State of Maryland LIST OF BOOKS PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES ISSUED BY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ANNAPOLIS 1907 t'.-' , t /•. r - STATE OF MARYLAND LIST OF BOOKS FOR Public School Libraries APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Governor EDWIN WARFIELD, President. M. BATES STEPHENS, - Secretary. CLAYTON PURNELL, ZADOK P. WHARTON, - GLENN H. WORTHINGTON, ROBERT C. COLE, - RUFUS K. WOOD, - W. S. POWELL, Frostburg, Md. Stockton, Md. Frederick, Md. - Roland Park, Md. Sparrows Point, Md. - Ellicott City, Md. PRINTED BY Tiie Sun Job Printing Office Baltimore CONTENTS Introduction Law on Libraries State Library Commission Selection and Purchase of Books Plan of Listing Use of Library Rules for School Libraries. Publishers — Abbreviations, Full Names, Addresses. . Special Series of Books Picture Books for Little Children Stories and Verses for .Beginners Mythology, Legends, Folk-Lore, Fairy Tales, Fables Classic Tales and Stories From Literature Ethics and Bible Stories Juvenile Stories and Prose Fiction Poetry, the Drama, and Literary Collections Classic and Foreign Collected Poetry American Poetry British Poetry : The Drama Essays and Literary History and Criticism Fine Arts History General Ancient Europe and Asia American Source Material Maryland Biography Collected Individual Government and Economics Science and Nature Study Animal Stories Geography, Description and Travel Primitive Life and American Indians Industry, Inventions and Useful Arts. Miscellaneous Reference Books for Teachers’ Library A $5o-School Library ‘ 3-8 3 4 4 6 7 • 9 11- I2 12- 14 14-18 18-24 24-28 28-29 29-5I 51-60 51-52 53-55 55-57 57-58 59- 60 60- 62 62-65 65-77 65- 66 66- 67 67- 69 69-73 73-76 76- 77 77 - 81 77-81 81 82- 83 83- 91 91-93 94-98 98-99 99- 1 co 101- IC2 102- 103 IO3-I06 107-108 0 V .& \ Nv'^l.xE i INTRODUCTORY J y {y <£ At a meeting of the State Board of Education held November 29, 1893, it was decided to publish for distribution among school officials and teachers a list of books suitable for public school libraries and a pamphlet list of thirty-eight pages was at once prepared. This was the first list published and the school library idea was thus substan- tially encouraged. It served a good purpose in aiding teachers to make a selection of suitable books, and the high character of the books in our school libraries is largely attributable to said pamphlet. It has been found necessary to print a new list for at least two reasons; (1) the edition of the old library pamphlet is exhausted, and (2) it no longer meets the requirements of an up-to-date list, as a large percentage of our best library books have been published since 1893. With the limitations of the Department of Education the present list is not as complete as those who compiled it could desire. While the number of books is necessarily limited, great care has been exercised in making the selections included herewith. Publishers have been unusually kind in sending sample copies of their publications for examination, and in most cases there is given a brief annotation. At least a slight examination has been made of nearly every book by someone in the Department of Education, and in addition to this precaution no book has been listed unless recom- mended by those whose competency to judge is unquestioned. THE LAW ON LIBRARIES. 1904, Chapter 584. “For the further encouragement of education, district libraries ought to be established in each school house district under the care of the teacher as Librarian ; for this purpose the sum of ten dollars per annum is ordered to be paid by the Board of County School Commissioners out of the State school fund, to any school house 4 district as library money, as long as the people of the district raise the same amount annually ; the books must be selected by the Board of District School Trustees and Teachers from a list to be furnished by the State Board of Education.” The law is liberal and it is thus made possible to provide every school house in Maryland with a library of well selected books. No school outfit is complete unless it includes a library of well selected hooks. The teacher is at a disadvantage in the matter of instruction and the pupils are hampered in learning without this very valuable adjunct. It is mandatory on the County School Board to give ten dollars annually, so long as the school continues to raise a like amount. County School Officials should encourage the formation of libraries and do everything possible to keep up interest by making additions of new books each year. In counties where there remains a surplus after the purchase of necessary text books, the Board may expend such surplus amounts for supplementary reading books for pupils. STATE LIBRARY COMMISSION. The General Assembly of 1902 gave its approval to the necessity of providing good reading books by creating (Chapter 247) a library commission to be composed of the State Librarian, State Superintendent of Public Education, Librarian of the Enoch Pratt Free Library (ex officio members) and four persons, two of whom shall be women, to be appointed biennially by the Governor. The Commission, as now constituted, consists of M. Bates Stephens, President; Dr. Bernard C. Steiner, Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. M. A. Newell, Mrs. John M. Carter, Thomas B. Macall, Esq., and DeCourcy W. Thom, Esq. The Commission owns more than fifty travelling libraries of about forty volumes each. Any information concerning them may be obtained by writing the Secretary. Any school so unfortunate as not to have a library of its own can arrange for one of these travelling libraries at an expense of fifty cents, which pays freight one way. SELECTION AND PURCHASE OF BOOKS. The mistake heretofore made in the selection of books proved a serious one. The average library book has been beyond the interest and capacity of the pupils for whom it was intended. In the present list, books are classified under titles and the grade indicated to which the book is adapted. Teachers should also include some books 5 of each title, the number of each to be determined by the conditions of the school in question. In the case of first purchase for a small school composed principally of lower grades, the main purpose of the library should, of course, be to furnish entertaining reading and allow the benefit to follow incidentally. For this reason the purchase in such a case should include in the main story books, fairy tales, picture books, and historical and biographical stories selected for the interest of their narratives. Nature study and the fine arts should be included to some extent. In the rural or village school, there is a very small percentage of pupils above the fifth grade and for them only a comparatively few books, other than reference books, should be purchased where the library fund is limited to a small amount. The descriptive matter and the annotations in the list will give all information necessary to safeguard trustees and teachers against unwise selections. Avoid a disproportionate number of one kind of books by making a judicious selection from all classes and select the books best adapted to the interest and capacity of the pupils and to the needs of the particular school for which they are to be purchased. Following the classified list with annotations, will be found a fifty dollar library as recommended by the State Library Commission of Oregon, which regards very well the two points to be observed in selecting a library emphasized above. Recognizing the growing tendency on the part of teachers to build up for themselves pro- fessional libraries, a list of approved books is included in this catalogue. The prices given herewith are, in nearly every case, taken from the publishers’ lists and from these large discounts may, in many cases, be obtained. The books issued by regular text book publishers are subject to but little discount; but books of a more general character can usually be bought at heavy discounts. Prices should be carefully investigated by the teacher before purchases are made. When the list has been made up, and it contains quite a number of books published by one firm, the matter may be taken up direct with the publisher or the list submitted to some well-known retail dealer in Baltimore like the W. J. C. Dulany Company or Nunn & Company. PLAN OF LISTING. The plan of listing here followed is that adopted in the best library lists. Under each class the authors’ names are arranged in 6 alphabetical order. This is followed by the title, number of pages (in most cases) and abbreviations to show whether there are illus- trations, the publisher, the price and the grades for which the book is suited. Following is a descriptive or critical comment. The arrangement of matter has been determined with a view to making the selection of books as easy as possible. For this reason the classification is by subject instead of by grades. The following abbreviations are used : ed. — edited, editor ; illus. — illustrated ; gr. — grades ; pp. — pages. The abbreviations for special series of books and for names of publishers are fully explained in the lists included. USE OF THE LIBRARY. School library books are not purchased for the patrons of the school. When not in use by the pupils, books may and should be loaned to parents. This will help stimulate a public interest in this school adjunct and make it easy to raise funds for library purposes. The last day of school, which should be Patrons’ Day, may include in its program a biographical sketch of some great author, the library books exhibited, the benefits explained and funds raised for more books. The teacher is an important element in starting and maintaining a successful library. The first essential to good use of the library is interest on the part of the teacher and familiarity with the books. The notes in the lists will help teachers who have not time to read the books, but wherever possible books should be read, though it may necessarily be in a hasty fashion, to enable the teacher to know for a certainty the book is suitable to the needs of his particular school and with a view of fitting the books selected into the school work. The library should be closely related to the daily work of pupils. A few books should be suggested for outside reading for each grade and these should be made the subject of “book talks” once a week and serve as suggestions for written work in com- position. It is only through systematic reading of the classics adapted to the interests of each period in the child’s development that he will acquire a taste for good literature and sufficient maturity in literary judgment to enable him to undertake the High School work in English. It is quite useless to attempt advanced work in outside reading, general or supplementary, without the foundation built by steady practice and efifort in good reading. The child does not instinctively know what to read and is not born with fully 7 developed literary taste. The teacher may guide the individual reading of his pupils through his knowledge of the books and of the pupils. Instructions on care of the books should be given before any are loaned. The following reminders should be read aloud and otherwise emphasized : Do not mark them with pen or pencil. Do not turn down corners or leaves. Do not wet the fingers to turn the leaves. Do not lay an open book face downward. Do not break the back by forcing open. Do not handle except with clean hands. Do not fold covers together backward. RULES FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES. The following regulations for the conduct of school libraries, taken from the 1893 list, are appended herewith to assist Trustees and teachers to properly care for the library books : 1. The Principal of the school shall he the librarian and the treasurer of library funds ; shall have charge of the library, keep a catalogue of all books in a book to be povided for that purpose and shall disburse all funds on the order of the Board of District School Trustees. 2. Every volume in the library shall have pasted on the inside of the cover a printed label, giving the number of the school and district and name of the county, the number of the volume and the fine for not returning it within the specified time, and for the loss of or injury to any book, and a label on the back giving number of book. • 3. Every volume loaned shall be entered by the librarian in a book to be provided for that purpose, as in the following form ; Date of Delivery. No. of Book Delivered. To Whom Delivered. 4. No person shall be allowed to have more than one volume at a time, or to retain the same longer than two weeks ; nor shall any person who has incurred a fine imposed by these regulations receive a book while such fine remains unpaid. 5. The library shall be kept in the school building during the school term. 6. On the return of every book to the library, the librarian shall examine it carefully, to ascertain what injury, if any, has been sustained by it, and shall charge the amount of the fine accordingly. 7. The following fines shall be assessed by the librarian as herein provided : First. For detaining a book beyond two weeks, five cents per week. Second. For the loss of a volume, the cost of the book, and if one of a set, an amount sufficient to purchase a new set. Third. For a leaf of the text torn out or lost, or so soiled as to render it illegible, the cost of the book; and if one of a set, the cost of a new set. In either of the above cases the person paying the fine shall be entitled to the book or set so injured. 8 Fourth. For any injury beyond ordinary wear an •amount proportionate to the injury, to be estimated by the librarian, subject to revision, upon appeal, by the Board of District School Trustees. Fifth. Whenever any book shall not be returned within six weeks from the time it was loaned, it shall be deemed to be lost, and the person so detaining it shall be charged with its cost in addition to the weekly fine for detention up to the time such charge is made. But if the book is finally returned, the charge for loss shall be remitted, and the fine for not returning the book shall be levied up to the time of such return, provided that in no case shall the amount of weekly fines exceed the cost of the book. 8. The last day of each school year shall be styled “Library Day,” in which the “community” shall be invited to attend at an hour prescribed, and in connection with appropriate literary exercises the librarian shall report, in , duplicate, as follows : First. The number of volumes in the library. Second. The number of volumes purchased during the year. Third. The number of volumes and amounts of money presented during the year, with names of donors. Fourth. The number of volumes loaned during the year (counting each volume once for each time it is loaned) . Fifth. Receipts and disbursements. Sixth. The amount of fines not collected. Seventh. Such other items as he may deem proper. 9. The librarian shall deliver one copy of the above report to the district school trustees, and transmit the other to the Board of County School Commissioners. Respectfully submitted, M. BATES STEPHENS, Secretary State Board of Education. PUBLISHERS. (Abbreviations, full names, addresses.) Altemus — Henry Altemus Co., 507 Cherry St., Philadelphia A. B. Co. — American Book Company, Washington Square, New York City. Ainsworth — Ainsworth & Company, 378 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111 Appleton — D. Appleton & Company, 436 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Baker— r-Baker & Taylor, 33-37 E. Seventeenth Street, New York City. Bardeen — C. W. Bardeen, Syracuse, N. Y. Barnes — A. S. Barnes & Compan3 r , 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Bobbs — Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, Indiana. Burt — A L. Burt Company, 52 Duane Street, New York City. Cassell — Cassell & Companjq 43 E. Nineteenth Street, New York City. Century — The Century Company, Union Square, New York City. Coates — H. T. Coates & Company, 919 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Crowell — Thomas Y. Crowell & Company, 428 W. Broadway, New York. Doubleday — Doubleday, Page & Company, 133 E. 16th Street, New York City. Duffield — Duffield & Company. Dutton — E. P. Dutton & Company, 31 W. 23d Street, New York City. Educ. Pub. Co. — Educational Publishing Co., 63 Fifth Avenue, New York. Estes — Dana, Estes & Co., 212 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. Flanagan — A. Flanagan Company, 266 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111 . Funk — Funk & Wagnalls Company, 60 E. 23d Street, New York City. ■Ginn — Ginn & Co., 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City Globe— Globe School Book Co., 474 W. Broadway, New York City. Harper — Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square, New York City. Harrison — William Beverly Harrison, 47 Broad Street, New York City. Heath — D. C. Heath & Co., 225 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Holst — The Holst Publishing Co., 341-351 Dearborn St., Chicago. Holt — Henry Holt & Co., 20 W. 23d Street, New York City. Houghton — Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 4 Park Street, Boston, Mass. Johnson — B. F. Johnson Publishing Company, Richmond, Va. Lee — Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., 93 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. Little — Little, Brown & Co., 254 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Lippincott — J. B. Lippincott Company, Washington Square, Philadelphia. Longmans — Longmans, Green & Co., 91 Fifth Avenue, New York City. McClure — McClure, Phillips & Co., 60 E. 23d Street, New York City. McClurg — A. C. McClurg & Co., 221 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111 . McKay — David McKay, 610 S Washington Square, Philadelphia. Macmillan — The Macmillan Co.. 64-66 Fifth Avenue, New York Citv. Maynard — Maynard, Merrill & Co., 44 E. 23d Street, New York City. Mershon — The Mershon Company, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Page — L. C. Page & Co., 200 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. Penn — Penn Publishing Co., 923 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. — Public School Publishing Co., Bloomington, 111 . Putnam — G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 29 W. 23d Street, New York City. Rand — Rand, McNally & Co., 142 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Saalfield — Saalfield Publishing Co., Akron, Ohio. Sanborn — Benjamin H. Sanborn & Co., 120 Boylston Street, Boston. Scott — Scott, Foresman & Company, 388 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111 . Scribner — Charles Scribner’s Sons, 157 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Sibley — Sibley & Company, 120 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Silver — Silver, Burdett & Companjq 85 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Small — Small, Maynard & Co., 8 Arrow Street, Cambridge, Mass. Stokes — Frederick A. Stokes & Co., 5 E. 16th Street, New York City. St. John — Thomas M. St. John, 848 Ninth Avenue, New York City. Unit — Unit Book Publishing Co., 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City. University Publishing Co. — 27 W. 23d Street, New York City. Warne — Frederick Warne & Co., 36 E. 22d Street, New York City. Wilde — W. A. Wilde Company, 120 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. SPECIAL SERIES OF BOOKS. (Complete lists should be obtained from the publishers.) C. F. C. — Children’s Favorite Classics, 16 mo., about 50 titles, T. Y. Crowell & Co., 60c. each. Well selected titles, well-made books attractively illustrated. A number of titles in this list are recommended in the C. F. C., but the entire series is suitable and may be purchased. Everyman’s Library, 12 mo., about 100 titles ready, E. P. Dutton & Co., 50c. each in cloth binding and $1.00 each in leather. Ernest Rhys is the general editor and the separate volumes have introductions by eminent scholars. Wide in scope, including famous titles in all departments of literature. Excepting too difficult works the entire series is suitable for school libraries. H. S. C. — Home and School Classics. D. C. Heath & Co. Well selected titles from children’s classics, books well made, well illustrated and remarkably cheap. H. V. C. — Handy Volume Classics, 18 mo., 170 titles, T. Y. Crowell & Co., 35c. Critical notes and introductions. Macmillan’s Pocket English and American Classics. — Size, 5^4 x 4^4, 25c. each, The Macmillan Co. Neatly bound and clearly printed. About 100 volumes of “classics” both of elementary and secondary grade. Well edited, with notes, introductions, glossaries, etc. Many titles are recommended in this edition in the list, but the entire series is suitable for school libraries. R. L. S. — Riverside Literature Series, 12 mo., 25 to 60c. each, Houghton, Mifflin & Co. About 200 volumes to which additions are constantly being made. This was one of the earliest series of classic literature in cheap form, and the original has been greatly improved. Well printed in large type on excellent paper, and very attractively and artistically bound ; recent numbers are illustrated. Edited by scholars of high standing. In the list many titles are recommended from this series, but all are suitable. R. S. L. — Riverside School Library, 12 mo., 60 to 70c., Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Well edited, clearly printed, and durably bound in half leather. Fifty volumes, of ' which a number are listed. Scribner, S. S. R. — Series of School Reading, 12 mo., 50c. net, Charles Scribner’s Sons. Twenty-two volumes selected mostly from the best writers of the present day. Carefully edited and attractively illustrated. S. L. S. — Standard Literature Series, 12 mo., 20 to 30c., University Publishing- Co. Sixty volumes including successful abridgements (in the author’s own words) of a number of historical novels. Not illustrated. The entire series is suitable for school libraries, and will be very attractive to the purchaser with a very small sum to invest. T. C. S. — Told to the Children Series, 5 x 6 j 4 in size, 50c., E. P. Dutton & Co. These are beautiful little volumes, printed on excellent paper from antique type, and illustrated in color by well-known artists. The color work is first rate. Titles are well selected and text well edited. All are very suitable for school libraries. PICTURE BOOKS FOR LITTLE CHILDREN. [Books in which pictures are the principal matter of interest, or large size books with full-page color plates. Grades 1-3 unless otherwise noted.] Ainslie, Kathleen. At Great-Aunt Martha’s. Stokes. 50c. Ashworth, Alice. Just a Little Boy. Warne. 50c. “Bedtime” stories. Brook, Leslie. Children’s Book II. Size, 8x10. Warne. $1.00. Sixteen full-page color plates and 32 pages of illustrated reading matter. Burgess, Gelett. Goops, and How to Be Them. Stokes. $1.50. Size, 8 x 10. “A manual of manners for polite infants.” About 100 pages of illustrations, with numerous rimes. Caldecott, Randolph. The Hey-Diddle-Diddle Picture Book. Warne. $1.25. Where Are You Going, My Pretty Maid? Baby Bunting. A Frog He Would a-Wooing Go, etc. Excellent colored pictures, by an artist who knows how to PLEASE children. The Panjandrum Picture Book. Ulus. In color. Warne. $1.25. Picture Book II. Illus. In color. Warne. $1.25. Cox, Palmer. The Brownies : Their Book. Another Brownie Book. The Brownies Around the World. Century. $1.50 each. Too famous and familiar to need comment. i3 Children’s Color Books. Dutton. Indestructible. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. Linen, board covers, 50c. Book of Cats. Linen, 50c. Book of Dogs. Linen, 50c. Book of Ducks. Linen, board covers, 50c. Book of Ships. Linen, 75c. Domestic Animals. Linen, 75c. Favorite Nursery Rhymes. Linen, boards, $1.50. Farmyard Friends. Linen, 75c. Feathered Friends. Linen, boar'd covers, $l.oo. In the Country. Linen, board cov- ers, 50c. Little Betty Blue. Linen, 75c. Little Bo-Peep. Linen, board cov- ers, 25c. Little Ones’ ABC. Linen, board covers, 50c. Mother Goose’s ABC. Linen, boards, 75c. Old Mother Goose. Linen, 75c. Our Farmyard. Linen, board cov- ers, 50c. Our Pets Picture Book. Linen, 75 c. Picture Objects, ABC. Linen, board covers, 50c. Pretty Bunnies. Linen, board cov- ers, 50c. Red Riding Hood. Linen, 50c. Three Bears. Linen, 50c. Tom, Tom, the Piper’s Son. Linen, 50c. Toys and Games, ABC. Linen, 75 c. Wild Animals. Linen, 75c. Crane, Walter. Baby’s Own Aesop. Warne. $1.50. This Little Pig: His Picture Book. Lane. $1.25. This Little Pig, The Fairy Ship, King Luckiebov. The pictures are very interesting to children, and the work of a real artist Deming, Edwin W. and Therese O. Indian Child Life. Stokes. $2.00. Size, 8^2x11. Eighteen full-page color plates after paintings in water color, and illustrations in black and white, with stories. Red Folk and Wild Folk. Stokes. $1.50 net. Size, 8 x 10. Twelve full-page color plates after paintings in water color, 24 half- tone engravings, and Indian folk-lore stories. Dunham, Edith. Jogging Round the World. Stokes. $1.50. Size, 8 x 10. “Riders and Drivers, with curious steeds or vehicles, in strange lands and at home.” Thirty-six full-page illustrations, with stories and descriptive matter. Dutton’s Story Books. Dutton. Fully illustrated, handsome color plates; stories by popular authors. Gr. 3-5. Dutton’s Holiday Annual for 1907. Ed. by Alfred Playne. 132 pp. In Storyland. Ed. by Alfred Fuller. 144 pp. $1.50. Little Folks’ Spice. 150 pp. $1.50. Short Tales from Storyland. By Evelyn Everet Green. 96 pp. $1.50. Wee Folks’ Story Book. Ed. by Alfred C. Playne. 104 pp. $1.25. Francis, Joseph Greene. Book of Cheerful Cats and Other Animated Animals. Century. $1.00. Frisbie, W. A. The Pirate Frog. 90 pp. Size, 9x11. Rand. $1.00. Every page a color plate, on which jiggling verse is printed. Very amusing, with a great deal more variety in the pictures than the title suggests. Greenaway, Kate. The Marigold Garden. In color. Warne. $1.50. Humphrey, Maud and Mabel. Little Folk of ’76. Stokes. $1.25. Size, 9x11. Six full-page color plates of children in colonial costumes, black and white illustrations, and descriptive text. Johnny Crow’s Garden. Warne. $1.00 net. Illustrations in color and in black and white. An old nursery rime. Mar, Alice, and Haines, Alice C. Japanese Child Life. Stokes. $1.50. Size, 10x123/2. Gr. 1-4. Eight full-page color plates, pictures in black and white, with appro- priate verses and stories. Moore, N. Hudson. Children of Other Days. Stokes. $1.50. Size, 8 x 10. Gr. 1-4. Thirty-six full-page engravings, from the paintings of famous artists, of historic children, such as Prince Rupert, Louis XVII of France, and Queen Victoria. Descriptive text. Stoney, T. B. The Old Man Who Lived in a Wood. Dutton. $1.25. About the man who thought he could do more work in a day than his wife could in two. Color pictures. Peary, Josephine D. The Snow-Baby. 84 pp. Stokes. $1.20 net. Size, 8x10. Gr. 2-4. A true story of little Marie Ahnighito Peary, (daughter of the Arctic explorer,) who was born near the North Pole. The book is written by Mrs. Peary and profusely illustrated from photographs taken by Com- mander and Mrs. Peary. Very interesting, and also useful as a geographical study. Children of the Arctic. 120 pp. Stokes. $1.20 net. Size, 8x10. Gr. 3-5. The story of the Snow-Baby’s return to the Arctic region at six years of age. Illustrations from photographs by Peary. Peary, Robert E. Snowland Folks. 97 pp. Stokes. $1.20 net. Size, 8 x 10. Gr. 3-5. Stories written or told for the Snow-Baby referred to in the fore- going title. STORIES AND VERSE FOR BEGINNERS. Arnold, Sarah L. The Arnold Primer. Ulus. Silver. 30c. Gr. 1. The simplest reading matter and excellent pictures, many in color. 15 aiid Gilbert, C. B. Stepping-Stones to Literature ; Books I, II, and III. Illus. Silver. 30, 40, 50c. respectively. Gr. 1-4. Beautiful illustrations and well selected reading matter. They are really stepping-stones to literature. Aspinwall, Alicia. Short Stories for Short People. Illus. Dut- ton. $1.50. Gr. 3-4. Stories of extravagant humor : A Quick-Running Squash, The Upsidedownians, etc. Baker, Thomas O. Action Primer. Illus. A. B. Co. 25c. Gr. 1. Based on the idea that children love action. Baldwin, James. School Reading by Grades. Illus. Books I and II. A. B. Co. 25 and 35c. respectively. Fifty Famous Stories Retold. 