T iPlCTP \j r IRG by Lot L I B RAHY OF THL UN IVER.SITY Of ILLINOIS 975.5 D4-5"e ILL. HJST. survey Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/englishduplicateOOdesc English Duplicates of Lost Virginia Records compiled by Louis des Cognets, Jr. © 1958, Louis des Cognets, Jr. P.O. Box 163 Princeton, New Jersey \ i This book is dedicated to my grandmother ANNA RUSSELL des COGNETS in memory of the many years she spent writing two genealogies about her Virginia ancestors FOREWORD This book was compiled from material found in the Public Record Office during the summer of 1957. Original reports sent to the Colonial Office from Virginia were first microfilmed, and then transcribed for publication. Some of the penmanship of the early part of the 18th Century was like copper plate, but some was very hard to decipher, and where the same name was often spelled in two different ways on the same page, the task was all the more difficult. May the various lists of pioneer Virginians contained herein aid both genealogists, students of colonial history, and those who make a study of the evolution of names. In this event a part of my debt to other abstracters and compilers will have been paid. Thanks are due the Staff at the Public Record Office for many heavy volumes carried to my desk, and for friendly assistance. Mrs. William Dabney Duke furnished valuable advice based upon her considerable experience in Virginia research. Mrs .Olive Sheridan being acquainted with old English names was especially suited to the secretarial duties she faithfully performed. CONTENTS PAGE CIVIL & MILITARY OFFICERS, STAFFORD COUNTY, 1702 252 PRINCESS ANNE 1702 254 CLERGY, ADDRESS of 1696 242 and PARISHES 1702 250 ti ii 1703 267 CONVEYANCES From PROPRIETORS OFFICE 1669 - 1690 54 CORONORS 1710 4 COUNCIL, Distance They Live from Williamsburg 1697 244 Person Recommended for, 1693 240 1696 241 1697 243 1699 256 About 1722 259 Relationship About 1716 258 COUNTY OFFICERS 1699 7 Present State of Virginia 1702 11 ti ii ti ii 1714 20 ii n ii ii 1726 30 ii ii it ii 1729 44 DELINQUENT ESTATES, BONDS for, 237 DUNBARTON, Survey of FRIGATE 238 FRENCH REFUGEES AT KANICAN TOWH 264 GENERAL COURT, SUITS Brought to 1693 239 GRAND JURY etc 1697 245 1698 246 1700 261 1702 253 1703 271 1716 258 1720 273 GRIEVANCES after BACON'S REBELLION 233 JURY, REGARDING BUILDIMG of WILLIAMSBURG 1699 247 JUSTICES OF THE *KACE 1707 3 1710 4 1712 5 MAP, Northern Neok of Virginia, undated 316 ii ii ii ii 1737 319 MILITIA OFFICERS 1703 269 NAVAL OFFICERS & COLLECTORS 1699 - 1700 260 NEGROES, SAfcE of 54 PATENTS Pamunkey Neck Claims 57 Indian Lease Titles 62 Blackwater Patents & Claims 64 Indian Claims to Pamunkey Neck & Blackw ater 66 To Whom Granted and where 1700 67 1701 68 1702 71 Blackwater 1702 72 1703 74 April 1704 75 October • 1704 76 1705 77 1706 79 CONTENTS PAGE PATENTS Granted by Spotswood 1710 - 1718 91 1713 113 1723 114 1720 115 Colonel Spotswood's Land 1725 116 Forks of Rappahanock 1735 118 PETITION to QUEEN from PLANTERS 1706 272 of SHIPS MASTERS 1701 314 to LORDS COMMISSIONERS 1703 268 to George, PRINCE of DENMARK 1702 257 to Gov. Francis Nicholson 1699 255 PIRATE'S PRISONERS 1700 263 QUIT RENT ROLLS 1704 123 SCALEKEEPERS 1714 6 SHERIFFS - 1680,1699,1700,1701,1702,1706,1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1714, 1715 1 SHIPS 1692 274 Bonds For, 1698 313 MASTERS and OWNERS I698 - 1706 280 and MASTERS 1701 31*5 SURVEYORS 1699 1 1707 3 WILLIAM & MARY COLLEGE, President, Masters etc. 1695 and 1702 56 INDEX 324 (1) List of Sheriffs Appointed 16th June 1680 New Kent County Accomaok County Westmorland County James City County Capt. Jno. Lewis Capt. Edmund Scarburgh Col. Will'm Pierce Mr. Edm'd Jenning List of Sheriffs Appointed 22nd July 1680 Middlesex County Gloster County Yorke County Isle of Wight Lancaster Rappahanook Co. Christ' r Wormeley MaJ'r John Armlstead Capt. Fran: Page Mr. Thomas Pitt Capt. Daniel Fox Mr. Henry Smith List of Sheriffs Appointed 1699 Henrico Charles Cltty Surrey Isle of Wight Nansemond Princess Xnne Norfolke Elizabeth City Warwick James Citty Yorke New Kent Thomas Cook Robert Boiling Thomas Holt Anthony Holladay Francis Milner John Thorowgood Riohard Churoh Coleman Brough William Cary Henry Duke Thomas Ballard William Bassett King & Queen Glocester Middlesex Essex Richmond Lancaster Northumbe rland Westmorland Stafford Accomaok Northampton John Waller Mordecai Cook Sr. Wm. Skipwith, Baronett John Talliaferro Alexander Swann Rhodham Kennor Alexander Spence George Mason Thomas Welburne Nathaniel Littleton List of Surveyors Appointed 1699 Henrico Charles City Surry & Isle of light Elizabeth City & Warwick York & Gloucester Nansemond, Norfolk & Princess Ann Rloh'd Ligon Theodorick Bland Thomas Swan William Lowry Miles Cary Thomas Milner James City New Kent King & Queen Middlesex Accomack & Northampton Essex & Richmond Stafford Westmorland Northumberland John Soan James Minge Riohard Whitehead Edwin Thacker Edm'd Scarburgh Wm. Moseley Tho. Grigg Alexander Spence George Cooper (2) LI at of Sheriffs Appointed 1700 Henri oo Charles City Surry Isle of Wight Nansemond Norfolk Prinoess Anne Elizabeth City Varwiok York James City New Kent Franois Epps Littlebury Epps Win. Brown Jr. Arthur Smith George Norsworthy Rio hard Churoh Wm. Cornex Walter Bayley Thomas Merry Henry Tyler Thomas Cowles Nioh'o Meriwether King & Queen Gloucester Middlesex Esses Richmond Lancaster Northumberland Westmorland Stafford Accomack Northampton John Walker James Ran s one Robert Dudley James Bougham Sam'l Peachey William Ball Charles Lee Willoughby Allerton Rloh'd Fossaker Geo. Nioh'o Haok John Robbins List of Sheriffs Appointed 1701 Henrioo Charles City Surry Isle of Wight Nansemond Princess Ann Norfolk Eliza: City Warwiok York James City New Kent Norfolk Nanslmond Isle of Wight Surry Charles Cltty Henerico New Kent James Cltty York Warwiok Elizabeth City Henrioo Charles City Prince George Surry Isle of Wight Nansemond Norfolk Princess Ann Elizabeth City Warwick York James City John Wo r sham Mioajah Lowe Thomas Holt John Pitt Rich; Awburn Adam Thorowgood Tho: Willoughby Coleman Brough Miles Wills Dan' 11 Taylor Tho: Mount fort John King King & Queen Gloucester Middlesex Essex Riohmond Lancaster No rt humb e rl and Westmorland Stafford Aooomaok Northampton John Waller John Gwin Matt: Kemp John Taliafero John Tapley Alex: Swann Charles Ashton John Waugh Jr. John Watts Littleton Robins List of Sheriffs Appointed April 25th 1702 Samuell Boush Charles Drewry Wm. Bridger Charles Goodrich Giles Webb Nioh'o Merrl weather Thomas Cowles Henery Tylor Thomas Merry Nicholas Curie Glocester King & Queen King William Middlesex Essex Riohmond Lancaster Northumberland Westmoreland Stafford Aocomaok Southampton Petter Kemp Jno. Walker Jno. Waller Sr. Wm. Skipwith Tho. Merriwheather Jno. Downman Henery Fleett Jno. Harris s Lewis Markham Charles Ellis List of Sheriffs Appointed for 1706 Jno. Boiling R'd Bradford Fra: Mai lory Tho: Holt Nath: Rldly Luke Havel Id Matt: Splvy Hen: Chapman Fra: Ballard Tho: Haines Wm. Barber David Bray King & Queen Middlesex Gloucester Essex Ri chmond Lancaster No rthumbe rland Westmorland Stafford New Kent King William John Walker Matt: Kemp Conq't Wyatt Tho: Merrl wether Wm. Tayloe Jno. Turberville Rlch'd Hanie Will'o Allerton Geo. Mason Roger Thomson Mart'n Palmer (3) LIST OF 3HERIFF3 APPOINTED April 25th 1707 Henrico Charles City Prince George Surry Isle of light Nansemond Norfolk Princess Anne Eliza: City Warwick York James City Jno. Boiling Jno. Epps Fr: Mai lory Thos. Holt Nath: Ridley Luke Harvlld Sam '11 Boush Edw: Mosely Fr: Ballard Thomas Haynes Wm. Barbar Jno. Geddes New Kent King William Gloucester Middlesex Essex Riohmond Stafford Westmoreland Northumberland Lancaster Accomack Northampton Roger Thomson Marten Palmer Conq: Wyat Matt: Kemp Wm. Tom 11 n Wm. Tayloe Wm. Fitzhugh Willoughby Allerton Rioh'd Hainie Jno. Turbarville Tully Robinson Jno. Luke LIST OF SURVEYORS APPOINTED April 25th 1707 Miles Cary, Surveyor Generall Thomas Grigg for Stafford Wm. Thornton for Riohmond George Cooper for Northumberland Thos: Thomson for Westmoreland Thomas Cook for Middlesex LIST OF J. P. s APPOINTED April 26th 1707 King William County: Sam' 11 Normant, Jno. Cesar, George Purchase, Wm. Chadwick King & Queen County: Thos: Petti tt, John Maddison (4) Llat of Sheriffs Appointed April 28th 1708 Acoomaok Charles City Henrico Prince George Surry Isle of Wight Nansemond Norfolk Frinoess Anne Elizabeth City Warwick York New Kent John Brodhurst Wm. Epes Win. Randolph John Hamlin Joseph John Jaokman Thomas Jordan Samuel Boush Edward Moseley Thomas Tabb Matthew Jones Lawrence Smith George Keeling James City King William King & Queen Gloucester Essex Richmond Lancaster Northumberland Westmorland Stafford Northampton Middlesex John Frays er Thomas Carr Rich'd Anderson Anthony Gregory John Lorn ax Wm. Robinson Thomas Carter George Cooper John Sturman Henry Stringer George Wort ham List of Sheriffs Appointed April 26th 1709 Accomack Charles City Henrico Prince George Surry Isle of Wight Nansemond Norfolk Princess Anne Eliza: ffity Warwick York Jno. Brodhurst Wm. Hunt Wm . Randolph Jno> Hamlin Jos: Jno. Jackman Henry Applewhite Thorn 1 s Jordan Matt'w Godfrey Jno. Rieh'dsfcn Thos . Tabb Matt'w Jones Lawrence Smith New Kent James City King William King & Qtteen Gloucester Essex Middlesex Riohmond Lancaster Northumbe rland Westmorland Stafford Northampton Geo. Keeling Jno. Frayser Thomas Carr Rich'd Anderson Rob't Porteus Jno. Lorn ax Geo. Wort ham Wm. Thornton Thos. Carter Thos. Cooper Jno. Stunner George Anderson Hillary Stringer List of Sheriffs Appointed April 19th 1710 Henrico Prince George King & Queen King William Richmond James City Middlesex Essex Lancaster Surry Gloucester Warwiok Francis Epes Wm. Epes Samuel Matthews Philip Whitehead Edward Barrow Edward Jaquilin Richard Kemp Robert Coleman Thomas Pinkard Ethelred Taylor Richard Bailey Humphry Harwood York Isle of Wight New Kent Eliza City Charles City Nansemond Westmorland Stafford N or t humbe rland Northampton Acoomaok Norfolk Princess Anne William Tims on Humphry M*r» Ba ll Joseph Foster Anthony Armi stead Richard Bradford John Speir Daniel McCarty George Anderson Maurice Jones John Powell Tully Robinson Matthew Godfrey Thomas Richardson List of J.P.s Appointed 27th April 1710 Essex Stephen Loyd, Joseph Smith, Henry Robinson, Wm. Woodford, Paul Ml con Gent. Norfolk William Langly, George Mason Gent. King William William Anderson, James Dabney Gent. Charles City James Joyeux Gent. List of Coroners Appointed 29th April 1710 Richmond Alexander Donaphan, Nicholas Smith, William Woodbridge, George He ale. (5) List of Sheriffs Appointed 27th April 1711 Norfolk Prinoess Ann* Prince George Henrico Charles City New Kent James City York Warwlok Eliza: City Aooomaok Northampton Henrloo Charles City Prince George Surry Isle of Wight Nansemond Norfolk Princess Anne Elizabeth City Warwick York James City New Kent James Wilson George Hanoock Joshua Wynne Francis Epes James Joyeux Joseph Foster Edward Jac^uelin William Tim s on Humphry Harwood John Moore Tully Robinson John Powell Gloucester King & Queen King William Middlesex Essex Richmond Westmorland Stafford Northumberland Lancaster Nansemond Isle of Wight Surry Thomas Buokner Samuel Matthews William Anderson Oliver Segar Rlohard Covington Edward Barrow Daniel MoCarty Joseph Sumner Mauri oe Jones Thomas Plnkard Joseph Merredith Humphry Marshall Elhelred Taylor List of Sheriffs Appointed 22nd April 1712 William Farrow John Stith Randale Piatt Henry Harrison Andrew Woodlle Henry Baker James Wilson Jr. George Hancock John Moore Thomas Gary Wm. Plnkethman Mongo Ingles Thomas Butts King William King & Queen Essex Middlesex Gloucester Lancaster Northumberland Westmorland Stafford Richmond Aooomaok Northampton William Anderson Thomas Petit Richard Covington Oliver Segar Thomas Buokner Hugh Brant Peter Presly Francis Wright Joseph Sumner Nicholas Smith Thomas Custls William Kendall Justices Appointed to Court of Prince George County 22nd April 1712 Henry Duke, Stith Bottomey, Sampson Meredith, James Thovay Gent. LIST of Sheriffs Appointed 25th April 1713 Henrloo Charles City Prince George Surry Isle of Wight Nansemond Norfolk Princess Anne Eliza: City York Warwick James City William Farrar John Stith Randle Flatt William Edwards Nathaniel Ridley Henry Baker Jonas Holliday John Corniok Francis Ballard Thomas Roberts Thomas Cary Mongo Ingles New Kent King William King & Queen Essex Middlesex Lancaster Gloucester Nort humbe rl and Westmoreland Rlohmond Stafford Northampton Accomaok Thomas Butts George Dabney Thomas Petitt Joseph Smith John Vivian Hugh Balne Ambrose Dudley Peter Presley John Sturman John Tayloe George Mason Jr. William Kendall Thomas Custls (6) List of Sheriffs Appointed 28th April 17U Henrloo John Wort ham Charles City Riohard Dennis Prlnoe George Sampson Meredith King William William Smith Surry Robert Ruff in King & Queen John Maddison Isle of Wight Nathaniel Ridley Essex Leonard Tarent Nansemond William Butler Middlesex John Vivian Norfolk Jonas Holliday Gloucester Philip Smith Frinoess Anne John Cornlck Stafford George Mason Jr Eliza: City Francis Ballard Westmoreland John Sturm an Warwick Francis Jones Richmond Charles Barber James City William Manson No rt hum be rland L William Jones York Thomas Nutting Lancaster Thomas Lee New Kent Thomas Barber Jr. Aooomaok John Brodhurst Northampton John Powell Soa3 .es and Weights distributed to Agents Oct. 26th 1714 Henrico Mr. William Randolph Charles City Mr. Littlebury Epes Prince George Mr. Robert Mount fort Surry Mr. William Gray, Mr . John Simmons Isle of Wight Mr. Joseph Godwin Nansemond Mr. Thomas Godwin Norfolk Mr. Samuel Boush Frinoess Anne Mr. Lemuel Newton Eliza: City Warwiok Mr. Miles Wills York Mr. Wm. Buokner James City Mr. Henry Soane, Mr. Edw'd Jaqueline i New Kent Mr. Thomas Carr King William Augustine Moore. Essex Mr. Robert Beverley, Mr. Richard Buokner Sing & Queen- Mr* John Baylor Gloucester Mr. Joseph Smith Esq 'r, Henry Whiting Middlesex Mr. Christ' r Robinson Richmond Mr. William Robinson Stafford Mr. John Waugh Westmorland Mr. Henry Fitzhugh N o rt hum b e rl and Mr. George Eskridge, Mr. Riohard Neal Accomack List of Sheriffs Appointed 25th April 1715 Henrico John Wo r sham Charles City Rich'd Dennis Frince George Sampson Meredith King William Wm. Smith Surry Robert Ruffin King & Queen Tho: Maddison Isle of Wight Thomas Walton Glouster David Alexander Nansemond Wm. Butler Middlesex George Wo r sham Leon'd Trent Norfolk John Halstead Essex Frinoess Anne Elizabeth City Stafford Richmond James Jameson Simon Hollier Charles Barber Warwiok Fran: Jones Westmoreland Benja 1 Berryman York Tho: Nutting Northumbe rl and William Jones James City Wm. Marston Lancaster Thomas Lee New Kent Tho: Barbar Jr. Aocomack Edward Robins Northampton John Powell (7) LIST OF COUNTY OFFICERS 1699 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 8 June 1699 Rodham Konnor, Sheriff Thomas Hobson, Clerk WESTMORELAND 8 June 1699 William Pel roe William Horton William Bridges Francis Wright Nicholas Spencer Henry Ross Alexander Spencer, Sherriff Willoughby Allerton QUORUM Samuel Thompson Lewis Markham James Taylor Charles Ashton Caleb Butler John Stunnan Gerrard Hutt John Scott George Wee don John Elliott James Westcomb, Oik. Court LANCASTER David Fox Robert Carter Joseph Ball Henry Fleet William Lester •QUORUM William Ball Alexander Swan, Sheriff William Fox John Tucbervill John Plnkard Thomas Martin Joseph Tayloe, Clk. Court John Catlet William Moseley Thomas Edmonds on Edward Thomas Francis Talllaferro Bernard Gaines QUORUM Robert Brooks John Battaile John Talllaferro, Sheriff Jam 6 3 Boughan Francis Goldman Richard Covington Daniell Dobbins Robert Paine Francis Meriwether, Clk. Court NORTHAMPTON John Robbins John Custis Philip Fisher Obedience Johnson Nathaniell Littleton, Sheriff William Waters QUBRUM Ralph Pi got Wm. Harmanson John Powell Jacob Johnson Thomas Savage George Harmanson Daniell Urrch (?) Clk. Court RICHMOND (8) LIST OF COUNTY OFFICERS 8th June 1699 ACCOMACK George Taylor Samuell Peachey William Underwood Alexander Donlphln Thomas Lloyd John Deane QUORUM David Gwyn John Baker William Dolman John Trapley- Sheriff Rawlelgh Traverse Francis Sloughter (? Slaughter) William Colston, Clk. Court Edmond Scarburgh George Nicholas Hack Richard Bayley Tho. Wolbourne - Sheriff Edmond Custis QUORUM George Parker Robert Hutchinson Edward Moore Robert Pitt John Watta John Washburne, Clk. Ct, STAFFORD George Mason - Sheriff Matthew Thompson John Harvey Robert Alexander Philip Buckner Rice Hooe QUORUM Richard Fosaker William Williams John Washington Robert Colston Joseph Sumner John Waugh Jr. Edward Hart Thomas Greg Thomas Owsley, Clk. Court NORFOLK Lemuel Mas oh John Hatton Thomas Hodges James Wilson Richard Church - Sheriff Thomas Butt QUORUM Samuel Boush Tho. Willoughby John Hodges Matthew Godfrey Thomas Mason William Laungley Malachy Thruston, Clk. Ct. NANSEMOND John Brassour George No rs worthy Thomas Swann Luke Haveild Francis Milner - Sheriff Thomas Tilly QUORUM Thomas Milner Charles Drury John Spier William Hunter William Wright Joseph Bridges, Clk. Court WARWICK Humphrey Harwood Miles Cary Samuell Rausha Robert Hubbard William Cary - Sheriff Thomas Merry QUORUM Wm. Rascow "' Thomas Charles Matthew Jones Miles Wills Thomas Haynes John Tignall Miles Cary, Clk. Ct, (9) LIST OF COUNTY OFFICERS 9th June 1699 PRINCESS ANNE JAMES CITY Anthony Lawson Wm. Cornex Benoni Burroughs John Thorowgood - Sheriff Francis Morse QUORUM Edward Mosel6y Elvan Jones Henry Woodhouse William Clowes Robert Thorrowgood Solomon White Patrick Angus, Clk. Ct. Philip Lightfoot Henry Soan Henry Duke - Sheriff Philip Ludwell Jr. Michael Sherman QUORUM James Bray David Bray Thomas Cowles Hugh Norvill William Edwards William Drummond Chicheley Corbln Thacker, Clk. Court ELIZABETH CITY YORK William Wilson Anthony Arml stead Pasco Curie Wm. Lowry Thomas Harwood Augustus Moore QUORUM Thomas Barber Joseph Ring Robert Read Thomas Ballard Thomas Roberts Charles Hansford QUORUM Coleman Brough - Sheriff Thomas Curie Matthew Watts John Mi n son Walter Bayley Charles Jenings, Clk. Ct. CHARLES CITY (17 June 1699 Richard Bland Daniell Lewellain Charles Goodrich Robert Boiling - Sheriff Littlebury Eppes George Blighton v QUORUM John Hardiman William Hunt Micajah Low Richard Bradford Joshua Wynn John Torry John Taylor, Clk. Ct, William Buckner Henry Tyler Baldwin Matthews John Page James Whaley John Goodwin Daniell Taylor Thomas Nutting William Sedgwick, Clk. KING & QUEEN (25 Feb. 1699) William Leigh Joshua Story William Gough Richard Gregory Henry Fox Thomas Paullin QUORUM John Walker Wm. Claybourne Willis Wilson James Howell John Waller - Sheriff Richard Anderson Robert Beverly, Clk. Ct. Ct. (10) LIST OF COUNTY OFFICERS 1699 HENRICO 17 June 1699 Richard Cock William Randolph Peter Feild Francis Eppes Wm. Farrer QUORUM John Worsham Thomas Cock - Sheriff Giles Webb Joseph Roy all John Boiling James Cock, Clk. Ct. NEW KENT 17 June 1699 Joseph Foster Lancelot Bathurst William Bassett - Sheriff Thomas Bray Francis Burnell John Lyddall QUORUM James Moss John Stanop Thomas Smith John Lewis Nicholas Meriwether George Keelelng Job Howse, Clk. Ct. ISLE OF WIGHT 26 April 1698 Henry Applewaite Samu»l Brldger Geo. Moore Jer. Exum Henry Baker QUORUM Janes Day Thomas Giles Anthony Holllday - Sheriff Arthur Smith Robert Key Humphrey Marshall GLOUCESTER 6 Oct. 1699 James Ransome Mordecai Cook, Sheriff Conquest Wyatt John Gwynn Sands Knowles QUORUM Richard Booker Ambrose Dudley Thomas Todd Thomas Buckner Anthony Gregory Peter Beverley, Clk. Ct. MIDDLESEX 26 April 1698 Wm. Skipwith, Bart. - Sheriff Matthew Kemp Wm. Churchill Wm. Wormeley Gawln Corbin Thomas Landon QUORUM Francis Weekes Robert Dudley Henry Thacker John Smith Richard Willis John Grymes Edwin Thacker, Clk. Ct. SURREY 12 December I698 Henry Tooker William Brown Thomas Holt - Sheriff James Mason Nathaniel Harrison QUORUM William Newsom Wm. Cock Thomas Drew John Edwards Charles Chapman, Clk. Ct. Francis Clements, Clk. Ct. (11) A LIST of the quantity of LAND, Number of Tithables, and Civill Officers In the Dominion of Virginia this 8th Day of July 1702 ACCOMACK COUNTY. 200,861 acres of land. 1,041 Tithables BURGESSES - Tho : Welburn, Tully Robinson SHERIFF - JUSTICES - Edw'd Scarbrough,' Geo, Nich. Hack, Rich, Bayly, Tho: Welburn, Benitt Scarbrough, Geo: Parker, Rob't Hutchinson, Edw. Moore, Rob't Pitt, Jno . Watts, Southy Littleton ESCHEATOR - Edw. Scarbrough C0R0N0RS - Edw'd Scarbrough, Tho: Welburne, Geo: Parker COUNTY CLERK - Jno. Washburne SURVEYOR - Edw'd Scarbrough CHARLES CITY . 169,901 Acres of land. 1,327 Tithables BURGESSES - Rich: Bland, Jno. Wynn SHERIFF - Char: Goodrich JUSTICES - Rich: Bland, Dan: Luellin, Char: Goodrich, Robert Boiling, Little f y Epes, Geo: Blighton, Jno. Hardiman, Micajah Low, Jno. Wynn, Rich: Bradford, Jno. Terry ESCHEATOR - Wm. Randolph C0R0N0RS - COUNTY CLERK - Ben: Harrison SURVEYOR - Rob't Bollinp (12) ELIZABETH CITY . 29,560 acres of land. 478 Tithables BURGESSES - Wm. Wilson, Win. Arm! stead SHERIFF - Nich'o Curie JUSTICES - Wm. Wilson, Ant'o Armistead, Robert Beverley, Pascho (?) Curie, Wm. Lowry, August 'n Moore, Coleman Borough, Walt'r Bayly, Nich'o Curie. ESCHEATOR - John Light foot C0R0N0RS - COUNTY CLERK - Charles Jenings SURVEYOR - Wm. Lowry ESSEX . 125,350 acres of land. 1,034 Tithables BURGESSES - Jno . Catlett, Tho : Edmondson SHERIFF - Tho: Merriwether JUSTICES - Jno. Catlett, Tho: Edmondson, Francis Talllaferro, Bernard Gaines, Rob't Brookes, Jno. Battaile, Jno. Talliaferro, Jam 1 a Boughan, Fra: Gouldman, Rich: Covinton, Dan'l Dobins, Rob't Paine, Tho: Meriwether, Wm. Tomlin, Benj: Mosely, Sam'l Thacker, Rob't Coleman ESCHEATOR - Matt: Page COR0N0RS - Jno. Catlett, Rob't Brookes, Jam's Boughan, Rich'd Covinton COUNTY CLERK - Francis Meriwether SURVEYOR - Charles Smith (13) GLOUCESTER . 142,479 acres of land. 2,626 Tithables SPEAKER - Pet'r Beverley BURGESS - Mord: Cook SHERIFF - Pet'r Kemp JUSTICES - Jam's Ransom, Mordecal Cook, Conquest Wyat, Jno. Gwin, Sands Knowles, Pet'r Kemp, Rich: Booker, Amb: Dudley, Tho : Tod, Thomas Buckner, Ant'o Gregory, Jno. Smith, Gabriel Throgmorton ESCHEATOR - Matt: Page CORONORS - COUNTJ CLERK - Pet'r Beverley SURVEYOR - Miles Carey HENRICO . 146,650 acres of land. 863 Tithables BURGESSES - Tho: Cook, Win. Farrar SHERIFF - Giles Webb JUSTICES - Rich'd Cock, Wm. Randolph, Peter Field, Francis Epes, Wm. Farrar, Jno. Worsham, Tho: Cock, Giles Webb, Jos: Royall, Jno. Boiling ESCHEATOR - Wm. Randolph CORONORS - Wm. Randolph, Wm. Cock, Peter Field, Seth Ward COUNTY CLERK - James Cock SURVEYOR - Richard Llgon JAMES CITY . 108,366 acres of land. 1,193 Tithables BURGESSES - Sam'l Bray, Geo: Marable, Rob't Beverley SHERIFF - Tho: Covrles JUSTICES - Phill: Lightfoot, Henry Duke, Benj: Harrison, Phill: Ludwell, Mich: Sherman, Jam's Bray, Thos. Cowles, Hugh Norwell, Wm. Edwards, Wm. Druraond, Tho: Mountfort, Jno. Frasier, Dionlsius Wright, Jno. Geddis, Henry Soane ESCHEATOR - Jno. Lightfoot COUNTY CLERK - Chic. Corb: Thacker SURVEYOR - Jam's Minge Jr. (14) ISLE OF WIGHT . 130,496 acres of land. 876 Tithables BURGESSES - Hen: Applethwaite, Tho : Giles SHERIFF - Wm. Bridger JUSTICES - Hen: Applethwaite, Sam'l Bridger, Geo: Moor, Jerom: Exam, Hen: Baker, Tho: Giles, Ant'o Holliday, Arth: Smith, Rob't Key, Hump: Marshall, Pitt Bridger, Hen: Applethwaite Jr. ESCHEATOR - Wm. Randolph C0R0N0RS - Hen: Applethwaite, Geo: Moore COUNTY CLERK - Char: Chapman SURVEYOR - Thomas Swain KING & QUEEN . 209,102 acres of land. 1,848 Tithables BURGESSES - Wm. Leigh, Jam's Taylor SHERIFF - Jno. Walker JUSTICES - Wm. Leigh, Rich: Gregory, Tho: Paulin, John Waller, Rich'd Anderson, Wm. Byrd, Jam's Taylor, Jno. Storey, Geo: Braxton, Hen: Fielding, Jno. Wyatt, John Major, Tho: Pettit ESCHEATOR - Matt Page CO HONORS - COUNTY CLERK - Rob't Beverley SURVEYOR - Harry Beverley KING WILLIAM . acres of land. 803 Tithables BURGESSES - Jno. West, Nath: West SHERIFF - Jno. Waller JUSTICES - Hen: Fox, Jno. Waller, Jno. We-st, Hen: Madison, Wm. Clayborne, Rich'd Glssedge, Martin Palmer, Dan'l Miles, Rog'r Mallory, Tho. Carr, Wm. Noy, Geo: Dabney, Tho: Terry ESCHEATOR - Matt: Page COUNTY CLERK - Wm. Aylett SURVEYOR - Harry Beverley (15) LANCASTER , acres of land. 926 Tlthables BURGESSES - Jos: Ball, Wm. Fox SHERIFF - Hen: Fleet JUSTICES - Dav: Fox, Jos: Ball, Hen: Fleet, Wm. Lester, Wm. Ball Alex: Swan, Wm. Fox, Jno. Turbervill, Jno. Plnckard, Tho: Martin, Rlch'd Ball, Tho : Plnckard ESCHEATOR - CORONORS - Dav'd Fox, Jno. Turbervill COUNTY CLERK - Jos. Tayloe SURVEYOR - MIDDLESEX. 48,200 acres of land. 814 Tithables BURGESSES - Gawin Corbin, Edw'n Thacker SHERIFF - Sr. Wm. Skipworth JUSTICES - Sr. Wm. Skipworth Bar. , Matt Kemp, Wm. Churchill, Rob't Dudley, Gaw'n Corbin, Fra: Weeks s, Hsnry Thacker, Jno. Smith, Jno. Grimes, Corbin Griffin, Christ: Robinson, Tobias Mi ckleb rough, Harry Beverley ESCHEATOR - Matt Page CORONORS - Matt Kemp COUNTY CLERK - Edw'n Thacker SURVEYOR - Edwin Thacker NANSEMOND. 130,500 acres of land. 1,030 Tithables. BURGESSES - Tho: Milner, Dan'l Sullivan SHERIFF - Char: Drury JUSTICES - Geo: Nosworthy, Tho: Swan, Luke Havild, Fra: Milner, Tho: Milner, Cha: Drury, Jno. Speir, Wm. Hunter, Wm. Wright, Rich'd Awborn, Hen: Jenkins, James Lockhart ESCHEATOR - Wm. Randolph CORONERS - COUNTY CLERK - Dan'l Sullivan SURVEYOR - Tho: Milner (16) NORFOLK . 110,534 acres of land. 693 Tithables BURGESSES - Rich'd Church, Matt: Godfrey SHERIFF - Sam'l Boush JUSTICES - Tho: Hodges, Jam: Wilson, Rich'd Church, Sam 1 ! Boush, Tho: Willoughby, Jno . Hodges, Matt: Godfrey, Win. Langley, Lem'l Mason, Geo: Mason, James Wilson Jr., Mathew Spivy ESCHEATOR - Wm. Randolph CORONORS - Tho: Willoughby, Sam'l Boush, James Wilson COUNTY CLERK - Lem'l Wilson SURVEYOR - Tho: Milner NEW KENT . 175,334 acres of land. 1,245 Tithables BURGESSES - Win. Basset, Jos: Foster SHERIFF - Nich'o Meriwether JUSTICES - Jos: Foster, Lancel. Bathurst, Wm. Basset, Jno. Lyddall, Jam's Moss, Jno. Stanup, Tho: Smith, Jno. Lewis, Nich'o Merriwether, Geo. Keeling, Jno. King, Henry Chiles ESCHEATOR - Jno. Lightfoot CORONORS - Lane: Bathurst, Jno. Stanup, Nich'o Merriwether, Jno. Lewi COUNTY CLERK - Geo: Clough SURVEYOR - James Minge Sr. NORTHUMBERLAND . acres of land. 1,189 Tithables BURGESSES - Rodli'm Konnor, Tho: Hobson SHERIFF - Geo: Cooper JUSTICES - Sam'l Griffin, Hancock Lee, Char: Lee, Geo: Cooper, Rodh'm Konnor, Pet: Hack, Jno. Harris, Chris ! r Neale, Jno. Crawly, Pet'r Coutanceau, Tho: Winder, Leon'd Howson, Jno. Eustace, Jam's Waddy, Jno. Howson ESCHEATOR - CORONORS - Jno. Harris, Rich: Flint, Pet: Coutanceau, Edw: Sanders COUNTY CLERK - Tho: Hobson SURVEYOR - George Cooper (17) NORTHAMPTON . 102,099 acres of land. 693 Tithables BURGESSES - Wm. Waters, Jno. Powell SHERIFF - JUSTICES - Jno. Robins, Phlll : Fisher, Obed: Johnson, Nath: Littleton, Wm. Waters, Jno. Custis Jr., Ralph Pigott, Wm. Harmason, Jno. Powell, Jacob Johnson, Tho: Savage, Geo: Harmason, Littleton Robinson ESCHEATOR - Jno. Custis C0R0N0RS - Wm. Waters, Jac: Johnson, Geo* Harmason COUNTY CLERK - Dan'l Neech SURVEYOR - Edm'd Scarbrough PRINCESS ANNE . 97,891 acres of land. 727 Tithables BURGESSES - Adam Thorogood, Edw'd Moseley SHERIFF - JUSTICES - Benoni Burrough, Fra: Morse, Edw'd Moseley, Adam Thorogood, Tho: Lawson, Solom: White, Hen: Spratt, Joel Cornlck, Jno. Richardson, Jno. Moseley, Horatio Woodhouse ESCHEATOR - Wm. Randolph C0R0N0RS - Edw'd Moseley, Rob't Thorogood, Hen: Woodhouse, p a tr. White COUNTY CLERK - Chris: Cock SURVEYOR - Thomas Milner RICHMOND . acres of land. 1,358 Tithables BURGESSES - Wm. Tayloe, Geo: Taylor SHERIFF - Wm. Downman JUSTICES - Wm. Tayloe, Geo: Taylor, Sam'l P**#«, Wm. Underwood, Alex: Doniphan, Jno. Deane, Dav'd Gwin, Jno. Baker, Wm. Holman, Jno. Tarpley, Rawleigh Traverse, Francis Slaughter ESCHEATOR - C0R0N0RS - Jno. Baker, David Gwin, Wm. Underwood, Alex: Doniphan COUNTY CLERK - James Porlock SURVEYOR - (18) SURRX, 102,425 acres of land. 739 Tlthables BURGESSES - Natt: Harrison, Sam'l Thompson SHERIFF JUSTICES - Hen: Tooker, Wm. Brown Jr., Tho: Holt, Jam's Mason, Nat'l Harrison, Sam'l Thompson, Wm. Newsom, Wm. Cook, Tho: Drew, Jno. Edwards, Edw'd Jackman ESCHEATOR - Wm. Randolph C0R0N0RS - Tho: Holt, Nat'l Harrison COUNTY CLERK - Fra: Clements SURVEYOR - Thomas Swan STAFFORD . acres of land. 828 Tlthables BURGESSES - Geo: Mason, Wm. Fitzhugh SHERIFF - Char: Ellis JUSTICES - Geo: Mason, Matt: Thompson, Rob't Alexander, Rice Hoe, Rlch'd Fossaker, Jno. Washington, Jos. Sumner, Jno. Waugh, Jr. Edw'd Hart, Tho: Gregg, Rich'd Foole, Tho: Gilson, Phill: Alexander, Wm. Bunbury, Jno. West, Charles Ellis ESCHEATOR - C0R0N0RS - COUNTY CLERK - Wm. Fitzhugh SURVEYOR - Tho: Gregg WARWICK. 38,606 acres of land. 505 Tithables BURGESSES - Miles Cary, Wm. Cary SHERIFF - Tho: Kerry JUSTICES - Hump: Harwood, Miles Cary, Sam'l Ranshaw, Rob't Hubbard, Wm. Cary, Tho: Merry, Wm. Roscow, Thomas Charles, Matt: Jones, Miles Wills, Tho: Haynes, Jno. Tignall ESCHEATOR - Jno. Lightfoot C0R0N0RS - Wm. Cary, Wm. Roscoe COUNTY CLERK - Miles Cary Jr. SURVEYOR - Wm. Lowry (19) WESTMORELAND . acres of land. 1,083 Tithables BURGESSES - Alex: Spence, Sam'l Westcomb SHERIFF - Lem'l Markham JUSTICES - Win. Pierce, Francis Wright, Nich'o Spencer, Alex Spence, Willoughby Allerton, Lem'l Markham, Sam. Taylor, Char: Ashton, Caleb Butler, J no . Sturman, Gerrard Hutt, Geo: Weedon, J no . Elliott, Andr: Monroe, Hen: Ashton Jno . Bushrod ESCHEATOR - CORONORS - COUNTY CLERK - Jam's Westcomb SURVEYOR - Alex. Spence YORKE. 