j : 'LA M Jpoc Oil; CF&C-9 ti-T kffiti ttf'&i 3a? ajf % TOEAf TITR};^,;- Bt F>V .HPWrORK 4WD UU UXE'StCHi- -:G " rVM I P - ' k. 4 A> rni f- jr*v" 'Mi 4 2 off i ^* f A r* h S,CL* 30U1 H CLAR X I B R.AR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLI NOIS 91 7 o 73 116 111. Hist. Surv 77 . CHICAGO MILL FURNISHING DEPOT. T. OO-, MANUFACTURERS OF IlLLSTON OF ALL QUARRIES, ArfD C. W. BROWN'S PATENT PORTABLE FLOURING AND GRIST MILLS, AND DEALERS IN BUTH "ANKEJT BOLTING CLOTHS, Smut Mills and Separators, Separators for Warehouses, Beltings of all kinds, Hoisting Screws and Balls, Bran Dusters, Pecks, Proof Staffs, &c. FAIRBANKS' SCALES, AND MILL FURNISHING GENEKALLY. Plans, Specifications and Estimates furnished when desired, and the construction of Steam and Water Mills con- tracted for entire. STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. THe subscriber having obtained the agency for the sale of Steam Engines and Boilers, from the manufactory o f SEWELL, Watertown, Jl\ F\, Would invite the attention of purchasers to their superior merits of style, workmanship and powers ; also, their very low prices. The following is a list of prices of Engine and Boiler, together with Heater, Water and Steam Pipes, Cocks, Valves, Arch Castings and Grates, complete and ready for use, delivered in Chicago : 5 horse power. 8 " " . 10 " " 12 " " 16 " " .$500 . 575 .. 725 .. 800 ..1100 20 horse power $1,250 25 " " 1,500 80 " " 1,675 35 " " 2,000 40 " " 2,200 And in like proportion for larger sizes as required. Every Engine is furnished with Judson's Patent Governor Valve. For Flour Mill we confidently recommend them as superior to any other style of Engine, and they will Save from. 25 to 5O per cent, in Fuel, Over the usual class of boilers at use in the West. We shall keep an assortment of different sizes at our establish - m " ment, will r e usua cass o oers a use n e es. e sa eep an assormen o eren szes a our esas - it, where they may be examined and the necessary information obtained regarding them. Competent men , if desired, be furnished to set up and start Engines in any part of the country. We also supply WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING, GEARING, &C., AT VERY LOW PRICES. T. W. Ss GO., Mill Furnishing Depot, West Water street, between Randolph and Madison, Chicago. Post Office address Box 274. FURST & BRADLEY, V - l^^v^'i * 1 ^ 73 and 75 West Randolph Street, Chicago, N MANUFACTURERS OP OF ALL KINDS, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS AND HARROWS. Plow Handles and Beams, Harrow Teeth, Wagon Hubs, Sawed Wagon and Plow Timber, always on hand and at low rates. CONRAD FURST, DAVID BRADLEY. S. DP. ROUNDS, CHICAGO TIP] PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, STEAM Book and Job Printing Establishment ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY GENERAL ADVERTISING AGENCY, No. 155 Randolph St. ENTIRE PRINTING OFFICES fitted out at short notice, and Eastern prices. Every article used by the Trade, on hand and for sale at Specimen prices. Railroads, Bankers, Public Officers, &c., supplied with Electrotype Dies, Hand and Self-Inking Stamps, at Boston Prices. Advertisements received from Business Houses, and published in the leading Newspapers of the Northwest, at Publishers' lowest rates. Every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING executed in the neatest manner, and at the lowest living rate?. BRYANT, BELL & STEATTON'S CONSOLIDATED CHICAGO Link in the .Yational 'hin, LOCATED AT CHICAGO. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, ALBANY, BUFFALO, CLEVELAND, DETROIT AND ST. LOUIS. SCHOLARSHIP GOOD THROUGH THE ENTIRE CHAIN OF EIGHT COLLEGES. Consolidation of " Bryant & Stratton's Mercantile College " and " Bell's Commercial College," now conducted as one Institution, which is the recipient of an extraordinary and unprecedented patronage. Larmon Block, corner Clark and Washington streets, - Chicago. H. B. BRYANT, D. V. BELL, H. D. STRATTON, - PRINCIPALS AND PROPRIETORS. By this consolidation the collegiate course of this Institution is greatly enlarged, and with the improvements which the business experience of the Principals enables them constantly to introduce for the benefit of their students, it is made greatly superior in all respects. FIRST PREMIUMS AWARDED TO THIS COLLEGE, At the late United States Fair in Chicago, for Best Business Penmanship and for Best Bookkeeping. DEPARTMENTS OF BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTS, Organized and conducted upon the Counting Room System, the Halls of study being fitted up with appropriate Counters, Desks, etc., as in real business, and the student at once introduced to the practical workings and routine of business as conducted in Banks, Counting Rooms, Railroad Offices, etc. COMMERCIAL LAW. By special arrangement with the Law School of the University of Chicago, the sessions of which are held in our College rooms, our Students are privileged to attend all the lectures in this department, and to receive instruction in this important branch of the course, from the able, accomplished and learned Professors of that School ; and it affords us much gratification to be enabled to offer them these extraordinary and superior advantages. "SPENCERIAN" PENMANSHIP. This famous system the best known to the world is our standard. B3^ Circular and catalogue of 80 pages furnished gratuitously on application to the undersigned. . BRYANT, BELL & STRATTON. GEORGE W. SAYRE, PROPRIETOR. This First Class house has been thoroughly renovated and re-furnished. The Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate his friends and the traveling public. The house ia retired from the noise and confusion of the business portion of the city, and the location elevated and pleasant, commanding a view of the great Mississippi River. !M.ariu.facttirer aiad. Dealer in ALL KINDS OP GiLT & ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS, PLAIN AND ORSAMRKTAL OVALS AND LOOKING GLASSES. 214 Randolph and 46 Wells st. P. 0. Box 3666. CHICAGO, ILL. M. C. PARSON, AT LAW, Rooms Nos. 5 and 6. 80 DEARBORN ST., - - - CHICAGO. XX X ENGRAVING ROOMS, ESTABLISHED 1837, NOW THE LARGEST WEST OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, 117s Randolph Street, (first floor), Chicago, 111. FOB GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS, POLICE, MILITARY & FIREMEN'S BADGES 4 EMBLEMS, COI3ST, A.JL.J-, SIZES. Notarial and other Seals and Lever Presses, NGJL MARKINfi PLATES, FOR BRANDING BARRELS, BOXES, BAGS, ETC., 5 STAMPS & FILLETS, RAILROAD BAGGAGE, HOTEL, JEWELERS' AND OTHER CHECKS. STEEL & IRON NAMES FOR STAMPING OR BURNING. Wood Engravings of Buildings, Machinery, Portraits, Autographs, Railroad Maps, Views of Cities, etc. Drawings for the Patent Office. Copper Plate, Wedding, At Home, Calling and Business Cards, Bill & Letter Heads, etc., etc. a 8 I WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALER IN MEN'S AND BOYS' Nos. 70 & 72 Fulton Street, Second door from Gold, YORK. ALL KINDS OF CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER IN A SUPERB MANNER AND AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. ILLINOIS STATE BUSINESS DIRECTOEY, I860: IN WHICH THB AND MECHANICAL DEPARTMENTS, ARE ACCURATELY COMPILED AND ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED UNDER THEIR RESPECTIVE HEADINGS; ALSO, INFORMATION RESPECTING BANKS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, RAILROADS AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS. COMPILED BY SMITH Rock Island Co. Babcock E. C. & Son, (Elijah C. & John,) dry goods, etc., Monmouth, Warren Co. Babcock J. & A., (John & Alfred,) physicians, Galesburg, Knox Co. Babcock & Bro., nursery, etc., Summerfield, St. Clair Co. Babcock & Farwell, wood dealers, Canton, Ful- ton Co. Babcock & Peek, (Cyril Babcock & William H. Peek,) furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Babcock & Wood, prod., coal & wood, Wata- ga, Knox Co. Baber Asa J., county treas., Paris, Edgar Co. Baber & Starmer, (Joseph Baber & Joseph Starmer,) boots & shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Babington James S. B., physician, Galesburg, Knox Co. Bach Julius, clothing, Chicago, Cook Co. Bacharach Isaac, clothing, etc., Rockford,Win- nebago Co. Bachnrach Samuel, agt. second hand furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Bachelder Alfred N., carpenter &builder,Rock- ford, Winnebago Co. Bachelder J. W., physician, Arlington, Bureau Co. Bacheldor Edward & Co., boots & shoes, Wau- kegan, Lake Co. Bachelor , blacksmith, Momence, Kan- kakee Co. Bachman David, physician, Rock Grove, Ste- phenson Co. Bachmann L. H., furniture dealer, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Bachstein Henry, harness mkr., Chicago, Cook Co. Bachtler Joseph, boots & shoes, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Back George,- butcher, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Back H., harness maker, Mokeno, Will Co. Backensto B. M., post master, London City, Fayette Co. Backer C., firsherman, Blue Island, Cook Co. Backer Charles, hairdresser, Chicago, Cook Co. Backer George, boots & shoes. Chicago, Cook Co. Backers J. H., gunsmith, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Backus Cornelius F., livery and saloon, Chica- go, Cook Co. Bacon, A. B., teacher, Xew Berlin, Sangamon Co. Bacon A. E., exchange, Augusta, Hancock Co. Bacon Alfred, butcher, Kansas, Edgar Co. Bacon D. W. C., physician, Oneida, Knox Co. Bacon E. E.. nurserv, etc., Willow Creek, Lee Co. Bacon Frederick, meat market, Chicago, Cook Co. Bacon H , coal and com. mer., lumber, saw mill, Del Rey, Iroquois Co. Bacon H. M., daguerreotypes, Phillipstown, White Co. Bacon John, produce and com., W. Urbana, Champaign Co. BAI Bacon Milton H., lawyer, Phillipstown, White Co. Bacon P. S., ins. agent, Xew Erin, Stephen- son Co. Bacon B. & R. H., dry goods, etc., Pitman, Adams Co. Bacon H. & Co., (Henry Bacon and Moses S. Bacon,) com. mers., Chicago, Cook Co. BACON & WHITE, (Willii m Bacon and Ed- mund White,) tin and coppersmiths, Princeton, Bureau Co. Badaraso Joseph, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Bade William, furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Badgby A. C., physician, Earlville, LaS .lie Co. Badger Hugh, architect, Xew Erin, Stephen- son Co. Badger Bros., flour mill, Amboy, Lee Co. Badget Robert, cabinet maker, New Erin, Ste- phenson Co. Badollet A. S., grocer, Lawrenceville, Law- rence Co. Badollet Vigo, dry goods, Lawrenceville, Law- rence Co. Baer Adam, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Baer & Co., grocers, Metropolis City, llassac Co. Baetic Feederick, harnessmaker, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Baffington J. H., drugs and medicines, Jersey- ville, Jersey Co. Bagby Miss S., milliner and dressmaker, Rush- ville, Schuyler Co. Bagby & Anderson, lawyers and notaries public, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Bagby, Burns & Wood, (Robert B. Bagby, Geo. W. Burns and John Wood,) millers, Quincy, Adams Co. Bagg Charles S., postmaster, Freeport, Ste- phenson Co. Baggiano Peter, confectioner, Chicago, Cook Co. Bagley R., blacksmith, Maple Mills, Fulton Co. Bagley T. H., prod, men, Marengo, McHenry Co. Bagley W. W., dry goods, etc., Henrv, Marshall Co. Bagley William, barber, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Bagley & Kelley, tailors, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Bag'ey & Tomlinson, marble works, Urbana, Champaign Co. Bagwell John, sheriff, Linchburg, Jefferson Co. Bahjoe Bernard, gunsmith, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Bahrenburg J. H., physician, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Baidston Mrs., weaver, Eureka, Woodford Co. Baier Henry, clothing, Peoria, Peoiia Co. Baierle Adam, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Bail John D., lawyer, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Bail John V., blacksmith, Salt Creek, Effing- ham Co. Bailes Thomas, carpenter, Pitman, Adams Co. Bailey , physician, Knoxville, Knox Co. Bailey Abraham P., ambrotypes, etc., Morri- son, Whitesides Co. Bailey Andrew, cabinetmaker, Mason, Effing- ham Co. Bailey C. E. Rev., Berwick, Warren Co. Bailey C. P., hotel, Dundee, Kane Co. Bailey Charles, machinist, Batavia, Kane Co. Bailey D., dry goods, Monticello, Piatt Co. Bailey Frederick K., physician., Joliet, Will Co. Bailey C. S., com. mer. and gen'l agent, Shoal Creek Station, Clinton Co. Bailey G. S. Rev., Metamora, Woodford Co. Bailey Geo. F., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Bailey I. J., contractor, Appanoose, Hancock Co. Bailey James R., editor, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Bailey John, boots, shoes and findings, Canton, Fulton Co. Bailey John, stone quarry, Mason, Effingham Co. Bailey John Q., town clerk, Farrow Town, Cal- houn Co. Bailey John Q. A., circuit clerk, Hardin, Cal- houn Co. Bailey John R., carriagemaker, Morrison, Whiteside Co. Bailey M. S., livery, Centralia, Marion Co. Bailey Moody B., carpenter, Salisbury, Sanga- mon Co. Bailey Orwell, postmaster, Baileyville, Ogle Co. Bailey- Paris, painter, Yellowhead Grove, Kan- kakee Co. Bailey Rufus G., county clerk, Mt. Carroll, Carroll Co. Bailey S.,cigar'mkr,Doddsville, McDonough Co Bailey S. P., coal, etc, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Bailey Samuel, collector, Baileyville, Ogle Co. Bailey T. B., harnessmkr, Baileyville, Ogle Co. Bailey Thomas, carpenter, Vermont, Fulton Co. Bailey W. S., dry goods, etc., Macomb, Mc- Donough Co. Bailey William, carpenter, Chillicothe, Peoria Co. BaileyWilliam, dry goods, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Bsiley William, miller, Rock Islaud, Rock Island Co. Bailey William B., dry goods, Bloomfield, Edgar Co. Bailey William & Son, (James W. Bailey,) grocers, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Bailey Z. C., stone quarry, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. BAILEY J. C. W. & CO., (John C. W. Bailey, A. Warren Smith & Charles A. DuMoulin,) publishers Illinois State Business Direc- tory, Chicago. Cook Co. Bailey 0. & Co., agricultural implement manu- facturer, Baileyville, Ogle Co. Bailey & Boyle, dry goods, groceries, etc., Coal Valley, Rock Island Co. Bailey & Clendinen, harness makers, Sparta, Randolph Co. Bailey & Mead, (Rensselaer Bailey & Joseph S. Mead,) wholesale grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Bailey & Patterson, livery stable, Sparta Ran- dolph Co. Bailey & Richmond, brickmakers, Mason, Effingham Co. Bailey & Stebbins, carpenters, Mason, Effing- ham Co. Bailhache & Baker, (Wm. H. Bailhache . Brownson M. K., physician, Joliet, Will Co. Brovles H., physician, Russellville, Lawrence "Co. Brua Henry, dry goods, etc, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Brubaker C., ice dealer, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Bruce C. A. Rev., Alton. Madison Co. Bruce G. A., agricul imp, Watson, Sangamon Co. Bruce J. D., shoe, findings, saddlery, etc, Windsor, Shelby Co. Bruce Jas., physician, Canton, Fulton Co. Bruce S. L., physician, W. Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Brude Wilhelm, carpenter, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Brudel Christian, blksmith, Granville, Putnam Co. Brti'ion William, undertaker, Alton, Madison Co. Brue Isaac, blacksmith, Rock Run, Stephenson Co. BRU BUG Brueck Herman, ambrotvpes, Chicago, Cook Co. Bruer A., hotel, Urbana, Champaign Co. Bruei ton S. T., carpenter, Edwardsville, Madi- son Co. Bruett , black & whitesmith, Ashkum, Iro- quois Co. Bruff L., lime, plaster, cement, Sandoval, Ma- rion Co. Bruggemun Constant, lime, cement & marble, New Market, Gallatin Co. Brugger Alois, marble works, Highland, Madi- son Co. Brugleman H. H., stoves, etc, Perry, Pike Co. Brumfield James, shingle maker, Santa Fe, Alexander Co. Brummct Syrene, agricultural implements, Yermillion, Edgar Co. Brumsey N., dry goods, groceries, etc, Ox Bow, Putnam Co, Brundage Baraey, lumber dealer, Oregon, Ogle Co. Bruner 0. A., watches & clocks, Vermont, Ful- ton Co. Bruner S. M., auctioneer, Galesburg, Knox Co. Bruner W. B. Rev., New Haven, Gallatin Co. Brunidge Thomas, postmaster, North Plato, Kane Co. Bruning Augustus, justice, Chicago, Cook Co. Brunk C. H., physician, Windsor, Shelby Co. Brunk John, carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Brunker Henry P., gunsmith, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Brunneman Benjamin, dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Brunneman Benjamin, hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Brunner Jno., cooper, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Brunner Philip H., soap & candle manfr, Gale- na, Jo Daviess Co. Bruns Barney H., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Brims William, painter, Neponset, Bureau Co. Bruns William H., shirt store, Chicago, Cook Co. Branson Miss , milliner, Earlville, LaSalle Brunswick E. & Co., agts, (Emanuel Bruns- wick & Charles Fink,) billiard table mkrs, Chicago, Cook Co. BRUNSWICK J. M. & BROS., (John M., Jo- seph & Emanuel,) billiard table manufrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Brunswick J. M. & Co., (John M., Joseph and Emanuel Brunswick, and Charles Fink,) billiard saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Brunton John, blksmith, Clark Center, Clark Co. Brush J. Rev., Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Brush J. N., hides & leather, postmaster, etc, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Brush J. X., harnessmaker, Altona, Knox Co. J5KUSH JESSE, agt China tea store, Chicago, Cook Co. Brusie Miss Ellen M., milliner, etc. Ottawa, La Salle Co. Bry Francis, physician, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Bryam E T., civil engineer & surveyor, Knox- ville, Knox Co. Bryan Alexander B., druggist, Chicago, Cook Co. Bryan C. M., gunsmith, LaHarpe, Hancock Co. Bryan Frederick A., druggist, Chicago, Cook Co. Bryan Jesse D., boot & shoe dealer, Clay City, Clay Co. Bryan 0. M., bookseller, drugs, grocer, physi- cian, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Bryan Peter, baker, Meredosia, Morgan Co. Bryan & Sehaefter, (Silas L. Bryan & Michael Schaeffer,) lawyers, Salem, Marion Co. Bryan & Stone, (William F. Bryan & George H. Stone,) lawyers, Peoria, Peoria Co. Bryant B. W., grocer, Clayton, Adams Co. Bryant H., carpenter, Dearborn, McUenry Co. Bryant H. C., ins agt, Middleport, Iroquois Co. Bryant Henry L., county judge, Lewiston, Ful- ton Co. Bryant Mrs Jesse, dressmaker & embroiderer, Chicago, Cook Co. Bryant John, hardware & cutlery, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Bryant R. M., carpenter, Girard, Macoupin Co. Bryant T. C., wool, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Bryant T. J. Rev., Greenfield, Greene Co. Bryant W. W., medicines, physician, Syca- more, DeKalb Co. Bryant & Steel, boots, etc, Geneseo, Henry Co. BRYANT, BELL & STRATTON, (Henry B. Bryant, Digby V. Bell & Henry D. Strat- ton,) commercial college. Consolidation of " Bryant & Stratton's Mercantile Col- lege," and " Bell's Commercial College." Link in the chain of National Mercan- tile Colleges, located at Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland and Detroit. Scholarships in Chicago College good throughout the en- tire chain, Chicago, Cook Co. Bryce S., milliner & straw goods dlrs, Sparta, Randolph Co. Bryde James, civ engr and survr, Monticello, Piatt Co. Bryer John, hides and leather, Bedford, Pike Co. Bryhlman J. H., billiard saloon, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Bryle A. & Co., blacksmiths, Pleasant Hill. Pike Co. Bryner John, sheriff, Peoria, Peoria Co. Bryner & Peterson, (Michael Bryner & Cebert Peterson,) boots & shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Bryrogal , lime, plaster and cement, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Brysdale J. M, postmaster, Wool, Pope Co. Bryson Charles, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Bryson John G., dry goods, etc, Peoria, Peoria Co. Bryson & Hatfield, dry goods, Armington, Tazewell Co. BuhbL., fisherman, Morris, Grundy Co. Buch J. & Co., blacksmiths, Sherburnville, Kankakee Co. Buchanan J. M. C., agrl impts, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Buchanan John S., land agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Buchanan R., auctioneer, Mineral, Bureau Co. Buchanan Robert, surveyor, Mt. Carmel, Wa- b ish Co. Buchanan V. A., sawmill, Monument, Pike Co. BUC BUF Buchanan W. B., civil engineer, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Buchanan Walter, surveyor, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Buchanan William, carpenter, Cordova, Rock Island Co. K Buchanan William, coal dlr & ins agt, El Paso, Woodford Co. Buchanan William G., agl impts and plowmkr, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Bucher C. A., lawyer, Fail-field, Wayne Co. Bucher Charles A., tailor, Batavia, Kane Co. Bucher H., boots and shoes, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Bucher Judge E., lawyer, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Bucher S. R., physician, Cedarville, Stephen- son Co. Bucher Hiller, (John Bucher, Geo. Hiller,) brewery, Chicago, Cook Co. Buchman William, dry goods, Bremen, Ran- dolph Co. Buchman William, news and picture frames, Joliet, Will Co. Buchner William, saloon, Peoria, Peoria Co. Bucholz Freid, coal dlr, Millstadt, St. Glair Co. Buchspies Frederick, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Buchter Conrad, painter, Highland, Madison Co. Buchter J., carptr. Highland, Madison Co. Buck Adam, dry goods, groceries, etc, South Pass, Union Co. BuckD., turner, wood, Albany, Whitesides Co. Buck Francis, soap and candles, Geneva,Kane Co. Buck Francis H., dry goods, Batavia, Kane Co. Buck H. S., boot & shoe mfr, Augusta, Han- cock Co. Buck Harvey S., grocer,Augusta, Hancock Co. Buck Hiram Rev., Decatur, Macon, Co. Buck Ira A. W., ins agt & real estate, Aurora, Kane Co. Buck Isaac N., auctioneer, etc, 'Elgin, Kane Co. Buck J. W., carpenter, Milledgeville, Carroll, Co. Buck James, carptr, Eugene, Knox Co. Buck James, confectioner, Paxton, Ford Co. Buck James, dry goods, Gooding's Grove, Will Co. Buck James M., physician and surgeon, Staun- ton, Macoupin Co. Buck John, wool dlr, Buck, Hamilton Co. Buck John H., grocer, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Buck Oust, boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Buck & Olds, carptrs, Albany, Whitesides Co. Buck & Rayner, (Geo. Buck & James B. Ray- ner,) druggists, Chicago, Cook Co. Buck & Rice, (Anson H. Buck & Michael D. Rice,) wines and liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Buckbee Theodore E., grocer, Rockford, Win- nebago Co. Bucket Charles, shingle mkr, New Massilon, Wayne Co. Buckhart Frederick, butch'r, Chicago, Cook Co. Buckingham Francis W., broker, Chicago, Cook Co. Buckingham J. C., carriage mkr, Robinson, Crawford Co. Buckingham J. L., hotel, Robinson, Crawford Co. Buckingham John, brickmkr, New Hartford, Pike Co. Buckingham Richard K., carptr, Burton,Adams Co. Buckle Miss C. Annette, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Buckles J. S., notary, Geneseo, Henry Co. Bucklew S., wagonmkr, Chili, Hancock Co. Buckley , postmaster, Silver Creek, Ste- phenson Co. Buckley Benjamin T., physician, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Buckley E. H., lawyer, El Paso, Woodford Co. Buckley Thomas, lightning rods, Chicago, Cook Co. Buckley Timothy, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Buckley William M., sheriff, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Buckley & Carpenter, lawyers, Geneseo, Henry Co. Buckley & Delano, (Edward H. Buckley & Sterling B. Delano,) lawyers, Quincy, Adams Co. Buckmeister T. A., physician, Toulon, Stark Co. Buckner A. Rev., Grand View, Edgar Co. Buckner House, (John Ganley,) Carmi, White Co. Buckner Joseph, grocer, etc, Mason, Effing- ham Co. Buckhout A., cooper, Henry, Marshall, Co. Buckspietz Frederick, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Budd Jacob, town clerk, Mansfield, Kendall Co. Budd John, town clerk, Farmington, Fulton Co. Buddington S., furniture, Beardstown, Cass Co. Budge C. P., cooper, Daysville, Ogle Co. Buehrer William, confectioner, Quincy, Adams Co. Buel A. H., leather dealer, Golconda, Pope Co. Buel David, com mcht, Chicago, Cook Co. Buel, Hill & Granger, (Henry K. Buel, Henry L. Hill and Gilbert L. Granger,) boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Buell Oliver H., hotel, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Buell E. P. & Co., drygoods, etc, LaHarpe, Hancock Co. Buell & Co., contractors, Blandinsville, Mc- Donough Co. Buels & Co., drygoods, Carthage, Hancock Co. Bues Frederick, wines and liquors, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Buettner Daniel, hairdresser, Chicago, Cook Co. Buettner Daniel, harnessmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Buff Conrad, boots and shoes, Lincoln, Logan Co. Buffe Frederick, hairdresser, Peoria, Peoria Co. Buffington J. H., bookseller, Jerseyville, Jer- sey Co. BUF BUN Buffington L., mer tailor, Moinence, Kankakee Co. Buffum H. W., postmaster, Izoria, Rock Is- land Co. Buffum & Councel, com mers, Williamsville, Sangamon Co. Buffum & Snyder, lumber and forw mer, Wil- liamsville, Sangamon Co. Bufington Calvin, butcher, Rock Creek, Car- rol Co. Buford Temple, grocer, Rock Island, R. Island Co. Buford Thomas J. & James M., foundry and machine shop, Rock Island, R. Island Co. Buford N. B. & Co , (Napoleon B. Buford and Henry C Blackburn,) bankers, Rock Is- land, R. Island Co. Buford & Clark, (Napoleon B. Buford and My- ron B. Clark,) boots and shoes, etc, Rock Island. R. Island Co. Buford, Tate & Co., (Basil D. Buford, Robert N. Tate and Bertholdt Loewenthal,) plow manuf, Rock Island, R. Island Co. Bugbee Amos, grocer, Galesburg, Knox Co. Buge W. H., fisherman, Pontoosac, Hancock Co. Bugh J. W., chairmkr, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Bugless J. C., cooper, Versaille, Brown Co. Buhler, Christian, butcher, Chicago, Co k Co. Buhmeyer John H., cigarmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Buhne Bernard, lumber, Shoal Creek Station, Clinton Co. Buhner, George Rev., Pleasant Plains, Sanga- mon Co. Buhrig Christoff, tailor, Peoria, Peoria Co. Bulert Henry, boots and shoes, Havana, Ma- son Co. Bulger Edward, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Bugler Michael, saloon, Peoria, Peoria Co. Bulkeley, Calvin F., undertaker, Chicago, Cook Co. Btilkley C. S., freight agt, Paris, Edgar Co. Bulkley Daniel, agl impls, Graysville, White Co. Bulkley H. D., carpenter, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Bulkley J., Rev., Carrolton, Greene Co. Bulkley & Peck, (Peter G. Bulkley and Walter Peck,) pump and windmillmkrs, Rock- ford. Winnebago Co. Bull A. W., dentist, Geneseo, Henry Co. Bull E., hotel, Canton, Fulton Co. Bull John, hotel, Pecatonica, Winnebago Co. Bull John B., butcher, Paxton, Ford Co. Bull Richard B. Rev., Aurora, Kane Co. Bull Silas R., candles and lard oil, Chicago, Cook Co. Bull L. & C. H., (Lorenzo and Charles H.,) hardware, Quincy, Adams Co. Bullard A. A., engraver, Marengo, McHenry Co. Bullard J. F., lumber dealer, Paxton, Ford Co. Bullard Smith M., meat market, Freeport Ste- phenson Co. Bulle Augustus, grocer, Kankakee, Kankakee Co. Bullen G. W., guns, pistols, etc, Prophets- town, Whitesides Co. Bullen Orris H., notary, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Bullens E. R., coll agt, Pana, Christian Co. Bulley John, crockery and glass, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Bullman R. C., drygoods, groceries, etc, Na- komis Montgomery Co. Bullock A. F., carpenter, Tolono, Champaign Co. Bullock H. E., bookseller and pat medicines, Piano, Kendall Co. Bullock J. S., physician, Vermillionville, La- Salle Co. Bullock Thomas, coll, agt, Eureka, Woodford Co. Bulls Head Bank, Saint Marie, Jasper Co. Bulls Head House, (D. Frank,) Carter, Sanga- mon Co. Bullwinkle Charles T., lamps and fluid, Chica- go, Cook Co. Bully Peter, boatbuilder, Pleasant Yale, Pike Co. Bumb George, blacksmith, Summerfield, St. Clair Co. Bumbargar Eliaa, drygoods, New Erin, Ste- phenson Co. Bumdige William, carpenter, Piano, Kendall Co. Burnett Alexander, auctioneer, Warren, Jo Da- viess Co. Bumgardner Win., daug'rst, McLeansboro, Hamilton Co. Bumgaster W., billiard saloon, Arcola, Douglas Co. Bump W. P., postmaster, Paine's Point, Ogle Co. Bun E. M., civil engineer, Red Bud, Ran- dolph Co. Bunce , physicians, Galesburg, Knox Co. Bunce E. P., boot and shoe manf, Versailles, Brown Co. Bunce L,, notary, Centralia, Marion Co. Bunch J., blacksmith, Jonesboro, Union Co. Bundy J., eating house, Spencer, Will Co. Bundy John, wood dlr, Central City, Marion Co. Bundy S. H., dentist, Marion, Williamson Co. Bungart Andrew, tinner, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Bunker Charles, Jr., com grain, Chicago, Cook Co. Bunker Edward, carpenter, Geneva, Kane Co. Bunker G. A., veterinary surgeon, Oregon, Ogle Co. Bunker George, carpenter, Geneva, Kane Co. Bunker Sam'l, blacksmith, Henderson, Knox Co. Bunker & Austin, (John Bunker and William Austin,) groceries and hardware, Wood- stook, McHenry Co. Bunn A. Brower, lawyer, Decatur, Macon Co. Bunn Rev. D. P., Decatur, Macon Co. Bunn J. R., butcher, Peoria, Peoria Co. Bunn Jacob, banker, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Bunn John W., notary, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Bunn Martin A., dentist, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Runn W. Geo., cooper, Metropolis City, Massac Co. BUNN J. & J. W., (Jacob and John W.,) gro- cers, etc, Springfield, Sangamon Co. BUX BUR Bunnell George, machinist, Wyoming, Stark Co. Bunnell William, eating house, Charleston, Coles Co. Bunson Hill, com mer, Princeville, Peoria Co. Buntin J. F., printer, Lawrenceviile, Law- rence Co. Bunting James, Jr., postmaster, Fransonia, Richland Co. Buntley & Briggs, stone quarry, Batavia, Kane Co. Bunton A., weaver, Byron, Ogle Co. Buob Christian, baker, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Bupman C., carpenter, Beardstown, Cass Co. Burbank A., frgt agt, telegraph office, Howard, McHenry Co. Burbank A. H., civil engineer, Clay City, Clay Co. Burbank Ann, weaver, Harrison, Winnebago Co. Burbank Asa, dry goods, Forksville, Lake Co. Burbank Augustine H., surveyor, Louisville, Clay Co. Burbank H., hotel, Jersey ville, Jersey Co. Burbank H. B., blksmith, Maiden, Bureau Co. Burbank W. M., physician, Forksville, Lake Co. Burbridge & Tinley, coal dlrs, Farmington, Ful- ton Co. Burch Mrs. E. J., dressmkr, Fidelity, Jersey Co. Burch George, blksmith, Rochester, Sangarnon Co. Burch Geo., daug'rst, Henry, Marshall Co. Burch I. H. & Co., (Isaac H. Burch and John R. Valentine,) bankers, Chicago, Cook Co. Burchard Horatio C., school comm'r, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Burchard Orin B., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Burchard & Barton, (Horatio C. Burchard and Edward P. Barton,) lawyers, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Burchell Peter J., propr St. Charles hotel, St. Charles, Kane Co. Burchy Frederick, baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Burden C. John, cooper, Metropolis City, Mas- sac Co. Burden James, boot and shoe dlr, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Burden & Kelly, dry goods, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Burdett T., butcher, Plymouth, Hancock Co. Burdett W., saddle and harnessmkr, Knoxville, Knox Co. Burdick E., cabinet mkr, Ccurtland Station, DeKalb Co. Burdick J. J., dagu'rst, etc, Courtland Station, DeKalb Co. Burdick L., druggist and physician, Gray ville, White Co. Burdick T., auct, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Burdick & Co., (David Burdick, Horace Vin- ton and Cyrus Winchell,) saw and plan- ing, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Burdick & Sons, block and pump mkrs, Court- land Station, DeKalb Co. Burdick & Pett, bookseller, etc, Akron, Peoria Co. Burdir Charles, livery stable, Somonauk, De Kalb Co. Burdsall & Stone, (Edward H. Birdsall and Vernon T. Stone,) dry goods, clothing, etc, Aurora, Kane Co. Bures Peter, wines and liquors, Jersey Land- ing, Jersey Co. Bur ford W. L., carpenter, Tennessee, MeDon- ough Co. Burg G. W., carpenter, Pleasant Hill, Pike Co. Burg Henry, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Burge D., broker, Libertyville, Lake Co. Burge H. H., tin and sheet iron worker, Indi- anola, Vermillion Co. Burge John, tin and copper smith, Jackson- ville, Morgan Co. Burge & Vanfleet, stoves and medicines, In- dianola, Vermillion Co. Burgess J. H., physician, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Burgess J. W., looking glass & picture frames, Simoda, Kankakee Co. Burgess John S., collector, Chicago, Cook Co. Burgess & Hawley, (William T. Burgess and Cyrus M. Hawley,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Burgess & Wilson, (Albert F. Burgess and Hen- ry Wilson,) carriage mkrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Burgesser James H., cooper, Versailles, Brown Co. Burgett D. A., flour mill, Bernadotte, Fulton Co. Burgett Hiram, machinist, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Burgett J. B., ornamental plasterer, Chicago, Co Burgett & Dodds, distillers and millers, Ellis- ville, Fulton Co. Burghouse & Co., lumber, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Burgoine G. A., boots and shoes, Eureka, Woodford Co. Burhard J., agricultural implts, Ashkum, Iro- quois Co. Burble Erhard, boot and shoemaker and dealer, Chicago, Cook Co. Burhop H., hotel, Highland, Madison Co. Burk Mrs. Mary, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Burk T. C., grocer, Golconda, Pope Co. Burk W. G., architect, Summerfield, St. Clair Co. Burkart & Lockle, (Frederick Burkart and Ed- ward Lockle,) meat market, Peru, LaSalle Co. Burke E. R,, hotel, DeKalb, DeKalb Co. Burke R. H., carpenter. Maiden, Bureau Co. Burke Richard M., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Burke Soloman S., wagonmaker. Burton, Ad- ams Co. Burke T. C. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Burke William, saw mills, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Burke P. & M., (Patrick and Michael Burke,) saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Burkett J., black'th, Washington, Tazewell Co. Burkgraf A., hosiery, gloves, etc, Blue Island, Cook Co. Burkhard William R., locksmilh and cutler, Galena, JaDaviess Co. Burkhardt Gottleib, saloon, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Berkhardt Herman, hotel, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Burkhardt John M., dry goods, Springfield, Sangamon Co. BUR BUR Burkhardt & Drees, (Herman Burkhardt and Charles Drees,) grocers, etc, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Burkhardt George & Bro., (Philip,) clothing, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Burkhart Jacob, cabinet maker, Sandwich De Kalb Co. Burkholder Mary E., milliner and dressmaker, Atlanta, Logan Co. Burley Augustus H., real estate agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Burley J. A., carpenter, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Burley Luther, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Burley & Tyrrell, (Arthur G. Burley and John Tyrrell,) china, glass, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Burlin Jt>hn, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Burling Edward, architect, Chicago, Cook Co. Burlingame Abner, glass wholesale, Chicago, Cook Co. Burlingame A. H., agl impl, plow, Sparta, Ran- dolph Co. Burlingame Mrs H., weaver, Batavia, Kane Co. Burlingame Rufus P., prod and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Burlingame Thomas, veterinary surgeon, Gen- eseo, Henry Co. Burlingame H. & Co., forward mecht, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Burlingim S., hotel, New Boston, Mercer Co. Burmaster B. F., painter, Jonesboro, Union Co. Burnam H., carpenter, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Burnap L. S., carpenter, Westfield, Clark Co. Burnap & Harvey, (Francis Burnap and Rufus J. Harvey,) lawyers, Rockford, Winneba- go Co. Burner Frederick, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Burner Jacob, billiard saloon, Vandalia, Fay- ette Co. Burner William J., shoemaker, Calhoun, Rich- land Co. Burnes James, carpenter, Louisville, Clay Co. Burnes P., grocer, Malta, DeKalb Co. Burneson Nelson W., livery stable, "Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Burneson R. J., carpenter, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Burneson William G., lawyer, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Burnct Stephen, sash, doors, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Burnett Chas., lawyer, Harrisburgh, Saline Co. Burnett E. C., carpenter, Asbkum, Iroquois Co. Burnett H., adv agt, Raleigh, Saline Co. Burnett Hiram, circuit clerk, Harrisburgh Sa- line Co. Burnett John 0., butcher, Hillsboro, Montgom- ery Co. Burnett Joshua & Son, flour mills, Maquon, Knox Co. Burnett Wm. H., dry goods, Raleigh, Saline Co. Burnett J. M. & Co., grocers, Raleigh, Saline Co. BURNETT S. H. & G., (Stephen H. & Galu- sha,) booksellers, etc, Peoria, Pcoria Co. Burnett Bros., dry goods and furniture dealers, Raleigh, Saline Co. Burnham Benjamin F., attorney, Chicago, Cook Co. Burnham Charles, books, groceries, etc, Lynn- ville, Morgan Co. Burnham E., blacksmiths, Montgomery, Kane Co. Burnham E. F., agri imp, Tolono, Champaign Co. Burnham J. D., dentist, Pecatonica, Winneba- go Co. BURNHAM LOUIS W., commercial institute, and pub. com'l review, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Burnham Nathan C., homcepathic physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Burnham Samuel M., ticket agt, N. Y. & E. R. R., Chicago, Cook Co. Burnham W. S., physician, Osborn, Washing- ton Co. Burnham J. D. & Co., artists materials. Peca- tonica, Winnebago Co. Burnham & Smith, (Edwin Burnham, & Chas. G. Smith,) druggists, Chicago, Cook Co. Burnhard, McFellen & Co., butchers, Beards- town, Bass Co. Burns Austin E., physician, Mackinaw, Taze- well Co. Burns Daniel, auctioneer, Shaws Point, Ma- coupin Co. Burns Edward S., brick maker, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Burns F.. agri imp, blacksmith, Staunton Ma- coupin Co. Burns H. D., lawyer, Shaws Point, Macoupin Co. Burns James, blacksmith, Derinda, Jo Daviess Co. Burns James, marble worker, Barry, Pike Co. Burns James, prod & com, Bloom, Cook Co. Burns John H., chair mnfr, Chicago, Cook Co. Burns Joseph, dry goods, Rockford, Winneba- go Co. Burns Mrs., carpet weaver, DuBois, Washing- ton Co. Burns N. C., postmaster, Grayville, White Co. Burns Thomas, blacksmith, Joliet, Will Co. Burns & Bros., pump makers, Sparta,Randolph Co. Burns & Cameron, physicians, Osborn, Wash- ington Co. Burpee & Groneman, (Alpheus C. Burpee & Theodore Groneman,) furniture, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Burnside A. E., cashier, 111. Cent. R. R. land dept, Chicago, Cook Co. Burnside Andrew, veterinary surgeon, Free- port, Stephenson Co. Burnside Edward, adv agt, Marengo, McHenry Co. Burnside John, wagon maker, Belden, McHen- ry Co. Burnside C. & J. W., dry goods, Garden Prai- rie, Boone Co. Bur Jesse, millwrights. Abingdon, Knox Co. Burr B., carver, Batavia, Kane Co. Burr D. G., ins agt & postmaster, Paris, Ed- gar Co. Burr G. W., ins agt, Tolono, Champaign Co. Burr George, hides & wool, Joliet, Will Co. Burr Mary E., milliner, Peor^a, Peoria Co. BUR BUS Burr S. P., cabinet maker, Momence, Kanka- kee Co. Burr N. & Co., (Xelson Burr & William H. El- kins,) pump manfrs, Batavia, Kane Co. Burr & Latham, )Nelson Burr & Adolphus La- tham,) manfrs, Burr's combined mill, Ba- tavia, Kane Co. Bufrdock S. Rev., Liberty ville, Lake Co. Burrell A., plow maker, Roland, White Co. Burrell Isaac, prod com mer Chicago, Cook Co. Burrell John, grocer, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Burrell N., saddle and harness maker, Ro- land, White Co. Burrell 0., auctioneer, Carmi, White Co. Burrell S. J., express, freight and ins agt, Col- chester, McDonough Co. Burrell & Kaufmann, carpenters, Davis, Ste- phenson Co. Burress W. D., physician, Dubois, Washing- ton Co. Burrichter John A., wholesale grocer, etc, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Burris George, barber, Alton, Madison Co. Burris W. W., painter, Vienna, Johnson Co. Burritt Benjamin, police magistrate, Elgin Kane Co. Burroughs Caleb C., school comm, Decatur, Macon Co. Burroughs J. C. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Burroughs L., physician, Blackberry Station, Kane Co. Burrows Andrew, grocer, Fairview, Fulton Co. Burrows Francis, ambrotypes, etc, Peoria, Pe- ria Co. Burrows Mrs. Francis, milliner, Peoria, Peoria Co. Burrows Joseph S., carpenter, Hazlett, Rock Island Co. Burrows 0. H., machinist, Grafton, Jersey Co. Burrows S. & Co., coopers, Glasgow, Scott Co. Burrus S., lawyer, Canton, Fulton Co. Burson H. M., dry goods, Annawan, Henry Co. Burt D. M., coal, Oakland, Coles Co. Burt, Milton & David, blacksmiths, Oakland, Coles Co. Burt R., vet surgeon, Dundee, Kane Co. Burt Thomas J., harness, Orland, Kane Co. Burt A. & J., cabinet makers, Burlin, Sanga- mon Co. Burt C. S. & S., (Charles S. Burt & Silas Burt,) reaper & mower manfrs, Dunleith, Jo Da- viess Co. Burt & Higgins, (Augustus S, Burt & George W. Higgins,) prod and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Burth John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Burtis James K., sec and treas Chicago Gas Light and Coke Co, Chicago, Cook Co. Burtis P. T., supt Chicago Gas Light & Coke Co, Chicago, Cook Co. Burtis Francis, boots and shoes, Bridgeport, La-wrence Co. Burton G., butcher, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Burton G, W., boots & shoes, books, dry goods, druggist, civil engineer, Sandoval, Marion Go. Burton G. W., grocer, etc, Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Burton Geo. W., confectionery, Grand View, Edgar Co. Burton Henry B., boots & shoes & clothing, Woodstock, McIIenry Co. Burton Hiram, real est agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Burton Horace & Co., (Charles II. Fox & James L. Henderson,) com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Burton Isaac, grocer, Morrison, Whitesidea Co. Burton Joseph, butcher, Batavia, Kane Co. Burton J. Hart, conveyancer, notary and ins agt, Dixon, Lee Co. Burton Robert, boarding and saloon, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Burton T., lime etc, Wilmington, Will Co. Burton Thomas, blacksmith, Bonus, Boone Co. Burton Wm. L., daguerreotypes, Grandview, Edgar Co. Burton & Churchill, (Joseph Burton & Cad- wallader S. Churchill,) dry goods, Mc- Comb, McDonough Co. Burton & Tappan, dry goods, Bunker Hill, Ma- coupin Co. Burton, Harlan & Kingsberry, dry goods, flour, etc, Eureka, Woodford Co. Burwell Henry, mer tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Burwell John, lawyer, Oakland, Coles Co. Burwell & Matteson, (William B. Burwell & Benjamin F. Matteson,) hardware, Morris, Grundy Co. Burwell & Wyant, (Henry Burwell & Edwin II. Wyant, gents furnishing, Chicago, Cook Co. Burys John A. & W. J., carpenters, Clermont, - Richland Co. Busard D., blacksmith, Ellis' Grove, Randolph Co. Busby Geo , coal, Brighton, Macoupin Co. Busby L. H., carptr, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Busby & Steger, (Walter Busby & John J. Ste- ger,) marble works, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Buscfink Henry, cabinet mkr, etc, West Salem, Edwards Co. Busch Charles, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Busch & Co., (Michael Busch & Henry Buek- er,) printers, Chicago, Cook Co. Busch & Brand, (Valentine Busch & Michael Brand,) brewery, Chicago, Cook Co. Busco N., painter, Montgomery, Kane Co. Buser William R., boots and shors, Oregon, Ogle Co. Bush Abram, milliner and dressmaker, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Bush Alfred, varieties, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Bush Charles H., jeweler, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Bush David, hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Bush Isaac, hotel, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Bush Isaac S., hide broker, Chicago, Cook Co. Bush Isaiah, dentist, Parrish, Franklin Co. Bush J. M., county judge, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Bush Jno., carpenter, Buckhorn, Brown Co. Bush John A., painter, Peoria, Peoria Co. Bnsh John L., jeweler, Knoxville, Knox Co. Bush N., civil engineer, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Bush William, chain mfg,Bloomfield, Edgar Co BUS BUT Bush F. & Bro., (Frank & Charles H.,) butch- ers, Joliet, Will Co. Bush & Hoagland, (George N. Bush & Andrew, J. Hoagland,) hides, Chicago, Cook Co. Bushell Augustine A., tinsmith, Peoria, Peo- ria Co. Bushell Isaac, paints, oils, etc, Peoria, Peoria Co. Busher John jr., wines and liquors, Springfield Sangamon Co. Busher Wm. F., boots and shoes, Decatur, Macon Co. Busher & Miller, (John Busher & Allen Miller,) leather, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Bushing Hugh L., drugs and medicines, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Bushing & Snider, furniture, Cross Roads, Johnson Co. Bushman Joseph, lawyer, Argo, Carroll Co. Bushnell A., dry goods, hosiery, etc, Terre Haute, Henderson Co. Bushnell Asa, butcher, Palos, Cook Co. Bushnell John W., prod com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Bushnell Lewis, groceries, Chicago, Cook Co. Bushnell S. S., blksmith, Munson, Henry Co. Bushnell A. L. & Co., (Alonzo L. Bushnell & James E. Humphrey,) grocers, Blooming- ton, McLean Co. Bushnell & Avery, (Washington Bushnell & Julius Avery,) attorney's, Ottawa, La Salle Co. Bushnell & McKinney, (Alvin W. Bushnell & David McKinney,) lime and lumber deal- ers, Peoria, Peoria Co. Bushway F. C., marble worker, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Busmann G. Rev., Quincy, Adams Co. Bussard Hezekiah, blacksmith, etc, New He- bron, Crawford Co. Russe A., carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Busse Frederick, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Busse Mrs. Mathilde, grocery, Chicago, Cook Co. Bussey Jarnet, veterinary surgeon, Fairbury, Livingston Co. Buster John, agri imps, wagon maker, El Paso, Woodford Co. Buswell J. H., express agent, freight agent, passenger agent, Piano, Kendall Co. Buswell N. C., hotel, Neponset, Bureau Co. Buswell & Blake, dry goods, etc, Neponset, Bureau Co. Butcher Anthony, poulterer, R. Island, R. Is- land Co. Butcher Ethelbert, postmaster, Scottville, Ma- coupin Co. Butcher L, dry goods, Barr's Store, Macoupin Co. Butcher Robert, tinplate worker, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Butcher & Fishburn, grocers, Girard, Macoupin Co. Butcher & Gobble, dry goods, Scottville, Ma- coupin Co. Butler A. W., physician, Pecatonica, Winne- bago Co. Butler Abiah, cooper, Bushnell, McDonough Co. Butler Asa, cooper, Avon, Fulton Co. Butler C., cabinet maker, Payson, Adams Co. Butler E. J., coal and freight agt, Sandoval, Marion Co. Butler E. M., lumber, Amboy, Lee Co. Butler Ephriam B., wagon maker, agrl imples, Indianola, Vermillion Co. Butler Eri L., carpenter, East Paw Paw, Lee Co. Butler G. C., painter, Metamora, Woodford Co. Butler Henry A., sewing machines, Ottawa, La Salle Co. Butler I. W., distiller, etc, Oakley, Macon Co. Butler Ira T., carpenter, Montgomery, Kane Co. Butler John, flour and feed, Chicago, CookCo. Butler John A., millwright, New Milford, Win- neb ago Co. Butler John H., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Butler Louis, cooper, Mattoon, Coles Co. Butler Joseph, gunsmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Butler M., physician, Fail-mount, Vermilion Co. Butler Mrs., milliner, Ripley, Brown Co. Butler N. B., physician, LaHarpe, HancockCo. Butler Norman, blacksmith, Toulon, Stark Co. Butler Preston, daguerreotypes,etc,Springfield, Sangamon Co. Butler Silvester H., prod com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Butler T J. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Butler William, boots and shoes, Kankankee, Kankankee Co. Butler William M., tin and coppersmith, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Butler E. W. & Bro., cabinet makr, Grayville, White Co. Butler & Co., carpenters, Noble, Richland Co. Butler & Sons, carpenters, New Milford, Win- nebago Co. ' Butler & Alcock, lumber and prod, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Butler & Hunt, (Oliver M. Butler and Joseph Hunt,) paper mills, etc, St. Charles, Kane Co. Butler & Hunt, (Oliver M. Butler and Joseph Hunt,) paper warehuose, Chicago, Cook Co. Butler & Weed, (Oliver M. Butler and Ebene- zer Weed,) dry goods, groceries, etc, St. Charles, Kane Co. Butt J., carpenter, Winnebago Depot, Winne- bago Co. Butt William, restaurant, Kappa, Woodford Co. Butter Horace, flour mill, ins agt, lawyer, post master and saw mill, Libertyville, Lake Co. Butterfield , physician, Ogle, Ogle Co. Butterfield A. L., saddler, Ogle, Ogle Co. Butterfield B., carpenter, Mt.Palatine, Putnam Co. < Butterfield Ebenezer, dentist, Ogle, Ogle Co. Butterfield J. A. B., upholsterer, Oregon, Ogle Co. Butterfield Phebe, hosiery, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Butterman Henry, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Butterman JohnO., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Butterman William, butcher, Chicago,CookCo. Butters W. H., hotel, Canton, Fulton Co. Butters William, veterinary surgeon, Freedom, LaSalle Co. BUT BUTTERS WILLIAM A. & CO., (William H. Butters,) auctioneers, Chicago, Cook Co. Buttle William, carpenter, Bates, Sangamon Co. Buttles Milo R., boots & shoes, Bloomington, McLean Co. Buttner Henry, harness maker, Chicago, Cook Co. Button Charles Rev., Aurora, Kane Co. Button Jarcee, carpenter, Wentworth, Lake Co. Button & Fanner, dry goods, Warren, Jo Da- viess Co. Buttrick W. H., livery stable, Kewanee, Henry Co. Butts A. H. D., dry goods and clothing/Liber- ty, Adams Co. Butts B., wagon maker, Jonesboro, Union Co. Butts B. B., carpenter, Harvard, McHenryCo. Butts H., saddlemkr, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Butts Leonard, agl impls, Paxton, 'Ford Co. Butz Caspar, deputy clerk of Superior Court, Chicago, Cook Co. Butz J., wagonmkr, Hopewell, Macon Co. Butz John, cabinet maker, Naperville, DuPage Co. Buxton Daniel, agrl impls, Marengo,'McHenry Co. Byan J. J. & Bro., cabinet makers, Girard,Ma- coupin Co. Byan & Co., clothiers, Girard, Macoupin Co. Bye Jonathan, flour mill, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Bye C. & J., boots and shoes, Freedom, La- Salle Co. Byerly A. J., patent medicines, Calhoun, Rich- land Co. \ Byern Rudolph, cigar maker, Chicago, Cook Co. Byers Joseph, blacksmith, Zanesville, Mont- gomery Co. Byford William H , physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Byington A., agrl impl, Byron, Ogle Co. Byrd George V., collect agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Byrd Thos. T., real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Byrket W. T., eng'vr, Middleport, Iroquois Co. Byrn Thomas P., crockery aud glassware, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Byrne Dennis, Rev, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Byrne Ellen, dressmaker, Chicago, Cook Co. Byrne James, grocery, Chicago, Cook Co. Byrne John, harness mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Byrne Michael, real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Byrne Philip, hotel, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Byrnes Owen, shoemkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Byrnes Z., eating house, Venice, Madison Co. Byron Ellen, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Byrum A. B., boots and shoes, Plum River, Jo Daviess Co. Byrum E. E., town clerk, Stockton, Jo Daviess Co. Byze John, willow ware manufacturer, High- land, Madison Co. C. Caberey Harvey R., jeweler, Chicago, Cook Co. Cable Charles, blacksmith, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Cable Fanning, lawyer, collecting agt and coal dealer, Avoca, Livingston Co. Cady L. H., lawyer, Cambridge, Henry Co. Cadman William S., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Cadwallader W. P., block, pump iiikr, Urbana, Campaign Co. Cad well Frederick A., oculist and aurist, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Cadwell J. W. Rev., Kane, Greene Co. Cadwell Little, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Cadwell Phileman, hotel, Deerfield, Lake Co. Cadwell S. C. Rev., New Michigan, Livingston, Co. Cadwell William H., news and periodical deal- er, Belvidere, Boone Co. Cady C., ice dealer, Brimfield, Peoria Co. Cady C. M., instructor vocal music, Normal University, Bloomington, McLean Co. Cady Miss Eliza E., milliner, etc, Morrison, Whitesides Co. Cady Henry, blksmith, Camden, Schuyler Co. Cady Hiram, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Cady J. C., carpenter, Camden, Schuyler Co. Cady L. H., lawyer, Cambridge, Henry Co. Cady Thomas P., jeweler, West Urbana, Cam- paign Co. Cady William F., physician, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Caffery John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Caifrey Wm., editor, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Gag S., brickmkr, Danby, DuPage Co. Cagle Jonathan, chairmkr, Bainbridge, Will- iamson Co. Cagwin Thomas P., crockery, etc, Joliet, Will Co. Cagwin A. & 0. D., (Abijah and Orvill D.) prod dealer, Joliet Will Co. Cahn Henry, dry goods and produce, McLeans- boro, Hamilton Co. Cahn A. &Co., (Aaron and Joseph,) cloths and cassimeres, Chicago, Cook Co. Cahoon M., blacksmith, Dundee, Kane Co. Caille George, baker, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Cain H. H., hides and leather, Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Cain Joseph H., cigar manufr, Coatsburg, Ad- ams Co. Cain Wm., drugs, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Cain J. & H., boots and shoes, Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Cain & Parks, harness makers, Sheffield, Bu- reau Co. Cairns George Rev., Princeville, Peoria Co. Cairns J. Rev., Hudson, McLean Co. Cairo City Gazette, Cairo, Alexander Co. Calder John, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Calderbank Wm., manufr boots and shoes, Elizabeth, Jo Daviess Co. Caldwell , tin worker, Jonesboro, Union Co. Caldwell A. C., tinsmith, Anna, Union Co. Cladwell Charles, notary, Alton, Madison Co. Caldwell Charles T., town clerk, Pope Creek, Mercer Co. Caldwell D. D., edge tool manufr, Laona, Win- nebago Co. Caldwell D. G., express agt,Wyanet, Bureau Co. Caldwell G. W., physician, Zanesville, Mont- gomery Co. Caldwell George, cooper, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. CAL Caldwell Hugh, town clerk, Staunton, Macou- pinCo. Caldwell J. H., hotel, Grayville, White Co. Caldwell J. M., hotel, Grayville, White Co. Caldwell James N., carpenter, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Caldwell John R., carpenter, Shaw's Point, Macoupin Co. Caldwell L., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Caldwell Peter, fruit, Chicago, Cook Co. Caldwell S., physician, Detroit, Pike Co. Caldwell Samuel Rev., W. Hebron, McHenry Co. Caldwell T. J., treasurer, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Caldwell William E. Rev., Peoria, Peoria Co. Caldwell Wm. J., painter, Greenfield, Greene Co. Caldwell W. S., physician, Elizabeth, Jo Da- viess Co. Caldwell & Jones, drygoods, Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. Caldwell & Co., druggists, Elizabeth, Jo Da- viess Co. Caldwell, Weaver & Co., (Calvin D. Caldwell, James S. & Henry Weaver,) grocers, Al- ton, Madison Co. Calendzky William, cigars, Moline, Rock Is- land Co. Cales W. W., lawyer and leather dealer, Rose- field, Peoria Co. Caley John, boots, shoes and leather, Blivens Mills, McHenry Co. Calhoun John B., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Caliar's stone quarries, New Erin, Stephenson Co. Califf J. G., packer and butcher, Tiskilwa, Bu- reau Co. California Mills, (Geo. W. Outlan,) Mackinaw, Tazewell Co. Calkins Cyrus, drugs and medicines, Jericho, Kane Co. Calkins Eldad M., postmaster, Jericho,Kane Co. Calkins & Hard, (James W. Calkins and Philo Hard,) lumber, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Call E. B., dentist, Victoria, Knox Co. Call E. B., dentist, Lafayette, Stark Co. Call Sarah, milliner, etc, Utah, Warren Co. Call & Hamburgh, sawmill, Versailles, Brown Co. Callaway H. L., physician, Kinderhook, Pike Co. Callaway J. E., lawyer, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Callen James M., postmaster, Sparland, Mar- shall Co. Callen Samuel, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Callen & Hurlburt, produce, Sparland, Mar- shall Co. Callena J., blksmith, Collinsville, Madison Co. Callender Melville P., editor, Galena, Jo Da- viess Co. Callender & Day, (Geo. H. Callender and Rob- ert Day,) cigars, Peoria, Peoria Co. Callendine & Nimerick, flourmills, Bethalto, Madison Co. Galley F., boatbuilder, Thebes, Alexander Co. Galley J., safes, Thebes, Alexander Co. Calley & Shont, fanningmill mkrs, Thebes, Al- exander Co. Callicott E. H., drygoods, Shawneetown, Gal- latin Co. Callicott John A., saddlemkr, etc, Shawnee- town, Gallatin Co. Calligan David J. & Co., (Daniel Tyler,) boots and shoes, etc, Peoria, Peoria Co. Callihan & Ludington, carpenters, Danville, Vermillion Co. Galloway W. D., wagonmkr and wheelwright, Sweet Water, Menard Co. Calnan J. Rev., New Liberty, Pope Co. Calp M. S., sawmill, Osage, Franklin Co. Calvert G. M., eating house Marion, William- son Co. Calvert George, hotel, Bainbridge, William- son Co. Calvert Lewis, cabinet and carpenter, Bain- bridge, Williamson Co. Calvert N. B., carpenter and contractor, Bain- bridge, Williamson Co. Calvert William, Carpenter, Bainbridge, Wil- liamson Co. Calvert William H., boots and shoes, W. Au- rora, Kane Co. Calvert William P., carpenter, McLeansboro' Hamilton Co. Calvert William S., carpenter, Marion, Wil- liamson Co. Calvert & Bro., livery, Marion, Williamson Co. Calvin J. S., postmaster, Omph Ghent, Madi- son Co. Calvin John, lawyer, Mt. Palatine, Putnam Co. Calvin John W., grocer, Alton, Madison Co. Calvin N. M., milliner, Omph Ghent, Madison Co. Calvin W. J^, physician and surgeon, Enter- prise, Wayne Co. Calvin William, boot and shoe manfr and dlr, Bloomfield, Edgar Co. Camack E. V., physician, Marceline, Adams Co. Camblin & Taylor, (William Camblin and Jas. T. Taylor,) stoves, etc, Peoria, Peoria Co. Cambridge House, (A. & N. B. Gould.) Cam- bridge, Henry Co. Cambs David, exchange, Rosefield, Peoria Co. Cambuge R., produce, Abingdon, Knox Co. Camerer D. M., physician, Logan, Edgar Co. Cameron A., saddle and harnessmkr, Syca- more, DeKalb Co. Cameron C., produce, Atlanta, Logan Co. Cameron Charles S., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Cameron D., fisherman, Carlinsville, Macoupin Co. Cameron Daniel, cooper, Howard's Pt., Fay- ette Co. Cameron Dwight F., lawyer, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Cameron Henry, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Cameron J. S., harnessmkr, Carrolton, Greene Co. Cameron James, blksmith, Washington, Taze- well Co. Cameron James Rev., Brunswick, Peoria Co. Cameron Kate E., landscape painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Cameron & Eberhard, (John R. Cameron and Joseph A. Eberhard,) drygoods, etc, Otta- wa, LaSalle Co. CAM 80 CAN Cameron & Gardner, harnessmkrs, Whitehall, Greene Co. Cameron & Hays, (Daniel Cameron and Julien N. Hays,) printers, Chicago, Cook Co. Camtield James, tanner and currier, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Camfield William A., butcher, Greenup, Cum- berland Co. Cammann Francis D., real estate, ins agt, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Camp A., blacksmith and plowmkr, Henry, Marshall Co. Camp Amos, harnessmkr, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Camp E., cooper, New Hartford, Pike Co. Cannon Clark, carptr, New Hartford, Pike Co. Camp G. L., furniture and physician, Mt. Erie, Wayne Co. Camp J. J., lawyer, Wilmington, Will Co. Camp J. W., dentist and artists' materials, Bunker Hill, Macoupin Co. Camp James L., ins agt and city clerk, Dixon, Lee Co. Camp S. C., lawyer, Bristol, Kendall Co. Camp Thomas, plowmkr, Troy, Madison Co. Campbell A., carptr, Griggsville, Pike Co. Campbell A. Rev., McLeansborough, Hamilton Co. Campbell A. B. Rev., Mendon, Adams Co. Campbell A. K, tailor, Paris, Edgar Co. Campbell A. 0., grocer, hardware, drugs, dry goods, etc, Lindenwood, Ogle Co. Campbell Archibald, hotel, West Urbana, Champaign Co. Campbell B., paints and oils, Shelbyville, Shel- by Co. Campbell F., brickmkr, Fairfield, Wayne Uo. Campbell F., coal dlr, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Campbell Fra/ie A., blacksmith, Friendsville, Wabash Co. Campbell Geo. H., express and freight agt, El Paso. Woodford Co. Campbell Geo. W., carptr, Montgomery, Kane Co. Campbell Geo.W., grocer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Campbell H., blacksmith, Milford, Iroquois Co, Campbell Hugh, blacksniith,Galeua,Jo Daviess Co, Campbell J., vet surgeon, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Campbell J. B., blacksmith, Millcdgeville, Car- roll Co. Campbell J. D., town clerk, Barclay, Ogle Co. Campbell J. M., town clerk, Campden, Schuy- ler Co. Campbell J. Y., physician, Durand, Winneba- go Co. Campbell J. W., surveyor, Paxton, Ford Co. Campbell James, civ eng and survr, Paxton, Ford Co. Campbell James, exp, freight agt, etc, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Campbell James, physician, Rockport, Pike Co. Campbell, James & Co., boiler mkrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Campbell James M., surveyor, Paxton, Ford Co. Campbell James S., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Campbell John, blacksmith, etc, Pekin, Taze- well Co. ampbell John, county judge, Chester, Ran- dolph Co. ampbell John P., banker, Chicago, Cook Co. ampbell John W., baker Brighton, Macoupin Co. ampbell John W., justice peace, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Campbell L., blacksmith, North Plato, Kane Co. Campbell L. H.,auctioneer,Arcola, Douglas Co. Campbell, Lloyd & Son, boat bldrs, Browning, Schuyler Co. Campbell Mark, hair & gold jewelry, Chicago, Cook Co. Campbell Miss Martha, music teacher,Chicago, Cook Co. Campbell Nesbit, painter, Sparta, Randolph Co. Campbell 0. G., grocer, Marion, Williamson Co. Campbell P, L., treasurer, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Campbell Robert, marble dlr, Peoria, Peoria Co. Campbell Samuel N.,(Lyon & Campbell,) Elgin, Kane Co. Campbell T. P. Rev., St. Charles, Kane Co. Campbell W. H., carptr, Milford, Iroquois Co. Campbell W. L., lawyer, Knoxville, Knox Co. Campbell Washington, stone quarries, Bridge- port, Lawrence Co. Campbell William, gunsmith, Mount Pulaski, Logan Co. Campbell William B., grocer, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. CAMPBELL A. J. & CO., (Andrew J. Camp- bell, Wm. H. Core & Matthias Terhune,) show and metal case mnfrs,Chicago, Cook Co. Campbell A. 0. & Co., dry goods, etc, Byron Ogle Co. Campbell F. E. & F. D., carptrs, Gilman, Iro- quois Co. Campbell T. M. & J. G., flour mill, Granville, Putnam Co. Campbell & Co., dry goods, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Campbell & Booth,(John A. Campbell & Albert Booth,) founders, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Campbell & Gates, yankee notions, McLeans- boro, Hamilton Co. Campbell & Goodll, grocers and clothiers, Bainbridge, Williamson Co. Campbell & Goodlow, hotel, Beardstown, Cass Co. Campbell & McCoun, dry goods, Baiubridge, Williamson Co. Campfield J., painter, Windsor, Shelby Co. Campton William, cabinetmkr, Clark Centre, Clark Co. Camren & Gardner, harnessmkrs, Greenfield, Greene Co. Canaday B. & Co., dry goods, Georgetown, Vermillion Co. Canall W. H., hotel, Bunker Hill, Macoupin Co. Canboy J., boot and shoe mkr, Time, Pike Co. Canrch R., painter, Marengo, McHenry Co. Cancle I., confectioner, Marengo, McHenry Co. CAN 81 CAR Candee Isaac N., D. D., Galesburg, KTnox Co. Candee H. H. & Co., (Henry H. Candee, Hen- ry 0. & Miles A. Gilbert,) grocers, Cairo, Alexander Co. Candee & Latourette, agricul impts, Oneida, Knox Co. Cane Ann, washing, Chicago, Cook Co. Cane & Ewing, marble, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Canedy & Johnston, (PelegC. Canedy, & Rob- ert P. Johnston,) druggists, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Caney W., machinist, Canton, Fulton Co. Canfield J. C., hotel, Bushnell, McDonough Co. Canfield Jane L., dressmaker, Chicago, Cook Co. Canfield M., physician, Hazel Dell," Cumber- land Co. Canipe Jackson, cooper, Walshville, Montgom- ery C6. Caniscius Theodore, editor, Springfield San- gamon Co. Carnahan J., coal, etc, Viola, Mercer Co. Cannock H. B., druggist, Marcelline, Adams Co. Cannon Andrew, prod buyer, Galena, Jo Da- viess Co. Cannon B., saw mill, Pleasant Hill, Pike Co. Cannon C. D., confectioner, Marengo, McHen- ry Co- Cannon Clinton B., carpenter, Columbus Ad- ams Co. Cannon J. G., lawyer, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Cannon Nelson C., lawyer, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Cannon S. G., harnessmaker, Macomb, McDon- ough Co. Cansman N., brick, O'Fallon Depot, St. Glair Co. Cantello Alfred, cabinet maker, Ogle Station, Lee Co. Cantello James, carpenter, Ogle Station, Lee Co. Cantrall J. E., turner, Waynesville, DeWitt Co. Cantrall J. M., blacksmith, Waynesville De Witt Co. Cantrall William, ins agt, Waynesville, De Witt Co. Cantrall W. J. & Co., cabinet makrs, Waynes- ville, DeWitt Co. Cantrell T. B., banker, etc, Benton, Franklin Co. Cantrell William, treasurer, Decatur,Macon Co. Cantwell & Evans, contractors, Tremont, Taze- well Co. Cape, Misses, milliners, etc, Lebannon, St. Claire Co. CapenEphraim, jeweler, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Capens & Simons, (Luman W. & Henry Ca- pen, & Fayette L. Simons,) crockery, Bloomington, McLean Co. Caplinger & Johnson, boots & shoes, dry goods, groceries, etc, Rantoul, Champaign Co. Capoot John, cooper, Rochester, Sangamon Co. Capps Charles, grocer, Atlanta, Logan Co. Capps Charles S., adv and ins agt, Mount Pu- laski, Logan Co. Capps Elias, blacksmith, Farmington, Fulton Co. Capps J., hardware, dry goods, produce, etc, Mount 1'ulaski, Logan Co. Capps John, dry goods, grocer, postmaster, etc, Illiopolis, Sangamon Co. Capps 0. T., furniture, Mount Pulaski, Logan Co. Capps J. & Son, (Joseph & StephenR.) woolen factory, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Capps J. & Son, agri implts, Mount Pulaski, Logan Co. Capps E. & Co., dry goods, merchts, etc, Van- dalia, Fayette Co. Capps E. S. & Co., clothiers, hats, caps and furnishing, Mount Pulaski, Logan Co. Capps & St. Claire, agri implts, etc, dry goods & prod, Mount Pulaski, Logan Co. Capron A. Rev., Quincy, Adams Co. Carbaugh S., carpenter, Friendsville, Wabash Co. Carbaugh Samuel, cabinet maker, Friends- ville, Wabash Co. Carbery Patrick, Saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Carbon & Chicago Coal Mining Co., Danville, Vermillion Co. Carby Henry, carpenter, Walnut, Bureau Co. Card G. S.,"frt agt, O'Fallon Depot, St. Claire Co. Gardner K. J., blacksmith, North Plato, Kane Co. Cardwell W. J., physician, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Care Geo., liquors, Smithton, St. Claire Co. Carey C., billiard table maker, Circleville, Tazewell Co. Carey C. P., blacksmith, etc., Pekin, Taze- well Co. Carey D., produce, Bcrnadotte, Fulton Co. Caren Win. C., carpenter, Carthage, Hancock Co. Carey, Olds & Co., (Rufus 'Carey, Justin H. Olds, John H. Bryant, & Elijah Dee,) ban- kers, Princeton, Bureau Co. Carithers D. N., surveyor, Petersburg, Menard Co. Carithers W. B. Rev., Avon, Fulton Co. Carlbaugh P. D. L., harness makr, Ogle Sta- tion, Lee Co. Carl C., physician, Tamaroa, Perry Co. Carley Friday, butcher, Avon, Fulton Co. Carley & Co,, com mer, coal dealers, etc, W. Urbana, Champaign Co. Carlin Fridolen, manuf melodeons, pianos, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Carlin J. N., tanner, Martinsville, Clark Co. Carlin Philip, blacksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Carlin Wm., vet. surg'n, Carthage Hancock Co. Carlin William H., postmaster, Quincy, Adams Co. Carlipp A. & Bro., (Albert and Gustavus,)jew- elers, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Carlisle C. H., physician, Wataga, Knox Co. Carlton A. J., carpenter, South Pass, Union Co. Carlton A. W., carriagemakr, Wayne, DuPage Co. Carlton S., boots and shoes, dry goods, gro- ceries and lawyer, Marion, Madison Co. Carlton Wm., cooper, Rockton, Winnebago Co. Carlton & Payne, hide and leather dealers, El Paso, Woo^ford Co. Carman John D., tin, copper and sheet iron works, Oregon, Ogle Co. CAR 82 CAR Carmetan T., carpentr, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Carmichael Archibald, boarding house, Chica- go, Cook Co. Carmichael J., brickmaker, Low Point, Wood- ford Co. Carmichael E. & W. J., dry goods, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Carmichael, Sparks & Co., grocers, Low Point, Woodford Co. Carmody John, grocer, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Carmon W. & Son, agricul implts, Union, Mc- Henry Co. Carney J. T., Rev., Granite Co. Carney Thos., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Carolns P. J. Rev., Naperville, DuPage Co. Carothers James, cooper, Elizabeth, Jo Daviess Co. Carpenter A. Rev., Milledgeville, Carroll Co. Carpenter Alfred, dentist, Shaw's Point, Ma- coupin Co. Carpenter B. B. Rev., Griggsville, Pike Co. Carpenter Benjamin A., grocer, Alton, Madi- son Co. Carpenter C., produce, Meredosia, Morgan Co. Carpenter Charles, carpenter, Nora, Jo Daviess Co. Carpenter Charles H., carpenter and painter, Argo, Carroll Co. Carppnter D.,^boots and shoes, Harvard, Mc- Henry Co. Carpenter Edgar R. E., dentist, Joliet, Will Co. Carpenter F. J., surveyr and real estate agent, McLeansboro, Hamilton Co. Carpenter George H., lawyer, Sandwich, De- Kalb Co. Carpenter Henry, carpenter, Atlanta, Logan Co. Carpenter Henry, coal, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Carpenter J., blacksmith, Jefferson, Cook Co. Carpenter J. A., flour and lumber, Dundee, Kane Co. Carpenter J. A., physician, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Carpenter John, cooper, Parks Corners, Boone Co. Carpenter John, harnessmaker, McLeansboro, Hamilton Co. Carpenter John H., carpentr and paintr, Argo, Carroll Co. Carpenter John T., wagonmaker, Nora, Jo Daviess Co. Carpenter Joseph, collector, Chelsea, Will Co. Carpenter Josiah, general agent, Chelsea, Will Co. Carpenter L. B. Rev., Petersburg!!, Menard Co. Carpenter Lewis & Co., carpenters, Osborn, Washington Co. Carpenter Michael, cider and vinegar, Shaws Point, Macoupin Co. Carpenter N. A., broker, etc, Chelsea, Will Co. Carpenter M. L., hotel, Rome, Jefferson Co. Carpenter Nelson, dry goods, Harvard, Mc- Henry Co. Carpenter Newton, auctioneer and rectifier, Roscoe, Winnebago Co. Carpenter Newton A., Annawan, Henry Co. Carpenter S. T. Rev., Polo, Ogle Co. Carpenter T. P., blacksmith, Belden, McHenry Co. Carpenter Samuel W., magistrate, Rome, Jef- ferson Co. Carpenter Thomas, dry goods, etc, W. TJrbana, Champaign Co. Carpenter W., jeweler, Metamora, Woodford Co. Carpenter W., watches, etc, Washington, Taze- well Co. Carpenter William, jeweler, Peoria, Peoria Co. Carpenter William J., tailor, Dixon, Lee Co. Carpenter & Gates, lawyers, McLeansboro, Hamilton Co. Carpenter & Wheeler, lumber, Cherry Valley, Winnebago Co. Carpenter & Wilcox, plowmkrs, Sandwich De Kalb Co. Carr C. F., dentist, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Carr , bookseller, Maquon, Knox Co. Carr Clark E., lawyer, Galesburg, Knox Co. Carr E., boots and shoes, Armington, Tazewell Co. Carr E. J., auctioneer, Roscoe, Winnebago Co. Crrr H. L., dry goods, etc, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Carr Henry, blacksmith, Appanoose, Hancock Co. Carr J. C., grocer, Morris, Grundy Co. Carr James, grindstones, Bernadotte, Fulton Co. Carr John, guns, pistols, etc, Parrish, Franklin Co. CARR JOHN D, M., real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Carr John S., gunsmith, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Carr L. C. Rev., Moline, Rock Island Co. Carr Misses, millinery, Knoxville, Knox Co. Carr M. S., dry goods, Maquon, Knox Co. Carr N. F., forwarding, Golconda, Pope Co. Carr Samuel, lumber, Erie, Whitesides Co. Carr Samuel P., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Carr William, carpenter, Erie, Whitesides Co. Carr William, grocer, Alton, Madison Co. Carr N. & J., (Nathan jr. & John,) plow mak- ers, Monmouth, Warren Co. Carr & Higby, wagon mkrs, etc, Whitehall, Greene Co. Carr & Phillips, flour mills, Srnithton, St. Clair Co. Carr & Quinby, (Nathan Carr & Rodney Quin- by,) grocers, Monmouth, Warren Co. Carrahan John & Co., coal dealers, Carbon, Mercer Co. Carahan Joseph, postmaster, Carbon, Mercer Co. Caraher P., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Carrolan Patrick, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Carroll A. B., hotel, Bethalto, Madison Co. Carroll Chas. W., produce, Annawan, Henry Co. Carroll Edmond, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Carroll Foster, agricult impl, Summer Hill, Pike Co. Carroll Jacob, butcher, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co. Carroll James, saw mill, Secor, Woodford Co. Carroll Joseph, fisherman, Chillicothe, Peoria Co. Carroll M., grocer, wines, etc, Wilmington, Will Co. Carroll M. Rev., Elgin, Kane Co. CAR 83 CAR Carroll Michael W., harness, Alton, Madison Co. Carrothers D., physician and dentist, Shiloh Hill, Randolph Co. Carrow W. II., carpenter, Fayette, Greene Co. Carrs Joseph H., dry goods, etc, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Carse Robert, stained and enameled glass, Chicago, Cook Co. Carse William, dry goods, Princeton, Bureau Co. Carsey M. P., boots and shoes, Webster, Han- cock Co. Carsey, Hawthorn & Co., fishermen, Webster, Hancock Co. Carson A. J., butcher, Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. Carson Alex. D., livery, Galesburg, Knox Co. Carson David, tanner and currier, Greenup, Cumberland Co. Carson H., grocer, Wethersfield, Henry Co. Carson J. H., carpenter, Galesburg, Knox Co. Carson J. P., livery, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Carson John, surveyor, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Carson S. S., cabinet maker, Pinckneyville, Perry Co. Carson Silas, gunsmith, Pinckneyville, Perry Co. Carson W., butcher, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Carson Wm. P. Rev., Winnebago, Winnebago Co. Carson Willis, soap and candles, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Carson J. Alexander Co. CITY BREWERY, (I. Hulur,) Rock Island, Rock Island Co. City Foundry, (William Moore,) Peoria, Peo- ria Co. City Hotel, (S. Somers & Co.,) Chicago, Cook Co. City Hotel, Freeport, Stephenson Co. CITY INSURANCE CO. OF PEORIA, Peo- ria, Peoria Co. City Mills, (Thomas Avery,) Elgin, Kane Co. Clacius & Speidel, (Erich Clacius & Conrad Speidel,) druggists, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Claflin & Fay, (Isaac Claflin & J. Edwards Fay,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Clagg William", tinsmith, Clinton, DeWitt C. Claggett Sanford R., dry goods, Lexington, Me Lean Co. Clancey Matthew C., pawn broker, Chicago, Cook Co. Clancy John &. Co., (Thomas Clancy,) lumber and grocers, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Clancy Thomas, shirts, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Clapp-E. H., freight agt, produce, Rome Farmf CLA 90 CLA Clapp G. H., postmaster, Rome Farms, Peoria Co. Clapp George, wagonmkr, Batavia, Kane Co. Clapp J., town clerk, Blue Grass, Vermillion Co. Clapp John A., carpenter, Hamilton, Hancock Co. Clapp John H., lard factory, Chicago, Cook Co. Clapp O. W., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Clapp R. A. Rev., Oswego, Kendall Co. Clapp R. A. Rev., Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Clapp S., town clerk, Marysville, Vermillion Co. Clapp William C., stoves and tinware, Wood- stock, McHenry Co. Clapper M., cabinetmkr, Walker, Hancock Co. Clapper & Buck, drygoods, Foreston, Ogle Co. Clareton Jeremiah, carpenter, Cedar Bluff, Johnson Co. Clark , physician, Albion, Edwards Co. Clark , wagonmkr, Huntley Grove, Mc- Henry Co. Clark A., coll agt, Renault, Monroe Co. Clark A., dentist, Farmington, Fulton Co. Clark A., hotel, Wapella, DeWitt Co. Clark A. G., gen agt, McLeansboro, Hamilton Co. Clark Abram, butcher, Ashkum, Iroquois Co. Clark Amos, hotel, Salem, Marion Co. Clark Mrs. Arlinda, carpet weaver, Geneva, Kane Co. Clark Augustus, saddles and harness, Belden, McHenry Co. Clark B. F., physician, Scottville, Macoupin Co. Clark Bela T., surveyor, Kankakee, Kankakee Co. Clark Benj., broker, Carthage, Hancock Co. Clark Benjamin, flourmills, Elvaston, Hancock Co. Clark C. M., carpenter, Hazlett, R. Island Co. Clark C M., surveyor, Benton, Franklin Co. Clark C. M.,, telegraph agt, Carliusville, Ma- coupin Co. Clark C. R. Rev., Munro, Co. Clark Mrs. C. W., dressmkr, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Clark Calvin M., civil engineer, Benton, Franklin Co. Clark Charles, butcher, Mt. Palatine, Putnam Co. Clark Charles, wheelwright, Henderson, Knox Co. . Clark Charles B., hardware, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Clark Charles S., hardware, Elgin, Kane Co. Clark Chester B., drygoods, Princeton, Bureau Co. Clark D. R., cabinetmkr, Buda, Bureau Co. Clark D. S., architect, Amboy, Lee Co. Clark Daniel F., artists' materials, Golconda, Pope Co. Clark Demascus, constable, Elgin, Kane Co. Clark Dennis, lawyer, Abingdon, Knox Co. Clark E., jewelry, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Clark E. C., fanningmill manufactory, Ashley, Washington Co. Clark Elliott, butcher, Mt. Pulaski, Logan Co. Clark C. G., boots and shoes, Marengo, Mc- Henry Co. Clark F. C., wagonmkr, Benton, Franklin Co. Clark G., carpenter and builder. Phillipstown, White Co. Clark G., wagonmkr, Phillipstown, White Co. Clark G. B., carpenter, Gilman, Loquois Co. Clark G. W., pianos, etc, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Clark George, saloon, Chicngo, Cook Co. Clark George F., grocer, Macomb, McDonough- Co. Clark George & Co., hairdressers, Lawrence- ville, Lawrence Co. Clark George R. & Co., miners, Avon, Fulton Co. Clark H. H., agl impls, drugs, drygoods, gro- ceries, etc, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Clark H. H., fanningmill mkrs, Somonauk, De- Kalb Co. Clark H. I., stone yard and quarries, Wood- ford, Woodford Co. Clark Harvey S., lumber, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Clark Henry A., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Clark Henry F., drygoods, etc, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Clark Horatio D., blacksmith, Belvidere Boone Co. Clark I. Rev., Rockford, Winnebago Co. Clark Isaac, boots and shoes, Forksville, Lake Co. Clark J. M., axe manfr and blacksmith, Anti- och Lake Co. Clark J. M., physician, Antioch, Lake Co. Clark J. R., town clerk and surveyor, Avoca, Livingston Co. Clark J. T., flourmills, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Clark James, wines etc., Fairfield, Wayne Co. CLARK JAMES B., druggist and apothecary, Aurora, Kane Co. Clark James H., cigar manfr, New Milford, Winnebago Co. Clark James W., shingles, Avoca, Livingston Co. Clark Miss Jane, milliner, Summerfield, St. Clair Co. Clark John, lawyer, Metamora, Woodford Co. Clark John, physician, Mt. Pulaski, Logan Co. Clark John, real estate agt, Metamota, Wood- ford Co. Clark John Rev., Augusta, Hancock Co. Clark John & Son, (Robert Clark,) iron rail- ings, shutters, etc., Chicago, Cook Co. Clark, John A., lawyer, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Clark John B.. druggist, Ash Grove, Iroqnois Co. Clark John M., whitesmith, Boooklyn, Schuy- ler Co. Clark Jno. S., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Clark John S., printer, Monmouth, Warren Co. Clark Jos. L., carpenter, Momence, Kankakee- Co. Clarke L., mining co, Santa Anna, De Witt Co. Clark L. L., sheriff, Taylorville, Christian Co. Clark Lucius, physician, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Clark Luther J., sugar and syrup mfr and con- tractor, Ash Grove, Iroquois Co. Clark Mrs., milliner, etc, Lawrenceville, Law- rence Co. 91 CLA Clark M. C., town clerk, Vernrillionville, La Salle Co. Clark M. II., physician, Vermont, Fulton Co. Clark Michael Rev., Amboy, Lee Co. Clark M. 0., notary, auctioneer and col agt, Momence, Kankakee Co. Clark N. D., drygoods, Golconda, Pope Co. Clark Nathaniel C. Rev., Garden Prairie, Boone Co. Clark Nathaniel C. Rev., Marengo, McHenry Co. Clark 0. B., wagonmkr, Newton, Jasper Co. Clark 0. H. Rev., Granville, Putnam Co. Clark 0. L., carpenter, Oilman, Iroquois Co. Clark R., grocer, Henry, Marshall Co. Clark R. C., vinegar, St. John, Perry Co. Clark R. F., hats, caps & furs, Carrollton, Green Co. Clark R. R. Rev., Griggsville, Pike Co. Clark Robert, harnessmaker, Woodstock, Mc- Henry Co. Clark S. H. Rev., Virden, Macoupin Co. Clark S. M., hotel, New Erin, Stephenson Co. Clark Samuel, postmaster, Beaverton, Boone Co. Clark Samuel, flour and saw mill, postmaster, etc, Beaverton, Boone Co. Clark Samuel, note broker, Chicago, Cook Co. CLARK SEMINARY, (Geo. W. Quereau, prin- cipal,) Aurora, Kane Co. Clark T., auctioneer, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Clark T. R., boot and shoemkr, W. Urbana, Champaign Co. Clark Thomas, sashes, doors, blinds and plan- ing mill, Elgin, Kane Co. Clark Thomas A., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Clark Thomas J., carpenter, Geneva, Kane Co. Clark V. M., Sheriff, St. Joseph, Champaign Co. Clark W., daguerreotypes, etc, Griggsville, Pike Co. Clark W. C., insurance agt, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Clark VV. D. Rev., Morris, Grundy Co. Clark W. F., confectioner, liquors, etc., Ur- bana, Champaign Co. Clark W. H., printer, Bristol, Kendall Co. Clark W. H. H., billiard saloon, Marengo, Mc- Henry Co. Clarke Mrs. W. H., milliner, Bunker Hill, Ma- coupin Co. Clark W. J. H., lawyer, Brighton, Macoupin Co. Clark Wesley, cooper, Lawrenceville, Law- rence Co. Clark William, axe manuf, Jonesboro, Union Co. Clark Wm., blacksmith, Edwardsville, Madi- son Co. Clark William, carpenter, Catlin, Yermillion Co. Clark William, stone quarry,Batavia,Kane Co. Clark William A., blacksmith, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Clark William A., boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Clark William D., carpenter, Tamaroa, Perry Co. Clark William F., soap mfr, Chicago, Cook Co. Clark William T., harness mkr, Lisbon, Ken- dall Co. Clark D. F. & Co., furniture, Golconda, Pope Co. Clark E. & Son, soda water manuf, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Clark E. W. & Bro., bankers, Grayville, White Co. Clark E. F. & Co., drugs, drygoods, groceries, etc, Nora, Jo Daviess Co. Clark J. A. & Co., (James A. Clarke & ,) commission merchants, Chicago, Cook Co. Clark M. S. & Co., books, etc, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Clark S. H. & Co., (Stephen H. & Enoch,) com mer, drvgoods, groceries, etc, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Clark & Co., booksellers, Golconda, Pope Co. Clark & Andrees, grocers, Ogle Station, Lee Co. Clark & Bair, grocers, Morris, Grundy Co. Clark & Barlow, carpenters, Monticello, Piatt Co. Clark &Burwell, flour mills, Oakland, Coles Co. Clark & Campbell, dry goods, Bunker Hill, Macoupin Co. Clark & Dana, drugs & medicines, Kyte River, Ogle County. Clark & Dennis, drygoods, flour, etc, Eureka, Woodford Co. Clark & Griffin, flour mills, Farmington, Ful- ton Co. Clark & Mitchell, (Thomas M. Clark & Anson F. Mitchell,) jewellers, etc, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Clark & Rockwood, carpenters, Mendota, La Salle Co. Clark rnpnter, St. Anne, Kanka- Cleaveland J., dentist, New Boston, Mercer Co. Cleaveland J. Rev., Louisville, Clay Co. Cleaveland Lorenzo D., architect, Alton, Ma- dison Co. Cleaveland & Owen, dry goods, Chelsea, Will Co. Cleaver Edward C., real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Cleaver H. R., drugs, Havana, Mason Co. Cleaver W. D., wagonmkr, Sherburnville, Kaukakee Co. Cleavinger L. D., physician, Summum, Fulton Co. Cleel Henry, carpenter, Fullersburg, DuPage Co. Cleeland Jos. S. M., physician, Indianola, Ver- million Co. Cleeman M., clothier, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Clegg William, jeweler, W. Aurora, Kane Co. Cleland Martin, carpenter, Buckhorn, Brown Co. Cleland Samuel, Rev., Pleasant Ridge, Rock Island Co. Clem D. G., ice, Paris, Edgar Co. Clemens L. W., bricks, Hall, Franklin Co. Clemens William, bricks, Hall, Franklin Co. Clement C. C., physician, Carrollton, Greene Co. Clement Charles, dry goods, Oakland, Coles Co. Clement Thomas, exp agt, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Clement & Watson, clothiers, Carrollton, Greene Co. Clement, Button & Co., lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Clementson I. M., lawyer, Marion, Williamson Co. Clementson J., physician, Bainbridge, William- son Co. Clemmons Leonidas D., drugs, Chicago, Cook Co. demons A. J., butcher, Detroit, Pike Co. Clemson George, carpenter, Mackinaw, Taze- wrll Co. Clendenin A., baker, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Clendenin D. R., notary, Viola, Mercer Co. Clendinen E. R., carpenter, Jones Creek, Ran- dolph Co. Clendinen John, lumber, Jones Creek, Ran- dolph Co. Clenthall Edward, freight agt, Tolono, Cham- paign Co. Clerk William, liquors. Peoria, Peoria Co. Clessen Charles, potter, Chicago, Cook Co. Clettenberg & Bro., (Michael and William,) painters, Chicago, Cook Co. Cleveland A., express agt, Morris, Grundy, Co. Cleveland C. E., physician, Kewanee, Henry Co. Cleveland C. H., grocer, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Cleveland Rev. F. P., Kanknkee, Kankakee Co. CLEVELAND HOUSE., Chicago, Cook Co. Cleveland John, postmaster, Plymouth, Han- cock Co. Cleveland John K., notary, Perry, Pike Co. Cleveland Moses, butcher, Spencer, Will Co. Cleveland Sally, weaver, Spencer, Will Co. r.l.M-flHnd Rev'. W., Kingston, DeKalb Ca CLE 93 COB Cleveland & Co., books, Morris, Grnndy Co. CLEVELAND & ASPELL, (Joseph H. Cleve- land and Charles J. Aspell,) prod and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Cleveland & Will, (Chester E. Cleveland and Alex. H. Will,) druggists, Kewanee, Hen- ry Co. Cleu Edward, bricks, Woodburn, Macoupin Co, Clien Charles, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Cliffe Rev. W., Salem, Marion Co. Clifford C., justice, Phillipstown, White Co. Clifford G. A., lawyer, Toulon, Stark Co. Clifford J. E., postmaster, Phillipstown, White Co. Clifford John, pumpmkr, Versailles, Brown Co. Clifford John, cabinetmkr, Versailles, Brown Co. Clifford Rev. L., Lake, Cook Co. Clifford Margaret, grocer, Elgin, Kane Co. Clifford Martin, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Clifton House, (K. Winne,) Chicago, Cook Co. Cliger George, boots and shoes, Chicago Cook Co. Cline Daniel, boarding, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Cline F., butcher, Renault, Monroe Co. Cline H. D., blksmith, Buffalo Prairie, Rock Island Co. Cline H. V., blksmith, Izoria, R. Island Co. Cline J., cabinet, Sandoval, Marion Co. Cline James M., com mer, Bloomfield, Edgar Co. Cline Martin, grocer, Sandoval, Marion Co. Cline William N., ins agt, Cuba, Fulton Co. Cline & Bro., cooper, Renault, Monroe Co. Clinefelter F., carpenter, Arlington, Bureau Co. Clingan W. F., town elk, Elba, Knox Co. Clingman William, clothier, Chicago, Cook Co. Clinton Franklin, grocer, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Clinton House, Chicago, Cook Co. Clinton J. B., co judge, Murphysboro, Jackson Co. Clippenger Charles T., drugs, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Clisbee J., hotel, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Clisbee J. & Sons, turners, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Clisby L. & Bro., flour mill, Macomb, McDon- ough Co. Clise John D., dry goods, Dunleith, Jo Daviess Co. Cloak J , packer, W. Urbana, Champaign Co. CLOCK ASA J., druggist, W. Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Clopino Henry, dry goods, Carlinville, Macou- pin Co. Clopiski L. C., hotel, El Paso, Woodford Co. Cloran John, grocer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Close Rev. B., Fulton City, Whitcside* Co. Clotfelter A. L. & W. S., saw mill, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Clothier Cyrus, agr impl, Kishwaukee, Winne- bago Co. Clothier Freeman, postmaster, Kishwaukee, Winnebago Co. Clothier Reman, carpenter, Kishwaukee, Win- nebago Co. Cloud A. G., dry goods, McLeansboro, Hamil- ton Co. Cloud Rev. N , Franklin, Morgan Co. Clough A., architect, Tolono, Champaign Co. Clough E. T., civil engineer, Griggsville, Pike Co. Clough John, hides, Chicago, Cook Co. Clough Robert, weaver, Kingsbury, White- sides Co. Clcugh & Bro., (Freeman and John H.,) pro- visions, Chicago, Cook Co. Clover Jno., bricks, Rocton, Winnebago Co. Clover Rev. L. P., Springfield, Sangamon Co. Clow D., hotel, Chatham, Sangamon Co. Clow Robert, town clerk, E. Wheatland, Will Co. dowry Jeremiah, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Clowry Thos., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Cloyd Charles, upholsterer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Cloyes Charles, coffee and spice, Chicago, Cook Co. Cloyes & Brother, grocers and dry goods, Pax- ton, Ford Co. Clubb S. H., wood, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Cluekhohn F. Rev., Waukegan, Lake Co. Cluff & Green, butchers, Carrollton, Greene Co. Clump Gabriel, grocer, Omph Ghent, Madison Co. Cluster P., cigars, Shilo Hill, Randolph Co. Clute Isaac, carpenter, Essex, Vermillion Co. Clybourn Archibald, real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Clute Jacob, grocer, St. Charles, Kane Co. Clyde J. W., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. (Joahay Samuel, butcher, Kans'S, Edgar Co. Coal Hill Mining Co., Minersville, Henry Co. Coal Oil Co., Princeville, Peoria Co. Coan & Ten Broeke, (Douglass W. Coan and Charles 0. Ten Broeke,) carriagemakers, Chicago, Cook Co. Coates John, lawyer, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Coatner James, boots and shoes, Roland, White Co. Coatney John, hairdresser, Fairmount, Vermil- lion Co. Coatney John, fisherman, Fairmount, Vermil- lion Co. Coats S., mining Co., Buck, Hamilton Co. Coats & Milligan, (Ralph J. Coats and John Milligan,) grocers, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Coatsworth Joseph & Son, (James Coatsworth,) jewelers, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Cobb A. C., painter, Perry, Pike Co. Cobb Barnum, carpenter, Glasgow, Scott Co. Cobb C., carpenter, Buda, Bureau Co. Cobb D., ins agt, Wilmington, Will Co. Cobb Emery, supt West. Union Tel, Chicago, Cook Co. Cobb G. W., coachmaker, Sycamore, LaSalle Cobb George, carpenter, Buda, Bureau Co. Cobb H. W. Rev , Lincoln, Logan Co. Gobi. P., drugs, Liberty, Adams Co. Cobb Richard, tailor, Springfield, Sangamon Co, Cobb W., lumber, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Cobb S. R. & Co., (Sylvester R. Cobb,) iron foundry, Chicago, Cook Co. Cobbs Wm.' A., boots and shoes, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. COB 94 COL Coble J., caliinetmkr, Cedarville, Stephenson Co. Cobleigh James, produc, Morrison, Whitesides Co. COBLEIGH JOHN M., postmaster, clothing, etc, Morrison, Whitesides Co. Cobleigh N. E. Rev., Lebanon, St. Glair Co. Cobleigh & Co., carpenters, Lisbon, Kendall Co. Coblentz Benjamin C., lawyer, Sterling, White- sides Co. Cobols Lewis, painter, Chelsea, Will Co. Cobourn William, contractor, Princeville, Pe- oria Co. Coburn George, hotel, Sandwich, DeKalbCo. Coburn Mrs. Theresa, milliner, Chicago, Cook Co. Coch John, bootmkr, Chicago, Cook Co Cochems Joseph, hotel, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Cochnour David, fisherman, Jamestown, Clin- ton Co. Cochorill Abraham, cabinetmkr, Howards Pt., Fayette Co. Cochran Charles, agri impts, Gridley, McLean Co. Cochran Evan, L., carpenter, Dillon, Tazewell Co. Cochran H., physician, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Cochran J. A., carpenter, Du Quoin, Perry Co. i Cochran J. M. Rev., Batavia, Kane Co. Cochran James S. & Z. C., (Zadoc C. Cochran,) lawyers, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Cochran John & Son, saw mill, Anna, Union Co. Cochran Mrs., milliner, Windsor, Shelby Co. Cochran T. Rev., Wheaton, DuPage Co. Cochran T. S., ins agt, Abingdon, Kuox Co. Cochran W., carpenter, Vaudalia, Fayette Co. Cochran W. A., postmaster, Windsor, Shelby Co. Cochran Wm., carpenter, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Cochran Bros., lawyers, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Cochran C. & S. F., collectrs, Gridley, McLean Co. Cochran J. S. & Z. C., real estate, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Gochran & Irwin, (James S. & Zadoc C. Coch- ran & Wm. C. Irwin,) real estate, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Cochran & Nye, (J. Wilson Cochran & Chaun- cey Nye,) lawyers, Peoria, Peoria Co. Cochran & Price, lumber, Windsor, Shelby Co. Cochrane John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Cochrane & Corcoran, wagonmkrs, Waukegan, Lake Co. COCKRELL GEORGE C., prop Alton House, Alton, Madison Co. Cockroft. Joseph, bookbinder, Geneva, Kane Co. Cockroft & Wilson, (Joseph Cockroft & John Wilson,) job printers, Geneva, Kane Co. Cocks Thos., ins agt, Canton; Fulton Co. Codner Jas., vet surgeon, Lisbon, Kendall Co. Cody Richard, grocer, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Cody Thos. J., boots and shoes, Lisbon, Ken- dall Co. Coe I. F., contractor, New Jordan, Whitesides Co. Coe John S., blacksmith, Fullersburg, DuPage Co. Coe Watson V. & Co., (Watson V. Coe, Wm. H. Rice & Sidney L. Underwood.) com merchts, Chicago, Cook Co. Coe William L., coroner, Morrison, White- sides Co. Coe & Carpenter, (Albert L. Coe & Benjamin Carpenter,) com merchts, Chicago, Cook Co. CGE, CARPENTER & CO., (Albert L. Coe, Benjamin Carpenter & Edward N.Portch,) coal and wood, Chicago, Cook Co. Coe & Van Duyn, (John C.' Coe & Gilbert A. Van Duyn,) leather, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Coffee Elizabeth, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Coffee J. C., carpenter, Raleigh, Saline Co. Coffee N. J. Rev., Richland, Smgamon Co. Coffee Patrick H., cooper, Elgin, Kane Co. Coffey A. C., sheriff, Nashville, Washington Co. Coffey B., milliner, Griggsville, Pike Co. Coffey F. D., lawyer, Griggsville, Pike Co. Coffin F. R., dry goods, Oakland, Coles Co. Coffin H., produce, Roscoe, Winnebago Co. Coffin N. G., physician, Monticello, Piatt Co. Coffin Wm., banker, Batavia, Kane Co. Coffman Casper, pump mkr, Bristol, Kendall Co. Coffman Joseph, carptr, Wapella, DeWitt Co. Coffman & Bruce, (Henry C. Coffman & Rob't C. Bruce,) dry goods, Jacksonville, Mor- gan Co. COFFY THOMAS G., com mercht, Alton, Madison Co. Cogan John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Coger L. J., carpenter, Bristol, Kendall Co. Coghell B. C. & Son, flour mill, Rozetta, Hen- derson Co. Cogsley A. H., blacksmith, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Cogswell James A., boots and shoes, Fulton City, Whitesides Co. Cogswell William & Co., (W. H. W. Cushman,) ironfounders, Ottawa, La Salle Co. Cogswell William & Co., (William Cogswell & Wm. H. W. Cushman,) agl impt mnfrs, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Cogswell & Co., iron founders, Earlville, La Salle Co. Cohen L., clothes renovator, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Cohen Nason, jeweler, Princeton, Bureau Co. Coho W. L., col agt, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co. Cohrs & Hannah, lawyers, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Coker Catherine, milliner, McLeansboro, Ham- ilton Co. Colbert Elias, astrologer, Chicago, Cook Co. Colbert M. P., turner, McLeansboro, Hamil- ton Co 1 Colburn Edwin M., physician, Peoria, Peoria Co. Colburn Levi J., ship chandler, Chicago, Cook Co. Colburn 0., blacksmith, Mineral, Bureau Co. Colburn 0., carptr, Blackberry Station, Kane Co. Colburn R. H., dentist, Avoca, Livingston Co. Colby Abram E., hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. COL 95 COL Colby F. J., agt and coal, Onargo, Iroquois Co. Colby Gilbert A., com mer'cht, Chicago, Cook Co. Colby Hiram, architect, Granville, Putnam Co. Colbv John A., gift book store, Chicago, Cook Co. Colby William, real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Coldits W., tin and copper, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Cole A., milliner, Roscoe, Winnebago Co. Cole Augustus B., circuit clerk, Waukegan, Lake Co. Cole D., painter, Paris, Edgar Co. Cole David, cabinetmkr, Collin's Station, Clin- ton Co. Cole J. D. Rev., Barry, Pike Co. Cole FestusB., prod and com, Woodstock, Mc- Henry Co. Cole George, carptr, Bluffville, Carroll Co. Cole Henry, town clerk, Marshall, Clark Co. Cole Henry H., ambrotypes, Peoria, PeoriaCo. Cole Jacob, cabinetmkr, Centralia, Marion Co. Cole James C., bookseller, Kansas, Edgar Co. Cole Jeremiah J., county clerk, Oswego, Ken- dall Co. Cole John, architect, Bluffville, Carroll Co. Cole Kaspar, baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Cole Mrs., milliner, Freedom, LaSalle Co. Cole Nelson H., town clerk, Annawan, Henry Co. Cole Philo, carriage mkr, Argo, Carroll Co. Cole R S. Rev., Bluffdale, Greene Co. Cole R. S., physician, Pioneer, Greene Co. Cole S. S., livery, Chillicothe, Peoria Co. Cole W. W., physician, Fielding, Jersey Co. Cole Wm., hotel, Cerro Gordo, Piatt Co. Cole Wm., town clerk, Maquon, Knox Co. Cole Wm. & Co., carptrs, Maqnon, Knox Co. Cole William P. T., physician, Tremont, Taze- well Co. Cole J. F. & A. G., livery, Grayville, White Co. Cole & West, dry goods, Bushnell, McDonough Co. Coleman C., tinsmith, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Coleman E. B., harness, Dwight, Livingston Co. Coleman Eben Rev., Princeton, Bureau Co. Coloman G. W., books, Bible Grove, Clay Co. Coleman G. W. Rev., Georgetown, Vermillion Co. Coleman George, wagon mkr, Granville, Put- nam Co. Coleman J., gunsmith, etc, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Coleman J. W., physician, Leroy, McLean Co. Coleman John, carpenter, Geneva, Kane Co. Coleman John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Coleman Oliver, carpenter, Geneva, Kane Co. Coleman M. H., stage agt, Tamaroa, Perry Co. Coleman William, hotel, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Coleman Z. Rev., Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Coleman Bros., carpenters, Oakulla, Iroquois Co. Coleman & Palmer, (Michael F. Coleman and Thomas Palmer,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Colors W. N., real estate, Urbana, Champaign Co. Colerwood John C., livery, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Coles & Co., produce, Renault, Monroe Co. Coley A. G., blksmitb, Summer Hill, Pike Co. Coley George W., hairdresser, Coatsburg, Ad- ams Co. Colgan Edward D., wines and liquors, Wauke- gan, Lake Co. Colgan J., blksmith, Brimfield, Peoria Co. Colgan John, boots and shoes, Wyoming, Stark Co. Colhenour & Asher, eating house, Pekin, Taze- well Co. Colister L. G., confectioner, Farmington, Ful- ton Co. Colkin Mrs., milliner, Benton, Franklin Co. Colkin Richard, painter, Benton, Franklin Co. Collahan E., lawyer, Hutsonville, Crawford Co. Collar & Sargent, (Ephraim Collar, and Rich- ard A. Sargent,) grocers, St. Charles, Kane Co. Collier E. 0., cooper, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Collier William W., furniture, Belvidere, Boone Co. Colliers A. J., furniture, Griggsville, Pike Co. Collins Andrew, blksmith, Greenfield, Greene Co. Collins C. C., com mer, Olney, Richland Co. Collins C. W., nursery, Anna, Union Co. Collins Charles, carpenter, Caledonia, Pulaski Co. Collins D. D., saw mill,Collinsville, Madison Co. Collins David, bricks, Oregon, Ogle Co. Collins E., physician, Beaver Creek, Bond Co. Collins Edwin M., ambrotypes, Quincy, Adams Co. Collins, Geo,, fisherman, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Collins George A., land agent, Quincy, Adams Co. Collins II., medicines, Foreston, Ogle Co. Collins H. I., house furnishing, Griggsville, Pike Co. Collins J. W., lime, Webster, Hancock Co. Collins James A., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Collins John blksmith, Orland, Cook Co. Collins John, carpenter, lumber, etc, Naper- ville, DuPage Co. Collins John, lumber, Winfield, DuPage Co. Collins John, tailor, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Collins Leander C., postmaster, New Plato, Kane Co. Collins M., vinegar, Liberty, Adams Co. Collins M. E., real estate, Pontiac, Livingston Co Collins Mrs. G., homeo medicine, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Collins N. G. Rev., Lamoille, Bureau Co. Collins P. D., hotel, Paxton, Ford Co. Collins Patrick, blacksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Collins Patrick, wagonmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Collins Peter, blksmith, Prophetstown, White- sides Co. Collins T. J., carpenter, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Collins Thomas H., tailor, St. Charles, Kane Co. Collins W., flour and saw mill, Monticello, C. H., Piatt Co. COL 96 COM Collins W. H., ins agt, Paris, Edgar Co. Collins W. P., drygoods, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Collins W. P., coal, Viola, Mercer Co. Collins William H. Rev., editor, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Collins William S., COMMISSION MERCHANT and wholesale dealer in chairs, bedsteads and wooden ware, Chicago, Cook Co. Collins & Bro., (Edward H. and Charles,) fur- ture, Chicago, Cook Co. Collins & Bros., drugs, etc, Paris, Edgar Co. COLLINS & BURGIE, (James L. Collins, and Henry C. Burgie,) stove founders, Chica- go, Cook Co. Collins & Connell, (Willis m Collins and Patrick Connell,) blksmiths, Chicago, Cook Co. . Collins &Freiley, lumber, Suinmum, Fulton Co. Collins & White, (Edwin H. Collins and Austin White,) flour and feed, Peoria, Peoria Co. Collins & Wood, (Silas A. Collins and Omar J. Wood,) ambrotypes, etc, Joliet, Will Co. Collins, Son & Co., (Eli A. Collins, John S. Collins and Hiram Willard,) leather, etc, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Collison John, bricks, Rural, Rock Island Co. Collison S., dry goods, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Collison W. E., wagons, Exter, Scott Co. Collison William, medicines, Gridley, McLean Co. Collmann John, gunsmith, Freeport Stephen- son Co. Colman J., flour mill, Brighton, Macoup'tn Co. Colne John P. jr., liquor, Chicago, Cook Co. Colnell Daniel, carpenter, Havana, Mason Co. Coloney M. & Co., (Myron Coloney, Thomas Howard and George Bowman,) hides artd wool, Chicago, Cook Co. Colquhown Grant, county judge, Morris, Gru- ndy Co. Colstead D. M., brick, Havana, Mason Co. Colston House, Wm. G. Colston, propr, Chica- go, Cook Co. Colt George P., notary, Chicago, Cook Co. Colt W. B. M. Rev., Marshall, Clark Co. Colt W. N., lawyer, Urbana, Campaign Co. Colter Jacob, baker, Griggsville, Pike Co. Colterjahn Frederick, barber, Chicago, Cook Co. Coltman Thomas, brick, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Colton D. Alphonso, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Colton E. G., lumber, Port Byron, Rock Island Co. Colton G. D., planing mill, Galesburg, Knox Co. Colton M. Rev., Litchfield, Montgomery Co. Colton C. S. & Sons, (Chauncey S., John B. and Francis,) dry goods, Galesburg, Knox Co. Coltrin J. N., printer, Clinton, DcWitt Co. Coltrin P. N. Rev., Griggsville, Pike Co. Coltrine If. P. Rev., Griggsville, Pike Co. Columbian Bank, Elizabethtown, Hardin Co. Colvard E. 'J., physician, Shawneetown, Galla- tin Co. Colvig George, cabinet, Delevan, Tazewcll Co. Colvill John, dry goods, LaClair, DeKalb Co. Colvill John, dry goods, Paw Paw Grove, Lee Co. Colville W., dentist, Can'on, Fulton Co. Colville Robert, book binder, Galesburg, Knox Co. Colvin Harvey D., genl agt U. S. express co, Chicago, Cook Co. Colvin W. A., wood, Time, Pike Co. Colwell James, dagtyps, Spencer, Will Co. Colwell James W., carpenter, Columbus, Ad- ams Co. Colwell, Joseph, artists materials, Spencer, Will Co. Colwell Joseph, daguerrean, Tracy, Will Co. Colwell R. L. Rev., Columbus, Adams Co. Colwell Wm. N., carpenter, Columbus, Adams Co. Coman I. W., physician, Peoria, Peoria Co. Comb Polly, milliner, Marengo, McHenry Co. Combs Andrew, liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Combs Maria, dresssmkr, New Erin, Stephen- son Co. Combs John M., lawyer and auctioneer, Ma- quon, Knox Co. Combs N., saddlery, Maquon, Knox Co. Combs T., carriages, Dearborn, McHenry Co. Combs William, boat builder, New Erin, Ste- phenson Co. Combs William, carriage maker, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Combs William & Co., dry goods, Wenona Sta- tion, Marshajl Co. Comer , physician, Hamilton, Hancock Co. Comerford C., grocer and post master, Min- ocka, Grundy Co. Comerford Chas., grocer, Morris, Grundy Co. Comerford George, dry goods, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Comfort Michael, saloon and tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Comins Jas. M., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Coinins James M., physician, Sterling, White- sides Co. Comitti Louis, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. COMLY EDWARD L., gas and steam fitter, Chicago, Cook Co. Commens Charles, cooper, Chicago, Cook Co. Commercial Bank, Palestine, Crawford Co. Commercial Mill, (flour,) Sterling, Whitesides Co. Common Augustus H., auctioneer, Girard, Ma- coupin Co. Compton A., dry goods, Charleston, Coles Co. Compton E., blksmith and plowmaker, Phillips- town, White Co. Compton G. A., woolen goods manufr, Wood- ford, Woodf.ird Co. Compton G. W. Rev., Alton, Madison Co. Compton T. A., carpets, etc, Woodford, Wood- ford Co. Compton Whortman, carpenter, Harrison, Winnebago Co. Compton J. & J. B., (James and John B.,) dry goods, Augusta, Hancock Co. Corns A., butcher, Coal Valley, Rock Island Co. Comstock G. P., dry goods, Manteno, Kanka- kee Co. Comstock John, real estate, Peoria, Peoria Co. Comstock T., boots and shoes, Winnebago Depot, Winnebago Co. Comstock & Co., (Allen and Enoch,) stoves, Quincy, Adams Co. COM CON Comte II., boots and shoes, Naperville, Du Page Co. Conant A., town clerk, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Conant John, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Conant S. D., boots and shoes, Shelby ville, Selby Co. Conant Sulivan, furniture, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Conaway Ames, sawmill, Monticello, Piatt Co. Conckling James C., lawyer, Springfield, San- gam on Co. Coude H. Clay, lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Coudee C. B,, agr manufr, Batavia, Kane Co. Condell John S., dry goods, Springfield, San- gam on Co. CONDICT WOOLLEY & CO., (Stephen H. Condict. Newark, N. J., John C. Wooley, Chicago, & Frederick King, Newark, N. J.) saddlery, hardware, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Condic E. S., ins agt, Centralia, Marion Co. Condon James, liquors, South Pa-s, Marion Co. Condon John, grocer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Condreary Edmund P., postmaster, Weller, Henry Co. Cone David, jeweler, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Cone F. S., harness maker, Port Byron, Rock Island Co. Cone Henry, wood, Farmington, Fulton Co. Cone M. D., hotel, Paw Paw Grove, Lee Co. Cone S. S. Rev., Piano, Kendall Co. Cone W. Rev., Lodi, Clark Co. Cone & O'Brien, (Hubbell B. Cone & Michael W. O'Brien,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Cone, Grow & McGuire, (John E. Cone, John A. Grow and Woods McGuire,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Coner D., distiller, Anna, Union Co. Conet Joseph, county clerk, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Confer Israel, blacksmith, Rock Grove, Ste- phenson Co. CONGDOX GEORGE E., wholesale dealer in boots and shoes, 32 Lake Street, over Tuttle, Hibbard & Co., Chicago, Cook Co. Congdon R. S., restaurant, Wapella, DeWitt Co. Conger C. H., com mer, Oneida, Knox Co. Conger L. W., dry goods, etc, Oneida, Knox Co. Conger R P., produce, Neponset, Bureau Co. Conger U., broker, Galesburgh, Knox Co. Congrave John, boots and shoes, Naperville, DuPage Co. Conington Alex., grocer, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Conklen C. F., fishing tackle, Victoria, Knox Co. Conklin Charles, fisherman, Victoria, Knox Co. Conklin Daniel, hotel, Cerro Gordo, Piatt Co. Conklin G. W., sash, doors, etc, Pekin, Taze- well Co. Conklin J. C., cabinet maker, Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Conklin J. 0., painter, W. Urbana, Champaign Co. Conklin Oliver M., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Conklin Win. G., flour 'mill, St. Charles, Kane Co. Conkling H., physician. Hudson, McLean Co. Conkright C., sawmill, New Salem, Pike Co. Conkright William G , ropes, cordage, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Conlan James, wood and coal, Chicago, Cook Co. Conlee John H., sheriff, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Conley Edward, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Conley James, carpenter, New Salem, Pike Co. Conley Matthew, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Conley Philip, dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Conley & Kinsella, (Philip Conley, & Thomas J. Kinsella,) real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Conliu Philip, lumber, LaSalle, LaSnlle Co. Conley James, carriages, Avoca, Livingston Co. Conn Lewis, saloon, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Connant A., town clerk, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Connell Jeremiah, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Connell John, stone yard, Sparland, Marshall Co. Connell Joseph C., boots & shoes, Kingston, De Kalb Co. Connell S. C., lawyer, Havana, Mason Co. Connell William, coal, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Connelly D., butcher, Gilman, Iroquois Co. Connelly G. W., lawyer, Maple's Mills, Fulton Co. Connelly George W., treasurer, Oquawka, Hen- derson Co. Conner C. C., blacksmith, Walker's Neck, Brown Co. Conner D. 0., harness, Watson, Sangamon Co. Conner Edmund, blksmith, Oregon, Ogle Co. Conner Edward, grocer, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Conner Jackson, shingle mkr, Benton, Frank- lin Co. Conner 0. G., hotel, Geneseo, Henry Co. Conner Patrick, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Conner Mrs. S., weaver, North Plato, Kane Co. Conner S. L., painter, Prophetstown, White- sides Co. Conner Thomas D., steamboat agt, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Conner Thomas M., butcher, Flora, Clay Co. Connolly Thomas, jeweler, Chicago, Cook Co. Connor Jeremiah, furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Connor Jno., cooper, Henderson, Knox Co. Connor John, horde shoer, Elgin, Kane Co. Connor Thomas, flour and feed, Chicago, Cook Co. Connor W., dressmkr, Lynnville, Morgan Co. Connor Wesley, leather, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Conon John, carpenter, Catlin, Vermillion Co. Conover Hiram, ins agt, Bushnell McDonough Co. Conover R. A., physician, Eureka, Woodford Co. Conover Robert Rev., Bloomington, McLean Co. Conover & Forgy, printers, Harrisburgh, Saline Co. Conover & Spader, carpenters, Bushnell, Mc- Donough Co. cox 98 COO Conrad Andrew, carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Conrad Anton, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Conrad H., boots & shoes, Eureka, Woodford Co. Conrad, Jacob, cooper, Simoda, Kankakee Co. Conrad N., eatinghouse, Pontoosac, Hancock Co. Conrad Philip, saloon, Bellville, St. Clair Co. Conrad Samuel, boots and shoes, New Hebron, Crawford Co. Conrad Sheetle, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Conrs>d William, cooper, Simoda, Kankakee Co. Conrad G. W. & Co., grocers, Greenfield, Greene Co. Conroy Joseph, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Considiue John, wagonmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Constable , clothier, Limerick, Bureau Co. Constable C. H., Lawyer, Marshall, Clark Co. Constant, Jacob, carpenter, Dawson,Sangamon Co. Continental Bank, Granville, Putnam Co. Converse Amasa M., grocer, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Converse M. P., physician, Avon, Fulton Co. Converse, Young &Hyde, (Eliab A Converse, Josiah C. Young and Salisbury S. Hyde,) carwheel manufrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Conville James, harness, Bloomington,McLean Co. Convis Albert H., lawyer, Joliet, Will Co. Conway Andrew, butcher, Council Hill, Jo Daviess Co. Conway James, com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Conway Lawrence J., grocer and com, Chica- go, Cook Co. Conzet C , grocer, Greenup, Cumberland Co. Coobel, John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Coof John, engraver, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Cook , carpenter, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Cook A. Rev., Liberty, Adams Co. Cook A. H., carriages and plows, Shawnee- town, Gallatin Co. Cook A. W., confectioner, Berlin, Sangamon Co. Cook Alfred E., carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Cook Andrew, bricks, Forksville, Lake Co. Cook C., physician, Carmi, White Co. Cook Archibald, carpenter, Rural, Rock Is- land Co. Cook C. B., agl impls, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Cook Charles E., carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Cook Chauncey Rev., Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Cook D. W., ins agt, Collinsville, Madison Co. Cook E. A., packer, Victoria, Knox Co. Cook E. L., carpenter, Geneseo, Henry Co. Cook Edgar P., physician, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Cook Eliza, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Cook F., painter, Circleville, Tazewell Co. Cook Frederick, cigars, Quincy, Adams Co. Cook G., flourmill, Mansfield, Kendall Co. Cook G. W., cabinet, Catlin, Vermillion Co. Cook George, carpenter, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Cook Giles, ins agt, Victoria, Knox Co. Cook H. A., blksmith, Blackberry Station, Kane Co Cook H. D., exp agt, Kappa, Woodford Co. Cook Henry, fruit, Chicago, Cook Co. Cook Henry, grocer, Rockford.Winnebago Co. Cook Henry C., lumber, Rockford, Wiunebago Co. Cook, I. N., diguerreotypes, etc, Geneseo, Henry Co. Cook Isaac, postmaster, Chicago, Cook Co. Cook J. S., collector, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Cook J. T., notary, Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Cook James, blksmith, Rock Creek, Carroll Co. Cook Joel, boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Cook John, carpenter, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Cook John A., cabinet, Rantoul, Champaign Co. Cook John A., physician, Mansfield, Kendall Co. Cook John C., lawyer, Santa Fe, Alexander Co. Cook Jonathan, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Cook Joseph, blksmith, Wilkesboro', McLean Co. Cook Joseph, cabinet, Fairview, Fulton Co. Cook Joseph T. Rev., Elgin, Kane Co. Cook Matthias L , stable, Joliet Will Co. Cook Mi>ses, weaver, Maple Mills, Fulton Co. Cook Philander B., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Cook Philip, treasurer, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Cook R., boots & shoes, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Cook S. W., carriages, Magnolia, Putnam Co. Cook T. C., cooper, Russellville, Lawrence Co. Cook Tyrzah, millinery, Chicago, Cook Co. Cook W. E., co & town clerk, Lacon, Mar- shall Co. Cook W. H., phvsician, Kickapoo, Peoria Co. Cook W. P., books, Geneseo, Henry Co. Cook Wiat, co treas, Louisville, Cl iy Co. Cook William, blacksmith, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Cook William, bootmaker, Rural, Rock Island Co. Cook William, coal, Pope Creek, Mercer Co. Cook William, liquor, Tennessee, McDonough Co. Cook Wiott, block and pumpmkr, Clay City, Clay Co. Cook A. & Son, drygoods, Piano, Kendall Co. Cook A. & W., blacksmiths, Hopper's Mills, Henderson Co. Cook C. & Bro., stoves, Carmi, White Co. Cook G. C. & Co , (George C. Cook, Frederick Fischer, Henry W. Cook & Leroy Sworm- stedt, jr.,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Cook & Brother, (John W. Cook & David M. Cook,) grocers, etc, Morris, Grundy Co. Cook & Amsbury, drygoods, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Cook & Cranmer, cabinet, furniture, etc, Paris, Edgar Co. Cook & Launder, (Josiah P. Cook Fenon, plowmkrs, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Dicus Geo. W., blacksmith, Wenona Station, Marshall Co. Diddle John, hairdresser, Walker, Hancock Co. Didion Auguste, grocer, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Didlake E. H. & Son, (Edmund H. & John T.,) prod and com, Bloomington, McLean Co, Dieckmann A. H., dry goods, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Dieckmann George H., drugs, etc, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Dieckmann A. H. & Co., packers, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Diedrich Charles, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Diedrich Leonard, boots and shoes, Chicago Cook Co. Diehl Christian, hardware, Chicago, Cook Co. . Diehl Conrad L., justice, Chicago, Cook Co. Diehl George, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Dierking John H., tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Diers H. D., boots and shoes, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Diesterweg & Kopfer, (Chas. Diesterweg and Wm. Kopfer,) grocers, Mendota LaSalle Co. Dieter Michael, eating house, Winfield, Du Page Co. DIETERICH & FRAILEY, (George V. Dieter- ich and Wm. P. Frailey,) grocers, Gales- burg, Knox-Co. Dietrich Louis, dry goods, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Dietrich & Bradner, (John and William W. Dietrich and George Bradner,) hardware, Bloomington, McLean Co. Dietsch Gottlieb, cabinetmkr, Warren Jo Da- viess Co. Dietschy Joseph, saloon, Alton, Madison Co. Dietz G. W., eating house, Belden, McHenry Co. Dietz & Gravius, furniture dealers, Marine, Madison Co. Difienan John, wagonmkr, Shoal Creek Station, Clinton Co. Diffenan Joseph, blacksmith, Shoal Creek Sta- tion, Clinton Co. Diffenbaugh John D., confectioner, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Dike C., salt fish, Pleasant Vale, Pike Co. Dike Brothers & Co., (Isaac and Henry B. Diko & George Morev,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Dikernan J., lumber, Illiopolis, Sangamon Co. Dikeman J. A., grocer, Watson, Sangamon Co. DIK DIX Dikeman J. A., lumber, Dawson, Sangamon Co. Dill Clark, harnessmkr, Bloomfield, Edgar Co. DillJames H. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Dillard James, wood, New Market, Gallatin Co. Diller Charles, cooper and town clerk, New Jordan, Whitesides Co. Dilley D. C., treasurer, Beardstown, Cass Co. Dilley Samuel Rev., Cedron, Cumberland Co. Billing A., dry goods, Augusta, Tazewell Co. Dillingham John E., artist, Chicago, Cook Co. Dillingham Wm., collecting agt, Pleasantview, Schuyler Co. Dillman Henry, carp'nter, Shoal Creek Station, Clinton Co. Dillon Daniel, hardware, San Jose, Mason Co. Dillon Elijah C., cabinetmkr, Parrish, Franklin Co. Dillon Mark, cooper, Drury, Rock Island Co. Dillon Matthew, cooper, Drury, Rock Island Co. Dillon Minerva, milliner, Parrish, Franklin Co. Dillon Patrick Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Dillon William B., postmaster and blacksmith, Parrish, Franklin Co. Dillon William J., county judge, Beuton, Frank- lin Co. Dillon A. H. & Co, storage, McLean, McLean Co. Dilman A. J., hotel, Wenona Station, Marshall Co. Dilman John, hairdresser, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Dills Harrison, grocer, Quincy, Adams Co. Dills Nelson, chairmkr, Valley Forge, Pulaski Co. Dills & Howser, produce, Atlanta, Logan Co. Dilmother , flour mill, Mansfield, Kendall Co. Dilwovth J. C., livery, Browning, Schuyler Co. Dilworth James, ins agt, Vermont, Fulton Co. Dilworth E. & E., hardware, Vermont, Fulton Co. Dilwoi th, Stephens & Co., dry goods, Vermont, Fulton Co. Dimick Franklin, county judge, Elizabethtown. Dimick J, J., harness, Centralia, Marion Co. Dimick Otis J., livery, Rock Island, Rock Isl- and Co. Dimick & Co., lumber, Pleasantview, Schuyler Co. DimmickE., flour mill, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Dimmick L. Norton, physician, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Dimmick P. J., postmaster Vermillionville, La Salle Co. Dimmick William, chairmkr, Benton", Franklin Co. Dimig Henry, hotel, Smithton, St. Clair Co. Dimniig Henry, quarry, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Dimmht J. H. Rev., Girard, Macoupin Co. Dimmitt J. P. Perry, Pike Co. Dimmock E. L. & Co., (Elijah L., Charles W. and Thomas Dimmock,) boots and shoes, Alcon, Madison Co. Dimock & Brentano, (John II. Dimock and Lorenzo Brentano,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. DIMOCK & GOULD, (DeWitt C. Dimock and John M. Gould,) tub and pail factory, Mo- line, Rock Island Co. Dimon F., carpenter, Morris, Grundy Co. Dimon George, carpenter, Morris, Grundy Co. Dimon W. D., saloon, Marengo, McHenry Co. Dimona J., coal, Carrollton, Greene Co. Dinges C., cupper, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Dingle W. J., carpenter, Tamaroa, Perry Co. Dingman Wm. M., clothier, Farmington, Ful- ton Co. Dinon D., carpenter, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Dings Henry, billiards, Orangeville, Stephen- son Co. Dinsmore George 0., butcher, Bloomfield, Ed- gar Co. Dinsmoor James, lawyer, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Dintlemann G., wagonmkr, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Dinwidde James, cooper, Manchester, Scott Co. Dippell John, sheriff, Morrison, Whitesides Co. Disbrow H. V., china, Galesburg, Knox Co. Discher Peter, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Dismon Thomas, livery, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Dispennette George, cabinet, Carthage, Han- cock Co. Ditewig Andrew, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Ditewig, George, boots and shoes, Peoria, Pe- oria Co. Ditewig John, bootmkr, Peoria, Peoria Co. Ditman G. W., butcher, Magnolia, Putnam Co. Ditman Geo., auctioneer, Magnolia,Putn am Co. Ditmars Henry V., shipsmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Ditto J., butcher, St. Joseph, Champaign Co. Ditz Jacob, saw mill, Marengo, McHenry Co. Ditzier, J., carpenter, Naperville, DuPage Co. Divan Thomas, furniture dealer, Abingdon, Knox Co. Divelbiss Noah, notary, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Dix John G., butcher, Maroa Macon Co. Dix, Howell & Baker, carpenters, Neponset, Bureau Co. Dixon Edward, boilermkr, Cordova, Rock Is- land Co. Dixon Elizabeth, carpet weaver, Kappa, Wood- ford Co. Dixon H. A., cabinet, Henderson, Knox Co. Dixon J., grocer, Lincoln, Logan Co. Dixon J., produce, Calhoun, Richland Co. Dixon J. H., butcher, Algonquin, McHenry Co. Dixon James, grocer, Rock Island, R. Island Co. Dixon James J. A. T. Rev., Metamora, Wood- ford Co. Dixon John, drygoods, Calhoun, Richland Co. Dixon John P., baker, Pecatonica, Winnebago Co. Dixon Lizzie, milliner, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Dixon M., milliner, Foreston, Ogle Co. Dixon Mills, flour, Dixon, Lee Co. Dixon William, carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Dixon William, prod and com, Wapella, De Witt Co. DIX 118 DOL Dixon W., physician, Flat Rock, Crawford Co. Dixon Z., locksmith, Bristol, Kendall Co. Dixon % Co., coal, Sparta, Randolph Co. Dixon & Phillips, milliners, Abingdon, Knox Co. Doak Horace, hotel, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Doati H., blksmith, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Doane F S., wood, Mineral, Bureau Co. Doane House, W. Urbana, Champaign Co. Doane Wm. C., physician, Fishhook, Pike Co. Doane Wm. H., machinery, Chicago, Cook Co. Doane J. W. mery Co. Ferreii John, undertaker, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Ferren John, cabinet, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Ferren H. K., carpenter, Mononk, Woodford Co. Ferris B. P., blank book mnfctr, Woodhull, Henry Co. Ferris Eli. dry goods, Time, Pike Co. Ferris John M., co. judge, Hancock Co. Ferris Miss, milliner, Cordova, R. Island Co. Ferris Uriah B., physician, Woodhull, Henry Co. Ferris Wm., ice, Galesburg, Knox Co. Ferris Wm., produce, Bristol, Kendall Co. Ferris P. W. & F. B., (Peter W. & Francis B.) dentists, Princeton, Bureau Co. Ferry A. D., Chicago, Cook Co. Ferry & Son, Wm. M & Thomas W. Ferry,) lumber, Chicago Cook Co. Ferry, Williams & Parks, (ElishaP. Ferry, Jo- seph L. Williams, & Culvin C Parks,) law- yers, Chicago, Cook Co. Ferryman G., stage agt, Albion, Edwards Co. Ferryman G. & Son, dry goods, Albion, Ed- wards Co. Fersen John, furniture, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Ferson George & Co., (Robert Ferson,) gro- cers, St Charles, Kane Co. Ferson S. C., physician, Carbon, Mercer Co. Fesler N., Inmber, Hutsonville, Crawford Co. Fes! r Thomas, physician, Rockport, Pike Co. Fesmann Chas., boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Fess H., blksmith, Foreston, Ogle Co. Fetrow Jacob, lumber, Princeton, Bureau Co. Fetters A., blksmith, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Fetters David, leather, New Massillon, Wayne Co. Fettinger T., carver, Joncsboro, Union Co. Feachslin Jacob, cooper, Chicago, Co. Feurdine L., jewelry, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Feuss Joseph, hotel, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Fey A., clothes renovator, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Fey David, jeweler, Peoria, Peoria Co. Fey J., tanner and currier, Rushville.Schuyler Co. Fheerer William, clothing, Shawneetown, Gal- latin Co. Fhrow M., dry goods, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Fichner James C., machinist, Grafton. Jersey Co. Fickass J., carpenter, Omega, Marion Co. Fickensher R. Rev., Farmington, Fulton Co. Fickeson Frederic, cooper, Marengo, McHenry Co. 8 Ticket H., carpenter, Mansfield, K> ndall Co. Fiddick John & William, dry goods, grocers, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Fidler Alvin, carpenter, Plato, Troquis Co. Fidh-r William, baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Fit> Augustus, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co, Fiedler Adam, blksmith, Hampton, R. Island Co. Fielun Christopher, carptr, Chicago, Cook Co. Field A., carp'r, Granville, Putnam Co. Field A. D. Rev.,Mt. Pleasant, Union Co. Field A. H., ins agt, Galesburg, Knox Co. Field A. J., hotel and postmaster, Prairie, Mnson Co. Field Frand, baker and confr, Peoria, Peoria Co. Field Frank & Co., (George Field & Thaxter Shaw,) confectrs, Peoria, Peoria Co. Field George DuQuoin, Perry Co. Handy Chester, civil engineer, Marshall, Clark Co. Handy George, lawyer, Kankakee, Kankakee Co. Handy Mrs., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Haney Dennis, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Haney George, carpenter, Pope Creek, Mercer Co. Haney M. S. Rev., Farmington, Fulton Co. Haney P., blksmith, Kickapoo, Peoria Co. Haney R. Rev., Macomb, McDonough Co. Haney W. Rev., Berwick, Warren Co. Haney & Holderman, flour mill, Clinton, De Witt Co. Hanford Henry, shoemkr, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Hanford S. F., lumber, Manteno, Kankakee Co. Hanford William H., dentist, Sycamore, De Kalb Co. Hanford S. F. & Co., prod com mer, Manteno, Kankakee Co. Hang C., agr impls, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Hangebrauck & Gless, (F. W. Hangebrauck and F. Gless,) carpenters, Waukegan, Lake Co. Hani G., soap and candle mkrs, Morris, Grun- dy Co. Hanich Robert, saddles, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanke Ernst, cigars, Quincy, Adams Co. Hankerson H., lumber, Pleasant Hill, Pike Co. Hankins John W., physician, Carlinville, Ma- coupin Co. Hankins William, circuit clerk, Vandalia, Fay- ette Co. Hankinson Mrs., milliner, Bristol, Kendall Co. Hankinson & Co., (Ambrose C. Hankinson and Alfred and Oscar Freeman,) real estate, Peoria, Peoria Co. Hanks James, postmaster, Kansas, Edgar Co. Hanks Joseph, cooper, Burton, Adams Co. Hanks, Ohair & Co., dry goods, Kansas, Edgar Co. Hanlan Edward, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanley Alex H., grocer, Paxton, Ford Co. Hanley William, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanley William, physician, Lockport,Will Co. Hanley & Son, lumber, Paxton, Ford Co. Hanlon Michael, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanlon Thomas, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanly C., chair mkr, Detroit, Pike Co. Hanly Thomas, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanna F. K., carpenter, Golconda, Pope Co. Hanna F. M., dagu'rst, Perry, Pike Co. Hanna G. H., civil engineer, Golconda, Pope Co. Hanna H., livery, Matamora, Woodford Co. Hanna J. E. Y., civil engineer, Allen Springs, Pope Co. Hanna J. F. Rev., Brickton, Cook Co. Hanna John C. Rev., Mahomet, Champaign Co. Hanna M. Rev., Milledgeville, Carroll Co. HAN 172 HAR Hanna R. B., co clerk, Metamora, Woodford Co. Hanna R. P., lawyer, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Hanna Robert, grocer, W. Aurora, Kane Co. Hanna S., carpenter, Burton, Adams Co. Hanna Thomas B., druggist, Morris, Grundy Co. Hanna & Grossman, (Benjamin J. F. Hanna & Samuel V. Grossman,) publishers, Alton, Madison Co. Hanna & Ivinson, (William T. Hanna & Ed- ward Ivinson,) grocers, Pcoria, PeoriaCo. Hannah Mrs., weaver, Troy Grove, LaSalle Co. Hannah A. A. & J., leather, Paris, Kdgar Co. Hannah, Lay & Co., (Perry Hanna & Albert T. Lay,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Hannaman George, dentist, Shelbyville, Shel- by Co. Hannaman Peter, baker, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Hannaman R. L., notary, Knoxville, Knox Co. Hannaman & Hale, lawyers, Knoxville, Knox Co. Hannan George, daguerreotypes, etc, Shelby- ville, Shelby Co. Hannor Robert, co clerk, Minonk, Woodford Co. HANNIS GEORGE W., lightning rod manfr, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanno A. J., physician, Morris, Grundy Co. Hanno J. B., druggist, etc, Morris, GrundyCo. Hannon Daniel, justice, Cairo, Alexander Co. Hannon Rufus, bookseller, Oneida, Knox Co. Hannon & Brown, dry goods, Oneida, Knox Co. Hanohan William, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanosky J. M., lawyer, Omph Ghent, Madison Co. Hanosky J. W., lawyer, Omph Ghent, Madison Co. Hanrahan Patrick, cooper, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanrahan Sarah, milliner, Chicago, Cook Co. Hansb rough William, real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Hansbraugh, Tompkins & Christian, real estate, Tolono, Champaign Co. HANSEN GEORGE P., Danish consul & co agent, Chicago, Cook Co. Hansen Hans & Waldhauser Joseph, painters, Chicago, Cook Co. Hansen Nicholas, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanserman Rudolph, wagonmkr, Jamestown, Clinton Co. Hansmann D., brewer, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Hanson Andrew M., boots and shoes, Dover, -Bureau Co. Hanson Edwin, dry goods, DeSoto, Jackson Co. Hanson Ellas, blksmith, Leland, LaSalle Co. Hanson F. W., blksmith, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Hanson Frank, hairdresser, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanson Hezekiah Rev., Oquawka, Henderson Co. Hanson John B., agt, com, feed mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanson John B., upholsterer, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanson J. M., dry goods, Murphysborough, Jackson Co, Hanson Nils, grocer, Galesburg, Knox Co. Hanson Thomas, boots, Pontoosac, Hancock Co. Hanson William, town clerk, North Plato, Kane Co. Hanson William F., market, Rockford, Win- nebago Co. Hanson D. & F., (David & Franklin,) manufac- turers and wholesale dealers in furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Hanson N. & Co., (Nathaniel Hanson & John M. Pearson,) iron foundry, Alton, Madison Co. Hanson & Klu, grocers, Pontoosac, Hancock Co. Hantz Andrew, carpenter, Danby, DnPageCo. Hany & Hofman, iiour mills, Abingdon, Knox Co. Hapeman W. E. & Co., lumber, Earlville, La- Salle Co. Hapgood A. C., hardware, Como, Whitesides Co. Hapgood Charles H., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Hapgood H. C., postmaster, Como, Whitesides Co. Hapgood William, dry goods, etc, Terre Haute, Henderson Co. Happ John, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Happer Samuel, produce, Albany, Whitesides Co. Haratner John, physician, Carrollton, Greene Co. Harbaugh A. P., architect, Renault, Monroe Co. Harbaugh Henry jr., blksmith, Higginsville, Vermillion Co. Harbaugh 0. P., painter, Renault, Monroe Co. Harbison John, clothier, Chicago, Cook Co. Harbor John M., bricks, Versailles, Brown Co. Harbottle William, furniture, Wilmington, Will Co. Harbours Charles, boots and shoes, Big Rock, Kane Co. Harbours Christopher, cabinet, Salisbury, San- gamon Co. Harbours George, blksmith, Big Rock, Kane Co. Hard & McArthur, (Chester Hard & Robert M. McArthur,)physicians, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Hard & Young, (Abner Hard & .Delos W. Young,) physicians, Aurora, Kane Co. Hardacre G. W. Rev., Robinson, Crawford Co. Harde John D., news depot, Joliet, Will Co. Herden E. S., lumber, Abingdon, Knox Co. Harden 0., deputy postmaster, Manteno, Kan- kakce Go. Harden J. N. & Co., dry goods, Washington, Tazewell Co. Harden & Wheeler, (Surah A. Harden & Mar- tha J. Wheeler,) milliners, Sterling, White- sides Co. Hardenbergh & Williams, (Peter R. L. Harden- ber Co. House S. W., auctioneer, Plum River, Jo Da- viess Co. House W. H., hotel, Mattoon, Coles Co. Housekeeper C. H., lawyer, Beardstown, Cass Co. Housel JohnK., jewelry, Freeport, Stepbenson Co. Houseman , vet surgeon, Kinderhook, Pike Co. Houseman Ernst, rectifier, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Houser Simon, stone quarry, Joliet, Will Co. Housh & Shurman, distillers, Maquon, Knox Co. Housman Henry, stoves, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Housten F. R., notary, DeSoto, Jackson Co. Houston & Porter, sashmkrs, Griggsville, Pike Co. Houston B., physician, Osborn.Washington Co. Houston John, sheriff, Pittsfield, Pike Co. Houston John J., gen frgt agt, C P & F W R R, Chicago, Cook Co. Houstoun Robert, fisherman, Moscow, Mason Co. Houts C. J. Rev., Litchfield, Montgomery Co. Houts J. B., Rev., Whitehall, Greene Co. ' Houts T. F. Rev., Salem, Marion Co. Houtz William, physician, Troy Grove, LaSalle Co. Houtze William, physician, Henry, Marshall Co. Houwser & Ormsby, dry goods, Lincoln, Logan Co. Hoverstick George, boots & shoes, Arlington, Bureau Co. Hovey B. B., agrl implts, Cherry Valley, Win- nebago Co. Hovey C. E., instructor normal university, Bloomington, McLean Co. Hovey James Rev., Linden, Warren Co. Hovey & Crosby, grocers, Clinton, DeWitt Co. How J., physician, Phillip?town, White Co. How Jacob, boots and shoes, Round Grove, Whitesides Co. How 0. B., carriagemkr, Olney, Richland Co. Howard A., pumpmkr, Byron, Ogle Co. Howard A. D., wagonmkr, Waynesville, De- Witt Co. Howard Bushrod B., lawyer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co Howard C., col agt, Marietta, Fulton Co. Howard C. K. W., agl implts, Wheaton, Du Page Co. Howard C. S., carptr, Abingdon, Knox Co. Howard D. C. Rev., St. Charles, Kane Co. Howard David, saw mill and lumber, Rock Creek, Livingston Co. Howard George, painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Howard H. Rev., Bloomington, McLean Co. Howard H. C., hotel, Chillicothe, Peoria Co. Howard H. C., physician, W. Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Howard Henderson, painter, Hillsboro, Mont- gomery Co. Howard Henry, cider and vinegar, Pleasant Vale, Pike Co. Howard J., chair mkr, Clear Creek Landing, Alexander Co. Howard Jackson D., ticket agt M S R R, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Howard James, liquor, Wataga, Knox Co. Howard John, butcher, Lebanon, St. Glair Co. Howard Martin jr., butcher, Howardsville, Stephenson Co. Howard M. F., dry goods, Maroa, Macon Co. Howard Moses, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Howard Murray, cooper, Howardsville, Ste- phenson Co. Howard Newton, school commr, Winchester, Scott Co. Howard Patrick E., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Howard Perry, town clerk, Colona Township, Minersville, Henry Co. Howard Samuel G. D., lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Howard Solomon, pump mkr, Bristol, Kendall Co. Howard Ward B., butcher, Howardsville, Ste- phenson Co. Howard S. J., cooper, Carrollton, Greene Co. Howard W. R. Rev., Randolph Grove, McLean Co. Howard W. W., carptr, Garden Plain, White- sides Co. Howard William, carptr, Lebanon, St. Glair Co. Howard C. & Bro., fanning mills, Venice, Madi- son Co. Howard N. C. ingfield, San- gimon Co. Hurt J. M., sheriff, Petersburg, Menard Co. Hurten A., hotel, Carrollton, Greene Co. Hurten J. M., cider and vinegar, Carrollton, Greene Co. 12 Husband George, medicines, Clark Centre, Clark Co. Huschke Herman, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Husen N. Rev., Princeton, Bureau Co. Huskin Mary, milliner, Chicago, Cook Co. Huss Lawrence, boots and shoes, Jersey Land- ing, Jersey Co. Hu-sander Peter J., mercht tailor, Chicago, ' Cook Co. Husted Alexr. , town clerk, Weller, Henry Co. Husted Harrison H., mer tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Husted John, auctioneer, Beardstown, Cass Co. Husted Nathan, cabinet mkr, Marshall, Clark Co. Husted J. & Co., blksmith, Manchester, Scott Co. Husted L. & Co., (Lyman Husted & Charles E. Husted,) dry goods, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Huston John, school commiss, Monticello, Piatt Co. Huston John Rev., Monticello, Piatt Co. Huston P., physician, Paris, Edgar Co. Huston William A., physician, Blandinsville, McDonough Co. Huston L. B. & Co., confectionery, Paris, Ed- gar Co. Huston & Porter, planing mill, Griggsville, Pike Co. Hutchens 0. W. Rev., Hadley, Will Co. Hutchenson E. D., millinery, etc, Patoka, Marion Co. Hutcher John, lawyer, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Hutchings Edward W., liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Hutchings William, agt liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Hutchins B. Rev., books, Albion, Edwards Co. Hutchins C. Samuel, commission merchant, agent for Jesse Oakley's soaps and T. Kingford & Son's Oswego starch, Chica- go, Cook Co. Hutchins J., chair mnf, Griggsville, Pike Co. Hutchins Miss, milliner, Griggsville, Pike Co. Hutchins S., furniture, Geneseo, Henry Co. Hutchins S. L, cabinet, Griggsville, Pike Co. Hutchins W. D., carpenter, Centralia, Marion Co. Hutchinson B. M., dry goods, Charleston, Coles Co. Hutchinson Benjamin P., flour, Chicago, Cook Co. Hutchinson Daniel, blksmith and plowmkr, Aiiddleport, Iroquois Co. Hutchinson E., booti and shoes, Grand View, Edgar Co. Hutchinson E. C., cabinet and undertaker, Prophetstown, Whitesides Co. Hutchinson H. M., dry goods, Bunker Hill, Macoupin Co. Hutchinson Harn.on B., harness, Princeton, Bureau Co. Hutchinson J. B., freight agt C. B. & Q. R. R., Monrnouth, Warren Co. Hutchinson J. W. Rev., Lima, Adams Co. HUT 202 ILL Hutchinson James, carpenter, Palos, Cook Co- Hutchinson James, notary, Libertyville, Lake Co. Hutchinson James W. , freight agent, Buda, Bureau Co. Hutchinson John, boots and shoes, Ionia, War- ren Co. Hutchinson John, brickmkr, Wapella, DeWitt Co. Hutchinson John, coal, Chicago, Cook Co. Hutchinson John, grocer and hotel, Rosefield, Peoria Co. Hutchinson John, undertaker, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Hutchison Joseph, postmaster, Sterling, White- sides Co. Hutchinson L. R., dry goods, Charleston, Coles Co. Hutchinson M. E., boots and shoes, Griggs- ville, Pike Co. Hutchinson Otis K. A., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Hutchinson R. hotel, Centralia, Marion Co. Hutchinson Samuel, millwright, Griggsville, Pike Co. Hutchinson W. E., hotel, Lyndon, Whitesides Co. Hutchinson W. T., physician, Jerseyville, Jer- sey Co. Hutchinson & Bryan, livery, W. Urbana,Cham- paign Co. Hutchinson & Peck, dry goods, Waukegan, Lake Co. Hutchman William H., genl agent, Edwards- ville, Madison Co. Huter Peter, boots and shoes, Momence, Kan- k 'kee Co. Huthmacher Charles, eating house, Central City, Marion Co. Hutington John, musician, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Hutse Benjamin, carpenter, Rock Run, Steph- enson Co. Hutson A. S., physician, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Hutsonpillar Isabella, milliner, Detroit, Pike Co. Hutsonpillar John, carpenter, Detroit, Pike Go. Hutt & Taylor, hotel, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Hutton H., planing mill, Metamora, Woodford Co. Hutton John, marble, Qnincy, Adams Co. Hutton N. R., millwright, Lacon, Marshall Co. Hutton William, blksmith, Grandview, Edgar Co. Huttunacher , shoemkr, Central City, Ma- rion Co. Huych John, carpenter, Baileyville, Ogle Co. Hyatt Leviness II., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Hyatt Obed, sash, blinds, etc, Cerro Gordo, Piatt Co. Hyatt A. & H., drugs, LaHarpe, Hancock Co. Hyatt Brothers, (Isaiah S. and John W., jr.,) printers, Chicago, Cook Co. Hyde Edwin C., tailor, Bloomington, McLean Co. Hyde Howard, dry goods, Frecport, Stephen- son Co. Hyde H. 0., furniture, St. Charles, Kane Co. Hyde Henry M., confecijoner, Princeton, Bu- reau Co. Hyde W. T., lawyer, Belden, McHenry Co. Hyde William, lime, Meredosia, Morgan Co. Hyde E. & Co., (Ebenezer Hyde and Abel P. Bulkley,) lumber, Morris, Grundy Co. Hyde G. FT.' & Co., (George H. Hyde and Thos. H. Hyde,) grocers, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Hyde T. H. & Bro., (Thomas H. and George H. Hyde,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Hyde & Co., lumber, Morris, Grundy Co. Hyde ., physician, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Johnson E. P., lumber, New Boston, Mercer Co. JOH 208 JOH Johnson E. Z., looking glass, Kewanee, Hen- ry Co. Johnson Egbert, land agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson Edmund P., furniture, Kewanee,Hen- ry Co. JOHNSON EDWARD S., hotel, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Johnson Edward S., jeweler, Sandwich,DeKalb Co. Johnson Eldridge G., lawyer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Johnson Enoch, wagon mkr, Hall, Franklin Co. Johnson Erastus, carpenter, Kewanee, Henry Co. Johnson'Ethan A , bookseller, Fair field, Wayne Co. Johnson F. A., sash, doors, etc, Versail lea Brown Co. Johnson F. L , hairdresser, Byron, Ogle Co. John Francis, liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson Frank, builder, Albion, Edwards Co. Johnson Frank, wines and liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson G. C., boots and shoes, Bernadotte, Fulton Co. Johnson G C., carpenter, Lacon, Marshall Co Johnson George, carpenter, Sparland, Mar- shall Co. Johnson George A., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson George G., photographer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Johnson H., carpenter, Collinsville, Madison Co. Johnson H., carpenter, Mattoon, Coles Co. Johnson H., daguerreotypes, Centralia, Marion Co. Johnson H., dry good?, Lincoln, Logan Co. Johnson H., lawyer, Carrollton, Greene Co. Johnson H., live stock dealer, Rochester, San- gamon Co. 1 Johnson H., leather findings, Sandoval, Ma- rion Co. Johnson H. B. Rev., Roseville, Schuyler Co. Johnson H. H., freight agent, St. John, Perry Co. Johnson H. K., blksmith, Bernadotte, Fulton Co. Johnson H. W., carpenter, DuQuoin, Perry Co, Johnson H. W., physician, Harvard, McHenry Co. Johnson Hans C., boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson Hans P. & John, boots and shoes, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Johnson Henry, baker, Girard, Macoupin Co. Johnson Henry, blksmith, Osborn, Washing- ton Co. Johnson Henry, drugs, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Johnson Henry, blksmith, Bernadota, Fulton Co. Johnson Hiram, basket mkr, Grand Prairie, Boone Co. Johnson Hiram, circuit clerk, Robinson, Craw- ford Co. Johnson Hiram A., flour mill, Morrison, White- sides Co. Johnson Hosuier A., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson L, hotel, Cordovia, Rock Island Co. Johnson Isaac W., cabinet mkr, Sycamore, De Kalb Co. Johnson J., painter, Blackberry Station, Kane Co. Johnson J. Rev., Friendship, McDonough Co. Johnson J. Rev., Pocahontas, Bond Co. Johnson J. C., bricks and drugs, Montecello, Piatt Co. Johnson J. D., ice, Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co. Johnson J. E., painter, Clayton, Adams Co. Johnson J. H., carpenter, Hall, Franklin Co. Johnson J. H., wagon mkr, Hickory Creek, Fayette Co. Johnson J. J., drugs, Farmington, Fulton Co. Johnson J. P., physician, Carmi, White Co. Joenson J. R., boots and shoes, Night's Prair- ie, Hamilton Co. Johnson J. R., dry goods, exp agt, and post master, Clermont, Richland Co. Johnson J. T., physician, Bourbon, Douglas Co. Johnson J. T. Rev., Tamaroa, Perry Co. Johnson J. W., pumpmkr, Paxton, Ford Co. Johnson J. W., drugs and hardware, Piasa, Macoupin Co. Johnson J. W., printer, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Johnson James, baker, etc, Atlanta, Logan Co. Johnson James . harness mkr, Windsor, Shelby Co. Johnson James McC., clothing, Decatur, Ma- con Co. Johnson James N., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson James S., co clerk, Mt. Carmel, Wa- bash Co. Johnson Jeremiah, cooper, Harlem, Winneba- goCo. Johnson John, blksmith, Hamilton, Hancock Co. Johnson John, blksmith, Moscow, Mason Co. Johnson John, civil engineer, Clay City, Clay Co. Johnson John, cooper, Sandoval, Marion Co. Johnson John, dry goods, etc, Peru, LaSalle Co. Johnson John, painter, Rockford, Winnebagp Co. Johnson John, physician, Westfield, Clark Co. Johnson John, K., boots and shoes, Hall, Frank- lin Co. Johnson Jocn P., tailor, St. Charles, Kane Co. Johnson Jonas, saloon', Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson Joseph, liquors, Kankakee, Kankakee Co. Johnson Kenneith, fisherman, Santa Anna, De Witt Co. Johnson L., vet surgeon, Grafton, Jersey Co. Johnson Lewis, coroner, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Johnson Mrs. Lydia, clothes cleaner, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Johnson M. C., dry goods, Tennessee, McDon- ough Co. Johnson M. J., physician, Wilmington, Will Co. Johnson M. W., carpenter, Wayne, DuPage Co. Johnson M. Z., tanner, York, Clark Co. Johnson Madison Y., lawyer, Galena, Jo Da- viess Co. Johnson F. D., dry goods, Hey worth, McLean Co. Johnson 0. P., com mer and lumber, Sublette, Lee Co. JOH 209 JOH Johnson 0. T., dry goods, etc, Walnut Grove, Johnson Orrin S., postmaster, Woodstock, Mc- Henry Co. Johnson Orrin T., dry goods, Altona, Knox Co. Johnson P. E., physician, Alton, Madison Co. Johnson Peter, vet surgeon, Bremen, Ran- dolph Co. Johnson R., clothes scourer, Jonesboro, Union Co. Johnson R. H., dry goods, Hall, Franklin Co. Johnson R S., butcher, Lockport, Will Co. Johnson Richard, drv goods, Perry, Pike Co. Johnson S., grocer, Jersey Landing, Jersey Co. Johnson S., harness mkr, Pontoosac, Hancock Co. Johnson S. M., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson S. T., grain measurer, Mattoon, Coles Co. Johnson Samuel, cooper, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson Samuel, vessel agent, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson Samuel W., boots and shoes, Morri- son, Whitesides Co. Johnson Sidney B., daguerrean artist, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson Smith, lawyer, Pontoosac, Hancock Co. Johnson T. C., cooper, Laona, Winnebago Co. Johnson T. N. Rev., Raleigh, Saline Co. Johnson Thomas R., bookbinder, Bible Grove, Clay Co. Johnson W., furniture, Abingdon, Knox Co. Johnson W. B. Rev., Indianola, Vermillion Co. JOHNSON W. P., genl pass agt I C R R, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Johnson Westley, gunsmith, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Johnson Wm., carpenter and planing mill, Canton, Fulton Co. Johnson William, millwright, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Johnson W. A., hotel, Bernadotte, Fulton Co. Johnson W. B., lawyer, Abingdon, Knox Co. Johnson Wm. E., cooper, Greenfield, Greene Co. Johnson W. G. Rev., Clinton, DeWitt Co. Johnson W. H., vinegar, Kishwaukee, Winne- bago Co. Johnson William J., cigars, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Johnson Wm. K., notary public, Yermont, Fulton Co. Johnson Wm. K. & Co., real estate, Vermont, Fulton Co. Johnson Wm. P., gen ticket agt 111 Cent R R, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson W. W., harnessmaker, Wilmington, Will Co. Johnson William, sen., auctioneer, Derinda, Jo Daviess Co. Johnson William, jr., dry goods, etc, Derinda, Jo Daviess Co. Johnson Wm. J., whitesmith, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Johnson William W., express agt, Kankakee Co. Johnson Zophar, cooper, Hall, Franklin Co. Johnson A. B. & Co., (Andrew B. Johnson, Alfred Olsen and Butler Markusen,; lum- ber, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson D. & C., flour mill, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Johnson A. L., & Son, dry goods, etc, Enfield, White Co. Johnson J. H. & M. C., (Joel H. and Merrill C.,) lawyers, Woodstock, McHenry Co. Johnson N. & Co., carpenter, Renault, Monroe Co. Johnson P. & E., butchers, Summer Hill, Pike Co. Johnson P. W. & Co., (Perceval Johnson and Andrew Monteith,) furniture and uphol- sterers, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson & Son, undertakers and wagonmkrs, Sparland, Marshall Co. Johnson & Abbott, painters, Waukegan, Lake Co. Johnson & Balland, coopers, Marcelline, Ad- ams Co. Johnson & Barrows, (James L. Johnson and Daniel A. Barrows,) lumber, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Johnson & Bradford, (John H. Johnson and John S. Bradford,) books, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Johnson & Cadwallader, blksmiths, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Johnson & Emerson, (Nathan Johnson and Richard Emerson,) iron founders, Alton, Madison Co. Johnson & Gaylord, stoves, etc, Centralia, Marion Co. Johnson & Herrin, blksmiths, Wataga, Knox Co. Johnson & Hippie, harnessmkrs, York, Clark Co. Johnson & Irvine, flour, lumber, etc, New Mil- ford, Winnebago Co. Johnson & Jenks, (Charles J. Johnson and William M. Jenks,) lawyers, Morrison, Whitesides Co. Johnsoi* & Lemon, distillera, Payson, Adams Co. Johnson & Manning, dry goods, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Johnson & Rees, tinners, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. JOHNSON & RICHARDS, (Wm. B. Johnson and George W. Richards, stoves, etc, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Johnson & SchafFer, dry goods, Perry, Pike Co. Johnson & Teller, (Hiram A. Johnson and Hen- ry M. Teller,) lawyers, Morrison, White- sides Co. Johnson & Williams, saddlemkrs, Bunker Hill, Macoupin Co. Johnson, Edwards & Co., (J. Dwight Johnson, Edward N. Edwards and J. Spencer Barnes,) vinegar mnfrs. Chicago, Cook Co. Johnson, Spencer & Co., (Henry T. Johnson and William E. Spencer,) cutlery, Chicago, Cook Co. JOHNSON'S AMERICAN HOTEL, (E. S. Johnson,) Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Johnston A., contractor, Maquon, Knox Co. Johnston Adam, marble works, Springfield, Sangamon Co. JOH 210 JON Johnston Alex., carpenter, Erie, Whitesides Co. Johnston Alexander, county clerk, Adams Co. Johnston Aston, painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Johnston D W. C., co judge, Rushville, Schuy- ler Co. Johnston E. H., lawyer, Port Byron, Rock Is- land Co. Johnston Edwin, town clerk, Green Garden, Will Co. Johnston G. B. Rev., Summer Hill, Pike Co. Johnston Henry, lawyer, Detroit, Pike Co. Johnston J. D., physician, Havana, Mason Co. Johnston J. C., physician, Pioneer, Greene Co. Johnston James, hardware, Byron, Ogle Co. Johnston James B., co clerk, Mt. Carinel, Wa- bash Co. Johnston N., grocer, Central ia, Marion Co. Johnston P. Rev., , Livingston Co. Johnston R., clothier, Jonesboro, Union Co. Johnston Robert Rev., Peoria, Peoria Co. Johnston Shepherd, jr., pat churn, Aurora, Kane Co. Johnston William A., boots and shoes, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Johnston William S., jr., real estate, Chicago, Oook Co. Johnston & Cox, (John Johnston and Richard Cox,) drugs, etc., Peoiia, Peoria Co. Johnston & Deihl,) dry goods, Mattoon, Coles Co. Johonnett Robert F., blksmith, Bliven Mills, M oHenry Co. Johonnett Mrs. R. F., milliner, Bliven Mills, McHenry Co. Joiner G. B., real estate, Middleport, Iroquois Co. Joiner H. H., blksmitK, Henry, Marshall Co. Joiner, J. M., shinglemkr, Stone Fort, Saline Co. Joiner Peter hairdresser, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Joiner & Blades, lawyers, Middleport, Iroquois Co. Joint A. H , express agt, Patoka, Marion Co. Joint Henry, eating house, Patoka, Marion Co. Joliet Bank, (Woodruff & Cagwin,) Joliet, Will Co. Joliet Mills, (flour,) Joliet, Will Co. JollersA. G., leather denier, Clear Creek Land- ing, Alexander Co. Jonas Fred., carpenter, McConnell's Grove, Stephenson Co. Jonas S. & E., (Samuel and Edward,) iron and steel, Quincy, Adams Co. JONAS & ASBURY, (Abraham Jonas and Henry Asburv,) lawyers, Quincy, Adams Co. Jonas & Kuntz, (Jos. Jonas and Geo. Kuntz,) restaurant, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Jonergar J. L., brickmkr, Victoria, Knox Co. Jones A., butcher, Chatsworth, Livingston Co. Jones A., daguerreotype, Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Jones A., furniture, Pleasant Vale, Pike Co. Jones A. C., carpenter, Augusta, Hancock Co. Jones A. J. Rev., Chillicothe and Rome, Pe- oria Co. Jones A. W. Rev., Linchburg, Jefferson Co. Jones Alice, milliner, McLean, McLean Co. Jones B. B., physician, Monticello, Piatt Co. Jones B. T., treasurer, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Jones Benjamin, carpenter, Louisville, Cliy Co. Jones C., carpenter, Marine, Madison Co. Jones C. H., carpenter, Huntley Grove, Mc- Henry Co. Jones C. H., flour mill, Mattoon, Coles Co. Jones Cyrus R., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones D., butcher, Oxford, Henry Co. Jones D., blksmith, Lindenwood, Ode Co. Jones D. C., hardware, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Jones David P., lawyer, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Jones E., hotel, Dwight, Livingston, Co. Jones E. C., vet surgeon, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Jones E. , carpenter, Delavan, Tazewell Co. Jones E. W., lawyer, Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. Jones Eb., flour inspector, Wesley City, Taze- well Co. Jones Edward, grocer, Lacon, Marshall Co. Jones Elijah, physician, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Jones Elisha, hardware, Elgin, Kane Co. Jones F., gunsmith, McConnell's Grove, Ste- phenson Co. Jones H., saloon, West Urbana, Champaign Co. Jones H., hotel, Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Jones H., livery stable, Maquon, Knox Co. Jones Henry, blksmith and plowrnkr, Blue Grass, Vermillion Co. Jones H. S., lawyer, hotel, etc, New Erin, Ste- phenson Co. Jones Henry, grocer, Toulon, Stark Co. Jones H. Webster, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones Henry W., carriage repository, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Jones Henry W., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones J. A , boots and shoes, Augusts ,Hancock Co. Jones J. B., undertakers, Morris, Grundy Co. Jones J. D., saloon keeper and coal dlr, King- ston Mills, Peoria Co. Jones J. G., blksmith, Collinsville, Madison Co. Jones J. Hanson, daguerreotypes, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Jones J. J., dry goods, Eureka, Woodford Co. Jones J. 0., storage and com, Gaksburg, Knox Co. James J. R., dry goods, Dudley, Edgar Co. Jones J. R., physician, Dubois, Washington Co. Jones J. R., physician, Pinckneyville, Perry Co. Jones Jacob Rev., Harrisonville, Monroe Co. Jones Jas. bo*t builder, Clear Creek Landing, Alexander Co. Jones James, coal, Pleasantview, Schuyler Co. Jones James W., cooper, Indianola, Vermil- lion Co. Jones Jason, blksmith, Logan, Edgar Co. Jones Joel, cooper, etc., Pekhi, Tazewell Co. Jones John, clothes cleaning, etc, Chicago Cook Co. Jones John, grocer, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Jones John, liquors, Martinsville, Clark Co. Jones John jr., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones John Rev., Salem, Mariou Co. JON 211 JOS Jones John A., brickmkr, Neponset, Bureau Co. Jones John A., lawyer, Tremont, Tazewell Co. Jones John A., notary public, Tremont, Taze- well Co. Jones John L., butcher, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co. Jones John 0. & Wm., chairmkrs, McLeans- boro, Hamilton Co. Jones John T., banker, etc., Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. Jones John P., laundry, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones Joseph, boat builder, Mt. Carmel Wa- bash Co. Jones Joseph, (Hemmens & Jones,) Elgin, Kane Co. Jones Joseph, jr., & Co., (Joseph Jones, Joseph Nash & Benjamin C. Jones,) com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones Joseph A., physician, Delaven, Taze- well Co. Jones L. Mrs., milliner, Metamora, Woodford Co. Jones L. L., merchnt, Marengo, McHenry Co. Jones Lemuel, restaurant, Waukegan, Lake Co. Jones Lewis, depty sheriff, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones Maiden, sheriff, Charleston, Coles Co. Jones Marie W., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones Mary W., milliner, etc., Girard, Macou- pin Co. Jones Milo, physician and postmaster, Rome, Jefferson Co. Jones P., lumber, Mattoon, Coles Co. Jones P., saloon, Coatsburg, Adams Co. Jones R., wagonmkr, Warrenville.DuPage Co. Jones R. M., blksmith, Kingston Mines, Peo- ria Co. Jones R. V., blksmith, Byron, Ogle Co, Jones Richard, express and freight agt, Catlin, Vermillion Co. Jones S., dry goods, Phillipstown, White Co. Jones S. A., live stock dealer, Rochester, San- gamon Co. Jones S. J., postmaster, Jones' Creek, Ran- dolph Co. Jones S. L., milliner, Rome, Jefferson Co. Jones Samuel, butcher, Lincoln, Logan Co. Jones Samuel, sawyer, Kent, Stephcnson Co. Jones Samuel, stone quarry, Kent, Stepheuson Co. Jones Sarah, milliner, etc, Barry, Pike Co. Jones T. W. Rev., Collinsville, Madison Co. Jones Tarleton, lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Jont s Thomas, blksmith, Shabbona Grove, DeKalb Co. Jones Thomas R., hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones Thomas T., postmaster, Coal Valley, Rock Island Co. Jones V., wagonmkr, Warrenville, DuPage Co. Jones W. A., patent agt, Griggsville, Pike Co. Jones W. B., carpenter, Raleigh, Saline Co. Jones W. H., notary, Chatsworth, Livingston Co. Jones W. K., lumber inspt, Mattoon, Coles Co. Jones W. P. Rev., Downer's Grove, DuPage Co. Jones W T., produce, Girard, Macoupin Co . Jones Webster H., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones Willard T., plowmkr, Joliet, Will Co. Jones Wm., physician and drugs, New Milford, Winnebago Co. Jones William F. F., agri imps, Asbury, La Salle Co. Jones William H., hotel, Oakland, Coles Co. Jones William L., physician, Flora, (May Co. Jones Wm. S., physician, Sandy, Ridge, Grun- dy Co. Jones William T., wagonmkr, Waukegan, Lake Co. Jones Z. R. Rev., Mount Langom, Iroquois Co. Jones J. B. & Son, (Justus B. & Wesley W.,) grocer?. Belvidere, Boone Co. Jones J. L. & J. H., dry goods, Henry, Mar- shall Co. Jones & Brother, lumber, Knoxville, Knox Co. Jones & Co., flour mill, Mokena, Will Co. Jones and Co, (Francis Jones,) prod com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones C. & Co., distillers and flour mills, Cler- mont, Richland Co. Jones H. C. & Co., dry goods, Havana, Mason Co. Jones J. L. & Co., (Joseph L. Jones,) dry goods, etc, Dixon, Lee Co. Jones R. & Co., dry goods, Catlin, Vermillion Co. Jones S. T. & Co., dry goods, Jones' Creek, Randolph Co. Jones T. & Hollinbeak, livery, Barry, Pike Co. Jones & Burnap, grocers, etc, Westheld, Clark Co. Jones & Culbertson, (Dan'l A. Jones & C. M. Culbertson,) packers, Chicago, Cook Co. Jones . Kries Lawrence, grocer, etc, Grayville, White Co. Kriesen John F., boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Kriger Louis, carpet weaver, Chicago, Cook Co. Kriss J. J., architect, Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. Kriss Oskar, physiciar., Harrisburg, Saline Co. Krise Jno., hotel and eating house, Cedarville, Stephenson Co. Krisky J., butcher, Canton, Fulton Co. Kroeger Henry, saloon, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Kroenig Raymond, grocer and saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Kroenlein M., bowling saloon, Blue Island, Cook Co. KroffJohn, boots and shoes, Davis, Stephen- son Co. Kroh John, blksmith, Gards Point, Wabash Co. Krohe Frederick, grocer, Beardstown, Casa Co. Krohn Jacob, cigars, etc, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Krom & Poor, (Simon Krotn & Thomas W. Poor,) hardware, etc, Geneva, Kune Co. Krooelsma John, fisherman, Henry, Marshall Co. Krosier Caspar, beer Raloon, Joliet, Will Co. Krotter John, brewer, Knoxville, Knox Co. Krouse Christopher, boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Krouse Joseph, watches, etc, Centralia, Marion Co. Krueger C., cabinet mkr, Blue Island, Cook Co. Krueger & Brinkmeyer, (Ferdinand Kreuger & Christian Briukmeyer,) saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Kruger Charles W., cigar mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Kruger Dorothea, midwife, Chicago, Cook Co. Kruger Goddehlf, farrier, Chicago, Cook Co. Kruger Gotthilf, glove factory, Chicago, Cook Co. Kruger Gustavus, wines, etc, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Kruger J. H. Rev., Peoria, Peoria Co. Krumback W., carpenter, Cornville, LaSalle Co. Kruse F, millwright, Meredosia, Morgan Co. Kruse & Miller, saw mill, Meredosia, Morgan Co. Krusemarck Wm., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Kuehn Jac ob, hats and caps, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Kugler H., carpenter, Mansfield, Kendall Co. KUG 226 LAE Kugler Mary J., weaver, Mansfield, Kendall Co. Kuhi George, dry goods, Beardstown, Cass Co. Kuhl H., butcher, Metamora, Woodford Co. Kuhl J. G., dry goods, Beardstown, Cass Co. Kuhl John, blksmith. Chicago, Cook Co. Kuhl John, dry goods, Wool, Pope Co. Kuhl Philip Rev., Beardstown, Cass Co. Kuhlenbeck J. H., dry goods, Collinsville, Madison Co. Kuhn A., carpenter, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Kuhn C. C., carriage painter, Fidelity, Jersey Co. Kuhn Frank, liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Kuhn John E., butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Kuhn John F., grocer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Kuhn & Smith, auctioneers, Galesburg, Knox Co. Kuhner Nicholas, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Kuhnle G., wagonmkr, Mattoon, Coles Co. Kuhring C., shoemnfr, Algonquin, McHenry Co. Kuhrt Jno., gunsmith, Highland, Madi?on Co. Kulp Daniel, auctioneer, Washington, Taze- well Co. Kumin Rev., Joliet, Will Co. Kumpf M., boots and shoes, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Kungle Joseph B., carpenter, Empire, White- sides Co. Kunhl Frederick, baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Kunich F., boots and shoes, Venice, Madison Co. Kunkle J. P., lawyer, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Kuntz G., carpenter, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Kuntz P., gunsmith, Farmington, Fulton Co. Kuntzman Charles A., locksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Kunz Daniel, baker, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Kunz John, boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Kunz John S., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Kunz Mat., bootmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Kupfer Henry, prod com merch, Galena, Jo D.ivi- ss Co. Kurney W. H., hotel, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Kursend William, cabinet maker, Swan Creek, Warren Co. Kurth Julius, blacksmith, Fullerburg, DuPage Co. Kurtz A., fisherman, Blue Island, Cook Co. Kurtz F., baker, Vandalia, Faystte Co. Kurtz L., boots and shoes, Momence, Kanka- kee Co. Kurtz M. S., lawyer, Collinsville, Madison Co. Kurtzie C. A., boots and shoes, West Salem, Edwards Co. Kusnick Francis, phisician, L'Erable, Iroquois Co. KUSSEL BROTHERS, (Philip and Christian,) wholesale and retail dealers in groceries, provisions and country produce. Also, fruits, nuts, oils, nails, flour, wooden, wil- low and stone ware, Chicago, Cook Co. Kustenbader D., cabinet maker, Cedarville, Stephenson Co. Kutz Chas., butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Kutz John, carpenter, Morris, Grundy Co. Kuykendall A. J., lawyer, Vienna, Johnson Co. Kuykendall A. J. & Co., boots and shoes, dry goods, etc, Vienna, Johnson Co. Kuykendall & Morris, flour mill, Vienna, John- son Co. Kyle J. B., physician, Macomb, McDonough Co. Kyle T. J., saw mill.Rusellville, Lawrence Co. Kyle William, grocer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. KYLE & RICE, (David B. Rice and James B. Kyle,) physicians, Macomb, McDonough Co. Kymearson E. C., auctioneer and lawyer, Rose- field, Peoria Co. Kvner D. T., physician, Auburn, Christian Co. Kynon A., lawyer, Amboy, Lee Co. Kyse J. E., cabinet maker, Laona, Winnebago Co. LAAGE GEO. J., hats and caps, Quincy, Adams Co. Laas L. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Labarthe Albina M., milliner, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Labarthe Julius A., liquors, etc, Springfield, Sangamon Co. LaBee William, broker, Delavan, Tazewell Co. Labounty William, auctioneer, L'Erable, Iro- quois Co. Labus Andrew, blksmith, Mt. Erie, Wayne Co. Labrie J. E., town clerk, Manteno, Kankakce Co. Lacey L. B., lawyer, Lincoln, Logan Co. Lacey W. C. Rev., Decatur, Macon Co. Licey William, butcher, Southport, Peoria Co. Lacher Margaret, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Lackey Alexander H. Rev., Morrison, White- sides Co. Lackey Isaac, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Lackey John, carpenter, Petit, Bureau Co. Lackey Mrs. W., carpet weaver, Collins Sta- tion, Clinton Co. LaClare Joseph, butcher, etc, Middleport, Iro- quois Co. Lacon Oliver, civil engineer, Clinton, DeWitt Co. LaCroix Ferdinand, boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Lacy Lyman, lawyer, Havana, Mason Co. Ladd. A. R., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Ladd George D., lawyer, Peru, LaSalle Co. Ladd H , blksmith, Mineral, Bureau Co. Ladd J., dry goods, Prairie Bird, Shelby Co. Ladd J., lawyer, and saw mill, Kingston Mines, Peoria Co. Ladd James, carpenter, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Ladd William M., lumber, Fulton City, White- sides Co. Ladd C. & C., (Chauncey and Caldwell,) dry goods, Quincy, Adams Co. Ladds & Thompson, lumber, Waukegan, Lake Co. Lademan Mrs. & Co., dressmkrs, Marine : Madi- son Co. Ladew A. P., dry goods, McLean, McLean Co. LaDow James, lawyer, Greenup, Cumberland Co. Ladue T. F., carpenter, Lincoln, Logan Co. Laeuflert Jacob, saloon, Belleville, St. Clair Co. LAF 227 LAM Lafarie Charles, dyer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Lafayette Bank, Bloomington, McLean Co. LaFuyette N. A., boots and shoes, Dixon, Lee Co. Laferty & Neely, painters, Danville, Vermillion Co. Lafferty P., town clerk, Mnrtinsville, Clark Co. Lafferty William, circuit clerk, Monmouth, Warren Co. Lafferty William H., county judge, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Lafflin & Ingram, coopers, Danville, Vermillion Co. Lafler H., carpenter, Augusta, Hancock Co. Lafleur Antoine, carpenter, St. Anne, Kanka- kee Co. Lafley John W., jeweler, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Laflin Abby M., milliner, Chicago, Cook Co. Laflin Wells, N Y Marble Co., Chicago, Cook Co. Laflin G. H. & L., (George H. and Lycurgus Laflin and J. George Day,) paper, Chicago, Cook Co. LAFLIN & BROWN, (Matthew Laflin an9 Andrew Brown,) provisions, Chicago, Cook Co. Laflins, Smith & Boies, (Luther Laflin, Sau- gerttes, W. Y., Solomon A. Smith, Chicago, Silvester H. Laflin, St. Louis, Joseph M. Boies and Fordyce L. Laflin, Saugerties, N. Y.,) powder, Chicago, Cook Co. LaFonte A. Louis, brickmkr, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Lage Fred., shoemkr, Old Ripley, Bond Co. Lagemann Ferdinand, jeweler, Chicago, Cook Co. Lager C., boots & shoes, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Lagesse David, agl impls, L'Erable, Iroquois Co. Lagoeiar Augustus, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Lagorio Francis, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Laher Lewis, gunsmith, Forksville, Lake Co. Lahman J. C. & Bro., flour and feed, Frank- lin Grove, Lee Co. Lahr Jacob, blksmith, Secor, Woodford Co. Laiger George, shoemkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Laird Charles, tinsmith, Mattoon, Coles Co. Laird F. H. L. Rev., Carlyle, Clinton Co. Laird J. M., capmkr, New Maysville, Pike Co. Laird Joseph, boots and shoes, New Maysville, Pike Co. Laird S., dentist, New Maysville, Pike Co. Laird Samuel, postmaster, New Maysville, Pike Co. Laird W. F., butcher, Woodhull, Henry Co. Laird W. II., jeweler, New Maysvi.le, Pike Co. Laird Wm. J., harnessmkr, Naperville, Du- Page Co. Lajan R. E., cabinetmkr, and undertaker, Spring Hill, Whitesides Co. Lake Charles E., prod com, Chicago, Cook Cp. Lake Chaui.cey A., lawyer, Kankakee, Kan- kakee Co. Lake Edwin S., crockery, Galesburg, Knox Co. Lake F. W., salt, Williamsvillo, Sangamon Co. Lake John, hotel, Heyworth, McLean Co. Lake Leonard L., coroner, Belvidcre, Boone Co. Lake Martha, matron, home of the friendless, Chicago, Cook Co. Lake Michigan Bank, Harrisburg, Saline Co. Lake P. W. Rev., Lawrence, McHenry Co. Lake & Blackmore, prod deal, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Lake, Blackman & Co., lime, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Lake, Brown & Co., (David J. Lake, C. B. Brown and E. L. Canfield,) iron & steel, Chicago, Cook Co. Lakeman D. F., wood, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Laker J. M., eatinghouse, etc, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Lakin J. J., physician, Rome, Jefferson Co. Lakin Oliver, surveyor, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Lakins W. H., dry goods, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Lally A. B. & Co., forwarding mer, Lincoln, Logan Co. Lamb C. A., cooper, Somanauk, DeKalb Co. Lamb Carter, prod and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Lamb D. W., civil engineer, Sycamore, De- Kalb Co. Lamb E., sawmill, Warrenville, DuPage Co. Lamb Elam M., silversmith, Woodstock, Mc- Henry Co. Lamb Isaac, coal, Fairview, Fulton Co. Lamb J. S., carpenter, Albany, Whiteside Co. Lamb James L., packer, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Lamb John C., iron founder, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Lamb Joel, blksmith, New Market, Gallatin Co. Lamb John, carriagemkr, Orangeville, Steph- enson Co. Lamb Nathan, blksmith, New Market, Galla- tin Co. Lamb P., flourmill, Warrenville, DuPage Co. Lamb Prentice, carpenter, Valley Forge, Pu- laski Co. Lamb S. A., wagonmkr, New Market, Gallatin Co. Lamb Mrs. Wm., music teacher, Annawan, Henry Co. Lamb Win. M., cabinet, etc, New Market, Gallatin Co. Lamb John & Son, (Win. H.,) meat market, Chicago, Cook Co. Lamb & Harvey, (Peter B. Lamb and Taling- ton W. Harvey,) planing mill, Chicago, Cook Co. Lambard & Cochran, wagonmkrs, Mt. Auburn, Christian Co. Lamber & Taylor, carpentrs, Wenona, Station, Marshall Co. Lamberson David II., ambrotypist, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Lamberson David W., hat manufr, Chicago, Cook Co. Lambert , cabinetmkr, Daysville, Ogle Co. Lambert A., boots & shoes, Summer Hill, Pike Co. Lambert C. Rev., Louisville, Clay Co. Lambert E., brickmkr, Port Byron, R. Island Co. Lambert J., carptr, Cordova, Rock Island Co. LAM 228 LAX Lambert John, physician, Princeville, Peoria Co. Lambert L. Rev., Alton, Madison Co. Lambert & Brother, carpenters, Ridott, Ste- phenson Co. Lambkin Joshua B., boots & shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Lame I. M., carpenter, Jersey Landing, Jer- sey Co. Lamm & Partlow, dry goods, Danville, Ver- million Co. Lammers A., dry goods, Beardstown, Cass Co. Lamon Ward H., lawyer, Bloomington, Mc- Lean Co. Lament M., carpenter, Arcola, Douglas Co. Lamott Jackson, hotel, Bridgeport, Lawrence Co. Lamott P., fish dealer, Bridgeport, Lawrence Co. Lamotte Anton, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Lamotte Francis, broker, Ashkum, Iroquois Co. Lamparter Henry, gas fitter, Chicago, Cook Co. Lamper Mrs. J. G., milliner, Bradford, Stark Co. Lamper J. G., grocer, Bradford, Stark Co. Lamperts L., inspector and guager, Chicago, Cook Co. Lamphear & Fellows, physicians, Mt. Pulaski, Logan Co. Lamphere , carpntr, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Lampker Charles, looking glass manfr, Chicago, Cook Co. Lamson & Co., boots and shoes, Troy Grove, LaSalle Co. Lancaster Bank, Lancaster, Ca?s Co. Lancaster Hartwcll, stone quarry, Browning, Schuyler Co. Lancaster Israel, lumber, Peru, LaSalle Co. Lancaster L., grocer, etc., WestUrbana, Cham- paign Co. Lancaster Thomas, coal, Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Lancaster W. G., town clerk, Browning, Schuy- ler Co. Lancaster & Barnett, brick mkrrf, Pana, Chris- tian Co. Lancaster & Burdick, (Rezin Lancaster and William R. Burdick,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Lancaster & Mercer, brick mkrs, Girard, Ma- coupin Co. Lanca-ter & Vail, blacksmiths, Browning, Schuylei Co. Lance Jacob C., grocer, Geneva, Kane Co. Lance Peter, ins agt, Joliet, Will Co. Land Y. & Sons, dry goods, Enfield, White Co. Landane & Co., clothiers, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Landcroft J. & Co., liquors, O'Fallon Depot, St. Clair Co. Landeck Jacob, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Landen W. M., dentist, Burton, Adorns Co. Landon William, coal, Utah, Warren Co. Lander Henry, chairmnfr, Knoxville. Knox Co. Lander Thomas, painter, Knoxville, Knox Co. Lander William, cabinetmkr, Knoxville, Knox Co. Lander & Besanl, wines, Centrnlin, Marion Co. Landers F. L., carpenter, Puna, Christian Co. Laudrrs John, saddlery hardware, Geneva, Kane Co. Landon George W , flour mill, Elkhorn Grove, Carroll Co. L mdon John M., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Landon Richard R., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Landon Wesley M., physician, Burton, Adams Co. Landour M., clothier, Canton, Fulton Co. LANDRETH HENRY W., hardware, Chicago, Cook Co. Landrum James B., dry goods, & town clerk, Rockport, Pike Co*. Landiy Hubert, carpenter, St. Anne, Kankukee Co. Lands F., gents' furnishing, Charleston, Coles Co. Landwehr L., wagonmkr, Summerfield, St. Clair Co. Lane D. W.. cooper, Kinderhook, Pike Co. Lane F. P. C., lawyer, Mattoon, Coles Co. Lane Gilbert, h tel, Anna, Union Co. Lane Geo. W., prod com mer, Morris, Grundy Co. Lane Isaac, harness mkr, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Lane J. C., physician, Momence, Kankakee Co. Lane J. H., physician, Patoka, Marion Co. Lane J. M Rev., Athens, Menard Co. Lane J. W. Rev., Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co. Lane John G., town elk, Brimfield, Peoria Co. Lane John Q., wagonmkr, Macomb,McDonough Co. Lane Joseph Rev., Oakland, Coles Co. Lane Larmon B. Rev., Lisbon, Kendall Co. Lane Levi, dentist, Bristol, Kendall Co. Lane N. T., school comr, Quincy, Adams Co. Lane Richard, cabinetmkr, Summum, Fulton Co. Lane Rufus, machinist, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Lane Thomas, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Lane William H., boots and shoes, Jersey ville, Jersey Co. Lane William S., sawmill, Cairo, Alexander Co. LaneE. & Co., wagonmkrs, Thebes, Alexander Co. Lane & Biker, (Susan Lane and Alice Baker,) Chicago Academy, Chicago, Cook Co. Lane & Loonier, plowmkrs, Lockport, Will Co. Lane, Sanford & Co., (Robert P. Lane, Good- year A. Sanford, Woostor A. Dickerman, and Evans Blake,) bankers, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Lanan Joseph Rev., Bethel, Morgan Co. Laney John, eating house, Towanda, McLean Co. Laney Richard, physician, Harrisburgh, Saline Co. Lang , daguerreotypes, Carrollton, Greene Co. Lang C., hotel, Kickapoo, Peoria Co. Lang Caspar, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. I^ing Francis J., locksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Lang G. W., stage agt-, Pana, Christian Co. Lang H., dry goods, Shiloh, St. Clair Co. Lang J., bootmkr, Foreston, Ogle Co. Lang John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Lang Jno., eating house, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Lang Joseph, bootmkr, Chicago, Cook Co, LAN 229 LAR Lang Louis, yankee notions, Chicago, Cook o. Lang M., cabinetmkr, Blue Island, Cook Co. Lang P. H., dry goods, Baiubridge, Williamson Co. Lang P. H., dry goods, Marion, Williamson Co. Lang Paul, painter, Whitehall, Greene Go. Lang Thomas, cigars, Chicago, Cook Co. Langon Bartlett, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Langbeiu Ferdinand, dry goods, Chicago,Cook Co. Langdon J., boots and shoes, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Langdon E. & Co., boots and shoes, Lane De- pot, Ogle Co. Lange F., leather, Blue Island, Cook Co. Lange H., clothier, Shiloh, St. Glair Co. Langel Matthias, dry goods, St. Marie, Jasper Co. Langford Asa, coal, Albany, Whitesides Co. Langford J. H., undertaker, Liberty, Adams Co. Langhead W., confectioner, Kansas, Edgar Co. Langheurich John G., baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Langidge George L., boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Langinaker W. H., com mer, Mt. Carmel, Wa- bash Co. Langle Henry, billiards, Highland, Madison Co. Langley J. W., lawyer, West Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Langley J. H. & Co., (John H. Langley & Ste- phen M. Harris,) produce com mers, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Langley & McDonald, (James W. Langley and Niel McDonald,) lawyers, West Urbana, Champain Co. Langly E., fisherman, Naples, Scott Co. Langly William, butcher, LaFayette, Stark Co. Langner C. F., cooper, Fredericksville, Schuy- ler Co. Langood Nicholas, boots and shoes, Troy, Madison Co. Langsdorf Anton, clothing, Burksville, Mon- roe Co. Lanhatn F., boots and shoes, Higginsville,Ver- million Co. Lanhain G., livery, Dawson, Sangamon Co. Lanhani H., postmaster, Colliusville, Madison Co. Lanhain N. W., carptr, Dawson, Sangamon Co. Lanham R. A., carpenter, Higginsville, Ver- million Co. Lannian, Aiken & Co., (David T. Larman, Wm. A. Aiken & James K. Burtiss,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Lanning & Herridge, bricks, Kewanee, Henry Co. Lanow Rebecca, carpet weaver, McConnell's Grove, Stephenson Co. Lamphear Sidney, boots & shoes, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Lanphere A. P., blksmith, Spring Hill, White- Bides Co. Lanphere C. P., pump maker and physician, Spring Hill, Whitesides Co. Lanphere G. C., lawyer, Galesburg, Knox Co. Lanphere J. M., painter, Spring Hill, White- sides Co. Lauphere & Pitman, (George C. Lanphere & John W. Pitman,) lawyers, Galesburg, Knox Co. Lanphier Charles H., editor, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Lansburg Julius, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Lansden E. M., carpenter, Marrow Bone, Moul- trie Co. Lansing C., notary, Marengo, McHenry Co. LANSING EDWIN H., drugs, Rockford.Win- nebago Co. Lansing James, boots and shoes, East Paw Paw, Lee Co. Lansing James, shoemkr, LeCIare, DeKalb Co. Lansing L. L. Rev., Kaneville, Kane Co. Lansing Levinns I., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Lansing Mary J., milliner, East Paw Paw, Lee Co. Lansing Morgan, lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Lansing & Sperry, bankers, Marengo, McHen- ry Co. Lansha Mrs. M., milliner, Belden, McHenry Co. Lantenschlager George, boots & shoes, Pekin, Tazeweil Co. Lantis Daniel, gunsmith, Mackinaw, Tazeweil Co. Lanus Adam, cigars, Chicago, Cook Co. Laparle William B., saloon, Kankakee, Kanka- kee Co. Lapierre Prosper, cabinet mkr, St. Anne, Kan- kakee Co. Lapointe E. Rev., Bourbonnais Grove, Kanka- kee Co. Lapp J., painter, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Lapp Samuel, blacksmith, Dakota, Stephenson Co. Laraway Nelson M., dry goods, Belvidere, Boone Co. LARAWAY NELSON M., dry goods, Chica- go, Cook Co. Large H., blksmith, Payson, Adams Co. Largent M. B., physician, Stone Fort, Saline Co. Largent R. T. & Co., (Richard T. Largent and James Moilev,) com mers, Alton, Madison Co. Largent & Heagle, (Jacob P. Largent & Jacob B. Heagle,) grocers, Rockford, Winneba- go Co. Larimer Smith, treasurer, Salem, Marion Co. Larimore Robert, painter, Pleasant Vale, Pike Co. Larisou Greenberry, grocer, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Larison T., sheriff, Lincoln, Logan Co. Larkin G. K., lawyer, Bioomfield, Edgar Co. Larkin Gordon, sheriff, Carrollton, Greene Co. Larkin John Kev., Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Larkins James, grocer, etc, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Larmon James, real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Larmon Philip, real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Lamed C. G., boiler mkr, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Laroad Charles, town clerk, Spencer, Will Co. Laroque W., butcher, Manteno, Kankakee Co. Larrabee J. N., baker, Hutsonville, Crawford Co. Larrabee William M.,, secy G. & C. U. R. R., Chicago, Cook Co. LAR 230 LAW LARRABEE & NORTH, (Charles R. Larrabee & Robert L. North,) hardware, etc, Chica- go, Cook Co. Larramour A. W., wood, Calhoun, Richland Co. Larrimore John K, notary, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Larrison T. J., sheriff, Lincoln, Logan Co. Larrs James, livery, Lacon, Marshall Co. Larson Lara, hairdresser, Chicago, Cook Co. Lasalle IL, hotel, Lacon, Marshall Co. LaSalle Co. Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Ottawa, La Salle Co. Lasater S. A., furnishing goods and jeweler, Sandoval, Marion Co. Lash Abram, surveyor, Princeton, Bureau Co. Lashfll Jarnes D., haiyiessmkr, Albany, White sides Co. Lashall J. R., wagon maker, Wyoming, Stark Co. Lashure S., wood, Calhoun, Richland Co. Lasley D. R., dry goods, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. LaSonnett H. S., hotel, Macomb, McDonough Co. Lasater & Hutson, dry goods, McLeansboro, Hamilton Co. Lasserre Lewis, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Lassitt W. G., lawyer, Browning, Schuyler Co. Latermer J. & Co., brick makers, Highland, Madison Co. Latham A., dentist, Danville, Vermillion Co. Latham Adolphus, contractor, Batavia, Kane Co. Latham B. F., grocer, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Latham C., stone quarry, Batavia, Kane Co. Latham Ezra, carptr, Howardsville, Stephen- son Co. Latham Harvey, stone quarry, Howardsville, Stephenson Co. Latham & Doty, planing mill, Piano, Kendall Co. Latbrop B. P., physician, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Lathrop E. T. , grain agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Lathrop Frederick M., physician, Spricgfield, Sangamon Co. Lathrop Frederick M., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Lathrop Hayson, carpenter, Bridgeport, Law- reni-e Co. Lathrop J. F. Rev., Kanesville, Kane Co. Lathrop John W., ins agt, Jacksonville, Mor- gan Co. Lathrop Joseph H., fish inspector, Chicago, Cook Co. Lathrop Myron J., restaurant, Peoria, Peoria Co. Lathrop S. G. Rev., Dixon, Lee Co. Lathrop Samuel, baker, Roscoe, Winnebago Co. Lathrop & Brown, (William Lathrop & William Brown,) la wyers,Rockford, Winnebago Co. Latimer C. C., physician, Neponsct, Bureau Co. Latimer Jonathan, saw mill, Abingdon, Knox Co. Latimer A. & Son, dry goods, Abingdon,Knox Co. Latourrette Henry S., hotel, Macomb, McDon- ongh Co. Latshaw W. D., surveyor, Paris, Edgar Co. Lattan Theodore, painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Lattcn E. D., blksmith, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Lattimer W. M., dry goods and produce, Ten- nessee, McDonough Co. Lattimore John, sawyer, Roland. White Co. Lau J. P., hotel, South Pass, Union Co. Lauber Louis, cabinet mkr, Peru, La Salle Co. Lauber Thomas, carpenter, Evansville, Ran- dolph Co. Laubinger J., butcher, Highland, Madison Co. Lauchland Margaret, milliner, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Laudet J. B., carpenter, Dillon, Tazewell Co. Laudet Joseph, harness mkr, Dillon, Tazewell Co. Laubner Val., baker, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Lauden J., carpenter, Ru-hville, Schuyler Co. Lauer Christopher, saloon, Chicago, Coiik Co. Lauer & Nieman, (Jacob Lauer & William Nie- man,) cabinet, Chicago, Cook Co. Launder James, pawnbroker, Chicago, Cook Co. Launder Louisa, dress maker, Chicago, Cook Co. Laughlin A. M., carpenter, Granville, Putnam Co. Laughlin J. W., justice, Mt. Palatine, Putnam Co. Laughlin R. G., physician, Heyworth, McLean Co. Laughlin R. W. Rev., Saratoga, Co. Lauginkar William H., storage, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Laumyer John, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Lauer John, clothier, Wheaton, DuPage Co. Laurence Zach., justice, Bloomington, McLean Co. Laurenson Scott, lumber, Waukegan, Lake Co. Laurent P. A. Rev., Mount Sterling, Brown Co. Lauss Bernard, wines and liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Lauteman James, hotel, Bridgeport, Lawrence Co. Lauterjung Augustus, hardware, Chicago, Cook Co. LaVance Avon, physician, Salisbury, Sangamon Co. Lavely William & Co., (Wm. F. Elkin, jr.,) grocers, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Lavender E. B., wood, Vienna, Johnson Co. Lavill W., painter, Griggsville, Pike Co. Lavinia William T. S., pawnbroker, Chicago, Cook Co. Law Peter, provisions, Chicago, Cook Co. Law Robert, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Law Rolla A., editor, Chicago, Cook Co. Law W. H., hair dresser, Woodford, Woodford Co. Law John G. & Co., (Samuel Favorite, Day- ton, Ohio,) packers, Chicago, Cook Co Law & Strother, (Robert Law & Bolton F. Strother,) coal, Chicago, Cook Co. Lawhead John, auctioneer, Urbaua,Champaign Co. Lawlcr Luke, blacksmith, Arlington, Bureau Co. Lawler & Aiken, lime, Lincoln, Logan Co. Lawless Edward, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Lawless Patrick, carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Lawless William, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. LAW 231 LEA Liwrance James W. & Co., (Edward Rockwell, & Dayton Kingman,)lumber, Morris,Grun- dy Co. Lawrance K. I., druggist, Kinderhook, Pike Co. Lawrance Martin, crockery, Buena Vista, Ste- phenson Co. Lawrence A. S., gunsmith, Santa Anna, De Witt Co. Lawrence A. W., Olney, Richland Co. Lawrence E. L., surveyor, Belvidere, Boone Co. Lawrence Edgar, painter, Kewanee, Henry Co. Lawrence Edward W., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Lawrence G. U., carpenter, Geneseo, Henry Co. Lawrence H. C., clothier, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Lawrence H. P., butcher, Delavan,Tazewell Co. Lawrence J.H., physician, Mt. Auburn, Chris- tian Co. Lawrence J. S., physician, Byron, Ogle Co. Lawrence John T., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Lawrence L. W. Rev., Marengo, McHenry Co. Lawrence 0. S. & Co., wagon makrs, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Lawrence Thomas, watchmkr, Salem, Marion Co. Lawrence W. H. & Co., (William H. Law- rence & D. W. Bockus,) printers, Chica- go, Cook Co. Lawrence & Co., dry goods, Ridge Farm, Ver- million Co. Lawrence, Molony & Co., (Benj. F. Lawrence, Matthew S. Molony, Alfred F. Tilton & Walter L. Pease,) distillers and rectifiers, Elgin, Kane Co. Laws , coal, Exeter, Scott Co. Laws J., physician, Eureka, Woodford Co. Lawshe Abraham, blacksmith, Parks Corners, Boone Co. Lawson Mary A., confectioner, Sparta, Ran- dolph Co. Lawson Miss, milliner, Lawrenceville, Law- rence Co. Lawson Iver, city marshall, Chicago, Cook Co. Lawson J. B., blksmith, London City, Fayette Co. Law#on Joseph, cabinet mkr, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Lawson, Hubbell & Son, groceries, Paw Paw, Lee Co. Lawton Allen, butcher, Griggsville, Pike Co. Lawton H. W., dry goods, Griggsville, Pike Co. Lawton J. H., com mer, Plymouth, Hancock Co. Lawton A. J. & Co., flour mill, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Lay J. & Son, masons, Metamora, Woodford Co. Lay & Mclntyre, (Nelson Lay & John A. Mcln- tyre,) dry goods, Kewanee, Henry Co. Lay, Warner & Co., clothing, Kewanee, Hen- ry Co. Laytcn E. C., plow mkr, Danville, Vermillion Co. Layten & Norton, agri implts, Danville, Ver- million Co. Layton John, hotel, Atlanta, Logan Co. Lax Edward & Co., dry goods, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Lazell William P., plow mkr, Peoria, Peoria Co. Lazenby C. Rev., McHenry, McHenry Co. Lea Henry, dry goods, Alton, Madison Co. Lea William S., co judge, Newton, Jasper Co. Leach Alonzo, sheriff, Joliet, Will Co. Leach C. A. Rev., Payson, Adams Co. Leach Frederick B., physician, Quincy, Ad- ams Co. Leach J., coal, Augusta, Hancock Co. Leach J. B., town clerk, Augusta, Hancock Co. Leach James A., painter, Noyesville, Cook Co. Leach James M., caipenter, Maiden, Bureau Co. Leach L. B., banker, Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. Leach Robert, co surveyor, Newton, Jasper Co. Leach & Seem, carriage mkr, Augusta, Han- cock Co. Leadbeater Geo. H., flour and feed, Chicago, Cook Co. Leadbeater William J., flour and feed, Chicago, Co. League H., barber, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Leahe W., harness mkr, Amboy, Lee Co. Leahy Daniel, boots and shoes, Ottawa, La Salle Co. Leahy John, boots and shoes, LaSalle, LaSille Co. Leak Amos, auctioneer, Paloma, Adams Co. Leakin Samuel B., lawyer, Galena, JoDaviess Co. Leal L. F., editor Galena Courier, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Leal Madam, clothes cleaner, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Leal T. R., school commr, IJrbana, Champaign Co. Leaman & Hanemer, livery, Beardstown Cass Co. Learning Jeremiah, lawyer, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Lear Mrs. A., music teacher, Naples, Scott Co. Leard G. W., cooper, Evansville, Randolph Co. Leas & Son, (Christian H. & Joseph S.,) flour manfrs, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Lease W., lumber, W. Urbana, Champaign Co. Leasure Miss, milliner, Maiden, Bureau Co. Leath J., boots and shoes, Cambridge, Henry Co. Leaton James Rev., Springfield, Sangamon Co. Leats C. C., lawyer, Erie, Whitesides Co. Leavens Oranzo, justice, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Leavenworth C. Rev., Macomb, McDonough Co. Leavenworth E., postmaster, Dongola, Union Co. Leavenworth & Kees, saw mill, Dongola, Union Co. Leavenworth & Miscnhimer, flour mills, Don- gola, Union Co. Leavitt Moses F., grocer, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Leavitt Thomas, cider and vinegar mnfr, Had- ley, Will Co. LEA 232 LEH Leavitt & Connor, butchers, LaHarpe, Hancock Co. LeBaron William, physician, Geneva, Kane Co. LeBaron & Brother, com mcrs, Oneida, Knox Co. Leber Lewis & Brother, (Edw'd Leber,) wagon mkrs, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Ledbetter & Highland, saw mill, Windsor, Shelby Co. Ledbrook S. M., eating house,Palmyra, Macou- pin Co. Lederuian J. G., hardware, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Ledioyt N. J., fanning mills, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Ledmarth William, blacksmith, Forksville, Lake Co. Ledrer I., clothing, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Ledtermann F., saddle mkr, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Ledwitch John, saw mill, Salem, Marion Co. Ledwith Morris, boots and shoes, Wapella, De Witt Co. Lee A., grocer, Greenfield, Greene Co. Lee A. B., ins agt, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Lee Albert, vessel agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Lee C. B., shingle mkr, Shiloh Hill, Randolph Co. Lee Charles M., oculist, Quincy, Adams Co. Lee D. B., dentist, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Lee Daniel B., dentist, Oregon, Ogle Co. Lee David S., lawyer, Chicajjo, Cook Co. Lee Francis, carpet weaver, Hebron, McHenry Co. Lee Henry, county surveyor, Aledo, Mercer Co. Lee I., lawyer, Carrollton, Greene Co. Lee Isaac, wagon mkr, Walker's Neck, Brown Co. Lee Isaac Rev., Sand Creek, Shelby Co. Lee Isaac V., circuit clerk, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Lee J. C., cooper, Anna, Union Co. Lee J. D., carptr, Batavia, Kane Co. Lee J. E., physician, Buck, Hamilton Co. Lee J. M,, livery, Fayette, Greene Co. Lee J. R., butcher and leather, Sandoval, Marion Co. Lee J. R., coal, Hopper's Mills, Henderson Co. Lee James, dry goods, Keene, Ad;ims Co. Lee James A., ins agt, Peoria, Peoria Co. Lee Jason L., notary, Chicago, Cook Co. Lee Joel, agl impts, Galesburg, Knox Co. Lee John, grocer, Crotty, LaSalle Co. Lee John B., county surveyor, Danville, Ver- milHon Co. Lee M. M., exp agt, Neponset, Bureau Co. Lee R. J., carpenter, Sandoval, Marion Co. Lee R. N., brick mkr, Nokomis, Montgomery Co. Lee W. S., millwright, Newton, Jasper Co. Lee Washington L., painter, Alton, Madison Co. Lee Wellington S., lawyer, Quincy, Adams Co. Lee William, grocer, Walker's Neck, Brown Co. Lee William, town clerk, Buckhorn, Browu Co. Lee Willis, liquors, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Lee L. C. & C. W., (Luthur C. & Chauncy W.,) watches and jewelry, Aurora, Kane Co. Lee & Morrill, dry goods, Albany, Whitesides Co. Lee & Wilmans, (William S. Lee & Charles I. Wilmans,) china, Rock Island, Rock Island Co, Lee, Bradbury & Co., dry goods, Hopper's Mills, Henderson Co. Leech J., physician, Hennepin, Putnam Co. Leeds James, physician and druggist, Friends- ville, Wabash Co. Leeds L. L., physician, Lincoln, Logan Co. Leeds M., saw mill, Detroit, Pike Co. Leeds P., carptr, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Leeds P. T., dentist, Watson, Sangamon Co. Leeds & Maxwell, drugs, Friendsville, Wabash Co. Leehan Matthew, machinist, Coatsburg, Adams Co. Leek Basil, vet surgeon, Jeffersonville,Wayne Co. Leek David M., harness mkr, Joliet, Will Co. Leekley T. B. & Co., (Thomas B. & George Leekley,) grocers and lead dlrs, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Leeper J. Rev., Palestine, Crawford Co. Leeright George W., postmaster, Murphys- borough, Jackson Co. Leeright & Worthen, dry goods, Murphys- borough, Jackson Co. Leetch James, carriage mkr, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Leets Isaac, flour mill, High Point, Mercer Co. Lefeboer E., carpenter, Laona, Winnebago Co. LeFever H. & Co., (Henry LeFever and Daniel L. Quirk,) lumber, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Leffingwell L. Rev., Ontario, Knox Co. Lefiiugwell W. J., physician, Harrison, Winne- bago Co. Lefler Joseph, brickmaker, Hamilton, Hancock Co. Lefler Wm. J., saloon, Cairo, Alexander Co. Leg Joseph, boots and shoes, Shiloh, St. Clair Co. Legg A. E., lumber, Paris, Edgar Co. Legg & Bardwell, blksmiths, Toulon, Stark Co Leggett A. B., physician, Foreston Ogle Co. Leggett Edward H., printer, Oregon, Ogle Co. Leggett Wm. Rev., Mount Sterling, Brown Co. Legore Darius, postmaster, Marshall, Clark Co. Legrand G., carpenter, New Berlin, Sangamon Co. Legrand G. W., cabinetmkr, New Berlin, San- gamou Co. LeGrange I., carpenter, Paris, Edgar Co. LeGro Frank, carpenter, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Lehman Charles, baker, Mokena, Will Co. Lehman Charles, brickmkr, Chelsea, Will Co. Lehman Christian, wagonmaker, Oregon, Ogle Co. Lehman F., plowmkr, Mokena, Will Co. Lehman J., brickmkr, Cruger, Woodibrd Co. Lehman & Hill, (Josiah Lehman and Benj. F. Hill,) millers, Galesburg, Knox Co. Lehman & Thorp, blacksmiths, etc., Marine, Madison Co. LEII 233 LEP Lehne Cristlip F., grocer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Lehnherr Isaac, dry goods, Bremen, Sangamon Co. Lehning Jacob, tailor, Cairo, Alexander Co. Lehr J., billiard table mnfr, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Lehr Jacob, hats and caps, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Leibee Joseph, dry goods, Geneseo, Henry Co. Leibenstein Henry, dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Leibig Jacob, grocer, Decatur, Macon Co. Leiendecker John, wagonmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Leigh Benjamin J., upholsterer, Chicago, Cook Co. Leighman Jerry, turner, Martinsville, Clark Co. Leighton A. H., dry goods, Manchester, Scott Co. Leighton J. M., dry goods and town clerk, Manchester, Scott Co. Leighton James, physician, Manchester, Scott Co. Leighton William, co judge, Winchester, Scott Co. Leighton William, stone yard, Wataga, Knox Co. Leighty Jacob, carpenter, Clermont, Richland Co. Leighy John L., daguerreotypes, Waukegan, Lake Co. Leininger F., boots and shoes, Flora, Clay Co. Leinn D. C., physician, Plymouth, Hancock Co. Leisenring William M., flour and feed, Kanka- kee, Kankakee Co. Leisler P., carpenter, Harrisburgh, Saline Co. Leitch A. L., butcher, Arcola, Douglas Co. Leitch Duff, hotel, Paris, Edgar, Co. Leitchman F., miller, Milford, Iroquois Co. Leitz Abraham, shinglemaker, Orangeville, Stephenson Co. Leitz George, mason, Orangeville, Stephenson Co. Leitz & Schoenmeyer, (Charles Leitz and Charles Schoenrueyer,) saloon, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Leland W. H., dry goods, groceries, etc, Nora Jo Daviess Co. Leland & Leland, (Edwin S. and P. Kimball,) lawyers, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Leland & Mixer, (Winsor Leland and Charles H. L. Mixer,) packers and com mers, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Lelawrain A., machinist, Troy, Madison Co. Lells John, butcher, St. Albans, Hancock Co. Leman C., saddlemkr, Davis, Stephenson Co. LemarJohn, butcher, Little York, Warren Co. Lematty Joseph, hairdresser, Lallarpe, Han- cock Co. Lemen James Rev., Bethel, Morgan Co. Lemen Joseph Rev., Bethel, Morgan Co. Lemen Josiah Rev., Fountain Creek, Co. Lemoine John B. L., postmaster and lawyer, St. Ann, Kankakee Co. Lemon G. C., Rev., Metamora, Woodford Co. Lemon Geo. jr., dry goods, Metamora, Wood- ford Co. Lemon J., physician, Metamora, Woodford Co u Lemon Livingston A., tinsmith, Decatun Macon Co. Lemon Theo., physician, Danville, Vermillion Co. Lemon W. D. Rev., Rushville, Schuyler Co. Lemon J. C. & Co., (Joseph C. Lemon, Win. L. Lemon and Henry C. Miles,) wines,Spring- field, Sangamoii Co. LeMoyne John V., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Len John, groceries and provisions, Chicago, Cook Co. Lenhard J. L., carpenter, Mineral, Bureau Co. Lenhart & Speers, (John G. Lenhart and Wm. B. Speers,) boots and shoes, Peoria, Feoria Co. Lenler Henry, harnessmaker, Central City Marion Co. Lennartz Henry, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Lennon John, hotel and marble works, Joliet, Will Co. Lennox John, nail manfr, Elgin, Kane Co. Lenny S. W., jewelry, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Lent N., blksmith, Naperville, DuPage Co. Lent Ozias J., baker, St. Charles, Kane Co. Lent P., brickmkr, Amboy, Lee Co. Lenting & Co., confectioners, Red Bud, Ran- dolph Co. Lent Azariah, blksmith, Rome, Jefferson Co. Leobold Joseph, wagon maker, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Leon George, vagonmkr, Blue Grass, Vermil- lion Co. Leonard E. B., dry goods, Beardstown, Cass Co. Leonard Frederick, bootmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Leonard H. E., druggist, Warrenville, DuPage Co. Leonard Jacob, livery, Johns Creek, Sangamon Co. Leonard Joseph, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Leonard Josiah, Rev., Fulton City, Whitesides Co. Leonard Judson W., ice, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Leonard Marcellus G., banker,Belvidere,Boone Co. Leonard Theodore, contractor, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Leonard J. & Co., (James H. Leonard, James D. Clarke, Claude J. Adams,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Leonard J. C. & Co., Beardstown, Cass Co. Leonard & Brother, (Harmon Leonard and Deidrich Leonard,) transportation, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Leonard & Co., lumber, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Leonard & Goudy, hotel, Galesburg, Knox Co. Leonard & Pollard, dry goods, Warreuville, DuPage Co. Leonhardt C. F., coal, Virden, Macoupin Co. Leopold John, carriagemkr, Mier, Wabash Co. Leopold & Schlossman, (Henry Leopold and Benedict Schlossman,) clothing, Chicago, Cook Co. Leping S., medicines, (boi,J Olney, Richland Co. LePonte John, sash and doors, Rockford, Win- nebago Co. LEP LEW Leppard August, hats and caps, Chicago, Cook Co. Lepper Mrs., music teacher, Coal Valley, Rock Island Co. Lerch Adam, hotel, Peru, LaSalle Co. Lerch Henry, boots and shoes, Princeton, Bu- reau Co. Leresh , jewelry, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Lerow William T., coal, Rockford, Winncbago Co. LeRoy David, lawyer, Morris, Grundy Co. LeRoy James, lawyer, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Lesch Frederick, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Lescher Joseph, cabinetmkr, Grayville, White Co. Leschers J. J. & George, physicians, Mt. Car- mel, Wabash Co. Lesdrer, Mrs. , milliner, etc., Mt. Camel, Wabash Co. Lesem Solomon, grocer, Quincy, Adams Co. Lesem S. J. & Bro., (Solotnou J. and Isaac,) clothing, Quincy, Adams Co. Leser John, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Leseure T. E., grocer, Paris, Edgar Co. Leseure V. & P., dry goods, Danville, Vermil- lion, Co. Leskey S., boots and shoes x Davis, Stephenson Co. Leslie Geo. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Leslie R., postmaster, Lincoln, Logan Co. Lesser Michael, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Lester G. B., town clerk, Bristol, Kendall Co. LESTER GERMAN C., drugs, Salem, Marion Co. Lester John H., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Lester F. & Co., (Franklin Lester, Russell Mar- tin,) roofers, Chicago, Cook Co. Lesuere & Ankum, dry goods, Georgetown, Vermillion Co. Lesure G. P., grocer, Weller, Henry Co LETTON RAPHAEL E., piano fortes, Quincy, Adams Co. Letton & Viberts, (Theodore P. Letton and John Viberts,) painters, Quincy, Adams Co. Letts Frank, blksmith, Woodhull, Henry Co. Letts J., broker, Chelsea, Will Co. Letz Charles, bootmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Letz & Johnson, (George F. Letz and John M. Johnston,) iron foundry, Chicago, Cook Co. Leuf Gustavus, bootmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Leuf & Benner, (Matthias Leuf and Florence Benner,) cigars, Chicago, Cook Co. Leuts J. C., dentist, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Leutz Jesse, blksmith, Anna, Union Co. Leutwyler Samuel, brass founder, Highland, Mwdison Co. Levan Thomas M., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Levanway Charles N., lawyer, Dixon, Lee Co. Levanway Willis m A., physician, Dixon, Lee Co. Leverenz Gustav, harness, Chicago, Cook Co. Leverett Martin, shinglemkr, Ilarrisburg, Saline Co. Leverich R. T., dry goods, Dunville, Vermil- lion Co. Levi George C., auction, Chicago, Cook Co. Levy Morris, dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Levi Michael, clothier, Chicago, Cook Co. Levi Xewman, furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Levi Philip, mer tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Levi Salic, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Levi M. & Co., (Morris Levi and Simon Morris,) hats and caps, Chicago, Cook Co. Levi & Brother, dry goods, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Levings George E., baker, Paris, Edgar Co. Levis Henry H., cigars, Chicago, Cook Co. Levy Harriet, millinery, Chicago, Cook Co. Levy Louis, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Levy Morris, clothes renovator, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Levy & Co., (Morris and Simon Levy,) hats and caps, Chicago, Cook Co. Lewis A., physician, Waukegan, Lake Co. Lewis A. M , blksmith, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Lewis Addison, turner, Bridgeport, Lawrence Co. Lewis Allen C., land agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Lewis Arch P., pat roofing, Chicago, Cook Co. Lewis Augustus E., ins agt, Bloomington, Mc- Lean Co. Lewis B. S., vet surgeon, DeWitt, DeWitt Co. Lewis Barbour, lawyer, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Lewis Calvin T., saloon, Wa'jkegan, Lake Co. Lewis D. Rev., Waverly, Morgan Co. Lewis D. L., drugs, town cleik, etc, Dement Station, Ogle Co! Lewis Edward J., editor, Bloomington, McLean. Co. Lewis Edward W., dry goods, Somonauk, De Kalb Co. Lewis G. H., grocer, Geneseo, Henry Co. Lewis G. W., blksmith, Annawan, Henry Co. Lewis G. W., physician, Courtland Station, De Kalb Co. Lewis George, architect, Pleasantvicw, Schuy- ler Co. Lewis George J., harness mkr, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Lewis George W., hotel, Fairview, Fulton Co. Lewis H., liquors, Sandoval, Marion Co. Lewis H. R. Rev., Taylorvilie, Christian Co. Lewis Horatio W., dentist, Quincy, Adams Co. Lewis Ira, carpenter, Fair Haven, Carroll Co. Lewis Isaac M., dentist, Marion, Williamson Co. Lewis J. jr., lawyer, Kaneville, Kane Co. Lewis J. B., carpenter, Freedom, LaSalle Co. Lewis J. B., lawyer, Sherburnville, Kankakee Co. Lewis J. F., lawyer, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Lewis J. H., broker, Abingdon, Knox Co. Lewis J. L., carpenter, Griggsville, Pike Co. Lewis J. M., dentist, Bainbridge, Williamson Co. Lewis Jacob, blksmith, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Lewis Jason, grocer, Morrison, Whitesides Co. Lewis John, butcher, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Lewis John, livery, Pana, Christian Co. Lewis John E., liquors, Murphysborough, Jack- son Co. Lewis Joseph, dry goods, Channahon, Will Co. Lewis L. Y., medicines and phjsiciaii, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Lewis Martin, nursery, Chicago, Cook Co. LEW 235 LIN Lewis Mr?., milliner, etc, Merdosia, Morgan Co. Lewis X. C. Rev., Prairie City, McDonough Co. Lewis X. II.. advt ag^, Wheaton, DuPage Co. Lewis P., dry goods, Keene, Adams Co. Lewis Peter & Son, carpenters, Summerfield, St. Clair Co. Lewis Robert, circuit clerk, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Lewis Robert P. Rev., Alton, Madison Co. Lewis S. II., wood, Hudson, McLean Co. Lewis S. R., county treasurer, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Lewis S. S., harness mkr, Hey worth, McLean Co. Lewis Shaffer, jr., blksmith, Mt. Carmel, Wa- bash Co. v Lewis W. C., Inmber and grocer, Warren, Jo Davicss Co. Lewis W. E., dry goods, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. LewisW. M., lumber, Bridgeport, Lawrence Co. Lewis William, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Lewis William M., blksmith, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Lewis B. W. & E., (Backus W. and Elias,) real estate, Bloomington, McLean Co. Lewis C. C. & Bro., saw mill, Abingdon, Knox Co. Lewis & Baugher, printers, Warren, Jo Da- viess Co. Lewis & Hallack, (John P. Lewis and Erastus F. Hallack,) dry goods, St. Charles, Kane Co. Lewis & Hundley, drugs, Bainbridge, William- son Co. Lewis & Hundley, brewers, Marion, William- son Co. Lewis & Little, physicians, Elizabeth, Jo Da- viess Co. LEWIS, PAGE & CO., (Wm. G. Lewis, Benj. V. Page and William Sprague,) WHOLE- SALE WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC, Chicago, Cook Co. Lewis & Rainev, boots and shoes, Winnebago Depot, Winnebago Co. Lewi?, Xewell & Co., (Henry B. Lewis, Byron H. Xewell and Abner M. Lewis,) hides, pelts, wool, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Lewry Jackson, cabinet mkr, Clark Centre, Clark Co. Libbey Reuben G., livery, Quincy, Adams Co. Libby William A., grocer, Ottawa, Lasalle Co. Liberknight Michael, tailor, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Licht Frederick, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Liehtenberger G., wood, Carmi, White Co. Lichtenberger I. D., adv agt, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Lichtenmeyer F., gunsmith. Blue Island, Cook Co. Liddle Helen, milliner, Cherry Valley, Winne- bago Co. Liddy Patrick, dry goods, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Liebenstein Henry, furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Liebenstein Jacob, clothing, Peoria, PeoriaCo. Liebenstien J. & A., (Joseph & Abraham Lie- benstien,) furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Liebhardt Jacob F., grocer, Dunlieith, Jo Daviess Co. Liebich Ignatz, baker, Peru, LaSalle Co. Liebler Hermann, cabinetmkr, Highland, Ma- dison Co. Liebrichs F., carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Liedel E., carpenter, Marine, Madison Co. Lieder Henry, harnessmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Liegh Thomas baker, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Liegh Wallace, baker, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Liendicker John, wagonmaker, Chicago, Cook Co. Lienhardt F., sash, blinds and doors, Highland, Madison Co. Liermann Hermann Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Lietze F., surveyor, Carlyle, Clinton Co. Liggott & Padon, lumber, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Light Elbert B., co clerk, Byron, Ogle Co. Light Ezra M., druggist, Oregon, Ogle Co. Light M., clothiers, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Light Miles B., ins agt and lawyer, Oregon, Ogle Co. Light T. R., carpenter, Xew Erin, Stephenson Co. Lightfoot A. C., stone yard, Burton, Adams Co. Lightfooi Henry & Brother, wagonmkrs, Metro- polis City, Massac Co. Lightfoot Robert, tanner, Charleston, Coles Co. Lighthart Henry, hotel, Harrison, Winnebago Co. Lightner L. L., ins agt, Thebes, Alexander Co. Lightner L. L. jun., daguerreotypes, Clear Creek Landing, Alexander Co. Lightner Levi G., co judge, Cairo, Alexander Co. LIGHTXER SCHIMPFERMAX & CO., (Harvey Lightner, Willian H. Schimp- ferman & Charles P. King,) distillers, Peoria, Peoria Co. Liles D., tin and coppersmiths, Gieenfield, Greene Co. Lill William & Co., (Orrin J. Rose & George H. Quigg,) real est, Chicago, Cook Co. Lill A. & P., wagonmkr, Belleville, St.Clair Co. LILL & DIYERSY, (William Lill & Michael Diversy,) ale and porter brewers. Chicago, Cook Co. Lilleston Samuel D., jeweler, Decatur, Macon Co. Lilley George, undertaker, Paine's Point, Ogle Co. Lillie David, sheriff, Robinson, Crawford Co. Lillie H. 0., contractor, Moscow, Mason Co. Lilly George, carpenter, Howard's Point, Fayette Co. Lilly R.", coal, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Limberg August, liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Lime Joseph P., clothing, Fulton City, White- sides Co. Limerick George, dry goods, Limerick, Bureau Co. Linberg A., clothes renovator, Knoxville, Knox Co. Linch John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Linchen Richard, harnessmakers, Annawan, Henry Co. LIN OQft - ' ' 1 LIN Lincoln H. J., com mer, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Lincoln J. H., lawyer, Leroy, McLean Co. Lincoln James, painter, Lynnville, Morgan Co. Lincoln Joseph F., wood and coal, Chicago, Cook Co. Lincoln Oliver S., ins agt, Waukegan, Lake Co. Lincoln R. D., col agt, Round Grove, White- sides Co. Lincoln S., medicine, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Lincoln D. H. & Co., (David H. Lincoln & Stilman Curtis,) prod and com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Lincoln & Brewer, agri imps, Lyndon, White- sides Co. Lincoln & Herndon, (Abraham Lincoln & Wm. H. Herndon,) lawyers, Springfield, Sanga- mou Co. Lincoln, Brewer rge A. & Co., (George A. & John,) butchers, Chicago, Cook Co. Meyer Gustavo R., sal >on, Chicago Cook Co. Meyer Henry, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. MEY 266 MIL Meyer Henry, rectifier, Quincy, Adams Co. Meyer Henry, tailor, Quincy, Adams Co. Meyer John H., cigars, Chicago, Cook Co. Meyer John & Co, (Moses M. Beckert,) grocer, Quincy, Adams Co. Meyer Julius, hats and caps, Chicago, Cook Co. Meyer L., hotel, Kickapoo, Peoria Co. Meyer L., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Meyer M., cooper, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Meyer Margaretta, milliner, Highland, Madi- son Co. Meyer N., brickmkr, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Meyer Peter, saloon, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. MEYER RUDOLPH A., engraver, Chicago, COOK Co. Meyer Theodore, physician, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Meyer William, undertaker, Geneseo, Henry Co. Meyer & Co., grocers, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Meyer & Goodman, (Max A. Meyer & Lewis Goodman,) dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Meyer & M alone, agricult imps, Palmyra, Ma- coupin Co. Meyer & Young, furniture, Geneseo, Henry Co. Meyers F., bootmkr, Foreston, Ogle Co. Meyers Henry, stoves, Bloomington, McLean Co. Meyers John, mason, Jersey Landing, Jersey " Co. Meyers John, stone yard, Jersey Landing, Jer- sey Co. Meyers Jno. H., brewer, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Meyers Martin J., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Meyers William, cigars, Pana, Christian Co. Meyers A. & Co., com mers, Pckin, Tazewell Co. Meyers & Co., forwarding, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Myerstein M. & J., boots shoes and salt, Biggsville, Henderson Co. Mezengen S. S., undertaker, Victoria, Knox Co. Michael Geo., flour mill, Grayville, White Co. Michael J. G., carpenter, West Salem, Ed- wards Co. Michael J. P., straw goods, Santa Anna, De Witt Co. Michaels J., dry goods, Girard, Macoupin Co. Michaels W. B., express agt, Girard, Macoupin Co. Michan J., lawyer, Sparta, Randolph Co. Micheiil S. A., exp agt, Assumption, Christian Co. Michel A., exp agt, New Erin, Stephenson Co. Michel Frederick, wagonmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Michael William A., postmaster and lawyer, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Michell A., blacksmith, Swan Creek, Warren Co. Michell J. M., dry goods, Gridley, McLean Co. Michell W. T., carpenter, Barry, Pike Co. Michenor W., painter, Lynnville, Morgan Co. Mickey W. R., dentist, Middleport, Iroquois Co. Michl Joseph & Co., (Joseph Mii-hl & Henry Schlademan,) cigars, Decatur, Macon Co. Mickle S , painter, Augusta, Hancock Co. Michlitz Theodore, tinsmith, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Micho Edward, agricult impts, L'Erable, Iro- quois Co. Micles Charles, grocer, Chicag", Cook Co. Miclcap James, painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Midcap William C., butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Midden B. & Bro., (Benjamin & George,) dry goods, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Middlecoff F. M. & Co., (Francis M. Middle- coff, Theophilus Harrison & William C. Buchanan,) agricult implts, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Middlekauf Henry, carpenter, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co. Middleton Edwin, brick, Fair Haven, Carroll Co. Middleton James, grocer, Bloomington, Mc- Lean Co. Middleton M. H., carpenter, Geneseo, Henry Co. Middleton Thomas, clothier, Geneva, Kane Co. Middleton W. H. Rev., Rushville, Schuyler Co. Middleton W. N., justice, Jersey Landing, Jer- sey Co. MidtsdorffF., boots and shoes; Omph Ghent, Madison Co. Mier Joseph, cooper, Evansville, Randolph Co. Miers Edward, millinery, Chicago, Cook Co. Mikal Loui^, clothing, Chicago, Cook Co. Mikesell John, lumber, Quincy, Adams Co. Miles, Wright & Sherman, (James H. Miles Abner M. Wright & Rollin Sherman^) com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Milburn John, painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Milbnrn Nicholas, sr., grocer, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Milburn T. E. Rev., Macedonia. Milburn & Collins, dry goods, Rome, Jefferson Co. Milegan , cigars, Linchburg, Jefferson Co. Miles Andrew & Co., flour, Washington, Taze- well Co. Miles B. Fullerton, drugs, Peoria, Peoria Co. Miles D. L., express agt, Washington, Taze- well Co. Miles David, carriage mkr, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Miles F., town clerk, Southport, Peoria Co. Miles J. C. Rev., Rockvale, Kankakee Co. Miles James, druggist, Taylor, Ogle Co. Miles John, carriage mkr, Marengo, McHenry Co. Miles John, lawyer and col agt, Utah, Warren Co. Miles John, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Miles John M., wood, Paloma, Adams Co. MILES MASON M., physician, Aurora, Kane Co. Milfs Milo N. Rev., Geneseo, Henry Co. Miles Samuel, wood, Chicago, Cook Co. MILES E. H. & CO., (Erskine H. and B. Ful- lerton Miles,) wines and liquors, Peoria, Peoria Co. Miles & Craig, boots and shoes, Charleston, Coles Co. MIL 267 MIL Miles & Jaqucs. (Samwl Miles and Isaac T. Jaqucs,) blksmiths, Sterling, Whitesldes Co. Miley J., brick?, Paloma, Adams Co. Miley P. T., butcher, Paloma, Adams Co. Miley Philip, cabinet, Georgetown, Vermillion Co. Miligan Samuel, carpenter, Rock Run, Ste- phenson Co. Miliner J., daguerreotypes, Jeffersonville, Wayne Co. Mili?on Caroline, milliner, Rosefield, Peoria Co. Millar H. R., boots & shoes Paris Edgar Co. Millar, James, architect, Bloom, Cook Co. Millar Robert, carpenter, Bloom, Cook Co. Millar Stanley S., printer, Chicago, Cook Co. Millar Warren, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Millar & Pinegar, fishing tackle, Farmington, Fulton Co. Millard D. S., agl impla and saw mill, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Millard Ira, carpenter, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Millard James, town clerk, Wyrox township, Carroll Co. Millard L. B., daguerreotypes, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Millard S., butcher, Warrenville, DuPage Co. Millard & Byington, (Robert Millard, jr., and H. S. Byington,) livery, Quincy, Adams Co. Millen Charles H., treasurer, Carthage, Han- cock Co. Millen Hobert J., shoemkr, Deerfield, Lake Co. Millen Robert, wagonmkr, Alton, Madison Co. Millen Samuel, physician, Russellville, Law- rence Co. Millen J. & D., (John and David,) plow and wagonmkrs, Alton, Madison Co. Miller , boots & shoes, Altona, Knox Co. Miller A., carpenter, Farmington, Fulton Co. Miller A , hotel, Smithton, St. Clair Co. Miller A., jeweler, Sp.irta, Randolph Co. Miller A., physician, Lincoln, Logan Co. Miller A. C., postmaster, White Rock, Ogle Co. Miller A. J., carpenter, Dongola, Union Co. Miller A. J., dry goods, Wayne Centre, Du Page Co. Miller A. L., butcher, Jersey Landing, Jersey Co. Mil'er A. M., physician, Lincoln, Logan Co. Miller A. S., co judge, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Miller A. W., boots and shoes, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Miller Abram, carpenter, Steam Mill, Schuy- ler Co. MILLER ABRAM, hotel, Geneseo, Henry Co. Miller Aiburtus, saloon, St. Charles, Kane Co. Miller Allen C. Rev., White Rock, ' gle Co. Miller Annie, milliner, Decatur, Macon Co. Miller Anson E., surrogate, Rockton, Winne- bago Co. Miller Hi njamin, brickmkr, Newton, Jasper Co. Miller B nia, Clay Co. Modlin R. C., wagonmkr, Xenia, Clay Co. Moeckel Charles, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Moegelin John F., jeweler, Chicago, Cook Co. Moehlmann Frederick, agl impls and planing mill, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Moeller Manin, mer tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Moennighoff Frederick, saloon, Peoiia, Peoria Co. Moenning H. &Bro., (Henry and Anton,) chair factory, Quincy, Adams Co Moetter Philip, &ali>on, Alton, Madison Co. Moffatt J., carpenter, Buff,ilo Prairie, Rock Island Co. Moffatt & King, (Alrah P. Moffatt and Nathan S. King,) butchers, Aurora, Kane Co. Moffet Thomas, engraver, Chicago, Cook Co. Moffett Thomas, lawyer, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Moffett & Wallace, prod com mer, Clayton, Adams Co. Moffitt H., ins : gt, Chillicothe, Peoria Co. Moffitt Miss M. J., milliner, Chillicothe, Peoria Co. Moffitt Thos., baker, Monticello, Piatt Co. Moffitt Wiili.m, blksmith Elmira, Stirk Co. Mofiel G., bl 'cksmith, Linchburg, Jefferson Co. Mohle Henry, boot and shoe mkr, Noyesville, Cook Co. , Mohr J-tcob & Co , (John Rose,) beer saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Mohr P-.ul, boots and shoes, Hampton, Rock Island Co. Mohr Ulric, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Mok Benj uni , saloon, Ch cago, Took Co. Moles & Hucheson, cabinet mkr, Henry, Mar- th.ll Co. Molinski Wl tdissaus, confectionery, Chicago, Cook Co. MOL 272 MOO Moller A., cabinet maker, Wheatou, DuPage Co. Molley Kirl, baker, Amboy, Lee Co. Mollier John, punter, Chicago, Cook Co. Molloy E. B., physician, Hadley, Will Co. Molloy Patiick, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Moloney Matthew S., liquors, Freeport, Ste- phenson Co. Molthrop D. 0., blacksmith, Viola, Mercer Co. Molthrop L., carpenter, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Momenteller Jacob, lawyer, Derinda, Jo Da- viess Co. Monat Francis, wagon mkr, St. Anne, Kan- kakee Co. Mendy J. D. % printer, Vienni, Johnson Co. Moneghan William, sheriff, Parrish, Franklin Co. Monell I., blacksmith, Woodford, Woodford Co. Monell S. L., watches, etc, Wilmington, Will Co. Money P. A., carpenter, Rochester, Sangamon Co. Monfort Divid Rev , D.D., Macomb, McDon- ough Co. Monfort John W., boots and shoes, Macomb, McDonough Co. Monfort Thomas, carptr, Jersey Landing, Jer- sey Co. Monhiem H , architect, Ambov, Lee Co. Monical Christopher, carptr, Bible Grove,Clay Co Moniciil G., hotel, Bible Grove, Clay Co. Moniral & Boyles, dry goods, Bible Grove,Clay Co. Monidil & Gibson, shingle mkrs, Bible Grove, Clay Co. Monk A., hotel, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Monks H., wines and liquors, Elizabeth, Jo Daviess Co. Monmou'h & Macomb, stage agts, Roseville, Warren Co. Monneugas Christopher, painter.Chicago, Cook Co. Mornieas Jas., siloon, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Monohon G., postmaster, Greenup, Cumber- land Co. Monohon G. & Co., dry goods, etc, Greenup, Cumberland Co. Monroe Frank A., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Monroe Jephthah, billiards, Aurora, Kane Co. Monroe John, school commissioner, Dixon, Lee Co. Monroe William A , drugs, East Paw Paw, Lee Co. Monroe Brothers, agrl impts, Mattoon, Coles Co. Monroe & Spencer,(Henry S. Monroe & Champ- lin H. Spencer,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Montague Charles S., lumber inspector, Chica- go, Cook Co. Montague Francis, wagon mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Moutague J. M., hotel, Tamaroa, Perrv Co. Montague R. S., lawyer, Carthage, Hancock Co. Montague & Kerlin, booksellers,Berlin, Sanga- mon Co. Montague Edward, hotel, Samonauk, DeKalb Co. Mont-e A., brickmkr, Doddsville, McDonough Co. Montfoot J. W., boots and shoes, Macomb, Mc- Donough Co. Montgomery A., blacksmith, Mattoon, Coles Co. Montgomery A. K., agrl impts, Farmington, Fulton Co. Montgomery C. F., dentist, Shawneetown, Gal- latin Co. Montgomery Eli Rev., Clayton, Adams Co. Montgomery F., livery stable, Olney, Richland Co. Montgomery George Rev., Mount Sterling, Brown Co. Montgomery J. Rev., Clinton, DeWitt Co. Montgomery J. B., carptr, Clayton, Adams Co. Montgomery James, circuit clerk, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Montgomery Joseph V., ins agt, Kewanee,Hen- ry Co. Montgomery Loton W., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Montgomery M., painter, Foreston, Ogle Co. Montgomery Robert, grocer, Ottawa, L^Salle Co. Montgomery W., auctioneer, Clayton, Adams Co. Montgomery W., tanner, Albion, Edwards Co. Montgomery W., real estate, etc, Clayton, Adams Co. Montgomery William A., sheriff, Albion, Ed- wards Co. Montgomery H. & Co., bakers, Pekin, Taze- ' well Co. Montgomery & Daly, butchers, Clayton, Adams Co. Montgomery & McLa'len, (Jehiel H. Montgom- ery & William H. McLallen,) groceries and provisions, Aurora, Kane Co. MONTI JOHN, saloon, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Monti Joseph, saloon, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Montony Richard G., notary, Aurora. Kane Co. Montony & Seurles, (Richard G. Montony & Alonzo E. Seailes,) lawyers, Autora,Kane Co. Moocklar James, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Moody Elijah, blacksmith, Oakland. Coles Co. Moody M.Y., livery, Blackberry Station, Kane Co. Moody Zenus F., county surveyor, Jackson- ville, Morgan Co. Moody & Brother, (Andrew & Otis,) carptrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Mooers & Chase, (Oscir D. Mooers & Wilson W. Ch ise,) painters, Chicago, Cook Co. Mooers R. & Co., lumber, etc, Naples, Scott Co. Moohr Judas, saloon and boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Mook Nicholas, wagonmkr, Hampton, Rock Island Co. Mook W. K., grocer, Cedarville, Stephenson Co. Moon Charles B., boot and shoemkr, Bradford, Stark Co. Moon I. M., town clerk, Etna township, De Kalb Co. Moon J. C., coackmkr, Kinmundy, Marion Co. MOO 273 MOO Moon James, meat market, Chicago, Cook Co. Moon John C., wagonmkr, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Moon Lyman, auctioneer, Bernadotte, Fulton Co.' Mooney Barney, blacksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Mooney Jacob, clothing, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Mooney James, blacksmith, Galena, JoDaviess Co. Mooney John & Co., dry goods, etc, Grafton, Jersey Co. Mooney Michael, blacksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Mooney Simon, clothing, etc, Freeport, Ste- phensnn Co. Mooney Walter, town clerk, Mount Hawley, Peoria Co. Mooney William, grocer, Sterling, Whitesides Co.' Mooney & Bro., (Isaac Mooney and Simon Mooney,) clothiers, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Mooneyham Daniel, auctioneer, Benton, Frank- lin Co. Mooneyham William H., sheriff, Fitts Hill, Franklin Co. Moor G. K., teacher, Pleasant View, Schuyler Co. Moor George, grocer, Beardstown, Cass Co. Moor Jno., ins agt, Lisbon, Kendall Co. Moor 0. A., stage line, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Moor W. R., shoemkr, Low Point, Woodford Co. Moor A. M. & Bro., (Abram M. & Otto.) wines and liquors, Chicago, Co k Co. Moore A. Rev., Athens, Menard Co. Moore A. L., carpenter, Leroy, McLean Co. Moore A. W., chair mnfr, Morris, Grundy Co. Moore Amos M., postmaster, B tavia, Kane Co. Moore Anson, hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Moore B.F., hardware, Calhoun, Richland Co. Moore B. T., carpenter, Leroy, McLean Co. Moore Charles, flour mill, Rock Run, Stephen- son Co. Moore Mrs. C., milliner, etc, Georgetown, Ver- million Co. Moore C. C. Rev., Ontario, Knox Co. Moore C. W., ins agt, Onargo, Iroquois Co. Moore Christopher, marble worker, Momence, Kankakee Co. Moore D. Rev., Charleston, Coles Co. Moore D. G., grocer, Woodford, Woodford Co. Moore Mrs. E., milliner, etc, M.,meuce, Kan- kakee Co. Moore E. B., dry goods, Martinsville, Clark Co. Moore Ed?on, hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Moore Enoch W., phvsician, Decatur, Macon Co. Moore G. W., books and drugs, Woodford, Woodford Co. Moore George, packet office, Savanna, Carroll Co. Moore H. B., mason, Montgomery, Kane Co. Moore H. C., eating house, Lisb >n, Ki-ne'all Co. Moore Henry, broker, Chicago, Cook Co. Moore Henry, capmaker, Bristol, Kendall Co. Moore Henry, lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Moore Henry, mer tailor, Salem, Marion Co. Moore Hugh, marble works, Salem, Marion Co. Moore Ira,- instructor Normal University, Bloimington, McLean Co. Moore Isaac B. Rev., Gilman, Iroquois Co. Moore Isaac N., notary, Central City, Marion Co. Moore Israel S., millwright, Fairview, Fulton Co. Moore J., painter, Dundee, Kane Co. Moore J. F., pat medicines, Lisbon, Kendall Co. Moore J. H., carpenter, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Moore J. H. Rev., Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Moore J. S. Rev., Central City, Marion Co. Moore J. V. L., carpenter, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Moore James, blacksmith, Cane Run, Warren Co. Moore James M., hardware, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Moore John, butcher, Collins Station, Clinton Co. Moore John, hotel, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Moo- e John, mer tailor, Moline, Rock Island Co. Moore John H. Rev., Atlanta, Logan Co. Moore John J., chairmkr, Roland, White Co. Moore John K., lawyer, Bloomington, McLean Co. Moore John M., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Moore Jonas, clothing, Chicago, Cook Co. Moore Jonathan, civil engineer, Lebanon, St. Glair Co. Moore Joseph, postmtr, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Moore K. I., wool, Griggsville, Pike Co. Moore L u vi, books, Hulsonville, Crawford Co. Moore Luzena, milliner, etc, Georgetown, Ver- million Co. Moore Miss, milliner, etc, Hutsonville, Craw- ford Co Moore Mrs., milliner, etc, Sycamore, DeKilb Co Moore Martin L., harness mkr, Bloomington, McLean Co. Moore Michael, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Moore X , coal, Manchester, Scott Co. M' ore N., mason, Guard, Macoupin Co. Moore N. H., gen frt agt C A & St L R R, Chicago, Cook Co. Mooie 0. K., prod and com, Geneseo, Henry Co. Moore Oscar, watches and jewelry, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Moore P. H., Mksmith, LaClair, DeKalb Co. Moore Patiick T., hotel, Peru, LiS.lle Co. Moore R., hotel, Pitman, Adams Co. Moore R. B., collectii g agt, McConnell's Grove, Stephenson Co. Moore Richard, butcher, Bailevville, Osle Co. Moore Robert, fisherman, Fredericksville, Schuyler Co. Moore Robert, physician, Calhoun, Richland Co. Moore Robert, physician, Western Saratoga, Union Co. Moore S. A., collecting agent and postmaster, Leroy, McLean Co. Moote S. B , blksmith, Marrow Bone, Mouhrie Co. MOO 274 MOR Moore S. M., dry goods, Meiidota, LiSalle Co. Moore Sarah, milliner, etc, Knoxville, Knox^ Co. Moote Silas M., land agent, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Moore Stephen R., lawyer, Kankakee, Kanka- kee Co. Moore Stephen T., grower, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Moore T. W., hotel, Cherry Valley, Winneba- go Co. Moore Thos., shingle mkr, Lake Creek, Wil- liamson Co. Moore Thomas C., lawyer, Batavia, Kane Co. MOURE THOMAS C.", hot air furnaces, stoves anil tin ware, Peoria, Peoria Co. Moore W. A., teacher of languages, Woodford, WnO'tford Co. Moore W. B., carpenter, Kmeville, Kane Co. Moore W. C., wagon mkr, Brighton, Macoupin Co. Moore W. G. Rev., Columbus, Adams Co. Moore W. H. H. Rev., Grignsville, Pike Co. Moore Wm., brickmkr, Morris, Grundy C >. Moore William, carriage mkr, Fort Hill, Lake Co. Moore William, editor, Paris, Edgar Co. Moore William, hotel, Grog' n, Ogle Co. Moore VVm., stage agt, Daysville, Ogle Co. Moore William, wool, Bradford, Stark Co. Moore Williim M,, stoves, etc, Georgetown, Vermillion Co. Moore William S., circuit clerk, Tuylorville, Chri- 1 an Co. Moore E. & Co., grocers, Colchester, McDon- ough Co. Moore George H. & Co., dry goods, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Moore George L. & Co., printers, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Moore H. F. & C. S., (Henry F. and Charles S.,) prod com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Moore J. & H. & Co., dry goods, Lisbon, Ken- dall Co. Moore R. B. & Co., booksellers, McConnell's Grove, Stephenson Co. Moore & Bros., (Wilcome B., John K. and Thomas Moore,) marble work.<, Blooming- ton, McLean Co. Moore & Co., painters, Spatta, Randolph Co. Moore & Raird, dry goods, Perry, Pike Co. Moore & Dakin, (Wm. H. Moore and Fiancis E.Dwkin,) drugs, etc, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Moore & Ellis, dry goods, etc, Florence, Pike Co. Moore & Herdman, dry goods, Fidelity, Jersey Co. Moore & Hutehinson, butchers, Elizabeth, Jo Daviess Co. MOORE & MORROW. (Robert Moore and Josi ph M. Morrow,) carpenters, Salem, Marion Co. MOORE & SHERMAN, (Francis C Moore and Seih C. Sherman,) land agents, Quincy, Adams Co. Moore & Stevens, (Enoch W.Moore and Js. A. Si evens,) drugs, etc, Decatur, Macon Co. Mcore & Tre;idway,cow bell mulrs,Collinsville, Madison Co. Moore, Dakin & Co., (William II. Mo<>re, Frank R. Dakin and Wa-*hingtO'i Mi'Manig'l,) procers and drugs, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Moore, El-vell & Co., saw mill, Steam Mill, Schuyler Co. Moore, O^born & Fulton, )Lewis J. M^o r e, Tho- mas 0. Oshorn and Joseph 0. Felton,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Moore, Shemian & Co., (Eben Moo-e, Seth C. Shermin and Fnncis C. Mo:re,) bankers, Quincy, Adams Co. Moorhead W., carpenter, Armington, Tazewell Co. Moorman James E., grocer, Versailles, Brown Co. Moos J< hn, gunsmith, Lincoln, Logan Co. Moos Julius, cigars, Chicago, Cook Co. Moos Peter, hairdresser, Chicago, Cook Co. Moose & Claypool, liveiy stable, Nora, Jo Da- viess Co. Moot , boots and shoe?, Warrenton, Lake Co. Moran Mary, boarding, Dunleith, Jo Daviess Co. Moran Will'am, silver plater, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Moran P. & Co , (Patrick Moran and Ber j miln Dow,) cheese, dried fruit and fish, Chica- go, Cook Co Morasy Thomas, boots and shoes, Piano, Ken- dall Co. More C. H., lawyer, Clinton, DeWitt C". More E., vt-t surgeon, Payson, Adams Co. More George, bookseller, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. More Henry, brickmkr, Monterey, Calhoun Co. More J. V., dry goods, Time, Pike Co. More John, butcher, M;ittoon, Coles Co. More P., grocer, Courtland Station, DeKalb Co. More Peter, dry goods, Courtland Station, De Kalb Co. More R. S., com mer, Havana, Mason Co. More W. S., capmkr, Mattoon, Coles Co. More W. S., register, Pana, Christian Co. More Wm., carpets, Summer Hill, Pike Co. Moreau A. B., ins agt, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Moreau & Squires, coopers, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Morehead J. S., coal and lime, Vermillionville, LaSalle Co. Morehead & Beebe, (John W. Morehead & Al- bert Beebe,) dry goods, Quincy, Adams Co. Morehouse D., dry goods, Olney, Richland Co. Morehouse D. L., grocer, Leroy, McLean Co. Morehouse M L., marble worker, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Morehouse &Stamp, (Dayton C. Morehouse & Daniel Stamp,) bakers, Galesburg, Knox Co. Morehouse, Wells & Co., (Stephen P. More- house, Wm. T. Wells & Geo. E. More- house,) stoves, etc, Decatur, Macon Co. Moreland George, county surveyor, Prairie City, Cumberland Co. Morello Paul, confectioner, Galena, JoDaviess Co. Morey A. Rev,, Abing>lon, Knox Co. MOR 275 MOR Morey A. F., butcher, Vimdalia, Fayette Co. Morey Abijah, carptr, Laona, Winnebago Co. Morey Albert G., prod and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Morey Amos, dry goods, etc, Pleasant Vale, Pike Co. Morey B. F., contractor, Cameron, Warren Co. Morey B. M., grocer, etc, Knoxville, Knox Co. Morev G. M. Rev., Illinois City, Rock Island Co. Morey H. T., grocer, Knoxville, Knox Co. Morey Henry C., notary public, Chicago, Cook Co, Morey James K., daguerreotypes, Abingdon, Knox Co. Morey Joel, .lumber, Pleasant Yale, Pike Co. Morey John Rev., Toulon, Stark Co. Morey John, wood turner, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Morey L., dry goods, Manteno, Kankakee Co. Morey S. H. Rev., Blairsville, Williamson Co. Morey S. L., grocer, Mainville, Cook Co. Morey W. S., cooper, Taylor, Ogle Co. Morey & Bair, clothiers, Pleasant Vale, Pike Co. Morford B., coal, Roseville, Warren Co. * Morford Henry, butcher, Noysville, Cook Co. Morford J. W. , cooper, Dongola, Union Co. Morford John T., carpenter, Pope Creek, Mer- cer Co. Morgan A. B., physician, Flora, Clay Co. Morgan Alfred, justice, Arlington, Bureau Co. Morgan Caleb, furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Morgan Charles, blacksmith, Iroquois, Iroquois Co. Morgan Chas., hairdresser, Arcola, Douglas Co. Morgan Co. Bank, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Morgm D. H., physician, Russellville, Law- rence Co. Morgan D. S , com mer, Galesburg, Knox Co. Morgan D. T., physician, Marietta, Fulton Co. Morg.in E. J., hotel, Viola, Mercer Co. Morgan Elizabeth, milliner, Alton, Madison Co. Morgan Evan, carpenter, Big Rock, Kane Co. Morgan George, architect, Geneseo, Henry Co. Morgan George W., hotel, Dixon, Lee Co. Morgan Gilbert, lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Morgan Gordon, carpet weaver, Western Sara- toga, Union Co. Morgan Harvey, justice of the peace, Dixon, Lt-e Co. Morgan Henry M., printer, Chicago, Cook Co. Morgan I.-aac F., postmaster, Wayiand, Schuy- ler Co. Morgan J. M., tinsmith, Pontoosac, Hancock Co. Morgan J. W., physician, Mattoon, Coles Co. Morgan Jumes, lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Morgan John, notary, Henry, Marshall Co. Morgan John, jr., butcher, Henry, Marshall Co. Morgan John C., physician, Alton, Madison Co. Morgan John M., carpet weaver, Rock Island, Rock Is and Co. Morgan Joshua P., grocer, Elgin, Kane Co. Morgan L., milliner, etc, Farmington, Fulton Co. Morgan M., blksmith, etc, Paris, Edgar Co. Morgan Nathan, sale stables and ho :se shoer, Chicago, Cook Co. Morgan R., wagonmakcr, Robinson, Crawford Co. Morgan R. E., carpenter, Macomb, McDonough Co. Morgan R. H., flour mill, Nora, Jo Daviess Co. Morgan R. P., jr., civil engineer, Dwight, Liv- ingston Co. Morgan Si, brii-kmkr, Ashley, Washington Co. Morgan S. A. Mrs., milliner, Petersburg, Me- nard Co. Morgan T. E., lawyer, Macorab, McDonough Co. Morgan W. L., cooper, Whitehall, Greene Co. Morgan Wm., grocer, Mt. Auburn, Christian Co. Morgan William, shinglemkr, Keene, Adams Co. Morgan & Broyles,drug?, Russelville, Lawrence Co. Morgan , brewer, Waukegan, Lake Co. Morris James, cooper, Linchburg, Jeff.;rson Co. Morris John, carpenter, Grandview, Edgar Co. Morris John, livery stable, Jersey Landing, Jersey Co. Morris John F., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Morris M. S., blksmith, Petersburg, Menard Co. Morris Owen, cabinet mkr, Washington, Taze- well Co. Morris Patrick, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Morris R., saloon, Kingston Mine*, Peoria Co. Morris Richard, hides and leather, Versailles, B'Owu Co. Morris Samuel, grocer, Havana, Mason Co. Morris Thomas, boarding house, Chicago,Cook Co. Morris Thomas, wood dcaler,Buckhorn, Brown Co. Morris Thomas H., grocer, Decatur, Macon Co. Morris W., harness mkr, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Morris W. B., grocer, Vienna, Johnson Co. Morris W. E., physician, Mattoon, Coles Co. Morris W. E., post master, Vienna, Johnson Co. Morris W. W., grocer, Lawrenceville, Law- rence Co. Morris William, brick mkr, Nokomis, Mont- gomery Co. Morris William, carpenter, Grandview, Edgar Co. Morris William G., harness mkr, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Morris &; Burns, billiards, etc, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Morris & Johnson, blacksmiths, Bunker Hill, Maconpin Co. Morris & Roberts, (William Morris and Hugh Roberts,) coal, Quincy, Adams Co. Morris & Wise, iron founders, Summerfield, St. Glair Co. Morrison A. A. Rev., Chester, Randolph Co. Morrison A. B. Rev., Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Morrison Charles, co judge, Waterloo, Monroe Co. Morrison Cincinnatus M., lawyer, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Morrison Daniel, hotel, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Morrison George D., circuit clerk, Olney, Rich- land Co. Morrison Isaac L., lawyer, Jacksonville, Mor- gan Co Morrison J. B., architect, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Morrison J. C., carpenter, Sylvandale, Han- cock Co. Morrison J. H., butcher, Dover, Bureau Co. Morrison J. H. Rev., Sublette, Lee Co. Morrison J. S. Rev., Chester, Rando'ph Co. Morrison J. W., architect, Williamsville, San- gamon Co. Morrison James, dry goods, Bates, Sangamon Co. Morrison James, dry goods, Santa Fe, Alex- ander Co. Morrison John, physician, Buffalo Prairie, R. Island Co. Morrison John, plow maker, Havanna, Mason Co. Morrison L., expand frtagt, Windsor, Shelby Co. Morrison Robert, agricl imps, Robinson, Craw- ford Co. Morrison Robert, physician, Moline, R. Island Co. Morrison Samuel, lumber, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Morrison T. N. Rev., Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Morrison Thomas C., lumber, Alton, Madison Co. Morrison W. R., lawyer, Renault, Monroe Co. Morrison William, boots and shoes, Peru, La Salle Co. Morrison J. B. & Co., planing mill, Mound City, Pulask i Co. Morrison J. W., Gethers & Bair, carpenters, William-ville, Sangamon Co. Morrow B. B., hotel, Pana, Christian Co. Morrow John, carpenter, Pecatonica, Winne- bago Co. f Morrow William, blksmith, Lincoln, Logan Co. Morrows A., saw mill, Bar.-y, Pike Co. Morse Ahab, restaurant, Derinda, Jo Daviess Co. Morse Albert & Co., com and prod, Chicago, Cook Co. Morse Alfied Rev., Knoxville, Knox Co. Morse Arnold, bakery, Chicago, Cook Co. Morse C., stone mason, Plum River, Jo Daviess Co. Morse D. Rev., Barrington Station, Cook Co. Morse D.miel S., lawyer, col, ins and genl agt, and notary, Paxton, Ford Co. Morse Enoch & Co., gunsmiths, Waukegan, Lake Co. Morse Geo. A. & Co., (Oren H. Loomis,) bank- ers, Kewanee, Henry Co. Morse Isaac, lawyer, Shabbona Grove, Di-Kalb Co. Morse J., lumber, Geneseo, Henry Co. Morse J. H., produce, Nora, Jo Davies Co. MOR 277 MOY Mor.-e J. P., grocer, Morris, Grundy Co. Morse James B., grocer, Kewanee, Henry Co. Morse Jumes G., real estate, Springfield, San- gamnn Co. MORSE JAMES M., real estate, etc, Spring- field, Sangami n Co. Morse John, daguerreotypes, Henry, Marshall Co. Morse John H., jeweler, etc, Peoria, Peoria Co. Morse John N., grocer, Sterling, White^ides Co. Morse Leonard, grain meas and com, Wataga, Knox Co. Morse Luanda, hotel, Sterling, Whitesid' sCo. Morse Misses, milliners, Geneseo, Henry Co. Morse Mark, book store, Gales' urg, Knox Co. Morse R. W. Rev., Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Morse Robert L., painter, Joliet, Will Co. Morse Samuel L., plow mkr, Columbus, Adams Co. Morse Thomas P., grocer, Morris, Grundy Co. Morse W. B. Rev., Ellison, Warren Co. Morse W. D., prod and com mer, Towanda, McLean Co. Morse W. L , painter, Pana, Christian Co. Morse William, carpenter, St. Charles, Kane Co. Morse R. E. & Co., plow mkrs, Auburn, San- gamon Co. Morse & Loomis, (George Morse & Oren H. Loomis,) prod and com mers, Kewanee, Henry Co. Morten S. A., dry goods, McLeansboro, Hamil- ton Co. Morter William, saw mill, Rochester, Sanga- mon Co. Mortheu D. , school commr, Murphysboro, Jackson Co. Mortemore Timothy, cabinet mkr, St. Joseph, Champaign Co. Morton F., cooper, Griggsville, Pike Co. Morton George C., lumt.er, Chicago, Cook Co. Morton John T., editor, Quincy, Adams Co. Morton R. W., carpenter, Maple's Mills, Fulton Co. Morton D. C. & Co., (Daniel C. Morton & Geo. C. Smith,) meat market, Chicago, Cook Co. Mory E., coal, Geneseo, Henry Co. Mory S. J., civil engineer, Clayton, Adams Co. Mosfhmau J. M., boot inkr, Savauiia, Carroll Co. Mosely R , dry goods, Kansas, Edgar Co. Mosei- C., turner, Highland, Madison Co. Moses Thompson & Co., clothiers, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Moses W. E. Rev., Carrolton, Greene Co. Moses L. M. & Co., (Lucius M. Moses, Henry LeFever & Daniel L. Quirk,) prod dealers, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Mosher A., druggist, Pleasant Hill, Pike Co. Mosher Horace M., vegetables Chicago, Cook Co. Mosher Jeremiah, butcher, Pecatonica, Win- nebago Co. Mosher S., ins agt and postniaster,Spring Lake, Tazewell Co. Moshier Alfred, carpenter, Granville, Putnam Co. Moson L. R., physician, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Moson S. H., medicines, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Moss Arnal, gunsmith, McLeansboro, Hamil- ton Co. Moss Frederick, millinery and dry goods, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Moss J. B., ins agt, Dwight, Livingston Co. Moss John, chair mkr, Cuba, Fulton Co. MossL., clothier, Paris, Edgar Co. Moss L. C., livery stables, Ashley, Washing- ton Co. Moss & McLeavitt, physicians, Pitman, Adams Co. MOSS, BRADLEY & CO., (William S. Moss, Tobias S. Bradley, James H McCall and Perry Frazer,) distillers and flour manfrj, Peoria, Peoria Co. Mosser & Co., (George and Louis Mosser,) cotton batting manfrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Mostollar Alex., edge tool mkr, DeSoto, Jack- eon Co. Motchmann John, watchmaker, Chicago, Cook Co. Mott ATred, lumber agt, Grafton, Jerspy Co. Mott Elias, agl imps manfr, Wentworth, Lake Co. Mott James, furniture, Athens, Menard Co. Mott M., carpenter, Whexton, DuPage Co. Motter George, dentist, Henry, Marshall Co. Molts Thomas C., coal, Drury, Rock L-land Co. Moubban Bernard, carpenter, St. Ann, Kanka- kee Co. Mouch Sophia Mrs., dressmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Moulding John J., editor and printer, St. Charles, Kane Co. Moulthrope D. 0., blksmith, Carbon, Mercer Co. Moulton D., nail?, etc, Mokena, Will Co. Moulton S. L., painter, Aurora, Kane Co. Moulton S. W., lawyer and school ctm, Shel- byvill", Shelby Co. Moulton William P., painter, Rockford, Win- nebago Co. Moundell James H., carpenter, Benton, Frank- lin Co. Mount James T., carpenter, Monument, Pike Co. Mountain Samuel P., jeweler, Quincy, Adams Co. Mountfonl John, carriage mkr, Vermont, Ful- ton Co. Mountford John, daguerreotypes, Chicago, Cook Co Mourning G. D., blksmith, Tennessee, McDon- ougli Co. Mouths Jacob, brewer, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Mowder , cooper, Windsor, Shelby Co. Mowei ing Nicholas, carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Mowrey W. L., express agt, Courtland Station, DeKalb Co. Mowyer D. H., blacksmith, Kinderhook, Pike Co. Moxe F., blksmith, Staunton, Macoupin Co. Moxon J. Rev., DeKalb, DeKalb Co. Moyan F. L., postmaster and drugs, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Moye William, dry good?, etc, New Market, Gallatin Co. Mover , painter, Jonesboro, Union Co. MOY 278 MUR Moyers A., boots and shoes, Golconda, Pope Co Mudd John, wool dealer, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Mudgett Edwin S , postmaster and lawyer, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Mueller Catharine, dress maker, Chicago, Cook Co. Mueller Frederick, brewer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Mueller Hieronemus, blksmith, Decatur, Ma- con Co. Mueller Jacob, grocer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Mueller Jacob, siloon, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Mueller John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Mueller Theodore, harness mkr, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Mueller A. & G H., (Adolphus and George H.) brewers, Chicago, Cook Co. Muffly Charles T., architect, Dakota, St-phen- son Co. Muffly George, carpenter, Dakota, Stephen- fon Co. Mugler August, druggist, Chicago, Cook Co. Mugler George, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Muhlman Henry, carpenter, BearJstown, Cass Co. Muhlinan & Shreuder, planing mill, Beards- town, Cass Co. Muir Thomas, dry good*, Knoxville, Knox Co. Muirhead J. Rev., Livingston, Clark Co. Muirhead J. D., grocer, Collinsville, Madison Co. MukeyJohn, lawyer, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Mulack Julius, saloon, Rock Island, Rock Is- land Co. Mulfing T G. S. Rev., Burlington, Kane Co. Mulh .rn John, saloon, Chietjio, Cook Co. Mulkey C. F., physician, Little Muddy, Frank- lin Co. Mulkey & Ester, dry goods, Little Muddy, Franklin Co. Mulky Jonathan, medicines, Bainbridge, Will- iamson Co. Mulkimn R. J., saw mill, Woodburn, Macoupin Co. Mull Benj unin, coachmkr, Fishhook, Pike Co. Mullen Bernard, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Mullen P., restaurant, Wrillbridge, Pulaski Co. Mullen Peter, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Mullen J. K. & Bro., (Justus K. and Alex. H.) painters, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Mullencatnp F., watchmkr, Metropolis City, Ma->sac Co. Muller Frederick, baker, Kingston Mines, Peo- ria Co. Muller Michael, boots and shoes, Lisbon, Ken- dall Co. Muller Peter, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Muller Q., cooper, Highland, Madison Co. Muller T., milliner, Quincy, Adams Co. Muller Wm. H., drugs, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Mullhall John, cooper, Chicago, Cook Co Mulliken F., prod, Tmcola, Douglas Co. Mullin J., boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Mulligan James A., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Mulligan William, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Mullinix M. G., physician, Mason, Effingham Co. Mullius Daniel, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Mullins H., dry goods, etc, Paris, Edgar Co. Mullins Patrick, boarding house, Chicago.Cook Co. Mulvey Patrick, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Mulvihlll John G., real est, Peoria, Peoria Co. Muma W. B., lawyer, Atlanta, Logan Co. Mumaugh George W., baker, Anna, Union Co. Mumford , editor, Greenup, Cumberland Co. Mumford William, news depot, Chicago, Cook Co. Mumford & Co., butcher, Dundee, Kane Co. Mumma D., butcher, Doddsville, McDonough Co. Mumma Miss, milliner, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Mumma Wm., grocer, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Mummi F., cooper, Marine, Madison Co. Mummy J., blksmith, Avon, Fulton Co. Manch John, cigarmnfr, Chicago, Cook Co. Munch Louis, candlemnfr, Chicago, Cook; Co. Muncy William, dry goods, etc, Little York, Warren Co. Mundeu E. C., baker, Circleville, Tazewell Co. Mundy Griffith, auctioneer, Friend's Grove, Wabash Co. Mundy Henry, auctioneer, Friendsville, Wa- bash Co. Munger Clias E., marble works, Joliet, Will Co. Munger Erastus A., editor, Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Munger Henry, dry goods, etc., Beaverton, Boone Co. Munger H. M., dry goods, etc, Park's Corners, Boone Co. Munger & Armour, (Wesley Munger & George Armour,) elevators, Chicago, Cook Co. Munger & Knapp, (En.stus A. Munger & Ly- man E. Knapp), printers, Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Muninger & Thompson, dry goods, De Witt, De Witt Co. Munn Dan W., lawyer, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. MUNN LOYAL L., sec Stephenson ins co. Freeport, Stephenson Co. Munn S. W., lawyer, Wilmington, Will Co. Munn & Scott, (Ira Y. Munn & Geo. L. Scott,) com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Munroe A., butcher, Hennepin, Putnam Co. Munroe Archibald, boots and shoes, Decatur, Macon Co. Munroe S. N., jewelry, Danville, /ermillion Co. Munsell C. W. C. Rev., Bloomington, McLean Co. Munsell 0. S. Rev., Bloomington, McLean Co. Munson C. W., physician, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Munson Francis, stationer, Chicago, Cook Co. MUNSON HARMON A., sec We-tern Union ins cr>, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Munson Henry S., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Munson N. D., freight agt, Quincy, Adams Co. Munson W., carpenter, Middleport, Iroquois Co. Muntz Charles, cabinetmkr, Elgin, Kane Co. Muntz , physician, Mier, Wabash Co. Murch H. G. Rev., Abingdon, Knox Co. Murch & Brother, (Levi H. & Geoige W.,) harness, Belvidere, Boone Co. MUR 279 Murd Jus. W., boots and shoes, Rockton, Win- nebago Co. Murdiek Jacob, physician, Shoal Creek Station, Clinton Co. Murdock John, fisherman, Hiddleport, Iro- quois Co. Murdock R., express agt, Paxton, Ford Co. Murdough J> hn S., grocer, Elgin, Kane Co. Mure Geo. A., harnessmkr, Griggbville, Pike Co. Murficld & Hill, blacksmiths, New Maysville, Pike Co. Murley W. M., blksmith, Hampton, Rock Island Co. Murlock J., brewer, Sandoval, Marion Co. Murnning H., saw mills, Clay City, Clay Co. MURPHEY ROBERT E., house furnishing, Chicago, Cook Co, Murphy , saddler and harnessmkr, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Murphy A., painter, Tremont, Tazewell Co. Murphy Anderson T., prod and com, Dixon, Lee Co. Murphy C., boat builder, Circleville, Tazewell Co. Murphy Daniel, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Murphy Daniel T., grocer, Ottawa, LaLalle Co. Murphy Denis, dry goods, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Murphy Edward A., grain, Woodstock, McHenry Co. Murphy E., lumber, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Murphy Edward, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Murphy F. M., cooper, New Market, Gallatin Co. Murphy Francis, com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Murphy Geo., saloon and grocery, Chicago, Cook Co. Murphy J.. f'orwdg and trans mer, Channahon, Will Co. Murphy J., physician, Peoria, Peoria Co. Murphy J. H., blacksmith, Leroy, McLean Co. Murphy J. H., lawyer, South Macon, Macon Co. Murphy J. S., physician, Irving, Montgomery Co. Murphy J. W., plasterer, Fidelity, Jersey Co. Murphy J. W., fanning mills, Marshall, Clark Co. Murphy James, shoemkr, Joliet, Will Co. Murphy James, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Murphy James C., carpenter, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Murphy James D., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Murphy James R., druggist, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Murphy Jeff, hotel, Flora, Clay Co. Murphy John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Murphy John J., dry goods, etc, Woodstock, McHenry Co. Murphy Joseph C., machinist, Collinsville, Madison Co. Murphy M., artists' materials, Staunton, Macou- pin Co. Murphy M., physician, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Murphy M. W., cooper, New Market, Gallatin Co. Murphy Michael, postmaster, Rutland, Kane Co. Murphy Maurice, coal oil and lamps, Chicago, Cook Co. Murphy Michael, furniture, Chicago. Cook Co. Murphy P. H., freight agt, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Murphy P. J. Rev., Mendota, LaSalle Co. Murphy P. L., machinist, Hickory Creek, Fay- ette Co. Murphy Perry W., dentist, Woodstock, Mc- Henry Co. Murphy Solomon, coal, etc, Cuba, Fulton Co. Murphy Theodore D., co judge, Woodstock, McHenry Co. Murphy Thomas, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Murphy W. P., lawyer, Sparta, Randolph Co. Murphy William A., ambrotypes, Alton, Madi- son Co. Murphy Wm. K., collecting agt, Pinckneyville, Perry Co. Murphy Wright, sheriff, Oswego, Kendall Co. Murphy C. & Co., fishermen, Circleville, Taze- well Co. Murphy J. E. & C. F., drugs, etc, Flora, Clay Co. Murphy T. D. & F. S., (Theodore D. & Franklin S.,) lawyers, Woodstock, McHenry Co. Murphy & Boyd,(John Murphy and John Boyd,) machine shop, Chicago, Cook Co. Murphy & Hackett, carriage and plowmakers, Paris, Edgar Co. Murphy & Kinsella, (Patrick Murphy and Wm. Kinsella,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Murray B. W., daguerreotypes, Avoca, Liv- ingston Co. Murray D. Hillary, grocer, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Murray George, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Murray H., real estate agt, Como, Whitesides to. Murray J., carriagemkr, Circleville, Tazewell Co. Murray J. C., daguerreotypes, Bushnell, Mc- D'onough Co. Murray John, lumber, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Murray John, physician, Brooklyn, Sehuvler Co. Murray M. J., co treasurer, Carlyle, Clinton Co. Murray Michael, furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Murray Peter P., brickmkr, Ipava, Fulton Co. Murray Robert N., lawyer, Kankakee, Kanka- kee Co. Murray S. M., grocer, Chillicothe, Peoria Co. Murray William, blacksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Murray William, cooper, Byron, Ogle Co. Murray William H., liquor, retail, Chicago, Cook Co. Murray R. & A. D., (Robert Murray and Andrew D. Murray,) dry goods, Peru, La SalleCo. Murrey John, butcher, High Point, Mercer Co. Murrey John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Murry George, painter, Staunton, Macoupin Co. Murry J. P., cabinetmaker, DeSoto, Jackson Co. Murry James, machinist, Western Saratoga, Union Co. Murry John, lime, etc, Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. - MtTR Murry Patrick, boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Murry R., town clerk, Kinderliook, Pike Co. Murry Wm., blacksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Murry Wm F., butcher, New Boston, Mercer Co. Murrv Wm. M., dry goods, Mason, Effingham Co. Murten A., architect, Sandoval, Marion Co. Murten H., grocer, Sandoval, Marion Co. Musereau & Wheeler, (Charles B. Musereau and Charles N. WheeLr,) grocers, Fulton City, Whitesides Co. Musgravc- John, dry goods, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Musgrove J. B., butcher, Lawrenceville, Law- rence Co. Musiiiove Joshua, tinsmith, Ipava, Fulton Co. Musgroove M., stone quarry, Buck, Hamilton Co. Musgrovp Samuel, cabinet mkr, Buck, Hamil- ton Co. Musse C. V., harness mkr, Rock Grove, Steph- enson Co. Musselman Jncob, dry goods, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Muss"lman & Robinson, dry goods, Metropolis City, Mussac C>>. Musser Jacob, boot mkr, Buena Vista, Steph- ei son Co. Musser M. H., hotel, Monticello, Piatt Co. Musser P., cabinet mkr, Cedarville, Stephen- s >n Co. Muss 1 r William, stone quarry, Joliet, Will Co. Mussing A., boots and shoes, Evanston, Cook Co. Mussnn James W., freight agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Mutter Dominick, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Myatt & Co., dry good;*, Manchester, Scott Co. M) berry & Bro., dry goods, etc, Hariisbur^h, Saline Co. Myer Frederick & Harmon, hotel, Chicago.Cook Co. Myers , daguerrean, Pinckneyville, Perry Co. Myers A., wagon mkr, Spring Hill, Whitesides Co. Myers A., Rev., Ramsey, Fayette Co. Myers A. B. L., physician, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Myers A. H., physician, Cold Spring, Shelby Co. Myers A. M., hotel, Eureka, Woodford Co. Myers A. T., fishing t.tckle, Buck, Hamilton Co. Myers C. B., physician, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Myers C. C., butcher and eating hou-e, New Baltimore, Wayne Co. Myers Daniel, stoves, Salem, Marion Co. Myers Frederick, carpenter, Fowler Station, Adams Co. Myers G. W., grindstones, etc, Buck, Hamilton Co. Myers H., wooden ware, etc, Buck, Hamilton Co. Myers Hiram, cooper, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Myers J. W., carptr, Beaver Creek, Bond Co. Myi rs Jaco^), blksmith, Burns, Henry Co. Myers Jacob, cabinet maker, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Myers J. Benson, medicines and postmaster, Hopewell, Macon Co. Myers John, saloo^, Chicago, Cook Co. Myers Jos., blksmith, Rome, Jefferson Co. Myers Levi, saloon, Fn-i'port, --tephenson Co. M \er.s Lewis, carpenter, Fair Haven, Carroll Co. Myers M*x, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Myers N. W., hroker, Warren, JoDaviess Co. Myers P., clothing, P*ilnma, Adams Co. Myres P., druggist, Paxton, Ford Co. Mye.s Peter, carpenter, Kingsbury, Whitesides Co. Myers S., physician, Calhoun, Richbnd Co. Myers S. L., town clerk, Albany, Whiteside? Co. Myers Samufl, boots and shoes, DeWitt, De Witt Co. Myers Samuel, distiller and rectifier, Chicago, Cook Co. Myers Simeon, carpenter, Calhoun, Richland Co. Myers Steffau, butcher, Mokena.Will Co. MYERS SYDNEY, land agent, Galesburg, Knox Co. MYERS SYDNEY born L. E., carptr, Bernadotte, Fulton Co. Osborn L. P., clothier, Abingdon, Knox Co. Osborn N. N., lime, etc , Wilmington, Will Co. Osborn 0. A., cigar mkr, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Oiborn Orlando, pump mkr, Bernadotte, Fulton Co. Osborn R , postmaster, Marietta, Fulton Co. Osborn W., coal, Marietta, Fulton Co. Osborn M. B. & Co., (Marcus B. & Charles M. Osborn,) real estate, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Osborn R. & Co., grocers, Marietta, Fulton Co. Osborne II. 0., hotel, Leland, LaSalle Co. Osborne J. W. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Osborne John 0., insurance agt, Quincy, Adams Co. Osborne L. Rev., Pason, Adams Co. Osborne Lewis, boot .and shoemkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Osborne Bros., (John Osborne, Hamilton C. W. & W. Hudson Osborne,) prod com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Osbourn Andrew, blksmith, Perry, Pike Co. Osbourn James G., engraver, Chicago, Cook Co. Osburn F., wool carder, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Osburn, Adams & Co., (William Osburn, Wil- liam II. Adams & Frederick M Talcott,) leather and findings, Chicago, Cook Co. Oscnga S. Rev., Crete, Will Co. Osgood Uri, banker and lawyer, Joliet, Will Co. OSG 290 Osgood William 0., hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Osgood W. F. & Co.,'(Winfield F. Osgood & Ira Miuard,) dry goods, groceries, etc, Sterling, Whitesides Co. O'Shannessy Jane, milliner, Chicago, Cook Co. O'Shanessy John J., engraver, Chicago, Cook Co. O'Shaugressy Michael, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. O'Shea Jas., butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Osman Richard J., general store and postmas- ter, Bliven's Mills, McHenry Co. Osman William, editor, etc, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Osman William E. jr., blksmith, Wallingford, Will Co. Osmai & Crandall, (Moses Osman & Edwin J. Cradall,) news depot, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Osmer Sidney T., brewer, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Osmond Samuel M. Rev., Perry, Pike Co, Ossinger George, baker, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Ostendoof William, hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Ostenhout James, carpenter, Byron, Ogle Co. Oster William, grocer, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Osterhaus & Stephoni, distillers, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Ostesen John, millwright, Sublette, Lee Co. Oitner Ferdinand, brewer, Pinckneyville, Perry Co. Ostrander C. B., physician, Avoca, Livingston Co. Ostrander Charles, stone quarry, Simoda Kan- kakee Co. Ostrander D. N., boots and shoes, Albany, Whitesides Co. Ostrop F. A. Rev., Alton, Madison Co. O'Sullivan James J., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Oswald Frederick A., hardware, Chicago, Cook Co. Oswald Henry, hotel, Centralia, Marion Co. Oswald John, billiards, Orangeville, Stephen- son Co. Otenbright Chas., barber, Chicago, Cook Co. Otis Joseph E., note broker, Chicago, Cook Co. Otis B. H., sashes, doors, etc, Havana, Mason Co. Otis H. G., com mer, Marengo, McHenry Co. Otis James L., embroidery stamping, Chicago, Cook Co. Otis L. B. & Co., (Lucius B. & James Otis,) brokers, Chicago, Cook Co. Otman S. F., surveyor, Toulon, Stark Co. Ott & Martin, (William A. Ott & Henry Mar- tin,) butchers, Kankakee, Kankakee Co. Ott & Petrie, butchers, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Otten Christopher, saloon, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Otten John H., boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Otto A., grocer, Havana, Maroon Co. Otto A., barber, Collinsville, Madison Co. Otto A., cider and vinegar, Shiloh, St. Clair Co. Otto Adam, saloon, Shiloh, St. Clair Co. Otto August F., jeweler, Chicago, Cook Co. Otto Carl, physician, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Otto Charles, jeweler, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Otto Charles C., leather, Chicago, Cook Co. Otto Miss C., milliner, Shiloh, St. Clair Co. Otto George, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Otto Winter, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Ouellette Joseph, agricult iinpl manuf, L'Era- ble, Iroquois Co. Ours Victor, saloon, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Ousey Mary, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Qutlan George W., miller, Mackinaw, Taze- well Co. Over Jacob, fisherman, Erie, Whitesides Co. Overall I.W., dry goods, Beardstown,Cass Co. Overall J. R., school comrnr, Beardstown, Cass Co. Overholser D. L., physician, Naperville, Du Page Co. Overholser S., quarry, Naperville, DuPage Co. Overholt Jacob, coal, Assumption, Christian Co. Overholt & Williams, lumber, Assumption, Christian Co. Overmann & Mann, nursery, Bloomington, Mc- Lean Co. Overoeker D iniel, shoemkr, Sycamore, DeKalb ' Co. Overstreet E. W. Rev., Pleasant Grove, Wayne Co. Overtoil G. W., lime, Roland, White Co. Overtreet , harnessmkr, Robinson, Craw- ford Co. Oves Mrs. A., milliner, Collinsville, Madison Co. Oviatt T. M, Rev., Decatur, Macon Co. Owen, Annie Miss, milliner, Chicago, Cook Co. Owen E. G., agr impls, Wayne Centre, DuPage Co. Owen Erne, drugs and books, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Owen G. H., flour, London City, Fayette Co. Owen G. L., postmaster, Bainbridge, William- son Co. Owen Henry B., grocer, Chicago, Cook .Co. Owen Na'han, butcher, Jones Creek, Sanga- mon Co. Owen James, quarry, Swan Creek, Warren Co. Owen L. F., saloon, Carthage, Hancock Co. Owen Marvin, hotel, Springfield, Sangainon Co. OwenMosbyR., lawyer, Quincy, Adams Co. Owen Richard H., tailor, Belvidere, Boone Co. Owen S., carpenter, Lyndon, Whitesides Co. Owen Sidney, dry goods, Abingdon, Knox Co. Owen Timothy, boots and shoes, Bloomington, McLean Co. Owen E. G. & Co., agr impls, Wayne, DuPage Co. Owen & Lozier, plowmkrs, Wayne,DuPage Co. Owen & Russell, (Franklin D. "Owen and Ed- ward W. Russell,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Owens C., grocer, Charleston, Coles Co. Owens Daniel 0., physician, Houston, Adams Co. Owens Geo. wood, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Owens James, butcher, Collinsville, Madison Co. Owens James, boots and shoes, Kansas, Edgar Co. OWE 291 PAL Owens John, wines, etc, Zanesville, Montgom- ery Co. Owens John H., blacksmith, Houston, Adams Co. Owens Richard, livery stable, Galena, Jo Da- viess Co, Owens Robert J., blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Owens William, hotel Princeville, Peoria Co. Owens & Co., cabinetmkrs, Shaw's Point. Ma- coupin Co. Owings David F., hats and caps, Alton, Madi- son Co. Oxtoby Richard, butcher, Bliven's Mills, Me Henry Co. Oyler Geo., auctioneer, Freeport, Stephenson Co. P. Paash Charles, pointer, Lively, St. Clair Co. Pabst Joseph, hotel, Elgin, Kane Co. Pabst M., grocer, Dundee, Kane Co. Pace H. T., dry goods, Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co. Pace James M., dry goods, Mt. Vernon, Jeffer- son Co. Pace N. C., town clerk, Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co. PACE G. W. & SON, (George W. & Granville R. Pace,) country store, Salem, Marion Co. Pace J. & Son, dry goods, Mt. Vernon, Jeffer- son Co. Pachali Louis, boot and shoemaker, Chicago, Cook Co. Pacius Jacob P., hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Packard Carlos, cooper, Ionia, Warren Co. Packard Charles, town clerk, Lynnville, Mor- gan Co. Packard John A., dry goods, Galena, Jo Daviess - Co. Packard Theophilus Rev., Manteno, Kankakee Co. Packer Jas., patent agt, Griggsville, Pike Co. Buckingham Elizabeth, weaver, Granville, Put- nam Co. Packord Frank, carpenter, Rockton, Winne- bago Co. Pacy John, fishing tackle, Mossville, Peoria Co. Paddock Hobart G., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Paddock John W., lawyer, Kankakee, Kanka- kee Co. Paddock 0. H., agr impls and ice, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Paddock Philo H., grocer, Waukcgan, Lake Oo. Paddock S.Allen, physician, Princeton, Bureau Co. Paddock Stephen G., county clerk, Princeton, Bureau Co. Paddock Z. D. Rev., Como, Whitesides Co. Paddock & Richardson,btitchers and com mers, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Paddock . Parks S. W., surveyor, Nashville, Washington Co. Parks Samuel, postmaster, Parks' Corners, Boone Co. Parks William, butcher, Cherry Valley, Win- nebago Co. Parks William M., express agt, Alton, Madi?on Co. Parks L. & B., dry goods, Leroy, McLean Co. Parks & Beem, printers, Alton, Madison Co. Parks & Elwood, (GavionD. A. Parks & Nelson D. Elood,) lawyers, Joliet, Will Co. Parkus Stephen, vet surgeon, Pleasant Val?, Pike Co. Parlier & Louck, dry goods,ctc, Tamarof, Perry Co. PAR 294 PAT Parlin W. & Co., agrl impls, Canton, Fulton Co. Parmalee Pike N., physician, Onargo, Iroquois Co. Parmelee A. H., grocer, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Parmelee George E., druggist, Morris, Grundy Co. Parmelee H. W., druggist, Morris, Grundy Co. Parmelee J. H. Rev., Lockport, Will Co. Parmelee L., carpenter, Mackinaw, Tazewell Co. Parmelee F. & Co., (Franklin Parmelee, Liberty Bigelow & David A. Gage,) omnibus line, Chicago, Cook Co. Parmelee & Miller, dry goods, etc, Mackinaw, Tazewell Co. Parmely Asa, blksmith, Fishhook, Pike Co. Parmely Levi Rev., Elgin, Kane Co. Parmely Orson C., coach and wagon maker, Peoria, Peoria Co. Parmenter H. D., wagon mkr, Hadley,Will Co. Parmenter T. T., boots and shoes, Knoxville, Knox Co. Farmer Mrs., dress mkr, Sandy Ridge, Gruudy Co. Farmer & Blackford, lawyers, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Parmly John, hatter, Chicago, Cook Co. Parres S. S., grocer, Jones Creek, Randolph Co. Parret Judge, lawyer, Magnolia, Putnam Co. Parret William E., agrl impls, etc, Magnolia, Putnam Co. Parris George, carpenter, Howardsville, Steph- enson Co. Parrish D. C., carpenter, Paris, Edgar Co. Parrish L. M., blksmith, Cedar Bluff, Johnson Co. Parrish N. R., lawyer, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Parrish Thomas, butcher, Benton, Franklin Co. Parrish & Faulkner, (Rufus P. Parrish and Geo. Faulkner,) dry goods, Kewanee, Henry Co. Parrott Fred, auctioneer, Red Bud, Ran- dolph Co. Parrott J., dry goods, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Parrott J., painter, Augusta, Hancock Co. Parrott J. A., carpenter, Spring Hill, White- sides Co. Parrott L., gunsmith, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Parrott S., cabinetmaker, Augusta, Hancock Co. Parrott W. R., chairrnkr, Urbana, Champaign Co. Parrott & Gore, com mers, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Parry C. H., carpenter, Exeter, Scott Co. Parry Eli, flour mill, Havana, Marion Co. Parry S. J., architect, Viola, Mercer Co. Parson Levi E., agl impls, Peru, LaSalle Co. Parson Samuel, blacksmith, Boone, Boone Co. Parson H. B. & Bro., (Henry B. and James A.,) dry goods, Peoria, Peoria Co. Parson" & Co., (Timothy, Timothy T. & John R. Parson,) regalia manufrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Parsons -E., physician, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Parsons Ezekiel W., jeweler, Quincy, Adams Co. Parsons F. E., lawyers, Fairview, Fulton Co. Parsons 0., tinsmith, Griggsville, Pike Co. Parsons James C., morocco manufr, Chicago, Cook Co. Parsons John C., com nier, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Parsons M. A., milliner, Magnolia, Putnam Co. Parsons Miram C., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Parsons Nathan A. & Co., (Nathan A. Parsons and Silas R. Ball,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Parsons Otis, livery stable, Griggsville, Pike Co. Parsons T. L., express agt, Huntley Grove, McHenry Co. Parsons W., carpenter, Utah, Warren Co. Parsons William C., agt American Express and Merchants' Despatch, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Parsons & Farlin (John B. Parsons and Joshua W. Farlin,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Parsons & McNab, (John R. Parsons and John McNab,) glove manufacturer, Chicago, Cook Co. Parsons & Wadsworth, (Lucius V. Parsons and Jas. Wadsworth,) ins agts, Chicago, Cook Co. Parsons & Williams, (Elizur N. Parsons and Nelson L. Williams,) contractors, Moline, Rock Island Co. Parsons, Pitkin & Hankey, (James A. Parsons, George W. Pitkin and James Hankey,) grocers, Chicago, Cook'Co. Partch E. M., cooper, Durand, Winnebago, Co. Parton W., blacksmith, Griggsville, Pike Co. PARTRIDGE JOHN C. & CO., (John C. Par- tridge, Hinsdale Smith and Lorin Palmer,) wholesale dealers in imported and domestic cigars, leaf, plug.cut and smoking tobaccos, Chicago, Cook Co. Partridge Joseph, lawyer, Mt. Vernon, Jeffer- son Co. Partridge S. S., blacksmith, Como, Whitesides Co. Partridge & Carpenter, (Fred. W. Partridge and Geo. H. Carpenter,) ins agts, Sand- wich, DeKlb Co. Partridge & Douglass, coachmakers, Como, Whitesides Co. Partridge & Martin, (Albert Patridge and Jap. Martin, wagonmkrs, Peoria, Peoria Co. Parris Geo., saw mill?, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Pary , physician, Huntley Grove, McHenry Co. Pashly John S., physician, Elmyra, Stark Co. Passmore Joseph, butcher, Gluey, Richland Co. Passmore William, postmaster, Council Hill, Jo Daviess Co. Pasow Earnest, boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Patan B. P., blbsmith, Park's Corners, Boone Co. Patch Rufus, Rev., Centralia, Marion Co. Patch Sam, civil engineer, Geneseo, Henry Co. PATCH & LATHAM, (Wm. B. Patch and Henry C. Latham,) ins agts, Springfield, Sangamon Co. PAT 295 Patchell , phjsician, Marshall, Clark Co. Patchin A. S., lawyer, Milton Station, Coles Co. Patchin J., dry goods, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Pate 0., groceries, Pecatonica,Winnebago, Co. Patee Lester, lightning rod manufr, Peoria, Peoria Co. Patek Kate, dry goods, Noyesville, Cook Co. Patene Jacob, carpenter, Hickory Grove, Fay- ette Co. Paterson Alexander, carpenter, Mount Hawley, Peoria Co. Patrage W. F., lawyer, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Patrick Benjamin F., ticket agt, C. P. &Ft. W. R. R., Chicago, Cook Co. i Patrick & Hay, dry goods, etc., Carmi, White Co. Patrick J. J., dentist, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Patrick James, feed, etc., Alton, Madison Co. Patrick John, ins agt., Colchester, McDonough Co. Patrick Joseph, auctioneer, Dwight, Livingston Co. Patrick R. M., artist materials, Marengo, Mc- Henry Co. Patrick S. G., lawyer, Dixon, Lee Co. PATRICK SAMUEL, hotel, Galesburgh, Knox Co. Patrick W. S., hotel, Newton, Jasper Co. Patrick Wm., dry goods, Colchester, McDo- nough Co. Patrick William, livery stable, Chicago, Cook Co. Patricks Andrew, carpenter, Ionia, Warren Co. Patridge J. R., carpenter, Plum River, Jo Da- viess Co. Patridge Joseph, blksmith, Harlem, Winneba- go Co. Patriotic Bank, Hutsonville, Crawford Co. Patsohman John, baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Patt E. W., blksunith, Tiskilwn, Bureau Co. Patt John, carpenter, Lisbon, Kendall Co. Patt & Son, carpenters, Tiskflwa, Bureau Co. Patten Alexander R., justice, Sandwich, De Kalb Co. Patten A. Smith, blksmith, Williamsville, San- gamon Co. Patten Charles, books, Geneva, Kane Co. Patten Charles W., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Patten George D., coal, Geneva, Kane Co. Patten Henry, news depot, Geneva, Kane Co. Patten Jane, milliner, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Patten Orange, civil engineer, Somonauk, De Kalb Co. Patten V., carpenter, Farm Ridge, Vermillion Co. Patten William, boots, Robinson, Crawford Co. Patten William M., lumber, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Patterson A., wagon mkr, Viola, Mercer Co. Patterson Bradford, grocer, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Patterson D. H., hotel, Marceline, Adams Co. Patterson David, school commissioner,Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Patterson Douty, saw mill, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Patterson Elisha, grocer, Forksville, Lake Co. Patterson H. L., blacksmith, Cherry Valley, Winnebago Co. Patterson Hugh, stone yard, Steam Mill, Schuy- ler Co. Patterson J. A., carpenter, Malta, DeKalb Co. Patterson James A., clothing, etc, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Patterson J. H., ins agt, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Patterson John, barber, Chicago, Cook Co. Patterson John H., books, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Patterson M .A., milliner, Omph Ghent,Madison Co. Patterson 0., jeweler, New Boston, Mercer Co. Patterson Nathaniel, advertising agt, Central City, Marion Co. Patterson R. M., furniture, Louisville, Clay Co. Patterson R. S., plow maker, Galesburg, Knox Co. Patterson Thomas, blksmith, Burns, Henry Co. Patterson W., wagon mkr, Drury, Rock Island Co. Patterson W. G., lawyer, Shelby ville, Shelby Co. Patterson W. H., dry goods, Momence, Kanka- kee Co. Patterson William, boots and shoes, Bloom- field, Edgar Co. Patterson Wm., millwright, Lincoln, Log;m Co. Patterson Wm., stone mason, Pecatonica, Win- nebago Co. Patterson William, stone yard, Izoria, Rock Island Co. Patterson Wm., wool, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Patterson S. & Co., boots and shoes,Ridge Farm Vermillion Co. Patterson & Berry, saw mill, carpenters, etc, Palmyra, Macoupin Co. Patterson & Creal, brickmkrs, Lynchburg, Jef- ferson Co. Patterson & Edge worth, (James G. Patterson & Absalom D. Edgeworth,) coach and car- riage builders, Joliet, Will Co. Patterson & Limberman, packers, Hamilton, Hancock Co. Patterson & Tucker, com mers, Cruger, Wood- ford Co. Patterson & Zenor, dry goods, Sheffield, Bu- reau Co. Patterson, Witmer & Co., (Samuel S. Patter- son, Richard B. Witmer & Joseph M. Pat- terson,) dry goods, grocers, etc, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Pattison S., butcher, Eureka, Woodford Co. Patton David, co judge, Paxton, Ford Co. Patton H. T., grocer, Maquon, Knox Co. Patton J. H., ins agt, Paris, Edgar Co. Patton J. L., carpenter, Wyanet, Bureau Co. Patton J. R., ins agt and hotel, Marshall, Clark Co. Patton R., hotel, ice, etc, Paris, Edgar Co. Patton Samuel, blksmith, Chatsworth, Livings- ton Co. Patton W. W. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Patton S. H. 0. P., com mer. Shabonier, Fay- ette Co. Patts Thomas J., blksmith, Hamilton, Hancock Co. Patty Benjamin S ,hotel, Woodstock, McHenry Co. Patzmann Charles, grain measr, Wesley City, Tazewell Co. PAU 296 PEA Paul Edwin R., editor, Dnnleith, Jo Daviess Co. Paul J. B., physician, Havana, Mason Co. Paul John C., cooper, Chicago, Cook Co. Paulding J., boots and shoes, Duudee,Kane Co. Paulson Abram, boot mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Paumore Joseph, stone quarry, Bridgeport, Lawrence Co. Pavey Henry, iron foundry, Waukegan, Lake Co. Paxson A. & C., (Ahaz & Calvin,) jewelers, Rockford, Winneb^go Co. Paxton W. P. Rev., Chesterfie d, Macoupin Co. Pay Robert P., painter, St. Charles, Kane Co. Payne A., cooper, Gieenup, Cumberland Co. Payne Alwin, carpenter, Green Garden, Will ' Co. Payne Charles, hairdresser, Piano, Kendall Co. Payne Chauncey M., hotel, Kankakee, Kanka- kee Co. Payne E. W., carpenter, Tamaroa, Perry Co. Payne Franc's E., gunsmith, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Payne Harmon, hotel, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Payne J., hairdresser, Drbana, Champaign Co. Payne John, blksmith, Dearborn, McHenry Co. Payne John L., watches and jewelry, Wyanet, Bureau Co. Payne Richard, brickmkr, Galesburg, Knox Co. Co. Payne Rufus, dentist, Chicago, Cook Co. Payne Rufus S. jr, sewing machine mnfr, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Payne Thos., coal, Henry, Marshall Co. Payne W. K. & Sons, dry goods, Graudview, Edgar Co. P ayne & Brother, brickmkrs, Henry, Marshall ' Co. Payne & Allen, (Joseph Payne & Lee Allen,) dentists, Bloomington, McLean Co Payne & Payne, physicians, Marshall, Clark Co. Payne & Rohr, (Benjamin M. Payne & Joseph U. Rohr,) furniture, Oakland, Coles Co. Paynter S. R., lawyer, Marengo, McHenry Co. Payor F., dry goods, Rockport, Pike Co. Fayor Frank, cigarmnfr, Rockport, Pike Co. Payson George, lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Payton F. M., cooper, Marcelline, Adams Co. Payton John Rev., Troy, Madison Co. Pa} ton & Coulson, dry goods, etc, LaHarpe, Hancock Co. Pea Mrs., weaver, Broadwell, Logan'Co. Peabody Francis B., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Peabody Wm. B., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Peach & Simmons, dry goods, O'Fallon Depot, St. Clair Co. Peacock Elijah, watches and jewelry, Chicago, Cook Co. Peacock John, town clerk, Kaneville, Kane Co. Peacock Jonathan, brewer, Rockford, Winne- bngo Co. Peacock Joseph, brickmkr, El Paso, Woodford Co. Peacock Joseph, lumber, Chicago, Cook (Jo. Peacock & Van Mycr, saw mill, Plymouth, Hancock Co. Pe.ik & Gillham, groceries, etc, Exeter, Scott Co. Peake Laomi, harness, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Peake William T., jeweler, Decatur, Macon Co. Peake, Marsh & DeLong, (Henry Peake, George F. Mtrsh & Arternus W. DeLong,) dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Pearce A. R., physician, Roland, White Co. Pearce Harvey R., physician, Harrisburgh, Saline Co. Pearce Hiiam W., baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Pearce J. M., lime, Mokena, Will Co. Pearce Jackson, lumber, Pitman, Adams Co. Pearce L. B., dry goods, Hutsonville, Crawford Co. Pearce Myron L., real est, Chicago, Cook Co. Pearce Robert Rev., Grand Rapids, Co. Pearce W. B. Rev., Pleasant Ridge, Rock Island Co. Pearce Willett, boots and shoes, Mendota, La Salle Co. Pearce William E., iron and steel, Beardstown, Cass Co. Pearce Wm. P., drugs, Waukegan, Lake Co. Pearce W. L. & J. I., (William L. & John I.,) hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Pearce & McGebel, flour mill, Harrisburgh, Saline Co. Pearce & Scott, dry goods, etc, Vienna, John- son Co. Pearl John C., plowmkr, Walnut, Bureau Co. Pearsall C., lime, Jonesboro, Union Co. Pearson B. H. Rev., Harmony, McHenry Co. Pearson C. S., physician, Utah, Warren Co. Pearson Calvin, carpenter, Bloom, Cook Co. Pearson Eli, carriages, Avoca, Livingston Co. Pearson George T., lawyer, Springfield, Sauga- mon Co. Pearson Isaac, dry goods, Rome, Jefferson Co. Pearson J. C., physician, Ma;celline, Adams Co. Pearson James, grocer, Summit Hill, White- sides Co. Pearson John A., livery, Evanston, Cook Co. Pearson John S., harness, Toulon, Stark Co. Pearson Reuel M. Rev., Byron, Ogle Co. Pearson T. P., livery, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Pearson W. P., daguerreotypes, etc, Macomb, McDonough Co. Pearson William, musical instrs, Springfield, Sangnmon Co. Pearson William, postmaster, Hemlo, White- sides Co. Pearson G. C. & Co., (Gustavus C. Pearson & John F. H. Grace,) com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Pearson M. & Son, (Merrill & Alfred W.,) lumber, Bloomington, McLean Co. Pearson M. &E., blksmiths, Avoca, Livingston Co. Pearson & Batcheller, (James H. Pearson & Webster Batcheller,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Pearson & Co., lumber, Lincoln, Logan Co. Pearson & Dana, (Albert G. Pearson & Wil- liam V. Dana,) boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Pearson & Deneen Misses, milliners, Mason, Efnujjhani Co. PEA 297 PEM Peart Thomas, lime, Columbus, Adams Co. Pease Alonzo, saddler, Victoria, Knox Co. Pease C. A., lawyer, Berlin, Sansamon Co. Pease C. P., com mer, Albany, Whitesides Co. Pease E. A., drugs, Victoria, Knox Co. Pease E. H., miller, Roland, White Co. Pease Edward B., hardware, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Pease G. A. Rev., Berlin, Sangamon Co. Pease George E., lawyer, Pana, Christhn Co. Pease Giles, ice, Albany, Whitesides Co. Pease Henry, flour, feed, etc, Albany, White- sides Co. Pease L. P., carpenter, Friends Grove, Wa- bash Co. Pease P., books, Centralia, Marion Co. Pease Samuel W., liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Pease T., machinist, Dover, Bureau Co. Pease AV. S., saloon, Savanna, Carroll Co. Pease & Reed, (Luman Pease and Henry B. Reed,) boots and shoes, Bloomington, Mc- Lean Co. Peaslee & Sleight, dry goods, Ifaperville, Du- Page Co. Pecare Isaac, painter, Bedford, Pike Co. Peck E. J., saw mill, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Peck Eben, varieties, Jacksonville, Morg m Co. Peck Ebenezer, lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Peck Francis, milliner, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Peck George W., lawyer, Robinson, Crawford Co. Peck J., carpenter, Courtland Station, DeKalb Co. Peck Jarne?, butcher, Indianola, Vermillion Co. Peck James, cooper, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Peck James, prod and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Peck Jas., vet surgeon, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Peck Joseph, blksmith, Tennessee, McDonough Co. Peck N. E.. dry goods, Ogle Station, Lee Co. Peck Rich ird, agr impls, plowmkr and wagon- mkr, Naperville, DuPage Co. Peck Thomas S., medicines, Oregon, Ogle Co. Peck W., tanner, Orangeville, Siephetison Co. Peck W. S., dry goods, North Plato, Kane Co. Peck William, boots and shoes, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Peck D. & Co., butcher, Sadorus, Champaign Co. Peck T. T. & N. H., dry goods, Sycamore, De Kalb Co. Peck & Axe, billiards, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Peck & Buell, (John H. Peck and Ira W. Buell,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Peck &. Day, (Thomas Peck and John Day,) butchers, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Peck^iihaugh J., carpenter, Cameron, Warren Co. Pecker Albert, boot and shoemkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Pecktr Thom:is,wagons, Lynnville, Morgan Co. Peckham Charles J., lawyer, Princeton, Bureau Co. Peckham Joel, boots and shoes, Belvidere, Boone Co. Peckliam Joseph, cigar mkr, Como, Whitesides Co. 18 Peckham & Raney, carpenters, Warren, Jo D iviess Co. Peckins George, chairs, Morris, Grundy Co. Peddecord & Burrows, (Jasper J. Peddecord and Lowber Burrows,) bankers, Decatur, Macon Co. Peddicord C., carpenter, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Peddicord R. H., hotel, New Berlin, Sangamon Co. Peddicord Samuel, carpenter, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Pedler^lfred M., tinsmith, Robinson, Craw- ford Co. Peebles Abram, carpenter, Detroit, Pike Co. Peebles Francis, weaver, Harrisburgh, Saline Co. Peel Thorton, cabinet, Southport, Peoria Co. Peeler J., cooper, Jonesboro, Union Co. Peell John, dry goods, Calhoun, Richland Co. Peoples H. C., civil engineer, Sumuierfield, St. Clair Co. Peeples T. B., express agt, SummerSeld, St. Clair Co. Peeples T. B. & Bro., dry goods, Summerfield, St. Clair Co. Peer W. M. Rev., Ellis Mound, Co. Pegrain & Son, dry goods, Lincoln, Logan Co. Pein E. & Co., hardware, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Pein & Jekel, tinsmiths, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Peinnell Thos., butcher, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Peirce Edward, baker, Xenia, Clay Co. Peirce Henry, ins agt, Geneva, Kane Co. Peirce Henry B. Rev., Geneva, Kane Co. Peirce Henry B., special agt, Geneva, Kane Co. Peirce Thomas A., physician, Waukegan, Lake Co. Peirce Thos. & Son,hardware, Kewanee, Henry Co. Peirce & Cunningham, (Warren Peirce and Hugh Cunningham,) hardware, etc, Bel- videre, Boone Co. Peironnet A., physician, Arlington, Bureau Co. Peirson P. W., stoves, Onargo, Iroquois Co. Peirson W. H., caipenter, West Jersey, Stark Co. Pclck A., gunsmith, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Pelck Rudolph, gunsmith, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Pelham W, N., carpenter, Brighton, Macoupin Co. Pell Abnr W., hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Pt-11 Rudolph, cigar mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Pell Theresa C., milliner, Atlanta, Logan Co. Pelletier J., wagon mkr, Highland, Madison Co. Pellteier T. H., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Pelton James, postmaster and dentist, Limer- ick, Bureau Co. | Pelton James & William R., blksmiths, Limer- ick, Bureau Co. Pelton Theodore G., gunsmith and jeweler, Jersey Landing, Jersey Co. Pelton & Howard, ice, OakuUa, Iroquois Co. Pemberton Ephriam, ooal, Steam Mill, Schuy- ler Co. Pemberton H. C., carpenter, Steam Mill, Schuyler Co. Pemberton J. J., dry goods, Oakland, Coles Co. PEM 298 PER Pembtrton Thomas, brick maker, Steam Mill, Schuyler Co. Pembei ton & Co., grocer, Spring Lake, Taze- well Co. Pemose W. D., saw mill, Macomb, McDonough Co. Pemtenheau A., cooper, Time, Pike Co. Pence George, painter, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Pence George W., blksmith, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Pendleton G. "W. Rev., Jackson, Morgan Co. Pendleton H. G. Rev., Henry, Marshall Co. Pendleton J., tinsmith, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Pendleton & Burns, (George Pendleton and James Burns,) blacksmiths, Ottawa, La Salle Co. Penfiela D. S., flour mill, New Milford, Win- nebago Co. Penfit Id Samuel Rev., Como, Whitesides Co. PENFIELD D. S. & J. G. & Co., (David S.and John G. Penfield, and Briggs, Spafford and Penfield,) real estate and ins agts, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Pennington Lot S., ice, New Jordan, White- sides Co. Penoyer A. L. Rev., Dallas City, Hancock Co. PENN WORDEN P., agl imps, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Pennell E., physician, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Pennell E. S.,* physician, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Pennell William A., bricks, Granville, Putnam Co. Penneman William, cooper, Wesley City, Tazewell Co. Pennington Phillip, carpenter, Woodburn, Macoupin Co. Pennington Richard, carpenter, Chicago, Coqk Co. Penniman Eli H., eating house, Libertyville, Lake Co. Penniman Lewis E., butcher and saw mill, Libertyville, Lake Co. Penniman Luther, fisherman, Libertyville, Lake Co. Pennimau R , fisherman, Libertyville, Lake Co. Pennoyer D., produce, Paris, Edgar Co. Pennoyer George, carriage mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Pennsylvania House, Joliet, Will Co. Penny W. B., vet surgeon, Colliusville, Madi- son Co. Penrod John G., auctioneer, Markanda, Jack- son Co. Pentecost Lewis, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Penton & Co., (Thomas B. Penton, Archibald M. Robinson and John Briukerhof,) drug- gists, Chicago, Cook Co. Penton, Robinson & Smith, (Thomas B. Pen- ton, Archibald M. Robinson and David Smith,) drugs, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Pentzel Augustus, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Peoples' Gas Light and Coke Company, Chica- go, Cook Co. Peoples & Ridgeway, boots and shoes, Shaw- neetown, Gallatin Co. iPeoriaCity Flour Company, Peoria, PeoriaCo. Peoiia Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Peoria, Peoria Co. Peoria Starch Manufacturing Ccmpany, Peo- ria, Peoria Co. Peppermin Jesse, cabinet Cedarville, Stephen- son Co. Perahous Joseph, dry goods, Clayton, Adams Co. Perce Le Grand W., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Perce R. W., surveyor, Byron, Ogle Co. Perce S. Y., surveyor, Byron, Ogle Co. Percy Parson, bookbinder, Staunton, Macoupin Co. Perdue Jesse, carpenter, Abingdon, Knox Co. Perdue L. G., carpenter, Abingdon, Knox Co. Perdue Thomas, saw mill, Swan Creek, Warren Co. Peree V. Y., surveyor, Barclay, Ogle Co. Pergue Lawrence, baker, Ottawa, La Salle Co. Perham & Jessup, lumber, Rockton, Winneba- go Co. Perigo Charles, dry goods, Grayville, White Co. Perley P. S., lawyer, Henry, Marshall Co. Perkey A. E., blksmith, Bradford, Stark Co. Perkins A., civil engineer, Walbridge, Pulaski Co. Perkins A., grocer, Charleston, Coles Co. Perkins A. H., chairmkr, Browning, Sthuyler Co. Perkins B. C., bricks, Viola, Mercer Co. Perkins B. C., hotel, Carbon, Mercer Co. Perkins C. H., dry goods, Pana, Christian Co. Perkins Charles, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Perkins Charles K., harness mkr, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Perkins E.. blksmith, Sparta, Randolph Co. Perkins Edward, wagon inkr, Forksville, Lake Co. Perkins G. R., dentist, Atlanta, Logan Co. Perkins George, furniture, Morris, Grundy Co. Perkins George W. & Co., (George W. Per- kins & Bayard L. Chamberlain,) com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Perkins J. B., sheriff", New Berlin. Sangamon Co. Perkins J. C., confectioner, Sparta, Randolph Co. Perkins Jacob M., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Perkins James, cooper, Channahon, Will Co. Perkins Joseph B., sheriff, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Perkins L. B., druggist, Windsor, Shelby Co. Perkins Lorin, butcher, Geneva, Kane Co. Perkins Maggie, milliner, Sparta, Randolph Co. Perkins Norman C., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Perkins Mrs. 0., milliner, Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Perkins S. G., boots and shoes, Albany, White- sides Co. Perkins W., civil engineer, Albany, Whitesides Co. Perkins William, grocer, Bel videre, Boone Co. Perkins & Allen, dry goods, Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Perkins & Crossctt, Courtland Station, DcKalb Co. PER 299 PET Perkins & Hurlburt, (Israel Perkins & Oliver F. Hurlburt,) marble workers, LaSalle, LaSitlle Co. Perkins & Jenness, tin smiths, Vandalia, Fay- ette Co. Perkins & Jones, stoves and furnaces, Yan- dalia, Fayette Co. Perlinsky A.Bernard, hats and caps, Chicago, Cook Co. Perren James, shingles, Golconda, Pope Co. Perren John, shingles, Golconda, Pope Co. Perri Joseph, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Perrin H. J. & Co., (Horace J. & Darius Per- rin & Joseph Sibley,) bankers, Chicago, Cook Co. Perrine Joseph J., daguertps, Fairview, Ful- ton Co. Perrine William J., boots and shoes, Fairview, Fulton Co. PerringsA., blksmith, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Perry A., blacksmith, Hick's' Mill, DeKalb Co. Perry A., hairdresser, Mattoon, Coles Co. Perry A. Rev., New Hope, Wabash Co. Perry Bernard, blacksmith, Peoria, Peoria Co. Perry Chas. S., dep sheriff, Chicajro, Cook Co. Perry D., physician, Union, McHenry Co. Perry David L., notary, Geneseo, Henry Co. Perry E. G., coal, Knoxville, Knox Co. Perry Mrs. E. L., shirt and collar mnufr, Rock- ford, Winnebago Co. Perry H. S., real estate, Amboy, Lee Co. Perry J. A., jewelry, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Perry J. B., physician, Sandoval, Marion Co. Perry J. L., boots and shoes, Armington, Taze- well Co. Perry J. M., physician, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Perry James, blacksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Perry James M., county clerk, Kankakee City, Kankakee Co. Perry John, grocer, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Perry N. M., dry goods, Kane, Greene Co. Perry Peter, cooper, LaClede, Fayette Co. Perry Protective Union, dry goods, Perry, Pike Co. Perry S.' D., brick mkr, Shobonier, Favette Co. Perry S. J., carpenter, Carbon, Mercer Co. Perry Samuel B., hides and leather, Chicago, Cook Co. Perry Sanford B , lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Perry T. C., physician, Tennessee, McDonough Co. Perry Thomas H., real estate, Kankakee, Kan- kakee Co. Perry W., blacksmith, Carrollton, Greene Co. Perry A. S & Co., (Alfred S., Perry & Ste- phen Tomlinson,) bankers, Kankakee, Kankakee Co. Perry D. L. & C., exchange, Geneseo, Henry Co. Perry J. J. & J. D., dry goods, Metamora, Woodford Co. Peery J. & Co., grocers, Metamora, Woodford Co. Perry & Brothers, (Alfred W., George B. & Nathan B.,) dry goods, etc, Geneseo, Hen- ry Co. Perry & Niven, (Ira Perry & John Niven,) bakers, Chicago, Cook Co. Perry Rabb Franklin, lawyer, Robinson, Ciawford Co. Rabbit G. & B., wool, South Macon, Macon Co. Rabemhaemer Christian, harness mkr, Rock Run, Stephenson Co. Rabcr John, city coll, Chicago, Cook Co. Raber John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Rabold John, blksmith, Troy, Madison Co. Rabourn W. Rev., Middletown, Logan Co. Race John R., tailor, Decatur, Macon Co. R;iccr T., sash mkr, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Rac'iff J. L , lawyer, El Paso,' Woodford Co. Radl curn James, butcher, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Rader W- F., tinsmith, etc, Mattoon, Coles Co. Radig-in Christian A., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Radley & Bro., dry goods, Kickapoo, Peoria Co. Radmaker J., brick mkr, Rozetta. Henderson Co. Rae James, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Rae Robert & Co., (Robert Rae & Robert Ad- ams, jr.,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Rafa'gee ,harness mkr, Kaneville, Kane Co. RaffVn Alexander & Son, (Alexander W. Raf- fen, jr ,) plumbers, Chicago, Cook Co. Raffrnberg Mary, milliner, Buda, Bureiiu Co. Rag L. B. & Co., dry goods, Morris, Grundy Co. Ragain D. Rev., Vienna, Johnson Co. Rag.m D. Rev., Golconda, Pope Co. Ragan F. S., carpenter, Lexington, McLean Co. Ragan John G., sheriff, Waukegan, Lake Co. Ragan C. & Co., blksmiths, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Ragan & Beardslee, clothes renovators, Proph- etstown, Whitesides Co. Ragatz J. H. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Raggio Anthony, eating house, Chicago, Cook Co. Raggio Charles, confectioner, Chicago, Cook Co. Raggio John, confectioner, Chicago, Cook Co. Raggio Joseph, confectioner,Chicago, Cook Co. Ragsdale W. B , hotel, Pana, Christian Co. Ragsdale & lumber, (Thomas A. Ragsdale and Wesley F. Kiinber,) hotel, Cairo, Alexan- der Co. Ragwell John, sheriff, Mt. Ternon, Jefferson Co. Rahlmaim Henry, cooper, Prairie du Rocher, Randolph Co. Rahin C., diy goods, etc, Linchburg, Jefferson Co. Rahn S., trunks, Golconda, Pope Co. RAIL ROAD BANK, Dtcatur, Macon Co. Rainss J., physician, Martinsville, Clark Co. Ra'shel John, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Raithman & Manson, (George Raithman and Robert Manson,) brass founders Chicago, Cook Co. Rake C., machinist, Appanoose, Hancock Co. Rakestraw Roland, cabinet, Spaiiand, Marshall Co. Ral'egh William, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rail James M., china, etc, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Rails B., machinist, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Rails James M., circuit clerk, Chester, Ran- dolph Co. Ralph R. G., butcher, Atlas, Pike Co. Ralsted David, hotel, Manchester, Scott Co. Ralston J. N., physician, Quincy, Adanis Co. Ralston John W., physician, Indianola, Ver- million Co. Ralston Robert, town clerk, Harlem, Winne- bago Co. Rambke Henry, boots and shoes, Decatur, Ma- con Co. Ramey M. D., real estate agt, Carlinville, Ma- coupit- Co. Barney & Grubbs, soap and candles, Carlin- ville, Macoupin Co. Ramm Simon, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Ramp 0., auctioneer, Spring Grove, Warren Co. Ramsay S., carpenter, D wight, Livingston Co. Ramsburgh J. F., carpenter, Lincoln, Logan Co. Ramsden James V., saloon, Chicago,Cook Co. Ramsey Houston, carpenter, Ipava, Fulton Co. Ramsey James, carpenter, Kappa, Woodford Co. Ramsey John, co clerk, Aledo, Mercer Co. Ramsey Lewis, flour mill, Webster, Hancock Co. Ramsey Mark, harness mkr, Belvidere, Boone Co. Ramsey Robert, hotel, Ipava, Fulton Co. Ramsey S., lawyer, Lacon, Marshall Co. Ramsey Samuel, livery, South Bend, Winne- bago Co. Ramsey T. B., fisherman, Northampton, Peo- ria Co. Ramsey William, carpenter, Ipava, Fulton Co. Ramsey William, carpenter, Stauntou, Macou- pin Co. Ramstetter Henry, saloon, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Ramy Jake, gunsmith Heyworth, McLean Co. Rancier James A., quarry, T; ylor, Ogle Co. RAND, WILLIAM II. printer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rand & Brother, hardware, Pontoosac, Han- cock Co. Randall A. L., boots and shoes, Roseville, Warren Co. Randall Hunter, marble worker, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Randal N. M., carpenter, Clear Creek Landing, Alexander Co. Randall Miss, milliner, Willmington, Will Co. Randall Aaron F. jr, lawyer, Belvidere, Boone Co. RAN 312 RAT Randall Benjamin T., surveyor, Hardin, Cal- houn Co. Randall D. H., butcher, Arlington, Bureau Co. Randall George, livery, Brighton, Macoupin Co. Randall Gurdon P., architect, Chicago, Cook Co. Rindtll Henry, stoves, Quincy, Adams Co. Randall J. H., marble, Lincoln, Logan Co. Randall J. V., lawyer, DeKalb, DeKdb Co. Rmdall James, baker, Atlanta, Logan Co. Randa 1 L. F., dentist, Durand, Winnebago Co. Randall M. L., postmaster, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Randall S. S., carpenter, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Randall W. H., physician, Ingrahana's Prairie, Clay Co. Randall William, coll agt, Durand, Winnebago Co. Randall William, lawyer, Durand, Winnebago Co. Randall William, tanner, Linchburg, Jefferson Co. RANDALL WILLIAM M., flour mill, Peoria, Peoria Co. Randall William T., harness, Buda, Bureau Co. Randill Wilson, postmaster, Harward, Mc- Henry Co. Randall A. F. & Son, (Aaron F. and John W. F.,) grocers, Belvidere, Boone Co. Randall & Fuller, (Sylvester W. Randall and Buel A. Fuller,) lawyers, Joliet, Will Co. Randell R. R., hotel, Doddsville, McDonough Co. Randen Charles, tailor, Davis, Stephenson Co. Randle G. D. Rev., Quiver, Mason Co. Randle J. A., wagon mkr, Edwardsville, Madi- sm Co. Randle James, daguerreotypes, Sandoval, Ma- rion Co. Randle R. Rev., New M ; ddleton, Marion Co. Randle S. A., exp agt, Union, McHenry Co. Randmore C. C., physician, Wenona Station. Marshall Co. Randol Thomas, chairs, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Randolf J. F., wagonmkr, Farmington, Fulton Co. Randolph A. C., china, Jersey ville, Jersey Co. Randolph Caleb F., cooper, Chicago, Cook Co. Randolph D. H., grocer, Keene, Adams Co. Randolph J., physician, Anna, Union Co. Randolph J. B., physician, Paxton, Ford Co. Rapdolph J. 0., ice, Spring L ike, Tazewell Co. Randolph James M., dry goods, Plymouth, Hancock Co. Randolph W. P., lawyer, Lincoln, Logan Co. Randolph William H., hotel, Macomb, Mc- Donough Co. Randolph Wm. W., flour, Bloomington, Mc- Lean Co. Randolph E. & R. F., (Edgar and Robert F.,) grocers, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Randolph & Fessler, boots and shoes, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Raney , physician, Akron, Peoria Co. Raney D., hotel, Coatsburg, Adams Co. Raney G. W., editor and postmaster, Peoria, Peoria Co. Raney J. H., dentist, Canton, Fulton Co. Rang Henri, grocer, Chicigo, Cook Co. Ranke Julius, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Ranker J. & J., (Joseph and John Ranker,) cabinet, Chicago, Cook Co. Rankin A. C., book.*, Oakulla, Iroquois Co. Rankin A. L. Rev., Lodi, Clark Co. Rankin D ivin, postmaster, Logansport, Ham- ilton Co. Rankin David, saw mill, Glasgow, Scott Co. Rankin James C., architect, Chicago, Cook Co. Rankin John, auctioneer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rankin John, carpenter, Spring Lake, Tazewell Co. Rankin Joseph W., carpenter, Mason, Effing- ham Co. Rankin W. L. & Co., flour mill, Athens, Men- ard Co. Rinkins S. C., cigars, Fairmount, Vermillion Co. Rann J. M., coll agt, Golconda, Pope Co. Rannie Casper, painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Ransdall Miss, weaver, Ridiiely, Midison Co. Rans >m A. Rev., Carmi, White Co. Ransom A. J., groceries, Avon, Fulton Co. R-msom E. Rev., Geneseo, Henry Co. R insom F., dry goods, Vandalia, Fa3 r ette Co. Ransom J. A., wagon mkr, Chatham, Sanga- mon Co. Ransom William, painter, Galesburg, KnoxCo. Ransom William M., lawyer, Galesburg, Knox Co. RANSOM & FULLER, (Erasmus D. Ransom and William W. Fuller,) drugs, Belvidere, Boone Co. Ransorne Asa W., hotel, Pope Creek, Mercer Co. Ranstead B. W. & Co, (Bushrod W. and Mark Ranstead,) commercial agency, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Rantz Martin, dry goods, Millstadt, St. Clair Co. Rang & Wattercott, boots and shoes, Henry, Marshall Co. Rppelje H. L., harness, Batavia, Kane Co. Raphael R.C Rev., Centervilie, Fiat- Co. Rapp Frederick, upholsterer, Chicago, Cook Co. Ripp G. H., baker, W. Urbana, Champaign Co. Rapp George, market, Dunleith, Jo Daviess Co. Rapp Michael, harness, Jacksonville, Morgan , Co. Rappeinegger , hotel, H ; ghland, Madison Co. Rasbach J. A., exp agt, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Raser T., carpenter, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Rasmus John, barber, Geneseo, Henry Co. Rassonberger Charles C., butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Rastberger B., carpenter, Highland, Madisoa Co. Rastetter John, boots and shoes, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Ratcliff J., dry goods, etc, Westfi^ld, Clark Co. Ratcliff J. L., lawyer, El Paso, WooJford Co. Ratcliff James L., cigars, etc, Alton, Madison Co. Ratcliff T., blksmith, Olney, Richland Co. Ratcliff Timothy, wagonmkr, Wyoming, Stark Co. RAT 313 REA Ratekin James, grocer, Lincoln, Logan Co. Ratekins E. C., physician, Terre Haute, Hen- derson Co. Ratekin J. & Co., bakers, Lincoln, Logan Co. Ratekin & Simmons, (Wm. Ratekin & Barton W. Simmons,) grocers, Jacksonville, Mor- gan Co. Rath Nicholas, cigars, Peoria, Peoria Co. Rathbone E. D., physician, McLeansboro,Ham- ilton Co. Rathbone S., books, Raleigh, Saline Co. Rathbone Ward, grocer, Geneva, Kane Co. Rathbun Wm., harness, Harvard, McHenry Co. Rathburn J. B., wood, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Rathburn L., hats and caps, Santa Anna, De- Witt Co. Rattan R. M., col agt, Summerfield, St. Clair Co. Rattle Henry, boots and shoes, Peoria, Peoria Co. Rant., brewer, Blue Island, Cook Co. Rauch John H., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Rauch Joseph Rev., Joliet, Will Co. Raugh L. & Co., (Lipman Raugh and Sigmund H. Raugh,) clothing, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Rauh Samuel, clothing, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Raulston , lumber, Danville, VermillionCo. Rawlston Richard, flour mill, Xenia, Clay Co. Raum G. B., lawyer, Harrisburgh, Saline Co. Raum John, co clerk, Golconda, Pope Co. Raupert Otto, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Raush Joseph, cabinet, Orangeville, Stephen- son Co. Raushkolb L., wagonmkr, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Ravells David, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. RAVENOT OCTAVE, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Ravenscroft A. D., dry goods, etc, Versailles Brown Co. Ravlin N. F. Rev., Freeport, Stephenson Co. Rawe S., physician, Assumption, Christian Co. Rawlings Miss, milliner, McLean, McLean Co. Rawlins & Sheean, (John A. Rawlins and Da- vid Sheean,) lawyers, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Rawson Cyril, boots and shoes, Princeton, Bu- reau Co. Rawson Edward, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Rawson George, vet surgeon, O'Fallon Depot, St. Clair Co. Rawson George W., vinegar mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Rawson Mrs. H. J., dressmkr, Sullivan, Moul trie Co. Rawson John, blksmith, Erie, Whiteeides Co. Rawson Mrs. LeVanway, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Rawson Stephen W., boots and shoes, Chica- go, Cook Co. RAWSON, BRO'S, (Harry W. and Hart,) dry goods, Princeton, Bureau Co. Rawson & Bateham, (Erastus Rawson and Wm. Bateham,) shingle manfr, Chicago, Cook Co. Rawson & Bartlett, (Royal T. Rawson and John A. Bartlett,) boots and shoes, Chi- cago, Cook Co. 19 Rawson & Streeters, (Erastus Rawson and Samuel S. Streeters,) distillers, Chicago, Cook Co. Ray Charles H., editor, Chicago, Cook Co. Ray Edward, artists materials, Galesburg, Knox Co. Ray J. B., physician, Little Muddy, Franklin Co. Ray James, butcher, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Ray John, confectioner, Pleasant Hill, Pike Co. Ray John Rev., Mount Pleasant, Union Co. Ray John E., coal, Drury, Rock Island Co. Ray Lyman B., dry goods, Morris, Grundy Co. Ray R. M. P., hotel, Pleasant Hill, Pike Co. Ray Wm. 1 quors, Spailand, Maishall Co. Ray W. C. & Brother, carpenters, Broadhead, Logan Co. Ray & Bowman, carpenters, Hennepin, Putnam Co. Ray & Brooks, bankers, Lacon, Marshall Co. Ray, Sitter & Co., dry goods, Rushville, Schuy- ler Co. Rayburn James, mer tailor, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Raymond C., butcher, Shaw's Point, Macoupin Co. Raymond C., hotel, Cdurtland Station, DeKalb Co. Raymond Daniel C., grocer, Galesburg, Knox Co. Raymond George B., lumber, Elgin, Kane Co. Raymond George M., marble worker, Alton, Madison Co. Raymond J., civil engineer, Portland, White- sides Co. Raymond Lewis Rev., Aurora, Kane Co. Raymond S. C., dry goods, Walker's Neck, Brown Co. Raymond S. L., postmaster, Shaw's Point, Macoupin Co. Raymond Samuel W., lawyer, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Raymond William F., daguerreotypes, Zanes- ville, Montgomery Co. Raymond William S., capmaker, Zanesville, Montgomery Co. Raymond & Flowers, distillers, Rochester, San- gamon Co. Raymond, Fish & Co., (Benjamin W. Raymond, Aurora B. Fish & Joseph B. Walter,) leather, Elgin, Kane Co. Rayne Robert W., grocer, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Raynor Alexander, exp agt, Galesburg, Knox " Co. Raynor J. A., grocer, Sparland, Marshall Co. Raynor Jacob, exp agt, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Rayworth Joseph, lawyer, Moscow, Mason Co. Rea James, freight agt, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Rea Robert L., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Rea Samuel, co judge, Decatur, Macon Co. Rea William C., prod and com, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Read Ambrose D., drugs, Chicago, Cook Co. Read Gordon H., stoves, Bloomington, McLean Co. Read Isaac, cigars, Alton, Madison Co. Read Leander, liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. REA 314 REE Read Lucius, justice, Byron, Ogle Co. Read W., auctioneer, Palos, Cook Co. Read William, painter, Hennepin, Putnam Co. Read William T., pianos, Chicago, Cook Co. Read M. S. & Co., clothing, Beardstown, Cass Co. Read & Trowbridge, (Chauncy J. Read & Wil- liam E. S. Trowbridge,) painters, Chicago, Cook Co. Reade Walderman, physician, Saline Mills, Gallatin Co. Reader H. L., hotel, Jersey Landing, Jersey Co. Reading C., blksmith, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Reading J. N., lawyer, Morris, Grundy Co. Reading & Mead, (Edgar Reading & Andrew J. Mead,) physicians, Chicago, Cook Co. Reading & Wallace, (James K. Reading & Martin R. M. Wallace,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Ready S. D., broker, Carmi, White Co. Real Phillip, iron founder, Mt. Carmel, Wa- bash Co. Ream Geo. wagonmkr, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Ream W. E., eating house, Wenona Station, Marshall Co. Reams Ephraim, carpenter, Hampshire, Kane Co. Reams Moses, carpenter, Hampshire, Kane Co. Reans S. B., undertaker, Oakley, Macon Co. Reapers' Bank, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Rearden George W., real estate, Cairo, Alex- ander Co. Rearden, Baker & Co., bakers, Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. Rearick F. H , sheriff, Beardstown, Cass Co. Rearick George, grocer, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Rearidon M., boots and shoes, Wilmington Will Co. Rearman W., lime, Kansas, Edgar Co. Ream George, wagonmkr, Marshall, Clark Co. Reas James E., painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Reat J. L., physician, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Reaves Edwin R., iron foundry, Perry, Pike Co. Reaves James, boots and shoes, Antioch, Lake Co. Reavis S. B., carpenter, Oakley, Macon Co. Reavis William, lawyer, Benton, Franklin Co. Reay E., carpenter, Virden, Macoupin Co. Reber Abram, postmaster, Kent, Stephenson Co. Reber Frederick, saloon, Dunleith, Jo Daviess Co. Reccord 0. B. & Co., Prophetstown, White- sides Co. Rech Joseph, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Reck James, chairmnufr, Friendsville, Wabash Co. Reckard & Beierlein, millers, Chicago, Cook Co. Reckhow W., town clerk, Shirland, Winne- bago Co. Recobs F., hotel, Naples, Scott Co. Record , blksrnitb, Broadwell, Logan Co. Recouveur Francis Rev.,Ruma Grove, White- sides Co. Recton H. S., carpenter, Antioch, Lake Co. Redburn J. Rev., Knob Prairie, Co. Redd E., weaver, Woodford, Woodford Co. Redd J. P , butcher, Woodford, Woodford Co. Redden W. I., physician, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Reddick William, dry goods, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Redegan H., carpenter, Metamora, Woodford Co. Redelspurger Gottleib, billiards, Chicago,Cook Co. Redel Jacob H., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Redfield E. C., milliner, Blackberry Station, Kane Co. Redfern John, grocer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Redfield Miss E. I., milliner, Sterling, White- sides Co. Redfield & Co., leather, Gnlesburg, Knox Co. Redford J. E., carpenter, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Redford M. M., hotel, Indianola, Vermillion Co. Redhead William, grocer, Tolono, Champaign Co. Redlich Henry, druggist, Chicago, Cook Co. Redlich M., stoves, Marine, Madison Co. Redlings Theodore, notions and toys, Chicago, Cook Co. Redman , physician, Huntley Grove, Me Henry Co. Redman James, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Redman & Co., coopers, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Redmon William H., clothier, Georgetown, Vermillion Co. Redmond John, butcher, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Redmond Reuben, hairdresser, Rockford, Win- nebago Co. Redwine John, gunsmith, Lynnville, Morgan Co. Reece John H., physician, Joliet, Will Co. Reece Joseph, carpenter, Keene, Adams Co. Reece S. S., lawyer, Keene, Adams Co. Reed , cabinet, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Reed Andrew J., carpenter, High Prairie, La Salle Co. Reed Mrs. D. E. milliner, Oneida, Knox Co. Reed C., dry goods, Northampton, Peoria Co. Reed C. B., caipenter, Eliisville, Fulton Co. Reed C. H., carpenter, Clear Creek Landing, Alexander Co. Reed C. H., millwright, Thebes, Alexander Co. Reed Christ., blksmith, St. Joseph, Champaign Co. Reed D , cigars, Griggsville, Pike Co. Reed D. M. Rev., Peoria, Peoria Co. Reed F. A. Rev., Rockford, Winnebago Co. Reed F. C., prod and com, Neponset, Bureau Co. Reed G. B., cabinetmkr, Nights Prairie, Hamil- ton Co. Reed G. W., architect, Daysville, Ogle Co. Reed George, coal, C^atsburg, Adan s Co. Reed H., physician, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Reed Henry, physician, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Reed Horace, lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Reed Ira C., boots and shoes, La Fayette, Co. Reed Isaac C., leather, Toulon, Stark Co. Reed J., lime, Wheaton, DuPage Co. Reed J., tanner, Fairfield, Wayne Co. REE 315 REG Reed J., undertaker, Farmington, Fulton Co. Reed J. A., hotel, New Berlin, Sangamon Co. Reed J. C., carpenter, Orleans, Morgan Co. Reed J. C., blksmith, Roseville, Warren Co. Reed J. P. S., medicines, Ruselville, Law- rence Co. Reed J. S., lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Reed Jacob, blksmith, Timber, Peoria Co. Reed James, tanner, New Massilon, Wayne Co. Reed John, carpenter, Perry, Pike Co. Reed John & Co., boots and shoes, Mt. Auburn, Christian Co. Reed John W., ins agt, Centralia, Marion Co. Reed John S., butcher, Bushnell, McDonough Co. Reed Jos., boots and shoes, Metamora, Wood- ford Co. Reed Lyman, clothing, Daysville, Ogle Co. Reed M., civil engineer, Martinsville, Clark Co. Reed M., weaver, Marietta, Fulton Co. Reed P. M., physician, Bonus, Boone Co. Reed Philo E., lawyer, Monmouth, Warren Co. Reed S. B., butcher, Jersey Landing, Jersey Co. Reed S. B., physician, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Reed S. G., grocer, Kappa, Woodford Co. Reed S. S., news depot, Amboy, Lee Co. Reed Samuel, cooper, Galesburg, Knox Co. Reed Thomas, cabinetmaker, Pinckneyville, Perry CD. Reed W. H-, dry goods, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Reed W. M. Rev., Barry, Pike Co. Reed Williarc, hotel, Harrison, Winnebago Co. Reed A. D. & Co., (Asa D. Reed & Eugene L. Chapman,) bankers, Galesburg, Knox Co. Reed D. B. & Co., drugs, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Reed G. J & Co., dry goods, Granville, Put- nam Co. REED J. H. & CO., (Josiah H. Reed, Horace A. Hurlbut & SylvesterS. Bliss,) druggists, Chicago, Cook Co. Reed Mrs. W. A. & Co., (Candace M. Reed & Celina J. McCormick,)ambrotypes,Quincy, Adams Co. Reed & Co. drugs, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Reed & Blackburn, lawyers, Paris, Edgar Co. Reed & Bushnell, (Horatio Reed & Winslow Bushnell,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Reed & Garmon, clothing, W. Uibana, Cham- paign Co. Reed & Hocking, dry goods, Council Hill, Daviess Co. Reed & Jennings, coopers, Jersey Landing, Jersey Co. Reed & Layer, painters, Davis, Stephcnson Co. Reed & Layser, painters, Durand, Winnebago Co. Reed & Munson, dry goods, Neponset, Bureau Co. Reed & Purinton, billiard?, Amboy, Lee Co. Reed Brothers & Dougberty, flour mill, Walk- er's Grove, Mason Co. Reed, Babcock & Co., (Albert Reed, Josiah Babcock and John F. Stilson,) hardware, Galesburg, Knox Co. Reed, Murphy & Edds, carpenters, Circleville, Tazewell Co. Reeder , physician, Naperville, DuPage Co. Reeder Alexander, blksmith, Ipava, Fulton Co. Reeder Samuel, town clerk, Randolph, McLean Co. Reeder W., brickmkr, South Macon, Macoh Co. Reeder & Merrill, (Daniel L. Reeder and Ahira Merrill,) sash, Aurora, Kane Co. Reedey Peter, carpenter, Buena Vista, Ste- phenson Co. Reedle & Co., tinsmith, Renault, Monroe Co. Reed's Bank of Galesburg, Galesburg, Knox Co. Reel J. P., millwright, Cedarville, Stephenson Co. Reel John, boots and shoes, Secor, Woodford Co. Reene W. C., harness mkr, Woodford, Wood- ford Co. Reenhart N. jr., brickmkr, Kickapoo, Peoria Co. Rees E. H., circuit clerk, Murphysboro, Jack- son Co. Rees & Brother, wagonmkrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Rees & Slocum, (James H. Rees and David P. Slocum,) real estate brokers, Chicago, Cook Co. REES, CHASE & CO., (James H. Rees, Sam- uel B. Chase and Horace G. Chase,) con- veyancers, Chicago, Cook Co. Reese Cadwalder, boat builder, Havana, Mason (To. Reese Chas., hairdresser, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Reese G. M., coal, Plymouth, Hancock Co. Reese J. R., civil engineer, Dwight, Livingston Co. Keese T. Rev., Taylorville, Christian Co. Reese William, lightning rods, Chicago, Cook Co. Reeve G. M., cabinet, Daysville, Ogle Co. Reeve Selah, real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Reeves G., fisherman, Woodiord, Woodford Co. Reeves Harry, livery, Cordovia, Rock Island Co. Reeves J. L. A., saw mills, Valley Forge, Pu- laski Co. Reeves James A., postmaster, Avoca, Livings- ton Co. Reeves Jno., lumber, Valley Forge, Pulaski Co. Reeves John, wagon mkr, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Reeves John Z., blksmith, Clay City, Clay Co. Reeves Joseph, lawyer, DeSoto, Jackson Co. Reeves OwenT., lawyer, Bloomington, McLean Co. Reeves T. C., sheriff, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Reeves William, notary, Minonk.Woodford Co. Reeves & Blauvelt, dry goods, Avoca, Livings- ton Co.. Beeves & Clark, (Milford 0. Reeves and Wm. Clark,) auc and com, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Reevey J. B., freight agt, Pana, Christian Co. Regal J. B. Rev., Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Regan Dennis, fruit, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Regan J., editor, Maquon, Knox Co. Regan & Perry, (Michl. H. Regan and Seely Perry,) real estate agts, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. REG 310 REX Regg Geo. W., tanner, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Reggar Martin, coal dlr, Petersburg, Menard Co. Regitz Peter, gasfitter, Chicago, Cook Co. Reguier W. G , physician, Petersburg, Menard Co. REHER & BROTHER, (William H. and Henry J.,) stoves, Alton, Madison Co. Reichardt Charles & Co., (Charles Reichardt and Charles Sauss,) harness.Peot ia, Peoria Co. Reichart John, hotel, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Reichberc Lewis, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Reicheit Jacob, brewer, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Reichert John, dry goods, Joliet, Will Co. Reichil John, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Reichmuth Frederick, baker, Belvidere, Boone Co. Reid A. D., express agt, Atlanta, Logan Co. Reid John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co Reid Joseph D., blksmith, Jones Creek, Ran- dolph Co. Reid Joseph W., co surveyor, Sycamore, De Kalb Co. Reid Thomas, grocer, Hamilton, Hancock Co. Reid W. H., com mer, Rock Run, Stephenson Co. Reid & Co., dry goods, Saline Mills, Gallatin Co. Reidy John S., grocer, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Reidy Philip, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Keidy Thos , blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Reiese August, baker, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Reif Albin, druggist, Chicago, Cook Co. Reifel Philip, wagon mkr, Burksville, Monroe Co. Reiffle Henry, harness, Alhambra, Madison Co. Reifschneider John, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Reifeneider & Fry, (Absalom Reifsneider and Joel Fry,) planing mill, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Reigard Jacob, miller, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Reigle Simon, millright, Dover, Bureau Co. Reiling T , cooper, Phillipstown, White Co. Reilly John, grocer, Dixon, Lee Co. Reilly John, liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Reilman Gerhard, dry goods, Shoal Creek, Clinton Co. Reimar Ernest J., undertaker, Oregon, Ogle Co. Reinbold Edward, hardware, Chicago, Cook Co. Reinbold & Magnus, hardware, Chicago, Cook Co. Reindodt Franz, gunsmith, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Reinecke Aug. Rev., Shoal Creek, Clinton Co. Reiner Albert, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Reiners Henry, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Reinhard Edwin P., grocer, W. Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Reinhardt William, market, Chicago, Cook Co. Reinhart , painter, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Reinhart Charles, confectioner, Sandoval, Ma- rion Co. Reinhart Emanuel, clothier, Morris, Grundy Co. Reinhart George, boots and shoes, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Reinhait John, grocer, Joliet, Will Co. Reinhart M., butcher, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Reinhe Berchard, milliner, Chicago, Cook Co. Reinheimer Leonhard, blksmith, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Reininger B., boots and shoes, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Reinman Reinhardt, saloon, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Reinsmith William, barnessmkr, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Reintges Peter, lime, Jersey Landing, Jersey Co. Reis J. Rev., Collinsville, Madison Co. Reis John, shoemaker, Chicago, Cook Co. Reis Peter, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Reis & Hanses, (Michael Reis & Jos. Hanses,) lumber, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Reis & Weigler, (John Reis and Geo. H. Weig- ler,) editors, Alton, Madison Co. Reise Augustus, hotel, Atlanta, Logan Co. Reisenberger Peter, furniture, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Reisinger D. S., packer, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Reiser J. P., painter, Hennepin, Putnam Co. Reiser John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Reiser Wolff, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Reison G. R., sashmkr, Clay City, Clay Co. Reiss Frederick, barber, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Reiss J., shoemkr, Highland, Madison Co. Reiss Morris, cigars, Belvidere, Boone Co. REISSIG C. & CO., (Charles Reissig, Augus- tus Smith and Robert M. Rigby,) Chicago steam boiler works. Manufacturers of all kinds of steam engines and boilers, water and oil tanks. Also, sheet iron works of every description, Chicago, Cook Co. Reister John, carpenter, Fair Haven, Carroll Co. Reitch John & Co., (John and Matthias Reitch,) saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Reitz John, tinsmith, N. Belleville, St. Clair Co. Reitze H., cigarmkr, Collinsville, Madison Co. Reitzell F. & H. R., flour mill, Buena Vista, Stephenson Co. Relso H. P., physician, Lincoln, Logan Co. Relso & Boren, books, Lincoln, Logan Co. Relyea Mary A., milliner, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Reman F. &Co., dry goods, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Remick Sarah, milliner, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Remington John E., painter, Dixon, Lee Co. Remington Thomas J. L., co surveyor, Rock ford, Wmnebago Co. Remington & Gillet, dry goods, Fairburg, Liv- ingston Co. Remsdale Alonzo, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Renanler , town clerk, Swan Creek, Warren Co. Renault L., physician, Central City, Marion Co. REN 317 KEY Rcndlemann & Donavan, grocers, South Pass, Union Co. Renfield E. H. Rev., Avoca, Livingston Co. Renburd E. P., grocer, W. Urbana,Champaign Co. Renick F. H. & Bro., stoves, Beardstown, Cass Co. Renison Thomas, blksmith, Catlin, Vermillion Co. Renne Wm., camphene, etc,Chicago, Cook Co. Renney John, T. blacksmith, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Rennolds William E., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Reno B., butcher, Piasa, Maconpin Co. Reno & Little, (Charles A. Reno & Jacob H. Little,) coal, Chicago, Cook Co. Renolds Stephen, auctnr, New Jordan, White- sides Co. Renshaw James, grocer, Decatur, Macon Co. Renshaw Thomas J., co treasurer, Carmi, White Co. Rentram Peter, carver, Victoria, Knox Co. RENTCHLER JACOB B., agrimpl, Belleville, St. Glair Co. Renwick George W., woolen mill, Elgin, Kane Co. Renwick W. George, wagon mkr, etc, Elgin, Kane Co. Renwick & Works, (Theophilus Renwick & George Works,) machinists, Elgin, Kane Co. Reosher & Co., dry goods, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Repe Fred, upholsterer, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Requa L. B. & Co., (Lewis B. Requa & Caleb A. Case,) jewelers, Rock Island, Rock Ishtnd Co. Resan Wm., cooper, Pleasantview, Schuyler Co. Resingberg Henry, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Reslor Ezra, wagon mkr, Dillon, Tazewell Co. Ress Lewis, agrl imps, Staunton, Macoupin Co. Retterroth William, baker, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Retchins & Mans, stoves, furnaces, etc, Mar- shall, Clark Co. Rettis D., carpenter, North Plato, Kane Co. Pettys George, agrl impts, Annawan, Henry Co. Rettys Henry, agrl impts, Annawan, Henry Co. Reuss F., cupper and leecher, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Reuss George, barber, Chicago, Cook Co. Reuss R., physician, Shiloh, St. Clair Co. Revells David, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Rew Henry A., dry goods, Waukegan, Lake Co. Rew W. I., carpenter, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Rex George P., ins agt, Perry, Pike Co. Rey & Segg, grocers, Carrollton, Greene Co. Reykoph William, cabinetmkr, Millstadt, St. Clair Co. Reyland Philip J., rectifier,Quincy, Adams Co. Reymer M., brick mkr, Rock Run, Stephenson Co. Reymond Nichols, cooper, Kingston, DeKalb Co. Reynolds A., physician, Magnolia, Putnam Co. Reynolds A. A., harness mkr, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Reynolds A. C., harness maker, Perry, Pike Co. Reynolds Abram, blacksmith, Elizabeth, Jo Daviess Co. Reynolds Benjamin F., sheriff, Louisville, Clay Co. Reynolds C., upholsterer, Greenfield, Greene Co. Reynolds Charles, baker, Dixon, Lee Co. Reynolds Charles J., dentist, Dixon, Lee Co. Reynolds E., daguerreotypes, Marietta, Fulton Co. Reynolds Frank E., news depot, Aurora, Kane Co. Reynolds George W., livery, Rockford, Win- nebago Co. Reynolds H., physician, Payson, Adams Co. Reynolds H. U. Rev., Harvard, McHenry Co. Reynolds Henry & George,blksmiths, Houston, Adams Co. Reynolds Henry, jr., blksmith, LeRoy McLean Co. Reynolds Hiram, paints, oils,etc, Chicago,Cook Co. Reynolds Hiram U., physician, Rockford, Win- nebago Co. Reynolds Hugh W., lawyer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Reynolds Irwin, dry goods, Martinsburg, Pike Co. Reynolds J. B. Rev., Windsor, Shelby Co. Reynolds J. H., dentist, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Reynolds John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Reynolds John M., carriage mkr, LaSalle, La Salle Co. Reynolds Joseph, carpenter,Shawneetown, Gal- latin Co. Reynolds Mary, medecines, horn, Woodford, Woodford Co. Reynolds Merritt L., boots and shoes, Sand- wich, DeKalb Co. Reynolds Milton E., carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Reynolds Peter, vet surgeon, Jericho, Kane Co. Reynolds Robt. S., lawyer, Clear Creek Land- ing, Alexander Co. ' Reynolds Sylvester H., com mer, Aurora, Kane Co. Reynolds T. Y., architect, Raleigh, Saline Co. Reynolds W., hotel, Cross Roads, Johnson Co. Reynolds W. J., jeweler, Danville, Vermillion Co. Reynolds William, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Reynolds William, drugs, Lexington, McLean Co. Reynolds W. & Co., prod mers, Cross Roads, Johnson Co. Reynolds & Co., (John and William Reynolds, and George W. Morgan,) packers, Peoria, Peoria Co. Reynolds & Kennicott, (John P. Reynolds and Charles Kennicott,) nursery, Odin, Marion Co. Reynolds & Lecrone, grocers, Salt Creek, Ef- fingham Co. Reynolds & Stock, agr'l imps, Eureka, Wood- ford Co. KEY 318 RIG Reynolds, Ely & Co., (James L. Reynolds, Da- vid J. and Z. Stiles Ely and James A. Parsons,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Reynolds, Lunt & Co., (Stephen P. Lunt, Geo. W. Reynolds and John Nutt,) packers, Chicago, Cook Co. Rhea George, carpenter,Columbus, Adams Co. Rhea J. C., carpenter, Tennessee, McDonough Co. Rhinehardt J. C., com mer, Foreston, Ogle Co. Rhinelander Frederick, soap and candle mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Rhoades Joshua H., town clerk, Big Rock, Kane Co. Rhoades 0. D., painter, Summerfield, St. Glair Co. Rhoades William, justice, Jersey Landing, Jer- sey Co. Rhoades & Co., wood, Pekin, Tazewell Co, Rhoades & Harmon, chairs, Berlin, Sangamon Co. Rhodes , cabinet, Albion, Edwards Co. Rhodes E. B., hats and caps, Liberty, Adams Co. Rhodes Emanuel, blksmith, Oakley, Macon Co. Rhodes George A., prod and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Rhodes Isaac, boots and shoes, Garden Prairie, Boone Co. Rhodes Joseph, omnibusses, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Rhodes L., wagonmkr, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Rhodes N. E., treasurer, Monticello, Piatt Co. Rhodes P. F. Rev., Knoxville, Knox Co. Rhodes Silas, painter, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Rhodes William H. and P., (Philip,) market, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Rhodes E. & H., potters, Hampton, R. Island Co. Rhodes H. & Co., dry goods, Greenup, Cum- berland Co. Rhodes & Landers, (Levi Rhodes and Henry Landers,) coopers, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Rhodes & Moor, leather, Vermont, Fulton Co. Riale, Warfield & Co., (Robert E. Riale, An- drus Warfield and Levi S. Clossan,) dry goods, Princeton, Bureau Co. Ribler Constantino, editor, Chicago, Cook Co. Rice A. J., blksmith, Kane, Greene Co. Rice Alonzo, blksmith, Summit Hill, White- sides Co. Rice B. B., blksmith, Xeponset, Bureau Co. Rice C. D., carpenter, LaClede, Fayette Co. Rice Cyrus, school commissioner, Albion, Ed- wards Co. Rice D. B., drugs, Macomb, McDonough Co. Rice Daniel, cabinet mkr, Putt.it, Bureau Co. Rice E. G. Rev., Sunbury, Livingston Co. Rice E. J., agrl imps, LeClair, DeWii.t Co. Rice Elijah, carpenter, Hadley, Will Co. Rice Francis II., boots and shoes, Belvidere, Boone Co. Rice G. W., carpenter, Sadorus, Champaign Co. Rice Henry, mer tailor, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Rice J., blksmith, Portland, Whitesides Co. Rice L. B., carpenter, Antioch, Lake Co. Rice J. E., agrl imps, Oneida, Knox Co. Rice James, coach mkr, Urban.i, Champaign Co. Rice James, liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Rice James, tinsmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Rice John J. grindstones, Parrish, Franklin Co. Rice L. B., harness mkr, Bliven's Mills, McHen- ry Co. Rice Mrs. , milliner, Chicago, Cook Co. Rice Melissa, milliner and dress mkr, Hadley, Will Co. Rice N. L. Rev., D. D. and editor, Chicago, Cook Co. Rice Newton, carpenter, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Rice R. D., physician, Barry, Pike Co. Rice Rufus A., real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Rice S. C., hotel, Bliven's Mills, McHenry Co. Rice S. S., physician, Collinsville, Madison Co. Rice Solomon, cooper, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Rice C. & A., hotel, Brighton, Macoupin Co. Rice C. T. & Go., (Clement T. Rice,) Chicago Cook Co. RICE D B. & CO., (David B. Rice and James B. Kyle,) druggists, Macomb, McDonough Co. Rice W. H & Co., (William H. Rice and Wil- liam F. Merriman,) bankers, Chicago, Cook Co. Rice & Doshull, dry goods,Momence, Kankakee Co. Rice & Maxwell, books, Beardstown, Cass Co. Rice & Reed (John B. Rice,Theron Reed,) law- yers, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Rich A., boots and shoes, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Rich E. grocer, Naperville, DuPage Co. Rich K. E , physician, Magnolia, Putnam Co. Rich Lorenz, cupper, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Rich R., cabinetmkr, Como, Whitesidss Co. Rich Thomas carpenter, Como, Whitesides Co. fiich Valentine, cigars, Parrish, Franklin Co. Rich & Foster, druggists, Magnolia, Putnam Co. Rich & Thomas, (Arthur D. Rich and Horace H. Thomas,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Richard Henry, butcher, Appanoose, Hancock Co. Richard Wm., banker, McLeansboro, Hamilton Co. Richards C. A., dry goods, Omph Ghent, Madi- son Co. Richards E., physician, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Richards Edwin, express agent, Tolono, Cham- paign Co. Richards George, physician, Milford, Iroquois Co. Richards George W., butcher, Bloomfield, Edgar Co. Richards J. C., carpenter, Xewton, Jnsper Co. Richards J. D., co judge, Olney, Richland Co. Richards John J., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Richards Josiah S., druggists, Moline, Rock Inland Co. Richards Merritt, carriagcmaker, Princeton, Bureau Co. RIC 319 RIC Richards N. B., physician, Bethalto, Madison Co. Richards 0. P., dry goods, Metamora, Wood- ford Co. Richards Roily, dentist, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Richards Townsend H., civil engineer, Burton, Adams Co. Richards William, harnessmkr, Knoxville, Knox Co. Richards D. & Co., (Daniel Richards and ,) Sterling, Whitesides Co. Richards & Co., (Benjumin A. Richards and Chas. H. Lanphier,) printers, Springfield, Sang-mon Co. Richards & McHugh, physicians, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Richards & Stetson, cloths, Farmington, Ful- ton Co. Richards, Crumbaugh & Shaw, (Jonathan Richards, Frederick Crumbaugh and Theo- dore A. Shaw,) dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Richardson Alexander, boots and shoes, Hud- son, McLean Co. Richardson Benjamin, justice, Joliet, Will Co. Richardson C. F., vet, surgeon, Shaw's Point, Macoupin Co. Richardson Charles, musician, Belden,McHenry Co. Richard-on G., physician, Ellis Grove, Ran- dolph Co. Richardson G. T., physician, Catlin, Vermillion Co. Richardson G. W., co judge, Carlyle, Clinton Co. Richardson George, boots and shoes, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Richardson H. H. Rev., Shiloh, St. Clair Co. Richardson H. W., dentist, Ogle Station, Lee Co. Richardson Henry, stone quarry, Ionia, Warren Co. Richardson I. C., lawyer, Eureka, Woodford Co. Richardson J. Rev., LaPrairie Centre,Marsha!l Co. Richardson J. B., dry goods, York, Clark Co. Richardson J. I. Rev., Mount Erie, Wayne Co. Richardson Jas , boots and shoes, Kingston Mines, Peoria Co. Richardson James, wagonmkr, New Baltimore, Wayne Co. Richardson John, grocer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Richardson L. B., co surveyor, Charleston, Coles Co. Richardson Larkill G., blksmith, Chicago,Cook Co. Richardson P. T., livery, Harvard, McHenry Co. Richardson Perkius, architect, W. Aurora, K*ne Co. Richardson R., postmaster, Yellow Head Grove, Kankakee Co. Richardson Robert, blksmith, Savanna,Carroll Co. Richardson T., justice, DeKalb, DeKalb Co. Richardson Thomas, blksmith, Alton, Madisoc Co. Richardson Thomas, cigars, Alton, Madison Co. Richardson Thomas B., carpenter, New Balti- more, Wayne Co. Richardson W., blksmith, Lynnville, Morgan Co. Richardson W. M., blksmith, Roscoe, Winne- bago Co. Richardson William, wagonmkr,Arcadia, Mor- gan Co. Richardson William C., leather, Ottawa, La Salle Co. Richardson J. & T. B., carriagemkrs, New Bal- timore, Wayne Co. Richardson C. C. & Co., (Cyrus C. Richardson and Wm. H. Ellsworth,) blksmiths, Alton, Madison Co. Richardson H. H. & Co., (Henry H. and Wm. H. Richardson,) boots and shoes, Spring- field, Sangamon Co. Richardson H. H. & Co., painters, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Richardson L. C. & Co., dry goods, Onargo, Iroquois Co. Richardson & Dietrich, (Henry Richardson and George Dietrich,) grocers, Bloomingtoa, McLean Co. Richardson & Gritzner, (Gordon A. Richardson and Charles F. Gritzner,) printers, Joliet, Will Co. Richardson & Miller, (Wm. M. Richardson and Cyrus C. Miller,) dry goods, Bloomington, McLean Co. Richardson, Pile & Bullock, dry goods, Secor, Woodford Co. Richarees John, turner, Rochester, Sangamon Co. Richarees & Co., wagonmkr, Rochester, San- gamon Co. Richer M., boots and shoes, Collinsville, Madi- son Co. Richer Wm., carpenter, Wataga, Knox Co. Richerson J., lawyer, Wilmington, Will Co. Richeson & Carroll, dry goods, Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. Richey R. W., co judge, Oquawka, Henderson Co. Richey W., coal, Sparta, Randolph Co. Richey W. H., carpenter, Golconda, Pope Co. Richie William, cooper, Fieldon, Jersey Co. Richmond Alonzo & Co., salt agents, Chicago, Cook Co. Richmond C., stoves, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Richmond Isaac J., clothing, Alton, Madison Co. Richmond J., bricks, Annawan, Henry Co. Richmond Mrs., weaver, Henry, Marshall Co. Richmond R., butcher, New Boston, Mercer Co. Richmond Thomas, boots, etc., Tolono, Cham- paign Co. Richmond Warren E., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co Richmond Wm., carpenter, Mackinaw, Taze- well Co. Richmond Wm., H., jeweler, Peoria, Peoria Co. Richmond & Co., (Thomas, Holland M., Chas. Y. and Allen,) transp agts, Chicago, Cook Co. RIG 320 RIL Richmond & Burne, lawyers, Lacon, Marshall Co. Richmond & Daly, butchers, Mackinaw, Taze- well Co. Richmont John, coal, Blandinsville, McDon- ough Co. Richter C., grocer, Blue Island, Cook Co. Richter& Sons, (J. M., J. A. nnd Charles,) dry goods, DeWitt, DeWitt Co. Rickor F. R., harnessmkr, Petersburg, Menard Co. Ricker John, leather, Wataga, Knox Co. Ricker T. R., boots and shoes, Courtland Sta- tion. DeKalb Co. Rickets John, co judge, Decatur, Macon Co. Ricketson B., co judge, Oswego, Kendall Co. Ricketson Henry, butcher, Plattville, Kendall Co. Rickftts J. & DeLong, marble works, Paris, Edgar Co. Ricketts, Hawley & Co., marble wkrs, Charles- ton, Coles Co. Rickey James, carpenter, Watson, Sangamon Co. Ricky W. L., hotel, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Rico John F., fisherman, Clear Creek Landing, Alexander Co. Ridder Henry, tinsmith, Quincy, Adams Co. Riddle George, coal, Morris. Grundy Co. Riddle H. D., physician, Caledonia, Pulaski Co. Riddle Hamilton, brickmkr, Washington, Taze- well Co. Riddle Wm., blksmith, .Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Riddle & McFadden, livery, Mattoon, Coles Co. Riddler J. J., grocer, Naperville, DuPage Co. Ridenbaugh Frederick, saloon, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Rider D. W., wood, etc, Geneseo, Henry Co. Rider Gayton, cabinet, Farmington, Fulton Co. Rider J. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Rider James, dry goods, etc, Belvidere, Boone Co. Rider John J., carpenter, Saint Marie, Jasper Co. Rider R. Rev., Tremont, Tazewell Co. Rider S. H., eating house, Lisbon, Kendall Co. Rider Sylvester, stone, Pleasant Grove, Wavne Co. Rider W. H. & Co., dry goods, Carlinville, Ma- coupin Co. Ridgeley V. Rev., Mattoon, Coles Co. Ridgely Henry, hotel, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Ridgely N. H. & Co., (Nicholas H. and Chas.,) bankers, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Ridgeway Emanuel, coroner, Morris, Grundy Co. Ridgeway & Brother, druggists, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Ridgway C. J., flour and saw mill, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Ridgeway E. W., physician, OIney, Richland Co. Ridgeway Mary A., milliner, Mt. Vernon, Jef- ferson Co. Ridgeway & Williams, drugs, Olney, Richland Co. Rieber Henry, blksmith, Mier, Wabash Co. Riedlinger M., shoemkr, Highland, Madison Co. Rieg George, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Riehel August, shoemkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Riely George, carpenter, Crotty, LaSalle Co. Riem Daniel, cabinet, Orangeville, Stephenson Co. Ries S. & Co., (Stephen and Va'entine Ries,) wagonmkrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Riesner Florian, hotel, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Rigall John, dry goods, Grayvijle, White Co. Rigan Michael, blksmith, Crotty, LaSalle Co. Rigby John W., agl impls, Caledonia, Pulaski Co. Rigby F. E. & Son, (Francis E and Francis E. jr.,) painters, Chicago, Cook Co. Rigdel Henry W. S., jeweler, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Rigdon W. S., stoves, Sparta, Randolph Co. Rigon D. & Co., livery, Sparta, Randolph Co. Rigg John, carpenter, Friends Grove, Wabash Co. Rigg Stephen, butcher, Wapella, DeWitt Co. Rigg J. & M., (James and Marion,) lumber, Fiiends Grove, Wabash Co. Rigg & Belli ngton, (Thomas Jefferson Rigg and John T. Belliugton,) drugs, etc, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Riggen A. K., circuit clerk, Petersburg, Me- nard Co. Rigger William, lawyer, West Jersey, Stark Co. Riggins J. C., blksmith, Meredosia, Morgan Co. R ; ggins & Co., saw mill, Havana, Mason Co. Riggs Charles, carpenter, McConnell's Grove, Stephenson Co. Ri^gs Edwin, cabinet mkr, Oregon, Osle Co. Riggs James, lawyer, Glasgow, Scott Co. Riggs N., town clerk, Dwight, Livingston Co. Riggs T., blk,*mith, Mattoon, Coles Co. Riggs William T., jeweler, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Riggs & Lamar, shingle mkrs, Georgetown, Vermillion Co. Riggs & Lockwood, tinsmiths, Avon, Fulton Co. Rigg?bie E. S., carpenter, Bunker Hill, Macou- pin Co. Rightmire John, cooper, Shabonier, Fayette Co. Riglesbarger Samuel, carpenter, Newton, Jas- per Co. Rigney Michael, tanner, Chicago, Cook Co. Rigney E. & Co., (Kdward Rigney and JohnL. Davis,) lumber, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Riker Phoebe, dressmkr, Joliet, Will Co. Riley A. J. Rev., Bloomfield, Edgar Co. ' Riley Andrew, billiards, Mattoon, Coles Co. Riley Andrew, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Riley Bartley, grocer, Marshall, Clark Co, Riley Bernard, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Riley D., cooper, Walker, Hancock Co. Riley G. W. Rev., Urbana, Champaign Co. Riley George H., harness mkr, Indianola, Ver- million Co. Riley J. M., billiards, Albany, Whitesides Co. Riley John, physician, Spiing Hill, Whitesides Co. Riley John, grocer, Marshall, Clark Co. RIL 321 ROB Riley Luke, blksmith, Evanston, Cook Co. Riley Thomas, liquors, Lacon, Marshall Co. Riley AV., cooper, Walker, Hancoek Co. Riley William, postmaster, Mineral, Bureatt Co. Riley R. S. & J. S., carpenters, Athens, Men- ard Co. Riliet C., Swiss Consul for 111. and Missouri, Highland, Madison Co. Rimbold Joseph, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Rimele Roman, tinsmith, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Rimhart Charles, baker, Sandoval, Marion Co. Rinard A., auctioneer, Jeffersonville, Wayne Co. Rinchimer E , carpenter, North Plato, Kane Co. Rine & Litza, brickmkrs, Glargon, Scott Co. Rinthart Daniel, co clerk, Ewington, Effing- hani Co. Rinehart E., clothier, Morris, Grundy Co. Rinehart H.. blkanith, Summit Hill, White- sides Co. Rinehart J., boiler mkr, Jonesboro, Union Co. Riner M. E., milliner, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Riners Henry, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Ring B., hairdresser, Fidelity, Jersey Co. Ring Daniel, butcher, Selbyville, Shelby Co. Ring G., flour and feed, Wheaton, DuPage Co. Ring George, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Ring Henry, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Ring William H.. dry goods, Antioch, Lake Co. Ringnette Michael, dry goods, St.'Anne, Kanka- kee Co. Rinker E. J., carpenter, Kansas, Edgar Co. Rii ker Joseph, hotel, Staunton, Macoupin Co. Rinker Judith, dressmkr, Ogle, Ogle Co. Rinlett E, P., boots and shoes, Clinton, De Witt Co. Rinna Henry, gunsmith, Edwardsville, Madi- son Co. Rinse G. W., baker, Macomb, McDonough Co. Rippe Henry H., cigars, Alton, Madison Co. Ripken Jansou, architect, Renault, Monroe Co. Ripply J., carpenter, Barry, Pike Co. Rircher Gottlieb, blksmith, Lincoln, Logan Co. Reeling A. J., cabinet mkr, DeSoto, Jackson Co. Rising Anson, drugs, Wavren, Jo Daviess Co. Riiing Charles B., dentist, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Rising John, grocer, Aurora, Kane Co. Rising Nathaniel, com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rising & Bo., (Leonard and Joseph,) boots and shoes, W. Aurora, Kane Co. Risley A. L. Rev., Trenton, Clinton Co. Risley Abdel T., surveyor, Decatur, Macon Co. Risley Frances, teacher, Summerfield, St. Clair Co. Rifley & Law, wagon mkrs, Flora, Clay Co. Risser A. F., harness, Mount Pulaski, Logan Co. Ritchey S. H., fisherman, Abingdon, Knox Co. Ritchey W., butcher, Abingdon, Knox Co. Ritchie A., drugs, Wilmington, Will Co. Ritchy H. Rev., Metamora, Woodford Co. Rither L. C. Rev., Danville, Vermillion Co. Ritte P., contractor, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Rittenhouse John, treasurer, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Rittenhouse John, brewer, Macomb, McDon- ough Co. Ritter A., harness, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Ritter Hem y& Co., distillers, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Ritter H. P., hotel, Fidelity, Jersey Co. Ritter Isiac, grocer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Ritter J. Rev., Highland, Madison Co. Ritter Richard, circt elk, Havana, Mason Co. Rittler John, physician, Quincy, Adams Co. Ritzer G. C., physician, Detroit, Pike Co. Retzinger Xavier, physician, Joliet, Will Co. Ritzman John, brick, Orangeville, Stephenson Co. River G. W., county clerk, Paris, Edgar Co. Rivers James, carptr, Orland, Cook Co. Rivers & Tompkins, ambrotps, Quincy, Adams Co. Rives & Craw, dry goods, Greenfield, Greene Co. Rix & Harper, (Ralph D. Rix & Joseph W. Harper,) boots and shoes, Belvidere, Boone Co. Rizer & Hudson, prod and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Roach D. J., butcher, Ashley, Washington Co. Roach T., milliner, St. Joseph, Champaign Co. Roach T., wagon mkr, St. Joseph, Champaign Co. Roach Samuel Rev., Harmony, McHenry Co. Roads N. E., town clerk, Monticello, PiattCo. Roah , saw mill, Pingree Grove,Kane Co. Roahl Nicholas, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Roane Charles L., county clerk, Sullivan, Moul- trie Co. Roark William, dry goods, Harrisburgh, Saline Co. Roath James R., saw mill, Hampshire, Kane Co. Roath Raswell W., jeweler, Chicago, Cook Co. Roath W. Tyler, sewing machines, Chicago, Cook Co. Roatsoak Frederick, harness, Chicago, Cook Co. Robb David, dry goods, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Robb J. H., col agt and notary, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Robb J. L., postmaster, Carbon, Mercer Co. Robb James, receiver C A & St L R R, Chica- go, Cook Co. Robb John H., justice, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Robb T. P. & Co., (Thomas P. Robb & John S. Bressler,) liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Robberts P., boots and shoes, Tennessee, Mc- Donough Co. Robbins Benjamin F., painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Robbins C. E., grocer, Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Robbins E., botanic med, Oxford, Henry Co. Robbins E., physician, London City, Fayette Co. Robbins F. S., cigars, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. ROB 322 ROB Robbins Leren Rev., Kewanee, Henry Co. Robbins Levi, vinegar, Wataga, Knox Co. Robbins Philip, blacksmith, Peoria, Peoria Co. Robbins R. R., daguerreotypes, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Robbins William K., physician,Mineral,Bureau Co. Bobbins & Co., molasses, Mineral, Bureau Co. Robbins, Liwson & Co., (Josiih Robbins, Josiah Robbins jr. & Thomas Lawson,) millers, Princeton, Bureau Co. Robbinson William H., carpenter, Geneva, Kiine Co. Robe Lucian B., produce, Chicago, Cook Co. Roberg & Andeison, (Gilbert Roberg & John Anderson.) clothiers, Chicago, Cook Co. Roberts A., auctioneer, Dover, Bureau Co. Roberts A., blacksmith, LaHarpe, Hancock Co. Robert A. R., shingle mkr, Mt. Carmel, Wa- bash Co. Roberts Brown, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Roberts Burrell, co clerk, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Roberts C. A., physician, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Roberts Charles, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Roberts Chailes D., books, Jacksonville, Mor- gan Co. Roberts D. L., blacksmith, McLean, McLean Co. Roberts D. P., lawyer, Evansville, Randolph Co. Roberts Davis, boots and shoes, Lexington, McLean Co. Roberts E. J., carptr, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Roberts E. W., grocer, Henderson, Knox Co. Roberts Emile, dry goods, Assumption, Chris- tian Co. Roberts George A., iron and steel, Quincy, Adams Co. Roberts Gottleib, blacksmith, Harrisburgh, Saline Co. Roberts Green, butcher, Maquon. Knox Co. Roberts II., plow maker, High Point, Mercer Co. Roberts H. H., agrl imps, New Boston, Mercer Co. Roberts H. L. W., daguerreotypist, Marion, Williamson Co. Roberts Honry, cooper, Appanoose, Hancock Co. Roberts J., carpenter, Henry, Marshall Co. Roberts J., carpenter, Jonesboro, Union Co. Roberts J., physician, Augusta, Hancock Co. Roberts J. B., hotel, Galesburg, Knox Co. Roberts J. E., town clerk, New Hartford, Pike Co. Robert J. T., coll agt, Kaneville, Kane Co. Roberts James, coll agt, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Roberts Jeiemiah W., hotel, Galesburg, Knox Co. Roberts John, wagon mkr, Dixon, Lee Co. Roberts John E., town elk, Mariinsburg, Pike Co. Roberts John L., drugs, Howard's Pt., Fayette Co. Roberts John W., architect, Chicago, Cook Co. Roberts Joshua P., barber, Chicago, Cook Co. Roberts L , postmaster, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Roberts Morris, dry goods, Colchester, MeDon- ough Co. Roberts N., hotel, Oxford, Henry Co. Roberts 0. Rev., McHenry, McHenry Co. Roberts R. M. Rev., Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Roberts Ralph, editor, Relvidere, Boone Co. Roberts Richard W., passenger agt, P. C. R. R., Chicago, Cook Co. Roberts Robert R., carpenter, Ash Grove, Iro- quois Co. Roberts S,, carpenter, Plymouth, Hancock Co. Roberts S. R., physician, Avoca, Livingston Co. Roberts Samuel C., fruit, Chicago, Cook Co. Roberts Smith, vet surgeon, Kaneville, Kane Co. Roberts Thomas, carpenter, Appanoose, Han- cock Co. Roberts Thomas, hairdresser, Chicago, Cook Co. Roberts W. H. Rev., Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Roberts William, shingle maker, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Roberts Wily, town clerk, Ellis Grove, Ran- dolph Co. Roberts George R. & Co., (George R. Roberts & Svlvester Parker,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Roberts G. W. & Co., (George W. Roberts & Chas. W. Sanford,) bakers, Joliet, Will Co. Roberts & Krone, (Samuel C. Roberts & Nat. L. Krone,) druggists, Decatur, Macon Co. Roberts & McKay, (Thomas Roberts & Archi- bald McKay,) hats and caps, Dixon, Lee Co. Roberts & Nye, (Elias C. Roberts & John B. Nye,) planing, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Roberts & Stumpf, confectioners, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Roberts, Berry & Co., (Eli Roberts, Horace Berry, Caleb H. Montgomery & Henry Wood,) flour and feed, Chicago, Cook Co. Roberts, Green & Co., com mers, Peoria, Peoria Co. Robertson , blksmith, Liberty, Adams Co. Robertson G. W., billiards, Greenup,. Cumber- land Co. Robertson G. W., carpenter, Beverly, Adams Co. Robertson J. B., restaurant, Beverly, Adams Co. Robertson James, hotel, Washington, Tazewell Co. Robertson James B., carpenter, Hey worth, Me Lean Co. Robertson John, quarry, Albany, Whitesides Co. Robertson Thomas, coal, Sparland. Marshall Co. Robertson & Annan, (John A. Robertson & William Annan, )millers, Morrison, White- sides Co. Robertson, Coleman & Co., (Thomas D. Rob- ertson, John S. Coleman, Melancthon Starr & Elias Caspar,) bankers, Rockford, AVinnebago Co. ROB 323 ROB Robertson, Eells & Co., (Thomas D. Robertson, Sam. C. Eells, John S. Coleman, Melanc- thon Starr & Elias Casper,) bankers, Dix- on, Lee Co. Robiquet F., civil engineer, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Robins Daniel, notary, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Robins E., dry goods, Lacon, Marshall Co. Robins G. W. Rev., Mount Vernon, Jefferson Co. Robins William K., turner, Mineral, Bureau Co. Robins Wright, woodware, Biggsville, Hender- son Co. Robinson A., printer, Middleport, IroquoisCo. Robinson A. S., boots and shoes, Wilmington, Will Co. Robinson A. W., carpenter, Anna, Union Co. Robinson A. W., carpenter, Olney, Richland Co. Robinson A. W., milliner, Macomb, McDon- ough Co. Robinson B., lime, Prophetstown, Whitesides Co. Robinson Mrs. B., milliner, Prophetstown, Whitesides Co. Robinson B., saloon, Dearborn, McHenry Co. Robinson Benjamin, lumber,Dearborn, McHen- ry Co. Robinson Bradstreet, hotel,Fulton City, White- sides Co. Robinson C., clothier, Foreston, Ogle Co. Robinson C. A , books, Bunker Hill, Macoupin Co. Robinson C. D., dry goods, Blue Island, Cook Co. Robinson Charles, school commr, Princeton, Bureau Co. Robinson D. C., physician, Metamora, Wood- ford Co. Robinson D. W., lumber, Dearborn, McHenry Co. Robinson Daniel 0., justice, Chicago, Cook Co. Robinson Davis, dry goods, Elizabeth, Jo Da- viess Co. Robinson E., milliner, Edwardsville, Madison Co. ROBINSON E. DEWITT, genl ticket agt C & N. W. R. R., Chicago, Cook Co. Robinson Frank C., collector, Chicago, Cook Co. Robinson G., artist's materials, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Robinson G. H., jeweler, Augusta, Hancock Co. Robinson G. W., hotel, Henry, Marshall Co. Robinson George A., undertaker, Mt. Pulaski, Logan Co. Robinson George 0., lawyer, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Robinson H., boat builder, Golconda, Pope Co. Robinson H., postmaster, Venice, Madison Co. Robinson H. C., ins agt, Osage, Franklin Co. Robinson Henry, carpenter, Dearborn, Mc- Henry Co. Robinson Henry H., flour and feed, Chicago, Cook Co. Robinson Isaac A., tailor, Chicago, Cock Co. ., quarry, Albion, Edwards Co. Robinson J. A. Rev., Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. Robinson J. C., lawyer, Westfield, Clark Co. Robinson J. D., dry goods, LaClede, Fayette Co. Robinson J. J., grocer, Lake Creek, William- son Co. Robinson J. J., painter, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Robinson J. N., carpenter, Salt Creek, Effing- ham Co. Robinson James, wagon mkr, Ox Bow, Putnam Co. Robinson James H., lumber, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Robinson James M., jeweler, Frankfort, Frank- lin Co. ROBINSON JAMES T. & CO., (James T. & William H. Robinson,) grocers, coal oil and lamps, Peoria, Peoria Co. Robinson Jared, town clerk, Paines' Point, Ogle Co. Robinson Lottie, milliner, Belden, McHenry . Co. Robinson Lyman, hotel, Northampton, Peoria Co. Robinson M. E., milliner, Kane, Greene Co. Robinson M. M., wagon mkr, JIuntley Grove, McHenry Co. Robinson Mary Ann, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Robinson Mrs., weaver, Albion, Edwards Co. Robinson N. L., carriage mkr, Leroy, McLean. Co. Robinson Nathaniel, carpenter, LeClare, De Kalb Co. Robinson R. P., iron founder, Dixon, Lee Co. Robinson Rollin, com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Robinson S. Rev., Ten Mile Grove, Vermillion Co. Robinson Samuel W., hardware, Morrison, Whitesides Co. Robinson Thomas, daguerreotypes, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Robinson Thomas, lime, Sparland, Marshall Co. Robinson Thomas, painter, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Robinson Thomas, restaurant, Chicago, Cook Co. Robinson Thomas, wood, Kingston Mines, Pe- oria Co. Robinson W. B., postmaster, Kane, Greene Co. Robinson W. E., .wood, LaClede, Fayette Co. Robinson W. H., lawyer, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Robinson W. P., drugs, Ipava, Fulton Co. Robinson Willi&m, wagon mkr, Time, Pike Co. Robinson William A., gunsmith, Aurora, Kane Co. Robinson William C., drugs, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Robinson William C., ins agt, Dixon, Lee Co. Robinson William G., grocer, Galena, Jo Da- viess Co. Robinson William T., hotel, Troy, Madison Co. Robinson B. & Son, plumbers, Prophetstown, Whitesides Co. Robinson J. B. & Co., druggists, Prophetstown, Whitesides Co. Robinson & Co., furniture, Olney, Richland Co. ROB 324 ROE Robinson & Davison, fish and salt, Farmington, Fulton Co. ROBINSON & DUNHAM, (William E. Rob- inson & Columbus Dunham,) reaping, mowing and threshing machines, Peoria, Peoria Co. Robinson & Hitchcock, cloths, etc, Farming- ton, Fulton Co. Robinson & Ranner, gent's furnishing, Danville, Vermillion Co. Robinson & Zearing, drugs, Dover, Bureau Co. Robison C. W., carptr, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Robison Joseph, carpenter, Terra Haute, Hen- derson Co. Robison William L., postmaster, New Salem, Pike Co. Robson Charles C., dry goods, Saxon, Henry Co. Robson James C., postmaster, Saxon, Henry Co. Roby Filman, cooper, Metropolis City, Massac "Co. Roche Nicholas T., grocer, St. Charles, Kane Co. Roche Mrs. Nicholas T., milliner, St. Charles, Kane Co. Roche Patrick, books, Chicago, Cook Co Rock Simon, butcher, Lincoln, Logan Go. Rockafellow J. C., blksmith, Fairview, Fulton Co. Rockey J. H., auctioneer, Buena Vista, Ste- phenson Co. Rockey P. W., tanner, Orangeville, Stephenson Co. Rockey William F., clothing, McConnelFs Grove, Stephenson Co. Rockford Female Seminary, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Rockford Gas Light and Coke Co., Rockford, Winnebajio Co. Rockford Loan Fund Association, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Rockhill Lydia, dressmkr, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Rockhold D. W., ins agt, Abingdon, Knox Co. Rockhold Wesley, genl store, Kinmundy, Ma- rion Co. Rockwell Albert J., dry goods, Denny, Warren Co. Rockwell C. B., wagon mkr, Marceline, Adams Co. Rockwell H. D., carpenter, Dwight, Livingston Co. Rockwell J. W., freight agt, Towanda, McLean Co. Rockwell Lovitt P., miller, Denny, Warren Co. Rockwell Seth, brickmkr, Teuton, Stark Co. Rockwell Sylvester, blksmith, Cambridge,Hen- ry Co. Rockwell Roswe'l M., ins agt, Fulton City, Whitesides Co. Rockwell William, prod com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rockwell & Kingmann, dry goods, Morris, Grundy Co. Rockwood E. M., blksmith, Versailles, Brown Co. Rockwood John A., wagons, Versailles, Brown Co. Rockwood Samuel, grocer, Belvidere, Boone Co. Rockwood Sylvester, liquors, Jersey Landing, Jersey Co. Rockwood & McNeil, (E. M. Rockwood and William McNeil,) agr impls, Versailles, Brown Co. Rodd Joseph, flour mill, Rockford, Winneba- go Co. Rodearman J., forwarding, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Rodehowe J., fisherman, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Rodel Geo., tailor, Pecatonica, Winnebago Co. Rodell Adolph, blksmith, Fidelity, Sangamon Co. Rodemaker John M., fruits, Joliet, Will Co. Rodemajer H., billiards, Blue Island, Cook Co. Rodenbach Jacob, carptr,0gle Station, Lee Co. Rodenbaugh J. C., boots and shoes, Fairview, Fulton Co. Roder Michael Rev., Petersburg, Menard Co. Roderous Frederick, baker, Charleston, Coles Co. Roders James, carriage mkr, Bloomfield, Edgar Co. Rodgers A., cooper, Roland, Whit? Co. Rodgers A. H., carpenter, Roland, White Co. Rodgers Benjamin, cigars, Summer Hill, Pike Co. Rodgers C., cabinet, Yoik, Clark Co. Rortgers E., butcher, Durand, Winnebago Co. Rodgers J. D., architect, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Rodgers J. H., grocer, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Rodgers Mrs., milliner, Bloomfield, Edgar Co. Rodgers P. D., hotel, Kuoxville, Knox Co. Rodgers Robt. B., saw mill, Reed, Sangamon Co. Rodgers Thos., blksmith, Albion, Edwards Co. Rodgers W., cabinet, Bloomfield, Edgar Co. Rodgers W. F., cooper, Rockport, Pike Co. Rodgers Win., blksmith, Naples, Scott Co. Rodgers Wm., blksmith, Walshville, Montgom- ery Co. Rodgers & Gano, (Benj. F. Rodgers and Wm. Gano,) soap and candles, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Rodrough Henry, wagons, Orangeville, Ste- phenson Co. Roe C. H. Rev., Belvidere, Boone Co. Roe E. R., lecturer, Normal University,Bloom- ii'gton, McLean Co. Roe F M., physician, Fullersburg, DuPage Co. Roe George W., wagon mkr, Oneida, Knox Co. Roe J. H., physician,NewMassillon, Wayne Co. Roe James E., lumber, W. Aurora, Kane Co. Roe John, unbrellas, Chicago, Cook Co. Roe S. L., grocer, Clayton, Adorns Co. Roe S. S , physician, Pmckneyville, Perry Co. Roe Uriah C., physician, Ogle, Ogle Co. Roe Brothers, (J~. Milton and W. H. Roe,) drugs, Aurora, Kane Co. Roe & Beathy, dry goods, Conkey's Store, Vermillion Co. Roeder J., brewer, Lebanon, St. Glair Co. Roehback F., whitesmith, Collinsville, Madison Co. Roehm & Irrion, (William F. Roehm and Geo. Irrion,) boots and shoes, Peoria, Peoria Co. 325 Roehrig Anthony, saloon, Peoria, Peoria Co. Roeker W. Rev., Burlington, Kane Co. Roelle Frank J., sash and doors, Chicago, Cook Co. Roelle Joseph, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. ROEMHELD JULIUS, drugs, Chicago, Cook Co Roeschlaub Michael J., physician, Quincy, Adams Co. Roethly Joseph, grindstones, Red Bud, Ran- dolph Co. Roff B. A , lawyer, Onarga, Iroquois Co. Roff John C., boots and shoes, Peoria, Peoria Co. Rogan Charles, saloon, Joliet, Will Co. Roger Jacob, grocer, Buck, Hamilton Co. Roger James, boots and shoes, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Rogers Amos FT. Rev., Atlanta, Logan Co. Rogers Anson L., marble worker, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Rogers Benjamin, cigars, New Hartford, Pike Co. Rogers Charles A., prod com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rogers E. E., physician, Port Byron, Rock Island Co. Rogers Edmond C., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. ROGERS ELIHU, prod com, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Rogers Mrs. Eliza, hotel, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Rogers F. B., saw mill, Moscow, Mason Co. Rogers George T., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rogers Hiram A., drugs, Quincy, Adams Co. Rogers J., harnessmkr, Marengo, McHenry Co. Rogers J. H., painter, Pecatonica, Winnebago Co. Rogers J. W., col agt, Lafayette, Stark Co. Rogers John, lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Rogers 0. C., blksmith, Pecatonica, Winne- bago Co. Rogers 0. P., marble worker, Marengo, Me Henry Co. Rogers Pitt D., hotel, Knoxville, Knox Co. Rogers R. B , physician, Sparland, Marshall Co. Rogers Robert, harnessmkr, Waukegan, Lake Co. Rogers Timothy, wagonmkr, Quincy, Adams Co. Rogers Thomas P., physician, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Rogers William, phvsician, Chicago, Cook Co. Rogers William H., lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Rogers William J., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Rogars & Bothwick, hotel, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Rogers & Devore, blksmiths, Oakulla, Iroquois Co. ROGERS & TAYLOR, (John G. Rogers and T. Benton Taylor,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Rogers, Wild & Smith, dry goods, Courtland Station, DsKalb Co. Rogcrson Charles, cooper, Murphysborough, Jackson Co. Rogerson F., boots and shoes, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Rogerson John, postmaster, Sadoius, Cham- paign Co. Rogersou John & Bro., com mer, Sadorus, Champaign Co. Rogerson Mrs. Sarah, dressmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Roggers R. P., blksmith, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Roggy Joseph, saloon, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Rohdes B. & Co., candles, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Rohkar Henry, baker, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Rohl Peter, cooper, Millstadt, St. Clair Co. Rohler H., baker, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Roler Edward F., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Roles S., blksmith, Armington, Tazewell Co. Roh Jacob, baker and confectioner, Marshall, Clark Co. Rohlwing Henry, grocer, Elgin, Kane Co. Rohman Henry, turner, Coatsburg, Adams Co. Rohman Phillip, wagonmkr, Peoria, Peot It Co. Rohr Nic., carpenter, Highland, Madison Co. Rohr Valentine, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rohrer John, painter, Hamilton, Hancock Co. Rohrer & Dewalt, (Daniel F. Rohrer and John Dewalt,) dry goods, etc, Freeport, Ste- phenson Co. Rohrig Frederick, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Roland H., cabinet, W. Urbana, Champaign Co. Roland William, lime, Wyanet, Bureau Co. Roland William, wagonmkr, Shelbyville, Shel- by Co. Rolander John, harnessmkr, Moline, R. Island Co. Rolb Robert, carpenter, Toulon, Stark Co. Roldy Richard, wagonmkr, Pioneer, Greene Co. Roler & Connelly, blksmiths, Avon, Fulton Co. Rolley Mrs., milliner, Henry, Marshall Co. Rollins James, boots and shoes, Batavia, Kane Co. Rollins John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rollins William, painter, Briuifield, Peoria Co. Rolson & Bradley, (William H. Rolson and Lewis A. Bradley,) com mers, -Chicago, Cook Co. Rolston John A., clothes, Hillsboro, Montgom- ery Co. Rolston Joseph H., postmaster, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Roman J. A., physician, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Roman W. H., physician, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Roman W. W., co clerk, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Romberger L. p., dry goods, Wyanet, Bureau Co. Rome Jacob, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Romeis Michael, butcher, Bellville, St. Clair Co. Romel Henry, coal, Galesburg, Knox Co. Romine Francis, gunsmith, Clark Centre, Clark Co. Rominger George P., wagon mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Romois John, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Ronalds F., physician, Benton, Franklin Co. RON 320 ROS Ronan Daniel, liquors, Wapella, DeWitt Co. Eonan Thomas, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Rond & Bros., tinsmith, Pontoosac, Hancock Co. Roney S., grindstones, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Roney Jacob, fisherman, Burksville, Monroe Co. Ronne K. P., cap mkr, Leland, LaSalle Co. Rood C. R., quarry, Garden Plain, White- sides Co. Rood Chas., grocer, Elmira, Stark Co. Rood H. F., dry goods, Nokomis, Montgomery Co. Rood James, grocer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Rood L. W., lawyer, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Rookey, Jacob, hardware, Wilkesborough, Mc- Lean Co. Roon F., ice, Wheaton, DuPage Co. Rooney J. C., pianos, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Rooney P. C., com mer, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Roos Peter, broker, Chicago, Cook Co. Roos J. & Co., boots and shoes, Pekin, Taze- well Co. Roosa A. V. L., auctioneer; Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Root A. M., lime, Geneseo, Henry Co. Root Anson, miller, Elgin, Kane Co. Root B. G., notary, Tamaroa, Perry Co. Root Charle-", painter, Minersville, Henry Co, Root D., stoves, Mattoon, Coles Co. Root Edward, hotel, Iroquois, Iroquois Co. Root Henry, dry goods, Quincy, Adams Co. Root J. L., cigars, Chicago, Cook Co. Root Marvin Rev., Elkhorn Grove, Carroll Co. Root 0. D., physician, Rantoul, Champaign Co. Root Omi E., directory pub, Peoria, Peoria Co. Root Pliney F., carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Root Riley, civil engineer, Galesburg, Knox Co. Root Fatnuel, harness mkr, Oregon, Ogle Co. Root & Cady, (Ebenezer T. Root and Lhauncy M. Cady,) music store, Chicago, Cook Co. Root & Platt, (Augustin K. Root and Anson B. Platt,) hardwares, etc., Alton, Madison Co. Roper J. B., circuit clerk, Carlyle, Clinton Co. Ropiquet H., surveyor, Waterloo, Monroe Co. Rorke Michael A., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rortick Frank, blksmith, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Rosa John, ice, Shelby Station, Bureau Co. Rosborough W., dry goods, Sparta, Randolph Co. Rose C., carpenter, Myersville, Yermillion Co. Rose C. J., ice, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Rose Charles, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Rose Daniel Rev., Greenup, Cumberland Co. Rose George, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Rose George, grocer, Kewanee, Henry Co. Rose H. G., cooper, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Rose H. H., sash mkr, Windsor, Shelby Co. Rose Ira B., lawyer, Martinsville, Clark Co. Rose J. R., blksmith, Browning, Schuyler Co. Rose J. W., eating house, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Rose James, blksmith, Sheldous' Grove, Schuy- ler Co. Rose John, carpenter, Hutsonville, Crawford Co. Rose John, hotel, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Rose John, livery, Golconda, Pope Co. Rose John W., agrl imps, Bible Grove, Clay Co. Rose Joseph, blksmith, Cerro Gordo, PiattCo. Rose Rufus, architect, Chicago, Cook Co. Rose S., physician, Byron, Ogle Co. Rose Stephen, confectioner, Rockford, Winne- b*go Co. Rose Thomas C., agrl imps, Bible Grove, Clay Co. Rose William, blksmith, Cave in Rock, Hardin Co. Rose William, blksmith, Iroquois, Iroquois Co. Rose William B., grocer, Waukegan, Lake Co. Rose William E., harness mkr, Woodstock, McHenry Co. Rose & Bros., carptrs, Bible Grove, Clay Co. Rose & Elliot, painters, Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Rose & Mclntosh, wagonmkrs, Bible Grove, Clay Co. Rose & Whitmore, hardware, Warren, Jo Da- viess Co. Roseberry Matthew G., lawyer, Columbus, Adams Co. Roseburg J., cooper, Walker, Hancock Co. Rosecrans L., carpenter, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Roseman Edward D., boots and shoes, Morris, Grundy Co. Roseman J. B., harnessmkr, Drury, Rock Island Co. Rosenbaum W., wood ware, Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Rosenberg Charles S., dry goods, LaSalle, La Salle Co. Rosenberg William, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Rosenbrough J. R., freight agent, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Rosenburg Louis, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rosencrans & Merrill, grocers, Clinton, De Witt Co. Rosendahl P. Rev., Maskoutah, St. Clair Co. Rosendall L., clothier, Lincoln. Logan Co. Rosenfeld Gabriel, dry goods, Monmouth, War- ren Co. Rosenfeld & Rosenberg, dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Rosenfield J. & M., (Joseph and Meyers,) har- nessmkrs. Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Rosenheim Ulrich B., clothier, Joliet, Will Co. Rosenkrans Z., brickmkr, Keene, Adams Co. Rosen Straus Joseph, clothing, Princeton, Bureau Co. Bosenthul & Brother, (Herman and Charles Rosenthal,) clothiers, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Rosette John E., lawyer, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Rosevear John, millwright, Griggsville, Pike Co. Rosey John, wagonmaker, Omph Ghent, Madi- son Co. Rosher Ernest, dry goods, Peoria, Peoria Co. Rositer W. P., carpenter, Barry, Pike Co. Roskoten Robert, physician, Peo;ia, Peoria Co. Ross A., ins agt, Washington, Tazewell Co. Ross Alexander, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Ross B. J., physician, South Pass, Union Co. Ross Ballhasar, brickmkr, Central City, Marion Co. EOS 327 Ross E., postmaster, Fitts Hill, Franklin Co. Ross Mrs. Eliza, weaver, Lafayette, Stark Co. Ross George, blacksmith, Kanevil e, Kane Co. Ross Henry, cabinetmkr, Millstadt, St. Glair Co. Ross Hugh, grocer, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Ross J., physician, Plymouth, Hancock Co. Ross J. C., physician, Waynesville, DeWitt Co. Ross J. W., lawyer, Shabonier, Fayefte Co. Ross James, carptr, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Ross James P., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Ross John, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Ross John S., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Ross James L., dry goods, Vermont, Fulton Co. Ross Mahlon, lawyer, Verden, Macoupin Co. Ross Nathaniel, wagonmkr, Ipava, Fulton Co. Ross Peter, baker, Geneva, Kane Co. Ross R. A., news depot, Chicago, Cook Co. Ross R. H., furniture, Versailles, Brown Co. Ross Richard, millwright, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Ross S. A., dry goods, Macomb, McDonough Co. Ross Thomas L., flour mill, Carmi, White Co. Ross Thomas W., dry goods, E Lafayette, Stark Co. Ross W. D. Rev., Oak Hill, Co. Ross William M. & Co., (John H. Ross,) dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Ross Wrlliam N., frgt agt, Jacksonville, Mor- gan Co. Ross J. S. & Bro., (Jacob S. and William,) grocers, Bloomington, McLean Co. Ross M. & J. S., (Mark and Jacob S.,) clothing, Bloomington, McLean Co. Ross & Bro. , millwrights, Fairbury, Lh'ingston Co. Ross S. J. & Co., ice, St. John, Perry Co. Ross & Duncan, dry goods, Martinsville, Clark Co. Ross & Henry, lawyers, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Rossiter Elizabeth, dressmakr, Chicago, Cook Co. Rosson Daniel, carpenter, St. Joseph, Cham- paign Co. Rossow Frederick, wagonmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Rosthchild M., hides and leather, Petersburg, Menard Co. Roswell & Babbitt, physicians, Elizabeth, Jo Daviess Co. Rotger F., baker, Bunker Hill, Macoupin Co. Roth F., wagonmkr, Quincy, Adams Co. Roth Peter, eating house, Morton, Tazewell Co. Rothchild Louis B., clothing, Salem, Marion Co. Rother Frank, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Rothficld G., musician, Chicago, Cook Co. Rothgnngel Philip, woolen mills, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Rothrock Samuel, blacksmith, West Salem, Edwards Co. Rotramel Henry, bricks, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Rottermann Charles F., tailor, Peoria, Peoria Co. Rotzcl G., boots and shoes, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Rouch Bernard, harness mkr, Evansville, Ran- dolph Co. Roucry William, hotel, Rock Grove, Stephen- eon Co. Roughton John, blacksmith, Rantoul, Cham- paign Co. Rouintree John, lime, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Rouke Cornelius, co clerk, Petersburgh, Me- nard Co. Roulez Charles, wig mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Rounce C. L., town clerk, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Rounds I. A., ins agt, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Rounds J., flour mill, West Jersey, Stark Co. Rounds Samuel D., builder, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Rounds Sterling P., type founder, printer and advertising agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Rounds & Co., salt, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Roundtree Hiram, co judge, Hillsboro, Mont- gomery Co. Roundy, Clalin & Co., dry goods, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Rounseville William, ins agt, St. Charles,Kane Co. Rounsville George, cooper, Chicago, Cook Co. Rounsville W. Rev., Peoria, Peoria Co. Rountree & Seymour, dry goods, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Rouse George W., notary, Joliet, Will Co. Rouse Granville, brick mkr, DeSoto, Jackson Co. Rouse James, carpenter, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Rouse S. Rev., Fairfield, Wayne Co. Rouse Wilson, blksmith, Erie, Whitesides Co. Roush H., postmaster, Rock Grove, Stephen- son Co. Rousseau C. V., physician, Hennepin, Putnam Co. ROUT THOS. C., grocer, Jacksonville, Mor- gan Co. Routcliff George, grocer, Alton, Madison Co. Routh James W., physician, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Routh Jerry, millwright, Grayville, White Co. Routh & Williams, lumber and saw mil}, Gray- ville, White Co. Routzan D. C., confectioner, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co. Routzan John A., boots and shoes, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co. Routzan & Baker, clothing, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co. Row John L., justice, Pingree Grove, Kane Co. Rowan J., drugs, Barry, Pike Co. Rowan J. T., blksmith, Smithton, St. Clair Co. Rowan Patrick, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Rowan Thomas, furniture, Alton, Madison Co. Rowan Thomas P., co clerk, Winchester, Scott Co. Rowand David, boots and shoes, Anna, Union Co. Rowe Christian, blksmith, Mount Pulaski, Lo- gan Co. Rowe H. B., architect, Mount Pulaski, Logan Co. Rowe J. J., physician, Avon, Fulton Co. Rowe W., grocer, Cameron, Warren Co. Rowe W. H., carpenter, North Plato, Kane Co. ROW 328 RUF Howe J. H. & Co., (John H. Rowe & Robert Blenkiron, ) proprietors Elgin Gazette, Klgin, Kane Co. Rowe & Grant, locksmiths, Berlin, Sangamon Co. Rowel I C. T., dentist, Paris, Edgar Co. Rowell S. C., dry goods, Hampshire, Kane Co. Rowen J. B., blksmith, Kingston, DeKalb Co. Rowland R. S., express agt, Noble, Richland Co. Rowland J. G. & Co., packers, Quincy, Adams Co. Rowland & Co., (Joseph G. Rowland, John C. Cox & J. R. Hollowbush,) packers, Quin- cy Adams Co. Rowlands David, blksmith, Coal Valley, Rock Island Co. Rowlee John, blksmith, Adams, Adams Co. Rowl >y A. G., col agt, Hadley, Will Co. Rowley Curtis H., lumber, Waukegan, Lake Co. Rowley Erastus J., flour mill, Wentworth,Lake Co. Rowley R., quarry, Macomb, MeDonough Co. Rowley R. C. Rev., Monmouth, Warren Co. Rowley William R., circuit clerk, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Rowley & Manderville, boots and shoes, Shab- bona Grove, DeKalb Co. Rowling W. H., coal, Liberty, Adams Co. Rowrey J. AV., postmaster, Duraud, Winneba- bago Co. Rowrey John, tinsmith, Rock Run, Stephen- son Co. Rowsey Joel, blksmith, Hazel Dell, Cumber- land Co. Rowson R. B., justice, Selby Station, Bureau Co. Roy John E. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Roy Moise, carriage mkr, L'Erable, Iroquois Co. Royce Gardner, blksmith, Essex, Vermillion Co. Royce H. F., frgt agt, Wyanet, Bureau Co. Royce & Parkhill, (John L. Royce and George Parkhill,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. ROYCE, H ARWOOD & CO., (Julius H. Royce, Dwight and Dan B. Harwood,) hardware, Bloomington, McLean Co. Rover Moses M., physician, Sterling, White- sides Co. Royster Thomas, shingles, Dillon, Tazewell Co. Royston Edmund, clothing, BHven's Mills, Mc- Henry Co. Ruark Erastua, cooper, Pleasantvicw, Schuy- ler Co. Ruark William, fisherman,Pleasantview,Schuy- ler Co. Rubb Jacob, boots and shoes, Perry, Pike Co. Rubel & Bro., (Isaac & Abraham Rubel,) hard- ware, Chicago, Cook Co. Rubens Louis, hardware, Chicago, Cook Co. Rubert H. R., physician, West Salem, Edwards Co. Ruble J., carpenter, Wool, Pope Co. Ruble M. A., printer, Vermont, Fulton Co. Ruble N., carpenter, Wool, Pope Co. Ruble & Tanner, blacksmith, Canton, Fulton Co. Rubly Samuel, saloon, Springfield.'Sangamon Co. Ruboltane & Romine, grocers, Clark Centre, Clark Co. Rubolton W. J., physician, Hutsonville, Craw- ford Co. Ruby B., drugs, DeKalb, DeKalb Co. Ruby C. H., hotel, South Macon, Macon Co. Ruby J. S., physician, South Macon, Micon "Co. Ruby Jacob J., eating house, Chicago, Cook Co. Ruby John, carpenter, South Macon, Macon Co. Ruckel & Johns, (Jacob Ruckel & Edmund G. Johns,) paper hangings, etc, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Rucker Edward A., planing mills, Chicago, Cook Co. Rucker Gideon, lawyer, Mt. Auburn, Christian Co. Rucker J., chair mkr, Barclay, Ogle Co. Rucker J. C. Rev., McLean, McLean Co Rucker M. S., town clerk, Forksville, Lake Co. Rucker & Page, (Henry L. Rucker & Joel S. Page,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Ruckle R. W., cabinet, Carmi, White Co. Rud Ephraim, auctioneer, Circleville, Taze- well Co. Rudd A. J., distiller and rectifier, Hadley, Will Co. Rudd Erastus, eating house, Wentworth, Lake Co. Rudd M. G. & A. A., (Milton G. & Albert A.,) photographers, Salem, Marion Co. Rudd & Brothers, blacksmiths, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Ruddell W. D., town clerk, Marceline, Adams Co. Ruddell Sylvester, carptr, Blandinsville, Mc- Donough Co. Rudder George, carriage maker, Hazel Dell, Cumberland Co. Rude Abraham, carptr, New Berlin, Sangamon Co. Rude Alex, carptr, New Berlin, Sangamon Co. Rude D. B., physician, DeSoto, Jackson Co. Rude James, cooper, Elkhorn Grove, Carroll Co. Rudolph William,grocer,New Massillon, Wayne Co. Rudolph William, millinery, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Rue Schuyler, cabmetmkr, North Plato, Kane Co. Rue A. & A., lumber, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Rueggar Edward, physician, Highland.Madison Co. Ruegger Geo., postmaster, Highland, Madison Co. Ruehl Charles, grocer, Decatur, Macon Co. Ruehl William, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Ruel Erastus, hotel, Warrenton, Lake Co. Ruf John, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Ruff Joseph, grocer, Beardstown, Cass Co. Ruffner M., physician, Greenup, Cumberland Co. Rufling H-, hairdresser, Rushville, Schuyler Co. RUG 329 RUS Riigar & Ogden, (Francis II. Rugar & Weston A. Ogden,) dry goods, etc, Galesburg, Knox Co. Ruger Jacob, harness, Momence, Kankakee Co. Ruger L. C., furniture, Chelsea, Will Co. Rugg Dan'l, shoemkr, W. Urbana, Champaign CO. Rusg George H., reapers, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. RUGG HENRY L, drugs, etc, Peoria, Peoria Co. Rugg Ormael, boots and shoes, Bloomington, McLean Co. Ruggel Ambioseus, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rugger Edward, physici m, Edwardsville, Mad- ison Co. Ruggles R. H., printer, Henry, Marshall Co. Ruggles & Dulmage, lumber, Chelsea, Will Co. Rugh John, carpenter, Bushnell, McDonough Co. Rugles H., painter, Henry, Marshall Co. Ruhe W. A., daguerreotypes, Carmi, White Co. Ruhe & Hewitt, (John F. Ruhe & John G. Hewitt,) printers, Princeton, Bureau Co. Ruhl John, lager beer, Adams, Adams Co. Ruhman William, clothier, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Rule Robert, country store, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Rulel E. S., ins agt, Mount Carmel, Wabash Co. Rulison C. H., carpenter, Huntley Grove, Mc- Henry Co. Ruly Louis, hairdresser, Lincoln, Logan Co. Rumboldt R., veterinary surgeon, Avoca, Liv- ingston Co. Rumelhart George, quarry, Harlem, Winneba- go Co. Rumely C., jeweler, Onarga, Iroquois Co. Rummel Edward, printer and editor, Peoria, Peoria Co. Rummell George, flour mill, Bedford, Pike Co. Rumrill Lucius, jeweler, Peru, LaSalle Co. Rumsey S. L. D., sash and doors, Dwight, Liv- ingston Co. Rumsey, Bro. & Co., (George F. & J. S. Rum- sey and Henry A. Towner,) prod and com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Runde L. & Co., (Louis Runde & Adam Herr,) lumber, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Rundell Ambrose B., agent composition roofs, Chicago, Cook Co. Rundell Richard J., comp roofing, Chicago, Cook Co. Rundlet R. P., boots and shoes, Clinton.DeWitt Co. Runker George A., physician, Oregon,0gle Co. Runkin J. M., physician, Arcoia, Douglas Co. Runkle Peter, bricks, Barclay, Ogle Co. Runkle C. & Co., bankers, Knoxville, Knox Co. Runlett E. P., leather, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Runtz Christopher, chair manufacr, Chicago, Cook Co. Runyan A. J., mill wright, Summerfield, St. "Clair Co. Runyon Eben F., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Runvon J., saloon, Savanna, Carroll Co. 20 Runvon William D., mercantile agt, Chicago "Cook Co. Runze Bartholomew, saloon, Alton, Madison Co. Rupert Ambrose, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rupert David, agrl impls, Rockport, Pike Co. Rupert J. D., stone, Rockport, Pike Co. Rupert P. N., lawyer, Nakomis, Montgomery Co. Rupert W., gunsmith, Rockport, Pike Co. Rupert C. J. D. & Co., com mers, etc, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Rupert G. H. & Co., bankers, Pekin, Tazcwell Co. Rupert & Stanberry, flour mill, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Rupert, Harris & Co., dry goods, Rockport, Pike Co. Rupf Jos., cabinet maker, Highland, Madison Co. Ruplinger N., painter, Farmington, Fulton Co. Rupp Christian, cabinet, Wiikesborough, Me Lean Co. Rupp F., boots and shoes, Tamaroa, Perry Co. Rupp & Grimm, (Frederick Rupp and Franz Grimm,) publishers, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Rupy Henry, carpenter, Beardstown, Cass Co. Rusch Frederick, physician, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Rusell Richard, surveyor, Peoria, Peoria Co. Ruser Mrs., milliner, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Rush A., milliwiight, Detroit, Pike Co. Rushing E. B., circuit clerk, Pinckneyville, Perry Co. Rusle E., bricks, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Russ A., milliner, Algonquin, McHenry Co. Russ R., bricks, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Russel Adam, builder, Chicago, Cook Co. Russel Andrew W., dry goods, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Russel J. M., pianos, Geneseo, Henry Co. Russel T. J., carpenter, Harvard, McHenry Co. Russel T. R., grocer, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Russell B. F., town clerk, Gooding's Grove, Will Co. Russell Charles N., dry goods, Como, White- sides Co. Russell D., coal, Lmchburg, Jefferson Co. Russell Dennis, millwright, Versailles, Brown Co. Russell Edward, painter, Evanston, Cook Co. Russell G. W., hotel, Oakulla, Iroquois Co. Russell H., carpenter, Tennessee, McDanough Co. Russell H. M , com mer, Urbana, Champaign Co. Russell Henry, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Russell J. B.," dry goods, Bradford, Stark Co. Russell J. M., carriage, Princeville, Peoria Co. Russell J. Q., harness, Milledgeville, Carroll Co. Russell John, grocer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Russell John B. F., real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Russell John V., carpenter, Green Garden, Will Co. Russell Joseph, cooper, Enfield, White Co. Russell Martin, ins agt, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. RUS 330 RYN Russell Miles, carpenter, Evanston, Cook Co. Russell Peter, furniture, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Russell Richard, surveyor, Peoria, Peoria Co. Russell Robert G., grocer, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Russell S. S. Rev., Moawequa. Russell Samuel, carpenter, Green Garden, Will Co. Russell Samuel I., sash, doors, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Russell Stoddard, boot mkr, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Russell T. J., carriage, Princeville, Peoria Co. Russell Thomas J. & Co., flour mill, Versailles, Brown Co. Russell W. A. J., physician, Hamilton, Han- cock Co. Russell W. F., saw mill, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Russell W. T., sheriff, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Russell J. B. & Co., flour mills, Versailles, Brown Co. Russrll & Co., (Alfred N. Russell and John Shooler,) distillers, Alton, Madison Co. Russell & Angell, (Benjamin F. Russell & Henry A. Angell,) car wheel mkrs, Chicago,Cook Co. Russell & Losee, dry goods, Somonauk, De Kalb Co. Russell Hamer & Bro., paints & oils, Vermont, Fulton Co. Russer Valentine J., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Rust Henry, blksmith, Elvaston, Hancock Co. Rust L. C., dry goods. Bourbon, Douglas Co. Rust Mrs. M., caps, Blandinsville, McDonough Co. Rust Samuel, daguerreotypes, Keene, Adams Co. Rust William & Co., (Theodore Kraefft,) liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Rustermeyer F., boots & shoes, New Berlin, Sangamon Co. Rustt mier Robert, boots and shoes, New Ber- lin, Sangamon Co. Ruth H , postmaster, Summerfield, St. Glair Co. Ruth Henry, butcher, Naperville, DuPage Co. Ruth J., harness, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Ruth Reuben F., harness, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Ruth A. & Sarah, dressmkrs, Fairbury, Liv- ingston Co. Rutherford C. W., clothier, Shelbyville, Shel- by Co. Rutherford F. S., lawyer, Alton, Madison Co. Rutherford H., physician, Oakland, Coles Co. Rutherford I. W., dentist, Sandy Ridge, Grun- dy Co. Rutheiford J. P. Rev., Cumberland, Favette Co. Rutherford James, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Rutherford S., butcher, Virden, Macoupin Co. Rutherford & Co., dry goods, Sullivan, Moul- trie Co. Ruthven A., ins agt, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Rutishauser, John U., saloon, Aurora, Kane Co. Rutledge A. G., carpenter, Summum, Fulton Co. Rutledge E. Rev., Browning, Schuyler Co. Rutledge George Rev., Pleasant Plains, San- gamon Co. Rutledge Gilbert, carpenter, Summum, Fulton Co. Rutledge J. E. Rev., Ohio Grove, DcKalb Co. Rutledge W. J. Rev., Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Rutledge Washington D., commercial school, Bloomington, McLean Co. Rutter David, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Rutter Jacob, blksmith, Cedarville, Stephen- son Co. Rutushowser Isaac, billiards, Somonauk, De Kalb Co. Ruyland E., billiards, Meredosia, Morgan Co. Ryan Charles, physician, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Ryan Charles, wagonmkr, Lindenwood, Ogle Co. Ryan Daniel, hardware, Alton, Madison Co. Ryan Daniel, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Ryan Dennis, blksmith, Wapella, DeWitt Co. Ryan E., carptr, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Ryan Edward, dry goods, Elgin, Kane Co. Ryan George, lawyer, Paw Paw Grove, Lee Co. Ryan J. J.,. furniture, Girard, Macoupin Co. Ryan James, saloon, Mattoon, Coles Co. Ryan John, harness, Brimfield, Peoria Co. Ryan John, postmaster, Decatur, Macon Co. Ryan John, saloon, Peoria, Peoria Co. Ryan John C., plumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Ryan Joseph, grocer, Elgin, Kane Co. Ryan M., harness, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Ryan M. J., milliner, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Ryan Matthew J., grocer, Decatur, Macon Co. Ryan R., painter, Brimfield, Peoria Co. Ryan S., blksmith, Jones Creek, Randolph Co. Ryan Thomas Rev., Paris, Edgar Co. Ryan James & Peter, junk, Chicago, Cook Co. Ryan W. & J. M., (William Ryan & James M. Ryan,) Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Ryan W. E. & Co., dry goods, Girard, Macou- pin Co. Ryan & Thompson, (A. H. Ryan and Thompson,) gas fitters, Peoria, Peoria Co. Ryan & Williams, boots and shoes, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Rybolt J. C. Rev., Pekin, Tazewell Co. Ryder Solun, carpenter, Tracy, Will Co. Ryerdon Timothy, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Ryerly A. J., wagonmkr, Calhoun, Richland Co. Ryerson A. F., saddler, Pecatonica, Winne- bago Co. Ryerson Joseph T., iron, Chicago, Cook Co. Ryerson Martin, carpenter, Empire, White- sides Co. Ryerson & Morris, (Martin Ryerson and Robt. W. Morris,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Ryhiner Fred., physician, Highland, Madison Co. Ryhiner F. & Co., brokers, Highland, Madison Co. Ryimer J., carpenter, Jonesboro, Union Co. Ryland James, cooper, Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Ryner & Co., (Albert and Charles Ryner,) butchers, Chicago, Cook Co. RYO 331 SAM Ryon H. N., Liwyer, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co. Ryrie D. D. & Co., (Daniel D. Ryrie and John A. Ryrie,) com mers, Alton, Madi-on Co. Rystrom Johanes, blksmith, Geneva, Kane Co. S. Saase Francis, soap and candles, Rockford, . Wii'ncbago, Co. Saberton Joseph S., brewer, Chicago, Cook Co. Sabin Charles, drugs, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Sabin D., carpenter, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Sabin John, boots and shoes, Danby, DuPage Co. Sabin S. S., coll agt, Chatham, Sangamon Co. Sabin S. S. jr., carpenter, Chatham, Sangamon Co. Sabin J. & Son, wagonmkr, Pecatonica, Win- nebago Co. Sabins M., medicines, Danby, Du Page Co. Sacia D., blksmith, Winnebago Depot, Winne- bago Co. Sacia Sirs., milHner, Winnebago Depot, Win- nebago Co. Sack John, cigars, Chicago, Cook Co. Sacket Cyrus T., painter, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Sacket Edward, com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Sacket Frank, carpenter, Rantoul, Champaign Co. Sacket Thomas, hotel, Salisbury, Sangamon Co. Sackett Anna, milliner, Garden Prairie, Boone Co. Sackett David H., millwright, Garden Prairie, Boone Co. Sackett & Button, ice, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Sackman F., wagonmkr, Sparta, Randolph Co. Saddler F. M., blksmith, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Sadler Laurent, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Sadler Richard, boots and shoes, Neponset, Bureau Co. Sadorus William, dry goods, Sadorus, Cham- paign Co. Saeger Anthony Rev., New Strasburg, Co. Saengenfelder Adam, butcher, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Salford Alfred B., ins agt, Cairo, Alexander Co. Safford Charles B., painter, Malta, DeKalb Co. Saftbrd Henry, sheriff, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Sage E. W., carpenter, Chanahon, Will Co. Sage H., architect, Pekin, Tazewel! Co. Sage Mrs. H. L., medicines, Oneida, Knox Co. Sage J. Hoarlley, drugs, Chicago, Cook Co. Sage John B. Rev., Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Sage John D., miller, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Sage Milton, ice, Pecatonica, Winnebago Co. Sage E. B. & Co., prod, Douglas, Coles Co. Sage & Reed, (Reuben P. Sage & Sylvester Reed,) dry goods, Galesburg, Knox Co. Sager A., hardware, Foreston, Ogle Co. Srtger C. H., hardware, Lebanon, St. CLiir Co. Sahland EJward, grocer, Quincy, Ad ims Co. Sailor Amos, wagonmkr, Hampton, Rock Island Co. Sailor David, wagonmkr, HamptoUjRock Island Co. Sailor J. C., liquors, Fairfield, Wayne Co. SI 1 . JOHN EROX, fruits and confectionery, Rockford, Winnebago Co. St. John George, confectioner, Cariui, White Co. St. John Hiram, blksmith, Vermillionville, La Salle Co. St. John John, carpenter, L'Erable, Iroquois Co. St. J' hn Miss, milliner, Fairfield, Wayne Co. St. John M. M., butcher, Olney, Richland Co. St. John R., blksmith, Barry, Pike Co. ST. JOHN WILLIAM L., gen ticket agt, C & R I R R, Chicago, Cook Co. Saladin William, brewer, Chicago, Cook Co. Sale H. A., dentist, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Salfrank Henry, cupper, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Salisbury Alvin, contractor, Chicago, CookCo. Salisbury D., physician, Forksville, Lake Co. Salisbury DeGra;S, dry goods, Princeton, Bu- reau Co. Salisbury John B., blksmith and postmaster, Tracy, Will Co. Salisbury Stephen, banker, Chicago, Cook Co. Salisbury Willard, planing mill, Woodstock, MeHenry Co. Salky Morris, clothing, Chicago, Cook Co. Sailer W. L, grocer, Charleston, Coles Co. Sails G. W., painter, Centralia, Marion Co. Sails Lorenz, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Salisbury M., physician, Fort Hill, L ike Co. Salter J., blksmith, Foreston, Ogle Co. Salter & Brother, lumber, O'Fallon Depot, St. Clair Co. Sain Kasper, saloon, Peoria, Peoria Co- Salsman Edwin, carriages, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Salomon Brother, (Frederick & Wolf,) livery, Peoria, Peoria Co. Salomon Edward, clothier, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Salomon Solomon, grocer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Salter C. C. Rev., Kewanee, Henry Co. Salter Henry F., physician, Moline, Rock Island Co. Salter M., carpenter, Wilmington, Will Co. Salter S. C., physician, Kent, Stephenson Co. Saltonstill, S. R., physician, Tremont, Taze- well Co. SaltonstallF. G. & Co., (Francis G. Saltor.stall, Edward I. Tinkham and John C. Ambler,) brokers, Chicago, CookCo. Salzenstein Elias, dry goods and postmaster, S ilisbury, Sangamon Co. Salzenstein L., dry goods, etc, Athens, Menard Co. Samanial F. J., tanner, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Samer Andrew, boots and shoes,Chicago, Cook Co. Saminger G. J., carpenter, Tennessee, McDon- ough Co. Samis Isaac, carpenter, Pingree Grove, Kane Co. Sammons & Marshall, physicians, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Sample E. A., lime, Greenup, Cumberland Co. SAM 332 SAN Sample George, blksmith, Carthage, Hancock Co. Sample Jas. & Co., carpenters, Carthage, Han- cock Co. Sample Richard, liquors, Broadwell, Logan Co. Samples A. J., carpenter, Fayette, Greene Co. Sampson A. S., dry goods, Como, Whitesides Co. Sampson A. W., dry goods, Renault, Monroe Co. Sampson C. H., vinegar and postmaster, Re- nault, Monroe Co. Sampson Dery, carpenter, Sweetwater, Menard Co Sampson G. W., carpenter, Athens, Menard Co. Sampson J. F., carpenter, Waynesville, De Witt Co. Sampson J. M., cabinet, Waynesville, DeWitt Co. Sampson S. B., carpenter, Forksville, Lake Co. Sampson T. W., physician, Jefferson, Cook Co. Sampson William, hotel, Marengo, McHenry Co. Sampson William H., land agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Sampson , carriage mkr, Renault, Monroe Co. Sams John M., physician, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Sams Thomas M., physician, Frankfort, Frank- lin Co. Sams & Hamilton, drugs, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Samson George N., blksmith, Denny, Warren Co. Samuel R. Rev., Nebraska, Iroquois Co. Samuel J. & Brother, (Julius and Isaac,) cloth- ing, Quincy, Adams Co. Samuels D. A., confectioner, Monticello, Piatt Co. Samuels James M., blksmith, Henderson, Knox Co. Samuels John, ins agt, Harvard, McHenry Co. Samuelson Charles, boots and shoes, Geneva, Kane Co. Sanbam Charles, shoemkr, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Sanberger Martin, millwright, Victoria, Knox Co. Sanbern Abraham, horse shoer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Sanborn David, ins agt, Galesburg, Knox Co. Sanborn Henry, fruit, Chicago, Cook Co. Sanborn James N., saloon, Joliet, Will Co. Sanborn R. S. Rev., Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Sanborn William A., agrimpls.Sterling, White- sides Co. Sanborne H., freight agt, Reed, Sangamon Co. Sander George, grocer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Sander Henry, cigarmkr, Edwardsville, Madi- son Co. Sander M., auctioneer, New Boston, Mercer Co. Sanderhoff Christian, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Sanders Adam F. E., dry goods, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Sanders B., lawyer, Blue Island, Cook Co. Sanders B., shingle mkr, Edgewood, Effingham Co. Sanders E. P., furniture, Pana, Christian Co. Sanders Edgar, nursery, Lake View, Chicago, Cook Co. Sanders Henry A., eating house, Chicago, Cook Co. Sanders J. P., boots and shoes, Clermont,Rich- land Co. Sanders I. R., architect, South Macon, Macon Co. Sanders Jacob, stage agt, Bainbridge, William- son Co. Sanders John, agr impls, Oswego, Kendall Co. Sanders L. F., ins agt, Beardstown, Cass Co. Sanders L. W., school comm'sr, Danville, Ver- million Co. Sanders M., fisherman, New Boston, Mercer Co. Sanders Robert, cabinet mkr, Indianola, Ver- million Co. Sanders T., grocer, Bunker Hill, Macoupin Co. Sanders T., harness, Bainbridge, Williamson Co. Sanders & Frame, butchers, Pana, Christian Co. Sanderson A. C., town clerk, Detroit, Pike Co. Sanderson Cyrus, chairs, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Sanderson H., carpenter, Clifton, Iroquois Co. Sanderson J. R., millwright, Summer Hill, Pike Co. Sanderson L., lumber, Abingdon, Knox Co. Sanderson Peter, shoemkr, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Sanderson A. & Co., (Albert Sanderson and Alonzo H. Dana,) market, Chicago, Cook Co. Sanderson & Son, wool, Galesburg, Knox Co. Sandert Wm , weaver, Clermont, Richland Co. Sandford E , lawyer, Morris, Grundy Co. Sand'ord William H., mer tailor, Woodstock, McHenry Co. Sand:ord N. & S. A., flour, etc, Jefferson, Cook Co. Sandford & Alexander, hardware, Paris, Edgar Co. Sandham Miss E. A., milliner, Wilkesboro, McLean Co. Sandhell Henry, painter, Belleville, St. Glair Co. Sandmeier & Klassen, (Henry Sandmeier & Jacob Klas?ec,) cigars. Chicago,Cook Co. Sandoe Enoch T., hotel, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Sandoe Jacob, potter, Orangeville, Stephen- son Co. Sandrock John Rev., St. Marie, Jaspar Co. Sanford B. F., postmaster, Roanoke, Woodford Co. Sands David, agricul implts, Golconda, Pope Co. SANDS JOSIAS J., brewer, Chicago, Cook Co. Sands & Co., plowmkrs, Golconda, Pope Co. Sanes N., butcher, Clear Creek Landing, Al- exander Co. Sanford Charles, carpenter, Round Grove, Whitesides Co. Sanford Charles, com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. SAX 333 SAV Sanford Charles W,, baker, Ottawa, LaSrd Co. Spoon Joel, gunsmith, Greenup, Cumberland Co. Spooner G. H., carpenter, Clifton, Iroquois Co. SPO 359 STA Spoonhoff H., grocer, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Spoor A., stage agt, Byron, Ogle Co. Spoor L C., tinsmith, Byron, Ogle Co. Sporlein Wolfgang, shoemkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Spotts Samuel, carpenter, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Spracller John, baker, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Spradling John, gunsmith, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Spraer John, wagon mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Sprague , weaver, New Erin, Stephenson Co. Sprague A. J., express agt, Meredosia, Mor- gan Co. Sprague B., wool, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Sprague Charles, physician, Beardstown, Cass Co. Sprague Charles D., exp agt, Elgin, Kane Co. Sprague D., flour mill, Malta, DeKalb Co. Sprague E., dressmkr, Fairbury, Livingston Co. Sprague S., surveyor, Libertvville, Lake Co. Sprague S. A., harness, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Sprague S. S., coal, Malta, DeKalb Co. Sprague William, boots and shoes, Dixon, Lee Co. Sprague & Gray, chain pumps, Lexington, Mc- Lean Co. Spratler J. M., baker, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Spremont Joseph, blksmith, Kankakee, Kan- kakee Co. SPR1GGS JOHN S., druggist, Monmouth, Warren Co. Spriggs L. S., cabinet mkr, Harrisburg, Saline Co. Spriggs & McLeod, (Thos. G. Spriggs and S.imuel McLeod,) tailors, Chicago, Cook Co. Spring C. H., ins agt, Griggsville, White Co. Spring H., dry goods, Olney, Richland Co. Spriuger C. Rev., Ipava, Fulton Co. Springer D. S., boots and shoes, Durand, Win- nebago Co. Springer F. J., blksmith, Edwardsville, Madi- son Co. Springer Frederick W., tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Springer Geo. W., boots and shoes, Rockton, Winnebago Co. Springer J., lumber, LaHarpe, Hancock Co. Springer J. P., foundry, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Springer Jacob, machinist, LaHarpe, Hancock .Co. Springer John T., lawyer, Jacksonville, Mor- gan Co. Spring Lindsay, livery, Grayville, White Co. Springer Max, cigars, Chicago, Cook Co. Springer T. J., school coinm'sr, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Springer Thomas 0., circuit clerk, Edwards- ville, Madison Co. Springer W. M., lawyer, Lincoln, Logan Co. Springgate J. L., physician and postmaster, Eureka, Woodford Co. Springman Adam, cabinet mkr, Cedarville, Stephen?on Co. Springman M., cabinet mkr, Cedarville, Ste- phenson Co. Springsted W., cooper, AbingJon, Knox Co. Sproehule John M., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Sproul H. J., auctioneer, Frankliu Grove, Lee Co. Sproul Thomas & William, blksm'ths, Osborn, Washington Co. Sproule & Chapoton, (James Sproule and Au- gustus B. Chapoton,). clothing, Chicago, Cook. Sprouse Benjamin, cooper, Weller, Henry Co. Sprouse & Booth, flour mill, LaCiede, Favette Co. Sprouse & Robb, dry goods, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Sprouse, Chase & Jackson, (William I. Sprouse, Daniel S. Chase and John N. Jackson,) saw and grist mill, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Sprowls & Turner, millers, Han.ilton, Hancock Co. Spruance T., physician, Fayette. Greene Co. Spruance & Preston, (Harmon Spruunce and Josiah W. Preston,) com mers, Alton, Madison Co. Spruegel Charles, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Spurgeon W., sash and doors, Onarga, Iroquois Co. Spurgin William, school comm'sr, Nashville, Washington Co. Spurlock Meuander Rev., Iroquois, Iroquois Co. Spuilock P. Rev., Farmington, Fulton Co. Squares Constant, cooper, Yellow Head Grove, Kankakee Co. Squiers I., carpenter, , Macoupin Co. Squires C. W., cooper, Sherburnville, Kanka- kee Co. Squires Corwin, brickmkr, Pecatonica, Win- nebago Co. Squires F. A., hotel, Geneseo, Henry Co. Squires G. W., quarry, Mineral, Bureau Co. Squires H., upholsterer, Prophetstown, White- sides Co. Squires Mary Ann, dress mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Staaden Nicholas, hardware, Chicago, Cook Co. Staas Henry, stage agt, Mount Carmel.Wabash Co. Stach Harmel, saloon, Bloomington, McLean. Co. Stackpole W. T., coal, etc, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Stackpole William, stone dealer, Dixon, Lee Co. Stacy E P., dry goods, Maiden, Bureau Co. Stacy H. A., painter, Brighton, Macoupin Co. Stacy James D., harness mkr, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Stacy Matthew, co clerk and ins agt, Jackson- viJe, Morgan Co. Stadden William, banker, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Stadelmann, Henry, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Stadler J., cooper, Hampton, Rock Island Co. Stadtmann R., daguerreotypes and books, Highland, Madison Co. Staen George, tailor, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Staff J., clothing, Dwight, Livingston Co. Staffel F., wagon maker, Blue Island, Cook Co. STA 360 STA Stafford E., freight agt, Abingdon, Knox Co. Stafford B., iron and steel, Grafton, Jersey Co. Stafford C. B , auctioneer, Rochester, Sanga- amon Co. Stafford C. P., harness mkr, Grafton, Jersey Co. Stafford Charles, artificial limbs, Chicago,Cook Co. Stafford D., boots and shoes, Warrenville, Du Page Co. Stafford David, auctioneer, Grafton, Jersey Co. Stafford F. F., baker, Abingdon, Knox Co. Stafford James, grocer, Oswego, Kendall Co. Stafford James Rev., Trenton, Clinton Co. Stafford John, hotel, Joliet, Will Co. Stafford Joseph, notary, Peoria, Peoria Co. Stafford Moses, stoves, Decatur, Macon Co. Stafford Thomas, ice, Grafton, Jersey Co. Stafford William S., boots and shoes, Wauke- gan Co. Stafford D. H. & P. T., grocers, Waukegan, Lake Co. Stafford B. & Co., blacksmiths, Grafton, Jer- sey Co. Stafford M. & Co., dry goods, Mount Auburn, Christian Co. Stafford & McClelland, (John M. Stafford & Robert McClelland,) cotton batting, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Stafford & Smedley, (John F. Stafford & John D. Smedley,) auction and com niers, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Stage H., blacksmith, Wilmington, Will Co. Stagg J. M. Rev., Grayville, White Co. Stagg Thomas, blksmith, Albany, Whitesides Co. Stagle Jacob, blacksmith, Heyworth, McLean Co. Stahl Edward L., drugs, Chicago, Cook Co. Stahl Phillip, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Stain J. R., grocer, A' ma, Marion Co. Staines Joseph, com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Stalcup P. L., dry goods, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Stalder A., chair maker, Grafton, Jersey Co. Staley A., blacksmith, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Staley Ahart, plow maker, Calhoun, Richland Co. Staley F. Rev., Bethel, Morgan Co. Staley V. F., iron, Calhoun, Richland Co. Stalker & Huggins, (Albert Stalker & John T. Huggins,) butchers. Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Stall H. G., express agt, Brighton, Macoupin Co. Stalnacker G. W., pump maker, carpentr, etc, Paris, Edgar Co. Stamme Henry, boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Stambaugh John, cabinet mkr, Browning, Schuyler Co. Stamm Joseph, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Stamin Vincent, baker, Kankakee, Kankakee Co. Stammler & Bro., (Rudolph & Otto,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Stamper, Condell & Co., (W. L. Stamper, W. J. Condell & W. J. Quinlan,) dry goods, etc, Decatur, Macon Co. Stamps Stephen, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Stanard A. L., blacksmith, Sublette, Lee Co. Stanard Norman, boots and shoes, Dover, Bureau Co. Stanchfield James,carptr, Nora, Jo Daviess Co. Stanchfield Rural, carpenter, Nora, Jo Daviess Co. Stanchfield Mrs. Rural, milliner, Nora, Daviess Co. Standley Richard M., auctioneer, Mercer, Rock Island Co. Standifer J., co treasurer, McLeansboro, Ham- ilton Co. Standish Hiram, grocer, N"apervil!e, DuPage Co. Standish Morton, packer, Chicago, Cook Co. Standring Thomas, harness maker, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. Standiing William, cooper, Albion, Edwards Co. Stanebury Jacob, carpenter, Delavan, Taze- well Co. Stanfield William & Co., saw mill, Swan Creek, Warren Co. Stance Henry, dry goods, Dunleith, Jo Daviess Co. Stangle Caroline, milliner, Quincy, Adams Co. Stangle Theophilus, carpenter, Quincy, Adams Co. Stanhope William, tailor, Morris, GrundyCo. Staniforth Benjamin W., butcher, Elgin, Kane Co. Stanley B. 0., butcher, Charleston, Coles Co. Stanley Frederick G., oculist and aurist, Quin- cy, Adams Co. Stanley Henry Rev., Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Stanley John & Son, (John and John jr.,) pro- duce iners, Chicago, Cook Co. Stanley Thomas, boots and shoes, Albion, Ed- wards Co. Stanley Wm., butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Stanley R. & S., hotel, Grayville, White Co. Stanr.ard Mrs., milliner, etc, Maiden, Bureau Co. Stansberry Daniel, blksmith, Eureka, Wood- ford Co. Stansberry D. Co., plowmkrs, Eureka, Wood- ford Co. Stanburg T. C., carpenter, Virden, Macoupin Co. Stansb'ury B., painter, Morris, Grundy Co. Stansbury James E., co clerk, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Stansbury & Legue, harness mkrs, Clinton, De Witt Co. Stansell James J., carpenter, Mercia, Rock Is- land Co. Stansell James J., postmaster, Mercia, Rock Island Co. Stansell & Wilson, (Jacob B. Stansell and Gco. B. Wilson,) prod and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Stanton George E., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Stantor. John, painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Stanton John E., livery, Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Stanton Patrick, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Stanton R. H., soap and candles, Galesburg, Knox Co. STA 361 STE Stan ton Thomas, physician, Hennepin, Putnam Co. Stanton William B., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Stanton J. C. & D. N., dry goods, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Stanton & Co., stage line, New Salem, Pike Co. Stanton & Webster, (John M. Stanton and B. F. Webster,) lawyers, Alton, Madison Co. Stanway Thomas S., physician, Aurora, Kane Co. Stanwix Hall, Chicago, Cook Co. Staper Joseph, billiard table mkr, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Stapler Edward P., blacksmith, Liberty ville, Lake Co. Stapler N. & Co., bootmkrs, Savanna, Carroll Co. Staples L. F., carpenter, Mattoon, Coles Co. Staples Moses W. Rev., Kankakee, Kankakee Co. Staples S. G., lumber, Onel'a, Knox Co. Stapleton William, boots and shoes, Joliet, Will Co. Starbui k Leroy, blksmith, Greenup, Cumber- land Co. Starfield William, carpenter, Osage, Franklin Co. Stark A. C., carpenter, Dudley, Edgr Co. Stark A. J., carpenter, Beverly, Adams Co. Stark Daniel, hotel, Clark Centre, Clark Co. Stark John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Stark Mrs., carpet weavqr, Doddsville, McDon- ough Co. Stark J. & G., dry goods and flour mill, Au- gusta, Hancock Co. Stark Lawrence, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Stark Louis, cooper, Chicago, Cook Co. Staik Martin, saloon, Winfield, DuPage Co. Stark Michael, hairdresser, Waukegan, Lake Co. Star Mill Co., flour, St. John, Perry Co. Star Mills, (McGinley, Clawson & Co.,) Gen- eseo, Henry Co. Stark Wolf, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Stark & Isham, (James L. Stark jr., and Ed- ward S. Isham,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Starkey C., quarry, Batavia, Kane Co. Starkey William G., school com, Lincoln, Lo- gan Co. Stakey J. & S., dry goods, Bethalto, Madison Co. Starkloff Hugo M., physician, Galesburg, Knox Co. Starks A. J., carpenter, Beverley, Adams Co. Starkweather E. H., lawyer, Charleston, Coles Co. Starkweather P. D., restaurant, Mendota, La Salle Co. Starner George, blksmith, Dubois, Washing- ton Co. Starr Chas. R., lawyer, Kankakee, Kankakee Co. Starr H. G., harness mkr, Foreston, Ogle Co-. Starr John, carriage mkr, Bloomfield, Edgar Co. Starr John F., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Starr Louis A., capmkr, Bloomfield, Edgar Co. 22 Starr Wm., brickmkr, Paris, Edgir Co. Starr Williim & Co., (William E. Turner and Hendley G. Hoge,) carpenters, Morris, Grundy Co. Starr T. G. & Co., (Thomas G. Starr and Thos. Pierce.) grocers, Alton, Madison Co. Starr T. J. & Co., paints and oils, Marshall, Clark Co. Starr & Tanner, (Joseph G. Starr and Elias Tanner,) saddlers, Decatur, Macon Co. Startzman John, carpenter, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co. State Bank of Illinois, Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. States John H., cooper, Staunton, Macoupin Co. Statts W., cabinet, Clayton, Adams Co. Stauder N., brickmkr, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Staunton Matthew & Bro., (Adam Staunton,) grain dealer, Peoria, Peoria-Co. Stayart Pankraz, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. St. Charles Mill, (flour,) St. Charles, Kane Co. St. Clair H. C., town clerk, Mt. Pulaski, Logan Co. St. Clair J. L., daguerreotypes, Tamarca, Per- ry Co. St. Clair Savings & Ins Co., Belleville, St. Clair Co. Stead B., furniture, Sandoval, Marion Co. Stead John W., meat market, Chicago, Cook Co. Steadman Allen, lawyer, Edgewood, Effingham Co. Steadman I., dry goods, Edgewood, Effingham Co. Steakman John A., boat builder, Drury, Rock Island Co. Stearnes E. M., bookseller, Ashley, Washing- ton Co. Stearnes George W., cabinet, Wallingford, Will Co. Stearns Levi, chairmkr, Wallingford. Will Co. Stearns C., hotel, Sandoval, Marion Co. Stearns C. W., livery, Sandoval, Marion Co. Stearns George T., secy and treas The Peshti- go Co., Chicago, Cook Co. Stearns Moses, carpenter, Libertyville, Lake Co. Stearns Owen, physician, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Stearns & Co., (Marcus C. Ste Tns, Walter S. Gurnee, Alson S. Sherman, Lester H. Eames and Lucius Sherman,) cement, lime, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Stearns, Briggs & Forsyth, (John W. Stearns, Jeremiah B. Briggs and James Forsyth,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Stebbens W. H., dry goods, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Stebbins George, plowmkr, Summer Hill, Pike Co. Stebbins George Rev., Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Stebbins H., miller, Galesburg, Knox Co. Stebbins Miss R. R., teacher, Burton, Adams C'o. Stebbins Silas, grocer, Batavia, Kane Co. Stedman Amos C., real estate, Dixon, Lee Co. Stedman S. S., contractor, Amboy, Lee Co. Steed Wm., clothier, Virden, Macoupin Co. Steekles Jeremiah, cabinet, Erie,WhitesidesCo. STE 362 STE Steekler & Co., bakers, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Steel Mrs. A., weaver, Edgewood, Effingham Co. Steel C. B., liwyer, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Steel David S., carpenter, Ogle, Ogle Co. Steel George & Co., (Solomon McKicheu and Wm. Clark,) prod com and packers, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Steel James, flour mills, Glasgow, Scott Co. Steel Jan, es H., lawyer Robinson, Crawford Steel John, saloon, Washington, Tazewell Co. Steel L. L., blksmith, Beverly, Adams Co. Steel Robert, surveyor, Piiickneyville, Perry Co. Steele A. S., town clerk, Dover, Bureau Co. Steele Albert J., lumber & coal, Chicago, Cook Co. Steele Anthony, sheriff, Chester, Randolph Co. Steele Charles R., ins agt, Waukegan, Lake Co. Steele Ezra A., physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Steele Henry T., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Steele J. M., physician, Grandview, Edgar Co. Steele James, ins agt, Paris, Edgar Co. Steele Jason, grocer and postmaster, Elvaston, Hancock Co. Steele John A. Rev., Grandview, Edgar Co. Steele & Hubbard, dry goods, Dover, Bureau Co. Steele & Sale, lawyers, Paris, Edgar Co. Steele, Ransom & Co., dry goods, Waukegan, Lake Co. Steeles John R., carpenter, Paine's Pt., Ogle Co. Steely James C., grocer, Middleport, Iroquois Co. Steely L., shingle mkr, Middleport, Iroquois Co. Steely & Hogle, saw mill, Middleport, Iroquois Co. Steers & Rogers, storage and com, Pleasant Vale, Pike Co. Stees Henry, notary, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Steffan John, butcher, Blue Island, Cook Co. Steffen Nicholas, saloon, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Steffio Philip, bakers, Ashley, Washington Co. Steger , physician, Newton, Jasper Co. Stegmiller V., boiler works, Quincy, Adams Co. Stehr T., physician, Millstadt, St. Clair Co. Stiickler, & Root, saw mill, Iroquois, Iroquois Co. Steidley F., hotel and postmaster, Barr's Store, Macoupin Co. Steifverther Herman, quarry, Evansville, Ran- dolph Co. Steiger Dieton, blksmith, Lively, St. Clair Co. Steiger Wm., butcher, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Stein Adam, blksmith, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Stein Charles, baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Stein F. % blksmith, Sandoval, Marion Co. STEIN FREDERICK, boots and shoes, Chica- go, Cook Co. Stein J., cooper, Mount Carmel, Wabash Co. Stein John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Stein Peter, boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Stein C. & S., (Charles & Solomon,) dry good* Chicago, Cook Co. Steinagle Henry, harness, Coatsburg, Adams Co. Steinbach Henry, potter, Chicago, Cook Co. Steinberg S., haii dresser, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Steinbrecher Edward, tavern, Chicago, Cook Co. Steinegger George, blksmith, Highland, Madi- son Co. Stcinenger Ephraim, fanning mill maker,Mier, Wabash Co. Steiner Alex., clothier, Petersburg, Menard Co. Steinhaus Augustus, deputy sheriff, Holstein, Cook Co. Steinmetz 0. P., dry goods, Orangeville, Ste- phenson Co. Steinmetz P. B., dye woods, etc, Orangeville, Stephenson Co. Stelber John, harness mkr, Woodstock, Mc- Henry Co. Stelder A., soap and candle mkr, Grafton, Jer- sey Co. Stem J., coal, Roseville, Warren Co. Slem Martin, blksmith, Sandoval, Marion Co. Stemler Peter, grocer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Stemper & Wagoner, wagon makers, Chicago, Cook Co. Sfender John F., blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Stenger Michael, saloon, Aurora, Kane Co. Stenger J. & H., brewers, Naperville, DuPage Co. Stenier H. & Co., gents furnishing,Lacon, Mar- shall Co. Stennell W. W., liquors, Williamsville, Sanga- mon Co. Stephan Adam, wagon mkr, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Stephani Brothers, (John & Jacob,) importers and dealers in wines and liquors, manu- facturers of cordials and vinegar, also rec- tifiers of whiskey, Chicago, Cook Co. Stephens A., biickmkr, Ru*hville, SchuylerCo. Stephens A., physician, Higginsville, Veimil- lion Co. Stephens B. G., physician, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co. Stephens Charles C., ins agt, Geneva, Kane Co. Stephens Horace, ice, Henry, Marshall Co. Stephens J. H., dentist, Hutsonville, Crawford Co. Stephens James H., painter, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Stephens Mrs. John, milliner, Chicago, Cook Co. Stephens LaFayette A., harness mkr, Lexing- ton, McLean Co. Stephens S. P., drugs, Naperville, DuPage Co. Stephens Susan, boarding. Chicago, Cook Co. Stephens U. G., physician, Newton, Jasper Co. Stephens W. H., cabinet mkr, Sherburuville, Kankakee Co. Stephens E. & Co., shoe findings, Mattoon, Coles Co. Stephens J. H. & Co., (James II. Stephens & Frederick Hodges,) auc and com, Alton, Madison Co. STE 363 STE Stephens J. & T , (John & Thomas,) painters, Chicago, Cook Co. Stephens & McCullough,butchers, Pana, Chris- tian Co. Stephens & Nailor, soap and candles, Canton, Fulton Co. Stephens & Penewit, blksmiths, Maquon, Knox Co. Stephens, "Wood & Huntoon, (George Stephens, Timothy Wood & Jonathan Huntoon.) bedstead manufacturers, Moline, R.I gland Co. Stephenson B. F., physician, Petersburg, Men- ard Co. Stepenson Wm. J., lawyer, Clay City, Clay Co. Stephenson Co. Farmers' Bank, Freeport, Ste- phenson Co. STEPHENSON IXS. CO., Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Stephenson E. P., newspaper Lincoln, Logan Co. Stephenson James, blksmith, Oxford, Henry Co. Stephenson James, blksmith, St. John, Perry Co. Stephenson John, flour mill, Troy Grove, La Salle Co. Stephenson John B., physician, Monmouth, Warren Co. Stephenson John H. & Bro., carpenters, Fair- bury, Livingston Co. Stephenson Joseph Rev., Jericho, Kane Co. Stephenson Joseph A., postmaster, Staunton, Macoupin Co. Stephenson M., harness mkr, Sparta, Randolph Co. Stephen=on Mary, milliner, etc, St. John, Per- ry Co. Stephenson Nathan, physician, Fair Haven, Carroll Co. Stephenson 0. G., civil engineer, Marshall, Clark Co. Stepbenson R. H., hotel, Granville, Putnam Co. Stephenson Thos. & Co., plow mkrs, Maquon, Knox Co. Stephenson William, coal, Farmington, Fulton Co. Stephenson Mrs. William, milliner, Oneida, Knox Co. Stephenson William J.,lawyer, Louisville, Clay Co. Stephenson E. & Co., hides and leather, Mat- toon, Coles Co. Stephenson & B.rnet, flour and feed, Staunton, Macoupin Co. Stepp Frank, b; ker, Carthage, Hancock Co. Sterlin H., stone ware mnfr, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Sterling Ann F., artist, Chicago, Cook Co. Sterling Lewis, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Sterling Mill, flour, Sterling, Whites ; des Co. Sterling Rosewell C., wood turner, Marietta, Fulton Co. Stern A., blksmith, Carrollton, Greene Co. Stern M., clothier, Paris, Edgar Co. Stern S., clothier, Lincoln, Logan Co. Stern N. & Brother, dry goods, Santa Anna, De Witt Co. Sternberg H., carpenter, Alhambra, Madison Co. Sternberg William, fur mnfr, Chicago, Cook Co. Sternheimer Moses, prod, Chicago, Cook Co. Sterner Jerome J., lime and cement, Little York, Warren Co. Sterns H. & Co., clothiers, Lacon, Marshall Co. Sterrett William H , co judge, Robinson, Craw- ford Co. Sterrill George, blksmith, Friend's Grove, Wabash Co. Sterricker James, wagonmkr, Elgin, Kane Co. Sterritt Thomas B., dry goods, etc, Toulon, Stark Co. Stetson A. S., lumber, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Stetson Asa P., lumber, Cairo, Alexander Co. Stetson Ezra, physician, Neponset, Bureau Co. Stetson J. S. & Son, cloths, etc, Farmington, Fulton Co. Stettinius George, boots, shoes, etc, Peoria, Peoria Co. Stettinius William, grocer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Strevell & Kinsell, hardware, Pontiac, Living- ston Co. Stevens Ammon, cooper, Utah, Warren Co. Stevens Asahel A. Rev., Peoria, Peoria Co. Stevens C., carpenter, Libertyville, Lake Co. Stevens Calvin, carpenter, Rockton, Winne- bago Co. Stevens Charles, dry goods, Shabbona Grove, DeKalb Co. Stevens Cicero, dentist, E'lisville, Fulton Co. Stevens D. E., hotel, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Stevens D. M., dry goods, Freedom, LaSalle Co. Stevens E., carpenter, Howardsville, Stephen- son Co. Stevens E. C., boat builder, Antioch, Lake Co. Stevens Edward, dentist, Bloomington, Me Lean Co. Stevens Francis A., machinist, Chicago, Cook Co. Stevens G. W., wines, etc, Geneseo, Henrv Co. Stevens George W. & Co., (Joseph A. Davoll,) jewelers, Chicago, Cook Co. Stevens H., cider and vinegar, Wentworth, Lake Co. Stevens H. B., agri imps, Ashkum, Iroquois Co. Stevens Mrs. Harriet, milliner, Joliet, Wil Co. Stevens Henry, postmaster, Wentworth, Lake Co. Stevens Hezekiah B., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Stevens J. H., physician, Byron, Ogle Co. Stevens James, millwright, Fidelity, Jersey Co. Stevens James B., boots and shoes, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Stevens John, lawyer, Dixon, Lee Co. Stevens John, miller, Durand Wiunebago Co. Stevens Joseph, blksmith, St. Joseph, Cham- paign Co. Stevens Joseph L., cabinetmkr, Payson, Adams Co. Stevens Mrs., weaver, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. STE 364 STE Stevens R., carpenter, Oneida, Knox Co. Stevens R. E., lumber, Pecatonica, Winnebago Co. Stevens S. J., lumber, Onargo, Iroquois Co. Stevens Simon T., carpenter, Salisbury, San- gamon Co. Stevens T. W., hotel, Nora, Jo Daviess Co. Stevens William, boots and shoes, Coal Valley, Rock Island Co. Stevens William. W., lawyer, Joliet, Will Co. Stevens B. N. & Co., flour mills Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Stevens C. & Co., agri imps, Buda, Bureau Co. Stevens C. & Co., dry goods, Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Stevens E. B. & Co., (Enoch B. & J. Stillman,) com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Stevens A. G. & G. W., (Augustus G. & George W.,) civil engineers, etc, Bloomington, McLean Co. Stevens & Huston, (John H. Stevens & Samuel G. Boston,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Stevens & McConihes, (Ju-tus Stevens, Lucien H. & John M. McConihes,) dry goods, Princeton, Bureau Co. STEVENS & NORRIS, (J. Stillman Stevens & Emilus W. Norris,) flour mill, Chicago, Cook Co. Stevens & Webber, (Jeremiah L. Stevens & Calvin E. Webber,) fruit, Chicago, Cook Co. Stevens, West & Co., grocers, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Stevenson Alexander F., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Stevenson Alexander S., cigars, Frankfort, Franklin Co. Stevenson Benj. F., dry goods, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Stevenson John, blksmith, Salem, Marion Co. Stevenson Jno., lawyer, Valley Forge, Pulaski Co. Stevenson L. C., cabinetmkr, Carthage, Han- cock Co. Stevenson Robert, hotel, Peoria, Peoria Co. Stevenson S., lawver, Metamora, Woodford Co. Stevenson S. H. Rev., Heyworth, McLean Co. Stevenson S. R., brickmkr, Boone, Boone Co. Stevenson Simon, Western Saratoga, Union Co. Stevenson W. Rev., Springfield, Sangamon Co. Stevenson William, carriage mkr, Lexington, McLean Co. Stevenson & Tomkins, (Wm. C. Stevenson jr., & Sam'l P. Tomkins,) hardware, Jackson- ville, Morgan Co. Stevinger H., carpenter, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Steward Bradley, carpenter, Houston, Adams Co. :Stewart A., hotel, Havana, Mason Co. Stewart A. J., carriage mkr, Clermont, Rich- land Co. Stewart A. S., saloon, Harvard, McHenry Co. Stewart A. T., produce, Hennepin, Putnam Co. Stewart Alex., dry goods, Albion, Edwards Co. Stewart Almanz A., butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Stewart C , bl icksmith, Payson, Adams Co. Stewart C , fishing tackle, Oswego, Kendall Co. Stewart C. J., butchers, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Stewart C L., boots and shoes, Knoxville, Knox Co. Stewart Daniel, wagonmkr, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Stewart Miss E., milliner, etc, Carmi, White Co. Stewart E. L., physician, Carmi, White Co. Stewart Electa Mrs., boarding house, Chicago, Cook Co. Stewart F., wagonmaker, Brighton, Macoupin Co. Stewart F. D. S., co treasurer, Joliet, Will Co. Stewart Foster, carpenter, Ridotts, Stephen- son Co. Stewart Freeman, daguerreotypes, Havana, Mason Co. Stewart George, cabinet maker, Pecatonica, Mason Co. Stewart George, dry goods, Parrish, Franklin Co. Stewart George, grocer, Parrish, Franklin Co. Stewart George, machinist, Orange Prairie, Peoria Co. Stewart George, wood turner, Piano, Kendall Co. Stewart George & James, packers, Chicago, Cook Co. Stewart Hart L., real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Stewart Henry, chair mnfr, Sweetwater, Menard Co. Stewart J., millwright, Warren, JoDaviess Co. Stewart J. H., grocer, Kewanee, Henry Co. Stewart J., harnessmkr, St.Joseph, Champaign Co. Stewart J. II., lawyer, Knoxville, Knox Co. Stewart J. R., com mer, Pecatonica, Winne- bago Co. Stewart J. W. Rev., Groveland. Stewart James, blacksmith, Libertyville, Lake Co. Stewart James, grocer, Monterey, Calhoun Co. Stewart James T., physician, Peoria, Peoria Co. Stewait John, cooper, Vermont, Fulton Co. Stewart John, millwright, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Stewart John, painter, Channahon, Will Co. Stewart John, storage, Marengo, McHenry Co. Stewart John F., dry goods, New Liberty, Pope Co. Stewart John R., stoves, Hillsboro, Montgom- ery Co. Stewart Joseph, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Stewart Josiah, physician, Carmi, White Co. Stewart Lewis, flour mill, Piano, Kendall Co. Stewart Marcus, saw mill, Piano, Kendall Co. Stewart Matthew, variety store, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Stewart Peter, surveyor, Wilmington, Will Co. Stewart R. F., dry goods, etc, Carmi, White Co. Stewart Robert, wood and coal, Chicago, Cook Co. STE 365 STI Stewart Samuel, patent agt, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Stewart Miss Sarah, milliner, Aurora, Kane Co. Stewart Stephen, barber, Decatur, Macon Co. Stewart Thomas, coal, Vermillionville, La Salle Co. Stewart W., broker, Clear Creek Landing, Al- exander Co. Stewart W. B., notary, Amboy, Lee Co. Stewart W. B., physician, Naperville, DuPage Co. Stewart W. F. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Stewart Walter, grocer, etc, Alton, Madison Co. Stewart Warner, banker, Clear Creek Landing, Alexander Co. Stewart Washington A., harness mkr, Batavia, Kane Co. Stewart Win., bookseller, Harvard, McHenry Co. Stewart William, cooper, Versailles, Brown Co. Stewart William, flour mill, New Jordan, Whitesides Co. Stewart William, hairdresser, Batavia, Kane Co. Stewart William, wool, Barclay, O^le Co. Stewart Wm. Rev., Camp Point, Adams Co. Stewart William H., baker, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Stewart William H., county clerk, Woodstock, McHenry Co. Stewart William T., co surveyor, Metropolis City, Massac Co. v Stewart William W., carpenter, Spring Lake, Tazewell Co. Stewart S. B. W. & Co., (Samuel B. W. Stew- art and James W. Stewart,) boots & shoes, Alton, Madison Co. Stewart & Bro., dry goods, Havana, Mason Co. Stewart & Bro., lumber, Geneseo, Henry Co. Stewart & Doty, stoves, Piano, Kendall Co. Stewart & Graham, dry goods, Carmi, White Co. Stewart & Sanger, (Hart L. Stewart & James C. Sanger,) boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. STEWART & SCROGGS, (John C. Stewart and Joseph C. Scroggs,) real estate, Gales- burg, Knox Co. Stewart & Stephens, (William Stewart & Ed- mund Stephens,) tailors, Rock Island,Rock Island Co. Stewart & Swope, stage agts, Carmi, White Co. Stewart, Henning & Co., com mers, Piano, Kendall Co. Stewart, Youle & Co., (William S. Stewart, George Youle & Fred'k L. Fake,) com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Stey Henry, express agt, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Steyner F. W. & Co., coal, Davis, Stephenson Co. Sticamer Jacob, medicines, Pontiac, Living- ston Co. Stich Jacob, butcher, Mt. Yernon, Jefferson Co. Stichkel Michael, baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Stickler Frazier, blksmith, Canton, Fulton Co. Stickley R. C , livery, Pekin, Tazewell Co. s tickney J. M. Rev., Lamarsh, Co. Stickney James Rev., Toulon, Stark Co. Stickney William H., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Stickrod A., wood, Drury, Rock Island Co. Stico W. W, cider vinegar, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Stiefel Samuel, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Stien H. 0., cigars, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Stien William &Bro., clothiers, Freeport, Ste- phenson Co. Stiener Bros & Co , dry goods, Pekin, Taze- well Co. Stienhouse M., blksmith, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Stietz Otto, painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Stiffey Daniel, shingle mkr, Walker's Neck, Brown Co. Stigleman & Co., (Calvin Stigleman, James Pat'erson & Olean M. Adams,) iron foun- ders, Alton, Madison Co. /Btiles Aaron K., co clerk, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Stiles David, brick mkr, Oakland, Coles Co. Stiles E. B., co treasurer, Dixon, Lee Co. Stiles E. L., express agt, Rockton, Winneba- go Co. StUes Elias B., bankers, Dixon, Lee Co. Stiles John A., physician, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Stiles Jonathan, brick mkr, Hazel Dell, Cum- berland Co. Stiles Luther C., carpenter, Elgin, Kane Co. Stiles Rachael, dressmkr, Rockford, Winneba- go Co. Stiles S. J., circuit clerk, Lawrenceville, Law- rence Co. Stiles W. H., vet surg, New Market, Gallatin Co. Stiles William, boots & shoes, Marshall, Clark Co. Stiles & Co., (Richard D. Stiles & David B. Me Masters,) bankers, etc, Morrison, White- \ sides Co. Stiles & Deane, (Baxter B Stiles, and William Roscoe Deane,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Stiles & Lewis, saw mill, Harvard, McHenry Co. Stiles & Parker, books, etc, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Stiles & Wetzel, (Samuel Stiles and Andrew Wetzel,) grocers, Kankakee Co. Still well G., cabinet mkr, Rozetta, Henderson Co. Still Samuel H., vet surgeon, Eureka, Wood- ford Co. Still & Alexander, blksmiths, Bourbon, Doug- las Co. Still & Willetts, fishermen, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Stilley James, auctioneer, Lake Creek, Wil- liamson Co. Stiller Charles, hotel, Peoria, Peoria Co. Stilley James E., butcher, St. John, Perry Co. Stillman , carptr, Southampton, Peoria Co. Stillman A. S., boots and shoes, Delavan, Taze- well Co. STI 366 STO Stillman Jos., carpenter, Akron, Peoria Co. Stillman Nelson, agt, Galena. Jo Daviess Co. Stillman Oliver W., livery, Jolift, Will Co. Stillman & Co., flour mills, Lincoln, Logan Co. Stillwell John M., lawyer,Bloomington, McLean Co. Stilson L. A., carrnge mkr, Galesburgh,Knox Co. Stilzner C., cigars, etc, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Stimpson S. F. Rev., Antioch, Lake Co. Stimer & Sterns, dry goods, Havana, Mason Co. StinckoffC. A., physician, Red Bud, Randolph Co. -Stine Conrad, wood ware, Hickory Creek. F ay- ette Co. Stine William & Bro., (Isaac,; mer tailors,Free- port, Stephenson Co. Stine J. M. & Co., (Jacob M. Stine and Max Kramer,) dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Siines John, carpenter, Fairview, Fulton Co. Stingle Bernard, cabinet mkr, Newton, Jasper Co. Stinson James, real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Stinson Stephen B., lawyer, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Stinson Thomas, hotel, Paine's Point, Ogle Co. Stinson W. S., prod & com, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Stinson, Walker & Co., ship builders, Anna, Union Co. Stipe Matthew, boots and shoes, Walker, Han- cock Co. Stip, Sparlang & Welch, (Geo. W. Stipp, Geo. Sparlang and George Welch,) lawyers, Princeton, Bureau Co. Stires T. J., post master, Byron, Ogle Co. Stites A. W., blksmith, Minonk, Wooriford Co. Stitsel D. A., ins agt, Pecatonica, Winnebago Co. Stitt Hagaman, physician, Wheaton, DuPage Co. Stitt J., carpenter, Mctamora, Woodford Co. Stitt J. E., carptr, Metamora, Woodford Co. Stitwell Philip, wagon mkr, Annawan, Henry Co. Stitwell Wm., surgeon, Annawan, Henry Co. Stivens 8. A., blksmith, Vienna, Johnson Co. Stobie J. H , freight agt, Peotone, Will Co. Stobuaus C , drugs, Nitperville, DuPage Co. Stock James, painter, Nora, Jo Daviess Co. Stock Jno., lawyer, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Stock L., dry goods, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Stock Z., carriage mkr, Eureka, Woodford Co. Stockdale Hugh, hides and leather, Williams- ville, Sangamon Co. Stockengs L. E., painter, Pinckneyville, Perry Co. Stocker L., jeweler, Macomb, McDonough Co. Stocker Samuel Rev., McHenry, McHenry Co. Stockhart Nicolas, jewelry, Chicago, Cook Co. Stocking Daniel C., pump maker, Belvidere, Boone Co. Stocking Dexter, dry goods, Taylor, Ogle Co. Stockholm R., butcher, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Stocking J. L., auctioneer, etc., Collinsville, Madison Co. Stocking R. F., cabinet mkr, Chillicothe, Peo- ria Co. Stocking K. V., black smith, Prophetstown, Whites : des Co. Stockier Isaac, confectioner, Chicago, Cook Co. Stockner Eli, hotel, Toulon, Stark Co. Stocks Joseph, lime, etc., New Erin, Stephen- son Co. Stockton Mrs. A., milliner, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Stockton, E. A., vet surgeon, Albany, White- sides Co. Stockton J., carriage mkr, Linchburg, Jeffer- son Co. Stockton Theresa, milliner, Paia, Christian Co. Stockton William, blksmith, Arcadia, Morgan Co. Stockton & Booth, physicians, Albany, White- sides Co. Stockton & Norvell, harness maker, Mattoon, Coles Co. x Stockwell David W., dry goods, West Aurora, Kane Co. Stockwell Jeremiah, shingle mkr,Pleasantview, Schuyler Co. Stockwell John, cabinet, Marshall, Clark Co. Stock well L., bookseller, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Stockwell Mrs., milliner, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Stockwell P. D., tinsmith, Delavan, Tazewell Co. Stockwell Samuel A., grocer, Waukegan, Lake Co. Stockwill & Husted, chair mnfr, Marshall, Clark Co. Stoddard Agustus F., blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Stoddard Chauncey, jr., & Co., com mers, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Stoddard Isaac, plow mkr, Elgin, Kane Co. Stoddard J. P., hotel, Carthage, Huncock Co. Stoddard James H., boots and shoes, Port By- ron, Rock Island Co. Stoddard Wm. M., ambrotypes, Chicago, Cook Co. Stoddard & Bachelor, mining co, Momence, Kankakee Co. Stoddart R. & T., butchers, Charleston, Coles Co. Stoecklies Vic, painter, Highland, Madison Co. Stoelzle & Co., (Fidel Stoelzle and Wm. Erhat,) brewers, Bellville, St. Glair Co. Stoffer Joseph, blksmith, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Stoker John, millwright, Farmington, Fulton Co. Stoker W., notary, Centralia, Marion Co. Stoker & Blank, hotel, O'Fallon Depot, St. Clair Co. Stokes Charles L., livery, Chicago, Cook Co. Stokes T. Rev., Massilon, LaSalle Co. Stolba Wengel, hats and caps, Chicago, Cook Co. Stoll H , post master, Mokena, Will Co. Stoll Jno. cabinet mkr, Cedarville, Stephenson Co. Stoll Lorenz, book binder, Chicago, Cook Co. Stoll William, flour mill, Mokena, Will Co. Stoll & Prater, blksmiths, Vandalia, Fayette Co. STO 307 STO Stolp Joseph G., woolen factory, W. Aurora,, Kane Co. Stolp 0. C., hotel, Empire, Whitesides Co. Stoltz Jacob, grocer, Belleville. St. Clair Co. Stoltz John, boots and shoes, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Stoltz Ferdinand, stained glass, Chicago, Cook Co. Stolz & Schilling, cabinet makers and under- takers, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Stommel Joseph; wood turner, Chicago, Cook Co. Stone , vet surgeon, LeRoy, McLean Co. Stone A. A , carpenter, Granvill^, Putnam Co. Stone A. B., livery, Whit-hall, Greene Co. Stone Alex. H., grocer, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Stone Charles H., dry goods, Oregon, Ogle Co. Stone Charles R., butcher, Toulon, Stark Co. Stone D. P., dry goods, Amboy, Lee Co. Stone E. Rev., Napervillo, DuPage Co. Stone E. D., physician, Garden Plain, White- sides Co. Stone Elijah, quarry, Lindenwood, Ogle Co. Stone George F., drugs and books, Woodstock, McHeury Co. Stone II A., blksmith, DeKalb, DeKalb Co. Stone Henry, pianos, Chicago, Cook Co. Stone Horatio 0., real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Stone J., quarry, Carrolltbn, Greene Co. Stone J. C., dry goods, Kappa, Woodford Co. Stone Jacob G., harness rakr, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Stone Jeremy, grocer, Garden Plain, White- sides Co. Stone John, meat market, St. Charles, Kane Co. Stone Joseph, quarry, Eliisville, Fulton Co. Stone L. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Stone Mrs , music teacher, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Stone N. F., blksmith, Athens, Menard Co. Stone Perley, grocer, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Stone R. L, blksmith, Griggsville, Pike Co. Stone Ruben, saw mill, Cedar Bluff, Johnson Co. Stone Rupel, shingle mkr, Farmington, Fulton Co. Stone Samuel, butcher, Nelson, Lee Co. Stone Samuel A. H.,salt, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Stone Silas W., grocer, Joliet, Will Co. Stone Thomas W., sheriff, Carmi, White Co. Stone William, hotel, Minersville, Henry Co. Stone William F.. wagon maker, Versailles, Brown Co. Stone E. K. & Co., (Elbridge K. S'one and Al- bert B. Kingsbury,) boots and shoes,Quin- cy, Adams Co. Stone H. H. & S. F., real estate agts, Onarga, Iroquois Co. Stone K. J. & Co., plow makers, Griggsville, Pike Co. Stone M. P. & Co., (Marshall P. Stone and Thaddeus S. Elv,) bankers, Peoria, Peoria Co. Stone N. T. & Co., dry goods, Athens, Menard Co. Stone & Couch, (Henry Stone and Uriah B. Couch,) flour mill, Morris, Grundy Co. Stone & Dapass, liquors,Anna, Union Co. Scone & Eels, (Jacob G. Stone and Franklin H. Eels,) harness, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Stone & Newton, flour and saw mills, Cross Roads, Johnson Co. Stone, Johnson & Co., flour mill, Farmington, Fulton Co. Stoneb irner A., real estate agt, Kansas, Edgar Co. Stoneham John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Stonehill Joseph, auctioneer, Chicago, Cook Co. Stonemets , physician, Linchburg, Jeffer- son Co. Stonemetz C., physician, Detroit, Pike Co. Stonemeyer William, confectioner, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Stoner A. J., physician, Versailles, Brown Co. Stoner E. R., ice, Perry, Pike Co. Stoner J., physician, Minonk, Woodford Co. Stoner J., wagon mkr, Dover, Bureau Co. Stoner Phillip, broker, Perry, Pike Co. Stoops Samuel A., wagon mkr, Ipava, Fulton Co. Stoplet P. W., carpenter, Caledonia, Pulaski Co. Stoplet & Collins, boat builders, Caledonia, Pulaski Co. Storck Augustus, tinsmith, Evansville, Ran- dolph Co. Storer Gilmer, harness mkr, Granville,Putnam Co. Storer Joseph, express agt, DeSoto, Jack&on Co. Storey James B., jeweler, Chicago, Cook Co. Storey Bros, (George and Henry,) boots and shoes, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Storger George, dry goods, Smithton, St.CIair Co. r Storm James, coal dealer, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Stormout D. W., physician, Grandview, Edgar Co. Storms Abraham, carpenter and town clerk, Delavan, Tazewell Co. Storms J., coal, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Storref J., clothier, Brimfield, Peoria Co. Storrs W. Rev., Oak Hill, Co. Story Ira, machinist, Jersey .Landing, Jersey Co. Story John, saddles, Calhoun, Richland^Co. Story M , coal, Viola, Mercer Co. Storry T. Rev., Peoria, Peoria Co. Stose Charles, toys, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Stothard James Rev., LaPrairie Centre, Mar- shall Co. Stott Arthur Rev., Tremont, Tazewell Co. Stott Einil, baker. Edwardsville, Madison Co. Stotts Harrison, brick mkr, Ionia, Warren Co. Stouffer W., cooper, Buffalo Prairie, Rock Island Co. Stouffer & Mead, lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Stough 0, J., collecting agt, Geneseo, Henry Co. Stough R. J., physician, Goneseo, Henry Co. Stougot Abner, cabinet, Kansas, Edgar Co. Stouj;hton, J. C. Rev., Freeport, Stephenson Co. Stoughton Orville W., prod com, Chicago, Cook Co. STO 368 STR Stoughton Rollin, cabinet, LaClede, Favette Co. Stoup R. Rsv., Kankakec, Kankakee Co. Stout A. R., brickmkr, Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. Stout Benjamin D., co clerk, Mt. Sterling, Brown Co. Stout Charles B., Rev., Wilmington, Will Co. Stout Ebenezer, grocer, Bloomington, McLean Co. Stout F. M., dry gnocls, Ripley, Brown Co. Stout George, pumpmkr, Wapella, DeWitt Co. Stout J. H., steamboit agt, McConnell's Grove, Stephenson Co. Stout James, carpenter, Wentworth, Lake Co. Stout James, lawyer, Ottawi, La Sa'le Co. Stout James E., carpenter, Fid-lity, Jersey Co. Stout Jonn H , marble works, Olney, Richland Co. Stout John S., physician, Fairview, Fulton Co. Stout Joseph, physician, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Stout Samuel, carpenter, Oneco, Stephenson Co. Stout & Sanderson, (Charles Stout and David S tnddrson,) dry goods, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Stout & White, shinglemkrs, Valley Forge, Pulaski Co. Stoutemeye J. B., clothier, Oswego, Kendall Co. Stovell George, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Stovenburg George, boots and shoes, Chelsea, Will Co. Stover Ausborn M , ambrotypes, etc, Ottawa, LaS-ille Co. Stover J. C. Rev., Russellville, Lawrence Co. Stover S. Rev., Morris, Grundy Co. Stover Win., gunsmith, Centralia, Marion Co. Stow C., ctrpenter, Morris, GrunHyCo. Stow C., packer, Wilmington, Will Co. Stow J. D., dry goods, etc, Bonus, Boone Co. Stow Nelson L , dealer in New England car- riage timber, wheels, wheel stuffs, shafts, spring bars, carriage parts, buggy seats, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Stow P. W., cabinet, LaClair, DeKalb Co. Stow Wm. K., millinery, Chicago, Cook Co. Stowe Levi S., grocer, Elgin, Kane Co. Stowell Ebenezer, carpenter, Northampton, Peoria Co. Stowell Mrs., weaver, Northampton, Peoria Co. Stowell George M., postmaster, Kankakee, Kankakee Co. Stowell S. B., harnessmkr, Northampton, Peo- ria Co. Stowell William A., blksmith, Garden Plain, Whitesides Co. Stowell & Co., (Joshua Stowell, Justice Ste- ve- s, Lusham H. and J. Massilon Mc- Hone,) harnessmkr, Princeton, Bureau Co. Stowl , milliner, Mokena, Will Co. Strahom Thomas F , millwright, Buena Vista, Step l .en?on Co. Straight Cyrus, blksmith, etc, New Massillon, Wayne Co. Straletz Marcus, second-hand store, Chicago, Cook Co. Strain David, carpenter, North Fork, Vermil- lion Co. Stnin James, lawyer, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Strausbergar, J. W., wagonmkr, Hermitage, Douglas Co. Strait P., hotel, Ashley, Washington Co. Strang J. C., blksmith, Lindenwood, Ogle Co. Strang P., blksmith, Byron, Ogle Co. Strathman A., saloon, El Paso, \Voodford Co. Stratton C. L., boots and shoes, New Balti- more, Wayne Co. Stratton E. B., blksmith, Brighton, Macoupin Co. Stritton R F., dentist, Maquon, Knox Co. Stratton L. P., lumber, Brighton, Macoupin Co. Stratton S. T., auctioneer, Mt. Vernon, Jeffer- son Co. Stratton & Co , dry goods, Mt. Vernon, Jef- ferson Co. Strat'on & Hub^ard, (Amherst M. Stratton & Moses N. Hubbard,) dry goods, Decatur, Macon Co. StraubJohn, carpenter, Orangeville, Stephen- son Co. Straub & Miller, painters, Naperville, DuPage Co. Strou2h F., undertaker, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Straus Samuel, notary, Chicago, Cook Co. Strausel Martin, hotel, Elgin, Kane Co. Strauss Nathan, clothier, Chicago, Cook Co. Strawder & Bristol, (Samuel Strawder and H : ram W. Bristol,) lawyers, Morrison, Whitesides Co. Strawn D., tanner, Edgewood, Effingham Co. Strawn & Powell, (Henrv C. Strawn and Wm. T. Powell,) lumber, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Strawn, Moor & Cook, flour mills, Marseilles, LSalle Co. Streamer, Jacob, liquors wholesale, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Streamer & Black, news depot, Pontiac, Liv- ingston Co. Streep Peter, carpenter, Highland, Madison Co. Streep George C. Rev., Princeton, Bureau Co. Street H^nry, drugs, Lyndon, Whitesides Co. Street Wm. S , grocer, Zanesville, Montgom- ery Co. Streeter Benj. H., dry goods, Morris, Grundy Co. Streeter E. S., wagonmkr, Bushnell, McDon- ough Co. Streeter Joseph E., lawyer, Joliet, Will Co. Streeter Josiah P., boots and shoes, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Streeter L. H., coll agt, Dover, Bureau Co. Streeter & Millord, dry goods, Morris, Grundy Co. Streeter & Vincent, packers, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Streetz Martin, carptr, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Streetz Michael, carpenter, Freeburg, St. Clair Co. Strehlow Robert, liquors, Peoria, Peoria Co. Streom-T Jacob, guns, pistols, etc, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Strevell & Kinsell, iron and steel, Pontiac, Livingston Co. STIl 369 STU Strcvell, Dodd & Oliver, hardware, Fahburg, L ving-ton Co. Strchlin W. A., sheriff, Harrisburg, Saline Co. Strickland Mrs. Clorinda C., physician, Chica- go, Cook Co. Strickland Hugh, fruit, Chicago, Cook Co. Strickland J., carriage mkr, Amboy, Lee Co. Stricklor John, dentist, Pitman, Adams Co. Strickler & Bro., (Walter C. and James D.,) news depot, Peoria, Peoria Co. Striggs James, eating house, Marine, Madison Co. Stringer Robert, grocer, Windsor, Shelby Co. Stringfield T. C. Rev., Mendon, Ad.ims Co. Stringham C. P., butcher, Maquon, Knox Co. Strobel & Leckelt, (Anthony H Strobel and Augustus Leckelt,) harness mkrs, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Strode James M., lavryer, Woodstock, McHen- ry Co. Stroh John, blksmith, Salisburg, Sangamon Co. Strohaker Charles, saloon, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Strohl Jonas, carpenter, Hudson Mi-Lean Co. Strohmeyer Henry, shoemkr, Galena, Jo Da- viess Co. Strong A. D., surveyor, Barry, Pike Co. Strong Charles, dentist, Wilmington, Will Co. Strong Daniel, daguerreotypes, etc, Victoria, Knox Co. Strong E. A., physician, "Wilmington, Will Co. Strong Edward M., ambrotypes, etc, Aurora, Kane Co. Strong George, physician, Walshville, Mont- gomery Co. Strong H. L., physician, Collinsville, Madison Co. Strong H. N. Rev. D. D., Peoria, Peoria Co. Strong H. W., blksmith, Collins' Station, Clin- ton Co. Strong I. P., ins agt, Courtland Station, De Kalb Co. Strong J., lawyer, Dwight, Livingston Co. Strong J. P., coll agt, Courtland Station, De Kalb Co. Strong James, carriage mkr, Pitman, Adams Co. Strong John, millwright, Pleasantview, Schuy- ler Co. Strong Julius, carriage mkr, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Strong M. G., hotel, Gand de Tour, Ogle Co. Strong & Wiley Brothers, (David 0. Strong, Christopher V. and Benjamin B. Wiley,) bankers, Chicago, Cook Co. Stroothers French, hairdresser, Roscoe, Win- nebago Co. Strorp Henry, music teacher, Beaver Creek, Bond Co. Strosnider Jacob, com mer, Sheldon Grove, Schuyler Co. Strossman W., grocer, Oswego, Kendall Co. Strousf & Bro., (Isaac and Samuel,) clothiers, Peru, LaSalle Co. Strouss J. E., hotel, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Strout Mrs. Sarah, milliner, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Struble Valentine, boots and shoes, Morris, Grundy Co. Strubler George, livery, Naperville, DuFage Co. Strugers William, physician, New Berlin, San- . gamon Co. Strut i k B. Wilton, druggist, Erie, Whitesides Co. Strunk Joseph, millwright, Blandinsville, Mc- Douough C >. Strunk William, harness mkr, Sublette, Lee Co. Struror Chas., grocer, Marshall, Clark Co. STRYCKER LUTHER H., lawyer, Quincy, Adams Co. STRYKER HENRY Jr., lawyer, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Stryker T., carpenter, Lincoln Logan Co. Stryker & Co., (James M. Stryker and Thomas E. Baker,) dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. St. Sinclair John, blksmith, Staunton, Macou- pin Co. Stuart A. B., physician, Doddsville, McDon- ough Co. Stuart C. M , physician, Exeter, Scott Co. Stuart Frederick, brick mkr, Wulbridge, Pu- laski Co. Stuart Lyinan, carpenter, Kingston, DeKdb Co. Stuart WillUra H., drugs, etc, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Stuart & Ayer, (David Stuart and Benjamin F. Aver,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook G'>. Stuart & Edwards, (John T. Stewart and Ben- jamin S. Edwards,) lawyers, Springfield, S mgamon Co. Stuart & Shoupe, (Edward R. Stuart and Will- iam H. Shoupe,) publishers, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Stubbltfield D. H. Rev., Bethelo, Madison Co. Stubbles William J. Rev., Onarga, Iroquois Co. Stubbs Abisha, boots and shoes, Vermillion, Edgar Co. Stubbs Mrs., milliner, Wyanet, Bureau Co. Stubenoaugh Francis, grocer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Stuchlik J., boots and shoes, Mt. Palatine, Putnam Co. Stucker , grocer, Stone Fort, Saline Co. Stucker Albert, saloon, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Stucker Willis, col agt and postmaster, Stone Fort, Saline Co. Studer , carpenter, Mokena, Will Co. Studrr , physician, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Studer H., billiards, Olney, Richland Co. Studer Joseph, physician, Peoria, Peoria Co. Studley Georgo, cooper, Evansville, Randolph Co. Studley H. M., notary and town clerk, Mere- dosia, Morgan Co. Studley N., physician, Urbana, Champaign Co. Stuff G. L. S. Rev., Elgin, Kane Co. Stuker Christ, blacksmith, Chicago, Took Co. Stull James, dry goods, Parrish, Franklin Co. Stult* & Bro., daguei'types, Sadorus, Cham- paign Co. Stults & Shuber, blksmiths, Sadorus, Cham- paign Co. STTJ SUM Stu'tz & Co , blacksmiths, Glasgow, Scott Co. Stumm J., architect, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Stump H. S., saw mill, Greenup, Cumberland Co. Stump & Dowell, (Alexander Stump & Andrew W. Dowell,) horse shoes, Bloomington, McLean Co. Stumpp S., cigar mkr, Blue Island, Cook Co. Stumps Barbara Mrs., midwife, Chicago, Cook Co. Stumps Peter, boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Stun Thomas, drugs and medicines, Marshall, Clard Co. Stun T. J. & Co., liquors, Marshall, Clark Co. Stunker Wm., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Stupp Henry, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Stur T. Mrs., milliner, etc, Batavia, Kane Co. Sturdevant C., lumber, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Sturdevant David, boots and shoes, Roscoe, Winnebago Co. Sturdy Thomas, carpenter, Lynnville, Morgan Co. Sturgeon 0. H., carpenter, Izoria, Rock Island Co. Sturges A. L., dry goods, Woodburn, Macou- pin Co. Sturges H. A., com me'-, Plain View, Macou- pin Co. Sturges W. H., dry goods, etc, Sherburnville, Kankakee Co. Sturges, Buckingham & Co., (Solomon Sturges &Alvah Buckingham,) elevators,Chicago, ' Cook Co. Sturgess H. R., carpenter, Yandalia, Fayette Co. Sturgess R. H., carpenter, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Sturgrss W. H., dry goods, Yellowhead Grove, Kankakee Co. Sturgess William, physician, New Berlin, Sang- amon Co. Sturgis Alvin A., architect, Woodburn, Ma- fcoupin Co. Sturpis Samuel M., dentist, Quincy, Adams Co. Sturns Mathias A., blacksmith, Bradford, Stark Co. Sturman William, shingle mkr, Greenup, Cum- berland Co. Sturtevant Austin D., justice, Chicago, Cook Co. Sturtevant C., lumber, Lane Dopot, Ogle Co. Stuitevant Church, broker, Bradford, Stark Co. Sturtevant J. M. Rev., Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Sturtevant Thos., dry goods, Hillsboro, Mont- gomery Co. STURTEVANT N. & CO , (Noah Sturtevant, Peter Groves & Horatio G. Shumway,) dealers in quick lime, cement, plaster, stucco, plastering hair, fire brick and clay, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Sturtevant & Wilcox, grocers, Como, White- sides Co. Stutiville Mrs., carpet weaver, Piasa, Macou- pin Co. Stutler J. V., blacksmith, Wataga, Knox Co. Stutte Andrew, druggist, Quincy, Adams Co. Stuts J., hotel, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Stutts G., hotel, Augusta, Hancock Co. Stutts VV. B., cooper, Barr's Store, Macoupin Co. Stutz James, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Stutz John, cooper, Chicago, Cook Co. Styles John, lawyer, Bonus, Boone Co. Suckay David, plow maker, Rosefield, Peoria Co. Suddnth J. M., physician, Athens, MenardCo. Sue Henry, clothes renovator, Lemont, Cook Co. Sues Louis, liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Suiter W. F., physician, Marengo, McHenry Co. Suits John W., auctioneer, Tracy, Will Co. Suits Solomon A., tailor, Lockport, Will Co. Sulcberger John M. & Geo., brewers, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Suley C. H., news depot, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Suley E. H. 0., furniture, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Suley J. B., blacksmith, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Suley James, painter, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Suley Jf. B., cabinet mkr, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Sullenger A. T., engraver, McLeansboro, Ham- ilton Co. Sullivan Benjamin B., physician, Clay City, Clay Co. Sullivan Express, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Sullivan Daniel 0., Peru, LaSalle Co. Sullivan Eugene, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Sullivan H. H., boots and shoes, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Sullivan Isaac, wagonmkr, etc, Parrish, Frank- lin Co. Sullivan James, boarding, Chicngo, Cook Co. Sullivan Jeremiah, grocer, Chic 'go, Cook Co. Sullivan John, confectioner, Chicago, Cook Co. Sullivan John, liquors, Urbana, Champaign Co. Sullivan Joseph, physician, Fayette, Greene Co. Sullivan Joseph, wagonmkr, Parrish, Franklin Co. Sullivnn M., painter, Marengo, McHenry Co. SULLIVAN MICHAEL, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Sullivan Patrick, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Sullivan PhTip, saloon, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Sullivan W., blksmith, Chili, Hancock Co. Sullivan W. A., wood, Fayette, Greene Co. Sullivan & Co., (Henry V. Sullivan & Henry Allen,) millers, Quincy, Adams Co. Sullivan, Grizzle & Co., sash and door mkrs, Fayette, Greene Co. Sulzberger George, brewer, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Sum F. S , physician, Golccnda, Pope Co. Sumers J. H., butcher, McLeansboro, Hamil- ton Co. Sumers Joseph, blksmith, Atlanta, Logan Co. Summers C., chairs, St. Joseph, Champaign Co. Summers C. A., painter, St. Joseph, Cham- paign Co. SUM 371 SWA Summers E. Rev., Dillon, Tazewell Co. Summers H. iiev., Mocmouth, Warren Co. Summers J., ice, Eureka, Woodford Co. Summers J. B., vet surgeon, Farmington, Ful- ton Co. Summers Jacob, butcher, Eureka, Woodford Co. Summers Robert, postmaster, Big Rock, Kane Co. Summerville David, blksmith, Carbon, Mercer Co. Summerville Lute, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Summerville T., soap and candles, Paris, Edgar Co. Sumner Charles, boots and shoes, Perry, Pike Co. Sumner David, boots and shoes, Perry, Pike Co. Sumner Ephraim, lawyer, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Sumner F. M., auctioneer, Jonesboro, Union Co. Sumner W. C., lumber, Pana, Christian Co. Sumner & Wright, (Eli J. Sumner & Thomas W. Wright,) lumber, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Sunday Solomon, blksmith, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Sunder land David H., town and co clerk, Free- port, Stephenson Co. Sunderland N. S., miller, Towanda, McLean Co. Sunderland Waterman, coachmkr, Belvidere, Boone Co. Sunderlin F., blksmith, Hennepin, Putnam Co. Sunderlin Wallis, saloon, Waukegan, Lake Co. Sunderman William, vinegar, Bible Grove, Clay Co. " Suneman C., cabinet, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Sunnen Peter, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Supernant Mitchell, boots and shoes, Alma, Marion Co. Suppiger B., broker, Highland, Madison Co. Suppiger B. A., blksmith, Highland, Madison Co. Suppiger Haver, harness, Highland, Madison Co. Suppiger John, drv goods, Highland, Madison Co. Suppiger Joseph, Swiss vice-consul for States of Illinois and Missouri, Highland,Madison Co. Suppiger Joseph & Co., flour mill, Highland. Mudison Co. Surdam S. & Co., (Samuel J. Surdam & Waldo W. Smith,) hardware, Chicago, Cook Co. Sutcliff J., ins agt, Wheaton, DuPage Co. Suter Jacob, baker, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Suter John, harness, Chicago, Cook Co. Suter L., physician, Marine, Madison Co. Suter X., dry goods, Marine, Madison Co. Sutfin Wm., architect and carpenter, Dundee, Kane Co. Sutherland A. A., blksmith, Milton Station, Coles Co. Sutherland Charles, saddler, Oswego, Kendall Co. Sutherland R. B., cloths, etc, Dudley, Edgar Co. Sutherland D. L., carpenter, Noyesville, Cook Co. Sutherland George G., livery, Chicago, Cook Co. Sutherland James H., saddler, Oswego, Ken- dall Co. Sutherland William, saddler, Oswego, Ken- dall Co. Sutherland & Son, boots and shoes, Oswego, Kendall Co. Sutherland S. F. & Co., (Samuel F. Suther- land & James F. Lord,) lumber, Chicago. Cook Co. Sutherland & Co., (John E. & James B.,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Suthy R., baker, Kushville, Schuyler Co. Sutler & Mostollar, blacksmiths, De Soto, Jackson Co. Sutliff Hiram, fanning mills, Vienna, John- t-on Co. Sutliff Hugh, turner, Vienna, Johnson Co. Sutliff R., dry goods, Keene, Adams Co. Sutliff & Son, carpenters, Vienna, Johnson Co. Sutlive A. L., dry goods, Coatsburg, Adams Co. Sutphen & Rex, drugs, etc, Perry, Pike Co. Sutphen H. L., physician, Perry, Pike Co. Sutter G. R., postmaster, DcSoto, Jackson Co. Sutler George J., boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Sutter Max, baker, Dunleith, Jo Daviess Co. Sutterly Clement, ambrotypes, Chicago, Cook Co. Suttle & Day, flour and saw mill, Shabonier, Fayette' Co. Sutton E , chairs, Augusta, Hancock Co. Sutton G. W., carpenter and builder, Wil- liamsville, Sangamon Co. Sutton I. B., wagonmaker, Jonesboro, Union Co. Sutton J. J., stoves, W. Urbana, Champaign Co. Sutton Jesse B., dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Sutton Joseph J., tinsmith, W. Uibana, Cham- paign Co. Sutton L. S , cooper, Whitehall, Greene Co. Sutton Mrs., milliner, Marshall, Clark Co. Sutton R. A., hardware, Uibana, Champaign Co. Sutton Stephen, justice, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Sutton William, cooper, Empire, Whitesides Co. Sutton William T., dry goods, Houston, Ad- ams Co. Sutton & Sackett, liquors, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Sutton &Burkitt, (George M. Sutton & Thomas M. Burkitt,) worsted, Chicapo, Cook Co. Suycott Daniel, clothing, Georgetown, Ver- million Co. Suydam Charles, blksmith, Fairview, Fulton Co. Svenson Ole, shoemkr, St. Charles, Kane Co. Swagert Charles, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Swail John, turner, Hickory Creek, Fayette Co. Swain Alexander H., printer, Monmouth, Warren Co. Swain Cyrus, carpenter, XoponsPt, Bureau Co. Swain E! G., dentist, Batavia, Kane Co. SWA 372 SWI Swain Edward D., dentist, Batavia, Kane Co. Swain J., physician, W. Urbana, Champaign Co. Swain John, physician, W. Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Swain Richard, blksmith, Osage, Franklin Co. Swallow P., carpenter, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Swan Benj. C. Rev., Carthage, Hancock Co. Swan M. D., lawyer, Byron, Ogle Co. Swan Samuel Rev., Leland, LaSalle Co. Swank Hnry jr., coal, West Jersey, Stark Co. Swann Michael, lawyer, Bloomington, McLean Co. Swannell Frederick, dry goods, Kankakee, Kankakee Co. Swannell William G., drugs, Kankakee, Kan- kakee Co. Swanson Andrew J , boots and shoes, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Swanson John D., boots and shoes, Malta, De Kalb Co. Swantz baker, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Swanwick C. C , physician, Sandoval, Marion Co. Swarcnger I., carpenter, Lincoln, Logan Co. Swartz B. C. Rev., Cuba, Fulton Co. Swartz Benjamin, cabinet, Vermont, Fulton Co. Swartout H., carpenter, Bristol, Kendall Co. Swaitiut Thomas, tanner, Woodstock, Me Henry Co. Swartz George, carpenter, Macon Co. Swartz J., locksmith, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Swartz J. Rev., De Soto, Jackson Co. Swartz & Harding, wagonmkrs, Naperville, DuPage Co. Swartzcope M. F., co surveyor, Murphysboro, Jackson Co. Sweat nun Asa, drugs, Reed, Sangamon Co. Sweedman John, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Sweeney Augustus B., grocer, Galesburg, Knox Co. Sweeney Isaac S., physician, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Sweeney J., physician, Rushville, Schnyler Co. Sweeney J. W., col agt, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Sweeney M. A., exp agt, Lacon, Marshall Co. Sweeney M. C Rev., Chandlerville, Cass Co. Sweeney Thomas, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Sweeney & Son,(Isaac S. Sweeney and Thomas M. Sweeney,) country store, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Sweeney N. D., notary, Alhambra, Madison Co. Sweeney, Littleton & Co., (Hugh J. Sweeney, Jacob Littleton and Charles P. Billon, St. Louis,) distillers, Peoria, Peoria Co. Sweet Alanson L., exp agt, Quincy, Adams Co. Sweet E D. L., div supt 111. & Miss. Tel. Co., Chicago, Cook Co. Sweet George W., blksmith, Argo, Carroll Co. Sweet H., dentist, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Sweet Henry, drug store, Chicago, Cook Co. Sweet L. L., vet surgeon, Buda, Bureau Co. Sweet James A., postmaster, Garden Plain, Whitesides Co. Sweet Joel Rev., Trivoli, Peoria Co. Sweet Jonathan, physician, Rantonl, Cham- paign Co. Sweet Preston I., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Sweet Silas, school cornr, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Sweet Stephen, blksmith, Algonquin, Me Henry Co. Sweet & Hibbard, (Martin P. Sweet & Homer N. Hibbard, )lawyers, Freeport,Stephenson Co. Sweetser Francis D., sickles, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Sweetser & Priest, (Henry C. Sweetser and Henry C. Priest,) lumber, Alton, Madison Co. Sweett W. F., prod and com, Foreston, Ogle Co. Sweezy Samuel Rev., Winnebago, Winnebago Co. Sweney M. A., produce, Sparland, Marshall Co. Swenie John, carriagemkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Swenson C. P., boots and shoes, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Swentzel George, butcher, Orangeville, Ste- phenson Co. Swentzel John, music teacher, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Swett Daniel B., boots and shoes, Elinira, Stark Co. Swett & Onne, (Leonard Swett and William W. Orme,) lawyers, Bloomington, McLean Co. Swichard John W., hairdresser, Victoria, Knox Co. Swift Emma, dressmkr, Belvidere, Boone Co. Swift H. M. Rev., Lamoille, Bureau Co. Swift Henry, eating houses, Piano, Kendall Co. Swift J., hotel, Amboy, Lee Co. Swift John, blksmith, Steam Mill, Schuyler Co. Swift Joseph, wood, Piano, Kendall Co. Swift Lemuel J., sewing machines, Chicago, Cook Co. Swift Milton H., lawyer, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Swift Philetus, carpenter, Steam Mill, Schuy- ler Co. Swift Samuel W., painter, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Swift Shubael T., manufacturer of quick lime, and dealer in plastering hair, stucco, ce- ment, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Swift & Johnson, (Richard K. Swift and James S. Johnson,) bankers, Chicago, Cook Co. Swigurt John, carpenter, Drury, Rock Island Co. Swiler & Reid, (M. A. Swiler and David 0. Reid,) stoves, R. Island, R. Island Co. Swingley William, vet surgeon, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co. Swingley, Kaufman & Amos, (Sam'l K. Swing- ley, John H. Kaufman and Robert J. Amos,) flour mills, Decatur, Macon Co. Swingly Nut., prod com, etc, Demerit Station, Ogle Co. Swinney Ephraim S., co clerk, Monmouth, Warren Co. Swinson P. S., distiller, Forksville, Lake Co. Swinson Mrs. P. S., milliner, Forksville, Lake Co. SWI 373 TAX Swishar E., cabinetmkr, Paxton, Ford Co. Swishcr S. L., blacksmith, Port Byron, Rock Island Co. Swits & An?on, (Isaac II. Swits and Stephen Anson,) grocers, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Switzer Joseph 31., lawyer, Hampshire, Kane Co. Swittz John, painter, Mattoon, Coles Co. Swob J., cooper, Thebes, Alexander Co. Swoffbrd W. A., lawyer, Parrish, Franklin Co. Swofford & Browning, flour mills, Benton, Franklin Co. Swope & Co., stage line, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Sword Absalom, blacksmith, Nokomis,' Mont- gomery Co. Sword Smith, blksmith, Nokomis, Montgomery Co. Swortwort W. J., confectioner, produce, etc, Sublette, Lee Co. Swyer F. M. & Co., (Francis M. and David Swyer,) drug?, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Sykes James, dry goods, W. Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Sykes M. L., jr., gen supt C & M R R, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Sykes Wm., justice, Beverly, Adams Co. Syler Andrew, fisherman, Sinioda, Kankakee Co. Sylla Philo, reapers and mowers, Elgin, Kane Co. Sylvester G., carpenter. Rushville, Schuyler Co. Sylvester Jacob H., cigars, Chicago, Cook Co. Sylvester W. T., genl store and physician, Ar- colrf, Co'.es Co. Symmes H., physician, Mattoon, Coles Co. Symors A. H., pointer, Wataga, Knox Co. Sympson C. C., notary, Carthage, Hancock Co. Sympson & Montague, real estate agt-', Carth- age, Hancock Co. Synire Elijah, cooper, Kingston, DeKalb Co. Syphers John, jewelry, Knoxville, Knox Co. Syster Jonas, town clerk, Oregon, Ogle Co. T. Taas Francis M., dry goods and postmaster, Millstadt, St. Clair Co. Tabacha P. A., dentist, Lacon, Marshall Co. Tabbs Henry, wagonmkr, Algonquin, McHenry Co. Taber Geo. H., ins agent, Blackberry Station, Kane Co. Taber L. H., architect, Paxton, Ford Co. Taber & Chandler, produce, Henry, Marshall Co. Taber, Hawk & Co., (Job Taber, Samuel Hawk and Augustus B. Taber,) hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Table David, contractor, Sherburnville, Kan- kakee Co. Tabler E. B., harness, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Tatler J., dressmkr, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Tabler Joseph, produce, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Tabler N. H., fishing tackle, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Tabor Sanford, shingles, Victoria, Knox Co. Tabor Sarah, milliner, Victoria, Knox Co. Tackaberry M , coll agt, etc, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Tacke A. Conrad, grocer, Quincy, Adams Co. Tackier Lee, livery, Charleston, Coles Co. Tadd D. R. Rev., Litchfield, Montgomery Co. ' Taft Thomas W., livery, Elgin, Kane Co. Tagert G. J., stage lines, Mt. Hawley, Peoria Co. Taggart Calvin, carpenter, Ridott, Stephenson Co. TaggnrtCharlesF., sheriff, Freeport,Stephcnson Co. Taggett G. T., stage agent, Princeville, Peoria Co. Taggot John, blacksmith, Farmington, Fulton Co. Taichell C. W., blksmith, Monterey, Calhoun Co. Taik John C., clothier, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Taileur C., harness, Marine, Madison Co. Tailor , yankee notions, Shabbona Grove, DeKalb Co. Tailor A. J., blksmith, Renault, Monroe Co. Talbert Jame?, cabinet, New Jordan, White- sides Co. Talbert James, carpenter, Wool, Pope Co. Talbert James, leather, Barry, Pike Co. Talbot N. F., carpenter and postmaster,Pitman, Adams Co, Talbot Charles, saddler, Courtland Station, DeKalb Co. Talbot Seth, jr., ins agt, Tremont, Tazewell Co. Talbot William, dlr in leather, Pleasantvale, Pike Co. Talbot William, tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Talbott E., flour mill, Greenup, Cumberland Co. Talbott Henry R., circuit clerk, Nashville, Washington Co. Talbott J. C., grocer, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Talcot, Emerson & Co., (Waite Tricot, Ralph Emerson, jr. and Sylvester Talcot,) reaper manufacturers, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Talcott Clark A., livery, Chicago, Cook Co. Talcott George S., dry goods, Belvidere,Boorie Co. Talcott Lester A , fruit, Chicago, Cook Co. Talcott & Co., saw mill, Rockton, Winuebago Co. Talcutt William, hotel, Biggsville, Henderson Co. Taleaferro D. M., physician, Roseville, Warren Co. Talfer A., coal, Morris, Grundy Co. Taliaferro R., drugs, Xenia, Clay Co. TALLCOTT ED. B., Gen.Sup. G. & C. U. R.R., Chicago, Cook Co. Talley H. G., billiard table mkr and postmas- ter, Piasa, Macoupin Co. Taliman J., caipenter, Clayton, Adams Co. Talyea John, carpenter, Lemont, Cook Co. Tamset J., boots and shoes, Kinderhook, Pike Co. Tandy A. S., physician, Eureka,Woodford Co. Tandy W. S., cigars, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Tandy Willis, ambrotypist, Jacksonville, Mor- gan Co. TAN 374 TAY Tane B. F., stone, Swan Creek, Warren Co. Tanenbarger Fred, butcher, Petersburg, Me- nard Co. Tannae Russel, dry goods, Ogle, Ogle Co. Tannard John, wagonmkr, Mt. Carmel,Wabash Co. Tanner Nathan, flour mill, Timber, Peoria Co. Tanner P. B., lawyer, Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co. Tanner T. J., lumber, Paxton, Ford Co. Tanner Warren, paper, Chicago, Cook Co. Tanner & Rice, (William A. Tanner & Fordyce B. Rice,) hardware, etc, Aurora, Kane Co. Tanguary Jane, milliner, Grayville, White Co. Tanguay William, blksmith, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Tansy Peter, hairdresser, DeSoto, Jackson Co. Taola George, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Tapharn Gerhard, carpenter, Shoal Creek,Clin- ton Co. Tapil C., clothes scourer, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Tappen John M., clothing, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Tappen & Alexander, com mers, Bunker Hill, Micounin Co. Tappie G. N., clothes renovator, etc, Tamaroa, Perry Co. Tapping Jacob, china, etc, Peoria, Peoria Co. Tarball D., fin lings, Roseville, Warren Co. Tarbill John, clothing, Galesburg, Knox Co. Tarble John M., agl impls, Ottawa, LaSalleCo. Tarble Sarah A., milliner, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Tarr John B., planing mill, Chicago, Cook Co. Tarrant N. E., co judge, Ewington, Effingham Co. Tarrey E , hotel, Silver Creek, Stephenson Co. Tart f haddeus, dry goods, Elizabeth, Jo Da- viess Co. Tasker W. Rev., Plumb River, Jo Daviess Co. Tastavine H., billiards, Sandoval, Marion Co. Tate G., carpenter, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Tate J. H., e.iting house, Oneida, Knox Co. Tate J. W., grocer, Oneida, Knox Co. Tate John, grocer and postmaster, Harrisburg, S.iline Co. Tattnan & Benfield, carpenters, Liberty, Adams Co. Tattershel J. W., cooper, Higginsville, Vermil- lion Co. Tauber Andrew, liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Taum & Carey, coll agts, Mt. Vernon, Jeffer- son Co. TAYLER REUBEN & SON, (Reuben & Chas. M.) real estate agts, dealers in building and McAdamising stone, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor , physician, Viola, Mercer Co. Taylor A., books, South Bend, Winnebago Co. Taylor A., physician, Carbon, Mercer Co. Taylor A B., hotel, Erie, Whitesides Co. Taylor Alonzo, boots and shoes, Ash Grove, Iroquois Co. Taylor B. F., hotel, Centralia, Marion Co. Taylor Benjamin F., ed'tor, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor C. C. Rev., M. F. M. River, Co. Taylor D., baker, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Taylor D., clothier, Higginsville, Vermillion Co. Taylor D. B., blksmith, Auburn, Sangamon Co. Taylor David, blksmith, Keene, Adams Co. Taylor David, fishing tackle,Hutsonville, Craw- ford Co. Taylor E., butcher, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Taylor E. D., Pres. Nor. Ills. Coal Co., , Co. Taylor Edward S., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor Elijah, butcher,' Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Taylor G. F., blksmith, Dundee, Kane Co. Taylor George H., agrl impls, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Taylor George W., coal, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Taylor H. H., lumber, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Taylor H. L., postmaster, Mattoon, Coles Co. Taylor Henry, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor Henry, hotel, Havana, Mason Co. Taylor Henry H.,agrl impls, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Taylor J., cooper, Canton, Fulton Co. Taylor J., cooper, McCounell's Grove, Stephen- son Co. Taylor J., cooper, Walker, Hancock Co. Taylor J., dry goods, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Taylor J., livery, Vandalia, F yette Co. Taylor J. Rev., New Boston, Mercer Co. Taylor J. B., carpenter, Dover, Bureau Co. Taylor J. D., carpenter, Chatham, Sangamon Co. Taylor J. E. Rev., Rosiclare, Hardin Co. Taylor J. H., cabinet, Virden, Macoupin Co. Taylor J. 0., cooper, Carthage, Hancock Co. Taylor J. P., genl agt, Sandoval, Marion Co. Taylor J. W., postmaster, Webster, Hancock Co. Taylor James, blksmith, John's Creek, Sanga- mon Co. Tnylor James, carpenter, Athens, Menard Co. Taylor James, circuit clerk, Bcardstown, Cass Co. Taylor James, cooper, McConnell's Grove, Ste- phenson Co. Taylor James, prod dealer, Ogle, Ogle Co. Taylor James, shingles, McConnell's Grove, Stephenson Co. Taylor James F., justice, Elgin, Kane Co. Taylor James F. Rev., Newark, Kendall Co. Tax lor James N., hotel, Walker, Hancock Co. Taylor Jefferson, hotel, Moline, Rock Island Co. Taylor John, butcher, Farmington, Fulton Co. Taylor John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor John, notary, Sparta, Randolph Co. Taylor John, tinsmith, Orangeville, Stephen- son Co. Taylor John D., physician, Woodburn, Macou- pin Co. Taylor John H., daguerreotypes, Ogle Station, Lee Co. Taylor Joseph, bottler, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor Lathrop Rev., Bloomington, McLean Co. Taylor M., saw mill, Buck, Hamilton Co. Taylor M. C., treasurer, Benton, Frank Jin Co. Taylor M. G., milliner.Osborn, Wasnir.gton Co. Taylor M. J., milliner, Detroit, Pike Co. Taylor Margaret, milliner, Westfield, Clark Co. Taylor Martyn, physician, Danby, DuPage Co. Taylor Milton, oysters, Moline, Rock Island Co. TAY 375 TEM Taylor Miss, weaver, Warrenton, Lake Co. TAYLOR MORSE K., physician, Galesburg, Knox Co. Taylor Napoleon B., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor Xeal, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor 0. D. Rev., Warrenvilfe, DuPage Co. Taylor Oscar, notary, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Taylor P. Rev., Harding, Calhoun Co. Taylor Peter, wood, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor Reuben, butcher, Westfield, Clark Co. Taylor Rhoda, milliner, Coal Valley, R. Island Co. Taylor S. F., livery, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Taylor S. S., col agt, Antioch, Lake Co. Taylor Sally, milliner, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Taylor Samuel, grocer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Taylor Samuel, physician, Erie, Whitesides Co. Taylor Samuel F., livery, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Taylor T. B. Rev., Quincy, Adams Co. Taylor T. H., stone yd, Wataga, Knox Co. Taylor T. 0., ho'el, Berlin, Sangamon Co. Taylor Thomas, blksmith, Chicago,Cook Co. Taylor Thomas, carpenter, Pecatonica, Winne- bago Co. Taylor Thomas, notary, Washington, Tazewell Co. Taylor Thomas R., lumber, Evansville, Ran- dolph Co. Taylor W. B., auctioneer, Sparta, Randolph Co. Taylor W. H. Rev., Irving, Montgomery Co. Taylor W. SI., ins agt, Amboy, Lee Co. Taylor W. P., physician, Pleasantvale, Pike Co. Taylor William, carpenter, Jersey ville, Jersey Co. Taylor William, dry goods, Derinda, Jo Da- viess Co. Taylor William, dyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor William, furniture, Georgetown, Ver- million Co. Taylor William, postmaster, DeWitt, DeWitt Co. Taylor William A., stoves, Wapella, DeWitt Co. Taylor William H., boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor William W., postmaster, Perry, Pike Co. Taylor A. H. & Co., (Anson H. sen, and An- son H. jr,) quarry, Joliet, Will Co. Taylor F. J. & Co., ( Francis J. Taylor and Enos M. Henkle,) hardware, Decatur, Ma- con Co. Taylor R. & Bro., butchers, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Taylor & Co , salt fish, etc, Cuba. Fulton, Co. Taylor & Atkins, (Oscar Taylor and Smith D. Atkins,) lawyers, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Taylor & Co., (Geo. S. Taylor & Henry A.Cole,) sail mkrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Taylor & Colliver, grocers, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Taylor & Fucrate, paints, Viola, Mercer Co. Taylor & Fuller, flour mill, Cuba, Fulton Co. Taylor & Rubel, (John B. Taylor and Reuben Rubel ) leather, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Taylor & Shepley, stage agts, Osborn, Wash- ington Co. Taylor & Steele, dry goods, Fairview, Fulton Co. Taylor, Callion & Co v grocers, Clinton, DeWitt Co. TAYLOR, PADDOCK & PHELPS, (Joseph I. Taylor, George L. Paddock and Geo. H. Phelps,) lawyers, Princeton, Bureau Co. Tazewell Charles, brewer, Elgin Kane Co. Taztor J. S., milliner, Arcola, Douglas Co. Teal Elias, civil engineer, Taylor, O^le Co. Teaney Daniel, produce, Fayette, Greene Co. Teaney J. W., lime, Fayette Greene Co. Tear John, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Teare John, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Teas Willard, lumber, W. Urbana, Champaign Co. Teasdale George R., comr of deeds, Spring- field. Sangamon Co. Teasdel Alvin, eating house, Forksville, Lake Co. Tease W., lumber, W. TJrbana, Champaign Co. Teats John C., dentist, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Teed J. L., physician, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Teel George W., cir clerk, Charleston, Coles Co. Teeman A., carpenter, Girard, Macoupin Co. Tefft Schuyler, carpenter, Nora, Jo Daviess Co. Tegtmeyer Philip, turner, Chicago, Cook Co. Teige F., carpenter, Bremen, Randolph Co. Teirnay P., butcher, Mattoon, Coles Co. Teitze L. C., painter, Milledgeville, Carroll Co. Telfer & Day, (William G. Telfer and DeWitt C. Day,) patent agts, Chicago, Cook Co. Telford, Williams & Co., (Andrew Telford, Da- vid R. Williams & Adam L. Telford,) pla- ning mill, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Teller L., wagou mkr, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Tellyr John, grocer, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Temmens J. B. Rev., Quincy, Adams Co. 1 Temple , physician, Cameron, Warren Co. Temple Christian, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Temple Jesse H., carpenter, Port Byron, Rock Island Co. Temple John F., boring mill, Chicago, Cook Co. Temple W. H., painter, Port Byron, R. Island Co. Temple & Funk, (Wm. H. Temple & Duncan M. Funk,)dry goods,Bloomington, McLean Co. Templeton Hugh, baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Templeton Judson, dentist, Wallingford, Will Co. Templeton L. T., carpenter, Ashley, Washing- ton Co. Templeton L. W., lawyer, Grcenup, Cumber- land Co. Templeton S. M. Rev., Delavan, Tazewell Co. Templeton Thomas, grain, Chicago, Cook Co. Templeton W. H. Rev., Pinckneyville, Perry Co. Templeton & Cochran, dry goods, Windsor, Shelby Co. TEM 376 THI Templi', Devoult & Baker, plowmkrs, Charles- ton, Goles Co. Tenbensel Henry, barber, Chicago, Cook Co. TenBroak J., physician, Paris, Edgar Co. Tendick Gottfreit, boots and shoes, Jackson- ville, Morgan Co. Tendrick John, painter, Beardstown, Cass Co. TenEyke A., lawyer, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Tenhaff William, grocer, Pitman, Adams Co. Tenne^wood John, wagon maker, San Jose, Mason Co. Tenney Charles V., justice, Dixon, Lee Co. Tenney Jerome B., physician, Atlanta, Logan Co. Tenney Mrs. E., dressmkr, Chicago, Co. Tenney A. M. &Co., (Arthur M. Tenney, Chas. W. Spuulding and Jacob W. Wilcox,) printer?, Chicago, Cook Co. Tenney & Burdsal, (Lucius Tenney and Francis A. Burdsal,) dry goods, Ster.ing, White- sides Co. Tenney & Johnson, carpenters, Little Muddy, Franklin Co. Tenny B., collecting agt, Waynesville, DeWitt Co. Terbush A. J., carpenter, Paine's Point, Ogle Co. Terile Mary Ann, saloon, Chicgo, Cook Co. Terpmitz Edward, jewelry, Anna, Union Co. Terpting L., book binder, Jonesboro, Union Co. Terrell B., machinist, Plymouth, Hmcock Co. Terrell Ira, lawyer, Martinsville, Clark Co. Terrell J. P., dentist, Mackinaw, Tazewell Co. Terrell N. C., auctioneer, Ashkum, Iroquois Co. Terrell & Harper, (AnsellA. Terrell and Henry G. Harper,) grocers, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Terrill Butler E., photographic stock, Chicago, Co. Terrill Robt., coachmkr, Albion, Edwards Co. Terrill William J., carpenter, Georgetown, Ver- million Co. Terrill & Treadwell, (Butler E. Terrill and Ste- phen B. Treadwell,) ambrotypists, Chica- go, Cook Co. Terry , lawyer, Danville, Vermillion Co. Terry C., auctioneer, Havana, Mason Co. Terry G. E., postmaster, Cherry Valley, Win- nebago Co. Terry G. T., circuit clerk, Winchester, Scott Co. Terry J. Rev., Kane, Greene Co. Terry J. C., carpenter, Swan Creek, Warren Co. Terry T., book binder, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Terry Isaac C., dentist, Drury, Rock Island Co. Terry John, hotel, Batavia, Kane Co. Terry Patrick Rev., Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Terry Richard, harnessmkr, Aurora, Kane Co. Terry Thomas, leather, Lacon, Marshall Co. Terry William, carptr, Bourbon, Douglas Co. Terry & Stickle, (Elias D. Terry and Thompson Stickle,) marble works, Aurora, Kane Co. Terry & Wheeler, dry goods, Abingdon, Kane Co. Tersdorf , physician, Clear Creek Landing, Alexander Co. Terwilliger Rev., Erie, Whitesides Co. Terwiliger S., wagonmkr, Augusta, Hancock Co. Terwiliger M. Rev., Moline, Rock Island Co. Tesmar William, barber, McLean, McLean Co. Test Benjamin, tailor, Ipava, Fulton Co. Test 0. V., boots, Fishhook, Pike Co. Teterict S., milliner, Alhambra, Madison Co. Teter Gasper 1 P., dry goods, Peoria, Peoria Co. Teufel Herman, jewelry, etc, Chicago, Cook Co. Teufel Jacob, boots and shoes, Salisbury, San- gamon Co. Teur Jas., brewer, Cordova, Rock Island Co. Tew H., architect, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Tewksbury Chas. W., books, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Tewgarden John, painter, Mattoon, Coles Co. Thackway Wm., lawyer, Burksville, Monroe Co. Thackway William, marble works, Renault, Monroe Co. Thanhouser Samuel, clothing, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Thanhouser Solomon, clothing, Mendota, La Salle Co. Thatcher J. Rev., Benton, Franklin Co. Thatcher John blacksmith, Granville, Putnam Co. Thatcher P., wood, Fairfield, Wayne Co. Thayer F. Porter, furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Thayer Frederick W., druggist, Chicago, Cook Co. THAYER JOSEPH & Co., (Edward R. Thay- er,) dry goods, Springfield, Smgamon Co. Thaypr J. W., physician, Maroa, Macon Co. THAYER NATHANIEL C., photographic goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Thayer 0. B. Rev., Batavia, Knne Co. Thayer Bros., (Sylvester and Wm. B. Thayer,) distillers, Quincy, Adams Co. Thayer & Austin, (David Thayer and Frank Austin,) painters, Rockford, Winnebago Co. Thayer & Hammond, (George S. Thayer and 'John E. W. Hammond,) liquors, Chicago, Cook Co. Thebes House, Thebes, Alexander Co. Theil Herman, surveyor, Durand, Winnebago Co. Theilman George, upholsterer, Paris, Edgar Co. Thein Mcholas, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Theis Mathias, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Thiala August, wagon mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Thielbar Henry,boots and shoes, Peoria, Peoria Co. Thiele Henry, sash and blinds, Jersey Landing, Jersey Co. Thielins Edward A., books, Mattoon, Coles Co. Thiell Casper, justice, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Thies F., blksmith, Bremen, Randolph Co. Thies Henry, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Thies Peter, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Thilmont Christopher, boots and shoes, Chica- go, Cook Co. Thing Damon, dry goods, DuQuoin, Perry Co. THO 377 THO Tholl J., butcher, Brighton, Macoiipin Co. Thorn Edward, cloths,Lawrenceville,Lawrence Co. Thorn John H., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Thoma Henry, barber, Chicago, Cook Co. Thoma & Co., blksmiths, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. Thomas A., boots and shoes, Windsor, Shelby Co. Thomas A. B., carpenter, Farmington, Fulton Co. Thomas A. G. Rev., Freeport, Stephenson Co. Thomas A. J., carpenter, Maiden, Bureau Co. Thomas A. S., express agt, Algonquin, Mc- Henry Co. Thomas A. S., postmaster, East Wheatland, Will Co. Thomas Augustine Rev., Breese, Greene Co. Thomas B. Rev., Decatur, Macon Co. Thomas B. Rev., Bloomington, McLean Co. Thomas B. B., co surveyor, Louisville, Clay Co. Thomas Barnard, lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Thomas Benj. Rev., Decatur, Macon Co. Thomas Benjamin W. & Co., (Henry M. and Edward P. Wilcox,) real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Thomas D., chairmkr, Roanoke, Woodford Co. Thomas E., drugs, Bloomington, McLean Co. Thomas E J. Rev., Atlanta, Logan Co. Thomas Edward, physician, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Thomas Edwin E., sheriff, Woodstock, McHen- ry Co. Thomas George, hairdresser, Urbana, Cham- paign Co. Thomas Geo. H., ambrotypist, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Thomas Giles G., turner, Chicago, Cook Co. Thomas Granville S., physician, Joliet, Will Co. Thomas H., prod and com, Geneseo, Henry Co. Thomas H. F., ins agt, Hampton, Rock Island Co. Thomas H. H., postmaster, Florence, Pike Co. Thomas H. S., coal, Swan Creek, Warren Co. Thomas Henry Rev., Beardstown, Cass Co. Thomas Hugh J., grocer, Cairo, Alexander Co. Thomas J. B., physician, Wyoming, Stark Co. Thomas J. F., physician, Northampton, Peoria Co. Thomas J. H., blksinith, Vermillionville, La Salle Co. Thomas J. J., copper, Hampton, Rock Island Co. Thomas J. M., agr impls, Wyoming, Stark Co. Thomas J. S., physician, Bernadotte, Fulton Co. Thomas James B., mnfr of cabs and rocking horses, Chicago, Cook Co. Thomas James M., plowmkr,Columbus, Adams Co. Thomas Jesse B., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Thomas Jno. A., physician and drugs, Pleas- ant Hill, Pike Co. Thomas John A., town clerk, Kickapoo, Peoria Co. Thomas Joshua, lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Thomas L. H., paints, Chillicothe, Peoria Co. 23 Thomas P., physician, Southampton, Feoria Co. Thomas P. L , auctioneer, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Thomas P. W., grocer, Evanston, Cook Co. Thomas Boston, hairdresser, Shelbyville, Shel- by Co. Thomas R , postmaster and dry goods, New Boston, Mercer Co. Thomas R. D., architect, Peotone, Will Co. Thomas Robert, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Thomas Ruth, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Thomas S. S., postmaster, Pleasant Hill, Pike Co. Thomas Samuel B., justice, Morris, Grundy Co. Thomas Theobald, shoemkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Thomas Thos., coal, Harrisburff, Saline Co. Thomas William, architect, Chicago, Cook Co. Thomas William, brick, Oxford, Henry Co. Thomas William, carpenter, Zanesville, Mont- gomery Co. Thomas William H., barber, Belvidere, Boone Co. Thomas William, co treasurer, Bloomington, McLean Co. Thomas William S., circuit clerk, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Thomas William T., carpenter, Big Rock, Kane Co. Thomas Ezra & Sons, brickmkrs, Troy, Madi- son Co. Thomas J. B. & Co., druggists, Wyoming, Stark Co. Thomas & Baker, dry goods and grocer, Hamp- ton, Rock Island Co. Thomas & Browne, (John W. Thomas & Wil- liam Browne,) flour mills, Chicago, Cook Co. Thomas & Kirkpatrick, dry goods, Clayton, Adams Co. Thomas & Rood, (Wm. Thomas & Ebenezer H. Rood,) ins agts, Bloomington, McLean Co. Thomas, Greenough s agt, Fairview, Fulton Co. Voorhees & VanXuys, dry goods, Fairview, Fulton Co. Vopel John, clothes renovator, Lincoln, Logan (Jo. Vore William, boots and shoes, Davis, Stephen- son Co. Vore & Winne, restaurant, Chicago, Cook Co. Voreiuchi Christian, blksmith, Lively, St. Clair Co. Vorpahl Charles, worsteds, Chicago, Cook Co. Vorre N., saw mill, Warrenton, Lake Co. Vosburgh C. D., painter, D wight, Livingston Co. Vosburg D. M., physician, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Vosburg J. B., dry goods, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. Vosburg LaFayette, architect, Lemont, Cook Co. Vosburg Mark, cabinet, Lemont, Cook Co. Vose N. n J. P., painter, Dover, Bureau Co. Waldion John Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Waldron T , blacksmith, Metamora, Woodford Co. Waldron Thomas, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Wales A., butcher, Geneseo, Henry Co. Wales A., postmaster,Huntley Grove,McHenry Co. Wales Thomas, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Wales Willi.im, butcher, Chicago, .Cook Co. Waif Davis, boots and shoes, Walnut, Bureau Co. Waif Orson, boots and shoes, Walnut, Bureau Co. Waif Phineas, boots and shoes,Walnut,Bureau Co. Walfe & Bro., blacksmiths, Kinmundy, Marion Co. Walff A., clothing, Macomb, McDonough Co. Walihan John, postmaster, Meredosia, Morgan Co. Wali-e , carpenter, Huntley Grove, Me Henry Co. Walker A., carpenter, Southport, Peoria Co. Walker A., turner, Petersburg, Menard Co. Walker A. A., harness mkr, Oneida, Knox Co. Walker Benjamin F., supt Chicago water works, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker C., coal, Macomb, McDonough Co. Walker C. A., lawyer, Carlinville, Maconpin Co. Walker Charles, meat market, Elgin, Kane Co. Walker Charles, real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker Cyru?, dry goods, Patoka, Marion Co. Walker David, druggist, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Walker E., grocer, Dundee, Kane Co. Walker E. P., butcher, Williamsville Sanga- mon Co. Walker Edward, notary, Mansfield, Kendall Co. Walker Edwin, stone yard, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker Eli, chairs, Clark Centre, Clark Co. Walker Elisha C., blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. WAL 395 WAL Walker F. II., carpenter, DeSoto, Jackson Co. Walker F. T., cabinet mkr, West Urbana, Champaign Co. Walker Foster, lawyer, Pontoosac, Hancock Co. WALKER FRANCIS B., hotel, Quincy, Ad- ams Co Walker G. N., hotel, Havana, Mason Co. Walker George W., blksmith, Marrow Bone, Moultrie Co. Walker Green, grocer, Pana, Christian Co. Walker H., eating house, Galesburg, Knox Co. Walker H., general store, Pontoosac, Hancock Co. Walker H. D., vet surgeon, Clifton, Iroquois Co. Walker Henry, butcher, Assumption, Christian Co. Walker Henry D., saloon, Galesburg, Knox Co. Walker Hiram, hotel, Carlinville, Macoupin Co. Walk'-r Holton C., town clerk and notary, Belvidere, Boone Co. Walker I., painter, Kickapoo, Peoria Co. Wa'ker I. H , physician, Newton, Jasper Co. Walker Isaiah Rev., Buck, Hamilton Co. Walker J., blksmith, Mineral, Bureau Co. Walker J. F., cooper, Anna, Union Co. Walker J. L., physician, Walker's Grove, Ma- son Co. Walker J. M. Rev., Mill Creek, R. Island Co. Walker J. P., physician, Walker's Grove, Ma- son Co. Walker James A. W., blksmith Louisville, Clay Co. Walker James D., physician, Macomb, Mc- Donough Co. Walker John, blksmith, Rock Creek, Livings- ton Co. Walker John W., blksmith, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Walker L. Rev., Mendota, LaSalle Co. Walker L. E., lumber, Colchester, McDonough Co. Walker L. S. Rev., Winnebago, Winnebago Co. Walker Lewis, blksmith, Drury, Rock IslandCo. Walker Londus B., lumber, Chicago, Cook Co, Walker Lucius B., hide broker, Caicago, Cook Co. Walker 0. A. R^v., Dover, Bureau Co. Walker P. A., harness mkr, Dundee, Kane Co. Walker Miss R., milliner, Catlin, Vernullion Co. Walker Robert, butcher, Perry, Pike Co. Walker Robert, justice, Salesbury, Sangamon Co. Walker S. Rev., Carlyle, Clinton Co. Walker S. T., carpenter, Spring Lake, Taze- well Co. Walker Samuel, junk dealer, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker Samuel, gunsmith, Henderson, Knox Co.. Walker Samuel Rev., Ellis' Grove, Randolph Co. Walker Samuel Rev., Fairfield, Wayne Co. Walker Thomas H., druggist, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker Thomas M. P. Rev., Fountain Green, Hancock Co. Walker Timothy H., harness mkr, Galesburg, Knox Co. Walker W., town clerk, Spring Grove, War- ren Co. Walker W. Rev., Hamilton, Hancock Co. Walker Watie, music teacher, Princeton, Bu- reau Co. Walker William, auctioneer, Oswego, Kendall Co. Walker William, blksmith, Victoria, Knox Co. Walker William, carpenter, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. , Walker William J., lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker William S., postmaster, Wenona Sta- tion, Marshall Co. ' Walker William W., grocer, Galesburg, Knor Co. Walker & Bro., lumber, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Walker & Bro., (Charles H. and George C.,) prod com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker & Bro , (Washington and James,) coal, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Walker, Br'her & Humphrey, (Rankin R. and Wm. W. Walker and Robert Humphrey,) flour mill, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker L. C. & Co., grocers, Colchester, Mc- Donough Co. Walker R. H. & Co., dry goods, Havana, Ma- son Co Walker S B & M. 0., (Samuel B. and Martin 0.,) stage proprietors, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker & Cutting, (Martin 0. Walk.T and Guy H. Cutting,) brickmkrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker & Dearbourn, lawyers, Havana, Mason Co. Walker & Dew, saw mill, Scottville, Macoupin Co. Walker & Gee, lawyers, Canton, Fulton Co. Walker & Gillett, (Wm. W. Walker and Wm. B. Gilleit,) druggists, W. Aurora, Kane Co. Walker & Green, (Charles M. L. Walker, and John H. Green,) com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker & Greenwood, (Edward Walker, and Stephen P. Greenwood,) packers, Alton, Madison Co. Walker & Hancock, furniture, Havana, Mason Co. Walker & Han'fin, (John C. Walker and Wm. Hanifen,) grocers, Pt-ru, LaS ille Co. WALKER & JENKS, (Gilbert C. Walker, & Ansoii B. Jenks,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker & Mcllvaine, Isaac Walker, and Geo. M Mellvaine,) hardware, etc, Peoria, I'e- oria Co Walker & Mullens, blksmitbs, Pleasant Rill, Pike Co. Walker & Rass, lumber, Plymouth, Hancock Co. Walker & Sanford, com mers, Pontoosac, Han- cock Co. Walker & Schank, (Geo. H. Walker, and. John Schank,) trunk factory, Chicago., Cook Co. WAL 396 WAL Walker & Wiley, grocers, Caledonia, Pulaski Co. "Walker, VanArman & Dexter, (James M. Walker, John VanArman and Wirt Dex- ter,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Walker, Washburn & Co.,) Charles Walker and WIH. Washburn,) planing mill, Chicago, Cook Co. Walkey Jacob, cabinet, Frceport, Stephen- soaiCo. Walkley J. S., eip and freight agt, Eureka, Woodford Co. Walkley S. N., coal, Eureka, Woodford Co. Walk ling August, grocer, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Walkup E. Q,, dry goods, DeKalb, DeKalb Co. Walkup J. W,, ,e#p agt, Dearborn, McHenrv Co. Wall G. W., lawyer, -DuQuoin, Perry Co. Wall G. S., physician, DuQuoin, Perry Co. WallJ. W. Rev., Robinson, Crawford Co. Wall John R M lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Wall & Sons, lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. WALL, CARTER & CO., (A. Littleone Wall, M. C. Carter and George Roberts,) patent .rights, Decatur, Macon Co. Wallace , col agt, Allen Springs, Pope Co. Wailace A. B., blksmith, Rock Creek;, Carroll Co. Wallace A. G., circuit clerk, Tuscola, jDouglas Co. Wallace D. A. Rev., Nashville, Washington Co. Wallace Daniel, saw mill, Pleasantvale, Pike Co. Wallace E. G., wagonmkr, Marietta, Fulton Co. "Wallace Edward Q., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Wallace G. Rev., Momence, Kankakee Co. "Wafflace G. W., physician, Markanda, Jackson Co. ^.allaee George M., boots and shoes, Joliet, Will Co. "Wallace George R., butcher, Sandwich, De Kalb Co. Willaee H. Rev., Winchester, Scott Co. Wallace House, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Wa.'Jace J. LL, postmaster, Western Saratoga, Union Co. Wall ace Jason M., town clerk, Clayton, Adams Co. V, 'allace John, restaurant, Bloom, Cook Co. W ALLACE JOHN S., lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. "WiL Hace Joseph, lawyer, Springfield, Sanga- mort Co. Wall ace Margaret, weaver, Washington, Taze- ^ veil Co. WaJla ce Matthew, books, Elgin, Kane Co. Wallai '6 Peter Rev., Camargo, Douglas Co. WalLac e Robert, town clerk, Bloom, Cook Co. Wallac* ! S. B., justice, Elvaston, Hancock Co. Wallace V. F., bricks, New Salem, Pike Co. Wallace W. H., grocer, Windsor, Shelby Co. Wallace Wm., blksmith, Wyanet, Bureau Co. "Wallace A ^m. H. L., lawyer, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Wallace & Bailhache, (Wm. S. Wallace and Presto, i H. Bailhache,) physician?, Spring- .field, S. angamon Co. Wallace & McGrew, (Robert N. Wallace and John H. McGrew,) grocers, Knoxville, Knox Co. Wallack D. & Co., (David Wallack and Isaac Bacharach,) tailors, Rockfurd, Winnebago Co. Wallen James, carpenter, Walbridge, Pulaski Co. Wallenburen Peter, surgeon, Chicago, Cook Co. Waller Charles S., real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Waller H. Rev., New Hope, Wabash Co. Waller M. R., saw mill, Fitts Hill, Franklin Co. Waller Madison, flour mill, Parrish, Franklin Co. Waller Stephen, carpenter, Steam Mill, Schuy- ler Co. Waller & Co , (James B. and Edward Waller and James Lees,) com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Waller & Co., (Henry Waller, John Edick and Isaac Becktol,) brass and iron foundry, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Waller & Caulfield, (Henry Waller and Ber- nard G. Caulfield,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Waller & Finney, millers, Fits Hill, Franklin Co. Waller & Jones, flour mills, Frankfort, Frank- lin Co. Walley E. M. r physician, Park's Corners, Boone Co. Wallick Levi, carpenter, Knoxville, Knox Co. WALLIN C C. & SON, (Charles C., Thomas S. and Franklin B.) wholesale dealers in leather and hides, and tanners and curri- ers, Chicago, Cook Co. Wailingford Alanson, gen agt G W R R, Chicago, Cook Co. Wallis William J., justice, Chicago, Cook Co. Wallis Brothers, (Frederick J. & Oscar J.,) photographs, Chicago, Cook Co. Walls Moses, blksmith, Flora, Clay Co. Walls 0. H., physician, Clark Centre, Clark Co. Walls William, physician, Sobinson, Crawford Co. Walmesly John, freight agt, .Satavia, Kane Co. Walrath , painter, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co, Walrath Chauncey, boots and shoes, East Pavr Paw, Lee Co. Wabrath H. H., wagonmkr, Wilmington, Will Co. Walrath Theodore H , meat market, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Walrath N., wood ware, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Walser George, lawyer, Middleport, Iroquoisl Co. Walser H. & D., dry goods, West Salem, Ed- wards Co. Walser & Gunn, saw mill, West Salem, Ed- wards Co. Walsh Charles, livery, Chicago, Cook Co. Walsh D., carpenter, Mackinaw, Tazewell Co. WALSH JAMES J., harnessmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Walsh John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. WAL 397 Walsh John B., furniture, Chicago, Cook Co. Walsh M., ins agt, Walshville, Montgomery Co. Walsh Roland, blksmith, Alma. Marion Co. Walsh Robert, grocer, Joliet, Will Co Walsh & Hutchinson, (James Walsh & Thomas Hutchinson,) millinery goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Walstrom Olf, carpenter, Geneva, Kane Co. Walt M., brickmkr, Exeter, Scott Co. Walter Abraham, blksmitb, Chicago, Cook Co. Walter Albert, wagonmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Walter Benedict, saloon, Alton, Madison Co. Walter C., cabinetmkr, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Walter John, bootmkr, Blue Island, Cook Co. Walter John, clothing, Princeton, Bureau Co. Walter Louis, cigars, Chicago, Cook Co. Walter Martin, sash and doormkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Walter W., shoemkr, Blue Island, Cook Co. Walter William, blksmith, Fidelity. Jersey Co. Walter R. & Co., (Rudolph Walter & Matthew Kuntz,) boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Walter & Rogers, (Joel C. Walter & Edward K. Rogers,) coal and iron mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Walter & Shrader, brewers, Charleston, Coles Co. Walt' rs A., boots and shoes, Marcelline,Adams Co. Walters A. J., grocer, Jones Creek, Randolph Co. Walters Francis, blksmith, Freepoit, Stephen- son Co. Walters J , boots and shoes, Circleville, Taze- well Co. Walters J. W., dry goods, Jones Creek, Ran- dolph Co. Walters John T., sheriff, Shawneetown, Galla- tin Co. Walters Paul, saw mills, Hillsboro, Mont- gomery Co. Walters William, lawyer, Sandy Ridge, Grundy Co. Walther John L. Rev., Quincy, Adams Co. Walther Joseph, cabinetmkr, Toulon, Stark Co. Walthers Jacob, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co.. Woltman Miss C., milliner, Lincoln, Logan Co. Walton Benjamin, physician, Browning, Schuy- ler Co. Walton George, painter, Metamora, Woodford Co. Walton H. E., flour mill, Bunker Hill, Macou- pin Co. Walton Reuben, cabinetmkr, Lynnville, Mor- gun Co. Walton T. C., vet surgeon, Bunker Hill, Ma- coupin Co. Walton W. R., flour, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Walton William & Co., (Edward Bolton,) dry goods, etc, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Walton William F., marble works, Decatur, Macon Co. Walton William R., grocer, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Walton B. & Sons, lumber, Browning, Schuy- ler Co. Walton & Hamilton, (John F. Walton & Alex- ander Hamilton,) plowmnfrs, Bloomington, McLean Co. Walters Ezekiel, cider and vinegar, Houston, Adams Co. Waltz J., cabinetmkr, Grandview, Edgar Co. Walwer David, fisherman, Hutsonville, Craw- ford Co. Walworth H. R. Rev., Joliet, Will Co. Walworth N. H., ins agt, Oneida, Knox Co. WALWORTH .HUBBARD & CO., (James J. Walworth,' William C. Hubbard, Marshall S. Scudder, Charles C. Walworth & Joseph P. Hayes,) steam and gas fitters, Chicago, Cook Co. Walr George, hirnessmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Wambold Adam, shoemkr, Central City, Marion Co. Wambusch William, prod and com, Elgin, Kane Co. Wample Peter, grocer, Fredericksville, Schuy- ler Co. Wampler W., dry goods, Milton Station, Coles Co. Wamsley Joseph, blksmith, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Wamsley & Hueston, (Edward Wamsley & Simon J. Hueston,) millinery goods, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Wangelin Brother, distillers, Lebanon, St. Glair Co. Wanzer E., physician, Washington, Tazewell Co. Wanzer Henry, wood dlr, Friendsville, Wa- bash Co. Waples Timothy L., clothing, Alton, Madison Co. Warhurst William, blacksmith, Saxon, Henry Co. Ward Rev., Union, McHenry Co. Ward Alson, druggist, Chicago, Cook Co. Ward Amos, carpenter, Harlem, Wmnebago Co. Ward Amos, justice, Altona, KnoxCo. Ward Austin M., ins agt, Chicago, Cook Co. Ward B. C. Rev., Peru, LaSalle Co. Ward C. R., physician, Monticello, Piatt Co. Ward C. S , lawyer, Murphysborough, Jackson Co. Ward Cyrus J., bookbinder, Chicago, Cook Co. Ward E. J., dry goods, Jones Creek, Ran- dolph Co. Ward E. Brooks, lawyer, Sterling, Whitesides Co. Ward Eber, rolling mill, Chicago, Cook Co. Ward Eli, quarry, Keene, Adams Co. Ward Elihu, ins" agt, Augusta, Hancock Co. Ward Ephraim, real estate, Chicago, Cook Co. Ward Franklin, machinst, New Milford, Win- nebago Co. Ward G. C., lime and plaster, Du Quoin, Perry Co. Ward G. W., lime and plaster, DuQuoin,Perry Co. Ward George H., marble works, Joliet, Will Co. Ward H., real estate, Peotonc, Will Co. Ward Henry 0., auct'r, Plattville, Kendall Co. WAR 398 WAR Ward Horace, undertaker, Blandinsville, Mc- Donough Co. Ward Isaac, hotel, Benton, Franklin Co. Ward J. M., carpenter, Murphysborough, Jack- son Co. Ward J. N., carpenter, Camden, Schuyler Co. Ward J. W. Rev., Lane Depot, 0-le Co. Ward James, blacksmith, Magnolia, Putnam Co. Ward James, town clerk, Griggsville, Pike Co. Ward Jasper D., notary, Chicago, Cook Co. Ward Jerome, carpenter, Keen^, Adams Co. Ward John, coal, B^inb'idge, Williamson Co. Ward John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Ward John, school commr, Benton, Franklin Co. Ward John D., restaurant, West Aurora, Kane Co. / Ward Jonah L., physician, Bible Grove, Clay Co. Ward Joshua, hotel, New Salem, Pike Co. Ward Martin, harnessmkr, Naperville, DuPage Co. Ward Milton, carptr, Hampton, Rock Island Co. Ward Newton, carpenter, Cornville, LaSalle Co. Ward P. C., dentist, Monticello, Piitt Co. Ward P. L., coal, Marion, Williamson Co. Ward Patrick A. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Ward Sam'l A., music printer, Chicago, Cook Co. Ward Samuel D., city comptroller, Chicago, Cook Co. Ward Samuel G., stone yard, El^in, Kane Co. Ward Thomas J., dry goods, Benton, Franklin Co. Ward Wiliiam, carpenter, Iroquois, Iroquois Co. Ward William D., jeweler, Springfield, Sang- amon Co. Ward William H., millwright, Jersey Landing, Jersey Co. Ward William J., pointer, Elgin, Kane Co. Ward 0. F. & T: C., clothing, Blandinsville, Mi-Donough Co. Ward & Co., flour and feed, Galesburg Knox Co. WARD & LYFORD, (Geo H. Ward & Augus- tus Lyford,) prod and com, Galesburg, Knox Co. Ward & Mooneyhan, dry goods, Benton, Frank- lin Co. Ward & Phclps, (Jay N. Ward & John B. Phelps,) flour and feed, Bloomington, Mc- Lean Co. Ward & Shepard, flour mill, Leland, LaSalle Co. Ward & Stanford, (Jasper D. Ward & Geo.W. Stanford,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Ward, Heddleston & Co., dry goods, Blandins- vil e, McDonough Co. Ward. ill William, lumber, Springfield, Sanga- mon Co. Wardeil William T., books, etc, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Wardel Wm., lime and cement, Pleasantview, Schuyler Co. Wardeil W. W., notary, Sandoval, Marion Co. Warden Benjamin, carpenter, Caledonia, Pu- laski Co. Warden H. Rev., Quincy, Adams Co. Warden P , fish dlr, Oakland, Co'es Co. Wardle James, cooper, Dundee, Kane Co. Wardner Horace, physician, Chicago, Cook Co. Ware A. L., tinsmith, New Salem, Pike Co. Ware Carlos, hotel, Fulton City, Wuitesides Co. Ware George, drugs, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Ware Isaac, ice dlr, Barry, Pike Co. Ware J. 0., brickmkr, Marrow Bone, Moultrie Co. Ware Job, confectioner, Kinderhook, Pike Co. Ware John, painter, Ellisville, Fulton Co. Ware Joseph, lawyer, Morrison, Whitesides Co. Ware Joseph A., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Ware Ralph, wool, Granville, Putnam Co. Ware Wm. P., gunsmith, Barry, Pike Co. Ware & B.o., lumber, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Warfield R. N., county clerk, Harrisburg, Sa- line Co. Warford W. N., dry goods, Saline Mills, Gal- latin Co. Warkins St. Clair, chairmkr, Dover, Bureau Co. Warlich Loui, druggist-., Chicago, Cook Co. Warlow W. C. & B. W., (William C. & Bond W.,) dry goods, etc, Bloomington, Me Lt-an Co. Warmley W. M., stone quarry, Oswego, Ken- dall Co. ' Warmoth E. Rev., Snatchwine, Putnam Co. Warmoth J. S., Liwyer, Xenia, Clay Co. Warmoth & Dobbyns, harnessmkrs, McLeans- boro, Hamilton Co. Warn & Co., iron founders, Vermont, Fulton Co. Warne Mrs. Mary D., embroideries, Chicago, Cook Co. Warner , carpenter, Wesley City, Taze- well Co. Warner A., carpenter, Augusta, Hancock Co. Warner A., hotel, Wilmington, Will Co. Warner A. C., carpenter, Nora, Jo Daviess Co. Warner A. J. Rev., Peru, LaSalle Co. Warner Abraham, cooper, Buena Vista, Ste- phenson Co. Warner B. E., cabinetmkr, Rosamond, Chris- tian Co. Warner B. F., fisherman, Chillicothe, Peoria Co. Warner Bennett 0. & Co., (Alexander Alli- son,) livery, Peoria, Peoria Co. Warner Cecilia, dressmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Warner D., drugs, Carbon, Mercer Co. Warner D. F., grocer, Viola, Mercer Co. Warner DeWitt C., physician, Dixon, Lee Co. Warner Dudley P., notary, Chicago, Cook Co. WARNER ERENEZER W., broommkr, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Warner Edward B., notary, Prophetstown, Whitesides Co. Warner F., carpenter, Webster, Hancock Co. WAR 399 WAR Warner F. R., carpenter, Batavia, K;ine Co. Warner F. W., butcher, Roscoe, Wiunebago Co. Warner Francis, sheriff, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Warner G. W., collector, New Boston, Mercer Co. Warner George, grocer, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Warner Geo., saddler, High Point, Mercer Co. Warner H. jr., brickmkr, Wilmington, Will Co. Warner Henry, boots and shoes, Alton, Madi- son Co. WARNER HENRY W., clothing, Blooming- ton, McLean Co. Warner Mrs. Ira P., milliner, Marengo, Me Henry Co. Warner J. D., express agt, Winnebago Depot, Wiunebago Co. Warner Jabez, ice dealer, Prophetstown, Whitesides Co. Warner James & Co., (Culver & Bro.,) tailors, Sandwich, DeKalb Co. Warner John, clothing, Peoria, Peoria Co. Warner John, machinist, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Warner John, physician, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Warner John, stage agt, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Warner John H., cooper, Prophetstown, Whitesides Co. Warner Joseph, dry goods, Troy Grove, La Salle Co. Warner F. A., physician, Farmington, Fulton Co. Warner Lawson S., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Warner Levi, town clerk, Elkhorn Grove, Carroll Co. Warner Lyman F., lawyer, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Warner N. G., coal, Winnebago Depot, Win- nebago Co. Warner R. H., butcher, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Warner S. A., painter, Whitehall, Greene Co. Warren S. H., dry goods, EUisville, Fulton Co. Warner S. L., pianos, etc., Mattoon. Coles Co. Warner Mrs. Sarah M., milliner, Somonauk, KeKalb Co. Warner Solomon, dry goods, Kankakee, Kan- kakee Co. Warner T. J., com mer, Bridgeport, Lawrence Co. Warren W. P., boots and shoes, Rosamond, Christian Co. Warner & Brothers, planing mill and plow mkrs, Prophetstown, Whitesides Co. Warner & Campbell, harnessmkrs, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Warner & Daush, (George Warner & Peter Daush,) hairdressers, Chicago, Cook Co. WARNER & FULLER, (Dudley P. Warner & John C. Fuller,) real estate, etc., Chicago, Cook Co. Warner & Ketchutn, (John Warner & James Ketchum,) dentists, Chicago, Cook Co. Warner, Blinn & Co., (Ulyss s M. Warner, Jesse Blinn & Asa G. Spalding,) prod and com, Rockfotd, Winnebago Co. Warner, Booth & Co., butchers, Chillicothe, Peoria Co. Warnick & Smith, painters, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Warnock R. M., flour mill, Granville, Putnam Co. Warnock & Kelly, (Hugh Warnock and James Kelly,) soap and candles, Rock Island, R. Island Co. Warrack Jamt'S, agt, G. Trunk R. R., Chicago, Cook Co. Warren A. D., carpenter, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Warren Andrew jr., lumber, Alton, Madison Co. Warren Carrie A., mus'c teacher, Chicago, Cook Co. Warren County Bank, Monmouth, Warren Co. Warren David, blksmith, Marengo, McHenry Co. Warren E. B., carpenter, New Salem, Pike Co. Warren E. H., daguerreotypes, Wenona Sta- tion, Marshall Co. Warren Edwin R., piano fortes, Chicago, Cook Co. Warren Edwin R. Rev., Batavia, Kane Co. Warren Franklin H., news depot, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Warren George E., lawyer, Jerseyville, Jersey Co. Warren H., cooper, Kinderhook, Pike Co. Warren H. H., postmaster, Sublette, Lee Co. Warren H. S. P. Rev., B.