172 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 35c. Gr. 2-3. Stories and legends of famous men, distant countries, ancient times, etc. One of the best books for a school library. Thirty More Famous Stories Retold. 23s pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 3-4. Columbus and the Egg, Watt and the Teakettle, Founding of Rome, etc. Fairy Reader. 190 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 35c. Gr. 1-2, Selections from Grimm and Andersen adapted for beginners in reading. Bass, Florence. Lessons for Beginners in Reading. Illus. Heath. 25c. Gr. 1. A popular little reader ; short sentences about flowers, nuts, seeds, etc. Many of the pictures are in color. Blaisdell, E. A. and M. F. Child Life Primer. Illus. Macmil- lan. 25c. Gr. 1. An unusually attractive book, with numerous and beautiful illustra- tions in color. Child Life in Tale and Fable. Illus. Macmillan. 35c. Gr. 2-3. Folk-lore and wonder tales adapted to very young readers. Craik, Georgiana M. So-Fat and Mew-Mew. Illus. H. S. C. Heath. 20c. Gr. 1-2. Story in one-syllable words of a dog and cat. Cyr, Ellen M. Primer, First Reader, Second Reader. Ginn. 24, 28 and 36c. respectively. Gr. 1-2. The first two based on child life and nature, the third on Longfellow and Whittier. 6 — Dramatic First Reader. Ginn. 30c. Gr. 1-2. Stories in dialogue form that can be played or acted if desired. Graded Art Readers. Book I. Ginn. 30c. Gr. 1. Simply told stories based on the masterpieces of great painters. Beautifully illustrated. Dodge, Mary Mapes. Baby Days. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 2 ~ 3 - A collection of stories and verses by a charming writer for children ; beautiful and interesting pictures. Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe (ed. by James Baldwin). 190 pp. A. B. Co. 35c. Gr. 2-3. An adaption of the famous classic for small children. Dole, C. F., ed. Goody-Two-Shoes. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 20c. Gr. 3. Attributed to Oliver Goldsmith ; it has become a classic. Grover, Eulalie O. Sunbonnet Babies’ Primer. 109 pp. Illus. Rand. 40c. Gr. 2-3. A very oopular series of stories of Molly and May, the “Sunbonnet Babies.” Illustrated in tint. Harcourt, Helen, and Mahon, Mary B. Southern Stories for Little Readers. 154 pp. Illus. Bardeen. 30c. Gr. 3-4. Short stories of Southern life. Hays, W. J. Princess Idleways. Illus. Harper. 60c. Fairy Industry teaches the little princess the pleasures of activity and unselfishness. Hazard, Bertha. Three Years with the Poets. 247 pp. Hough- ton. 50c. net. Gr. 1-3. A text book of poetry, intended for memorizing, but the material will prove interesting for reading. Heath Readers : Primer, Books I and II. Illus. Heath. 25, 30 and 35c. respectively. Gr. 1-2. Holbrook, Florence. The Hiawatha Primer. 147 pp. Illus. R. L. S., Houghton. Gr. 1. Partly easy prose paraphrase and partly Longfellow’s verse. Colored pictures and songs, with music. An admirable book. Johonnot, James. Grandfather’s Stories. Illus. A. B. Co. 37c. Gr. 2-3. Includes fables, myths, legends ; stories of home and foreign countries. Kuck, Ethelwyn. The Story of Milo. 171 pp. Illus. Bardeen. 30c. Gr. 3-4. The story of a little Greek boy. Lane, Mrs. Charles A. Stories for Children. Illus. A. B. .Co. 25c. Gr. 1. Lear, Edward. Nonsense Songs. 75 pp. Illus. Little. 50c. Gr. 1-4. McCulloh, Annie W. Little Stories for Little People. Illus. A. B. Co. 25c. Gr. 1. McMurry, Lida B., and Cook, Agnes. Songs of Tree Top and Meadow. Illus. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 3-6. A collection of nature poems for children. Murray, Clara. The Child at Play. 1 1 1 pp. Illus. Little. 50c. Gr. 2-3. Norton, Charles Eliot, ed. Heart of Oak, Books I and II. Illus. Heath. 25 and 35c. respectively. Gr. 1-3. I contains an admirable collection of Mother Goose, rimes and jingles, edited with notes; II contains some well selected folk-lore tales, Goody-Two-Shoes, and well selected verse. O’Shea, M. V., ed. Old World Wonder Stories. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 20c. Gr. 2-3. Dick Whittington and His Cat, Jack the Giant Killer, Tom Thumb, etc. Six Nursery Classics. Illus. H. S. C. Heath. 20c. Gr. 1-2. Mother Hubbard, Cock Robin, Dame Wiggin, etc. Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Illus. In color. Warne. 50c. Gr. 2-3. Story of a naughty bunny who was made ill by some cabbage he stole, and had to go to bed and take camomile tea while the rest of the family had bread and milk and blackberries. Pyle, Katharine. Careless Jane. Illus. Dutton. 75c. Gr. 3. “Verses and pictures telling of Georgie Lie-a-Bed, Boisterous Ann, Untidy Amanda, and other careless children whose faults led them into trouble.” Prose and Verse for Children. Illus. A. B. Co. 40c. Gr. 3-4. Simple stories and poems for each month in the year. Scudder, Horace E. Verse and Prose for Beginners in Reading. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 2-3. Well selected, more verse than prose. Smith, Gertrude. Arabella and Araminta. Illus. Small. $1.00. Gr. 1-2. Very simply told stories of the doings of two little girls. Stevenson, Robert Louis. A Child’s Garden of Verses. Illus. Rand. 50c. Gr. 2-4. A classic in children’s literature. 1 8 Trimmer, Sarah. History of the Robins (ed. by E. E. Hale). H. S. C., Heath. 20c. Gr. 2-3. Dr. Hale, the editor, declares this book “has been the delight of thousands of children for over three-quarters of a century.” Wiggin, Kate Douglas, and Smith, Nora A. The Story Hour. 185 PP- Ulus. Houghton. $1.00. Fourteen stories to be told to the youngest children, with an intro- duction on story-telling. Williams, Sherman. Choice Literature. Books I and II. A. B. Co. 22 and 25c. respectively. Gr. 1-3. I contains Mother Goose rimes and folk-lore stories (144 pages). II contains Grimm and Andersen stories, Ruskin’s King of the Golden- River, and well selected verse. MYTHOLOGY, LEGENDS, FOLK-LORE, FAIRY TALES, FABLES. Aesop. Fables. Ed. by J. H. Stickney. Supplement containing fables from La Fontaine and Krilof. 204 pp. Ulus. Ginn. 35c. These most famous of fables, that have delighted both children and big folks since the sixth century B. C., should be in every school library. Andersen, Hans Christian. Fairy Tales. Ed. by J. H. Stickney. Ulus. Ginn. First Series, 280 pp., 40c., gr. 3-6. Second Series, 346 pp., 40c., gr. 4-6. Published also in R. L. S., Houghton, ed. by Scudder, 40c. ; and in Everyman’s Library, Dutton, 387 pp., 50c. These are perhaps the classic fairy stories above all others. No child should be deprived of an opportunity to know them. Arabian Nights. Ed. by E. E. Hale. 376 pp. Illus. 45c. Also in R. L. S., Houghton, illus., 40c. Gr. 4-8. These splendid Oriental fairy tales told by the people of Asia are of interest to all the world — juvenile and adult. The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor, Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp, Ali Baba and the Treasure Cave, are stories all children must know. Both the above collections are well selected and well edited. Baldwin, James. Fairy Stories and Fables. Illus. A. B. Co. 35c. Gr. 2-4. An excellent and well-told collection. Old Greek Stories. Illus. A. B. Co. 45c. Gr. 3-4. Tales of gods and heroes. The Wonder Book of Horses. 260 pp. Illus. Century. 75c. net. Gr. 4-6. Selected from the author’s Horse Fair; 18 stories of the famous horses of myth and legend — Pegasus, the Wooden Horse of Troy, etc. 19 Baum, L. Frank. The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. 261 pp. Size, 7J/2X9 Bobbs. Blus. $1.25. Gr. 5-8. The life of Santa Claus, evolution of the toy, and how the old saint happened to think of making dolls. Illustrations in color. The Wizard of Oz. 261 pp. Blus. Bobbs. $1.25. Gr. 5-8. The story of Dorothy’s remarkable travels with the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion has become very popular with children. Illustrations in color. Blumenthal, Verra X. K. de. Folk Tales from the Russian. 147 pp. Illus. Rand. 40c. Gr. 4-5. Told by a Russian countess. Bradish, Sarah P. Old Norse Stories. 240 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. Gr. 3-5. 45c. Stories of Norse mythology. Pronouncing vocabulary. Brooks, Dorothy. Stories of the Red Children. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 2-3. What Indian children believe about wind, rain, stars, and other strange things of earth and sky. Brown, Abbie B. In the Days of Giants. 260 pp. Illus. Hough- ton. 50c. net. Gr. 4-6. Exceedingly well-told stories of Norse mythology. Browne, Frances. The Wonderful Chair and the Tales It Told. Ed. by M. V. O’Shea. 197 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 30c. Gr 2-4. A new edition of a very popular story. Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of Fable. 524 pp. Illus. McKay. $ I -2S- Gr. 7-. This edition is edited by J. L. Scott. Profusely illustrated. Burt, Mary E., and Rogozin, Zenaide. Herakles, the Hero of Thebes, and Other Heroes of Myth. 144 pp. Illus. Scribner. 50c. net. Gr. 3-4. Adapted from Second Book of the Primary School of Athens. Odysseus, the Hero of Ithaca. 223 pp. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. net. Gr. 4-5. Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Ed. by Florence Milner. Illus. Rand. 50c. Gr. 4-7. An edition well illustrated, several pictures in color, is pub- lished in the Young People’s Library, Altemus, 50c. ; and another in the Manhattan Library, colored pictures, Globe, 30c. The author’s genius for writing delightful nonsense, both in prose and verse, has made his work classic. The Rand edition contains 20 numerous illustrations in black and white by F. Y. Careys a biographical sketch of the author, a reading list, suggestions to teachers, and inter- esting notes which include the poems parodied *by the author in the story. Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. Illus. in color. Manhattan Library. Globe, 30c. Gr. 5-7. Published also in Altemus’ Young People’s Library, 50c. A continuation of Alice’s adventures. Cooke, Flora J. Nature Myths and Stories for Little Ones. Illus. Flanagan. 35c. Gr. 2-3. How the Robin’s Breast Became Red. Swan Maidens, the Story of the Pudding Stone, etc. Greek, English, German, and Italian myths included. One of the best primary books on the subject. Craik, Mrs. D. M. Mulock. The Little Lame Prince. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 30c. Gr. 3-4. A classic juvenile “as full of interest as if it had not a moral to its name.” Adventures of a Brownie. Illus. Harper. 60c. Gr. 3-4. Crothers, S. M. Miss Muffet’s Christmas Party. Illus. Hough- ton. $1.00 net. Gr. 5-6. Curtin, Jeremiah. Myths and Folk Tales of the Russians, West- ern Slavs and Magyars. 555 pp. Little. $2.00. Gr. 7-. An interesting collection by an authority. Dodgeson, C. L. See Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Evans, Florence A. Jewel Story Book. Illus. Saalfield. 60c. Gr. 4-6. A little girl falls asleep while playing with her mother’s jewels, and each gem in the casket tells her an interesting story. Firth, Emma M. Stories of Old Greece. 108 pp. Illus. Heath. 30c. Gr. 3-4. Forbes, Cora B. Elizabeth’s Charm Strings. 238 pp. Illus. Lit- tle. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Pleasantlv told stories of famous legends, such' as the “Lion of St. Mark’s,” “The Dog and the Fisherman,” “St. George and the Dragon.” Foster, Mary H. and Cummings, Mabel H. Asgard Stories. 123 pp. Illus. Silver. 36c. Gr. 3-4. Attractively written and illustrated stories of Norse mythology. Francillon, R. E. Gods and Heroes; or, The Kingdom of Jupiter. Illus. 292 pp. Ginn. 40c. Gr. 4-6. Told in a simple and interesting way, and so arranged as to form one continuous story. This is the authorized American edition. 21 Gilman, Bradley. The Kingdom of Coins. 82 pp. Illus. Little. 50c. Gr. 4-6. A story of the coins of fable and romance. Grimm, J. L. and W. K. Fairy Tales. Ed. by Sara E. Wiltse. Illus. Ginn. Part I, 237 pp., 35c., gr. 2-5 ; Part II, 234 pp. ; 35c., gr. 3-6. Also in Everyman’s Library, Dutton, 343 pp., 50c. German Household Tales. Illus. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. 5-6. The famous tales of the Grimm brothers hardly require comment. Guerber, H. A. Legends of the Rhine. 350 pp. Illus. Barnes. Gr. 5-10. $1.50 net. The best collection of these tales available in English; both inter- esting and instructive. Myths of Greece- and Rome. 428 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. $1.50. Gr. H. S. Narrated with special reference to literature and art, and well arranged for young folks. Myths of Northern Lands. 319 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. $1.50. Gr. H. S. Narrated with special reference to literature and art. Gayley, Charles M. Classic Myths in English Literature. 38 ch. 540 pp. Illus. Ginn. $1.50. Gr. H. S. Based on Bulfinch’s Age of Fable. Numerous and excellent illustra- tions. Commentary and indexes of mythology and of modern authors and artists. Dr. W. T. Harris pronounces it “the most satisfactory book yet published on its. theme.” Harris, Joel Chandler. Uncle Remus; His Songs and Sayings. Illus. Appleton. $2.00. Gr. 5-. (Can be read to much younger children.) These old plantation stories of Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox and rest, have become classic and should be read by every child. Illustrated by Frost, who has most happily caught the spirit. • Nights with Uncle Remus. Illus. Houghton. $1.50. Gr. 4-6. More plantation folk-lore. Daddy Jack the Runaway. Illus. Century. $1.25. cr. 5-. Besides the title story a number of Uncle Remus’ tales. Wally Wanderoon and His Story-Telling Machine. Illus. McClure. $1.60. Gr. 6-. Told by Uncle Remus. Illus. McClure. $2.00. Gr. 6-. Plantation myths, legends, ballads, etc. 22 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Wonder Book; Tanglewood Tales. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. each. Gr. 4-7. Also in Every- man’s Library, Dutton, 50c. It is unnecessary to commend Hawthorne’s delightful versions of the Greek myths. Henger, Herman F. The Young Scientist. 189 pp. Ulus. Bar- deen. 75c. Gr. 6-. A pleasantly told story of an Agassiz Association of school children that undertook to explore the neighborhood of the school to study zoological formations. Holbrook, Florence. The Book of Nature Myths. 215 pp. Illus. R. L. S., Houghton. 45c. Gr. 2-3. Howells, William D. The Howells Story Book. Ed. by Mary E. Burt and Mildred Howells. Illus. Scribner. 60c. net. Gr. 4-5. Contains three fairy tales — “Christmas Every Day,” “The Pony Engine,” and “The Pumpkin Glory.” “Boyhood Lore” is included as Part II. Ingelow, Jean. Three Fairy Stories. Ed. by C. F. Dole. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 20c. Gr. 3-5. Ingelow, Jean. Wonder Box Tales. Illus. Estes. 50c. Gr. 5-7. Judd, Mary C. Classic Myths. Illus. Rand. 35c. Gr. 3-5. An excellent and well-told collection, including stories from Greek, Norse and Finnish sources. Keary, Annie and Eliza. Heroes of Asgard. Illus. Macmillan. 50c. net. Gr. 5-6. Also in Pocket Classic Series, Mac- millan, 25c. Stories of Scandinavian mythology. Kingsley, Charles. Greek Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales for My Children. Illus. Ginn. 30c. Gr. 4-7. Retold for younger children by Mary Macgregor, in T. C. S., Dutton, illus. •in color, 50c. Stories of Perseus, Theseus and the Argonauts. Water-Babies. Illus. Ginn. 35c. Gr. 4-6. Also in Man- hattan Library, pictures in color, Globe, 30c. Retold for younger children by Mary Macgregor, in T. C. S., Dut- ton, illus. in color, 50c. “A fairy tale for a land baby.” Kingsley’s stories for children are always delightful. Kipling, Rudyabd. Just So Stories. Illus. Doubleday. $1.20. Gr. 4-7. Tell how the camel got his hump, the leopard his spots, etc. Full of humor and queer fancies. Well adapted to reading aloud. 23 Mabie, Hamilton Wright, ed. Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know. 370 pp. Illus. Doubleday. 90c. net. Gr. 4-5. (Suitable to read to younger children.) A collection of the best fairy tales of all times and of all authors. Introduction by the editor. Norse Stories. Illus. 304 pp. Rand. 40c. Gr. 5-7. One of the best collections. Notes, pronouncing index, and reading list. Motte-Fouque, Frederick de la. Undine. 149 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 35c. Gr. 5-. A celebrated romantic fairy tale from the German ; a classic in Europe and America. Mulock, D. M. See Craik. Peabody, Josephine P. Old Greek Folk Stories. 123 pp. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 4-6. Supplementary to Hawthorne’s Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales, covering wholly different matter. Contains an index to all three books in the R. L. S. edition. Perrault's Tales of Mother Goose, tr. by Charles Walsh. Illus. by Dore. H. S. C., Heath. 20c. Gr. 1-2. Porter, J. C. The Stars in Song and Legend. Illus. Ginn. 50c. Gr. 5-6. The mythology and folk-lore of the sky; astronomy on the legendary and literary side. Pratt, Mara L. Legends of the Red Children. 128 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. Gr. 3-4. 30c. Pyle, Katharine. As the Goose Flies. Illus. Little. $1.50. Gr. 3-4. Story of a little girl who visits Mother Goose land and talks and plays with her favorites there. Richards, Laura E. The Golden Windows. 123 pp. Illus. Little. $1.00. Gr. 4-8. A book of well-told fables, 44 in. number. Ruskin, John. King of the Golden River. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 3-6. This volume contains, besides Ruskin’s famous story, wonder tales by Andersen, Grimm, Scudder, and Bjornson. Scudder, Horace E. Fables and Folk Stories. 200 pp. Illus. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. 2-4. An excellent collection of fables, fairy tales and folk tales. Stockton, Frank R. Fanciful Tales. Ed. by M. E. Burt. Illus. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. Gr. 5-6. Very amusing. 24 Tappan, Eva March. The Golden Goose. 240 pp. Houghton. $1.00. Gr. 3-5. Fairy tales translated from the Swedish. Thackeray, N. M. The Rose and Ring. Ed. by E. E. Hale. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 25c. Gr. 6-8. Also in T. C. S., Dutton, illus. in color, 50c. Thackeray’s only juvenile, and a delightfully humorous story. Sixty illustrations by the author. Wells, Helen. King Kindness and Other Stories. 118 pp. Illus. Bardeen. 50c. Gr. 3-5. Eight fairy stories' dealing with nature and teaching kindness, sym- pathy, and love of nature. Williston, Teresa P. Japanese Fairy Tales. 82 pp. Illus. Rand. 50c. Gr. 4-5. Illustrated in Japanese style in five colors. Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian Legends. 165 pp. Illus. Ginn. 50c. Gr. 4-6. Fourteen new legends, picturesquely told by a young Indian, with twenty full-page pictures by an Indian artist, Angel de Cora. Tales center about Iktomi, the spider fairy of the Dakotas ; “retold for blue- eyed little patriots by one who heard them as a little black-haired aborigine.” CLASSIC TALES AND STORIES FROM LITERATURE. Baldwin, James. Story of Roland. Illus. Scribner. $1.50. Gr. 7-. Adventures of the wonderful medieval hero, Roland, and his com- panions in arms, retold from the legends of Charlemagne and his knights. Story of Siegfried. Illus. Scribner. $1.50. Gr. 7-. Life and exploits of the Norse hero of the Niebelungenlied. Hero Tales Told in School. 177 pp. Illus. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. net. Gr. 6-. Barber, Grace Edson. Wagner Opera Stories. 191 pp. Illus. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. 50c. Gr. 5. Interesting and artistically told stories of the Rhine-Gold, the Val- kyns, and the Gotterdarmmering. Brooks, Edward. Story of the Faerie Queene. Illus. Penn. $1.25. Gr. 5-7. The story of Edmund Spenser’s classic poem of Elizabethan days, told in prose for boys and girls. The Story of Tristram. Illus. Penn. $1.25. Gr. 6-8. Retold for young people from the Morte d’Arthur. 25 Brown, Abbie Farwell. Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts. Illus. Houghton. $1.25. Gr. 5-. St. Francis of Assisi; the girl saint, Bridget; the birds of St. Cuth- bert, etc. Brownell, Elizabeth C. Dream Children. Illus. Bobbs. 95c. net. Gr. 5-8. In this beautiful volume Mrs. Brownell has collected the stories of the famous children of English poetry and prose, and has illustrated them with sixty camera studies from life In it we find “Tiny Tim” and Jenny Wren, from Dickens; Eugene Field’s “Little Boy Blue,” Mr. Riley’s “Little Orphant Annie” and Lewis Carroll’s “Alice,” to- gether with a score of others equally loved. Burt, Mary. Stories from Plato and Other Classic Writers. 262 pp. Illus. Ginn. 40c. Gr. 3-5. Stories from Plato, Homer, and Aristotle; told in a simple and in- teresting way. Bulfinch, Thomas. The Age of Chivalry. Famous medieval legends. Part I tells the story of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table, from the Morte d’Arthur ; Part II is the Welsh legends, the Mabinogion. There are various editions. The best at a moderate price is that edited by J. L. Scott — McKay, $1.25, profusely illus- trated. A cheaper edition, without illustrations, is pub- lished by Crowell, 18 mo., 35c., gr. 6-. Chapin, Anna. Wonder Tales from Wagner. Illus. and music notes for Wagnerian motifs. Harper. $1.25. Gr. 6-. Contains legends of the Flying Dutchman, Tannhauser, Lohengrin, etc. Church, Alfred J. Stories from Homer. Illus. Crowell. 60c. Gr. 6-8. The Story of the Iliad, and The Story of the Odyssey, included in the above, may be purchased sepa- rately in the Pocket Classic Series. Macmillan. 25c. each. Stories from Virgil. Illus. Crowell. 60c. Gr. 8-9. Stories of the Old World. 354 pp. Illus. Ginn. 50c. Gr. 4-8. Tales of the Argo, Thebes, the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid. Cipriani, Carlotta. Child Vivien and Other Stories. Illus. Rand. $1.00. Gr. 5-7. Classic Stories from the early French epics. Clarke, M. Story of Troy. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-7. Story of Ulysses. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-7. 26 Story of Aeneas. Illus. A. B. Co. 45c. Gr. 5-7. These three books tell the stories of the Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid ; the prose is interspersed with extracts from the best translations in verse. Crommelin, Emeline G. Famous Legends Adapted for Children. 181 pp. Illus. Century. 60c. net. Gr. 4-6. An admirable collection, including legends of England (Robin Hood and King Arthur), France (Roland and St. Denis), Spain (The Cid), Portugal, Ireland, Scandinavia (Sigurd and Frithiof), Switzerland (Tell), Italy, and Germany. Pronouncing index of proper names. Cutler, Waldo. Stories of King Arthur. Illus. C. F. C., Crow- ell. 60c. Gr. 7-. Follows as closely as practicable the language and spirit of Malory's Morte d’ Arthur. Well selected and succeeds well in following quaint original. Greene, Frances N. Legends of King Arthur and His Court. 22 ch. 126 pp. Ginn. 50c. Gr. 4-6. Thirteen stories of King Arthur and his most noted knights. Greene, Frances N., and Kirk, Dolly W. With Spurs of Gold. 290 pp. Illus. Little. Gr. 5-8. Stories of famous knights, including Roland and Oliver, the Cid, Godfrey de Bouillon, Richard Cceur de Lion, the Chevalier, Bayard, and Sir Philip Sidney. Guerber, H. A. Legends of the Middle Ages. 340 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. $1.50. Gr. H. S. Includes the legends which form the principal subjects of medieval literature, which have influenced subsequent literature and art. Hoffman, Alice Spencer. Stories from Shakespeare for Chil- dren. Illus. 11 vols. Dutton. 40c. net each. Gr. 5-8. These volumes are prepared for children too young to understand the original plays. The spirit of the plays has been preserved with considerable success, extracts being frequently given. The following are the series: Hamlet, Macbeth, King John, King Lear, Julius Caesar, Henry V, Richard II, The Tempest, As You Like It, The Merchant of Venice, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The books are square, 16 mo , daintily made, and profusely illustrated. Holbrook, Florence. Northland Heroes. 113 pp. Illus. Hough- ton. 35c. Gr. 3-5. Delightfully told stories of Fridthjof and Beowulf divided into short sections. Numerous illustrations and songs with music. Husted, Mary H. Children in Literature. 179 pp. Illus. Flana- gan. 35c. Gr. 4-6. Cosette, from Les Miserables; Lost in London, from Dombey and Son; Tom and Maggie Tulliver, from The Mill on the Floss; Little Nell and Mrs. Jarley, from The Old Curiosity Shop. Kelman, Janet H. Stories from Chaucer. Illus. in' color. T. C. S., Dutton. 50c. Gr. 5-7. ■27 Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare. Illus. 342 pp. H. S. C., Heath. 40c. Also published by Ginn, 310 pp. ; and in Everyman’s Library, Dutton, 50c. Gr. 7-. These famous narratives of Shakespeare’s plots are not only inter- esting reading but an excellent introduction to the plays. Lamb, Charles. Adventures of Ulysses. Ed. by W. P. Trent. Illus. 126 pp. H. S. C., Heath. 25c. Gr. 6-. Lang, Jeanie. Stories from the Faerie Queene. Illus. in color. T. C. S., Dutton. 50c. Gr. 5-7. Lang, John. Stories from Don Quixote. Illus. in color. T. C. S., Dutton. 50c. Gr. 5-7. Maitland, Louise. Heroes of Chivalry. 238 pp. Illus. Silver. 50c. Gr. 4-6. Stories of King Arthur, the Quest of the Grail, and Roland. Macgregor, Mary. Stories of King Arthur’s Knights. 1 1 5 pp. Illus. Told to the Children Series. Dutton. 50c. Gr. 5-. Simply told and well illustrated, in color. McSpadden, J. Walker. Stories of Robin Hood and His Merry Outlaws. 313 pj). Illus. C. F. C., Crowell. 60c. Gr. 5-. A charming collection, based on the ballads, which are very closely followed even in the language. Stories from Wagner. 329 pp. Illus. C. F. C., Crowell. 60c. Gr. 5-. Contains the Ring and the Curse, Parsifal, Lohengrin, Tannhauser, The Master Singers, Rienzi, The Flying Dutchman, and Tristan and Isolde. Simplified version of the Wagnerian form of the legends? Stories from Dickens. 376 pp. Illus. C. F. C., Crowell. 60c. Gr. 5-8. Stories of child life from Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, Dombey and Son, Great Expectations, Little Dorritt, and David Copperfield. Well told, and mainly in the author’s own language. Menefee, Maud. Child Stories from the Masters. 104 pp. Illus. Rand. 30c. Gr. 3-5. Stories from Browning’s Pippa Passes, Goethe’s, Wilhelm Meister, etc. ; and of paintings such as Millet’s Angelus and Correggio’s Holy Night. Full-page illustrations, in tint. Pyle, Howard. Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner. 50c. Gr. 4-7. The author expresses very well the spirit of the old ballads about the jolly outlaws. An edition profusely illustrated by the author is published at $3.00 (Scribner). 28- Ragozin, Zenaide. Tales of the Heroic Ages, 3 vols. : Beowulf, the Hero of the Anglo-Saxons (332 pp.) ; Siegfried, the Hero of the North (210 pp.) ; Frithjof, the Viking of Norway. Illus. Harrison. 60c. net each. Gr. 6-. Rives, Hallie Erminie. Tales from Dickens. Illus. $1.50. Gr. 4-6. Miss Rives attempts to do for Dickens what Lamb did for Shake- speare — make him readable for children, by simplifying the bulky novels. The following tales are included : The Old Curiosity Shop, Oliver Twist. Barnaby Rudge, David Copperfield, Great Expectations, Nich- olas Nickleby, Dombey and Son, Pickwick Papers, Little Dorritt, Martin Chuzzlewit, Our Mutual Friend, A Tale of Two Cities, Bleak House, Hard Times, The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Skinner, Hubert M. The Story of the Britons. 241 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 75c. Gr. 7-. Legends of early England : King Lear, the Giant and the Giant Killer, Cymbeline, Old King Cole, King Arthur, Caractacus, etc. Tappan, Eva March. Robin Hood : His Book. 280 pp. Illus. Little. $1.50. Gr. 4-. Includes the old favorites and some less well known. Pictures in color in imitation of those formerly used to illustrate the old ballads. ETHICS AND BIBLE STORIES. Baldwin, James. Old Stories of the. East. 215 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 45c. Gr. 3-4. Stories based on the Hebrew scriptures, told like Greek legends for their literary value, omitting religious comment. Chisholm, Edwin. Old Testament Stories. 117 pp. Illus. Told to the Children Series. Dutton. 50c. Gr. 5-. Stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses. Eight full- page color pictures. Bible language followed closely. Endicott, Myles. Stories of the Bible. 