p RETURN failure No n n . Yes RETURN success DEFINE program NP ^"PARSE oV. No RETURN failure < s rjETERMINER/ > ' |Yes ^^PARSE o\ No it < \^ NOUN^^ jYes RETURN success DEFINE program VP ^^PARSE a\. No k OCTI If, ->* (_:■.'.-_ ^^VERB^X^ nt lUnn i ui iui e ^■^s^ i i TVes •^TRANSIT IV E^> res ^ — -xf '^PARSE\ s Yes a NP J> JNo _jNo s' is if ^s. omtrawqitiufS No v^iiaj i r\MiMoi i ivtL^ jYes 41 RETURN success Figure 2.4 Flow diagrams for a simple program grammar (from Winograd (1974)) 30 approach are the inability to handle ungrammatical inputs, and the amount of processing time required for the parse. 2.2.3 Hybrid Approaches It seems only reasonable to try to combine some of the best aspects of both pattern matching and linguistic approaches into a single parser. One such attempt is the dialog understanding process of the SOPHIE CAI system discussed in Section 2.1. This parser is based on the idea of a "semantic grammar" (Burton (1974)), one in which the syntactic categories usually found in a grammar are replaced by concepts which have semantic meaning in the domain of discourse (see Figure 2.5 for an example taken from another application: NLS-SCHOLAR (Grignetti, et al . (1974)). Thus the grammar rules express how each semantic concept may be expressed in terms of constituent concepts. As Figure 2.5 shows, the terminals of such a grammar are patterns of English words. In actual use, the grammar of Figure 2.5 would be hand coded into LISP procedures. Execution of these procedures is controlled by the input string just as Winograd's PROGRAMMAR procedures are. Developing such a grammar involves the same analysis of the problem domain and probable inputs as the pattern matching approach does. A semantic grammar can also be made to ignore some words in the input stream or handle ungrammatical inputs. However, since the grammar, once developed, is expressed as LISP procedures, it allows the same ease of interfacing with procedures to query a world knowledge base as Winograd's PROGRAMMAR grammar. This provides a capability to determine pronoun referents and handle ellipses similar to the linguistic approach. Disadvantages are that it is as difficult to extend to other problem 3] := := DEFINE WHAT DOES MEAN WHAT DOES STAND FOR WHAT DOES DO := WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF WHAT IS THE CONTENT OF WHAT IS THE LEVEL OF WHAT IS THE ADDRESS OF WHAT ARE EXAMPLES OF WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF WHAT IS WHAT IS WHAT ARE WHAT ARE AT WHAT ARE IN WHAT IS **ALSO 'TELL\ME, GIVE\ME, TELL\ME\ABOUT ' IN PLACE OF 'WHAT IS' := WHAT CONTAINS := WHAT ARE IN := WHAT ARE AT := HOW\DO\I TELL\ME\HOW\TO TELL\ME\ABOUT := WHAT [NLS\COMMANDj := WHERE AM I WHERE IS THE CM WHERE IS := DO IT DO Figure 2.5 BNF description of part of a semantic grammar 32 areas as the traditional pattern matching approach, yet it requires more processing time during execution. 33 3. GETTING TO KNOW PATTIE 3.1 Introduction In this chapter we will describe the structure of PATTIE in some detail. In particular, we discuss how various features of the design relate to one another, and how they're involved in the interaction with the student. Some of these features have been influenced by the particular problem PATTIE is concerned with, or by the general area of programming. Others are quite general. The three most significant aspects of PATTIE 's design are: (1) the use of an AND-OR graph to represent knowledge of both the possible solutions and the processes used to develop those solutions; (2) the interaction control routine which traverses this graph, conducts an interactive dialog with the student, and maintains a screen display of the student's developing solution; and (3) the existence of a student model, intimately tied in with the AND-OR graph and based on a list of concepts relevant to the problem area. The discussion in the remainder of this chapter is centered on the use of these features to teach top-down programming techniques. However, it must be realized that the techniques used in PATTIE may be adapted to teaching top-down problem solving in any field in which that technique is applicable, 34 Thus, while the particular graph and concept list used by PATTIE are highly problem specific, such graphs and concept lists may be developed for problems in many different subjects. The interaction control routines are totally independent of the specific problem area PATTIE deals with, namely programming and differentiation. Even portions of the vocabulary used in the natural language understanding routines may be adapted to other subject areas (see Section 3.3.2). 3.2 Relation to Other Tutors PATTIE is only one part of a large system to teach introductory programming skills to students. Her specific task is to illustrate the concepts involved in top-down program development by assisting the student through a dynamic example of such a process, much as a private tutor would. To perform this task properly, PATTIE must be able to understand student- suggested refinements described in English, provide hints based on the current state of the student's proposed solution, and extend that solution if possible and necessary. How does the design of such a tutor relate to those other problem solving tutors with similar abilities discussed in Chapter 2? Kimball's and Goldberg's tutors emphasized the need to give the student a wide range of experience, and were capable of handling a correspondingly wide range of both prestored and student-suggested problems, To accomplish this, heuristic problem solving routines, with capabilities similar to those of the students being tutored, were integral parts of the system. Such an approach was possible due to the quantitative nature of the subject areas. Solving problems in integration or proving simple logic theorems requires using only a small number of rules applicable to many 35 problems (Kimball's tutor used only 12 rules to solve over 70 problems; Goldberg's used 15 rules for over 25 proofs). Unfortunately, in top-down programming there is no small set of general rules which can be applied in many situations. There is, instead, a very large number of distinct refinements which are applicable in only a small