LI B RAHY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 510.84 It6r no. 349-354 cop. Z Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 jr <\ v REPORT NO. 353 Til 3S3 7?L^r~/ BUM - BUNDLE PROCESSING MACHINE by DAVID RING October, 1969 THE LIBRARY OF THE OCT 28 1969 Report No. 353 BUM - BUNDLE PROCESSING MACHINE* by DAVID RING October, 1969 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Supported in part by Contract Number N000 li+-67-A-0305-0007 and submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, at the University of Illinois, October, I969. Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank those who have helped, him in this endeavor. Professor W. J. Poppelbaum, as research advisor, has freely given his support and guidance. The two years that the author has worked for him have been rewarding and memorable. The machine and electronics shops under Frank Serio have assisted in the mechanical design of the machine, and David Chen and Doug Warren assisted in assembling it. Elinor Peterson typed this manuscript. IV TABEL OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. BUNDLE PROCESSING 2 2.1 General 2 2.2 Operations with Logic Gates 3 2.3 Arithmetic Operations ..... 5 2.k Mapped Representation 6 2.5 Two Bundles 8 3. ATTRITION PROBLEM 10 3.1 Two-input Combinational Circuits 10 3.2 Multiple -input Combinational Circuits 13 k. BUM - BUNDLE MACHINE 15 4.1 General 15 k.2 Decoder 15 k.3 Lamp Drivers 20 k.k Arithmetic Unit .21 5. CONCLUSION 2k LIST OF REFERENCES 25 1. INTRODUCTION A system for representing numbers as probabilities has been investigated under the guidance of Professor W. J. Poppelbaum of the Hardware Research Group of the University of Illinois Department of Computer Science. Under this system, called Bundle Processing, a number can be represented by the percentage of wires at one of two logic levels in a group of wires . By operating on all of the wires in a bundle in parallel, fast arithmetic operations can be performed. A machine was built which successfully demonstrated Bundle Processing. This work will describe and derive the equations and solutions used in Bundle Processing, and will demonstrate some difficulties. 2. BUNDLE PROCESSING 2.1 General A number in the closed interval [0, l] can be closely approxi- mated by the fraction of wires in a group that is at one of two distinct logic levels. If there are N wires in the group, n of which are at the n logical "1" level, it may be said that the number — is being represented. The group of N wires will be called a "Bundle" and will be the basic unit of Bundle Processing. The variable name "X" will be given to the fraction — and will be called its "value". The terms "logical '1' level", "up", and "ON" are synonymous, and likewise the terms "logical '0' level", "down", and "OFF" are synonymous. n The ratio — does not depend on which n wires are ON. They may be randomly distributed through the bundle . If half of the N wires are randomly chosen to form a new, smaller bundle, the new bundle will have 2 n the ratio — r— = — . Randomly selecting part of a bundle does not change 2 1 its value. Since each wire in a bundle is — of the bundle, its ratio N n is — — = — . Each wire in a randomly distributed bundle has the same N value as the bundle itself. The fraction "x" has discrete values with equally spaced steps of — between them. X may approximate any number in the range [0, l] with the maximum error of _+_ -^- . The accuracy with which the value of a bundle approximates a number may be improved by increasing the number of wires in the bundle. One property that has been exploited in Bundle Processing is that of being "Failsoft". Since any one wire or component is — of the entire bundle or element, it could fail without causing failure of the entire system. The resultant X would be incorrect by at most — for each wire that has failed. The failsoft concept guided several decisions as will be seen later. The last property is that of speed. Since all arithmetic operations are done in parallel, there is virtually no delay between input changes and output response. In a binary system, many clock pulses must pass before even additions are completed. 