3 vols. 242, 334, 310 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 60c. each. Gr. 4. Guerber, H. A. The Story of the Chosen People. 240 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-6. Bible stories, exceedingly well told. Herbst, Eva. Tales and Customs of the Ancient Hebrews. 136 pp. Flanagan. 35c. Gr. 3-4. Kelman, Janet H. Stories from the Life of Christ. 113 pp. Illus. Told to the Children Series. Dutton. 50c. Gr. 5-. Marden, Orison Swett. The Success Booklets. 6 vols. Good Manners and Success ; The Hour of Opportunity ; Cheerfulness as a Life Power; Character the Grandest 29 Thing in the World; Economy; An Iron Will. Illus. Crowell. 50c. each. Gr. 6-. Inspiring talks by the editor of Success that not only teach the prin- ciples of good conduct, good manners, and success, but do so in an exceptionally interesting way through directness and wealth of personal anecdote. Stories from Life. 240 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 45c. Gr. 5-6. Forty stories by the editor of Success, showing how boys have won success or fame under difficulties. Washington, George. Rules of Conduct, Diary of Adventure, Letters, and Farewell Addresses. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 6-. JUVENILE STORIES AND PROSE FICTION. 1 [“s. s.” following a title indicates that the volume is a collection of short studies.] Alcott, Louisa M. The Little Women Series. 8 vols. Illus. Little. $1.50 each. Gr. 5-8. Little Women; Little Men; Jo’s Boys, and How They Turned Out; An Old-fashioned Girl; Eight Cousins (Gr. 7-8); Rose in Bloom (Gr. 8-) ; Under the Lilacs; Jack and Jill. Aunt Jo’s Scrap-bag. 6 vols. Illus. Little. $1.00. each. Gr. 5-8. My Boys (s. s.) ; Shawl-Straps (about a voyage to Brittany, France, Switzerland, Italy, and England) ; Cupid and Chow-chow (s. s ) ; My Girls (s. s.) ; Jimmy’s Cruise in the Pinafore (s. s.) ; An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving (s. s.). Spinning-Wheel Stories (s. s.). Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 5-7. Stories read to a party of children during the Christmas holidays. Miss Alcott’s stories are among the most popular juveniles ever written. They are wholesome, interesting, full of fun, and sure to exercise a good influence on boys and girls. Several volumes at least should be in every library. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. The Story of a Bad Boy. Illus. Half leather. R. S. L., Houghton, 70c. Gr. 6-. A story of New England boyhood that has become a classic. The Little Violinist. Houghton. 70c. Gr. 6. Allen, Willis B. Play Away. Illus. Estes. $1.00. Gr. 7-. A story of the Boston Fire Department. Amicis, Edmondo de. Heart; a School-Boy’s Journal. Illus. C. F. C., Crowell. 60c. Gr. 7-. An interesting story of Italian child life that is also of ethical value. 30 Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Everyman’s Library. Dut- ton. 50c. Gr. H. S. A story of English social life in the early nineteenth century, of high rank. Bangs, John Kendrick. Half-Hours with Jimmieboy. Illus. Harper. $1.25. Gr. 5-. A popular juvenile told in the author’s usual humorous style. Stories of “Giant the Jack Killer,” “The Dwarf and the Dude Giant,” etc. Baker, Cornelia. The Queen’s Page. Illus. Bobbs. $1.25. Gr. 6-. Tells about two children of a noble family of Navarre who came to the court of King Francis I. Baker, Samuel. Cast Up by the Sea. Illus. Harper. $1.25. Gr. 7-. Story of a child cast ashore on the Cornwall coast, adopted by smugglers, and afterward forced into the King’s service ; he meets with many adventures, especially in Africa (in which the author won fame as an explorer). Bardeen, C. W. The Little Old Man. 31 pp. Bardeen. 50c. Gr. 5-6. The story of a little girl who thought she could teach her mother how to behave. Barnes, James. For King or Country. Illus. Harper. $1.50. Gr. 6-8. A story of two brothers who fought on opposite sides in the Revolu- tion. A Loyal Traitor. Illus. Harper. $1.50. Gr. 6-8. A clean and wholesome romance of the war of 1812. Barry, E. B. Little Tong’s Mission. Illus. Estes. 50c. Gr. 5-6. Story of a cripple and his influence for good. Little Dick’s Christmas. Illus.. 50c. Gr. 5. Story of a child’s influence over a hardened old man. Beckford, William. Vathek. Illus. Lippincott. $1.25. Gr. H. S. An extravagant Oriental romance of the eighteenth century; an interesting type of the fiction of the time. Bennett, John. Master Skylark. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 6-. A story of Elizabethan days, with a boy and a girl as hero and hero- ine, and Shakespeare and Queen Bess among the characters. Blanchard, Amy E. Bonnie Leslie of the Border. Illus. Wilde. $1.50. Gr. 6-9. A story of pioneer life showing the important part played by women who accompanied husband and father in the early days. 3i Betty of Wye. Illus. Lippincott. $1.25. Gr. 6-< An interesting historical story (of Maryland) for girls. Three Pretty Maids. Illus. Lippincott. $1.25. Gr. 6. Bonehill, Ralph. Three Young Ranchmen. 246 pp. Saalfield. $1.00. Gr. 6-7. Adventures of the boys on an Idaho ranch. Bouvet, Marguerite. Sweet William. Illus. McClurg. $1.25. Gr. 5-7. The romance of a little child of medieval France ; is very popular. A Child of Tuscany. Illus. McClurg. $1.00. Gr. 5-7. A charming romance of a little Italian boy who was stolen in baby- hood. Bernardo and Laurette. Illus. McClurg. 75c. net. Gr. 5-7. The story of two little children of the Alps. Boyesen, H. H. Modern Vikings. Illus. Scribner. $1.25. Gr. 5-7. Stories of life and sports in the Norseland told for the author’s own children. Boyhood in Norway. Illus. Scribner. $1.25. Gr. 6-8. Brooks, Elbridge S. A Boy of the First Empire. 320 pp. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 7-. Story of a boy who became an aide to Napoleon. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. S. L. S., Rand. 60c. Gr. H. S. A novel of the first half of the nineteenth century that was almost epoch making in English fiction. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings. S. L. S., University. 30c. Gr. 6-8. An abridgment, for grammar grades, of this well-known historical romance; the tale remains in the author’s language. Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings (complete). Everyman’s Library. Dutton. 50c. Gr. H. S. The Last of the Barons. Everyman’s Library. Dutton. 50c. Gr. H. S. A tale of Warwick, the King Maker, and Edward IV. Last Days of Pompeii. 192 pp. S. L. S., University. 30c. Gr. 7. Abridged for the well-known romance of the destruction of Pompeii. Burnett, Frances H. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Illus. Scribner. $1.25. Gr. 4-6. Sara Crewe, Little Saint Elizabeth, and Other Stories (s. s.). Illus. Scribner. $1.25. Gr. 4-6. \ 32 Editha’s Burglar. Illus. Estes. 50c. Gr. 4-6. Mrs. Burnett’s stories are improbable, but interesting and popular with children. Butterworth, Hezekiah. The Pilot of the Mayflower. Illus. Appleton. $1.50. Gr. 7-9. Little Sky-High. Illus. Crowell. 35c. Gr. 5-8. Byrne, Mary A. Roy and Rosyrocks. Illus. Saalfield. 60c. Gr. 5-6. A Christmas story, telling of the good fortune that came to two or- phans. Cable, George. The Cable Story Book. Ed. by Mary E. Burt and Lucy L. Cable. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. net. Gr. 5 - 7 * Selected for and adapted to children with the author’s approval. '‘The Children’s New Orleans,” “The Story of Bras-Coupe,” “Greg- ory’s Island,” etc. Carove, F. W. The Story Without an End. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 25c. Gr. 3-5. Catherwood, Mary H. The Romance of Dollard. Illus. Cen- tury. $1.25. Gr. H. S. A well written romance of New France in the seventeenth century. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Ed. by Mary E. Burt and Lucy L. Cable. 214 pp. Illus. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. Similar edition published by Ginn, 50c. Gr. 7-. A selection from the great Spanish classic of stories best suited for school use, carefully edited. The story of the poor, mad knight should be known by every grammar and high school pupil. Chamisso, Adelbert von. Peter Schlemihl, The Man Who Lost His Shadow. 118 pp. Illus. Ginn. 30c. Gr. 6-. Chase, Jessie A. Mayken. 219 pp. Illus. McClurg. $1.00 net. Gr. 6-7. A romance of a little Dutch girl at the period of the Spanish subju- gation of the Netherlands. Church, Alfred J. Three Greek Children. Illus. Putnam. $1.25. Gr. H. S. A tale of the Peloponnesian War, for young people. The reader will unconsciously absorb a great deal about classical times. The Count of the Saxon Shore. Illus. Putnam. $1.25. Gr. H. S. A tale of the Romans in Britain. The Hammer. Illus. Putnam. $1.25. Gr. H. S. A tale of Palestine in the time of Judas Maccabseus. 33 Clark, Kate Upson. How Dexter Paid His Way. Illus. Crow- ell. 35c. Gr. 5-8. Clemens, Samuel L. Prince and Pauper. Illus. Harper. $1.75. Gr. 5-7. An exciting story of Prince Edward, afterward King Edward VI of England, and the accident by which he changes places for a time with a pauper lad. Tom Sawyer. Illus. Harper. $1.75. Gr. 6-. One of the best stories of boys ever told ; full of the author’s charac- teristic humor. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Illus. Harper. $1.75. Gr. 7-. A continuation of the Tom Sawyer story, by some considered the best of Mark Twain’s works. Cody, Sherwin. A Selection from the World’s Greatest Short Stories. 412 pp. McClurg. $1.00. Gr. 6-. The stories included are: Patient Griselda from the Decameron; Aladdin from the Arabian Nights; Rip Van Winkle, by Irving; A Passion in the Desert, by Balzac ; The Christmas Carol and a Child’s Dream of a Star, by Dickens; A Princess’s Tragedy, by Thackeray; The Gold-bug, by Poe ; The Great Stone Face, by Hawthorne ; The Necklace and The String, by de Maupassant; The Man Who Would Be King, by Kipling ; How Gavin Birse Put It to Meg Lownie, by Barrie ; On the Stairs, by Arthur Morrison. Critical and historical comments. Comstock, Harriett T. Tower or Throne. 274 pp. Illus. Lit- tle. $1.50. Gr. 7-. An interesting romance of the girlhood of Queen Elizabeth, especially interesting to girls. Then Marched the Brave. Illus. Altemus. 50c. Gr. 7-. Coolidge, Susan. Mischief’s Thanksgiving (s. s.). 244 pp* Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 3-5. Fifteen good stories, especially suitable for girls ; some interesting historical and geographical sketches are included. — Just Sixteen (16 s. s.). 304 pp. Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 3-6. What Katy Did. 274 pp. Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 4-7. A wholesome and beautiful story of home life for girls. What Katy Did at School. 278 pp. Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 4-7. A continuation of What Katy Did and a good story of school life. “Free from all mawkishness, cant, and goody-goodism .” — New York Churchman. 34 The New Year’s Bargain. 244 pp. Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 3-5. A story for the children by each of the twelve months. Cooper, James Fenimore. Leather Stocking Tales. 5 vols. The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Pathfinder, The Pioneers, The Prairie. Illus. Astor Library of Prose, Crowell. 60c. each. Gr. 7. The Last of the Mohicans is published in various series of College Entrance Classics; e g. in the Macmillan Pocket Classics, 25c; Lake English Classics, Scott, 40c ; Standard English Classics, Ginn. 50c. This famous series by one of the greatest American writers has al- ways been a prime favorite with boys. The first of the series is a story of Indian warfare in New York in Colonial times, the second a story of the French and Indian war, and so on. The Spy. Illus. Astor Library of Prose, Crowell. 60c. Gr. H. S. An abridgment for young pupils in S. L. S., University. 128 pp. 20c. Gr. 7-. An admirable novel of character and adventure; the scene is the “neutral grounds” around White Plains during the time of the Revo- lution. Sea Tales. 5 vols. The Pilot, The Red Rover, The Water Witch, The Two Admirals, The Wing-and-Wing. Astor Library of Prose, Crowell. 60c. each. Gr. 7-. Among the best novels of the sea ever written. The Pilot is the story of a secret expedition of Paul Jones to the English coast. The Red Rover a stirring romance of piracy at the time of the French and Indian war. Costello, F. H. Nelson’s Yankee Boy. Illus. Holt. $1.50. Gr. 6-8. The adventures of a plucky New Englander at Trafalgar and else- where, and later in the war of 1812. , A Tar of the Old School. Illus. Estes. $1.00. Gr. 6-8. A sea tale of adventure with Barbarv pirates. Craddock, Charles Egbert, pseud., see Murfree, Mary N. Culbertson, Anne V. At the Big House. Illus. Bobbs. $1.25. Gr. 6-. Animal folk tales of the South told by two “Mammies” to three chil- dren on a Virginia plantation. “It is a charmihg book ."- — Joel Chand- ler Harris. Dalton, William. The White Elephant. Illus. McKay. 75c. Gr. 6-8. Dana, Richard H., Jr. Two Years Before the Mast. Ed. and abridged for school reading by Edward R. Shaw. 180 35 pp. S. L. S., University. 30c. Gr. 6-. Complete text in R. L. S., Houghton, 470 pp., 60c. With a view to curing a weakness of the eyes the author left Har- vard College in 1834 and undertook a long voyage as a common sailor. He wrote this story from his journal after his return and it made him famous. This edition is considerably reduced in length and contains a glossary of nautical terms and a cut showing parts and sails of a brig. Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. R. S. L., Houghton. Half leather. Illus. 60c. net. Gr. 5-8. Diaz, Abby Morton. The Flatiron and the Red Cloak. Illus. Crowell. 35c. Gr. 5-8. Dickens, Charles. Twelve Christmas Stories. Edited by Jane Gordon. 304 pp. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 5-8. Includes A Christmas Carol, but not The Cricket on the Hearth. The Cricket on the -Hearth. Illus. Rand. 30c. Gr. 7-. This charming story is one of the best for introduction to Dickens. A Tale of Two Cities. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. H. S. An edition slightly abridged for younger pupils is published by the A. B. Co. 304 pp. Illus. 50c. The two cities are Paris and London; the time that of the French Revolution. One of Dickens’ strongest stories and now among Col- lege Entrance requirements. Little Nell (123 pp., from the Old Curiosity Shop); Paul Dombey (128 pp., from Dombey and Son) ; David Copperfield’s Childhood (204 pp., from David Copper- field) ; A Tale of Two Cities (256 pp.), are in the S. L. S., University, abridged and edited for grammar school pupils. The first two are 20c. each, the rest 30c. each. Little Nell (236 pp.), Paul Dombey (194 pp.), •Educ. Pub. Co., 50c. each. Gr. 4-5. Dodge, Mary Mapes. Donald and Dorothy. 355 pp. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 5-8. The interesting story of a merry boy and girl, with a spice of mystery. The Land of Pluck. 313 pp. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 4-7. A series of stories and sketches, chiefly of Holland. — Hans Brinker ; or, The Silver Skates. 393 pp. Gr. 5-8. A story of boys and girls of Holland, depicting the pluck, patience, and perseverance of the Dutch. Doubleday, Russell. Cattle Ranch to College. 347 pp. Illus. Doubleday. $1.25 net. Gr. 7-. A story largely based on truth of a boy’s life in the far West at ten years of age. Among the exciting experiences are fighting Indians, hunting, mining, “broncho-busting,” and chasing desperadoes. 36 Douglas, Marian. In the Poverty Year. Illus. Crowell. 35c. Gr. 5-8. A story of 1816. Douglas, Amanda M. Clover’s Princess. Illus. Altemus. 50c. Gr. 6-8. Doyle, A. Conan. Micah Clarke. Winston. 75c. Gr. H. S. A story of the Monmouth rebellion in England ; an excellent histor- ical novel. Drysdale, William. The Beach Patrol. 318 pp. Illus. Wilde. $1.50. Gr. 5-8. A story of the United States Life Saving Service. Cadet Standish of the St. Louis. 354 pp. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Story of a boy’s adventure on one of our- cruisers in Cuban waters during the Spanish- American war;* well told. The Young Consul. 356 pp. Illus. Wilde. $1.50. Gr. 5. An interesting and instructive story of our consular service. Dunn, Byron A. General Nelson's Scout. Illus. McClurg. $1.25. Gr. 6-. On General Thomas’s Staff. Illus. McClurg. Gr. 6-. These are two interesting stories of Fred Shackelford, a boy hero in the Union Army. A good picture of the Civil War times, and showing something of the view-point of each side.. These two, with Battling for Atlanta . From Atlanta to the Sea. and Raiding with Morgan, con- stitute the “Young Kentuckian Series.” Earle, Mabel. New Fortunes. 268 pp. 6 Illus. Barnes. $1.25. Gr. 5-8. A wholesome story for girls. Edgeworth, Maria. Waste Not, Want, and Other Stories. Ed. by M. V. O’Shea. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 20c. Gr. 2-4. A large collection of the same stories is published by the A. B. Co., 260 pp., illus., 50c. The stories all have a moral, but none the less are interesting read- ing. Eggleston, Edward. The Hoosier School Boy. 130 pp. Illus. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. net. Gr. 5-. A popular juvenile of absorbing interest, arranged by the author for school reading, with helpful notes. Eggleston, George C. Running the River. 295 pp. Illus. Barnes. $1.50. Gr. 6-8. “A story of adventure and success” in the middle West. The Bale Marked Circle X. Illus. Lee. $1.50. Gr. 6-9. Tale of a blockade-running adventure. 37 Eliot, George. Silas Marner. Ed. by J. Rose Colby, with intro- duction and notes. 309 pp. Appleton. 30c. Gr. H. S. Published in numerous series of College Entrance texts. This classic novel should be read by every high school pupil. Ewing, Juliana H. Jackanapes. Ed. by W. P. Trent. 63 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 20c. Gr. 4-6. A most charming and artistic piece of juvenile fiction; the story of a brave English soldier boy who gave up his life for a friend. A pathetic tale, yet full of tender humor and wholesome sentiment. The Story of a Short Life. Ed. by T. M. Balliet. 80 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 20c. Gr. 4-6. The story of a little cripple who longed to be a soldier, who fought a battle “a kingly crown to gain,” and proved that he possessed a soldier’s spirit. Jackanapes, and Other Tales (s. s.). 227 pp. Little. 50c. Gr. 4-6. Contains “Jackanapes,” “Daddy Darwin Dovecot,” and “The Story of a Short Life.” Jan of the Windmill. 310 pp. Illus. Little. 50c. Gr. 4-7. About a manly lad left in early boyhood with a miller’s wife ; he grows up to be a great artist. Melchior’s Dream (s*. s.). 356 pp. Little. 50c. Gr. 4-8. Includes, besides the title story, Friedrich’s Ballad, A Bit of Green, A Happy Family, Monsieur the Viscount’s Friend, etc All excellent stories. — Mrs. Overtheway’s Remembrances (s. s.). 274 pp. Illus. Little. 50c. Gr. 5-7. An old lady tells a series of stories to a little invalid girl. Fern, George M. Grand Chaco. Illus. McKay. 75c. Gr. 6-8. Flesche, Francis la. The Middle Five. Illus. Small. $1.25. Gr. 6-. A story of Indian boys at school, told by an Indian, and illustrated by Angel de Cora, an Indian artist. Ford, Paul Leister. The Honorable Peter Stirling. Holt. $1.50. Gr. H. S. A novel of modern political life, pronounced by the Atlantic Monthly “timely, manly, and eminently suggestive.” Gasicell, Elizabeth C. Cranford. Macmillan Pocket Classics. 25c. Gr. H. S. A study of character in a little old-fashioned town. 38 Gilman, Bradley. The Kingdom of Coins. 82 pp. Illus. Lit- tle. 50c. Gr. 3-6. “A bright little storv of the coins of fable and romance .” — Literary World. Goldsmith, Oliver. The Vicar of Wakefield. Ginn & Co. 30c. In any series of College Entrance requirements, at a moderate price. Gr. H. S. Goodwin, Maud Wilder. White Aprons. 338 pp. Illus. Little. $1.50. Gr. H. S. A romance of Bacon’s rebellion in Virginia, in 1676, that is also interesting historically. Goulding, F. R. The Young Marooners. Edited and adapted for schools. 176 pp. Illus. S. L. S., University. 30c. Gr. 5-7. A story of the Florida coast. Graydon, William M. The Rajah’s Fortress. Illus. McKay. 75c. Gr. 6-8. With Puritan and Pequot. Illus. Penn. $1.25. Gr. 6-. A colonial story of adventure introducing Roger Williams and Miles Standish. Griffis, William E. The Pathfinders of the Revolution. 316 pp. Illus. Wilde. $1.50. Gr. 7-. A story of the great march into the wilderness and lake region of New York in 1779. Grinnell, George B. Jack the Young Ranchman. Stokes. $1.25. Gr. 6-. An exciting tale of the West. Jack Among the Indians. Stokes. $1.25. Gr. 6-. “A boy’s summer on the buffalo plains.” Habberton, John. Trif and Trixy. Illus. Altemus. 50c. Gr. 6-7. Hale, Edward Everett. The Man Without a Country. 60 pp. Little. 50c. Illus. Edition (50 pictures, 106 pp.), 75c. Published by Flanagan at 30c. Gr. 6-. The strange story of a young officer of the American army, involved in treason with Aaron Burr, who when court-mart’aled, wished he might never hear of the United States again. He was sentenced to have his wish, and spent the rest of his life as a ‘‘man without a country.” In His Name. 265 pp. Little. $1.00. Gr. 7-. A story of the Waldenses, and of France in their time, six hundred years ago. 39 Hale, Edward Everett, Jr., ed. American Stories. 270 pp. Globe. 40c. Gr. 6-. Contains Irving’s Rip Van Winkle and Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Hawthorne’s The Great Stone Face and The Gray Champion, Poe’s A Descent Into the Maelstrom, O’Brien’s The Diamond Lens, Hale’s My Double and The Man Without a Country. Harbour, J. L. Marcia and the Major. Illus. Crowell. 35c. Gr. 5-8. Harraden, Beatrice. Things Will Take a Turn. Illus. Scribner. 50c. Published by Flanagan at 35c. Gr. 5-7. “The story of a sunny-hearted child, Rosebud, who assists her grand- father in his dusty second-hand book-shop.” Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Twice Told Tales (40 of the best). R. L. S., Houghton. 60c. Gr. H. S. (Some stories may be read by younger pupils). House of the Seven Gables. R. L. S., Houghton. 60c. Gr. H. S. The two volumes will give an excellent introduction to one of the greatest writers America has produced. Hearn, Lafcadio. A Japanese Miscellany. 305 pp. Illus. Lit- tle. $1.25. Gr. H. S. Seven “Strange Stories,” with “Folklore Gleanings” and “Studies Here and There.” Henty, George A. The Cat of Bubastes; a Tale of Ancient Egypt. Winston. 50c. Gr. 6-. Regarded as literature the Henty books are of decidedly mediocre quality. But a few of them should be in every school library as an introduction to better. The boy who cannot leave his “dime novel” for Scott may do so with Henty as a stepping-stone. His heroes are brave, honest, and loyal, if absurd in other particulars. Select titles from foreign subjects,, as American tales are grossly untrue to conditions. The following are suggested: By England’s Aid (freeing of the Netherlands), Bonnie Prince Charlie (young Charles Stewart, Pre- tender), The Dragon and the Raven (days of King Alfred), In Free- dom’s Cause (Bruce and Wallace), St George for England (Crecy and Poitiers), With Clive in India, By Pike and Dike (Spanish in the Netherlands), Lion of the North, Maori and Settler (of New Zealand). There are numerous editions besides the above. Tales from Henty. 240 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub Co., 50c. . Gr. s-6. Arranged and adapted for younger readers. Home and School Stories (s. s..). Illus. Saalfield. $1.00. Gr. 3-8. A collection of stories by George C. Eggleston, Mary E. Wilkins, Margaret Sidnev, Susan Coolidge and others, for children of all ages in the elementary school. 40 Hopkins, William J. The Sandman; His Farm Stories; The Sandman; More Farm Stories. Page. $1.50 each. “Children will call for these stories over and over again .” — Chicago Evening Post. Howells, William Dean. A Boy’s Town. 247 pp. Harper. $1.25. Gr. 7-. A humorous story of a band of boys in an Ohio town. Hoyt, Deristhe L. Barbara’s Heritage. 350 pp. Illus. Wilde. $1.50. Gr. 7-. A study of the old Italian masters through the medium of a story. Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown’s School Days. R. L. S., Hough- ton. 50c. Gr. 6-8. Also in Everyman’s Library, Dut- ton, 50 c. A lively narrative of school boy days in England. Rugby under the great Dr. Arnold. Hugo, Victor. Jean Valjean (from Les Miserables). 1022 pp. Ginn. 90c. Gr. H. S. Hugo’s great masterpiece tells the story of the transformation of a French convict into a hero and philanthropist. It cannot fail to be inspiring. Ninety-three. Abridged and edited for grammar school pupils. 157 pp. S. L. S., University. 30c. Gr. 7-. A story of adventure during the French Revolution. Hyde, Mary C. Goostie. no pp. Illus. Little. 50c. Gr. 3-5. Story of a German child’s life in New York. Ingelow, Jean. Mopsa the Fairy. 244 pp. Little. $1.25. Also in C. F. C., Crowell. 60c. Gr. 4-6. Irving, Fanny B. Six Girls. Illus. Estes. $1.25. Gr. 6-8. A popular story by a niece of Washington Irving. Irving, Washington. Knickerbocker Stories, edited with intro- duction and notes by E. E. Hale, Jr. 140 pp. S. L. S., University. 30c. Gr. 6-. Contains Rip Van Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Storm Ship, Wolfert’s Roost, and several selections from the famous Knicker- bocker’s History of Nezv York. These delightful tales need no new praise. The Sketch Book : Stories. S. L. S., University. 20c. Gr. 6-. Contains “The Broken Heart,” “Rip Van Winkle,” “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” “The Inn Kitchen,” “The Spectre Bridegroom,” “The Widow and Her Son,* “The -Angler ” Tales of the Alhambra (introduction and explanatory notes). 128 pp. S. L. S., University. 30c. Gr. 6-. Sketches of the Alhambra, its founder, its finisher, etc., are followed by seven romantic tales. 4i Tales of a Traveler. 551 pp. Scott. 40c. Gr. 7-. Nine of' the “Strange Stories by a Nervous Gentleman,” ten narra- tives of “Buckthorne and His Friends,” eight tales of the “Italian Banditti,” and five of the “Money-Diggers.” Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow are also included. Dolph Heyliger. 123 pp. Illus. 3 maps. H. S. C., Heath. 25c. Gr. 7-. A story from “Bracabridge Hall,” giving an interesting picture of colonial New York. Jackson, Helen Hunt. Ramona. 490 pp. Little. $1.50. Gr. 7-. Pronounced by the Atlantic Monthly “one of the most artistic crea- tions of American literature.” A romance of the Pacific coast. Nelly’s Silver Mine. 379 pp. Illus. Little. $1.50. Gr. 5-7. Jamison, Mrs. C. V. Lady Jane. 246 pp. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 5-. An interesting story of life in New Orleans. Johnson, Mrs. Clarke. Her College Days. Illus. Penn. $1.25. Gr. 6-. Johnston, Annie F. The Little Colonel, The Giant Scissors, Two Little Knights of Kentucky, Ole Mammy’s Torment. Illus. Cosy Corner Series, Page. 50c. each. Gr. 5-7. “Little Colonel” is a little Kentucky girl ; the two knights are her neighbors who were inspired by the high ideals of King Arthur and His Round Table; “Mammy’s Torment” relates the haps and mishaps of a small negro lad, led by kindness to a knowledge of the right. Kaler, J. O. Left Behind (or, Ten Days a Newsboy), Toby Tyler (or, Ten Weeks with a Circus), Mr. Stubb’s Brother (about the monkey whose career is set forth in Toby Tyler), Silent Pete (or, The Stowaways), Tim and Tip (a small boy who runs away from a cruel guardian and . an ugly little dog who shares his adventures). Illus. Young People Series. Harper. 60c. each. Gr. 4-6. When Dewey Came to Manila. Illus. Estes. 75c. Gr. 6-7. Jenny Wren’s Boarding House. Illus. Estes. $1.25. Gr. 6-7. A story of newsboy life in New York. At the Siege of Quebec. Illus. Penn. $1.25. Gr. 6-. A graphic account of Benedict Arnold’s forced march through the Maine wilderness to join Montgomery in the attack on Quebec. 42 Telegraph Tom’s Venture. 228 pp. Illus. Saalfield. $1.00. Gr. 6-8. The adventures of a boy who aided an officer in working up a famous case. Kelly, Myra. Little Citizens. Illus. 353 pp. McClure. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Stories of school life in the poorer, sections of New York by a former teacher. The Outlook says of the collection: “No more lifelike, laughable, touching, and thoroughly human writing has appeared among our admirable short stories of late years.” Kennedy, John P. Horse-Shoe Robinson. Abridged and edited for young people. 192 pp. S. L. S., University. 