W4£dei (Eclectic 6etie$ Ratt |M5lntt»er])Sta§^o. . ■ THE LIBRARY OF THE VNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS /rn PCH ASED __ C, NciNN ATI It* 438. B i/V 4-Sd e Eclectic ©erics* 'gladj her anaf^lifcfj-ft^cfjrcififcfcwefljobc. $ux antertftantfdje £dmfcn. fcon ID* ^* tDeicf unb C* d 5 rebncr. 23att 3litttt>cr:p, & (£o* 9? eh? 2)'or!. Cincinnati. ^Mrroorf. £>ie borliegenbe $ibel ift nadj ber anal^tif=f^rtt^etifd^ert ©cbreiblefej metbobe gearbeitet. 2)urcb enttyredbenbe SJoriibungen follen Sluge unb §anb, ©ebor unb ©brecbtoerfgeuge fo gefdjuft merben, baf$ man natty bem SSertauf bon einigen SBoctyen, menu ber ©filler bie gibel in bie §anb betommt, mit bem eigentlictyen ©d;reiblefeuntevric^t beginnen t'ann. Urn bie $inber auf ba$ ©c^reiben borgubereiten, fonnen bie auf ber britten ©eite gegebenen Xlebitngen beniityt merben, bi§ eine geixnffe fyertigfeit im Gcrfennen unb Stactybilben berfelbeit erlangt ift. ©leictygeitig fallen burcty eine gmedmcifnge Setyanblung ber auf ©eite 4 unb 5 gebrudten Storrnalmbrter bie ©ctyiiler biefe auSftyrectyen unb ben erften Sant eine§ jeben berfelben mit bem Dtyr unb Singe auffaffen lernen, mobei man in folgeitber SBeife berfatyren faun: Stad)bem bie Piaffe in ben ©tyredfiibungen gelernt tyat, ©at$e in SBorter, unb biefe in ©ilben gu gerlegen, ergdtylt ber Sebrer eine @efctyid)te bon $ba. £)amt lafjt er bie Hinber ben Saut „i" burcty ba§ ©etybr auffaffen unb natty; ftyred;en. §ierauf fc^reibt er ein „i" an bie SCanbtafel unb fagt, bajg biefe§ 3eictyett fur ben Saut „i" fte^e. £)ie ©ilbe „ba" beutet er bnrc^ einen mag; rectyten ©tricty an, fo bafi ba$ geidien »i— 1 " fur ba§ £inb ba§ SBort %ba bebeutet. £>a bie Jpanb be§ ©ctyiiler§ rnittlermeile tyinreictyenb geiibt murbe, !ann er ba§ „i" auf feiner Safel nactyfctyreiben. (S3 tyanbelt fid) bei biefen Uebungen nur urn bie ©intyragung bes SauteS „i", mefstyalb bie gtbeite ©ilbe be3 2Borte3 ^ba nictyt meiter in SBetractyt fommt. $n d£?nlid;er SBeife finb bie ubrigen SBorter gu betyanbeln, morauf bie eigentlicben ©ctyreib= unb £efe; iibungett ber erften ©tufe beginnen. 2)er Setyrer mag, nacty ber ©ctyreiblefemettyobe berfatyrenb, guerft alle gefcbriebenen Stormalmbrter burctynetymen, unb bann mit S3enutyung ber gebrudten SBbrter auf ben gegeniiberftebenben ©eiten bie Hinber gur 2)rud; fcbrift iibei leiten. 33ei 2lu3matyl ber Storrnalmorter murbe barauf geactytet, bafs bei jebem folgenben SBort immer nur ein neuer Saut tyingutritt. £>urd; biefe Slnorbnung, fomie bie beigegebenen interlinearifcben Ueberfetyungen, biirfte bem ©d;itler ba3 Befenlernen mefentlicty erlektytert merben. Copyright, 1886, by Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co. ( 2 ) SdjreiOuGuugcu. /M -'^ /i/i/ /i 1/1/ 'iz/n^uy?^ \y J2H2IK poritfiuncjen. @jjred)uliun(}en. ^um ricfytigen fjdrert urtb Sprecfyen bcrSdbftlaute (Pofale). Ufyren. @fel. # Ls uty ( 4 ) S)cutfdf;e gibet 5 i£ictyel. (Me. Store. ^T 7 C/ V §xfUx iPeif. @rftc $tufe. (6) §r(Icr ®rftc Stitfc. Lion — 1 L Seu, m\ ei, ctl, au, Ian. lion, owl, oh, hasten, oh, warm. (V) 8 ©ctcctic ©erie£. 1 / / j Is tS J is {yYsPt^j a IS / Sy ls 'Asts/St^ . SDetttfct»e ^ibet. 9 Sou — b S Building — b B Sou, bou'! et, bet, oil! building, build! oh, by, hasten! lou, ©ul’, £eu, (fi. warm, owl, lion, egg. £ou — t % Rope — t T S£ott, Sou, ou, lau, (ft, rope, building, oh, warm, egg, ctl, (fur, Seu, Sou. hasten, owl, lion, dew. bei, by, f)0, f)t, 1)0, f)U, bet. beu, ha, bey, hi, ho, liu, huzza, hay, Sou, bou, bei, ctl, Sou, ■ 2cu, rope, build, by, hasten, building, lion, 10 Sclectic ©erie£* Seutfdje gibeL 11 (£t, m, au, egg, ice, oh, Sou, San , $eu building, rope. , hay. @ur, bet, 1)0! owl, b y, ha! au§, fo, fet. Sett out, so, be, lion t)ou! tou, eil, strike! warm, hasten £mt Hat f> § h H §ut, £mu», ,ett. ©ein font ift attf bent ©ifd)., 2Bo hay . 8 Your hat is on the table. Where ift ber oifd) ? is the fish ? 24 ©ctcctic Series. ®eutfcf;e JytbeL 25 ®er $eil, ber ^ctuf /( bcr «Rot, ber The wedge, the bargain, the mud, the flod), fein, !am; ber 2 £eg, bcr ©teg. cook, no, came; the way, the bridge. itauf etn! 2Ser fant fjcint? $etn 33ttd) Buy! Who came home? [Let] No book jet auf bent £tfd)! be on the table! 2 )te .Qtc ge, bcr .Qatut, bcr .Qautit, ba§ The goat, the fence, the bridle, the 3 eug, btc $eit, bic $ci (e, ber get go-, stuff, the time, * the line, the pointer, ^n, gar, tno git, get ge, tan gen. to, to the, to what, show, dance. 2Btr f)et gen etn. 61 * gog meg. , 3 ctgc We heat. He moved away. Show 4/ nttr beta 33ttcf)! ©et gur 3eit w bcr ©d)u (c! me your book! Be in time at school! 26 (Sclcctic (Series. ®te, nte, fie, tote, lief, fiel, fdjtef, The, never, she, how, ran, fell, slanting, fdjien, fd)ieb’, ltd), rief, bie§, l)ter. shone, push, love, called, this, here. Sic — fet, vtcb — rcib, feil — fid, She — be, rubbed — rub, for sale — fell. reif — rief, (ie« — let§, fdjetn — fd)tcn. ripe — called, read — soft, shine — shone. SDcutfdje $ibcL 27 SBicbcrfjoluitg. REVIEW. 