61,196 acres of land. 1,180 Tithables BURGESSES - Tho : Barbar, Tho: Ballard SHERIFF - Hen: Tyler JUSTICES - Tfto: Barbar, Jos. Ring, Rob't Read, Tho: Ballard, Tho: Roberts, Char: Hansford, Wm. Buckner, Hen: Tyler, Baldwyn Mathews, Jno. Page, Jam: Whaley, Jno. Goodwin, Dan'l Taylor, Tho: Nutting ESCHEATOR - Jno. Light foot C0R0N0RS - COUNTY CLERK - Wm. Sedgwick SURVEYOR - Miles Cary Her Maj'y. Learned Councill in the law - Benj: Harrison Clerke of her Maj'y Councill Clerke of the Gen'l Assembly - Wm. Robinson Clerke of the House of Burgesses - Wm. Randolph Clerke of Secret Office Clerkfe of the Gen'l Court - Chicheley Corbin Thacker Mace Bearer and Messenger to the House of Burgesses - John Chiles. By: E. Jenings. (20) THE PRESENT STATE OF VIRGINIA FOR THE YEAR 1714 WITH RESPECT TO THE COLONY IN GENERAL. THE RIGHT HONORABLE GEORGE, , EARL OF ORKNEY, HIS MAJESTY'S LT. GOVERNOR GENERAL THE HONORABLE ALEXANDER SPOTSWOOD, LT. GOVERNOR & COMMANDER IN CHIEF C OUNCIL Robert Carter William Cocke James Blair Nathaniel Harrison Philip Ludwell Mann Page John Smith Robert Forteus, Esq. John Lewis Wm. Robinson, Clerk William Byrd Wm. Cragg, Door Keeper PRINCIPAL OFFICERS COMMISSARY for ye Bishop of London Rev'd Mr. James Blair SECRETARY of ye Colony William Cocke, Esq. AUDITOR of His MaJ l ty 1 s Revenues William Blathwait Esq. RECEIVER GEN'LL of His MaJ'ty's Revenues Wm. Byrd Esq. DEPUTY AUDITOR Philip Ludwell Esq. ATTORNEY GEN'LL John Clayton Esq. OFFICERS GEN'LL CT. & VICE-ADM'TY JUDGES OF YE GENERALL COURT Robert Carter Wm. Byrd James Blair Wm. Cocke Philip Ludwell Nathaniel Harrison John Smith Mann Page John Lewis Robert Porteus Esq. CLERK Chicheley Corbin Thacker JUDGE OF YE SD. COURT OF VICE-ADM'TY John Holloway ADVOCATE John Clayton REGISTER CHa. Jackson MARSHALL Francis Tyler (21) DISTRICT OFFICERS OF CUSTOMS DISTRICT Upper part James River Lower part James River ditto York River do. Rappahanock Potomack Eastern Shore do. Lynhaven Bay and Elsabeth (Elizabeth) COLLECTORS Edward Hill Francis Kanaday George Walker, Searcher Wm. Buckner Robert James, Searcher Rich'd Chichester Dan'l MoCarty Henry Soarbrugh Robert Hows en, Surveyor Sampson Trevelhan, Surveyor NAVAL OFFICERS Francis Lightfoot John Holloway Nathan 1 1 Burwell Chr. Robinson Thomas Lee Wm. Waters ESCHEATORS For South Side James River Between James & York Rivers Between York & Rappahanock Rivers For the Eastern Shore Wm. Byrd Esq. Philip Ludwell Esq. John Lewis Esq. Hancock Custis, Gent. OFFICERS OF THE ASSEMBLY SPEAKER CHAPLAIN CLERK OF GEN'L ASSEMBLY CLERK OF HOUSE OF BURGESSES CLERK OF COMMITTEE OF PROPOSITIONS & GRIEVANCES CLERK OF COMMITTEE OF CLAIMS MESSENGER 4 Door Keepers Peter Beverly Ben J 1 a Goodwin Wm. Robertson Rich'd Buckner John Clayton Miles Cary Francis Tyler (22) THE PRESENT STATE OF VIRGINIA FOR THE YEAR 1714 with respect to the County in particular. ACCOMACK COUNTY ACRES TITHABLES STOREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERKS SURVEYORS PARISHES MINISTERS 239,462 1,055 2 Edward Robins Tully Robinson Wm. Custis, Edm'd Scarbrugh, Tully Robinson, Geo. Parker, Jno. Bradhurst, Hancock Custis, Jno. Watts, Chas. Bailey, Quorum. Edw'diRoblns, Rlch'd Kitson, Hen. Scarbrugh, Hen. Custis, Tho. Custis, Skinner Wallop, Wm. Burton Tully Robinson, Rlch'd Drumond Hen. Scarburgh, James Kemp Rob't Snead' Chas. Bailey Accomack Mr. Black CHARLES CITY ACRES TITHABLES STOREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERKS SURVEYORS PARISHES MINISTERS 57,939 553 1 Rlch'd Dennis Littlebury Epes, Jno. Stith Jno. Stith, Rlch'd Bradford, Drury Stith, Jno. Epes, Sam'l Harwood, Rlch'd Dennis, Quorum Jos. Harwood, James Joyeux, Lewellin Epes, Geo. Hunt, James Maundes Littlebury Epes, Sam'l Harwood Littlebury Epes Littlebury Epes Rob't Boiling We stover Port, Weyanoke Chas. Anderson ELIZABETH CITY ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERKS SURVEYORS PARISHES MINISTERS 33,851 610 1 Fra. Ballard Wm. Armi stead Jno. Holloway, Wm. Loury, Wm. Armlstead, Fra. Ballard, Tho. Tabb, Anth'o Armlstead, Simon Hollier, Quorum. Wm. Boswell, John Bailey, John Moore, Tho. Wyth, Jno. King, Mark Johnston Wm. Armlstead Rob' t Armlstead Chas. Jennings Wm. Loury Ellz'a City Andr'w Thomson (23) ESSEX ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFFS CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERKS SURVEYORS PARISHES MINISTERS 190,352 1,653 4 Leo. Farrent Jno. Catlett, Law. Taliaferro Rich'd Covington, Jno. Lomax, Jos. Smith, Hen. Robinson, Quorum. Wm. Woodford, Paul Klcou, Wm. Daingerfleld, Wm. Young, Leo. Fa rent Fra. Gouldman, Jno. Hawkins Rich'd Buckner, Rob't Beverly, Joseph iSmith Rich'd Buckner Aug't Smith South Farnham, St. Ann's, St. Mary's Lewis Latane, Tho. Edwards, Owen Jones ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERKS SURVEYORS PARISHES MINISTERS GLOUCESTER 133,544 2,804 Phil Smith Thos. Buckner, Amb. Dudley Mordeccy Cooke, Peter Kemp, Nath'l Burwell, Gab. Throckmorton, David Alexander, Quorum. Wm. Smith, Tho. Read, Phil. Smith, Hen. Armistead, Henry Whitings, Aug't Smith, Cha. Tomkies, Wm Kemp Peter Beverly, Mordeccy Cooke Jno. Smith Esq., Henry Whitings, Giles Cooke Peter Beverly Tho. Cooke Abbington, Petso, Ware, Kingston Guy Smith, Em. Jones, James Clack, Fra. Mylne HENRICO ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES Jno TOBACCO AGENTS Wm. COUNTY CLERKS tttt* SURVEYORS ■«■•»{•# PARISHES ### MINISTERS *H*# 1,355 (?) Jno. Washburn (?) Fra. Epes Fra. Epes, Wm. Farrar, Jno. Worsham (?), Jos. Royall, Jno. Boiling, Rich'd **cke (f Cocke) Tho. J**son, Quorum. Abra. Salle, Isham Eoes, Win. Kennon, Tho. Rudolph, Hen. R***ph Jr., Jno. A***, Jno. ***ford Jno. Boiling, Fra. Epes Jr. Wm. Randolph, Fra. Epes, Jr., Wm. Kennon (24) JAMES CITY ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENT COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS 117,337 1,535 3 Win. Karston Tho. Cowles, Jno. Geddis, David Bray James Bray, Jno. Frayser, Ken. Soane Jr., Wm. Brodnax, Edw'd Jaquelln, Fred. Jones, Quorum. Mongo Ingles, Arch. Blair, James Duke, David Morce, Fra. Light foot, Wm. Karston Geo. Karable, Henry Soane Jr., Edw'd Jaquelin, for ye City Henry Soane Jr. Wm. Robertson Simon Jeffrys Wallingford, Willmlngton, James City, Bruton Port James Blair ISLE OF WIGHT ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS 168,026 1,223 2 Nath'l Ridley Anth'o Holladay, Arthur Smith, Tho. Pitt, Wm. Bridges, Hen. Applewait, Jos. Godwin, Tho. Hill, Andrew Woodley, Quorum. Nath'l Ridley, Tho. Walton, Geo. Norsworthy, James Day, Barnaby Kackkeny, Tho. Brewer, Wm. Bridger, Joseph Godwin Joseph Godwin, Wm. Bridger Henry Lightfoot John Allen Warwick Creek, Newport Alex. Forbes, And'w Monro ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS KING & QUEEN 218,304 1,814 4 Jno. Madison Geo. Braxton, Tho. Pettit Jno. Holloway, Rich'd Anderson, Wm. Bird, James Taylor, Geo. Braxton, Tho. Pettit, Jno. Madison, Law'r Orill, Rob't Pollard, Quorum Sam'l Mathews, Jer- Clowdes, Rich'd Johnson, Isaac Hill, Wm. Southerland, Gawin Corbin, John Baylor, Tho. Walker, Wm. Todd Jno. Holloway, Wm. Bird Rob't Beverly, Jno. Baylor C. C. Thacker Harry Beverly St. Stephen's, Stratton Major Ralph Bowker, Jno. Skalf6 (25) KING WILLIAM ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO ARENTS COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTER 146,000 1,226 7 Wm. Smith Jno. Waller, Wm. Anderson Jno. Waller, Tho. West, Geo. Dabnoy, Nath'l West, Phil. Whitehead, Wm. Anderson, Jno. Butts, Aug't Moore, Quorum. Tho. Johnson, G** Purchase, Jno. Chiles, Tho. Carr Jr., Wm. Smith, Jno. Quarles, Ralph Crawford Jno. Waller, Orlando Jones Jno. Waller, Wm. Aylett, Nath'l West, Tho. Carr, Tho. Butts Wm. Aylett Harry Beverly St. Johns Jno. Monro LANCASTER ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENT COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS Proprietors 1,019 2 Tho. Lee Wm. Ball, Jno. Tubervile Henry Fleet, Wm. Ball, Jno. Tubervile, Rlch 1 d Ball, Tho. Pinkard, Quorum. Tho. Carter, Rich'd Chichester, Row 1 Id Lawson, Hugh Brent, Geo. Heale, Rawleigh Chin, Jos. Ball, Tho. Lee Wm. Ball, Edwin Conway Tho. Carter Jos. Tayloe Christ Church ; Jno. Ball White Chappelle MIDDLESEX ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENT COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS 71,264 926 1 Jno. Vivion Katt'w Kemp PEACE Sir Wm. Sklpwith, Baronett, Matthew Kemp, Jno. Smith, Chr. Robinson, Geo. Wortham, Rob't Daniell, Jno. *##**, Quorum. Roger Jones, Oliver Segar, Garrett Miner, James Walker, Jno. Grymes, Jno. Price, Jno. Vivion, Jno. Wormley Jno, Robinson, Chr. Robinson Jno. Robinson Wm. Steward (?) Tho. Cooke Christ Church Bart'oly Yates (26) NANSEMOND ACRES TITHABLE3 WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS 142,834 1,250 5 Win. Butler Tho. Jordan, Tho. Godwin, James Reddlck Tho. Godwin, Tho. Miner, Cha- Drury, Win. Wright, Jno. Lear, Rob't Peale, Henry Baker, Jos. Meredith, Quorum. Jno. Norsworthy, Tho. Jordan, Jno. Yeate, Wm. Butler, Jno. Wright, Edm'd Streator, Tho. Hausland, Gresham Cof field, Tho. Norfleet Tho. Godwin, Wm. Wright Wm. Wright, Tho. Godwin Mlch'l Archer Tho. Mllner Lower Parish, Upper Parish, Chuckatuck Wm. Ransford, Wm. Wallice ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR NORFOLK 122,061 891 2 Jonas Holladay Tho. Willoughby, Sam'l Boush Sam'l Boush, Matth'w Godfrey , James Wilson, Matth'w Spivy, Geo. Newton, Jonas Holladay, Wm. Crawford Geo. Newton, Win. Crawford Sam'l Boush Lem'l Wilson Lem ' 1 Newton Wm. Langley, Quorum. Jno. Hoisted, NEW KENT ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS 200,649 1,852 2 Tho. Barbar Jos. Foster, Jno. Dlbdale, Nich'o Meriwether Joseph Foster, James Moss, John Stanup, Nich'o Merriweth6r, Geo. Keeling, Henry Chiles, Rich'd Littlepage, Roger Thompson, Quorum. Jno. Dlbdale, Rob't Anderson, Jno. Scott, Tho. Butts, Jno. Foster, Tho. Barbar Jr., Ale*. Walker, Jno. Sclater Nich'o Meriwether, Jno. Stanup Tho. Carr, Tho. Butts, Rich'd Littlepage Jno. Thornton Val. Minge Blisland, St. Peters, St. Pauls Dan'l Taylor, Wm. Brodle, Tho. Sharp ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS (27) NORTHUMBERLAND Proprietors 1,272 3 Jno. Sanders, Edw'd Sanders Peter Hack, Chr. Neale, Jno. Jno. Stepto, Jno. Claughton, Jno. Ingram, Wm. Jones, Quorum. Griffin Fauntleroy, Rlch'd Neale, (Spann ?) Geo. Ball, Rlch'd Hull, Tho. Hughlet. Chr. Neale, Rlch'd Neale Rich'd Neale, Geo. Eskridge Tho. Hobson Jno. Coppage Falrfelld, Wlccocomlco Mr. Spann NORTHAMPTON Kowson, Peter Presley Jno. Taylor, Rich' d Lee, Rich'd Sp**n Jno- Coppage, ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENT COUNTY CLERKS SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS 103 , 840 831 Jno. Powell Geo. Harmanson BenJ'a Nottingham, Hillary Stringer, Jno. Harmanson, Jno- Powell, Wm. Kendall, Obedi. Johnson, Quorum. Jno. West, Wm. Kendall Jr., Jno. Marshall, Jno. Savage, Henry Blair, Jno. Hunt. Wm. Waters, Cha. Floyd Rob't Hows en Cha. Bailey Hungars Pat. Faulkner PRINCESS ANNE ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 3URGESSES TOBACCO AGENT COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS 106,639 921 1 Jno. Cornick Edw'd Moseley, Jno. Moseley Edw'd Moseley, Solomon White, Hen. Spratt, Jno. Moseley, Horatia Woodhouse, Jno. Cornick, Hen. Chapman, Quorum. Wm. Smith, Geo. Hancock, Cha. Sayer, Tho. Keeling, Samp. Trevfcthan Jr» , Edw'd Moseley, Tho. Corprew, Edw'd Lamont, Jno. Bollitho Alex. Boush, Tho. Walker ***** Walker Chr. Cooke Lem ' 1 Newton Lynhaven Mr. Tenant (28) ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS PRINCE GEORGE 118.764 1,040 Sam'l Merlin Wm. Harrison, Henry Ball Cha. Goodrich, John Hamlyn, Jno. Poythress, Peter Jones, Rand'h Piatt, Rob't Mumford, Rob't **11 (? Ball), Henry Duke, Quorum. Stith Boiling, Sampson Meredith, James Thweat, Jno. # (?}, Jno. Worden RICHMOND ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS Proprietors 1,799 Cha. Barbar Edw'd Barrow, Nlch'o Smith, Alex. Donaphon Alex. Donaphon, Jno. Tarpley, Cha. Barbar, Edw'd Barrow, Nich'o Smith, Joseph Deeke, Wm. Woodbridge, Wm. Thornton, Quorum. Tho. Griffin, Jno. Taylor, Moore Fantleroy, Jon 'a Gibson, Rich'd Talliaferra, Aug't Brockenburgh Wm. Robinson, Wm. Thornton Wm. Robinson, Wm. Thornton, Wm. Tayloe, Jno. Tarpley Mann. Beckwith Wm. Thornton St. Mary's, Slttenborne, North Farnham Mr. Stagg, Peter Kippax SURRY ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS 146,302 1,320 Wm. Edwards Wm. Brown, The Holt, Sam'l Thomson, Wm. Edwards, Wm. Cocke, Walter Cocke, Etheld'r Taylor, Rob't Ruffin, Hen. Harrison, Quorum. Jno. Simons, Wm. Gray, Jno. Nlckells, Walter Flood Howell Edmonds, Jno. Holt, Wm. Snookins (?), Tho. Collyer, Wm. Drew Wm. Gray, Jno. Simons Wm. Gray, Jno. Simons JNO. Allen Jno. Allen Southwark, Lyons Creek Mr. Carglll (29) STAFFORD ACRES TITKABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS Proprietors 1,069 Geo. Mason Jr. Jno. Waugh, Jno. West Geo. Mason, Rice Hooe, Jno. Washington, Jos. Sumner, Dade Massle, Jno. West, Quorum. Geo. Anderson, Jno. Waugh, Geo. Mason Jr., James Jameson, Hen. Fitzhugh, Tho. Lunn, Rawl. Travis, Jno. Mosely Henry Fitzhugh, Jno. Waugh Jno. Waugh, Hen. Fitzhugh Tho. Fitzhugh Tho. Gregg St. Pauls, Overworton Mr. Scott WARWICK ACRES TITHABLES WAREHOUSES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES TOBACCO AGENTS COUNTY CLERKS SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTER 39,213 604 Tho, Merry Miles Wills, Tho. Charles, Matthew Jones, Tho. Haynes, Tho. Cary, Hump. Harwood, Quorum. Fra. Jones, Wm. Harwood, Nath'l Hoggard, Wm. Cole, Tho. Haynes Jr., Henry Cary Jr. Miles vails, Wm. Harwood Miles Wills Miles Cary Vfm. Loury Mulberry Island, Denby Mr. Sclater 00} THE PRESENT STATE OF VIRGINIA 1726 With respeot to the Colony In General The Right Honorable GEORGE, Earl of Orkney, His Majesty's Lieut. & Governor General The Honorable HUGH DRYSDALE, Lt. Governor & Commander in Chief COUNCIL Edmund Jeninga Robert Carter James Blair Phillip Ludwell William Byrd Nath'l Harrison Mann Page Cole Digges Peter Beverly John Robinson John Carter Rich'd Fitzwilliam John Grymes Wm. Robertson, Clerk Jno. Basle royle, Doorkeeper PRINCIPAL OFFICERS BY PATENT & OTHERWISE COMISARY for the Bp. of London SECRETARY of ye Colony AUDITOR of His Majesty's Revenues RECEIVER GEN'L of His Majesty's Revenues DEPUTY AUDITOR ATTORNEY GENERAL Rev'd James Blair John Carter, Esq. Horatia Walpole Esq. John Grymea Ea. Nath'l Harrison Esq, John Clayton Esq. OFFICERS OF THE GEN'L COURT & VICE- ADMIRALTY JUDGES OF THE GEN'L COURT JUDGE OF THE COURT OF VICE-ADMIRALTY ADVOCATE REGISTER MARSHALL Edmund Jeninga Robert Carter James Blair Phillip Ludwell William Byrd Nath'l Harrison Mann Page John Clayton Esq. Wm. Hopkins Thomas Crew Wm. Gordon Cole Digges Peter Beverly John Robinson John Carter Rich'd Fitzwilliam John Grymes Rich'd Hickman, Clerk. OFFICERS OF THE CUSTOMS DISTRICTS Rich'd Fitzwilliam Esq, Surveyor General COLLECTORS NAVAL OFFICERS Upper part James River Lower part James River York Rappahanock Fotomack Eastern Shore John Banister Thomas Mi c hall Richard Ambler Adam Cockburn Henry Moryson Henry Scarburgh Francis Light foot Wilson Cary Wm. Robertson Chr. Robinson Thomas Lee Edm'd Scarburgh Griffith Bowan, Survey 1 r of Cape Charles (31) PRESENT STATE OF VIRGINIA 1726 Keeper of the MAGAZINE at Wmburgh GUNNERS OF THE BATTERIES At James River, Oldpolnt Comfort York River, York Town At Gloucester Town Rapp'a River, Corratomen At Toppahanock Hen: Cary George Walker Wm. Gordon John Lester Rich 1 d Parker ESCHEATORS Between York & Rappahanock Rivers Between James & York Rivers For the Eastern Shore For the South Side of James River OFFICERS OF THE ASSEMBLY Speaker Chaplain Clk. of ye Gen'l Assembly Clk. of ye House of Burgesses Clk. of ye Committee of propositions & Grievances Clk. of ye Committee of Claims Sergeant at arms & mace bearer 4 Door Keepers INDIAN INTERPRETERS Pamunkey & Chick ah omony Indians Nottaway, Maherin & Nansemond Sapone, Occoneockes, Stuckanocks & Totewes John Robinson Esq. Edmund Jenings Esq. Hancock Custls Jr. Henry Harrison Jr. John Holloway Esq. William La Neve Wm. Robertson John Randolph Godfrey Pole Miles Cary Phillip Finch James Adams Henry Briggs Charles Kymball (32) PRESENT STATE OF VIRGINIA 1726 ACCOMACK COUNTY ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONORS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK OF COUNTY COURT SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTER COUNTY LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 230,720 1,300 John Kendall Hen. Scarburgh, Hancock Custis Hen. Scarburgh, Hen. Custis, Earn * d Scarburgh, Rich'd Druramond, Wm. Burton, Dan'l Walburn, Jno. Kendall Quorum. Morris Shepherd, Hen. Bagwell, Hill Druramond, Wm. Blvans, Edw'd Re veil, Geo. Parker Edm'd Scarburgh, Hen. Scarburgh Charles Snead Mitchell Scarburgh Accomack Mr. Black Ken. Scarburgh Arromico TITHABLES SURVEYORS PARISH SORT OF TOBACCO BRUNSWICK COUNTY 160 Drury Stith, St. Andrew Arromeco Tho. Cocke CHARLES CITY COUNTY ACRES TI TKABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK OF COUNTY COURT SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 91,599 1,082 Fra. Hardyman Littlebury Epes, Drury Stlth Drury Stith, Hen. Soanes, James Duke, Fra. Lightfoot, Sam'l Harwood, Lewellln Epes, James Mander, Sam'l Harwood Jr. - Quorum. Fra. Hardyman, John Stlth, BenJ'a Harrison, John Edloe, Jno. Banister Sam'l Harwood, Jr., John Stith Littleberry Epes Rob't Boiling lie stover Peter Fountain Wm. Byrd Arromeco (33) ELIZABETH CITY ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURfiESSES CLERK OF COUNTY COURT SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTER LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 33,748 813 Joseph Selden Anth. Armlstead, James Servant Anth. Armlstead, Simon Hollier, Tho. Wythe, John King, Joshua Curie, Rob't Armlstead, John Lowry, Jacob Walker - Quorum. James Wallace, Sam'l Sweney, Joseph Banister, Joseph Selden, John Selden, Wilson Cary, Tho. Kitchell Tho. Wythe, Rob't Armlstead Tho. Mlngham John Lowry Eliz'a City Mr. Thompson Cole Digges Sweetscented ESSEX COUNTY ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERKS OF COUNTY COURT SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 181,101 2,472 Tho. Waring Jno. Lommax, Jno. Lommax, Tho. Catlett Rob't Brooke Fra. Thornton, Jno Wm. Beverly Rob't Jones, Win. Daingerfield Rob't Brooke South Farnham, Saint Anna, Saint Mary Louis Latane, Mi' Cawthorn, Owen Jones Peter Beverly Sweetscented Wm. Daingerfield Wm. Daingerfield, Rand.. Welch, Tho. Waring, Salvador Muscoe, Quorum Ben,] 'a Robinson, Leon'd Hill, Battail GLOUCESTER COUNTY ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK OF COUNTY COURT SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 164,013 3,421 Fra. Willis Giles Cook, Henry Willis Gab. Throckmorton, Ken. Armlstead, Cha. Tomklns, Fra. Willis, Hen. Willis, Tho. Booth, Giles Cook, Quorum. Thomas Hayes, Tho. Read Jr., Geo. Nicholas, John Alexander. Giles Cook, Henry Willis John Clayton Thos. Cook Abingdon, Petso, Ware, Kingston Tho. Hughes, Emanuel Jones, John Richards, Mr. Wye Mann Page Sweetscented (34) HANOVER COUNTY ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERKS SURVEYORS PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 205,936 1,941 David Meriwether David Meriwether, Isaac Winston, Cha. Clark, David Crawford Nich'o Meriwether, Roger Thompson, Cha. Chiswell, David Meriwether, Wm. Fleming, Isaac Winston, Cha. Hudson, Chr. Clark, David Crawford, Quorum. Peter Garland, John Anderson, James Overton Rich'd Harris, Tho. Anderson, Cha. Snelson, Rich'd Clough Nich'o Meriwether, Rich'd Harris Arthur Clayton John Syme Saint Pauls, Saint Martins Mr. Brookes Wm. Byrd Sweetscented HENRICO COUNTY ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERKS CO. SURVEYOR PARISHES COURT MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 326,251 2,453 Jno. Radford Jno. Worshan, Tho. Randolph Wm. Randolph, Tho. Jefferson, Wm. Kennon, Tho. Randolph, Hen. Randolph Jr., John Radford, Fra. Epes, Joseph Royal, Jr., Rich'd Randolph Henry Anderson, Quorum. Rich'd Kennon, John Soane, John Woodson, Bowles Cocke, John Boiling, Jr., Wm. Mayo, Edw'd Booker, Joseph Mayo, Dan'l Stoner Wm. Randolph, John Boiling Henry Wood Fra. Epes Varlna at Henrico, Bristol Port, King William, Saint James Wm. Finney, Geo. Robertson, Mr. Murdock Wm. Randolph Arromicb ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERKS CO. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS IEUTENANT ORT OF TO SOB CT. BACCO JAMES CITY 87,217 1,347 Rob't Goodrich Edw'd Jacquelin John Clayton, Wm. Broadnax, Edw'd Jacquelin, Wm. Brown, Wm. Mars ton, Jno. Netherland, Benj'a Waldon, David Bray, Lewis Burwell, Quorum Henry Cary, Henry Powers, Rich'd Hickman, John Tyler, Rob't Goodrich, Joseph Eggleston Arth. Blair, Jno. Clayton Mich. Archer Wm . C om ri e James City, Bruton Port Wm. Letteve, James Blair Phillip Ludwall Sweetscented ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. COURT SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO (35) ISLE OF WIG HT 214,966 1,844 Tho. Brewer Arthur Smith, Wm. Wilkinson Arthur Smith, Wm. Bridger, Hen. Applewaite, Joseph Godwin, Tho. Walton, Geo. Norsworthy, Tho. Brewer, Matth. Jones, James Bonn, Quorum. Tho. Applewhite, Wm. Kinchin, Hardy Council, Wm. Wilkinson, John Edwards"^- Hen. Applewaite, Joseph Godwin James Ingles John Allen Warwick Creek, Newport Mr. Barlow Arthur Smith Arromico KING GEORGE ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOEACCO 1,300 Wm. Strother Wm. Thornton Wm. Robinson, Nich'o Smith, Wm. Thornton, Jon' a Gibson, Joseph Strother, John Spicer, Quorum Tho. Vivian, Meredith Price, Sam'll Skinker, Tho. Turner, Rowl'd Thornton, Ben J' a Strother, Wm. Strother Jr. Nich'o Smith, Wm. Thornton Tho. Turner John Savage Hanover, Slttenburn Port John Prime, Mr. Blacknall Robert Carter Arromeco KING & QUEEN 239,141 2,685 John Leigh Gawin Corbin, Geo. Braxton, C.C Thacker Gawin Corbin, James Taylor, Geo. Braxton, John Leigh, Rich'd Johnson, Wm. Southerland, Wm. Todd, Rob't Baylor, Quorum. Rob't Dudley, Ken. Hickman, Tho. Foster, Chr. Beverley, Phillip Todd, George Moore, Sam'll Smith, Ambr. Madison Rich'd Johnson, Geo. Braxton C. C. Thacker Harry Beverley Stratton Major, St. Stephens, Drysdale John Skaife, Mr. Dunbar, Jno. Harlow Sweetscented (36) ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO KING WILLIAM 212,582 2,389 John Butts Aug 1 s Moore Geo. Dabney, Phil. Whitehead, John Butts, Aug't Moore, Tho. Carr Jr., Win. Smith, John Quarlei Win. Dandridge, Wm. Claiborn, Quorum. Henry Fox, Leon'd Claiborn, James Fountain, Henry Webber, Walter Chiles, John Sutton, Nath'l West, John Camm Wm. Aylett, Phil. Whitehead Wm. Aylett Harry Beverly St. Johns, St. Margarets Mr. Clark, Mr. Bromskill John Carter Sweetscented LANCASTER ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 1,249 James Ball Jno. Turberville Henry Fleet, Wm. Ball, Jno. Turberville, Rich'd Ball, Tho. Carter, Rich'd Chichester, Geo. Heale, Joseph Ball, Quorum. Thomas Lee, Edwin Conway, James Ball, Cha. Burges, Hen. Fleet Jr. Edwin Conway, Wm. Ball Tho. Edwards Jno. Coppedge Christ Church, St. Marys, White Chappell Mr. Bell Rob't Carter Arromico ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO MIDDLESEX 73,696 1,150 Ch'r Robinson John Price, Matt'w Kemp Chr. Robinson, Jno. Wormsley, Roger Jones, Oliver Segar, John Price, Edwin Thacker, Quorum. Matth. Kemp, Armistead Churchill, Edm'd Berkeley, Hump. Jones, Adam Cockburn Matth. Kemp, Edwin Thacker Wm. Standard Tho. Cook Christ Church Barth'o Yates John Robinson Sweetscented ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO (37) NANSEMOND 150,960 1,692 Barnaby Kerny John Lear Tho. Jordan, Cha. Drury, Win. Wright, Tho- Godwin, James Redick, John Lear, Henry Baker, Joseph Meredith, John Norsworthy, Tho. Jordan, Jr. Quorum. John Yates, Win. Butler, John Wright, Edw'd Streater, Barnaby Kerney, Rob't Batty, Andrew Meade, Dan'l Pugh, David Osbene, John Mllner Tho. Godwin, Henry Baker Chr. Jackson Henry Baker Upper parrish, Mr. Jones Tho. Godwin Arromlco NEW KENT Lower parrish, Chuckatunk ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERKS CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTER LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 94,271 1,348 Jno. Sclater John Scott, Jno. Armlstead, Rich'd Richardson Hen. Holdcraft, John Scott, Tho. Butts, Jno. Sclater, Cha. Lewis, Win. Mason, Nich'o Aldersey, Wm. Kenny, Rich'd Richardson, Quorum. Rob't Burbridge, John Armlstead, Tho. Bray, Wm. Meriwether, Ebenezer Adams, Tho. Massie, Wm. Morris, Joseph Foster Jno. Thornton, Tho. Massie Jno. Thornton John Syme Bllsland, St. Peters Mr. Taylor, Mr. Land Wm. Byrd Sweetscented NORFOLK 123,632 1,188 John Hare Sam'l Boush Sam'l Boush Sr. , James Wilson, George Newton, Wm- Crawford, Sam'l Smith, Sam'l Boush Jr., Rich'd Chastalne, Quorum. Edw'diThurston, Willis Wilson, Nath. Newton, Tho. Wllloughby, Thomas Scott, John Hane Wm. Craford, Geo. Newton Sol'o Wilson Sam'll Boush Jr. Norfolk Sam'l Boush Arromlco (38) NORTHAMPTON ACRES TITHABLE3 SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTER LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 106,093 1,044 Jacob Armlger Jno. Robins, James Forse, Luke Johnson Geo. Harmanson, Jno. Robins, James Forse, Tho. Marshall, Devereux Godwin, Ralph Pigot-Quorum Luke Johnson, Jacob Stringer, Tho. Savage, Jr., Severn Eyre, Matthew Harmanson, Arthur Robins, Win. Burton, Win. Tankred, John Potter, Gawton Hunt, Jacob Dicey, Tho. James Geo. Harmanson, Tho. Marshall Geofrey Pole Luke Johnson Hungars Tho. Dell Geo. Harmanson Arromico NORTHUMBERLAND ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 1,723 Cha. Lee Peter Presley Peter Hack, Peter Presley, Rich'd Neale, George Ball, Tho. Hughlett, Charles Lee, Phillip Smith, Quorum. John Keen, John Shapleigh, Wm. Eustace, Sam'l Bonam, Sam'l Heath, Sam'l Blackwell Peter Presley, Geo. Ball Rich'd Lee Wm. Ball Fairfeild, Wiccomlcco Robert Carter Arromeco PRINCESS ANNE ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 3URGESSES CLERK SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTER LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 123,612 li,046 Willoughby Merchant Jno. Moseley Edw'd Moseley, John Moseley, Jno. Cornick, Henry Chapman, Jno. Ballit***, Anth'y Walke, Cha. Beverley, Timothy Merchant, Hillary Moseley, Francis Land, Quorum. Tho. Thorrowgood, Rob't Vaughn, Wm. McClanahan, Francis, Morse, Tho. Kaynes, Radolphus Malbone, Fra. Woodhouse, Jno. Thorrowgood Henry Spratt, Max. Boush Cha. Sayer Sam '1 Boush Jr. Lyn Haven Mr. Tenent Edw'd Moseley Arromeco (39) PRINCE GEORGE ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 188,231 1,624 Wm. Harrison Rob't Boiling, Jno. Poythress, Jno. Fitzgerald, Jno. Poythresa, Rob't Mum ford, Rob't Hall, Rob't Boiling, Lewis Green, Bullard Herbert, Drury Stith, Fra. Epes Jr., Win. Harrison, Quorum. John Beard, Tho. Ravenscroft, Thomas Cocke, Jno. Fitzgerald, Wm. Poythres, David Walker, James Ball, Wm. Epes Jr. Rob't Boiling, Jno. Poythress Wm. Haralyn Rob't Boiling Bristol Port, Martin Brandon Geo. Robertson, Mr. Finney Matt'w Harrison Arromeco RICHMOND ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 1,^50 Joseph Belfield Cha. Barbar Cha. Barbar, Tho. Griffin, John Tayloe, Wm. Fantleroy, Wm. Downman, Cha. Grymes, Quorum. Joseph Belfield, Rob't Tomlin, Jno. Metcalfe, Sam'l Peachy, Newman Brokenburgh Cha. Barbar, Tho. Griffin Martin Beckwith Tho. Barbar Sittenburn Port, North Farnham Mr. Blacknall, Jno. Garvin Rob't Carter Arromeco ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYORS PARISHES MINISTER LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO SPOTSYLVANIA 145,699 950 Goodrich Lightfoot Aug't Smith, Larkln Chew, Goodrich Lightfoot Harry Beverly, Jos. Clouder, Aug't Smith, Goodrich Lightfoot, Jno. Taliaferro, Larkln Chew, Rob't Beverly, Wm. Smith, Quorum. Thomas Chew, Wm. Bledsoe, Henry Goodloe, Edwin Hickman, John Chew. Larkin Chew, Fra. Thornton John Waller, James Taylor, Aug't Smith St. George Mr. Stage Peter Beverly Sweetscented (40) STAFFORD ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 1,800 Wm. Stork Hen. Fitzhugh Rice Hooe, Dade Massy, Hen. Fitzhugh, Wm. Stork, Tho. Hoper, Tho. Harrison, Townsend Dade, John Fitzhugh, Quorum. French Mason, Abra. Farrow Cha. Broadwater, John Linton, Anth'o Thornton, Rice Hooe Jr., Rob't Alexander Geo. Mason, Wm. Robinson Catesby Cocke Henry Conniers St. Paul, Over Warton Mr. Steward, Alex. Scott Rob't Carter Arromeco SURRY ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTER LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 228,770 2,049 Benj'a Edwards Wm. Gray, Rob't Wynne William Brown, Hen. Harrison, John Simmons, Wm. Gray, Tho. Collier, Stlth Boiling, Rob't Wynne, Arthur Allen, Quorum. Tho. Cocke, Howell Edmunds, Wm. Edwards, Benj'a Edwards, Wm . Brown Jr., John Mason Wm. Gray, Hen. Harrison John Allen John Allen Southwark, Lyons Creek Mr. Carglll Matt. Harrison Arromeco ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTER LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO WARWICK 39,108 701 Wm. Cole Wm. Cole, Miles Willis Miles Wills, Wm. Harwood, Nath. Haggard, Wm Cole, Tho. Haynes, Rob't Phlllipson, Quorum. Jno. Langhorne, Rich'd Whltaker, Wm. Roscow, Wilson Cary, Miles Cary, Tho. Wills Wm. Cole, Wm. Roscow Ralph Gough John Lowry Wa rwi ck Mr. Hewitt Cole Digges Sweetscented (41) WESTMORLAND ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO 2,011 Jno. Elliott Tho. Lee, Hen. Ashton, Ben.) 