£>3 5Tca. !, ILLINOIS : s. Cl%o) '■ LI B RAFLY OF THE UN IVERSITY or 1LL1 NOIS ^77358- X>3<5c^ lilittOli ftliVWiVO* **••«* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/calendarofhistorOOdeca CALENDAR OF j n o DECATUR, MACON COUNTY, ILLINOIS ritiBuaiririiE MAR 24 1960 r; r V -,^,. . 0(s Compliments o/ fHE MILLIKIN NATIONAL BANK OF DECATUR • NOW IN ITS 100TH YEAR • CALENDAR OF HISTORIC EVENTS DECATUR, MACON COUNTY, ILLINOIS Compiled by The Decatur Public Library, The Decatur Herald and Review, and The Decatur Association of Commerce Distributed by THE MILLIKIN NATIONAL BANK OF DECATUR 100 Years of Leadership In Decatur and Macon County * 0: 'NE HUNDRED YEARS have elapsed since the foundling of The Millikin National Bank of Decatur by James Millikin. Decatur was then a young, progressive community of only 3,800 people. During its long history, The Millikin National Bank has been a Finani i.il cornerstone in Decatur, and has provided helpful credit and sound banking service to the growing community for five generations. The Millikin National Bank and Decatur have "grown up together. Events of the past often cast their shadow into the future. Decatur has had an interesting growth and development during the past 100 years, and it has the spirit and the resources for continued growth during the next century. The Calendar of Historic Events compiled recently by the Decatur Public Library, the Decatur Herald and Review and the Decatur Assoc i.i tion of Commerce, records many of these interesting events in chronological order. We have arranged to print this booklet and distribute it in connection with the celebration of our own 100th Anniversary. As we begin our second century of service, we believe the next 100 years will be the most interesting, the most challenging, and the mosl rewarding, in which man has had the privilege to live. We again dedicate ourselves to the continued promotion ol the com mercial, industrial, and agricultural development of Decatur and ( entral Illinois. THE MILLIKIN NATIONAL BANK OF DECATUR DECATUR, ILLINOIS CALENDAR OF HISTORIC EVENTS DECATUR. MACON COUNTY, ILLINOIS Named for Commodore Stephen Decatur, (Born January 5, 1770— died March 22. IS20) U. S. Naval Hero of the Tripolitanian War • | ( ompaea />v ilw Decatur Public Library, the { Decatur Herald and Rector, and the DeoofUT [ Association of Commerce February, l l )60. Early Days — Evidence of Mound Builders in this area. — Ill in i Indians, first recorded Indians here, driven out by Kickapoo Indians, a fierce and warlike trine, in 1770-1773. 1778 — Illinois a part of Virginia. 1787 to 1809 — Illinois part of Indiana Territory. 1811 — Great earthquake in Mississippi Valley. 1813 — Soldier-scouts of Col. George Rogers Clark chase Indians through area. 1816 — First settlers, an Indian trading post was built by the Lorton Brothers eight miles northeast of Decatur, not far from junction of Friends Creek and Sangamon River. 1818 — State of Illinois established. 1820 — First house built in Decatur by William Downing, a trapper-hunter, on south bank of Sangamon River near present location of Mueller Lodge. 1821 — First permanent family — Leonard Stevens settled 3 miles northwest of Decatur on Stevens Creek. 1825 — First school building known as "Ward School" was erected 3V2 miles southwest of Decatur on the old Widick place, later known as the P. M. Wikoff land. n c LEAN CHAMPAIGN nOULTRlE CHRISTIAN SHELBY COLfS 1829 — Macon County created, detached Irom Shelby county, named for Nathaniel Macon (1757-1837), Revolutionary War hero. 1829 — First taxes levied on personal property including "wat< hes and their appendages ', raised $109.32!