9iun, nur, neun, man, mat, mein, nciit, Now, only, nine, one, time, my, no, mir, bir, tucil, mas, baS, teis, mcit, taut), me, to yon, because, what, the, soft, wide, deaf, auS, mit, taut, fei, fein, rein, bis, bei, fein, out, with, loud, be, fine, clean, till, by, no, taunt, gut, gar, meg, t)in, tier, t)at, Ijeint, hardly, good, done, away, there, here, has, home, id), bid), fid), fud), aud). end), gunt, gur, I, you, himself, seek, also, you, to the, to the, t)CUt, faut. to-day, lazy. ®ie 9to fe, bie ©n te. bie ' £>ofc, bie The rose, the owl, the box, the Sau be , bie Stu be, bie @d)erc, bie dove, the room the scissors, the 9Bie fe, bie So i be, bie ©eige, ber 9tn me, meadow, the chest, the 1 iddle, the name, bcr 9tabe, bie 9tafe, bie 2 ct tte. ber the raven, the nose, the cord, the 33u be, bie @ei te, bie evie3. Donkey — e E 0er 6 fcl, bte The donkey, the 6nte, bic6rbe, duck, the earth, bie 61 fter, bte the magpie, the 61 be,, 6tn ma, Elbe, Emma, 6 mil. Emil. 6i, ba§ The egg, the 6ig, bie 6i die, ice, the oak, bie 6u le. the owl. ®ie 6ule iff fdf)eu. ®er 6 fel ift fmtl. The owl is shy. The donkey is lazy. 0n§ 6i ift rneid). 6 mil ift in ber @d)tt le. The egg is soft. Emil is in (the) school. Ofen — 0 0 Stove — o 0 ®cr 0 fen, ber The stove, the 0 tjeim, bie 0 ber, uncle, the Oder, Seutfdje gibe I 31 btc 0r gel, the organ, 01 ga, 03 far. Olga, Oscar. 0er 0 fen iff The stove is in ber @tu be. in the room. 0>er 0>otn f)at The church has ct tie Or gel. 01 ga war ar tig. 26 ir fo d>eu an organ. Olga was good. We cook auf bent 0 fen. on the stove. 2 (blcr — a 2t Eagle — a A 2(tt ton, bic 2lr licit, Anthony, the work Ocr i'tb ter, ber The eagle, the 2(ft, 21 bant, 21 bet, branch, Adam, Abel, bie 2ltn fel. . blackbird. 2lu git ft. August. the ®a§ 2ln ge, bic 2lu fter, The eye, the oyster, 32 Eclectic Series. £)er 3lft ift an bent 33aunt. 3tuf bcm The branch is on the tree. On the 33aunt |at ber tree has 3 the 1 31 b ter cin 3icft. eagle 2 a 4 nest. 5 3tuct) bic 3ltnfcl Also the blackbird bant ein 9Zeft. builds a nest. 3ln ton, tit fc bod) 3lu guft; e§ ift $eit 3 ur Anthony, call August; it is time for @d)ule. © mil, too ift mein 33ud)? Scitt school. Emil, where is my book? Your 33ud) ift aitf bcm S£ifd). hook is on the table. 3i>« - Ida — /V 3 ba, ber 3 fid, Ida, the hedgehog, the polecat, the island. ®eutfdje $tbeL 33 ®er $1 tt§ ift cut The polecat is an S£ict. 3u bent animal. In the £ci d)e ift ci ne pond is an Snfel. 3bat)at island. Ida has eine ttette Safe!. a new slate. ®ie &an te gab 3 ba and) ein nett eg 33ud). (The) aunt gave Ida also a new book. 2ieg nun in bei nent 33ttd)! Read now in your book! ®er 3 11 ber it June, July, i J Jnfob, ^uliten. ^ ' .Jacob, Juliet. 2)cr 3u ni ift citt 9Jio tint; ber 3u li and). June is a month; -July also. 3a fob, mo ift 3ut d)en? @ie ift iit ber u ein oats and wheat. Has the horn-owl a 9teft nttf ber ttl me ? nest in the elm? V Seittfcf;c $ibeL 35 Sogel o S Bird — v V Scil djctt, ber Set ter, violet, the cousin, ®er So gel, The bird, ber Sa ter, bns the father, the bic Sa fe. the vase. ®cr Sabc ift The raven is ein So gel. ®ie a bird. The Seild)eit buf ten violets smell lieb lid). ®er sweet. The So gel bout cin bird builds a 9ieft. Son ma§ bant er ba§ Seft ? nest. Of what does he build the nest? Sor bent ^enfter ift cin 8a ben. Son In front of the window is a shutter. From mein Ijaft bn bein Sud)? $d) fya be eg Don whom have you got your book ? I have got it from met item lie ben So ter. my dear father. 36 ©clcctic ©erieS. ©er ^3it bet, bcr The poodle, the s }kbn, bie ^3o[t, papa, the post, bag $ed), ^aul, the pitch, Paul, bag per, the paper, bic $Pcr le, the pearl, ba§ ^htl ucr, the powder, ber fitter, the turkey, bic 9iatt pe, bie b^ bie s t>ttb be, ter. the caterpillar, the soup, the doll, Peter. 9ittfe bett S)3aba! 9tcif)ct bic ^erlctt Call papa! String the pearls an ! ©er 2ot bat t)at 5pitl tier in fei ner on! The soldier has powder in his ©afdje. ©cr fitter ift auf bent f>ofe. pouch, The turkey is in the yard. 26 et d)e 2cn tc fja ben $ed) ? 26a fd)ct bett Which people have pitch? Wash the s t>iit fet ang ! ©tc 9tau be fd)a bet bent 23anttt. brush out! The caterpillar injures the tree. SD e u t f cE) e $ i b e L 37 $ie 9ht be, bag The turnip, tlie 9tiibe Turnip, — ii U — ue Ue It bet, ber it fer, evil, the cooper, ber <£mt btc hit tc, ba§ Sttd), bte Sit d)er, the hat, the hats, the cloth, the cloths, ber 23ufcf), bte the bush, the 33ii fd)c, ii ben, bushes, practice, btc $ii d)e, the kitchen, ber £iig tier, the liar, lit gett. lie. ®er '2d)ii ter t)nt me te 33ii d)er. 2®tr The pupil has many books. We follen nie liigctt. ®tc 2Biir titer le belt itt should never lie. The worms live in bev (Si be. 3tcl (c bte Si it belt tit bte &it c()e! the earth. Put the turnips in the kitchen! S3ift bit tit it be' Are you tired? 