2.2 Operations with Logic Gates 2.2.1 AMD Gates The basic concept of Bundle Processing, and all other stochastic systems, is that if one input to a logical AND gate has a probability X, of being a "1", and the other input has a probability X p of being a "1", then the output has the probability X,X of being a "1" if the inputs are independent. This statement can be written VALCX^) = X^ 2.1 which says that the value of the probability of the output of a two- input AND gate is the product of the values of the probabilities of the inputs. This is an easy way to multiply. If two equal size bundles have the values X, and X respective- ly, it has already been shown that each wire in the first bundle also has the value X and those in the second bundle X p . If at random one wire is brought out of each bundle, and those two wires become the inputs to a two- input AND gate, the value of the output of that gate will be the product of the input values. If a second pair of wires is chosen, and used as the inputs to a second AMD gate, the value of that output is also X.X . If more pairs are selected until every wire has been used exactly once, N AND gates will have been used, and the value of the out- put of each one will be X..X . The N output wires may be called a bundle, and since the value of each wire in the bundle is X-,X_, the value of the bundle is also XX.. Multiplication is very easy, but highly parallel. If N is 1000, it would take 1000 gates to multiply. A compromise must be made between the desired accuracy and the cost of the system. Multiplication is also very fast. The delay between input change and output change is only the delay through the AND gates used. This may be smaller than one microsecond. 2.2.2 NOT Gates The result of inverting the logic level of each wire in a bundle is more easily derived. If the value of the wires in a bundle which are at the "1" level is X, then the value of all of the other wires (which are at the "0" level) is 1 - X. If each wire is converted to a logical NOT circuit, the values are reversed. That is, the value of those wires at the "1" level is now 1 - X. VAL(X) = 1 - X 2.2 2.2.3 OR Gates The last basic Boolean function is the logical OR, and even it can be derived from the AND and NOT functions through the use of DeMorgan's theorem . VALCX^VXg) = VALCX^) = 1 - (1 - Xl )(i - x 2 ) = X 1 + X 2 - X X X 2 2.3 All other Boolean functions are complex combinations of AND-, OR, and NOT, and can be evaluated using the values for these three basic functions. 2. 3 Arithmetic Operations As shown earlier, the values of two bundles can be multiplied by using AND circuits. The second operation that can be performed is n l scaled addition. If there are two bundles having the values -rr and n 2 -tj-, the number of wires at the "1" level is n, + n , but the total number of wires is then 2N. If the two bundles are put together as one n i f n 2 large bundle, its value is — ^ . As seen previously, if half of these wires are chosen at random to again make a bundle with N wires, the value does not change. The problem of the scale factor of — has never been successfully solved, and in a later section it will be shown that some types of solutions do not exist. This problem has been called the "Attrition Problem". Because the only numbers that can be handled are all positive and not larger than unity, subtraction and division cannot be done. For this reason, other mappings have been investigated. 2.4 Mapped Representation 2.4.1 General In order to be able to subtract, a method must be found to represent negative numbers . The method chosen was to map the range [-1, +1] onto [0, +1]. The transformation is Y = 2X - 1 where "X" is again the value of the bundle, and "Y" is the number being represented. One advantage of this mapping is that the negative of a number may be obtained by merely inverting each wire in the bundle. Y = 2X - 1 X 1 = 1 - X Y' = 2X* - 1 = 2(1 - x) - 1 = -(2X - 1) - Y Y* = -Y (2.4) 2.4.2 Arithmetic Operations Again scaled addition can be performed by combining two bundles and randomly selecting half of the wires . Scaled subtraction involves inverting each wire of the subtrahend bundle and adding as before. In checking the results of operations by AND and OR gates, it is found that multiplication is no longer easy. Equation 2.1 shows VAL(X ] _X 2 ) = X X X 2 (2.1) if x = i-ti. VAL(X.X ) » X m X.X, Y + 1 Y l + X Y 2 + X H 1 = (-^-5--) (-^r-O Y =1^2 + Y x + Y 2 - 1) (2.5) Likewise VAL(X ] _ V X 2 ) = X = X 1 + X 2 - X X X 2 (2.3) Y + l Y l + 1 Y 2 + 1 Y l + \ Y 2 + \ 2 2 + 2 \ 2 )\ 2 ' Y = |(1 + Y JL + y 2 - y^) (2.6) Upon further investigation, it was found that multiplication could be performed with coincidence circuits . X l ® X 2 = X 1 X 2 V X 1 X 2 VAL(X X I X 2 ) = VAL(X 1 X 2 V X^) = X x = x ± x 2 + (i - x x )(i - x 2 ) - x 1 x 2 (i - x x )(i - x 2 ) Y = Y^Yg (2.7) Thus, although the multiplication is more complicated, it is still relatively easy and inexpensive to perform. Section 3-1 shows in greater detail how this solution can be derived. 