/2. — First marriage license in Macon County issued to John Whihnore who. in June, married Delilah Miller. a* * PRAi&ie- 5r/?f£T JAI ^ 1:1 MAIN PUBLIC SQUARE *-$— STREET 1 3 5 L Of 5 i ^ 100 COuHT HOUSE 5 4 6 , i 3 1 6 - 3 7" 1 z 7 .], 8 8 1 8 1 i/VOOO STREET — City of Decatur platted "after the form of Shelbyville", boundaries Prairie, Water, Wood and Church Streets. — Log Cabin Court House in which Lincoln practiced built for $250. now in Fairview Park. — First businessman — James Renshaw opens hotel-store-tavern. 1830 — Earliest school, "a subscription school", held in a room on South Main Street. — Postal service commissioned, Daniel McCall, first postmaster. — Lincoln family arrived by ox cart at Lincoln Square (tablet on southeast corner.) — Abraham Lincoln's family's first Illinois home built 8 miles west of Decatur — now Lincoln Trail Homestead Park. 1831 — First church in Macon County, Mt. Zion Presbyterian. — First road — The Springfield-Decatur-Paris road, improved. 1832 — Black Hawk War — two local companies of mounted rangers. 50 men, join 5th regiment. — First jail built at northwest corner of Prairie and Water Streets. — First dam and saw mill built by David D. Allen, above a ford in the Sangamon River, at the foot of South Main Street. — First physician, Dr. Crissey, locates here. 1833 — General merchandise store built. 1834 — First church in Decatur built, First Methodist Church. — First Negro comes to Decatur. 1836 — Decatur chosen as crossing of "Northern Cross and Central Railroads. — Decatur became a municipality under the town law with b Board of Trustees, Richard Oglesby (uncle of Governor Otflesby), Hfit president. 1839 — hirst steam powered lac lory built l>\ William Allen — a combined vaw mill, grist mill and carding factory. 1841— First Fraternal order. Macon Lodge No. 8, A. F. and A. M. estab- lished. I S l- First school building built, a two story building at Water and North Park Streets. 1846 — Mexican War — Decatur III) Regiment, 79 men. has 2 killed. 10 wounded at Cerro Gordo Pass, Mexico. I v l~ ~>7 — Abraham Lincoln traveled tins 8tli Judicial Circuit; commemora- tive tablet at Art Center grounds. 1849— Orlando Powers (1812-1002) comes to Decatur on horseback. 1851 — hirst newspaper — 1 lie Family Gazette, James Shoaff, editor, pub- lished June 26. — "Township Organization" established by referendum. 1852 — First telegraph comes to Decatur. — First bank — a private safe installed in Peddecord & Burrows store whi< d became the first banking institution in 1856. 1854 — First Steam Railroad, the Great Western (Wabash) comes to Decatur in April followed by Central (Illinois Central) in October. — hirst piano (Mrs. Jane Johns) brought by ox-cart to Decatur; Lincoln helped move it in and set it up at hotel. — V. H. Parke founds Parke t- Son — warehousing and moving busi- ness. I s ") - ) — First park — Central Park — created. — Decatur was granted a charter as a city, aldermanic form of city governmenl (l wards) established, John P. Post, first Mayor. 1856 — James Minikin comes to Decatur. — I). S. Shellabarger organized milling company. — W. C. Starr Company (Harness Shop) founded by J. G. Starr. 1857 — The Mueller Company founded by Hieronymous Mueller. — First public school building, called Big Brick", was opened at site of present ( rastman school. — I'irst Band ol l)e I adit IS Library Association established to provide public library and reading room. i v '»^ ( '.i- lighting system established. — Young and Norman establish a steam laundry — now Norman's. 1869 — Municipal water system established and sewer system built. — Bonds issued to buy stock to encourage corporations formed to promote railroad developments, were approved by Decatur Town- ship .Hid Mat on c ounty official action. — C he< k row pi, inter invented and manufactured by L. L. Haworth 6 S ons. — hirst theater opened — Smith s I heater. — Linn r? Scruggs department store opens for business. — Water-m, tin lapping machine invented by Hieronymous Mueller, \ illatfe plumber . — New high school building at North and Broadway. 