30c. Gr. 6-. An historical novel of the Revolutionary period by a Maryland writer popular in first half of the last century. King, Charles. Trooper Ross and Signal Butte. Illus. Lippin- cott. $1.00. Gr. 7-. Stories of frontier life and Indian warfare. Kingsley, Charles. Westward Ho! (an episode from the novel, edited with introduction and notes by E. E. Hale, Jr.). 164 pp. S. L. S., University. 30c. Gr. 6-. A good introduction to the original, an Elizabethan romance of the Spanish Main. Westward Ho! (complete). Astor Library of Prose, Crowell. 60c. Gr. 7-. One of the finest romances of the sea and adventure. Hypatia. Independent Series, Rand. Illus. $1.00. Also in Astor Library of Prose, Crowell. 60c. Gr. H. S. A famous picture of Hellenic Egypt in the fifth century A. D., telling of the war between paganism and Christianity. Greeks, Romans, Goths, and other nationalities are among the characters. Kingsley, Florence M. An Unrecorded Miracle. Illus. Altemus. 50c. Gr. 6-8. Kipling, Rudyard. Captains Courageous. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 7-. Life on the fishing schooners on the Newfoundland banks, as seen by a rich, spoiled boy who falls overboard from an Atlantic liner and is picked up by the _ fishermen. The harsh lingo of the fishermen presents some difficulties. Lillie, Lucy C. Mildred’s Bargain, and Other Stories (s. s.). 232 pp. Illus. Young People Series, Harper. 60c. Gr. 4-6. “The stories are exceedingly interesting, and are made the vehicle of useful moral lessons .” — Boston Transcript. 43 t Nan. 202 pp. Ulus. Young People Series, Harper. 6oc. Gr. 4-6. Little Lads ; Little Lassies. Illus. Saalfield. 75c. each. Gr. 3-8. Collection for children of various grades in the elementary school, by George C. Eggleston, Mary E. Wilkins, Margaret Sidney, Susan Cool- idge, and others. London, Jack. The Cruise of the Dazzler. 250 pp. Illus. Cen- tury. $1.00. Gr. 7-. An exciting story of a boy who ran away to sea, with a picture of pirates of the Pacific coast. Lothrop, Harriet M. S. Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. Illus. Lothrop. 50c. Gr. 5-7. — Five Little Peppers Midway. Illus. Lothrop. $1.50. Gr. 5-7. Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Illus. Lothrop. $1.50. Gr. 6-7. “All about Polly Peppers and her brothers and little Phronsie,” their doings in the little brown house, what they did in the city, their Christ- mas at Dunraven, etc. Madden, Eva. The Little Queen. 240 pp. Illus. Wilde. $1.00. Gr. 6-. Madison, Lucy Foster. A Maid of the First Century. Penn. $1.25. Gr. 6-. About a little maid of Palestine who goes in search of her father, who had been taken a slave to Rome. A Maid at King Alfred’s Court. Illus. Penn. $1.25. Gr. 6-. Martin, George Madden. Emmy Lou. 'Illus. McClure. $1.50. Gr. 7-. “A thing for both laughter and tears ... a classic of child life which cannot soon be forgotten .” — Louisville Post. Martineau, Harriet. The Peasant and the Prince. 210 pp. Illus. Ginn. 40c. Also in S. L. S., University,, 30c., and in R. L. S., Houghton, 40c. Gr. 6-. A vivid picture, written for young people, of the condition of France at the outbreak of the French Revolution. The Crofton Boys. 183 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 30c. Gr. 5-7. A story of school boy life early in the last century. Marryat, Frederick. Masterman Ready : or, The Wreck of the Pacific. Astor Library of Prose, Crowell. 60c. Gr. 6 - 8 . A story of shipwreck and life on a crusoe island ; an old-fashioned but interesting story for children. 44 May, Sophie. Dotty Dimple Series. 6 vols. 75c. each. Lee. Gr. 4-6. This popular series tells, in the six volumes, of Dotty at her grand- mother’s, at home, out West, at play, at school, and of “Dotty Dimple’s Flyaway.” Little Prudy Stories. ■ 6 vols. 75c. each. Lee. Gr. 4-6. “Little Prudy,” “Little Prudy’s Sister Susy,” “Little Prudy’s Captain Horace,” “Little Prudy’s Story Book,” “Little Prudy’s Cousin Grace,” “Little Prudy’s Dotty Dimple.” Melville, Herman. Moby Dick : or, The White Whale. 545 pp. Illus. Estes. $1.25. Gr. H. S. A tale of whale-fishing in the Pacific, full of romance and adventure. There has been some revival of interest in the author’s works, which were published in the first half of the last century; Robert Louis Stevenson praised them highly, and Prof. W. P. Trent pronounces Moby Dick “one of the most interesting sea stories written since the days of Cooper.” Typee. Ed. by W. P. Trent. 316 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 45c. Gr. 7-. This edition contains map diagram of a sailing ship. The book is largely a narrative of actual experiences ; an exceedingly interesting account of life in the South seas, but full of exciting adventure. The style is more simple and sincere than that of Moby Dick. Michaelis, Karin. Andrea. Tr. from the Danish by Nilsen Lamvik. McClure. $1.00. Gr. 6-. A story of child life that has won wide popularity in Denmark and Germany. Mitchell, S. Weir. Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker. 567 pp. Illus. Century. Gr. H. S. $1.50. The story of a lieutenant-cglonel on Washington’s staff ; a well-told story and an admirable picture of the times. Moles worth, Mary L. /‘Carrots,” etc. (s. s.). Macmillan. $1.50. Also in C. F. C., Crowell. Illus. 60c. Gr. 4-6. How a motherly little girl cared for her younger brother. Other stories included are “A Christmas Child,” “The Carved Lions,” “The ’Oriel Windows.” Moulton, Louise C. Bed-Time Stories (s. s.). 239 pp. Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 4-6. Munroe, Kirk. The Blue Dragon. Harper. $1.25. Gr. 6-. A story of recent adventures in China. The Painted Desert. Illus. Harper. $1.25. Gr. 6-8. The search for a diamond mine in northern Arizona. The Flamingo Feather. 256 pp. Illus. Young People Series, Harper. 60c. Gr. 5-7. The exciting adventures of a sixteenth century boy among Spaniards and Indians in Florida. 45 Murfree, Mary N. The Bushwhackers, and Other Stories. 312 pp. Duffield. $1.25. Gr. 7-. Contains the title story, “The Panther of Jolton’s Ridge,” and “The Exploit of Choolah, the Chickasaw.” Stories of the Tennessee Mountains. The Young Mountaineers (s. s.). Illus. Houghton. $1.50. Gr. 7-. Stories of boy life in the Tennessee Mountains. Ogden, Ruth. A Loyal Little Red Coat. Illus. Stokes. $1.50. Gr. 5-8. A story of child life in New York in Revolutionary days. Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, Son of Battle. 315 pp. Illus. Double- day. $1.50. Gr. 7-. A strong romantic story of shepherds and shepherd dogs in the north of England. Otis, James, pseud . , see Kaler, J. O. Oxley, J. MacDonald. Family on Wheels. Illus. Crowell. 75c. Gr. 6-. A tale of orphan children and their unique way of earning a living. Page, Thomas Nelson. Among the Camps. Illus. Scribner. $1.50. Gr. 5-. Stories of the war for young folks. Two Little Confederates. Illus. Scribner. $1.50. Gr. 5-. The story of two boys on a Virginia plantation during the war, and their adventures with the soldiers of both armies. Two Prisoners. 82 pp. Illus. in color. Harper. $1.00. Qr. 6-8. Story of a little bed-ridden cripple, and how she made the acquaint- ance of a child of wealth and how mutual happiness came of it. Paine, Albert Bigelow. The Wanderings of Joe and Little Em. Illus. Altemus. 50c. Gr. 6-7. Paulding, James K. The Dutchman’s Fireside. Abridged and edited for young people. 128 pp. S. L. S., University. 20c. Gr. 6-. An interesting novel of colonial life in New York. The author was a contemporary of Irving, with whom he collaborated in several works. Perry, Nora. A Rosebud Garden of Girls (s. s.). 287 pp. Illus. Little. $1.50. Gr. 5-8. A collection of stories for girls written with sympathetic insight. Plympton, Almira D. Wanolasset. 203 pp. Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 4-7. Story of the captivity of a little Puritan maid during King Philip’s war, to whom the Indians gave the name of Wanolasset — “The-one- who-laughs.” 46 Poe, Edgar Allan. Select Poems and Tales. Ginn. 30c. Gr. H. S. Porter, Jane. Scottish Chiefs. Winston. 50c. Gr. 7-. A famous romance of Wallace and Bruce. Pyle, Howard. Men of Iron. 328 pp. Illus. Harper. $2.00. Gr. 7-. A romance of chivalry, with the England of Henry IV as a setting. Ragozin, Zenaide A. Salammbo, the Maid of Carthage. Retold from the French of Gustave Flaubert. 381 pp. Illus. Putnam. $1.50. Gr. H. S. A powerful and realistic romance of ancient Carthage. Ramee, Louise de la. Birnbi ; Stories for Children (s. s.). 239 pp. Illus. Ginn. 40c. Gr. 4-6. “Bimbi” means “dear little ones.”- Contains “The Nurnburg Stove,” “The Ambitious Rose Tree,” “Lampblack,” “The Child of Urbino,” and “Finkelkind.” The first is among the best short stories for children ever written ; they are all good. The Dog of Flanders. 77 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 4-6. Rankin, Carroll W. Dandelion Cottage. Holt. $1.50. Gr. 6-. An exceptionally good story for girls, simple and wholesome. The Girls of Gardenville. Holt. $1.50. Gr. 6-. A collection of excellent stories for girls. Raspe, R. E. Tales from the Travels of Baron Munchausen.' Ed. by E. E. Hale. 88 pp. Illus. H. S. G, Heath. 20c. Gr. 4-7. The Munchausen tales are extravagant narratives written in ridicule of the prevailing type of traveler’s tale in the eighteenth century, but they have become favorites along with the travels of Gulliver. Ray, Anna Chapin. Bumper and Baby John. Illus. Altemus. 50c. Gr. 6-7. Reade, Charles. The Cloister and the Hearth. Everyman’s Library, Dutton. 50c. Gr. H. S. One of the best of historical novels, full of incident and adventure, but based on exhaustive study of medieval history and literature. Reed, Helen L. Amy in Acadia. 344 pp. Illus. Little. $1.50. Gr. 6-. The experiences of Amy and her friends among the descendants of the historic Acadians. Richards, Laura E. Quicksilver Sue. Illus. Century. $1.00. Gr. 4-5. 47 Roberts, Charles G. D. The Heart of the Ancient Wood. 276 pp. Ulus. Page. $1.50. Gr. H. S. A charming story that works itself out in the heart of the ancient wood. Instinct with the love of the forest and of wild life, but showing the stronger force of human sympathy. Sabin, Edwin L. Beaufort Chums. Illus. Crowell. $1.00. Gr. 6-. Adventures of two boys and a dog on the Mississippi. Saintine, Xavier B. Picciola; or, The Prison Flower. 1 66 pp. Illus. Ginn. 35c. Gr. 6-. A story of delicate beauty, of an imprisoned French nobleman who finds pleasure and consolation in a tiny flower growing between the stones of the prison yard. Scott, Sir Walter. Complete Works. Popular edition. Illus., Crowell, 12 vols., $12.00; or Sterling edition, Estes, illus., 12 vols., $12.00. Most of the titles can be bought singly in the Astor Library of Prose, Crowell. 60c. Gr. H. S. Ivanhoe, Guy Mannering, Old Mortality, and Rob Roy, especially edited for young people, are published by Ginn, 60c. each, and Quentin Durward, 50c. Gr. 7-. Ivanhoe, Quentin Durward, and The Talisman are published in the Pocket Classic Series, Macmillan. 25c. Gr. H. S. The titles may be found in other series of College Entrance requirements. — 1 The Talisman. Ed. for young people. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 7-. Ivanhoe, Kenilworth, Waverly, 30c. each, and Rob Roy, 20c., are published in the S. L. S., University, abridged and edited for grammar school pupils. Gr. 6-8. Ivanhoe and The Talisman, abridged and edited for grammar school children. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 50c. each. Gr. 7-8. Tales from Scott. 182 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 50c. Gr. 6-8. Readings from The Talisman, Ivanhoe, Anne of Geirstein, and Mar- mion. Notes. Seawell, Molly Elliot. Young Heroes of Our Navy Series. 4 vols. Little Jarvis (Gr. 5-7), Midshipman Paulding (Gr. 6-8), Paul Jones (Gr. 7-), Decatur and Somers (Gr. 6-). Illus. Appleton. $1.00. Well written and interesting stories of adventure in the American navy. 4 8 The Great Scoop. Jllus. Page. 50c. Gr. 6-. A story of newspaper work in a great city. Seton, Ernest Thompson. Two Little Savages. 468 pp. Illus: Doubleday. $1.75 net. Gr. 6-. A book of woodcraft, telling of two boys who lived in the woods like Indians. The author’s standing as a writer on nature speaks sufficiently for the workmanship. A book certain to interest boys. Shaw, Flora L. Castle Blair. 306 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 50c. Gr. 7-. “The book is good and lovely and true, having the best description of a noble child in it that I ever read, and nearly the best description of the next best thing — a noble dog .” — John Ruskin. Shelton, William H. The Three Prisoners. 292 pp. 6 Illus. $1.25. Gr. 6-10. An unusually interesting narrative of a boy’s adventures in the Civil War, based on fact and showing something of the horror of war. Sidney, Margaret, pseud ., see Lothrop, Harriet M. S. Simms, William Gilmore. The Yemassee. Abridged and edited for young people. 19 1 pp. S. L. S., University. 30c. Gr. 7-. An historical romance of South Carolina, dealing with the Yemassee war of 1715. Written by a Southern novelist of considerable note in the first half of the last century. Smith, Mary P. The Boy Captive in Canada. 352 pp. Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 5-7. Story of a colonial boy captured by Indians. Smith, William Hawley; The Evolution of “Dod.” 245 pp. S. L. S.. Rand. 60c. Gr. H. S. A pedagogical story that will prove exceedingly good reading for high school students who will become teachers, and also for those who will become parents. Spearman, Frank H. Held for Orders, Etc. Illus. McClure. $1.50. Gr. H. S. Tales of railroad life, and perhaps the best yet written. Spofford, Harriet Prescott. The Children of the Valley. Illus. Crowell. 35c. Gr. 5-8. Spyri, Johanna. Heidi. Tr. from the German by Helen B. Dole. 363 pp. Illus. Ginn. 40c. Also in C. F. C., Crowell, ' tr. by Helene S. White, 338 pp., illus., 60c. Gr. 5-. Stevenson, Burton E. Tommy Remington’s Battle. 257 pp. Illus. Century. $1.00. Gr. 6-. The story of a coal miner’s son and his fight for an education. 49 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island. Edited by Theda Gildemeister. 328 pp. Illus. Rand. 40c. Gr. 6-. An absorbing romance of treasure hunting on a mysterious island and fighting with pirates ; a classic story of adventure. This edition contains map, explanatory notes, biography, reading .list, and sugges- tions to teachers. Stoddard, William O. The Swordmaker’s Son. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 7-. The story of a boy in Palestine during the time of Christ’s public work. Chris, the Model-Maker. Illus. Appleton. $1.50. Gr. 6-. The Lost Gold of the Montezumas. Lippincott. $1.00. Gr. 6-8. A tale of adventure and treasure seeking. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. R. L. S., Hough- ton. 60c. Gr. 7-. This celebrated novel may paint a. somewhat distorted picture of the ante-bellum South, but it should be familiar to all grammar and high school pupils. Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels; the Voyages to Lilliput and Brobdingnag. 224 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 30c. Also in R. L. S., Houghton, 40c. Gr. 4-. Written as satires and interesting as such to educated adults, these stories have become recognized classics for children, who enjoy the narrative immensely. * Gulliver’s Travels (complete). 279 pp. Illus. Every- man’s Library, Dutton. 50c. Gr. 6-. Thackeray, William M. Henry Esmond. 586 pp. Ginn. 60c. Gr. H. S. One of Thackeray’s greatest works ; an historical novel of the time of Queen Anne. This edition contains introduction and notes. Thurston, Lucy M. Jack and His Island. 304 pp. Illus. Lit- tie. Gr. 5 -7. The adventures of a boy along the Chesapeake Bay during the war of 1812. Tomlinson, Everett T. With Flintlock and Fife. 356 pp. Illus. Wilde. $1.50. Gr. 7-. A story of the French and Indian wars. The Fort in the Forest. 341 pp. Illus. Wilde. $1.50. Gr. 7-. A story of the fall of Fort William Henry in 1755. The Search for Andrew Field. Illus. Lee. $1.25. Gr. 7-. 50 Trowbridge, John. Tinkham Brothers’ Tide-Mill. Illus. Lee. $1.25. Gr. 7-9. Jack Hazard and His Fortunes. Illus. Lee. $1.25. Gr-7-9. True, John Preston. Stuart Schuyler Series of Stories of the Revolution. 3 vols. Scouting for Washington (31 1 pp.), Morgan’s Men (342 pp.), On Guard! Against Tory and Tarleton (302 pp.), Little. $1.50 each. Gr. 5-8. Spirited, interesting, well written; excellent historical pictures as well. The Iron Star, and what it saw on its journey through the ages from myth to history. 146 pp. Illus. Little. $1.00. Begins with the fall of a meteorite in the time of the cavemen, and in the form of a connected story gives an idea of the development of civilization. Twain, Mark, pseud., see Clemens, Samuel L. Vaile, Charlotte M. The M. M. C. 232 pp. Illus. Wilde. $1.00. Gr. 6-. A story of mining life in Colorado. — The Orcutt Girls (316 pp.), Sue Orcutt (335 pp.). Illus. Wilde. $1.50 each. Gr. 7-. “Exceptionally good school stories for girls .” — Springfield Republican. Waterloo, Stanley. The Story of Ab. 351 pp. Illus. Double- day. $1.50. Gr. 5-. A prehistoric romance of the time of the caveman, of absorbing interest. It is a scientifically and ethnologically correct picture. Wells, Kate Gannett. Little Dick’s Son. Illus. Crowell. 35c. Gr. 5-8. Wesselhoeft, Lily F. Sparrow the Tramp. 262 pp. Illus. Lit- tle. $1.25. Gr. 2-4. A fable for children. Wetmore, Claude H. Incaland. 309 pp. Illus. Wilde. $1.50. Gr. 7-. Wiggin, Kate Douglas. The Birds’ Christmas Carol. Illus. Houghton. 50c. Gr. 5-6. A very popular Christmas story, at once pathetic and humorous. The Story of Patsy. Illus. Houghton. 60c. Gr. 7-8. The story of a little boy of the slum district in San Francisco, and of how a real kindergarten saved him. 5 1 Polly Oliver’s Problem. 230 pp. Illus. R. S. L., Houghton. 60c. Gr. 7-. A story for girls, showing how a poor girl worked out the problem of self-support. Wilkins, Mary E. Young Lucretia (s. s.). 258 pp. Illus. Harper. $1.25. Gr. 6-. Characterized by true humor and skill in character drawing. Whitaker, Evelyn. Miss Toosey’s Mission, Laddie, and Pris. 244 pp. Illus. Little. 50c. Gr. 6-. The story of a quaint old lady whose personality exerts an influence for good. White, Eliza Orne. When Molly Was Six. Illus. Houghton. $1.00. Gr. 3-4. A story of one year of a little girl’s life, with a chapter for each month. White, Stewart Edw-ard. Blazed Trail Stories. Illus. Mc- Clure. $1.50. Gr. H. S. Interesting pictures of life in the Northwest lumber tracts, and portrayal of some sturdy and unusual characters. Woodruff, Jane Scott. The Roses of St. Elizabeth. Illus. Page. $1.00. Gr. 6-. A romance for girls. Woolsey, Sarah C., see Coolidge, Susan, pseud. Wyss, J. R. Swiss Family Robinson. 364 pp. Illus. Ginn. 45 c - Gr. 5-8. A popular story of the Robinson Crusoe type ; considerable account of the natural history of the South Seas. Zschokke, Heinrich, and others. Christmas Stories. Winston. 50c. Gr. 6-8. POETRY, THE DRAMA AND LITERARY COLLECTIONS. Classical and Foreign. Dole, Nathan Haskell, ed. Latin Poets. 365 pp. Astor edition, Crowell. 60c. Gr. H. S. Greek Poets. Astor edition, Crowell. 60c. Gr. H. S. Excellent collections at a very reasonable price. Homer. The Iliad. Tr. into English prose by Andrew Lang, Walter Leaf, and Ernest Myers. 326 pp. Pocket Classics, Macmillan. 25c. Gr. 7-. A famous prose translation which is nevertheless poetical, and pre- serves well the spirit of the original. This edition is somewhat abridged by the omission of many of the tedious lists of the original. 52 The Iliad. Tr. by William Cullen Bryant. 18 ch. 700 pp. Houghton. $1.00 net. Gr. H. S. One of the best translations into English verse and certainly the best for young people. This edition contains a good folding map and a pronouncing vocabulary of classical names. The Odyssey. Tr. into English prose by S. H. Butcher and Andrew Lang. 293 pp. Pocket Classics, Mac- * millan. 25c. Gr. 7-. The comment on The Iliad in the same series applies to this title. The Odyssey. Tr. into English prose by George H. Palmer. 27 ch. 394 pp. Houghton. $1.00 net. Gr. 7-. An admirable prose version especially suited to reading by the young. Map and pronouncing vocabulary. The Odyssey. Tr. into blank verse by William Cullen Bryant. 10 ch. 262 pp. Houghton. $1.00 net. See comment under Bryant’s II ad. Laing, Gordon J. Masterpieces of Latin Literature. 450 pp. Houghton. $1.00 net. Gr. 7-. Selections from Terence, Lucretius, Catullus, Cicero, Caesar, Virgil, Horace, Propertius, Tibullus, Ovid, Livy, Petronius, Martial, Tacitus, Juvenal, and Apuleius A good survey of Latin literature through good translations ; well selected and well arranged. Useful notes. A irgil. The Aeneid. Tr. into blank verse by Christopher P. Cranch. 23 ch. 388 Dp. Houghton. $1.00 net. Gr. H. S. One of the best translations. Wilkinson, William W. Foreign Classics in English. 6 vols. Illus. Funk. $1.50 per vol., sold separately. Gr. H. S. There are two volumes of Greek Classics (283 and 302 pp.) contain- ing chapters on the land, the people, the literature, classical culture, the Greek Reader, and on about twenty of the principal Greek writers ; there are liberal translations accompanied by much comment. Map in colors and one in black and white, and indexes. Two volumes are also devoted to Latin Classics (290 and 312 pp ). The plan is same as that of the Greek volumes. One folding map in colors. Index. A volume on French Classics (324 pp.) gives similar translations from about thirty important French authors, with much comment. German Classics (327 pp.) treats its subject in the same way. Both volumes are indexed. Wright, John H. Masterpieces of Greek Literature. 21 ch. 426 pp. Houghton. $1.00. Gr. 7-. A companion volume to Laing’s Masterpieces of Latin Literature. Sejections from Homer, Tyrtseus, Archilochus, Alcaeus, Sappho, Anacreon, Simonides of Ceos, Pindar, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Plato, Demosthenes, Theocritus, and Lucian, and specimens of Scolia. 53 ' Collected Poetry. Armes, William S., ed. Old English Ballads and Folk Songs. 14 ch. 219 pp. Pocket Classics, Macmillan. 25c. Gr. 7-. A good collection (35) with the text slightly modernized “for more comfortable reading.” The introduction of 45 pages gives a good account of the ballad form, and 60 pages of notes and a full glossary help to make the verse easy to read. Index. Bates, Katharine Lee, and Coman, Katherine. English History Told by English Poets. 452 pp. 60c. net. Gr. 6-. The history of England from Boadicea to Victoria, illustrated by well chosen selections from English poetry. Burt, Mary E., ed. Poems That Every Child Should Know. 355 pp. Doubleday. 90c. net. Gr. 2-. A recently published collection and one of the very best. Something good for all grades through the high school. The editor is an expert on children’s reading. Carrington, Fitzroy, ed. The Shepherd’s Pipe. 128 pp. Illus. Fox. $1.00 net. Gr. 6-. Pastoral poems of the XVI and XVII centuries, collected in a dainty and pleasing little volume. Gayley, Charles Mills, and Flaherty, Martin C., ed. Poetry of the People. 403 pp. Ginn. 50c. Gr. 5-. A collection differing in some respects from any other. It comprises especially poems, illustrative of the history and national spirit of England, Scotland, Ireland, and America. Notes, glossary, indexes of authors, titles, and first lines. Gummere, Francis B. Old English Ballads. 98 ch. 380 pp. Athenaeum Press Series. Ginn. 80c. Gr. H. S. A standard work on the ballad. It contains an introduction of 98 pages presenting an authoritative study of this form, 296 pages of ballads, and full notes, glossary, and index. Hale, Edward E., Jr. Ballads and Ballad Poetry. 254 pp. Globe. 40c. Gr. 5. Twenty of the old ballads, greatly simplified and made easy reading for the young; modern ballads, such as “Lochinvar” and “The Wreck of the Hesperus” ; and three longer poems of ballad character ; viz., “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (Coleridge), “The Battle of Flodden Field” (Scott), and “The Battle of Lake Regillus” (Macaulay). No notes. Longer Narrative Poems. 257 pp. Globe. 40c. Gr. 6. Contains Macaulay’s “Horatius,” Arnold’s “Sohrab and Rustum,” Tennyson’s “Enoch Arden,” Coleridge’s “Christabel,” Keats’ “The Eve of St. Agnes,” Byron’s “Prisoner of Chillon,” Browning’s “Lady Geraldine’s Courtship,” Morris’ “Atlanta’s Race,” Browning’s “The , Flight of the Duchess,” Wordsworth’s “Michael.” Brief notes. 54 Howard, John R. One Hundred Best American Poems. 320 pp. H. V. C., Crowell. 35c. Gr. 5. Extends from Philip Freneau to Richard Hovey ; living authors are not represented. Selection has been made of good poems from minor authors as well as from the more famous. Knowles, Frederick L. The Golden Treasury of American Songs and Lyrics. Illus. 332 pp. Page. $1.50. Gr. 5-. Contains 147 poems from 61 writers from Freneau to the present; living authors are represented. One of the best collections of American verse. Handsomely made, and contains 32 full-page duogravure portraits. Long, Augustus W. American Poems. 368 pp. A. B. Co. 90c. Gr. 6-7. Selections from the principal poets from 1776 to 1900, accompanied by biographical sketches. Forty-four pages of notes. Lucas, Edward V. A Book of Verses for Children. Holt. $1.00 net. Gr. 4-7. Represents many subjects and many authors. The Critic says: “We know of no other anthology for children so complete and well arranged.” . 1 Matthews, Brander, ed. Poems of American Patriotism. 285 pp. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. net. Gr. 3-8. Fifty-six poems, representing nearly every American poet of - distinction. Page, Curtis H. British Poets of the Nineteenth Century. 923 pp. Sanborn. $2.00. Gr. H. S. ‘‘Instead of giving a few gems or flowers from each one of several hundred authors, it includes only the fifteen chief poets of the century. From each of these, however, it attempts to give a full and adequate selection, sufficient really to represent the man and his work.” — Author's Preface. An enormous amount of material is included, such poems as Scott’s “Marmion” and Keats’ “Hyperion” being among those printed complete. Indexes of authors and titles. Palgrave, Francis. The Golden Treasury, 384 pp. H. V. S., Crowell. 3 Sc. Also in Pocket Classics, Macmillan. 25c. Gr. H. S. Selected from the best songs and lyrical poems of English authors. The collection was made with the advice of Tennyson, and has main- tained its popularity nearly half a century ; recently it has been added to the College Entrance requirements. Notes and indexes. Pancoast, Henry S. Standard English Poems. 23 ch. 749 pp. Holt. $1.50. Gr. 6-. A collection made with excellent judgment, with helpful notes. Repplier, Agnes. A Book of Famous Verse. 244 pp. Houghton. 75c. Gr. s-. A selection well chosen for children and comprising a variety of types 'of verse. Mostly from poets of the nineteenth century. In- dexes of authors, titles, and first lines. 55 Scudder, Horace E. Masterpieces of American Literature. 504 pp. Illus. Ed. by Horace E. Scudder. Houghton. $1.00 net. Gr. 6-. Selections from the following with biographical sketches : Irving, Bryant, Franklin, Holmes, Hawthorne, Whittier, Thoreau, O’Reilly,. Lowell, Emerson, Webster, Everett, Longfellow, Poe. Masterpieces of British Literature. 480 pp. Illus. Edited by Horace E. Scudder. Houghton. $1.00 net. Gr. 6-. The authors represented are Ruskin (King of the Golden River), Macaulay, Dr. John Brown, Tennyson, Dickens, Wordsworth, Burns, Lamb, Coleridge, Byron. Cowper, Gray, Goldsmith, Addison, Mil- ton, Bacon ; there is a biographical sketch of each. Selections are complete, but necessarily few in number. Where a collection of this sort is desired, this is the best. Stevenson, Burton E. and Elizabeth B. Days and Deeds. 399 pp. Baker. $1.00. All gr. A book of verse of children’s reading and speaking, with suitable material for all anniversaries and special days of any importance (such as Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Bird Day), selections on nearly all our great Americans, and poems of the season. A good collection and one that is unique. Full indexes by authors, and title's. Weber, William L. Selections from the Southern Poets. 221 pp. Pocket Classics, Macmillan. 25c. Gr. 6-. Selections from 25 Southern poets, with biographical sketches, bibliography, notes, and index. Whiteford, Robert N. Anthology of English Poetry. 