-rwick, Warren Co. Warren Henry, carriages, Perry, Pike Co. WARREN HORACE, machinery depot, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Warren J. M., postmaster, Warrenville, DuPage Co. Warren Joseph Rev. D. D., Qnincy, Adams Co. Warren Lewis L., jeweler, Joliet, Will Co. Warren Lorenzo D., grocer, Waukegan, Lake Co. Warren M., coach and carriage mkr, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Warren R. B., lawyer, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Warren S. K., artist's materials, Dundee, Kane Co. Warren S.W,, forwarding, Kewanee, Henry Co. Warren William M., county surveyor, Spring- field, Sangamon Co. Warren J. & B , dry goods, LaHarpe, Hancock Co. Warren L. C. & Co., (Lemuel C. Warren,) hotel, Princeton, Bureau Co. Warren & Bros., dry goods, Rushville, Schuy- ler Co. Warren & Co., drugs, Wenona Station, Mar- shall Co. Warren & Hooven, furniture, Wenona Station, Marshall Co. Warren & Sherman, carpenters, Chester, Ran- dolph Co. Warren & Lintner, dry goods, Santa Anna, De Witt Co. Warren & Pratt, (W. II. B. Warren and S. Pratt,) com mers, Chicago, Cook Co. Warren & Warner, lumbor, Roscoe, Wiuneba- go Co. Warren & Wheat, (Calvin A. Warren & Alex- ander E. Wheat,) lawyers, Quincy, Adams Co. Warriek T. P. & Co., dry goods, Grayville, White Co. 400 WAT Warriner Joseph T., boot3 and shoes, Cuba, Fulton Co. Warriner N. Rev., Paw Paw, Lee Co. Warriner 0. F., dry goods, etc, Amboy, Lee Co. WARRINGTOX HENRY, Vulcan Foundry, manufacturer of stationary and portable steam engines, machinery and mill gear ing, Chicago, Cook Co. Warrington John, daguerreotypes, Geneseo, Henry Co. Wart Aaron P., confectionery, Chicago, Cook Co. Warthan Mary, weaver, McLeansboro, Hamil- ton Co. Warthenburgar H., painter, Central City, Mar- ion Co. Warwick C. X., livery, Lane Depot, Og'e Co. Warwick F., carpenter, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Washburn , cooper, Forksville, Lake Co. Washburn C. W., grocer, Morris, Grundy Co. Washburn Frank, lumber, Bloomington, Mc- Lean Co. Washburn J. M., express agt, Paloma, Adams Co. Washburn James, carpenter, Minonk, Wood- ford Co. Washburn Luther, boarding, Belvidere, Boone Co. Washburn Pearl G., baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Washburn S. T. C., physician, Bradford, Stark Co. Washburn Thomas D., physician, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. vYashburn W. A., hairdresser, Dement Station, Ogle Co. Washburn W. W., collecting agents, Miners- vil'e. Henry Co. Washburn Wellington W. & Co., (Henry S. Abbey, Akron, Ohio,) jeweler, Galesburg, Knox Co. Washburn A. C. & Co., (Amasa C. Washburn, John McCrum, and John H. Stewart,) grocers, Bloomington, McLean Co. Washburn S. M. & Co., (Samuel M. Washburn, Charles Thompson and Simeon J. Hicks,) planing and farming mill manfrs, Peoria, Peoria Co. Washburn & Randall, marble workers, Free- port, Stephenson Co. Washburne John E., coroner, Freeport, Ste- phenson Co. Washington G. W., cooper, New Liberty, Pope Co. Washington S. Rev., Woodstock, McHenry Co. Washington S. Rev., Aurora, Kane Co. Washington S. A., lawyer, Middleport, Iroquo's Co. Waskey Mary J., milliner and dres^ mkr, Ga- lena, Jo Daviess Co. Wassel Charles, cloths and cassimeres, Ches- ter, Randolph Co. Wasserrnan Ferdinand, boots and shoes, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Wa?smann Edward, painter, Blue Island, Cook Co. Wasson Christopher C., stoves, Chicago, Cook Co. Wasson & Miller, (William Wasson and Daniel W. Miller,) boots and shoes, Rockford, Winnt-bago Co. Watch & Martin, wood, Griggsville, Pike Co. Wate J. Rev., Kanesville, Kane Co. WaterVmry J. II. Rev., Belvidere, Boone Co. Waterbury J. W. Rev.. Marengo, McHenry Co. Waterfalls , billiard saloon, Henry, Mar- shall Co. Waterman Arba N., grocer, etc, Joliet, Will Co. Waterman Daniel B., hardware, W. Aurora, Kane Co. Waterman Elias S., hotel, Molinc, Rock Island Co. Waterman Hiram, lawyer, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Waterman J. S., banker, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Waterman John, painter, Walnut, Bureau Co. Waterman John A., grocer, Sycamore, DeKalb Co. Waterman Joseph, gunsmith, Lacon, Marshall Co. Waterman P., postmaster, Deerfield Prairie, DeKalb Co. Waterman R. W., dry goods, Wilmington, Will Co. Waterman William, blacksmith, Oregon, Ogle Co. Waterman Mrs.William, milliner, Oregon, Ogle Co. Waterman H. D. & Bro., (Henry D. and Anson P. Waterman,) hardware, etc, Belvidere, Boone Co. Waterman & Fox, (George Waterman and Robert W. Fox,) lumber, Belvidere, Boone Co. Watermann Lyman, gunsmith, Sycamore, De Kalb Co. Watermern A., carpenter, Smithton, St. Clair Co. Waters , carpenter, Plato, Iroquois Co. Waters Charles 0., boots and shoes, Detroit, Pike Co. Waters Jesse, cooper, Atlas, Pike Co. Waters 0., shoe findings, Biimfield, Peoria Co. Waters Simon Rev., Wataga, Knox Co. Waters Wm. H., asst cash I C R fi land dept, Chicago, Cook Co. Waters & Wlker, (Garrey R. Waters and Orsamus Walker,) grocers, Macomb, Mc- Donough Co. Waters L. H. & J. G., lawyers, Macomb, Mc- Donough Co. Waters S. & J. T., dry goods, Leroy, McLean Co. Watkins D., exp agt and postmaster, Dubois, Washington Co. Watkins E. B., lawyer, Caledonia, Pulaski Co. Watkins H. A., prod dealer, Wataga, Knox Co. Watkins I., quarry, Spencer, Will Co. Watkins Jesse, carpenter, Walshville, Mont- gomery Co. Watkins John, bootmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. WATKIXS JOHN, hotel, Geneva, Kane Co. Watkins Mathew, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. WAT 401 WEA "\Vutkins Matilda, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Wat kins Moses, carpenter, Higginsville, Yer- million Co. Watkins Paul, printer, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Watkins T., druggist, Jonesboro, Union Co. Watkins Vinal D., saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Walking Wm., carpenter, Walshvi.le, Mont- gomery Co. Watkins H A. . Weigeis John, cooper, Walshville, Montgom- ery Co. Weightman Thos., postmaster, Camden,Schuy- ler Co. Weigle Frederick, paper box mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Weigler George H., justice, Alton, Madison Co. Weigley & Small, (Wellington Weigley & Ed- ward A. Snaall,)lawyers,Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Weigselbaum Bernhard, cigar mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Weihr , lawyer, Wheaton, DuPage Co. Weik Peter, wagon nitr, Davis, Stepheuson Co. Weil & Bro., (Edward & Leopold,)" clothing, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Weilandy J. F., lawyer, Edwardsville, Madison . Co ' Weiler Peter, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Wein G., gunsmith, Carrollton, Greene Co. Weinang Charles, meat market, Aurora, Kane Co. Weinherg David, hats and caps, Chicago, CoDk Co. Weinherg S., butcher, Augusta, Hancock Co. Weinbcrg Moritz, jeweler, Chicago, Cook Co. Weine-t William, flour and feed, Chicago, Cook Co. Weinheimer Chas., Highland, Madison Co. Weinheimer H., dry goods, Highland, Madison Co. Weinmann John, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Weinmann Martin, hotel, Chicago, Cook Co. Weinmar John M., saloon, Peoria, Peoria Co, Weinreb & Alpiner, (Philip Weinreb and Solo- mon S. Alpiner,) cigars, Kaukakee, Kan- kakee Co. Weintz Matthias, barber, Chicago, Cook Co. Weiutz & Schlecter, tinsmiths, Grayville, White Co. Weir J, N. f physician, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Weir James, blksmith, Dover, Bureau Co. Weir John T., contractor, Oakulla, Iroquois Co. Weir Robert, carpenter, Palos, Cook Co. Weis Charlts A., rag carpets, Chicago, Cook Co. Weisbrack Joseph, boots and shoes, Peoria, Peoria Co. Weiscnbaum E., quarry, Belleville, St. Clair Co. Weisenhaben Louis, hairdresser, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Weisha David, saloon, Alton, Madison Co. Weishaar & Rosenfield, (John Weishaar and Wolfe Rosenfield,) shirt manufactureis, Chicago, Cook Co. Weismandle Valentine, millwright, Millstadt, St. Clair Co. Weisner J., carpenter, Tirden, Macoupin Co. Weiss E., cooper, Highland, Madison Co. Weiss Henry, grocer, Charleston, Coles Co. Weiss S. L., blksmith, Red Bud, Randolph Co. Weiss P., printer, Highland, Madison Co. Weiss T., clothes renovator, Red Bud, Ran- dolph Co. Weiss H. &Co.,(Henry &Louis Weiss,) vinegar manfrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Weissenb >rn Ernst, grocer, W. Belleville, St. Clair Co. Weissker V., flour mill, Kewanec, Henry Co. Weist C., hairdresser, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Weisz John & George, painters, Springfield, Sangamon Co. Weiting F., saddler, Tremont, Tazewell Co. Wekins F. P., confectioner, Lacon, Marshall Co. Welch F., ice, Naples, Scott Co. Welch J. T., whitesmith, Hamilton, Hancock Co. Welch J. H., contractor, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Welch J. R., flour dealer, Girard, Macoupin Co. Welch James, physician, Nakomis, Montgom- ery Co. Welch John, cigars, Blandinsville, McDonough Co. Welch Martin, county clerk, Shabonier, Fay- ette Co. Welch Perry, banker, Roscoe, Winnebago Co. Welch S. R., prod and com, Dundee, Kane Co. Welch Samuel, butcher, Plain View, Macoupin Co. Welch Thomas, baker, Morris, Grundy Co. Welch Thomas, blacksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Welch Thomas, notary, Beardstown, Cass Co. Welch Rollin M., painter, Chicago, Cook Co. Welch W., ins agt, Pecatonica, Winnebago Co. Welch Wm., commission merchant, Pecaton- ica, Winnebago Co. Welch W. H , general store, Pecatonica, Win- nebago Co. Welch William W., physician, LaSalle, La Salle Co. Welch & Babbitt, (J. R. Welch & W. J. Bab- bitt,) carriagemkrs, Webster, Hancock Co. Welch & Bristow, blacksmiths, Blandinsville, McDonough Co. Welch & Rhoads, wood, Girard, Macoupin Co. Welchlin Thorn, boots and shoes, Mokena, Will Co. Welcoin Joseph, blacksmith, Galena, Jo Da- viess Co. Weld H. A., grocer, etc, Providence, Bureau Co. Weld W. R., bookseller, Rockton, Winnebago Co. Welden E. W., lawyer and hotel, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Welden John, painter, Walnut Grove, Bureau Co. Welding J. P., carpenter, Spring Hill, White- sides Co. Weldon John, brickmkr, Higginsville, Ver- million Co. Weldon L., lawyer, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Welge Henry, boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Welk Rudolph, confec'ry, Chicago, Cook Co. 405 WEX Welkier F. P., ice dealer, Lacon, Marshall Co. Welky John, patent medicines, Hazel Dell, Cumberland Co.' Welky Samuel, carpenter, Hazel Dell, Cumber- land Co. Well Geo., dry goods, Ni antic, Macon Co. Wellen F., architect, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Weller D., tanner, etc, Mt, Morris, Ogle Co. Weller F. M., physician and postmaster,Evans- ton, Cook Co. Weller Gustavus A., grocer, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Weller Henry, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Weller J., physician, Middleport. Iroquois Co. Weller James Rev., Bunker Hill, Macoupin Co. Weller Silas H., hardware, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Welles Edwin P., hardware, express agt and postmaster, Fulton City, Whitesides Co. Wellington Jonathan F., butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Wellman W., lumber, Warrenville, DuPage Co. Wells A., boots and shoes, Griggsville, Pike Co. Wells Allen T., patent medicines, Chicago, Co-,k Co. Wells C. W., daguerreotypes, Marengo, Mc- Henry Co. Wells Correl, carpenter, Rock Creek, Carroll Co. Wells Charles B., lawyer and ins agt, Geneva, Kane Co. Wells D. P., ins agt, Macomb, McDonough Co. Wells Edward, packer, Quincy, Adams Co. Wells Edwin S., boots and shoes, Chicago, Co. Wells G. M., packer, etc, Macomb, McDonough Co. Wells George, dry goods, Geneseo, Henry Co. Wells George, lawyer, Macomb, McDonough Co. Wells H. K. W., drugs, Tamaroa, Perry Co. Wells H. T., packer, Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Wells Henry G., grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Wells Ira R., physician, Colona Station, Henry Co. Wells J. C. Rev., Delavan, Tazewell Co. Wells J. M. Rev., Apple Creek, Co. Wells J. R., dry goods, Forksville, Lake Co. Wells J. R., express agt and com mer, Harvard, McHenry Co. Wells James J., carpenter, Somonauk, DeKalb Co. Wells James M., lawyer, South Macon, Macon Co. Wells Jesse, watchmaker and bookstore, War- ren, Jo Daviess Co. Wells Lorenzo, hotel, Elvaston, Hancock Co. Wells M., cabinet mkr, Pettit, Bureau Co. Wells R., lumber, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Wells S. H.,wool dealer, Bedford,' Pike Co. Wells Sarah, milliner, Whitehall, Greene Co. Wells Stephen, coal dealer, Liberty, Adams Co. Wells T., painter, Oakland, Coles Co. Wells Theodore, blacksmith, Forksville, Lake Co. Wells W. A., hosiery, Woodford, Woodford Co. Wells W. H., daguerrean, Pecatonicj, Winne- bngo Co. Wells William, boots and shoes, Cerro Gordo, Piatt Co. Wells William E., patternmkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Wells William H., supt com shools, Chicago, Wells Wilson Mrs., millinery, Chicago, Cook Co. Wells X an cy, fisherman, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Wells J. W. & Co., druggist, Waynesville, De Witt Co. Wells L. A G. R., saw mill, Hampton, Rock Island Co. Wells P. L. & J. H. v editors, Chicago, Cook Co. Wells W. W. & Co., dry goods, Rushville, Schuyler Co. Wells & Adams, (P. L. Wells and A. Adams jr.,) printers, Chicago, Cook Co. Wells &, Bidwell, dry goods, Geneseo, Henry Co. Wells & Clarke, (Frank Wells and Fred. F. Clarke,) fruit and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Wells & Gage, dry goods, Waukegan, Lake Co. Wells & Sears, (Isaac Wells and John Sears jr.,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Wellsman Charles, meat market, Dunleith, Jo Daviess Co. Welsh Jacob, hotel, Williamsville, Sangamon Co. Welsh James, carpenter, Franklin Grove, Lee Co. Welsh John, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Welsh John, harnessmaker, Bethaho, Madison Co. Welsh Martin, co clerk, Vandalia, Fayette Co. Welsh Moses, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Welsh T , baker, Morris, Grundy Co. Welsh Thomas, blksmith, Chicago, Cook Co. Welsh William F., physician, Ogle Station, Lee Co. Welshons David, auctioneer, Nelson, Lee Co. Welton G. H., billiard saloon, Macomb, Mc- Donough Co. Welton Robert,gun and lock smith, St. Charles, Kane Co. Welton S., planing mill, Carlinville, Macoupin Co. Welton S. J., town clerk,Walnut Grove, Knox Co. Welty David, co judge, Dixon, Loe Co. Wemple M , physician, Mount Pulaski, Logan Co. Wendall Mary, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Wendall Thos., dry goods, Crotty, LaSalle Co. Wendel & Co., (Philip Wendel and Augustus Wcndcl,) wagonmkrs, Chicago, Cook Co. Wendell Frederic, wood turner, Hampton, Rock Island Co. Wendell Joseph H., butcher, Crotty, LaSalle Co. Wendels & Heinrichs, (Frank Wendels and Peter Heinrichs,) confectioners, Chicago, Cook Co. Wendler & Albright, blacksmiths, Collinsville, Madison Co. Wendling Geo., plow mkr, Shelbyvllle, Shel- bv Co. WEN 406 WES Wemlt Frederick, painter, Old Ripley, Bond Co. Wendt Frederick, com mer, Alton, Madison Co. Wendt Henry, butcher, Chicago, Cook Co. Wendt Henry, mouey leaner, Chicago, Cook Co. "Wendt Jacob, shoe mkr, Old Ripley, Bond Co. Wengenroth C., cabinet mkr and hotel, Mon- ticell >, Piatt Co. Wenige Louis G., notary, Belleville, St. Glair Co. Wenne William, meat market, Chicago, Cook Co. Wenneker &Merton, (Frederick Wennecker & Herman Merton') lumber, Quincy, Adams Co. Wenning Annie, milliner, Peoria, Peoria Co. "Went Henry, hair dre-ser, Aurora, Kane Co. Wenthe & Fritz, (Charles Wenthe and Peter Fritz,) stone yard, Chicago, Cook Co. Wentworth Benjamin, carpenter, Batavia,Kane Co. Wentworth D. P., hotel, Edwardsville, Madi- son Co. Wentworth D. P., contractor, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Wentworth John, boots and shoes, Simoda, Kankakee Co. WENTWORTH JOHN, editor and prop Demo- crat, and may^r, Chicago, Cook Co. Wentworth Mrs. M., milliner, Ipava, Fulton Co. ' Wentworth & Co., (Charles R. P. Wentworth,) prod and com, ChicHgo, Cook Co. Wentworth & Marcy, (Benning B. Wentworth & Fred'k V. Marcy,) lawyers, Quincy, Ad- ams Co. Wentz George G., auctioneer, High Prairie, LaSalle Co. Wentzc Philip, tailor, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Weples Henry, dry goods, Millstadt, St. Clair Co. Weriter William, boots and shoes, Edgewood, Effinghtm Co. Werk Levi & Isaac, shoe findings, Dillon,Taze- well Co. Werkmastcr John, clothing, Chicago, Cook Co. Wermer Ph ; lip, blksmith, Atlanta, Logan Co. Werner George, furniture, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Werner Henry, blksmith, Burksville, Monroe Co. Werner Paul, brewer, Winfield, DnPage Co. Werner & Katzoff, butchers, Blue Islaiid,Cook Co. Wernick W., hotel, Blue, Island, Cook Co. Werrick , livery, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Wertenberg Anthony, boot mkr, Buena Vista, Stephenson Co. "Worth J. C., butcher, Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co. Wcscott H. Rev., Warrenville, DuPage Co. Wescott James, circuit clerk, Lacon, Marshall Co. Wesley Andrew, blksmith, Indianola, Vermil- lion Co. Wesley J., coal, Flat Rock, Crawford Co. Wesley John, carpenter, Maaengo, McHenry Co. Wespie Francis, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. Wessels George F., boots and shoes, Decatur, Macon Co. Wessensee Andrew, chairs, Northampton, Pe- oria Co. Wegsner Matthias, beer saloon, Elgin, Kane Co. West A., drugs & physician, Mt. Erie, Wayne Co. West C. P. Rev., Galesburg, Knox Co. West D. E., hotel, El Paso, Woodford Co. West E. A. Rev., Somonauk, Co. West E. G., wagon mkr, Camdcn, Schuyler Co. West H. H., drugs, Kewanee, Henrv Co. West H. L., carpenter, Abingdon, Knox Co. West Henry T., drugs, Kewanee, Henry Co. West J. A., wagon mkr, Caraden, Schuyler Co. West J. G., architect, Rome, Jefferson Co. West J. M., drug', Allen Springs, Pope Co. West J. M. Rev., Bath, Mason Co. West J. R. Rev., Kickapoo, Peoria Co. West Jerome, wool, Martinsville, Clark Go. West John, blksmith, Bridgeport, Lawrence Co. West John, carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. West John G., cabinet, Rome, Jefferson Co. West John J., coal, Mendota, LaSalle Co. West Mrs , milliner, Vandalia, Fayette Co. West Peter, painter, Chicago, Cok Co. West R. P., shoes, Towanda, McLean Co. West Schonen, saloon, Chicago, Cook Co. West Thomas, cooper, Eureka, Woodford Co. West William, civil engr, Williamsville, San- gamon Co. West W. H., cooper, Vermillionville, LaSalle Co. West W. T., tailor, Shelbyville, Shelby Co. West William P, ice, Oakland, Coles Co. WEST L. M. & CO., (Lucius M. West & Geo. P. Wooster,) india rubber goods, Rock- ford, W.nnebago Co. West W. B. & Co., dry goods, Line Depot,0gle Co. West & Carey, flour mills, Vandalia, Fayette Co. West & Moore, (Alexander B. Moore and Wil- liam B. West,) bankers, Geneva, Kane Co. Westbrook A., coach, Carthage, Hancock Co. Westbrook H., leather, Middleport, Iroquois Co. Westbrook Willis B., butcher, Princeton, Bu- reau Co. Westbrooks & Beers, saw mill, Irving, Mont- gomery Co. WESTi'.OTT CHARLES P., mer tailor.Peoria, Peoria Co. Westcott J. W., dry goods, Xenia, Clay Co. Westcott James, co treasurer, Mt.Veruon, Jef- ferson Co. Westcott John B., physician, Salisbury, Sanga- mon Co. Westcott William, carpenter, Adams, Adams Co. Westergreen C., carpenter, Cordova, Rock Island Co. WES 407 WHE Westermann H. P. &H3o., dry goods, Pekin, Tazewell Co. Western A. N. iiev., Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co. Western Marine & Fire Insurance Co., (J. H. Woodworth, pros., W. H. Waite, sec,) Chicago, Cook Co. Western N., physician, Dundee, Kane Co. WESTERN UNION INS. COMPANY, (M. S. Henry, pres , H. A. Munsou, sec.,)Sterling, Whit'sides Co. Western World Insurance & Trust Co., Chica- go, Cook Co. Westfrvelt B. J., carpenter, Buda, Bureau Co. Westervelt P. J., boots and shoes, Buda, Bu- reau Co. Westfall B. R., physician,Macomb,McDonough Co. Westfall J. W., express agt, Macomb, McDon- ough Co. Westfall Jacob, carpenter, Louisville, Clay Co. Westgate J. C., harness mkr, Malta, DeKalb Co. Wes'izer , shingles, Mackinaw, Tazewell Co. Westlake Henry, boots and shoes, Vermont, Fulton Co. Weston Allyn, lawyer, editor Ashlar, Chicago, Cook Co. Weston H. G. R?v., Peoria, Peoria Co. Weston J. F., lawyer, Kaneville, Kane Co. Weston J. W., co .fectioner, Buda, Bureau Co. Weston & Garrett, (George A. Weston and Auren Garrett,) china, etc, Peoria, Peoria Co. Westoven John, tinsmith, Taylor, Ogle Co. Westover J. T. Rev., Galva, Henry Co. Westphal Charles, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Westwick John, machinist, Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Wethcrell Harlus W., millinery, Chicago,Cook Co. Wetherell Issachar, grocer, Peoria, Peoria Co. Wethers G. S., livery, Meredosia, Morgan Co. Wetmore A., physician, DeKalb, DeKalb Co Wetmore J. J., carpenter, Nakomis, Mont- gomery Co. Wetmore Titus, hotel, Malta, DeKalb Co. Wetton Mi s. Frank, milliner, Galesburg, Knox Co. Wettstein Otto, jeweler, Kyte Rive, Ogle Co. Wettstein & Kampmann, (John Wettstein and Henry Kampmanu,) hardware, Chicago, Cook' Co- Wetzel John, blksmith, Pekin, Tazewpll Co. Wetzel John P., harness, Freeport, Stephen- son Co. Wetzel Mrs., carpets, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Wetzel Wm., baker, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Wetzcl William, saloon, Waukegan, Lake Co. Wetzell George, cooper, Santa Anna, DeWitt Co. Wetzell William Y., livery, Albany, White- sides Co. Wetzler Charles, dry goods, Chicago, Cook Co. Weyer & Reiser, (Jacob Weyer and Bernard Reiser,) boots and shoes, Chicago, Cook Co. Weygandt George F., cooper, Millstadt, St. Clair Co. Weygandt William, whitesmith, Millstadt, St. Clair Co. Weylwich J. & Co., baker, Pekin,Tazewell Co. Wezel Melcher, cutler, Chicago, Cook Co. Whalan John, lawyer, Lyndon, Whitesides Co. Whalam Adam, carpenter, Rock Grove, Ste- phenson Co. Whale Christian, blksmith, Walker, Hancock Co. Whalen Mike, cooper, Osborn.Washing'on Co. Whaler E. T., notary, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Whartman Henrietta, dress maker, Chicago, Cook Co. Wharton George, agl impls, Jersey ville, Jersey Co. Whaiton J. C. B. Rev. and physician, Milton Station, Coles Co. Wharton Mrs., hotel, Payson, Adams Co. Wheadon S. Rev., Havana, Mason Co. Wheadon Selah, school comr, Havana, Mason Co. Wheat B. P. Rev., Avoca, Livingston Co. Wheat Growers' Bank, Anna, Union Co. Wheat J. H., auctioneer, Bristol Kend .11 Co. Wheat & Grover, (Almeron Wheat and Isaac M. Grover,)lawyers, Quincy, Adams Co. Wheatley B. W., painter, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Wheatley Mrs., milliner, Dubois, Washington Co. Wheatley Robert, blacksmith, DuQuoin, Perry Co. Wheatley W., com mer, Dubois, Washington Co. WHEATOX CHARLES, lawyer, Aurora.Kane Co. Wheaton J., carpenter, Kaneville, Kane Co. Wheaton W. L., stone, Wheaton, DuPage Co. Wheedman M., grocer, Oswego, Kendall Co. Wheeler , daguerrean, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Wheelan James, agl impts and blacksmith, Pleasant Vale, Pike Co. Wheeler , drugs, Sparta, Randolph Co. Wheeler A., butcher, Freedom, L^Sulle Co. Wheeler A., carpenter, Wheaton, PuPage Co. Wheeler A. K., wool, Oswego, Kendall Co. Wheeler A. 0., eating house, Avon, Fulton Co. Wheeler Andrew, butcher, Wallingford, Will Co. Wheeler B. G., commission, Chicago, Cook Co. Wheeler C. H., exp agt, Pontiac, Livingston Co. Wheeler Calvin, physician, Bristol, Kendall Co. Wheeler Charles, justice, Dunleith, Jo Daviess Co. Wheeler Charles, stoves, Moline, Rock Island Co. Wheeler D. W., physician, Waynesville, De Witt Co. Wheeler Daniel, butcher, Maple's Mills, Fulton Co. Wheeler Edward, carpenter, Logan, Edgar Co. Wheeler G. W., ins agt, Knoxville, Knox Co. Wueeler George M., auditor G. & C. U. R. R., Chicago, Cook Co. Wheeler G orge S. & Co , books, etc, Wauke- gau, Lake Co. WHE 408 Wheeler George W., carpenter, Knoxville, Knox Co. Wheeler H. P., daguerreotypes, Dearborn, McH*>nry Co. Wheeler Hiram, grain elevators, Chicago, Cook Co. Wheeler J., auctioneer, Northampton, Peoria Co. Wheeler J. Rev., Richmond, McH>nry Co. Wheeler J. D., physician, Zanesville, Mont- igonifry Co. Wheeler J. L., carptr, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Wheeler J. S., bricks, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Wheeler Jacob, blacksmith, Kishwaukee,Win- nebago Co. Wheeler James, sa'oon, Chicago, Cook Co. Wheeler John, carpenter, Hamilton, Hancock Co. Wheeler John, coal, Albion, Edwards Co. Wheeler John E., painter, Kewanee, Henry Co. Wheeler Jos., butcher, Northampton, Peoria Co. Wheeler Joseph B., baker, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Wheeler L. J., lumber, Carrollton, Greene Co. Wheeler Loring P., dry goods, Quincy, Adams Co. Wheeler Miss, milliner, Morris, Grundy Co. Wheeler Myron J., architect, Rockford, Win- nebago Co. Wheeler Peter, carpenter, Wayne, DuPage Co. Wheeler R. B., carpenter, Sullivan, Moultrie Co. Wheeler R. F., ins agt, Bainbridge, William- son Co. Whet Icr Rollin, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Wheeler S., hotel, Auburn, Smgamon Co. Wheeler S. F., daguerrean, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Wheeler Smith, cooper, Dover, Bureau Co. Wheeler Solomon, lumber, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Wheeler T., physician, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Wheeler T. Mrs., milliner, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Wheeler W., civil engineer, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Wheeler W., surveyor, Ridgeley, Madison Co. Wheeler W. D., physician, Auburn, Sangamon Co. Wheeler Warden, civil engineer, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Wheeler William, sheriff, Decatur, Macon Co. Wheeler William D. H., grocer, Alton, Madi- son Co. Wheeler William E., surveyor, Edwardsville, Madison Co. Wheeler William W., lawyer, Chicago, Cook Co. Wheeler & Co., lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Wheeler & James, (Tolnan Wheeler & Alfred James,) ins agts, Chicago, Cook Co. Wheeler & Spaulding, (Wm. E. Wheeler & D. A. Spaulding,) surveyors, Edwardsville, Madi--on Co. WHEELER & WILSON'S MANUFACTUR- ING CO., (Geo. R. Chittpnden, agt,) sew- ing machines, Chicago, Cook Co. WiiEELER x Co. Wood H. R., ins agt, Bristol, Kendall Co. Wood H. W., fisherman, McLean, McLean Co. Wood Ira. music teacher, Friendsville, Wa- ba.-h Co. Wood J. F., leather, Sparland, Marshall Co. Wood J. HarLid, lawyer, Galesburg, Knox Co. Wood J. P., physician, Washington, Tazewell Co. Wood Jeremiah, butcher, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Wood John, co treasurer, Albion, Edwards Co. Wood John, gunsmith, Friendsville, Wabash Co. Wood John & Son, (Joshua S.,) produce com, Quincy, Adams Co. Wood John C., cabinet, Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Wood John W., hotel, Vermillionville, La Salle Co. Wood Joseph W., Tailor, Peru, LaSalle Co. Wood Johalet Wood, Julius Henderson and William J. Corn- well,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodard , physician, Galesburg, Knox Co. Woodard George W. Rev., Geneva, Kane Co. Woodard N. W., fisherman, Bliven Mills, Mc- Henry Co. Woodard 0., carpenter, Prophetstown, White- sidea Co. Woodard 0. E., physician, Ashkum, Iroquois Co. Woodard M. J., ice, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Woodard William & Son, shoes and leather, Grandview, Edgar Co. Woodard & Co., fiour mills, Rozetta, Hender- son Co. Woodard & Watson, books, Augusta, Hancook Co. Woodbridge J., dentist, Earlville, LaSalle Co. Woodbridge Theodore F., dentist, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Woodbury James, lawyer, Blue Island, Cook Co. Woodbury Joseph, carpenter, Fidelity, Jersey Co. Woodbury Manley A., stencil plates, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodbury N., gunsmith, Amboy, Lee Co. Woodbury W. W. R., drugs, Danville, Vermil- lion Co. Woodcock Albert, co treas, Byron, Ogle Co. Woodcock Eli 0., printer, Peoria, Peoria Co, Woodcock F., flour mill, Byron, Ogle Co. Wodell G. P., constable, Hebron, McHenry Co. Wooden Jannis, agr impls, Elkhorn Grove, Carroll Co. Woodenlacher Michael, grocer, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodford G. D., music teacher, Middleport, Iroquois Co. Woodford & Bro., grocers, Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. Woodhull B., hotel, Edgewood, Effingham Co. Woodhull R., express agt, Edg;wood, Effiing- h im Co. Woodin & Kelly, (Stephen Woodin and James Kelly,) hotel, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Wood ley T. T., boots and shoes, Courtlaud Station, DeKalb Co. Woodman Charles L., baker, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodman Wm. C.. dry goods, Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Woodman & Brother, (John E. and James M.,) grocers, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodrnancy J. F., dry goods, Scottville, Ma- coupin Co. Woodmancy S. G., cigars, McLean, McLean Co. Woodmanse A., butcher, Roseville, Warren Co. Woodmansee & Allen, gunsmiths, Urbana, Champaign Co. Woodmansie H., dry goods, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Woodring J. F., cabinet, Durand, Winnebago Co. Woodroof J. C., blksmith, Annawan, Henry Co. Woodroff W. F., carpenter, Terre Haute,Hen- derson Co. Woodruff Daniel, fisherman, Channahon, Will Co. Woodruff Daniel, wagon mkr, McLeansboro, Himilton Co. Woodruff E., phvsician, Savanna, Carroll Co. Woodruff G. C. Rev., Port Byron, Rock Island Co. Woodruff George, prod and com, Joliet, Will Co. Woodruff George H., drugs, Joliet, Will Co. Woodruff H., coal, Pecatonica, Winnebago Co. Woodruff J. C., architect, Buda, Bureau Co. Woodruff Jedediah, hardware, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodruff J. S. stoves, Savanna, Carroll Co. Woodruff Orange, wood and coal, Lyndon, Whitesides Co. Woodruff Orlin H., grocer, Joliet, Will Co. Woodruff W. Reed.drugs, Belvidere,Boone Co. Woodruff Walter N., prod and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodruff Wm. Rev., W. Urbana, Champaign Co. Woodruff William P., awnings, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodruff William R., drugs, Belvidere, Boone Co. Woodruff & Brother, (Aaron and Nathaniel,) coopers, Secor, Woodford Co. Woodruff & Cagwin, (George Woodruff and Francis L. Cagwin,) bankers, Joliet, Will Co. Woodruff & Payne, (Mason Woodruff and Wm. Payne,) wood and coal, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodruff & Rich, (Edwin R. Woodruff and Marshall B. Rich,) lawyers, Chicago, Cook Co. Woods Carlo M., justice, Quincy, Adams Co. Woods, H., cooper, Mineral, Bureau Co. Woods James, carpenter, New Jordan, White- sides Co. Woods John, dry goods, Albion, Edwards Co. Woods John, county treasurer, Danville, Ver- million Co. Woods Joseph, butcher, Maquon, Knox Co. Woods M., carpenter, Oxford, Henry Co. Woods N. K., blksmith, New Salem, Pike Co. Woods T. E., printer, Mattoon, Coles Co. Woods W. S., com mer, Avon, Fulton Co. Woods W. S., wood, Lebanon, St. Clair Co. woo 423 WOR Woods W. W., stores, Oaklund, Coles Co. Woods & Barnes, (William Woods and Charles H. Barnes,) prod and com, Chicago, Cook Co. Woods & Henkle, (George Woods and Jason C. Henkle,) mer tailors, Spiingfield, San- gamon Co. Woods & Newton, (L. B. Woods and W. New- ton,) livery, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodside J. & J., blksmiths, Girard, Macou- pin Co. Woodson J., cabinet, Griggsville, Pike Co. Woodson S., notary, Circleville, Tazewell Co. Woodson W. T., undert'kr, Evanston, Cook Co. Woodward Benjamin F., dry goods, Fulton City, Whitesides Co. Woodward C. M. Rev., Aurora, Kane Co. Woodward Charles, blksmith, Goodiog's Grove Will Co. Woodward Charles, blksmith, Hadley, Will Co. Woodward E. W., carpenter, Wheaton, Du Page Co. Woodward George, com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodward H., cooper, Metropolis City, Massac Co. Woodward Henry, livery, St. John, Perry Co. Woodward J., butcher, Kyte River, Ogle Co. Woodward J., school comr, Hardin, Calhoun Co. Woodward J. A. Rev., Utica, LaSalle Co. Woodward J. W., physician, Santa Anna, De Witt Co. Woodward John, carpenter, Assumption, Christian Co. Woodward Josiah, county clerk, Hardin, Cal- houn Co. Woodward M. J., butcher, Lane Depot, Ogle Co. Woodward Mrs. , weaver, Henry, Marshall Co. Woodward P., lumber, Spencer, Will Co. Woodward Paschal, boots and shoes, Tracy, Will Co. Woodward Paschall, banker, Chicago, Cook Co. Woodward R., coal, Roseville, Warren Co. Woodward William J., county treasurer, Win- chester, Scott Co. Woodward Wm. W., carpenter, Wilkesboro' McLean Co. WoodwaidP. & Co., dry goods, Tracy, Will Co. Woodward & Winner, saw mill, Barry, Pike Co. WOODWARD, LULL & ABBOTT, (William G. Woodward, Oliver R. W. Lull and Abial R. Abbott, lawyers,) Chicago, Cook Co. Woodworth Alvin 0., grocer, West Urbana, Champaign Co. Woodworth Hiram, hotel, Pontoosac, Hancock Co. Woodworth L. H., county surveyor, Morrison, Whitesides Co. Woodworth Palmer A., dry goods, Robinson, Crawford Co. Woodworth H. & Co., (Hannibal Woodworth and Joseph E. Shaw,) lumber, Chicago, Cook Co. Woody & Russell, grocers, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Woolard W. W., wood, Shiloh, St. Clair Co. Wooldredge S. H. & Co., coach mkrs, Venice, Madison Co. Woolen David, carptr, Catlin, Vermillion Co. Wooley J., lawyer, Woodford, Woodford Co. Wooley R. S., postmaster, Freedom, LaSalle, Co. Wooley & Gushing, drugs, Greenfield, Greene Co. Wooley & Ditts, blksmith, Bushnell, McDon- oufrh Co. Woolf Frank, wagon mkr, Jefferson, Cook Co. Woolf John, fanning mills, Carthage, Hancock Co. Wool f H. & J., boots and shoes, Canton, Ful- ton Co. Woolf & Woodson, wagon makers, Hopper's Mills, Henderson Co. Woolfe J. F., butcher, Doddsville, McDonough Co. Woolfolk & Gobble, dry goods, Scottville, Ma- coupin Co. WOOLFORD R. B. & CO., (Richard B. Wool- ford & William C. Towle,) grocers, Chica- go, Cook Co. Woolard F. M. Rev., Staunton, Macoupin Co. Woolard J. B. Rev., Salem, Marion Co. Wooley A. M., confectioner, Oakland, Coles Co. Woolley E., painter, Greenfield, Greene Co. Woolley Mrs., milliner, Oakland, Coles Co. Woolley N. C., cabinet mkr, Greenfield, Greene Co. Woolley Samuel,civil engineer, Victoria, Knox Co. Woolner John, sewing machines, Chicago, Cook Co. Woolover F., carpenter, Dundee, Kane Co. Woolover H. P., carpenter, Dundee, Kane Co. Woolsey M., dry goods, Leland, LaSalle Co. Woolsey William M., drugs, LaSalle, LaSalle Co. Woolson & Roberts, grocers, Wheaton, Du Page Co. Woolums E. C., boots and shoes, Caledonia, Pulaski Co. Woortman John, carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Wooten John B., boots and shoes, Clay City, Clay Co. Worcester L. E., ins agt, Whitehall, Greene Co. Worcester Philip, circuit clerk, Kankakee City, Kankakee Co. Worcester &Husted,lumber, Whitehall, Greene Co. Worden A. J. Rev., Barry, Pike Co. Worden B. F., physician, Swan Creek, Warren Co. Worden Benjamin,mason, Dunleith, Jo Daviesa Co. Worden F. C., cabinet mkr, Farmington, Ful- ton Co. Worden Frank, turner, Farmington, Fulton Co. Worden G. W., dry goods, Swan Creek, War- ren Co. Worden Mrs., milliner, Farmington, Fulton Co. WordnerP. S., physician,Grand deTour, Ogle Co. WOK 424 Worhaun John, carpenter, Chicago, Cook Co. Work G. H. F., ins agt, Carlinsville, Macoupin Co. Work H. A., dry goods, Delavan, Tazewell Co. Work Henry, boots and shoes, Delavan, Taze- well Co. Work J. M., wagon mkr, Sheffield, Bureau Co. Work James, carpenter, Granville, Putnam Co. Work M., carpenter,, Chili, Hancock Co. Work Samuel, butcher, Carlinsville, Macoupin Co. Work Samuel, exp agt, Mononk, Woodford Co. Working George, grocer, Augusta, Hancock Co. Working J. C., carpenter, Augusta, Hancock Co. Workmaster Christian, mer tailor, Chicago, Cook Co. Works Mrs, rag carpet, Perry, Pike Co. Works William W., lawyer, Rockford, Winne- bago Co. Worrell Benjamin F. Rev., Avon, Fulton Co. Worrell E., carpenter, Chili, Hancock Co. Worrell J. H. Rev., Bloomingdale, DuPage Co. Worrell J. H. Rev., Chicago, Cook Co. Worrell Joseph Rev., Chili, Hancock Co. Worrell & Caldwell, (Milton E. Worrell & William Caldwell,) steam engines, Quincy, Adams Co. Worsley Timothy, books and stationery, Gen- eva, Kane Co. Worst A., carpenter, Minonk, Woodford Co. Worst Frederick, shoe mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. Worst Wm., boots and shoes, Kingston Mines, Peoria Co. Worth John, market, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Wortham H. C., grocer, Mattoon, Coles.Co. Worthington , physician, Rushville,Sehuy- ler Co. Worthington A. T. C., physician, Alton, Madi- son Co. Worthington Charles, lawyer, Atlanta, Logan Co. Worthington H., lawyer, Atlanta, Logan Co. Worthington J., livery, Mound City, Pulaski Co. Worthington M., harnessmkr, Tiskilwa,Bureau Co. Worthington N. E., lawyer, Brimfield, Peoria Co. Worthington S. J. G. Rev., Peoria, Peoria Co. Worthington William, drugs, Rockford, Win- nebago Co. Worthley T. D., sash, doors, etc, Batavia, Kane Co. Worthy J. Rev., Middle Creek, H'aoeoek Go. Worts D., marble worker, Wilmington, Will Co. Wosher John, blksmith, Deerfield, Lake Co. Wozencra t W. A., stoves, Paris, Edgar Co. Wr; ndy A., quarry, Mansfield, Kendall Co. Wrapp Ernst, butcher, Washington, Tazewell Co. Wray John E., grocer, Mercia, Rock Island Co. Wray John W., lawyer, Aurora, Kme Co. Wray W lliam C., brick mkr, Petersburg, Me- nard Co. Wren W., surrogate, Marcelline Ursa Town- ship, Adams Co. Wrenn Milburn, sale stables, Chicago, Cook Co. Wright , physician, Derinda, Jo Daviess Co. Wright , tailor, Shelby ville, Shelby Co. Wiight A., blksmith, Warrenville, DuPngeCo. Wright A., painter, Wilmington, AVill Co. Wright A. D., ins agt, Petersburg, Menard Co. Wright A. J. Rev., Lafayette, Stark Co. Wright A. W., painter, Pecatonica, Winneba- go Co. Wright Abm., painter, Mt. Palatine, Putnam Co. Wright B., postmaster, Rural, Rock Hand Co. Wright David, dry goods, Xenia, Chy Co. Wright David B., hotel, Bloomington, McLean Co. Wright C. F. Rev., Warren, Jo Daviess Co. Wright C. M. Rev., Henry, Marshall Co. Wright D. N., millwright,' Avon, Fulton Co. Wright D. S., town clerk, Munson, Henry Co. Wright David, grocer, Xenia, Clay Co. Wright E., daguerrean, Magnolia, Putnam Co. Wright E., machinist, Grand de Tour, Ogle Co. Wright E. P. Rev., Decatur, Macon Co. WRIGHT EDWARD G., jeweler, Salem, Ma- con Co. Wright Elias, co treasurer, Hennepin, Putnam Co. Wright Elizabeth, boarding, Chicago, Cook Co. Wright F. P., physician, DeKalb, DeKalb Co. Wright George, milk, C..icago, Cook Co. Wright George, saloon, Kingston Mines, Peo- ria Co. Wright George M., com mer, Chicago, Cook Co. Wright Henry, postm'r, Hampshire, Kane Co. Wright I. B., postmaster, Davis, Stephenson Co. Wright Isaac, painter, Mendota, LaSalle Co. Wright J., carpenter, Warrenton, Lake Co. Wright J. F., dry goods, Gilman, Iroquois Go. Wr ght J. G., ins agt, Naperville, DuPage Co. Wright J. H., flour mill, McLeausboro, Hamil- ton Co. Wright J. H. Rev , N. Michigan, Livingston Co. Wright J. W., physician, Tuscola, Douglas Co. Wright James, butcher, Lemont, Cook Co, Wright James, physician, Calhoun, Richland Co. Wrght James, printer, Olney, Riohland Co. Wright James C., grocer, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. Wright James F., hotel, Dunleith, Jo Daviess Co, Wright James F. & Co., liquors, Waukegan, Lake Co. Wright James W., blksmith, Leroy, McLean Co. Wright John, lumber, Freedom, LaSalle Co. Wright Jon, physician, Wapella, DeWitt Co. Wright John, produce, Chicago, Cook Co. Wright John, restaurant, Chicago, Cook Co. Wright John J., carriage mkr, Chicago, Cook Co. WRI WYA Wright Joseph, carpenter, Burns, Henry Co. Wright Levi, soap and candles, Hamilton, Hancock Co. Wright Lorenzo, hotel, Winfield, Dupage Co. Wright M. L., milliner, Hillsboro, Montgom- ery Co. Wright M. M., dry goods, Higginsville, Ver- niillion C?. Wright M. W., cabinet, Nights Prairie, Hamil- ton Co. Wright M. W., dry goods, etc, Mason, Effing- ham Co. Wright Mary Ann, confectionery, Chicago, Cook Co. Wright Maverick W., coal, Hampton, Rock Island Co. Wright N., physician Chatham, Sangamon Co. Wright N. D., "painter, Eirlville, LaSalle Co. Wright 0. H., banker, Havana, Mason Co. Wright 0. S., postmaster, Hainsville, Lake Co. Wright Ornar H., justice, B;'lvidere, B >one Co. Wright Orlauds S., dry goods, Fort Hill, Lake Co. Wright Owen, physician, Mason, Effingham Co. Wright Paul 11., circuit clerk, Geneva, Kane Co. Wright Fresco, circuit clerk, Springfield, San- gamon Co. Wright R. Rev., Homer, Champaign Co. Wright R. C., co surveyor, Urbana,Champaign Co. Wright Robert, boots and shoes, Arlington, Bureau Co. Wright Robert, carpenter, Oakland, Coles Co. Wright Robert C., notary, Chicago, Cook Co. Wright S., exp >, Freeport, Stephenson Co. Wright S. G., schl corur, Cambridge, Henry Co. Wright S. M., broker, Webster, Hancock Co. Wright Samuel G. Rev., Galva, Henry Co. Wright Seneca, restaurant, Chicago, Cook Co. Wright Sheldon C., photographer, RIIV'CIP, ^ fe - 433 AURORA INSTITUTE ST Is located on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway, at Aurora, Kane county, 111., forty- three miles from Chicago. The building, made of stone, at a cost of $70,000, is fire proof, and has, from Kitchen to Laboratory, the conveniences that much experience and observation in the best Eastern Insti- tutions could suggest, and Western enterprise and capital provide. Provisions are made on a scale so extended as to afford a complete division of labor, and insure the greatest excellency in the departments of instruction, and the greatest economy to the pupils. The Institution is conducted on the principles of a well-regulated Christian family, and lays claim to patronage in its Moral Discipline, its Sound Spirit of Culture, and its reasonable cheap- ness of expense. Special prominence is given to the FEMALE DEPARTMENT. Students are now in attendance from twelve different States, and seventy-eight different towns. COURSES OF STUDY. The Common English Branches receive special attention , nothing is allowed to supercede them. Two Graduating Courses a Scientific and a Classical are arranged for both ladies and gentlemen. There is a College Preparatory Course aiming at special thoroughness in Latin, Greek and Mathematics. The commercial Course, is extensive and thorough, and at low rates of tuition. Lectures are given on Physiology, Philosophy, Chemistry, Geology, Commercial Law and Ethics, Business Habits, Manners, Morals, etc. The Modern Languages, Music, Drawing, Painting and Ornamentals are in the hands of skillful teachers. There are fourteen experienced Professors, Teachers and Lecturers; a full set of Wigbtman's Philosophical Apparatus, Globes and Maps ; and three flourishing Literary Societies. is formed for those preparing to teach. Board, room, fuel and Common English, $32 per quarter ; $128 per year. E^ir For Circular giving full information, address the Principal, G. W. Quereau, A. M. Aurora, Kane Co., 111. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. HON. BENJAMIN HACKNEY, President. DANIEL McCARTY, Secretary and Treasurer. REV. LEVI JENKS, Aurora. C. H. GOODWIN, Aurora. JOHN R. BAKER, St. Charles. OTIS HARDY, Joliet. W. H. HAWKINS, Aurora. W. L. F. JONES, Asbury, LaSalle Co. ABNER HARD, M. D., Aurora. GEORGE BUCKLIN, Big Rock. EDWARD R. ALLEN, Aurora. JNO. W. WAUGHOP, ESQ., Chicago. F 1 1ST A. 1ST C I A. IL. REV. C. M. WOODWARD. TO FAiMERS I BURR'S COMBINED GRINDING MILL, S PI E 31, L E IR, 3 THREE VALUABLE MACHINES IN ONE. The attention of farmers and all others -'nterested in farm mills is particularly invited to this new and unrivalled Combined Mill, which is the latest and best improvement, and the most simple, durable and efficient farm mill ever invented. ^ This is a new invention and well worthy the attention of the public, the farming portion in par- ticular; combining as it does three valuable machines in one. The combination hus been pro- nounced by all who have seen the mill to be the best ever made. Each machine makes a necessity for the other.. It is readily attached to steam, wind, water, or horse power, and is adapted to the shelling of corn, shelling and crushing the cob and grinding all kinds of grain for feed. It grinds with great rapidity, either coarse or line, as may be required. It makes a superior article of meal and flour for family use. It will shell clean and run into bags, ready for market, from 50 to 75 bushels per hour. It will crush from 15 to 20 bushels of corn and cob per hour. It is light and portable, weighing about 250 Ibs. ; yet it is strong and durable, it being made entirely of iron except the hopper on the grinder. The grinding surfaces are also very durable, being chilled iron as hard as hardened cast, steel, and when worn out can be replaced without the aid of a mechanic, at the trifling cost of two dollars. An examination of this mill is solicited. This mill has two Juytpcru, and grinds, shells and crushes separately, or grinds and shells, grinds and crushes at the same time, without attaching or detaching any portion of the machine. One of these mills can be seen in operation at the car factory in Batavia, Kane Co., 111. Call and see it. P. 0. Box, 137. BURR & LATHAM. - . .. -- . H It is the intention of Richard Edwards, Esq., soon to issue an Illustrated volume, styled " THE PROGRESS AXD PROSPECTS OF CHICAGO," a work of reference, and full of valuable information, exhibiting the natural resources, commercial, railroad and manufacturing advantages of Illinois, and her flou- rishing cities and towns generally, and of the great city of Chicago par- ticularly. Natural advantages alone, however, never build up great emporiums ; but these, in addition to the exertions of their merchants and business men who are pushing, enterprising, far-seeing, and public spirited who possess city pride and take delight in doing all in their power to forward their city and State in population, wealth and influence, combine to render sure and to establish the prosperity of the same on a lasting basis. Such being the character and object of Mr. Edwards' proposed work, w.e take pleasure in recommending it to the liberal support of our fellow citizens, not only of Chicago, but of the whole United States. COOLEY, FARWELL & CO. JAMES W. SHEAHAN, Esq., Editor Daily Times. G. S. HUBBARD, Esq. C. V. DYER, Esq. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. E. GOODMAN', Esq. POTTER PALMER, Esq. J. H. REED & Co. WM. BLAIR & CO. S. H. KERFOOT & CO. PHILO CARPENTER & CO. OGDEN, FLEETWOOD & CO. HON. 'JOHN WENTWORTII. JOHN W. FOSTER, Esq., Land Commissioner I. C. R. R. Co. J. K. BOTSFWRD & CO. HON. JOHN REYNOLDS, Late Governor of Illinois. COL. RICHARD J. HAMILTON. WM. BROSS, Esq., Editor Press and Tiibune. GAGE, BROS. & DRAKE, Proprietors Tremont House. This work will be issued in a superior stvle, and splendidly illustrated with upwards of 200 engravings. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Publishers, 39 and 41 Lake Street, Chicago. 435 O o o O O w Hi p p 436 JTY BREWERY T. HEBERER & BROS,, P. O. Box, 72. BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. sioxmi 'aniAanaa 'wi 'xoa 'o a^ong; eq^ PTTB 'HT aaaaas ssvao HIIAI 'rasa Nivaa S,^ O O N N 3 d sijcmcrijwi ivaniTfloraav 10 T 437 SOUTHWEST CORNER OP RICHLAND AND FIRST NORTH STS., BELLEVILLE, ILLINOIS. "W. I>. 3E=E33NTKT, ' A.QENT, AND DEALER IN Agricultural Machines and Implements, OFFERS FOB SALE MQGORMICK'S REAPER AND MOWER, THRESHERS AND CLEANERS, HOUSE POWERS, WHEAT DRILLS, CORN & COB MILLS, STRAW CUTTERS, CORN SHELLERS, SUGAR CANE MILLS, ETC. 438 FREE J \1 -I.J LL- Manufacturer of SECOND NORTH STREET, BETWEEN ILLINOIS AND SPRING, BELLEVILLE, - ILLINOIS. ISTO'WT' TO BTJIL.TD Threshers, Separators and Cleaners, OF RALSTON'S PATENT, At tlie Shortest Notice and upon the most Reason- able Terms. THE AGRICULTURAL FAIRS.^3 IX THE STATES 0V KESTTUGKY, INBIAJSTA & TENNESSEE TO CL.EA.3STERS. 439 ONE THOUSAND ACRES COAL LAND! W James Twelve Mile Prairie, St. Clair County, Illinois. On the Line of Belleville and Murphysboro R. R. BELLEVILLE, ILL. L H. BURKHARDT, Prop'r. This old established House has been entirely renovated and refitted, and ranks second to none in the State. Feeling thankful for past favors, we hope, with our increased facilities, to receive a still larger portion of patron- age from the traveling public. BELVIDERE. A. F. 'V A 1ST I) A JL, L, , JR., BELVIDERE, BOONE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Practicing in Boone, McHenry, DeKalb and Winnebago Courts. All professional business at- tended to with promptness. Particular attention paid to collections. Refers to McKillop & Wood, New York ; C. H. Beckwith, Chicago ; W. H. Gilnian, Belvidere ; H. F. Jemison, Sheriff, Boone County, Belvidere ; II. Ryerson, Chicago. WILLIAM H. TRUESDELL, Proprietor. This old established house has recently been refitted and furnished throughout. It is cen- trally located in the heart of the business part of the city, and convenient to the Railroad Depots Guests will at all times find an Omnibus to convey them to and from the depot, free of cbarge. Attached to the House is a Livery Stable. 440 WALTON & HA#/ ITO fl, 2O WASHINGTON ST. BLOQMINGTON ,-ILL. OTJ:R are made of the best quality of GERMAN AND CAST STEEL, AND WARRANTED In every particular, and sold on as good terms as elsewhere. <3z DENTISTS., , ILLINOIS. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAYNE- RUDOLPH H. MEYER, GENEftAt ENG&AVEB, Notary and Official Seals, STEEL DIES FOR MEDALS, NAME PUSCHES, IRON BRANDS, DOORPLATES, Badges and Checks for R. R. Co.'s, Stencils, etc. SHIRT AND OVERALL^FACTORY, 232 NORTH CLARK STREET, Bristol Denims Overalls, Eagle, or Oxford, Manchester Hickory Shirts, Monbawk " " " Full Bosom " 83,40 3,70 3,40 3,70 4,00 T.CIancey is a resident of said place 14 years buys his goods for Cash works hard, which enables him to sell so exceedingly cheap. N. B. These goods are all Double Sewed. THOMAS CLANCEY. & CO., ! PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -- Personal attention given to the sale of GRAIN, FLOUR, PROVISIONS & COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY, ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED FOR LUMBER, LIME, SALT, ETC. OiFJF'IOE, 183 XT-A.KT DBTJIO.EJIT ST. Warehouse, South Water Street, Chicago, Illinois. H. N. FERRELL, J. H. FERRELL. 441 C. WAHL * SONS, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in GLUE, NEATSFOOT OIL, BOISTE HORNS, HOOFS, CHICAGO, ILL. P. 0. BOX, 2189. The highest prices paid for Glue Pieces, Damaged Hides, Horns, Hoofs, Catties' Tails, Bones, etc. K. G. GOODWILLIE & CO., WHOLESALE CORNER OF BEECH AND MATHER STREETS, CHICAGO, MANUFACTURERS OF MRS. C. H. PENDLETON'S IMPROVED PATENT DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF III itll Flat, Round and Octagon Balers, AND FAVOR'S PATENT COT, Camp and Invalid. Bedsteads. (P. 0. Box, 3575.) 442 o JSL INT > s DOUBLE CHAIN OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN The Oldest and Most Extensive in the West. Chartered by the Illinois Legislature, Located in the Methodist Church Block, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. A Beautiful Marble Building, in the Centre of Business, and most delightful portion of the city. THE BOOK-KEEPING DEPARTMENT Contains over two hundred and fifty distinct sets of manuscript books, adapted to every kind and variety of business. THE COLLEGE. The rooms appropriated to the College purposes in this splendid block, are the largest and most elegant of any commercial institution in the country, and are furnished in a most superior manner. Every class of business, including Banking, Exchange, Insurance, Steamboating, Manufacturing, Commission and Forwarding, Retail and Jobbing, Hotel and Railroading, is represented by appropriate offices, counting rooms and desks, which are supplied with all the various practical forms used in well regulated establishments. ROUTINE OF BUSINESS. The Pupil, after securing the elements of Penmanship and Bookkeeping, which orly require a very short time, as everything in the elementary course is reduced to the utmost simplicity, is provided with a capital consisting of cash, real estate, stocks or merchandize, corresponding with th nature of the business in which he is to engage, and openahis books accordingly; deporites his money in the Bank, receives his Bank book, imports and forwards merchandize, buys and sells ships, stocks and real estate, purchases and ships goods on his own account and joint account, receives and manages estates, makes out all his notes, drafts, bills of exchange, acceptances, account sales, accounts current, and computes all the commercial calculations connected with his transactions, as the busi- ness requires, and balances his books weekly. In a word, every variety of business is appropriately represented, and actually performed by the learner, until he becomes practically familiar with the process of opening, con- ducting and closing books and the whole routine of mercantile transactions, from the detail of a country store to the more complicated operations of the highest banking institution. From the above brief synopsis of this new mode of instruction, it will be seen at once, that the grand desidera- tum of a Mercantile Education is attained, viz : practice as well as theory. This system has grown out of a long experience as practical accountant and teacher, and is so perfect in its actual adaptation, that every student who pursues the course faithfully, will, it is confidently believed, be able, in an incredibly short space of time, to act as book-keeper in the highest establishment, without any misgivings as to his ability. It is the design of the proprietor, without regard to labor or expense, to make this Institution, in every respect, the first in the world. PERSONAL SUPERVISION. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. This is the first Commercial College in America, in which ladies pursue a regular commercial course. There are now a large number attending. This College turned out the first Female Commercial Graduates in America. They have a splendid apartment, separate from the gentlemen. First Premiums Awarded to this College at the late United States Fair, in Chicago, for Best Business Penman- ship and for Best Book-keeping. PERMANENCY OF THIS COLLEGE. The sound footing, unbounded reputation, and flourishing condition of Sloan's Central Commercial College, would be a sufficient guarantee of its permanency, but in addition, the President has been nearly twenty years in the business, and is determined that Sloan's Commercial College shall not only not cease to exist during his life, but has made such arrangements, that were he to die to-morrow, the College would not be interrupted in its course ; besides, the unlimited Capital at his control makes it impossible that its prosperity should be effected by the times. This matter being generally known, adds much to its unprecedented patronage. SITUATIONS. The unbounded confidence placed in this College by the business public, makes it the place from which selec- tions are made for all the various branches of business, Book-keepers, Salesmen, etc., etc. A young man of good character, after having graduated at this College, will take precedence over one from any other College in the world. TERMS. For a full course of Instruction in all the Departments of Book-keeping and Accounts, Commercial Calcu- lations, Commercial Law and Lectures, Practical Penmanship, with privilege of Review, of the Library, and of the Institution generally, time unlimited, $35 00 For Ladies' Department, same Course, 25 00 Applicants please enclose two postage stamps. m i- *> A -.T - -IT-> i Address, T. J. SLOAN, Pres't and Prop'r. 443 DEALER IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE, AGENT FOE THE BRITISH COMMERCIAL LIFE INS. CO., AJ\D NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans Negotiated on Heal Estate Securities. ROOM No. 6 LARMON'S BLOCK, Corner of South Clark and Washington Sts., Chicago, 111. 3XT. WHEELS, Wheel-Stuffs, Shafts, Spring Bars, CARRIAGE PARTS, Seats, Seat Sticks, Bows, etc., etc. MANUFACTURED OF THE BEST EASTERN TIMBER. No. 76 W. Randolph St., CHAS. H. KEITH & SON, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS And Commission Merchants, No. 79 LAKE ST., 8g, IMmls. Sales of Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Furniture, Furs, Cargoes, Vessels, Real Estate, etc., made with promptness and immediate returns. Liberal Advances and References given, p. o. BOX, 3194. BROWN & WILDER, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OP jfkfttm meratt Gil AD F1UI9 CHAHDEIIEES, BRACKETS, PILLAR LIGHTS, GLOBES, ^ftj CP [pW$ AND DEALERS IN & IMS NOS. 47 & 49 STATE STREET (UP STAIRS), Old Gas Fixtures relacquered as good as new. Hotels, Churches and Dwellings fitted up, and everything pertaining to the Gas Fitting Business attended to with promptness. JOHEIST ANDERSON'S, 83 Clark; St., Chicago, Opposite the Court Hone, LADIBS* ASD OKNTLEMBS'S ICE CREAM SALOONS And General Hestaurant. SUPPLIED WITH EVERY REQUISITE. M A NUFAGTURE R PAPER BOXES, | VELVET CASES, JEWELRY TRAYS * c. NoSSO.CJjARKST. CHICAGO. 444 DAILY, -f TRI-WEEKLY, I $ WEEKLY. CHAS. L. WILSON" & Co., Publishers & Proprietors. The JOURNAL gives, each day, the telegraphic news from all sections of the country; Home and Eastern Market and Financial Reports; all Local Matters of public interest ; a comprehensive summary of General News ; while its Literary Department is under the charge of B. F. TAYLOR, Esq., widely known as one of the most polished writers of the day. It has also regular correspondents at Washington and New York, and an efficient corps of Reporters and Travelling Correspondents. The Daily Evening Journal, containing full telegraphic reports of news and the markets, up to 2^ o'clock P. M., each day, will be mailed to subscribers as follows : Single Copies $7.00 Five or more copies to one P. O. address, each 6.00 The Tri- Weekly Journal, embraces the inside pages of the DAILY JOURNAL, each number containing the impression, without change of matter, of the forms of two Daily papers. This is furnished as follows : Single Copies $4.00 Three or more copies to one P. O. address, each 3.0O The Weekly Journal is printed on a mammoth sheet, containing thirty-six closely printed columns, embracing most of the matter of general interest published in the DAILY JOURNAL. It has also a Weekly Report of the Grain and produce Markets of Chicago, carefully prepared [by the Jour- nal Reporter, and a statement of Monetary Affairs, revised by an experienced Banker. It is mailed every Thursday in time for it to reach its subscribers by the close of the week. TERMS, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE: Single Copies $1.50 Clubs of Ten or more, each 1.00 And a gratuitous number to the person who gets up the club. I3XTT I Such as Lawyer's Briefs, Bills of Lading, Bills of Pare, Dray Tickets, Letter Heads, Auction Bills, Mortgages, Checks, Circulars, Bonds, Coupons, Deeds, Policies, Programmes, Posters, Cards, RAXLROAB AB STEAMBOAT WORK, In the Best Style and at the Lowest Rates. NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS AND DISPATCH IS OUR MOTTO, Country Merchants Supplied with all kinds of Printing at ShoBSt Notice. TERMS CASH, unless done by Special Contract. Orders Addressed to c. L. Fi^jrjLsojr sf co. 445 CHICAGO TIMES. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY No. 112 DEARBORN ST. SHEAHAN & PRICE, PROPRIETORS. tyt PailD Cirmlatian af i\)t (Cljiraga timrs In the City of Chicago IS GREATER THAW THAT OF ANY OTHEB PAPER PUBLISHED. It circulates among all portions of the community, and is taken |jj exclusively by a very large portion of the public. IT IS A BOLD INDEPENDENT PAPER Advocating the Right freely and with vigorous independence. Jfjir^ It has one Department devoted evclusively to C8lHCIILiBillCliLCTSJPflfiTUc. And has another devoted to RAILROAD INTELLIGENCE, and proceedings of Railroad Conventions, Meetings, etc. THE GENERAL NEWS DEPARTMENT Embracing Political, Local and Current News Items, is conducted with close attention and enterpriee. THE DAILY PAPER is mailed to subscribers at the low price of SIX DOLLARS per annum, invariably in advance ; and delivered to City subscribers by Carriers at One Shilling per week. THE WEEKLY PAPER is issued every Thursday morning, and sent by mail at $1.50 per annum ; or in clubs of ten or more for ONE DOLLAR PER COPY, per annum Connected with the Newspaper Establishment is a very large and extensive BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, in which every facility exists for the rapid and faithful exe cution of all descriptions of Printing, particularly RAIL ROAD WORK. C3T The Daily and Weekly Chicago Times is certainly the best Advertising Medium existing in Chicago. 447 ELISHA ELDRED, Chicago. ANSON ELDRED, Milwaukee. URI BALCOM, Stiles, Wis. sttmics No, 540 South Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois, Near Rock Island Freight Depot, Manufacturers of Shaved and Sawed Shingles, The above firm Manufacture yearly at their Mills, out of choice Pine Logs, from 25 to 30,000,000, and intend to have constantly on hand an assortment of good quality and well manufactured Lumber of all dimensions. They have tracks of all the different Rail Roads in their yards, and attend to the loading, which is done in good order, and without cost to the purchaser; also, having over 1,300 feet of Dock front, are enabled to load Canal Boats with despatch, at their own dock. f) tf& W2 fJ qr 95 & 97 South. Clark Street, CA60, FOR THE SALE OP NEWS, BOOK, JOBBING PKINT AND ENVELOPES, CARDBOARDS & CARDS OF THE BEST QUALITIES, CHASTE & GO'S GOLOH.EB MEBIUMS, Plain and Assorted, 25, 30 & 40 Pounds. Fine Manilla and Coarse Wrapping Constantly on Hand. NO. 95 & 97 CLARK STREET, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. P. O. Box 3372. CA.SH PAID FOR RAGS. W. TANNER, Ag't. O O TML IP .A. 3XT ~A ( T^Al^K STKF/KT, (TIIOAOO. AV.W. II. K V\D, Sitprrinlcii.lciil. The aii' throug J SAVINGS BANK ASSOCIATIONS MANUFACTURING COIVIPANIES, RAILROAD CORPORATIONS, INSURANCE COIVIPANIES, LOAN FUND ASSOCIATIONS, TOWN CORPORATIONS. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES, AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES, BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES, GAS LIGHT COIVIPANIES, TELEGRAPH COMPANIES, COLLEGES, ACADEMIES, LIBRARIES, SCHOOLS, CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS, ETC., ETC. AVo liave larire J^oiit.-: <>!' HOOK Type, to -\vliieli \vo are con- stantly adctintr tlie ne - \v)ii<-li appeal'. ()ur J-?ook and 1'mnplilet \\-<>r]c i^ print-u the- . -ele! >rat << I Ailam^" 1 "rer-.-. anlt lL>c"r- IL\-(ll'a\i. \\"e r-]>a)-e 110 painr-i to make tlii.-; i lepavti m-l il of our Iju.-im-.-;^ Jully n)' 'o the tlemaiut.-s ol' the time-. nub lcr Ifoittfittg, Show Cards, Handbills, Certificates, Etc., Jn INSURANCE POLICIES AND APPLICATIONS, BANK CHECKS, NOTES AND DRAFTS Hands' BLANKS ISKI) BY STATE, (01 \TV AXD (ITV OFF K EKS, Parties at a distance in want of Printing are invited to correspond. Orders solicited from any part of the country by mail or express. Estimates will be made out and forwarded upon receipt of specifications. WM. H. RAND, Sup't., 51 CLARK ST., CHICAGO 446 A DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY JOURNAL I'EYO I i News, C'ommerce, Politics, Agriculture, Science and Literature. F.I11TKD AXM rUF. PRESS & TRIBUNE COM PA. NY J. L. SCKIPPS, WILM.VM BKOS*. < . \\, RAY, J. Ml.IMIJ.. A. Hi liters Mini ^Proprietors. FURNISHED TO SUBSCRIBERS AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: DAILY, - - in advance, by Mail, .... $7.00 per annum. TRI-WEEKLY, - - 4.00 WEEKLY, single subscribers, in advance, - - 1.50 " two copies, " ... 2.50 " " four copies, " 5.00 " five copies, " ... e.OO ten copies, " ... lO.OO " twenty copies, (and 1 to getter up of club,) 20.00 THE Cmr.Uio PRESS & TRIBUNE is designed to be a full and fair exponent of the GREAT NORTH-WEST. To that end it keeps constantly in the field a large and efficient corps of a-^i-tant editors, reporters, ami co: -respondents, who are engaged in procuring, systematizing and collating all manner of information respecting every locality embraced in the Xorth-Wes' tern States and Territories. Articles of this description appear in every issue of our paper, and have already made for it a reputation in this respect second to no other paper in the whole country. In price and size of sheet, amount and freshness of intelligence, variety and value of information, fullness and accuracy of Commercial matter, and in whatever else goes to make- up a first-class Newspaper, we challenge comparison with any other journal East or West. In Politics, the PRESS & TRIHI-MC is on the side of FREE LABOR. As an exponent of the Xorth-West, which has been made great through free labor, it could not successfully fulfil its mission, were it to remain neutral on so vital a question. Parties abroad, who may desire to advertise in a paper having a general circulation throughout the Xorth-West, will find the PRESS & TRIBUXE the best possible medium of com- munication. Its circulation is larger than that of any other paper West of the seaboard cities Specimen numbers will be sent by mail when requested. Aid.resa PRESS & TRIBUNE CO., CHICAGO, ILI,,. 448 L. S I Q N AI N AND MANUFACTURER OP BLOCK LETTERS, 40 SOUTH "WELLS STREET, CHIC^G-O. MANUFACTURER OF (Urithtg Jimi, Carmine an& |nirii6U fnb, THE NO. 68 WEST MADISON STREET. I also manufacture the American Diamond Cement, and an excellent article of Adhesive Mucilage. N. B. My luk is an excellent imitation of Arnold's Writing Fluid, warranted permanent in color and not affected by frost. Orders respectfully solicited. P. O. Box: 348O. J.A.Y TJEAJST, THE CITY OIF CHIO-A.O-O- (INCORPORATED FEBRUARY 185T.) OFFICE 104 and 106 WASHINGTON ST., METHODIST CHURCH BLOCK. This Institution receives deposits of FIVE CENTS and upwards from all classes of persons, in- cluding MINORS and MARRIED WOMEN, and allows interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum. Dividends payable on tbe first Monday of Jaii'y and July. TRUSTEES. WM. B. OGDEN, G. S. HUBBARD, JOHN C. HAINES, 0. R. W. LULL, JOHN S. REED, JARED GAGE CONRAD L. DIEHL, ALEX. C. COVENTRY, GEO. SCHNEIDER. NATHAN B. KIDDER. Office open daily during the usual hours of business and on Tuesday and Saturday evenings. IT. B. KIDDER, Cashier. JOHN C. HAIN&S, Fres't. JOHN H. KINZIE, GEO. W. DOLE, ERASTUS S. WILLIAMS, C. C. WALLIN & SONS, 3XTO. 2OO 3Li .A. 151 E! SJ T 3FL 33 !E3 T , CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS. COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. C. MANUFACTURER OF att& :RAJD SKINS. OFFICE, 33O CHICAGO, - STREET, - ILLINOIS. 449 WHOLESALE PAPER WAREHOUSE OF Established, in. E3 3ES T , ...... Where is kept constantly on hand the largest and best Stock of PRINTING, BOOK AND WRAPPING PAPERS, Together with a large stock of FINE PAPER, which we are able to sell as low as any house this side of New York city. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF PAPER STOCK, Metal Warehouse ! THOMAS S. DICKERSON, Inporter of PLATE, SHEET IRON, Banca Tin, Wire, Zinc, Copper and Metals generally, and dealer in FENCE WIRE, BRAZIER'S COPPER, TINNERS' TOOLS Sc MACHINES, Stamped Wire, Japaned Ware, Brass and Copper Wire, Rivets, Ears, and all goods pertaining to Tinners' and Stove dealers' stock. 4S Burch's Iron Buildings, Chicago, Illinois. 450 QUAKER CITY C5 in3"1O "i & PHILADELPHIA. OFFICERS : GEORGE H. HART, PRESIDENT. E. P. ROSS, Vice Pres't. H. R. COGGSHALL, Sec'y & Treas, S. H. BUTLER, Ass't Sec'y. CURTIS L. 3STORTH, , flasonic Temple, CHICAGO. GEORGE H. HART, E. P. ROSS, A. C. CATTELL, DIRECTORS. FOSTER S. PERKINS, E. W. BAILEY, ANDREW R. CHAMBERS, HON. H. M. FULLER. H. R. COGGSHALL, SAMUEL JONES, M. D., BAGS! BAGS!! BAGS!!! H. "El IU X. ' S 42, 44 & 46 of every description /ABASH AVEfj Furnishca on Short Notice, CHICAGO, ILL; And Printed with New and Beautiful Brands, BAGS FEINTED IN COLOKS. SIUIEON FARWEL.L. 451 BOWEN BROTHERS, OF t anft jfmtqj Jrj h YANKEE NOTION'S, JEWELRY, AND HOUR'S C0008. Also, Importers, Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in CHINA, CLASS, CUTTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES, FANCY GOODS, Hotel and House Furnishing Articles, etc. Buyers will always find in our stock the latest style of Goods, at the lowest possible prices, and also many new and 'very pleasing items, well worthy an examination, which is respectfully solicited. TE! JAMES H. BOWEN, GEORGE R. WHITMAN, GEORGE S. BOWEN, ALMERIN H. WINSLOW, CHA.UNCEY T. BOWEN. <><><> INDIA RUBBER & MACHINE AGENCT. JOHN B. IDESCXNT & CO., No. 115 Randolph St., (kingsbury Block,) Chicago. HAVE ON HAND THE BEST AND LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST OP KUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, OP ALL SIZES, AND WARRANTED. (P-flUlilffPTllilfl S'^lMii lun r u r i M r uncc uUNuUliMrib, o I t A m AND tNblNt HUot , OF TUB BEST CO 0) 1 Sf < crj j H (-3 C o o M C^J eg 53 - w S I * 5 H K MILL STONES MANUFACTURED AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT Are finished on new and improved principles, and are as near perfect as obtained by ihe best manufacturers In the world. The credit of this establishment for the past thirty-five years in furnishing Mill Findings for nearly every Slate and Territory in the Union, is well known, and shall be maintained. PINIONS, MILL SPINDLES, BRI DGE POTS Complete, warranted best in use for large and small Stones. Improved Center Vent Turbine Water Wheels, PITTED WITH CAST STEEL OR BOILER IRON BUCKETS, Warranted to produce a high per centage of Power. IMPROVED SMUT MACHINE AND SEPARATOR, IMPORTERS OF GENUINE DID BUTCH AKUI BRANDS OF BOLT1KQ CLOTHS, Millers in want of Bolting Cloths for manufacturing extra quality of Flour can depend upon getting the genuine Old Dutch Anker. Single and Double Extra Bolting Cloths made up in a su- perior style, by giving diameter and length of reels. HOI. I IM. CHESTS MADE TO ORDER, Mil I . W'th one or six Reels of any length and diameter of Reel ,* '.,* required. Custom Chests furnished with common Hand Slides or Conveyers. MI LIU. O STIKTC3-S. Mill Machinery supplied to order, arranged efter plans that may be furnished. All Mills manufactured by me WARRANTED to give satisfaction to purchasers AT PRICES 10 SUIT THK TIMES. JOH3XT T. ISTO YE, BUFFALO, NEW YORK. Buffalo, N Y., May 1, I860. WM. F. UTOYE, AGENT, CHICAGO, ILL. Chicago, ill. 28 Market Street, CLind Block.) 452 WESTERN LAND AGENCY I *- . A. J. GALLOWAY * CO., !N o. 189 Lake Street, Cliicago, Have for sale between 100,000 and 200,000 acres of Land Ijing on the line of the Illinois Cen- tral and other Railroads, which they wiil sell, to actual settlers, in tracts of forty acres and upwards, on long credjts and at low rates of interest. Many of these Lands were long since selected 1 *! the vicinity of Railroad Stations, affording to the pur- chaser a ready and convenient means of transportation of produce to market. They have also Town Lots for sale in the city of Chicago, and at the principal and most thriving Stations on the line of the Illinois Central Railroad. They have established Branch Agencies throughout the State, where Lands or Lots will be shown to those desiring to purchase, free of charge. ADDRESS, A. J. GALLOWAY & CO., 189 Lake Street, 8. E. Corner Lake and "Wells, Chicago. WALWORTH, HUBBARD & CO., 181 Lake St., Cliicago, 111. DEALERS IN Wrought Iron Pipe and Boiler Flues, VALVES, COCKS, GAUGES, PUMPS, And every description of STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS. Worthington's Steam Pumps, Steam Engines and Boilers. Shaw's Patent Gas Stoves, For Heating, Cooking, and Flat-Heaters. Steam Heating and Cooking Apparatus, For Hospitals, Hotels, School-Houses and Private Dwellings. Galvanized Iron Pipe, For Wells and Pumps. Prince's Metallic Paint, For Painting Iron, Roofs, Smoke Stacks, &c. Also, a full assortment of RA.IL"WA.Y SUPPLIES. 453 J. F 1 CAEBIAGES AND BUGGIES OP EVERY STYLE, CITY R, A. IH, WAY CARS MADE TO ORDB3R. We have constantly on hand as good an assortment of the above articles as can be found anywhere, made of the best quality of materials which we import from the east the work being well and carefully put together in such a manner as we feel confident will give satisfaction. The reputation which we have acquired must be sustained, which can only be done by giving customers a good article and the worth of their money. Please call and examine for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. P. S.-ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 1434. :E. MTIEIM iDsiEisr . J. s S3 CO SCAU WORKS, COR, CANAL & WASHINGTON STS, Opposite P. W. Gates & Co. 4 53 i S3 C=> BAILROAD TRACK, HAY, DEPOT, WAREHOUSE, PLATFORM & COUNTER SUGAR MILLS, LETTER PRESSES, WAREHOUSE TRUCKS, &c. . O. BO2C 1664. ADAMS & HITCHCOCK, iMarmiact virers . *jj| 454 Q-. C. COOK & CO (Successor to Satterlee, Cook & Co.) AND DEALERS IN WOODENWARE, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRIED FRUITS & FISH, 16 and 18 State Street, Between Lake and South Water Streets, , - - I3L.H.IISTOIS, G. C. COOK. FREDERICK FISCHER. H. W. COOK. LEROY SWORMSTEDT, JR. FREDERICK JEWETT. OLIVER R. BUTLER. JEWETT & BUTLER, "Wholesale Dealers in. HARDWARE & CUTLERY, NAILS, GLASS, SHEET IRON, COPPER, ZINC, FENCE WIRE, Tinners' Stock, Tin Plate, Tinners' Tools, &c,, &c, NO. IB SIGN OF THE SCISSORS. ^-Between Wabash and ) f\JLJI f* A f* f\ ii Michigan Avenues, f W rl I W/41^ \/f I Li ! 455 CHARLES BIGGS, MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, 113 Lake Street, Chicago. Pocket and Pen Knives, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Blades. Hunting and Bowie Knives, Budding and Pruning Knives, Table Knives and Forks, " Percussion Caps," American G. D., Water Proof Central Fire, Eleys, etc. RAZORS OF VARIOUS MAKES, SCISSOES OF ALL STYLES AND GKADES, REVOLVERS, FOUR, FIVE & SIX INCH, SINGLE AND DOUBLE, FRENCH YORE SHIRTS CHEAP! SEND ME YOUR ORDERS, SENT BY EXPRESS EVERYWHERE, FACTORY, 53 WASHINGTON ST., CHICAGO. P.ETAILED AT WHOLESALE PKICES MADE TO MEASURE. 07 (THB BEST IN THE WORLD,) AND FINK LI3STE3ST B O S O IMC S , At $18 per doz. or Six for $9.00, Warranted as good a Shirt as sold in retail storei at $2.25. Also the Best Shirt that can be made at $2.00 each. MEASUREMENT. 1st. Size of Neck. 2d. Bend the arm, take distance from centre of back to wrist for sleeve. 3d. From shoulder joint to shoulder joint for the yoke. 4th. Length of Shirt. SEND YOUR ORDER TO P. O. BOX 3248. The expressman receives the money on the delivery of the goods. The charges on a half dozen shirts to any part of the United States is only a mere trifle, from fifty cents to 8 dollar. J. H. O'BRIEN, From 395 Broadway, New York. 456 DR. J. A. KENNICOTT, Having been awarded EIGHT PREMIUMS, including FIVE GOLD MEDALS, in three successive years, for the Confidently invites attention to his superior style of And his peculiar method of restoring the natural organs to their original form and usefulness, by FILLING WITH SOLID GOLD. Dr. KENNICOTT is prepared to supply his patrons with all the IlSTCI/UTDINGr THE CONTINUOU TIITM, The advantages of this invention are PERFECT CLEANLINESS and freedom from any metallic or other unpleasant taste, great strength and durability, and a TRUE AND PERFECT COUNTERFEIT OP THE NATURAL ORGANS. The teeth are secured to the plate by means of a strong mineral cement, which forms a solid union of the teeth and plate, and an EXACT IMITA- TION OF THB NATURAL GUMS. Main Entrance to Office, 101 Dearborn Street. Entrance to Ladies' Parlor, 71 Washington Street. 457 CHICAGO BREWERY, ESTABLISHED IN 1833- LILL & DIVERSY, BREWERS OF AND CREAM PALE ALE, L^GER BEER, PORTER AND BROWN STOUT, MANUFACTURERS OF BREWERY CORNER CHICAGO AVENUE AND PINE ST., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ORDERS FROM THE CITY tJTD ENCLOSING A REMITTANCE FOR THE AMOUNT, RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 458 OUTFITS FOR THE GOLD MINES. ^ AND A3L3L KID MINK FOX BEAVER AND BEAR TRAPS AND WISCONSIN SHOT. r O JxL Jo Jo V Ul cL obJL v2 JL jo JL2 JJi f AND ALL KINDS OF OLD METAL, OLD RUBBER AND GLASS. CHARLES A. EATON, Agent, Successor to D. EATOJT $ Co. . 9S LA.KZE STREET. 28 459 49 SOUTH WATER ST., GK H. & L. Have now on hand and are constantly receiving every variety of WHICH THEY OFFER TO STATIONERS, PRINTERS, BOOR-BINDERS & BOX-MAKERS AT LOW PRICES! ORDERS BY ill PROMPTLY AND FAITHFULLY FILLED CA.SH FOR PRINTING PAPER FROM ROCK RIVER MILLS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. THEIR STOCK EMBRACES LEDGER PAPERS, from Jesup & Laflin's, Platner & Smith's, Brown's, and other celebrated makers. WRITING PAPERS, of every kind, from the best New England Mills. COLORED, GLAZED & UNGLAZED PAPERS, Crane's and Hubbard's. Smith & Peter's and Holman's CARD BOARDS AND CUT CARDS. TAR AND STRAW BOARDS, ENVELOPES ; and in short, everything usually kept in a Paper Warehouse. 460 Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in CANE AND WOOD SEAT CHAIRS BE3DSTE-A.IDS, ETO..; OITFTCE ITTJRDSriTTJRE JVL^JDK TO ORDER. CTOS. o e*? 11 O^LCT^XJ STI^EJEJT, Address Box 2364, P. 0. CHICAGO, ILL. ROBERT CARSE, STAINED AND ENAMELED GLASS WORKS 91 Kinzie Street, CHICAGO, - - ILLINOIS. Metal Sash, for Church and Cottage Windows made to order. P. O. BOX 3672. THEO. M. DOGGETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW No. 14 South Clark St., CHICAGO, ILL. Solicitor in Chancery and Proctor in Admiralty. Practices in State and Federal Courts. How. MARCUS NORTON, RET ENOCH SANFORD, - How. Wit H. SEWARD. HON. STEPHEN A. DOUGHS. HON AARON KING, Taunton, Mass - New York. Chicago, 111. Springfield, Mass. No. 130 Clark Street, BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND MADISON, CHICAGO. JOSEPH KWOX, JOH1T V. EUSTACE, CHAS. H. REID. H. V. ELDRIDGE. W. T. TOtmTElLOTTE. NO. 51 CLARK ST., (Press and Tribune Buildings,) CHICAGO. - - ILLINOIS. O 331 TJ CHICAGO WAGON MANUFACTORY South- West Corner Franklin and Eandolph Streets > is jugmen in e seecton o materials, the skill of his workmen, together with ample facilities line of machinery, will warrant him in representing them as superior in quality, and will challenge a comparison with any and all other manufactures for excellence In materials or work- IRON AXLES, . THIMBLE SKEIN, SEE LIST OF SIZES, Ac., BELOW Inch. Box. NUT SKEIN, WASHE 8 LINCH PIN, NUT SKEIN, ONE-HORSE WAGON, 'Box. For purchase of Wagons or information, address PETER SCHUTTLEB, Chicago, HI. 461 ZSCHOCKEE BROTHERS, MAHUFACTURERS OF 236 S. Clark Street, Chicago. We are prepared and beg leave to inform the public that we will sell as low, and some even lower than any other house, all goods comprising Fancy Candies, as Gum Drops, Choco- late Cream Drops, and will warrant them to be of the very best quality. Post Office Box 4130. PROPRIETORS. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Directly opposite the Illinois Central, Michigan Central, Galena and. Chicago "Union, Burlington, Qulncy and. St. Loiais R. K. Depots. Tire-proof Stabling in connection with the House. Horses and Buggies for hire. WILLIAM COX. A j. WHITE. CHICAGO fflj 1: ORGANIZED JULY 1, 1859. OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY, COB. STATE AND WASHINGTON STS. O. SHERIMLAJST, Having formed a Joint Stock Company, under the General Law of the State, with a paid in Capital of $60,000, for the purpose of manufacturing MARBLE in all its branches, and also for the manufacture of PARLOR We beg leave to inform you that we have fitted up superior machinery for these purposes, and invite you to examine the Largest and best selected Stock of Marble West of the Atlantic Cities. 462 OHIOAOO PUIMBIE IORKS. John Hughes, Proprietor, (LATE WILSON & HUGHES.) North-west cor, of State and Washington Sts, "Water Closets, Force Pumps, Warm and Cold Baths, Wash-Bowls, Boilers, Fountains and Ornamental Water Works, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, put up to order on Short Notice, and Orders from the Country Solicited. AGENT FOR HARRISON'S EUROPEAN RANGE. TO 146 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. 1 i Chandeliers, Brackets, Pendants, k, of new and elegant patterns, OOISTST^JSTTLY ON \ M PROMPT ATTENTION .GIVEN TO ORDERS, AND ALL WORK WARRANTED. Gas Fixtures Cleaned and Renewed in the Best Manner. SIGHT AND HEARING RESTORED. UPWARDS OF 2,000 CASES | ' Have been received at his rooms during the past year. - NO FEE IS REQUIRED FOR AN EXAMINATION, ^S No business connection with any Traveling Occulist or Aurist. T StSBSIRY Is at 81 Randolph Street, Room No. 2, Chicago, Ills. Letters of Inquiry replied to through Box 2399, Chicago P. 0. 463 WM. F. BEECHER, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, BRACKETS, it AND COPPER WORK, EDWAKD HEMPSTEAD, WHOLESALE GROCER ISTo. 71 South "Water St., Between State Street and Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. FOR THE SA3L.E3 OF EDWARD EDEREB, MANCFACTCKER OP Fringes, Cords, Tassels, BTJTTOIDTS, AND All kinds of Ladies' Dress Trimmings, etc,, ek, No. 73 S. Clark St., (Opposite the Court House) All orders for Military Epaulettes and Pompons punctually attended to. WADHAMS, WILLAED & CO., DEALERS IN Office, No. 2 Masonic Temple, CHCIOA.OO. BETH WADHAMB, J. C. WALTER, A. J. WILLARD, RALPH COSNABLB. 464 WM. D. BAKER, FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED AT THE STATE FAIR, FREEPORT, SEPT. 1859. TI3NTTE3 3E3 3L. MADE TO ORDER. N, E, corner of Clark and Randolph Streets, P. O. BOX, 2197. CHICAGO, n 126 Randolph. Street, (Rooms up etairs,) ILLINOIS. Every description of Wood Engraving, from a fine Book Illustration to a large Show Bill, done in the best style and at reasonable prices. BUT Drawings made for the Patent Office, BLOCKS FOR COLORED PRINTS ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. TURNER & SIDWAY'S MANUFACTORY AND WHOLESALE NO. 208 EANDOLPH STEEET, CHICAG-O, ALWAYS ON HAND, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF !2R Wi 1 ?!? 1 ^ raff A TfiWis^ iSJn V/jJpUUrpJrj ^jiki/iV^JMVOJ.rt; FLY NETS, GIG SADDLES, ETC. 465 CHARLES LAMPKER, Manufacturer and Dealer in LOOKING GLASSES AND SQUARE AND OVAL PICTURE FRAMES, Stationery, Pencils, Pictures, &c. Of every Description, 112 North Clark Street, Chicago. Pictures framed and re-framed on the shortest notice and lowest rates. J. S. VAN DIJZER, MERCHANT TAILOR, 64 Dearborn Street, WWW GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings and Clothing made up to order. LOUIS M.AJCJSS, LATE WITH BENJ. PIKE & SONS, N. Y. No. 79 Clark St., opposite the Court House, Chicago, HI Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Opera and Marine Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Magnifiers, Barometers, Thermometers, Hydrometers, Mathematical Drawing Instruments, &c. Spectacles repaired and Glasses inserted. Periscopic Glasses and Bracilian Pebbles. FUftfUflUbfc PAINTED TO ORDER BY CO o a 471 C. C. MARSH, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in OB I Ij Ij I WOWS' PATENT Portable Spring Box BED BOTTOM FACTORY, 170 ADAMS ST., IS CHIC AGO, - ILLINOIS. JOHN PHILLIPS, Manufacturer and Dealer in ;oofr atti atu Skat Chain Bedsteads, Cabinet Furniture and Mattresses, AT WHOLESALE ; ALSO, WALNUT, CHERRY AND WHITEWOOD LUMBER. Sales-Boom and Factory, eor. Green and Third Sts., Two blocks North of Milwaukee Avenue, (West Side,) CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. J. IE 1 . MANUFACTURES BORED PUMP TUBING OF SOLID TIMBER, Which he confidently recommends to Merchants, Superinten- dents of Railroads, Pump Setters of every variety, and to Farmers and others, for WATER PIPES OR UNDERGROUND LEADERS For Springs and Wells. P. 0. Box 442, CHICAGO, ILL. isr o BOOT AND SHOE LAST MANUFACTURER 9 Clark Street, (Up Stairs,) CHICAG-O, ..... ILLINOIS. Particular attention paid, to making Lasts for persons troubled with CORNS, BTINTOISTS, or TENDER FEET. .Also, Lasts made for every species of Malformed Eeet. J. ESLI3STG-, IMPORTERS' AGENT, BRANDIES, WINES, CIGARS, &C. No. 44 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, .... ILLINOIS. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN MAT 97 Clark St., opp. Court House, CHICAGO, ILL. 472 P/^CC (EAST SIDE OF THE NEW PUBLIC PARK,) >. TURNBOLT, Proprietor. Free Buss and Baggage Wagon to and from the Cars. OHA.RLES mporter of Cigars & Jfantg DEALER IN NO. 15 WATER STREET, DECATTJR, ILL. D I X O JST J. HAJEIT BURTON, Will attend to the Purchase and Sale of Real Estate, Payment of Taxes, Examination of Titles to Real Estate, &c., &c. A CARD. Having, at great labor and expense, compiled from the Public Records a full and complete set of Abstract Books, showing the condition of all the titles to real estate in Lee County, I am prepared to furnish complete abstracts of title at the shortest possible notice. J. HART BURTOW. DIXON, ILLINOIS, Opposite the Court Douse, Galena St., near the Center of Business. A.. W. PITTS, [Proprietor. 03XT This Hotel is located, not at the Depot, but rOiE" OF THE Commanding a Beautiful View of the surrounding country. Its entertainment and accommo- dations are surpassed by no other House in the Northwest. Passengers carried to and from the Depot Free of Charge. 473 JAMES P. WEIGHT, Proprietor, DDrnSTLEITH, __->._ I] Near the Depot, and Steamboat landing. This large and commodious Hotel, newly fitted and furnished, is now open for the reception of Travelers and Boarders. Baggage conveyed to and from the cars and boats free of charge. A large stable, with Livery, is attached to this Hotel Stages for all parts of South-Western Wisconsin leave this house regularly. THE DANVILLE CHROSOTYPE, A DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL, IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, AT D-ANVILLE, "SHERMILIOISr CO., ILL. M. V. B. CO\VI]Sr, Publisher and Prop'r, LEONARD H. MILLER, Editor. OFFICE OPPOSITE McCORMICK HOUSE. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable in advance, $1 50; six months, in advance, $1 00. Lengthy Advertisements inserted on the most reasonable terms. On a half or whole column advertisement, a great reduc- tion will be made from our regular rates. Business cards of not more than six lines, $5 per year. Advertisements unac- cmpanied with written or verbal directions, will be published until ordered out, and payment exacted accordingly. The pivilege of yearly advertisers will be confined strictly to their regular business, and all advertisements not pertaining to such business will be charged extra. Bills of yearly advertisers payable quarterly. All others payable in advance for the ti me inserted. ELGIN. GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED. "HERD BOOK BTJTTEH." General Insurance Agent, Elgin, Kane Co., 111. if lllllll W. C. KIMBALL, PROPRIETOR. THE IB, .A. I L IR O -A. 3D 3D E I s O T - West Elgin, - - Illinois. (Incorporated by the Legislature of Dlinoii.) & SURPLUS, $96,469.15. Capital secured by lien on Beal Estate worth over $500,000. OFFICE NO. 98 STEPHENSON STREET, SECOND FLOOR, Business strictly confined to Farm Buildings, Detached Dwellings, and their Contents. D. H. SUNDERLAND, Freeport, OEO. P. DEFOREST, " C. L. CURRIER " C. P. TAGGART, " D. H. BUNDERLAND, President, H. N. HIBBARD, Vice President, DIRECTORS. W. S. GRAY, Preeport, A. P. LONG, ' 0. V. MUNN, " 1. H. SUNDERLAND, Freeport, W. L. WHEATON, Wheaton, OFFICERS. 0. V. MUNN, General Agent, H. N. HIBBARD, Freeport, ROBT. McOONNELL, " A. E. HALE, Cherry Valley, H. J.-DOOLITTLB, Belvidere, I. H. 8UNDERLANB, Trew. A. P. LONG, Secretary. (Chartered by the Legislature of Illinois, 1865.) OFFICE NO. 96 STEPHENSON STREET, 2nd FLOOB, HIRAM BRIGHT, ANDREW P. LONG, JOEL W. HOPKINS, DIRECTORS. A. T. GREEN, JULIUS BASTRESS, OSCAR V. MUNN, HOLDEN PUTNAM, CHAS. L. CURRIER, W. A. PENNELL. OFFICERS. CHAS. L. CURRIER, Secretary. ANDREW P. LONG, President. OSCAR V. MUNN, Treasurer. JULIUS BASTRESS, Vice President. Not over $2,000 insured in one risk, or in a circle of eight rods. ' 29 475 ftj , ILLINOIS. THIS OLD HOME COMPANY continues to Insure property on either the Mutual or the Stock plan, and divides Risks Into the FARMERS' and MERCHANTS' Departments, each of which is liable for its own losses only. DR. CHANCELLOR MARTIN President. JOHN A. CLARK, Treasurer. HENRY H. TAYLOR, Vice President. LOYAL L. MUNN, Secretary. FARMERS' AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE. DEALER IX C. M. RUSSELL'S AND JOHN A. PITTS' PREMIUM THRESHING MACHINES, REAPERS, MOWERS, HORSE-PO W'RS SCHUTTLER'S WAGONS, CLOVER HULLERS, MOLINE AND OTHER PLOWS, .AND ALL KINDS Or AGBICULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS, GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, Stucco, Land Plaster, Cement, Coal, Etc., Etc. GL M. CLAYTON & BKO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Jfrnttl) anli Satirkan SHhitofo (ilass, wl o (^ PAPER HANGINGS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c. Stephenson Street, C. C. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealr in c\ ville Cole John, Bluffville Alsbury John, John's Creek Gifford A , Brighton Veith Anthony, Joliet Ball W. K., Bristol Miner N. S., Kaneville KAN 497 CHI Bean Daniel G., Kankakee Wilson John, Plato Heskev H. H., Kansas Lewis George, Pleasant View Cowls'F. W., Kinderhook Martin James, Pleasant View McCormick E., Kinderhook Frost S. S. sr., Pontiac Emmons A. T. R., Kingsbury Hubbard & Canfield, Portland Phillips A. J., Kingsbury Kinney 0. S., Princeton Huggins & Wheeler, Knoxville Hodson James, Prophet-itown Miller & Jarvis, Kyte River Seaman W. R. P., Quincy Griffith Franklin, La Harpe Reynolds T. Y., Raleigh Lawson Joseph, Lawrenceville Cross Abram, Rantoul Ryan E., Lawrenceulle Heaferlv George, Red Bud Selby L., Lawrenceville Harbaugh A. P., Renault Watts William A., Lawrenceville Rippen Janson, Renault Amos Thomas, Lebanon Bradbury James, Rock Creek Bos well Thomas E., Lebanon Wheelock George, Rock Creek Harris & Williams, Lebanon Baker Erastus C., Rockiord Hawson N., Lemont Wheeler Myron J., Rockford French G. P., Lemont Kemp A. N., Rock Grove Mart iu William, Lemont West J. G., Rome Vosburv LaFayette, Lemont Cullen A. H., Rosamond WideverH. S., Lemont Stumm Jerry, Rushville Jewel David, Libertyville Gates Henry, S t. John Stearns Moses, Libertyville Thompson Elisha, Sandoval Whitney Charles, Libertyville Lovel L., Sandoval Cummings P., Linehburg Mustrum A., Sandoval Jordan W., Lynnville Kriss J. J., Shawneetown Scholey Charles, Lynnville Patter Orange, Somonauk, Hartwic F. H., Magnolia Ballou Emory, Southampton Goodspeed S. H., Marengo Hakes Alfred, Southampton Smith J. T. & W. E., Mattoon Sanders J. R., S. Macon Arnot Samuel, Metropolis City Armstrong & Conley, Springfield Edwards T. L, Metropolis City Ramsev William, Staunton Lenhart J. L., Mineral Buck W. G., Summ.Tfield Dimon George, Morris Dawley R. H., Tiskilwa Gordon Miles Morris Clough A., Tolono Morrison J. B., Mound City Bowman A., Urbana Fifield B. P., Mt. Auburn Hoyt Jason B., Vermillion, Hougland E. N., Mt. Auburn Hatt Aaron, Vienna Gould B. 0., Mt Carmel Priestley W. M., Vienna Higbee James, Mt. Carmel Parrv S. J., Viola Rowe H. B., Mt. Pulaski Holyoke J. M., Wataga Snvder William, Mt. Pulaski Mason Dewitt C., Watson Collins John, Naperville Mastere E., Wlieaton Orcutt Phillip, Naperville Morrison J. W., Williamsville Quaile William, New Boston Aldrich D. H., Wilmington Badger Hugh, New Erin Salter M., Wilmington Combs William, New Ei in Chapman J., Windsor May D. E., Oakland Sturgis Alvin A., Woodburn Lutz Geo., Olney Evans Thomas, Orangeville Seidel Jacob, Orange ville Artificial Limbs Manuf 'trs of. Straub John, Orangeville Killer J. B., Steeles John R., Oxford Paine's Point Stafford Charles, Chicago Bradley W. H., Pana Parrish D. C., Blanker William, Paris Paiis Artists Materials, and Dealers in. Dagnel James Danolds William, Patoka Paxton (See also Druggist*, also, Paints, Otis and Glass,) Hall J. F., Paxton Briggs J. S. & Co., Amboy Taber L. H., Paxton Little I., Aniboy Morrow John, Pecatonica Marks & Dodds, Anna Hall J. P., Pekin McConnell John, Anna Sage H., Pekin Camp J. W., Bunker Hill Tew H., Pekin Sevey W., Canton Jorbst V,, Peoria Fuller 0. F. & Co., Chicago Tllrickson Charles, Peoria Gerts George E. & Co., Chicago Whit bvT. S., Peoria Heath & Hurd, Chicago Kelly W. W., Peotone Hull S. Chester, Chicago Thomas R. D., Peotone Lewis & Page, Chicago CHI 498 EXE Lord & Smith, Chicago O'Kane Daniel & James, Barclay Reed J. H. & Co., Chicago Grubb A., Barry Thomson & Alston, Chicago Husted John, Beardstown Thomas L. H., Chillicothe McClain Miller, Beardstown Priddy & Brooks, Circleville Mooneyham Daniel, Benton Brown Samuel, Clinton Twicher Martin, Berlin Williams C. B., Cold Spring Moon Lyman, Bernadotte WhitlowS., Dillon Snodgrass A. F., Bible Grove Roberts A., Dover Gillman R. M., Biggsville Goodwin F. R., Dundee Davis Thomas J., B'andinsville Warren S. K., Dundee Thompson James, Bliven's Mills Coon John B., Farmington Withers & Rice, Bloomington Smith J. E., Farmington Blanchard Mark, Bradford Newman N. F., Friendsville Seeley J., Bristol Ray Edward, Gnlesburg Wheat J. H., B-istol Clark Daniel F., Golconda RockeyJ. H., Buena Vista Paine H. H., Grand de Tour Miller Jacob, Burksville Snapp Abram, Hadley Negly J. C., Bushnell McELROY T. H., Jacksonville Oglesbee W. H., Busiinell PeckE., Jacksonville Harris John, Byron Whitcomb N., Kanesville Whistler J. J., Canton Forbes John, Knoxville Hamilton Geo. W., Carlinville Pybur John, Kyte River Page 0., Carlinville Berger & Ferningher, Lebanon Burrell 0., Carmi Seaman & Co., Lebanon Be*r J M., Chester Hall H. S. & Bro., Lemont BUTTERS WILLIAM H. & CO., Chicago Bumgardner Wm., McLeansboro Divlin John, Chicago Patrick R. M., Marengo Fowler W. B. & Co., Chicago Robinson Thomas, Mt. Carmel GILBERT & SAMPSON, Chicago Leach James A., Noyesville HAMBERGER JULIUS, Chicago Wilson J. P., Olney Higgins& Rice, Chicago Mead N., Oswego Jessel Edward A., Chicago Barror W. P., Palmyra . Burnham J. D. & Co., Pecatonica German C. S., Red Bud Auctioneers. Jacobs B. C. & Co., Pecatonica Young D. & Alexander, Pekin KEITH CHARLES H. & SON, Chicago , Hanna Francis M., Perry flee advertisement page 443. Thompson Joseph, Pleasant Vale Levi George G., Chicago Robinson G., Rushville Marshall James A., Chicago Hoffman A. B., Sandoval Nickerson Solomon, Chicago Col well Joseph, Spencer Phill ps John P., Chicago Canedy & Johnston, Springfield Rankin John, Chicago Murphy M., Staunton Smith Peter, Chicago Stafford & Smedley, Chicago Stonehill Joseph, Chicago Astrologers. Kerner J. L., Chillic-.the Reed Ephraim, Circleville COLBERT ELLIS, Chicago Phelps Henry, Clay City Montgomery W., Clayton Catterlin W. D., Clinton Artists. Atkinson J. H., Colchester (See Painters, Portrait, etc.) Stocking J. L., Cullinsville Passmore William, Council Hill Kreamor William, Davis Auction and Commission. Keyes Wm. J., Daysville Fuller John N., Decatur Bourcourt J. W., Allen Springs Johnson William, sr., Derinda Steph-ns J. H. & Co., Alton Shipton James, Dtrinda Chase N. S., Amboy Cooper Brackston, Detroit Wyman John B., Amboy Vining E. W., Dundee Brin Isaac, Annawan Patrick Joseph, D wight Ca'penter Newton H., Annawan Bliss John, Earlville Campbell L. H., Arcok !! nry C. Henry Edgewood Terrell N. C., Ashkum Bonner John, Fdwardsville Hunter J. M., Ashley Friday Robert, Edwaid^ville Purker G. L., Atlanta Buck Isaac N., Elgin Jackson J., Augusta Pointer W. C., Eureka Reynolds Sylvester H., Aurora Eccles Edmund, Evansville Cunningham J. M., Bainbridge Morris James, Exeter FAI 499 SAN Bopgs' R. S., Fairfield Standlev uichard H., Mercia Gridley A. G., Farmington Keady W. F., Middleport Brewer John H., Fishhook Buchanan R., e Mineral Hiller H., Fores ton Clark M. 0., Momence Lusk Edward, Fo.t Hill Peters Wm., Momence Harrell William H., Frankfort Mason William, Morris Sproul H. J., Franklin Grove Scarthout George A., Morris Oyler George, Freeport Phelps D. B., Moscow Roosa A. V. L., Freeport FlvnnE. H., Mound City Mundy Griffith, Friends Grove Fisher Samuel, Mt. Carmel Mundy Henry, Friendsville Allen A. Q., Mt. Morris Curtiss W. Wallace, Fuiton City Kitchen W. J., Mt. Morris DEAN J. & CO., Galena Shriver Henry, Mt. Pulaski Sleep'T Nathaniel, Galena Stratton S. T., Mt Vernon Bremer S. M., Galesburg Strubler George, Naperville Kuhn & Smith, Galesburg Welshons David, Nelson Seymour William H., Garden Prairie Sunder M , New Boston Davison S. A., Geneseo Wilson Wm., jr., New Boston McArthur H., Geneseo Renolds Stephen, New Jordan Patten Charles, Geneva Fag m D. A., New Maysville Common Augustus H., Girard Nelson 0. L., Northampton Boii ourt J. M., Golconda Wheeler J., Northampton Stafford David, Gr.fton Gould William S., O..ku!la Bailey Z. C., Grand de Tour Dubbin William M.,, Olena Burdick T., / Grand de Tour Johns F. A., Olney Child D. L., Granville Weaver John, Omph Ghent Young John, Green Garden Hilderbrant R., Oneco Hunting Nathan, Gridley Marshall C. Strong, Oregon Tu nham W. G., Griggsville Foote Isaac, Oswego Cool John, Hampshire Walker William, 0-wego Terry , Havana CRANE CHARLES S. C., Ottawa Wentz Geo. G., High Prairie English Turney, Ottawa Sevain A J., Hutsonville Gardner Jas., Palmyra Black Thomas G., Irving Leak Amos, Puloma Oldis F. A., Jacksonville Read W., Palos Branch James, JeffV-rsonville Jordan W. J., Pana Rinard A., Jeffersonville Avery John, Patoka English Nelson, Jeiseyville Clark T., Pekin Jett Abraham, Jerseyville Slater J., Pekin FILEK, PHILIP, Joliet Thomas P. L., Pekin Summer I M., Jonesboro Freeman Volney H., Peoria Haitwel. C. W., Kaneville HOYT JONATHAN E., Peoria Sherman Henry S., Kankakee ROBERTS, GREEN & Co., Peoria Gable Jacob, Kent Ward Henry 0., Plattsville Adams A., Kyte River Evans J. W., Pleasant Vale Brooks C., LaFayette Turner William, Pleasant Vale Driscoll C. S., LiFayette Martin James, Pleasant View- Stilley , Lake Creek House S. W., Plain River Smith Jason, Lane Depot Garner J. P., Pontiac Randall William, Laona Loveless Ira, Pontiac Durkee C., Lawrenceville Harris S. G., Port Byron Jewett Ashbury, Lemont Nichols E. F., Prophi tstown Labounty William, L'Erabe Horton F., Providence Brown Russel, Linchburg Kohn H. Quincy Thompson William, Lisbon Parrott Frederick, Red Bud Bro*n P. A., McConnelPs Grove Price J. S., Ridge Farm Klontz Peter, McConnell's Grove Carter M., Rochester Shipper Wm., McConnell's Grove Stafford C. B,, Rochester Wheelock F. A., McLean Ellsworth Oliver, Rock Creek Blader James M., McLean sbo 10 Jackson Charles H., Rockford Ditman George, M gnolia Vocht John, Rock Grove Combs John M., Maquon Smith J. Currie, R. Island Parker J. J., Marine Snyder J. P.. Rockport Cunningham J. M., M rion Carpenti-r Newton, Pioseoe Penrod John G., Markanda Carr E. J., Roseoe Chevwitts C. M., Marshall Kymearson E. C., Rosetield Ring J. B., Marshall Young C. W., Rosefield Peterson J. J., Mattoon White John, Rosefield Gridlcr Archibald, Marysville Noble L., Ru>hville Porter P. L., Mendota Winchester H. F., Sandwich SAN 500 CHI McMurray William C., Santa Anna Abbey Lyman, Saxon Axle G-rease. Powei Elias, Secor Burns Daniel, Shaw's Point (Coal Oil.) Page John J., Shelbwille Cleaver W. D., Sherburnville NOBLE CHARLES L., Agt.. Chicago Manville W., Shiloh Kolker Diederick, Shoal Creek Station (See advt, outside front cover.) Obrecht J. M., Simoda Newton Lawrence, Somonauk Wilson J. A., Sparta Bags and Bagging. Taylor W. B., Sparta FARWELL SIMEOX, Chicago Maxcv & Carman', Springfield REEVES & CLARK, Springfield See advt. page. 450. HART, ASTEN & CO., Chicago See advt. page 491. Ramp Old, Spring Grove Webb & Tweedy, Stannton Hawkins inee Thoreton W. F. & Son, Shelbyville Bunn Jacob, Springfield Morse Geo. A. & Co., Kewanee Ridgelv N. H. & Co., Springfield Runkle C. & Co., Knoxville SPRINFIELD MARINE & FIRE Smith & Hale, Knoxville INS CO., Springfield Hinkley & Whitmore, Kyte River Ray & Brooks, Lacon Stadden William, Springfield WILLIAMS JOHN & CO., Springfield King L. F., LaHarpe Henry M. S. & Co., Sterling Cruickshank Alexander, . LaSalle Brainerd & Dustin, Lincoln Hunt, Hamlin & Co., Sycamore Waterman J. S., Sycamore WILSON JAMES K., Lockport Pettes & Ingalls, Tremout Richard Wm., McLeansboro Hubbard J. T., Urbana Chandler C. & Co., Macomb Platt John D. & Co., Warren Lansing & Sperry, Marengo Hawdley Robert M., Mai ion Brown Robert, Marshall True John W., Mttoon Pearson, Mellen & Co., Warsaw Danforth A. H. & Co., Washington Small D., Wilmington Fuller, Johnson & Co., Woodstock Hogg William & Co., Mendota Price George M., Mendota HiggiiiThos- C., Midd'eport Banks. GOULD, DIMOCK & CO., Moline (See also appendix.) Si'f, advt. page 481. MARSHALL & DRURY, Moline BANK OF AURORA, Aurora Sfe advtpage 481. see advtpage 431. Gregg & Hubbard, Monmoufh BANK OF LASALLE, LaSalle Hulburd E. W. & Co., Morris see advt page 479. Stiles & Co., Morrison CITY BANK, > Ottawa Jassoy J. & Co., Naperville see advt page 482. Martin, Wright & Co., Naperville Foot & Austin, Oakulla Hubbard & Co., Oneida Barbers. Cushman, True & Co., Ottawa EAMES, ALLEN & CO., Ottawa (See Hairdressers.) Sfe advt. page 482. FAY E. R. & CO., (Exchange Bank,) Ottawa Lupe.t G. H. & Co., Pekm Barrel and Keg Manufrs. Hotehkiss J. P. & Co., Peoria Town Elijah S., Batavia PULS1FER S. & CO., Peoria Eastman Galen, Chicago Ston<- M. P. & Co., Peoria MARC NICHOLAS, Peru See advt. page 486. Button Jesse, Pleasant Vale Basket Makers. Button Silas, Pleasant Vale CAREY, OLDS & Co., Princeton Jaergers J. M., Calhoun Bildhouser George, Chicago Fast J. A., Princeville Fisher, Sharp & Co., Princeton Mattson A. J., Prophetstown Flachs, Jansen & Co., Quincy Moore, Sherman & Co., Quincy Johnson Henry R., Garden Prairie Lender Henry," Peoria Dexter Geo. F., Saxon Ilowarter Charles, Saxon Sickles Lyman, Vermillion ParMi W. H., Raleigh BRIG G 3, SPAFFORD & PEXFIELD, Rock- ford. Bathing Saloons. KITCHELEDWARDN., Bockford (See Hairdressers.) Lane, Sanford & Co., Rockford Robertson, Coleman & Co. Rockford SPAFFORD, CLARK & Co., Rockford Ruford N. & Co., Rock Island Baths, Sulphur. Mitchell & Cable, Rock Island Negus, Osborn & Lee, Rock Island Greer Robert C., Chicago CHI 505 OLN Easfiti John M., Charleston Neuhui's J. A., Chelsea Batting Manufacturers. Gua^ga J., Chester Bettor V., Chester Mosser & Co., Chicago STAFFORD & McCLELLAND, Rock Island Adams House, Brigg< Hiuse, Chicago Chicago BRUNSWICK J. M. i fe BROS., Chicago Doty & Snyder, Chicago Bed Bottoms, Patent Portable Field Otis, Chicago Spring. Hoffman Adolph, Chicago MARSH C. C., Chicago Hoffman Frederick, P ters H. M., Chicago Chicago See advt page 471. Redelspurger Joseph, Chicago Schmidt Frederick, Chicago Seibelt William, Chicago Bed Lounges, Manufacturers of. Srencer Vincent, Chicago Stern John, Chicago Holbrook & Wadsworth, Chicago Tretnont House, Chicago H bbini Detman, Circleville Gra t William, Clinton Bedstead Manufacturers. Fewstadt A., Collinsville Bradley James T., Dearborn Collins W. S., Chicago Fitch J. T., Dearborn Hale D. T.. Chicago Miller Enos 0., Dixon Stephens, Wood & Huntoon, Moline P tts Aaron W., Dixon Bell Robert B., Springfield Woodhull B., Edgewood Hess George, Edwardsville Bell Founders. Barnes Joseph, Grippin & Barker, Elgin Elgin Strathman A., El Paso Jensch Frederick A., Chicago Rooney P. C., Franklin Grove Moore & Treadway, (cow bells,) Collinsville Blake John M., agt, Freeport N Brii;htman J. H., Freeport Hoffman John, Freeport Bell Hangers. Fry John, Galena (See, also, LocJcsmitlis and Bell Hangers.) Gordon Samuel, Dedaick John, Galesburg Geneseo O'Brien Thomas P., Alton Sexton Charles, Geneva Foot David A., Chicago Robertson G. W., Greenup Juergens D. L., Chicago Mason L., Harvard Klein Matthias, Chicago Stewart A. S., Harvard Metze William, Mound City Mallory James, Havana Winter Julius A., Chicago Waterfalls , Henry Blattner T. R., Highland L:uigle Henry, Highland Billiard Saloons. Kay & Willis, Joliet L parle William B., Kankakee Foster F. P., Abingdon Putnam L. F., Lacon Riley J. M., Albany Haight E. N., Lane Depot Gherke F. M., Algonquin Bracken Peter, Lemont May William & Co., Algonquin Duter Anthony, Lemont Basse Henry, Alton Welton G. H., Macomb Reed & Purinton, Amboy Clark W. H. H., Marengo Bumgaster W., Arcola El bring & Brothers, Marine Barry Nelson, Aurora Riley Andrew, Mattoon Monroe Jephthah, Aurora Peck & Axe, Mendota Kerkam John, Beardstown Thompson William, Mendota Sallie William, Beardstown Heinz Charles Meredosia Wilding John, Belleville Ruvland E., Meredosia Winter John, Belleville Smith B. B., Meredosia Keeler Darwin E., Belvidere Marcket A., Mokena Porter James B., Blandinsville Schich John, Mokena Bosse H., Blue Island Go .Id & Thomas, Morris Jackson N., Blue Island Jordan Samuel, Morris Rodemeyer H., Blue Island Seeboch Jacob, Morris Chandler T. C., Canton Chapman George H., Mound City Guy John M., Carlinville Heim George, Napi-rville Snow & Bates, Carlinville Honner Monroe, Naperville Holden J. R., Centralia Parks Hotel, Oakulla Zick A., Centralia Boren C., Olney OLN 506 ASH Frutz J. J., Olney Studer H., Olney Blacking and Ink Manufacturers. Edwards & Howard, Ottawa Dodg-' hn A., Chicago Wilkinson N. B., Ashkum Morton Walter, Chicago Seibert G. & Y., Ashley ASS 507 BYR JLirron John, Assumption Fleming James, Bloom Weuldv Edward, Assumption Wdderhol Charles, Bloom Stone N. P., Athens Sehance John & Bro., Bloomtield Winters & Wagoner, Athens Wood William, Bloom tield Ang 11 A. L., Atlanta Chrisman & Miller, Bloomifigton Hoblit J. & Co., Atlanta Hayes & Co., Bloomington Summer Joseph, Atlanta Jones Henry, Blue Grove Weriner Philip, Atlanta Black W., Blue Island Goude James, Atlas Hoffmann C., Blue Wand Brooks W. P., Auburn Huppel John, Blue Island English T. J., Auburn Srhreiber August, Blue Island Ta\lor D. B., Auburn Volkmann H., Blue Island Bennett M. J., Augusta Wolfinger W., Blue Island Hewlett J., Augusta Spires Thomas, Bluffville Martin & Rice, Augusta Burton Thomas, Bonus Winfield A. J., Augusta Styles John, Bonus Working G., Augusta White James, Bonus Hicks Alvey, Aurora Parson Samuel, Boone Pearson M.'&E., Avoca Scott John, Bourbon Gill J., Avon Still Alexander, Bourbon Mummy J., Avon Curtiss M. S., Bradford Roler & Connelly, Avon Ember Frederick, Bradford Kobo Frederick, Baileyville Fowler J. G., Bradford Shuler Thomas, Baileyville Perkey A. E., Bradford Wolden Thomas & Son., Bainbridge Sturin Mathias A., Bradford Goodale J., Barry Hartman H., Br.-men Phinegar J., Barry Helmbacker Louis, Bremen St. JohnR., Barry Thies F., Bremen Yancy & Dabney, Barry West John, Bridgeport Brown R. J., Batavia Keis T. L., Brighton Coudee C. B., Batavia Stratton E. D. Brighton Donivan John, Batavia Colgan J., Brim field Bockemeyer Casper, Baardatown Lovett & Fisher, Brimfield Dosollor H. B., Beardstowa Needham P. R. & Co. Brimfield Eyce Benjamin, Beardstown Finney Mercer, Bristol Pl'u Henry, r Beardstown Graham William, Bristol Airs Samuel, Beaver Creek McMurtrie James, Biistol Chapman &Bro., Beaver Creek McMurtric R., Bristol Jeuei Isaac. Beaverton Record , Bron dwell Griffia Seely, Bedford Kite W. H., Brooklyn Brown & O.ikes, Belden McHatten Robert, Brooklyn Carpenter T. P., Belden Lancaster & Vail, Browning Kloek Nicholas, Belleville Rose J. R., Browning Maier Donard, Belleville Sherill W., Browning Sehifferdeker George, Belleville Hedriek A., Buckhorn Bidwell & Reynolds, Belvidere Islnn;iel Geo., Buckhorn Clark OratioD., Belvidere Hughes John, Buda Haywood William, Belvidere Webb T., Buda Elkins& Brothers, Benton Hesser John, Beuna Vista Hudelson J. A. & Co., Benton Horning Philip, Beuna Vista Odin 11 & Brothers, Benton Blanchard Theodore, Buffalo Pr.iirie Ellis & Ballard, Berlin Cline H. D., Buffalo Prairie Grant L. B. Berlin Forsvth John, Buffalo Piairie Johnson Henry, Bernadotte Baker G., Bunker Hill Johnson H. K., Bemadotte Morris & Johnson, Bunker Hill Wood Thomas, Bernadotte Fauss Daniel, Burksville Hovey Milo, Bethalto Feich Adam, Burksville Pollcck George, Beverley Werner Henry, Burksville Steelc L. L., Beverley Miller James, Burns Mclntosh David, Bible Grove Myers Jacob, Burns Berry & Caldwell, Biggsville Patterson Thomas, Burns Foster S., Big Rock Smith Charles, Burns Harbours George, Big Rock Childers M. D., Burton Cook H. A., Blackberry Station Slack B. F., Burton Dodge S. B., Blackberry St.ition McElvain & Downey, Bushnell Holdcomb Alex., Blackberry Station Sperling George D., Bushnell McCurdv John, Blandinsville Wooley & Dills, Bushnell Welch & Bristow, Blandinsville Dwight Geo., Byron Johonnett Robert F., Bliven's Mills Dwight Solomon, Byron Schotleff J., Bliven's Mills Hewit A., Byron BYR 508 CHI Jarv r A., Byron Eggers August, Chicago Jones R. V., Byron Espie Alexander, Chicago Stnmu' P., Byron Fallen Thomas, Chicago Wood Dudley, Byron Fleck Jacob, Chicago Eckard Wm., Calhoun Forcier & Therien, Chicago Staley A., Calhoun Goenetet Geo., Chicago Mack John, Cambridge Guenther David, Chicago Rockwell Sylvester, Cambridge Guiton Thomas, Chicago Thompson W. P., Cambridge Hanlan Edward, Chicago Cady Honry, Cainden Hicks P., Chicago Melvin Wm., Camden Higgins Floyd, Chicago Del! John, Cameron Hosher William, Chicago Mellen S. L., Cameron Hunt William, Chicago Moore James, Cane Run Kilen Peter, Chicago McDonnell D. B., Canton Kirwoan Edward, Chicago Ruble & Tanner, Canton Kissel Henry, Chicago Stick ! er & Frazier, Canton Kleper Casper, Chicago Moulthrope D. 0., Carbon Klie George, Chicago Surnmerville David, Carbon Koplin August, Chicago Boyi & Riley, Carlinville Kuhl John, Chicago Gerry W., Carrollton Kuhman Nicholas, Chicago KelK C., Carrollton Lindecker John, Chicago Stern A., Carrollton Ludwig Hans, Chicago Williams V. J., Carrollton McClenan Hugh, Chicago Fontch J. L., Carthage McRobert John, Chicago Madison Edward, Carthage McSweeney Thomas, Chicago McNeil A. E., Carthage Mesmar Theodore, Chicago Sample George, Carthage Michel Frederick, Chicago Clayton Z. B., Catlin Mooney Barney, Chicago Benson Thomas, Catlin Mooney Michael, Chicago Rose William, Cave in Rock Morgan Nathan, Chicago Parrish L. M., Cedar Bluff Mullen Peter, Chicago McCamon Alex., Cedarville Murray William, Chicago Piersol J. J., Cedarville O'Connell Daniel, Chicago Butter J., Cedarville O'Conner Jeremiah, Chicago Glass Andrew, Central City O'Donnell Michael, Chicago Heath Charles, Central City Owen Robert J., Chicago Wusst August, Central City Peinter Henry Chicago Cunningham James, Centralia Pelter & Stratz, Chicago Snyd.-r & Summerville, Centralia Perry James, Chicago Blythe S. N., Cerro Gordo Pierce Lewis, Chicago Field^ John, Cerro Gordo Redman James, Chicago Rose Joseph, Cerro Gordo Reichel John, Chicago Adams Samuel, Channahon Reidy Philip, Chit-ago Bates E. E., Channahon Reidy Thomas, Chicago Gco Imeath J., Chatham Richardson Larkill G., Chicago Hillniiin William, Chatham Rominger George P., Chicago Sidoner Samuel, Chatham Rossow Frederick, Chicago Patton Samuel, Chatsworth Schmidt Henry, Chicago Fortmiller Valentine, Chelsea Schrader August, Chicago Young M. B., Chelsea Scully Thomas, Chicago Lowrie & Stringer, Cherry Valley Shustcr Joseph J., Chicago Patterson H. L., Cherry Valley Smith John E., Chicago Gauseman F., Chester Smith & Eddinger, Chicago Kenneday J., Chester Stender John F., Chicago Schukert F., Cheater Stoddard Augustus F., Chicago Ames Andrew J., Chicago Stuker Christian, Chicago Baird & Espie, Chicago Sweedman John, Chicago Bates Joseph, Chicago Taylor Henry, Chicago Barton Edward S., Chicago Taylor Thomas, Chicago Binder Frederick, Chicago Tear John, Chicago Branet Henry, Chicago Their Nicholas, Chicago Carlin Philip", Chicago Thiola August, Chicago Carter & Mooney, Chicago Tout Thomas, Chicago Clark John & Son, Chicago Turner John, Chicago Collins & Council, Chicago Voss Henry, Chicago Collins Patrick, Chicago Wagner Henry, Chicago Creagh Richard, Chicago Walter Abraham, Chicago Danvir James, Chicago Welch Thomas, Chicago Day J. & T , Chicago Wendel & Co. Chicago 32 CHI 509 ELK Whelan & Boyne, Chicago Wood Geo., DeKalb Whemhoefer Charles, Chicago Goodalo Simon, Del a van Wilmot Robert, Chicago Onill & Waterman, Delavan Boeshens M., Chili Smith & Clark, Drt Lent N., Niiperville Knapp Eli, Mier Peck Richard, Niiperville Eeiber Henry, Mier Strubler Daniel, Niiperville Bowers S., Milford Swartz & Harting, Naperville Campble H., Milford Umberger , Naperville Brand J., Milledgeville Cosseland Wm., Naples Campbell J. B., Milleiigt-ville Rodgers Wm., Naplea Matthews & Manley, Milledgeville Ballance David, Neponset Wilcox , Milledgeville Eastman B. F., Neponset Herbert Adam, Millstadt Rice B. B., Neponset OHendorgh Henry, Millstadt HendeishottG. P., Xew Baltimore Sutherland A. A., Milton Station Dawh Confer Israel, Rock Grove Bradley P., Shiloh Hill Henrich Charles, Rock Grove Gadbo'n P. & Co., Shiloh Hill Kcister Harry, Rock Grove Milne John, Shirlaud Creach B. W., Rockp?rt Diffenan Joseph, Shoal Creek Rupert David, Rockport Dorries Henry, Shoal Creek Beihu John, Rock Run Manning James, Shorb Brul Isaac, Rock Run Jergenthum Joseph, Sinioda Belknap C. C., Rockton Kearns Michael, Simoda Hudson C. C., Rockton Bloomer Thomas, Slack Water Lentz Azariah, Rome Havenstreit , Smithton Myers Jos., Rome Oldendouph J., Smith ton. llixon John, Rome Farms Rowan J. T., Smithton SOM 516 WAR Fish Rabent, Somonauk Legg & Bardwell, Toulon Si offer Joseph, Smonauk White & Wells, Toulon Stoffer Nehemiah, Somonauk Halterman William, Tow anda Biniuan Mereon, Southampton Donald William, Tracy Potter Rilev, Southampton Salisbury John B , Tracy Boyd Wm."&Co., South Bend Cornman F., Troy Crow Charles, South Macon Cramers N., Troy Fonley James, South Pass Rabold John, Troy Homer R. T., South Pass Brownlive , Troy Grove Else John, South port Zelim Charles, Troy Grove Pitt Sidney, Southport Kinder P., Tuscola Gekr Harrison, Sparland Sloan J., Tuscola Vincent Frederick, Sparland Fillmore & Petton, Union BuiTmgame A., Sparta Boyden E., Urbana Dobbins J. W., Sparta Davidson W. E., U i bana Gaston J., Sparta Hook S. L., Urbana McCormack , Sparta Mitchell John, Utah Perkins E., Sparta Vounida C., Valley Forge Sackman F., Sparta Long Thomas, Vandalia Plunkett James, Spencer Saffr J., Van d alia Salisbury John, Spencer SteinhouseM., Vandalia Logan Thomas, Spring Grove Stolle & Prater, Vandalia Lan t .her A. P., Spring Hill Helm J. C. & Co., Vermillion Watts John, Spring Hill St. John Hiram, Vennillionville Burns F., Staunton Thomas J. H., Vermillionville Moxe F., Staunton Derry W. G., Vermont Schultze A., Staunton McClurz Jas., Vermont Snel'.ing & Wyatt, Staunton Waer C. R., Vermont St. Sincere John, Staunton Williams & Toland, Vermont Swift John, Steam Mill Wisdom G. F., Vermont F.11U Emmet, Sterling Trunk in James, Versailles Miles & Jaques, Sterling Hall John, Versailles Palmer James, Sublette McNeil William, Ve^ailles Stanard A. L., Sublette Rock wood E. M., Versailles Hoke F. B., Sullivan Arnold John, Victoria Seaney A., Sullivan Van Buren Benjamin, Victoria Staley A., Sullivan Bridges H. T., Vienna Bumb George, Summertield McLane Alexander, Vienna Locher Joseph, Summerfield Stivens S. A., Vienna Coley A. G., Summer Hill Molthrop D. 0., Viola Durward Peter, Summit Hill Summerville D., Viola Rice Alonzo, Summit Hill Evans William, Virden Rinetiart H., Summit Hill Malsburg A., Virden Co: bin A., Sunbury Price James, Walbridge Barhon Peter, Swan Creek Smith & Ashbaugh, Walker Mitchell A. Swan Creek Whale Christian, Walker Propst Jacob, Sweetwater Elam Edward, Walker's Grove Latten E. D., Sycamore Hughes , Walker's Grove Reading C., Sycamore Barnes & Fee, Walker's Neck Snyder Simeon, Sycamore Conner C. C., Walker's Neck Thompson E. P., Sycamore Hediick Alexander, Walker's Neck Allen F., Tamarack Osmand Win. E. Jr., Wallingford Anderson J., Tamaroa Boikhast Jacob, Walnut Grove Duncan & Mumbower, Tamaroa McKown George, Walnut Grove March Benjamin F., Taylor Chace Arza, Walnut Grove Sanford Faxon, Taylor Preston Jacob, Walnut Grove Mourning G. D., Tennessee Fitch J. R., Walstiville Peck Joseph, Tennessee Long Jno., Walshville Honmn & Hedges, Terre Haute Rodgers Win., Walshville Jenkins Frank, Terre Haute Copeland Milton N.j Wapella Dolman John, Thebes Rvan Dennis, Wapella Wilford T., Thebes DEAN DAVID H., Warren Barnes Ezra D., Timber Ewright John, Warren Reed Jacob, Timber WYNNE JOHN E., Warren Ahers H., Time Bowen Charles, Warrenton Drake P., Tiskilwa Gebu John, Warrenton Ilarkell D. F., Tiskilwa Hix John & Brother, Warrenton Havman & Kline, Tiskilwa Austin R,, Warrenville Patt E. W., Tiskilwa WataonX, Warrenville Butler Norman, Toulon Wright N., Warrenville WAS 51V SAN Am Cherry Theodore, Washington Burkett J., Washington Blank Book Manufacturers. Cameron James, Washington Holland Wm., Washington Culver, Paige & Hoyne, Chicago Simons J. Washington Ingersoll DeForest A., Chicago Hen'lricks A., Wataga Jones, Perdue & Small, Chicago Johnson & Herron, Wataga Munson Francis, Chicago Spaulding S. F., Wataga SONNE CHARLES, Chicago Stutler J. V., Wataga See adut. opposite inside back cover. Ba'nell & Bowers, Watson Ward Cyrus J., Chicago Foster James D., Watson Mil ssenberg William, Freeport Drew Stephen, Waukegan Colville Robert, Galeshurg PALMETEER ISRAEL C. , ' Waukegan Wiliford W. H., Mai ion Owen E. G. & Co., Wayne Chapin Charles, Peoria Owen E. G., Wayne Centre Barnes Horace, Rock ford Cantrell J. M., Waynesvillc Booream & Bacon, Springfield Slinker C. W., Waynesville JOHNSON & BRADFORD, Springfield Ford ham John & Byron, Webster Percy Parson, Btaunton Davidson & Willey, Wenona Station Ferris B. P., Woodhull Dicns George W., Wenonn Station Gebon John, Wentworth Skinner & Hendrix, Westfield Bleachers and Pressers. Vanskock & Downey, Westfieid Brott G. W. & Co., West Jersey (See, Straw Hat Bleachers and Pressers.) Lyons E., West Jersey Lyons J., West Jersey Hinkle Andrew, West Salem Block and Pump Makers. Rothrock Samuel, West S.dem Boutwell J. N., W. Urbana Pitney S., Augusta Espy W. W., W. IJrbana Burr N. & Co., Batavia Smick & Wood, W. Urbana Geiss & Brosius, Belleville Evans Elias, Wethersfield Stocking Daniel C., Belvidere Wiley James, Wethersfield Osborn Orlando, Bernadotte Blanchard Ira, Wheaton Sncdgrass A. F., Bible (trove Greek Meadow, Wheaton Coffman Casper, Bristol Wilcox J., Wheaton Howard Solomon, Bristol Benner Henry, White Rock Howard A., Byron Cook Joseph, Wilkesborough McDoiiald A. T M Centi-alia Drake & Miller, WiU'amsville Scranton & Brother, Chicago Mills A. & Co., Williamsville Cook Wiott, Clay City Patten A. & Smith, Williamsville Peddicord C., Clinton Hilburn M., Wilmington Cool Jontz, jr., Cordova Mcln-osh W., Wilmington Burdick & Sons., Courtland St.ttion St-ige H., Wilmington Trimble A., Danville Thompson D. C., Wilmington Halberlon Thomas, Dearborn Walralh A. A., Wilmington LuccJ. B., Eaih-ille Hamschmidt H., Winfield Pierce Frank, El Paso Cheney W. W., Winnebago Depot Hale A., Eureka Sacia D., Winnebago Depot McClanahan H., Freeport Schoonmaker Ira, WinnebagD Depot Hudleson James, Grenup Shinn F., Winnebago Depot Hutchinson Samuel, Griggsville Moncell I., Woodford Kerlin A., High Point Letts Frank, Woodhull Frick Paul, Jonesboro Kelly David, Woodstock Hocket Joseph, Kansas McCray Samuel, Woodstock James Samuel, LaHarpe Norton Nelson, Woodstock Seed H. & M., Lawrenceville Travilian Edward, Wool Beath J. L., McLean Blain John & Co., Wyanet McConnell J. C., Manchester Powers I. B., Wyanet Frost Henry, Mt. Morris Wallace William, Wyanet Shryock Benjamin K, Mt. Morris George Andrew, Xenia David Luther, Mt. Fulaski Ball Aaron L., York Kirlin Anderson, New Boston Barker A. C., York Crews James, New Massilon Byers Joseph, Zanesville Bddwin T., Owega Statnacker G. W., Paris Johnson J. W., Paxton Blacksmith's Tools, Dealers in. Cottle Louis & Co., R''d Bud Bulkley & Peck, Rockford Fagan B., St. Jo>eph HALL E. G., KIMBARK & CO., Chicago Scott A., Santa Anna SHE 518 CHI Clark Siilor, Shelbyville Livus Eli, Pleasant Vale Burns & Bro., Sparta Drew C., Port Byron Lanpher C. P., Ppr'ng Hill Wliitun George, Rock ort Laupher J. M., Spring Hill Griffith John, Santa Anna Dexter Matthew, Sublette Ccioley S., Savanna Dalley G., Swan Creek Craig Robert, Savanna Davidson A. J., Time Hayhurst vens H. B., Ashkum See advt. on colored page, opp Dry Goods. Buk Y., Ashley Dogee t, Bassett & Hills, Chicago Thon J., Asiiley FARGO & BILL, Chicago Hill A. T., Assumption HENDERSON C. M. & CO., Chicngo Seymour & Ostel, Assumption McDOUGALL, FENTON & CO., Chicago Gibbs Levi, Athens MILLER & BROWN, Chicago Myres M. & Bro., Athens RAWSON&BARTLETT, Chicago Salzestine L., Athens Wadsworth & Wells, Chicago Stone N. T. & Co., Athens Wnlcott J. E., Chicago Eichberger L. & Brother, Atlanta Whipple, Alley & Billings, Chicago McKenney George, Atlas Breemer George, Auburn Brooks N. C. & Co., Auburn Boots and Shoes , Manufacturers, "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in. Spencer & McKenney, Buck H. S., Auburn Augusta Chambers A., Augusta Fil more A., Abingdon Compton J. & J. B., Augusta Frev H., Abingdon Jones J. A., Augusta Gr.-mville J., Abingdon Skinner A. & A. W., Augusta Nelson P., Abingdon Calvert William H., Aurora Brown & Norton, Adams Freeman James, Aurora Tripp Thomas, Adams Lindsley William, Aurora Osvran*1er D. N., Albany Letti Andrew, Aurora Perkins S. G., Albany Mallory Charles A., Aurora Brown John, Albion Ri-sing & Bro., Aurora Ciome T., Albion Stockwell David W., Aurora Stanley T., Albion Thompson John H., Aurora Croihers W. W., Aledo Mantania J. D., Avon Eeed D. V., Aledo Flinn John, Baileyville Kuhrirg C., Algonquin Pliilbrick M. H. & Co., Baileyville Van Buren George, Algonquin Goddard J. T. & Son, Bainbridge Gassor Ulrich, Alhambra O'Kane & Herbert, Barclay Nolle J., Allen Springs Higgiris F. J., Barry Supernant Mitchell, Alma Watson John, Barry Breath & Briggs, Alton Wise Lewis, Barry Dimmock E. L. & Co., Alton Ferguson R. T., Batavia Fishbach & Elble, Alton Henman Augustus, Batavia Flag? Richard, Alton Mer, iman Jacob, Batavia Ha gen Louis, Alton Rollins James, Batavia Hart William M., Alton Tuttle Smith, Bates Hawver & Ferguson, Alton Fisher Adam, Beardstown HOPPE ANTHONY L., Alton Fisher Henry, Beardstown Ineichen Fredolin, Alton Livermore John C. Beardstown Quarton Jonathan, Alton Mann John, Beardstown Schweppe J. W. & H., Alton Miller John, Beardstown Stewart S. B. W. & Co., Alton Treadway John, Beardstown Warner Henry, Alton Wise D. W., Beaver Creek Wood Richard T., Alton Messenger Henry, Beaverton Miller , Altoua Bayer Jno., Bedford Arance George, Anna MeBride Joseph, Bedford Rowand David, Anna Sheldon & Deitz, Belden Daw & Bros., Annawan Bersch William, Belleville Irons & Albro, Annawan Chandler S. B. & Co., Belleville Sargent B. C., Annawan Espenhein Christoph, Belleville Smith, Pearson & Co., Annawan Goeltz Louis, Belleville Merrill H., Antioch Harvey George A., Belleville Reaves James, Antioch Hofmann & Deobald, Belleville Henry J. J., Arcola Huff William, Belleville Hiscock A., Arcola Karr Adam, Belleville BEL 523 CED Karr Peter, Belleville Moon Charles B., Bradford Kle'b'cker Christian, Belleville Burton Francis, Bridgeport Madura John, Belleville Blodget D. & Co., Brighton Peiper F. H. & Co., Belleville Grigjis & Warren, Brighton Throp T. A. & Co., Belleville Loveland & Crandall, Brighton Cunningham H. & Son, Belvidere Arnold A. H., Bristol Jones J. B. & Son, Belvidere Childs & Co., BrUtol Lobstein George, Belvidere Cooper Henry, Bristol Peckham Joel, Belvidere Merritt P. H. & A. T., Bristol Rice Francis H., Belvidere Ohnstein M., Bristol Rider James, Belvidere Huff Wm., Buck RIX & HARPER, Belvidere Anderson & Pierce, Buda Wilson Ira, Belvidere Emerson Jesse, Buda Seekman Charles F., Benton Stevens C. & Co., Buda Pollock Thomas, Berlin Westervelt P. J., Buda Rustunier Robert, Berlin Musser Jacob, Buena Vista Berry Alford, Bernadot te Wertenberg Anthony, Buena Vista Johnson G. C., Bernadotte Baker & Goatjon, Buffalo Prairie McCune James, Bernadotte Shodd L., Buffalo Frame Sperry S. A., Bernadotte Brandenburger E., Bunker Hill Vliet William, Bernadotte Linton T., Bunker Hill Somers H., Berryman Town Brey Paul C., Burksville Holtz H., Bethalto Berblinger John G., Burton O'Riley Jamea, Bethalto Meacham S. S., Burton McC -y R., Beverly Angle & Allen, Bushnell Alexander James, Bible Grove Cole & West, Bushnell Boyles E. W. & Co., Bible Grove Hendrickson & Everitt, Bushnell Gibbon James M., Bible Grove Litchendohl H., Bushnell Long James M. & Co., Bible Grove Sharp Charles, Bushnell Crosthwait H. W., Biggsville Smith & Kelly, Bushnell Meyerstein M. & J., Biggsville Sperling Aaron, Bu-hnell Harbours Charles, Big Rock Wyckoff & Shreeves, Bushnell Coolev C., Blackberry Station Ames George, Byron Hollebaugh Wm., Blandinsville Campbell A. 0. & Co., Byron Shev lier Charles, Blandinsville Dunning William C., Byron Watts James, Blandinsville Howard A., Byron Caley John, Bliven's Mills Mix S. St. John, Byron Eakin & McEldowney, Bloom Wing H. J., Byron Calvia William, Bloomfield Antrim John, Cairo Patterson William, Bloomfield Harrell B. S., Cairo Benjamin & Schermerhorn, Bloomington White Wm., Cairo Boyd & Niccolls, Bloomington Woolums E. C., Caledonia Buttles Milo R., Bloomington Burner Wm. J., Calhoun Daniels Arthur T., Bloomington Crawford J., Calhoun Millingar Charles A., Bloomington Hooss Sire, Calhoun Owen Timothy, Bloomington Moore B. T., Calhoun PEASE & REED, Bloomington Treadway J., Calhoun Richardson & Dietrich, Bloomington Kirkpatrick Joseph, Cambridge Rugg Ormael, Bloomington Leath J., Cambridge Warlow W. C. & B. W., Bloomington Scales E. C., Cameron Galaway E. N., Blue Grass Waiste 0. & C., Cameron McCormick A. L., Blue Grass Bailey J., Canton Tuttle & Duvisson, Blue Grass Gadley W., Canton Barthiil H., Blue Is'and Woolf H. & J., Canton Bocher W., Blue Island Erne & Hvnde, Carbon Breed K. R., Blue Island Miner E. A., Carlinville Dam cks F., Blue Island Shut Thomas, Carlinville Eidam F., Blue Island Darrah George, Carmi Herght F., Blue Island Fackney & Robinson, Carmi Jostes J., Blue Mand Hay & Webb, Carmi Kanzler A., Blue Island Lund Y. & Sons, Carmi Hassey H., Blue Island Patrick & Hay, Carmi Sauerteis* F., Blue Island Shannon A. R., Carmi Schapper F., Blue Island Stewart R. F., Carmi Schild F., Blue Island Stewart & Graham, Carmi Walter John, Bl ic Inland Rustermeyer F., Carter Walter W., Blue I- land Baker A., Carthage Brown Odin, Bonus Hot-he A., Carthage Stow J. D., Bonus Pell & Maddon, Cave in Rock Foster Alfred, Bradford Gore John, Cedar Bluff CED 524 CHI Benson J., Cederville Feder Frederick, Chicago Gall John & Co., Central City Filsinger Martin, Chicago Horn John, Central City Ff nimore Wm., Chicago Hutlunacher , Central City Field Henry P., Chicago Mrisner Charles F., Central City Field John, Chicago Wambold Adam, Central City Ficher Henry & Son, Chicago Adams Edwin, Cen'ralia Fisher John, Chicago Lyman W. W., Centralia Flagg Henry J., Chicago Shroeder & Kline, Centralia Flukerer Augu-t, Chicago Merkelbock J., Centralia Fock Frederick, Chicago Wells Win., Cerro Gordo Foederath Mathias, Chicago Lewis Joseph, Channahon Freiberger Leopold, Chicago Miles & Craig, Charleston Fre\ berg Frederick, Chicago Powers M., Chatham Frielitz Wm., Chicago Drake C. W. & Co., Chatsworth Furd Bartley, Chicago Brown J. M. & Co., Chelsea Furlong Robert, Chicago Carpenter N. A., Chelsea Gurity Patrick Chicago Cleveland & Owen, Chelsea Garvey Thomas, Chicago Folens & Lawrence, Chelsea Gass Michael, C> icago Merten M., Chelsea Geissen*lnugh Charles, Chicago Stovenburg George, Chelsea Genig Anthony, Chicago Howe orn Lansing James, East Paw Paw Dann E. & Co., Dearborn WHlrath Chauncey, East Paw Paw Hill William, Dearborn Price James, Edgewood Hunter A. T., Dearborn Wtriter William, Edge wood Barber Volney, Decatur Bernius N., Edwardsville Bush r Wm. F., Decatur B.yd & Terry, Edward^-ille EATON GEORGE F., Decatur Brendle S., Edwardsville Hardv D. W. C. & Co., Decatur Detterding F. C., Edwardsville Hill Alex. T., Decatur Eberhard J., Edwardsville Johnpon James M. C., Decatur Gerber M., Edwardsville Mo.: roe Archibald, Decatur Gillespie & Robinson, Edwardsville Race John R., Decatur Hainlin Wm., Edwardsville EDW 527 GAR Keller L , Edwardsville Finley Thomas & Co., Florena Roller 0., Edward->ville Moore & Ellis, Florena Krafft F. T., Edwardsville DeWall 0., Foreston Stock L., Edwardsville Lang J., Foreston Birmingham Edward, Elgin Meyers F., Foreston Heelan Phillip, Elgin Clark Isaac, Forksville Holgate Ozem, Elgin Hokenstein Geo., Forksville LYNCH TIMOTHY, Elgin Tower George J., Forksville Lyon & Campbell, Elgin Winch Walter, Forksville Nash Sylvanu3, Elgin King , Fort Hill Ryan Edward, Elgin Bartholomew & Fitch, Fowler Station Saunders William, Elgin Adams Charles, Frankfort Vail Robert S , Elgin Peck William, Frankfort YARWOOD R. L. & J. R, Elgin Lager C., Franklin Grove Calderbank Wm., Elizabeth Rogerson F., Frank 1 in Grove Hunt J., Elizabeth Bunting James, jr., Franconia Scott Robert, Elizabeth Hoffman Phillip, Freeburg Lee B. & V., Elizabethtown Reininger B., Freeburg McFarlan B. P., Elizabethtown Rich A., Fieeburg Miller J. B., Elizabethtown Winterbauer A., Freeburg Mott Charles, Elizabethtown Wuermle Lorenz, Freeburg Stone Joseph, Ellisville Farwell M. & Co., Fredericksville Sullivan H. H., Ellisville Linthicum Elijah, Fredericksville Spaulding John, Elmira Bye C. & J., Freedom Swett Daniel B., Elmira Black Benj. F., Freeport O'Brian T., El Paso Brownlee L., Free port Webster D. B., El Paso Davis Guyan I., Freeport French D. P., Elvaston Green Adam T., Freeport Curtis William, Elwood Hallensleben & Bickenbach, Freeport Spafford S. M., Elwood Hyde E. Howard, Freeport Crawford & Fields, Enfield Long John & Son, Freeport Johnson A. L. & Son, Enfield Martin Levi, Freeport Land Y. & Sons, Enfield Miller & Irvin, Freeport Orr P. A. & D. M., Enfield Spitler John P., Freeport Smith Augustus, Enfield Storey Bros., Freeport Bolliver A. L, Erie Streeter Josiah P., Freeport Plumb Amos, Erie Bredwell Collins, Friends Grove Annold & Damrel, Eureka Crowell Geo W., Friendsville Burgoine G. A., Eureka Wilkinson Wm. R., Friendsville Conrad H. Eureka Fuller John R., Fulleisburg Mussing A., Evanston Cogswell James A., Fulton City Hahn John & Bro., Evanston Curtis & Dyer, Fulton City Petre Phillip, Evanston Barncastle John, Galena Haak 0. 1., Evansville Blackman del A., Grayville Weaver James, Hutsonville Hollister L. L., Grajville Hither Thomas, Illinois City Farmer Wm. P., Gree field O'Briant A. H., Indianola Simms Wm., Greenfield Young Aaron, Indianola Wood George B., Green Garden Pixley 0., Ingraham Prairie Michell J. M., Gridley Green J. R., Ionia Drew F., Griggsville Hutcbinson John, Ionia Hutchinson M. E., Griggsville Greer J. A., Ipava Ireland J., GrL-gsville Wi lis Isiac, Ipava Wells A., Griggsville Willis William, Ipava Buck Jame?, Hadley Flours & Co., Iroquois Gross Jacob, Hadley King 0. & Co., Iroquois Mason A. S. & L. D., Hadlev Smith Sherman, Iroquois Bamon P. 0., Hall Huestis H. J., Irving Deiron W. M., Hall Shrout Adam, Irving Johnson John K., Hall Wiley & Newberry, Irving Johnson R. H., Hall Cobbs W. A., Jacksonville Vice E. H.. H,ll Dobyns & Co., Jacksonville Kern George F., Hampshire Flack & Risley, Jacksonville Seymour William H., Hampshire Goltr* & Stryker, Jacksonville Goable Wm., Htmpton Hamilton D., Jacksonville Mohr Paul, Hampton Hocking Richard, Jacksonville Wet ster Wm. B., Hampton Kibbe J., Jacksonville Gunter King P., Harrisburgh Oldis F. A., Jacksonville M-itt Charles, Hari isburgh Tendick G., Jacksonville Carpenter D., Harvard Shults Theodore, Jefferson O'B ien Wm., Harvard B anch N. P. & Co., Jeff^rsoiiville Sherwood George N., Harvard Hu s Lawrence, Jersey Linking Bulert Henry, Havana French George W. & Co., Jerseyville Faste H., Havana Garrells John, Jerseyville Van Pelt R., Havana Lane William H., Jerseyville Martin A. A., Hebron Mahler William, Jerseyville Davidson Joseph, Renders n Van Duyn & O'Neil, Jerseyville Hewson Edwin, Henderson Gorges John, Joliet Shilz M., Hennepin Kiep Philip, Joliet JOL 529 McL Mack Firman, Joliet Hurd John C., LaFavette Murphy James, Jolif-t Reed Ira C., LaFayette Reichert John, Jo'iet Ross Thomas W., LaFitWtte SHAW F. B. & E. B., Joliet Betson Charles H., LnHarp6 SKINNER OTIS S., Joliet Mealey Michael, LaHarpe Stapleton William, Joliet Coon Horace, Lane Depot Tyrrell Thomas, Joliet Fulton William, Lane Depot Ulrich Michael, Joliet Langdon E. & Co., Lane D.'pot WALLACE GEORGE M., Joliet Porter & Cummings, Lane Depot Davit W., Jonesboro Randolph & Fessler, Lane D pot Haill J. E., Jonesboro Amsler George, L Salle Nordling N., Jonesboro Bennett William C., L:. Salle Provo J. J., Jonesboro Harnett John, LM Salle Willard & Co., Jonesboro LEAHY JOHN, LHSiille Marry W. G., Jones Creek Stevens James B., La S. lie Enslow Abram; Kane Weber Frederick, LaSalle Blanchard C. S., Kaneville Hawke A. J. C., Lawrenceville Coy B. A. & Co., Kaneville HuffN. B., Lawrenceville Scott, Ross & Co., Kaneville Keiman John, Lebanon Blain & Paquin, Kankakee Blair William H., Lei and Butler William, Kankakee Drexler Valentine, Leniont Durham & Grover, Kankakee Hettinuer Christopher, Lemont Fluk Jacob, Kankakee Lull & Bro., Lcmont Hyer William, Kankakee Norton S. W., Lt-mont Knott Christopher W., Kankakee Fortier Joseph, L'Enible Marshall & LeCours, Kankakee Longstroth J. M., Leroy Smith John N., Kankakee Morehouse D. L., Leroy Swannell Frederick, Kankakee Parker L. & B., Leroy Wait & Co., Kankakee Wilhoit E. S. & Son, Leroy Whitcomb William, Kankakee Bell John, Lexington Wil'iams James W., Kankakee ClaggfHt Sanford R., Lexington Zipf Frederick, Kanknkee Dement George T., Lexington Green N. H., Kansas Knotts & Gregory, Lexington Owens James, Kansas ROBERTS DAVIS, Lexington Schfer Christian, Kappa Smith & Hefner, Lexington Goodenow Henry, Keene Frey M., Liberty Goodwin James A., Keene Oberet Frank, Liberty Lee James, Keene Hardinge C., Libertyville Reber Abram, Kent Butter Horace, Liber yville Cronan John, Kewanee Triggs George, Libertyville Mehew Isaac, Kewanee Lvou R. W., Lynchburg Minnick John, Kewanee Rabm C., Lynchburg Parrish & Faulkner, Kewanee Brown & Holden, Lincoln Schrirer J. D., Kewaiiee Buff Conrad, Lincoln Slocum L. 0., Kewanee Graham B., Lincoln Bhrens H., Kickapoo Splain R., Lincoln Herold C., Kickapoo Cady Thomas J., Lisbon Schotle W., Kickapoo Muller Michael, Lisbon Tamset J., Kinderhook Austin Henry, Littleton B'ker Zachariah, Kingsbury Botchlett Adam, Littleton McCle try John, Kingsbury Witcomb & King, Logan Connell Joseph C., Kingston Huff William, Logansport Prout Charles, Kingston Mines York Eli, Logansp >rt Richardson James, Kingston Mines Haslet George, London City Worst William, Kingston Mines Apperson & Rayburn, Louisville Rockhold W., Kinmundy Baibre Jesse, Louisville Russell Stoddard, Kinmundy Bently William S., Louisville Graham William, Kishwaukee Edwards Isaac, Louisville Mains Andrew, Kishwaukee Gieen Peter, Louisville Wheeler Jacob, Kishwaukt e Neff & Hungate, Louisville Ackerman & Boyd, Knoxville Carmichael, Sparks & Co., Low Point Eads & Price, Knoxville Moor W. R., Low Point Parmenter T. T., Knoxville Miliikin D. F., Lyndon Stewart C. L., Knoxville Minor C. A., Lyndon Langdon J., Kyte River Dobson Robinson, L^nville Lansing James, La Glair Farmer Joseph, Lynuville Bath F., Lacon Moore R. B. & Co., McConnell's Grove Dickerson C. R., Lacon Pi icing Jacob, McConnell's Grove Fay James, Lacon Rockey Wm. F., McConnell's Grove Sharon N., Lacou Hertel M. McLean McL 530 NEP Denmun David, McLeansboro Tengiors William, Millstadt Anderson J. L., Macomb Baker W., Mineral Bailey W. S., Macomb Cooper C. D., Mineral Benton & Churchill, M icomb Gleason Wm. S. B., Mineral Durr Joseph, Macomb Beiman C. W., M'nonk Ervin H. & Son, Macomb Foot Geo. N. Minonk Pel Henry, Macomb Todd J.,jr., Minonk Mason L. J., Macomb Kursten Charles, Mokena Montfort J. W., Macomb Welchlins Tharne, Mokena Ross S. A., Macomb Bock & Stange, Moline Tinsley N. P., Macomb Herbst John & George, M .line Havs Matthew, Mainville Hitchcock Calvin, Moline Morev S. L., Mainville Huntoon Joseph, Moline Fisk William A., Maiden Shaw & Reed, Moline Engstrom E. P., Malta Huter Peter, Momence Swanson John D., Malta Kurtz L., Momence Mack A. & Co., Manchester Armsby & Bro., Monmoutb, Vestial N. M., Maple's Mills Huger Josiah, Montgomery Barbero J., Mnquon Knight C. S., Mo ticello Enderson Alover, Maquon Zybell A., Monti cello Lindestrum N. A., Maquon Friedman M., Maroa Merrill Ewd & Co., Maquon Howard M. F., Maroa Walters A., Marcelline Schenck G. J., Maroa Bloodgood W., Marengo Baum A., Morris Clark C. G., Marengo Edwards George, Morris Pulver C. D., Marengo Knoblock & Bro., Morris Carlton S., Marine Nichols S. J., Morris Jands H. A., Marine ROSEMAN EDWARD D., Morris Kolb Jacob, Marine Stable Valentine, Morris Suter A., Marine Bramin L. & Co., Morrison Von Dorsten K., Marine Devine J. & Co., Morrison Belong Abram, Marietta Hill Henry jr., Morrison Howell James, Marrow Bone Johnson Samuel W., Morrison McCabe James, Marshall Kendall Charles, Morrison Moyer Fred., Marshall Smith Thomas, Moi rison Sh*rp Enos, Marshall Spears & Bro., Morrison Stiles Wm., Marshal Sperry James C., Morrison Thompson David, Martinsville Dame John M., Morton Fender John, Mason Graf Valentine, Morton Henry Aaron W., Mason Donlin B. & Co., Moscow Murry William M., Mason Thompson W. E., Mos-ville Tyner Harrison, Mason Detwiler Solomon, Mound City White William F. & Co. Mason Rasletter John, Mound City Wright M. W., Mason Ham A., Mt. Auburn Berviller A., Mattoon Reed John & Co., Mt. Auburn Gribbin Jamea, Mattoon Brust George, Mt. Ctrmel Heffernan James, Mattoon Hamister F., Mt. Carmel Ealsesser N., Mendota Reinhart George, Mt. Carmel Grob M., Mendota S.-itz Wm., Mt. Carmel Higgins C. M., Mendota Ulrich Lewis, Mt. C*rmel Miller J., Mendota Unbrehanen Geo., Mt. Carmel Pearce Willett, Mendota Hoffee Robert, Mt. Erie Botzel G. R., Mendota Atchison Wm. H., Mt. Morris Scott & Co., Mendota Routzan John A., Mt. Morris Carver J. H. & Co., Meredosia Puppen L., Mt. Palatine Gore & Ebaugh, Merodosia Stuchlik J., Mt. Palatine Grierson & Walihan, Meredosia Schiek Frank, Mt. Pulaski Wisewell J. H., Meredosia Se'vfer G., Mt. Pulaski Menimen P., Metamora Palmer F. S., Mt. Vernon Ormsly M., Metamora Palmer John R., Mt. Vernon Reed Joseph, Metamora Camte H., Naperville Burden James, Metropolis City Congrave John, Naperville Diers H. D., Metropolis City Eherhart Geo., Naperville Furguson A. P., Middleport Fries Geo., Naperville Peurtell R., Middleport Herrick 0. B., Naperville Gilchrist James, Milledgeville Hodgeman Chas., Naperville Kelly James, Milldesreville Kenis Michael, Naperville Dehn John, Millstadt Doyle C. C., Naples Hencko Conrad, Millstadt Thompson Wm., Naples Kilian Peter, Millstadt Barrett W. H., Neponset NEP 531 PER Lyford & Whaples, Neponset Shoe John, Osborn Sadler Richard, Neponset Smith John, Osborn Stratton C. L., New Baltimore Snyder J., Oswego Hawthorn A. S., New Berlin Sutherland & Sons, Oswego Kidder 0. B. & S., New Berlin Cameron & Eberhard, Ottawa Rnstermeyer F., New Berlin Edwards & Howard, Ottawa Crosby & Bro., New Boston Fiske & Taylor, Ottawa Thompson George, New Boston GEDULDIG WILLIAM, Ottawa Thomas R., New Boston Gleim Jacob, Ottawa Willits & Burdick, New Bo-ton Grow A. & A. E., Ottawa Evins Isaic, New Erin HALBERT E. G., Ottawa Farley , New Erin Hanford Henry, Ottawa Prescott L. W., New Hartford Leahy Daniel, Ottawa Conrad Samuel, New Hebron Lynch Andrew, Ottawa Wierick Isaac, New Hebron Prescott A., Ottawa Jacobs Wm., New Jordan Prescott Mark H., Ottawa Green E. L, New Liberty Reddick William, Ottawa Fetters David, New MaSi-illon WILLIS ORLANDO H., Ottawa Laird Joseph, New MarysvilK- Blair Robert, Oxford Baird Abel jr., New Milford Furgerson Robert, Paine's Point Duertin George, New Salem Nesang C. F. & Co., Palmyra Harris & Scott, Newton Soloman D. N., Palmyra Hay C. D. & Bro., Newton Alexander J. M., Pana Martin T. J. & Co., Newton Haven H. D., Pana Mattiugley & Wade, Newton Miller & Bernner, Pana Hughes & Co., Niantic Bever H. V., Paris Wells George, Niantic Coughanour H. W., Paris Hefner George, Nights Prairie Miller H. R., Paris Hefner H. M., Nights Prairie Daniels David, Park's Corners Johnson J. R., Nights Prairie HcColluin John, Parish Hopper C. B., Noble Brokaw , Patoka Long J. M. & Co., Noble Smith M., Patoka Wilson Marcus Noble Forbes Charles, Pax ton Sf Heck & Drew, Nora Linnock George, Payson Hampton Thomas, Northampton Alber & Luther, Pecatonica ilcKean James H., Northampton Hagar J. K., Pecatonica Mohle Henry, Noyesvi le Keves & Stitsel, Pecatonica Shawble Christian, Noyesville Proutz W. C., Pecatonica Curtis S. N., Oakland Erlicher George, Pekin Hunter Jeremiah, Oakland Fleugel C. & Co., Pekin Plaize Phillip, Oakley Gelwing Charles, Pekin Austin A. S. jr. & Co., Oak.,lla Holzmann J., Pekin Thorns Wm., Oakulla Kumpf M., Pekin Wilcox M., Oakulla Lantenschlager George, Pekin Farr H , O'Fallon D^ pot Marck J., Pekin Peter L, O'Fallon Depot Roos J. & Co., Pekin Soule Geo. W., Ogle Bobb Charles L., Peoria Feldkerchner Adam, Ogle Station Brass Roger J., Peoria Putman Victor I., Ogle Station Brass & Hartz, Peoria Lage Fred, Old Ripley BURNETT S. H. & G., Peoria WenUt Jacob, OldRipley Calligan David J. & Co., Peoria Bauman J., Olney Cowell Benjamin, jf., Peoria B ustF., Olney Ditewig George, Peoria Goffner D., Olney Ditewig John, Peoria Knost A. H., Oiney Foster Benjamin, Peoria Singleton John, Olney Gregg William S., Peoria Vickory Levi, Omega LENHART & SPEERS, Peoria Midtslbrff F., Omph Ghent McClallen John & Son., Peoria Avery P. S., Onargo Petengill Moses, Peoria Beebe John D , On co Rattle Henry, Peoria Everet L., Oneco Roehm & Ivison, Peoria Blossom E. E., Oneida Roff John C., Peoria Brown I., Oneida Smith J. McClay, Peoria Couger L. W., Oneida Stettinius George, Peoria Hanan T., Oneida Stettinius William, Peoria Hannon & Brown, Oiieida Thielbar Henry, Peoria Busser William R., Oregon Weisbruch Joseph, Peoria Nettleton James R., Oregon Zimmerle George, Peoria Wolf kill Lorenzo, Oregon Lynn David, Perry Bickus Frederick, Osborn Rubb Jacob, Perry PER 532 SAN Sumner Charles, Perrv Boyd Wesley, Rockford Fisher John W., Peru Boyd Thomas, Rockford MORRISON WILLIAM, Peru Boyd & Baxter, Rockford Carman Caleb, Petersburg Creveling Henry, Rockford Gorman John, Petersburg David Richard, Rockford Heigold Frederick, Petersburg Fellers James H., Rockford Heigold George, Petersburg Sears & Heath, Rockford Miller John F., Petersl'urg Shotwell Henry C., Rockford Graham & Brother, Phillipstown TODD LEONARD H., Bockford Jones S., Phillipstown Trufant David B., Rockford Young J., Phillipstown Tyler Charles J., Rockford Durrenger Jacob, Pinckneyville Wasson & Miller, Rockford Lust G., Pinckneyville Arnold Jacob, Rock Grove Ziegler J., Pinckneyville Bixler Josiah, Rock Grove Sargent H. E., Pingree Grove Buford & Clark, Rock Island Haley James, Piano Johnson H. P. & J., Rock Island Morasy Thomas, Piano Johnston William A., Rock Island Parker A., Pleasant Hill Scobey J. P. &J. E., Rock Island Purdy Joseph, Pleasant View SWANSON ANDREW J., Rock Island Appleby L G., Plum River Turner Elihu, Rock I land Beefier George, Plum River Maco, Rupert & Co., Rockport Byrum A. B., Plum River Rupert, Harris & Co., Rockport Justus George, Plum River Boyden Uriah, Rock Run Markley H. A., Plymouth Engelhart Peter, Rock Run Tuck H.. Plymouth Davis E. J., Rockton McNichals James, Pontiac Mard James W., Rockton Hanson Thomas, Pontoosac Springer Geo. W., Rockton Sedwick Daniel W., Pope Creek Barnes & Mitchell, Roland Hughes T., Port Byron Coatner James, Roland Stoddard James .H, Port Byron Porter D. M., Roland James William, Portland Melburn & Collins, Rome Boirier Eugene, Prairie du Rocher Adams Lewis, Rome Farms Barr Preston S., Princeton Warner W. P., Rosamond Hale Jane F., Princeton Sturdevant David Roscoe Lerch H., Princeton Tipples M M., Roscoe RAWSON C., Princeton Griswald, F. W., Rosefield RAWSON BROS., Princeton Randall A. L., Ro?eville Stevons & McConihes, Princeton How Jacob, Round Grove Van Velzor Charles, Princeton Cook William, Rural Dickinson E. S., Prophets town Dernoss T., Rushville Scarritt James, Prophetstown Dunn J., Rushville Fuller & Mairs, Prophetstown Ingraham G., Rushville Brown C., jr., Quincy Maxwell R., Rushville Evans Eben, Quincy Lyons William, RusseHville Gordon Loren H., Quincy Rogerson John & Bro., Sadorus Schultheis & Shepherd, Quincy Butler & Weed, St. Charles Stone E K. & Co., Quincy Lewis &Hallack, St. Charles Hardy J. A., Raleigh Loomis & Tyler, St. Charles Benedict & Wright, Rant'. ul Marsden & Metcalf, St. Charles Caplingpr & Johnson, Rantoul Minard & Osgood, St. Charles Frederick & Dodge, Rantoul Peterson John, St. Charles Jerkey Louis, Rantoul Svenson Ole, St. Charles Boskoff G., Red Bud Wilkins David, St. Charles Durfee R. D. & Co., Red Bud Winsor George H., St. Charles Hahn John, Red Bud Keiger Nicholas & Co., St John Smith Allen & Co., Red Bud Nason E. & Co., St. John Yeakle C., Red Bud Schmidt Michael & Co., St John Lowers & Miller, Renault Di-bamore Jacob, St. Joseph Epler I. A., Richlaml Tibbets B., St. Jos- ph Patterson S. & Co., Ridge Farm Gangloff S., St. Marie Turner James, Ridgeley Hipp Xavier, St Marie Patten William, Robinson Miller Nicholas, St. Marie George Jehu, Robinson Schneider Joseph, St. Marie Carter & Tracy, Rochester Porter Alfred, Salem Egleston & Bro., Rochester Brisken Henry, Salisbury Alverson G. Blake, Rockford Teufel Jacob, Salishu-y Andrews John W., Rockford Brusten G. W., Sand oval Andrews & Starr, Rockford Clemans G. & M., Sandoval Andrews & Van Arman, Rockford Heard & Fisher, Sandoval Beatty Robert, Rockford Martin W., Sandoval SAN 533 VAN Breecher George, Sandwich Smith C. M. & S., Springfield Dobbins & Reynolds, Sandwich Smith, Wickersham & Co., Springfield Hollenback G. B., Sandwich THAYER JOSEPH & CO., Springfield Humist'Mi L. S., Sandwich Williams John & Co., Springfield Reynolds M. L., Sandwich Schlangenhouff George, Staunton Smith F., Sandwich Weber Henry, Staunton Erler G., Santa Anna McBride William, Steam Mill Swensen C. P., Santa Anna Bell James R., Sterling Marthis Wm., Savanna Boynton Joseph H., Sterling Moshman J. M., Savanna Kitch William, Sterling SlaplerN. &Co., Savanna Franks Francis, Sterling Back John, Saxon Johnson Almeron J., Sterling Van Blarcom David, Saxon Moore Darkin & Co., Sterling Hiseley John, Scottville Osgood W. F. & Co., Sterling Keel John, Secor Tenney & Burdsal, Sierling Frey John, Selby Station Wayland Stephen, Sterling Rowley dy Stockdale Hugh, Williaiusville WALWORTH, HUBBARD & CO., Chicago See advt. page 452. Brass Finishers and Founders. Bowling Saloons. Hooper John, Bliven's Mills Wood & Byington, Byron (See also Saloons.) Saville J., Canton Barnet Murray, Chicago Brown Alfred, Alton CRANE R. T. & BROTHER, CHICA- Conrad Philip, Belleville GO BRASS FOUNDRY, FAU- Hoff L., Belleville CET FACTORY AND STEAM Fullage & Clark, B.'lvidere PIPE WORKS. MANUFAC- Edwards H., Blackberry Station TURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Ellfeld C., Blue Island BRASS WORKS FOR STEAM Kroenlein M., Blue Island ENGINES, DISTILLERIES & Schmidt H., Blue Island RAIL ROADS, BRASS CAST- Owen L. F., Carthage INGS AND BABBIT METAL. Adams Thompson, Chicago ALSO, MANUFACTURERS & Lindsey John, Colchester DEALERS IN ALL DESCRIP- Beekman N., Collinsvi'.ie TIONS OF PIPES FOR STEAM, Robinson B., Dearborn GAS AND WATER, TOGETH- Grip >in & Barker, Elgin ER WITH EVERY VARIETY Hubbell A. H., Freepoit OF FITTINGS FOR THE OTTEN CHRISTOPHER, Galena SAME. STEAM BOILERS Tompson W. C., Havana AND BOILER FLUES, STOP Merrick J. A., Hutscnville VALVES AND COCKS, STEAM McOonough Frank, Joliet WHISTLES, OIL CUPS, Menklec Theodore, Kyte River GUAGE COCKS, GOVERNOR Betyler F., Lebanon VALVES, STEAM AND WA- Kaufmann C. & Co., Lebanon TER GUAGES, STEAM POW- Rot'der J., Lebanon ER & HAND PUMPS, STEAM Hunt A., MaYomb APPARATUS FOR WARMING Dimon W. Q., Marengo BUILDINGS, HOTELS, FAC- Hunter Thomas, Marion TORIES, CHURCHES AND Ryan James, Mattoon PRIVATE HOUSES, 102 WEST Ballenseiffer F., Mendota LAKE STREET, Chicago Smith & Ruyland, Meredosia FULLAGAR & SMEETH, Chicago Davis F. B., Metropolis City Hamblen Lewis A., Chicago Hill E. S., Monticello Leonard & Bro., Chicago Meek B. T., Monticello RAITHMAN & MANSON, Chicago Zimmermann Wm., Morris Small George, Chicago Davis Daniel, Moscow Smith T. C. & Co., Chicago Smith A. H., Mound City Todd Lvman L, Chicago Smith A. M., Naples Waller & Co., Freeport Bellinger R. M., Novesville Frost & Co., Galosburg Searing C. W., Oakulla Willblood Bent, Geneva Frutz J. J., Olney Guggenbdhler J., H ghland Fisher Lee, Paris Leutwyler Sam'l, Hig-i'and Link Phillip, Pekin Deitz Henry, Marengo Shaumloeffel P., Pekin Goodloe James, Mound City Metlin & Plunkett, Peteisburg Real Philip, Mt. Carmel Hitchcock G. W., Princeville Williams George M., Oneco Offerding D., Red Bud Haines A. & J., Pekin Williams Joseph, Shelbyville Hawley J. A. & Bro., Pekin. Rusttushouser Isaac, Somonauk Springer J. P., Pekin Ballard J. H., Wayne Kretz Jacob, Peoria Fanyan Samuel, Wentworth Green A. M., Red Bud Jonee H., W. Urban a Smith Hugh, St. John Stark Martin, Winfield Rustushauser Isaac, Somoiiauk SPR 536 VAN Babcock Andrew J., Springfield BERHIMAN & RIPPON, Springfield Schoon Adam, Staunton Wilson J. N., Urbana Mcliitosh W., Wilmington Brewers. Wyle H., Albion Baumann & Hund, Alton Baumann & Ruenzi, Alton Cooper Bros., Alton Yakel & Haas, Alton Gather Matthias, Atlanta Bashman Jacob, Beardstown Eimer Simon, Belleville HEBERER T. & BROS., Belleville See advt. page 436. KLUG JOHN, Belleville See advt. page 437. NEW & GINTZ, Belleville Priester & Villinger, - Belleville SCHUCHMANN CHARLES & CO., Belleville STOELZLE & CO., Belleville WESTERN BREWERY, (New & Gintz,) Belleville Whitworth Ernest, Belvidere Huppert Jacob & Co., Bethalto Bauer H., Blue Island Busch & Brandt, Blue Island Metz George, Blue Island Portmann F., Blue Island Rau F., Blue Island Saville A., - Canton Barholse John Martin, Central City Walter & Shrader, Charleston Baur John C., Chelsea Lesch P. A., Chester Best Matthias, Chicago Brisach Joseph, Chicago Bucher & Hiller, Chicago BUSCH & BRAND, Chicago Dickinson Arab P., Chicago Downer, Bemis & Co., Chicago Fleming William, Chicago Hitz Matthias, Chicago Huck John A., Chicago Kane Thomas, Chicago LILL & DIVERSY, ALE AND PORTER, Chicago See advt. page 45*7. .Chicago Ludwig & Co. Chicago Mueller A & G. H., Chicago O'Neil John, Chicago SABERTEN JOSEPH S., Chicago SALLADIN WILLIAM, ARCHER ROAD, CORNER STUART AV., Chicago SANDS JOSIAS J., SCHOTTKILIAN, Seipp & Lehmann, McCussor R., Mansell & Sevell, Meyer H. F., Teur Jas., Bartemas A., Henry John, Kneitz M., BECKERT FREDERICK, DUNZ PAUL, Chicago Chicago Chicago Circleville Coal Valley Coilinsville Cordova Courtland Station Earlville Edwardsville Elgin Elgin Tazewell Charles, Elgin Neuber Anton, El Pago Undeilirh Martin and Peter J., Evansville White John, Farmingtoa Reichert Jacob, Freebuigh Heitzmann Engelbert, Freeport Heltinger J. W., Freeport Hertrich Franz J., Freeport Miller & Fry, Freeport Gritschler Philip, Fulton City Fisher S., Gal sburg Rathbone Ward, Geneva Hack & Shrill, Havana Cracker John, Hennepin Gasch E., Henry Peterman Mrs., Henry Guggenbeihler J., Highl.ind Schott G. & Son, Highland Belz John, J liet PORTER EDWIN, Joliet Krotter John, Knoxville Miller A. & Bro., Lacoa EL'EL L. & CO., La Salle Brewer D. L., Lawrenceville Kaufmann C. & Co., Lebanon Miller John, Lincoln Kittenhouser John, Mucomb Cooney David, Marengo Nicol.y R., Marine Lewis & Hundley, Marion Volk Deitrick, Mendota Brenflck Valentine, Millstadt Schuff Daniel, Mil stadt B iwmann Andrew & Bro., Morris Nenninger William, Mound City Bang n-dner John, Mt. Carmel Hammer John, Mt. Morris Barlein Adam, Mt. Pulaski Egerman H., Naperville Stengf-r J. & H., Naperville ChableH., Olney Mertin John, Oneco Sulzberger George, Ottawa Sulzberger John M., Ottawa Ewald Mrs., Pekin Kerbig & Yochem, Pekin FREEMAN & CO., Peoria Mueller Frederick, Peoria SCHARPFF & SEHMER, Peoria Behrend P. K. & Co., Peru Ostner Ferdinand, Pinckneyville Garner & Hertkom, Pontoosac Delabar A., Quincy Meyer John H., Red Bud Kesner & Co., Renault Peacock Jonathan, Rockford Roback Henry, Rock Grove HUBER IGNATZ, Rock Island Schmid Joseph, Rock Island Smith J., Rock Island Murlock J., Sandoval Mouths Jacob, Shelbyville Acher A., Silver Creek Hettinger M., Silver Creek Smith G. & Co., Smithton OSMER SIDNEY T., Sterling See advt. page 493. Bouk Jacob, Sycamore Holcup F., Urbana Hansmann L., Vandalia WAR 537 FRI Werner Paul, Warr^nville Adams Jerould & Co, Chicago Schott & Co., Warsaw Dunlap Geo. W., Chic 'go Jaquin George, Washington Monaghan Dominick, Chicago Besl< y Win., Waukegan Monnghan Patrick, Chicago MORRISS JAMES, Waukegan Nebba John, Chicago Jacqunot F., Wilmington Noy & McMullen, Chicago Graw M., Winfield Penny & Meacham, Chicago Werner Paul, Winfield Ripley Seaman C., Chicago Sleight John N., Chicago Walbaum Bro. & Co., Chicago Brick Makers and Dealers in. Walker & Cutting, Chicago Wilson J. R. & Co., Chicago Brown Morris F., Abingdon Wilson Benjamin & Joseph, Chicago Freek Nicholas, Albany Enoch John, Chillicothe Bassett W., Albion Hunter H. A., Chillicothe Berkhart H. & Co., Alhambra Snail J , Circleville Spencer J., Alma Halt William, Clay City Lent P., Amboy Haly J. &D., Clayton. McCollon Isaac, Anna Kirk & Barber, Clinton. Mead John, Anna Negly Aaron, Clinton Richmond J., Annawan Jones Thomas T., Coal Valley Valentine Cornelius, Annawan Davis H., Coat-burg Valentine Cornelius, jr., Annawan Hausemann A., Collins Station Fairman H. B., Antioch John Philip, Co'linsville Donley James, Appanoose Kneedler C. D., Coilinsville Morgan S., Ashley Davis Henry, Columbus Primm & England, Athens Hilton Wm. & Son, Cordova Igoe I., Augusta Devore J., Cruger Clark, McDougal & Co., Avon Lehman J., Cruger Akerman William, Bainbridge Grigsby & Gray, Cuba Runkle Peter, Barclay Gag S., Panby Churchill E., Barry Fairchild Perry, Danville Phinegar S., Barry Purser H., Danville Mann A., Batavia Beardsley J. P. & Bros., Deaiborn Bowen John, Beardstown Rouse Granville, De Soto Potter Frederick, Beard stown Hudson Frederick, Detroit Holdoner M., Belleville Montee A., Doddsville Jansen J., Belleville Mumma D., Doddsville Meyer N., Belleville Woolfe J. F., Doddsville Stander ST., Belleville Snuckle C., Dover Winn James, Benton Foster Isaac, Drury Davis John, Berlin Dickson Elijah, Duboig Miller John A., Bethalto Hall Wm., Dundee Gillespie Hiram, Bible Grove McCulloh James, DuQuoin Vaughn James, Big Rock Furguson & Tracy, Earlville Ballon H., Blandinsville Aldrop Wm., Edwardsville Booth Jesse, Blandinsville Khingle L., Edwardsville KimV all E. G., Bliven'8 Mills Wheeler J. S., Edwardsville Hopkins James, Bloomfield Hoagland John W., Elgin Wibben H., Blue Island Chaffer Wm. W., Elkhorn Grove Logan Wm., Blue Point Peacock Joseph, ElPaso Stevenson S. R., Boone Cooper James, Eureka Grant Jacob, Bourbon Shockley Fampson, Eureka Willford Joseph, Brimfield Berthole Michael, Evansville Upton Jesse, Buck Walt M., Exeter Lancaster & Mercer, Bunker Hill Dodds John, Fiiirbury Ludwig& Son, Bushnell Campbell F., Fairfield Keeling A., Canton McVely Wm., Fairfield Sebree C., Canton Middleton Edwin, Fair Haven Haynes J. P., Carmi Meeker & Co., Farmington Gewan J. W., Carrollton Batchelder Wm., Fieldou Martin J., Carrollton Spencer A. C., Fieldon Sholl Jacob, Carthage Cook Andrew, Forksville Ross Balthasar, Central City Rotramel Henry, Frankfort Grant J., Charleston Williams J., Franklir Grove Tucker George, Charlpston Heileginstein Xavier, Freeburg Widefordt Wm., Chatham Coltman Thomas, Fret-port Lehman Charles, Chelsea Deputy T. T., Friends Grove Clone & Hays, Chester Gard Charles, Friendsville Adams McEntee, Chicago Gard Henry, Friendsville GAL 5-38 ONE Braz >e H., Galesburg Henderson John, Little Muddy Freeman V. H., Galesburg Martin John, Little York Payne Richard, Galesbur/ Nold H., Lively Slater , Galesburg ; Schmelzel George, Lively McHose S., Geueseo Holt William, Louisville Downs John W., Georgetown Carmichael J., Low Point Lancaster & Mercer, Ginrd Thompson Robert, Lynnville Rine & Litzor, Glasgow Nash Chester, McConnell's Grove Toper & Co., Glasgow Eckolds Laftew, McLeansboro Klugher C. & Co., Golconda Judy John, Mackinaw Harkness J., Grand de Tour Wilson Geo. & Co., Mackinaw Hicks R. & J., Grand View McDermott , Magnolia Kidd Robert, Grand View McConnell J. C. & Co., Manchester Pennell W. A., Granville Edwards J. 0., Marengo Gilbert George, Grayville Abiscber Louis, Marine Kellogg Elias & Co., Greenup Peters Daniel, Marion Oliver J. & Co. Griggsville WareJ. 0., Marrow Bone Lefler Joseph, Hamilton Griffith W. H., Marshall Sprowls & Turner, Hamilton K^ith A. E., Marshall Clemens L. W., Hall Floid Philip, Martinsville Clemens Wm., Hall Bailey & Richmond, Mason Curran Henry, Hampton Barker E. E., Mattoon Seaman Charles, Hampton Goodwin Luke, Mendota Mcllrath Hugh, Harrisburgh Arnold , Metamora Wilson George, Harvard Banta C. D., Metamora Colstead D. M., Havana Wiltz Peter, Metamora Cash Wm., Hazel Dell LaFonte A. Louis, Metropolis City Stiles Jonathan, Hazel Dell Hoel G. W., Middleport Hopkins John, Hennepin Gross Charles, Millstadt Payne & Bro., Henry Marxer Lorenz, Millstadt Duker William, Heyworth Sash A., Mineral Luver Fleming, Heyworth More Henry, Monterey Weldon John, Higginsville Johnson J. C., Monticello Grill Charles, Highland Moffitt T., Monticello Laternser J. & Co., Highland Kniffen D., Moore's Prairie Marcer L., Highland Crum A., Morris Frazey M., High Point Moore Wm., Morris Prouty Amos, High Point Phelps Jones, Moscow Burns Edward S., Hillsboro Skeen & Narfield, Mound City Mann Robert H., Hillsboro Sargeant E. & Co., Mt. Auburn Biggs & Aberdusky, Hopper's Mills Rasle E., Mt. Carmel Brant Oliver, Howard's Point Williamson P., Mt. Carmel Sidener Henry, Howard's Point Palmer Joseph, Mt. Morris Booley Henry, Illiopolis Meister George, Mt. Pulaski Cothren John, Illiopolis Turley G. W., Mt. Pulaski Jackson Abraham, Indianola Caulter William, Mt. Vernon Stotts Harrison, Ionia Faust R., Mt. Vernon Murray Peter P., Ipava Jones John A., Neponset Ellison J., Jefferson Boswell John, New Baltimore Drexel'us August, Jersey Landing Noble A., New Boston Hartley Ner., Jersey Landing Prouty A., New Boston Hartwick Alfred, jerseyvill'- Buckingham John, New Hartford Hartwiek E. M., Jerseyville Ash well & Hight, New Liberty Brasnell A., Jonesboro Hise G. W., New Market Ervin M., Jonesboro Lamb Nathan, New Market Shealds John, Kansas Smith Joseph, New Market Rosenkraus Z., Keene MiiCollum Wm., New Massillon Lanning & Herridge, Kewatiee Wallace V. F., New Salem Reenhart N.,jr., Kickapoo Miller Benjamin, Newton Barnett A., Knoxville Fruitt L. & Son, Noble Willey Thomas, Lacon Lee R. N., Nokomis Mitchell John, Lake Creek Morris William, Nokomts Spath Matthias, Lane Depot Hamlin William R., Northampton Garner John, Lawrenceville Hunter H. A., Northampton Blanch Henry, Lebanon Bellinger R. M., Noyesville Russ R., Lebanon Stiles David, Oakland Pfitzenmeyer Wm., Leroy Cansman N., O'Fallon's Depot Tingley Elkinah, Libertyville Boden H., Olney Patterson & Creal, Linchburg Boyd & Passmore, Olney Spittler & Co., Lincoln Marriat J. & Bro., Oneida ORA CHE Reitzman John, Orangeville Nuse J., Valley Forge Collins David, Oregon Carter James, Vandalia Austin Almond, Ox Bow Allen J. & Son, Vermillion Bobbitt John, Ox Bow Harbor John M., Versailles Cox R. R., Oxford Lonergan J. L., Victoria Thomas William, Oxford Hosev George J., Vienna Miley J., Paloma Perkins B. C., Viola Lancaster & Barnett, Pana Stuart Frederick, Wallhridge Barker S., Paris Linden A., Walker Starr William, Paris Truteman E., Walker James, Akin & Moore, Parrish Hutchinson John, Wapella Harrison G. W., Patoka Low Thomas, Wapella Kerwin William, Paxton Metz John, Wapella Squires Corwin, Pecatonica Hunt Charles, Warren Lowry D. F., Pekin Mvers N. W., Warren SnellJ., Pekin Platt John D. & Co., Warren Chapman, Kirgan & Johnson, Perry Blodget , Warrecton David Joseph, Petersburg Keyse James, Washington Wray Wm. C., Petersburg Riddle Hamilton, Washington Opp Jacob, Pinckueyville Foster James, Wataga Fledeiston Wm., Piano Howard James, Wataga Battease M. & Co., Pleasant Hill Nibarger James C., Watson Johnson C., Pleasant View Davenport E., Waynes ville Kindred N. B., Pontiac Knoll A., W. Salem Lambert E., Port Byron Cavlor H., Wesifield Seeley E., Portland Couzins James, Wet'iersfkld Olm-ted D. C., Prophetstown Full r H. H., Wheaton FasthoffH., Quincy Beck J., Williamsvillj Heighley A. & Co., Red Bud Goss J., Wilmington Reagy Wm., Renault Warner H. jr., Wilmington Gaiter & Raymond, Rochester Clew Edward, Woodburn Huffmister Fred, Rock Grove Gulp R., Woodford James George, Rockport Duheld Erasmus J., Woodstock Reymer M., Rock Run Clover John, Rockton Radmaker J., Rozetta Bridge Builders. Collison John, Rural Stephens A., Rushville Boomer Lucius B., Chicago Kendall & Co., Sadorus Chapin N. & Co., Chicago Hoffmxn A. B., Sandoval Goodwin John W., Chicago Stearns C. W., Sandoval TWEEDDALE WM., Chicago Griffith & Neal, Santa Anna Evey John, Secor Stout Major A. R., Shawneetown Brokers, Bill and Note. Adzech John, Sheffield 7 Flanders Moses, Shelbvville (See also Bankers.) Winson Frank, Shelbyville Doreg R., Shiloh Lewis J. H., Abingdon Perry S. D., Shabonier McMihan 0., Albany Reeder W., South Macon Alton Mutual Insurance & Savings Co., Alton Klane Benjamin, Sparta Lamotte Francis, Ashkum Haven S., Spencer Cr.'ulter J., Ashley Goodwin & Brother Springville Ball C., Belleville Panha"St William, Staunton Davis W. C., Be.leville Pemberton Thomas, Steam Mill Fuller & Lawrence, Belvidere Smyser A. M., Sullivan Leonard Marcellus G., Belvidere Dreher C. & Co., Summerfield Cantrell T. B., Benton James George, Summer Hill Moon Lyman, Bernadotte Jarard Wm., Swan Creek Keithlv James, Blandinsville Algire G. W., Sweet Water Lock Thomas, Blandinsvillt? Brown C. M., Sycamore March Oliver, Bloom ington Peters Samuel, Timber Sturtevant Church, Bradford Farthing E., Time Hopkins Robert, Bristol Rockwell Seth, Toulon Gitchell H., Byron Baylor Jacob, Towanda Heild C. T., Canton Brown J., Tremont Ready S. D., Carmi Thomas Ezra & Sons, Troy Clark Benjamin, Carthage Wayne H. rth A., Grand de Tour Thorpe & Son, Kingston Mines Whiteomb J., Grand de Tour Higgins Thomas, Kuoxville Gentry J., Grandview Taylor E., Kyte River Brady James, Grandville Woodward J., Kyte River Darwood & Jones, Giayville Kelly Michael, La Clede Hiles James, Greenfield Langley William, La Fayette Prlcliard Henry, Green Garden Snyder A. B. H., La Fayette Camfi Id Wm. A., Greenup Leavitt & Connor, La H.-irpe Baxter M. E. & Son, Griggsville Soiisher William, La Harpe Lawton Allen, Griggsville Woodward M. J., Lane Depot Dancer B. M., Hadley Dickinson Thomas, Lawrenceville Biscoe Charles, Hamilton Grove John, Lawrenceville King Joel, Hamilton Musgrove J. B., Lawrenceville Tripp Caarles, Hampshire Foulch John, Lebanon, Waidman John, Hampshire Gerne C., Lebanon Meii>on Henry, Hampton Howard John, Lebanon Brown & Co., Harrisburgh Reinhart M., Lebanon Fuller & Crawford, Harvard HanifurJ Calvin, Lei and Goodheart John, Havana Harrid S., Le.mont Kisler Charles, Havana Johnson Geo., Le.mont Wodell George, Hebron Wright James, Lemont Merrick Thos., Henderson Karr Joseph P., Leroy Barmore W. B., Hennepin Potts G. W., Leroy Munroe A., Hennepin Boyer Jno., Liberty Deltzer A., Henry Pe.iniman Lewis E., Libert wille Mawbey C., Henry Echart John, Lincoln Morgan John, jun.. Henry Jones Samuel, Lincoln Vanordstrand A. S., Heyworth Rock Simon, Lincoln Dunbar Joseph, Hickory Creek Turvey William, Lisbon Madness Benj., Higginsville Lomar John, Little York Hammer A., Highland GrafFord John, Lively Lau> inger J., Highland JOHNSON R. S., Lockport Speckatt Jos., Highland Brewer John, Louisville Zully J., Highland Fleming Albert, Louisville Murrey John, High Point Henderson Robert, Lynnville Burnett John 0., Hillsboro Hide John, Lynnville Curry S., Hopper's Mills Kloutz Peter, McConnell's Grove McGeehon I. N., Howard's Pt Church George, McLean Smith Porter, Howard's Pt McDonald A. H., McLeansboro Howard Martin, jr., Howardsville Sumers J. H., McLeansboro Howard Ward B., Howardsville Richmond & Daly, Mackinaw Bishop A., Hutsonville Chamberlin Isaac G., Macomb Carty J. A. M., Hut-onville Gamage George, Mwcomb Peck James, Indianola Ditman G. W., Magnolia Kost, Reed & Bingman, Ipava Ong William, Magnolia Newberry C., Irving Sereeton George, Mainville Finney James, Jamestown Harvey William, Maiden Miller A. L., Jersey Landing Davy Charles, Malta Keed S. B., Jersey Landing Greenwalt Frederick & Co., Manchester Beekman & Schattgen, Jerseyville Laroque W., Manteno Sanford J. E., Jerseyville Wheeler Daniel, Maple's Mills Owen Nathan, Jones' Creek Robeits Green, Maquon BUSH F. & BRO., Joliet Stringham C. P., Maquon Caspar Philip, Joliet Woods Joseph, Maquon Hatton, Bartlett & Bro., Joliet Clark Wm. H. H., Marengo Pinkind & Gibson, Joliet Knowles & Treat, Marengo Brown B., Jonesboro Spencer Calvin, M irengo Shafer F., Jonesboro Schmidt & Wentz, Marine TJffindell M., Jouesboro Hopper Richard, Marion Nix Abram, Kane Inglish Jack, Martinsville Hopkins A., Eaneville Orvis Joseph, Mason Hawkins & Crawley, Kankakee More John, Mattoon Ott & Martin, Kankakee Snapp & Wilson, Mattoon Van Wert John, Kaukakee Teiruay P., Mattoon MEN" 545 ROC Mesenbach D., Mendota Newton & Kests, Onarga TaylorR. & Bro., Mendota Eempsey L, Oneida Thompkins & Bro., Mendota Swentzel George, Orangeville Yeich Lewis, Meredosia Fisher Eberhart, Oregon Kul.l H., Metamora Sindale S. Willard, Oregon Br.mdly John, Metropolis City Mitchell Oliver H., Orland Duncan T. L, Metropolis City Valentine Frederick, Oibora Gates Jacob R., Metropolis City Peppin Charle?, Oswego Dem ar.ile Joseph, Middli'port Smith Thomas, Oswego La Clare Joseph, Middleport Wood Jeremiah, Ottawa Ben .ett S., Milledjreville Bobbitt John, Ox Bow Ban^-Tt Charles, Millstndt Jones D., Oxford Sch"ele Franz, Millstadt Jahn G. W., Palmyra Smith W. H., Mineral Johnston D. P., P-lmyra Myer Steffen, Mokena Gray B. J., P.iloma Schumacher Henry, Moline Miley P, T., Paloma Weber Martin, Moline Bushnell Asa, Paloa Bartlett C., Momence Powell M. A., Paloa Hodson Geo., Momcnce Sanders & Frame, Pana Mallory J., Monticello Stephens & McCullough, Pana Dix John G., Maroa Hunting Charles & Son, Paris HallF., Morris McCord & Fisher, Paris Herald George, Morris Gray James D., |Pitoka Plas* mann Edward & Co., Morris Bull' John B., Paxton WilkesS., Morris Grub William, Payson Kemper William, Moscow Brown Wm., Pecatonica Keif.-r M., Mound City Mosher Jeremiah, Pecatonica Kirk T. B. & Bros., Mound City Clauser J., Pekin Warner R. H., Mound City Hogg John, Pekin Virden & Leim, Mt. Auburn Korrell M., Pekin Ulm D. & T., Mt. Carm 1 Korrell N., Pekin Weith J. C., Mt. Carmel Ott & Petrie, Pekin Carroll Jacob, Mt Morris Schudel & Co., Pekin Janes John L., Mt. Morris Brei*T Charles, Peoria Clark Chas., Mt. Palatine Bunn J. R., Peoria Clark Elliott, Mt. Pulaski E ser Martin, Peoria Farber Frederick, Mt. Pulaski Fash Abraham B., Peoria Stick Jacob, Mt. Vernon Gebhardt Theodore, Peoria Imhoof Andrew, Murph ysh oro ugh Gingerich Christoff, Peoria Knester Saml., Napervilie Knoos & Weigandt, Peoria Ruth Henry, N u perville Koerner Jacob, Peoria Quackenbush C., Naples Schmidt Johannes, Peoria Stone Samuel, Nelson Sleiht John, Peoria Sharp Robert, Neponset Uhl< mann Charles, Peoria Myers 0. C., New Baltimore Walker Robert, Perry Maxwell Wm. & Co., New Berlin Seese Jacob, Petersburg Burlingim S., New Boston Tanenburger Fred., Petersburg Murry William F., New Boston Reno B., Piasa Richmond R , New Boston Brown Justice S., Pingree Grove Williams John G., New Han ford Fall Moses, Pingree Grove Kaley Peter, New Hebron Welch Samuel, Plain View Spencer C. S., New Market Alford C. B., Plattville Spitler Daniel, New Mass lion Ricketson Henry, Plattville Brown Henry R., New Maysville Minton Wm., Pleasant Vale Smitli Chas., New Milford Ennis Wm., Pleasant View Martin Thomas J., Newton Hough Lewis, Pleasant View Simmons John, Noble BurdettF., Plymouth Wright W. W., Nokomis Myers & Co., Pontiac Evans John T., Northampton Maxwell John W., Port Byron Wheeler Joseph, Northampton Godare Peter, Prairie du Rocher Corzutte Joseph, Noyesvil'e Jones, Wadham & Stone, Princeton Morford Henry, Noyesville WESTBROOK W. B., Princeton Bayer H., Oakland Debord J. S., Princeville Hackett R. T., Oakland Newton Paul, Prophet stown Wile 'X & Grissom, Oakulla Fitzpatrick James, Rnntoul Wa son Hezekiah, Olena Altman Adam, Red Bud Pa-smore Joseph, Olney Trilen William, Red Bud St. John M. M., Olney Cline F., Renault Brown B., Omega Mills Robert, Ridge Farm Belk William, Omph Ghent Cassity John, Rochester ROC 546 ABI Everhart J. W., Rochester Stewart C. T., Svcamore Ellington Calvin, Rock Creek Blanchard T., T imaroa Vocht John, Rock Grove Louck Williim, Tamaroa Deitz John, Rock Island Ciiitwright D., Tennessee Scliindler John, Ruck Island McKinzie J. D., Thebes Barnes Daniel, Rockfort Bitner John, Timber Billing-i Caleb, Rockfort Califf J G., Tiskilwa Hale S. W., Rockton Parish H. R., Tiskilwa Eaton George, Roscoe Stone Charles R., Toulon Sexton E., Roscoe M.rsh S., Towanda Warner F. W., Roscoe Ball J. L., Tremont Woodmmse A., R 'Seville Zice Henry, Troy F Hows Simon, Round Grove Lewis J., Tuscola Pitman James, Round Grove McWil iams S., Urbana McLain John, Rural Dunn Marvin, Utah Barnhort G., Rushville Bohning J., Vandalia Carson W., Rushville Morey A. F., Vandalia Huffmann S., Rushville Ray James, Vandalia Peck D. & Co., Sadorus Maynor William J., Vermillion Lel.s John, St. Al >ans Hamer Joseph, Vermont Ba> palone Leger, St. Anne Shea er Joseph, Vermont Bellegarde Augustin, St. Anne Holtsclaw J. B., Versailles Duncloss Francis, St. Anne Garret John S,, Victoria Stilley James E., St. John Bibbitt F., V rden Ditto J., St. Joseph Rutherford S., Virden Hoyt James, St. Joseph Brooks James T., Wapella Ch imberlain R. S., S mdoval Wheeler Andrew, Wallingford Lee J. R., Sandoval Rigg Stephen, Wapella Stockholm R., Sandwich Redford J. W., Warren Wallace George R., Sandwich Graham T. J. & Co., Warren Dr\ bread & Derbin, Santa Anna Paddo k & Richardson, Warren McDonald & Weedman, Santa Anna Green , Warrenton Elli tt Thomas, Savanna Millard S., Wanenville Carson A. J., Shawneetown Wripp Ernast, Washington Smith Job, Shawneetown Denton F. F., Wataga C Handler M. B., Shaw's Point Morley George, Wataga Raymond C., Shaw's Point Lockhart D ivid, Waison B rney James, Sheffield H> dden Henry, . Waukegan Mane H. H., Shelbyville Adams G. & D., Wayne Merrifield S. M., Shelbyville Adams & Garten, Wayne Ring Daniel, Shelbyville Groves A. W., Waynesville Ha> hurst Warner, Sherbu nville Duffie William, Webster Voss John, Shiloh Green Zebulon, Wentworth Koch John, Shoal Creek Harvey Norton, Wentworth Albert James, Shabouier Low James, Wentworth Dittus John, Simoda Taylor Reuben, Westfield Ht n^ehbach Frederick, Somonauk Maitley 0. B., West Jersey Garoy M., South Bend Chrtffe C., W. Urbana Lcey Wm., S"Uthport Delenbach J., W. Urb na Williams S. H., Spa land Coon F., Wheaton Orr & Sahman, Sparta Wager & Pine, Wheaton Cleveland Moses, Spencer Bishop James, Whitehall Fostt r Charles M., Springfi H Colter William, Whitehall Luiz George, Springfi-ld Walker E. P., Williamsville Lutz John, Springfield Demmibel A., Wilmington Meyer Arment, Springfield Vnnderbogost W., Wilmington Miller Henry, Springfield Stringer K., Windsor Redmond John, Springfield Faullmer J., Winnebago Depot Stalker & Huggins, Spri gfie'd Atger John, Woodburn Steiger Wrc., Springfield Redd I. P., Woo'lford Vo.-t 1 Thomas, Springfield Laid W. F., Wood hull Smith John, Spring Grove Sparks & Brewer, Wyanet Miller Henry, Staunton Nelson & Prichett, Xenia Smit'i Joseph, Chicago Wilson Metcalf T., Baileyville Beiesdoi l Joseph, Chic 'go Calvert Lewis, Bainbridge Blake Edmond K. W., Chicago Simpson Daniel, Bainbridge Doung Wm., Ch cago Hills Phi'o, Barclay Egglrston Francis, Chicago Livingston Levi, Barclay Firchstein Ferdinand, Chicago Hilderbrand & Wendorf, Barry Grais Jacob, Chicago Smith & Bulger, Barry Grittman Adam, Ch cage Smith John, Batavia Gulln Jo-pph, Chicago Thompson William, Batavia Heibein Gideon, Chicago Tomlee 0. M., Batavia Hermann & Co., Chicago Durand Isaac & Son, Beardstown Karcher George, Chicago Snow George, Beards' own Kennedy & Turner, Chicago Griffin Wyman, Bedford Krakwiz Oswald, Chicago Schuster William, Benton Krawz Jacob, Chicago Burt A. &J., Berlin Liebenstein J. & A., Chicago Smith William, BernHdotte Lohn Frederick, Chicago Trikey J. H., Bernadotte McDermott Michael, Ch cago Huppert Jacob, Beth alto Morgan Caleb, Chicago Mason William, Beverly R inker J. & J., Chicago Rose J hn W., Bible Grove Schrours Theodore, Chicago Kieser H., Blackberry Station Shearer, Paine & Strong, Chicago Osman R. J., Blivens Mills Walsh John B., Chicago Rogers W., B cornfield Yallowlcy Stephen B., Chicago Gtoihe A., Blue Island Grosh D. F., Chillicothe Krempel P., Blue Wand Stocking R. F., Chillicothe Kreuger C., Blue Island Webber A., Chillico he Lang A., Blue Island Campion Wm., Clark Centre Schubert A., Blue I land Lewrc y Jackson, Claik Centre Winslow John, Bradford Patterson R. M., Clay City Sears H., Brimfield Pierson George P., Clay City Stambaugh John, Browning Powers John, Clay City Ellis William, Buck Si at s W., Clayton Musgrove Samuel, Buck Everheart F., Clear Creek Landing Clark D. R., Buda Boroman Christian, Clermont Fauss Jacob, jr., Burkesville Burys Joon A. & W. J., Cleimont Van Buren Herman, Buikesville Weighty Jacob, Clermont Ludwig George, Bu*hnell Fuuk C., Clinton Ryerly A. J., Calhoun Tidball & Bogar, Clinton Crannall C. W. &J. H., Cameron Eaton Alexander, Coal Valley Snyder G. M. & D. W., Canton Evans Lewelyn, Coal Valley Thompson W., Canton Atbeitson James, Colchester Cherny John F., Carlinville Cole David, Collins Station Ruckle R. W., Ciirmi Heigt.nica F. G., Coliinsville Kerger C., Car.' oil ton Newman Jessie, Colona Station Marmon John H., Carrollton Williss G. M., Columbus D.spennette George, Carthage Rich R., Como S even^on L. C., Carthage Peterson & Westergreen, Cordova Cook G. W., Catlin Burdiek E., Courtland tta'ion Miller Thomas, Cave in Rock Foss Samuel, Cuba Coble J., Cedarville Havermale D. G., Cuba DAY 548 JON Brenisen Jacob, Davie Whittaker William, Geneva Davis & Waples, Danville Hall William M., Georgetown Schroder J. L., Danville Miley Philip, Georgetown Lumhert , Dnysvills Ryan J. J. & Brother, Girard Reed G. M., Daysville Schombes F., Golconda Esplin John, Dearborn Brathfish Frederick, Gr fton Givler David, Decatur Hathaway J. F., Grand de Tour Colvig George, Delavan Mver Jacob, Grand d.