LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS List of Books for School Libraries recommended by the NEBRASKA -PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMISSION New and enlarged edition December, 1903. Published by the Nebraska Public Library Commission, Lincoln NEBRASKA PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMISSION LINCOLN J. I. YVYER, Jr.. President. E. BEN J. ANDREWS, Chancellor of the University of Nebraska, W. K. FOWLER, State Supt. of Public Instruction. LEE HERDMAN, State Librarian. F. L. HALLER, Omaha Public Library. EDNA D. BULLOCK. Secretary. “Books are education. The more people read, the more they know. The more good literature there is in their libraries, the more well-stocked brains there will eventually be, and good brains never will and never can be a drug on the market.” # # ^ If the crowns of all the kingdoms of the Empire were laid down at my feet in exchange for my books and my love of reading, I would spurn them all. Fenelon. o n \ H'bCp R- SL INTRODUCTION. Q Ll_’ • o u . In publishing and distributing a list of books for school libraries* It is the desire of this Commission to help the schools of the state to get the greatest possible return for the money they spend on school libraries — not the largest number of volumes, but the largest number of good, well bound and printed, and carefully selected books. Discriminating care in the selection of books for a school library Is so imperative if the books are to accomplish what a school library ought to accomplish, that the secretary of this Commission has Cheerfully devoted much time to comparing the best lists of the kind in print, and to studying the books themselves. It is not enough that a book should be a good book — it must be good for somethmg, or it is a waste of money to put it in a school library. In many of the school libraries of Nebraska there are cheap, unattractive editions of books of recognized standing— the English and other classics. These are well enough, in their way, but they are a poor beginning for a school library if not reinforced by the child’s best literature. The primary function of a school library is to provide supplementary material for school use. Another, and equally important function is to enable children to form the reading habit, and to introduce them to the best lin literature. That school that contents itself with teaching the mere mechanical art of reading, leaving the pupils to grope blindly through the literary wilderness for a lifetime, falls far short of the [requirements of the twentieth century. If children are taught to [use books, and given some means of obtaining good and useful books, [much that it now seems imperative for the school to attempt may safely be left to the voluntary self-education of the people. Any graded list of books for schools must be based on the assump- tion that children have been reading from the first grade on up. It jls a great mistake to select the school library chiefly for the high techool and upper grammar grades. In the use of books and the ap- jpreciation of literature, it is as true as of any other form of mental development that “we build the ladder by which we rise From the lowly earth to the vaulted skies, And we mount to its summit round by round.” If anybody must be neglected in the selection of books for the school library, let it be the older children. Children who have not had op- portunity to read in the grades are not ready for the literature course in the high school. The following list is planned to include the best supplementary, literature, and some of the best literature of enjoyment. The stand- ard authors in