30 ch. 432 pp. Sanborn. $1.00. Gr. 7-. An anthology of English poetry from Beowulf to Kipling. One of the fullest at the price. Notes and indexes. American Poetry. Bryant, William Cullen. Poems. Astor edition, Crowell. 60c. Gr. 6-; Sella, Thanatopsis, and Other Poems. Illus. R. L. S. r Houghton. 25c. Gr. 6-. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Select Poems. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. 7-. Thirty-seven poems selected for young readers. Six essays are bound in the same volume. Field, Eugene. Eugene Field Book. Ed. by Mary E. Burt and Mary B. Cable. 136 pp. Illus. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. Gr. 4-5. Field is one of the most delightful writers for children, and this is a charming collection of his poems, stories, and letters. 56 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Grandmother’s Story of Bunker Hill Battle, and Other Poems. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 6-. Thirty-four selections from his best poems and humorous verse. Lanier, Sidney. Poems. Ed. by his wife. 260 pp. Scribner. $2.00. Gr. H. S. (a few poems suitable to grammar grades). Sidney Lanier ranks high among American poets, and with Poe stands first in the South. He should be better known in the schools. Longfellow, Henry W. Complete Poems. Household edition. Houghton. Illus. $1.50. Gr. 5-. The Children’s Hour, Paul Revere, and Other Poems. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Ninety-three of the poems best adapted to young people. Courtship of Miles Standish. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 7-. Courtship of Miles Standish, and Other Poems. R. L. S. , University. 30c. Gr. 5-. The title poem and thirty-two others. Evangeline. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 7-. Also in S. L. S., University. 20c. Fuller notes in S. L. S. Song of Hiawatha. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. 4-. Longfellow is the most popular American poet with children, as well as with older readers, and his works should be in every school library. Lowell, James Russell. Complete Poems. Household edition. Houghton. Illus. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Vision of Sir La'unfal, and Other Pieces. Illus. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. H. S. Poe, Edgar Allan. Poems. Ed. by Charles W. Kent. Pocket Classics, Macmillan. 25c. Gr. H. S. Select Poems and Tales. Ginn. 30c. Gr. IT. S. Includes all Poe's mature poetry and some of the juvenile work. Five of the best tales bound in the same volume. Riley, James Whitcomb. Rhymes of Childhood. 234 pp. Bobbs. $1.25. Gr. 4-. A Child World. Bobbs. $1.25. Gr. 5-. Tabb, Father John B. Child Verse: Poems Grave and Gay. Small. $1.00. Gr. 4-. Timrod, Henry. Poems. 194 pp. Johnson. $1.50. Gr. H. S. A Southern poet of genuine power who should be better known. 57 Van Dyke, Henry. The Van Dyke Book. Ed. by Edwin Mims. 172 pp. Illus. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. net. Gr,. 5-8. ‘‘Songs Out of Doors,” “Memories and Pictures,” “Bits of Blue Sky Philosophy,” and five stories. Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass. 516 pp. McKay. $1.25. Gr. H. S. Includes “Children of Adam,” “Calamus,” the Lincoln poems, etc. Variorum readings. Handsomely made, with full-page portraits and facsimiles. The best edition. Whittier, John Greenleaf. Complete Poems. Household edition. Houghton. $1.50. Gr. 5-. Snow Bound, Among the Hills, Songs of Labor, Mabel Martin, Maud Muller, and Other Poems. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. 5-. British Poetry. Arnold, Matthew. Sohrab and Rustum, and Other Poems. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. H. S. Beowulf, and the Finnesburgh Fragment. Tr. and edited by Clarence G. Child. 93 pp. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 6-. A translation into rhythmical prose of the famous old English epic. The simple, primitive, hero story is very attractive to boys. Browning, Robert. The Pied Piper of Hamelin, and Other Poems. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 5-. Twenty-seven well chosen poems for } f oung readers. Burns, Robert. Select Poems. 96 ch. 287 pp. Athenaeum Press Series, Ginn. 70c. Gr. H. S. » Cotter’s Saturday Night, and Other Poems. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 6-. With biographical sketch, notes, and glossary. Byron, George G. N. Lord. Shorter Poems. Ed. by R. H. Bowles. 229 pp. Pocket Classics, Macmillan. 25c. Gr. 6-. About ninety poems including “The Prisoner of Chillon,” “The De- struction of Sennacherib,” etc. Introduction, notes, and index. Campbell, Thomas, see Coleridge. Coleridge, Samuel T. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and Other Poems. Bound in one volume. R. L. S., Hough- ton. 25c. Gr. 7-. 58 Campbell, Thomas. Lochiel’s Warning, and Other Poems. Bound in one volume. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 7-. Of Coleridge’s poems, besides the. “Mariner,” there are “Christabel,” “Kubla Khan,” and six others ; by Campbell there are the title poem and eight others. Goldsmith, Oliver. The Deserted Village, The Traveller, and Other Poems. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 7-. Macaulay, T. B. Lays of Ancient Rome. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 6-. These stirring ballads are especially interesting to the young. Milton, John. L’Allegro, II Penseroso, Comus, Lycidas, and Sonnets. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Scott, Sir Walter. Lady of the Lake. 7 ch. 218 pp. Ginn. 35c. Gr. 7-. Published in a number of College Entrance series. Lay of the Last Minstrel. 211pp. Scott. 25c. Gr. 7-. Marmion. 356 pp. Scott. 30c. Gr. 7-. Swinburne, Algernon C. Selected Poems. 272 pp. Crowell. 35c. Gr. 7. Tennyson, Alfred. Select Poems. 264 pp. Illus. Houghton. 53c. Gr. 6-. Enoch Arden, and' Other Poems. 224 pp. Illus. Houghton. 53c. Gr. 6-. The Princess. 190 pp. Illus. Houghton. 53c. Gr. H. S. Also in many series of College Entrance Classics, at 25c. to 35c. In Memoriam. 207 pp. Illus. Houghton. 53c. Gr. H. S. Idylls of the King. 628 pp. Illus. Houghton. $1.00. Gr. H. S. Selections from the Idylls in most College Entrance series for about 25c. The above series is probably the best set for schools. It is hand- somely made and well illustrated, and a pretty thorough selection from Tennyson. Full notes and helps. Edited by William J. Rolfe. Wordsworth, William. Selections from Wordsworth. 434 pp. Heath. 75c. Gr. 6-. Introduction and notes, material well selected and well edited. 59 The Drama. Dalkeith, Lena. Little Plays, in pp. Illus. T. C. S., Dutton. 50c. Gr. 4-7. Very simple little plays arranged from familiar tales and legends. Contents: “The Princess and the Swineherd” (Hans Andersen); “King Alfred and the Cakes”; “Scene from Robin Hood”: “Scene from Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Suitable for acting as well as for read- ing. Handsomely illustrated in color. Everyman: A Moral Play. 43 pp. Illus. Duffield. $1.00. Gr.. H. S. A fine example of the quaint old morality play, made familiar through recent revivals by Ben Greet’s Company. It was published about 1500. Printed on paper of antique finish, with seven illustra- tions reproduced from sixteenth century wood-cuts Bound in boards, 6 x 8 %. Introduction of ten pages. Shakespeare, William. School Shakespeare. Edited by Henrjr N. Hudson. 23 vols., one play to a volume. Varying- from 128 to 253 pp. Ginn. 45c. Gr. 7-. The editor is among the foremost Shakespearean scholars. This edit : on contains introductions to each play, simply written but full of # discriminating appreciation and keen insight, and including the history of the play ; very full explanatory and interpretative notes ; and is slightly expurgated so as to be suitable for school reading. Every- thing considered, the best edition for young readers. The 23 plays published are as follows : A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The Merchant of Venice. Much Ado About Nothing. As You Like It. The Tempest. King John. Richard the Second. Richard the Third. Henry the Fourth, Pari First. Henry the' Fourth, Part Second. Henry the Fifth. Henry the Eighth. Romeo and Juliet. Julius Caesar. Hamlet. King Lear. Macbeth. Antony and Cleopatra. Othello. Cymbeline. Coriolanus. Twelfth Night. The Winter’s Tale The Arden Shakespeare. 18 vols., one play to a volume- Varying from 144 to 224 pp. Heath. 25c. Gr. H. S. An edition having some advantages over the Hudson, and costing 20 cents per volume less. Each volume contains an introduction (in- cluding history of the play, sources, and critical appreciation), full notes, a discussion of the metre, glossary, and index. The editors are English scholars, mostly of Oxford and Cambridge Universities. The following are the plays included : A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Henry IV. As You Like It. Henry V. Coriolanus. Henry VIII. Cymbeline. Julius Caesar. Hamlet. King John. 6o King Lear. Macbeth. Much Ado About Nothing. Richard II. Richard III. The Merchant of Venice. The Tempest. Twelfth Night. The Tempest, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Comedy of Errors, The Winter’s Tale. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 25c. each. Gr. 6-. Simplified by the omission of matter tedious, puzzling, or incom- prehensible to the young reader ; the complete story is told in the poet’s own words. Sheridan, Richard B. The Rivals and the School for Scandal (one volume). Edited by Brander Matthews. H. V. C., Crowell. 35c. Gr. 7-. This edition contains a biographical sketch of 44 pages, an intro- duction of 16 pages, and 18 pages of notes. The editor is well known as one of our leading authorities on dramatic literature. ESSAYS AND LITERARY HISTORY AND CRITICISM. Bacon, Francis. Essays. 200 pp. Everyman’s Library, Dutton. 50c. Gr. H. S. Barrett, Charles R. Short Story Writing. 257 pp. Bilker. $1.00. Gr. H. S. A practical treatise on this interesting literary form. Bronson, Walter C., ed. English Essays. 9 ch. 404 pp. Holt. $1.25. Gr. H. S. Essayists from Bacon to Stevenson, numbering 31, are represented by at least one selection each. Notes. Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s Progress. Ed. by William Vaughn Moody. 195 pp. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. 6-. Cody, Sherwin. Four American Poets. 254 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 6-8. Bryant, Longfellow, Whittier, and Holmes. Four American Writers. 256 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 6-8. Irving, Poe, Lowell, and Bayard Taylor. A Selection from the World’s Great Orations. 518 pp. McClure. $1.00. Gr. 7-. “Illustrative of the history of oratory and the art of public speak- ing” from Demosthenes to Beecher. Speeches of 18 famous orators, with introductions. Fleming, William H. How to Study Shakespeare. 3 vols., about 400 pp. each. Doubleday. $1.00 net each. Gr. H. S. Shakespeare is now studied in every high school, and hence this admirable guide for students and clubs should be in every high 6 scIiqoI library. For each play there are notes on the sources of the plot and on the text by scenes, questions by acts and on the whole play, reading references, etc. Vol. I contains material for Othello. Twelfth Night, Julius Caesar, Merchant of Venice, Macbeth, Mid- summer Night’s Dream, King Richard III, and The Tempest; vol. II, Hamlet, As You Like It, King Lear, Henry V, Romeo and Juliet: vol. Ill, Antony and Cleopatra, Much Ado About Nothing, King John, Love’s Labour Lost, and The Winter’s Tale. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. R. L. S., Houghton. 50c. Gr. H. S. Jameson, Anna. Shakespeare’s Heroines. 383 pp. Vade-mecum Series, Altemus. 40c. Gr. H. S. A popular and charming commentary on the women of Shake- speare. Jenks, Tudor. Lives of Great Writers Series, Barnes. $1.00 net per vol. In the Days of Chaucer, 302 pp. ; In the Days of Shakespeare, 288 pp. ; In the Days of Milton, 306 pp. ; In the Days of Scott, 279 pp. ; In the Days of Goldsmith. Gr. H. S. This is an admirable series, giving a clear and interesting picture of the author and of his country and times. An excellent mean's of in- creasing both the interest and the value of the literature work, and a valuable aid in English history also. Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia (First Series). 302 pp. Ginn. 40c. Gr. H.' S. Lawton, William C. Introduction to the Study of American Literature. 384 pp. Globe. $1.00. Gr. H. S. Lowell, James Russell. Books and Libraries, Democracy, and Other Papers. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. H. S. The essays in the title, and those on “Emerson,” “Keats,” “Don Quixote,” “The Study of Modern Languages,” and “On a Certain Condescension in Foreigners.” Macaulay, Thomas Babington. Literary Essays. 321 pp. H. V. C., Crowell. 35c. Gr. H. S. Essays on Milton, Dryden, Addison, Bunyan, Goldsmith, and John- son. Historical Essays. 350 pp. H. V. C., Crowell. 35c. Gr. H. S. Essays on John Hampden, Horace Walpole, Lord Clive, and Wil- liam Pitt. Pancoast, Henry S. Standard English Prose. 9 ch. 676 pp. Holt. $1.50. Gr. H. S. The selections are complete and extend from Bacon to Pater and Stevenson 62 Ruskin, John. Sesame and Lilies. 177 pp. Sibley. 25c. Gr. H. S. Selected Essays and Letters. 458 pp. Ginn. 60c. Gr. H. S. * Contains parts from ‘‘Sesame and Lilies,” “Unto this Last,” “Fors Clavigera,” and “Queen of the Air.” Annotations. Scudder, Vida D. An Introduction to the Writings of John Ruskin. 259 pp. Sibley. 50c. Gr. H. S. Selections to show “all the varying phases of his work,” with in- troduction and notes. Introduction to the Study of English Literature. 542 pp. Globe. $1.20. Gr. H. S. Shakespeare; the Man and his .Works. 366 pp. Sibley. 75c. Gr. H. S. Contains all the subject matter about Shakespeare in Moulton’s Library of Literary Criticism ; quotations from famous critics on the life, character, and art of the great dramatist, and on the individual plays. Tappan, Eva March. A Short History of England’s and America’s Literature. 19 ch. 420 pp. Illus. Houghton. $1.20 net. Gr. H. S. Trent, William P. Southern Writers. 524 pp. Macmillan. $1.10 net. Gr. H. S. Admirable critical and biographical matter, with numerous selec- tions in prose and verse. The best volume on the subject. Warner, Charles Dudley. A-Hunting of the Deer, and Other Papers. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 6-. Wells, Benjamin W. Modern German Literature. 429 pp. Little. $1.00 net. Gr. H. S. — : Modern French Literature. Little. $1.00 net. Gr. H. S. Excellent accounts ; will prove very helpful to high school students of German and French. Wright, Henrietta. Children’s Stories in American Literature. 2 vols. 249 pp. and 277 pp. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. each. Gr. 6-. Biographical and literary sketches of all the principal American , authors. * » FINE ARTS. Cady and Dewey. Picture Stories from the Great Artists. Illus. Macmillan. 35c. Gr. 5-8. 63 Crowest, Frederick J. The Story of the Art of Music. 190 pp. Illus. Library of Useful Stories, Appleton. 35c. Gr. H. S. An excellent brief history. Illustrations of instruments and music ; index. Cyr, Ellen M. Graded Art Readers. Book I, 104 pp., 30c., gr. 1-2; book II, 136 pp., 40c., gr. 2-3. Illus. in tint. Ginn. Simple reading lessons based on pictures by famous artists. Dallin, Colonna Murray. Sketches of Great Painters. 293 pp. Illus. Silver. 90c. Gr. 6-. “The primary object of this book is to interest young people in the lives and the works of some of the masters of painting. A secondary object is to aid them in making collections of photographs.” Key to pronunciation, and index. Emery, Mabel S. 'How to Enjoy Pictures. 290 pp. Illus. Prang. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Chapters on “The Enjoyment of Pictures.” “Landscapes,” “Build- ings and Street Scenes.” “Pictures that Tell a Story,” “Studies of Life and Character,” “Illustrations of Legend and Fancy.” “Pictures with Religious Themes,” “The Pages of a Magazine,” “The Journey from Artist to Reader,” “Pictures in the Schoolroom ” The last chapter contains 25 pages, and discusses walls, framing and hanging, choice portfolio collections, elementary art study, and the study of pictures in nature, language and literature, mythology, geography, and history. Numerous full-page illustrations. Froehlich, Hugo B., and Snow, Bonnie E. Text Books of Art Education. 8 books. 72-100 pp. each. Illus. Prang. I and II, 25c. each; III, 30c. ; IV, V, and VI, 45c. each ; VII and VIII, 55c. each. Gr. 1-8 (each number for the corresponding grade). This set is intended as a complete series of texts for city schools. In small schools where it is impossible to give an art course, the set would prove a treasure to children fond of drawing, color, and pictures. Many of the illustrations are in color. The first volume takes up a study of landscape, flowers and plants, the human figure and animals, common things (toys, etc.), geometrical forms, and design; the same subjects are taken up in each of the other volumes, the work being skillfully and carefully graded. Goodyear, William H. A History of Art. 8 vols. 394 pp. 320 Illus. Barnes. $2.80 net. Gr. 6-. An excellent outline, interesting, and covering architecture, sculp- ture, painting, and music. Profusely illustrated. Index. Hopkins, James Frederick. Outlines of Art History: Architec- ture. 242 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. $1.00. Gr. 7-. “A non-technical outline of architectural development.” 40 full- page and 200 text illustrations in half-tone. An interesting work for children by the Director of the Maryland Institute Horne, Olive B., and Scobey, Katherine L. Stories of Great Artists. 157 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 40c. Gr. 3-5. Excellent full-page reproductions of famous paintings ; interesting stories. Hurll, Estelle M. pp. each. 1. Raphael. Riverside Art Series. 12 vols. About 100 Illus. Houghton. 50c. net each. Gr. 6-. 7. Greek Sculpture. Rembrandt. 8. Titian. Michelangelo. 9. Landseer. Jean Francois Millet. 10. Correggio. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 11. Tuscan Sculpture. Murillo. 12. Van Dyck. Each volume contains 16 half-tone reproductions of famous pictures or sculptures, and about 100 pages of text giving such an account of the characteristic works of great artists as will enable youthful readers to gain a fair conception of the special pictures brought to their at- tention, and as will inspire a love of art. An introduction in each volume gives historical and bibliographical material of value in the study of the artist and his works. A pronouncing vocabulary of proper names and foreign words is appended to the text. Keysqr, Jennie Ellis. Great Artists. 5 vols. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 50c. "each. Gr. 6-. Vol. I, Raphael, Murillo, Rubens, and Durer (212 pp., 43 full-page illus ) ; vol. II, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Reynolds, Bonheur (194 pp., 49 full-page illus.) ; vol. Ill, Angelo, Da Vinci, Titian, Correggio (249 pp., 60 full-page illus.) ; vol. IV, Turner, Corot, Millais, Leighton (220 pp., 52 full-page illus.) ; vol. V, Giotto, Angelico, Reni, and Italian painting. Interesting and untechnical accounts, good illustra- tions. Pronouncing vocabularies. Lillie, Lucy C. The Story of Music and Musicians. 246 pp. Illus. Harper. 60c. Gr. 6-. “The object of the book is to interest young students in music in the technique of their art, and in the associations amid which great masters have worked.” Rowlands, Walter. Among the Great Masters of Music. 233 pp. Illus. Estes. $1.50. Gr. H. S. Scenes from the lives of great musicians. 32 full-page half-tone pictures of scenes in the lives of musicians, reproductions of famous paintings. Scobey, Katherine L., and Horne, Olive B. Stories of Great Musicians. 186 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 40c. Gr. 3-5. Excellent full-page illustrations. Stories unusual in subject and well told. Sturgis, Russell. The Appreciation of Pictures. 308 pp. Illus. Baker. $1.50 net. Gr. 7-. 73 full-page reproductions of great paintings ; the frontispiece is Turner’s “Burning of the Peggy Stewart.” How to Judge Architecture. 221 pp. 84 full-page illus- trations. Baker. $1.50 net. Gr. H. S. 65 The Appreciation of Sculpture. 235 pp. 80 full-page illustrations. Baker. $1.50 net. Gr. H. S. An admirable series. The author is the foremost American writer on architecture, and among the most interesting and authoritative writers on art subjects. Riverside Song Book. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. All grades. 120 classic American poems set to music. HISTORY. General. Creasy, Sir Edward. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. 425 pp. Maps and plans. Harper. $1.00. Gr. H. S. A very able work on a unique plan. Connecting history between the battles is supplied. Eggleston, George Cary. Strange Stories from History. 244 pp. Illus. Harper. 60c. Gr. 6-. John not, James. Grandfather Stories. 137 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 27c. Gr. 3. Stories of Heroic Deeds. 151 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 30c. Gr. 4-5. Ten Great Events in History. 264 'pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 54c. Gr. 7-8. Story of the Nations, The. Putnam. Illus. $1.50 per volume, up to No. 61 ; No. 62 and following, $1.35 net. Gr. H. S. 1. 2. 3 . 4 - 5 - 7 - 8 . 9 - 10. 12. 14 15 - A series covering the history of the world, from which one may select a volume on almost any period or country. Admirably made, scholarly, readable. Well illustrated, maps, indexes, etc. ; each volume about 4C0 pages. Volumes 1-61, though listed at $1.50, can be pur- chased at $1.05 to $1.20 from retail de'alers. A descriptive list should be obtained from the publishers. The titles run, “The Story of Greece,” etc., but in the following list only the essential part will be given. Greece; by James A. Harrison. Rome ; by Arthur Gilman. Jews; by James K. Hosmer. Chaldea ; by Z. A. Ragozin. Germany ; by S. Baring-Gould. Spain ; E. E. and Susan Hale. Hungary; by A. Vambery. Carthage ; by Alfred J. Church. Saracens ; by Arthur Gilman. Normans ; by Sarah Orne Jew- ett. Egypt ; by Geo. Rawlinson. Alexander’s Empire ; by J. P. Mahaffy. 16. Assyria; by Z. A. Ragozin. 17. Ireland; by Emily Lawless. 18. Goths; by Henry Bradley. 20. Media ; by Z. A. Ragozin. 21. Mediaeval France; by Gustave Masson. 22. Holland ; by J. E. Thorold Rog- ers. 23. Mexico ; by Susan Hale. 25. Hansa Towns ; by Helen Zim- mer n. 26. Early Britain ; by Alfred J. Church. 28. Russia; by W. R. Morfill. 66 30. Scotland; John Mackintosh. 31. Switzerland; by Mrs. Arnold Hug and R. Stead. 32. Portugal ; by H. Morse Steph- ens. .34. Sicily; by E. A. Freeman. 35. Tuscan Republics; by Bella Duffy. .36. Poland; by W. R. Morfill. 38. Japan ; by David Murray. 40. Christian Recovery of Spain ; by H. E. Watts. .42. Venice; by Alethea Wiel. 43. Crusades ; by T. A. Archer and Charles L Kingsford. 46. Canada ; by J. G. Bourinot. 49. Modern France; by Andre Lebon. 50 and 51. The Building of the British Empire ; by Alfred Thomas Story. 56. Austria ; by Sydney Whitman. 58. Modern Spain ; by Martin A. S. Hume. 59. Modern Italy; by Pietro Orsi. 63. Mediaeval Rome ; by William Miller. 67 and 68. South American Repub- lics ; by Thomas C. Dawson. 70. Mediaeval England ; by Mary Bateson. Wallach, Isabel R. Historical and Biographical Narratives. 160 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 35c. Gr. 3-5. Includes stories of the ancient Orient and of ancient and modern Europe. A very useful collection. Ancient. Arnold, Emma J. Stories of Ancient Peoples. 232 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 5-7. Simply written and interesting stories of the ancient Orient, includ- ing Egypt, Babyloma. and Assyria, Phoenicia, the Hebrews, the Medes and Persians, the Hindus, and the Chinese. Guerber, H. A. The Story of the Greeks. 282 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-7. The Story of the Romans. 278 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-7. These stories from classical history are deservedly popular. Gulick, Charles B. The Life of the Ancient Greeks. 373 pp. Illus. Appleton.' $1.40 net. Gr. 7-. A recent, accurate, and entertaining work ; goes thoroughly into the subject, discussing dwellings, occupations, schools, child life, social life- entertainments, religion, food and clothing, marriage and domestic cus- toms, travel, etc. The best books on the subject for school libraries. Well illustrated Harding, Caroline H. and Samuel B. Greek Gods, Heroes, and Men. 195 pp. Illus. Scott. 50c. Gr. 4-6. Part III, 60 pages, devoted to tales from Greek history. Well told. The City of Seven Hills. 268 pp. Illus. Scott. 50c. Gr. 4-6. Well selected, accurate, and interesting. Havell, H. A. Tales from Herodotus. 286 pp. Illus. C. F. C., Crowell. 60c. Gr. 6-. 6 ? Johnston, Harold W. The Private Life of the Romans. 344 pp, Illus. Scott. $1.50. Gr. 7-. A book on Rome similar in scope and character to Gulick’s Life of the Ancient Greeks. Well illustrated. Maspero, G. Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria. 15 ch. 376 pp. Illus. Appleton. $1.50. Gr. 7-. This book, by a great authority on the ancient Orient, deals with the really vital things — the life and accomplishments of the people and their contributions to civilization. It is also highly interesting. Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek Life. 101 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 35c. Gr. 7-. This primer gives a good brief account of its subject, and in the main is interesting. The author is one of the best known authorities on Greek antiquities. Pratt, Mara L. Stories of Old Rome. 314 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 60c. Gr. 6-7. Preston, Harriet W., and Dodge, Louise. Private Life of the Romans. 167 pp. Illus. Sanborn. $1.00. Gr. H. S, A smaller work than Johnston’s and written ten years earlier; but it is a very good account if a cheaper book is desired. Ragozin, Zenaide A. Earliest Peoples. 108 pp. Illus. Har- rison. 60c. Gr. 6-. Tells of prehistoric times, and of the Sumero-Accadians and ancient Semites. The author is among the most entertaining writers on an- cient history. Profusely illustrated. Early Egypt. 95 pp. Illus. (profusely). Harrison. 60c. Gr. 6-. Europe and Asia. [See Story of the Nation Series.] Blaisdell, Albert F. Stories from English History. 19 1 pp.. Illus. Ginn. 50c. Gr. 4-6. Edited and rewritten from standard authors. Brown, George P. The Story of Our English Grandfathers. 406 pp. Illus. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. 75c. Gr. 5-7. Dutton, Maude B. Little Stories of France. 176 pp. Illus. 40c. A. B. Co. Gr. 4-6. Clear and simple in style and interesting in ‘material ; much of the important history of France is thus entertainingly told. Edgar, M. L. Stories from Scottish History. 331 pp. Illus. C. F. C., Crowell. 60c. Gr. 6-. Selected from Scott’s Tales of a Grandfather. 68 Fellows, George E. Recent European History. 459 pp. Illus. Sanborn. $1.00. Gr. H. S. A useful little volume on this important period for high school students. Froissart, Sir John. Chronicles. Ed. by Adam Singleton. 34 ch. 235 pp. Illus. Home Reading Books. Ed. by Wm. T. Harris. Appleton. 65c. Gr. 5-. A most attractive edition of the old 14th century chronicle of wars between France and Flanders, France and England, England and Scotland, etc. The author himself was a soldier, and he traveled and sought information from other soldiers, and from such direct sources wrote his chronicles. Guerber, H. A. The Story of the English. 356 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 65c. Gr. 5-8. Green, John Richard. History of the English People. 5 vols. McKay. $2.00 for the set. Gr. H. S. A well-made edition at a very moderate price. Harding, Samuel B. The Story of the Middle Ages. 224 pp. Illus. Scott. 50c. Gr. 5-8. The best elementary account of the Middle Ages. Motley, John Lothrop. Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 vols. Everyman’s Library, Dutton. 50c. a volume. Gr. H. S. Mowry, Arthur M. First Steps in the History of England. 324 pp. Illus. Silver. 70c. Gr. 5-7. Told largely through biography. Profusely illustrated. Pitman, Leila Webster. Stories of Old France. 312 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-. Exceptionally well-told stories, that convey much interesting and important information regarding the history of France. Many inter- esting illustrations. Scott, Sir Walter. Tales of a Grandfather. 