- Tour Fisher H. L., Delavan Hornberger J., Grand View Grover Elijah, Delavan Travis John W., Grand View Han well Charles, Del Rey Waltz J., Grand View Dinon W., Dement Stution Mears D. C., Granville Crummer Thomas, Derinda Batson Benj., Grayville Joy James, Derinda Biedleman Geo., Grayville Murry J. P., DeSoto Butler E. W. & Bro., Gra\ville Rise'ing A. J., DeSoto Lecher Jo?eph, Gryville Bir, hard W. W., Detroit Orange S. J., Grayville Dark R. L., Doddsville Wahl John, Greenfield Eichhing Andrew, Edward-ville Williamson Thomas, Hadlev Loickle Charles, Edwardsvil e Coon W. M., H;ll Reed , Edwardsville Sanford & Gerst, Hamilton Loveless Joseph M., Elkhorn Grove Baumbach Carl, Hampton Bliss & Fisk, Ellisville Wendal Frederick, Hampton Bremnear B., ElPaso Odum J. E., Harris! urgh Mac v W. H., El Paso Spriggs L. S., Harrisburgh Orr 'P. A., Enfield Young A. F., Hanishnrgh Underwood J. D., Enfi.'ld Pomeroy Oliver, Harvard Smith Charles, Erie Coington & Brinkman, Havana Steekls Jeremiah, Erie Dixon H. A., Henderson Nance & Lershner, Eureka Schroder Chas., Henderson Bake- Joseph, Evanston Bauman M., Hennepin Keller Jacob, Evanstcn Becker V., Honry Gray Stephen & Bro., Fairburv Kline John, Henry Ardrv James, Fairfield Moles & Hucherson, Henry Scot G., Fail-field Seltzer Richard H., Hfyworth Wickersham S., Fairfield Porter James M , Hickory Creek Co k Joseph, Fail-view Smith John W., Higirinsville Rider Gavton, Farmington Heestand Jno., Highland WoidenF. C., Farmington Jehli J., Highland Savidge Richard L., Fidelity Leibler Hermann, High and Fag. r I., Foreston Rupf Jos., Hi-ihl.nd Brown E. S., Fotksville Srhietinger G., Highland Adams J. D., Frai kfort Kertin David, High Point Hale John S., Frankfort Turner Andrew, High Prairie Hern S. L., Frankfort Blackman James, Hillsboro Fro'now J., Franklin Grove Cochorill Abraham, Howard's Point Skm r Jacob, Freeburg Griffith William H., Howard's Point W ilk ins Charles, Freedom Wnitzell Henry R., Howard's Point Carter G. M., Freeport Strohl Jonas, Hudson Hent David, Free port McCew J. C., Hutson ville Kewner Darius, Freeport Mack F., Hutsonville Snyder & Wade, Freeport Parker J. A., Hutsonville Wai key Jacob, Freeport Sanders Robert, Indianola Carbaugh Jacob, Fiiendsville Wood Josiah, Ipava Carbaugh Samuel, Friendsville Nossker Geo., jr., Iroquoia Keuman W. F., Friendsville Branson Wm., Jacksonville Borchman Charles, Fullersburg McB.ideM., Jefiferson ville Goodlander James, Fulton City Thiele Henry, Jersey Landing Dye Reuben, Gnlena Beyer & Reiter, Jerseyville Bartlett & Judson, Galesburg Cutting & Ward, Jerseyville Nikon A., Galesburg Keith William, Jerspyville Peterson Isaac G., Geneva Agare S. S., Jones Creek JON 549 ORA Hoyle Win., Jones Creek Walter C., Mendota Roberts J., Joneshoro Beimen William, Meredosia Wiliford C. H., Jonesboro Detrich , Metamora Stought Abner, Kansas Quintie John, Metropolis City Keeler Jno., Kent B:irnum B. F., Middleport Johnson E. P., Kewanee Biiley Bordine, Mier Slipley Josiah, Kewanee Bailey Levi, Mier Lit leJohn, Kingston Mines Brink William, Milledgeville Raser T., Kinmundy Hengstler John, Millstadt Jar via Charles, Kishwaukee Reykoph William, Millstadt Gregory , Knoxville Ross Henry, Millstadt Lander William, Knoxville Smith W. H., Mineral Lovejoy Moses, Kyte River Thorman , Mokena Stougton Rollin, LaClide Burr S. P., Momence Frank & Taylor, Lacon Deerson Jno., Momence McKeon Andrew, Lacon Stupe Antony, Monticello Thompson James F., LaFayette Wengenroth C., Monticello Bliss H. H., Lallarpe Dawson M. S., Moore's Prairie Hook John C., Lake Creek Frarey & Co., Morris Porter R. W., Lane Depot Sellick William, Morris Kvse J. E., La on a Mahan T. B., Moscow Chapin William E., LaS.lle Heaner Joseph, Mound City Haver Jacob, LaSalle Howard N. C. & Co., Mou d City Lawson Joseph, Lawrenceville Miller Henry C., Mt. Auburn Bachmann L. H., Lebmon Nailer Shops C., Mt. Carmel P.'tras Basile, L'Erable Roser & Stees, Mt. Carmel Vosburg LaFayette, Lemont Robinson George A., Mt. Pulaski Vosburg Mark, Lemont Zimmermann John, Mt. Pulaski H.mpsen W. C., Leroy Newomer H. F. &A., Mt. Morris Nailer Francis, Leroy Kennedy George, Murphysboro SPRAGUE & GRAY, Lexington Butz John, Naperville Val ntine William, Lexington Driller John, Naperville Ertle Geo., Liberty Nodlehoffen Wm., Naperville Funk S., Libeity Davis & Campbell, Neponset Gardiner David, Liberty Adams & Stine, New Baltimore Watson William, Limerick Hammonds John, New Berlin Baker & Reil, Lincoln Legrand G. W., New Berlin Love Albert H., Little York Kirlin David, New Boston Hummel John, Lively Badget Robt., New Erin G;twer John W., Logan Kriutz Reuben, New Jordan Barnes James, Louisville McVicker Stephen, New Jordan Golden William C., Louisville Talbei t James, New Jordan Patterson R. M., Louisville Woods James, New Jordan Pierson George P., Louisville Jackson B. L., New Market Powers John, Louisville Lamb S. A., New Mtrket Walton Reuben Lynnville Lamb William M , New Market Brown P. A., McConnell Grove Spencer N. B., New Market Jo-ias Fred., McConnell Grove Ba'nhavt Jos. H., New Maysville Parkherst & Lockwood, McLeansboro Williams Nathan, New SHlera Delaplain A. 0., Mackinaw Hollinger Charles, Newton Martin B. F., Macomb Stingle Bernard, Newton McElrath J. L. S., Macomb Reed Z. B., Night's Prairie Hartley , Magnolia Wright M. W., Night's Prairie Wood , Magnolia Hiskey Willinm, Noble Page Albert, Maiden Tucker Edwin, Nora Goodall R., Manchester Rue Schuyler, North Plato Loi ton A. J., Manchester Rue Schuyler, jr., North Plato Berkholter James, Maquon Tierny Martin, Noyesville Parker B. S., Marengo Urnbarger H., O'Fallon's Depot Dietz & Graving, Marine Cantelo Alfred, Ogle Station Spe..cer& Simpson, Marion Curry George H., Olena Hustead Nathan, Marshall Heap & Allison, Olney Mark Jesse, Marshall Farson Henry, Omega Wood Samuel, Marshall Doss Henry, Omph Ghent Stock well John, Marshall Lockwood Bros., Onargo Ishlt-r George, Martinsville Btrtk-tt Jacob, Oiieco Wagner J., Martinsville JelliffF., Oneida Bailey Andrew, Mason Guibert , Ophir Miller W. F., Mattoon Raush Joseph, Orangeville Dean & Shaw, Mendota, Riem Daniel, Oraugeville 550 VIR Shaffer Michael, Orange ville L;ipriere Prosper, St. Anne Brundage B., Oregon Masse Antonie, St Anne Riggs Edwin, Oregon Brett William, St. Charles Harrouff Isaac, Osage Bron William E., St John Burr P., Oswego Mortimore Timothy, St. Jo-eph Miner G. V., Oswego Schwager Anton, St Marie Morgan Francis, Oswego Valbert Peter, St. Marie Patterson & Berry, Palmyra Harbour Christoph, Salisbury Tatham & Bro., Pana Cline J., Sandoval Cook & Cranmer, Paris Hoffman & Bro., Samtoval Hodge A. H. & W. J., Paris Lord L., Sandoval Dillon Elijah C., Parrish Skeen J., S;inrtoval Schenck H., Paxton Burkhart Jacob, Sandwich Swisher E., Paxton Greer Thomas, San Jose Butler C., Payson Funk Henrv, Santa Anna Tibbets Joshua, Pa\ son Webster 0." W., Santa Anna Stewart Geo., Pecatonica Hoffman Augustus, Savunna Stolz & Schilling, Pekin Kascher & Scantland, Shawneetown Umdenstock C. & J., Pekin Nicholson E. J., Shawneetown Cutting Walter, Perrv Owens & Co., Shaw's Point Lauber Louis, Peru Ferrin John, Sh, ffield Carter James, Petersburg Hatfield George W., Shelby ville Conaut Wm. S., Petersburg Jackson & Downs, Shelb'wille Carson S. S., Pinckneyville Marcy Harmon, Shelbyville Funk D., Pinckneyville Stephens W. H., Sherburnville Reed Thomas, Pinckneyville Schupp Philip, Shiloh Graham J. J., Pitman Willet George, Shabonier McBride Martica, Pleasant Grove Decher Reinkard, Sonv nauk Marshall L. K., Pleasant Vale HickayN., Sou h Bend Pope B. F., Pleasant Vale Peel Thornton, South port Pope Hiram, Pleasant Vale Rake^traw Roland, Sparland Breed D. E., Pleasant View Detrich & Beaver, Sparta Lewis George, Pleasant View Lajan R. E., Spring Hill Crummer Thomas, Plum River Lunders Samuel, Springville Graham L., Plymouth Athrens John, Staunton Boyer George W., Pontiac Cowell B. F., Staunton Shopmyer A., Pontoosac Cowell W. R., Staunton Dahms & Reimers, Port Byron Eikenroth William, Staunton Hubbard & Canfield, Portland Fastnacht George, Stone's Prairie Balchalier Philibert, Prairie du Rocher Corbin W. B., Sullivan Parker & Dunbar, Princeton Vogt J. & G. & Co., Summei field Dustin William A., Princcville Lane Richard, Suinmum Joes Charles B., Princeville Onion James M., Sum mum Nixon Jonathan, Princeville Severns J. G., Sum mum Smith E. B., Princeville Ku'send Wm., Swan Creek Hutchinson Eli, Prophets town CmllJohn, Sweetwater Cook John A., Rantoul Johnson Isaac W., Sycamore Eissey F., Rod Bud Thompson John, Tavlor Hinman August, Red Bud Batv Samuel, Timber Nusbanner Joseph, Red Bud Griffin R. H.. Time Naman G., Renault Bradley W. J., Tiskilwa Haworth B., Ridge Farm Hunter Andrew, Tolono Holl- nbeck A. F., Rochester Wather Joseph, Toulon Jackson Caleb, Rochester Browne H. R., Tn-mont Brink William, Rock Creek Conklin J. C., Urbana Rockey H. M., Rock Grove Littler S., Ui bana Clark, Fester & Co., Rock port Hog MI H. N., Utah Duff George W., Rockport Sinclair R. A., Utah Fulton James, Rockport Mansfield James, Valley Forge Maco John, Rockport Frazer J., Vandaiia Whitun Jefferson, Rockport Sunneman C., Vandalia Herring B. F., Roland Brown & Tool, Vermillion West John G., Rome S warts Benj., Vermont Warner B. E., Rosamond Wood Kinsev, Vermont Stilwell G., Rozetta Clifford John, Versailles Hows A., Round Grove McCoy James A., Veisailles Padget J., Rushville Thompson N. L., Versailles Seely E. H. 0., Rushville Omsted Stephen S., Viftoria Seely N. B., Rushville Markham & Slack, Vienna Hart Richard, St. Albans Overstreet J. L., Virden vm 551 ALH Taylor J. H., Virden Travis Mrs. D., D wight Clapper M., Walker Felch Isaac, Eariville Stearnes George H., Wallingport Goehy Lucy C., Forksville Watkins William, Walshville Heller E., Freeport DIETSCH GOTLEIB, Warren Neusbawn D., Jonesboro Hewitt Andrew, Warren Hogg James, Knoxville Scott William, Warren Ronne K. P., . L. land MeKenny E. B., Warrenville Hollenback E., Mansfield Morris Owen, Washington More W. S., Mat toon Castler A. P., Wataga Laird J. M., New May-ville O'Kelly John, Waukegan Purdy Elizabeth, Pleasant View Cantrall W. J. & Co., Waynesville Black Mrs., Pantoosac Fleming Wm. & Co., Waynesville Dopee Maggie, Roacoe Sampson J. F., Waynesville Griswald George W., Rost field Sampson J. M., Waynesville Hayhurst Rachel, Sherburnville Bennett A., Webster Dean Mrs., Sh-i bonier Dale A. J., Webster Hurd A. C., Urbana Norstrom Hans, Weller Headbu'-y Peter, Victoria Warren & Hooven, Wenona Station S cia Mrs., Winnebago Depot Buscfink Henry, West Salem Longnacker S. L, Wyanet Fricky August, West Salem Raymond William S., Zanesville Luther John, West Salem McCarty William, Weston Ogden Louis, Westfield Car Builders (Railroad.) Vansickle Joseph, Westfield Witter & Co., West Jersey GATES, WARNER, CHALMERS & Hill M. D., Wethersfield Rol nd H., West Urbana Walker F. T., West Urbana Moller A., Wheaton See advt. inside front cover. Mendsen J. F. & Co., Chicago See advt. page 453. Rupp Christian, Wilkesborough Durnbaugh E. K., Williamsville Carding Machine Manufacturers. Harbottle W., Wilmington Keith A., Wilmington West & Currey, Vandalia Krause A., Wilmington Edwards Chelton, Woodbnrn Lowry Thos. M., Wondhull Carpenters and Builders. Gramer Voletene, Wyanet Becklhamer F., Abingdon Turner Jack, Wyoming Bradley A. & Co., Abingdon Gibson Hiram, Xenia Gillett A. J., Abingdon Rodgcrs C., York Howard C. S., Abingdon Hancock J., Zanesville Maps A., Abingdon Perdue Jesse, Abingdon Perdue L. G., Abingdoa Camphene Manufacturers. Vickry A., AMngdon West H. L., Abingdon Maxwell & Joslin, Chicago Birdsall N. R., Adams Klingensmith Jacob, Adams Candle Mould, (Metallic) Manu- facturers of. Westcot William, Ad ims Satterlee H. H., Akron Siillman Joseph, Akron Reese William, Chicago Buck & Olds, Albany Lamb J. S., Aloany Olds & Lusk, Albany Cap Makers. Wilson C., Albany Wight W., Albany (See also Hats and Caps.) Weaver E. & Brother, Albion Bowers J., Albion Dengler A., Belleville Harris J., Albion Lehr A., Bellevi le Boll William A., Aledo Rust Mrs. M., Blandinsville Chevalier E., Aledo Starr Louis A., Bloomfield Kent P., Aledo Burkgraf A., Blue Island Thompson John, Aledo Moore Henry, Bristol Turner & Roper, Aledo Brinkinsorf Thos., Calhoun Benthuysen G. F., Algonquin Schmidt J., Cedarville Johnson C. G., Algonquin Adami Paolo, Chicago Keys A., Algonquin Herzog I. A., Chicago Knapp Frederick, Algonquin Fitch Mrs., Daysville Ocks Nicholas, Alhambra Davis E., Detroit Sternberg H., Alhambra ALL 552 BEL Baker Washington, Allen Springs Working J. C., Augusta Bord.'n L. W., Amboy Anderson Thomas, Auburn Claik D. S. & Bro., Amboy Goodwin S. F., Auburn Finny C. G., Amboy Mackey E., Auburn Matthews C. J., Amboy McCoy R., Auburn Monheim H., Arnhoy Savage S., Auburn Eastman H., Anna Wadsworth D., Auburn Eastman S. J., Anna Bronson H. G., Avoca Gebaux George, Ann i Ch se William, Avoca Mangold B. F., Anna Titus Jesse, Avoca Mangold H., Anna Zook Thomas, Avoca Robinson A. W., Anna Armstrong David, Avon Barbour M. H., Annaw:in B ngham John, Avon Durham Ghas., Annawan Bingham Samuel, Avon Machesney Alexander, Annawan Branard M., Avon Machesney Geo., Annawan Branard William, Avon RectonH., Antioch Crab Thomas, Avon Recton H. S., Antioch Mauvais H., Avon Rice J B., Antioch Nichols A. K., Avon Roberts Thomas, Appanoose Seal William, Avon Shaw J. M. & L W., Appano' se Simons George, Avon Havs *., Arco'a GriggsEli, Baileyville Joslin W. S , Arcola Huyck John, Baileyville Shouton J., Arcola Wilson T. Mttcalf, Baileyville Speed J., Arcola Calveit N. B., Bain bridge Winans W., Arcola Calvert William, Bainbridge Carpenter Charles, Argo Turnage William, Brambridge Carpenter John H., Argo Livingston Levi, Barclay Wil iams Horace H., A- go Drury & Brother, Barr's Store Arnold T. H., Arlington Shane J. D., Barr's Store ClineielterF., Arlington Brown L. H., Barry Scott William, Arlington Gray B. T., Barry Vanlaw J., Arlington Mclntire T., Barry Moorhead W., Armington Mitchell W. T., Barry Haskins S. C., Asbury Rippley J., Barry Hunnel William, Ash Grove RositerW. P., Barry Robe its Robert R., Ash Grove Hall Alonzo, Batavia Smith P. M., Ash Grove Hall Anson Batavia Vauglian John, Ash Giove Lee J. D., Batavia Burnett E. C., Ashkum Norris C. A., Batavia Charles Aaron, Ashkum Warner F. R., Batavia Bean L. R., Ashley Wentworth Benjamin, Batavia Furgason G. W., Ashley Gould William, '''" Bates Furga.-ion John, Ashley Tuttle William, Bates Temp eton L. T., Ashley Brock David, Beardstown Long & Hall, Assumption Brupman C., Beardstown Marin Vic or, Assumption Dipper Henry, Beardstown Woodward John, Assumption Hickman Henry, Beardstown Graham P. G., Athens Miller Lewis B., Beards town Kirk A. S., Athens Muhlwan Henry, Beardstown Riley R. S. & J. S., Athens Rupy Henry, Beardstown Sampson G. W., Athens Schiioder Henry, Beardstown Taylor James, Athens Goodson James M., Beaver Creek Whitney A. H., Athens Myers J. W., Beaver Creek Boweis John, Atlanta Bak^r Wm. H., Bedford Carpenter Henry, Atlanta Griffin L. W., Bedford Church J. A., Atlanta Shelly A., Bclden Fuller M. L., Atlanta Affleck James, Belleville McKee John, Atlanta Bain J., Belleville Mead J. P., At anta Brude Wilhelm, Belleville Scott A. V., Atlanta Grav Alexander F., Belleville Tidd J., Atlanta PL ckel G., Belleville Adams A. J., Atlas Kirkpatrick J., Belleville Brackenberg W. C., Atlas Kncoble C., Belleville Hickock W., Augusta KuntzG., Belleville Jones A. C., Augusta Melcher R., Belleville Lafler H., Augusta Parker W. M., Belleville Van Brunt R. C., Augusta Stevinger H., Belleville Warner A., Augusta Voegle Ignatz, Belleville Wood LI, Augusta Avery E. H., Belvidere BEN 553 CAR Hall Thomas, Ber.ton Marsh J. D. W., Brownin Moundell James H., Ben ton McEvers, H. K., Browning Simpson L. A., Benton Beard Matthew, Buck Tincher J. W., Berlin Nations Freeman, Buck Jester & Perry, Berlin Upton Joseph, Buck Osborn L. E., Bernadotte Briggs R. M,, Buckhorn Willmott Enoch, Bernadotte Bu.*h John, Buckhorn German H., Berrymantown Cleland Martin, Buckhorn Hamil T. J., Bethalto Clark D. R., Euda Armstrong William, Beverly Cobb C., Buda Kelly Daniel, Beverly Cobb George, Buda Robertson G. W., Beverly Crisman J. C., Buda Stark A. J., Beverly Crisman William, Buda Alexander Robert, Bible Grove Westervelt B. J., Buda Monical Christopher, Bible Grove Woodruff J. C., Buda Rose & Bro., Bible Grove Bonner Samuel, Buena Vista Chaper William, 1 Biggsville Fogle John, Buena Vista Morgan Evan, Big Rock Grissinger Samuel, Buena Vista Thomas William T., Big Rock Reedy Peter, Buena Vista Birnes W. H., Blackberry Stttion Mills S., Buffalo Prairie Colbo--n 0., Blackberry Station Moffatt J., Buffalo Prairie Fellows R., Blackberry Station Morple L. W., Buffalo Prairie Tracy H , Blackberry Station Vincent T. W., Buffalo Prairie Young W. J., Blackberry Station Whitney J. E., Buffalo Prairie B nd Joseph, Blandinsville M irtin & Dimey, Bunker Hill Gilfivy H. F., Blandinsviile Riggsbie E. S., Bunker Hill Hays Samuel S., Blandinsville Fauss Jacob, jr., Burksville Ruddell Sylvester, Blandinsville Van Buren Herman, Burk-ville Tooker V. B., Bliven's Mills Tvler Ebenezer, Burns Brisbane Charles, Bloom Wright Joseph, Burns Mill .r James, Bloom Buckingham Richard K., Burton Millar Robert, Bloom Geeding John, Burton Pearson Calvin, Bloom Hanna S., Burton Rounds Simuel D., Bloomington Bosworth & Wells, Bushnell Glaussen Erich, Blue Island Conover & Spader, Bushnell Heckler W., Blue Island Nickley B. F., Bushnell Koehne F., Blue Island Rugh John, Bushnell Poehlsen T., Blue Island Sperling John, Bushnell Crawford Samuel, Blue Point Willis & Sons, Bushnell Pifer John, Blue Point Douglas 0. Byron Watson Henry S., Blue Point Rosier John, Byron Cole George, Bluff vi.le Ostenhout James, Byron Fair H. G., Bluffville Schoonmaker H. A., Byron Marvin Charles, Boone Collins Charles, Caledonia Grant John, Bourbon Hulman M., Caledonia Terry William, Bourbon Staplet P. W., Caledonia Doyle W. H., Bradford Warden Benjamin, Caledonia Teige F., Bremen Wood E. F., Caledonia Henslfy Moses, Bridgeport Ferguson William, Calhoun Lathrop Hayson, Bridgeport Myers Simeon, Calhoun Lewis W. M., Bridgeport Cadv J. C., Camden Turner E. D., Bridgeport Shir'tliffe Eslie, Camden Winfleete Rufus, Bridgeport Ward J. N., Camden Berry D. P., Brighton Crandall C. W. & J. H., Cameron Gifford A., Brighton Peckenpnugh J., Cameron Kalb J., Brightoa Dunbar James, Cane Run Koester J. G., Brighton Norwood Freeman, Cane Run Pelham W. N., Brighton Gwine A. M., Canton Preostman J., Brighton Johnson W., Canton S.-nior William, Brimfield Kavkendall C., Canton Plumer S. A., Brim field Thorp S. C., Canton Bolster S., Bristol Fugate William, Carbon Booth S., Bristol Perry S. J., Carbon Coger L. J., Bristol Crew & Winter, Carlinville Crater George, Bristol Haley & Cherney, Carlinville Litclifield A., Bristol Maurice & Allen, Carlinville Swartout H., Bristol Anderson M., Carmi Ray W. C. & Brother, Broadhead Jessup R., Car mi Blackburn B. M., Brooklyn Biromen N. E., Carrollton Vandiviler John, Brooklyn Eylemann Allen, Cariolton CAR CLI Huason & Speaks, Carrollton Harty Michael, Chicago Beany Henry, Carthage J^egar Frederick W., Chicago Bill J F., Carthage Jennings Eli, Chicago Car, n W. C., Carthage Kellar Jno., Chicago Maxwell Wm., Carthage Ketz Frank., Chicngo Sample Jas. & Co., Carthage Kraus John, Chicago Clark William, Crttlin Lawless Patrick, Chicago Conan John, Cntlin Licbrichs F., Chicago Dunn John, Catlin Mi-Kay Charles P., Chicago Woolen David, Catlin McDougal A. & Son, Chicngo Boyt Elisha, Cedar Bluff Moody & Brother, Chicago Claret n Jeremiah, Cedar Bluff Mowering Nicholas, Chicago Farrer John, Cedar Bluff Neill & Smith, Chicago Bate man Jno., Cedarville Newell Edinond, Chic 'go Ilgen L., Cedarville Pennington Richard, Chicago Shaffer J., Cedarville Portann Jacob, Chicago Schmalle William, Bro., & Co., Central City Powell Jacob, Chicago Wiilbourn William, Central City Quackinbush Calvin, Chi' ago Zimmerman Andrew, Central City Reynolds Milton E., Chicago Zurjacks Charles, Central City Russel Adam, Chicago Davis E., Centralia Root Plinny F., Chit-ago Hutchins W. D., Centralia Schmidt Frederick, Chicago Seley A. H., Centralia Shoemaker Louis, Chicago Foster C., Channahon Smidt & Katz, Chicago Sage E. W., Channahon Sollitt John, Chic 'go "Wignall Charles, Channahon Soper Thomas, Chicago Willard L. R., Channahon Vreeland Wm. H., Chicago Fish.T W. W., Charleston Wiedhoffc Alfred H., Chicago Freeman H. B., Charleston Wilcox & Ballerd, ChLago Pool John, Charleston Wilson Chas., Chicago Vail D D., Charleston Wilson & Chapin, Chicago Garlu.mD., Chatham Wisdom & Middleton, Chicago Sabin S. S., jr., Chatham Worham Jno., Chicago Jones A., Chatsworth Woortman John, Chicago Akerlv Wm. F., Cherry Valley Younger Chancey J., Chicago Brigham J. W., Cherry Valley Young Samuel, ; Chicago Chapman A. B., Cn ester Crowley Z. G. N., Chili Crittenden R. H., Chester Work M., Chili Knapp & Schreder, Chester Worrell E., Chili Wan-en & Sherman, Chester Bailey William, Chillicothe Arnold Geo. A., Chicago Booth & Beebe, Chillicothe Barnes Hamilton, Chicago Curtis S. P., Chillicothe Beese A., Chicago McManamy T. S., Chillicothe Bengley Alex, Chicago Wood L. A., Chillicothe Bent John W., Chicago Reed, Murphy & Edds, Circleville Bowie Stephen M., Chicago Burnes James, Clay City Brunk Jno., Chicago Eaton Wm. S., Clay City Bro*n Joseph, Chicago Fields Daniel, Clay City Colton Alex. F., Chicago Adams T. D., Clayton Conrad Andrew, Chicago Douglas W. B., Clayton Cook Alfred E., Chicago Hamilton E., Clayton Cook Chap. E., Chicago Horn H. A., Clayton Davis Wm. E., Chicago Montgomery I. B., Clayton Dixon William, Chicago Tallman J., Clayton Donline John H. Chicago Everheart F., Clear Creek Landing Doiing Win., Chicago Jones James, Clear Creek Landing Dowe Edward, Chicago Randal N. M., Clear Creek Landing Drake James, Chicago Reed C. H., Clear Creek Landing Ewing E., Chicago Reed Charles, Clear Creek Landing Exc< 11 Robert, Chicago Savior A., Clear Creek Landing Feldmans Louis, Chicago Millspaugh L. L, Clifton Fid ir Christopher, Chicago Sanderson H., Clifton Foote & Rice, Chicago Spooner G. H., Clifton Gallagher William, Chicago Delay J., Clinton Gillis J mies, Chicago Grant John, Cliuton Gillies & Ritchie, Chicago Grant William, Clinton Gers-feld Wm., Chicago Peddicord C., Clinton Garndt Wm., Chicago Peddicord Samuel, Clinton Gray Wm., Chicago Polick John, Clinton Griffith Richard, Chicago Purse William, Clinton 555 DUN Rouse James, Clinton Burrell & Kaufmann, Davis Wilson Joel, Clinton Dernier H. W., Davis Bladel John, Coal Valley Gn en Wm. & Alex., Davis Petty John, Coal Valley Potter Joseph, Davis Davis John, Coatsburg Brain J. S., Daw son Eckles James, Coatsburg Constant Jacob, Dawson Evertson Joel, Coatsbuig Lanham N. W., Dawson Wigle & Hunsaker, Coatsburg Jackson C. H., Daysville Yatmon N., Coatsburg Jackson Wm., Daysville Bechtel A. G., Colchester Lambert , Day-iville Bechtel George, Colchester Reed G. M., Daysville Betehel John, Colchester Bennett George, Dearborn Enguls J., Colchester Bryant H., Dearborn Hamilton H., Colchester Derlin C., Dearborn Pruet N., Colchester Goodspeed Anson, Dearborn Smith J. B., Colchester Pierson E., Dearborn Hubbard J., Collinsville Robinson Henry, Denrborn Johnson H., Collinsville Boyakin & Blake, Decatur Log m James, Collinsville Lowell & Swift, Decatur Puinam & Wonderly, Collinsville Todd Lewis, Deerfield Weathers A., Collinsville Angall James, Delavan Cannon Clinton B., Columbus Casey S. N., Delavan Col well James W., Columbus Jones E. 0., Delavan Cohvell William N., Columbus Kelly John, Delavan Rhea George, Columbus Martin George A., Delavan Siminons William, Columbus Miller J. W., Delavan Todd Richard, Columbus Stanebury Jacob, Delavan Plum William, Como Storms Abraham, Delavan Rich Thomas, Como Whittemore J. L., Delavan Ryerson Martin, Como Hartwell Charles, Del Rey Uurii mail Wm., Cordova Van Neste George H., Del Rey Cool Jonathan, Cordova Allen G. W., Dement Station Cummings R., Cordova Burley I. A., Dement St ttion King^ley J. L., Cordova Burnam H., Dement Station Lambert J., Cordova Dimon D., Dement Station Lamphere , Cordova Molthrop L., Dement Station Logan J. M., Cordova Pierce B. R., Dement Station McClure H., Cordova Atchison Nelson, Derinda Peterson J., Cordova Hoofman Henry, Derinda Sabins D., Cordova Hoofman Jacob, Derinda Swallow P., Cordova Beam John, DeSoto Way G. W., Cordova Hanah David, DeSoto Weste- green C., Cordova Heiple S., DeSoto Krumback W., Cornville Millhouse H., DeSoto Myers & B trber, Cornville Miilhouse Jacob, DeSoto Ward Newton, Cornville Walker F. H., DeSoto Brook D., Courtland Station Hutsonpiller John, Detroit Head A., Courtland Station Kibler Nathan, Detroit Holdredge W., Courtland Station Long M. S., Detroit King A. B., Courtland Station Peebles Abram, Detroit Matdce A., Courtland Station Cochran Evan L., Dillon Peck J., Courtland Station Landet J. B., Dillon Willi ima William, Courtland Station Lord Roswell, jr., Dillon Epperson W. A., Cross Roads Lord Roswell M. sen., Dillon Riely George, Crotty Keven A., Doddsville Miiigart J., Cruder Eichhoff Charles, Dongola Parker Hiram, Cruger Miller A. J., Dongola Anderson Robert, Cuba M.lls A. J., Dougola Belford John, Cuba Williams W. J., Dongola Frav Lewis, Dak-.ta Ball J. M., Dover Muffly Charles, Dakota Smith A. & Son, Dover Allen Levi, Danby Taylor J. B., Djver Ballou Elijah, Dan by Bouzen N., Drury Geer Wm., Danby Swigurt John, Drury Hantz Andrew, Danby Thornton A., Drury Biown J. B., Danville Kiggan John, Duboia Callihan & Ludington, Danville Stark A. C., Dudley Mires Henry, Danville MANDRELLA JOHN, Dunleith. Smith J. T.' & Bro., Danville Borden T. F., Dundee Baker John, Davis Dodge W. H., Dundee DUN 556 FOR Kibbie A. C., Dundee Love Wm., Essex Parker W. J., Dundee Buck James, Eugene Sutfin W., Dundee Green W. H. & Co., Eureka Woolover F., Dondee Smith & Hovt, Eureka Woolover H. P., Dundee Hill J. M. & Bro., Eureka Carter John B., DuQuoin Hyde Geo., Evanston Cochran J. A., DuQuoin Kinney Js., Evanston Dunawv R. M., DuQuoin Russell Miles, Evanston Hatfield'D. D., DuQuoin Bumbaurer Peter, Evansville Johnson H. W., DuQuoin Douglass J. T. & S. H., Evansville Spotts Samuel, DuQuoin Feaman George, Evansville Betts A. J., Durand Hermis Philip, Evausvillc Gailert W. F., Durand Lauber Thomas, Evansville Baker T. H., Dwight Bishop William A., Exeter Crandall C., Dwight Brown G. W., Exeter Duiilop J. W., Dwight Parry C. H., Exeter Eaton J., Dwight Quick E. C., Exeter Losee B., Dwiuht Oh m pi itiu Mahlon, Fairbury Ramsiy S., Dwight McQuig E. H., F.tirbury Rockwell H. D., Dwight Millington S. C., Fairbury Smith D., Dwight Newland G. G., Fairbury Cook George, Earlville Stephenson John H. & Bro., Fairbury Newt'n Elias, Eiirlville Black John, Fail-field Signer Eli, Earlville Scott R., Fail-field Sirason S. H., Earlville Scott S , Fairfield Lobdell Harry, Enst Paw Paw Wickersham S., Fairfield McCollum Robert S., East Paw Paw F;iidiey John P., Fair Haven Austin J. A., E'lgewood Lewis Ira, Fair Haven Bethell John, Edgewood Merchant M. V., Fair Haven Irwin F., Edgewood Myers Lewis, Fair Haven Wood W., Edgewood Reister John, Fair Haven Atchison J. B., Edwardsville Shore George N., Fair Haven Barnes A., Edwardsville Cordts & Peterson, Fairmount Bruerton S. S., Edwardsville Cunningham W., Fairrnount Cook John, Edwnrdsville Powell George, Fairmount Crocker George, Edwardsville Hall Edward, Fairview Frede C., Edwnrdsviile Sdnes John, Fairview Haake John, Edwardsville Enochs S. D., Farmington Horning John, Edwnrdsville Faucit George, Farmington McCorkle J. L., Edwardsville Gaylord H., Farmington Newshara T. J., Edwardsville Hasin^ton G., Farmington Spillman C. N., Edwardsville Herder E., Farmington Wilder H., Edwardsville Miller A., Farmington Stiles Luther C., Elgin Thomas A. B., Farmington John T. H., Elizabeth Boothe J. S., Fayette Loveless Joseph, Elkhovn Grove Carrow W. H., Fayette Nixan John, Elkhorn Grove Samples A. J., Favetto Ret-d C. B., Ellisville Foresman Fisher, Fidelity Smith & Sheckler, Ellisville Longwell James, Fidelity Wilmarth H. H., Ellisville Pierce James, Fidelity Blackwood Thomas, Elmira Stout James E., Fidelity Clark Daniel B., Elmira Woodbury Joseph, Fidelity Clark John M., Elmira Bliesner Charles, Fieldon Fleming Samuel, Elmira Allen Benjamin, Fishhook Hunter John, Elmira Allen Charles, Fishhook Barnes Charles, Empire Brower Smith, Fishhook Kungle Joseph B., Empire Morrel Elbrige, Fishhook Ryerson Martin, Empire Morrel S., Fishhook Thompson Allen, Empire Vanzandt Joseph, Fishhook Anderson J. S., Enfield Davis S., Flat Rock Metoalf Lee, Enfield Low William S., Flat Rock Orr J. P., Enfield Dye A. E., Flora Orr P. A., Enfield Griffi h Albert, Flora Baruuin Norval, Erie Hall C. F., Florena Carr Wm., Erie Derley E. W., Foreston Hatch H. J., Erie Fager I., Foreston Johnson Alex., Erie Galbrai h J. C., Foreston Penny W. I., Erie Geeting G., Foreston Smith Sidney, Erie Graff P., Foreston Clute Isaac, Essex Holinshead G. C., Foreston 35 FOR 557 HAM Todd II., Foreston Brelsfird M. G., Girard Dewey S., Forksville Brvant R. M., Girard Griswold L., Forksville Bu'by John C., Girard McLane M. D., Forksville Magron P., Girard Sampson S. B., Forksville May J. B., Girard Myers Frederick, Fowler's Station Smith J. J., , . Girard Adams J. D., Frankfort j Teeman A., Girard Hearn S. L., Frankfort j Cobb Barnum, Glasgow Fish Eben, Franklin Grove Hanna F. K., Golconda Loomis C. D., Franklin Grove McGowen Thomas, Golconda Rosecrans L., Franklin Grove Meserve Joseph, Golconda Townsend William, Franklin Grove Richey W. H., Golconda Welsh James, Franklin Grove Sink G. W., Golconda Helfinch Peter, Freeburg Goodwin William, Gooding's Grove Hoost John, Freeburg Shaw A. K, Gooding's Grove Murphy James C., Freeburg Brown A., Graf ton Schmitt Francis, Freeburg Hamilton N., Gralton Streetz Martin. Freeburg Shephard & Braddish, Graf ton Streetz Michael, Freeburg Cool John, Grand de Tour Weber Henry, Freeburg Cool M., Grand de Tour Beal Joseph, Fredericksville Dudley H. C., Grand de Tour Farwell Seth, Fredericksville Le Geo Frank, Grand de Tour Harding Charles, Freedom McVey J., Grand View Lewis J. B., Freedom Morris Charles, Grand View Martin George, Freedom Morris John, Grand View Wilkins C., Freedom Morris William, Grand View Smith Alex., Freeport Colbv Hiram, Granville Pease L. P., Friend's Grove Field" A., Granville Rigg John, Friend's Grove Hartmann William, Granville Shear William, Friend's Grove Laughlin A. M , Granville Atherlon G. M., Friendsville McEowen John, Granville Carbaugh S., Friendsville Moshier Alfred, Granville Newman N. F., Friendsville Stone A. A., Granville Cleel Henry, Fullersburg Watson Joseph, Granville Davis Charles, Fullersburg Work James, Granville Jackley Samuel, Fullersburg Coulter James S., Grayville Brown William, Fulton City Gilbert Wm., Grayville Jacobs I. P., Fulton City Lindsay G. B , G ray ville Balcom G., Galesburg Drake & Stock, Greenfield Chapman J. P. & D., Galesburg Drumm P. G., Greenfield Carson J. H., Galesburg Lowery H., Greenfield Weeks H., Galesburg Newton L. D.. Greenfield Drum John, Garden Plain Nichols John, Greenfield Howard W. W., Garden Phin Wahl John, Greenfield Bennett & Bro.. Garden Prairie Payne Alwin, Green Garden Cook E. L., Geneseo Russell John V., Green Garden Lawrence G. U., Geneseo Russell Samuel, Green Garden Middleton M. H., Geneseo Huffcut S. W., Greenup Phrary Philo, Geneseo Votaw M., Greenup Way & White, Geneseo Lock Samuel, Gridley Abbott Allison, Geneva Manning Laban, Gridley Abrahamson John, Geneva Sleeger Philo, Gridley Bunker Edward, Geneva Young George, Gridley Bunker George, Geneva Campbell A., Griggsville Clark Thomas J., Geneva Crawford J., Griggsville Coleman John, Geneva Donnavan W., Griggsville Coleman Oliver, Geneva Fielding D., Griggsville Lingreen Gustus, Geneva Lerrip L. I., Griggsville Robinson William, Geneva Sperry B., Griggsville Wolstrom Olf, Geneva Turnham R. J., Griggsville Hall James R., Georgetown Breckenridge , Hadley Hall William M., Georgetown Cossart R. G., Hadley Holmes Charles M., Georgetown Goodwin William, Hadley Jackson Arthur, Georgetown Glines Benjamin, Hadley McKee Elijah A., Georgetown Harris Thomas, Hadley Terrell William J., Georgetown Rice Elijah, Hadley Campbell F. E. & F. D., Oilman Johnson J. H., Hall Clark G. B., Oilman Sherlay Tillman, Hall Clarke 0. L., Oilman Clapp John A., Hamilton Plumb G. W., Oilman Wheeler John, Hamilton HAM 558 KEN" Beams Ephraim, Hampshire Rulison C. H., Huntley Grove Reams Moses, Hampshire Walise , Huntley Grove Denison Samuel, Hampton Anderson Robert, Hurricane Norton Henry 0., Hampton Bose John, Hutsonville Sowers Samuel, Hampton Gregory A. S., Hutsonville Ward Milton, Hampton McDonald C. C., Hutsonville Giles Hiram, Hirlem Mather G. W., Illiopolis Ward Amos, Harlem Simms James, Illiopolis Berry John, Harrisburgh Cummings J. A., Indianola Derr H., Harrisburgh Franklin Benj. B., Indianola Leisler P., Harrisburgh Hxymann R. M., Indianola Compton Whortman, Harrison Whittington Henry B., Indianola Baird James, Harvard Patricks Andrew, Ionia Bellows J. C., Harvard Brick B. S., Ipava Butts B. B., Harvard McCamant & Highlands, Ipava Gould John, Harvard Ramsey Houston, Ipava Russell T. J., Harvard Ramsey William, . Ipava Colnell Daniel, Havana Frowfoltor Peter, Iroquois Fenton William H., Havana Martin C. A., Iroquois Welky Samuel, Hazel Dell Ward Wm., Iroquois Clark C. M., Hazlett Kelloy Isaac, Irving Gingle Andrew, Hazlett Vanhorn Lewis P., Irving Brazee N., Henderson Vanhorn W. B., Irving Dudley W. T., Henderson Sturgeon 0. H., Izoria Edwards M., Henderson Branch C. V., Jeffersonville Ray & Bowman, Hennepin Martin Geo. W., Jefiersonville Turner H. E., Hennepin Barnes Winston J., Jericho Black John, Henry Darling Philo S., Jericho Roberts J., Henry Edsall John, Jersey Landing Sneathen A., Henry Greer S. W., Jersey Landing Bently Preston, Heyworth Lame T. M., Jersey Landing Eby Peter, Heyworth Monfoit Thomas, Jersey Landing Karr Henry A., Heyworth Brown C. D. V., Jerseyville Messick Thomas, Heyworth Embley William, Jerseyville Robertson James B., Heyworth Paae T. M., Jerseyville Brands Moses, Hick's Mills Rue A. & A., Jerseyville Losee Lyndes, Hick's Mills Snelling M., Jerseyville Godsay J. A. J., Hickory Creek Tavlor William, Jerseyville Odell Hezekiah, H:ckory Creek Twombly H. N., Jerseyville Odell Theodore, HickJory Creek Alsbury John, John's Creek Patens Jacob, Hickory Creek Dewey R. Harvey, Joliet Lanham R. A., Higginsville George Joel, Joliet Lockhart Mahew, Higginsville Ling'e A., Jonesboro Watkins Moses, Higginsville Roberts J., Jonesboro Buchter J., Highland Ryimer J., Jonesboro Grapp Lucius, Highland Shipley R. P., Jonesboro Hitz J., Highland Grundy Enos, Kane Hoffman J., H'ghland Utt Adam, Kane Kamm J. & P. & Co., Highland Clendiner E. R., Jones Creek Koch G. &"C., Highland Frazer Alexander, Jones Creek Rastberger B., Highland Frazer S;tmuel, Jones Creek Rohr J., Highland Hooker G. W., Jones Creek Sidler Haver, Highland Hooker Jacob M., Jones Creek Streif Peter, Highland Moore W. B., Kaneville Atkins Davis, High Prairie Phelps 0., Kaneville Reed Andrew J., High Prairie Wheaton J., Kaneville Armstrong William F., Hillsboro Rogers W. L., Kansas Willard Ira, Hillsboro Bradock J. C., Kansas Baldwin & Ireland, Hopper's Mills McDdvit J. R., Kansas McFarland William M, Houston Rinker E. J., Kansas Steward Bradley, Houston Ramsey James, Kappa Lilly George, Howards Point Cicel A., Keene Martin William, Howards Point Cicel W., Keene Lathan Ezra, Howardsville Mercer Joseph, Keene Parris George, Howardsville Reece Joseph, Keene Stevens E., Howardsville Ward Jerome, Keene Aubros Jas., Hudson Albright Jacob, Kent Littlefield R. C., Hudson Biker Daniel, Kent Strohl Jonas, Hudson Booss Geo., Kent Jones C. H., Huntley Grove Booss Jacob, Kent KEN 559 LOU Keelf r Jno., Kent M'llvaine William, Lane Depot HillM. D., Kewanee Smedley David, Lane Depot Jackson J. W., Kewanee Brien William 0., Laona Johnson Erastus, Kewanee Lefeboer E., Laona McConnell Isaac, Kewanee Morey Abijah, Laona McEvoy Jas., Kewanee Ryan E., Lawrenceville Mayhew Nathan, Kewanee Selby L., Lawrenceville Miller J. P., Kewanee Amos Thomas, Lebanon Miller N., Kewanee Boswell Thomas E., Lebanon Wilson P. S., Kewiince Harris & Williams, Lebanon Dawson J. F., Kickapoo Howard William, Lebmon Dombaugh J., Kickapoo Shaw J. C., Lebanon Young A. S , Kickapoo Fuller J. C., Leland Brown W. W., Kinderhook Howe Eli, Leland Cowls W. F., Kinderhook Allison Benjamin, Lemont Deval D., Kinderhook Bosburgh L. S. & Bro., Lemont Deval H., Kinderhook Case William, Lemont Hal J., Kinderhook Elliott N., Lemont McCormick E., Kinderhook Eyelet Nicholas, Lemont McPheargar R., Kinderhook Hanson N., Lemont Wait D. J., Kinderhook Lavton Augustus, Lemont Booth E. D., Kingsbury Martin W. F., Lemont Hefpleboner David, Kingsbury Talyea John, Lemont Myers Peter, Kingsbury Lagesse David L'Erable Snyder S. B., Kingsbury Micho Edward, L'Erable Dibbell James, Kingston Potras Basile, L'Erable Stuart Lyman, Kingston St. John John, L'Erable Ames Benjamin, Kingston Mines Downing J. M., Leroy Bookout P., Kingston Mines Johnson A. B., Leroy Callus 0. R., Kingston Mines Moore A. L., Leroy Henderson E., Kingston Mines Moore B. T., Leroy McLeod Duncan, Kingston Mines Ragan F. S., Lexington Chalfant & Bro., Kinmundy Benfield Jonas, Liberty Hicks & Carl, Kinmundy Graff Theodore, Liberty Raser T., Kinmundy Tatman & Benfield, Liberty Tuder John, Kinmundy Vanderlip Wilson, Liberty Clothier Cyrus, Kishwaukee Wigle Ben. J., Liberty Clothier Heman, Kishwaukee Gleason Albert, Libertyville Kingsbury Henry, Kishwaukee Gleason Hiram, Libertyville Huggins Edson, Knoxville Hatch Nathan, Libertyville Perkins H. R., Knoxville Jewel David, Libertyville Silveies A. W., Knoxville Stearns Moses, Libertyville Wallick Levi, Knoxville Stevens C., Libertyville Wheeler George W., Knoxville Watson William, Limerick Miller & Jarvis, Kyte River Chlenslager & Bro., Linchburg, Todd , Kyte River Bradley E. W., Lincoln Lobdon , LaClare Evans & Bumerots, Lincoln McCollum Robert, LaClare Forsyth Robert, Lincoln Merriman , LaClare Ladne T. F., Lincoln Robinson Nathaniel, LaClare Littler D , Lincoln Stow P. W., LaClare Ramsburgh J. F., Lincoln Yeomans Daniel, LaClare StrykerT., Lincoln Rice C. D., LaClede Swarenger I., Lincoln Cummins & Recder, Lacon Yates & Hungerford, Lincoln Holloway E. M., Lacon Cobleigh & Co., Lisbon Wilson & McK'mny, Lacon Corlett Thomas, Lisbon Bowden William, LaFayette Putt John, Lisbon Dickinson C. V., LaFayette Tenney & Johnson, Little Muddy Dickinson James, LaFayette Sours Jacob, Littleton Dickinson W. T. LaFayette Wallace Robert, Littleton Hill E. G., LaFayette Doughmann David, Little York Hill G. F., LaFayette Harper Parker, Little York Martin James, LaFayette McCoy W. J., Little York Barnes David B., LaHarpe Toibert John, Little York Belding S. B., LaHarpe Wheeler Edward, Logan Griffith Franklin, LaHarpe Daniels William, London City Pike Wm. P., Lake Creek Arnel Dennis, Louisville Adams Abram, Lane Depot Burnes James, Louisville Breen Henry, Lane Depot Eaton William S., Louisville Ladd James, Lane Depot Fields Daniel, Louisville LOU 560 MIL Jones Benjamin, Louisville Liedel E., Marine Westfall Jacob, Louisville Wiegand U., Marine Krater J. H , Low Point Calvert N. B., Marion Martin Henry, Low Point Calvert Wm. S., Marion Kellv H., Lyndon Ashmore J. N., Marrow Bone Owen S., Lyndon Donahoo R., Marrow Bone Davis John, Lynnville Landsen E. M., Marrow Bone Davis Willis, Lynnville Arbuchlo I. B., Marshall Hill R., Lynnville Bradley Stephen, Marshall Sturdy Thomas, Lynnville Byers William T., Marshall Brown P. A., McConnell's Grove King Valentine, Marshall Carter Benjamin, McConnell's Grove Kline Simon, Marshall Jonas F., McConnell's Grove Lublase R. L., Marti nsville Kloutz Adam, McConnell's Grove Bailey & Stebbins, Mason Riggs Charles, McConnell's Grove Runkin Joseph W., Mason Beath C. S., McLean Smith J. R., Mason Morrill C. H., McLean White William F., Mason Morrill William, McLean Wood William, Mason Crage WiHam, McLeansboro Cunningham W. C., Mattoon Calvert William P., McLeansbcro Johnson H., Mat toon Parkherst & Lock wood, McLeansboro Kerley H. F., Mattoon Clemson George, Mackinaw Powell C., Mattoon Flesher D., Mackinaw Staples L. F., Mattoon Parmele L., Mackinaw Tobev M. T., Mattoon Richmond Wilkison, Mackinaw Van Buskirk A. C., Mattoon Walsh D., Mackinaw Marshell R., Marysville Holmes Will's, Macomb Mineley L. S., Marysville McCandlass J. P., Macomb Bl an chard G. L., Mendota Martin J. M., Macomb Clark & Rockwood, Mendota Morgan R. E., Macomb Dudgeon Samuel, Mendota Evans A. H., Magnolia Gillett H. E., Mendota Hart wick F. H., Magnolia Quinn H. S., Mendota Gazlay J., Mainville Schick A., Mendota Beck with C. W., Maiden Van Vliet William, Mendota Bishop P., Maiden Weeks Charles, Mendota Bowlas G. A., Maiden Chase Samuel R., Mercia Burke R, H., Maiden Standell James J., Mercia Gates S. W., Maiden Beiman William, Meredosia Hubbard G. W. Maiden Blackstone J., Meredosia Leach James M., Maiden Davidson J. L., Meredosia McGinnis J. Wesley, Maiden HatfieldJ. W., Meredosia Thomas A. J., Maiden Young R. J., Meredosi* Wiley Thomas, Maiden Bassett , Metnmora Hubbard S., Malta Bassett F., Metamora Offenbach J., Malta Bennett J., MeUmora Patterson J. A., Malta Egbert G., Metamora Scott D., Malta Egbert John, Metamora Dore & Hunter, Manchester Egbert W. W., Metamora Goodall & Co., Manchester Redegan H., Metamora Wilson J. M., Manchester Scott E., Metamora Ticket H., Mansfield Stitt J., Metamora Goodin Grudlev, Mansfield StittJ. E., Metamora Hoyt A., Mansfield Tool M., Metamora Kugler H., Mansfield Wiley S., Mettmiora Slore M., Mansfield Arnot Samuel, Metropolis City Gearhirt G. W., Manteno Eccles E. J., Metropolis City Peters M. R., Manteno Ed wards F. S., Metropolis City Morton R. W., Maple's Mills Hew W. I., Metropolis City Adle E., Maquon Roberts E. I , Metropolis City Barton M., Maquon Irons James, Middleport Berkholter James, Maquon Kiser John C., Middleport Bricker G., Maquon Miller W. F., Middleport Cole William & Co., Maquon Munson W., Middleport McMannan G., Maquon Snider John & Bro., Middleport Goodrich E. J., Marengo Seibert Charles, Mier Goodspeed S. H , Marengo Seibert Jacob, jr., Mier Oakley William R., Marengo Seibert Jacob, sr., Mier Wesly John, Marengo Campble W. H., Milford Hover H., Marine Child* W. T., Milford Jones C., Marine Buck J. W., Milledgeville MIL 561 NOR Van Vlack B. W., Milledgeville Miller Upton, Mt. Morris Birns Theodore, Millstadt Startzman John, Mt. Morris Erzfeld August, Millstadt Butterfield B., Mt. Palatine Knooke Henry, Millsiadt Gurned G. H., Mt. Palatine Nicking John, Millstidt Puppen R., Mt. Palatine Evans William, Milton Station Mason Christopher, Mt. Pulaski Cooper C., Mineral Snyder Charles, Mt. Pulaski Dun H., Mineral Miller John, Mt. Vernon Lenhart J. L., Mineral Miller John W., Mt. Vernon Ferrin H. K, Minonk Traut G. & P., Mt. Vernon Vance John, Minonk Watson J. H., Mt. Vernon Washburn James, Minonk Ward J. M., Murphysborough Worst A., Minonk Rose C., Myersville Studer , Mokena Silvery [. F., Myersville Case H., Momence Collins John, Naperville Clark Jos. L., Momence Ditzler J., Naperville Kellogg Jas., Momence Hatten A. A., Naperville Wondell W., Momence Orcutt Philip, Naperville Butler Ira T., Montgomery Baker A. J., Naples Cambell George, Montgomery Panybom D., Naples Porter James H., Montgomery Geiger John, Nelson Farrow J. H., Monterey Vroom Henry, Nelson Clark & Barlow, Monticello Dix, Howell & Baker, Neponsit Dardoff , Monticello Huckins Moses, Neponsit Dyer & Garer, Monticello Swain Cyrus, Neponsit Monticello Richardson Thomas B., New Baltimore jsierton , Mount James T., Monument Blaise Geer, New Berlin Dawson M. S., Moore's Prairie Green & Myers, New Berlin Potter Samuel, Maroa Henwood B., New Berlin Beedy C. J., Morris Legrand G. W., New Berlin Dimon F., Morris Rude Abraham New Berlin Dimon George, Morris Austin & Pryer, New Boston Fish J., Morris Kerlin Anderson, New Boston FOSHA EDWIN J., Morris Merrell William E., New Boston Goold A., Morris Sheriff S., New Boston Gordon Miles, Morris Badger Hugh, New Erin Josha E. J., Morris Light T. R., New Erin Kutz John, Morris Cannan Clark, New Hartford STARR WILLIAM & C., Morris Graham William, New Hartford Stow C., Morris Fry Freeman, New Jordan WILLIAMS FITZ HENRY, Morris Krantz Reuben, New Jordan Williams & Co. Morris Talbert James, New Jordan Foreman Benjamin S , Morrison Woods James, New Jordan Weber John W., Morrison Logan G., New Liberty Messiger Elis T., Morton Sawyer Amos, New Liberty Mahan T. B., Moscow Beck Jacob G., New Market Pocock M. C., Moscow Lamb William M., New Market Marlett L., Mossville Beach Justus, New Massillon Morrison J. B., Mound City McKinney J. A., New Maysville Rice Newton, Mound City Butler & Sons, New Miiford Vancleve E. T. Mound City Willet Andress, New Miiford White E. H., Mound City Conley James, New Salem Fifield B. P., Mt. Auburn Hooper Wesley, New Salem Hoag'and E. N., Mt. Auburn Shaffner John, New Salem Sargeant E. & Co., Mt. Auburn Warren E. B., New Salem Sargeant Wm., Mt. Auburn Klein William, Newton Bruffee G. W., Mt. Carmel Richards J. C., Newton Gould B. B. &. Co., Mt. Carmel Riglesbarger Samuel, Newton Higbee James, Mt. Carmel Herring & Rock, Niantic Leeds P., Mt. Caimel Kizer J. G., Niantic Forbes James, Mt. Erie Pickering F, A., Niantic Froat Silas, Mt. Erie Benbrook E. G., Night's Prairie Sarscott James, Mt. Erie Dole D. & J., Night's Prairie Willey John, Mt. Erie Griffin E., Night's Prairie Paterson Alexander, Mt. Hawley Butler & Co., Noble Wilder Edson, Mt. Hawley Hiskey G. W. & Co., Noble Allison Richard Mt. Morris Chandler John, Nokomis Hibarger Daniel, Mt. Morris Wetmore J. J., Nokomis Knodle Joseph, Mt. Morris Carpenter Charles, Nora Middlekauf Henry, Mt. Morris Cowan John, Nora NOR 562 PER Stanch field James, Nora HugginsEioch, Orange Prurie Stanchfield Rural, Nora Seaton John, Orange Prairie Tefft Sehuyler, Nora Thorn William, Orange Prairie Warner A. C., Nora Evans Thomas, Orangeville Stowel! Ebenezer, Northampton Seidel Jars James, Ohio Farm Hutchinson James, Paloe Tietjen Cans, Old Ripley Weir Robert, Palos Curry George, Olena Young Peter, Palos Currv George H., Olena Bradley W. H., Pana Ball 'N., Olney Brodix W. T., Pana Banks A., Olney Landers F. L., Pana Beck B , Olney McCollough D., Pana Gaddis G., Olney LeGrange I., Paris Galhger B., Olney Parrish D. C., Paris Lutz G., Olney Slanker William, Paris Nbtestine L., Olney St Inaker G. W., Paris Robinson A. W., Olney Young T. A., Paris Baldwin B., Omega Bowman Hazard, Parks' Corners Baldwin T., Omega Head J. P., Parks' Corners Fickass J., Omega Pickerd D., Parks' Corners Aller D., Omph Ghent Hathaway Charles', Parrish Holkins J., Omph Ghent Hathaway Gabriel, Parrish Frisbie W., Onarga Egdar S/L., Paxton Hendricks C., Onarga Seville William, Paxton McRing A., Onarga Smith Benj., Paxton Stout Samuel, Oneco Tilren Austin, Payson Hall H. K., Oneida Whitcomb Jasper, Payson Kellogg D., Oneida Hebard Henry, Pecatonica Stevens R., Oneida Morrow John, Pecatonica Wallace J., Oneida Taylor Thos., Pecatonica Willi.ms S., <* Oneida Collins T. J., Pekin Austin Edward, Ophir Hall J. P., Pekin Dean J. G., Ophir Warren A. D., Pekin McKeen John, Ophir Allen Benjamin, Perry Willey Warren, Ophir Norris J. P., Perry Downs Albert, Orange Prairie Reed John, Perry Hall Thomas C., Orange Prairie Vertruse Charles M., Perry Hartley Daniel, Orange Prairie Lancaster Israel, Peru PET 563 ROU Fisher & Metlin, Petersburg Snyder P. H , Princeville Quinn & Cheny, Petersburg Chapin M., Prophetstown White Wm. M., Petersburg Hudson John, Prophetstown Fox A., Pettit Woodard 0., Propherville Stebbins Silas, Batavia Votzell P., Cedarville Wolcott Nelson, Batavia BROWN ANDREW, Chicago Harvey George A., Belleville Hiffland Geo., Chicago Laraway Nelson M., Belvidere Newhouse Henry, Chicago Hopper S. J., Blandinsville POWER EDWARD, ORNAMENTAL Benjamin & Schemerhorn, Bloomington WOOD CAREER, DESIGNER, Bovd & Niccolls, Bloomington AND MODELER,COMPOSITION White William, Cairo AND ORNAMENT MANUFAC- Hollister & Wilkins, Chicago TURER. ORNAMENTAL PAT- McDowell Alexander, Chicago TERNS FOR CASTINGS IN Palmer P., Chicago EVERY STYLE, COMPOSITION West John, Chicago CARTON, PIER AND PAPIER Crosby, Jones & Co., Dixon MACHIE ORNAMENTS, MAN- Wood & Boardman, Dixon UFACTURED FOR THE INTE- Wilder Samuel D., Elgin RIOR DECORATION OF BUILD- Mathews C. H., Galesburg INGS. P. 0. box 3837, Chicago Sage & Reed, Galesburg Seiler Bertholt, Chicago Walker & Hancock, Havana Woessner Lewis, Chicago McFarland & Co., Hey worth McLellan R. W., Circleville Jackson Wm. K., Hillsboro Whitcomb F., Edgewood King & Dewey, Jacksonville Hale J. S., Frankfort Knapp & Nevins, Jerseyville Clark Thomas J., Geneva Day Albert H., Joliet Gregory A. S., Hutsonville Parker Rufus M., Joliet Fettinger C., Joncsboro Parker & Howard, Kewanee Heskey H. H., Kansas Ewing & Co., Knoxville Lander William, Knoxville Muir Thomas, Knoxville Downing J. M., Leroy Capps & St. Clair, Mt. Pulaski Moore B. T., Leroy Scott W. & Co., Naperville Habertan William, Mt. Cartnel Cameron & Eberhard, Ottawa Blythe Joseph, Palmyra Lynch Andrew, Ottawa Hein Otto, Petersburg Bergstresser & Co., Pekin Merrell William E., New Boston Vincent & Co., Pekin Cline Jacob, Sandoval Westermann H. P. & Co., Pekin Coop Samuel, Sandy Ridge Young & Kerr, Pekin Bridgeman James, Santa Fe Day, Humphrey & Co., Peoria Saulter Antona, Somonauk Durham & Gelston, Peoria Percy Parsons, Stiiunton Tuller & Mairs, Prophetstown Renstram Peter, Victoria Root Henry, Quincy Barringer Henry, Wataga Andrews & Starr, Rockford Boyd Thomas, Rockford Dennett & Jeleson, Wood Alonzo & Co., Rockford Rockford Car "Wheel Manufacturers. Carter & Hatch, Swiler & Reid, HAWLEY E. B. & CO., Rock Island Rock Island Springfield Converse, Young & Hyde, Chicago Russell & Augell, Chicago Boynton Joseph H., Sterling More William, Summer Hill Stevens C. & Co , Tiskilwa Castor Oil Manufacturers. Henderson & Co., Compton T. A., Wilmington Woodlord Baker Barton P., Gards Point Hallock A. B., Gards Point Carriage Timber. Chain Pump Manufacturers. STOW N. L., See advt. page 448. Chicago Haggard David D., Bloomington Haggard Samuel B., Chicago Sprague & Gray, Lexington JONES S. & E., Quincy Wright & Shafer, Mendota See advt. page 486. Mellen, Sprague & Co., Quincy ALL 568 ROC Spriggs L. S., Harrisburgh Chair Manufacturers. Coington & Brinkman, Havana Tomelson Thomas, Hazel Dell (See also Furniture Dealers.) Dixon H. A., Henderson Porter J. M., Hickory Creek Allen Elibu, Allen Springs Smith John, Higginsville Slay Joseph, Anna Hiers H., High Point Jenings Charles, Antioch Green J. R., Ionia Button E., Augusta David William & Co., Ipava Cagle Jonathan, Brain bridge Nossker Geo., Iroquois Bucker J., Barclay Sanderson Cyrus, Jacksonville Smith & Bulger, Barry Littleton T., Jonesboro Kerle Enoch, Beaver Creek Tuthill S. P., Jones Creek Griffin Wyman, Bedford Hocket J. M., Kansas Schroeder J. Martin, Belleville Little John, Kingston Mines Dimmick William, Benton Chamberlain J. M., Kinmundy TJpehurch Benjamin, Benton Lander Henry, Knoxville Rhoades & Harmon, Berlin Byford Jacob, Lake Creek Goodwin & Bros., Blandinsville Hall John F., Lake Creek Bush William, Bloomfield Dobbs & Warner, Laona Perkins A. H., Browning Nailer Francis, Leroy Musgi ove S. W., Buck Dornon & Milton, Lincoln Lud*ig George, Bushnell Edmonds James H., Lincoln Snvder G. M. & D. W., Canton Weeks John C., Little York Orr William, Carmi Jones John 0. & Wm., McLeansboro Cook G. W., Catlin Deleplain A. 0., M 'fkinaw Beegs James, Channahon McElrath S. & J., Macomb Full, r William F., Chelsea Berkholter James, M>iquon Burns John H., Chicago Webb L., Maquon Collins W. S., Chicago Dietz & Gravius, Marine Hale D. T-, Chicago Harland Abner, Marietta Morion Caleb, Chicago Stockwitt & Husted, Marshall PHILLIPS JOHN", Chicago Detrich , Metamora See advt. page 471 . Weeks Thomas, Metropolis City Runt/. Joseph, Chicago Bishop J. H., Middleport Shaw Joseph, Chicago Baily B., Mier Walker Eli, Clark Centre Baily Levi, Mier Howard J., Clear Creek Landing HEMENWAY & NASON, Moline Henry J. M., Cleimont Moore A. W., Morris Tidball & Bogar, Clinton Perkins George. Morris Heighnica F. G., Collinsville Davis & Campbell, Neponset Moss John, Cuba Brooks Isaac, New Baltimore Crummer Thomas, Derinda Granjean H., New Berlin Joy James, Derinda Grandjean I , New Berlin Hanly C., Detroit Jackson B. L., New Market Harkins St. Clair, Dover Griffy Jonas New Massillon Havercramp & Bro., Dundee Black W. L., Newton Kramer C., Dundee Wessensee Andrew, Northampton Hoke S., Dwight Payne & Rohr, Oakland Millar John P., Edgewood Develling & Snyder, Olney Bliss & Fisk, Ellisville Heap & Allison, Olney Orr S C., Enfield Edwards William, Oxford Orr William, Enfield Han sham Benj., Palmjra Tomb Wm., Eureka Tatham & Bro., Pan a Jeans H., Fairfield Cook & Cranmer, Paris Wordin F. C., Farming' on Brown Archibald, Parrish Rider Galvo, Farmington Brown Natias, Parrish Goodpaster Henry, Favette Undemstock C. & J., Pekin Davis Samuel, Flora Stolz & Schilling, Pekin Hanly C., Florena Fee Thomas, Perry MadoYx E. S., Frankfort Conaut Wm. S., Petersburg Carter G. M., Freeport Johnson J. W., Piasa Reck James, Friendsville Humphreys Simpson, Pleasantview Whii taker William, Geneva Fairhurst Thomas, Prophetstown Stalder A., Grafton MOENNING H. & BRO., Quincy Travis John W., Grand View Niemann & Laage, Quincy Batson Benj., Gray vi lie Einey F., Red Bud Orange S. J., Grayville Setlemore & Tate, Renault Wilder G. H., Green up Thomas D., Roanoke HutchiLS J., Griggsville Rockey H. M., Rock Grove ROC 569 CHI Clark Fesler, Rockport Brady & Pease, Aurora Atzbach John, Rock Run Miller & Pease, Aurora Moore John, jr., Roland Vaiighan Joel R., Aurora Gibson George, St. John Philbrick M. H. & Co., Bailey ville Summers C., St. Joseph Buck F. H., Batavia Funk H., Santa Anna Fowler George W , Batavia Hackensmith A. J., Scottville Newton Levi, Batavia Owens & Co., Shaw's Point Stebbins Silas, Batavia Bugh J. W., Shelbyville Wolcott Nelson, Batavia Conant Sullivan, Springfield Messenger Henry, Beaverton Cowell B. F., Staunton Sheldon & Dietz, Belden Randol Thomas, Sullivan Burkhardt & Dress, Belleville Stewart Henry, Sweetwater Dietrich Louis, Belleville Wagoner H., Thebes Espenhein Christoph, Belleville Huey Charles, Time Goeltz Louis, Belleville Marsh J. W., Troy Kleibacker Christian, Belleville Parrott W. H., Urbana Rail James M., Belleville Littler S., Urbana Schleth Henry, Belleville Dilts Nelson, Valley Forge Peirce & Cunningham, Belvidere Tilley & James, Vermillion RAXSOM & FULLER, Belvidere Snell A. & S., Vermillionville Rockwood Samuel, Belvidere Jacob S. W., Vermont McCune James, Bernadotte Baird F. A., Versailles S perry S. A., Bernadotte Olmsted Stephen S., Victoria Vliet William, Bernadotte Stearnes Levi, Wallingford Kraig John, Bible Grove McKinny E. B., Warrenville Tweed P., Blivt-n's Mills Fleming VVm., Waynesville Capens & Simons, Bloomington Ballard J. W., Webster Parke & Hoopes, Bloomington Buscfink Henry, Salem Stow J. D., Bonus Harbottle W. Wilmington fillers B., Bourbon Adam Benj., Wool Rust L. C., Bourbon Londsdale , Wool Arnold A. H., Bristol Childs & Co., Bristol Merritt P. H. & A. T., Bristol Chandlers. Vogle Charles, Bristol (See Soap atid Candle Makers.) Lawranse Martin, Brey Paul C., Buena Vista Burksville Campbell A. 0. & Co. Byron Cheese Press Manufacturers. Dunning William C., Mix S. St. John, Byron Byron Boren H. & Bro., Caledonia Dean Royal L., Chicago Hughes W. A., Caledonia McDonald Richard, Caledonia Darrah George, Carmi Chemists. Fackney & Robinson, Carmi Hay & Webb, Carmi Blaney J. V. Z., Chicago Lund Y. & Sons, Carmi Chicago Chemical Works, Chicago Patrick & Hay, Carmi Erler Carl, Chemical Works, Chicago Shannon A. R., Carmi Redlich Henry, Chicago Stewart R. F., Carmi Stewart & Graham, Carmi China, G-lass and Earthen "Ware. Harris Edward, Gore John, Carthage Cedar Bluff Gall John & Co , Central City Brown & Norton, Adams Lyman W. W., Centralia Tripp Thomas, Adams Lewis Joseph, Channahon French S. A., Algonquin j Brown J. M. & Co., Chelsea Crandall Cleveland M., Alton Carpenter N. A., Chelsea McNulty James & Co., Alton Cleaveland & Owen, Chelsea Berinsford J. W., Amboy Folens & Lawrence, Chelsei Stone D. P., Amboy BOWEN BROTHERS, Chicago Vaughn C. D., Amboy See advt page. 451. Weddell J. D., Amboy Burley & Tyrrell, Chicago Carath G. B. & Son, Anna Bvrn Thomas H., Chicago Myers M. & Bro., Athens CRAWFORD, SHARP & CO., Chicago Salzenstein L., Athens Gardenyahn C., Chicago Stone N. T. Co., Athens Herting Dieden & Bros., Chicago Brooks N. C. & Co., Auburn Higgins Amando, Chicago Spencer & MeKennev, Auburn JAEGER A. & CO., Chicago Skinner A. & A. Vf.~, Augusta Mitchell & Miller, Chicago CHI 570 NEW Neidinger Michael, Ranke Julius, Schutze Geo. L , Seib John, Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago FLACK & RISLEY, McDonald A. & C., Merchant & Roberts, Branch N. P. & Co., Jacksonville Jacksonville Jefferson Jeffersonville Schwarz Julius, Brooks W., Chicago Circleville B.nnellD. T., Flam John, Jerseyville Jerseyville Judd R., Dawson Randolph A. C , Jerseyville Baker & Huckleberry, Hardv D. W. C. k Co , Decatur Decatur CAGWIN THOS. P., Reichart John, Joliet Joliet Hays F. L. & Co., Decatur Kiikpatrick & Co., Jonesboro Howenstein & Givler, Decatur Doriou Theophilus, Kankakee Stamper, Condell & Co., Wingate Thos. H., Wood Geo. M., Decatur Decatur Decatur Durham & Grover, Jackson Obadiah, Knott Christopher W., Kankakee Kankakee Kankakee Clark H. H., Dement Station Marshall & LeCours, Kankxkee Crosby, Jones & Co., Dixon Swannell Frederick, Kankakee Jones J. L. & Co., Dixon Ashbaugh 0. P., Kent Van Epps & Brubaker, Dixon Lay & Mclntyre, Kewanee Wood & Boardman, Dixon Parrish & Fanlkner, Kewanee Higboe & Sanderson, Detroit Parker & Howard, Kewanee Norton & demons, Detroit PHILLIPS & BOWERS, Kewanee Linch Timothy, Raymond George B., Ryan Edward, Elgin Elgin Elgin Platt J. L., Eagan & Hull, Eads & Price, Kewanee Kinmundy Knoxville Yarwood R. L. & J. R. r Elgin Ewing A., Knoxville Spafford S. M., Elwood Pavton & Coulson, LaHarpe Crawford & Field?, Enfield Todd G. A., LaHarpe Johnson A. L. & Son, Enfield Davis T R., Lake Cieek Land Y. & Sons, Enfield Lougstroth J. M., Leroy Orr P. A. & D. M., Enfield Parka L. &B., Leroy Holt E. H., Fair Haven Claggett Sanford R., Lexington Farrow William, Farrow Town Dement George T., Lexington Phillips Jesse, Finley Thomas & Co., Moore & Bllis, Fishhook Florena Florena Knotts & Gregory, Smith & Hefner, Whitcomb & King, Lexington Lexington Logan Bartholomew & Fitch, Fowler Station York Eli, Logansport Bunting James, jr., Farwell M & Co., Franconia Fredericksville Carmichael, Sparks & Co., Anderson J. L., Low Point Macomb Black Benj. F., Freeport Bailey W. S., Macomb Brown & Raymond, Green Adam T. t Freeport Freeport Benton & Churchill, Burton & Churchill, Macomb Macomb Hyde E. Howard, Long John & Son, Fuller John R., DICKSON J. B. & Co., Freeport Frepport Fullersburg Galena Erwin H. & Son, Mason L. J., Ross S. A., Tinsley N. P., Macomb Macomb Macomb Macomb Bugbee Amos, DisbrowH. V., Galesburg Galesburg Hays Matthew, Morey S. L., Mainsville Mainsville Hammond Royal, Lake Edwin S , Galesburg Galesburg Friedman M., Howard M. F., Maroa Maroa Perry & Bro., Geneseo Schenck G. J., Maroa Patten Charles, Geneva Fender John, Mason Worsley Timothy, Parker D. S., Geneva Gilman Henry Aaron W., Murry Win. M., Mason Mason Wright J. F., Oilman Wmite Wm. F. & Co., Mason Eastman H., Grafton Wright M. W., Mason Gross G. V., Graf ton Cooper P. H., Mendota Hamilton T. J., Grafton White 0. S., Mendota Mooney John & Co., Grafton Lowry & Bradley, Minersville Slaton W. B. & Co , Grafton Shaw & Reed, Moline DeLatour J. J., Granville White & Co., Morris Reed G. J. & Co., Granville Devine J. & Co., Morrison Bamon 0. P., Hall Gruffin & Stiles, Morrison Derron W. M., Hall Kendall Charles, Morrison Johnson R. H., Hall Smith Thomas, Motrison Vice E. H., Hall Spears & Bi other, Morrison Reid Thomas, Hamilton Thompson W. E., Mossville Gorman P., Heyworth Tilton R., Mt. Carmel Johnson N. D., Heyworth Capps J., Pulaski McFarland & Co., Heyworth Reed & Munson, Neponset Coffman & Bruce, Jacksonville Stewart John F., New Liberty NIA 571 NEW Hughes & Co., Niantic Crosby & Brother, Viola Wei s George, Nian'ic Boscow John H., Warsaw Long J. M. /\ t rt -no \\ 11 -nrf Whittlesey Martin K. 7 Ottawa A i.u.n.ci buiJ clMllll ^\..j Roder Michael, JT " tciBOurg Petersburg Dodson A., Otter Creek Haas J., sr., Peru Hamilton B. B., Otter Creek Ward B. C., Peru Brown E. C., Oxford Warner A, J., Peru Harris W. B., Oxford Cosier J. M., Pilot Grove Smith W. W., Oxford Templeton William H., Pinckneyville Bovell Stephen J., Palestine Van Winkle D. B., Pinckneyville McFarland Allan, Palestine Pingree A., Pingree Grove Grant W. J., Palestine Baldwin C. P., Pittsfield Leeper J., Palestine Carter William, Pittsfield Aldrich I. H., Pana Handel E. W., Pittsfield Wilmer W. A., Pana Kinne Niles, Pittsfield Ketch urn F., Panola Freeman A. D., Plainfield Huckstep S. M., Paradise Paige A. W., Plainfield Pittman C. R., Parker's Prairie Cone S. S., Piano Putnam C. R, Parker's Prairie Kinne D. N., Piano Alexander J. M. 7 Paris Gustin S., Plato Bastion N. S., Paris Essary J. H., Pleasant Grove Bennett W. F., Paris Kelix D. K, Pleasant Grove Crane J. L., Paris Kelley C. J., Pleasant Grove Kelly H. S., Paris Kelley H. S., Pleasant Grove Newell Samuel, Paris Overstreet E. W., Pleasant Grove Riley G. W., Paris Smelt E., Pleasant Grove Ryan Thomas, Paris Sneed W. P., Pleasant Grove Spinning Charles P. 7 Paris Smith S. B., Pleasant Hill Gale E., Pavillion Waller H., Pleasant Hill David J. S., Paw Paw Buhner George, Pleasant Plains Warriner N., Paw Paw Rutledge George, Pleasant Plains McVey W. H., Paxton Wilson Samuel M., Pleasant Plains Bonnell T., Payson Clelland Simuel, Pleasant Ridge Chapman Robert, Payson Kelly C. J., Pleasant Ridge Leach C. A., Payson Lindley W. M., Pleasant Ridge Metcalf J. 0., Payson Pearce W. B., Pleasant Ridge Osborne L., Payson Thomson H., Pleasant Ridge Bliss J. G., Pecatonica Middleton William H., Pleasant View Parish W. F., Pecatonica TaskerW., Plumb River Willis Erasmus D., Pecatonica Kirkpatrick J. S., Plymouth Koeneke H. F., Pekin Litchfield D. W., Plymouth Rybolt J. C., Pekin Johnson J., Pocahontas Borland John, Peoria Carpenter S. T., Polo Caldwell William E., Peoria Holyoke William E. r Polo Coyle Henry, Peoria Smith W. H., Polo Farris Robert P., Peoria Mendal J., Pontiac FOR 585 SAN Harris I. S., Port Byrou Boulger Thomas J., Rockford Porter William, Port Byron Brown Hope, Rockf'ord Woodruff G. C., Port Byron Clarke Anson, Rockford Taylor P., Prairie Ceutre Clark I., Rockford Lewis N. C., Prairie City Clarke J., Rockford Thompson Preston W., Prairie City Crewes H., Rockford Worrell Benjamin F., Prairie City Dal J., Rockford Holtslaw James, Prairie Creek Faris John M., Rockford Thrapp J. A., Prairieton Gray W. P., Rockford Sayers Geo., Preemption Harlow W. F., Rockford Coleman Eben, Princeton Heath N. P., Rockford French C., Princeton Mitchell E. C., Rockford Husen N., Princeton Reed F. A., Rockford Milligan Josiah, Princeton Briggs A., Rock Island Street Geo. C., Princeton Briggs C. W., Rock Island Cairns Geo., Princeville Chandler J., Rock Island Millsops J. S., Princeville Donelan John P., Rock Island Early A. M., Prophetstown Hunter W. H., Rock Island Edwards A. C., Prospect City Kelly David, Rock Island Todd D., Providence Stanley Henry, ^ Rock Island Ay res R. G., Pulaski Wilson Samuel T., Rock Island Grays G. M., Pulaski Thrall S. R., Rockport and Summerhill Ferguson G. G., Pulaski Martin J. N., Rockton Busman G., Quiney Purrnton D. B., Rockton Capron A., Quincy Veness J., Rockton Emery S. H., Quiney Miles J. C., Rockvale Knowles Wm., Quincy Chase Sumuel, Robin's Xest Koch H., Quincy Taylor J. E., Rosiclare Jaquess J. F., Quincy Bourne M., Roscoe Lock J. R., Quincy Brown Ebenezer, Roscoe McElherne P., Quincy Fmith Thomas G., Roscoe Man ten J. R., Quincy Kellogg S. H., Roscoe Northcott B. F., Quincy Merritt William C., Rosemond Schaefermeyer H., Quincy Johnson H. B., Roseville Schmidt John, Quincy Mitchell A. R., Roseville Schofield J. V , Quincy Atkinson W. B., Round Prairie Taylor T. B., Quincy Irvine W. R., Round Prairie Temmen J. B., Quincy Recouvreur Francis, Ruma Vander water A. C., Quincy Cromwell Jesse, Rushville Walther John L., Quincy Lemon W. D., Rushville Warren Joseph, (D. D.,) Quincy Magruder T. P. W., Rushville Willey G. F. W., Quincy Middleton W. H., Rushville Warden H., Quincy Stover J. C., Russell villa Foote Horatio, Quincy Centre Campbell T. P., St. Charles Randle G. D , Quiver Howard D. C., St. Charles Johnson T. N., Raleigh Moxon J., St. Charles Hungate J. D. P., Ramsay O'Dwyer P., St. Charles Myers A., Ramsay Savage G. S. F., St. Charles Howard W. R., Randolph Grove Jenkins J. L., St. Johnsbury Miller I. T., Randolph Grove Bott~ Joseph, St. Marv's Irvine A., Reading Loughran Thomas, St. Marie Havinghorst R., Red Bud Sandrock John, St. Marie Thwing J. W., Red Bud Bell John, Salem Giddings M. J., Red Oak Grove Bliss A., Salem CoflVe N. J., Richlaud Bostwick C., Salem Hadlock W., Richland Cliffe W., Salem Merit C. D., Ricbland Houts T. F., Salem Bond J., Richmond Hungate J. D. P., Salem Jacobs M. E., Richmond Jones John, Salem Bond J., Richmond Neal Moses, Salem Lock wood L. R., Richmond Woollard J. B., Salem Wheeler J., Richmond Boyle Thomas, Saline Mills Eaton F. A., Richview Lee Isaac, Sand Creek Worrill J. H., Ringgold Willing S. E., Sandoval Thompson S. H., Ringwood Bassett W. M., Sandwich Hardacre G. W., Robinson Brush J., Sandwich Wall J. W., Robinson Cl*pp R. A., Sandwich Lyon D. B., Rochester Eddy W., Sandwich Ferrell W., Rock Creek Kilbourn James, Sandwich Ferrell H., Rock Creek Lowe B., Sandwich SAN 586 VAN Mattison I&rael, Sandwich Chilton H. T., Summerville Tolman J. F., Sandwich Keller S. V., Summerville Slater John, Sangamon Davisson M. K, Summit Grove Wolf George, Sin Jose Hinman H. H., Sunbury Laughlin R. W., Saratoga Rice E. G., Sunbury Best J. S., Savanna Brown E., Sycamore Hockenftmith H. C., Scottnville Gore Darius, Sycamore Chapman A. W., Seward Kingsley A. C., Sycamore Bracken W., Sexton's Creek Ragain D., Sycamore Ambrose S., Shabbona's Grove Roberts W. H., Sycamore Jacque P. A., Shawneetown Sanboru R. S., Sycamore Robinson J. A., Shawneetown Hughes J., Table Grove Lyman A., Sheffield Johnson J. T., Tamaroa Whitson J. T., Sheffield Lewis H. R., Taylorville Kabrick J. H., Shelbyville Little J. B., Taylorville McElfresh, G. R. S., Shelbyville Reese T., Taylorville Joy E., Shiloh Chapin J. H., PekSn Kelly M. B., Shiloh Vise H., Ten Mile Richardson H. H., Shiloh Altmicks Servatius, Tentopolis Waggoner G. W., Shipman Henewig Damian, Tentopolis Reinecke Aug., Shoal Creek Station Zwinge Capistran, Tentopolis Carter G. W., Sidney Ives F. B., Tiskilwa Huggins D., Silver Creek Hopperly Adam, Tiskilwa Harty John, Simoda Stebbins Geo. Tiskilwa Cairns J., Smith's Grove Ives T. B., Tiskilwa Wilson G., Smith's Grove Lodge B. F., Tolono Smith J. D., Smithville Day A. B., Tonica Warmoth E., Snatchwme Evans J. G., Tonica Hicks Bela, Somonauk Harrington A. L., Tonica Shailer D. T., Somonauk Hiah E. Scudder, Tonica West E. A., Somonauk Mahan I. S., Tonica Pierce B. R., Sparta Bates W. S., Toulon Hewitt C. A., Spoon River Dunn Richard C., Toulon Lawrence L. W., Spring Matthews J., Toulon Crosier Halbert, Spring Bay Morey John, Toulon Church W. T., Springfield Pollard 0. W., Toulon Clover L. P., Springfield Stickney James, Toulon Bergen John G., (D.D.) Springfield Cairns J., Towanda Brown J. H., (D.D.) Springfield Merriam J., Tremont Fitzgibbons James, Springfield Rider R., Tremont Hay ward H. L., Springfield Stott Arthur, Tremont Janssen J., Springfield Smith Edwin G., Tremont Jennings C. P., Springfield Risley A. L., Trenton Leatow James, Springfield Stafford James, Trenton Mirier N. W., Springfield Newton A. R., Trivoli Powers J. M., Springfield Sweet Joel, Trivoli Prentice W. S., Springfield Dawson T. W. B., Troy Schlagenhauf John, Springfield Palmer E. J., Troy Stevenson W., Springfield Payton John, Troy Sloan A., Spring Lake Champlin S. W., Turner Elliott John, Springville Hillerby J. P., Tuscola Chandler T. W., Staunton Robinson S., Ten Mile Grove Woollard F. M., Staunton Gold John, Union Matthews John, Steele's Mills Guild G. P., Union Krskine Ebenezer, Sterling Hartley James, Union Harvermale S. G., Sterling Hawkins J., Union Mason J. T., Sterling Newbury H., Union Palmer J. S., Sterling Tompkins Win., Union Brooks W. M., Steubeu Trawer , Union Dempsev R. Stilltnan Ward TTnion Powell Volney, Stillman Lansing, L. L., Union Grove Wiley F., Stonington Hurlbut T. B., Upper Alton Gage G. F., Sublette Deppe H. S., Urbana Morrison J., Sublette Eaton T. C., Urbana Morrison J. H., Sublette Farr A. L., Urbana Winslow D. L., Sugar Grove Force J. B., Urbana Young John, ) Sugar Grove Riley G. W., Urbana Groves I., Sullivan Semple A., Urbana Johnston G. B., Summerhill Woodward J. A., Utica Barrett George J., Summerhill Cusack Thomas P., Yandalia VAN 587 FAI Floret W., Vandalia Shaffer J. W., Wethersfield Holliday C. M., Vandalia Cochran T., Wheaton Harris W. C., Termillion Garrison C., Wheaton Harvey Charles A., Vermillionville Gordon W. G., Whitefield Hughes J. W., Vermont Main D. S., Whitefield Brown J., Vernal Watson T., Whitefield Barker E. P., Versailles Houts J. B., White Hall Fish 0. J., Versailles Miller Allen C., White Rock Graves , Victoria Smith C. G., White Rock Ragain D., Vienna A'Neals J. W., Williamsburgh WykooffA. D., Vienna Short W. F., Williamsville Walker L., Vienna Indthout G., Wilmington Bristol Charles B., Viola Keegan W., Wilmington Clark S. H., Virden Stout Charles B., Wilmington Harvey J. C. Virden Bennett P. Winchester Hill Wm., Virden Wallace H., Winchester Jackson J. B., Virden Reynolds J. B., Windsor Dale John, Virginia Carson Wm. P., Winnebago Webster William, Virginia Sloan Samuel P., Winnebago Barton J., Wabash Sweezv Samuel, Winnebago Walker J. M., Waldo Walker L. S., Winnebago Pallett W. M.. Walker's Grove Vance T. M., Wolf Creek Elliott C., Walker's Point Barton Charles B., Woodburn Hughey G. W., Walnut Hill Marshall Joseph H., Woodhull Bliss James T., Walnut Grove Linn D. W., Woodstock Mitchell A., Walnut Grove Todd Richard K., Woodstock Everts R., Waltham Washington S., Woodstock Chapin N. E., Warren Himebaugh B. D., Wyanet Matlock D., Warren Chase P., Wyoming Wright C. F. f Warren Gue G. W., Wyoming Taylor 0. D., Warrenville Smith J. W., Wyoming Wescott H., Warrenville Dilley Samuel, Wythe Billings James, Warsaw Peter R. H., Xenia Gunn D. B., Warsaw Smoothers E., Xenia Hungerford B., Warsaw Strong H. N., Yellow Head Grove McClure E., Warsaw Henderson R. N., York Zupprann William, Warsaw Ingham E., York Merrit C. D., Washburn Renshaw T. J., Zion Adams Wm. T., Washington Barker E. P., Washington Kent L. B., Smith Fraacis, Washington Washington Cloth Manufacturers. Gifford John W., Waterloo CAPPS J. & SON, Jacksonville Fisher J., Lowe J. W., Waterloo Waterloo See advt. page 477. Peters John, Waterloo Peters J., Waters Simeon, Waterloo Wataga Clothes Renovators & Scourers. Boring E. M., Cluckhahn F., Waukegan Waukegan (See also Dyers and Scourers.) Cross J. W., Waukegan Davison Mrs. D., Armington Donohue Michael, Waukegan Kahly Mrs., Cedarville Eberhardt H., Waukegan Underwood Daniel, Central City Howe E. G., Waukegan Cook & Bro., Chicago Kerr Thomas, Waukegan Cook & McLain, Chicago McNamara John, Waukegan Fumfle Joseph, Chicago Dennison A. S., Waverly Hood Wm., Chicago Lewis D., Waverly Jones John, Chicago McCoy A. S., Waverly Matther Kleason, Chicago Tupper H. M., Waverly O'Donnell James, Chicago Newell T. M., Waynesville Penticost James, Chicago Errickeon Andrew, Webster Scully Wm., Chicago Lopas T. C., West End Seennen Peter, Chicago Caldwell Samuel, West Hebron Gardner B. W., Clay City Armentrout A. C., West Urbana Hickman L. B., Clinton Farr A. L., West Urbana Kegarice J. J., Clinton McKinley Geo., West Urbana McOslin Wm., Clinton Vandyke S. A., West Urbana Leal Madam, Earlville Woodruff Wm., West Urbana Levy Morris, Edwardsville Foskett H. B., Wethersfield Sorg Lewis, Fairbury FRE 588 BUD Armbruster Fabian, Freeburg Seligman Bro. & Co., Aurora Fey A., Freeburg Tomlinson J. & Co., Aurora Pfiel Adam, Freeburg Reeves & Blanvelt, Avoca Drvor E., Freeport Philbrick M. H. & Co., Baileyville VOLMER JOHN, Galena Campbell & Goodall, Bainbridge Smith Chas., Griggsville Goddard J. T. & Son, Bainbridge Birsheit Bernard, Joliet Yost Benson C., Bainbridge Johnson R., Jonesboro O'Knne & Talbott, Barclay Linberg A., Knoxville Chamberlain J. B., Barry Cohen L., Lawrenceville Buck F. H., Batavia Cornwall F., Lawrenceville Fowler George W., Batavia Sue Henry, Lemont Newton Levi, Batavia Vopel John, Lincola Stebbins Silas, Batavia Foster W. John, Metropolis City Welcott Nelson, Batavia Domino August, Millstadt Chase E. P., BeardstoAm Schneider Henry, Millstadt Read M. S. & Co., Beardstown Tapil C., Mound City Wise D. W., Beaver Creek Kreig John, Mt. Pulaski Messenger Henry, Beaverton Wilzer L., Paris Sheldon & Dietz, Belden Buhrig Christoff, Peoria Espenhein Christoph, Bellevil'e Filer Frederick, Perry Goeltz Louis, Belleville Ragan & Beardsell, Prophetstown Karr Peter, Belleville Weirs T., Red Bud Neighbours Wm. R., Belleville McGrogan, Renault Peiper F. H. & Co., Belleville Johnson Mrs. Lydia, Santa Anna Cunningham H. & Son, Belvidere Friedewald H., Shiloh Glasner John M., Belvidere Sihack J. P., Vienna WILSON LOUIS, Belvidere Turley Chas., Williamsville McCune James, Bernadotte Sperrv S. A., Bernadotte Vliet Wm., Bernadotte Clothiers, Retail. McCoy R., Beverley Long James M. & Co., Bible Grove (See also Merchant Tailors.) Monical & Boyles, Bible Grove Gray A. T., Blackberry Station Ines George, Abingdon McNairH., Blackberry Siation Osborn L. P., Abitigdon Grigsby W. H., Blankinsville Brown & Norton, Adams Heddleston & Wood, Blandinsville Tripp Thomas, Adams Hopper S. J., Blandinsville Dalby S. N., Albion Lock George, Blandinsville Ferryman G. & Son, Albion Ward 0. F. & T. C., Blandinsville Babbett D. S. & Co., Algonquin Royston Edmond, Bliven's Mills French S. A., Algonquin Tweed R., Bliven's Mills Dutro & Buckmastcr, Alton Thompson W. L., Bloomfield Fiehbach & Elble, A! ton Friend & Bro., Bloomington Flagg Richard, Alton Livingston & Bro., Bloomington Hait Wm. M., Alton Marblestone Manuel, Bloomington Hawver & Ferguson, Alton Marblpstone & Co., Bloomington HOPPE ANTHONY L., Alton Ross M. & J. S., Bloomington LISN T ER & BRO., Alton WARNER HENRY W., Bloomington Richmond Isaac J., Alton WOLF & BERGMAN, Bloomington Schweppe J. W. & H., Alton McConnick A L., Blue Grass Souther E. E. & Co., Alton Tuttli & Davisson, Blue Grass Goldman S., Amboy Baumbach W., Blue Island Henry J. J., Arcola Massey H., Blue Island ITiscox A., Arcola Robinson C. D., Blue Island Kellogg 0., Ashley Schapper F., Blue Island Post, Cheney & Co., Ashley StowJ. D., Bonus Seymour & Ostell, Assumption Ellers B., Bourbon Myers M. & Bro , Athens Rust L. C., Bourbon Satzenstein L., Athens Phenix D., Bradford Stone N. T. & Co., Athens Russell J. B., Bradford Brooks N. C. & Co., Auburn Heydman F., Brighton Crall A. J., Auburn Loveland & Crandall, Brighton Spencer & McKenney, Auburn Storref J., IJiiiiilield Short A. J., Augusta Arnold A. H., Bristol Smith G., Augusta Childs & Co., Bristol Burdsall & Stone, Aurora Merritt P. H. & A. T Bristol Felsenheld Morris, Aurora Moore Henry, Bristol Herroch Morris, Aurora Morley T., Bristol Howell Isaac M., Aurora Anderson & Pierce, Buda 37 BUD 589 DET Emerson Jesse, Buda Kihn Julius, Chicago Stevens C. & Co., Buda Kohn A. & H., Chicago Brey Paul C., Burksville Kohn H. A. & Bro., Chicago Lan^sdorf Anton, Burksville Kohn & Bros., Chicago Angle & Allen, Bushnell Levi Michael, Chicago Smith & Kelly, Bushnell Louchheim Joseph, Chicago Wyckoff & Shreeves, Bushnell Louis Abram, Chicago Campbell A. 0. & Co., Byron McCormick John, Chicago Dunning William C., Byron Maas Jacob, Chicago Mix S. St. John, Byron Marks I^aac, Chicago Sensor J. R., Byron Marks James, Chicago Antrim John, Cairo Mikal Louis, Chicago Walder Isaac & Co., Cairo Moore Jonas, Chicago Landour M., Canton Nagle Earnest, Chicago Neis J., Canton Pieser Marcus, Chicago Darrah George, Carmi Putnam Augustus A., Chicago Fackney James, Carmi Roberg & Anderson, Chicago Fackney & Robinson, Carmi Salky Morris, Chicago Hay & Webb, Carmi Scott, Keene & Co., Chicago Lund Y. & Son, Carmi Sherburn John G., Chicago Patiick & Hay, Curini Shields Moses, Chicago Shannon A. R., C irmi Shmaltz J. & A., Chicago Stewart R. F., Carmi Shine Wm., Chicago Stewart & Graham, Carmi Speer Thomas, Chicago Marmon W. P., Carrollton Sproule & Chaproton, Chicago Mement & Watson, Carrollton Strauss Nathan, Chicago Rothchild J., Carthage Tobias Herman, Chicago Gore John, Cedar Bluff TitsvTorth A. D. & Bro., Chicago Gall John & Co., Central City Turner Wm., Chicago Meisner Charles F., Central City Verveer Isaac M., Chicago Friedman Morris, Centralia Witkowsky Solomon, Chicago Lyman W. W., Centralia Wolf Levi, Chicago Lewis Joseph, Channahon Wunderle Lewis, Chicago Livinson Samuel, Charleston PriddyBenj. & Co., Circleville Brown J. M. & Co., Chelsea Edwards Isaac, Clay City Carpenter N. A , Chelsea Neff & Hungate, Clay City Cleveland & Owen, Chelsea Goldsmith J.& E., Clinton Folens & Lawrence, Chelsea Haxel Frederick, Coatsburg Holden L. P. & G. M., Chelsea Lockwood William K., Collins Station Bearie J., Chester Putnam Viight John J., Chicago Pearson Eli, Avoca McLellan R. W., Circleville McDowell w. G., Avoca ilurray J., Circleville Howe J. G., Barry Walker James A. W., Clay City CLE 595 MAC EvtrheartF., Clear Creek Landing Hight William, Geneva Stewart A. J., Clermont Hathaway J. F., Grand de Tour Mclrwin, Cope & Co., Clinton Hathaway S. E., Grand de Tour Loo3 Ferdinand, Coat^burg Strong Julius, Grand de Tour Anfield Henry, Colchester Dunn James, Granville Bassett L. S., Collinsville Feam Thos., Grayville Partridge & Douglass, Como Pope Geo., Grayville Hainblin Amos, Cordova Cress H., Greenfield Benedict A. H., Courtlaud Station Gentry & Williams, Greenfield Brown James, Cuba North rup S., Griggsville Wagner John, Dan by Trumble N., Griggsville Giddings W., Danville Davis Clark, Hadley Combs T., Dearborn Parmenter H. D., Hadley Ford Henry, Dearborn Towle C. A., Harrisburg Harris S. W., Dearborn Kellogg , Harvard Miller John R., Decatur Higbee William & J. E., Havana Smith Gustavus A., Decatur Radder George, Hazel Dell Vaughn S. 0., DeKalb Seymour G., Henry Barnes J., Delivan Korinck Thos>., Highland Wattermann H., Dt-lavan Hunt Harry B., Hillsboro Rhodes L., Dement Station Robinson M. M., Huntley Grove Sutler & Mostollar, DeSoto Grath R. N. M., Hutsonville Vann Samuel A., Dixon Holden S. W., Hutsonville Coonrod H. H., Detroit Ai derson John, Iroquois Holden H. S., Dundee Huffman Geo., Iroquois Blakslee L. C., Du Quoin Bell J. P., Jerseyville Combs William, Du Quoin Hedgee D. E., Jersey ville Armstrong L., Dwight Nevins P. S., Jerseyviile Rockwell H. D., Dwight Tiff 0. A., Jerseyville Kelsey A., Earlville Harris Walter J., Joliet Salsman Edwin, Earlviile PATTERSON & EDGEWORTH, Joliet Craig J. M., Edwardsville Pinney J. P., Joliet Chappell Edward S., Elgin Neusbaum D., Jonesboro Gregory Samuel E., Elgin Rinehart J., Jonesboro Fouts John, Ellisville Emery Stephen, Jones Creek Hoopes G. G., Ellisville Emery William, Jones Creek Nelson & Woodmansee, Ellisville Miner N. S., Kaneville Faning Ornee S., Empire Lyons W. J., Kinderhook Harvey Joel, Empire Nickerson J., Kinderhook Lufferty John, Empire Chalfant & Bro., Kinmundy Gowdy & Jordan, Eufield Moon J. C., Kinmundy Farrate David & Co., Enterprise Bassett 0. P., Knoxville Segor Seribur, Erie Brewer John T., Knoxville Stock Z., Eureka Church W. W., Knoxville Carter C. C., Exeter Andrews John, Kyte River Smith & Hall, Fairbury PriT Kyte River Whitfield Wilson T., Fidelity Thompson E. F., Lacon Allen William C., Fishhook Hill E. G., La Fayette Mull Benjamin, Fishhook Schultz N. B., La Fayette Batdorf F., Foreston Andrews James M., Lane Depot Brown E. D., Forksville Reynolds John, La Salle Moore William, Fort HiU Hobson D. L., Lawrenceville Maddox B. G. & Co., Frankfort Newmann & Co., Lebanon Crawford William, Franklin Grove Roy Moise, L'Erable Klapp John, Freeport Case William, Lemont Barnes & Stoskopf, Freeport Shuy William, Lemont Cory Alanson W., Friends Grove Wymer Andrew, Lemont Sterrill George, Friends Grove Agden Abraham, Leroy Atherlon G. M., Friendsville Robinson N. L., Leroy Spoaff John, Friendsville STEVENSON WILLIAM, Lexington Coe John S., Fullersburg Stockton J., Linchburg BROWN HENRY V. W , Galena Hopkins, Judy & Co., Lincoln Kohler Christian, Galena Hungerford G., Lincoln Stewart Daniel, Galena Gillilana A. L., Littleton Bergen & Sisson, Galesburg Goble George, Louisville Stilson L. A., Galesburg Walker James A. W., Louisville Goss Charles, Geneseo Freedlander L., Lynnville Sleight L. C., Geneseo Clemson George, Mackinaw Hight Cornelius, Geneva Flesher & Walsh, Mackinaw Hight John, Geneva Danly W. L., Macomb MAG 596 XEN Cook S. W., Magnolia Hill James C., Rockford Witherell R. T., Maiden Miles David, Rockford Freniole Jno., Maquon Moulton Wm. P., Rockford Wilber Wm., Maquon Tripp Tompkins, jr., Rockford Miles John, M .ivngo Bowen John, Rock Grove Toug & Albertson, Marengo Hardv II. M., Roscoe Eaton Wm. C., Marshall Hard'y S. S., Roscoe Curtiss H, B., Martinsville Vleat A. J., Rosefield Wilson L. C., Martinsville Knowles J. & J., Rushville Jenkins Thomas, Mattoon Warren M., Rushville Martin H. F., Mattoon Masse Antoine, St. Anne Cropper B. Eugene, Metropolis City Kniffiu Anson P., St. Cl arles Hogle Leander, Middleport Marvin Seth, St. Charles Leopold John, Mier Roach T., St. Joseph Smith Henry, Mier Stevenson John, Salem Lowery G., Mineral Hoddmot S., Sandoval Smith A., Mineral White James, Santa Anna Elton Samuel & Co., Morris Flick George, Shabbona Grove Miller James & Co., Morris Cook A. H.. Shawneetown Bailey John R., Morrson Fletcher William, Shawneetown Hartman John, Mt. Carmel Jenkins Jesse, Shawneetown Winbaugh & Mayer, Mt. Carmel McMurchey George, Shawneetown Little H. J. & Co., Mt. Morris Hunter J. D. & Bro., Shelbyville Knodle Peter, Mt. Morris Cleaver W. D., Sherburuville Davis John, Mt. Palitine Gaboir P. & Co., Shiloh Hill Carpenter I. G., Mt. Vernon Pryor Andrew, Spai land James R. C., Mt. Vernon Builingume A. H., Sparta White William B., Mt. Vernon Gault P. B., Sparta Peck Richard, Naperville Sackman F., Sparta Chamberlain & Bro., New Boston Whitty & Bros., Springfield Winkler David, Oakland Mashin M., Spring Hill Acker William C., Ogle Station Myers A., Spring Hill How 0. B., Olney Schultze & Fritzc, Staunton Lamb John, Orangeville Pifer D. & Bro., Sullivan Sproul T. W., Osborn Cobb G. W., Sycamore Jones Henry W., Ottawa Longhorn William, Sycamore Cornish Henry, Oxford Breckworth C. H., Sycamore Blithe Joseph, Palmyra Sheets A. B., Tainaroa Booth William, Paloma Mercer J., Tennessee Brady James 0., Pan a Hilareth R. D., Time Murphy & Hockot, Paris Haltermann William, Towanda Odenbaugh L., Paris Hull Edward, Tracy Baker W. P., Payson Bell T. H., Troy Smith T. & H., & Co., Pekin Rice James, Urbana PARMELY ORSON C., Peoria Tuttle H. H., Vandalia Warren Henry, Perry Wooldredge S. H. & Co., Venice Brown J. C., Pinckneyville Jenks C. C., Vennillionville Drenver Henry, Pinckneyville Mountford John, V( rmont Elam Wm. P., Petersburg Sexton Wm. H., Vermont Strong James, Pitman Natzell Hans, Victoria Black John, Piano MainE. B., Walnut Grove Winons J. F., Piano Main J. D., Walnut Grove Breed D. F., Pleasant View Barnard J. C., Warren Dolde M., Pontiac Wood A. F., Warren Kingore Robert, Pontiac Austin R., "Warrenville Turner J. P., Pontiac Jones R., Wam'itville Bearman & Hardy, Pontoosac Berkett John, Washington Hubbard J. C., Portland Barringc r Henry, W.itaga Richards M., Princeton Arndt John, Wayne Warner Brothers, Prophetstown Carlton A. W., Wayne Russel T. J. & J. M., Princeville Welch & Babbitt, Webster James R., Providence Blouchard Ira, Wheaton Hayes & Woodruff, Quincy Price & Banta, Whitehall Cross A., Rantoul Haines U., Williamsville Waggoner Frederick, Red Bud Mclutosh Wm., Wilmington Shucks Wm. & Co., Red Bud Thompson D. C., "Wilmii gton Sampson, Smith & Co., Renault Knapp Charles, Winnebago Depot Buckingham J. C., Robinson Armstrong A., Woodburn Blakeman A., Rockford Blain J. & Co., Wyanet Ferguson Samuel, Rockford Barnett James, Xenia CHI 597 DUN James John, Bloomington Coach & Carriage Repositories. Lud'ngton Joseph, Bloomington ROGERS ELIHU, Bloomington Hill Harlon B., Chicago Senseney H. M., Bloomington SHELTON, TUTTLE & CO., (H. B. Damicke F., Blue Island Hill, agt,) Chicago Massey H., Blue Island Robinson C. D., Blue Island Sauerteig F., Blue Hand Coach, Carriage & Car Springs, Busby Geo., Brighton and Axles, Dealers in. Catton John & Brothers, Brimfield McLay Alexander, Bristol CRAWFORD & SON, Chicago Angle & Aller, Bushnell Dunhar George, Chicago Grimm D., Canton NEW ENGLAND CAR SPRING Piper S. E., Canton COMPANY, (C. L. Noble, agt,) Chicago Carrahan John & Co., Carbon See advt. outside cover. Dimona J., Carrollton Patterson Nathaniel, Central City McMurray J. E., Cerro Gordo Coach and Carriage Trimmings, Dealers in. Watson Robert, Brooks C. D. & Co., Chatham Chats\vorth Howe Wilson, Cherry Valley Barton Edward S., Chicago Ackley Benjamin, Chicago CONDICT, WOOLLEY & CO., Chicago Baker & Henrici, Chicago HAYDEN, KAY & co., Chicago Coe & Carpenter, Chicago Se* advt. on back of book. Coe, Carpenter & Co., Chicago TURNER & SIDWAY, Chicago Dewey, Tod & Co., Chicago See advt. page 464. Dickinson Edward, Chicago MATHERS & WADSWORTH, Jacksonville Girling George, Chicago Woo'l Alonzo & Co., Rockford Hayden R. Nelson, Chicago ROBERTS GEORGE ANT., Quincy Higgins & Lighthall, Chicago See advt. page 486. Hutchinson John, Chicago Law & Strother, Chicago Malcom James, Chicago Coal Dealers. Martin J. & Co., Chicago (See alto Mining Cto.'s.) Meeker Arthur B., Chicago Newhouse John S., Chicago Bell J. & Co., Abingdon Price, Morris & Co., Chicago Langford Asa, Albany Prindiville Redmond, Chicago Wheeler J., Albion Reno & Little, Chicago COFFY THOMAS G., Alton Smith Alfred, Chicago Bourne L., Amboy Steele Albert J., Chicago Guiles D. D. & Co., Ambov Stewart Robt., Chicago Little E., Amboy Walker & Bro., Chicago Dresser Charles A., Anna Walter & Rogers, Chicago Hards & McNorton, Annawan Hogle Peter & Co., Clinton Nichols C. C., Arlington Reed George, Coatiburg Turner L. N., Ashley Egerton William & Co., Colchester Overholt Jacob, Assumption Gartside & Co., Colchester Hicks & Brother, Atlanta Boberts & Morris, Colchester Tuttle E. H. & Co., Atlanta Wonderly, Haydell & Co., Collinsville Leach J., Augusta Loury & Bradley, Colona Station Allen E. R. & Co., Aurora Harvey Joel, Como Mix & Plum, Aurora Philips & Marshall, Cordova Wilson Adam, Baileyville Alderson S., Council Hill Ward John, Bainbridge Conway Andrew, Council Hill Hadsell James, Barry Banister D. B., Courtland Station Smith P., Barry Efner George, Cuba Anderson Esquire, Belleville Murphy Solomon, Cuba BELSHA JOHN E., Belleville Winterbottom James, Cuba See advt. page 439. Steyner T. W. & Co., Davis Howe John, Belleville Bacon H., Del Rey Kempff F., Belleville Clark H. H., Dement Station Longdon J., Belleville Parmele A. H., Dement Station Miller & Bro., Belleville Means Isaac, Dixon Wilson D., Belleville Davis John, Drury Joy Reuben, Bernadotte Drurv & Foster, Drury Pickering C. L, Bernadotte McKilip H., Drury Martin B. H., Biggsville Motts Thos. C., Drury Richmond John, Blandinsville Ray John E., Drury Wynu Thomas J., Bloomfield Crabtree & Bro., Dundee DUN 598 PIL Hull W., Dundee Hendricks S. M., Liberty Campbell P., DuQuoin Wells Stephen, Liberty Frizell William, DuQuoin Russell D., Linchburg Townsend G. S , D wight Shelton Joel, Linchburg Haight & Warren, Earl vi lie Miller R. W., Lincoln, O'Connor John, Earlville Harlinson John, Littleton. Cartledge R. Edwardsville Brock Justus, McLean Eaton Lewis S., Elgin Walker C., Macomb Gifford & Merrill, Elgin Goodrich S. G., Malta McBride Thomas, E'gin Kelory L. C., Malta Buchanan William, El Paso Sprague S. S., Malta McLeltn R. A., El Paso Moore N., Manchester Walkley S. N., Eureka Peters M. R., Manteno Beall , Exeter Hagans William L., Maple's Mills Cumford , Exeter Buxton Daniel, Marengo Laws , Exeter Ferguson J. L., Marine Cable Fanning, Fairbury Kooper Richard, Marion Lamb Isaac, Fairview Ward P. L., Marion Burbrige & Tinley, Farmington White John H., Marion Stephenson Wrn., Farmington Howard M. F., Maroa Vanmatre W., Fayette Andrews E., Marietta Brimm Peter, Fishhook Osborn W., Marietta Wesley J., Flat Rock Jennings I. & Co., Mattoon Taylor George W., Franklin Grove Connell William, Mendota Far well M. & Co., Fredericksville Smith James, Mendota Gettemy William, Freeport West John J., Mendota Smith James M., Freeport Beeney Wm., Mercia Wadell William G., Freeport Motts Thos. C., Mercia WISE ALFRED H., Freeport Willis C. L, Metropolis City Chapman , Friends Grove Buchholz Fred., Millstadt Webery H. P. & Co., Fulton City Sheffield Coal Co., Mineral Williams John S., Galena Ferrin H. K. & Co., Minonk Romel Henry, Galesburg Doten Ira S., Montgomery Mory E., Geneseo Wilkey C., Moore's Prairie Patten George D., Geneva Crum A., Morris Parker D. L., Gilman Davidson P., Morris Vinegard James, Golconda Duer M., Morris Cummins S., Grand de Tour Malery H., Morris Kent G. W., Gridley Oliver James, Morris Black F., Hampton Pride Wm., Morris Wright Maverick W., Hampton Riddle George, Morris Norman I. R., Harrisburgh Tolfer A., Morris Thomas Thomas, Harrisburgh Turner George, Morris Longherg M., Havana Donlin B. & Co., Moscow Sears Wm., Henderson Dougherty William, Mound City Payne Thos., Henry Wilson Robert, Murphy sborough Kelly John, Heyworth Neely, Moores & Co., Naples Spindler Herman & Co. Highland McKinstry J. & S., Nelson Reaves William R., Hillsboto Richardson J. & T. B., New Baltimore Lee J. R., Hopper's Mills Dunham Lewis, New Maysville Tiemann Thomas, Hutsonville HorrL-ks William, Northampton McGrow William, Ionia Burt D. M., Oakland Willey & Newberry, Irving Nickey S. B. & Brother, Oakley Dresser N. & Son, Jonesboro Brown David, Oakulla Bowers Deary, Kewanej Coleman Brothers, Oakulla Dodd N., Kewanee Kearney E., Olney Galloway John, Kewanee Colby F. J., Onarga Mason J. B., Kewanee Peirson P. W., Onarga Wictour Geo., Kewanee Denhart John, Oneco Demell David, Kingston Mines Drake P., Oswego Jones John D., Kingston Mines Hardy & Walker, Oxford Kingston Coal Co., Kingston Mines Lockwood E. L, Oxford O'Neal A. W., Kinmundy Oakley C. M., Paxton Fox Jacob, Knoxville Woodruff H., Pecatonica Perry E. G., Knoxville Bailev S. P., Pekin Porter R. W., Lane Depot Orandall M. M., Pekin Storm James, Lane Depot McGrew J. A., Pekin Williams C. & Co., Lane Dopot Stackpole W. T., Pekin Brown S., Leland Thayer E., Pilot Bouling W. H., Liberty Morley George, Pilot PIN 599 ALB Donley F., Pinckneyville Main E. B., Walnut Grove Maloiie Patrick, Pincknevville McFarland P., Warren Stewart, Ilenuing & Co., Piano Turner J. E., Warren Ersrnan Chris., Petersburg Fifer Peter, Washington Reggar Martin, Petersburg Babcock & Wood, Wataga Snyder C. K, Williamsville Benner & Wilcox, Wataga Bower William, Pleasant View Gordon John, Wataga Jones James, Pleasant View Holyoke J. M., Wataga Parker John, Pleasant View Pitz R. & Co., Wataga Reese G. M.. Plymouth Whitehead James, Wataga Cook William, Pope Creek Blair & Robinson, Watson Kirk & Saxon, Pope Creek Whitaker James, Wesley City Wilshire & Sheppard, Port Byron Swank Henry, jr., W. Jersey Beardslee William & Co., Portland Chapin J. & Co., Wcthersfiel'd Conrad John, Princeville Couzins James, Wethersfield McGregor Duncan, Princeville BARRETT & CARLEY, W. Urbana Morris & Roberts, Quincy Carley & Co., W. Urbana Benedict John A., Rantoul Pratt & Brother, W. Urbana Dobbins Patrick, Reed Lutcliff J., Wheaton Lerow William T., Rockford Snyder C. K., Williamsville Carbon Cliff Coal Co., Rock Island Henderson & Co., Wilmington Bennette & Griswald, Rosefield Warner N. G., Winnebago Depot Morford B., Roseville Durfee James H., Woodstock Woodward R., Roseville Youngson William, Wyanet Lincoln, Brewer & Co., Round Grove Hillis J., Rushville Smith M. H., Rushville Coal Oil Grease. Donohue John, St. John Butler E. J., Sandoval NOBLE CHARLES L., Chicago WALKER & BROTHER, Sandwich See cidvt. outside cover. Winchester H. T., Sandwich Saline Coal and Mnf 'turing Co. Shawneetown Shawneetown Coal & Mnfr. Co. Cherry Cummings, Shawneetown Sheffield Coal Oils, Lamps, &c. Sheffield Mining and Trans. Co. Lilly R., Smith L. , Sheffield Shelbvville fihAlhWillp (See Oils, Manufacturers of and Dealers in.) Walker & Gillett, Aurora Strosnider Jacob, Sheldon's Grove Alexander Milus, Shiloh Carpenter Henry, Somonauk Hoxey &; Bliss, Somonauk Patten William M., rj Somonauk Bone James, Sparland Pryor Charles, Sparland Robertson Thomas, Sparland Simpson William, Sparland Boyd D. B., Sparta DlXOn & Co., ' finart.fi THOMPSON R. & CO., Bloomington NOBLE CHARLES L ., Chicago See advt. outside front cover, Hammond Royal, Galesburg Lake E. S., Galesburg DAYTON F. E. & CO., Jacksonville Edgar W. S., Jacksonville UPHAM & SNYDER, Jacksonville HOPKINS J., Kewanee Winter John, Knoxville Cooper P. H., Mendota Richey W., Wood & Co., Sparta Sparta Johnson C. H., Mendota Pilkington J., Mendota Myres Daniel, Fuller H., Spring Grove Spring Hill ROBINSON JAMES T. & CO., Peoria Winter W. H., Princeton Patterson Hugh, Steam Mill Gatchell A. Quincy v * Chapman H. C., Sublette Lynn A. B., Sublette Critchlow D. G., Summerfield Coffee Boasters & Spice Factors. Odell H., Swan Creek Thomas H. S., Swan Creek Bavin Wm., Chicago Lancaster Thomas, Tiskilwa Blackall Alfred H., Chicago Basset S. G., Tuscola Cloyes Charles, Chicago Landon William, Utah Downer & Co., Chicago Morehead J. S., Vermillionville HUNTOON JOSIAH P., Chicago Stewart Thomas, Vermillionville Peterson Peter, Victoria Carnahan J., Viola Collecting Agents. Collins W. P., Viola Park J.H., Viola (See also Lawyers.) Story M., Viola Sketlin J. B., Abingdon Leonhardt C. F., Virden EfnerD. S., Albany Walbridge & Bro., Walbridge McMahan 0., Albany ALB 600 GAL Williams J., Albion HOOKE & BELL, Chicago Wallace -, Allen Springs Kerfoot S. H. & Co., Chicago Alton Bank, Alton Mann Charles C., Chicago Alton Building and Savings Institution, Alton MATTOCKS JOHN, JR., Chicago Alton Mutual Insurance & Savings Co., Alton Miller James, Chicago Davis Samuel B., Alton Oertel Albert C., Chicago Gambrill A. Hamilton, Alton OLMSTEAD L. D. & CO , Chicago Wilev, Phillips & Dresser, Anna Ranstead B. W. & Co., Chicago Taylor S. S., Antioch Robinson Frank C., Chicago MeAulev John, Appanoose Runyon William, Chicago Shaw I. W., Appanoose Smith E. S. & Co., Chicago Hewitt C. E., Arcola Smith George & Co., Chicago Terrell N. C., Ashkum Tiffany & Hull, Chicago Hosmer A. J., Ashley Tinkham E. I. & Co., Chicago Worthingcou Charles, Atlanta Walker & Jenks, Chicago Ball S. J., Atlas Western Marine &Fire Insurance Co., Chicago WARD B., Augusta WILLIARD LUCIUS A. ^ Chicago HALL & BROTHERS, Aurora Batehelder J. H., Chillicothe Goodspeed H. S., Avon Folliott J. C., Chillicothe Vandeveer W. T., Avon Brooks W., Circleville Bailey Samuel, Baileyville Bishop William W., Clay City Smith Nath'l, Barry Griffin M., Clay City Brown C. H., Batavia Smith T. J., Clav City Gregg John, Batavin Stephenson W. J., Clay City Dauth Theodore, Belleville Gay A., Clayton Hinekley Russell, Belleville Kendrick Thomas, Clayton Rail J. M.. Belleville Lloyd E., Clayton Underwood W. H. & J. B., Belleville Montgomery W., Clayton Fuller Lawrence, Belvidere Brown E., Clear Creek Landing Leonard Marcellus G., Belvidere James B. T., Clinton Neely Alex. & Son, Belvidere Walker L. E., Colchester Olney Daniel T., Belvidere Kurtz M. S., Collinsville Henry G. W., Bible Grove Stocking J. S., Coll'msville Champlen A. R., Blandinsville Curtis L. M., Cordova Gillihan W. W., Blandinsville Judd J. V. H., Cordova Mack J. R., Bliven's Mills Champlin H. S , Courtland Station McClain Allen, Bloomfield Strong J. P., Courtland Station Wheat J. H., Bristol Jackson Wm., Daysville Hollingsworth G. B., Browning Keyes Wm. J., Daysville Whitney F. J., Buffalo Prairie Reddecord & Burrows, Decatur Clark A., Burksville RAILROAD BANK, Decatur Humphrey William V., Burton Kelly J. J., DeWitt Dunning William C., Byron Landet J. B., Dillon Wheelock F. A., Byron Streeter L. H., Dover Watkins E. B., Caledonia Watkins D., Dubois Hunt E. D., Cameron Hollister A. S., Dundee Heild C. T., Canton Kendall L. D., Dundee Hamilton Geo. W., Carlinville Vining E. W., Dundee Kerr H. W., Carlinville Randall William, Durand Crebs John M., Caimi Losee B., Dwight Hurst Thos. W., Carthage Travis J., D wight Patterson Nathaniel, Central City Grover A. J., Earlville Craddock W. W., Charleston Gillespie Matthew, Eel wards ville Cunningham James R., Charleston Weiland J. F., Edwardsville McLaineM. C., Charleston Seery James, El Paso Sabiu S. S., Chatham Sleigh S. W., El Paso Brooks Charles, Chatsworth Bullock Thomas, Eureka Carpenter Joseph, Chelsea Cable Fanning, Fairbury Baker & Mappa, Chicago McKee H. H., Fairbury B'jan Edwin, Chicago Gridley A. G., Farmington Buckingham, F. W., Chicago Handlin C. H., Fayette Burgess John S., Chicago Eads J. A., Fieldon Burton Hiram, Chicago Fritter W. W., Fieldon Byrd George V., Chicago Blair M., Foreston Claflin & Fay, Chicago Killer H., Foreston Eisendrath & Co., Chicago Gale Clark, Forksville Exchange Bank of H. A. Tucker & Co., Chicago Black J. C., Franklin Grove GOODWIN, LARXED & GOODWIN, Chicago COCHRAN JAMES S. & Z. C., Freeport Granger, Welden & Co., Chicago Williams David, Friendsville Hoffmann & Gdpcke, Chicago Foster Cephas, Galena GAL 601 NEW Dunn J. F. & Co., Galesburg BALDWIN HENRY, LaSalle Hazard & Beardsley, Galesburg Abernathy L., Lawrenceville KITE & WATTS, " Galesburg Brewer D. L., Lawrenceville LAMPHERE & PITMAN, Galesburg Lindsay William, Lawrenceville Mason A. C., Galesburg Shaw A., Lawrnnceville Myers Sidnev, Galesburg Michel William A., Lebanon POND ZIMRI, Galesburg Dickerson R. F., Leroy Sherman & Adams, Galesburg Moore S. A., Leroy WILEY A. C., Galesburg Butler Horace, Libertyville BUCKLES & CARPENTER, Geneseo Wilson James K., Lockport See adt't. page 477. Bishop William W., Louisville Nourse, Blair & Co., Geneseo Griffin M., Louisville PERRY, SPAULDING & CO., Geneseo Smith Thomas J., Louisville Stough 0. J., Geneseo Stephenson William J., Louisville Peirce Henrv, Geneva El is John, Lynnville Wells Charles B., Geneva Gordon James, Lynnville Gadd James H., Georgetown Moore R. B. & Co., McConnell's Grove Feagins N. W., Gilman Morgan & Lowrv, Macomb Metcalf Thomas M., Girard THOMPSON & SIMMONS, Macomb Boicourt J. N., Golconda See advt. page 480. Foot G. K., Golconda Morrille L. C., Magnolia Rannie J. M., Golconda Isaac A. B., Maiden Cunningham J., Grand de Tour LabrieJ. E., Manteno Hathoway H. G., Grand de Tour Hamrick A., Maquon Houri W. J., Grand de Tour Potter A. S. & A. H., Maquon Watts A N., Grand de Tour Lansing & Sperry, Marengo Lobwell S. B., Granville Maudley P., Marine Pennell William A , Granville Howard C., Marietta Cochran C. & S. F., Grid ley Smith J. L., Mattoon Michell J. M., Grid ley Crooker J. C., Mendota Brooks A. B., Hadley Gilman C. H., Mendota Rowley A. G., Hadley Harris J. H., Mendota Shaw T. M., Hennepin Hogg Wm. & Co , Mendota Janney P. M., Henry Kelriev L., Mendota Bernay F. B., Highland Mudgctt E. S., Mendota Gruaz' T., Highland Powers 0. R., Mendota Callahan E., Hutsonville Armstrong S. J., Metropolis City Newberry J. W., Irving Hicks B. T., Metropolis City Ayers M. P. & Co., Jacksonville Smith Thos. H., Metropolis City Duncan J. B., Jacksonville Cooper D., Mineral Lewis Barbour, Jacksonville WashburnW. W., Minersville Crocker Thomas, Jamestown Cnristians H. A., Minonk Blythe James, Jerseyville GOULD, DIMOCK & CO., Moline Darlington R., Jerseyville See advt. page 481. Miner Nathaniel, Jeraeyville MARSHALL & DRURY, Moline Logan Henry, Joliet See advt. page 481. STEPHENS W. W., Joliet Prescott Jerril S., Moline See advt. page 478. Clark M. 0., Momence Hacker W. A., Jonesboro Boggess H. H., Monmouth Smith J. H., Jonesboro FULLER G. A. & CO., Monmouth Hartwell C. W., Kaneville Manning & Griffith, Monmouth Roberts J. S., Kaneville Paine & Burroughs, Monmouth Ashley Rodney, Kankakee McComas H. C., Monticello Harwood H. W. & Co., Kankakee Milligan T., Monticello Kankakee Bank, Kankakee Athenton B. M., Morris Perry A. S. & Co., Kankakee Bennett A., Morris Whittemore Hiram, Kankakee Goold C. H., Morris Stoneburner A., Kansas Pidgeon George S., Mound City Morse George A. & Co., Kewanee Coho W. L., Mt. Morris Prothrow William, Kingsbury Shultz William, Mt. Morris Hubard W. R., Kinmundy Nelson & Partridge, Mt. Vernon Robb J. H., Kinmunriy Pollock James M., Mt. Vernon Gilson & Damson, Knoxville Tanm & Gary, Mt. Vernon Keightley H. N., Knoxville Vallette & Cady, Naperville Smith & Hale, Knoxville Keener C. F., Naples Myers W. S., La Fayette Atwood J. M., Neponset Rogers J. W., La Fayette Merrill J. W., Neponset King S. W., LaHarpe Doughty Thomas, New Boston Miller Henrv M., Lane Depot Warner G. W., New Boston Ten Eyck A., Lane Depot Maxwell F. H., New Mil ford NEW 602 WAR Mayo Winston, Newton PENFIELD D. S., J. G. & CO., Rockford Watkins E. B., N. Caledonia SHELDON C. W., Rockford Scovilie George, Noyesville See advt. page 488. Barnard H. C., Oakland Waterman Hiram, Rockford Priscr Henry, Oakley Fish & Lee, R. Island Goodell A.," Oakulla Negus, Osborn & LPC, R. Island Southworth A. D., Oakulla Per-hing Emanuel J., R. Wand Wilcox M., Oakulla Weld W. R., Rockton Anderson Martin W., Ogle Station Warner W. P., Rosamond Wai worth A. H., Oneida Stem J., Roseville Mix Henry A., Oregon Lincoln R. D., Round Grove Sears Joseph, Oregon Sweeney J. W., Rushville Helme J. W., Oswego Lemoine John B., St. Anne Snook A., Oswego ' Harrison S. P., St. John VanDor.-ten John, Osvrego Schiffeistein J., St. Marie Fay E. C. & Co., Ottawa Wa.dell W. W., Sandoval Hubbard Thomas M., Oxford Gray V. H., Savanna Bullens E. R., Pan a Bull A. L., Savanna Neil A. G., Pana Greeu Eli, Shawneetown MORSE DANIEL S., Paxton Raymond S. L., Shaw's Point Simons Nathan, Paxton Niles J. C., Sheffield Vandyke A. S., Pecatonica Johnson J. W., Shelbyville Alexander H. K., Pekin Cooper Wm. L., Shiloh Cook J. S., Pekin Eonne R. S. M., Shoal Creek Station Puterbnugh S. D., Pekin Obrecht Jacob, Simoda Tackerberry M., Pekin Poane J., Somonauk BRYAN & STONE, Peoria Beach William, S. Bend CENTRAL BANK, Peoria Harkness A. W., Southport Hotchkiss J. P. & Co., Pi-oria Haven D., Spencer INGERSOLL BROS., Peoria Bunn Jacob, Springfield Lueder Julius G., Peoria Gross Eugene L., Springfield McCov & Harding, Peoria Morse James A., Springfield Stone'M. P. & Co., Peoria MORSE JAMES M., Springfield Wead H. M. & J. J., Peoria Ridgely N. H. & Co., Springfield Cowgill Wm. B., Petersburg Springfield Marine & Fire Ins Co. , Springfield Pingree Andrew, Pingree Grove Williams John & Co., Springfield Murphey Wm. K., Piuckneyville Wright & Johnston, Springfield Dillinghame William, Pleasantview Gard Wi.'son, Staunton Beattit- C. I., Pontiac Hawthorn L. King, Sterling Collins M. E., Pontiac Stucker Willis, Stone Fort Duff J., PoLtiac Anger S. S., Sublette Whitmore J., Pontiac Rattan R. N., Summerfield Barker L. C., Pontoosac Knott Samuel, Tennessee Carev, Olds & Co., Princeton Massey W. C., Thebes DUPLA1N JOSEPH, Princeton Tompkins W., Tolono Fisher, Sharp & Co., Princeton Broadhead E. S., Toulou Hyde H. M., Princeton McCarse Daniel, Toulon Kendall & Ide, Princeton Whittaker A., Toulon Phelps T. J., Princeton Davis A. J., Tremont Porter John, jr., Princeton Jones John A., Trcmont Stipp, Sparlang & Welch, Princeton Callaway J. E., Tuscola Nichols E. F., Prophetstown Cannon J. G., Tuscola Blanchard M. M., Princeville Macoughty T. H., Tuscola Weld H A., Providence Vandyke J. N., Tuscola Cat her Wm. H., Quincy Wycne J. E., Tuscola Goodwin & Davis, Quincy Baldwin W. N., Union Hoi ton J. H., Quincy Somers J. W., Urbana Lee W. S., Quincy Somers W. D., Urbana MOORE, SHERMAN & CO., Quincy Miles John, Utah Osborne Jno. 0., Quincy Crnig George, Victoria STRYCKER L. H., Quincy Ingles Peter, Victoria Went worth & Marcy, Quincy Ford Dyer, Viola Woods C. M., Quincy Brenauiih I. M., Virden Parish Win. H., Raleigh Hall &; Cowan, Virden Gore C. G., Red Bud Greer John S., Walnut Hill Brickey C., Renault Champion Thomas E., Warren Clark A., Renault Farmer Thomas IL, Warren Robb Franklin, Robinson Marvin Matthew, Warren Kitchel Edward N., Rockford Plait J. D. & Co., Warren Ogdeu William H., Rockford Wilkerson Joseph W., Warren WAR 603 BIG Harlon B. L., Keyse David, Baker Marvin, Davis Peter, Tenny B., Dougherty Avery, Wright, White & Eads, Daniels S. F., Sutton G. W., Daniels J. H., Cochrane W. A., Alworth Reuben, Fuller, Johnson & Co., Barry A. C., Knox S. M., McDonold D., Richardson R., Hodge W. B., Whitaker L. S., \Varrenville "Washington Wataga Wataga Waynesville Wesley City W. Urbana Wheaton Williamsville Wilmington Windsor Winnebago Depot Woodstock Wyanet Wyanet Wyanet Yellow Head Grove York Zanesville Comb Maker. Hoffman Christian, Belleville Commercial Agencies. Dun R, G. & Co., Ranstead B. W. & Co., Chicago Chicago Commercial Colleges. (See also Mercantile Colleges.) Rutledge Washington D., Bloomington BRYANT, BELL & STRATTON, Chicago See advt. on colored page in back part of book. SLOAN THOMAS J., Chicago See advt. page 442. DAVIS & TIPTON, Chicago Frink B. P., (Charles L. Schell prop'r,) Quincy COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, Rockford See advt. on opposite page. Dyhrenfurth Julius, Waukegan Commissioners of Deeds. Fitman John C., Baldwin Lyman, Larrimore John N., Given, Haynes & Co., Eschenbury Hermann, Foster Jerome M., Gallup & Hitchcock, Holden Charles N., Altona Aurora Bloomington Cairo Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago HOYNE PHILIP A., for ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, CONNEC- TICUT, DELAWARE, FLORIDA, GEOR- GIA, INDIANA, IOWA, KANSAS, KEN- TUCKY, LOUISIANA,MASSACHUSETTS, MARYLAND, MICHIGAN, MISSISSIPPI, MISSOURI, MAINE, MINNESOTA, NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, NEW HAMP- SHIRE.NORTH CAROLISA,NEBRASKA, NEW MEXICO, OHIO, OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA, TBXAS, TENNES- SEE, UTAH, VERMONT, VIRGINIA, WISCONSIN AND WASHINGTON, Chicago Hitchcock Charles, Chicago Lull Oliver R. W., Chicago Machin Chas. H., Chicago Mulvey Junius, Chicago NICHOLS JOHN A., for NEW YORK, MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN AND IOWA, Chicago Porter William A., Chicago Proudfoot Lawrence, jr., Chicago Smith Samuel C., Chicago Thomasson Nelson, Chicago Warner Dudley P., Chicago Willson Solomon M., Chicago Gifford Edmund, Elgin Bright Hiram, Freeport Hibbard Homer N., Freeport Mason Albert C., Galesburg STREETER JOSEPH E., for Pensyl- vania, Joliet See O'/vt. page 478. Mack Alonzo W., Kankakee Burroughs Solon, Monmouth Austin Henry S.. Peoria BRYAN & STONE, NEW YORK, VIR- GINIA, KENUCKY, OHIO, MISSOURI, WI-CONSIN AND PENNSYLVANIA, Peoria Gather Wm. H., Quincy Jonas Abraham, Qnincy Enoch Hiram R., Rockford Pearson George T., Springfield TEASDALE GEORGE R, MIS- SOURI AND ARKANSAS, Springfield Ayers Homer W., Urbana Church Lawrence S., for N. Y., Woodstock Commission Merchants. (See Auction, also Forwarding & Commission.) Pease C. P., Albany Quick B S., Albany BLAIR, BALLINGER & CO., Alton CHURCH & CO., Alton COFFY THOMAS G., Alton Debow R. & Son, Alton Huhbell & Hurd, Alton LARGENT R. T. & CO., Alton Lock, Kirkpatrick & Co., Alton Phinney & Barr, Alton Ryrie D. D. & Co., Alton Spruance & Preston, Alton Wendt Frederick, Alton Merrigold R , Amboy Wilcox & Cotterell, Amboy Friedman & Dornell, Armington Williams & Overholt, Assumption Brooks N. C. & Co., Auburn Reeves & Blauvelt, Avoca Mirsh G. A., Avon Vandeveer W. T., Avon Woods W. S., Avon Hill J. & C. S., Baileyville Wilson Adam, Baileyville O'Kane D. & J., Barclay Plahn George & Co., Beardstown Thompson & Eaton, Beardstown Bates T. P., Belleville Crosthwait , Biggsville Martin B. H., Biggsville BLA 604 CHI Barber & Ramsey, Blackberry Station Cline James M., Bloomfield McCormick A. L., Blue Grass Hill J. W. & J, N., Bridgeport Warner T. J., Bridgeport Knox & Tilton, Bristol Kinney T. J., Browning Adams F. E. & C. F., Bunker Hill Tappen & Alexander, Bunker Hill Sheldon S. M., Cameron Waiste 0. & C., Cameron Foote C. C., Carlinville Lewis Joseph, Channahon Block A., Chester Abbott Charles H., Chicago Anderson Patrick, Chicago Archdeacon William, Chicago Ash Isaac N., Chicago Bacon H. & Co., Chicago Barber Lemuel, Chicago Basham & Co., Chicago Bedford, Meredith & Co., Chicago Bevan John, Chicago BIGGS CHARLES, Chicago *iee advt. page 455. BraiiMrd William N., Chicago Buel David, Chicago Bunker Charles, jr., Chicago Burton Horace & Co., Chicago Calhoun John B., Chicago Chadbourne & Wetherbee, Chicago Chamberlain & Seymour, Chicago Chandler Chas. R., Chicago Chandler & Baker, Chicago Clapp 0. W., Chicago Clark James A. &Co., Chicago Colby Gilbert A., Chicago Coe Watson V. & Co., Chicago Coe & Carpenter, Chicago Collins W. S., Chicago Conway James, Chicago Conway Lawrence J., Chicago Cook Philander B., Chicago Crocker & Bye, Chicago Culver & Co., Ch'cago Davidson James K, Chicago Densmore EleazerW., Chicago Dickinson Albert F., Chicago DICKINSON & COLE, Chicago Dike, Brothers & Co., Chicago Dole Charles S. & Co., Chicago Dow Asa, Chicago Egan Wiley M., Chicago Ellison George & Co., Chicago Eetee T. C. & Co., Chicago EWING, BRIGGS & CO., Chicago Fairbank N. K., Chicago Falconer William, Chicago Fay & Co., Chicago FERRELL & CO., Chicago See advt. page 440. Fitts Francis, Chicago Flanders, McKindley & Co. Chicago Flint & Wheeler, Chicago FINLEY SAMUEL B., Chicago Finley & Turpin, Chicago Fowler W. B. & Co., Chicago George Dudley & Tureman, Chicago Geudtner F. & Matthew W., Chicago Gibson & Chase, Chicago 38 GILBERT & SAMPSON, Chicago Goodwin Caleb, Chicago Goodyear Calvin B., Chicago Griffin Bros., Chicago Hall B., Chicago Hall & Rounds, Chicago Hammill & Reynolds, Chicago Hanson John B., Chicago Harle^s & Parker, Chicago Harmon C. L. & Co., Chicago Ha=eltine & Co., Chicago Hawkins ope Adam H., Wilmeth Isaiah W., Bloomington Bloomington BLU 607 MAC Apple J., Blue Island D m & Miller, DeSoto Heryer J., Brimfield Sutter G. R., DeSoto Weston J. W., Buda Trover E. D., DeSoto Long Peter, Bushnell Zimmermann Hermann, Dixon Smith John L., Cario O'Connor M., Dundee Smith C. H., Canton Pabst M., Dundee Sharp P., Carlinville SaundersT., Dundee Vankerk C. W., Carlinville Walker E., Dundee St. John George, Carmi Howe J., Dwight Allen Joseph V., Chicago Henry J., Edge wood Arnet Charles, Chicago Btckenhaupt G., Edwardsville Baggiano Peter, Chicago Hess George, Edwardsville Bauer Pinkratz, Chicago Stoll E., Edwardsville Cella Paolo, Chicago Cummings Edmund, Elgin Drechsler Andrew & Co., Chicago Ivey Edward, Elizabeth Eckard & Co., Chicago Davis John, Fairbury Fleming David & Son, Chicago Colister L. G., Farnvngton Gaule Henry, Chicago Mark H., Farmington Gazelle Lewis, Chicago Miller C., Farmington Gazzolo Peter, Chicago Trunpy H., Farmington Glatt John, Chicago Barker F., Foreston Grocer Henry, Chicago Diflenbaugh John D., Freeport Haley John, Chicago Harnish Martin, Freeport Barter August, Chicago Lumley William, Galena HENNEGEN JA.MES B., Chicago Morello Paul, Galena Henson Oliver C., Chicago Bishop S. a, Giafton Hoyt William M., Chicago Scherz Charles, Grafton Keiff Wm., Chicago Walcott David, Grafton Komp James, Chicago Burton Geo. W., Grand View Lagorio Francis, Chicago Gary & Smith, Grand View Maddy T. C. & J., Chicago Hean Dennis, Grand View Meinecke Theodore, Chicago Pavne W. K. & Sons, Grand View Molinski Wladislaus, Chicago Robertson G. W., Greenup Morris Jacob G., Chicago Kellenburger J., Griggsville Naramore Edward, Chicago Spencer Samuel, Hennepin Raggio Charles, Chicago Fin lay A., Henry Raggio John, Chicago Baumann R., Highland Raggio Joseph, Chicago Skelly William, Howardsville Scanlan & Bro., Chicago Wibley Thomas G., Indianola Sassaman & Brooks, Chicago Hancock William, Irving Seeley Sherman M., Chicago Hamilton E., Jacksonville Shields Mary, Chicago Hamilton S. H., Jacksonville Shilty Frederick, Chicago Van Winkle W. M., Jacksonville Simm James C., Chicago Clendenin A., Jerseyville Stamn Joseph, Chicago Leigh Thomas, Jerseyville Stanton George E., Chicago Leigh Wallace, Jerseyville Sullivnn John, Chicago Retteroth William, Jerseyville Turner G. F., Chicago Blackman Benj., Joliet Wart Aaron P., Chicago Gullock Phillip, Joliet Webber Frederick C., Chicago Potter Lemuel T., Joliet Welk Rudolph, Chicago Rademaker John M., Joliet Wendels & Heinrichs, Chicago Brice William, Jonesboro Weyman James, Chicago Scott, Ross & Co., Eaneville Whithall Joseph, Chicago Gipson E., Kansas Willwerth Sebastian, Chicago Langhead W., Kansas WRIGHT JOHN, Chicago Goodrich Wm. R., Kewanee See advt. page 443. Tillotson C., Kewanee Youdale Joseph, Chicago Ware Job, Kinderhook ZSCHOCKEE BROS., Chicago Hart L. S., Kinmundy See advt. page 461. Morey H. T., Knoxville Oakford William, Chillicothe Wekins F. P., Lacon Hibben & Dettman, Circleville Bliss H. H., La Harpe Apperson & Rayburn, Clay City Meyer George, La Harpe Edwards Isaac, Clay City Potter A., La Harpe Gardner & Hough, Clinton Xettleton H. A., Lane Depot Eberhart J., Collinsville Van Bramen J., Lane Depot Homan J., Courtland Station CARTER HENRY H., La Salle Jarvis J. W., Courtland Station Wishock F., Lebanon Eppler & Moore, Decatur Small J. S., Lincoln Julier George C., Decatur Vogt Jacob, Macomb MAG 608 ATL Lvman L. E., Magnolia T-uitt James, Rucsellville Barnes N. E., Marengo Detamore J., St. Joseph Cannon N. E., Marengo Tibbets B., > St. Joseph Cancle L, Marengo Remhart Charles, Sandoval Armstrong T. D., Maroa Young Wm., Sana Anna Roh Jacob, Marshall Baker A., Shawneetown Suckey Eli, Marshall Stonemeyer Wm., Sheffield Gamble J., Martinsville Roberts & Stumpf, Shelbyville White L. G., Martinsville Blattner G., Shoal Creek Knickerbocker J. P., Mattoon Dean J. W., Shobonier Tirnons T., Metamora Haxey Edward, Somonauk Drayer E. A., Metropolis City Lawson Mary A., Sparta Emkins Henry, Millstadt Perkins J. C., Sparta Samuels D. A., Monticello HICKEY & CO., Springfield Wetzel Wm., Mound City McROBERTS & JESS, Springfield Steckler & Co., Mt. Carmel MEYERS H. C. & CO., Springfield Davis E., Mt. Morris Wa'son W. W. & Son, Springfield Knodle Daniel, Mt. Morris Broks A. & Son, Spring Hill Routzon D. C., .. i / Mt. Morris Fuller H., Spring Hill Capps J., Mt. Pulaski Fuller Levi, Spring Hill Kliue John, Mt. Vernon Terrell & Harper, Sterling Livingston John F., New Salem Swortwort W. J., Sublette Faria S. J., Niantic Propst Lewis, Sweetwater Wooley A. M., Oakland Clark W. F., Urbana Delker George, Oakulla Shue Joel, Vermillion Eberevine T. G., Olney Cowan B., Virden Gaddy D., Olney Wells Jesse, Warren Wheeler Joseph B., Ottawa Lyon E., Wataga Ledbrock T. M., Palmyra Wilks George, Wataga Douling W. L., Pana Butterfield J., Wheaton Hartley & Mullins, Paris Brown G. H., Williamsville Huston L. B. & Co., Paris Banyord V., Wilmington Buck James, Paxton Bond S., Wilmington Freidrick E., Pecatonica Baker J. C., Winsdor Brockman August, Pekin Thomas J. B. & Co., Wyoming Lucas J. & J., Pekin Cowell Benjamin, jr., Peoria Furst Lewis, Peoria Confectioner's Tools, Manufac- Field Frank, Peoria turers and Dealers in. Edorn Henry, Perry Carman C., Petersburg Hennegen James B., Chicago Davis James, Petersburg Leuring C., Petersburg Luthringer F. X., Barber R. J. , Petersburg Pinckneyville Confectionery, Manufacturers of and "Wholesale Dealers in. Ray Jno., Pleasant Hill Bain S. K., Pontiac Graff Matthew, Chicago Grat F., Pontoosac HENNEGEN JAMES B , Chicago Bracken & Matson, Portland Sassiman & Brooks, Chicago Robinson J. B. & Co., Prophetstown SCANLAN BROTHERS, Chicago Brown Wm., Quincy SEELEY S. M., Chicago Buehrer W., Quincy Simm James C., Chicago Cook & Nixon, Quincy Davis Aaron H., Galena HARRIS & CO., Quincy ROBERTS G. W. & CO., Joliet NELCH J. P., Quincy FIELD FRANK & CO., Peoria Leuting & Co., Red Bud Smith Levi & Co., Peoria Belford B. L., Renault Price J. S., Ridge Farm Sheppard Peter A., Robinson Contractors. Sheppard W. W., Robinson Caiter & Tracv, Rochester Mahoney J. D., Albany Chelsey William, Rockford Mitchell, Gilbert & Co., Albany Ford Oliver S., Rockford Edwards J., Amboy Rose Stephen, Rockford Stedman T. S., Amboy St. John Eron, Rockford Bailey I. J., Appanoose Winch & Co., Rockford Serine Charles, Asbury Snyder Thomas, Rock Grove White John, Asbury Blatt, Lazare & Co., Rock Island Clark Luther J., Ash Grove Yates Charles J., Rock Isliuid Ween J. M., Atlanta Scott Wallace, Kushville Drisser H. & Co., Atlas BAI 609 BLU Calvert N. B., Bain bridge Table David, Sherburnville Derby & Barker, Batavia McAllister J. E., Shobonier Latham Adolphus, Batavia Cantwell & Evans, Tremont Mallory S. L., Batavia Baity Riley, Valley Forge Buell & Co., Blandinsville Kirkbride Eleazer, Vermont Morey B. F., Cameron Walbridge & Bro., Walbridge Haskle W. H., Canton McConnell J. H., Wilmington Bewdell & Co., Carthage Chapman Gilpin, Windsor Williams George, Central City McBrine W., Chester Chupin & Fox, Chicago Conveyancers. DeGolyer David L., Chicago Fisk Joseph, Chicago REES, CHASE & CO., Chicago LANE JOHN C., Chicago Parker J. Mason, Chicago See advt. colored page in back. Kerfoot S. H. & Co., Chicago Salisbury Alvin, Chicago GREENEBAUM & GUTHMANN, Chicago TWEEDDALE WILLIAM, Chicago BURTON J. HART, Dixon Pullman & Moore, Chicago See advt. page 472 Reed Chailes, Clear Creek Landing BARBER ROYAL E., Joliet Pratt William, Como See advt. page 479 Marshall Wm., Cordova Cameron Dwight F., Ottawa Little Thomas, Dwight Key on Lewis, Peoria Baldwin H. N., Edwardsville Curtis Henry, jr., R. Island Ritte P., Edwardsville Wentworth D. P., Edwardsville ' Downing A. J., Fair bury Coopers. 17-Mwfirf Welch J. H., Franklin Grove Freeman Samuel, Friend's Grove (See also Barrel Manufacturers.} Lyons M., Oilman Wright D. C., Gilman Springsted W., Abingdon Pennell William A., Granville Norton H. P., Albany Pierce W. B., Greenfield StandringGeo., Albion Hatch & Martin, Griggsville Standring W., Albion Barnet George, Hadley Downer & Bro., Amboy Collins Franklin, Had ley Brown T. A., Anna Petri & Lankton, Hutsonville Lee J. C., Anna Dunsden D., Jerseyville McLean Edwin, Anna Shephard William, Jerseyville Walker J. F., Anna Churchel B. M., Kinderhook Fairman Wm., Antioch Boothe J. W., Kinmundy Boberts Henry, Appanoose Leonard Theodore, Kyte River Gardner James, Ashley Thompson Samuel, Lacon H,.yt 0. A., Assumption Hughes John A., Lane Dep >t Searl R. S., Athens Smith H. D., Lebanon Irvin J., Atlanta Brown N. L, Lemon t Waters Jesse, Atlaa Wigle & Hunsaker, Liberty Scott M., Auburn Johnston A., Maquon B, owning J. H., Augusta Scott Wm., Maquon Browning W. C., Augusta Hibbard George, Marengo Butler Asa, Avon Mattoon Wm., M .ttoon O'Kane Daniel, Barclay Messer U., Mattoon Stuits W. B., Barrs Stone Parsons & Williams, Moline Askew L. G., Barry Brown Virgil, Moscow Friske C. Barry LillieH. 0., Moscow White J. & William, Barry Stanton J. C. & D. N., Mt. Carmel Bradley Henry, Batavia Coe I. F., New Jordan Miller Frederick, Batavia Lamb Wm. M., New Market Carver Hiram, Beardstown Smith Joseph, New Market Tieadway James, Beardstown Van Gorder Peter, New Milford Coquillette A. C., Belden Odell John, Noyesville Machenheimer John, Belleville Weir John T., Oakulla Scuchmann C., Belleville Hagerty D. & Co., Paloma Jepson A. H., Bernadotte Donally Michael, Pleasant View Sherwood George, Beruadotte Thompson N. & Co., Prophetstown Sherwood J. H., Bernadotte Cobourn John, Princeville Ellspermann Charles & Co., Bethalto Dukes John, Princeville Cayler John, Beverly Maco & Noyes, Rockport Frame M., Beverly Alphin B., Rushville Shi pman Alfred, Bible Grove Senny J. S., Ru*hville New house Wm.. Blandinsville Scott John, Saadoval Wolff H., Blue Island BRA 610 FLA Foster Charles B. Bradford McKean J., Circleville Thompson Benj., Bradford Dickey Alexander, Clark Centre MeRill Jos., Bridgeport York John, Clark Centre Pickerel Robt. Bridgeport Brewer John, Clay City HowelJ., Brighton Bankard F., Clear Creek Lmding Sceley D. M. d & Co., Kyte River Baker Bro. & Co., Harrisburgh Keith , LaClair Stewart Wm., Harvard Thompson L. G., Lacon Beckstead P. L., Havana Ross Thomas W., LaFayette Cleaver H. R., Havana Gardner John, LaHarpe Hampham & Cadwalder, Havana Hvatt A. & H., LaHarpe Welty John, Hazel Dell Davis T. R., Lake Creek McMurtz Jas. C., Henderson BRIGGS & PARKHURST, LaSalle Everett J., Hennepin POSTLETHWAITE &CO., LaSalle Noxon A. C., Hennepin Sanger C. M. & Co., LaSalle Baker & Bro., Henry Woolsey William M., LaSalle Everett C., Henry Gold D. L., Lawrenceville Gorman P., Heyworth Bergher & Ferningher, Lebanon M'Farland & Co., Heyworth Senman & Co., Lebanon Ellithorp J. W., Hick'< Mills Hall & Bro., Lemont Bernays Jacob, Highland CLAGGETT SANFORD K, Lexington Alvea Thomas, High Point DEMENT GEORGE T., Lexington Haskell A. S., Hillsboro Kno'ts & Gregory, Lexington McGeehon William H., Howard's Point REYNOLDS WILLIAM, Lexington Roberts John L., Howard's Point Smith & Hefner, Lexington Adams , Huntley Grove Cobb P., Liberty T>1 ~ 1- yYlOn Huntley Grove Voeth R., Liberty Williams , Huntley Grove Sprague S., Liberty ville Tilden I. G. & Co., Hurricane Kelso & Boren, Lincoln Draper & Moore, Hutsonviile Miller A. M., Lincoln Rannater J. J., Illinois City Campbell A. 0., Linden wood Groce John U., Indianola Moore J. F., Lisbon Wibley Thomas G., Indianola Muncy William, Little York LOG 625 PEG HANLEY WILLIAM, Lockport Winston Thomas, Mt. Morris Whiteomb & King, L gan Davis L., Mt. Palatine Street Henry, Lyndon Beidler S. Linn, Mt. Pulaski Fisher C., Lynnville Allen L N., Mt. Sterling Gordon J. & Co., Lynriville Brown W. W., Mt. Sterling Moore R. B. & Co., McConnell's Grove Welbone E., Mt. Vernon Kellogg & King, McLean Dodson E. H., Murphysborough Milliard Z. R., McLeans'ioro Daniels H. C., Naperville Boucher J. L., MHckinaw Stephens S. P., Naperville Parmele & Miller, Mackinaw Stobuaus , Naperville Porter & Bro., Mackinaw Mitchell J. G., Naples Terrell Joseph P., Mackinaw Lvford & Whaples, Nepoueet ELLIS J. W., M .comb Merrill J. W., Neponset RICE D B. & CO., Macomb Hopkins C. C., New Baltimore . Rich & Foster, M.gnolia Hawthorn A. S., New Berlin Thornton J. F. & J. T., Magnolii Alyea Thomas, New Boston Corbett Sumuel A., Maiden Hartson J. L., New Boston Madden Henry, Malta Baur A., New Erin Goodell & Maine, Manchester Pickard T. W., New Erin Merrick G. C., Manteno Ppearer J. A., New Liberty Duulap & Cunningham, Maquon Gains A., New Market Cannock H. B., Marcelline Graves George, New M'tssil on Jenks 0. S., Man-ngo Jones Wm., New Mi ford Patrick R. M., M irengo Franke John, Newton Crouch A. B., Marine Wilson Maicus, Noble Knispel H., Marine Clark E. F. & Co., Nora Suter L., Marine Reed C., Northampton Weidnian P. S., Marine Barber John, Noyesville Lewis & Hundley, Marion Bighead George, Oakland Bulion J. R., Ma- shall Curtiss William H., Oakland Stun Thomas, Mar.-hall McConkey G. W., Oakland Reynolds Irvin, Martinsbui gh Rankin A. C., Oakulla Pile & Walkup, Mtttoon Richardson H. W., Ogle Station Smith J., Mar}>ville Cullen C. W., Olney Fischer C., Mei dota Huesten S., Onarga Houghton J. H., Mendota Wagenhals William & Co., Orargeville Johnson C. H., Memlota Light Ezra M., Oregon Koch Charles, Mei.dota Snowden John M., Oregon Pilkington James, Mendota Anderson R. C., Orleans Wackerle W. J., Meredosia Robinson H. C., Osage Page John W. & Co., Metamora Davis M., Oswego Powed John E. & Co., Metamora M<"d N., Oswego Boic"urt Daniel, Metropolis City GRIGGS EDWARD T., Ottawa Williams & Redden, Metropolis City HUNTER GEORGE H., Ottawa Bonfield Wesley, Midoleport KNEUSSL MAX, Ottawa Spitler David, Mier Murphy J. R., Ottawa Pierce & Cleaver, Milford Sohnorr Theodore, Ottawa Shumway R. G., Milledgeville Tbomps-on Gilbert L., Ottawa Wainpler W., Milton Station Walker David, O'tawa Clawges J. W. F., Mineral Boyce & Bump, Paine's Point Keedy W., Minonk Soioman D. N., Palmyra Chamberlain A^dison F., Moline Nesing I. F. & Co., Palmyra Richards Josiah S., Moline Van Winkle H. L, Palmyra Lane I. C., Momence Keeler N. W., Pana Worcester H. & F., Momence Vrooman S. S., Pana Smith W. F., Monmouth Collins & Bros., Paris SPRIGGS J. S., Monmouth Cure J. & Son, Paris Johnson J. C., Montic>Ho Newell A. A., Paris Banna Thomas B., Morris Heath James C., Paw Paw Giove LONGWORTH & RIDGEWAT, Morris Keith L. H., Paxton Parmelee George G., Morris Myre P., Paxton Whiteomb George A., Morrison Crocker H. A. Payson Winters & Brother, Morrison Jacobs B. C., Pecatonica Donhn John, Moscow Cranmer & Bro., Pekin Donlin B. & Co., Moscow Freeman G. W., Pekin Franklin Benjamin, Mossville Hofman H. & Co., Pekin Brown J. H., Mound City Wogenseller S. & Co., Pekia Foelix & Tourelle, Mound City Benton Ira E., Peoria Ridgeway & Brother, Mt. Cannel Breed Mervin A., P( oria West A., Mt. Erie Davis William H., Peoria PEG 626 VAN Fa-rell DeWitt C., Peoria McCard T. B., Rosamond FARRELL HIRAM G., Peoria Young C. W., Rose field King John F., Peoria Hulbert J. J., Rozetta Miles B. Fullerton, Peoria Morgan & Broyles, Russellville RUGG HENRY I., Peoria De Wolf Abiel B., St. Charles Shelly Peter, Peoria Van Patten J. S. & Co., St. Charles Tucker & Mansfield, Peoria Nason E. & Co., St. John Avers Daniel, Perry Detamore J., St. Joseph Sutphen & Rex, Perry Tibbets B., Bt. Joseph KOEHLER A. & CO., Peru Willien Leon, St. M s J. B. & Co., Wyoming Berinsford J. W., A m boy Shirley & Stiles, Xonia Carson & Pirie, Am boy Taliaferro M., Xenia Stone D. P., Amboy Warriner 0. F., Am boy Bohannon J. P., Anna Caruth S. B. & Co., Anna Druggists, "Wholesale. Dav 1 Winstead, Anna Davison F. M., Anna Goodman Moses, Anna BARRY BENJAMIN F., Alton Love D., Anna QUIGLEY BROS. & CO., Alton McElhaney & Bro., Anna THOMPSON R. & CO., Bloomington Burson H. M., Anuawan BARCLAY BROTHERS, Chicago Dow & Bros., Annawan Bumham & Smith, Chicago Hays John, Annawan FULLER 0. F. i CO., Chicago LORD & SMITH, Sargent B. C., Smith Pearson & Co., Ring William H., Anuawan Annawan Antioch Chicago Shepard & Barnes, Antioch Lurton & Harris, Chicago Hensforther Moses, Arcadia Lurton, Stewart & Johnston, Chicago Henry J. J., Arcola Penton, Robinson & Smith, Chicago Hiscock A., Arcola KEED J. H. & CO., Chicago Seville W., Arcola Sawyer Sidney, Chicngo B ilcolm W. H., Argo FISHER CHARLES & CO., Peoria Bettendorf M., Arlington Johnston & Cox, Peoria Dupee J. A., Arlington ARL 628 BLO Lindly J. A,, Arlington Bryson & Hatfield, Armington Fried man & Dornell, Armington Taylor Alonzo, Ash Grove Barland S., % Ashkum Berhard J., Ashkum Britton D., Ashkum Hugins W. H., Ashkum Stevens H. B., Ashkuin looker S. N., Ashkum Gilbert E., Ashley Keliogg 0., Ashley Post, Cheney & Co., Ashley Barre t M. L., Assumption Hill A. T., Assumption Roberts F.niile, Assumption Venissat Ferdinand, Assumption Myers M. & Bro., Athens Salzenstein L., Athens Stone N. T. & Co., Athens Dunkan & Maltby, Atlanta Einne William L., Atlanta Ludlam A. J. & Co., Atlanta Shores & Hawes, Atlanta Thompson George S., Atlanta Broken All, Atlas Brook N. C. & Co., Auburn Spencer & McKenney, Auburn Compton J. & J. B., Augusta Billing A., Augusta SKINNER A. & A. W., Augusta Stark J. & G., Augusta Brady rey John, Joliet Eads & Price, Knoxville DAY ALBERT H., Joliet Ewing G. M., Knoxville DEXTON BENJAMIN F., Joliet Ewing Alexander & Co., Knoxville Duncan Robert, Joliet Muir Thomas, Knoxville PARKER RUFUS M., Joliet Bailey William, Kyte River Reichert John, Joliet Brece James, Kyte River Dougherty A. N., Jonesboro Parker Joseph, Kyte River Frick C. & Co., Jonesboro Colvell John, LeClair NaillJ. E., Jonesboro Breeze & Guy, LeClair Provo J. J., Jonesboro Robinson J. D., Lai lede Willard & Co., Jonesboro Chapman & Patrick, Lacon Williams & Bro., Jonesboro Holloway J. M. & H. D., Lacon Dean J. & Son, Jones Creek Palmere Walbare, Lacon Jones S. T. & Co., Jones Creek Robii s E., Lacoa Mann'J. P., Jones Creek Ross Thomas W., LaFayette Ward E. J., Jones Creek Gochenour David, LaHarpe Walters J. W., Jones Creek Hurdle & Gettings, LaHarpe Pern N. M., Kane Payton & Coulson, LaHarpe Smith A. H., Kane Warren J. & B., LaHarpe Coy B. A. & Co., Kaneville Wilkinson John, LaHarpe Scott, Ross & Co , Kaneville Young William, LaH irpe Bainter Adam, Kankakee Davis T. R., Lake Creek Blain & Paquin, Kankakee Durham & Organ, Lake Creek DORION THEOPHILUS, Kankakee Barbour C. W. & Co., Lane Depot Durham & Grover, Kankakee Coon Horace, Lane Depot Ehrich Dettrich, Kankakee Fulton William, Lane Depot Hall Henry S., Kankakee Johnson & Manning, Lane Depot Jackson Obadiah, Kankakee Kensham George, Lane Depot Knott Christopher W., Kankakee Patchin J. S., Lane Depot Mack J M., Kankakee Porter & Cummings, Lane Depot Marshall & LeComs, Kankakee Stile* & Parker, Lane Depot LAN MAR West W. B. & Co., Lane Depot Neff & Hurngate, Louisville Bates J. C., Laona Carmichael, Sparks & Co., Low Point ADAMS & HATCH, LaSalle Lincoln & Brewer, Lyndon McKAY DONALD, LaSalle Emerick A. M., Lynville Murphy Dennis, LaSalle Gordon J., Lynnville ROSENBERG CHARLES S., LaSalle Gordon & Streetclifif, Lynnville Badollet Vigo, Lawrenceville Moore R. B. & Co., McConnell's Grove McLean R. W., Lawrenceville Rockey W. F., McConnell's Grove Mi ler S. R., Lawrenceville Kellogg B. R., Mt. Auburn Richirds 0. P., Metamora Peitus W. E., Mt. Auburn Burden & Kelly, Metropolis City Stafford M. & Co., Mt. Auburn Carmichael E. & W. I., Metropolis City Goforth C. 0. B., Mt. Carmel Davis & B,iker, Metropolis City Haberton M. J., Mt. Carmel Levi & Brother, Metropolis City McDowell J., Mt. Carmel McKee B. G. R., Metropo'is City Mauch A. & J., Mt. Carmel Musselman Jacob, Metropolis City Parkinson R. & Co., Mt. Carmel Musselman & Robison, Metropolis City Shanan T. J., Mt. Carmel Stalcap P. L., Metropolis City Stanton J. & D. N., Mt. Carmel Thrift & Brown, Metropolis City Turner & Pool, Mt. Carmel Empie John H., Middleport Crews Anchew, Mt Erie Fowler & Patterson, M'dilleport May & Mayo, Mt. Erie Hogle M. & J., Middleport Nishbft & Price, Mt. Erie May & High, Middleport Willev E., Mi. Erie Parker Daniel & Son, Middleport Hitt A., Mt. Morris Troup Theo., Middleport Shearer & McCoy, Mt. Morris Goliburgh G. S., Mier Smith Stephen, Mt. Morris. Hirshey Isaac, Mier Capps J., Mt. Pulaski Sears & Freeman, Milford Capps & St. Clair, Mt. Pulaski Semfill B. W., Milf.rd Frackelton J. M., Mt. Pulaski McKibben A., Milledgevffla Losbnigh T. B., Mt. Pulaski Phelps & Johnston, Milledgeville Sliiek Frank, Mt. Pulaski McKee Joseph, Millstiidt Turlev S., Mt. Pnlaski Qung Charles, Mi Istadt Curry F. M. & Bro., Mt. Sterling Rantz Martin, Millsiadt Lceper Johnson, Mt. Sterli 40 MxS 637 OXB Nye John P., Mt. Sterling Heller J., Noyesville Parker & Curray, Mt. Sterling Patek Kate, Noyesville Eea James M., Mt. Sterling Cash L. S & Bro., Oakland Anderson D. G., Mt. Vernon C ement Charles, Oakland Baltzet D., Mt. Vernon Coffin F. R., Oakland Pace H. T., Mt. Vernon Mitchell D. W., Oakland Pace James M., Mt. Vernon Punberton J. J., Oakland Pace J. & Son., Mt. Vernon Priser Henry, Oakley Stratton & Co., Mt. Vernon Austin A. S., jr. & Co., Oukuila Vanduzer, Smith & Co., Mt. Vernon Brown N. S. & Son, Oakulla Watson & Taylor, Mt. Vernon Goodell A., Oakulla Hanson J. M., Murphysborough Peach & Simmons, O'Fallon's Depot Leeright &.Worthen, Murphysbo rough Tannar Russel, Ogle Gundy & Bro., Myersville Barbour C. W. & Co., Ogle Luttle & Daviaon, Myersville Peck N. E , Ogle Station Castle & Napier Naperville Bandt H. G., Old Ripley Peaslee & Sleight, Naperville Philips D. T., Olena Scott Willard & Co., Naperville Putney Ira, Olena Skinner Haight & Co., Naperville Byeis A. L. & R., Olney YundtA. C., Naperville Daniels A. B., Gluey Kritzer & Raurk, Naples Gunn S. H., Olnev Mauck & Carver, N pies Gunn H. & Sons, Olney Parker W., Naples Johnson C. D., Olney Chapman S. M , Nauvoo Morehouse D., Olney Wachman B , Nauvoo Newell Wm., Olney McKinstry J. & S., Nelson Spring H , Olney Buswell & Blake, Neponset Richards C. A., Omph Ghent Lyford & Whaples, Neponset Hunseiford A. R., Onarga Reed & Munson, Neponset Knight, Bitfield & Co., Onarga Hopkins C. (J. & Co., New Baltimore Richardson L. C., Onarga Kidder 0. B. & S., New Berlin Hartsough John J., Oueco Alyea Thomas, New Boston Blossoiu 0. E., Oneida Cooper N. P. &. Son, New Boston Conger L. W., Oneida Crosby & Son, New Boston Hanuon & Brown, Oneida Thomas R., New Boston Bower John &Co., Orangeville Willits&Burdick, New Boston Steinmetz 0. P., Oraugeville Baur A., New Erin Etnyre Daniel, Oregon Bumbarger Elias, New Erin Potwin Thos. H., Oregon Pickard T. W., New Erin Stone Charles H., Oregon Simpkins Augustus, New Hartford Anderson R. S., Orleans Philips James & David, New Lancaster Williams J. & Co., Orleans Shearer J. A., New Liberty Robinson H. C., Osage Stewart J. F., New Lioerty Deitz H. J., Osborn Moye William, New Market Holcomb Jacob, Osborn Smith Joseph, New Market Maxey Henry B., Osborn Baird G. H., New Massillon Pi.illips & Shepley, Osboaa Dickison AJbert, New Maysville Whipple & Stevens, Osborn Kennedy Jos. E., New Maysville Hale A. B., Os w ego Maxwell F. H., New Milford Hale & Kenney, Oswego Curtis J. C., New Salem Stoutemeye J. B., Oowego Sigworth I. Coope & Co., New Salem Alschuler A & H., Ottawa Harris & Scott, Newton BEAN & MORGAN, Ottawa Hay C. D. &Bro., Newton CAMERON & EBERHARD, Ottawa Martin T. J., & Co., Newton CLARK HENRY F., Ottawa Mattingley & Wade, Newton HALBERT L. A. & D. M., Ottawa Hughes & Co., Niantic GOFF, HULL & THORSON, Ottawa Wells Geo., Niantic Hampton Thaddeus, Ottawa Alden G. M., Night's Prairie L1NDLY JOSEPH A., Ottawa Flint & Price, Night's Prairie LYNCH ANDREW, Ottawa Long J. M. & Co., Noble Mills Jared W., Ottawa Wilson Marcus, Noble PRATT C. E. & CO., Ottawa Bullman R. C., Nokomis Reddick William, Ottawa Rood H. F., Nokomis Schuler G. L., Ottawa Bennett G. F., Nora Schuler George H, Ottawa Clark E. F. & Co., Nora SHULER JOHN N. & CO., Ottawa Leland W. H., Nora Stout & Sanderson, Ottawa Reed C., Northampton THOMPSON HANS, Ottawa Smith William J., Northanipton VAN DOREN & OSBORN, Ottawa Peck W. S., North Plato Brumsey N., Ox Bow Barber J. & N., Noyesville Guild & Becker, Ox Bow OXF 638 PRI Goodm >n & Epperson, Oxford Pickering J. F., Peoton Boyce & Bump, Paine's Point Johnson Richard, Perry Solomon D. N., Palmyra Johnson & Schaffer, Perry Nisong I. F. & Co., Palmyra Moore & Baird, Perry Nesbit J., Paloma Perry Protective L T nion, Perry Lintz George J., Pal os Whitaker A. S. & Co., Perry Palmsly Peter, Palos Wrigel & Co., Perry Brigh UTI H. D., Puna Day F. S., Peru Dodge J. H., Pan a Johnson John, Pern Hastings J. W., Pan a LININGER & BRO., Peru Little W. B., Pan a McMillan & Co., Peru Perkins C. H., Pana MURRAY R. & A. D., Peru Booth & Son, Paris WHITE JOHN B., Peru Dodds & Bro., Paris Bennett & Son, Petersburg Kile, Dole & Co., Paris Brahm J. A., Petersburg Metcalf J. A. & Sons, Paris Clark & Minor, Petersburg Miller James, Paris Cole Church, Petersburg Mulling H., Paris Cogill Wm. M., Petersburg Mung. r H. M., Parks Corners Frackelton R. & D., Petersburg Bennetr., James R., Parrish Jacobs Levi, Petersburg Stewart George, Pariish Lavering Cave, Petersburg Stulle James, Parrish Wright^& Bates, Petersburg Beach Ervin M., Patoka Graham & Bro., Phillipstown Gray John, Patoka Jones S., Phillipstown Walker Cyrus, Patoka Craiii, Jones & Co., Pinckneyville Colville John, Paw Paw Grove Eaton R. H., Pinckneyville Barnhouse H., Paxton Hinke G. R. & Brother, Pinckneyville Cloyes Brothers, Paxton Mason J. F. & Co., Pinckneyville Faxon L., Payson Bacon B. & R. H., Pitman Miller J. H., Payson Balfour & Drake, Pitman Alber & Luther, Pecatonica Carter & Manard, Pitman Burnhain I. D. & Co., Pecatonica Brown Saui'l, Plain View Fregaum & House, Pecatonica Sturges H. A., Plain View Keyes & Stitsel, Pecatonica Cook A. & Son, Piano Prowty W. C., Pecatonica Henning & Stewart, Piano Shinmina R. & T., Pecatonica Platt D. & Son, Plattville Bergstresser & Co., Pekin Ctader J., Pleasant Hill Chain W. P. & Bro., Pekin Parkers A., Pleasant Hill Cook & Amsbarv, Pekin Thomas & Lovell, Pleasant Hill Frank A. & Co.," Pekin Branch N. P., Pleasant Grove Heisel & Vogel, Pekin Morey Amos, Pleasant Vale Steiner Bros. & Co., Pekin Turner William, Pleasant Vale Tomm G. & Co., Pekin Brines H. E., Pleasant View Vincent & Co., Pekin Tucker F. L., Plum Piver Westerniiin H. P., Pekin Tyrre 1 Miles, Plum River Wilkey & Hyers, Pekin Bell & Hamilton, Plymouth Young & Ker, Pekin Elliott Jacob, Plymouth Adler & Rohrbach, Peoria King William M., Plymouth Bartlet Amos P., Peoria Metzgen & Whittington, Plymouth BISSELL ORR1N P., Peoiia Randolph James M., Plymouth Block Austina, Peoria Brown & Oo., Pontiac Bobb Charles L., Peoria Brucker Francis tfe^Son, Pontiac Brass Roger J., Peoria Cassady & McDonald, Pontiac Brass & Hartz, Peoria Dehner John & Co., Pontiac Bryson John G., Peoria Barker L. C., Pontoosac Cowell Benjamin, jr., Peoria Hopper & Hatch, Pontoosac Currie William, Peoria Voight W. D., Pontoosac Day, Humphrey & Co,. Peoria Sedwick D. W., Pope Creek DOWNING DAVID H., Peoria Brown & Devore, Port Byron Frank Abraham, Peoria Francis N. L., Port Byron Gregg William S., Peoria Met-gar D. S., Port Byron Hamaker J. G. & Co., Peoria Wilshire & Allen, Port Byron McClallen John & Son, Peoria Bracken & Matson, Portland Miller William, Peoria Craig W. T. & Bro., Prairie Bird Parsons H. B. & Bro., Peoria Ladd J., Prairie Bird Petengill Moses, Peoiia Blais A., Prairie du Rocher Rosher Ernest A., Peoria Ker Ambrose, Prairie du Rocher Schimpfeiman William H., Peoria Piper Frederick,. Prairie du Rocher Smith J. McClav, Peoria Simpson John C., Prairie du Rocher Tetu Gasper P.," Peoria Carse William, Princeton PRI 639 SAN Clark C. B., Princeton Tyler Charles J., Rockford Hale Jane F., Princeton Wood Alonzo & Co., Ro kford Johnson Alfred, jr., Princeton Schmeltzer J. D., Rock Grove Newell B., Princeton B,ker B. F. & Bro., R. Island NEWELL P. N. & Co., Princeton Carter & Hatch, R. Island RAWSON BROS., Princeton EVERTS ALVIN, R. Island Riale, Warfield & Co., Princeton KIESORR L. & CO., |R Island Salisbury D. G., Princeton Moss Frederick, R. Island Stevens & McConihes, Princeton Landrum J. B., Rockport Dickenson E. S., Prophetstown Maco, Rupert & Co , Rockport Tuller & Mains, Prophetstown P.tjorF., Rockport Hitchcock G. W., Princeville Rupert, Harris & Co., Rockport Binkertt & Kreitz, Quincy Duncan 0. P., Rock Run Borstadt C. & Son, Quincy Graham &Lashall, Rock Run Brown, Diraock & Co., Quincy Veness J. G., Rockton Brownell G. L. & Co., Quincy Barnes & Mitchell, Roland Derr H. & Co., Quincy Porter D. M., Roland Fisher James, Quincy Ferguson & Cross, Rome GOLDBERG & ROSENBERG, Quincy Milburn & Collins, Rome Golm L., Quincy Pearson Isaac, Rome JOSEPH & NELKE, Quincy Brodbreh George, Rome Farms Kinkle John, Quincy McCard T. B., Rosamond KONANTZ A. & SON, Quincy Abbott T. W. & Co., Roscoe LESEM S. J. & BRO., Quincy Lawrence & Eaton, Roscoe Merssmann J. B., Quincy Young C. W., Rosefield Morehead & Beebe, Quincy Emmons E. P., Ruseville Root Henry, Quincy Lincoln, Brewer & Co., Round Grove Sawyer & Graves, Quincy Davis L. A. & Co., Round Grove Wheeler L. P., Qu ncy Green John, Rozetta Burnett Wm. H., Raleigh Berry Bill, Rushville Burnett Bros., Rale'gh Melz G. W., Rushville Choisser S., Raleigh Nelson & Co., Rushville Parish William H. & Co., Raleigh Par/ott J., Rushville Benedict & Wright, Rnntoul Ray, Siller Co., Rushville Caflinger & Johnson, Rantoul Scott T. W., Rushville Frederick & Dodge, Rantoul Warren & Brothers, Rushville Albers J. F., Red Bud Wells W. W. & Co., Rushville Bockoff G., Red Bud Willson J., Rushville Durfre R. D., Red Bud Baud A. C., Russellville Schnieder C. W., Red Bud Fitch W. E., Russellvllle Smith Allen & Co., Red Bud Treawrflt W. &Co., Russellville Sweatman A., Reed Rogerson John & Bro., Sadorus Paston, Blais, Piper & Sprigg, Renault Sadorus William, Sadorus Eplerl. A., Richland Davis Siimuel, St. Albans Dicken D. S., Ridge Farm Wigle David, St. Albans Haworth & Davies, Ridge Farm Chiniquy Achilles, St. Anne Larance & Co., Ridge Farm Ringuette Michael, St. Anne Smith & Son, Ridge Farm Butler & Weed, St. Charles Turner James, Ridgeley Lewis & Hallack, St. Charles McCrackan John, Ridotts Loomis & Tyler, St. Charles Glonn & Hughes, Ripley Miuard & Osgood, St. Charles Stout F. M., Ripley Nason E. & Co., St. John Bristol 0. H. & Co., Robinson Yearian George, St. John Preston & Bros. Robinson Morris C. B., St. Joseph Woodworth Palmer A., Robinson Woodworth A. 0., St. Joseph Carter & Tracy, Rochester Langel Mathias, St. Marie Andrews John W., Rockford Merceret Francis & Co., St. Marie Andrews & Starr, Rockford Marshall & McElwain, alem Andrews & VanArnam, Rockford Seger Thomas, Salem Barnard John, Rockford Tong William, Salem BEATTY ROBERT, Rockford Reid & Co., Saline Mills Boyd Thomas, Rockford Warford W. N., Saline Mills BOYD WESLEY, Rockford McMurphy George, Salisbury Bovd & Baxter, Rockford Salzeusti-in Elias, Salisbury BRAIN ARD & JOHNSON, Rockford Burton G. W., Sandoval Burns Joseph, Rockford Clemans G. P. M., Sandoval Dennett & Jelerson, Rockford Heard & Fisher. Sandoval Goodman Noah W., Rockford Murton James, Sandoval Horn George W,, Rockford No* land L., Sandoval Horsman Frederick A., Rockford 1 Martiu W., Sandoval SAN 640 SYC Carr J. H., Sandwich Back Adam, South Pass Culver & Bro. Sandwich Frick & Lamer, South Pass Hollenback G. B., Sandwich Green David, South Pass Humiston L. S., Sandwich Gibbs E. W., Soutliport Comerford George, Sandy Ridge Raynor J. A., Spirland McAbe Peter, Sandy Ridge Sargent & Bates, Sparland Taylor I., Sandy Ridge Allen A. M., Sparta Hicks M. C., San Jose Detrich J. E., Sparta McDonald & Johnson, Santa Anna Foster J. A., Sparta Mitchell John P., Santa Anna Hood J. & R., Sparta Stern N. & Bro., Santa Anna Little & Taylor, Sparta Warren & Lintner, Santa Anna McCormack & Roserman, Sparta Morrison James, Santa Fe Parks J. B., Sparta Bowe;i L. H., Savanna Rasborough W., Sparta Burkhart Jacob, Savanna Watson & McHenry, Sparta Gray V. H., Savanna Denny A., Spencer Pierce H. C., Savanna Avers G rover, Springfield Tomlinson N. B., Savanna Ayres S. D. & E. J., Springfield Robson Chas. G., Saxon BURKHARDT JOHN M., Springfield Butchor & Gobble. Scottville Condell John S., Springfield Woolfolk & Gobble, Scottville Elkin & Divis, Springfield Woodmancy J. F., Scottville HAWLEY E. B. & CO., Springfield Marcus Elias, Secor Hurst & Metheny, Springfield Richardson, Pile & Bullock, Secor MeElroy & Co., Springfield Hollo way James, Selby Station Midden B. & Bros., Springfield Mercer M. & Co., Selby Station Smith C. M. & S., Springfield Underbill William H., Seneca Station Smith, Wickersham &Co., Springfield Marks L.. Shabbona's Grove Spear David, Springfield Stevens Chas., Shabbona's Grove THAYER JOSEPH & CO., Springfield Wilhurn W. S., Shabonier WILLIAMS JOHN & CO., Springfield Caldwell & Jones, Shawneetown Burks A. & Son, Spring Hill Callicott E. H., Shawneetown Fuller H., Spring Hill Docker W. A., Shawneetown Fuller Levi, Spring Hill Kirkpatrick A., Shawneetown Trent A., Spring Lake Peoples & Ridgway, Shawneetown Crawford J. B., Springville Richeson & Carroll, Shawneetown Hoxsey & Shirley, Staunton Ridgway George A., Shawneetown Olive R., Staunton Tuman M., Shuwneetown Suell H., Staunton. Barnett G. W. & Co., Swan's Point BOYNTON JOSEPH H., Sterling Bills E. D., Sheffield Crawford James L. & Co., Sterling Gorham S. H., Sheffield Fitch Wm., Sterling Gunkol George, Sheffield Osgood W. F. & Co., Ste ling Patterson & Zenor, Sheffi Id Patterson, Witmer & Co., Sterling Pulsifer E. F. & Co., Sheffield Shepherd John. Sterling Whippee Wm. M., Sheffield TENNEY & BURD3AL, Sterling Roundy, Clalin & Co., Shelbyville Nyberg & Bro., Stono Fort Harrison W. A., Shelbyville Hale Jesse, Sublette Hayden & Wright, Shelbyville Meek ler John, Sublette Hickman H. M., Shelbyville Wilder W. F., Sublette Lufkin & Smith, Shelbvville Eden J. E., Sullivan Thornton W., Shelbyville Elder James, Sullivan Vosburgh J. B., Shelbyville Haydon & Llovd, Sullivan Webster & Jagger, Shelbyville Henry B. W. & Co., Sullivan Sharp Jacob, Sheldon's Giove Pernmnn J., Sullivan Sturge-i W. H., Sherburnville Rutherford &Co., Sul ivaa Lang H., Shiloh Smyser A. M., Sullivan Ffeiffer A., Shiloh Vadakin H. F., Sullivan Pickett James, Shiloh Hill McK-'e & Co., Summerfield Morhinners Franz, Shoal Creek Peeples T. B. & Bro., Summei field Reilman Gerhard, Shoal Creek Winkler J., Summerfield Brock H. L., Shorb Billings Thomas, Summer Hill Whiffon David, Slack Water Fike J. M., Sum mum Petetson J. G., Smithton Schenk John, Sunimum Press Michael, Smithton Warden G. W., Swan Creek Storger Geo., Smithton Davis & Pierce, Sweetwater Bower E. Z., Somonauk Engle Wm. & Son, Sweetwater Hess Gustus, Somonauk Dennis N., Sycamore Lewis Edward M., Somonauk Lotr Willis, Sycamore Russel & Losee, Somonauk Peck T. T., Sycamore Williams Charles, South Macon Peck N. H. & Rogers, Sycamore SYC 641 WAIT StebbinsW. H., Sycamore Evans JohuT., Vermont Wild & Smith, Svcimore Hamer F. & P. & E., Vermont Davis S., Sylvandale Meishon, Argo & Co., Vermont Engle D. B., Table Grove Ross J, unes L., Vermont Engle Michael, Table Grove CastenJ, A., Versailles Harriman Mrs. E., Tamarack Dawson George, V< rsailles Beard & Lemme, Tamaroa Glaze G., (agent,) Versailles Corgan J. W. more Munn & Scott, Chicago Jaquith M. W., Urbana Pomeroy Elihu F., Chicago Sturges, Buckingham & Co., Chicago Walker & Bro., Chicago Exchange, Dealers in. Wheeler Hiram, Chicago (See also Hankers, also Brokers.) McMahan 0., Albany Embroidery Stampers. Alton Bank, Alton Alton Building & Savings Institution, Alton Bay Mrs. Henry B., Chicago Alton Mutual Insurance & Savings Co., Alton Bournique Mrs. Pauline, Chicago HOPPE ANTHONY L., Alton Bryant Mrs. Jesse, Chicago Parks William M., Alton Otis Jumes L., Chicago Ambrose & Little, Amboy Quirk Rose, Chicago Bacon A. E., Augusta Smith George B., Chicago Harris J., Augusta Weedenbaum Mrs. Adolph, Chicago Jenks Albert & Co., Aurora Coffin William, Batavia Wenige Louis G., Belleville Engineering " Instruments. The McLean County Bank, Bloomington Heild C. T., Canton LARRABEE & NORTH, Chicago Clark B., Carthage Campbell John P., Chicago Exchange Bank of H. A. Tucker & Co., Chicago Engravers. FORREST BROS. & CO., Chicago Granger, Weldon & Co., Chicago Early W. H., Algonquin HOFFMANN & GELPCKE, Chicago Underwood & Bryant, Aurora Kendrick George W., Chicago Bond Joseph, Blandinsville Oertel A. C., Chicago BAKER WILLIAM D., Chicago Phillips & Van Wagenen, Chicngo Sef. advt. paqe 464. PRUSSING ERNST, Chicago BROWN FRANKLIN H., Chicago See advt. page 443. See advt. page 464. Smith George & Co., Chicago CHILDS SHUBAEL D., Sen., Chicago Tinkham E. I. & Co. Chicago See advt. page, colored page infronf. WHITE BROTHERS, Chicago CHILDS SHUBAEL D., Jr., Chicago Wright W. P. & Co., Chicago Sec advt. page, colored page in front. Tincher & English, Danville DAY THOMAS J., Chicago Peddecord & Burrows, Decatur See advt. page 466. RAILROAD BANK, Decatur Earlie William H., Chicago Hall J., Fairfield Escherisoh Augustus W., Chicago Darkes C., Franklin Grove Greene William C., Chicago Smith, Root & Co., Fulton City Mendell Edward, Chicago Dunn J. F. & Co., Gale^burg MEYEK RUDOLPH A., Chicago Nourse Blair & Co., Geneseo See advt. page 440. Perry D. L. & Co., Geneseo GEN 647 DEM PERRY SPAULDING & CO., Geneseo Kane County Bank, Geneva Allen William H., Grafton Cummins S., Grand de Tour Reed G. J. & Co., Granville Crow John, Griggsville Lombard & Ayres, Griggsville Mitchell & Mick, Harrisburgh Wright 0. H., Havaaa Pulsifer E. F., Hennepin Ryhoner F. & Co., Highland Davis tin & Bro., Kingston Mines Chacksfield George, Chicago Brice James, Lane Depot Chamberlain Henry W., Chicago Penniinan R., Libertyville Chandler & Baker, Chicago Campbell A. 0., Lindenwood Church Silas C., Chicago Hockey W. F., McConnell's Grove Connor Thomas, Chicago Pacy John, Mos^ville Cook & Sommers, Chicago Horwath G., Mt. Auburn Densmore Eleazer W., Chicago Kam-ey T. B., Northampton Dubbert Frederick, Chicago Sanders John, Oswego EATON & HEARTT, Chicago Stewart C., Oswego FINLEY SAMUEL B., Chicago Bishop Robert, Petersburg Gagne & Boorman, Chicago Baldwin Jamea W., Pleasant View Haefner John C., Chicago Voight W. D., Pontoosac Hawkins Wm. Rhodes, Chicago Beaidslee Stephen H., Portland Hawkins & Chapman, Chicago Buckbee Theodore E., Rockford Heartt & Raleigh, Chicago Tnbler N. H., Sandy Ridge Herv^y, Baker & Co., Chicago Hollensworth , South Bend Higsfins Floyd, Chicago Conlding C. F., Victoria Hodson John R., Chicago Hallock James, Yellowhead Grove Hood Thomas, Chicago Hopkinson Chas., Chicago Jennings R. S. & Co., Chicago Fish, Salt, Dealers in. Karstens Frederick, Chicago Kessler Nicholas, Chicago (See Grocers.) Kessler Peter, Chicago Kirchoff & Brother, Chicago Kramer Jacob, Ci icago Flour, Grain and Feed. Leadbeater Geo. H., Chicago 7 Leadbeater William J., Chicago (See aho Produce, also Commission Merchts.) Livingston H. C. & Co., Chicago Low Bn.thers & Ross, Chicago Pease Henry, Albany McFarlin Wm W., Chicago Kindler Joseph, Alton McNair James, Chicago Kohlcr August, Alton Marsh & Peck, Chicago LARGENT R. T. & CO. ^ Alton Moore E. S. & Co., Chicago Patr ck James, Alton Nevin Patrick, Chicago Hubbard A. G., Amboy Nibbe Brothers, Chicago Davie D. S., Anna Norton Lemuel T., Chicago Muimugh George W., Anna Norton & Co., Chicago Elliott J. H., Antioch Parker George & Brother, Chicago Bailey I. J., Appanoose Patker & Raymond, Chicago Emery W. J., Arcola Roberts, Berry & Co. Chicago Gibbs C. S., Arcola ROBIE BENJAMIN A., Chicago Lyon, White & Co., Ashley Robinson Henry H., Chicago Williams W. A., Assumption Seely, Peck & Co., Chi< ago Tompkins & Gubridge, Avon Schnert Frederick, Chicago Brown & McTucker, Barry Skier Jacob, Chicago Shields W. P., Barry Smith Henry 0., Chicago Fish E. & Co., Beardstown Staines Joseph, Chicago Keising Henry, Belleville Stevens, Norris & Co., Chicago Chamberlain Thomas M., Belvidere Taylor Napoleon B., Chicago Jones J. B. Son, Belvidere Thomas & Browne, Chicago KEELER MILTON E., Belvidere Van Inwagen & Co., Chicago Pollock Thomas, Berlin Wait Archibald, Chicago Martin B. H., Biggsville Walker, Brother & Humphrey, Chicago Martin D., Blandinsville Weeks John R., Chicago Mack James R., Bliven's Mills Weinert William, Chicago Randolph Wm. W., Bloomington Woods & Barnes, Chicago War.l & Phelps, Bloomington Edwards Isaac, Clav City Richter C., Blue Island McRaven P., Clear Creek Landing Crampton & Coleman, Bridgeport Barlow & McMurray, Coatsburg Williams W. H., Carthage Bailey & Boyle, Coal Valley Smith Benjamin J. & Son, Central City Abbott F., Cordova Augustus Charles, Chicago Cowls & Armstrong, Cordova Barnes & Ford, Chicago Stockwell L., Cordova Bev:m John, Chicago Alderson S., Council Hill Brauckman Geo., Chicago Scrieber J. F., Cruger Brine William, Chicago Dubrock C. J., Danby DEL 652 WES Bacon H., Del Rev McKeen B. F., Martinsville Jud, Chapens & Co. De Witt Billingsley & Odear, Mason Cheney & Co., Dixon Jennings I & Co., Mattoon Dodds' S., Doddsville Blackstone & Panton, Mendota Carpenter J. A., Dundee Hawks & Bailey, Mendota Haase L., Dumlee Wampl.T W., Milton Station Case & Bradley, Dwight Lowry & Bradley, Minersville Haiirht & Warren, Earlville Cholwell & Vance, Minonk MERRILL OILMAN H., Elgin Towndrorr Benjamin R., Moline See advt. page 473. Gray D., Montgomery Landon George W., Elkhorn Grove Crosby 0. B. & Co., Morrison McLellen R. A., El Paso Schneblv G. W., Mossville Burton, Harlan & Kingsberry, Fureka Kirk T. B., Mound City Clark & Dennis, Eureka Pratt R., New Boston McDowel & Ross, Fairbury Bressler B., New Jordau Allen E., Fai mount Wil-on Joseph, New Jordan Chapin J. M., Fowler Station Crews Nathan, New Maosillon Fowler E H., Fowler Station Johnson & Irvine, New Milford Lahman J. C. & Bro, Franklin Grove Virden S. & S. M., Oakulla Rossiter E. W., Freeport Griffith A. &D., Oneida Walton W. R, Freeport Evans David, Orange Prairie MILLER HENRY W., Galena P.rkerGeo. & Bro., Oswego Baker Ira B., Galesburgh Woodruff H., Pecatonica Ward & Co., Galesburgh H .rlow & Chambers, Pekin Tuthill Joshua, Geneva Collins & White, Peoria Fleager W. B., Gilman Fiel.J George & Co., Peoria Welch J. R., Giratd McCla< nahan J. P. & Co., Peoria Boi court & Whiteside, Golconda POT a City Flour Co., Peoria McDonald G., Grafton H ilstrong & Co., Pleasant View Cummins S., Grand de Tour Williams Thos., Pontiac Michell J. M., Gridley Schramm J. M., Pnntoosac Young & Kent, Gridley Beardslee William & Co., Portland Cotton P., Griggsville Thompson N. & Co., Prophetstown Nilles James, Hennepin Hi'chcockG. W., Princeville Hoagland & Brearley, Henry Br ckev J. & W., Red Bud Wilson Alexander, Hev worth Wind C. A., Red Bud Watson John, Hfll-boro Coles & Co., Renault Harness & Mackley, Hutsonville Epler I. A., Richland Wiley & Newberry, Irving Alverson G. Blake, Rockford Merchant & Roberts, Jefferson Maynard & Wiswell, Rockford Sandford N. & S. A., JeiFerson Bowen David, Rock Island GRINTON WM., Joliet MMCO Rupert & Co., Rockport McAllister & Co., Joliet Allen Moses, Rock Creek Waterman Arba N., Joliet Rogerson J. & Bro., Sadorus Leisering William M., Kankukee Allain Antoin, St. Anne Parkhurst J. H., Kappa Hubert Pierre, St. Anne Mai tin & Bro., Kingston Mines Ringnette Michael, St. Anne Sproure & Robb, Kinmundy Tingley L. R., St. John Eiker & Co., Knoxville Arbogast & Co., Santa Anna Nettleton H., Kyte Rivt-r Fulington L. & Co., Shaw's Point Sprouse & Booth, LaClede Sommers B., Shoal Creek Station Fisher William, Lacon Hoxesy & Bliss, Somonauk Graves W. T. & Co., Lacon Zucus R., S. Bend Bower E., LiHarpe Ives Joh'i G. &Co., Springfield Garrett & Co., Lane Depot B.'St & Sparks, Staunton Nettleton H. A., Lane Depot Stephenson & Barnet, Sraunton Lull & Bro., Lemont Holbrook H. & Co., Sterling Norton S. W., Lernont Pifer Daniel, Suilivan Harkey, Frey & Co., Liberty Eisenmayer C., Summerfield Rutter Horace, Libertyville CoxJ S., Sycamore Owen G. H., London City Russell H. M., Urbana Edwards Isiac, Louisville Gray Louis, Walker Anderton W. W., Lynnville Miles Andrew & Co., Washington Corbett Samuel A., M ilden Berry & Wood, Waukegan French S. B., Maiden Dickinson James L., Waukegan Younglove W. M., Manteno Shepard Wm. J., Waukegan Haush & Thurman, Maquon Ramsey Lewis, Webster Neudecker John, Marine Dobbins Thomas, Wesley City Benedict H., Marshall Cover & Stevenson, Western Saratoga Doll Stephen, Marshall Parcel W. M., Westfield 41 WET 653 DAY Chapin J. R. & Bro., Wethersfi Id Mack James R., Bliven's Mills Lutc'iff J., Wheaton B.rberE. & Co., Bloomington Ring G., Wheaton COX THOS. J., Bloomington Buffum C., Williamsville ROGERS ELIHU, Bloomington Co icil Wesley, Williamsville Jacobs Benjamin, Bluffville Bown A. W., Wilmington Toles Job. Boone Thompson & Co., Windsor Bourbon Mill, Bourbon Hathaway Hiram, Woodstock Crampton & Colman, Bridgeport Colman J., Brighton Fox Charles & Co., Brimfield Flour Mills. Arnold & Lane, Bristol Fisher S. L., Brooklyn Hany & Hofman, Abingdon Bogue J. & R., Browning Tripp Thomas, Adams Reitzell F. & H. R., Buena Vi-ta Pease Henry, Albany Walton H. E., Bunker Hill Hodgson J., Albion Vincent & Bennett, By ron Chapel S. S., Algonquin Wooo-lcock F., Bvroa Dales S. H., Algonquin Galigher Chas. & Co. , Cairo Phillips N. H. & G., Algonquin Hughes & S'nith, Caledonia Scott & Slnnkast, Allen Springs Ashurv & West, Camd n Adams, Hardy & Co., Alton Bass & Slick, Canton Alton City Mills, Alton Wier & Cocknell, Carlint-ville National Mills, Alton Handley Joshua, Carmi Peterson N. P., Al'ona Ross Thomas L,, Carini Badger Bros., Amboy Germain R. J., Carrollfon Dutcher & Wymau, Amboy Davis E., Carthage Davis D. S., Anna Addams J. H., Cedarville Hards & McClure, Annawan Smith Benj. J. & Son , Central City Elliott J. H., Antioch Perkinson H., Centr.dia Jacobs Benjamin, Argo Dunbar & Rose, Cerro Gordo Ashley Mills, A^-hley Berkley & Clements, Charleston Malhiot E. E., Assumption Parker Daniel, Charleston Rankin W. L. & Co., Athens McClure & Co., Chatham Dalzell & Brother, Atlanta Cherry Valley Mills, Cherry Valley Vanhorn Charles, Atlanta Cole H. C., Chester Groves I. L., Auburn Holmes J. B., Chester Horick H., Augusta Adams B. & Co., Chicago Stark J. & G., Augusta Black J. P. & E. A. & Co., Chicago Aurora City Mills, Aurora Empire Mill, Chicago Eagle Mills, Aurora Gage & Heartt, Chicago Gillett & Hinds, Aurora Imperial Flour Mill, Chicago Bennett, Jeffries & Co., Avon McNair James, Chicago Rose & Woods, Avon Marple & Cole, Chicago Tompkins & Gubridge, Avon Michigan Mills, Chicago Akerman & Grace, Bainbridge Mitchell R. M., Chicago Edwards Nathan, Baiubridge Pomeroy Elihu F., Chic.- go Pricket & Son, Bainbridge Soggs Dexter H., Chicago Wilson & Stewart, Barclay Stevens Nonis, Chicago Brown B D., Barry Thomas & Browne, Chicago Shielis W. P., Burry Chillicothe Mills, Chillicothe BATAVIA MILLS, Batavia Morris C. W., Circleville Island Mills, Batavia Manning H., Clay City Clark Samuel, Beardstown Clayton Mills, Clayton Chandler S. A., Bedford McRaven P., Clear Creek Landing Daniels Silas, Bedford Jones C. & Co., Clermont Rummell Geo., Bedford Clark J. T., Clinton Harrison's Mill, Belleville Haney & Holderman, Clinton Hinckley & Russell, Belleville American Mill j , Colchister McQUIRE WILLIAM & CO., Belleville Phelps L. P., Colchester Loveless & Sinderson, Belvidere Sewass & Peers, Collinsville Martin J. B., Belvidere Wonderly, Haydell & Co., Collins ville Swofford & Browning, Benton Harvey Joel, Como Beal John, Berlin Smith S. L., Co mo Burgett D. A., Bernadotte Parish H., * Conkey's Store Trickey C. D., Bernadotte Alderson S., Council Hill Trickey J. H., Bernadotte Tuttle B. W., Counci Hill Bethalto M.lls, Bethalto Store & Newton, Cross Roads Wax & Bro., Biggsville Taylor & Fuller, Cuba Custom Mills, Blandinsville Davis Irving, D.ivis Omnibus Mills, Blandinsville Grannis Geo., David DAN 654 LAC Henderson & Co., Danville Holloway & Co., Georgetown Furguson T. J., Dearborn Jenkins Wm., Georgetown Boyakin & Blake, Decatur Steel James, Glasgow Henkle, Shellebarger &Co., Decatur Kimball G. W., Golcond* Swingley, Kaufman & Amos, Decatur Meehan A., Golcond* Knobb Henry, Delavan McDonald G., Grafton Rockweil LeVett P., Denny Cummins S., Grand de Tour Eustace Henry & Co., Derinda Kirns D. R., Grand View Akin G. W., DeSoto C unpbell T. M. & J. G., Granville Hall S. S. & Bro., DeSoto Warnock R. M., Granville French A. H., Detroit Eagle Mills, Grayville Frye Jonathan, Detroit Empire Mills, Grayville Hoba-tE. S. &Co., Dillon Routh Jeremiah, Grayville Dixon Mills, Dixon Allen G. W., Greenfield Farmers' Mill, Dixon Talbott E., Greenup Dodds & Runkel, Doddsville Cot'on, Porter & Son, Griggsvill* Davis S. & Son, Dongola Banks, Bell & Co., Hamilton Leaven worth & Misenheimer, Dongola Sprowls & Turner, Hamilton Drury Silas, Drury M Murphy George R., Hampton Barrett H. G., Dubois Pearce & McGebee, Harrisburgh Duncan & Bro., Duncan's Mills Honell Charles, Havana Carpenter J. A., Dundee Parry Eli, Havana Haase L., Dundee Fieller , Hebron DuQuoin Mills, DuQuoin Tryon George F., Hebron Steves John, Durand White & Becker, Henderson Case & Bradley, D wight Ilennepin City Mills, Hennepin Booth & McMullen, Edgewood Bowers & Bro., Henry Lusk & Bro., Edwardsville Hoayland & Brearley, Henry Phillips G. W., Edwardsville Wilson Alexander, Heyworth Citv Mill, Elgin Edwards B. W., Hickory Creek Eas't Elgin Mill, Elgin Suppeger Jos. & Co., H ghland Excelsi.-r Mill, Elgin Leets Isaac, High Point WAVERLY MILL, Elgin Cress Jacob, Hillsboro Eustace John & Son, Elizabeth Watson John, Hillsboro Landon George W., Elkhorn Grove Hopper L. & Son, Hopper's Mills Thorp Lewis S., Elkhorn Grove Harness wanee Flour Mill, Kewanee Gray Frederick, Fullersbu'g Kvan E. & Sons, Kickapoo Br.idford, Barr & Flack, Fulton City Kinmundy Mill, Kinmundy Fuller L. H., Galesburg Irin & Johnson, Kishwaukee Galesburg Mill, Galesburg Lucas Reuben, Kishwaukee LEHVAN & HILL, Galesburg Eiker & Co., Knoxville Knox Co. Mills, Galesburg Ellis L., Knoxville Deem & Co., Geneseo Miller & Jarvis, Kyte River Star Mill-., Geneseo I sprouse & Booth, LaClede Geneva Mills, Geueva 1 Fisher Win., Laton LAC 655 QUI Graves W. T. & Co., Lacon Smith Joseph, Myersville Bower E., LaHarpe Naperville Mills, Naperville Miller & Jone 1 *, Lane Depot Kargea P., Naples PARKS ROLLIN G., LaSulle Garrison S. & J., New Baltimore Feagan D. & Co., Lawrenceville Lutz J., New Boston Seed H. M. & Co., Lawrenceville Pratt & Co., New Boston Lebanon Mills, Lebanon Stewart Wm., New Jordan Verandah Mill, Lebanon Drews Nathan, New Massillon Ward & Shepard, Lelnnd Johnson & Irvine, New Milford Barland John, L'Erable Penfield D. S., New Milford Halderman & Hazel, Leroy Cooper Isaiah, New Salem Zimmerman, Phillips It Co., Leroy Faller & Kibbor, Newton GoddardF. A., Lexington Hungate & Morris, Night's Prairie Harness & Claggett, Lexington Morgan R. H., Nora Harkey. Fray & Co., Liberty Earll & Bellinger, Noyesville Butter Horace, Libertyville Clark & Burwell, Oakland Stillman & Co., Lincoln Virden S. & S. M., Oakulla May Wodson, Little Mu'ldy Wright & Co., O'Fallon's Depot Thompson John & Co., Lively White Oak Mills, Ogle Neff H. R. & Co., Louisville Brown Henry, Old Ripley Lynnville Mills, Lynnville Oglesby John W., Olena Ivel & Stearman, McLeansboro Byres A. L. & R., Olney Wright J. H., McLeansboro Menill Robert, Onarga Astoria Ciiy Mills, Mackinaw Bowers John, Oneco California Mills, Mackinaw Oneida Steam Mill, Oneida Tazewell Co. Mills, Mackinaw Bower John, Orangeville ClUely L. & Bro., Macomb Afflack Thomas B., Osborn Tinsley N. P., Macomb Phillips & Shepley, Osborn Booth D. S.. M*lta Parker Geo. & Bro., Oswego Sprague D., Malta GRAHAM & PANCOAST, Ottawa Cook G., Mansfield Green J. & D., Ottawa Dilmother , Mansfield MANN GEORGE, Ottawa Blivins John, Maquon Smith Aaron B., Ottawa Burnett Joshua & Sou, Maqnon Farmer, Hanshaw & Co., Palmyra Botsford J. G. & Co., Man ngo Jacobs, Martin & Barton, Pana Newdecker John, Marine Anchor Mills, Paris Aikman & Co., Mation City Mills, Paris Edwards & Man, Marion Prairie Mills, Paris Strawn, Moor & Cook, Marseilles Finney Pleasant R., Parrish Martin Wm. S., Marshall Waller Madison, Parrish Jones C. H., Mattonn Papa F., Payson Blackstene & Panlon, Mendota Watt George, Payson Knuse & Miller, Meredosia Mills P. R. R., Pecatonica Earl E. & Co., Metamora Morris C. W., Pekin Farrow & Carmichael, Metropolis City Rupert & Stanberry, Pekin McGec & Brown, Metropolis City Wagenseller & Shelton, Pekin Longshore & Co., Middleport FAYETTE MILLS, Peoria Leitchraan F., Milford MOSS, BRADLEY & CO., Peoria Barthel H. & Bro., Milledgeville Baldwin & Bro., Perry Bauer Frank & Co., Milistadt Todd W. & I. & Co., Peru Ekert Philip, Milistadt Bale & Hill, Petersburg Dobson Charles, Minouk Clark & Johnson, Petersburg Jones & Co., Mokena Sanders S., Pilot Stoll Wm., Mokena Pinckneyville Mills, Pinckneyville SEARS DAVID B., Moline Bechdoldt Henry, Pioneer Sickles Bros., Mo ine Farmer's Mills, Pitman Patterson W. H., Mommce Post Frederic, Piano Montgomery Mills, Montgomery Schneider J. N., Piano Collins W., Monticello Stewart Lewis, Piano Misgrine John, Monticello Hill, Green & Co., Pleasant Grove Judd L. P., Moore's Prairie Wolfork R. N., Pleasant Hill Elerding H., Morris Bill & Randolph, Plymouth STONE & COUCH, Morris Williams Thos., Pontiac Morrison Mill, Morrison Schramm J. M., Pontoosac Robertson & Annan, Morrison bheppard W. J., Port Byron Lawton A. J. & Co., Mound City Beardslee William & Co., Portland Petre & Sheets, Mt. Morris Bi ickey & Lee, Prairie du Rocher Shearer & McCoy, Mt. Morris Robbins, Lawson & Co., Princeton Beam Samuel C., Mt. Pulaski Haywood Henry, Princeville Lendorf & Osborn, Murphysborough Bagby, Burns & Wood, Quincy QUI 656 BLA BROWN J. B., Quincy Dunnuck E., Sullivan CROCKETT & JONES, Quincy Morgan & Murrell, Sullivan Grimm G. & M., Quincy Hughes & Deal, Sweetwater SULLIVAN & CO., Quincy Cox & Johnson, Sycamore Wheeler, Osborn & Co., Quincv Cop land H., Sylvandal* Yoarm George, Reed Curler & Anderson, Tamaroa Bricky & Lee, Renault Provine & Co., Tennessee Holercan John, Ridge Farm McClure T. J., Thebes Marckley & Nickols, Robinson Tanner Nathan, Timber Rochester Mills, Roch' ster Simons 0., TUkilwa BART LETT'S MILLS, Rockford S'evens B. N. & Co., Tiskilwa See advt. page 488. White A., Ti.skilwa CITY MILLS, Rockford Sunderland N. S., Towatida Derwent's Mill, Rockford Hayward & Sons, Tremont MERCHANT MILLS, Rockford Stephenson John, Troy Grove Rodd Joseph, Rockford Park & Co., Urban a Bruuo Mills, R. Island Johnson D. & C., Vaudalia Elliott George T., R. Island West & Carey, Vanst Jersey Powell H. B., Shawneetown Finch & Co., W. Urbana Donaldson William H., Sheffield Alden H. 0., Wilmington Sheffield Mill, Sheffield Advance Mills, (T. M. Keith & Co.,) Windsor Cooper & Lean, Shelbyville Tompkins Robert R. & Co., Woodbum Scorie C. C., Shelbyville McHenry County Mills, Woodstock Dorey R., Shiloh Seatt Theophilus, Wool Sommers Bernard, Shoal Creek Thomas, Greenough va Buffum C., Williamsville McCormack W., Danville Council Wesley, Willinmsville Eaton Lewis S., Elgin Bo wen A. W., Wilmington Brooks & Cable, Fairbury Farrow Wm., Farrow Town < Malbinn W. P., Freeport Freight Agents. Rodearman J., Freeport Flint Samuel, Geneva Stafford E., Abingdon Patten George D., Geneva Quick B. S., Albany Towner Benjamin F., Geneva Tilden S., Alma Carr N. F., Golconda SPRUANCE & PRESTON, agts for the Field John, Golcoi:da KEOKUK PACKET AND HANNIBAL Brintori E., Grafton & ST. JOSEPH R. R. COS., Alton Williams J. B., Griyville Waldo Matthew B., Altona Walker & Hancock, Havana Bourne L., Amboy Yanordstand I. & Co., Heyworth Dresser N., Anna Draper & Moore, Hutsonville Wilson D. W., Annawan Preston & Brothers, Hutsonville Doolittle A., Appanoose Wiley & Newberry, Irving Hewitt E., Arcola Morse & Loomis, Kewanee Nichols C. C., Arlington Pratt & Bro., Kewanee McCandy John, Ashkutn Thompson J. & Bro., Kewanee Van Dyke J. J., Ashley Warren G. W., Kewanee Micheal S. A., Assumption Martin & Bro., Kingston Mines Reid A. D., Atlanta Whitton & Lawrence, KnoxvilL; Head W. R., Auburn Burlingame H. & Co., Kyte River Kerr E. R., Avon PARSONS J. C., LaSalle Walmesly John, Batavia Norton S W., Lemon t Broughamer Maurice, Bates Blain & Bro., Lincoln Miller H. H., Belleville Coy, Smith & Co., Lincoln Tryon William, Bethalto Geer C. H. & Co., Lincoln M -rtin B. H., Biggsville Hedgen S. P. & Co., Lincoln Smith E. R., Blackberry Station Lally A. B. & Co., Lincoln Dodd S. W., Bloomington Pegrain & Son, Lincoln Huntington L., Blu^ Island Billingsl y & Odear, Mason Stall H. G., Brighton Willis Jonathan C., Metropolis City Adams J., Bristol Todd & Tucker, Minonk Bracket H. M., Broadwell Donlin B. & Co., Moscow K nney T. J., Browning Fair F. A., Mound City Hutchinson James W., Buda Smith T D., New Berlin Webb T. E., Bunker Hill Willits Wells, New B >ston Ewald John, Bushnell Fisher & Co., Oakulla Abbott Benj. R., Cairo Baird S., Ohiey Waiste Charles, Cameron Eames Lester H., Ottawa Judd George, Carlinville South ird J. E., P.ma Gall John, Central City Cook & Amsbary, Pekin Wright Thomas, Centralia Meyers & Co., Pekin McMurray John E., Cerro Gordo Wilkey & Meyers, Pekin Lewis Joseph, Ch >nnahon BOILVIX W. C. &Co., Peoria Van Alstine F. S., Charleston Kinzen F. Charles & Co., Peoria Brooks C. D., Chatsworth Kay & Warren, Peoria McDonald John, Chelsea CHE 658 PRI Saxton J. T., Cherry Valley Purple J. N., Henry Beecher Marshall P., Chicago Keith John, Hillsboro Chase Charles E., Chicago Gildersleeve C. T., Hudson CLARK & CO., (Penn. C. R. R.,) Chicago Parsons T. L., Huntley Grove Drew George C., (M. C. R. R.,) Chicago Draper & Moore, Hutsonville Drew Josiah G., (St. L. A. & C. R. R.) Chicago Preston & Bros., Hutsonville Fo syth Jacob, (N. Y. & E. R. R.,) Chicago Ddke S., Illiopolii Forsvth Robert, (I. C. R. R.,) Chicago Wiley W. W., Irving HOUSTON JOHN J., Ross Wm. N., Jacksonville (P. Ft. W. & C. R. R.,) Chicago Dresser A., Jonesboro Martin William, (C. B. & Q. R. R.,) Chicago Cook H. D., Kappa MOORE N. H., (C. A. & St. L. R. R.,) Chicago Flagg Jacob B., Kewanee MUSSON JAMES W., O'Neal A. W., Kinmundy (P. Ft. W. & C. R. R.) Chicago Cooper Robert, Knoxville NoHingham Jeremiah, (M. S. R. R.,) Chicago Culver D. D., Lane Depot Richmond & Co., Chicago Adams J. B., Lawrenceville ST. JOHN WILLIAM L., Blair J. & J., Lebanon (C. & R. I. R. R,) Chicago Brown S., Leland Sargent Homer E., Chicago Moore N. H., Lemont Smith Charles M., (111. C. R. R.,) Chicago Miller R. W., Lincoln Tyler James D., Chicago Biown Henry, Macomb Wiswell John C., Chicago Ingles H. M., Midden Hosmer H., Chiliicothe Ball Albert, Malta B.illou C., Clayton Wood H. C., Maquon Jac b May, Clermont Avery William, Marengo White H. K, Clifton Crocker John, Maroa Rnsbach James A., Clinton Ogden W. F., Mattoon Hawkins H. E., Coatsburg Dana S. E., Mendota Bun ell S. J., C -Ichester Emerson George, Mev.dota Henry J. W., Collins Station Wampler W., Milton Station Davis M., Colona Station Riley William, Mineral Kelley J., Como Work Samuel, Minonk Cowles & Armstrong, Cordova Tinly S., Mokena Mnurv W. L., Courtland Station Barker Luther H., Moline Messevol C. W., Crotiy HutchinsonJ. B., Monmouth Tilton Henry, Cruger Sheldon S. M., Monmouth Castle D. E., Dakota Donlin B. & Co., Moscow Kelly T. B., Danby Franklin Benjamin, ' Mossville Donliu John, Danville Freeman J. J., Mound City Hughes H. M., Davis McKinstry John, Nelson Bill ngton John, Dawson Lee M. M., Newponset Gracey J., Dearborn Smith T. D., New Berlin Walkup J. W., Dearborn Bell & Bro., New Boston Campbell James, Dement Station Michel A. F., New Erin Storer Joseph, DeSoto Parker Matt, Niantic Watkins D., Dubois Rowland R S., Nobl Humphrey G. H., Dudley Rood H. F., Nokomia Brinkerhoff A. B., Dundee Chamberlin Henry, Nora Mitchell A. J., DuQuoin Nickey S. P., Oakley Seaver , Durand Brown David, Oakulla Townsend G. S., Dwight Card G. L., O'Fallon's Depot Hume R. C., Earlvilie Earll A. H., Ogle Station Campbell G. H., El Paso Lawrence A. W., Olney Sni ad Henry, Elwood Sill E., Oneida Keliy M. D., Empire Coulson Thomas, Orleans Walkley S. N., Eureka Doyle James M., Odborn A'lun E., Fairmnunt Washburn J. M., Puloma Prichard M. N., Foreston Reevey J. B., Pana Fitch A. B., Franklin Grove Sawyier Charles, Pana Rosenbrough J. R., Freeport Bulkley C. S., Paria Cochren J. W., Galesburg Joint A. H., Patoka Howe George C., G.tlesburg Brown D., Paxton Gravt-s William S., Garden Prairie WHch W. H., Pecatonica June Frank, Geneva Stobie J. H., Peotone Scott Hollis A., Geneva Smith M. W., Pitman Fleager W. B., Oilman Brown Samuel, Plain View Carr N. F., Golconda Buswell J. H., Piano Field John, Golconda Whe.ler C. H., Pontiac Kent G W., Gridley Walker & Sanford, Pontoosac Cowles A. C., Hennepin Barry Charles, Princeton QUI 659 ANN Mui-son N. D., Quincy Danpel Bernard, Ch cago Bois J. J., Rantoul Doane J. W. & Co., Chicago San borne H., Reed Dorion Mrs. H. L., Chicago Carpenter H. E., Rock Run Dunn Peter, Chicago Stiles E. L., Rockton Fleming David & Son., Chicago Adams L. F., Roscoe Foster N. Rider, Chicago Dexter John, Ro^efield Garner Gporge, Chicago Rogerson John, Sadorus GRAFF MATTHEW, Chicago Johnso'i H. H., St. John Hilderbrandt August, Chicago Butler E. J., Sandoval Hollman Jacob, Chicago Frick A. C., Sandwich Hoover Benjamin F., Chicago Merriman C. S., SHndwich Hoyt William M., Chicago Tapper 0. P., Sandy Ridge Little William & Co., Chicago Sargent P., Savanna Lonergan & Scanlan, Chicago Smith D. C., Secor McCartv J., Chicago Tinley Edward, Selby Station M. ran P. & Co., Chicago Hatton S. 0. H. P., Shabonier N..WHALL F. & BRO., Chicago Clement Thomas, Sheffi Id Newhall H. & Co., Ch.cago Dills G. W., Shelbyville Norwood William K., Chicago Belt W. S , Shoal Creek Now'in James, Chicago Howard Charles H., Somonauk PLATT L. B. & CO., Chicago Kuby J. S., South Macon Quiman Jacob, Ch cago Gou David, South Pass Regan Dennis, Chicago Sweney M. A., Sparland R 'g"io Anthony, Chicago HcDannid C., Spencer ROBERTS SAMUEL C., Chicago Dew C. L., Summerfield SANBORN HENRY, Chicago Norton L. S., Tamaroa Schopman Barney H., Chicago Tyson J. E., Tennessee SHERMAN & HALL, Chicago Batty 0. W., TUkilwa Snyder Mrs. John, Chicago Clenthall Edward, Tolono Stevens & Webber, Chic go Tuexbury G. D., Tolono Stockier Isaac, Chicago Eockwell J. W., Towanda Strickland Hugh, Chicago Lyon A., Tuscola Talcott Lester, Chicago Handle S. A., Union Turner G. R., Chicago Eaton Benjamin, Valley Forge VanBlaricum William C., Chicago Sho waiter A. & Co., Vermillion Wells & Clarke, Chicago Smith C. D., Walbridge Whyte & Jackson, Chicago Waldo M. B., Waliiut Grove Wright Mary Ann Mrs., Chicago Emery Ira F., Wap.lla Pighette Joseph, Galena Muiphy P. H., Warren HARDE JOHN D., Juliet McColIum Mac., Wataga Allen John K., P'-oria Keedy VV. D., Watson Sia th Michael, Peoria Albro C rey, Wayne Centre Fori Oliver S., Rockford Do ibins Thomas, Wesley City Jilson Whipple, Roiklord Fuller H. H., Wheaton St John Eron, Rockfoid Snyder C. K., Williamsvi.le Blatt Lazare & Co., Rock Iclmd Brackett A. A., Wilmington Deajo Elijah P., Rock Island Morrison L., Windsor Powers William, Waukegan Warner J. D., Winnebago Depot GRIFFITH DAVID, Woodstock Caldwell D. G., Wyanet Koyce H. F., Wyanet Furniture Dealers. Fringe, Cord and Tassel Mnfr. (Sec also Cabinet Makers.) EDERER EDWARD, See advt. page 463. Chicago Divan Thomas, Johnson W., Abingdon Abingdon Townley William, Albany Fruit Dealers. Macumber 0., Wilson James A., Albion Aledo Hattery Andrew J., Aurora Knapp F., Algonquin Smith John L., Cairo Ahhoff & Hazard, A ton Bassett 0. P., Chicago Mauzy C. G. & Co., Alton BECKWITH C. H. & Co., Chicago Olcott Alvin, Alton Caldwell Peter, Chicago Rowan Thomas, Alton COOK G. C. & CO., Chicago Vaughn C. D., Amooy See advt. page 454. Weddell J. D., A" boy Crane D.nfordE., Chicago Barnum & Co., Anna Creed John, Chicago Slay Joseph, Anna Crook Henry, Chicago Hays John, Annawan ARC 660 FAI Blackwll J., Arcola Franchere David, Chicngo Yoter W., Arcola FREDIN AUGUSTE, Chicago BrittOM D., Ashkam Gearey John, Chicago Post, Cheney & Co., Ashley Gilmore Lucien B., Chicago Mott .1 iinc.s, Athens Goe L. T. & Co., Chicago Church A. E., Atlanta Goldstein Philip, Chicago Brooks N. C. & Co., Auburn Graw Jacob, Chicago Skinner A. & A. W., Augusta Grosman Benjamin, Chicago Ames Jacob, Aurora Guile Joseph, Chicago Denny Joseph, Aurora HALE A. L., Chicago Williams Thomas C., Aurora See advt. page 460. Goodsp-ed & Son, Avon Hanson John B., Chicago Simpkim Daniel, Bainbridge Hanson D. & F., Chi '*go Hilderlirand & Wendorf, Barry Johnson P. W. & Co., Chicago Smith & Bulger, Barry Kewly John, Chicago Thompson W., B-ttavia Lauer & Nieman, Chicago JJuddington S., Besrdstown Leibenstein Henry, Chicago Durand I. & Co., Beardstown Leibenstein J. & A., ChicHgo Aneshaensel Charles, Belleville Levi Newman, Chicago Reisenberger Peter, Belleville McGrath Brothers, Chicago VIERHELLEB LOUIS, Belleville McSweeny John, Chicago Vogel Remigius, Belleville Marsh Bros., Chicago Bassett Simon, Belvidere Morg-m Caleb, Chic go Collier William W., Belvidere Murphy Michael, Chicago Schuster William, Benton Murray Michael, Chic go Hudson John, Bland nsville PHILLIPS JOHN, Chicago Osman R. J., Bliven's Mills See advt. page 4tl. DePew Joel, Bloomington Piesarta Gibson Calvin M., Bible Grove BARRET & KEILY, Springfield Gilfry Thomas M., Blandinsville Wright & Johnson, Springfield Massey H., Blue Island Card Wilson, Staunton KinneyT. J., Browning Warren H. H., Sub ette Garrisom J., Buck Keown L. C., Troy Byington A., Byron Baldwin W. N., Union Harris John, Byron Copps E. & Co., Vandalia Wheelock F. A., Byron Dobbins Thomas, We.4"y City Davidge James M., Caledonia Earnest P. L., Williamsville Watkins E. B., Caledonia Bowen A. W., Wilmington Jagger J. F., Calhoun Cochran W. A., Windsor Hunt E. D., Cameron Heild C. T., Canton Patterson Nathaniel P., Carpenter Josiah, Holmes J. B., Central City Chelsea Chester Gents' Furnishing Goods. (See also Merchmtf Tailors.) Adams Wm. H., Chicago Butler Sylvester H., Chicago Ines G., Abingdon Goodwin Caleb, Chicago Pease C. P., Albany Gray Geo. M., [ Chicago Quick B. S., A bany Gunzenhauser John, Chicago Dal by S. N., Al >ion Neif Michael A., Chicago Hawver & Ferguson, Alton Wallingford Alanson, Chicago HOPPE ANTHONY L., Alton Warner Peter B., Chicago Souther E. E. &Co., Alton Warrack James, Chicago Waples Timothy L., Alton Bishop Wm. W., Clay City Goldman S., Aniboy Hawkins H. E., Coatsburg Herwitz H. & Co., Anna Gillespie M., Edwardsville Savage J. C. &Bro., Ann iwan Hutchman Wm. H., Edwardsville Henry J. J., A cola Metcalf A. W., Edwardsville Hiscock A., Arcola New^ham J. T., Edwardsville Sylvester W. T., Arcola Cooper T. S., Fairfirld Seymour & Ostell, Assumption Patten Charles, Geneva Howell Isaac M., Aurora Peirce Henry, Geneva S. ligman Bro. & Co., Aurora Scoti Thomas A., Geneva Chase E. P., Beardsiown Feagins N. W., Gilman Read M. L. & Co., Beardstown Boicourt J. M., Golconda Wise D. W., Beaver Creek Ranne J. M., Golconda Sheldon & Dietz, Belden Pennell W. A., Granville Gl isner John M., Belvidere Cochran Chas., Gridley Wilson Lewis, Belvidere Myres J. Benson, Hopewell Meyerstein M. & J., Biggsville Newberry J. W., Irving KELLOGG WILLIAM B., Bloommgton Seabuvy R. F., Kickapoo McConnick A. L., Blue Grass Hart L. S., Kinmuiidy Tuttli & Davisson, Blue Grass Hoadley A. S., Kite River Meacham S. S., Barton Fishburn A. S., Lacon Angle & Allen, Buslmell Mil'er Henry W., Lane Depot C..le & West, Bushnell Pel ton James, Limerick Smith & Kelly, Bushnell Hosletter A., Logan Wyckoff & Shreeves, Bushnell Bishop William W., Louisv.lle Dunning William C., Byron Griffin M., Louisville Sensor James R., Byron Stephensoii William J., Louisville Landour M., Canton Clark A. G., McLeausboro Landes F., Charleston CHA 664 WOO Wint'.T & Vandeser, Charleston Stenier H. & Co., Lacon Howe & Terry, Cherry Valley Ullman & Brother, Lacon Dunn A. & Co., Chester Buell E. P. & Co., LaHarpe Barrett, King & Co., Chicago Gochenour David, LaHarpe Bruns \Vm. H., Chicago Hurdle & Gittings, LaHarpe Burwell & Wyant, Chicago Pavton & Coulson, LaHarpe Cahn A & Co., Chicago Warren J. & B., LaHarpe Hoffman & Vogt, Chicago Wilkinson John, LaHarpe Hunt FI. W. & Co., Chicngo Young William, LaHarpe JANES JOSEPH!., Chicago Davis T. R., Lake Creek Leopold & Schlossman, Chicago Coon Horace, Lane Depot O'BRIEN JOHNH., Chicago Breckenridge Wm., Liberty See advt. page 455. Rahm R. W., Linchburg VanDuzer JohnS., Chicago Moore R. B. & Co., McConnelFs Grove WHITE S. F. & BROTHER, Chicago Wilson Lewis, Marengo Zahrmger John, Chicago Gehrs H., Marine Priddy & Brooks, Circleville Citsto W. K, Mattoon Apperson & Riyburn, Clay City Hirsch S., Mattoon Goldsmith & Bro., Clinton COBEIGH JOHN M., Morrison Putnam & Lanham, Collinsville Capp E. S. & Co., Mount Pulaski Reynolds W. & Co., Cross Roads Buswell & Blake, Nep< mset Panner James, Danville Reed & Munson, Neponset Robinson & Rauner, Danville Prescott Fernando C., Ottawa Doan & Co., Dearborn Willis Orlando H., Ottawa Race John R., Decatur ZIMMERMAN AUGUSTUS M., Ottawa Appleton J. C., Delavan Seaton S., Paloma Wright J. F., Del Rey Alber & Luther, Pecatonica Fort-nun J., Dement Station Freegaum & House, Pecatonica Johnson William, jr., Derinda Keyes & Stitsel, Pecatonica Tucker F. L., Derinda Prowty W. C., Pecatonica Tyrrel Miles, Derinda Shimmins R. & T., Pecatonica Ely Quartus, Dixon Steiner Bios. & Co., Pekin Staff J., Dwight Snow, Wilson & Co., Peoria Levy Morris, Edwardsville WESCOTT CHARLES P., Peoria Adams W. R., Eureka Missman H. H., Petersburg McCormick Wm., Farmington Naude Fred, Petersburg Farwell M. & Co., Fredericksville Bracken & Matson, Portland Shaffer & Li' tie, Freeport Bacharach Isaac, Rockford Wilkinson Win. R., Friendsville Fraley John, Rockford GORDON J. R., Galesburg Smith Robert, Rockfjrd Marshall & Randolph, Galesburg Schmeltzer J. D., Rock Grove Furgi i son James, Geneseo Smyth Bros. & Co., Rock Island Anderson & Austrin, Geneva Young C. W., Rosefield Middl ton Thomas, Geneva Warren & Brothers, Rushville Glass D ivid, Golconda Furnald James P., St. Charles De Latour J. J., Granville Minard & Osgood, St. Charles Reed G. J. & Co., Granville Hayes G. R., Sandwich Collins H. L, Griggsvi.le Barnett G. W. & Co., Shaw's Point Hayes Joseph P., Hampton Kleeman M., Shelbyville Cleaver H. R., H ivana Doherty J. W., South Macon Hulben & Baguley, Henry Hay I D., South Macon McFarlund & Co., Heyworth HAMMERSLOUGH BROTHERS, Springfield Rolston John A., Hillsboro Trent A., Spring Lake SuttoM Wm. T., Houston Hoxsey & Shirley, Staunton White & Hanis, Hurricane Olive R., Stannton Draper & Moore, Hutsonville Snell H., Staunton Pres on & Brothers, Hutsonv;lle Patterson James A., Sterling FLACK &RISLEY, Jacksonville Wisewell Marcus W., Sterling Bertr m F., Jerseyville Wilder W. F., Sublette Faner J. W. & Co., Jerseyville Engle Wm. & Son, Sweetwater Taik John C., Jerseyville Stevens C. & Co., Tiskilwa Fox Osmond, Joliet Reed & Gorman, Urbana Hall i: Stearns, Joliet York John W., Vermillion Johnso i R., .- Jonesboro Phelps A. W. & Co., Wataga Kelly William, Jonesboro Wood W. S., Wataga KNECUT & WALKER,. Kankakee Atwater F. A., Wethercfield Minchrod & Eppstein, Kankakee Gretch P. L., Williamsville Eagan & Hull, Kinmundy Henderson & Co., Wilmington Brew r J. T., Knoxville Templeton & Cochran, Windsor Baker WUiam, Kyte River Burton Henry B., Woodstock woo 665 MAR Donnelly Neill, Woodstock Real P., Mt. Carmel H artel H., Red Bud Gilders. White John, Rosefield (See also Looking Glasses, etc.) H -le Jesse, Sublette Mclntosh W., Wilmington Holmes William, Chicago Kirchner Gustave A., Chicago SONNE CHARLES, Chicago Grindstones, Dealers in See advt. page opposite inside back cover. Clayton G. M. & Bro., Freeport (See alto Hardicare.) Sacket Cyrus T., Rockford Gafney E., Abingdon French S. A., Algonquin Glass Stainers. Martin J. S., Alma Keeling H., Amboy CARSE ROBERT, Chicago See advt. page 460. Little J., Amboy Davie Winstead, Anna Dow & Brother, Annawan Sylvester W. T., Arcola Glass, "Wholesale. HurtE., Barry Wise D. W., Beaver Creek (See Window Glass, also Paints, Oils & Glass.) Carr James, Bernadotta Hudson John, Blandinsville Schapper F., Blue Island Glove & Mitten Manufacturers. Hill J. W. & J. N., Bridgeport Withrow Samuel, Browning Bowen Elias R., Chicago Myres G, W., Buck Kruger Gotthilf, Chicag Kinne & Hess, Bushnell Parsons & McNab, Chicago Haines & Co., Canton Kelsey Elias R., Elgin St. John W. A. & G., Carmi Hovey B. B., Cherry Valley Sampson A. S., Como Glue Manufacturers. Dubrock C. J., Danby DannE. & Co., Dearborn WAHL C. & SONS, Chicago MarlowJ. W., Dearborn Se advt. page 441. 