English and American literature have been somewhat sparingly included because it is assumed that the schools already have them or have planned to get them. For school editions of the literary classics, address the American Book Co., Educational Publishing Co., D. C., Heath & Co., Rand McNally & Co., at their Chicago houses, and Houghton, Mifflin & Co., at Boston. Books should be selected according to the needs of the school — not because of the intense desire of some agent to sell them. It is poor policy for any library to be selected entirely from the books published by a single firm. Generally speaking, nothing is saved in dealing with publishers, so far as money goes, and the power to make an all round selection is almost invariably lost. An agent who comes to a district with a case of 3u books which he sells for $30, or more, is a person to be avoided. The average cost for books for popular read- ing is about $1 a volume. An all round school library need average not more than 80 cents a volume, exclusive of reference books. For the first four grades, the average will probably not exceed 55 cents a yolume. Some school people seem to think because some very good little books can be had for 25 cents apiece, that 50 cents is a princely sum to pay for books for a school library. A cheap book is, of necessity, a small affair and must be gotten up in a style that will permit of a low price. In spite of the fact that more good books than ever be- ffore can be had for little money, it is still true that the great pro- portion of the best books, whether for children or adults, are pub- lished at $1 and upwards. Illustrations have become so much of a necessity in nice books that the cost of the nicest books for children Is increasing, rather than otherwise. The children of Nebraska are entitled to the best, both as to contents and general make-up. It pays to have a few well illustrated, beautifully made books for the children of each grade. More and more, language is being supple- mented by art, and American people are getting much of their edu- cation from pictures. Give the children of Nebraska a chance to see and read the best from every standpoint. In rural communities, it often happens that the money devoted to school libraries is raised outside of school revenues, and in such cases, it is desirable to select some of the books for the older people In the district. The district school should be made to count for Something to all the people who live within the sphere of its influ- ence. The school library can help to strengthen the intellectual life of the community. The selections made for the upper grades in this list, have been made with a view to making the school library part iof the life of the district. In order that districts may secure the best possible discounts, aftei comparing figures from several reliable jobbers, we have decided ta recommend the St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., St. Paul, Minn. The prices given are the list, or publishers’ price, and the net price 1 bo districts, which is the price for which the St. Paul book & sta- tionery co. will send books, freight prepaid to the nearest depot, for orders of $25 or upwards, if order is accompanied by money oidrr or draft for the a Discovery & exploration of America Lothrop Grinnell, E. & J. Our feathered friends Heath Hall, Jennie. Viking tales Rand Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Wonderbook Houghton Hazard, B. E. & Dutton, S. T. Indians & pioneers . . . Holder, C. F. Along the Florida reef Appleton Howells, W D. Christmas every day Harper Johnston, A. F. Little Colonel’s Hero Page Little Colonel’s holidays