8 Because the range of numbers is [-1, I], division is no less difficult than the previous mapping. One form of solution is available however, and is shown in the following section. 2.5 Two Bundles 2.5-1 General Using the mapping Y = 2X - 1, all real numbers can be approxi- mated. A number can be represented with two bundles, one containing the numerator and the other the demonimator. A number whose magnitude is greater than unity would merely have its numerator greater than its denominator. Performing the four arithmetic operations is again more complicated, but it can be done, and while the attrition problem is still present, the fact that both the numerator and denominator are affected simultaneously compensates for it. 2.5.2 Arithemtic Operations Multiplication of two numbers is done as before but it takes twice as much circuitry. If N and D are the numerator and denominator, respectively, of a bundle, the product Y = Y,Y is N = H ± N 2 and D = D-jD where Y = — Division is multiplication of the dividend and reciprocal of the divisor. Y N = N X D 2 D = D 1 N 2 Addition and subtraction are performed as before except now a common denominator must be found and used, and the denominator must be halved to compensate for the attrition problem. Y=Y+Y Y = Y - Y 1 ,1 2 1 2 N D + K„D N D - N D N = =-= N = - 1 The value of the denominator bundle may be halved by adding it to a bundle whose value is zero. 10 3. ATTRITION PROBLEM 3*1 Two- input Combinational Circuits The search for a useful solution to the attrition problem natur- ally includes investigating two-input combinational circuits. All Boolean functions of two variables can be written C23 ffr-^Xg) = a^^ v a 2 x i x 2 v a 3 x l x 2 V a *| X l X 2 (3-1) The "a" coefficients can have the values or 1, allowing f (x, ,x ) to take on only sixteen different combinations. By evaluating all sixteen values, it can be determined which functions are useful, and if any are solutions to the attrition problem. Equation 2. 3 shows that VA1(X JL V X 2 ) = X 1 + X 2 - X X X 2 (2.3) If X, and X are disjoint, the X X = 0, and 1 2 12' VAL( Xl V X 2 ) d . s . - Xj_ + X 2 (3-2) In the conjunctive normal form of f(x ,x ) (equation 3«l)> the four minterms are disjoint through an AND gate. For example, x ± x 2 • x x x 2 = (3-3) The result is that VAL(X 1 X 2 V X^Xg) = X X 2 + X 1 (l - X 2 ) (3.^) Because this property holds for any selection of minterms from equation 3.1, the value of a function of two variables is 11 X = VAL[f(x 1? x 2 )] = a^Xg + a^-Jl - x g ) + a (l - x-^Xg + & k (l - Xl )(l - x 2 ) (3.5) By using the desired transformation from Y onto X, it can readily be determined if any useful or interesting functions are present. The values for the two mappings are tabulated in Table 1. It can be seen that multiplication is the only arithmetic function present, and in these two mappings, no solution to the attrition problem exists. 12 TABLE 1 a l a 2 a 3 % Y = X Y = 2X - 1 -1 1 i-VV x i x 2 i(-l-Y 1 -Y 2+ Y 1 Y 2 ) 1 X 2 " X 1 X 2 |(-1-Y 1+ Y 2 -Y 1 Y 2 ) 1 1 1-x, " Y l 1 X l " X 1 X 2 |(- 1+¥ i-W 2 ) 1 1 1 - x 2 " Y 2 1 1 V X 2 " 2X 1 X 2 -Y Y 12 1 1 1 1 - x x x 2 2 (1-Y 1 -Y 2 -Y 1 2 ) 1 X 1 X 2 it-l+Y^Yg+Y^g) 1 1 1-X l" X 2 +2x i X 2 r i Y 2 1 1 X 2 Y 2 1 1 1 1 " X 1 +X 1 X 2 |(1-Y 1+ Y £+ Y 1 Y 2 ) 1 1 X l Y l 1 1 1 l-x 2+Xl x 2 — fl+Y -Y +Y Y ) 2 K X l L 2 1 2 J 1 1 1 X 1 +X 2" X 1 X 2 |(1+Y 1 +Y 2 -Y 1 Y 2 ) 1 1 1 1 1 +1 Boolean Function Constant "0" OR Exclusive OR NAM) AND Coincidence NOR Constant "1" 13 3 ■ 2 Multiple -input Combinational Circuits The vires in a bundle may be arbitrarily given sequential numbers, and it may be said that the wire numbered n comes "before" the wire numbered n + 1, and wire N comes before wire 1. Combinational circuit number n is the circuit whose output is wire number n in the output bundle, and whose two input wires will also be called n. For the moment, only the mapping Y = X will be considered. A full adder in binary arithmetic has three inputs, one each for the addend, angend, and carry in, but it has only two outputs, one for the sum and the other for the carry out. The binary adder works because the carry out has the weight of two inputs. In bundle processing, any circuit that has three input wires must have three output wires or