'a Berryman BenJ'a Berryman, Henry Ashton, Burdlt Ashton, John Chilton, Tho. Lee, Henry Lee, Quorum. Aug't Washington, Tho. Newton, Geo. Turberville, John Elliott, Wm. Lord Geo. Eskrldge, Thomas Lee Tho. Sorrall Tho. Newton Coyle, Washington Walter James, Mr. DeButts Robert Carter Arromeco ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BURGESSES CLERK CO. CT. SURVEYOR PARISHES MINISTERS LIEUTENANT SORT OF TOBACCO YORK 69,219 1,625 Graves Parke Henry Tyler, Law. Smith John Holloway, Henry Tyler, Law. Smith, Tho. Nelson, Archibald Blair, Graves Parke, Wm. Seldon, Wm. Starke, Quorum. Edw'd Tabb, John Blair, Matth. Feiroe, Sam'l Timson, Rich'd Ambler, John Buckner, Fra. Kayward Law. Smith, Edward Tabb Phil. Light foot Jno. Sclater Bruton Port, York Hampton, Charles Mr. Blair, Fra. Fountain, Mr. Faulkner Edm'd Jenlngs Sweetscented (42) THE PRESENT STATE OF VIRGINIA With respect to the Colony In General 1729 The Rt. Hon 1 ble GEORGE, Earl of Orkney, His Majestys Lt. Governor- General The Honorable WILLIAM GOOCH, Lt. Gov., Commander-in-Chief COUNCIL and JUDGES of ye Gen'l Court Robert Carter James Blair William Byrd Mann Page Cole Dlgges John Robinson John Carter John Grymes William Dand ridge John Custis William Randolph Wm. Robertson, Clk. Ct. Rioh'd Klrkman, Clk. John Carter, Door Keeper to the Council PRINCIPAL OFFICERS COMMISARY for the Bishtop of London The Rev. James Blair SECRETARY of the Colony John Carter Esq. AUDITOR of His Majesty 1 s Revenues Horatia Walpole Esq. RECEIVER GENERAL of His MaJ'ty's Revenues John Grymes Esq. Deputy AUDITOR John Blair Esq. ATTORNEY GENERAL John Clayton Esq. ADVOCATE John Randolph REGISTER John Francis MARSHALL William Gordon OFFICERS OF COURT OF ADMIRALTY Robert Carter James Blair William Byrd Mann Page Cole Digges John Robinson John Carter John Grymes William Dandridge John Custis William Randolph Esq. William Robertson Reg'r of the said Court Districts OFFICERS OF YE CUSTOMS ETC Rich'd Fitzwilliam Esq., Surveyor General of the Council Collectors Upper port James River John Bannister Lower port " " Thomas Mitchell York Richard Ambler Wm. Gordon, Searcher Rappa: Charles Grymes Potomack Henry Morrison Eastern Shore Henry Scarburgh Griffith Brown, Surveyor Naval Officers Lewis Burwell Wilson Cary William Robertson Charles Carter Thomas Lee William Scarburgh (43) ESCHEAT0R3 Between York and Rappa. Rivers Between James and York Rivers For the Eastern Shore Southslde James River John Robinson Esq. William Byrd Esq. Henry Scarburgh, Gen'l. Samuel Boush, Henry Harrison, Gen'l OFFICERS OF *HE ASSEMBLY Speaker Chaplain Clk. General Assembly Clk. House of Burgesses Clk. Committee of Prop. & Grievances Clk. Committee of Claims Clk. Committee Courts of Justice Sarjant of the Mace 4- Door Keepers John Holloway Esq. Francis Fountain Wm. Robertson John Randolph Godfrey Pole Miles Cary Benjamin Needier Philip Finch GUNNERS OF THE BATTERIES In James River In York River In Rappa: At old point Comfort at James Town At York Town At Gloucester Town At Corotoman At Toppahanock Keeper of the Magazine at Williamsburgh INDIAN INTERPRETERS George Walker William Gordon John Lester Alexander Parker Samuel Cobbs For the Pamunky and Chickahominy Vacant For the Nottaway, Maherin & Nansemond Henry Briggs For the Sapone & ***** Charles Kymbal (44) THE PRESENT STATE OF VIRGINIA 1729 With respect to the Counties in particular ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERKS PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYORS COUNTY LTS. ACCOMACK COUNTY 225118 1474 Rlch'd Drummond Henry Scarburgh Sacker Parker, Wm. Andrews Henry Scarburgh, Henry Custis, Edm'd Scarburgh William Burton, Rlch'd Drumond, John Kendall, Henry Bagwell, Quorum. William Bevlns, James Gibson, George Parker, William Andrews, Thomas Blair, Solomon Ewell, John Smith, John Custis, James Wishart, Thomas Evans. John Jackson Accomack Mr. Black Mitchell Scarburgh John Custis Esq. CAROLINE ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERKS PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYORS COUNTY LTS. ACRES TITHABLBS SHERIFFS CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERKS PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYORS COUNTY LTS. Wm. Woodford Wm. Woodford, Tho. Carr John Lomax, William Woodford, Tflomas Carr, John Martin, Rlch'd Buckner ('), Thomas Catlett, Francis Thornton, John Battaile, Quorum. John Sutton, Ambrose Madison, John Catlett, John Taliaferro, Francis Conway, Lunsford Lomax, Robert *oolfolk, Walter Chiles, Thomas Buckner, Rloh'd Madison. Ben J* a Robinson St. Mary's, Drysdale, St. Margaret's Owen Jones, Andrew Harlow, John Brunskill Robert Brooke Henry Armistead Esq. CHARLES CITY 89496 1082 BenJ'a Harrison Drury Stith, Littlebury Epes Sam'l Harwood, Jr~. , John Stith Drury Stith, Henry Soane, Samuel Harwood, James Maunder, Samuel Harwood Jr., Francis Hardyroan, BenJ'a Harrison, Quorum. John Edloe, John Soane, John Williams, James Bell, Henry Edloe Littlebury Epes, Westover Peter Fountaine Robert Boiling William Byrd.Esq. (45) ELIZABETH CITY ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE COBNTY CLERKS PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYORS COUNTY LTS. 32772 778 Joshua Curie James Servant Simon Hollier, Rob't Armistead PEACE Simon Hollier, John King, Alexander McKensie, Joshua Curie, John Lowry, Jacob Walker, James Wallace, Joseph Bannister, Wilson Cary, Quroum. Thomas Mitchell, William Hunters, Merrit Sweny, John Tabb, John Brodle, Wm. Westwood Tho : Mingham Elizabeth Mr. Pender John Lowry Cole Digges Esq. ESSEX ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERKS PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYORS COUNTY LTS. 125598 2694 James Garnet John Lomax, Wm. Daingerfleld Wm. Daingerfleld, Salvator Muscoe Wm. Daingerfleld, Reuben Welch, Thomas Waring, Salvator Muscoe, Rob't Brooke Jr., James Garbett, Quorum. William Brooke, Paul Micou Jr., Nicholas Smith, Richard Taylor, Leonard Hill Jr., Alexander Parker, Tho. Threshley Jr., John Smith William Beverly South Farnham, St. Anne Mr. Latane, Mr. Rose Robert Brooke John Robinson Esq. GOOCHLAND ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERKS PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYORS COUNTYLTS. Daniel Stone r Wm. Mayo, Allen Howard Thomas Randolph, John Fleming, William Mayo, John Woodson, Daniel Stoner, Ren. Laforce, Tarlton Fleming, Quorum. Allen Howard, Edward Scott, George Payne, William Kabball, James Holeman Henry Wood St. James William Mayo William Randolph Esq (46) GLOUCESTER ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYORS COUNTY LTS, 169069 3473 John Aral stead Giles Cooke Francis Willis, Henry Aralstead Gabriel Throgmorton, Henry Armlstead, Charles Tomkles, Francis Willis, Thomas Booth, Giles Cooke, John Lewis, Thomas Sayes, Quorum. Thomas Read, Dudley Digges, Peter Whiting, John Armlstead, Christopher Todd, Wm. Mountague John Clayton Abblngdon, Petso, Ward, Kingston Mr. Hughs, Emanuel Jones, Mr. Richards, Mr. Blacknall Thomas Cooke Mann Page Esq. HANOVER ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYORS COUNTY LTS. 268953 2134 Charles Hudson David Merideth, Chr. Clark, David Crawford Rlch'd Meriwether, John Syme Nlch. Meriwether, Charles Chlswell, Roger Thomson David Meriwether, John Syme, William Fleming, Charles Hudson, Christopher Clark, David Crawford Quorum. Peter Garland, John Anderson, James Overton, Richard Harris, Thomas Anderson, Richard Clough, John Dandridge. Arthur Clayton St. Pauls, St. Martins Mr. Brooke Mr. Swift John Syme Nicholas Meriwether Esq. HENRICO ACRBS TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERKS PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYORS COUNTY LTS. 260007 2767 Joseph Royal John Worsham John Boiling, Rlch'd Randolph Thomas Jefferson, William Kennon, John Bedford, Francis Epes, Joseph Royal, Richard Randolph, Lewis Armlstead, Dudley Dlgges, Richard Kennon, John Boiling Jr., Quorum. Joseph Mayo, Isham Randolph, James Powell Cocke, Wm. Worsham, Rlch'd Herbert Bowles Cocke Varina at Henrico, Bristol port, King William Mr. Keith, George Robertson Francis Epes William Randolph Esq. (47) ISLE OF WIGHT ACRES TI THABLES SHERIFF CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTER SURVEYOR COUNTY LT. Arthur Smith, William Bridger, Henry Applewhite, Joseph Godwin, Thomas Walton, Thomas Brewer, James Bean, Thomas Applewhite, Quorum. William Kinchin, Hardy Council, Wm. Wilkinson, John Edwards,' Joseph Bridger, James Baker, Thomas Gerald, Nlch: Williams, John Parsons. James Ingles Warishooke, Newport Mr. Barlow John Allen Henry Harrison Esq. JAMES CITY ACRES TI THABLES SHERIFF CORONER BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. 87115 1242 Henry Power Edw'd Jaquelin John Eaton, Joseph Egleston John Netherland, David Bray, Lewis Burwell, Henry Powers, Quorum. Robert Goodrich, Joseph Eggleston, Alexander Irwin, Joshua Fry, Samuel Cobbs, Lewis Holland, Francis Tyler, John Eaton Richard Hickman James City, Bruton port, Yorkampton port William Leneve, James Blair, Francis Fountains William Comrie David Bray Esq. KING GEORGE (no Neck) ACRES TI THABLES SHERIFF CORONER BURGESSES JUSTICeS OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. 1275 Tho. Vivian Wm. Thornton Nicholas Smith, Wm. Strother Wm. Robinson, Nicholas Smith, William Strother, Jonathan Gibson, Joseph Strother, Thomas Vivian, Quorum. Samuel Sklnker (?) Rowland Thornton (?) William Strother Jr., Jeremiah Murdock, Mar't Robinson Thomas Turner Hanover, Sittenburn port Mr. Edzer, Mr. Beckett John Warner Robert Carter Esq. (48) KING AND QUEEN ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. 193180 2850 Chr. Beverly Gawin Corbin, James Taylor John Robinson, George Braxton Gawin Corbin, George Braxton, John Leigh, Richard Johnson, Wm. Todd, Robert Baylor, John Robinson, Quorum. Robert Dudley, Henry Hickman, Thomas Foster, Rich'd Beverley, Philip Todd, George Moore, Samuel Smith, John Camm, George Braxton Jr., Philip Roots, John Dixon John Robinson Shatton Major, St. Stephens, Drysdale Port Mr. Skaife, Mr. Donbarr, Mr. Harlow Harry Beverly Gawin Corbin Esq. KING WILLIAM 113376 2518 Wm. Claiborne Phil. Whitehead Phil. Whitehead, Thomas Carr George Dabney, Philip Whitehead, Augustine Moore, John Quarles, William Claiborne, Henry Fox, Leon'd Claiborne, Quorum. James Fountaine, Henry Webber, James Mason, William Cradock, John Wyatt, William West, Charles West. William Aylett St. John, St. Margaret port Daniel Taylor Jr., Mr. Brunskill Harry Beverley William Dandridge Esq. LANCASTER (No. Neck) ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTER BBfflERPIS, LTS. 1390 Henry Fleet James Ball Edwin Conway, Charles Burges Henry West, Wm. Ball, Thomas Carter, Richard Chichester, George Heale, Edwin Conway, James Ball, Charles Burges, Charles Carter, Quorum John Seldon, Henry West Jr., William Ball Jr., Robert Mitchell, Hugh Brent, Nlcho: Martin Thomas Edwards Christ Church, St. Mary's White Chappell Mr. Bell William Ball Robert Carter Esq. (49) MIDDLESEX ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTER SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. 73940 1139 Matt. Kemp Matt. Kemp Matt. Kemp, Edwin Thacker Sir Wm. Skipworth, Bart., Roger Jones, Oliver Segar, Edwin Thacker, Matt'w Kemp, Arml stead Churchill, Edm'd Berkeley, Quorum. Adam Cockburne, Henry Thacker, George Harding, Churchill Jones, Chr. Robinson. William Stanard Christ Church Mr. Yates Thomas Cooke v John Grymes Esq. NANSEMOND ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. 118444 1847 Theo. Pugh Wm. Wright, Dan'l Pugh Andrew Mead, John Lear Thomas Jordan, Charles Drury, William Wright, Thomas Godwin, John Lear, Henry Baker, John Norsworthy, John Yates, William Butler, Barnaby Kerney, Quorum. Rob't Petty, Andrew Mead, Daniel Pugh, David Ofheal John Milner, Tho- Godwin Jr., Theo. Pugh, Wm. Baker, Wm. Sumner, Thomas Swan. Chr. Jackson Upper Parish, Lower Parish, Chuckatuck Mr. Smith, Mi). Nicholas Jones John Milner Thomas Godwin Esq. NEW KENT ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. 97326 1364 Wm. Kenny John Scot, Rich'd Richardson Rich'd Richardson, John Bacon John Scott, John Sclater, Charles Lewis William Macon, Nich: Aldersey, William Kenney, Rich'd Richardson, Thomas Bray, Ebenezer Adams, Thomas Massle, Quorum. William Morris, Joseph Yates, Robert Lewis, John Otey, Charles Massie, Wm. Makaln John Thornton Bllsland, St. Peters Daniel Taylor, Mr. Mossum John Syme John Carter Esq. (50) ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTER SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTER SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. NORFOLK 121513 1245 George Newton Samuel Boush Samuel Boush, Wm. Craford Samuel Boush, James Wilson, George Newton, William Craford, Samuel Smith, Samuel Boush Jr., Edward Thurston, Willis Wilson, Nathaniel Newton, Quorum. Thomas Willoughby, John Lowe, Thomas Scott, William Wilkins, William Hodges, Cornelius Colbert, Matt'w Godfrey Solomon Wilson Norfolk Parish Mr. Robinson Maximilian Boush Samuel Boush Esq. NORTHAMPTON 105800 1033 John Potter John Robins, James Forse (?), Luke Johnson Thomas Marshall, Peter Bowdoin John Robins, James Forse, Thomas Marshall, Ralph Pigott, Thomas Cable, William Walters, Jacob Stringer, Quorum. Joacim Michael, Thomas Savage, Arthur Robins, William Burton, William Faukred, John Potter, Peter Bowdoin, John Custis, Mlch'l Christian Godfrey Pole Hungars Mr. Dell Luke Johnson John Custis Esq. NORTHUMBERLAND (no. Block) ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYORS COUNTY LTS. 1572 Wm. Eustace Peter Presley Peter Presley, George Ball Peter Presley, Richard Neale, George Ball, Charles Lee, Philip Smith, John Shapleigh, William **ard, Samuel Heath, Quorum. Samuel Blackwell, William Lowry, John Waughop, Henry Morrison, Leonard Howson, Matt'w Kenner Richard Lee Fairfield, Winocomoco, St. Stephens Mr. Wye William Ball Robert Carter Esq. (51) PRINCESS ANN ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTER SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. 110159 1147 Francis Moseley John Moseley Francis Land, Anthony Wall Howard Moseley, Henry Chapman, Anthony Walker, Chr. Burroughs, Hillary Moseley, Francis Land, Quorum. Thomas Haynes, John Thorogood, Francis Moseley Jr., David MoClanahan, Jacob Ellegood, George Kemp, Rob't Vaughan, Solomon White Jr. Charles Sayer Linhaven Max. Boush Edward Moseley Esq. ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE PRINCE GE6RGB 214676 1795 Wm. Poythers John Poythers, Robert Boiling, John Poythres, COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. Rob't Boiling, John Fitzgareld (?) , Tho. Rawensnold (?) Robert Munford, Robert Hall, Robert Boiling, Lewis Green, Bullard Herbert, Drury Stlth, Francis Epes Jr., William Harrison, Quorum. John Beard, Tho. Ravenscroft, Thomas Cocke, John Fitzgerald, William Poythres, David Walker, James Bell, Wm. Epes Jr., James Munford William Hamlin Bristol port, Martinbrandon George Robertson, Mr. Finney Rob't Boiling Henry Harrison Esq. RICHMOND (No. Neck) ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFFS CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. 1839 Sam'l Peachey Cha's Grymes Cha. Grymes, John Taylor Thomas Griffin, John Taylor, Wm. Fauntleroy, Wm. Downman, Charles Grymes, Joseph Bellfield, Robert Tomlin, Quorum. John Metcalf, Samuel Peasley, Newman Brocklnburgh, Willoughby Newton, Tho. Wright Bellfield, John Woodbridge Mama: Beckwith Sittenburn port, North Farnham Mr. Beckett, Mr. Garzia James Thomas Robert Carter Esq. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY (52) SPOTSYLVANIA ACRES TITFABLES SHERIFF CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF the PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTER SURVEYORS COUNTY LTS. ACRES TITKABLES SHERIFF CORONER BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. 919 Edwin Hickman Augustine Smith, George Llghtfoot Henry Willis, Aug't Smith Harry Beverly, Jeremiah Clowder, Henry Willis, Goodrich Lightfoot, John Grayson, John Talliaferro Larkin Chew, William Smith, Quorum. Edwin Hickman, Henry Goodloe, John Chew, John Graeme, Joseph Brocke, Rob't Talliaferro, John Grayson Jr. John Waller St. George Mr. Kenner George Home, Nath'l Claiborne John Robinson Es< STAFFORD (NO. NECK) 2060 Abra- Harrow Dade Massey Anthony Thornton, John Fitzhugh Dade Masie, Thomas Harrison, Townsend Dade, John Fitzhugh, French Mason, Abraham Harrar, Charles Broadwater, Anthony Thornton, Henry Fitzhugh, Quorum. Dennis McCarty, Ellas Hose, Thomas Grigsby, John Washing, Wm. Triplett, Wm. Lynton, Peter Hedgman, Francis Awbrey Catesby Cocke St. Pauls, Overwarton Mr. Steward, Mr. Scott James Thomas Robert Carter Esq. SURRY ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LT. 252240 2190 John Mason William Gray, Rob't Wynne Henry Harrison, John Simmons the PEACE William Brown, Henry Harrison, John Simmons, William Gray, Robert Hoyat (*>), Thomas Cocke, Lowell Edmonds, William Edwards, Benj'a Edwards, Henry Brown, Quorum. John Mason, Joseph Allen, Nicholas Cocke, Henry Brown, Richard Price, Wm. Gray Jr., Thomas Avent John Allen Southwark, Lyons Creek Mr. Cargill, Mr. Clarke John Allen Henry Harrison Esq. ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONER BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTER SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. (53) WARWICK 39012 675 William Roscow William Cole William Roscow, Wm. Harwood Miles Wills, Wm. Harwood, Nath'l Hoggard, William Cole, Thomas Hayes, Henry Cary, Rob't Phillpson, John Langhorne, Quorum. William Roscow, Wilson Cary, Miles Cary, Thomas Lewis, Anthony Armistead, John JoneSj Henry Scarbrook Ralph Gough Warwick Mr. Hewitt John Lowry Cole Digges Esq. WESTMORLAND (NO. NECK ) ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. 1998 William Lord Thomas Lee, Henry Ashton, BenJ'a Berryman George Eldridge, Thomas Lee BenJ'a Berryman, Henry Ashton, Burdlt Ashton, Thomas Lee, Henry Lee, Aug't Washington, Robert Carter, John Elliot, Quorum. William Lord, Wm. Aylett, Rob't Washington, Lawrence Butler, John Cooper, Daniel MoCarty, Jeremiah Rust George Turbervlle Cople, Washington Walter Jones, Mr. DeButts Thomas Newton Robert Carter Esq. YORK ACRES TITHABLES SHERIFF CORONERS BURGESSES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE COUNTY CLERK PARISHES MINISTERS SURVEYOR COUNTY LTS. 69576 1622 William Stark Henry Tyler, Lawrence Smith John Holloway, Lawrence Smith Henry Tyler, Lawrence Smith, Archibald Blair, Rob't Armistead, Edward Tabb, Quorum. Samuel Timson, Richard Ambler, John Holloway, Thomas Nelson, William Starke Matt'w Pearce, Francis Hay ward Rl: Llghtfoot Bruton port, York, Hampton, Charles Mr. Blair, Francis Fountain, Mr. Stalge John Sclater Cole Digges Esq. (54) In obedience to an order of the Rt. Hon. the Lt. Gov. & Council dated at James City, 1691, I herewith present his Hono'r and the Councill with a true schedule of what conveyances for lands are past out of the Propriet'r Office to the best of my knowledge, from the year 1669 to the year 1690. 20 Aug. 1668 Ralph Wormley Esq'r 150 acres Rappa. County 20 Aug. 1688 Mr. Nich'o Brent 1700 acres Stafford 20 Aug. 1688 Col. William Fitzhugh 500 acres Stafford 20 Aug. 1688 Col. Wm. Fitzhugh .100 acres Stafford 20 Aug. 1688 Col. Wm. Fitzhugh 200 acres Stafford 20 Aug. 1699 Col. Wm. Fitzhugh 200 acres Stafford Test - Richard Whitehead 01. of the Tt*B office Test - W. Edwards, CI. Cou. Exam - William Cole, Sr. An ACCOUNT how and to whom and for what the negroes disposed for, most of them being sick and very poore. Pounds 3 - Mr. Henry Woodhouse, 1 Man, 1 Woman and glrle 65 1 - Mrs. Sarah Moore, 1 negro youth 20 1 - Mr. John Woodhouse, 1 negro man 23 2 - John Casperew, 1 old man, a small child, sold by master 15 2 - Owen Hayes, 2 sick negroes, sold by the master 10 5 - Mr. Thomas Hodges, 5 sick negroes, not able to goe or stand 20 1 - Mr. Will Sundas, 1 sick negro 10 4 - Sick negroes that dyed at ye seaside that could not be removed 4 - Mr. Thurston's - 4 sick dyed 2 - Mr. Jno. Porter, a small negro girl & a sick boy that dyed carrying home 14 2 - Col. Anthon: Lawson, one young man, one old 37 4 - Mr. George Newton, 1 man, 1 woman, also 1 man with 1 eye and 1 man much burnt 65 2 - James Lennon, 1 negro boy and girle 30 1 - Mr. Will Pinkethman, 1 negro man 24 1 - Jno. Gooscott, 1 boy 20 1 - Capt. Miles Carey, 1 pretty ancient man 18 1 - Col. Tho. Milner, 1 woman 21 3 - Mr. Cope Doyly, 1 woman, 1 man, 1 girle 65 1 - Wm. Rascow, 1 negro boy 21 1 - Mrs. Izabell Spratt, 1 negro woman 20 3 - Mr. Jno. Underbill, 1 man, 2 women 69 1 - Mr. Charles Stansford, 1 woman 23 2 - Nath'l Bacon Esq., 2 negro men 44 2 - Jno. Page Esq'r., a negro woman & boy 36 2 - Mr. Tho. Pitt, a negro boy and girle 34 2 - Dr. Pond, a negro boy and girle 37 1 - Mr. Jno. Sand, Esq., a negro woman 21-10 (55) Pounds 4 - Mr. Jos. Ring, 1 man, 2 women, 1 girle 72 1 - Mr. Wtai. Jackson, 1 youth 21 3 - Mr. David Morce, 1 woman, 2 boys 55 2 - Mr. Jos. Topping, 1 man, 1 woman 43 1 - Mr. Travers, 1 woman 20 1 - Capt. Rich'd Whlttaker, 1 negro youth poore 15 1 - Mr. Behethland Crew, 1 poore negro woman 16 1 - Ben J' a Brock, a poore negro boy 17-10 4 - Madam Warner, 2 men, 2 women 80 5 - Mr. John Buckner and Capt. John Smith for 2 negro women 100 and 3 negro women, one of whom poore which Mr. Mathews had 2 - Alex. Young, 1 man, 1 woman 41 1 - Jno. Cooper, 1 negro woman 22 3 - Mr. Tho. Merry, 3 poore negro women 36 1 - Mr. Jno. Ringnall, 1 poore boy 15-10 1 - Mrs. Mary Everett, 1 poore negro woman 14 4 - Capt. Roger Jones, 1 man, 2 poore men, 1 woman 69 6 - Mr. Walter Cock, 6 sick negroes 2 of them almost dead 43-10 4 - Wm. Cole, 1 woman and child, 2 small boys 50 (56) James Blair Presidents and Masters COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY (oiroa. 1695/6) - President Bartholomew Yates Francis Fountain William Dawson Alexander Irwin Professors of Divinity Oriental Languages Philisaphy Mathamatioks Joshua Fry - Master of the Gramar Soool John Fox - Master of the Indian Scool A List of the Trustees, Governors and other officers and number of Scholars of HER MAJESTIES ROYALL COLLEDGE OF WILLIAM & MARY IN VIRGINIA July 8th 1702 Trustees, Founders & Governors appointed by the Charter:- Esq's. Clerks Gents. His Excellenoy Francis Nicholson Esq. Wm. Cole, Ralph Wormley, Wm. Byrd, Jno. Lear Jam: Blaire, Jno. -Farno fold, Steph: Fovace, Sam'l Gray Tho: Milner, Chris: Robinson, Char: Scarbrough, Jno. Smith, Ben J: Harrison, Miles Cary, Hen: Hartwell, Wm. Randolph, Matthew Page Govern' s eleoted by virtue of the Charter Dan'l Parke, Phill: LudWell,Sr, Lewis Burwell, Phill: Ludwell Jr., Wm. Fitzhugh, Wm. Leigh BenJ: Harrison, Wm. Basset, Arth: Allen, Tho: Barbar Chancellor Thomas, Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury President Sam'l Blair Rector Wm. Byrd Sohool Master Mongo Ingles Usher Jno. Allen Writing Master & Register Wm. Robinson Soholars 29 (57) BY THE COMMITTEE. FOR EXAMINING CLAIMS TO LAND IN PAMUNKEY NECK, AND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF* BLACKWATER SWAMP, AND TO CONSIDER OF THE MOST PROPER MEANES TO SETTLE THE NORTHERN & SOUTHERN BOUNDS OF VIRGINIA. Dated tfine, 1699 The Queen of the Pamunkey Indians together with the great men belonging to the said Nation setting forth that, by Severall Orders of the Generall Court there was Granted unto them a considerable quantity of Land lyelng in Pamunkey Neck, which they have a long time possessed and enjoyed. And that by the Articles of Peace made at Middle Plantation the 29th May 1677 the sd. Land was then confirmed unto them, with a clause in the said Articles that a Patent should be granted to them as is usuall to other His Ma J' ties Subjects, which Patent tho' often desired by the said Indians was never yet obtained. And the said Indians thereupon complaining that Ralph Wormeley Esqr. & others in Company of the Surveyor about the begin- ning of June 1694 upon the sd. Petitioners Land possest by them and within one mile of their Indian Town and in Severall other places of the said Land did enter, survey, and lay out severall considerable paroells of the Pet.'s Land to their great prejudice and breach of the said Artioles of Peace. And which if suffered would of necessity drive the petitioners from off their now habitation, and praying redress and that a Patent may be granted them Pursuant to the said Articles. The same being fully weighed & Considered by the Comittee and the great men of the sd. Pamunkey Indians and Robert Peasley, their interpreter, haveing appeared personally before us, upon full heareing of what they had further to allege and due Consideration had to the Articles of Peace and 136 Aot of Assembly in the printed book In which the said Articles have relation, this Comittee conceived that the fourth paragraph in the said Articles of Peace Contained ought to be kept flrme & inviolable, which paragraph is as followeth:- That for prevention of the injuries and evlll conseq'ts that may arise for the future by the Violent intrusion of diverse English into & upon the Land Granted to the said Indians by the aforesaid Articles to ye great disturbance of the Peace of this His MaJ'ties Colony and involving it into crime & misery. It is concluded and established that noe English shall seat or plant nearer than within three miles of any Indian Town. And thereupon this Committee doe report :- 1. That according to the Purport intent and true meaning thereof: No English whatsoever ought to seat, plant or possess any Land in Pamunkey Neck nearer than within three miles as aforesaid of the Town where the said Indians now inhabit, that being the place where- on they were seated at the time of the said Articles and on which they have ever since continued. 2. That the said Indians have not any power or authority by colour or pretext of the said Articles or any Law or Order whatsoever to sell, lease or let out any part or parcell of the said Land within the sd. bounds other than to the posterity of their own nation. 