number of instances. (For example, PATTIE recognizes 61 different refinements applicable to a single sizeable problem. And those 61 refinements may be described in English in over 450 ways!) Using this "problem solver" approach in PATTIE would require developing an automatic programming routine which itself used the stepwise refinement method and which could understand and apply such a large number of refinements. Such a routine is vastly beyond current capabilities (see Green, et al . (1974) for a status report on automatic programming systems). If the problem solver approach is not viable, perhaps an approach similar to that of Koffman and Blount is possible: develop a collection of specialist routines which can determine the correctness of a portion of a program, and combine their abilities to examine the student's proposed solution to one of a number of predefined problems. For our purposes, there are two flaws in this method. First, this approach is primarily concerned with judging the solution program, and not at all concerned with how the solution is developed. Koffman and Blount, in fact, require the student to go directly from the problem statement to producing code, exactly the procedure PATTIE is trying to combat. Secondly, it would be difficult to implement, as the ability to mechanically judge the correctness of programs written in a high-level language (and correct them when wrong) is very limited (see Sussman (1973) and Goldstein (1974) for discussions of the problems in debugging simple LISP and LOGO programs). 36 Finally, the problems of trying to simulate the execution of a program consisting of PL/1 statements intermixed with actions described (with varying degrees of precision) in English rule out using the approach taken with SOPHIE. It seems that the very nature of the successive refinement process forbids using the designs used in previous tutors. Hence, one of the primary problems faced in developing PATTIE was to provide her with a knowledge structure which exactly described acceptable ways of developing solutions, as well as the acceptable solutions, while simultaneously satisfying the design criteria expected in a good instructional program (good modularity, separation of knowledge and control functions, relative ease of development of the data base, and effective interaction with the student). As with SOPHIE, the detail of knowledge required has forced us to limit PATTIE' s domain of expertise to a single problem. This does not mean, of course, that she is limited to dealing with only one problem forever. But adding additional problems will require a sizeable amount of work to develop the necessary data bases, even though the control program may be used as is. The particular problem PATTIE is concerned with is not of vital import, but the problem must meet certain criteria to achieve the desired instructional objectives. First, the problem area should either be one with which most students are familiar, or one which can be easily and clearly explained. Otherwise, students make many errors and waste a good deal of time trying to understand the problem rather than intelligently pursuing a solution. Secondly, the problem must be large enough, relative to the student's problem solving ability, that the student can't grasp the 1/ solution immediately. Otherwise, the value of using the top-down solution method to reduce complexity to a manageable degree is not apparent. But it is still necessary that the basic approach to the problem be fairly straight- forward, so that successive refinement is an acceptable solution method. Short but "tricky" problems can easily be found whose solution is not immediately apparent, but then the essence of the solution lies in seeing the trick, rather than in applying a problem solving method. Since a majority of the problems beginning programmers encounter have fairly straightforward solutions, eliminating tricky problems from those PATTIE may be concerned with is not a significant restriction. The actual problem PATTIE has been concerned with during the course of this research is that of writing a PL/1 program for taking the symbolic derivative of a sum of terms of a polynomial of two variables. 3.3 What PATTIE Knows — The Data Bases The information PATTIE needs to guide a student to the solution i of the problem can be divided into three separate areas: (1) knowledge of what the valid solutions to the problem actually are; (2) enough knowledge of human discourse in the problem area to understand proposed refinements; and (3) information about the student and his performance during the course of solution development. Let's look at each of these in turn. 3.3.1 The Solution Graph AND-OR Graphs PATTIE represents knowledge about acceptable solutions to the example problem as an AND-OR graph. Such graphs (like that illustrated in 38 Figure 3.1(c)) have been used in a number of areas of artificial intelligence research (Nilsson (1971)). The basic idea behind an AND-OR graph is reducing a problem to a series of subproblems, just as in stepwise refinement. In such a graph, each node represents a problem. Solving the problem represented by an AND node (Figure 3.1(a)) can be accomplished by solving all the subproblems represented by the successor nodes. Solving the problem represented by an OR node (Figure 3.1(b)) can be accomplished by solving any one of the subproblems represented by the successor nodes. The solution to the initially given problem (represented by the root of the graph) is successively reduced to the solution of sets of subproblems, some of which might be immediately recognized as being solved (LEAF nodes) , others of which might need further reduction. Thus in Figure 3.1(c), solving the complete problem (node R) involves solving node M or_ node N. Solving node M involves solving nodes A and B, and so on. In practice, AND-OR graphs are dynamically grown from the root node, using a small number of "problem reduction operators." Clearly, growing such a graph is a trial and error process, complete with deadends and backtracking, which could halt as soon as any solution is discovered. A full graph, such as represented by Figure 3.1(c), would be developed only if all possible