1870 — Population — city, 7.161; county, 20,481. — Decatur water works plant built. I N ~- — Weekly Decatur Review begins publication. — Cnambers-Bering-Quinlan farm equipment manufacturers, organ ized. — Post Jewelry Store opens. 1873 — Decatur National Bank organized, became National Bank ol I )e catur in 1893. — Ursuline Sisters come from Alton and open St. Teresas Academy. — Union Iron Works organized. 1875 — Decatur Public Library formed from Ladies Library Association. 1876 — Horse drawn street cars begin operation; horses watered from well in Lincoln Square. 1877 — First coal mine opened by Decatur Coal Company. — Bachrach's (Men's Store) founded. 1878 — G. S. Lyon organizes firm which became Lyon Lumber and Manu- facturing Company. 1879 — First telephone exchange starts with 33 phones. — Saturday Herald begins publication. — First labor union — Cigar Makers Union. 1880 — Population, city, 9,547; county, 30.665. — Decatur Woman's Club organized. — First hospital — St. Marys opens. — Bold Machine Works organized. — William Oakes Machinery Co. begins. JAMES MILUK1N, BANKER MOVES TO A BUILDING ()\ THU l>RESE\T ILWK S/77; IX THE (00 HI.OCK SORTH WATER STREET. 1883 Carbon .n< electrh liL'lii^ on lighl lowers pul in operation. Citizens National Bank, Gorin, Dawson &( o., Bankers, organized, became ( itizens National Bank in 1891. — I )c( .itur ( Inl) organized. 1884 First street paved with a "two < ourse l>ri< k . around Lincoln Square. — Hiown S Business ( ollege opened. — Wabash Railroad shops moved liere from Peoria. — Free delivery ol mail started. — Firs! paid Hre department organized. l^ - > I 'irsl I ire Kngine (liose wagon and team) purchased. — Field & Shorb Company Founded. 1886 Firsi building code and zoning ordinance adopted. — Irwin. Neisler & Co., pharmaceuticals, organized. I--- Leader Iron Works Founded. 1889 levtilr industry Founded — (Race Clothing Mfg. Co.), now Home \ lanufacturing Co. — Firsi electric street car in Illinois operates here. — Powers ( rrand Opera Mouse opens. 1890 -Population, city, 16,841; county, 38.083. — Decatur I runk Factory opens. 1805 — Firs! cereal oil mill in U. S. started. (Pratt Cereal Oil Co.) — Review Printing & Stationers' Co. (Huston-Patterson Corporation) organized. — I ii^l automobile appears, H. Mueller's car, a Benz motor wagon, imported from Germany. — Home Manufacturing Company (oldest textile firm) starts. — Folrath Shoe Store opened by David B. Folrath. ( )v ( ar B. Mueller wins lirsl auto race in world at Chicago. I"'"' Presenl fransfer House erected. OLD BU11D1NG WAS DEMOLISHED AM) PRESENT M1LUKIN BANK BUILDING WAS BUILT. 1897—]. MILLIKIN & CO. BANK BECOMES A NATIONAL BANK, NAME CHANGED TO THE MILLIKIN NATIONAL BANK OF DECATUR. — Flint, Eaton & Co., pharmaceuticals, organized. — Young s Packing Co. organized. 1898 — Spanish-American War. Company I I, 5th Regiment, Illinois Nation al Guards, 3 years service. — A. E. Staley Manufacturing Company organized in Baltimore. — First grain inspector. James Garland, appointed. 1900 — Population, city, 20,754; county, 44,003. — Fly-swatter invented by R. R. Montgomery. — Osgood & Sons, Inc., founded. 1901 — Professional league baseball organized. 1903 — James Millikin University dedicated by President Theodore Roose- velt. — Association of Commerce, "Decatur's Commercial Club", organized to secure industries. — Present Library building presented through Carnegie Foundation. — Mississippi Valley Structural Steel (Decatur Bridge Company) es- tablished. — Benson Creamery Co. founded. 1904 — First electric railroad (Illinois Traction System) begins operation. 1906 — lirst movie house ("The Nickelodeon") at northeast corner of William and Water. — Y. M. C. A. building at 151 W. Prairie opened to public. 1907 — Illinois I raction System opens repair shops. 1908 — First corn harvester invented here by Baird. — "Billy ' Sunday Tabernacle revival. 