Page Johonnot, James. Stories of our country Am. bk co. Stories of other lands Am. bk. co. Kelley, M. A. B. Short stories of our shy neighbors . . Am. bk. co. .GO .40 L30 1.25 .30 .40 .35 .25 1.00 .25 1.50 1.00 .20 .50 .45 1.50 .50 .75 .40 .60 1.50 1.50 1.25 .54 .60 1.25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .35 1.00 .60 .50 .58 .45 .40 .30 .35 .70 .60 1.50 1.25 1.20 1.50 .40 .40 .50 .48 .32 .95 .78 .25 .33 .32 .21 .64 .22 .93 .63 .18 .42 .38 .95 .42 .62 .33 .50 .73 .95 .80 .48 .48 .75 .21 .21 .21 .21 .29 .60 .39 .42 .48 .38 .34 .27 .29 .56 .54 .90 .78 .95 .95 .34 .34 .41 King, G. F. Picturesque geographical readers Lee & Shepard v. 1 At home & at school v. 2 This continent of ours.... ... v. 3-5 Land we live in 3 v (ea.) v. 6 Northern Europe Kingsley, Charles. Heroes Russell — — Same, another edition Ginn Kingsley, N. F. Story of Lewis & Clark Am. bk. co. Kleckner, E. R. In the misty realm of fable. .Flanagan Long, W. J. Wilderness ways Ginn Ways of wood folk Ginn McMurry, C. A. Pioneer history stories of the Mississ- ippi valley Pub. sch. pub co. Maitland, L. Heroes of chivalry Silver Mulock, D. M. Adventures of a brownie Harper Menefee, Maud. Child stories from the masters. . .Rand Ogden, Ruth. Loyal little red coat Stokes Page, T. N. Captured Santa Claus Scribner Pratt, M. L. America’s story for America’s children.. Heath v. 1 Beginner’s book v. 2 Exploration & discovery v. 3 Colonies . . v. 4 Later colonial period v. 5 Revolution Ruskin, John. King of the golden river Rand St. Nicholas Christmas book Cent. Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe Am. Bapt. soc. Schwatka, Frederick. Children of the cold. Ed pub. co. Scudder, H. E. Book of legends Houghton Children’s book Houghton Seawell, M. E Little Jarvis Appleton Starr, Frederick. American Indians Heath Stokes, Susan. Ten common trees Am. bk. co. Troeger, T. W. Harold’s rambles Appleton Wade, M. H. Our little brown cousin Page Our little Indian cousin Page Our little Japanese cousin Page Our little Russian cousin .Page Wells Carolyn. Eight girls & a dog Century Wesselhoeft, L. F. Old Rough, the miser Little Wright, J. M. Seaside & wayside, v 2 ..Heath Wyss, J. D. & J. R. Swiss family Robinson Crowell FIFTH GRADE. Alcott. L. M. Little men Little Little women Little Allen, A E. Children of the palm lands... Ed. pub. co. Atkinson, G. F. First studies in plant life Ginn Beard, D. C. American boy’s handy book Scribner Beard, Lina & A. B. What a girl can make & do Scribner Birdsall, K. M. Jack of all trades & what they did Appleton Brooks, E. S. Century book of famous Americans ' Century Burt, M. E. & Ragozin, Z. A. Herakles’ Scribner .50 .72 .56 .60 2.50 .30 .25 .50 .45 .50 .50 .60 .60 .30 1.50 .75 .35 .40 .40 .40 .40 .25 1.50 .50 1.25 .60 2.50 1.00 .45 .40 .40 .50 .50 .50 .50 1.00 1.25 .35 .60 1.50 1.50 .50 .60 2.00 1.60 1.20 1.50 .60 .41 .59 .49 .5U> 1.50 .40 .37 .42 .40 .44 .36 .25 .94 .48 .31 .36 .36 .36 .36 .21 .92 .40 .80 .32 1 45 .62 .40 .34 .33 .39 .39 .39 .39 .80 .78 .31 .35 .93 .93 .40 .50 1.30 1.30 .98 .93 .42 Burton, A. H. Story of the Indians of New England Morse Carpenter, F G. North America Am. bk. co. Children’s book of poetry Coates Companion series Our country: east Ginn • Our country: west Ginn Crompton, F. Gentle heritage Dutton Daulton, A. M. Wings & stings Rand iDawes, S. E. Colonial Massachusetts Silver Eggleston, G. C. Strange stories from history ..Harper Gould, E L. Rose of Holly Court Penn Habberton, John. Who was Paul Grayson? Harper Hart, A. B. ed. Source readers in American history Macmillan ▼. 