38 ©clectic ©cvie§. ®cr So toe, btc The lion, the So toeit, ber lions, the IBogel, btc 23o gel, bird, the birds, ber 0 fett, btc the stove, the 0 fen, bag 01, stoves, the oil, bag 9?bgd)ctt, the little rose, bb fe. bad. 0>ag 01 fait fen loir int Sa ben. 0ag The 3 . oil’ buy 2 we 1 in the store. The Oibgcfycit tjat ©orttcit. 0te (Bet ge fan nett little rose has thorns. The* fiddle 5 can 2 to it ()5 1 tm @ci nie bb fe! ! ®ie 23b gel we 1 hear. 3 Be 2 nevei : l bad! The birds bait ett dce fter ; fie Ie gen @ter • ()itt ettt. build nests; they lay eggs in them. ®te i gen ta ben .Ctbrner. . SBo lc ben The goats have horns. Where (do) 1 live 4 bte Sbtocit? the 2 lions ? 3 39 ®eutfc(;e ftibtl. 2)te ©ftge, The saw, bte ©ft gen, the saws, bet 33liv, bie 33a ten, bet 23a ter, bie S3a ter, the bear, the bears, the father, the fathers, bet l 1 1 ft, bte 2tf te, bet ©aft, bie ©af te, the branch, the branches, the guest, the guests bet ©at ten, bte ©at ten, the garden, the gardens, bet @d bet. the saber. ®et @ol bat The soldier fjat eittett ©abet. has a saber. £>ie 53a ten teben The bears live tm 2Bat be; in the woods; fie lie ben ben they like nig. ©in 53anm ©at tie te 5if te. 2£el ctjc honey. A tree has many branches. Which $i fdje te ben in ben 53d cfjett ? 3 n ^ er fish live in (the) brooks? In (the) ©d)tt te bur fen tuit nie Idt men. school must 2 we 1 never be noisy. 40 (Eclectic ©erie3. ®cr £mi, bcr The shark, ai m = ei ©i ai Ai = ei Ei Me @at te, Me 2Bcti fe. the string, the orphan. 2)er §ai ift ein $ifd). 3$ir to ren The shark is a fish. We hear the 50iai, ber 5Diaisi, May, the corn, @ni te to nen. S)ie 2Bai fe t)at tne ber string sound. The orphan has neither 35ater nod) Gutter. 2>er SDcni ift cin father nor mother. May is a 50c o nat. month. // aeu Aeu eu Eu ®te ©outc, The pillar, bas 50cdit§ d)en, the little mouse, bie 50tdu fe, bn§ -f)an§, bie ,f)dit fcr, bcr the mice, the house, the houses, the ©aut, bie ©nu te, bie $auft, bie Qnuf te, nag, the nags, the.. fist, the fists, SDeutfcfye $ibel. 41 bcr gaun, bio $ait nc, ber 33aunt, bio the fence, the fences, the tree, the 33iiit me, bio §aut, bio £>au te, ba§ trees, the hide, the hides, the 2litg loin. little eye. Siitg .sjdit ten (^er ben bie ©cr bcr Sc bcr. From hides tan 2 the tanners 1 leather. ®ie ©ait le ift Don ©teiit o ber Doit ©i fen. The pillar is of stone or of iron. s Dcein 33a ter fyat Die le 33iin nte in fei nem My father has many trees in his ©ar ten. ©3 Ian tot gnr ©cl)it le. garden. It rings for school. (The bell) $cr 9thtg, bag The ring, the ©ing, ber ©ang, thing, the walk, ber ©e fang, ber $in gcr, bie ©tan ge, the song, the finger, the pole, / • bie 3Gan ge, bie Cun gc, bie $an gc. the cheek, the lung, the tongs. 42 (Eclectic Series* 3d) bin jung. Xet $in get iff fang. I am young. The finger is long. Xie San get [in gen ei nen ©e fang. 2fn The singers sing a song. On mel d)cnt [yin get ijaft bit et nett Oiiitg ? which finger have you a ring? 2)ic 23anf, bet _3anf, The bench, the quarrel, 33«nf — nf Bench — nk bet 25mtf, bet ffinf, the thanks, the finch, bte 9tan fc, bic 33iin !e, bet tufc. 2>eljnint0 uttb ©djarfititg. £>cr 2lal, ber ©aal, ba3 ,fmar, ba3 The eel, the hall, the hair, the s -)3aar.—2)a§ 2tcct, bte I8ee re, bte @ee le, pair. The bed, the berry, the soul, ber ©ec, ba§ s Dceer.—-$)a§ 23oot, ba§ 5Roo§. the lake, the sea. The boat, the moss. ©er $t I'djcv ging it ad) bent ©ee; er ftieg The fisher went to the lake; he got tit etn £kiot; ttun ftrtg er ntit ber Wtt gel into a boat; now caught 2 he 1 with 5 his 6 hook 7 A + ettt paar 9ta te; bie fc teg te er in feud) tc3 some 3 eels ; 4 these put 2 he 1 in moist 9Jioo§ ttttb it at) nt fie nad) Ajau fe. — moss and took them home. The ,£mar ift meid).— 2Bte mete ntad)cn ein hair is soft. How many make a $aar ? 3* n Saa te ftnb Die le SJiett fdjett.— pair? In the hall are many persons. 44 (Sclectic ©erie§. SBtv Ija lien nettn $8ee te ntit 33ee ren tit We have nine beds with berries in tut fe rent ©nr ten.—3m 9Jtee re le ben Die le our garden. In the sea live many Qftfdje.—2Bir fyn ben cine ©cc le. fishes. We have a / soul. ©>er §nl)it, bie -fiat) tic, ber 3 a bb bie The cock, the cocks, the tooth, the .got) tie, bte 9Ti(il) tte, bte 3af) ne, btc teeth, the mane, the flag, the 3itlj tten ; ber Set) rcr, let) ren, ber 2ef)tn, flags; the teacher, to teach, the clay, met); it)tn, it)r; bn§ Ct)r, bte Cl) ren, woe; him, her; the ear, the ears, ber ©ot)it, bte ©of) ttc, bte ©ol) te, btc the son, the sons, the sole, the ©ol) ten ; bte .Slttf), bte It' it t)e, bag fpiiljn, soles; the cow, the cows, the chicken, btc £nit) iter. the chickens. ©cr at)tt ruft bte font) iter ; fie fot gen The cock calls the chickens; they follow SDcutfdje $tbcl. 45 tfynt mtf ben £)of.—®te $al) nett tue f)en tin him to the yard. The flags float in the 2Bttt be.—®cr l)of) te flafjtt ttjut loci).—£te wind. The hollow tooth aches. The Set) rev let) ten ; btc £d)it ter ter nett.—£>er teachers teach; the pupils learn. The 3ie get tft nu» Sefynt.