northwest part of the citv. It is a frame eihtice, 3'>x4'> I'eet, with a seating capacity of about three luiiidred. Rev. Jenkins, of Areola, is the pastor. The nieiiiljer- ship is composed, in the language of Mr. Coop- er, "of the jilain. coinniDU pc(i[)le." lie is the trustee and local eliler. and occasiunally gi\es the congregation one ot his sermons nn "did time religion." 1 he .Sahliath school in con- nection with this church numhers about eight}- children. Mrs. K.ate l.anib is the cl.ass leader of the cinn-cb. l>a\id Cooper has gi\en thou- sands of dollars toward the building of I'hnrch- es. While living in Champaign county he ga\e one thousand, fixe Innidrcil dollars toward the building of the .Methodist clinrch locati.'d on bis farm near I'c^otum. It has siui'c been bought b\ the Cmted rirethreu people and iii(.)\'ed to the \ill;iije of resotum. he the ])ractice of Law :it Tuscol.a, becom- ing ;i member of the linn of llundv iS; Wdol- \erton. lie remained with Mr. Ilundv for ten years, until the death of the latter in 1SS5. l""rom this time up to his death he was alone \n the ])ractice. Col. \Vo(ilverton w:is the son of Charles W. and .\manda (llohand) \\dol\er- ton, who died when Charles W, was an inf.ant. His father was a millwright by trade, but to his mother much of his success in life due, she being a woman of fine intelligence and will- ciiAKLb:.s w. \\()()L\b:;croN. Chai'les W. WooKiTlon. tor m;mv years noted ;is a lawyer in 1 )oiigla.s C(iunly ;md ])ower. In llnishing the sketch of Mr. W'ool- tbroughout Illinois, born .it Kel- veiton, we will substitute the woiils of the emi- viderc, Illinois, l''ebi-n;ny jj. 1X47. and died nent l)oct(jr llunl. l.ile ]i;istor of the I'resby- .Xovember nr, iS()3. in the lUrty ninth year of tenan clinrch, instead (pf our own: his age. In June. 1 SSS. he married .Mrs. blliza- "(.h.arles W. W'ooKerton born at I'.el- beth ('. Remine, who .at that Imu' the offi \i(Iere. Illinois, .and ,at the time of his decease court rejiorter of the then district nearly completed his fort\ ninth \ Ilis coiniiosed of Douglas, Coles and I' conn- \cjutb w;is markt'(I with the most industi'ions ties. and e.anH'sl efforts towards self education, in Mr. WooKerton .a gr.adii.att- of Mc- which he depeiiilenl l.argt'h' on his own re Kendree C ollcge. ,and so. Ill a Iter his L' ion sources, .and to which ellorl .added lu-ces 130 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. sary exertion wliich he manfully rendered on bath mornings of an intent and interested lis- hehalf of his widowed mother and family. He tener to such views of truth that 1 have at- wronght his way through the entire course of temi)ted to present, and the knowledge and e.K- prescribed studies, and graduated from Me- pectation of this has lieen a help and a stimn- Kendree College, at Lebanon, Illinois. While lant such as few perhaps realize. 1 he warm engaged in teaching he pursued the studies pre- grasp of his hand whenever and wherexer 1 paratory to the legal profession until he was chanced to meet him, with his in(|uiries and admitted to the bar. His first experience as an words of sym])athy, notwithstanding his habit- attorney was in connection with the office of ual reserve, ha\e prepared me to feel that I the well-known lawyer and representative, have lost a friend and to have still deeper sym- Thomas E. Bundy, some years since ileceased. j)athv which words canmit express for those "Mr. W'oolverton as a lawyer, as a man and most nearly bereaved. Mr. Wiuiherton was re- as a citizen is well known in Douglas county served in the expressing of his feelings and and beyond. By the same incessant industry, sentiments." and honorable attention to the fiduciary trusts The funeral cortege was a lengthy one, and and duties of his profession, he has won a large the number of distinguished men in attendance success, and a distinction which, with the prom- was unusually large, all of which deiionstrated ise of life precetling his last fatal sickness, the high esteem in which he was held by his fel- would have ripened into eminence among his lowmen. The pall bearers were Messrs. P. M. peers. E\en as a young lawyer he was able to Moore, United States Marshal W. B. Brinton, execute in two instances the largest bond for Rice Er\in, Thomas W. Rolierts, James .\. the discharge of important financial trusts Richmond antl P. L. Dawson. The remains which had ever been e.xecuted in Douglas conn- were laicl beside those of the late John J. Jones, ty, and his fidelity in all commercial and civic both of whom were warm friends in life. The relations was so well understood that up to Horal offerings were \er)- fine, and some lovely the time of his departure from our midst large pieces came from those who held iiim in noble trusts were committed to his hands. Of ir- esteem. reproachable character as a man, he leaves large 1 he deceased during his twenty years prac- numbers who will deeply feel the loss of his in- tice of law had built up a large clientage, and valuable worth among us. The members of his manv duties and responsibilities made him the bar, honoring his memory on this occasion, a very busy man. At the time of his death he are sincere mourners with most nearly was attorney for the 1. D. & W. Railway; also and deeply afflicted. The large fraternity who for the Corn Belt Building & Loan Association, have known him as a member, as a brother and tlte bank of Baughman, Bragg & Co., and was as a man, attend in charge of the interment manager of the large estate of John J. Jones, of his body to-day with regret and with love and several other large estates, besides having unfeigned. As his chosen pastor for nearly on hand many important cases in court at all five years 1 have been conscious on many Sab- times. He did business on a large scale, and BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 131 tlie peiiplc sought him l)ccause nf his integrity it may 1)e, hy hidilen generosities of our 11a- and honesty in his cleaHngs with them. turc, sudilenly (h-a\vn uijon in all of the inten- He was a member of the following JMa- sity of deep-seated sorrow, and thrnugh the sonic hodies. to-wit : Camargo lodge. Xo. 440, gloom see. as hrighl lining, the nohler elements .A. !•". & .\. M.. Camargo, Illinois: Tnsrola of the true man. Cha])ter, No. (>(<. R. A. M.. Tuscola. Illinois; This custom is not of mere form, hut of Tuscola Couni'il, Xo. _>i, l\. >S; .*>. M., Tuscola, deep merit: an oi)])ortnne time for contempla- lllinois: .Melil.a Couimandery, Xo. 37. 1 nscola. tion of true worth and trut' mauhond. \ielding Illinois. fruitful lessons for the present ami enduring thoughts to guide us on into the otherwise ob- scure and unknown future. .So the dark pall EUi.oc.v OK HON. noR.vcK clakk to the i,.\te of death brings the white-winge couiM that one of l,alf of our li\iiig brothers to ]ireseut to this the members has passed away; one to whom we court. Well we know and realize that to your were iiound by strong ties of personal esteem honor persDiiallv oui' words of praise and coni- and friendshiii. .md by ties ot i)rotession;il as- mendation will meet with a heartv response, soeiation as ;i practicing I;iw\er: one who lion- .Xninml the lil'eless form (jf Ch.arles W. Wool- ored our jirofosion, and w;is honored by it. verton has been drawn the mantle of de.Uh, and That such a duty should come is p.ainful, we the \eil with re\ erence to look u]m m his yet fate-bound and nn])ossible to escai)e there- life and with wirds n\ truthfulness to froiu. With the realities before us, and speak of him. Knowing the youthful struggle with i)ower to recognize the same, in onr m.anly with poverty, .and ambition of the .Xmerican strength yieliling to the it is ;i pleas- boy of Illinois birth, we see his elastic furm and ing task to speak honest words of eulogy of the reliant journey up the stejjs of learning, .and dead and words of symijathy to the living, it while possibly chiding his hard lot, side by side is always thus with us, when grim de.ath en- with hi- more fa\-ored companioirs, with de- ters otu' circle and with ;i|ip.arent ruthless hand tennined nnen, ncr\ed b\- the oppMsition, he plucks those who seenungly cm least be sp.ared. m.arches .alongside bis competitors with long- With the spirit of frankness we s.ay it is al- iug hope of nltim.ate success. .\s year (piickly ways so, lor when, perch.ance, one ol less de- follows year we lind him with self reli.ance, gree is elanneil for that bourne of eternity, without assin-.ance, in the I'orcniost r.anks of his there ci iines as a beliel, it seems tc 1 us, viitue ;nid professii m ,as a lawvi'r, and his ]);ithw .ay, .anic mg merits lorgotten .and unlier.alded like the still, struggles .and dis;ip]iointments, strewn with undisturbed repose of true ucrlh, magniried. inounnK'nts of |)rofi' success. In look- 132 PJOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. ing back through years of untiring labor we see success written upon liis every effort. Witii pliysical strength and courage the citi- zen stands with all the enibellishment of the practicing lawyer and able jurist. And among those who speak his praise and his worth are many who in every day life received the en- couraging word and the helping hand, an^ ^'^' ^^tahli^hed liis ] resert drug- and at the time of her marriage was a resM.-nt ^'"''''- ■""' '"^^■^' "''" '■'"^' '^^' '^''^ ""' ''""^' ■'^" of lM,ster. .Mr. P'oster owns two luuMrcd au.l """''' ''''^'''' ^'''''^'"' ''' l"'"-'"^''-b-- Dr. Wilham 11. llurtiiett was graduated froui the .Mianu Medical College, at Ciucin- 1-or the past \v\\ ye.ars Mr. I'Hster has been conlined to Ins home w itli rheumatism, gett'iig out ouly occasional! \. I K' has li\ ed a long and nsetul life — a man of strictest integrit\- and se\eiUy-two acres of land in Areola township which is one of the line'-t farms in the couut\' ,, I . , , .1 ^T .1 r I- ■ 1 "''l'' '" ''ic class of iSf)-, and suhseinieiUlv he lie IS de\i)ted to the Methodist h.piscopal ' . ' - , , , ..... ,,,,,• took a special course at Ind'auapolis. ( )n lau- cliurch. In politics he is a stanch Kepulilicaii. nary ,^ 1 , 1S71). he w;is m.arried to Miss llattie. a datiglitcr of John .M . Irwin, df Camargo ( see his sketch ). .Slu' is a nati\e of Lawrence county, ( Hiio. The) lia\e two children, hut hoth .ire deceased. Dr. lUirtnett is a man tearless in \oieing his convictions upon any r 1 1 • i- ■ t t ■ r 1 ,- ■ ' - ot marked mdi\i(lualit\' ; IS perfecth- Irank .mil subject. , , ,■ • ,■ ■' , , • onts|)okc'n on (|uestiiins in line with his coii- \ictions ;md which he believes to he honest W. II. r>C l\T\'l'7rT, M D ''"'' '''!^'''' •'""' ''^ uni\ers;illy with all who undersland him. 11. I'.urtnett. .M, D., .and druggist of Camargo, ;md a \ of the w;ir of the I-Jeljelliou, was horn in Calli.a county. < )hio, J.anuary T). 184:5, ;md is ;i son of (ohn llurtnett, who was .a n.atixe \'irgini;m. His j.ames Jones, ex-county treasurer .and pres- niother was Mary (iilmore, .a d.augluer of cut deputy treasurer, ;md also the present ch.air -Matthew Cilniore. He was reared and edu- of the county Republican central cated in his native county, and at the age of committee, was born in Franklin county, In- lAAH'.S |().\ES. •34 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. cliana. January 24. 1837. In 1S58 lie came to Illinois and settled in \\'liiteside county and en- .s^aged in fanning. Two years later he re- moN'cil to this county and bought a farm in Areola township, where he resided uj) to the time when he traded his farm for one in Tus- cola township; upon the latter place he lived and farmed successfully up to the year 1.S84. That _\'ear he was elected hv his |)arty treasurer of Douglas county and mi:)st efificiently served in this capacity for one term. James Jones is one of the most unix'ersally po]iular men in the county. He has heen a successful man of business affairs and the same methods used in his own every-day business life he applies in dealing with the pnbl'c: he is \ery approachable in manner antl of str ctest integrit}- and probity. \\ILL1.\A1 JI. FRY. William 11. l-'ry, of West Ridge, who is the grain agent at that place for T. 1). Ilanson &' Co., a ])osition be has filled most accei)tably to his emp]o\ers and the general ])nl)lic for the past eight years, was boi'n in Lamargo town- ship. Douglas countw Illinois, l'\'bniar\' 14 i86g. He is a son of Dnniel and Millie .\nn ( Braughton ) Vr\. wlio were Imrn respectively in PennsyKania and Kentucky. Hisgrandfa- tliei'. Ilein\' i'"r_\-. who was born in Pennsyl- \ania, came west and became one of the pioneer settlers in L'amargo township. Daniel !'"ry, who came ;it the time, was born in 1 S30 and died in 1881 : bis wife died in i8()3 in the forty-first year of her age. To their marriage were born four children : William H. ; Mrs. M. Entler, residing near the Mt. Gilead church ; James W. and G. \V. G. W, Braughton ( grand fatlier ) was of English ancestry, a na- ti\e of Kentucky, and settled in Camargo town- shi]) at about the same time the Fry family lo- cated there, ^\'illiam H. I'^ry was reared on the farm, and after attending the graded school of Ca- niai'go was one year at the Bloomington nor- mal ; leaving there he entered DePanw L'niver- sit}\ at Greencastle, indiiuia, where he contin- ued his studies for three vears. After lea\'- ing college he taught for three \'ears in Doughs roinitw ;it the end of which time he accepted bis pi'esent position at West Ridge. On De- cember I, 1899. li^ engaged in mercantile busi- ness also at West Ridge, and accepted the po silion of ]X)Stmaster under the administration of I 'resident McKinley. ( )n I'ebruarv 2 J. i8(;2, he married Miss Cora A., daughter of W. H. Dodson, a justice of the i)eace of Tuscola. Mr. Fry owns twen- t\' acres of land in Camargo township, besides BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 135 ])rnpertv in the xillasijc of West Ridge. He is a Knight ni i'ytliias, and he and liis wife are meniliers ni the Christian churcli of Tuscola. Mr. I'^ry is one of tliat useful class of young men in e\cr\- count}' whose intelligence, sturdy integrity and restless energy atld stahility and force to its husiness affairs. JAM1':.S A. KlNCAin. James .\. Kincaid has thidugh his own indi- vidual etfort and unaided hy Iriends liecoiue one c)f the most successful fariuers and stock raisers in Newman townshi]). lie was horn of humble hut honorable parentage in Marion J^ -^. 1 Ml 1^ N ^u Tpl*-- ' mm J^. ) 1 ^^H ^B hn Kin- caid (grandfather) was liorn in Rohm county, Ireland, and entered land in West Virginia. Barnett Johnson was born in New Knglaud. and abso entered land in West V'iigiina. James A. Kincaid, bv hard work and good management, has achieveil a success far above the average farmer. He owns eighty acies of valuable and well imjiroved land and has onh' recently erected a tine residence at a cost of o\cr three thousand dollars. In 1S74 he was united in marriage to Miss Caroline !•'. Anderson, a daughter of Elijah Anderson, who was one of the ])ioneers of the I'.rnslu' I'"orh neighborhood, having migrated from Indiana, lie was born in I'ose}' County, Indiana, and married in Ver- million coiiniw state, to .S.irali .S. James His death occnrre ) 1 'i.miIimIi nncw. '1 he laniily w;is well and ia\(ii'alil\' knuwn where they resided. In 1 S4_.( ihc\- cinigrated to the West. Snon aflcr rcai'hing tlieir new hiinie in .Mcllcnry cuunt), Illinois, the father died and the taniil\ were thrnwii n]iiin tlieir iiwn resources. The snhject ni this sketch was then eighteen years df age. 1 le cnntinned to reside in Mcllcnry enmity, sharing the hard toil and prixatiniis incident npnii the life in a new and nnsetlled regimi, until 1 N47. l'"c'r the next nine years \ ign d unity, Indiana, hecame his home. Here, in 1S54, he was united in mar- riage to .Sarah I )urhani, a native nf \ igo ci luii- t\', anil a daughter of Daniel Durham. Their marriage ])ro\ed a ha]i|)y and congenial one. lioth Mr. and Mrs. liartholomew are < d' l'"u- glish ancestry. Tlie grand fathei's . d" the sub- ject ot this sketch rendere ilutionarv war; the genealog}- nf the famiK' is lr;u-e\ fnnr years he has continuously held the oflice of tnwnship assessi_»r since the vear 1881, and 138 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. is now a caniliikite fur re-eleclioii witlinut op- positii)!!. .Anson l\. (ireennian was liorn in Noble conntv, Indiana. Xoxcniher ii. 1S41, and is a son of Anson and C)li\c ( Cunninyiiani ) (ireen- nian. Tiie former was liorn in Canada, and the latter in Oiiio. Mr. (ireenman, at an early age. at the death of his parents, was houncl out, and went through the hardshijjs that generally be- fall an (iri)han under similar circumstances. At the time of his country's peril he \dhmleered his services in the Civil war, and j(.>iuing Com- pany B, Eighty-fourth Indiana, as a private, iVugust 1, i8f)_', under Captain Ellis, of Mun- cic, antl Colonel Trussler, of Conners\illc, In- diana. He was four times wounded and of late has suflered from 1 nc wound rece \ cd at t. e battle of Franklin. He also participated in the battles of Resaca, Nashville. Tennessee, and .\t- lanta, Georgia. The Eighty-fourth Indiana participated in twenty-six battles and skir- mishes. In 18O5, after being mustered out, Mr. Cireennian settled on a fainii in .uscuki town- shii), and nio\ed intu Tuscola c.ty ui I'^hni- ar\-, 1891, and ne\er cast a vr)te any where else; he is a member of the Grand Army of the Ivepublic. In 1866 he was wedded to Miss Mary E. Gish, a lady of line intelligence, who has borne him four children: John L., emplo_\e ol the Illi- nois Central Railroad Comp.iny : ( )lhe, em- ])lovee of the Mt. Pleasant (b>wa) Hospital for the Insane; Dora, wife of James High- land, of Champaign, Illinois, and lunma, who is at home. Mr. Greenman is a pleasant, genial gentleman, an ardent Republican and an active worker for the success of his party. W. S. MARTIN, M. D. William S. Martin, .\1. 1).. a well-known ]>h\'sician of Tuscula. was born in Putnam county, Indiana, .\ugusl 2. 1837. .After leav- ing the common schools he taught school for eight years. During the last three years while teaching school he stutlied medicine under Doc- tor Price, of Westfield, Illinois. I le then went to New A'ork and entered the lielle\ue Medical College, the recngnized leading scln lol id" the United States, taking two full courses, the hrst in 1871 and the last in 1877, in which year he was graduated. His father was Willi.aiu II. Martin, wlm was born in Bath county, Kentucky, in i8o(). and died in i8<;7. -\t the age of twenty-one he located in rutnain ciuuitw Indian.H, where he resided until i8(io, when he reiuoved to De- Witt county, Illinois, and there remained eight years, then removing to Tuscola. Plis life was BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 139 markeil 1)\- dec]) r(.-li,L;ii)us seiilinient ;iin1 hv tlie inc, wlm is the wile of I".. A. Link, a ])iaiui highest sense of C'lirisliaii (lutv. When twelve nianufactiu'er nt Chicago, and XeUie, wile nf years of age lie nnited witli tlie Methinhst Horace W'ortliani, wlio resides in Tnscol.-i. cliurch, whose (lisci])hne he li » ik at aU times as Dr. Martin's rn"st wife died in iX(>4, ,ind in his slanihird and rnle of failh. In aluail I'^^-'J iS<)C( he was married lo Miss i.ani'a 1'",. Smith, he was married lo i'lh/aheth Walton 1 )dls. Will- a \ery estimalile lady of Tnscola. iam Martin (grandfather) was a \ irginian hy I )r. Ahirtin own^ one ol the most elegant ])irth, removed to Kentnck\\ and thence to homes in Tnscol;!, and has a s])lendid ollice : J'ntnani coimtv, Indiana, where he died. lie and also owns two farms, one of one hnndred was a ministei' in the Methodist cluirch for and ten acres adjoiinng Tnscola, ami a Irnit many years. llis wile was .\l,ar\" Cook, of farm in .Marion county. lie has ser\cd as English parentage, and a relatise of L'aptain ma)or of the city ,nid is a nKMnher ol the I'res- Cook. Dr. .Martin's maternal grandfather, hylerian cluirch. 1 )i-. .Martin's splenilid intel- John Dills, who was a descendant of Holland lectnal gifts, dceiily rooted in his char.actcr, ancestry, and of a pi-oniinent .-uid early seltle hccn honorahle and just, scrnpulousK' pronqit in meeting his en- gagements and in performing his contracts. ^^'^JJ.\?^I edgar rice, m. d, .Among the leading physicians of Tuscola and Douglas cotuity there have heen none more active and aggressive in accomplishing good results in the practice of their ])rofession than Dr. Rice. He was horn in Clermont county, Ohio, January 23, 1803. He was reared on a farm and attended the C(iuntry schools, after which he attended \\'esleyan lhii\ersity at Del- aware. Ohio, and subsecjuently entered the State Uni\-ersity at Columbus, Ohio, ju lioth colleges pursuing scientific studies. After leav- ing college he took up the study of medicine, matriculating at the Miami Medical College at Cincinnati, from which well-known inst'tution he was graduated in the class of 1891. In the same year he opened an office at Greenxille, Ohio, but remained there but a short time, com- ing to Tuscola that year. With his well-known ability and energy for hard work, it is u.seless to state that he was not long in getting into a successful and lucrali\ e practice. He remained BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 141 alone in tlio \vi>rk n\ his ])r(ifessi(in up tn Or- tohcr, iSc)(S, when, his practice ha\in,i^' heconie very e\tensi\e. lie fornu'ii a jtartnersliip with Dr. Walter (_'. I'.lain. (See sketch nf Dr. lilain. ) Dr. Rice is a nieniber nt' llie Cliici .Slate Medical, Miami C'onnly (Dhio) .Mc(h'c;il, ami the Counlv ( illinois) Medical So cieties. He is .also a niemher in l;-oo(I st.-milinj;' of the Kni,i;hts of I' and the I nifornieo a memher of the cit\- ho.ard of he.altli of Tuscol.i, ,-iiid a memher of the Mcllio.hsi clinrch. Dr. Rice is snrq-eon for the 1. D. iV W . Coinp.anv uml local sin\Qeon for the Illinois (/ I lis tat her, ( icor!.;e W. l\ice, hy cn-cnpa- tion ;i t.armer, stock r.aiser and toh.acco i^rower, and ;i n;iti\e of Kentucky, lint reared in ( )hio. His mother hel'ore her^e was Miss K.ate (i. I'razier, honi m ( )liio. In ]H()n Dr. Rice weilded .Miss 1'. Rn^l, of ( )liio. To ihem has heen horn one child, M;ii\ Katherine, aged se\en vears. Latter on another pa,L;'e ) . which ])artiiersliip was li irnied l''\' 1 , i Scj3. .Mr. li.aker horn on ;i farm in Juniata comity, l'enns\l\;mi.a, .\pril ij, iS()_', and rc- maineil on the l.ariii, recei\iiij;' the adxantag'cs ot the common schools until he had ;irri\'ed at the ;i;';e of fifteen years, when he entered the eni])loy of the Pennsvl\;nh,a t'om- ]i;my ;nid hlled the |)ositions of telegraph op- erator ;nid ticket clerk ;il dil'fereiit ]ioints on the middle di\ision, on the m.aiii line ln-twcen S. II. ISAKI'.K .S. 11. l'.,aker is ckassed .anioiii;- the snccess- lul .and enter])i"isinL; \onni; hnsiiu'ss men of .\rtlinr. He is a nu'inher r,f the well known f^rain Ih-iii of Maker \- Ciliill (.see sketch of HarrishnriL;' ;ind Altonn.a. In iSSo he came west ;iiid located in Illinois, ix'in.iinini; one year, when he returned to I V'nns\ K ,inia .ami re- eiUereil the ser\ ice o| the I 'enn>\ 1\ ,ini;i R.ail- ('iim]i,an\ in the c,ip;icit\' of telei;r,a]>li o|)er;itoi- and ticket cU-rk on the Schinlkill di\'ision at I 'ottsti 'W 11, .\h iiiti^oinei y connt\'. In 18XS he came li.ack to this st.ate ,and located in I'i.itt county. .■inil st.iiion .i^ent .at .Mil- mine, on the W .ah;ish sxstt'in. continniii!.;- there np till tXi)j. In year he^ed to the employ of the t . iJv L. I. t'omp.anv 142 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. and was their station agent at Artliur up to his going into the grain business in 1895. In 1885 Mr. Baker was united in marriage to Miss Alice Dol)son, a daugliter of Robinson Dobson. of Mihnine. To tlieir marriage have been born three chikh-en : Fk)rence and S. H. Baker, Jr., Hving, and Jesse, dead. S. H. Baker comes of sturdy Pennsyl\-ania Dutch ancestry, and is a son of Jesse and Susan (Zeiders) Baker. Tiie father was I)orn in Montgomery county, near Piiiladelphia; the niotlier in Perry county, near Liverpook Penn- sylvania. His grandfathers were Peter Baker and Henry Zeiders, who were members of old and respectalile families of the Keystone state. The firm of Baker & Cahill, who carry on business for themselves as dealers in grain, coal, seeds and mill feed, do an annual business of about fifty-one thousand dollars. Mr. Baker is a member and secretary of Arthur lodge. No. 825, Free and Accepted Masons, and is also an acti\e memljer and one of the oldest trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church, which was organip^ed in 1894. He has attained his present positimi in the liusiness world 1w industry and close attention to the details of his every day's work; is public spirited and in favor of all inipro\ements calculated to benelit the community in w hich he resides. ELI F. CAM ILL. Eli r'osler Cahill, member of the well- known grain firm of Baker & Cahill, of .\rthur, was born in Mercer ctiuntv, Kentuckv, October _'. 18^1, and is a son of (Iransou and Ellen ((joff) Cahill. He was reared on a farm in central Kentucky and came frnm that state to Aloultrie county in 1874. In 1894 he and his partner succeeded C. A. Davis in the grain l)uying business, and the firm of Baker & Cahill is rapidly liecoming one of the most im- ])ortant in the cimnty. Mr. Cahill owns one hundred and si.xty acres of land northwest of Arthur, in Moultrie county, and while residing (^n the farm he served three years- as highway cimimissioner, was clerk of the school board for nine years and for ele\cn years ser\'ed as school director. In 1878 our subject was united in marriage with Mrs. Emily Robertson, of Moultrie coun- ty, Illinois, and they ha\-e one child, Nellie. Mr. Cahill is a member of the Masonic frater- nity and of the Christian church, and is a pleasant and courteous gentleman, well known, wide-awake and progressive, and is in the vigor of manlioocl, with ])rospects of many years of usefulness in store for him. BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 143 D. N. ALVGXER. D. X^. Magnei" is classed aniung- the relialile and successful business men nf the countv. He located at Arthur in 1X73. and lias since been identified with the best interests of the village. a.nd is the pioneer of Arthur in the lumber, coal and cement business. Our subject was born i)i Rush countw Indi- ana, ( )ctober 30, 1X4,^, and is a son of Z. H. and Margaret (.McCorkle) Magner. His fa- tlier is a native of Herks countw l'enns\l\ania, and bis mother of llourbon county, Kentuckv. llis father, who was boi-n in iSi)^, and die he was wedded to .Miss Mary Thom. of llillsboro, Illinois. i'hey ha\e three ( Inldren luing: iMarg.iret, Marv and Ruth. He and wife aie members of the Christian I hurch of .\rthnr. COL. W I'.SLORM) 'f ACt; \RT. Col. Wesford Taggart, a resident of Tus- col;i. who I', ,r many years has been well .and la\dr;ibly known tln-oiigboul Dimglas countw \\;is born on a farm near the village of .X'asli- \i!le, Urown i-onnlx', ln5 ti) 1 SOS he was sticcessfully engaged in the grocery business at this place, l.nt in the latter year sold his .stock of goods and engaged in the manufacture of buggies and light wagons, being engaged in this up to 1876. when he was elected sheriff of Douglas county on the Democratic ticket. The county was strongly Republican, but it did not ])re\ent his re-election in 1878. In iSSfi he was elected to the house of re])rescntati\'es from the district composed of Douglas. Coles and Cumhcrla?id counties. 1 le served on the military, penal, elec- tions, .soldiers and or])hans' home couimittees. In i88t Col. Taggart engaged in the furniture rmd undertaking business with A. L. F.lkins, who has since died, his |iresen( p.artncr being Silas R. Williams. Their house is the largest of the kind in the CMun(\-. On January jo, 1850, he was married to Miss Julia .Skinner, of llnmillon. Ohio. Tm them have been horn seven children, of whom three are living: Lizzie, wife of .Andrew In- gram, of Tuscola; Susati. wife of II. C. Mor- ris, of the same ])l;ice, and .Margaret, single and at hoiue. Col. Taggart was ;i meiubcr of ihe city council several tiiues and takes a deep iiiterest in the welt'are of the cilv, where he re- sides in one of the most pleasant hunu's in the ci luntv. JCDCl'.J. 1). MCKDt )CK. Judge Jiihn I). Murdock, of Murdock. is a (lesrendant of .Scotch-Irish ancestry. His 1 grand bather, W'illiaiu Murdock, left the north ol Ireland .and came to this country previt)us to the war of the Revolution, in which he took an active part. .\s far as is known, he was ilic lirst of the name in direct line who came to the new' world, lie settled in Monmouth county, New Jersey. (Charles Uhlera, nephew of Judge Murdock, has a comi)lete genealogy of the Miu'docks in America.) John Mur- dock's father was Ijorn in Monmouth countv. New Jersey, about the year 1775. and followed farming, as did his father. At the age of .aliout twenty-one he emigrated to Butler coun- ty, C)hio. This was in the early part uf the last century, ;md he .aiuong the earliest settlers of that section. Here he married Re- becca Little, who was also descended from an old New Jersey faiuily. She was the luother ol John I). Murdock, of Murdock. who was iMirii on June 15, iSiO. Three years after his birth she was drowned. The sad incident oc- curred in fording a small sfream swollen bv 146 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. recent rains, wliile returnini;- in a wagon ti^ lier home from Cincinn;iti. John D. ]\iurili>ck recei\'cd his eihicatinn in a snl)scri])tiiin school, the first taugiit by a Dr. Johnson, in llie httle town of Wa.shington, Wayne connlw Indiana. It was liere hy close attention to liis stmhcs he laid the foundation for tlie education which afterward serve'ear. In four }ears he had accumu- lated money enough to purchase eighty acres of land, which he did in Fountain county, In- diana, where he renunefj with his wife. He gained a pronnnent position in the count \' and was chosen county commissioner. In January. 1854, he visited lllint)is in search of land. He first came to Georgetown. X'ermilion county, thence by the wax- of Hick- ory Grove to Camargo. He bouijht three hun- dred and thirtyacres of land at eleven dollars an acre, and removed his family from Indiana the tollowing .\pril. .\ split-log house, too small for the accommodation ni his family, stood on the tract at the time of the purchase, so he jirepared a frame house in Indiana, hauled it to Douglas count\' and put it ujion the premises ready for the reception of his family. He has owned o\er one thousand five hundred acres '■ 1 1^' '■^■turned tu Tusr.ila in 1 S(;_>. and was eleeted to the nfllre of state's attorney, which John 11. Chadwirk, state's alturney of posilidii he h;is held ever since. The lirst law Dont;las ouinty. is a nati\e of Washin.i^ton ■'^uil he e\er tried was as attornev for the state. coinilw I'einisylv.ania. lie was reared on a lie was nin'led in ni.arria.s^'e to Miss I'dla tarni sewn miles sonth of W.a^hini^ton. the K'nssell. of (.'hrisman, l]| in |nlv. iS()4. Comity seat. He attended the country schools They ha\e two t-hililrcn, I'errv .Moreland and John Russell. ■Mr. Chadwick is entirely self educated, haxin.L; carneil the iiioiify |,, ohi.ain his educa- tion li\- wiirkin.!.; on ;i f.arm. sellini^ hooks and nia]is ;md teachim;- si-ho(.l. | [e has keen a li.ard student ah lii-^ life. ;md h:i^ ohiaineil success l)\- hard work and dc\oiion to duty. .\s a pnlilic ])roseciiloi- Ik- has hi-t'ii \er\' snccessfiik In addition lo hi\ diilies he ;i j^ood civil ]ir;u-tice. l.^U Ak'.i. A. DR.NKI':. niitil .•ihoiit foiirteen years of a.L;e, .nid then Israrl A. 1 )i-akc. one of Tnsi-oLi's retired attended school /n W.isliiiiqioii I'or .1 short farmers, was lioni iit i'.iitler connlv. ( )hio, time. lie ;dso .illended c.ille.L^e ;il Waynes- Jannary jj;. |S:;.|, ,ind is a son of .\':ilh:Mi hm-L;. ;insey- in (i.irrett to\\nship. where he |o, ,k up .ihout 148 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. tliree hundred acres of land at a dnllar and Iwenlv-lue cents an acre. He resided here Inr alidUt twenty years. Ijecoming wealtliy, l)r niinent ;uid hii^iily respected. He only re- cently returned to Vii^o county, and died in Terre Haute, March 2i), 1899, in tlie eighty- seventli year of his life. He was a meniher of the Bajitist clun-cli, and the lirst I'.aptist nieet- 1 ig hell in the county was held at his house. After the death of his first wife, hy whom he had five children, he was married to Rhoda La Foroee. il on his father' arm until the age of sixteen. Israel \. 1 )raK'e reniame Butler county since which time he has resided in wdiat is now known as Tuscola, with the exce])tion of twenty years in Decatur. Douglas county. While in Decatur he ran the Drake Hotel, which he owned. .