01 .rk H. H., Dement Station WAHL & GARRISON, Chicago Wheatly W., Dubois See advt. page 441. P -rks P. D., Earlville Steadman I, Edgewood KraffF. T., Edwardsville Gold Beaters. McCorkle James L., Edwardsville Land Y. re George, Beardstown Benjamin & Schermerhorn, Bloomington Quigsr John, Beardstown Bushneil A. L. & Co., Bloomington Ruft' Joseph, Beardstown Eversole Abram, Bloomington Thompson & Eames, Beardstown Gallagher Samuel, Bloomington Wi- D. W., Beaver Creek Hains L. B. & Co., Bloomington Messenger Henry, Beaverton Hopping Isaac R., Bloomington Frank L. J., Bedford Humphrey & Wakefield, Bloomington Sheldon & Dietz, Belden Larison Greenberry, Bloomington Aullnich Adam, Belleville McMillan & Tator, Bloomington Bersch William, Belleviile Niergarth &Jacoby, Bloomington Burkh irdt & Dress, Belleville Oberkotter Frank, Bloomington ChandlerS. B. & Co., Belleville Patterson Bradford, Bloomington Dei'tesheimer Henry, Belleville Richardson & Dietrich, Bloomington Dietriek Louis, Belleville Ross J. S. & Bro., Bloom ngton Elles Charles T., B lleville SENSENEY" H. M., Bloomington Espenheim Christoph, Belleville Stout Ebenezer, Bloomington Goeltz Louis, Bell ville Washburn A. C. & Co., Bloomington Griffin 0. F. & T. S. & Co., Belleville Wilmeth Isaiah W., Bloo liing on Hildenbrand Alvis, Belleville McConnick A. L., Blue Grass Huff Phillip, Belleville Tuttli & Davisson, Blue Grass Kai r Peter, Belleville Breed A. K., Blue Island Kleibaeker Christian, Belleville Chatrop C., Blue It-land Lorey William, Belleville Damicke F., Blue Island Meister Jacob, Belleville Massey H., Blue Island Murray D. Hillary, Belleville Richter C., Blue Island Nagel William, Belleville Robinson C. D., Blue Island Oster William, Belleville Saueitrig F., Blue Island Peiper F. H. & Co., Belleville Schapper F., Blue Island Reitz John, Belleville Green N. & Co., Bluffville Seireit John H., Belleville Stow J. D., Bonus Stoltz J icob, Belleville Crafton R. T., Bourbon Urb ch Frederick, Belleville Niles D. C. W., Bourbon Weaver James H., Belleville Lamper J. G., Bradford Weissenborn Ernst, Belleville Phenix D., Bradford Ame Baker, Belvidere Russell J. B., Bradford Andrus JohnH., Belvidere Cooper G. W., jr., Bridgeport BENNETT & COMPTON, Belvidere Lamott P., Bridgeport Bigt-low Jeremiah, Belvidere Merrill & Bean, Brighton Bistn p Edwin R., Belvidere Barney H. M., Br mfield Chamberlain Thomas M., Belvidere DayM. M., Biimfield Cunningh m H. & Son, Belvidere Arnold A. H., Bristol Frooin Peter S., Belvidere Childs & Co., Biistol Jones J. B. & Son, Belvidere Mertitt P. II & A. T., Bristol Lyons William, Belvidere Vogle Cbailes, Bristol BRO 668 CHI Kline & MeCauley, Bro .dwell Hill I. B. & Co., Charleston Bell & Curtis, Brooklyn Hulman T., Charleston Blackburn R. S., Brooklyn McDonald John, Charleston Brown G. A., Brooklyn Owens C., Charleston Hollingsworth E. B., Browning Perkins A., Charleston Roge r Jacob, Buck Sallee W. I., Charleston A' derson & Pierce, Buda Weiss Henry, Charleston Emerson Jesse, Buda H-rmon D. C., Chatham Hoxie Thomas, Buda Uhler M., Chatham Stevens C. & Co., Buda Brown J. M. & Co., Chelsea Weston J. W., Buda Carpenter N. A., Chel.-ea MillT & Smith, Buena Vista Cleaveland & Owen, Chelsea Bandars T.. Bunker Hill Folens Peter, Chelsea Brey Paul C., Burksvilie Folens & Lawrence, Chelsea Korhammer D., Burksville Blackington E. A., Cherry Valley Meacham S. S., Burton H -we & Terry, Cherry Va'ley Pamyea John S., Bushnell White & Lawrence, Cherry Valley Campbell A. 0. & Co., Byron Block D. & Bro., Chester Dunning William C., Byron Burdoff P., Chester Mix S St. John, Byron Cole H. C., Chester Thomas Hugh J., Cairo Abbott Edward, Chicago Throop Chas., Cairo Ahern Michael, Chicago Trover & Miller, Cairo Albee, Tozier & Co., Chicago Vincent Francis, Cairo Amberg John, Chicago Wilson S. & Co., Cairo Amick & Keitlestrings, Chicago Boren H. & Bro., Caledonia Ansfleld Henry, Chicago McDonald Richard, Caledonia Auerbach Solomon, Chicago Righy J. W, Caledonia B^er Adum, Chicago Walker & Wiley, Caledonia Burbe Martin, Chicago Avery Philander, Camden Barker, William & Co., Ch cago Watts William, Camden Barnes & Ford, Chicago Kelly H. L., Cameron Barnet Richard, Chicago Rowe W., Cameron Berdel Charles, Chicago Waiste 0. & C., Cameron Berg Anton, Chicago M-msfield & Co., Canton Berns Vincent, Chicago Dord Dyer, Carbon Berry & Wood, Chicago Hall 0/W., Carlinville Birle Luckoss, Chicago Weaver I. D., Caiiinville Blike Osc ir B., Chicago Weer C W., Carlinville Boland John K., Chicago Darrah George, Carmi Bowers John H., Chicago Fackney & Robinson, Carmi Bowes John, Chicago Hargrave Thomas, Carmi Brady Patrick, Chicago Hay & Webb, Carmi Branckman George, Chicago Hood Len, Carmi Hrandenberger William, Chicago Lund Y. & Sons, Carmi Branigan Hugh, Chicago Patrick & Hay, Caimi Breckinredge Wra., Chicago Shannon A. R., Carmi Breen Mil hael, . Chicago Stewart R. F., Carmi Brennan Patrick, Chicago Stewart & Graham, Carmi Brenock John, Chicago Cato J. S., Carrollton Breyer Henry, Chicago Guelph & Watson, Carrollton Brien Michael, Chicago Rev & L' p gg, Carrollton Brockendorf Peter, Chicago Slioll & Patterson, Carthage Buckley Timothy, Chicago Church Thomas, Catlin Bulger Edward, Chicago Doy Barnev, Catlin Burke Richard M., Chic i go Todd John', Catlin Burlin John, Chicago Mitchell John, Cave in Rock Burner Frederick, Chicago Gore John, Cedar Bluff Burzhaff Charles, Chicago Mook W. K., Cedarville Bushnell Lewis, Chicago Smi h James, Cedarville Busse Mrs. Mathilda, Chit-ago Gall John & Co., Central City Butler John H., Chicngo Betz John, Centralia Butterman John 0., Chicago Crosby A. H. & A. P., Central a Byrne James, Chicago Johnston N., Centralia Cadwell Little, Chicago Kohl & W.irner, Ct-ntralia Caldwell L., Chicago Lyman W. W., Centialia Carr Samuel P., Chicago O'Melveny James M., Centralia Carraher P., Chicago Lewis Joseph, Channahon Carrolan Patrick, Chicago Br .wo Thomas, Charleston Carroll Edmond, Chicago EastinE., Charleston Casey Johanna, Chicago 42 CHI 669 CHI Casey Michael, ChicHgo Fahr Charles, Chicago Cassady John, Chicago Feldeman G. & H. Stroker, Chicago Chacksfield George T., Chicago Feisenihral Herman, Chicago Chamberlain Henry W., Chicago Fern Dau!, Chicago Charleston Charles, Chicago Fi'-ne Louis, Ch cago C' irel Mathien, Chicago Fish Lipman, Chicago Chultz Christian, Cliicago Flanders Enos J., Chic igo Cliffort Martin, Chicago Flanerv H gh, Chicago dowry Jeremiah, Chicago Flynn Michael, Chicago Coffee Elizabeth, Chicago Foley James, Chic.igo Cogan John, Chicago Foley John, Chic igo Colburn Levi J., Chicago Ford Bartley, Chicago Coleman & Palmer, Chicago Ford Michael, Chicago Connell Jeremiah, Chicago Fortune Pter, Chicago Conway Lawrence J., Chicago Fox James, Chicago Coobel John, Chicago Fatnz Lornz, Chicago Cook Eliza, Chicago Freihardt Francis, Chicago Cook Jonathan, Chicago Friedman W. & Co., Chic 'go Coombs George, Chicago Fril mann Frederick, Chicago Coomer Patrick, Chicago Frisbie H. Hopkins, Chicago Corcoran Mrs. Bridget, Chicago FrLspaugh Caspar, Chicago Corcoran John F., Chicago Fulbac.h George, Chicago Countiss Robert H., Chicago Gaflfney Patrick, Chicago Cowins Mrs. Margaret, Chicago Gallagan Wm., Chicago Craig James, Chicago Gangloff Jacob J., Chicago Creote & Moor, Chicago Gannon Patrick, Chicago Curly John S., Chicago Gardner Charles, Chiciigo Curran William, Chicago Gardner Fi ancis, Chicago Dalton John, Chicago Garrity John, Chicago Dalton Patrick, Chicago Gtuer Austin, Chicago Davis John L., Chicago Geerv Nathaniel, Chic igo Davis William T., Chicago GiebC. & H., Chicago Day Mrs. Margaret, Chicago Gilc:irist John, Chicago Dearborn I. W. & Co., Chicago Gillis James, Chicago Delaney Patrick F., Chicago Glade Henry, Chicago Deu'sche Frederick, Chicago Glickauf Jacob, Chi ago Deverman Henry, Chicago Goggin Wm., Chicago Devitt Ann, Chicago Goodman Jacob, Chic igo Discher Peter, Chicago Goodndge Lowell, Chicago Ditewig Andrew, Chicago Goodridge H. & E., Chicago Doane J. W. & Co., Chicago Goiden Michael, Chicago Doekter Nicholas, Chicago Goss & Ho ig, Chicago Doguett & Easson, Chi< ago Giaf Joseph &Co., Chicago Don .hoe Edward, Chicago Gray Pierce, Chicago Donnavan Thomas, Chicago Greenwood Josiah, Chicngo Donneley Hugh, Chicago Giegori Philip, Chicago Dooly John, Chicago Grift n James, Chicago Downey John, Chicago Grirmiier Henry A., Chicago Downie John, Chicago Gross Peter J., Chicago Doyle James M., Chicago Gruner August, Chicago Dubbert Fred., Chicago Guderyahn C., Chicago Duensel Edward, Ci icago Gunn John, Chicago Duffey Eugene, Chicago Gutehaus John, Chicago Duffy James, Chicago Haake Jno. D., Chicago Duffy John, Chicago Haberhorn Casper, Chicago Duncan Charles, Chicago Hall & Moody, Chicago Dunn James, Chicago Hambrick Michael, Chicngo Dutch Frank, Chicago Handley James, Chicago Dwire Michael, Chicago Hanky Thomas, Chicago Edler Frederick, Chicago Hanley Win., Chicago Edwards John, Chicago Hanlon Michael, Chicago Ehrhardt Adolphus, Ch'Cago Hanlon Thomas, Chicago Eisendrath Cosman, Chicago Hanohau William, Chicago Eiterman John F., Chicago Hardinp & Hall, Chicago Elliott David, Chicago Barkens William, Chicago Enger John, Chicago Harman Christian, Chicago Erb Henry, Chicago Harnett John, Chicago Erskine David M., Chicago Ha:ney Thomas, Cbiciigo Eulbart Herman, Chicago Hass Joseph, Chicago Kwing, Briggs & Co., Chicago Hayward, Bloomfield & Co., Chicago CHI 670 CHI Hawkins Frederick, Chicago Krieg Miles, Chicago Hegwine Chas., Chicago Kroenig Raymond, Chicago HeMe & Heinzc, Chicago KUSSEL BROTHERS, Chicago Heimsath & Baker, Chicago Lacher Mrs. Margaret, Chicago Heinroth Ferdinand, Chicago Lackey Isaac, Chicago Heis^ristein Andrew, Chicago Landick Jacob, Chicago Henderson Joseph, Chicago Lane Thos., Chicago Henegan James, Chicago Lang Caspar, Chicago Herpt-r Charles, Chicago Lang John, Chicago Herting Dieden & Bros., Chi ago Lansburg Julius, Chicago Hiela Martin, Chicago Law Robert, Chicago Higgins Floyd, Chicago Lennartz Henry, Chicago Higgins James, Chicago Leonard Joseph, Chicago Hildt Augustus, Chicago Lesch Frederick, Chicago Hill Patrick, Chicago Levy Lou is, Chicago Hillibreght William, Chicago Licht Frederick, Chicago H1NCKLEY SAMUEL T., Chicago Lippert Luther, Chicago Hinsdale H. W. & Co., Chicago Livingston & Kozminsky, Chicago Herschman Henry, Chicago Lucas Andrew J., Chicago Hodges Jumes B., Chicago Ludlam & Brown, Chicago Hoffman Frederick C., Chicago Lynch John, Chicago Hohenadd Valentine, Chicago Lyman L-iura C., Chicago Hokin Francis, Chicago McAvoy Stephen, Chicago Holland James, Chicago McCaghery B. & Co., Chicago Hohier John, Chicago McCarthy Patrick, Chicago Hommel Frank A., Chicago McCarty John, Chicago Honer John, Chicago McCauley Hugh, Chicago Hood Thomas, Chicago McClelland Robert, Chicago Hoodenlucher John, Chicago McCotter Samuel, Chicago Hopkm?on Chas., Chicago McDonald Alexander, Chicago Horner Henry, Chicago McDonnall John, Chicago How.- Maria, Chicago McFarlin Wm. W., Chicago Hoyt Sherman H., Chicago McHugh John, Chicago Hudson Walter John, Chicago McLaughlin Peter A., Chicago Huhn Jonas, Chicago McLaughliu Wm. F., Chicago Humplney Robert, Chicago McMahon John, Chicago Hurn James, Chicago McManus Patrick, Chicago Hyde Thos. H. & Co., Chicago McNamara Martin, Chicago lent-n Matthias, Chicago Magee Jno., Chicago Inglehnrt Jacob, Chicago Maginnis John, Chicago Ives G. & M. S., Chicago Mahler Jacob F., Chicago Jackman William, Chicago Mrthoney Patrick, Chicago Jackson Mathew, Chicago Mahoney Timothy, Chicago Jacob Godfrey, Chicago Malloy James, Chicago Jaeger Julius, Chicago Manahan Thomas, Chicago Jang Frederick, Chicago Ma-ks Bi-nj., Chicago Joyce William, Chicago Martin Mrs. Ellen E., Chicago Kaller Ferdinand, Chicago Mauran & Wright, Chicago Eassing John H , Chicago Maypole Thomas, Chicago Kastens Mrs. Doras, Chicago M .r\ Henry, Chicago Keene Fi ancis, Chicago Merritt William V., Chicago Keer James, Chicago Micles Charles, Chicago Keller Valentine, Chicago Moocklar James, Chicago Kelley John, Chicago Moore John M., Chicago Kellry Peter, Chicago Morran James, Chicago' Kennedy Thomas, Chicago Morris John T., Chicago Keogh & Ready, Chicago Morrow James, Chicago Kessler Adam, Chicago Mullen Bernard, Chicago Kiefvr Joseph, Chicago Mulvey Patrick, Chicago King John, Chicago Murphy Daniel, Chicago Kirchoff & Brother, Chicago Murphy Geo., Chicago Kirkpatrick John, Chicago Murphy James D. F Chicago Kick nip Henry & Co., Chicago Murphy John, Chicago Knauss Jacob, Chicago Murphy & Kinsella, Chicago Knees & B ick, Chicago Murray George, Chicago Knowles Mathew, Chi :ago Nuughton James, Chicago Knowles Soloman F., Chicago Nawall Peter, Chicago Koch Charles, Chicago Nebba John, Chicago Kosshier Frederick, Chicago Negus J hn R., Chicago Kramer Jacob, Chicago I\ T eibe Charles, Chicago CHI Keidmyer Michael, Nicol James, Nicol John C., Nichols George T., Oakes John, Oberg Conrad, O'Brien John, O'Brim Michael, O'Brien Morgan, O'Brien Tfaoa., O'Connell John, O'Conucr Michael, O'Fa.-rell Martin, Ohlendorf William, O'Reiley Eugene, Otto George, Owen Henry B., Pabst Gottleib, Pardee Charles H., Parsons Nathan A., Potter Theron, Pauley John, Perri Joseph, Peterkin James, Poliuski Christian F., Poppe Werner, Porter William, Power Elam, Pratt Herman, Pratt Joseph, Pratt & Thompson, Prentice William B., Quad Mrs. David, Quensel Edward, Quinn Michael, Raleigh William, Ramm Simon, Rang Henri, Ranke Julius, Raupert Otto, Rech Joseph, Rtdell Jacob H., Reid John, Reynolds John, Ring Henry, Riordan Timothy, Rogers George T., Rohr Valentine, Rollins John, Rosenburg Louis, Ross John S., Royce & Parkhill, Ruggel Ambrosus, Rupert Ambrose, Rutherford James, Bayer Joseph, Scally Dennis S., Scanlan Patrick, Scliade William, Schafer Wolf, Schaub B. & Co., Schinnberg John, Schirk Reinbold, Sehlemmer & Kirchoff, Schmidt John, Sehmitt Pete< Schoellkopf Henry, Schreider Frederick, Schrciver Fr< derick, Schwarz Christian, G71 CHI Chicago Schwenck Frederick, Chicago Chicago Schwender George, Chicago Chicago Scott Walter, Chic igo Chicago ScrafiVld Robert, ChicHgo Chicago Seedorf & Co., Chicago Chicago Seib John, Chicago Chicago Seivers Henry, Chicago Chicago Seng Wendlin, Chicago Chicago Sham Babet, Chicago Chicago Shanks John, Chicago Chicago Shaulteur Henry, Chicago Chicago Shunly Francis, Chicago Chicago Shanz John M., Chicago Chicago Shaw Robert, Chicago Chicago Sheehan Michael, Chicago Chicago Shiedi George, Chicago Chicago Sheil Patrick, Chicago Chicago Shirra Moses, Chicago Chicago Shrader Henry X, Chicago Chicago Smale James, Chicago Chicago Smyth Denis, Chicago Chicago Smith John L., Chicago Chicago Smith Patrick, Chicago Chicago Smith Theodore, Chicago Chicago SMITH, JOTHAM & XOCKIN, Chicago Chicago Snow Newell, Chicago Chicago Sn> dacker Bros., Chicago Chicago Spear Henry, ' Chicago Chicago Spillane Dennis, Chicago Chicago Stammler & Bro., Chicago Chicago Stanton George E., Chicago Chicago Stanton Patrick, Chicago Chicago Stayart Pankgraz, Chicago Chicago Sti vens & Huston, Chicago Chicago Stewart Joseph, Chicago Chicago Stunker William, Chicago Chicago Stu'z James, Chicago Chicago Sullivan Jeremiah, Chicago Chicago Sullivan Michael, Chicago Chicago Swaygert Charles, Chicago Chicago Taola George, Chicago Chicago Taylor John, Chicago Chicago Temple Christian, Chicago Chicago Thilhnont Christopher, Chicago Chicago Thompson Harvey M., Chicago Chicago Thompson Richard, Chicago Chicago Thurman Richard, Chicago Chicago Timme George T., Chicago Chicago Tolle & Miller, Chicago Chicago Travers Marshall, Chicago Chicago Trimingham Ralph F., Chicago Chicago Troy Thomas, Chicago Chicago Tullan John, Chicago Chicago Tulley Thomas, Chicago Chicngo Tynan Edward, Chicago Chicago Tyrrel Charles, Chicago Chicago Uchtman John, Chicago Chicago Urbanus Peter, Chicago Chicago Vanderbelt Hiram, Chicago Chicago Vater Frederick C., Chicago Chicago Vogt John F., Chicago Chicago Voice John, Chicago Chicago Volimer William, Chicago Chicago Voltz Frederick, Chicago Chicago Von Hollen & Bro., Chicago Chicago Wait Archibald, Chicago Chicago Wait, WaylandW., Chicago Chic 'go Waldon Thomas, Chicago Chicago WaLh John, Chicago Chicago Ward John, Chicago CHI 672 DIX Watkina Mrs. Matilda, Chicago Tavlor & Fuller, Cuba WAT-ON& WRIGHT, Chicago Millory D. W. C. & D. C., Dakotah Webster Richard R., Chicago Finch & Rolloson, Dallas City Weeks John R., Chicago Gassaway & Gibbs, Dallas City Welsh John, Chicago Allen Miles, Danby Welsh Moses, Chicago Cooper C., Danby Wells Henry G., Chicago Dud rock C. J., Danby Wendall Mary Chicago Bateman E. & Co., Danville Westphal Charles, Chicago Mires James W. & Co., Danville Wheeler Rollin, Chicago Webster A. G., Danville Whi taker Andrew W., Chicago Wright & French, Danville Whitaker Henry, Chicago Bond T. & J., Davis Wild Robert, Chicago Hazard 0. H. & A. P., Davis Williams Charles, Chicago Irvin William, Davis Windheim Henry C., Chicago Spencer W. & Co., Davis Winton David B., Chicago JuddR. Dawson Wood Philip, Chicago Hinkley & Wilson, Daysville Woodenlacher Michael, Chicago Jackson & Co., Davsville Woodman & Brother, Chicago Reed L., Daysville WOOLFORD R. B. & CO , Chicago Beardsley A. W., Dearborn Young John, Chicago Coombs T., Denrborn Zimmerman Edwin, Chicago Dann E. & C. Dearborn Dick- rson D. H., Cliili Hill William, Dearborn McCulley J., Chillicothe Hunter A. S., Den room McLean William, Chillicothe Jackman William, Dearborn Murr .y S. M., Chillicothe Robinson B., Dearborn Piper G. H., Chil icothe Day & Shipman, Decatur Truit & Jack, Chillu-othe EATON GEORGE F., Decatur Prid>ly & Brooks, Circleville Goodman Henry, Decatur Rubottarn & Romine, Clark Centre Hardv D. W. C. & Co., Decatur Bryant B. W., Clayton Hays'F. L. & Co., Decatur Long H. & Bro., Clayton Horton John, Decatur Perahous Joseph, Clayton Howenstine & Givler, Dec-itur Roe S. L., Clayton Leiby Jacob, Decatur McRaven P., Clear Creek Landing Morris Tnos. H., Decatur Marshall H. & Co., Clermont Porter J. Henry, Decatur White H. K., Clifton Renshaw James, Decatur Hovey & Crosby, Clinton Ruehl Chas., Decatur Jones John, Clinton Ryan Matthew J., Decatur Neal G. W., Clinton Straiten & Hubbard, Decatur Rosencrantz & Merrel, Clinton Ulrich John, Decatur Taylor, Callion & Co., Clinton Waggoner Henry W., Decatur Wolf John, Clinton Wingate Thos. H., Decatur Haxel Frederick, Coatsburg Wood George M., Decatur Bailey & Boyle, Coal Valley McCarty James, Deerfield Moore E. & Co., Colchester Aldrich A. J., De Kalb Walker L. E. & Co., Colchester Elwood & Delong, De Kalb Fisher J. J., CollinsviHe Vaughn S. T., De Kalb Logan Joseph, Collinsville Flint S. P., Delevan Muirhead J. D., CollinsviHe Hornish C. W. Delevan Smith & Bell, Colona Station Wright J. F., DelRejr Henia James A., Columbjis Clark H. H., Dement Station Sturtevant & Wilcox, Comj Lewis D. L., Dement Station Abbott F., Cordova Parmele A. H., Dement Station Cummings M., Co dova Rockwell Albert S., Denny Millet E., Cordova Johnson William, Derinda Stockwell L., Cordova Snoydgrass Solomon, Derinda Birkbeck & Hawey, Council Hill Tyrrell Miles, Derinda Branton Henry Council Hill Lipstadt & Bampter, DeSoto Re d & Hocking, Council Hill Higbee & Sanderson, Detroit Baker C., Courtland Station Norton & Clemens, Detroit Homan J., Courtland Station Miller & Parker, DrWftt Jarvis F. W., Courtland Station Crosby, Jones & Co., Dixon Rogers, Wild & Smith, Courtland Station Davis James W., Dixon More P., Courtland Station Deshon Benjamin C., Dixon Lee John, Grotty Gallup P. & Co., Dixon O'Donall Richard, Crotry Heitmann Henry, Dixon Seely Martin, Crotty Jones J. L. & Co., Dixon Schreiber J. F., Cruger McKenney James, Dixon Smith A. E, Cruger O'Connor Jonn T., Dixon DIX 673 FRE Reilly John, Dixon Lyon C., Exeter Van Epps & Brubaker, Dixon P. ak & Gillham, Exeter Van Horn Augustus, Dixon Wood W. W., Exeter Witt & Curry, Dixon Davis John, Fairbury Wood & Boardman, Dixon Hartley F. P., Fairbury Dodds, McMillen& Co., Doddsville Barnhill J. W., Fail-field LIEBHARDT JACOB F., Dunlieth Holt E. H., Fair Haven SMITH JNO. E., ^Dunlieth Lovrry W. A., Fail-mount Bosworth J. C. & F. S., Dundee Witherspoon J. R., Fairmount Edwards A. & H. C., Dundee Ayres, McCrea & Co., F>irview Hodges & Co., Dundee Burrows Andrew, Fair view Hunt H. E., Dundee Chapman P. P., Farmington Maris & Oatmat, Dundee Davidson & Robinson, Farmington O'Connor M., Dundee Dunn & Irwin, Farmington Pabst M., Dundee Farrow William, Farrow Town Saunders T., Dundee Eads J. A., Fieldon Walker E., Dundee Fitter W. W., Fieldon Talbot J. C., D'. Quoin Phillips Jesse, Fishhook Eld ridge H., D wight Essary & Arms, Fitts Hill McWilliams D., Dwight Lee & Fleming, Fills Hill Lawson Hubell & Son, East Paw PHW Turner E. P. & Co., Flora McCorkle James L., Edwardsville Finley Thomas & Co., Florena Slo s & Torrence, Edwardsville Moore & Ellis, Florena Ubesh C. H., Edwardsville York E. D., Florena Barry Mary, Elgin Clapper & Buck, Foreston Brown Mark P., Elgin Door F., Foreston Clifford Margaret, Elgin Haller C. M., Foieston Gorkin Joseph, Egin Kimballs J., Foreston Hunn William, E ! gin Long R., Foieston Enoit James, Elg'n Newcome G. & F., Foreston Mann Patrick, Elgin Patterson Elisha, Forksville MERRILL OILMAN H., Elgin Swinson P. S., Forksville See advl. page 47 3. McClaughry M., Fountain Grove Morgan Joshua P., Elgin Bartholomew & Fitch, Fowler Station Mur.iough John S., Elgin Cleveland C. H., Frankfort Peyton James M., Ehjin Sneed James R., Frankfort Rohlwing Henry, Elgin Black J. C., Franklin Grove Ryan Edward, Elgin Durkes C., Franklin Grove Ryan Joseph, Elgin Lincoln H. J , Franklin Grove Sherman H. & Co., Elgin Rooney P. C., Franklin Grove Siddons James A., Elgin Simmons S., Franklin Grove Stowe Levi S., Elgin Williams J., Franklin Grove TODD & McNEIL, Elgin Baker Henderson, Franconia Wishart Robert, Elgin Bunting James jr., Franconia Yarwood R. L. & J. R., Elgin Farrar & Misenheimer, Fredericksville Lee B. & V., Elizabeth town Farwell M. & Co., Fredericksville Lefler J. H., Elizabethtown Wample Peter, Fredericksville McFarlin B. P., Elizabeth town Bartlett James H., Freeport Mott Charles, Elizabpthtown Black Benjamin F., Freeport Boo n C. P., Ellisville Burrell John, Freeport Rood Chas., Elmira Danel David, Freeport VanVliet & Bris, El Paso Egan Thomas, Freeport Sleele Ja?on, Elvaston Fitch & King, Freeport Spafford S. M., Elwood Geiger J. & T., Freeport Harvey & Man, Empire Green Adam T., Freeport Crawford & Fields, Eiifield Hallensleben & Bickenbach, Freeport Goodwin E. J., Enfield Hazen Edgar A., Freeport Johnson A. L. & Son, Enfield Hostetter Emanuel F., Freeport Land Y. & Sons, Enfield Hyde E. Howard, Freeport Mackey & Foues, Etifield Imroth Julius, Freeport OrrP. A. &D. M., Enfield Long John & Son, Freeport Ellsworth E. A., Eugene O'Connell John, Freeport Meek B. D. & Co., Eureka Rayne Robert W., Freeport Mitchell J. B., Eureka Rohrer & DeWalt, Fieeport Clifford L., Evaiiston Shelly Joseph R., Freeport Colvin & Sinclair, Evanston Spencer James D., Freeport Huntoon Geo. M., Evanston Stone Alexander H., Fre> port Thorcus P. W., Evanston Trobridge Royce D., Freeport Raba Jacob Evansville Van Slooten & Feenders, Freeport Hitt H. W., Exeter Walton Wm. R., Freeport FRI 674 HAV Sterrill George, Friend's Grove Perry & Brothers, Geneseo Wilkinson Wm. R., Friendsville Vin 'Winkle A., Geneseo Fuller John R., Fullersburg Wi linns J. E., Geneseo Fuller Lewis H., Fullersburg Willshire J. A., Geneseo Chace & Kinney, Fulton City Glass Albert W., Geneva Dodge David E., Fulton City Lance Jacob C., Geneva Ford & Benedict, Fulton City Patten Charles, Geneva Grun N. & Co., Fulton City Perkins Lorin, Geneva H ivens Egbert,, Fulton City Rath bone Ward, Geneva Musereau & Wheeler, Fulton City Tinsley Edwin, Geneva An 'erson David, Galena Worsley Timothy, Geneva Bailey Wm. & Son, Galena Bines John, Georgetown Barrett Richard, Galena Cooper Thomas, Georgetown Birmingham & Bro., Galena Taylor William, Georgetown Brt-hany Augustin, Galena Harwood & Thompson, Gilman CLORANJOHN, G ilena Pnrker D. L., Gilman CONDON JOHN, Galena Wright J. F., Gilmun Cornelyson Leopold, Galena Armstrong & Son, Gi i ard Carlcv & Mahoney, Galena Bridges & Leigh, Girard DAVIS WILLIAM M., Galena Buther & Fshburn, Girard Dovle Edward, Galena Burk T. C., Golconda FELT B. F. & CO., Galena Vinegard G W., Goloonda Fiddick John & Wm., Galena Vinegard J. W., Golconda FOGLE CASPER, Galena Buck James, Gooding'n Grove Gelston Thomas H., Galena M son A Wilson, Gooding's Grove Gemmill Wili am, Galena K stin in H., Grafton Harted L. & Co., Galena Gross G. V., Grafton Kerwin Patiick, Galena Hamilton T. J., Grafton Klippel Anton, Galena Moonev John & Co., Grafton Kyle William, Galena Slaton'W. B. & Co., Grafton Liddy Patrick, Galena Fox G. S., Grand de Tour Luning Anton F., Galena Hourn W. T., Grand de Tour McGough Terance, Galena Hausdon N. H., Grand de Tour Me er Frank, Galena Mumma Wm., Grand de Tour O'MARA THOMAS, Galena Paine H. H., Grand de Tour PRKSLEY JOSEPH A., Galena Throop Charles, Grand de Tour R1TTER ISAAC, Galena Blevin-s Samuel, Grand View Robinson William G., Galena Hcarn Denis, Grand View SANDER GEORGE, Galena DeLiitour J. J., Granville SANDERS A. F. E., Galena Reed G. J. & Co., Gr^nvill Shea r : ck George, Jacksonville Sanford & Tatham, Hazel Dell ROUT T. C., Jacksonville Roberts E. W., Henderson Simms C. H., Jacksonville Boxendall W. & G., Hennepiu Smith J. B. C., Jacksonville Dent H. C., Hennepin Trabue & Chambers, Jacksonville Dore P., Hennepin UPHAM & SNTDER, Jacksonville Feltus P., Hennepin Kanne C. H., Jamestown Lyons John. Hennepin Merchant & Roberts, Jefferson Baker & Bro., Henry Brancn James, Jrffersonville Brown A. V., Henry Branch N. P. & Co., Jeffersonville Clirk R., Henry Bates J. J., Jersey Landing Heath & Catlin, Henry Brock & Onetto, Jersey Landing Bales, -bora & Co , Hemitage Dunn J. & Co., Jersey Landing Gorman P., . Heyworth Greer Addison, Jersey Landing Johnson N. D., Heyworth Johnson S., Jersey Lan.ling McFarland & Co., Her worth Mott D. L., Jersey Landing Ellitho-p J. W., Hick's Mills Clendenin A., Jerseyville Edwards B. W., Hickory Creek Hamilton & Jett, Jeiseyville Wright M. M., Hig^insville Leigh T , Jerseyville Baumann R., Highland Leigh William, Jers-y villa Bruckner Albert, Highland Randolph A. C., Jerseyville Crounover G., Highland Smith J. M., Jerseyville Da.-kart R., Highland Vanpelt & Codington, Jersevville Freickart Charles, Highland Belz John, J liet Ha'nisch Jos., Highland Blackman George W., Joliet Her/og G. F., Highland Dressier Valentine, Juliet Kiune Charles, Highland Gauson William H., Jo'iet Minger Peter, Highland Grinton Wm., Joliet Suppiger Jno., Highland HausT Vincent, Joliet Weinheimer H., Highland PAWKINS EPHRAIM, Juliet Winter L., Highland Jahn Jos 'ph, Joliet Willetts W., High Point Kinnny John, Joliet Brown A. H. k Co., Hillsboro Manly Thomas, Joliet Edwards Amos J., Hillsboro Potter Lemuel T., Joliet Glenn & Pinckney, Hillsboro Quinn Michael W., Joliet Grabbs S. M., Hillsboro Reichert John, Joliet Hoskins & Lord, Hillsboro R-inhart John, Joliet Rountree & Seymour, H 1 sboro ROLLING S. C. & CO., Joliet Sturtevant T., Hillsboro Sartore Rudolph, Joliet Lee, Bradbury & Co., Hopper's Mills Shegogue Eugene R., Joliet Su ton Wm. T., Houston Simond S. A., Joliet Hogvte Matthew, Howard's Point Stone Silas W., Joliet Gildersleeve C. T., Hudson T.icker A. J. & Co., Joliet Lu-k J. K., Hudson WALSH ROBERT, Jo iet White & Hanis. Hurricane WATERMAN AREA N., Jodet Bradbury W. H., Hntsonville Webster & Haven, Joliet Draper W. L., Hutsonville Woodruff Orlin H , J i. lies B.ker & Shad, Illinois Csty Cover D. & A., Jonesboro Felix M. T., Illinois City Marshall A. H. & Cruse, Jonesboro Cappa John, IHiopolis P-ovo J. J., Jonesboro Willcox H., Illiopolis Williams & Bro., Jonesboro Fiaher Isaac, Inriianola Parres S. S., Jones Creek Groce John W., Indianola W. -liters A.. J., Jones Creek Wibley Thomas G., In liiinolii Gardner S. G., Kane Pixley 0., Ingraham Prairie Beed Thomas, Kankakee Green I. R., Ionia Bl iin & Paquin, Kankakee Green Aaron & Co., Ipiva Bulle Augustus, Kankakee Givwell V. M. & Co., Ipava Bra ifoni C. F. & Co., Kankakee McCune & Ewing, Ipava Doriou Theophilus, Kankakee Heustis H. J., Irving Durham & Grover, Ka knkee Wiley & Newberry, Irving Ehrich Dettrich, Kankakee Bay less D. B. C., Jacksonville Goldshmith Hernion, Kankakee Cofftnan & Brown, Jacksonville Grabner George, Kankakee Davenport I. & Co., Jacksonville H .11 Henry S., Kankakee Hamilton E., Jacksonville Jackson Obadiah, Kankakee Ham Iton S. H., Jack onville Knott Christopher W., Kankakee Metcalf & Mount, Jacksonville Martin Henry, Kankakee Milburn N., sr., Jacksonville Marshall & LeCours, K 'iikukee Miller Henry, Jacksonville N chols Lewis, K>nkakee Ratekin & Simmons, Jacksonville Sibley William, Kankakee KAN 676 LOU STILES & WETZEL, K-mkakee Stevens, West & Co., Lane Depo Swaunell Frederick, Ka kakee West S. G. & Co., Lane !) po* Wait & Co., Kankakee Allen John, LnS.lle Warner Solmon, Kankakee BUCK JOHN H., LnSalle Weibezahn Edward, Kankiikee Carter Samuel B., l,;,S:,lle Wilber P. & J., Kankakee Cody Richard, LaSiille Williams James W., Kankakee Daigan James, LaSalle Gary A. J. & Bro., Kankakee Frtllon Thos., LaSalle Kester J. & Bro., Kansas FOGERTY PATRICK, LaSalle Reed S. G., Kansas Gieity John, LiiSHlle Schafer Peter, Kippa Hatch Silas G., LuSiille Baldwin John, Keene Higgins John, L Salle Goodenow Henry, Keene King Geo. W., LnSalle Goodwin James A., Keene LINDLEY S. K., LnSalle Lee James, Keene LYNCH JEREMIAH, LaSnlle Randolph D. H., Keene O'Hilloran John, L Salle Sutliff R., Keene PRINDIVILL M. & BRO., LiiSalle Reber Abram, Kent Reidy John S., LH Salic Cooper Aaron, K?wanee Sharp John, L;.S.lIe CULLY JAMES, Kewanee Vrotnan Adam, L,S lie HAWKS MOSES, Krwanee Budoll t A. S., Lawrence ville HOPKINS J., Kewanee Morris W. W., Lawrenceville King Henry, Kewanee Blanck Charles, Lebanon Lay & Mclntyre, Kewanee Coning! on Alexander, Lt-b non McGillard J. S., Kewanee Eckert T. W., Lebanon Morse James B., Kewanee G.ayT. N., Lebanon PARKER & HOWARD, Kewanee Hypes B., Lebanon Parrish & Faulkner, Kewanee Keiman John, Lebanon PUtt J. L., Kewanee LasleyD. R., Leb non POUNDSTONE W. J., Kewanee Metz Charles, Lebanon Rose Geo., Kewanee Osborn D. S., L bnnon Stewart I. H., Kewauee Reosher & Co., Ltbftnon Mirtin & Bro., Kingston Mines Shefford & Black, Lebanon Morris David, Kings 'on M nes Wiegle John & Co., Lebanon Eagan & Hull, Kinmundy Kinie E. M. & Co., Lelnnd Ha>t Lorenzo S., Kinmundy Lull & Bro., Lieinont Rockhoid W., Kinmundy N rion S. W., Lemont Beach Henry, Ki hwaukee Barland John, L'Erable Morey B. M., Knoxville Bechaid cfc Co., L'Etable Morey H. T., Knoxville Childs Daniel, Leroy Smiih & Eichelberger, . Knoxville Jacoby Peter, L-roy Thompson & Simpson, Knoxville King A. C., Leroy WALLACE & McGREW, Kuoxville Moi chouse D. L., Leroy Ht- nderkot J., I j.i r hire Claggett Sanford R., Lexington Hunter G., LaClare Dement George T., Lexington Fisher & Mohler, Liicon Knotts & Giegory, Lexingtun Jones Edward, Lacon PREBLE BROS., Lex ngton Witzell Julius, Lacon Smith & Hefner, Lexii gton Wright Wm., Lacon VAN DOREN GARRET, Lexii'gton Brown E., LaFayette C |~vpo criip Libei t> ville Ross Thomas W., LaFayetie Brown Samuel, Lincliburg Bliss H. H., LaHaipe Blain & Bro., Lincoln Buell E. P. & Co., LaHarpe Dixon J., Lincoln Gochenour David, L 'Harpe Hahn Felix, Lincoln Hurdle & Gittings, LaHarpe Ratekin James, Lincoln Meyer George, LaH-rpe Webster R. K., Lincoln Payton & Coulsen, LaHarpe C mpbell A. 0., Lindt-iiwood Warren J. & B., LalLupe Rider S H., L sbon Wilkinson John, LaHarpe Scott Waldron, Little York Young Wm., LaHa;pe Baumann T. & Co., Lively Robinson J. & J., Luke Creek Freeh J., L vely Tru-ty H., Lake Creek Downs S., L- ckport Wiley W. J., Lake Creek Ire-on William T., Lock port Barbour C. W. & Co., Lane Depot Lull S. W., Loci- port Coon Horace, Lane Depot WILLIAMS JOHN L., Lo< kport Ful'on Wm., Lane Depot Whitcomb & Kin<", Logan Garrett & Co., Lane Depot York Eli, Logans, ort PAtchin J. S., Lane Depot Apperson & Rayburn, Louisville McHenry J. S. & Co., Lane Depot Barbre Jesse, Louisville Porter & Cummings, Lane Depot Edwards Isaac, Louisville LOU 677 MOR Green Peter, Louisville Cooper P. H. & Co., M -ndota Keff & Hurngate, Louisvihe Diesterweg & Kopfer, Mendota Carmichael, Sparks & Co., Low Point Dodge D. A. & Co., M.'ndota Smith A., Lynden Erlenborn W., Mendota Burnham Charles, Lynnville Fern berg S., Mendota Moore R. B. & Co., McConnell's Grove Fischer C., Mendota Rockey Wm. F., McConnell's Grove Githens E. H., Mendota K Hogg & King, McLean Meisenbach F., Mendota Ladew A. P., McLean Miller & Githens. Mendota Martin & Allden, McLeansboro MOORE S. M., Mendota Bouc'.er J. L., Mackinaw Scott & Co., Mendota Matthews T. L., Mackinaw Warner Geo., Mendota Partnele & Miller, Mackinaw Weller G. A., Mendota Porter & Bro., Mackinaw White Otis L., MeniJota Anderson J. L., Macomb Willmroth & Irlenborn, Memlota Bailey W. S , Macomb Bellfour Walter, Mercia Burton & Churchill, Macomb Wray John E., Mercia CLARK G; F., Macomb Carver J. H. & Co., Meredosia Cumraings J. H. & Co., Macomb Gore Ebaugh, Meredosia Ervin H. & Son, Macomb Grierson & Walihan, Meredosia Lipe & Wilson, Macomb Lusk E., Meredosia Mann T. B. & Co., Macomb Wackerle W. J., Meredosia Mason L. J., Macomb Wiswell J. H., Meredosia Rosa S. A., Macomb Earl E., Metatnora Tinsley N. P., Macomb McCord John, Metamora Waters & Walker, Macomb Page J. W. & Co., Metamora Ong & Morrille, Magnolia Perry J. & Co., Met^mora Ha\s Matthew' Miiinville Portman N., Metamora Morey S. L., Mainville Powell John E. & Co., Mecamora Corhett Samuel A., Maiden Bear & Co., Metropolis City Burnes P., Malta Cropper B. T., Metropolis City Ke'sey L. C., Malta Evans & Carr, Metropolis City Good. 11 & Maine, Manchester Russel T. K., Metropolis City Younglove W. M. & Co., Manteno Bowmin E., Midiileport Poe A. G., Maple's Mills Fr ;zier Jacob, Midd ; eport Patton H. T., Maquon Steely James C., MidiHeport Thurman C. T., Maquon Troup David, Middl port Barnes N. E., Marengo Troup W. H., Milford Cameron C. D., Marengo Sowles J., MilledKeville DUM..II W. F., Marine Wampler W., Milton Sution Bliinke & Bros., Marine Glawges & K , Mineral Carlt.>n S., Marine Lowiy & Bradley, Minersville Jaudt H. A., Marine "Beeman C. W., Minonk Suter H., Marine Keedy W., Minonk Campbell 0. G., Marion Todd I., Mi-ionk Jogder A. H., Marion BATTIS J. WINSLOW, Moline Lewis & Hundley, Marion Block & Newburger, Mo'ine Fii'-.lman M., Maroa Chamberlin Addison F., Moline Howard M. T., Maroa Frick Samuel, Mol ne Schenck G. J., Maroa Fuller Charles, Moline Osborn R. & Co., Marrietta Shaw A. & T., Moline Ben diet H., Marshall Shaw & Reed, Moline Davis Wm., Marshall Bissett J. W., Mom e nee Doll Stephen, Marshall Hamilton I. B., Momence Riley Hartley, Marshall Patterson W. H., Momence Ri!ey John, M .rshall Rice & Dosheill, Momence Roh Jacob, Marshall Worcester H. & F,, Momence Struror Chas., Marshall Babcock Geo., Monmouth Gamble F. & White, Martinsville Babcock E. C. & Son, Monmouth Buchner Joseph, Mason Carr & Quinby, Monmouth Fender John, Mason Ewing T. G., Monmouth Henry Aaron W., Mi son Gardner W. H. & Co., M nmouth Murrv Wm. M., Mason Gowdy Wm. & Co., Monmouth Wh te Wm. F. & Co., Mason Stewart James, Monterey Wright M. W., Mason Bendrole J. M., Montici'llo Francis A., Mattoon Cornpropst D., Monticello Wood R., Mattoon Kiser J. L., Mon icello Wort'iam H. Chay., Mattoon Wilbanks Q. A., Moore's Prairie Smith John, Marysville ALLEN ANDREW, Morris Black W. T., Mendota Book & Broth, Morris MOR 678 OTT Carr J. C., Morris Brock man J. C , Newton Clark & Bair, Morris Lit /.rlniiin Joseph & Co., Newton Comeiford Charles, Morris Hughes & Co., Niaut'c COOK & BROTHER, Morris Wells George, Niantic Hill Levi, Morris Flint A. D., Night's Pmirie KEAN THOMAS, Morris Lockwood J. B., Night's Pniirie Keller M. K., Morris Long J. M. & Co., N ble MATTESON DANIEL, Morris McVaigh James, Noble MORSE T. P., Morris Wilson Marcus, Noble Prescott Martin, Morris Bullinan R. C., Nokomis Washburn C. W., Morris Rood H. F., Nokmi8 Burton Isaac, Morrison BennetfG. F., Nora CROSBY 0. B. & CO., Morrison Clirk E. F. & Co., Nora Devine J. & Co., Morrison Lei and W. H., Nora Guffin & Stiles, Morrison Reed C., Northampton Kendall Charles, Morrison Peck W. S., Noith I'lato Lewis Jason, Morrison Coffin F. R., Oakland Smith Thomas, Morrison Hackett & Jones, Oakland Spears & Bro., Morrison Warden P., Oakhnd Ertlo Albert, Morton Woolley A. M.; Oakland Griesser Frank, Morton Nickey S. P. &,Bro., Oakley Donlin B. & Co., Moscow Priser Henry, Oakley Thompson W. E., Mossville Austin A. S. jr. & Co., Oil knl la Donegan John, Mound Ci'y Good ell A., Oakulla Dunlevy J., jr., Mound City Tanner Russel, Ogle Flynn E. H., Mound City Clark & Andrus, Ogle Stiition Haltee John, Mound City B .ndt H. G., Old Ripley McBride J. L., Mound City Phillips D. T., Olcna Meyer & Co., Mound City Putney Ira, Olena Shepherdson James, Mound City Clark H., O ney Morgan William, Mt. Aubnrn Collins C. C., Olney Edgar A. C. & Co., Mt. Carmel Gaddy D., Olney McCormac J., Mt. Erie Clump Gabriel, Omph Ghent Marshall George, Mt. Morris Cheney M., Onarga Wiley Amos, Mt. Morris Gardner D. A., Onarga Davis L., Mt. Palatine Skeels & Norten, Onarga Schwligart Philip, Mt. Pulaski Hartsough John J., On- co Goodwin Asa, Mt. Sterling Blossom 0. E., Oneida Putnam D. & Sons, Mt. Sterling Tate J. W., Oi-eida Re a James M., Mt. Sterling Wagenhals William & Co., Oranjieville Anglin & Garrison, Mt. Vernon Gale James V., Oregon Watson & Bro., Mt. Vernon Nohe M.. Oregon Hanson J. M., Murphysborough Robinson H. C., Osage Leew right & Worthen, Murphysborough Hoke George T., Osborn Drisler & Dunlap, Naperville Flag P., OttW' go Rich E., Naperville Hale A. B., Of w ego Riddler J. J., Naperville Hale & Kenney, O^wego Standish Hiram, Naperville Seymour F., Oswego Wight W. W., Naperville Stafford James, Oswego Chapman S. M., Nauvoo Stoutemeyer John B., Oswego Wachman B., Nauvoo Strossman W., Osw< go McKinstry J. & S., Nelson Wheedman M., wego Breese S. G., Neponset Alschuler A. & H., Ottawa Buswell & Blake, Neponset Armour Archibeld, Ottawa Lyford & Whaples, Neponset BASTIEN J. B., Ottawa Reed & Munson, Neponset Bean & Morgan, Ottawa Morion J. & Co., New Baltimore BLACK ROBERTO., Ottawa Harothem A. S., New Berlin Cameron & Eberhard, Ottawa Maxwell G. M., New Berlin CAMPBELL WILLIAM R., Ottawa Williams & Bro., New Berlin Clancy Jolm & Co., Ottawa Bell & Bro., New Boston Godfrey Phillip, Ottawa Hartweig Tolle, New Boston Goff, Hull & Thorson, Ottawa Matthias G. F. L., New Boston HISE JOHN & BRO., Ottawa Simpkins Augustus, New Hertford Hoban John, ('ttawa Gains A., New Market Leavitt Moses F., Ottawa Baird George H., New Massillon LIBBY WILLIAM A., Ottawa Rudolph William, New Massillon Lynch Andrew, Ott iwa Maxwell F. H., New Milford Mahony Timothy D., Ottawa Curtis J. C., New Salem MARSTON JAMES, Ottawa Sigworth J. Coope & Co., New Salem Marston fe Graves, Ottawa OTT 679 PRO Mei^s James K., Ottawa Schmidt Godfreid, Peoria Montgomery Robert, Ottawa Schwob Frederick, Peoria Murphy Robert T., Ottawa Seel t'et^r. Peoria Reddick William, Ottawa Stettinius William, Peoria Schuler G. L., Ottawa Stubenrauch Francis, Peoria Schiller George H., Ottawa Trant Garrett, Peoria Schuler John N. & Co., Ot'awa Ulrich & Schimpff, Feoria Thompson Hans, Ottawa Wet'ierell Issacher, Peoria Van Doren & Osborn, Ottawa Wiseman Edward D., Peoria Walk ling August, Ottawa Cask Joseph & Co., Perry Brumsey N., Ox Bow ALLEN H. T., Peru Guild & Becker, Ox Bow CROXISE H. G. W., Peru Browning N. S., Oxford HUNTOON C. H., Peru Bovce & Bump, Paine's Point Li tl Wi liam & Co., Peru Lintz George J., Palos W.tgenknecht & Ream, Peru Pa'msly Peter, Palos WALKER & HANIFIN, Peru Harvey Thomas, Pan a Davis James, Petersburg Jacobs & Edwards, P-yville Barnhouse H., Paxton Mann John, Pingree G ove Clo.ves Brothers, Paxton Tenhaff William, Pitman Hanley Alex H., Paxton Brown Saml., Plain View Edmonds R. F., Pay son Hay craft J. P., Plain View Dixon J. P., Peca'onica Sturges H. A., Plain View Fred rick E., Pecatonica Chambers & Jones, Piano Gaston E. K., Pecatonica Cook A. Son, Piano Pate 0., Pecatonica Henn'ngi Stewart, Piano Ayers & Bro., Pekin Platt D. & Son, Plattville Becker & Look, Pekin Branch James & Co., Pleasant Grove Hornish M. H., Pekin Harris Jonathan, Pleas int Grove Montgomery H. & Co., Pekin Crader J., Pleasant Hill Riese August, Pi-kin Parker A., Pleasant Hill Spoonhoff H., Pekin Thomas & Lovell, Pleasant Hill Barker Gardner T., Peoria Tucker F. L., Plum River Bartlett Peter C., Peoria Tyrrell Miles, Plum Kiver Ben ton Charles, Peoria King William M., Plymouth Benton Ira E., Peoria Kinsey & Graham, Plymouth Bohl & Hudson, Peoria Randolph J. M., Plymouth Bo-*ene John & Co., Peoria Babcock & Brother, Pontiac CULTRR & LINDSAY, Peoria B^echer & Son, Pon iac Daniels Obed, Peoria Olmstead C. A., Pontiac Doty & Elliott, Peoria Hansen & Klee, Pont >osac Ellis Benjamin F., Peoria Graf F., PontO'isac Gearing Lewis & Co., Peoria Sedwick D. W., Pope Creek GIBSON & THOMAN, P. oria Ellis N. B & Co., Port Byron Green David C., Peoria Bracken i t.man Asa, Reed Chiniquy Achilles, St. Anne Mais & Paston, Renault Barsalone Leger, St. Anne Price J. S., Ridge Farm Ringnette Michael, St. Anne Turner James, Ridg ley Butler & Weed, St. Charles Brad be g & Co., Rot-inson Clute Jacob, St. Charles Carter & Tracy, Roche-ter Collar & Sargent, St. Charles Lork J., Rochester DeWolf Abiel B., St. Charles Allen Samuel, Rock ford Person George & Co., St. Charles Alru-on G. Blake, Rockford Hills Richard E., St. Charles Andrews & Van Arnam, Rock ford Lewis & Hallack, St. Charles Black man & Prior, Rockfoid Loom is & Tyler, St. Charles Boyd Thomas, Rockford Minard & Osgood, St. Charles BucUiee Theodore E., Rockf.id Roche Nicholas T., St. Charles Clark & Swits, Rockford Turbert Mrs. J., St. Charles Cook Henry, Rockford Nson E. & Co., St. John Drew Ebenezer C., Rockford Morris C. B., St. Joseph Dutipbi-e Francis K., Rncklord Woodworth A. 0., St. Joseph Hagedon Jonas H., Rockford Merceret Francis & Co., St. Maria Iroton Jeseph B., Rockford Cunningham J. & Co., Salem Kelsev Samuel C., Rockford Harmon Andrew, Salem Ketch son & Ostrom, Rockford McMackiu Warren E., Salem King W. G. & Sweet, Rockford Marshall & McElwain, Salem Kinpsb-rg & Stilwell, Rockford Mnson William H., Salem LAN -ING EDWIN H., Rorkford Pace G. W. & Son, Salem Large; -i. & Heagle, Rockford Smith & Costellow, Salem Ros* Hugh, Rockford Tong William D., Salem Spaffurd John, Rockford Reynold & Lecrone, Salt Creek Swit- & Anson, Rockford Clime Martin, Sandoval Thursiot: John H., Rockford Martin Welcome, Sandoval Tyler Cha.les J., Rockford Murten H., Sandoval Wai son James, Rockford Beck with A. & Co., Sandwich Watt John, jr., Rockford Carr J. H., Sandwich Wood Alo'izo & Co., Rockford Culver & Bro., Sandwich BabciH-k Timothy, Rock Island Hollenback G. B., Sandwich Berlizlieimer Isaac, Rocklsl nd Humiston L. S., Sandwich BufoH Temple, Rock Island Latham B. F., Sandwich CHILUS HORACE S., Rock I land Perry John, Sandwich Copp it Co , Rock Island Stone P., Sandwich Ci-oger John, Rock Island Wilsey H. G., Sandwich Dart Henry & Son, Rock Island Young William, Santa Anna SAN 6811 TIS Wallor E. L., Santa Anna Russell Robert G., Springfield Brown L. H., Savanna Smith Frederick, Springfield Burkhart Jacob, Savanna Smith LaFavette, Springfield Gray V. H., Savanna Smith C. M.'& S., Springfield Piece H. C., Savanna Smith & Curry, Springfield Ebert Ciis, Scottville Smith, Wickersham & Co., Springfield Arnold Samuel, Secor Spath George, Sprint field Holloway Jamea, Selby Station Williams John & Co., Springfield Mercer M. & Co., Selby Station Brooks A. & Son., Spring Hill Uu.ierhill William H., Seneca Station Fuller H., Spring Hill Marks L., Shabbona Grove Fuller Levi, Spring Hill Stevens Charles, Shabbona Grove Gribbin 0., Spring Lake Dean J. W., Shabonier McNamer , Spring Lake Akers G. W., Shawneetown Pemberton & Co., Spring Lake Beck & Kopf, Shawneetown Crawford J. B., Springville Fuller G. W. & Co., Shawneetown Hoxsev & Shirley, Staunton Marshall J. C., Shawneetown Olive R., Staunton B 11s E. D., Sheffield Snell H., Staunton Craig R. L., Sheffield Alexander Edward V. H., Staunton Fail-man E. F., Sheffield Black James, Sterling Gorham S. H., Sheffield Boy n ton Joseph H., Sterling Whi ( .ple William, Sheffield Bush Alfred, Sterling Miller R. B. & Co., Shelbyville Fitch William, Sterling Seve r us Riley, Sheldon Grove Hyde G. H. & Co., Sterling Dodge H., Sherburnville Kinnaly Michael & Co., St. rling Cowan A. D., Shirland Mooney William, Ste'-ling Morhinners Franz, Shoal Creek Moore, Dakin & Co., Sterling R^ilm m Gerhard, Shoal Creek Morse John N., Sterling Wh ffiin Isaac, Slack Water Osgood W. F.&Co., Sterling Batliler M irtin, Somonauk Randolph E. & R. F., Sterling Didion Auguste, Somonauk TENNEY & BURDSAL, Sterling Rustushousen Isaac, Somonauk TERRILL & HARPER, Sterling Schunmntz Fredrich, Somonauk Webster Jared, Sterling Smeet Moses, Somonauk Windorn & Penrose, Sterling Beach William, South Bend S tucker J. S., Stone Fort Williams Charles, South Macon Hale J., Sublette Buck Adam, South Pass Meckler J., Sublette Frick & Lamer, South Pass Wilder, W. F., Sublette Rendlcmann i Donovan, South Pass McClure J. R., Sullivan Gibb- E. W., Southport Shepherd J. B. & M. T., Sullivan Riynor J. A., Sparland Gisell A., Summeifield Sargent & Bates, Sparland Pearson James, Summit Hill AskinsW. P., Sparta Shields W. M., Sum mum McCormack H. C., Sparta Worden G. W., Swan Creek AFFUNSO & SILVA, Springfield Bryon 0. M., Sycamore Ayres S. D. & E. J., Springfield Hill N., Sycamore Bisson George, Springfield Rodgers J. H., Sycamore Blanck Jacob C., Springfield Watem John A., Sycamore B own L. R. & Co., Springfield Waterman l.yinan, Sycamore BUSN J. & J. W., Springfield Davis S., Sylvandale Bui khardt John M., Springfield Engle D. B., Table Grove Camiody John M., Springfield Engle Michael, Table Giove Coats & Milligan, Springfield Harriman Mrs. E., Tamarack Conner Edward, Springfield Beard & Lemme, Tamaroa Converse Amasa M., Springfield Corgan J. W. & Co., Tamaroa Doyle Patrick, Springfield Dodson & Lippincott, Tamaioa Fernandez Joseph, Springfield Farrell J., Tamaroa Fish, r Samuel B., Springfield Parlier & Louck, Tamaroa Fogerty James, Springfield Wood & Harris, Tamaroa Francis Calvin, Springfield Stocking Dexter, Taylor Gall g u Thomas, Springfield Hapgood William, Terre Haute Gr ham William, Springfield Hodges J. & Son, Thebea Harrower William, Springfield Holden Alexander G., Thebes Hugy Rundolph, Springfield Turnbull A., Thebea Hur t & Metheny, Springfield Fahnstock A. L., Timber Ives H B. & Son, Springfield Barnard & Patt, Tiskilwa Lavelv William & Co., Springfield Batty S. W., Tiskilwa Lloyd & Bro., Springfield Robbins C. E., Tiskilwa Midde B. & Bros., Springfield Stevens C. & Co., Tiskilwa Nutt & McMurry, Springfield Woodford & Bro., Tiskilwa TOL 682 WYO Baker J., Tolono Phelps A. W., Wataga Lyons Alonzo, Tolouo Wood W. S., W-taga Redhead William, Tolono Dikeman J. A., Watson, Culbert-on James, Toulon BRECHT ALEXANDER, Waukegan Dewey & Nolan, Toulon Griffeth Albright, Waukegan Emery E. L., Toulon McDonough Thomas, Waukegan Jones Henry, Toulon Paddock P. H., Waukegan. Shime Job, Toulon Rose William B., Waukegan Sterritt Thomas B., Toulon STAFFORD D. H. & P. T., Waukegan Willett Hiram, Toulon Stockwell S imuel A., Waukegan Wright & Lowman, Toulon Tiffany Rufus, Waukegan Holcomb A., Towanda Warrt-n Lorenzo D., Waukegan Lane/ John, Townnda Mill rJ. A., Wavne Woodward P. & Co., Tracy Howd J., Webster Vink, King & Co., Troy Lesure G. P., Weiler Dewy W. K., Troy Grove Coombs WLliam, Wenona Station Warner Joseph, Troy Grove Fowier B., Wenona Station Flynn G. W., Tuscola Mills W. R. &Co., Wenona Station Woodey & Russell, Tuscola Wise & Son, Wenona Station Baldwin W. N., Union Adrian & Co., Wesley City Wayne H. & Co., Union F.igotte Julius, Wesley City Burton G. W., Urbana Jones & Burnap, Westfield Halberetadt , Urbana Ratcliff J., Westtield Nickols & Brothers, Urb ma Young & Farrar, West Jersey Russell H. M., Urbana At water F., Wethersfield Shuey James H., Vermillion Carson H., Wetherstield Edie Herron, Vermont Couzins J. W., Wethergfield Mathewson C. M., Vermont Angle J. H. & C. W., W. Uibana Moorman James E., Versailles Carpenter Thos., W. Urbana Abbott & Robinson, Venice Clock Asa J., W. Urbana Bridges J. J., Vienna Hollister & Bro., W. Urbana Morris W. B., Vienna Lancaster L., W. Urbana Crosby & Bro., Viola Loop J. & C. B., W. Uruana Ford Dyer, Viola McFadden Sam'l, W. Urt>ana Warner D. F., Viola Reiiihard Edwin P., W. Urbana Wilcox & Turner, Virden Sykes James, W. Urbana Taylor J. N,, Walker Woodwoith Alvin 0., W. Urbana Lee W lliam, Walker's Neck Young J. 0. & Co., W. Urbana Watts & Son, Walker's Neck Curtis & Adams, Wheaton Keller Isaac, Walnut Hiatt A. H. & Bro., Wheaton Eichelburger H. S., Walnut Grove Smith H., Wheaton Howell H. W., Walnut Grove Woolsen & Roberts, Wheaton Smith Silas, Walnut Hill Vanvoy J. C., White Rock Hume George A., Wapella Brown G. W., William&ville Metz John, Wapella Carroll M., Wilmington Scherr W. T., Wapella Schupp S., Winncld Baldwin E. S., Warren Kramer N., Wind.-or BAYNK JAMES, Warren Stringer R., Windsor Clark S. H. & Coi, Warren Wallace W. H., Windsor Dobler P. H. & J. F., Warren Moore D. G., Woodfoi d Farmer Thamas H., Warren Hen wood Win., Woodhall Hicks Thomas H., Warren Booty Miles, Woodstock HILL JOSEPH, Warren Bunker & Austin, Woodstock Louis William C., Warren Donnelly John, Woodstock Parker & Rogers, Warren Donnelly Neill, Woodstock Baxter , Warrei ton Fuller & Sherwood, Woodstock Farris , Warrenton Griffith David, Wood-tock Leonard & Pollard, Warrenville Harper John M., Woodsu.ck Manning W. L., Warrenville Hoyt James L., Woodstock Boscow John H., Warsaw Lunny James, Wookstock Bosc w Thomas H., Warsaw McMahon James, Woodstock Cole & Weakley, Warsaw Sherman Oliver G., Woo-lstock Johnson & Hunt, Warsaw Sherman Thomas F., Woodstock Kuenneche C., Warsaw Brown & Templeton, Wyanet Luft John D., Warsaw Cass J. H., Wyanet Miller M., Warsaw Romberger L. D., Wyanet Walker George & Son, Warsaw \ oungson William, Wyaiit-t Homer G. W., Washington Brown J. B. & Son, Wyoming Lynd E. A., Wataga Hoist H. A., Wyoming Lyon S., Wat.ga Thomas J. B. & Co. r Wyoming XEN 683 COA Wrinht & Davis, Xenia Rood James, Galena Dolsiiii J >cob, York Ryan W. & J. M., Galena Street William S., Zanesville Bugbee Amos, Galesburg Dunn & Cheesbro, Galesburg Hammond Royal, Galesburg G-rocers, "Wholesale. Smiths & Eichelberger, Galesburg Watkins H. A. & Bro., Galesburg BLAIR, BALLINGER & CO., Alton TODD W. & I. & CO., LaSalle Debow R. & Son, Alton FRIDLEY GEORGE W., Peoria HUBBELL & HURD, Alton Griswold & Co., Peoria Phinnev & Barr, Alton Knowlton Jesse L., Peoria Wade & Davis, Alton Louck Peter 0., Peoria Humphreys Jno. F., Bloomington Proctor & Parish, Peoria Kenyon S. E. & Son, Bloomington Baker J. T., Quincy KirkVr & Woddle, Bloomington Lesend S., Quincy PARKK & HOOPES, Bloomington Pope Thomas, Quincy Candee H. H. & Co., Cairo SHELDON OLIVER M., Springfield Hurd, Walsh & Co., Cairo Smyth & Bro., Cairo Adams S Webster, agt., Chicago Gunsmiths. Aiken William A. & Co., Chicago Bail-y & Mead, Chicago Gool Robert, Abingdon Barb r Lemuel, Chicago Whitcomb S. M., Alb my BECKWITH CHARLES H., Chicago Woodbury N., Amboy CHURCH G. & C. W. & CADY, Chicago Snort A., Arcola CLARKE &DATER, Chicago Brown Jehu, Argo COOK G. C. & CO., Chicago Brown Pierce, Argo /See advt. page 454. Gipson S. M., Ash Grove Dike Br thers & Co., Chicago Goudie James, Atlas DURAND BROTHERS & POWERS, Chicago Howlett J., Augusta Ewing Briggs & Co., Chicago Robinson William A., Aurora FLANDERS, McKINDLEY & CO., Chicago Moates Samuel, Barclay GEORGE, DUDLEY & TUREMAN, Chicago Wane Wm. P., Barry Oilman M. D. & Co., Chicago Petri A., Beardstown GOULD BROS., Chicago Airs Samuel, Beaver Creek Gray, Phelps & Co., Chicago Davis John G., Belvidere Harmon C. L. & Co., , Chicago Poley T., Blackberry Station HEMPSTEAD EDWARD, Chicago Isom James, Blandinsville See advt. page 463. Gruehlin Charles, Bloomington Hinds lale & Babcock, Chicago Lichtenmeyer F., Blue Island Hoyt & Pierce, Chicago Miller John, Bridgeport La"m.-m. Aik^n & Co., Chicago Vail A. W., Browning LITTLE WILLIAM & CO., Chicago Ellis Jitrnea, Buck Lonng Charles M., Chicago Evans Joseph, Caledonia Norton M. H. & Co., Chicago Gay John, Cameron Norton Robert & Co., Chicago Down J., Canton Parsons, Pitbin & Hankey, Chicago Helm Charles, Carlinville Reynolds, Ely & Co., Chicago Brown Jeremiah, Carmi Sajrs Henry, Chicago Dudley M., Carrollton Smith, Pollard & Co., Chicago Wein G., Carroliton STEARNS, BRIGGS & FORSYTH, Chicago Rose Wi Ham, Cave in Rock Thompson Harvey M., Chicago Stover William, Centralia Wliitaker Bros., Chicago Wagner A., Chester Wicker C. G. & Co., Chicago Abbey Georgo T., Chicago Willed Charles E. & Co., Chicago Beuttenmuller George, Ciiicago Williams, Smith & Co., Chicago Butler Joseph, Chicago WII.LENBARY F. & CO., Decatur EATON CHARLES A., Chicago LYN' :H TIMOTHY, Elgin See advt. page 458. BENNETT JOHN, Galena E--cherich August W., Chicago Burrichter John A., Galena Hampton George, Chicago Campbell George W., Galena Holbreck Francis, Chicago FULLER & SMITH, Galena Huhn Frederick, Chicago GALVIXD. &J., Galena Pumler August, Chicago Gordon & Willis, Galena Z mmerman John L., Chicago Han-is R S. & Co., Galena Hill Isaac, Circleville Hellinan John H., G >lena Romine Francis, Clark Centre Kling'-l & Quan, Galena Deivit Elijah, Clay City LEKKLEY T. B. & G., Gal-na Williams L., Clear Creek Landing McCLOSKY HENRY F., Galena Spradling John, Clinton Mellville George R., Galena Schuauss George, Coatdburg COL SxC Webster John, Colchester Pierce J. H., Leland Holland Lawson, Cold Spring Moos John, Lincoln Webb J., Courtland Station Williams P. W., Lincoln Ponstord J. R., Cross Roads Legler Joseph, Lockport Davis , Danville Dewitt Elijah, Louisville Mueller Hieronimus, Decatur Red wine John, Lynnville Thompson James, Derinda Jonas F., McConnell's Grove Gorman Henry, Deoto Roberts L. D., McLean Dreou George, Detroit Moss Arnal, McLeansboro Drew Henry J., Dixon Lantis Daniel, Mackinaw Curry P. D., Dubois Hunter James, Macomb Park Robert, DuQuoin Barnes Eri, Marengo Armstrong L., Dwight Vaughn J. A., Marrow Bone Hummer Henry, Edwardsville Devol Noel, Marshall Einna Henry, Ed ward svi lie Wil-on G. W., Martinsville Pfisterer George, Elgin Heff Edward, Mattoon Fosdick John Elkhorn Grove Dodd F., Mendota Johnson Westley, Ellisville Reindodt F., Mendota Metzker J., Exeter Delph W., Metamora McClnre William, Fairfield Beeson Martin, Metropolis City Howden A., Fairmount Torrey & House, Middleport KunizP., Farmington Green Jno. H., Momence Lake Lewis, Forksville Croll Jefferson, Monterey Carr John S., Frankfort Green & Co., Monument Collmann John, Freeport Boyles D., Moore's Prairie Pelk Rudolph, Freeport Doudal J., Morris Wood John, Friendsviile S pi tier Henry, Morrison Farcar William, Galena Hammer Isaac, Mossville Gordon Harry, Galesburg Fletcher H., Mound City Hammond Joseph, Geneseo Kruge G., Mt. Carmel McKnight Robert, Girard Campbell William, Mt. Pulaski Smith Volenter, Golconda Tromly Michael, Mt. Vernon Valentine F., Graf ton Shelberg H., Naporville Backers J., Grand de Tour Hancock John, New Market Poultor William, Grand View Bell William, New Massillon Gilleston Samuel, Grayville Kennedy Alex,, New Maysville Spoon Joel, Greenup Gullett A., Northampton Wilcox Samuel, Gridley Burt Milton, Oakland Wise A. W., Griggsville Knight John, Olney Kelly 0. P., Hall Rumley C., Onarga Ferrell Clement, Harrisburg Sheckler P., Oneco Karnes L., Havana Sheckler Peter, Orangeville Walker Samuel, Henderson Shrack Pinknev, Orangeville Deizman 0., Hennepin BRUNKER HENRY P., Ottawa Kline E., Henry Dunkle George, Oxford Marrs Andrew B., Hermitage Malone T. C., Palmyra Ramy Jake, Heyworth Tucker T. B., Paris Bosa Wm., Higginsville Carr Jo^n, Parrish Kuhrt Jno., Highland Tuckle William, Paxton Schaffer Kotter M., Highland Osborn E. V., Pecatonica Wigert Dominic, High'and Bracklow T., Pekin Luther James, Hurricane Karns L., Pekin Holden S. W., Hut-onville Ford George, Peoria Cothren J., - TA| Illiopolis Secor Oliver P., Peoria Shadle J., Ingraham Prairie Nadler Joseph, Peru McCamant Samuel, Ipava Carson Silas, Pinckneyville Harlow Thomas, Jersey Landing Chase Cnrlisle, Pleasant Vale Pelton Theodore G., Jersey Landing Willis Worden, Pleasant Vale Bahjoe Bernard, Jersevville Cedt-brant John, Pontiac Tressene Charles, Joliet Mitchell N., Princeville Crcwell C., Jonesboro Shears J., Prophetstown Meisenheimer C., Jonesboro Parrott L., Red Bud Ryan S., Jones Creek Wicklim L., Red Bud Louther A., Kewanee Osborn Amos S., Rock ford Wolfe James, Kinmundy Smith Thomas S., Rockford Waterman Joseph, L;tcon Rupeit W., Rock port Bryan C. M., LaHarpe GottB F., Roland Sperry John, LaHarpe Garmon J., Rushville Knight D. K., Lane Depot McCormick John, St. Albana Small William M., Lawrenceville Welton Robert, St. Charles 43 SxJ 685 ALT Linsey John, St. John Parmele A. H., Dement Station Wilson James, St. John Thompson James & ISro., Derinda Lawrence A. S., Santa Anna Gorman Henry, DeSoto Jones Thomas, Shabboni's Grove Barrows T., Dundee Drake R. R., Shabonier Heaton M., Farmington Wiuterberger V., Shawneetown Montgomery A. K., Farming'on Snallon J., Shrlbyville Collman J., Freeport Mackerel M., Shirland Sager A., Forestall Pitt T., Southport Farwell M. & Co., Fredericksville Bishop William, Springfield Worsley Timothy, Geneva FREITAS JOHN, Springfield Hodge & Ferguson, Golconda Mattlin Samuel, Springfi Id Backers J. H., Grand de Tour Schutz J. S., Staunton Reed G. J. 1 * CAMPBELL MARK, Chicago See advt. outside cover. Traub L., rekm Bohlander George, Peoria Buffe Frederick, Peoria Hair Jewelry and Ornamental Copley Joseph, Peoria Work. Goldschmidt Conrad, Peoria Gotts Valentine, Perry CAMPBELL MARK, MANUFACTURER Guenther E., Peru OF ALL KINDS OF FASHIONABLE NEELAND BERNARD, Peru HAIR AND GOLD JEWELRY, WIGS, Bishop Robert, Petersburg HEAD DRESSES, SWITCHES AND Barber R. J., Pinckneyville BRAIDS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Payne Charles, Piano ON SHORT NOTICE. 81 S. Clark, Chicago Joiner Peter, Pontiac Engel Christian A., Chicago Reese Chas., Pontiac Gray Jared, Chicago Dustin W. A., Prince ville Zurburg August, Chicago Hodson J., Prophetstowu Smith Mrs. L. W., Rockford ABI 688 CHI Hardware and Cutlery, Retail. Fuller & Gardner, Abingdon Brown & Norton, Adams Tripp Thomas, Adams French S. A., Algonquin Sears J. J., Algonquin Martin J. S., Alma Nelson, Hayner & Lea, Alton Root & Platt, Alton Ryan Daniel, Alton TOPPING BROS., Alton Keeling H., Amboy Little J., Amboy Blick Robert, Anna Dowe & Bro., Annawan Sargent B. C., Annawan Smith, Pearson & Co., Annawan Henry J. J., Arcola Sylve'ster W. T., Arcola Balcolm W. H., Argo Friedm m & Dornell, Armington Clark J. B., Ash Grove Berhard J., Ashkum Britton D., Ashkum Myers M. & Bro., Athens Salzenstein L., Athens Ston<> N. T. & Co., Athens Christie James, Atlanta Killin James, Atlanta Brooks N. C. & Co., Auburn Spencer & McKenney, Auburn Skinner A. & A. W., Augusta DAY GEORGE W. & BRO., Aurora Goodwin J. & Co., Aurora Tanner & Rice, Aurora Titsworth L. & Son, Aurora Vaughan Joel R., Aurora Waterman Daniel B., Aurora Townsend R. W., Avon Philbrick M. H. & Co., Baileyville Campbell & McConn, Bainbridge O'Kane James, Barclay White J. & Wm., Barry Kemp Milo M , Batavia Shumway C. W., Batavia Nolte & McClun, Beardstown Wise D. W., Beaver Creek Messenger Henry, Beaverton Sheldon & Diet/, Belden Burkhardt & Dress, Belleville Espeiihein Christopher, Belleville Goedeking, Kircher & Co., Belleville Goeltz Louis, Belleville Karr Peter, Belleville Kleibacker Christian, Belleville Lorey William, Belleville Maurer Jacob B. & Co., Belleville Pierce & Cunningham, Belvidere Plane John & Co., Belvidere Waterman H. D. & Bro., Belvidere McCune James, Bernadotte Sperry S. A., [Bernadotte Vliet William, Bernadotte McCoy R., Beverly Long James M. & Co., Bible Grove Cros hwait H. W., Biggsville Meyerstein M. & J., Biggsville Tweeb R., Bliven's Mills Eakin &McEldowney, DIETRICH & BRADNER, Holder C. W. &Co., Parke & Hoopes, ROYCE, HARWOOD & CO., McConnick A. L., Damicke F., Massey H., Richter C., Robinson C. D., Schapper F., Green N. & Co., Stow J. D., Ellers B., Rust L. C., Russell J. B., Hill J. W. & J. N., Warner T. J., Arnold A. H., Chikls Chicago Stead man I., Edgewood JEWETT & BUTLER, Chicago Boyd & Terry, Edwardsville See advt. page 454. Gillespi & Robinson, Edwardsville Jordon Gustavus, Chicago Krafft F. T., 'Edwardsville Keltenback Charles & Co., Chicago McCorkle James L., Edwardsville Kennedy J. M. & W. W., Chicago Clark Charles S., Els*in Klinehans Jacob, Chicago Jones Elisha, Elgin LANDRETH HENRY W., Chicago Kimball Edson A., Elgin LARRABEE & NORTH, Chicago Lynch Timothy, Elgin Lanterjung Augustus, Chicago Lefler J. H., Elizabethtown Linden Nicholas, Chicago McFarlan B. P., Elizabethtown Loeb Mosea, Chicago Harvey & Mann, Empire LOO.V1IS JAMES W., Chicago Crawford & Fields, Enfield Mayer Otto L., Chicago Johnson A. L. & Son, Enfield Metz Christopher, Chicago Land Y. & Sons, Enfield Mill r A. R. &G. H., Chicago Orr P. A. & D. M., Enfield Nash Henry, Chicago Ellsworth E. A., Eugene Nelson Mark, Chicago Pifer M., Eureka Newberry L. & Co., Chicago Chesnutwood Jonathan, Evansville Oswald Frederick A., Chicago Hitt H. W., Exeter Peterson Julius, agt., Chicago Lyon C., Exeter Reinbold & Magnus, Chicago P,rk & Gillham, Exeter Roberts, Green & Co., Chicago Wood W. W., Exeter Rubel & Bro., Chicago Strevell, Dodd & Oliver, Fairbury Rubens Louis, Chicago Holt E. H., Fair Haven Siem Wm. Chicago Montgomery A. K., Farmington Stead en Nicholas, Chicago Farrow William, Farrow Town Surdam S. J. & Co., Chicago Eads J. A., Fieldon Travers George W,, Chicago Fitter W. W., Fieldon Voltz Frederick, Chicago Phillips Jesse, Fishhook Wettstein & Kampmann, Chicago Essary & Arms, Fitts Hill Wightraan Riley V., Chicago Lee & Flemming, Fitts Hill Woodruff Jedediah, Chicago Finley Thomas & Co., FJorena Dickerson D. H., Chili Moore & Ellis, Florena FolliottJ. C., Chillicothe Sager A., Foreston Apperson & Reayburn, Clay City Gale Clark, Forksville Jones D. C., Clinton Kimball & Burbank, Forksville Hapgood A. C., Comq Wells J. R., Forksville Cummings , Cordova Bartholomew & Fitch, Fowler Station Snively H., Cuba Bunting James, jr., Franconia Warriner Joseph T., Cuba Decker M., Franklin Grove Gassaway & Gibbs, Dallas City Farwell & Co., Fredericks vile Dubrock C. J., Dan by Churchill & Bartlett, Freeport Judd R., Dawson Edwards & Moulton, Freeport Dann E. & Co., Dearborn Emmert & Lawver, Freeport Alexander Tilghman H., Decatur Green & Stanton, Freeport MOREHOUSE, WELLS & CO., Decatur WilkinsonWm. B., Friendsville Stamper, Condell & Co. , Decatur Fuller John R., Fullersburg Taylor F. J. & Co., Decatur Welles Edwin P., Fulton City Wingate Thomas H., Decatur Dowling Nioholas, Galena Ell wood J. L., DeKalb Felt Lucius S. & Co., Galena Parmele A. H., Dement Station FERGUSON GEORGE, Galena Tucker F. L., Derinda Fiddick John & William, Galena Tyrrell Miles, Derinda Colton C. S. & Sons, Galesburg Akin G. W., DeSoto Reed, Babcock & Co., Galesburg Higbee Sanderson, Detroit Boice R. D., Geneseo Nor' on & Clemmons, Detroit Hibbard J., Geneseo ADEXANDER & HOWELL, Dixon Perry & Bros., Geneseo Crosoy Jones & Co., Dixon Kroin & Poor, Geneva Herrick & Wadsworth, Dixon May field A. S., Girard GRA 690 MAN Eastman H., Grafton Frick C. & Co., Jonesboro Gross G. V., Grafton Haill I. E., Jonesboro Hamilton T. J., Grafton Provo J. J., Jonesboro Mooney John & Co., Grafton Willard & Co., Jonesboro Slaton W. B. & Co., Grafton Church Bradford C., Kankiikee Houri W. J., Grand de Tour Dorion Theophilus, Knnkakee Hurdon N. H., Grand de Tour Hall Henry S., , Kankakee Paine H. H., Grand de Tour Goodwin James A., Keene Throop Charles, Grand de Tour Sutliff R., Keene Gary & Smith, Grand View Reber Abram, Kent Payne W. K. & Sons, Grand View Bowers & Doty, Kewanee Reed G. J. & Co., Granville Parrish & Faulkner, Kewanee Prouty & Woodward, Grayville Pierce Thos. & Son, Kewanee Davies James M., Greenup Martin & Bro., Kingston Mmes Michell J. M., Gridley Smith Miles, Knoxville Bamon 0. P., Hall Blackstone & Allen, Lacon Derron W. M., Hall Buell E. P. & Co., LaHarpe Johnson R. H., Hall Giichenour David, LaHarpe Vice E. H., Hall Hurdle & Gettings, LaHarpe Smith H. R., Harrison Pavton & Coulson, LaHarpe Hart & Mansfield, Harvard Warren J. & B., LaHarpe Jones H. C. & Co., Havana Wilkinson John, LaHarpe Walker R. H. & Co., Havana Young William, LaHarpe Markley D. , Hennepin Davis T. R., Lake Creek Potter F. S., Henry Turkington G. E. & Co., Lane Depot Bales, Osborn & Co., Hermitage Williams C. & Co., Lane Depot Gorman P., Heyworth BALTHIS CALVIN C., LaSalle Johnson N. D., Heyworth BUNG ART ANDREW, LaSalle McFarland & Co., Heyworth TREET EDWARD B., LaSalle Ellithorp J. W., Hick's Mills Weller Silas H., LaSalle Wright M. M., Higginsville Blanck Charles, Lebanon Bruckner Albert, Highland Osborn D. S., Lebanon Crounover G., Highland Reosher & Co., Lebanon Duckart R., Highland Lull & Bro., Lemont Freickart Chas., Highland Norton S. W., Lemont Herzog G. R, Highland Bechard & Co., L'Erable Hugy & Bandelier, Highland Dement George T., Lexington Kiuue Chas., Highland Knotts Gregory, Lexington Mingps Peter, Highland Pouley William, Lexington Suppiger Jno., Highland Smith & Hefner, Lexington Weinheimer H., Highland Sprague S., Libertyville Winter L., Highland Troyer & Howard, Lincoln Rountree & Seymour, Hillsboro Campbell A. 0., Lin den wood Summons & Marshall, Hillsboro BALDWIN & RUPLEY, Lockport Sturt-vant T., Hillshoro Whitcomb & King, Logan Lee, Bradbury & Co., Hopper's Mills York Eli, Logansport Button Wm. T., Houston Neff & Hungate, Louisville White & Hanis, Hurricane Carmichael, Spaiks field Smith C. M. & S., Springfield Fuller Levi, Spring Hill Crawford J. B., Springville Hoxsey & Shirley, Staunton Olive R., Staunton Snell H., Stnunton Gait Thomas A. & Bro., Sterling Kent & Smith, Sterling Richards D. & Co., Sterling Nyberg & Bro., Stone Fort Wilder W. F., Sublette Worden G. W., Swan Creek Engle William & Son, Sweetwater Cushman & Tucker, Sycamore Elwood A. & R., Sycamore Beard & Lemme, Tamaroa Corgan J. W. & Co., Tamaroa Dodson & Lippincott, Tamaioa Farrell J., Tamaroa Parlier & Louck, Tamaroa Wood & Harris, Tamaroa Hapgood William, Terre Haute Stevens C. & Co., Tiskilwa Dewey & Nolan, Toulon Shime Job, Toulon Sterritt Thomas B., Toulon Willett Hiram, Toulon Wright & Lowman, Toulon Holcomb A., Towanda Bassett & Lyons, Tuscola Reed W. H., Tuscola Baldwin W.N., Union Wayne H. & Co., Union Dean & Brown, Urbana Sutton R. A., Urbana Hughes W. & Bro., Valley Forge Dilworth E. & E., Vermont Bain John, Vienna Chapman & Co.. Vienna Jai-kson Samuel, Vienna Kuykendall A. J. & Co., Vienna Pe^rce & Scott, Vienna Crosby & Bro., Viola Ford Dyer, Viola Spence & Harbison, Walbridge Nelson S. G. & Bro., Wallingford Smith Silas, Walnut Hill BRINK A. L., Warren ROSE & WHITMORE, Warren Leonard & Pollard, Warrenville Case & Hiscock, Warsaw Holmes S. R., Warsaw Kruskoff D. & F., Warsaw Phelps A. W. & Co., Wataga Wood W. S., Wataga Blair & Robinson, Watson DODGE WM. B., Waukegan Lucas Wm. J. & Co., W*ukegan Howd J., Webster Hflms J. W. & Co., Wenona Station York & White, We^tfield McCorkel Joseph, W. Urbana Atwater F. A., Wethersfield Fret-ts & Son, Wheaton Kimball G., Wheaton Rookey Jacob, Wilkesborough Dougluss & Co., Williamsvifle Henderson & Co., Wilmington Jessup & Bros., Wilmington Booty Miles, Woodstock Bunker & Austin, Wood-tock Donnelly Neill, Woodstock Mansfield Frederick J., Woodstock Chapin & Co., Wyanet Hardware, Heavy. (See also Iron and Steel.) Brown Charles B. od Karr A., Belleville LYNCH TIMOTHY, Elgin Wilson Larkin. Benton Raymond, Fish & Co., Elgin CrosthwaitH. W., Biggsville Carlton & Payne, ElPaso Cooley C., Blackberry Station Fosket Hiram, '' Erie Sorter John, Blandinsville Perrine William I., Fairview Caley John, Bliven's Mills Caven Wm., Farmington Williams Sherburn H., Bloomington Mendall J. C., Farmington McConnick A. L., Blue Grass Witherel H. A., Farmington Lange F., Blue Island Heller M., Foreston Kinney T. J., Browning Tower Geo. J., Forksvile Garrison J., Buck Fitch M. J., Fowler Station Roser Jacob, Buck Farwell M. & Co., Fredericksville And Tson & Pierce, Buda Taylor & Ruble, Freeport Deuton S. F., Buda Crowell George W., Friendhville Stevens C. & Co., Buda Collins, Son & Co., Galena Way E. D., Buda Crooks &Sanford, Galena Ande & Allen, Bushnell EHLEN & PATTEN, Galena Martin J. P., Byron Adams & Enowles, Galesburg Wing H. J., Byron FifeJ. A., Galesburg Moore B. F., Calhoun Redfield A. C., Galesburg Wool H. & J., Canton Smith Chauncy, Geneseo Gall James C., Central City Cooper Thomas, Georgetown Gall John & Co., Central City Yapp Jacob, Georgetown Power-* M., Chatham Bual A. H., Golconda Uhler M., Chatham Roger James, Grand de Tour Ruger L. C., Chelsea Reed G. J. & Co., Granville BLACKBURN BROS., Chicago Buck James, Hadley Bush Isaac S., Chicago Mason & Wilson, Hadley Bush & Hoagland, Chicago Weir J. M. & Co., Harrisburgh Chicago Hide and Leather Co., Charles Cowles A. C., Hennepin S. Chase, Sec.,Denton Gurnee, Vanorstand I,, Heyworth President, Chicago Wright M. M., Higginsville Clongh John, Chicago Einne Chas., Highland Coloney M. & Co., Chicago Tuffli P., Highland Garri-on Thomas, Chicago Sutton Wm. T., Houston Graves Horace P., Chicago Cooper James, Howard's Point Gr.y Chas. F. & Co., Chicago Adams A. 0., Huntley Grove GREY, MARSHALL & Co., Chicago Brown H. E., Huntley Grove Hardenbergh & Williams, Chicago Williams , Huntley Grove How trd & Bowman, Chicago Preston & Brother, Hutsonville King A. Norton, Chicago Riley George H., ludianola Lewis, Newell & Co., Chicago Wiley & Newberry, Irving MITCHELL JONATHAN C., Chicago Burr George, Joliet Perry Samuel B., Chicago Davie W. & Son, Jonesboro Sharp Joseph S., Chicago Willard & Goodall, Jonesboro Teese Conrad, Chicago Blivins T. W., Kansas Tillinghast L. C. & H. C., Chicago Schafer Christian, Kappa Tuttle Chauncey, Chicago Walburn C. C., 'Kinderhook Walker Lucas B., Chicago Martin & Bro., Kingston Mines WALLIN C. C. & SONS, Chicago Higgins Thomas, Knoxville See advt. page 448. Laiigdon L., Kyte River Priddy & Co., Circleville Terry Thomas, Lacon Long & Darling, Clay City Mealey Michael, La Harpe Jolless A. G., Clear Creek Landing O'Brien Kennady, LaSalle Brooks J., Clermont Anderson C., Lei and Haxt-1 Frederick, Coatsburg Harris S., Lemont Sharp Norman, Colona Station Norton S. W., Lemont Stockwell L., Cordova Casperi Frederick, Lockport Perkins & Crossett, Courtland Station Whitcomb & King, Logan Beadles J. R., Cuba York Eli, Logan sport Hill William, Dearborn Neff & Hunsgate, Louisville Wt- ssels George F., Decatur Graham R., Lynnville Clark H. H., Dement Station Dobins W. J., McLeansboro Hanson Edwin, DeSoto Wertherhold William, Macomb Whitlow Samuel, Dillon Fyffe M. K, Magnolia TJtlav, Morse & Benjamin, Dixon Clart C. G., Marengo Hawthorne & Cowlea, Dundee Curtis J. H., Martinsville MAT 698 GEN Jennings I. & Co., Mattoon Frick & Lamar, South Pass Stephenson E. & Co., Mat toon WoodJ. F., Sparland Haas 8., Mendota Busher & Miller, Springfield Lettle R. W., Metropolis City Coe & Van Duyen, Sp'ingfield Westbrook H., Middleport Hoxey & Shinley, Staunton Goldhurgh G. S. Mier Oliver R., Staunton Knobloch & Bro., Morris Snell H., Siaunton Donlin B. &. Co., Moscow Hopkins Wm. H., Stone Fort Seitz W. AC., Mt. Carmel Wilder & Hale, Sublette Davis L , Mt. Palestine Zurick L., Sullivan Shiek Frank, Mt. Pulaski Dwyer J. B., Sycamore Palmer J. R., Mt. Vernon Quinn John, Sycamore Parker F. S., Mt. Vernon Reed Isaac C., Toulon Baird G H., New Massillon Cain H. H., Urbana Rudolph William, New Massillon Dake & Dean, Urbana Kennedy John, New Maysville Rhodes & Moore, Vermont Stowell'S. B., Northampton Morris Richard, Versailles Hunter Moses, Oakland Kapp John J., Victoria Wileox M., Oakulla Kincy D. S., Vienna Gardner J. S., Olney Brush J. F., Walnut Grove IIol lister & St. John, Olney Ricker John, Wataga Avoy J. S., Onarg* Ratcliff J., Westfield Cooper S. P., Osborn Matthews & Chapin, Wethersfield Needles J. B., jr., Osborn BARRETT & CARLEY, W. Uibana Sutherland & Son, Oswego Kiby C. H., Williamsvtlle KING JOHN M., O'tawa Stockdale H., Williamsville RICHARDSON W. C. , Ottawa Robinson A. S., Wilmington Nisung J. F. & Co., Palmyra Jennings & Co., Windsor Soloman D. N., Palmyra Holeomb 0. T., Winnebago Depot Sang W. B., Paloma Martin James, Wyoming Hannah A. A. & J., Paris Williams A. D. W., Parrish Hagar J. K., Pecatonica Hoist "Wheels, Dealers in. Pate 0., Pecatonica BEASLEY, DEWEIN & CO., Peoria Hagan'a Patent, (C. L. Harmon & Co., agts) Gurnee D. & Co., Peoria 135 S. Water, Chicago MACLEAN SAMUEL P., Peoria Haas Sebestian, Peru Hominy Manufacturers. Rosthehild M., Petersburg Johnson J. W., Piasa Waggoner Henry 0., Chicago Hoffman , Pinckneyville Money Amos, Pleasant Vale Homoeopathic Medicine Case Talbert William, Pleasant Vale Manufacturers. Barker L. C., Pontoosac Dickinson A. S., Portland PLATENIUS FREDERICK Chicago Hitchcock G. W., Portland See advl. page 443. Benjamin John, Prophetstown Bernard J. C. & Co., Quincy Homoeopathic Pharmacy. Sellner Chas. Quincy Benedict & Wright, Rantoul HALSEY & KING, Chicago Rea William G., Rock ford See advt. page 469. Wa-son & Miller, RockfV.rd Benedict & McConnell, Rock Island Buford & Clark, Rock Island Horse Collars, Manufacturers Swanson Andrew J., Rock Island and Dealers. Hall S. G., Rockton Coles W. W., Rosefield (See also Saddle and Harness Makers.) How Jacob, Round Grove Peters P., Rushville SCHMITZ FERDINAND, Bloomington Page Hubert J., St. Anne HAYDEN, KAY & CO., Chicago Ringuette Michel, St. Anne See advt. on outside back of book. Nason E. L., St. John TUR.NER & SID WAY, Chicago Fuller Francis, St. Maria See advt. page 464. Lee J. R., Sandoval Reynolds M. L. f Sandwich Horse Bake Manufacturers. Ryan & Williams, Sheffield Jones & Johnson, Shelby ville (See also Agricultural Implements.) Sturges W. H., Sherburnville Rightmire John, Shabonier Burr N. & Co., Batavia Lewis Edward W., Somonauk Danford E , Geneva BLO TER Glass Albert W., Geneva Horse Shoers. Patten Charles, Geneva Worsley Timothy, Geneva (See also Blacksmiths and Wlieelwrights.") Hurndon N. H., Grand de Tour Eddy 0. & W., Hennepin Stump & Dowell, Bloomington Holland J. 0., Hennepin Brady James, Belvidere Pulsifer E. F., Hennepin Crop ey & Acken, Dixon Bales, Osborn & Co., Hermitage Conner John, Elgin Ellithorp J. W., Hicks Mill8 Tippery & Schaffer, Freepoit Wright M. M., Higginsville Walters Francis, Freeport Sutton Wm. T., Houston Campbell Hugh, Galena King 0. & Co., Iroquois MOOXEY JAMES, Galena Sherman & Smith, Iroquois RIDDLE WILLIAM, Galena Wiley & Xewberry, Irving O'Neill Thomas, Joliet Martin & Bro., Kingston Mines Schnt-ider John B., Joliet Eagan & Hull, Kinmundy Barrigan Daniel, Peoria Fultz John, Knoxviile Partridge & Martin, Peoria Buell E. P. & Co., La Harpe Bobbins Philip, Peoria Gochenour David, La Harpe Sanbern Abraham, Peoria Hurdle & Gittings, La Harpe Snyd r David D., Peoria Peyton & Coulson, La Harpe Church & Bro., Rockford Warren J. & B., La Harpe Gummow William, Rock'ord Wilkinson John, La Harpe Hill James C., Rockford Young William, La Harpe Miles David, Rockford Fprague S., Libertyville Reeves John, Rockford Moore R. B. & Co., McConnelPs Grove Skinner James B., Rockford Page Jno. W. & Co., Metamora Binder Henry G., Waukegan Perry J. J. & J. D., Metamora Lowry & Bradley, Minersville Smith Stephen, Mt. Morris Hosiery, G-loves, &c., Dealers in. (See also Dry Goods.) Anderson D. G., Anglin & Garrison, Baltzet D., Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon Pace H. T., Alt. Vernon Brisbin S. A. Mrs., Anna Pace James M., Mt. Vernon Dow & Bro., Annawan Pace J. & Son, Mt. Vernon Sargent B. C., Annawan Straton & Co., Mt. Vernon Smith, Pearson & Co., Annawan Vanduzer, Smith & Co., Mt. Vernon Henry J. J., Arcola Watson & Taylor, Mt. Vernon Balcolm W. H., Argo Austin A. S. jr. & Co., Oakulla Wise D. W., Beaver Creek Conger L. W., Oneida Crosthwait , Biggsville Hannen & Bro., *f Oneida McConnick A. L., Blue Grass Booth & Son, Paris Burkgraf A., Blue Island Dodds & Bro., Paris Hill J. W. & J. N., Bridgeport Ki'e, Dale & Co., Paris Warner T. J., Bridgeport Alber & Luther, Pecatonica Meacham S. S., Burton Freegari/n & House, Pecatonica Angle & Allen, Bushnell Prouty W. C., Pecatonica Cole & West, Bushnell Reyes & Stitsel, Pecatonica Wills & Bro., Canton Shimmins R. & T., Pecatonica Gall J.'hn & Co., Central City Johnson J. W., Piasa Howe & Terry, Cherry Valley Fuller & Mairs, Prophctstown Butterfield Phebe, Chicago Caplinger & Johnson, Rantoul Dollencer Frank, Chicago Turner James, Ridgeley Graves Addison, Chicago Barnes & Co., Roland Rosenfeld & Rosenberg, Chicago Porter D. M., Roland Priddy & Co., Circ'.eville Young C. W Rosefield Neff & Hingate, Clay City S'ern N. & Bro., Santa Anna Dubrock C. J., Danby Marks L., Shabbona's Grove Fitch P. C., Dayville Fricks & Lamer, Sou f h Pass Dann E. & Co., Dearborn Brooks A. & Son, Spring Hill Parmele A. H., Dement Station Fuller H., Spring Hill Hunt A E., Dundee Fuller Levi, Spring Hill Harvey & Mann, Empire Trent A., Spring Lake Bartholomew & Fitch, Fowler Station Hoxey & Shinley, Staunton Farwell & Co., Fredericksville Oliver R., Staunton Helle- E., Fneport Snell H., Staunton Wilkinson Wm. R., Friendsville Hale Jesse, Sublette Porgess H., Galesburg Wilder W. F., Sublette Shepard J., Galesburg Bushnell A., Terre Haute TER 700 BUD Hapgood William, Terre Haute A. von Hotel, Avon Stevens C. & Co., Tiskilwa Calvert George, Bainbridge Clapp & Gere, Urb'na Traveler's Home, Barclay Jones & Burnap, WestfieW Steidley F., Barr's Store York & White, Westfield Barry Hotel, Barry Atwater F. A., Wethersfield Buckeye House, Barry Grooves & Constant, Williamsville Batavia House, Bitavia Henderson & Co., Wilmington Eagle Hotel, Batavia Wells W. A., Woodford Revere House, Batavia Farmers' Exchange, Beardstown Hot Air Furnaces. National House, Virginia House, Beardstown Beardstown (See also Slaves, Furnaces and Ranges.) Kelburn Mrs. C., Bedford Franklin House, Belden BEECHER WM. F., Chicago BELLEVILLE HOUSE, Belleville See advt. page 463. See advt. page 439. Boone Daniel L., Chicago Buena Vista House, Belleville THOMAS GEORGE, Chicago City Hotel, Belleville See advt. opposite House Keeping Utensils. FARMERS' HOME, Belleville Simonds Nathaniel M. & Co., Chicago FARMERS' HOUSE, Belleville Spencer James, Chicago FRANKLIN HOUSE, Be'leville MOORE THOMAS C., Peoria National Hotel, Belleville Republican House, Belleville ST. C LAIR HOUSE, Belleville Hotels. Thomas House, Bolleville AMERICAN HOUSE, (William H. City Hotel, Abingdon Truesdell,) Belvidere Union House, Abingdon See advt. page 439. Eagle Hotel, Albany Arcade, Belvidere Fuller House, Albany Belvidere Hotel, Belvidere Albion, Albion JULIEN HOUSE, Belvidere Algonquin House, Algonquin Southern Hotel, Belvidere Al hni bra, Alb am bra Franklin House, Benton ALTON HOUSE, Alton Union Hotel, Benton See advt. page 430. Berlin House, Berlin Franklin House, Alton Center House, Berlin PIASA HOUSE, Alton Fulton House, Bernadotte Waverly House, Alton Farmeis Exchange, Bethalto Excelsior Hotel, Alcona Gibson Calvin M., Bible Grove Orient House r Amboy MonicalG., Bible Grove Past House, Amboy T*Icutt House, Biggsville Egyptian Hotel, Anna Ocean House, Blackberry Station Southern House, Anna Blandinsville House, Blaudinsville Crist Abram, Annawan Hardin House, Blandinsville Slater Fountain H., Annawan Bliven's Exchange, Bliven's Mills Greer S. H., Antioch Sommerville Alexander, Bloomfield Appanoose Hotel, Appanoose Bronson House, Bloomington Arcadia Hotel, Arcadia NiccolPs House, Bloomington Arcola House, Arcola Pike House, Bloomington Baldwin S., Abingion Waverly House, Bloomington Baldwin House, Arinington C tv Hotel, Blue Grass St. Nicholas Hotel, Ashkura Boehl J., Blue Island Ashley House, Ashley Engelhardt John, Blue Island Globe' Hotel, Ashley Jackson N., Blue Island As^mption Hotel, Assumption Seifarth Wm., Blue Island Union House, Astoria Wernicke W., Blue Island Virginia House, Astoria Bourbon House, Bourbon Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta Foster B. S., Bradford Layton John, Atlanta Lamott Jackson, Bridgeport Logan Hotel, Atlanta Lauteman James, Bridgeport Hedger James, Atlas Brighton House, Brighton Winner B., Atlas Screw M., Brighton Star Hotel, Auburn Weed , Brighton AUGUSTA HOUSE, Augusta Brimfield Hotel, Brimfield AURORA HOUSE, Aurora Johnson B. H., Bristol Empire House, Aurora Me Lay Alexander, Bristol Fox River House, Aurora Kinney House, Broad well WILDER HOTEL, Aurora Browning House, Browning V< rinillion House, Avoca Ellis House, Buck Union House, Avon Union House, Buda 44 BUD 701 CLA Western House, Buda Dearborn House, Chicago Marion House, Buffalo Prairie Dempsey Hotel, Chicago Prairie Cottage, Buffalo Prairie Doty's Hotel, Chicago Bunker Hill House, Bunker Hill Downing Daniel, Chicago Monument House, Bunker Hill Duncan Hotel, Chicago Burksville House, Burksville Eagle Hotel, . Chicago Burton House, Bui-ton Farmers' Hotel, Chicago Busbnell House, Bushnell Farmers's Hotel, Chicago National Hotel, Bushnell Farmers' Hotel, Chicago Ames John, Byron Fortuna Hotel, Chicago DELTA HOUSE, Cairo Fort Wayne House, Chicago St. Charles Hotel, Cairo Foster House, Chicago Vermont House, Ca ro Gage House, Chicago Davidge House, Caledonia Garden City, Chicago Sherman House, Calhoun Gelis House, Chicago Cambridge House, Cambridge German Hotel, Chi- ago Henry County Hotel, Cambridge GIRARD HOUSE, Chicago Metropolitan Hotel, Cameron See ndvt. page 461. Clinton House, Canton Granite State House, Chicago Mississippi House, Canton Hamilton House, Chicago Perkins B. C., Carbon Houlsby Willum T., Chicago American House, Carlinville LAFAYETTE HOUSE, Chicago Queen House, Carlinville Lake Shore H -use, Chicago Buckner House, Carmi Lake Street House, Chicago Union House, Carmi Massasoit House, Chicago Carrollton House, Carrollton Mason House, Chicago Mansion House, Carrollton Matteson House, Chicago Bull's Head House, Carter ME1SURE HOTEL, Chicago Morgan House, Carter Metropolitan, Chicago Union House, Carter Michigan Southern Hotel, Chicago Carthage Hotel, Carthage Miner's Exchange, Chit-ago Patt*Tson House, Carthage Morlev House, Chicago Cedarville House, Cedarville Myer's Hotel, Chicago Fauver W., Cedarville Orient House, Chicago Union House, Cedarville Ostendorfs Wm., Chicago Central City Hotel, Central City Phelps Aaron, Chicago Centralia Hotel, Centralia Powell John, Chicago Henry House, Centralia Revere House, Chicago Tremont House, Centralia Richmond House, Chicago Cole William, Cerro Gordo Rio Grande, Chicago Conklin Daniel, Cerro Gordo Schall's House, Chicago DuPage House, Channahon Schareriberg Carl, Chicago Temperance House, Channahon Sherman House, Chicago Bunnell House, Charleston Sollitt House, Chicago Misaer House, Charleston Stanwix Hall, Chicago Chatham House, Chatham Steinbecher Edward, Chicago Mansion House, Chatham St. Lawrence, Chicago Central House, Chelsea Tear Hotel, Chic.igo Farmers' Home, Cherry Valley Tremont House, Chicago Robinson House, Cherry Va'ley Twelfth Street House, Chi ago Valley Hotel, Cherry Valley Ulich's House, Chit-ago Buckeye House, Chester Union Park House, Chi ago Chester Hotel, Chester Union R. R. House, Chicago Planters' House, Chester Urman Alfred, Chicago Adams House, Chicago Vermont House, Chicigo American House, Chicago WASHINGTON HOUSE, Chicago Atlantic House, Chicago Waverly House, Chicago Briggs House, Chicago Weinmann Martin, Chicago Burnett House, Chicago Chili Hotel, Chili Cambridge House, Chicago Sullivan W., Chili Canal House, Chicago Chillicothe House, Chillicothe Canal Port Avenue House, Chicago MoCulley House, Chilhcothe City Hotel, Chicago White Hall, Circlfville Clifton House, Chicago Mansion House, Clark C ntre Clinton House, Chicago Western Inn, Clark Centre Colby House, Chicago Deevet James, Clay City Co ston House, Chicago Main House, Cl yton Commercial House, Chicago Henderson J., Clear Creek Lauding COTTAGE GROVE HOTEL, Chicago McClure H., Clear Creek Landing DARROW SIDNEY L. t Chicago Claremont House, Claremont CLI 702 FRE Van Duzer J., Clifton Barne't A., Clinton Carter House, Clinton Coal Valley House, Coal Valley Coatsburg Hotel, Coatsburg Railroad House, Coatsburg Chester House, Colchester McDonough House, Colchester American Hotel, Collinsville Mansion House, Collinsville Tehama House, Collinsville Colona House, Colona Station Union House, Columbus Como House, Como Johnson I., Cordova Martin Medad, Cordova Crystal Lake House, Crystal Lake Council Hill House, Council Hill Eagle Hotel, Council Hill Rock Tavern, Council Hill Courtland House, Courtland Station Raymond House, Courtland Station Reynolds W., Cross Roads Seely Martin, Crotty Cruger House, Cruger Central Hotel, Cuba Union House, Cuba Danby House, Danby Mansion House, Danby McCormauk House, Danville American House, Davis Pennsylvania House, Davis Jenkins D., Dawson Rock River House, Daysville Wilson T. J., Daysville Bralev James T., Dearborn American House, Decatur Central Hotel, Decatur Harrell House, Decatur Napoleon House, Decatur Oglesby House, Decatur REVERE HOUSE, (D. Turnbolt,) Decatur See advt. page 472. Cad well Philemon, Deerfield DeKalb Exchange, DeKalb Eagle Hotel, DeKalb Delavan House, Delevan Upham's House, Delevan Dement House, Dement Station Derinda Hotel, Derinda Kimmel's Hotel, DeSoto Detroit House, Detroit Farmer's House, Detroit Neeley Henry, Detroit Tazewell House, Dillon American House, Dixon NACHUSA HOUSE, (A. W. Pitts,) Dixon See advt. page 472. Shabbona House, Dixon Washington House, Dixon Traveler's Home, Doddsville Boren R. A., Dongola Dudley Hotel, Dudley Farmer's Hotel, Dudley Carpenter House, Dundee Dundee House, Dundee St. Charles Hotel, Dunleith UNITED STATES HOTEL, (James F. Wright,) Dunleith See advt. page 473. Central House, DuQuoin House, Monk House, Thompson House, Beach M. L., Dana G. W., D wight Hotel, Brown's Hotel, Harger House, Griffith House, Henry Joseph, Woodhull B., Edwardsville Hotel, Scott's Hotel, Chicago House, City Hotel, Elgen House, Fox River House, Kimball House, WAVEHLY HOUSE, (W. C. See advt. page 47 3. Pratt F. J., Thorp Horace L., Crawford Wm., Ellisville House, Fox House, Bodine Joseph, Boston Cottage, Central Hotel, Union Hotel, Prairie House, Stolph 0. C., Enfield House, McMillin M. J., Taylor A. B., City Hotel, Eureka House, Farmer's House, Reynolds House, Zender Honse, Evansville House, Dunham E., Dice House, Higbee House, Morris House, Gash J. B., Washington House, Salina Hotel, Fairview Hotel, American Hotel, National Hotel, Paps Inn, Ritter H. P., Belt H. N., Prairie House, Railroad House, Eagle Hotel, Albion House, Washington House, Wooconda House, Hainesville House, Fountain Green Hotel, Summit House, Coleman William, Sneed James R., Franklin House, Grove House, Bellville House, Heilegenstein House, Sparta House, DuQuoin DuQuoin DuQuoin DuQuoin Durand Durand Drt Grapevine House, Highland Brush'Hill Hotel, Fnllersburg Hanover House, Highland Fulton House, Fulton City Hotel Francais, Highland Johnson House, Fulton City Napoleon Hotel, Highland Phelps House, Fulton City New Switzerland House, Highland Robinson House, Fulton City Republic House, Highland Broadway House, G ilena S mmons House, Hillsboro BRYNE 'HOUSE, Gnlena Warren House, Hopper's Mills Burton's Hall, Galena Howard's Point House, Howard's Point CITY HOTEL, Galena American Hotel, Huntley Grove COMMERCIAL HOUSE, Galena Exchange Hotel, Huntley Grove DsSOTO HOUSE, (W. Spalding,) Galena Hutson Hotel, Hutsonville See advt. page 476. Ganson, llliopolis Mississippi House, Galena Redford House, Indianola Rogers Eliza, Galena Ipava Hotel, Ipava TYLER HOUSE, Galena Floyle M. I., Iroquois Washington House, Galena Root Edward, Iroquois Bancroft House, Galesburg Irving House, Irving DEPOT HOUSE, Galeshurg Ayers' Hotel, Jacksonville GALESBURG HOUSE, Galesburg Dunlap House, Jacksonville See advt. page 476. MANSION HOUSE, Jacksonville HENSHAW HOUSE, Galesburg Jamestown House, Jamestown Kellogg House, Galesburg Sneli's Hotel, Jefferson WILLARD HOUSE, Galesburg Jefferson House, Jeffersonville Garden Plain House, Garden Plain Farmers' Home, Jersey Landing Garden Prairie House, Garden Prairie Union House, Jersey Landing Farmers' Home, Geneseo Jersey House, Jerseyville Geneseo House, Geneseo National Hotel, Jerseyville Howard House, Geneseo American Hotel, Joliet Geneva House, Geneva Central Hotel, Joliet Webster House, Geneva NATIONAL HOTEL, Joliet Walnut Tree House, Georgetown See advt. page 479. Gilman House, Gilman Pavillion House, Joliet Daggett House, Girard Pennsylvania House, Joliet Girard House, Girard Union House, Jonesboro Floyed House, Golconda Ury House, Jonesboro City Hotel, Grafton Brown J. M., Jones Creek Graf ton House, Grafton Carter C., Jones Creek LaClede Hotel, Grafton Hatfield House, Kane Clinton House, Grand de Tour City Hotel, Kankakee Prairie House, Grand View Farmers' House, Kankakee Farmers' House, Granville GROVE CITY HOUSE, Kankakee International House, Grayville Murray House, Kankakee Tremont Hotel, Greenfield McDavit J. R., Kansas Conzet C., Greenup Goodenow Henry, Keene Shipler John, Greenup Goodwin James A., Keene Shanghai House, Gridley Empire House, Kewanee Weagly P. I., Griggsville KEWANEE HOUSE, Kewanee Robinson House, Hamilton Union House, Kewanee Humphrey's Hotel, Hampshire Goodrich J., Kii kapoo Hampton House, Hampton Lang C., Kickapoo Newell House, Harrisburgh Meyer L., Kickapoo Wier House, Harrisburgh Kingston House, Kingston Mines Lighthart Henry, Harrison Mansion House, Kingston Mines Reed Wm., Harrison Kinmundy House, Kinmundy Ayer E. G., Harvard Knoxville House, Knoxville Whitmarsh Benj., Harvard Hebard House, Knoxville City Hotel, Havana Centre Hotel, Knoxville Havana House, Havana American House, Lac on Mason House, Havana Marshall House, Lacon Walker House, Havana Travelers' Home, LaFayette Union Hotel, Henderson Claycomb House, LaHarpe LAH 704 NIA LaHarpc Hotel, LaHarpe Days Hotel, Mendota Grove House, Lane Depot Heywood & Reynolds, Mendota Lane Hotel, Lane Depot Illinois Central House, Mendota AMERICAN HOUSE, LaSalle Kurney W. H., Mendota Hardy House, LaSalle National Hotel, Mendota Pennsylvania House, LaSalle Spi'ers T. B., Metamora Durkee House, Lawrenceville Day h iff Josiah, Metropolis City Maney House, Lawrence ville Brooks House, Middleport Argyle House, Lebanon Wilson House, Midilleport Lebanon House, Lebanon Union House, Milford Veranda Hotel, Lebanon DeSoto House, Milledgeville Exchange Block Hotel, Leland Sutherland A. A., Milton Station. Durkey House, Lemont Green River House, Minersville Lemont House, Lemont Mincrsville House, Minersville Temperance House, Lemont Minonk House, M'nouk Jackson & Smith, Leroy I-land House, Moline Sill B. R. M., Leroy Moline House, Moline Central Hotel, Lexington Western House, Moline Kerr's Hotel, Lexington Eastern House, Momence Desplains Hotel, Leyden Kankakeeville House, Momence Libeity House, ** Liberty Baldwin House, Monmouth Grove House, Libertyville WARREN HOUSE, Monmouth Watson William, Limerick See advt. page 481. City Hotel, Linchburg Musser M. H., Monticello Foster House, Lincoln Wengeniureth C., Monticello Lincoln House, Lincoln Maddox William, Moores Prairie Miller House, Lindenwood American House, Morris Exchange Hotel, Littleton HOPKINS HOUSE, Morria Travelers' Home, Little York Prindle House, Morris Bennett W. H., Lively Bennett House, Morrison Daab George, Lively MORRISON HOUSE, Morrison Louisville House, Louisville See advt. page 482. Lyndon Hotel, Lyndon Moscow House, Moscow Eagle Hotel, Lynnville Young America Hotel, Moscow City Hotel, McConnelPs Grove Medina House, Mossville McLean Hotel, McLean Our House, Mossville Irven House, McLeansboro Eagle House, Mound City McLeansboro House, McLeansboro Mound City Hotel, Mound City Central House, Mackinaw Auburn Hotel, Mt. Auburn Mackinaw House, Mackinaw Baumgardner John, Mt. Carmel BROWNS HOTEL, M acorn b Mansion House, Mt. Carmel See advt. page 480. Mt. Erie House, Mt. Erie RANDOLPH HOTEL, Macomb Mt. Hawley House, Mt. Hawley See advt. page 480. Blair William S., Mt. Morris Magnolia Hotel, Magnolia Palatine House, Mt. Pal .tine American House, Malta Shriver Henry, Mt. Pulaski Orient House, Malta Jefferson House, Mt. Vernon Lincoln House, Manchester Johnson House, Mt. Vernon Blessing House, Manteno Western House, Mt. Vernon Farmers Maquon Logan House, Murphyabori iugh Maquon Hotel, Maquon New York House, Naperville Union Hotel, Maicelline Preemption House, Naperville Stew rt House, Marengo Naples Hotel, Naples Tremont Hotel, Mare go Scott House, Naples Farmers Hotel, Marine Mansion House, Nauvoo Marine Hotel, Marine Bulls Head Ino, New Berlin Hundley Miss E., Marion Morgan House, New Berlin Prairie House, Maroa Union House, New Berlin Howard House, Marrietta Mercer House, New Boston Marrietta Hotel, Manietta New Boston House, New Boston Marshall House, Marshall Clark S. M., New Erin Wright House, Marshall Jones S. H., New Erin Kemper Joseph, Martinsville Smiths Hotel, New Market Mason House, Mason New Massillon Hotel, Mew Massilon Essex House, Mattoon, Ferguson House, New Mavsville Pennsylvania House, Mattock Now Mil ford House, New Milford Farmers House, Marysville Union House, New Salem Aiken James, Mendota American House, Newton Brown E., Mendota Prairie House, Newton Clinton House, Mendota Farris E. S., Ni antic NIG ROC Prairie House, Nights Prairie Chambers House, Pern Phillips William, Noble MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Peru Nora Hotel, Nora National Hotel, Peru Union Hotel, Nora WILLIAM TELL HOUSE, Peru Hamlin William R., Northampton Menard House, Petersburg Robinson Lyman, Northampton North American House, Petersburg Davis House, North Fork Bacon M. H., Phillipstown Harlem House, Noyesville Kitchell W., Piasa Oak Ridge Hotel, Noyesville LaFayette House, Pinckneyville City Hotel, Oakland Wester House, Pinckneyville Parks Charles, Onkulla Shanghai House, Pitman Russell G. W., Oakulla Union House, Pitman O'Fallon 0., O'Fallons Depot Haycraft James P., Plain View Stroker & Blant, O'Fallons Depot Piano House, Piano Ogle House, Ogle Station YatesMre., Plato Olena House, Olena Ray Hotel, Pleasant Hill Brillhart John, Oloey New Canton House, Pleasant Vale Darling & Kitchell, Olney Birdwell M., Pleasant View Tocom J. M., Olney Morse Hotel, Plum River Troop & Kenny, Onarga Keokuk House, Plymouth White Hall, Oneco Lawton House, PI) mouth Oneida House, Oneida McAllister Herbcnger, Pontiac Shaffer C. M., Orangeville Strouas J. E., Pontiac Moores Hotel, Oregon Henbatter Lewis, Pontoosac House S., Oregon Woodworth Hiram, Pontoosac American House, Osborn Pope Creek Hotel, Pope Creek Maxly House, Osborn DeSoto House, Port Byron National Hotel, Oswego Seeley House, Portland BUELL OLIVER H., Ottawa Prairie Hotel, Prairie CENTRAL HOTEL, Ottawa Union Hotel, Prairie du Rocher Everett House, Ottawa American House, Princeton Geiger House, Ottawa Dayton House, Princeton MANSION HOUSE, Ottawa Eagle House, Princeton Blair R., Oxford PRAIRIE HOUSE, Princeton Roberts N., Oxford Union House, Princeton Thomas Stinson, Paines Point Ohio House, Princeville Paloma House, Paloma Tremont House, Princeville Beckwith House, Pana Annis House, Prophetstown Mechanics Home, Pan a Barney H., Providence Morr w House, Pana American Union House, Quincy Ragsd ile W. B., Pana American Hotel, Quincy Deutches Gaust House, Paris Bohnet House, Quincy Paris Hotel, Paris Broadway Hotel, Quincy Tremont House, Paris Hess House, Quincy Carter William T., Parrish Irving House, Quincy Cone M. D., Paw Paw Grove Missouri House, Quincy City H >tel, Paxton Napoleon House, Quincy Scott House, Paxton Pennsylvania House, Quincy Wharton Mrs., Payson QUINCY HOTEL, Quincy Bull John, Pecatonica See advt. page 487. Goucher H. B., Pecatonica Tremont House, Quincy American House, Pekin VIRGINIA HOUSE, Qnincy Mansion House, Pekin Choisser House, Raleigh Taz well House, Pekin Seaver House, Rantoul BANNER HOUSE, Peoria Red Bud House, Red Bud Buckt ve House, Peoria Smith's Hotel, R d Bud Centr "l Hotel, Peoria Union House, Red Bud Farmers' House, Peoria Sangamon House, Reed Frankliu House, Peoria Ridge Farm Hotel, Ridge Farm FULTON HOUSE, Peoria Centre House, Ridott's LaFavette House, Peoria Butler House, Ripley LIBERTY HOUSE, Peoria Ripley House, Ripley PEORIA HOUSE, Peoria Barker Thomas, Robinson Sue advt. page 485. Buckingham J. L., Robinson Rail Road Exchange, Peoria Rochester House, Rochester Tremont House, Peoria Rochester Inn, Rochester Virginia House, Peoria American Hotel, Rockford Washington Housa, Peoria Eagle Hotel, Rockford Western House, Peoiia HOLLAND HOUSE, Rockford Perry Hotel, Perry See advt. page 490. ROC 706 VER American House, Rock Grove Railroad House, South Macon ISLAND CITY HOTEL, Rock Island Keystone House, South Pass See ndvt. page 489. Phil ipps House, South Pass JOHNSON'S AMERICAN, Rock Island Watmire H. G., Southport See advt page 489. Tremont House, Spa land Mansion House, Rock Island American House, Sparta Merchants' Hotel, Rock Island Mansion House, Sparta Pennsylvania House, Rock Island Shannon House, Sparta Rock Island House, Rock Island New Lenox House, Spencer Union House, Rock Island Temperance House, Spencer Rockpnrt Hotel, Rockport AMERICAN HOUSE, Springfield Rock City Hotel, Rock Run See advt. page 491. Mansion House, Rockton Chenery House, Springfield Eagle Hotel, Roland Manning House, Springfield Rome Hotel, Rome Maxcy House, Springfield Am ricnn Hotel, Ropcoe Owen House, Springfield Rosefield House, Roeefield Hickory Hotel, Spring Grove Boyad E.. Roieville Allen House, Staunton Simensen James H., Round Grove Staunton Hotel, Staunton Doxers Cornell, Rural Central House, Sterling Campbell House, Rushville Wallace House, Sterling Mansion House, Rushville Hale's Hotel, SubMte Wabash Valley House, Russellville Eagle House, Sullivan Beyer C. F., Sadorus Pad field J. R., Summerfield Farmers' Hotel, St. Albans Peeples H. C., Sumnierfield Barsalone Leger, St. Anne Sweetwater House, Sweetwater Betournay Camile, St. Anne Doak Horace, Sycamore Mansion House, St. Charles Payne Harmon, Sycamore St. Charles Hotel, St. Charles Capitol House, Tamaroa St. Johns' Hotel, St. John Prairie House, Tamaroa Kelly Joseph T., St. Joseph Tamaroa House, Tamaroa Marie Hotel, St. Marie Liberty Hotel, Tennessee Prairie House, St. Marie Parker House, Tennessee American House, Salem Magil Abram, Terre Haute Anderson House, Salem Senung Edmond, Terre Haute Marion House, Salem Thebes House, Thebes Salem Hotel, Salem Union House, Thebes Salisbury House, Salisbury Dolls Hotel, Timber Thompson Robert, Salt Creek Lancaster House, Timber American Hotel, Sandoval Western Hotel, Time Delavan Hotel, Sandoval Perkins House, Tiskilwa Marion Hotel, Sandoval Tiskilwa House, Tiskilwa Coburn George, Sandwich Leonard House, Tolono Emmons House, Sandwich Marion House, Tolono Sandwich House, Sandwich Hall's Hotel, Toulon AuxSable House, Sandy Ridge Toulon Hotel, Toulon Exchange Hotel, Santa Anna Virginia Hotel, Toulon McDonald House, Santa Anna New Lenox Hotel, Tracy Jenks House, Savanna American House, Tremont Secor House, Secor Henderson William R., Troy Milna House, Shabbona's Grove Miners William, Troy Shabbona House, Shabbona's Grove Robinson William T., Troy Coop House, Shawnee town Green Mountain House, Troy Fletcher House, Shawnee town Tuscola House, Tuscola Rawlings House, Shawneetown Union House, Union Shawnee House, Shawneetown Champaign House, Urbana Barnet House, Shaw's Point Gere House, Urbana Sheffield House, Sheffield Union House, Urbana Gregory House, Shelbyville Urbana House, Urbana Hall Hou-e, Shelbvville Utah House, Utah Messer House, Shelbyville American House, Valley Forge Sherburnville House, Sherburnville British Hotel, Valley Forge Clinton Hot<>l, Shoal Creek American House, Vandalia Shabbonier House, Shabbonier Maddox House, Vandalia Tarrey E., Silver Creek Venice Hotel, Venice Dimig Henry, Smithton Mound Hotel, Vermillion Keim H., Smithton Vermillion House, Vermil'ion Miller A., Smithton Wood John W., VermilHonville Somonauk House, Somonauk Kirkbride David, Vermont South Bend Hotel, South Bend Shoffer S. W. G., Vermont VER 707 MET Townfend House, Versailles BO WEN BROTHERS, Chicago American House, Victoria See euhit. pnge 451. Vienna House, Vienna Hollister & Wilkins, Chicago Morgan E. J., Viola Silloway House, Virden House Keeping Utensils. Virden House, Virden (See also Hardware, etc.) Pulaski House, Walbirdge Union House, Walker Crandall Cleveland M., Alton Wallingford House, Wallingford Blick Robert, Anna Excelsior Hotel, Walnut Grove Davie Winstead, Anna Walnut Grove House, Walnut Grove Smith, Pearson & Co., Annawan Wapella House, Wapella Gall John & Co., Central City BURNETT HOUSE, Warren Garfield Albert G., Chicago Opl'iin House, Warrenton GEORGE THOMAS, Chicago Warrenton House, Warrenton See advt. opposite. Waukegan House, Warrenton Mitch 11 John, Chicago Ft. Edward House, Warsaw Mitchell & Miller, Chicago Warsaw Hotel, Warsaw MURPHEY ROBERT E., Chicago Brock John, Washington Rob rt.->, Green & Co., Chicago Brown W. V., Washington Surdam S J. & Co., Chicago Robertson James, Washington VAN SCHAACK HENRY C. , JR., Chicago Thompson William, Washington Glass Albert W., Geneva Wataga House, Wataga Patten Charles, Geneva Central House, Watson Wo> sley Timothy, Geneva Metropolitan Hotel, Watson Reed G. J. & Co., Granville A very Samuel J., Waukegan Kries L., Grayville DULANTY MICHAEL, Waukegan Bosendall W. & G., Hennepin Marsh Daniel, Waukegan McFarl,.nd & Co., Hey worth Union House, Waynesville Sutton Wm. T., Houston Webster House, Webster Provo J. J., Jonehboro Edgerton House, Weller Willard & Co., Jonesboro Oilman House, Wenona Station Lull L. M. & Bro., Lemont Wenona House, Wenona Staiion Davis & Campbell, Nepoi set California Exchange, Wentworth Wilcox M., Oakulla O'Pline House, Wentworth Woodruff C. H. & E. L., Pecatonica Agnue Dr., Westfield Hotel, Western Saratoga West field Day, Humphrey & Co., Gray William A., Peoria Peoria West Jersey House, West Jersey Hotchkiss & Hansel, Peoria Doane House, W. Urbana PROEBSTING CHARLES & CO., Peoria National Hotel, Neil House, W. Urbana W. Urbana Tuller & Mairs, Carter & Tracy, Prophetstown Rochester Blish House, WethersnVld Lasater S. A., Sandoval Wh^aton Hotel, Wheaton Funk H., Santa Anna Douglas House, Whitehall Hull James G., Springfield Whitehall House, Entertainment, Whitehall White Rock Van Ness John Q., Swart Bery, Springfield Vermont Wilkesboro' Inn, Wilkesborough Travis W. W., Vermont Renn Hotel, Williamsville Wood Kinsey, Veimont Western Hotel, Williamsville Henderson & Co., Wilmington Exchange Hotel, Wilmington Stewart House, Wilmington Warner House, Windsor House, Wilmington Windsor House Movers and Raisers. Wright Lorenzo, Wondburn Hotel, Winfield Woodburn Bosley Edward F., Brown & Hollingsworth, Chicago Chicago Exchange Hotel, Woodstot'k LANE JOHN C., Chicago Waverly House, Woodstock House, Woodstock Woodstock See advt. in back of book. Mclntire John S., Chicago Boswcll Jonathan, Wool May Michael, Chic go Wya' Old Dominion Coffee and Tea Pots. AGENT FOR ISTo. 225 Lake Street, Corner of Franklin, Plumbing, Copper, Sheet Iron, Tin Work & Japanning Done to Order. _ _ .FO/l TJELE SALE OF Flour, Grain, Live Stocvk, Butter & Cheese, Pork &. Lard, Hides Office, 201 Kinzie Street, COMMERCJAl RESTAURANT, -AND SO SOTJTH 3DEA.nBOR.3ST SXR3333T, NEAR THE POST OFFICE. The above popular Dining Saloon is kept in a fi.rst class style open until 12 o'clock at night The Larder is supplied with every delicacy of the season. Than at any other establishment in the city. UNDERBILL & PEW, PROPKIETOKS. CHI 709 PAX Brubaker C., Freeport Ice Cream Freezers. Ketchum H. B., Freeport (See oho House Keeping Goods.) Brown Benjamin W., Barrowg Daniel A., Fulton City Galena GEORGE THOMAS, Chicago FOSTER CEPHAS, MERRILL HIRAM T M Galena Galena See advt. page 708. VAN SHAACK HENRY C. JR., Chicago Ferris Wm., Baumister A., Galesburg Geneseo Mory E., Geneseo Lowth William, Golconda Ice Dealers. Stafford Thomas, Graf ton Andrus & Bosworth, Grand de Tour Gilespie W. H. & Co., Abingdon Burdick L., Grayville Pease Giles, Albany Driggers Wasan, Grayville Sears J. J., Algonquin Vogel M. M., Grayville Edwards J., Am boy Woolley & Gushing, Greenfield McKeeby E., Anna Allen R., Griggsville Doolittle A. & C., Appanoose Dickinson E., Griggsville Gibbs C. S., Arcola Baumbach Geo., Hampton Howser & Son, Atlanta Heagy & Vinyard, Hampton Long K., Atlas Myberg & Bro., Harrisbu-gh Ireland S., Augusta Spencer Samuel, Hennepin Grider Adolphus, Bainbridge Stephens Horace, Henry Hundly & Lewis, Bainbridge Morris David, Kingston Mines Grub A., Barry Krotter John, Knoxville Ware Isaac, Barry Woodard M. J., Kyte River Plahn & Norbury, Beardstown Bole R , Licon Quigg John, Beardstown Welkier F. P., Lacon Kempff F., Belleville Myer George, La Harpe El stun Ralph, Ben'on Elder Andrew J., Lane Depot Moon Lyman, Bernadotte Hoffman Julius, Lebanon Hopper N. P., Blandinsville Dailev C. M., Linchburg Cady C., Brimfield Boy J. P., Lincoln Ames John, Byron Edgar G. W., Lincoln Gall John & Co., Central City Porters, Ketchum & Co., Mackinaw Curtis Jonathan, Channahon Ong J., Magnolia Hermon D. C. & Co., Chatham Green T. F., Maiden Black A., Chester Wilcox Asa, Marengo Horn n Dusen I. W., Macomb Janney P. M., Henry Wells David P., Macomb Perley P. S., Henry Wiuslow M. T., Macomb McFarland James C., Heyworth Morrille L. C., Magnolia SuppingT Joseph, Highland Madden Henry, Malta Sutton Wra. T., Houston Maple A. M., Maquon McGehon William H., Howard Potter A. H., Muquon Cox J. H., Hudson EllbringH. R., Marine Gumer Samuel, Hudson Muudaley R., Marine Adams -, Huntley Grove Cunningham I. N., Marion Williain8 , Huntley Grove Grant A. J., Marion White R., Hurricane Lewis Isaac M., Marion NewberryJ. W., Irving Archer B., Marshall Wiley W. W., Irving Patton J. R., Marshall Dickerman E. D., Jacksonville Willard N., Marshall Lathrop J. W., Jacksonville Henry Aaron W., Mason Stacy M., Jacksonville Murry William M., Mason Goodrich H. 0., Jerseyville Grail C. C., Mattoon HillR. S., Jerseyville Forline & Bro., Mattoon Moreau A. B., Jerseyville Knickerbocker P. J., Mattoon Bii-sell & Heath, Joliet Smith J. C., Mattoon Bowen & Grover, Joliet True J. W., Mattoon Hatton Thomas, jr., Joliet AUGUSTINE JACOB, Mendota LANCE PETER, Joliet Bly D. G., Mendota Wood William C., Joliet Dana S. E., Mendota Crawford M. C., Jonesboro Kelsey L., Mendota Smith J. H., Jonesboro K,.ch C., Mendota Ashley Rodney, Eankakee Moo e S. M., Mendota Dale John, Eankakee Kepp E., Metamora Dale & Durham, Eankakee Brown Wm. R., Metropolis City Bishop L. E., Eewanee MeBane L. M. A., Metropolis City Hopkins J., Eewanee Bryant H. C., Middleport Loorais Oren H., Eewanee Lowerey William, Milledgeville Montgomery Joseph V., Eewanee Buiuan C. W., Minonk Sloau H. L., Eewanee GOULD DAN. W., .ETNA OP HART- Thornton A., Eewanee FORD, AND MANHATTAN OF N. Y., Moline Hall Louis, Einderhook Graham Robert H., Moline Martin & Bro., Eingston Mines MARSHALL DfiWITT C., Moline Cooley Z., Knoxville MARSHALL & DRURY, Moline Wheeler G. W., Enoxville See advt. page 481. Witton William H., Enoxville Hamilton J. B., Momence DanaC. C., Eyte River Lokie John, Momence Hoadley A. S., Eyte River B .bcock D., Monmouth Dickinson C. M., LaClare Boggess H. H., Monmouth Hill E. G., La Fayette Fu.ler G. A. & Co., Monmouth Nance H., La Fayette Boyer A. G., Monticello Nichols J. H., La Fayette Gould C. H., Morria King S. W., LaHarpe Hulbord & Co., Morris Hincbley & Whitman, Lane Depot McBiide N. & Co., Morris BALDWIN HENRY A., LaSalle Bennett John E., Morrison MASON E. B., LaSalle Goodwin Marvin C., Monison Clark W. C., Lawrenceville Jackson Albert J., Morrison Gold D. L., Lawrenceville Pidgeon George S., Mound City Ashley H. K., Lebanon Goodrich M. P., Mt. Auburn Berger Dr. A., Lebanon Habeston M. J., Mt. Carmel Hyfeld Joseph, Lebanon Rulel E. S., Mt. Carmel Power J. P., Lebanon Tuaier G. C., Mt. Carmel Craig James, Leland Gait El jah, Mt. Morria Hall George, Lemon t Ryon H. N., Mt. Morris Potter A. H., Liberty Wrbb J. M., Mt. Morria Buter Horace, Libertyville Beach J. M., Mt. Palatine Barnum Stephen, Lincoln Underbill Jas., Mt. Palatine Bra^ierd & Dustin, Lincoln Capps Charles, Mt. Pulaski Cummings J. E., Lincoln Casey T. S., Mt. Vernon Moore George, Lisbon Po lock James M., Mt. Vernon Wilson J. K., Lockport Kennedy George, Murphysburgh Bishop William W., Louisville Luling C., Naperville Beath J. L., McLean Ridd er J. J., Naperville Clond A. G., McLeansboro Scott T., Naperville McLevaine & Vise, McLeansboro Vullette H. G., Naperville NAP 714 SHE Wright J. G., Keener C. F., Mitchell J. G., Parker W., Merrill J. W., Harothem A. S., Alyea I., Southard H. B., Bacon P S., Leland W. H., Harpending Andrew, Gruther William E., Barstow H. E., Tannar Russell, Barker Albert, Ebereino C. F., Griffin L., Gunn J. H., Ha- ward H., Kitchell A., Moore C. W., Conger L. W., Walworth N. H.. Etnyre Daniel, Light Miles B., Robinson H. C., Maxly H. B., Needles I. B., Wilgus G., Durund J. A., BRISTOL NORRIS B., Cushman, True & Co., Naperville Naples Naples Naples Neponset New Berlin New Boston New Boston New Erin Nora North Plato Noyesville Oakulla Ogle Ogle Station Olney Olney Olney Olney Olney Onarga Oneida Oneida Oregon Oregon Osborn Osborn Osborn Oswego Ottawa Ottawa EASTON WILLIAM S., FOR HARTFORD FIRE, METROPOLITAN FIRE, CITY FIRE OF HARTFORD, LORILLARD FIRE, CONWAY FIRE, HAMPDEN FIRE, AND CITY OF PEORIA, Ottawa Fay James W., Ottiwa Sanger Lucian P., Ottawa Brigham H. D., Pana Bui lens E. B., Pana O'Conner James H., Pana Blair F. M., Paris Burr D. G., Paris Collins W. H., Paris Patton J. H., Paris Steele Jas., Paris Williams J. A., Park's Corners Britt L., Paxton Butts L., Paxton Morse Danial S., Paxton Alber E. P., Pecatonica Bates H. M., Pecatonica Jacobs B. C., Pecatonica Stitsel D. A., Pecntonica Welch W., Pecatonica Woodruff C. H. & E. L., Pecatonica Alexander H. K., Pekin Cook J. S., Pekin Haines James, Pekin Tackaberry M., Pekio BILLS ROSWELL, Peoria DON LEVY OWEN, Peoria Lee James A., Pt-oria Wilniot George, Peoria Rex George P., Perry Whitaker A. S., Perry Brown H. H., Peru Cowgill Wm. B., Petersburg Wright A. D., Petersburg McKee W. H., Pinckneyville Brown Saml., Plain View Eldredge D. H., Piano Henning H. B., Piano King William M., Plymouth Tibbets S., Plymouth Brown & Co., Pontiac Collins M. E., Pontiac Hallcraft L. D., Pontoosac Brown & Devore, Port Byron Ellis N. B., PortBjron Lyford W. H., Port Byron Carey Rufus, Princeton Phelps T. J., Princeton PORTER JAMES M., Princeton BmieyAsa, Providence Houghton C. C., Quincy Keller P. C., Quincy OSBORNE JOHN 0., Quincy See advt. page 487. Quincy Savings Insurance Company, Quincy Porter C. L., Rantoul Allen J. W., Red Bud Smith A., Ridge Farm CAMMANN FRANCIS D., AGENT FOR HARTFORD AND MER- CHANTS' OF HARTFORD, CONN.. CITY FIRE OF NEW HAVEN, INTERNATIONAL LIFE, AND LONDON, FUL- TON AND LAFAYETTE OF NEW YORK, Rockford DICKERMAN WORCESTER A., Bockford DICKERMAN W. A. & CO., Rockford GIBSON ALLEN, Rockford Huthaway George W., Rockford PENFIELD D. S. & J. G., Rockford Perry Seely, Rockford SHELDON C. W., Rockford See advt. page 488. Thompson Edward, Rockford Adams John, Rock Island FIELD HERMAN, Rock Island Fish & Lee, Rock Island Osborn M. B. & Co, Rock Island Chapman H. N., Rockton Weld W. R., Rockton Schermerhorn W. A., Rosamond More J. C., Rosefield BAKER JOHN R., St. Charles See advt. pige 492. Barry Alonzo H., Rounseville William, Sill Alexander V., Waite John M., Schiflfeistein J., W.llard William W., Edwards W., Now land L., Ca.-tle & Shepard, Hollenback G. B., Parti idge & Carpenter, Patten A. R., Siinson S. B., Gray V. H., Eilts John H., Marshall J. C., Rearden James S., Patterson J. H., Ruthwen Alexander, St. Charles St. Charles St. Charles St. Charles St. Marie Salem Sandoval Sandoval Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Savanna Secor Shawneetown Shawneetown Sheffield Sheffield SHE 715 FRE Ha\den & Wright, Shelbyville Cantrall William, Waynesville Rounds J. A., Shelbyville Howd J., Webster Hamilton J. B., Sherburnville Atwater F. A. Wethersfield Smi'h J. B., Simoda Miner C. B., Wethersfield Hall Elbert, Somonauk Bacon J , West Urbana Patten Orange, Somonauk Eads L. T., West Urbana Russell Martin, Somonauk Pratt & Bro., West Urbana Rubv J. S., South Macon SHERFY CHALMERS M., West Urbana Gibhs E. W., Southport See advt. page 494. Bonham & Swift, Sparland D'niels S. F., ' Wheaton McHi-nry & Watson, Sparta Mills L. W., Wheaton Wilson J. A., Spnrta SutcliffJ., Wheaton BARRETT & KEILY, Springfield Israel John N., Whitehall Gross Eugene L., Springfield Worcester L. E., Whitehall HILL JAMES L. & Co., Springfield Sutton G. W., Williamsville PATCH & LATHAM. Springfield Cobb D. N., Wilmington Whipp & Van Ness, Springfield Daniels J. H., Wilmington Moshei- S., jr., Spring L*ke Small D., Wilmington Coblf-ntz Benjamin C., Sterling White C. B., Wilmington Hawthorn L. King, Sterling Bailey William, Woodburn MUNSON HARMOM A., Sterling Austin George A., Woodstock SMITH CHARLES, Sterling Duifee James H., Woodstock Haydon B. B., Sullivan Goff Parker D. H., Woodstock Lee A. B., Sul ivan Baldwin P. A., Wyanet Alden Samuel, Sycamore Barry A. C., Wyanet Kellum Charles, Sycamore Crittenden F., Wyanet Wells H. K. W., Trtmaroa Hoist H. A., Wyoming Lightner L. L , Thebes Filson R. D. S., Xenia Massey W. C., Thebes CottL-1 Geo., Tiskilwa Insurance Companies, Mitchell S. H., Tiskilwa Perkins & Allen, Tiskilwa (See also Appendix.) Burr G. W., Tolono Culbeitson 0. E. D., Tolono Alton Mutual Insurance and Savings Co., Blair P. M., Toulon Alton Greenfield E., Toulon ILLINOIS MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO., Alton Sterritt Thomas B., Toulon See advt. page 429. Pettes & Ingalls, Tremont ^ETNA FIRE, OF NEW YORK, (S. Talbot Seth, jr., Tremont C. Higginson, Agt.,) Chicago White H. S., Tremont Chicago Firemens Ins. Co., Chicago Keown L. C., Troy CITY FIRE, OF HARTFORD, Sam- Basset S. G., Tuscola uel H. Price, Agt.,) Chicago Reed W. H., Tuscola COMMERCIAL FIRE, OF NEW Baldwin W. N., Union YORK, (G. M. Higginson, Agt.,) Chicago Cunningham A. P., Urbana GUARDIAN LIFE, OF NEW YORK, Sheldon J. C., Urbana (G. M. Higginson, Agt.,) Chicago Yeargin N. R., Vermillion HARTFORD FIRE, (G. M. Higginson, Dilworth James, Vermont Agt.,) Chicago Ravenscroft A. D., Versailles LIVERPOOL AND LONDON LIFE Cook Giles, Victoria AND FIRE,(J. H. Kinzie, Agt.,) Chicago Chapman F. J., Vienna CITY OF PEORIA, J. H. PHILLIPS, Crosby Delos, Viola AGT., Chicago Rae Tuonias A., Virden Phoenix Ins. Co., Chicago Fargu-ison C. P., Wallingford QUAKER CITY INS. CO., (Curtis L. Main D. S., Walnut Grove North, Agt.,) Chicago Walsh M., Walshville See advt. page 450. Beebe N. D., Warren REPUBLIC FIRE AND MARINE, Blanchard H. E., Warren OF NEW YORK, (S. C. Higgin- Champion Thomas E., Warren son, Agt.,) Chicago Platt John D., Warren Travelers Life Insurance Association, Chicago Zenkle M. M., Warren Western Marine and Fire Ins. Co., Chicago Brown F. V., Washington Western World Ins. and Trust Co., Chicago HarlinJ. W., Washington AMERICAN INS. CO., Freeport Ross A., Washington See advt. page 474. Hunt L. B., Watagi CHARTER OAK LIFE, of Hartford, Wood H. B., Watiiga Conn., (Loyal L. Munn, Agt.,) Freeport Blair A. M., Watson FARMERS INS. CO., Freeport Kee'lv W. D., Watson See advt. page 474. LINCOLN OLIVER S., Waukegan PEORIA FIRE AND MARINE,(Loyal Steele Charles R., Waukegan L. Munn, Agt.,) Freeport FRE 716 KIN" STATE FIRE INS. CO., of New Ha- ven, Conn., (Loyal L. Munn, Agt.,) Freeport STEPHENSON INS. CO., Freeport See advt. p"ge 475. Merchants and Farmers Home Ins. Co., Galesburg CITY INSURANCE CO., OF PEO- RIA., Peoria PEORIA MARINE AND FIRE INS. CO., Peoria See advt. page 485. jETNA LIFE INS. CO., of Hartford Conn., (W. A. Dickerman,Agt. ) Rockford ^ETNA INS. CO., of Hartford, Conn., (W. A. Dickermin & Co.,) Rockford CONWAY FIRE, of Conway, Mass., (D. S. & J. G. Penfield, Agts.,) Rockford HAMPDEN FIRE, of Springfield, Mass.,(D. S. & J. G.Penfield.Agts.,) Rockford LORILLARD FIRE, of New York, (D. S. & J. G. Penfield, Agts.,) Rockford MONTAUK FIRE INS. CO., of New York,(D. S. & J. G.Penfield,Agts.,) Rockford NEW ENGLAND FIRE AND MA- RINE, of Hartford, Conn., (Allen Gibson, Agt.,) Rockford NORTH AMERICAN, of Hartford, Oonn.,(W. A. Dickerman,Agt.,) Rockford PHOENIX FIRE, OF N. Y.,(D. S. & J. G. Penfield, Agts.,) Rockford PHCENIX INS. CO., of Hartford, Conn., (W. A. Dickerman, Agt.,) Rockford ROCK RIVER INS. CO., Rockford See advt. on outside front cover. Springfield Marine and Fire, Springfield CITY FIRE INS. CO., of HartforJ, Conn., (Charles Smith, Agt.,) Sterling HOME INS. CO., of New York, (H. A. Munson, Agt.,) Sterling METROPOLITAN FIRE INS. CO., of New York, (Charles Smith, Agt.,) Sterling WESTERN UNION INS. CO., Ste.liiig See advt. page 494. Intelligence Offices. Bates Mary J., Marx Sarah, PRATT SARAH, Chicago Chicago Chicago Iron and Steel, Dealers in. (See also Heavy Hardware.) Nelson, Hayner & Lea, Topping Bros., Keeling H., Little J., Blick R., Henry J. J., Sylvester W. T., Skiuner & Co., Tanner & Rice, 45 Alton Alton Amboy Amboy Anne Arcola Arcola Augusta Aurora Pearce William E., Goedeking, Kircher & Co., Maurer Jacob B. & Co., Plane John & Co , Waterman H. D. & Bro., Berry & Caldwell, DIETRICH & BRADNER, Bradley E. M. & Co., Anderson & Pierce, Stevens C. & Co., Meacham Samuel S., Angle & Allen, Kinne wn Belleville Belleville Belvidere BelvMere Biggsville Bloomington Browning Buda Buda Burton Bushnell Bushnell Cairo Calhoun Canton Channahon Cherry Valley Chester BROWN CHARLES B. & CO., Chicago Hale & Ayer, Chicago HALL E. G., KIMBARK & CO., Chicago Jesup M. K. & Co., Chicago JEWfiTT & BUTLER, Chicago See advt. page 454. Jones & Lauth, Chicago LAKE, BROWN & CO., Chicago RYEKSON J. T., Chicago WALWORTH, HUBBARD & CO., Chicago See advt. page 452. Freete & Son, Dinby MOREHOUSE, WELLS & CO., Decatur Sutler & Mostollar, DeSoto Barrows T., Dundee Sherman W., Dundee Newell C. S. & H T., D wight Ellsworth E. A., Eugene Montgomery A. K., Farmington Sager A., ' Foreston Willmore John F., Frankfort Churchill & Bartlett, Freeport Edwards & Moulton, Freeport Eiuruert & Lawver, Freeport Green & Stanton, Freeport Reed & Co., Galesburg Krom & Poor, Geneva Andrus & Bosworth, Grand de Tour Prouty & Woodward, Grayville Lloyd" J. & J. K., Hamilton Black F., Hampton Wright M. W., Hampton Walker & Hancock, Havana Markly D., Hennepin Pulsifer E F., Hennepin Potter F. S., Henry Vanordstrand I. & Co., Heyworth Hugy & Bandolier, Highland Preston & Brothers, Hutsonville Pixley 0., Ingraham Branch N. I. Co., Jefferson ville Hopson S. T., Jerseyville Barrett Wm. F., Joliet Naill J. E., Jonesboro Provo J. J., Jonesboro Willard & Co., Jonesboro Goodwin James A., Keene Lee James, Keene Bowers & Doty, Kewanee Pierce Thos. & Son, Kewanee Martin & Bro., Kingston KNO '11 ROC Smith Miles, Knoxville Chapin&Co., Wyanet Willianw L. & Co., Kyte River Blackstone & Allen, Lacon Turkington G. E. & Co., Lane Depot Iron Founders. Williams C. & Co., Lane Depot Sager C. H., Lebanon (See oho Machinists.') Lull L. M. & Bro., Lemont Norton S. W., Lemont Hanson N. & Co., Alton BALDWIN & RUPLEY, Lockport JOHNSON & EMERSON, Alton Whitcomb & King, Logan See advt page 431. Martin Joseph, Louisville Stigleman & Co., Alton Beard Thomas J., Maconab Batavia Foundry, Batavia Cottrell & Bro., Macomb Webb John & Co., Beardstown Cramblet & Howel, Marrietta MIDDLECOFF F. M. & CO., Bellville Boyer & Piper, Monticello See advt. page 435. Attwater I. P., Morris Saville J., Canton Burwell & Madison, Morris Bain & Bros., Charleston Eobinson Samuel W., Morrison Bouton Nathaniel S., Chicago Donlia B., Co., Moscow Brown Henry W., Chicago Gipson S., Mt. Vernon Coff S. R. & Co., Chicago Herdsume & Wattes, Mt. Vernon COLLINS & BURGIE, Chicago Fridley Andrew, Naperville See advt. page 468. Buswell & Blake, Neponset GATES, WARNER, CHALMERS Lyford & Whaplei, Neponset & CO., Chicago Gullett A., North am pton Granger Iron Works, (Elihu Granger,) Chicago Hinman Munson, Noithampton Hezmalhalch Thomas, Chicago Wriget & Bro., Oneida Kline Humphrey & Co., Chicago Mix Win. J., Oregon Letz & Johnston, Chicago Jackson & Lockwood, Ottawa Mason Carlile, Chicago Manley & Dow, Ottawa REISSIG C. & CO., Chicago Holloway & Glasaer, Pana Savage & Bro., Chicago Lodge & Son, Paris Thompson & Buchman, Chicago Sandfor & Alexander, Paris Warrington Henry, Chicago Woodruff C. H. & E. L., Pecatonica Robinson R. P., Lixon Honey S., Pekin Marshall G., Dundee Smith T. H. & Co., Pekin Cogswell & Co., Earlvide CUTTER & EVANS, Peoria Renwick & Works, Elgin FITZPATRICK JOHN, (boiler iron.) Peoria Waller & Co., Freeport Walker & Mcllvaine, Peoria FROST J. P. & CO., Galesburg Mclntyre R. B., Pontiac Danford E. & Co., Geneva Strevell & Einsell, Pontiac Andrus & Bosworth, Grand de Tour Chapman A. S. & E. C., Princeton Henderson A., Henry Paddock & Seaman, Princeton Wharton George, Jerseyville Emery C., Prophetstown Jones Willard T., Joliet JONES S. & E., Quincy Armstrong & Co., Knoxville See advt. page 486. Hauss Jacob, Lively Roberts Geo. A., Quincy Eagle Foundry, Mendota Ewalt Caspar, Renault Williams, Heald & Co., Moline Hope & Clow, Rockford Quiston Soils & Co., Morris WILLIAMS L. & c. L., Rockford Real P., Mt. Carmel Buford Temple, Rock Island Tyler G. B., New Boston Reed J. G., Roseville Fountain James L., New Milford Dayle N., St. Joseph Search, James & Bensinger, Orangeville Boyden C. H., Sheffield Cogswell Wni. & Co., Ottawa Fonley James, South Pass WILSON PROAL E., Ottawa Homea R. T., South Pass Haiues A. & J., Pekin Fox Benjamin F., Springfield Hawley J. A. & Bro., Pekin Pease Edward B., Springfield Springer J. P., Pekin Hoxey & Shinley, Staunton Moore William, Peoria Gait Thomas A. & Bro., Sterling Peters William, Peoria Lyons A.lonzo, Tolona Reaves Edwin R., Perry Sutton R. A., Urbana Miller, Chritzman & Lidrell, Princeton Foi d Dyer, Viola BROWN, DIMOCK & CO., Quincy Wood W. L., Wetaga GREENLEAF M, .T., Quincy Owen & Lozier, Wayne See advt. paqe 488. Wiley James, Wethersfield CLARK & UTTER, Rockford McCorkle J., W. Urbana Forbes D. & Son, Rockford Sutton J. J., W. Urbana Buford T. J. & J. M., Rock Island Jessup Bros., Wilmington Thompson William H., Rock Island Durfee James H., Woodstock WEBBER C. C. & Co., Rock Island SxC 718 DUN Llovd J. & Co., St. Charles Garney Jeremiah, Chicago WHITAKER JOHN T. & CO., St. Charles Power Patrick, Chicago See advt. paqe 493. Ryan James & Peter, Chicago ADAMS A. & CO., Sandwich Walker Samuel, Chicago BERRIMAN & RIPPON, Springfield Campbell & Booth, Springfield Lamb John C., Springfield Justices of the Peace. Morris lena Weil,uidv J. F., Edwardsville SHISSLER LOUIS, Galena Gififord Edmund, Elgin Weegley & Small, Galena Grosvenor Thomas W., Elgin BOGGSJ. B., Galesburg Joslyn & Riddle, Elgin Carr Clark E., Galesburg King & Murray, Elgin Chamberlin Geo. W., Galesburg Morgan & France, Elgin Frost Thos. G., G^k-sburg TAYLOR JAMES F., Elgin Gale W. Selden, Gakshurg Wilcox John S., Elgin Girdens S. W., Galesburg Bogardus John, Elizabeth town Harrison T., Gak'sburg Warren James M., Elizabethtown Hazard & Beardsley, Galesburg Vandecar Thomas, Ellisville HITE & WATTS, Galcsburg Buckley E. H., ElPaso Knight Milton L., Galf s'iurg Racliff J. L., ElPaso Lanphen G. C., Galesburg Snead C., Enfield LAMPHERE & PITMAN, Galei-burg Underwood J. D., Enfield Mason Albert C., GaKsburg Allen Samuel, Erie Matteson Asa A., Galesburg Leuts C. C., Erie Ransom W. M., Galesburg Dickinson R. B., Eureka SEIDERSD. W., Galesburg Richardson J. H., Eureka SMITH & FORD, Gs:lesburg Eccles Edmond, Evansville WOOD J. HARLAN., Gale>burg Rob'-rts D. P., Evansville See advt. page 476. Cable Fanning, Fiirbury BUCKLES & CARPENTER., Geneseo Cropsev A. J., Fairbury See advt. page4fl1. McKee'H. H., Fairbuiy Gates & Smith, Geneseo Bucher C. A., Fairfield Hobhs George, Gt'iteseo Bucher Judge E., Fairfield Hosford J. M., Geneseo Cooper John, Fairfield Merriman & Bro., Geneseo Hanna R. P., Fairfield Sanford & Shaw, Gent seo Linegar D. T., Fairfield WaitG. A., Geneseo Robin-on W. H., Fairfield Harvey Joel D., Geneva Trousdale J., Fairfield Herrington Augustus M., Geneva Parsons F. E., Fair View Herrington James, Geneva Wycoff C. H., Fair View Mayborne Joseph H., Geneva Powell A. J., Farmington Plato Wm. B., Geneva Hughes Pinkney, Fayette Wells Charles B., Geneva Duff A. D., Frankfort Riggs James, Glasgow Warren R. P., Franklin Grove Foot G. K., Golconda Miner S. R., Freedom Hanna J. E. Y., Golc nda Bright Hiram, Freeport Sloan Judge Wesley, Golconda Buckley William M., Freeport Bronson A. C., Graf ton Burchard & Barton, Freeport Hutchinson E., Grandview Clark John A., Freeport Charles Wm., Grayville Coatos John, Freeport Hamilton, J. H., Grayville COCHRAN JAMES S. & Z. C. Freeport Martin S. H., Grayville Grain J. Addison, Freeport Orange S. J., Grayville Goodhue Thomas F., Fieeport English Geo. A., Greenfield Meacham & Bailey, Freeport La Dow James, Greenup Purintor George E., Freeport Templeton L. W., Greenup Shanky Samuel, Freeport Cooms Upton, Gridley Seem David, Freeport Gilmore James, Gridley Smith & Brauely, Freeport McAft'erty Jonathan, G idley Sweet & Hibbard, Freeport Ceffey F. D., Griggsville Taylor & Atkins, Freeport Crow Jno.. Griggsville Turner & Ingalls, Freeport Mklntosh W. I, Griggsville Newman N. F., Friendsville Ward Jas., Griggsville Ackley Samuel J., Fullersburg Collins Addison, Hadley McCasting David, Fulton City Alvord D. Smith, Hamilton McCoy James, Fulton City Kerr Charles D., Hamilton Smith^GeorgeT., Fulton City Switzer Joseph M., Hampshire HAR 725 LIM Burnett Cha's., Harrisburg STREETER JOSEPH E., Joliet Christy Wm. M., Harrisburg See advt. page 478. Raum G. B., Harrisburg Crawford M. C., Jonesboro Wakeman T. B., Harvard Davidson W., Jonesboro Connell S. 0., Havana Dougherty J., Jonesboro Fullerton & Jones, Havana Hacker W. A., Jonesboro Lacy Lyman, Havana Smith J. H., Jonesboro Walker & Dearbourn, Havana Coy 0. P., Kaneville Kelly S. W., Hazel Dell Lewis J., jr.. Kaneville Quinn Wm. P., Hazel Dell Weston J. F., Kaneville Jackson Cha's. H., Henderson BARTLETT ARA, Kankikee Shaw T. M., Hennepin Handy George, Kankakee Boice J. P., Henry Lake Chauncey A., Kankukee Perley P. S., Henry Moore Stephen, Kankakee Hasbaugh Henry, Higginsville Murray Robert N., Kankakee Blattner Jno., Highland Paddock John W., Kankakee Manners J. D., Highland Starr Chas. R., Kankakee Davis & Kingsbury, Hillsboro Whitteraore Hiram, Kankakee McWilliams Robert, Hillsboro Dorathy G. A., Keene Munn Dan W., Hillsboro Hart William, Keene Phillips J. J., Hillsboro Reece S. S., Keene Green William, Howards Pt Ward Jerome, Keene Hollingood George W., Howards Pt Bishop L. L., Kewanee Smith W. G., Huntley Grove Easton Mark L., Kewanee Gollahan E., Hutsonville Howe J. H., Kfwanee Badow J. P., Hutsonville McPherson Jas. E., Kewanee Thompson Wendel P., Indianola Brown Wm., Kinderhook Bingmin J. T., Ipava Deval D. D., Kinderhook ATKINS H. J., Jacksonville Prothrow William, Kingsbury Seeadvt.page 478 Ladd J., Kingston Mines Barbour Lewis, Jacksonville Merrifield A., Kingston Mines Berdan J., Jacksonville Huburd W. R., Kinmundy Dawson B. D., Jacksonville Campbell W. L., Knoxville Duncan J. B., Jacksonville Cooley Z., Knoxville Epler Cyrus, Jacksonville Dough ss & Craig, Knoxville Hitt Robt., Jacksonville Gilson & Damon, Knoxville LEWIS B. Jacksonville Hannaraan & Hale, Knoxville See advt. page 478 Keightley H. N., Knoxville McClure H. B., Jacksonville Stewart J. H., Knoxville Morrison I. L., Jacksonville Tyler & Sanford, Knoxville Smith D. A. & T. W. Jacksonville Fo t G L., Lacon Springer J. T., Jacksonville Miller H., Lacon Striker H. jr., Jacksonville Richmond & Burne, L;icon Foard William, Jamestown Shaw F. W., Lacon Goodriqh C. H., Jerseyville Brooks C., LaFny>>tte Knapp A. L. Jerseyville Mvers W. S., LaFayette Knapp R. M., Jerseyville King S. W., LaHarpe Littlefield M. S., Jerseyville Miller Henry M., Lane Depot Miner M. B., Jerseyville Ten Eyck A., Lane Depot Warren George E., Jerseyville Randall William, Laona Ham R. M., John's Creek Canon N. C., LaSalle BARBER ROYAL E., Joliet EVANS DANIEL, L Salle See advt. page 479. Hough David L., LaSalle BARTLESON F. A., Joliet MILLER CHARLES S., LiSalle See advt. page 478. Strain James, LaSalle BOWEN & GROVER, Joliet Abernathy D. B., Lawrenceville Convis Albert H., Joliet Abernathy L., Lawrenceville Fellows Elisha C., Joliet Brewer D. L., Lawrenceville Goodhue William C., Joliet Lindsay William, Lawrenceville Hilderbrant Thomas Q., Joliet Shaw A., Lawrenceville Hildebrant & Hackley, Joliet French A. C., Lebanon Login Henry, Joliet Heslop F. J., L*'bnnon McRoberts & Goodspeed, Joliet Homer H. H., Lebanon Marsh Thomas H., Joliet Michel William A., Lebanon Osgood Uri, Joliet Hall Geo., Lemont Parks & Elwood, Joliet Dickereon R. F., Leroy Randall & Fuller, Joliet Lincoln J. H., Leroy Snapp Henry, Joliet TIPTON THOMAS F., Lexington STEPHENS W. W., Joliet Rutter Horace, Libertyville See advt. page 478. Coulter Robert M., Limerick LIN 726 M T A Brown Russell, Linchburg Allison F. A., Mattoon Austen & Davis, Lincoln Allison F. P. C., Mat toon Cummings J. E., Lincoln Harris E. P., Mattoon Lacey L. B., Lincoln Harris James, Mattoon Norton L. D., Lincoln Crocker J. C., Mendota Parks S. 0., Lincoln Gilman C. H., Mendota Randolph W. P., Lincoln Mudgett E. S., Mendota Springer W. M., Lincoln Powers 0. R., Mendota Wyatt John, Lincoln Brown W. P., ,.:i Metwmora Wyatt W. D., Lincoln Clark Jno., Metamora Young W. H., Lincoln Haskell H. L. S., Metamora Fellows E. C., Lockport Hill J. B., Metamora Hurmon Sheldon, Lockpoit Minor G. H. K., Metamora Parker L. S., Lockport Niles S., Metamora Tucker G. A., Lockport Plank E., Metamora Walker J. D., Lockport Stevenson S., Met airie Sperry Anson, Marengo BENNETT ALBON, Morris Carlton S., Marine Harris & Turner, Morris Snook J. K., Marine Hopkins William T., Morris Allen J. J., Marion Le Roy David, Morris Allen W. J., Marion NEWPORT JOHN W., Morris Clementson I. M., Marion Reading J. N., Morris Davis W. J., Marion Sand'ord E., Morris McHaney R. S., Marion SEE LEY & SANFORD, Morris Winters 0. R., Marion SOUTHWORTH JOHN P., Morris Barnes A. E., Marrietta Turner C., Morris McClaughey , Marrietta Haskell Jacob, Morrison Constable C. H., Marshall JOHNSON & JENKS, Morrison Cooper J. P., Marshall Johnson & Teller, Monison Crookshank N. M., Marshall Strawder & Bristol, Morrison Dulaney Robt. L., Marshall Ware Joseph, Monison Manly Uri, Marshall Donlin John, Moscow Scholfield John, Marshall Rayworth Joseph, Moscow Tower J. W., Marshall Emrie J. Reece, Mound City Dawson T. E., Martinsville Green T. A. & Bro., Mound City Gard Dsn, Martinsville Hunter & Wheeler, Mound City Linsey W., Martinsville Pidgeon George S., Mound City Rose Ira B., Martinsville Rucker Gideon, Mt. Auburn Terrell Ira, Uartinsville Schumway Z. P., Mt. Auburn MxC 727 PER Bell Robert, Mt. Carmel BUSHNELL & AVERY, Ottawa Besoar G. W., Mt. Carmel Cameron D wight F., Ottawa Harmon William M., Mt. Carmel Cavarly Alfred W., Ottawa McDowell J., Mt. Carmel Crawford Frank J., Ottawa Ryon H. N., Mt. Morris DICKEY T. LYLE, Ottawa Calvin Jno., Mt. Palatine Glover, Cook & Campbell, Ottawa Whittaker N. M., Mt. Pulaski Grav Oliver C., Ottawa Irwin & Vandevanter, Mt. Sterling JONES DAVID P., Ottawa Moore James B., Mt. Sterling Leland & Leland, Ot awa Anderson W. B., Mt. Vernon Raymond Samuel W., Ottawa Cary T. S., Mt. Vernon RICE & REED, Ottawa Nelson R. S., Mt. Vernon Stout James, Ottawa Partridge Joseph, Mt. Vernon SWIFT M. H., Ottawa Pollock James M., Mt. Vernon UMLAUF LOUTS, Ottawa Tanner T. B., Mt Vernon Wallace William H. L., Ottawa Brooks McHenry, Murphysborough Hubbard Thomas M., Oxford Jenkins A. M., Murphysborough O'Conner James H., Pana Ward C. S., Murphysborough Pease George E., Pana Blanchard Walter, Naperville Eads James A., Paris Hobson & Haight, Naperville Green A., Paris Vallette & Cody, Naperville Lin ler, Hannah & Bromwell, Paris McKinney R. W., Nauvoo Reed & Blackburn, Paris Morrill & Risse, Nauvoo Steele & Sale, Paris Swartz Adam, Nauvoo Tragden A. Y., Paris At wood John M., Neponset Ing Christopher, Parrish Bassett John R., New Boston Savofford W. A., Parrish Schermerhorn William C., New Boston Fish Jno. D., Paw Paw Grove Jones H. S., New Erin Rvon George, Paw Paw Grove Tisdale P. A., New Erin MORSE DANIEL S., Paxton McGindley A.N., Newton House J., Piyson Mayo Winston, New ion Brown Fred., Pecatonica Peterson A. M., Newton Bailey S. P., Pekin Rupert P. N., Nokomis Bush J. M., Pekin Watkins E. B., N. Caledonia Cohrg & Hanna, Pekin Gleason Edward, Noy^sville Gib-on R., P kin Scoville George, Noyesville Harriott Hon. J., Pekin Barnard H. C., Oakland Ireland R. W., Pekin Burwell John, Oakland Maus D. W., Pekin Copp U. jr., Oakulla Parker W. B. & Son, Pekin Card G. L., O'Fallons Depot Prettyman B. S., Pekin Anderson Martin W., Ogle Station Puterbaugh , Pekin Beck W. M., Olney Roberts James, Pekin Gibson J., Olney Turner C., Pekin Hay ward H., Gluey Young M. C., Pekin Kitchell A., Olney Austin Henry S., Peoria Kitchell E., Olney Baily Bernard, Peoria Livingston B. T., Olney BONNEY CHARLES C., Peoria Miller J., Olney BRYAN & STONE, Peoria Preston T. D.,' Olney COCHRAN & NYE, Peoria Sloan W. H., Olney Cooper Jonathan K., Peoria Wilson J. M., Olney DAVIDSON & FEINSE, Peoria Hanosky J. M., Omph Ghent Grove Henry, Peoria Hanosky J. W., Omph Ghent Hopkins Henry B., P.-oria Roff B. A., Onargo INGERSOLL BROS., Peoria Wood H. C., Onargo JOHNSON ELBRIDGE G., Peoria Hinds Andrew, Oneco LINDSAY & FOWLER, Peoria Butcher Edward F., Oregon McColloch David, Peoria Light M. B., Oregon McCoy hville Tribe J., Albion Nason E. L., St. John T ribe William, Albion MASON WILLIAM H., Stlem Corson Amos L., Alton Bruff L., Sandoval Hart & Platt, Alton Woodruff E., Savanna Edwards J., Amboy Lynch John, Scottsville Shaffer Isaiah, . Amboy Richardson, Pile & Bullock, Secor Bonhannon Joseph P., Anna Finch Isaac, Shawneetown Hand Elisha, Appanoose Murry John, Shawneetown Linirger M. L., Arcola Patterson & Zenor, Sheffield Moss L. C., Ashley Parker & Scovil, Shelbyville Coolcy E. E. W., Atlanta Grimes William, Sherburnville Williams & Dorr, Atlanta Donne R. S. M., Shoal Creek Ellis R. H., Augusta Hoxey Edward, Somonauk Furman C. & Son, Aurora Lewis Edw\rd W., Somonauk Jenks Joel, Aurora Robinson Thomas, Sparland Jennings George, Avon OFFICER W. H. & R. P., Springfield Calvert George, Bainbridge Tyson John R., Springfield Jones T. & Hollenbeak, Barry Ulrieh E. R. & Co., Springfield Lyon Henry & Bro., Batavia Hugh man , Spring Grove Crow & Gany, Beardstovvn Williams Walter, Springville Leaman & Hanemer, Beardstown Wright William, Springville Baquet John, Belleville Chapman H. C., Sublette Pierce Hiram A., Belleville George John & Bro., SummerfiVld Pierce & Bro., Belleville Winner J., Summer Hill Wilson Ira, Belvidere Dutton H. F., Sycamore Cook A. W., Berlin Gridley G. C., Time Talcott William, Biggsville Batty 0. W., Tiskilwa Moody M. Y., Blackberry Station Bussttt S. G., Tuscola Merrill E. G., Blandinsville Coppes E. & Co.. Vandalia Matthews & Adams, Bloomington Phillips 0., Vandalia Vale William, Bloom ington Taylor J., Vandalia Young Denton, Bloomington Morehead J. S., Vermillionville Tims John, Blue Point Chapman W. H., Vienna Randall Geo., Brighton Napper & Phillips, Vienna Chichester E. W., Brimtield Walbridge & Bro., Walbridge Johnson B. H., Bristol Smith J. & Son, Washington Dilworth J. C., Browning Holyoke J. M., Watnga Canall W. H., Bunker Hill Dikeman J. A., Watson Metzler John, Burksville Collins J. W., Webster Smith James, Bushnell Coombs William & Co., Wenoua Strfley A., Calhoun Mills W. R. & Co., Wenona McKean I., Canton Jones & Burnap, Westfield Scank P. C., Canton BARRETT & CARLE Y, West Urbana Prockelton M., Carlinville Carley & Co., West Urbana Queen Jas. N., Garlinville Pratt & Bro., West Urbana Smith Thomas L., Carmi Tease W., West Urbana Hunt & Amarson, Carrollton Austin A., Wheaton Austin F. S., Carthage Reed J., Wheaton McQuary James C., Carthage 46 CEN 733 LIN Vezee James, Central City Laws J., Eureka Bailey M. S., Centnlia Pearson John A., Evanston Briggs C. R., Charleston Haman Joseph, Fail bury Tackier Lee, Charleston Grimes W., Fan field Clow D., Chatham Burrows Andrew, Fair View Letts J. R., Chelsea Hatch F. W., Farnnngton Moore T. W., Cherry Valley Smith George 0., Farmington Haskins C. F., Chester Lee J. M., Fayette McMillen J., Chester McBride John H., Flora Backus Cornelius F., Chicago Hewett J. J., Foreston Beckett James D., Chicago Oaks Daniel, Forksville Boyington Eli E., Chicago Jackson G. W., Frankfort Casey Edward, Chicago Hughs Josiah, Franklin Grove Cook & Launder, Chicago Carsons J. P., Fieeport Dean Artemas J., Chicago Crane James W., Freeport Button L. & S., Chicago Miller & Stover, Freeport Gross Jacob, Chi -ago Taylor Samuel F., Freeport Hough George, Chicago E.stabrook Joseph H., Fulton City Howes John, Chicago Martin Jackson, Fulton City Mack way Wm., Chicago Colderwood John C., Galena Morgan Nathan, Chicago OWENS RICHARD, Galena Morley Robert, Chicigo Smith Bradner, Galena Naw Chas., Chicago Baker C. H., Gale.sburg Patrick William, Chicago Carson Alex. D., Galesburg Philips Aaron, Chicago Hunt Geo. M., Galesburg Pike Andrew J., Chicago Nichols & Baker, Galesburg Platt & Hopkins, Chicago Squire F. A., Geneseo Powell & Haas, Chicago Webster William G., Geneva Price Edward, Chicago Rose John, Golconda Shepley & Co., Chicago Brower & Johnson, Graf ton Smith & Wilson, Chicago Mumma Wm., Grand de Tour Stokes Charles L., Chicago Cole J. F. & A. G., Grayville Sutherland George G., Chicago Spring Lindsay, Grayville Talcott Clark A., Chicago Drum C. K., Gridley Tiffany Lysander, Chicago Parsons Otis, Griggsville Walsh Charles, Chicago Richardson P. T., Harvard Wilcox & Fife, Chicago Solenberger Daniel, Havana Woods & Newton, Chicago Clarkson W., Henry Wren Wilburn, Chicago Fulford J., Henry Wright & Currier, Chicago Weber Zac., Highl.nd Cole S. S., Chillicothe Whitlede & Black, Hill-boro McCulley J., Chillieothe Lilly George, Howard's Pt Da vies James, Clay City Cathren J., Illiopolis Goodsell H., Clear Creek Landing Chambeilin S., Jacksonville Smith T , Clinton Bell James R., Jersey Landing Bergefield A., Coatsburg Morris John, Jersey Landing Griffith James, Coastburg Vandike C. H., Jersey ville Williams G. W., Coatsburg Leonard Jacob, John's Cieck Winningham Adam, Collins Station Chidsey Isaac. Joliet Gaskill S. W., Collinsville Cook Matthias L., Joliet Reeves Harry, Cordova Stillman Oliver W., Joliet Gordon L, Courtland Station Barringer C., Jonesnoro Allen Miles, Dauby Bender W. C., Jonesboro Martin & Sherman, Danville Enslow A., Kane Lanham G., Dawson Powers Seth, Ka--kakee O'Neal Thomas, t- '< Daws^n McDavit, Kansas Love W., De Knlb Buttrick W. H., Kewanee Ha ward L., Dement Station Besonett J., Kinmundy McKenney Frederick C., Dixon Eagan & Hull, Kininundy Smith Charlos M., Dixon Rodgers P. D., Knoxville Randell R. R., Doddsville Larrs James, Lacon Ennor Martin T., Dunle th Martin J. B., L>tcon Vancil Josephus, Du Quoin Hunter J. M., Lane Depot Judgson Win., Durand Warwick C. A., Lane Dej>ot Dismon Thomas, Earlville Brown John, LaSalle Noh-n Joseph, Earlville Scott Zeno, Lebanon Hamill J., Edwardsville Malery J. J., Leland Wentworth D. P., Edwardsville Ingraham A., Lemont KIM BALL WILLIAM C., Elgin Edwards Lucius, Leroy Taft Thomas W., Elgin Ashler E. C., Lincoln LOG 734 VAL Marcv William, Lockport Mattocks & Bro., Peru Palmer H., Lincoln Cone & Beck, Petersburg Wheeloek G. L., McLean White Isaac, Petersburg French Silas, Macomb Huning & Westgate, Piano Dent William, Magnolia Lurtington Samuel, Piano Comstoek G. P., Manteno Stewarf. Louis, Piano Jones H., Maquon Hotchkiss A., Plymouth Bates I. & L, Marengo Governars J. W., Pontiac Calvei t & Bro., Marion Platt A. J., Pontiac Eaton R. H., Marshall Gaylord H., Port Byron Harlen & Bro., Marshall Seeley A. J., Portland Curtis David, Martinsville Griffin Philo, Prophetstown Cunningham & Forline, Mattoon Bradford J. W. & Co., Quincy Noyes & More, Mattoon Libbey R. G., Quincy Riddle & McFadden, Mattoon Millard & Byington, Quincy Pearsoti T. P., Mendota Seaver N. L., Rantoul Wethers G. S., Meredosia Faherty E., Red Bud Hann a H., Metamora Felch John, Rock ford Shelby W. A., Metropolis City Kellv Edwin, Rockford Troup Lewis, Middleport Platner Peter H., Rockford Worth John J., Millstadt Reynolds George W., Rockford Matherspaw William, Montioello DIMICK OTIS J., Rock Island Dow J. L., Morris Plummer Thomas, Rock Inland Gillitt H., Morris French N. E., Rockport DufflnJo hn E., Morison Williams D., Roland Vroom Henry S., Morison Wyman C. H., Koscoe Eveland John, Moscow Miller G. W., Rosefield Worthington J., Mound City Greer Richard, Rushville Bedell Geo. & J., Mt. Carrnel Greer Robert, Rushville Wadkin George, Mt. Carmel Burchell Peter J. St. Charles Funk Peter, Mt. Morris Jackson Henry H., St. Charles Wagoner D. C. & R., Mt Morris Woodward Henry, St. John Shriver Henry, Mt. Pulaski Stearns C. W., Sandoval Noble E. T., Mt. Vernon Bark E., Sandwich Hunt J. J., Naperville Zimmar Nicholas, Sandy Ridge Naper Acker, Naperville Graham David, Santa Anna Strubble Geo., Naperville Atherston A. G., Savanna Buswell N. C., Neponset Marks William, jr., Shabbona Grove Smith & Co., New Berlin Hagen D. T., Shawneetown Dunegan & Maxfield, New Boston Norton J. W., Shawneetown Suddtr & Bro., New Boston Martin M. L., Shelbvville Denure Daniel, New Erin Merrifield J. R., Shelbyville Ferguson J., New Maysville Hessler George, Shoal Greek Station Webb John, New Milford Rightmire John, Shabonier Morse & Claypool, Nora Burdir Charles, Somonauk Gallup & Spickerman, Noyesville Montague Edward, Somonauk Jones William II., Oakland Ramsey Samuel, South Bend Russell G. W., Oakulla Bailey & Anderson, Sparta Montgomery T., Olney Rigdon D. & Co., Sparta Yocom J. M., Olney Toven & Co., Sparta Norval A. T., Onargo Dana Ward B., Springfield Emerson Charles F., Oregon Dunn & Little, Springfield Shepley & Ingram, Osborn Sapp Benjamin, Springfield Congdon & Kenyon, Oswego Rinker Joseph, Stsunton Mann Ed., Oswego Hempsted Edward J., Sterling Flory Francis, Ottawa Green S., Sullivan Wade Chauncey U., Ottawa Thoma?on J., Sullivan Lewis John Pana Waite T. K. & 0. Sycamore Weddel & Snyder, Pana Farrell J., Taniiiroa Earnest & Shaw, Paris Smith A., Tiskilwa Fouts A. B., Paris Holmes H., Tolono Covley PaulW., Pax ton Hall B. A,, Toulon Crit'cnden L. E., Pekin Lord Homer, Toulon Devore J. L., Pekin Chadwick. Lyman, Troy Grove Stickley R. C., Pekin Higgins Jonal, Troy Grove Bishop Hamilton, Peoria Ephlin J. M., Tuscola PARMELY ORSOX C., Peoria Maria Z.,. Tuscola Solomon . ' ' Sharp Robert, Neponset Diven S., Abingdon Thompson N., Prophetstown Johnson W., Abingdon Growl J., Rochester Vaughn C. D., Ainboy Crowl M., Rochester Weddell J. D., Amboy Highmore J. S., Rochester Seville W., Arcola Johnson H., Rochester Hall Joel, Athens Jones S. A., Rochester Hundley & Lewis, Bainbridge North R., Rochester Wise D. W., Beaver Creek Low , Warrenton Kerlin T. A., Berlin Wilber James & Co., Wairen Osman R. J., Bliven's Mill Eakin & McEldowney, Bloom Capens & Simons, Bloomington Loan Agency. Moore B. F., Calhoun Snyder G. M. & D. W., Canton OLMSTED L. D. & CO., Chicago Gall John & Co., Central City BOWEN BROTHERS, Chicago See advt. page 451. Locksmiths and Bell Hangers. Byrn Thomas P., Chicago Fredin Auguste, Chicago Hoehn Charles, Alton JAEGER A. & CO., Chicago Bailey & Bement, Anna JENCZEWSKY A., Chicago Rowe & Grant, Berlin See advt. page 467. Sauerteig F., Blue Island LAMPKER CHARLES, Chicago Dixon Z., Bristol See advt. page 465. Ashfield John, Chicago Oldershaw Seabrook P., Chicago Cook Alfred E., Chicago SONNE CHARLES, Chicago Hampton George, Chicago Tohey Charles & Bro., Chicago Hauslein George, Chicago WIGGERS HENRY, Chicago Held Jacob, Chicago Parmele A. H., Dement Station Jensch Frederick, Chicago O'Harra C. M., Edwardsville Klein Matthias, Chicago Maris & Oatman, Dundee Kuntzman Charles A., Chicago Orr P. A., Enfield Lang Francis J., Chicago Heaton George, Fayette FOR 736 CER Clopper & Buck, Foreston Fields S. H. & Co., Atlanta Haller C. M., v Foreston Tuttle E. H. & Co., Atlanta Clayton G. M. iBro., Freeport Jones & Tucker, Auburn Whi taker William, Geneva Cowdry C., Augusta SpriggsL. S., Harrisburgh Gardner George H., Aurora McFarland & Co., Heyworth Hackney & Gardner, Aurora Sutton Wm. T., Houston ROE JAMES E., Aurora Peck E., Jacksonville Van Sickle , Aurora Buckman William, Joliet Vandeveer W. T., Avon Cagwin Thomas P., Joliet WilkinsC. S., Baileyville Johnson E. P., Kewanee Wilson T. Metcalf, Baileyville Martin & Bro., Kingston Mines Aikman William, Bainbridge Bliss H. H., LaHnrpe Blain M. & Co., Barry Garrett & Co., Lane Depot Hurt E , Barry Bartlett A. J., Lemont Coffin William, Batavia Chamberlain S. S., Lockport Young Nathan S., Batavia Page Albert, Maiden Foster H. E., Beardstown Parker B. S., Marengo Hitchcock & Montgomery, Beardstown Knickerbocker P. J., Mattoon Heindrich Oscar, Belleville Wright Isaac, Mendota Murray John, Belleville Beidler S. Linn, Mt. Pulaski Reis & Hanses, Belleville Davis & Campbell, Neponset Runde L. & Co., Belleville Kirlin David, New Boston Waterman & Fox, Belvidere Pavne & Rohr, Oakland Yourts John, Belvidere Wilcox M., Oakulla Browning & Swofford, Benton Congor L. W., Oneida Pierce George W., Benton Hannon & Brown, Oneida Martin B. H., Biggsville Young D. & Alexander, Pekin Barber & Ramsey, Blackberry Station Boyer Geo. W., Pontiac Hopper A. P., Blandinsville Bracken & Matson, Portland Keithes & Hainline, Blandinsville Tuller & Mairs, Prophetstown Martin D., Blandinsville Allen Gardner S., Rockford Mack J. R., Bliven's Mills Rogers A. H., Roland Ludington Joseph, Bloomington Burgess J. W., Simoda Pearson M. & Son, Bloomington Hoxey & Shirley, Staunton Robinson James H., Bloomingtoa Nyberg & Bro., Stone Fort THOMPSON JOHN, Bloomington Littler S.; Urbana Wash burn Frank, Bloomington Harbottle W., Wilmington Watkins W. C. & Co., Bloomington Whitmer & Bruner, Bloomington Msssey H., Blue Island Lumber Dealers. Robinson C. D., Blue Island French A. M., Bluffville Harden E. S., Abingdon White N. R., Boone Sanderson L., Abingdon Lewis W. M., Bridgeport Boice, Ewing &Co., Albany Cunningham W. & Co., Brighton Buck &; Olds, Albany Stratton L. P., Brighton Lee & Morrill, Albany Willett H. S., Bristol Nevitt Happer & Co., Albany Walton B. & SODS, Browning Sears J. J., Algonquin Anderson & Pierce, Buda Tilden Samuel, Alma Adams T. E. & C. T., Bunker Hill Morrison Thomas C., Alton Hunt John B., Bushnell Pierson J. H. & Co., Alton Mix S. St. John, Byron Soule & Fisher, Alton Vincent & Bennett, Byron Sweetser & Priest, Alton Stetson Asa P., Cairo Warren Andrew jr., Alton Righy JohnW., Caledonia Butler E. M., Amboy Kimball J., Calhoun Merrigold R., Amboy Bovaston C. TL, Cameron Cochran John, Anna Ogden R., Cameron Smith, Pearson & Co., Annawan Ingersoll E. P., Canton Elliott J. H., Antioch Plattenburg P., Canton Doolittle A., Appanoose Berry R. L., Carlinville Zingre John, Appa noose Judd" L. & Co., Carlinville Blackwell J., Arcola Hinton A., Carrollton Eldreds & Co., Arcola Wheeler L. J., Carrollton Barsp & Warren, Arlington Brown , Carthage Hamilton E. S., Ash Grove Patterson Nathaniel P., Central City Mead Edwin, Ashkum Curtis & Condit, Centralia Farmer L. N., Ashley Noteman & Jennings, Centralia Mitchell W. D., Ashley Britton E., Cerro Gordo Overholt & Williams, Assumption Smith John, Cerro 'Gordo CHA 737 DEC Freeman H. B., Charleston MOORE HENRY, (commission,) Chicago Turner J. L., Chatham Morton George C., Chicago Drake C. W. & Co., Chatsworth Newavgo Lumber Co., Chicago Ruggles & Dulmage, Chelsea Newe'lfT. & Co., Chicago Carpenter & Wheeler, Cherry Valley Oconto Lumbering Co., Chicago Beare J., Chester Officer Alexander, Chicago Cole H. C., Chester Parsons & Farlin, Chicago Dunn A. & Co., Chester Peacock Joseph, Chicago Aldrich Benjamin F., Chicago Pearson & Batcheller, Chicago Allen George & Co., Chicago Peshtigo Company, Chicago Avery Thomas M., Chicago Potter & Crippen, Chicago Baldwin & Co., Chicago Reed J. S., Chicago Barton Charles R., Chicago Reed & Bushnell, Chicago Bateson Alex,, Chicago Roberts George R. & Co. Chicago Becker, Vronian & Co., Chicago Rogers John, Chicago Beebe Thomas H., Chicago Rogers Wm. H., Chicago Beidler J. & Bro., Chicago Ryerson & Morris, Chicago Bickford R. K., Chicago Scott & Morse, Chicago Bradley & Bro., Chicago SHERIFFS & SMITH, Chicago Brew-ter & Hills, Chicago Skinkle J. W. & Co., Chicago Brooks & Bro., Chicago Steele Albert J., Chicago Carter & Bro., Chicago Sutherland J. F. & Co., Chicago Chapin, Marsh & Foss, Chicago Throop & Learned, Chicago Clement, Butlin & Co., Chicago Trowbridge & Swan, Chicago Cone & O'Brien, Chicago Tuttle & Green, Chicago Cowles William, Chicago Waldo John A. B., Chicago Durkee, Truesdell & Co., Chicago Walker William J., Chicago Eastman Galen, Chicago Walker & Bro., Chicago Eastman Timothy, . ,. Chicago Wall John R., Chicago ELDREDS & BALCOM, Chicago Wall & Sons, Chicago 8ee advt. page 447. WALLACE JOHN S., Chicago Terry & Son, Chicago Wells & Sears, Chicago Flag George A., Chicago Wheeler & Co., Chicago Foster A. & Co., Chicago Wing Edward, Chicago Gagne Ambrose, Chicago Wood Peter, Chicago Gardner F. B. & Co^, Chicago WOOD, HENDERSON & CORNWELL Goodwillie David, Chicago MANUF. GANG SAWED LUM- GOSS & PHILLIPS, Chicago BER, Chicago Greene & Holden, Chicago Woodworth H. & Co., Chicago Grovt-s & Morris, Chicago McFadden , Chillicothe Hanna, Lay & Co., Chicago Truit & Jack, Chi!iicothe Harris & Bro., Chicago Neff & Co., Clay City Billiard & Wood, Chicago McRaven P., Clear Creek Landing Hills & Mead, Chicago Marshall H. & Co., Clermont Hoi brook & Elkins, Chicago Bishop J. & W., C inton Holden Henry N., Chicago Kent E., Clinton Hosmer, Fowler & Co., Chicago Wyerh luser Frederick, Coal Valley Howard Samuel G. D., Chicago Wigle & Hunsaker, Coatsburg Gillett & King, Chicago Walker L. E., Colchester Jennison & Roberts, Chicago Collins D. D., Collinsville Jones Tarleton, Chicago Logan Joseph, Collinsville Johnson A. B. & Co., Chicago Harvey Joel, Como KLigman Benjamin F., Chicago Marshall Wm. G., Cordova Lancaster & Burdick, Chicago Marshall Wm. & Geo. & Co., Cordova Lansing Morgan, Chicago Homan James, Courtland Station Leonard James Co., Chicago Lonel A. L., Courtland Station Lind & Slater, Chicago Stone & Newton, Cross Road Loomis & Ludington, Chicago Armour John, Crotty Ludington N. & Co., Ch/cago Underhill David C. & Co., Crotty Lull Walter, Chicago Patterson & Tucker, Cruger McCAFFERY JOHN", Chicago Brown & Dornblaser, Dakota McCagg George P., Chicago Newton L. S., Danby McChesney & Aubury, Chicago R. iwl^ton Dun villc McDougall R. & Co., Chicago Steyner T. W.'fc Co., Davis McVicker J. L. & Co., Chicago Dikenvan J. A., Dawson Mansfield Benjamin W., Chicago Duffy Daniel, Dearborn Marsh H. F., jr., & Co., Chicago Gracey J., Dearborn Mason Lyman G., Chicago Robinson Benj., Dearborn Mason Richard, Chicago Robinson D. W., Dearborn Hears C. & Co., Chicago Marshall, Freese & Co., Decatur DE!V 738 LAS Smith, Finlee & Co., DeKalb Thompson Josiah, Georgetown Bacon H., DelRey Ewing & Andrews, Girard Clark H. H., Dement Station Glass & Mitchell, Golconda Parmt'le A. H., Dement Station Mecham A., Golconda Gates Joseph, Dixon Slankerd & Scott, G< Iconda Mean Isaac, Dixon Mott Alfred, Agt., Grafton Smith & Fowler, Dixon Sh-wE. E., Grafcon Corgan William, Dubois Cummins S., Grand de Tour Allison J., Dundee Pennell William A., Granville Carpenter J. A., Dundee Warnock R. M., Cranville Crabtree & Bro., Dundee Routh & Millner, Grayville Thompson C. L. F., Dundee Weed G. M., Grayville Murphy E., DuQuoin Kent G. W., Gridley Tavior H. H., DuQuoin Me Williams J. & Son, Grigesville McWilliams D., Dwight Brown & Whittman, Hamilton Spencer Joha C., Dwight Emony H F. & Co., Hamilton Griggs E. W., Earlville McMu-phy G. R., Hampton Hapeman W. E. & Co., Earlville Wells L. & G. R., Hampton Balfom S., Edgewood Pearce & McGehu, Harrisburgh HOAGLAND JOHN W., Elgin Crumb J. C., Harvard McBride Thomas, Elgin Getty James S., Havana Raymond George B., Elgin Simons R. R., Havana Tickner & Miller, Elgin Finney H. & C., H*zel Dell Harvey Joel, Empire Harris Myron, Hennepin Orr P. A., Enfield Day Wm., Henry Cropp T R., Enterprise Green P. H., Henry Carr Samuel, Erie Hoyt E. & Ferguson, Henry Knowls Barnabas, Erie Vanerstrand I. & Co., Heyworth Burton & Kingsbury, Eureka Edwards B. M., Hickory Creek Ludlam J. W., Evanston Buchter John, Highland Eccles Edmond, Evansville Burhop Henry, Highland Taylor Thomas R., Evansville Edwards William & Bro., Hillsboro Coomen John, F drburv Pader R. N. Hillsboro Ridgway C. J., Fail field Brooks , HuntleyG'Ove Adams Ellis, Fairmont Pherris Peter, Huntley Grove Chapman P. P., Farmington Fesler N., Hutsonville Aduddt-11 John F., Flora Orcott W. & Co., Hutsonville Fadden W. & Connett, Florena Parker J. A., Hutsor.ville Williams & Garrett, Florena Dikeman J., Illiopolis All^n I. B., Foreston Black Thomas G., Irving Jackson G. W. & Sons, Frankfort Foster Wm. M., Jacksonville Waller & Jones, Frankfort MASSEY H. & H. W., Jacksonville Li Us & Thomas, Franklin Grove Sumner & Wright, Jacksonville Wyld J., Franklin Grove Aiman A. R. & Hill, Jacksonville Wright John, Freedom Green Addison, Jersey Landing Atkinson & Robinson, Freeport Elliott H. F. & Co., Joliet Childs Henry C., Freeport Fish & Adam, Joliet Gettemy William, Freeport Hardy Otis, Joliet Smith James M., Freeport Hollistpr & Hawes, Joliet Waddell Wm. G.. Freeport Flough C. G., Jonesboro Rigg C. & M., Friends Grove Hargrave & Co., Jonesboro Ladd Wm. M., Fulton City Clendinen John, Jones Creek Webory H. P. & Co., Fulton City Atwood & Knight, Kankakee Barrack James, Galena B^an Daniel, Kankakee EDWARDS & MARTIN Galena Edreds & Balcom, Kankakee Jackson A. J., Gilena Beyers J. K., Kansas JOHNSON & BARROWS, Galena Garretson K., Kewanee Long Moses H., Galena Gilbert Stephen, Kewanee Anthony N., Galesburg Finigan H. P. & Co., Kingston Mines Belknnp A. S., Galesburg Mar in & Bro., Kingston Mines Covert A. H., Galesburg O'Neal A. W., Kinmundy Post P. S. & E., Galesburg Jones & Brother, Knoxville Scott Addison, Galesburg Whitton William H., Knoxville Parker David, Garden Plain Sturtevant C., Kyte River Hou-e Chauncy, Garden Prairie Fisher & Sons, Lacon Morse J., Geneseo Pipen John, Lacon Stewart & Bro., Geneseo Springer J., LiHarpe Flint Samuel, Geneva White Samuel, LaHarpe Patten George D., Geneva Young J. B., Lane D^pot Brackall Martin, Georgetown Coulin Phillip, LaSalle LAW T39 PLE Hiahey J. B., Lawrenceville Battey J. D., New Berlin Liggott & Padon, Lebanon Emerson J. M., , New Boston Anderson 0.', Lelund Johnson E. P., New Boston Pot-er A., Leland Pierce H., New Bo-ton Norton S. W., Lemont Pratt & Murdock, New Boston Hunt D. H., Lexington Merrills B. W., New Erin Miller & Gullett, Lincoln Bressler B., New Jordan Pearson & Co., Lincoln Wilson Joseph, New Jordan Norton & Co., Lockport Cre\i s Nathan, New Mnssillon Neff H. K. & Co., Louisville Johnson & Irvine, New Mift'ord Andersor. W., Lyndon Hart W. E., Nokomia Ladew A. P., McLean Bennett G. F., Nora Wright J. H., McLean sboro West Wm. P., Oakland Anderson & Bro., Maeomb Barnett I. M., Oakley Bartleson H. R., Macomb Coleman Bros., Oakulla Green T. F., Maiden Dore S. C., Oakulla Sharpe & Page, Maiden Salter & Bro., O'Fallon's Depot Goodrich S. G., Malta Hunt & Taylor, Ogle Station Hanford S. F., Manteno Miller F. R. & Co., Ogle Station Peters Milo R., Manteno Mills Samuel F., Ogle fetation Chapman D., Maquon Harman Joseph, Olney Housh & Shurman, Maquon Heap & Allison, Olney Huber S., Maquon Stevens S. I., Onarga Broughton Anson, Marengo Slair Jacob, Oneco Spencer & Ingersoll, Marengo Staples T. G., Oneida Wager Reuben, Marengo Weare H. H., Oneida Kolb & May, Marine Doyle James M., Osborn Aikman N., Marion Willis B. F., Osborn Council & Co., Marine Bennett Charles, Oswego Crocker John, Marva Durand James A., Oswego Booth L., Marshall BRISTOL GEORGE, Ottawa Billingsby & Odear, Mason CALKINS & HARD, Ottawa Jones P., Mattoon Clancy Jno. & Co., Ottawa Smith & Johns, Mattoon Fairfield Micaiah F., Ottawa Best J. E., Mendota Fairfield & Weld, Ottawa Clark H. S., Mendota Stawn & Powell, Ottawa Morrison S., Mendota Jahn E. & Co., Palmyra Grierson & Wallihan, Meredosia Frost E., Paloma Lusk E., Meredosia Jacobs John, Pan a Tucker W. & Co., Metamora Martin James, Pana Steely ey F. J., Buffalo Praiiie McBrinA. M., Enfield Brey Paul C., Burksville Grover Joseph, Erie Meacham S. S., Burton Ellsworth E. A., Eugene Angle & Allen, Bushnell Chestnutwood Jonathan, Evansville Clarke H. T., Bushnell Hett H. W., Exeter Pin ck ley B. F., Bushnell Lyon C., Exeter Campbell A. 0.& Co., Byron Peak & Gillman, Exeter Dunning William C., Byron Wood W. W., Exeter Arter D. T Caledonia Brandon John, Fairbury Ball T. M , Calhoun Cooper T. S. & Co., Fail-field Byerly A. J., Calhoun Holt E. H., Fair Haven Temple Dr., Cameron Lowry W. A., Fairmount Barnes J. A., Canton Bristol & Sapp, Farmington Crosby & Bro., Carbon Heaton M., Farmington GreeiiiCaf D., Carthage EadsJ. A., Fieldon Doerning Henry, Central City Fitter W. W., Fieldon Gall John & Co., Central City Barker F., Forest Lewis Joseph, Channahon Gale Clark, Forksville Brewer Wm. M., Chatham Wells J. R., Forksville Cleveland & Owen, Chelsea Bray ton G. W., Franklin Grove Van Oi linda & Browne, Chelsea Robinson W. C., Franklin Grove Bronols Henry, Chicago Deputy T. T., Friends Grove Buck & Rayner, ChicHgo Welkiuson Wm. R., Friendsville Cory B. S. & Sons, Chicago Matteson & Palmer, Galesburg Fairal William B, Chicago Thompson , Galesburg Heylmann Charles, Chicago Parker Deloa J., Garden Plain Lord &; Smith, Ch CMgo Stough 0. J., Geneseof Lurton & Harris, Chicago Ormsbee William W., Geneva Lurton, Harris & Johnson, Chicago Pittwood L. N., Oilman PARK JOHN D., Chicago Wright I. F., Gilman Penton, Robinson & Smith. Chicago Glass H., Golconda Reif Albin, Chicago Hall J. H., Golconda Roemheld Julius, Chicago Gross G. V., Grafton GRA Paine H. H., Reed G. J. fc Co., Menolion G. & Co., Michell J. M., Baker Bro. & Co., Stewn-t Wm., Harpham & Cadwallader, Welhly John, Noxon A. C., Bales, Osborn & Co., McFarland & Co., Ellithorp J. W., Haskell A. Sumner, Myres J. Benson, Sutton Wm. P., White & Haines, Draper & Moore, Preston & Brothers, Birge & Van Fleet, Pixley 0., Robinson W. P., Wiley & Newberrv, Edgar W. S., Hockenhull R., Kanne C. H., Merchant & Roberts, Branch N. P., Reed S. G., Reber Abram, Cleveland & Will, Cooper A., HAWKS M., WestH. T., Seaburry R. F., Lawrence K. I., Martin & Bro., Skillings L. D., Winter John, Dana C. C., Ross Thomas W., Gardner John, Hyatt A. & H., Gold D. L., Berger & Feringher, Senm-m & Co., Hall & Bro., Bechard & Co., Sprague S., Limerick George, Mooie J. E., Dewitt E., Edwards Isaac, Minor C. A. Hibbard J. B., Moore R. B. & Co., Rockey W. F., Kellogg & King, Ladew A. P., Pannele & Miller, Porter & Bro , ELLIS J. W., Rice D. B. & Co., Poe A. G., Dunlap & Cunningham, Bulion J. R., Gard Dan, Houghton J. H., Johnson C. H., Pilkington James, Wackerle W. J., 747 ROZ Grande de Tour Spitler David, Mier Granville Clawges J. W. F., Mineral Greenup Lowry & Bradley, Minersville Gridley Spriggs J. S., Monmouth Harrisburgh McBride N. & Co., Morris Harvard Arter Dr. D., Mound City ier, Havana Ridge way & Bro., Mt. Carmel Hazel Dell Winston Thomas, Mt. Morris Hennepin Davis L., Mt. Palatine Hermitage Beidler S. L., Mt. Pulaski Hevworth Welbone E. E., Mt. Vernon Hick's Mills Dodson E. H., Murphysborough Hillsboro Lyford & Waples, Neponset Hopewell Merrill J. W., Neponset Houston Hopkins C. C. & Co., New Baltimore Hurricane Hawthem A. S., New Berlin Hutsonville Alyea Thomas, New Boston Hutsoriville Hartson J. L , New Boston Indianola Prentiss S. V., New Boston Ingrrham Prairie Smith G. C., New Market Ipava Baird George H., New Mnssillon Irving Maxwell F. H., New Milford Jacksonville Wilson Marcus, Noble Jacksonville Smith Solomon, Nokomis Jamestown Reed C., Northampton Jefferson Satterthwait Joseph M., North Fork Jeffersonville Barber John, Novesville Kappa Raukin A. C., Oakulla Kent Bandt H. G., Old Ripley Kewanee Tracv F, A., Oneida Kewanee Peck Thomas S., Oregon Kewanee Anderson R. S., Orleans Kewanee Goodman & Epperson, Oxford Kickapoo Boyce & Bump, Paine's Point Kinderhook Solomon D. N., Palmyra Kingston Mines Vawinkle H. L, Palmyra ^Kinmundy Collins & Bro., Paris Knoxville Curl J. & Son, Paris Kyte River Newell A. A., Paris LaFayette RUGG HENRY L, Peoria LiHarpe Brown Samuel, Plain View LaHarpe Bullock H. E., Piano Lawreneeville Evans J. W., Pleasant Vale Lebanon Morey Amos, Pleasant Vale Leb inon Hobart L. M., Pleasant View Lemont Tyrrell M., Plum River L'Erable Biown & Co., Pontiac Libertyville Croswell Thomas, Pontiac Limerick Bracken & Matson, Portland Lisbon Charlton H., Princeton Louisville Mercer Jones & Co., Princeton Louisville Shugart & Crossley, Princeton Lyndon Winter W. H., Princeton McConnell's Grove Robinson J. B. & Co., Prophetstown McConnell's Grove Shaw George R. & Co., Prophetstown McConnell's Grove Doway & Morton, Quincy McLean Hoffman H. H., Quincy McLean Kalb A. J., Quincy Mackinaw Miller G. A., Quincy Mackinaw Rogers H. A., Quincy Macomb Frederick & Dodge, Rantoul Macomb Deitzel &Co., Red Bud Maple's Mills Sampson C. H., Renault 1, Maquon Turner James, Ridgeley Marshall Glenn & Hughes, Ripley Martinsville Rouse H., Rock Grove Mendota Glacius & Speidel, Rock Island Mendota Porter D. M., Roland Mendota Ayre E. H., Rome Meredosia Hulbert J. J., Rozetta ; ROS 748 ALT Brondon W. M., Roseville Emmons E. P., Roseville Mercantile Agencies. Chiniquy Achilles, St. Anne McMurphy George, Salisbury (See, also, Commercial Agencies) Irwin John, Salt Creek Clemans G. P. M., Sandoval Sedg*iek & Hendee, Sandwich BRYANT, BELL & STRATTON, Chicago See advt. coloved page back. Smith S. J. & Co., Sandwich Arnold Samuel, Secor Merchant Tailors. Tribbey P. L. & S. B., Secor (See Clothiers.) Raymond S. L., Shaw's Point \ / Morgan J. L., Sheffield Sturges W. H., Sherburnville Frick & Lamer, South Pass Metal "Warehouses. Green David, South Pass Root & Platt, Alton Rogers R. B., Sparland Ryan Daniel, Alton Mel vin Samuel H., Springfield Blair William & Co., Chicago Wiuligler Elias, Spring Grove DICKERSON THOMAS S., Chicago Fuller Levi, Spring Hill See advt. page 449, and on mitside cover. Hoxsey & Shirley, Staunton Edson & White, Chicago Snell H., Staunton Hunt Edwin, Chicago Nyberg & Bro., Stone Fort JEWETT & BUTLER, Chicago Barton J. B., Sublette See advt. page 454. Keller A. L., Sullivan TUTTLE, HIBBARD & CO., Chicago McKee William, Summerfield Schenck John, Summum Propst Levi, Sweet Water Metallic Burial Case Makers. Stocking Dexter, Taylor Hapgood William, Terre Haute (See, aho t Uhdertrkert.) Holcomb A., Towanda Hungerford Dr., Union Bergman F. E. & Co., Galena Moorman J. E., Versailles Pease E. A., Victoria Midwifes. Spence & Harbison, Walbridge Lee William, Walker's Neck Nelson S. G. & Bro., Wallingford Smith Silas, Walnut Hill Cain Wm., Warren Engelhard Mary, Chicago Fahlbusch Sophia, Chicago Federschmidt Maria, Chicago Glanbit Catharine, Chicago Pierce J. L., Warren Hallebaner Catherine, Chicago Leonard H. E., Warrenville Hartig Emelia, Chicago Blalesley H. L., Washington Kearney Sarah, Chicago Lyon S., Wataga Wood W. S., Wataga Kruger Dorotha, Chicago Linden Catherine, Chicago Timmons & Brother, Waynesville Wells J. W. & Co., Waynesville Beebe J. A., Webster Nuremberg Whilhem, Chicago Palmer Mary Ann, Chicago Setchfield Mary Mrs., Chicago Fagotte Julius, Wesley City Jones & Barn^p, Westfield York & White, Westfield Stumps Barbara, Chicago Winter Casper, Chicago Louis Mary, Joliet Clock Asa J., West Urbana Graff Kresens, Rock Island Hiatt A. H. & Bro., Wheaton Alworth Reuben, Winnebago Depot Warner N. G., Winnebago Depot Military G-oods, Dealers in. Roysdale J. M., Wool Maarose & Gambell, Wyanet LARRABEE & NORTH, Chicago Thomas J. B. & Co., Wyoming Milliners and Dress Makers. (See, also, Dress Makers.) Melodeon Manufacturers and Dealers. Dixon & Philips Mrs., Abingdon Hall Julia, Abingdon (See, also, Music and Musical Instruments.) McGRUE A., Abingdon McGrue Sarah. Abingdon CARLEN FRIDOLEN, Chicago Orr Lucinda, Abingdon PRINCE CHARLES F., (AGENT GKO. Darrow Isabella, Albany A. PRINCE, BUFFALO,) Chicago Bowman M. G., Albion PRINCE GEORGE A. & CO., (CHAS. F. PRINCE, Bodd Emily Miss, Algonquin AGENT,) Chicago Russ A. Mrs., Algonquin See advt.e on outside front cover. Teterict S. Miss, Alhambra Mason DeWitt C., Watson Bonnell Ariann, Alton 47 ALT 749 CHI Broadfish Hattie Miss, Alton Ames Harriet, Byron Diamond H. Margaret, Alton Alwell Susan, Byron Douglas Isabella Miss, Alton Brown Bell, Cameron Grimm Anna Mrs., Alton Hunt M. L. Mrs., Cameron Morgan Elizabeth Mrs., Alton Hunt E. M., Canton Gordon Mrs. , Amboy Snyder L. C. Mrs., Canton Humphrey Mrs. , Amboy Gilbert H. Miss, Carlinville McGearry Mrs. , Amboy Hall A. Miss, Carlinville Berment A. D, Mrs- Annawan Flanders Mrs. , Carmi Sargent B. C. Mrs., Annawan Stewart E. Miss, Car mi Gilmore Ann, Appanoose Metcalf Sarah, Carthage Shaw M. J., Appanoose Walker R. Mrs., Catlin Pillars A. F., Arcola Anderson C., ": Cedarville Taylor J. S. Mrs., Arcola Bike S., .'' Cedarville BosnerM., Argo Mackle E., Cedarville Burkholder Mary E., Atlanta Mark F., Cedarville Milner Sarah E., Atlanta Allen T. Mrs., Centralia Pell Theressa C., Atlanta Drummond K. Miss, Centralia Jerolimann Miss, Augusta Knight E. Miss, Centralia Kennedy E. R., Augusta Beecher Maria, Channahon Hawley Lucy J. Mrs., Aurora Dana H. & D. Misses, Cherry Valley Stewart Sarah Miss, Aurora Liddle Helen Miss, Cherry Valley Jones Sarah, Barry Hemple H. Mrs., Chester Mason Emma, Barry Adcock Harriet, Chicago Lumm Phoebe E., Batavia AntPn Mary E., Chicago McKae C. Miss, Batavia BIXBY EDMUND MRS., DRESS Sikes E. Mrs., Batavia MAKING, 165 WEST MADI- Stur T. Mrs., Batavia SON STREET, Chicago Crawford Salina, Beardstown Blommert Mary Miss, Chicago Whipp Sarah, Beardstown Bowen Annie, Chicago Blair D. Mrs., Belden Brockway Mary P., Chicago Lansha M. Mrs., Belden Brown Margaret, Chicago Eobinson Lottie, Belden Bush Abram, Chicago Meyer Emily, Belleville Gary Quincy A., Chicago Rudolph William, Belleville Chase Elizabeth, Chicago Brink Caroline, Belvidere Colburn Theresea, Chicago Kidwell Elizabeth W. Mrs., Belvidere Cook Tyrzah, Chicago Pickard H. Miss, Belvidere Cooke E., Chicago Colkin Mrs., Benton Croaker Rate, Chicago Litchfield Leah, Bernadotte Davis Mary Ann, Chicago Lovell Angeline, Bernadotte Devoy Elizabeth, Chicago Godfrey Eliza, Beverly Dunham Catherine M., Chicago Downey M. E. Miss, Biggsville Eickenberg Matilda, Chicago Bailey Mary Miss, Blandensville Evans Mary, Chicago Rust Martha Mrs., Blandinsville Fox S. A., Chicago Johonnett R. F. Mrs., Bliven's Mills Gilliss H., Chicago Fair Mary, Bloomfield Han rah an Sarah, Chicago Rodgers Mrs. , Bloomfield Holland Paul, Chicago Briggs Margaret J., Bloomington Hopson Joseph, Chicago Hamilton Anne Mrs., Bloomington Hotze Wm., Chicago Magill Ellen, Bloomington Hughes Rose, Chicago McGowan Mary, Bloomington Huskin Mary, Chicago Priest Mary E., Bloomington Laflin Abby M., Chicago Richter C., Blue Island Levy Mrs., Chicago Robinson C. D., Blue Island Lloyd Horace H., Chicago Grulle Mrs. , Bourbon McCarthy John Mrs., Chicago Abbott A. Mrs., Bradford McEwan Sarah J., Chic go Foster Thomas A. Mrs., Bradford McGrath Jenny, Chicago Lamper J. G. Mrs., Bradford McKinnon Ann, Chicago Vest H. A. & M. J. Misses, Brighton Magee Catharine, Chicago Blanchard Joseph Mrs., Brimfield Marshall R. Mrs., Chicago Fredenburgh R. Mrs., Bristol Miers Edward, Chicago Hankinson Mrs. , Bristol Miller Henrietta, Chicago Bay loss Mrs., Buck Minton A. Mrs., Chicago Garrison S., Buck Neuberger Chas., agt., Chic go Gross 0. L. Miss, Buda NORRIS E. A. & A. 0., Chicago Raffenberg Mary, Buda O'Shannessy Jane, Chicago Jurgens Mrs. Burksville Owen Annie, Chicago Hoff Cornelia Mrs., Bushnell Palmer A. R., Chicago Willis Julia Mrs., Bushnell Pinkerton R., Chicago CHI 750 HAD Reinhe Berchard, Chicago Brink Rosanna, Elkhorn Rice Mrs., Chicago Fox M. M. Mrs., Ellisville Schoven Gustavus, Chicago Horton L. A. Mrs., Ellisville Schurz Caroline E., Chicago Bradley E. Miss, Enterprise Shew Mary, Chicago Sega Mrs., Erie Sastheine Rosalie, Chicago Hancock Fanny Mrs., Eureka Stephens John Mrs., Chicago Longwood M. Mrs., Eureka Stow Win R., Chicago Shockley Mat Miss, Eureka Turner Elizabeth, Chicago Burroughs E. A. Miss, Evanston Valligutte Margaret, Chicago Clifford L. Mrs., Evanston Vanfield Henry, Chicago O'Hagan Annie Miss, Evanston Walsh & Hutchinson, Chicago Ruth A. & Sarah, Fairbury Wamsley & Hueston, Chicago Smith Francena A., Fairbury Webel Catharine, Chicago Sprague E., Fairbury Annis Mrs. & Miss, Chillicothe Hawkins Miss, Fairfield Moffitt M. J. Miss, Chillicothe St. John Miss, Fairfield Back worth Laura, Clayton Enochs Adeline, Farmington Hendrickeon M. A., Clayton Morgan L., Farmington Green G. W., Clinton Tyler Julia A., Farmington Nagley Emma, Clinton Worden Mrs., Farmington Nagley Tena, Clinton Dixon M. Mrs., Foreston Nodler G. W. Mrs., Clinton Door F., Foreston Edgar Elizabeth Mrs., Coal Valley Swinson P. S. Mrs., Forksville Margans Ann, Coal Valley Gardiner M. Mrs., Frankfort Taylor Rhoda, Coal Valley Hale Nancy Mrs., Frankfort Bechtel Mary Mis3, Colchester Bassett Mrs., Franklin Grove Gibson Mrs., Collins' Station Cole Mrs., Freedom Oves A. Mrs., Collinsville Dickson Lucy Miss, Freeport Durant Sarah, Columbus Harris Samuel B., Freeport Plum Mrs., Como Hawes Charlotte D. Mrs., Freeport Shepherd Mrs., , Como Hopkins C. Mrs., Freeport Ferris Miss, Cordova Plotner June A. Mrs., Freeport Marshall Wm. G. Mrs., Cordova Prior C. W. Mrs., Freeport Stockwell Mrs., Cordova Relyea Mary A. Mrs., Freeport Shechler M. Miss, Courtland Station Golliday Mrs., Fulton City Williams J. A. Mrs., Courtland Station Keeth Matilda Miss, Fulton City Meadf Angeline, Crotty Farr Mrs., Galesburg Neff Misses, Cuba James Misses, Galesburg Creamer Mrs., Danville Vanblarcom Mrs., Galesburg Foos Mrs., Danville Wetten Frank Mrs., Gale -burg Crombie Margaret, Dawson Sackett Anna, Garden Prairie Banks Mrs., Daysville Black J. D. Mrs., Geneseo Brown Miss, Daysville Craigin E. Mrs., Geneseo Brown E. Mrs., Dearborn Fitch E. Miss, Geneseo Ellwood Margaret, Decatur Morse Misses, Geneseo Miller Annie, Decatur Newman Augusta, Miss, Geneseo Boyd Mrs., Dement Station Scott Eliza, Geneva CrummerT. Mrs., Derinda Scott Louisa, Geneva Hutsonpillar Isabella, Detroit Van Vlack Amelia E., Geneva Taylor M. J., Detroit Moore C. Mrs., Georgetown Dickson W. S. Mrs., Dixon Moore Luzena Miss, Georgetown, Harwood J. W. Mrs., Dixon Yapp E. A. Mrs., Georgetown Little Jane Mrs., Dixon Yapp Mary C., Georgetown Parks Mrs., Doddsville Hartley A. Miss, Gilman Hazard S. R., Dover Jones Mary W., Girard Wheatlev Mrs., Dubois Wyatt Mrs., Girard Hunt H/E., Dundee Majors Mary, Golconda Jenks E. A. Mrs., Dundee Williams Jane, Goleonda Price Mary Ann Mrs., DuQuoin Hathaway Miss, Grand de Tour Webster S. Mrs., Durand Horrecks Miss, Grand de Tour Wilcoxon Emilinc, Durand Mamma Mi-s, Grand de Tour Helzel J. Mrs., Dwight Erissmann Kate, Graiiville Brunson Miss, Earlville Allen Mrs., Grayville Smith F. B. Mrs., Earlville TanguarvJaue Mrs., Grayville Lansing Mary J. Mrs., East Paw Paw Wilsey Mrs., Grayville Bethell Mrs., Edgewood Dubnler Mary, Greenfield Champion Ellenor Mrs., Elgin Coffey B. Miss, Griggsville Fish A. B. Mrs., Elgin Hutchins Miss, Grigj;sville Fowler Mrs., Elgin Fox Mrs. H. J.. Iladley Lindsay Janet Miss, Elgin Rice Melissa, Hadley HAD 751 NEW Snart Mrs. Hadley McGee Mrs., Lincoln Hoops B. C. Miss, Hamilton Waltmaii C. Miss, Lincoln Bennett Lucinda, Hampshire Vreeland C. Mis?, Lisbon Denison Miss, Hampton Daggett A. A. Mrs., Lockport Edwards Amarine, Harrisburgh Thome Mrs., Lockport Mcllrath Mary Ann, Harrisburgh Jeffries P. Mrs., Lyndon Hance Angeline, Harvard Graham Mrs , Lynnville Davis Edith Miss, Havana Hepworth Mrs., Lynnville Gorden Jonathan Mrs., Havana Jones Alice Miss, McLean Durlev R. A. Mrs., Hennepin Rawlings Miss, McLean Hays J.P.Mrs., Hennepin Coker Catherine, McLeansboro Smith C. Mrs., Hennepin Martin C. Miss, Mackinaw Black John Mrs., Henry Gary Ann, Macomb Hoyt Mary Mrs., Henry McDonald B. Mrs., Macomb Rolley Mrs., Henry Robinson A. W. Mrs., Macomb Hasbaugh Mary Miss, Higginsville Parsons M. A., Magnolia Haffter Mrs., Highland Leasure Miss, Maiden Kaunel Mrs., Highland Stannard Mrs., Maiden Meyer Margaretha Miss, Highland Tubbs Jane, Mansfield Sully Mrs., Highland Browning E. Miss, Manteno Wright M. L. Mrs., Hillsboro Gibson Jane A., Maple's Mills Finny Mrs., Howard's Point Olrnsted N. J. Mrs., Maquon Gumer Mrs., Hudson Comb Polly Mrs., Marengo Bridges I., Huntley Grove Miller Mrs., Marengo Yapp Mary E. Miss, Indianola Warner Ira P. Mrs., Marengo Cope M. J. Mrs., Ipava Schreyhagen Mrs., Marine Easley Phoebe Miss, Ipava Hooper R. Mrs., Marion Wentworth Mrs. M., Ipava Humphrey Josephine Miss, Marietta Delahay M. J., Jacksonville Byer Phoebe, Mnrshall Egbert Caroline, Jacksonville Sutton Mrs., Marshall Peck Frances, Jacksonville Pearson & Deneen Misses, Mason Jennings E. Miss, Jerseyville Kreitzer Harriet, Mendota Palmer S. Mrs., Jerseyville Martin M. M., Mendota Van Pelt Mary, Jerseyville Pierce A. M., Mendota Bray Mary Miss, Joliet Ketridge Jenette Miss, Meredosia Hoopes Susan S. Miss, Joliet Lewis Mrs., Meredosia Kavanagh & Ryan, Joliet Earl Mrs., Metamora Simonds E. Maria Miss, Joliet Jones L. Mrs., Metamora Stevens Harriet Mrs., Joliet Eveans Mary A. Miss, Metropolis City Dougherty D. C., Jonesboro Graham J. A., Middleport Fagot N. Miss, Jonesboro Torrey A. H.. Middleport Robinson M. E. Miss, Kane Tullis Kate & Jane, Midd;eport Bainter Adam, Kankakee Millet Mary, Milledgeivllle Kenworthy Rebecca J., Kankakce Stowcll Mokena Davis , Kansas Moore E. Mrs., Momence Baker Mrs., Kewanee Moore.G. Mrs., Momence Hale Jane T. Mrs., Kewanee King M. E., Monticello Marony Caroline, Kewanee Webster Mary Mrs., Monti cello Brooking Charlotte, Kingston Mines Gibson M. J., Morris Baldwin M. & H. Miss, Kinmundy Wheeler Mis?, Morris Finly S. Miss, Kinmundy Wright & Stevens, Morris Wolfe Martha Mrs., Kinmundy Cady Eliza E. Miss, Morrison Moore Sarah A., Knoxville Trauger Mrs. W., Morrison Yeomans D. Mrs., LaClaire Stockton A. Mrs., Mound City Ellis A. Mrs., Lacon Topie C. Mrs., Mound City Hiff Clara Miss, Lacon Brooks Mrs., Mt. Carmel Hulton C. A. Mrs., Lacon Lesdner Mrs , j; Mt. Carmel Groat M. J. Miss, LaHarpe Weer Mrs., Mt. Carmel Hammond E. Mrs., LaHarpe Wilder Rosilla Miss, Mt. Hawley Wilcox E. E. Miss, LaHarpe Felker S. Mrs., Mt. Morris Minier M. Miss, Lane Depot Willson A. Miss, Mt. Morris Anderson S., Laona Beckwith E., Mt. Palatine Strout Sarah Mrs., LaSalle Whittaker N. M. Mrs., Mt. Pulaski Clark Mrs., Lawrenceville Hogur E. Mrs., Mt. Vernon Lawson Miss, Lawrenceville Ridgway Mary A., Mt. Vernon Cape Misses, Lebanon Harner M., Naperville Ferris A. M. Mrs., Lemont Jassoy A. B., Naperville Potras B. Mrs., L'Erable Dorr P. A. Miss, Neponset Nailer F. Mrs., Leroy Bond Eliza, New Boston Hale Ann, Libertyville Chamberlain Mrs., New Boston NEW 752 SPA Crews Margaret A., Hibets Emeline, Dubbs M. P. Miss, Stanchfield Rural Mrs., Skinner S. Mrs., Smith Mary A., Wooley Mrs., Brown Mrs. & Daughter, Heifner Mrs., Mills Mrs., Calvin N. M., Patterson M. A., Holiister William Mra., Reed B. E. Mrs., Stephenson William Mrs., Bower E. Miss, Nettleton Clara Miss, Waterman William Mrs., Taylor M. G. Mrs., Forbes Mrs., Hawley Miss, Murdock Mrs., Avery Miss, Bru?ie E. M. Miss, Croley Mary Mrs., Gregg Mrs., Hunt B. Miss, LAUCHLAND M. MRS., MINER L. MISS, TARBLE SARAH A. MRS., Downey Mary, Pierce E. J., Southwick L. M., Bartlett Mary E. Miss, Davis Hester A. Miss, Hall S. Mrs., Shew L. Miss, Dillon Minerva, Hawley Miss, Frink J. P. Mrs., Marvin L. Mrs., White M. A. Mrs., Arnoldi A. Mrs., Milliken Mrs., Block Anstina, Burr Mary E., Burrows Francis Mrs., Daugherty Annie, Iliff James, Nieha-is Francis A., Wenning Annie, Oats Miss, Ogden B. & C. Misses, BEHREND P. K. MRS., Ahern Sarah, Morgan S. A. Mrs., PeUit Harriet, Johnson J. W., Doty L. W., Eckman W. Mrs., Purdy Elizabeth, Hendrickson E., Ren wick Sarah Miss, Snyder H. Mrs., McCurdy Sarah Miss, Robinson B. Mrs., Childers Elizabeth, Fisher & Goodman, McClean Elizabeth, McNella A. L., New Massillon New Massillon New Maysville Nora North Plato Noyesville Oakland Oakulla Olney Olney Omph Ghent Omph Ghent Oneida Onei la Oneida Orangeville Oregon Oregon Osborn Oswego Oswego Oswego Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa Paloma Pana Pana Paris Paris Paris Paris Parrish Paxton Pecatonica Pecatonica Pecatonica Pekin Pekin Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Perry Perry Peru Petersburg Petersburg Pettit Piasa Piano Pleasant Grove Pleasant View Plymouth Pontiac Port Byron Princeville Prophetstown Quincy Quincy Quincy Quincy Muller Tomma, Stangel Caroline, Crozier Lizzie Miss, Dashner Mrs., Foster Ellen Mrs., Butler Mrs., Barnard John Mrs., Davis H. Mrs., Ford Mary A. Miss, Hart well E. Mrs., Lowry Lucretia Miss, Mclntyre John Mrs., Ryan M. J. Miss, White Almira J. Miss, Mingle M. D. Mrs., GERSTMAYR BERTHA, Moss Frederick, Lisler Wesley Mrs. Broder A. B. Mrs., Goddard Maria, McMurtry Martha Miss, Ellis Mary E. Miss, Jones S L. Miss, Cole A. Mrs., Harris E. Mrs., Bohrer Mary Miss, Fuens M., Sevreign Ann, Winters Thos. Mrs., Bagby S. Miss, Hindman Mary, Shearer P. B., McCurdy R. A. Mrs., Prescott Alice P. Mrs., Roche Nicholas T. Mrs., Stephenson Mary, Detamore J. Mrs., Roach T. Mrs., Klingler J. Mrs., Arrowsmith S. Miss, Lord Miss, Hoff E. H. Mrs., Kents Misses, Kingsley E., Farmer Mrs., Tables J. Mrs., McDonald Ibbe J., Taylor Sally, Woodruff E. Mrs., Crawford E. Mrs., Ensign Miss, Knowlton Sarah, Fitzgerald Mrs., Goit Mrs., Dyers Caroline, Hayburst Rachel, Friedewald H. Miss, Otto C. Miss, Thompson M. Mrs., Hattou Mrs., Quincy Quincy Red Bud Renault Richland Ripley Rockford Rockford Rockford Rockford Rockford Rockford Rockford Rockford Rock Grove Rock Island Rock Island Rockport Rockton Rockton Roland Rome Rnme Roscoe Roscoe Ro-efield Rosefield Roseville Round Grove Rushville Rushville Rushville St. Charles St. Charles St. Charles St John St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Marie Sandoval Sandoval Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Sandy Ridge Sandy Ridge Santa Anna Santa Anna Savanna Shabbona's Grove Sheffield Sheffield Shelhyville Shelbyville Sherburnville Sherburnville Shiloh Shiloh Shoal Creek Shabonier Hemherst Angeline &, Joscphene Misses, S >monauk Patten Jane, Somonauk Warner Sarah M. Mra., Somonauk Boyd Mrs., South Bend McGanah Mary A., Sparland Timmons Mary, Sparland Bryee S., Sparta Davis V. C., Sparta Perkins Maggie, Sparta SPA 753 HEY Smiley E., Sparta Stubbs Mrs., Wyanet Helme E., Springfield Greenerwuth M. A. Miss, Wyoming Hopkins Jane, Springfield Casey Ann Mrs., " Xenia Labarthe Albina M., Springfield Roi'khill Lydia, Springfield Chaffer Miss, Beck^D. R. Mrs., Spring Hill Sterling Millinery and Straw Goods, Deal- ers in. Harden & Wheeler, Sterling McCn-edy J. Mrs., Sterling (See, also, Dry Goods.) Redfield E. J. Miss., Sterling Hahbert H., Sublette McGrue A., Abingdon Rawson H. J. Mrs., Sullivan Owings David F., Alton Clark Jane Miss, Summerfield Humphrey Mrs., Amboy Critchlow E. Mrs., Summerfield Brisbin Sarah A., Anna Fredericks C. Mrs., Summerfield Berment A. D. Miss, Annawan Moore Mrs., Sycamore Sargent B. C. Mrs., Annawan Shoemaker S. S., Sycamore Henry J. J., Arcola Tripp S. E. Mrs., Tamaroa Spencer & McKinney, Auburn Simmonds N. Mrs., Tennessee Philbrick M. H. & Co., Baileyville McKinzie Mrs., Thebes Crawford Sarah, Beardstown Greely C. A, Mrs., Tiskilwa Whipp Sarah, Beardstown Perkins 0. Mrs., Tiskilwa Wise D. W., Beaver Creek Christian Julia F., Tolona Rust Martha Mrs., Blandinsville McDowell Ann, Tolono Johonnett R. F. Mrs., Bliven'a Mills Cowpertbwaite C. Mrs., Toulon Fair Mary, Bloomfield Godfrey E., Toulon McCormick A. L., Blue Grass Nicols Mrs., Towanda Blanchard Joseph Mrs., Brimfield Tisdale Mrs., Tremont Garrison F. Mrs., Buck Wind C. Miss, Tremont Clark W. H. Mrs., Bunker Hill Wheeler T. Mrs., Tuscola Poor C. K, Bunker Hill Greenham E. Mrs., Urbana Angle & Allen, Bushnell Call Sarah, Utah Cole & West, Bushnell West Mrs., Vandalia Snyder L. C. Mrs., Canton Prentiss Elizabeth, Vermont Lewis Joseph, Channahon Harkness Elizabeth, Victoria Armstrong J. W. Mrs., Chatham Tabor Sarah, Victoria ALSHULER JACOB, Chicago Farguson R. M. Mrs., Walnut Grove Fisk David B., Chicago Riner M. E., Walnut Grove FREEDMAN & GOODKIND, Chicago Ruser Mrs., Warren Keith, Faxon & Co., Chicago Farmer Miss, Warren LARAWAY NELSON M., Chicago Hellsby Mrs., Warren Lloyd Horace H., Chicago McDonald Ada, Warren NORRIS E. A. & A. 0. MISSES, Chicago Higgins Samuel Mrs., Wataga Richardson Edward S. L., Chicago Townsend J. A. Mrs., Wataga WALSH & HUTCHINSON, Cuicago Skeen Mrs. M., Watson See advt.page 467. Dunham Helen Misa, Wavne?ville WAMSLEY HUESTON, Chicago McComis Adaline, Weller Webster & Gage, Chicago Brown A. Mrs., Wenona Station Wells Wilson, Chicago Taylor Margaret, Westfield Wetherell Harlus W., Chicago Vanscoick Sarah, Westfield High J. H., Collinsville White Helen, Westfield Dubrock C. J., Danby Corcoren Ellen M., West Urbana Crombie Margaret, Dawson Shaffer S. L., West Urbana Brown E. J., Drarborn Whiting A. Mis-*, Wethersfield Parrnele A. H., Dement Station Cram Mrs., Wheaton Lyman & Co., Dixon Henic Miss, Wheaton Sexton E. Miss, Edgewood Wells Sarah, Whitehall Wilder Samuel D., Elgin Barnard Miss N. A., Wilkesboro Dixon Lizzie Miss, Freeport Sandham Miss E. E., Wilkesboro Harris Samuel B , Freeport McCool Mrs. Wilmington Macomber Rebecca Miss, Galena Mann Mrs., Wilmington MERRICK MARY MRS., Galena Randall Miss, Wilmington SCHMOHL JOHN G., Galena Cochran Mrs., Windsor Van Blarcom A., Galesburg Vankannon Mrs., Windsor Craigin E. Mrs., Geneseo Lines Mrs., Winnebago Depot Van Vlack Amelia, Geneva Sacia Mrs., Winnebago Depot Horrecks Miss, Grand de Tour Turner Elizabeth Mrs., Woodhull Mumma Miss, Grand de Tour Turner Jennie, Woodhull Hoops B. C. Miss., Hamilton Harper & Parsons, Woodstock Hays J. P. Mrs., Hennepin Parker Miss, Wyanet McFarland & Co., Hcyworth HIG 754 DET Kaunel Mrs., Highland Mann Mrs., Wilmington. Meyer Margaretha Mis?, Highland Parker Miss, Wyanet Sutton Wm. T., Houston Stubba Mrs., Wyanet Draper & Moore, Hutsonville Moore Miss, Hutsonville Preston & Brothers, Fischer Isaac, Hutsonville Indianopolis Mill Furnishing. STEWART M., Jacksonville BURR & LATHAM, Batavia Jennings Miss E., Jerseyville See advt. page 434. Bainter Adam, Kankakee BAXTER T. W. & CO., Chicago Hale Jane F. Mrs., Kewanee See advt. front page. PHILLIPS & BOWERS, Kewanee GATES, WARNER, CHALMERS & CO-, Platt J. L., Kewanee Chicago Martin & Bro., Kingston Mines NOYE JOHN" T. & CO., Chicago Baldwin Miss, Kinmundy See advt. on card board between page 451 & 452. Carr Misses, Knoxville Moore William, Peoria Moore Sarah, Knoxville Clarke & Utter, Rockford Cape Misses, Lebanon Ferris A. M. Mrs., Lemont Apperson & Rayburn, Louisville Mill Stones. Barbre Jesse, Louisville Neff & Hungate, Louisville (See Burr Mill Stones. Jeffries P. Mrs., Lyndon Moore R. B. & Co., McConnell's Grove Kellogg & King, McLlean Millwrights. Jameson L., Macomb Parsons M. A., Magnolia Bur Jesse, Abingdon Schrevhagen Mrs., Marine Whitcomb S. M., Albany Earl Mrs., Metamora Martin J. S., Alma Stowe , Mokena Hook Aaron, Am boy Donlin B. & Co., Moscow Eastman Horace F., Anna Hogur E. Mrs., Mt. Vernon Gibaux George, Anna Ridgway Mary A., Mt. Vernon Hards William, Annawan Vedder Mrs., Oakulla Northup Gideon, Appanoose Bennett William, Oregon Armstrong David, Avon Hawly Miss, Oswego Wright D. N., Avon Hopkins Miss, Oswego Brown B. D., Barry Blithe Mrs., Palmyra Gowdy W. E., Batavia Bartlett Mary E. Miss, Paris Paine Oliver L., Bitavia Hutchenson E. D. Mrs., Patoka Chandler & Rummell, Bedford Bergstresser R. & Co., Pekin Beal John, Berlin Oats Major, Perry Strunk Joseph, Blandinsville Reinick Sarah Miss, Pontiac Osman R. J., Bliven'a Mills Hale Jane F., Princeton Cushman Joseph, Bluff ville Johnson Alfred, jr., Princeton Ormsby John, Browning Robinson B. Mrs., Prophetstown Strahom Thomas F., Buena Vista Andrews Carrie, Qaincy Slack J. T., Canton Fisher & Goodman, Quincy Graham S., Cedarville Jackson M., Quincy Graham S. L, Cedarville Joseph & Nelke, Quincy Reed J. P., Cedarville McLean J. J., Quincy Crittenden R. H., Chester Horn George W., Rockford BAXTER T. W. & Co., Chicago Horsman Frederick A., Rockford See advt. opp. inside front cover. Sanford Robert A., Rockford Fay & Co., Chicago Milison Caroline Miss, Rose Hill GATES, WARNER & CHALMERS, Chicago Minard & Osgood, St. Charles Krause John, Chicago Arrowsumh S. Miss, Sandoval NOYE JOHN T., Chicago Michael J. P., Santa Anna See advt. on card bet. pages 451 * Gridley Russell J. B., Bradford Buck James, Hadley Cooper G. W., jr., Bridgeport Mason & Wilson, Hadley HEN 757 CHI Boxenthall W. & G., Hennepin Wright & Brother, Oneida Dore P., Hennepin Wagenhals William & Co., Orangeville Dent H. C., Hennepin Mix William J., Oregon Feltus P., Hennepin Chapman Samnel, Osborn Lyons John, Hennepin Nisong J. F. & Co., Palmyra Markley D., Hennepin Solomon D. N., Palmyra Pulsiler E. F., Hennepin Lodge & Son, Paris Bales, Osborn & Co., Hermitage Sandford & Alexander, Paris Wright M. M., Higginsville Woodruff C. H. & E. L., Pecatonica Button Wm. T., Houston Gutter & Evans, Peoria Draper & Moore, Hutsonville Johnson J. W., Piasa Preston & Brothers, Hutsonville Brown Samuel, Plain View Pixley 0., Ingraham Prairie Sturges H. A., Plain View Shermin & Smith, Iroquois Morey A., Pleasant Vale Wiley & Newberry, Irving Turner William, Pleasant Vale Merchant & Roberts, Jefferson Tyrrell Miles, Plum River Naill J. E., Jonesboro Emery C., Prophetstown Provo J. J., Jonesboro Fuller & Mairs, Prophetstown Willard & Co., Jonesboro Frederick & Dodge, Rantoul Gary A. J. & Bro., Kansas Turner James, Ridgeley Reber Abram, Kent Barnes & Mitchell, Roland Martin sac Brown Ira N., Chicago Hatch Hobart H., Rockford Ellioit Richard, Chicago Howell James B., Rockford Fraze Boyce, Chicago Waldo & Gilbert, Bockford Hurst Richard, Chicago Devoe & Crampton, Rock bland Jeffi ey John M., Chicago Warren Franklin H., Rock 1-land Kellogg Frederick, Chic 'go Suley C. H., Rushville McNALLY & CO., Chicago Fers >n George & Co., St. Charles Macdonald Charles, Chicago Haydn Albert, St. Charles Mumf rd William, Chicago Aird W., Sandoval NORRIS & HYDE, Chicago Dodge H., Sherburn ville Pool Jasper W., Chicago Hopper John, Springfield Ross R. A., Chicago Hoxsey & Shirley, Staunton Shaler Benjamin F., Chicago Hicks Nathan, Sterling Smith Harlow C., Chicago Hill N., Sycamore Vore & Winne, Chicago Wells H. K. W., Tamaroa Bro .ksW., Circle ville Porter J. W., Urban* Verrill H. M., Cordova Wadhams A. S., West Urbana Bun, ughs Caleb C., Decatur Youngson John, Wyanet HawK-v & Gilbert, Dixon Hollister A. S., Dundee Mangold J. G., Du Qtfoin Notaries Public. Wallace Matthew, Elgin P. (>. News Depot, Farmington Lewis J. H., Abingdon Barker F., Foreston Gilespie W. H., Abindon HewittT. J., Foreston Efner D. S., Albany Bn \vn J. Edmund, Freeport Williams J., Albion EmniLTt & Burrell, Freeport Marsh M. L., Aledo Patt rs >n John H., Freeport Sears J. J., Algpnquin Bally John, Fulton City Sweeny N. D., jAlhambra SchitnU Charles H., Galena Caldwell Charles, I Alton Fre. imn G. W., Galesburg Brown S., Amboy COOK W. P., Geneseo Ives W. E., Amboy Orm>bee William W., Geneva Stewart W. B., Amboy Patten Henry, Geneva Taylor W. M., Amboy Pai. e H. H., Grand de Tour Shick Cyrus, Anna Barnard F. G., Henry Pettys Hiram, Air awan McDonald J. P., Hutsonville Haynes Charles, Antioch Buchtnan William, Joliet Sylvester W. T., Arcola Hfirde John D., Joliet Hosmer A. J., Ashley Sa^ age Edward, Joliet Ball J. H., Atlanta DURHAM PLEASANT, Kankakee Hewitt I. N. B., A uburn Winter John, Knoxville McKinney James, Auburn Grteu & McClenahan, Lacon Harvey Joel D., Aurora AUR 759 DAN Jenks Levi, Aurora Gurley Joel, Chicago METZNER CHARLES J., Aurora Hall L irnbert C., Chicago Montony Richard G., Aurora Hartmann Theo., Chicago McDowell W. G., Avoca Hawley Cyrus M., Chicago Vandeveer W. T., Avon Holden Charles N., Chicago LuckeyJ. C., Barclay HOOKE ENOCH G., Chicago Watson John, B.irry Hosmer Charles B., Chicago Eddy James W., Batavia HOYNE PHILIP A., Chicago Wilson Orsamus, Batavia Hoyt James T., Chicago Welch Thomas, Beardstowa Huntington Alonzo, Chicago Kelley George, Belleville Ingalls George A., Chicago Wenige Louis G., Belleville James Alfred, Clvcago Prav Lewis W., Belvidere James Benjamin F., Chicago RANDALL A. F., JR., Belvidere Jenks Chancellor L., Chidgo See advt. page 439. Johnson James N., Chicago Walker Holton C., Belvidere Lay George W., Chicago Wood Wm. H., Belvidere Lee James L., Chicago Dollins James J., Benton Lounsbury Wales B., Chicago Hll Alexis, Big Rock Mcllroy Daniel, Chicago Scott Jno., Blackberry Station Machin Charles H., Chicago Champlain A. R., Blandinsvilie Mayer Leopold, Chicago Gillihan W. W., Blandinsville Meech George A., Chicago Birch Jesse, Blooming'on Merriman Wm. F., Chicago Lanimore John H., Bloomington Morey Henry C., Chicago Lewis Backus W., Bloomington NICHOLS JOHN A., Chicago Orme Wm. W., Bloomington Oertel Albert C., Chicago Pardee Theron, Bloomington Olmsted Lucien D., Chicago Prince Ezra M., Bloomington Porter Wm. A., Chicago Reeves Owen T., Bloomington Proudfoot Lawrence, jr., Chicago Ma-say H., Blue Island Ranstead Bushrod W., Chicago Williamson L. S., Brimfield Runyon Eben F., Chicago Cmp S., Bristol Russell John B. F., Chicago Conover Hiram, Bushnell Scovill James W., Chicago Dunning Wm. C., Byron Seaverns Charles H., Chicago Baker David J., jr., Cairo SHERMAN ANDREW, Chicago Hannoii Daniel, Cairo Smith Simuel C., Chicago Courtright Amos E., Calhoun Snyder Henry N., Chicago Richards J. D., Calhoun Stickney Wm. H., Chicago Haskell W. H., Canton Straus Samuel, Chicago Heald C. T., Canton TAYLER REUBEN, Chicago Freeman W. W., Carlinville Thomas Benjamin W., Chicago Hinde J. B., Carmi Thomas Jesse B., Chicago Sympson C. C., Carthage THOMASSON NELSON, Chicago Moore Isaac N., Central C;ty Thompson John H., Chicago Bunce L., Centralia VON HORN JOHN, Chicago Stoker W., Centralia Waite William H., Chicago Ellington James D., Charleston Ward Jasper D., Chicago Jones W. H., Chatsworth Warner Dudley P., Chicago Carpenter Josiah, Chelsea Whiteheid Edward J., Chicago Holbr. ok J. C., Chester Whitney Henry C., Chicago Ackley John B., Chicago Whittle George D., Chicago Adflit James M., Chicago Wilder David P., Chicago Anthony Elliott, Chicago Wright Abner M., Chicago Bass P. rkins, Chicago Wright Robert C., Chicago Bell Victor B., Chicago Folliott J. C., Chillicrthe Bingham LaFayette, Chicago Tomlinson J. 0., ChiHicothe Boyd Carlile, Chicago McCassor J. C., Circleville Brentno Lorenzo, Chicago Woodson S., Circle ville Brooks Henry, Chicago Bishop Wm. W., Clay City Bross John A., Chicago Marshall Henry, Clermont Clafiin Isaac, Chicago Dennett C. H., Clinton Clark -on J. Thome, Chicago Robins Daniel, Clinton COLT GEORGE P., Chicago Headen Thos., Cold Spring Davenport Gideon W., Chicago Kurtz M. S., Colli s ville Diehl Conrad L., Chicago Judd J. V. H., Cordova Ellsworth Lewis C., Chicago Strong J. P., Courtland Station Fuller Mellville W., Chicago Underbill Wm. H., Crotty Gallu,, Benjamin E., Chicago Donblarer B., Dakota Gregory Charles A., Chicago Brooks Horace, D.inby Gue Jacob F., _..^ Chicago Beckwith H. W., D. .n ville DAN 760 MAC Short J. C., Danville Alvord D. Smith, Hamilton Pierson James T., Dearborn Cushman E. C. A., Hamilton Esrey William J., Decatur Seymour William H., Hampshire Wilmot Lyman, Deerfield Young William L., Harrisburgh Green N. W., Delavan Randall Wilson, Harvard Nelson Sylvester, Derinda Dearbourn L., Havana Houston F. R., DeSoto Fullerton H., Havana BURTON J. HART. Dixon Nourse Ira. Hebron See advt. page 472. McCarthy J. D., Hennepin Eel's Samuel C., Dixon Arnold S., Henry Pinkham A. J., Dixon Ferguson J. G., Henry Danton D., Dundee Mills F. M., Henry Kendall L. D., Dundee Morgan St. John, Henry Vining E. W., Dundee Gruaz T., Highland Young J., Dundee Collah.in E., Hutsonville McClure George Y., DuQuoin ATKINS H. J., Jacksonville McWilliams D., Dwight See advt. page 478. Grover A. J., Earleville HOOK WM. S., Jacksonville Cla^ pole James, Edgewood STRYKERH.,jr., Jacksonville Lusk A. J., Edwardsville Blackburn A. M., Jerseyville Newsham J. P., Edwardsville Flamma John, Jerseyville Weila'dyJ. F., Edwardsville Knapp R. M., Jerseyville DAVIDSON ORLANDO, Elgin BARBER ROYAL E., Joliet Gifford Edmund, Elgin See advt. page 479. Wil ox John S., Elgin Goodspeed Francis, Joliet Meek B. D., Eureka McDougall James T., Joliet Douglass John A., Evansville Rouse George W., Joliet Crops y A. J., Fairbury Smith William, Joliet Bucher C. A., Fairfield STREETER JOSEPH, Joliet Wyckoif C. H., Fairview See advt. page 478. Gridley A. G., Farmington Wood William C., Joliet Little G. W., Farmington Schick S. C., Jonetboro Curry A. S., Flora Bartlett Ara, Kankakee Gale Clark, Forksville Handy George, Kankakee Marvin S. W., Fort Hill Lake Chauncey A., Kankakee Warren R. B., Franklin Grove Mack Alonzo W., Kankakee Miner S. R., Freedom Wiley N. S., Kansas Grain J. Addison, Freeport CookH. D., Kappa Dorr G., Freeport Easton Mark L., Kewanee Guitean G. W., Freeport Preston Jairus R., Kewanee Hibt>ard Homer N., Freeport Sloan H. L., Kewanee Smith Joseph B., Freeport Craig M., Kickapoo Taylor Oscar, Freeport Nader E., Kickapoo Williams David, Friendsville Pursel G. W., Kingston Mines Bill James F., Fulton City Hannaman R. L., Knoxville Eddowes John, Galena Miller H. H. M., Kyte River Grant Josias, Galesburg Whaler E. T., Kvte River Holcomb J. A. E., Galesburg Colvell J., " LaClair WILEY A. C., Galesburg Cook W. E., La con WOOD J. HARLAN, Galesburg Gapen W. F., Lacon See advt. page 476. King S. W., LaHarpe BuclesJ. S., Geneseo Odom Thos., Lake Creek Hosford James M., Geneseo Bates J. C., Liona Petry David L., Geneseo Abernathy L., Lawrence ville Stou'gh 0. J., Geneseo Horner H, H., Lebanon Pierce Henry, Geneva Kove A. A., Lei and Guv Asa H., Georgetown Hall Geo. H., Lemont Esty W. E., Oilman Lincoln J. H., Leroy Meicalf Thomas M., Girard Grover P. B., Liberty Foot G. K., Golconda Hatchinson Jamea, Libertyville Ranna John, Golconda Butter Horace, Libertyville Gross G. V., Grafton Sprague S., Libertyville Paine H. H., Grand de Tour Benner J. F., Lincoln Pennell William A., Granville Bowman E., Lincoln Ewart James, Greenup Fisk Franklin, Lincoln Cooms Upton, Gridley Gooding William A., Lockport Sloan John, Gridley O'Connell G., Lockport Bashforth R. L, Griggsville Tucker G. A., Lockport Crow Jno., Griggsville Bishop William W., Louisville Macintosh W. I., Griggsville Davis J. L., Mackinaw MAC T61 SHA Baker J. H., Macomb MORSE DANIEL S., Paxton Wells D. P., Macomb Vandyke A. S., Pecatonica "Wells George, Setts N. H., Macomb Magnolia Cook J. S., Maus W. D., Pekin Pekin Walker Edward, Mansfield Parker W. B., Pekin Labrie J. E., Manteno Pekin Hamrick A., Maquon Roberts James, Pekin Lansing C., Ferguson J. L., Harlan Howard, Tower J. W., Marengo Marine Marshall Marshall Tackaberry M., Baily Bernard, Donlevy Owen, Ely Thaddeus S., Pekin Peoria Peoria Peoria Willard N., Marshall KEYON LEWIS, Peoria Claypool James, Allison John, Mason Mattoon King Frederick A., Lueder Julius G., Peoria Peoria Crooker J. C., Mendota McCoy John A., Peoria Gilman C. H., Mendota Purple Charles K., - Peoria Kelsey L., Mendota Smith Harrison, Peoria Studley H. M., Meredosia Strafford Joseph, Peoria Hicks John B., Boire S. G., Metropolis City Middleport Wilmot George, Crawford Ralph, Peoria Peotone Myers W. C., Milford Fahs Cornelius, Peotone BernumF. W., Millstadt Cleveland John K., Perry Macy John, Jlinonk Norris J. P., Perry Reeves William, Minonk Pingree A., Pingree Grove Graham Robert H., Moline Stewart Lewis, Piano Smith Henry L., Moline Johnston E. H., Port Byron Clark M. 0., Momence Webster R. H., Port Byron Watts Charles, Monticello Kendall Milo, Princeton Armstro ig Perry A., Goold Hiram C., Morris Morris Paddock Geo. L., PeckhRm Chas. J., Princeton Princeton SANFORD EDWARD, Johnson Charles J., Morris Morrison SHARP W. HARRISON, Warner Edward B , Princeton Prophetstown Hunter William, Mound City Gather W. H., Quincy McCorrnick A. W., Mound City Field John, Quincy Stees Hnry, Mt. Carmel Gilpin Joseph B-, Quincy Ryon H. N., Mt. Morris G rover Isaac M., Quincy Laughlin J. W., Mt. Palatine SAVAGE ALEX. E., Quincy Tanner T. B., Mt. Vernon Wentworth B. B., Quincy Hobson M. T., Naperville Williams Jno. H., Quincy Riddie J. J., Naperville Porter C. L., Rantoul Valletu- H. F., Naperville Allen J. W., Red Bud Atwo d John M., Neponset Winstanley J., Red Bud Thomp-on James S., Warner George W., New Boston New Boston Hinkler C., Biake Evans, Renault Rockford Mayo Winston, Newton Casper Elias, Rockford ScovilK- James W., Noyesville Enoch Hiram R., Rockford Southwuith A. D., Oakulla Ferguson Duncan, Rockford Anderson Martin W., Ogle Station Hulin William, Rockford Gibson Isaac, Olney Ogden William H., Rockford Livings on B. F., Olney Spafford Amos C., Rockford Roff B A., Ona'ga Spafford John, Rockford Wood H C., Onarga Kinney John H., Rock Island Hinds Andrew, Oneco McNeil Quincy, Rock Island Conger C. H., Oneida Weld W. R., Rockton Light Miles B., Oregon Hawley B. R., Rosamond Mix Hi-i.rv A., Oregon Vincent C., Roscoe Gunn John C., Osborn McCreery Samuel, Rushville Bennett L. S., Oswego Ragby & Anderson, Rushville Cowdrey W., Oswego Chiniquy Achilles, St. Anne Bullon Orris H., Ottawa Lemoin John B. L., St. Anne Camcro > Dwight F., Ottawa Barrv Alonzo H., St. Charles CavaOy Alfred W., Ottawa Sill Alexander V., St. Charles Courtney Thomas R., Ottawa Waite John M., St. Charles Bullens E. R., Pan a Scheifferstein J., St. Marie O'Conner James H., Pan a Primmer J. W., Sandoval Patton J. H., Paris Wardell W. W., Sandoval Sale T. W. C., Paris Stinson S. B., Sandwich Colvi 1 John, Paw Paw Grove Marsh C. W., Shabbona Grove Barnhi use H., Paxton Linton Thomas, Shabbonier Martin A. E., Paxton Barger Jas. B., Shawneetown BABCOCK & BROTHER. It Ckir SUMMERFIELD, ILL. Cultivate and have on hunt) I'm- s:il>- ;it .-.-ic!. regular plant-in;: season. a Uri:v and i'\ti.-nsi\ . assortment >! FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES PLANTS, k i'hf attention of WKSTKKN PLAXTKUS .-uul dealers is especially invited. Our stork isjiixnvn IIJMHI new l:iiid,;uin free from all disease, and our varieties are selected with especial reference to our locution and the wants of our customers, and for beauty and thtifiiti. >.,(' ijnMvth einuioi In- snrpa-^cd liv any -tiinilnr stalilisliinetit West or elsewhere. We enumerate in purl- : APPLES. Standard and Dwarf, PEAKS, Standard and Dwarf. CHEBKIES, Standard and Dwarf. PLUMS. PEACHES. APBICOTS, NECTABINESt QUINCES. GRAPES. CUBKANTS. BASPBEBBIES. BLACKBEBRIES. GOOSEBEBBIES STBAWBEBBIES. ROSES, FLOWERING SHRUBS, BULBOUS FLOWERING ROOTS, ETO- 7 ETC.. IEXO- Conveuientl) located on tltr 0. & 31 II. R.. Tur.it> -live miles limn St. Louis. CORRESPONDENCE AND AN INSPECTION OF STOCK INVITED. PRICES AS LOW OR LOWER THAN ANY SIMILAR ESTABLISHMENT CA.T-A.IjO O- TJES IvtA-ILED- BABCOCK & BROTHER. SHA 762 CHI Green Eli, Shawneetown Brooks & Wilson, Anna Nilcs J. C., Sheffield Casper Peter, Anna Murphy W. P., Sparta Collins C. W., Anna Taylor John, Sparta Heilman Jacob, Anna Adams Lucian B., Springfield Humphrey John, Anna Bunn John W., Springfield Makie A., Anna Divolbiss Noah, Springfield Miller Henry, Anna GIBSON SAMUEL C., Springfield Townsend & Deyo, Anna COBLENTZ B. C ., Sterling Young D. C., Anna See advt. page 493. Overmann & Mann, Bloomington Dinsmore James, Sterling Martin Lewis, Chicago Hawthorn L. King, Sterling Sanders Edgar, Chicago Kilgour William M., Sterling Wilber, Emery & Co., Chicago Kirk Edward N., Sterling Williams Archibald C., Chicago Price John G., Sterling Whitney A. R., Franklin Grove Wilder W. F., Sublette Edwards Samuel, La Moi'le Porter W. B., Sullivan Manly Uri, Marshall Casad J. M., Summerfield Wibber Slocum, Momence McKee S. P., Summerfield Eilsworth, Lewis & Co., Naperville Boynton C. 0., Sycamore Reynolds & Kennicott, Odin Douglas William H., Sycamore Huntington & Woolworth, Rockford Kellum Charles, Sycamore Sherman J. S., Rockford Prescott U. B., Sycamore Babcock & Bro., Summerfield Eoot B. G., Tamaroa Veatch B. M., Tennessee Sanford Washington S., Taylor Shaw Henrv, Tremont Massey W. C., Thebes DOUGLAS ROBERT, Waukegan Cook J. T., Tiskilwa Huggins J., Wood burn Culbertson 0. E. D., Tolono Kennicott John A., West Northfield Tompkins W., Tolono Bacon E. E., Willow Creek Whittaker Oliver, Toulon Jones John A., Tremont Shaw N. H., Tremont Oculists and Aurists, Keown L. C., Troy Vandyke J. N., Tuscola Bangs James, Chicago Gilbert Calvin, Union Cadwell Frederick A., Chicago Ayers Homer W., Urbana Dempster William L., . Chicago Cunningham A. P., Urbana Hodge 0. W., Chicago Greathouse F., Vandalia POLLOK I. J., French artificial eyes Stubbs Abisha, Vermillion and ear drums always on hand ; Smith B. S., Vienna honest advice always gratis, Chicago Clendenin D. R., Viola See advt.paqe 462. Kelson Samuel G., Wallingford UNDERWOOD ISHAM T., Chicago Champion Thomas E., Warren See advt. page 467. Harlon B. L., Warrenville Thomson Robert C., Freeport Taylor Thos., Washington HADLEY J. D., Galesburg DOWST SAMUEL M., Waukegan See advt. page 477. Eads L. T., West Urbana ANDERSON PHILIP, Knoxville Harmon A. E., West Urbana Smith G. C., New Market Langley James W., West Urbana ANDERSON CHRISTIAN, Ottawa Me Kinlev James B., West Urbana McTaggart Royal, Peoria SHERFY'CHALMERS M., West Urbana Lee Charles M., Quincy See advt. page 494 STANLEY F. G., Quincy Daniels S. F., Wheaton See advL page 487. Valletta J. G., Wheaton Hnlderman Ira, Whitehall Oil Manufacturers and Dealers. Munn S. W., Wilmington Young J. L., Wilmington Avon Coal Oil Co., Avon Al worth Reuben, Winnebago Depot BAUER H. & Co., Belleville Durfee Cyrus B., Woodstock Drake Erastus R., Chicago Murphy Franklin S., Woodstock GOODRICH A. E. & CO., 154 South Smith Asa W., Woodstock Water Street Chicago, Cook Co., Willard Charles M., Woodstock GENERAL DEALERS & MAN- Barry A, C., Wyanet UFACTURERS OF OIL OF ALL Warmoth J. S., Xenia KINDS, OF CAMPHENE, BURN- ING FLUID AND ALCOHOL, KEROSENE AND OTHER FINE Nurserymen, Seedsmen and COAL OILS. Florists. Goodwin Caleb, Chicago Agnen A. B., Anna Lewis & Page, Chicago Babcock A. Anna Murphy Maurice, Chicago CHI 763 HAV NOBLE CHARLES L. Agt. (Kerosene) Chicago Middleton James, Bloomington See advt. outside front cover. Foster B. S., Bradford Penton, Robinson & Smith, Chicago Hill J. W. & J. N., Bridgeport Pope & Slocum, Chicago Ellis M. E., Buck Sinner Edmund, Chicago Angle & Allen, Bushnell Turner & Wright, Chicago Wilson Thomas, Cairo Union Oil and Candle "Works, Chicago Millburn Edwin M., Calhoun WAHL C. & SON, (neats foot.) Chicago Faekney James, Carmi See advt. page 441. Montague C., Chester Wilmarth Henry M., Chicago Parks & Smith, Chester Cooper T., Fairfield Basham & Co., Chicago Fitzgerral J., (Castor Oil.) Fairfield BROWN ANDREW & CO. , Chicago Farrell D'Witt C., (Castor Oil.) Peoria Cragin & Co., Chicago Hough R. M.&0. S., Chicago Hubbard G. S. & Co., Chicago Omnibus Lines- Hubbard, Hunt & Taylor, Chicago Jones & Culbertson, Chicago Parmelee F. & Co , Chicago Law John & Co., Chicago Walker, S. B. & M. 0., Chicago LELAND & MIXER, Chicago PARMELY ORSON C., Peoria Moore, Seaverns & Co., Chicago Nash Thomas, Chicago Phillip Henry, Chicago Omnibus Builders- Reynolds, Lunt & Co., Chicago Seaverns George A., Chicago MENDSEN J. F. & Co., Chicago Standish Morton, Chicago Sw advt. page 453. Steele George & Co., Chicago Stewart George & James, Chicago Tobey & Booth, Chicago Opticians. Van Brunt & Watrous, Chicago McCassor J. C., Circleville MAUSS LEWIS, Chicago Neff & Hungate, Clay City See advt. page 465. May Jacob, Clermont Phillips John, Chicago Bailey & Boyle, Coal Valley Montgomery W., Clayton Abbott James, Cordova Ornamental Plasterers. Till J., Courtland Station Reynolds W. n R., O'Fallon's Depot Pettiborro S., Rockport Grav John H., Ogle Station Glover J. W., Rock ton Bandt H. G., Old Ripley Overton G. W., Roland Wendt Frederick, Old Ripley Rodgers A. H., Roland Winter J. C., Olena HinkleyS., Rushville Upton J., Olney Suley James, Rushville Whitney N., Olney Masse Antoine, St Anne Sloan B. W., Onarga Groom Alfred J., St. Charles Huei-t >n Thomas, Oneida Pay Robert P., St. Charles Potts William, Orangeville Atkins G. D., St. Johu Wagenhals William & Co., Orangeville Summer C. A., St. Joseph Powell Horace, Oregon Vanzile P., ^Sandoval Judson & Gibbs, Osborn Savory H., Sandwich Keyes Robert, Osborn Scots W., Sandwich Dixon J. N., Oswego Dart J. E., Santa Anna Gibbins John F., Oswego Walrath Santa Anna Voss Gustavus, Oswego Falpee Charles S., Saxon DEANE JOSIAH W., Ottawa Nichols Hamilton, Shabbona's Grove McDonough Thomas, Ottawa Henson M. T. & Co., Shawneetown Tombs & Souders, Ottawa Aldrich J. C., Sheffield Morse W. L , Pana Tonner & Blomkenship, Shelbyv He Searles & Stinson, Pana Gadboiz Joseph, Shiloh Hill Cole D., Paris Southworth A. M., Shirland Cretors E., Paris McLachland John, Shoal Creek Cretors Jacob, Paris Bigelow Charles, Somonauk Pince William, Park's Corners Griffin George, South Pass Nicholson J. T., Paxton Gekr W. E., Spurland Smith Albert, Paxton Raynor R. B., Sparland Rogers J. H., Pecatonica Campbell & Nesbit, Sparta Wright A. W., Pecatonica Moore & Co., Sparta Kellogg J. B:, Pekin Ruckels & Johns, Springfield Kennedy G., Pekin Weisz, John & George, Springfield Shul! & Green, Pekin Willard & Zimmerman, Springfield Simple B., Pekin Wood & Hillman, Springfield Bush John A., Peoria Lanphere J. M., Spring Hill Bushell Isaac," 1 Peoria Bowles F., Springville Miller Donat, Peoria Mawry John E., Staunton Norton Anderson S., Peoria Murry George, Staunton Willed William, Peoria Williams George M., Sublette Brooks George, Perry Green F. M., Sullivan Cobb A. C., Perry Snyder E. P,, Sullivan Bean L. L., Petersburg Mellman John, Summerfield Johnson John, Petersburg Rhoades 0. D., Sumtnerfield Holh't Wm. K., Pilot Allen William B., Sycamore Stockengs L. E., Pinckneyville Southwick John, Tennessee Smith H. B., Plattville Durham J., jr., Thebes Chase Alonzo, Pleasant Vale Eames J., Thebea Larimore Robert, Pleasant Vale Rose & Elliot, Tiskilwa Davis C. 0., Plymouth Bradley W. J., Tiskilwa Nelson J. E., Pontiac Vincent J., Tolona Hitoick Jacob, Pontoosac Wingrave John, Tolona Scott Thomas, Pontoosac Hull Edward, Tracy Temple W. H., Port Pyron Lyndon John, Tremont Ballou E. L., Portland Murphy A., Tremont Conner S. L., Prophetstown Green J. T., Tuscola Cutler E. D., Prophetstown Lapp J., Tuscola McDonell James, Princeville Groom E. P., Urbana Davis E. C., Quincy Gleason Wm., Valley Forge Letton & Viberts, Quincy Tilley & Clark, Vermillion Lynda D. E., Quincy Travis Wm. W., Vermont VER 769 CHI Baird F. A., Versailles Huber Alois, Alton Copley Heman, Victoria Quigley Bros. & Co., Alton Burris W. W., Vienna Simms David, Alton McKee J. W., Vienna Briggs J. S. & Co., Amboy Mitchell Robert, Viola Little J., Am boy Davis V. E., Virden Marks & Dodds, Anna Jegsey Chris., Virden Spire & Bacon, Anna Waterman John, Walnut Machesney J. & D. L., Annawan Welden John, Walnut Seville W., Arcola Logan B. J., Walnut Grove Clark John B., Ash Grove Main D E., Walnut Grove Hall Joel, Athena Eichardson H. H. & Co., Warren Skinner A. & A. W., Augusta Cooley T., Warrenville Watson W. H., Augusta Brosser B. F., Washington Woodard & Watson, Augusta Dennison E. M., Wataga Bevier Isaac T., Aurora Scott W., Wataga Clark James B., Aurora Symors A. H., Wataga Gillett S. C. & Co., Aurora Brainard Benjamin A., Waukegan Roe Brothers, Aurora JOHNSON & ABBOTT, Waukegan Walker & Gillett, Aurora Southwell 0. M., Wenona Station Philbrick M. H. & Co., Baleyville Conklin J. 0., W. Urbana Hundly & Lewis, Bainbridge Keys J. M., W. Urbana O'Kane James, Barclay Price N., W. Urbaua Isham Florence E., Batavia Flagg B. S., Wheaton Wright & Parker, Batavia Flagg S., Wheaton Wise D. W., Beaver Lang Paul, Whitehall Berchelmann & Kempff, Belleville Warner S. A., Whitehall Kellermann Frederick, Belleville Durnbaugh E. E., Williamsville Smart William H., B.lleville McClelland A. M., Williamsville RANSOM & FULLER, Belvidere Keith A., Wilmington Waterman H. D. & Bro., Belvidere Wright A., Wilmington Woodruff W. Reed, Belvidere Campfield J., Windsor Sams T. M., Bei ton Caterlin T., Windsor Meyerstein M. & J., Biggsville Harris J., Winnebago Depot Porter William H., Blandinsviile Pooler George, Woodstock Eakin & McEldowney, Bloom Toungson William, Wvanet Paist, Marmon & Co., Bloomington Casey W. B , Xenia Royce, Harwood & Co., Bloomington Baily Paris, Yellow Head Grove Thomas E., Bloom I'gton Manning W. B., York Ma-sey H., Blue Island Richter C., Blue Island Robinson C. D., Blue I-land Painters, Portrait & Landscape. Schapper F., Blue Island Russell J. B., Bradford Hunt E., Bloomington Hill J. W. & J. K, Bridgeport Brannan William P-, Chicago Warner T. J., Bridgeport Davids A. J., Chicago Merrell & Bean, Brighton HESLER ALEXANDER, Chicago Seeley F. T., Bristol (See advt. opposite Daguerreotypes.') Emerson Jesse, Buda Cameron Kate E., Chicago Miller & Smith, Buena Vista Sterling Ann F., Chicago Delano J. A., Bunk, r Hill Finch Ferris, Dixon Breg Paul & Co., Burksville Ackermann & Bro., West Aurora Pinckley B. F., Bushnell Thompson Arnasa S., Woodstock Humphrey & Brown, Cairo Barnes J. A., Canton Bell A., Canton Paints, Chemical. Keeper G. D., Canton Graham Milo, Carl nville WALWORTH, HUBBARD Renault Autle Francis B., Salisbury Cutler George F., Ridge Farm La Vance Avon, Salisbury Gibbons H., Ridge Farm Westcott John B., Salisbury Hunt J. A., Ridge Farm Perry J. B., Saitdoval Newell Davis, Ridotts Smith N. M., Sandoval Watson H, G., Ridotts Swanwick C. C., Sitndoval Brengles J. S., Robinson White J. W., S .ndoval Davis Charles, Robinson Ballon N. E., Sandwich Maguire S. A., Robinson Lowe E. H., Sandwich Walls William, Robinson MERRIAM A. L., Sandwich Price R. F., Rochester Jones William S., Sandy Ridge Slater L. B., Rochester Underwood G. J., San Jose Pratt Leonard, Rock Creek McHugh , Santa Anna Brown Henry B., Rockford Norris A. S., Santa Anna Chandler Norman E., Rockford Richards E., Santa Anna Clark Charles W., Rockford Woodward J. M., Santa Anna Clark Lucius, Rockford Davis D., Santa Fe Dayton Simon N., Rockfoid Chapman , S ivanna Dodge Darius, Rockford Weaver F., Savanna Green Jeremiah, Rockford Wood ruff E., Savanna Hale Frederick R., Rockford Bostick P. L., Scottville Lyman J. B., Rockford Clark B. F., Scottville Me Arthur Moses S., Rockford Gibson R. H., Scottville Reynolds Hiram U., Rockford Nichols Benjamin Secor Bachman David, Rock Grove Tribbey S. B., Secor Fishburn J., Rock Grove Dorwin T. T., Selby Station Cady William F., Rock Island Underbill William H., Seneca Station Stiles John, Rock Island Hatton S. 0., H. P., Shabbonier Campbell James, Rockport Barrett G. W., Shawneetown SHA VAN Colvard E. C., Shawneetown Everett B. B., Sullivan Galbraith James, Shawneetown Everett J. H., Sullivan Herod T. J. S., Shawneetown Keller A. L., Sullivan Tunnell John W., Shawneetown Lewis L. S., Sullivan Chandler Miles, Shaws Point Snyder J. W., Sullivan Mason L. R., Sheffield Van Fleet M. N., Sullivan Morgan J. L., Sheffield Gillhan S. J., Summerfield Headen W., Shelbyville McKee S. P., Summerfield KeelerL. B., Shelbyville McKee William, Summerfield Martin L. F., Shelbvville Cleavinger L. D., Summum Fennel E., Shelbyville Worden B. F., Swan Creek Fennel E. S., Shelbyville Currier A. E., Sweet Water Vandyke E., Shelbyville Engle L. A., Sweet Water Meozwzan J. F., Shernburville Bravers R., Sycamore Reuss R., Shiloh Bryan 0. M., Sycamore Scott William, Shiloh Bryant W. W., Sycamore Can-other D., Shiloh Hill Harrington James, Sycamore Knoebel John, Shoal Creek Page H. F., Sycamore Murdick Jacob, Shoal Creek Bottomly William N., Tamaroa Bartley D., Shorb Carle C., Tamaroa Miller P. D., Simoda Smith W. E., Tamaroa Mack John. Somonauk Miles James, Taylor Thomas Edward, Somonauk Knott J., Tennessee Winney Charles, Somonauk Perry T. C., Tennessee Thomas P., Southampton Pitman W. R., Tennessee RubyJ. S., South Macon Tyrrell A., Tennessee Ross B. F., South Pass James A. J., Terre Haute Rogers R. B., Sparland Ratckins E. C., Trre Haute Sargent & Bates, Sparland Holden Alexander G., Thebes Dunning C. W., Sparta Smith W. R., Thebes Farnan J., Sparta Bishop Nimrod, Timber Goesuch M. G., Sparta Hicks Wright, Time Guthrie H. R., Sparta Dunn L. D., Tiskilwa Hopkins R. R., Sparta Kirkpatrick William, Tiskilwa Bell Sanford, Springfield Nichols S. S., Tiskilwa Galtra Isaac V., Springfield Wilkins J., Tiskilwa Harper J. Drake, Springfield Chaffee H., [Tolono Hening Thomas S., Springfield Clough A. B., Tolono Jayne William, Springfield Buckmeister T. S., Toulon KEUCHLER C. FERDINAND, Springfield Chamberlain William, Toulon Lathrop Frederick A., Springfield Hall Henry M., Toulon Lord &. Fowler, Springfield Hall Thomas, Toulon Routh James W., Springfield Nicolls R., Towanda Ryan Charles, Springfield Bennett , Tremont Shelton Charles S., Springfield Case M. W., Tremont Smyth Patrick A., Springfield Cole William P. T., Tremont Tra'pp Albert H., Springfield Saltonstall S. R., Tremont Wallace & Bailhache, Springfield Dewey John S., Troy Woblgemuth Henry, Springfield Lytle H. W., Troy Lanpher C. P., Spring Hill Gilbert A. J., Troy Growe Riley John, Spring Hill Houtz William, Troy Grove Neal J. W., Spring Lake Bassett H. J., "Tuscola Holbrooks , Springville Daggy S, Tuscola Kemper P. A., Springville Reat J. L., Tuscol* Buck James M., Staunton Wheeler T., Tuscola Coon L. S., Staunton Wright J. W., Tuscola Davis John M., Staunton Hungerford Dr., Union Olive John, Staunton Perry , Union Anthony J. P., Sterling France J. H., Urbana Comins James M., Sterling Goodwin G. W., Urbana Gait W. J., Sterling Lindley W., Urbana Hutson A. S., Sterling Miller J. S., Urbana Plimpton A., Sterling Morris B. C., Urbana Royer Moses M., Sterling Snyder J. F., Urbana Largent M. B., Stone Fort Somers W., Urbana Vickers A., Stone Fort Thompson C. A., Urbana Barton J. B., Sublette Thompson M. B., Urbana Hastings Thomas, Sublette Pearson C. S., Utah Smith N. W., Sublette Gordon Jacob J., Valley Forge Tourtellott William D., Sublette Haller F. B., Vandalia VAN V87 YOR Jackson J. L., Vandalia Goodrich Simeon, Wayne Tidball D. L., Vandalia Gardner B. F., Waynesville Wilkins Thomas, Vandalia Hunt J. B., Waynesville Heacock A., Venice Rose J. C., Waynesville Hiat Rufus, Vermillion Wheeler D. W., Waynesville McGee R. H., Vermillion Beebe J. A., Webster Smith G. M., Vermillion Galloway M. Z., Webster Bullock J. S., Vermillionville Ing 0. C., Webster Blaisdell Warren, Vermont Pinknev Alonzo D., Weller Cleark M. M., Vermont Dey C/L., Wenona Station Gardner C. E., Vermont Randmore C. C., Wenona Station Hamer P. E., Vermont Rubert H. R., West Salem Munce H. W., Vermont Schaefer H., West Salem Nance Wm. H., Vermont Agnue , Western Saratoga Gaston S. H., Versailles Moore Robert, Western Saratoga Lung J. A., Versailles Johnson John, Wesifield Stoner A. J., Versailles Parcel J. H., Westfield Vandevanter Saul, Versailles Williams R. F., Westfield Mconica A. B., Victoria Capestake L. C., West Jersey Neal J. M., Victoria Bruce S. L., West Urbana Bratton George, Vienna Howard H. C., West Urbana Damron J. M. C., Vienna Mills Charles H., West Urbana Whitnel D. T., Vienna Page S. K., West Urbana Ferson S. C., Viola Swain John, West Urbana Hoffman J. A., Viola Hiatt A. H., Wheaton Schofield Joseph, Viola Stitt Hagarman, Wheaton Taylor , Dr., Viola Valiette J. & Bro., Wheaton French C. P., Virden Wakely , Wheaton Fuller B. A., Virden Culver S. H., Whitehall Holliday C. H., Virden DeWitt M. F., Whitehall Knox William A.. Virden Dush Wilson, Whitehall Manly James, Wabash Gosnell W. L., Whitehall Harris D. M., Walker Israel John N., Whitehall Short Pleasant, Walker's Grove Mathers M. K., Williamsville Hall , Walker's Grove Van Meter H., Williamsville Walker J. L., Walker's Grove Wagoner P. K., Williamsville Walker J. P., Walker's Grove Winn J. Y., Williamsville Bond John, Walker's Neck Johnson M. G., Wilmington Lucas D. R., Walker's Neck McKay P. B., Wilmington Six Alexander, Walker's Neck Strong E. H., Wilmington Barrett Parker, Wallingford Vanderbylandt G., Wilmington Folk Henry, Wallingford Willard E. R., Wilmington Hall Hiram, Walnut Grove Aldrich H. H., Windsor Parsons E., Walnut Grove Bruiik C. H., Windsor Ebert A. D., Walnut Hill Rose H. H., Windsor Newberry E,, Walshville York Eli, Windsor Strong George, Walshville York J. W., Windsor Chase , Wapella Copeland P., Winnebago Depot Wingate J. M., Wapella Gearhurt W. R., Winnebago Depot Wright John, Wapella Mayfield James M., Woodburn Beebe N. D., Warren Taylor John D., Woodburn Kittoe Dr., Warren Ferris Uriah B., Woodhull Lathrop B. P., Warren Gofif Parker D. H , Woodstock PIERCE B. G., Warren Given Adam, Woodstock Bently , Warrenville Hamilton John F., Woodstock Wellman W., W arrenville Merritt A. D., Woodstock Cooledge C., Warsaw Hodge J. P., Wool Hay Charles, Wai saw Baldwin P. A., Wyanet Hollo wbash J., Warsaw Homes G. C., Wyanet Allen R. G., Washington Thompson V. S., Wyanet Eldredge H., Washington Havdon William, Wyoming Purood J., Washington Thomas J. B., Wyoming Manzel E., Washington Shirley E. S., Xenia Wilson R. B. M., Washington Thompson S. W., Xenia Wood E. J., Washington Wilson Thomas, Xenia Carlisle C. H., Wataga Winans H. C., Xenia Thorp J. H., Wataga Mazuzan J. F., Yellowhead Grove Leeds P. T., Watson Gorham Charles, York Lewis A., Waukegan Johnson C., York PEIRCE THOMAS A., Waukegan McCord D. 0., York ZAN V88 GAL Caldwell G. W., Pinkley John, Wheeler J. D., Zanesville Zanesville Zanesville Piano Fortes, Melodeons, etc., Dealers in. (Ses also Music and Musical Instruments.') Trenchery E. Millus, Mellon R. H., Ford E. Frank, Muhlman & Shrouder, Seibert & Vetter, Barnes J. S., Fredin Auguste, Goold Nathaniel, Higgins Hiram M., Alton Amboy Aurora Beardstown Belleville Canton Chicago Chicago Chicago KIMBALL WILLIAM W., 99 SOUTH CLARK STREET, Chicago Phelps> Lyman, Chicago PRINCE GEORGE A. & CO., Chicago See advt. on outside front cover. Preston John, Chicago Read William T., Chicago ROOT & CADY, Chicago See advt. on back of book. Stone Henry, Wing L, Storey & Bro., Knapp & Bro., Miller L. B., Russel J. M., Killblood Bent, Wing Isaac, Collins A. L, Bagley W. W., Nettleton J. F., Clark G W., Evans William, Warner S. L., Freeman G. W., LETTON R. E., Eppens J. W., Price M. F,, Rooney J. 0., Wells J. M., Ingalls William H., Ovestreet J. L., Situs L., Chicago Farmington Freeport Galesburg Galesburg Geneseo Geneva Granville Griggsville Henry Kyte River Lane Depot Lockport Mattoon Pekin Quincy Red Bud Rushville Shelbyville South Macon Tremont Virden Wilmington Picture Frame Manufacturers. (See also Looking Glass and Picture Frames.) Brachvogel Chaa., FOSTER H. A., Jenczewsky Alexander, Keitz Joseph, Kirchner Gustave A., Lampker Charles, McLaughlin William, Wiggers Henry, Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Pig Iron, Dealers in. Cutting Franklin H., Chicago WALTER & ROGERS, Wolff C. & Co., Chicago Elizabethtown Pistols. (See also Guns and Pistols, also Sporting Appa- ratus.) BIGGS CHARLES, See advt. page 455. Chicago Planing Mills. (See also Sash, Doors and Blinds.) Buck & Olds, Albany Nevitt Happer, Albany McDowell & Seely, Alton Farwell Bros., Amboy Walker F. R., Anna Jones & Millspaugh, Augusta Reeder & Merrill, Aurora Burr N. & Co., Batavia Hall Anson, Batavia Town E. S. & Co., Batavia Heckel & Kunz, Belleville MIDILECOFF & CO., Belleville See advt. page 435. MOEHLMANN FREDERICK, Belleville See advt. page 438. Benjamin & Barr, Belvidere McReynolds R. S., Cairo Johnson W., Canton Welton S., Carlinville Cole H. C., Chester Baldwin & Co., Chicago Ballard Addison, Chicago Boggs Charles T., Chicago Blackwell Sam. B., Chicago Flag George A., Chicago Gage & Soper, Chicago Goldie William, Chicago Goodwillie David, Chicago GOSS & PHILLIPS, Chicago Hall & Winch, Chicago Jennings George W., Chicago Lamb & Harvey, Chicago Lissenden George, Chicago Lull & Holmes, Chicago McCammon & Plumstead, Chicago McEwen John, Chicago Mayo Simeon, Chicago Petit Hubert, Chicago Rucker Edward A., Chicago Tarr John B., Chicago Temple John F., Chicago Walker, Washburn & Co., Chicago WESTERN MACHINE DEPOT, (H. Warren, agent,) Chicago Boyakin & Blake, Decatur McEwen T. B., Dundee Luce J. B. & Co., Earlville CLARK THOMAS, Elgin Graff Peter, Elgin Hughs J., Franklin Grove Rt-ifsneider & Fry, Freeport TELFORD, WILLIAMS & CO., Colton G. D., Galena Galesburg GEN 789 CON Mead A. J., Geneseo Cheney J. E., Abingdon Danford E. & Co., Geneva Cheney K. M., Abingdon Batson Benj., Grayville Hunaker Alexander, Adams Huston & Porter, Griggsville Johns G. T., Albion c* > t i Henry Schofield C., Albion Kirlen A., High Point Degel & Holliger, Alhambra Parker J. A., Hutsonville Millen J. Huntley Grove Martin & Alden, McLeansboro Tilden J. G. & Co., Hurricane Thornton A., Magnola White & Hanis, Herri nne Goodrich S. G., Mnlta Diiipcr & Moore, Hu'.soavillo Kelsey L. C., Malta MAN 799 PEO Blessing Isaac, Manteno Ashwell & Kight, New Liberty Hanford S. F. & Co., Manteno Sask, Masse & Morris, New Liberty Poe A. G., Maple's Mills Stewart J. F., New Liberty Benson T. P. & Son, Maquon Baird G. H., New Massillon Foster T. J. & J., Maquon Rudolph William, New Massillon Hamrick J. G., Maquon Mattingley & Wade, Newton Huber & Jones, Maquon Long J. M. &Co., Noble Potter A. S., Maquon Wilson Marcus, Noble Bagley T. H., Marengo Sawyer & Richards, Nokomis Blanden L. & Bro., Marengo Lela'nd W. H., Nora Peters A. C., Marengo Morse J. H., Nora Crocker John, Maroa Hunt William, Ogle Bevens M., Marietta Taylor James, Ogle Booth L., Marshall Barbour C. W. & Co., Ogle Station Tumaw Absalom, Martinsville Hunt & Taylor, Ogle Station Billingsley & Odear, Mason Mills Samuel F., Ogle Station Chapin L., Mattoon Williams J. B., Ogle Statioa Cunningham James, Mattoon Clark H., Olney Jennings I. & Co., Mattoon Knight, Hilfield & Co., Onarga Johnston & Diehl, Mattoon McCourtee 0., Onarga Knight C., Mattoon Brown Thomas, Oneida Willis J. M., Mattoon Conger C. H., Oneida Hawks & Bailey, Mendota LeBaron & Brother, Oneida Carpenter C., Meredosia Staples S. G., Oneida Carver J. H. & Co., Meredosia Hale A. B., Oswego Gore & Ebaugh, Meredosia Hale & Kenney, Oswego Grierson & Walihan, Meredosia Parker Geo. & Bro., Oswego Tucker W. & Co., Metamora Armour John, Ottawa Bowman E., Middleport Bristol George, Ottawa Atcheson S. P., Milton Station CUSHMAN & VORCE, Ottawa Wampler W., Milton Station EAMES LESTER H., Ottawa Clawges J. W. F., Mineral Fairfield & Weld, Ottawa Lowrey & Bradley, Minersville HATHEWAY JOSEPH C., Ottawa Duclccr Mokena HOSSACK JOHN, Ottawa Fuller Alanson, Monterey Hossack & Richardson, Ottawa Bair & Lupton, Morris Magill Alexander W., Ottawa Barr John, Morris Miner & Goodspeed, Ottawa Brown George & Co., Morris Boyce & Bump, Paine's Point Cutler Samuel W., Morris Chase D. W., Paloma Hale & Co., Morris Scott L. D., Paloma Lane George W., Morris Dodge J. H., Pana McEwen & Brothers, Morris Little W. B., Pana McNeils J., Morris Southwick J. E., Pana Cobleigh James, Morrison Dodd & Bro., Paris Devine J. & Co., Morrison Hartley & Mullins, Paris Foreman Benjamin S., Morrison Huston L. B. & Co., Paris Footer Charles, Morrison Fisher L. & F., Paris Gridley James G., Morrison Pennoyer D., Paris McCrea S. H. & Co., Morrison Fitts Mounterville, Parrish Edgar A. C. & Co., Mt. Carmel McCreery Ashby, Parrish Goforth C. 0. B., Mt. Carmel Duncan J. C., Pecatonica Mauck A. & J., Mt. Carmel Goodnow G. F., Pecatonica Parkinson R. & Co., Mt. Carmel Hance T., Pecatonica Capps J., Mt. Pulaski Stewart J. R., Pecatonica Stratton & Co., Mt. Vernon Welch W., Pecatonica Keener F. & F., Naples Bergstresser & Co., Pekin Mooers R. & Co., Naples Brower P. A., Pekin Parker W., Naples Casey J. W., Pekin Uhl William, Nelson Finnigan H. P., Pekin Buswell 'n & Rosenthal, Chicago Cropsey A. G., Fairbury King Tuthiil, Chicago McKee H. H., Fairbury Knauer & Malcom, Chicago Bucher C. A., Fail field Larmon James, Chicago Wvckoff John, Fair View Larmon Philip, Chicago Ely R. R., Fidelity Lewis Allen C., Chicago Miner W. K, Fidelity Lill Win. & Co., Chicago Heap S. D., Flora Loeb & Rahm, Chicago Gardiner John A., Frankfort Maclay James G., Chicago Cochran J. S. & Z. C., Freeport Magnuson Engel A., Chicago COCHRAN & IRWIN, Freeport FRE 803 PAN Goodhue J. F., Freeport Bishop William W., Louisville Saukey S., Freeport Griffin M., Louisville Frisbie David H., Galesburg Smith Thomas J., Louisville Lanphere G. C., Galesburg Stephenson William J., Louisville MYERS SYDNEY, Galesburg Carpenter F. J., McLansboro Nettleton Booth Galesburg Baker J. H. & CO., Macomb Sherman & Adams, Galesburg Troyman & Rice, Macomb STEWART & SCROGGS, Galesburg Potter A. H., Maquon Allan J. M , Geneseo Lansing & Sperry, Mare n go Wiley Thomas, Geneseo Crocker John, Maroa Stuogh 0. J., Geneseo White John H., Marion Patten Charles, Geneva Harlan & Briscoe, Marshall Pierce Henry, Geneva Allison John L., Mattoon Wells Charles B., Geneva Pilo W. H. K., Mattoon Feagius N. W., Gilman AUGUSTINE J., Me >dota Fleager W. B., Gilman Jordan Thomas E., Mendota Metcalf Thomas M., Girard Kelsey L., Mendota Boicourt J. M., Golconda McFarland Issaac B., Mendota Henan D. H., Golconda Moore S. M., Mendota Ranne, J. M., Golconda Peck & Axe, Mendota Lobdell S. B., Granville Starkweather P. D., Mendota Pennell William A., Granville Clark John, Metamora Coehran C. & S. F., Gridley Green Wm. H., Metropolis City Kent G. W., Gridley Smith Wm. H., Metropolis City Mackintosh W. G., Griggsville Jonier G. B., Middleport Ward Jas., Griggsville Keady W. F., Middleport Bartlett B., Hamilton McNeil C. F., Middleport Gordon Samuel, Hamilton Wampler W., Milton Station Mitchell John W., Harrisburgh Riley William, Mineral Lloyd R., Henry Work Samuel, Minonk McFadden S. J. & Co., Henry Prescott Jerrie S., Moline Graz T., Highland Fuller G. A. & Co., Monmouth Suppiger Jos., Highland Hardin Chauncy, Monmouth Titcomb John S., Hillsboro Hardin H. G., Monmouth New berry J. W., Irving Holloway & Boggess, Monmouth Barbour Lewis, Jacksonville Armstrong Perry A., Morris Dawson B. D., Jacksonville Goold Charles H., Morris Duncan J. B., Jacksonville McBRIDE NATHANIEL, Morris Bowen & Grover, Joliet Harkell Jacob, Morrison Fisher Philip, Joliet Harman William M., Mt. Carmel Logan Henry, Joliet Newomer Andrew, Mt. Morris White & Lowe, Joliet Ryan H. N., Mt. Morris Hocker W. A. & Webb, Jonesbon Glenn A. A., Mt. Sterling Perry Thomas E., Kankakee Anderson W. B., Mt. Vernon Whittemore Hiram, Kankukee Cary T. S., Mt. Vernon Steneburner A., Kansas DoddW., Mt. Vernon Howe J. H., Kewanee Nelson R. S., Mt. Vernon Morse Geo. A. & Co., Kewanee Partridge Joseph, Mt. Vernon Seabury R. F., Kickapoo Pollock James M., Mt. Vernon Hannaman & Hale, Knoxville tanner T. B., Mt. Vernon King S. W., La Harpe Vallette & Cody, Naperville Baiar J. C., Lake Creek Yates C. E., Nauvoo Trusty H., Lake Creek Merrill J. W., Nei'onset Hinckley & Whitman, Lane Depot Yates Hy, New Berlin HITT ISAAC R., La Salle Sollars F., New Market Smith & Abernathv, Lawrenceville Bridges A. R., Newton Michel Wm., Lebanoc Bates Orrin, Northampton Hinckley D., Leland Scoville George, Noyesville Dickerson R. F., Le Roy Goodell A., Oakulla Brown B. F., Lemont Manyl E. A., Oakulla Truesdall S. P.. Lemont Southworth A. D., Oakulla Austin & Davis, Lincoln Hayward & Kitchell, Olney Cummings J. E., Lincoln Stone H. H. & S. F., Onarga Lacey L. B., Lincoln Cole Jeremiah J., Oswego Norton L, D., Lincoln Binders John, Oswego Parks S. C., Lincoln ANTHONY JOHN P., Ottawa Randolph W. P., Lincoln Fay E. R. & Co., Ottawa Springer W. M., Lincoln S ANGER LUCIAN P., Ottawa Young W. H., Lincoln Chase D. W., sr., Paloma Wyatt W. D., Lincoln Beckwith M. S., Pana PAN , I * 804 CHI Bullens E. R., Pana REEVES & CLARK, Springfield Southwick J. E., Pan a See advt. page 491. Britt & Murdock, Paxton Wright & Johnson, Springfield Vandyke A. S., Pecatonica Gurd Wilson, Staunton Fuller & Puterbaugh, Pekin Hoxsey & Shirly, Stnunton Ireland R. W., Pekin Ginkinger Charles L., Sterling Roberts James, Pekin Hawthorne L. King, Sterling Tackaberry , Pekin Porter William B., Sullivan Turner C., Pekin Eaton Samuel, Tamaroa Young M. C., Pekin Massey W. C., Thebes Babcock J. B., Peoria Culbertson & McDonald, Tolono Comstock John, Peoria Hambraugh, Tompkins & Christian, Tolono Couell Edward J., Peoria Lowman & Fuller, Toulon Hankinson & Co., Peoria Whitaker & Henderson, Toulon McReynolda William C., Peoria Callamy & Macoughty, Tuscola Mulvihill John C., Peoria Cannon J. G., Tuscola PHELPS & COCKLE, Peoria Chandler J., Tuscola Piggott Jabez J., Peoria Colors W. N., Urbana Wilraot George, Peoria Johnson -W. R. & Co., Vermont YOUNG & STRAFFORD, Peoria Shearer D. E., Vienna Ward H., Peotone Ford Dyer, Viola Cougill William B., Petersburg BAUGHER NESBITT, Warren Pingree Andrew, Pingree Grove Champion Thomas E., Warren Wilson John, Plato Lewis W. C., Warren Beattie J., Pontiac Platte J. D., Warren Collins M. E., Pontiac Zenkle M. M., Warren Duff J., Pontiac Chittenden & Barnes, Warsaw Whitmore C., Pontiac Holyoke J. M., Wataga Barker L. C., Pontoosac Dent John 0., Wenona Station Sanford E. M., Pontoosac Dent & Moore, Wenona Station Walker II., Pontoosac Wright, White & Eads, West Urbana Belcher N., Port Byron Small D., Wilmington Grimes J. M., Princeton Cochrane W. A., Windsor Thompson N. & Co., Prophetstown Jordon J. W., Woodford Barney Asa, Providence Collins Geo. A., Quincy Gilpin & Rowland, Quincy Reapers and Mowers. Godfrey Cyrus, HINCHMAN J. R. W., Quincy Quincy (See, also, Agricultural Implements..') Holton J. H., Loomis J. S., MOORE & SHERMAN, Osborne John 0., Prince Edward, SAVAGE C. A. & A. E., Frederick F. E., Porter C. L., Allen J. W., Hinkler C., CAMMANN FRANGIS D., Fergu-scn & Dow, PENF1ELDD. S.& J. G., Regan & Perry, Gorten Truman B., Negus Isaac, Osborne M. B. & Co., Stern S. P., Lemoine John B. L., Nason A. W., Quincy Quincy Quincy Qnincy Quincy Quincy Rantoul Rantoul Red Bud Renault Rockford Rockford Rockford Rockford Rock Island Rock Island Rock Island Roseville St. Anne St. John Newton & Co., Batavia Van Nortwick John, Butavia Flagg Edward P., Bloomington Flagg William F., Bloomington McCormick C. H. & Bro., Chcago Wemple J. V- S., Chicago Burt C. S. & S., Dunlieth Svlla Philo, Elgin WISE ALFRED H., Freeport See advt. page 475. Danford E. & Co., Geneva Cogswell William & Co., Ottawa RUGG GEORGE H., Ottawa See advt. page 483. Stang.'l Theopilus, Quincy MANNY & BLINN, Rockford TALCOTT, EMERSON & CO., Rockford L oyd J. & Co., St. Charles WHITAKER JOHN T. & CO., St. Charles Shifferstein J., Willard William W., St. Marie Salem See advt. page 493. Hodge W. B., ' York Edwards W., Sandoval Wardell W. W., Pray V. H., Sandoval Savanna Rectifiers. Green Eli, Shawneetown (See also Distillers and Rectifiers.) Johnson J. W., Shelbyville BARRET & KEILY, Springfield Kent Oliver P. Alton GIBSON SAMUEL C., Springfield Knox William, Chicago HILL JAMES L. & CO., Springfield Kraefft Theodore, Chicago MORSE JAMES M., Springfield Thayer & Hammond, Chicago CHI 805 SPR Stephani Brothers, Chicago UNDERBILL & PEW, Chicago Lawrence, Malony Chicago Stovell George, Chicago Talbot William, Chicago Tietz William, Chicago Trautmann George, Chicago Triggs Richard, Chicago UNDERHILL S. E. & CO., Chicago VAN DUZER JOHN S., Chicago See advt. page 465. Victor Walter, Chicago Walther Jacob, Chicago Winter Otto, Chicago Witkowsky Solomon, Chicago Workmaster Christen, Chicago Zahringer John, Chicago Crissey William S., Decatur Johnson James M. & Co., Decatur Race John R., Decatur Carpenter William J., Dixon Evans David L., Dixon THOMPSON JOHN, Dunleith Bagley & Kelly, Earlvlllo HEMMENS & JONES, Elgin McOsker Stafford, Elgin Meggison John, Elgin Sechrist William, Freeport Stime William & Bro., Freeport Wentze Philip, Freeport BRANDEL JOHN. Galena EBERHARDT & KLETT, Galena MAXEINER PHILIP W., Galena Pfeffer Henry, Galena Staen George, Galena Becker & Reinhard, Galesburg Ekins George, Galesburg MARSHALL & RANDOLPH, Galesburg Alderman J. H., Jacksonville Goodrick Joel, Jacksonville Hayden Chas., Jacksonville Rice Henry, Jacksonville Hall & Stearns, Joliet Smith Richard F., Joliet Williams Julius C., Joliet Knecht & Walker, Kankakee Lokie Thomas, Kankakee KAN 835 LIB Minchrod & Eppstein, Kankakee Bell Alexander, Waukegan Cronan Peter, Kewanee Casey Hugh, Waukegan Baker N. R., Kewanee Lendsay Charles, Waukegan Schriver J. D., Kewanee Mallon Joseph, Waukegan Brewer Jno, E., Knoxville Peterman John, Waukegan Hodgkin F. R., LaHarpe Carter B. & Son., Woodstock KING JOSEPH J., LaSalle McManus John, Wood tock Barrett Jonathan, Lexington Sandford William H., Woodstock HARNESS & KENNEDY, Lexington Kitchen John, Lexington SUITS SOLOMON A., Lockport Tanners and Curriers. Moore John, Moline Buffington L., Momence Montgomery W., Albion McFadden J., Momence Smith C., Albion Stanhope William, Morris Crary Mason, Barclay Andrew George, Orangeville Junior Louis, Belleville Solomon J., Orangeville Kolbensbaugh F., Belleville ASHTON DANIEL H., Ottawa Wilson Larkin, Benton COLLINS JOHN, Ottawa Bornes F. G., Bible Grove Friedman Levi, Ottawa Williams Sherburn H. Bloomington Knight Oscar, Ottawa Mason John, Buck SPENCER THOMAS, Ottawa Eyler A., Calhoun VINCENT EDWARD, Ottawa Blackaderl J., Canton Campbell A. K, Paris Graham N. P., Carmi Jenkins Wm. T., Paris Lightfoot Robert, Charleston Rodel Geo., Pecatonica Castleman Christian, Chicago Segerstrom L., Pecatonica GREY MARSHALL & CO., Chicago Brennan Jeremiah, Peoria Mack Jacob & Co., Chicago Durst William, Peoria PARSONS JAMES C. Chicago Klein Philip, Peoria See advt. page 448. Mawhvter & French Peoria Populourm Joseph & Nephew, Chicago ROTTERMAN CHARLES F., Peoria Rigney Michael, Chicago Schnider Charles Peoria WALLIN C. C. & SONS, Chicago Snow Wilson & Co., Peoria See advt. page 448. Watson Thomas, Peoria Long Darlin Clay City WESTCOTT CHARLES P., Peoria Crossett J. R., Courtland Station McGINN DANIEL, Peru Bastan L. P., Cross Roads Wood J. W. Peru Keller D., Cuba Engart P., Princeton Fitch P. C., Daysville Anderson Levi R., Quincy JenhofF Alex., De Soto Bert J. P. jr., Quincy Utley Moore & Benjamin, Dixon Egbers B., Quincy Harper Allen, Detroit Feldkamp Jno , Quincy Hawthorne & Cowles, Dundee Meyers H., Quincy Strawn D., Edgewood Bartlett Bros., Rockford Raymond Fish & Co., Elgin Wallach D. & Co., Rockford Spillard John, Elgin Liberknight Michael, Rock Island Carlton & Pavne, El Paso Stewart & Stephens, Rock Island Reed J., Fairfield Wilson George, Rock Island Shields Edwin, Fair View Christian John S., St. Charles Taylor & Rublee, Freeport Collins Thomas H., St. Charles Williams R. G., Friendsville Furnald James P., St. Charles Gardner Henry, Gards Point Johnson John P., St. Charles Smith Chaunry, Geneseo Pettingell J. G. St. Charles Buel A. H., Golconda Moore Henry, Salem Woodard William & Son, Grand View Schwartz Barnard, Salem Gilbert Geo., Grayville Tryner George F., Salem Mathews J., Greenfield Warner James & Co., Sandwich Carson David, Greenup Kay James, Saxon Beal Levi M., Hampton Paine William, Shelbyville Walman Joseph, Hampton West W. T., Shelbyville Wier & Co., Harrisburgh Wright , Shelbyville Tuffli Peter, Highland Cobbs Richard, Springfield Scott Geo., High Point Rayburn James, Springfield Cox Needham, Hutsonville Riley Edmund R. jun., Springfield Hopper John, Jeflersonville Woods & Henkle, Springfield Mach & Cleghorn, Joliet Phillips Mathew A., Sterling Davie W., Jonesboro Thomson David W., Sterling Willard & Co., Jonesboro Vachman Samuel H., Sterling Bowens H., Kanesville BARNES ALLAN S., Warren Schanck Louis G., Libertyville LYN 836 WHE Randall Wm., Lynchburg Strorp Henry, Beaver Creek Caspeti Fred., Lockport Richardson Charles, Belden Nobles A. H., Logan Foster C. B., Bradford Dobbyns W. J., McLeansboro Bay loss J. F., Buck Walker James D., Macomb Finn A. G., Calhoun Carlin J. N., ':.* ' Martinsville Fletcher Nettie, Centralia Seley Charles, Mattoon Bandt Mrs., Chicago Bowker Daniel, Metropolis City Becker Paul, Chicago Knobloch & Bro., Morris Bennger Theodore, Chicago Regg George W., Mt. Carmel Bird H. G., Chicago Samanial F. J., Mt. Carmel Bostwick Emma G., Chicago Weller D., Mt. Morris Breysprack Chas., Chicago Reed James, New Massillon Briggs Miss, Chicago Andrew Geo. F., Nora Campbell Martha, Chicago Davis 0. 0., Nora Colvin Mrs., Chicago Eakle Joseph, Ogle DeClerque Henri, Chicago Hay Jonathan, Orangeville DeNelgram Miss, Chicago Peck W., Orangeville Doane A., Chicago Rockey P. W., Orangeville Garthe Emily, Chicago Hannah A. A. & J., Paris Gere Amelia, Chicago Daniels David, Parks' Corners Hartwick Augusta, Chicago Williams A. D. W., Parrish Holmes Marion, Chicago Talbot William, Pleasant Vale Holmes Miss, Chicago Dupuy A. G., Pleasant View JACKSON JENNIE A., Chicago Hatch Geo. W., Princeton Ketter John Chicago Edson & Taylor, Rockford McEvoy & Lassere, Chicago Fey J, Rushville Magrusson Miss, Chicago King W., Rushville Mather L. N., Chicago Faller Francis, Saint Marie Miller , Chicago Zuick H., Shelbyville Moulter P., Chicago Dean Edward, Shabbonier Osbourn James G., Chicago McCann C. H., Smithton Petari Mrs., Chicago Allen A., Sparta Root F. H. Miss, Chicago Hill Josiah, Sterling Staub Lewis, Chicago Camfield James, Sullivan Warren Carrie A., Chicago Essex Jno., Valley Forge Warren Edwin R., Chicago Hoffman Frank, Vandalia Zellmer Richard, Chicago Blackman T., Vermillion Zimmer Miss, Chicago Rhodes & Moor, Vermont Lepper Mrs., Coal Valley Marrs Richard, Versailles Hindman D., Doddsville Townsend F. D., Wataga Behel Jacob, Earlville Hawthorn R. A., Webster Behel M. E., Earlville Dennison & Hays, Westfield Baird N., Fairbury Chapin, Bros & Matthews, Wethersfield Brewster 0. M., Freeport Wells W. A., Woodford Koecht Philip, Freeport Swartout Thomas, Woodstock Wing Isaac, Granville Johnson M. Z., York Pittroff Fr., Joliet Dorris Josiah M., Lake Creek Norcross S , Liberty Taxidermists. Mclntosh Mrs., Gurney G., Magnolia Marietta Cutmore Henrv, Chicago KAEMPFER FREDERICK, Chicago Fischer Charles W., Freeport Whitelaw Lizzie, Whitlock Mrs., Woodford G. D., Norcross , Marshall Marshall Middleport Munson Lear A., Mrs., Naples Gill J. C., New Salem Teachers, Dancing. Ludwig Charles, New Salem Warren E. B., New Salem Akerstrom Elizabeth W , ^Chicago Miller Hiram, Parrish McEvoy & Lasserre, Chicago Stone Mrs., Pekin Mirasole G., Chicago Swentzel John, Pekin Walker Watie, Princeton Tinker E. J., Sandoval Teachers, Music. Brown J. S., Urbana , TT i McClure R. A., Urbana Lamb William, Mrs., Annawan Airs Clara, Wheaton Craig J. N., Barry Baker F. G., Wheaton James E. K., Barry Fonda Mrs., Wheaton Lord Emma J., Batavia Powell Eliza, Wheaton CHI 837 CHI Parret W. R., Magnolia Tea, Coffee and Spice Factors. Pocock & Phelps, Moscow Wilkinson J. & Co., Morris Bavin William, Chicago Search James & Bensinger, Orangeville Blackall Alfred H., Chicago Hawley & Co., Pekin Brush Jesae, Chicago CLARKE & UTTER, Rockford Downer & Co., Chicago Trahern & Dale, Rockford Gaffnev Patrick, .. Chicago Spence S., Vandalia HTJNTOON JOSIAH P., Chicago Smith & Peverly, Whitehall Shepherd Lorenzo H. D., Chicago Tree Benjamin, Chicago Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron "Workers. Teas, "Wholesale Dealers in. Trossett G., Albion Maguire Michael, Alton (See alto Grocers.) Maddux Thomas, Aledo Quigley & Co., Alton Barker & Chase, Chicago REHER & BRO., Alton HEYWORTH, BRIERLY & CO., Chicago SEATON JOHN, Alton WARREN HORACE, Chicago Keeling H, Amboy Caldwell A. C., Anna Davie Winstead, Anna Teeth, (Artificial) Manuf 'rs of. Boyden F. B., Annawan Elder J. H., Augusta Fisher & Deschauer, Chicago Day Geo. W. & Bro., Aurora Goodwin J. & Co., Aurora Tanner & Rice, Aurora Telegraph Offices. Vaughan Joel R., Aurora Waterman Daniel B., Aurora (See Appendix) Riggs & Lockwood, Avon Broad Wm., Bainb ridge White L. D., Barry Tents, Awnings & Flags. Gibson J. S., Shumway Charles W., Batavia Batavia (See oho Sail Makers.) Kessler P., Belleville Reitz John N., Belleville Hubbard Gilbert & Co., Chicago White J. B., Belleville Peirce & Cunningham, Belvidere Plane John & Co., Belvidere Thimble Skeins & Boxes, Deal- DIETRICH & BRADNER, Bloomington ers in. Mclntire J. H. & R. B., Bloomington Read Gordon H., Bloomington (See also Iron and Steel.) Royce, Harwood & Co., Bloomington Dixon Z. & Co., Bristol Hall E. G., Kimbark & Co., Chicago Kinne &Hess, Bushnell Spoor L. C., Byron Norcott E., Canton Threshing Machines Manufrs. Pierce W. J., Carthage Cross F., Cedarville (See also Agricultural Implemejits.) Hatch N. W., Williamson J. & Son, Channahon Chester MIDDLECOFF F. M. & CO., Belleville Allen & Dalton, Chicago See advt. page 435. Barber Edwin L., Chicago MOEHLMANN FREDERICK, Belleville Barker & Illsley, Chicago See advl. page 438. BEECHER WILLIAM F., Chicago Willmann Rudolph, Belleville See advt. page 463. Willmann & Co., Belleville Becker Augustus F., Chicago FLAGG WM. F., Bloomington Butler Wm. M., Chicago Kline & Humphrey, Chicago Caber Frank, Chicago Pitts Hiram A., Chicago Deschauer Stephen, Chicago Pease T., Dover Dorrfield Christopher, Chicago Marshall G., . Dundee Drich John, Chicago Fligor P. R. & Co., DuQuoin Edson Robert, Chicago Hadlock Alfred, Elgin Ell Lawrence, Chicago Williams H. B., Freeport Fischer Louis, Chicago WISE ALFRED H., Freeport FULLAGAR & SMEETH, Chicago See advt. page 476. Gardner George, Chicago Work James, Granville Garfield Albert G., Chicago Frick Paul, Jonesboro GEORGE THOMAS, Chicago Ames W. L. & Co., Macomb See advt. page 708. CHI 838 MEN Goennal Gottleib, Chicago BRENIZER AMOS E., Galena Hamilton, Fuller & Co., Chicago BUTCHER ROBERT, Galena Hartman Frederick, Chicago KEMPTER FRANK, Galena Herbst William, Chicago Mensel John Adam, Galena Hilbert Joseph A., Chicago Toussaint Anthony, Galena Hirst W. & J., Chicago PRESCOTT WILLIAM H., Galesburg Hodes Frederick, Chicago Reed, Babcock & Co., Galesburg Kennedy Dennis, Chicago Stilson L. A., Galesburg Kleinhaus Jacob, Chicago Krom & Poor, Geneva KNISELY ABRAHAM, Chicago Moore Wm. M., Georgetown LANDRETH HENRY W., Chicago Stafford B., Grafton Linden Nicholas, Chicago Thorn T. C., Granville Lisner John, Chicago Weintz & Schlecter, Grayville Maguire Terence, Chicago Liles J., Greenfield Mager John, Chicago Davies James M., Greenup Metz Christopher, Chicago Humes S., Griggsville Michlitz Theodore, Chicago Parsons 0., Griggsville Miller A. R. & G. H., Chicago Harris & Reier, Hamilton Mitchell & Miller, Chicago Morris C. V., Harriaburgh REISSIG C. & CO., Chicago Mansfield J. T., Harvard Rice James, Chicago Simpson G., Havanna Schlund Gottfried, Chicago Markley D., Hennepin Schween Lewis H., Chicago Horn C. N., Heyworth Sinclair James, Chicago Durer B., Highland SMITH T. C. & CO., Chicago Gleyrer August, Highland Surdam S. J. & Co., Chicago Speekart Philip, Highland Van Schaack Henry C., jr., Chicago Standring Thomas, Hillsboro Wightman Riley V., Chicage Stewart John R., Hillsboro Wilson Edward, Chicago Phillips J., Hutsonville WILSON SAMUEL A., Chicago Brown Joseph H., Indianola Folliot J. C., Chillicothe Burge H. H., Indianola Holmes H. W., Chillicothe Musgrove Joshua, Ipava Black J. F., Clay City Burge John, Jacksonville Clagg William, Clinton Galbraith J. W., Jacksonville Miner George, Coatsburg JOHNSON & RICHARDS, Jacksonville Bloom boro Lyon John, Batavia Thompson , Jonesboro Green John, Beaverton Roberts Smith, Kaneville Valentine , Belleville Houseman , Kinderhook Carter John, Bible Grove Paden James, Kingston Mines Whitley Isaiah, Bradford Hunter JohnM., Lane Depot Johnson Peter, Bremen Stone , LeRoy Augustus , Buck Hendricks E., Liberty Sweet J. L., Buda Codner James, Lisbon Walton T. C., Bunker Hill Farley Wm., McConnelPs Grove Fairfax Henry, Burton Bray D. W., McLean Jarver A., Byron Barnard Frederick, Marengo Bean Peter, Carthage Cramblet D. H., Marrietta Carlin Wm., Carthage Skinner George, Mattoon Shekells E. D. W., Channahon Lreitzer C., Mendota Beckett James D., Chicago Mathews J., Mineral Bo wen & Bros., Chicago Phelps George W., Moscow Duffy Patrick, Chicago Swingley William, Mt. Morris Morgan Nathan, Chicago Turley R. E., Mt. Pulaski Wallenburen Peter, Chicago Acher Barret, Naperville Woods L. B, Chicago Scudder R. B., New Boston Atkinson A. N., Clear Creek Landing Stiles W. H., New Market Walker H. D., Clifton Gray Thomas, New Salem Williams G. W., Coatsburg Meritt E., Nokomis Carter H. T., Collinsville Stowell S. B., Northampton Penny W. B., Collinsville Jones David, Oakland Baker R. J. R., Cordova Rawson George, O'Fallon Depot Peck Jas., Cordova Bunker G. A., Oregon Benedict A. H., Courtland Station Ingraham Zenas W., Orland McNames W., Daysville Briggs L., Oswego Looker Dr., Delavan Pooley John, Oswego Claywell Shadrach, Derinda Gilmer J. T., Paloma Lewis B. S., De Witt Wilkins S. W., Pana Tyler J. H., De Witt Selden A. W., Paris Freaks D., Doddsville Haines L., Paw Paw Grove Burt R., Dundee More E., Payson Cummings Joseph, Earlville Campbell J., Pekin Boardman E. R., Elmira Flora R., Pekin Still Samuel H., Eureka Brewster C. T., Pleasant Vale Cullens Owen V., Evansville Porkus Stephen, Pleasant Vale Bussey Jarret, Fairburv Hibbs John B., Pleasant View Powers William, Fairfiefd Jones E. C., Pontiac Chapin M. B., Farmington Atherton R., Pontoosac Mitchell Samuel, Farmington Williams John, Princeville Summers J. B., Farmington Van Antwerp D., Prophetstown Starr H. G., Foretton Snyder C., Red Bud Smith A. A., Fredericksville Egleston D. C., Rochester Butters William, Freedom Nikols A. E., Rochester Beaumont J. H., Freeport Brown William, Rock Creek Burnside Andrew, Freeport Hazelton D., Sandoval Estabrook Joseph H , Fulton City Richardson C. F., Shaw's Point Burlingame Thomas, Geneseo Merrifield J. R., Shelbyville Bain Scribner, Geneva McCollum William, Shabbonier Wiseman Henry, Golconda Crow John, South Macon Whitner George, Grand de Tour McCormack J. W., Sparta Johnson L., Grafton Graham R., Spring Grove Spring L., Grayville Ferris George W., Staunton Messer John, Gridley Everitt B. B., Sullivan Van Bogart Ormu3, Hebron Kirgan S. S., Summerfield Idleman Nathan, Hickory Creek Mills W. G., Sycamore Brossard Celestin, Highland Durham J., sen., Thebes Wick Alois, Highland Stoner A. J., Versaillies VIC 846 BRA Fifield John, Victoria Esfilat A., Amboy Chace Arza, Walnut Grove Strickland J., Amboy Barton Major, Warren Elkins B. P., Anna Gilman Ezra, Watson Green G. C., Anna Litter Solomon, Western Saratoga Harris Henry, Annawan Transe T. J. G., Wheaton Stitwell Phillip, Annawan York E., Windsor Stitwell Wm., Annawan Kirk J., Woodstock Blunt P. K, Antiocli Gipson L., Arcadia Richardson William, Arcadia Vinegar Mamif rs and Dealers. Snort E., Arcola Duke William L, Ash Grove (See also Cider and Vinegar.) Neighbor Morris, Ash Grove Earl D. C., Ashkum Gundlach P., Belleville Barrett Loy, Assumption Palme Charles, Belleville Morse R. E. & Co., Auburn Lyon L. W., Bethalto Jerniliger S., Augusta Sanderman William, Bible Grove McCollum George, Aurora Erkman Jacob, Carmi Crawford John, Avoa Frank Francis, Chicago McFarlandH. B., Avon Hay wood David S., Chicago Enbanks & Co., Bainbiidge JOHNSON, EDWARDS & CO., Chicago Poplin N., Bainb ridge Kohler Christian, Chicago Knox Charles, Barclay Lill & Diversy, Chicago Carter T. B., Barr's Store Mayer Hermann G., Chicago Olbert & Shaw, Barr's Store Melville John S., Chicago Howe J. G., Barry PALMER JOHN & CO., Chicago Tillman D., Barry Rawson George W., Chicago Clapp George, Batavia Stephani Brothers, Chicago Condee C. B., Batavia Neeley Henry, Detroit Newton & Co., Batavia Duringer John, Freeport Bachemeyer C. H., Beardstown Grundmann David H., Freeport Dosollor H. B., Beardstown Honseman Ernest, Freeport Eyre Benjamin, Beardstown, KRAEHMER ROBERT, Galena Pfue J. H., Beardstown Baker Barton P., Gard's Point Brown & Oakes, Belden Hallock A. B., Card's Point Burnside John, Belden Zeibig Gustave, Geneseo Shelly A., Belden Pitsch & Aner, Joliet Dintlemann G., Belleville Hodson T. S., Keene Leobold Joseph, Belleville Johnson W. H., Kishwaukee Lill A. & P., Belleville Lovejoy Moses, Lane Depot Medart Martin, Belleville Simons S., Metamora Mertz John, Belleville Hawtbe A. S., New Berlin Raushkolb L., Belleville Gilbert William, Payson Sattler Jacob, Belleville Moenninghoff Frederick, Peoria Bidwell & Reynolds, Belvidere Seel Peter, Peoria Clark F. C., Benton HOENE F. H., Quincy Spain, Sullens & Mizell, Benton Fultz Joseph, Berlin Maxon T. B., Bernadotte Wagon Mk'rs & "Wheelwrights. Medley P., Bernadotte Ginther Adam, Bethalto Cheney J. E., Abingdon Rose & Mclntosh, Bible Grove Cheney K. M., Abingdon Chaper William, Biggsville Kenellay Jacob, Abingdon Wax George, Biggsville Latemer Jonathan, Abingdon Jones Evan, Big Rock Forgy H., Adams Keisar H., Blackberry Station Hunsaker Alexander, Adams Epperson W. J. & Co., Blandinsville Rowlee John, Adams Peterman Jacob, Blandinsville Quick B. S., Albany Osman R. J., Bliven's Mills Bowers G., Albion Tooker V. B., Bliven's Mills Schofield C. J. & W., Albion Weiderhol Charles, Bloom McEowen George, Aledo Royce, Harwood & Co., Bloomington Tabbs Henry, Algonquin Leon George, Blue Grass Holliger Jno., Alhambra Day R., Blue Island Smith G., Alhambra Fatko J., Blue Island Baker Wash., Allen Springs Lorgenfrei W., Blue Island McConnel , Alma Staffel T., Blue Island Hortmann G. Jacob, Alton Wyant L. B., Bonus Millen Robert, Alton Glidden B. H., Bradford Millcn J. & D., Alton Hill S. M., Bradford BOU 847 DEL Sharp 3. T., Bourbon Koplin August, Chicago White Joseph, Bridgeport Kfaber & Broomstead, Chicago Moore W. C., Brighton ivretsinger William H., Chicago Stewart F., Brighton Kuhmen Nicholas, Chicago Fisher Jas. L., Brimfield Liendicker John, Chicago Needham P. R. & Co., Brimfield McClelland Hugh, Chicago Snider S. B., Brimfield Mesmer Theodore, Chicago Boutwell A., Bristol Michel Frederick, Chicago Beckelshymer John, Browning Montuge Frances, Chicago Elliott William, Browning Pethes & Strotz, Chicago Scott G. W. & Co., Buckhorn Podtke Henry, Chicago Coppersmith Lewis, Buena Vista Press Jacob, Chicago McKessen Samuel W., Buena Vista Preston Henry D., Chicago Bridges J., Buffalo Prairie RIES S. & CO., Chicago Gregg N., Buffalo Prairie Reis & Bro., Chicago Matlock T., Buffalo Prairie Rominger George P., Chicago Crittenden E., Bunker Hill Rossow Frederick, Chicago Jancks W. 0. & Co., Bunker Hill Schiewelbein Carl, Chicago Hermes Adam, Burksville Schrader August, Chicago Reifel Philip, Burksville Shraer John, Chicago Burke Solomon S., Burton SHUTTLER P., Chicago Enlow I. N., Burton See advt. page 460. Enlow Thomas J., Burton Scully Thomas, Chicago Londerbach William, Bushnell Shank John, Chicago Streeter E. S., Bushnell Smith John E., Chicago Christopher J. G., Byron Smith & Eddinger, Chicago Fisk M. B., Byron Stemper & Wagoner, Chicago Messmore Solomon, Byron Theala August, Chicago Byerly A. J., Calhoun Von John, Chicago Greese John, Calhoun Voss Henry, Chicago West J. A., Camden Wagner Henry, Chicago Crandall & Co., Cameron Walter Albert, Chicago Fast & Ball, Canton Webber John P., Chicago Hupp R., Canton Weber Henry, Chicago Miller S. P., Canton Wendel & Co., Chicago Gar wood W. K., Carbon Whemboefer Charles, Chicago Crebs B., Carmi Witbeck H. & Co., Chicago Deitz G., Carmi Bucklew S., Chili Cerv W., Carrollton Hatfield E., Chili Slight G. W., Carrollton Tripp S., Chili Westbrook H., Carthage Bradley & Philley, Chillicothe Solloday G., Cedarville McLellan R. W. & Co., Circleville Eggen Philip, Central City Walker James A. W., Clay City H^ath Charles, Central City Berry W. B., Clayton Sherwood H., Centralia Emberson E., Clayton Blythe S. N., Cerro Gordo Miller J., Clayton Horton Jacob, Channahon Cope & Co., Clinton Miller Robert C. t Channahon Davis John, Coatsburg Ranson J. A., Chatham Loos Ferdinand, Coatsburg Willier John, Chatham Babcock H. A., Cold Spring Brown John F., Cherry Valley Bishop Newton, Collins Station Crary F. R., Cherry Valley Gronan John, Collinsville Brecher M., Chester John Charles, Collinsville Mann B., Chester Beecht Antoine, Colona Station Anderson John, Chicago Angell A. J., Como Barton Edward S., Chicago Hamblin A., Cordova Boorman John, Chicago Howe Elijah, Council Hill Branet Henry, Chicago Benedict A. H., Courtland Station Collins Patrick, Chicago Guinup J., Courtland Station Considine John, Chicago Brown James, Cuba Craugh Richard, Chicago Wagner Matthew, Danby Forcier & Therien, Chicago Weik Peter, Davia Guenther David, Chicago Wilkins H. & W., Davis Hickey James, Chicago Lambert , Daysville Hicks Philip, Chicago Combs T., Dearborn Higgins Floyd, Chicago Ford Henry, Dearborn Jaffala John, Chicago Harris S. W., Dearborn Kilen Peter, Chicago Elson Michael, Decatur Kirsh John P., Chicago Knecht John, Deerfield Klie George, Chicago Barnes J., Delavan DEL 848 Orrill & Wattermann, Delavan Stephan Adam, Freeburg Wattermann H., Delavan Beal Joseph, Fredericksville Rhodes L., Dement Station Furbee Jonathan, Fredericksville Ferguson William, Derinda Kendal L., Freedom Phillips Lyman, Derinda Barnes & Stoskoff, Freeport Eoontz Jacob & Sons, DeSoto Powell D., Freeport Coonrod H. H., Detroit WISE ALFRED H., Freeport Frazier C., Detroit Atherlen George M., Friendsville Lord Roswell, Dillon Besly Samuel, Friendsville Restor Ezra, Dillon Daily Niles, Friendsville Adams John Q., Dixon Shoaff John, Friendsville Roberts John, Dixon Broadhead James, Fulton City Barringer Aaron, Don<:ola OBERMULLER LUDWICK, Galena Pierce 0., Dover Bergen & Sisson, Galesburg Stoner J., Dover Hubbard John, Galesburg Bridges J., Drury Betts Daniel S., Garden Plain Patterson W., Drury Goss Charles, Geneseo Holden A. S., Dundee Sleight L. C., Geneseo Marshall G., Dundee Hight Cornelius, Geneva Marshall G. F., Dundee Hight John, Geneva Armstrong L., Dwight Hight William, Geneva Rockwell H. D., D wight Snapp George, Georgetown Kelsey Asa, Earlville Snapp Henry R., Georgetown Dickinson & Bro., East Paw Paw Woodsides J. & J., Girard Hollis Frank, Edwardsville Hetherington A. A., Glasgow Houck H. C., Edwardsville Sands Daniel, Golconda Huhn Andrew, Edwardsville Breckenridge , Gooding's Grove Randle J. A., Edwardsville Hathaway J. F., Grand de Tour Kirkpatrick Wm. & John, Elgin Hathaway S. E., Grand de Tour Long John, [Elgin Strong Julius, Grand de Tour Messenger Allen J., Elgin Knatt John, Grafton Renwick George W., Elgin Nelson James, Graf ton Sterricker James, Elgin Alexander Wm., Grand View Stoddard Isaac, Elgin Coleman George, Gran ville Chapman Henry, Elizabeth Dunn James, Gran ville Sivley Samuel T., Ellisville England Wm., Granville Burster JJ, ElPaso Hullinger M. H., Granville Grant J., ElPaso Work James, Granville Faning Orme E., Empire Pope George, Grayville Lefferts John, Empire Sigemore Alex., Gray ville Brain J. T., Eugene Gentry & Williams, Greenfield Bremen G., Evanston Melow Frank, Greenfield Martin James, Evans ville Secor Wm. A., Greenfield Myriott Henry, Evansville Wickiser E. C., Greenup Carter C. C., Exeter Lock Robert, Gridley Collison W. E., Exeter Wilcox Samuel, Gridley Smith & Hall, Fairbury Harvey W. I., Griggsville Hildebran H., Fairfield Northup S., Griggsville Jackson J., Fairfield Turnbull W., Griggsville Huff Peter E., Fair View Davis Clark, Hadley Montgomery A. K., Farmington Parmenter H. D., Hadley Randolf J. F., Farmington Potts & Trussell, Hamilton Wilson George, Farmington Johnson Enoch, Hall Bidgeon W. C., Fayette Williams H. P., Hampshire Whitfield & Sexton, Fidelity Mook Nicholas, Hampton Luft John, Fieldon Sailor Amos, Hampton Allen Asa, Fishhook Sailor David, Hampton Maddop & Jewell, Fitts Hill Towell C. A., Harrisburgh Cowan Wm. B. & M., Flat Rock Kellogg , Harvard Botdorf T., Forcston Higbee Wm. & J. E., Havana Sloggett W., Foreston Clark Charles, Henderson Perkins Edward, Forksville Witt I. M., Henderson Smith Wm. B., Forksville Strasberger J. W., Hermitage Moore Wm., Fort Hill Spear A. V., Hennepin White H. N. & E., Fort Hill Treeniler Charles, Hennepin Maddox B. G., Frankfort Holmes Joseph, Henry Clisbee J. & Sons, Franklin Grove Seymour Dad., Henry Crawford Wm., Franklin Grove Mills William, Heyworth Bawman George, Freeburg Johnson J. H., Hickory Creek Cenratts Peter, Freeburg Dase P. H., Higginsville HIG 849 MAR Affoltern J., Highland Pierpont Joskua, LaHarpe Briner Daniel, Highland Pollock & Applebee, LaHarpe Kaeimpf M, Highland Sperry John, LaHarpe Pelletier J., Highland Hook J. C., Lake Creek Schwarz S., Highland Andrew James, Lane Depot Thome A., Highland Bird J. T., Lane Depot Winter A., Highland KyseJ. E., Laona Graham Win., High Point Blair Horace & Co., Lebanon Hiers H., High Point Newmann & Co., Lebanon Day Joel H., Hillsboro Atherton Charles, Leland Gunning & Shimer, Hillsboro Bery Oley Leland Hunt H. B., Hillsboro Case M., Lemont Mey Auguste, Hillsboro Shay M., Lemont Tobias Abram, Hillsboro Wyman Andrew, Lemont Buty J., Hopewell Potras Basile, ; L'Erable Woolf & Woodson, Hopper't* Mills Roy Moise, L'Erable Hitchcock Ephraim, Howard's Point Ogdon A., LeRoy Clark , Huntley Grove Robinson N. L., LeRoy Robinson M. M., Huntley Grove Amen Francis, Liberty McCaslin John, Hurricane Carter L. R., Liberty Harrison W. H., Hutsonville Carter Robert, Liberty Bridges Jackson, Illinois City Bauman Rudolfe, Limerick Matloch Wm., Illinois City Cummings Stockton, Linchburg Butler E. B., Indianola Dormau & Melton, Lincoln Hall & Morrison, Ionia Hungerford G., Lincoln Ross Nathaniel, Ipava Judy H. C. &Co., Lincoln Stoops Samuel A., Ipava Sheer & Boss, Lincoln Todd Robert, Ipava Ryan Chas., Lindenwood Anderson John, Iroquois Drake Robert, Little York Huffman Geo., Iroquois Barnum W., Lively Nofken Geo. jr., Iroquois Degen H., Lively Hanserman Rudolph, Jamestown Waterman B. C., Lockport Woolf Frank, Jefferson McCleary Calvin Logan Gibson John, Jersey Landing Backensto B. M., London City Hartley Abner, Jersey Landing Flowers Thomas, London City Allen J., Jerseyville Goble George, Louisville Bell, J. P., Jerseyville Walker James A. W., Louisville Hedges D. E., Jerseyville Dobson George, Lynnville Nevins P. S., Jerseyville Pecker Thomas, Lynnville Tiff 0. A., Jerseyville Scott J. J., Lynnville House Rodney, Joliet Smithson F., Lynnville Pickles Benjamin, Joliet Brown P. A., McConnell's Grove Butts B., Jonesboro Jonas F., McConnell's Grove Zerlock S., Jonesboro Kahl T. J., McConnell's Grove Nuesbaum D., Jonesboro Powell L., McLeansboro Stewart , Jonesboro Schultz Henry, Meredosia Button J. B., Jonesboro Clemson George, Mackinaw Massey John, Kane Flesher & Walsh, Mackinaw Sleight William, Kane Donley W. L., Macomb Emery Steven, Jones Creek Lane J. Q., Macomb Emery William, Jones Creek Luse & Danby, Macomb Miner N. S., Kaneville Witherell R. T., Maiden Elmer , Kansas Tuett Walter, Malta Potter J., Kansas Arthur Samuel, Manchester House E., Kent Wilson R. B. & Co., Manchester Seymore John, Kewanee Delmother , Mansfield Emmons Isaac B., Kingsbury Misner F., Mansfield Moon John C., Kinmundy Almy Henry, Manteno Jarvis Myron, Kishwaukee Norton Henry, Maples' Mills Bassett 0. P., Knoxville McKinncy G. W., Marcelline Booth B., Knoxville Rockwell C. B., Marcelline Church W. W., Knoxville Miles John, Marengo Simons James, LaClair Toag & Albertson, Marengo Henerich George, Lacon Durwachter Jacob, Marine Thompson C. F., Lacon Espenchid P., Marine Bevier Nathan, LaFayette Finke Charles, Marine Hill E. G., LaFayette Grimm F., Marine Kelly D. M., LaFayette Thurnan C., Marine Schultz N. B., LaFayette Smith James, Marion Brayman George, LaHarpe Wallace E. G., Marietta MAR 850 PLE McNeely E. C., Marrow Bone Moody Elijah, Oakland Eaton Wm. C., Marshall Winkler D., Oakland Ream Geo., Marshall Rogers & Devore, Oakulla Sisson Wra. M. & Bros., Mason Champton Daniel, Ogle Jenkins Thomas, Mattoon King C. F. V., Ogle Kuhnle G., Mattoon Acker William C., Ogle Station Martin M. T., Mattoon Koenig Louis, Old Ripley Jamison Joseph, Marysville Benton John, Olney Kenworthy & Sheploy, Mendota Martin A., Olney Pillhorn George, Mendota Rosey John, Omph Ghent Hatfield J., W., Meredosia Groves W., Onarga Woodruff Daniel, McLeansboro Nickols Ira, Onarga Corniel & Mensh, Metamora VanMatre Joseph, Oneco Lightfoot Henry & Bro., Metropolis City Williams George M., Oneco Shirk J. & Co., Metropolis City Cooley & Co., Oneida Hogle Leander, Middleport RoeG. W., Oneida Bailey Bordine, Mier Thorn William, Orange Prairie Leopold John, Mier Kern W., Orange ville Smith Henry, Mier Lamb John, Orangeville Johnson A., Milledgeville Rod rough Henry, Orangeville King J. P.. Milledgeville Davis William S., Oregon Smith A. & Co., Mineral Lehman Christian, Oregon Sergent Levi, Momence Brooks Joseph, Orland Farnsworth Joseph, Monterey Allen H. B., Osborn Elton Samuel, Morris Sproul T., Osborn HORRIE JAMES, Morris Young James, Osborn MILLER & SHIELDS, Morris Hopkins H. C., Oswego Wilkinson J. & Co., Morris Hoze Wm., Oswego Bochy John, Morton Judson L. B., Oswego Pratt Ira C., Morton Iliff D., Oswego Deshlinger John, Mound City Moore John, Oswego Lambard & Cochran, Mt. Auburn Moore Thomas, Oswego Wise Jacob M., Mt. Auburn Cummings Abraham, Ottawa Hartman John, Mt. Caimel SLACK & EARL, Ottawa Shaffer L., Mt Carmel Robinson James, Ox Bow Tannnrd John, Mt. Ciirmel Cornish Henry, Oxford Willman Geo., Mt. Carmel Lilley George, Paine's Point Willman N., Mt. Carmel Waite Philitus L, Paine's Point Zeller L., Mt. Carmel Blythe Jos., Palmyra Cos?ley William, Mt. Erie Powell N., Paloa FlyC. C., Mt. Erie Probst M., Paloa Knodle William & Joseph, Mt. Morris New Michael, Pana Davis Jno., Mt. Palatine O'Brady James, Pana Snyder Uriah, Mt. Pulaski Hocket & Murphy, Paris Jarrell R. C. & Co., Mt. Vernou McMillan R., Paris Harding & Swartz, Naperville Odenbaugh L., Paris Peck R., Naperville Sullivan Isaac, Parrish Baker A. J., Naples Sullivan Joseph, Parish Pike Franklin, Kelson McCormick Augustus, Patoka Eastman B. F. & Bro., Neponset Miller J. S., Paw Paw Grove Richardson James, New Baltimore Gould C., Pecatonica Hindman James A., New Boston Sabin J. & Son, Pecatonica Hindman S. B., New Boston Daggit J., Pekin Maxfield J., New Boston Shaumloeffel W., Pekin Puffenbarger Josiah, New Boston Smith T. & H. & Co., Pekin Holms John, New Erin Wetzel J., Pekin Hebert John, New Hartford Patridge & Martin, Peoria Hecklor W., New Jordan Rohman Philip, Peoria Krantz Reuben, New Jordan Ferre L. H., Perry Lamb S. A., New Market Gray Joseph, Perry Frazier Joseph, New Massillon Elam W. P., Pctersburgh Ellis John, New Maysville Clark G., Phillipstown Bmder Simeon, New Mil ford Tucker J., Phillipstown Benjamin A., New Salem Kendall H. R., Piasa Ellis John & Ellas, New Silem Roldy Richard, Pioneer Major L., New Salem Kingston S. L., Plain View Shaffner C., New Snlem Young P., Plain View Clark 0. B., Newton Newell Jacob, Piano Carpenter John T., Nora Williams W. H. & Co., Plattville Nurs George, Northampton Chandler Jesse, Pleasant Hill PLE 851 VIC Cook & Ruyle, Pleasant Hill Work J. M., Sheffield Ballou Horace, Pleasant Vale Hunter M., Shelbyville Breed D. F., Pleasant View Rolana William, Shelbyville Dupuy David, Pleasant View Shetet A., Shelbyville Ferguson D., Plum River Haege Jacob, Shiloh Garven & Hodge, Plymouth Gadboiz P. & Co., Shiloh Hill Gonnon Thomas S., Plymouth Southworth A. M., Shirland Dolde M., Pontiac Diffenau John, Shoal Creek Kingore Robt., Pontiac Schroeder Conrad, Shoal Creek Bieman & Hardy, Pontoosac Drake R. R., Shabonier Hill Taylor M., Pontoosac Whiffen Isaac, Slack Water Hunt E. H., Port Byron German Frederick, Smithton Trent H. C., Port Byron Quirin Geo., Smith ton Adams D., Portland Ream George, Somonauk Hubbard J. C., Portland Troth John, Southport Heck Valentine, Prairie du Rocher Johnson & Son, Sparland Merkle Jacob, Prairie du Rocher Burlingame A. H., Sparta Russell T. J. & J. H., Princeville Gaston J., Sparta Warner Brothers, Prophetstown Gault P. B., Sparta James R., Providence Sackman F., Sparta Herlemann W., Quincy Holmes I. E., Spencer Rogers T., Quincy Gatherd Nathan, Springfield Roth F., Quincy Leber Lewis & Bro., Springfield Cross A., Rantoul Cunan James, Spring Grove Deiterding F., Red Bud Bess Louis, Staunton Waggoner F., Red Bud Page M., Staunton Sampson, Smith & Co., Renault Tweedv John M., Staunton Kepper Nicholas, Richland Crim H. J., Stones Prairie Goodwin E., Ridge Farm White George H., Sublette Hineman John, Ridgeley Hake F. P., Sullivan Morgan R., Robinson Landwehr L., Summerfield Adams J. N., Rochester Galloway W. D., Sweet Water Richarees & Co., Rochester Brekwith C. H., Sycamore Church & Bro., Rockford Pike S. 0., Sycamore Neumester Augustus, Rockford Ogle W., Sylvandale Reeves John, Rockford Sheets A. B., Tamaroa Skinner James B., Rockford Sanford Newton A., Taylor Bowen John, Rock Grove Jenkins J. C., Terre Haute Frankeberger H. 0., Rock Grove Lane E. & Co., Thebes Failing Norman, Rock Island Silzell Jacob, Timber Kimball Benjamin H., Rock Island Robinson Wm., Time Fulton James, . Rockport Crocker S. D., Tiskilwa Thompson William, Rockton Keene J. S., Tiskilwa Schlemetzger Jos., Rome Kinder S., Tolono Hardy H. M., Roscoe Pit-rce S., Tolono Hardy S. S., Roscoe Godfrey Hugh J., Toulon Bromhall J. H., Rosevillle Slocum John A., Toulon Evens C., Roseville Hull Edward, Tracy Knowles J. J., Rushville Dean & Bro., Tremont Drake Robert, Russellville March & Co., Trernont Funk A. D., Russellville Sawyer & Peak, Tremont Kissenger William M., Russellville Cornman F., Troy Hayworth James, Sadorus Andrews Ardy, Troy Gtove Masse Antoine, St. Anne Maddox Wm., Troy Grove Mouat Francis, St. Anne Carmon W. & Son, Union Garrett A., St. Joseph Boyden E., Urbana Roach T., St. Joseph Atherton R. T., Valley Forge Spitzer F. J., St. Marie Benneyhoff P. & Co., Vandalia Hartmann Peter, Salem Jordon J. G. L., Vermillion Davis John, Salisbury Alexander Wm., Vermont Davis Milton, Salisbury Hoops Wm., Vermont Hoddmot Thomas, Sandoval Sexton Wm. H., Vermont Tenneswood Jno., San Jose Edson R. H., Versailles Webster C. W., Santa Anna Glaze Samuel W., Versailles Henry R., Savanna Ogden Spencer, Versailles Kilbn S., Savanna Rockwood John A., Versailles Smith L. B., Scottville Stone Wm. F., Versailles Wolpert Frederick, Secor Stoner A. J., Versailles Flick George, Shabbona's Grove Timmons G. W., Versailles Edwards & Sims, Shaw's Point McBride Wm., Victoria YEN 852 BRI Bott & Co., Venice Bridges & Stivers, Vienna "Wagon Timber. Garwood W. K., Viola Patterson A., Viola (See also Carriage Timber.) Emerson Wm., Virden Clopper M., Walker FURST & BRADLEY, Chicago Myrgle C., Walker See advt. coTdpaqe in front. Conner C. 0., Walker's Neck HAYDEN, KAY & CO., Chicago Lee Isaac, Walker's Neck See advt. on outside. Post John G., Walker's Neck STOW N. L., Chicago Scott G. W., Walker's Neck See advt. page 443. Steams Geo. W., Wallingford MATHERS & WADSWORTH, Jacksonville Larance 0. S. & Co., Walnut Grove Main E. B. & Son, Walnut Grove Fitch J. N., Walshville "Warehouse Trucks, Manufac- Smith Wm. H., Walsh ville 1~m*AVcj rvP Dickey Samuel, Wapella UU~L.C7.Lo \J, Barnard J. C., WOOD & BOONE, Kidder L, Jones V., Warren Warren Warrenton Warrenville ADAMS & HITCHCOCK, Chicago See advt. page 453. GATES, WARNER, CHALMERS & CO., Chicago Berkett J., Washington Trimble James, Washington Barringer Henry, Foster James D., Wataga Watson "Washing Machines, Manufactur- Brogden James, Waukegan ers of. Cochrane & Corcoran, CRABTREE L., Waukegan Waukegan GOODWILLIE R. G. & CO., Chicago Jones Wm. T., Waukegan See advt. page 441. Shober Henry, Waukegan Wolfort John & Co., Arndt John, Waukegan Wayne Centre Watch Cases, (G-old and Silver,) Daniels Irvin, Waynes ville Manufacturers of. Evans J. M., Waynesville Howard A. D., Waynesville LINDSLEY & BALDWIN, Chicago Welch & Babbitt, Webster Miller & Emerick, Wenona Station Schwaitz G. W., Wenona Station "Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Pixley George & Francis, West Salem Menell Alhena, Western Saratoga Christanna F., Abingdon Wittier Isaac, West Jersey Burdick & Peet, Akron Espy W. W., West Urbana Harwick W.. Albion Wiley James, Wethersfield Brown David E., Alton Blanchard Ira, Wheaton Gary Wm. W., Alton Brown L., Wheaton Goulding Edward H., Alton Carr & Higbee, Whitehall Fasolat W., Amboy Sheffield Daniel, White Rock Terpmitz Edward, Anna Heuins M., Willianisville Nelson Horatio L., Atlanta Hilburn M., Wilmington Brooks N. C. & Co., Auburn Hitchcock A. E., Wilmington Robinson G. H., Augusta Mclntosh W., Wilmington Clegg Wm., Aurora Thompson D. C., Wilmington GATES & TRASK, Aurora Walrath H. H., Wilmington Lee L. C. & C W., Aurora Hamschmidt Herrmann, Winfield Long Orpheus A., Aurora Etiapp Charles, Winnebago Depot Underwood & Bryant, Aurora Sharp W., Woodburn Webster J., Bainbridge Wood R. H., Wood burn Mills Ezra, Batavia Young R. J., Woodburn Quimby Michael, Batavia Turner & Maxwell, Woodhull Mayer C., Beardstown Norton Nelson, Woodstock PappmeierF., Beardstown Travilian Edward, Wool Putman John, Beardstown Blain J. & Co., Wyanet Hartleb Albert, Belleville Lashalls J. R., Wyoming Maret Philip, Belleville Ratcllff Timothy, Wyoming Wohrle Joseph, Belleville Modlin B., Xenia Willson James D., Belvidere Modlin R. C., Xenia Gilfry H. F., Blandinsville Barker G., York Gillett Augustus B., Bloomington Fally Richard, York KEAYS HIRAM D., Bloomington Ketcham John, York Mellaish Francis, Bloomington Bonn John, Zanesville Hall A. H., Brimfield BUN 853 JOL Camp J. W., Bunker Hill McCoy B. R., Clayton Gray John J., Burton Goldsmith & Bro., Clinton Gossens George, Cairo Smith D. W., Clinton Lutz Henry, Cairo Roehbuck F., Collinsville Waiste R., Cameron Jarvis F. W., Courtland Station SnyderR. C., Canton Monroe S. N., Danville Audrist J. L., Carlinville Reynolds W. J., Danville Whelan J., Carmi LILLESTON SAMUEL D., Decatur Dulaney M., Carrollton Peake Wm. T., Decatur Green P. S., Carthage Hiland J., DeKalb Cookings W. L., Centralia Ingraham C., DeKalb Krouse Joseph, Centralia Sheridan Peter T., Dixon Dayton James, Charleston Smith W. B., Dundee Howreid E., Charleston Gordon D. C., DuQuoin Wheerley M., Chester Newell C. S., Dwight Adams John C., Chicago Horton & Shaw, Earlville Bausenbach Charles J., Chicago Ortman C., Edwardsville Birt Charles, Chicago Thum C., Edwardsville BOWEN BROTHERS, Chicago Adams George D., Elgin See advt. page 451. Barker William, Elgin Breidt Julius, Chicago Holcomb J., Elizabeth Brennaur Louis, Chicago Boom Chas. P., Ellisville Caberey Haivey R. & Co., Chicago Tandy A. S., Eureka Chopin Ulysse, Chicago McClure William, Fairfield Clancey Mathew C., Chicago Farrnington Connolly Thomas, Chicago Laker Lewis, Forksville Edwards J. T. &E. M., Chicago Robenson James M., Frankfort Engel Christian A., Chicago Walden T., Franklin Grove Fisher Charles J., Chicago Carlipp A. & Bro., Freeport Harris William, Chicago Ford Augustus W., Freeport Hemleb & Kretschmer, Chicago Housel John K., Freeport Hendrie William A., Chicago Moore Oscar, Freeport Hercher Andreas, Chicago Cowls Orrin, Fulton City Heringer Charles, Chicago Boynton Andrew P., Galena Hermann Charles G., Chicago Coatsworth Joseph & Son, Galena Hoard & Hoes, Chicago HENSE JOHN H., Galena Hoefer Charles, Chicago Safley John W., Galena Hoffman Charles, Chicago Tricke Henry, Galena Hogerman Bemhartd, Chicago Armstrong John K., Galesburg Logsmann Ferdinand, Chicago Brackett H. D., Galesburg McElwain George, Chicago Thompson Wm. H., Galesburg Malzacher Henry, Chicago Washburn W. W. & Co., Galesburg Mamer Malhias, Chicago Goodfellow J. R., Geneseo Meinhard Henry, Chicago Tilton J. C.. Geneseo Miller A. H. & Bros., Chicago Fletcher Samuel, Geneva Moegelin John F., Chicago Don Carlos Robert C., Georgetown Moritz Michell, Chicago Metcalf & Belaniy, Girard Motchmann John, Chicago HuberJ., Golconda Nixon Thomas, Chicago Burton Wm. L., Grand View Nowlin Lewis, Chicago Vellenger S. B., Greenfield Oppenheimer & Metzger, Chicago Bramaed B. P., Griggsville Ortrnann Edward, Chicago Kellenberger A. J., Griggsville Otto Augustus F., Chicago Mytins Henry, Harvard Peacock Elijah, Chicago Philbrick H. C., Havana Pflege Reinhold, Chicago Hyndshaw S., Henry Price & Rosenblatt, Chicago Ellithorp J. W-, Hicks' Mills Roath Roswell W., Chicago Blattner John, Highland Schoeler Charles C., Chicago Noterman Fred, Hillsboro Smith William H., Chicago Simmonds W. B-, Huntly Grove Speer Isaac, Chicago Draper & Moore, Hutsonville STEVENS GEORGE W. & l CO., Chicago Flowere Thomas, Iroquois Stockhart Nicholas, Chicago CONE D., Jacksonville Storey James B., Chicago Day Josiah, Jacksonville TEUFEL & HARMON, Chicago KING J. W. & CO., Jacksonville Varges Charles G. L., Chicago Mayo William M., Jacksonville Weber John D., Chicago Telton Theodore G., Jersey Landing Weinberg Moritz, Chicago LerestP., Jerseyville Wetzler Charles, Chicago Demmond D. D. & F. E., Joliet Wilcox James, Chicago Kinne Thomas J., Joliet Miner H. T., Chillicothe Putney Dexter F., Joliet JOL 854 STE Verly John D., Joliet McCain Benjamin, Ottawa Warren Lewis L , Joliet Rigdell Henry W. S., Ottawa Cover E., Jonesboro Granier A., Pana Greene S. A., Kane Douglas James K., Paris Poley P., Kaneville Ingersoll N. T., Paris Demesmav Joseph, Kankakee Holsow R., Paxton Kientoff William, Kankakee Coulton C. L., Pecatonica Townsend Charles P., Kankakee Bloss H., Pekin Neffe David, Kansas Nasson J. A., Pekin EDDY J. W., Kewanee Carpenter William, Peoria Martin & Bro., Kingston Mines Erler Michael E., Peoria Bush John L., Knoxville Fey David, Peoria Syphfrs John, Knoxville Hall Lewis, Peoria Wettsteen Otto, Kyte River Morse John H., Peoria Aught George, Lacon Richmond William H., Peoria McCleland L, Lacon VIEN PETER, Peoria ALEXANDER FREDERICK J., LaSalle Wieting John C., Peoria Garfield James W., LaSalle KOONS JOSEPH, Peru Perry J. A., Lebanon Rumrill Lucius Peru LUCCOCK THOMAS E , Lexington Scherzer William Peru Norris B. F., Lock port Myers Wm. H., Petersburg Jonas Fred, McConnelPs Grove Thompson B. F., Pinckneyville Bartholomew H. M., Macomb Van Doarer William H., Plymouth Stocker L., Macomb Domon J. W., Pontiac Bullard J. H. & Son, Marengo Lor ing T. W., Pontiac Dow H. L., Marengo Beardslee Stephen H., Portland Freiburg Henry Marine Cohen Nason, Princeton Corwin J. N., Martinsville FAGERCRANTZ P., Princeton Thielens Edward A., Mattoon North Harvey, Princeton Barnum E., Mendota Bullen George W., Prophetstown Bush C. H., Mendota Basse & Hulsman, Quincy Otto Churles, Mendota Brown John W., Quincy King E. T., Meredosia Gage W. H., Quincy Carpenter W., Metamora Mountain S. P., Quincy Draycr Joseph, Metropolis City Parsons E. W., Quincy Maliencamp F., Metropolis City Tobin B. F., Quincy Garwood Charles, Middleport Waldin R., Quincy Weed S., Milledgeville Feuritine F., Red Bud Plate Freid, Millstadt Tailor A. J., Renault Louth George, Moline CLARK & MITCHEL, Rockford Okerberg Eric, Moline Manning William A., Rockford Goodell Z. R. A., Momence Paxson A & C., Rockford Thompson Jno. P., Moumouth Sherman Henry N., Rockford Gray James P., Monticello Requa L. B. & Co., R. Island Mayo F. C., Morris Riggs WillUmT., R. Island Chapman Frank W., Morrison Smith Dionis, R. Island Ford David, Mound City Price Henry Rushville Whittlesey R., Mt. Carmel BALLOU WILLIAM P St. Charles Williams J. G., Mt. Carmel Lawrence Thomas, Salem Knodle Samuel, Mt. Morris Wright Edward G., Salem Hill E., Mt. Vernon Lasater S. A., Sandoval Trimly M., Mt. Vernon Capen E., Sandwich Naper M. A., Naperville Johnson E. S., Sandwich Shellberg H., Naperville Clark E., Sheffield Patterson 0., New Boston Harding J. R., Shelbyville Merrills C. C., New Erin French H., Shabonier Laird W. H., New Maysville Bergol Charles, Somonauk Foss John Nora Gay George, Sharland Hampton J., Northampton Baxton J., Sparta Corwin E. M., Oakland Miller A., Sparta Fowler R. G., Olney Alsop Thomas, Springfield Shaw P., Olney Armbruster Alphonse, Springfield Rennley C., Onarga BOWERS CHARLES E., Springfield Peterson E. J., Oneida Chatterton George W., Springfield Bennett P. R., Oregon Curran Isaac B., Springfield Frederic Charles A., Oregon WARD WILLIAM D., Springfield Ricker Henri, Oswego Lukens James, Spring Grove Chapin E. J., Ottawa Coon L. S., Staunton DICKEY JESSE, Ottawa Bowman Edmund Sterling Hoyt Francis B., Ottawa Hagey Geo. & Sons., Sterling STE 855 MAR Herrick Jerome D., Sterling Keynou S. Mrs., Chillicothe Wymer John, Sullivan Sandert Wm., Clermont Brown A. C., Sycamore Lackey W. Mrs., Collins Station Olsenberg D., Thebes Sheaf Martha, Cuba Hewitt David, Toulon Smart M., Detroit Hier F., Tremont Stark Mrs., Doddsville Hill L. S., Urbana Charles Mrs., Dover Geedes F., Vandalia Webb Mrs., Dover Bruner 0. A., Vermont Burns Mrs., Dubois Hammon Henry Victoria Hoxie C. Mrs., Dundee Merriman R. B., Vienna Steel A. Mrs., Edgewood Johnson C., Virden Ludolph M. 0., Elizabeth Vance John, Walnut Grove Edmondson E. Mrs., Ellisville PUTNAM MORANCY, Warren Baidston Mrs., Eureka Wells Jesse, Warren Barton G., Fairfield Carpenter W., Washington Young W. Mrs., Fair View Hardy S. C., Wenona Station Chase Enoch, Farmington Stevenson Simon Western Saratoga TTtT ' Igrtj-. Farmington Cady Thomas, W. Urbana Porter W. Mrs., Forksville WingwoodD., W. Urbana Stevens Mrs., Franklin Grove Powell W., Wheaton Harding , Freedom Villinger S., Whitehall Davis Wm., Freeport Monell S. L., Wilmington Clark Arlinda Mrs., Geneva Lamb Elam M., Woodstock Hamilton John, Girard Payne John L., Wyanet Tobin J. J., Girard Boyd Thomas, Grand de Tour Keneda Samuel, Grand de Tour "Water Filters and Coolers, Deal- Packingham Elizabeth, Grauville ers in. Lyons A. Mrs., Greenup Dean Miss, Griggsville (See also House Furnishing Goods.) Ellidge Mrs., Grig^sville Angel Mrs., Hadley GEORGE THOMAS, Chicago Danley C. Mrs., Harlem See advt. page 708. Mabie R. T. Mrs., Harlem "Water "Wheels, Manufacturers of. Norman Nancy, Peebles Francis, Harrisburgh Harrisburgh Burbank Ann, Harrison BAXTER T. W. & CO., Chicago Lee Francis, Hebron See advt. page opp. inside front cover. Ellis Mrs., Hennepin Bowman George W. P., Chicago Richmond Mrs., Henry Woodward Mrs., Henry Jarvia Mrs., Higginsville "Weavers, Rag Carpets. Lockhar Mrs., Higginsville Scott Ann, High Point Robinson Mrs., Albion Groesbeck Elizabeth, Howardsville TT f\ 1 rr a v A \*ref\ Henderson M., Izoria xioiiiiciii" 'j ji.rgo Knox Susan, Barclay Alsbury Mary, Johns Creek O'Kane Lucretia, Barclay Dixon Elizabeth, Kappa White Lewis, Barry Barker Geo., Kewanee Burlingame H. Mrs., Batavia Eddy J. H., Kewan?e Mead B. Mrs., Belden Hall Miriah, Kinderhook Gauss G., Belleville Smith Jane, Kinderhook Cross J. Miss., Bernadotte Clough Robert, Kingsbury Hamil C. Miss., Bethalto Fuller S., Knoxville Jamison Nancy, Biggsville Yule H., Kyte River Garr K. Mrs., Bluffville Messenger P. Mrs., Lafayette Pillotson E. Mrs., Boone Ross Eliza Mrs., Lafayette Kline Nancy, Broadwell Harlow A. Mrs., Lane Depot Pea Mrs., Broadwell Pennimann Eli P., Libertyville Peters Sarah, Buck Daniels Isiac., Lyndon Morris Elizabeth, Buckhorn Larrow Rebecca, McConnells Grove Bunton A., Byron Wadkins Mrs., McLeansboro Pratt Mrs., Byron Westhon Mary, McLeansboro Blackburn Miss, Carrollton Sargent R. Mrs., Mackinaw Churchill L., Chelsea Hazel H. A., Magnolia Sheldon Harriet, Cherry Valley Hollenshed S., Mansfield Kriger Louis, Chicago Kugler Mary Jane, Mansfield Mattern Sophia, Chicago Cook Misses, Maples Mills Mitchell & Miller, Chicago Reed M., Marietta Weis Charles A., Chicago Hay worth Mrs., Marshall MAR 856 CHI Smith J. , Marysville White A., Wilmington Walker George, Mier Redd E., Woodford Troop Jane Mrs., Montgomery Hail Mrs., Wyanet Hindsman Ann Mrs., Monticello Cremers Miss, Yellowhead Grove Andrew Mrs., Mt. Carmel Weber Levi, Mt. Carmel Williams Mrs., Mt. Carmel "Whips, Lashes, etc., Manufactu- Hawkridge James, Mount Hawley rers of, and Dealers in. Gibbs William, Mt. Morris Sayer John, Mt. Pulaski Bowen E. R., Chicago Netzley U., Naperville Morrill E. T., Chicago Beach Hannah, New Boston Partridge John C. & Co., Chicago Lisk Polly, New Boston Fitch P. C., Daysville Sprague , New Erin Lesley S., New Hope Stowell Mrs., Northampton White Lead Works. Conner S. Mrs., North Plato Jamieson M. Mrs., North Plato Blatchford E. W., Chicago Tuck E. Mrs., North Plato Lyon Lewis, Chicago Dickeson Abram Mrs., Ogle Johnston & Cox, Peoria Heifner John P., Olney Childers M. J., Omph Ghent Glenn V., Oneida "Whitesmiths. Anstadt W., Orangeville Sewell Martha Mrs., Osborn (See also Blacksmiths.) Ferris Mrs. , Oswego V&rncr Atrs Oswego Clark John M., Brooklyn Williams Mrs. , Oswego Ashfield John, Chicago Anderson P., Palos Holbeck Francis, Chicago Green Mrs. Parks Corners Roehbuck F., Collinsville Underwood Ruth, Parks Corners Johnson William, jr., Cordova Fee Mrs , Perry Crawford J. L., Ellis Grove Works Mrs., Perry Welch John T., Hamilton Stutiville Mrs., Piasa Mylins Henry, Harvard Kelley J., Piano Deizman 0., Hennepin Saxburg Matilda, Pleasant Vale Bradshaw Wm., Marshall Upinghouse Nancy, Pleasant Vale Weygandt William, Millstadt Vance Fanny, Pleasant View Gruner P., Pinckneyville Curtis Mrs., Pontoosac Brander Thomas, Walnut Hill Edwards Anna, Pope Creek Putnam M., Warren Brown Mrs. John, Prophetstown Wells Jesse, Warren Mc.Evany Mrs., Renault Powell W., Wheaton Carter Mrs., Ridgeley Ransdall Mis, Ridgeley Crouch Mrs. D., Rochester "Wig and Toupee Makers. Morgan John M., Rock Island / Baughman Mrs. J., Rockport Went Edwin, Aurora Winterbotton J., Rushville Barrow William, Chicago Wetzel Mrs., Santa Anna CAMPBELL M., Chicago Miller W. M., Shelbyville See advl. on outside cover. Creamers & Co., Sherburnville Forster George, Chicago Duffer Mrs., Shobonier GRAY J., Chicago Vaughn Mrs., South Bend Oshwaldt Adolpb, Chicago Cleveland Sally, Spencer Rouley Chas., Chicago Thompson Mrs. S., Spring Grove Little Mrs., Sullivan Martin Miss, Sullivan Wind Mill Manufacturers. Trowbridge , Sylvandale Crandall Mary, Toulon Bulkeley & Peck, Rockford Godfrey Thomas, Toulon Hannah Mrs., Troy Grove Hains Melinda, Vermont Window Glass, Wholesale. Olson Phebe, Snigg Margaret, Victoria Walnut Grove (Sse also Paints, Oils and Glass.) Pettibone Sally, Warren Tanner & Rice, Aurora Taylor Miss, Warrenton Burlingame A., Chicago Cullen Elizabeth, Washington Hooker F. & H. M., Chicago Wallace Margaret, Washington JEWETT & BUTLER, Chicago Morgan Gordon, Western Saratoga See advt. page 454. Kimball Hedges S., Wheaton LEWIS, PAGE & CO., Chicago CPU 85? CHI Lord & Smith, Chicago Ruff Joseph, Beardstown Penton & Co., Chicago Eiss^nhardt Charles & Co., Belleville Thomson & Alston, Chicago Kellermann Bros., Belleville Morehouse, Wells & Co., Decatur Mav Ezra, Belviderf. CLAYTON C. M. & BRO., Freeport Dibert F., Berlin See adut. page 475. Pollock Thomas, Berlin Breasted & Sovereign, Rock ford Neely J. & Co., Blackberry Station Martin Jesse, Blandinsville Porter J. B., Blandinsville Window Shades, Manufacturers Bonslett Leonard, Bliven's Mills of. and Dealers in. Enright John H., Bloomington ' Niergarth & Jacoby, Bloomington (See also Dry Goods.) THOMPSON R. & CO., Bloomington Chatrop C., Blue Island ANDRESS HENRY W., Chicago Richter C., Blue Island Hull S. Chester, Chicago Schapper F., Blue Island Frederick Henry H"., Peoria Tims John, Blue Point WEISZ JOHN & GEORGE, Springfield Nilds D. C. W., Bourbon Seeley, Vogle & Church, Bristol Sample Richard, Broadhead "Wine G-rowers and Makers. Hollingsworth E. B., Browning Roger Jacob, Buck Bomman Conrad, Belleville Emerson Jesse, Buda Engelmann Theodore, Belleville Brey Paul C., Burksville Guentz Henry, Belleville Metzler John, Burksville Huff Valentine, Belleville Berblinger J G., Burton Ambuhl P. & Bro., Highland Campbell A. 0. & Co., Byron Chipron T. G., Highland Candee H. H. & Co.. Cairo Koepfli T. & S., Highland Hughes Henry, Caledonia Rilliet C., Highland Walker & Wilev, Caledonia Eyhiner F., Highland Koble M., Canton Benson J., Cedarville Doering Henry, Central City Wines and Liquors. Meisner Charles F., Central City Goodale W. G. & Co., Centralia Klinwath G., Albion Lander & Besant, Centralia Sears J. J., Algonquin Folens Peter, Chelsea Fishbach & Elble, Alton Nehues J. A., Chelsea Post William, Alton Powell Wm., Cherry Valley Conor D., Anna Van Buren S. M., Cherry Valley Davison F. M., Anna Block D. & Bro., Chester Elms Z., Anna Burdoff P., Chester Goodman M., Anna Barron Patrick, Chicago Love D., Anna Bernauer B., Chicago Marks & Doods, Anna Berns Vincent, Chicago Stone & Dapass, Anna Brooks Isaac, Chicago Haas Joseph, Appanoose Coy & Co., Chicago Gibbs C. S., Arcola Currier David P., Chicago Koch D., A&hkum Delovnes George, Chicago Harn Harry, Ashley Dike'Bios. & Co., Chicago Tucker L. G., Ashley Dodge, George & Co., Chicago Foley & Condon, Assumption Downing Daniel, Chicago Hughes David, Atlanta Egan James, Chicago Brooks N. C. & Co., Auburn Esler Carl, Chicago C asp ray John, Auburn Esling Joseph J., Chicago Crall A. J., Auburn Evans Michael, Chicago Frasier J., Augusta Fitzpatrick Moses, Chicago Simpson G., Augusta Flanery Hugh, Chicago Watson W. H., Augusta Foer^ter Theobald, Chicago Working G., Augusta Ford Burton M., agent, Chicago Llibre Manuel, Aurora Fortuna Peter, Chicago Flinn John, Baileyville Freeh James, Chicago Grider A., Bainbridge Funck Jacob, Chicago Hundley & Lewis, Bainbridge Gaffney Patrick., Chicago Howl .nd P. E., Barry Geoghegan John, Chicago English A., Beardstown Gilcreest John, Chicago Flanning & Joice, Beardstown Haley James F., Chicago Kerkam & Sollie, Beardstown Handley James, Chicago Moor George, Beardstown Herbert Alfred, Chicago Quigg John, Beurdstown Heylman Charles, Chicago CHI 858 GRA Hobley Henry, Chicago Newstadt A., Collinsville Hutchings Edward W., Chicago Verrill H. M., Cordova Kehoe Edward, Chicago Branton Henry, Council Hill Kirchoff Charles, Chicago Williams William, Council Hill Kline G. N. & Co., Chicago Homan J., Courtland Station Koeffler G. A. & Co., Chicago Cooper C., Danby Kraefft Theodore, Chicago Kraft Katherine, Danby Kuhn Frank, Chicago Kraft Killian, ' Danby Laup Bernard, Chicago Reed L., Daysville Leopold Joseph & Bro., Chicago Wilson & Hinckley, Daysville Limberg August Chicago Fitch J. G., Dearborn. M'Cleavy Smith, Chicago Hill Wm., Dearborn McDonald Alexander, Chicago Brown J. B. & Co., Decatur McRenna John, Chicago Crothers R. W., Delevan McNasser James, Chicago Flint S. P., Delavan McNolte John, Chicago Laker J. M., Dement Station Macfarlane Peter, Chicago Pitts Aaron W., Dixon Mahler Jacob F., Chicago Maris & Oatman, Dundee Mann & Wright, Chicago Hagerty J. H., Dwight Marker Frederick, Chicago Ambruster J. M., Edwardsville Matthei Chas., Chicago Bauer & Hohen, Edwardsville O'Brien John, Chicago Boyd James, Edwardsville O'Brien Thos., Chicago Daniels N., Edwardsville O'Connor Wm., Chicago Girnt G., Edwardsville O'Neill John, Chicago Hamil J., Edwardsville O'Neill Patrick, Chicago Hess George, Edwardsville O'Neill, Hickey & Co., Chicago Loew H., Edwardsville Palmer John & Co., Chicago Miller C., Edwardsville Palmer & Nicholson, Chicago Soelkie F., Edwardsville Pease Samuel W., Chicago LYNCH TIMOTHY, Elgin Poths Jacob, Chicago Etling Geo., Elizabeth Price Mrs. Annooa, Chicago Lister Jas., Elizabeth Redell Jacob H., Chicago Monks H., Elizabeth Reif Albin, Chicago Williams H., Elizabeth RICKORDS FREDERICK, Chicago Rose John, Ellisville Reilly John, Chicago O'Onnell John, ElPaso Reune Wm., Chicago Hall Nelson, Empire Rice James, Chicago Harvey & Mann, Empire Robb T. P. & Co., Chicago Goodwin E. J., Enfield Robinson Thomas, Chicago Mackey & Fones, Enfield Rosemheld Julius, Chicago Steevell, Dodd & Oliver, Fairbury Rust Wm. & Co., Chicago Clark James, Fairfield Schaller A. & Co., Chicago Sailor J. C., Fairfield Schinitz John P., Chicago Tamer J., Fairfield Scoville Halsey W., Chicago Shelton A., Fayette Sink A. J. & W. B., Chicago York E. D., Florena Smith John B., Chicago Barker F., Foreston Stanton George E., Chicago Long R., Foreston Stephani Bros., Chicago Cleveland C. H., Frankfort Sues Louis, Chicago Coleman William, Frankfort Tauber Andrew, Chicago Bray ton G. W., Franklin Grove Thorp & Grant, Chicago Blake J. M. & Co., Freeport Troost William, Chicago Franz Damain, Freeport Valy Alexander & Co., Chicago Long John & Son, Freeport Waldon Thos., Chicago Estabrooks D. S., Fullersburg Winterbrand Edwin, Chicago Dodge David E., Fulton City Witte Charle W., Chicago PEIFFNER HENRY, Galena Young John & Co., Chicago SCHWAB LAWRENCE, Galena McLean William, Chillicothe Matteson & Palmer, Galesburg Murray S. M., Chillicothe Dally Charles, Geneseo Hibben & Dittmann, Circleville Stevens G. W., Geneseo Rubotham &Romine, Clark Centre Zeibig Gustav, Geneseo Dye & Phillips, Clinton Kelzing Charles, Golconda Bergfield A., Coatsburg Vinegard G. W., Golconda Haxel Frederick, Coatsburg Cummins S., Grand de Tour Jones P., Coatsburg Hurndon N. H., Grand de Tour Davis & Dowell, Cold Spring Paine H. H., Grand de Tour Beekman N., Collinsville Kries L., Grayville Berka Joseph, Collinsville Mathews Thomas, Grayville Muirhead J. D., Collinsville Prouty & Woodward, Grayville GRA 859 PEO Vogle M. M., Grayville Sehenck G. J., Maroa Lee A., Greenfield Benedict H., Marshall Crandall M. I., Griggsville Stun T. J., Marshall Sanford & Whiting, Griggsville Jones John, Martinsville Benisses J. B., Hadley Buckner Joseph, Mason Brown & Co., Harrisburgh Newman, Wilson & Co., Mason My burgh & Bro., Harrisburgh Kruger Gustavus, Mendota Tate John, Harrisburgh Wilmroth & Irlinborn, Mendota Haskell A. Summer, Hillsboro Boyan Peter, Meredosia Tilden I. G. & Co., Hurricane Gore & Ebaugh, Meredosia White & Hanis, Hurricane Post George, Meredosia Bradberry W. H., Hutsonville Smith & Ruyland, Meredosia Draper W. L., Hutsonville Babbett E., " Metamora Baker & Shaad, Illinois City Fisher A., Metamora Ingle James, Illiopolis Bear & Co., Metropolis City Anderson John, Iroquois Levi & Bro., Metropolis City Edgar W. S., Jacksonville Courtright George, Middleport Bures Peter, Jersey Landing Clawges & K., Mineral Dodson James B., Jersey Landing Keedy A., Minonk Rockwood Sylvester, Jersey Landing Smith W. F., Monmouth Devany & Kelly, Joliet Spriggs J. S., Monmouth O'Conner Patrick, Joliet Thompson W. E., Mossville O'CONNOR DANIEL, Joliet Capps J., Mt, Pulaski Garnet M., Kaneville Kreig & Grasbern, Mt, Pulaski Bradford C. F. & Co., Kankakee Schweigart Philip, Mt. Pulaski Johnson Joseph, Kankakee Shiek F., Mt. Pulaski Swannell Wm. G., Kankakee Anglin & Garrison, Mt. Vernon, Kester J. & J. S., Kansas Watson & Bro., Mt. Vernon Baldwin John, Keene Lewis John E., Murphysborough Goodenow Henry, Keene Williams David, Murphysborough Goodwin James, Keene Abbott J. & H., Naples Lee James, Keene Forsher J. A., Naples Randolph D. H., Keene Smith A. M., Naples Martin & Bro., Kingston Mines Goula John, Neponset Morris D., Kingston Mines Alyea Thomas, New Boston Brewer J. S., Knoxville Becket Wm., New Boston Winter John, Knoxville Hartson J. L., New Boston Garrett & Co., Kyte River Ashwill & Kight, New Liberty Fitzgibbons John, Lacon Gains A., New Market Riley Thomas, Lacon Baird G. H., New Massillon Potter A., LaHarpe Rudolph Wm., New Massillon Robinson J. & J., Lake Creek Franke John, Newton Trusty H., Lake Creek McVaigh James, Noble Wilcox N. J., Lake Creek Hampton James, Northampton Clark & Dana, Lane Depot Whitfield Wm., Noyesville Reed S. B., Lane Depot Curtis W. H., Oakland Badollet A. S., Lawrenceville McConkev G. W., Oakland Morris W. W., Lawrenceville Warden P., Oakland Hall H. S. & Bro., Lemont Wooley A. M., Oakland Bechard & Co., L'Erable Nickey S. P. & Bro., Oakley Voeth R., Liberty Landcroft J. & Co., O'Fallon's Depot Penniman Eli P., Libertyville Bandt H. G., Old Ripley Brown Sumuel, Linchburg Tracy F. A., Oneida Mittendorfer T., Lincoln Wagenhals W. & Co., Orangeville Webb George, Lincoln Gale Charles V., Oregon White Wm., Lincoln DeLane John, Pana Whitcomb & King, Logan Dodge J. H., Pana Hake Samuel, McConnell's Grove Ingraham John C., Pana Ellis J. W., Macomb Collins & Bros., Paris Rice D. B. & Co., Macomb Cure J. & Son, Paris Browning S., Magnolia Southerland & Co., Paris Thornton A., Magnolia Armstrong Wm , Patoka Goodell & Maine, Manchester Meader Iredill, Patoka Jacobs Wm., Marcelline Brown Wm., Pecatonica Blanke & Bros., Marine Becker & Look, Pekin Elbring & Bros., Marine Freeman G. W., Pekin Suter X., Marine Clerk Wm., Peoria Campbell 0. G., Marion Cropper Stephen, Peoria Hundley R. M., Marion Henebery Matthew, Peoria Zimmerman & Galup, Markanda HINZEN F. CHARLES & CO., Peoria PEG 860 CHI MILES E. H. & CO., Peoria Wynd A., Tremont RUGG HENRY L, Peoria Clark W. F., Urbana Bela J. P., Petersburg Goodspeed & Son, Urbana Estell & Elliott, Petersburg Sullivan John, Urbana Kuntzendorff & Haver, Petersburg Tobias P., Urhana Graf F., Pinckneyville Copps E., Vandalia Miller Henry, Pinckneyville Smith G. M., Vermillion Wilder & Opp, Pinckneyville Dawson George, Versailles Tenhaff Wm., Pitman Ravenscroft A. D., Versailles Bullock H. E., Piano Pease E. A., Victoria Eastin Wm., Pleasant View Daley John, Wapella Streamer Jacob, Pontiac Green Timothy, Wapella Bell Roger, Port Byron Ronan David, Wapella Gray & Harsf, Port Byron Bajne James, Warren Alwood T., Princeville Clark S. H. & Co., Warren Robinson J. B., Prophetstown Pierce J. L., Warren Shaw G. R. & Co., Prophetstown Beardsly B., Warrenville Dowaj & Morton, Quincy Howard James, Wataga FOUGEN E. & Co., Quincy Casler J. A., Watson Lomelino F. C., Quincy Gough Francis, Watson Rogers H. A., Quincy Colgan Edward D., Waukegan Albers J. F., Red Bud Wright James F. & Co., Waukegan Bockoll G., Red Bud Freeman Thomas, Western Saratoga Sweatman A?a, Reed Jones & Burnap, Westfield Belford B. L., Renault Rounds Joshua, West Jersey Weeks S., Ridge Farm Hodges L., West Urbana Carter & Tracy, Rochester Harris E. P., Williamsville Donahue & Bro., Rochester Stennell W. W., Williamsville Roush H., Rock Grove Carroll M., Wilmington Clacius & Speidel, Rock Island McMannis J., Wilmington Dart Henry & Son, Rock Island Shields F., Wilmington Kellerstrass & Fries, Rock Island Whitten A., Wilmington Williams D., Roland Kramer N., Windsor Wilson I. A., Roscoe Wallace W. H., Windsor Sadorus William, Sadorus Manrose & Gambell, Wyanet Lewis H., Sandoval Dolson Jacob, York Smith S. J. & Co., Sandwich Owens John, Zanesville Knoll Thomas, Savanna Palmer J. M., Zanesville Macken Wm., Savanna Dean J. H., Shabbonier Morgan J. L., Sheffield "Wines and Liquors, "Wholesale. Earp D., Shelbyville Sutton & Sackett, Shelbyville BARRY BFNJAMIN F., Alton Wright & Brother, Shelbyville Carpenter Benjamin A., Alton Care George, Smithton Kent Oliver P., Alton Forcace Lewis, t Smithton Quigley Bros. & Co., Alton Rustushousen Isaac, Somonauk Wendt Frederick, Alton Doherty J. W., South Macon Barber Lemuel, Chicago Coudon James, South Paps BECKWITH CHARLES H., Chicago Rendlemann & Donavan, South Pass Binz Francis, Chicago Ray William, Sparland Buck & Rice, Chicago BRADY THOMAS, Springfield Champion William W., Chicago Busher John, jr., Springfield Colne John P., jr., Chicago Labarthe Julius A., Springfield Combs Andrew, Chicago Lemon J. C. & Co., Springfield Corl Fabian & Co., Chicago Pollard A. M., Spring Lake Cory B. S. & Sons, Chicago Gower John, St^unton Cox & White, Chicago Schoan Adam, Staunton Croskey Abram F., Chicago Stueker J. S., Stone Fort Deloynes George, Chicago Barton J. B., Sublette Dike Brothers & Co., Chicago Lee Willis, Sullivan Fuller J. E. S. & Co., Chicago Gisell A., Summerfield HALSEY & KING, agents, Chicago Morlot G., Sylvandale Haven, Turrill & Co., Chicago Thompson A., Sylvandale JOHNSON & DIVERSY, Chicago Farrell J.. Tamaroa KRAEFFT THEODORE, Chicago Cook William, Tennessee Lurton & Harris, Chicago Hardin N. B., Tennessee Magnusson Lewis J., Chicago Hodges & Wicker, Thebes Moore A. M. & Bro., Chicago Turnbull A., Thebes Myers Samuel, Chicago Falkingham George, Towanda Read Leander, Chicago CHI 861 GRI Renne William, Chicago Dickinson Edward, Chicago Root J. L., agent, Chicago Elliott John, Chicago Smith J. B., Chicago Goodale Brothers, Chicago Stephani Brothers, Chicago Goodrich Albert E , Chicago Sternheimer Moses, Chicago Graff & Herberts, Chicago Thayer & Hammond, Chicago Hayden R. Nelson, Chicago Valey & Co., Chicago Morgan Lansing, Chicago Bues Fred., Freeport Lincoln Joseph F., Chicago Maloney Matthew S., Freeport Long John M., Chicago Van Sloten & Feenders, Freeport Lord James F , Chicago Baiubridge A., Jonesboro McChesney& Auburv, Chicago Walters A. J.. Jones' Creek Maher Hugh, Chicago Walters G. W., Jones' Creek Man & Langley, Chicago Farrell DeWitt C., Peoria Miles Samuel, Chicago Farrell Hiram G., Peoria Newhouse John S., Chicago STREHLOW ROBERT, Peoria Pahlman John H , Chicago LANSING EDWIN H., Rockford SKINNER B. H., Chicago BUNN J. & J. W., Springfield Stewart Robert, Chicago Melvin Samuel H., Springfield Tavlor Peter, Chicago SHELDON OLIVER M., Springfield WOODRUFF & PAYNE , Chicago Brown J. W., Chillicothe Hammet John, Chillicothe Wood Dealers. Kassor R. J., Circleville Reeves John Z., Clay City Latemer Jonathan, Abingdon Willders Jeremiah, Clay City Sears J. J., Algonquin Palmer J., Clear Creek Landing Hubbard A. G., Amboy Wing.& Anderson, Collinsville Heilman Jacob, Anna Sawyer J. A., Colona Station Doolittle A., Appanoose Mallett C. P., Como Kine Patrick, Appanoose Armstrong G., Cordova Wolf H., Appanoose Hemenway & Hare, Daysville Zingre L, Appanoose Keyes , Daysville Melendy John A., Argo Watts James B., Derinda Curtis A., Augusta Higbee & Sanderson, Detroit Skinkle A., Avon Norton & demons, Detroit Small D. H , Avon Anson George, Drury Grant A., Barclay Drury S. R., Drury O'Kane D., Barclay McPherson James, Drury Grimes Alexander, Batavia Stickrod A., Drury French P. P., Bedford Townsend G. S., Dwight Huff & Penseneau, Belleville Brewer & Brother, El Paso Elrod Ira F., Bernadotte Harvey Joel, Empire Martin Hugh S., Bernadotte King George M., Enfield Madier Samuel, Biggsville Darst J., Eureka Martin D., Blandinsville Thatcher P., Fairfield SENSENEY H. M., Bloomington Cone Henry, , Farmington Ward & Phelps, Bloomington Hughes Isaac, Fayette Melindz J. A , Bluffville Sullivan W. A., Fayette Brown M., Brighton Hewitt J. J., Foreston Dilworth J. C., Browning Durkes C., Franklin Grove Kinney T. J., Browning Lahrnan C. Franklin Grove Morris Thos., Buckhorn Lakeman D. F., Franklin Grove Angle & Aller, Bushnell Farwell M. & Co., Fredericksville Barnes William, Calhoun Parker Andrew, Freedom Larramour A. W., Calhoun Hall Geo. H., Freeport Lasure S., Calhoun Goodart Frederick, Friendsville Babcock & Co., Canton Pool 0. W., Friendsville Litchtenberger G., Carmi Wanzer Henry, Friendsville Miller C. D., Cave in Rock Ellison E. T., Geneseo Bundy John, Central City Rider D. W., Geneseo McCormick R., Channahon Middleton Thomas, Geneva Darwin John, Chester Harwood & Thompson, Oilman McBrine William, Chester Parker D. L., Gilman Ackley Benjamin, Chicago Wright J. F., Gilman Blanchard William, Chicago Lockiley W. D., Golconda Coe & Carpenter, Chicago Cummins S., Grand de Tour Conlan James, Chicago Pennell William A., Granville Dalton Andrew, Chicago Allen G. W., Greenfield Davis & Gleason, Chicago Arthur Robert, Greenup DeCondre , Chicago Fielding David, Griggsville GRI 862 ZAN Watch & Martin, Griggsville Billiard Samuel, Pleasant Vale Gorham A. H., Hadley Phremer & Co., Pleasant Vale Brown & Mainer, Harvard Turner Joseph P., Pontiac Janney H. & T. B. & Co., Henry Brown Samuel, Pontoosac Jenkins R. H. & Co , Henry Elder M., Portland Buchter Jno., Highland Nichols J. B., Portland Simmons & Co., Hillsboro Seeley E., Portland Parker Phillip, Howard's Point Thompson N. & Co., Prophetstown Lewis S. H., . Hudson Benedict & Wiight, Rantoul Feslor N., Hutsonville Caplinger & Johnson, Rantoul Hall J., Hutsonville Wehrheim Phillip, Red Bud Hollowell H. W., Hutsonville Glassgo J & Son, Renault Miller William, Ionia McNabb, Renault * Wiley & Newberry, Irving Carter & Tracy Rochester Merchant & Roberts, Jefferson Honnor Walter, Round Grove Barber E., Jones Creek Sanford D. C., Round Grove Clendinen John, Jones Creek Simenson F., Round Grove Powers H., Kaneville Sadonw William Sadorus Demell David, Kingston Mines Picquet Joseph, St. Marie Kingston Coal Company, Kingston Mines Martin W., Sandoval Robinson Thoa., Kingston Mines Owens George, Santa Anna Rathbourn J. B., Kyte River Hassler Henry Selby Station Robinson W. E., LaClede Helms M., Shelbyville Clubb S. H., Lawrenceville Smith William, Sherburnville Boyer Charles E., Lemont Alexander John W., Shiloh Bechard & Co., L'Erable Scott Benj., Shiloh Finch H. J., Louisville Woolard W. W., Shiloh Lo- g Darlin, Louisville McAllister, J. E., Shabonier Wilder Jeremiah, Louisville McTosh & Dorans, South Bend Woodruff Orange, Lyndon Gabriel Joseph, South Macon Hake Samuel, McConnell's Grove Hurlbut & William, Sparland Hake William, McConnell's Grove Lucart William, Sparland McConnell R., McConnell's Grove Woodward P., Spencer Shippee & Co., McConnell's Grove Best & Sparks Staunton Ackly Chester, Mansfield Stephens & Barnet, Staunton Ackly George, Mansfield Vaughn Thomas, Sullivan Hukill Seth, Marietta Peucher William, Summer Hill Griffith Wm., Marshall Lattimer W. M., Tennessee Johnson S. T., Mattoon Holden Alexander G., Thebes Doane F. S., Mineral McClure T. J. Thebes Riley William, Mineral Colvin W. A., Time Enderley Peter, Monterey Curley & Hollister, Tolono Fuller Alonson, Monterey Woodward Paschal, Tracy Twichell C. W., Monterey Champon J. M., Utah Eveland John, Moscow Miller James, Valley Forge Kegg R., New Boston Peterson Geo. J., Valley Forge Wood Daniel, New Boston Willis B. Williams, Valley Forge Weaver S. D., New Liberty Wood Geo. W., Valley Forge Dillard James, New Market Cherington John, Victoria Crews Nathan, New Mas#illon Peterson Peter, Victoria Hendricks J., New Maysville Dnyre Dennis, Vienna Reed C., Northampton Lavender E. B., Vienna Heller J., Noyesville Walbridge & Bro., Walbridge Anin John, Oakland McClarmont John B., Walnut Grove Cheny Moses, Oswego Clark S. H. & Co., Warren Danforth Chas., Oswego Babcock & Wood, Wataga Davis W. N., Oswego Adrians & Co., Wesley City Farmer, Hausbam &: Co., Palmyra Fagotte Julius, Wesley City Miles John M., Paloma Curtis & Adams, Wheaton McClaughry R. S., Palos Hall E. A., Wheaton Shields James B., Palos Wilcox A. W. & Bro. Wheaton Dall A., Pecatonica Flagg C., Williamsville Devenny William, Pekin Sexson J., Windsor Rhoades & Co., Pekin Warner J. D., Winnebago Depot Stackpole W. T., Pekin Finley W., Wood ford Bale & Hill, Petersburg Hawell W., Woodford Cass J., Piano Caldwell William, Wyoming Swift Joseph, Piano Wilson Henry, Wyoming Wilson John, Plato Johnston Philip, Xenia Durphy & Stumbo, Pleasant Vale Brown Samuel, Zanesville ALT 863 BLO Turner & Pool, Mt. Carmel "Wood and Willow "Ware, Deal- Davis L., Mt. Palatine ers in Scott W & Co., Naperville Shearer J. A. New Liberty BLAIR, BALLINGER & CO., Alton Stuart J. F., New Liberty Blick Robert, Anna Jenkins John, Northampton Rucker J., Barclay Bode Adam, North Plato Wise D. W., Beaver Creek Bode Jacob, North Plato Robins Wright, Biggsville Bode Randolph, . North Plato Angle & Aller, Bushnell Goff, Hull & Thorson, Ottawa Cole & West, Bushnell Freedrick E., Pecatonica Collins W. S., Chicago Culter & Lindsay, Peoria Cook G. C. & Co., Chicago Gibson & Thoman, Peoria Fisher Henry, Chicago ROBINSON JAMES T. & Co. , Peoria Frederick Charles, Chicago Engle M., Pinckneyville Garfield A. G., Chicago Duke Elizabeth, Pleasant View KUSSEL BROTHERS, Chicago Voight W. D., Pontoosac Warner & Rust, Chicago Delano & Bnrr, Princeton WATSON & Wright, Chicago Tuller & Mairs, Prophetstown White, Stewart & White, Chicago Epler I. A., Richland McLean William, Chillicothe Price J. S. Ridge Farm Tauit & Jack, Chillicothe Allen Gardner S., Rock ford Priddy & Co., Circleville Veness J. & Son, Rockton Magill & Co., Clinton Wolsath N., Santa Anna Daun E. & Co., Dearborn Craig R. L., Sheffield Buehl Charles, Decatur Thompson S. E., Sparland Clark H. H., Dement Station Fuller Levi, Spring Hill Parmele A. H., Dement Station Fisher G. & C., Staunton Sloss & Torrence, Edwardsville Higley Jacob, Staunton TIbert C. H., Edwardsville States John H., Staunton Hall Nelson, Empire Hale J., Sublette Harvey & Man Empire McLagon A., Sycamore Barnhill J. W M Fairfield Rosenbaum W., Urbana Cooper T. S. & Co., Fairfield Janes John, Victoria Chapman P. P., Farmington Botsford J. C., Wataga Dunn & Irwin, Farmington Lvon S., Wataga Cox J. M., Fayette Phelps A. W. & Co., Wataga Haller, C. M., Foreston Wood W. T., Wataga Matron James, Franklin Grove Henderson & Co., Wilmington Parker D. L., Gilman Wright J. F., Gilman Reed G. J. & Co., Granville "Wooden "Ware. Manufacturers of Boxendall W. & G., Hennepin and Dealers in. Dent H. C., Hennepin Dore P., Hennepin Slay Joseph Anna Felters P., Hennepin Goodwin & Bros., Blandinsville Lyons John, Hennepin PARKE & HOOPES, Bloomington Gorman P., Heyworth Royce Harwood & Co., Bloomington Stine Conrad, Hickory Creek Myers H., Buck Byze Jno., Highland Tuel & Rubel, Canton Ulrich F., Highland Lynch Timothv, . Elgin Suttori Wm. T., Houston Branch N. P. '&. Co., Jeffersonville Cagnew Thomas P., Joliet Sktjed Samuel, Knoxville .Martin & Bro., Kingston Mines Griffy Jonas, New Massillon Morris David, Kingston Mines Eichelberger Harvey, Knoxville Wilkins F. P., Lacon "Wool Dealers. *t9& Garrett & Co., Lane Depot Burkhart H., Lemont Bowman Wm., Albion Sprague S., Libertyville Skinner & Co., Augusta Boyer Charles C., Lockport Philbrick M. H. & Co., Baileyville Whitcomb & King, Logan O'Kane L., Barclay Poe A. G., Maple's Mills Stewart William, Barclay Crosby B & Co., Marrion Wike George, Barry Goforth C. 0. B., Mt. Carmel Davis Owen, Bedford Habbeston M. J., Mt. Carmel Wills S. H., Bedford McDowell J., Mt. Carmel Graham David, Biggsville Mauk A. & J., Mt. Carmel Small Jos., Biggsville Parkinson R. & Co., Mt. Carmel Porter J. B., Blandinsville Stauton J. &D. N., Mt. Carmel Deitrich & Bradner, Bloomington BLU 864 MAC Garner & Watson, Blue Point Price Charles W., New Berlin Moore William, Bradford Moatcs Jacob, Northampton Alexander M. E., Buck Niles Henry, Noyesville Buck John, Buck Bower Benjamin, Orangeville Gaunt J., Bunker Hill Hoyman George, Orangeville Piper J G., Canton Wise Samuel, Orangeville Kennedy & Lytte, Charleston Potwin & Stone, Oregon Hoppiri D. T., Chatham Afflack T. B., Osborn Hoppin F. B., Chatham Mason L. R., Oswego McConnell E. F., Chatham Tiller G., Oswego PARSONS J. 0., Chicago Wheeler A. K., Oswego See advt. page 448. Pollick Joseph, Paloma Priddy B., Circleville Kile, Dole & Co., Paris Williams Jno. A., Cold Spring Mann S. J. i in the south, pecan nuts. Blackberries and strawberries abound in many places. We are not aware that evergreen trees are produced naturally in any part of the State, and con- siderable care is requisite to succeed in cultivating them. It would be difficult to find another tract of country of the same size, better supplied with the natural facilities for communication than Illinois. Besides Lake Michigan connecting with all the great lakes, the St. Lawrence and the ocean, and the three great bounding rivers, all navigable far beyond the State, the Illinois opens a com- munication through its centre, and at high water many of its tributaries can be navigated by steamboats and smaller craft. The largest Mississippi boats come up Fevre River to Galena ; and several of the remaining streams furnish navigable waters, at favorable times, amounting in the aggregate to many hundred miles. Yet, with all these advantages, so great is the area of the State, that large regions of country were very difficult of access until the opening of the numerous railroads, stretching away in almost every direction, left very little to desire in this particular, except in the muddy seasons of the year. When the rich clayey soil is saturated with water, the thick adhesive mud becomes so deep, that the roads, in dry times as hard and smooth as though macadamized, become wholly impassable, except to the slow-moving, bespattered horseman. No characteristic of the country is more disgusting or discouraging to the new comer than this; but when the rain ceases, the troublesome mad disappears with astonishing rapidity, under the combined influence of the sun and the strong prairie winds. Although Illinois has little romantic scenery, and few striking natural objects of curiosity to attract him who travels for amusement or recreation, yet she is net altogether destitute in this particular. Her broad, rich prairies stretching away for miles with their graceful undulations, like the ocean when its surface is disturbed only by the slow, steady swell of a calm day, their borders fringed with distant groves, marking the track of some water-course, and their tall rich grass feeding great herds of cattle, are always an object of deep interest, not only to the stranger, but even to one whose eyes have been accustomed to the scene from childhood. The rugged river bluffs often assume very picturesque shapes, although their height is not great. Perhaps the most remarkable is Fountain Bluff, on the Mississippi, in Jackson county. It is of an oval shape, ahout six miles in circuit, and 300 feet high, its top is full of sink holes. The cave in the rock on the Ohio, in Hardin county, is not only a natural curiosity, but has considerable historical interest, from having been the home of a formidable band of robbers, or river pirates, in 179T, and for having formed a retreat for similar outlaws, on more than one subsequent occasion. * " Starved Rock" is a perpendicular mass of limestone and sandstone, 150 feet above the surface of Illinois River. It is on the south bank of the river, eight miles below Ottawa, and derived its name from the fact that a band of Illinois Indians, who had taken refuge upon it from the Pottawatomies, were besieged here by their enemies until all perished of starvation or thirst. " Deer Park," a remarkable gorge in the Sandstone Rock, through which a small creek flows to join the Vermillion, is in the same neighborhood. There is considerable to interest the sportsman in this State. Besides the wild fowl previously mentioned, wild turkeys are found in great numbers in many of the groves ; deer and wolves are sti 1 plenty in large portions of the State ; and the prairie-fowl, a species of grouse found everywhere, are numbered by millions. The larger streams abound in fine fish, some of which grow to an astonishing size. Illinois extends over 5% degs. of latitude, or from the latitude of Old Point Comfort, Va., to that of Salem, Mass. It is plain, therefore, that its climate must vary greatly between its northern and southern points. While the average annual temperature is probably about the same as in corresponding latitudes on the Atlantic coast, there is no doubt that the extremes are greater, and the changes frequently more sudden and more violent. This we should naturally expect from the continental position of the State. We think the following remarks, found in the Report of the Geological Survey of Iowa, and based upon accompanying figures, are eminently true of Illinois. " Early in the history of this country, it was generally maintained that the climate of the Mississippi Valley was considerably warmer than that of the Atlantic States in the same parallel. This theory has not been confirmed by the results of the observations which have been made at numerous stations, both in the Eastern and Western States. On comparison of the records, it appears that while there is little difference in the mean temperature for the year, between places in the same latitude in the Mississippi Valley and on the Atlantic border, yet there is a perceptible tendency to extremes in the mean of the seasons as we go further west. * * * The spring and summer are decidedly warmer, and the winter colder in the Mississippi Valley, than on the same parallel in New York. The open character of the prairie region, the want of shelter from the sun of summer, and the sweeping winds of winter, make these peculiarities of the western climate more perceptible than they would seem to be from an inspection of the thertnometrical register. The prairie winds, however unpleasant to those exposed to them in the severity of winter, are of the greatest benefit to the general sanitary condition of the State, since they prevent the accumulation of the malaria which arises from the decomposition of the rich vegetation of the prairies, as is proved by the marked difference in the health of settlers on the prairie and in the timber." A breeze is always felt on the prairie, which often blows with considerable strength, and not unfrequently increases to a violent wind. This greatly mitigates the heat of summer, but renders traveling dangerous in winter, even when the thermometer is comparatively not very low. P robably about the same quantity of rain falls in a year as in the same latitude on the Atlantic coast, although droughts in summer are somewhat more common. They are, however, usually less disastrous, as the peculiar character of the prairie soil enables it "to stand drought," astonishingly. Usually there is less snow here than in the East, and from this circumstance, the winter grains often suffer, as well as from the frequent thawing and freezing of the soil. The winters are generally shorter than on the coast, and the cold " snaps," though very severe, are not so prolonged. Cattle often remain unhoused all winter, especially in the middle and southern parts of the State ; but in severe seasons, many die, and we have never been convinced that true economy, as well as a sense of justice to the poor brutes, does not demand that they should be well protected. The phenomena of the weather in this State are somewhat peculiar, and generally not well understood. He who may have considered himself "weather-wise" at the East, if he comes to Illinois and attempts to "prognosti- cate," will probably be frequently astonished and chagrined at the lesult; and, judging from the practice of the " old settlers," he will be likely to make such an attempt less often, the longer he remains The climate is healthful ^although, as in all new countries in this latitude, especially where the water is im- * Since we began this article, we learn that a few small evergreens grow upon the side of " Starved Rock " GENERAL SKETCH OP ILLINOIS. 870 pregnated with lime, fever and ague, remittent fever, and other bilious diseases prevail. They are, however, often produced, or at least aggravated, by living in poor houses, in unhealthful situations, and using water from shallow or " slough" well, instead of those sunk to a proper depth. Pulmonary diseases are not common, but are rapid in their course when they do occur. The diseases of children are, of course, much the same as everywhere else ; yet, perhaps, rather more likely to terminate unfavorably than in some other States. We think we hazard very little in saying that the agricultural capacities of Illinois are unsurpassed by any area of equal extent in the world. There is very little land which may not be immediately cultivated; and with proper attention to drainage, etc., the waste territory can be reduced to a very small figure. The prairie soil is a rich, black loam from one foot to three in depth. In many places, it has been cultivated for years, without the application of any fertilizer whatever; and, generally speaking, manures are accounted of no value on the prairies and bottoms, though many approve of their use on corn lands. Nowhere is the use of machinery in farming more favored by the surface and character of the soil. The soil of the timber lands is by no means barren, though less rich than the prairie ; and by many it is esteemed better suited to the productiou of winter grains especially in the northern and central parts of the State. And yet, with all its advantages, only one-seventh of the State was Improved in 1850 ; and millions of acres, without a bush or a stone to obstruct, are still awaiting, in their virgin richness, the settlers' plow. Almost all the products of the temperate zone, are raised, to a greater or less extent ; but the soil and climate seem best suited to corn, wheat, grass, and in the south, fruits. One of the most intelligent agriculturists in the State, writes us : " The north half of the State must be considered almost hopeless for winter wheat; the centre, doubt- ful ; :he snuth, good. Corn is, and must be, the great staple ; grass does well in most parts ; hemp will do well in all rich soils except perhaps in the extreme north ; oats and spring wheat do better north than south ; rye gener- ally succeeds wherever it has been tried ; sorghum syrup is easily made in all parts. I am growing more and more convinced that, with the exception of a limited portion of the South and some few favored spots, this will prove a far better State for corn, hay, hogs, cattle and horses, than for grain, or orchard products ; and in these great staples it can and will, beat the world." The Chicago Press <& Tribune, of Jan. 2, I860, in its annual review of the business of that city, says: " There is a growing disposition on the part of Western farmers to pay less attention to the small grain crop, to increase the area of Indian corn, meadow pastures and grasses, and to engage more largely in the business of growing stock, hogs and sheep. Not only is this fact evident from the increased amount of provisions packed at this and other western points, but it is also proved by the large yearly increasing quantities of live stock now sent forward from the corn-producing States of the West. Pork-packing in Chicago is yet comparatively in its infancy ; nevertheless there are but two points in the United States at which the business is more extensively engaged in, and it is very evident that the time Is not far distant when Chicago will lead both of these. In beef- packing, our city claims supremacy, and never before has she distanced her rival so greatly as the present year." The folk. wing statements and statistics, gathered chiefly from the report above referred to, and from the reports of the Chicago Board of Trade for 1859 and 1860, may help to form some approximate idea of the princi- pal produciions of this State. It is true that much of the produce received at Chicago comes from points beyond the Siatej but it is also true that Illinois exports large quantities of produce that do not pass through Chicago. The gross value of the produce exported from Chicago in 1S59, exceeded $24,000,000. The total amount of grain received at that city exceeded 20,000,000 bushels; and some firms are said to hare shipped from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 bushels. The amount of flour received at Chicago was 677,045 barrels in 1858, and 887,821 barrels in 1859. More was brought in over the Rock Island, the Galena and Chicago, and the Burlington railroads than by any other routes. Much more flour was shipped to Buffalo than to any other point. Of wheat, 9,947,470 bushels were received in 1858, and 8,060,766 bushels in 1859. Most came over the Galena, Burlington, and Cen- tral roads. 8,258,699 bushels of corn were received in 1858 and 5,401,870 in 1859. More corn came over the Illinois and Michigan Canal than by any other route; the greatest quantities by railroad came by the Burlington, the Rock Island, the Central and the Galena. The most prominent points to which corn aud wheat were shipped were Buffalo and Oswego. The average prices for the past three years were as follows: winter wheat $1.07, spring wheat Sic, corn 55c. Great quantities of grass seed are sent to Chicago, as the following figures will show, viz : 4,271,732 Ibs. in 1858, and 5,241,547 Ibs. in 1859. The Burlington and Galena roads contributed more than any others, and Buffalo received more than any other port. Considerable quantities of hay, both timothy and prairie, are now pressed and shipped from Chicago; the price of the prairie in 1859 was from two-thirds to three-quarters the price of the timothy. In 1858, 119.534 head of cattle were sent to Chicago, and 111,694 in 1859. The Burlington road brought much the largest number. The former year more than 30,000 were shipped from the State, over the Great West- ern road. The hogs brought into Chicago in 1858, numbered 432,944, and in 1859, 271,209; more coming over the Burlington, St. Louis and Central roails than any other. The number of hides brought to Chicago, added to those taken from animals slaughtered there, amounted to 19,438,677 in 1858, and 18,614,246 in 1859. Their value either year, could not fall much short of $2,000,000. The Chicago Daily Democrat, of March 15, 1860, in comparing the business of the first eleven weeks of the present year with the corresponding weeks of 1859, reports more than four times as much corn, one-quarter more wheat a-..d flour, and nearly twice as much grass seed, received the present year. The shipments compare in about the same ratio. The raising of fruit is at present attracting much attention, especially in some of the southern counties, where the soil and climate are admirably fitted for producing all the fruits of the temperate zone. The best peaches brought into the Chicago market are said to be from " Madison county and Southern Illinois." Apples are raised almost anywhere in the State, and grow very large and fair. Peaches, and sometimes the other fruits, are often called forward by the " warm spells " of the winter and early spring, so much as to be cut off by frost. Pears are grown with some difficulty . Trees of all kinds, on the prairie, must be kept low to avoid the strong winds. The Iowa report, before mentioned, says : " The people of the West are hardly yet aware of the fact, that in the production of fruit, the broken lands along the streams will really yield a greater return for the labor expended on them than can be obtained from the best corn and wheat lands in the country." The culture of the grope for wine, is now receiving considerable attention. The soil and climate of our State are so peculiar that neiiher the varieties of fruit, nor the methods of culture in vogue in the Eastern States, seem suited to us ; but we have many intelligent and earnest men now in the business, who will soon supply all deliciencies in both respects, as far as they can be supplied. In an article of this kind, the minerals of Illinois demand a prominent place. The only minerals of much present importance, are coal, lead, salt and buiMing stone. Many parts of the State are wholly destitute of stone, while in other places, it is abundant and of excellent quality. Most of it is limestone, of different kinds and qual- ities, some marble being found ; but there is abundance of sandstone in many places. The freestone obtained from a quarry at Makanda, on the Central Railroad, forty-eight miles north of Cairo, is said to surpass the cele- brated Connecticut and Portland stones. The quarries of Joliet supply a very large region of country, and those at Athens furnish a large amount of building material to Chicago. Salt is produced in Jackson, Gallatin and Saline counties. The salt springs are a source of revenue to the State government. Copper is found in the north and south, and zinc is said to be abundant in some localities, but we think no use is made of either. Iron ore of different kinds, is quite abundant in the south especially noticed in Union and Pope counties but we are not aware that it is at all sought after. The lead of Illinois has long been known. It is found In many'parts of the State Pope and Unioa counties containing much of this metal but what is known as the il lead region," belongs to this State in common with Wis- consin and Iowa, and extends as far south as Apple River. It is believed that the lead of the Upper Mississippi was discovered in 1700, by Le Sueur, who made a voyage up the river as far as the St. Peter's. Mining was pur- sued to some extent, near the site of the present city of Dubuque, from 1788 to 1810, by {Julian Dubuque, Jafter GENERAL SKETCH OF ILLINOIS. Very little of the Galena lead leaves the western State and to Iowa and Wisconsin. Illinois will never be pre-eminently a manufacturing State ; but its manufactures are rapidly increasing. The TnftnnfaAt.iirp nf acririilt.iiral imnlpmpnta is an imnnrtflnt branr.h. lllUCYGl UC pi CvCIUIUCUblJ ** lurtuula^ LU1 lug hjfavc , HI of agricultural implements is an important branch. STATE OFFICERS ILLINOIS. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. HON. JOHN WOOD, Lieutenant-Governor, acting Governor, Springfield. 0. M. HATCH, Secretary of State, Springfield. JESSE K. DUBOIS, Auditor of Public Accounts, Springfield. WILLIAM BUTLER, Treasurer, Springfield. NEWTON BATEMAN, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Springfield. BENJAMIN F. JOHNSON, Private Secretary of Governor, West Urbana. Legislature. NAMES OF MEMBERS. P. 0. ADDRESS. John A. Davis, Rock Run. SENATE. John E. Detrich, Sparta. JOHN WOOD, President, Quincy. James DeWolf, Elkhorn Grove. F. D. PRESTON, Secretary, Olney. William Engle, Sweet Wattr. JOHN S. ROBERTS, Ent. & Enq. Clerk, New Hartford. Cyrus Epler, Jacksonville. D. J. WAGGONER, Sergeant-at-Arms, Lewiston. Lewis D. Erwin, Rushville. R. S. BARNHILL, Postmaster, Fairfield. Robt. T. Forth, New Franklin. Ephraim Gilmore, Jr. Aledo. NAMES OF MEMBERS. P. O. ADDRESS. John G. Graham, Canton. John H. Adama, Cedarville. William H. Green, Metropolis, Richard F. Adams, Lee Centre. William A. Hacher, Jonesboro. Zinas Applington, Polo. George C. Bestor, Peoria. Elijah M. Haines, James Hampton, Waukegan. Carbondale. Henry W. Blodgett, Waukegan. Stephen H. Hardin, Mason. Austin Brooks, Quincy. Oscar F. Harmon, Danville. Silas S. Bryan, Salem. Richardson S. Hick, Ancona. Samuel A. buckmaster, Alton. Thomas S. Hick, New Haven. E. C. Coffey, Nashville. Van H. Higgins, Chicago. Burton C. Cook, Ottawa. Elisha B. Hitt, Winchester. Samuel W. Fuller, Chicago. Charles Holies, Greenville. Wm. C . Goudy, Lewiston. J. M. Hood, Loda. Thomas J. Henderson, Toulon. Stephen A. Hulbut, Belvidere. Chauncey L. Higbee. Pittsfisld. Vital Jarrot, Illinoistown. N. B. Judd, Chicago. Z. B. Job, Alton. Anthony L. Knapp, Jerseyville. A, J. Kuykendall, "Vienna. King Kerley, Alex. King, Jr., Mount Sterling. Athensville. Thos. A. Marshall, Charleston. S. H. Martin, Grayville. Alonzo W. Mack, John S. McCall, Kankakee City. Magnolia. Mortimer O'Kean, Newton. Henry C. McCleave, Lawrenceville. G. 1). A. Parke, Joliet. John McEIvaine, McLeansboro. Joel S. Post, Decatur. Western Metcalf, Ursa. John P. Richmond, Rushville. Rufus W. Miles, Knoxville. Wm. H. Underwood, Belleville. Thomas C. Moore, Peoria. Cyrus W, VanDeren, Springfield. Wm. R. Morrison, Waterloo. Robert Mosely, Kansas. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Hiram Norton, Lockport. WM. R. MORRISON, Speaker, Waterloo. D. E. HEAD, Clerk, Carthage. J. CONNKLLY, Ent. and Enq. Clerk, Springfield. J. W. CONNETT, Doorkeeper, Chicago. CHARLES E. FOOTE, Postmaster, Carlinville. William Patten, Ebenezer Peck, William B. Plato, John G. Powell, Wm. Prothrow, James D. Pulley, Sandwich. Chicago. Geneva. Carmi. Albany. Vienna. NAMES OF MEMBERS. P. O. ADDRESS. Wm. C. Rice, Oquawka. Wm. B. Anderson, Mount Vernon. Wm. H. Roosevelt, Warsaw. Samuel L. Baker, Chicago. Fruncis P. Rush, Hamburgh. Moses M. Bane,', Quincy. John c-cheel, Belleville. Jas. W. Barrett, Springfield. Gilbert J. Shaw, Rockport. Wm. Berry, Blandinsville. Wm. C. Shirley, Stauntnn. Elijah W. Blaisdell, Jr., Rockford. Daniel Short, Springfield. Myrtle G. Brace, Elmira. Joseph H. Sloss, Edwardsville. Thomas Brewer, Majority Point. Wm. J. Stephenson, Louisville. John H. Bryant, Princeton. Daniel Stickel, Monticello. Caspar Butz, Chicago. Leonard Swett, Bloomington. Alex. Campbell, La Salle. H. S. Townsend, Rush. George H. Campbell, Lincoln. Joseph Updegraff, Martinsville. Lawrence S. Church, Woodstock. Valentine Vermilyea, Newark. Wm. W. Craddock, Charleston. Joshua White, Hale. Saml. P. Cummings, Astoria. R. B. M. Wilson, Washington. James M. Davis, Hillsboro. John D. Wood, Nashville. 8*7 O /O STATE INSTITUTIONS. STATE INSTITUTIONS, ASYLUMS, HOSPITALS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, etc. etc. President. George T. Brown. Secretary. William Thomas. Treasurer. William H. Campbell. Board of Trustees. George T. Brown, Robert Boal, M.D., G. D. A . Parks, N. Niles, William Thomas, R. V. Dodge, Philip G. Gillet, ex offlcio. Illinois State Hospital for the Insane. Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Founded 1847; went Into operation, 1851. Present capacity of accommodation 260 When completed 500 Patients are received only from the State of Illinois . No pay patients are received, and preference is given in admission to cases of recent date. Trustees. William Ross, President ; Samuel Clubb, W. H. Brown, E. G. Miner, John T. Cassell, H. E. Dummer. Secretary and Treasurer. Alexander McDonald. Resident Officers. And. McFarland, M.D., Superin- tendent; A. P. Tenny, M.D., Ass't. Physician. Officiating Chaplain. Rev J. M. Sturtevant, D.D. Illinois Institution for the Edu- cation of the Deaf and Dumb. Chartered 1839. Jacksonville, Morgan Co. This institution is one of the most flourishing in Ame- rica, all Deaf Mutes residing in Illinois, over tsn years of age, are received and furnished with board, tuition, washing, lights, fuel, books and medical attendance, free of charge. The present number of pupils now be- longing to the institution is about 200. In point of size it is undoubtedly the third or fourth in the United States. Its conveniences and comforts are not sur- passed by any. Illinois Institution for the Edu- cation of the Blind. Instituted 1849. Present building occupied Jan. 1854. Jacksonville, Morgan Co. Trustees. Matthew Stacy, President; Pamuel D. Lockwood, John Magoun, D. Rockwell, William Butler. Principal. Joshua Rhoads, M.D. Matron. Mrs. Rosanna Rhoads. Teachers. John D. Strong, A.M., Literature; Her- man Strachauer, Music. Assistant in Shop. James M. Dunlap. Illinois State Penitentiary. Samuel K. Casey, Warden, Joliet. James Congdon, Deputy Warden, Joliet. H. Williams, M.D., Surgeon, Alton. John W. Davis, M.D., Physician, Joliet. JohnR. Casey, M.D. , Physician, Joliet. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY AND SUBORDINATES: State Agricultural Society. President. Lewis Ellsworth, Naperville, DuPage Co . Vice- Presidents. 1st District: C. B. Denio, Galena' Jo Daviess Co. 2d District: Wm. H. Van Epps, Dixon, Lee Co. 8d District : John Girard, Georgetown, Ver- miliou Co. 4th District: A. Dunlap, Peoria, Peoria Co. 5th District : J. W. Singleton, Quincy, Adams Co. 6th District : S. Dunlap, Jacksonville, Morgan Co 7th District: Wm. Kile, Paris, Edgar Co. 8th District : S. B. Chandler, Belleville, St. Clair Co. 9th District: Hawkins S. Osborn, Pinckneyville, Perry Co. Jiecordiny Secretary. John Cook, SpringP.eld, 111. Corresponding Secretary. John P. Reynolds, Springfield, 111. Treasurer. J. W. Bunn, Springfield, 111. En- President. J. N. Brown, Berlin, Sangamon Co. Ex-President. H. C. Johns, Decatur, Macon Co. Esa- Pr evident. C. W. Webster, Salem, Marion Co. General Sup't of Ground*. J. P. Reynolds, Odin, Marion Co. North-Western Agricultural Society. On the Sth of November, 1859, a meeting of subcri- bers to the formation of the above Society, resulted in a systematic organization, under the General Incorpo- ration Act of the State. The following Board of Direc- tors and Officers were elected at this and subsequent meetings, in accordance with their Constitution and By Laws : Directors. Dr. John A. Kennicott, Hon. Wm. B. Egan, Judge Fuller, W. R. Loomis, Esq., Wm. L. Church, Esq., Isaac Cook, Esq., Edward I. Tinkham, Esq. President. John A. Kennicott, of the " Grove." Secretary .Frank W. Reilly. Treasurer. E. I. Tinkham. MEDICAL SOCIETIES. Illinois State Medical Society, This Society wi!l hold its next regular biennial meeting at Paris, in Edgar Co., 111., on the second Tuesday in May, 1860. President. David Price, M.D., Jacksonville. Vice- Presidents. R. W. Davis, M.D., Paris; S. T. Trowbridge, Decatur. Permanent Secretary . N . S. Davis, M.D. .Chicago. Treasurer.J. W. Freer, M.D., Chicago. Chicago Medical Society. This Society meets regularly on the first Tuesday evening of every moaih. President. D. D. Waite M.D. Vice- President. &. S. Wickersham, M.D. Secretary and Treasurer. N. S. Davis, M.D. Illinois Natural History Society. Established June 80th, 1S5S. President. J. B. Turner, Jacksonville. Vice- Presidents. J. H. McChesney, Springfield; Frederick Brendel, Peoria; B. M. Wiley, Anna ; A. M. Gow, Dixon ; Edmund Andrews, Chicago; M. L. Dun- lap, Urbana ; B. G. Roots, Tamaroa ; S. B. Mead, Au- gusta; Wm. LeBaron, Geneva. Secretary. Richard H. Holder, Bloomington. Treasurer. E. R. Roe, Bloomington. Superintendent. C. D. Wilber, Bloomington. Curator. Cyrus Thomas, Murphysboro. Executive Committee. C. D. Wilber, Ira Moore, C. D. Bragdon, Geo. Vasey, Cyrus Thomas. COMMISSION KKS I 1. Botany Geo . Vasey, Ringwood ; F. Scammon, Chicago; Frederick Brendel, Peoria; S. B. Mead, Augusta. 2. Geology J. W. Foster, Chicago ; C. D. Wilber, Bloomington ; Oliver Everett, Dixon ; Ira Moore, Bloomington ; S. S. Condon, Jonesboro ; James Shaw, Mt. Carroll. 3. Palaeontology J. H. McChesney, Springfield; Edmund Andrews, Chicago ; J. P. Reynolds, Salem. 4. Mineralogy E. H. Beebe, Galena; J. M. Wood- worth, Chicago; Wm. H. Snyder, Belleville; M. L. Dunlap, Urbana. CANALS. 874 B. Conchologyn. A. Ulffers, Springfield; E. R. Roe, Bloomington; J. W. Powell, Wheaton ; M. S. Bebb, Salem ; Lucius Clark, Rockford. 6. Entomology B. D. Walsh, Rock Island ; Cyrus Thomas, Murphysboro ; Wm. LeBaron, Geneva. 7. Herpetology Robert Kennicott, West Norths eld . 8. Ichthyology Cyrus Thomas, Murphysboro ; C. D. Wilber, Bloomington. 9. Ornithology Richard H. Holder, Bloomington . CONSTITUTION. Art. 1 . This Society shall be called the " Natural History Society of Illinois." Art. 2. Its field of observation and research shall comprise Geology, Meteorology, Botany, Zoology, Com- parative Anatomy and Animal and Vegetable Physi- ology. Art. 8. The officers of this Society shall consist of a President, nine Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, Superintendent, Ourator and Executive Committee, to be elected annually. Art. 4. It shall be the duty of the President to pre- side at all regular meetings of the Society. In his ab- sence one of the Vice-Presidents shall preside. Art. 5. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys of the Society, such as fees of membership, donations, etc. and disburse the same as directed upon the written order of the Executive Committee. Art. 6. The Secretary shall keep a record of all pro- ceedings of the Society ; shall file all papers read before the Society , shall act as a Librarian and conduct the correspondence. Art. 7. The Superintendent shall visit different por- tions of this and other States ; make collections of spe- cimens, attend to exchanges with various societies, establish a system of co-operation, and labor to incite a general interest in the study of Natural History. Art. 8. All specimens shall be labeled, registered and deposited in the Museum of the State Normal University. Art. 9. Any resident of the State of Illinois may be- come a member of this Society on the payment of five dollars, if elected by a majority of the members present at any regular meeting, provided, the names of candi- dates for membership shall in all cases be presented on the recommendation of two members of the Society. Art. 10. Each regular member shall pay an annual assessment of two dollars, after the first year of his membership. Art. 11. The Executive Committee shall consist of five members to be selected by the Society. This Com- mittee shall take charge of, and at upon all matters referred to them by the Society. Art. 12. The Curator shall receive and take charge of all collections and contributions of specimens be- longing to the Society, and arrange them in such place ai shall be provided by the Society. Art. 13. All regular meetings of this Society shall be held in the city of Bloomington on the day preceding the Annual Examination at the Normal University. Art. 14. This Constitution roaybe amended or changed by a two- thirds vote of the members present at any ann .al meeting of the Society. The Illinois Natural History Society was organized in June, A.D. 1S68, for the purpose of conducting a tho- rough scientific survey of our State, in order to afford new sources of valuable knowledge to our citizens. The call for a Convention te organize the Society was responded to by men who have long been devoted to the Agricultural and Educational interests of Illinois, and who had often urged this enterprise as the only means of developing our resources in the various de- partments of Natural History. It is the aim of the Society to carry on this work within our borders until it is completed, and to establish a mu- seum of Natural History at the .State Normal University, comprising every species of plants, birds, shells, fishes, Insects, quadrupeds, minerals and fossils, found in Illi- nois, together with such collections from various parts of the world as will assist our youth in gaining a Know- ledge of the general studies of Nature. Since the day of our organization, the work has been carried on in various parts of the State by local survey- ors and collectors. Illinois has already a host of scien- tific men, who are competent to take charge of this great work, and it is our intention to employ our home talent and energy as far as they can be made available; thus, not only greatly reducing expenses, but encou- raging our citizens, and inviting them to a new domain of mental industry, at once profitable and delightful. Arrangements are also being made with persons con- nected with the Geological Surveys of Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin and Michigan, enabling us soon to present a complete collection of the animals, plants, minerals and fossils of the Northwest. Foreign Collections will be of great service in ena- bling us to classify, arrange and understand our own species ; and with this in view we have received and are constantly receiving additions, not only from various parts of the United States, but also from Eu- rope, West Indies, Sandwich Islands, Australia, etc. CANALS. Illinois and Michigan Central. Board of Trustees. William H. Swift, President, Boston. Treasurer. Henry Grinnell, New York. State Trustee. Charles H. Ray, Chicago. List of officers and agents employed by tb.3 Board of Trustees of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, in service November 30, 1859, with their occupation and compen- sation : William Gooding, Secretary of Board of Trus- tees, etc $2,500 00 John B. Preston, General Superintendent 2,500 00 E. S. Prescott, Agent Canal Lands 1,000 00 Joel Manning, Auditor of Accounts, and Clerk in Land Office 1,000 00 Wm. A. Gooding, Clerk Secretary's Office 1,000 00 C. E. Boyer, Assistant Super ntendent and Inspector 1,000 00 J. M. Leighton, Assistant Superintendent and Inspector 1,000 00 Alfred Guthrie, Steam Engineer, Hydraulic Works 821 25 J. H. Kinzie, Collector of Tolls, Chicago *2,000 00 D. L. Hough, " Lafralle *1,700 00 A.F.Dow, " Ottawa 90000 H. S. Mason, " " Lockport 90000 M. Kehoe, Inspector Canal Boats, Chicago.. . 600 00 W. T. Mason " " LaSalle.. 600 11 Lock Keepers at $300 per annum each. The Trustees are f 2,500 per annum each. * Including allowances for Clerk hire and Office rent. 875 LAW DEPARTNENT. DISTANCE FROM (MILES.) Bridgeport, Summit.. .. DesPlaines. Lockport 29 T ! i ftrt Joliet . . . DuPage . 44 Kankakee Feeder 47 Dresden 501 Aux Sable 152 Morris 57 Marseilles |T4 Ottawa 81 Utica 91 La Salle , 96 Calumet Feeder, length in 17 miles 84 Kankakee " " 4 " 51 Fox River " " 4 " 185 10118 21 311 29 83 44 47 50 52 57 74 81,91 96 " '26 87!40!4-1 45 51'66 74|83 S3 w i I -v i *-.> *v v i uv i * ** oo 27 8083 : 3.") j 41: 56 6478178 8 13 24 27i80|82:38:53 61 70 75 5'16 19 22 24 I 80,45 53^2 67 1417:192540 485762 8 14 29 37i46|51 5 11 '26 34 43 4S 812381 40|45 6 21 29,38 43 15 23 '32 37 8'17 22 I 9,14 I 5 Foreign Consuls in the State. Belgium. 3. F. Henrotin, Chicago, Cook Co. Denmark. Geo. P. Hansen, Chicago, Cook Co. Brunswick and Luneburg. F. A. Hoffman, Chi- cago, Cook Co. Frankfort-on-the-Maine. F. A. Hoffman, Chicago, Cook Co. French. M. Raven d'Elpeaux, Chicago, Cook Co . Great Britain. JohnE. Wilkins, Chicago, Cook Co. Sweden and. Norway. Chas. J. Sundell, Chicago, Cook Co. Swiss. C. Rilliet, Consul for Illinois and Missouri, Highland, Madison Co. 111. J. Suppiger, Vice-Consul . Judicial and Law Department for the State of Illinois. Times and places of holding Courts in the State of Illinois, with names of Judges and Attorneys. UNITED STATES DISTRICT AND CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS. Held at Chicago. Circuit Courts on the first Monday in March, first Mon- day in May, first Monday in July, first Monday in October, and third Monday in December District Court first Monday in July, third Monday in December. Special Admiralty Term first Monday in each month. Thomas Drummond, Judge. Henry S. Fitch, Att'y. UNITED STATES COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS. Held at Springfield. Circuit Court first Monday in January, and first Mon- day in June . Samuel H. Treat, Judge. SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. First Division at Mount Vernon, first Tuesday after second Monday in November. Second Division at Springfield, first Tuesday after the first Monday in January. Third Division at Ottawa, first Tuesday after third Monday in April. JUDGES : John Dean Caton, Chief Justice. Sidney Breese and Pinkney II . Walker, Associate u dges. CIRCUIT COURTS OF ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE COUNTY SEAT OF EACH COUNTY, AS FOLLOWS: FIRST DISTRICT. Morgan County. Fourth Monday in February, third Monday in June, fourth Monday in October. Jersey County. Fourth Monday in March, fourth Mon- day in September. Greene County. First Monday in April, second Mon- day in September. Calhoun County. Third Monday in April, fourth Monday in September. Scott County. Fourth Monday in April, second Mon- day in October. D. M. Woodson, Judge. James W. English, Att'y. SECOND DISTRICT. Clinton County. First Monday in March and August. Marion County, Second Monday of March and Au- gust. Washington County. Third Monday thereafter in April, and the second Monday thereafter in Sep- tember. Randolph, County, Second Monday thereafter in each year. Monroe County. Second Monday thereafter. H. K. S. O'Melveny, Judge. Amos Watts, Att'y. THIRD DISTRICT. Perry County. Fourth Monday in April, third Mon- day in September. Jackson County. On the third Tuesday following. Union County. On the second Tuesday following. Alexander County. On the second Tuesday following. A. M. Jenkins, Judge. A. P. Corder, Att'y. FOURTH DISTRICT. Clark County. First Monday in March and September. Coles County. On the fourth Monday^ thereafter. Edgar County. On the fourth Monday thereafter. Cumberland County. On the fourth Monday there- after. Justin Harlan, Judge. John Scholfield, Att'y. FIFTH DISTRICT. Fullon County. Fourth Monday of February, first Monday in June, fourth Monday in September. McDonough County. Third Monday of March, first Monday in September. Pike County. Second Monday in April, first Monday in August, third Monday in November. Schuyler County, First Monday in May, third Monday in October. LAW DEPARTMENT. 876 Broun County. Third Monday in May, first Monday in October. John S. Baily, Judge. Louis H. Waters, Ait'y. SIXTH DISTRICT. Rock Island County. Second Monday In January, second Monday in May, second Monday in Sep- tember. Henry County. First Monday in March, second Mon- day in October. J.H . Howe, Judge. J. B. Hawley, Att'y. SEVENTH DISTRICT. TRIAL TERMS. Cook County. Second Monday in April, fourth Mon- day in May, third Monday in June, second Monday in July, first Monday in September, third Monday in November, first Monday in January, third Monday in February. VACATION TERMS. Third Monday in March, Second Monday in October. Lake. County First Monday in February and June. Fourth Monday in September. George Manierre, Judge. Carlos Haven, Attorney. EIGHTH DISTRICT. SPRIXG TERMS. De Witt County. First Monday in March. Logan County. Third Monday in March. McLean County. Second Monday thereafter. Champaign County. Second Monday thereafter. Yermillion County. Scond Monday thereafter. FALL TERMS. McLean County. First Monday in September. Logan County. Third Monday in September. De Witt County. Second Monday thereafter. Champaign County. Second Monday thereafter. Vermillion, County. First Monday in November. WINTER TRM. McLean County. Second Monday in December. David Davis, Judge. Ward H. Larmon, Attorney. NINTH DISTRICT. LaSatte County. First Monday in March, July and November. Bureau County. Second Monday In March, third Mon- day in September, second Monday in December. SPRING TERM. Kendall County. First Wednesday following the first Monday of April. FALL TERM. First Monday in September. WINTER TERM. Second Monday in January. M. E. Hollister, Judge. Washington Bushnell, Att'y TENTH DISTRICT. Mercer County. Third Monday in April, first Mon- day in September. fnox County. Third Monday in February, fourth Monday in September, first Monday in June. Warren County. Third Monday in March, fourth Mon- day in October. Henderson County. Second Monday in May, fourth Monday in November . JohnS. Thompson, Judge. J. H. Stewart, Attorney. ELEVENTH DISTRICT. Will County. First Monday in October, December and March, and the third Monday in May. Grundy County. Fourth Monday in October, third Monday in February, first Monday in May. DuPage County. Second Monday in November, third Monday in April. Jesse 0. Norton, Judge. F. A. Bartleson, Attorney. TWELFTH DISTRICT. White County. On the Tuesdays before the first Mon- days in April and September. 55 Wabanh County. Second Mondays in April and Sep- tember . Wayne County. Fourth Mondays in April and Sep- tember. Jefferson County. Second Monday thereafter. Hamilton County. Second Monday thereafter. Edwin Beecher, Judge. L. J. 8. Turney, Attorney. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT. Kane County. Third Monday in February, May and November. Boon County. Second Mondays in March and Sep- tember. Mcffenry County. Third Mondays in March, October and December. DeKalb County. First Monday in February and the fourth Monday in September. Isaac G. Wilson, Judge. E. S. Joslyn, Attorney. FOURTEENTH DISTRICT. Jo Daviess County. Third Monlay in October, sec- ond Monday in March, third Monday in May, third Monday in August. Stephenson County. First Mondays in September, De- cember and April. Winnebago County. Fourth Monday in September' first Monday in February, fourth Monday in April. B. R. Sheldon, Judge. N. D. Meacham, Attorney. FIFTEENTH DISTRICT. Adams County. Fourth Mondays in March and Octo- ber, second Mondays in June. Hancock County. The last Monday in the Month of May in each year. Joseph Sibley, Judge. C. A. Warren, Attorney. SIXTEENTH DISTRICT. CRIMINAL BfSIXESS. Peoria County. First Monday in February, first Mon- day in June, first Monday in October. CIVIL BUSINESS. First Monday in March, first Monday in May, first Monday in November. Stark County, Third Monday in April, third Monday in September. E. N. Powell, Judge. A. McCoy, Attorney. SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT. Ma-con County. First Monday in March, fourth Mon- day in July, first Monday in November. MouUrie County. Third Mondays in March and Sep- tember. Piatt County. First Monday thereafter. Fayette County. First Monday thereafter. Effi.ngh.am County. First Monday thereafter. Shelby County. First Monday thereafter. Charles Emerson, Judge. John R. Eden, Attorney. EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT. Montgomery County. Third Monday in March and September, and second Monday in December. Macoupin County. On Monday following. Christian County. On the second Monday following. Sangamon County. On the second Monday following, and the fourth Monday in August. Edward Z. Rice, Judge. James B. White, Att'y. NINETEENTH DISTRICT. Pulaxki County. Second Monday in April, fourth Monday in August. Massac County. Second Monday following. Pope County. Second Monday following. Hardin County. Second Monday following. Gallatin County. Second Monday following. Wesley Sloan, Judge. Thos. H. Smith, Attorney. TWENTIETH DISTRICT. Iroquois County. Third Tuesday in February, second Tuesday in June, third Tuesday in November. 877 BAXKIXG DEPARTMENT. Jfankakee County. Second Monday in April, second Monday in September, first Monday in January. Charles R. Starr, Judge. C. G. Settle, Attorney. TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT. TaaeweU County. First Monday in February, fourth Monday in June, first Monday in September. Mivton County. First Monday in March, fourth Mon- day in Jnne. Cans County. Third Monday in March. Jtfenard County. Second Monday thereafter. Woodford County. Third Monday in April. Cats County. Three weeks after the first Monday in September. Menard County. Two weeks thereafter. Mason County. Two weeks thereafter. Woodford County. Two weeks thereafter. James Harriott, Judge. Hugh Fullerton, Attorney. TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT. Whiteindes County. Third Monday in January, third Monday in May, second Monday in October. Lee County. Second Monday in February, first Mon- day in May, fourth Monday in November Ogle County. Third Monday in March, second Mon- day in June, first Monday in November. Carroll County. First Monday in March, fourth Mon- day in September. John V. Eustace, Judge. R. C. Burchard, Attorney. TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT. Woodford County. Fourth Monday in May, fourth Monday in October. Marshall County. First Monday in May, first Mon- day in October, fourth Monday in January. Putnam County. Second Monday in March, fourth Monday in October. Mark Bangs, Judge. Henry Miller, Attorney . TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT. St. Clair County. Second Monday in March, third Monday in September. Bond County. Third Monday in April, first Monday in September. Madison County. First Monday in May, third Mon- day after third Monday in September. William H. Snyder. Judge. A. N. MeUalf, Att'y. TWENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT. Lawrence County. Third Monday in April and Sep- tember Crawford County. Second Monday thereafter. Jasper County. Second Monday thereafter. Clay County. Second Monday thereafter. Richland County. Second Monday thereafter. Alfred Kitchell, Judge. F. D. Preston, Att'y TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT. Johnson County. Second Monday in March, first Monday in August. Williamson County. First Monday following. Saline County. Second Monday following. Franklin County. Second Monday following. W. I. Allen, Judge. Edward V. Pierce, Att'y. SUPERIOR COURT OF CHICAGO. Time of holding Court, first Monday in each month. John M. Wilson, Van H. Higgins, Grant Goodrich. Judges. RECORDER'S COURT OF CHICAGO. First Monday in each month. Robert S. Wilson, Judge. Military. Hon . John Wood, Commander-in-Chief, Springfield. R. H. Foss, Aid-de-camp, Chicago. T. S. Mather, Adjutant General, Springfield. Josiah Francis, Quartermaster General, Springfield. E. E. Ellsworth, Paymaster-General, Chicago. BANKING DEPARTMENT-Illinois Banks. Statement showing the names and condition of Illinois Banks in active operation January 1, 1860. Names of Banks. Location. Securities. Circu- lation. Names of Banks. Location. Securities. Circulation. Agricultural B'k Marion 105,600 00 95,954 Frontier Bank . . Benton 444,595 00 444,595 Alton Bank Alton 27,764 16 22,390 Garden State B'k Hutsonuille. 60,000 00 52,485 Amer. Ex. Bank ! Raleigh 185,869 00 186,465 Grand Prai. B'k. Urbana 71,768 00 71,768 Bank of America Mt. Carmel. '835,160 00,302,733 Grayvllle Bank. Gravviile... 462,000 00 421,132 Bank of Albion.. Albion J143,700 00 143,700 Highland Bank . IPittsfield . . . 120,000 00 117,600 Bank of Aurora. Aurora 330,000 00 279,824 111. Cent. Bank .(Newton 147,508 00 134,330 B"k of Bloom'ton Bloomington 59,045 08 51,900 m. State Bank.JNew Haven. 60,069 00 50,485 Ban of Brooklyn. Brooklyn.. . 60,000 00 51,296 111. StateSe'y B'k Equality 233,500 00 211,940 Bank of Carml . . j Carmi 137,060 00 127,689 International Bk Raleigh .... 159,738 00 145.330 Hank of Chester. Chester 71,324 00 71,324 Kane Co. Bank. Geneva 56,051 10 50,976 B'k of Commerce Vienna 62,000 00 50,860 Kankakee Bank. Kankakee . . 55,770 00 50,169 B'k Com' wealth. Robinson.... 101,000 00 85,805 Lafayette I!:.nk. Bloomington 70,500 00 59,179 Bank of Elgin... Elgin 58,000 00 57,066 Lake Mich. Bank Harrisburg. . 145,486 84 129,270 B'k of Fed'alUn. Rock Island. 100,527 86 84,954 Lancaster Bank . 1 Lancaster .. 100,000 00 80,999 Bank of Galena Galena 58,415 45 23,755 Marine Bank . . . Chicago 72,853 83 50,000 Bank of Geneseo. Geneseo .... 87,000 00 81,080 McLeanCo. Bank Bloomington 60,000 00 49,054 B'k of Indemnity Gallatin 60,258 28 57,845 Merchants' Bank Carmi 271,820 00 247,510 Bank of Illinois. New Haven. 240,129 11,224,125 Mer.&Drov.B'nk Joliet 81,985 SO 72,870 B'k of JacksonCo Carbondale . 63,500 00 58,090 Miss. Riv. Bank. Oxford 123,500 00 112,322 B'k of Metropolis Newmarket . 169,886 33 154,080 Morgan Co. B'nk Jacksonville 73,500 00 61,765 B'k ofNaperville Naperville .. 57,000 00 50,671 National Bank.. 1 Equality 100,000 00 84,268 Bank of Pike Co Griggsville . 154,146 02'146,566 Newmarket Bank' Newmarket . 60,000 00 50,400 Bank of Quir.cy. Quincy 62,000 00 68,403 Ohio River Bank Golconda.. . 155,400 00 142,824 Bank of Raleigh. Raleigh 26-.', 930 00 257,525 Pamet Bank ! Griggsville . 56,906 17 50,154 B'k of the Repub M'Leansb'ro 327,615 80 301,990 Patriotic Bank . . Hutsonville. 100,000 00 91,772 B'k of So. Ill 'Bolton |306,500 00 263,411 PlttsfieldBank.. Pittsfield ... 59,007 17 56,641 Bull's Head B'k. St. Marie... 240,524 64 211,636 Prairie State B'klWashington. 70,000 00 63,711 Belvidere Bank . Belvidere.. . 16,594 50 10,621 Railroad Bank.. Decatur .... 100,000 00 94,676 Central Bank . . . Ptforia 90,900 00 80,966 Reed's Bank.... Galesburg . . 33,401 22 31,053 City B'k Ottawa. Ottawa 56,317 50 48,004 Reaper's Bank . . Fairfield ... 115,000 00 109,241 Commercial B'nk Palestine . . . 55,000 00 51,336 South'n B'k of 111 Grayville. . . 161,840 00 161,840 Columbian BankiElizabetht'n 100,000 00 91,710 State B'nk of Ill.jShawneeto'n 687,687 20 650,916 Continental B'nk Grandville.. 94,353 75 84,965 Warren Co. B'nkiMonmouth . 111,000 00 97,450 Corn Ex Bank. . Fnirfiplrl 281 273 25 269:371 Wheat Gro's B'k | Anna 55,460 00 50,058 Citizen's Bank .JMt. Carmel. 73,995 00 67,902 Naragansett B'k Vienna 62,000 00 51,460 Edgar Co. Bank. Paris 75,722 50 76.858 Fulton Bank Vermont . . . 57,000 00 52,544 ET TJnb-lOm trf^n i OG QQO r\n 1 oo oa < .1. llDkn ma Lo Far.&Tradr's B'k Charleston . 1134^000 00 m^ Total $9,825,244 61 $8,981,388 EXPRESS COMPANIES. RECAPITULATION. List of Stocks deposited as security for circulation. Missouri 6'8 Tennessee 6's.. . $8,371,000 1,503,000 842,000 424,500 526,000 100,000 Georgia 6's Kentucky 6's Iowa 7's . 227,000 27,000 91 000 U. 8. 5's 210,000 00 Illinois 6's '62.. 780,000 00 Illinois 6's '70.. 280,000 00 Illinois 6's '77.. 152,000 00 Illinois New In- ternal Im. stk 834,418 58 Illinois Liquida- tion 12,000 00 336,416 00 241,680 % Illinois & Mich. Canal Bonds. Ohio 6's Louisiana 6'g.. . N. Carolina 6's. S. Carolina 6's.. Minnesota 8's. . Michigan 7's.... . 130,000 . 50,000 Michigan 6's... . 870,000 SAVINGS' BANKS. Illinois Savings Institution. Chicago, Illinois. Incorporated Feb. 1857. President. John C. Halnes. Cashier. N. B. Kidder. Trustees. John H. Kinzie, Geo. W. Dole, Erastus S. Williams, Conrad L. Diehl, 0. R. W. Lull, Wm. B. Ogden, John 8. Reed, Alex. C. Coventry, John 0. Haines, George Schneider. Jared Gage, G. S. Hub- bard, and Nathan B. Kidder. Pana Prospect City Palatine Piano Panola Pesotum Peoria Junction Peotone Plymouth Patoka Prairie City Pera Quincy Rockford Ramsey Rocton Round Grove Rantoul Richton Richmond Ringwood Sterling Scales Mound St. Augustine Sublette Sandwich Summum Tolono Tonica Tuscola Tennessee Thornton Urbana Union Vandalla Woodstock Wheaton Warsaw Waukegan Wapella Winnebago Wenona Woosuug Wataga Wyanett Wayne Winfield Warren Young America Merchants' Savings Loan and Trust Company. Chicago, Cook Co. Chartered 1857. Capital $500,000- President. J. H. Dunham. Cashier. D. R. Holt. Trustees. W. L. Newberry, Jonathan Burr, Henry Farnum, J. H. Foster, I. N. Arnold, D. R. Holt, F. B. Corley, A. H. Burley, W. E. Doggett, C. H. McCor- mick, Solomon A. Smith, M. D. Ogden. United States Express Co. Principal Office, 14 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. Agent. H. D. Colvin. OFFICE. COUNTY. AGENT. Alton Madison .W. M. Parka Annawan Atlanta Auburn .Henry .Logan ...J. Bruce . ..A.D. Reid W. R Head St. Glair Savings Institution Co. Belleville, St. Glair Co. Incorporated 1859. Authorized Capital $500,000. President. 0. Abends. Directors. E. Ulerici, F. A. Reuss, F. Braun, John Schoel, G. L. Neuhoff, Wm. Kellermann, H. Schlette, 8. Eimer. EXPRESS COMPANIES AND OFFICES IN THE STATE. American Express Company. Principal Office, 20 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Superintendent. 3. C. Fargo. Amboy Davis La Salle Aurora Dixon Lawrence Altona Decatur Loda Arlington De Kalb Lodi Apple River Dunton La Prairie Abingdon Dement Leland Ashkum Danby Lena Augusta Des Plaines Monmouth Avon Dundee Macomb Algonquin Dyer Marei.go Assumption Dunleith Mattoon Batavia Elgin Mendota Belvidere Earl Maiden Barrington Effingham Malta Bushnell Edgewood Maroa Blackberry Freeport Macon Bristol Fulton Morrison Bardolph Franklin Grove Mincnk Buda Frankfort McHenry Bloomington Forreston Mason Chicago Galena Matteson Clinton Galva Moawequa Courtland Galesburg Neponset Centralia Geneva Nachusa Clintonville Oilman Neoga Chebanse Garden Prairie Nora Camp Point Haldane New Rutland Como Harvard Onarga Carey Heyworth Okaw Cameron Huntleya Oswego Coatsburg Junction Odin Cherry Valley Joliet Ogle Crystal Lake Kewanee Oquawka Junction Clifton Kankakee Oneida Cottage Hill Kappa Pecatonica Colmar Kinmundy Polo Colcheiter Lane Princeton Beardstown .... Bement .Cass .Platt ...C. J. Norbury ...R. B. Griffin Bloomington . . . Brighton .McLean . . .James H. Smith ...H. G. Stall . ..Johns'n&Ramsdell Bureau Junction Carlinville .Bureau .Macoupin Catlln . Vermillion.. . Chatham . Sangamon ...W. H. Mills Chicago .Cooke ...H. D. Colvin Chillicothe . Peoria . . . J. H Bachelder Danville ..Vermillion.... ...W. P. Watson Decatur Dwight Elkhart ..Macon .Livingston ... ..Logan ...U. P.Fobes ...D. McWilliams . .R. J. Williams Elmwood .Peoria ...A. H. Roberts Galesburgh .... . .Knox D c Brown Gardner Geneseo Girard Henry . . Grundy . . Henry ..Macoupin . .Marshall . . . . J. N. Sawyer ...S. Fleming ...W. B. Michaels . .. D W. Myers Homer Jacksonville.... . . Champaign . . ..Morgan . ..J. C. Forrester ...Joel Catlln Joliet ..Will ...L. A. Fuller Lacon La Salle ..Marshall ..La Salle ...Green&M'Clen'h'n Lexington ..McLean ...S. H. Dexter Lincoln R W Miller Lockport Minooka Mokena Moline ..Will ..Will ..Will .. Jas. Milne ....W. R. Tupper . . . Samuel Tinley, Jr. L H. Barker Morris Monticello Mt. Sterling Naples Ottawa Peoria . . Grundy ..Madison . . Brown ..Pike ..La Salle . . Peoria ...W. H Parker ...T. P. Walworth . . F. A. Ingersoll ...E. S. Greenleaf ...E. J. Crandall . . .E. B. Simmons Peoria Junction Pekln Peru 1'ontiac Quincy Rock Island Sheffield Shlpmans Springfield Tiskilwa Tolono A'irden Washington Williamsville... Wilmington ..McLean . .Tazewell ..La Salle . . Livingston . . . . Adams . . Rock Island . . ..Bureau ..Macoupin ... . . Sangamon ..Bureau . . Champaign . . ..Macoupin.... . .Woodford. ... . . .. J. B. Lenney . . .John S. Cook . .. J. A. Ray nor ...J. W. ChappeZ ...J. A. Lewis ...J. Galligan ...T. Clement ...S. Halliday ...O. W. Baattey ...E. Kuhlienthy ....W. T. Parkeal D. L. Miles ..Sangamon .. . ..Will ....C. K. Snider ... 0. B. White 879 GAS COMPANIES. GAS COMPANIES. Alton Gas Light and Coke Co, An individual enterprise. Bloomington Gas Light and Coke Co. Chartered 1S56. Company failed, and works now owned and operated by Asahel Gridley. Belleville Gas Light Co. An individual enterprise. Chicago Gas Light and Coke Co. Chicago, Cook Co. Incorporated 1850. Capital 1750,000. President. Hugh T. Dickey. Secy, and Treas. James K. Burtis. Asst. Secy.G. Baldwin. Superintendent. P. T. Burtis. Directors. Hugh T. Dickey, B. W. Raymond, E. I. Tinkham, S. B. Cobb, Jerome Beecher, P. L. Yoe, B. F. Carver, S. A. Smith and B. S. Morris. Detroit Gas Light Co. Detroit, Pike Co. S. G. Smart & Sons, proprietors. \ v Freeport Gas Light and Coke Co. Freeport, Stephenson Co. Organized Feb. 14, 1865. Capital $22,000. President. T. J. Turner. Secretary. Holden Putnam. Superintendent. James Rounds. Directors. T. J. Turner, James Mitchell, Holden Putnam, H. H. Penniman and James Rounds. Galena Gas Light Co. Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Organized Oct. 24, 1859. Capital $70,000. President and Secy. John Lorrain. Superintendent. James Appleby. Directors. Darius Hunkins, S. S. Lorrain and John Lorrain. Harrisburgh Gas Co. Harrisburgh, Saline Co. J. Pierce, proprietor. Jacksonville Gas Light and Coke Company. Organized 1857. Commenced operations 1858. Au- thorized capital $200,000. President. Marshall P. Ayres. Secretary. Alexander McDonald. Treasurer. J. O. King. Directors. M. P. Ayres, Wm. Thomas, J. 0. King, A. McDonald and Nimrod Dewees. Joliet Gas Light Co. Organized June, 1857. Authorized capital $300,000. President. Edmund Wilcox. Secretary. Nelson D. Elwood. Treasurer. Firmin Mack. Directors. Edmund Wilcox, J. T. McDougall, Thos. Natton, Firman Mack and N. D. Elwood. Mattoon Gas Light Co. Coles county. President. S. R. Evans. Ottawa Gas Light and Coke Co. Organized Aug. 1855. Capital $45,000. Presiden'. Wm. H. W. Cushman. Secretary and Supt. Levi Mason. Directors. Hichard Thorne, John Armour, N. B. Bristol, Wm. Cogswell and W. H. W. Cushman. Peoples' Gas Light and Coke Co. CHICAGO. Office 78 S. Dearborn St. Incorporated 1855. Capital $500,000. President. Robert H. Foss. Secretary. H. W. Zimmermann. Treasurer. W. H. Waite. Engineer. S. R. Dickson. Directors. R. H. Foss, A. G. Troope, Artemus Carter, J. L. Marsh, Hugh Maher, W. H. Waite and P. D. Mickles. Peoria Gas Light and Coke Co. Organized July 6, 1855. Capital $100,000. President. John L. Griswold. Secy, and Treas. Matthew Griswold. Superintendent. M. B. Laughlin. Quincy Gas Light and Coke Co- Organized 1853. Capital $90,000. Prest. and Secy. Samuel W. Rogers. Superintendent . Cornelius C. Hopper. Directors. -S. W. Rogers, James M. Pitman, Jag. D. Morgan, Robt. 8. Benneson, Newton Flagg, Caleb M. Pomeroy, Thos. Pratt, (of St. Louis,) Alfred Carr and James Graham. Rockford Gas Light and Coke Company. Organized March 8, 1858. Capital stock $50,000. Superintendent Thomas Butterworth. Rock Island Gas Light and Coke Company. Organized July 1854. Capital $100,000. President. Col. N. B. Buford. Secy., Supt. and Treas. Benj. Harper. Directors. Wm. L. Lee, I. A. Kinney and Joseph Con way. Springfield Gas Light Co. Incorporated Feb. 1854. Capital $75,000. President. N. H. Ridgely. (Secretary. Charles Ridgley. Superintendent. Vfm. Gwynn. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Alton Mutual Insurance and Savings Co. Alton, Marion Co. Organized June 6, 1859. Capital $150,000. > President. Isaac Scarritt. Secretary. D. D. Ryrie. Directors. Peter Wise, J. L. Blair, M. H. Topping, W. H. Mitchell, Lewis Kallenberger, Isaac Scarritt. W. Post. American Ins. Co. (Mutual.) Freeport, Stephenson Co. Chartered 1855. President. Andrew P. Long. Vice President. Julius Bastrers. Secretary. Charles L. Currier. Treasurer. Oscar V. Munn. Directors. Hiram Bright, Andrew P. Long, Joel W.Hopkins, A. T. Green, Julius Bastrers, Oscar V. Munn, Holden Putnam, Charles L. Currier and W. A. Tennell. INSURANCE COMPANIES. 880 Chicago Firemen's Ins. Co. Chicago, Cook Co. Incorporated 1835. Capital $200,000. President. Thomas Church. Secretary. C. N. Holden. Surveyor. Joseph E. Brown. Directors. Thomas Church, B. W. Raymond, G.W. Dole, E. H. Haddock, J. K. Bottsford, Orrington Lunt, 0. B. Farwell. W. M. Larrabee. J. T. Edwards. City Ins. Co. of Peoria. Capital $100,000. President. Peter Sweat. Secretary. B. L. T. Bourland. Directors. Peter Sweat, John Hamlin, J. D.Arnold, M.D., E. N. Powell, Wm. Moore, R. Ronse, M.D., Moses Pettengill, Wm. F. Bryan, C. W. McClallen. Farmers Ins. Co. Freeport, Stephenson Co. Chartered - . Capital and Surplus, $86,469.15 President. T). H. Sunderland. Vice President. H. N. Hibbard. Secretary. A. P. Lone. Treasurer. I. H. Sunderland. Directors.!). H. Sunderland, George F.DeForest, 0. L. Currier, C. F. Taggart, W. S. Gray, A. P. Long, 0. V. Munn, I. H. Sunderland, W. L. Wheaton, H. N. Hibbard, Robert McConnell, A. E. Hale and H. J. Doolittle. Galena Ins. Co. (Marine only.) [Galena, JoDaviess Co. Incorporated July 15, 1851. Capital $150,000. President. Frederick Stahl. Secretary. William H. Snyder. Director*. Frederick Stahl, Nicholas Dowling, Wm. Ryan, L. S. Felt, I. W. Woodruff, P. Klingel, James Rood. Illinois Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Alton, Madison Co. Incorporated 1839. Capital $1,500,000. President. Benjamin F. Long. Treasurer. L. Kallenberger. Secretary. M. G. Atwood. Asat. Secretary. John Atwood. General Agent. John Blaisdell. Director*. B. K. Hart, M. D.; Hon. Samuel Wade, Hon. H. W. Billings, John James, M. D.; Timothy Turner, Hon. Lyman Trumbull, Hon. Robert Smith, Henry Lea, John Atwood, J. W. Schweppe, Benjamin F. Long, M. D., Elias Hibbard, Hon. Francis A. Hoff- man, Lewis Kellenberger and M. G. Atwood. LaSalle County Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Ottawa, LaSalle Co. Organized 1855. Capital $50,000. President. John V. A. Hoes. Secretary. William M. True. Directors. Wm. Reddick, J. G. Nattinger, Benj. T. Phelps, Wm. M. True, N. B. Bristol, Lorenzo Leland, Henry F. Eames, Giles W. Jackson, John Hossack, John Armour, John V. A. Hoes, George E. Walker, Philo Lidley, Richard Thorne, John D. Caton. Merchants' and Farmers' Ins. Co. Home Galesburg, Knox Co. Chartered 1867. Capital $250,000. Presid ent. Edward R. Adams. decretory. Horatio N. Field. Directors. Chauncey L. Colton, Edward R. Adams, Asa D. Reed, Horatio Reed, Warren C. Willard. Phenix Ins. Co. of Chicago. Capital $175,000. President. John A. Nichols. Secretary. E. C. Wilder. Directors.J. F. Aldrich, E. C. Wilder, John A. Nichols, A. Edwards. Hiram B. Smith . Peoria Marine and Fire Ins. Co. Capital $500,000. President. Isaac Underbill. Vice President. Alexander G. Tyng. Secretary. C. Holland. Quincy Saving & Insurance Co. Qulncy, Adams Co. Organized 1857. Capital $500,000. President. Ely ah Gove. Secretary. Augustus C. Marsh. Cashier. Uri L. Penfield. Rock River Ins. Co. Rockford. Wlnnebago Co. President. Hon. 8. M. Church. Secretary. Allen Gibson. Directors. Hon. 8. M. Church, Thos. D. Robeit- son, Hon. Anson S. Miller, D. S. Penfield, D. G. Clark, George Haskell, J. 8. Coleman, C. H. Spafford, 0. W. Sheldon, H. R. Enoch, Newton Crawford and George Troxell, jr. St. Clair Saving & Ins. Co. Belleville, St. Clair Co. Incorporated February, 1859. Authorized Capital $500,000. President. C. Abends. Directors. E. UlerSci, F. A. Reuss, F. Braun, John Scheel, G. L. Neuhoff, Wm. KeUemann, H. Schlette S. Eimer. Stephenson Ins. Co. Freeport, Stephenson Co. Incorporated . Capital $225,442.04. President. D. Chancellor Martin. Vice President. Henry H. Taylor. Treasurer. John A. Clark. Secretary. LoyalL. Munn. Travelers' Life Ins. Association. Chicago, Cook Co. Capital $50,000. President. Daniel S. Wood. Vice President. Charles L. Mason. Treasurer. David C. Brown. Secretary. Sereno D. Woodhull. Western Marine & Fire Ins. Co. Chicago, Cook Co. Incorporated . Capital $250,000. President. J. H. Wood worth. Secretary. W. H. Waite. Directors. J. H. Woodworth, Fred. Tuttle, E. K. Rogers, George C. Cook, George W. Gage, Charles B. Farwell, N. P. Wilder, W. H. Waite. "Western Union Ins. Co. Sterling, Whitesides Co. Chartered 1857. Capital $100,000. President. M.S. Henry. Vice President. John G. Price. Treasurer. L. Hapgood. Secretary. H. A. Munson. Western "World Ins. and Trust Company. Chicago, Cook Co. Organized 1S59. Capital $250,000. President. George H. Hazelton. Secretary. Alfred Edwards. Treasurer. Charles H. Abbott. Directors. O. Kendall, Hon. L. 8. Church, Amzi Benedict, George H. Hazelton, Charles H. Abbott. 881 COUNTY OFFICERS. Kg a'~ S ' ' a ^ 'o 5 S o^ o :a*-ci :oaf| : < <* : z. v. o: fc : "&'. : : : ' '. '. '.s : -f -; fe : : i .a . . . . - fe !>.* I V ^ & i o ~ OT Ji --3 i 02 ^o3-^ ": j . * c w o . a .2^-5 .fia-a ^y>-j^>S a OSS' !^ >> .. Sis: <^^ 3- s l^ a ' s 7- 73 ^ ** d c SE = ! > >-s >- 1-5 >- COUNTY OFFICERS. 882 __ "^ . " 5 * & 5 . 3 s !. a ooXm.-.oStar'' 3 IfcHsSfsS"^ (3-9o|5MJ K||^ id c-X-" M ~^. *. .i*"".". 15 .*** _11 s Bir!*^| I affl ..i35 Ai-i5> : ;&&>?^-S "z fiao'BB*? a- '3 S^ H5 S5-< S='f I - '.Mtiitt . Jd "o * te s- *,33 ^af s,>4 llf'frd . #?8 '.^S^^^S^ !s8hii|i!l E a^.sss^gawHi^ Jfi : t : B : ^gl"=feg riifliwil * SS^rt* 4>fes T! w o * g^agS = = S^-. ; ; ; ; "a"v t> -^ ' 5 g : g 6S m W ^ "5 .OT^M lijsil^is 5 . ik:2l sak'W .* i^ B .is^!* . P.*^*H|*> ;g : :Es| : : 5- i S-sJ :.* 2 ;ga '|ll -s -IP 02 2 ' ! M ' 2 > j^ceS agecsfet'nS .tejj - cS"^ 25^' ,CJ5O '.^hJ^HajSo^' sjliil ^fe-J'pooO tJrfS ee . ?oop- 20 Scoville 17 24 26 31 Rogers Ogden Hamilton 18 11 6 33 Little River 4 87 Buffington Fox River "Valley and Wiscon- sin Central Railways. B. W. RAYMOND, President, Chicago. GILMAN H. MERRILL, Superintendent, Elgin, HI. Stages connect at Geneva for Elkhorn and Whit i water, Wis. Chicago and Milwaukee Railwa Lake Shore. Standard of Time : Clock at Chicago Depot Mis. STATIONS. Mis. Chicago R5 o 0, 84 | 8 Rosehill 77 B 1<> 74 O 17 Winnetka fi9 s 19 Glencoe fifi > Highland Park fifl & ?R Lake Forest 58 80 Rockland 55 e 36 Waukegan 50 45 State Line 40 C M Kenosha 84 fiO Racine Junction 25 fi"> Racine M 71 County Line 15 76 , Oak Creek 10 85-.., ..Milwaukee... DEP^KTMEISTT. INDEX BALTIMORE & OHIO KAILROAD, PAGE CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY, CHICAGO, P. & FT. WAYNE, RAILROAD, CHICAGO & ROCK ISLAND RAILROAD, " CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH RAILROAD, " GALENA & CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD, GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD, ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, LOGANSPORT, PEORIA & BURLINGTON R. R MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTH'N INDIANA R. R. " MILWAUKEE & MINNESOTA RAILROAD, NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD, NEW YORK & ERIE RAILROAD, PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, 1 . . ST. LOUIS, ALTON & CHICAGO RAILROAD, 4: 3 16 2 9 10 6 11 12 13 8 5 U 15 7 CHICAGO & ROCK ISLAND LI1STE COMPOSED OF THE Chicago & Rock Island, Peoria & Bureau Valley and Mississippi & Missouri RAILROADS. TWO PASSENGER FREIGHT AND LIVE STOCK TIIIIS DAILY, BETWEEN IOWA CITY, WASHINGTON AND CHICAGO. TWO DAILY BETWEEN CHICAGO and PEORIA. SLEEPING CABS BUN ON ALL NIGHT TBAINS. No Change of Cars or Ferriage be- tween Iowa and Chicago. All Trains cross the Mississippi Railroad Bridge between Rock Island and Davenport. Connections made at La Salle and Peoria with Illinois Packet Com- pany, for St. Louis and all points on the Illinois River. At Rock Island, with Mississippi River Packets. At Iowa City and Washington, with Western- Stage Company's Line of Mail Stages to all points in Iowa. W. L. St. JOHN, JOHN F. TRACY, Gen? I Fr*t and Ticket Agt. Gen 1 1 Superintendent. 2 CHICAGO 4 NORTHW RAILWAY, C3r QV VIA CLINTON, JANESVILIE, MILTON, WATERTOWN & fflNNESOTA JUNCTION, TO FOND DU UC AND 0$HKOSH t Wt& WITHOUT CHANGKE OF CARS. The DIRECT Route to all points in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Central and Northern Iowa, and Northern Illinois, Si Paul, La Crosse, Green Bay, Berlin, Prairie du Chien, Dunlei, Connecting with U. S. Mail Steamers on Mississippi Itivcr. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. SLEEPING C^nS will be run on all JTIGHT TR^IJTS. ONLY ROUTE without change of cars to Watertown, Minnesota Junction, Fond du Lac & Oshkosh. RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT CONNECTIONS. AT HARVARD With Rckford R- R-, for Eockford. A T P I M T n M ( r r Beloit,Freeport,Mineral Point, A I U L I n I U H j \ Galena, DUNLEITH, Dubuque, In- With Racine & Mississippi R. R., ( dependence, Cedar Tails, &c. AT lANP^VH I F Si Mil TON ( For Whitewater, Monroe, MADI- Al JAncdflLLc tt lYIILlun, SON> PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, MC- With Milwaukee &. Mississippi R. R., ( Gregor, &c. f For Horicon, Beaver Dam, PORT- IT MliLJKJCCnTA IIIKIOTinKI i AGE CITY ' Kilbourn City, Lisbon, Al MIKntoUl A JUnbllUllj ! Sparta.EauClair, LA CROSSE, Wino- I na, Reed's Landing, Red Wing, Pres- cott, Hudson, Stillwater, Hastings, [ST. PAUL. With Mil: and Minnesota R. R., AT BURNETT, With Mil. and Horicon R. R., AT OSHKOSH, For Waupon, Ripon and BERLIN. For GREEN BAY, Appleton, Me- nasha, Gill's Landing, New London, With Steamers, ( Stevens' Point. Call for Tickets via "NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY." E. DEWITT ROBINSON, G. L. DUNLAP, Gen'l Ticket +4gent. Superintendent* 3 Q OHIO u COBHECTIBG ALL PARTS OF THE EAST WITH ALL PARTS OF THE VEST, TIE SHORTEST ROTTXE :*V Ml *f\^fl^t* '^O^'VW^fC W LIBILFHIi, BALTIMORE AND WASHING-TON, AND Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, Dayton, Indi'nap's ST. LOIUS, CAIRO, MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS. ^THROUGH TICKETS, FROM ALL THE WESTERN CITIES, BY THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAIL ROAD AND ITS CONNECTING LINES, MAY BE HAD AT THE RAILROAD OFFICES IN THE WEST. IT PRESENTS AT ONCE THE ATTRACTIONS OF ALL OF WHICH ARE CROWNED WITH THE UNAPPROACHABLE BEAUTY AND GRANDEUR OF ITS SCENERY. THIS IS CITY ! SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS, THBOU (Sundays excepted.) SPECIAL NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Express Freight, daily, (Sundays excepted,) leave Chicago at 6. 00 P. M. Through in 36 Hours. Affording the shippers all the advantages of an Express, at the lowest current rates of Freight. R. B. MASON, Chief Engineer and Gen'l Supt. N. H. MOORE, Gen'l Freight Agt. Office, 42 Dearborn St., Chicago. JAMES ROBB, ) . CHARLES CONGDON.J Rec eivers. JOSEPH PRICE, Treasurer, 7 Great Northwestern U. S. Mail EIXIIPIRIESS IROTJTE., - FROM - THE MISSISSI:P:PI. Close Connections are made at La Crosse, DAILY EACH WAY, with the La Crosse & St. Paul Packet Company's New and Splendid UNITED STATES MAIL LI MlLWADKKE, 1860. 8 EDWIN H. GOODRICH, Manager, Direct Route to the East ! SHORT RAILROAD LINE, SOUTHERN MICHIGAN R, R. ITS FORMS A SHORT THROUGH ROUTE TO Pittsburgh, Harrisburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, Boston,, Wheeling, Washington City, Alliance, Wellsville, Steubenville, AND ALL POINTS IN THE EAST. THROUGH TICKETS FOR SALE At all the Principal Railroad Ticket Offices in the AVest and Northwest ; also at the Ticket Office of the Southern Michigan R. II., under the Revere House, and at the Depot, CORNER OF VAN BUREN AND SHERMAN STREETS, CHICAGO. FARE ALWAYS AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE, ASK FOR TICKETS JTCA CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH. For Freight Contracts apply to the Freight Agent of the Southern Michigan Railroad in Chicago. GEO. M. GRAY, Pass. Agt., Chicago- W. C. CLELAND, Gen'l Agt. Cleveland, O. 9 ITW MAIL ROUT Passenger Trains will Leave "Wells Street Depot, Chicago, daily (Sundays excepted) for Elgin, Freeport, McHenry, Warren, Richmond, Mineral Point, Geneva Lake, Galena, Belvidere, Dunleith, Beloit, Dubuque, Janesville, St. Paul, Rockford, And Intermediate places; also, by Chicago, Fulton and Iowa Line for DE KALIS. DIXOI, POLO, FOKRESTON, FUI/TO], DEWITT AJ\D CEDAR RAPIDS. There Connecting with Stages for And all Points in CENTRAL IOWA. SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. FARE AS LOW AND TIME AS QUICK AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. Tickets for Sale at all important towns in United States and Canadas. ENQUIRE FOR TICKETS VIA GALENA & CHICAGO U. R. R. E. B. TALCOTT, General Sup't. 10 H. H. PORTER, General Pass. Ag't. GREAT CENTRAL & SOUTHERN MAIL &PASSTO ROUTE, TWO DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Leave Chicago, the Northeastern Terminus ; Dunleith, the Northwestern Terminus ; and Cairo, the Southern Ter- minus of the Road, making connections as follows : AT CAIRO With the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, to and from Columbus, Trenton, Jackson, Memphis, Grand Junction, Holly Springs, Oxford, Grenada, Canton, Jackson, Mis?., Vicksburg, Natchez, Xe\v Orleans. Giilveston and Mobile. AT CAIRO With the Cairo and New Orleans Railroad Line of Steamers, to and from all points on ri -'Ppi river. AT SANDOVAL AND ODIN With the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad to and from St. Louis, Louisville and Cincinnati. AT MATTOON AND PAX A With the Terre Haute, Alton & St. Louis Railroad, to and from Alton, St. Louirf, St. Joseph, Terre Haute, Indianapolis, Wheeling. Baltimore and Philadelphia. AT TOLONO AND DECATUR With the Great Western Illinois Rail- road, to and from Springfield, Jacksonville, Naples, Quincy, St. Joseph and Toledo. AT OILMAN AND EL PASO With the Peoria & Oquawka Railroad, to and from Peoria, Galcslmrg. Burlington, Quincy and Logans;." AT CHICAGO With the Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, and Pitts- burgh, Fort Wayne k Chicago Railroads, to and from I' veland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, New York, Boston, Montreal, Quebec, Portland, and all eastern cities; also with Railroads and Steamboats to and from Milwaukee, Janesville, Madison. AT LA SALLE With the Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, to and from Rock Island. Muscatine and Iowa City. AT MENDOTA With the Chicago, Burlington Quincy Railroad, to and from Chicago, Galesburg, Burlington, Quincy and St. Joseph. AT DIXON With the Dixon Air-Line Railroad, to and from Chicago and Fulton. AT FREEPORT With the Galena & Chicago Union, and Racine & Mis- sissippi Railroads, to and from Chicago, Milwaukee, Janesville, Beloit and Madison. AT WARREN With the Mineral Point Railroad, to and from Darlington and Mineral Point. AT DFNLEITH With the Dunleith & St. Paul Railroad Line of Steamers, to and from Prairie du Chien, La : ' inona, Prescott, Stillwater, Hastings and St. Paul. AT DUBUQTTE With the Dubuque & Pacific Railroad, to and from Not- tingham, Manchester, Cedar Falls and all parts of Central Iowa. Commodious Sleeping Cars are attached to ail Night Trains. LUGGAGE CHECKED TO ALL IMPORTANT POINTS. rough Tickets for sale at all Railroad Offices. W. P. JOHNSON, Gen. Pass. Agt.. W. R. ARTHUR, Gen. Supt, >- Chicago. 11 1860. 1860. Formerly Peoria & Oquawka (Eastern Extension) R. R. BETWEEN PEORIi, ILL., MD LOGISSPORT, ID., 171 1-2 MILES. - , - This Road is now completed and running regularly between the above points., farming, with its connections, the shortest Line, either constructed or projected, between the Mississippi River and the Atlantic Seaboard. CONNECTIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: At PEORIA, with the Peoria, Oquawka & Burlington R. R. At EL PASO, with the Illinois Central (Main Line) Railroad. At CHENOA, with the St. Louis, Alton & Chicago Railroad. At GILMAN, with the Illinois Central (Branch) Railroad. At REYNOLDS, with Louisville, N. Albany & Chicago H. R. with the Toledo & Wabash Railroad, with the chicago & Cincinnati R. R. At At EXPRESS PASSENGER AND FREIGHT TRAINS Will be run over this Line of Road, with no change of cars between Bur- lington, Iowa, and Toledo and Cincinnati. Its short distance, in comparison with competing Lines, ensures regular connections, allowing quick time with- out excessive or dangerous speed. Rates for Passengers & Freight always as low as by any other Route SLEEPING- CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Merchants and Forwarders will note the 'advantage of having their goods transported between Toledo or Cincinnati and Burlington, without changing cars or breaking bulk. Apply to all regular Agents at Boston, Xew York, Philadelphia, Balti- more, Cincinnati, Chicago, or other prominent points, for rates or further information. WM. H. CRUGER, Sup't. CHAS. E, FOLLETT, Gen'l Freight and Ticket Agent, Peoria, WM, H, BACKUS, Gen'l Western Agent, Burlington, Iowa, T, A, H, SIWYTHE, Gen'l Agent, Logansport, GEO. R, WEED, Gen'l Eastern Agent, Rutland, It, 12 icMpn Sbitthrn anfo Eortkrn A? 6 6 This Road from its geographical position connecting at CHICAGO with all Roads in the west ; AT TOLEDO with the several Koads in the Lake Shore Line for Clyde, MonroevUle, Cleveland, Er'\ I hi ,i kirk and Jlujfdlo, A//i/t>/,N. York, Boston and all points interior in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and the New England Slates. AT DETROIT with Grand Trunk and Great Western Rail Ways is the most desirable avenue for either Passenger or Freight transfer between the East and the West : AT TOLEDO it connects also with the Toledo, Wabash and Western R.R., and with the J)<-- and Tol^lo line, opening the most direct route between Detroit, Cincinnati, Louis- ville, Indianapolis and other points in the South. AT CLEVELAND with OUvdand u/ Cars securing to the traveller, the luxury of a comfortable bed when night overtakes him, without delay in his journey. In short, the Public can rely upon finding in use upon this road all the modern Rail Road Improvements, with a track, Motive Power and Rolling Stock, equal to any in the country. MAIN LINE Chicago to Toledo. All! LINE Elkhart (intersecting Main Line), to Toledo. DETROIT, MONROE & TOLEDO LINE Toledo to Detroit, MONROE B1JANCII Adrian (intersecting .Main Line to ."Monroe, (inter- tiiig D. M. & T. Line,) to Detroit. JACKSON BKANCir Adrian to .Jackson. THREE RIVERS BRANCH White Pigeon (intersecting Main Line,) to Three Rivers. OFFICERS- GEORGE BLISS, Pres't Springfield, Mass. WM. SAVACE, Trc-MsY, Toledo. JXO. D. CAMPHKLL, (i.'ii'l Sup't, Toledo, 0. CHARLES PAINE, Div. Suj.'t, Laport, Ind. WM. SAVAGE, Cashier, Toledo, 0. GEO. M. GRAY, Pass., Ag't, Chicago, 111. DUDLEY P. PHELPS, Gen 1 ! Ticket Ag't Toledo, Ohio. JEKIIY NOTTINGHAM, Gen'l Freight Ag't. Chieiiuo, 111. W. R. BARE, <:< -n'l Agent, Lake Shore Line, Buffalo, N. Y. 13 YORK & ERIE G-.A.TJG-E Connecting in NEW YORK with continuous Lines of Railroads and Water Lines to ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES AND TOWNS OF THE NEW ENGLAND STATES! THROUGH BETWEEN DUNKIRK &, NEW YORK WITHOUT dEIAJSTOE OF s Cor. Van Buren & Sherman Sts., Chicago. MICHIGAN CENTRAL DEPOT, Foot of Lake Street, Chicago. EXPRESS TRAINS leave DUNKIRK, daily, on arrival of all Trains on the Lake Shore Railroad, from AND THE WEST AND NORTH-WEST, FOR Ei PHI A A!?* JLiliUIWS db Udslilrls) AND PRINCIPAL POINTS IN NEW ENGLAND. The perfect system of controlling the movements of all Trains by the use of an exclusive Telegraph Line, insures great dispatch and perfect security, making it the Most Comfortable, Safe and Expeditious Route to the East! Boston Passengers have choice of the New York Markets, without an ad- ditional cost, and can go from New York to Boston either via all rail, or via Sound Steamers. Passengers and Baggage transferred free in N". York. Connections sure. SPLENDID, WIDE GAUGE, VENTILATED This is the ONLY ROUTE by which passengers can leave Chicago on Fri- day Evening, and arrive in Xew York Sunday Noon. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH TO ALL POINTS EAST! TIME AS QUICK AND FARE ALWAYS AS LOW AS ANY OTHER ROUTE, Be particular and ask for tickets via Dunkirk and the New York & Erie Railroad. Tickets for sale at all the principal Railroad Offices in the West. Also, at the Michigan Southern and Michigan Central Railroad Offices, and at the New York & Erie Railroad Office, 54 Dearborn Street, opposite Tremont House, Chicago (HAS, MINOT, Gen'l Snpt, 14 D. W, BOSS, Western Agent. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. R. THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH "dT * , "I""* VJT JtfjJrC. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA, Connecting direct in the Union Depot, at Pittsburgh, with Through Trains from all Western Oities, for Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Bnltimoie and Washington City; thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed, for speed and comfort, by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Philadelphia without change of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Cars are attached to each train ; Woodruff's Sleeping Cars to Express and Fast Trains. The Express runs Daily, Mail and Fast Line Sundays excepted. Three Daily Trains connect direct for New York. Express and Fast Line connect for Baltimore and Washington. Connect at Pittsburgh with the 2.00 A. M. Express, arrive in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 5.00 P. M.j and in New York at 10.30 P. M. Connect at Pittsburgh with 5.00 P. M. Fast Line, ai'rive in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 8.00 A. M., and in New York at 2.30 1>. M. Mall Train leaves Pittsburgh 6.00 A. M., arriving at Philadelphia 11.00 P. M., and New York 4.30 A. M. Six Daily Trains between Philadelphia and New York ; Two Daily Trains between New York and Boston. Through Tickets (all Rail) are good on either of the above Trains. Boat Tickets to Boston are good via Norwich, Fall River or Stoning- ton Lines. May be obtained at any of the important Railroad Offices in the West ; also, on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio Rivers ; and TICKETS WESTWARD, at the Offices of the Company in Boston, New York, Baltimore or Pliiladelphia. & FARE ALWAYS AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. ASK FOR TICKETS BY PITTSBURGH. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, makes this DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT NORTHWEST. The connecting of Tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburgh, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travelling Public. PARTIES SHIPPING EASTWARD will find it to their advantage to Ship by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to or address either of the following Agents of the Company : D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh; Doyle & Co., Steubenville, O.; H. S. Pierce & Co., Zanesville, O. ; J. J. Johnston, Riplev, O. ; R. McNeely, Maysville, Kentucky; Omnby & Cropper, Portsmouth, O ; Paddock & Co., Jeffersonville, Ind.; H. W. Brown & Co., Cincinnati, O. ; Athern & Hibbert, Cincinnati, O. ; R. C. Meldrum, Madison, Ind.; Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Ky. ; P. G. O'Riley & Co.. Evansville, Ind. : N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo, 111. , R. F. Bass. St. Louis, Mo. ; John H. Harris, ^Nashville, Tenn. ; Harris & Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111.; "W". H. H. Koontz, Alton, 111.; Murphy & Walle, Dubuque, Iowa ; or to Freight Agents of Rail Roads at different points in the West. The Greatest Facilities offered for the Protection and Speedy Transportation of LIVE STOCK, And Good Accommodations with usual privileges for persons travelling in charge thereof. By this Route Freights of all descriptions can be forwarded from Philadelphia, New York, Boston or Bal- timore, to any point on the Rail Roads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa or Missouri, by Bail Rond direct. The Pennsylvania Rail Road also connects at Pittsburgh with Steamers, by which Goods cnn be forwarded to any port on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, Illinois, Mississippi, Wi-consin. Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, ami Red Rivers; and at Cleveland, Sandusky and Chicago with Steamers to all Ports on the North-Western Lukes. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can rely with con- fidence on its speedy transit. THJB KATES OF FREIGHT to any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Rail Road ar, Hmes ait favorable a* are charged !/ nthfr Fi. A'. jgp- Be particular to mark packages "VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD." Merchants in the West ordering Goods from the East, will do well to direct, them to be shipped by this Route. Parties attending to their own Shipments from tin- East, will find it to their interest to call on the AL- this Company at the following places I >efore shipping ; or letters addressed to either of them on the SUIT freights, will meet with prompt attention. E. J. SNEEDFR, Philadelphia. II. II. HOUSTON, f,Vn'Z Freight Agt., Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOONS, SO North St., Baltimore. L. L. HOUPT, Gfn'l Ticket, Agt., Philadelphia. LEECH & CO., 1 Astor House, or No. 1 S. Wm. St. N. Y. THOS. A SCOTT, Gertl Supt., Altoona, Pa. LEECH & CO., 11 Washington St., Boston. 15 Now complete and Cars run from Chicago to Pittsburgh without change, connecting with Great Pennsylvania Central Rail Road, To New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington City, and all the interior towns of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Etc. Merchants by taking this route will have the benefit of all the eastern markets at no additional cost. BA.O-C3--A.a-E Two Daily Express Trains leave Depot, corner of Van Buren and Canal Streets, Chicago, Connecting at Crestline with Cleveland and Lake Shore Railroad to Dunkirk, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, New York and Boston, and all the interior towns of New England via New York Central and New York and Erie Railroads. Also, South to Columbus, Zanesville, Newark, Mount Vernon, Steubenville, Wheeling and interior towns of Ohio and Virginia. The above trains connect at Forrest with trains on Mad River Road to Springfield, Urbana, Dayton and Cincinnati. Also, with trains at Lima for Dayton and Cincinnati direct. FARE AS LOW AS ANY OTHER ROUTE. Passengers bound east will find this route both pleasant and agreeable, passing through many of the largest and finest cities in the United States. Passengers arriving in Chicago on any of the roads will find attentive check agents at the depots to receive checks and convey baggage free of charge, to the Pittsburg and Chicago cars. Sleeping Cars accompany each train. Tickets for sale at all the principal Ticket Offices in the west, and at the Company's Office, corner of Randolph and Dearborn Streets, opposite the Revere House, or at the Depot, west side, corner of Canal and Van Buren streets, Chicago. Be particular and ask for Tickets by Fort Wayne. B. P. PATRICK, Ticket Agent. Freight of all kinds will be carried from Chicago to all points east at all times, at as low rates as any other Railroad route. TO MERCHANTS ANB SHIPPERS. The Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago R. R. Co., having effected an arrangement with the Pennsylvania Central R. R. Co., for the transportation of Through Freight, Property can now be shipped by this line between Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York and Boston, with promptness and despatch, contracts can be made at the following places : No. 1 Astor House, No. 1 S. William Street, No. 3 Battery Place, New York ; No. 77 Wash- ington street, Boston ; No. 3 Dock Street, Philadelphia ; No. 80 North Street, Baltimore ; Depot, Charles Street, West Side, near Van Buren Street Bridge, Chicago. 1 Mark packages via P. Ft. Wayne & C. R. R. For further information apply to J. J. HOUSTON, Gen'l Agent, Chicago. 16 JAS. W. MUSSON, Freight Agent, Chicago. KAILROADS TABLE OP DISTANCES. 892 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway. Standard of Time : Clock at Galena Depot, Chicago. Mis. STATIONS. . Chicago, Central Depot. Harlem ....Cottage Hill... . Babcock's. ..Danby... . Wheaton . . . Winfield.. . Junction. . .Batavia. Aurora . . Oswego . ...Bristol... ...Piano... . . Sandwich . . Somonank. . ..Leland.. ...Earl... .Mendota. Arlington Maiden . . .Princeton .Wyanet Buda Neponset Kewanee ...Galva Altona Oneida . ..Wataga... Galesburg Mis. 2C,S 2.V.) 2-V> 2-H 245 24:! 24(1 238 282 224 '.'21 217 211 'JOT 204 197 1'Jl 180 171 164 !;>'. Galesburg Cameron Monmouth . . Young America . . .Oquawka Junction. .. East Burlington. . Galesburg Saluda Abingdon St. Augustine . Avon Prairie City Bushnell Bardolph Macomb Colchester Tennessee Colmar Plymouth Augusta La Prairie Camp Point Coatsburg Paloma Cliola Quincy 1:!2 124 11G 112 108=3 10015 Washington Branch Railway, (Owned and Run by Baltimore & Ohio Railway Co. Mis. STATIONS. Mis. Baltimore 3S 9, 36 9 29 15 28 17 20 19 Waton's Cut 18 21 16 94 W. Oak Bottom 14 27 80 33 88 Beltsville Paint Branch Bladensburg ...Washington. .. 11 8 5 56 Chicago and North-Western Railway. (Late Chicago, St. Paid and Fond du Lac.) Standard of Time : Clock at Chicago Passenger Station Mis. STATIONS. .Chicago. Plank Road Canfield Brickton Des Plaines Dunton ...Palatine... Barrington Carey ...Crystal Lake Ridgefield Woodstock . Harvard Junction . . . .... .Lawrence . . . Sharon. . ..Clinton Junction.., Shoplere Janesville ..Milton Junction... Kushkonong . ..Fort Atkinson Jefferson .Belleville. Watertown Clyman Juneau .Minnesota Junction. Burnett . . . Chester . . . .Oakfield Centre. Oakfield ...Fond du Lac.. Van Dyne .... Oahkosh . . . Mis. Great "Western 111., Railway. Mis. 10 13 20 27 83 48 48 60 69 78 77 81 88 93 HI KI-J 100 ins 118 1M I'jn 123 l: 188 189 143 145 153! 163i 1631 i7<>; 175 1 STATIONS. .State Line. ..Danville.. Bryant ...Catlin... .Salina. Homer. .Sidney. .Tolono. .Sadorus. .Bement. .Cerro Gordo. . ..Oakley... Sangamon Decatur Summit Niantic Illiopolis Lanesville Mechanicsburg Dawson Jamestown German Prairie Springfield St. L. A. and C. Junction. Batfs Berlin Island Grove Alexander's Franklin Jacksonville Concord Morgan City Van Gundy's Naples Ml, 11B 167 166 "1 e a cl s, CO O 0000 ow fi's 154! oi 131 te 127 * 115 3 106(c'S 102 I is 99 ~3 94 g 87^*5 S3 * "* > ~ 78 * *> 72 -S-S C9 c 06 2S 02 HM 59 I 55 BJ 63io 42 i^s 89 ! ^ 3 222 -- o ll': 'fa O,d 893 RAILROADS TABLE OP DISTANCES. hicago and Rock Island Rail- way Line, Composed of Chicago and L,ock Island, Peoria, atM Bureau Valley and Mississippi and Missouri Railways. Milwaukee & Minnes FORMELY LaCrosse & Milwaukee STATIONS. Mis. 6 15 23 29 40 51 62 72 77 84 94 98 100 110 114 STATIONS. Mia. 1 Chicago 288 282 223 215 209 198 187 176 166 161 154 144 140 188 128 124 Blue Island Milwauke Schwartz! Gratmlle Germanic Richfield Cedar Crt e mrg Joliet Minooka Morris >ek Seneca Marseilles Utica LaSalle Schleisingerville Hartford Pubicon Woodlawn Peru . Trenton Bureau Iron Ridg Hor con . Horicon Minnesot Rolling P Beaver D Fox Lake Fox Lake Randolph e Junction rairie 122 127 134 142 145 151 160 Bureau Junction g Snachwine x Henry 47 39 84 26 18 15 10 2 Lacon 1 Chillicothe Midland Portage C Lewiston S Rome itv o Mossville Peoria 116 110 102 93 87 79 69 59 56 54 51 42 87 85 29 o 5 E Newport Kilburn City 122 128 136 145 151 159 169 179 182 183 187 196 199 203 209 Tiskilwa Pond Creek Sheffield Lemonweir Mauston Lisbon Atkinson Geneseo Colona Moline Rock Island Tomah Greenfield Lafayette Sparta Oakland Side Track Walcott Salem LaCrosse Fulton Durant Peoria, Oquawka and Bu: Railway. Wilton 821 234 243 251 259 ^ Wilton 29 41 54 64 72 79 _ Ononwa i Clifton DISTANCES. o Ainsworth g Washington g Frm. Burlington. Betw. Stations. as o f a 2 STATIONS. 6 212 217 222 228 288 Moscow 26 21 15 10 Atalissa West Liberty Downey Iowa City Quincy and Toledo Railway. 95 90 5 82 8 77 5 73 4 68 5 64 8 62 6 58 4 53 5 48 6 42 5 83 9 26 7 19 7 18 6 8 5 8 5 .. 18 Mis. 9 14 22 28 S3 39 42 48 H STATIONS. Mis. Meredosia to Quincy. 1 22 27 30 Quincy 56 47 41 84 28 23 17 14 83 .. 87 Cliola Paloma Camp Point 42 48 58 .. .... Clayton 62 Mounds Mt. Sterling Hersman . .Versailles 69 ... . . .. 76 .... To 82 87 Oqua* Meredosia 95 1 13 18 23 28 80 84 89 43 45 61 51 54 56 61 66 63 72 77 8T 95 104 111 112 121 128 131 188 142 156 161 163 173 178 184 188 200 RAILROADS TABLE OP DISTANCES. 894 Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railway. rains are run by Chicago time, which is 17} minutes slower than Toledo or Detroit time. G-reat Western Railway Canada. Of a s J I ( E I \ \ B a p i T I) P C L 11 1! O p 11 G P P A E \\ B li K H L K S \\ A\ M > L G H B T L \ C li I! P A\ D 1 uspei tioro t. Ca ordai earns rims ntari mil amil i^ater fellin rents akvi ort C imic oronl unda lamb opetc yn.de arris DIST^^-ISTCES FROM DETROIT TO d tharinea ville No. Miles. 229 219} 117} 212 207 202} 197} 185} 189} 192} 199 203} 211} Mis, 2 10 STATIONS. Toledo Air Line Junction Springfield Mis. 244 241 224 214 208 201 192 1S6 179 167 158 142 187 180 125 113 111 282 222 | "o f o 1 "S. 19 25 32 41 47 54 64 79 91 96 103 108 115 128 11 21 Centreville Delta Wauseon Archibald Stryker Bryan Waterloo Kendalville o ton ton Wharf, down gton Square le,... redit Wawaka Millersburg Goahen Sylvania Knight's o 3 oro' burg 217} 224} 180} 177 174} 170 166} 172} 178} 182} 186 194 156} 149} 147} 24 27 88 44 50 56 60 66 70 78 82 88 99 106 112 124 129 184 148 154 158 169 171 178 185 193 202 214 221 232 237 244 Blissfield Palmyra Adrian Clayton Hudson Pittsford Osseo 220 216 210 199 193 187 188 177 178 165 161 155 144 187 131 119 114 109 101 89 85 78 72 65 58 50 41 29 22 11 6 alt , resto espe uelp! aris rince rnol< astw< foods eachi igers dwar 'nbi ondo omot rath r atfo r anst and a irnia t. Br angw lencc ewbu othw lame BW13V osbui haths ullel ice.. er i Is Hillsdale Jonesville Aliens Qulncy Coldwater Bronson >od tock rille 142} 188 183 128} 119} 116} 109} 99} 109} 123 181 140} 150} 94} 89} SO 78} 79} 60} 54} 51} 45} 81 17 Dll dsburgh Burr Oak Sturgts White Pigeon Middlebury Bristol Elkhart a o r ?y d Bad umin. South Bend Terre Coupee New Carlisle Rolling Prairie Laporte Hmesville C M hnnet Miller's.. ydges ood e.. ry >n gville ifle Pine Station Ainsworth Chicago Junction Chicago . m Creek irer New York Central Railway. Auburn and Canandaigua Branch. indsor etroit Kenosha, Rockford and Rock Island Railway. Mis. STATIONS. ills. 2 1 1 8 10 12 18 21 26 87 42 45 52 57 60 64 69 74 75 89 96 103 Syracuse Camillus Marcelllus Half Way 103 95 93 91 85 821 77 < 66 61 68 511 46 43 39 > 84 29 18 14 7 M 9 5 M 2 1 Mis. STATIONS. Is. 10 13 16 20 24 2S 83 88 44 47 56 59 62 66 72 Kenosha . . Bristol 72 62 1 59 o 56 g 52 W 43o "^ 39 | 84-2 2S | 26 IT 13 10 6 Skaneateles Bennett Auburn Cayuga West Bristol Salem Fox River Waterloo Wheatland - . . Genoa (Stages.) Harvard Oaks Corners Phelps Shortsville Chemung Poplar Grove Caledonia Argyle Harlem Rockford . Victor ..Fisher'g Pittsford . . Rochester KAILROADS TABLE OF DISTANCES. Galena and Chicago Union Railway. Standard of Time : Clock at Chicago Depot. rlacine & Mississippi Railway. tandard of Time : Clock at Secretary's Office, Racine MlB. 9 16 20 28 26 28 80 STATIONS. Mis. STATIONS. 1 Us. z j 9 o D Si ^ ^ * Racine 104 102 94 89 86 88 . 77 78 < 70 64 58 54 51 45 41 8ft 82 25 ...Chicago, Wells i Street irlem eHill Jrove (anby eaton :.. H 2 . Junction Cottag 10 Windsor . . . Babcock's < 15 18 ? 21 Union Grove ] Kansasville Dover ... Wh Winfield 1 27 Burlington Aurora Junction ? 81 ff 83 Lyons Springfield 86 44 50 55 58 64 70 75 83 88 98 98 104 110 118 119 124 131 186 30 85 89 42 50 55 6? Kane Blackberry Lodi Court Ian (It DeKalb Malta Dement Lane ! 8 S 50 I 53 r 58 63 69 72 78 Elkhorn Delavan Darien Allen's Grove Clinton Turtle Beloit ; Rockton Shirland Ogle Franklin Nachusa Dixon Nelson Sterling Como Bound Grove 85 90 93 96 104 St. St! Durand Davis Rock Run Dakotah Freeport Louis, !Alton and Chic Railway. ndard of Time : Clock at Chicago Dep 19 14 11 7 age ot. > Mo rrison 31ifton Fulton i Ju notion (Vayne jnville Elgin Ibert's untley Union wengo Prairie videre Valley ckford aebago vtonica Nevada Clint ...G E i 72 78 84 95 9J 10( 11- M Mis. STATIONS. Mis. S y M 1 , t Be ... > .... I .... Re ....Win Pec 1 25 29 86 89 44 48 59 68 n 75 81 87 ? S IH 97 o 102 I 108 s- 11S * 120 2 12t | 18S 186 o 141 15( is- is* 16f Ifl 181 19' 20; 21 21 23 23 24 24 25 27 28 East St. Louis Alton Monticello Brighton 2S1 256 252 245 242 237 233 222 218 210 206 200 194 190 186 184 179 172 166 161 155 149 145 14C 131 124 125 lit 10' 10( 8< n 7( K 51 & 3( 85 U lft I Bel an< da Dunleith .-. Dubuque ELOIT AND MADISON BRANCH. Station* : videre, Caledonia, Koscoe, Beloit, Afton, Junction I Janesville. Trains leave Belvidere and Janesvtile ly. Distance, 40 miles. Shipman Plainview Carlinville Nilwood .,., Girard Virden Rochester, Lockport & Niagara Falls Division of New York Central Railway. Chatham Wood Side . . G W. R R Junction Springfield Williamsville Elkhart Broadwell f o a 1 5 M Mis. 5 12 17 22 25 30 40 45 51 56 66 74 76 STATIONS. Mis. Atlanta McLean Rochester 76 jj 66 j 64 59 54 2 51 s 46 "3 A 36 g 81 g 25 20 X 10 2 Shirley G ates I Bloomington 1 1. O.K. R. Junction 1 Towanda Spenceport Adams' Basin Brockport Holley [ Peoria Junction Murray i Pont'ac . Albion j Odell . .. . Knowlesville L Dwight Medina Middleport ) Gardner 1 Wilmington r : . . . Elwood 5 Joliet Gasport Lockport Pekin ' Athens 3 Bridgeport 1 .. ...Chicago Suspension Bridge . . . Niagara Falls . . . RAILROADS TABLE OP DISTANCES. 896 New York Central Railway. Standard of Time : Clock at Rochester Depot. Mis. STATIONS. Mis. Troy 8 Schenectady Albany 998 17 96 Schenectady Hoffman's 280 970 83 Amsterdam 265 89 Tribes Hill 257 44 Fonda 2S2 49 Yosts 947 52 56 58 Sprakers Palatine Bridge Fort Plain 244 241 2:38 64 St. Johnsville 939, 74 81 Little Falls Herkimer 222 914 S3 Illon 919 86 , . Frankfort 209 95 Utica f 900 99 Whitesboro' 1% 102 109 riskany Rome 193 18 118 Verona 177 122 Oneida 171 195 Wampsville 170 127 Canastota 168 181 Canaseraga 164 133 169 140 Manlius 155 148 Syracuse 147 157 Warner's 188 159 Canton 136 165 169 Jordan Weedsport 181 197 172 Port Byron 194 179 Savannah 116 1S6 193 198 Clyde Lyons Newark 110 103 98 206 .... Palmyra 90 210 Macedon 86 219 78 229 Rochester 75 22S .Cold Water 69 235 Chili 69 239 .. . Churchville 58 244 Bergen 53 251 254 Byron Batavia 46 43 268 272 Croft's Corfu 29 9,5 277 279 Alden Wende 20 18 2S'> Town Line 15 2S7 Lancaster 10 29S Buffalo Detroit, Monroe and Adrian Railway. (branch of M. 8. d- N. 1. R. R.} STATIONS. Detroit. Ecorces. Wyandotte. Trenton. Huron. Swan Creek. Stony Creek. STATIONS. Monroe. Otter Creek. Vienna. State Line. Tremainsville. A. L. Junction. Toledo. Monroe Branch. Monroe. Ida. Petersburg. Deerfield. Wellsfleld. Len. Juncture. Adrian. Jackson Branch. Jackson. Napoleon. Manchester. Clinton. Tecumseh. Junction. Adrian. Three Rivers Branch. White Pigeon. Oonstantine. Three Rivers. Ohio and Missisippi Railway. Mis. STATIONS. Mis. Cincinnati 840 9 Storrs 388 5 Culloms 835 10 Delhi .. . 330 14 North Bend 826 18 9,1 Gravel Pit I. 4 C. R. R. Junction 822 819 21 819 25 97 Aurora Cochran 815 818 83 Dillsborough 307 40 Moore's Hill 800 42 Milan 293 45 Pierceville 995 47 Delaware . 293 52 56 Osgood Boston 288 9S4 58 Holton 282 62 278 66 Butlerville . 274 78 North Vernon 267 79 261 87 Seymour 258 98 101 106 114 Brownstown V elonia Medora Fort Ritner 242 239 284 226 191 Scottville 919 197 Mitchell 213 132 208 149 Willow Valley 193 150 158 178 Shoals Loogootee Washington 190 182 167 191 192 201 206 211 213 217 223 281 2-33 Junction E. & C. Railread Vincennes Lawrenceville Bridgeport Sumner Hadley Clarmont Olney Noble Clay City 149 143 189 134 129 127 123 117 109 102 941 Flora 95 253 Xenia 87 260 . Middleton 80 ">fi<) Salem 71 275 Odin 65 279 293 801 Sandoval Carly le Breese 61 47 39 310 313 316 322 Trenton Summerfield Lebanon ....O'Fallon 80 27 24 18 331 340 Caseyville East St. Louis 9 897 RAILROADS TABLE OF DISTANCES. Michigan Central Railway. Standard of Time : Clock at Chicago Depot. Pits'bg Ft. W. & C. Railway. (Continued.) Mis. STATIONS. Mis. Mis. STATIONS. Mis. "3 g 89 95 101 109 124 185 141 144 156 161 168 175 1S4 Strasburg 379 373 367 859 344 833 827 324 812 307 800 293 2-4 280 26S 251 239 222 215 20S 194 181 168 159 149 129 109' 84 72 68 55 52 43 82 23 12 7 3 10 17 25 29 87 47 54 65 76 86 96 107 120 184 148 149 155 159 167 178 191 197 201 209 218 228 234 240 248 260 269 279 284 Detroit 284 281 274 267 259 255 247 237 230 219 203 Louisville .... Canton Massillon Dearborn Wayne Orville Wooster Millbrook Ypsilanti Clinton Loudonville Ann Arbor .... Dexter Perrysville Lucas Chelsea Mansfield Richland Parma 198 a g 1S8 Crestline Albion Marshall 188 177 164 150 141 2 a ~5 ^ 3 200 217 229 245 953 Bucyrus Upper Sandusky Battle Creek Galesburg Forest Johnstown Lafayette 135 129 125 117 106 93 87 83 75 65 56 50 44 36 24 15 5 X 'S. o tsburg to Chicago. 260 274 287 300 309 319 339 859 884 395 399 412 415 424 435 414 455 460 AK7 , . . . Lima Matta wan Delphos Van Wert Dixon Maples Niles Fort Wayne Buchanan Columbia Warsaw Dayton Plymouth New Buffalo Grover Town Michigan City Stark Morgan Porter ; Wanatah Lake Valparaiso Hobart Clarke Calumet. Stock Yards Chicago Ainsworth Rock Island Junction Connects at Lake with Joliet Division, below. Chicago Branch. Standard of Time : Chicago Time as far as Urban from thence by Centralia Time. Joliet Division. s. STATIONS. Chicago to Ccntralia. Mis. STATIONS. Mis. La R 15 D he 0?S per on ort Mr Ui 14 24 28 29 34 40 47 56 65 73 81 85 88 99 106 114 128 137 143 150 158 165 172 184 198 2U5 214 223 230 239 244 252 365 Chicago Calumet 365 851 841 887 336 381 825 818 809 300 292 284 277 266 250 252 237 227 223 215 207 201 192 ISO 166 159 150 141 135 125 120 112 24 Matte 32 Frankf 37 Spen 15 Jo Thornton Matteson Rich ton Monee 'ittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Railway. Peotone Manteno Kankakee Chebanse Ashkum Oilman Onarga . Spring Creek Mis. STATIONS. Mis. Distance from Chicago to Pittsburg. Loda Pera 7 11 18 15 19 24 26 29 40 45 50 55 60 70 75 78 83 Pittsburg 467 461 457 455 453 450 444 442 439 429 423 41S 413 40S 39S 393 890 3S5 Rantoul Urbana Tolono Pesotum Tuscola Okaw ..Milton Courtney's Haysville Sewickley Leet Economy Freedom Rochester Neoga New Brighton Darlington Enon Watscm Palestine New Warterford Farina Kinmunday Tonti Odin Salem Main Line Junction Smithfield ... Alliance ...Cairo RAILROADS TABLE OF DISTANCES. 898 Logansport, Peoria & Burlington Railway. Mis. STATIONS. Mis. 5 Peoria Cunningham 171 166 12 . , Washington ." 159 IT Cruger 154 19 96 Eureka Secor 152 145 33 El Paso 138 40 Gridley 131 48 Chenoa ... 193 St. L., A & Junction . . . 55 Weston 116 59 Fairbury 119 65 Forestville 106 70 Chatsworth 101 78 Brenton 98 86 Oilman 111. Central Branch 85 100 Middleport 71 109 115 193 Sheldon Kent Tlvoli 62 56 48 131 40 137 Clermont 81 145 Reynolds 96 L. N A. & C. Railroad 151 ">0 157 160 Hanna Burnetsville 14 11 166 - Crooked Creek D 171 Logansport Terre Haute, Alton and St. Louis Railway. Mis. STATIONS. Mis. 1 East St. Louis AM. R. Crossing 189 188 9 Nameoki 180 11 Marysville 178 91 168 94 Alton 9o Bethalto 164 97 M or o 169, 30 Dorsey's 159 36 Bunker Hill 153 40 Dorchester 149 45 Gillespie 144 50 Clyde 139 55 Litchfield 184 63 Butler 197 66 Hillsboro 193 79 Irving 117 81 108 90 Rosamund 99 94 Pana 95 101 Tower Hill R8 109 . . Shelby ville 80 111 Thornton's 78 121 .... Windsor 68 127 69, 133 144 Mattoon 56 46 152 37 157 162 170 176 Kansas Dudley Paris 33 27 19 14 177 Vermillion '. 19, 181 8 185 4 189 Alton and Junction Branch. Leave Alton (to connect with Main Line,) and June- on f or Alton, twice each morning and evening. New York and Erie Railway. STATIONS AND PASSING PLACES. 460+ .. NewYork 459} . Jersey City 456} 450 Bergen Boiling Springs 2+ 9* 449} . . . Pat*rson 16* 437+ Godwinville 214 435} Hohokus 23+ 431} Ramsey's 27+ 427+ Suffern 81} 425} 494 llamapo Sloatsburg 33+ 35+ 4174 Sonthfields 41+ 415} . . .Greenwood 44 419+ Turner's 47 4094 . . . Monroe 49+ 407* 404} Oxford ... Chester 52 55 399} 395} Goshen . Hampton 59* 63+ 399+ Middletown 66f 3S8+ Howell's 70} 888J . . .Otisville 75+ 371} .Port Jervis 88 852* 348+ Shohola Lackawaxen 106} 110} 343 Mast Hope lie* 337+ Narrowsburg 122 898 f . . . Cochecton 130+ R'?3+ . Calllcoon 135} 316} ...Hankins 142+ 306} . .. Lo.'dville 158 300* 295} 287} 232} 267* 559 953} Stockport Hancock Hale'sEddy . . Deposit Susquehanna Great Bend Kirkwood 159 163+ 171+ 176* 192 200* 206 249* 244} Conklin Binghamton 210 214+ 039 . . . Hooper 220* 936} Union 223 229} . . an i] > ville 229+ 222} 213* Owego Smithboro 236* 246 210* . . Barton 248} 903} . . . Waverly 255* 199 200* 198} .... Wellsburg 206 186* K.I 1 1 1 i r ; i, 273 176* Big Flats 283 168* 167 Corning Painted Post 290} 292+ 157} Addison 301* 159} Rathboneville 306+ 145 Cameron 314+ 136} 139 Adrian Canisteo 327} 127} Hornellsville 331 + 1994 88ft) 118} . . Alfred 340+ 110* Andover 349 10U Genesee 357} 98 gcio 361} 93} Phillipsville 365 ' 90} 369 85} 373+ 77 . Cuba 382+ 70 Hinsdale 3S9} 644 Olean 394} 61 + Allegany 398 59} ... . Carrollton 407* 4<4 Great Valley 4104 88+ Little Valley 4-20} 81* Cattaraugus 428 21} 18} 19, Dayton Perrysburg Smith's Mills 437* 440* 447} 8 Forestville Dunkirk 451} 459* 899 KAILROADS TABLE OF DISTANCES. 'ennsylvania Central Railway. Pennsylvania Central Railway (Continued.) Mis. STATIONS. Mis. Philadelphia. Mis. STATIONS. Mis. 2 6 10 11 13 16 20 22 25 28 32 84 89 42 44 47 48 51 54 57 58 61 68 70 81 87 5 12 18 Philadelphia West Philadelphia 853 851 847 843 342 840 837 333 831 328 325 821 819 814 311 309 806 305 302 299 296 295 292 285 283 272 266 322 324 329 332 336 340 841 846 848 352 353 Greensburg . , Radebaugh'g 29 24 22 11 18 12 1 & 1 City Avenue White Hall Villa Nora Grapevflle Manor..... Eagle Irwin's Paoli Stewart's Walls Steamboat Brinton'a Wilkinsburg .... Oakland. East Liberty Gallagherville Coatesville Outer Station Pittsburg Chandler's Parkesburg Cleveland & Pittsburg Railway Standard of Time : Clock at Cleveland Depot. Penningtonville Christiana .... Gap Kinzer's Leamon Place Grordonville Bird-in-Hand Lancaster Dillerville Mount Joy o Mis. STATIONS. Mis. 8 14 20 26 W Clereland Newburg 150 142 186 131 124 118 112 108 102 99 94 87 84 81 79 75 69 64 53 54 51 276 271 264 ?W Bedford Upper Marietta ... ..Macedonia Hudson Earlville Distances from Altoona and Pittsburg tc eveland to Pittsburg. 88 42 49 52 57 63 66 69 71 75 81 87 92 95 99 Ravenna 95 96 106 111 120 123 133 138 143 148 154 166 173 178 188 191 202 208 214 219 221 22T 236 242 247 249 252 255 260 262 264 268 270 273 275 278 281 285 289 293 295 800 304 307 312 815 817 Intersection Middletown 258 257 247 242 233 230 220 215 210 205 199 187 180 175 165 162 151' 145 139 134 182 126 117 111 106 104 101 98 93 91 89 85 82 80 78 75 72 68 64 60 58 53 49 46 41 88 85 81 Atwater Lima Alliance Rockville Switch Nor. Central Crossing Duncanneo Aqueduct Bidicg Newport. M illerst own Thompsontown Tuscarora Mifflin Lewistown Winchester Bayard East R-ichester Hanover Summittville Salineville New Salisbury Hammondsville Yellow Creek Anderson's Siding M l Veyton Mount Union Huntingdon Petersburg Spruce Creek Birmingham Pittsburgh to Wheeling. 106 111 116 124 150 Smith's Ferry Pittsburg River Division. 44 40 34 26 Tyrone Fostoria Altoona Kittanning Point East E. of Tunnel Gallitzin Mis. 26 84 40 44 49 52 57 61 69 72 75 80 82 89 91 95 STATIONS. Mis. Cresson Lilly's Portage Pittsburg Rochester 95 69 61 55 51 46 43 SS 34 26 23 20 15 13 6 4j Willmore Summerhill S. Fork... . Mineral Point Smith's Ferry . . . Wellsvill* Dornock Point Yellow Creek Nineveh New Florence Jeddo Steubenville Bolivar Lagrange Blairsville Br Hillside Portland .... .. Martinsville Latrobe j .. ..Bridgeport... ) ... George's . . . ...Belle Air .. RAILROADS TABLE OF DISTANCES. 900 Baltimore & Ohio Railway. Illinois Central Railway. e g re Mis. 8 16 28 29 87 43 46 54 59 67 79 84 89 96 103 115 122 131 144 147 156 167 177 186 189 194 STATIONS. Mis. Baltimore to Wheeling. Mis. STATIONS. Mis. ng to Baltimore. Dunleith 4 4T 4-39 482 426 413 412 J55 gOl 896 388 In gee 3*59 852 340 8 33 324 811 208 299 288 878 268 269 266 261 257 248 230 226 217 104 194 189 181 172 165 155 142 186 128 118 112 02 98 91 85 76 s 49 86 24 20 16 12 8 Menomlnee Galena Council Hill 9 15 20 27 32 42 50 58 62 69 75 81 87 92 100 107 113 117 122 I2S 156 163 170 178 185 201 206 214 223 282 242 253 2CO 266 279 281 287 297 802 812 819 887 840 851 362 868 875 879 Baltimore 379 870 365 259 852 348 336 830 821 817 810 804 298 292 287 278 272 266 266 256 251 222 215 209 901 Washington J unction Ellicott's Mills Elysville Apple River. Marriotts ville Sykesville Warren Nora Mount Airy Lena. Monrovia Eleroy Freeport Foreston Buckeystown .... Berlin Polo Uuffields Dixon .... Kearneysville Amboy Sublette Mendota North Mountain Cherry Run Sleepy Creek Coal Track LaSalle Tonica Sir John's Run Wenona L. Cacapon Siding Green Spring Run '... ..Panola El Passo Cumberland Kappa Brady's Mill. .. . 194 178 173 163 156 147 187 126 119 113 100 97 91 82 77 67 60 42 89 28 17 11 4 "3 9 o O 1 198 207 219 225 230 288 251 261 266 274 283 290 800 318 819 827 337 843 858 857 864 870 879 892 899 407 420 432 436 440 444 447 455 .Hudson Bloomington Hey worth Wapella Clinton New Creek Piedmont Franklin Altamont Oakland Rowlesburg Tunnelton Moawequa Newburg Grafton Pana Oconee , Ramsey Vandalia Shobonnier Fetterman Valley Falls Benton's Ferry Fairmont Farmington Mannington Littleton Board Tree Tunnel Cameron Roseby's Rock Moundsville Patoka Sandoval Centralia Richview Ashley Coloma Tamaroa DuQuoin Wheeling DeSoto Carbondale i RIVEK, DIVISION. II P B Total Distance. Wetoug Ullin Pulaski Villa Ridge Mounds Cairo Ye , Me Je BM Mi nil Po Mi '( Be How Funct Coys ido, M 9* 20* 23i 28- SOi 37 39 43i 3reek, onto 1 6J Belleville and Illinoistown Railway. Trains leave Belleville for East St. Louis, and return! leave St. Louis for Belleville twice a day. Distance miles. Fare 50 cents. Horse Railroads. CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY CO. Chartered Fehi ary 14th, 1859. Office, Garrett Block, Chicago, Co Co. Officers B. F. Carver, Pres.; Henry Fulh Supt.; George W. Fuller, Sec. and Treas. 1 uben ngo J granj. sh Ri rtlanc rtins dgep )ppos lair ville 7J e, 3J n, 4J , 2i rille, 6i ite Wheeling, f 2 1 * 901 STEAM BOATS, TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES, ETC. THE PRINCIPAL CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, TOGETHER WITH PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. Indexed in connection with Railways, in Illinois and Roads connecting with the same, forming main lines East, West, North and South. NOTE. Reader, you will observe that the number affixed opposite to each City or Town in this Table, de- notes the page on which you will find the Table of Distances, and Stations of the Road (on or in connection with which) you can reach any given place most expeditiously. fW~ An asterisk * denotes a Telegraph Station. _JgJ CAPITAL LETTERS denote CITIES and TOWNS in other States. Abinpdon, 892 *Decatur, 900 *LITCHFIELD, 898 *Rock Island, 893 ADRIAN, Mich., 894 DeKalb, 895 *LONDON, Canada, 894 *Rockford, 805 *ALBANY, N. Y., 896 DeSoto, 900 *MANSFIELD, Ohio, 897 Rome, y.io *ALLIANCE, OHIO, 897*DETROIT, Mich., 894 Marengo, 895 Salem, 896 *AHon, 892 *Dixon, 895 MARSHALL, Mich., 897 *Sandoval, in HI *ALTOONA, Pa., 899 *DUNKIRK, N. Y., 894 *MASSILLON, Ohio, 897 Sandwich, S92 *ALTONA, 895 *DUBUQUE, Iowa, 895 *Mattoon, 897 *SCHENECTADY,N.Y.S96 Amboy, 900 *Dunleith, 895 Mechanicsburg, 892 * Sheffield,, 898 *ANN HARB'R, Mich., 897 *DuQuoin, 900 *Mendota, 892 Shipman, Si!.-, Arlington, 892 *Earl, 892 Menomonee, 900 Snachwine, 89:; *Atlanta, 895 *E. Burlington. 892 Meredosia, 893 Somonauk, S92 Auburn, 895 Eleroy, 900 *MICHI'N CITY, Ind., 897 *Springfleld, SM AUBURN, N. Y., 896 *Elgin, 895 *MILWAUKEE, Wis., 891 * Sterling, 895 *Aurora, 892*ELMIRA, N. Y., 898 Moline, 893 *ST. LOUIS, Mo., ^95 Aviston, *BALTIEORE, Md., 892 Foreston, 900 892 *FOND DU LAC, Wis.,892 *Monmouth, *MONROE, Mich., 892 Sublette, 894 *SUSP'N BRDGE.N. Y 9dO 894 Bardolph, 892 *FORT WAYNE, Ind., 897 Monticello, 89S *SYRACUSE, N. Y., 896 *BATAVIA, N. Y.. 896 *Freeport, 895 Morris, 893 Tacusa, 894 *BAT'LE CR'K, Mich., 897 *Fulton, 893 Morrison, 895 *Tmaroa, 900 Batavia, 892 * Galena, 895 *MUSCATINE, Iowa, 893 *TERRE HAUTE, Ind. 898 *BE AVER DAM, Wis., 893 *Galesburg, 892 *Naples, 892 *Tiskilwa, 893 *BELLAIR, Ohio, opp. Galva, 892 Neponset, 892 *TOLEDO, Ohio, 894 Wheeling, 900 Geneseo, 893 *N. BRIGHTON, Ohio, 897 Tolono, 897 Belvidere, 895 Geneva, 895 *OAKLAND,Pa., 899 *TORONTO, Ca., 894 Belleville, 898 *GENEVA, N. Y., 890 Oconee, 900 Towanda, 895 *BELOIT, Wis., 895 Gilman, 897 Odell, 895 Ulin, 900 *BENWOOD, Va., 900 *GRAFTON, Ohio, 900 *01ney, 896 *Urbana, 897 BINGH'PT'N, N. Y., 898 *HAMILTON, Canada, 894 Oquawka, 893 *UTICA. N. Y., S'.lfl Bloomington/ 895 *HARRISBUR'H, Pa., 899 *OSKOSH, Wis., 892 * VALPARAISO, Ind., 897 Brighton, 895 *HARPER'S F'Y, Va., 900 Oswego, 892 *Vandalia, 9i>0 Buda, 892 Harvard, 892 * Ottawa, 893 Villa Ridge, 9,00 *BUFFALO, N. Y., 894 *HORICON, Wis., 893 *Pana, 893 *VINCENNES, Ind., 896 BUFFINGTON, Mo., 891 Illinoistown, 895 *Paris, 998 *Virden, 895 *Bureau, 893 *IOWA CITY, Iowa, 893 Peoria, 893 *Wapella, 9(10 Bushr.ell, 892 *Jacksonville, 892 Peru, 893 Warren, 895 *Cairo, 897 *JANESVILLE, Wis., 892 *PHILADELP'A, Pa., 897 *WARSAW, Ohio, 897 Cameron, 892 * Joliet, 893 *PIEDMONT, Va., 900 *WASHINGTON,D.C., 892 *CANANDA'GA, N. Y. ,894 *KALAMAZOO, Mich.,897 *PITTSBURG, Pa., 897 Wataga, S',12 *Carlinville, 895 Kankakee, 897 Piano, 892 *WATERTOWN, Wis., 892 *Centralia, 897 Kappa, 900 PLYMOUTH, Ohio, 897 *Waukegan, S'.U Cerro Gordo, 892 Kewanee, 892 Pond Creek, 893 Wetaug, NO Chatham, 895 *LA CROSSE. Wis., 893 *Pontiac, 895 Wheaton, 892 Chicago, 891 LANCASTER, Pa., 899 PORTAGE C'Y, Wis., 893 *WHEELING, Va., 9(iO CINCINNATI, Ohio, 897 *LA PORTE, lad., 894 Princton, 892 Williamsville, 895 *CLEVELAND, Ohio, 894 *LaSalle, S93 Providence, 895 Wilmington, 895 *COLUMBUS, Ohio, 897 Lawrenceville, 896 Pulaski, 900 *WILMINGTON, Del., Si) 2 *CRESTLINE, Ohio , 897 * Lebanon, 396 Quincy, 892 Winfield, 892 *Danville, 892 *Lexington, 895 Ramsey, 900 *Woodstock, 802 *DAVENPORT, Iowa, 893 *LIMA, Ohio. 897 Rochester, Woosung, 900 Dawson, S92 *Lincoln, 895 ROCHESTER, N. Y., 896 *Xenia, <-9G ^ i > t ^ Young America, 892 STEAM BOATS, PACKETS, TRANSPORTATION COMPA- NIES. ETC. ETC. ALTON AND ST. LOUIS PACKET CO., J. J., Mitch- ell, Supt. AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION CO., Chicago, Buf- falo, New York and intermediate places, Charles E. Chase, Agt., Chicago. BUFFALO, CLEVELAND AND CHICAGO SCREW STEAMERS, Richmond & Co., Agts., Chicago. COLLINGWOOD LINE STEAMERS, Chicago, Cook Co., A. T. Spencer 4 Co., Gen. West. Agts. GALENA, DUBUQUE, DUNLEITH AND MINNESO- TA PACKET CO., Galena, Jo Daviess Co. Officers, Orin Smith, Pres.; J. R. Jones, Sec.; J. P. Farley, John Bell, F. Hinds, H. Corwith, B. H. Campbell, Orin Smith, R. Blakely, C. S. Harris and J. R. Jones, Directors. GREEN BAY STEAMERS, touching at intermediate points, weekly, A. E. Goodrich, Agt., Chicago. ILLINOIS RIVER PACKET CO. Office, St. Louis, Mo. MARINETTA, GRAND TRAVERSE AND CHICAGO, weekly, A. E. Goodrich, Agt., Chicago. MILWAUKEE, MANITOWOC AND TWO RIVERS STEAMBOAT LINE, daily, A. E. Goodrich, Agt., Chicago. MUSKEGAN STEAMBOAT LINE, Chicago, Grand Haven and Muskegan, tri-wrekly, A. E. Goodrich, A it., Chicago. NEW YORK AND WESTERN STATES TRANSPOR- TATION CO., W. Tanner, Special Agt,, Chicago, Cook Co. CHURCHES, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES, ETC. 902 NEW YORK CENTRAL R. R. LINE, to New York. Boston and Chicago, Richmond & Co., Agts., Chica- go; H. E. Sawyer, West. Pass, and Ticket Agt., Chi- cago. NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION CO., New York, Boston and Chicago via Ogdensburgh and Oswego, Mather & Co., Asrts., Chicago. OLD OSWEGO LINE TRANSPORTATION CO., James Peck & Co., Agts., Chicago. ST. JOSEPH, MOUTH KALAMAZO & HOLLAND, tri-weekly A. E. Goodrich, Agt., Chicago. SUPERIOR CITY STEAMBOAT LINE, Chicago, Mil- waukee and Lake Superior, A. T. Spencer & Co., Agts., Chicago. UNION LINE TRANSPORTATION CO., Chicago to St. Louis and intermediate points on Canal and River by canal boats and steamers on River. Office, No. 210 S. Water cor. S. Wells St., Chicago, F. J. Hurl- but, Agt., Chicago. Officers, John S. Chapin, Pres.; J. M. Adsit, Vice- Free.; L. C. Campbell, Sec. and Treas.; J. S. Chapin, P. J. Hurlbut, L. C. Campbell, J. M. Adsit and John Sears, jr., Directors. WESTERN TRANSPORTATION CO., Chicago, Buf- falo, New York and intermediate places, Jno. W. Tuttle, Agt., Chicago. TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. ILLINOIS AND MISSISSIPPI TELEGRAPH CO, I. D. Caton, Pres. and Gen. Supt., Ottawa; I. I. S. Wilson Div. Supt., St. Louis; E. D. L. Sweet, Div. Supt., Chicago ; Thos. Bassack, Sec., Ottawa, LINES CONNECTING. MILES. INTERMEDIATE OFFICES. Chicago and Janesville, Wis. Chicago and Centralia. Chicago and St. Louis, Mo. Chicago and Muscatine, Iowa. Chicago and Dubuque, Iowa. Chicago and Burlington City, Iowa. Chicago and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Cairo and Dunleith. LaSalle and Pekln. Quincy and Indiana State Line. 94 250 280 210 ISO 213 210 895 76 235 Palatine, Woodstock, Harvard, Sharon, Clinton. Calumet, Monee, Kankakee, Paxton, Urbana, Tolona, Mattoon, Effingham, Kinmundy, Odin. Joliet, Wilmington, Dwight, Odell, Pontiac, Chenoa, Lexington, Bloomington, Atlanta, Tuscola, Williamsville, Towanda, Shirley, Springfield, Chatham, Virden, Carlinville, Shipman, Brighton, Alton. Blue Island, Lockport, Morris, Ottawa, LaSalle, Peru, Bureau, Tiskilwa, Sheffield, Geneseo, Rock Island, Davenport. Harlem, Turner, Elgin, Marengo, Belvidere, Rockford, Paca- tonlca, Freeport, Galena. Batavia, Aurora, Sandwich, Mendota, Princeton, Wyanette, Buda, Kewanee, Galva, Altona, Galesburg, Monmouth, Burlington. Geneva, Blackberry, DeKalb, Lane, Dixon, Sterling, Fulton, Clinton, DeWitt, Mechanicsville. Pulaski, Jonesboro, Carbondale, DuQuoin, Ashley, Centralia, Sandoval, Yandalia, Pana, Decatur, Clinton, Wappella, Bloomington, El Paso, LaSalle, Mendota, Ainboy, Dixon, Polo, Freeport, Warren, Galer>a. Bureau, Henry, Lacon, Chillicothe, Peoria. Camp Point, Mt. Sterling, Meredosia, Naples, Beardstown, Jacksonville, Springfield, Mechanicsburg, Decatur, Bement, Tolono, Homer, Danville. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., Hiram Sibley, Pres. ; Isaac R. Ellwood, Sect'y and Treas., Rochester N. Y. ; Anson Stager, Gen. Supt., Cleveland, Ohio; Emery Cobb, Div. Supt., Chicago. CHURCHES, RELIGIOUS SOCITIES, &0. ILLINOIS BAPTIST PASTORAL UNION. Districts. RECAPITULATION. No. of Churches. No. of Ministers. Bloomfield, 22 12 President, J. H. Hazen. Bethel, 12 5 Big Saline, 14 9 Secretary, E. J. Thomas. Clear Creek, Carrollton, 19 25 9 13 Dixon, 14 12 Galesburg, 11 4 Fairfield, McLean, 22 15 1 8 Illinois River, 39 18 BAPTIST GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS. Chicago, 25 18 Springfield, 18 9 Franklin, 87 39 BOARD OF OFFICERS. Fox River, 23 18 South District, 21 14 l*re#idnt, N. W. Miner. Ottawa, 27 17 Rock Island, 14 9 Vice Presidents, P. Hagler, E. G. Miner, J. C. Bur- Quincy, 26 15 roughs, D. Read. Union of N. W. Rock River, Illinois. 12 19 10 15 Salem, 21 11 Secretary, A. J. Joslyn. Louisville, 83 17 Treasurer, L. D. Boone. Total, 464 903 CHURCHES, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES, ETC. Catholic Church, STATE OF ILLINOIS, Comprising two Dioceses as follows: DIOCESE OP ALTON. See of Quincy established 1854 ; transferred to Alton Jan. 9, 1867 ; comprising Illinois south of and including the Counties of Adams, Brown, Cass, Menard, San- gamon, Macon, Moultrie, Coles and Edgar. Bishop, Rt. Rev. Henry Juncker, D. D., first bishop, consecrated April 26, 185T. Secretary and Chancellor, Rev. John Menge. RECAPITULATION. The Diocese contains 71 churches and 63 stations, visited occasionally from adjoining churches. DIOCESE OF CHICAGO. Comprising Illinois north of the Counties of Adams, Brown, Cass, Menard, Sangamon, Macon, Moultrie, Coles and Edgar. Bishop Rt. Rev. James Duggan, D. D., consecrated Bishop of Antigone and Coadjutor to the Arch Bishop of St. Louis, May 8, 1857 ; transferred to Chicago Jan. 21, 1859. Vicar General Very Rev. Denis Dunn. Chancettoi Rev. John Higgiubotham. Secretary Rev. Thomas J. Butler, D. D. RKCAPITULATION. The Diocese consist of 70 churches and 22 stations, 65 clergymen, 1 college, 8 academies, 1 hospital and 2 Orphan Asylums. Congregational GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS. OFFICERS. Moderator Rev. Geo. S. F. Savage. Register Rev. Flavel Bascom. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, STATE OF ILLINOIS. There are four Conferences of this church in this State, which embraces a part of Missouri, divided as follows. Below we give the officers of each, together with a Recapitulation by Districts, showing the number of churches, &c. ILLINOIS CONFERENCE. President Bishop Matthew Simpson. Secretary Vincent Ridgely. ia M - A - He^es, 8 ~Hardin Wallace. RECAPITULATION BY DISTRICTS. Church Property. 3 3 1 1 1 | i 1 & CH gj Quincy District, 21 45,900 5 4,600 Griggsville District, Rushville District, 26 16 44,150 21,000 8 5 5,650 3,400 Jacksonville District, 21 51,800 9 11,100 Pleasant Plains District, 34 48,650 6 5,900 Springfield District, 16 41,006 8 8,800 Bloomington District, Decatur District, 18 19 26,950 26,550 6 6 5,500 4,620 Danville District, 22 54,100 9 5,650 Paris District, 29 43,900 6 3,350 German Work. Quincy District, 12 19,700 4 1,000 Beardstown District, 12 19,700 7 3,400 Missouri District, 18 19,200 5 2,200 Grand Total, 264 462,600 84 65,170 Last Year, 245 464,300 77 65,550 Increase, If 7 Decrease, 1,700 380 PEORIA CONFERENCE. President, Bishop Janes. Secretary, Rev. J. P. Brooks. Asst. Sec., Rev. J. S. Cumming. Zd Asst. Sec., Rev. E. Summers. RECAPITULATION. L'or. sec. ana Treaa. ev. M. B.. unuuesey. Clerk Rev. J. E. Roy. Church Property. Asst. Clerk Rev. J. A. Bent. aj cJ SUMMARY. "3 "a Name of Association. No. No . of Churches . DISTRICTS. 1 J Bureau Association, 1 1 3 e 3 Central Association, 2 E ,0 j$ Chicago Association, 8 * I o Cong'l Ass't'n of South'n HI., 4 Elgin Association, 5 C2 m m u Peoria District, 24 51.200 9 7,630 Fox River Union, 26 Macomb " 80 37,500 8 6,665 Geneseo Association, 7 Toulon, " 20 31,600 4 3,200 Illinois Association, LaSalle " 8 8,250 6 2,250 Rockford Association, 9 17 Monmouth " 20 2V,400 11 6,450 Rock Island " 17 40,100 9 7,150 Total, 186 Washington " 26 47,600 9; 5,500 Sn-eedish Mission District, 10 16,400 3 1,000 Total, 155 262,050 59 39,845 ROCK RIVER CONFERENCE, (embracing a portion of Wisconsin.) President Bishop Ames. Secretary J. H. Vincent. Asst. Sec.S. P. Denning. CHURCHES, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES, ETC. 904 RECAPITULATION BY DISTRICTS. Societies. Pastor, Minister, or Leader. Baptisms. o if Deaths. Present No. of Members. Church Property. DISTRICTS. Churches. Probable Value, i Parsonarges, Probable Value. Admiss Membel Canton, Peoria, Chicago, Henry, Pike County, Quincy, Isolated Hfer J. Melrose, Minister Thos. Storry, Pastor J. R. Hibbard, Pastor Chas. Davis, Leader A. P. Spencer, Leader G. Busmann, Minis'r nbers, 33 7 6 20 8 84 8T 116 14 13 125 Chicago, St. Charles, Rock ford, Galena, Mt. Morris, Ottawa, Joliet, Chicago German, Wisconsin " Burlington " Total, Last Year, Increase, Decrease, 20 18 18 20 24 16 15 15 16 15 18T.200 84,400 49,100 49,900 47,280 44,100 41,700 29,700 13,200 15,300 10 9 11 6 10 10 9 11 6 6 12,100 6,500 9,100 6,600 8,550 8,500 6,950 8,800 1,850 1,000 Total adult Baptised Members 839 The ministers of the Illinois Association are Rev. J. R. Hibbard, ordaining minister and superintendent ; Rev. Thomas Storry, Rev. James Melrose, and Rev. J. H. Ragatz, pastors; and Mr. J. I. Herrick and Mr. Gerhard Busmann, licentiates. 172 15T 511,880 615,800 88 . 86 63,450 73,600 15 103,920 2 10,150 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS CONFERENCE. President Bishop Ames. Secretary Rev. Moses Shephard. RECAPITULATION BY DISTRICTS. Church Property. 3 . Charleston ..Elizabeth , . Monmouth .Danville , .Quincy ..Ottawa ..Joliet . .Bloomington. . ..Mt. Sterling.. . . Griggsville . . . . . Peoria Coles ', Jo Daviess 1 Warren 1 Vermillion 1 Adams i LaSalle. 1 Will 1 McLean ] Brown { Pike ' Peoria ] 47. 8 ..N. Caledonia. , . St. Charles . . . Pulaski Kane 1 49. 50. 51. Of. 58. 54. B5, . . Cambridge . . . . .Carrollton ..Hillsboro . .Meredosia.... .. Shelby ville... . .Nauvoo ..Nashville Henry ' Greene '. Montgomery ' Morgan ! Shelby ' Hancock ' Washington ! M. ST. W. 59 . 80. *'>!. M ..Pittsfield ..Rock Island . . . .Montlcello . .New Boston.. . . Belvidere . .Lacon . .Woodstock ... Pike ' Rock Island ' Piatt ". i Mercer ! Boone ] Marshall i McHenry 1 M. 0. M. 07. . .Benton . . Naperville. ... . .Knoxville .... ..LaSalle Franklin ! DuPage ' Knox LaSalle TIME OF MEETING. First and third Mondays of each month. First Saturday in each month. First and third Mondays of each month. Monday next after full moon. Thursday evening on or before full moon. Saturday preceding full moon and Saint John's days. Tuesday on or before full moon. First and third Thursdays of each month. Saturday on or after full moon. Monday on or before full moon. Monday after each full moon. First Friday of each month. First and third Mondays of each month. Saturday on or before each full moon. Monday evening before each full moon. First and third Mondays of each month. First Monday in each month. Saturday on or before each full moon. Thursday on or before each full moon. Tuesday on or before each full moon. Saturday on or before each full moon. First and third Tuesdays of each month. Tuesday on or after each full moon. First Monday in each month. First and third Fridays of each month. Saturday on or before each full moon. Tuesday on or before each full moon. First and third Friday of every month. First and third Tuesday of every month. First and third Tuesday of every month. Second Thursday of every month. First and third Mondays of every month. First and third Fridays of every month. Friday on or before eace full moon. Saturday on or before each full moon. Tuesday on or before each full moon. Last Wednesday of each month. First and third Mondays of each month. Thursbay before each full moon. .Monday on or before each full moon. .Thursday on or before each full moon. .Saturday on or before each full moon. .Wednesday on or before each full moon. .Thursday on or before each full moon. .Saturday on or before each full moon. Thursday on or before each full moon. .Thursday after each full moon. Saturday on or before each full moon. . Saturday on or before each full moon. .First and third Mondays of each month. .Second Monday of each month. First Tuesday on or before each full moon, and every second Tuesday thereafter. Saturday on or before each full moon. .Tuesday before and after each full moon. .Wednesday on or before each full moon. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. 916 no. P. 0. ADDRESS. COUNTY. PLACB OF MEETING. 68. ..Nfples .Scott .Saturday on or after each full moon. 70. . . Hennepln .Putnam Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. 71. . .Springfield . Sangamon . .Second Monday after full moon. 72. . .Chester .Randolhh Saturday on or before each full moon. 78. ..Batavia .Kane Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. 74. . . Rockton . Winnebago , , . Tuesday on or before each full moon. 75. . .Roscoe . Winnebago , , . Tuesday on or before each full moon. 76 . . Garlic ville Macoupin Saturday on or before each full moon. 77. . . Paris .Edgar . .Wednesday on or before each full moon. 78. . . Waukegan .Lake , First and third Wednesdays in each month. 79. ..Carlyle .Clinton ..Second Monday of each month. 80. ..Whitehall .Greene ..Wednesday on or before each full moon. 81. ..Wheeling .Cook . .Saturday on or before each full moon. 82. . . Metamora . Woodford ..Monday before each full moon. 84. ..Clinton .DeWiU ..Friday on or before each full moon. 85. . . Pinckneyville .Perry . .Tuesday on or after each full moon. 86. . . Kaskaskia . . .Randolph .First and third Saturdays of each month. 87. . .Mt. Pulaskl .Logan , . Wednesday on or before each full moon. 88. ..Havana .Mason .First Monday in each month. 89. ..Marion .Williamson , Friday on or before each full moon. 90. . . Aurora .Kane , .First and third Tuesdays of each month. 91. . . Metropolis . Massac .Monday on or after each full moon. 92. . . Geneseo . Henry ..Friday on or before each full moon. 93. ..Toulon .Stark ..Monday on or before each full moon. 94. . . Jerseyville . Jersey 95. . . Perry .Pike .Saturday on or before each full moon. 96 ..Mt. Morris .Ogle First and third Saturdays of each month. 97. . . Freeport . Stephenson .Thursday on or before each full moon. 98. . . Washington .Tazewell Friday on or before each full moon. 99. . . Edwardsville .Madison , , .First and third Thursdays of each month. 100 ..Astoria .Fulton .Saturday on or before each full moon. 101. ..Upper Alton .Madison , .Monday befoje each full moon. 102. ..Rockford . Winnebago Tuesday on or before each full moon. 108. . . Magnolia .First and third Saturdays of each month. 104. . . Lewiston .Fulton , .Friday on or before each full moon. 105 . .Winchester .Scott Saturday on or before each full moon. 106. ..Timber .Peoria .Friday on or before each full moon. 107. ..Fayette Saturday before each full moon. 108. . . Versailles . Brown .Saturday on or after each full moon. 109. . . Trenton .Clinton .Thursday on or before each full moon. 110. . Lebanon .St. Clair Tuesday before each full moon. Ill . . Jonesboro .Union Saturday on or before each full moon. 112 . . Princeton .Bureau Tuesday on or before each full moon. 118. . . Keithsburg , .Mercer .Friday on or before each full moon. 114 . . Marcelline .Adams , Saturday on or before each full moon. 115. ..Fort Hill . Lake Saturday on or before each full moon. 116. . .Vermont .Fulton .Saturday after each full moon. 117 ..Elgin Kane Second and fourth Saturdays of each month. 118. . . Waverly . Waverly . Friday before each full moon, and the second Friday after. 119. ..Henry .Marshall Second and fourth Tuesday of each month. 122. . . Taylorville .Christian .Tuesday before each full moon. 128. . .Oquawka , , Henderson Tuesday on or before each full moon. 124. . .Morris , Grundy 125. . .Greenup .Cumberland 126. ..Pekin Tazewell .First and third Thursdays of each month. 127 . .Antioch Lake Thursday on or before each full moon. 128. ..Raleigh .Saline . Saturday on or before each full moon. 129 ..Greenfield .Greene Friday on or before each full moon. 130. ..Salem .Marion .Wednesday on or before each full moon. 131 . . Golconda .Pope Friday on or before each full moon . 132. . .Mackinaw , .Tazewell .First and third Thursdays of each month. 138 . .Marshall ,Clark Wednesday on or before each full moon. 184. ..Sycamore , .DeKalb .Friday on or before each full moon. 135 . .Lima , , Adams Wednesday on or before each full moon. 186. . . Hutsonville , .Crawford .Saturday on or before each full moon. 187. . .McLeansboro , Hamilton .Monday on or before each full moon. 138. , .Marengo , .McHenry .First and third Wednesdays of each month. 139. ..Geneva . Kane , ..First and third Wednesdays of each month. 140. . .Olney , , Richland Saturday on or before each full moon. 141. .Chicago , .Cook Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. 142. ..Sheffield .Bureau .First and third Thursdays of each month. 148. . . Richmond .McHenry .Tuesday on or before each full moon, and the first Mon- day thereafter. 144. ..DeKalb DeKalb .First and third Wednesday of each month. 145. . .Pecatonica Winnebago . Monday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 146. . .Lee Centre Lee .Friday before each full moon. 147 . . Clayton Adams Monday on or before each full moon. 148 , Bloomfield Edgar Tuesday on or before each full moon. 149. , . Ewington Effingham Friday on or before each full moon. 150 , .Vienna Johnson .Tuesday on or before each full moon. 151 ..Bunker Hill , Macoupin Thursday on or before each full moon. 152., .Fidelity , Jersey .Wednesday on or before each full moon. 153 . Ashley , Washington Second and fourth Mondays in each month. 154.. . Georgetown , .Vermillion .Tuesday on or before each full moon. 155 , . Galesburg Knox .Every Friday. 156., .Delavan Tazewell .Wednesday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 917 SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. NO. P. 0. ADDRESS. COUKTY. TIME OF MEETING. 15T.. .Urbana . Champaign First Saturday in each month. 158.. . McHenry .McHenry Saturday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter 159.. .Kewanee .Henry .'... Tuesday on or before each full moon. 161.. .Tirden , Wednesday on or before each full moon. 162.. .Sparta .Randolph First Saturday in each month. 163.. .Westfield .Clark Thursday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 164.. . Lawrenceville ... .Lawrence Second and fourth Mondays of of each month. 165.. .Atlanta .Logan Monday before each full moon. 166.. .Rockford .Winnebago First Friday of every month, and third Friday, from October until April. 168.. .Milford ... .Iroquois Thursday on or before each full moon. 169.. . llerona .McHenry Monday on or before each full moon, and the next Monday thereafter. 170.. . Freeport .Stepheason Monday on or before each full moon . in.. .Girard . Macoupin Monday on or before each full moon, and the second Monday thereafter. 172.. . Waynesville .DeWitt Saturday on or before each full moon. 178.. . Cherry Valley .Winnebago Second and fourth Fridays of each month. 174.. .Lena . Stephenson Wednesday on or before each full moon . 175.. .Joliet .Will Tuesday on or after the full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 176 .Mendota .LaSalle Second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. 177 .Staunton 178.. .Amboy .Lee First and third Mondays of each month. 179.. .Paradise .Coles Friday on or before each full moon. 180.. . Mowequa .Shelby Saturday on or before each full moon. 181.. .Sullivan .Moultrie Monday on or before each full moon. 182.. .Chicago . Cook First and third Thursdays in each month . 188.. .Earlville .LaSalle Saturday on or before each full moon. 185.. . Abingdon .Knox Tuesday on or before each full moon, and every second Tuesday thereafter. 186.. .Kock Island . Rock Island Saturday on or before each full moon. 1ST .Polo .Ogle Every Wednesday. 188.. .Mount Carroll .Carroll Tuesday on or before each full moon, and every second Tuesday thereafter. 189.. .Fulton City .Whitesides Monday on or before each full moon . 190.. . Dundee .Kane First and third Fridays in each month. 191' .Xenia .Clay Monday on or before each full moon. 192.. .Farmington .Fulton Saturday before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 193.. .Pontoosac Monday on or before each full moon . 194.. . Harding .LaSalle Saturday on or after each full moon. 195.. .LaHarpe .Hancock Saturday before each full moon. 196.. . Louisville .Clay Wednesday after each full moon . 197.. .Kane .Greene Wednesday on or before each full moon, and every second Wednesday thereafter from first Sept. to first of March. 198.. . Grand View .Edgar Tuesday on or before each full moon. 199 . Homer .Champaign Tuesday on or before each full moon. 200.. . Gray ville .White Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. 201.. . Centralia .Marion First and third Fridays of each month. 202.. . Sterling . . .' .Whitesides First and third Tuesdays of each month. 203.. .WilliamsTille . Sangamon Saturday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 204.. .Flora .Clay Wednesday on or before each full moon. 205.. .East Paw Paw .DeKalb Thursday on or before each fell moon. 206 .Fairfield . Wayne Second and fourth Saturdays of each month. 207.. . Tamaroa -Perry Friday on or before each full moon. 208.. . Wilmington .Will , Wednesday on or before each full moon, and every 2nd Wednesday thereafter. 209.. .Chicago Cook Second and fourth Saturdays of each month. 210 .Lincoln .Logan First and third Saturdays in each month, except in June and December, when the second meeting is on St. John's day. 211.. . Chicago .Cook First and third Thursdays in each month. 212.. . Shipman ..Macoupin Tuesday on or before each full moon. 213.. .Ipava . . Fulton Wednesday on or before each full moon. 214.. . Gillespie 215.. .Venice ..Madison , 216 . Newton Jasper , Saturday on or before each full moon. 217 . Mason . Effingham Wednesday on or before each full moon. 218.. .New Salem .Pike Wednesday on or before each full moon. 219., .Oakland ..Coles Friday on or before each full moon. 220.. .Middletown .Champaign Monday on or before each full moon. 221 .Leroy , . . McLean , , Tuesday on or before each full moon, 222.. . Chillicothe , . . Peoria Monday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 228. . .Edgington , .Rock Island Wednesday before each full moon. 224., . Santa Anna .De Witt Wednesday on or before each full moon. 225. . .Kankakee . Kankakee Wednesday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 226. ..Pana .Christian , , Thursday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 227. . . Columbus .Adams , Monday on or before each full moon . 228. . .Lovington ..Moultrie Thursday on or before each full moon. 229. ..Manchester , ..Scott , Tuesday on or before each full moon. 830. ..New Haven ..Gallatin SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. 918 so. P. 0. ADDRESS. COUNTT. TD Or MEETISO. 231. ..Wyanett .Bureau , Second and fourth Fridays of each month. 232. . . Pelouia .Massac Saturday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 233. . .Blandinville . McDonough First and third Tuesdays of each month. 234. . . Duquoin .Perry Thursday on or before each full moon. 235. ..Dallas City .Hancock Saturday on or before each full moon. 236. ..Litchfield .Montgomery Wednesday on or before each full moon. 237 ..Cairo .Alexander First Tuesday in each lunar month. 238. ..Hamilton .Hancock Tuesday on or before each full moon. 239 . . Mt. Carmel .Wabash Tuesday on or before each full moon. 240. . . West Urbana .Champaign First and third Mondays in each month. 241. . . Carbondale .Jackson Sal urday on or before each full moon. 243. ..Galva . Henry Saturday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 244. ..Lane -Ogle First and third Tuesdays in each month. 245. . .Greenville .Bond 246. . . Panola .Woodford Thursday on or before each full morn. 24T. . .Minonk .Woodford Wednesday on or before each full moon. 248. . . Prairie City .McDonough First Tuesday of each month. 249. . . Brighton . Macoupin , Monday on or before each full moon. 250. . . Robinson . Crawford , , Thursday on or before each new and full moon. 251. . .Heyworth .McLean 252 ..Aledo .Mercer Tuesday on or before each full moon. 253 ..Avon v .Fulton , First and third Thursdays in each month. 254 ..Aurora .Kane , Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. 255. . .Bear Creek .Montgomery 256. . .Algonquin .McHenry Wednesday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 257. . . Warsaw . Hancock Saturday on or before each full moon. 258 ..Bonus .Boone 259. . . Carter .Sangamon Saturday on or before each full moon . 260 , . Mattoon .Coles First and third Wednesdays of each month. 261 . . Amon .De Witt Tuesday on or before each full moon. 262. . . Channahon .Will First and third Tuesdays of each month. 263 .Peoria .Peoria Frst Tuesday of each month. 264. . . Franklin Grove .Lee Saturday on or befcue each full moon. 265. ..Dallas .Vermillion .... 276. , .Kingston . Adams First and third Saturdays after each full moon. 267. ..La Prairie Adams Monday on or before each full moon. 268. ..Paris .Edgar Thursday on or after each full moon. 269. . . Wheaton .DuPage Wednesday before and after each full moon. 270.. . Arlington .Bureau. Wednesday on or before each full moon. 271. . . Chicago .Cook Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. 272. , .Carmi .White Tuesday on or before each full moon . 273 .Galena .Jo Daviess , First and third Tuesdays of each month. 274., .. Byron .Ogle Thur day on or before each full month. 275 ..Milton .Pike Tuesday on or before each full moon. 276.. . Ehzabethtown .Hardin , First Monday of each month. 277 . . Chicago .Cook Second and fourth Fridays of every month. 278., , . Warren .Jo Daviess First and third Tuesdays of every month. 279.. .Noga . Cumberland Thursday on or before each full moon. 280.. ..Kansas .Edgar Wednesday on or before each full moon. 281.. , . Martinsville .Clark , Saturday on or before each full moon. 282.. .Melugin's Grove .Lee , Wednesday on or before each full moon. 283.. . Sandwich. .DeKalb Friday on or before each full moon. 284 .Alton 285., .Catlin Vermillion Second and fourth Mondays of each month. 286.. . Plymouth .Hancock Saturday on or before each full moon. 287 ,.De Soto .JacVson , Saturday on or before each full moon. 288.. .Genoa .DeKalb Wednesday on or before each full moon. 289.. , . Middleport .Iroquois First and third Thursdays of each month. 290.. .Mound City .Pulaski , Wednesday on or before each full monn. 291., .Wataga .Knox First and third Wednesdays of each month. 292 . Chenoa .McLean Saturday on or before each full moon . 293., . Prophetstown .Whitesides First and third Saturdays of each month. 294.. . Pontiac .Livingston Tuesday on or before each full moon. 295.. . Breckinridge .Hancock Saturday on or before each full moon . 296 .Quincy .Adams , First and third Fridays of each month. 297., . Camp Point .Adams Thursday before each full moon. 293 . Wauconda .Lake Thursday on or before each full moon. 299., . Mechanicsburg .Sangamon , Friday before each full moon. 300.. .Hanover .Jo Daviess First and third Saturdays of each month. 301.. .Court land .DeKalb First and third Saturdays of each month. 802.. . Duraml .Winnebago Fi>-st Thursday of each month . 303.. .Oswego .Kendall First and third Wednesdays of each month. 804.. .Utica , LaSalle Tuesday on or before each fnll moon. 805.. .Onarga , .Iroquois Tuesday on or before each full moon, and every second Tuesday thereafter. 306 .Eureka , , Woodford Tuesday on or before each furl moon. 807.. .Bushnell .McDonough Saturday on or before each full moon. MB.. .Chicago , Cook First Thursday of each month . 809.. . Harvard .McHenry First and third Mondays of each month. 310.. .Chicago Cook Second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. 311.. .Chicago Cook First and third Thursdays of each month. 812.. .Decatur Macon 813.. .York . Crawford Tuesdays on or before each new and each full moon. 814.. .Palatine .Cook First and third Tuesdays of each month . 315 .Alton Madison Second Wednesday on or before each full moon . 316.. .Oakulla .Iroquoia First and third Saturdays of each month. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. HO. P. 0. ADDRESS. COUNTY. TIME OF MEETING. SIT... New Liberty Pope Saturday on or after each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 318... Augusta Hancock Tuesday on or before each full moon. 319.. .Moline Rock Island Wednesday on or before each full moon. 820.. .Malta DeKalb Second and fourth Thursdays of each month. 321... Morrison Whitesides Monday on or before each .full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 882. ..Windsor Shelby Tuesday on or before each full moon, and every two weeks thereafter. 823. ..Lisbon Kendall Each alternate Monday. 324. . .Waukegan Lake Second and last Tuesdays of each month. 325.. .Harrisburg Saline Saturday after each full moon. 826...Chemung McHenry First and third Wednesdays of each month. 827... Industry McDonough Thursday on or before each full moon. 828...Grafton McHenry Second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. U.D.. Marine Madison First and third Saturdays of each month. tJ.D. .Mount Erie Wayne First and third Saturdays of each month. U.D.. Durham...'. Hancock Tuesday on or before each full moon, U.D.. Kingston Peoria First and third Tuesday of each month. U.D.. Cedar Bluff i... Johnson Saturday before each full moon. U.D..New Columbia Massac Thursday on or before each full moon. U.D..Polo Ogle First Thursday of every month. U.D . . Fairview Fulton First and third Tuesday of each month. tJ.D . . Belraville Jersey U.D . . Springfield Sangamon Second Thursday in each month . U.D . . Union McHenry U.D . . Chicago Cook First and third Tuesdays of each month. The Lodges U. D. occur in succession, as follows* Marine, Mount Erie, Durham, Eddy, Saline, New Colum- bia, Arcturus, Fairview, Full Moon, Tyrian, Orion, Wabansia. OFFICERS OF OTHER ORAND BODIES. GRAND ENCAMPMEFT KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. M. E. Sir Benjamin B. French Washington, D. C Grand Master. M. E. Sir David Goodloe Lexington, Ky Deputy Grand Master. M. E. Sir Winsiow Lewis Boston, Mass Grand Generalissimo. M. E. Sir James V. Z. Blaney Chicago, 111 Grand Captain General . M. E. SlrS. G. Risk New Orleans, La Grand Recorder. GRAND COMMANDERY OF ILLINOIS. M. E. Sir Josiah Hunt Alton Grand Commander. V. E. Sir Hosmer A. Johnson Chicago Deputy Grand Commander. V. E. Sir Nelson D. Etwood Joliet Grand Generalissimo. V. E. Sir Frank K. Hulburd , Morris Grand Captain General. V. E. Sir William H. Turner Chicago Grand Recorder. GRAND COUNCIL OF ILLINOIS. Th. 111. Charles W. Matheny Springfield Grand Puissant. D. 111. George W. Deering Chicago Deputy Grand Puissant. 111. F. M. Blair Paris Gr. Thrice Illustrious. 111. James H. Hibbard Alton Gr. Prin. Cond. Work. HI. H. G. Reynolds Springfield Grand Recorder. GENERAL GRAND CHAPTER. M. E. Comp. Albert G. Mackey Charleston, S. Gen. Gr. High Priest. M. E. Comp. John L. Lewis Penn Yan, N. Y D. G. Gr. High Priest. M. E. Comp. Ira A. W. Buck Aurora, 111 General Grand King. M. E. Comp. Giles M. Hillyer , Miss General Grand Scribe. M. E. Comp. Samuel G. Risk New Orleans, La General Grand Secretary. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF ILLINOIS, I. 0. 0. F. This Body was organized July 24th, 1850, at Peoria, and has since held its meetings at the same times and places with the Grand Lodge. It has now forty-eight subordinates. Their memberships, as reported July 1st, 1S59, was 1,057; their total revenue $3,113.73 ; and the relief extended by them during the year was $342.10. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. 920 The regular sessions of the Grand Encampment are at Springfield, in the Evening of the second Tuesday of October, until October, I860. The following are the GRAND OFFICERS: Henry S. Heir M. W. G. Patriarch Bloomington. Chester S. Woodward M. E. G. High Priest Henry. Alvah Wheeler R. W. G. Senior Warden Knoxville. Samuel Willard R. W. G. Scribe and Treasurer Bloomington. Benjamin L. Patch R. W. G. Junior Warden Mt. Carroll. H. G. Anderson I R. W. Grand Reps, to the ) Peoria. N. P. Inglehart | R. W. G. L. U. S. f Chicago. Andrew Tauber W. G. Sentinel Chicago. SUBORDINATE ENCAMPMENTS I. 0. 0. F. NO. 1.. 4 NAMS. ..Wildey ..Allen TOWN. ..Alton .Quincy COUSTT. Madison i Adams 5 ..Lead Mine ..Galena , , Jo Daviess 1 7.. 8 ..Mt. Vernon . .Beardstown Collinsville Cass : Madison .... ... 9 . . Ridgely . . Jacksonville Morgan 10.. 11 ..Chicago . . Sirion ..Chicago , . . Mt. Carmel Cook : Wabash Rock Island Rock Island .... 18 ..Wauponsie ..St. Charles Kane 14 Equality Gallatin ... . 15 . Peoria Peoria 16.. 17 . . Prairie State ..Star ..Springfield ..Canton Sangamon .Fulton 18.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 25.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29.. SO ..Chester ..., . .Jerseyville ..Paris . . Aurora ..Western Star . . Marquette ..Griggsville . . Rounseville ..McLean . .Duquoin . . Jerseyville , ..Paris , ..Aurora . . Belvidere ..LaSalle ..Griggsville ..Knoxville . . Bloomington Blackberry Station . Perry Jersey Edgar Kane Boone LaSalle Pike Knox McLean Kane 81.. ..Barry . . Central ..Six Mile . . Leroy Madison ! McLean ! 83 Ottawa LaSalle 84.. 85.. 36.. 87.. 88.. 89.. 40.. 41.. 42.. 48.. 44 ..Shinn ..Marshall . Bureau ..Decatur . . Ellison . .Washington ..Germania ..Boone . . Trumbull . . Caledonia . . Havana . . Henry . . Princeton ..Decatur ..Hillsboro . .Macomb ..Chicago ..Lincoln ..Carlinville ..Mt. Carroll . . Rockford Mason : , Marshall Bureau Macon Montgomery McDonough Cook : Logan Macoupin Carroll Winnebago 45.. 46.. 47.. 48.. Egypt ..Marsh . . Abingdon ..Metropolis ..Danville ..Abingdon , ..Kankakee.. . Massac Vermillion Knox : ...Kankakee .. . TIME OF MEETING. Second and Fourth Friday. First and Third Thursday. Second and Fourth Friday. First and Third Wedensday. First and Third Saturday. First and Third Friday. First and Third Friday. First Monday. First and Third Friday. Second and Fourth Wednesday. First and Third Friday. First and Third Saturday. Second and Fourth Wednesday. Second and Fourth Monday. First and Third Wednesday. First and Third Tuesday. First and Third Thursday. Second and Fourth Wednesday. First and Third Tuesday. First Saturday. Second and Fourth Tuesday. Second and Fourth Wednesday. Second and Fourth Wednesday. Second and Fourth Saturday. Second and Fourth Friday. Second and Fourth Tuesday. First and Third Thursday. First and Third Friday. First and Third Monday. Second and Fourth Thursday. First and Third Tuesday. First and Third Thursday. First and Third Monday. Second and Fourth Wednesday. Second and Fourth Thursday .j First and Third Friday. First and Third Wednesday. Second and Fourth Saturday. First and Third Wednesday. I. 0. 0. F. The Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows was organized August 22d, 1S8S, by the founder of the Order in America, Past Grand Sire Thomas Wildey. Its location was at Alton. It now has under its jurisdiction 265 working Lodges, with a membership in July last of 10,299 members. The number entitled to membership in the Grand Lodge was 2,048, and the total revenue of the Order in this State for the year ending July 1st, 1859, was $57,605.11. The amount paid in relief for the same year was $13,420.16. The Grand Lodge was incorporatad by the Legislature by an act bearing date February 8th, 1849. The Grand Lodge holds its Annual Session at Springfield, on the second Tuesday of October. The Grand Secretary's office is at Bloomington. The Grand Officers, till October, 1860, are as follows : B. J. F. Hanna M. W. Grand Master Alton. John P. Foss R. W. Deputy Grand Master Chicago. A. H. Marschalk R. W. Grand Warden Jonesboro. Samuel Willard R. W. Grand Secretary Bloomington. James Jarckson R. W. Grand Treasurer Jacksonville. W. Duff Green, P. G. M R. W. Grand Representative Mt. Vernon. H. W. Griswold, P. G. M R. W. Grand Representative : Freeport. T. S. Bartholomew Rt. Rev. Grand Chaplain Belvidere. Joel W. Smull W. Grand Marshal DeKalb. Eugene M. Wisewell W. Grand Conductor > Concord. Barclay C. Gillam W. Grand Guardian Rushville. Alexander G. Anderson W. Grand Herald Quincy. 921 SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. I. O. O.F. LIST OP LODGES OF THE I. O. 0. F. OF ILLINOIS, WITH THEIB LOCATION AND TIME OF MEETING Defunct Lodges are included in the list, and marked * ; Lodges marked t are not working, though not yet declared defunct. The defunct and non- working Lodges are Nos. 1, 7, 8, 26, 27, 32, 56, 60, 62, 67, 94, 130, 150, 168, 169, 175 and 185. Lodges whose names are in small capitals (Nos. 58,113,166,200, 219, 221 and 239,) work in the German language. Names of Post Offices in italics (Nos.S, 146, 150 and 151) indicate that the name of the place where the Lodge la held is different from that of the Post Office. Name. Time Name Timt No. of P. 0. Address. County. Qf No. of P. 0. Address County. of Lodge. Mfg. Lodge. Mtg. 1. Wstern Star*Alton .Madison... . . Def 77. .RemembranceBloomington .McLean.... . Tu 2. Alton Alton .Madison.. .. ...W 78. . Spoon River . Ellisville .Fulton... W 8. Clark Greenville Bond ..Sat 79. .Vermont Vermont .Fulton .. W 4. Illinois Jacksonville .Morgan. .. ..Tu 80. . Richview .... Rich view . Washington . Sat 5. Wildey Galena .Jo Daviess.. ..Mo 81. .Naperville ..Naperville .DuPage ..W 6 Sangamon . . . Springfield .Sangamon . .. Tu 82 . Coucord Concord W 7. Jefferson* ...Belleville .St. Clair... . Def 83. .Amicitia Naples ... .Scott ..M 8. Washington*. Springfield .Sangamon.. ..Def 84. . Columbus Columbus .Adams ..Sat 9. Union Chicago .Cook ..Th 85. . Dallas Ewington .Effingham. - . Sat 10. Shawnee Shawneeto wn . . . . Gallatin M 86. . Cho'n FriendsMetropolis City . Massac Tu 11 ' Duane Chicago .Cook .. Tu 87. . Six Mile Venice . Madison . . . W 12 Quincy Quincy .Adams . ..Tu 88 . Lacon Lacon .Marshall. . . . Th 13. .Marion Mt. Vernon . Jefferson . . . .. Sat 89. .Tonnaluka... Princeton . Bureau . ...W 14. St. Charles ..St. Charles .Kane .. Fr 90. . Kickapoo .... Charleston .Coles ..Sat 15. Olive BranchCanton .Fulton .. Fr 91. .Edgar Paris .Edgar .Sat 16. Ark Beardstown .Cass ..Tu 92. .Arcadia Arcadia .Morgan . Sat 17. Galena Galena .Jo Daviess. . ..Tu 93. .Hicks Waverly .Morgan ..Th 18. Rockllsland . . Rock Island . Rock Island ... M 94. .Oregon* Oregon .Ogle . Def 19. Hebron Equality .Gallatin ..Sat 95 . Pittsfield Pittsfield .Pike Fr 20. Prairie Russellville .... .Lawrence. . . Sat 96. .Stark Toulon .Stark .. Tu 21. Columbia Peoria .Peoria .. Tu 97. .Perry Tamaroa .Perry . Sat 22. Excelsior ....Chicago . :.... .Cook ...W 98. . Olive Clinton .DeWitt . ..W 23. Desplains. . . .Lockport .Will Th 99. . Opal Gray ville .White . Tu 24. Friendship. . .Rushville .Schuyler.. . .. W 100. .Jeptha Clayton .Adams Sat 25. Neilson Troy .Madison.. .. ..Sat 101. .LaSalle LaSalle .LaSalle .. Th 26. Waukegant. . Waukegan .Lake ... t 102 . Arcanus Brimfield .Peoria Sat 27. Waterloot. . .Waterloo .Monroe . Def 103. . Bainbridge. . . Momence .Kankakee.. . Sat 28. Big Thunder. Belvidere- .Boone . . Tu 104. .Prairie State. Waynes ville ... .DeWitt . . Tu 29. Powhan .Joliet .Will . ..W 105. . Sycamore Sycamore .DeKalb . Eat 80. Winnisheek. .Freeport . Stephenson . . .. W 106. .Hutsonville ..Hutsonville . Crawford . . . ..W 81. Winnebago . . Rockford .Winnebago. ...M 107. . Macoupin. . . . Carlin ville .Macoupin. . . ..M 32. Immanuelt . .LawrencevUle. . . .Lawrence. . . ... t 108. .Metropolitan. Centralia . Marion .We 33. Hardin Elizabeth .Jo Daviess. . Sat 109. .Fort Clark... Peoria .Peoria ...M 84. Mokena Peru .LaSalle.... ...M 110. . Montelona. . . Richmond .McHenry. .. .Sat 35. Wabash Mt. Carmel .Wabash .. Sat 111. . Samaritan . . . Fairfleld . Wayne ..Th 36. Marquette . . . Quincy .Adams ...Fr 112. .Astoria Astoria .Fulton ...M 87. . Nashville .... Nashville . Washington ..Tu 113. . WATCHTowERRock Island .Rock Island ..Th 38. .Erie Carlyle .Clinton ..Sat 114. .Mt. Olive Salem .Marion ..Tu 39. Dixon Dixon .Lee . ..Tu 115. . Postoosac . . . Pontoosac . Hancock ..Sat 40. . Montgomery. Hillsboro . Montgomery ..Sat 116. .Atlanta Greenup .Cumberland. ..Sat 41. . Ottawa Ottawa .LaSalle .. Th 117. . Okaw Shelby ville .Shelby .. Fr 42. . Palestine Palestine .Crawford.. . .. Th 118. . Hennepin Hennepin .Putnam ..Sat 43. . Madison Collinsville .... . Madison . . . . ..Sat 119. .St. Clair Lebanon .St. Clair .We 44. . Memento Farmington . Fulton .. Fr 120. .Miriam Arenzville .Cass . Sat 45. . Waubansie . . Aurora .Kane .. W 121. .Franklin Franklin. .Morgan ..Sat 46. .Edwardsville.Edwardsville.. . .Madison ...M 122. . Friends Vandalia .Fayette ..Sat 47. .Kane Elgin . Kane ...M 123. . Salem Petersburg .Menard Tu 48. .Covenant Pekin .Tazewell... .. W 124. . Crawford Robinson . Crawford . . . . Sat 49. .Bethel Bethel .Morgan.... . Sat 125. .Bath Bath .Mason ...M 50. .Carroll Mt. Carroll .Carroll ...M 126. .Mt. Pleasant. Santa Anna .DeWitt .Sat 51. .Fulton Lewiston .Fulton ...M 127. .Marcelline...Marcelline .Adams ...M 52. . Sparta Sparta .Randolph. .. .. Tu 128. . Wethersfield . Kewanee .Henry ...M 63. . Jersey ville. . . Jerseyville .Jersey ..Th 129. .Diligence .. .Prince ville .Peoria .We 54. . Empire Elizabethtown . . .Hardin ..Sat 130. . Corneaut. . . . Elm Point .Bond ...t 65. .Chicago Chicago .Cook ... M 131. .Center Lee Center .Lee . We 56. . Elysium* Mt. Morris -Ogle . Def 132. .Amity Murphy sboro . . . .Jackson.. .. . Sat 57. . Chester Chester . Randolph . . ..Th 133. .Moline Moline .Rock Island. . .Tu 58. . ROBERT BmMChicago .Cook .. Tu 134. .Martinsville..Martinsville .Clark . . Tu 59. .Rock River . .Rockton .Winnebago. ..Sat 135. .Colfax Roscoe .Winnebago.. ..Th 60. . Guardian* . . . Woodstock .... .McHenry... ..Def 136. .Augusta Augusta .Hancock.. .. ..Sat 61. .Mendon Mendon .Adams ...W 137. .McHenry McHenry .McHenry... . Th 62. . Georgetown *Georgetown . . . .Vermillion. . ..Def 188. .Meredosia....Meredosia .Morgan . . Th 63. . Marshall Henry .Marshall... ... W 139. .Urbana Urbana .Champaign.. ..Tu 64. . Eureka Marshall .Clark .. Sat 140. . Social Rockford .Winnebago.. .. Fr 65. .Decatur Decatur . Macon . ..Tu 141. .Glenn Oswego .Kendall ..Tu 66. . Magnolia .... Magnolia .Putnam.. .. ...Tu 142. . Galesburg . . . Galesburg .Knox . ..M 67. . Woodward* . Como .Whitesides.. . Def 143. .Mason Havana .Mason ..Tu 68 Saxon Virginia Cass M 144. . Tazewell Washington .Tazewell.. . . M 69. . Danville Danville .Vermillion.. ...Fr 145! .MilitaryTractMacomb .McDonough. . Tu 70. . Pioneer Winchester .Scott . ..Fr 146. . Shawbeenee. . Tyler .Winnebago.. ..Sat 71. . Hancock . . . .Warsaw .Hancock.. . .. M 147. . Snatchwine . . Tiskil wa .Bureau . Sat 72. .Irene Versailles .Brown .. . .? 148. . Portland, Prophetstown . . . .Whitesides.. .We 73 .Pike Grige^ville . Pike M 149. .Leroy Leroy .McLean ..Th 74. . Middleport . . Middleport .Iroquois. .. . . ..Tu 150. .Coloma*.. ..Dubois .Washington.. .Def 75. .Star Morris . Grundy .... .. Fr 151. .Bloomfield... Ulm . Adams ,. Th 76. . Principle Perry . . , .Pike... ..Th 152. . Pacific Mahomet . . Champaign.. ..Sat CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 922 No. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157 Name of Lodge. Nebraska Sylvan DeKalb P. O. Address. Mackinaw Time County, of Meg, Tazewell ....... M No. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. Name of P. O. Addrest. Lodge. Howard Kankakee City .. WlLH'LMTBLLjoliet Trav'lrs'Rest . Gillespie County. Kankakee . . Time of Meg. ....M Milledgeville. . . . DeKalb Carroll DeKalb .Si .Tu Will Macoupin. . Cook Kane Fulton Alexander. .. Tu ..Tu ..We ...Fr ..Tu .. Th Henderson.. Knoxville... Henderson Knoxville Knox Knox . Tu ..Fr HARMONIA . ..Chicago Kishwaukee .Blackberry Sta.. Avon Avon Alexander. . .Cairo 158. Moultrie. . .. Beaucoup. . . Sullivan Pinckneyville ... Moultrie.. .. Perry . Tu . We 223. 224. 160. 161. 162. 163 Warren Newton Newark Central Citv Monmouth Newton Newark Peoria Warren Jasper Kendall Peoria... . ..M .Sat . Th 225. 226. 227. 228. 228. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 285. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. I'iatt Monticello Scottville Scottville Benevolent . . Whitehall Piatt Macoupin.. Greene. . .. ...Fr ..Tu ...Th Oneida Oneida Illinois City.. Illinois City Hic'ry Grove. Lane Vesper West Urbana Hope .Duquoin Carbondale...Carbondale Griggsville . . . Griggsville Ursa Ursa Aledo Aledo Eagle Durand Exeter Exeter FREEPORT Freeport Albion Albion Southern Jonesboro Williams Spring Garden.. Urania Jacksonville .... Wyoming . . . . Wyoming Knox Sat Rock Island... Sat Ogle Th Champaign. . . Sat Perry Sat .Jackson Th .Pike Th .Adams Fr Mercer Th W innebago Tu Scott Sat Stephenson M Edwards . - -We 164.. Savanna 165.. Edgington .. 166..TKUTONIA... 167.. Valley 168..Tremont*... 169.. Jackson*... 170.. Black Hawk 171.. Little Rock . 172..Geneseo 173..Pecatonica.. 174.. Sterling 175..Elkhorn*... 176. .Logan 177..Pocahontas. 178 . . Crvstal F'nt Savanna Edgington Carroll Rock Island. Sangamon. . . Winnebago. . .Tazewell.. .. ..Sat .Sat .We . .Tu .Def .Def .We . Sat ..Tu ..Sat ...Fr .Def .We .Sat ..Tu Springfield Cherry Valley . . . Tremont Walshville Rock Island Little Rock Geneseo Pecatonica Sterling Elkton Atlanta Pocahontas Dover . . . Montgomery .Rock Island. .Kendall .Henry .Winnebago.. .Whitesides.. Washington. .Logan .Bond Bureau .Union Jefferson... Morgan. . . . .?tark .. We ....Fr ...Th ..Fr 179. 180. 181 Amboy Amboy Richland Olney S'thSomona'kSomonauk .Lee .Richland DeKalb . . Fr ...M ..Sat . North Fork . . North Fork Gt. Western.. Wheaton Eleroy Eleroy .Asbury Long Prairie Hadley Hadle^ Station. . .Mound City. Mound City . Vermillion . .DuPage... Stephenson Wayne Lawrence.. .Pulaski.... . Washington .Chamnaism ....M ...Th ...Sat . Sat ...Th . .. Tu ....Fr ... Fr ...We ...We ....Th 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197 Eschol DeWitt Abingdon... Central Ili'st Celestial Danby New Boston. Carmi Central Hamilton... G'irard Tranquil.... Lena Greenfield. . Calumet Polo Raleigh DeWitt Abingdon Kickapootown. . . .Saline .DeWitt .Knox .Peoria ..Tu ..Sat . ..Fr ...t Decatur .Danby New Boston Macon .DuPage ...Fr ..Sat .. M 251. 252. shorn Richview Sta. . . . . Homer Homer 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 253. 259. 260. 261. 262. .Farmers Milford Iroquois... .Melrose Melrose Clark .Forest Wapella DeWitt.. : Carmi Carthage McLeansboro ... Girard .Oquawka .Lena Greenfield .Chillicothe .White . Hancock .... .Hamilton... .Macoupin.. . .Henderson.. .Stephenson. .Greene .Peoria ..Th ...M ..Fr . ..Fr ...Fr ..Tu .Sat .. Tu .Maquon Maquon . Grove Morrison . Charter Oak . Bunker Hill . Ridgely Warren .ColesConnty.Mattoon . New Salem . . New Salem .Knox .Whitesides. .Macoupin.. .Jo Daviess. .Coles .Pike ...Sat ... Tu . . . Sat ...We ... Tu ... Tu .Polo Ogle ...M . Pontiac Pontiac . . Sat 19S Dundee .Dundee . Kane ..Th 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. . New Hope ... Blandi nville . Granville. . . . Granville . Herr Bloomington . . . .McDonougl .Putnam.. . .McLean ... ....M ....M Th 199. ?00 Cambridge.. SOBILLBR. . . .Cambridge Pekin .Henry .Tazewell. . .. ... M .. Tu 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. .Juniata Litchfield... .Fraternity. . .Lincoln .McDonough. . McLean . Siloam .Onarga .Cortland.... .Mercer .... .Nora .Sandwich... .Rounnville .Ft. Dearbori . Camp Point . Harrison .Lima .Marseilles .Litchfield Lockport .Lincoln .Prairie City . Lexington .LaSalle .Montgomery .Will . Logan .McDonough. ..Sat . ..Fr ..We ...Fr ...Fr . Sat . Princeton .... Princeton .Iris Millersburg . Rochester .... Rochester . Bureau. . . . .Mercer.. .. ....Fr ...We ... Sat . ..Sat ....Th i T M . Elsah Jersey Landing. .Windsor Windsor . Industry Industry . Spartan East Paw Paw . . .Flora Flora .Jersey.. .. .Shelby.... .McDonoug .DeKalb... .Clay .Delavan .Onarga .Cortland Sta.. .. .Keithsburg .Tazewell.. . ..Tu . We .DeKalb .. Th . ..Tu 274. 275. 276. 277 278. 279. 280. 281 282 .Shelby Moawequa .Mt. Auburn. .Mt. Auburn . Carbon DeSoto .Detroit Detroit .... .Shelby.... .Christian.. .Jackson.. . . Pike . . . ...Tu T '.'".We . Nora .Sandwich .Xenia .Chicago .Camp Point.. .. .Harrison . Lima .Jo Daviess.. .DeKalb .Clay .Cook .Adams .Winnebago. .Adams ..flat .. M ..Fr . ..Tu . We ..Sat ..Sat . Claremnnt . . . Claremont . , Richland Sat . Chesterfield. .Chesterfield Macoupin . ! Griswold Sublette .Lee ? . Willard Eldara Pike ? . Bridgeport. . -Bridgeport Washington T Illinois Temperance Union. President Dr. E. R. Roe, Bloomington. Vice President* C . C. Brigps, Esq., Rockford ; Rev. Lake Hitchcock, Lee Centre ; Rev. Flavel Bascom, Do- ver; Rev. Dr. Edward Beecher, Galesburg; Rev. J. F. Jacques, Quincy; Hon. James Berdan, Jacksonville; William Beck, Esq., Olney, George L. Moore, Esq., Lebanon ; Rev. W. S. Post, Carbondale. Secretary Rev. H. J. Eddy, Bloomington. Treasurer Hon. John Magoun, Bloomington. Managers Philo Carpenter, Chicago ; Dr. N. S. Da- vis, Chicago ; Rev. T. M. Eddy, Chicago ; Rev. W. F. Stewart, Chicago; E. S. Wells, Esq., Chicago; J. F. Eberhart, Chicago; Prof. S. C. Bartlett, Chicago; Rev. Philo Judson,Evanston; Rev. Dr. 0. A. Shinner, Joliet ; Hon. Samuel Lockwood, Batavia; Rev. J. C. Stongh- ton, Freeport; Rev. W. W. Harsha, Dixon; Dr. J. W. Scroggs, Urbana; J. W. Fell, Esq., Rev. Lathrop Tay- lor, Bloomington; E. B. Hawley, Esq., H. G. Fitzhugh, Springfield ; Prof. J. B. Turner, Jacksonville ; Rev. Dr. D. Read, Upper Alton ; Benjamin L. Wiley, Esq., Jonesboro. Chicago Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. 923 SOCIETIES MISCELLANEOUS. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION. President Walter L. Newberry. Vice Presidents Charles V . Dyer, Luther Haven. Secretary Samuel Stone. Treasurer Edward L. Holmes. Trustees Walter L. Newberry, William H. Brown, Charles V. Dyer, Luther Haven, Ezra B. McCagg, Wil- liam Barry, Flavel Moseley, Samuel Stone, Philo Car- penter, Rev. N-. L. Rice, D. D., John H. Kinzie, Mark Shinner. BOARD OF SURGEONS Trustees Ex-Offido. Consulting Surgeons Prof. Daniel Brainerd, M. D., Prof. Joseph W. Freer, M. D. Attending Surgeons Edward L. Holmes, M. D., William H. Baltzell, M. D. Chicago Medical Society. NEW OFFICERS. President Dr. Orrin Smith. Vice President Dr. L. P. Cheney. Secretary and Treasurer D. Swayne Hickersham. Home for the Friendless, Chi- cago. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. President Jonathan Burr. Vice President William Blair. Treasurer D. R. Holt. Secretary E. F. Dickinson. Committee of Counsellors Mrs. E. S. Wadsworth, Mrs. G. S. Hubbard, Mrs. Francis Bradley, Mrs. G. W. Dole, Mrs. J. M. Wilson, Mrs. Wm. H. Brown, Mrs. N. B. Judd, Mrs. J. C. Haines, Mrs. C. Morgan, Mrs. Jas. Larmon, Mrs. Tuthill King, Mrs. W. B. Egan. United States Marine Hospital. Chicago, Cook Co. Erected 1852. Surgeon Daniel Brainerd, M. D. Assistant Surgeon Edwin Powell, M. D. Chicago Historical Society. This society was organized April 24, 1856, with about twenty members, to prosecute historical collections for this State, and for the North- West, and to found a pub- lic library of a comprehensive character. It received a charter from the State in February, 1857. The following is a list of officers and committees elected in November, 1859: OFFICERS. President. William H. Brown. Vice President. W. L. Newberry and W. B. Ogden. Treasurer. E. I. Tinkham. Bee. Secretary and Librarian. William Barry. Assistant Librarian. Col. S. Stowe. Cor. Secrettiry.E. B. McCagg. COMMITTEES OF BUSINESS. On Constitution and By-Laws. I. N. Arnold, V. H. Higgins and F. Scammon. On Publication. W. Barry, M. Skinner and H. A. Johnson. On Finance. E. I. Tinkham, W. H. Brown and B. F. Carver. On Library and Cabinet. L. Haven, G. F. Ram- gey and I. H. Burch. On Nominations. W. L. Nevberry, S. D. Ward and J. Burr. COMMITTEES OF RESEARCH AND CORRESPON- DENCE. On Aboriginal History, Etc. Col. J. D. Graham. U. S. A., W. B. Ogden and J. H. Kinzie. On European Discovery, Etc. W. Barry, M. D. Ogden and I. H. Burch. On Civil History. 3. M. Wilson, J. Y. Scammon and E. B. McCagg. On Ecclesiastical History. W. Barry, R. W. Pat- terson and R. H. Clarkson. On Science, Art, Etc. F. Scammon, H. A. Johnson and J. H. Foster. On Newspapers and General Literature. C. Bent- ley S. D. Ward and S. W. Fuller. On City of Chicago. J. Y. Scammon, I. N. Arnold G. F. Ramsey and J. H. Kinzie. On the Fine Arts.M. Skinner, I. N. Arnold, E. B- McCagg, I. H. Burch, G. F. Ramsey, W. Barry and E. H. Sheldon. Chicago Board of Underwriters. President. C. N. Holden. Vice President and Surveyor. T. L. Miller. Treasurer. B. B. Willmarth. Secretary. Arthur C. Ducat. Chicago Board of Trade. The following is a list of the officers from April, 1860, to April, 1881 : President. I. Y. Munn. 1st Vice President. Eli Bates. 2nd Vice President. Jno. V. Farwell. Secretary. Seth Catlin. Treasurer Geo. Watson. Directors. J . W, Finley, Geo. Webster, E. G. Wol- cott, Clinton Briggs, A. E. Kent, C. H. Curtis, B. P. Hutchinson, Charles S. Dole, D. L. Quirk and Julian Magill. Committee of Arbitration for Jirst six mouths. John Brodie, C. A. Rogers, B. T. Atwater, Windsor Leland and Howard Priestly. Committee of Arbitration for second sias months. Tracy J. Bronson, C. J. Davis, John Maitland, Samuel M. Johnson and W. H. Low. Commitee of Appeals. P. Anderson, M. C. Stearns, Hiram Wheeler, (1. S. Hubbard, Charles H. Walker, H. McLennan, Thomas Harless, L. P. Hilliard and J. C. Walter. Chicago Audubon Club. ORGANIZED MARCH 3, 1858. NAMES OF OFFICERS. President Wm. S. Johnson, jr. Vice Pres.G. L. Wilson. Seetyn. S. Monroe. Treas Geo. T. Abbey. Directors I. M. Roundtree, John Ross, John Bond, Isaac Shelby and Geo. T. Abbey. "Weights and Measures. The following table of the number of pounds to the bushel, may be of interest to fanners and dealers : Wheat 60 pounds Timothy Seed ... 45 pounds Corn, shelled... . 56 Corn in cob 70 Rye 56 Oats 32 Barley 43 Potatoes 60 Beans 60 Bran 20 Clover Seed .... 60 Flax Seed 58 Hemp Seed 54 Buckwheat, 52 Blue Grass Seed. 14 Castor Beans.. .. 46 Dried Peaches. . . 33 Dried Apples 24 Onions 57 Whiskey to gal.. 9 COLT'S PATENT FIRE ARMS MAN'FG, COMPANY, REDUCED PRICES, I860. $30.00 32.50 35.00 41.00 40.50 43.50 40.00 2.00 1.50 Henceforth tlic Prices for Colt's Repeating Carbine*, Rifles tiud Pistols, will be as follows : CARBINES. New Model, Rifled Barrels, 15, 18, or 81 inches long: Steel Mountings, with Bullet Mould, Nipple Wrench, and Screw Driver. Six Shots, Calibre 36-100ths of an inch, (42 Elongated or 86 Round BulletH to the pound;) Weight 8 Ibs. 8 oz. - Six Shots, Calibre 44-100ths of an inch, (28 Elongated or 48 Ilound Bullets to the pound ;) Weight 8 Ibs. 12 oz. Five Shots, Calibre 56-100ths of un inch, (14 Elongated or 24 Round Bullets to the pound ;) Weight 9 Ibs. 8 oz. - RIFLES. New Model, Steel Mountings, Six Shots, Calibre 36-100ths of an inch, (42 Elongated or 86 Round Bullets to the pound :) with Bullet Mould, Nipple Wrench and Screw Driver. Twenty-four inch Barrel, Weight 9 Ibs. - - - $32.50 Twenty-seven inch Barrel. Weight 10 Ibs. - - - 35.50 Thirty inch Barrel, Weight 10 Ibs. 8 oz. - 38.50 Same Model, Mountings and Appendages, Six Shots, Calibre 44-100thg of n inch, (28 Elongated or 48 Round Bullets to the pound.) Twenty-four inch Barrel. Weight 8 Ibs. 15 oz. - $35.00 Twenty-seven inch Barrel, Weight 9 Ibs. a oz. - 38.00 Thirty -one and 5-16 inch Barrel, (Army Pattern,) Weight 9 Ibs. 10 oz. Same Model, Mountings and Appendages, Five Shots, Calibre 56-lOOths of an inch, (14 Elongated or 24 Round Bullets to the pound.) Twenty-four inch Barrel, Weight 8 Ibs. 14 oz. - Twenty-seven inch Barrel. Weight 9 Ibs. 11 oz. Thirty-one and 5-16 inch Barrel, (Army Pattern,) Weight 9 Ibs. 15 oz. SHOT GUN. Twentv-seven inch Barrel, Weight 8 Ibs. 12. PATENT PO WDEH FLASKS, for Carbines and Rifles, - ... ORDINARY do. do. .-.... POCKET PISTOLS. Plated or Steel Mountings, Five Shots. Calibre 31-lOOths of an inch, (92 Elongated or 140 Round Bullets to the pound.) with Bullet Mould, Nipple Wrench and Screw Driver. Three inch Barrel, Weight 23 oz. .... Four " " " 24 oz. Five " " " 26 oz. Six " " " 27 oz. BELT PISTOLS. Army, and Navy, Medium Size, Plated or Steel Mountings, Six Shots, 7J inch Barrel, Calibre 3G-l(X)ths of an inch, (50 Elongated or 86 Round Bullets to the pound,) with Bullet Mould, Nipple Wrench, and Screw Driver, Weight 2 Ibs. 10 oz. - - $18.00 With an "Attachable Carbine Breech," plain, extra. - - 8.00 with Canteen, Extra, - 10.00 HOLSTER PISTOL. Army, Large Size, Brass or Steel Mountings, Six Shots, 7V inch Barrel, Calibre 44-100ths of un inch, (32 Elongated or 48 Round Bullets to the pound.) with Bullet Mould, Nipple Wrench and Screw Driver. Weight 4 Ibs. 2 oz. $20.00 With Plated Mountings, - ... 21.00 With an "Attachable Carbine Breech," plain, extra, - 8.00 " with Canteen, Extra, - ... 10.00 NEW MODEL POCKET PISTOL. Steel Mountings, Five Shots, 3.1 inch Barrel, Calibre 265-lOOOtbs of an inch, (128 Elongated or 200 Round Bullets to the pound,) with Bullet Mould, Nipple Wrench and Screw Driver. Weight 1 lb. 1 oz. - $12.00 ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVING ON POCKET PISTOLS. Extra, 4.00 do. do. BELT and HOLSTER PISTOLS, extra, 5.00 IVORY STOCK, for Pocket Pistols, extra. 5.00 do. do. for Belt or Holster Pistols, extra, - - 6.00 POWDER FLASKS, for Holster Pistols, each, - 1.25 do. do. for Belt - 1.00 do. do. for Pocket and New Model Pistols, each, .50 TERMS. Cash in New York Funds. 10.00 11.00 12.00 All Communications should be addressed TO THE SECRETARY OF COLT'S PATENT FIRE ARMS M AN' F'Q. COMPANY. HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, U. S. A. By Order of the Board of Directors, SAM'L. COLT, President. THE PIONEERS OF CIVILIZATION, COLT'S REPEATING ARMS. PISTOLS, RIFLES, CARBINES AND SHOT GUNS, *- Simple Reasons for preferring Colt's Arm to all others. J. They have been thoroughly tested by all classes of men in every country, and from the first rifle fired in Florida, during the Indian war in 1837, to the present hour they have always responded to the touch of their owners in the time of danger. 2. They have a force and accuracy which have no parallels in the history of fire-arms. 3. They do not endanger your eyesight and brain, as do the arms with patent primers, which fly like shells into many pieces. 4. They do not stick fast, refusing either to open or shut without tin; aid of an axe when heated, as do the guns which open like molasses gates or nut crackers. 5. They leave no burning paper in the barrel after a discharge, to blow the next cartridge into your face, as do the guns which open from behind. 6. They are simple in construction, and easily taken care of, as any ranger or cav- alry soldier will tell you. Treat them well, and they will treat your enemies badly. 7. They are made of the best steel that can be procured for money, and have the strength to resist the explosive force of gunpowder, while the mongrel imitations and cheap arms are clumsily made of cast iron or interior materials, and are more dangerous to their owners than they are to all others. 8. They are well finished, and as cheap as a good arm can be; made by the aid of modern machinery and skillful labor. 9. They are always worth what they cost in the Far West much more, almost a legal tender! If you buy anything cheaper, your life, or that of your companion, may balance the difference in cost. 10. If you buy a Colt's Kifle or Pistol, you feel certain that you have one true friend, with six hearts in his body, and who can always be relied on. 11. They can be carried loaded and capped, with entire safety. In rain, or when wading or swimming rivers, they remain water-proof. 12. They have no knife edge to cut off the end of the cartridge and the powder, cutting off more and more at every discharge, as the barrel gets heated, and finally getting so dull that they will not cut at all. What old lady will lend her scissors to cut paper with? Ask any ranger who has tried the cutting slide guns, what he thinks of them. 13. Colt's arms have been adopted for the service of the United States by the army board at West Point, in 1858, and for many years previously, as superior to all others. See the printed reports, which fill volumes. 14. Colt's weapons are old friends to many thousands who will read this sheet. See Colt's new rifles before you buy any other, and then decide which will afford surest protec- tion to your family, your life and your property Sold by all respectable dealers throughout the world. ADVERTISEMENTS FROM ABROAD. 924 CINCINNATI DEPARTMENT. OF THE ILLINOIS STATE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. The following embrace some of the prominent business houses, in their respective lines, in Cincinnati : Agents for Procuring Patents. KNIGHT, BROTHERS, opposite P. 0., Cincinnati, and corner of 7th and P Streets, Washington, D. C. AMERICAN PATENT CO., for soliciting and selling Patents. J. B. Elliott, General Superintendent, 51 West 4th Street. Architectural and Ornamental Wrought and Cast Iron Works. MACY, RANKIN & CO. Salesroom Store, 8 Burnett House ; Manufactory and Office, corner of Elm and Pearl streets. Booksellers and Publishers. MOORE, WILSBACH, KEYS & CO., 25 West 4th st. Booksellers and Stationers. ANDERSON, GATES & WRIGHT, No. 112 Main st. APPLEGATE & CO., 43 Main street. SMITH, W. B. A CO., 137 Walnut street. Britannia Ware Manufacturers. HOMAN H. & CO., 11 East 7th street. See advt. page 925. Cloth and Clothing (Wholesale). STIX, KROUSE & CO., 67 Pearl street. TROUNSTINE A. & J. & CO. ,75 Pearl street. Clothing and Dry G-oods, (Whole- sale.) STABLER, BROTHER & CO., 106 Pearl and 117 3rd streets. Circular Saw Mills and Wood Working Machinery. LANE & BODLEY, corner of John and Water streets. Clock Makers. SMITH A. D., 12 East 5th street. Dry Goods (Wholesale). JONES, BROTHER & CO., 19 Pearl street. WIXSTOW, SWIFT & JOHNSTON, 113 Pearl, corner of Race. Earthenware and Glassware (Wholesale). JOHNSON HENRY A., 92 Main street. Florist and Nurseryman. PFEIFFER ANTHONY, Store 201 Walnut street, also at Lebanon and Reading Turnpike, '2% miles from Cincinnati. Hardware, Etc., (Wholesale). GASTEN, DICKSON & CO. 53 Pearl street. LATIMER, COLBURN & LUPTON, 55 Pearl street. J'AI'PENIIEIMER, DREYFOOS & CO. 107 Pearl st. Hats, Caps, Furs (Wholesale). WHITCHER WM. C. & CO., 139 Walnut street . Inks, Excelsior Fluid, (Whole- sale.) BUTLER J. J., 39 Vine street. See advt. page 925. 58 Iron Railings, Verandahs, Jail and Prison Work. MACY, RANKIN & CO., Salesrooms and Store, No . 8 Burnett House; Manufactory and Office, corner of Elin and Pearl streets. Ka. C. C. M. and Oil Manufac- turing Co. HODGES A. G., Treas., 97 Walnut street. Law Publishers, Booksellers and Importers. CLARKE ROBERT & CO., 55 West 4th street. Lawyer. APPLEGATE JOHN W., 6 Carlisle Building, 51 West 4th street. Marbleized Iron Mantels, Enam- eled Chamber and Parlor Grates. MACY, RANKIN & CO., Salesrooms and Store, No. 8 Burnett House ; Manufactory and Office, corner of Elm and Pearl streets. Metal Manufactures (Britannia Ware.) HOMAN H. & CO., No. 11 East 7th street. See advt. pagetflo. Nursery and G-reen House Plants. HASELTINE S. W. & CO., 171 Waluut street. Printers' Furnishing Warehouse. DAY W. T. & S. D. & CO., 173 West 2nd street. Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers. RICKEY, MALLORY & CO., 73 West 4th street. Safes, Fire and Burglar Proof, (Hall's Patent.) HALL, CARROLL & CO., 15 East Columbia street. Saddlery, Hardware and Car- riage Trimmings. HUNTER, EDMESTON & CO., 16S Main street. See adrt. page 926. Seeds, Agricultural and Horti- cultural Warehouse. IIASELTINE S. W. & CO., 171 Walnut street. Sewing Machines. BURTMAN H. C., A"p|LLs7 A. s, Neuralgia, Colic, rayed Appetite, Disor red Stomach, Female Obstructions, A "WILSON S PILLS are universally ac- knowledged to be the best now in use. As a Family medicine they are particularly recommended-simple and harmless, but highly medicinal in their com bination. One Fill a dose, with mild but cer tain effects. The robust man and the delicate child use them alike, with every assurance of entire safety. With Wilson's Pills, every Mother in the land becomes hor own physician. They have proved themselves a SPECIFIC, and stand -without a rival for the following affections: HEADACHE, FEVER & AGUE, ILEABACHE, FEVEIt Sc AGUE, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Sold by Druggists & Dealers everywhere. PREPARED BY B. L. PAHNESTOCK & CO. Importers & Wholesale Druggists No. 60, corner Wood and 4th. Sts. PITTSBURGH, PA. SOIJE PROPRIETORS OP O B. L. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. Bell and Brass Founder. FULTON A., 91 First street. Bitter Manufacturer. HOSTETTER & SMITH, 53 Water street. Brewers, Maltsters and Hop Dealers. RHODES & VERNER, corner Duquesne Way and Bar- ker's alley. Druggists and "White Lead Man- ufacturers. FAHNESTOCK B. A. & Co., corner Wood and First streets. Druggists. (Wholesale and Im- porters.) FAHNESTOCK B. L. & Co., 60 Wood street, corner of Fourth. SELLERS R. E. & Co., corner Wood and Second streets. Druggists, Glass "Ware and "Win- dow Glass. WIGHTMAN THOMAS, warehouse 63 Water street. Flint Glass Manufacturers. BRYCE, RICHARDS & CO., 41 Wood street. Galvanized Sheet Iron Manufac- turers. MOORHEAD & CO. ,136 First street. Glass Dealer and General Mer- chant. RINGWALT H. L., 124 and 125 Water street. Iron Manufacturers. LYON, SHORE & CO., 121 Water street. Iron, N^tils, Steel, Axles, etc. IIA1LMAN, RAHM & CO., 77 Water and 94 First streets. Pittsburgh City Glass "Works. CUNNINGHAMS & CO., 109 Water and 140 First streets. Railroad and Steamboat Ticket Agent. KNOWLAND FRED., Monongahela House, corner of Water and Smithneld. Stoves, (Manufacturers of every kind.) BRADLEY ALEX., 4 Wood street. White Lead Manufacturers. NEVIN T. H. & CO., store 26 Wood street. Window Glass, Vial and Bottle Manufacturers. BERRY GEO. A. & CO., warehouse 97 Front street. ! McCULLY WM. & CO., office 14 and 16 Wood streets, ADVERTISEMENTS FROM ABROAD. 928 PHILADELPHIA DEPARTMENT ILLINOIS STATE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. The following embraces some of the most prominent houses in their respective lines of business in Philadelphia. Attorney and Commissioner of i Machinery Depot Deeds for Illinois, Kentucky SMITH cms. H., ISSN, si street and Missouri. Nickel Silver (Manuf'rof.) FILLEY HARVEY, 1222 Market Street. Attorney and Patent Agent. BRICK ALFRED D., 480 Walnut Street. MORGAN ELDRIDGE G. , 42T Walnut Street. Attorney and Commissioner of Deeds for Illinois. BURTON ARTHUR M., 243 S. 5th Street. SPERING JOSHUA, 142^ S. 4th Street. Druggists (Wholesale) and Chem- ists. ELLIS C. A CO., 724 Market Street. MORRIS T, PEROT & CO., 621 Market Street. Druggists ("Wholesale and Im- porters.) SMITH W. W. AH., 230 Market Street. Fire Insurance Go's GIRARD FIRE A M. INS. CO., 415 Walnut Street. NORTHERN INS. CO., of London, William Getty agent, 425 Chestnut Street. Notary and Commis'r for all the States. FRICK JOHN H., 223 Dock Street. Paper Hangings, (Manuf 's.) HOWELL & BROTHERS, 622 Chestnut Street. HOWELL A BOURKE, N. E. corner of 4th A Market Streets. Safes (Herring's Pat. Fire Proof.) FARREL, HERRING A CO., 629 Chestnut Street. Seedsman and Florist. DEER HENRY A., 82T Chestnut Street. Sewing Machine Silk Manuf r. HOOLEY B. A SON, 226 Market Street. Varnish Manufacturer. SCHRACK C. A Co., 152 and 154 N. 4th Street. BUFFALO DEPARTMENT OF THE ILLINOIS STATE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. The following embrace some of the leading and most prominent houses in their respective lines of busi- ness in Buffalo, and are subscribers to this work. Commission Merchants. Forwarding and Commission. r G. C. SON, com mers for the sale and pur- ; BUELL j. g. t co prod f 09rar ding and com mer, hase of wool, hides, sheep pelts, etc, lO Main and j j^ o f i,i ov ^ f COIT ct 15 Hanover. BENSON Druggists. SANBURN C. H., druggist and chemist, Washington corner of Seneca. Flour Mills. CAMPBELL BENJAMIN, steam flour mill, flour, feed, etc, wholesale and retail, 61 Ohio. Melodeon Manufacturer. PRINCE A CO., Maryland cor of Seventh. Mill Furnishing. ALLEN Z. G., No. 2 Miamistreet. BUTLER E. T., Vulcan Foundry, Water street. 929 ADVERTISEMENTS FROM ABROAD. Oils, Railroad and Merchants. PEASE F. S., 61 Main street. Planing Mills. HOLMES E. & B., stave machine patentees, and manufacturers and dealers in staves and lumber, planing mill and manufacturers of sash, doors and blinds, zinc wash boards, etc, Michigan near Cen- tral R. R. Depot. "Watches and Jewelry. CASTLE D. B., watches, clocks, jewelry, silver ware, fancy goods, etc, etc-, 135 Main. Saddlery Hardware. PRATT & LETCHWORTH, MANUFACTURERS, IM- PORTERS AND DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIP- TION OF SADDLERY, COACH AND TRUNK HARDWARE, OFFICE AND SALES ROOM NO. 84 TERRACE STREET, BUFFALO N. Y. "Wines and Syrups, Manufactur- ers of. TURNER BROTHERS, manufacturers of native wines, syrups, etc, New York, Buffalo and San Francisco. DECATUB, MICH., DEPARTMENT ILLINOIS STATE BUSINESS DIKECTORY. The following are the most prominent dealers in their line at Decatur, Mich., and subscribers to this work. General Store. RAWSON S. T. & CO., groceries, lumber, spiles, timber, etc. Decatur, Mich EVANSVILLE, IND., DEPARTMENT OF THP ILLINOIS STATE BUSINESS DIECTORY. The following are some of the leading houses in their line of business at Evanston, Ind., and are also sub scribers to this work. Storage, Forwarding and Corn- Hardware, Cutlery, etc. mission Merchants. WELLS CHARLES S., importer and wholesale dealer ,,,,, *. * * j in hardware, cutlery and notions generally, (first oppo- O'RILEY P. G & CO., storage forwarding and corn- site T H Micrhpp k Co 1 Evansvillc Tnil mission merchants, general railroad, steamboat and ite J. tt. Magnee & to.,) Jwansville, Ind. express agents, and proprietors of a mammoth wharf boat. Evansville, Ind. (See advt. below.) P. G. O'RILEY & CO., AT Tl IF^^F A T)T T^TTTI'Tl 'PW K rp I) A A ^P \J JL2 oJL/ JL> JL/ \J &bJu Jo f EVANSVILLE, IND., STORAGE, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, General Railroad, Steamboat and Express Agents, SPECIAL AGENTS FOR THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD AND CONNECTIONS, Over which we are authorized to give through receipts at the lowest possible rates to all Eastern cities. Having a mammoth Wharf Boat at the landing, the largest on the Ohio River, capable of storing and protect- ing all merchandise liable to damage from exposure, we are prepared to facilitate the dispacth of all consignments forwarded to our care, by either RIVER, RAILROAD or CANAL. Liberal cash advances will be made on all consignments to either ourselves or correspondents in any of the principal markets, North, East or South. P. Gc. O'RILEY & CO. ADVERTISEMENTS FROM ABROAD. 930 CLEVELAND DEPARTMENT OP THE ILLINOIS STATE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Floor Oil Cloth. WEBSTER JOHN, Cleveland, Ohio. Hotels. AMERICAN, Ensign J. A., Superior St. Lard Oil, Star and Sterine Can- dle Manufacturers. STANLEY GEORGE A., Canal St. LOUISVILLE, KY., DEPARTMENT. Elevators. JACKMAN & DAKE, patent water elevators, Louisville, Ky. TODEDO, OHIO, DEPARTMENT. The following embrace some of the leading houses in their respective lines of business in Toledo, Ohio, and potrons of this work. Hides and Leather. SHELDON, BURGERT 4 CO., curriers and dealers in leather, hides, pelts, oils, wool, furs, &c., 66 Summit Street, Toledo, Ohio. Hotels. ANGIER R. P., proprietor Island House, Toledo, Ohio ISLAND HOUSE, R. P. Angler, proprietor, Toledo, . NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF THE ILLINOIS STATE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. The following embraces some of the prominent houses in their respective lines in New York City. SCHENCK'S MACHINERY DEPOT, NO. 62 COURTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK. OF 1 THE M^TTEAW-AJST MACHINE 'WORK. Woodwrott'a Planing MACHI NES, O BAY & WOOD'S Planing Machines. DANIEL'S PLANIN3 MACHINES SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MACHINERY. Steam Engines, Cotton and Woolen Machinery, Flour, Saw and Sugar Mills, Mill Gearing, Shafting, Pullies, Turning lathes, Slabbing, Planing and Drilling Machines, &c, &c. SUFERIOR OAK TANNED LEATHER BANDING. SAM'L B. SCHENCK, Prop. \. 931 ADVERTISEMENTS FROM ABROAD. NEW YORK DEPARTMENT (Continued.) Bank Note Engravers. AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO., 4S Wall Street. Bankers and Collectors. MATTHEWS & COX, 160 Fulton and 207 Broadway. Commercial Agency. McKILLOP & WOOD, 37 Park Row. Cream Tartar. B. T. BABBITT, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72 and 74 Washington street, New York. Pure Cream Tartar in papers, JB), i fi>, ifl>, and 1 B> papers; also, in bulk, in boxes of 5 fts, 10 B>s, 15 fts, 20 fts, 25 IDS, 30 Ibs, 40 Ibs, and 50 Ibs; also in kegs and barrels. WARRANTED PERFECTLY PURE. B. T. Bab- bitt is the original and only manufacturer of the celebrated brands known as " Medicinal " and " Pwre," or " Sheaf Wheat ; " also, "Pearl Ash," Soda and Family Saleratus ;. also for sale, Babbitt's Soap Powder, Yeast Pmcder, Cream Tartar, Pwre Concentrated Potash in cans. Potash in kegs, jars and casks, Soaps, Chemical, fami- ly and Pale, Indigo, Arrow Root, Sup. Carb. Soda, Soda Ash and Spices, Sal Soda, etc. etc. Goods warranted. Prices low for cash. Earthen "Ware, Importers. JACKSON JOHN C.,111 Water street. Fancy Goods and Druggists' Ar- ticles. LEVY HENRY, 49 Maiden Lane. Fire Works. FUNSTON A SCOFIELD, general agents for Lillien- dahl's Excelsior, 62 John street. Fishing Tackle and Needle Ware- house. BATE THOMAS H. & CO., 7 Warren, st. Grocers Drugs. B. T. BABBITT, 64, 6, 68, 70, 72 and 74 Washington street, New York, offers for sale, in lots to suit, Pure Cream Tartar, Super or Si Carb. Soda, Soda Ash, Saleratus, Soap Powder, Yeast Pow- der, Indigo, Soaps, Arrow Hoot, Potash, Spices, Sal Soda, etc., etc. B. T. Babbitt is the original and only manufacturer of the celebrated brands known as ' Medicinal," and " Pure " or "Sheaf Wheat," also, " Pearl Ash," Soda and family Saleratus. Gunpowder. (Manufacturers.) HAZARD POWDER COMPANY, 89 Wall street. House Furnishing Hardware. (Importers and Dealers.) WINDLE & CO . , 56 Maiden Lane and 25 and 27 Liberty street. Insurance Companies. CITIZENS FIRE INS. CO., 67 Wall street. FULTON FIRE INS. CO., Wall street, N, Y., Hall & Co., agents, 160 S. Water St., Chicago. MANHATTANLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Cash capital and accumulated fund $1,000,000. 81 Nas- sau street, New York. T. L. Miller, attorney and agent at Chicago, Illinois. PH(ENIX FIRE INSURANCE CO., 62 Wall street. SECURITY FIRE INSURANCE CO. ,31 Pine street. Machinery Depot. SCHENCK SAMUEL B., 62 Courtlandt street. Mercantile & Law Agency. BRADSTREET J. M. & SON, 237 Broadway. Merchants' & Bankers' Agency. BALLARD L. & CO., 290 Broadway. Potash. B. T. BABBITT, 64, 66, 63, 70, 72 and 74 Washing- ton streets, New York, manufacturer of the "Pure Concentrated Potash," put up in cans of 1 Ib, 2 Ibs, 3 Ibs, 6 Ibs and 12 Ibs, with full directions for mak- ing Hard and, Soft Soap . Also, Potash in kegs, jars and casks. B. T. Babbitt is is the original and only manufacturer of the celebrated brands known as "Medicinal" and " Pure" or " Sheaf Wheat," also, " Pearl Ash," Soda and Family Saleratns. Also, for sale Babbitt's Soap Pow- der, Yeast Powder, Cream Tartar, Pure Concen- trated Potash in cans, Potash in kegs, jars and casks, soaps, Chemical, family and Pale, Indi- go, Arrow Root, Sup Carb Soda, Soda Ash, Spi- ces, Sal Soda, etc, etc. Goods warranted . Price low for cash. Safes, Fire and Burglar Proof. HERRING S. C. & CO., 251 Broadway. Saleratus. B. T. BABBITT, 64, 66, 6S, 70, 72 and 74 Washington street, New York, the original and only manufac- turer of the celebrated brands known as " Medi- cinal" and "Pure" or "Sheaf W heat," also, " Pearl Ash," Soda and family Saleratus. Also, for sale Babbitt's Soap Poicder, Yeast Powder, Cream Tartar, Pure Concentrated Potash in Cans, Potash in kegs, jars and casks, Soaps, Chemical, family and Pale, Indigo, Arrow Root, Sup Carb Soda, Soda Ash, Spi- ces, Sal Soda, etc, etc. Goods warranted. Pri- ces low for cash. Soda. B. T. BABBITT, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72 and 74 Washing- ton street, New York, importer and manufacturer. 10,000 kegs Sup Carb Soda of the following favorite brands in store, landing and to arrive from England, viz : Lee's Jarrow and Allhusens, also Sup Carb Soda in papers of lib, |lb and Jib, also in bulk in small boxes from 5 Ibs to 50 Ibs, Sal Soda in kegs and casks. B. T. Babbitt is the original and only manufacturer of the celebrated brands known as "Medicinal" and "Pwre" or " Sheaf Wheat," also " Pearl Ash," Soda and family Saleratus. Also, for sale Babbitt's Soap Powder, Yeast Pow- der, Cream Tartar, Pure Concentrated Potash in cans, Potash in kegs, jars and casks, Soaps, Chemical, family and Pale, Indigo, Arrow Boot, Sup Carb Soda, Soda Ash, Spices, Sal Soda, etc, etc. Goods warranted. Prices low for cash. Soap Powder. B. T. BABBITT, 63, 66, 68, 70, 72 and 74 Washing- ton Street,iNew York. The inventor and only man- ufacturer of "Babbitt's Celebrated No. 1 Soap Powder." B. T. Babbitt is the original and only manufacturer of the celebrated brands known as "Medicinal" and" Pure" or "Sheaf Wheat," also " Pearlash," Soda and family Saleratus. Also for sale, Babbitt's Soap Pcncder, Yeast Pow- der, Cream Tartar, Pure, Concentrated Potash in Cans, Potash in Kegs and Jars and Casks, Soaps, Chemical, family and Pale ; Indigo, Ar- row Root, Sup. Carb. Soda, Soda Ash, Spices, Sal Soda, etc., etc. Goods warranted. Prices low for cash . ADAEKTISEMENTS FEOM ABROAD. 932 Soaps. B. T. BABBITT, C4, 66, 63, 70, 72 and 74 Washing- ton Street, New York. The only manufacturer of " Babbitt's Superior Frencli Chemical Erasive Soap" in 1 Ib. bars. Also " Family," " Pale," " Number 1," and " Fancy Soaps." B. T. Babbitt is the orig- inal and only manufacturer of the celebrated brands known as ' Medicinal" and " Pure" or " Sheaf Wheat," also, " Pearlash," Soda and Family Salera/us. Also lor sale Babbitt's Soap Powder, feast Powder, Cream Tartar, Pure Concentrat- ed Potash in Cans, Potash in Kegs and Jars and Casks; Soaps, Chemical, family and Pale; Indigo, Arrow Root, Sup. Curb. Soda, Soda Ash, Spices, Sal Soda, etc., etc. Goods warrant- ed. Prices low for cash. Tea Merchant. SWIFT HENRY & CO., 117 Broadway. Yeast Powder. B. T. BABBITT, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72 and 74 Washing- ton Street. New York . Manufacturer of " Babbitt's Chemical Yeast Powder," iu cans, 4 oz. , 6 oz., 8 oz., 12 oz. and 1 Ib. Repacked in cases to suit orders. B. T. Babbitt is the original and only manufacturer of the celebrated brands known as " Medicinal" and "Pure" or " Sheaf Wheat," also " Pearl Ash," Soda and family Saleratus. Also for sale Babbitts Soap Powder, Yeast Powder, Cream Tartar, Pure Concentrated Potash in Cans, Potash in Kegs and Jars and Casks; Soaps, Chemical, family and Pale; Indigo, Arrow Hoot, Sup. Carb. Soda, Soda Ash, Spices, Sal Soda, etc., etc. Goods warranted. Prices low for cash. 1860. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. I860. MICH. CENTRAL, GET WESTERN AND BUFFALO & LAKE HURON Baggage Checked Through to all the Principal Cities East. THROUGH ROUTE FROM CHICAGO TO NIAGARA FALLS, BUFFALO, ROCHESTER, SYRACUSE, ELMIRA, BINGHAMPTON, ALBANY, TROY, SPRINGFIELD, WORCESTER, NEW YORK, BOSTON, and all Points in the New England States. CASE'S PATENT SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Trains leave Great Central Depot, Chicago, daily, as follows : 7.3O A. M., LIGHTNING EXPRESS, (except Sunday,) Arrive at Detroit 6.45 P. M.; Suspension Bridge, 5.00 A. M.; Albany, 4.00 P. M.; New York, 9.80 P. M.; Boston, 11.30 P. M. 8.OO P. M., NEW YORK AND BOSTON EXPRESS, (except Saturday,) Arrive at Detroit, 7.80 A. M.; Suspension Bridge or Buffalo, 6.00 P. M.; Albany, 5.15 A. M.; New York, 10.15 A. M.; Boston, 1.00 P. M. 1O.45 P. M., EXPRESS MAIL, (except Saturday,) Arrive at Detroit 12.00 noon ; Suspension Bridge 10.30 P. M.; Albany, 9.15 A. M.; New York, 2.45 P. M.; Boston, 4.00 P. M. 8.00 P. M. Train connects at Detroit direct with the Grand Trunk Railway to Toronto, Kingston, Ogdens- burgh, Montreal, and all Points in Canada East and Northern New England. Trains on Sunday, 8.00 P. M. and 10.45 I'. M. 8.00 P. M. Train connects at Paris with Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway to Buffalo and all Points East. Through Tickets can be had at all Railroad Offices in the North and West; at the Company's Office, corner of Lake and Dearborn Streets, under the Tremont House, Chicago, and at the Depot, foot of Lake Street. R. N. EICE, Superintendent. II. J. SPALDING, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. 933 ADVERTISEMENTS FROM ABROAD. PHENIX FIRE INSURANCE CO. Of Brooklyn, N. Y. CASH CAPITAL 200,000 DOLLARS, Together with a Large Surplxas, all securely invested. OFFICES, if !! MM l^iTI Pfi'W Works by Hand, Horse, Water, Wind or Steam. It is now in successful operation in twenty-four States, New Brunswick and Cuba. Drawings, Prices and full particulars sent free of postage. ADDRESS, JAMES M. EDNEY, 147 CHAMBERS STREET, ADVERTISEMENTS FROM ABROAD. 934 ENGRAVING. THE AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY, 48 Merchants' Exchange, New York. This Company, comprising all the houses heretofore engaged in the business of Bank Note Engraving, has been incorporated by law, and possesses every facility for executing orders for Bank Note Plates with despatch, and in the best style of the art. Every valuable method for protecting notes from alterations and photographic coun- terfeits is furnished, and particular attention is given to the printing of Plates. The premises in which the busi- ness of this Company is carried on, are fire-proof. The Company is composed of the following firms : RAWDON, WRIGHT, HATCH & EDSON, BALD, COCSLAND & Co., JOHN E. GAVIT, TOPPAN, CARPENTER & Co., JOCELYN, DRAPER, WELSH & Co. NKW ENGLAND BANE NOTE COMP'NY, DANFORTH, PERKIKS A Co., WELLSTOOD, UAT & WHITING, EDMONDS, JONES & SMILLIE. CHARLES TOPPAN, President. NEZIAU WRIGHT, Zreasurer. MOSELSY J. DANFORTH, Vice-President WILLIAM II. WUITING, Secretary. J. J. O'SHANESSY, Agent at Chicago, 111. 935 ADVERTISEMENTS FROM ABROAD. FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE CITY OF NEW YOKK. CAPITAL, - $200,000. SURPLUS, JAN". 1st, I860, 82,14:9. W. A. COBB, PRESIDENT. JAMES M. RANKIN, SECBETARY. DIRECTORS : Wm. A. COBB President A. B. HODGES Flatlands, L. I EDWARD STRONG Carle & Strong GRAHAMS POLLEY J. M. Furman & Co THOMAS C. MOORE 108 Beekman Street J. S. BEARNS J. S. Beams & Co E. W. FISKE Brooklyn GEO. T. COBB. . .Vice Pre. Importers & Traders Bank P. S. CROOKE Brooklyn J. M. FURMAN J. M. Furman & Co JOHN M. EVERITT Cashier Broadway Bank A. H. GOODWIN A. Prall & Co E. R. LIVERMORE E. R. Livermore & Co GEO. W. PRINCE Brooklyn J. H. ELMORE J. H. Elmore & Co EVERETT CLAPP 24 Pine Stree J. V. SCHOONMAKER Flatlands, L. I J.L. MORGAN Chas. L. Morgan & Co ' J. A. DURKEE No. 1 Stone Street Cl B. WHITE Norwalk,Conn WM. MULLIGAN Humboldt Insurance Co M. F. HODGES Wm. Lottimer & Co S. L. HUSTED S. L. Husted & Co C. E. SMITH 171 Front Street O. W. BRENNAN 4SPineStreet W. R.GILBERT Cameron, Edwards & Co ISAAC LABAGH Conover & Labagh WM. R. BLACKWELL Blackwells & Burr Wm. H. BEERS New York Life Insurance Co J. J. SABRISKIE Hohokus, N. J OO-., NO. 160 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO. All aplications for appointments as Agents of this Company, can be addressed to Messrs. HALL & Co., who have full authority and power to adjust all losses. FARM RISKS TAKEN AT REDUCED RATES. This Company have fully complied with the law of the State of Illinois, regulating Insurance Companies organized by the laws of other States. ADVERTISEMENTS FROM ABROAD. 936 CUSTOMERS PARTICIPATE IN PROFITS WITHOUT INCURLNG LIABILITY THE Office, No. 31 Pine Street, New York City. $5OO,OOO, ALL PAID I.\ WITH AMl'LH SURPLUS. INSURES MERCHANDISE, REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ON REASONABLE TERMS, RETURNING IN INTEREST BEARING SCRIP. SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT, OF PROFITS TO THE INSURED, DBIKBUSP cto> UafeiMty R. 1. HAYDOCK, Secretary. THOS. W BIRDSALL, JOSEPH WALKER. Vice-President. President, IDIIRiEOTOIRS : JOS. WALKER, PRESIDENT. WM. F. MOTT, JOHN HALSEY, EDWARD WOOD, ROBT. L. CASE, WM. DENNISTOUN, EDWARD MERRITT, HENRY BARROW, GEORGE B. GRINNELL. JOS. LAWRENCE, RICHD. P. BRUFF, L. B. WYMAN, EDWARD WILLETS, E. J. DONNELL, JOHN R. WILLIS, EDWARD HAIGHT, S. C. PAXSON, WM. BIRDSALL, J R( , WM. II. HUSSEY, A. P. FRANCIA, D. CROMWELL, JR., THOMAS J. OWEN, EDWARD CROMWELL, S. D. BABCOCK, ROBERT BOWNE, JONATHAN ODELL, R. L. MURRAY, WM. ALLEN BUTLER, GEORGE H. BEYER, E. W. CORLIES, S. T. VALENTINE, JOHN ALLEN, JOHN W. MASON, THOS. W. BIRDSALL, R. B. MINTURN, JR., WM. GRAYDON. 93 V ADVERTISEMENTS FROM ABROAD. THE -3STE"W YORK TIMES. An Independent Political, Literary and Miscellaneous Newspaper. DAILY, SEMI- WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. The NEW YonK TIMES is the youngest of the daily newspapers of the City of New York. The first number was issued on the ISth of September, 1S51, so that it has only just completed the eighth year of its publication. But it has already become one of the most widely known and most firmly established daily journals of the United States. Its circulation is quite as large as that of any other daily of its class in the City of New York, and in reputation for enterprise, energy and reliability, it may fairly challenge comparison with any other newspaper in the country. The TIMES is wholly and entirely INDEPENDENT in its discussions of all topics of public interest. It does not deny or doubt the importance or necessity of Political Parties to the proper management of public affairs, for all experience shows that in every Constitutional Government, party divisions and party contentions are essen- tial to the preservation of public liberty, and to the vigorous and responsible conduct of the Administration. But while it does not quarrel with party organizations, it declines to be their instrument. Party organs are sufficiently numerous and sufficiently influential already. Every party and every faction has its representatives and retained advocates in the newspaper Press. The great majority of thejournals of the United States are directly connected with the party organizations of the country representing their principles, seeking the promotion of their ends, echoing their wishes, publishing news and speeches, with comments only in their interest. and being conducted and managed merely as agents for the accomplishment of party purposes. They have therefore, no higher au- thority and no stronger claim to confidence and respect than the parties they represent. As a general thing they are read mainly by that portion of the public who concur with them in opinion ; and, as their statements are always more or less colored by their sentiments and wishes, they command very little attention, and still less influence, beyond the immediate circle of their own partisans. The TIMES asserts for JOURNALISM a higher function than this. Instead of consenting to be simply the retained advocate of any political party, it claims the right to judge, fairly and dispassionately, all parties, ap- proving and aiding whatever in any of them may tend to the promotion of the public good, and condemning and denouncing everything in all of them which involves detriment or disaster to the country at large. Its first great aim is to become a RELIABLE NEWSPAPER, reporting promptly and fairly everything of public interest concerning all parties and all public men, neither distorting nor exaggerating facts for the benefit or the injury of any, but rendering equal and exact justice to all alike. It does not profess neutrality upon any political issue, still less indifference to any great political movement ; but while it will discuss everything con- nected with public affairs, with perfect freedom, and with whatever ability it can command, it will do this, not in the interest, for the benefit, or under the control of any public man, or of any Political Party, but solely in the interest of Truth and Justice, and for the promotion of the welfare of the whole country. While upon all topics its tone will be firm, vigorous and entirely independent, it will deal in argument rather than invective, in the lan- guage of pursuasion rather than menace, and will strive to allay, by all fair and just appeals, rather than to in- crease by inflammatory counsels, the sectional agitation which disturbs the peace and threatens the welfare of the Federal Union. It will insist always upon a faithful adherence to the Constitution, respect for the Judicial au- thorities of the nation, and a strict compliance with the duties and obligations which devolve upon the citizens of a common country. Upon the subject of SLAVERY, while it will never seek occasion for thrusting it upon public atten- tion, it will not shrink from its discussions whenever it shall be brought prominently before the country, and made the theme of public controversy ; but it will treat it as a local institution, the creature of local law, and subject to the exalusive supervision and control of the communities in which it exists. The TIMES will resist every attempt and will denounce every proposition, to wage war upon it from without, or to excite the fears, wound the pride, and arouse the resentments of those States which may be disposed or obliged to permit its continued existence. But it will also oppose every endeavor to extend it into regions now free from its influence, to re-open the Slave-trade with Africa, to impose the laws and the principles on which it rests upon our States, and to exact for it an undue share of influence and of power in the Councils of the Confederacy. It will press upon all sections upon the South and upon the North the full discharge of all their duties under the Constitution, and will rebuke and resist every attempt on the part of ultraists, in either section, to promote their own views and objects at the expense of justice and the public good. The Times will discuss all topics of general interest, in every department of public action, and always in the interest of Order, the Public Peace, and the general prosperity of the community. Its influence will be uniformly conservative, without neglecting any just and safe means of social or political Progress. While it will report promptly and accurately all intelligence of general interest in every department of human activity, it will never pander to vicious tastes, and will exclude from its columns everything that might render it unsafe or improper for general FAMILY perusal. It will seek to promote the public welfare by urging the claims of EDUCATION, MORALITY and RBLIGION upon the masses of the people, and in all its discussions it will endeavor constantly to be guided and controlled by the spirit of Moderation, Patriotism and Common Sense. It seeks the confidence and respect of reflecting men of all parties, but makes no appeal to those with whom party success is the first motive of action, and the peace and welfare of the country the last. In its CORRESPONDENCE, both Foreign and Domestic, the TIMES will not be inferior to any other American Journal. Its REPORTS of Congressional and Legislative proceedings, of Financial, Commercial and General Intel- ligence, of important Legal and Criminal Trials, and of whatever may have special interest for the great body of the community, will be full, prompt and reliable. The price of the NEW YORK TIMES, (Daily,) by mail, SIX DOLLARS a year. TIIMIES Is issued on the morning of every Tuesday and Friday, and contains, in addition to the bulk of intelligence given in the daily paper, a Literary Department, embracing standard novels and tales, and miscellaneous selections of the highest interest. The Agricultural Department is compiled from a variety of sources, many of them inaccessi- ble to the American reader. Price THREE DOLLARS a year; two copies to one address, FIVE DOLLARS; ten copies to one address, TWENTY DOLLARS. TIE3E "WEEKLY TIO^ES., Appern g every Saturday morning, embraces a comprehensive digest of the news of the preceding week, with attractive Literary features. It will also continue to furnish its valuable information to the Farmer and Gardener, a department which has become highly popular. Price TWO DOLLARS a year ; three copies to one address, FIVE DOLLARS; five copies to one address, EIGHT DOLLARS; ten copies to one address, TEN DOLLARS. Any person sending us a Club of twenty or more, will be entitled to an extra copy. TERMS OF ALL OUR ISSUES Cash invariably in advance. Specimen numbers forwarded upon application. As an Advertising Medium, the TIMES has claims to attention, from the esteni and character of its circula- tion, fully equal to those of any other journal In the country. All letters to be addressed to the "NEW YORK TIMES," New York City. ADVERTISEMENTS FKOM ABROAD. 938 THE3 NEW YORK TRIBUNE. PREPARE FOR THE GREAT POLITICAL CAMPAIGN. INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS!! NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE ! THE TRIBUNE now "more than eighteen years old, and having over a quarter of a million subscribers, or constant purchasers, diffused through every State and Territory of our Union will continue in essence what it has been the earne-t champion of Liberty, Progress, and of whatever will conduce to our National growth in Virtue, Industry, Knowledge and prosperity. THE NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE Is printed on a large imperial sheet, and published every morning and evening, (Sundays excepted.) It contains Editorials on the topics of the times, employing a large corps of the best newspaper writers of the day ; Domestic and Foreign Correspondence ; Proceedings of Congress ; Reports of Lectures ; City News ; Cattle, Horse and Produce Markets; Review of Books; Literary Intelligence; Papers on Mechanics and the Arts, Cookery, etc., etc. We strive to make THE TRIBUNE a newspaper to meet the wants of the public its Telegraphic news alone costing over $15,000 per annum. TERMS. THE DAILY TRIBUNE is mailed to subscribers at $6 per annum, in advance ; $3 for six months. THE NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Is published every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and contains all the Editorials of the Daily, with the Cattle, Horse, and General Markets, reliably reported expressly for THE TRIBUNE ; Notices of New Inventions ; Foreign and Domestic Correspondence ; Articles on Cookery ; and during the sessions of Congress it contains a summary of Congressional doings, with the more important speeches. We shall, as heretofore, make THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE a Literary, as well as a political newspaper, and we are determined that it shall remain in the front rank of family papers. TERMS. One Copy, one year $3.00 I Five Copies, one year $11.00 Two Copies, one year 5.00 | Ten Copies, one year, to one address 20.00 Any person sending us a club of twenty, or over, will be entitled to an extra copy. For a club of forty, we will send The Daily Tribune one year. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, A large eight-page paper for the country, is published every Saturday, and containi Editorials on the important topics of the times ; the news of the week ; interesting correspondence from all parts of the world ; the New York Cattle, Horse and Produce Markets; interesting and reliable Political, Mechanical and Agricultural articles; Papers on Cookery, etc., etc. We shall, during the year, as hitherto, constantly labor to improve the quality of the instructive entertainment afforded by THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE, which, we intend, shall continue to be the best Family Weekly Newspa- per published in the World . We consider te Cattle Market Reports alone richly worth to cattle raisers a year's subscription price. T E R M S . One Copy, one year $2.00 Three Copies, one year 5.00 Five Copies, one year 8.00 Ten Copies, one year $12.00 Twenty Copies, to one address 20.00 Twenty Copies, to address of each subscriber. . . . 24!oo Any person sending us a club of Twenty or more, will be entitled to an extra copy. For a club of Forty we will send THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ; and for a club of One Hundred THE DAILY TRIBUNE will be sent gratis. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms always cash in advance. All letters to be addressed to HORACE G-REELY & CO., Tribune Buildings, Nasffira Street, New York. 939 ADVERTISEMENTS FROM ABROAD. ALBANY DEPARTMENT OF THE ILLINOIS STATE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. The following embraces a portion of the leading houses in their respective lines of business in Albany. Piano Forte Makers. BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO., 468 Broadway. Stove Founders. RANSOM S. H., & CO., 463 and 465 Broadway. THE BOSTON DEPARTMENT ILLINOIS STATE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. The following embraces some of the leading houses in their respective lines of business in Boston. To Stove and Lantern Manufae'rs. SHEET ISINGLASS OR MICA FOR Lanterns of all kinds, Stoves and Furnace Doors, Am- brotpyes, Photographs, Engravin?, Lithography, Chemical purposes, Ac., at Wholesale or Retail. The above articles are superior to anything ever used for the above purposes, on account of not breaking or burning, but standing the most intense heat. Constant- ly for sale, at wholesale or retail, on the most reasona- ble terms, SAFETY LANTERNS and SAFETY LAMPS of various sizes. A very superior article for sale at NO. 21 UNION STREET, BOSTON, MASS., (up stairs,) RY GEORGE II. RUGGLES, Clothing Dealers, (Wholesale.) LOVEJOY W. R. & CO., 74 Franklin Street. Dry Goods, (Jobbers & Imp'trs.) BEEBE JAMES M. & CO., 60, 62 64 and 66 Franklin Street. PLIMPTON, STEPHENSON & CO., 108 New Devon. shire Street. Hotel. NATIONAL HOUSE, Oliver Stackpole, cor. of Black- stone and Cross Sts. Ink, Writing (Black & Carmine.) MAYNARD 4 NOYES, 51 and 53, Water Street. Isinglass or .Mica. RUGGLES G. H., 21 Union Street, up stairs. HOUSE, -B Y- COR, BLACKS TONE Ss CROSS STREETS' HAYMARKET SQUARE, Near Boston and Maine Depot, BOSTO1ST, BOARD $,125 per day. Kereosene, Paper Shades, &c. WILLIAMS & MORANDI, manufacturers of Kereo- sene Paper Shades in all their varieties, and dealers in Brass Clasps, Lamps, and Kereosene Oil, 65 and 67 Union St. Kereosene Oil and Lamps. MERRILL'S PATENT BURNER. MERRILL R. S. & CO., 77 and 79 Water Street. WOOD, GREENE & CO., 46 Water Street. Oil and Varnishes, (Mamifact ? rs.) NEWTON OIL CO., 42 Water Street. Sewing Machines. (New England Wax Thread.) BUTTERFIELD Win., gen. agent, 45 Pearl Street. 940 EDWARD MENDELL, MA..P PUBLISHER, Nos. 162 and 164 LAKE STREET, (Corner of LaSalle,) RAILROAD BONDS, CERTIFICATES OF STOCK AND DEPOSIT DRAFTS, NOTES, CHECKS, BILL AND LETTER HEADS, SHOW CARDS, VIEWS, LANDSCAPES, PORTRAITS, DIPLOMAS, LABELS, ENVELOPES, ETC., printed hi Black and Colors. MAPS AND PLANS, ENGRAVED, COLORED AND MOUNTED. SMITH & WESSON'S OBDEBS ADDBESSED TO W. STdEEB, ill (Camber Street, lew York. This Pistol is the lightest one in the World that has force; weight, ten ounces ; is loaded quicker than other Pistols are capped; sure fire under all circumstances ; can remain loaded any length of time without injury ; is not liabe to get out of order ; is perfectly safe to carry. I UST S TJ R A. 2ST C E A.GENOY JOHN R. BAKER, ST. CHARLES, KANE CO., ILL., P. O. BOX 61, Is Agent for the following well known and responsible INSURANCE COMPANIES : Home Insurance Company of New York, cash capital and surplus $1,800,000 05 New England Fire and Marine, of Hartford, Conn., cash capital and surplus 219,602 00 Stephenson County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Freeport, 111., total resources 178,662 61 Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance Company, premium notes being the capital of the Company 950,000 00 Hartford Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn., incorporated 1810, cash capital and snrplus 1,350,000 00 FOR INSTJIRAJSrOE SOLIOITE3D. 941 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS IN OTHER STATES. Bank Note Engraving. American Bank Note Co., New York, J. J. O'Sha- nessy, Agt., Chicago ......................... 984 Britannia Ware Manufacturers. Homan H. & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio ............... 925 Drugs and Medicines. D'CEnch, Rives & Co., St. Louis. Mo., colored page back part of Book. Fahnestock B. L. & Co., Pittsburg, Pa. ... ........ 027 Fire Arms. Colt Samuel C., Hartford, Conn ................... 923 Smith & Wesson, J. W. Storrs, Agent, New York.. 940 Forwarding & Commission. O'Riley P. G. & Co., Evansville, Ind ............. 929 Hardware, "Wholesale. Latlmer, Colburn & Lupton, Cincinnati, Ohio ...... 926 Heating Apparatus. Henderson's, Albany, N. Y., outside cover in gold, and inside back cover. Hotels. National Hotel, Boston Machinery Depots. Schenck Samuel B., New York 930 Times, New York... Tribune, New York Newspapers. Pistols. 937 93S Colt Samuel C., Hartford, Conn 923 Smith & Wesson, J. W. Storrs, Agt., N. Y 940 Pumps. American Pump, Kew York , 983 Insurance Companies. Continental Insurance Co., New York, Mason & Co., Agents, Chicago, colored page in back part of book. Fulton Fire Insurance Co., New York, Hall A Co., Agents, Chicago 935 Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York, Mason & Co., Agents, Chicago, colored page in back part of book. Phenix Insurance Co., of Brooklyn, N. Y 938 Security Fire Insurance Co., New York 986 Iron Safes. Herring's Champion, New York, C. L. Harmon * Co., Agents, Chicago, inside front cover. Patent Agents. Knight Bros., Cincinnati, Ohio 926 Saddlery Hardware. Hunter, Edmeston & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio 928 Sewing Machines. Bufteman H. C., Cincinnati, Ohio, outside back of cover, and 92tt Stove and Lantern Manuf'ct's. Ruggles George H., Boston, Mass 989 "Watches and Jewelry. Elias Henry P., Cincinnati, Ohio 926 "Writing Inks. Maynard & Noyes, Boston, Mass., colored page back part of book. Butler J. J., Cincinnati, Ohio 925 BOSTON & PROVIDENCE RAILROAD. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STATIONS ON PLEASANT, OPPOSITE ELIOT ST., 1835. CHARLES E. 'WARREN, President, [Office Passenger Station,] >. H"A.SON", Sup't, [Office Passenger Station,] H. DALTON, Treas., [Office, Passenger Station.] EDWARD PICKERING, Clerk, [Office 20 Merchants' Exchange.] WILLIAM APPLETON, GEORGE R. RUSSELL, JOHN BARSTOW, JOSEPH GRINNELL, SAMUEL T. DANA, GEO. W. HALLETT. BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE RAILROAD. Passenger Trains In summer, leave Boston and Provi- dence 3 times eve- ry day, stopping at Way stations. In addition, the New York STEAM- BOAT TSAIK leaves Boston every even- ing. STATIONS. II Boston ILKS. PARKS. $0 10 SEASOF For 3 r TICKETS 108. only $700 900 900 1000 1200 1200 1400 1900 1900 2300 28 00 28 00 3500 4000 4200 4200 4700 4700 $700 900 900 1000 1200 1300 1400 1400 1600 to o 3 SEA.SO]SJ~ TICKETS Are issued for three months only, commencing with the first day of any month, payable wholly in advance ; Passengers are requested to give them up on or before the last day of the term. g 2 5 s 3 '. 8 a o 3 1 g "rt O tj 1 1 fl E H personal cause, or for discontinuance of trains or change in the time of running them. Conductors have been directed to collect full fare of all who fail at any time to show their tickets on co O co ^ X n -a . ersons, owever, o wom a reucon o premum, aer eac ecarato dividend, would be desirable. can effect their object by surrendering such a portion of their policy, with its cor- responding amount of dividend, that the remainder, together with its corresponding amount of dividend, shall be -xactly equal to the original amount insured. Annuities are granted hv the Company on favorable terms. CHAS. SONNE, 4-7 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. OPPOSITE METROPOLITAN HALL. CITY BINDERY BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. ESTABLISHED 1850. I wish to draw the atten- of all those using BLANK BOOKS Ready made or to order, with or without printing, to iiiy establishment. I WARRANT LOW PRICES, PERFECT WORKMANSHIP And best of Stock. 25 YEARS (Experience in the Trade en- ables me to insure satisfaction. Looking Glasses, and Im- porter of Engravings, Wall Papers, Ac. Gilt Mould- ings Importer andmanu- fr. German Gilt Mould'gs. DEALER IN GERMAN STATIONERY, GERMAN GILT MOULDINGS, f LOOKING GLASSES, 'Wall Paper, And the celebrated BERLIN PRINTS. RULING AND PRINTING TO ORDER. MANUFACTURER OF AND OVAL FRAMES, SHOW O -A. E D S Mounted and put on Stretchers by the Job. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER IN SQUARE OR OVAL FRAMES. Those having Periodicals or subscription works, such as Harper's, Godey's Lady's Book, Put nam, Peterson, etc.; or Shakspeare, Byron, Moore, History of the United States, etc., may send them by Express, with orders to bind, which will be attended to strictly and the Books returned promptly. Cotnt JEath and Ml. Try everything and take the best.