i if . * .4 ' ' • it ' y <* V . ii'.' > * *' * %y ^ '1 f -. V- '. * ».'k .' Isl' : ■: . T,. i-.'O/V ' '3^i:^4'y I .; . m’fy ■ % Mtr • n. • ■: . ■' y*;> If* \ » .'k , ■*r .t^ . j * i"' i •j» •f ■•I'j CITY OF DUBLIN ELECTION, JULY 15th, 1865. JOHN VANCE, Esq., D.L.; BENJAMIN LEE GUINNESS, Esq., D.L. ; AND JONATHAN PIM, Esq. LIST OF ELECTORS FOK THE YEAK 1865, DISTINGUISHING THE NAMES OF THOSE WHO EXERCISED THEIR FRANCHISE AT THE ABOVE ELECTION, AND SHOWING FOE WHOM THEY VOTED. Compiled from the Poll Books of Messrs. Vance and Guinness. DUBLIN : J. ATKINSON, PRINTER, 72, GRAFTON STREET. 1865, I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/listofelectorsfoOOdubl 35a. D 4)^^" CONTENTS. South Dock Ward Psge. 1 Donnybrook District . . 17 Eathdown District . 33 Trinity Ward 35 South City Ward . 47 Royal Exchange Ward . . 01 Mansion House Ward , 75 Fitzwilliain AV^ard . . . 87 Wood Quay AYard . . ' ~ . 97 Merchants’ Quay AYard . . 107 Usher’s Quay AYard . 117 Arran Quay AYard . . . 129 Inns’ Quay Ward . 145 North City Ward ^ . . 161 Rotundo AA’^ard . 175 Mountjoy Ward . . 187 North Dock AA^ard .201 Freemen . 219 4S6261 Page. 24 32 32 32 36 78 129 140 141 141 141 143 143 151 154 103 1G4 233 239 239 240 241 241 242 242 243 205 270 E U K A T A . No. Reg. 280 printed as voting for V ; did not vote. 585 „ voting for V ; did not vote. 580 ?3 not voting ; sliould be for V. 592 5 , voting for V P ; should be for V G. 42 5 , not voting ; should be for P. 112 3) voting for V P ; should be for P. 8 not voting ; should be for V G. 435 •3 voting for P ; did not vote. 402 33 voting for V G ; should be for P. 484 33 voting for P ; did not vote. 00 3' not voting ; should be for P. 549 33 voting for G ; should be for P. 574 35 voting for P ; should be for V G. 250 33 not voting ; should be for P. 367 35 voting for V G ; should be for P. 09 voting for V G ; should be for G P. 115 33 voting for G P ; should be for V G. 570 33 voting for G P ; should be for V G. 827 5 , voting for P ; did not vote. 828 35 not voting ; should be for V G. 850 55 voting for V P ; should be for P. 900 53 voting for G P ; should be for P. 906 35 not voting ; should Ibe for V P. 927 35 voting for V ; did not vote. 928 35 voting for V G ; should be for V. 980 ,, voting for V P ; should be for J^. 1873 53 not voting ; should be for V G. 2096 53 voting for V ; should be for V G. SOUTH DOCK WARD. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Abbott, Eev. Cbas., N.castle, N.T.M.Kennedy . . V G 2 Abbott, Jonas Archer, .Ulverton, DaUiey 3 Adams, Thomas W. B., Barrow-street . . G P 4 Addison, James, Monkstown Crescent, Monkstn. V 5 Alexander, George, 8 Merrion square, south . . 6 Allen, Eichard, 22 Albert place, east • • V G 7 Anderson, Nicholas, 66 Brunswick st., great . , G P 8 Angus, John, 10 Queen square, west 9 Apjohn,Eev.Mich.L.,Ballyroodglebe,Cahirconlish V G 10 Armstrong, Francis, 55 Baggot st., lower , . V G 11 Armstrong, William, 20 Albert place, east 12 Askins, John-H., Cottage park av., Sandymt. V G 13 Atkin, Walter Eobert, 5 Merrion square, east. . V 14 Atwood, Josiah, Landport road, Portsmouth . , V G 15 Ay re, Vernon, 8 Fitzwilliam street, lower 16 Bailey, Thomas, 14 Herbert place . . V G 17 Baird, William, 2 Albert place, east 18 Ball, James Benjamin, 12 Merrion square, east 19 Banks, John T., 10 Merrion square, east , . V G 20 Bannon, Michael, 52 Sandwith street . . P 21 Barrett, William, 40 Erne street, upper 22 Barry, Henry, 15 Herbert street G P 23 Bartley, Denis, 2 Power’s court ,, G P 2 2 SOUTH DOCK WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 24 Barton, John K., 40 Baggot^street, lower . . V G 25 Bastable, Henry, 26 Baggot street, lower , . V G 26 Battersby, Francis, 15 Warrington place . . V G 27 Battley, Doyley, Belvedere hall, Bray 28 Baxter, John Patrick, 49 Baggot st., lower . . G 29 Beatty, Patrick, Dodder vale cottage, Irishtn.,. 30 Beatty, William, 3 Wentworth place . . V G 31 Bell, George, 27 Sir John Eogerson’s quay V G 32 Benson, Thos. H., Strand road, Merrion . . V G 33 Berkeley, Robert James, 40 Mount st., upper . . V G 34 Bethall, Richard Robert, 1 Clarence st., great. . 35 Black, George, 65 Mount street, lower . . V G 36 Blackburne, Right Hon. F., Merrion sq., south V G 37 Blanchard, Thomas, 13 Warrington place . . V G 38 Bland, Loftus Henry, Merrion square, north . . 39 Boland, Patrick, 25 Erne street, lower 40 Boswell, James, Miltown road . . V G 41 Boulger, James, Stephen’s place 42 Bowen, Thos. Augustine, 122 Brunswick st., gt. 43 Boyce, James W., 73 Baggot street, lower . . V G 44 Boyce, Joseph, Mount street, upper 45 Bradshaw, George Webb, travelling abroad , . 46 Brady, Thomas Francis, 6 Percy place 47 Brannick, Kenny, 34 Sandwith place 48 Brereton, William R., Brecon, South Wales . . V G 49 Brewster, Rt. Hon. Abraham, 26 Merrion sq. sth G 50 Brown, Henry, 42 Erne street, upper . . V G 51 Brown, Michael, 86 Mount street, lower 52 Browne, Montague, 24th Regiment . . V G 53 Browne, Robert, 54 Mount street, upper 54 Browne, Sarsfield, Tivoli terrace, Kingstown . . V G 55 Browne, Walter, 1 Hanover street, east 56 Browne, William, Barrow street 57 Bryan, William, 5 Adelaide place 58 Buchanan, William, 69 Mount street, lower . . V G 59 Burke, James, 1 Adelaide place 60 Burke, Michael, 4 Brunswick place . . G 61 Burke, Michael, 8 Erne street, upper 62 Burton, Joseph, 93 Mount street, lower . . V G 63 Butcher, Richard, 19 Fitzwilliam street, lower V 64 Butler, Richard, Ballyslateen, co. Tipperary , . P SOUTH DOCK WARD. 3 No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For wliom voted. G5 Byrne, Denis, 13 Queen’s terrace . . P 6G Byrne, John, 7 Stephen’s place . . G P G7 Byrne, John, 90 Mount street, lower . • P G8 Byrne, John Alex., 30 Fitzwilliam st., lower. . P G9 Byrne, Joseph James, IG Mount street, lower , G P 70 Byrne, Patrick, 47 Baggot street, lower . . G P 71 Byrne, Patrick J., 27 Mount street, lower .. G P 72 Byrne, Thomas, Simmon’s court . . P 73 Calfrey, Thomas, 34 Erne street, upper . . P 74 Calwell, Robert, 25 Herbert place 75 Cardiff, Richard Wingfield, 11th Regiment . . 76 Carew, Lynn, 96 Mount street, lower .. V G 77 Carroll, James, 36 Power’s court ,, V G 7 8 Carter, William, 8 Barrow street 7 9 Cashen, Michael, 4 Harmony row . . G P 80 Cassidy, Edward, 27 Wentworth place . . G P 81 Cassidy, James, 78 Brunswick street, great , . 82 Cather, Rev. William, Donaghadee . • G P 83 Cavendish, John, 1 9 Erne street, upper . . V G 84 Chamberlain, Tankerville Wm., Rockville, Kells V G 85 Chapman, Edward, 82 Brunswick st., great . . P 86 Chapman, William, 31 Holies street . V G 87 Christian, Rt. Hon. Jonathan, 35 Merrion sq. sth. 88 Christie, Joseph, 44 Sandwith street . . G P 89 Clarke, Courtenay K,Greenbk, Tgnmth,Devonsh. V G 90 Clarke, Francis, 9 Sidney avenue, Blackrock. . V G 91 Clarke, Joshua, 13 Herbert street 92 Clarke, Peter, 19 Ringsend road 93 Clooney, Joseph, 32 Erne* street, upper ,, G 94 Cockburne, William, 47 Mount street, lower, . 95 Codes, Maurice H., 25 Baggot street, lower . . V G 96 Collins, Edward, 12 Stephen’s lane 97 Colthurst, William, 2 Mount street crescent . . V G 98 Colvin, Terence, 5 Erne street, upper . . p 99 Connell, John F., 7 Waterloo ter. Leeson st. up. V G 100 Connolly, Charles, 49 Sir John Rogerson’s qy. p 101 Connolly, Francis, 10 Victoria place , . G P 102 Connolly, William, 123 Brunswick st., great. . P 103 Cooke, James, 55 Sandwith street V G 104 Coonan, James, 12 Albert place, east 4 SOUTH HOCK WARD. i No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 105 Corballis, John H., 19 Baggot street, lower . . G P 106 Corcoran, Jas. P., 29 & 30 Sir John Ilogerson’s qy. P 107 Cornwall, Kobert, 8 Herbert street . . V G 108 Corri, Valentine, 13 Queen’s square, west 109 Courtney, Henry, 24 Fitzwilliam place . . V G 110 Couche, John, 5 Grattan street . . P 111 Crampton, George, 22 Erne street, upper .. V G 112 Cronhelm, Theodore, Luneburg .. G P 113 Crowe, George, Beech hill . . V G 114 Crowley, William, 70 Sir John Eogerson’s qy. 115 Cullen, John, Harold’s cross . . P 116 Cunningham, James, 8 Fitzwilliam lane <. . P 117 Curran, Matthew, 13 James’s street, east .. P 118 Curran, Patrick, 6 Grattan street .. P 119 Curry, William, 16 Fitzwilliam street, lower., V G 120 Haimpre, Isidore, 8 Bushfield avenue , . P 121 Daly, Michael, 70 Brunswick street P 122 Dames, Francis Longworth, 30 Merrionst., up. G P 123 Davis, David, 2 Adelaide place . . P 124 Davis, George, 149 Townsend street . . V G - 125 Davis, James K., 76 Baggot street, lower 126 Davis, William, Erne street, lower . . V 127 Davy, Edmund, Kimmage rd., nr Harold’s cross 128 Davoran, Andrew Vesey, Somerset, Eaglan rd. V G 129 Dawson, Yelverton, 30 Pembroke pi. Waterloo rd. V G 130 De Lisle, Francis, 2 Clarence street, great , . Y G 131 De Moleyns, Thomas, 11 Merrion sq., sth. .. P 132 Dempsey, Edward, 76 Brunswick st., great .. V G 133 Dennehy, James, 1 Albert place, east 134 De Eicci, Eobert, 31 Merrion street, upper . . V 135 Dixon, Frederick, 48 Queen’s square, east . . P 136 Dockrell, Thomas, Eaglan road . . V P 137 Dolan, Michael, 55 Mount street, lower 138 Donegan, Patrick, Clonskea 139 Dow, William, 21 Queen’s terrace 140 Dowse, William, 22 Mount street, lower . . V 141 Doyle, Charles, 31 Erne street, upper 142 Doyle, James, 2 & 3 Bath street, Irishtown . • 143 Doyle, John, 24 Albert place, east 144 Doyle, Jphn B., Martello terrace, Merrion , . Ph pH CM Ph Ph SOUTH DOCK WARD. 0 No: Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 145 Doyle, Michael, 9 Brunswick place . . P 146 Dubedat, John, 23 Pembroke place . . V G 147 Duckett, Kichard Mayberly, 44 Mount st., up. 148 Duckett, Thos. M., Rocksprings S. Luke^co Cork 149 Dudgeon, Henry, 4 Albert place, east . . V 150 Duffy, Thomas, 9 Holies row . . P 151 Duigan, Peter, 71 Sir John Rogerson’s quay.. P 152 Dunbar, Joseph, 4 Wentworth terrace . . P 153 Duncan, William, 92 Charlemont ter. Ranelagh V G 154 Dunne, James, 13 Cardiff’s lane , . G 155 Dunn, Lewis, 98 Townsend street 156 Durdin, Robert Garde, 88 Mount street, lower , . V 157 Edie, Alexander C. D. L., 32 Pembroke place V G 158 Edwards, Denry, 72 Mount street, lower 159 Edwards, John, 15 Mount street, upper . . V G 160 Egan, Edward, Thorncastle street, Ringsend . . 161 Egan, Edward, 10 Holies row 162 Ennis, John, 9 Merrion square, east 163 Erck, Wentworth, 27 Herbert place .. Y G 164 Fallon, James, 16 Harmony row 165 Farrell, John, 3 Brunswick place . . Y G 166 Farrell, Lewis, 13 Baggot street, lower 167 Farrell, Patrick, 20 Clarence place, great 168 Farrell, Thomas, 11 Warrington place G 169 Fawcett, John, 16 Herbert place . . Y G 170 Feeling, John, 22 Clarence place, great 171 Ferguson, Andrew Wm., 79 Mount's!., lower. . Y G 172 Finlayson, Rev. John, 60 Baggot st., lower . . Y G 173 Finnemore, John, Ballyward, near Blessinton, . 174 Fisher, Denis O’Callaghan, 28 Mount st., lower Y 175 Fitzgerald, Rev. Frederick, Simmon’s court .. Y G 17 6 Fitzgerald, Rt. Hon. John D., 7 Merrion sq., east 177 Fitzgerald, John, 185 Brunswick street . . Y G 178 Fitzpatrick, Thomas, 31 Baggot street, lower. , 179 Fitzsimon, Bernard, 3 Forbes street ,, 180 Flanagan, Chas., 26 Sir John Rogerson’s quay 181 Flavelle, Henry, 3 Normanton terrace , . Y G 182 Fletcher, Adam, 10 Baggot street, lower . . Y G 183 Foley, Stephen, 14 Clarence place, great . . P PhPh PhP^ G SOUTH DOCK WARD, No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 184 Ford, Andrew, 8 Hanover street, east . . P 185 Ford, Henry, 48 Baggot street, lower . . G P 186 Forde, Hugh, 47 a Baggot street, lower . . P 187 Ford, Patrick-, 7 Grattan place . . P 188 Fowler, Eev. L., Willbrk. Fresliford, co Kilkenny V G 189 Fox, James, 148 Brunswick street, great - • P 190 Franklin, Thomas, 42 Baggot street, lower . . V G 191 Franks, Robert F., 18 Mount street, upper • . V G 192 Franks, Thomas, Fitzwilliam street, lower 193 Frayne, John, 135 Brunswick street, great .. P 194 Freke, Henry J., 28 Holies street 195 Fry, William, 13 Mount street, lower , . G P 196 Gabbett, Rev. Edward, Kelinore, co, Armagh V G 197 Galway, Robert, 64 Waterloo road ‘ . . V G 198 Gamble, Richard W., 39 -Baggot street, lower V G 199 Ganley, Michael, 10 Erne street, upper . . G P 200 Gannon, William, 132 Brunswick street, great P 201 Garbois, Henry, 23 Baggot street, lower . , G 202 Gardiner, Arthur, Adelaide street, Kingstown Y G 203 Garland, James, 71 Brunswick street, great . , V G 204 Gilmore, John, 10 Mount street, upper , . V G 205 Giltrap, John, 22 Queen’s terrace 206 Goodfellow, Henry, 5 Clarence street, great . . V 207 Gordon, James, 53 Denzille street . . P 208 Graham, Henry, 21 Erne street, upper . . V G 209 Graham, Peter, Mountain view. South Wall . . 210 Grandison, Henry, 23 Holies street . . V G 211 Grant, George Fox, 62nd Regiment .. V G 212 Grant, J. W., Rathconrath Rectory, Ballincargy 213 Green, John, Triangle house, Teignmouth, Devon V 214 Greenwood, Thomas, 56 Queen’s square, east.. P 215 Grey, William J., Hanover quay .. V G 216 Griffin, Edward L., 7 Mount street crescent . . G P 217 Grogan, Rev. G. W. 4 Albion rd. ter. Stoke, Newington 218 Gyles, George, Kilmurray, Waterford 219 Hackett, George H., 24 Baggot street, lower , . 220 Hagan, Christopher, 11 Clarence place, great. • 221 Hagan, John, Rathdrum, co. Wicklow • • 222 Hagan, Michael, Haigh’s lane P P P SOUTH DOCK WARD. 7 No. Beg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 223 Hagarty, Patrick, 67 Sandwith street • . P 224 Hall, Henry, 23 Queen’s square, west . . V G 225 Hand, Patrick, 6 Brunswick place . . P 226 Hand, William, 3a Clarence street . . • P 227 Hanlon, Michael, 21 Albert place . . P 228 Harcum, Charles, 3 Sir John Eogerson’s quay P 229 Hargrave, William, 56 Mount street, upper . . V 230 Harty, Sir Eobert, 2 Leeson park . . V G 231 Hasler, Frederick H., Bellair, Dalkey • . 232 Hayden, Patrick, 12 Harmony row . . P 233 Hayes, William, 29 Ormond quay and'Ballyhall V G 234 Hayward, John, 5 Brunswick place . . V 235 Hemphill, Charles Hare, 23 Merrion sq., south 236 Hender, John, Hender place 237 Henn, Thomas Eice, Mount street, upper . . V G 238 Hewetson, Thomas, 8 Queen’s square, west . . 239 Hickman, Philip I)., 5 Mincing lane, London 240 Higginbotham, Henry, 40 Mount street, lower V G 241 Hill, John, 2 Salthill place, Monkstown 242 Hitchcock, John, Antrim house, Antrim 243 Hoare, James, 2 Fitzwilliam street, lower . . V G 244 Hogan, Michael, 32 Baggot street, lower 245 Hogan, Patrick, 18 Creighton street 246 Hopkins, William, 47 Waterloo road . . V G 247 Hort, Sir William, 1 Merrion square, east 248 Huddleston, John, 26 Erne street, lower . , G P 249 Hughes, John, 18 Merrion square, east . • G P 250 Hughes, 'Eobert, 23 Hanover street, east 251 Hughes, William, 22 Queen’s square, west , . V G 252 Hulbert, John, 50 Queen’s square, east , . V 253 Hurst, James, 34 Cumberland st., north, lower V G 254 Hutchings, Henry, Fairyville, Sandymount . . V G 255 Hutchinson, William, Carrick-on-Shannon , . 256 Hutton, Edward, 5 Merrion square, south 257 Hyland, Thomas, 35 Sandwith place . . V G’ 258 Jeffcock, Edward, 1st Eoyal Cheshire Eegiment 259 Jessop, John H., 31 Mount street, upper 260 Johns, John, 18 Erne street, upper . . V G 261 Johnston, Charles, 24 Merrion square, south. . 262 Johnston, James, 13 Mount street, upper Ph Ph 8 SOUTH DOCK WARD, No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 263 Johnston, John, Hacketstown, Skerries ... V G 264 Jones, Thomas A., 9 Mount street, upper . . V G 265 Jones, Robert, Sandymount road . . V G 266 Kane, Thomas, 4 Lime street 267 Keating, Rt. Hon. Richard, 21 Merrion sq., sth V G 268 Keegan, James, 17 Harmony row . . P 269 Keely, Patrick, Wentworth place .. 270 Kelly, Denis H. 51 Mount street, upper . • V G 271 Kelly, John, 3^ Baggot street .. G P 272 Kelly, John, 16 James’s street, east . . P 273 Kelly, *Samuel, 7 Burlington road .. P 274 Kelly, Thomas L., 53 Mount street, upper . . P 275 Kelly, William, 33 Sir John Rogerson’s quay. . P 276 Kennedy, Henry A., Sandymount avenue 277 Kennedy, John Pitt, 24 Mount street, lower. . 278 Kenny, James C. F., 2 Merrion square, south 279 Kenny, Michael, 81 Mount street, lower .. G 280 Kenny, Patrick, 3 Albert place, east 281 Keogh, John, 6 Sir John Rogerson’s quay . . 282 Kidby, Edward, 17 Queen’s square . . V P 283 Kincade, Joseph, 3 Herbert street , . 284 King, James, 32 Holies street . . V G 285 King, Thomas Charles, 44 Queen’s square, east 286 Kingsmill, Henry, 97 Mount street, lower • . V G 287 Kirby, John J., 10 Fitz william street, lower . . P 288 Kirby, William, 2 Avoca avenue, Blackrock . . 289 Kirk, Paul, Brunswick street, great 290 Kirwan, Patrick, 19 Wentworth place . . P 291 Kirwin, Rich. Andrew Henry, 42 Mount st., up. V G 292 Kurtz, Andrew, Sir John Rogerson’s quay . . V G 293 Kurtz, Charles, Sir John Rogerson’s quay 294 Kynes, John, 133 Brunswick street, great . . V 295 Lamb, Rev. Walter, Kilcolman park, Bandon 296 Langford, Robert, 1 Fitzwilliam street, lower, . V G 297 Langrishe, John T., Summerseat, Clonee, CO Meath V O 298 Langron, Edward, 4 Beech hill . . P 299 Lawler, Daniel, 48 Mount street, lower . , G P 300 Lawless, Richard D., 30 Mount street, lower. . P 301 Leary, John, 8 Holies row . . P SOUTH DOCK WARD. 9 No. Heg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 302 Lee, Jolin, Milltown Mills, county Dublin . . V G 303 Lee, Michael, 35 Erne street, upper 804 Leech, Samuel, 57 Mount street, lower 805 Leeson, Edward, 14 Queen’s terrace . . V G 306 Leeson, Richard, New Holland, Sandymount. . • 307 Leeson, William, 58 Sandwith street 308 Lefanu, Joseph S., 18 Merrion square, south V G 309 Lennon, Charles, Leixlip, county Kildare . . V G 310 Leonard, John, 38 Erne street, upper 311 Levey, John, 22 Holies street 312 Lindsay, George Hayward, Glasnevin 313 Lloyd, Eyre, Prospect, Castleconnell 314 Lloyd, Richard Pennefather, Herbert place . . V G 315 Longfield, Robert, 33 Merrion square, south . . V G 316 Lyle, John M‘Kenzie, 29th Regiment 317 McAlister, John, 29 Queen’s square, north . . G P 318 M‘Cally, John, 89 Mount street, lower . . V G 319 M‘Carthy, John, 54 Queen’s square, east . V G * 320 M'Carton, William, 21 Clarence place, great. . P 321 McDermott, Ralph Nash, Athboy, co. Meath.- V G 322 McDonald, Patrick, 16 Queen’s terrace . . P 323 McDonnell, James, 28 Herbert place . . P 324 M‘Donnell, Luke John, 4 Merrion sq., east . . P 325 M‘Evoy, John, 20 Harmony row . . P 326 M‘Grane, John, 9 Clarence place, great . . P 327 McNally, James, 6 & 7 Main st., Blackrock • • P 328 M‘Swiney, Bryan, Woodville, Leeson st., upper P 329 MWittie, Robert Blake, Stephen’s Hospital • . G P 330 Macklin, Edward, 20 Queen’s square, west . , G P 831 Magahan, James, 16 Erne street, upper . . P 332 Magan, Thomas T., 5 Herbert street V 333 Magee, John, 1 Mount street, lower . . P 334 Maher, John, 17 Albert place, east 335 Maher, Thomas R., 43 Baggot street, lower . . G P 336 Malone, Andrew, 1 Wentworth terrace ,, 337 Malone, David, 2 James’s street, east . . p 338 Mara, Michael, 8 Erne place ^ , P 339 Martin, John, 10 Clarence place, great , . P 340 Martin, Thomas, 2 Baggot street, lower . . G P 341 Maunsell, Frederick, 26 Herbert place O ' o pH Pm P^ 10 SOUTH DOCK WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 342 Maiinsell, Robert, Lakelands, Dundrum . . V G 343 Meekins, Robert, Glasthule house, Kingstown * V G 344 Meredith, Richard Martin, 4 Mount st., upper V G 345. Merritt, William J., 5 Sir John Rogerson’s qy. 346 Moffatt, James, London bridge road . . G 347 Monaghan, Patrick, 134 Brunswick street, gt. 348 Monks, William, 6 Adelaide place . . V 349 Montgomery, Nathaniel, 6 Mount st., upper , . 350 Moore, Martin, 9 Stephen’s place 351 Moore, Rev. Thos., Middleton cottage, co. Cork V G 352 Morgan, Edwin, 30 Erne street, upper . . V G 353 Morris, Michael, 22 Fitzwilliam street, lower. . 354 Morton, John, 4 and 5 Cardiff’s lane 355 Morton, Robert, 4 and 5 Cardiff’s lane , . G 356 Morton, William, 4 and 5 Cardiff’s lane 357 Mostyn, Thomas, 19 Merrion square, south . . V G 358 Moyers, William Frederick, 3 Barrow street. . V 359 Murphy, Denis, 33 Erne street, upper 360 Murphy, James, 61 Mount street, upper •• 361 Murphy, Jeremiah J., 50 Mount street, upper 362 Murphy, John Francis, 17 Erne street, upper 363 Murphy, Lawrence, 33 Erne street, upper , , 364 Murphy, Michael, 28 Nelson street 365 Murphy, Nicholas, Grand Canal street 366 Murphy, William, 43 Mount street, upper 367 Murray, Cornelius, 41 Sandwith lane , , 368 Napier, Rt. Hon. Joseph, 4 Merrion sq., sth. . . V G 369 Nash, Chas. Widenham, Beggar’s bush road.. V G 370 Needham, Gabbet, 91 Mount street, lower V G 371 Neill, James, 80 Mount street, lower .. V G 372 Nelson, James T., 28 Queen’s square, north . . V G 373 Neville, Rev. Brent, Toomna, Car.-on-Shan. 374 Newland, Robert, 59 Richmond street, south.. V G 375 Newton, Willoughby Chaplin, 5 Waterloo rd. 376 Nolan, Henry Palmer, 46 Baggot st., lower . . V G 377 Nolan, John, Athboy, co. Meath . . V G 378 Nolan, Patrick, 7 Mount street, lower 379 Nolan, Patrick, 73 Brunswick street, great . . 380 Nolan, Richard, 11 Baggot street, lower 381 Noon, Peter, Holies row KOUTII DOCK WARD. 11 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 382 Norman, William, 33 Queen’s square, north., 383 Norton, Wm., Golden Fort, Stratford-on- Slaney V 384 O’Brien, Peter, 25 Hanover street, east , . P 385 O’Brien, Thomas, 14 Grattan court . . G 386 O’Grady, Edward S., 9 Merrion square, south 387 O’ Grady, Henry, 52 Denzille street • • 388 O’Hanlon, John David, 12 Percy place 389 O’Hara, James, 1 Grattan place . . V G 390 O’Keeffe, James, 6 Christ Church place 391 O’Loughlin, Sir Colman M., 20 Merrion sq. sth. 392 O’Meagher, Thos. P., City Dublin Artillery . . 393 O’Neill, Thomas, 9 Baggot street, lower 394 Orme, Robert, 17 Meyrion-square, south . . V G 395 Orr, Wm. H., Wallsden parsonage, Thodmordan V G 396 O’Toole, Bryan, 9 Erne street, upper . . P 397 Pakenham, William S., 9 Herbert place . . V G 398 Palmer, Robert Samuel, 6 Merrion sq., east . . 399 Palmer, Thomas S., 32 Merrion square, north V G 400 Parker, Matthew, 50 Mount street, lower . . V G 401 Patten, William Moore, 25 Fitzwilliam st., Ir. V G 402 Patterson, John Sherlock, 7 Landsdown road V G 403 Persse, Samuel, 21 Holies street . . Y G 404 Phayer, Henry, 3 Grand Canal street . . P 405 Philips, Edward, 2 Besborough parade 406 Philips, John, Mount street, lower . . V G 407 Philips, Thomas, 131 Brunswick street, great V 408 Pigott, John E., 23 Fitzwilliam street, lower. . 409 Pile, Thomas, Tritonville avenue 410 Pirn, James, sen., 64 Sir John Rogerson’s qy. P 411 Powell, Eyre, 13 Herbert place V G 412 Powell, George, 9 Seafort parade, Williamstn. 413 Quinn, Arthur, 30 Queen’s square, north P 414 Radcliffe, John, 27 Merrion square, south 415 Rankin, Richard, 7 Brunswick place 416 Read, Rev. Samuel, Laghey, co. Donegal 417 Redmond, James, 51 Queen’s square, east . . 418 Reeves, Richard, 22 Merrion square, south , , P V G P Ph pL| Ph Ph Ph 12 SOUTH DOCK WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 410 Reid, David, 10 Warrington place 420 Reid, William, 31 Mount street, lower . . V 421 Reilly, John, 2 Brunswick place . . P 422 Reilly, John, St. Bridget’s, Clonskea 423 Reilly, John, 59 Sandwith street 424 Reilly, Thomas, Cottage park avenue . . P 425 Riall, Chas. Phineas, Old Connaught, Bray . . V G 42 G Richards, James, 2 Grattan street . . V G 427 Richards, John Henry, 20 Mount st., upper •• P 428 Richardson, John, 70 Baggot street, lower .. V G 420 Richardson, John, Main street, Blackrock . . V 430 Roberts, Rev. William, 16 Herbert street . . G 431 Robinson, Archibald, 13 Fitzwilliam st., lower V G 432 Robinson, John, Kiltaloun, Tallaght 433 Robinson, Rev. William, Tallaght glebe . . V G 434 Roche, Henry, 25 St. Andrew street . . V G 435 Rogers, James, Mount street, upper . , V G 436 Rogers, James, 49 Queen’s square, east .. P 437 Rogers, Thomas, 8 Great Clarence place . . P 438 Rogers, William, 9 Albert place, east . . P 439 Rooney, James, 12 James’s street, east .. P 440 Roper, William, 60 Mount street, upper . , G P 441 Ruckley, Wm.V.R., Evergreen vilL, Serpentine av. V P 442 Ruxton, Arthur, Travelling abroad 443 Ryan, Daniel P., Knocklyon, near Templeogue V G 444 Ryan, Denis, 5 Hanover street, east . . P 445 Ryan, Michael, 6 Herbert place 446 Ryan, Michael, 3 Wentworth terrace . . P 447 Ryan, Patrick, 8 Mount street, lower . . P 448 Ryan, Thomas, 51 Baggot street, lower G P 449 St. Leger, Anthony B., Haddington road, up. G P 450 Sands, John, 1 Alpine view, Haddington road I* 451 Sands, Robert, 86 Pall Mall, London . , V G 452 Saunders, John, 15 Queen’s terrace .. P 453 Scallan, Michael, 35 Sir John Rogerson’s quay P 454 Scallon, Patrick, 1 Brunswick street . . 1* 455 Scott, Henry Arthur, Ballybrittas, Queen’s co. 456 Scott, Rev. John H., Everton road, Liverpool V G 457 Scott, Theophilus, 10th Regiment 458 Scott, Thomas Christian, 17 Merchants’ quay V P SOUTH DOCK WARD. 13 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 459 Scully, Edward, Aughanan, King’s co. .... P 4G0 Scully, Vincent, 13 Merrion square, south 461 Seed, Stephen, Sarah ville. Bally brack 462 Sewell, Edward, 60 and 61 Mount street, lower 463 Sexton, Thomas Francis, 29 Erne street, upper P 464 Sharpe, George, 16 Wentworth place . . G P 465 Sharp, James, 17 Power’s court 466 Sidney, Frederick, 19 Herbert street .. V G 467 Simpson, Andrew, Bath street, Irishtown . . P 468 Slator, John W., 5 Herbert place . . V G 469 Smith, Edward, 6 Fitzwilliam street, Ringsend P 470 Smith, James, 2 Barrow street . . V G 471 Smith, James, 50 Sir John Rogerson’s quay , , P 472 Smith, John, 9 Wentworth place 473 Smith, John Challoner, 19 Mount street, lower V G 474 Smith, Joseph, Cottage park avenue 475 Smith, Matthew Blood, 4 Mount st. crescent. . V G 47 6 Smith, Rt. Hon. Thomas B. C., 8 Merrion sq., E. 477 Smith, William, 15 Merrion square, south . . 478 Soden, Thomas, 1 Verscoyle court .. G P 479 Stack, Rev. Charles Maurice, Leeds, Yorkshire 480 Stanford, John James, 2 Herbert street . . V G 481 Stanley, Robert, 4 Derby ter., Wellington road V G 482 Staples, Sir Thomas, 11 Merrion square, east. . 