1909 — James Millikin. banker and philanthropist, dies March 2. — A. E. Staley buys the Pratt Cereal Mill of Decatur. 1910— Population, city, 31,140; county, 54,186. — A. W. Cash Valves invented — First airplane flight in this locality, a Curtiss biplane, flown at the race track (Hess Park). 1911 — Commission form of city government established. 1912 — A. E. Staley Manufacturing Company moves to Decatur from Balti- more and begins production of corn starch. 1914 — Powers Building and Linn & Scruggs (entire block) destroyed by fire. — Rotary Club No. 180 organized. — Decatur Pump Co. begins operations. 1915 — Association of Commerce "passed the hat" for $500 to oil first road south from Decatur toward Pana. 1916 — Hotel Orlando (250 rooms) opened. — Decatur and Macon County Hospital opened. Cost $246,849.00. 1917 — World War I, National Guard becomes Company A. 124th Ma- chine Gun Battalion; 3,586 in service from area, some 100 casualties. — Institute of Civic Arts established by Anna B. Millikin estate (with gift of James Millikin home) (built in 1876). — Decatur Sanitary District voted. 1919 — Millikin wing built at Decatur & Macon County I lospilal. — Lions Club organized in Decatur. 1920— Population, city, 43,818; county, 01.175. — First city plan, financed by subscription, (third such plan among U. S. citirO — Firs! hard road built to west (Route 10. now LJ. S. 36). — Grain-trade organized within Association of Commerce to promote grain market. — Kiwanis Club of Decatur organized. 1921 — Sunnyside Golf Club (now Scovill Park) built west of Decatur. 1922 — First soybeans processed in the United States at Decatur by A. E. Staley Manufacturing Company. — Community Chest organized. 1923 — Lake Decatur created by Decatur Water Supply Company, a non- profit citizens organization. — Tuberculosis Sanatorium opened, July 1923. — Illinois Power Co. moves general office from Champaign to Decatur. 1924 — Decatur Park District established. — J. J. Moran erects first funeral home, Eldorado and Water streets. — First boulevard stop signs erected. — First women (3) elected Assistant Counly Supervisors. 1925— First radio broadcast (W.J.B.L., changed to W.S.O.Y. in 1939) — First airport built (canvas hangar) at Wyckles corner. 1927 — Grigoleit Co, molded plastics, founded. 1929 — Centennial celebration, July. 1930— Population, city, 57,510; county, 81,731. — A. W. Burks pumps invented. — Dr. Williams A. Barnes, surgeon and noted entomologist, dies May 2. 1931 — First "black top" county 7 road laid. 1932 — Lake Decatur acquired by city. 1935 — Decatur's new Post Office dedicated. 1936 — Community Recreation program established. — Buses replace street cars. — Second city plan, financed by local governmental units, completed. — Belt-line (13 mile highway around city) completed. 1938 — Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Inc., soybean plant, built. 1939 — Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., soybean processing plant, located here. 1940— Population, city, 59,510; county, 84,693. — A. E. Staley, Sr., dies December 26. 1941 — World War II, National Guard leaves for 4 years service; 8,987 men and women in service from area, 353 casualties. — New County Building completed. 1942 — Decatur industry converts to war production. — Victory Military Engine Co. builds Diesel engines — operated! I>\ Caterpillar Tractor Co. — Two shell loading plants built in Illiopolis. 1943 — County Zoning established. 1944 — Atom bomb component made here in government-built C rarnela plant. — Decatur Art Center organized under joint management with Minikin University. — Latham wing added to Decatur & Macon Count) I lo spiral. — LePage's, Inc (now Permacel) opens Decatur plant. 