3» That the said Land to the said Indians so as aforesaid Granted and bonded by the said Articles of Peace should be adjudged and taken to be sufficient for their habitation and reserved Lands. (58) 4. That it would conduce much to His MaJ'ties service that all other Vacant Land In the said Pamunkey Neck be held of his MaJ'tie, his heirs and successors by Patent as other Lands are held on. And whereas severall parcells of Land were by the Pamunkey Indians for good & valuable consideration leased for Ninety Nine yeares to these severall persons hereafter named which Lands by an Order of Assembly held at James City the 25th April 1679 was granted to be confirmed unto them, and that they should have the priority and first grant thereof when the same came to the King's hands. Provided always that it should not be construed and taken to give them right to any Lands granted by patent or patents before the making of 136 Act of Assembly, viz:- To Thomas Bell a parcell of land the quantity not mentioned Mr. John Langston Six hundred acres of land Cornelius Dabney. Six or seven hundred acres of land John Sexton assigned to James Turner a tract of land, quantity not mentioned Peter Adams fifteen hundred acres of land Ambrose Lipscome a traot, quantity not mentioned Richard Yarborow, a traot, quantity not mentioned George Smith six hundred acres of land Upon due consideration whereof this Comittee doe conceive that the severall persons before named and all clalmeing under them whose names are so many of them as appeared to lay their claims before this Comittee, hereafter are expressed pursuant to the P. Order of Assembly ought to be preferred before any others, vlz:- Thomas Comer his claims to one hundred acres of land in Pamunkey Neck, part of that leased to Peter Adams and by severall mean Conveyances oome to his possession. As also six hundred & Seventy acres issueing out of severall former patents granted to severall persons and by sev'll mean Conveyances come to his possession. John Haydon's claims to three hundred and seventy acres, part of the said tract purchased of Geo. Adams & quit rents paid. Thomas Carr 150 acres purohased of Peter Adams and 400 aares purchased of James Turner, don of James Turner deo'd. and quit rents always paid. James Adams, son of Peter Adams dec'd., 650 acres descending to him by Act of Law John Oliver 133 acres purchased of George Adams, son of Peter Adams dec'd. Robert Davis 280 acres by ye same title Thomas Nichols 150 acres purchased of James Adams, son of Peter Adams dec'd. (59) Robert Blaokwell 180 acres purchased of Anne Adams, widow of Peter Adams Nath. West 403 aores, part of that granted to James Turner and by severall mean Conveyances come to him Thomas Butler & his wife in behalf of the orphans of Peter Claybrook 200 acres purchased by the said Claybrook of William Turner, son of James Turner. Quit rent having been yearely paid for the same Jane Goooh, widow, 100 aores purohased of Vfa. Turner James Terry 170 aores purchased of George Turner, son of James Turner Thomas Ellit 130 aores by same title James Henderson 100 aores purchased of James Turner John Fancier 100 acres part of that granted to John Sexton Tho. Parker 300 aores conveyed from George Smith William Rennalls & Mary his wife in behalfe of Alexander Anderson, son of David Anderson 100 aores purohased of Geo. Smith by David Anderson William Andrew 100 acres purohased of George Smith Wm. Hurt Jr., 140 aores by like title John Yarborow for himselfe and the children and devisees of Richard Yarborow William Morris 300 aores purchased of Rioh'd Yarborow John Oakes 550 aores oonveyed from Richard Yarborow William Rawlins 800 acres purohased of Richard Yarborow Henry Dilling in behalf of George & Douglas, orphan and heir of Robert Douglas deo'd. 200 acres purchased of Richard Yarborow Peter White 300 aores by the same title Andrew Maokallaster 100 acres by the same title Thomas Hendriok 70 acres Thomas (?) Hendrick 300 acres purohased of Richard Yarborow & John Asoough James Dabney, Geo. Dabney, Dorothy Dabney & Sarah Dabney, devisees of Cornelius Dabney deo'd 700 acres to which is added of Low Land thereto adjoining 150aacres Edward Bell, son of Thomas Bell deo'd, 1400 acres Wm. Lipsoome, John Lipsoome and their three sisters & devisees of Ambrose Llpscome deo'd a certain tract, quantity not known, leased to sd. Ambrose Thomas Crenshaw 150 acres purchased of Mr. John Langston Abraham Willory 150 aores conveyed from John Sexton (60) Thomas Maokgehey 150 acres purchased of George Smith James Edwards, Lewis Davis and Stephen Terry 1300 acres oonveyed from Rich'd Yarborow Philip Williams 403 aores purohased of George Turner, son of James Turner This Committee doth report that the following olaimes being with the Intent & meanelng of the Proviso in the afore sd. order of Assembly mentioned & expressed and issueing out of former grants & Patents ought to be confirmed to the severall Petitioners :- Robert King 520 aores part of a tract of land granted by patent unto William Pallam and by him assigned unto Wm. Woodward and by sd. Woodward conveyed unto Alexander King and descending from him to Robert King Henry Maddison 270 acres purchased formerly of Mr. Samuell Oustin and afterwards oonfirmed by Mr. Rioh'd Littlepage, being land formerly patented. John Oustlns 208 acres by the same title Joan Drumonds 260 aores purchased by Thomas Husbands of Capt. Roger Mallory and same land purchased of Mr. Richard Littlepage, by the last Will & Testament of the said Thomas devised unto the said Joan for life and after to Jane Husbands, daughter of the said Thomas Wm. Isbell 150 aores granted by patent to Ellas Downes and conveyed to him Benjamin Arnold about 1800 aores leased to him by the Chiokahomony Indians for which he assigned to the sd. Indians in fee 600 aores of Patented Land and (gave severall other valuable considerations Roger Mallory, Thomas Mallory and Charles Mallory 2000 aores sold unto Roger Mallory Gent., deo'd by the Chiokahomony Indians in exchange for other lands This Committee also being of opinion that it will oonduoe muoh to the advancement of his MaJ'ties interest and service that all Vacant Lands in Pamunkey Neck be held by Patent of the King, his heirs and successors, do thereupon conoeive that the following olaimes (his Ma J 'ties Grant to his Royall Colledge of William & Mary in Virginia being first of all oomplyed with & laid out) ought to be granted to the severall petitioners and they to be preferred before any other not having prior grant & entrys or Surveys, they having entree rights for and surveyed the same, and some of them thereupon beeing seated severall yeares, viz:- John Burross 590 acres, been seated thirteene yeares John Casar 3,000 (aores) Rights entered & surveyed Thomaft Hickman, Jane Husbands and Wm. Gough in behalf e of his son John Gough 2,200 acres (1,100 acres the one moiety thereof to Jane Husbands and John Gough by equal division, the other moiety to Thomas Hiokman) Ralph Wormeley Esq., 13,500 (aores) rights entered & Surveyed and Patent formerly granted but resignd to give precedency to ye Colledge. Chicheley Corbln Thacker 3,500 (61) Charles Fleming, Wm. Winston & James Dabney 3,000 Henry Fox, Gent., 1982 in three severall parcels Edward Hill Esqr. 5060. Patents obtained the 25th October 1695 but resign 1 d to give preference to the Colledge Job Howes and diverse others, the assignees & devisees of Thomas Nelson, deo'd 11,855 acres Thomas Bray, Richard Gissedge & James Minge 3,900 acres on each side of a swamp called Goodwin's Swamp by assent of the parties thus divided: the lower part 1,34-0 acres to Gissedge, the middle part 1,280 acres to Minge, the upper part 1,280 aores to Bray Riohard Littlepage, sone of Richard Littlepage Gent., Dec'd. 3,160 acres entred and surveyed by Samuell Oustine and by him di vised to R. Littlepage Richard Johnson Esqr. 3,000 by order of Gen' 11 Court dated 25 April 1688 Edmund Jenings Esqr. 600 acres formerly granted by the Chickahomony Indians to Peter Ford & after confirmed before Sir Henry Chioheley and upon the 14th April 1688 again confirmed to the said Ford by the Lord Effingham, and by the sd. Ford oonveyed to the claimer Richard Littlepage, son of Richard Littlepage, Gent., 7,820 aores entered and surveyed 1679. Thomas Hancock 500 acres conveyed to him by Roger Mallory John Kinsbrow, Wm. Winston & John Longworthy granted b£ order of Govern 'r and Councill 16th October 1685, 1,500 aores in Pamunkey and Longworthy now being dead without heirs, Kinsborow and Winston praying grant of the same upon the branohes of Mangohick Creek to them and survivors, their title preferrable under the former salvos Daniell Parke Esqr. setting forth that he surveyed 10,082 acres in Pamunkey Neck, his claims was entered upon Gen' 11 Court Reoords 3rd May 1688. (There was a dispute between Daniell Parke on the one hand and Benjamin Harrison Jr. and Jane Jones on the other regarding 600 acres said to be purchased by a George Pargiter, dec'd from the Pamunkey Indians, lived on by Pargiter for 7 years and left on his death to George Jones, late husband of Jane Jones. Evidence was given to the Committee by Mr. Gideon Macon that this information was true and that at the present time the land had been leased by covin to a Gregory Garfoot by Daniell Parke together with several negroes. The whole matter was referred to the General Assembly to decide the rightful owner) Lewis Burwell in behalfe of his children the legataries of Nathaniell Bacon Esqr. dec'd, all the land in Pamunkey Neck lyeing between Mangohiok Creek and the Devils Woodyard, being granted unto the said Nath: Bacon by order of Gen '11 Court 16th October 1685 (62) TITLES UPON INDIAN LEA3E3 (June, 1699) THIS COMMITTEE conceived that the following claimes and titles to Land In Pamunkey Neck havelng their ground and foundation upon Indian leases are, Ipso facto, Null & Voyd as being contrary to the true Intent and meaning of the Articles of Peace and to the 136th Act of Assembly In the Printed Book. But because It conduces much to the advancement of his MaJ'ties Interest and the peoplelng of this his MaJ'tles Colony that the said lands should be held of the King as others, and because the severall persons clalmelng thereby have their Immediate dependance thereupon and have made severall Improvements and have a long continued & uninterrupted possession, this Committee therefore oonceived that (his MaJ'tles grant to his Royall Colledge of William & Mary and other the former salvo's reserved) a favourable Grant thereof may be made to them In severally, Viz:- Robert Napier 100 acres leased to Alexander Mackdonald and assigned to him and 800 acres leased to hlmselfe Matt: Mulllns 150 acres leased to Thomas Ward & assigned to him John Whltlock 150 acres by the same title Susanna Page 1,000 acres leased to herselfe Anthony Fuller & James Johnson 300 acres leased to them by George Pargiter Mich: Wardrope 90 acres assigned to him by Fuller & Johnson James Hayfeild 100 acres by the same title John Thompson 450 acres assigned by William Clark & Marg't Clarke Joseph Hayles, Joseph Cocke rham & John Dixon 1,500 acres Joshua Normand in behalfe of Joseph Southerland, Philip Southerland and George Southerland orphans of George Southerland 300 acres Thomas Ware 600 acres leased to hlmselfe Thomas Mackgehee 100 acres leased to Daniell Grant & conveyed to him Philip Williams 100 acres assigned by Mackdonald John Baker 500 acres Edward Hackstep 550 acres leased to his mother & hlmselfe Richard Gissedge 2,000 acres John Hurt 80 acres Francis Hill 250 acres William Byrd, son and heir of Robert Byrd Gentl. dec'd, 1,200 acres leased to the said Robert (63) TITLES UPON INDIAN LEASES (Continued) Ambrose Smith 600 aorea Ambrose Smith, John Dixon, John Hurt & Benjamin Arnold 900 acres John Maddison & Thomas Perring 600 aores Samuell Williams & Wm. Lea 200 acres Sam '11 Williams & Dan 1 11 Coleman 600 acres Thomas Spencer Sr. 250 acres Edmund Smith & Robert Dowglas, Orphan & devisee of Rob't Dowglas, deo'd, 300 aores leased to Edmund Smith & Robert Dowglas, deo'd. William Haynes representing that Mr. Wm. Bates about 12 years ago purohased of Capt. Roger Mallory betwixt two and three hundred acres of land in Pamunkey Neck which the sd. Mallory held by Indian title and the sd. Bates soon after departing this Country and now presumed to be dead and haveing noe Attorney here, prayed Grant for the same. This Comittee conceived the said William Haynes hath no colour of title for the same William Leigh of King & Queen County, Gentl. representing to his Excellenoy that by an order of Counclll dated 25th November 1682 it was directed that 4,000 acres of land should be laid out for the Rappa' Indians about the town where they dwelt. 3,474 aores were laid out but the Indians deserted the land after some time and William Leigh wished to make a survey of the land. The Comittee said this land was not in Pamunkey Neck or Blackwater and was not within their Cognizance but presumed the usual methods could be followed for takeing up the land. (64) LAND ON THE SOUTH SIDE BLACKVATER (June, 1699) UPON Consideration of the Clalmes and Titles presented & laid down by severall persons to land on the South side Blaokwater Swamp, the Committee oonoelved that it is for advancement of hia MaJ'ties interest and service that all Vaoant Lands as in Pamunkey Neok so on the South Side Blackwater Swamp should be held by Patent of the King etc and therefore (his MaJ'ties Grant to his Royall Colledge of William & Mary in Virginia being already complyed with and taken out) all persons claiming lands there by Entry & Survey and having had a long oontinued and uninterrupted possession shall be preferred thereto in the first place. Those who claim by legall Entries and surveys made in the 2nd place Nude & bare entries in the 3rd place Seated without any Entry in the last place PROVIDED always none of them lntrenoh upon former Grants & Patents or Legal Entries, viz:- Thomas Rousby, 7,400 acres entred & surveyed 1682 and ever since held in actual possession and seated with severall plantations William Randolph Esq., 2,926 acres surveyed and patented but the Patent surrendered to give preference to the Colledge James Mlnge, 2,300 acres being part of a tract surveyed for him 1683 Containing 5,972 aores and where out was taken for the Colledge by ♦♦*»» pounds 3,672 acres Benjamin Harrison Esqr. 300 aores purohased of the Weynokee Indians 1686, which hath ever since been in his aotuall possession and which hereupon he hath seated ENTRED AND SEATED Thomas Chappell 1,000 acres Char: Briggs 250 acres Nathaniell Harrison and Huisha Gilliam 750 acres Richard Halliman, Wm. Halllman & Thomas Halliman 1,150 aores Thomas Blunt and Richard Washington 500 aores Thomas Haynes petitioning for a Grant of 250 aores for which he entred Rights with Mr. George Williamson & seated the same and James Bynum for grant of same. The Comittee conceived Haynes to have the priority entry and to have preference ENTRED AND SURVEY 'D James Minge & Thomas Blighton J.,660 acres surveyed 1683 James Jones 634 acres by the same title Francis Epps 1,486 acres William Hunt 3,200 aores (65) Land on the South Side Blaokwater (Continued) NUDE ENTRIES Arthur Allen, Gent. & William Edwards, son & heir of Wm. Edwards Gent, deo'd, aooording to an Entry made with Mr. George Williamson, then Surveyor, dated April 20th I696 and Joseph Wall by permission of Mr. Arthur Allen. Committee conoelved the Right only to be in them who made first entry. James Allen, Reuben Procter, George Williamson & Francis Williamson aooording to their severall entries made 20th April I696 John Washington and Arthur Washington, entries made 20 April I696 William Brown Sr. , entry made for 1,200 acres Edward Boykin aooording to his entry made SEATED WITHOUT BMfBX Abraham Evans quantity not mentioned but seated Rich: Ham quantity not mentioned but seated Charles Savage 200 aores seated William Hunt and Huisha Gilliam no quantity mentioned but seated John Cock representing to his Excellency that in June was three years he did enter with George Williamson, Surveyor, for 800 aores of Land on the South of Blaokwater with Rights whloh the said Surveyor refused to take for that (as he said) those lands were not then opened, yet nevertheless took Entries of Thomas Blunt & Patrick Lashley for the same lands who have built and cleared thereon. The Comlttee conoelved the oomplaint groundless and that the Entryes complained of are well taken. Thomas Blunt was given a grant for a oertain paroell of land, quantity not mentioned, on the South side Blaokwater, having previously not been able to get a survey on the 20th April 1696 Patrick Lashley was given a similar grant for 400 acres Francis Poythers representing that by Patent dated 28th Sept. 1681 there was granted unto Major Franois Poythers 609 acres, 2 roods, 9 poles of Land on Blaokwater which by the death of the Patentee descends to him. Comlttee granted same. Committee then stated that any hardship caused by these decisions could be examined by the Courts of the Counties at a future date to be announced, when Surveyors reports were available and decisions confirmed by His Excellency. (66) Pamufakey Neck and Black water Land (Claims by Indiana ) Drammaacho Mongy a Chief Ruler of the OHICKAHOMONY INDIANS petitioned that severall lands In Pamunkey Neck should, by the Articles of Peace, May 1677 belong to them and that any sales they had made of these lands should be confirmed. This was refused by the Committee who said that only land within 3 miles of the Indian Town was Indian property and that any sales or leases made by them were null and void. Except that "what lands they hold from any of his Ma J* ties subjects by Exchange shall be confirmed to them, viz. that they have In exohange from Arnold and Mallory" The Indians also claimed that they gave certain lands to Peter Ford and his wife for life and as the Fords were now dead the Indians should have the lands returned. The Comlttee said that as the land was confirmed to Peter Ford by Sir Henry Chlcheley and afterwards by the Lord Effingham and by the said Ford sold to Edmund Jenlngs Esqr. therefore the said Indians have no right nor title to it. The OCCAHAMOCK INDIANS complained that having given permission to the English to enter their lands, the English had taken it over completely and would not allow the Indians to enter or to plant or fish. This, they said, was most unjust as these were their only means of living. The Committee promised to look into this and make redress "as shall seem meet" The NANSEMOND INDIANS oomplained that the English intended to take possession of land between Blackwater & Nottaway River which they claimed was upon their old Town. The Committee found that the Indians had deserted this area several years previously and therefore had no claim to it, but that no English would be permitted to seat, plant or possess within 3 miles of where the Indians now lived. The NOTTAWAY INDIANS complained that the TUSCORURO INDIANS often came into the upper parts of the country about Appamattu where the English gave them guns, powder and shot which enabled them to hunt upon and burn up the Nottaway 1 s ground, spoiling their hunting and that the Tuscoruro trade with the English for rum etc. and then lose these goods by play and blame the Nottaways, t|uus causing friction between the Nottaways and the English. They asked that the English should be for- bidden to enter their territory to avoid further trouble. His Excell- ency directed them to decide amongst themselves what bounds they desired and let him know through their Interpreter and as to the discords he would make redress on proof of these discords. Signed by Dionisius Wright, Clerk of the Comlttee June 2nd, 1699 This Report read and agreed to by the Councill Signed by Ben: Harrison This Report read and agreed to by the House of Burgesses Signed by Wm. Randolph, CI. House Burgesses June 5th, 1699 (67) County New Kent it Nansemond it it Princess Ann Nansemond Gloucester New Kent Nansemond Norfolk Nansemond Norfolk Nansemond Henrico Nansemond it New Kent it Accomack Gloucester Northampton Norfolk New Kent Aooomack Charles City York King & Queen New Kent Middlesex Henrico Middlesex A List of Patents Signed In November 1700 To Whom Granted Number of Acres Gibbons, James 1420 Mackglrt, Dan'l 1168 Cooper, Thomas 147 Mllner, Thomas 200 Drury, Capt. Chas. 209 Pugh, Dan'l 190 Pugh, Dan'l 422 Sullivan, Owen 254 Moore, John 485 Davis, Edw. 300 Nash, Robert 350 Werrell, Joseph 166 Pullerton, Robert 47 Mllner, Francis & Marlow, Tho. 33 Wallls, Wm. 71 Jurnlgan, Henry 87 Cherrls, John 105 Peale, Wm. 580 Garthrlght, Ephraim 165 Thompson, Wm. 133 Jones, Wm. 159 Macon, Gideon 545 Major, Wm. 155 Eyre, Thomas 200 Blllups, George 500 Jacob, Abr'm & Jacob, Tho. 400 Bush, Sam '11 1080 Alvos, Geo. 767 Brlttlngham, Wm. 242 Crowder, Barth'o Cary, Miles 327 Boughan, James 333 Massee, Peter 300 Mount ague, Wm. 170 Davl s , John 250 Thacker, Edwin 300 (Signed) E. Jenlngs. (68) A List of Patents Signed in April 1701 County To Whom Granted Number of Aores Nansemond Hookes, John 215 It Arnold, Edw'd 89 II Lasister, John 330 II Speight, Wm. 203 Essex Boughan, James 1000 Middlesex Sandeford, John 150 Nansemond Hill, Henry 500 Norfolk Langley, Wm. 100 Charles City Stith, Drury 445 Nansemond Sewell, Wm. 746 N Edwards, Abr. 97 n Hunter, Wm. 240 N Speight, Wm. 25 Norfolk Langley, Wm. , 5 2 Charles City Stoakes, John 476 Warwlok Goodwin, Mathew 134 Nansemond Brothers, John 197 Henrioo Burton, Rob't Sr. 300 Nansemond Stalling, Nicholas 63 H Benton, Epap (?) 360 Norfolk Hughs, Edw'd 1234 ii Fuloher, John 569 Henrioo Woodson, John 1020 H Perce (?), Fra: 137 It Boiling, John §s Nansemond Lowry, James 43 Henrico Pleasant, John 2294 Charles City Boiling, Rob't 300 Pamunkey Neck in King & Queen Rapier, Jno. 185 it Davis, Robert 208 N Maybank, Wm. 105 M Winston, Wm. 1091 II Terry, Jam: 418 Black water Allen, Arth: 800 ii Edwards, Wm. & Allen, Arth: 800 ii Savalg, Char: 88 ii Harrison, Ben J: Esq. 350 ti Chappell, Tho. 990 H Briggs, Cha: 231 II Harrison, Nath: and Gillam, Huisha 658 II Washington, Rich: 345 It Boykins, Edw'd 200 II Haynes, Thos. 280 II Lashly, Patr'k 470 II Edwards, Wm. 1450 II Busby, Tho: 5400 N Harrison, Nath'l 427 II Allen, Jam: 1400 N Williamson, Fra: 417 It Williamson, Geo: 770 II Blunt, Thomas 510 It Blunt, Thomas 159 •1 Browne, Wm. 635 II Hunt, Wm. 348 It Dews, Wm. 344 (69) A List of Patents Signed in April 1701 (continued) County Norfolk York Pamunkey Neok in King & Queen To Whom Granted Ballentine, Geo: Knott, Wm. Mullen, Matthew Hobdey, Edward Terry, Steph'n Merri weather, Nich'o Mao on, Gideon Dabney, James Dabney, Geo: Dabney, Sarah Anderson, Wm. et al Herbert, Mary Hendriok, Hance Thompson, John Gouge, Jane Carr, Tho: Fleming, Char: Hay den, Jno. Henderson, Jam: Edwards , Jam : C rem shaw, Tho: Burrows , John King, John Hay field, Jam: Comers, Thos. Adams, Jas. Oliver, John Littlepage, Rich: Evans, Abraham Ham, Richard Gillam, Huisha Blunt, Thomas (Signed) E. Jenings. A List of Patents Signed in October 1701 Aooomaok Littleton, Nathaniel Henrico Worsham, John & Patterson, Francis Cook, Thomas Taylor, Wm. Essex Meriwether, Francis Beokett, Henry Middlesex Terrell, Robert Mountague, Peter Warwick King, Thomas New Kent Winston, Anthony Saxon, John Saxon, John Richardson, Jno. & Emanuel Norfolk Richardson, Thomas Langley, Thomas Nansemond Raby, Adam Cooper, Joseph Blackwater Number of Acres 200 150 268 263 ? 35 459 172 500 293 179-2 179-2 200 594 537 80 546 1184 196 155 854 150 439 211 109 139 437 146 2367 127 139 348 486 150 924 628 700 876 80 63 1000 70 1079 1024 332 2400 99 128 436 136 (70) ▲ List of Patents Signed in Ootober 1701 (continued) Nansemond Isle of Wight Pamunkey Neck in King & Queen Rappa. or Essex S'side Blaokwater County To Whom Granted Lawrence, Robert Speir, James Scott, Robert Dens on, James Hurt, Wm. Blaokwell, Robert Nioholls, Thomas Mao oal lister, Andrew Davis, Lewis Follett, Thomas Page, Susanna White, P«ter Tremier, John Major, John Reeves, Thomas Smelly, Robert et al Giles, Thomas et al Pearce, George Charles City Parham, Wm. King, Henry Hunt, Wm. Smith, Richard Irby, Edm'd Epps, Francis et al Jones, Henry Hat horn, Robert Jones, Wm. Sr. Poythres, John Gourd, Riohard Thrower, Thomas et al Freeman, John Wynn, Thomas Buttle r, John et al Cock, Thomas Henri oo Far re r, Thomas Accomack Eel lam, Edward Middlesex Meaoham, Edward Esoheat Patents Granted in Ootober 1701 Gloucester Sawyer, Wm. Northampton Custis, John Jr. King & Queen Breemer, John & Jane, his wife ditto ditto Aooomaok Walt ham, Eliz: Surry Jordan, George James City Russell, Samuel New Kent Ryder, Mary (? Mrs.) ditto ditto Gloucester Williams, George Essex Hill, Leonard Mount ague, Wm. Mount ague, Wm. (Signed) C.C. Thacker, Clk. Number of Acres 53 100 130 17 298 174 183 86 320 157 1419 355 102 376 740 1420 678 200 450 400 4342 550 399 1000 400 1400 600 350 100 680 300 200 450 1170 126 130 150 400 100 100 1000 650 670 370 100 300 100 300 250 700 (71) County Pamunkey Neck Essex King & Queen Middlesex Blackwater Surry Henrico Elizabeth City Charles City Norfolk New Kent Warwl ck Gloucester Nansemond Isle of Wight Accomack A List of Patents Signed in April 1702 To Whom Granted John Petiver J no. Hampton Edw'd Huckstep Eliz: Ware Morris Roberts Thomas Ware Edw'd Bell Ant'o Fuller James Johnson Wm. Andrews Matt'w Fowler Rich'd Littlepage George Loyd Martin Slaughter James Dabney Wm. Hurt Morris Floyd John Cesar C. C. Thacker John Whit lock Wm. Morris John Buckner Rowland Thomas John Smith Eliz. Musgrave John Sumers Valentine Mayo Edw'd Docker Edwin Thacker Henry Thacker Tho: Harrison & J no. Scott Richard Holliman Wm . Co ck Thos: Chamberlalne Nich: Hutchins Moses Wood John Jouany Wm. Soane Robert Griggs John Boiling James Baker Law. Greene James Williams et al Robert Lane John Bacon Henry Dawson Robert Bryan John Stubbs Peter Beverley Henry Hackley Henry Hackley John Gordon John Powell Wm. West Thomas Howell Rich'd Hoffinton (?) Number of Acres 310 50 554 240 300 620 1400 181 110 100 127 4886 694 137 1000 93 100 405 980 233 366 3080 100 450 368 175 39 40 153 23 1700 1236 45 509 290 237 77 51 400 350 225 203 650 460 243 363 57 100 230 950 100 350 215 85 100 67 (72) 1702 A Copie of all Entreys In wt. place and by whom made since ye land on ye South Side of Blackwater has been laid open. Entr'd with me, Robert Boiling, Surv'r of Charles City County. Name Other Names Acres Date mentioned in entry Rob't Boiling Sr. 2000 21st Sep. 170: Capt. Wm. Hunt 2150 do. Mr. James Mlnge Sr. 3250 do. Mr. Tho: lynn 200 do. Capt. Jno. Poythrlss Jr. 600 do. Mr. Tho: Wynn Jno. Green, Hathorr 600 do. Edw: Parrum 200 do. Wm . Handbacke Wm. Raines 600 do. MaJ'r Charles Goodrich Jno. Freeman 2000 do. George Pas sm ore Nath T ll Tatum Sr. & Jr. Henry Jones, Wm. Jones Sr. 500 do. Jarvis Winfield, Doboy 500 do. Tho: Parrum George Tilman, Jams s Cock, Edmond Irby 200 do. Mr. Rob't Mumford Jno. Butler 400 do. Mr. Rob't Mumford Henry King 400 23 rd Sep 1702 Jno. Doboy 400 do. Wm. Mayes & Rich'd Hudson Mr. Banister 900 24th Sep 1702 Sam'll Tatum Sr. Nath'll Tatum Jr. 200 do. Wm. Reives Jno. Butler, Benja: Foster } Edw'd Chaple, James Minge 25th Sep 1702 Jno . Fre em an 300 26 th Sep 1702 George Passmore 250 3rd Oct 1702 Jno. Freeman Rob't Boiling 500 400 4th Oct 1702 Jno. Leadblter 10th Oct 1702 Tho: Parrum 200 do. Nathan'll Harrison Several entries of land of Surry Co. mentioned Col. Sam 1 1 Brigs t Col. Randolph 21st Sep 1702 Hon'ble Benja: Harrison Geo. Jordan 1200 do. ditto Charles Brigs 200 do. Mr. Benja: Harrison Capt. Wm. Hunt, MaJ'r Charles Goodrich 2000 do. ditto 2000 do. Barnaby Mackinne Geo. Pearce do. Rich: Parker & Wm. Edmonds Wm. Hunt do. Tho: Bently Geo. Jordan 150 do. ditto Jeremiah Ellis Sr. 250 do. Wm. Edwards & Nath'll Harrison do. Abraham Evlns Wm. Hunt 200 do. Howell Edmonds & Tho: Hart do. Capt. Wm. Browne Col. Wm. Browne do. Bartholomew Andros 400 do. Wm . Edwards do. Jno. Lawrance Rob't Smethie, MaJ 1 r Swann do* Capt. Luke Hansfield Wm . Dawes do. Wm. Kinchin MaJ'r Arthur Allen do. MaJ'r Arthur Allen Wm. Dawes do* Jno. Warpoole, Rich'd Read** do* Sam '11 Browne do. (73) Land Entries for Southslde Blackwater 1702 (continued) Name Other Names Mentioned Acres Rich: Washington & Benja: Evins Edward Harris Col. Geo: Norsworthy Sam'll Briggs Jeremiah Ellis Wm. Cock Wm. May Jno. Councill Hen: Briggs Joseph Wall Jr. Jno. Barker Jno. Owen Mr. Jno. Owen Tho: BJunt Wm. Braswell & Rob't Scott Brlgman Joyner Rich: & Wm. Braswell Tho: Raines Wm. Glover Tho: Hunt Rich: Washington & Benja: Evins Jno. Teasly Moses Showmake Rich: Holliman Capt. Francis Clements Mr. James Minge Jr. Mr. James Mlnge Tho: Barrow Jno. Warpoole Capt. Wm. Brown Wm. Holliman Capt. Wm. Hunt Capt. Nath'll Harrison Jno. Jones Hen : Jones Capt. Tho: Harrison Wm. Hunt Wm. Rogers James Byneham (? Baynhamf Jno. Williams, Jno. & Arthur Washington Major Allin Fran: Williamson Wm. Williams Rich: Hains Wm. Hunt James Jones, Tho: Chappie, Capt. Tho: Harrison Capt. Harrison Abraham Evins Mr. Swann, Wm. Johnson Geo: Williamson, Geo. Pearce, Barnaby Mackinne Rich: Washington Jno. Barnes Geo. Pearce Wm. Johnson, Wm. Williams Tho: Haynes Edward Boykin Abraham Evins Col. Browne 300 600 400 800 150 200 1000 3000 2000 400 650 500 4000 Signed by Tho: Swann (74) LIST OF PATENTS SIGNED IN APRIL 1703 County To Whom Granted Number of Acres Nansemond Robert Poole 134 Princess Anne John Hopkins 210 Nansemond Nich'o Hunter 46 Nansemond Fra. Speight Jr. & Wm. Speight Jr. 161 Nansemond Jon 'a Robinson 200 King & Queen Thomas Pettis 36 King William Phillip Williams 100 Nansemond Edward Holmes 124 do. Rich'd Lawrence 76 do. John Duke 113 do. Wm. Lasslter 100 York Arthur Lunn 50 King William William Lipscombe 300 do. Jacob Sellars 353 King & Queen James Taylor & Tho. Pettis 576 Blackwater Swamp William Williams 400 King William Nich'o Rodes 91 Nansemond BenJ'a Rogers 340 do. Steph'n & Tho. Cowling 250 Henrico John Robinson 881 Nansemond Francis Mllner 300 do. Jno. Murdah 46 do. Rowland Gwinn 200 Upper Chippoake Walter Cock Sr. 350 Kenrlco Henry Mayes 292 Charles City William Temple 627 Henrico John Woodson 2700 Middlesex Henry Thacker 77 Henrico Matthew Branch Esq. 710 do. John Farlar 471 Middlesex Thomas Stapleton 125 Nansemond Robert Rogers 234 do. Wm. Jones Jr. 267 Norfolk Edw'd Wood Jr. 50 Nansemond Abraham Edward 100 do. Joseph Cooper 276 King & Queen Jno. Pigg 1000 Henrico James Thweat 234 Nansemond Andrew Ross 87 Henrico James Ttrweat 223 Middlesex Jno. Sandlford 150 New Kent Geo. Aalves 1668 Essex Harry Beverly Arth'r Smith 750 Isle of Wight 500 Gloucester Jno. Stubbs 50 King & Queen Wm. Jones 420 King & Queen and Essex Harry Beverly 2300 Nansemond Richard Sanders 127 King & Queen Francis Major w King William Thomas Parker Charles City Drury Stith 680 (75) County Henrico Gloucester Accomack Princess Anne New Kent Northampton Middlesex King & Queen To Whom Granted Francis' Eppes Esq. Mordecal Cook Rowland Savage Wm . Grant Jno. Snead Pelrce Davis Rebecca Mason C C. Thacker No. of Acres 4000 1200 500 150 50 350 120 130 List of Patents Signed In April 1704 Essex Elizabeth City Charles City New Kent Gloucester Essex Nansemond King William New Kent York Charles City Nansemond King & Queen Gloucester New Kent Gloucester New Kent Charles City Essex Ac oomack Andrew Harrison Tho: Poole Robert West Francis Clark Robert Porteus Andrew Harrison John May Tho: Tinsley Thomas Tinsley Wm. Soott Edward Merrick John Rldsdalle John Cook Wm. Lowry Wm. Johnson John Coleman Robert Brookes Thos. Gregson James Doughty Wm. Bassett Geo: Lovell Wm. Pat ti sob: Robert Mum ford Lewis Conner Edward Lewis Robert Dowglass Anne Forrest Evan Jones Wm. Collawns Wm. Thornton Dunkin Bohannon James Ranson David CI arks on Tho: Butts Joan Liscomb Clara Robinson Ben J: Robinson Ann Hays Thomas Pre e son 1100 474 298 282 692 813 191 1400 1000 156 1014 92 47 1044 550 1200 650 37 308 1000 1100 300 50 90 400 150 200 442 200 110 145 40 100 296 432 860 655 685 200 C C. Thacker, Clk. (76) List of Patents granted for Land in Henrico County October 26th. 1704 Name Acres Jeremiah Benskin 324 Walter Scot 250 Rob't Eastley 315 Thomas Andrews 394 Philip Jones 13 John Parkinson 212 Tho: Jefferson 628 John Pleasants 286 John Granger 72 John Gill 235 Cha: Cozens 362 Rob't Woodson 171 Peter Renlett 200 Cha: Evans 383 Win. Byrd Esq 3664 Win. Byrd Esq. 507 (77) A List of Patents for Land Signed May the Second, 1705 County Prince George New Kent Nansemond King & Queen Henri oo Essex New Kent Charles City Isle of Wight James City King William Elizabeth City Princess Anne Accomack Elizabeth City Henrico King & Queen New Kent Northampton Nansemond To Whom Granted Adam Heath Stephen Sunter Thomas Strutton Wm. Major Henry Hackle y James Collins Henry Jenkins Timothy Conner John Wyatt Wm. Jones Charles Evans Jno. Stewart Jr. Wm. Hatcher Allen Clarke et al Jno. Boiling et al Richard Covington et al James Boughan et al David Bray et al Wm. Tomlin Augustin Smith John Talliaferro Augustin Smith John Salmon et al John Slay et al Wm. Tomlin et al John Hamlin Charles Evans Wm. Jolly Wm. Barrett Wm. Johnson Sam'l Williams et al Chris 'r Pearson Abr. Willaroy Wm. Standard Wm. Wilson Owen Matthews John Griffin Walter Bayly Matthew Watts Robert Boiling Mary Ascough Mary Leigh et al Mary Leigh et al John Parke Edmund Jennings Esq. Thomas Jackson Hancock Custis Anne Hall Wm. Waterfelld Joseph Benthall John Adlson Eliz'h Webb Thomas Milner Acres 681 200 332 150 700 164 132 1420 700 523 140 850 550 945 1100 646 2000 6500 294 2359 220 1050 427 3288 550 550 176 634 55 4900 400 106 137 980 200 140 150 150 50 50 633 200 600 650 350 200 50 100 200 33 150 (78) A List of Patents for Land Signed May 2nd 1705 (continued) County Nansemond Prince George of Surry York To Whom Granted Rich'd Sumner James Copeland John Benton Wm. Sumner Ben J 1 Evans Edward Thomas Acres 96 300 93 76 300 220 C. C. Thacker, Depty. Secty. Vlrg'a (79) List of Patents Signed in April General Court 1706 County Acres To Whom Granted Surveyed By Date Surry 1000 Francis Clements Arthur Allen Mar. 18-1705/6 do. 50 Joseph Proctor do. Sep. 9-1705 do. 580 Wm. Cocke do. Mar. 19-1705/6 do. 150 Tho. Bentley do. Mar. 11-1705/6 do. 1000 Ben J* a Harrison Esq. do. Mar. 12-1705/6 do. 180 Tho. King do. Apr. 3-1705 do. 150 Wm. Rhodes do. do. do. 200 Nlch'o Smith do. do. Prince George 16 Rich'd Bland Rob't Boiling Jan. 19-1704/5 do. 43 Rich'd Bland do. Jan. 8-1704/5 Essex 171 Edw'd Barrow Cha. Smith Apr. 19-1705 do. 1234 Gawin Corbin Deserted — do. 65 Tho. Me rri weather do. — do 103$ John Harper «.