483 Stapleton, Edward Thomas, 75 Mount st., Ir. 484 Stephenson, Claudius, 2 Mount street, lower . . V G 485 Stewart, Charles, 8 Warrington place . . V G 486 Stinton, John, 19 Queen’s square, west . . V G 487 Stokes, William, Windmill lane 488 Swan, Edward Lombard, Abbeyleix, Queen’s co. V G 489 Sweeny, Hugh, 32 Queen’s square, north . . P 490 Taggart, George, 45 Baggot street, lower . . V G 491 Taylor, Arthur C., Lodge, Leinster rd., Rathmines P 492 Thompson, Robert, 1 Herbert street, 493 Thornhill, John B., 25 Mount street, lower . . V G 494 Tilly, Benjamin, Chantilly, Loughlinstown . . 495 Tobin, Matthew, 65 Sir John Rogerson’s quay P 496 Todhunter, Thomas H., Sir John Rogerson’s qy. P 497 Tomlinson, William, 1 Fitzwilliam lane . . V G 498 Trench, Hon. Charles James, 6 Mepion sq., sth. G P 14 SOUTH DOCK WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 499 Tuffnell, Joliffe, 58 Mount street, lower . . V G 500 Vavasour, Wm. T., Manor house, Gloucestershire 501 Verschoyle, Eev. Joseph, Ardnaree glebe, Mayo V G 502 Verschoyle, Robert, Eaton square, London . . 503 Vesey, George Walter, Tentona, Donegal 504 Walker, John, 16 Albert place, east . . 5 05 , Walker, John Henry, 2 Wentworth terrace V G 506 Wall, James Arthur, 28 Baggot street, lower. . V G 507 Wall, Rev. Richard H., Errislannon, Galway, . 508 Wallace, Robert Alexander, 26 Molesvi^orth st. V G 509 Waller, Alfred, 49 Denzille street . . V G 510 Waller, Edward, Finnoe house, Borris-o-kane V G 511 Waller, John Francis, 4 Herbert street . , V G 512 Wallnut, William John, Main street, Blackrock V 513 Walsh, John Edward, 14 Merrion sq., south. . V G 514 Walsh, Stephen, Hanover quay . . P 515 Walsh, Thomas, 2 Grattan place 516 Walters, George, 24 Holies street . , V 517 Warner, William, 20 Wentworth place , . G P 518 Warren, Robert R., 32 Mount street, upper . . V G 519 Waters, Thomas, 14 Baggot street, lower . . P 520 Webb, John, 1 Blackball street . , 521 Webster, Henry, Eglinton villa, Sandymount. . V G 522 Webster, Michael, 7 De Grey ter. Haddington rd. V G 523 Weldrick, Richard, Thorncastle street, Ringsend 524 Whelan, Maurice, 8 Albert place, east 525 Whelan, Michael, 9 Stephen’s lane 526 Whistler, Thomas Lowe, Little Bray, co. Dublin V G 527 White, John, 2 Hanover street, east . , V G 528 White, John, 6 Grattan place ■ . . P 529 White, Richard, 4 Essex bridge . . P 530 Whitmore, William, 28 Waterloo road . . V G 531 Whitsitt, William, 56 & 57 Baggot street, Ir. V G 532 Whitton, Charles R., 39 Charlotte st., London 533 Wild, Michael, 61 Sandwith street . . P 534 Wilkinson, James, 50 Baggot street, lower . . V G 535 Williams, James L., Boyne view, Navan . . V G 536 Williams, William, 18 James’s street, east . . V G 537 Wilson, Anthony, 17 Baggot street, lower . . V G fin pH SOUTH DOCK WARD. 15 No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 538 Wilson, John, 180 Brunswick street, great . . V 539 Wise, John Thomas, Spring park, Rathfarnham V G 540 Wonfor, Joseph, Hanover quay 541 Wood, William, 46 Queen’s square, east . . P 542 Woodhouse, William, 82 Mount street, lower. . V G 543 Woodlock, Martin, 43 Queen’s square, east •• V G 544 Woods, Eev. Charles Thos., Vancouver’s Island 545 Wright, Rev. Robert, Urglin glebe, Carlow . . 546 Young, David, 28 Sir John Rogerson’s quay . . V ; '7*''^ , r,j) l Y-! ;';f K/r; {iiV/M. ,fl .-. ir, /' ^ y »70fr?Viy<>|r- -T, ,TC'‘' i /ymrr;':: OJy ,/ ,•*■!; ,y il ‘l ‘ Ir,) ■'/ , . V^7/v'»l ^)0'VI h*. t {/OT/[ i') '..If H k} ' I i ,. - U Y .| ;;•) l.*%V ■ hilfiU , .^7 “ ' ' ' . ^ ' ‘.v- \i 1 1\ V If > , ' • ' ' ^ '■,*.■• ■'*:■-',■■ i» . ' •''■ ^-. ■ * • ■■. ' * '. . • ' . . 1 1 . ■ ■.. - I - - ‘._ 7 ^ - fit ' .. , 7 - . ^ f'.,.^^ DONNYBROOK DISTRICT. SOUTH DOCK WARD. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, V ance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom 1 Adams, Henry, 51 Wellington road V 2 Adcock, St. John, the Strand . . V 3 Ailven, John H., 8 Bath street, Irishtown • • V 4 Aitken, William, 4 Home ter., Haddington rd. V 5 Allen, Henry, Bushfield avenue . , V 6 Allen, Luke J., 50 Wellington road 7 Allen, William G., Bushfield place , . V 8 Anderson, Robert, Thomas street, Ringsend . . 9 Anderson, William, 1 Derby terrace . . V 10 Armstrong, Rev. James, Tritonville avenue . . V 11 Atkinson, Richard W., Clonskeagh road .. V 12 Aymer, George, 10 Bay view, Irishtown . . V 13 Baldwin, Richard, 8 Haddington road, lower . . V 14 Barker, John, 48 Waterloo road , , V 15 Barrington, Fredlc., Fitz william qy., Ringsend V 16 Barrow, Edward, Serpentine avenue 17 Barry, Henry, 5 Pembroke place . , V 18 Barry, John, Serpentine avenue . . V 19 Barry, Rev. Zachary, 11 Percy place .. V 20 Bartlett, Samuel, Thorncastle st., Ringsend . . V 21 Barton, James, 3 Vergemount park 22 Battersby, Robert, Wellington road . . V 4 voted. G G P G P P G G G G G G ■IjT G G G 18 DONNYBROOK DISTRICT. V G G V G V G V G V V No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 23 Battley, Bcv. Charles, 2 Percy place . . V G 24 Beahan, Michael, 6 Nash’s terrace . . P 25 Beakey, Patrick, 3 Milton terrace . . P 26 Belcher, Joseph, Pembroke road 27 Bennett, Charles, Merrion strand 28 Bermingham, Robt., rere Thomas st., Ringsend 29 Borthistle, William, 5 Sandymount avenue 30 Boyer, Henry J., Bath avenue 31 Boylan, Felix, 45 Waterloo road 32 Boyle, Peter, the Cottage, Sandymount square 33 Bradley, Bryan, Merrion strand 34 Bradshaw, John, 12 Morehampton ter, Dnybk. rd. 35 Brady, Christopher, Haddington road 36 Brady, Patrick Wm., 10 Prince William ter. . . 37 Brassington, Richard Robt., 2 Newbridge ter... 38 Breslin, Michael, Prospect house, the Strand . . 39 Brett, William B., 1 Wellington place 40 Brewis, John Wm., Eaton cottage, the Strand 41 Brock, Edw. John, 3 Webster pl,Haddingtonrd,up. 42 Bridgeford, William, Sandymount avenue 43 Browne, Hugh, 2 Delhi terrace 44 Browne, Robert, 6 Havelock square 45 Browne, Wm., Thorncastle street, Ringsend . . 46 * Bruce, William, 40 Wellington road 47 Brunetti, Chas. J. Otterdam, Beggar’s bush rd . . 48 Brunetti, George D., 4 Stanley terrace 49 Bryan, Charles Robt., 2 Carlish terrace 50 Bryan, Edward, 4 Eastmoreland lane 51 Buck, Henry, Haddington road, upper 52|Buckton, Arthur, Newgrove avenue 53 Burchall, Valentine, 4 Ball’s bridge terrace . . 54 Burke, Sir Bernard, 28 Pembroke place 55 Burke, Michael, 4 Milton terrace 56 Burns, W'illiam, the Strand 57 Butler, James, Tower lodge, the Strand 58 Butler, John, 8 Baggot street, upper 59 Butler, Thomas, 7 Herbert terrace 60 Byrne, Hugh, 10 Herbert terrace 61 Byrne, James, 72 Waterloo road 62 Byrne, John, Bath street, Irishtown * Voted in South City Ward. V G V V V V DONNVr.ROOK DISTRICT. 19 No, Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For .whom voted. Go Byrne, Peter, 1 Barrow street . *• P G4 Byrne, Thomas, 13 Thomas street, Ringsend,, P G5 Cameron, Charles A., G Waterloo terrace G6 Campbell, James, Howth view, Donnybrook .. G7 Campbell, William, 11 Pembroke place G8 Carpenter, Anthony, Seafort av., Sandymount G9 Carr, Frederick D., 46 Baggot street, upper . . 70 Carter, Dr. John, 2 Brougham place 71 Carty, Andrew, Belmont avenue 72 Carty, Edward, Seaford avenue, east 73 Cavanagh, Edw., 2 Thornberry pL, Bushfield av. 74 Chambers, James, 10 Vavasour square 75 Chapman, John H., 57 Baggot st., upper 76 Charlesworth, Charles, Tritonville 77 Chillingworth, Samuel, Tritonville avenue 7 8 Christie, Grieve, Tritonville avenue 79 Claridge, James, 10 Wellington place 80 Clarke, Wm. A., the Strand, Seaford av., east 81 Clarke, William, 3 Newbridge terrace 82 Clayton, James, Tritonville avenue 83 Clinch, James, Fairgreen, Donnybrook 84 Coates, Martin R,, Sandymount sq., north 85 Cochrane, James, the Strand , . 86 Colles, Edward, Pleasant view. Rock road 87 Colies, William, 20 Baggot street, upper 88 Collins, Michael, Donnybrook 89 Collum, iVrchibald, 2 Waterloo terrace 90 Colquhoun, Wm., Thorncastle st., Ringsend 91 Com erford, Daniel, Donnybrook road 92 Connolly, Jas., in rere Thomas st., Ringsend. . 93 Coogan, Edward, 8 Haddington road, upper , . 94 Cooling, Richard, 2 Mespil road 95 Coote, Alfred, Tritonville av., Sandymount . . 96 Cosby, John, 21 Pembroke place 97 Costello, Patrick, Clonskea 98 Courtney, Edward Henry, 2 Burlington road . . 99 Cradock, Jas., 5 River view. Distillery lane . . 100 Craig, Thomas M., 8 London bridge road 101 Crampton, John, 1 Bath avenue, south side . . 102 Cranfield, Wm., Cranfield lane, Tritonville , , V P V G G V V G V G V G V G G G V G V G G G V G G V V G V G V G V G V G V G V G 20 DONNYBROOK DISTRICT. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Addi-ess. For whom voted. 1 03 Crawford, Sliouldham P, 9 Pitzroy pL, Raglan rd. 104 Crinion, Peter, 2 Byron terrace, Bath avenue P 105 Croker, Samuel, G Sandford place . . V G 106 Cronlielm, Edward, 4 Tower ter., the Strand V G 107 Cruise, Henry, 4 Lansdown road 108 Cullen, William, Strand street, Irishtown 109 Cuppage, James E., Cl Wellington road . . V G 110 Curtin, John, 3 Sandymount avenue . . P 111 Curtis, John, 2 Bath avenue . . P 112 Cusack, William F., Newbridge av., Ringsend P 113 Daly, Edward, 4 Haddington road upper . . P 114 Haly, Richard M., 16 Bushfield avenue •• V G 115 Daniel, William, White’s avenue .. V G 116 Darcy, James, 5 Rock road 117 Darcy, Martin, Sandymount square, north .. G 118 Darling, Thos., 4 Seafort terrace, Ringsend .. 119 Davey, Edward, Thomas street, Ringsend .. V G 120 Davidge, George M., Merrion strand o . V G 121 Davidson, John, 25 Percy place V 122 Davis, James, 16 Pembroke road . . V G 123 Davis, John, N.C.A., 20 Waterloo road 124 Daunt, Francis, 1 Vavasour square, west . . V G 125 Dawson, Arthur, 35 Wellington road . . V G 126 Day, Rev. Maurice F., 7 St. James’ ter., Clonskea V G 127 De Belmont, Julian, 7 Tritonville .. V G 128 De Burgh, Rev. William, Newgrove avenue , . 129 Dempsey, Patrick, Grand Canal street 130 Devlin, Bryan, 13 Nash’s terrace, 131 De Vere, Berry, Byron terrace, Bath avenue. . 132 Dillon, William, 34 Wellington road V G 133 Dixon, George, Seafort avenue . . G 134 Dixon, John, Serpentine avenue .. V G 135 Dickson, Wallace Lee, 5 Derby ter., Wellington rd. 136 Donnelly, Thomas, 14 Haddington terrace 137 Donnery, Michael, Donnybrook road 138 Doyle, John, Lansdowne road 139 Doyle, Michael, Irishtown road • . G 140 Doyle, Michael, Donnybrook road 141 Doyle, Robert, Bath avenue 142 Doyle, Thomas, 14 Percy place DONNYBROOK DISTRICT. 21 No. Reg. ' Voter’s Name and Address. For wliom voted. 143 Drinkwatcr, Edward, 5 Merrion parade, Rock r^. V G 144 Drought, William, 3 Leinster terrace 145 Dubedat, Robert, 5 Stanley terrace 146 Dundas, Richard, Blakeney parade . . V G 147 Dunlop, George, Havelock square, west 148 Dunn, David, 1 Adelaide terrace 149 Dunne, Michael, Main street, Donnybrook 150 Durnford, William Edward, 6 Adelaide terrace V G 151 Dutton, Alexander, Merrion lodge, Sidney parade G 152 Eagle, Rev. George Edward, 13 Pembroke rd. V G 153 Eakin, Andrew, Sandymount square, west . . V G 154 Eastwood, Samuel, Newgrove avenue , . V G 155 Ebbs, Samuel, Tritonville 156 Egan, Michael, 5 London bridge road . . G 157 Ellis, James, 10 Nash’s terrace . . V G 158 Evans, William B., 4 River view. Distillery lane V G 159 Fallon, Thomas, 2 Vavasour cottages. Vavasour pi. 160 Fanning, Frederick John, 5 Carlisle terrace .. 161 Farrell, Henry Taaffe, 3 Regina ter., Raglan rd. 162 Fielding, Henry, Wellington road V G 163 Findlater, John, 7 Wellington place 164 Finlayson, Rev. Henry, 22 Pembroke road , . V G 165 Fitzgibbon, William, 9 Pembroke place 166 Fitzgerald, Myles, 5 Haddington road, upper. . 167 Flanagan, Peter, Bay view, Irishtown 168 Flower, James, Whitthorn lane, Ringsend .. V G 169 Foley, Edward, 1 Lansdowne road . . V G 170 Forbes, James, 4 Malakolf terrace 171 Ford, John, Blakeney parade, the Strand 172 Fordell, Henry, Ringsend road 173 Foster, Ralph, Anglesey bridge . . V G 174 Fox, Robert, Tritonville avenue .. V G 175 Francis, John, 2 Sandymount avenue G 176 Fraser, Edward, Tritonville avenue 177 Freeman,Robt.,Parkav., Sidney parade, Merrion V 178 Frood, Thomas Nicholson, Sandymount avenue V G 179 Furnell, Michael, Sidney lodge, Sidney parade 180 Gallagher, James, 3 Mespil road 22 DONNYDROOK DISTRICT. V G V G No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 181 Galvin, Michael, Rock road • • P 182 Garde, Henry P., 24 Pembroke place . . V 183 Geraty, William, 40 Waterloo road 184 Gibbons, John, 4 Bushfield avenue 185 Gibson, John, 1 Carlisle terrace • • 186 Gilbert, Charles J., Sandymount square, north 187 Gillespie, William, 3 Beech hill 188 Glynn, Thomas Joseph, Triton terrace 189 Golding, Samuel, 2 Cullens wood road 190 Goodman, James, Serpentine avenue 191 Goodison, Thomas, Serpentine avenue 192 Goodwin, John, 13 Burlington road 193 Gormley, James, Rock road 194 Gormley, William John, 6 Webster place 195 Graham, John, Sandymount avenue 196 Grapes, George, 2 White’s terrace 197 Gray, John, Bushfield, Donnybrook road 198 Green, Austin, Sandymount avenue 199 Green, Frederick, Rock road 200 Groves, William Henry, the Strand 201 Grubb, Charles, 42 Baggot street, upper 202 Guilfoyle, Peter, Bushfield, Donnybrook road. . 203 Gumley, Rev. Robt.,Merrion view av., Anglesey br. 204 Gunn, John, 13 Haddington road, upper V V V 205 Haffield, Arthur, Burlington ho., Burlington rd. 206 Hamilton, Andrew H., 6 Somerset place 207 Hamilton, William, 4 Wellington' road 208 Hampton, Thomas, 2 Webster place 209 Hancock, William John, 6 Lansdowne road , . 210 Hardy, George Frederick, 19 Pembroke road . . 211 Harte, Albert M., 59 Wellington road 212 Hartnett, James, Beggar’s bush road 213 Harvie, William, 2 Pembroke road 214 Hassard, Francis H., Serpentine avenue 215 Hawksworth, John, 13 Bushfield avenue 216 Hayes, Patrick, Irishtown road 217 Hayes, William, Tritonville 218 Heaps, Joseph, 2 Bridge street 219 Henderson, John, 1 London bridge road 220 Henshaw, William, Village of Clonskcagh . . V G V G V G V G V G V G V P I' V G P-i Ph Ph (Ph Ph Ph DONNYBKOOK DISTRICT. 23 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. 221 Heron, William, 17 Baggot street, upper 222 Hervey, Eeuben Henry, 7 White’s terrace 223 Hewson, Robert, 9 Wellington place 224 Higginbotham, Charles, 10 He Grey terrace 225 Higginson, Charles, 10 Haddington road, uppe 226 Hinds, Joseph, Blakeney parade, the Strand 227 Hoare, Captain Henry, 47 Wellington road 228 Hobart, Henry, Newgrove avenue 229 Hodgens, Isaac, in rere Grand Canal street 230 Hoey, Peter, Bath avenue, south side 231 Hogan, James, the Strand 232 Hogan, Michael, 1 Baggot street, upper 233 Hope, Henry, 2 Bloomfield terrace 234 Hopper, William H., Anglesey bridge 235 Horan, Timothy, 7 Bushfield avenue 236 Hornidge, Lewis W., the Strand 237 Howe, David, 5 Somerset place 238 Howell, Richard Benjamin, 8 Vavasour sq., east 239 Huddart, Frederick, Blakeney parade, the Strand 240 Hughes, John, Serpentine avenue 241 Hughes, Marcus, 6 De Grey terrace 242 Hurford, James T., Serpentine avenue 243 Hutchinson, James, 3 Normanton place 244 Huthwaite, Thomas, 15 De Grey terrace 245 Inglis, John, Triton ville avenue 246 Ingram, John Kells, 43 Wellington road For whom voted. V G P V V V V V V V V V G P G G P G G G P G G P G 247 Jackson, William H., Herbert lodge 248 Jeffries, Arthur, 16 Percy place 249 Jepps, George, 4 Serpentine avenue 250 Jevins, Edward, Ringsend bridge 251 Johnston, Henry, 1 Wellington place 252 Johnston, John B., 3 Lansdowne road 253 * Johnston, Robert, Hammersmith place 254 Johnston, Myles, 9 Victoria place 255 Jones, Talbot, 3 Carlisle ter., Tritonville ave V G G V 256 Kearney, Thomas, Baggot street, upper 257 Kearns, Edward, 6 Thorncastle st., Ringsend * Voted in Trinity Ward. ClhPhPh (1^ Cm PhPm 24 DONNYBROOK DISTRICT. G P V G No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 258 Kearns, Patrick, Hammersmith place . • P 259 Keating, Nicholas, 4 Adelaide terrace 260 Keegan, Michael, 7 Kock road. Ball’s bridge. 261 Kellett, Sir William, 5 Mespil parade 262 Kelly, James, 37 Wellington road 263 Kelly, Joseph, Tritonville avenue 264 Kelly, Michael, Thorncastle street, Eingsend. 265 Kelly, Patrick, Sydney terrace. Strand 266 Kenna, James, 10 Baggot street, upper 267 Kennedy, Francis, 5 London bridge road 268 Kennedy, Philip, Blakeney parade 269 Kenny, Francis, Donnybrook road 270 Kenny, George, Haddington road 271 Kenny, Michael, Herbert place, Irishtown 272 Keogh, John, 4 He Grey terrace 273 Keogh, Et. Hon. William, 31 Pembroke place 274 Kibbert, Henry, Sandymount avenue, north side 275 Kildahl, Wilham, Merrion castle, Eock road , 276 King, John J., 2 Tower terrace 277 Kinsella, Francis, Bath avenue, south side 278 Kinsley, John, Grand Canal street 279 Kirby, Thomas, Tritonville avenue 280 Kirwan, Daniel, Bath avenue 281 Kitson, George S., 1 Waterloo road V G V G 282 Happen, George, Bloomfield terrace 283 Landers, Charles, Tritonville avenue 284 Lawless, Henry, 6 Beech hill 285 Lawless, Eichard, 5 Vavasour square, east . . 286 Lawlor, John, Main street, Donnybrook, east 287 Lawrence, William, 1 Malakoff terrace 288 Lawson, William, London bridge rd., Irishtown 289 Layer, John, The Strand 290 LeCam, John, Eingsend road 291 Leckey, William, Elm park. Serpentine avenue 292 Leech, Wm. 1 Haddington ter.. Had. rd., up. 293 Lees, Thomas, Eock road 294 Hendrick, James, 24 Pembroke road 295 Lennon, Christopher, Eock road 296 Leonard, David, 11 Haddington road, upper.. 297 Lestrange, Edward, 71 Baggot street, upper.. V V V V V G G DONNYimOOK DISTRICT. 25 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 298 Linden, Patrick, Pembroke pk.. Beggar’s bush rd. 299 Lindsay, David, Bath street, Irishtown • • 300 Little, John, Blakeney parade, the Strand . . V G 301 Little, Rev. Thomas, 3 Sandymount sq., west 302 Litton, Daniel, 9 Waterloo road .. V G 303 Lloyd, Thomas, 4 Vavasour square, west . . V G 304 Lonergan, Patrick J., 5 Normanton place 305 Long, Francis P., 2 Baggot street, upper 306 Long, James, 5 Newbridge terrace 307 Longden, Henry, Merrion Strand 308 Longfield, Rev. George, 2 Waterloo road •• V G 309 Lopdell, Charles, 63 Waterloo road . . V 310 Lopdell, John, 25 Waterloo road , . V G 311 Low, William, 1 Prince William terrace .. V 312 Lyle, James A., 7 Pembroke place 313 M^Callum, Charles, Tritonville avenue . . V G 314 McCann, Joseph P., 10 Haddington terrace . . 315 M^Caraher, John, Newgrove avenue . . G 316 McCarthy, Dr. Thomas, Serpentine avenue . . 317 McConnell, John, 6 Havelock square . . V G 318 McCormack, James, 3 Ball’s bridge terrace •• G 319 McCormack, Joseph, 13 Bath avenue place . . 320 M‘Cready, Wm., 11 De Grey ter.. Had. road, up. 321 M‘Cullagh, Joseph, Pleasant view, Ringsendrd. G 322 McDaniel, Peter, Tritonville avenue , . V G 323 M‘Donagh, Rev. Albert I., Northumberland rd. G 324 M‘Evoy, Patrick, The Strand 325 M‘Gowan, William, 6 Ball’s bridge terrace . • V G 326 McGregor, Angus, Newgrove avenue 327 McGregor, John W., Lacassia cot., Seafort ave. V G 328 M‘Kee, William, 1 Home terrace , . V G 329 M‘Kenna, John, 4 Fortview, Haddington rd., Ir. 330 McNight, Evans, 11 Victoria place 331 M‘Lean, Robert, Madeley terrace , . V 332 M‘Loughlin, Michael, Newgrove avenue . . V G 333 M‘Mahon, George William, 15 Waterloo road 334 M‘Mullen, Bartholomew, Serpentine avenue . , G 335 M‘Nally, Michael, Seafort avenue , , 336 McNamara, John, The Strand 337 Maclachlan, Alexander, 14 Burlington 1‘oad .. 5 26 DONNYBEOOK DISTRICT. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address, For whom vote d. 338 Magan, James, 9 Haddington road 339 Magill, John A., Church road, Sandymount . . 340 Maguire, Thomas, 3 Somerset place, Raglan rd. 341 Mahon, Capt. Charles, 8 Burlington road . . V G 342 Mahon, Thomas, 18 Pembroke place 343 Malone, James, Beggar’s bush road . , 344 Mangan, Francis, 7 Beech hill . . V 345 Manly, Joseph, junior, Pembroke place . . V G 346 Manley, Thomas, Aberdeen house, Raglan rd. V G 347 Manning, Charles, South Lotts road . . V G 348 Manning, Robert, 55 Waterloo road , . V G 349 Marjoram, Jeremiah, 15 Baggot street, upper 350 Marshall, John, 9 Beech hill 351 Martin, Jeffrey, 4 Bath avenue place . . P 352 Martin, John, The Strand 353 Martin, Robert, 60 Baggot street, upper , . V G 354 Martley, Frs. B., 2 Eglinton ter., Wellington rd. V G 355 Massey, John, 5 Pembroke terrace 356 Mathews, George, Charlemont parade. Strand V G 357 Mathews, Rev. John T., 6 Victoria place 358 Mathews, Wilham, 14 Vavasour square, south V G 359 Maughan, Rev. John D. G., 4 Pembroke ter. 360 Meally, William, 4 Bushfield avenue . . V G 361 Meares, Michael, 3 Haddington terrace . . P 362 Mears, Thomas, 24 Waterloo road 363 Mearns, Andrew, Tritonville avenue 364 Meredith, Boyle, 3 Platanus bldgs., Leesonst. up. V G 365 Meredyth, Sir Edward, 38 Baggot street, up, 366 Meredith, John, 1 Tritonville terrace . . V G 367 Middleton, Robt., White’s ave., Merrion Strand 368 Mills, Geo. D., White’s avenue, Merrion Strand V G 369 Mitchinson, William, Serpentine avenue 370 Mockridge, William, Thomas street, Ringsend V G 371 Moore, Patrick, 7 Bridge street, Ringsend .. P 372 Moore, Robert, Lisburn cot.. Serpentine avenue V G 373 Morgan, William, 16 Baggot street, upper V G 374 Morris, Frederick, 2 Bushfield avenue 375 Morris, John Payne, Tritonville avenue 376 Moss, Samuel, Belmont avenue , . P 377 Mulhall, Joseph, 2 Haddington terrace 378 Mullins, Denis, 11 Haddington terrace .. P Ph P-i Ph On D0NNY13R00K DISTRICT. 27 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. Mulvey, Thomas, Fair green, Donnybrook . . P 380 Murphy, John, Wilfield house, Sandymount av. P 381 Murphy, Joseph, Tritonville avenue . . P 382 Murphy, Joseph William, the Strand 383 Murphy, Walter, 5 Byron terrace . • G 384 MuiTay, Rev. John W., 2 Bushfield avenue . 385 Murray, Robert, Low ville, White’s avenue . . 386 Murray, William, 18 Pembroke road 387 Nagle, James, 12 Pembroke road . . G 388 Nagle, William F., 11 Vavasour square, east 389 Nash, Robert Spread, 4 Nash’s terrace . . V G 390 Neligan, Rev. Maurice, 2 Elgin road . . V G 391 Nesbitt, Allan, 2 Percy place . . G 392 Nevin, John L., 2 Tritonville avenue . . V G 393 Nevins, James, Balcaris, Serpentine avenue . . 394 Newport, John, Donnybrook road 395 Nolan, Rev. Patrick, town of Donnybrook 396 Nolan, Pjatrick, in rere Thomas st., Ringsend 397 North, James, Sandymount avenue . . V G 398 North, Morgan, 27 Baggot street, upper 399 North, Thomas, Sandymount avenue , . V G 400 Nowlan, Christopher, Ringsend, south wall . . 401 Nowlan, Richard, 46 Wellington road . . G 402 Nunn, John, Hammersmith place . . V G 403 O’Brien, Bernard, Haddington road . . V G 404 ^O’Brien, Charles Robt., Bushfield avenue . . 405 O’Brien, James, the Strand 406 O’Brien, John, 70 Baggot street, upper 407 O’Brien, Owen, Rock road 408 O’ Callaghan, William, 49 Waterloo road . . V G 409 O’Connell, Very Rev.Dr.Andw., 16 Wellington rd 410 O’Connell, Morgan, 26 Pembroke place 411 O’Connor, Thomas, London bridge road 412 O’Driscoll, Edward, 2 London bridge road . . * V G 413 O’Gorman, Richard, 23 Pembroke road . . P 414 O’ Grady, George, Brookville, Donnybrook . . 415 O’Hanlon, John, Serpentine avenue , . G P 416 O’Hara, Henry, Serpentine avenue , . V * Voted in letter B, No. 49. 28 DONNYBROOK DISTRICT. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted, 417 O’Keeffe, Capt. James, Mespil parade 418 Oldham, Samuel B., 76 Baggot st., upper . , V G 419 O’Leary, Jeremiah, 1 Triton ville avenue .. V G 420 O’Mahony, Rev. Thaddeus, 87 Waterloo rd. . . G 421 O’Neill, John, Merrion view av., Anglesey bdg. 422 O’Neill, Col. William, 2 Pembroke terrace . . V G 423 Organ, James P., 5 Mespil road, Leeson st. . . 424 O’Shaughnessy, Jas., 3 Alpine view, Wellington pi. 425 O’Toole, John, White’s avenue 426 Ottiwell, David, 5 Mespil road, Baggot street. » V 427 Owen, Enochy Trevor, Charlemont parade . . V G 428 *Owens, William, Seafort avenue, east 429 Paisley, Henry G., Rosanna cottage. White’s av. 430 Patchell, Robert, Burlington place 431 Patten, William J., 3 Haddington road, lower V G 433 Peard, Richard, 7 Mespil parade 434 Perrott, Chas. Leslie, St. Mary’s lodge, Smot’s ct. V G 435 Phelan, Wm., 9 Haddington ter., Haddington rd,up. 436 Phelps, Joseph, 78 Waterloo road 437 Philips, John, Vergemont, Clonskea . . V G 438 Pidgeon, Thomas, 59 Waterloo road 439 Poole, Rev.Hewitt, 5 Brougham pi., Wellington rd. V G 440 Pooley, John Mason, 7 Haddington road, lower V G 441 Porte, George, Beggar’s bush road . . V G 442 Power, Alfred, 1 Somerset place, Raglan road 443 Power, Captain Richard, Sidney parade 444 Prendergast, John P., 3 Tower ter., the Strand 445 Pritchard, James, Eland lodge, Merrion strand 446 Quinn, Capt. Christopher, Rosetta, Bushfield av. 447 Quinn, Hugh, 4 Byron terrace, Bath avenue . . 448 Ramsey, Charles, 9 Rock road , . V G 449 Rawson, Edward, 8 Victoria place . • P 450 Reaks, Alfred, 5 Malakoff terrace . , 451 Reardon, Rev. Denis Twiss, 30 Baggot st., up. V G 452 Reddin, Christopher, 12 Thomas st., Ringsend 453 Reddy, Patrick, 2 Haddington road, upper . . P 454 Reddy, Samuel, Main street, Donnybrook . . P * Voted in Wood Quay Ward. DONNYBROOK DISTRICT. 29 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 455 Eedmond, James, Bath street, Irishtown . P 456 Keid, William, Old Merrion house. Rock road P 457 Reilly, Patrick, Donnybrook road . . P 458 Reilly, Thomas, Eastmoreland place 459 Reilly, William, Newgrove avenue 460 Richardson, Thomas, 1 Leinster ter., Irishtown V G 461 Richardson, William, Havelock square • . V G 462 Richmond, Robert, Tritonville . . V G 463 Rickey, Geo., 5 DeGrey ter., Haddington rd., up. 464 Robertson, James Dick, 1 Sandymount sq., west 465 Robinson, Arthur H., 2 De Grey terrace . . G P 466 Robinson, Rev. Charles, 19 Waterloo road V G 467 Roche, Mark, 26 Percy place 468 Roe, James, Village, Clonskea . « V G 469 Rogers, Joseph, 12 Sandford avenue , . V G 470 Rogers, Samuel^ 43 Baggot street, upper . . V G 471 Romans, William, Northumberland road .. V G 472 Rorke, John, 4 Pembroke place 473 Ross, John, Tritonville avenue .. V G 474 Rowley, Thomas, Triton lodge, Tritonville road 475 Rushforth, Jesse, the Strand, Sandymount , . V G 476 Russell, Charles, 18 Percy place 477 Russell, Rev. Charles D., 2 Stanley terrace . • V G 478 Russell, John D., 54 Waterloo road . . V G 479 Russell, Leonard, 3 Bushfield avenue •« V G 480 Rutherford, James, Cottage park avenue 481 Ruthven, John F., Fitzwilliam qy., Ringsend V P 482 Ryan, John B., 2 Vavasour square, east •• G P 483 Ryan, Thomas, 8 Haddington road, upper 484 Ryan, William, 4 Waterloo terrace . . V G 485 Ryder, Thomas, 1 Tritonville , . P 486 Samuelson, Elias, 44 Wellington road , . ^P 487 Sault, John, Ringsend road , , P 488 Seawright, Graves, 4 Clonskeagh . , V 489 Scott, Benjamin, Seafield, Sandymount road . . V G 490 Scott, Strattell, 15 Mespil parade , . V G 491 Seville, William, Tritonville avenue 492 Shaw, Matthew Jas., 9 Haddington road, up. V G 493 Shea, Rev. John, 28 Waterloo road ,, 494 Sheehan, Timothy, Pembroke lodge, Merrion P 30 DONNYBROOK DISTRICT. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For 495 Sheerin, John, Serpentine av., Sandymount 496 Shields, John, Sandymount square 497 Sheridan, George, Madeley terrace 498 Shine, Charles, 6 Bushfield place 499 Short, James, Ringsend road 500 Short, Michael, Home terrace 501 Slattery, James, 4 Bath avenue 502 Slattery, John, 7 Tritonville terrace 503 Slevin, Philip, London bridge road 504 Slow, Thomas, 16 Waterloo road 505 Smith, Charles, 4 Wellington place 506 Smith, Edward S., 25 Pembroke road 507 Smith, Henry, 4 Victoria place 508 Smith, Henry, Raglan road 509 Smith, Joseph, Floodville cottage. Park avenu 510 Smith, Philip, Seafort avenue 511 Smith, Rev. Richard T., 7 Haddington road 512 Smith, Robert, 1 Bushfield avenue 513 Smith, William, 1 Bath avenue 514 Smithson, Joseph S., 4 Prince William terra 515 Smyth, Rev. Patrick, 12 He Grey terrace 516 Sowerby, John, 5 Haddington terrace 517 Spaight, Samuel, 1 Dahlia ter., London hr. rc 518 Sparks, James P., Pembroke place 519 Stack, Rev. Thomas, Donnybrook road 520 Stack, William, 12 Wellington road 521 Stanford, William H., Roseville, Bushfield av 522 Stanley, Robert, Mespil road 523 Stanuell, Charles G., the Strand 524 St. Claire, Robert, the Strand 525 Stephens, Major Nathaniel, Hammersmith place 526 Stephens, Richard, Thorncastle street, Ringsend 527 Stevenson, James, 2 Nash’s terrace 528 Stewart, James, Newgrove avenue 529 Stewart, Percival, Sandford 530 St. Leger, Edward, 3 Home ter., Haddington rd. 531 Stokes, Denis, Merrion strand 532 Stone, Robert, Serpentine avenue 533 Stoney, Bindon B., 63 Wellington road 534 Stoney, George Johnston, 89 Waterloo road . , 535 Stoney, Isaac, 3 Herbert terrace. Ball’s bridge whom voted. P P P P P V G V G V G V G G V G V G V G G V G DONNYBROOK DISTRICT. 31 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 536 Sturdy, John, Serpentine avenue . . V G 537 Sullivan, Daniel, 21 Pembroke road . • P 538 Sullivan, Edward, 4 Eegina terrace . . P 539 Sullivan, Patrick, Eastmoreland place • . P 540 Sullivan, William, 65 Wellington road . . - P 541 Swift, John, 35 Waterloo road 542 Taaffe, Francis, 9 Prince William terrace . . V G 543 Taaffe, Henry, 10 Sandford avenue •• G 544 Tabuteau, Joseph, 7 Waterloo road . . V G 545 Taylor, Samuel B., the Strand 546 Taylor, Thomas, 10 Wellington road 547 Teeling, John, 2 Clonskea road . . P 548 Tennant, Col. Thos. A., 8 Somerset pi., Eaglan rd. 549 Thistleton, Eev. A. Clayton, 62 Baggot st., up. V G 550 Thom, Charles, 10 Havelock square . . V G 551 Thompson, Captain Daniel, 4 Cranworth place V G 552 Thompson, John, 2 Distillery lane, Eingsend. . P 553 Thornton, Lewis, 7 Haddington terrace . . V G 554 Tierney, Joseph, 6 Home ter., Haddington road 555 Tobyn, Henry, 21 Baggot street, upper . . G 556 Todhuuter, Joseph, Merrion strand .. V 557 Townsend, Charles, 53 Waterloo road • • V G 558 Tracy, Maurice, Donnyhrook road • . P 559 Tucker, George Amos, Bushfield avenue , . V 560 Tunny, Patrick, 12 Eock road. Ball’s bridge. . 561 Tunny, Wilham, 4 Bridge street, Eingsend . . 562 Twybill, Eev. William, 1 Burlington road . . 563 Vaughan, William John, Tritonville avenue . • V G 564 Vereker, Henry, 8 Wellington place , . V G 565 Vincent, George, 49 Wellington road 566 Walker, George, 7 Bushfield place 567 Walshe, James, Seafort avenue, east , . P 568 Walthew, George M., Cottage park avenue . . 569 Ward, John, 8 Nash’s terrace, Beggar’s bush P 570 Way, Thomas, Bath street, Irishtown .. V G 571 Webb, Ephriam George, Merrion strand . . V G 572 Webster, William, 5 Victoria place 573 Wegg,John,Haddingtonpl., Haddington rd.jup. V G Ph pL, 32 DONNYBROOK DISTRICT. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 574 Westrop, John, 2 Somerset place, Kaglan road V G 575 Whammond, George K., Normanton place .. 576 Whelan, Thomas, Fleming’s place 577 White, Charles John, 41 Baggot street, upper V G 578 White, John, Main street, Donnybrook 579 Whiteside,Edw.W.,3 Fortview, Haddington rd. Ir. 580 Whitlow, Wm. H., Thomas st., Fitz william qy. 581 Whittaker, George, Bath street, Irishtown . . 582 Whitton, George, 2 Havelock square , , 583 Widdup, John, 13 Percy place • • 584 Wilkin, Henry, Kateville, Irishtown road 585 Williams, John, Albert cottage, the Strand . . V 586 Williams, John W., 3 Thornberry ter., Bushfield 587 Williams, Samuel, 6 Haddington terrace 588 Williams, William, Newgrove avenue 589 Willis, Hamilton, Serpentine avenue 590 Wilmoth, Wm., Lakefield ho., Merrion strand 591 Wilson, James, 3 Pembroke road . . V 592 Wilson, John, Eoseview, Anglesea bridge . . V J593 Wilton, John George, Yirgemount, Clonskeagh V 594 Wisdom, James, Anneville, Cottage park av... 595 Wolfe, Matthew Jas., 1 Seafort ter., Eingsend 596 Wolseley, Eichard John, 4 Percy place 597 Woodhouse, John O’B., 3 Fitzroy pi, Eaglanrd. 598 Woodroffe, Hr. Eichard, 68 Baggot st., upper V 599 Woods, William, Haddington road upper 600 Wright, Frederick, Bushfield avenue 601 Wright, Joseph Owen, Anglesea bridge . • 602 Wyse, Eobert, 18 Lansdowne road . . V V G V G G 603 Yeo, James, Thorncastle street, Eingsend . . V G 604 Young, Fredk. F., Eagle cot., Tritonville av.. . V G 605 Zurhorst, Fredk., 6 Newbridge ter,Tritonville av. V G EATHDOWN DISIEICT. SOUTH DOCK WARD. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted; V, Vance ; G, Gtiinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Reg. • Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Clmch, James, Peafield batlis 2 Cockaiiie, James, Phoenix ter., Williamstown . . P 3 Downey, Peter, Pock street, Blackrock . . V P 4 Jheld, John, Rock street, Blackrock 5 Gilmore, Joseph, Rock street, Blackrock . . V G 6 Hawkins, Bernard, Williamstown . . P 7 Hawkins, Peter, Williamstown . . V 8 Hayden, Patrick, Williamstown , . P 9 Hazeley, John, Rock street, Blackrock . . V 10 Lewis, John, Williamstown 11 Murphy, Gregory, Seafort ter., Williamstown. . P 12 Murphy, John, Williamstown . . P 13 Power, George, Deepwell, Blackrock 14 Redmond, William, jun., Williamstown .. V G 15 Robinson, John, Phoenix ter., Williamstown . . 16 Willis, Frederick, Lisaniskea, Blackrock , . 17 Woods, Michael, Rock street, Blackrock 6 TEINITY WARD. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Allen, Joseph, 47 Poolbeg street , . P 2 Allen, Mark, 12 Westland row . . V G 3 Andrews, Patrick, 42 Brunswick street, great. . P 4 Andrews, Robert, 57 Brunswick street, great . . 5 Armstrong, Andrew, 16J D’Olier street 6 Armstrong, Richard, 32 Stephen’s green, nth. . . 7 Atthill, Lombe, 11 Merrion street, upper .. V G 8 Baldwin, Thomas W., 17 Clare street , . V G 9 Balfe, Ambrose, 28 W estland row , . G P 10 Banks, Henry, 28 Brunswick street, great . . G P 11 Banks, James, 166 Townsend street 12 Bannon, Owen, 14 Sandwith. street .. P 13 Barlow, Arthur, 112 Townsend street .. G P 14 Barlow, John, 146 Townsend street G P 15 Barrett, Frederick, 17 Leinster street .. V G 16 Barry, Rev. Michael, 48 Westland row . . P 17 Beardwood, James Patrick, 10 Westland row . . 18 Beatty, Frederick, Lakepark, Roundwood , , V G 19 Beggs, James, 42a Westland row . . p 20 Behan, Patrick, 26 Denzille street , , p 21 Bell, David, 1 Kildare place 22 Bell, Robert, 40 & 41 Westland row 23 Bergin, Denis, 1 George’s quay , . 3G THIN IT V WARD. No. PtCg. Voter’'s Name and Address, For whom voted. 24 Bermingham, Patrick, 2 Yv" cstlaiid row . . P 25 Bernard, Thomas, 4 Merrion street, lower . . V G 2G Berwick, Walter, 5 Merrion street, upper . . G P 27 Bishop, Thomas, 5G Townsend street . . G P 28 Blakely, John, 201 Brunswick street, great 29 Blundell, John, 2 City quay . . G P 30 Boland, James, 2 Townsend street . . P 31 Bolton, William, 4 Holies street 32 Bowen, Charles Hartpole, Longford ter., Monkstn. V G 33 Boylan, Thomas, 5 Mark street . . P 34 Boyle, Patrick, 78 Townsend street 35 Brady, Patrick, 50 Townsend street . . P 3G Bramian, Joseph, 4 Merrion row . . 37 Bredin, Hall, 181 Brunswick street, great . . V G 38 Brennan, James, 1G8 & 1G9 Townsend street . . 39 Broderick, John, 1 Merrion row 40 Buchanan, W. Henry, 36 Stephen’s green, nth. G P 41 Burke, James, 6 City quay . . 42 Burke, John, 17 D’Olier street 43 Burke, Joseph, 196 Brunswick street, great . . 44 Burke, William Joseph, 35 George’s quay . . P 45 Burke, William, 26 Lincoln place . . G P 46 Byrne, Farrell J., 24 D’Olier street . . P 47 Byrne, George, 42b Westland row . . P 48 Byrne, James, 21 Shaw street . . P 49 Byrne, John, 37 Denzilie street . . P 50 Byrne, John, 31 Denzilie street . .• G P 51 Byrne, John, 26 Westland row - . G P 52 Byrne, John Bose, Brunswick street, great . . P 53 Byrne, Terence, 20 George’s quay . . P 54 Byrne, Thomas, 39 Tovrnsend street . . 1* 55 Byrne, Thomas, 49 Townsend street . , . 56 Byrne, Thomas, 1 Hoey’s court . . G 57 Byrne, Thomas, 2 Holies street . . 58 Carey, Michael, 31 Nicholas street . . P 59 Carey, William, 6 Poolbeg street . . P 60 Carpenter, John, 6 and 7 Shaw street .. P 61 Carr, William, 38 Denzilie street . . P 62 Carroll, John Walter, 10 Leinster street .. G P 63 Carroll, Peter J., 187 Brunswick street, great, . V G TRINITY WARD. No. lieg. Voter’s Name and Address, For whom voted. G4 Carroll, William, 30 Stephen’s green, north . . ’ P G5 Carter, Henry, 18 City quay . . P 66 Clarendon, Thomas, 212 Brunswick st., great V G 67 Clarke, James, 23 Henzille street • . P 68 Clarke, Thomas, 8 Shaw street • . G P 69 Cloric, Michael, 50 Westland row . . P 70 Coates, John, 173 Brunswick street, great . , P 71 Coatsworth, Thomas, 169 Brunswick st., great P 72 Cochrane, Eobert, 8 City quay 73 Cochrane, John, 21 D’ Oiler street V G 74 Cochrane, Samuel A., 21 D’Olier street 75 Cockburne, Gilbert, jun., 179 Brunswick st.,gt, V G 76 Codd, Francis A., 168 & 169 Townsend street - G P 77 Cogley, Martin, 15 Cumberland street, south 7 8 Colclough, Anthony C., Montpelier villas, Brighton 79 Conlan, Patrick, 14 George’s street, east , . P 80 Connell, John, 46 Brunswick street, great , . P 81 Connolly, Hamilton, 12 Holies street . . P 82 Connolly, Lt.-Col. Jas,, seriung on staff of army 83 Connolly, Phelim, Kathleisle, Portarlington . , P 84 Connolly, Thomas, 11 George’s street, east . . 85 Connor, Timothy, 17 George’s quay . . G 86 Conroy, John, 4 Haig terrace, Kingstown 87 Cooper, WTlliam Joseph, 9 Clare street , . V G 88 Corbet, Daniel, 12 Clare street 89 Corrigan, Dominick J., 4 Merrion sq., west 90 Corrigan, Michael, 4 Leinster market 91 Cox, Patrick, 2 Prince’s street, south .. G P 92 Cranfield, George Darley, 13 Landsdown road V G 93 Croker, Charles Philips, 7 Merrion sq., west . . V G 94 Cronan, John, Merrion place , . P 95 Crosbie, William, 4 Merrion place . , P 96 Crowe, Edward, 1 Brunswick street, great . . Y G 97 Crowe, Henry, Brighton terrace, Bray . . • V 98 Crowe, Michael Fredk., Brunswick st., great V G 99 Crowe, William, Brunswick street, great . . V G 100 Cruise, Francis, 37 Westland row . . P 101 Cuddy, Tliomas, 4 Mark street . , G P 102 Cullen, John, 102 Townsend street . . P 103 D’Arcy, Jeremiah, 2 Merrion street, lower . . G P 38 TRINITY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For wliom voted. 104 Davis, George, 9 Kildare street . . V G 105 Deane, Thomas N., 3 Merrion street, upper . . V G 106 Deasy, Rt. Hon. Rickard, 27 Merrion sq., north 107 DeBurgh, Henry, 36 Westland row .. V G 108 Denehy, Lawrence, 74 Dame street .. P 109 Deshon, Rev. Henry C., Coulston rec., Wiltshire 110 Dillon, William, 36 Brunswick street, great . , P 111 Doherty, John, 62 Dominick street, lower , . P 112 Doherty, William, 21 Westland row .. G P 113 Donnelly, William, 17 Holies street .. G P 114 Donovan, Michael, 11 Clare street V G 115 Doolan, Walter, 22 Westland row . . G P 116 Doolan, William, 204 Brunswick steeet, great 117 Douglass, Richard, 22 Clare street . . V G 118 Douglass, William, 5 Westland row . . V G 119 Dowling, Henry, 38 Brunswick street 120 Dowling, Henry, 30 Poolbeg street . . G P 121 Doyle, Andrew, 30 Denzille street . . P 122 Doyle, John, 6 Clare lane, Clare street , . P 123 Doyle, John, 47 Brunswick street, great . . P 124 Doyle, Joseph J., 16 Westland row .. G P 125 Dunne, John, 42 Townsend street * . P 126 Dunne, John, 20 Townsend street .. P 127 Egan, Rev. John C., 3 St. Agnes ter., London 128 Egan, Michael, 141 Townsend street . . P 129 Elliott, John, Ludford park, Dundrum , . G P 130 Etchingham, Michael, 26 Cumberland st., south P 131 Evans, William, 5 Holies street V G 132 Fanning, Edward, 24 George’s quay 133 Farrell, James, 30 Townsend street 134 Farrell, Peter, Brunswick street, great 135 Farrell, Robert, 3 Lombard street 136 Farrelly, Edward, 4 Hawkins’ street 137 Farrelly, John, 11 Leinster street .. G P 138 Faulkner, Thomas, 3 Cumberland street, south G P 139 Fennell, Patrick, 16 Denzille street 140 Finney, Andrew, 12 George’s street, east . . V G 141 Finucane, Bernard, 1 Merrion street, lower . . G P 142 Fitzgerald, Sir Edward, 29 Merrion sq., north Ph TRINITY WARD. 39 No, Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 143 Fitzgerald, William, 4 Poolbeg street . . G P 144 Fitzgibbon, Gerald, 10 Merrion square, north. • G P 145 Fitzharris, Christopher, 6 Leinster market . . 146 Fitzsimon, Christopher O’C., Glencullen,GoldenBall P 147 Flanagan, Stephen, 9 Merrion row . . P 148 Flavelle, Thomas, 5 Merrion row . . G P 149 Fleming, Christopher, 6 Merrion square, north V G 150 Flynn, William, 13 Bass place .. P 151 Forbes, John, 22 Brunswick street, great .. V G 152 Forde, John, 7 Cumberland street, south , . P 153 Forrest, John K., 13 Clare street . . P 154 Franklin, John, 1 Creighton street . . P 155 Galvin, Pierce, 17 Townsend street 156 Gay nor, James, 8 Moss street 157 Geoghegan, Thomas, 4 Merrion street, upper. . 158 Geraghty, Peter, Sandwith street , , 159 Gerrity, Henry, 23 Cumberland street, south. . 160 Gibbon, Edward A., Serpentine av., Sandymount 161 Gibbon, John George, 198 Brunswick st., great 162 Gibbon, William Monck, 198 Brunswick st., gt. 163 Gibson, Francis, 6 Mark street 164 Good, Matthew, 49 City quay 165 Goodwin, John, 6 Merrion row 166 Goolde, Ven. Frederick, Eajunochy glebe, Derry 167 Goring, William Henry, 14 Creighton street. . 168 Gorman, Michael, 11 Leinster market 169 Gorman, Patrick, 12 Leinster market 170 Green, John, Willbrook, Castledermot, Kildare 171 Greene, John M., 8 Burgh quay ,, 172 Grennan, Michael, 12 Bass place 173 Guiton, John, 24 City quay 174 Gunn, Michael Ralph, 13 Westland row V V V V V 175 Haliday, Edward, 13 Brunswick street, great. . 176 Halpin, Thomas, 155 Townsend street 177 Halton, Thomas, Rath row 178 Hamilton, John, 14 Merrion square, north . . 179 Hamilton, William, 50 Brunswick street, great 180 Hammond, Joseph, 23 City quay 181 Hanlon, Thomas, 9 Denzille street V V G V G V G OOOOOO oo 40 TRINITY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 182 Hannon, Martin, 15 City quay 183 Hardy, Samuel L., 9 Merrion square, north . . 184 Harlin, William, 3 City quay 185 Harvey, James Wm.,Broomley Kyle, co. W exford 18G Harwood, Henry, 8 Hamilton row 187 Haughton, James, 27 and 28 City quay 188 Haughton, Patrick, 1 Luke street 189 Haughton, Thomas, 35 Moss street 190 Haughton, Wilfred, 27 and 28 City quay 191 Haughton, William, 27 and 28 City quay 192 Hawkins, William, 8 Sandwith street 193 Hayes, Thomas, City quay 194 Healy, James, 19 Sandwith street 195 Heiton, Thomas, 28 to 31 George’s quay 196 Henderson, John, 21 Clare street 1 97 Henderson, William, in rere, Cumberland st., sth. 198 Henn, Jonathan, 16 Merrion street, upper 199 Hewett, James, 21 Moss street 200 Hickey, John, 44 Townsend street 201 Higginbotham, Pichard, Plattanstown, Arklow 202 Hildige, James Graham, 7 Merrion street, up. . . 203 Hobart, Nathaniel, in rere. City quay 204 Hoey, Robert, 9 City quay 205 Hogan, James, 168 Brunswick street, great . . 206 Hogarty, Patrick, 2 Denzille street 207 Hopkins, James, 39 Brunswick street, great . . 208 Hopkins, Robert, 171 Brunswick street, great 209 Howth, Earl of, 28 Merrion square, north 210 Hudson, Alfred, 2 Merrion square, north 211 Hughes, George, 7 Merrion row 212 Hughes, James, 24 Yfestland row 213 Hughes, James Wilson, 2 Leinster street 214 Hughes, Thomas, 32 Gloucester street 215 Hunt, Rev. John, Cherrywood, Loughlinstown P V G P P P P G P G P V G V G V G V G V G Y G Y G P 216 Irvine, James, 7 George’s street, east . . Y G 217 Jackson, Frederick W., 13 Holies street .. Y 218 Jackson, John, 135 Britain street, great .. Y G 219 Jackson, William, 9 Westland row ^ .. Y G 220 Johnston, James, 5 Townsend street * TRINITY WARD.- 41 - No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 221 Johnston, Rev. George Alex., Belturbet, Cavan V G 222 Johnston, Robert, b^Townsend street . . G P 223 Jones, Thomas, 16 Holies street •• V G 224 Jones, William, 17 Hawkin’s street . . V G 225 Kavanagh, Daniel, 12 Cumberland place •• P 226 Kavanagh, Murtagh, 37 City quay * . G P 227 Kavanagh, William, 175 Townsend street . . P 228 Kearney, Thomas, 48 Brunswick street, great, . P 229 Kearns, John, 24 Cumberland street, south . . G P 230 Kelch, John, 32 Townsend street . . 231 Kelly, Francis, 28 Townsend street ’ . . P 232 Kelly, Hugh, 13 Sir John Rogerson’s quay .. P 233 Kelly, Patrick, 26 Townsend street • • P 234 Kenna, William, 51 Townsend street , . P 235 Kennedy, Evory, 1 Merrion street, upper 236 Kennedy, Michael, 10 Sandwith street . . P 237 Killips, Samuel, 9 Poolbeg street . . V G 238 Kirwan, John, 1 Denzille street , . P 239 Kyle, William Cotter, 8 Clare street . . V G 240 Lambert, John, 38 City quay . . P 241 Langford, George, 37 Stephen’s green, north, . V G 242 Large, Thomas, 12 Leinster street 243 Larkin, Thomas, 15 and 16 Luke street 244 La Trobe, Rev. Peter, 2 Ely place, London 245 Lawless, Francis, 13 Townsend street . . P 246 Lawless, Patrick, 4 Brunswick street, great . . 247 Lawlor, John, 1 Peterson’s lane . . G P 248 Leahy, Patrick, 12 Brunswick street, great . , P 249 Leahy, William, 12 Brunswick street, great . . G P 250 Ledger, Richard, 9 Lombard street , . P 251 Lee, Robert, 12 Merrion street, upper 252 Leeson, John, 20 Clare street 253 Lesmond, William, 31 Townsend street . . P 254 Levey, Richard Michael, 193 Brunswick st., gt. 255 Little, Philip, 1 Poolbeg street , . P 256 Littlewood, Henry, Flowergrove, Rochestown av. V G 257 Lloyd, Rev. Humphrey, 35 Trinity College . . V G 258 Logan, Rev. Thomas D., Ardee, co. Louth , , G 259 Long, Peter, 39 AVestland row . . P pH 42 TRINITY WARD. No. Eeg. Voter's Name and Address. For whom v oted. 260 Lowry, Patrick, 7 Denzille street . . G P 261 Lynch, Rev. Gregory, 47 Westland row . . P 262 Lyons, Robert D., 8 Merrion square, west . , 263 McBride, Peter, 3 Hamilton row . . P 264 M‘Cann, Denis, 4 Denzille street . . G P 265 M‘Clintock, Alfred Henry, 21 Merrion sq. nth. V G 266 McCormick, John, 48 City quay . . G P 267 M^Cullagh, Patrick, 26 D’Olier street . . G P 268 McCurdy, William, 34 Westland row . . V G 269 M^Evoy, John, 3 Sandwith street . . P 270 McGill, Joseph, 21 City quay . . G P 271 McGrath, Matthew, Townsend street . . P 272 M‘Grath, William H., 9 Merrion street, upper P 273 M‘Kenna, George, 19 Lincoln jolace . . P 274 M‘Keon, Farrell, 10 Hawkins’ street 275 McMahon, Joseph, 45 Brunswick street, great 276 M‘Nally, John, 3 Kenilworth square, Rathgar 277 McNeill, Rev. George, Corrig ave., Kingstown 278 M‘Quade, Patrick, 16 George’s quay .. G 279 Macken, Edward, 45 Denzille street 280 Macken, James, 32 and 33 Poolbeg street . . 281 Macken, James, jun., 32 and 33 Poolbeg street 282 Mackey, James William, Westmoreland street G 283 Madden, Michael, 5 Harcourt place 284 Magee, James, 21 Lincoln place 285 Maguinness, Michael, 22 Moss street 286 Maguire, James, 51 Westland row 287 Maher, John, Brunswick street, north 288 Maher, John, 43 City quay , . G 289 Mallin, Charles, 3 Creighton terrace 290 Mallins, Michael, 14 City quay 291 Malone, George, 10 Luke street . • G 292 Mannin, Cornelius, 191 Townsend street .. G 293 Martin, John, 26 City quay . . G 294 Massey, Hon. John, Merrion street, upper , • V G 295 Mathews, Charles, 1 Merrion row 296 Meade, Josias Dunne, 8 Kildare street . . V 297 Meade, Michael, 162 Brunswick st., great 298 Meighan, Martin, 19 Mark street •. 299 Merne, John R,, 23 Clare street TRINITY AVAllD. 43 No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 300 Meyler, Rev. Uobt., 47 Westland row . . ’ P 301 Mills, Charles, Littleratli, Salliiis, co. Kildare V G 302 Minch, Matthew, 40 City quay . , P 303 Mitchell, Blaney, Cloghran, Swords . . G P 304 Molloy, Michael, 6 Cumberland st., south . . P 305 Montgomery, Michael, 3J- Shaw street 306 Mooney, James, 17 Denzille street . . G P 307 Mooney, Lawrence, 4 Shaw street 308 Moore, James, Sandwith street , . P 309 Moore, John, 6 Holies street . . G P 310 Moore, John, 160 Townsend street . . P 311 Moore, John, 2 Denzille lane .. P 312 Moore, Rev. John T.,Lamberton pk.. Queen’s co. 313 Morrow, Robert, 19 Sth. Frederick street . . G P 314 Mulhair, Patrick, 5 Merrion place . . P 315 Mulhall, Rev. William, 48 Westland row 316 Mullaly, Richard, 19 George’s quay 317 Mulligan, John, 8 Poolbeg street . . P 318 Mulrennan, Bernard, 23 Brunswick st., gt. . . G P 319 Mulroy, Patrick, 6 Burgh quay . . P 320 Murphy, Andrew, 15 Mark street . . P 321 Murphjq Edward, 111 Townsend street .. P 322 Murphy, Henry, 62 Brunswick street, great 323 Murphy, James, 1 Lombard street , . P 324 Murphy, John, City quay • . P 325 Murphy, Patrick, 53 Townsend street . . P 326 Murphy, Thomas, 5 Hamilton row . . P 327 Murphy, Thomas, 8 Hawkins’ street , . P 328 Nalty, John, Clare street . . V G 329 Neill, Peter, 27 George’s quay . . P 330 Nicholls, James, 10 Harcourt place . . V G 331 Nicholls, Thomas, 3 George’s quay . . V G 332 Nolan, John J., 67 to 74 Townsend street . . G P 333 Nolan, Maurice, Llawkins’ street . . G P 334 Nolan, William, 24 Nassau street . . P 335 Nugent, Thomas Vesey, 19 Merrion sq., north V G 336 O’Brien, Christopher, 27 D’Olier street . , G 337 O’Brien, James, 18 Blessington place . . ‘ P 338 O’Brien, Timothy, Frankfort, Merrion . . V P 339 O’Carroll, Rev. Thomas, 48 Westland row . • P 44 TRINITY WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 340 O’Connor, Daniel, 39 Denzille street . . P 341 O’Connor, Francis, 6 George’s quay . . P 342 O’Farrall, Joseph M., 15 Merrion square north P 343 O’Hara, William, 15 Creighton street . . P 344 O’Keeffe, Gerald, 6 Merrion street, lower 345 O’Neill, Maurice, 11 Sandwith street .. P 346 O’Shaughnessy, Wm K., 35 Stephen’s gr., nth. P 347 Packer, William E. J., 4 Leinster street . . V G 348 Palliser, Alexander, Irishtown, Clonmel . . G P 349 Panter, Thomas, 174 Brunswick street, great. , V G 350 Parsons, Edward, 11 Creighton street . . V G 351 Pearsall, Thomas, 13 Merrion street, upper , . V G 352 Perrin, Joshua, 172 Brunswick street, great . . V' G 353 Pidgeon, Henry, 22 Poolbeg street . . G 354 Potts, Eichard, 17 Luke street 355 Pounden, Lonsdale, Brownswood, Enniscorthy V G 356 Power, Geoffrey, 25 Townsend street . , P 257 Power, Patrick, 25 Townsend street 358 Pratt, Charles, Stoneyville, near Cabinteely . . 359 Price, John E., 3 Harcourt place . • Y G 360 Eatigan, James Nicholas, 17 College green . . G P 361 Eead, Thomas, 15 Lombard street , , 362 Eedmond, Stephen, 42 Westland row , . P 363 Eeilly, Hugh, 25 Denzille street , , G P 364 Eeilly, Owen, 33 City quay ♦ . . P 365 Eeynolds, John, 65 Brunswick street, great . . P 366 Eiall, Phineas, sen.. Old Connaught, near Bray Y G 367 Eoche, Sir David, 23 Merrion square, north . . 368 Eoche, James, 116 Townsend street 369 Eochford, Henry, 35 City quay . * G 370 Eochford, Patrick, 37 Townsend street 371 Eose, Henry Orrnsby, 31 Merrion square, nth. 372 Eothery, James, 7 Townsend street 373 Eoundtree, Thomas, 190 Brunswick st., great 374 Eourke, Peter, 18 Shaw street . . P 375 Eowan, William, 143 Townsend street 376 Eyan, Edward Yilliers, Yicenage park, Belfast 377 Eyan, Jeremiah, 10 George’s quay , . P 378 Eyan, John, 19 Townsend street Ph Ph Pm Ph Ph TRINITY WARD. _ 45 No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 379 Ryan, Patrick, 1 Townsend street . . ’ G- P 380 Ryan, Thomas, 186 Brunswick street, great . . P 381 Ryan, William, Vicenage park, Belfast 382 Savage, Peter, 2 Lombard street . . P 383 Scott, William Bindon, 4 Kildare street . • V G 384 Scott,Francis M.,4 Henrietta pi. ,Bullock,Dalkey V P 385 Seaton, Robt. E., Harwood ball, Staffordshire V G 386 Selwood, William, 58 Brunswick st., great . . V 387 Seymour, Edward Wight, 4 Kildare street . . V G 388 Seymour, John Wight, 4 Kildare street V G 389 Sheehan, Thomas, 62 & 63 Townsend street , . P 390 Sheridan, Matthew, 6 City quay . . P 391 Sheridan, William, 8 Westland row . . P 392 Sherwood, Joseph, 15 Denzille street . . P 393 Silverlock, Henry, 11 Brunswick street, great 394 Simpson, John, 52 Poolbeg street . . P 395 Singleton, John C., 19 D’Olier street .. 