solutions were desired. It is obvious how such a graph could represent the refinement process. The root represents the initial problem to be solved, leaves represent statements in the target programming language, and each intermediate node represents a subtask on one of the levels of refinement. Thus the process of developing a solution by stepwise refinement is equivalent to tracing a path from the root to some subset of the leaves which represent a 39 Figure 3.1 Sample AND-OR graph 40 program to solve the problem. The immediate descendants of any given node represent tasks which are refinements of the task represented by that node. Figure 3.2 illustrates a simple example of such task relationships. Intuitively, an OR node corresponds to a point in the development of a solution where a choice must be made between several (equally correct) approaches. An AND node represents a point at which refinement involves several tasks which must all be done to solve the problem. For the same reasons that an automatic programming approach was rejected for PATTIE (primarily the large number of possible refinements and the qualitative nature of the successive refinement process), it would be difficult for PATTIE to grow an AND-OR graph as is commonly done. Instead, a "problem expert" supplies PATTIE with a complete AND-OR graph representing all good (well-structured and correct) solutions to the example problem, as well as a few anticipated bad approaches beginning students might attempt. Figure 3.3 shows a small portion of PATTIE' s refinement graph. The complete graph for PATTIE 's problem contains 150 nodes and 339 branches. The claim of being able to represent all reasonable solutions to a problem, as well as a few wrong approaches, as an AND-OR graph clearly requires some justification. Intuitively, one feels that the number of possible solutions must increase enormously as the complexity of the problem increases. Undoubtedly, this would be true if we were considering every correct solution; however, we are considering only "good" solutions, which makes an important difference. Many of the possible solutions (especially the solutions proposed by beginning students) may be immediately rejected because they violate some obvious criterion of goodness. Thus 41 >-l 01 00 e OJ o 4J u c u-t •H -C u S-J II * « o> 2 oi oc 01 OJ 01 o 3 D >-i ■u 4J ^H iH c « Cfl u. •H r-l > > I 2 cu 03 2 3 >> u ja iH CO >^ U i-H I Ol •H i en ■U •H .H 5 3 U 6 0) J= T3 ■u C o CO e O! X! H 4J II r— 1 II Ol 2 3 Figure 3.2 Refinement as an AND-0R graph 42 Figure 3.3 Partial solution graph 4 3 paths representing inefficient or poorly structured solutions need not be included in the graph, even though such solutions may be correct in a strict sense. At most, such solutions will be one of the plausible wrong approaches. Further, the use of a graph form, as opposed to a tree, allows maximum common utilization of subportions of the graph. These factors significantly reduce the number of nodes the solution graph must contain, and enable us to use such a representation. Special Features In order to use an AND-OR graph as the basis for a tutor of successive refinement, several features were added. As Figure 3.3 shows, branches between nodes are tagged with English phrases ("transition phrases") which are usually descriptions of the tasks represented by the node each branch leads to. Thus, nodes represent subproblems to be solved, and branches are tagged with English descriptions of the subproblems they lead to. PATTIE uses these transition phrases to determine the path the student is taking through the graph. Section 3.4 contains a detailed description of how this is done, but the basic idea is simple: at any time during development of the solution, one node in the graph represents the task the student is currently refining. PATTIE matches the refinements suggested by the student against the transition phrases associated with branches leaving that node, and can thus determine the correctness of each refinement and its effect on the solution. Other branches (leading to LEAF nodes) are tagged with PL/1 statements and represent the final step in refinement of a particular task, namely translation into the target programming language. 44 Some nodes and branches in Figure 3.3 are tagged with underlined English phrases. These phrases represent one of (currently) 16 programming or problem solving "concepts" which the problem expert may associate with any node or branch. Concepts available are listed in Figure 3.4. The programming concepts indicate major groupings of PL/1 language features, thus specifying the general area of the target language to which a given node or branch is most closely related. The groupings are primarily based on those used in recent introductory programming texts using PL/1 (Conway and Gries (1973), Weinberg, et al . (1973)). The problem solving concepts are similar in intent, but indicate approaches to solving problems in general. They represent the essence of the problem solving techniques recommended in Polya's (1957) classic work, and of suggestions for finding refinements in relation to a top-down approach to program development (Conway and Gries (1973), Wirth (1973)). While PATTIE doesn't require that every node and branch be tagged with a concept, these concepts form the basis for her model of the student. Thus the greater the amount of concept tagging done by the problem expert, the greater PATTIE' s ability to aid the student and adapt her expectations to his previous performance. And a small list of concepts is applicable to a wide range of situations; in PATTIE 's refinement graph, 94% of the nodes and 80% of the branches are tagged with one of the 16 concepts. The remaining features added to the basic AND-OR graph formalism are special branch or node types, illustrated in Figure 3.5. Special ERROR branches (Figure 3.5(a)) allow the problem expert to provide specific hints to be given to the student only in certain contexts. These ERROR branches may run from either AND or OR nodes, and lead to LEAF nodes which have error messages attached. ERROR branches tagged with transition phrases 45 programming arrays assignment statements blocks built-in functions