—28 tr tjn ben £1) rett tile is of clay. We have ears gum £)o ren nnb 2lu gen gtttn na re mit starts. We comb our hair with bent Hamm.—Xie Han tie ift non ^tntt.— the comb. The can is of tin. Xic ©onttc gefyt am frintmel attf ttttb nit ter. The sun rises 1 in 4 the 5 sky 6 and 2 sets 3 . —Xie .fmt) iter fcfjar rat tut ©an be.— The chickens scratch in the sand. SEBte otc te D’taber t)at cut Harrett?—Xa§ How many wheels has a cart ? The 3utt ge ootn ©d>af t)cifjt Santm.—3m young one of the sheep is called a lamb. In ©ottt titer ftnb bte Xa ge tang. summer are 3 the 1 days 2 long . 4 Xer 23att, bcr 3olt, bcr ©tail,' bte The ball, the inch, the stable, the 48 ©dec tic ©( ixic§>. illsol le, ber ,ftcl ter, bie Sul le; ber wool, the cellar, the trap; the 9lf fe, fill leit, i iff tten ; bag bie monkey, to ] fill, to open ; the horse, the i)i of fe, ba§ Safi bie ! iydf fer, bie i Ding, horses, the barrel, the barrels, the nut, bie Diitf fe, ba§ iDief fer, bag ; SBaf fer, the nuts, the knife, the water, ber He) fel. the kettle. ®er 33all fiel in bag SBaf fer.- 3Bie uiel The ball fell in the water. How many $oE ma d)en ei next Sufi' 3—S)ie SOcaitg Oing inches make a foot ? The mouse went in bie §nl le.—$ie Wf fen lie ben 9Ziif fe.— into the trap. The monkeys are fond of nuts. ®ie 9tof fe fie fyen int ©tall.—$itl le ben The horses stand in the stable. Fill the .SvcI fel init 2Saf fer.—Off ne bie 9inf; mit kettle with water. Open the nut with bent SJZef fer.—3m teller lie gen nic le the knife. In the cellar lie many Siif fer.—®ie 2$ol le tiont Santm ift lucid). barrels. The wool of the lamb is soft. Seutfdje $tbeL 49 ®te ©up pe, bie ^up pc, bet ©d)up pen; The soup, the doll, the shed; bie Dint ter, bie $et te, bie 9tat te, bie the mother, the chain, the rat, the Diat te, bie £nit te, ba» $ctt, bit ten. mat, the hut, the fat, to pray. 28ir ef fen bie ©up pe mit bent 8of fet.— We eat the soup with the spoon. 23it te, tie be Dint ter, tan fe ntir ei ite nene Pray, dear mother, buy me a new ^nbfc! — ©telle ben barren in ben doll! Put the cart in the ©d)nbben.—Sotte fyateinc feine^et te.— shed. Lotta has a fine chain. 5)ie 9iattc fafj auf ber alien Diattc nor The rat sat on the old mat in front of ber |)itt te uttb off ba§ $ett. the hut and ate the fat. ®ie $at ^e, bie £at ge, bie Dint gc, The cat, the paw, the cap, 50 (Sclectic Series. ber ©if), put gen ; ber 33 od, ber ©tod, the seat, to clean; the buck, the stick, bag ©tiid. the piece. ®ie &at gen put gen [id) get nc. 2©ag The cats like to clean themselves. What f)a ben fie an if) vcn Sat gen? — s Dcei tie do have 2 they 1 on their paws? My s Duit ge liegt anf ntci neat ©if).—9timm ben cap lies on my seat. Take the ©tod unb jn ge ben 33od ang bent ®ar ten. stick and chase the buck out of the garden. —2Bie Diet ©tiid gc ben citt ®nt gcitb ? How many pieces make a dozen ? SDeutfcfje ^ibeL 51 |)riffe $tufe. 9Jtcljrcrc ^onfouowten nl$ Mu- ltnb $lu$(ant. ®ag ^3ult, bag D 0 I 3 , bag $elt, bag The desk, the wood, the tent, the (5>elb, bag 33itb, ber .ftatf, bag $atb, bag money, the picture, the lime, the calf, the ©otb, f) alb, to elf. gold, half, withered. ®ag gtalt iff Don ^olj.—®ag 3 elt iff D>on The desk is of wood. The tent is of Sud). — ®ie je§ 33ilb fof tct ntct ©clb.—$er cloth. This picture costs much money. The 9Jca lev matt bag s t3t(b.—.sjier ift Ajol,], painter paints the picture. Here is (are) wood, @tein, ltnb ^alf.—-®ag ^itu ge Don ber Stuff stone, and lime. The young one of the cow fjetfjt .ft a lb.—Wug @il ber unb ©olb macl)t is called a calf. Of silver and gold make 2 man ©clb.—®ag ®ot ter im di ift gclb.— we 1 money. The yolk in the egg is yellow. £>ie ro te 9to fe ift fyatb melf. The red rose is half withered. 52 ©ctectic Series. ®cr SDeonb, bag $ittb, bcr £mnb, bic The moon, the child, the dog, the (Sang, bev s XKcnfd), ber 2Bunfd), blittb. goose, the man, the wish, blind. ®er SJiottb fdjeint ant ^inttncl. — $er The moon shines in the sky. The 23ett let ift alt nnb bltnb. ©ein £)uttb fittjrt beggar is old and blind. His dog leads tint.—®ag .fttab tneint.—Man rf)er Menfd) him. The child weeps. Many a man l)at Die le 2Burt fd)e.—^d) t rt c i nc reef; te has many wishes. I have a right nnb ei tte Itn fe fpattb.—®ie (Sang ift ettt and a left hand. The goose is a 23o gel; fie gibt ung ©i er nnb bent. bird; she gives us eggs and feathers. ©ng ftorn, ber ©tern, .ftarl, bcr $arf, The corn, the star, Charles, the park, bag 333ort, ber ftern, bag ©am, ber the word, the kernel, the yarn, the Seutfcfye $tbeL 53 Horb, bet* Strut, ber 2®urm, bay SDorf, basket, the arm, the worm, the village, tart, fern, gem, bttrd), merit. hard, far, willingly, through, minds. ®ag ret fe Horn ift gelt) itnb tart.—$cr The ripe corn is yellow and hard. The ©tern lend) tet non fern.—Hart getjt gent star shines from afar. Charles goes willingly in bie ©d)u Ic, nnb merit anf jc beg SBort.— to school, and minds every word. 28arft bu ge ftern int ^arl ?