396 Sinnott, Andrew, 10 Mark street , , P 397 Sloman, Samuel, 1 Burgh quay , . V G 398 Smith, Edward, 3 Creighton street 399 Smith, John, 10 Burgh quay . . P 400 Smith, Patrick, 4 George’s street, east . . P 401 Smith, Robert, 11 Denzille street .. P 402 Smith, Isaac, 194 Brunswick street, great 403 Smyth, Capt. Robert Bolton, Mellifont avenue G 404 Smyth, Robert Beresford, 22nd Regiment 405 Stafford, John, 40 Denzille street , , P 406 Stafford, John, 6 Merrion place . . V G 407 Staveley, Rev. Robert, Reynagh, Banagher , . V G 408 Stewart, James Robert, 6 Leinster street . . V G 409 Stokes, William, Merrion square, north 410 Studholme, Joseph, 19 & 20 Brunswick st., gt. 411 Sutton, Edward, 8 Townsend street . . P 412 Syms, George P., 4 Creighton street , , 413 Tacre, Edward, 10 Holies street , . G P 414 Taggart, Charles, 36 Townsend street , , V G 415 Tate, William, 16 George’s street, east . . P 416 Thomas, Francis, 189 Brunswick street, great , P 417 Thomas, Robert, 15 Holies street 46 TRINITY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 418 Thomas, Stephen, 3 Leinster market . . P 419 Thompson, Alexander F., 199 Brunswick st., gt. G P 420 Tighe, Thomas, 2 Hamilton row . . V G 421 Toole, Henry, 2 Harcourt place 422 Tuke, Benjamin B., 14 Clare street . . V G 423 Tuke, Daniel, 14 Clare street . . V G 424 Tuohill, Eichard, 6 Merrion square, west . . P 425 Underdown, Charles B., 5 Creighton street . . V G 426 Verdon, Edward, 2 Burgh quay 427 Verdon, Eichard, 2 Burgh quay , . P 428 Wade, Gustavus Eochfort, 5 Clare street . . V G 429 Walsh, James, 18 Leinster market . . P 430 Walsh, James, 27 Westland row . . V G 431 Walsh, Peter, 3 Merrion row . . P 432 Ward, Patrick, Barry’s yard . , P 433 Webb, Charles B., 12 Sandwith street . . G P 434 Webb, Eichard D., 166 & 167 Brunswick st. gt. P 435 Webb, Stawell, 4 Kildare street . . G P 436 Wheeler, George, 166-| Great Brunswick street V G 437 Whelan, John, 55 North strand . . P 438 White, William, senior, 142 Townsend street 439 White, William, junior, 142 Townsend street P 440 Whitemore, Eichard, Stacumnie cot., Celbridge 441 Wilde, William E., 1 Merrion square, north.. V G 442 Williams, Thomas, 8 Creighton street 443 Wilson, William, 31 Gloucester st., south , . G P 444 Wilson, William, Marine villa, Hollywood . . V G 445 Wolfe, George, 7 Creighton street . V G 446 Woodbyrne, Thomas, 65 Stephen street 447 Woods, Patrick, 18 Townsend street 448 Woodworth, Joseph H., 17 Shaw street *. V G 449 Wright, Eichard, 4 Townsend street . . V G 450 Wright, Thomas E., 14 Merrion st., upper . . V G 451 Yeates, Horatio, 13 Leinster street , . V G 452 Young, Henry, 29 Cumberland street, south.. P PM SOUTH CITY WAED. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Acton, William, 1 6 Fleet street , . V G 2 Adams, James, 37 Westmoreland street , , V G 3 Aitken, William, 17 Aston’s quay , . G P 4 Alexander, Henry, 1 5 Cope street . . P 5 Alker, Rev. George, Preston, Lancashire 6 Allen, Charles, 108 Grafton street . . V G 7 Allen, Nathaniel, Blackwater, Enniscorthy 8 Anderton, Jabez, 5 Aston’s quay . . V G 9 Andrews, John R., 10 Dame court 10 Arkins, Thomas, Finea terrace . . P 1 1 Austin, George, sen., 85 Baggot street, lower . . V G 12 Austin, George, jun., 39 Westmoreland street.. V G 13 Austin, Thomas K., 39 Westmoreland street . , V G 14 Barney, George, 3 Crown alley 15 Bell, James, 26 Temple lane 16 Bell, Robert, 2 & 3 Wellington quay , . V G 17 Bennett, Henry, 7 Great George’s street . . V P 18 Bennett, John, Grange, Parsonstown , . V G 19 Bentley, John, 110 Grafton street .. G P 20 Bergin, David C., 15 Belgrave sq., Rathmines V G 21 Bewley, Joshua, 17, 18, and 19 Sycamore alley 22 Bewley, William H., 15 Cope street 23 Bianconi, Charles, Silverspring, Clonmel . . G •tJ SOUTH CITY WARD. 4S No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 24 Biggs, John F., 2 Crampton quay . . G P 25 Blacker, Bev. Beaver H., Rokeby, Blackrock . . V G 26 Blackley, Travers R.,jun., Ashtown, Castleknock V G 27 Boon, John, 96 Grafton street . . V G 28 Bowles, Thomas, 12 Eustace street • . V 29 Boyle, Alexander, 35 and 36 College green . . V G 30 Braddell, Bev. Alex., Levy glebe, Westmeath V G 31 Braddell, Thomas, Coolmalagh^ Ferns . . V G 32 Brady, Bt. Hon. Maziere, Pembroke street, up. P 33 Bray, John B., 26 Westmoreland street 34 Breen, Moses, 4 George’s street, great 35 Brien, Patrick, 13 Temple lane 36 Brodrick, William, , Essex quay .. V G 37 Brown, George, Eustace street . . P 38 Bruce, William, 37 Dame street . , V G 39 Bruton, William, 15 Stoneybatter .. G P 40 Bullock, Edward, 23 Exchequer street . . V G 41 Bullock, George, 22 College green . . V G 42 Burke, Patrick, 4 Exchange street 43 Burke, Patrick Joseph, 81 Dame street . . G 44 Burke, William, 50 Fleet street 45 Bushe, John, 5 Crampton court , . V G 46 Butler, Robert, 5 Essex quay . . V G 47 Byrne, Edward, 7 Trinity street 48 Byrne, Mark, 3 Eustace street 49 Cahill, Mark, 66 Dame street , . 50 Callinan, Thomas, 102 Grafton street .. V G 51 Cameron, John, 13 Fleet street .. V G 52 Cameron, B. Bedford, Aughmore, Roscommon 53 Campbell, John, 6 Crampton quay , , 54 Cantwell, James, 16 D’Olier street 55 Carroll, Jeremiah, 2 Trinity street . . G 56 Carroll, John, 24 Anglesea street .. 57 Carroll, Richard, 10 Aston’s quay 58 Carthy, John, 10 Andrew street 59 Cass, Joseph, 56 Fleet street .. G 60 Chapman, Robert, 10 Temple lane 61 Clancy, Charles, 24 College green 62 Clarke, Patrick, 22 Wicklow street 63 Clendenning, George, 5 Wicklow street «OUTH CITY WARD. 49 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 64 Codd, Francis, 7 Fleet street . . G P 65 ColcloughjCapt. George, Koyal Artillery, 6th bat. 66 Coleman, Benjamin, 15 D’Olier street . . V G 67 Coleman, Patrick, 2 Suffolk street . . P 68 Coles, John, 20 Wicklow street . . G P 69 Collins, Joseph, 32 Temple bar . . P 70 Collis, Robert, 16 & 17 Aston’s quay 7 1 Comyns, Alexander, College green . . V G 72 Comyns, Joseph, 10 College green , . V G 73 Connolly, Daniel, Fitzwilliam place 74 Connor, William George, 4 Essex bridge . . P 75 Conway, William A., 7 Suffolk street . . P 7 6 Coonan, Thomas, 9 College street . . G 77 Cooney, Philip, 17 Dame court . . P 78 Cope, Sir Wm.H.,Bramshill,Hartford bdg., Hants 79 Coppinger, Joseph W., 14 Fleet street . . P 80 Copstake, Sampson, 11 Andrew street . . 81 Corbett, Robert, 35 Anglesea street . . V P 82 Corcoran, James, 28 Westmoreland street 83 Cosgrove, Frederick, 2 Cecelia street . . V G 84 Coughlan, John, 28 Anglesea street , , 85 Coyle, Thomas, 25 Exchequer street . . P 86 Crampton, Rev. John F., Aughrim rectory, co. Galway 87 Crampton, Thomas, 11 Andrew street 88 Cranfield, Thomas, 115 Grafton street •• V G 89 Cranston, William, 48 Temple bar 90 Croker, Joseph, 24 College green . . P 91 Cross, Patrick, 8 Temple bar . , P 92 Cullen, Anthony, 36 Fleet street . . G P 93 Cullinan, Joseph, 66 Dame street . . - P 94 Cummins, Patrick, 3 Crampton quay . . • P 95 Curry, John R., 45 Dame street 96 Cuthbert, Henry, 42 Exchequer street . . V G 97 Daly, James, 6 Cork hill » . P 98 Parley, William Fredk., 38 Baggot st., lower V G 99 Delacy, Peter, 16 Parliament street , . G P 100 Delany, James, 19 Westmoreland street P 101 Devine, Charles, 19 Fleet street . „ V G 102 Dillon, Henry Augustus, 79 Dame street .. V G 103 Dixon, Benjamin, 3 St. Andrew street 104 Dixon, James, 3 St. Andrew street 50 SOUTH CITY WAIU). No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. ] 05 Dobbjn, George, 65 Dame street . . G P 106 Donnelly, Hugh, 19 Exchange street, lower . . P 107 Dowling, Henry, 67 Dame street , . P 108 Downes, Henry, 8 College green . . P 109 Downey, Denis, 8^ Trinity street . . P 110 Doyle, Luke, 9 Temple bar . G P 111 Dubedat, William Geo., 11 College green .. V G 112 Dudgeon, Henry J., 113 Grafton street .. V G 113 Duffy, James, 15 Wellington quay 114 Dunne, John, 8 Andrew street , . G 115 Dunn, Thomas, 15 Ormond quay, upper 116 Dunn, William, 18 Parliament street 117 Durdin,Rev.T. Garde, Oldcastle glebe, co.Meath V 118 Dwyer, Darby, 9 Essex street, east 119 Eakins, James, 4 Eustace street 120 Echlin, Henry, 99 Mount street, lower 121 Egan, Richard, 12 Temple lane 122 Egar, John, 4 Essex quay 123 Elkington, George, 29 College green 124 Exbam, Robert, 9 Fitzwilliam place V G 125 Fagan, Bartholomew, 34 Essex street, east . . 126 Falls, William, Tully house, Dungannon 127 Farley, Joseph, 8 George’s street, great 128 Farrell, Thomas, 31 Temple bar 129 Farrell, Patrick, 7 Essex quay 130 Farrell, William, Wellington quay 131 Faulkner, Francis, 83 Grafton street 132 Fay, Thomas, 28 Temple bar 133 Fegan, John, 19 Aston’s quay 134 Fegan, Joseph, 1 Fleet street 135 Fenner, William, 2 Cambridge ter., Rathmines 136 Ferguson, Joseph H., 105 Grafton street 137 Fisher, Rev. Saml.,Northwood,Henly, Staffordsh. 138 Fitzgerald, David, 20 Andrew street 139 Fitzgerald, Thomas, 20 Andrew street 140 Fitzpatrick, Robert D., 6 Trinity street 141 Fitzpatrick, William, 23 Dame street 142 Flanagan, James, 46 Essex street, east 143 Flanagan, William, 13 Temple bar V G G V G G V G G V G •G V G G P G P ' P PL|PliPh P-i Ph ■ Ph PLjPnP-iP^ p_i PL| PL| PhP-i aOUTH CITY WARD. 51 No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 144 Fleming, Christopher, Price’s lane . . ’ P 145 Fleming, David, 12 Exchange street, lower . . P 14G Fletcher, Wellesly Pole, G Foster place * . V G 147 Flint, Frederick, 17 Essex quay . . V G 148 Flint, John, 17 Essex quay ... V 149 Foley, High, 24 College green 150 Foot, James, G Essex bridge . . V G 151 Forrest, James, junior, 101 Grafton street 152 Forrest, James, 100 Grafton street 153 Forrest, William, 100 Grafton street 154 Fottrell, William B., 21 Fishamble street G 155 Fowler, Corry, 30 Anglesea street . • G 15 G Fowler, John Francis, 3 Crow street 157 Fox, Anthony, 51 Dame street 158 Fox, Edward, 51 Dame street 159 Fry, Thomas, 11 D’Olier street .. G IGO Fry, William, 11 D’Olier street .. V G IGl Gaffney, Philip, G Parliament street . • 1G2 Gallie, James B., Edinburgh 1G3 Gallie, John, 15 College green . . V G 1G4 Galway, John, 22 Eustace street 1G5 Gealy, John, 53 Dame street 1G6 Geoghegan, Bichard, 8 Suffolk street .. V 167 Gilker, James, 4 Cope street 168 Gill, Andrew, Grosvenor park, Rathmines .. 169 Glennon, Christopher, 8 Cope street 170 Glennon, Patrick, 8 Cope street , . 171 Gogan, Thomas Joseph, 28 Essex quay . . G 172 Gowan, John, 27 Wellington quay V G 173 Goyer, David, 2 Fleet street 174 Goyer, David, 30 Wellington quay . . V G 175 Griffith, Thomas R., 12 Andrew street .. G 176 Guillaume, Henry, 1 1 Suffolk street . , V G 177 ^Guinness, Richard S., 17 College green 178 Gwynn, William James, Antrim, co. Antrim V 179 Hackett, Patrick, 11 Wicklow street 180 Hackett, .Robert, 11 Wicklow street 181 Hampson, Robert, 14 Essex quay * Voted as a Freeman. 52 SOUTH CITY WARD. V G y G G No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 182 Hanbidge, Eobert, 4 Church lane 183 Harding, Falkiner, 11 Fleet street 184 Hardy, Thomas Eawdon, 17 College green .. 185 Harris, Lewis, 19 Suffolk street 186 Hawkins, James, 20 Gardiner street, middle. . 187 Hawkins, James Staples, 20 Gardiner st., #iid. 188 Hayes, Thomas Patrick, 18 Westmoreland st. 189 Hazley, George, 12 St. Andrew street 190 Heacock, John, 31 Dame street 191 Henecy, Charles, 18 Suffolk street 192 Higginbotham, Edward, 102 Grafton street .. 193 Hime, Eev. Maurice C., Dargan terrace, Bray 194 Hinkson, John, 76 Dame street 195 Hinton, William, 11 Temple lane 196 Hodges, John, 16 Westmoreland street 197 Hogg, William, 10 Cope street .. 198 Hopper, George, 80 Dame street 199 Hornidge, George J., Colverstown, Tyrrellspass V G 200 Hudson, Henry, Toolooan, Loughrea . . V G 201 Hug, William, 12 George’s street, great .. V G 202 Hughes, James, 11 St. Andrew street 203 Hughes, William, 17 Parliament street . . G P 204 Hunt, John E., 34 Westmoreland street . . Y G 205 Hunt, Robert C. W., 34 Westmoreland street 206 Hurse, Edward, 2 Parliament street , . G P 207 Hyam, Benjamin, 30 Dame street 208 Hynes, James, 55 Dame street , . G P P V G y p y G y G y G G P y G G 209 James, George Wm., Privot lodge, Dundrum. , 210 Jeffrey, John, 12 Fownes’s street 211 Jennett, James, 23 Essex quay 212 Johnson, Joseph, 22 Suffolk street 213 Johnston, George, 3 Rutland square, east 214 Johnston, Henry Benjamin, 6 Temple street, up. 215 Johnston, John, Rock road, north side 216 Johnston, Rev. Richard, Tanderagee, co. Armagh 217 Johnston, William, Williamstown, near Clonee 218 Jones, John F., 8 D’Olier street 219 Jones, Sheppard, 35 Westmoreland street 220 Jordan, James, 4 Bedford row 221 Juiy, William, Tolka park, Finglass y G y G y G y G p y G y G y G y G p p SOUTH CITY WARD. 53 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 222 Kavanagli, Henry, 58 Fleet street ^ . . G 223 Kavanagh, James, 5 Trinity, street .. P 224 Keane, William, 25 Wellington quay . . P 225 Kellett, Richard, Ballinakill, Enfield 226 Kelly, John, 11 Aston’s quay .. P 227 Kelly, jftm, 14 Cope street . . P 228 Kelly, John, 24 Wellington quay . . P 229 Kelly, Richard, 12 Trinity street . . P 230 Kelly, Richard, 14 Cope street . . P 231 Kelly, Thomas, 14 Cope street . . P 232 Keogh, James, 15 Anglesea street 233 Kilroy, Andrew, 24 and 25 Temple bar . . G P 234 Kinsella, John, 21-| Wellington quay 235 Kinsley, Henry, 6 Church lane - . P 236 Larkin, James, 10 Exchange street, upper , . 237 Lee, Michael, 3 Church lane . . P 238 Leetch, Thomas, 26 Dame street . . P 239 Lepla, Henry, jun., 27 Anglesea street . . V G 240 Lewis, Frederick, 6 Fleet street • . G P 241 Lewis, Henniker, 31 Anglesea street 242 Llewellen, Michael, 17 Anglesea street .. P 243 Lockett, Thomas, 21 Fownes’s street . . V G 244 Low, Francis, 35 and 36 College green . . V G 245 Lucas, George, 1 Suffolk street . . V G 246 Lymberry, William G., 25 Andrew street . . V G 247 Lynch, Nicholas, 13 St. Andrew street . . P 248 Lynch, Timothy, 27 Westmoreland street . . 249 M^Birnie, David, 14 and 15 Aston’s quay . . G P 250 M‘Bride, Neil, 11 and 12 Essex quay G P 251 M‘ Comas, Archibald, 23 Rathmines road . . V G 252 M‘Conkey, Thomas William, 2 Eustace street G P 253 McCormick, James, 15 Essex quay . , p 254 McCormick, John, 43 Temple bar . . p 255 M‘Donnell, Ivor, 13 Anglesea street . . p 256 McDonnell, Michael, 2 Essex gate . , p 257 McDowell, George, 20 Wellington quay . , V G 258 M‘Dowell, Henry, 20 Wellington quay , . Y G 259 M‘Dowell, William, 13 Trinity street , , p 260 M‘Gauran, Charles, 1 Fownes’s street . . G P 54 SOUTH CITY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. ^61 M^Gusty, Alexander D., 20 Mountjoy sq., east ^ 262 M‘Gusty, George Murray, Mountjoy sq., east V G 263 McKenna, Peter, 18 Dame court . . P 264 McMahon, Edward, 4 D’Olier street 265 M‘Master, John W., 3 St. Andrew street 266 M‘Master, Maxwell, Grafton street . V G 267 N‘Namara, Daniel, 21 Essex quay 268 M‘Namara, John, 20 Parliament street 269 Machen, Samuel J., Paternoster row, London. . 270 Maclean, Henry, 69 Fitzwilliam square . . V G 271 Madden, James, 119 Grafton street P 272 Magee, Charles, Belview, Dundrum 273 Mahony, Joseph, 4 Crampton court . , V G 274 Maitland, William, 19 Andrew street ; . 275 Mallett, Kichard F., 2 Wicklow street . . Y P 276 Manning, Joseph, 30 Grafton street . . Y G 277 Marshall, Michael, 11 Temple lane 278 Martin, Francis, 72 Dame street . . P 279 Martin, John, 13 Andrew street .. P 280 Martin, Joseph, 4 Aston’s quay . . Y G 281 Martin, Joseph, 4 Crampton quay , . P 282 Mason, Seacombe, 11 Essex bridge . .. Y G 283 Massaroon, Kichard W., 3 Andrew street . . Y G . 284 Maunsell, Henry, Landsend, Stillorgan . . Y G 285 Mead, Kobert Warren, 6 Foster place .. Y G 286 Meagher, Pierce, 4 Crow street , . P 287 Meares, Joseph, 75 Dame street . . Y G 288 Mitchell, Patrick, 14 Crow street . . P 289 Molloy, James, 4 Essex bridge .. Y G 290 Molloy, James, 18 Andrew street , . P 291 Moore, George, 11 Andrew street 292 Moreton, Bernard, 12 Anglesea street . . P 293 Morris, John D., 47 Dame street . . Y G 294 Morris, Thomas Yalentine, Anglesea street . . Y 295 Morony, Michael, 6 Essex quay 296 Moulang, Joseph, 18 Crampton court . . Y G 297 Mulderry, William, 5 Parliament street . . P 298 Mulholland, Patrick, 4 Sycamore alley . . P 299 Mulvey, Kichard, 6 Essex street 300 Murphy, Christopher, 2 Aston’s quay . , I* 301 Murphy, James, 7 Temple bar .. 1* SOUTH CITY WAIID, No, Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 302 Murphy, James, 24 Eustace street . . . ’ G P. 303 Neary, John, 26 Essex street, east . . P 304 Nicholson, James 0,, Maitland st., Edinburgh 305 Nickson, John, 10 Westmoreland street .. V G 306 Noonan, Peter J., 25 Anglesea street 307 Nowlan, Francis, 10 Exchange street, lower . . G 308 Nugent, Michael, 35 Essex street 309 O’Brien, Michael, 9 St. Andrew street , . G 310 O’Brien, Michael, 3 Cork hill 311 O’Connor, Bernard, 13 Wellington quay 312 O’Connor, Thomas, 73 Dame street 313 O’Daly, John, 9 Anglesea street 314 O’Donnell, James, 42 Dame street , , 315 O’Driscoll, Francis, 29 Essex quay 316 O’Driscoll, John, 10 Anglesea street 317 O’Driscoll, John, jun., 10 Anglesea street 318 O’Hara, Charles W., M.P., Cooper’s hill, Sligo 319 Oldham, Eldred, 12 Westmoreland stj.*eet . . V G 320 Oldham, Henry, 42 Fleet street . , V G 321 Oldham, James, 12 Westmoreland street . . V G 322 O’Leary, Joseph, 1 Temple lane 323 O’Malley, John, 4 Andrew street 324 O’Keilly, Denis P., 20 Anglesea street . . V G 325 O’Reilly, Patrick, 15 Suffolk street 326 O’Reilly, Richard, Wellington quay 327 Orpen, Basil W., 4 Wilton square . . V G 328 Osborne, William, 11 Andrew street 329 O’Toole, Peter, 21 Temple bar .. G 330 Owen, Joseph, 8 x\nglesea street 331 Owens, William, 54 Dame street ,, V G 332 Parker, William, 14 Exchange street, lower . . P 333 Parslow, Charles, 4 Trinity street . , . ' 334 Peuris, Thomas, 26 Temple bar , . P 335 Peyton, Edward, 39 Wellington quay 336 Peyton, Henry, 39 Wellington cj[uay , . 337 Phelan, Michael, 8 Essex quay 338 Phibbs, Edward, 14 Trinity place, ,, P 339 Philips, Thomas, 13 Essex quay . . V G 5G SOUTH CITY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 340 Phoenix, James Edward, 7 Crow street . . G P 341 Picker, William, 2 George’s street, great . . P 342 Pirn, Robert B., 48 Dame street • . P 343 Porteous, William, 18 Wicklow street . , V G 344 Potts, Joseph Tromperant,20Fitzwilliamsq.,sth. V 345 Potts,WilliamTromperant, Granite Idg.jEangstn. Y 346 Power, John, 6 College green . . P 347 Poyntz, Benjamin, 106 Grafton street 348 Rafter, Thomas, 12 Trinity place • . 349 Rathborne, John G., 44 Essex street, east . . 350 Reeves, Robert E., Shannonview, co. Limerick 351 Reid, Thomas, 23 Wicklow street 352 Reid, William, 35 Dame street 353 Reilly, James, 11 Crow street 354 Reilly, John, 17 Fleet street 355 Reilly, John L., 41 Wellington quay 356 Reilly, Philip, 41 Wellington quay 357 Reside, James, 21 College green 358 Reynolds, Francis D., 6 College green 359 Reynolds, Thomas, 19 Fownes’s street , . 360 Reynolds, Thomas, 14 D’Olier street 361 Reynolds, William, Woodpark, Rathmines . . 362 Ribton, Sir John, Woodbrook, near Bray 363 Richardson, Rev. Clement, Rathkeale 364 Ritchie, John, 24 South Andrew street . . 365 Robinson, James, Holly walk, Leamington 366 Robinson, John, 28 Parliament street 367 Rock, Edward, 14 Temple lane 368 Roe, Peter T., Army and Navy Club, London 369 Rooney, Michael William, 26 Anglesea street 370 Rooney, James, 3 Cecilia street 371 Rooney, John, 3 Cecilia street 372 Rooney, Walter H., 5 Cope street 373 Ross, Edward, 1 6 Trinity place 374 Russell, Henry, 6 Eustace street 375 Ryan, James, 8 College street P V G V G P V G P P P P V G G V G V G V G V G P P P P P P P 376 Sandford, John, 21 Fleet street . . G P 377 Scates, Joseph, 15 Westmoreland street . . V G 378 Scott, William, 31 Eden quay Ah Ah SOUTH CITY WARD. 57 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 379 Scott, William E., 2 & 3 Wellington quay .. V G 380 Scriber, John, 23 Westmoreland street 381 Segrave, O’Neal, Kiltymon, Wicklow •« P 382 Seymour, John C., 151 Leinster rd., Kathmines V G 383 Shade, Henry L., 32 Westmoreland street •• V G 384 Shelly, Roland E., White’s avenue, Merrion . . 385 Sheridan, Peter, 22 Parliament street , . P 286 Smith, Aquilla, 121 Baggot street, lower . . V G 287 Smith, Edward T., 22 Anglesea street . . V G 388 Smith, Francis, 24 Essex quay . . P 389 Smith, John, 16 Wicklow street . . P 390 Smyth, James, 4 Fleet street , . V G 391 Smyth, John, 17 Eustace street • . P 392 Smyth, William, Castlefergus, co. Clare . • V G 393 Sparks, Richard William, Graigue, Carlow . . V G 394 Spinks, Charles, 7 Cope street . , 395 Spinks, Samuel George, 13 Parliament street 396 Spotten, William, 3 Andrew street 397 Stanley, Thomas, 17 Exchange street, lower . . V G 398 Steele, William Edward, Hatch street . . V G 399 Stephens, Charles, 44 Dame street , . V G 400 Stewart, Gordon, 14 George’s street . . V P 401 Stokes, Frederick, Leinster road, Rathmines . . V G 402 Stokes, John, Phoenix villa. Upper Leeson st. P 403 Suddards, Robert, 7 Dame court , . P 404 Sutton, Laurence, 5 Cork hill . . P 405 Swainson, John, Halton hall, Lancaster 406 Sweetman, Henry S., 8 George’s st., London 407 Sweetman, William A., 1 King’s road, London 408 Switzer, Jeremiah, 78 Dame street . . V G 409 Sykes, James Robert, 34a Dame street . , V G 410 Symes, George, Bonnybrook, Artane , . P 411 Symes, Glascott, 37 Dame street p 412 Taaffe, Henry, South Great George’s street . . P 413 Taaffe, Patrick, 5 George’s street, great . , P 414 Tackaberry, John, Aston’s quay , . G P 415 Talbot, Henry, 1 Victoria terrace, Rathgar . . G P 416 Taylor, Despard, 19 Charlemont place 417 Taylor, George, 17 Fownes’s street , . P 418 Taylor, Joseph, Exchange street, upper . , V G 9 58 SOUTH CITY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For wliom voted. 419 Tellwright, Francis, 19 Wellington quay .. V G 420 Thompson, Alexander, 26 Andrew street . . V G 421 Thompson, Henry, Clonard, Dundrum . . V G 422 Thorpe, Eustace, 11 Kildare street .. V G 423 Tilly, Thomas, 11 Henrietta street .. V G 424 Tisdall, Eichard, 2 Besborough ter.. Circular rd. 425 Todhunter, Joseph, 3^ College green , , V 426 Toole, Charles, 41 Westmoreland street 427 Travers, Robert, Williamstown 428 Trouton, Charles E., 18 Eustace street . . G 429 Trouton, Thomas, 8 Westmoreland street , . V G 430 Turbitt, Edward B., 7 Wicklow street , . V G 431 ^Tynan, Patrick, 140 Dorset street 432 Vance, James, 10 Suffolk street • , V G 433 Verschoyle, Rev. Eichard, Carlingford . . V G 434 Vigors, John Cliffe, Burgage, co. Carlow . . V G 435 Walker, Rev. John C., Ballinasloe .. V G 436 Wallnut, Charles, Springfield, Scariff, co. Clare 437 Walpole, Edward, 8 Suffolk street . . V 438 Walpole, George, 8 Suffolk street . . V 439 Walpole, William, 8 Suffolk street 440 Walsh, John, 29 Fleet street ' . . G 441 Walsh, Ralph, 19 Parliament street • 442 Warren, Frederick, 1 Warrenpoint, Clontarf. . V G 443 Warren, Isaac P., 1 Warrenpoint, Clontarf . . V G 444 Warren, John, 20 Fownes’s street ,, V G 445 Warren, Samuel, Cullenswood ,, V G 446 Waterhouse, Samuel, 25 Dame sti^et . . G P 447 Waters, John J., 6 Crow street .. P 448 Webb, John, jun., 20 Temple lane . . P 449 Weekes, Charles, 27 Essex quay . . P 450 Weekes, John, 27 I^ssex quay . . P 451 West, Henry, 32 Merrion square, south .. P 452 West, Henry, J.P., 23 Nth. Gt. George’s st. V G 453 Whaley, Thos., Knockbye house, Warrmgton V G 454 Wheeler, George N., 55 Baggot st., upper . . V G 455 White, Robert Taylor, 45 Fleet street . . G P 456 Whitford, Sir George, Mt. Salem, Mountrath * Voted in Inn’s Quay Ward. Ph Ph Ph PW Ph SOUTH CITY WARD. 59 No. Eog. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 457 Whitty, Joshua, Wellington quay 458 Whitty, Thomas, Wellington quay 459 Wight, John, 23 Eustace street .. V G .. V G .. V 460 Wight, William, 23 Eustace street 461 Wilcocks, Edward S., St. James’s ter, Malahide 462 Wilcox, John, St. Lawrence, Chapelizod . . V G 463 Wilkinson, Thomas W., 4 Anglesea street • . V G 464 Williams, George, 17 Temple lane 465 Williams, Joseph, 4 Crown alley 466 Williams, Eichard, 38 Dame street , . V G 467 Williams, Eichard Palmer, 38 Dame street . . V G 468 Williams, Thomas, 38 Dame street 469 Williams, Wilham, 19 Westmoreland street .. V G 470 Williamson, Thomas T., 18 Crowe street . . V G 471 Winterscale, Owen, 9 Dame court . . V 472 Wiseheart, John, 23 Suffolk street . . V G 473 Woodlock, Joseph, 42 Dame street 474 Woodroofe, George Fredk., St, Brandon’s, Cork Y G 475 Woodroofe, John Edwd., St. Brandon’s, Cork V G 476 Woods, Adam, 20 Temple lane 477 Wormington, William, 2 Dame court , . G 478 Worn, Charles, 13 Suffolk street . . V G 479 Wright, Joseph, Cunyngham road ,, V G ^ 'Tl ^ h:! ^-'f- ,^‘' '• ••■.''4^*'vV;i’x^Jr.<.‘ t vi-i:.''' ,,.f^‘ _ ^ ■; ► .:)i, ~ H •> .••;-i>’^' 4 ■ ■;■ '%♦(,' V VAivffi'ixf v»! - "V# •' . V \ A^•^^^.^»‘ m:.: i. ’ii^ ( : X .. r • •■ - ' • *• '«•■«''•' • .>i?;f; • , /• ••■■■ ’ 2M' - -^i' '^-.' xjii'-: f . / i '•. f.;. '*' ■ .,4-l*>'.'.‘* "■■'./f ..,/*• .' ;'■; -;,' ■ “(f" 1^-. f . <•'.. ‘ ■}.'.; .7-; .,, ■.<,:'*•'■- ■'/' :f •;t#‘*ir..<1r- '»;«* V ..vj^'.- . ’ . .-Hi 4' . , ;77: -,.n:t". a,^v r. ■ ' ■■<* V •:.* > ■W-) ... 4-^ Ula-N: ■ ■; m V, .'. M ' ,^ , ' "■/'^ ' ' AM * • ■■/■i ■ f! 'M 4 • ' 'T ■ ■ - I',' . : i£ EOTAL EXCHANGE WAED. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Adams, George, 68 Grafton street • . V G 2 Addey, George, 47 Grafton street 3 Anderson, George M., 12 Pitt street 4 Andrews, Arthur, 19 Dame street . . G P 5 Andrews, Henry, Dame street • . G P 6 Ardill, Thomas, 72 Aungier street . . P 7 Armstrong, David, 11 Nassau street .. V G 8 Armstrong, John, Graignaverne, Ballybrittas . . V G 9 Bachelor, Edward, 42 Dawson street . . V G 10 Bagot, John, 28 William street 11 Bailey, Nicholas, 2 Duke street 12 Ball, William S., Abbeylara, Granard 13 Barden, Patrick, 3 Palace street , , P 14 Bamardo, John Michaelis, 4 Dame street , . V G 15 Barry, Eobert Deey, Bay view, Wicldow .. V G 16 Bates, Edward, Anne street, south . . V G 17 Bates, James, 62 George’s street, south . . V G 18 Bayley, Eichard U., Ballynaclough, Nenagh V G 19 Beatty, John, 16 Dame street , . V G 20 BeUew, Gerald, 79 Grafton street . 21 Bennett, Charles, 6 Ormond quay . . V P 22 Berney, Henry, 15 Dame street . . V G 23 Bewley, Samuel, 6 Dame street . . G P C2 ROYAL EXCHANGE WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 24 Bewley, Samuel, junior, 6 Dame street . . G P 25 Bewley, Samuel, tertius, 6 Dame street . . G P 26 Bewley, .Thomas, 14 Cope street . . P 27 Billing, ITieodore Dalrymple, 41 Mount st., up. V G 28 Birch, Edwin, 1 and 2 Molesworth street . . V G 29 Biron, Kev. Edwin, Hythe, co. Kent, England. . P 30 Bishop, Frederick, 64 Dawson street « • V G 31 Blackburne, Gabriel Fisher, Clarendon street . . V G 32 Blakely, John, travelling abroad 33 Blum, Gobert, 25 Nassau street . , P 34 Blum, Joseph, 25 Nassau street 35 Boake, John F., 17 Montpelier hill 36 Boake, William M., Dawson street . . V G 37 Bolger, James, 49 William street , . P 38 Bolger, Eichard, 21 Duke street . . P 39 Boon, James M., 47 Kildare street . . V G 40 Booth, Obadiah, 20 Nassau street . . V G 41 Booth, Eobert, 63 Stephen street . . V G 42 Boylan, Thomas, 31 King street, south 43 Bradfield, Samuel, 45 George’s street, south . , V G 44 Bradfield, William, 17 Stephen street . . V G 45 Bradstreet, Sir J ohn, 1 Marino crescent, Clontarf rd. P 46 Brady, John, 38 George’s street, south . • P 47 Brady, Peter, 64 Stephen street . . P 48 Brooke, John, 7 Stephen’s green, north • . V G 49 Brophy, John, 46 Dawson street 50 Browne, Henry, 25 Frederick street, south . . V- G 51 Browne, Hugh, 16 and 17 Grafton street •• V G 52 Buckmaster, William, 55 Dawson street 53 Burke, Christopher, 47 York street . , 54 Burke, John, 19 Exchequer street •• P 55 Burke, Joseph, 29 Wicklow street • • P 56 Burland, Bartholomew, 76 Aungier street 57 Butler, Edward, 16 Mercer street 58 Butler, James, 28 Nassau street 59 Byrne, Christopher, 7 Chatham row . . P 60 Byrne, Henry, 1 Longford street, great . . P 61 Byrne, John, 4 Chatham street • # P 62 Byrne, John, 24 William street . . P 63 Byrne, Joseph, 17 William street . . P 64 Byrne, Lawrence, 19 George’s st., south, great. . P ROYAL EXCHANGE WAR*. G3 No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. 