conditional statements declarations I/O loops recursion subprocedures problem solving draw a picture solve part of the problem simplify the original data find several distinct subcases find a series of sequential actions use additional variables Figure 3.4 Programming/problem solving concepts 46 ERROR Maybe it will help to divide T into pieces? ERROR divide T into separate pieces 2 pieces. pieces How many pieces will you use? 4 pieces ERROR branches (a) Figure 3.5 Refinement graph special features 47 Mixing PL/1 and English (b) TERM: PROC(T,Z) END TERM; PROC node (c) Figure 3.5 Refinement graph special features 48 ("expected" ERROR branches) correspond to bad approaches the problem expert felt students were likely to attempt at that point, and the error message can explain why that approach is not good. Untagged ("universal") ERROR branches lead to error messages which simply suggest explicit actions which are probably needed at that point. A second special branch type was needed to handle the common practice in top-down program development of intermixing partial programming language statements with English descriptions of refinements. For instance, once the need for a DO group has been established, the descriptions of the actions to be done are surrounded by DO and END statements. Thus PATTIE needed a way to both display PL/1 statements and accept refinements at a single node. The solution (illustrated in Figure 3.5(b)) was simply to allow branches to be tagged with PL/1 statements and marked so as to be displayed as soon as the node is encountered, but not traversed. In Figure 3.5(b), then, the DO is displayed as soon as the node is encountered, the refinements are accepted as at any AND node, and the END is then displayed. The final special feature is the PROC node shown in Figure 3.5(c), which allows invocation of a subroutine before it is programmed in detail. When encountered in the refinement of one procedure, the PROC node acts like a LEAF, but also causes the interaction control program to stack the PROC as the root of the new procedure's subgraph, for later detailed development. At that time, the branches leaving the PROC node are displayed to provide the initial screen environment for programming the new procedure. To summarize, then, there are four types of nodes: ANDs, ORs, LEAFs, and PROCs. A node may be tagged with a concept, associated with a 49 display message (for example, an error message), or not associated with anything but the branches leaving it. There are three types of branches: regular branches, which are tagged with a transition phrase and perhaps with a concept; ERROR branches, which may or may not be associated with a transition phrase; and immediate display branches, which are tagged with PL/1 statements and are displayed as soon as they are encountered in the traversal . Advantages There are several advantages of representing knowledge of the solution as an AND-OR graph. For one thing, it is compact. PATTIE's refinement graph of 150 nodes requires only 226 60-bit words for storage, an average of less than 1.8 words per node. Error messages and displayable transition phrases require another 700 words of memory, but the overall average is still only 6.4 words per node. Another advantage is that it allows separation of specific problem knowledge and knowledge of how to interact with students, which reduces the difficulty of adding new problems to PATTIE's repertoire. For someone who understands and practices top-down programming, developing a refinement graph is not a difficult matter. Essentially, it requires solving the problem and maintaining a trace of the refinements and decisions made. Reexamining that trace for decision points where other approaches are equally valid identifies OR nodes, and additional subgraphs leading from these nodes must be developed. Finally, ERROR branches (and perhaps additional portions of the graph) can be added as a result of observing students using the initial graph. Entering or modifying a graph in PATTIE's data base is a simple (if somewhat time consuming) process using an editor developed for the purpose. 50 A third advantage is that a single representation can provide knowledge of the student's solution process as well as acceptable solution programs. The solution process is described by a path through the graph, and knowledge of the student's current position on such a path simplifies PATTIE's control program. If the student gets stuck at any point in the refinement process, PATTIE can immediately extend his solution by simply traversing branches leaving the node representing the current task. When a task is ready to be translated into the programming language, a branch leaving the current node will be tagged with a PL/1 statement which performs the required action. If the student is truly lost, PATTIE can let him back up in the graph to a previous decision point and try a different approach. And any acceptable solution program is represented by some subset of the LEAF nodes of the solution graph. 3.3.2 Natural Language Understanding Features Any system which conducts a natural language dialog with a person must be concerned with methods of understanding natural language inputs. In Chapter 4 we discuss aspects of language understanding which determine which technique is best suited to a system such as PATTIE. However, natural language processing was not of prime interest in this thesis, beyond the need to provide PATTIE with enough understanding to allow for fairly natural description of refinements. The PLATO IV author language, TUTOR, provides a facility for natural language understanding (Tenczar and Golden (1972)) which PATTIE uses and which has proven adequate for her needs. Essentially, this facility is a keyword recognition, pattern matching scheme. An author specifies a vocabulary, consisting of a number i 51 of disjoint classes of synonymous words (groups of "content" words) and a list of words which are allowed in a student's inputs but which carry no meaning ("ignorable" words). Elements of a synonym class may be single words or "phrases," which are a series of two or more words which must appear contiguously. Phrases provide a simple means of handling