—Tie Stuff ift Were you yesterday 4 in 1 the 2 park ? :! The nut is tart; a ber eg ift ein fit ter Hern ba riit.— hard; but there is a sweet kernel in it. Slug SiBol le fjrinnt man ©ant .—%Ka ria t)at Of wool spins 2 one 1 yarn. Mary has ei ttett Horb am Strut.—®cr SBurm lebt in a basket on her arm. The worm lives in ber ©r be.—®ag ®orf ift llci iter alg bie the ground. The village is smaller than the ©tttbt. city. 54 ©clcctic (Series. 2)a§ fpentb, ber 3mf)f, ber SDatnftf, bie The shirt, the pot, the steam, the 9Jiagb, bag Sidjt, bie ber @tift, servant girl, the light, the night, the pencil, bag .frcft, ber the book, the head. ©og £>emb mirb genitljt.—9lug mag mad)t The shirt is sewed. Of what does 1 make 4 ber £ap fcr ben S£of)f ? — $8tnn l)ci t en the 2 potter 3 the 5 pot ? 6 From hot 2Baf fer fteigt ©antpf auf.—5)ie SDiagb fod)t water rises steam. The servant girl boils bie 9Jii(d) in bent Softf.—®ag £id)t lend) tet the milk in the pot. The light shines bei 9Zad)t.—2Bir geid) nen rnit bcm ©tift in at night. We draw with the pencil in ba§ —2Bag t)at ber §al)tt auf bent $of)f ? the book. What has the cock on his head ? ®og $lcifd),- ber ft-litf], bie 33rit!!e, The meat, the river, the bridge, ber $Iit gel, bie 23ht me, bie 33Ui tc, ber the wing, the flower, the blossom, the SDeutfcfye $ibel. 55 s pret!§, ber $la|, bte Splat te, ba§ $8rot, ber prize, the place, the plate, the bread, the $rofd), bag 33tut, ba§ 33Iei, bag 33rett, frtjtf». frog, the blood, the. lead, the board, fresh. £)ag-$leifd) ift frifcf).—Sic 33riif te fiifjvt The meat is . fresh. The bridge leads ii ber ben Qfluff.—®ic 335 get X;n ben $lii gel; over the river. The birds have wings; \ fie ton nen flic gen.—2)a§ 33ctl d>eit ift ei ite they can fly. The violet is a 33Itt me; eg fyat ei ne blau e 331ii te.—fyrmt^ flower; it has a bine blossom. Frank mar flei fjig ; er be fant ct nett s }3reig unb was diligent; he got a prize and the er ftcn s }M n h—2e ge bag 33rot aitf bte first place. Put the bread on the 33lat te unb ftel le eg auf ben Snfcfy.— ®er plate and set it on the table. The profit) lebt in bent S£citf); er l)at tat teg frog lives in the pond; it has cold 33Iut. — ®ie Hu gel ift non 33tci.—®cr blood. The bullet is of lead. The ©djret iter fyo belt bag 33rett. joiner planes the board. 56 Eclectic Series, $er ^5fau, bag s $fcrb, bet ^Sffug, bie The peacock, the horse, the plow, the s t$fir fid), bie S -Cfictu me, ber ©ra d)c, ba§ peach, the plum, the kite, the ©ra§, bie ©ran be, bie Hrei be, ber Hreig. grass, the grape, the chalk, the circle. ©er s ^5fau iff eitt fd)b ner 23o get; er f)at The peacock is a beautiful bird; he has blait e ffe bent. — Sag ^Sferb giet)t ben blue feathers. The horse pulls the 2Ba gen unb ben ^flug.—©er fianb tnann wagon and the plow. The farmer bftiigt ben 2tf fer ; er pftanjt bag Horn.— plows the field; he plants the corn. 3tt ber s j>fir fid) ift eitt Stein.—©as ift itt In the peach is a stone. What is in ber s t$ftnn me ?—©er ©ra d)e fteigt fjod) in the plum ? The kite rises high in bie Suft.—©ie Hut) frifjt ©rag, £>eu, nttb the air. The cow eats grass, hay, and Hlee; fie gibt ting SDiitd) nttb fyteifd).—Wttg clover; she gives us milk and meat. Out of Seittfdje $tbeL 57 bet Strtit be froefst man 3Bcitt.—3 C ^ nc ntit the grape presses' 2 one 1 wine. Draw with 3 bet Ht'rei be ei nett &rei». the chalk a 1 circle. 2 ©trot), bet ©fraud), ba§ ©piel, The straw, the shrub, the play, bus ©d)loft bet @d)Iof fer, bet ©dflitf fet, the lock, the lock-smith, the key, bet ©djranf, bet ©d)tnieb, bet ©pat}, bte the closet, the smith, the sparrow, the ©djroal be, ber ©djroatt, groei, groan gig. swallow, the swan, two, twenty. 3tt ber ©d)eu tte ift §eu, ©trot), unb In the barn is hay, straw, and tforn.—®ie 33eeten road) fen ant ©traitd).— corn. The berries grow on the shrub. ©>a§ ©piel ift au§.—®et ©d)tof fet ntad)t The play is out. The lock-smith makes bay ©djlofj nttb ben ©djlttf fet.—frnn ge ba§ the lock and the key. Hang the £teib in bett ©djranf! — ©er ©djrnieb dress in the closet! The smith 58 ©clectic ©crie3. fd)tntc bet ba§ ©t fen.—3)ic ©pat gctt uitb hammers the iron. The sparrows and bic <^d)Jt>al ben bait cn if) rc 9Zcf ter an bte the swallows build their nests on the £mu fcr.—$cr <2 d) matt fdjmimmt auf bent houses. The swan swims on the S£eid).—^mct mat 3 e ^ n if* gmatt <5t9- pond. Two times ten is twenty. ©it te ©pri't djc, met fe Set rett Good sayings (and) wise lessons 9Jcttf5 titan iibett, ttidjt btofj prcit. must 2 one 1 practice, 3 not only hear. 4 I SDeutfcfye ftibel. 59 Seltcitcr uorfommcnbc Saute. 