65 Byrne, Lawrence, 8 Johnston’s court 66 Byrne, Patrick, 12 Clarendon street 67 Byrne, Richard, 7 Johnston’s place 68 Byrne, Thomas, 4 Diilce street 69 Byrne, Thomas, 1 Exchequer street • For whom voted. .. ' P P 71 Cahill, Edward, 23 Aungier street 72 Caldwell, Charles A., Audley sq., Westminster 73 Caldwell, Hugh, 21 Drury lane 74 Caldwell, Matthew, 37 Frederick street, south V G 75 Cameron, Alexander, 73 Grafton street 76 Campbell, John, 51 York street •• 77 Campbell, John, Duke lane, upper . . G 78 Campbell, William, 19 Molesworth street •• V G 7 9 Cane, Edward, 60 Dawson street . . V G 80 Cane, Maurice, 60 Dawson street . . 81 Carew, Richard, 3 Exchequer street , • 82 Carey, Thomas, 7 Sussex parade, Kingstown 83 Carncross, William, 7 Devonshire place, London 84 Carolan, John, 9 Johnston’s court 85 Carter, Francis B., Shanganagh, co. Dublin . . 86 Casey, John, 40 Grafton street , , V G 87 Cavanagh, Francis, 32 and 33 Wicklow street 88 Chaigneau, Arthur D., Benown castle, Athlone 89 Clampett, George, 34 Frederick street south, . V 90 Clarke, John Joseph, 17 Gloucester st., N., up. 91 Clarke, Patrick, 15 Chatham street 92 Clements, Edmund, 4 Anne street, south 93 Coghlan, Thomas, 6 Frederick lane . . V G 94 Cohen, Wilham 0., 30 Nassau street , , V G 95 Collins, George, 16 Fade street ,, V G 96 Connell, Thomas, 21 Aungier street 97 Conan, Joseph, 4 Dawson street 98 Cooley, Thomas, 97 Harcourt street 99 Corbet, John, 1 Stephen’s green, south 100 Corbett, Timothy, 13 Duke street 101 Corbett, W. St. John, 39 Leinster road .. V G 102 Cornish, James, 18 Grafton street , . 103 Cornwall, Leonard, Brownstown park, Navan. . Y G 104 Cornwall, Rev. Wm. A., 32 Brighton st., London Y G 105 Cosgrave, John, 17 Clarendon street I 64 ROYAL EXCHANGE WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 106 ^Cotton, John, 22 Duke street 107 Coulter, Robert H., 5 Molesworth street . . V G 108 Cowley, James, 26 Temple street, upper . . V G 109 Craig, Rev. William, Strand road, Derry 110 Cranlield, Thomas George, Enniscorthy V G 111 Cranny, Patrick, 73 George’s street, south 112 Crofton, John, 55 York street 113 Crosthwaite, Davenport, Manders’ ter. Ranelagh V 114 Crotty, Thomas, 57 William street •• P 115 Cullen, James, 55 Clarendon street P 116 Cullen, John, 4 Clarendon street .. P 117 Cullen, Lawrence, 38 Wicklow street .. P 118 Cullen, Michael, 42 Clarendon street .. P 119 Cullen, Patrick, 53 Clarendon street .. P 120 Cullen, Richard B., 13 Ormond quay, upper . . V G 121 Cummins, Christopher, 26 Clarendon street .. P 122 Cummins, James, 5 Digges lane • • P 123 Cunningham, James, 42 Wicklow street . . P 124 Cunningham, James J., 77 Aungier street . . P 125 Cusack, Christopher, 30 Clarendon street . • P 126 Cuttiford, William, 8 Dame street , . V G 127 Dack, Robert Edward, 27 Nassau street , . V G 128 Daly, Michael, Merrion hall, Donnybrook , . P 129 Daniel, George Patrick, 44 Grafton street . • P 130 Daniel, John, 52 Clarendon street P 131 Daniel, Patrick, 44 Grafton street . . P 132 Dargan, William, 62 William street . . G P 133 Davis, James, 22 Stephen street . . P 134 Davis, Michael, Frederick lane . . P 135 Dawson, Henry, 3 Adelaide ter., Donnybrook rd. P 136 Dawson, Richard, 2 Osborne ter., Sandycove. . V G 137 Dawson, Rev. Thomas, King street, Kilkenny V G 138 Dawson, William, 15 Duke street . . P 139 Day, William Henry, 2 Frederick lane .. V 140 Deacon, James, 31 George’s street, south 141 Deale, Samuel, 24 Aungier street , . G P 142 Deale, William, 24 Aungier street , . G P 143 Delany, Thomas, 9J Nassau street P 144 De Montmorency, Harvey F.,4 Fitzwilliam sq. W V G * Voted as a Freeman. Ph fXt ROYAL EXCHANGE WARD. C5 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 145 Dempsey, Arthur, 32 Stephen street 146 Dempsey, Denis, 1 xYnne street, south 147 Denieffe, Joseph, 32 Anne street, south . . P 148 De Veaux, Henry, 6 Grafton street . . G P 149 Devenish, John, Mountpleasant, Strokestown 150 Digges, Delawair, Rathfarnham 151 Dillon, Charles W., 6 Stephen’s green, north P 152 Dockrell, Thomas, William street V 153 Donovan, Thomas, 53 George’s street, south , . P 154 Dooley, Bernard, 71 George’s street, south .. P 155 Doran, James, 13 Clarendon street . . P 156 Doran, Wilham, 39 William street 157 Dowling, Andrew, 40 Wicklow street 158 Dowling, Michael, 4 William street . . P 159 Downes, Patrick, 29 George’s street, south . . P 160 Doyle, Bernard, 44 Stephen street . . P 161 Doyle, James J., 13 Frederick street, south . . 162 Doyle, John, 54 George’s street, south .. P 163 Doyle, Mark, 42 Stephen street .. P 164 Doyle, Nathaniel, 6 Exchequer street , , P 165 Drumgoole, Patrick, 31 Drury lane . . P 166 Drummond, David, 57 Dawson street , . V G 167 Drummond, Peter, 57 Dawson street 168 Drummond, William, 57 Dawson street 169 Duckett, John D., Duckett’s grove, Carlow . . 170 Dudley, John, 61 Stephen street, upper . . V G 171 Dunne, Anthony, Drumskea, Ashfield, co. Down 172 Dunne, John, 1 Dawson street G P 173 Dunne, Matthew, 38 King street 'south . . P 174 Dunne, Patrick, 51 King street, south .. G P 175 Dutton, Job, 3 Aungier street V G 176 Eden, Bichard, Fade street 177 Edmondson, John, 10 Dame street . . P 178 Edmondson, Thomas, 10 Dame street .. P 179 Edwards, George, 9 Molesworth street .. P 180 Egan, Edward, 75 Aungier street .. V G 181 Ellis, Francis, 7 Harry street 182 El ward, James, 8 Frederick lane . . P 183 English, Bernard, in rere, Aungier street . . . P 184 English, John, in rere, Aungier street . . P 10 6G llOYAL EXCHANGE WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 185 Enright, James, 40 Stephen street 186 Enright, John, 33 Stephen street 187 Evans, Edward Kentish, Caledon, Tyrone . . V G 188 Evans, Rev. John, Grassendale, Liverpool . . V G 189 Fairbrother, George, 2 Bayswater, Kingstown 190 Fannin, Thomas E., 41 Grafton street 191 Fanning, Patriek, 10 Clarendon street 192 Farquharson, George, 15 Grafton street 193 Fearnley, Benjamin L., 1 Clonliffe ter., Jones’s rd. 194 Ferguson, Daniel, 91 Grafton street 195 Ferguson, Hugh, 14 Pitt street 196 Ferrier, Alexander, junior, 59 William street. . 197 Finlay son, George, 16 Baggot street, lower . , 198 Finn, John, 35 George’s street, south 199 Firmin; Philip Smith, 2 Dawson street 200 Firmin, Philip V., 2 Dawson street 201 Firmin, Samuel Ougley, 2 Dawson street 202 Fitzgerald, John, 68J Aungier street 203 Fletcher, Joseph, 7 Castle market 204 Flynn, Thomas, 49 Clarendon street 205 Foley, Michael, 30 Wicklow street 206 Foley, Thomas, 13 William street 207 Fox, William, 20 Exchequer street 208 Frazer, William, 45 King street, south 209 Fredericks, James, 1 Duke street 210 Fuller, James, 12 Dawson street 211 Furlong, William, Fleet street V G G G P V V G V G G P V G P P P P P P V G G V G 212 Gahan, John, 25 Dawson street 213 Gatchell, Robert, 7 Dawson street 214 Germaine, Thomas, 10 Molesworth street 215 Gerty, Henry, 32 George’s street, south 216 Gilbert,Robt.,Ballinglin mills, Rathdrum, Wicklow 217 Gilliam, Charles, 7 Dame street 218 Glennon, John, 46 Wicklow street 219 Gogarty, Peter, 22 George’s street, south, great 220 Goggin, Cornelius, 13 Nassau street 221 Goggin, Jeremiah, 74 Grafton street 222 Gordon, John, 14 Frederick street, south 223 Goss, John, 14 Aungier street G P P G P V G P P P Ph pL^ IlOYAL EXCHANGE WARD. 67 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 224 Grady, Eobert E., 38 Dawson street . . P 225 Grant, Henry D’Olier, the Bank, Waterford , , 226 Gray, Warner Wall, 25 Mortimer rd, London V G 227 Gray, William S., 56 William street , . P 228 Grier, Alfred, Dripsey Mills, near Cork . . G P 229 Grier, Edward, 16 Anne street, south .. P 230 Grier, Thos., Tullyligan, Dungannon, Tyrone V G 231 Grier, Thomas Fergus, Ehone hill, Dungannon V G 232 Grier, John Eobert, Monkstown, co. Dubhn . , G P 233 Grimshaw, Wrigley, 13 Molesworth street . . G P 234 Gyles, Eev. Walter, 8 Dawson street . . V G 235 Hackett, William, 3 Anne street, south , . P 236 Hall, John, 49 York street . . V G 237 Hall, Thomas, Clonmel . . V G 238 Hamilton, Henry Alexander, Balbriggan , . V G 239 Hanrahan, Edward E., 27 Stephen street . . P 240 Hardman, Townley, 22 Bachelor’s walk , , V G 241 Hardwicke, Alfred, 11 Molesworth street . . V G 242 Harriss, Joseph, 9 Dawson street . . V G 243 Harte, George Vaughan, assistant surgeon, E.N 244 Hart, James, rere 7 Drury lane . P 245 Hartstonge, Lorenzo Weld, 18 Molesworth st. V G 246 Hautenville, Eobert, Sandygrove terrace . . V G 247 Hayden, Edward, 43 Clarendon street . . P 248 Hayden, James, 33 Clarendon street . . P 249 Hayes, Edward, 1 Frederick street, south . . P 250 Hayes, John, Claremount, Cabinteely 251 Hennessy, Maurice W., Albert rd., Ixingstown P 252 Henry, Patrick, 27 Grafton street . P 253 Heyfron, James, 8 Chatham street . . P 254 Hickey, Thomas, 24 Clarendon street . . P 255 Hicks, Thomas, 21 Nassau street P 256 Higgins, John, 28 Wicklow street . . P 257 Higgins, John P., 16 Nassau street P 258 *Hilferty, John, 36 Frederick street, south . . 259 Hitchcock, William, 55 Upper Mount street . . V G 260 Hodson, William, 11 Upper Mount street . . V G 261 Hogan, John, 48 York street • . V G 262 Hogan, William C., 48 York street , . V G * Voted as a Freeman. G8 ROYAL EXCHANGE WARD. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2G3 Hone, Addison, jun., Tliomastown, Kildare . . 264 Hopkins, Nicholas, 80 Grafton street , . V G 265 Horan, John V., 47 York street . . V G 266 Howe, Edmund, 22 Nassau street 267 Hoyne, John, 18 Aungier street 268 Hudson, Samuel, 65 Dawson street 269 Hume, Arthur, 63 Dawson street 270 Hughes, Peter, 5 Anne street, south 271 Hunt, James, 21 Molesworth street .. V G 272 Hunter, Samuel, 9 Stephen street . . V G 273 Hutchinson, Joseph Fade, Golden grove, Eoscrea V G 274 Hutchinson, Samuel Summers, Eichmond pl.,nth. 275 Hutton, Charles E., 27 William street 276 Hyland, Edward, 5 Longford street, great . . 277 Irvine, Gerrard, 25 William street . . V G 278 Irwin, Thos., 5 Boundery lane, W., Liverpool V G 279 Isaacs, Joseph, 15 Nassau street 280 Ivers, Charles, 7 Chatham street . . G 281 Jackson,HamiltonL.,Fanningstown castle,Croom V G 282 Jackson, Eobert P., 77 Leeson street, upper , . P 283 Jameson, John, 87 Grafton street . , V G 284 Jennings, John, 15 Anne street, south . . V G 285 Johnson, Eev. H. Benjamin, 32 Montpelier hill V G 286 Jones, Arthur, Knightstone, Weston, Super Mare V G 287 Jordan, George, 35 Grafton street • . V G 288 Kavanagh, Charles, 55 King street, south . . 289 Kavanagh, James, 12 Dame street .. G P 290 Kavanagh, John, 42 William street . . P 291 Kavanagh, Michael, 8 Anne street, south . , G P 292 Kavanagh, Owen J., 5 Johnston’s place .. P 293 Kavanagh, William, 12 Dame street .. G P 294 Keatley, Thomas, 14 William street . . P 295 Kedney, William, 8 Harry street • . P 296 Keegan, James, 10 Chatham street . . P 297 Keegan, John, 34| Grafton street . . P 298 Kelly, Joseph, Maudlin street, Kilkenny • . V G 299 Kelly, Thomas, 20 Stephen street 300 Kelly, Thomas, 2 Fade street . . P IlOYAL EXCHANGE WARD. G9 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 301 Kelly, William B., 8 Grafton street . . ' P 302 Kelly, William, 25 George’s street, south 303 Kennedy, Christopher C., 5 Stephen street . . 304 Kennedy, Michael W., 2 Chatham street . 305 Kennedy, Thomas, Garville avenue, Eathgar. . 306 Kent, William D., Kilcool, Newtown-mt.-Ken. V G 307 Keogh, Matthias, 62 Dawson street . . P 308 Keogh, Michael, Gevagh, county Sligo . . P 309 Keshan, Eody, 89 George’s street, south . . G P 310 Kirwan, Martin, 54 King street, south . . P 311 Kitts, Thomas Gerrard, 34 Stephen street . , P 312 Lacy, Eobert, 42 George’s street, south . . P 313 Laird, George, 58 Grafton street . . V G 314 Laird, John, 22 Grafton street . . V G 315 Lambert, James, Stacumnie, Hazelhatch . . V G , 316 Langan, Patrick H., 28 Anne street, south . . G P 317 Langstaff, Isaac H., 46 George’s street, south Y P 318 La Touche, John, 14 and 15 Castle street 319 La Touche, William, 14 and 15 Castle street P 320 La Touche, William E., 14 and 15 Castle street V G 321 Lavender, Christopher, 66 Grafton street . . V G 322 Law, Eev. Eobert, Needham street, Newry . . V G 323 Lawder, Eev. Matthew N., Swanlin bar , . V G 324 Lawrence, John, 39 Grafton street . . V G 325 Lea, Andrew, 1 Dame street , . G P 326 Leachman, Henry, 59 Yvulliam street . . G P 327 Lee, Henry, Tyrrelspass, co. Westmeath . . V G 328 Lemon, Graham, 49 Sackville street, lower . . V G 329 Lemon, William E., 63 George’s street, south 330 Lennan, William, Dawson street . . G P 331 Leonard, Mainwaring, Bellan, Castledermot , . 332 Lestrange, Francis, 39 Dawson street . , V G 333 Levanston, Soloman, 42 Kildare street , . V G 334 Longford, Eichard, 20 Anne street, south 335 Lynch, Bartholomew, 33 Frederick st., south P 336 Lynch, Cornelius, 9 Longford street, great . . 337 Lynch, James, 70 George’s street, south , . P 338 MLirdle, Peter, 3 William street , . G P 339 M‘Asey, David, 1 Clarendon row . . P ^ Hd 70 ROYAL EXCHANGE WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 340 M^Berney, Robert, 10 Nassau street . . G P 341 McCarthy, Benjamin, Byron ter., Bath avenue V G 342 M‘Clean, Francis, 10 Stephen’s green, north., V G 343 M‘Crea, Edward D., 51 William street . . G P 344 M^Donagh, Michael, 11 Chatham street . . G P 345 McDonald, Adam F., 65 George’s st., south . . P 346 M‘Donnell, Randal H., Greenfield, Donnybrook P 347 M‘Evoy, William, 50 Stephen street • . P 348 M‘Gee, William, Nassau street . . V G 349 M‘Gouran, Thomas, 12 William street . . G P 350 MTlwaine, Joseph, 2 Aungier street . , V G 351 MTntosh, William, 4 Nassau street . . V G 352 McKenna, James, 45 Dawson street . . G 353 MTCeon, Patrick, 15 Aungier street 354 M'Keon, Thomas, 27 Clarendon street • • 355 M‘Kinistry, John, Armagh, co. Armagh 356 M‘Kinistry, Lee, 17 Carysfort avenue . . V G 357 M‘Nestry, John, 63 Grafton street 358 Macken, John, 9 Clarendon street . . V 359 Macneil, Rev. John G., 14 Blackball street . . Y G 360 Magill, James, 9 Mercer street , . G P 361 Maginn, James, 19 Molesworth street . . P 362 Maguire, Thomas, 46 Kildare street , . P 363 Mahon, Lawrence, 3 Frederick street, south.. P 364 Malone, Charles G., 41|- George’s street, south P 365 Malone, Isaac, 36 Grafton street . . V G 366 Malone, Thomas, 13 Stephen street . . P 367 Malyn, Stephen, 55 Dawson street . . V G 368 Mangan, Thomas, 17 Castle market , . P 369 Manjoin, James, 44 Dawson street , . V 370 Mansfield, William, 90 Grafton street . . V G 371 Marshall, Richard, 34 Anne street, south . . V G 372 Martin, Dominick, 86 Grafton street .. G P 373 Masterson, Michael, 32 Clarendon street . . G P 374 Meany, James, 18 Chatham street . , P 375 Mecredy, Rev. James, Spiddal, Galway . . V G 376 Meekings, John Fredk., Ballysax manor .. V G 377 Meredyth, Rev. Francis, Tralee . . V G 378 Mettam, John, 43 Dawson street . . V G 379 Meyer, Charles, 40 Dawson street , . P 380 Miller, James Steen, 16 Dame street V G Ph P-i Ph Ph ROYAL EXCHANGE WARD. 71 No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Addresfe. For whom voted. 381 Moffett, Wm. Hamilton, 24 Frederick st., south V G 382 Moir, Andrew, 11 Dawson street - . . P 383 Mongee, William, 53 King street, south . . P 384 Monsell, Rev. John S., Eglam vicarage, Surrey V G 385 Moore, Patrick, 11 Dame street .. V 386 Moran, Denis, 13 Longford street . • P 387 Moran, James, 23 Castle market . . P 388 Moran, Matthew, 13 Stephen’s green, north . . P 389 Morgan, Francis, 35 Dawson street 390 Morgan, Joseph, 9 Grafton street . , P 391 Morrisson, Askin, 6 and 7 William street 392 Mowatt, John, 9 Frederick street, south . . V G 393 Muldoon, James, 53 Stephen street . . P 394 Murphy, Morgan, 2 Exchequer street . , P 395 Murphy, Nicholas D., 17 South mall, Cork . P 396 Murray, William, 54 Clarendon street , . P 397 Nerwich, Henry, 52 William^treet , . P 398 Nesbitt, George, Dawson street , . Y G 399 Nichol, Benjamin, 42 Grafton street 400 Nicholson, Charles B., senior, 7 Grafton street 401 Nicholson, William, 57 Grafton street •• 402 Nolan, Edward, 24 Nassau street , . P 403 Nolan, John, 51 Clarendon street P 404 Norton, Michael, 17 Exchequer street . . P 405 Nunn, Richard, 29 Pembroke street, upper . . 406 O’Brien, James, 9 Anne street, south . . G P 407 O’Brien, John, 17 Duke street , , p 408 O’Brien, Joseph, 79 Aungier street . . P 409 O’Brien, Joseph, 49 King street, south . , P 410 O’Farrell, James, 3 Gresham ter., Kingstown P 411 O’Hanlon, John, 19 Grafton street ,, 412 O’Keeffe, Patrick, 16 William street . . P 413 O’Leary, Edward, 43 Stephen street ,, P 414 Oliffe, William, 3 Mercer street , , V G 415 O’Neal, Edward A., 74 Aungier street . . V G 416 O’Neill, James, 57 Stephen street .. p 417 O’Neill, Myles, 14 Longford street, great . . P 418 Parker, Alexander, Rathmines , , V G 72 IlOYAL EXCHANGE WARD. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 419 Percy, Francis, Janeville, Stillorgan , . V G 420 Perry, George, 1 1 Grafton street , . G P 421 Peyton, Joseph C., 20 Duke street . . V G 422 Phelan, Janies, 37 William street . . P 423 Philipson, Benton K., 138 Leinster road . . V G 424 Pirn, Charles Bewley, 6 Dame street • • P 425 Pirn, Jonathan, 20 William street .. G P 426 Pirn, Thomas, 20 William street . . P 427 Pirn, Thomas, jun., 20 William street . . P 428 Pirn, William Harvey, 20 William street 429 Plunkett, John, 24 Castle market . . P 430 Poe, Thomas Parsons, Clondalkin 431 Porter, Joshua, Sandycove 432 Power, William, 7 Dul^e street . . V G 433 Pring, Edward J. Locke, Beggar’s bush 434 Quinlan, Kobert, 5 Aungier street 435 Quirk, William, 8 and % Pitt street 436 Eadcliffe, Jonas, 3 Manders’ terrace, Eanelagh V G 437 Eankin, Charles, 12 Nassau street . . V G 438 Ray, John E., 72 George’s street, south ,, V 439 Redmond, Denis, 66 George’s street, south . . 440 Reed, John H., 92 Grafton street , . V G 441 Reid, Thomas, 31 Grafton street 442 Reilly, Michael, 28 George’s st., south great . . G 443 Reilly, Peter, 10 Aungier street 444 Richards, Rev. George, Taghmon, co. Wexford 445 Richards, John, Mackmine castle, Enniscorthy V G 446 Richardson, Daniel, 67 Stephen street , . G 447 Robertson, Alexander, 3 Grafton street . . G 448 Robertson, John, 3 Grafton street 449 Robinsbn, James, 65 Grafton street . . G 450 Robinson, William, 56 Grafton street 451 Russell, Henry, 41 George’s street, south 452 Ryan, Thomas, 35 King street, south . . G 453 St. Ledger, Robert, 24 Whitefriar street , , 454 Salter, Richard, 92 Grafton street . . V G 455 Samuel, Saul, 29 Nassau street , . P 456 Samuels, John, Seal! eld house, Kingstown .. V G ^ ^ ^ i-cJ hj ROYAL EXCHANGE WARD. voted, G G G G No. Reg. Voter's Name and Address. For whom 457 Handys, Henry, Eniiiskerry . . V 458 Saul, Thomas, Percy lodge, Killiney 459 Sayers, Michael, 2 Mercer street , . V 460 Scott, John, 32 Frederick street, south • . V 461 Sealey, John, 11 William street • . V 462 Sexton, Kobert, Dawson street . . V 463 Shannon, Peter O’C., 9 Dame street 464 Shaw, James, 84 George’s street, south great V G 465 Shea, Thomas, 34 William street 466 Sheppard, James, 2 Johnston’s place 467 Shields, John, 7 Camden place . . V 468 Sidford, George, 17 Nassau street . . V 469 Simms, Charles W., 26 Anne street, south . . V 470 Simonton, James, 70 Grafton street .. V 471 Simpson, John, 2 Anne street, south .» V 472 Sinnott, Morgan, 15 Castle Market 473 Slattery, William, 48 King street, south 474 Small, Matthew, 22 Aungier |f-eet 475 Smith, Beverley, 30 Anne street, south 476 Smith, Edward, 55 William street 477 Smith, James, 43 Kildare street .. V 478 Smith, John Blood, Newmarket-on- Fergus .. V 479 Smith, Thomas, 88 Grafton street 480 Smith, William, jun., 3 Beresford place . . V 481 Somers, John Kichard, Tyrrell’s pass . . V 482 Spencer, James, 13 Aungier street . . V 483 Spencer, John, 13 Aungier street . . V 484 Stewart, Thomas, 25 Anne street, south . . V 485 St. Georgio, John, 3 Grafton street . , Y 486 Stubbs, Eev. John H., Dromeskin, co. Louth Y 487 Supple, David W., Dunshaughlin ho., co. Meath Y 488 Supple, James, 45 Grafton street 489 Supple, William R., Janeville, Dunleer . . Y 490 Sweeny, James, Wandesford street, Cork . . Y 491 Tarlton,Rev. J.Rotheram,Tyholland rec., Monaghan 492 Tarpey, Hugh, 7 Nassau street 493 Taylor, Edward Thos., Ardgillan castle 494 Tharel, Peter, 14 Grafton street 495 Thomas, John, 15 Grafton street 496 Tremble, James, 8 Molesworth street P Y G P G P 11 74 llOYAL EXCHANGE WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 497 Truell, Robert, jun., Clonmanor, co. Wicklow V G 498 Tmelock, George M., 9 Dawson street . , V G 499 Tuthill, James, 51 Dawson street . . P 500 Tyndall, Christopber, 40 George’s st., south . , P 501 Tyndall, William, 66 Grafton street . . P 502 Tyrrell, Walter, 18 William street . . P 503 Vanston, John D., Pearsmount, Rathgar . , V G 504 Wade, John, Euston terrace, Ranelagh , . V G 505 Wall, Charles, 67 William street 506 Wall, Joseph, 21 Stephen street . . P 507 Walsh,Rev.Sir Hunt J,Ballykilcavan,Queen’s Co. 508 Walsh, John Allen, Langley pk., Montrose, N.B. 509 Walsh, Rev. Wm., Great Tay, Kilvedon, Essex 510 Ward, John, Tangier lane, Grafton street , , P 511 Waters, Henry, Rockfield lodge, Dalkey 512 Weekes, Francis, 94 Q|^fton street • . V G 513 West, Thomas, 15 Dawson street . . V G 514 Whelan, Matthew, 38 Frederick st., south . . P 515 White, Henry Kirke, 33 Grafton street Y G 516 White, John, 5 Chatham row . . G P 517 White, John L., Album house, Dundrum . . V G 518 White, Patrick, 36 William street 519 White, Thomas, 18 Whitefriar street . . P 520 White, William, 4 Frederick street, south . . V G 521 Williams, Griffith, 34 Clarendon street , . V G 522 Wilson, Joseph S., 26 Nassau street . . V G 523 Woffington, John, 48 Clarendon street , . G 524 Worn, Austin, 4 Molesworth street . . P 525 Worn, Richard, 17 Dawson street , . V G 526 Wybrants, William, Laburnam, Kilena, Gorey V G 527 Yeates, Stephen Mitchell, 2 Grafton street . . G P MANSION HOUSE WAED. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Adams, Robert, 22 Stephen’s »en, north . . V G 2 Agar, Hon. and Rev. James, 47 Stephen’s gr., east 3 Alexander, John, Milford, Carlow , . V G 4 Alley, George, Isdall, Ballybrack, co. Dublin . . V G 5 Anderson, William, Glover’s alley . . G P 6 Andrews, Alexander, Tullamore, King’s co. . . V G 7 Annelly, Lord, Woodlands 8 Arthur, Augustus, Glen-o-maid, near Ennis , • 9 Austin, Richard, 32 Wexford street 10 Bailie, Richard, 116 Baggot street 11 Balfe, Joseph, 41 Henry street 12 Ballard, Mark, 11 York street 13 Ballard, Richard, 50 Aungier street 14 Bannon, Samuel, 32 Mercer street, upper 15 Banon, Auley, 37 Fitzwilliam square, west 16 Barcroft, Jaffray, Kilbagget, Cabinteely • . 17 Barnwell, George William, 46 Bishop street 18 Barrington, Croker, 58 Fitzwilliam square, north 1 9 Barron, Edward, Stephen’s green, west 20 Barry, George, 4 Cuffe street , . 21 Barry, James M., 90 Leeson street, lower 22 Bashford, Frederick George, 5 Ely place 23 Batty, Espine, 59 Stephen’s green V G P V V G V G P V G V G P G P 76 MANSION HOUSE WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and 'Address. For whom voted. 24 Bay ley, John, Avaroii, Bray 25 Beakey, Patrick, 43 Kevin street, lower 26 Behan, Christopher, 19 Wexford street 27 Bennett, Edward H., 2 Fitzwilliam street, upper 28 Benson, Charles, 42 Fitzwilliam square, west , , 29 Berry, Patrick, 17 King street, south ' 30 Berry, Thomas L., 4 Hume street 31 Berry, William, 2 Culfe lane 32 Bigger, Samuel L., 7 Harcourt street 33 Blake, Patrick Joseph, 64 Fitzwilliam square . . 34 Blakeney, Eobert, 50 Fitzwilliam square, west 35 Bligh, Christopher, 44 Aungier street 36 Bloomfield, Benjamin, 33 Kildare street 37 Bole, James, 133 Stephen’s green, west 38 Bolger, Patrick, 10 Pembroke street, lower • • 39 Bourne, Walter, jun., 30 York street 40 Boyd, Hugh, 1 Hrumcondra terrace 41 Bradford, Thomas, 23 !^wson street 42 Bradley, John, 33 Cuffe street 43 Brady, James, 18 Cuffe street 44 Brennan, John, Pleasant place, rere of Synge st. 45 Brennan, Matthew, 28 Pembroke street 46 Brereton, William W., 65 Fitzwilliam sq., nth. 47 Bride, Arthur S., travelling abroad 48 Bride, Eev. Edward, Broomfield, Ashford 49 Bright, Samuel, 41 York street 50 Brocas, William, 120 Baggot street, lower 51 Brophy, William, 65 Fitzwilliam square, north 52 Browne, Andrew, 55 Fitzwilliam square, north 53 Browne, Daniel, 37 Wexford street 54 Browne, George, 52 Aungier street 55 Browne, James, 32 Molesworth street 56 Browne, William, Leinster Club, Clare street . . 57 Burke, Charles Granby, St. Philip’s, Milltown 58 Burke, James, -3 Harcourt street 59 Burke, William M., 31 Molesworth street 60 Burrowes, John, 14 Kildare street 61 Burrowes, Thomas, 14 Kildare street 62 Bushe, Arthur, Fitzwilliam square, north 63 Buswell, Thomas, 30 Molesworth street 64 Butcher, Eev. Samuel, 40 Fitzwilliam sq., west V G V G P V G P V G V G P V G V . P V G V G V G V G P V G G P V G V G V G P V G MANSION HOUSE WARD. 77 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. G5 Butler, Henry, Woodbine, Gorey . . Y G 6G Butler, Humphrey, Clifton, near Bristol G7 Byrne, Charles, 16 Bishop street . . P 68 Byrne, Denis, 44 Kevin street, lower 69 Byrne, James, 19 Mercer street 70 Byrne, James, 57 Kevin street, lower 71 Byrne, John, 10 Lombard street • . V G 72 Byrne, Lawrence, 18 Kevin street, lower 73 Byrne, William, 46a Cuffe street 7 4 Caldwell, Eev. Joseph, Brookboro’, Lisnaskeagh V G 75 Caldwell, William, 19 Ely place 76 Campion, Samuel, 14 Mercer street, upper . . 77 Carey, Michael, 18 Peter street . . G 78 Carleton, Edward C., 16 Kildare street . . Y G 79 Carmichael, Hugh, 23 Pembroke street, lower 80 Carroll, Walter, 5 Pembroke street, lower . . 