-\t present he owns one hun- Nancy (larrett. sister of Caleh and daughter of Isom (iarrett. The latter was among the \ery first white settlers in the township which bears his name ancl he it was for whom it was named. A full and complete .sketch and portrait of iiim will he found elsewhere. To Mr. and Mrs. Drake haye been horn three children: Jasper, who resides in Lincoln, and is a memlier of the Masonic and Knights of I'ylhias fraternities: William, who li\-es at Milwaukee, and Mrs. iMinnie Drake Tyler, who is one of Tuscola's leading milliners. Mrs. I^rake is a member of the Tuscola Presl)y- terian church. Mr. Drake is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and his son William is one of the highest and brightest Masons in the state t>f Wisconsin, and is also a Knight of Pythias. WILLIAM ILLS. Wiliam lies, a member of an old and early settled family of Kentucky, and at present one of the most successful farmers in Douglas count\-, was born at lies Mills. r.;ith county, Kentucky. December 31. 1S44. He is the .son of William lies, a native of the same county, who was a son of Thomas lies, born in Ches- ter county, Penns\l\ania. His grandfather lies was a memlier of the old Kentucky militia and fought in man\' battles against the Indians in the \ icinity of Bryant's Fort. The lies ha\e l)een tillers of the soil back to William lies' dred and fifty acres of highly im]>rovcd land in (larrett township ami a beautiful home in great-grandfather, whi.i was ,-i nati\'e of iMig- Tuscola. land. His wife was M.ary lies. Mr. lies in i8c;4 be w;is uniteil in marriage to Miss mother was Miss J;ine 11.. a daughter cd' \\ ill BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 149 iam !•". (ii-nrqe. of M( mti^omery (miw I!atli ) (ouiity. and was a iiali\'c of Greenliricr countv, X'iryinia. William lies wris reai"e the faniih- was swept .awaw llis nidther died ni 1SS4. Ill iX()3 he e.-inie tn ( amars^n lnwuslii]! and hiiught a nf Lanil and resided in a li i<^- eahin on the taini nn wlueh he nnw li\cs. At the present time he nwns three hnndred ;md sixty-three ;ieres in one tract and three hniidreil and fort}' in annther. In iS(jj he was m.arried |m Miss May Ilammett. a dau.s^hter of the Lite J;imes R. llammett, wlmse sketch is fnuml mi .'mnthei" |i;ii;e ni this wurk. W' lies is a worthv exam])le id a self-m;ide man. ( 1 immeneint;' with nntliinw- t'\c-c|)t his nwn indi imil.ahle en- erij\' ;ind ednraye. he li;i-~ siieeeeiU-d in the husiness wurld far ;iho\-e the^'e man. lie is (Jiie cif the must extensi\e stuck raisers in the countv. as well as one of the must pithlic-siiirit- ed of its citizens, l-'ur the past thirteen \'e;i,r;.s he heen jiresident of the l)oii£;las Ldimty I'air .\ssoeiation. hlling- this place with rare cxeetitixe ahilitw and heen connected .with ii in one wav nr aiiniher e\"er since its nr^'ani- zation. Me has hely m.anipnl.a- tiiins nnworthv of the opposition. In ])olitics he is a standi l)emocrat, that kind of |)enioc- racy which Jefferson l.-niiiht and which is heiiit;' re\'i\-ed to-da\- h\- W |. I'.rv.nn. LE()\".\U1) j. WNhyni. Leonard j. W \etli was one of the ])ioneers of coniitx'. .'ind a mrm ol \;iried husi- ness interests, ■ amassiiif;' a fortune of .almut ISO BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. liiree liundred tlmusand dollars wliile a resident nf Doug'las county. He was of W'elsli ances- try, and was born in Wendell. Franklin county, Massaclnisetts. January 13. 1827. and died at his home at Tuscola, January 24, 1898. He was a son of Nathan and Hannah (Kellog) Wyeth. ' natives of Massachusetts, and his grandfather was (lad Wyeth. In 1839 Mr. Wyeth's parents moved to Licking county, Ohio, and eight years later our subject was united in marriage to Miss ^leiinda Xorth- wav, a nati\e of the town of Sherman, Chau- tauqua county. New York, and a daughter of Samuel Hiram and Charlotte ( Seagers ) Northway, natives of Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts, respecti\'elv. Seven children were the result of this marriage, three of wiiom at- tained the age of maturity; Mrs. ( leorge Cal- laway; Mary, and Clarence L., whose death preceded his father's only a few months. The prosperity and growth of the west attracted Mr. Wyeth. and in 1851 he came to Illinois and settled in Coles county. Here he resided until 1858 and then moved to Douglas county, where he afterward resided. lUiilding a small store r<_)om on Houghton street, just opphip with .Merrill and ( )li\er llackett was dissoKed in 1831). and a new hrm was formed with Thomas I). Craddock, of Ch;irles- ton, which was continued imtil i8f)4. In 1859 the tirm erected a business room on the site now occupied bv h^iekl's pharmacy. This building was sold, and another and more com- modious structure was built on the site now oc- cupied by the Cono\-er building. In 1865 Mr. Wyeth disposed of his drv-goods store to W. H. Lamb and J. .M. Maris. He then formed a jiartnership in the bankitig business with Jos. . (1. and William I'. Cannon under the firm name of Wyeth, Cannon & Co. This firm remained in business until 1870, when the First Na- tional Bank was organized, Mr. Wyeth being one of the promoters of the institution. He was a director from the organization of the Lank until within a few weeks of his death. In October, 1872, when W. P. Cannon retired from the ])residenc\' of the First National, Mr. W'veth was elected to fill the vacancy, winch he did until January, 1873, when H. T. C'ara- way was elected. In 1873 Mr. W'\eth bought the ( larrett farm of eight himdred acres in ( iarrett township. He mo\-ed on that farm in 1873. biit returned to the city in the fall of 1878. taking up his residence in the house on F.ast Scott street which was afterward his home. .\t one time he li\ed in a house that w;is erected on the site of the W amsley gro- cerv store. Later he built a residence just east of the M. E. church, which he sold to the late Thomas E. Macoughtr}-. Mr. Wyeth also built the house now occupied by Farmer Cox. Mr. Wyeth was the largest property holder in Douglas couiUv. He amassed a fortune of $300,000, represented by three thousand acres of land located in this county, $30,000 in bank slock, $7,000 to $8 000 in go\'ernment bonds, besides jiersonal property. In 1893, during a severe attack of illness. Air. Wyeth made a dixision of his wealth, disposing of the greater ]iart of his ])ropertv. The will that was e.xe- cuted at that time was revoked. The latter part of December. i8()7. Afr. W^'eth made a BIOGRArillCAL AND HISTORICAL 151 m-w (lixision of his property. Tlie (Ii\ision wa;, about equal between his daughter, Mrs. George Callaway, and daughter-in-law. Mrs. Lizzie \\'\eth. He executed deeds to them conveying what property he liad allotted to each one. To Dr. Callaway he transferred his one hundred and ninety shares of stock in the First National Bank. This will w hich was ex- ecuted at this time bequeaths only the prop- erty which his wife was to have, consisting of the iiomesteail. seven or eight thousand dol- lars in government bonds, and his hank account and other i)ersonal property. .\11 this pn>i)erty was gi\en to her .ibsolutel)' uilliinit any re- striction whate\er. Mr, \\ yctli four brothers and one sister li\ing, .S.imuel, Albert am! llMnias, of Coles county, josciih .S., of (iarrett, and Mrs. Cofer, of Areola. This town ,it th;U time welcomed every newcomer, I\lr. W'yeth. at the \ ery start of his business life, was .as bold in his purpose as in lonn were the hills on his falhcr's f.nin in the slate of Massachusetts. Success in honi Table business w;is the cml he sought, and thai end w;is at- tained b\ wise foresight, inst me.ins. uiillag- ging endeaxiir am! nninipcach.ilile ( )ut of respect ti < Mi. W \ fib. all > if the business bouses were closed dni'ing the hour of his funeral. J AMI'S MORROW. J.imes Morriiw. i'\k- <v lar as lf Ken- tucky, this marria'^e nccun-luL;' |a!mar\- 15. iS-)5. His sccoml wile was Al'ss Rebecca J. .\Ia,M,ix, of (.)hio. After her de.itli he mar- ried .Miss Julia I 'a.L;e. of .\'e\\ \',,rk, who is a lad_\- , ,| line literal \' ace, iinprshments and pr, ,111- inent in church w , I'k, in iSiji he removed to Tuscola, w hei'c he ami his wife resiile in one ,d the cityV m<,>i beautiful residences, sur- r,,nuded by .ill the comf,!ris i,f life. 'I'Ih' only oltices Mr. .Mnrphv has e\ei' held were town- ship snper\isi,r. au,l trustee a]ipi,iule,| b\ the !.;o\ernor t,, buil,l ihe ;is\lnm foi' the insane at Kankakee. William \\ Murphy has thn ,u,l;1i, -ut his life when ,1 _\oun,L; m.iii ami settlcl in .M, ,ii1,l;, ,inery been ;i slu'ewd business man. ;ui,l his success county, \'ir,i;ini;i. and there marricl Diana has been the result ol his ,,\\u efforts. 1 )uriut; (iai'ilnei-, a nali\e ,if the < 11,1 l)i,miui,in ;md ,if the ('i\il war he larj;ely .assisted in lilliui^' the Irish descent. The tliiee y.iuu^er brothers (|Uota ,il his t,iwiisliip under l're>i,lent Liu- came t, > America at a later peri, nl and likewise coin's dill'erenl calls f,ir tro,,ps. His life has .setlleil in \'ir,!.;ini;i. ( )ue ,if them, William been one ot action and his acciuunl.alions of ll.immett. became a .Metlioilist preaclK'r .■iml this w,)rl(rs oil, )ds liaxe been the result of econ- ab,,ut 1 ,'^,vs he retnrne,l to his old h,imi' in Ire- oiiiy and close attenti. Ill to business. laml. where his lab,irs as an exangehst al- 154 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. tracted large crov\cI.s of people. He resumed ])reachiiig on his return to America and settled in Mississippi. Suhsecpiently he was elected to congress frnm the X'icksburg district and after leaving congress he continued to preach. .As an orator he was of a high order. Of the other brothers, Richard Hammett was a man of great energy and \ersatile talents. The greater ]5art of his life after his arri\al in .America was spent in Mississippi, wiiere he was a prominent pdlitician and for a time editor of the \'icksl)urg Whig. Douglas ciiunt\' had perhaps few men who ha\e lived on its prairie soil for three score and four years, and whose labors have contributed so largely to the dexelopment of its resources and whcise life has been mure upright and ex- emplary than the late James R. Hammett. who was born in Montgomery count}'. X'irginia, Januarv i, i8j6, iind who tlied August ii, 1896. in the se\enty-first year of his age. His parents rcmii\ed from \'irginia to Bourljim county. Kentucky, and in the fall of 1830 came to Illinois, halting at sunset one e\-ening almost on the s])ot where he si)cnt sixty-four years of his life. The farm consisted of eight hundred acres lying just north i>f Camargo. which was then in Park county, the udrthern limits of which at that time extended U> Wisconsin. The liardshi]>s of the early piimeer (inl\' served to call tii|-lli all the energ\- and entei'prise of Mr. Hammett, and his success was due ti> his un- tiring industry and financial ability, which placed him ami>ng the leailing financiers of this county. In 1854 Mr. Hammett was married to Miss barah C'. W'atsun. who was born in l'\)untain county, Indiana, julv 4, i83(), a daughter of William D. and Mary (Low) Watson. Her father was born in the neighborhood of Vin- cennes and her mother in Mailison. To James k. Hammett and wife were l)orn ten children, fi:)ur of whom are now li\ing: Mrs. William lies, of Carmargo; F. W., cashier of the First National Bank of Tuscola; Richard and Roy, both farmers of Carmargo. Politically. Mr. Hammett early attached himself to the Whig ))art}-. and upon the birth of the Republican party, inheriting his father's dislike of slavery, he became comiected with that party and very generall)- supjiorted its candidates, as he gave an enthusiastic adherence to its ])rinciples. Mr. Hammett was connected with the de- velopment of the railroads in this county and took an acti\e part in the building of the Illi- nois Centi'al Kailwav. He \-isited Springfield and was influential in (ibtaining the charter from the Legislature. In the original bill granting charter rights he was named as one of the incorporators and su1)se(|uentl\- became a menilier of the board of directors. He was re- elected se\'eral times and filled the office for Iwehe years. When the First National Bank was organized, in 1870, he became a stock- holder and in 1873 ^^'^^ elected director, filling this place until the time of his death. He was one of the ablest financiers of the county and was worth alxiut one hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars, owning about two thousand acres of land. Mr. Hammett was not a member of any church, but practiced Christianity in his e\ery-day life. It is not ti^i be wondered that the people revered him. because his sympathetic and generous heart was always responsive to every touch of distress and he was ever ready to extend a helping hand to his fellow man. It ma_\- well be said of him that he has made the world Ijctter by ha\ing li\ed, and his life is BlOGRAriilCAL AND HISTORICAL. 155 ;i true illustration m|" tlic I'act that iIk- line of r.css with James Barr, of Newman, he has al- (luly is alike the path of safely and the way of ways heen engaged in farming, honor. '" '"^''S "i"' sul>jeel was wedded to Miss X'irginia C. W'oltz, a daughter of John and Svduev (llalhert) W'oltz, natives of Virginia. JMr. Summers and wife have no cliildren. He .... . . . ,. ... c|'A|-\|ppc is a memher and one of the organizers of the Christian Scientist church of .\ewman, and William ' Snnnners, of .Xewman, i-- a firm l)elie\er in its principles. .Mr. Sum- came from Sangam. >n county. I llinoiv, to New- mers has just comi)leted a fine residence in man townshi]> in 1S77, ,ind located on ,1 I'arm .\ewman at a cost of o\er li\c thousand dollars, seven miles northwest of the \illage. lie was ,ind it ranks with the most elegant homes in the born near .\ugusta. T.racken county. Kentucky, county. He owns three hundred and twenty- six acres of land, two hundreil and six acres King southwest of Xewman and one hundretl anil twentv .acres one mile and a half north- west. He is a memher of the I. (). (). I'", and .Masonic fraternities. .Mr. Summers has, e\er since his residence in Douglas county, heen iilentilicd with the county's hest interests, pi-( igrc^s and de\ eli ipment. ;md r.anks ami mg its hest ami most progressive men. MOSiiS S. S.\H 111. Moses .S. Snnlh. the genial and talented M;iy 15. 1S43, ;md is ,a son of Lewis .and h'Jiz- editoi- ot" the Independent, was horn ,-iheth ( Thrclkeld ) Summers, who were na- July \>). 1 S< m). ;i son of Ceorge W. Smith, .and li\es of the s.anie connt\. hoth heing mcmhers raised at Xewman. the place ot his hirth. of |)ioneer families of section. I lis grand- In iSSj he .ami his hrother. A. I'.., who hail heen lather, Thomas Summers, was , a n.ative of \'ir- connected with the mechanical dep.artment of ginia, and was a soldici' in the .Mexican war. the lnde])eudeut, ])urch;ised the pa])er, suc- W'. T. Summers was reared in Kentucky ceeding C. \'. Walls, who renioxeil to .\|-eola, ;uicl came to S.anganion countw Illinois, when a where he editeil the Areola Kecoril lor a time. sm.all hoy. With the exception of two years, It has nn Ajiril i, 1900, the paper came out in an entire new dress, and is now one of the cleanest and newsiest local newspapers in Illinois. Mr. Smith was united in marriage t > Miss Isahelle lv",t, a daughter of D. O. Root, of Xewman. They have two chMdreu, Hughes Blake and Harriet FJizalteth. Mose Smith, as he is generally known hy his frientls. is one of the accommodating and agree- able gentlemen fiuiiid in the county, and in business is an all-round hustler. towns, the state and nation. It has striven to represent the best interests of the c(.)mmunity and assist as much as possible towards build- ing up tlie town. The efforts of Mr. Smith have not been in vain, ])roof of which is the large and increasing circulation of the paper. The p;iper has grown from a puny inlant to strong ;md well developed manhood, owing largely to the generous patronage gi\en it by the progressis'e business men of the town and county. 'J'he Newman Independent was tn-st instituted in .\pril, iSj^v by Cicero V. Walls, lie experimentally comluctcd it for six months and then suspended it for ;i year, when he re- sumed its pulilication. In 1 SSj-.S^ the paper was leased to C'arl H. Uhlcr I'or about ;i year, during Mr. Wall's absence from Xewman. On his return he again assumed control with John W. King, who was postmaster at the time, as WIXFIELD S. REED. Winlirld Scott Reed, a prominent ami in- telligent farmer of Areola township, was born in I'nion countw Indiana, May 13. 1S51. and is a son of John T. Reed. The latter was a na tive of llutler county, ( )hio, and emigrated to Douglas countv and settled in Tuscola township ir, ii<(}.i. -He moved to Areola townshij) in i8()7 and there resided up to his death, which occurred in March, 1891, in the seventy-first year of his age. His wife was .\nn Walters, who was born in Lancaster county, Pennsyl- \aui,i. in i8j(i, .and mo\ed with her parents to liutlcr county, Ohio, in i8jected citizens in the eiiniil)-. 1 \v \\;is hi irn within tln'ei' miles ol ( '\ iitlii.ina, llarrisnn ciunil\', l\enlni'k"\'. .\n.L;-nst _:;(), 1SJ4, a si mi of Israel and l.\'ili,a ((iri'well) ('liandler, whn were hdii in (he I'lhie ( ir.ass" re^i'ins i>t Kentuckv. Israel lailiir h\ Ir.ade, hul i|nit that .ami wi-nl 1(1 farm- ( li.andler emi;;r,lt^•d fmni Kentiu-ky to ( ler- inj;'. W. .'^. Reed owns .ineh.alf of tlie old luiiiiestead lariii, which cmit.ains hnnilred and twenty Iwn and a h.df .acrt's. I le lu'en a sueeesslnl larnu'r, jiri i^ii'ssix e in his ideas. .and I iw lis a ln'.anti fill Ik iiiie. I''ehruary J-\. 1N73, he in.irrieil td Miss Nclh'e Watsmi, ;i (kmi^hler of Idmnias W.itscin, ot Clark Cdiinly. They h.i\c three I'lnldren: Ollie. wife nf A. \\ ri-lit ; Di.r.a .\l. and Jnhii C Wats. .11 was ,1 ii,iti\c (.f h'rederick enmity. \'irL;ima, wliere he w:is Imrn in flcln- her. 171)4. ami w;is married In .'^iis.n 111:1 rimni as. in iX_>|. Td them were hnni Iwn snns and one daiii;hter. llis wife died in lS_:;_'. ;md he w;is ni.arried the sec'iid time, in 1N.1-I, and re- iiio\-ed In ( )hin in iX]~. residint; in h'.iirlield cniinly until ( Jctnhcr, 1S31, wlu-n he e.ime to niont connl\ in 1 N,^ 1 .and remained tliert'se\en Rlinois. Mrs. Reed's innthcr was N'ancv \'ears. when he came In 1 )oni;las connt\' and I'raiikliii. wlm was hniii near < ireencaslle, Incated in Rnnrhmi tn\\nshi]i. sellliii.L;nn what /•^ >^ ^^ ^^Hlit"'^,^ '"' M ^^^^^^ fl 1^^ 158 BIOGRAFIIICAL AND HISTORICAL. is now known as the old Chandler homestead, u])on whieh William (."handler now resides (see his sketeh). .h'hn Chandler (grand- father), a Quaker in his religious helief, emi grated from Chester county, Pennsylvanin, to Kentucky and settled in Harrison county in about the year 1791, the year preceding Ken- tucky's admission into the union. John Gre- well (maternal grandfather) married a Miss Temple, a native of Delaware, and settled near the Chandlers in Kentucky. Lemuel Chandler was reared to manhood in the neiglil)orhood in which he has always resided. For that day he received a very good education, attended the Paris .Academy and later taught school in the Bourhon neighbor- ho(jd. 1 le has never been an aspirant for office, in the usual acceptation of that term, but he has held the office of supervisor of his town- ship. In 1849 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Prudence W. Bacon, a native nf Hampshire countv, \'irginia, and a daughter of Roliert and Fdizal>eth Beavers, the former born in the slate of New Jersey, and the latter in Baltimore, Maryland. Td Mr. and Mrs. Chandler have been born six children; John, who is a farmer and resides in P>ourbon towushii); William, whose sketch is found elsewhere: Beatrice, wife of Dell Henry, of Hastings. Nebraska; Lydia Belle: Gertrude, wife of Clifford Jones, who re- sides in the edge of the village of jjnurbon: and Ernest M. Chandler, i*n the live sti>ck com- mission bnsiness at Peoria, Illinois. Mr. Chandler is a member and deacon of the Baptist church, of which church his wife is .also a mem- ber. Mr. Chandler owns two hundred and si.xty acres of land in Areola township and live lumdred and furtv in Bourbon township. O. V. MYERS. O. V. Myers, a grain buyer at McCown's Station, and one of the wheel horses of the Douglas county Democracy, was born in Ed- gar countv, Illinois, March 13, 1863. He is a son of William Myers, who was a native of Kentucky and who 1)ecame an early settler of Edgar county. His mother was Eliza Size- more, a daughter id" IMartin Sizemore, who was also born in Edgar county. Mr. Myers grew u].) on the farm and re- ceived the aiK'antages of a giiiiil cummnn school education, .md also attended the high .school at Paris. I''i>r the past ten years he has lived 1 m his farm nf une hundred and twent\' acres, .-iliMul nue mile and a half east of Xewnum. His fn-m li.-nidles about one hundred and lifty thiiusand bn.^hels ni grain annually. In the re- cent Democratic jirimary of Douglas county he leceivcd the endorsement for state senator 01 the district comjiosed of 1 )ouglas. Coles ;md Shelbv counties. In i8i)8 he was the Demo- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL IS9 cratic nominee for tlie office of county treas- urer of Douglas county. On March 4, 1S8''), lie was wedded to Miss Alice I^^tes, of Edgar county. They have seven children: Edna. Harry, Don, Charlie, Laura, Edwin and Nellie. David Meyers (grandfather) was a native (if Kentucky. Our subject's maternal gr.anu- father, Martin Si/emnre, was a Xnrtli Caro- linian li\- liirtli and served in the I'.lack I lawk and .Mexican w.ars. ( ). \ . M\ers is a y 'ung man 1 if gi n "1 ahility, and there is little dunht shcmld he he elected to represent this senalnrial district ihat the hest interests of the jienple will he carelully and ahlv looked after. In iiSSj iinr suhject was married to Miss Nelly Ryan, a native nf Will cnuntv. Illinois. They ha\e li\e children: Maggie, Ceorge, Kittie, Maud and I'.anl. Mr. Dowry's husiness interests at F.airland are graduallv extending, and he is becoming to lie recognized as one of JOHN LO\\RY. Jiihn I.iiwrv. ime nf the ])riimising voung husiness men nf h'airland, where he has been extensi\'ely engaged in Inning grain since i8>\ Tii)])erary, Ireland, in 185X, a sun nf jcilui and .M.irgaret i Nukin ) l.i k'.ii'jlisb nri- i6o BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. o'in aiiioneers in the wilderness. Our subject's father. W'ilHam Hancock, was horn in ( )hici. l'"cl)i-uar\- 10, iSkj, and sjient the early pari id' hi^ life in that state. He grew lo manhiiMil mi tlie l;u'm. altending school ])art of the time, .iml ,il tlie age nf nineteen vears and seven innuths lie was niarrieil in .Susanna Stier, who was Imrn in ()liiii. Imt helnnged to a Vir- ginia huuily. 1 lis m.arriage occurred Septem- ber lO, iS:5X, ;ind soon .afterward he eiuigrated til llliuiiis, Cuming lo the neighl)i irhoml nf ihnishy h'urk. wliere he rented l;nid nf a .Mr. CotTey. In 1843 he enlered furtv acres of land near the Pleasant Gro\-e chiu'ch, and a shnrt time afterwariella; Jd.i Lncreti.a; W'ilev Shernian and T. Summers, W. i ). ( ioldman, .S. ( '. 1 licks llarrismi .SxKester. In iSdj Mr. Hawkins and Mesdames ( .Merlin and X'ance, \ 1 ilnntei'red in the same company in Xewnian organized the l"ii-s| chmili o| (hia'st. Scientist, ;is his hrother, S.amnel, hnl he did not meet the of Newman, Illinois. s;mie f.ile ;it the lir>l d,i\\ hatlle ,as iliil his hroiher .S;iniiiel ;il ( 'liick,amaut;"a. In all he out three years and h.i> scarcely seen a well d.a\' since. Mr. I Law kins' wife died l)ecenilier :;(), |X()(), in the li lly-se\ cnlli vvav of her aL;e, and m Ihe l.ill ol iSi)4 lie rcmo\ed f|-om the f.arni to I lis wife .i^sei| in this (a'l\ .and on his lather's f.arni he developed into ni.anhood. In iXXj he niiited in in.iiri,i!;e to .Miss l.i/zie .\lwell. of .\twiiod. Se\ en cliililren weia- the i'ickaway county. ()liii>. wheia- lu' Imrn result 1 'f this union, w ho tos^elher with the wi fe -X'o\emher 30. iXjX ( ha' ;iiicestr\ see sketches h,i\e suffered sui'li ;m irre] loss. of Samuel and (. M. Ikawkius). Mr. WAeth one of the hesl 11 " i6: BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. nianaoers in the cininty. I le jiossessed remark - al)le liirsiness sagacity and his great lirain tDrce wntild have l)een felt in ci>niniercia! centers had he been tlirnwn among tlie foremost financiers of the countr}-. At the time of his deatii he was probably wiirth one hundred thousand dollars, and the futui"e willi all of its possibilities and opportunities was bel'ore him. MARTIN RICE. cidents which marked the early frontier life, when the present Commonwealth of Kentucky formed a county of Virginia. He was born in Virginia, and about the breaking out of the Revolutionary war resided in Kentucky. The maiden name of his second wife was Sarah Bryant, she being a member of the family which gave the name to the fort known us Bryant's Station, celel)rated in the annals of the early history of Kentucky. Charles Rice took part with Daniel Bcjone in the adsentures which have made historic the home of the early pioneers. He bought of Boone a tract of land in what is now Fayette county, and settled there. Boone subsequently lost nearly all of his estates in Kentucky through his carelessness in neglecting to record and prove his title, and among the tracts wdiich changed ownership in consequence was the one occupied by Charles Rice. One thonsanj. He was l)rought hv was a member of the lirst political conven- up on his father's farm, where he remained lion ever held in it. The con\ention, which until after reaching his majority. lie at- l^laced in nomination the crmdidates chosen as tended sub.scri]ition .school, which was id' the the lirst lioard of county oflicers, was held in rudest character, but he diligently improved a temiior;n-y board shantv on the farm of Col. his time and formed the foundation for a sound, McCarty, tun and :i li.-ilf miles east of Tu.scolri. practical business education. In the summer '"he men composing the ticket were nominated he .spent the time working on the farm, and on and elected irrespective of jiarty. In iStxj, the November 16, ^H^^,. he married Mary .\nu second year .at'tcr the lownsbi]) organizations Adams, who was a native of the same town in v.ere eiTecled. Mr. K'ice elected the lirst su- Kentucky, .\fier his marriage Mr. Rice todk I'ervisor of Cani;irgo townshi]). and re-elected up his residence on a farm belonging |o Ins iii ii^7,v 1X74 and 1X75. 1 le also look a ileep father, where he Ii\eil for abont four ye.ars. interest in the cause of the common schools. when he removed to Illinois. This was in No- li' the early day be \v;is :i Whig in jiolitics, and vember, 1X40. fie settled in Coles county, ''.'i^l bis lirst \ole for Henry e'l.ay, .ami later be- nine miles east of Ch.irleston. I le ])urch.ised came a KN' Mis first wife dieil in one hundred ami sixty acres of Kami, upon iXO(). I lis second m.arri.age occurred ( Ictober which he lived lor fonr ye.ars. lie foinid this -.=i. fXji. 1,, .M.ary J.ane, a native of tract to,i sm.all to suit the jil.ans .according to N'irgini.i, ;in ' \h^7 1 64 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. and is a son of Andrew E. Thompson, who was a native of Scotland. His mother was Eliza- hetli SimpsDH. liefore her marriage, and was born in England, and married in Fredericteni;miin \\ C'nvkend.all was burn in Tompkins count\-. New ^'clrk, near the tiiwn of Ithaca. * )n reaching hi> majinitv he came west and lucaled in W i'-i'i msin, and in 1847 sold out Ins priipeii\- m Wiscnusm and located in what i> nnw Dnuulas cnuntw where he lixed for the remainder of his life. Two I 'I his Sons. Cyrus A. and Mar\ in A. w ere in the war. both ha\ing enlisted Ijefore they were Iwenty-cine. The death of Benjamin F. Coy- kendall occurred in the spring of 1889. On November 14, 187S, D. F. Coykendall was married to Miss Francis E. Cash, a daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cash, of Newman. To this marriage was born one child, a dauyli- ter. Lenoria. Fcir two years liefore Mr. Coy- kendall reniMxed to (/luc.ago he resided in New- in;m. while his lile ]ire\ious had been s])ent on the l;n'm near llrnsln- b'ork. .'\fter his re- m(i\al 111 ('hicagii he liecame associated in busi- ness with Iwn lirms, the ("olumbia M.annfacl- tning iV ,Sup]il\- (iimpain- and jnhn Ibisbury i,\ ( 1 iinp.any. li\e stuck ci immissii m merchants. He was piissessed nt nmre than nrdinarv busi- ness ability, cumbiiR-d with genuine integritv ;uid uprightness, and \ei'v liighlv res])ected by .ill wilh whiiiM he had dealings. lie was de\iiteil til his l.amd\- and his de.ith was a great loss til both wife and daui;hter. He was buried 1 66 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. in tlie Newman cemetery. He was a member ol tlie Ma.sonic fraternity, Init was not a mem- ber of any clunch. He always did his part willingly in suiiportintj;- the clnnxh and at- tended the same. VV. p. BOYD. W . I'. Biiyd, who was for many years a pniminenl drni^\<:;ist and chemist of Areola, was liMiu in h^leniinj^shur^, Kentncky, Jannarv C). 1)^47. and was a sun uf Wilsim 1'. and Susan K. I'oyd. His father was a prominent lawyer and served in IkjIIi hrrniches of the Kentucky Legislature. \V. I'. Buytl received his early education at the old Bethel school in Kentucky, and sub- se(|nently attended the university at Blooming- ton, Illinois. Jn 1875 '^^ ^'^^^ married to Miss Emma Wyatt Hamilton, of Lexington, Ken- tucky, a step-daughter of .'Me.xander Hamil- ton (her real ])arents being Edward, and Annie ( Smith ) Wyatt, natives of England). To Mr. and Mrs. Boyd were born four children, namely: William IL, deceased, Wyatt, Anna M. and Wilson P. In 1867 Mr. Boyd commenced the drug business for himself in .Areola and until 1884 had the only exclusive drug store in the county. He was a successful business man and re- mained in charge of the store until a few weeks before his death, November 17, i8 rcmo\x'd to I'lUtler coinUy. ( )hio. Mis patern;il grandfather, j.ncob W ool- .Since iS<),i J- I^- \\'i>olfoi-d has resided at (lalton. and was lirst engaged in grain buying for K. vV |. irvin, of Tuscola, succeeding M. S. bilson at this place. In 1S94 he built an ele\ato|- dl twenty thousand bushels ca])acitv and has since I'ecome one ol the most successful grain dealers in the counts-. In 1X70 Mr. Woolford was united in mar- riage \o IMiss Carrie Kelso, wlio resided one nnle Sduth of ArcoLa, and is a ilaughter of W'illiaiu Kelso, wlin is now li\ing in Ta/ewell county, this st.ate. They ha\'e three children : Koscoe M., .\lfrcd j. and Samuel M.. all at home with llK'ii" p.ircnts. I'^>r the past lour veai's .\lr. Woolfdid has been buying grain to,- himself, and in connection does a general mer- ford, was l)orn at Lancaster, I'etuisylvania, and chandising business. He bu_\s aboiU one hun- nioNcd from there to I'lUtler county, Ohio, dred thousands Inishels of grain amuially. In Daniel Woolford came to (bis coinit\' in March, political opinion he is a stanch l\e]>nblican, but iXfK), and located on a farm two miles from his wife is a Deiuocrat and is the ]>ostniistress .Areola. of the \i11agc. i68 DlUGKArillCAL AND HISTORICAL. RICHARD C. HAMMETT. Uiclianl Civile llammcU. the secrmd son of lames U. ilaninietl, wiiose sketeli and iM.itrait are fduiul nu annther page, was born on the nM Hammett homestead in Camargo township, Septemher 9, 1S71, and was principally edu- cated at the State University and a business col- lege at ludianapulis. lie has always been en- gaged in farming and ciwns fnur hiuidred and twenty acres of finely improved land, a part of which is the old Hammett homestead. In iSi;s be was marrietl to Miss Ginerva Barnett, of the village nf Camargo, and has two children : Ruth and Bessie. Mr. Hammett is a member of the Camargo Clue Lodge and Tuscola Chapter and Commaudery of Ma- sonry. Mr. Hammett is an intelligent young man and conducts his I'arming on busme-s liriuciples. He is at present remodeling h:s farm residence, three miles north of the village of Camargo, and when liuished it will rank with the most commodious anccnrriiij; in Nm-eniher, 1895. \ einher election lie was elected- sheriff (if Vcr- ller home \\as;it I ',irk\ille, ClianipaiLjn conn- niilioii county. Illinois, and after the expira- ty. rhe\' had two children, hoth of whom are tion of his office, in Noxemher, iNdX, he re- li\'ing: Bessie and Llo\d. llis second wife nioxcd to I )ong"las comity. Illinois, and li\ed was Miss Rachael hniiiian, id .^wit/erland ii]ioii his f.ann lor elexeii \ears, when he was County, Indiana. f]ic\' ha\"e one child. Louise elected county treasurer ol l)oni;'las conntv, lies. Mr. Records is a meiiiher ol the Odd and was afterward re-elected for a two vears' fellows, lloine horiim, the ( '1 nirt i^f lloiior and the Modern Wondmcn. .iiid is an iiide- ])endent Re])nhl:caii. lie is well informed on the to]iics ol the daw 's piihl c spir l^'d and is a man ■ it marked indi\ idnahtw Ll.Xf:.^ I.. IWRKKR. Lines L. I'arker, the suhject of this sketch, was horn in Ihowu conntw ( )liio. Sep- teniher 1, iS_:;_\ .\t the a^e of live years he reiiio\ed with his parents in X'erniilion conntw Illinois. Ills f.ilher, h'lm W . I'arker, and his mother. 1 l.iiiii.ih I'.irker ( ;;(V 1 'anj^lnirn ) , term. .\l the ex])ir;it ion of his term ol olfice were hoth horn in llrown coiiiitv. ( )liio, and he retired to his 1,-irin. where he and his laith- alter Octoher, iN.v, li\ed in \ (■rniilion coun- .fill wife li,i\e li\ed for the last Ihirteen years, t\'. Illinois, where lhe\ died, lolm \\ . I'arker llis wifi', Marv .\. I'arker ( /(cc West), was w as slu'rilf I d \ ermiiion couiil \- iiisl |irecediiiL' iiiiiteij to hini in m:iiri,i;.^e on the iJtliot .\|)ril. the (,'ivil, .and .after the war he coniil\' i^.