« — do. 100 John Harper «»■* — Ellz'a City ii Robert Saylor •»» — do. 274 Wm. Mallory Wm. Lowrey Dec. 29-1698 New Kent 1900 Dudley Digges Deserttd — do. 850 Roger Thomson — — Henrico 1468 Charles Evans Deserted — do. 570 Rich'd Cocke Jr. do. — Princess Anne 447 John Carraway Sr. Lem'll Newton May 22-1705 do. 176 Thomas Wiles do. May 18-1705 Norfolk 150 William Maund do. May 10-1705 do. 45 Thomas Cherry do. Oct. 5-1705 King & Queen 211 Jane King Deserted -- do. 1245 John Major do. — Accomack 500 Tully Robinson Edm' Scarburgh Sep. 28-1705 Gloucester 335 George Billops Deserted — Nansemond 250 Wm . Parke r do. — Isle of Wight 380 Nlch'o Fulgham do. — Northampton 330 Tho. Smith Edm'd Scarburgh May 19-1704 King & Queen 546 John Hurt Rich'd Whitehead Mar. 27-1701 James City 130 Naz'th Whitehead — — King Wm. 107 Orlando Jones Deserted — Prince George 351 Robert Munford Rob't Boiling Jr. Jan. 23-1705/6 do. 405 John Anderson & Rob't Munford do. Jan. 24-1705/6 do. 1973 Col. Rob't Boiling Sr. do. Deo. 20-1705 Essex 145 Thomas Corbin Harry Beverley Dec. 28-1705 King Wm. 1091 John Kimbro Deserted — Henrico 190 Worsham Rich'd Liggon Mar. 15-1705/6 Ellz'a City 120 Rob't Beverley No Survey __ King & Queen 2763 Col. James Taylor Harry Beverly Apr. 5-1706 Henrico 5644 Rich'd Bland Deserted __ New Kent 300 David Holt, Minor By order of ye Gen 1 11 Court rene iwed — Prince Geo. 4583 Benj'a Harrison — — (80) A List of Patents Signed October 1706 County Acres Charles City 288 Prince Geo. 5037 To Whom Granted Thomas Hardyway John Sadler of London, Grocer and the Rev. Jos: Riohardson, Clerk, husband of Elianor Richardson, Executrix of Thomas Qulny late of London, Brewer Surveyed By Rob t Boiling Jr. do. Date Nov. 23-1705 Jan. 1704/5 New Kent 200 Henry Bows James Minge Oct. 6-1702 Surry, Blackwater 250 Thomas Pitman Jr. Arthur Allen Feb. 28-1705/6 Charles City 354 John Roper Rob't Boiling Jr. Oct. 8-1705 Surry, Blackwater 128 Thomas Barrow Arthur Allen Oct. 8-1705 Surry, Northside Notoway River 446 John Barker Thomas Swann Dec. 7-1702 Prince Geo. 1001 John Evans Rob f t Boiling Jr. Jan. 28-1705/6 Surry, N.side, Notoway River 530 Abra. Evans Thomas Swann Oct. 7-1702 Isle of Wight 160 Edward Boykln Arthur Allen Feb. 25-1705/6 (Blackwater) Surry, Blackwater 320 Thomas Blunt do. Mar. 7-1707/8 Prince Geo. 498 Thomas Wynn Rob't Boiling Jr. Apr. 30-1706 Prince Geo., Blackwater 347 Charles Williams do. Jan. 10-1705/6 Nansemond 530 William Vann Thomas Milner Mar. 20-1705/6 do. 42 William Splght do. Mar. 23-1705/6 Charles City 33 Thomas Davis Rob't Boiling Jr. May 17-1705 Nansemond, Blackwater 350 Robert Carr Thomas Milner Apr. 4-1706 Prince Geo. 333 John Poythers Sr. Rob't Boiling Jr. Apr. 4-1706 Essex 55i John Parker Charles Smith June 13-1705,^ Henrico 608 Charles Hudson & John Bradley Richard Llgon May 3-1705/6 Nansemond 254 John Drury Thomas Milner Apr. 3-1706 Prince Geo. 429 Edward Richardson Rob't Boiling Jr. May 14-1705 King William 950 Thomas Johnson Harry Beverly July 23-1705 Isle of Wight, So. side of Blackwater 540 Edward Harris Arthur Allen Feb. 26-1705/6 Surry, S.side of Blackwater 150 Jeremiah Ellis do. Mar. 8-1705/6 Nansemond 143 Henry Core Thomas Milner Apr. 4-1706 New Kent 36 George Lovell James Minge Oct. 20-1705 Henrico 1150 Capt. Thomas Cocke Richard Llgon Apr. 29-1704 Surry, S.side of Blackwater 330 James Blnam Arthur Allen Mar. 7-1705/6 King William 450 Samuel Normant Harry Beverly Aug. 22-1706 Nottaway River 2000 Maj'r Charles Goodrich Thomas Swan Nov. 30-1702 Essex 37 Henry Boughan Harry Beverly Apr. 2-1706 Prince George, Notaway River 431 John Freeman Rob't Boiling Jr. Dec. 17-1705 Prince George 153 Thomas Parram do. Dec. 17-1705 (81) List of Patents Signed Oct. 1706 (continued) County Acres To Whom Granted Surve; yed By Date Prince George Southside of Nottaway 219 Robert Rives Rob't Boiling Jr. Jan. 25-1705/6 Princess Ann 51 Dan'l Leonard Lemuel Newton Nov. 27-1705 Nansemond 467 John Small Thomas Milner Mar. 25-1706/7 Princess Ann 237 Capt. Horatio Woodhouse Lemuel Newton Mar. 12-1705/6 do. 100 Thomas Scott do Oct. 23-1705 Essex 275 John Glddian Charles Smith Nov. 24-1705 do. 149£ Col. Rich'd Covington do June 14-1705 do. 816 Samuel Dachlmin do, Oct. 26-1705 Nansemond 250 Joseph Daniel Thomas Milner Mar. 22-1705/6 do. 54 Joseph Meredeth do, Mar. 19-1705/6 Surry, S. side of Blackwater 220 Thomas Halleman Arthur Allen Feb. 27-1705/6 do. 220 William Rogers Jr. do, Mar. 9-1705/6 do. 170 Benj'a Harrison Esq. do Mar. 8-1705/6 do. 200 Thomas Hunt do Mar. 9-1705/6 Henrico 97 Philimon Childres Richard Ligon Feb. 16-1704/5 do. 850 Abraham Michaux do, Apr. 11-1706 do. 285 Charles Evans Lapsed : from Rich'd Ligon & James Ekers Jr. do. 311 Francis Epps Lapsed Warwick 132 Samuel Groves do. do. 87 Enos Mackintosh do. Essex 30 Ann Gregson do. do. 37 Ann Gregson do. Nansemond 60 Christopher Norfleet Escheat Land do. 106 Francis Benton 11 11 do. 214 Richard Webb 11 11 do. 106 Wm . Ward 11 H do 148 Nicholas Hunter & Elizabeth his wife in behalf of themselves 11 II & Francis Benton, an infant do. 148 John Heslett & Sarah his wife in behalf of themselves and " II David Rice, an infant do. 48 John Hare 11 II Accomack 345 John West & Charles Bailey II York 150 200 William Sheldon n II King Sc Queen John Baylor 11 II Gloucester 180 Eliz'a Collier, Edw'd Collier & Sarah Collier 11 II Henrico 522 Anthony Trlbue Richard Ligon Feb. 24-1705/6 Prince George 358 John Sadler, Citizen & Robert Boiling Nov. 5-1705 Grocer of London & the Rev. Joseph Richardson Clerk, Husband of Elianor Richardson, Executrix of Thomas Qulny late of London, Brewer Fork Mattopony River 2000 John Kaddison & Henry Pigg Harry Beverly Mar. 23-1705/6 (82) List of Patents Signed Oct. 1706 (continued) County Acres King & Queen I658 On fork of 1525 Mattapony River ditto King William 2000 470 Prince George 225 Accomack 900 do. 570 do. 550 Henrico 280 Isle of Wight 237 Charles City 1324 Prince George 422 Hjanrico 290 Prince George 327 Nansemond 443 New Kent 136 Henrico 1682 King William 550 Henrico 788 King & Queen and Essex 3000 Prince George 450 King & Queen 758 New Kent 361 King & Queen 300 Essex 100 Charles City 288 Prince George 5037 New Kent Surry, Blackwater Charles City Surry, Blackwater Surry, N'side Nottaway River Prince George Surry, N'side Nottaway River Isle of Wight Blackwater 200 250 554 446 1001 130 160 To Whom Granted Rob't Robinson Jno. Rogers, Peter Roge Edw'd Pigg, Jno. York & Tho. Gresham John Pigg & John May Ambrose Lipscomb George Pasmore & John Peterson Ellz'a Scarburgh widow & Anthony West ditto Rob't Watson & David Watson Stephen Chaistain John Parnell & Wm. Jolley Tho. Christian & Edm'd New Jr. Wm. Rives Matt. Ligon & Rlch'd Ligon Jr. Henry Michael Jr. John Hidgepath Jr. Nath'a West George Robertson C C Thacker Charles Evans William Hall Rob't Boiling Jr. John Richards Jeremiah Lindsey Roger Grigory Robert Richardson Thomas Hardyway John Sadler of London, Grocer & the Reverend Jos. Richardson, Clerk, husband of Elianor Richardson, Executrix of Tho. Quiny late of London, Brewer) Henry Bows James Mlnge Surveyed By Date Harry Beverly rs, do. Aug. Mar. 29-1706 26-1706/7 do. Harry Beverly by Order Court Mar. Aug. 24-1705/6 25-1706 John Boiling Edmund Scarburgh Apr. May 22-1706 22-1706 do. do. do. Richard Ligon Thomas Swann May Apr. Nov. 1-1706 25-1706 19-1702 Robert Boiling Nov. 27-1705 do. Richard Ligon Jan. Mar. 19-1705/6 15-1706 Rob't Boiling Thomas Milner James Mlnge Lapsed Land Apr. Jan. Oct. 3-1706 18-1705 26-1705 Richard Ligon Nov. 2-1705 Lapsed Land Harry Beverly Escheat Land 11 11 Dec. 13-1705 n 11 Rob't Boiling Jr. do. Nov. Jan. 23-1705 1705/6 Thomas Pittman Jr. John Roper 528 Thomas Barrow John Barker John Evans Abra. Evans Edward Boykln Arthur Allen Rob't Boiling Jr. Arthur Allen Thomas Swan Rob't Boiling Jr. Thomas Swann Arthur Allen Oct. 6-1702 Feb. 28-1705 Oct. 8-1705 Mar. 8-1705 Dec. 7-1702 Jan. 28-1705/6 Dec. 7-1702 Feb. 26-1705 (83) County List of Patents Signed Oct. 1706 (Continued) Acres To Whom Granted Surveyed By Date Surry, Blackwater 320 Thomas Blunt Arthur Allen Mar. 7-1705 Prince George 498 Thomas Wynn Rob't Bailing Jr. Apr. 4-1706 So. Blackwater 347 Charles Williams do. Feb. 18-1705/6 Nansemond Surry, Blackwater 280 William Speir Thomas Milher Mar. 26-1706 200 Joseph Wall Jr. Arthur Allen Feb. 28-1705 Nansemond 130 William Vaun Thomas Milner Mar. 20-1705 do. 42 William Spight Thomas Milner Mar. 23-1705 Charles City 98 Thomas Davis Rob't Boiling Jr. Oct. 10-1705 Nansemond, Blackwater 350 Robert Carr Thomas Milner Apr. 4-1706 Prince George 333 John Poythres Sr. Robert Boiling Jr do. Essex 55* John Parker Charles Smith June 15-1705 Henrico 608 Cha. Hudson & John Bradley Rich'd Ligon May 3-1705 Nansemond 254 John Drury Thomas Milner Apr. 4-1706 Prince George 429 Edw'd Richardson Rob't Boiling Jr. May 14-1705 King William 950 Thomas Johnson Harry Beverly July 25-1705 Isle of Wight, 540 Edward Harris Arthur Allen Feb. 26-1705 S'side Blackwater Surry, S'side Blackwater 150 Jeremiah Ellis Arthur Allen Mar. 8-1705 Nansemond 143 Henry Core Thomas Milner Apr. 4-1706 New Kent 36 George Love 11 James Kinge Oct. 20-1705 Henrico 1150 Capt. Thomas Cocke Richard Ligon Apr. 29-1704 Surry, S'side Blackwater 330 James Binam Arthur Allen Mar. 7-1705 King William 410 Samuel Norment Harry Beverly Aug. 22-1706 Nottaway River 2000 MaJ'r Charles Goodrich Thomas Swann Nov. 30-1702 Essex 37 Henry Baughan Harry Beverly Apr. 2-1706 Prince George, Nottaway River 431 John Freeman Rob't Boiling Jr. Dec. 17-1705 Prince George 153 Thomas Par rum do. Jan. 25-1705/6 Prince George, S.side Nottawaj ' 219 Robert Rives do. Apr. 2-1706 Princess Anne 51 Daniell Leonard Sam '11 Newton Nov. -27-1705 Nansemond 467 John Small Tho. Milner Mar. 25-1706 Princess Anne 237 Capt. Horatio Woodhouse Sam '11 Newton Mar. 12-1705 do, 100 Thomas Scott do, Oct. 23-1705 Essex 275 John Giddian Charles Smith Nov. 25-1705 do. 149* Col. Rich'd Covington do. June 14-1705 Princess Anne 816 Samuel Duchlmin Charles Smith Oct. 26-1705 Nansemond 205 Joseph Daniell Thomas Milner Mar. 22-1705 do. 511 Joseph Meredith do. Mar. •19^1705 Surry, S.side Blackwater 220 Tho. Halloman Arthur Allen Feb. 27-1705 do. 220 Wm. Rogers Jr. do. Mar. 9-1705 do. 170 Benj'a Harrison Esq. do. Mar. 8-1705 do. 200 Thomas Hunt do. Mar. 7-1705 Henrico 97 Phlloman Childres Richard Ligon Feb. 16-1704 do. 850 Abraham Michaux do. Apr. 11-1706 do. 285 Charles Evans Lapsed Land do. 211 Fra: Eppes (84) County List of Patents Signed Oct. 1706 (continued) Acres Warwick 132 do. 87 Essex 90 do 97 Nansemond 60 do. 106 do. 214 do. J06 do. 148 To Whom Granted Samuel Groves Enos Mackintosh Anne Gregson do Christopher Norfleet Fra: Benton Richard Webb Wm. Ward Nicholas Hunter & Eliz'a, his wife in behalf of themselves & Fra: Benton an infant Surveyed By Date Lapsed Land >¥ Escheat Land ti n The List of Patents continued Nansemond do. Accomack York King & Queen Gloucester 148 118 345 150 200 180 Henrico 522 Prince George 2208 Fork Mattopony River 2000 King & Queen 1618 Fork Mattopony 1525 River Ditto 2000 King William 470 Prince George 225 Accomack 900 do. do. 170 550 John Heslett & Sarah Escheat Land his wife in behalf of themselves & David Rice, an infant John Hare M M John West & Charles Bailey " M William Sheldon " " John Baylor M " Eliz'a Collier, " H Edw'd Collier & Sarah Collier Anthony Tribue Richard Ligon John Sadler, Citizen & Rob't Boiling Grocer of London & the Rev. Joseph Richardson, Clerk, husband of Elianor Richardson, Executrix of Thomas Quiny late of London, brewer Feb. 24-1705/6 Nov. 5-1705 John Maddlson & Henry Pigg Rob't Robinson Jno. Rogers, Pet'r Rogers, Edw'd Pigg, Jno. York & Tho. Gresham Rob't Farrish, John Pigg & John May Ambrose Lipscomb Harry Beverly Harry Beverly do. do. George Pasmore & John Peterson Eliz'a Scarburgh widow & Anthony West do. Rob't Watson & David Watson do. by order court Robert Boiling Edmund Scarburgh do. do. Mar. 23-1705/6 Aug. 29-1706 Mar. 26-1706 Mar. 21-1705/6 Aug. 25-1706 Apr. 22-1706 May 22-1706 do. May 5-1706 (85) County Acres To Whom Granted Henrico 280 Stephen Chastaln Isle of Wight 237 John Parnell & Wm. Jolley Charles City 1324 Tho. Christian & Edm'd New Jr. Prince Geo. 422 Wm. Rives Henrloo 290 Matt'w Llgon & Rlch'd Llgon Jr. Prince George 327 Henry Mitchell Jr. Nansemond 443 John Hldgepath Jr. New Kent 136 Nath'a Smith Henrico 1682 George Robertson King William 550 C. C. Thacker Henrico 788 Charles Evans King & Queen & Essex 3000 William Hall Prince George 450 Robert Boiling Jr King & Queen 758 John Richards New Kent 361 Jeremiah Llndsey King & Queen 300 Roger Grigory Essex 100 Robert Richardson A List of Patents Prepared to be Signed Oct Charles City 288 Prince George 5037 Thomas Hardyway John Sadler of London, Grocer & the Reverend Jos. Richardson, Clerk, husband of Ellanor Richardson Executrix of Tho. Quiny late of London, brewer Surveyed By Date Richard Llggon Apr. 25-1706 Thomas Swann Nov. 19-1705 Robert Boiling do Nov. Jan. 27-1705 19-1705/6 Richard Ligon Robert Boiling Thomas Milner James Mlnge Lapsed Land Mar. Apr. Jan. Oot. 15-1705/6 3-1706 18-1705 26-1705 Richard Ligon Nov. 2-1705 Lapsed Land Harry Beverly Escheat Land II M II H Dec. 13-1705 Signed Oct. 1706 Rob't Boiling Jr. do. . Nov. Jan. 23-1705 1705/6 New Kent 200 Henry Bows Surry, Blackwater 250 Thomas Pittman Jr. Charles City 554 John Roper Surry, Blackwater 128 Thomas Barrow Surry, N'slde Nottoway River 446 John Barker Prince George 1001 John Evans Surry, N'slde Nottoway River 130 Abraham Evins Isle of Wight, Blackwater 160 Edward Boykin Surry, Blackwater 320 Thomas Blunt Prince George 498 Thomas Wyn Prince George, Blackwater 347 Charles Williams Nansemond 280 William Speir Surry, Blackwater 200 Joseph Wall Jr. Nansemond 130 William Vann do. 42 William Spight Charles City 33 Thomas Davis James Mlnge Arthur Allen Rob't Boiling Jr. Arthur Allen Thomas Swan Rob't Boiling Jr. Thomas Swann Arthur Allen do. Rob't Boiling Jr. do. Thomas Milner Arthur Allen Thomas Milner do. Rob't Boiling Jr. Oot. 6-1702 Feb. Oct. 20-1705 8-1705 Mar. 8-1705 Dec Jan. Dec Feb. Mar. Apr. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Oct. 7-1702 28-1705/6 7-1702 26-1705 7-1705 3-1706 18-1705/6 25-1706 28-1705 20-1705 23-1705 10-1705 (86) County Acres Nansemond, Blackwater 350 Prince George 333 Essex 55i Henrico 608 Nansemond 254 Prince George 429 King William 950 Isle of Wight, 540 3' side Blackwater Surry, S'side Blackwater 150 Nansemond 143 New Kent 36 Henrico 1150 Surry, S'side Blackwater 330 King William 410 Nottoway River 2000 Essex 37 Prince George, Nottoway River 431 Prince George 153 Prince George, S'side Nottoway 219 Princess Anne 51 Nansemond 467 Princess Anne 237 do. 100 Essex 275 do 149-1- do. 816 Nansemond 205 do. 54 Surry, S'side Blackwater 220 do. 220 do . 170 do. 200 Henrico 97 do. 850 do. 285 do. 311 Warwick 132 do. 87 Essex 30 do. 97 Nansemond 60 do. 106 do. 214 do. 106 do. 148 To Whom Granted Robert Carr John Poythers Sr. John Parker Cha: Hudson & John Bradley John Drury Edw'd Richardson Thomas Johnson Edward Harris Jeremiah Ellis Henry Core George Lovell Capt. Thomas Cocke James Binam Samuel Norment MaJ'r Charles Goodrich Henry Boughan John Freeman Thomas Parrum Robert Rives Daniel 1 Lenard John Small Capt. Horatio Woodhouse Thomas Scott John Glddian Col. Rich'd Covington Samuel Duchlmin Joseph Danlell Joseph Meredeth Tho. Halleman Wm. Rogers Jr. Benj'a Harrison Esq. Thomas Hunt Phillmon Chllders Abraham Mlchaux Charles Evans Francis Epes Samuel Groves Enos Mackintosh Anne Gregson do. Cha: Norfleet Francis Benton Richard Webb Wm. Ward Nich'o Hunter & Eliz'a his wife in behalf of themselves & Fra: Benton an Infant Surveyed By Date Thomas Milner Apr. 4-1706 Rob't Boiling Jr. Apr. 4-1706 Charles Smith June 10-1705 Rich'd Ligon May 3-1705 Thomas Milner Apr. 3-1706 Rob't Boiling Jr. May 14-1705 Harry Beverly July 23-1705 Arthur Alien Feb. 26-1705 Arthur Allen Mar. 8-1705 Thomas Milner Apr. 4-1706 James Minge Oct. 20-1705 Rich'd Ligon Apr. 29-1704 Arthur Allen Ma?. 7-1705 Harry Beverly Aug. 22-1706 Thomas Swann Nov. 30-1702 Harry Beverly Apr. 2-1706 Rob't Boiling Jr. Dec. 12-1705 do. Jan. 25-1705 Rob't Boiling Jr. Apr. 2-1706 Sam '11 Newton Nov. 27-1705 Tho. Milner Mar. 25-1706 Sam '11 Newton Mar. 12-1705 do. Out. 23-1705 Charles Smith Nov. 24-1705 do. June 14-1705 do. Oct. 26-1705 Thomas Milner Mar. 22-1705 do. Mar. 19-1705 Arthur Allen Feb. 27-1705 do. Mar. 9-1705 do. Mar. 8-1705 do. Mar. 7-1705 Richard Ligon Feb. 16-1704 do. Apr. 11-1706 Lapsed Land ii ii it it n it it tt Escheat Land (87) County Acres To Whom Granted Surveyed By Date Nansemond 148 John Heslett & Sarah his wife on behalf of themselves & David Rice, an infant Escheat Land do. 118 John Hare ii it Accomack 345 John West & Cha. Baily ii ii York 150 William Sheldon ii ii King & Queen 200 John Baylor ii ii Gloucester 180 Eliz'a Collier, Edw'd Collier <$: Sarah Collier ii ii Henrico 522 Anthony Tribue Rich'd Ligon Feb. 24-1705/6 New Kent 1900 Tho. Bradley & Charles Fleming Val. Minge Nov. 5-1706 Prince George 2208 John Sadler, Citizen & Grocer of London & the Rev'd Jos. Richardson, Clk, husband of Elianor Richardson Rob't Boiling Jr. Nov. 5-1705 Executrix of Thomas Quiny late of London, brewer King & Queen 255 Daniell King Harry Beverly July 24-1707 Fork Mattapony 1330 Francis Shackelford Charles Smith Apr. 11-1705 King William 200 John Waller Mary Herbert's patent i Apr. 25-1707 lapsed iated Essex 1071 Charles Smith Henry Benson's patent i Nov. 5-1675 Lapsed Sated York 100 John Northern John Underhill Mar. 6-1666/7 Isle of Wight, Black water 250 James Atkinson Jr. Arthur Allen Apr. 4-1707 Surry, Blackwater 1400 Tho: Jamill & Joseph Lane Nath*ll Harrison do. Mar. 21-1706 Surry 260 do. Mar. 5-1706 Surry, Notoway 330 William Edwards do. Mar. 20-1706 Prince George 964 Nicholas Overby Rob't Boiling Jr. July 20-1706/7 Isle of Wight, Blackwater 190 Francis Hutchlns John Allen Nov. 15-1707 do. 3435 Barnaby Mackqulny Arthur Allen Sep. 25-1706 Surry, Blackwater 1120 William Hunt John Allen Sep. 15-1707 Isle of Wight, Blackwater 115 Sarah Reddyhoe Arthur Allen Oct. 23-1706 Ditto 1700 Richard Exum do. Apr. 9-1707 Henrico 1029 Joseph Pleasants Richard Ligon Oct. 30-1706 Isle of Wight, 215 S'slde Blackwater Edward Jones John Allen July 16-1707 Surry, Blackwater 250 William Brown do. Oct. 9-1707 Isle of Wight 16 Richard Reynolds do. Aug. 16-1707 Prince George 401 Richard Hudson Rob't Boiling Jr. Oct. 24-1706 Henrico 577 Charles Evans Richard Ligon Feb. 9-1705 Isle of Wight, s side Nottawa, V 445 John Simmons Arthur Allen Mar. 25-1707 Isle of Wight, 200 John Teas ley John Allen Nov. 11-1707 S'side Blackwater (88) County Acres To Whom Granted Surveyed By Date Surry, S'side Nottaway 400 George Wye he John Allen Sep. 13-1707 do. 300 Joseph John Jackman do. Sep. 1-1707 Surry, South West Side Nottoway 50 do do. Nov. 21-1707 Surry, S'side Blackwater 330 John Jones do. Sep. 8-1707 Do. 540 Richard Parker do. Sep. 12-1707 Isle of Wight, 815 Nath'll Ridley Arthur Allen Mar. 28-1707 S'side Blackwater do. 475 Edw'd Goods on & Mat: Rushin do. Apr. 10-1707 Prince George 401 William Malse Rob't Boiling Jr. Oct. 24-1706 Henrico 365 James Legran Richard Ligon Mar. 8-1705/6 Isle of Wight, S'side Nottoway 360 William Gray Jr. Arthur Allen Mar. 19-1706 do. 140 Thomas Hunt John Allen Aug. 11-1707 Isle of Wight, Blackwater 245 William Kinhln Arthur Allen Apr. 4-1707 Isle 6f Wight, Blackwater 670 Barnaby Mackquiny Arthur Allen ? do. 545 do. do. Feb. 27-1706 do. 1240 Richard Washington do. Apr. 8-1707 do. 300 do. do, Oct. 25-1706 King William 670 Edmund Jenlngs Esq. Harry Beverly Feb. 24-1706 do. 3330 do. do. do. Essex 66 James Boughan do. May 21-1707 Isle of Wight, S'side Notaway 570 William Edwards Arthur Allen Mar. 21-1706 do. 480 Benj'a Chapman do. Oct. 23-1706 Prince George, S'side Notaway 225 Robert Lanier do. Mar. 28-1707 Henrico 272 George Hunt Richard Ligon Mar. 26-1703 Isle of Wight, Blackwater 850 Richard Washington Arthur Allen Apr. 11-1707 do. 350 Tho: Kirby do. Sep. 28-1706 do. 375 Benj'a Evans do. Oct. 28-1706 Princess Anne 374 Thomas Ivy Sam'l Newton Apr. 24-1706 King & Queen 420 John B roc he Harry Beverly Sep. 13-1706 Charles City 128 John Hunt Rob't Boiling Jr. Sep. 20-1706 Prince George 422 William Rives do. Jan. 19-1705/6 King & Queen 1618 Robert Robinson Harry Beverly July 8-1706 Fork Mattapony 2000 Jno. Maddison & Henry Pigg do. Mar. 23-1705/6 King & Queen 640 Wm. Kilping do. Oct. 3-1706 Prince George 225 Geo. Pasemore & Jno. Peterson Rob't Boiling Jr. Aug. 2-1706 Fork Mattapony 1525 Jno. Rogers. Peter Rogers, Edward Pigg, Harry Beverly Mar. 26-1706 John York & Tho. Gresham Prince George 64 John Hardyman Rob't Boiling Jfr. Sep. 24-1705/6 (89) County Acres King & Queen in Fork Mattapony 1260 Surry 185 King & Queen in fork Mattapony 740 Essex New Kent Accomack 237 1433 900 Henrico 280 Fork Mattapony 2000 Accomack 550 do. 170 Henrico 2827 New Kent 361 Eliz'a City 200 Henrico 400 do. 37 Isle of Wight, Blackwater 580 Henrico 232 do. 130 do. 950 do. 250 do. 138 do. 1427 Prince George 283 King & Queen 60 do. 300 Henrico 1430 Isle of Wight, Blackwater 230 do. 1750 Surry, Blackwater 1670 do. 510 To Whom Granted Surveyed By Date Sam'l Williams & Jno. Bannister Harry Beverly Sep. 19-1706 Wm. Thomas of Isle of Wight Arthur Allen Aug. 5-1706 Rice Williams & Jno. Downer Harry Beverly — Roger Preaohard do. Sep. 7-1706 James Taylor Val. Mlnge Apr. 5-1706 Eliz'a Scarburgh & Anthony West Edm'd Scarburgh May 22-1706 Stephen Chastaln Rich'd Ligon Apr. 25-1706 Robert Farish, John Pigg & John May Harry Beverly Mar. 21-1705/6 Rob't Watson & David Watson Edm'd Scarburgh May 1-1706 Eliz'a Scarburgh & Anth'o West do. May 22-1705 Fra: Epes, Rlch'd Kennon , Rich'd Ligon Apr. 2-1690 Joseph Royall, Geo. Archer Jeremiah Lindsey James Mlnge Sep. 25-1705 Wm. Armi stead Wm. Lowry Nov. 26-1706 Peter Dutoy Rich'd Ligon Feb. 10-1706/7 Stephen Chastaln Rob't Boiling Jr. — John Lawrence Arthur Allen Sep. 26-1706 Abraham S»*ll« Rob't Boiling Jr. — Henry Clay Rich'd Ligon Mar. 18-1705/6 Wm. Worneck do. Apr. 1-1706 Stephen Mallett do. Oct. 20-1706 Stephen Chastaln do. Feb. 11-1706/7 Charles Fleming do. Aug. 11-1706 Matt'w Mays, Henry Mays Rob't Boiling Jr. Dec. 6-1706 Timothy Conners Harry Beverly July 24-1707 Roger Gregory Charles Fleming Rich'd Ligon Nov. 15-1706 Edward Stephens Arthur Allen Sep. 23-1706 Nathan' 1 Harrison do. Mar. 18-1706 do. do. Mar. 5-1706 do. do. Dec. 11-1706 (90) County Acres To Whom Granted Surveyed By Date Surry, Blackwater 180 The Harrison Arthur Allen Dec. 3-1706 do. 275 Charles Briggs do. Nov. 7-1706 do. 830 Wm. Edmonds do. Nov. 23-1706 do. 180 Tho. Harrison do. Dec. 3-1706 do. 440 Tho. Atkins & Peter Bagley do. Mar. 7-1706 do. 350 Wm. Edwards do. Oct. 18-1706 do. 290 Sam*l Briggs do. Nov. 6-1706 do. 1530 Benj'a Harrison do. Nov. 25-1706 do. 140 James Blnam do. Mar. 10-1706 Isle of Wight, Blackwater 290 Thomas Hart do. Oct. 22-1706 do. 200 John Wapple do. Mar. 12-1706 do. 1275 Wm. Edwards do. Oct. 16-1706 do. 500 Robert Hodge do. Aug. 30-1706 do. 190 Edward Boykin do. Apr. 4-1707 Do. 95 John Vawhan do. Mar. 28-1707 Do. 260 Wm. Brown do. May 1-1707 do. 380 John Allen do. Mar. 25-1707 do. 130 John Ployman do. Mar. 27-1707 do. 170 Rlch'd Vick do. May 1-1707 do. 217 Joseph Wall Jr. do. Nov. 7-1706 do, 6365 Henry Harrison & Philip Lodwell Esq. do. Dec. 2-1706 do. 200 Rlch'd Drake do. Oct. 20-1706 do. 545 Ethelred Taylor do. Oct. 24-1706 do. 220 Wm. Mayo do. Sep. 27-1706 do. 380 Benj'a Chapman do. Oct. 23-1706 do. 150 George Wyech do. Mar. 27-1707 do. 325 Philip Ray ford do. Sep. 24-1706 do. 230 John Denson do. Sep. 25-1706 do. 270 Brldgman Joynes Jr. do. Aug. 27-1706 do. 800 Brldgman Joynes do. Sep. 28-1706 do. 320 Barth'o Andross do. Oct. 24-1706 do. 200 Rlch'd Reynolds Jr. do. Oct. 21-1706 do. 345 Theophilus Joynes do. Sep. 28-1706 do. 420 James Denson do. Apr. 28-1707 do. 230 Thomas Drake do. Sep. 27-1706 do. 430 Wm. Brown do. Oct. 31-1706 Fork Mat tap on y 431 John Shackelford Charles Smith Nov. 3-1705 Isle of Wight, Blackwater 745 Wm. Brown & Tho. Blunt Arthur Allen Oct. 29-1706 do. 516 Francis Clements do- Mar. 26-1707 (91) 1710 - 1718 A LIST OF PATENTS granted for LAND in this Colony by The Honorable Alexander Spotswood, His Majesty's Lieuten't Governor & Commander in Chief of this Dominion. Acres County 47 James City 270 York 126 Elizabeth City 200 do. 82 James City 500 Gloucester 255 King & Queen 51 Gloucester 11 York 27g York 79 Norfolk 54 Nansemond 670 King William 20 Nansemond 33 Princess Anne 238 do. 35 do. 85 do. 104 do. 103 King & Queen 53 Accomack 44 Nansemond 217 Surry, Isle Wight 200 Surry 103 Norfolk 79 do. 206 Nansemond 112 do. 49 Princess Anne 46^ Gloucester 37 Essex I49i do. 60 King & Queen 464 Gloucester 76 New Kent 155 Princess Anne 202 do. 702 Nansemond 128 do. 294 Princess Anne 130 Nansemond 100 Princess Anne 752 do. 402 do. 503 Norfolk 1190 Princess Anne 327 Norfolk 267 Princess Anne To Whom Granted John Wade John Addis ton Rogers George Walker Nicholas Curie Henry Duke Esq. John Grymes Daniel King John Smith Esq Phillip Dumford William Moss William Miller Joseph Meredith Edmund Jenlngs Esq. John Yeates & William Edwards John Hopkins Edward Attwood Henry Spratt Henry Spratt George Kemp John Collier Littleton Robins Richard Parker Joseph Wall Jr. Joseph Wall Jr. William Powell William Powell & Robert Spring William Kelley Ephr. Peele & Joseph Peele Lemuel Newton John Lewis Esq., John Smith, Jno. Washington Jr. Henry Boughan Col. Rich 1 *} Covington Timothy Conner John Spinks Rob't Bradenham Christopher Cock John White hurst Ellas Ballard John Minshew John Molbone James Lockhart, Ben J. Lockhart, David Scott Jr. Capt. Francis Morse Capt. Francis Morse Thomas Herbert Evan Jones John Joyce, Nicholas Manning, John Taylor John Cornex Joseph Lockhart, John Lockhart Date 12-12-1710 do. 4-28-1711 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 6-20-1706 4-28-1711 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 4-12-1711 do. do. do. do. 4-28-1711 do. do. (92) Acres County To Whom Granted Date 304 Princess Anne Edw*d Lammount 4-28-1711 250 Isle of Wight Joshua Turner do. 352 Norfolk William Nicholson do. 383 Princess Anne William Nicholson do. 382 Norfolk Walter Bailey do. 1775 Princess Anne Lewis Conner do. 2540 do. John Fuloher do. 151 Nansemond Wm. Speight Jr. do. I65 Norfolk John Hodges, William Powell do. 204 Princess Anne Thomas Corprew do. 170 do. John Corprew do. 122 Nansemond Jno. & Ben J. Goodwin do. 207 do. Lewis Skinner do. 195 do. William Fryer do. 131 do. Edward Barnes do. 80 do. Robert Hooker do. 256 do. Henry Goodman do. 173 do. Wm. Crafford do. 170 do. Edward Arnold do. 374 Princess Anne Thomas Ivy do. 51 do. Daniel Lenard do. 57 Nansemond Robert Yeates do. 188 do. Robert Yeates do. 347 Princess Anne John Fulcher do. 49 Nansemond Tho. Duke Jr. & John Duke do. 180 do. Rich'd Malpas do. 93 Norfolk Jonah Holliday do. 104 Princess Anne Thomas Heath do. 72 do. Jno. Carraway Jr. do. 50 do. Francis Moore do. 305 Norfolk Jno. Portlock do. 60 Nansemond Christop'r Norflet do. 106 do. Wm. Ward do. 48 do. John Hare do. 148 do. John Heslett, his wife & David Rice do. 148 do. Nicholas Hunter, his wife & Francis Benton do. 106 do. Francis Benton do. 100 James City Frederick Jones do. 150 York Wm. Sheldon do. 300 King & Queen Roger Gregory do. 2208 Prince George John Sadler & Joseph Richardson , Clk. do. 5037 do. Ditto do. 470 Isle of Wight Jacob Durden do. 160 Norfolk Abraham