1 Colonial children v. 2 Camps A firesides of the Revolution V. 8 How our grandfathers lived Howells, W. D. Flight of Pony Baker Harper Johonnot, James. Some curious flyers, creepers & swim- mers Am bk. co. • Stories of heroic deeds Am. bk co. tKigsley. Charles. Madam How & Lady Why. School readings Macmillan iKipling, Rudyard Jungle book 2 ser Century (ea. ) 'Krout, M. H. Alice’s visit to the Hawaiian islands Am bk co. Hang, Andrew, ed. Animal storybook reader. Longmans i Blue poetry book for schools Longmans • Red true story book Longmans Lillie, L. C. Nan Harper Rolf House Harper Mabie, H. W. Norse stories Rand Moore, A. & Nichols, L D. Overhead Lothrop Morley, M. W. Flowers and their friends Ginn Mowry, W. A. & A. M. American heroes & heroism Silver • American inventions & inventors Silver Nordhoff, Charles. Sailor life on a man-of-war Dodd Otis, James. Toby Tyler Harper [Page* T. N Two little confederates Scribner Parker, F W & Helm, N. L. On the farm. . .Appleton • Uncle Robert’s visit Appleton Terry, F. M. Four American inventors Am bk. co. Pratt, M. L Great west Ed. pub. co. Price, L. L. & Gilbert, C. B. Heroes of myth Silver Wandering heroes Silver Radford, M. L. King Arthur & his knights Rand Richards, L E. Quicksilver Sue Century Seton-Thompson, Ernest. Lobo, Rag & Vixen. .Scribner • Krag & Johnny Bear Scribner Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty Flanagan Same, another edition Lothrop Troeger. T. W. Harold’s quests Appleton Weed, C. M. Seed travellers :..Ginn Wright, J. M. Seaside & wayside, v. 3 Heath Wright, M. O. Dog town Macmillan Eitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends Ginn .60 *64 .60 .50 1.50 .93 .50 .40 .50 .40 .35 .22 .40 .33 .54 .47 .60 .30 .80 .69 .60 .30 .40 .34 .50 .42 .60 .54 1.25 1.00 .40 .34 .30 .25 .50 .42 1.50 .90 .45 .38 .50 .42 .50 .42 .50 .42 .60 .36 .60 .30 .40 .33 1.25 .73 .50 .42 .60 .52 .65 .60 2.00 .65 .60 .36 1.50 .95 .42 .35 .50 .42 .60 .42 .50 .40 .50 .44 .50 .44 .50 .44 1.00 .65 .50 .42 .50 .42 .35 .24 1.00 .45 .50 .42 .25 .21 .45 .40 1.50 1.22 .75 .62 SIXTH GRADE. AJdrich, T. B. Story of a bad Beard, Lina & A. B. boy. Riv. school lib. Houghton .70 American girl’s handy book Scribner 2.00 Blanchan, Neltje. Bird neighbors Doubleday 2.00 Brooks, Edward Story of Siegfried Penn 1.00 Brooks, E. S. True story of George Washington. Lothrop 1.50 True story of Christopher Columbus Lothrop 1.50 Brooks, Noah. Boys of Fairport Scribner 1.00 Butterworth, H. Boys of Greenway court Appleton 1.50 Calkins, F. W Two wilderness voyagers Re veil 1.50 Carpenter, F. G. Europe Am. bk. co. .70 South America Am. bk. co. .60 Travels through Asia Am. bk. co. .60 Deland, E. D. Successful venture.... ..Wilde 1.50 Dodge, M. M. Hans Brinker Scribner 1.50 DuChaillu, P. B. Stories of the gorilla country. . Harper 1.35 Eggleston, Edward Hoosier school boy Scribner .50 Household history of the U. S Appleton. 2.50 Gilman, Arthur. Magna charta stories Lothrop 1.00 Gordy, W. F. American leaders & heroes Scribner .60 Greene, Homer. Pickett’s Gap Macmillan 1.25 Griffis, W. E. Brave little Holland Houghton .75 Japan in history, folk lore & art Houghton .75 Guerber, H. A. Story of the Greeks Am. bk co. .60 Story of the Romans Am. bk. co. .60 Yourself Dodd 1.20 Hale, E. E. Boys’ heroes Lothrop 1 00 Harris, J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus Houghton 1.50 Higginson, T. W. Young folks book of American ex- E lorers Longmans 1.20 . A. Marion’s experiences, or School days in Ger- many Ed. pub. co. .75 Holden, E S. Earth & sky Appleton .28 Inman, Henry. Ranch on the Oxhide Macmillan 1.50 Johnson, Rossiter. Phneton Rogers Scribner 1.00 Jordan, D. S. Matka & Kotik. School ed Whitaker & Ray .75 King, Charles. Trumpeter Fred Neely .75 Lamb, Charles & Mary. Tales from