5 X = d)§ x X = chs X flingt uric fg. X sounds like ks. Matter, ,\'crre*, 9Juir, Xavier, Xerxes, Max, bie 2lgt, bag © j:a men, fir. the ax, the examination, fixed. SDag 2Bad)g, ber ®ad)g, ber $itd)g, ber The wax, the badger, the fox, the $lad)g, bie^fel, ber Get) fe, bie Bid) fe, flax, the shoulder, the ox, the blacking, bie 33iid) fe, mad) fen. the box, to grow. 9Jta£ nnb fyc tir fittb flei ttc ,Uita ben ; fie Max and Felix are little boys; they gc f)cn bei be in bie @d)it le. ®ie 33ie nen go 2 both 1 to school. The bees fain mein 2Bad)g nnb fpo nig. ®er ®ad)g gather wax and honey. The badger nnb ber $nd)g mol) nen in <£ml) ten tm and the fox live in dens in the 60 Eclectic Series 28ol be. 28ie mcl ift fcd)§ uttb fcd)§ ? Da§ woods. How many are six and six ? The Dbft mild) ft auf 23att tacit. fruit grows on trees. Du llingt mie frn. Qu sounds like kw. Die Dual, bie Dua fte, The torment, the tassel, bte Duel le, bte Duit te, quer, quit leu, the spring, the quince, across, torment, bcquctit. comfortable. Die Dua fte ift turn Dei be. 9Jiatt fjattgt The tassel is of silk. One hangs bie Dua fte ait ben 2$or tang. Dcr the tassel to the curtain. The 28ait be rer cr quiett fid) an ber fri fd)ett traveler refreshes himself at the fresh Duel te. Duct le nie eitt Dice guilt Ddjcrg. spring. Torment 2 never 1 an animal for fun. Die Duitte nnidjft am 23attnt. The quince grows on a tree. ®eutfdjc $ibel. 61 Orbnung. $rifd) gc t£)cnt uttb nidjt ge fauiitt! Lively 2 work 1 and 3 not 5 tarry ! 4 2® a 3 im 2®cg iff, meg gc raiimt! What 2 in 4 the 5 way 6 is 3 remove I 1 2®a§ bir fd) let, fttd) gc fcfyuiitb! What you miss, look for quickly! Srb ttimg lev tie friit), mein $ittb! Order 2 learn 1 early, my child! at|c(. (Sag, ma§ ntttf) fief) flci tig bref)it, Tell, what must itself 2 often 3 turn, 1 Soli bev 2® a gen Dor marts gefytt ? Should the wagon forward 2 go 1 ? 2®enn’§ Sotit liter ift, ba bin id) lalt, When it summer 2 is 1 then am 2 I 1 cold, 3m 2Biit ter merb id) Ijeig al§ batb. In the winter get 2 I 1 hot immediately. 62 Eclectic ©crie<8. 2Bie Ijetftt bcr 336 gel !Iei ne§ £mu§ ? What is called 5 the 1 birds 52 little 3 house ? 4 @ie brii ten britt bie (Si er au«. They hatch in 3 it 4 their 1 eggs. 2 3d) ten ttc cin Stiunt d)cn gar fein unb gart, I know a little tree very fine and tender, trdgt end) ff-rttd) te fel te iter Vtrt; That bears for you fruits of rare kind; @8 futt felt mtb lend) tet ntit ()d lent @d)ctn It sparkles and shines with a bright light S£icf in be* 2Binter§ 9'ind)t t)iit cin. Deep into the winter’s night. fe ()cn bie $iit bcr unb frctt eit fid) fcfjr, That 4 see 3 the 1 children 2 and are very glad, Unb bftiitfen uorn 33 aunt djen unb pftuffen And pluck of the tree and pluck c§ leer. it empty. |5ttmier ^gpeif. ficfcfti'ttfe. 1, $cr gute Sdjiikr. 1. aBtn ter, menu eg frie ret, grn 3Btn ter, raenn eg fdjrteit, ®ann ift ber aSec^ §ur ©dju (e, ^urraatjr nod) mat fo roeit. ( 63 ) 64 ©clcctic ©erie£. 2. Unb menu ber Kuf fud ru fct, Sarm ift bcr $riil) ling ba, Sann ift bcr 23eg gnr ©d)tt Ic giirmaljr normal fo nalj. 3. 2Ber a ber ger nc ter net, Sent ift fein 9Bcg ju fern; 3nt fyri'tf) ling mic int 2Bin ter, (55ct)t cr gnr ©d)u le gent. 0c!)tiler, pupil. e§ frieret, it freezes. e§ fefyneit, it snows, furruafjr, indeed, normal, twice. Jtuctuct, cuckoo, rufet, calls, cries. $ritf)ling, spring, rial), short, aber, but. gerne lernet, likes to learn. 2. 3m ©artcit. $rii* unb 93cr ttja finb int ©ar ten. Sie Suft ift ftar. Sie ©on tte fdjeint warm. Sie Kin ber ru Ijcn auf ber 23ani $rit} l)at einen Kafer in ber £anb. SSertlja ruft: „$lieg, flieg!" Unb funt, fuut! fliegt ber Kafer fort. to arm, warm. heifer, beetle, ruljen, rest. flieg, fly. fort, away. ©eutfdje gibel 65 3. 93Iatt tm *Binb. 1, Gin Statt im 2Btnb, 9iafd), lie be3 iRtnb! 9tun ift e3 ba, Salb fern, batb naf). 2, ge^t ftiegt e$ fort aSotx Drt ju Drt ©dmett tauf ifjnt nad) St3 an ben Sad)! 66 ©ctectic @ertc3. ®od) efy bas £inb ©id) flint geregt, §at e3 ber 2Binb Sa non ge fegt* 53latt, leaf, rafd), quick, balb, soon, fdjnett, quickly. el)’ = efje, before. flinf, quickly. geregt, moved. baron gefegt, swept away. 4. ©iendjctt. iRlei ne 33ie ne, met* fagt e3 bir, bafi bie 33tu men btu [)en fjicr? 2Ber tjat brin ben SEifdj ge bcdt, baf$ e3 bir fo tieblidj fdjmedt? 2Beif$t bn, met fo an bid) gebad)t? ©ott iff 3, ber at te3 t)at ge mad)t. 53iend)en, little bee. fagt, tells, brin, in them, gebedt, spread. bu? Do you know? gebacfyt, thought. ©ott, God. gemadjt, made. 67 2)eutfcfye $ibcf* 5. 3m JIBtittcv. ©3 ift 2Bin ter* ®er ©cf)nee fdltt in bid) ten $Iof fen* 33a(b brei tct fid) ei ne raci pe ®ef fe u bcr ©tab! nnb Sanb* ®ie £na ben ge l)en [)in an$, rot fen ben 0d)nee gn fnm men, nnb nta d)en ei nen gro pen ©dptce man* 0ie jet gen if)m ei nen af ten §nt auf nnb ftef fen if)nt ei ne af te ^3fei fe in ben 3Jhtnb* ®er ©djneentann ntad)t ben llna ben ntef ©paf* ©djnee, snow, bitten, dense, gloden, flakes. Breitet, spread, ©ecfe, cover. ©tabt, city. Sanb, country, rotten, roll, tnadjen, make, ^feife, pipe. ©paf, fun. 6. 2©ng bic Xtcrc ftjnit. ®er n ber ©dnile roaren rotr fleifng unb bur fen nun fptelen. ©entfdjc JyibcL 69 $aul tenft bie s $fer be unb 33nt no I;at ci non JRorb am 2 lrm. §in ter ©m nta fit gen Grnft nnb SDto rib. Sen fleinen ©ntit fanrt man fannt fetjcn. §>ein rid) fdjraenft bie $at) ne. Sanft, it)r ^ferb d)en, lanft! mir finb fo (]ern auf bent fyelb. fafyren, ride. lenft, drives, biirfen, may. fdjtnenft, waves, fpielen, play. lauft, runs, auf ba§ £anb, into the country. 