196 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 6-. The history of Scotland from Scott’s charming Tales should be familiar to every child. Van Bergen, R. The Story of China. 224 pp. Illus. Map. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 4-7. The Stoty of Japan. 294 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 65c. , Gr. 4-7. The Storv of Russia. 284 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 65c. Gr. 6-8. A good short sketch, extending to the close of the Japanese war. 69 American. Anderson, Robert E. The Story of Extinct Civilizations in the West. 195 pp. Illus. Library of Useful Stories, Ap- pleton. 35c. net. Gr. 6-. A fascinating story of the early civilizations of Mexico and Peru. Baldwin, James. The Discovery of the Old Northwest, and Its Settlement by the French. 272 pp. Iilus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 4-7. The Conquest of the Old Northwest, and Its Settlement by Americans. 264 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 4-7. Bass, Florence. Stories of Pioneer Life. 136 pp. Heath. 40c. Gr. 3-5. Brady, Cyrus Townsend. American Fights and Fighters Series. 4 vols. Illus. McClure. Gr. 7-. Colonial, 1556-1750., $1.20 net; Revolutionary, 1776-1812-1815. $1.50; Border, 1760-1830, $1.30 net; Indian, 1866-1876, $1.30 net. Stirring tales by a popular writer. Carrington, Henry B. Battles of the American Revolution. 712 pp. Illus. Barnes. $3.00 net. Gr. H. S. A revised edition of an excellent work. Military history, though not stressed in the best recent text books, is very interesting to young people and may be the means of imparting more valuable instruction. This work, containing admirable maps and battle plans, is the best available for its period. Civil War Stories. Retold from St. Nicholas. 201 pp. Illus. Century. 65c. net. Gr. 5-7. “Off to the War,” “Virginia Scenes in ’61,” “Eleanor’s Colonel,” “A Drummer-Boy at Gettysburg,” “The Picket Guard.” etc. Cleveland, Helen M. Stories of Brave Old Times. 308 pp. Illus. Lee. $1.25. Gr. 5-8. “Some pen pictures of scenes which took place previous to or con- nected with the American Revolution.” Coffin, Charles C. The Boys of ’76. 398 pp. Illus. Harper. $2.00. Gr. 7-. A popular history of the battles of the Revolution. Colonial Stories. Retold from St. Nicholas. 194 pp. Illus. Century. 65c. net. Gr. 5-7. Coman, Katharine. Industrial History of the United States. 24 ch. 343 pp. Illus. Maps. Macmillan. $1.25 net. Gr. H. S. The best volume on this highly important phase of our history. 7 ° Cooke, John Esten. Stories of the Old Dominion. 337 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-6. Curry, J. L. M. The Southern States of the American Union. 272 pp. Johnson. $1.00. Gr. H. S. A careful and temperate presentation of the Southern view of the constitutional relation of the individual States to the Union. Dickson, Marguerite S. From the Old World to the New. 178 pp. Illus. Macmillan. 50c. Gr. 4-5. A simple, connected account of the discovery and settlement of America. Maps. A Hundred Years of Warfare. (1689-1789). 273 pp. Illus. Macmillan. 50c. Gr. 4-6. The story of the- struggle between French and English for control of the continent, and of the Revolution and founding of the national government. Dodge, Theodore A. A Bird’s Eye View of Our Civil War. 348 pp. Maps and plans. Houghton. $1.00 net. A brief military history of the war by a soldier who is also an authority on military history. Dorsey, Ella Loraine. Pocahontas. An account of her connec- tion with the Virginia colony. Illus. 60 pp. 25c. Published by Geo. E. Howard, Washington, D. C. Elson, Henry W. History of the United States of America. 91 1 pp. 8 full-page colored maps, 26 maps and charts in the text. Macmillan. $1.75 net. Gr. 7- (usable even in the 5 and 6 for short readings). Appeared in 1904 and at once took rank as the best one-volume history of the country. It contains an immense amount of material (sufficient to reprint with pictures in five substantial volumes), but it is written with admirable literary skill No school library can afford to be without it. Side Lights on American History. Vol. I, National Period Before the Civil War (398 pp.) ; vol. II, The Civil War and Our Own Times (410 pp.)- Macmillan. 75c. each. Gr. 5-8. An admirable collection of stories about our national history. Famous Adventures and Prison Escapes of the Civil War. 338 pp. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Thrilling stories of the Civil War by persons who took part in it. Eggleston, Edward. Stories of, American Life and Adventure. 214 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 3-4. Fiske, John. The War of Independence. 200 pp. Illus. Maps and index. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. 6-10. The best short sketch. 7 Guerber, H. A. The Story of the Thirteen Colonies. 342 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 65c. Gr. 5-7. Harris, Joel Chandler. Stories of Georgia. 315 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-6. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Grandfather’s Chair: True stories from New England history. Illus. R. L. S., Houghton. 50c. Gr. 5-7. Also in S. L. S., University, 30c. Gr. 5-8. Thirty-two stories, written in Hawthorne’s charming style, that will do much toward making children appreciate the life and feelings of colonial New England. Hitchcock, Ripley. The Louisiana Purchase. 349 pp. Illus. Ginn. 60c. Gr. 6-. Story of the Lewis and Clark expedition, explorations of Pike, etc., as well as of the purchase. “The story is a marvel of condensation and a gem of lucidity of expression.” Howells, William Dean. Stories of Ohio. 287 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-6. Husted, Mary H. Stories of Indian Chiefs. Illus. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 4-6. Stories of pioneer life and of the present condition of the Indians, especially of the Indian children in their homes and schools. Indian Stories. 200 pp. Illus. Century. 65c. net. Gr. 5-. Retold from St. Nicholas. Johnson, William A. Pioneer Spaniards of North America. 381 pp. Illus. Little., $1.50. Gr. 6-. An interesting account of discoveries, explorations, conquests, and settlements of the Spaniards. French Pathfinders in North America. 347 pp. Illus. Little. $1.50. Gr. 6-. A companion to the foregoing on Spain. . The author possesses great skill in presenting his history in a manner most attractive to the young reader. The World’s Discoverers. 416 pp. Illus. Little. $1.50. Gr. 6-. A excellent account, beginning with Marco Polo, of the long series of voyages forming the basis of American history ; also a section on “Recent Voyages.” “It fills a place not exactly filled before. The plan is, moreover, extremely well worked out ” — John Fiske. Mann, William J. America in Its Relation to the Great Epochs of History. 315 pp. Little. $1.00 net. Gr. H. S. McCarthy, Carlton. Soldier Life in the Army of Northern Vir- ginia. 224 pp. Illus. Johnson. Gr. 6-. The actual experiences of a private, who neglects the romantic side of war and writes of the hardships and difficulties. It is good reading 7 2 for boys, and will give new ideas of what war means. Some of the chapters are: “Romantic Ideas Dissipated,” “On the March,” “Cooking and Eating.” / McMurry, Charles A. Pioneer History Stories. 3 vols. Illus. Macmillan. 40c. net each. Gr. 5-8. • “Pioneers on Land and Sea” (216 pp.), “Pioneers of the Mississippi Valley” (218 pp.), “Pioneers of the Rocky Mountains and the West” (248 pp.), are the three volumes. The series is an excellent one, much of the text being made up of source materials furnished by the explorers themselves. Maps. Our Holidays. 200 pp. Illus. Century. 65c. net. Gr. 5-. Stories explaining the meaning and spirit of some of our historical anniversaries; retold from St. Nicholas. Parkman, Francis. The Struggle for a Continent. Edited from the \vritings of Parkman by Pelham Edgar. 542 pp. Illus. and maps. Little. $1.50 net. Gr. 6-. Parkman’s rank as a historian and his admirable literary style are too well known to need comment This volume gives in his own words, with the aid of connecting notes, a continuous account of the great struggle for the possession of the continent. The Oregon Trail. 381 pp. Illus. Little. $1.00. Gr. 6-. Sketches of life with the Indians of the prairies and Rocky Mountains. Pratt, Mara L. America’s Story for America’s Children. 5 vols. 132-172 pp. each. Illus. Vol. I in color. Heath. Vol. I, 35c., gr. 3-4 ; vol. II, Exploration and Discovery, 40c., gr. 3-4; vol. Ill, Early Colonies, 40c., gr. 4-5; vol. IV, Later Colonial Period, 40c., gr. 4-5; 'vol. V, Foundations of the Republic, 40c., gr: 4-5. An admirable series; valuable in material, charmingly told. The Great West. 176 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 50c. Gr. 5-7. Stories of the Mound Builders, Zuhis of New Mexico, Spanish Conquests, French explorers, etc. Stories of Colonial Children. 223 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 3-5. About child heroes are centered stories of colonial life and history. The form is especially interesting to children, and the material is valuable. < Price, Lillian L. Lads and Lassies of Other Days. 180 pp. Illus. Silver. 50c. Gr. 4-6. Stories of colonial and revolutionary days that give excellent pictures of the times-.- Revolutionary Stories. Retold from St. Nicholas. 205 pp. Illus. Century. 65c. net. Gr. 5-7. 73 Stepping Stones of American History. 381 pp. Illus. in color. Wilde. $2.25 net. Gr. 7-. Essays by eminent writers. The following are examples : “Roanoke and Jamestown,” by Lyon G. Tyler; “The Colonists and the Indians,” by Reuben G. Thwaites;. “The Town Meeting,” by Elroy M. Avery; “Lafayette and the French Alliance,” by James K. Hosmer. An interesting and valuable work. Stockton, Frank R. Stories of New Jersey. 254 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-6. Stone, Gertrude L., and Fickett, M. Grace. Everyday Life in the Colonies. 119 pp. Illus. Heath. 40c. Gr. 4-6. “The First New England Christmas,” “Soap Making at the How- lands,” “Telling Time Without a Clock,” “The Poor Debtor’s Chil- dren,” etc. Thompson, Maurice. Stories of Indians. 296 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-6. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. How George Rogers Clark Won the Northwest. 278 pp. Illus. MeClurg. $1.20 net. Gr. 7-. The volume contains besides the title essay (74 pp.), “The Division of the Northwest into States,” “The Black Hawk War,” “The Story of Mackinac.” “The Story of La Pointe,” “A Day in Braddock’s Road,” “Early Lead Mining on the Upper Mississippi,” and “The Draper Manuscripts.” An interesting series by an authority on Western history. Tomlinson, Everett T. The War for Independence. 184 pp. Illus. Silver. 50c. Gr. 5-8. Very interesting stories of the Revolution that give an excellent idea of the history and life of the period. Welsh, Lucie D. Colonial Days in Virginia, Carolina, Maryland, and Georgia. 246 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 50c. Gr. 2-4. Walton, Joseph S., and Brumbaugh, Martin G. Stories of Pennsylvania. 300 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-6. Winterburn, Rosa V. The Spanish in the Southwest. 224 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 55c. Gr. 4-7. t Source Material. * Botsford, George W. and Lilie S. The Story of Rome as Greeks and Romans Tell It. 10 ch. 328 pp. Macmillan, editor), 418 pp., 60c. net. Gr. 5-. An excellent elementary collection of source material on Rome. 74 Caldwell, Howard W. A Survey of American History. 246 pp. Ainsworth. 75c. Gr. 6-. Source extracts from documents, laws, letters, speeches, etc., well selected, in the main simple and easy, with connecting narrative and questions. This volume will add greatly to the interest and value of history work in grammar or high school. It is also published in 11 separate leaflets at 5c. each. Great American Legislators, 247 pp. ; American Terri- torial Development, 265 pp. 75c. each. Gr. 6-. Similar in plan and execution to A Survey of American History. Fling, Frederick .M. A Source Book of Greek History. Ulus. Heath. $1.00. Gr. 7-. Hale, Edward Everett. Stories of Discovery. 287 pp. Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 5-8. Stories of Columbus, De Gama, Magellan, Drake, Verrazzano, John Smith, etc., told by the discoverers themselves or their companions. . Stories of Adventure (Told by Adventurers). 310 pp. Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 5-8. Adventures of Marco Polo, Mandeville, Cortez, Coronado, etc., told by themselves or their followers. Stories of the Sea (Told by Sailors). 300 pp. Little. $1.00. Gr. 6-. Stories of the Spanish Armada, voyages of Paul Jones, Nelson at Trafalgar, etc., told by sailors who were present. Stories of War (Told by Soldiers). 264 pp. Little. $1.00. Gr. 6-. Stories of most of the great battles of the Civil War told by soldiers who participated in them. Hart, Albert B. Source Readers of American History. Illus. 4 vols. Macmillan. The volumes are : Colonial Chil- dren (Blanche E. Hazard, joint editor), 233 pp., 40c. net; Camps and Firesides of the Revolution (Mabel Hill, joint editor), 309 pp., 50c. net; How Our Fathers Lived (Annie B. Chapman, joint editor), 371 pp., 60c. net; The Romance of the Civil War (Elizabeth Stevens, joint editor), 418 pp., 60c. net. Gr. 5-. Interesting to children and simple enough in thought for them to understand. The source material is accurately reprinted without addition or alteration, but the spelling and phraseology of the 16th and 17th centuries have been sufficiently modernized to make easy reading for children. Much of the quaintness is nevertheless retained. • Source Book of American History. 17 ch. 408 pp. Macmillan. 60c. net. Gr. 6-. Extracts from letters, diaries, reminiscences, travels, speeches, and narratives ; the material is both interesting and valuable. The old ) 75 spelling and obsolete words are retained, but explained in brackets. There are excellent helps : suggestions for the use of sources, sketches of authors, side notes, and index. American History Told by Contemporaries. 4 vols. Macmillan. $2.00 per vol. Gr. H. S. Vol. I. Era of Colonization, 1492-1689 (18 ch., 606 pp.). Vol. II. Building of the Republic, 1689-1783 (21 ch., 653 pp.). Vol. III. National Expansion, 1783-1844 (20 ch., 668 pp.). Vol. IV. Welding of the Nation, 1845-1897 (21 ch., 732 pp.). No single set of books could be more valuable or interesting to history classes in the high school than- this admirable collection of source material. Many of the selections are usable by upper grammar school. Hill, Mabel. Liberty Documents. 458 pp. Longmans. $2.00. Gr. 7-. Traces the development of political freedom in England and America from 1100 to 1899. Thirty-one documents are included, and each is preceded by a suggestive sketch and followed by contemporary com- ments and critical opinions. For example, Magna Charta, the Petition of Right, the Habeas Corpus Act (1679), the Bill of Rights, the Articles of Confederation, the Ordinance of 1787, Washington’s Fare- well Address, the Monroe Doctrine are among the documents ; following the first of these is a contemporary exposition by Roger of Wendover, and critical comment by Burke, Hallam, Stubbs, Green, Gardiner, and eight other authorities. Excellent in plan and execution. Index and full table of contents. The English is modernized. Kendall, Elizabeth K. Source-Book of English History. 22 ch. 483 pp. Macmillan. 80c. net. Gr. 7. The material included extends from the first century A. D. to the end of the nineteenth. Formal documents and legal records are avoided and contemporary narratives, letters, descriptions, comment, and diaries furnish most of the material. The English is modernized. Marginal topics and notes, full table of contents, and index. Lincoln, Abraham. Letters and Addresses. 389 pp. Unit. 62c. Gr. 6-. McMaster, John B., consulting ed. The Trail Makers. Illus. and maps. Barnes. $1.00 net per vol. Gr. 6-10. History of the Expedition of Lewis and Clark (reprint of Biddle edition of 1814), 3 vols., about 400 pp. each; The’ Jour- ney of Cabeza de Vaca, 231 pp. ; The Journey of Coro- nado, 251 pp.; Narratives of Fernando de Soto, 2 vols., 223 and 192 pp. ; Voyages and Explorations of Samuel de Champlain, 2 vols., ; The Journeys of La Salle and His Companions, 2 vols., 298 and 259 pp. An extremely valuable collection of historical source material at a very low price. The narratives are by the commanders of the expeditions, or those who accompanied them. 76 Munro, Dana C. A Source Book of Roman History. 258 pp. Illus. Heath. $1.00. Gr. 7-. Biographies of' authors quoted, bibliographies, remarks on illustra- tions, and index. National Documents. 496 pp. Unit. 72c. Gr. 6-. Forty-six documents' illustrative of the progress of the United States from 1606 to 1904. The following are examples : Virginia Charter of 1606, Mayflower Compact, various Revolutionary Declarations, Ordi- nance of 1787, Treaty with France of 1803, Missouri Compromise, Constitution of Confederate States. Robinson, James Harvey. Readings in European History. 2 vols. 21 ch., 551 pp., and 32 ch., 628 pp. Ginn. $1.50 each. Gr. H. S. The best collection of source material on European history (medieval and modern) for schools. MARYLAND. Browne, William Hand. The History of a Palatinate — Mary- land. 379 pp. Houghton. $1.25. Gr. 7-8. Deals principally with the palatinate or colonial period. The edition of 1904 brings the narrative up to the adoption of the present constitution, 1867. George and Cecilius Calvert. 181 pp. Dodd. $1.00. Gr. 6, 7, 8. Fiske, John. Old Virginia and Her Neighbors. 2 vols. 739 pp. Houghton. $2.00. Gr. H. S. Gambrill, J. Montgomery. Leading Events of Maryland History. 360 pp. Ginn. 90c. Gr. 6, 7, 8. A well arranged text written in a clear and entertaining style. Hall, Clayton C. The Lords Baltimore and the Maryland Pala- tinate. 217 pp. Nunn & Co., Baltimore. $1.25. Johnson, John H. Old Maryland Manors. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore. 30c. net. McSherry, James. History of Maryland. 437 pp. Baltimore Book Co. $2.25 net. Gr. 7, 8, H. S. A very complete work from the settlement to Governor Warfield. Edited and continued by Bartlett B. James, Ph. D. Mereness, Newton D. Maryland as a Proprietary Province. 53 ° PP- Macmillan. $3.00. Gr. 7, 8, H. S. Covers proprietary period. Matter well arranged according to subj ects. PasSano, Leonard M. History of Maryland. Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore. 80c. 77 Warfield, Joshua Dorsey. Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties. 543 pp. Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore. $5.00 net. BIOGRAPHY. Collected. American Statesman Series. Ed. by John T. Morse, Jr. Hough- ton. $1.25 per volume. Gr. H. S. Benjamin Franklin. By John T. Morse, Jr. Samuel Adams. By James K. Hosmer. Patrick Henry. By Moses Coit Tyler. George Washington. By Henry Cabot Lodge. John Adams. By John T. Morse, Jr. Alexander Hamilton. By Henry Cabot Lodge. Gouverneur Morris. By Theodore Roosevelt. John Jav By George Pellew. John Marshall. By Allan B. Ma- gruder. Thomas Jefferson. By John T. Morse, Jr. James Madison. By Sydney How- ard Gay. Albert Gallatin. By John Austin Stevens. James Monroe. By D. C. Gilman. John Quincy Adams. By John T. Morse, Jr. • John Randolph. By Henry Adams. Andrew Jackson. By W. G. Sum- ner. Martin Van Buren. By Edward M. Shepard. Henry Clay. By Carl Schurz, 2 volumes. Daniel Webster. By Henry Cabot Lodge. John C. Calhoun. By Dr. H. von Holst. Thomas H. Benton. By Theodore Roosevelt Abraham Lincoln. By John T. Morse, Jr., 2 volumes. A standard series, which should be represented in every high school library. Baldwin, James. Four Great Americans (Washington, Franklin,. Webster, Lincoln). 246 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c.. Gr. 4-5. Beebe, Mabel B. Four American Naval Heroes (Paul Jones,. Perry, Farragut, Dewey). 254 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 4-5. Bolton, Sarah K. Girls Who Became Famous. 347 pp. Illus. Crowell. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Poor Boys Who Became Famous. 367 pp. Illus. Crowell. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Mrs. Bolton’s stories of famous persons have long been popular with boys and girls. Brooks, E. S. Historic Boys. Illus. Putnam. $1.25. Gr. 6-. Stories of the youth, rather than of the mature years, of the “boys” ; treats of their endeavors, achievements, and times. 78 Historic Girls. Illus. Putnam. $1.25. Gr. 6-. Brooks, Geraldine. Dames and Daughters of Colonial Days. 284 pp. Illus. Crowell. $1.50. Gr. 7-. Burton, Holman. Four American Patriots. 254 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 4-5. Children’s Heroes. Ed. by John Lang. 15 vols. About 120 pp. per volume. Illus. in color. Picture design on cover. Dainty and beautiful volumes. Dutton. 50c. Gr. 5-8. The Story of Robert the Bruce, by Jeanie Lang. The Story of Lord Clive, by John Lang. The Story of Christopher Columbus, by G. M. Imlach. The Story of Captain Cook, by John Lang. The Story of Sir Francis Drake, by L. M. Elton. The Story of Joan of Arc, by Andrew Lang. The Story of David Livingstone, by Vautier Golding. The Story of Nelson, by Edmund F. Sellar. The Story of Sir Walter Raleigh, by M. D. Kelly. The Story of Stanley, by Vautier Golding. Custer, Elizabeth B. The Boy General. 205 pp. Illus. Scrib- ner, S. S. R. 50c. Gr. 5-7. Edited by Mary E. Burt from Tenting on the Plains, Following the Guidon, and Boots and Saddles. An account of Gen. G. A. Custer by his wife. Eggleston, Edward. Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans. 159 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 40c. Gr. 2-4. Unusually attractive stories. Hall, Jennie. Men of Old Greece. 263 pp. Ulus. Little. $1.50. Gr. 5-7. Sketches of Leonidas, Themistocles, Phidias, and Socrates. Well written and interesting biographies, which at the same time give excellent pictures of ancient Greek life. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Biographical Stories. Illus. R. L. S., Houghton. 25c. Gr. 4-5. Stories of Benjamin West, Sir Isaac Newton, Samuel Johnson, Oliver Cromwell, Benjamin Franklin, and Queen Christina. Haaren, John H., and Poland, A. B. Famous Men of Greece. 265 pp. Illus. University. 50c. Gr. 4-6. Famous Men of Rome. 269 pp. Illus. University. 50c. Gr. 4-6. Famous Men of the Middle Ages. 272 pp. Illus. University. 50c. Gr. 5-7. These three volumes constitute an admirable series. Through enter- taining biographical sketches much historical information is given, with vivid pictures of life in Greece, Rome, and the Middle Ages. 79 Hall, Jennie. Four Old Greeks.. Illus. Rand. 35c. Gr. 4-5. Stories of Heracles, Alcestis, Dionysius, and Achilles. • Viking Tales. Illus. Rand. 35c. Gr. 4-6. Heroes of the Nations. Forty volumes ready. About 380 pp. to- a volume. Illus. Putnam. $1.50. Gr. H. S. This series has been planned as a companion work to the series of “Stories of the Nations.” It presents biographical studies of the lives, and work of certain representative historical characters, about whom have gathered the traditions of the nations to which they belong, and who have, in the majority of instances, been accepted as types of the several national ideals. With the record of the life of each character so selected has been presented a study or picture of the national con- ditions surrounding him during his career. For high school libraries the following volumes are especially sug- gested : Nelson (W. Clark Russell), Julius Caesar (Warde Fowler), Napoleon (W. O’Connor Morris), Henry of Navarre (P. F. Willert), Lorenzo de Medici (Edward Armstrong) , Christopher Columbus (Washington Irving), Robert the Bruce (Sir Herbert Maxwell), Hannibal (W O’Connor Morris), Robert E. Lee (H. A. White), Alexander the Great (Beniamin Ide Wheeler), Charlemagne (H. C Davis), Oliver Cromwell (Charles Firth), Frederick the Great (W. F. Reddaway) . Husted, Mary Hall. Stories of Indian Chiefs. Illus. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 4-5. Narratives of the lives of a number of prominent Indian chiefs, with incidental accounts of some of our famous pioneers. Kingsley, Nellie F. Four American Explorers (Fremont, Kane, Lewis, Clark). 271 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 4-5. The Story of Lewis and Clark. 132 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 25c. Gr. 4-5. Lodge, Henry Cabot, and Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero Tales from American History. 335 pp. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Twenty-six stories of American heroes, by the President of the United States and a leading United States Senator. Parton, James. Captains of Industry. 2 vols. 399 and 393 pp. Half leather. R. S. L., Houghton. 60c. net each. Gr. 6-. Biographies of nearly 100 men famous as mechanics, manufacturers, printers, bankers, engineers, farmers, merchants, etc. Perry, Frances M. Four American Inventors (Fulton, Whitney, Morse, Edison). 260 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 4-5. Perry, Frances M., and Beebe, Mabel B. Four American Pioneers (Boone, Crockett, Carson, George Rogers Clark). Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 4-5. 8o Plutarch’s Lives. Ed. by Edwin Ginn. 14 ch. 333 pp. Illus. Ginn. 45c. Gr. 7-. Seven of these famous lives, including Alexander and Caesar, abridged and annotated. Stories from Plutarch. Told by F. J. Rowbotham. C. F. C., Crowell. 60c. Gr. 5-8. “The King’s Sword” (Theseus), “The God of the Spears” (Romu- lus), “Hannibal’s Schoolmaster” (Fabius Maximus), and Alcibiades. Lives. Ed. by A. H. Clough. Little. $2.00. Gr. H. S. Complete in one volume. Riverside Biographical Series. 14 vols. Each volume, small 16 mo., about 125 pp. Houghton. School edition, with portrait, 50c. net each. Gr. 7-. 1. Andrew Jackson. By William G. Brown. 2. James B. Eads By Louis How. 3. Benjamin Franklin. By Paul E. More. 4. Peter Cooper. By Rossiter Raymond. 5. Thomas Jefferson. By Henry Childs Merwin. 6. William Penn. By George Hodges. 7. Ulysses S. Grant. By Walter Allen. 8. Lewis and Clark. By William R Lighton. 9. John Marshall. By James B. Thayer. 10. Alexander Hamilton. By Charles A. Conant. 11. Washington Irving. By Henry W. Boynton. 12 Paul Jones. By Hutchins Hapgood. 13. Stephen A. Douglas. By William G. Brown. 14. Champlain. By Henry G. Sedgwick, Jr. Sea well, Molly Elliott. Twelve Naval Captains. 233 pp. Illus. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. net. Gr. 6-. ■ Biographies of Paul Jones, Richard Dale, Thomas Truxtun, William Bainbridge, Edward Preble, Stephen Decatur, Richard Somers, Isaac Hull, Charles Stewart, Oliver Hazard Perry, Thomas MacDonough, and James Lawrence. Portraits of each. The author writes many books on our navy, and knows how to make her stories interesting. Shaw, Edward R. Discoverers and Explorers. 120 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 35c. Gr. 3-4. Skinner, Harriet Paul. Boys Who Became Famous Men. Illus. Little. $1.25. Gr. 6-. Stories of the childhood of poets, artists, and musicians. Whitney, Edson L., and Perry, Frances M. Four American Indians (King Philip, Pontiac, Tecumseh, Osceola). 240 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 4-5. Winship, A. E. Great American Educators (Page, Barnard, Sheldon, etc.). 252 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. H. S. Will make very good reading for high school students, of whom many will become teachers. 0 8 1 Individual. Note. — For desired subjects, see also Collected Biography, especially ‘‘Riverside Biographical Series,” “American Statesmen Series,” “Heroes of the Nations,” and “Children’s Heroes.” • Alfred, King. In the Days of Alfred the Great. By Eva March Tappan. 296 pp. Illus. Lee, $1.00. Gr. 6-. The story of a romantic life and period, told in the fascinating style that distinguishes Miss Tappan’s work. Caesar, Julius. Story of Julius Caesar. By M. Clarke. 173 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 45c. Gr. .5-6. An interesting account, with quotations from Shakespeare’s tragedy and from eminent historians. Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography. Ed. by D. H. Mont- gomery. 17 ch. 31 1 pp. Ginn. 40c. Gr. 6-. The original is slightly abridged, and the life continued by the editor. Lafayette. The Story of Lafayette. By Holman Burton. 85 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 35c. Gr. 5-6. Lincoln, Abraham. By James Baldwin. 