information can be lost. Every wire carries a weight of unity. That implies that any adder that has two inputs and a carry in must have a sum wire and two carry wires out. If all adder stages are to be the same, each must then be able to accept two input carries, which then necessitates three output carries. The number of carries can increase endlessly. Two considerations can drastically reduce the number of carries needed to a small finite number. The first is that overflow will not be allowed. Out of the 2N wires in both inputs, at most N will be at the N 1" level. The worst case then would be if the same -z wires in a row in both bundles were ON. As an example, assume wires numbered from 1 to ■_- in each input bundle were ON. Each circuit from 1 to t would output a "1" and would pass on an additional carry. Circuit number 1 would pass one carry. Circuit number 2 would receive that carry and would pass on two carries. Finally, circuit number •_- would receive (p- - l) carries and would pass on t> carries. Circuit p + 1 would receive the -z carries, 14 N use one, and pass on ^ - 1. Each of the rest of the circuits would use one carry and pass on the rest. The maximum number of carries needed m each stage is ^. The second consideration about carries concerns the distribution of the N wires. Since only N out of 2N wires can be at the "1" level, it would seem that each wire has, at most, a probability of — of being ON. Each circuit has two inputs, so the number of outputs it will probably have to turn ON is at most 1. In a probabilistic sense, no carries at all are needed. N The correct number is probably somewhere between none and ^, and depends on the distribution of values of the input bundles, the amount of circuitry that can be afforded, and the output accuracy that is desired. For the mapping Y = 2X - 1 , the problem is more difficult. After addition or subtraction, if Y is negative, too many wires are ON, while if Y is positive, too few wires are ON. Each of the N combinational circuits must decide for itself whether Y is positive or negative, and act on that decision. Each circuit could look at all 2N input wires, but as before, the number of logic gates required would be astronomical. A more practical approach would again be to have each of the N circuits look at several preceeding inputs. If the distribution of wires in the bundles is random, a small sample of inputs should be the same value as the total of the inputs. If each circuit looks at the previous few inputs, say five or six, it should be able to tell the sign of the number, and its magnitude. The actual number of inputs would depend on the accuracy desired and the cost of the circuits. 15 k. BUM - BUNDLE MACHINE h. 1 General A machine was built under the .guidance of Professor W. J. Poppelbaum to demonstrate Bundle Processing. The machine has two input bundles and performs the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication. Each number is represented by a single bundle having the mapping Y = 2X - 1. Each input is a matrix of 100 switches, and each input and output is displayed by two methods. The logic state of each wire in each bundle is shown by a light bulb neces- sitating five groups of 100 bulbs each. With the second method, the number Y. is shown on a meter. A decoder is used for each bundle to cal- culate Y. 4.2 Decoder The value of a bundle depends only on the number of wires which are at the "1" level. It is not concerned with which wires are at a particular level. The decoder therefore, must find all wires that are ON, no matter which ones they are, and determine the bundle value. This kind of decoding problem can be solved through current sum- ming. As shown in figure k.l, each wire in the bundle is terminated in a resistance which in turn is connected to a node common to all other resistors. 