8. $cr $ogcl am Weft. „ 2 Sit, mit—mit, mit!" rnft c$ non bent 2 tf te. ©3 ift bie 9Jint ter ber 33o 13 leirt im Sceftc* Sic t)at ci nett SBurnt im Sd)na^ bet, ben fie im 2 Bat be fanb. Sie !(ei nen 3>o (get fperren bie Sdjtta bet anf nnb bitten: „©i b, gib, gib!" „ 2 £it, mit!" rnft bie 9)int ter nnb gibt ben iltei nen $ut ter. ^oglem, little birds. fanb, found. 0d)nabe(, bill. fperren auf, open. gutter, food. ©clectic ©erie§. 70 9. Stimmcn bcr Xtcre. ®er So toe britttt, bet Ddj fe brummt, ®a$ ©cf)df d)en bXoft, ber £a fer fummt ©3 Ijeult ber 2Bolf, bie Ser djc fittgl, ®er 9ia be frad^t, eS fcE)tagt bcr ®a3 ©an3 d)en fcfynat tert gaf, gaf, gaf, ®er fyrofd; fdtjreit Sag unb 9Xad)t quaf, quat 71 Seutfdje $ibef. S3 flap pert aitf bent ®adj bcr ©tordj. $a3 ift ein Sarnten, fjord) nur, fjord)! Stimmen, voices, briillt, roars, brummt, lows. 0djdfdjert, lambkin, blbft, bleats, fumrnt, hums. Ijeult, howls. 2Bolf, wolf. Serene, lark, frddjjt, croaks, fdjldgt, sings. ©anSdjen, gosling, fdjnattert, cackles, flappert, rattles. 0tordj, stork. Ijordj, hark. 10. $te Wupfdjtifc. Sie ffei rtc Sf fe ging in ben ©ctr ten. £)ier fanb fie tut ter bent gro pen 3tup ban me ei tte 9tup. 2)ie fe mar a ber nodj in ei ner grit nett ©dja fe. Sf fe bip fo gfeidj (jin ein; aber bie Sdja fe fdjtncd te fefjr bit ter. ©ie marf be<3 fjafb bie 9tup meg. Sfjr 33ru ber $on rab fjat te e$ ge fe pen. Sr [job bie 9frtp auf, fjofte einett ©tein unb fdjfttg bie 9htp auf. 2Ba3 geigte fidj jept? $n ber ©d)a fe fag ein fdjoner, meiper Sent, ber fcpmecfte fefjr flip. 9tupfdjate, nut-shell, ging, went, gropen, big. 6ip, bit. fdjmedte, tasted. marf meg, threw away. patte e3 gefepen, had seen it. fjob auf, picked up. Ijotte, fetched, fdjlug auf, cracked. ^eigte fid), showed itself, fdjoner, beautiful. Hern, kernel, fiip, sweet. 72 (Sctectic Series 11. $ic ©ootfaljrt. ©iefjft bit baS tret fte 33oot bort auf bent SEcicf)? finb 5 tret £in bcr ba rin. Ser Etta be ru bert unb fcf)tt)ingt ben $ut, unb baS 9)idb d)cn fteu crt. iff £ar( unb 9Jtin net. ®ie fa men auS ber ©tabt Deutfcfie $ibel 73 unb Met ben bet if) ret: Sdjtt te rate ber art fattgt. ru l)i gen 2Baf fer utad)t gen, Dcr Dn f’ef fteljt ttad). 33ootfal)rt, boat-ride, rubert, rows, fdjtningt, waves, fteuert, steers. 0tabt, city. t Dn !cl, 2(tt ton, bi$ bie Die $yaf)rt anf bent ffa rett, ben ftin bent tncf 33er gum am U fer unb ficljt if) nen blcibcn, stay, artfdngt, begins, ffaren, clear, rufyigen, quiet. SSergnugen, pleasure. 12. $cr fletnc ©eritcgrofj. 1 . 2Bar einft eitt ffei ner ©er ne gro ft, $itnf 3af)r aft unb eitt fjaf be3 bfoft. „©t"—fprid)t cr—„id) bin ttid)t md)V ffetrt; $d) fantt gar raof)f ciit fierr fd;ott fein." 74 Eclectic 0cvies. 2. Sr nirnmt be3 93a tcr3 ©tocf unb §ut Unb tauft f)in cm3 mil ftol ^ern 9Jtut, Hub merit e3 nicfjt, ber flei ne SEropf, Saft t)atb im §u te ftedt ber Eopf. 3, Unb al le Sen te blei ben ftel/n Unb la djenb auf ba3 ^err ctjen fet/n: „Ei £mt, ma3 §aft benn bn im Sinn, 2Bo miltft bn mit bent 3un gen l)in? ©ernegrop, Would-be-great, ftolgen, proud. Sctfge, years. 5£ropf, fellow. fitnf, five. fteeft, sticks. ein l)aI6e$>, a half. bletben fte^en, stand still. nimmt, takes. (adjenb, laughing. Iduft ptnauS, walks out. IJungen, boy. im ©inn fjaben? what are you about? 13. 2>cv $raif)c. 9Mn 93ru ber Sari fjatte einen graven SDradjen ge macljt. Sr mar au3 £olj unb ^a pier. 2lnt un tern Sn be be fanb fid) ein tan ger Sd)man$, unb am o bent ei ne lan ge, bun ne Sdjnur. ■Jtadj mit tag3 gin gen mir ()in au3 auf ba3 $elb tyinter unferm $au3. S3 mar ein frfyo ner SEag; bie Sonne fcfjien pradjtig unb c3 mel)tecin gutcr 2Binb. 9Sir lie pen ben Sra open ftei gen. Sr ftieg fo £)od) al3 bie Scbnur reid)tc. 2Bir !onntenif)n faunt nod) fe t)en. - So ftan ben mir tan ge im Sc^at ten ueben bent SDeutfctje $tbel. 75 2 lud) un fer §uttb ord), mag ift bag: pip, pip, pip, pip! Sa fittb jun ge 9Jtdug d)en brirt, f)o re nttr! Sie freu crt fidf), bajt bie Gutter trie bcr ba ift. Gg ift gut, baft bu, mein au3 d)cn mcdptt. ©te fatten fur ben 31 benb nid)t3 gu ef fen. Sa fag te 91o bert: „3)iut ter, ®eutfd)e Sibel. 79 id) roill gum 23a df;c gel)en unb einige ^ifdjc fan gen/' £>ier fitgt er nun gang fttl te. gmei Si fd)c t)at er fd)on ge fan gen unb ben brit ten mad)t er c ben nont §aten log. 2Bie toirb fid) bie 3)httter freuen, menn er mit ben ^ifd^en nad) £>aufe fommt! fiefyft bu, do you see. ben britten, the third one. §du§d^en, little house. eben, just now. fangen, catch. fo$ madden, to ]oosen. gang, quite. ftd) freuen, be glad, nad) §aufe fommt, comes home. 17. ftiftfjlciu. 