282 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-6. The Story of Lincoln. By Frances Cravens. Illus. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. 35c. Gr. 4-6. Napoleon, Bonaparte. By R. M. Johnson. 248 pp. Maps. Barnes. $1.00 net. Gr. H. S. “Scholarly, readable, and accurate .” — The Nation. Napoleon the First. By August Fournier. 836 pp. Holt. $2.00. Gr. H. S. • One of the best of the many biographies of Napoleon. Edited by E. G. Bourne. Washington, George. By Horace E. Scudder. 248 pp. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. 6-. Written for young people, and the best of its scope. Maps, portrait, and index. Nansen, Fridjof. By J. V. Bull. 134 pp. Illus. Heath. 30c. Gr. 5-8. A spirited and interesting narrative of Nansen’s adventures in the Arctic regions. Columbus, Christopher. The Story of Columbus. By Nora L. Pratt. Educ. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 4-5. 82 GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMICS. American State, The. Ed. by W. W. Willoughby. Century. $1.25 net per volume. Gr. H. S. “The American Constitutional System,” by W. W. Willoughby ; “The American Judiciary,” by Simeon E. Baldwin ; “City Government in the United States/’ by Frank J. Goodwin; “Party Organization and Machinery,” by Jesse Macy; “The American Executive and Executive Methods,” by J. H. Finley; “American Legislatures and Legislative Methods,” by Paul S. Reinsch ; “Local Government in the United States” (cities excepted), by John A. Fairlie. A most admirable series, authoritative but not difficult. Very valuable to high school students for reading or reference. About 300 pages to a volume. Austin, Oscar P. Uncle Sam’s Secrets. 344 pp. Illus. Home Reading Books. Ed. by Wm. T. Harris, Appleton. 75c. Gr. 6-. Through the medium of an interesting story a great deal of infor- mation is conveyed regarding the affairs of the American government, such as the coinage, the postal service, the United States courts, revenues, army and navy, political parties, etc. Uncle Sam’s Soldiers. Illus. Same series as foregoing title. 75c. Gr. 6-. An account of life at West Point, army organization, details of camp and army life, and modern military practices and conditions in the United States. Dole, Charles F. The Young . Citizen. 194 pp. Illus. Heath. 45c. Gr. 4-7. Some account of government and common interests in city, county, State, and nation. Tells of the duties of citizenship and explains how men may be patriots in time of peace. Federalist, The. By Paul Leister Ford. 27 ch. 793 pp. Holt. $1.75. Gn H. S. School pupils should be more familiar than- at present with these famous essays of Madison, Hamilton, and Jay — the most famous com- mentary on our Constitution. This edition is much the best ; the editing is admirable, there is a full index, and numerous aids to study are included. Hart, Albert B. Actual Government. 600 pp. Illus. Longmans. $2.00. Gr. H. S. There are ten main parts, dealing with “Fundamental Ideals,” “The Will of the People” (suffrage and parties), “State Governments in Action,” “Local Governments in Action,” “National Government in Action” “Territorial Functions,” “Financial Functions,” “External Relations,” “Commercial Functions” (regulation of commerce and transportation), and. “General Welfare” (education, public morals, and public order). The book is very practical, describing not merely constitutional machinery but actual workings of parties and govern- ment. 83 Matthews, F. Our Navy in Time of War. Illus. Home Reading Books. Ed. by Wm. T. Harris, Appleton. 75c. Gr. 6-. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. The Citizen. 346 pp. Barnes. $1.40 net. Gr. H. S. “A study of the individual and the government,” giving an interesting discussion of the rights and duties of citizenship. Helpful and inspiring. Ship of State, The. By those at the helm. 264 pp. Illus. Ginn. 40c. Gr. 6-8. “The Presidency,” by Theodore Roosevelt; “The Senate,” by Henry Cabot Lodge; “The Life of a Congressman,” by Thomas B. Reed; “The Supreme Court,” by Justice David J. Brewer; etc. Reprinted from the Youth’s Companion. Sloane, William M. Johnston’s History of American Politics. Revised and enlarged. 16 ch. 350 pp. Holt. 80c. Gr. H. S. The original was long the standard work on the subject, clear, com- prehensive, accurate, impartial. Wood, S. T. A Primer of Political Economy. 149 pp. Macmillan. 50c. net. Gr. 7-. An explanation of familiar economic phenomena, leading to an understanding of their laws and relationships. SCIENCE AND NATURE STUDY. Abbott, Jacob. A Boy on a Farm. 182 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 45 c - Gr. 3-4. This volume includes two of the author’s works, Rollo at Work and Rollo at Play. The rather tedious moralizing is omitted. Allen, Grant. Flashlights on Nature. 312 pp. Illus. Double- day. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Contents ; The Cows that Ants Milk, A Plant that Melts Ice, Marriage Among the Clovers, The First Paper Maker, A Frozen World, etc. Size, 5 x 7^2 ; over 100 illustrations from life under the microscope. Andrews,. Jane. Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children. 131 pp. Illus. Ginn. 50c. Gr. 3-5. Stories of My Four Friends (Seasons). 100 pp. Illus. Ginn. 40c. Gr. 4-5. The charm of Jane Andrews’ stories are too well known to need comment. Atkinson, George F. First Studies of Plant Life. 266 pp. Illus. Ginn. 60c. Gr. 5-8. Instruction in the simplest language for the recognition of different plants, how to watch intelligently their growth, and to aid them in their struggle for existence. 8 4 Ball, Sir Robert S. Star Land. 402 pp. Illus. Ginn. $1.00. Gr. 7-. Attractive talks with the young people about the wonders of the heavens. Bartlett, Lillian L. Animals at Home. 172 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 45c. Gr. 3-4. Gives a good idea of how various animals live and adapt themselves to their' environment. Baskett, James Newton. The Story of the Fishes. 297 pp. Illus. Home Reading Books. Ed. by William T. Harris, Appleton. 75c. net. Gr. 5-. An interesting subject and a most attractive book. Many full-page illustrations and frontispiece in color. Amphibians and Reptiles. Illus. Home Reading Books. Ed. by William T. Harris, Appleton. 60c. Gr. 5-. Bass, Florence. Plant Life. 147 pp. Illus. Heath. 25c. Gr. 2-3. Animal Life. 172 pp. Illus. Heath. 35c. Gr. 2-3. Beard, James C. Curious Homes and Their Tenants. Illus. Home Reading Books. Ed. by William T. Harris, Appleton. 65c. Gr. ^5-. Tales of the crab and his portable house, the spider and his web, human lake dwellers, etc. Beebe, Katherine, and Kingsley, Nellie F. First Year Nature Reader. 154 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 35c. Gr. 1-2. Follows the seasons, telling the flowers, fruits, birds, etc. Bessey, Charles; Bruner, Lawrence; and Swezey, Goodwin. New Elementary Agriculture. 198 pp. Illus. Ains- worth. Gr. 5-. An elementary account for rural schools, dealing with plants, insects, birds, weather, and animals on the farm. Highly commended by Com- missioner W. T. Harris. Blanciian, Neltge. Bird Neighbors. 234 pp. Illus. Doubleday. $2.00. Gr. 6-. (Pictures interesting to all grades.) An introductory account of 150 birds commonly found in the gardens, meadows, and woods about our homes. There are 48 plates of birds in natural colors. Size, 7-)4 x io>H$. A very handsome and attractive volume that will certainly arouse or increase the interest of boys and girls in their ‘‘bird neighbors.” Ipdex. How to Attract the Birds. 224 pp. Illus. Doubleday. $1.35 net. Gr. 6-. Charmingly written chapters on how to “make friends” with ‘‘bird neighbors.” One hundred and ten illustrations from photographs. Size, 6 x 85 Nature’s Garden. 415 pp. Illus. Doubleday. $3.00 net. Gr. 6-. (Pictures interesting to all grades.) Treats fully of our wild flowers and their insect visitors. Illustra- tions from photographs from nature : 32 full-page plates in color and 48 in black and white. Flowers classified according to color, months of blooming and preferred localities. Indexes of scientific and common names. Bradisit, Sarah Powers. Stories of Country Life. 170 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 40c. Gr. 3-4. Dwells on attractiveness of country life. Brown, Elizabeth V. Stories of Childhood and Nature. 222 pp. Illus. Globe. 40c. Gr. 4-6. Stories and poems on nature by the editor, and by John Burroughs, Lucy Larcom, Richard Jeffrtes, Tennyson, Olive Thorne Miller, etc. Stories of Woods and Fields. 192 pp. Illus. Globe. 40c. Gr. 4-6. Similar in plan to the foregoing volume. The illustrations are very attractive, many of them being in color. Brown, George P. The King and His Wonderful Castle. 118 pp. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. 35c. Gr. 3-6. Stories of the human body very entertainingly told. “The King’s Orchestra,” “The King’s Officers.” Brown, Ida. The Story of the Ages. 108 pp. Illus. Johnson. 35c. Gr. 6-. The geological story simply told. Burkett, Charles W., Stevens, Frank L., and Hill, Daniel H. Agriculture for Beginners. 339 pp. Illus. Ginn. 75c. Gr. 7-. An admirable work on the subject; it will prove both interesting and exceedingly profitable in rural districts. Excellent illustrations in color. Burroughs, John. Birds and Bees. Sharp Eyes, and Other Papers. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. 5-7. Charming nature studies by a man whose writings on nature have become classic. Squirrels and Other Fur-Bearers. 149 pp. Illus. by 15 drawings in color after Audubon. Houghton. 60c. net. Gr. 5-7. An unusually attractive nature book. Chase, Anna. Plant Babies and their Cradles. 142 pp. Illus. Large type. Educ. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 1-2. Buds, Stems, and Roots. 136 pp. Illus. Large type. Educ. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 2-3. 86 Some of Our Flower Friends. 158 pp. Illus. Large type. Educ. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 2-3. Dana, Mrs. William Starr. Plants and Their Children. 272 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 65c. Gr. 4-6. An interesting and valuable account of plants and their growth. Denton, Clara J. Under the Plantain Leaf. 94 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 25c. Gr. 3-4. “A day with three insects,” the ant, the bee, and the wasp. The Brownies’ Quest. 100 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 30c. Gr. 3-4. Tells of an investigation of various subjects in nature ordered by the King of the Brownies. Dickerson, Mary C. Moths and Butterflies. 344 pp. Illus. Ginn. $1.25. Gr. 6-. Over 200 illustrations from photographs. Faraday, Michael. Chemistry of a Candle. 224 pp. Illus. Harper. 75c. Gr. 8. A simple story of chemical science built around a common candle, by a scientist of world-wide fame. Flagg. A Year Among the Trees. 308 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. $1.00. Gr. 7-. Treats not only of the scientific classes, but of the value and beauty of trees and forests, and relations to human and animal life. Gray, Elisha. Nature’s Miracles. 3 vols. Baker. Gr. H. S. I. World Building and Life. 257 pp. II. Energy and Vibration. 255 pp III. Electricity and Magnetism. 248 pp. A series of “familiar talks and sciences.” The first deals with earth, air, and water ; the second with energy, sound, heat, light, and explosives. Griel, Katherine A. Glimpses of Nature for Little Folks. 104 pp. Illus. in color. Heath. 30c. Gr. 2-3. Grinnell, Elizabeth and Joseph. Our Feathered Friends. 144 pp. Illus. Heath. 30c. Gr. 5-7. Hardy, Mrs. A. S. Sea Stories for Wonder Eyes. 157 pp. Illus. Ginn. 40c. Gr. 5-7. Heilprin, Augelo. The Earth and Its Story. 267 pp. Illus. Silver. $1.00. Gr. H. S. An elementary geology. Sixty-four full-page illustrations. Herrick, Sophie B. The Earth in Past Ages. 241 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 6-8. 87 Holden, Edward S. Stories of the Great Astronomers. 255 pp. Home Reading Books. Ed. by William T. Harris, Appleton. 75c. Gr. 6-. Begins with Greek astronomers, and comes down to the present, telling through the biographies a fascinating story of the development of this noble science. Profusely illustrated. The Sciences. 224 pp. Illus. Ginn. 50c. Gr. 6-. A glimpse of astronomy, physics, chemistry, physiography, and meteorology. Howliston, Mary. Cat Tales, and Other Tales. 188 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 40c. Gr. 3-4. “Echo Elves,” “Fairy Mercury,” “Little B'rown Seed,” “Seedlings on the Wing,” etc. How to Make a Flower Garden. 370 pp. Illus. Doubleday. $1.60. net. Gr. 6-. Probably the best and most beautifully illustrated book on the sub- ject. The chapters are written by L. H. Bailey and other experts and cover every branch of the subject, and include many accounts of actual experiences. Size, 8 x iojC. Profusely illustrated; many full-page pictures. Iles, George. Flame, Electricity, and the Camera. 398 pp. Illus. Doubleday. $2.00 net. Gr. H. S. The story of man’s progress from the first kindling of fire to the wireless telegraph and the photography of color. Over 100 illustra- tions, frontispiece in color. Style clear and untechnical. “I have read your book with an intense interest growing into red-hot enthusiasm. It is one of the most fascinating books that I have seen in the last ten years .” — John Fiske. Ingersoll, Ernest. The Life of Animals (Mammals). 555 pp. Illus. Macmillan. $2.00. Gr. 6-. A very recent and excellent natural history, accurate in statement, interesting and simple in style, and profusely illustrated, among other pictures being full-page plates in color. Jefferies, Richard. Sir Bevis : a Tale- of the Fields. 129 pp. Illus. Ginn. 30c. Gr. 4-8. Adapted from Wood Magic by this famous English naturalist. Jordan, David Starr. True Tales of Birds and Beasts. 138 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 40c. Gr. 7-. Kelley, Meriba A. Short Stories of our Shy Neighbors. 214 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 3-4. Tells of the appearance and habits of various animals, birds, and in- sects. Kirby, Mary and Elizabeth. Aunt Martha’s Corner Cupboard. 160 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 40c. Also published by Educ. Pub. Co. at same price. Gr. 4-5. Pleasant little tales of tea, coffee, sugar, salt, currants, rice, and honey. 88 Lankester, E. Ray. Extinct Animals. 331 pp. Illus. Holt. $1.75 net. Gr. 6-. Told by the Director of the Natural History Department of the British Museum, these stories are scientifically accurate ; at the same time they are told in very simple language and are exceedingly inter- esting. The illustrations are numerous and good. Library of Useful Stories. About 200 pp. each. Illus. Ap- pleton. 35c. net each. Gr. 6-. The Story of Animal Life. By B. Lindsay. The Story of Eclipses. By G. F. Chambers, F. R. A. S. The Story of the Living Machine. By H. W. Conn. The Story of Germ Life. By Prof. H, W. Conn. The Story of the Earth’s Atmosphere. By Douglas Archibald. The Story of Electricity. By John Munro, C. E. The Story of a Piece of Coal. By E. A Martin, F. G. S. The Story of the Solar System. By G. F. Chambers. The Story of the Earth. By H. G. Seeley, F. R. S The Story of the Plants. By Grant Allen. The Story of the Stars. By G. F. Chambers, F. R A. S. An admirable series, written by authorities, well made and fully illustrated. Long, William J. A Little Brother to the Bear. 178 pp. Illus. Ginn. 50c. Gr. 5-. Stories of the coon, the woodcock, the wildcat, the toad, and other animals. Told with considerable literary skill. Secrets of the Woods. 184 pp. Illus. Ginn. 50c. Gr. s-. Stories of the kingfisher, the otter, the red squirrel, etc. : — Ways of Wood Folk. 205 pp. Illus. Ginn. 50c. Gr. s-. Tells of the ways of commoner animals, such as fox, crow, rabbit, and wild duck. Wilderness Ways. 155 pp. Illus. Ginn. 45c. Gr. 5-. About the caribou, the eagle, 'loon, lynx, etc. Lottridge, Silas A. Animal Snapshots and How Made. 338 pp. Illus. Holt. $1.75. Gr. 6-. A very interesting book on photographing live birds and animals, and on their habits and life. Miller, Olive Thorne. The First Books of Birds. 149 pp. Illus. Houghton. 60c. net. Gr. 6-. Tells entertainingly of birds, their nests, their young, their food, their habits, etc. Among the illustrations are eight full-page plates in color. Needham, James G. Outdoor Studies. 85 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 40c. Gr. 5-6. An excellent nature reader dealing both- with plant and animal life. 8 9 Noel, Maurice. Buz, or the Life and Adventures of a Honey Bee. 134 pp. Holt. $1.00. Gr. 5-7. Pratt, Mara L. Little Flower Folks. 2 vols. 138 and 130 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 40c. each. Gr. 4-6. Includes poems on flowers. Procter, Mary. Giant Sun and His Family. 167 pp. Illus. Silver. 50c. Gr. 6-. The story of the solar system, simply told and well illustrated. Pyle, Katherine. Stories of Humble Friends. 197 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 3-4. Autobiographies of animals, birds, and insects. Rexford, Eben E. Flowers: How to Grow Them. 176 pp. Penn. 50c. Gr. 6-. A practical treatise devoted mainly to the care of indoor flowers and plants. Roth, Filibert. First Book of Forestry. 291 pp. Illus. Ginn. 75c. Gr. 6-. Interesting account of American forests, with numerous pictures. Strong plea for forest protection. St. John, Thomas M. How Two Boys Made Their Own Elec- trical Apparatus. 141 pp. Illus. St. John. $1.00. Gr. 6-. Contains full and clear directions for making 152 different pieces of apparatus for the study of a great variety of phenomena in electricity and magnetism. The plans have been worked out with boys, and call for only the simplest material, — old tin cans and cracker boxes, bolts, screws, wire, and wood. 125 illustrations showing every process. A fascinating book for boys and one from which a great amount of scientific knowledge will be gleaned without effort. Real Electric Toy-Making for Boys. 140 pp. Illus. St. John. $1.00. Gr. 6-. Tells how to make a great number of electrical toys from simple and easily obtained materials. 100 illustrations. The Study of Elementary Electricity and Magnetism by Experiment. 220 pp. Illus. St. John. $1.25. Gr. 6-. Full directions for 200 simple experiments with simple apparatus ; 168 illustrations. Things a Boy Should Know About Electricity. 180 pp. Illus.' St. John. $1.00. Gr. 6-. A simple, straightforward, untechnical account of how and why things electrical “work,” presented in a way that catches the interest of boys. 260 illustrations. 90 Sargeant, Frederick Leroy. Corn Plants : Their Uses and Ways of Life. 106 pp. Illus. Houghton. 75c. Gr. 6-. “Corn” means wheat, oats, barley, rice, etc., as well as maize. Writ- ten in simple language. Scudder, Samuel H. The Life of a Butterfly (1893). 186 pp. Holt. $1.00. Gr. 7-. Shaler, Nathaniel S. A First Book in Geology. 255 pp. Illus. (1884). Heath. 60c. Gr. 6-8. An interesting story of the earth by a well-known scientist. Tells about pebbles, sand, and clay ; the making of rocks ; coal ; the work of water and air ; volcanoes and earthquakes ; fossils, etc. Man and the Earth. 240 pp. Duffield. $1.50 net. . Gr. 6-. A study of much interest by a great scientist. It treats of the relations between man and earth’s resources. Sharp, Dallas L. A Watcher in the Woods. 205 pp. Illus. Century. 84c. net. Gr. 4-6. Chapters from Wild Life Near Home selected for young readers. 62 attractive illustrations. “Of all the nature books of recent years I look upon Mr. Sharp’s as the best .” — John Burroughs. Spear, Mary A. Leaves and Flowers. 103 pp. Illus. Heath. 25c. Gr. 2-3. Speed, James. Jack and Nell in Field and Forest. Illus. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. 50c. Gr. 5-7. Stokes, Susan. Ten Common Trees. 108 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 40c. Gr. 3-5. Describes their relations to soil moisture, winds, and insects. Todd, David P. Stars and Telescopes. 419 pp. Illus. Little. $2.00. Gr. H. S. One of the most satisfactory of popular handbooks of astronomy. Numerous illustrations. Thoreau, Henry David. Maine Woods. Description of Fauna, Flora, and Topography of Maine. 359 pp. Crowell. 35c. Gr. 6-7. Trimmer, Mrs. The History of the Robins.. Ed. by E. E. Hale. 100 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 20c. Gr. 3-4. The story of “Dicksey,” “Pecksy,” and “Flapsy.” Walker, Margaret C. Our Birds and Their Nestlings. 208 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 4-7. A charming bird book, describing twenty-one common birds, all found in Maryland. There are fourteen full-page color pictures of birds and about sixty photographs of bird life. One of the best books at the price. 9i Weed, Clarence M. Bird Life Stories. 86 pp. Illus. Rand. 6oc. Gr. 5-. Compiled from the writings of Audubon, Beudire, Nuttall, Wilson, and other well-known naturalists ; modified to suit the needs of boys and girls. 24 colored plates. The Insect World. Illus. Home Reading Books. Ed. by Wm. T. Harris, Appleton. 60c. Gr. 6-. Welsh. Animal Land. 182 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 1-2. Many full-page and colored illustrations; large type. Out Doors. 182 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 1-2. Many pictures in color and other full-page illustrations ; large type. White, Gilbert. Natural History of Selborne. 251 pp. Ginn. 50c. Gr. 7-. A classic in natural history writing. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature Study in Elementary Schools. 2 vols. 253 and 275 pp. Illus. Macmillan. 35c. each. Gr. 1-2, 2-4. The lessons run with the seasons, by months. Wright, Mabel Osgood. The Heart of Nature Series. 3 vols. 143, 125 and 130 pp. Illus. Macmillan. 30c. net each. Gr. 4-5, s-6, 7-8. “Stories of Plants and Animals,” “Stories of Earth and Sky,” and “Stories of Birds and Beasts.” The author is a very popular writer on nature for children. .Sea-side and Way-side. 4 vols. I, 112 pp., 25c., gr. 2-3; II, 184 pp., 35c., gr. 3-4; III, 267 pp„ gr. 4-5; IV, 361 pp., 50c. Illus. Heath. I treats of crabs, wasps, spiders, bees, and mollusks ; II, of ants, flies, earthworms, beetles, starfish, and dragon flies; III, of plant life, butterflies, and birds ; IV, of elementary geology and astronomy. ANIMAL STORIES. Animal Stories. Retold from St. Nicholas Magazine. Ed. by M. H. Carter. 6 vols. Illus. About Animals ; Cat Stories ; Stories of Brave Dogs ; Lion and Tiger Stories ; Panther Stories ; Bear Stories. Century. 65c. net each. Gr. 5-. Animal Story Box. 4 vols. 4^x6^. 25c. each. Dutton. Gr. 3 - 5 - The four volumes are “Horse Tales” (Mary Boyle) ; “Moo-Cow Tales” (E. Nesbit and R. E. Bland) ; ‘‘Dog Tales” (Lillian Task) ; and “Cat Tales” (E. Nesbit and R E. Bland). Tales both serious and humorous, illustrated in color and in black and white. 92 Cheever, Harriett A. Lady Spider. Illus. Estes. 50c. Gr. 3-5. Doctor Robin. Illus. Estes. 50c. Gr. 3-5. Daulton, Agnes M. Autobiography of a Butterfly. 164 pp. Illus. Rand. 40c. Gr. 4-5. The title story, “Granny Brownie — Bug’s Story,” “The Beetles’ Cir- cus,” “The Insects’ Fiddle-Dee-Dee,” and “Queen Bumblebee’s Recep- tion.” Pronouncing index and list of helpful books. Eddy, Sarah J. Friends and Helpers. 231 pp. Illus. Ginn. 60c. Gr. 4-6. Stories and verse about animals, chiefly domestic animals. Interest- ing information about the care of pets. Finch, Nora. Colliery Jim. 160 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 40c. Gr. 4-6. The story of a mine mule ; a very interesting tale appealing to chil- dren’s sympathies. Hamerton, P. G. Chapters on Animals. 96 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 25c. Gr. 6-. Illustrations after Millais, Bonheur, etc. Holder, Charles F. Half Hours with the Lower Animals. 232 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. Gr. 5-8. Deals with protozoans, sponges, coral, shells, insects, etc. Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle Book. 303 pp. Illus. Century. $1 50. Gr. 6-. The stories of Mowgli, a man-cub, reared among the wild creatures of the jungle; characteristically powerful and imaginative. The Second Jungle Book. 324 pp. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Potter, Beatrix. The “Peter Rabbit” Books for Little Folk. 4 . vols. Illus. Warne. 50c. each. Gr. 2-4. “Tale of Peter Rabbit,” “Tale of Squirrel Nutkin,” “Tale of Ben- jamin Bunny,” “Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher.” Handsome illustrations in color. Roberts, Charles G. D. The Kindred of the Wild. 374 pp. Illus. Page. $2.00. Gr. 5-. Among the stories are “The Moonlight Trails” (Rabbits). “The Lord of the Air” (Eagle), “Wild Motherhood” (Moose), “The Boy and Hushwing” (Owl), “The Haunter of the Pine Gloom” (Lynx), “The Watcher of the Camp-Fire” (Panther), “The King of the Mamo- zekel” (Moose), “In Panoply of Spears” (Porcupine). The Watchers of the Trails. Illus. Page. $2.00. Gr. 5-. A collection similar to “The Kindred of the Wild.” Animal Tales. 6 vols. Illus. 50c. each. Page. Gr. 5-. Six tales from the larger books published separately: “Little People of the Sycamore” (Racoon), “The Return to the Trails” 93 (Bear), “Lord of the Air” (Eagle), “Haunter of the Pine Gloom” (Lynx), “Watcher of the Camp-Fire” (Panther), “King of the Mamozekel” (Moose). The nature tales of Mr. Roberts are in every way charming. They are full of the genuine forest spirit, in most respects scientifically true, written with genuine literary skill, and absorbingly interesting. Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe. Illus. Barnes. 6oc. Gr. 3-6. The autobiography of a dog. Schwartz, Julia A. Wilderness Babies. 234 pp. Illus. Little. $1.50. Gr. 5-8. An account of the life of 16 common mammals attractively told through the medium of stories. Seton, Ernest Thompson. Biography of a Grizzly. 167 pp. Illus. Century. $1.50. Lobo, Rag and Vixen. 147 pp. Illus. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. net. Gr. 4-6. Contains the following stories from Wild Animals I Have Known: “Lobo; The King of Currumpaw” ; “Redruff : The Story of the Don Valley Partridge”; “Raggylug : The Story of the Cottontail Rabbit”; “Vixen : The Springfield Fox.” Krag and Johnny Bear. 141 pp. Illus. Scribner, S. S. R. 50c. net. Gr. 4-6. Contains the following stories from Lives of the Hunted: “Krag: The Kootenary Ram”; “Randy: a Street Troubadour, Being the Ad- ventures of a Cock Sparrow”; “Johnny Bear”; “Chink: The Devel- opment of a Pup.” Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty. Ed. by Edward R. Shaw. 217 pp. S. L. S., University. 30c. Also published by Educ. Pub. Co. 245 pp. Illus. 25c. Gr. 4-7. The autobiography of a horse, and one of the most popular animal stories ever written. Duke. 154 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 30c. Gr. 3-5. The story of a dog. Smith, Laura R. Bunny Boy. 96 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 25c. Gr. 3-4. The story of a waif who came to the home of Bunny and Susan Cottontail, and was reared to be a respectable member of the rabbit family. A Tale of Bunny Cottontail. 95 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 25c. Gr. 2-3. Wesselhoeft, Lily F. Sparrow the Tramp. 262 pp. Illus. Lit- tle. $1.25. Gr. 3-5. 94 GEOGRAPHY, DESCRIPTION, AND TRAVEL. Allen, Alice E. Children of the Palm Lands. 187 pp. Ulus. Educ. Pub. Co. 50c. Gr. 5-6. Tells of life and products in hot countries; accounts of bananas, ginger, tea, coffee, chocolate, dates, nutmegs, cinnamon, etc. Andrews, Jane. The Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball That Floats in the Air. 24 ch. 121 pp. Illus. Ginn. 50c. The “seven little sisters” represent seven races whose manners and customs are shown through the stories of childhood. The author is recognized as a writer of classic stories for children of primary- grades. Each and All : the Seven Little Sisters Prove Their Sisterhood. 142 pp. Illus. Ginn. 50c. Shows the close relationship and mutual dependence of the races. Geographical Plays. 140 pp. Ginn. 50c. Atherton, Edward, ed. The Adventures of Marco Polo. 163 pp. Illus. Home Reading Books. Ed. by Wm. T. Harris, Appleton. 65c. Gr. 6-. An attractive edition for young people of the famous old narrative of Oriental travel. Ayrton, M. Chaplin. Child Life in Japan. 84 pp. Illus. H. S. C., Heath. 20c. Gr. 3-5. The author lived in Japan and published this book in 1879. This edition is edited by W. E. Griffis. 30 illustrations by Japanese artists. It depicts the old Japan which is now passing away. Bayliss, Clara Kern. Lolami, the Little Cliff Dweller ; Lolami in Tusayan. Illus. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. 