common idioms, and may consist of ignorable words, content words appearing elsewhere in the vocabulary, or completely new words. The purpose of a language understanding system is to assign a meaning to the typed inputs. TUTOR'S facility attempts to assign a meaning by matching the input against a series of stored patterns. Each pattern consists of representatives from one or more of the classes of synonymous words in the vocabulary. Since there are usually many ways of expressing an idea in natural language, it is frequently necessary to attach more than one keyword pattern to a single "meaning list." For example, since keyword order and number of keywords are important in a pattern match, if it was desired to assign the same meaning to the inputs "a brown cat," "a cat that is brown," and "a cat" (assuming "cat" and "brown" are content words and other words are ignorable), the meaning list must include. the patterns "brown cat," "cat brown," and "cat." Figure 3.6 illustrates this v/ith a small portion of PATTIE's vocabulary and a few sample meaning lists. PATTIE's vocabulary contains 484 root words and phrases, and over 700 words if different endings are considered. There are 61 separate meaning lists containing a total of 452 patterns. Analyzing a student input is then a straightforward process, performed by the PLATO IV system. Keywords are extracted, the list of patterns searched, and the first matched pattern (if any) is identified. 52 vocaoulary * ignorable words * content words (al locate, create, DCL, declare, del .define) (i f , IF, 1 f *then, IF*THEN, 1 f*ther.*else, IF*THEN*ELSE) (var 1 ab 1 e , var , temporary , storage) (asterisk, mult ipl icat ion*sign,star) (aster i sks , doub 1 e#star , exponent i at i on*s i gn) (coe f f i c i ent , coe f , coe f f i c i ent * st r i ng) (equa 1 , equa 1 s , equ i va 1 ent , same* as) (exponent , exp, exponent *of*z ,exp*of*z) (expression, string, term, T,character#str ing#T) (decrease, decrement , deduct , reduce, subtract) (delete, el iminate, get.*r id*of , remove, separate, spl it) ( f i nd*product , mu 1 1 i p 1 y , product , t i mes , t ake*product ) (one, 1) * meaning lists meaning del dc 1 var meaning coef term remove coe f remove coef term mean i ng mu 1 1 1 p 1 y coe f exp mu 1 1 i p 1 y coe f -t i mes exp mu 1 1 i p 1 y exp coe f mu 1 1 i p 1 y exp 1 1 me 3 coe f coe f equa 1 coe f t i mes evp coef equal evp times coef coef product coef e>p coe f product coe f t i mes exp coef equal product coef exp coe f equa 1 product coe f t i mes exp coef product exp coef coe f product exp t i mes coe f coef equal product exp coef coef equal product exp times coef meaning reduce exp subtract 1 exp reduce exp 1 Figure 3.6 Sample vocabulary and meaning lists 53 In cases where there is no match found, the student answer is marked up to indicate broken phrases, words not in the vocabulary, and suspected misspellings, and the input must be retyped. This understanding system is incorporated into PATTIE as follows. The problem expert develops a vocabulary containing words he anticipates students will use in the dialog. The transition phrases associated with branches in the graph (the refinements) are determined, patterns are established to accept each phrase or its equivalent (synonymous equivalents as a result of the vocabulary, other equivalents through multiple patterns for the same meaning), and the number of that meaning list is attached to the corresponding branch in the graph. Vocabulary and patterns can be improved by iteratively examining protocols of student interaction with the system and modifying both patterns and vocabulary to correct misunder- standings. PATTIE 's actual implementation of these features uses only a single vocabulary for the entire problem domain, but a separate set of meaning lists for each procedure required in the solution program, similar to an approach taken in later versions of ELIZA (Weizenbaum (1967)). This reduces the difficulty of insuring that two patterns associated with separate meaning lists don't match the same input. One of the biggest drawbacks of a synonym-class approach such as this is that a word can have several different meanings in different contexts. Since no word can be in two classes (except as part of a phrase), classes which contain the same words must be coalesced. This introduces a certain amount of ambiguity into the meaning attached to some inputs. Fortunately, a node in the refinement graph provides a well-defined context which helps reduce this ambiguity caused by merged classes. The most 54 likely student inputs at a node are exactly those which correspond to transition phrases tagged to branches leaving that node, or nodes slightly lower in the graph. Therefore, if an input matches one of these branches, there is a high probability that the intended meanings are the same . As might be expected, a difficult part of adding a problem to PATTIE's repertoire is developing the vocabulary and meaning lists needed to understand student inputs. As mentioned above, this is a trial and error process involving real students, although the effort involved may be decreased depending on how closely related the new problem is to the old. For example, about 27% of PATTIE's present vocabulary is concerned with differentiation, another 23% with programming and PL/1, and another 11% is concerned with polynomials. 3.3.3 The Student Model One of the prime arguments which proponents of CAI make for using computers in education is that CAI systems can adapt themselves to provide instruction tailored to each individual student. Such individualized instruction, however, is seldom realized in practice. PATTIE makes no claim to provide individualized tutoring for every student, but she does make an attempt to adapt her presentation based on the student's past performance. This adaptation is controlled by a simple student model which is based on the programming and problem solving concepts discussed in Section and listed in Figure 3.4. The typical student model employed by CAI systems is a vector representing the student's performance in some fixed number of areas, which are commonly the system's educational objectives. The student is presented 55 information or asked questions in one particular area until his performance exceeds some threshold value, at which point the next topic is introduced. Only a few attempts have been made to develop and use a strong, effective model of the student. One of these is that of Kimball, in his tutor for methods of integration. His model is probabilistic, holding that an attempted solution can be modeled as a sequence of problem states, and that the student can be modeled by a set of transition probabilities from one state to any other. The possible problem states are dependent on the subject being tutored, and the proper identification of these states is a critical step in the development of such a tutor. PATTIE's educational goal is to expose the student to a dynamic example of program development by successive refinement, and thus show him how he can use such a process in developing any program. The degree to which this is achieved is not easily measured by a threshold level. However, PATTIE's entire refinement graph may be viewed as a sequence of problem states in the sense used by Kimball. Each node is a state, characterized by the concepts attached to it and to the branches which leave it. Probabilities are established for each concept, and in turn the concepts characterizing a node provide a probability of the student correctly describing the refinements required at that node. Say that a student correctly "employs" a concept whenever he (1) correctly describes all refinements needed at a node tagged with that concept, or (2) correctly describes a single refinement associated with a branch tagged with that concept. The heart of the student model is then a pair of counters for each of the 16 concepts, one counting the number of times the student has correctly 56 employed that concept, the other counting the number of opportunities he had to do so. This establishes a probability of correct employment for each concept. As will be described in Section 3.4.3, the interaction control routine can use this correct employment probability to suggest which branches the student should follow at choice points, or to decide to simply display the necessary refinements at a node instead of asking for them. There are two other components of the model beyond the correct employment probabilities described above. PATTIE keeps track of the average number of levels in the graph spanned by each student input, and uses this information to control how far down in the graph to search in trying to match a student input (see Section She also keeps track of the average number of refinement attempts made for all nodes, and uses this information in the interaction control routine as well. 3.4 How PATTIE Behaves — The Interaction As has been mentioned, PATTIE' s basic model of the problem solving process is the method of stepwise refinement, similar to that of Wirth (1971). In relation to the AND-OR graph, the successive refinement process corresponds to tracing a path through the graph from a root to some subset of the LEAF nodes which represent a solution program. The exact path taken is determined by suggested refinements input by the student. At any given time, the student is actively refining only one task, the "current task.' 1 This current task is represented in the refinement graph by a single node, which PATTIE considers the "current node." PATTIE determines the correctness of student-suggested refinements by matching them against branches in the graph at and below the current node. Once the student has described all the actions needed to refine the 57 current task, a new current task is selected by simply traversing one of the described branches from the current node to a new current node. The order in which these branches are traversed is determined by the control program using a depth-first traversal algorithm. It is interesting to note that, besides being easy to implement as a control algorithm, there is some evidence that such a depth-first design procedure is used in the development of actual software packages. Ells and Freeman (1973) reviewed (after the fact) the logical and chronological relationships in the design decisions made during development of three separate BASIC translators. Figure 3.7 shows design trees they developed for each translator by ordering the design decisions so that no decision was logically dependent on other decisions beneath it in the tree. These structures are clearly AND-OR trees with only one branch from any OR node fully developed. The order in which the decisions were made is indicated by the numbers at each node of the tree. As Figure 3.7 shows, this numbering is clearly depth-first in two of the trees, somewhat less so in the other. It is also interesting that these, crees contain more OR nodes than ANDs, while PATTIE's solution graph shows the opposite mixture. Possibly this is because the design trees of Figure 3.7 reflect higher level decisions of large projects, while PATTIE's graph indicates detailed decisions of a considerably smaller program. The remaining subsections of this chapter describe bow PATTIE handles interaction with the student. The reader may find it helpful to refer back to the sample dialog of Section 1.3 for examples of use of various features. 58 /\ 'X -^ /\ * A Ar xa, m a A / V\X | VVX X s Figure 3.7 Design trees (from Ells and Freeman (1973)) 59 3.4.1 What the Student Sees — The Screen Display The only medium through which PATTIE may talk to the student is the display screen of the PLATO IV terminal, a 64 character by 32 line plasma panel. Within this area PATTIE must conduct a dialog and maintain a copy of the student's developing solution. Figure 3.8 is a copy of the screen as the student sees it. The upper 20 lines are the "program area" and contain the developing solution program. The lower part of the screen is the "scratchpad," the area where the dialog is conducted. On the left-hand side of the program area are a series of "task names" indicating the relationship of each task to others in the solution, exactly as the relationships between sections of this thesis are described by the section numbers. Task names are assigned when the refinement task is initially described, based on the task name of