81 Carroll, William Hales, 11 Jlarcourt street .. Y G 82 Carthy, George, 20 Dawson street . . Y G 83 Cashman, Michael, Pembroke street, lower . . 84 Churchill, Fleetwood, 15 Stephen’s green, nth. Y G 85 Clancy, Thomas, 20 Mercer street, upper 86 Clarke, Charles, 19 Stephen’s green, north .. G 87 Clarke, Charles, 38 Wexford street 88 Cochrane, Thomas, 23 Molesworth street . . G 89 Cohen, Maurice, 44 York street 90 Coles, John, 46 Molesworth street 91 Constable, Henry William, 13 Bedmond’s hill Y G 92 Cooling, Thomas, 27 Cuffe street 93 Cooper, William C., 19 Pembroke street, upper Y G 94 Cotton, Charles, 111 Pembroke street, lower.. Y G 95 Courtney, Eichard, 118 Baggot street, lower. . 96 Craddock, George, 40 Bishop street 97 Crofton, Parsons, 123 Baggot street, lower . . 98 Croughan, James, 3 Digges street . . Y G 99 Crowley, Henry, 1 and 2 Eedmond’s hill 100 Crozier, George, 24 York street .. Y 101 Cullen, Moses, Schoolhouse lane 102 Curran, Edward, in rere. King street, south . . 103 Darcy, John, 4 Kevin street, loAver , . P 78 MANSION HOUSE WARD. No. llcg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 104 D’Arcy, John, 26 Stephen’s green, north 105 Davis, Charles, 33 York steeet 106 Davis, David, 39 York street 107 De Burgh, Richard Barker, 6 Harcourt street 108 Delmege, Julius, 36 Fitzwilliam square, west 109 De Montmorency, Fredk., 40 Fitzwilliam sq.,W 110 Dickinson, Rev. Hercules, 56 Baggot st., upper V G 111 Dickson, James, 132 Stephen’s green, west .. 112 Dignam, John J., 15 Hume street . » V 113 Dillon, Hewitt M., travelling abroad .. V G 114 Dillon, John, 51 Fitzwilliam square, west 115 Dillon, Thomas, 29 King street, south 116 Dockeray, Rev. John W., Clones, CO. Monaghan V G 117 Donegan, Lawrence, 2 York street • .. 118 Donnellan, Patrick, 1 Wexford street 119 Donohoe, Denis, Bell’s lane, off Ely place 120 Douglass, John, 18 Wexford street . . G 121 Dowling, John Bernard, jCullenswood avenue G 122 Doyle, Andrew, 11 Baggot court 123 Doyle, Christopher, 37 Mountpleasant avenue 124 Doyle, James, 5 Harcourt street 125 Doyle, Richard, 35 Kevin street, lower 126 Drought, William F., 139 Baggot street, low’er V G 127 Duff, William, 37 Molesworth street 128 Duffy, Philip, 29 Kevin street cross 129 Dunne, Patrick, 56 Bishop street P P P P P P P P P P P P 130 Elliott, Gilbert, Rashdlie, Letterkenny 131 Ellis, George, 91 Leeson street, lower 132 Ellis, Robert Hawkes, 91 Leeson street, lower 133 Eustace, Sir John, Kingstown V G 134 Fagan, Bernard, 4 Wexford street 135 Falkner, Richard H., Mt. Falcon, Borris-o-kane V G 136 Fanagan, William, 54 Aungier street 137 Farrington, Michael, 1 Digge’s street 138 Ferrier, John P., 59 William street 139 Fitzgerald, Hon. Francis A., 50 Stephen’s gr., E. 140 Fleming, William, 25 Stephen’s green, north 141 Flemyng, Rev. Robert, 5 Conyngham road , . V G 142 Fiynn, Christopher, 22 King street, south . . MANSION HOUSE WAIID. 79 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. P’or whom voted. 143 Gaffney, James, 30 Bishop street . . ' P 144 Galbraith, Thomas S., Thornfield, Portumna. . V G 145 Gallagher, Lawrence, 15 Ely place .. V 146 Galligan, Thomas, 14 Leeson lane . . G P 147 Galway, William, 130 Baggot street, lower . . 148 Garbois, William, 24 Kildare street . • V G 149 Garnett, Samuel, Archdall, Wilkinstown, Meath V G 150 Garnett, Wm., Archdall, Wilkinstown, Meath 151 Geoghegan, James, 103 Leeson street, lower.. P 152 Geraghty, Thomas, 3 Kedmond’s hill , . P 153 Gerrard, Thomas, 3 York row • . P 154 Gerty, Edward, 134 Baggot street, lower . . G P 155 Gibbs, John, 119 Stephen’s green, west 156 Gibney, Patrick, 5 Cuffe street 157 Gilbert, Bortholomew, 6 York street , - G 158 Goff, Thomas, 9 Digges street . . V G 159 Goodison, Oriel, White’s avenue, Merrion . . V G 160 Gordon, Samuel, 11 Hume street 161 Gore, Thomas, 11 Leeson lane 162 Gough, John, 7 Peter’s row 163 Graham, Alexander, 18 Merrion row , . V 164 Grant, John, 16 Pembroke street, lower 165 Grant, Rev. Joseph B., Eathconrath, Westmeath V G 166 Green, James S., 83 Leeson street, lower ,, 167 Griffin, Robert, 114 Baggot street, lower .. V G 168 Guilfoyle, Michael, 13 Mercer street, upper . . 169 Gunning, Richard, 3 Macken’s place 170 Hamilton, Edward, 128 Stephen’s* green, west. . V G 171 Hamilton, James A., 46 Fitzwilliam sq., west. . V G 172 Hamilton, Mark, 7 Arundel st.. Strand, London V 173 Hannon, James, 5 Baggot court . , P 174 Harper, Rev. Thos., Templeshambo glebe, Ferns V G 175 Harricks, James T., 92 Gardiner street, lower 176 Harris, James, 1 and 11 York street P 177 Harris, Thomas, 54 Fitzwilliam square, north V G 178 Hatchell, George W., 13 Hume street P 179 Haughton, Christopher, 2 Harcourt street .. V G 180 Heazle, William, 6 Hume street . . V G 181 Hendrick, Martin, 1 Camden market . . P 182 Hepenstall, Ralph D., Derrycassan, Granard , , V G PmPh P-iP-iPhPh P-i P-iP^ 80 MANSION HOUSE WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 183 Hickey, Matthew, 31 a Bride street . , P 184 Hickie, Robert, 64 Kevin street, lower , . G P 185 Higgins, John, 6 and 7 Kevin street . . P 186 Higgins, John, 3 Mercer street, upper . . P 187 Hill, John, Donnybrook road .. V G 188 Hoey, John, 1 Bishop street . . P 189 Hoffman, Francis, 19 Hume street . . V G 190 Howell, Griffith, 5 Molesworth place 191 Hynes, Patrick, Leeson lane . . V G 192 Jacob, Arthur, 23 Ely place . . G 193 Jacob, William, 5 and 6 Peter’s row 194 Jellett, Hewitt P., 32 Pembroke street, upper 195 Jenkins, William, 22 Pembroke street, upper 196 Johnston, Rev. Henry, Glebe, Ratoath, Meath V G 197 Johnston, Samuel, 20 Ely place 198 Johnston, Thomas, 1 Baggot court . . V G 199 Kane, Daniel R., 12 Fitzwilliam st., upper . . 200 Kane, Patrick, 34 Cuffe street - . . 201 Kavanagh, James, 8 Stephen street, upper . . 202 Kearney, Simon, 2 Maryville cot., Sandymount 203 Kedney, Robert, 29 Kildare street , , G 204 Kelly, John, 31 Wexford street G 205 Kelly, Thomas, 44 Mercer street, upper 206 Kelly, Timothy, 12 Redmond’s hill 207 Kennedy, Frederick, 21 York street , . V G 208 Kennedy, George O’Brien, 21 York street . , V G 209 Kennedy, John, 11 Merrionrow ,, G P 210 Kenny, Michael, 1 Cuffe street . . P 211 Kiernan, Michael, 2 and 3 Peter street .. P 212 Kirwan, Benjamin, 101 Leeson street, lower.. P 213 Lawler, John, 19 Cuffe street ©, P 214 Layburn, John, 4 Redmond’s hill .. P 215 Lee, Thomas, 29 Pembroke street, lower .. P 216 Leet, Rev. Edward, Sandycove ter., Kingstn. V G 217 Lees, William, 31 Pembroke street, upper . . 218 Lefanu, William R., 59 Fitzwilliam sq., north 219 Lennon, Joseph, 17 & 18 Pembroke st., lower G P 220 Lepla, Henry, 22 Kildare street . . V G ^jAxsroN HOUSE waiid. 81 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 221 Lcviiige, William, 12G Baggot street 222 Long, Peter W., 113 Stephen’s green, west . . P 223 Longfield, Hon. Montifort, Fitzwilliam sq., W. 224 Lyons, James, 10 Peter street 225 Lyons, John Charles, 40 Pembroke place .. G 226 Lyons, Wilham, 15 Kildare street 227 McCarthy, Denis, 4 Smith’s buildings, Ely pi. 228 McCormick, James, 9 Mercer street, upper . . V 229 M‘Coy, Thomas, 3 Montague street 230 M‘Cready, John D., 29 Molesworth street G 231 M‘Cue, John, 28 Wexford street 232 M‘Donagh,Geo.,15Warrickcrescent,Kensington V G 233 McDonnell, John, HollyHlle, Pathmines 234 M‘Evoy, Michael, 2 Proud’s lane 235 M^Evoy, Thomas, Baggot street, lower , • 236 M^Garry, Bernard, 1 Pembroke street, lower... 237 MTntire, Kichard, 8 Baggot court 238 MHntosh, William, 117 Stephen’s green, W. V G 239 McNamara, Charles C., 28 York street . . Y 240 M^Sweeny, Stephen, 111 Stephen’s green, W. 241 Mackie, Yfilliam, 66 Wellington road 242 ^Maguire, William, 5 Kevin street, lower . . 243 Mahon, Thomas, 4 Bishop street . . G 244 Malone, Lawrence, 2 Cuffe street 245 Mannix, Robeid, 14 Merrion row 246 Mannock, William, 16 Wexford street 247 Mapother, Edward, 125 Stephen’s green, W. 248 Martin, Robert, 1 Proud’s lane 249 Mason, Thomas, 38 York street 250 Massey, John Bolton, Clareville, Blackrock . . V G 251 Maturin, Rev. Henry, Garton glebe, Letterkenny 252 Maunsell, Daniel M., Ballywilliam, Rathkeale 253 Meredith, Richard, 48 Cuffe street 254 Meyer, Berthall, 12 Pembroke street, lower . , 255 Millea, Patrick, Montague street 256 Miller, Andrew, 55 Bishop street .. V 257 Milligan, Alexander, 14 Peter street . . V 258 Mitchell, Arthur, ] 18 Stephen’s green, west . . V G 259 Mitchell, James, 4 York street . . V G * Voted as a Freeman, No. 1,G35. 12 82 MANSION HOUSE WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 260 Molloy, Patrick, 102 Leeson street, lower . . P 261 Montgomery, George, 45 York street , . V 262 Montgomery, Leslie, 48 Stephen’s green, east V G 263 Mooney, Denis, St. Margaret’s, co. Dublin • . P 264 Moore, Joseph Fletcher, Kilbride Manor . . V G 265 Moore, Joseph Scott, 12 Hume street . . V G 266 Moore, William, 67 Fitzwilliam square, north V G 267 Mordant, Edward, 8 Mercer street, upper 268 Mordaunt, Luke, 66 Bride street 269 Morgan, Edrhond, 8 Montague street . . V G 270 Morgan, Jerome, 36 York street . . V G 271 Morgan, John, 23 Stephen’s green, north .. V G 272 Mortimer, William, 6 Hume street . . V G 273 Moses, John, Leeson park . . V G 274 Murphy, Daniel, 5 Quinn’s lane 275 Murphy, John, 15 Peter street 276 Murray, Thomas D., 25 York street . , V G 277 Kevin, Edward, 48 Aungier street . . G 278 Newcombe, Ealph, 39 Stephen’s green, east .. V G 279 Noblett, Andrew, 20 Wexford street .. V G 280 Nolan, Simon, 7 York street 281 O’Brien, James, 9 King street, south 282 O’Brien, John, 40 Aungier street 283 O’Brien, Joseph, 4 Pembroke street, lower , . 284 O’Brien, Octavius, 23 Kildare street 285 O’Brien, Paul, 31 Mercer street, upper .. P 286 O’Callaghan, Denis, 35 Cuffe street • . P 287 O’Callaghan, John M., 38 Aungier street .. P 288 O’Connell, William, 12 Digge’s street . . _ P 289 O’Connor, John, 15 Kevin street, lower . . P 290 O’Gorman, James, 17 Ely place 291 O’ Hagan, Arthur, 9 Harcourt street .. P 292 O’Hagan, John, 20 Kildare street . . P 293 O’Neill, Bernard, 2 Macken’s place . . P 294 O’Neill, Timothy, 57 Kevin street, lower . . P 295 O’Eeilly, John, 43 Aungier street 296 Orpen, John, 58 Stephen’s green, east . . V G 297 O’Toole, James J., 126 Stephen’s green, west G P 298 O’Toole, Joseph, 34 Denzille street . . 1* pH Ph (l4 MANSION HOUSE WAHD. 83 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted, 299 Otway, John Hastings, 86 Leeson street • • V G 300 Owens, George B., 25 Kildare street . . V G 301 Owen, Kobert H., 15 Pembroke street, lower . . V G 302 Penrose, Frederick G., 108 Stephen’s gr., west P 303 Pepper, Christopher, 6 Kedmond’s hill . . P 304 Pierson, Matthew, 6 Wexford street . * . P 305 Pigott, Rt. Hon. David R., 52 Stephen’s gr.,east P 306 Plunkett, George, 17 Peter street . . P 307 Plunkett, Joseph, 30 Pembroke street, lower. . 308 Plunkett, Patrick Joseph, 1 Aungier street . , P 309 Popham, Rev. Thomas, Baileborough, Cavan . . V G 310 Prendbrgast, Gefery Samuel, Borris-o-kane .. 311 Prendergast, James, 31 Pembroke street, lower G P 312 Purcell, Michael, 12 J Liberty lane . , P 313 Purcell, Patrick M., 24 Wexford street . . P 314 Quigley, Patrick, 10 Kevin street, lower • • P 315 Quinlan, James W., 42 York street . . P 316 Read, Robert, 47 Aungier street . . V G 317 Redmond, Philip, 11 Wexford street P 318 Redmond, Philip, 54 Bishop street . . P 319 Redshaw, Michael, 31 Bishop street • . P 320 Reilly, James, 19 Digges street . , P 321 Reilly, Patrick, 17 Wexford street •• P 322 Reynolds, John, 35 Wexford street 323 Ringland, John, 14 Harcourt street . . V G 324 Roberts, Michael, 127 Baggot street . . G 325 Robinson, Edmund M., 24 Stephen’s gr., north V P 326 Robinson, James, 44 Fitzwilliam square, west. . V G 327 Robinson, Joseph, 3 Fitzwilliam street, upper. . 328 Roche, Anthony, 34 Wexford street , . P 329 Rogers, Philip, 10 Mercer street, upper 330 Rooke, Bartholomew W., 23 Pembroke st., up. V G 331 Rorke, John, 3 Pembroke street, lower . . G P 332 Rosenthal, Henry, 23 Nassau street . . P 333 Rourke, Thomas, 10 Redmond’s hill , . P 334 Ruskill, Rev. Clement, Rosenglin, Dundrum.. 335 Russell, Christopher, 20 Mercer street, lower . . P 336 Ryan, John, 11 Montague street •• P 84 MANSION HOUSE WARD, No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 337 Eyan, Stephen, Redmond’s hill 338 Ryding, William, 27 Molesworth street , , P 339 Saimderson, Edwin, 9 Ely place 340 Shanley, James, 11 Mercer street, upper 341 Shannon, Joseph, 25 Bishop street 342 Shea, Patrick, 5 Macken’s place . . P 343 Shea, Robert F., 42 Aungier street 344 Short, Augustine, 4 Harcourt street . • P 345 Short, William, 4 Harcourt street . . P 346 Simjoson, Richard A., 39 Fitzwilliam sq., west P 347 Smyth, Catterson, 42 Stephen’s green, east .. V G> 348 Stanley, John, 46 Aungier street . . V G 349 Synge, Rev. Francis, Huntingdon, England . . 350 Tandy, Thomas, Johnsbrook, Athboy 351 Taylor, Rev. E. Montgomery, Kircubbin, co. Down 352 Taylor, James R., Newtown-mount-kennedy . • 353 Taylor, John E., Cranbrook, co. Fermanagh . . 354 Telford, Henry, 109 Stephen’s green, west . . 355 -Telford, William, junior, 109 Stephen’s gr., west 356 Thomas, William, Wexford street 357 Thompson, David, Clonskea castle, co. Dublin. . 358 Thompson, George William, 9 Hume street . . 359 Thompson, Michael, 12 Peter street . • 360 Thompson, T. Higginbotham, Leeson street , . 361 Tiernan, Michael, 29 Mercer street, upper .. 362 Tighe, Robert, 66 Fitzwilliam square, north . , 363 Todd, Arthur B., 123 Baggot street, lower . . 364 Traill, William, 3 Ely place 365 Traynor, James, 36 Molesworth street 366 ^Traynor, James, 36 Molesworth street 367 Trench,MostRev.Richd.O.,16 Stephen’sgreen,N. 368 Trevor, Edward S., 92 Leeson street 369 Turner, Frederick, 6 Molesworth place 370 Tynan, John, 100 Leeson street, lower .. V G V G V G V G V V G P V P V G V G V G G P 371 Usher, Joseph, 2 Molesworth place ,, V G 372 Yannix, Thomas, 5 York street Voted at No, 365, V G MANSION HOUSE WARD. 85 No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 373 Verner, Sir William, Eaton square, London . . Y G 374 Vernon, Charles, 51 Mount street, lower 375 Waddy, Percy Swan, Targoat cot., Wexford. . G 376 Wade, Edmond, 15 Merrion row 377 Wade, Ignatius, 15 Merrion row . . G P 378 Wakefield, David, 12 York street .. V G 379 Waldron, Sylvester, 38 Kevin street, lower .. P 380 Walker, Thomas, 4 Molesworth place . . Y 381 Wall, Valentine, 9 Cuffe street 382 Walsh, Rev. Pakenham, Sandford 383 Walter, William, 20 Stephen’s green, north . . 384 Warren, Henry, 27 Pembroke street, lower . . Y G 385 Warren, Rev. Samuel P., Chapelizod . . Y G 386 AYarren, Thomas, jun., 134 Stephen’s green, W. 387 AYeir, James, 140 Baggot street, lower . . Y G 388 White, Finch, 84 Leeson street, lower 389 White, Piers Francis, 94 Leeson street 390 Williams, John, 135 Baggot street, lower 391 AYilmot, Samuel G., 120 Stephen’s green, west Y G 392 Wilson, Moses, 8 Hume street . . Y G 393 AYilson, Thomas, 34 Aungier street . . Y G 394 Wolesley, Richard F., 24 Fitzwilliam street, up. 395 Wren, Francis, 66 Stephen street . , P 396 Wright, John' Thomas, 136 Baggot street, Ir. \ G 397 Yeates, Mason, Mayestoun, Balbriggan , . Y G f A fU rj v;ht^XAi i- ;•( ,^fL' .V 7 ' - /fi. » '{ /, rr,< . . ■ A m f-^V! FITZWILLTAM WAED. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Acheson, Francis J., 15 Charlotte street 2 Adams, Wm. O’B., 22 Adelaide st., Kingstown V P 3 Aikin, John, 6 Baggot street, upper • . V G 4 Allen, Kev. Charles, 1 Pleasant street . . V G 5 Allen, Richard S., Crosthwaite park, Kingstown V G 6 Andrews, Charles, 2 Hatch street . . V G 7 Annesley, Laurence, 29 Camden street, lower . . P 8 Archer, Chas. P., Kildrennan, Newtown-mt.-Ken. 9 Armstrong, Edward, 44 Leeson street, lower . • V G 10 Aspa, John F., 11 Grantham street •• P . 11 Ball, Rt. Hon. Nicholas, 85 Stephen’s green, sth. 12 Barber, John, Harcourt street . . V G 13 Barker, William, 21 Hatch street 14 Barnes, John, 69 Stephen’s green, south . . V G 15 Barron, Pierce Marcus, 102 Stephen’s green . , 16 Barry, Charles R., 3 Fitzwilliam square, east . . 17 Barton, Augustine, 23 Fitzwilliam square, south 18 Battersby, George, Leeson street 19 Beamish, George, 2 Salem place, Adelaide road 20 Beatty, James, 4 Wilton terrace, upper I . V G' 21 Belford, Ernest A., 14 Fitzwilliam place , . G • 22 Benson, Francis, sen., 13 Pembroke street, up. V P 23 Blair, John, 21 Camden street, lower , , V G 88 FITZWILLIAM WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 24 Blake, Michael, 43 Fitzwilliain place 25 Blood, William, 13 Hatch street . . V G 26 Blythe, John, 16 Fitzwilliam square, south 27 Boland, James, 33 Camden street, lower . . P 28 Boland, William, 7-J Camden st., lower, in rere P 29 Bolton, John H., 1 Leeson street, lower •• G P 30 Booth, James, senior. New House, Harrington st. V G 31 Boyce, John Tandy, Baggot street, lower 32 Boyd, James, Boyd’s court, Synge street • . V G 33 Boyd, John E., Ballymacool house, Letterkenny V G 34 Boyd, Walter, 21 Leeson street . . V G 35 Bradshaw, William, 7 Camden street, upper . . G 36 Brady, James, 38 Harcourt street 37 Brennan, Daniel, 39 Camden street, lower 38 Brooke, Eev. Butler, 51 Leeson street, lower . 39 Brooke, William, Taney hill. Dun drum , , V G 40 ^Brown, Henry, 22 Ely place 41 Brown, Ibbs William H., Stephen’s green, south 42 Brown, Rev. John H., 1 Burdett ave., Kingstown V 43 Bruton, Thomas, lane to Harrington street . . P 44 Bryan, Thomas, 23 Baggot street, upper . , V G 45 Burke, Joseph, 17 Fitzwilliam place 46 Burne, John C., 61 Harcourt street . . V G 47 Burnett, Rev. Jas., Clonmeth an glebe, Ashbourne V G 48 Burroughs, Edward H., 69 Harcourt street • • V G 49 Butler, Robert, 94 Baggot street, lower . . G P 50 Butler, Hon. St. John, 38 Fitzwilliam place . . V G 51 Byrne, John, 7 Charlotte street * . . P 52 Calbeck, William F,, 24 Harcourt street . . G P 53 Caldwell, Nathaniel, 41 Fitzwilliam place . . V G 54 Campbell,Rev. Andw., 6 Cranmerpl. Haddington rd. V G 55 Campion, John Christian, 46 Charlcmont street P 56 Campion, William B., 8 Hatch street . . V G 57 Carey, Henry, 10 Hatch street . . Y G 58 Carleton, John William, 70 Leeson street, lower 59 Carpenter, Patrick, 22»Camden street, upper . . P 60 Carr, Hamilton, 65 Stephen’s green, south . . V G 61 Carroll, Michael, 19 Charlotte street , . P 62 Carroll, Michael, 34 Charlotte street * Voted in Koyal Exchange 'Ward. KITZWILLIAM WARD. 89 Ko. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted, 63 Carson, Henry Edward, 25 Harcourt street . . V G 64 Carson, Rev. Joseph, 18 Fitzwilliam place . . V G 65 Castles, Blacker, 53 Camden street, 'lower .. V G 66 Cathcart, Richard, 106 Baggot street, lower . • V G 67 Chambre, Hunt W., Forkhill, co. Armagh . . V G 68 Chambre, Meredith, Flurrybridge, co. Armagh V G 69 Chatterton, Hedges Eyre, 5 Fitzwilliam place V G 7 0 Clarke, Jonathan, 3 Pembroke street, upper . . 71 Cogan, William H., 93 Stephen’s green, south P 72 Coleman, Patrick, 11 Charlotte street .. P 73 Collins, John, 16 Pembroke street, upper .. V G 74 Collins, Thomas, 28 Harcourt street V G 7 5 Connell, William, 3 Camden place , . P 7 6 Coolahan, Martin, 2 Harcourt road , , P 77 Corry, Alexander, 21 Camden street, upper .. P 78 Costley, William, 6 Fitzwilliam square, east . . V G 79 Cowper, Henry Alexander, 29 Fitzwilliam place V G 80 Crawford, George, 74 Leeson street 81 Crawford, George G., 4 Camden street, upper V G 82 Crolly, Henry G., 93 Harcourt street . . V G 83 Crotty, Richard Stuart, 17 Leeson st., lower. . P 84 Cuddy, Thomas, 4 Camden place . . P 85 Cullen, Thomas, 14 Charlotte street , . P # 86 Daly, Bernard, 4 Charlotte street , . P 87 Paly, Mark Wetherby, 82 Stephen’s gr., sth., . 88 Davis, John, 4 Pleasant view, Synge street . , V G 89 Delacherois, Daniel, Donahadee, co. Down . , 90 Delany, John, 108 Baggot street, lower . . P 91 Dickson, Robert Smith, 40 Fitzwilliam st., up. V G 92 Dobbs, Hon. William C., 21 Fitzwilliam place V G 93 Doherty, Patrick, 3 Charlotte street . . P 94 Dombrain, Sir James, the Hill, Monkstown . . V G 95 Donaghy, Robert, 26 Heytesbury street , . V G 96 Donaldson, William, 62 Camden street, lower. . V 97 Dowling, James, 2 Claughton ter., Synge street G P 98 Dowling, Robeit, 14 Leeson street, lower . . V G 99 Doyle, Richard, 2 Charlotte street . , P 100 Driscoll, Michael, 81 Camden street, lower . . G P 101 Drought, Rev. J. W. F., Glencarrig, co. Wicklow V G 102 Drysdale, Matthew, 84 Heytesbury street . . V P 13 90 FITZWILLIAM WARD. No. Ee°r. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 103 Dudgeon, James, 38 Fitzwilliam street, up. , . 104 Duffy, George, 5 Leeson street, lower 105 Duke, Valentine, 33 Harcourt street 106 Duncan, Thomas, 29 Camden street, upper' .. 107 Dunlop, Andrew, 95 Baggot street, lower 108 Dunne, Edward Meadows, 10 Fitzwilliam sq.,east 109 Dunne, Jeremiah, 31 Fitzwilliam square, south 110 Dunne, John, 94 Harcourt street 111 Dwyer, Daniel, 52 Camden street, lower 112 Dwyer, James, 19 Grantham street 113 Dwyer, Joseph, 10 Camden street, upper 114 Early, Thomas, 1 Camden street, upper 115 Ebbs, John M., Tinahely, co. Wicklow 116 Egar, Fredli. John, Serpentine av., Sandymt. 117 Elliott, Rev. Charles, Ballintubber, Athy 118 Ellis, Andrew, 91 Stephen’s green, south 119 Ellis, Hercules, 83 Stephen’s green, south .. 120 Ellis, William, Synge street 121 Exham, William A., 9 Fitzwilliam place 122 Farrell, Thomas, 21 Fitzwilliam place 123 Faussett, Rev. William, 6 Hatch street 124 Fegan, Patrick, 80 Camden street, lower • . 125 Ferguson, Chaworth J., 1 01 Baggot street , . 126 Ferguson, Robert, 54 Harcourt street 127 Ferrier, Alexander James, 69 Leeson street , , 128 Fdgate, William H., 5 Wilton square 129 Findlater, William, 22 Fitzwilliam sq., south 130 Fitzgerald, Edward, 34 Fitzwilliam st., upper 131 Flanagan, Peter, 24 Charlotte street 132 Flanagan, Stephen Woulfe, 20 Fitzwilliam pi. 133 Fogarty, William, 23 Harcourt street 134 Foley, George, 99 Baggot street, lower 135 Ford, Denis, 109 Baggot street, lower 136 Forster, Alexander Molyneux, 31 Nelson st. . • 137 Fottrell, Edward, 86 Harcourt street .. 138 Fuller, Rev. Abraham S., 7 Fitzwilliam place 139 Furness, George, 2 Pleasant street 140 Gaffney, Patrick, 12 Camden street, lower . . 141 Gaffney, Patrick, 5 Camden street, upper V G V G V G V G G V G V G V G V G V G V G FITZVVILLIAM WARD. 01 No. Rog. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 142 Galbraith, David, 23 Leeson street, lower • , ' V G 143 Gerrard, Thomas W., 4 Grantham street . . V G 144 Gibson, George, 25 Pleasant street •• V G 145 Gilehrist, George, High street . . G P 146 Gordon, Stephen, Waterloo road •• V G 147 Gormley, Patrick W., G Grantham street . , P 148 Gorse, William J., 88 Stephen’s green, south G P 149 Graham, William, 14 Grantham street • • V G 150 Gray, William, 69 Heytesbury street 151 Grayburne, Eev. William, Mulford, co. Carlow V G 152 Gribbon, Edward P., 72 Stephen’s green, south 153 Griffith, Sir Richard, 2 Fitz william place .. V G 154 Hackett, Rev. John W., 73 Harcourt street • . 155 *PIalahan, Henry, 29 Harcourt street 156 Hall, John, 63 Harcourt street 157 Hall, Thomas, 63 Harcourt street 158 Hardman, John, 1 Camden street, upper 159 Hardman, William, 7 Hatch street 160 Hardy, John P,, 19 Fitzwilliam place 161 Hargreave, Charles J., 12 Fitzwilliam sq., east 162 Harris, John, 12 Stephen’s green, north 163 Hart, William, 45 Camden street, lower 164 Haughton, Arthur, 15 Camden street 165 Haughton, Rev. Samuel, Wellington road .. 166 Hawkins, Anthony, 1 Como, Garville avenue 167 Hayden, Patrick, 96 Baggot street, lower 168 Hayden, Thomas, 30 Harcourt street 169 Hayes, Michael A., 4 Salem pi., Adelaide rd. 170 Head, Henry, 7 Fitzwilliam square, east 171 Henderson, William C., 44 Fitzwilliam place 172 Henry, Samuel, Trudder ho., Newtown-mt.-ken. 173 Hewitt, Richard, 2 Kenilworth sq., Rathgar . . 174 Hinton, Joseph, 8 Grantham street 175 Hogan, Charles, Charleton, Roebuck 176 Hogan, John, 89 Heytesbury street, Bellvilla 177 Hogan, William, 24 Camden street, lower . . 178 Hogan, William, Haddington ter., Kingstown 179 Holt, Joshua, 10 Grantham street 180 Houston, Thomas Mercer, Lisnacrea, Kewry , . * Voted as a Freeman, V G V G V G V G V G V V G V G P G P V G V G G P V G V G V G 92 FITZVVILLIAM WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 181 Howley, John, 32 Fitz william street, upper . . 182 Hughes, Edward T., 64 Harcourt street . . P 183 Humphries, George, 82 Harcourt street . . V G 184 Hutchinson, John Hely, Lisson hall. Swords.. V G 185 Irwin, William J., 1 Synge street . . V G 186 Jackson, Burton, Morehampton terrace V G 187 Jackson, Thomas, Camden street .. V G 188 Jeffers, Patrick D. 13 Fitzwilliam sc[uare, south P 189 Jellett, Rev.J.H., Heytesburyter.,Wellingtonrd. V G 190 Johnston, Augustus, Hawkshead, Lancashire.. 191 Johnston, Edward, 33 Fitzwilliam street, upper 192 Johnston, Edward, 104 Baggot street, lower., 193 Johnston, Ven. Evans, 70 Harcourt street .. V G 194 Johnston, William, 11 Camden street, lower,. V G 195 Jones, Theophilus, 18 Harcourt street . . V G 196 Joy, William Bruce, Farmingham,Dartford,Kent 197 Kavanagh, Michael, 17 Camden street, upper. . P 198 Keating, Charles, 24 Pleasant street . . 199 Keating, Christopher, 14 Camden st., lower . . P 200 Kelly, Charles, 34 Fitzwilliam square, south , . P 201 Kelly, Denis, 37 Camden street, lower . . P 202 Kenny, William, 3 Pleasant street . , V G 203 Kerrigan, Michael, 18 Camden street, lower . . G P 204 Killick, George, 15 Grantham street . . V G 205 Kingsmill, George, 30 Pleasant street 206 IGngsberry, James, 3 Claughton ter., Synge st. V G 207 Lawless, Edmond, 3 Leeson street, lower . . V G 208 Lawson, James A., 27 Fitzwilliam st., upper., 209 Leahy, Edmond, 65 Heytesbury street , . 210 Lehay, John, 22 Fitzwilliam street, upper .. 211 Leahy, Philip, 7 Leeson street, lower ., G P 212 Le Bass, Samuel, 84 Camden street, lower . • V G 213 Lee, George, 16 Harrington street . . P 214 Lefroy, George, 18 Leeson street .. V G 215 Lefroy, Rt. Hon. Thomas, 18 Leeson st., lower V G 216 Lefroy, Thomas, jun., Earlsfort terrace . . V G 217 Leggett, William, 67 Heytesbury street .. G P Hd HJ FITZWILLIAM WARD. 93 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address, For whom voted. 