50c. each. Gr. 4-7. Tells of the life of the cliff-dwellers of New Mexico and Arizona. Butterwortti, Hezekiah. Zigzag Stories of History, Travel, and Adventure. Illus. Estes. $1.50 Gr. 7. The author wrote an excellent travel series, called the Zigzag Journeys; this volume includes a selection of the best stories. Fully illustrated. Campbell, Helen L. Story of Little Konrad, the Swiss Boy; Wah Sing, Our Little Chinese Cousin; Wewa, the Child of the Pueblos; Little Metzu (Japanese); Little Jan (Dutch). Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 25c. each. Gr. 4-5. Carpenter, Frank G. Geographical Readers. 6 vols. Illus. A. B. Co. 60c. each. North America, 355 pp., 70c.; South 95 America, 352 pp. ; Europe, 456 pp., 70c. ; Asia, 307 pp. : Australia, Islands, Our Colonies, 388 pp. ; Africa, 336 pp. These accounts are based on travel as well as reading, and are vivid and interesting ; the series is a very popular one, and deservedly so. Doubleday, Russell. A Year in a Yawl. 365 pp. Ulus. Double- day. $1.25 net. Gr. 6-. A story, founded on fact, of the remarkable trip made by four boys in a yawl of their own construction. Starting in Lake Michigan they made a 17,000 mile circumnavigation of the eastern half of the United States, by way of the Mississippi, Gulf, Atlantic, Hudson, Erie Canal, and Lakes. Du Chaillu, Paul B. The Country of the Dwarfs (314 pp.) ; My Apingi Kingdom (254 pp.). Harper. $1.25 each. Gr. 6-. Exciting accounts of travels and adventures in Africa. Geographical Series. Articles which have appeared in the Youth's Companion. 5 vols. 138 pp. each. Illus. Ginn. 25c. each. Gr. 5-. “Northern Europe,” “Strange Lands Near Home,” “The Wide World.” “Toward the Rising Sun,” “Under Sunny Skies,” are titles of the five volumes. Hearn, Lafcadio, see Fiction. Hill, Lucy A. Marion’s Experiences. 251 pp. Educ. Pub. Co. 75c. Gr. 7-9. “An admirable book for young school girls from 12 to 15 years of age. It has also historical value that lovers of Germany will recog- nize .” — Mary A. Livermore. A picture of school life in Germany. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Our Old Home. A Narrative of Eng- lish Travel. 390 pp. Crowell. 35c. Gr. 6-8. Horton, Edith. The Frozen North. 157 pp. Illus. Heath. 40c. Gr. 6-. Nineteenth century explorations made in the polar regions are here recounted very interestingly. Jenics, Tudor. The Boy’s Book of Explorations. 350 pp. Illus. Doubleday. $2.00. Gr. 7-. Stories of the travels and discovery in Africa, Asia, and America. Little Cousin Series. 75 to 125 pp. to a volume. Illus. Page. 60c. Gr. 4-6. Our Little African Cousin. Our Little Russian Cousin. Our Little American Cousin. Our Little Siamese Cousin. Our Little Brown Cousin. Our Little Swiss Cousin. Our Little Eskimo Cousin. Our Little German Cousin. Our Little Irish Cousin. Our Little Jewish Cousin. Our Little Italian Cousin. Interesting stories of child life in foreign lands, which give excellent pictures of life in the various countries. Six full-page illustrations in tint in each volume. Written by Mary Hazleton Wade. 96 Little Journeys. By Marion M. George. 14 vols. Illus. Flana- gan. 50c. each, full set for $6.25. Gr. 4-8. Cuba and Porto Rico; 162 pp., 71 illus. Hawaii and the Philippines ; 180 pp., 66 illus. China and Japan; 170 pp., 82 illus. Mexico and Central America; 168 pp., 60 illus. Alaska and Canada; 174 pp., 76 illus. England and Wales (including London and Liverpool) ; 170 pp., 6a illus. Scotland and Ireland ; 162 pp., 74 illus. Italy, Spain, and Portugal; 170 pp., 72 illus. France and Switzerland; 180 pp., 78 illus. Holland, Belgium, and Denmark ; 180 pp., 82 illus. North and South Germany ; 220 pp., 65 illus. Turkey, The Balkans and Greece; 208 pp., 80 illus. Russia' ' and Austria ; 200 pp., 65 illus. Norway and Sweden ; 200 pp., 70 illus. The reader takes these trios with the author. The life of each people is vividly pictured. Each volume contains the flag of the country in colors, a colored map, and many illustrations typical of the country described. National songs (words and music), vocabularies of proper and typical names, books of reference, complete plans for taking imaginary trips to each country in entertainment, etc. Livingstone, Cora. Glimpses of Pioneer Life. 170 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 40c. Gr. 3-4. Tells of the visit of two city children to the home of their grand- parents in Central Illinois, of life on the farm in the earlier days. Mueller, Mary. Little People of the Snow. 109 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 35c. Gr. 3-4. Tales of Eskimo life. Wretched Flea. 160 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 35c. Gr. 2-3. About a little Chinese boy and his home life. Akimakoo, an African Boy. 146 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 35c. Gr. 3-4. Schwartz, Julia A. Five Little Strangers, and How They Came to Live in America. 176 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 40c. Gr. 2-3. Very interesting stories of child life among Indians, Puritans, negroes of Africa, Chinese, and Filipinos. Schwatka, Frederick. Children of the Cold. 212 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. $1.25. Gr. 5-7. Tales of children and grown-ups in Eskimo land, telling of the homes, work, food, methods of travel, clothing, playthings, sports, etc. Many full-page illustrations. In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers. Illus. Pub. Co. $1.25. Gr. 6-8. Stories of Mexico, New Mexico, and kindred countries. Educ. 97 Shaler, Nathaniel S. The Story of Our Continent. 290 pp. Illus. (1891.) Ginn. 75c. Gr. 6-8. “A reader in the geography and geology of North America,” by a well-known scientist and popular writer. Shaw, Edward R. Big People and Little People of Other Lands. 128 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 30c. Gr. 2-3. Very interesting stories of foreign lands. Star, .Frederick. Strange Peoples. 186 pp. Illus. Heath. 40c. Gr. 6-10. Accounts of Mexicans, Lapps, Turks, Coreans, Arabs, etc. The author is a well-known authority. Starr, Laura B. Mustafa, the Egyptian Boy. 146 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 40c. Gr. 3-4. • Story of a modern Egyptian boy from childhood to manhood. World and Its People, The. (A set of geographical readers.) 12 vols. (Graded from primary to high school.) Maps and illustrations. Silver. I. First Lessons ; by Larkin Dunton. 160 pp. 36c. Simple stories that teach a few fundamental facts. II. Glimpses of the World; by Larkin Dunton. 159 pp- 36c- Teaches of the globe and land and water formations. III. Our Own Country; by Minna C Smith. 217 pp. 50c. Imaginary journeys throughout the United States. IV. Our American Neighbors; by Fanny E. Coe. 328 pp. 60c. Treats of Canada, Mexico, and Central and South America. V. Modern Europe; by Fanny E. Coe. 407 pp. 60c. A full and interesting description of the various countries. VI. Life in Asia ; by Mary Cate Smith. 328 pp. 60c. Describes Japan, China and other curious Oriental lands. VII. Views in Africa; by Anna B. Ballam. 552 pp. 72 c. Geography and history graphically presented. VIII. Australia and the Islands of the Sea; by Eva M. C. Kellogg. 448 pp. 68c. Describes several lands that are little known to readers. IX. Hawaii and Its People; by Alexander S. Twombly. 384 pp. 68c. Ranges from the ancient Hawaii and its folk-lore to the modern island. 9 8 X. The South American Republics ; by W. Fisher Markwick and William A. Smith. 362 pp. 60c. A comprehensive, up-to-date, and interesting account. XI. The Story of the Philippines ; by Adeline Knapp. 295 pp. 60c. A picturesque, authoritative narrative, suited to grammar grades. XII. Porto Rico : The Land of the Rich Port ; by Joseph B. Seabury. 224 pp. 50c. A good all-round description and history of the island. Yonge, Charlotte M. Little Lucy’s Wonderful Globe. 141 pp. Ulus. Educ. Pub. Co. 50c. Gr. 3-6. An old favorite that may be the means of teaching considerable geography. Many full-page illustrations. PRIMITIVE LIFE AND AMERICAN INDIANS. Andrews, Jane. Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now. 249 pp. Illus. Ginn. 50c. Gr. 3-4. Stories of Kablu the Aryan boy, Darius the Persian boy, Cleon the Greek boy, etc A primary classic. Dopp, Katharine. The Tree-Dwellers (160 pp.) ; The Early Cave- men (183 pp.) ; The Later Cavemen (220 pp.)* Rand. 45c. each. Gr. 2-4. Excellent accounts of primitive life and its institutions by an expert. Dutton, Samuel M., ed. The World at Work Series. Illus. A. B. Co. Descrbes the development of the race from barbarism to civiliza- tion. Child life among primitive peoples, and the backward races of today described. Mott, Sarah M., and Dutton, Maude B. Fishing and Hunting. 127 pp. 30c. Gr. 1-2. Dutton, Maude B. In Field and Pasture. 190 pp. 35c. Gr. 2-3. Fox, Florence C. Indian Primer. 120 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 25c. Gr. 1-2. The life of five types of Indians told through the life of Indian children. Husted, Mary. Stories of Indian Children. Pub. Sch. Pub. Co. 40c. Gr. 2-3. Deals with the actual life of a real Indian village. Description of children’s sports included. Extracts from Hiawatha. Judd, Mary Catherine. Wigwam Stories. 276 pp. Illus. Ginn. 75c. Gr. 3-5. One of the best collections about Indians : deals with life and customs, traditions and myths, and present conditions. 99 Smith, Mary E. Eskimo Stories. Illus. Rand. 40c. Gr. 2-3. Star, Frederick. American Indians. * 242 pp. Illus. Heath. 45c. Gr. 6-10. Deals with life and customs ; the author is an authority on the subject. Wiley, Belle, and Edick, Grace Willard. Two Little Children of the Cliff. Illus. Appleton, 30c. Gr. 3-5. Lodrix, the Little Lake Dweller. Illus. Appleton. 30c. net. Gr. 3-5. INDUSTRIES, INVENTIONS, AND USEFUL ARTS. Adams, W. I. Lincoln. Amateur Photography. 135 pp. Illus. Baker. $1.25. Gr. 6-. The sixth edition, revised and enlarged, of this practical guide for beginners Treats all necessary phases of the subject, contains tables of exposure, etc., and numerous full-page and text illustrations. A standard work. Size, 5^4 x 8 . Baker, Ray Stannard. The Boy’s Book of Inventions. Illus. McClure. $2.00. Gr. 7-. Interesting accounts of liquid air, wireless telegraphy, X-ray photography, etc. Boy’s Second Book of Inventions. Illus. McClure. $1.60 net. Gr. 7-. Tells about radium, the electrical furnace, solar motor, flying machines, Marconi’s wireless telegraphy, etc. Explanations are very clear. Barnard, Charles. Tools and Machines. 164 pp. Illus. Silver. 60c. Gr. 6-. An easy study of the use of ordinary tools and simple machines. Chamberlain, James Franklin. How We Are Fed (214 pp.) ; How We Are Clothed (235 pp.) ; How We Are Shel- tered. Illus. Macmillan. 40c. net each. Gr. 4-8. These interesting little volumes help children to understand the ordinary .industrial activities about them, and also the interdependence of individuals, communities, and nations. Chase, Annie, and Clow, E. Stories of Industry. 2 vols. 172 pp. and 176 pp. Illus. Educ. Pub. Co. 60c. each. Gr. 5-7. Treat of coal, petroleum, gold, silver, copper, zinc, tin, etc. ; of manufacture of knives, pens, stoves, watches, needles, etc. ; cotton and cotton industries ; animal products, as fur, leather, cheese ; and those of the vegetable world, as sugar, spices, paper. The style is simple, and dry or technical detail is omitted. IOO Doubleday, Russell. Stories of Inventions. 230 pp. Illus. Doubleday. $1=25 net. Gr. 7-. Stories of the wireless telegraph, aerial navigation, modern locomo- tive, submarine boats, automobiles, etc. Hasluck, Paul N. Photography. 160 pp. Illus. Cassell. 50c. Gr. 6-. A popular treatment of matters essential to the amateur. Mowry, William A. and Arthur M. American Inventions and Inventors. 298 pp. Illus. Silver. 65c. Gr. 5-. Six to eight chapters each on heat, light, food, clothing, travel, and letters. Under the last head are treated the printing press, the postal system, the telegraph and telephone, and the Atlantic cable. Rocheleau, W. F. Great American Industries. I, Minerals (212 pp.) ; II, Products of the Soil (178 pp.) ; III, Manufac- turing (222 pp.). Illus. Flanagan. 50c. each. Gr. 5-8. 7 This series not only gives descriptions but some history of the numerous industries described. The accounts are free of technical terms and easy to read ; the facts are taken from recent and reliable sources. A wide field is covered. This unique series should be in every library. Rawlings, Gertrude B. The Story of Books. 160 pp. Illus. Library of Useful Stories, Appleton. 35c. net. Gr. 7-. An account of the making of books — printing, binding, etc., from the earliest times. Story, Alfred T. The Story of Photography. 169 pp. Illus. Library of Useful Stories, Appleton. 35c. net. Gr. 7-. An interesting account of the development of the art of photography, of recent discoveries and applications, and of color photography Waterhouse, P. Leslie. The Story of the Art Building. 215 pp. Illus. Library of Useful Stories, Appleton. 35c. .net. Gr. 7-. An elementary history of building and architecture. World's Progress Readers, The. Industries of Today, 137 pp. ; Triumphs of Science, 154 pp. Illus. Ginn. 25c. and 30c. respectively. Gr. 7-. Republished from the Youth’s Companion. Doueleday, Russell. Stories of Inventors. 230 pp. Illus. Doubledav. $1.25 net. Gr. 7-. Stories of the wireless telegraph, aerial navigation, modern locomo- tive, submarine boats, automobiles, etc. IOI MISCELLANEOUS. Bostock, Frank C. The Training of Wild Animals. Illus. Century. $1.00 net. Gr. 5-8. A truthful and entertaining account of how lions, tigers, and other wild animals are trained for show purposes ; by a well-known trainer. A very attractive book for boys. Boyle, Margaret P. Calendar Stories. 127 pp. Illus. Flanagan. 30c. Gr. 3-6. A calendar tells its story to a bright little girl ; the evolution of the reckoning of time and the derivation of calendar names are explained, with considerable account of the ancient Egyptians and other people. Careers for Coming Men. Illus. Saalfield. $1.50. Gr. 7-. Twenty-three men of eminence write of as many vocations, dis- cussing the advantages and disadvantages of each, rumuneration, etc. For example, L. H. Bailey writes on farming, Colonel Miles writes on the army, C. T. Brady on authorship, F. N. Doubleday on publishing. Cody, Col. W. F. Adventures of Buffalo Bill. 156 pp. Illus. Harper. 60c. Gr. 6-. “Buffalo Bill” tells of his experiences and adventures in the West. Greenough, James B., and Kittredge, George L. Words and Their Ways in English Speech. 431 pp. Macmillan. $1.00 net. Gr. 7-. An untechnical treatment of etymology through a study of the connection between the history of language and the history of civili- zation. “As valuable as a dictionary and as readable as a vivid piece of narrative or descriptive writing .” — Boston Transcript. Griffin, Caroline C. The Young Folks’ Book of Etiquette. 80 pp. Flanagan. 35c. Gr. 5-. Lincoln, Abraham. The Gettysburg Speech, and Other Papers. R. L. S., Houghton. 40c. Gr. H. S. Thirteen letters and addresses by Lincoln, and essays on Lincoln by James Russell Lowell and Carl Schurz. Marden, Orison Swett. Choosing a Career. Illus. Bobbs. $1.00 net. Gr. H. S. Part I deals with the theoretical aspects of the topic — the duty of parents ; the effect of surroundings, habit, physical fitness, nervous temperament, disposition, manner ; the necessity of health, of definite purpose, of courage, energy, and enthusiasm Part II contains a mass of valuable facts and opinions. The chief occupations are treated separately, and everywhere the author has called upon expert opinion to reinforce his own. Bankers, lawyers, railroad presidents, manufacturers, editors, printers, stenographers, artists, nurses, physicians — each a person of distinction in his own line — give the results of their experience. 102 Maxtee, John. The Dog. 140 pp. Illus. Penn. 50c. Gr. 6-. “All that it is necessary to know about choosing, feeding, curing, and training a dog.” Rolfe, William J., ed. Tales from Scottish History. 210 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 6-8. Several old ballads, poems of Scott, Aytoun, Allan, and Campbell ; and prose selections from Scott. Notes. Tales from English History. 168 pp. Illus. A. B. Co. 50c. Gr. 6-8. Similar in plan to the preceding title. Moffett, Cleveland. Careers of Danger and Daring. 419 pp. Illus. Century. $1.50. Gr. 6-. Stories of the steeple climber, the deep sea diver, the balloonist, the pilot, the bridge builder, the city fireman, the aerial acrobat, the wild beast tamer, the dynamite worker, the locomotive engineer. Accurate, well written stories of thrilling interest and full of valuable informa- tion. REFERENCE. Note. — The following books are suitable both for elementary and high schools, unless the contrary is stated. Bechtel, John H. Practical Synonyms. 226 pp. Penn. 50c. A Dictionary of Mythology. 221 pp. Penn. 50c. An admirable little reference book on mythology; words pronounced and explained Explanations vary in length from a line to two pages according to the importance of the term. Cushing, Luther S. Manual of Parliamentary Practice. 239 pp. Winston. 50c. Champlin, John D. Young Folks’ Cyclopedias. 5 vols. 800 pp. Illus. Holt. $2.50 per volume. Common Things (1906), 932 pp. ; Persons and Places (19(06), 958 pp. ; Literature and Art (1901), 604 pp. ; Games and Sports (1890), 784 pp. ; Natural History (1905), 725 P p. A very popular set of reference books for young people, simple in language, fully illustrated, and covering aH points likely to be needed: Pronunciation of words Abdicated. Topical index in each volume. Holst, B. P., ed. The Teachers and Pupils’ Cyclopedia. Illus. 2,340 pp. 4 vols. Half leather. (1906.) Holst. $16.00 cash; $16.50 on deferred payment plan. A somewhat larger work than Champlin’s, containing all articles under one vocabulary, with a general topical index in vol. IV. Colored and relief maps, colored plates, 1,500 illustrations, elaborate folding anatomical charts in several colors. 103 New Imperial Atlas of the World. 172 pp. Rand. $2.50. Large scale, colored, cross-reference maps of every State and terri- tory in the United States and Canada, the continents and their sub- divisions. Ready reference marginal index of States, counties, cities, and on city maps of streets and points of interest. Useful statistics. Size, 12. x 14 inches. New International Encyclopedia. 16,328 pp. 20 vols. Dodd, Mead & Co., 372 Fifth Ave., New York City. Sold by subscription only; descriptive circular, sample pages and prices may be obtained from the publishers. Gr. H. S. A publication in every way first class The editors are Daniel C. Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, and Frank M. Colby. Over 7,oco illustrations. The best of the large encylopedias for schools. Pittenger, William. The Debater’s Treasury. 141 pp. Penn. 50c. Includes a list of over 200 questions for debate, with arguments both affirmative and negative. Chapters on the “Art of Debate,” “Forms of Debate,” “A Debating Society,” etc. BOOKS FOR TEACHERS’ LIBRARY. Arnold. Waymarks for Teachers. Silver. $1.25. Bagley, Wm. Chandler. The Educative Process. Macmillan. $1.25. Classroom Management. Macmillan. $1.25. Baldwin, Joseph. Elementary Psychology and Education. Apple- ton. $1.50. Psychology Applied to the Art of Teaching. Appleton. $1.50. School Management and School Methods. Appleton. $1.50. Boone, Richard G. Education in the United States. Appleton. $1.50. Bradby, H. C. Rugby School. Macmillan. $1.50. Bryan. The Basis of Practical Teaching. Silver. Butler, Nicholas M. The Meaning of Education. Macmillan. $1.00. Compayre, Gabriel. Intellectual and Moral Development of the Child. Appleton. $1.50. Chubb, Percival. The Study and Teaching of English. Mac- millan. $1.00. 104 Clow. Economics as a School Study. Macmillan. Coit, Stanton. Ethics for Teachers. Macmillan. $1.00. Committee of Seven. The Study of History in Schools. Mac- millan. 50c. Cronson, Bernard. Methods in Elementary School Studies. Macmillan. $1.25. Davidson, Thomas. The Education of the Greek People. Apple- ton. $1.50. De Garmo, Charles. Interest and Education. Macmillan. $1.00. Principles of Secondary Education. Macmillan. $1.25. Dexter, Edwin Grant. History of Education in the United States. Macmillan. $2.00. Dewey, John. School and Society. University Press. De Guimps, Roger. Life and Works of Pestalozzi. Appleton. $1.50. Dutton, S. T. Social Phases of Education. Macmillan. $1.25. Eckoff, Wm. J. Herbart's A B C of Sense-Perception. Apple- ton. $1.50. Findlay, J. J. Principles of Class Teaching. Macmillan. $1.25. Fouillee, Alfred. Education from a National Standpoint. Apple- ton. $1.50. Froebel, Friedrich. Education of Man. Appleton. $1.50. Pedagogics of the Kindergarten. Appleton. $1.50. Educational Laws. Appleton. $1.50. Education by Development. Appleton. $1.50. Harris, William T. Psychologic Foundations of Education. Appleton. $1.50. Halleck, R. P. The Education of the Central Nervous System. Macmillan. $1.00. Hamilton, Samuel. The Recitation. Lippincott. Hanus, P. H. Educational Aims and Values. Macmillan. $1.00. Herbart, J. F. Outlines of Educational Doctrine. Macmillan. $1.25. A Text Book in Psychology. Appleton. $t.oo. io 5 Hinsdale, B. A. How to Study and Teach History. Appleton. $1.50. Horne, Herman H. Psychological Principles of Education. Mac- millan. $1.75. Philosophy of Education. Macmillan. $1.50. Huey. Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading. Macmillan. Klemm, L. R. European Schools. Appleton. $2.00. Higher Education of Women in Europe. Translation. Appleton. $1.00. Locke, John. Thoughts on Education. Macmillan. $1.00. Luckey. The Professional Training of Secondary Teachers in the United States. Macmillan. McMurry, C. A. and F. M. The Method of the Recitation. Mac- millan. 90c. McMurry, Charles A. Special Method in the Reading of English Classics. Macmillan. 75c. Elements of General Methods. Macmillan. 90c. Special Method in Primary Reading and Oral Work. Macmillan. 60c. Special Method in Geography. Macmillan. 70c. Special Method in History. Macmillan. 75c. Special Method in Elementary Science. Macmillan. 75c. Special Method in Arithmetic. Macmillan. 70c. Special Method in Language in the Eight Grades. Macmillan. 70c. Nature Study Lessons for Primary Studies. Macmillan. Type Studies from United States Geography. Mac- millan. 50c. Monroe, Paul. A Text Book in the History of Education. Mac- millan. $1.90. McLellan and Dewey. The Psychology of Number. Appleton. $1.50. Montaigne. The Education of Children. Appleton.. $1.00. io6 Morrison, Gilbert B. The Ventilation and Warming- of School Buildings. Appleton. $1.00. Oppenheim, Nathan. Mental Growth and Control. Macmillan. $1.00. O’Shea, M. V. Dynamic Factors in Education. Macmillan. $1.25. Painter, F. V. N. A History of Education. Appleton. $1.20. Payne. Public Elementary School Curricula. Silver. $1.00. Payne, W. H. Rousseau’s Emile; or, Treatise on Education. Appleton. $1.50. Putnam. Manual of Pedagogics. Silver. $1.50. Pickard, J. L. School Supervision. Appleton. $1.00. Quick, Robert H. Essays on Educational Reformers. Appleton. $1. 50- Redway, J. W. The New Basis of Geography. Macmillan. $1.00. Rowe, S. H. The Physical Nature of the Child. Macmillan. 90c. Shaw, E. R. School Hygiene. Macmillan. $1.00. Saunders, Thomas E. Management and Methods. Claude J. Bell Co., Nashville, Tenn. Seeley, Levi. History of Education. A. B. Co. $1.25. Sheldon, Henry D. Student Life and Customs. Appleton. $1.20. Tpiorndyice, Edward L. Principles of Teaching. A. G. Seiler, N..Y- Thring, Edward. Theory and Practice of Teaching. Macmillan. Ware, Fabian. The Educational Foundations of Trade and Industry. Appleton. $1.20. Warner, F. Growth and Training of the Mental Faculties. Mac- millan. $1.00. Weltpn, J. 'me Logical Bases of Education. Macmillan. $1.00. Wilson, Lucy J. W. Picture Study in Elementary Schools. Mac- millan. 90c. Domestic Science Manual. Macmillan. 90c. Zimmern, A. Methods of Education in the United States. Mac- millan. $1.00. A $50 SCHOOL LIBRARY. A selection of a $50 library of some of the best books is given below for the use of small schools. The titles are arranged in the order of desirability and the list is made into groups amounting to about $5 each. Few high priced books are included. AUTHOR. Defoe. Eggleston. Baldwin. Baldwin. Carpenter. Carpenter. Waterman. Andersen. Lane. Lane. Sewell. Alcott. Hawthorne. Baldwin. Carpenter. Carpenter. Carpenter. Carpenter. Champlin. Champlin. Burt. Andrews. Scudder. Eggleston. Arabian Nights. Carroll. Scudder. Baker. Mother Goose. O’Shea. Lodge & Roose- velt. Seawell. Alcott. Wyss. Passano. Grimm. Kelly. Eggleston. Kipling. Saunders. B uny an. Greene. Scudder. Jenks. TITLE. Robinson Crusoe. Stories of great Americans. Fifty famous stories retold. Abraham Lincoln. North America. Europe. Graded memory selections. Stories. Triumphs of science. Industries of today. Black Beauty. Little women. Wonder-book for girls and boys. Four great Americans. Asia. South America. Africa. Australia. Cyclopedia of persons and places. Cyclopedia of common things. Poems that every child should know. Seven little sisters. Verse and prose for beginners. Household history of the United States. Stories from the Arabian Nights. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. George Washington. Boy’s book of inventions. Book of nursery rhymes. Six nursery classics. Hero tales from American history. Paul Jones. Little men. Swiss family Robinson. Maryland history stories. German household tales. Short stories of our shy neighbors. First book in American history. Jungle book. Beautiful Joe. Pilgrim’s Progress. Legends of King Arthur. Book of legends. Boy’s book of explorations. NET PUBLISHER. COST. Houghton. $ .50 Amer. Bk. Co. .33 Amer. Bk. Co. .29 Amer. Bk. Co. .50 Amer. Bk. Co. .50 Amer. Bk. Co. .58 Educ. Pub. Co. 22 Houghton. *38 Ginn. 25 Ginn. .21 Crowell. .37 Little. .90 Houghton. $ .33 Amer. Bk. Co. .41 Amer. Bk. Co. .50 Amer. Bk. Co. .50 Amer. Bk. Co. .50 Amer. Bk. Co. .50 Holt. 1.70 Holt. $ 1.70 Doubleday. .70 Ginn. .41 Houghton. .21 Appleton. 1.65 Houghton. .33 Macmillan. $ .78 Houghton. .33 McClure. 1.23 Heath. .25 Heath. .17 Century. .94 Appleton. .63 Little. .90 Ginn. $ .37 Wil. & Wilkins. .80 Houghton. .33 Amer. Bk. Co. .41 Amer. Bk. Co. .50 Century. .94 Barnes. .20 Century. .94 Ginn. .41 Houghton. .21 Doubleday. .40 4.98 4.44 5.00 5.23 5.51 AUTHOR. Burton. Perry & Beebe. Andrews. Longfellow. Franklin. T -amb. McMurry. Coffin. Moffett. Rostock. Barnes. Eggleston. Starr. Stevenson. Dodge. Dodge. Pyle. Kaler (Otis). Vaile. Hale. Kieffer. Snyri. Hawthorne. Brown. Cumnock. Seawell. Lang. Lane. Lane. Lane. Meadowcroft. Scudder. Rlls. Washington. Bolton. Bolton. Barbour. Barnes. Brooks. Beard. Scott. Cooper. Dickens. Beard. Total. TITLE. NET PUBLISHER. COST. Four American patriots. Amer. Bk. Co. $ .41 Four American pioneers. Amer. Bk. Co. .41 Stories Mother Nature told. Ginn. .41 Song of Hiawatha. Houghton. .33 Autobiography. Houghton. 33 Tales from Shakespeare. Pioneers of the Rocky mountains Houghton. A1 and the West. Macmillan. .33 Roys of ’70. Harper. 1.23 Careers of danger and daring. Century. .94 Training of wild animals. Century. $ /.77 Hero of Erie. Stories of American life and adven- Appleton. .63 ture. Amer. Bk. Co. .41 Strange peoples. Heath. .33 Child’s garden of verses. Rand. .33 Reader in physical geography. Longmans. .60 Hans Brinker. Some merrv adventures of Robin Scribner. .42 Hood. Scribner. .41 Toby Tyler. Harper. .37 Orcutt girls. Wilde. .94 Man without a country. Little. •$ .21 Recollections of a drummer-boy. Houghton. Ginn. .94 Heidi. .33 Tanglewood tales. Houghton. .33 In the days of giants. Houghton. .41 School speaker. McClurg. .50 Little Jarvis. Appleton. .63 Blue fairy book. Burt. .36 Wide world geographical reader. Ginn. .21 Under sunny skies. Ginn. .21 Toward the rising sun. Ginn. .21 Strange lands near home. Ginn. .21 Northern Europe. Ginn. .21 A B C of electricity. Hinds. .33 Fables and folk stories. Houghton. $ "33 Making of an American. Macmillan. .53 TTp from slavery. Doubleday, 1.18 Lives of girls who became famous. Lives of poor boys who became Crowell. .94 famous. Crowell. .94 For the honor of the school. Appleton. .94 Midshipman Farragut. Appleton. $ .63 Master of the Strong Hearts. American boy’s handy book. Dutton. .94 Scribner. 1.23 Tvanhoe. Houghton. .58 Last of the Mohicans. Plough ton. .58 Tale of two cities. Houghton. .41 Curious homes and their tenants. Appleton. .54 $50.03