1945 — Decatur referred to as "Soybean Capital of the World,'' by Se< retarj Clinton P. Anderson, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 1946 — Municipal airport completed. — U. S. Signal Depot established here. — hirst "Freemen o Modulation" broadcast, W.S.O.Y. F.M. — "Lincoln the Lawyer", statue by Lovet-Lorski at County Building, dedicated. 1947 — General Electric plastics plant begins operations. 1948 — Lincoln statue by Fred Torrey, At 21 I came to Illinois erected on Millikin University campus by State of Illinois. 1949 — W.D.Z., third oldest radio station in U. S. moved here from Tuscola. 1950 — Census showed city population 66,269 and county population of 98,853. — Borg Warner Corporation, Marvel-Schebler Products Division, start- ed operations. — Ozark Air Lines began first scheduled air service here. — Guy N. Scovill. philanthropist, dies March 30. — South Shores development started. — Rand McNally & Co. opens Decatur plant. 1951 — First one-way streets — Franklin and Church. 1952 — A statue of Stephen Decatur, by John David Brcin, unveiled on the Art Center grounds. —The new $1,500,000 Y. M. C. A. building opened. — First Lochner highway street and highway improvement made by state. — Post-Korean-War plan for major public improvements: interceptor sewers, schools, parks, off-street parking, water and streets. — Ralston-Purina Co. (Checkerboard Soybean Co.) buys Decatur plant. 1953— WTVP of Decatur. WCIA of Champaign and WICS of Spring- field started television operations. — Mass gamma globulin shots were given to help fight polio. — An urban renewal program first proposed. — $4.2 million bond issue for interceptor sewers approved. 1954 — Caterpillar Tractor Co. Decatur Plant started construction of its motor grader and wheel tractor plant. — New interceptor sewei system completed. — Oscar Dorr wing added to Decatur & Macon County Hospital. — United Fund organized. 1955 — The Illinois Terminal Railroad abandoned passenger service. —The $1 .01 5.000 Scovill S< tent e Hall dedicated at Millikin University. — First S.ilk vaccine inoculations for polio are given. — A. E. Staley Bridge at Nelson Park dedicated along with first 4-Iane highway, Route K>, to the east. — Scovill Science building opens at Millikin University. 1956 — The $709,144 Bascule gate installation on the Lake Decatur Dam was completed. — The Caterpillar Tractor Co. holds open house to celebrate the begin- ning of its full production in Decatur plant. — Decatur Board of Education (hanged from three to seven members. — School referendum of $4.2 million provides new schools, approved. 1957 — Douglas MacArtluir High School opened in the fall. — The cits 7 s three-story parking structure opened. — The Illinois Power Company opened its new office building on 27th Street. — Lincoln Homesite Park dedicated near Harristown. — Special city census shows 77.045 people. — A. E. Staley Mfg. Co. begins moving corn and beans on the longest conveyor belt in the world. — First city planner hired. — Soy Capital and North town banks open. — Planning office established by city, county, township, schools, sani- tary and park districts. 1958 — Fairview Plaza Shopping Center opened. — The new Temple B'Nai Abraham was dedicated. — Ground was broken for the new $7.5 million St. Mary s Hospital. — Council-Manager form of city government voted. — Second highway (Lochner Plan) improvement program. — Third city plan completed. — Borg-Warner Corporation establishes York Division in Decatur. 1959 — New Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company plant starts operation. — Urban renewal plan approved for Decatur. — Lincoln log cabin rebuilt and moved to northeast corner of Fairview Park. — Lakeview community unit school district annexed to Decatur School District. — First city manager takes office. 1Q50 — Fire, at 4 degrees below zero, destroys Lincoln Square Theatre and four stores. —THE M1LLIKIN NATIONAL BANK CELEBRATES ITS 100th ANNIVERSARY. I860 * s of st*' i960