Bruce do. 300 King William Edmund Jenings Esq. 12-19-1711 230 Henrico Abraham Salle do. 244 Charles City Silvanus Stokes Jr. do. 120 Norfolk Margery Jackson do. 48 York Francis Callohill & Giles Taverner 11-20-1711 350 Nansemond Henry Lawrence 12-19-1711 2491 New Kent Edward Hill do. 31 Middlesex John Curtis do. 300 do. Adam Curtis do. 583 Elizabeth City James Wallace do. 153 Norfolk Joshua Curie do. (93) Acres County 135 Isle o f Wight 46 Middlesex 393 New Kent 320 King & Queen 94 Charles City 85 do. 970 King William 100 do. 256 do. 150 Gloucester 250 Isle of Wight 237 Essex 100 Isle of Wight 101 Princess Anne 347 Prince George 422 do. 153 do. 237 Princess Anne 92 Isle of Wight 214 Nansemond 220 Essex 74 Eliz. City 100 York 300 Princess Anne 204 do. 400 Gloucester 140 Surry 190 do. 440 do. 128 do. 2143 King & Queen 400 On the branches Mattapony River 400 do. 531 New Kent 190 Isle of Wight 65 Nansemond 229 do. 220 King & Queen 230 do. 400 Essex 920 do. 367 New Kent 540 Surry 139 King William 122 do. 145 do. 39 do. 83 do. 100 do. 183 do. 390 do. 25 do. 98 do. 196 do. 100 Prince George To Whom Granted Date Capt. John Davis 12-19-1711 Harry Beverley do* Silvanus Wa&ker do. Guy Smith, Clk. do. Samuel Moody do. John Roach Jr. do. Thomas Johnson do. Charles Houchins do. John Sutton do. William Smith do* Dr. SaVl Brown do. Roger Preachard do. Thomas Barrow do. Rich'd Williams do* Charles Williams do. Wm. Rives do. Tho. Parrum do. Horatio Woodhouse do. John Howell do. Rio hard Webb do. Law. Taliaferro do. Wm. Hachell do. Jno. Northern do* George Pool Rich r d Whitehurst do* do* Anne & Mary Sterling do. Ma J. Wm. Hunt do. do. do. Tho. Atkins & Peter Bagley do. Thomas Barrow do. Larkin Chew 4-26-1712 Larkin Chew, Rich'd Buckner, Joseph Chew, John Sutton do. do. do* Edmund Jenings Esq. do. Fra. Hutchings 12-19-1711 Thomas Woodley 4-26-1712 Thomas Goffe do- Larkin Chew do. Justephenia & Sawyer Bennet do* Augustine Smith do. William Smith do. Stephen Sunter do. James Mlnge do. Matthew Harris do. John Higgason do. George Slaughter do. William Maybank do. do. do. Michael Walldrup do. Wm. Porteus do. George Shilling do. John Tremere do. Wm. He nd rick do- Charles Oakes do. Edw'd Goodriohe do. (94) Acres County To Whom Granted Date 400 King William John Waller & John Munroe 12-19-1711 438 Essex Lawrence Smith 11- 5-1712 1071 do. Dorothy Smith & Charles Taliaferro do. 4020 do. Larkln Chew 5- 2-1713 274 do. Robert Jones do. 315 King William Thomas Johnson 5-13-1713 134 Elizabeth City Joshua Curie 5- 2-1713 50 s Nansemond Elianor Roberts & John Hodges do. 38 York Francis Tyler do. 315 Princess Ann6 Thomas Walk do. 187 do. Lemuel Newton do. 322 New, Kent Alice Field do. 900 Accomack Elianor Scarburgh & Anthony West do. 170 ho. do. do* 288 Charles City Tho. Hardyway do. 102 Henrico Tarlton Woodson do. 2300 Accomack Arthur Upshur do. 380 Isle of Wight Benja. Chapman do. 200 Henrico Charles Evans do. 90 King William Orlando Jones do. 128 Charles City John Hunt do. 400 Nansemond Andrew Woodley & Thomas Woodley do. 153 Charles City Jeffrey Munford do. 631 James City Phillip Ludwell Esq. do. 184 Norfolk John Williams do. f 1 , do, Isaac Barrington do. 48i- York Henry Hay ward do. 200 Prince George William Stainback do. 203 Princess Anne Jno. May do. 180 Norfolk Jno. Smyth do. 90 do. Tho. & James Simmons do. 36 Princess Anne George Mash do. 18 Norfolk Robert Spring do. 254 Princess Anne Wm. Brook do. 94 do. Tho. Moor do. 17 Norfolk Henry Horstead do. 170 Isle of Wight Richard VI ok 4-26-1711 185 do. John Pope 5- 2t1713 1020 do. Joseph Smith do. 400 Henrico Wm. Sheapard & Rlch'd Baker do. 149 Essex Tho. Peatross do. 76 do. Tho. Pettros do. 79 do. Wm. Price do. 25 do. do. do. 627 do. John Boughan & Susanna his wife do. 100 Surry Wm. Rooklns do. 139 Nansemond James Weyatt do. 300 Eliz. City John Parsons Jr. do. 124 do. Charles Cellle do. 309 Princess Anne Thomas Scott do. 2000 King William Thomas Jones 8-12-1713 200 New Kent John Meux do. 400 Norfolk Thomas Jolliff do. 3000 King William Mongo Ingles 9-23-1713 385 Middlesex Wm. Stanard & C. C. Thacker 11-13-1713 144 Warwick John Boucher do. (95) Acres County To Whom Granted Date 1663 King William Nathan 1 1 West 11 -13-1713 296 do. Tho. Fox do. 200 do. John Waller — do. 18 King & Queen Wm. Bird do. 175 do. David Pritchett do, 800 do. Jno. Didlack do. 3330 King William Edmund Jenings Esq. consideration recommended in order of Council 20th June 1706 531 New Kent Thomas Lankford & John Lewis do. 1738 do. Nathan' 1 West do. 167 James City Simon Jeffreys do. 340 Surry Tho. Waler do* 1029 Henrico Joseph Pleasants do. 1385 do. John Pleasants do. 2644 King & Queen and Essex Robert Beverley do. 180 Isle of Wight James Mercer do. 100 do. Fra. Cox do. 170 do. Benja. Reeks do. 130 do. John Ployman do. 200 Eliz. City Wm. Arml stead do. 50 Isle of Wight Edward Stephens do. 100 do. Phillip Rayford do. 130 do. Rich'd Winkles do. 75 do. Phillip Pearse do. 100 Surry Fra. Stead do. 100 Isle of Wight Wm. Evans do. 200 do. Wm. Arrington do. 65 Surry Robert Warrin do. 125 Isle of Wight Fra. Maybe rry do. 200 do. Rich'd Rennalls Jr. do. 130 do. Sam'l Cornwell do. 120 Surry Rob't Jones do. Si Charles City Jno. Stokes do. 66 Essex James Boughan do. 250 Isle of Wight Tho. Drake do* 190 do. Edw'd Boykin do. 91 Nansemond Jno. Cotton do. 400 Surry George Wye he do. 250 Isle of Wight James Atkinson do. 9 Nansemond John Cotton do. 185 Isle of Wight Cha. Jones do. 400 New Kent Wm. Harris do. 100 Isle of Wight Rich'd 31ow do. 220 do. Wm. Kayo do. 270 do. Bridgrcan Joynes Jr. do. 180 Surry Tho- Harrison do. 285 Isle of Wight Rich'd Drake do. 250 Surry Wm. Raney Jr. do. 230 Isle of Wight Edw'd Stephens do. 185 Surry William Thomas do. 517 Essex Cath. & Ellanor Proverb and do, (96) Acres County To Whom Granted Date 169 Essex Tho. Kerri wether 11-13-1713 149 do. Tho. Jewell do. 200 Isle of Wight Law : Hunt do. 420 do. Jno. Drew do* 195 do. Henry Pope do. 150 do. Wm. Rose do. 100 do, George Smith do. 150 do. George Wyech do. 164 James City Geo. Freeman Jr. do. 230 Isle of Wight John Dens on do. 200 do. Rich'd Drake do. 350 do. Tho. Kirby do. 400 do. Richard Williams do. 275 do. Wm. Falrcloth do. 170 do. John Rasberry do. 200 do. Henry Pope do. 225 do. Rob't Lainer do. 322 Nansemond Charles Durham do. 700 Surry James Stanton do. 340 Isle of Wight John 3arnes do. 370 do. Wm. Hickman do. 330 Surry John Jones do. 500 Isle of Wight Robert Hodge do. 315 do. John Hawthorn do. 270 do. Arnold Pew do. 113 do. Kr. Rich'd Renolds do. 250 Surry Henry Jones do. 540 Isle of Wight Edw'd Harris do. 266 Nansemond Wm. Sumner do. 418 Surry Wm. Rooklns do. 200 Isle of Wight John Teasley do. 240 do. Capt. Jno. Allen do. 345 do. Theophllus Joyner do. 350 do. I-lartin Dawson do. 158 Nansemond John Cotton do. 180 Surry Tho. Haralson do. 123 Nansemond John Page do. 114 do. Edm'd Godwin do. 325 Isle of Wight Phillip Rayford do. 200 Nansemond Ja r :es Howard do. 375 Isle of Wight Benja. Evans do. 230 do. Tho. Drake do. 830 Surry Wm. Edmunds do. 50 James City Joseph Wade Nath'l Hoggard do. 136 Warwick do. 300 Gloucester Thomas Cooke do. 156 do. do. do. 850 Kenrico Abra. 1-Iichaux 1-27-1713 340 Isle of Wight Abra. Brawler 11-13-1713 100 Surry Nath'l Phillips do. 174* York Wm . Row 4-30-1714 100 Henrico John Calvert do. 261 Prince George James Binford 6-16-1714 100 Yo rk Eliza. Chermeson do. 304 New Kent Rob't Netherlande & John Hill do. 106 Surry Wm. Rookins do. (97) Acres County 43 Gloucester 115 Isle of Wight 140 Nansemond 90 King William 168 James City 50 Nansemond 4-00 Henrico 140 Isle of Wight 100 King William 289 New Kent 68 Nansemond 138 Charles City 670 Isle of Wight 200 do. 500 Henrico 190 Isle of Wight 1750 do. 102 James City 200 King William 100 Nansemond 500 Henrico 18 Middlesex 608 Henrico 1427 do . 69 Nansemond 400 Henrico 302 Nansemond 341 Henrico 350 Surry 220 do. 100 Nansemond 304 James City 380 New Kent 200 do. 80 Isle of Wight 84 King William 54 Nansemond 400 King William 90 Accomack 100 New Kent 200 do. 36 do. 100 Surry 112 Nansemond 64 do. 245 do. 382 Henrico 320 King William 150 Eliz. City 150 New Kent 62 Nansemond 175 do. 200 King William 300 do. 595 S'side Main Branch Hat tap on y River 171 Nansemond 150 King William To Whom Granted Date Rich'd Parrett 6-16-1G14 Sarah Reddyhoe do. John Powell do. David Anderson do. David Bray do. John Lee do. David Pattlson do. Tho. Hunt do. Cole Diggs, Gent. do. Sam'l Reynalds do. Wm. Sumner do. John Cross do. Barneby Mackqulney do. Thos. Jarrell do. Henry Gill do. Nicholas Cock & George Ezell do. Nathan 1 1 Harrison Esq. do. James Thomson Sr. do. Nich'o Glllington do. James Garner do. William Lead do. Jno. Southern do. Charles Hudson & John Bradley do. Cha. Fleming do. John Small do. Peter Dutoy do. Richard Parker do. John Burton do. Thhmas Wiggins do. Tho. Halleman do. Tho. Price do. David Davison do. Wm. Harris do. James Smith do. Randoll Revill do. William Winston do. Stephen Durden do. Will Fleming do. Wm. Nathan '1 Bell do. Phillip Webber do. Henry Bo we do. Geo. Lovell do. John Barker do. Adam Karrold do. Henry Core do. Joseph Meredith do. James Christian do. John Kembrow Jr. do. Mark Johnson do. Thomas Kersey do. Abra. Reddick do. Joseph Thomas do. Ellas Downs do. Jno. Kembrow Jr. do. Larkin Chew do. John Smith do. Wm. Winston do. icrea County To Whom Granted Date 85 King William Wm . Fo rd 6-16-1714 220 Surry Wm. Rogers Jr. do. 138 Henrico Steph. Chastlene do. 130 On the S^ide of Blackwater & on Eastward Side of Cedar Swamp Mary Murfrey do. 230 Surry John Simons do. 445 Isle of Wight Sam'l Harwood Jr. do. 540 do. William Edwards do. 81 Nansemond Wm. Redding do. 400 King William James Terry do. 90 Nansemond Sam'l Smith do. 200 King William Tho. Thomason do. 200 do, John Lipscomb do. 221 Prince George John Scott do. 95 Surry Joseph Seward do. 400 James City Robert Lide do. 200 King William John Crenshaw do. 171 Nansemond Jacob Darden do. 320 Isle of Wight Bartho. Andros do. 242 King William Thos. Preswood do. 245 Isle of Wight Wm. Kinlin do. 120 do. Wm. Edwards do. 300 King William Wm. Terrell do. 490 Isle of Wight Barneby Mackqulny do. 278 Charles City Rich'd Flewellen (? LLewellen) do. 229 Henrico Wm. Clarke Sr. do. 300 James City Simon Jeffreys do. 400 Henrico Thos. Christian do. 427 New Kent John Keeks do. 240 Isle of Wight Fra. Bressy do. 120 do. Isabel Havleld do. 160 do. Edw'd Boykin do. 100 do, Thomas Barrow do. 110 do. Adam Heith Jr. do. 140 Surry James Blnam do. 290 do. Sam'l Briggs do. 225 do. Tho. Andrews Jr. do. 732 Henrico Cha. Fleming do. 370 Surry Tho. Eldridge do. 510 do. Nathan '1 Harrison Esa. do. 815 Isle of Wight Capt. Nath'l Ridley do. 260 Surry Geo. Williams do. 100 Isle of Wight Henry Clarke do. 500 King William Jno. Sutton do. 233 Nansemond Wm. Bird do. 250 Isle of Wight Col. Tho. Godwin do. 400 King William Wm. Grills do. 54 Princess Anne Wm. Keaton do. 48 do. Lem'l Newton do. 330 Surry James Binam do. 120 do. Cha. Savidge do. 104 Essex John Long do. 280 Henrico Steph. Chasteane do. 123 Charles City Robert Loyde do. 250 Surry Tho. Pitman Jr. do. (99) Acre: County To Whom Granted Date 105 Prince George Tho. Anderson 6-16-1714 541 Henrico Jno. Pleasants do. 230 Isle of Wight Charles Jones do. 443 Nansemond John Hedgpath Jr. do. 500 King William Tho. Terry do. 758 King & Queen John Richards do. 60 James City Jno. Hitchcock do. 816 Essex Sam'l Duchimin do. 356 James City Tho. Young do. 987 New Kent Christop'r Hudson do. 100 Surry We. Glover do. 165 do. Rob't Andros do. 94 do. Wm. Rookins do. 577 Kenrlco Charles Evans do. 1525 Fork Mattapony Jno. Rogers, Peter Roge rs, Edwd. Pigg, John York, Tho. Gresham. ' 66 James City Simon Jeffreys do. 400 Henrico Wm. Grills do. 460 Nansemond Andrew Ross do. 670 Henrico Cha. Fleming do. 215 Isle of Wight Edwd. Jones do. 430 do. Robt. Ricks do. 280 Surry Walter Lashley do. 6365 Surry & Isle Wight Henry Harrison & Phillip Ludwell Esq. 1278 Henrico Jno. Woodson & Charles Fleming do. 467 Nansemond John Small do. 111 do. Lewis Daughtrey do. 190 Henrico Antho. Rappeane do. 553 Essex Rlch'd Covington, James Boughan, Tho. Goldman & Edw'd Goldman do. 230 Princess Anne Rlch'd Corbett do. 2000 King William & in fork Mattaoony John Madison & Dan'l Cc >leman do. 545 Isle of Wight Ethelred Taylor do. 195 James City Tho. Goldsby do. 372 do. Tho. Young do. 350 Princess Anne Win. Robinson do. 550 Surry Huishea Gulllam do. 275 do. Cha. Briggs do. 1085 Henrico Amos Lead do: 1400 Isle of Wight Tho. Jarnell Jr. & Joseph Lane do. 100 York Jonathan Drewltt do. 450 Nansemond Wm. 1'iacclanee do. 225 Isle of Wight Wm. Hunter do. 102 Essex Rob't Richardson do. 47 Gloucester Tho. Read do. 1275 Isle of Wight Wm. Edwards do. 4185 New Kent Nich'o Kerrl wether, Wm. lie rri wet her & David Herri wether do. 350 Surry Henry Harrison do. 440 Isle of Wight Wm. Edwards do. 1720 Surry Nath'l Harrison Esq. do. 3000 Henrico Rich'd Grills do. 363 New Kent Tho. 3arbar do. 423 Charles City Jno. Ni eke lis do. 240 James City Nich'o Valentine do. 145 Princess Anne Grace Sherwood do. (100) Acres County To Whom Granted Date 360 Isle of Wight Wm. Gray Jr. 6-16-1714 22 Norfolk Jonas Holliday do. 125 Isle of Wight Jno. Kelly do. 140 Nansemond Tho. Daughtrey do. 50 Accomack Jonath. West do. 170 Surry Jno. Jones do. 101 Princess Anne Jno. Edmons do. 1808 New Kent Edwd. Garland do. 380 Isle of Wight Sam '1 Harwood Jr. do. 260 do. Wm. Brown do. 230 do. Edw'd Goodrich do. 92 Princess Anne John May do. 570 Isle of Wight Wm. Edwards do. 400 do. Wm. West do. 516 Surry Fra: Clements do. 104 Nansemond Jno. Hare do. 200 do. Bryant Oquin do. 304 do. Rich'd Parker do. 2730 Accomack Matilda West do. 29 Norfolk Wm. Harrington do. 200 Nansemond Sam' 1 Parker do. 230 New Kent Edw'd Harris do. 369 Essex Tho. Short do. 200 do. Dan' 11 No ell do. 53 Princess Anne Patrick Flanagin do. 211 Norfolk Geo. Newton do. 54 do. James Wilson do. 819 do. Solomon White do. 51 Princess Anne John Jones do. 440 Henrico Wm. Cox do. 28 Princess Anne Jno. Oliver do. 448 Henrico Tho. Harrod do. 230 James City Jno. Woodard do. 200 Isle of Wight Mathew Marks do. 878 Nansemond Tho. Godwin do. 328 Eliza. City Tho. Allen do. 150 Henrico Jno. Perkins on do. 930 Surry Phillip Ludwell Esq. do. 69 Warwick Margery Whit acker do. 277 King & Queen John Guthrie do. 150 Surry Jeremiah Ellis do. 132 Warwick Sam'l Groves do. 240 Isle of Wight Walter Bayley do. 554 Charles City John Roper do. 415 Isle of Wight Henry Briggs do. 200 Surry Tho. Hunt 30. 270 Isle of Wight Wm. C rumple r do. 1700 do. Wm. Scott Jr. do. 475 do. Edw'd Goodson & Matth. Rushln do. 180 do. Tho. Newsome do. 280 Surry William Jones do. 58 Eliza. City Jno. Hay ward 11-4-1714 219 Prince George Rob't Rives 12-16-1714 401 do. Rich 1 d Hudson do. 401 do. Wm. Maise do. 217 do. Jno. Nickolls do. (101) Acre! County To Whom Granted Date 196 Prince George Tho. Burge 12 -16-1714 142 do. Frances Wynne do. 300 Surry Jno. Freeman do. 320 do. Tho. Blunt do. 270 do. Jno. Hi chol Is do. 100 do. James Mac kl em ore do. 150 do. Geo. Pasmore do. 220 Isle of Wight Nicho. Williams do. 350 do. Francis Bressy do. 1240 do. Rich'd Washington do. 545 do. Barnaby Mackquinny do. 800 do. Bridgman Joyner do. 237 do. Jno. Parnell & Mary Jolly do. 850 do. Rich'd Washington do. 300 do. do. do. 530 do. Jno. Lawrence do. 710 do. Tho. Blunt do. 150 do. Joseph Lane do. 143 Nansemond Henry Core do. 130 do. Wm . Vaun do. 369 do. Joseph Ballard do. 205 do. Joseph Daniell do. 378 do. James Copeland do. 240 do. Tho. Howard do. 284 do. Tho, Page do. 216 do. John Coles do. 132 do. Tho. Lawrence dfl>. 38 Norfolk John Sikes do. 52 do. Sam'l Crockmur do. 182 do. John Hunt do. 550 do. Wm. Godfrey do. 153 do. Geo. Moseley do. 145 do. Wm. Wallace do. 270 Princess Anne Jno. Corprew do. 97 do. Sdw 1 d Wallace do. 90 do. Wm . Atwood do. 53 do. Jno. Ward do. 505 do. Jacobs 31g:s do. 103 do. John Moseley do. 193 do. James Wishard do. 159 do. Walter Jones do. 500 Kenrico John Ellis do. 292 do. Gilly Gromorin do. 500 do. do. do. 174 Charles City Joseph Bradley do. 33 do. Tho. Davis do. 1320 do. Tho. Christian do. 197 New Kent John Dod do. 800 do. Tho. Standley Sr. , James Standley Tho. Standley Jr. do. 4843 do. George Alves do. 308 do. Major Smith do. 308 do. Will. Smith do. 400 Accomack Jno. Bonwell do. 1260 King & ^ueen Sam'l Williams & John Bannister do. (102) Acres County To Whom Grarited Date 740 King & Queen Rice Williams & John Downer 12-16-1714 100 do. William Lea do. 95 Warwidk Henry Hayward do. 300 Gloucester Mr. John Stubbs do. 50 Essex Nath. Fogg do. 542 do. James Boughan do. 100 do. Jno. Forgeson (Ferguson) do. 368 King William Frances Miles do. 470 do. Rich'd, Ambrose, Wm., John, M ary & Ben J 'a Lipscom do. 670 Henrico Ebenezer Adams Dec. 23-1714 1494 do. Rob't Woodson Jr. do. 500 do. Tho. Mins do. 2497 do. Rich'd Cock Jr. do. 300 do. John Farlar Jr. do. 125 do. Jno. Stephens do. 2000 On Nottoaway Rlv. Francis Light foot do. 15 York John Drewry do. 485 Nansemond Nathan Newby do. 20 Gloucester Chr. Dickens do. 149 do. ton.. Hall do. ? York Giles Taverner do. 130 Gloucester Richard Longest do. 254 Nansemond John Drewry do. 640 King & Queen Wm. Kilpln do. 16 Warwick John Read do. 56 Essex John Parker do. 1024 Princess Anne Jno. Richardson do. 170 James City Rob't Goodrich do. 1001 Prince George John Evans do. 1034 James City John Bush do. 429 Prince George John Eaton do. 3435 Isle of Wight Barnaby Mackqulnny do. 420 do. Tho. Blunt do. 480 do. Ben j ' a Chapman do. 325 do. Wm. Brown do. 430 do. do. do. 295 do. Tho. Hart do. 260 do. James Jones do. 400 King William Jno. Buckner & Rob't Bullard do. 2000 Fork Mattapony Rob't Farish, Jno. Pigg, Jno. May do. 1330 do. Larkln Chew do. 355 Charles City Nich'o Cox do. 275 King William Wm. Duglass do. 200 do. Tho. Thomason do. 1615 do. Tho. West do. 311 do. Tho. Davenport do. 112 New Kent Nathan '1 3mith do. 178 do. Steph. Moon do. 430 do. Rice Hugh do. 170 do. Roger Smith do. 426 do. Jno. Kembrow do. 90 James City Nich'o Moyser do. 106 King William Ralph Pea do. 150 do. Jno. Kembrow Jr. do. 42 King & Queen John Durham do. (103) Acres County To Whom Granted Date 410 King William Sam'l Norwent (Norment)? Deo. 23-1714 133 Henrioo Isaac Lafeit do. 200 Surry Tho. Pitman Jr. do. 400 James City Kath. Barrett do. 180 Surry Tho. Harrison do. 525 Isle of Wight Phil. Ray ford do. 250 Surry Wm. Brown do. 105 Nansemond Jno. Yeates do. 579 Aocomack Fra. Eyers do. 543 New Kent Paul Sears do. 361 do. Jer: Lindsey do. 339 Princess Anne Wm. Allegood do. 324 Prince George Jno. Gillum do. 964 do. Nioh'o Overby do. 620 Isle of Wight Huishea Guillum do. 1388 Henrico Maj. Jno. Boiling do. 300 Surry William Lucas do. * Eliz. City James Burtell - (For his Indus' try in gaining it out of the river) Feb. 23-1714 39 Norfolk John Conner, Joseph Curleing, Anth'o Curleing, Wm. Taylor Aug. 16-1715 13 James City Wm. Marable do. 1596 Henrico John Woodaon do. 348 do. do. do. 258 do. Jno. Pleasants do. 892 do. Jno. Woodson do. 1309 do. Jno. Pleasants do. 372 Fork Mattapony Henry Shackelford do. 950 Henrico Wma Womack do. 350 do. Tho. Bayley do. 81 Prince George Benja. Evins do. 1343 New Kent Edwd. Garland do. 103 Charles City Thos. Booth do. 37 Essex Harry Beverley do. 130 King & Queen John Wills do. 135 Isle of Wight Charles Parker do. 200 Nansemond Humph. Griffin Sam'l Brown do. 200 Isle of Wight do. 400 Henrico Tho. Watkins do. 137 Cha. City Benja. Evans do. 318 Henrico Bart ho. St avail (?) do. 100 King William Tlmo. Chandler do. 400 Henrico Charles Christian do. 1433 New Kent James Taylor do. 540 Surry Rich'd Parker do. 167 Henrico Rich'd Cox do. 285 Charles City Rich'd Wyatt do. 500 Henrico Arthur Moseley do. 96 Norfolk Edwd. C re c km our do. 1900 New Kent Charles Fleming do. 376 Essex Wm. Major do. 179 do. Rich'd Buckner do. 280 James City Martin Sorrell do. 200 Norfolk Wm. Row do. 63 Princess Anne Jno. Watkins do. 222 do. Cason Moore do. 1330 King & Queen John Baylor do. (104) Acres County To Whom Granted Date 400 Jan«s City Henry Gilbert Aug . 16-1715 531 K«w Kent Jno. Joyner Oct . 17-1715 500 King William Michael Mixen Aug . 16-1715 141 do. Rob't Baylor Nov . 1-1715 833 Princess Anne Port John Holloway gained out of 8*. ft. Hfcpe Creek Nov . 8-1715 28 Charles City Nath'l Harrison Esq. Deo . 8-1715 180 Henrico John Martin Part of the French refugees land Mar . 23-1715 444 do 9 John Martin do. 133 do. Abraham Salle do. 155 do. Jno. Whitloe do. 400 do. Wm. Whitloe Jr. do. 550 do. Joseph Pleasants Aug . 16-1715 615 Isle of Wight Joseph Holt Apr . 30-1716 300 do. do. do. 200 King & Queen Miohael Guings (? Guinney) & John Sutton May 2-1716 500 Henrioo Robert Hancook Mar . 23-1715 452 King & Queen Isaao Hill do. 170 South Side ) Meherin River ) Arthur Davis do. 100 Isle of Wight Wm. Kinchin do. 85 do. Henry Pope do. 100 do. Hugh Mathews do. 150 do. Joseph Turner do. 85 do. Tho. Smith do. 50 do. Randall Be veil do. 100 do. Hugh Lee do. 110 do. Rich'd Blow do. 150 do. Jno. Bailey do. 100 do. John Viok do. 150 do. Tho. Joyner do. 150 do. Tho. Taylor do. 65 do. John Watts do. 100 Isle of Wight Wm. Wilkason do. 225 do. Jno. Joyner do. 100 Essex Francis Thornton do. 65 Isle of Wight Tho. Deloach do. 80 do. Jno. Rachell do. 80 Surry Jno. Mason do. 200 do. Joseph Wall do. 100 do. Geo. Booth do. 100 do. John Groves do. 130 do. John Moor do. 200 do. Marmaduke Brown do. 370 do. Tho. Jones do. 100 do. Christop'r Atkinson do. 100 do. do. do. 100 do. Wm. Rose Jr. do. 95 do. John Barlow do. 175 Surry & Isle Wight Arth. Kavenaugh do. 100 Surry Tho. Wilkason do. 215 do. Michael Maloon do. 180 do. Tho. Poythres do. 100 do. Cha. Glllum do. (105) Aores County 61 Henrico 111 do. 90 do, 88 do. 82 Isle of Wight 235 do. 100 do. 180 do. 195 do. 90 do. 120 do. 118 do. 80 Surry 100 Isle of Wight 70 do. 330 do. 350 Surry 90 Isle of Wight 145 do. 145 do. 145 do. 100 do. 130 do. 80 Surry 230 do. 100 do. 100 do. 200 do. 100 do. 75 do. 130 do. 145 do. 125 do. 140 do. 100 King Willi am 43 Norfolk 19 do. 90 Isle of Wight 390 Surry 92 do. 200 Surry & Isle Wight 100 Surry 150 do. 295 do. 290 Isle of Wight 100 Surry 250 do. 200 Isle of Wight 250 do. 150 Surry 100 Isle of Wight 621 Essex 320 Surry 320 Surry 140 do. To Whom Granted Date Peter Deitoy part of Frenoh refugees land Mar, 23-1715 Peter Chastaine do* Jno. Chastaine do. Abra: Soblet do. Win. Cain do. Jno. Lear do. Wm. Scott Jr. do. Rob't Soott do. Andrew Griffin do. Tho . Jarrell do. Tho. Carter do. James Joyner do. John Rayburn do. Wm. Brown do. Tho. Jarrell do* Wm . Edwards do. do. do. Jno. Edwards do. Wm. Ondelant do* Edw'd Boykin do. Abra: Stephenson do. James Barnes do* Wm. Brown do. James Kearny do. Chichester Sturdivant do. Rob't Huiment (?) do. Wm. Clary do. Jno. Treeman Jr. do. Rob't Smith do. Jno. Cotton do. Nich'o Cook do. Tho. Horton do. Tho. Thrower do* Jno. Jackson do. Wm. Terrell do. Tho. Selkes do. Wm . Taylor do. Wm. Pope do. Tho. Cook do* Wm. More do* Hugh Golitely do. Nich'o Patridge do. James Beau ford do. Wm. Williams do. James Landy do. Jno. Ivy do. Sam'l Clark do. Jno. Peterson do. Wm. Batts do. Jarvis Winfield do. Jno. Poythres do. Jno. Sanders do. George Hamilton do. do. do. do. do. (106) Acres County To Whom Granted Date 1250 S'side of a branch Mattapony River 57 Henrloo 55 do. 186 do. 221 do. 133 do. 90 do. 75 do. 200 do. 133 do. 85 do. 230 do. 107 do. 163 do. 128 do. 296 do. 133 do. 85 do. 88 do. 119 do. 290 Gloucester 450 Accomack 50 Isle of Wight 317 Essex 920 do. 3420 King & Queen 76 New Kent 633 do. 3229 Essex 100 Surry 150 do. 100 Isle of Wight 75 Henrico 168 do. 66 do. 52 do. 92 do. 59 do. 33 do. 117 do. 44 do. 50 do. 125 do. 275 do. 88 do. 46 do. 105 do. 139 do. 12 do. 170 do. 43 do. 93 do. 133 do. Harry Beverley Abra: Salle - Part of French refugees land do Jacob Amonet Matth. Cage Steph. Ronno Peter Soblet Jr. Maryan Mallet Jno. Lavillian Jno. Jones Abra: Remey Abra: Mishuex Antho. Mattoone Antho. Tribue Antho. Gevodan Dan'l Foure Jacob Florenoy Abra: Remy Peter David James Bilband Rich'd Timberlake Charles Bailey & Jno. Sparrow Josiah Jno. Holliman Wm. Robinson, Nicho. Smith & John Blrket Leonard Tarent Rob't Beverley Charles Wlnfree Nath'l West Wm. Robertson Charles Sledge do. Hehemiah Joyner Joseph Calllo - Part of French refugees land John Fouville Lewis Morril Michael Champee John Martin Francis Lorange Gideon Chamboone Moses Llveran Isaac Parentan Claude Gory Steph. Mallet John Sole age r Peter Sabotte Francis Dupee Isaac Parentan Peter Morriset Steph. Chastaine John Forcuran James Bilband Steph. Buckard Nicho. Soullle tfar. 23-1715 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 30-1716 Apr. Apr. May Oct. 25-1716 28-1716 20-1716 do. do. Oct. 1716 Aug. 14-1716 do. do. Oct. 31-1716 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Acres 53 107 40 133 88 122 68 76 34 58 95 319 464 100 92 1129 97 400 400 400 400 142 104 690 311 200 46 400 180 23 140 82 87 710 195 296 259 147 82 226 200 353 425 480 295 2087 531 1070 150 30 170 180 120 150 299 355 321 County Henilco do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. King & Queen Prince George Norfolk do. Henrico Surry New Kent do. do. Nansemond do. Henrico do. Surry Princess Anne King William Surry Princess Anne Surry Norfolk Princess Anne Isle of Wight Surry Princess Anne do. Prince George do. Henrico Princess Anne Hdnrioo do. Princess Anne Isle of Wight New Kent Henrico Surry do. Princess Anne Surry Isle of Wight do. do. Prince George do. do. Tho. Tho. (107) To Whom Granted John Jones Peter Foure John Farcee Charles Perault Jacob Amonet Ant ho. Rapine Isaac Lafeavour John Painteur Jacob Capo on Antho. Matoone Steph. Chastain Tho. Hardin Henry Raynes, Wm. Howard John Sutton John Leadbiter Sam'1 Boush Win. Crafford Philemon Childers Jr. Tho. Avent Sharp, Clk. do. do. Vaughan Jno. Murdaugh Francis Epes Jr. Francis Epes Jno . Robe rts Jno. Fentress Wm. Terrell Jno. Mason Jno. Attwood James Mathews Solomon Butt Wm. Ashbee Jno. Simmons Tho. Tomlinson Cason & Hen: Moor John Bonne y Joseph Pri chard Wm. Gibbs Geo. Hunt Hancock Floyd John Williams Jno. Molbone Jno. Denson John Hi gin son Edwd. Curd Robt. Hicks Wm. Wye he Jno. Pallett Joel Barker James Thweat Tho. Holliday Rlch'd Lewis Tho. Simons Peter Wynne Nath'l Tatum Sr. Oct Geo- Geo. Date 31-1716 do. do. do. do* do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. (108) Acres County To Whom Granted Date 99 Prince George Dan'l Malone Oct. 31-1716 443 Nansemond John King do. 41 Middlesex Arth'r Daneland do* 420 Isle of Wight James Denson do. 320 Henrico Jno. Boiling Apr. 1-1717 800 Surry Rich'd Bland do. 672 Charles City Charles Christian do. 121 Nansemond Rich'd Sanders do. 397 do. Abra: Odian do. 171 do. Elisha Ballard do. 628 Henrico Michell Mlohell do. 118 Nansemond Rob't Sanders do. 400 King William Tho. Cartwrlght & Eliza. Boboe do. 420 King & Queen Mary Broohe do. 600 King William John Sutton, Rich' Tho. Terry d Maul ding & do. 150 Nansemond Rob't Sanders do. 200 New Kent Wm. Morris do. 18 Middlesex Jno. Clarke do* 165 Surry Jethro Barker do. 100 do. John Barker do. 440 Isle of Wight Tho. Collier do. 365 Essex Wm. Heaberd do. 200 Isle of Wight Rich'd Drake Jr. do. 431 Prince George Jno. Freman do. 300 King William Wm. Terrell & Rob' t Chandler do. 151 Prince g-eorge Abra: Heath do. 214 Eliza. City Tho. Wi looks do. 1513 New Kent Edw'd Garland do. 200 James City Wm. Macklin do. 200 Surry Benja. Gideon do. 85 New Kent David CI arks on do. 127 Nansemond James Copeland do. 404 do. Wm. Ralls do. 60 Norfolk Rich'd Backing do. 251 Nansemond Wm. Ralls do. 403 do. do. do. 1860 King & Queen Jno. Madison, John Rogers, Peter Rogers, Hen. Pigg, Edw'd Pigg & John York do. 112 Prince George Peter Lee do. 80 do. Edw'd Woodleif do. 172 do. Sam'l Lee do. 200 King William Chr. Smith & Wm. C ockeram do. 400 do. Rich'd Mauldin Apr. 30-1717 500 Henrico Henry Anderson Apr. 22-1717 300 do. Jno. Boiling July 15-1717 2307 do. Tarlton Woodson do. 275 New Kent James Glen do. 321 Prince George Nath'l Tatum Jr. do. 367 Nansemond Jno. Ralls do. 260 Essex Jno. Wridelng do. 9976 New Kent Charles Chiswell do. 400 Essex James Calne do. 395 Gloucester Tho. Plumer do. 17 Henrico Rob't Burton do. 1019 do. Jno. Boiling do. (109) Acres 479 439 50 450 165 280 300 436 1093 267 200 685 104 463 183 500 374 148 200 81 172 171 500 346 50 194 80 97 150 60 178 99 100 47 46 100 370 100 100 199 327 198 200 181 54 100 197 200 247 65 333 200 100 289 83 County Henrico James City Charles City King William Isle of Wight Surry New Kent Essex Accomack Surry do. do. Henrico do. Nansemond Henrioo Nansemond do. do. do. do. do. Essex Nansemond Accomack Nansemond do. do. do. do. do. do. Prince George Nansemond Prince George do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. To Whom Granted Date & John Bowman July 15-1717 James Jennings do. Wm. Featherstone do. John Hurt do. Henry Beddingfield do. Jones Williams do. Wm. Harris do. Joseph Waugh do. Tho. Gasoolne do. Jno. Poythres do. James Wyoh do. Jno. Chambers do. Hen: Wilson do» Dorothy Pleasants do. Rich'd Conquest do. Fran: S as sin - part of French refugees land do. Tho. Dawtry & Bryan Dawtry do. Wm. Butler do. Jno. Harrell do. Wm. Whitley do. Rob't Bryan do. Simon Knight do. Wm. Aylett Law: Baker Apr. 1-1717 July 15-1717 Phillip Parker & Charles Parker do. Joseph Cutching do. John Williams do. James Garnar do. John Moor do. James Copeland do. Adam Harrell do. Geo. Lawrence do. Rich'd Deardan do. Elias Ballard do. Jno. Stroud do. Rob't Abernathy do. Rich'd Smith Sr. do. Wm. Davis do, David Williams do. Tho. Whood do. Hen: Michell do. Tho. Hobby