the current node and the current node type. Each refinement at an AND node receives a task name composed of the task name of the AND and a suffix indicating the number of the branch matched by the refinement. At OR nodes, on the other hand, the task name of the refinement is simply that of the OR itself, since only one branch leaving the node is ever traversed. Traditionally, indentation has been used to indicate the relationship between various tasks described in the successive refinement process (Gries (1974)). On a screen with limited horizontal and vertical extent, use of task names performs the same function, saves room on the screen, and provides a handy way to refer to specific tasks and describe their interrelationships. Task names also describe the order of refinement of the tasks (and hence of traversal of the refinement graph), namely in increasing order of the task name s . Note also that the limited extent of the program area forces a great degree of modularity in the structure of the solution program. The 60 DIFTEPM: PPOC'CT.Z) ; DCL(T,Z,BFOR ) CHHRj 1.1 DCL (NDXZ.LSTHR ) FIXED; NDXZ = INDEX(T,Z) ; 1.2 IF NDXZ = THEN RETURN ( ' ' ) ; 2.1.2 BFOR =SUDSTRH « 5 tu K H M rn n t^ CJ> M W w n S « Figure A.l High-level control flow 105 » H 3 Q a. O CO M Q S5 g S U M < IX o CO s Figure A. 2 Data usage 106 When in use by students, PATTIE uses from 2 to 3 milliseconds of CPU time per second per student. Response times vary from essentially instantaneously to as much as 5 seconds, depending on total system load and the amount of real time since the student's previous input. The remainder of this Appendix describes the major data structures used in PATTIE, which may be divided into two groups: those which are part of the refinement graph, and various operational structures. PLATO's memory word length is 60 bits; however, TUTOR allows an author to define addressable entities, called "segments," less than 60 bits long, which are then packed several segments to a word, and addressed as elements in a one-dimensional array which may span many words. For example, defining a segment TEST as 12 bits results in five TEST segments being packed in each word. Individual segments are referenced as TEST(l), TEST(2), ..., TEST(24), The graph is stored in an array of 30-bit segments called NODTBL. Each node is stored as a 30-bit node header followed by one 30-bit branch header for each branch leaving the node. Individual nodes are accessed by using their number as an index into a table of 12-bit pointers (NODACES) which indicate the index of the corresponding node header in NODTBL (Figure A. 3). Each node and branch header is further subdivided. The node header contains four fields. To access these fields, the header must be removed from NODTBL and inserted in another 30-bit segment, NHDR30. The four fields are then (Figure A. 4) N0DHDR5(1) — 5 bits indicating node type: 1 = AND, 2 m OR, 3 = LEAF, 4 = PROC. If this field is negative, all regular (i.e., non- ERROR) branches leaving the node are tagged with PL/1 statements 107 node number NODACES Figure A. 3 Node accessing scheme NHDR30 node type // reg branches # error branches ptr to node display msg 5 10 15 N0DHDR5(1) NODHDR5(2) NODHDR5(3) NDHDR15(2) 29 Figure A. 4 Node header format BHDR meaning list number pointer to display copy next node number 10 20 29 BRCHDR(l) BRCHDR(2) BRCHDR(3) Figure. A. 5 Branch header format 108 NODHDR5(2) — 5 bits telling number of regular branches leaving this node NODHDR5(3) — 5 bits telling number of ERROR branches leaving this node NDHDR15(2) — 15-bit pointer to any display message attached to this node (pointer into MSGTBL) . If > — English message — no message < — PL/1 statement The branch header contains three fields, and must be removed from NODTBL and inserted in a 30-bit BHDR before they may be accessed. The fields are (Figure A. 5): BRCHDR(l) — meaning list number corresponding to branch transition phrase. If > — English phrase — universal ERROR branch, no phrase < — PL/1 statement for display BRCHDR(2) — pointer to display copy of transition phrase (pointer into MSGTBL). If > — English phrase — expected ERROR branch, no display < — PL/1 statement BRCHDR(3) — number of node branch leads to 109 The programming/problem solving concepts associated with nodes and branches are kept in a separate CONCTBL of 12-bit segments. There is one CONCTBL entry for each node and branch, in the same order as the node and branch headers in NODTBL. Hence NODACES also gives the correct index into CONCTBL. Display messages are coded as a series of indices into a list of display words (DISPLST) to save space. The coded messages are kept in a table of 60-bit words called MSGTBL, and for decoding must be moved to a field called MHDR, which is subdivided into 10-bit segments: MSGHDR(l) — no longer used MSGHDR(2) — number of words in display message; indicates number of 10-bit segments to be decoded MSGHDR(3) — number of pointers to this message; allows sharing of one message copy by several branches or nodes MSGHDR(4) - MSGHDR(6) — indices into DISPLST for single words in the message. MSGHDR(7) - MSGHDR(12) etc. One of the primary operational structures is the active AND stack (ANDSTK) which forms the basis for the depth-first search algorithm. ANDSTK is an array of 30-bit segments, each of which contains status information on a single partially completed AND node. The index of the top entry in ANDSTK is indicated by ANDPTR. Status information is accessed by removing a 30-bit segment to AHD30, which has the following subfields: AHD12(1) — 12-bit segment containing the node number of the AND node whose status is described 110 AHD2(7) — 2-bit segments indicating the traversal status through AHD2(15) of each regular branch leaving that node. If -1 — branch not yet described — branch described but not yet traversed 1 — branch traversed The PROC stack (PRCSTK) is an array of 12-bit segments containing the numbers of PROC nodes which must be traversed. The index of the top entry on the stack is contained in PSTKPTR. Additional stacks are needed for the depth-first lookahead search for branches matching a student input. The two stacks are NSTK, consisting of 12-bit segments which contain the