1 . |yifd) tein, Sifd) lein, bu arnter 2Bid)t'! ®d)nap pe bod) ja nad) ber 3ln gel nid)t; 80 ©clcctic ©erie3. ®et)t bir fd)netl gum ^pat fe tjinein, Oteifit bid) bin tig uttb mad)t bir $cin. ©iet)ft bit nic£)t fit jen ben Etta ben bort? gafd) lein, fd)tt)imm gefdpmnbe fort! 2 . $ifd)tein mod)t r eS toot)! bef fer roif fen, ©at) nur nadj bent fet ten 33if fen, 9 Jtein tc ber Ena be mit fei ner ©djnur 2 Ba re t)ier gunt ©paf fe nur, ®a fd)tuautm eerr $ud)3, id) tnufite bir nid)t$ gu fa gen. Su bift ntir fo fd)oit nief gu ffttg, brunt bfeib r id) bir fie ber mcit ge nug." §err fyucf)^, ber ging ant 11 fer f)in, unb mar ucr briefdid) in feittent Sinn. ©$ fufte te if)tt nad) 84 Eclectic @erie§ einem 93va ten, bag t;at te bie ©n te root)! erratem §eut fyixtV er fo ger ne fdjunnt men ton nen; nun rnuftf er il)x bod) bag Se ben gon item mm ■. . WMM m BIB yjiU'.M Itap ffl.II I ft dtr^i^LT d 1 ppm^t ri gggg? 1 i d- ; ; j| fragen, ask. flug, smart, rerbrtefdid), angry. 0inn, mind. ttmjjte ntdjtg fagert, e§ tuftete it)rt r he wished, erraten, guessed. Seben, life, gormen, spare, have nothing to say. 3) e it tf d) c J i b e l 85 §aufe bringt fie ben $o nig in t cn ^on SBadjS. ®ie Siene tjat etncn ©tadjet. 9Bcr i(;r gn na tjc fommt, ben ftidjt fie. Die Sic ncn gc t;or rf;cn at tc it; rcr So ni gin. Sic finb fc(;r fteifng nnb fatten anf grofse Drb= nung. . 3>m 2Bin ter fd;ta fen fie. 86 Eclectic ©erie3. fiijjen, sweet, faugt, sucks, ©aft, juice, sap. 3eften, cells, ©tacfyel, sting. gu nafye fommt, comes too near. ftid)t, stings, gefyordjen, obey. ^onigtn, queen, fyalten, keep, fdjlafert, sleep. 23. $>cr $ltitbe. Ein ar mcr, blitt ber 9Jtann leb te in gro fier !Jlot. ®a banb er fein §unb lein an ci nen ©tricf, unb baS £umb Icin filler tc ifm auf fi d)ent 3Se gen. Er Scutfcbe $ibet 87 fam ju gu ten 9)Zenfd)en, unb bic fe ga ben iljnt 33rot. ®er ar me 3)tann tcil tc ba3 SSrot mil • fei item $un be. 2113 ber 33£in be ftarb, trau er tc ba3 §uttb tein unb ftarb nor Sum mcr auf bent ©ra be fei ne3 «£errn. ©er SBlinbe, the blind man. 3Kot, need, bemb, tied. §itnbletn, little dog. fidjern, safe. §errrt, master teilte, divided, ftarb, died, trauerte, was sorry. «j Summer, sorrow, ©rabe, grave. 24. 9lit bcit $udj8. 1 . $ud)3, bit f)aft bie @an3 geftotjten, ©ib fie mic ber tjcr; ©onft foil bid) ber 3d ger t;o ten 9Jtit bent Sdjtcft ge wetjr. 88 Eclectic Series. 2 . Set tte gro f$e, Ian ge $Iin te Sdjiefd auf bid) bag Sdjrot, ®aft bid) farbt bie ro te %in te Hub bartn bift bit tot. 2 . Sie be@ gmd)3 tein, tafj bir ra ten, Sei bod) ja feitt ®ieb; •Jitmnt, bit braud)ft nid)t ©art fe bra ten, 9Jlit ber 2)tau3 oor tieb. Sdjrot, hail-shot, rote S£inte, red ink. tap bir raten, take advice, nimtn oorlieb, be satisfied, braudjft nid}t, need no. ©anfebraten, roasted goose.. bu fjaft geftopten, you have stolen, bap bid) farbt, that you are dyed with. an ben $ucfj3, to the fox. Sager, hunter. 1)0 ten, go for. Sdjiepgetoepr, gun. 8'linte, gun. fdjiept, shoots. 25. ©orn ©itbletn. Stcigt ein 23ub teitt auf ben 33aum, D, fo t)od) r man fiefjt cs faum! Sd)(upft non 2tft gu 3tft djctt, £mpft gum 3So get neft d)crt. @i, ba tadjt e<3; t)tti r ba frad)t e3! ^(umpa be id; eg bir uid)t gcfagt?" fprad) trail rig bag 90 ©clcctic Series 9ftab d;eit. 21 ber baS 3)iucf d;en tag an bcr $lam me unb ftarb. 2Jiudd)en, little fly. s Duibd;en, girl, flog, flew, ftanb, stood, ftridte, was knitting. fonft, else, urn, around, gliigeldjen, little wings, fengte, singed, scorched, traurig, sad. blcib non, keep away from, glamme, flame. brannte, burned, was lighted, rrerbrennft bid;, burn yourself, auf unb nieber, up and down. 27. 2)ic ©lumen, finb all bie JSlunten f;ht? Sdjla fen in ber @r be brin, © cutfdjc $ibel. - 91 3Bctd) non Sdjitec ganj ge be eft. ©tid nur, bafi fie -Jiientanb medt! Uber'3 Saljr mit ©onnenfdjein 7 , ©ritt bet* gxiii) ling [till {jer ein, 3iimntt bie ©ede meg gan§ fadjt, 9tuft: „3t;r £in ber, nun erroadjt!" ©a lorn men bie £bpf lein fd;nelX ()cr au£, ©a tf)un fie bie l;et lett 9lu gen auf. roofjtrt, where to. tritt herein, steps in. gugebedt, covered. ©ede, coverlet, roedt, awakes. erroaefyt, wake up. i'tber’3 Satyr, next year. ^bpflein, little heads. ttyun auf, open. 28. ©ic Gutter. 1. 2Bcr fjat ba3 Sinb am liebften? ®a3 ift fein 3Jiut ter lein, Unb s Jtic manb auf bet* @r be 2$irb je itym treu et* fein. 2. SScnn al le mil be met* ben, ©ie 9Jtut ter ttrirb caufcg. „Sontntt, Sna ben, rair root ten ein ,§au3 bau en," fag te © mil jn Sart nnb $ein rid). „^d) milt ben Setter an^grabett," fprad) Sari. „Unb id)," fagte © mit, „bin ber 3Jtanrer; id) net) me Saif nnb ©tei ne nnb ban e bie 9Jtau ern." „$n barfft a ber bie Xl)\i ren nnb $en fter nid)t ner gef fen. Dt) ne ©t)h ren fann man nid)t in ba£ ^pan^ t)iit ein nnb bnrd) bie $ett fter foil Snft nnb £id)t in bie giwmer font men." ^einrid) fagte: „3>d) bin ber ^immex- ntann; id) fet ge bie ©t)tt ren nnb $en fter nnb te ge ben $nfi bo ben. 3Son ei item ©tod toerf in ba3 an be re ma d)e id) ©rep pen. ititb 0 ben anf ba3 ^tfnS fet ge id) ba3 ©ad), ba$ fd)nt$t nor 9ie gen nnb ©d)itee. Unfer £)an