do. Thompson Stapely Rich*d Tally do. do. Tho. Parrum do. Tho. Clay do. Cha: Williams Jr. do. Jno. Tucker do. Tho. Jones do. Wm. Pettypoole do. Fra: Coleman Sr. do. Jno- Ellington do. Wm. Coleman Sr. do. Fra: Tucker Sr. do. Rioh'd Smith Sr. do. (110) Acres County To Whom Granted Date 141 Prince George Rob't Tucker 200 Nansemond Susan Costen 206 Prince George Win. Rives 300 do. John Tally 175 do. Jno. Fountain & 64 James City Tho. Atkinson 221 Prince George Nath'l Tat urn Jr 119 do. Wm. Caleb 180 Isle of Wight Owen Mirack - F Rob't Winn July 15-1717 do. do* do. do. do. do. do. towards makeing ye New Settlement for ye Saponle Indians at Chrlstanna pursuant to a treaty with that nation it being part of that tract of land whereon ye said Indians lately dwelt which they have surrendered in exchange for a like quantity assigned them at ye aforesaid place of Chrlstanna 132 Isle of Wight Francis West Dec. 17-1717 100 do. Jno. Baptist Curtis do. 76 do. Jno. Pearson do. 100 do. Jno. Wall do. 54 Norfolk Geo. Boush Jan. 22-1717 220 Surry Peter Mitchell do. 1000 do. Henry Harrison do. 500 Henrico Michael Johnson do. 1000 do. Coll. Francis Epes do. 1790 do. Francis Epes do. 285 do. Francis Epes Jr. do. 42 do. Wm. Kennon do. 900 do. Joseph Royall do. 472 do. Amos Lead do. 500 do. Godfrey Fowler & Geo. Archer do. 230 Prince George Shanes Raynes do. 250 do. Tho. Michell do. 1530 Surry Benja. Harrison do. 300 do. Amos Times do. 250 do. Gilbert Ivy do. 175 do. John Michell do. 400 do. Wm. Raynes do. 385 do. John Gaddes do. 175 do. Rob't Webb do. 100 do. Math. Sturdivant do. 425 do. Tho. Goodwin do. 300 do. Ephralm Parham do. 190 Prince George Rob't Mum ford do. 312 Surry Geo. Passmore do. 74 Princess Anne Rlch'd Hand do. 400 King William John Watkins do. 390 do. Tho. Dickason do. 400 do. Grlffeth Dickason do. 350 King & Queen Bernard Paine do. 41 Middlesex Wm. Jones do. 98 Essex Frederick Coghill do. 91 do. Edw'd Scrimshare do. 484 do. Tho. Elzey do. 214 do. Tho. Stanton do. 392 do. Rob't Carter Esq. do. (Ill) Acres County To Whom Granted Date 200 New Kent Sam'l Chamberlain Jan. 22-1717 220 do. do. do. 100 Isle of Wight James Mercer do. 165 do. Jno. Cain do. 100 do. Wm . Har ri s do. 385 do. The op. Joyner do. 1000 Nanseraond Doctor Hen. Jenkins do. 100 Isle of Wight Hen: Pendry do. 200 Nansemond Jno. Bizell Jan. 24-1717 205 do. Henry Holland do. 247 do. Tho. Houss do. 366 do. Joseph Griffin do. 225 do. Edw'd Arnold do. 50 do. John Benton do. 83 do. Rich'd Baker do. 607 do. Joseph Rogers do. 284 do. Edw'd Vaun do. 296 do. James Holland do. 350 do. John Small do. 224 do. Jno. Hare do. 400 do. Eli as Ballard do. 400 do. Tho. Lawrence do. 292 do. Tho. Boyd Jr. do. 97 do. Rich'd Lawrence do. 150 do. Edw'd Boyt do. 197 do. Joseph Rogers Rich'd Hanell do. 100 do. do. 100 do. John Cole do. 145 do. Edw'd Roberts do. 244 do. Tho. Boyt Jr. do. 275 do. Henry Griffin do. 338 do. Wm. Bird do. 280 Surry Rob't Webb do. 200 do. Silvanus Stokes do. 325 do. Wm. Heath do. 53 Norfolk Matthew Mathias do. 283 Prince George James Baugh Jr. & Hen. Mayes do. 101 Norfolk Jno. Momden do. 342 Nansemond Tho. Nawstead & Mich'l Aroher do. 407 do. Hump. Griffin Rob't Procter do. 80 Surry do. 133 Henrico Bartho. Dupee - part o f French re f uge e land Mar. 11-1717 522 do, Antho. Trebue Mar. 18-1717 400 do. Stephen Sunter do. 225 Prince George Geo. Passmore & Jno. Peterson do. 156 Nansemond Jno. Coles do. 110 Isle of Wight Jno • Vaughan do. 144 Surry Jno. Nichell do. 370 King William Jno. Sutton do. 400 do. Wm. Terrell & his son, Wm. Terrell do. 175 Prince George Capt. Jno. Evans do. 133 Nansemond Hump. Griffin do. 56 do. Rich'd Lawrence do. 2136 Princess Anne Solomon White do. 433 do. Jno. Dawley do. 1613 do. do. do. 31 Henrico James Branch do. 112) Acres County To Whom Granted 192 Norfolk Ambrose Shlpwash 47 do. Jno. White 119 do. Jno. Whitton 175 Surry Wm. Wrey 200 do. Math. Smart 180 do. John Green 195 Isle of Wight Tho. Allen 215 Surry Rich'd Fltzpatrlok 225 Isle of Wight The op. Joyner 150 do. Jacob Sumerlln 90 do. Martin Middle ton - 400 Isle of Wight Edw'd Brantley 1540 King William Rob't Farish 1980 do. Harry Beverley 2200 do. Jno. Robinson 535 Essex Jno. Taliaferro Date Mar. 18-1717 do. do. do* do. do. do. do* do. do. performed towards makelng the new settlement for ye Saponie Indians at Christanna pursuant to a treaty with that nation it being part of that tract of land whereon ye sd. Indians lately dwelt which they have surrendered in exchange for a like quantity assigned them at ye aforesaid place of Christanna Dated Mar. 18-1717 do. Apr Apr. Apr- do. 22-1718 do. 23-1718 28-1718 Truely taken this 11th June 1718 C C Thacker, Clk. (113) L and Grants made November 10th 1713 Whereas the several Proprietors of Lands within the bounds laid out pursuant to the Articles of Peace for the Pamunkey Indians, did this day attend the Governor In Council, etc It Is ordered that publication be made at the Courthouse of King William County that the following persons have made appear their Right to Land, Viz: Aores Philip and George Southerland by patent dated 28th Oct 1702 granted with the consent of the sd. Indians 312 Philip Williams by patent dated 24th April 1703 100 Alexander Anderson " " 2nd Nov. 1705 24 William Andrews " " 1st April 1702 33 Heir of James Johnson " 23rd Oct. 1703 40 John Hampton " " 1st April 1702 50 George Johnson by his father's patent dated 1st April 1702 80 John Whitworth by patent dated 1st April 1702 to Thomas Ware 620 Griffin Williams by patent dated 1st April 1702 to Eliza: Ware 240 Morris Roberts by patent dated 1st April 1702 300 Jane Johnson by patent to Anthony Fuller dated 1st April 1702 162 Edward Hacksley by patent dated 1st April 1702 472 Thomas Mackgehee's patent dated 28th Oot. 1702 256 Nathaniel West by patent to Robert Napier dated 20th Oct. 1704 300 Thomas Squires by patent to John Pettlver 310 Edward Bell by patent dated 1st April 1702 590 Thomas Whitworth 200 Robert Tomms 85 William Smith 190 Ambrose Lipscomb 140 Henry Fox, now held by Mr. Micajah Perry 200 Sold out of Edward Hacksley' s patent to Thomas Wood & Richard Slaughter 300 Sold out of Griffin William's patent to Valentine Winfrea 100 George Shilling and Michael Waldrobe. Their patents will be considered att the next General Council (114) January 24th 1723 A TRUE LIST of all the patents that have been Issued for land in SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY PATENTEES ACRES DATES OF YE PATENTS & Rlch'd Hickman Peter Beverley Esq Augustine Smith Edward Ripping Larkin Chew Larkin Chew Larkin Chew John Waller Gawin Corbln Gawin Corbln John Clayton Esq. Cole Digges Esq. , & Win. Robertson Bartholomew Yates, Lewis Latane, Christopher Robinson, John Robinson Ei Jeremiah Clowder, Harry Beverley, William Stanard & Edwin Thacker Harry Beverley Hugh Jones James Taylor James Taylor Richard Hickman Edward Ripping, Richard Hickman & Ralph Go ugh John Robinson Esq. William Beverley Augustine Smith William Hansford Henry Irwin Larkin Chew Thomas Chew John Robinson Esq. John Quarles Abraham Field Henry Webber Ambrose Maddison & Thomas Chew Augustine Moore Robert Coleman Augustine Moore Harry Beverley 4000 May 8-1722 5000 May 26-1722 9400 June 4-1722 3800 do. 2400 do. 1000 June 5-1722 3000 June 6-1722 15000 do. 40000 June 22-1722 12000 June 25-1722 24000 July 20-1722 6720 do. 5000 do. 5000 July 21-1712 8500 do. 19786 Spotswood 10000 July 23-1722 1850 July 25-1722 2500 July 27-1722 1600 Feb. 16-1722 400 May 14-1723 3000 May 24-1723 1600 June 12-1723 2180 do. 5059 June 20-1723 417 Sep. 30-1723 800 Oct. 5-1723 2000 Oct. 28-1723 4675 Nov. 15-1723 3462 do. 1500 Dec. 2-1723 1000 Dec 14-1723 2084 Dec. 24-1723 Test R. Hickman, Clk. Secys. Office (115) EXTRACT OUT OF THE COUNCIL JOURNAL of the 23 rd December 1720 of the Quantity of Land licensed to be taken up In the County of Spotsylvania Acres Richard Hickman, Gent. & his partners Robert Carter Esq. Cole Diggs, Peter Beverley Esq. & Win. Robertson Sr. William Bassett & Garvin Corbln Esq. Augustine Smith and Lawrence Smith Robert Brook Jr., Augustine Smith, Will'm Brook, Humfrey Brook and George Braxton Garvin Corbin Esqr. John Bagg**** George Parker & his partners 20000 3500 12000 15000 10000 8000 3000 10000 10000 Signed by Wil: Robertson, CI. Com. (116) LAND Belonging to Colo. Spotswood In Spotsilvanla County Acres One tract granted to Wm. Robertson by patent last day of October 1716 and conveyed to Colo. Spotswood In November following, which is called Gerraanna 3229 One other tract granted to Richard Hickman by patent the 2nd day of November 1719 and oonveyed to Colo. Spotswood in December following, contains 3065 One other tract in the fork of Rappa. River granted to Harry Beverley by patent the 2nd November 1705 and by him conveyed to Colo. Spotswood the 22nd April 1720, contains 1920 Which three tracts of land (as I have been informed) lye to- gether and about June or July 1722 a patent was made out in the name of Richard Hickman (in trust for Colo. Spotswood) for 28000 acres which Includes these three tracts; etc. The new land contained in that patent is 19786 One other tract called the Iron-mine granted by patent the 20th February 1719 to Robert Beverley & Thomas Jones, which I have heard has since been sold to Colo. Spotswood, contains 15000 One other tract at Massaponax which was mortgaged to Messrs. Micajah Perry and Rlchd. Perry by one Charles Smith for 1000 years and by the said Perrys assigned to Colo. Spotswood, Thomas Jones, John Baylor & Robert Beverley the 27th April 1720, is reputed to be 3650 But Smiths widow has part of that land assigned to her for her dower and for ought I know Jones, Baylor and Beverley may yet have right to part of it And one other tract called Spotsylvania Company tract granted by patent the 22nd June 1722 to Thomas Jones, John Clayton and Richard Hickman in trust for Colo. Spotswood and since conveyed to him, containing 40000 Signed by Richd. Hickman 86650 (117) The State of Colo. Spotswood's Seating, Cultivation & Improvements, which save his Lands from Lapsing, According to the Laws of Virginia. On the Alexandria Tract containing 28000 Acres with 21 Plantations or Tenements: The Houses have been Valued at 9063 •16.6. The Inclosures at 511.17.0. The Orchards & Gardens at 649. 0.0. The Mils with their Damms at 1200. Q.Q. 11424.13. 6. Which Sum of 11424. 13. 6d. will (by the present law) Acres save a tract of 57123 The Stock kept thereon (being 263 head of cattle & 56 horses) will save 4650 The Cleared Land (at 30 acres per plantation, one with another) making 630 acres, will save 10500 The Fork Patent of 1920 acres has been saved by former law 1920 On the Spotsylvania Tract containing 40000 acres with 30 plantations The Houses have been valued at 791* 3.6. The Inclosures at 435.10.4. The Orchards & Gardens at 139* CO. The Slate Quarry with Bridges, Road etc. at 150- Q.Q . 1515- 13- 10. Which Sum of 1515-15. lOd. will save 7578 The Stock kept thereon (208 head of cattle & 45 horses) will save 4217 The Cleared Land (at 25 acres p. Plantation) making 750 acres " 12500 On the Iron Mine Tract containing 15000 acres with 6 plantations The Houses, Furnace, Damms, Bridges etc. have been valued at 6949* 0- 0. The Inclosures at 200.14. 0. The Orchards & Gardens at 38- Q. . 7l87.l4.0d. Which Sum of 7187- 14. Od. will save 35939 The Stock kept thereon (being 164 head of cattle & 12 horses) 2933 The Cleared Land (judged to be about 300 acres) will save 5000 Total of acres 142360 This valuation was carried out at Spotswood's request through his Attorney, Richard Booker, Gent., by Capt. Goodrich Lightfoot, Capt. Jeremiah Clowder, John Quarles & John Finleson, Gent'm., as authorized by a Court held on October 5th 1725 (118) A LIST OF PATENTS GRANTED IN THE FORKS OF RAPPAHANOCK RIVER AND WESTWOOD OF SHERRANDO RIVER SINCE OCTober 1735 Patentees Names Acres Position & Details Morgan Bryan 400 do. 264 Alexander Ross 2373 John Wilson 286 Thomas Curtis 418 Nathaniel Thomas 380 Isaac Perkins 200 John Heit Jr. 300 Thomas Anderson 542 John Mills Jr. 408 John Peteate 500 Robert Lima 294 John Richards 500 John Lltler 448 Giles Chapman 400 James Brown 121 Luke Emlin 125 Morgan Bryan 450 Franols Pincher 100 Cornelius Cockerine 172 Josiah Ballanger 500 William Hogg 411 Benjamin Borden 850 John Litler & James Wright 438 John Frost 380 Thomas Drason 205 Thomas Branson 850 George Hobson 937 Morgan Bryan 1020 Evan Thomas 1014 John Calvert 850 John Litler 1085 Morgan Morgan 1000 Hugh Parrall 466 James Davis 1175 Thomas Babb 600 Edward Davis 875 John Mills 1315 John Peteate & George Robinson 1650 Isaac Perkins 725 John Hood 1175 William Deatherage 950 Henry Willis 3000 John Duck & Martin Duck 400 John Rains 400 William Tapp 1000 Included in an order of Council to Rose & Bryan for 70000 acres granted Apr. 23-1735 In the Little Fork In the Little Fork, 1221 acres formerly granted said Willis by severall Patents In the Great Fork ditto In the Little Fork Surveyed Dec. 23- 1734 Dec. 20 " Dec. 1 ii Dec. 24 n Nov. 5 ti Nov. 3 it Oct. 10 it Nov. 28 ii Nov. 29 ii Dec. 13 n Dec. 12 ti Dec. 18 ii Nov. 3 ii 18 ti Nov. 12 ii Dec. 21 it Oct. 28 ii Dec. 24 ii Dec. 16 it Dec. 22 ii Nov. 11/12 " Nov- 12 1734 Nov. 16 ii Nov. 15 ii Sep. 25 ii Nov. 12 H Nov. 9 II Dec. 9 II Dec. 27 II Oct. 18 II Oct. 31 II Oct. 17 II Dec. 12 II Oct. 28 II Oct. 10 II Oct. 10 II Dec. 26 II Nov. 20 II Dec. 15 II Nov. 12 II Dec. 13 II Apr. 11 1735 Sep. 20 " Nov. 20 " Sep. 18 M Sep. 11 " (119) Patentees Names Frederick Pamgarer(?) Peter Weaver Tobias Wilhlde & Martin Walk Richard Trott William Beverley Sr. , John Randolph Jr. , Richard Randolph & John Robinson Benjamin Roberts John Chisam William Lobb Robert Kolderness Charles Curtis William Pratt George Teler Edward Broadhurst George Anderson William Edding James Cox Benjamin Tutt Hancock Lee Eusebius Stone William Phillips do. do. Richard Tutt Billy Claiborne James Claiborne James Cox David Phillip Thomas Stark John Smith William Rice John Vawter & Philip Stogdale Nicholas Christopher Joseph Bludwork & Conrade Amburger John Garth Sam. White James Wight James Wight Walter Homes George Hobs on Morgan Bryan Evan Thomas Wm. Frost John Bullaugh Acres Position & Details Surveyed 400 In the Great Fork Mar. 18 1735 400 do. Nov. 18 11 400 do. Mar. 18 11 969 Do. - 650 granted June 20-1733 .Apr. 15 11 118491 On Sherrando River beyond the Mountains, not within Land Fairfax claims, it is said May 15 1736 400 In the Great Fork Jan. 21 1733 400 In the Little Fork do. 300 In Goard Vine Fork Dec. 26 1734 400 So. Side S.W. Mountain Road Dec. 7 1733 400 do. Mar. 8 ti 400 So. Side No. Fork of Beaverdam Run Dec. 6 11 200 So. Side Robinson River in little fork said River Mar. 26 1735 400 S.W. side Horsepen branch on S. side Mountain Road Dec. 9 1734 350 Fork Robinson River Dec. 31 11 981 On the Mountain Road, 531 granted June 30-1736 Aug. 17 L735 200 Afflong the Head Branches of Terry Run Jan. 19 1733 400 At Foot of Muddy Run Mountain Oct. 10 1735 400 On West side of Marsh Run May 28 1734 400 Among branches of Marsh Run May 30 11 400 In fork of the Rappidanne Dec. 26 11 400 do. do. 400 do. Dec. 10 11 300 On So. side So. Fork of Goard Vine River Dec. 21 11 400 Among branches Beaver Dam Run Dec. 6 1733 400 do. Oct. 15 1734 400 Among branches Terry's Run Jan. 21 1733 200 In Fork of Rappidanne Dec. 28 1734 200 In Fork of Robinson July 31 1735 400 Below the Mountain Run Dec. .23 1734 400 Fork of Rappidanne Dec. 26 11 580 On the Mountain Road Nov. 8 11 400 In Fork Rappidanne July 8 11 400 South side of South Fork of Goard Vine River Dec. 4 ti 400 On Branches Stantons River Oct. 10 1735 100 Opeckon Jan. 22 11 175 do. Feb. 3 11 700 do. Feb. 4 11 525 do. Feb. 4 11 4250 do. Feb. 6 11 600 do. Feb. 2 11 164 do. Feb. 14 11 1632 On Little Cape Capon Feb. 10 11 210 Opeckron Feb. 8 ti (120) Patentees Names Acres Position Surveyed John Van Metre 400 Opeckon Feb. 7 1735 James Anderson 366 do. Feb. 11 ii John Reynolds & Richard Hyland 856 do. Feb. 10 ii Owen Thomas 826 At Little Cape Capon Morgan Bryan 140 Opeckon Feb. 5 ti Thomas Anderson 800 do. Feb. 10 ii William Chambers 213 do. Feb. 12 ii John Pateet 400 do. Feb. 18 ii Rob. Smith 390 do. Feb, 17 ii Thomas Mills 410 On Little Cape Capon Feb. 12 ti John Mills 390 do. Feb. 13 it Francis Thornton 1300 On the East side of Sherando Feb, 23 ii John Sibley 293 Opeckon Mar. 1 M David Lewis 316 do. Mar. 2 ii Richard Morgan 200 do. Mar. 6 it Jos. Hyte 100 On the West side of Sherando Mar. 4 ii James Moore 650 On Opeckon -- . Stephen Owen 650 On Little Cape Capon Mar. 5 M Thomas Babb 166 Opeckon Mar. 9 ii Hugh Parrell 402 do, Mar. 10 M John Calvert 892 do. Mar. 29 1736 John Littler 800 do. Mar. 30 II John Lit burn 200 do. Mar. 3 II Richard Carter 188 do. Mar. 12 II Daniel Holman 319 On North branch of Sherando Mar. 26 II Wm. White 100 do. — Edward Teal 261 In the Great Fork Apr. 13 II Richard Tutt 319 do. Apr. 15 II Alexander McQueen 230 do. Apr. 16 II William Morgan 178 do. Apr. 30 II John Landrum 650 do. Sep. 17 II Christopher Yewell 54 do. Sep. 18 II William DeWit 380 do. Sep. 20 II Malcolm McKenzie 260 do. Sep. 26 II Col. Henry Willis 3563 In the Goard Vine Fork Nov. 30 II William Watson & Wm. Poe 400 In the Little Fork Dec. 4 II John Picket 100 On Stanton's River Dec 9 II Michael Pearson 190 do. Dec. 9 II Adam Banks 250 do. Dec. 11 II John Picket 188 do. Dec 13 II Wm. Crossthwalt 90 do. Dec 14 II Wm. Phillips 830 do. Dec. 15 II Wm. Tapp 656 In the Great Fork Dec. 16 II Andrew Bourne 586 do. - Richard Broadus 277 do. Dec. 17 II Jacob Hulsclaw 540 In th6 Little Fork Dec. 1$ II Jno. Chlsam 400 do. John Hansburger 83 In the Fork of the Robinson Dec. 20 II Adam Yager 100 do. , Wm. Pearse 70 J. WOOD Dec. 16 II Patentees Names Acres Frederick Coblar 150 Lewis David Yancey 260 Goodrich Lightfoot 237 John Tennant 225 Timothy Holdway 300 do. 400 Philemon Cavenough 535 John Campbel 300 Capt. Robert Green 1023 Wm. CatleL 330 Conrade Amburger 250 Henry Downes 236 Wm. & Peter Russell 70 Jonathan Ward 300 James Reynolds 370 Thomas Rutherford 116 Calem Price 250 Christopher Tanner 250 Capt. Robert Slaughter 300 Charles Dewit & Rob't Green 2640 Peter Daniel 200 121) Position In the Great Fork do. do. on branches of Stanton's River Jan In the Great Fork do. do. do. In the Little Fork In the Great Fork do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. In the Little Fork In the Great Fork J. WOOD A true copy and examined by us, CH. CARTER, WM. BEVERLY, George Richard 400 Wm. Lucas 200 Thomas Kinnerly & James Kinnerly 5756 James Kinnerly 210 Robert McKay 170 Benjamin Allen 170 do. 120 BenJ: Burden 3200 do. 1000 Robert McKay & Partners 2200 George Teter 200 John & Martin Dewitt 400 Wm. Tapp 1000 Wm. De at he ridge 950 Rob. McKay & Partners 891 John Wm. Hyte & Tho. Hylam 275 John Kaines 400 Robert McKay & Partners 9860 Col. Henry Willis 1779 Samuel Ferguson 300 Michael Geary 100 John Garth 400 Col. Henry Willis 260 William Russell 1000 Isaac Thomas 200 In the Goard Vine Fork In the No. Fork of Robinson In the Rush River On No. side Cannons River On So. side Shanando On No. branch Shanando do. On Smith's Creek On No. branch Shenando do. Fork of the Robinson In the Great Fork On Indian Run do. On No. branch of Shenando In the Great Fork do. in the Fork of Shenando In the Little Fork In the Goard Vine Fork In the Fork of the Rappidann On Stanton's River On Black Walnut Run On Shenando On Little Cape Capon Creek Surveyed Dec. 23 1736 Dec. 27 n Jan. 11 ii Jan. 3 ii Jan. 4 ii Jan. 8 ti Jan. 10 ii Jan. 11 ii Jan. 12 ii Jan. 13 it Mar. 25 ii Mar. 8 ii Mar. 10 ii Mar. 11 ii Mar. 22 ii Mar. 27 n Mar. 2 1737 Apr. 1 ii Mar. 29 ii W. FAIRFAX Jan. 31 1734 Feb. 5 it Feb, 11 ii Feb. 13 ii Feb. 21 ii Feb. 26 ii Mar. 2 ii Mar. 2 ii Mar. 7 ii Mar. 10 ii Mar. "26 1735 Mar. 29 ii Apr. 11 it Apr. 12 it June 10 ii Sep. 17 it Sep. 18 ti Sep. 22 ii Sep. 26 ii Oct. 8 ii Oct. 9 ii Oct. 10 ii Oct. 17 ii Oct. 22 ii Oct. 24 ii (122) Patentees Names Acres 255 Position On Little Cape Capon Creek Surveyed Oct. 25- Thomas A**ds 1735 James Anderson 600 On West side of Opeckon Qct. 28- 1735 William Aldridge 650 do. Oct. 30 11 Mary Bales 330 do. Nov. 8 11 Benjamin Smith 415 do. Nov. 3 ti John & Lewis Neal 640 On West side of Shenando Nov. 4 ii William Hogg Jr. 280 do. Nov. 5 ti Daniel Chancey 463 On West side of Opeckon Nov. 6 11 Thomas Fanner 888 do. Nov. 7 11 Just. Hyte 1300 On West side of Shenando Nov. 8 11 1200 do. Nov. 10 11 850 do. Nov. 11 11 360 do. Nov. 12 11 360 do. Nov, 13 11 450 do. Nov. 14 11 200 do. Nov. 15 11 250 do. Nov. 17 ti 206 do. Nov. 18 11 Ah. Hollinsworth 1250 On the West side of Opeckon Nov. 19 ti John Calvert 689 do. Nov. 20 11 David Lewis 516 do. Nov. 21 11 Wm. Lucas 400 In the Great Fork Nov. 22 ti Rob't McKay & Partners7009 On Linwell's Creek Dec. 1 11 1264 On the Naked Creek Dec. 10 11 708 On head of Linwell's Creek Dec. 13 11 3060 On No. Branch of Shenando Dec. 14 11 7000 On So. branch of Shenando Dec. 18 ti Morgan Bryan 600 On West side of Opeckon Dec. 22 11 Jonathan Custis 713 do. Dec 23 11 John Van Metre 50 do. Dec. 24 11 William Hogg Sr. 400 On Little Cape Capon Dec 23 11 Isaac Perkins 750 Opeckon Dec 22 11 James Wood 1125 do. Dec. 26 ii Simon Pearson 500 do. Jan. 14 it Patrick Reyley 360 do. Nov. 15 11 J. WOOD (123) COPIES of the RENT ROLLS of the several County's for the year 1704 ACCOMACK COUNTY Acres Alexander Richards 150 Arthur Upshot 2020 Antho : West 700 Ann Slmklns 1000 Arthur Donas 100 Arnell Harrison 630 Alex. Harrison 400 Alex. Bagwell 413 Anne Chew 200 Arthur Frame 500 Alex. West 550 Abraham Lambedson 100 Alex Benstone 270 Anne Blake, Wldd: 120 Anne Bruxe 180 Mr. Arcado Welburn 1854 Burwell Niblitt 100 MaJ. Bennit Scarbrough 521 Corneline Hermon 321 Christ: Stokly 200 Charles Scarborough 1000 Charles Leatherbony 1100 Charles Bally 959! Charles Pywell 150 Churchil Darby 125 Charles Evill 550 Charles Champison 270 Christ: Hodey 500 Cornelius Lofton 166 Charles Stockley 170 Charles Taylor 580 Catherine Gland 217 Dorman Derby 225 Daniell Derby Sr. 300 Dorothy Littlehouse 225 David Watson 200 Delight Shield 300 Daniel Derby Jr. 125 Daniel Harwood 100 Denis More 200 Daniell Gore 3976 Col. Edm'd Scarbrough 2000 Edw'd Hltchins 170 Edw!d Turner 750 Edw'd Klllam 720 Edm'd Allin 200 Edw'd Bagwell for Col. Wm. Custis 200 Edm'd Jones 800 Eliz'b Tinley 200 Edw'd Taylor 300 Edm!d Tatham 200 Edm?d Bally 800 Edm!d Ayres 1000 (124) ACCOMACK COUNTY (Continued) Edw'd Miles Eliz'b Mollchop Edw'd Bell Edw'd More Edv:'d Gunter Edw'd Brotherton Elias Blake Edw'd Robins Edw'd Bally Elias Taylor Eliz'b Wharton Mrs. Eliz'b Scarbrough Mr. Francis Mackenny Rrancis Rob'ts (Roberts)? Francis Wainhouse Francis Crofton Francis Young Finley Mack Wm. (Mackwilliam)? Francis Ayres Francis Jester Francis Benstone Francis Wharton Geo: Anthony Geo : Hastup Coll. Geo: Nich'o Rack Cap't Geo. Parker Gervis Baggaly Garrott Huthins (Hut chins)? Geo . Parker Sea : Side Griffin Savage Geo. Middleton Sr. Geo. Thevit (?) Geo . Pounce Geo. Middleton Jr. Geo. Johnson Capt. Geo. Hope Henry Armtrading Henry Chance Henry Selman Henry Ubankes Henry Lurton Henry Stokes Henry Custis Henry Bagwell Henry Read Henry Ayres Hill Drummond Henry Toules Henry Hickman Henry Gibbins Henry Truett John Tounson Joseph Stokley Jno . Read Jno . Blake Joseph Ames Acres 413 210 101 500 600 600 430 782 300 1500 200 4205 5109 200 200 200 200 100 300 200 400 600 100 300 2700 2609 700 170 1200 650 888 400 400 150 200 900 175 445 180 400 363 208 774 412 350 250 483 300 135 250 240 200 664 200 310 375 (125) ACCOMACK COUNTY (Continued) Acres Joseph Clark 200 Jno. Fisher 200 James Gray 900 Jno. Huttlngton 240 Jno . Legatt 300 James Lary 100 James Longue 200 Jno. Merrey 350 Jno. Milbey 500 Jno. Pratt 50 Jno. Rowell 1450 Jno. Road 110 Jno. Rowles 650 Jno. Savage Sr. 350 Jno. Charles 480 Jno. Willis Sr. 430 Jno. Willis Jr. 350 James Fairfax 900 Joseph Milby 830 John West Jr. 500 Jno. Jenkins 400 Jonathan James 150 John Rodgers 100 Jno. Collins 100 Jno. Slmcocke 125 Jno. Metcalfe, Isaac Metcalfe & Sam' 11 Metcalfe 600 Joseph Touser 200 Jno. Stanton 200 Jno. Bally 1000 Jno. Mel son 180 Jno. Barnes Sr. 657 Jno. Littlestone 200 John Nock 300 Jno. Killy 100 Jacob Morris 200 Jno. Morris 640 Jon't Ayleworth 200 James Davis 1000 Jno. Parker 200 Jno . Evans 200 Jno. Hull 200 Jno. Blockaa 700 Jno. Abbott 1170 Jno. Aren (?) 234 Jno . Grey 116 Jno. Baker 400 Jno. Wharton 150 James Taylor 200 Jno. Glading 207 Jno. Loft Land 167 James Smith 756 Maj'r Jno. Robins 2700 Jno. Collins for Asban (?) 1666 James Walker 525 Jno. Whelton 90 Jno . Marshall 1666- (126) ACCOMACK COUNTY (Continued) Acres Jon't Owen 230 Jacob Wagaman 150 Capt. John Broadhurst 1100 Jno . Dyer 200 Mr. John Watts 2450 Jno. Booth 300 John Bradford 364 Ingold Cobb 150 Jno. Griffin 150 £no. Mitchell 400 John Parker 970 James Alexander 1250 Jno. Burocke 200 James Stenferer 50 Jno. Perry 217 Jno. Drummond 1550 Jno. Carter on Fox Island 203 Jno. Warington 200 Jno. Bagwell 465 Jno. Wise Sr. 800 Jno. Wise Jr. 400 Jno. Dix 500 Isaac Dix 500 Jno. Hickman 454 Jno.. Onions 200 Coll. Jno. Custis Esq. 5950 John Coslin 50 Michaell Recetts (?) 300 Mrs. Mattilda West 3600 Marke Evell (Ewell)? 250 Mary Wright 200 Nicholas Mo 11 chops 285 Nathaniel Williams 64 Nathaniell Rattcliff 300 Owen Collenell (?) 500 Overton Mack Williams 200 Obedience Pittman 115 Peter Major 113 Philip Parker 150 Peter Rogers 167 Perry Leatherbury 1750 Peter Turlington 79 Peter Ease 250 Philip Fisher 433 Peter Chawell 250 Rob't Bell 650 Rich'd Bally Sr. 2100 Rich'd Bally Jr. 180 Rich'd Garrison 468 Roules Major 157 Roulard Savage Sr. 950 Rob't Taylor 95 Rich'd Killarn 1900 Rob't Watt son 425 Rich'd Jones 500 Rob't Hutchinson 934 Reynold Badger 150 (127) ACCOMACK COUNTY (Continued) Acres Rob't West 400 Rich'd Cuttler 450 Rob't Cole 125 Rich'd Drummond 600 Rob't Stacomb 300 Rob't Norton 1050 Rich'd Grendall 350 Roger Hickman 135 Rob't Lewis 200 Rodger Abbott 450 Richard Hill 350 Ralph Justice 1050 Rich'd Hinman 1800 Rob't Davis 384 Ragnall Ayres 300 Roger Miles 200 Rich'd Bundike 773 Rich'd Kittson 1300 Rob't Bally 100 Rich'd Stanlin 150 Rich'd Flowers 200 Rich'd Price 100 Rob't Pitts 2300 Rob't Hakins 200 Rebeckha Benstone 270 Rich'd Hillaynes (?) 300 Samuell Benstone 300 Sarah Beach 300 Sillvanus Cole 250 Symon Sosque (?) 325 South Littleton Widd: 2870 Stephen Woltham 244 Steph: Warrington 400 Symon Mitchell 300 Stephen Drummond 300 Selby Harrison 50 Sollornon Evell (Ewell)? 125 Sam'l Young 50 Sarah Reyley 150 Sebastian Dellistation Sr. 500 Sebastian Dellistation Jr. 400 Shimner Wo Hope 2485 Sam'l Sandford 3250 Sebastian Silverthorn 150 Symon Smith 200 Sarah Coe 900 Sam'l Taylor 1232 Sarah *omis (?) 150 Sebastian Croper 600 Samuell Jester 200 Tho: Burton 600 Tho: Bud 500 Tho: Boules 300 Tho: Clark 100 Tho: Middle ton 350 Tho: Stringer 600 The: Haule 500 (128) ACCOMACK COUNTY (Continued) Tho : Taylor Tho : Fockes Tho : Bagwell Mad 'm Tabitha Hill Tho : Rose Tho : Webb Tho : Savage Tho : Jones Tho : Scott Tho : Reyley Tho : Tennall Tho : Simpson Tho : Coper Tho : Miles Thomas Bonwell Tho : Bell Sr. Tho : Bell Jr. Tho : Touson Kiquosar Tho : Stocklay Tho : Jester Tho : Smith Tho i nas Chippin Tho : Wilkinson Tho : Jenkinson Tho : Moore Tho : Allen Tho : Smith Savannah Tho : Perry Tho : Town son Tho : Smith Gringateague Lieut. Coll. Robinson Wm. Robins Wm. Patterson Wm. Bevens Wm. Mathews Wm. Shepherd Wm. Whett Winifred Woodland Wm. Andrews Wm. Custis Wm. Darby Wm. Fletcher Wm. Killam Wm. Lingoe Wm. Major Wm. Moo res Wm. Nock Sr. Wm. Savage Wm. Waite Wm. Sill Wm. Waite Jr. Wm. Bradford Wm. Rogers Wm. Wise Wm. Finey Wm. Consaloms Wm. Phillips Acres 100 300 465 3600 7 50 450 100 100 225 150 520 711 202 300 100 100 800 363 100 300 698 50 374 166 700 200 232 400 693 600 200 200 400 400 200 400 333 300 1500 83 200 450 300 130 150 800 150 110 200 600 35(10 200 400 800 200 200 (129) ACCOMACK COUNTY (Continued) Win. Parker Win. Cole Win. Merill Win. Johnson Wm . Lewi s Walter Hages (?) Wm. Chance Wm. Milby Wm. Nicholson Wm. Burton Wm. Willett Wm. Hudson Wm. Lewis Wm. Young Wm. Llechfield Wm. Bunting Wm. Nock Jr. Wm. Lucas Mary Mellochop Wm. Daniell Wm. Silver thorn Wm. Gorman Wm. White Wrn. Broadwater Wm. Taylor Wm. Williamson Wm. Brlttingham Wm. Benstone Jr. Wm. Dickens for Wm. Littleton Wm. Waite Sr. Wm. Taylor Acres 362 375 150 150 150 130 450 250 600 500 842 270 300 194 154 150 400 300 498 200 160 475 600 500 100 600 538 270 1050 225 1400 Added to this Rent Roll the following lands of wch the 3t. Rents may possibly be recovered tho the owners live out of the County, viz. Jonas Jackson Rob't Andrews Joseph Morris Rob't Morris Hillary Stringer Tho: Fisher Jno. Fisher Tim. Coe David Hagard 500 500 200 200 950 133 133 4100 130 (130) An account of what land in ACCOMACK County the owners whereof are not dwellers - Acres Tho: Preson (?) of Northampton 200 Geo: Corbin of do. 150 Joshua Flshett do. 200 Alend'r Morey of Maryland 200 Tho: Dent 500 Mr. Wm. Kendall's orphans of Northampton 2850 Mr. Hancock Lee dividing Creeks 4050 Rich'd Watters in Maryland 1057 Francis Lailor, Northampton 100 Obedience Johnson 300 Henry Smith, Aty. Southend 1000 Grattience Mitchell North. 