16 N-l R N VW Figure 4.1 Decoder Current Summing Network If there are two logic levels, V and V for the "0" and "1" levels respectively, and if n wires are at V , then N - n wires are at V n and V can easily be found. The equivalent circuit is shown in Figure k.2. v, R n -o V R N-n Figure k.2 Equivalent Decoder Summing Network Summing currents at the node gives 17 v(# ♦ S-=3) = v,§ + v, ^R R IB R V n = n(v i - V + v a M V IT 1 ; C V = An + R 0*.i) •which is a linear function of n. An operational amplifier can supply the necessary gain "A" and offset "B" to drive a meter. Figure 4.3 shows the type of decoder used in the machine. IOK 100-0- 100 pQ Z lA 200pf 6800pf Figure k.3 Complete Decoder Circuit 18 Early in the design of the decoder, it was felt that the voltages V n and V must be very accurate in order to assure an accurate decoded voltage. The Hardware Research Group has chosen some standard components which it keeps in stock. Among these components is the Texas Instruments SN 7^4-OON series of integrated circuits. This series was investigated and was found to be adequate for the machine. Since the decoding algorithm depends on constant values for V n and V , a number of samples of several of the logic functions were checked. Each output logic level voltage was found to vary as much as one volt over different functions and even over different batch numbers within each function. When a pull-up resistor was added to the outputs, V became accurate to within 1 millivolt, but V still varied as before. Of all the functions tested however, one was significantly more accurate than a ll others. This one was the SN 7^+OlN which is a quad two-input NAM) with open collector outputs. All circuits tested had a V of about .l62v with none more than .02v from this value. For this reason, it was decided that all decoder inputs would be from either the Vcc and ground busses, or from the outputs from SN 7^0i-N' s « There must be one definite level for V n and a different definite level for V . Having two possible values for V,, for instance, would give inaccurate outputs. Since the V output from the integrated circuits varies over a range, it is necessary to determine what the effect of those variations will be. Consider the circuit in Figure k.k showing the equivalent circuit for a bundle with N wires, n of which are ON. 19 R V a O— MAr-f— O V Figure k.k Equivalent Decoder Circuit r( l + a + ■» - ° - 1 ) . T § + Vn i_-^^ + v _ 1 ^R R R R R a R To find the variation in V due to a change in V , the above equation is SI differentiated with respect to V . R dV R dV dV a 1 N (^3) If the voltage on a wire is different from V "by an amount ^V, the output aV will be wrong by an amount ^r. It would seem that such accurate levels of V, and V were perhaps not necessary after all. 20 h.2> Lamp Drivers For purposes of testing and evaluating, each wire in the five major bundles (two inputs, three outputs) has a light bulb to indicate when it is at the V, level. Because of the restriction that each wire in the three output bundles had to come from the output of an SN 7*+01N circuit, it was less expensive to invert the logic levels of the two inputs. V n was set to about 5 volts while V, was at ground. Multipli- cation uses coincidence circuits, so it was unaffected, while addition and subtraction required inversion of each wire. Because of the difference in logic types, two different bulb drives were used. The inverting driver was used for the input bundles , and is shown in Figure U.5. INPUT 5.IK Vcc 2NI309 (B) 6v w 60ma Figure k.5 Inverting Driver When the voltage on the wire drops to V,, the bulb lights 21 The noninverting driver is used for all outputs, and is in Figure k.6. 75K INPUT o-^wv 2NI309 60ma Figure k.6 Noninverting Driver Since the SN 7I+OIN can handle l6ma in the "0" state, but only 25ua in the "1" state, it was desired to supply current to the gate in the "0" state. When the gate goes to the "1" level, no current is taken by the driver. k.k Arithmetic Unit The three operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication are performed simultaneously by the machine. Because of the restriction on the output wires, the inputs are represented in negative logic while the outputs are in positive logic. Since the multiplier uses the coincidence circuits, it is unaffected by the logic change. The coincidence function is 22 X = Xl x 2 v X;L x 2 Through the use of DeMorgan's theorem, this can be converted into the NAND and NOR form for which gates are readily available. X = (x 1 x 2 )(x 1 x 2 ) = (x JL x 2 )(x 1 v x 2 ) Figure U.7 shows the resultant circuit which terminates in a SN 71+01N. OX Figure h.7 Multiplier The adder and sub tract or each use about half of the wires from each bundle. Rather than using the appropriate logic on every wire and then choosing half of the wires for the output, the half were selected first and then the proper logic was applied only to those. The remaining half are merely ignored. 23 Each of the chosen wires of the adder is merely inverted using the SN 7I+OIN to give the proper positive logic levels. In the subtractor, each of the wires from the minuend bundle is inverted as in the adder. Each wire from the subtrahend bundle, however, is already at the correct level. Since the wires all need to terminate with an SN 7U0IN gate, however, the wire is inverted twice. The adder and sub tractor circuits are shown in Figure 4.8. MINUEND WMCt o- 7401 **• H^TV-^ mmmmm ADDER SUBTRACTOR Figure 4.8 Adder and Subtr actor Circuits 2U 5- CONCLUSION This paper has examined the method of representing numbers called Bundle Processing. The second section described the system and showed how the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multipli- cation, and division may be performed and problems with the various representations. Section three described the Attrition Problem, and showed that it cannot be solved with two- input combinational circuits, but that it can be approximately solved by the use of interconnections among the wires and their associated circuits. The fourth section described BUM, a machine built to demonstrate the principles of Bundle Processing. Any electronic device which has bundles of wires would be unde- sirable, particularly in aerospace application. Wires are heavy, take valuable space and are subject to breakage. The development of medium and large scale integrated circuits, however, could allow a practical use of this system in ,at least some applications. Further ideas about Bundle Processing are presently under investigation by other members of the group. One idea is to propogate any failure or break along to the result. The bundle representing the result can have all failures eliminated thus assuring that the result is correct. These and many other ideas must be investigated to determine Bundle Processing's place in solutions to engineering problems. 25 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Esch, J. W., "RASCEL - A Programmable Analog Computer Based On A Regular Array of Stochastic Computing Element Logic", University of Illinois, June 1969 . 2. Hohn, F. E., Applied Boolean Algebra , Macmillan Company, New York, 1966. 3. Maley, G. A. and Earle, J., The Logic Design of Transistor Digital Computers, Prentice -Hall, 1963. h. Ring, D. A., "Quarterly Technical Progress Reports", Circuit Research Section, Part I, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, January 1969 to March I969. 5. Ring, D. A., "Quarterly Technical Progress Reports", Circuit Research Section, Part I, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, April I969 to June I969. UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA - R&D (Security c laaailication ol title, body ot abstract and indexing annotation muat be entered when the overall report la claaellled) I. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY (Corporate author) Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 2a. REPORT IECUHITY CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED 2b OROUP 3 REPORT TITLE BUM - BUNDLE PROCESSING MACHINE 4 DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type ol report and Inclusive, datea) Research Report, Master's Thesis, October 1969 5 AUTHORfS.) (Last name, first name. Initial) David A. Ring 6 REPO RT DATE October, 1969 7a. TOTAL NO. OF PASES 27 7b. NO. OF REF3 5 8a. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. N000 14-67-A-0305-0007 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMSERfSJ Department of Computer Science Rpt. 353 b. PROJECT NO. 9b. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any other numbera that may be ae signed this report) 10. AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES Available through the Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois. 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12- SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Office of Naval Research 219 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 6o60k 13. ABSTRACT A system for representing numbers as probabilities has been investigatec Under this system, called Bundle Processing, a number can be represented by the percentage of wires at one of two logic levels in a group of wires. By operating on all of the wires in a bundle in parallel, fast arithmetic operations can be performed. A machine was built which successfully demonstrated Bundle Processing, This work will describe and derive the equations and solution used in Bundle Processing, and will demonstrate some difficulties. %J \J 1 JAN 64 1473 0101-807-6800 UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification 14. 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