numbers of nodes on the lookahead path from the current node, and BSTK, consisting of 6-bit segments containing the number of the last branch traversed from the corresponding NSTK node during lookahead. The index of the top entry for these two stacks is contained in PTR. OR nodes which are determined to have been satisfied during lookahead are placed on a list so that they are simply traversed when they become the current node. This list is SATOR20, consisting of 20-bit segments, all but the first of which are divided into two subfields SAT0R20(1) — points to the first open element in the list of satisfied OR nodes SATORlO(odd) — 10-bit segment containing the number of an OR node satisfied during lookahead SATORlO(even) — 10-bit segment indicating which branch to follow out of the OR node pointed at by the immediately preceding SATORlO(odd) Ill The student model variables consist of three arrays associated with the concepts, plus three other counters. The three arrays are: CNUMUSE — 12-bit counters, one for each concept, indicating the number of times that concept has been correctly employed CNUMCH — 12-bit counters, one for each concept, indicating the number of opportunities the student has had to correctly employ that concept INCR — 3-bit segments, one for each concept, containing an increment to add to the corresponding CNUMCH the next time that concept forces display of a node. CNUMUSE is always increased by one. The three (60-bit) counters are: TOTLEVS — total number of levels spanned by all student inputs NUMTRIS — total number of attempts at all nodes NUMNODS — total number of nodes the student has been asked to submit refinements at The final set of data structures are those concerned with maintaining the screen display. The primary structures are: SCRNTBL — one 5-word element for each line in the program area. Holds 50 characters to allow immediate regeneration of screen display STMTNUM — one 60-bit word for each line in the program area. Holds task name for each line 112 TOP — line number of uppermost blank line in the program area (just below current task) BOTTOM — line number of lowest blank line in the program area (just above the program area stack) CURSTMT — task name of current task SCRNPRG — one 6-bit segment for each line in the program area, contains the total number of characters of PL/1 code currently contained in that line SCRNCOD — one 2-bit flag for each line of the program area. If 1 — PL/1 code currently on the corresponding line — no PL/1 code on that line DCLIST — one 6-bit segment for each line in the program area. Each segment contains two subfields: DCLHDR3(1) — type of variable declared on that line — no variable 1 — CHAR variable 2 — FIXED variable 3 — FLOAT variable DCLHDR3(2) — number of variables declared on that line The final data structure is a stack (PRGSTK) containing one 30-bit entry for each active AND node, indicating the number of lines on the screen which will be consumed by display of branches leaving that node. 113 Each 30-bit segment has several subfields: ANDPRG6(1) — 6-bit segment containing total number of lines for that node. DCL statements are not included in the count ANDPRG3(3) — 3-bit segment indicating number of lines through juv u • i l. on screen consumed by branch i-2, where ANDPRG3(10) i is the index. Z ANDPRG3(i) = ANDPRG6(1) The top entry in PRGSTK is indicated by ANDPTR, the stack pointer for the active AND stack. 114 VITA The author, Ronald Lee Danielson, was born In Duluth, Minnesota, on October 5, 1945. He was graduated from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, with a Bachelor of Arts degree (summa cum laude) in mathematics in June, 1967. He received a Master of Science degree in mathematics from Northwestern University in August, 1968. Since September, 1971, he has been a teaching and research assistant in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Illinois. He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery. BLIOGRAPHIC DATA IEET I. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-75-753 3. Re< tpient a Accession N< Title uiJ Sunt K If PATTIE: AN AUTOMATED TUTOR FOR TOP-DOWN PROGRAMMING 5. Repon Date October, 1975 ; Author(s) Ronald Lee Danielson 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. I Pcrfoniung Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. NSF EC-41511 nsoring Organization Name and Address National Science Foundation Washington, D.C. 13. Type of Report & Period Covered 14. mentary Notes ^h>tr.ict s The Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois has under- taken a project to automate a substantial portion of its introductory computer science courses on the PLATO computer-assisted instruction (CAI) system. Experience with teaching programming skills has indicated the importance of teaching beginning students how to develop a program, as well as specific programming languages. This thesis describes a CAI tutor for top-down programming which provides a detailed example of the stepwise refinement process. The tutor guides the student to a solution of a specific problem by judging the correctness of suggested refinements input by the student in natural language. An AND-OR graph is used as the model of the top-down programming process. Techniques used in the tutor are sufficiently general that the design may be used for tutors in other subject areas. 1 Kc\ Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors computer -assisted instruction CAI structured programming teaching programming computer science education problem solving artificial intelligence applications lentifiers Open-Ended Terms V < OSAT1 Field/Group R\\ liability State 19. Security Class (This Report ) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (Thi Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 22. Price ?l|W N HS-35 (10-70/ USCOMM-DC 40329-P7I INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FORM NTIS-35 (10-70) (Bibliographic Data Sheet based on COSATI Guidelines to Format Standards for Sc tentific and Technical Reports Prepared by or for the Federal Government, FH-180 600). 1. Report Number. Each report shall carry a unique alphanumeric designation. 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