200 Matt Tyson South**** 300 Teagle Waltham Maryl'd 200 Peter Waltham New Engl'd 200 Jno. Waltham, Maryl'd 200 Jno. Wise Sherriff (131) A Perfect Role of the Land in MIDDLESEX COUNTY Richard At wood Richard All in Tho: Blewford Mrs. Blaiss (?) John Bristow Rob't Blackley Coll. Corbln Coll. Carter John Cheedle Wm. Carter Widd'o Chaney Nanth: Cranke Tho : Dyatt John Dowie Wm. Danlell Henry Freeman John Goodrich Geo: Goodloe Geo: Guest Rich'd Gabriel Wm. Finley Wm. Gardner Rob't George David George Widd'o Hazellwood John Ho are Rich'd Reynolds Jno . Southerne Rich'd Shurly Thos. Staple ton Wm. Southworth Wm . Jones Evan Jones Esq'r Wormley Estate Wm. Churchill Jacob Briston Jno. Pace John Logie John Price Henry Perrott Rich'd Kemp Tho: Kldd Francis Weeks Widd'o Weeks Henry Webb Tho: Wood Rob't Williamson Tho: Lee Edm ' d Mi cklebur rough Valentine Mayo Wm . Mo ntague Garrett Minor Marvill Mosseley Joseph Mi t cham Minie Minor Anno Dom. 1704 Acres 100 150 100 300 140 100 2260 1150 50 170 800 50 200 75 150 200 50 50 50 30 50 100 180 150 200 100 50 100 200 200 50 300 50 5200 1950 200 200 300 519 1100 1100 250 225 225 100 70 200 100 100 100 500 225 225 75 225 (132) MIDDLESEX COUNTY (Continued) Acres Humphry Jones 150 Jno. North 200 Henry Tugill 200 Henry Thacker 1875 Thomas Tezeley 500 Charles Moderas (?) 100 Win. Mulllns 150 John Smith 700 James Smith 400 Harry Beverley 1000 George Wortham 400 Capt. Grimes 900 Sarah Mi cklebo rough 1000 Christ 'o Robinson 4000 John Vibson 100 James Daniell 150 James Curtis 300 Tho : Cranke 54 Phil Calvert 200 John Hipkins 200 Rich'd Daniell 210 Geo : Blake 100 Edw'd Williams 100 Pat -Mammon 100 Alexander Murray 250 Poplar Smith 550 Oliver Seager 380 Edw'd Gobbee 90 Henry Barnes 200 John Davis 100 Paul Thilman 300 Hugh Watts 80 Edw'd Clark 300 Charles Williams 100 Edwin Thacker Estate 2500 Thomas Dudley 200 Thomas Mackhan 200 Rich'd Paffltt 200 Tho : - Stiff 100 Peter Browell 100 Tho: Blakey 100 John Robinson 1350 Roger Jones 100 John Nicholls 200 George Berwick 100 Widd Y o Hanford (Harford)? 50 Widd'o Hackney 300 Wm. Kibbee 600 Ezikiah Rhodes 300 John Handiford 100 John Miller 200 Wm. Scarborow 200 Wm. Home 75 Rob't Dudley 300 Widd'o Mason 100 Peter Chilton 100 (133) MIDDLESEX COUNTY (Continued) Acres Francis Dobson 150 James Dudley 200 Capt. Berkeley 750 Wm. Sutton 150 S'r Wm. Skipworth 350 Coll. Kemp 900 Wm. Barbee 150 Wm. Wallis 300 Adam Cur tin 200 Capt. Wm. Armi stead 2325 (134) A True & Perfect Rent Roll of all the Lands held in ESSEX COUNTY this present year 1704 Abbott, Win. Andrews, Geo. Adcock, Edw'd Adcock, Henry- Acres, James Arvin, Wm. All in, Erasmus Allin, Wm. Ayres, Wm. Acres, Wm. Baulwar, James Bendall, John Butler, John Bowers, Arthur Baulwar, James Beesley, (Beasley)? Wm. Barron, Andrew Bartlett, Tho: Brown, Buskinhan Beeswell, Rob't Bee swell, Rob!t Jr. Brown, Wm. Brown, Charles Buckner, Rich'd Buckner, Tho: Brill, Henry Bourn, Jno. Beverley, Harry Battail, John Baulwar, John Booth, Widd'o Butler, Jno. Butcher, Jno. Bendrey, Widd'o Bird, Widd'o Beckham, Symon Brutnall, Rich'd Brook, Rob't Ball, Jno. Brooks, James Eillington, Mary Brooks, Peter Bowman, Peter Brooks, Rob't Brasur, Jno. Brush, Rich'd Baker, Henry Bradburn, Rich'd Brown, Francis Brown, Dan'l Jr. Byrom, Henry Burnett, Tho: Jr. Baughan, James Sr. Acres 150 200 230 250 100 100 100 100 200 200 800 135 125 600 200 100 50 100 400 100 150 420 1000 1200 2000 400 100 1000 1100 50 800 100 150 700 100 100 100 4O0 150 100 200 275 400 150 300 250 350 100 150 150 100 1000 600 (135) ESSEX COUNTY (Continued) Acres Baughan, James 150 Baughan, Henry 100 Brown, Dan'l Sr. 450 Brown, Tho: 50 Blackiston, Argail 200 Burnett, John 365 Burnett, Th. Jr. 130 Bailen, Jno. 800 Brakins, *** 250 Bell, Thomas 100 Condute, Nath'l 20 Cary, Hugh 50 Connoly, Edw'd 200 Qogwell, Frederick 250 Copland, Nich'o 300 Cattlett, Jno. 1800 Covington, Rich'd 1000 Cook, John 112 Chew, Larkln 300 Crow, Tho: 300 Covington, Wm. 400 Cheney, John 200 Cheneyy Wm « 700 Cole, Wm. 200 Corbin, Tho: 440 Cockin, Tho: 120 Coates, Sam' 11 300 Cooper, Rich'd 100 Cooper, Tho: 100 Copland, Jno. 175 Crow, Jno. 440 Chew, Lark in 550 Cooper, Wm. 50 Compton, Win. 50 Cox, Wm. 500 Callaway, Jos. 87 Coleman, Rob't 450 Cobnall, Symon 100 Chamberlain, Leon'd 350 Daniell, James 100 Devillard, Jacob 80 David, Tho: 150 Dudding, Andrew 230 Davis, Evans 150 Dobbins, Dan'l 550 Dressall (?), Timo ' 175 Daughty, John 200 Dyer, Wm. 100 Daingerfield, Jno. 270 Daingerfield, Wm. 270 Dunn, Wm. 220 Dyer, Jeffrey 100 Day, Rich'd 100 Duke, Thomas 500 (136) ESSEX COUNTY (Continued) Acres Evans, Rice 200 Edmondson, James 500 Elliott, Alice 75 Evitt, Tho: 100 Edmo nd so n , Tho : 700 Flowers, Isaac 250 Faulkner, Nich'o 100 Farrell, Charles 50 Franklin, Nich'o 130 Foster, Rob't 200 Foster, Jno. 200 Fisher, Jonothan 250 Fisher, Benja: 150 Frank, Tho: 175 Fullerton, James 400 Fossett (?), Wm. 100 Ferguson, Jno. 150 Faulkner, Edw'd 530 Green, George 300 Grey, Abner 350 Goulding, Wm. 200 Gannock, Wm. 2100 Gaines, Barnerd 450 Griffin, ThA : 200 Gibson, Jonathan 700 Grigson, Tho: 300 Gouldman, Francis 300 Goulding, John 200 Goulding, Edw'd 380 Good, Rich'd 200 Garnett, John 150 Glover, John 200 Hawkins, John 1066* Hi n shaw, Sarn'l 200 Hut ton, Tho: 100 Harrison, James 400 Harrison, Andrew 300 Hilliard, Thomas 100 Hanser (?), Wm. 240 Harmon, Henry 75 Hoult, Rich'd 100 Humphrie, Joe 100 Hail, Jno. 900 Harper, John 748 Harper, Tho: 350 Hould, David 100 Hudson, Wm. 100 Hinds, Thomas 100 Howerton, Thomas 175 Hodges, Arth: 100 Howe, *** 300 Harwood, Peter 125 Harway, Tho: 1000 Hudson, Tho: 50 Hudson, Wm. 300 (137) ESSEX COUNTY (Continued) Acres Hill, Leon 'd 300 Harwar (?), Sam'l 300 Jamison, David 250 Jones, Wm. 165 Jenkins, David 50 Jewell, Tho: 100 Johnson, Wldd'o 300 Jones, Walter 200 Johnson, Rich'd 50 Johnson, Wm. 650 Jones, John 300 Jones, Rich'd 350 Jenkins, John 93 Jones, Wm. 300 Journey, Wm. 243 Johnson, Thomas 500 Jones, Rice 500 Key, Rob't 209 Kerby, Henry 60 Landrum, John 300 Landrum, James 100 Long, Rich'd 300 Lomax, John 2000 Loyd, George 800 Lawton, Claude 100 Little, Abraham 60 Lacy, John 100 Law, John 300 Lattame, Lewis 250 Leveritt, Rob't 100 Mi con, Paul 150 Martin, John 400 Morgaln, John 100 Miller, John 150 Medon, Tho: 300 Moseley, Benj'a 1100 Mottley, John. 100 Morris, John 200 Moss, Rob't 180 Merritt, Tho: 124 Merritt, John 100 Munday, Tho: 500 Magton (?), David 400 Mill, Jno. 200 Moseley, Rob't 100 Mayfield, Rob't 100 Mathews, Rich'd 250 Moseley, Edw'd 550 Merri weather, Francis 3200 Moore, Fran: 175 Michaell, Jno. 200 Merriweather, Tho: 2100 Mofflin, Zach: 400 Medor, John 100 Morse, John 400 Mat the w s , Benj'a 200 Mountague, Wm. - 850 (138) ESSEX COUNTY (Continued) Acres Newbury, Nath'l 200 Nixon, Henry - 500 North, Wm. 900 Newton, Nich'o 100 Nightingall, -John 200 Orman, James 300 Prosser (?), John 450 Poe, Sam'! 800 Pley (?), Widd'o 800 Parker, J no . 250 Pitts, Jno. 200 Piskell, Jno. 300 Pain, Jno. 135 Price, Wm. 100 Petenas, Tho : 200 Powell, Honor 72 Powell, Wm. 72 Powell, Place 72 Powell, Tho: 72 Payne, Widdow 1000 Perkin, Henry 300 Pritchett, Roger 167 Paggett, Edm'd 700 Price, John 1100 Pickett, John 800 Perry, Sam'l 225 Price, Wm. 100 Quarter X't'pher Robinson 2200 Quart 'r Tho: Corbin 4000 Q*«* Rob't Thomas 200 Quart' r John Hay 1000 Quart !r Wm. Smith 3000 Quarter Gawen Corbin 2000 Quart 'r Peter Ransom 300 Quart' r David Gwin 950 Quart !r Wm. Upshaw 1000 Quart I r Levercone 600 Quarter Tho: Todd 550 Ridgdall, John 300 Ramsey, Tho : 550 Rowse, Ralph 610 Rucker, Peter 500 Rowze, Edw'd 300 Royston, John 1000 Roberts, Edm'd 300 Rebs, Henry 400 Reeves, Joseph 200 Reeves, James 200 Roberts, John 50 Richardson, Rob't 200 Reynolds, James 500 Reynolds, James 500 Ransom, Peter 1200 Strange, Jno. 100 Stepp, Abra: 390 Sam '11, Anth'o (Samuel, Anthony) 300 Sail, Cornelius 73 (139) ESSEX COUNTY (Continued) Acres Salmon, John 60 Spiers, Jno. 160 Smith, Wm. 150 Stokes, Rlch'd 500 Smith, Charles 3000 Sullenger, Peter 400 Sales, Widd'o 1150 Shipley, Jno. 200 Spearman, Job 300 Smith, Francis 500 Stallard, Sam f l 100 Ship, Joe 350 Short, Tho: 150 Scott, Wm. 1100 Stogell, Jno. 100 Stephens, Jno. 100 Slaughter, Phebe 352 Smith, Jno. 75 Smith, Jonas 100 Sanders, John 300 Stanton, Jno. 95 Shepherd, Jeremiah 300 Smith, Tho: 50 Shakelford, Francis 300 Sthrashley, Tho: 200 Staners, Tho: 500 Snoud, Tho: 950 Shakelford, Henry 50 Thorp, Widd'o 400 Tinsley, Tho: 111 Thacker, Sam'l 110 Tomlin, Widd'o 400 Taliaferro, Francis 1300 Thornton, Fran: 700 Tomlin, Wm. 1600 Thomas, John 100 Taliaferro, Charles 300 Thomas, Wm. 200 Taliaferro, John 2000 Turner, George 200 Tomlins, Wm. 950 Trible, Peter 100 Taylor, Rich'd 650 Tllley, Mathew 200 Venters, Earth'o 400 Virget, Job 50 Vincent, Vans 450 Wake land, Wm. 100 Wood, Tho: 50 Winslow, Tho: 150 Winslow, Henry 100 Williams, John 450 Williams, Wm. 100 Wilson, David 50 Wilton, Richard 150 Wheeden, Edw'd 50 Ward, Widd'o 200 (1^0) ESSEX COUNTY (Continued) Whitehorn, Widd'o Wms. (Williams), Emanuell Watkins, Thomas Waters, John Webb, James Webb , John Wead, Wm. Wood, Tho: Williamson, Tho: Williamson, Wm. Williamson, John Webb, Robert Webb, Isaac Woodnatt, Henry Waginer, John Ward , Geo : Wheeler, Tho ; Young, Wm. Young, Giles Mus co e , Sal va to r Moody, John Maguffe, John Brookins, Quart ! r Smith, Jno. Quart 'r Newton, Henry Newton, Henry Nowell, Dall Nowell, Widd'o Garrett, Tho: Gould, Price Green, Sam'l Gouldman, Fran: Gawdin, Wm. Grimmall, Wm. Gaitwood, John Gaines, John Sam'l Thompson Acres 260 100 400 150 200 200 200 300 100 100 100 375 200 300 400 350 250 1000 100 100 150 100 250 1000 100 175 400 300 1000 200 97 300 100 100 400 475 1000 Lands held in the above said County, the rents not paid and held by the severall gentlemen as followeth, viz. John Smith, Esq'r. of Gloucester County Wm. Buckner of Gloucester by informations Jno. Lightfoot, Esq'r. New Kent County Jno. Bridgate in Engl'd Rich'd Wyatt & Jno. Pettus of King & Queen County Wm. Berry of Richmond County 800 Received 1500 900 700 800 400 Richard Covington. (141) GLOUCESTER RENT ROLLS - A Rent Roll In Petso Parish (1704) Acres Capt. David Alexander 1050 James Amis 250 John Acre 100 Wm. ArmisteaeL 430 Ralph Baker 150 Martha Brooken 600 Thomas Buckner 850 Sam'l Bernard 550 Wm. -Bernard 810 Rlch'd Bailey 600 Mary Booker 100 Thomas Cook 350 Wm. Crymes (Grymes)? 400 Jno. Cob son 100 Rob't Carter 1102 Wm. Co Hone 400 Hannah Cannell 100 Ben j : Clements 400 Jno. (Clarke or Cleake) 100 Wm. Cook 135 Jno . Coleman 200 Jno. Day 400 Jerim. Darnell 150 Jno . Darnell 60 James Dudley 780 Rlch'd Dudley 400 Thomas Dudley 200 Thomas Dixon 300 Jno. Drumont 80 Sam'l Fowler 150 Wm. -Fleming 600 Wld'o Forginson 150 Wm. Fockner 180 Jno. Grymes 1400 Susannah Grinley 200 Dorcas Green 400 Jno. Grout 300 Jno. Harper 100 Wm. Howard 300 Rlch'd Hubard 100 Wm. Hansford 500 Jno. Hanes 150 Alexand'r How 120 Rlch'd Hill 70 Rob't Hall 100 Rlch'd Hull 250 Sam'l Howell 200 Stephen Johnson 150 Wm. Jones for Northington 530 Glebe Land 127 Jno. King son 400 Capt. Edw'd Lewis 1000 Rich'd Lee, Esq. HilO Nlch?o Lewis, orphan 350 Wm. Mllner 900 Rlch'd Minor 250 (142) GLOUCESTER - Petso Parish (continued) Acres Edw'd Musgrove 100 Hayce, an orphan 60 Eliz'b. Mas tin 360 Jno . Mackwilliams 50 Rob't Nettles 300 Wm. Norman 150 Isaac Oliver 100 Dorothy Oliver 130 Jno. Pritchett 850 Jno. Pate 1100 Rich'd Price 600 Mad'm Porteous 500 Mad'm Page 550 Rob't Porteus 892 Guy Parish 100 Wei. Roane 500 James Reynolls 200 George Robinson 300 John Roys ton 570 Thomas Read 2000 Wm. Richards in Pamunkey 150 Jno. Shackelford 280 Edward Symons 500 Nich'o Smith 280 John Stubs 300 Thomas Simpson 280 John Smith 1300 Augustin Smith 200 Augustin Smith Jr. 500 Wm. Stanbridge 159 Wm. Thornton Sr. 525 Wm. Thornton Jr. 800 Wm. Thurston 200 Wm. Upshaw 490 Francis Wisdom 150 Thomas West 112 Thomas Whiting 450 George Williams 100 Conquest Wyatt 2200 Seth Wickins (?) 50 Walter Waters 200 Jane Wotham 60 Rob't Yard 450 Roblt Hall 250 Wm. -Whittmore deserted 150 Wm. Parson orphan 100 Edw'd Stephens 70 John Kelley orphan 150 Tho : Neale (143) GLOUCESTER RENT ROLLS - KINGSTON PARISH Prose Curtis Rob't Peyton Rlch'd Perrott Henry Preston Sarah Green Rob't Cully Thomas Hayes Andrew Bell Humphrey Toy Anne Aldred Dunkin Bohannah (Bohannon)? Rlch'd Hunley Capt. Gayle Math. Gayle Jr. James Hundley John Hundley Philip Hundley Tho : Cray Hen: Knight John Williams Rlch'd Beard Timothy Hundley Thomas Bedford J no . Floyd John Bohannah Capt. Armi stead Christopher Dixon Rob't Eristow, Esq'r Edw'd Go wing Tho: Ryland John Nevill Lawrence Parrott Wm. Brooks Joseph Bohannah Wm. Hampton Widd'o Green Capt. Dudley Capt. Knowles Capt. Tho: Todd Wm. Beard Wm. Tompkins Henry Bolton Wm. Eliott Humphry Tompkins Daniel Hunton Thomas Peyton Rich'd Dudley James Ransom Jr. Tho: Peters Rob't Elliott Mich: Parriott Jno . Meachen Jr. Caleb Linsey Alexand'r Ofield Mark Thomas Jno. Garnet Win. Plumer Acres 400 680 35 1500 200 200 140 128 1100 350 113-! 50 164 250 100 130 660 200 240 50 380 300 50 250 1131 3675 300 900 100 272 100 340 720 148 348 150 650 575 775 100 100 50 1060 100 200 684 350 310 30 1247 100 600 140 23 300 250 510 (144) GLOUCESTER - KINGSTON PARISH Wm. Brumley Win. Credle Charles Jones Rob't Sadler Edw'd Sadler Geo: Roberts Rich'd Longest Tho : -Fliping Charles Watters Wm. Gundrey Thomas Kemp Tho : Allaman Coll. Kemp Ralph Shipley George Turner Coll. James Ransom Thomas Pitman Rich'd Merchant Widd'o Sineh (?) Christopher -Rispus (?) Benj: Read Walter Keble Joseph Brooks Capt. Gwin Lindsey Land Thomas Garwood John Callis Tho : Miggs Rich'd Glascock Jno. Lylley Geo: Billups Rob't Singleton James Foster John Andrews Thomas Rice John Martin Capt. Smith Capt. Sterling John Diggs Wm. Howlett Jno. Miller Andrew Ripley Francis Jarvis Wm. Armi stead John Banister Tho : Plume r Isaac Plumer James Taylor Edw'd Bo rum Widd'o Davis Sam. .Singleton Wm. Morgan Sr. Wm. Morgan Jr. John Bacon Henry Singleton John Edwards Patrick Berry Anne Forrest Continued) Acres 750 50 225 50 20 170 600 300 100 200 200 842 200 430 50 1400 300 180 300 200 550 550 500 1100 390 77 1000 100 500 584 1200 650 225 50 34 200 550 1100 1200 300 100 40 460 300 650 400 200 50 360 300 300 50 200 825 600 534 250 500 (145) GLOUCESTER RENT ROLLS - WARE PARISH Acre: Thomas Poole 600 Anne Crox*on (Croxton, Cro xson)? 300 Thomas Purnell 163 Nicholas Pamplin 210 Simon Stubelfield 200 Jno . Price 600 Sam'l Vadrey 400 Sam!l Da v; son 350 Nathan: Eurwell 600 John Dawson 780 Tho : Bacop (Baooii)? 200 Rob't Francis- 400 Walter Grewell (?) 50 Tho: Reed 400 James Shackelfield 35 Rob' t Freeman 135 Jno. Marinex 100 Isaac Valine 100 Tho : Kay wood 70 Hugh Marinex 50 Leonard Ambrose 200 Philip Grady 200 Capt. Wm. Debnam 1250 James Burton 100 Jno. Spink s 300 Wm. Hurst 200 Sarah More 67 John Ray 100 Rob't Pryor 300 Christ ! o Greenaway 270 Capt. Throgmorton 500 James Clark 250 Philip Cooper 200 Jno. Kindrick 100 Sam'l Simons 120 Wm. -Radford 200 John Robins 900 Alice Bates 200 Jno. Easter 350 James Davison 100 Rob't Korrin 200 Anne Bray 100 Grace Easter 200 Sampson Dorrell 300 Capt. Francis Willis 3000 Thomas Powell 460 Wm. Holland 300 Capt. Cook 1500 Giles Cook 140 Wm. Jones 120 Tho: Colli s 100 Philip Smith 700 Tho: Che e man 650 Geo : More 40 James Morris 250 Abraham Ivcson Sr. 1000 (146) GLOUCESTER - WARE PARISH (Continued) Acres Robert Bristow Esq'r 2050 Anthony Gregory - 700 Rich' d Dailey 800 Wrn. Foulcher 100 Widd'o Jeffes 216 Rich!d Dudley Jr. 300 John Buckner 900 Thomas Todd 884 John & Peter Waterfield 143 Henry Whiting 800 Mad* in Whiting 950 J no. Goodson 150 Wm. Morris 350 Kary Lascelle 200 Peter Ransone 220 Charles Waters 200 Dororthy Kertch 220 Dorothy Bo swell 1600 Rich'd Cre tendon 280 Eliz'b Snelling 250 Joseph Bo swell 230 John Bui lard 100 Anthony Elliot 100 Wm. Anr.i stead 100 Peter Kemp 650 I-iaj'r Peter Beverley 800 Ditto Tillid Lands 150 Dudley Jolley 100 Rob't Couch 100 (147) GLOUCESTER RENT ROLL - ABBINGTON PARISH Acres Mr. Guy Smith 30 James Cary 50 Wm. Sawyer 150 Edw'd Cary 100 RobH Barlow 62 Tho: Cleaver Sworne 200 Edw'd Stevens 80 Henry Stevens 60 Chlllion White 100 Jerimah Holt 350 of Ditto for Widd'o Babb 150 Rob't Yarbborrow 100 Rob't Starkey 100 Henry Seaton 170 Hugh Howard 200 Capt. Booker 1000 Jno, Stoakes 300 Jno. Dob son 400 Wm. Dob son 950 Edm'd Dobson 350 Hugh Allen 1250 George Jackson 117 Jno. Teagle 30 Widd'o Jones 45 Mary Thomas 100 Thomas Seawell 200 Benj. Lane 50 Valentine Lane 80 Jeffry Garves 33 Thomas Coleman 250 Johanna Austin 40 Major Burwell 3300 Jno. Satterwight 50 Jerimah Holt Jr. 150 Charles Stevens 75 Rich'd Roberts for wife 300 Jno. Sadler 125 James Steavens 100 Susannah Stubbs 300 Rich'd Foster 150 Henry Mitchell 50 Nathaniel Russell 550 Eliz'b Richardson 500 Wm. Camp 175 James Row 300 John Butler 100 John Smith Esq. 2000 Ditto for Rob't Bryon 400 Capt. Blackbourne 550 Peter Richeson 250 Benj. Clements 500 Thomas Graves 70 Rob't Page 175 Joseph More 150 (148) GLOUCESTER - ABBINGTON PARISH (Continued) Acres Richard Dixon Eliz'b Turner Owen Grathmee Rlch'd Woodfolk Jno . Waters Wm. Hilliard Rlch'd Heywood Mary Hemingway Wm. Kemp Rob't Francis Joshua Broadbent Joseph Coleman Grustam Clent Philip Grady Jno. Hall Tho: Walker Jno . Mixon Tho : Sanders Wm. Smith for Kittson John Banister Mad'm Mary Page Jno. Lewis Esq'r 200 150 250 125 50 80 100 150 75 104 200 200 100 150 125 300 400 450 50 2750 3000 2000 Rich'd Cordell (149) A True Account of the Lands in King & Queen County as it was taken by Rob't Bird Sherriff in the Year 1704 Acres Alford, John 200 Austin, Dan'l 80 Asque, John 320 Adams, John 200 Arnold, Edw'd 150 All in, Thomas 100 Adklnson, John 250 Austin, Thomas 100 Adamson, David 100 Anderson, Rich'd 650 Allcock, Dorothy 150 Baker, Wm. 350 Beverley, Rob't Esq. 3000 Bennett, Alexander 200 Breeding, Geo: 200 Bennett, Wm. 150 Bowles, Rob't 100 Bennett, Sawyer 150 Baylor, John 3000 Bell, Roger 150 Bur ford, Wm. 150 Bray, John 230 Blake, Wm. 290 Boisteau, James 900 Blake, Wm. Jr. 210 Brown, Lancelot 385 Burch, Jno . 100 Burch, Wm. 100 Brown, Tho . Blakes Land 300 Bridgforth, James 355 Bagby, Rob't 550 Banks, Wm. 1079 Bullock, John 200 Bird, Wm. 572 Breach, Jno. (Broach) ? 1200 Braxton, Geo : 2825 Blanchet, John 125 Bowker, Ralph 330 Bine, Edm»d 111 Barber, James 750 Burgess, Wm. 100 Bond, Jno. 100 Breemen, John 1100 Bland, Henry 150 Breemen, John Jr. 200 Bowden, Tho: 150 Barton, Andrew 150 Barlow, Henry 200 Baskett, John 150 Batterton, Tho: 100 Baker, James 322 Bill, Rob't 150 Bocus, Reynold 150 Bourne, George 200 Bird, Rob't 1324 (150) KING & QUEEN COUNTY (Continued) Acres Cane, Jno. 300 Che stum, Alexander 150 Cook, Benjamin 200 Cook, Thomas Jr. 50 Cook, Thomas Sr. 100 Cook, Jno. 50 Cleyton, John f 400 Chapman , Mary 200 Cleyton, Jeremy 325 Crane, Wm. 120 Camp, Thomas 250 Carletoh, Christ 'o 200 Carleton, Jno. 300 Carter, Tim'o 350 Coleman, Tho : 300 Coleman, Daniell 470 Cleyton, Susannah Wldd'o 700 Collier, Rob't 100 Crane, Wm. 300 Crane, Tho: 320 Chapman, John 200 Caughland, James 100 Cotton, Catherine 50 Collier, Charles 450 Collier, John 400 Collins, Wm. 350 Cammell, Alexand'r 200 Chin, Hugh 100 Conner, Tim'o 1410 Collins, James Yard 300 Corbin, Gawin 2000 Crisp, Tobias 100 Carters, **** 300 Carlton, Tho: 200 Carlton, Anne 300 Clough, George 390 Clerk & Condell both in Gloucester 1000 Widd'o Durrat 200 Day, Alexand'r & Maj. Beverley 300 Doe, Wm. 300 Billiard, Nich'o 150 Billiard, Edw'd 150 Dimmock, Tho: 150 Dismukes, Wm. 200 Duett, Charles 900 Dldlake, James 200 Burham, John 100 Bunkley, John 380 Buson, Tho: 448 Bavis, Nath'l 300 Beshazo, Peter 450 Bavis, Jno. 90 Bavis, Edw'd 100 Billand, Thomas 170 Bewis, Rich'd 250 Billard, Geo: 325 Duglas, James 275 (151) KING & 3UEEK COUNTY (Continued) Acres Dayley, Owen Eachols, John Ellis, John Eastham, George Eubank, Wm. Eastham, Edw'd Jr. Edw'ds John (Edwards) Ea s tham , Edw ' d Eastes, Abraham Eyes, Cornelius Emory, Ralph Ellis, Timothy Fonsigh, Thomas Farguson, James Flipp, John Farish, Rob't Fielding, Henry Farmer, John Fothergill, Rich'd Fortson, Charles Forrett, Charles Fethergill, Rob't Farmer, Jno . not paid for Fox, 1-Iargarett not paid for Gadberry, Edw'd Griffin, Edv/'d George, Rich'd Griffin, David Graves, Rob't Graves, Jno. Gardner, Ringing Gray, Joseph Gilby, John Gray, Sam'l Gresham, Jno. Gre sham , Edw ' d Good, John Gresham, George Garrett, Dan'l Gamb 1 e , Tho : Majors La nd s Gresham, Tho: Graves, Jno. Guttery, Jno. Gregory, Frances Widd'o Gough, Alice V/idd'o Griggs, Francis Garrett, John Gibson, Widd'o Garrett, Rob't Hand, Thomas Hayle, John Esq (?) Honey, James Hollo way, Wm. Herndon, James Hoomes, (Homes)? George Ho dg e s , Thome s Hayle, Joseph 180 220 400 300 350 800 100 100 200 100 100 350 150 300 80 1400 1000 50 675 400 150 150 200 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 200 200 300 40 200 175 200 150 200 450 225 150 230 700 800 250 330 200 200 150 685 200 100 100 725 250 250 (152) KING & QUEEK COUNTY (Continued) Acre: Hayle, John 100 Kaynes, ¥m. 494 Kolcomb, Wm. Brafords Land 700 Henderson, John Thackers Land 200 Hodgson, Widd'o 200 Henderson, Widd'o 300 Henderson, Wm. 162 Housburrough Morris, Harts Land 200 Hestonley, John 100 Hill, John 200 Hendon, Wm. 70 Harris, Wm. 250 Hart, Tho: 200 Hockley, Rob't 100 Howard, Peter 300 Hardgrove, Wm. 100 Henning, Arthur 50 Hickman, Thomas 700 Hunt, Wm. 312 Hobs, Wm. 250 Hicks, Rich'd 250 Howden, Wm. 100 Howerton, Thomas 300 Holt, Joseph lives in Maryland 321 Hayward, Tho: in Gloucester 600 Jones, Tho: 150 Jones, Rob't 200 Jeffrey's, Rich'd 337 Jones, Rob't Jr. 130 Johnson, James 200 Jones, Wm. 900 King, John 150 Kallander, Tim'o 100 Kink, Anne 275 King, Edw'd 200 Knowles, Dorothy 150 King, Rob't 100 Kenniff, Darby 160 King, Daniell 200 Lo veing, John 100 Lyon, Peter 250 Leigh, John 6200 Lumpkin, Rob't 400 Lee, Wm. 230 Lobb, Wm. 100 Loft, Rich'd 320 Lewis, Zachary 350 Lumpkin, Jacob 950 Lewis, David 120 Lewis, John Esq. 10100 Lewis, Edw'd 1400 Lemon, Eliz'b 100 Lynes, Rebecca 405 Levingstone, John 600 Lawrence, Matthew 210 Letts, Arthur 475 (153) KING & QUEEN COUNTY (Continued) Acre: Lang; ford, John 150 Levi ng- stone, Jno. Sewell Land 750 Leftwitch, Thomas in Essex 75 Nay, John 300 Ilusick, George 100 Major, Jno. 250 Martin, John 300 More, Aus tines (?) 200 May , Tho : 300 Moore, Sam'l 100 Maddison, Jno. 500 Morris, Win. 130 Martin, Eliz'b 400 Mackey, Sarah 177 May, John Piggs Land 200 Major, Francis 700 Mansfield, Thomas 60 Morris, Henry 100 Ma lor, John 400 Mole (?), Nich'o 200 Marcartee, Baniell 200 Morris, Wm. 300 Mead, Wm. _ 300 Matthews, Edw'd 160 Martin, Cordelia Wid'o 200 Nelson, Henry 440 Neal, John 50 Nason, Joshua 200 Norman, Wm. 300 Norris, James 100 Owen, Ralph 120 Ogilvie, Wm. 300 Orrill, Lawrence 290 Orrill, Wm. 500 Ortbourne, Michaell 90 Overstreet, James 180 ditto at hand 50 Powell, Rob't 500 Prewitt, Wm. 200 Paine, Bernard 130 Pomea,(?) Frances 100 Philip, Charles 250 Pettitt, Thomas 548 Pollard, Rob't 500 Pollard, Wm. 100 Phinkett, Eliz'b 500 Pemberton, Tho: 115 Pickles, Tho: 93 Pottors, Frances Wid'o. Neales Land 100 Parke, James 200 Purchase, Geo: 580 Page, Jno. 100 Pritchett, David 225 Pigg, Henry 61 Page, John Jr. 300 Pi ££ , Edw'd 250 Phelps, Tho: 400 (154) KING & QUEEN COUNTY (Continued) Acres Pendleton, Philip 300 Pendleton, Henry 700 Pann, John 200 Paytons quart. 500 Pigg, John 100 Pamplin (?), Rob't 150 Pryor, Christ 'o 175 Paulin, Eliz'b 175 Pate, John in Gloucester 1000 Quar 1 e s , Jame s 300 Quarles, Dyley Zacha: Lewis Land 300 Richard, Rob't 300 Rings Quarter 1000 Robinson Daniell 100 Roger, Giles 475 Rice, Kichaell 200 Richeson, Tho : 460 Richeson, Elias 180 Read, Eliz'b 550 Russell, Alexander Wyatts Land 400 Robinson, Rob't "~ 980 Rowe , John 100 Richards, John 914 Richards, Wm. 400 Richards, Oliver 250 Riddle, Tho: Reads Land 700 Roy, Rich'd 1000 Ryley, Elias 200 Rollings, Peter 150 John the son of Rob't Robinson hold, w'th no body pays for 750 Sebrill, John 130 Stone, Mary 100 Smith in Bristoll 2800 Stone, J no . 295 Stubbelfield, Geo: 400 Scandland, Denis 1470 Swinson, Rich'd 170 Smith, Christ 'o 200 Smith, Jno. Cooper 273 Smith, Alexander 275 Se amour, Wm. 268 Sones, Tho: 150 Shepheard, Isaac 100 Southerland, Wm. 800 Shoot, Tho: 100 Shepheard, Joseph 100 Shea, Patrick 200 Southerland, Dan'l 200 Smith, Nich'o 700 Sanders, Nath'l 200 Smith, Jno. Sawyer 80 Shackelford, Roger 250 Skelton, John 100 Snell , John 150 Simpio, Charles 100 (155) KING & QUEEN COUNTY (Continued) Acres Sawney, John 113 Stringer, Marg'e 175 Spencer, Tho : 300 Sykes, Stephen 50 Smith, Francis 100 Smith, Rich'd 150 Sparks, John 200 Surly, Tho: 100 Staple ton, Tho: 200 Story, John 3000 Soencer, Katherine 600 Skipworth, Sir Wm. w'ch is not paid for 700 Stark, Tho: of London wch is not pd. fo r 920 Stubble field Geo: in Gloucester 400 Smith, Austin in Gloucester 4000 Turner, Richard 200 To dd , Tho ma s , Quart . 2300 Taylor, Gaines 4OC0 Toy, Thomas 175 Taylor, Dan'l 70 Thomas, Rowland 610 Tun stall, Tho: 550 Todd, Rich'd 1050 Towley, John 200 Trice, James 350 Tureman, Ignatius 100 Turner, Thomas 267 Thacker, C.C. 1000 Vaughan, Cornelius 500 Vize, Nath'l 100 Uttley, John 200 Wood, James 800 Wilkinson, John 100 Wright, Tho: 300 Watkins, Wm. 137 Wiltshier, Joseph 60 Watkins, Edw'd 98 Watkins, Philip 203 White, Thomas 200 Walker, John 6000 Wilson, EenJ., Wyats Land. 420 Wyat, Rich'd 1843 Withy, Thomas 50 Williams, Thomas 200 Watts, Tho: 235 Ward, Sam'l 160 Watkins, Benj: 60 Watkins, The: Jr. 125 Williams, Eliz'b 900 Waldin, Sam'l 275 Ware, Edw'd 735 William, John 125 Ware, Valentine 487 Willbourne, Tho: 250 Wildbore, Wm. 100 (156) KING & QUEEN COUNTY (Continued) Acres Ware, Nich'o 718 White, Jerimiah 200 Whorl In, John 200 Wise, Rich 1 d 209 Walker, John. Johnson's Land 1000 Wadlington, Paul not paid for being 150 York, Kathew 100 (157) THE ^UIT RENT ROLL OF KING WILLIAM COUKTY 1704 Armsby, John Alvey, Rob't Andrew, Wm. Abbott, Rob't Arnold, Anthony Arnold, Benj: Alcock, John Adam , Jarne s Anderson, Wm. Capt. Burwell, Maj'r Bunch, Paul Baker, John Burges, Edw'd Euttrls, Rob't Bibb, Benj: Browne, Joseph Bell, Edw'd Eurch, Henry Burrel , Suprian Baker, Tho : Bobo, Eliz. Bird, Wm. Maj'r Burrus, John Butler, Thomas B ur r u s , Tho ma s Bassett, Coll. Bray, James B r o w n e , Ab r aham Brightwell, Eliz'b Blckley, Joseph Claibourne, Win. Coll Clalbourne, Tho: Capt. Claibourne, John Coakes, Robert Crado ck , Sam * 1 Cockram, Wm. Cockram, Joseph Celar, John Chadwi ck , Wm . Ca thorn, John Carr, Thomas Chiles, Henry Cranshaw, Thomas Clark, Kargarett Coates, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Davis, Lewis Davis, Wm. Downer, John Downes, Elias Davenport, Davis Dorrell, Sampson Davenport, Martin Davis, Robert Dlckason, Wm. Dickason, Thomas Acres 200 400 100 100 100 1000 190 400 150 4700 150 250 150 400 100 270 580 200 350 100 200 1200 60 150 60 1550 1400 250 300 150 3000 1000 50 100 600 200 600 100 150 180 500 700 150 100 50 200 200 200 300 300 200 5000 100 200 100 100 (158) KIITG WILLIAM COUKTY (Continued) Acres Dillon, Henry 150 Dabney, James 200 Da/oney, George 290 Dabney, Eenja: 200 Davis, John 200 Elly, Rich'd 100 Egny, Eliz'b 100 Elliot, Thomas 480 Edv/ard, James 350 Elliott, James 1700 Fox, John Capt. 600 Fox, Henry 2000 Finton, Francis 100 Fuller, Anthony 150 Foord, John Jr. 300 Foord, Wm. 800 Fullalove, Thomas 100 Fleming, Charles 1700 Graves, John 100 Garratt, Thomas 200 Graves, Thomas 100 Green, John 100 Gravatt, Henry 150 Goocin, I'aj'r 200 Glover, Wm. 100 Herriott, George 200 Hollins, John 200 Higgason, John 350 Holderbee, Wm. 100 Ho Hi day, Wm. 100 Hay field, Wm. 100 Hampton, John 50 Huckstep, Edw'd 150 Hurt, Wm. Jr. 90 Hurt, Wm. Sr. 250 Hurt, John 500 Kendrick, Hans 700 Ha nd c o c k , Tho ma s 200 Haydon, John 150 Hobday, Edw'd 150 Hill, Thomas 150 Hutchinson, Wm. 600 Kill, Francis 300 Kill, Gabriell 250 Hill, Edw'd Coll. 3000 Hayle, Joseph 200 Johns, Jane 240 Johnson, Wm. 300 Johnson, Coll. 600 Johns, Wm. 100 Isabell, Wm. 150 James, Jonathan 300 Inge, Vincent 100 Jones, Frederick 2850 Jenings, Coll. 4000 King, Robert 300 (159) KING WILLIAM COUNTY (Continued) Acres Kenlerise, Symon Lee, John Lypscornb, Ambrose Lasy, Wm. Lypscornb, Wm. Littlepage, Rich'd Cap't Lypscornb, John Mallory, Thomas Mallory, Roger Miles, Daniell McGehee, Thomas Marr, John Morris, Wm. Maybank, Wm. McDonnell, John Maddison, Henry Merri weather, Nich'o Mullone, Matthew Maddison, John Norment, Joseph L'orment, Sam'l No ye, Win. Napier, Robert Owens, Hugh Oustin, John Oakes, John Oliver, John Palmer, Martin Peek, John Pynes, Nathaniell Pee, Thomas Purlevant, Arthur Powers, David Pollard, Wrn. Pemberton, Geo: Page, John Pickrell, Gabriell Parks, Coll. Quarles, John Reynolds, Wm. Robert, Maurice Randall, John Ray, James Rhodes, Nicholas Sandlan, Nicholas Strutton, Thomas Street, Wm. Shilling, George Satterwhite, Charles Slaughter, Geo: Slaughter, Martin Stark, John Sanders, Joshua See, Ma the w Sellers, Jacob Spruce, Jeremy 200 20 600 100 300 2600 200 150 100 350 250 200 440 100 150 650 600 150 300 800 100 650 100 300 350 350 140 1200 100 1400 400 100 200 500 180 1000 100 4500 100 100 200 100 100 150 700 150 350 300 150 100 130 500 100 200 350 150 (160) KING WILLIAM COUNTY (Continued) Smith, Edm'd Spencer, Thomas Slaughter, John Smith, Christ 'o Slaughter, Kenry Toms, Wrn. Tov/ler, Matthew- Terry, Thomas Terry, Stephen Tomason, Thomas Terry, James Tremeer, John Vickrey, Henry West, Jno. Coll. Winfree, Henry West, Tho. Capt. Whitworth, John Whitlock, John Willeroy, Abraham Williams, Phillip Williams, Griffith Wood, Thomas Whitehead, John Woolsey, Jacob Williams, John Williams, Sam'l Wright, Thomas Whitbee, Robert West, Nathan '1 Capt, Waller, John Maj'r Willis, Wm. Wheelis, Joseph Wormley, Madam Winston, William Whitehead, Phillip Yancey, Charles Yarbo rough, John Yarbo ro ugh , Ri chard Wm. Stanard M:S James Wood K: