641.50977311 L148b I Balanced Meals WITH RECIPES LAKE VIEW WOMAN'S CLUB UNIVERSITY OF ILLlKr>?S LIBRARY AT URBA/«A champaign OAK STREET LIBRARY FACILITY Comer Book Shop 102 Fourth Ave. New York 3, N. Y. (P ^^^M>^ -V > i-i ■'llllllll'lill!lliililllillllltllll!lllilllllllllilll!llllllllllllillHllllllllllllllinilllHlllllllllllllllllllll'll»ll"'* Balanced Meals With Recipes FOOD VALUES DRYING AND COLD PACK CANNING MENUS, WITH AND WITHOUT MEAT, BOX LUNCHEONS By Members of the LAKE VIEW WOMAN'S CLUB 2732 HAMPDEN COURT CHICAGO ri iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii!iii!iin;niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiii Ccpyright, 1917 BY LAKE VIEW WOMAN'S CLUB All Rights Reserved HE Economics Department of the Lake View Woman's Club offers this book for sale for the benefit of the Club's Committee for the Aid of the Blind. This Committee administers a Friendly Fund, from which loans are made without interest to deserving blind people, in order that they may be estab- lished in suitable occupations and become self-supporting. Mrs. E. T. Cooke, Chairman. If you like our book, please recommend it to your friends. Price $1.00 per copy. Address : Mrs. Samuel D. Snow, 4452 Beacon Street, Chicago, Illinois. REFERENCES FARMERS' BULLETINS Address DIVISION OF PUBLICATION U. S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D. C. Send for List. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Household Science Department Urbana, Illinois Ask to be put on mailing list. THE STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE Springfield, Illinois Will also send literature. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages 1. Food Values 7 2. Drying, and Cold Pack Canning ^.11-13 3. Menus, with meat, without meat, box luncheons. 15-19 4. Soups and Chowders 20 5/ Fish and Shellfish 26 6. Meats and Poultry 33 7. Vegetables and Meatless Dishes 46 8. Salads and Relishes 59 9. Sandwiches and Sandwich Fillings 72 10. Bread, Muffins, Rolls, etc 75 11. Cake, Cookies, Doughnuts, Gringerbread, etc. ... 89 12. Puddings and Pastry 120 13. Ices and Desserts 140 14. Jellies and Pickles 156 15. Left-overs 168 16. Miscellaneous 180 ''Every liousewife wJio practices strict econo-my puts Iter self in ilie ranks of tJiose wJio s^rve the Nation." — President of the United States. Three Strong Points oj Superiority THE SQUARE PACKAGE | BORDENS i Malted Milk