218 Leslie, Henry James, 8 Pembroke st., upper . . V G 219 Lincoln, Henry, 4 Clangliton ter., Synge street 220 Litton, Edward F., 72 Lower Baggot street . . P 221 Lowry, John F., 11 Fitzwilliam place Y G 222 Luby, Rev. Thomas, 43 Leeson street, lower.. V G 223 Lynch, Peter, 6 Camden street, lower . . P 224 Lynch, Matthew, 34 Camden street, lower . . G P 225 McCarthy, Alexander, 37 Fitzwilliam st., up. 226 M‘Cornuck, John, 92 Camden street, lower . . P 227 M‘Cullagh, Rev. Wm., Colinsburgh, Fifeshire V G 228 M‘Grath, Michael, Annavilla, Cullenswood , . 229 M‘Hugh, Charles, 88 Heytesbury street , . P 230 M‘Loughlin, James, Pleasant street • • G 231 M‘Mahon, Sir Beresford, 3 Fitzwilliam place Y G 232 McNamara, John, 80 Camden street, lower .. P 233 McNamara, Rawdon, 95 Stephen’s green, south V G 234 Mackey, Henry, 20 Charlotte street ‘ . , G P 235 Macklin, William, 9 Camden row . . V G 236 Maddock, Robert, 38 Fitzwilliam place .. V G 237 Magee, James, 39 Leeson street, lower 238 Magee, James, 22 Charlotte street . . P 239 Magee, William, Drogheda . . P 240 Mahony, David, 36 Fitzwilliam place . . P 241 Maley, Michael, 4 Fitzwilliam square, east . . G P 242 Malone, Lawrence, 97 Stephen’s green, south. . P 243 Mangan, James, 90 Heytesbury st.. Bell’s villa V G 244 Manning, Robert, 48 Camden street, lower . . P 245 Marchant, Thomas, 42 Camden street, lower.. V G 246 Marra, Martin, 31 Camden street, lower . . P 247 Martin, Patrick, 23 Fitzwilliam street, upper P 248 Matthews, George, 35 Eccles street 249 May, George A. C., 13 Fitzwilliam sq., east . . 250 Meade, Joseph Fulton, Mountjoy square, east. . 251 Meath, Rt. Hon. the Bishop of, 66 Harcourt st. 252 Melhado, Elias H., 1 Wilton terrace, upper . . 253 Metcalf, Thomas, 28 Pleasant street , . Y G 254 Miller, Thomas, 58 Harcourt street . . Y G 255 Molloy, Patrick J., Baggot street, lower 256 Monaghan, Rt. Hon. James H., 5 FitzAYm. sq.,east 257 Monks, Joseph, 1 Harcourt road , . P 94 PITZWILLIAM WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. B^or whom voted. 258 Monks, Patrick, 2 Swift’s alley . . P 259 Moore, William Westby, 29 Fitzwilliam st., up. 2G0 Mordant, George, 77 Camden street, lower . . G 261 Mullins, Michael B., 18 Fitzwilliam square, sth. 262 Munro, John, 86 Heytesbury street 263 Murdock, Kobert, 36 Leeson street, lower 264 Murland, James W., 25 Fitzwilliam sq., south G 265 Murphy, Lawrence, 23 Charlotte street 266 Murray, Patrick J:, 1 Pembroke street, upper. . 267 Nicholson, Gilbert, 35 Fitzwilliam street, upper 268 Nicholson, John, 36 Camden street, lower 269 Nolan, Andrew, 67 Stephen’s green, south , 270 Nolan, William, Wicklow, co. Wicklow 271 Nolan, Christopher, 2 Camden street, lower . 272 O’Brien, James, 92 Stephen’s green, south . 273 O’Brien, Robert, 30 Leeson street, lower 274 O’Hara, Henry, 12 Hatch street 275 O’Hea, James, 2 Early place, Synge street . 276 O’Neill, Henry, 112 James’s street 277 O’Reilly, William F., 91 Heytesbury street . 278 Palmer, John Wilson, 61 Heytesbury street . 279 Peat, Henry, Lacy’s house, Rathmines 280 Pennefather, Edward, 6 Fitzwilliam place 281 Pentony, Daniel, Richardville, Rathgar 282 Pepper, Thomas, 28 Fitzwilliam square, south 283 Percival, Frederick, 2 Wilton terrace 284 Perrin, James, St. Austin’s, Inch, Gorey 285 Pidgeon, William, Athlone 286 Pillar, William, 72 Camden street G P V G V G V G V G P 287 Quinan, Edward, 29 Leeson street, lower 288 Quinan, Henry, 7 Earlsfort terrace 289 Quinland, William, 2 Grantham ter., Synge st. y G V G V G> 290 Rankin, James, 19 Camden street, lower P 291 Redmond, Loftus, 8 Camden row .. P 292 Reilly, Bernard, in rere, Camden street, lower P 293 Ringwood, Rev. William C., Navan, co. Meath V G FITZWILLIAM WARD. 95 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 294 Roberts, Norcott D’Estair, 6 Brock st., Bath 295 Robinson, tiartstronge, 37 Fitzwilliam place . . V G 29G Robinson, Sheils Norman, 74 Camden st., lower G P 297 Robinson, Thomas, 63 Camden street, lower , . 298 Roche, William, 72 Harcourt street 299 Roe, Henry, Fitzwilliam square, east 300 Rorke, Daniel, 97 Harcourt street •• 301 Rosenthal, John D., 34 Harcourt street 302 Ross, William, 3 Shamrock terrace, Synge st. 303 Rowe, John, 7 Pembroke street, upper 304 Russell, Thomas, 72 Heytesbury street 305 Russell, Captain Samuel W., City Dubhn Militia 306 Rutledge, David, travelling abroad V G V G 307 Sail, William, 105 Stephen’s green 308 Scallan, James S., 77 Harcourt street 309 Shannon, Thomas, 21 Charlotte street 310 Shekelton, Robert William, 71 Leeson st., lower 311 Sheppard, Frederick, 92 Harcourt street 312 Sherlock, David, 15 Harcourt street 313 Simpson, John, 85 Camden street, lower 314 Simpson, Maxwell, 1 Brougham place 315 Sleator, Charles, 7 Grantham street 316 Smith, James, 30 Charlotte street 317 Smith, Joseph, the Glebe, Carrickmacross 318 Smith, Thomas, 14 Bushfield av., Donnybrook 319 Smith, WiUiam R. C., 12 Fitzwilliam sq., south 320 Smithson, John, 8 Camden street, upper 321 St. George, Charles M., Carrick-on-Shannon 322 Stock, Joseph, 13 Henrietta street 323 Stuart, Thomas, 9 Pleasant street 324 Sullivan, Edward, 34 Fitzwilham place 325 Surridge, Frederick, 69 Camden street, lower ^26 Synge, Rev. Alexander Hamilton, Ipswich . . 327 Synge, John Hatch, 3 Hatch street V G V G V G V G V G G V G V G G V V G 328 Thompson, Andrew, 13 Burlington road , . V G 329 Thompson, George M., 93 Baggot street, lower 330 Tighe, Edward, 46 Leeson street, lower 331 Tomjdns, George, 37 Leeson street, lower , . 332 Toole, George, 32 Pleasant street , . G P 9G PlT;iWILLIAM WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 333 Townsend, John F., 30 Fitzwilliam street, np. V G 334 Tracey, John, 85 Heytesbury st.. Bell’s villa. . G 335 Tracy, John, 1 Charlotte street 336 Tracy, William, 87 Heytesbury street ' . V G 337 Trench, John, 45 Leeson street, lower 338 Tmell, Robert Holt, 15 Fitzwilliam sq., east.. V G 339 Vance, Rev. Richard, Rotheram, Yorkshire . . V G 340 Vernon, John E., 1 Wilton square 341 Walker, Joseph, 64 Heytesbury street •• 342 Wallace, Rev. Robert, 94 Stephen’s green, S. 343 Walpole, George, Castlenode, Brookstown .. 344 Wardell, Jonas B., 3 Camden street, lower . . 345 Warren, Graves S., 40 Rutland square, west 346 Watson, William, 25 Fitzwilliam place 347 West, George White, Ardenode, co. Kildare.. 348 West, John, 95 Harcourt street 349 West, Ven. John, 6 Wilton square 350 Whelan, James, 38 High street 351 Whelan, Patrick, 38 High street 352 White, Joseph, 3 Pleasant view, Synge street 353 Whitshed, St. Vincent, 23 Harcourt street . . 354 Whitton, Edward, 75 Heytesbury street 355 Wood, Peter, 6 Leeson street, lower 356 Woodrooffe, William M., 30 Fitzwilliam place 357 Wright, Edward, Floraville, Donnybrook 358 Wrixon, Rev. John, Malone, Belfast 359 Yoakley, Richard, 3 Early place, Synge street V G 360 Young, James, Harristown, Castlereagh . . V G 361 Young, John, 31 Fitzwilliam place V V G G V G V G V G G G P V G P V G WOOD QUAY WARD. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted* 1 Abbott, Rev. Richard, Armagh 2 Axcheson, James, senr., 8 Gardiner' street, upper 3 Andrews, Joseph, 7 5 Patrick street . . G P 4 Archer, Rev. William, Croagh, Rathkeale .. V G 5 Baker, Abraham Whyte, Ballytobin, Kilkenny 6 Bardin, John, 13 William’s place . . V G 7 Bentley, William F., 12 Wood cj^uay . . _ P 8 Bermingham, John, 33 Clanbrassil street, lower P 9 Berney, Moses, 101 Bride street . . P 10 Bernie, Thomas, 3G Heytesbury street . . P 1 1 Berry, Samuel, 1 1 Bloomfield 12 Betham, Molyneux C., Rockfort house, Blackrock V G 13 Bloxham, William George, Ilminster, Somerset V G 14 Boland, James, 46 Francis street . . G P 15 Bonham, Rev. John, Ballintagart, co. Kildare. . 16 Boulger, Michael, 40 Francis street , . G P 17 Bourne, James, Carysfort avenue 18 Brady, Edward, 12 and 13 New street . . P 19 Brady, James, 46 Golden lane . . P 20 Brien, Edward, 1 Clanbrassil street, upper . . P 21 Brown, John H., Hoey’s court . . P 22 Bryan, Thomas, 3 Patrick street . , P 23 Bunnion, Richard, 23 Clanbrassil street, lower G 14 98 WOOD QUAY WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 24 Burke, Edward, 92 and 93 Francis street . . G P 25 Burke, James, 104 Bride street 26 Burke, John, 14 Winetavern street 27 Burrowes,Rev.Sir Erasmus D,Lauragh,Queen’s CO. V G 28 Byrne, Daniel, 4 Wall’s lane , . P 29 Byrne, James, 48 Patrick street . . G P 30 Byrne, Joseph, 18 Spitalfields • • P 31 Byrne, Patrick, 14 Bull alley . . P 32 Byrne, Thomas, 26 Patrick street .. P 33 Cahill, Patrick, 55 Bride street . . P 34 Calender, Michael, 50 Golden lane 35 Callow, Robert, 19 Kevin street, upper 36 Carberry, Nicholas, 52 Heytesbury street 37 Carleton, Richard, 33 Castle street , . Y G 38 Carnegie, Richard M., 89 Bride street , . V G 39 Carolan, Thaddeus, 42 Kevin street, lower 40 Carroll, Peter, 33 William’s place 41 Carroll, Rev. William G., 6 Clanbrassil place • . G 42 Carthy, Stephen, 37 Patrick street 43 Casey, Thomas, 19 Mark’s alley 44 Chapman, George, Delgany, co. Wicklow 45 Claffey, Patrick, 30 Nicholas street 46 Clancy, James, Phibsborough road 47 Clarges, Christopher, 7 9 Bride street 48 Clarke, James, 38 Nicholas street 49 Collins, John, 31 Nicholas street 50 Collins, Robert, 48 Heytesbury street . . V G 51 Colly, William, 23 Ship street, great . . G 52 Condell, Thomas, 38 Clanbrassil street, lower . . V G 53 Conlan, James, 19 Christ Church place P 54 Connellan, Owen, 2 Clanbrassil place 55 Connolly, George, 34 Heytesbury street . . P 56 Connor, James, 13 Patrick street . . G P 57 Connor, John, 25 Clanbrassil street, lower . . P 58 Connor, Patrick, in rere, Kevin street, upper , . P 59 Cotton, Rev. Henry, the Glebe, Thurles . . V G 60 Cowel, George C., Ballmoyler, Queen’s co. , , 61 Craig, Richard, 5 Clanbrassil place . , V G 62 Crotty, James, 23 Christ Church place . , P 63 Crowther, George, 24 Clanbrassil street, lower WOOD QUAY WARD. 95 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted.' 64 Cunningliam, Philip, 3 Mark’s alley . . P 65 Paly, William, 36 Kevin street, upper . . P 66 Daniel, Key. James, 4 Christ Church place . . P 67 Davies, William, 42 Heytesbury street . • 68 Deane, John, 79 Patrick street .. P 69 Delany, Owen, 10 Winetavern street . . G P 70 Dempsey, James, 45 Golden lane •• G P 71 Dempsey, ^Joseph, 15 Heytesbury street 7 2 Devlin, Bernard, 80 Bride street . . P 7 3 Dollard, Patrick, 6 Bride street . • P 74 Dowling, Christopher, 34 Kevin street, upper P 75 Dowling, John, 11 Wood quay .. P 76 Doyle, James, 23 Bride street •• G P 77 Doyle, James, 11 Garden lane P 78 Doyle, John, 2 Wall’s lane .. P 79 Doyle, Michael, 78 Bride street .. P 80 Doyle, Patrick, 21 Spitalfields , . . P 81 Doyle, Thomas, 27 Patrick street . , P 82 Doyne, Philip John, travelhng abroad . . V G 83 Drew, David, 37 Clanbrassil street, lower . . V G 84 Drumm, Thomas, 13 Ship street, great . , V G 85 Dunne, Patrick G., 32 Clanbrassil st., lower P 86 Edge," John Henry, Holly court, Blackrock . . V G 87 Eggleston, Thomas, 6 & 7 Wood quay . . V G 88 Elliott, James, 20 Michael’s hill , , V G 89 Elrington, Joseph F., 24 Fitzwilliam st., up. V G 90 England, James, 29 Chancery lane , . P 91 Ennis, Edward Thos., 11 & ll-J Park st., west G P 92 Entwistle, Edward, 27 Clanbrassil st., lower . . V G 93 Fairbairn, William, 15 Christ Church place . . V G 94 Farrell, Roger, 55 Fishamble street . , G P 95 Farrington, Christopher, 32 Coombe . . P 96 Faucett, Rev. John, Kerry mount, Cabinteely V G 97 Flanagan, Denis, 25 Coombe . . G P 98 Fleming, John, 38 Heytesbury street . . P 99 Flynn, Patrick, 1 Clanbrassil place . . P 100 Forde, William Brownlow, Seaford, co. Down V G 101 Forster, George M., Carlton Club, London . . 100 WOOD QUAY WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 102 Fortune, Thomas, 28 Golden lane . . P 103 Fottrell, George Drevar, 18 Dominick st., Ir. P 104: Furlong, Thomas, 36 Francis street , . P 105 Gain, William, 18 Christ Church place 106 Gaynor, Patrick, 1 Wood quay . . P 107 Geoghegan, William M., 50 Francis street . . 108 Gibney, Robert, 19 Patrick street . . P 109 Goodman, John, 14 Eccles street . . V G 110 Goodman, Walter, Tullacup, Laracor, CO. Meath Y G 111 Gordon, Joseph, 6 Kevin street, upper 112 Gorman, William, 20 Wood quay . . G 113 Gowan, Thomas, 3 Fishamble street 114 Graham, George, 105 Bride street 115 Green, Rev. William, 49 Stephen’s green, E. V G 116 Gregg, Rev. Thresham, Hammersmith, London 117 Hackett, Jqhn, 32 Heytesbury street . • 118 Halbert, John, 72 Francis street 119 Hanlon, James, Francis street 120 Hanlon, Thomas, 17 Patrick street 121 Hargreave, Thomas, 31 Heytesbury street 122 Hartford, George, Gorey lodge, Gorey . . V G 123 Hastings, Michael, 39 Clanbrassil street, lower 124 Healey, John, 105 Francis street 125 Healy, Matthew, 122 Francis street .. G 126 Hearne, Charles, Bride street 127 Hegarty, William, 40 Heytesbury street . . V G 128 Hen drie, Hugh, Bloomfield house, Blackpitts . . V 129 Henshaw, Alfred, 5 Christchurch place . . V G 130 Higgins, Edward, 34 New street 131 Hodson, Edward, Tuyford, Athlone . . V G 132 tioey, George, 29 Pembroke pL, Baggot st., up. V G 133 Hogan, John, 11 Winetavern street .. G 134 Holmes, John, 28 Clanbrassil street, lower . , 135 Hopkins, John, 31 Golden lane . . V G 136 Horgan, James, 22 Clanbrassil street, lower ,, 137 Howlin, John, 28 Wood street 138 Hynes, Arthur, 9 Wood quay 139 Johnston, Ronald, 8 Mountplcasant avenue, Ir. G P WOOD QUAY WARD. 101 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For wli om voted, 140 Johnston, Samuel, 23 Rathmincs road . , G P 141 Jordan, James, 13 Chancery lane . . P 142 Journeanx, William, IG Bride street 143 Joze, John Charles, 32 Castle street . . V G 144 Kane, Denis, 42 Francis street • . P 145 Kane, Patrick, 1 Mary’s lane 146 Kavanagh, Christopher, 2 Ship street, little . . P 147 Kavanagh, Matthew, 59 Francis street . . P 148 Kavanagh, Patrick, 24 Patrick street . . G P 149 Kavanagh, William, 106 Francis street . . P 150 Kehoe, James, 1 Christchurch place * P 151 Kehoe, John, 19 Spitalfields . , P 152 Kehoe, Matthew, 100 Francis street . . P 153 Kehoe, Patrick, 104 Francis street . . P 154 Kelly, Charles, 4 Patrick’s close, south . . V G 155 Kelly, John, 27 Ship street, great 156 Kelly, Laurence, 18 Mark’s alley ,, P 157 Kelly, Paul, 48 and 49 Bride street 158 Kelly, William, 19 Garden lane .. P 159 Kenna, Edward, 18 Golden lane . . P 160 Kennan, Austin, 28 William’s place P 161 Kenny, Austin, 108 and 109 Francis street .. P 162 *Kenny, James, 71 Bride street 163 Kenny, Michael, 5 Bride street .. P 164 Kenny, Peter, 67 Patrick street , . p 165 Kernan, Charles, 13 Cork hill .. p 166 Keveny, John, 21 Patrick street . . p 167 King, Simon, 3 Wall’s lane . . ' p 168 Kinsella, James, 21 Winetavern street , , P 169 Kinsley, Thomas, 5 Whitefriar street . . V G 170 Lacy, Felix, 3 Hanover lane p 171 Lalor, John J., 1 Spitalfields .. p 172 Lalor, Nicholas James, 1 Spitalfields . . p 173 Lawler, James, 26 Nicholas street , . G P 174 Ledwidge, Francis, 19 Castle street .. p 175 Ledwidge, Michael, 99 Francis street p 176 Lenehan, Edward, 27 Castle street ,, p .177 Lestrange, Frederick, 4 Whitehall ter.. Circular rd. V G * Voted as a Freeman, 102 WOOD QUAY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 178 Lewis, Samuel, 10 Wood quay .. G P 179 Lindsay, Benjamin, 27 Heytesbury street .. G P 180 Litton, John, 26 Leeson street . . V G 181 Lord, William, 16 Werburgh street . . V G 182 Lunders, Kichard, 12 Chancery lane .. P 183 Lundy, Henry, 12 Bloomfield . . G P 184 Lundy, Hugh, 35 New street .. ‘ G P 185 Lynch, George, 34 Francis street 186 McAllister, Samuel, 4 Whitefriar street . . P 187 M‘Asey, Thomas, 94 Bride street . . P 188 McCabe, John, 53 Golden lane . . P 189 McCall, John, 25 Patrick street . , G P 190 McCarthy, Joseph, 35 Kevin street, upper . . P 191 McCay, William M., 25 Leeson street, lower, . 192 McCleane, Patrick, 77 Patrick street . . P 193 McDermott, Terence, 84 Dorset street 194 McDermott, Thomas, 31 Clanbrassil st., lower V G 195 M‘Dowell, Joseph, 24 Ship street, great . . P 196 McEvoy, John, 106 Bride street , . P 197 McGowan, Francis, 36 Patrick street , . G P 198 McGuinness, Christopher, 8 Wood quay ,, P 199 McGuinness, Daniel, 47 Golden lane . . P 200 McGuire, Owen, 18 Wood quay . . P 201 McLoughlin, James, 64 Patrick street . . P 202 McNally, James, 33 Patrick street . . P 203 McNamee, John, 81 Francis street . . P 204 Madden, Edward, 13 Kevin street, upper . . P 205 Magrath, Daniel, 14 New street . . P 206 Maguire, Patrick, 14 Wood quay . . P 207 Maguirk, Thomas, 18 Dean street . . P 208 Maher, Patrick, 53 Fishamble street . . P 209 Malone, Patrick, 10 Ship street, great . • P 210 Manly, Patrick, 37 Francis street • . P 211 Manron, Patrick, 15 Garden lane .. P 212 Mapother, George, 3 Blackhall row . . P 213 Marrable, Eev. William, 65 Waterloo road .. V G 214 Martin, Thomas, 10 Ship street, little 215 Martin, Thomas, 43 Clanbrassil street, lower, . 216 Mary on, Henry, 43 Golden lane 217 Maunscll, Daniel, Ballanlcy park, Dundmm . . V G WOOD QUAY WARD. loa No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted.* 218 Maunsell, John, 11 Merrion square, south .. V G 219 Mayne, Thomas, 11 Castle street . . P 220 Meehan, Hugh, 61 Patrick street . . G P 221 Meehan, Simon, 7 Bride street .. G P 222 Meledy, John, 13 Wood quay .. P 223 Miley, Mchael, 15 Wall’s lane . . P 224 Miller, Joseph, 11 Kevin street, upper 225 Mitchell, William, 55 Francis street , . P 226 Molloy, John, 3 Christ Church place . . P 227 Molony, Anthony, 41 Patrick street . . P 228 Moon, James, 38 Francis street . • P 229 Moran, Patrick, 8 Clanbrassil street, lower . . 230 Moran, Matthew, 49 Fishamble street 231 Moran, Michael, 10 Cork hill . . G 232 Morris, John Thomas, Janeville, Sandymount V G 233 Muldoon, John, 24 Werburgh street . , ' P 234 Mullen, John Basset, 21 Christ Church place. • V 235 Mulligan, James, 20 Clanbrassil street, lower. . P 236 Murphy, Andrew, 101 Francis street . . P 237 Murphy, Daniel, 46 Francis street , . P 238 Murphy, Edward, 4 Brighton ter., Sandycove. . P 239 Murphy, John, 60 and 61 Francis street • . G P 240 Murphy, Peter, 12 Christchurch place . • , P 241 Murphy, Michael, 14 Garden lane • • P 242 Murray, Patrick, 96 Francis street . . P 243 Murray, William, 5 Garden lane . . P 244 Neade, John, 1 Werburgh street . . G P 245 Keary, Denis, 1 Patrick street . , P 246 Norton, John, 39 Golden lane . . P 247 Nugent, James, 5 and 6 Carman’s hall . . P 248 Nugent, Patrick, 44 Francis street , . P 249 O’Brien, Henry, 51 Patrick street . . P 250 O’Brien, Robert, 24 Bride street , . G P 251 O’Connor, Owen, 34 Clanbrassil street, lower . . P 252 O’Hara, Denis, 22 Heytesbury street , . P 253 O’Keeffe, Christopher, 10 Heytesbury street. . P 254 O’Keeffe, Michael, 26 William’s place . . P 255 O’Malley, Matthew, 35 Clanbrassil street, lower P 256 O’Neill, George, 1 Clanbrassil street, lower . . P 104 WOOD QUAY WARD. No. Reg, Voter’s Name and Address, 257 O’Neill, Jame5, 32 Golden lane 258 O’Neill, Patrick, 20 Patrick street 250 Onge, Massy, 61 Harold’s cross 260 O’Toole, Michael, 16 Spitalficlds 261 Owens, William, 21 Castle street For whom voted. P P 262 Perdisatt, Patrick, 16 Wood quay . . P 263 Plewman, Henry, 13 Clanbrassil street, lower. . V G 264 Poyntz, John, 33 Peter street .. V G 265 Preston, Owen, 17 Christchurch place • • P 266 Price, Charles, 23 and 24 Nicholas street 267 Quinlan, Joseph, 4 Castle street . . V G 268 Kankin, George, 16 Heytesbury st.. Lion mount 269 Eead, George, Garville avenue . . V G 270 Keddy, Denis, 29 Heytesbury street . • V G 271 Reddy, John, 76 Bride street 272 Reilly, Bryan, 6 Park street, west •• 273 Reynolds, Edward, 29 Patrick street . • G P 274 Richardson, John, 21 Wood quay . . P 275 Rinkle, Michael, 102 Bride street .. P 276 Robinson, Christopher, 11 Bride’s alley .. P 277 Roche, Michael, 1 Castle street . • P 278 Rogers, Patrick, 28 Patrick street . - P 279 Ryan, John, 118 Francis street .. P 280 Sergeant, Laurence, 1 Blackball row . . P 281 Scott, Henry, 49 Heytesbury street . . V G 282 Seery, James, 19 Wood quay P 283 Seymour, Richard, Buxton, near London 284 Sharkey, Thomas, 7 and 8 Swift’s alley . . G P 285 Sheppard, Robert, Bettystown, Drogheda 286 Sheridan, Patrick, 37 Golden lane . . P 287 Shortall, William, 26 Cross Kevin street . • P 288 Silly, Rev. George, Salem cottage, Kilmainham P 289 Spelman, Thomas, 68 Patrick street , • P 290 St. Leger, Patrick, 21 Wood street P 291 Sutton, George, 47 Heytesbury street 292 Sykes, George, 34 Dame street , , V G pin \yoon QUAY WARD. .• • 105 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. ‘ 293 Taaffe, Peter, 29 Clanbrassil street, lower 294 Taylor, John, 122 Rathmines, upper • . P 295 Taylor, Moses, 119 Francis street .. V G 296 Taylor, William, 119 Francis street V G 297 Tedcastle, Thomas, 53 Heytesbury street . • P 298 Telford, John, 110 Bride street V G 299 Tinkler, John, 21 Peter street . . V 300 Tinkler, James, 21 Peter street , « V 301 Tinkler, William, 20 Peter street . . P 302 Tomkins, Joseph, 5 New street . . P 303 Tracy, Daniel, 13 Cork hill . . 304 Trawford, Charles, 1 and 2 Essex quay 305 Tyndall,' John, Gorey . . V G 306 Yaughan, Edward, 24 Bride’s alley . . V G 307 Walker, James, 8 Castle street . . . P 308 Wall, Edward C., 28 Leinster sq., Rathmines P 309 Walsh, Michael, 42 Castle street . , P 310 Ward, James, 2 Fishamble street . . P 311 Ward, Peter, 20 Christ Church place , , P 312 Warmingham, John, 34 Castle street . . V G 313 Warren, Christopher M., 12 Ormond quay, up. P 314 Waters, Thomas, John’s lane, east . . P 315 '^Weld, Joseph, 1 Grosvenor rd., N., Rathmines 316 Whelan, Denis, 26 Bride street ,, P 317 Whelan, James, 13 Wall’s lane , . P 318 White, Rev. Henry,. Westly ter., Clanbrassil st. Y G 319 White, James, 17 Winetavern street . . P 320 Wright, Nathan, 7 Christ Church place . . G 321 Wyly, James, Kevin street, upper .. Y G * Voted in Usher’s-quay Ward. 15 ' \ ‘ .Vi'Si . „ • V>u.i ' ;• ^ j,r;edv/ ‘uX'l .'.•".■rf.-f./ .;■•:', •<■/ -, - .lift '• 1 'X.‘ ,ir»l;»^'T ',»(■•■ rsl’IKtr'.'t U"'. “i [ '.»• 9 ; •■.'.;;•! •••.'>«•.’. i‘ ^'-"»f'roX %S / 1> V " » V '■; > s„ . •^:./.**l^‘;'<*!-i«.':V; V c? i‘ o(»^3; •h ,' » ,. 4? -w 1- ■A^ '■ W '*>r.i^'fvi>f(AjF i ,/C|' V* ^ ■ * •■ ■■ ... y 9 't .(f!.t rfy.:> £;f /«to. T .; 0 v . * 't; £ iJ.‘> i :y rif JU.4' ^ {() V o ^ ■» • ,t- '. ~ ■ ' , , ,- ; .« . .Td( %} '/ « « r-i-'fif/ J..;£7i,5l',.*rfy(,sy aOG ■ V* ' '■ ■' ' = i ■ • . .iwx ?3 Yt: a!) 'M . -rf.;.: C Hu ..■!) JI«W ‘ ‘ i! ' '" o « • ■' r, . 1 ^ ,j // l ••I' « ■♦ ‘X •‘ 1 .'•■ «l ,'^ .t'.i'ifr) v.il"-,li.U. W*» ; ,i.>.. rrnitViMmi;n.>V/ '^Ui ,.; «■.• * '■' ■*•, ■ 'vVf;- r.Vu'f^ Vr yv*imh ,0A‘?xi.yf?-!'> 'U ^ .v-,- . ‘ *‘\ ., j i rt^:;yiL;{i .* L < -Ui^V/ .,.. v. ‘0 ' . bo/>^'| V jf- 'ri<. :'//■ ' ■- V' V, J’ 1H {:'/.'■;■•■ '••. I >l .'•»."> fSirJj ,’(^j /// lU'i ,; . X :!'/ "XiliW' "«T? **' . r ' ■ f,-.; •, MERCHANTS’ QUAY WARD. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, a& shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Ainlj, Joseph, 27 Black pitts • . P 2 Alcock, Henry, Enniscorthy, co. Wexford •• Y G 3 Allen, Alexander, 20 Bridge street, upper , . P 4 Allen, Joseph, 20 Bridge street, upper •• P 5 Anderson, Patrick, 3 Francis street , , P 6 Andrews, Simon, 64 Thomas street . . P 7 Athlumly, Lord, Balrath, Navan 8 Bailey, John, 48 Thomas street 9 Baker, Thomas, 80 to 82 Cook street . . G P 10 Ball, George, Ball’s grove, Drogheda 1 1 Ballard, James, Circular road ^12 Barnes, Joseph, Koper’s rest • . G 13 Beasley, Thomas, Salisbury, Athy, co. Kildare 14 Beckett, James, 1 Weaver’s square • . V G 15 Bell, John, Coombe • • G P 16 Bigger, James, 55 Clanbrassil street, lower •• Y G 17 Billing, Theobald, Mount street, upper . . Y 18 Bircurry, John, 8 Bridge street, lower , . P 19 Blackburne, William, 40 Cork street 20 Blake, Patrick, 26 Merchants’ quay 21 Boland, Francis E., 19 Brown street . . P 22 Bolton, Richard, 30 Suffolk square, Cheltenham 23 Boyd, Walter, Walworth, Grand Canal bank. . Y G PL, 108 MEliCHANTS’ QUAY WARD. No. Reg, Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 24 Boyle, Thomas, Wliite’s avenue, Merrion . . V G 25 Bradfield, Thomas, 67 Cork street 26 Bray, Francis, Chalgrove terrace. Circular road G P 27 Brennan, Francis, Montreal, Canada 28 Brennan, Philip, 56 Back lane . . P 29 Brennan, Robert, Maidstone, Kent 30 Brennan, William, 4 Swift’s alley • . P 31 Brereton, John, 7 and 8 Cutpurse row 32 Brophy, John, 4 Dolphin’s barn lane . . P 33 Brown, Charles, 2 Francis street . . V G 34 Browne, George, 77 Clanbrassil street, lower , . P 35 Browne, Henry, 30 New market . . V P 36 Brown, William, 78 Clanbrassil street, lower . . P 37 Bulfin, Patrick, 50 Thomas street , . G P 38 Burke, Walter, 31 Francis street . . P 39 Burke, William, 44 Coombe . • P 40 Burke, William, 1 Nicholas street . . G P 41 Byrne, Denis, 14 Nicholas street , , G P 42 Byrne, Edward, 13 and 14 New row, Poddle . . G P 43 Byrne, Thomas, 9 Francis street . . P 44 Byrne, Thomas, 44 Clanbrassil street, lower . . G P 45 Caffrey, James, 1 Summer street . . P 46 Caffrey, Thomas McDonnell, 1 Summer street . . P 47 Cahill, Cornelius, 77 Thomas street . . P 48 Cahill, Peter, 45 Pimlico . . V G 49 Callan, Owen, 14 Bridge street, lower . . G P 50 Carolan, Laurence, 15 Merchants’ quay . . P 51 Carroll, Henry, 12 Ward’s hill .. P 52 Carroll, James, 45 High street . . P 53 Carroll, Patrick, 52 Thomas street . . P 54 Carty, James, 48 Meath street . , P 55 Casey, George, 18 Brabazon row . . P 56 Casey, John, 41 Cook street . , P 57 Cathcart, John, 14 Cook street . . P 58 Clarke, James Thomas, Hermitage, Booterstowii 59 Clarke, William, 22 High street 60 Cleary, Thomas F., 75 Thomas street . . P 61 Coffey, Richard, 5 and 6 Bridge street, lower , . P 62 Colgan, Joseph, 17 Brabazon row . . V G 63 Conaty, John, 4 Rahobcth place . , G P SIKIlCHAXTs’ QUAY WARD. 100 No. Re^. Voter’s Name and Address. ' For whom voted.’ 