^.S- She w .as horn in honntaiii county, lii- snperiiitendenl of sclio, lis for I W(i terms. Lines di;m;i, \iiL;iist jS, i8:;j-, .and as the Irnits of I.. I'.irkerwenI iiilo the w .11" 111 1 Nd 1 as ;t mem- this m,irii.ii;e there w I'le horn to |lu-iii li\e chil- lier ol ( ompaii\- h, f\\eiil\' fifth Illinois Infaii- dreii, all lixini; ,ind settled in lite home: try. lie was soon commissioned a second Alice is the widow ol \le\,inder L. fnlk'rtoii, lienteiiant and .liter the hatlle of I'e.a Kidije was and now li\es near 1Iiil;o, Illinois; John W. liriiiiioted to lirst lienlenant, and afterward is a farmer in Lowdre townsln'ii, near Hugo; I70 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL Oliver Lino '111 is a grain dealer in Tnscola. Illinois; Hannah O. lives with her hushand one mile west of her parents' home, and Hattie lives with her luishand within hailing distance of her father and mother. Mr. Parker is a memlier of the Grand Army of the Repuhlic, also of the Masonic fraternitv. He owns three hundred mu\ thirty acres of land, which he has divided among his children, w ho h\e npoh or manage the part they expect to get at their father's death. Mr. Par- ker and his wife are memhers of the Christian church at Hugo. Illinois, and are liheral con- trihntors to its suiiiiort. JAMES M. GOODSPEED. James M. GcHKlspeed, a resident of Tus- cola. Illinois, and who has for many years I/cen a preacher in the Methodist l*;pisc!>pal church, was iiorn in the city of W'ooster, A\'ayne county, Ohio, June jj. 1845. His parents were S. S. and Anna ( h'isli ) Good- speed. The former was horn in Esse.x county. New York, and his mother in X'ermont. His grandfather Goodspeed was a soldier in the war of 1 8x2 and for his services drew a pen- sion from the government u|i to the time of his death. During the Ci\il war the suhject of this sketch enlisted in the services of his country four times. On June 4. iS6j, he enlisted in the Sixty-ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteers and ser\ed four months. After heing hon- orahly discharged he enlisted in the Twenty- sixth Illinois Volunteers, hut was rejected. On March 4. 1864. he enli.sted in the One Hundred and Thirty-lifth Illinois Regiment and hecame sergeant in Company A. After serving four months and twenty-four days he was houorahly discharged. When the gov- ernment called for men to serve for one year, he enlisted again, hut was rejected on account of a disaliled arm. He is now a memlier of the Grand Army of the Repuhlic. Rev. Goodspeed was reared and educated at I'rhana. Illinois, and after leaxing the .schools of that city he entered the University of Illinois, where he attended as a student for two vears. He taught school near l^rhana in i86g and 1870, and then entered (i.arrett Bihi- cal Institute, at I^vanston, Illinois, where he prepared himself for the duties of the ministry. He joined the Illinois conference of the Meth- odist Episcopal church Septemher 30. 1873, and served the following charges: Tuscola circuit, two years; Ludlow, two years; Catlin, two years; Camargo. three years; Fairmount, two years; Georgetown, three years; Homer, BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 171 three years, and was sent from Iliniier to Ar- further ancestry see sketch of his hrother, cola. After serying tlie church liere for one Isaac Skinner). year, on account of ill health in his family, John Skinner grew up on the farm and has he, in 1892, located at Tuscola. I-'rom that always heen identified with fanning interests, date until the jiresenl he has continued in the lie has held the olTice of towushi]) conimis- actiye niinistr\', scrsing such charges as he sioner, and has always identified himself with could and liye at Tuscola. the hest interests ot Newman and Newman -April 14, 1873, he was united in marriage township. Me owns three huuilreil and .sey- to Miss Rebecca, a daughter of 1). 11. Jessee, enty acres of valii.ihle and well-tiled land, who is an enter|>rising stock raiser and shiii])er which conies alnio>t to the cm por.itii m line of residing near \'illa (iro\e. They ha\e two .\ewmau. children: W'ilhnr 1'.. who is a gradu.ate of the Tuscola High School, and F.dith, ten years of age. l\e\'. (ioiidspeeil owns a \alnalile farm of two hundred acres in Douglas county and other priipcrty. lie preached twenty-six years in this stale, is ;in earnest and ahle speaker and is highl_\' respected h\' his neigh- 1)( )rs and friends. |()ll\ SKIXXF.K. Jiilin ."^^kinner, a leliied an(l highly re- si)ected citi/.en ot Xewnian. was hurn in \'er- In iS^cj our sulijecl was married t" Miss million calmly. Imliana, April 4. 18,^1, and is flann.ili J., ,1 daughter . >f Mr. Ringland, one of a son of Jose|ih and .\laiy ((i.ision) .Skinner. the tirst plivsicians of .Vewnian. w ho emigialed llis l.ither came to the cnunty in i8_:;<) ;is a from I'ennsyKauia to the neighliorhoo he yoluuteered in the Seycuty- Black Hawk war, and died in 1857 (for ninth Illinois Infantry, and participate weeks sickness at Stone Ri\er. .\fter be- ing caplurcil he was ten days on his Wdv to Libby, where general starvation began, lie issued rations to a scpiad of twenty men about one year. There were seventeen members of his company cai)tured at the same time and he had charge of them in pri.son and kept them all in his squad except Lieutenant Albin, who was wounded and taken from this ]jlace. Joseph Harvey and \\'illiam Ritter were left sick at Richmond, Virginia: Ritter died and Harvey was ]iaroled. D. N. Howard, .Aaron Briton and W'm. .Stilluell. of his company, died in .\nder- sonsille. These were all that died of the sev- enteen who were captured. .After they left Dan\ille. \'irginia, there was ne\er a vessel of any kind issued for them with which to eat, drink or cook. .Ml thev had was old cans that they could ])ick up that had been thrown awa^'. Our subject got hold of an old iron hoop and UKule a saw and a pocket knife, these being the only edge tools he bad. \\ith these he [legan making buckets out of cordwood. He could make one bucket a day and sold them for from one dollar to one dollar and a half. This was his occupation while in .\nderson\ille. AVliile he was in the Florence stockades he mended shoes and made from two dollars to two dollars and fifty cents per ilay. .At Dan- \ille he got a job of keeping the back yaril clean, for which be recei\ed four rat'ons per day ; he divided these rations with his com- pany and by so doing saved the lives of six or eight men. In November, 1864, he went out to the commissar}-, where he had plenty to eat, taking his squad along, besides several mem bers of other companies. While he was in An- dersomille ])rison he was starved down to the weight of eighty-live pounds, but when he left the commissary at bdorence, in b'ebruarv, 18O5, he bail goten back to his natural weight, one hundred and ninety-seven and one-half pounds, so it can lie seen how starvation had reduced him. 1 Ic was mustered of service June 5, 18(15. at the city of Springfield, Illinois. .\nson Skinner's death occurred in Feb- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 173 niary, 1896. William, another hmther, now residing- in Xewnian, was a nicniher ot the same regiment ; they were all sergeants. John Skinner's friends are legion in the community in which he resides. He h\es a (|uiet, con- tented life, and cnjo)'s the highest confidence of all who know him. JOHN V. JORD.XN. John \'. Jordan, one of the old and well known (if the early settlers now living ami re- siding in .Murdoch towiishi]), settled in what is now llie coiitincs of Douglas county in the fall of ii'^34. lie is a son of h'.dward |(irdan, who was horn in \ ir''inia and rcaicd ni l\eu- r tuckw ;i son iif Samuel who w;is one ot the pioneer settlers of that state. h'.dward wediled Christina \'an |)u\u. who was lioi'n in .\e\\ Jersey ;uid was a druighter of .Mr. Jordan's ])arents emigrated to \ crmillion coinUw Indiana, where he was lioru in the year iS,V>. Ilere he was reared and iccci\eaid one tlollar ami twenty-live cents per acre, and the other at three dollars and se\entv-fi\e cents per acre, lie niiw owns in all three hundred and litty acres. He h;is oidy recently donated one acie to the k'airland Cemetery Compau\'. lie has .always taken an active interest in com- mon school education .and was school trustee ;md tre.isiu'er helore he liecame a \oter in 1 )i luglas ci Hint)'. In January, 1S35, he was muted in mar- ri.age to Miss L\'dia (_ . I.eniou, who a na- tive of Lawrence count)', lndian;i, ,and a d.iugh- ter of M. H, ;iiid h'.h/a Lemon. To their riage were horn si.\ chiflren: l.cmon. I'.Ua. Edward, John, l,uc\- anunty ciuuis. in i8q6, having- previously prepared himself for the law inider the tutelage of the late Hon. Charles W. W'oolverton. He was born October 4. 1875. in Champaign county, Illinois, and is the sou of H. J. and Rose (Christy) Lyrla, who were natives respectively of South Carolina and ()luii. His f.ather is a tnbular well drilltr by trade and resides in Tuscola. His grandfather Christy was born in Ohio and ser\ed in the war of the Rebellion. N. C. Lvrla was graduated from the Tus- cola high school in the class of 1894. He takes an active interest in the success of the Dem- ocratic party and was the party's nominee for ccmuty judge in 1898, InU withdrew before the electiun. In the legal i)rofession he is rap- idly fighting his way to the front; he is a young man of excellent good judgment, is a good mdge of law and is engaged in some of the must important cases come before the Douglas county courts. HENRY C. NILES. Henry Clay Niles, master in chancery, local historian and an old and well known resi- dent of Tuscola, is a native of Baltimore, Maryland, and a son of Hezikiah and Sally .\nn( Warner) Niles, the former was born near Wilmington, Delaware, and the latter being of Quaker extraction and the daughter of John Warner, one of the leading Quakers of that state. Hezikiah Niles was an intimate friend of Henry Clay, and prominent in Whig pol- itics of his (lav; in 181 1 he was editor and pro])rietor of the Niles Register, which was a strong Whig and pro-slavery paper and always supported the candidacy of Clay. It was one of the most influential newspapers in the east- ern countrv. being one of the acknowledged organs of the \\hig party. The International Cvclopedia savs of him that he was born in 1777. in Pennsylvania, received an ordmary education and became a member of J^onsal & Niles in the newspaper Inisiness at \\'ilming- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. •75 toll, nelaware. wliich was not a success. He tlieii liecame a newspaper correspondent and in iSii founded Xiles Rctjister at Baltimore, and tlied in 1839. II. C. Niles was reared to inanluMxl in tlie cit}' of Baltimore wliere he attended school up til the ag'e of fourteen years. 1 le then hecanie a clerk in a wholesale drug store and later was a clerk in the Baltimore postnflice fur seven years. He was then engaged in the drug busi- ness u]) tn icS^d, when he came tu what is now' Douglas ci>unly and located at I'.Murhdn, \i here he hecanie a salesman for his hrother- in Law, L. ( '. Rust, who w;is une of the early mercli.aiits nf the cnunty, aiir his iinselfish help. JOSI'.l'H FINNEV. Jose]ih H. I'innev, late of Newman, was horn in Parke county., January 10, 1841), and dieas never satisfied with present e.\perience or achievements. His testimonies in class meetii^g an 1 prayer meeting always s;)')ke humility and resolution and noble desire. "lie knew how to struggle. .\nd though like every other man he nicay sometimes have erred, yet, like David, he knew how to rise above difticnlty and even defeat. His frank- ness was striking. He was never afraid tc; do the m.inly thing. '"To his ])astor he sjxike with Christian con- fidence during his illness of his trust in God, and conscious peace at heart. He was the kind of man that God loves, — humble, sin- cere, trustful, penitent. "The words of Shakespeare may be truly said of him: 'His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in him, that nature might stand u]i and say to all the world. This was a man.' "' He was buried at Tuscola, the funeral cer- emonies being conducted by Re\". J. M. Oak- wood, assisted by Revs. Calhoun and Piper. Mr. Finney was a Mason and was a member of Melita Commandery at Tuscola, the members of which had charge of his remains; he was also a member of the Knights of Pythias and Modern Woodmen. His widow, Mrs. Finney, resides at .Newman and before her marriage was a Miss Valodin, of Oakland. She was a daughter of M. B. and Sarah Ann (Red- den) \'alodin. Her father was born in Ohio and her mother in Illinois. Mrs. h'inney is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Xewman and highly interests herself in cburcii work, being one of the class leaders. SAMUEL H.\\\lvL\S. Samuel Hawkins, a member of one f ]nhn Tfawkiiis wlio was l)orn in Lon- (Iniin Cdunl}', \'irL;inia. His motlicr, wlio was Marji'arct Cassady, was also l.iorn in X'irc^-inia. In October, 1851. Siunud's father, witli a laniily of several sons, came and settled in what is now Douglas county, two miles and ;i half southwest of Newman, .\ftcr he had Inc'itcd his children nrs^'cl him to enter . 1S15. llis wife, I'.ertha M. Jean, was horn in Illinois, May 7, 1817, and died July 8. 1838. (See sketch of I. .M. MuUiken. of Newman.) To :\!r. and Mrs. Bush have heen born eiglit children, whose names and dates of birth are as follows: Zella M., Sep- tember 3, 1882; Clarence E., December 7, 1883; Stella F., September 12. 18S7; Gertie V,., June 22, 1889 (died September 14, 1898) ; Waldo H., August 17, 1890: V'icva M.. Feb- ruar)- 2('>, 1893; one which died at birth un- named, May 19, 1895; Frederick E., Novem- ber 23, 1899. Mr. Bush has in additif Honor at that jilace on March 1, 1899, of which order he has been the' worthy chancel- lor since its organization. This order is in a lloiu'ishiug condition, lia\'ing initiated about one hundred members. He was elected ilele gate to the ounty convention of the Court of 1 hinor January 9. ii;oo; frc.m there he was elected delegate to the State meeting .at .Springfield for February 14. i()00; ami at the state convent:S: Urother. has also served as trustee of the village. IMr. His wife passed awav April j. iS^S, lea\- liush has the management of the Douglas iug two children. .Stella and ( ienrge 11. County Telejihone Exchange, located in his hi iSjc; he sfarte tei'ed and ba^ coiitiuned to follow llirougli lite. \\ hen he w;is but ;i bov his father died. lea\ing him to do for liini'-elf. llis eilnca- .id \. 11 1 1 ages were, as wa> the case with ,,f W' and to this union one son. Cl.ay- m.iiiy ot the pioneers. \ ery limited, allliongh tun ('., was born. he rei'eueil ;i f.iir business education. Ileiiig hi iSi;o be sold a half inierest in his Inisi- of a mechanical turn of mind, be soon became ness to W. !'". .Summers. Tbev conilncted the an expert workman. During the lirsl call of business under the n.iine of l',.irr iV Summers the Civil he enlisted in the baglith lllilloi^ until iNm^. when Ah'. I'.arr bought Mr. Sinn- V'olnnteer liif;nitr_\-. ami remained out inilil mers' interest. On the Stli of (tctipbi'r. iSij^. the end ol his term of service, after which be our subject's son, Ceorge 11. Karr. died at the returned to Charleston. age of twenty-one years, four months .and In i.S()4 Mr. ILarr m.arried .Miss bdiza K. foiirfeeii davs. I82 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. Ill iSi/) lie siilil ;i half interest to I. M. MuUiken. of Cliaiiestun. The hrin runs un- der the head uf Barr & Mulliken. They own two uf the largest stores in the city, one, hard- ware, stoves ami tinware, and the other, fur- niture and undertaking-, where a full line of each can al\va\s he found on hand James Barr is a stanch Repuhlican and has heen elected iiia\or of Neunian three times, always making- a good executix'e officer. He is a great helie\er in secret orders and is ever ready to further their interests. He is a prominent Odd Fellow and Mason ; is a Knight Teni])lar. heing a memher of the Alelita Com- mandery No. T,y. at Tuscola. He is Eminent High I'riest in .Vewnian Chapter, \o. /2. and is the president of the Odd Fellnws Ceneiit Association of Douglas county. He is the son of Samuel and Sarah ( Wise) Barr. The former was li'im in Steuhein ille, ()liii). in 1800, and died in iS5(). The latter was Ijurn in Pennsyhaiii.a in 1803 and died in iSSo. Air. Barr's present wife is the daughter nf Daniel and Fxaline Curd, of near l'"rankfiirt, Kentucky. Daniel Curd was l.xirn in iSoS and Evaline in iSoi. Mr. Jiarr is a memher uf the M. E. church ami his wife is a nieniber and wnrker in the O. K. S. and Rehekah hedges of Newman, and is a leading worker in the Christian church. ADOLPH HAPKE. the province of West Prussia, Germany. May 30, 1869, and is a son of Christ and Ciiristian (Schlack) Plapke, who were nati.ves of the same province. His father was a blacksmith hy trade, who emigrated to this country in 1871 and located in Michigan City, Laporte county, Indiana, where he followed his trade and also engaged in farming. He resides at present four and one-half miles east of I\lichi- gan City. He served in the war of Germany against Austria in 1866. .\di>lpli Il.-ipkc, the leading jeweler ;iml optician and one of the rising and successful N'liuiig business men of Newman, was born in .\ili>lpb Hapke received a C(.immon school eilucaticiii ;ind ;it the age of sex'enteen went to Michigan City, where he serveil an apprentice- ship of four years at his trade. In 1898 he located at Newman, haxing previously taken a course in optics at the Chicago Oi)hthal- niology College. On October 11, 1899, he was married to Miss Josephine, a daughter of Enoch Gordon, of Newman. .Vfler his luarriage he pur- chased the residence of C. E. Eagler, and it is one of the elegantlv furnished homes of New- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 183 man. After lii.s marriage tlic Newman In- mentiuncd. In Fel)ruary. i,Sf)_>. lie vulun- (Icpendent spoke of him as follow.s: "Mr. teereil in tl:e I'irst Missouri Regiment of In- Ilapke came to Newman about two years ago, fantry ami parlicijiated in mauv of the priuci- and since then his dealings with our people have pal battles of liie war, remaining out until its been honorable, and he has formed ties nf He afterward returned home and en- friendship that will always last. The briile gaged in farming, and succeeded in making is one of Newman's most deserving young an iKniest living and securing^ the good opinion ladies, who was graduated in the sjiring of ,,f his neighbors. His farm contain.s only 1891; from the high school of Newman with honors." Mr. Hapke carries a large stock of jew- elry, and by his honest and upright mode of doing l.iusiness has ])ut himself on the mail to building up a most prosjierous business. forty -four acres, but he is .satisfied with if. In 18(17 oiu" subject was united in marri;ige to Miss Sarah Johnson, a d.aughter of I. T. I. M. HAW KINS. J. .M. Hawkins, an inlelligent farnier. who saw three years of ser\ ice in the war of the Kcljt'llion. is a son of jolni Hawkins, who was born near llar])er's l'"erry, Virginia, and who came to Douglas county in 1 S3 1 . and .settled on a farm three mile.^ south of New man. where he resi to 1871. when he iemo\ed to I'larlon conn Robert and James Hopkins, Robert .Mbin and [v. .Missouri, where he died some sixteen years Enoch .\ewell. who are all early settlers fioui ago at the .ige of sixty-four years. lie was a Indiana. John Hawkins wedded Margaret natixe of ( )hio. .Mr. ll.awkins is a member C'as.s.-uly, ol ( )hio, but a native of \'irginia. of the ( irand .\rmy of the Republic, .M.isonic J. M. Hawkins was born in I'ickaway fraternity and Knights of I'vlhias. lie is comity. ( )liio. I'"ebniary 5. 1831), and came unassuniing in his manner ;uid gentle in his to Douglas coniit\- in the iall of the vear .above conduct tow,-iiil his fellow men. 1 84 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. ARRAM 11. MOORE. Aliram !l. Mi)orc, deceased, father of I'".(l\\;iiil M. and Morris L. Moore, was 1)()rii in I'.nurliiiii tdwnsliii), Douolas county, Illinois, Deccniher 7. 1S38. and was of old Virginia ancestry, lie died May 11, 1SS3. at the age of forty-four years. His fatlier was Jacob Rice JMoore anil his mother .\manda Moore (see sketches of Wm. F.. Jacob R., Jr., and others.) Abrani H. Moore was married to Mary E. Miller, of Mattoon, Illinois. J.anuary 31, 1865. To their union were born three children: I'ldward McClellan, Morris Logan, and Mary Catherine, Morris and Kate being twins. .Mary C"atherine dieil Seiitember 18, 1890, and .Mary E. died October 20, 1894. Abrani 11. at his death owned a farm of three liundrc-. iXi^. Arthur he has always given his support to all 1 h'or further facts jiertaining to ancestry, see worthy enterprises calculated to i)roniote the work of Dr. luigle. state lihrarian of I'enn- welfare of his town and countw ami is \alued s\l\ania. on earlv families of the Cunitierland as a citizen hy the entire community. \alley. ) Dr. Hiram Rutherford, after attend Charles F. Jenne was horn in l\o>> county, ing jeti'erson L'iii\ersit\-, commenced the prac- Ohio. in 1S53 and is a son of Henry W. and lice of med-cine at the age of tw eut\-di\e vears. Mary ( .Smitli ) Jenne. who were iiatixes of al .M illershurg. PcunsvlNauia. ( iermany. Me was reared and educated in the common schools of Ross countx. ( )hio. In iSSii he was united in marriage to .Miss .Sallie ]. Warren, a daughter of T. T. Warren, a na- ti\e of Douglas county. .Mr. |enne is a Mason an of D,nigl;is county, was horn Thomas 11. Rniherford i-ecei\ed his edu- at ( )aklau(l. Coles county. Illinois, January cation in the schools of ()akland. ,and 011 ( )c- K', I.S33. lie Is a son of Dr. Rutlier- toher 13, 1874. he was united in marri.age to ford, .settling there in the year 1X40. one of the Miss Sarah R. ,a daughter of pioneers, and at the time of his death he J,,hn 1',. / who settled in Oakland one of the oldest ])liysicians in eastern Illinois. township in iS^^j. -I-,, them h.axeheeii horn and one of the largest hand owners as well. tour children: Cyrus W.. I'.essie (deceased), lie written much of the early settlers, es- Hiram 1',.. ;md K.atie. .Mr. Rutherl'onl re- pecially of the eccentric ones of this region. sides on In.s heautiful farm uf twu liundred i88 BIOGRAPIIICAI, AND HISTORICAL. and forty acres, just mirth of Newman, and is one of the most inlliiential leaders of the Kepuhhcan party in the county. He lias heen school treasnrei' of township No. i6. ran<^-e II. since the spring of i.SjO. In 1885 he was elected co'.nmissioner of highways and he'd that office until Decemher. i8go. when he re- signed to be apjiointed supervisor to hll the \acancy of L. E. Root, who was elected comity treasurer. He was re-elected supervisor in 1892. also in 1894. and was elected chairman of the hoard in i8(;3 and 18Q4. He ;s now a memher of the committee on li -lar.cj. re- funding of tax and ]iulil'c huild ngs and grounds. Socirllv he helongs to the Newmaui RUie l-odge and is ]>ast high priest 1 f the ko)aI .\rch Masons, Newman Chapter, No. 1 72. and is also a member of INlelita Coni- mandery. No. 37. Knights Templar; is a Knight of r^-lhias and a inenil)er of the Mod- ern Woodmen. Air. Rutherford is v man of action and 1/Usincss ca])acitv. and whatever cause he es- ]3ouses he generalh' through success- fulh'. with a \;m and earnestness which are in a high degree characteristic qualities of his makeup. JOSEPH S. WA'ETll. Joseph S. W'yeth was for many years ]>re\'ious to his death prominently identiiied w ith the affairs of Douglas county. He. with his brother. L. J., and their wives, came to Coles county in 1850 and settled on farms foiu" miles scjuth of Hindshoro, where they re- mainetl until i860, when they removed to Tuscola and engaged in mercantile business. The partnership lasted four years, when it was disso]\'ed, L. J. remaining in the business and Jose])h S. locating on a farm in (jarrett town- ship where his widow^ now resides. This was in 1864. ( l""or a very full and complete an- cestry of the W'yeth family see sketch of L. J. W'yeth on another Jiage). From the Tuscola Review: "Tuesday morning, at his home in (iarrett township. Joseph S. W'yeth. a pioneer resident rmd farm- er of Douglas county, departed this life. He was seventv vears and two nioiuhs old. "Deceased was born in l''ranklin county. Massachusetts, ■ April 15, i8j8. In 1850 he Avas united in marriage to Miss Joanna Hunt in Cicking county, Ohio. Mrs. W'yeth and six children survdve him, and two children long since ])recedetl their father to the grave. Mr. W'yeth had been in poor health for many vears, and the last few years of his life seldom left the home place." BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 189 "At one time lie was quite a wealtliy man and was a larg'e dealer in live stuck, but ow- in<;' to failini;' health he was ohli^ed ti> retire Irnm aetixe lite a uumher r and Christi.HU man. Dnrin;;- his life he fullnwed the hihle injimctiim to 'do unto dtliers as vnu wnuld have them do untu \'ou.' ami he went t(i the ,i^ra\e honored and respected 1 y all who knew him. "I'^meral scr\-ices were lieM at _' < /clock yesterday afternoon at ("artwrii^ht chin-ch, Kev. Ciec). Rippey ofliciatinL;', and it wa^ one of the lari^est finierals ever held in ( i.arrett Ic iwnshi])." .Mrs. Wyc'lh. his widow, is a dau.'^iiter of I'llijah Hunt and Rhoda (llillyer) llnnt, who were born respectively in X'ermont .and Con- necticut and were en<^;i.t;ed in aqricnllure pur- suits. I'dijah Hunt, her father, was in the war ol iSij. llis death occurred l''ehruarv iJ. 1N73. in the sexeuty-seventh vear of his aoe. Her tjrandl'ather, Justin Ilillver. was a Revolutionary soldier. Her .L;randt"ather Hunt was a native of X'ermont. To .Mr. and -Mrs. Wyetli were horn the t'ollowin;;- children: Rhuda. wife of W. \\. I'.rentou, of I ,a S.alle, Illinois; iM-anklin L. f.armer in (iarrett town- ship; Harry L.. also a f.armer in the .saiue township; .Su.san. wil'e nf Joseph ( Ire.g'ory, of (iarrett townshi]); I.nell;i. wil'e of William Romine, of C.arrett. ;md Daisy, who is the wile of John I'.urk, ;i luerchant of C.arrett. The farm upon which .Mrs. Wycth resides is owned by her ;md two of her sons and con- tains three hundreil .and thirlv-se\en acres. WILLIAM T. MOORE. William T. Moore, generally known as !-^(|uire Moore, is a leading citizen and farmer of .Areola township, and is a member of one of the earliest and most ])roiuincnt f.amilies in Dou.glas county. He was liorn in I'.arke county. Indiana. Septeiuber 5. 1830. and is ;i son of Jacob Mo(ire. the ]Moneer of the f.amily in the county, who a native of Kentuckv. 'S(|uire Moore"s grandfather. .Mnah.un Moore, anil his wife. n;iti\cs of X'irginia. were early settlers in .Shclh\' ciuintv. Kentucky, where they s])ent the rem.ainiler of their li\es. 'Sqmfe Moore i'cmo\ed with his parents from I'arke county to w is now known ;is the Moore neighborliood when he was but four }'cars old. Here he grew to m.auhood ;md (jbtainecl the ad\ant;iges of an ordin.arv school education. in 183') he uniteaying ten dollars cile and Louise. Mr. Reed is a member of the per ;icre. .\fter working ;md im]iro\ing it for .Masoinc fr;iternit\- ,iud aPo of the Woodmen, two years he sold it for fifty dol];irs per ;icre. In pnhticd opinion In- Ims ,dw,i\s been ;i con- lie then came fi d )oug]as county, where he pur- sistent Republican ,aiier ;Hre, ]iart ni ti,,. r.niks "\ his |),irt\-. .\s an officer he is al- w.hicl: be afterward sold for one luindred .and niosi um\ersally liked by the people throughout twenty li\'e dollars ])er .acre, in iS3,S he mar- houglas coiuitv. ried Miss b'.lizabeth N'ork, of .S.ang.anion comi- ty. Mr. Corbett is living a retired life ;it .\r- thur. ROBERT F. MiLLIC.X.V. To Mr. .ami Mrs. Reeder have been born five children: Harry, aged si.xteen years: Robert E. Milligau, the accommodating Bertha, fifteen: George, thirteen: iM-ed. eleven, and gentleiuanly liveryman of Tuscola, who anil Katie. He owtis ninety acres of laml, succeeded Dr. Ramsey to his business in 1897, 192 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. was l)(irn in Lawrence county, Illinois. Novem- ber 24. 1856. He was reared to nianhoiMl on a farm in his native county and is a son of David Milligan. wlm was alscj Imrn in Law- rence county and wlm was a son of Jnhn Mil- lisan will I emigrated from Scntland in the earl\ ilavs and later hecaine an early settler in l,awrence county. Rcliei't I''.. Milli,i;uu's niiither. i'dvir.i (IrdUt. was a daut;hter k\ Nay- ham ( inml. a nali\e nf X'erniniu. Kdhert I',. Milli.L;an. like maii\ nihcr suc- cessful men. ha- made hi-^ ' >\\ n way llir(iUL;h jil'e unaided. His rule nf life has e\er heen one of strict inlej^rity. and \\liate\er he does he does well. In maiuier he is i)leasant and yenial, easilv making- frieuils and holding them. In 1879 our subject was united in marriage to Mis.s Mary Butler, of Lawrence cittle ing': Hattie. wife of Dr. Gilniure, of \'illa X'erniilion ri\er. Ilere tliev lixed on rented Gro\'e : Gnv. a lelegraph operator in Tnseola. land. ;ind raised two erops. In eonipany uilli and J'lhn. at home. An infanl dangiUer died one Moses llrailshow, ,Mr. Richman's father in J.anuary, 1875. \isited the Enih.arr.ass timber on a bee hnnl. In 1869 Mr. kiehman bought one hnndred In eight or ten (l;i\'s the\' got three or four bar- and sixty acres of land u])on which the home- rels of honev. Mr. Kiehman was so well stead nc)w stands, and in .\pril ol the same pleased with the land in the neighhi irlK" "1 of year he mo\ed upon it. I'.y hard labur and where the\' encamped tliat he resoKed to i-e- shrewd management Mr. Kiehman was enabled ninxe to that conntr\- and lake up some of the \v<>u\ time to time to bu\- mi ire land, and now wild land there. Tin' famil\- left N'ermilion he has ei|ui])ped one ol tlie largest and best counts' in Mav fnllnwing and settled on the stock farms in the county, he having devnted k'nibarrass timber one-half mile west of Cam- much of his lime tu the raising of cattle and argo. There was n^l ani>ther famih' of hogs. Mr. and .Mrs. Kiehman are members whites li\ing in the jiresent limits 1 >f tlu' count\' of the M. v.. church at X'illa ( iroNC, and are .at the lime. Thei'e were no settlers north of always anmng the lirst to gi\e fur the aid of t_'harleston. I'"or a \'ear they rem.aineil the the poor and needy. Mr. has .always only famiU' in the connt\'. In abiml i-ighti'i'n been ,a strong suiipurter mI the 1 )t'inocr;itic mouths .after their ;n"ri\;d the\' h;id a neighliDr party. in .Mdss. wlm settled almnt ;i mile I'.ast jame^ .\. Kiehman i^ :i nu'inber iit the nld of the ]>resent tnwu nf Cam.argn. The In and pi'dminenl Kiclim.iii l.innlx' which enjuvs diaus were in the neighbnrhdod for.abnut thiee the distinctiiiu ol bemg the ohlest settled \'ears alter their ;na'i\;d. I '.ridge])ort nciw oc- family in the cntint\-. his grandfather, John cupies the site of their old \illage. The_\' .\. Kii'hman. h.axing been the nldest resident came in the f;dl and rem.ained o\er winti'r. in the coimly at the time of his death. lie and in the spring jdinairxi'd further nnrtli, liicated here oxer three-(|uarters nl a century wherr tluw s]ient tlu' >ummer. The lir^t siim- ;ign, i1k- lirst jiermanent while settler in tlie uier the Kichm.ans li\eugi,as eonnty. of logs split in twn. They commenced f.arm The Kichm.ans are nf l'" ;uid ( ing by trying to bi'e.ak the pr.airie. but fnuud descent. l)a\id Imi-u in (ireen- their teams too weak f(jr tliis. ;md si > began iM'ier cnunt)-. West X'ii'gini.a. ( )etiibcr _'5, i8iC>. wm-k in the timber. Tlu'\' kt']it ;il work", clear When in his eleventh year his f.amily left \'ir- ing, breaking ;mil pl.inling. till llu' lotli of ginia. JmIiu .\. Kiehman. his fatlu'i-, a jnly. when iht-y snt-ceeiK^d in ]>ntting fourti'cn Large f.amily i>f children .and w.antt'd mure land, .acres in with I'oru. The\' then work ,at heuci' his i-emo\al Irom \'irgini,a to llliuuis. building a house. The lu^s were hewn out. '1 1r' cattle, sheeii ,and Imrses cnuld nut be sold ruid ]),irl 1 lu the ground, when se\er of tlu- f;uuil\- were t.akeii dowu with the de^linatinu. .\rri\nig in \'ermili(in ciiunt\-, ague, se\en out of fle\en, and for several 194 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. months were able to dn ndlhing whatever. Their house was nol \)u[ up in consequence till the succeeding summer. This house may still he seen in a good state of preservation, just north of the railroad and half a mile west of Camargo. For many years the family en- dured the hardships and inconveniences of pio- neer life. Their pork was sold for (me dollar and a half to two dollars a hundred, but they saved a little money even at these prices and in- vested it in land, till finally the amount reached seven hundred acres. At the age of twenty-three David Rich- man was married to Ruth Haines, a native of Ohio. To them were born seven children : John, George, James, Samuel, William, Tay- lor and David, of whom John, George and David are deceased. Mr. Richman's life was full of hardships and exposure. In 1S32 he contracted a severe ci>ld, which settled upon his lungs and soon resulted in his death. OLIVER T. HUNT. First Lieutenant 01i\er T. Hunt (known as Captain), a retired farmer of Tu.scola, Illi- nois, and a well knnwn and highly respected citizen of the county, is a n;itive of Randolph county, Indiana, and was born within eight miles to Winchester, the county seat, June 13, 1832. He is a son of Miles Hunt, who mar- ried Mary L. Botkin ; they were natives re- .spectively of Fleming county, Kentucky, and Knox county, Tennessee. Bazil Hunt (grand- father) was l)orn in England. Fnur brothers (if the IlunI famil\- I'aine from luigland in alxnit the year 1779 or 1780. One was killed in the Revolutionary war; one settled in Mary- land: (ine in Virginia, and Bazil, the grand- father of the subject, settled in Fleming coun- ty, Kentucky, and moved in an early day to Indiana, where he died, leaving a family and widow. Miles Hunt, his youngest son. laid out and platted the village of Huntsville, ex- pecting at some future time it would become the county seat. His family were eleven in number, seven l)oys and four girls. .Ml the children married when of age and settled as follows : Three of the girls, Malinda Keever, Rachel Stevenson and Caroline Okerson, were all married in Randnlph county, Indiana, and moved to Nodaway county, Missouri, with their husbands. Also John C. Hunt, who married Emma Lane in .\tchison county, Mis- souri, and is an attorney of no mean standing in Rockport, the county seat of .\tchison coun- Iv. William Tipton Hunt was married on the same date as was our subject, to Celestine P.auni, daughler of Charles liaum, of V'crmil- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 195 ion c()nnt\-. llliiK^is. He died at Oklalioma scliolai"s and send 1)ut one ov two in ordtT \ > City while a juryman of the United States secure a teaclier. (^ften men with no chil(h\ii court in the Indian Territory, April 15. i8qi. to send to school wduld pay the tuition of a His wife returned to \'erniilion county, lUi- tn induce sunic one whu Cduld read nois, and died July 3, 1893, and write to teach. The old Miles Hunt, the father, departed this life spcllin;^ hook was the text l)ook, with smuc in Logan countv at the home of his youngest reading in it, with the stories of "the's ox son, .\louzo, in Oklahoma Territory, on De- th;it h;id hccn gore3. James D. Hunt, his scir,, now "hoy in the .apple tree." The prim.ary class resitles in Oklahoma county, that Territory, constituted the A JJ C divisions (with the al- Miles Hunt's wife died April 10, 1895, in Lo- phabet torn from the spelling book and pasted gan county, Indian Territory, and is at rest on a paddle to protect and preserve it ). When by the side of her husliand. I'ezelleel and (»uc had mastered the old clemcnt.ary si)clling Henry C. Hunt bi^th enlisted in the Sixty- book, grammar and arithmetic, writing ;md ninth Indiana Regiment in 1862. Henry C. geography were studies the parents could was wounded at the battle of Richmond. Ken- choose from, any or all of them. The old En- tucky, and Bezelleel. remaining with him, was glish reader was indispeusible, .and all who taken prisoner, but was paroled. ISoth were h;id thurdughly m;istered the s|)clliug bonk afterward married, but first studied medicine must read in it. which was not suitable to the and became M. IX's. Henry lives in Mont- contlitiou of the children. As well h;id them jjclier, Blackford county, Indiana, and has a enter the Latin class of to-dav. as there was lucrati\e ])ractice. Bezelleel dieil in Douglas imt half of the words the children knew the coiuity, Illinois, in August. i8r)9, leaving a meaning of, while the f.icilities of to-d,iv are widow, whose maiden name was P.ranham. much improved as the child climbs step by Sarah J. married Leander McMillen. of I'enn- step and is expected to master every study. syKania. who was also a physician. He died ^'et we .are jiaincd to see the gr.aduale who. leaving one son, I'.euuett H. The widow- after- ])arrot-like, can only re])e,-il wli;il he h;is thor- ward married a man of Vermilion county, 11- oughly committed — "I 'oily her break- linois, Benjamin Dickson by name. There fast." The greatest trouble, wc think, espe- were .seven of Miles Hunt's children who cially in the common schools, is with the leach- t.augbt school, viz.: O. P., William T., ers. .\ child recites well when it recites by lleury C, B. T.. J. C., .\. L. annimentaries, and in 1S53 he hmight Kent's Commentaries, I'arsnn cm Contracts, (u'eenleaf on Evidence and Cciuld's ric'iding. In 1856 he went to V'crniihciu ccmntv, lllinciis, and taught schocil, studied at his spare times his text-hooks, and taught school in State over two years. He returned to Randolph county in 185S and on motion of Judge Jeremiah Smith he was admitted to the ivandolph county liar to ]irac- tice law. He then went hack to Illinois and married I'diz.a J. McDowell on Septemher 1, iS^t). and returned to Randolph county. In- diana, where he and his wife hoth taught a winter term of school. In the spring they went to Illinois, where he rented a farm near Indian- ola, in \'ermilion county, rmd in iS6j, when i.incoln revoked the order of ( icns. I lunter and h'reniont, saving he did not ha\e the constitu- tional right to free the slaves of the south. Hunt concluded to raise a company. He called two or three meetings and secured quite a num!)cr of names near ludianola, in Vermilion county, Illinois, and went to Danville and reported to Covernor Yates. At this time George W. Cook, of Catlin, Illinois, learning of the mat- ter, went to see Hunt, as he had quite a num- ber of men enlisted, and they consolidated and were made Company K, of the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Regiment of Illinois \''ol- unteers. Cook was made captain of the com- ])any, O. T. Hunt, first lieutenant, and Frank- lin Crosby, second lieutenant, and O.T.Harmon, colonel of the regiment. The latter lost his life at the charge of Kenesaw Mountain, after which Hunt comm;mded the company ( hence the appellation '"Captain"), and the Captain [dayed major. The regiment was mustered in at Dan\-ille. Illinois, on the 3d day of Sep- lemhcr, iS^ij, and ser\ed during the war. The regiment went with Sherman to the sea (Sa- \annah, Georgia), thence to Richmond, and tlie muster-out rolls were made out at Wash- ington City, D. C. They were dated June i). 18^)5, hut were not cleli\ered to the men until the latter part of Jiuic. when the regiment was paid off at Chicago and disbanded. Hunt bought a I'eter Schutler lumber wagon in Chicago and returned to his fannl\- in X'ernnlion county. His wife, a daughter ccf John P.. McDowell. ,'1 native c)f Kentucky, inherited of her grand- father, Haxid \'arnell. one hundred acres of land in Douglas county. Illinois, and Hunt improNcd the same, .and through their econ- cini\' and industry added thereto tiu'ce hun- dred and fifteen acres of land, making a total of foiu' hundred and fifteen acres of land in Douglas count)', .\fter (Oklahoma Territory BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. '97 was (ipened up \w went to that CDuntrv and 1j( night two claims of George Cirant ami his I)i"(>tlier. i>r (ine half-section, within lew nr twcKe miles of Oklahoma City. I!ut he claims his eiuinmments and the war sjtoiled a good lawyer. He was commander of the McCowan Post, of Camargo, Grand .\rmy of the Republic. That order growing weak, he surrendered the charier and ji lined the I'rank Kced Post, of Tuscola, ami is also or has heen a member of the (irange. liiU he is opposed to secret political organization, as he says the Knownothing party of 185J-1X54 killed the old W liig parly, and any party that will not bear tlie light ol day and free discussion is dangerous to a tree and independent go\ern- ment. lie is a Stephen A. Douglas Demo- crat, as are the rest of his father's family, while all his near relati\es are Republicans, oi" l;a\e been, lie takes a lixelv interest in ]) )li- tics and the success of his party, making tiie race twice for states attorney and once for county judge with ci'edit to himself. a nati\'e of New Jersey, horn September i*".', ij<>4. and fought under .Andrew bick^on at the battle of New -.'-leans. His w i f-, .Abi- gail, was born .Nugusl 2S, \/(>J. johr Rose. his maternal grandfather, was an early settler near Clarksx'ille, (ireene county. PennsvKania. and owned a distillery, and in the words of Mr. Ileaton was a great inventor, ;is be could draw live kinds of liipior out of the s.ame bar- rel, and neither he nor any of his sons were e\er known to be drunk either. lie and his live sons were .also op])oseil to drinking; in that early day there were no orgau''on known as the Pi'ohibition partw biU princi- p.illy Democrats and Whigs. llea- W 11.1.1 \.\1 llb;.\r()N. William Heatou is one of the old lanl- mai'ks ot the county. l"or o\er half a centur\- be been an active .and successful man of loiTs f.ilber grew tpiite wealthy for that d.iv, allairs, .and ,at the age of eighty-three is still biu lost it bv goiug ou other i)eoplc"s bonds, attending to business. ! le was born in dreene lie renio\ed to .\'cw Washington, ( )h,io, county, Pennsylvani.a, July J4, 1X17, and is a where he died. His mother died in (irecne son of Sanniel and .M.arg.aret ( l\ost ) I le.aton, county. wlui were also born in (u'eene county. I'enn- Willi.un Heatou received a moderate a\i\- sylvania. His grandfather, John Rose, and cation in bis younger days ;md worked hard President McKinley's grandmother were on the f.ann. In iX_:;S he married Mary cousins. Willi-.n,i Heatou ( grand fathei ) was Hedge, a daughter of Jacob Heilge. of Greene igS BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. county. Jacol) Hedge was a good citizen, a good farmer, but never liad opportunities to sit in the state Legislature. WilHam Heaton's wife died in 1886. To tiiem were born seven children. His second and present wife is a most agreeable companion for him in his old age. She is a cousin of his first wife. Mr. Heaton has been a very successful trader and has probal)ly bought and sold more land than any man in the county. For several years he kept a land office at Des Moines, Iowa, and paid twelve thousand dollars out of his own pocket towanl the removal of the state capital from Iowa City to Des Moines. He laid the foundation for the Adair County Bank at Greenfield. Iowa, which is now owned and managed by his son, D. D. Heaton. He is now passing the sunset of life near the Pleas- ant Ridge church, in North Newman town- ship, where he still enjoys life, and appreciates a good story as well as he ever did. While in Iowa he was a political disciple of James B. Weaver and E. H. Gelette, serving as delegate to conventions and in other ways adding strength to the cause. He hopes to live to vote for William I. Drvan this fall. In the neisrh- borhood in which he resides he is something of a political freak, as nearly everybody around him believes most devotedly in an honest dol- lar and tlie constitution. STRODFR M. LONG. Stroder McNeal Long, who was the sec- ond ])resident of the Bank of Newman, Illi- nois, was born in Fayette county, Ohio, Oc- tober 6, 1840, emigrated with his parents to the state of Illinois in 1848 and located on a farm nine miles north of Paris, in Edgar county. He is a son of .Vndrew and Margaret (Mark) Long, who were natives of Ohio. He worked on his father's farm in the summer and attended school in the winter until i860, when he commenced an academic course at Paris, Illinois. In the year following the Civil war broke oitt, and he enlisted in Company E, Twelfth Illinois Infantrv. After three months' service, on account of a severe spell of sickness, he was honorably discharged and returned home. He engaged in farming and school teaching until the spring of 1867, wlien he moved to Douglas county, where he pur- chased eighty acres of land on South Prairie, three miles south of Newman. He remained here until 1880, making farming and stuck raising a specialty. He represented Sargent two terms on the comity board oi supervisors, 1878-79. In 1884 he was elected a member of the Thirty-fourth General Assembly of the BIOGRAl'lllCAL AND HISTORICAL. 199 slate by a large majority in titc district. His fidelity to party as well as to the peojjle's in- terest, his sterling integrity and rectitude of purpose, won for him the appointment hy the Republican caucas a member of the advisory committee that directed the party t)n all polit- ical questions. He was a memlier of the com- mittees on etlucation, farm drainage, house contingent expense, state and nnniicipal in- debtedness and canals and rivers. When he retired from the house of representatives at the close of the session he had made a host of friends and few enemies. In 1S9S he was again nominated by his party of the fortieth senatorial district, but his death occurred be- fore the election. In the spring of 1888 he succeeded I. 'N. Covert as presitlent of the Newman Bank, which position he held most acceptably to all parties concerned up to 1898, the time of his death. He was one of the pro- moters of the organization of the New-man lUiilding & Loan Associaticm, and was one of its prominent and rubng tlirectors. He was a charter member of Templestone lodge. No. 76, Knights of Pythias, and an enthusi- astic worker in that order. Mr. Long was a shrewd business man. straightforward, up- right and cap.'ible. Uni'ing the World's I'"air he was ;i member of the board of congress trom Illinois. ill 1 87 J our subject married .Mary E. I'ound. of .\ewinau, Illinois. She is a daugh- lei" of John .M. and Rosalinda (Kester) I'ound, the lormer burn in Clark county. In- diana, and the latter in Shelby county, Ken- tucky. To Mr. and .Mrs. Long were born fi\-e chiklren: Mabel M., wife of lleury .\. Wine, ol Indiauajiolis, Indiana; I'otter I'., married and residing on his farm south uf Newman; Caruet A., wife of William McGee, of Mat- todu, Illinois; Cecile 1\. and I'^ay K. reside with their mother. Mrs. Long and children own se\en hundred acres of Land, one bnudred and twenty acres of which lies in coun- ty, also other valuable city property. She has recently completed one of the mi_)st imposing and beautiful resideuces in Newman. JOSEPH S. WILLI. VMSON. Joseph S. Williamson, one of the leading farmers and most favoraljly known citizens 01 Douglas county, was bom .-\ugust 22, 1840, r.ear Muncie, Indiana. He is a son of Peter Williamson ;uid Ivosana, his wife. His father was born in Portsmouth. Ohio, and his mother ir. ( iermany. His paternal grandfather, Joseph \\ illianison, was a native of New Jer- 200 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. sey. and liis maternal grandfather. J"liii Adams Sliaffer. came fmm Cermany. Josepli S. Williamson was reared and edu- cated in Muiicie. In early life he taught school during the winters and worked upon the farm in crop time, after which he spent three years with a New >'ork dry-gcuxls hrm. In i(Sr)5 he came to this state and located in Tus- cola, where he was successfully engaged in the mercantile liusincss in partnership with the late C. W. Calvert for six years. In 1870 he re- turned to In(Hana and located at Mount Sum- mit, where he was engaged in mercantile l:)usi- ness. In 1876 he retm'ued to Douglas county. where he has hcen engaged in agriculture and stock raising on the present farm, containing one hundred and sixty acres, and which is one of the hest im[iro\ed farms in the county. He has been twice married. His fu'st wife, Miss Rebecca Ice, who died in 1875, was a daugh- ter of Colonel Jesse Ice, of the war of 1812, and .*>arali Ice. whose maiden name was Hick- man. There were horn to their marriage five children. The lixing ,ire : Jesse Peter, Fran- cis Eugene and Joseiih Aha. Deceased: James and .Arulrew. His second wife. Miss I'rances l\. L. Kiusev. is a daughlei" of the late Joseph i\inse\' and losin.a. liis wife, who was ■also a ihiughter of the ;ilio\e L\<\. Jesse Ice. To then' marriage were horn six children. i lie hving are; Pearl .M;i\'. Harry K.. h;arle W'., P. and .Mira Marie. De- ceased, ( ici >rge P. Mr. Williamson, while a resident of Tus- cola, was identified with the board of educa- tion, a member of the bo.-ird of aldermen, and, though never an oflice seeker, has filled many other ])ositions of honor and trust. In all these public capacities he has been faithful, and by his careful study of the political principles of our cfmntry and his deep interest in educa- tion has proved his devotion and interest in the comiuon welfare of the jjcople. For some tune his health has not been good and the past winter he and Mrs. Williaiuson spent in Florida in search of health. Socially Mr. Williamson is agreeaiile and comi)aniouable and has many friends who appreciate his worth as a neighbor and Christian gentleman. CALEB CAKRPTT. Caleb Carrett. sou of Isam and Mary ( I'uckett ) ( iarrett. was liorn in Clinton county, Ohio, on the (ith of July, 181 T). In i8r() the lamily mo\ed to Randolph couiUw Indiana, and, in 1823, t(j \'igo count}', in the same state, where thev remained until the final removal to Illinois. Whilst in the former state, the residence of the family was generally on the BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 201 Fort Harrison prairie and abimt four miles partly ti> ltHii< ii]) a lucatiim for a futnre Imme. soiitli of Tcrre 1 laute. Caleb was alxmt seven 'I'lie trip l)eg'an at Terre Haute. 1>\- lialilwin's vears old ulieii tlie family ix'siiled near the store, in Eds^ar county. Sadorus (u"o\e, and l.-itter place. He was educated at a suhscrip- into .Spriny field, lieardstown and (Juincy. tlien lion school: his father heins;- a man of ednca- a wild, sparcely settled country. Mr. (larrett lion, he progressed under home instruction and returned to Teri'e I laute hy way ol Meredosia, learned rapidly. In 1S30 his mother died in on the Illinois ri\er, to Sprint;1leld and Decatiu'. N'ii^o countw Indiana, and for sexeral years iMom iS^:;^ to iS,V>. pursuing;- his n;itin-al heiil thereafter .Mr. Uam (larrett and h:s two sons. foi- exploi'atioii .-uid adventure, he lollowed llat- C.alehand .Xatlian, kept house for themselyes. hoatiny down the Wabash, the ( )hio and the In these d;i\s Caleh dro\e an o\ team for I.. Mississippi to Xew ( )rleans. The boats, made I I. Scott ; he worked in the corn held fortwen- ;;enerally by the owner, were from ei.i;hly to t\'-li\e cents a daw and made fence rail> at from one lumdied and twenty ieet Ioul;. .and wci'e twenty to thirty cents ])er hundred, aseras;"- laden to the .gunwale with corn, jiork ami other iuL; one hundred and lift}- for ;i d.iy's work. produce. In I S4(i Ir- started from Terre I laute lie went into the jirintim; bu^ines^ at the ofhce bound Im Xew ( )i'leans per steamer, and upon i'\ the Western l\e.L;ister in Terre I laute under reachin.i; the W ;ibash ra]iids tluy were mm upon Judye .\mei-y Kiiniey ;md John W. ( )sborn, the rocks by a ;uuons, one hound tor the mouth ol the pursuits, farming;- ami .stock-raisiuL;, nuakiui;' ( umbeiland, the other lor the Teiniessee. success in them the object iif his future life. Alter ;i tediou> \oy;iL;e he arrived at .Xew ( )i' lie was for several )'cars a tenant of Channcev leans, took a steamship and pas>ed out to the Rose, the well-known millionaire, for whom at .^ull. ;ind alter a \er) st(jrm_\- passage arrived the outset he wciTcd at the ordinary (jccupa- satelv .il ( i.aK cston. lie went tlienct' to lions- tion of a faian hand. duiiuL; w hich time he made ton. ;md there f.iilini:; to ,i;ct a conveyance, thousands id" rails at the then very small'ted on foot lhroUL;h lie arrived Compensation ; and hei'e be.L;an between the two at a house where he was ollered and accepted men a warm i)ersonal rei;.ard. which was ouiv the use ol a pouy. The next da_\' he was ])re- terminated by the de.alh of Mr. Rose. In iS^:;^:;, sented vvilh ;i lun'se by a I )r. Ileard. and pro- in the ci puipanv of ( leoi-j^e Jordan, the f.ather of ceedint; ;-;ot into the v icinity ol hostile Indians. 1. L. Jordan, of Tuscola, and of Levi Westfall. lie became for the nonce a Texas rans^er. in an uncle of R. i".. I I. West fall, of ( l.arrett town- which capacity he ex]ierienced ship, anil also with a Keuluckv friend, Mr. li^hlinL;- with the Indians. In d'ravis county, (iarrett i)assed thron:.;h thi> portion of Illinois., Mi', (iari'elt'ried Miss Irene I'nck- partly to indulge his love of adventure and ett, a daughter of Thomas I'uckelt. With her 202 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. lie left Texas in an ox wagon loaded with pecans and dry hides. They arrived at Hous- ton and took a steamer to Galvestiin, and tiience to New Orleans, and hy the Mississippi to Evansville, Indiana, landing March 5, 1841 : they shortly after arrived in Vigo county, that heing the county in which his wife was born. Mrs. Irene Garrett has always been remarkable for an open-handed li1)erality toward her less fortunate neighbors, which dispensed generally from her own private means earned her the lilessings of the poor. In Vigo county Mr. Garrett returned U> farming and stock-raising, during which time, about 1842, he was elected to the Indiana state legislature, and at the succeeding term was re-elected. In 1845 '^^ made his second trip to Illinois, and in 1S46 bought land in the west part of Tuscola town- ship, near the present farm of William Brian. He finally sold this land and located in the forks of the creek on section 3, township 15, range 7. He also selected (uie Innulred and sixty acres of land, being lots 2 and 3 in the north- east (luarter of section 3, township 15, range y. and hewed a set of walnut logs for a home. In 1856 Mr. and Mrs. Garrett revisited Texas, including a long trip in a carriage by Price's Springs and Brazos brails in Cherokee county, wliere he examined lands; thence to Palestine and M.arshall, frum which place they went forty miles to Shreveport, Louisiana, thence by steamer to the mouth of Red river, and I>y a similar c(inve\ance to Exansville, Indiana, reaching hdme Nox-emlier 8, 1856, which was then Coles county. He then began imi)niving his lands with orchards, l)arns and dwellings. Mr. Ciarretl's lands in Ciarrett township at one time covered nineteen hundred acres. In 1875 lie sold these lands and reinvested in Tuscola township, having concluded to settle in Tus- cola City. He was the first supervisor of Gar- rett township, which had been instituted with the other townshii)S in 1868, and he was also a member of the first grand jury in Douglas county. Mr. Garrett always took a deep in- terest in all the public affairs of Douglas countv. WILLIAM HOWE. Historv first relates of William Howe, grandfather of the late William Howe, as a native of Virginia. Whether this is correct, we are not able to sav. But he afterward emi- grated to Kentucky when it was yet a wilder- ness. He formed a meml)er of Daniel Boone's first colony and participated in the dangers incident to "the dark and bloody ground." His son, George W. Howe, was born in Kentucky and there maiTieil .-\ngeline Hildreth, a native BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 203 of tliat state, Iitit (if F.ns^lisli descent also, and in had many a skirmish with tlic Indians, liis liourbon county, Kentucky, Wilham IIowc, Jr., father dying- by tlieir liands, and led by the same was born on November j^, i8ji). spirit of adventure and hardihood lie deter- In 1832 George Howe and family emi- mined tn try his fortunes in the new I'd Dorado. grated to the southeastern part of Missouri. in .March, 1850, in company with West and On the breaking out of the Black Hawk war others, eleven in all, he started overland fc'ase and whom the\- buried by a long period of vears so ;is to be of but little the \\.-iy. The men weiU to mining gold in this service. The good geuer;d educition he pos- region. Mr. How e remained nine luonlhs, dur- sessed was jjrincipally picked u]) bv his own ing which lime he got together a considerable ingenious industrv. .\fler his term of ser\ice (|u,-iiitit\- of gold dust. The Klamath excite- wilh Mr. West b;id exjiired he wurked a year meut then i-.-ime up .-lud he joined a party to go b\ the month, still Iiaxing his he;uli|uarters at to ( )regou. His expei-ience here was \ery ;id- W est's. At this time the excitement conse- \enturons, but tliei-e were no flattering results, (inent upon the ]iaiUv, -vil'i came into the I'ountw .-nid the next spring he a tn-e-]ilace occupying nearly .all df on(.' cud. honghl hi^ land. lie ]iut up a s]ilit iMg c.iliin The nidsi cil the children were witlioul h.als on the premises .-md li\eil with his hnither-in- and went h.arefoot in winter. Mr. Drew's fa- law. .\1I the time he c>perl\ hv de\M|od in p.aying olT (he a great deal of the time Im wurk on the farm. deht of mie hundred dollars, which was liuallv After a residence in ( 'oles county of si ime \e;M-s accoiuplislied in I liret- years. .\ gniid pniiK.ii the lauiily nnwed hack to .Sjiclhy, this time was worl. ROOT. D. O. Root, second son and third chilil of Levi and Polly Root, was born in nccattu' townshi]). Washington comity. (~)hio. Septem- ber J4, 1834. His father was a native of Liv- ingston county. New York, and was born April 9, 1809. He came with his mother and stej)- father to Washington county, Ohio, soon after the close of the second war with the mother comUrv, in which war his own fathei" h.ul been a soldier, and died just at its close. The P.TOGRArillCAI, AND IIISTOKICAr.. 20; motlier of tlic subject of tliis sketch, wliose maiden name was Stewart, was horn ui)on the farm upon which now stamls tlie \-illaj;c of Stewart, in ,\lhcns co\uity, ( )hi(i, M.arch 7. 1809, and lier mortal remains are slcepins;- in a cemetery near that villa,<;-e. u])on tlie nld Stew- art farm, less than one-fourth i>f a mile from the place where she was horn. She died in May, 1857. Her father, Daniel Stewart, burn in November, \jC',2. in T.itchlield. Gmnectictn, was a Sdldier in the cuntinenlal army in ihc wru" of the Uevolnti' in. lie came ti> ( )hio in 1802, and died upon the farm he then settled u])on, in 1839, of an accident, and nut of dis- ease or old ;iq-e. thimqii he was in his ninetv- eit^hlh year. The [jarcnts of onr subject re- ninNcd from Washington cnnnty to .\thcns county, s.-ime state, when he was a mere infant, and settled i>n the W'v^ 1 hick buck ini;- (imw abbreviated into simply Ihickiug) river, just belciw the villa.i^e n\ Here he sjicnt the first twenty years of bis life, except two years — 1852-53 — dm-inc;- which he was a stu- dent in the Ohio Wesleyan I'mAersilv at Dela- ware. (Ihio. Failing- health caused him t<> (piil school before graduation. After arriving at snl'licient age. when n.ii in .school — the common and select — he was cn- .gaged in the ordinary farm work, in a woolen factory and as clerk in a cuunlry store nf geu- cral merchandise. At the age of twenty he left the parental hdine for good and struck out lor himself and for the west as well. He landed in what is innv Douglas county — then Coles — October 17. 1854. It may be of snme interest to the younger generation, at least, as shnwing the difference in the nicule of tr;i\el then ;m 1 now, to state th;it the brst thirtei'ii miles ^<\ Mr. Root's westward journey — from the home he was just leaving to old .\thens — was made in a common road w.agoii ; from Atlieus to T^;m- caster, forty-fne miles, in a canal boat, towed by and twenty4hree consecutive hours were consumed in m;iking this distance, b'rom Lancaster to Terre Haute. Jndi;m;i, via Cin- ciimati and Iiulianapolis. bv rail. And. by the way, it was the only route Ity which it could. ;it that time, have lieen made by rail, b'rom Terre Haute to Paris, Illinois, was on a con- .struction train, on the old I. & St. L. U. K., its track having just been completed as far west as that iioint. b^-nm Paris to Oakland the trip was made in ,au old time "'h.-ick" or "st;ige coach." which then run from Terre HaiUe westward, on the old .Springfield "trace," pass- ing through Oakland, then locally known as Pinhook. During the winter of 1854-3 Mr. l\oot t;mghl a term of school at "Catfish Point." near w Iiert' the \'i]l;ige of Isabel, in Edgar comity, now stamls. i"or this be re- cei\ed the sum of t\vent)-fi\e dollars [)er 2o8 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. montli, an amount considered ratlier extra- iirur daughters: Harriet K., January 10, 1855; lulward T., November C>, 1857; (^rnou L., lulv ,^, 1860; Ro.secrans, November 2, 1862; Leula, October 9, 1864; Pitner, Novem- ber 26, \^()(\ and died Se])teml)er 25, 1867: Isabelle, January 12, 18(18; Mary, .\pril 13, 1869; a SdU, unnamed. September j,o. I'^yj,. died Oetober 3, 1873. i'jlward T., (ildest son died December 23. 1892, unmarried, in the thirty-sc\-enth year of his age. Hattie V ha> been mistress of her father's house and, as nearly as it is jMissible for any but a real muther to be, a niiitlier to the other children e\cr since the death (if lier mother, in ()cti)ber. 1881, while the f.'unilv resideil in Tuscnla. In lulv. 1861, Mr. Rout entered the ser\'- ice I if his ctmntry, in the war of the Rebellion, and became a member of Company 1 1, Iwenty ■ b^ifth Regiment Illinois X'ohmteer Infantry, and served until October, 1862, when, In's healtli failing, he w^as discharged for disability I'"rom 1868 to 1873 'i^ ^^''^s ^'^"'' times elected the assessor of his (Newman) townshii). In November, 1873. he was elected to the office of county clerk, re-elected in 1877, and, by rea- son of a change in the constitution of the state, an extra year was added to this term, which expired in 1882. making in all nine years. Shortly after his retirement from office, and while on the lookout for some permanent Imsi- ness, he entered the store of I'. M. Friend & Son. of Tuscola, as a clerk, remaining until Febrnar}-, 1884, at which time he bought a half interest in the large general store of James Cilloglv. of Newman, forming the firm of Cillogly & Root. Four years thereafter L. E. Root, a brother of D. O. Root, l)ought Mr. G."s interest in the firm and it was changed to Root Bros. The firm is still in business, occu- jiving a large two-storv brick on the north s'df of the sipiarc. fronting on X'alcs street .Tiid extending north to Mathers street. w!th a rear entrance on same. It is the leading firm in the citv. Mr. l\oot is a member of the M. K. cluu'ch of long standing'. ha\'ng entered its fold in Jannarv. 1851. He is a I'^reemason and a Knight Templar; has also taken all the degrees in Odd Fellowship except the uniform rank, and is a memlier of the 1\. of H. ;md ol H. & L. of H. orders. The family to which Mr. I\oot belongs is in some res])ects remarkable. To his ])arents there were born twelve children, eight Imys and foiu" girls, of whom ele\'en are lising, one son ha\-ing been killed lighting for the Hag in ibe war of 1861-5, at I'erryville. Ky., in October, i8(>2. These children were all born l)et\veen 1831 and 1852. His motlier, as has kefore BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 209 been noted herein, died in 1857. and in 1862 liis father remarried. From tliis union one son was htjrn, makint;' the family tn-day con- sist of tlie orig' number, eii^iit hoys and fotn- girls, tlie yonngest tliirty-se\en years of age, tlie eldest near se\enty. Six of tlic Itoys were in the Union army (hn-ing the l-Jehelhon. t:\e returning. .\h ser\ed tin'ee iuW yeru's ex- cept the subject of this slsclch. i"e\\ famihes can show sncli a record. JOHN Ol'LXX. Jiihn Oninn. jirixate banker, grain dealer, and one of the must successful x'nung ])usiness men of tlie count}', located in I'airl.and in 1SS4 ;is a giMin agent for the tlrm nf ll.irnelt, Kuhn & ComiJanv. of Terre Haute. Indiau.a. lie is Mr. (Juinn was born in Union county, Ohio. bVbruary 15, 18(13, and there he re- mained until he \\;is six years of age. when his ]i,arenls remnxed to (_"ham])aign county. 1 le is a son of I'atrick and llridget (Juinn. who were natives of Ireland. His father is retired from acti\'e business and resides at I'hilo. Illi- nois. J(j|in Oninn was reared on the farm and received the advantages only of the ncigh- l)oring- schools. In 1899 he foundeil the b'air- land Exchange Bank, which is his own ]irivate in.stitution. As a business man he is known to be careful, safe, and possessed of sterling in- tegrity. In 1890 he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah F. Suddeth. a native of Edgar county ;md ;i member of ,-i Kentucky famil}'. 'i'hey ha\e thi'ee children: Otis, Anna .and Cecil. Mr. (Juinn owns eighty acres of l.iinl northeast of Fairl.and, \'\\c miles dist.ant. Ik- is a ch.arler member of the Woodmen. ;md is also a member of the Court of Honor. SCOTT i',rk(;i':T Scott r.urgett, the proprietor of the New- ll.ank .and one of {\\c successful lin.anciers .and business men of Illinois, was born in Ihaishy b'ork. this couulw .Scptcnilu-r 11, 185J, and is ;i son of the l.ite I. W. I'nrgett. whose sketch is found n]>ou .■motluT Jiagc ot this bodk. Muring tlu' summer mouths Scott r.urgcll worki'd u|ion his f.alher's f.arm rmd ii[ wintci' ;illen- neers of Douglas ciunity. Thc}' have had six A. HAYWWRD. A. Flayward, who has been the railroad station and ticket agent at Camargo for twen- ty-three years, was born near Belfast, Ireland, November 23, 1849, and was reared to man- hood in the ncighborlu^od of Cranbniok, coun- ty Kent, England, where he attended the or- dinary school of that day. He is a son of P.enjamin Ilayward, who was a member and organist of the Church of England at Inch, JJiOGRArJiiCAL AND HISTORICAL. 21 I hear Iklfast. Ireland, lie was a fine niusi- Cusiey. They lia\e (uie (jaiii^hter. .Mary eiaii. i>layini^ hdtli (ir,-;aii and violin with i.;real I'.Iizahetli. wIk. is ninelecn years of a.i^e. He proficiency. His father died in 1S55. His i^ a nieniher i.l' the Cc.nrt ni Ih.n.n- and at mother, who was, before she was married, proent holds the office of chancellor. .Mr. Marg-aret Carr, was a native of Ciuint) Down, Ihiyward owns a pleasant liome in C.-nnari^-o, Ireland, and was reared ne;.r llelfaM. His besides eisfhty acres of land ni .Murdoch town- great-.Lj-rand lather, John lla\\\ard, w.asanex- .ship. He has been town clerk of Caniaroo ceediiigly wealthy man, and because his sons for six years and was .secretary of the 1 )ou-las were of dissolute habits he be(|ueatlied his county fair for ten years, I ie was also assist- ant ,!;"ener,il superintendent of tl;e st;'te fair in iX()7-(;X, ;iuil scr\ed as delc.'.;;ile to the Court I 'I Hon. ir of l)ou,L;las couul\-. which met 111 .^])nii.-lield ill iX()i). He h;is in.ade his own way in the busiin.-ss world ;i;id at present occupies ;iii eii'.iable position 111 the affairs of Di uiLjlas countw ( IIAKI.ICS.S. S.\X1)I'()RD. Charles .'^. .Sand ford, of Tuscola, Illinois, is the sou of Is.iac and r.eliud.i ( boster ) Sand- lord. 1 he lather w,is born ,it Ih'idyeb.untou, wealth to charity. an3, Came to Tuscola and followed merchandising, in which, since 1863, he has Ijeen acti\ely engaged. TOHX T. TODD. John Thomas Todd, who is one of the most acti\'e and successful business men of Tuscola and who has been with the exception of two BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 21 I near Belfast, Ireland, lie was a fine niusi- eian. playing both organ .ami xiolin with great liroficiency. Hi.s father died in 1S55. His mother, who was, before she was married. Margaret Carr, was a nati\-e of connty Down, Ireland, and was reared near Belfast. His great-grandfather, JmIhi IK'uward. was an ex- ceedingly wealtliy man, .and becatise his suns were of dissolute h.abits he lieinieaihed liis C'ogley. They have one danghter, Mary Elizabeth, who is nineteen years of age. He is a member of the Court of Honor and at present holds the ofhce of chancellor. Mr. Hayward owns a pleasant home in Camargo, besides eighty acres of land in Murdock lown- shii). lie has been town clerk of Camargo tor six }-ears and was secretary of the Donglas county fair for ten years. He was also assist- ant general superintendent of the state fair in 1897-98, and served as a delegate to the Court of Honor for Douglas county, which met in Springfield in 1899. He has made his own way in tlie business world and at present occnpit's an en\iable ])ositi>in in the affairs of Douglas coinitv. Cll.\Ul.b:S S. SAX'l'OKl). Charles S. .Sandfonl. of Tuscola, Illinois, is the son of Isaac ;mil Belinda ( b'oster ) .Sand- fcri"torv of Long Island, came direct to Tuscola, where he followed the Many of them p.irticip.aled in the battle of painter's trade .and reni,aiiu'n a farm near Xewman. lie is a son of David and Mariah (\\'il,s(in) Todd, who were natives of Ireland, and who were both Episcopalians in their religious belief. Da\id Todd was ;i hiinkhinder Iiv trade anil in about 1844 emi- grated til this ciiuntry, first settling in New York City, where he worked at his trade until 1855. when he emigrated west and located on a farm in Eilgar county. The graml fathers of Mr. Todd were James Todd ami William Wilson, both born in Ireland. In 1883 Mr. Todd was united in marriage to Miss Laura, a daughter of L. J. Cash, of Newman. He is the founder of the Douglas County Telephone Company, now a sub- licensee of the .American ricll rclciilione t'om- pany, the change being made in order to get the use of the instruments and the long-distance connections of the Bell Comi)any. Mr. Todd is still the president and business manager of llie Company, with J. W. Ilamiliou as sec- retary. In 1892 he removed to Chicago, where he was engaged for two years in per- fecting and tleveloping an invention known as the "thermograph," of which .Mr. Todd is the patentee and inventor. This instrument is for automatically recording the \-arialions of temperature of refrigerator cars while in transit, also of the several rooms of cold stor- age plants, hot houses, etc.. where it is ilesira- hle that a uniform temperature be maintained. With Mr. TchM's in\-ention it is possible to have a printed record made on a narrow' strip of jiaper ribbon, showing the \'ariations of temperature at such intervals of time as may be desired, froiu the time a car of meat leaves Chicago until it arrives in San Francisco, from which record any neglect in re-icing car en route ma\- be located, and ;is the record shows the time of day and date of every variation, it is an easy m.atter to place the res])onsibi!ity for any neglect by the se\eral railway com- panies handlig the car. John r. Ti >dd is a member of the M.asonic fraternitw .and his standing ;is a man. espe- cially in I'ailroad circles, is second to none. During his residence in Tuscola he has borne an important ]iarl in the ])rogress of the city, .and his courteous manner ;md his integrity and abilit}- ha\e wnn him a high place in the esteem of his fellow citizens. 214 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. CARL S. BLJRGETT. Carl S. Burgctt was burn in Sargent ti^vvn- ship. Douglas county. Illin(.)is. July 2, 1867, and is a son of I. \V. Burgett, whose death occurred in 1884 and wlmse sketch is found elsewhere. .After leaving the common schools Mr. Burgett attended high school at Green- field, Iowa, and the Commercial Cnllege at Terre Haute. Indiana. In i8yi he located in Newman ami has been engaged in buying and selling broom corn and the manufacturing of brooms; he is also engaged in the fire insur- ance business and buying and shipi)ing stock. In 1894 Mr. Burgett was wedded to Miss Emma Gillogly, a daughter of James Gillogly, of Newman. To them have been l)orn three children: Lois V., Carl .Stanton and Gladys. Besides his business interests in Newman Mr. Burgett owns one hundred and twenty acres of land in Sargent tovv'usliip. He is a Mason and belongs to the Melita Commander}' of Knights Teiuplar of Tuscola. i\Ir. Burgett has for .several years past taken an active and influential part in the councils of his party and was elected as a Republican to the lower house iif the (ieneral Assembly (if Illinois in the fall cif 1898. While a member of this body he was con.scientious in his work and was seldom absent at roll-call. He served on the commit- tees on agriculture, appropriations, banks and banking, labor and intlustrial affairs, penal and reformatories and railroads. It was largely due to his efliciency as a law maker that his party in the recent primaries gave him the re- nomination without opposition for re-election to the same office. Socially Carl S. Burgett is one of the most companionable of fellows and thoroughly appreciates the confidence and esteem placed in him liy the general public. ALBERT B. S.VW'YER. Albert B. Sawyer was born in the town of Milton, Chittenden county, Vermont. January 3, 1837. Since 1885 he has been a resident of Tuscola, Illinois, having from that time until 1899 been a member of the dry-goods firm of W'ardall & Sawyer. In Mr. Sawyer's chiklhood his parents came to Illinois, living near and finally in Joliet. His boyhootl and youth were spent in that part of the state, on the farm, going to school or assisting his father, Jed Sawyer, in filling the extensive railroad contracts which he took when the railroads around Joliet were being built. Having gone to Texas in i860, he li\ed near Houston until after the Civil war broke out, when, being unable to retiuMi to the BIOGRAl'IITCAT. AND HISTORICAL. 315 iinrth except as a Confederate SDldier, lie land in alu ml the year 1 fiS5 and settled in cast- tinaied to the west, finally entering' the Repnb- ern I'ennsyhania, ne;!r Philadelphia. In lie of Mexico. Thei'e he turned his attention ahout \y<-)0 Alurris Cdvert. his t^rand father. t\ the cit_\-. lie is a hn-ge stockholder in the Xewnian h'lectric Li.glit (S: Canning Coini)an_\'. lie is a mem- ber of Xewnian Lodge, Xo. t,U). of Masons; a Knight Templar, belonging to Alelita C'oni- mandery. Xo. t,j. of Tuscola; a Knight of Pythias, and a member of the ( i. A. R. and Knig'hts of Houi ir. The store room occu|)ieo. ( )iily Melvin and Wallace are m.arried. The members , if the f,-iniilv are iden- tilled with the .\l. k. church of Xewnian. count}-. Illinois. March 1. 1X76. lie was reared on .a f.arm and received his principal educati. and ;i pri mi i sing busi iiess man o| the coniu\', was born in houLilas ot dry-goods, notions and ginceries and has llu' entire conlidence of tin- people in llinds- bo|-. I .and I'.owdre township. In .addition to bis mercantile interests he owns fort\- acres of valuable land the \ill.ige. Mr. ('arn.ahan is a son of kobert A. ("ar- iialian. who was born September j_>, |X_^<), in I'leming county. I\t'ntuck\. ;ind is a son of Jackson a.nd .M.argaret ( .'^ousley ) C'arii.ahan. with whom he removed from Kiaitnckv to In- in 1X47, In 1X57 the f.amilw moved |.i ( oles coiinlv, where, 111 1 X0( 1, l.acksriu (, .arn.a- liau dii-d. vvbii'h ihi'evv the snppoiM of the will- ow ed niotlu'r ;iiid younger children u])on Kob- 2l8 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. ert, who was the eldest child, llis business in life was farming, cattle dealing and trading, in all of which he was very prosperous ; ha\ng no capital to start on, he accumulated a good property by industry anil good management. In 1869 he liought eighty acres of the present homestead antl later added eighty acres more. It was unimproved, but later became one of the fine farms of Bowdre township. Our su])ject was twice married. His first wife was Miss Sarah E. Herbert, daughter of William J. and Martha (1. (Arasmith) Her- bert, of Coles county. His second wife was Miss Mahala Herbert, sister of his first wife. By the last marriage there was born one child, a son, Clarence H. Jackson Carnahan's death occurred March 8, 1879. Clarence H. Carna- han is one of the youngest men in successful business in the county, and displays a reniark- al)le tact and aptitude in handling details. So- ciallv he is popular with his friends. V. C. McNEER. "Probably no death that has ever occurred in Tuscola came more suddenly or caused more expressions of regret and genuine sorrow to be heard among our people than that of V. C. McXeer, which occurred at Areola at about 8:30 o'clock on Friday morning last. It came like a shock to his innumerable friends in this city, and many could hardly realize that he had ])as.sed to the beyond and that he would mingle no more among us. "Mr. McNeer, who has bought stock in this county for many years, had occasion to go to Areola that morning to receive some hogs from John Jones. The fast mail leaves here at an earlv hour, and in order to make the train he was com]^elled to run from the First Na- tional Bank to the dejjot. It is su]iposed that this over-e.Kertion ha\ \)\c thronghout the mains arrived here on llie .aflenKmn tniin. and comity. His husiness took him to everv town were met at the depnt hy se\cral hmuh-ed within a radius of twenty miles, and his circle P^'^'P''-'- of ac(|uaintances was perhaps larger than that "The dccurrcd at his home near I'f any other citizen among us. In his husiness the southern limits ol the city on Monday relations covering these many vears he was afternoon at two o'clock, when, notwithstand- found to he houor.ahle and upright with his ing the intense cold at the lime, a large mnn- fellow men. and it might he s.aid that he has ber of friends gathered to pay their last re- aided more men in a financial way than almost spects to the one who they had known so well any citizen in the community. He had a large in life, and momaied so sincerely in death, and sympathetic heart, and no friend ever went The services were brief, and were conducted t" him in trouble and was turned away. Many by Revs. Calhoun .ind Wyatt, after which the who have been aided l)y liim in the past will rcmams were ])laced in charge of tiie Odd Fel- remember his kindlv acts through life and lows, who conducted the services according to bless him for it. .Ml feel that an honored and Iheir rites. respected citizen has been called. ;md that his "The deceased was born .\nder,son. place will be hard to till. Indiana, December t,i. iSj;(;, and w;is "Jt is more th;m probable that the .leccased (|ueutly tifty-seven years of age at the time of awai'c that he w. mid be l.akcn suddenly, liis death. lie lea\cs a wife and four children as be had previous warning of his trouble, to mourn his loss, besides one brother and one Fast summer he was stricken while at home, sister. The sister, Mrs. Catherine Jones, of ;md a few ye.irs (irevious he suffered a liglu Alexandria, Indian.a, was in .attendance at the attack." — (Copied.) tuneral. The brother, Dan. is a resident of ( )maha, and it was impossible to reach him b\' lelegra[)h, as he was alisent from home. .Mr. C astle, a brother-in-law, from Ale.vandria, was , -.-yir.-^ <• -r()|)|) als(^ present, and on Monday ^Mr. and .Mrs. John Renner, parents of Mrs. McNeer, arrived J.anies (i. Todd born in .\'ew \i>vk I loni Kansas. .\lso Mrs. (ofTey, of City, July if). 1X40: remo\clace and .after date in Chicago (.Mr. Culhcrtson removed to Cliicagf) in 1857). In 1S43 he was m.arried to Miss Khoda W'illi.ams. of Xewixirt, whose p.arents were from PennsyKani.-i. In iS3_> he entered a section of Land in Xewnian iMwnship ;md kept on increasing it until at one time he owned two thousand, three Iiun.arents mo\ed to ()\\en cnun- t}'. he gi\en a thorough sclinol ing .at the I lli h iiniugtMn. Indi;m.a. st.ate uni\ci'- 222 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. sity and at twenty years of age lie engaged witli his linitlier in tlie drug business at Bow- ling (irccn. Clay county. Indiana. After a year he bought bis brother's interest and o-,vncd the store until 1864. In iSfjj be organized Company D. Seventy-First Indiana A^ilunteer Infantry. At the l)attle of Richmond. Kentucky, he was wounded and taken prisoner, but at night with some others escaped. The Seventy- first sustained such loss that the reorganiza- tion was abandoned. The remaining members returned to Terre Haute and there organized the Sixth Indiana Cavalry antl Mr. Conover was commissioned major. Owing to disabilities sustained at Richmond be was mustered out at Knoxville, Tennessee, and on returning home lie was appointed provost marshal of the sev- enth Indiana district with beadf|uarters at Ter- re Haute: he was appointed inspector of inter- publican ticket for mayor of Terre Haute. In 1869 he came to Tuscola where he afterward resided. He traveled for eleven years in the in- terests of a Cincinnati hat house luitil 1880, when be was elected to an office on the Re- publican ticket. On January 24, 1854, be mar- ried Miss Bradshaw N. Elkin, of Bowding Green, Indiana. Major Conover belonged to the Masonic lodge from the age of twenty- one years ; was a Knight Templar of Melita Commandery and was circuit clerk and record- er. Mr. Conover was respected in Tuscola up until his death. the very front rank of successful professional men of Douglas county. He is a native of Illi- nois and the son of Dr. and Mrs. H. Ruther- ford, of Oakland, Illinois, being liorn in the present family residence in Oakland, August 14. 1850. After the completion of a common school education be tauglit school in and near Oakland for three years, during which time be was engaged in the study of medicine. After this he attended lectures and graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, at Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, the I2tli of March, 1877. He returned to Oakland and began the practice of medicine, which he continued until DR. C. RUTHERFORD, M. D. Natural ability, thurdngh study and long experience have i>laccd Ur. C. Rutherford in he came to Newman, September 2", 1877, and has ever since been actively engaged in his chosen profession, building up as he has a large and lucrative practice. Dr. Rutherford was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Mclntyre on the 2jnd of Sep- tember, 1885, and together with his family oc- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. cupies a very neat residence in tlic snuth part of tlie city. Tn Mr. and Mrs. Rutiierford liavc been born two cliildren, Eugenie, laorn June 29, 1892. and Florence, liorn July 8, 1894. He lias served on the scliool board twelve years and was elected the first president under the new organization of se\en members, having been re- elected each year since, which is conclusive c\i- dence that he ser\'cs the people hiiniir;ibl\- in that capacity. When the people of Newman desired to convert Newman into a city, be was chosen as the proper man fur the mayoralty and was elected. lie is a prominent member of the Ma- sonic and K. of 1'. lodges of this city. His medical skill has been tlic me;ms of him being selected as a member of tlie board of pension examiners and also elected county coroner for four years, ;dthougb bis extensive practice kept liim for serving as coroner. Dr. Rutherford has always been a great i)ronioter of Newman's interests and in 1890 in partnership wi'.h R. Thomas was the designer of the bcauliful New- man cemetery. A city full and running over with such men as Dr. Rutberf(M-d could not lielp but advance. "God made the country and man makes the town" as the old saving goes; and it is a true one. Every town is just what its inhabitants m;ike it, is dead or alive according to the comiKisition of its men. Of course all cm not be leaders; some ha\e not the talent, others have not the time, lint when the leader arises, then the duty of the ordinary citizen is to foll(;iw in the wake of bis :idv;mcing foot- stei)s. Dr. l\utlierford possesses honest (|u;di- licnlions and so x.aried ;n-e bis gifts that m.any men n;ifur;dly seek his companionshi]) for con- sultation. .X'oble models make noble minds. \\\ \V. T'EPPER. \V. W. re]i])er, a lawyer and a suc- cessful young business man, was born on a farm seven miles south of Newman May 24, 1866, and is the eklest of seven children born to Dudley EI. and Nancy Liston Pep]ier. His fa- ther was a native of Kentucky .and resides ;it ( ).akl,'md. Mr. l^epper recei\ed his early edu- cation in the public scIkioIs of ();iklanil ;ind afterward look ;i three-years" com'se in the l^ni\-ersity of Illinois in C'liam])aign. .\fter leaving the unixersity he took a two-years' law course at the .Vortliwestern I'niversity ;it Evanston and was gi-acluated with lionor in 1893, shortly ;iflerw;ii-d being ;idmilted to the bar. On June j8, i8i;o. Mr. I'epi)er married Miss Nora lliuds. of llindsboro. In .M.arch, 1894, Mr. l'e])]ier located in .\ewni;ni ,'inil com- menced lln''tici' of l.iw . I le becime al once deser\ed]y popiiLir .and in May, 181):^, was 224 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. cliDScn city attorney, which office he filled with due honor until the expiration of his time.* He was re-elected to the same office, hut resigned to look after his other husiness. It can he truly said of him that he is a man peculiarly after his own style. He has no model and seeks after none, save that which is the creation of liis own mind. Starting out in life as he did, without means, perseverance and energy consti- tuted his only cajjital. He entered his profes- sion with a determination to fully accpiaint Inmself with the law and the rules of practice. This he has done. He has huill up and now en- joys an extensive practice in all the courts of Douglas county. His splendid success is due to the fact that he is a ceaseless worker and when once employed he pursues his rase until he has thoroughly mastered it in :dl its de- tails. OLIVER O. HOCKETT. Oliver O. Hockctt, one of the 3'ounger memhers of the medical fraternity of Douglas count V, and one of the leading men in the social, professional and educational life of New- man, was horn in Paris, Edgar county, Illinois, March 2, 1866. He was graduated from the high school of Paris in 1882 and suhscquently entered tlic state university at Champaign, where he remained for three years. He then took up the study of medicine with Dr. M. P. Smith, with whom he remained untd he en- tered Chicago Hahnemann College, from which well known institution he was graduated in the class of i,S8q, and the following year he spent in the liahnemann hospital. In March, 1890, he came to Newman and opened out in the general practice of medicine, and has suc- ceeded far hey(ind his expectations. He is skilled and successful, and although having heen in Newman Ijut a few years, he enjoys one of the most extensive and lucrative practices in the county. He is a memher of the Hahne- mann Medical Society, contrihutes to the medi- cal joiu'nals and keeps himself thor(iughly in touch with the advancements heing made in his profession. .-Vs a diagnostician in his pro- fession, as well as in his judgment of human nature, he would pass muster 'in any com- munity. Dr. Hockett is a son of Mahlon and Marv (Kimhle) Hockett, natives of Vermilion and Edgar counties respectively. His father was a well-to-do carriage manufacturer, who has re- cently retired. During the war of the Rehel- lion he was first lieutenant of the First Missouri X'olnnteers. Ilis grandfather Kimhle walked from (~)hio to Edgar county, and died in 1877 \uirth ninety thousand dollars. In 1895 our BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 225 ^.iihject married Miss Luella Gillespie, and has in"- to Tiisccila he was engaged in the same line hy this marriage une child, named J. Maxwell, at Artlmr. Dr. li.K-kett has a.snite oi rooms in the Swag- Mr. rin]li])s was horn in Clay comity. Tcn- gert huilding. which is his office, elegantly nessee. .Xpril iS. 1861, his parents remo\ing lilted np. and where he takes care of a large when he was (piite young to 1 1,-iwkins counlv. and growing practice, huilt u|) hy close appli- cation to his work. Wdiile in medical college special honors were conterreon him. and on his entering the great school of acti\e life his thorough education and medical training did him great service in heginning his |)raclice. He is thoroughly e(|uip])ed wilh the hnest out- hts for use in his specialties that can he had. .Socially he helongs to the Knights of I'vthias. and in 1881 was ;i memher of C'om|)aiiy II. I'jghth I'icgiment. Illinois Stale .Militia, retir- ing in 1887. some liftydixe miles cast of Knoxville, in the same state, lie is a son of William I'lnllips. W. IMIILLIPS. ( )f the many leanccessful hnsiuv.s.-; men of Tuscola who h;i\e fought tlieir way suc- cessfully through life and who h;i\e heen the architect ot their own fortune in the true sense of that term is the suhject of this sketch. lie is a dealer in ])onltry. ]iroduce. Iish. etc.. and is interested in the ice hnsiness. 1 le founded his ]>re.sent hnsiness in Tuscola in iXc^fi. c. .11- who was a uati\e of Hawkins coniitv. Tennes- .see. William married .Miss hanilv l'hilli])s (no relation, though hearing the same name ). Th-,' lather died in iS(<:,. and hi> mother in |X()S. aged se\enty-seven years. In I'ehruarv, 18S1, Mr. Phillips wed. led .Miss .Veljie M. I-'itch. of Coles county, llhuois. Tliey h;i\e four cliil- structing a Iniilding 8oxJO feel, and one and '''"^'"- "^ ^■"•'' I >"";i. I'"- W. and Herald. .Mr. one-half stories high. This hmlding hnrned in '''""'1'^ i^ ••' niemher of the W Imen .and .\ugust ,.f the i"ollowing year, and he im- ''^'■■'l'"^-"- mediately erected on the same site a more cor,)- modious one, uox^o feet. It is safe to say that .Mr. I'lnllips' ])ouhry hnsiness is one of the very largest in the state outside of Chicago. He has ahout twenty live men traveling and huymg poultry ;md produce throughout the year. I'dr hfieen years prexious to his coni- M Ai.nrx- mxr.s. 15 in touching upon the historv of Douglas coiiiuy lor the ]iast sixty years, none ha\e heen more prominently connected with its urowlh 226 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. and industrial exi^ansion tlian the Hon. Maiden Jones. He endured all the hardsh'i:s inc'dent to the rough ])ioneer lite and has pa.ssed through a most honorable and enviable eareer. He is a native of Lee county, Virginia, and was born February 8, 1818. When a child he went with his i)arents to Kentucky, where he was reared and where, at about the age of seven- teen, lie entered a store as clerk and remained three years. In 1840 he came west, making the trip on horseback, settled with his brother, Al- fred, live miles southwest of Areola, and there engaged in farming and the live stock business. In. 1848 he remo\-ed to his present locality and, in company with Mr. (iruelle, opened a general store about h;df a mile north of Bourl)on. his store being the only one west oi Ciiarleston. He was engaged extensively in buying and selling cattle and horses, and droxe them from his home to Wisconsin, which ;U that time was the only market worlhv of the name in the west. I'hey continueil ;it this ])oint about one year. Mr. Jones then built a sti^re in Bourbon and laid out the town. He continued merchan- dising here about six years. In 1858 he was elected sheriff of the county of Coles, and re- moved to Charleston. There he resided for three years, returning to Bourbon in 1861. He was elected ti_> the Legislature in i8r)4 and re- elected in 1866, and was the first member electetl from the new county of Douglas. In 1876 he was elected state senator antl served four years. He was also a candidate for the senate in 1880, but was defeated by a few \otes. On coming to Coles, now Douglas county, he had but forty dollars and a pony. He now owns fifteen hundred acres of land and the finest residence in the township, which cost over six thousand dollars. He was married in 1880 to Mary, daughter of Isaac Gruelle. who was one of the earliest settlers of this county. Eleven children have blessed this union, nine now lixing. four sons and five daughters. His wife died June 23, 1895, in her sixty-first year, .\mongst Mr. Jones' neigh- bors, when he first settled in the vicinit}' of Bourbon, might lie mentioned the .Mibots, Sto- \'als, Ellises and the Chandlers. Mr. Jones and Lemuel Chandler, in the i860 tlays of old. were the leading stump speakers and authorities of the day. and being on opposite sides of the important political questions, made the old brick school house in Bourbon fairly ring with the eloquent pros and cons of political debate. the condiments of which were not a little per- sonal feeling, which, to the knowing ones, lent an adtled zest to their enjoyment; but, hajjpy to say, old time fixed them with his glitter- ing eye at last and the foolishness of political animosity gracefully gax'c way to the sober l)liilosophy of increasing years. In a public BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 227 career of aljout forty-five years, Mr. Jones, while ns. He has served three terms as president of the town board. He has also been a member (if the board of health and director .>f the P.uilding & Loan .\ssociation. He is a Mason and mem- ber of the Knights of Honor. In his business relations with the i)ulilic he is unimpeachalMe and supplies the people for miles around wUh the most improved style of harness. He is a clever gentleman ;ind res])ecte(l by most every bo(h-. FDWARD W. CALVIN. Fdward W. Calvin, the leading druggist and owner of both livery stables of Newman, was born in Wayne county. Illinois. December J I. i860. He is a son of Dr. J. W. Calvin, nessmaker at Bellfontame. Ohio. He was a who was born in Kentucky in 1829. and he vouno- man of good habits and of splendid me- the son of Hiram Calvm, who was a native dianical turn of mu.d ; he learned the trade of Virginia. His father was a graduate of „u,ro,ighlv and soon became a r.rst-class work- Rush Medical Cllege. He married Sarah nnn 'in 'the vear ,8.. he removed to Attica. Brown, of New But^-alo„ Michigan, whose BIOGRArillCAL AXi) lllSrOKICAL. 229 (Icatli ficcurrcd sdinc luenty years ai;-o. He lias practiced at varinus places, was at Newman one year and is at present in active and success- ful practice at Toledo, Ohio. E. W. Cahin has for several years exten- si\elv engaged in l)n\ing and selling horses and has been remarkal)ly successful in all busi- ness enterprises in which he has been interested. In June, 1897, he opened out in the drug busi- ness and keeps on hands one of the most coni- ])lcte assortments of drugs lound in a lirst-class drug store. In iSS() be was united in marriage to Miss iMunia Smith, of X'ernuliou county. They ha\ e one child, ( )l<;il McCrea. Mrs. Cabin is a daughter of Michael Smith, who was born in X'ermilion coiuitv, Illinois. Iler mother was Mary .Ann Snai)p. She was a danghler of Ceorge Snajjp. a nati\e of Richmond, \ irgini;i. lie was ;i carriagemaker bv trade and after working soiue time ;it bis trade in Richmond he remo\ed to (i^orgetown. X'ermiliou county. He was in the war of i8i_'. Mrs.Cah'in's gr.andfatber. Joseph .Sunth. was a nati\e of .Xaslu'ille. Tennessee, anil later reiuoxed to X'ermilion count}', where he resided until bis death. In about 1890 Mrs. Calvin started her ]>resent millinery store in Xewnian and carries a stock as large and \aried as can be found in luany towns of from ten thou>aud to lifteen thousand ])eople. J'ldward W. Cabin has made a success of every l)usiuess \enlnre he has e\er undertaken. He takes an acti\e interest in po- litical ;nid social affairs and is ])nl)bc spirited and interests himself in c\erytbing that helps Newman and Douglas couiUx'. J.\C()1'. K. .MOORIC J.'icob Rice Moore, who recently died was one of the best known and most geuei'ally res])ected farmers in the county. His illness hngered and lasted for two loug years before death relieved him. There were jirobablv but few people in the neighborhood of Arcol.a and its surroundings who were aware that .Mr. .Moore at Ibe time of his death was one of the oldest residents of the county. lie was bom within sight of the ])l;ice 011 which he dieil and the same section of rich Illinois soil which claims the honor of his bii'tb witnessed bis rise to manhood and his gr;idnal ;id\ance ment to coinp.aratn t' old age. I'dr sixtv two \eai's he li\ed and lhri\ed on the s.ame f.arin where bis birth oci'nrred, when I )ouglas count v was unheard of and the old ]ir:iirie st;ite w;is a wilderness of .a few scattering bamlels. ISe- fore .\rcola was a dot on the map he was liv- ing on the farm where he died and he wit- 230 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. nessed the swamp lainls of tlie county mature into the richest and one of tlie most fertile counties on the continent. He was one of tliose (|uiet. iniassuniing men who let the great world tight its hattles while he huilt a Iieauti- ful home for his wife and interesting children, lie was careful and economical and what he earned he sa\ed. Through this method of economy, his land interests bmadened out and he became one of the successful men in the business affairs of the community. It is said of Mr. Moore that during his entire life he was ne\er absent from his home more than a ])eriod of thirty dax's at the most. Jacob R. Moore was born September iS, 1836, and died June 2, 1S99, aged sixty-two years, eight months and fourteen days. He was married to Mary \\\ Bacon, of Bourbon, Deceiuber 31, iSf)2. To them were born se\cn children, whose uaiues are as follows: Kich.ird, (Jeorge B.. Rice J., Anna M., Wade 11., I''.ninia 1'.. .S., and Leouore Moore. As a neighbor, Mr. Mocn'e was always ready to lend a helping hand and passed through the trials incident to the life of early settlers in what was then the far west. For years he was one of the vlirectors of the First National Piank of Areola. He helped to Iniild Bethel church, and lent \alual)le aid in organizing the congregation (hiring the fall of 1883, although not an active memljer : he and his wife became members October 4, 1884. and in June. 1890. he was raised to the dignity of elder. Mr. Moore was a man of strong, positive character and unswerving dignity, and in his death the com- munity in which he had so long resided lost a kind neighbor and a good c;tizen. and tlie church with which he had been so closelv identified, one of its strongest sta_\-s and most helpful members. Capt. Rice J. Moore, a son. \-olunteered in the Illinois National Guard, March 31. 1894; saw field service in Chicago, in July. 1894; appointed corporal July 10, 1895; ai^pointed quartermaster sergeant March 15, 1897; commissioned second lieutenant Fourth Infantry, Illinois X'oluuteers, May jo, 1898; detached from Fourth Regiment July 2^, 1898, and assigned to Engineer Corps of the Sev- enth Arnn- Corps in 1898. He resigned his commission in the arm\- Xo\'eniber 9, 1898, and returned to the farm. GEORGE W. Pd^OCK. George \V. Brock, one of the reliable and representative farmers of Newman township, residing within the corporate limits of the city of Newman, was born twelve miles south- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 231 west of Crawfordsville, Indiana, Sep,temhcr wIki was a most estinial)lc woman, died I'Y-h- 8.1846. His fatlier, Seth Brock, was a native niary \(>. 1899. She was a devoted memher of Warren connty. (Jhio. lie was a carpenter ,,f the Christian church at Xewman and her loss liy trade and f;inned, ownin.*^- farms in was deeply felt in church circles. Mr. lirock owns one hundred and sixty acres of laud in Xewman township, .-111(1 three acres iu>ide the curpi irate linnt^ nf Xewman. Me is line of the useful citizens dI' Xewnrin township, carelul .and ]iriimpl in l!Usiii:sN, ;i:id .at his litime Cdurteims and hi iN|iital>le. \\a\iie and Mi int.L;i miery ciuintics; lie latei' reniiwed to iMason ciinnt\', llliui)is. lie w;is a strong' prii-sla\erv m;ui. and a memher of the Methodist h'.pisci " church; w,-i> hiiiii in 181.^ and died in. 1873, He wedded .M.ary .\. I'.ilmcr. who was a (l;in<;htei" of Jesse I'.al- mer. ;i iiatixe of .Xnrtli Cai"i)lin;i. hut whn he- came ime of the early settlers of Indiana. Llijali liriick (grandfather) washnru in ()hiii. Georijc \V. Brnck w;is reared 1 m a l.irm and educated in the cuminon sclinuls. At the a.q;e ot sixteen years, nii accunnt nf a se\ere spell I if sickness, lie lust the use nf his ri,L;lit side, lie married ;it Caui]) Butler. .Miss Ma- liniki \';mhoi)k. dan.^hter of a;,d Matilda (Mann) X'.auhniik. and tlie result uf this uninii was mie child lixiiiij. Ada l.uc\-, I'R.VXCIS .\. McC.\K lA'. Francis A. McCarty was une uf the must remarkahly successful husiness men whn e\er resided in 1 )i luglas county, lie was hnru in .Schuyler cniint}-. Xew \'nrk. .\pril _>_:;. i8_:;7. ,'md died .'it his Imme in l-'ilsmi. M;iv 1.1. i8()(). a.^■ell lifteen years, and three dead: I'liillip lie was a sun uf juhii ;mil Laura ( h't'ost ) Mc- L., Harry C. and Ethel Ellen. Mrs. Urock, Cartv, natives of Xew luii-iand. !32 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. Charles AlcCarty, brother of Joseph Mc- Cartw was horn at Morristown. Xew Jersey, in 1776. and died in Montour, Schuyler coun- ty, Xew York, November 15, 1858, in his eighty-third year. J(.)seph .McCarty (grandfa- ther) was the father of John, Charles, William and Da\'id, was born January y. 1778, and died luly 25, 1845. His wife, Mary Harnerd Mc- Carty, was horn .Vugust 15, I774- 'i»'' '^^''^'' January 20, 1846. John McCarty (father), son of Joseph, was born May 1 5. 1805, and tlietl January 14, 1875. Josejm Frost (grandfa- ther) was born June 4, 1797. married Sallie McCarty, and died October 27. 1847. He was a son of Jo,sepli Frost, a soldier of the Revdlu- tion, wild was licrn May 22. 1 754. '»i'l '••*;*' I\iay j8, 1844, at Catherine, Xew York. He married Lucy Couch, a daughter of Jonathan Couch, who was married September 19, 1781, died April 8, 1843, '^n*^' ^^'--^s Ijuried at Cather- ine, New York. Ai)pended herewith is a cer- tificate from the Adjutant Cenerahs office of the state of Connecticut: "Hartford, Septeni- er II, 1895. T'''^ '^ ^" i-'ertify that Joseph Frost (grandfather of Francis A. McCart)) served in the war of the Revolution, and the fol- lowing is his service according to the records of this office; Private in Colonel Benjamin Hin- man's regiment. Discharged in northern de- partment September 1 1, 1775. Private in Cap- lain Flijah Abie's company, Colonel Philip P)urr. Bradley's regiment. Enlisted June lO, 1770. Dicharged Xo\ember i(), 1777. Pris- oner at l-'ort Washington." He was a resi- dent until 1803 of Redding, Fairfield county, Connecticut, when with his family he removed to Schuyler county, Xew York, where he re- sided until his death. He and two of his brothers were made prisoners when Lord Howe captured Fort Washington, in November, 1776. They suffered great hardship in a British prison hulk in Xew York bay, and the two brothers died while prisoners. Joseph Frost was wound- ed in battle and received a pension up until the time of his death. Francis A. McCarty was reared and edu- cated at Catherine, Xew York, and also at- tended Lima ( Xew York) Seminary. Febru- ary I J, 1879, he married Miss Emma Young. of Binghamton, Xew \'ork. who was a daugh- ter of William and Caroline B. (Munder) \'oung. They were both natives (if Germany. Mrs. McCarty has in her possession a medal gi\en her grandfather. Jacob Munder. In' the King of Wurtemberg for faithful services in the field. To Mr. and Mrs. McCarty were born fi\'e children, all Ii\-ing: John William Fred, Laura Frost, Carrie Louise and b~ran- ces E. In i87(; Mr. McCarty came to Doug- las ci.iunt}' and settled in .\rcola township, where he bought a tract of land where he re- sitled on the farm until 1894. when he lo- cated in Tuscola. He had great energy and talent for organizing and conducting business affairs, and l)y his great natural al)ilit\' and indonntable perseverance attained a high [jroni- inence in the industrial and financial aft'an-s of Douglas count}'. At the time of his death he owned two thousand acres of land in Douglas county, fi\e hundred acres in Marion county, Illinois, and eight hundred acres in Missouri. These large estates are looked after by his widow, Mrs. McCarty, who jxjssesses in a large degree great Inisiness tact, fine intelligence, and is a hiohh' educatetl ladv. BIOGRAPHICAT, AND HISTORICAL. 233 r.F.ORriF. \MI1TE. ( jcc >i",!l;c W'liito. iIk' well know 11 iinplciiK'iit dealer and atictioneer of Xewman. was burn near (ilast^nw. Ikirren Cdnnty. Keninck}". Ans;nst 18. ICS4J. and is a sun nf M. L. anuhlic. lie has a pleasant home in .\e\vman and is classed aniony that town's best luisiness men. to Delia Clark, who is a nati\-e of Ken- tucky. Tliey ha\e two children: 1 lein-y \\'.. who will s;raduate I'l'oni the C'liic'if^o Home- opathic School of .Medicine in .March, j\ be \'ol- unteered in I'ompau}- 1-",. Twelfth Illinois In- fantry, and ser\ed thr(pU!.;b the entire C'i\il war. During- the month of I'ebruary especially his .scr\ices are in great demand as a public auc- tioneer, lie is a member of the Kiutjlits of ji/DCh: j( )ii.v nuow.Nj. judge John I'.row n been for o\er si\t\' years identified with tlie best interests of Doug las County. He was horn in Ross cotintw ( >hio, .Ma\' 7, iX_>_', on a farm, where he re mained until ihe age of se\enteeii. This farm was localeil on r.iint creek, two miles from C'billicothe. the counl\' seat of Ross coiinlv. Our subject is a son of .Xinirod lb-own. who was a nali\e ol Augusta eount\-. X'irginia, and tune Ins hnsiness has steadil\- grown until be \\i„, served in the war of iSij. His mother is known as one of ijic most siu-cessfnl and was. before her marriage, h.b/abelh lugel- c\leusi\e implement de.'ders in the entire bright, and was born in Monroe couul\-. \'ir- counly. He also hauoy." Thus early sjjirited. and in no sense lived fi>r himself in life, under the most 'trying circumstances, .'done. Cheerfulness was his constant coui- a])peare(l sterling ([ualities which madv' p.anion and it never for^Mik him. althou'di .-ill him prominent throughout his entire life and others were gloomy. Me had ;i source of r.a endeared him with ])cculiar strength to his di:mce and sunshine that seemed denied to comrades, friends and ac(|naint;mces. 'i'he m.anyof his fellows. .Some four years before wound received shortly after his enlistment his demise he moved to this county on ;i l;n'"e greatly hindered him the rest of his days, but l.irm four miles north of ( )akland (itv, ;md be- was borne with the same cheerful bravery with mg a careful business man he m.ade money which it was received. and friends in his new home, and he .and his In Il;ice in the I iutchings. who lived but two years .afterward, allections and good-vvill of the entii"e comnnni- In 1SS9 he marrieil .Miss L.aura .Mmire, whom. itv. .\ community m.av with pard. ]iride with their tour children, he left at his death record the nanu' of so true and noble he.irteil well ])rovide(l loi'. Me vv;iseng;iged in I'.arming a citi/t'ii in its C( unlv history, and stock business, which took him out over the country and into the neighboring states and caused him to h.andle a v.asl amount of nionev. Mis business brought him in cout.act with men, and. on accoum of his fair dealings and sturdy sociability, he made many friends and exerted a great influence. Me was interested in poli- C. I), (ireve, one of the successful voung tics and was a stanch Republican. In religion business men of the couniv .and the leading he was a Presbyterian, w;is for many years a gniin buyer at (i.arretl. was born one mile west member of the church, ;md ;is a father care- of the village .^eplember .;-. iXCX, ;nid is a lully brought u]) his children, 1 1 is religion was sou of Thom.-is (ireve, who emigrated to this not toil sacred to be use htin- dri'd head of cattle. In 1S74 our suhject was united in marriage 240 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. til Miss Xancv, a daiig-hter of John H. Biggs, who came to nortli Xewman townsliip from Edgar county in ahout 1H55. His wife (hed in 1895. To them were horn seven chil(h-en : Bur- nette, Roljcrt, Myrtle, jay and Joseph. Hving; and (ilenn and an infant, deceased. His sec- ond and present wife was Miss Generva, a daugliter of W. H. Hoiton, of near Jefferson- ville, ln(Hana. Twn chihh'en have Ijlessed tliis union: Leon and Leonard. Mr. Hance has served as commissioner of ihgliways and has l)een a ruling elder of the Cumberland Presby- terian church, at Fairlield. since iHyj. JOSEPH ASHURST. Josejih Ashurst, princijial and superintend- ent of the Camargo public schools and present uominee of the Democratic party for the office lit county superintendent of schools, has been a leading educator in the county for several years. He was b(iru in .Somerset, Pulaski conn- tv. Kentuckv. .\pril 16, 1872. and is a son of llenrv Clav and Elizabeth ( Thurman ) .\s- burst, who were both born in Pulaski county, Kentuckv. His grandfathers. Henry Ashurst and Josei)b Thurman. were natives of \'ir- ginia and early settlers in Pulaski county, where they were engaged in agricultural pur- suits. His father. Henry C. .\shurst. was one time sheriff of bis native county. Jose]ih .\shurst attended the common school and afterward the high school, and is largely self educated. In Douglas county he stands at the verv front rank as a successful educator and teaches in his schools at Camargo, beside the common branches, botany, jjliilosophv. zoology and algelira. Prior to his coming to Camargo, which was in September. i8g(;, he re- sided at .\rthur, where he located in iS()o and taught school in the country and subsequentlv was grammar teaclier in the Arthur schools, A\ hich position he resigned to accept his present one. hi 1894 be was united in marriage to Miss Lucy B., a daughter of Henry C. Wood. a retired farmer, of .Vrthur, but formerly of I\hjultrie county. Mr. Wood was born near \'inceuues, Indiana, in 1845, and is a son of F.h Wood, who was an early settler in Kuok county, migrating from Xortb Carolina. He V. as a soldier in Company !•", Eighteenth In- fantry, and served until the close of the war. His wife was .Miss .\nn .Sbultz. of Piatt county. Joseph Ashurst, because of bis high merit as an educator and popularity as a e-entleman, was chosen \)y the Democratic BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 241 party to make t1ie race fm- ctnintv superintend- pi'oach- ahle. he has within a vei'y short time made a host of friends. ( )n 1 )ecemher 10, |8yk respectix ely. His father Doctor .Moser came west a?id early in life emigrated to I'^dgar conntv. where he resided turned his attention to the stnd_\- of medicine, up to his death, which occurred .\pril 1 S, iHi\\ n^hip. where- he now re- with dislinguisheil honors in the class of 1 SSy- sides. lie owii.~, fdur hundi'ed and se\ent\- ia >42 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. two acres of highly cultivated land and one of the most magnificent residences in the comity, lie farms on business principles and has made himself independent in a financial way by his careful and methodical way oi doing things. On November 22, 1881, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Martha C. Todd, and to th.eir marriage have been born five children: Flor- ence, Olive, Grace, Arthur and Anne. Our subject has held the office of road com- missioner for nine years, and twenty-one years out oi the twenty-five he has resided in New- man township he has been school director and is greatly interested in the success of education. In 1898 he built his new house. He is a mem- ber of the Knights of Pythias and the Order of Woodmen. JOHN M. MADISON. Within the past two years Tuscola has lost many of its oldest and most prominent citizens by death, but in the list none have lieen more sadly missed or sincerely mourned than our subject, John M. Madison, wlK)se death occurred Monday, July 13, 1896. He was born in Harrison county, Kentucky, May 6, 1823, and was at the time of his death in the seventy- fourth year of his age. He belonged to a family of ten children; one brother and two sisters are still living: H. B. Madison, Tus- cola; Mrs. Harriet Parrish, of Cynthiana, Ken- tucky ; and Mrs. Parnielia Carter, of Wash- ington. On September 22, 1851, our subject mar- ried Miss Jennie Rankin, at Cynthiana, a good and noble woman, who preceded him to the grave only a few years. To them were born Harry, Robert and Fannie, all of whom re- side in Tuscola, the two former composing the large clothing house of Harry Madison & Com- pany. In 1854 Mr. and Mrs. Madison came to Charleston, Illinois, where he opened up a store, and in i860 they removed to Tuscola, where Mr. Madison engaged in the mercantile busi- ness, which he continued up to within two years of his tieath. For many years he con- ducted the leading general store in Tuscola and by his honesty and straightforward dealing with his fellrnv men prospered in a gratifying manner. He was a man of unquestioned char- acter and possessed the fullest confidence of all of our people. He and his wife spent the later years of their lives with their daughter, Mrs. Fannie Loose, who made it the purpose of her life to care for them and make their last days pleasant, granting their every wish. OWEN E. JONES. Owen E. Jones, one of the leading mer- chants of Murdock since 1893, and the second son of -Abram Jones, was born in Murdock township, January 31, 1862. After leaving the common schools, he took a course at the commercial college at Terre Haute in 1897. In 1899 Mr. Jones took in as a partner Percy Welliver, and the firm is doing a thriving business. In 1894 our subject was married to Miss Nora B. Dever, of Murdock, Illinois. Mr. BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 243 Jdik-s is a nienihcr (if the A[o(kTii \\'iii"linen : l;c and liis wife arc nicnihcrs of the AlelhiKhst churcli ; lie is classed as one of the pm- gressive and successful business men of the county. William Junes, eldest son nf .Xbrani, and a well l8 he ser\ed as jiost- master at .Murdoch, and is now ser\ing his twelfth year as justice of the ])eace. He is a member of the .Modern Woodmen, and him- self and wife are members df the Metbddist church. He is one (if the subslruUial citizens who has ddue well his part tn add stabilitv to to the business .and social life (if .Mnrddck. .\br;un J(.incs, father (if William W. and Owen E.. was one of the early .settlers of what is now Douglas county. He came in the fall of 1853 and located on a farm southeast of Tuscola, where he resided with his cousin, ( )wen Jones, until his marriage in 185:^. He married Miss Elizabeth Eagler, of Macksburg, Ohio. In 1857 he became a tenant f.armer in what was then called Coles county, and in 18^13 mined to what is now known as Mur- dock township, D(.(uglas county, where be has lived since and become the owner of one hun- dred and twenty acres of land, which he has only recently .sold and retired from active business. He was born (Jctober 16, iHj(>. in M(.im-oe Cdunly, ( )lii(i, .and is a son of Samuel Jones. His grandfather, hlphraim J(jnes, was bdrn in W.ales, and his maternal grrmdfather, Patrick Ilannltdu, was burn in Ireland. To Mr. and Mrs. .Abram Jones were also born four daughters. (i) .Anna Belle was born Se|ilember 5, 1856, and became the wife (il Hugh .M. Wilson. I'd them were b(jrn two 244 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. cliildren. one of wlioni dicil in infancy: and Marvin A. Mrs. W'ijsun died Jnne 2^. 1898. (2)Mary Frances was horn Xnxeniher 4, i8()0, and died January _', 1861. (3) Carrie was born N(:)\'enil)er 6, i8C)4, and on March [y, 1885, became the wife of Samuel P.axter. Tlieir chikh'en were Samuel H. and Ciertrude. (4) Lulie lowen was born September 25. 1867, and on September 4. 1895, married Jdhn Home. The death of Mrs. .\bram Jones occurred July 8, 1893. CAPTAIN DA\TD BAILEY. Captain David Bailey, of Tuscola, one of the best and most faxurably known citizens of the C(junty, was burn in Ldg'ar county, Decem- ber 24, 1845. 'i"^' ^^'"'■'^ reared on the farm and received his education in the W'estfield College. For some years he resided on his farm of 320 acres in Murdock township. In May, 1887, with his familv, lie rcmoxed from his farm to Tuscola, wliere he resides in one of the beau- tiful homes for which this place is noted. In 1870 he marrieil Miss Eiizal^eth Cal- houn, w ho is a most estimable woman. '1 hey ha\-e two children, Gertrude and Edward. Caj)- tain Bailey is a Knight Templar in Masonry. and is of easy and pleasing address, \ery ap- proachable and a genial companion. He is a son of David Bailey, who was born in Salem, Kockingham county. New Hampshire, .August 2, 1814, of i)Oor but honest parents, his father being a farmer and shoemaker, to which busi- ness most of the boys in that section of the country were brought up. There were nine children in this New England Ixime, three boys and si.x girls, and the story of their early life is only that which has been written of so many others, of hard work and of a few months only at the district school during the winter season. David Bailey had no further oppor- tunity for scholastic training. Indeed, while yet under twelve years of age he was put nut to W(jrk. After spending a nnmbjr of years on the farm Mr. Bailey found an opportumlv to enter a clerkship at Haverhill, Mas.sachusetts. but did not long remain there on account of poor health. He soon drifted into I'.oston, or rather to Charlestciwn, where he for a time held a clerkship in the state jiemtentiary. Late m the '30s he decided to fijUow the star of empire, and came west as far as Danville, Illinois, en- teruig a general store, and it was whde there that he hrst met Miss liannali .\. binlev. to whom he was married b'eljruary 9, 1841. ui this union were born ti\e children : three sons, Edward, president of the Champaign National Bank, of that city; David, of Tuscola, and Ozias. of Te.xas, who survi\e their father; and two daughters. Abiah, who died m childhood, and hue Bailey hlayucii, who died some years ago in W aco, Te.xas. -After spending some time working in Dan- ville, Mr. Bailey went to Blooniheld, Edgar county, walking all tlie way because he had not the means to pay coach fare, that being the on- ly mode of travel in those days. 1 here he took a pt)sition on a salary. Later, with his brother Ozias. who had recentl}- come west with a few dollars sa\ed. he formed a partnership, under the firm name of O. iS: D. Bailey, and the Bailey peddler wagons became well known all over the I BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 245 countr\' lietween the Wabash and Sangamon rivers. The brothers also operated a pork pack- ing establishment at Clinton. Indiana, i)n the Wabash, shipping their profluct by flat-boat to New Orleans. Abont 1855 J\lr. Bailey mo\cd U> Mmiti- celld, thence, after a short soinurn. to I'rbana, and in March. icS3(), he renimecl to L'hampaign. where for a number of years he successfully conducted a dry goods business in the location where now stands the Metropolitan block, oc- cupied by F. K. Robeson & ISrother. Aside from this Mr. I'lailcy was one of the original shareholders and directors of the b'irst National Bank, and it was largely through bis efforts that the charier was secured. The names appearing with his in the original arti- cles of incorporation were James S. Wright. John F. Thomas. William M. AN'ay. Hamil- ton Jefferson, B. F. Harris, John S. Beasley, Daniel Ciardner, William C. Barrett. Simon H. Busey, S. P. Percival, John (".. Clark and A. I*:. Harmon. Mr. Bailey disposed of his holdings in this institution some time during the 'jus. In l88_' he became one of the cliarter members of the Champaign .Xational I'lank, in which his hi ildittgs w ere always ci msiilerablc and m w hich he had been a direi'tor continuously since its organization. During .Mr. I'lailcx's I'csidence in t]n> cit\' he was several times elected to tlie bo.-u'd of ^uper\isors. .and also served one term as school trustee. lie was a public-spirited citizen, contributing liberally, yet wisely, to every worthy enterprise, whether secular or re- ligious. His givings were never ostentatious, liut it may be said in passing that among his gifts are numbered the lot occuiiied by the Bap- tist parsonage, be being a meml)er of that so- ciety, and the valuable ground now occupied by the city building. Mr. Bailey gave up his residence in Cham- paign about 1877, traveling for a season, and finally locating in St. Jose])h. Missouri, where he remained until after the death of his wife, in i87(). He then lived for a time in Xew \'ork City, and finally returned ti> his boyhood home in New Hampshire where he resided most of the time until his death, visiting his 1 ild hi mie and friends in Champaign freipientlv. .March 2J, 1882, he luarried Miss Harriet 1 laseltine, of Methune, Massachusetts, and only twn weeks afterward followed her remains to the ceme- tery. He was again marrieil, on .Xovembcr I, i88f), at Salem, Xew Hampshire, to Mrs. .Mary 1!. ]m\ ins, who survives him. .She has olten visited here with him and has made manv warm friends, wIkjsc sincere symijalhy attends her in this bereavement. Mr. Bailey's new home in Chamiiaign, built on the site of the old f.amilv residence, had just been completed and occu])ied bv him, and it was bis intention had he lived to si)end the clos- ing d.ays of bis life <'uuid the scenes of his great- est successful activitv. .Mr. Itailcy was a man ot magiuhcent phvsical presence and it mav be truly said that he carried within his breast a soni worthy so splendid a b,-ibitation. lie Sought no man's praise, satisheil to luave the a]ipro\al of his own conscience, ;uid he was un- niov.'ible in his adherence to justice and right. Once his duty was m;ule ])l;iin nothing coitid swerve liim from it. '^'et under a stern exterior beat a great, big, kind heart, as those who knew him can best testify. He was a manly luati, ;uid that means much. His, devel oped in the pioneer days, may not have take) 246 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. on l1ie estlietic finish of these later times, but what it lacked in polish it made up in strength and integrity. The life and lab®rs of such as he have made possible the greater comfort and Ijeauty in the workl of the present. During the war of the Rebellion David Bailey, Jr., enlisted as a member of the Sixty- seventh Illinois Infantry, and at the close of his three months' term of enlistment returned home and in 1864 enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Illinois Infantry, serving until the close of the war. ALBERT F. FIDLER. Albert E. Eidler is one of the self-made and highly successful young farmers and busi- ness men of the countv, and is a son of Levi father, Samuel, was a nati\'e of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and was of Dutch ancestry. Adam Fidler (great-grandfather), who came originally from Germany, was the founder of this branch of the Eidler family in America. h'idlcr. who was burn April _'8, IcSkj, in Berks county, Pennsylvania, Albert F,'s grand - (])ur subject's grandfather, Samuel k'idler, fought ill the war of 1812, and his great-grand- father, Adam, in the war of the Revolution. Samuel h^idler was a brick plasterer and con- tractor by trade, and was married to a dauidi ler of Valentine Sbowalter, who was born in PennsyKaiiia and was descended from Ger- man ancestry. Levi h^idler was reareil to manhood in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, until he be- came of age, when, in 1840, he emigrated west and settled in Union county, Indiana, and in 1 86 1 located in what is innv Newman town- ship, Douglas count}-. He learned the car- [jentering business, at which he was engaged u\) to 1861, when be l)ouglit what is now known as the Thomas H, Smith farm, one of BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 247 the finest in tlie couiitv. He kept this farm Malmninq-) cotinty, Ohio, i.f .Scoteh-lrish until 1885, when he sold it. In 1842 Levi origin. Fidler wedded Mary Ann Hessler, a native of Rev. James Wright (fatlier) received Ins Biiurhon townsliip and a daughter of Joim and e7,;ind a fariuer in South Dakota; bihii M., engineer is a son of James and M;iry (Kidd) Wright, of his father's grain elev.alor; Nettie, wife of who were born near I'ol.and, 'frumbull (now' G. H. Daniron, of Areola; and .\. K. resides 248 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. in Springfield, Illinnis. 'S\v. ^\'l•ig•l^t has been an Odd Fellow since 1852, and has served as president of the town board of Arthur. James H. \Vright has passed the allotted three-score and ten )-ears of man. but, owing to his ab- stemious habits and goo<\ constitution, he still enjoys good health, and it is hoped that he will live for many years to continue the good which has been characteristic of his life. CHARLES W. W ILSOX. Charles \\'. Wilson, editor and proprietor of the Tuscola Review, was liorn fourteen miles west of Plainfield. Indiana, February 15, 1856, and in 1865 located in Tuscola. He attended school more or less up until fourteen years of age. In 1872 he entered the office of the Tus- cola True Republican as oftice boy. The paper was owned bv Charles Smith and was Demo- cratic in politics. Later he entered the office of the Tuscola dazette, which was edited by Hon. Leander B. Fester, now of Washington. Mr. Wilson remained here al)out one year when he went to the Review, then owned and edited by Converse & Park, who founded the paper julv 23,1875. In 1876 he went on the printing force where he remained for some years, d m- verse&Park were succeeded by the well-known writer. Col. Phecian, who was the editor for six months; the latter was known as one of the wittiest writers the newspaper fraternity af- forded. During this time he wrote a great deal for the Inter-Ocean, which kept him away a great deal, and this forced Mr, Wilson to take charge of the editorial tripod. Howard was succeeded l)v Major Asa Miller, who managed the paper up to December, 1892, when he sold out t(_) Charles W. Wilson, who reconstructed the plant throughout, buying new machinery, and to-day issues every Friday one of the new- siest, wittiest and cleanest county newspapers published east, west, north or south. Mr. Wil- son has a paid circulation of three thousand and there is little doubt but what bis pajier is read by twelve thousand people every week. His career as a newsiia])er man has been re- markable; commencing as the "editor's de\'il," he has become recognizefl as an able writer and all-round newspaper man. Within a year after be became proprietor the circulationof thepaper became double. As to the newspaper history of Tuscola, college Ijred men ha\e come and gone, whci were writers on different jiapers of the cit}', but ]\Ir. Wilson, who has educated himself, remains, and it is a fact that might be mentioned, that his paper, while Democratic, is jiopular among the Republicans, Mr. Wilson was united in marriage to Miss Christina Cosier, a daughter of the late Isaac Cosier, wlni was for twent\' years presi- dent of the Douglas LVmntv Fair. EMMOR \\'. JEFFERS. Enimor W. Jeffers, the present circuit clerk of Douglas couniy, wIk.) has occui)ied' that office since February 3. 1899. was born in Pike county, Illinois, November 19. 1861, He is a son of John C. and Elizabeth ( Mc- Kinney) Jefifers, both natives of Ohio, who re- BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 249 iiKAt'd t(j Dmiglas count)' and settled in Ca- mari;i) t(_)\vnslii]) almut icS()4. His niotiier died in December. iS<;3, while his father resides in Bl(.)omington. lUinois. ( For further ancestry of tlie Jeffers family see sketch of George C. Jeffers, of Caniarguj. James McKinney, our subject's maternal grandfather, was a native of Ohio. In 1889 E. W. JetTers was married to Miss Carrie F. Hill, a daughter of ThdUias W. and Rebecca ( L'ntlerwood ) Hill, and as a result of this union they have two children ; \'illa and Beulah. Since )8<;o Mr. Jeffei's has been secretary and kee]>er of records and seal of the Knights ot I'ythias lodge of Tuscola, and is alsd ])rouii- nent in se\eral other fraternal orders. He was nominated wilhnut o]i|)( isitii m at the Re])ril!>- lican ]irimaries held .March -'4. hjck), fur the same office he now occn]iics. The Tuscola Journal of Alarch 11. i8(;i>, says of Mr. Jeti'ers : ""Jn selecting Emnior W. Jeffers as their candidate for the oliice of cir- cuit clerk the Rei)ublican representati\es in con- \cntion Iiax'e soiced the sentiment of the peo- ])le. Mr. JefTers is of that class of young Re- publicans who are enthusiastic in their su])- port of their ])arty. and while in the otVice with the late Major l)aniel .\. C'ouoxer as deputw lie became thoroughly familiar with e\er\- detail of the work ;md is in e\'erv way par- ticularly i|ualified to fill the position with credit to himself and party Ijesitlcs gi\'ing the ])eople entire satisfaction. "He is a nati\e of this grand state. ha\-- ing been born in Pike count}- on the Kjth dav of November. 1861. and about 1S04 he came to this county with his parents and was cm- ])lo_\cd on his father's farm until he reached his majority when he started out for him- self, working by the month for twn _\ears for Nicholas Cooley. after which he secured a business education, attentling nights at the Terre 1 laute Business College. He graduated iroin that institution ;md went to IJlm pinington, Illinois, where he set'ured a good position in a grocery store where he was employed nearly two years, when he came to 1 uscola and ac- ceiited a similar position with Joseph |. Knox, lonnerl) of this cily. who was succeeded liy \'. M. Wardall M ( o. lie remained with this linn until he opened u]) a gi'ocer\- business in company with J. \\ Kerker in the building on Sale street, now occupied b\ T. |. ,Mid\ee. On account of failing health he was c< impelled to give up the store ;ind enter the real estate Inisiness, which he followed with success until January 1, 1897. wbcn he was appointed dep- uty circuit clerk by the late Major Daniel A. ("onovcr. which |)osition he filled with credit and honor. !50 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. "I'lKiii the death nf Mr. (."niioNcr lie was aiiixiiiUeil pniteinpore circuit clerk hy the judges of this district, and he will certainly l)e elected to suc.ceed himself, and till out the un- expired term of the late lamented Major Con- over." \V. L. WATSON. W. L. Watson was horn in Vermilion coun- ty, Jllinois, on the 22d of Decemher, 1837. His father was William D. \\'atson, in his early life an itinerant Methodist preacher who traveled extensively through Indiana, having been born in the neighl)orhood of Vincennes, and in Foun- tain county, of that state, married Mary Low. His health llnally failed him, and coming to Illinois, he located aljove Georgetown in Ver- milion county. William Watson, the grand- father, \\'as born in Kentucky, and when a young man settled in the vicinity of Vincennes, Indiana. W. L. was the oldest son and second child of the family. His father came to Douglas county, then Coles, in 183c;. and located first on Drushy Fork, a short dist.ince west of Newman. .\fter a residence here of a year or two he mo\ed to Camargo, and afterward to section 35, in township 16, range 9, where he resided till his death, which occurred in October, 1858. His wife sm"\'ived him till April, 1866. They had nine children. W. L. Watson was between four and five years oU\ when his father located southeast of Camargo. At this latter place he m.'iinly recei\'ed his education, partly under the instruction nf his father, who taught school at Camargo and was one of iiis first teachers. The old log school house stood about one hun- dred yards north of .\lonzo Lion's store, on the road leading north from Camargo. In the winter of 1849-50, and also 1853-54. he attended the Georgetown Academy, in Vermil- ion county, then having the best reputation of any school of learning in this part of the state. At the death of his father in 1858, Mr. Wat- son, as the oldest son, took charge of the farm and managed it in the interests of the family till 1862. The war of the Rebellion at this time had broken out, and in February, 1862, Mr. Wat- son volunteered. He preferred the cavalry service and being unable to enlist in an Illinois cavalry regiment, he went to St. Louis and en- listed in the Fifth Missouri Cavalry for three years. He was with the Fifth Missouri two years and a half, during which time he was mostly in the southern part of Missouri. In August, 1864, he re-enlisted in the Thirteenth Missouri Cavalry, and served to January, 1866. He was a non-commissioned officer. At the close of the \var his regiment was sent out on the ])lains to fight the Indians. While in Missouri he was in the campaign against Price, and in the l)attles of Independence and Fort Scott. ,\fter receiving his discharge in January, 1866, he came home and commenced fartning on the old homestead. JOHN C. HOSTETLER. John C. Hostetler, who is engaged in the implement business, including Iniggies and wagons, and recently elected alderman from the third ward in Tusci-)la, w'as BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 251 born in Douglas county, August 27, 1866, and is a son of D. C. and L. M. Hostetler, natives of Indiana. The father settled in Bowdre township some time in the "fifties, and died in Tuscola, in 1895, in the sixty- fourth year of his age. His mother is still living. Mr. Hostetler was married in 1889 to Miss Laura A., daughter nf 11. C. Jones, whose sketch is found on another page. They have one child, Leon. Mr. Hostetler operated a planing anil re- pair shop previous to entering into his present business, which he sold out in i8y6. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and the Order of Red Men, and is one of the popular and promising young business men of Tus- cola. JOHN L. GOLL. John L. Goff served as sheriff of Douglas county from 1887 to 1891, and at the time of his death, in 189-', he held the office of super- visor. He was married to Miss Josie R. Rice, a daughter of Martin Rice, deceased, of Ca- margo (see sketch). Mrs. Goff owns a half section of land, part of which is in Camargo and a part in Tuscola townships. She resides in Tuscola. in Areola township, was born in Montgomery county, Kentucky, .\pril 13. 1856, and is a son of Michael Cradihck and Catherine (Welch) Craddick, who were natives of Ireland. His father emigrated from Kentucky to Areola town.ship 1869 and died in 1890. His mother died in 1896. and they are l)oth buried in the Areola cemetery. Mr. Craddick's farm con- tains one hundred and fourteen acres of land. He has never been married. Socially he is very popular and in business one of the sub- stantial men of the township. , GEORGE W. HENSON. George Warren Henson, deceased, was born Septeml)er 5, i8_'i, at Cynthiana, Kentucky. He was a son of Gideon and Nancy (Shumate) THOMAS CRADDICK. Henson. He was the eldest of a family of six Thomas Craddick. a typical Kentuckian children and of Scotch-Cierman descent. With and a self-made man, now residing on his farm his father's family he left the state of his na- 252 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. ti\ity in 1834 and emigrated to Vermilion coun- ty, Illinois, and there remained until 1844, when he came into the section uf cimntry which is now Douglas county and immediately began the imprinement of a farm. He married .Miss Eliza P. Sargent, a native of Illinr)is. To tlu's union were horn eleven children, six of whom are li\ing, two son.s and four daughters. The county of Douglas, hy the death of Mr. Henson, I(.)st one of its most prominent citizens and honorable men. Politicallv he was a Democrat. He was a Mason, a pioneer of the county, and a man |)ossessing a spirit uf charity and enterprise. His death nccurrcd May 9, 1881, at his residence near Camargo, Illinois. FRANK A\'. HA.MMETT. Frank W. Hammetl, cashier nf the First National Bank ni Tusc(Ma, and ime of the county's voung men df recngnized ability, was born (in a f.arm in Cauiargd tnwnship, Douglas county, Illinois, h'ebruary i_>. iSr,_>. (See sketch of his father, James K. llammett.) Mr. 1 l;imniett grew t(i ni;uilniot \'ir,i^ini;i and his mnther nt' ( )hiu. Wise- man's yrandfather was alsw Ixuai in \'irL;inia and his maternal qrand lather, (ienrj^e Irwin, was Imrn in \ ir<;ini;i. I )r. Wiseman w;is reareil in his iiati\e Cdiin t}', where he .attended the puhlic schmls and sul)se(|uently, in 1S7X, hecame a student at l)e- Pauw L'ni\-ersit_\-. where he purstie_^ to June 1, iSijO, he w.i> .1 nieiuher 254 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. of the undertaking;- linn i)f Alike, Miller iH: Co., at Charleston, Illinois. In the latter year he removed to Newman to accept a partnership with James Barr (see sketch). On Septemher 4. 1893, he was married to Miss Ida A., a daughter of John W. .\llison, of jVrcola. Tliey have one child, a daughter, Frances Marie. He is a memlier and nohle grand of the I. O. O. F. ; elder in the Christian church, and superintendent of its Sunday school. He is also chief patriarch of the 1. O. O. F. encampment; memher of the Alasonic fraternit_\\ ruid clerk of the school hoard of -Xewman. The lirm of Barr & Mullikin own two large stores in Newman, Mr. Barr super- intending the fttrniture and undertaking estah- lishment on the west side of the square, and Mr. Mullikcn manages the hardware and tin shop and does the undertaking work on the north side. They carry a large stock and do (|uite an cxtcnsi\-e husincss, drawing trade fm" miles around them. ALBERT \Y. \V.\LL.\CE. .Mbert W. Wallace is president of the Firsv National Bank of Tuscola, one of the leading hanking institutions of central Illinois. The hirst National P>ank was organized in Novem- lier, J 869, with a paid up capital of one hun- dred and thirteen thousand dollars. Its first president was William P. Cannon (a brother of Congressman J. G. Cannon) and W. H. Lamh was the first cashier. Mr. Cannon re- mained president until 1872, when he was suc- ceeded by Henry T. Caraway, who remained ])resident up to January i, 1898, when he was succeeded by Mr. Wallace. Mr. Lamb re- mained cashier up to July i, i898.wdien he was succeeded by the present cashier, F. H. Ham- mett. The bank was reorganized in tj\e fall of iS()0 and the ca])ital stock reduced to sixty thousand dcillars. The directors of this bank are among the wealthiest men of the county. .\. \\'. Wallace, who has jjeen connected with the I'^irst National Bank for vcars, is a son of Andrew (i. W'.allace, whose death occurred iri July, 1878. The ancestry of the Wallace family is traced back to Scotland. Andrew G.'s grandfather emigrated from Scotland to Ireland, and from there to .America, settling in Pennsylvania near wdiere the three states of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania came together. He had five sons, three of whom mo\ed away from their Pennsvhania home. ( )ne of these was William Wallace, the y-, and is a son of latter having;' lieen liorn in .\lk'i;licnv county, SaniucI C. ( iill, who was a son of C 'a])l. 1"lioinas I 'cnnsyisania. His orandfaiher, Aliram \'an (iih, a Rexohilionary solih'cr and a son of tlic Vorliis, was one of tlie early farmers of that lri^h waif (see history of the (iill family in section and also traded in stock considerahly. America, liy Thomas V. (iill). Samuel ('. dill ] le was of Holland extraction. • was l)oi-n in the state of South C';irolina No- James .\. Williams grew to manhood on ;i \embcr 2 J. 1783, and was reared on a farm, farm .and ne\er attended school after he reached lie was weilded to Sarah Malone, a daughter the age of thirteen years; at that age his mother oi Jonathan and Alary IMalone, the latter of (Med and he was ihroAvn upon his own re- whom li\ed to he ticarly one hundred years sources. In about 1S85 he decided to try his old. The family came from Tennessee and set- fortunes in the west, and after arriving in I Hi- lied in Montgomery county, Kentucky, later nois settled in Tuscola township, where he he- remo\ing to Boone comity, Indiana, where she came a farm li;md ; at this he continued until died. Srmiuel Ciill and wife were \'cry poor, he was twenty-two years of age. By industry their stock of goods consisting of one hay pony, and good management he now owns two Inm- '"ic dollar in money and a feather bed. They (ired and forty acres of well impnned land in ]>ack-ed all on the back of the pony and settled Douglas county, for which he has been offered iii I'.ath county, Kentucky. 1 le built a mill, one eighty-five dollars ;m acre. Subsei|uentlv he "I t'lc first built in th;it section. lie after- bought the store at West Ridge, which he sold ward entered large bodies of land in Putnam to \V. H. Fry in December, i8i)';. I fc pre- .Montgomery, Boone and Henry counties, In- viously owned one at .\llerton, which he bought diana, .'unl also entered several tracts in what in 1S94 and sold in the following year. i^ ii"\v Douglas county. It looks ;is if this old In .September, iSSO, he muted in m;n-- gentleman loresaw e\erytlnng and selecteil the riage to Miss .\my .\lc(ir;ith, and they have < ''('»'c (/<■/rosperons. I'or twenty-five years he served as W illi.ams resides on one of his farms, ,-i short .itistice ol the peace, ;md by \irlue n\ (hat office distance south of West Ridge, where he gives '"-' was .also one of the justices of the P.-ilh his pei'son.-d super\ision to its eounty court. His first wife died in i.^..|7and lie is .a member of the Modern Woodmen of "' 1841; he married b'.liz.-ibelh Reed. In about (am.argo, and a Re[(ublic;m in politics. 1845 S;imnel ('. (iill s.ild the olu|)c. he returned home with liis regiment hy way of the (hilf of Me.xicn t> New Orleans. On October 2. 1849. Mr. CM married Sarah Ann, a daughter of William .\nderson, of Hath county, Kentucky, where they remained until 1S54. when they emigrated to Douglas county and settled im three hundred and twenty acres, where he nriw lives, and which was deeded to him b\- his father; he has since added two hun- dred and si.xty acres more. His wife died about 1872. His second wife was Eliza Kensil. Her death occurred in 1874, and he was again mar- ried, September i, 1875, this time to Mrs. Sarah (IJodge) Coots, who was liorn within six miles of Hamilton, Butler county, Ohio. The hospitality of Mr. Gill and his wife is well known and highly appreciated. HARRISON GILL. It is fitting that in tlic biograiiliies of the earl}' settlers of the county some mention should be made of Harrison (iitt, who entered among the lii'st land here and lixed near Camargo. The grandfather of Mr. (iill was born in Ireland, lie came to .\merica and settled m X'irgini.'i. liis son, .Samuel Cresswcll Gill, re- mo\ed from X'irginia to Kentucky and settled in llath county. Here, on the Licking ri\-er, he built ( iill's mills, a noted point in i)art of that st.ate. lie married Sarah Malone. bv whom he had a large family fi children, of ^.\hom Harrison CJill was the oldest, born in June. 1808. On arri\-ing at the age of twenty-one lie found himself in possesion of a few hundred dollars, which his father advised him to invest in western lands. He accordingly traveled on horseback to Illinois, first to his uncle, Thomas (jill, in Cumberland county. He found his uncle busy shingling the roof of a house, and he told young Gill if he would help him finish the shingling he would go with him to Coles county in search of land. The first point above Charleston where they found any one living was Major Ashmore. at the mouth of Brushy Fork. North of that he came to an Indian camp, a French and Indian trailing ])oint, where Hugo, or Bridgeport, now is. His uncle mischievously informed the Indians that Gill was a young Kentuckian wlnj had come for the |)urpose of taking to himself an Indian wife. He selected his land, the northwest quarter of section 35 and the west half of the southwest quarter of the same section. The railroad res- ervoir, cast of Camargo, is now on these tracts. He returned innnediately to Palestine and made his entry. The ])atents for the land, now in the possession of George C. Gill, of Camargo, were signed on the 8th of March, 1830, and bear the signature of Amlrew Jackson. This w;is the first land regularly entered in the ter- ritory comjxising what is now Douglas count v. Most of the land is still in his possession. He returned to Kentucky soon after selecting the land. -At the age of twenty-eight he married Georgia Ann Landsdj. and his father ihed wlien In early life Mr. (nil was a Wdiii;-. On the Mr. .Monahan was onlv three mouths old. I Ic hreakiui^- out of the war he became a Union is one of the old landmarks of Areola, ha\in"- man. JNIainly through his instrumentality the resideil here nearly half a cenlui-y, and is um- Twenty-fourth Kentucky Regiment was re- \ersally respected hv e\eryl)ody. cruited at the Springs in i86j. In tlie fall of the same year the Springs was also the head- tniarters of Gen. Nelson, who ordered all the home guards of Kentucky to rendezvous at that point for the defence of the eastern jjortion W.\i TFR C CI \1 \' h' of the state. i'"rom the fall of \><(>^^ to the fall of iH(>() Waller t'. I'.laine was gradn.aled the Mr. Gill resided near Keinncky, h.aving heen I'niversily of renns\lvama, ;it i 'hiladelphi.a, driven from his home on arcouin of his I'nion in the class of \Xi)^. lie coinmencnvl the sentimenls. lice at .Mnrdock. where he reni;mie'-^' •■""' ^^■^i'^ '"'HI June _>, i,S(,(.. lie gr.adu- ated from the (_'h, lie then re- sanna Rogers, a Virginia lady, and w ith her set- turned to Tuscola and resumed his regular prac- tleil in FairHeld county, Ohio. When our suh- tice. ject was fi\'e years old, his parents remo\ed In ]H()i he was married to Miss .Sallie C to (_'oles countv, Illinois, where the father Callaway, of Jackson\ille, a lady fi line liter- purchased a farm on whicli they resided ary attainments and of Christ ian \irlues. She for a time, then remmed to Charleston and was horn in Kentucky and was a graduate of Ii\'ed there up to the time of his death, in lierean College. Her father was the late well- 1868. known Re\-. S. T. Callaway, a Ilaptisl clcr- Dr. Reat's early education was deri\ed from gyman. They have had three children, all the meager advantages offered in the neighhor- of whom are living: A daughter I.ois, who is hood schools of that da\' and later attendance the wile of Hon. Thendnre Hraiitley. at pres- at the .seminarv at Charleston. That institu- cut chiet justice of the supreme court of .Mon- tion was conducted under eminent ]irofessoi-s laua ; Samuel (_'., who with his consiii, 1 larr_\- and here 13r. Reat recei\ed a good collegiate IC Caraway, were pro])rietors and editors of education and later took u)) the study of the the Tuscol.a Journal, lie is now in Washing- languages, hecoming familiar with Latin and ton, representing a numher of metro])olitan German, and at the same time teaching school newsp.apers. lie is a graduate of Cnion Law a numher of terms. His natural taste and tal- School, at Chicago, and is taking a posl-grad- ent were those of his cli.isen profession and he uate course in literature. I'reil. who graduatdl soon thereafter took a regular of stud- from the Illinois Stale L'ni\ersity. and is now ies at the Meilical College at I'incinnati, where jiroprietor of the Tuscola Repuhlican. he was graduateorn in Kentucky, lenioxed to Tuscola in iSOi, an(' there carrieii on his ti'ade, that of ;i harness maker, up to the lime of his death, in i8()_:;. at the age of eighty \'ears. His grandfather, Da\id Sluss. _ and his grandfather. John Ilincman. were both natives of KeiUucky, and were among the first settlers in Monroe county, Indiana, BIOGRAPIIICAI. AND HISTORICAL. 263 A. C. Sliiss learned the ti'adc with his lautrw and served U> the clu^e nf the war. lill- tatiier, and recen t'd liis echicatiiiii in the sehiKils inj;' aU the cunipany dl'hees I'runi enrpciral to of Tuscola and the Chieago Business CoUege. ca])tain. Jde was engaged in the mainifacture of harness. L'pnii returning fnmi his arnn- !-er\ ice mw etc., wlien, in 18S9, he was appointed i)(ist- suhject engaged in nierchanihsiug and fHrniing master of Tuscola by i'resident Harrisun. and in and near Areola until iSSj. wlien he was again received the appointment hy President elected county judge. He studied law and McKiule}, which shows his i)c)pularity and was admitted to the har in iSSi;. j'liliticallv cTficiency as a puhlic othcial. Mr. Sluss hecame judge Bassett is a Repuhlican. and religiunsjv the sole owner of the l\i>CMla Journal, the is an adherent of the Methodist h^])iscoi)al official Repuhlican organ of Douglas county, clun-ch. having joined that society at Mdlers- in Decemljer. nSyS. The was fonnded Imrg. fventucky, in iS^(). by Siler & Lindsay in i.Sri4, and has at the In i860 our subject was married to Miss present time a paid riiculation of a])ont two Xellie M. ("irnell. and twci children are the re- thousand in the county. It is stanch Repub- suit of tins iniion : jonatliau 11.. residing at lican in its political \ icw >. and is one of the .\rthur. Illinois, and .Martin II.. residing at most progressi\e .and up-to-date coinitry news- Mattoon. Illinois. j)apers in central Illinois. In 1N75 Mr. .Sluss was united ni marriage to r\liss Minerva liiggins, id' ilighland counts-, Ohio. They have three children, .\lfred 11., iM-auk L. and Hatfe 1^. ^,j. ^^|, ^,|,^ ^^^.^ ,^. EPIILIX. Mr. and .Mrs. Jacob I'lphliu are the oldest couple in d^iscola. They came here from I'arke cotmt}'. Indian.a. .\pril 4. 1S3S. when the nnm- \\ 11 B V.SSliri' '"-' "' iuh.ibitants could be connted on the lin- gers of the two haiiils. Thev lia\e lued bei'e [udge W . II. Bassett was boiii Januar\- more than fort v ye.ars. , and out from the door- !_', i8^_', on ;i faian in Harrison couutw Ken- w.i\ ol no In nne m Tuscola come ;i kinder tncky. and there grew |o manhood, recei\ing gi"eeli)ig to the \\a\ tai'er oi' a more hospitable a Common-school education. lie later at- reception to fiaends .and rel;Ui\es. I'ncle J.ake tended a collegein (_ incinuat:. < 'h,o. ;s closeh' relitcd with the ]innnti\e lowii ,and gr.aduating Ma\' 1 _'. 1854. .\lterward he en- the early connlw b,i\ing been among the first gaged in the mercantile business in ('ynthiana. inisiness men .and sei\ ing as depuly sheriff I\entuck\'. lie came to what is now mider 1. L. .\unt .M.arth.a is best countv, Illinois, in 1857. ,and was eng.aged in known for hei' cli.'ua' deeds tell of uns- farming until hSfij. .\t this time he enlisted sions cd" kindness and lo\cand crown her with in Comi)any K. .Se\enty-ninth Illinois In- .gloi'v. To a lii'e full of \-e;u's and rich in ex- 264 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. [■ericncc lliey have ail'lcil the greatest measure (if affection for each dlher and luve for man- Isiiul. two j;cnis that shine with unihnimed splcndi)!" in the crown of human possibility- W. T. PLILLIAM, M. D. W. T. I'ulham, M. D.. is one of Tuscola's leadinp; physicians. The Doctor has been in practice for many years, and has, hy his energy rmd efficiency, achie\-ed a success and reputa- tion in the healing art sectrnd to none. He is thoroughly educated, and a most honorable and congenial gentleman. He received a literary and scientific education at the Uni\crsity of Illinois, after which he stutlied medicine in the Indiana Medical College, from which he was graduated in the spring of 1882. Since that time he has been fully devoted to his chosen profession at Tuscola, where he now enjoys a lucrative and extensix'e practice. GEORGE CALL.WVAV. George Callaway, a retired physician of Tuscola and a large land owner of Douglas county, is a nali\e of Christian county. Ken- tucky, and was born May 4, 1848. In 1850 he removed to Illinois and was princi- jially educated in the Illinois College at Jack- son\-ille. ,\fter leaving school he read medicine with Dr. J. L. Reat. at Tuscola, Illinois, and sub.sequently entered the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, from whicli he graduated in the class of '73. Dr. Callaway commenced the ])ractice of medicine at Vir- giiua City, Montana, having gone first in 1871 to that territory as surveyor in the employ of the government. In 1875 he located in Tus- cola, where he successfully practiced his pro- fession up to within the last few years. At present he gives his entire attention to the management of his farm in Douglas county, owning in all over eight hundred acres of land. In 1879 he was muted in marriage with ]\Iiss Emma C. Wyeth. of Tuscola, daughter of L. J. W'yeth (see sketch). To their mar- riage have been born fom" children: Leonard, Katie, Ralph and hhnma. Dr. Callaway owns one of the handsomest and most costly resi- dences in Tuscola and is a large stockholder in tlie First National Bank of Tuscola. He is a son of Samuel T. and Mary (Means) Cal- laway, the former born in Clark county. Ken- lucky, and the latter in Christian county, in the same state. Sanuiel T. Callaway was a Baptist minister, and many years of his life were spent in the work of the church. For a time he served as county sui)erintendent of schools of Douglas county. The Callaway family came from North Carolina, as did also the Means family, and settled in Kentucky, where they were contempaper until janu.ary 1 , i89(;, when iier heing the sixth child. I'nini this l;irge the pa])er was sold ici .Nathan Collins and sun. f,i;nily nf ihirteeii children c.iiK' ihi-ee are imw The .Arthur Craphic was originally a live- living: W. W., John and Isaac, lliev heing the column newsp'aper, hut has recently heeii made three oldest .sons. In the vear i8(ij |nhn. W. si.\ hy the ]ireseiil ]jriiprietiii-, w ho has in other W. aiul .\ .Skinner, l)i-( jtliers, enlisted in ways overhauled the p.aper and office and con- the Seventy-ninth Illinois Volunteer lnf:mtry. siderahly increased the circuhitioii. jnhn and .Xumpii were captured at the hatlle of .Mr. liassett was horn in .Areola luwusliip, Cliickam;uiga. Tliev were kejit in pi'isnn se\- this comity. July H), \H()\. hi 188,.' he married eiiteen months .-lud nine davs, ;iiid ilid m H return .Miss Xora Perkins, w Im die5, :it .Wasliv ille, 'femiessee, ;iiid and is a very popular loc;d newspaper. discharged June jy. 18(13. ;it Springfield, Illi- nois. \\'. W. .Skinner, heing an early selller of (In- eastern of Douglas county, Illinois, well W. W. SK 1 .X.X k.R. rememhers .some of the incidents of its llrst settlers. Rohert Matson. fnun Kentnckv, sct- W. W. Skinner was horn .Xovemher 1 _>. tied here in 1 83(j or 1840. 1 le first located 1833. in N'ermilhon. Indiana. hi i83<), with Coffee's Crove. in Sargent lovvushi]). and in a Ins parents, he moved to Coles (n<'\v Douglas) few years removed one and oue-h.-df miles 266 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. iiurllK-ast of Newman. 1 le was a wealthy man, (.ractice nf medicine. In 1S31 lie moved to ownins^- a large planlalion in Kentucky and a Camargo. Illinois, and continued the practice numher of slaves. He hrought nine slaves to of his clio.scn profession. Later he attended Illinois with him. In 1847 his slaves were lectures at the Jeffersmi Medical College of spiritetl away to Charleston, the county seat of I'liiladeljihia, graduating therefrom in 1S53. Coles county, they claiming their freedom un- Jn 1858 he moved to Centralia, Illinois, but der the laws of a free state and being protected removed to Camargo the following year. Sep- ni their project l)y ivutherford and Ashmore. temlier 15, 1862, he enlisted in the Sixty-second Mr. Matson, fearing the loss of his human Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, but was property, fnllowed them to Charleston and shortly transferred U> the Si.xty-third Illinois brought suit for the rights of property. He Volunteer Infantry and appointed surgeon of employed for his attorney the Honorable Abe the regiment, with the rank of major, in which Lincoln, who was at this time but twenty-nine- capacity he served during the remainder nf the years old. while the defendents employed the war. most of that time in Gen. Jt half a ceutiu'y — hundred ami lhirl\' .icre^ of laud al seven dol lorty-six years. He died as be lived. lo\ing and l.irs ;in .acre, and al the time of his death he beloved by his lamily. neighbors an ])ay i:i rchi;ic)ns IjcHcf and ihed in Xew ^■(>^k city. lwciitv-li\e (Inllars. It was l)y such slow and Mr. I 'rice came tn 1 )( pUL;Ias enmity in iShoand ardiKius cffin-ts that he accumulated .some one was hound out tn a Mr. .Mc.Xair, i;(,inn- tln-ou,t;h Ihou.sand acres of land, of whicli he died pos- all the hardships that generally befall a poor sessed. In 1H74 a tine frame dwellinj;-. which orphan. had been erected by him at the cost of twenty- In 1S73 he was married to Miss Ella seven hundred dollars, was destroyed by fire. DrumnKmds. of this county. I Ic is the present but was at once rebuilt at a cost of fifteen bun- nominee on the Reiniblican ticket for re-election dred dollars. ti. the ollice of county sur\eyor. Nine childi'en ha\ebeen born to Mr. Lester: Eliza I., wife of James Ilowe: I iarriet .\., wife of William Howe; .Mmet.a j.. wife of EI- licrt !~1. Crowley; John 1)., now in the ai^ricnlt- im]>lenient business in Tuscnla: Louisa K. GEO O MOORE .\.. wile ol 1 )aniel C. Ji ihnsi in ; ( )|-lando 11., oc- cupying;- an impiiiiant position in the patent ( ico. O. Moore was born December 1 , 1S5S. office at Washington, D. C. ; Lemuel 1'., now on ;i farm near Mnncie, liidiaii;i. lie is thc a resident at the homestead; Mary \i. died tliinl child <<\ the f.amily of .\lr. and .Mrs. No\ember 'i, 1S45, aged one \-ear; Margaret LMuis M, mre, ;ind migrated w illi them to 1 )ong-- •'C. died -\pril J3, rS33, aged three years. Leni- las coniil\- when only fi\t' years old, locating iiel r. Lester was mai'ried Eebruary jy. iSjj, near the Cdiinfy se.'it, 'fusi-ola. llis early i-dn- l<> Liuin.a Rice, a native id' Kentuck-v. who, cation attained in the schools o| fuscola w hen a cliilil. came to I )( mglas county with her and ad ji lining districts. 1 le alsi 1 ti » 'k a cl.assi- p.arents. 'fhev ha\e had se\en cliildi-en, si.x of cal and scientific course in the .Vormal C ollege whom .are li\ing. 1 'erl 1).. I'.ert. I'.inl, ( )tt<> W., at Dainille. Indiana, from which hv gradu.ated ( jcrtriKle and .M.artin. ( )rw ell died in his sixth in 1 NX 1 , ]i;iying his tuitidii and way through year. the scbni.l b\- the sweat of his bii iw .as j.anilor. I le w;is ])riiici])al of the schools at RusselKille. Indi.aua. in iSS,', giving entire satislaction. lie tln'ii lu'ld the chairs nf music .and higher W T" TTICF m.athematics in the ( 'ampbell Xornial Ciii\er sitv at llolloii, Kansas, in iSXj;. In ,\ugust W. E. I'ricc, a resident of ( '.amargo. and of the same vear he went to 'l"n ly. ( )hio, where the present cniintv stirvevor, who has efficiently he was united in the holy bonds ol m.atrimony served in this ca]);icitv for twelve years, was to Miss Lillie Conway, a resident of that city, born in .\ew \'ork citv July S, 1S41). lie was whose acqu.ainlancc he had formed at college, a sou of William Ivlward ;nid .M.athild.a .M. lie and his wife took n]) their .iboile (Wilson) Trice, n.atixes of Ireland, llis father at .Middletoii. X'irgini.i. where .Mr. .Moore had .a cabinetmaker bv trade, an E.]iiscopalian accepted the associate princip.iMiip ol the .Shcn 270 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. andoali Normal Cnllcge, wIti'cIi position lie held fur three years. Owins^ to the declinino' of his wife's liealth Mr. Moore returned U> Illinois, stopping at Tuseola, where Mrs. Moore passed away in August of the same year. To this union was horn one son, Louis C. In the fall of 1 886 he accepted the principalship of the Newman schools, which he held for three years. In the spring of 1890, heing solicited hy his many friends, he made the race for the Repuh- iican nomination for superintendent of schools Lif Douglas county. A. A. ARMSTRONG. Archie A. Armstrong, one of the progres- siye, intelligent and well-known young farmers of the ciiunty and Camargo township, was born in Lawrence county. Ohio, September 10, i8C)i. He is the sc~)n of J(_ihn i\rmstr(ing, \yho is also a native of Ohio and now a resident of Cham- paign. He came to Douglas county in 1879. and bought se\'er;d farms in Tuscola townshi]) and in nther Idealities. He resided for some years on nne of his farms, when he removed to the cit\' iif Champaign. He is now living a retired life in the sixty-fifth year of his age. Archie Armstrong owns one of the most beautiful and attracti\e farms in the county, which he has well stocked with Aberileen An- gus cattle. In i88(') he wedded Miss Nora Rice, of Champaign county. They lia\e ilne child, Idoyd. ten years of age. Mr. .\rmstrong is ;i direcliir nf the Douglas Count\' hair Asso- natinn, .anil a member of the M.nsnnic lodge at C.amargo. WILSON S. CURGETT. Wilson S. r.nrgett, a native of Sargent township, ;uid a son of 1. \V. Rurgett, whose sketch is found on another page, was born December 22, 1863. He was reared in Sar- gent township, wdiere he continued to live until tight years ago, when he removed to his present farm two miles south of Camargo. In 1886 he was married to Miss Kate May, .'I daughter of Judge Brown (see sketch). They have three children : Ray Brown, Burley Sum- ner and Wayne l^renton. \V. S. L'lUrgett owns two hundred and ten acres of land, on which he lives, and is one of the intelligent and rei)resentatiye young busi- ness men of the county. In politics he is an enthusiastic Rei>ublic;m and has served two } ears as townshi]) committeeman. JOSEPH B. PETTY. , Joseph Bradley Petty, one of the successful business men of Tuscola, engaged in merchan- dising and identified with se\'eral other enter- ]n"ises of the city, was born in Hendricks coun- ty, Indiana, August 24, 1855, and is a .son of .Nathan and Ann Mariah (Wood) Petty, the former l)orn in Chatham county. North Caro- lina, and the latter in Mercer county, Kentucky. Mr. Petty was engaged in farming tor several years in Champaign comity, and from 1884 to i8()i he resided at lantlia, Missoiii-i, where he was engaged in hlacksmithing and hard- ware merch.-uidising. In the latter year In- returned to Illinois and settled in Tuscola, BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 271 wIktc lie lias since- wurkrcl al his tiMilc, and in race. Ali\s. I'ett)' lias, in her six _vc'ars' asencv, iSijiS opened n]) a <;xMieral stnre in ennneclinn ilmie a Imsiness of (i\er ^4,600. She is llmr- witli his other I)usiness. Dii^hly cajjahle. and with the time that she In 1881 lie was niiited in marriaye In Miss has t;iven to licr special work she has heen re- Priscilla Mars, of Chainpai^'n countw Thev inarkahly sncccsslul. have fne Imys; Earle Shirley, liyron Tal- mag-e, Clara Marrs, V^irgai Ira and William Natlian. lie owns his (iwn hniiie and store liuildiiii^s, is a hard working" man, and is one of the honorahle and rejjresentatis'e citizens of Tuscola. I le is a meinher of the Methodist S.AMUEL 15. LOGAN. Episcopal church and of the Court of Honor. Mrs. Petty, a lady of t^dod intelh\t,''ence and S;miue! P. Loq-.-m, one of the \'cry oldest fine Imsiness tact, is a daughter of W'illi.ani and "I Ihe pioneers now lixiiiL;" in Douqlas county, Mary Jane ( Sutherl.and ) Marrs, the former a nnd tlie lirst sheriff, was horn near Ihe village native of liourhoii county, Kentucky, .and the of Washington, Mason couiilv, Kentucky, latter of Ohio. At the age of four years Will- A]iril _:;o, iSrG. He is a son of |osepli and iam Marrs. with his father, John Marrs, moved Mary (Morris) The I'ormer was a to Shelhy county. Ohio, where William was nati\e of Mason county ami the latter of the r.aised. He nio\cd to Macon couiil\', Illinois, stale of New Jersev. |oliu Logan (grand- in 1851), and there engaged in agi-icultural father) w;is one of the early settlers from ])ursuits. I'riscilla Marrs taught school se\-en Pennsyh.ania, and .after his arri\al in Ken- }-ears in Champaign county. Illinois, then he- tucky he li\ ed in a fort. |oseph Pog.-ni (f;ither) came Mrs. Petty. She has the agency and is was a soldier in the war of i8ij ;ind was in the held manager l"or the \'ia\i Coiiip.any I'or li;ittle(d' the Thames. h'lm Morris (grand- Douglas county, ;ind h;is also the agency and father) a nali\e of .Vew jersey and in the lield m.anagement lor the M.agnetic Shielil o]>ini( jii of Mr. Log;m was a soldier in the war Coni]i;niy. of Chicago, in her county. \i.-i\i of the l\e\ i ilution. His father ;ind niothei-, in is a purely vegelahle compound, the oiitgrowtli 1837, remo\ed to Coles coimtv and located ol a physician's ])rescrii)tioii. To his ye.irs of within two miles of where Mr. l,og;ui now e\])erinienting was aililed .an incredihle amount resides. The first year his f.ather rai.seil a of ])atience and money, and Vi.avi in its pres- crop, renting his kaiid of (jIiI |acol) .Moore, ent form is the result. It is virtually precli- S.amuel 1',. 1 .og.iii enjoys the honor of h;iv- gested loMd and is . used with most i)erl'ect ing heeu the first sheriff of Douglas coiintw .safety hy the most delicate, y.iung and okl. .and has Ii\ed a long, honor.ahle and heanlil'ul 1 his remedy is world lanieil. ;ind is success- life in his adopteil county. In 1848 he was fully ust'd hy every nation. The motto of the ni;u-rief Brat^-p: & Jeffers. engaged in general merchan- dising and banking at Camargo, was born in Adams oumty. [llinnis, in 1858, and is a son of Samuel P. and Rachel (Orr) Jeffers. Samuel P. Jeffers was luirn in Clermont county, Ohio, June 9. 1834, and is a son of Elijah and Han- nah ( I'ine) Jeffers, natives of Clermont coun- tv, Ohio, and .\e\v Jersey res])ectivcly. Han- n;di Pine was a daughter of William Pine, who, an oqihan, emigrated from England to this country and first settled in New Jersey, thence remo\-ing to Ohio and later to Pike county, Illinois, where he died. He served in the war of 1812. Fdijah was a .son of William Jeffers, a native of the north of Ireland. Sam- uel D. Jeffers came to Camargo township in 1869, from .Adams county, this state, where he i'.armecl uj) to within the past ten years, since which time he has kei)t the meat market at Camargo. On I'ehruary 22, 1855, he was wedded to Rachel J. Orr, a daughter of and Elizabeth Orr. In the beginning of 1865 he xdlunteered in the Eorty-seventh Illinois Infantry, and was in service till the close of the Civil war. George C .Jeffers, after leaving school, taught for one year, and in 1879 became a clerk for .\. W. P>ragg, in the latter's store at C.'unar"go, in which capacity he continued till 181)3, when he became ;i p.artner, with one- half interest, aval the firm name became Bragg & Jeffers. The general store and banking house of P>ragg & Jeffers, containing two de- ]);irtments, carries a stock of general merchan- dise valued at about $20,000, re(|uiriiig a corps of four clerks, anil does an annual busi- ness of from $35,000 to $40,000. George C. Jeffers is a clear headed and able business man whose industry and comprehensive grasp of details has to a great extent made this one of the leading mercantile firms of central Illinois. In 1884 Mr. Jeffers married Miss Carrie, a (laughter of W. H. Hall, rm old and highly respected citizen ani-ialic in ])olilics and lull o! local news, with a I'irculation nf aboiu lifleen hiin, he N'olunteered in the l"".ighl_\-thir(l In- diana lulanti\' and serxed until the close of the war. He belonged to the Second Di\is- ion, Fifteenth Army Corjis, which was organ- ized and commanded by Cien. Sherman, and later by Lien. Logan. He was in the Ijattles of Chickasaw, Miss., Arkansas Post or Hinil- nian, Jackson, Mississippi, was through the siege of X'icksburg, at Missionary Ridge and -Atlanta; also at Joneshoro, P>enton\'ille, North Carolina, was with Sherman on his sweep til the sea, and was present at the grand re- \iew, W ashington, at the close of the war. In iSOi) he was wediled to iSIiss Nanc\' J. lU'.atty, of Ohio county, Indiana. They had lour children: James Ivlward, ]\osanna I>.. Eliza 1'... mill William I'ranklin, the latter de- ceased. Mrs. I'isber is tlie daughter of (ieorge and Rosanna (Snhth) lieattv. Her lather was a native of Pentrs\l\ania. and her niiither was born in Oh'u) connt\-. Indiana. Her grandfathers were Hugh Beatty and George Snhth, who came from Pennsyhania. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher arc members of the Pres- byterian church: he is also a member of the Grinid .\rmy of the l\e])ubhc, and independent Order of Odd lAllows. T. M. RICHARDS. T. M. Richards, a leading merchant and grain buyer of Hayes, Illinois, was born in Douglas county, lllinnis. August 7. 18(14, and is a sun of riiiim.'is ^'. Uichards. wlni was ;i na- ti\e (d 1 l.irdin county. Kenluckw where he was burn ill iSiS. The l.atter nii>\ed to this county in the 'lorties ami was engaged in farming. I le was three times married and was the fa- A 1 ^s *''*^- lUw # ihei' uglas count^■ rmd ])art in Cham- paign. In T853 he was united in riage to Miss Nancy K. W'illi.ams, who w;is a native of \^ermilioii comity, Illinois, and a daughter of Edijali Williams, an e.'irly settler in \'ermilioii county, Mrs. Henson was born in 1830 and died in 1893. Of this marriage there are seven children li\-ing: l-'ranklin, who resides just across the road from his father; Mantie, who is the wife of Dr. E. S. Smith, of C rhana : Lula. wife of Charles Amnion, of Carthage, Missouri ; Ward, who resides east of Villa Grove on a farm ; Burt, deceased ; Flora, at home, and Kitty B., wife of S. W. Love, of Urbana. editor of tlie Daily Courier. Mr. Henson is a consistent member of the ]\Iethodist F4)isco])al church at Villa Grove, in the ati'airs of which he takes an active in- terest. COLEMAN BRIGHT. Coleman Bright came to Douglas county in 1850 and engaged in retail merchandising, and in about i860 remo\ed to Tuscola and re- mained a member of the hrm of Piright I'i Jones until his death 011 Iul\' jo, 1881. W. AVERY HOWARD. W. Avery Howard, who has recently be- come a ]iartner in the broom corn business w itli W. 1 1. Hancock, is a native of I'ultoiu'ille, New ^drk. and was born I'"cbruary 26, 1846. His early years were spent at I'ort liunter and later he eng.aged in the manufacture of broiims here with his uncle, ]'". I iow;ird. In 188S \\". .\. 1 Inward withdrew .and associated himself with Ileiirv llerrick, of .Xmsterdam, New 'S'ork, and acted in the c;i[);icity of super- IJS BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. intcndcnt ^<'n of r,. I', and ll.arriet ( ) P.arke. r>ofh of his ])arents were born in Champaign county, are living, and t'or the past year resided 28o BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. in Slielhy county, Tennessee. Mr. Parke was reared to manhodd on the farm and received his education in tlie high school of Oakland. In 1897 he married Miss Myrtle Lewis. A. J. Parke started up in his present husi- ness in November, 1898, and is doing an im- mense business solely on his own account. Last yeai" he bought in the neighborhood of eighty th(^usand bushels of corn, liesides other grain, and finds a market at Terre Haute, Indiana. He has completed a building 32x60 feet, and has it filled with the best grade of the Co- lumbus, Ohio, buggies, the celebrated Mitchell wagon and farm machinery of all descriptions. Mr. I^arke's future in the business world seems unusually bright, and his characteristic push and his re])utation for square dealing will.un- (iou])tedly bring him just results. JESSE R. BEGGS. Jesse R. P>eggs, president of the First Na- tional I'.ank of Areola, douljtless enjoys the distinction of being the \'oungest national bank ])residcnt in tlie state. He has occu])ied this im- portant position since the death of his father, whom he succeeded in February, 1895. He was Ijorn in .\rcola, August 19, 1868, and was edu- cated in the pul)lic schouls of the \'illage. His father. James Beggs. was liorn in Clark county, near Charlestown, the old county seat. He came to .\iTo1a in 1858, where be followed a most successful business career up to the tune of his death. 1 lis wife was .\manda Brentlinger, who was also horn in tlie same town. On the or- ganization of the hank, in 1874, he was chosen its first president, though he had had banking cxi)erience since 1866. The present capital of the liank is fifty thousand dollars, with a sur- ])lus of ten thousand dollars, and one hundred and twenty thousand dollars average deposits. Laider its present management it is doing a flc;)urishing business, and is one of the most sub- stantial banking" houses in central Illinois. In 1892 our subject was married to Miss Florence M. McMillan, of Areola. Mr. Beggs has many substantial and devoted friends and no young man is more favorably known throughout the county than he. MARION WATSON. Marion \\'atson, of Arthur, after reading law under the instruction of William H. Wh't- taker, of Sulli\-an, was admitted to practice law before the supreme court of tlie state in 1896. He was horn on a farm near Bloom- tield, Greene county, Indiana, Octolier 29, 1864. llis education was received in the common schools, ami he afterward attended a short term at the normal at Dan\ille. Indiana. He remained on the farm in his native county until 1883, when he came to Illinois, locating in Douglas county, and spent two seasons as a common work hand on the farm, working one winter during this time for his board and attending school. Subsequently lie taught schodl for six years in the county. In 1892 Mr. Watson succeeded W. IT. H. Reedcr in the insurance and real estate business, since w hicli time he has been \-ery su.'cess- luUy eng;iged iii this l>usines.s iji connection BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 281 with his law practice. He has a most complete law lihrary, and tjiie as x'aried as those gen- crall}- found in cities. On Se])temher 5. 1892, he was uniteil in marriage with Miss I\ y J., daughter of James and Belle (Jammn, of Edgar countw Illinois. They have four children : Esther Marie, [\alph Waldo, Gladys and Grace. Marion Watson is the son of Dale and Ouintilla (Payne) Watson, who were prob- ably born in Virginia. Dale came to Indiana with his father, John Watson, and they were among the early settlers of Greene cc lait}". His maternal grandfather, William Payne, was a native of North Carolina. Mr. Watson has served one term as pres- ident of the \illage board of .Arthur; served a [lart of a term as justice of the peace, ond one term as assessor of I'ourbon township, and is a member and trustee of the liaptist church. Mr. \\'atson h;is fought his own way to the Iront over many obstacles, and occui)ies at present an cn\iable anom-l)on county, Kentucky. April 5, 1838, he came with his niniher to \'ermilion county, Illinois: he was reared and educated in Ver- milion and Champaign counties. In his youth- ful days he traveled considerahly, and, in 1834, came to Hougias count}'; two years later he hought the Williams farm, which he imprdved and afterward sold. He was largely engaged in the live stock husiness, handling as high as one hundred thuusand dullars in a vear. In the spring of iSS_> he was elected justice of the peace and was also high\\a\- commissioner. He was m.arried in 1837 tu h'hza J. Lester, who was horn in (iarrett tuwushij). lOHN C. r,.\RNES. John C. n.arnes, ])hysician and lumhcr deal- er, w;i> horn in lelTersnn cnunU', lndi;ma, Sej)- lemher 27, 1833. i lis grand fathei", John, came from Culpeper county, Virginia, to Indiana in J 800. McCianntm Barnes, father of John C, was horn in Jefferson count\', while his wife, Rehecca Fonts, was a native of Clark county, Indiana. John C. Iku'ues was the eldest in a family of ten children ; he was given a tlK)rough educational training, attending first the com- ruon schools, then llano\-er .Vcademv in Jeffer- son county, Indiana, and in 1833 gr.aduated from Scott's Commercial College, Indianapolis. At twenty years of age he began for himself, clerking in a store and i)ost office at Hanover four years. Ai)ril 24. 1860, he married Mrs. Elizabeth Coombs, After marriage he took a coiu'se of lectures at the Eclectic Medical In- stitute, Cincinnati. In 1866 he came to Doug- las count}', first landing at the present site of llindsboro, then a waste prairie, but went direct to Coles count}'; after a year there he bought a farm three miles west of Hindsboro, which he imjjroved and su])erintended in con- nection w ith his practice of uKHlicine until 1883, when he sold out, came to Hindsl)oro and en- gaged in keeping a lumber yard in connection with his practice, lie is a memlier of the Ma- sonic lodge, of .\rcola. and Odd b'elhiws lodge. -\<'- 371. of Hin(Ll)oro. I'oliticallv. he is a Democrat and in i8ulilic inns in the count v. \VILLT.\AI r.. CITAXDLKR. William 11. I'liandlcr, a well 1%-nown stock buyer of the county and a resident . lie is a sou nf Lenuiel Chandler (for the ancestry of the family, see sketch.) When yet a boy, William 1'.. Chand- ler entered the L'ni\ersity of Illinois at Cham- paign and was graduateiisl\- for ti\'e rears. He was married in 1874 to Ida I... a daughter of |. 11. ]5agley. They lia\e had hve children, of 288 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. wliinn Ward, Clark, Fred and Mary are liv- ing, and Maud is dead. Mr. Reed is a stanch Democrat in politics, as was also his father, Captain Reeil. WILLIAM BRIAN, Sr. William Brian, Sr., was Ijorn May 6, 1806, in Ross county, Ohio, and in 1837 he came to Coles, now Douglas, county ; he entered about one thousand acres of land when coming here, and has owned as high as three thousand acres. He had learned the Ijlacksmitlrs trade in Ohio. and followed it about twenty years here. On one occasion, when shoeing a Methodist preach- er's horse, he nailed the shoes on with the toe- corks behind. The preacher remonstrated with him for doing so; his reply was, "The devil takes after these Methodist preachers, antl I thought I would make him take the back track." He was married October i, 1829, to Anna Lewis, who was born in Pike county, Ohio, May 4, 1805. They had nine children, six of whom are here named : Thomas, James, Mary (wife of R. E. H. Westfall), William T., Tay- lor W. and Samuel. His death occurred a few vears since. JOHN W. KING. John W. King, of Newman, who has for several years been prominent in the politics of the county, and at present is associated with the .Xcwinan bank, was born in Bourbon countv. Kentucky, October 13, 1 84 1. He is a son of David A. and Jane Elizabeth (Mitchell) King, who were natives of Clark and Montgomery counties, Kentucky, respectively. His father, who was born in 1818, followed the occupa- tion of farming, removed from Kentucky to Champaign county, Illinois, in 1855, and tliere his death occurred in 1896. His mother died in 1882, aged fifty years. His paternal grand- father, Robert Cass King, was a native of Vir- ginia, and his maternal grandfather, John W. Mitchell, was also born in Virginia, in Culpeper county. John \\'. King was reared on his father's farm and attended the public schools of the neighborhood. In 1862 he joined Company G. Se\-enty-secoiul Illinois Volunteers, as a pri\ate, and served three years antl four months, part of the time as a non-commissioned otHcer. After the war he entered the state normal school, where he reiuained for three years. Leaving there he at- tended Bryant & Stratton's Business College at Chicago, where he remained one year. He then taught school for some years in Cham- paign county, when, in 1872, he caiue to New- man, and for three years held the principalship of the Newman schools. In 1875 he was elect- ed to the office of county superintendent to lill a \acancy, which he held up to the next gen- eral election in 1877, when he was re-electetl and served up till 18S1. In April of the latter year he resigned to accept the appointment of postmaster of Newman, which position he held under the administrations of both Garfiekl and Arthur. At the exi)iration of his term he ac- cepted the [)osition of bookkeeper in the New- luan Bank, which position he held up till 1890. In that year he was elected county clerk, and was re-elected in 1894, serving in that office BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. J89 up until 189S, wlieu he re-entered the Newman Bank. In 1872 Mr. King was united in mar- riage to Miss Kate C. Fry, of near Cham- jiaign. They liave live children : Blanche, Earl G., Katie W., Roscoe W. and Harry T. Mr. King has been collector of Newman township some four or five terms; is a member of nearly all the secret societies, is trustee of the Meth- odist Episcopal church at Newman, and a stanch Republican in politics. Both as a .soldier, officer and citizen Mr. King has been faith- ful in the discharge of his regular duties and the perfi.irmance of any special wiirk assigned to him. THOMAS W. ROBERTS. Thomas W. Ri)berts, the l>right young law- yer of Tuscola, attorney for the I. D. & W. R. R. Co. and city attorney, has from the hum- ble walks of life i)ressed his way to the front and to-day stands among the leading and most successtul lawyers at the bar. 1 hom.'is \\ . Roberts was born in Owens- burg, (ireen county. Indiana, Mav i, 1866, and soon thereafter came with his ])arents to Doug- las county, and located at Camargo, where young Robert .attended school until si.xteen years of age. In iSSj his f;ither removed to Tuscola, and there the young man learned the turner's trade. But that was only a means to an end. and in \HH(> he was ajjpointed to a clerk- ship in the treasury de])artment at Washington, wlieie be worked day time and attended school at night, ;nid for four years continued in the ])rei)aratory department of Georgetown Univer- sity, after which be took a four-years' course in the law dep.-iitmenl of the s.ame institution and was graduated in 1892. Mr. Roberts was at once admittetl to the bar of Illinois, anil en- tered upon his chosen profession, becoming the l)artner of the late C. W. W'oolverton (see sketch), with whom he continueil until the death of his associate in 1895, since which time Mr. Roberts has continued in the practice alone. He is attorney for the I. D. & W. R. R. Co. in Illinois, attorney for the Corn Belt Building & Loan Association, attorney for the bank of Baughman, Bragg & Co. and this along with his other practice makes him a very busy man. Mr. Roberts is a son of Henry Clay and Anna Elizabeth (Sleet) Roberts, both natives of Kentucky. Henry Clay Roberts came to Douglas county in 1870, and here resided for some years ; later he removed to South Dakota, where he at present lives. He was a member of the Ninety-seventh Regiment, Indiana, in tiie Civil war. volunteered in 1861, and was mus- tereil out in i8')5. Thomas Roberts (grand- father) was one of the early Virginia settlers in Boone county, Kentucky, as was his grand- father Sleet. In June, 18SS. Mr. Roberts wedded Mrs. Jennie Sharp, a d.ingbter of R. II. B. Madison, of Tuscola. Two children have blessed their union: Irene Elizabeth and Rali)h Henry. In Alasonry he is a Kniglit 'i\'mpl;n", ;i sl;uich Democr.'it in ])olitics, and is poi)nlar .-nid intlii- eiUiai ill the county. w Asiii.xcrox I). r,()\cb:. Washington l)a\id lioyce was born at the foot of nine Ridge near l.eesbtn-g. Lee county, \irginia, in the ve;ir .\. I). 1802 and dieil in 290 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. Camargo township in February, 1882. He was among the first settlers in that township, where he entered forty acres of land. He es- tablished the first blacksmith shop at the vil- lage of .'vlbany. ROBERT McKAIG. Robert McKaig is one of the pioneer set- tlers of Tuscola township, who came in 1857. He and his wife are members of the Presby- terian church and highly respected in their neighborhood. J. T. BUTLER. We copy from a recent issue of the Tus- cola Review : "J- T. Butler, of this city, secretary and manager of the Corn Belt National & Loan Association, had received intelligence from his brother in California, that he had struck a gold mine of unparalleled richness, and that our fel- low citizen was a half owner in the new won- der. "The editor knowing that Mr. Butler was a man who shunneil notoriety and would be loth to give out information that would bring him intii such prominence as an article of this kind necessarily will, approached him on the subject. He was at first disinclined to talk on the sul)ject. but learning that it had become generally known throughout the city, he con- sented to make a statement, in order that the public might gel the facts and facts only. As Mr. Butler is a man of unimpeachable character and known to be a truthful and conservative man. we ha\'e the fullest confidence in his state- ment . "The following facts have been given us by Mr. Butler, and his host of friends in this city are happy to know that he has suddenly become, or will soon become, the wealthiest man not only in Tuscola, but probably in the state of Illinois. "He states that he has a brother. Dr. Thom- as Butler, a prominent and reputable physician of San Diego, who has been in the gold regions of that and other states for thirteen years, and who has always prospected more or less. About three months ago his brotlier visited the great Dewey mine in what is known as the "Grape- vine" district, sixty miles east of San Diego. This range of mountains is probably a spur of the San Barnadino range and are called the Vulcan mountains. The Dewey mine is a late discovery and was recently capitalized at one million dollars. It is regarded as a wonder." WILLIAM T. BRIAN. William T. Brian, one of the old and favor- ably known citizens and a member of one of the pioneer families of the county, was born in 1845 '•'^ Douglas county, and is a son of Will- iam and Anna Lewis Brian, who were born in the same county. William Brian (father) lo- cated in what is known now as the Brian neigh- borhood in about the year 1843, where he en- tered a large tract of land at one dollar and twenty-five cents an acre, and adding to that BIOGRx\PHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 291 later considerably more at thirteen dollars per acre. At tlic time of his death, in 1888, at the age of eighty-one years, he was one of the i:)iggest land owners in the county. Lewis P>rian was his paternal grandfather. His ma- ternal grandfather, John Lewis, settled in the same neighliorhood, from Ohio, in an early day and is buried at the Hickory Withe cemetery. William 'J", lirian was married in 1868 to Miss .Sarah Buudy. a daughter of Caleb Bundy. The latter was born in North Carolina and set- tled early in U(_)uglas county, three miles north and one-hall mile west of Tuscola. Mr. and Mrs. lirian have one child, a daughter, Ellanor, who is the wife of John Lathroj). Mr. Brian owns at present eight hundreil and sixty-two acres of land, lying in one body, and is one of the biggest tax payers in the county. He is a stanch free-sihcr Democrat and is universally respected l)y all who know him. THOALXS CRUZ AN. Thomas Cruzan was born in Douglas county January 15, 1836, and is a son of the two oldest citizens now living in the countj' who were born in it. He is a son of Roliert Cruzan and Jane Crawford, who settled earlv in the Brown neighborhood, coming from In diaiia. Our subject owns two hundred and lorty acres of land. CALEB GARRETT. OLIX'ER H. PARKER. ()li\cr 11. I'arker, grain buyer at Hayes ;nid llnnil)olih. .-ind a son of Lines L. Parker, of I'lowdre township, was born in Vermilion countw Illinois, in llie year A. 1). iSfx). lie resides with his laniiK' in Tuscola. In i88t he was niarrii' Mr. and Mrs. Parker were born t'our children: Burt I., l'"red ICarle, Minnie Pearle and Everett l)ewe\-. Mr. Parker is one of the sui)stantial business men of the countv. Among the oldest residents of Douglas county, is Calel) (larrett, of Tuscola. His an- cestors early made their home in .America, his father's great-grandfather, John Garrett by name, and an Englishman 1)_\' l)irth, having set- Ik'd in X'irginia. lie bad a son. John (iarrett, and ;i grandson, Welcome ( iarrett, who w;is the grand f.atber of the subject of our sketch. Wel- come ( larreti was born in X'irginia, and when a _\onng man mo\ed to Surry county, Nt)rth Car- olina. He ser\ed in Tennessee during the In- dian wars prior to the Re\'olution. lie mar- ried I'JKebe .Suninei". a Pennsyhanian by birth. The ( i.arretts were a strong, vigorous race of men. b'sbua (lai'rett, a bi'otlier to Welcome, was killed at the battle of I SraiKhw iiie, during the l\e\ c ilulionarv wai'. Lewis, .another broth- el', was shot b\' the Tories before enlisting. William was with Marion in South Carolina through the war. and .after the conclusion of the stiaiggle died of disease contracted in the ser- vice. This William Garrett was a of jiow- 292 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. eriul Imild and of threat strength. He weighed t\v(i hunch'ed and fortv pounds, and was called the strongest man in the state of North Caro- lina. Welcome Garrett became a member of the society of Friends. In 1824 he moved to Wayne county, Indiana. He died in Hamilton county of that state, at the age of eighty-four. Isom Garrett, Caleb Garrett's father, and the son of Welcome Garrett was born in Surry county, North Carolina, in 1796. In 1S14 he married Mary Puckett, and the same year mo\-efl to Clermont county, Ohio. After a residence there of a year he went to Clinton county, Ohio, where his son Caleb was born. In 18 ro he moved to Randolph county, Indiana, and in 1823 to Vigo county of the same state, where he lived till his removal to Illinois, with the ex- ception of part of the year 1839, when he resid- ed in Texas. The date of Caleb Garrett's birth, in Clinton county, Ohio, was the i6th of July, 1816. He was consequently seven years old when the family moved to Vigo county, Indiana, in the vicinity of Terra Haute. His early opportuni- ties for securing an education were very limit- ed. One of the schools which he attended was about three miles and a half from his father's residence near Honey Creek bridge. Here school was sometimes kept for three months in the year, an unusually long period at that day. Another school was afterward established near- er home under the care of Joel Butler, of the state of New York, which for a time afforded excellent advantages. The next school he at- tended was taught by one Joel Thayer, an ex- cellent teacher, but so confirmed and inebriate that the children soon discontinued attendance on his instruction. His father was a man of considerable education, and under his care he learned rapidly. According to Isom Garrett, his father, obedience to his parents was one of his marked traits. His mother died in 1830, and for a period of nine years succeeding this event, the father and the sons, Caleb and Nathan, kept house for themseh-es, and did their own cooking, besides attending to their usual occupations. During part of this period Mr. Garrett was in the employment of Chaun- cey Rose, of Terre Haute, and now one of the wealthiest and most liberal citizens of Indiana. He drove an ox team for Lucius H. Scott, now of Philadelphia. He dropped corn for twenty- five cents a day, and split rails at from' twenty- five to thirty cents a hundred, averaging one hundred and fifty for a usual day's work. For a long time he worked for a wealthy Scotch- man, William Walker, at six dollars a month. At twenty-one he was probably the strongest man in all the country round. Although full of life, he had no intemperate habits. He was a favorite in the community. "He could do as big day's work as anyone," says his father, "and at a country frolic could play a tune on the fiddle second to none." In the period from 1834 to 1839 he made several trips down the river on a flat boat, and thus became well accjuainted \\ith the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. The greater part of one winter he remained in New Orleans. On a re- turn trip at one time with Captain Shallcross, of Louisville, he was stuck in the ice near Pa- ducah, Kentucky, and the men were reduced to two crackers a day. On this same trij), in coming home, he walked from Evansville to I'erre Haute through snow eighteen inches in BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. 293 depth Out of tlie forty boatmen who started at the same time, only Mr. (iarrctt and a com- I)anion succeeded in J^'oing through, tlie others falhng beliind and giving it up before tliey had gone far. In 1840, on tiie day succeech'ng the exciting presidential campaign of that year in which Mr. Garratt voted for General William Henry Har- rison, he took a steamer for New (Orleans on his way to Texas. The steamer stuck fast in the rapids l)elow Terre Haute, the pilot became into.xicated, and Mr. Ciarrett, in cumjiany with two other young men bound for points south, procured a rough spring wagon in which they iourneyed from 'Sli. Carmel to Evansville on the Ohio river, when the three took a steamer and continued their voyage. One of his com- ]);mions left him to go up to the Cumberland and the other up the Tennes.see river. At New Orle.-uis he secured a passage on a steam- shi]) for Galveston, Texas. When out on the Gulf of ^lexico the vessel encountered a ter- rillc gale, and for seventy-two hours the ship and crew were in danger of going to the bottom. At Galveston a steamer was taken for Houston. Eut the steamer stuck fast on the bar, and for a day or two the passengers had time to amuse themseUes by fishing in the shallow water for oysters. Mr. Garrett was aiming to make his way first to ln(Ie]>endence. in \\'asliington, county. To this ])oint he tra\-- i'h-i\ on foot, with the exception of thirty or fortv miles before reaching the town, when he b;id o[)portunily of riding. .\1 Independence be obtained ;i nuist;uig pony, and continued bis journey to Austin City, 'i'be mute led twtta. lienton ( deceased), and Lewis (deceased). Mr. and .Mrs. (iillogly are mem- bers of the I'lmiberland l^'esbyterian church, ,uid he belongs to the Masonic fraternity and the i. O. O. F. A. TAYLOR. A. Taylor, real estate dealer at Newman and a man unixersally popular and esteemed bv e\erybo(ly around Newiuan, was born in Ti])pecanoe countv. Indiana, .\pril 8, 1836, where he was I'cared and educated. He has been a resident in .Xewnian snice 187') and has negotiated manv important real estate deals in Douglas an•') Swamp Lands ■*!' Tojxigraphy '-^^ Treasurer, First ■'2 CHAPTER HI. Ml 1. 1 t .\ kv Record 47 Cavalry, Thirteenth H4 Comiia'ny, P'irst full 4!l Infantry, Twenty-lirst 4il Infantry, Twenty-fifth •")2 PAGE Infantry. Fifty-fourth 54 Infantry, Seventy-ninth 57 Infantry, One Hundred and Thirty- fifth.' 02 Infantry, One Hundred and Fifty- ninth' ■ • • •'•^ Public Sentiment and Civil Action 47 CHAPTER I\.— Township His- tohical Sketches <'>li Areola City 1119 Areola Township '"7 At wood X'lllage. l^|i Bourbon Townshi|i 7I{ Bowdre 'Township 77 Camargo City 72 Camargo Townshij) . 61* ( 'larreti Township ^^ Hindsboro Village 71) Murdock Township '•'! Murdock Village '■•2 Newman City Hji Newman Township 11-> Sargent 'Townshiii 1^!^ Tuscola City 1";' Tuscola 'TownshiiJ i'-i BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Armstrong, Archie A Ashurst, Joseph Atto, Daniel Atwell, William !•; Avery, J.I B. B.iilev.Capt. David liakei", S. H Barnes, John C Barr, James Bartholomew, Michael 1). J5assett, J. H 270 240 2SI 27:f 244 141 2S."i ISl y.K 2(14 pa (11-; Bassett, W. H 2iV.', Beggs, Jesse R 2K0, Robert M 2*; Blaine. Walter C 2.".il Boyce, Washington David 2S1I lioyd, W. P...'. B'T. Boyer, J. W 27.-! Brian. William, Sr 2XS Brian, William 1' 2'JO Bright, Coleman 277 Bn K k , ( ;eorge W 2:!0 Brown, ludge Joliii 2:i.f Burgett.'Carl S 214 Burgett, I. W 2;i4 Burgett, Scott 20y Burtnett, William H., M. D VSi Butler, J. 'T Bush, William PACl'. . . 2; to ... 17il C. Cahill, T:ii F H2 Callaway, C.i-orgr 204 Calvin, Edwaril W 22S Cam|)bell, Allan 227 Carnahan, t'larence 11 217 Chadwick John 11 147 Chandler, Lemuel l-">7 Chandler, William B 2S7 Conover, Daniel A 221 Cooper, David 12H Covert, 1. N 215 298 INDEX. PACE Coykendall, D. F Ifi5 Craddick, Thomas 251 Cruzan, Tliomas 291 Culbertscm, Chark-s M 220 D. never, Frank C 177 I )rake. Israel A 147 Drew, James 204 E. F.phiin, Jacob 263 Eplilin, Mrs. Jacob 263 Krvin, Samuel 259 F. t'ldler, Albert F 246 Fidler, Levi 246 Finney, E. C '. 1(54 Finney, Joseph H 175 Fisher, U'illiam H 274 Foster, R. S 132 Fry. William H '. 134 Fulton, William H 295 G. Garrett, Caleb 200 Garrett, Caleb 291 Gere, Benjamin W 190 Gill, Harrison 2.58 Gill, Shiloah 257 Gillogly, James 295 Glassco, Kimball 283 Goff, John L 251 Goodspeed, James M 1 70 Greenman, Anson H 137 Greve, CD 237 H. Hall, William H 295 Hammett, Frank W 252 Hanimett, James R I.53 Hammett, James K 284 Hanmiett, Richard Clyde Ili8 Hammett, William S 276 Hance, Ale.\ander 239 Hancock, James W 159 Hancock, W. H 252 Hapke, Adolph 182 Hawkins, Charles A 282 Hawkins, John ](il Hawkins, J. M lyg Hawkins, Samuel 17ti Hay ward, A 210 Heaton, James I* 121 Heaton, William 197 Henson, ( icorge W 251 Henson, Stephen S 277 Hockett, Oliver O 224 Hopkins, Samuel L 267 Hostetler, John C 250 PAGE Howard, \V. Avery 277 Howe, lames H 286 Howe, William, 202 Hunt, Oliver T 194 I. lies, William 148 Irwin, John T 125 J. Jeffers, Enmior W 248 Jeffers, Cieorge C 272 Jenne, Charles F 186 Jones, Henry C 256 Jones, James 133 Jones, John J 262 Jones, Maiden 225 Jones, Owen E 242 Jordan, John V 173 K. Kincaid, James A 1,35 King, John W 288 L. Lester, Segler H 268 Lindsey, John 127 Logan, Samuel B 271 Long, Stroder M 198 Loose, Frank E 122 Lowry, John 1.S9 Lyrla, N. C 174 M. McCarty, Francis A 231 McGee, J. Park, M. D t. . . . 185 McGown, J. A 241 McKaig, Robert 290 McKinney, John W 266 McMasters, Charles L 126 McNeer, V C 218 McNeill, Alexander 282 Madison, John M 242 Magner, D. \ 143 Martin, Rev. J. V 274 Martin, W. S., M. D 138 Means, Rev. William E 123 Milligan, Robert E 191 Monahan, P. H 259 Monroe, N. S 278 Moore, Abrani H 184 Moore, Edw. McC 184 Moore, George 269 Moore, Jacob 279 Moore, Jacob R 229 Moore, Morris 1 185 Moore, William '1' 189 Morrow, James 151 Moser. George H 241 Mulliken, Ira M 2.53 pa(;e Mulliken, James W 2.'J3 Murdock, |udge John D 146 Murphy, Wiliam F 152 Myers, O. V 158 N. Newport, William H 235 Niles, Henry C 174 O. Outcelt, John N.. 283 P. Parke, Alvy J 279 Parker, Lines L 169 Parker, Oliver H 291 Pepper, W. W 223 Petty, Jo eph B 270 Phillips. J. W 225 Price, W. E 269 Pulliam, W. T., M. D 264 Q- Qumn, John 209 R. Reat, James L 260 Records, Jasper S 168 Redden, Stephen 124 Reed, Daniel W 191 Reed, W. D 287 Reed, Winheld S 1.56 Reeder, James S 276 Reeder, James S 286 Reeder, John A., Jr 191 Reeves, William W 272 Rice, Eugene 206 Rice, Martin 162 Rice, William Edgar, M. D 140 Richards, G. R 276 Richards, T. M 275 Richman, James A 192 Rigney, J. B., M. D 286 Roberts, I'homas \V 289 Roderick, Daniel 268 Rogers, John E 139 Root, D.0 206 Root, Lawrence E 216 Rutherford, Dr. C 222 Rutherford, Thomas H 187 S. Sanford, Charles S 211 Sawyer, Albert .S 214 Siders, George W 178 Skinner. Isaac 238 Skinner, John 171 Skinner, W. W 265 Sluss, A.C 262 Smiley, Samuel W 281 INDEX. 299 PAGK Smith, Mosi'S S 155 Summt^rs, William T 155 Swigart, T. \Y 22H T. Tag.uaii, Cul. Wuslonl, Taylor, A Thompson, K. K M.-f 295 163 PAGE To(l(i. James (", 21!) Todd, John T 212 \V. Wallace, Albert \V 254 Watson, Marion 2S() Watson, W. 1 250 Whitakt-r, Jolm 28') White, (ieorge 233 l-AGE Williams, James A 250 Williamson, Josi-|ih S lilit Wilson, Charles W . . ,..^.,_,^„_^.-248 Wise'nian, William A 253 Woodford, J. P 1(17 Woolverton, Charles W 12i» Wrisjlit, Jarnes H 247 Wyalt. Thomas S 284 Wveth, Clarence L Itil Wyeth, Joseph S 188 Wyeth, Leonard J 149