Shakespeare Riv. lit. ser Houghton 50 Miller, Joaquin. True bear stories Rand 1 25 Miss Toosey’s mission Little .50 Munroe, Kirk. Campmates Harper 1.25 Canoemates Harper 1.25 Flamingo feather Harper .60 • Golden days of ’49 Dodd 1.00 Needham, J. G. Out door studies Am. bk. co. 40 Patterson, A. J. Spinner family McClurg 1.00 Pratt, M. L. Stories of India Ed. pub. co. .60 Pyle, Howard. Robin Hood Scribner .50 Raymond, Evelyn. Yankee girl in old California. .Penn 1.25 Rame, Louise de la. Dog of Flanders Caldwell.. .50 • Nurnberg stove Page .50 Repplier, Agnes, ed. Book of famous verse. .Houghton .75 Richards, L. E. Captain January Estes .50 .5b 1.30 1.25 .80 .75 .75 .40 .90 .92 .58 .50 .50 .90 .95 .78 .42 1.60 .60 .50 1.02 .48 .48 .50 .50 .93 .60 .95 1.08 .60 .24 .98 .40 .65 .25 .40 .78 .30 .80 .80 .36 .60 .34 .80 .48 .42 .75 .32 .32 .48 .32 Rolfe, W. J. Tales from Scottish history Harper .50 .42 Schwatka, Frederick. In the land of cave & cliff dwel- lers Ed. pub. co. 1 25 .80 Sidney, Margaret - . Five little Peppers Lothrop 1.50 .90 Five little Peppers grown up Lothrop 1.50 .90 ■ Five little Peppers midway Lothrop 1.50 .90 Smith, H. A. The colonies Morse .72 .64 Smith, N. A. Under the cactus flag Houghton 1.25 80 Soley, J. R. Boys of 1812 Estes 2.00 1.25 Stockton, F. R. Personally conducted Scribner 2.00 1.-5 Stoddard, W. O. Among the lakes Scribner 1.00 .64 Dab Kinzer Scribner 1.00 .64 Saltillo boys Scribner 1.00 .64 Stuart, R. M. Solomon Crow’s Christmas pockets Harper 1.25 .80 Troeger, J. W. Harold’s explorations Appleton .60 .50 Ward, H. W. Captain of the Kittiewink Little 1.25 .78 \Y 'gin, K. D. Birds’ Christmas carol Houghton .50 .32 Winterburn, R. V. Spanish in t .95 1.50 .95 1.50 .95 1.50 .95 2.00 1.30 1.25 .84 1.60 1.30 1.25 1.00 1.50 .98 1.00 .64 .75 .43 1.50 .90 .50 .30 .60 .50 1.25 .80 .60 .48 .40 .32 1.50 .95 1.50 .95 1.25 .80 2 50 2.00 .60 .38 1.50 .95 .60 .36 1 00 .65 4 00 2.60 2 00 1.40 50 .40 2.00 1.25 .75 •481 1 50 .95 2 00 1.30 1.00 .42 1.50 .95 1.50 .95 .75 .23 1.50 1.0Q .60 .38 .50 .42 1 50 .93 2.00 1.73 Barr, A. E. Bow of orange ribbon Dodd 1.00 .00 Baskett, J. N. Story of the birds Appleton .05 .55 Bayliss, C K In brook & bayou Appleton .60 .50 Bouvet, M. Tales of an old chateau McClurg 1.00 .64 Butterworth, H. Log school house on the Columbia Appleton 1.50 .90 Cary, Alice & Phoebe. Poetical works Burt .75 .30 Catherwood, M. H. Heroes of the middle west Ginn .50 .42 Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero ... Dodd 1 00 .60 Clemens, S. L. Innocents abroad Harper 2.00 1.30 Connor, Ralph. Sky pilot Kevell 1.25 .75 Earle, A. M. Child life in colonial days Macmillan 2.50 1.55 Famous adventures & prison escapes of the civil war Century 1 50 .95 Gardiner, S. R. English history for schools Holt .80 .72 Gates. Eleanor. Biography of a prairie girl. ., .Century 150 .95 Goss, W L. Tom Clifton Crowell 1.50 .95 -Griffis, W E. Pilgrims in their three homes. .Houghton .75 .48 Young people’s history of Holland Houghton 1.50 1.35 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Twice told tales Houghton .60 .48 Holmes, O. W. Poems. Household ed Houghton 1.50 .95 Hornaday, W T. Two years in a jungle Scribner 2.50 1.50 Inman, Henry. Delahoydes Crane 1.00 .67 Jewett, S. O. Tales of New England Houghton .60 .48 King, Charles Cadet da vs Harper 1.25 .80 King, S. H. Dog watches at sea Houghton 1.50 .95 Lighton, W. R. Lewis & Clark. School ed ... Houghton .50 .43 Lummis, C. F. Some strange comers of our country Century 1.50 .98 Macaulay, T. B. Lays of ancient Rome Am. bk. co. .56 .47 Martin, Annie. Home lifeon an ostrich farm. .Appleton 1 25 .80 Ollivant, W. Bob, son of battle Doubleday 1.50 .85 Porter, J. G. Stars in song & legend Ginn .50 .42 Ray, A. C. Phoebe: her profession Little 1.50 .93 Teddy: her book Little 1.50 .93 Riley, J. W. Child world Bowen-Merrill 1.25 .78 Roth, Filibert. First book of forestry Ginn .75 .62 Sea well, M. E. History of the Lady Betty Stair . Scribner 1.25 .80 Sparks, E. E. Expansion of the American people Scott, Foresman 2 00 1.35 Stowe, H. B Uncle Tom’s cabin. Riv. Lit. ser Houghton .60 .48 Thanet, Octave. Stories of a western town Scribner 1 25 .80 Towle, G. M. Heroes & martyrs of invention Lee & Shepard 1.00 .40 VanDyke, Henry. Story of the other wise man.. Harper .50 .33 Ward, H. D New senior at Andover Lothrop 125 .75 Warm an, Cy. Story of the railroad Appleton 1.50 .98 Weed, C. M. Life histories of American insects Wiggin, K. D. Bacheller, Irving. Bates, C. F. ed. TENTH GRADE. Bennett, John. . Macmillan 1.50 1.25 . .Houghton .60 .48 1.50 .95 Astor lib .60 .35 1.50 .95 Blackmore, R D. Lorna Doone. Advance lib Rand 50 Blaikie, William How to get strong Harper 1.00 Brady. C. T Border fights and fighters McClure 1.30 Brown, H. D. Two college girls Houghton 1.25 Buck, Winifred. Boys’ self governing clubs ..Macmillan 1.* 0 Bunner, H. C. Short sixes Puck 1.00 Comstock, J. H. Insect life Appleton 1.75 Craddock, C E Where the battle was fought. Houghton 1.25 Davis, R H Gallegher & other stories Scribner 1.00 Three gringoes in Venezuela & Central America Harper 1.50 Draper, A. S. Rescue of Cuba Silver 1 00 Gifford, John. Practical forestry Appleton 1.20 Gibson, W. H. Sharp eyes Harper 2.50 Halsey, F. W. ed. American authors and their homes Pott 1.25 Harte, Bret. Luck of Roaring camp Houghton 1 00 Thankful Blossom Houghton 1 00 Hickson, S. J. Story of life in the sea Appleton .35 Hough, Emerson. Story of the cow boy Appleton 1.50 Hugo, Victor. Toilers of the sea. Advance lib Rand 50 Irving, Washington Alhambra Putnam .75 Jackson, II. H. Ramona — Little 1.50 Johnson, Clifton. New England & its neighbors Macmillan 2. eO Johonnot, James Ten great events in history Am. bk. co. .54 Keller, Helen. Story of my life Doubleday 1.50 Longhead, F. H. Abandoned claim Houghton 1.25 Maiden, O. S. Pushing to the front Crowell 1.50 Mooney, M. S Foundation studies in English literature Silver 1.25 Parkman, Francis. Oregon trail Little 1.00 Struggle for a continent Little 1.50 Bagozin, Z. A. Siegfried & Beowulf Putnam 1.50 Remington, Frederick. Pony tracks Harper 1.75 Scott, Sir Walter, lvanhoe Ginn .60 Talisman Ginn .50 Sedgwick, H. D. jr Samuel de Champlain Houghton .50 Smith, F. H. White umbrella in Mexico Houghton 1 50 Thwaites, R. G. Daniel Boone Appleton 1 00 Wallace, Lew. Ben Hur Harper 1 50 Warman, Cy. Snow on the headlight Appleton 1.25 Williams, J. L. Princeton stories Scribner 1.00 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories in American literature 2 v Scribner (ea. ) .50 ELEVENTH GRADE. Aldrich, T. B. Margery Daw & other stories. .Houghton 1.00 Avary, M L. Virginia girl in the civil war .Appleton 1.25 Brooks, Noah. How the republic is governed. .Scribner .75 Chamberlin, J. G. John Brown Small .75 Chapman, F. W. Bird studies with a camera. .Appleton 1 75 Churchill, Winston. Crisis Macmillan 1.50 Creelman, James On the great highway Lothrop 1 25 Dickens, Charles. Dombey & son Crowell 1.00 Eggleston, G. C. Rebel’s recollections Putnam 1 00 Field, Eugene. Little book of western verse. . .Scribner 1.25 .26 .80 1.05 80 .90 70 1.45 .80 .40 .95 .88 1.00 1.55 1.02 .65 .65 .28 .98 .25 .48 .93 1.65 45 1.35 .80 .90 1.08 .45 1.20 .95 1.12 .50 .42 .43 .95 .83 .93 .80 .65 .42 .63 1.13 .65 .60 1.10 95 1 00 .60 .65 .80 Foote, M. II. Led-horse claim Houghton 1.25 .80* Garland, Hamlin. Captain of the Gray horse troop Harper 1.50 .98 Gaskell, Mrs. Cranford. Astor lib Crowell .60 .35 Gay e, Selina. Great world’s farm Macmillan 1.00 .81 Grahame, Kenneth. Golden age Lane 1.00 .82 Harte, Bret. Tales of the Argonauts Houghton 1.25 .80 H a pgood, Norman. Life of Daniel Webster. . . Small .75 .60 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. House of seven gables.. Houghton .60 .48 Hope, Anthony. Prisoner of Zenda. .Grossett & Dunlap .75 .45 Hoyt, D. L. World’s painters & their pictures Ginn 1.25 1.00 Inman, Henry, & Cody, W. F. Great Salt Lake trail... Crane 2.50 1.65 Jewett, S. O. Country doctor Houghton 1.25 .80 Liljencranz, O. A. Thrall of Lief the lucky ...McClurg 1.50 .95 Lynch, Hannah. French life in town & country. .Putnam 1.20 .95 Lytton, E. G. E. Bulwer-Rienzi. Advance lib.. Rand .50 .25 Mulock, D. M. John Halifax, gentleman. Astor lib — \ Crowell .60 .35 Page, T. N. In ole Virginia. Scribner 1.25 .80 Rice, A. C. H. Lovey Roberts, C. G. D. Kindred of the wild Putnam 3.00 2.40 3 patch Century 1.00 .64 Century 1.00 .67 Page 2.00 1.30 Shaler, N. S. Fii Shinn, C. II. S o Shoemaker, M. M. Slocum, Joshua. Stevenson, R. L. Thwaites, R. G. We.vman, J. H. Whittier, J. G. Wiggins, K. D. .Am. bk. co. .56 .47 Heath .60 .54 Appleton 1.50 .98 Putnam world 2.00 1.80 Century 2.00 1.30 Scribner 1.50 .98 1.00 .83 Longmans 1.25 .82 Houghton 1.50 .95 1.25 .80 TWELFTH GRADE. Brady, C. T. Recollections of a missionary in the great west Scribner 1.25 .80 Burroughs, John. Wake-robin .Houghton 1.00 .64 Cable, G. W. Strong hearts Scribner 1.25 .80 Chapman, F. M. Bird life Teacher’s ed Appleton 2.00 1.30 Chester, Eliza. Girls & women Houghton .75 .48 Connor, Ralph. Man from Glengarry Revell 1.50 .93 Crane, Stephen. Whilom v lie stories Harper 1.50 .95 Deland, Margaret. Old Chester tales Harper 1.50 .95 Dole, C. F. American citizen Heath .80 .72 Drysdale, William. Helps for ambitious boys .. Crowell 1.50 .90 Helps for ambitious girls Crowell 1.50 .90 Eliot, George. Mill on the Floss. Astor lib Crowell .60 .35 Fox, John, jr. Kentuckians Harper 1.25 .80 Grinnell, G. B. Story of the Indian Appleton 1.50 .98 Hale, E. E. Memories of a hundred years 2v. . .Macmillan 5.00 4.00 Hersey, S. E. To girls: a budget of letters Small 1.00 .80 Hosmer, J. K. History of the Louisiana purchase Appleton 1.25 Hough, P. M. Dutch life in town & country ... Putnam 1.20 Howe, M. A. D. Phillips Brooks Small .75 Howells, W. D. Rise of Silas Lapham Houghton 1.50 Jerome, J. K. John Ingerfield Holt .75 Johnston, Mary. To have& to hold Houghton 1.50 Kingsley, Charles. Hypatia. Advance lib Rand .50 Laut, A. C. Story of the trapper Appleton 1.25 Lorimer, G. H. Letters from a self made merchant to 1 his son Small 1.50 Mathews, F. S. Field book on American flowers. .Putnam 1.75 Munger, T. T. On the threshold Houghton 1.00 Page, T. N. Red Rock Scribner 1.50 Penfield, F. C. Present day Egypt Century 2.50 Riis, J. A. Children of the poor Scribner 1.25 Roosevelt, Theodore. Rough riders Scribner 1.50 Seton-Thompson , Ernest. Lives of the hunted . . Scribner 1 . 75 Smith, F. H. Colonel Carter of Carterville. .. Houghton 1.25 Spearman, F. H. Held for orders McClure 1.50 Sievenson, R. L. & Osbourne, Lloyd. Ebb-tide. .Scribner 1.25 Warner, C. D. Back log studies Houghton lj»0 Washington, B. T. Up from slavery Doubleday J.50 Wister. Owen Virginian Macmillan 1.50 VanDyke, Henry. Ruling passion Scribner 1.50 COLLECTIONS. Arnold, S. L. & Gilbert, C. B. Stepping stones to litera- ture Silver 1st. reader . .30 2d reader. .40 3d reader .50 4th to 8th readers (ea.) .60 Lights to literature series Rand Book 1 25 Book 2 .36 Book *-5 (ea.) .40 Book 6 45 Book 7-8