64 Connolly, Christopher, 46 Cook street . . P 65 Connolly, Edward Burke, Conyngham road . . P 66 Connor, John, 27 Winetavern street . . P 67 Connor, Patrick, 53 New street . . P 68 Cooke, Bernard, 74 Meath street .. P 69 Cooney, Charles, Back lane . . V G 70 Cooney, Owen, 27 Back lane . . P 71 Cope, Edward, 10 Nicholas street , . V G 72 Costello, Daniel, 64 Meath street . . P 73 Costello, Robert, 64 New street P 74 Cotton, George Pritchard, 17 High street .. G P 75 Courtney, William, 15 Chamber street .. G P 7 6 Craig, Oliver, 7 3 Cook street . . P 77 Crawford, William, 31 Merchants’ quay . , P 78 Creeth, John, 61 Thomas street . . V G 79 Crossley, James, 13 Malpas street .. P 80 Crutchett, James, 36 New street . . G P 81 Cullen, John, 35 Cork street . . P 82 Cullen, Michael, 31 Mill street . , P 83 Cullen, Patrick, 18 Back lane . . P 84 Cummins, Owen, 19 Back lane . . P 85 Curtis, Nicholas, 2 Bonney’s lane . . P 86 Curran, Arthur, 38 New street . , G 87 Daly, Joseph, 17 Francis street , . P 88 Daly, Patrick, 57 New street 89 Daniel, James, 66 Coombe • • P 90 Dargan, Michael, 22 Merchant’s quay , . P 91 Davies, James, 26 Pimlico .. V G 92 Davies, AVilliam Edw., 23 Merchants’ quay . . 93 Davis, Michael, 10 Cork street 94 Dean, Abraham, 3 Ashbrook ter.. Circular rd. V G 95 Deering, William, 128 Coombe- , . ■ P 96 Dempsey, Richard, 6 Chalgrove, Circular rd. G P 97 Denehy, Cornelius, High street . , P 98 Denehy, AAulliam O’Keeffe, 40 High street . . 99 Derham, Michael, 1 New row, west , . P 100 Dillon, Alexander, 11 Peter’s row . . P 101 Dillon, John, 9 Cutpurse row * . . P 102 Donnelly, Edward, Hunt’s alley, Brabazon row P 103 Donohoc, Patrick, 23 Blackpitts . . P 110 merchants’ quay ward. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 104 Donolioe, William, 26 High street , , G P 105 Doran, John A., 4 Brabazon street . . ’ P 1 06 Dowd, John, 60 Cook street . . P 107 Dowling, James, 129 Coombe . . G P 108 Dowling, Nicholas, 52 New street . . P 109 Doyle, James, 80 Clanbrassil street, lower . . P 110 Doyle, John, 21 High street . . P 111 Doyle, Michael, 134 & 135 Cork street . . P 112 Doyle, Wilham, 34 Back lane .. P 113 Drury, Thomas, 24 Merchants’ quay . . P 114 Dunne, Bernard, 19 Chamber street .. P 115 Dunne, James, 7 Ashbrook terrace •. P 116 Dunne, Matthew, 58 Thomas street .. P 117 Dunne, Patrick, 57 Thomas street P 118 Dunne, Thomas, Roper’s rest . . P 119 Dunne, Thomas, Corn market 120 Dunne, William, 145 Francis street . . P 121 Edkins, Jas., Northbanlv, St. John’s wood, London 122 Egan, Charles, 14 High street , . G P 123 Egan, James, High street , . G P 124 Egan, Patrick, 26 Bridge street, upper . . P 125 Elley, Richard, 41 New street ' . . V G 126 * Eustace, Richard, 10 Weaver’s square 127 Evans, Patrick, Abbey street . . V G 128 Evans, William E., in rere, 143 Francis street P 129 Farnan, John, 58a Cork street . . G P 130 Farrell, Edward, 10 Ward’s hill .. P 131 Farrell, Matthew, 95 Coombe 132 Farrelly, James, 1 Mill street . , P 133 Farrelly, Thomas, 60 Meath street . . P 134 Fay, Patrick McCabe, 50 Thomas street . . P 135 Fegan, Francis, 44 Pimlico . . P 136 Fenelon, William, 41 Back lane . . G P .137 Finegan, Thomas, 58 Clanbrassil street, lower V P 138 Finegan, Peter, 45 New street . . G P 139 Fitzsimons, Michael, 20 Nicholas street , . P 140 Flanagan, John, 85 and 86 Coombe . . P 141 Flood, John, 37 Cork street . . P . * Voted as a Freeman. JIKRCHANTS’ QUAY WARD. Ill No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted.' 142 Flood, John, 138 Francis street . . P 143 Forde, Michael, 9 Corn market . . P 144 Fowler, Peter, 149 Francis street . . P 145 Fox, William, 11 Newmarket, Coombe .. P 146 Francis, Arthur, Ashbrook terrace . . P 147 French, Edward, 22^ Brown street 148 Furlong, Philip, 29 Com market . . G P 149 Gavan, John, 74 Thomas street . P 150 Gen-ard, Patrick, 5 High street . . G P 151 Goodwin, George, Circular road . . P 152 Gorman, James, Beechmount, Glasthule . . P 153 Grace, John, 124 Coombe • . P 154 Grace, Thomas, 127 Coombe « . P '155 Graham, John, 95 Meath street 156 Graham, Thomas, 21 Thomas street . • P 157 Grant, John, 11 Malpas street 158 Greaves, Charles, 20 Nicholas street . . P 159 Greenhill, Eobert, 56 High street 160 Grennan, David, 5 Nicholas street 161 Guy, James, 18 Francis street 162 Haig, James, Ardee street - , , 163 Halahan, Thomas M., Stephen’s green, north. . V G 164 Halbert, Nathaniel, 25 Corn market 165 Hamilton, Joseph, 43 Cork street V G 166 Hanley, Patrick, 36 High street 167 Hanlon, Henry, 2 Christchurch place 168 Hannigan, Thomas, 6 Weaver’s square • . V G 169 Hanratty, Michael, Fort Ostman, Crumlin . . P 170 Hardman, Christopher, 24 Corn market . . P 171 Haughey, Patrick, 2 Bridge street, lower . . P 172 Hayes, James, Eahobeth place. Circular road , . P 173 Healy, Peter, 92 Cork street .. G P 174 Flealy, Thomas, 16 Bridge street, upper .. P 175 Henderson, George, 72^ Thomas street V G 176 Hickey, John, 71 Thomas street p 177 Fliggins, Michael, 51 Back lane , . p 178 Hodgens, Edward F., Eathmines ,, p 179 Hoey, James, 74 Marrowbone lane , . p 180 Hogan, Frederick, Clifton house, Monlcstown V G ^ hi 112 ]\IERCHANTS’ QUAY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and AddrcKSs. For whom voted, 181 Hogan, Rev. James, the Library, Armagh 182 Hone, Brindley, jun., Vevay, Ballybrack 183 Hopkins, Benjamin, Love lane . . P 184 Hovenden, Charles, 35 Newmarket, Coombe 185 Hutchinson, Patrick, 24 Pimlico . , P 186 Jephson, Daniel, 26 Corn market 187 Kane, John, sen., 70 Thomas street 188 Kavanagh, Garrett, Pimlico 189 Kavanagh, Michael, 2 Corn market 190 Kavanagh, Patrick, 55 New street , . 191 Kearns, Michael, 7 and 8 Cork street 192 Keegan, Francis, 8 Vicar street 193 Keegan, John, Nicholas street 194 Keely, Bartholomew, Meath street, in rere •• 195 Keevil, Edward, 27 Merchants’ quay 196 Kelly, James, 13 Chamber street 197 Kelly, James, 30 Francis street 198 Kelly, John, 80 Coombe 199 Kelly, Joseph, Francis street 200 Kelly, Lawrence, 79 Cook street 201 Kelly, William, 5 Dean street 202 Kenna, Matthew, 4 Love lane 203 Kennedy, John, 43 New street 204 Kenny, Henry, Love lane 205 Keogh, John, 3 Cook street • • 206 Killingley, Thomas H., 61 Cork street 207 Kirwan, Michael, 64 Marrowbone lane P P P P P P P P P P P P G P P P G P V G P 208 Lalor, John, 8J Bridge street, lower . . P 209 Larkin, Michael, 26 Winetavern street . . P 210 Lenehan, Michael, 21 Braithwaite street . . P 211 Logan, John, 17 and 18 New row, Poddle •• P' 212 Lovell, William, Tenter lane , . V G 213 M^Ardle, Charles, 12 Bridge street, lower .. G P 214 McBride, Samuel, 128 Cork street 215 M‘Cabe, William, 15 Francis street ,, G 216 McCaffrey, Owen, 18 Merchants’ quay .. P 217 McCall, Patrick, 23 Corn Market .. G P MKUCHANTS’ QUAY AVARD. IK^ G G No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom Voted. 218 M^Clean, xVndrew, 31 Winetavern street . . P 219 M‘Clean, George, 21 Merchants’ quay 220 McConnell, Francis, 48 Cork street . . V G 221 M‘Donagh, Paul, 6 New row, Poddle 222 M‘Elveny, William, 25 Plunket street . . V G 223 M‘Evoy, John, 13 Bridge street, lower , . P 224 M‘Guinness, George, 11 High street .. P 225 M‘Kee, Denis, 33 Back lane , . P 226 M‘Keon, Michael, 42 Cork street . . P 227 M‘Loughlin, George, 3 Dolphin’s barn lane 228 M‘Loughlin, John, 1 Dean street 229 McWeeny, Edward, 10 High street 230 Mackey, Edward Yokes, 9 Beresford place 231 Madden, John, rere 51 Meath street 232 Madden, William Thomas, 23 Merchants’ qy 233 Maguire, Hugh, Meath street 234 Maguire, John, 34 Winetavern street 235 Maguire, William, 66 Clanbrassil street, lower 236 Mahalm, William, 62 Thomas street . . G 237 Mahony, James, 112 Coombe 238 Mahony, John, senior, 112 Coombe 239 Mahony, John, junior, 112 Coombe 240 Marlow, James, 10 Merchants’ quay 241 Marshall, George, 50 Newmarket 242 Mather, William, Kilcool house, Athy 243 Mathews, John, Garville avenue, Eathgar . , V G 244 Meadows, William, Braithwaite street 245 Mills, John-Y., Circular road . . Y G 246 Mitchell, Eobert, 10 Parliament street .. Y 247 Molloy, James, 124 Cork street 248 Molloy, Thomas, 32 Mill street 249 Montford, Thomas, 39 High street 250 Mooney, Christopher, 78 Meath street 251 Moore, Andrew Thomas, 23 High street 252 .Moore, John, 69 Cork street 253 Moore, John, 51 Meath street 254 Moore, Peter, 39 Cork street . . G 255 Moore, Thomas, 8 Brown street 256 Moore, Eev. Wilham P., College, Cavan . . Y G 257 Moran, Michael, 7 Ardee street 258 Moran, Thomas, 27 Dolphin’s barn lane , . G 16 H4 merchants’ quay ward. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 259 Moran, William, 28 Merchants’ quay , . P 260 Mulligan, John, 53 Back lane . . P 261 Mulvany, Christopher, Rehoboth . . G P 262 Murphy, Daniel, 123 Coombe , , G P 263 Murphy, Edward, 27 Francis street . . P 264 Murphy, Michael, 77 and 78 Marrowbone lane G P 265 Murtha, Michael, 541 Thomas street . . P 266 Netterville, Richard, Hospital, Cork street . . V G 267 Neville, Robert, 40 New street ' . . P 268 Nevin, Edward, 23 Ardee street . . P 269 Nowlan, James, 133 Francis street . . P 270 O’Brien, Anthony, 29 New row, Poddle . . P 271 O’Brien, John, 21 Mountjoy square, east ,, G P 272 O’Callaghan, Michael, 71 Meath street P 273 O’Gara, Dominick, 67 New street P 274 O’Higgins, Francis, 9 Bridge street, lower . . P 275 O’Keeffe, Edward, 3 Mill street P 276 O’Neill, James, 50 High street .. G P 277 O’Neill, John, Cork street , . G P 278 O’Neill, Michael, 3 Corn market . . P 279 O’Rourke, James, 13 High street .. P 280 O’Rourke, Owen, 1 Upper Bridge street . . P 281 Ovans, Thomas, 14 Merchants’ quay . , G P 282 Pakenham, Thomas, 38 Cork street 283 Parker, Robert, 2 Dolphin’s barn lane 284 Parker, William, 36 Back lane . . ,V G 285 Parkes, John C., 10 Coombe . • V G 286 Pilsworth, Patrick, 78 Thomas street 287 Pirn, Frederick W., Circular road 288 Plunkett, Henry G., 18 Bridge street, upper. . 289 Porter, Joseph, 3 Love lane 290 Proctor, Thomas, 66 Cork street . , G 291 Purcell, Francis J., 59 Thomas street , , 292 Quinn, Edward, 58b Cork street 293 Quinn, Elias, 45 Meath street 294 Rafter, James, 19 Ashe street G P merchants’ quay ward. 115 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 295 Raleigh, George, Cozy lodge, Cork street . . V G '296 Raynor, Thomas, 7 Corn market . • V G 297 Redfern, Thomas, 23 Merchants’ quay . • 298 Rennix, William, 91 Cork street .. P 299 Richards, Edward, 98 Cork street 300 Richardson, John, 28 High street . . P 301 Robertson, John, 125 Cork street . . P 302 Robinson, James, 24 Bridge street, upper . . P 303 Rooke, Henry, Crosthwaite park, Kingstown . . 304 Rooney, John, 17 Merchants’ quay . . P 305 Rooney, Patrick, 84 Meath street . . P 306 Ruddell, William, 147 Francis street . . V G ^ 307 Rutherford, Joseph Clarke, Lynbury, Mullingar V G 308 Ryan, John, 56 Meath street . . P 309 Ryan, Michael, 142 Francis street . . P 310 Ryan, Thomas John, 3 Merchants’ quay . . G P 311 Ryan, William, 113 Cork street .. G P 312 Scarborough, John, 14 Corn market . , G 313 Shalvey, Patrick, 19 Francis street . . P 314 Shannon, Peter, 207 Brunswick street .. G P 315 Sheehan, Peter, 4 Cook street . . P 316 Sheridan, James, 39 New row, south .. P 317 Sheridan, Patrick, 32 Newmarket .. P 318 Sherry, Christopher, 1 High street .. P 319 Sibbald, Thomas, 34 Meath street 320 Simpson, David, 58 Cook street . . P 321 Sinnott, Patrick, 6 Deane street .. P 322 Skelton, John, 2 Cow parlour. Love lane , • P 323 Slator, William, 63 New street . , V G 324 Smyth, Richard, 8 New row, Poddle . . P 325 Spain, Patrick, 25 Merchants’ quay . . P 326 Spence, Robert, 36 Cork street .. 'V G 327 Spencer, Henry, 120 Coombe 328 Stanley, John, Stillorgan . . P 329 Stannus, Very Rev. James, Lisburn, co. Antrim V G 330 Stephenson, John, 52 Meath street . , V G 331 Sullivan, Richard, 91 Clanbrassil street, lower 332 Summers, John, 76 Meath street , , G P 333 Sweetman, Edmond, Francis street . . G P 334 Sweetman, Patrick, Francis street . . G P 116 merchants’ quay ward. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 335 Toole, John, 13 Pimlico 336 Tyrrell, James P., 20 Merchants’ quay 337 Tyrrell, Patrick, 27J Blackpitts 338 Yerschoyle, Rev. Hamilton, Baggot street, up. 339 Yerschoyle, John Jas., Saggart house, Rathcoole Y G 340 Yerschoyle, John, Roper’s rest 341 Yesey, John A., Derrybard, Omagh, co. Tyrone 342 Yesey, Sami., Derrybard house, Fintona, Tyrone Y G 343 Waddick, Thomas, 92 Clanbrassil street, lower G 344 Walkington, Thomas, 6 Ashbrookter., Circular rd. Y G 345 Wall, Samuel, 79 Coombe . . G 346 Walsh, Edward, 20 Cook street 347 Walsh, John, in rere. New street 348 Walsh, William, 17 Yicar street 349 Ward, John, 84 Cook street 350 Ward, Patrick, 24 Cook street 351 Wardle, John, 76 Thomas street . . G 352 Wardle, William, 47 Thomas street . . P 353 Watson, Samuel, 69 Meath street . . P 354 Whelan, John, 44 High street . . P 355 Whelan, Michael, 124 Leinster road . . P 356 White, Thomas J., 30 Richmond street, south P 357 Whitlaw, James, Straffon lodge, near Celbridge Y G 358 Whitshed,Sir St. Yincent,Killincarrig,co. Wicklow 359 Whitsitt, William, 48 Thomas street 360 Wilby, William, 49 High street . . G P 361 Williams, Edward Henry, Brookvilla, Freshford Y G 362 Winstanley, James, 26 Corn market , . G P 363 Woods, James, 12 Nicholas street . . P 364 Woods, Richard, 9 Dolphin’s barn lane . . P 365 Worthington, Robert, Island bridge . , G P 366 Wright, Edward, 17 and 18 Corn market . , G P 367 Wybrants, Robert, Rutland square, west . . Y G 368 Young, John, 6 Francis street , . p USHEE’S QUAY WAED, LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No, Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Adams, Eev. Benjamin, Cloghran glebe. Swords V G 2 Alcorn, John, 15 Basin lane . . G P 3 Alder, Eev. Samuel, Hollywood, co. Down 4 Anderson, Thomas, 81 Thomas street . . V G 5 Andrews, Thomas, 27 Kilmainham 6 Annesley, Christopher, 16 Watling street 7 Armstrong, William Jones, Killilea, co. Armagh V G 8 Atkinson, Charles F., 32 Usher’s quay . . P 9 Atkinson,Edward,sen.,Carrickbrennan, Monkstown 10 Bailey, Henry George, 80 Thomas street . . V G 11 Bambrick, William, 6 Wormwood gate . . P 12 Bannon, William, 32 Bridge street, lower . . G P 13 Barrett, Patrick, 14 Portland street , . P 14 Barry, William, 10 Echlin street ... P 15 Bates, Peter, 82 Thomas street . . G P 16 Bebe, John, 18 Thomas street . , G 17 Beggs, Thomas, 14 Kilmainham , . p 18 Behan, John, sen., 23 Bridge street, lower . . P 19 Behan, John, jun., 23 Bridge street, lower .. P 20 Bermingham, Hugh, 84 Thomas street • . , p 21 Black, William Fleming, 27 Eccles street 22 Blake, Michael, 33 James’s street , , p 23 Booth, Henry, 141 Thomas street V G 118 USJIEil’s QUAY WARD. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 24 Boyce, John, 166 James’s street G P 25 Boyd, Edward, 116 Thomas street 26 Brady, John, 19 Mountpleasant square . . G P 27 Branagan, James, 8 Island street - . . P 28 Brazil, John, 44 Thomas street . . P 29 Brennan, Charles, 89 James’s street . . G P 30 Brien, John, 9 James’s street . • P 31 Brophy, Augustus, 2 Market street . . V G 32 Brophy, William, 20 Thomas street . . P 33 Buckley, John, Blessington, co. Wicklow . . G 34 Butler, Joseph, 52 Cork street . . G P 35 Byrne, Garrett, Usher street , . G P 36 Byrne, James, 39 James’s street . . G P 37 Byrne, Peter, 59 Bridgefoot street . . G P 38 Byrne, Peter, 138 James’s street . . G P 39 Cahill, William, 19 Usher’s Island . . P 40 Caldbeck, William, Moyle park, Clondalkin . . V G 41 Cannon, Edward, 55 Watling street .. G P 42 Carey, Patrick, 30 Bridge street, lower . . P 43 Carroll, James, 20 Bridge street, lower, in rere P 44 Carroll, Thomas, 33 Bow lane . • P 45 Cassan, Edward, 321 James’s street . . V G 46 Cassidy, John, 54 James’s street . . G P 47 Caulfield, George, 67 James’s street . . G P 48 Cavanagh, John, 96 Thomas street , . G P 49 Clarke, Lawrence, 111 Thomas street P 50 Clinch, Joseph M., 137 Thomas street . . P 51 Clooney, John, Swords , . V G 52 Coffey, Matthew, Circular road . . P 53 Coghlan, Thomas, 56 Watling street .. P 54 Cohen, Abraham M., 10 New row, west 55 Connell, Patrick, 36 & 37 Dolphin’s barn lane 56 Cooke, Adolphus, Mount-brown lane 57 Cooke, George, 95 Thomas street . . V G 58 Cordeal, Christopher, 19 James’s street . . P 59 Cottle, John, 23 Usher’s Island . . V G 60 Cotton, Wright, Hartstown, Clonsilla . . P 61 Courtney, Henry, 30 & 31 Bridgefoot street , . 62 Courtney, John K., 38 & 39 Bridgefoot street , . V G 63 Cronin, James, 170 James’s street ,, P ustfer’s quay ward. 119 No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted.’ 64 Cronley, James, 25 Robert street . . P 65 Crookshank, Richard, 8 Merrion street, lower 66 Crosthwaite, Samuel, 20 & 21 Robert street 67 Crosthwaite, Thomas, jun., 20 & 21 Robert st. 68 Crowe, George, 26 Bridge street • • G P 69 Cummins, Richard, 108 James’s street .. G 70 Daly, Denis, 131 Thomas street . . G P 71 D’Arcy, Matthew, Usher street G P 72 D’Arcy, Patrick, 51 James’s street .. P 73 Daunt, Thos. T., 11 Windsor place, Plymouth V G 74 Davis, Richard, 10 Thomas court . . G P 75 Davis, William, 4 Wormwood gate . . V G 7 6 Deegan, John, 4 Canal place, south , . G P 77 Delany, Laurence, Clondalkin . . P 78 Delany, Richard, 11 Meath street P 79 Dempsey, Clement, 10 Canal place, south .. P 80 Dempsey, John, 10 Canal place, south .. P 81 Dempsey, William, 88 James’s street . . G P 82 Derenzy, Annesley, 14 Merrion street, upper. . V 83 Dirham, Joseph A., 20 Usher’s Island . . P 84 Dirham, William, 22 Usher’s Island . . P 85 Dolan, Patrick, 110 Thomas street P 86 Donnelly, James, 28 Marrowbone lane . , P 87 Donohoe, Patrick, 6 Bow bridge . , P 88 Dowd, Richard, 26 Bridge street, lower . . G P '89 Doyle, Rev. James J., 25 Usher’s quay . . P 90 Doyle, John, 5 Bonham street . . P 91 Doyle, Matthew, 177 James’s street .. G P 92 Drought, Rev. T. Acton, Dysart, co. Tipperary V G 93 Droughton, John, 77 James’s street . . G 94 Duckett, Joseph Fade, Duckett’s grove, Carlow V G 95 Duckett, William, Russell’s town park, Carlow V G 96 Duff, Matthew, 25 Marrowbone lane . , P 97 Duffy, James, 3 Steven’s lane 98 Duffy, John, 4 Earl street, south , , 99 Duigan, John, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire . . 100 Dunne, Garrett, 28 Bridgefoot street . . p 101 Dunne, James, 5 Mount-brown , , p 102 Dunne, John, 53 Watling street , , p 103 Dunne, John, 13 Pirn street .. G 120 usher’s quay ward. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 104 Dunne, Luke, 1 Mullinahack . . P 105 Dunne, Michael, 9 Thomas street . . G 106 Dunne, Peter, 24 Dolphin’s barn . . P 107 Dunnill, Thomas, 151 Thomas street •• V G 108 Dwyer, Edward, 150 Thomas street . . P 109 Dwyer, John, 129 Thomas street . . G P 110 Dynan, Patrick, 38 New row, west .. P 111 Early, John, 98 Thomas street .. P 112 Egerton, John, 30 New row, west .. P 113 Elliott, Bernard C., jun., 94 Thomas street G P 114 Ennis, Thomas, 1 and 2 Bel view . . G P 115 Fairbrother, George B., Usher’s Island ,, P 116 Farrell, Hugh, 101 Thomas street ,, P 117 Farrell, James, 7 Echlin street . . P 118 Farrell, John, 157 James’s street 119 Farrell, Loftus, 16 Meath street .. G P 120 Feely, Matthew, 50 Bridgefoot street . . G P 121 Ferrell, John O’ Farrell, Castle Augher, Tyrone V G 122 Field, Francis, 26 Usher’s quay . . , P 123 Field, Nicholas, 26 Usher’s quay . . P 124 Field, Eichard, 26 Usher’s quay . . P 125 Fisher, William, 26 Thomas street . . V G 126 Fitzpatrick, James, 151 James’s street . . P 127 Fitzpatrick, Joseph, 14 Meath street . . P 128 Fitzsimons, James, 15 & 16 Bridgefoot street 129 Flanagan, William, 41 Usher’s quay . . P 130 Flynn, James, 50 Watling street, . . P 131 Foley, William, 28 Kilmainham . . P 132 Fox, Edward, 3 Usher’s quay . . P 133 Fox, John, 27 James’s street . . G 134 Franklin, Matthew, 10 Conyngham road . . V G 135 Galavan, Patrick, 24 Bridge street, lower . . P 136 Ganly, James, senior, Usher’s quay . . G P 137 Ganly, James, junior, 18, 19, & 20 Usher’s qy. 138 Garratt, Joseph, 106 Thomas street .. P 139 Geale, William, Thomas street ,, P 140 Geraty, William, 6 and 7 Usher’s quay ^ . P 141 Gibney, John, 2 Stephen’s lane USHEK S QUAY WARD. 121 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 142 Glennon, Richard, 55 Kilmainham . . G 143 Gorman, James, 25 Portland street • • G P 144 Goriy, John, Canal place . • G 145 Greene, Rich. Moleswortli, Club house, Kildare st. 146 Green, Simon, 13 Usher’s quay •• P 147 Groves, Richard, 58 Watling street , . P 148 Guerin, John Smith, 158 Thomas street , . G P 149 Guy, Lawrence, 154 James’s street . . G P 150 Hales, John, 6 New row, west 151 Hall, Edward, 31 Thomas street 152 Halliday, Andrew, 15 Meeting house yard . • 153 Hallion, Thomas, 13 Bell view 154 Halpin, James, 24 Usher’s quay 155 Halpin, Joseph, 24 Usher’s quay 156 Hamilton, Andrew, 37 Thomas court 157 Hamilton, John, Sandy cove house 158 Harbourne, Thomas, 23 Marrowbone lane 159 Harrison, Joseph, 47 James’s street 160 Haslam, James, 66 James’s street 161 Hartford, Patrick, 57 Bridgefoot street 162 Headon, Patrick, 1 6 Basin lane ,, 163 Healy, Bernard, 169 James’s street •• 164 Healy, Edward, 2 Bow bridge 165 Healy, John, 60 James’s street , , 166 Healy, Patrick, 1 Bow bridge 167 Healy, Samuel, Canal harbour ,, 168 Heather, John, 22 Bridge street, lower 169 Hennessy, Andrew, 2 Parkview • • 170 Hennigan, Patrick, 33 Kilmainham 171 Henry, Rev. Robt., Jonesboro’ glebe, co. Armagh 172 Hepburn, David, 11 & 12 Portland street ,, 173 Hill, Wilham, 30 Boot lane 174 Hoey, Thomas, 25 New row, west 175 Holland, Augustine, 13 Corn market 176 Homan, Frederick, 66 Kilmainham 177 Huband, George, 39 Mount street, upper 178 Hunt, Richard, 45 Thomas street P G P V G G P - P P V G V G V G G P G P P P P G P G P P V G P G V G G P P G P P V G V G P 179 Ingham, Charles D., 37 Usher’s quay • • 17 P 122 USHER S QUAY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 180 Jackson, James, 27 Usher’s quay . . G 181 Jameson, James, Marrowbone lane . . V G 182 Jameson, William, Marrowbone lane . , V G 183 Jeffers, William, 99 James’s street . . V G 184 Jenkins, Eichard, 7 Basin lane .. G 185 Jones, Arnold, 5 Cooke’s lane, Watling street G P 186 Jones, John F., Dunany, Dunleer, co. Louth V G 187 Judd, Thomas, 50 Watling street , . G P 188 Kavanagh, Hugh, 128 James’s street 189 Kearney, Bernard, 147 James’s street •• 190 Keary, James, 37 Marrowbone lane 191 Keating, James, 43 Thomas street 192 Keenan, James, 78 James’s street 193 Kehoe, Andrew, James’s street 194 Kelly, James, 134 Thomas street 195 Kelly, John, 9 Canal place, south 196 Kelly, Michael, 1 Market street , . 197 Kelly, Owen, 126 Thomas street 198 Kenna, James, 29 Bow lane 199 Kennedy, Edward, 6 Mount-brown 200 Kenny, James, James’s street 201 Kenny, John, 4 High road to Kilmainham , . 202 Kerr, William, 115 Thomas street 203 Kiernan, Edward, 60 Watling street 204 Kiernan, James, 17 Bridge street, lower . , 205 Kiernan, Michael, 11 Usher street 206 Kilmurry, Timothy, 3 Cutpurse row 207 King, George, 1 Cheltenham place, Portobello 208 King, John, 14 Bonham street 209 King, John, 14 Bonham street 210 Kingston, Eev. Thos., Trafalgar ter., Monkstown 211 Kinsella, John, 51 and 52 Dolphin’s barn lane G G G G G G V G V G V G 212 Landy, Patrick, 92 James’s street . . G 213 Ledwidge, Michael, 70 James’s street 214 Leech, Thomas, 154 Thomas street 215 Lewis, Arthur Gamble, 43 Fitzwilliam sq., west V G 216 Lynch, Patrick, 143 Thomas street .. G 217 M‘Cann, Nicholas, 43 Watling street G P USHERS QUAY WARD. 123 No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. ■ 218 M‘Cartliy, Patrick, 10 Bridge street, upper . . P 219 McCarthy, William, 11 Bridge street, upper . . P 220 McCormack, George Mark, 5 Usher’s Island.. G P 221 MUormack, John, 96 James’s street 222 MUready, Edward, 115 James’s street . . P 223 McDonald, Andrew, 1 & 2 Island street . « P 224 McDonnell, Edward, 22 New row, west 225 McDonnell, John, 40 Watling street . . G P 226 M‘Garry, John Joseph, 1 Dolphin’s barn . . P 227 M^Garry, Patrick, 51 Watling street • . G P 228 M^Grane, Myles, 24 Bridgefoot street . . P ^ 229 McMahon, John, 13 Marrowbone lane . • P 230 M‘Manus, James, Marrowbone lane . . G P 231 M‘Nulty, John, 163 Thomas street . . G 232 M‘Nulty, Michael, 22-^ James’s street 233 M‘Sweeny, William, 8 Bow bridge . . V G 234 ^Madden, Wilham, sen., 75 James’s street . . 235 ^Madden, William, jun., 75 James’s street . . 236 Magee, John, 2 Mullinahack . . P 237 Magrath, George Eobert, Kilmore, Killiney . . G 238 Mahon, James, 20 Bonham street . . P 239 Mahon, James, 29 James’s street • . P 240 Malone, Andrew, 133 Thomas street . . G P 241 Manders, Alfred, James’s street , . V G 242 Manders, Isaac, Castlesize, Naas, co. Kildare V G 243 Manders, Eichard, James’s street « • V G 244 Manning, John, 56 Kilmainham . . P 245 Maquay, John Leland, Ashfield, Ballybrittas. . V G 246 Marshall, Alexander, 19 Irwin street . . V G 247 Martin, Nicholas, 9 Watling street . . P 248 Mason, William, 46J Kilmainham . . V G 249 Masterson, Henry, 40 Usher’s quay . . P 250 Mayne, James Arthur, North Strand , , V G 251 Meagher, John, 17 Thomas street . . G P 252 Meldon, Eichard, 106 James’s street . . G P 253 Mercer, Thomas, 115 Thomas street P 254 Millar, Adam, 11 Thomas street 255 Millar, Eobert, Canal place, south . . P 256 Mills, Eichard, 27 Leeson street upper 257 Molloy, Daniel, 8 Usher’s Island . , P * Voted as Freemen. 124 • usher’s quay ward. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 258 Molloy, James, 10 Wormwood gate - . P 259 Mooney, James, Island street . . P 260 Mooney, Michael, 49 Watling street •• P 261 Moore, Francis, 58 James’s street .. G P 262 Moore, Henry, Barn, Clonmel . . V G 263 Moore, Peter, 161 James’s street . . P 264 Moran, Michael B., 20 Belgrave rd,, Rathmines V G 265 Morton, Rev. James, Kildorevy, co. Cork 266 Morrin, Mark, 40 & 41 Dolphin’s barn lane . . 267 Mowles, John, 34 South Earl street 268 Mowles, Thomas, 138 Thomas street . . G P * 269 Moylan, Denis, 9 & 10 John street, west . . G P 270 Mulligan, William, 12 Watling street 271 Murphy, Francis, 9 Usher’s quay .. P 272 Murphy, Francis, 38 Bow lane 273 Murphy, James, 43 Bridgefoot street .. P 274 Murphy, John, 14 Thomas street .. G P 275 Murphy, Patrick, Bow lane, in rere .. P 27 6 Murphy, Thomas, 3 Usher’s Island . . P 277 Murphy, Thomas, 12 Pirn street . . P 278 Murphy, William, 116 James’s street .. G P 279 Murray, Charles, 21 New row, west . . P 280 Murray, Patrick, 39 Thomas street . . P 281 Neill, John, 11 and 12 Usher’s quay . . G P 282 Neill, Thomas, 11 and 12 Usher’s quay . . G P 283 Nelson, Michael, 62 Bridgefoot street . . G 284 Nolan, John, 24 Bridge street, lower 285 Nolan, Michael, 145 James’s street . . G 286 Nugent, John F., 35 New row, west 287 O’Brien, James, 33 Bridge street, lower •• G P 288 O’Brien, John, 16 Bridge street, lower 289 O’Callaghan, Richard W., 25 Usher’s Island P 290 O’Connor, Rev. Daniel, 15 Johnst., west .. P 291 O’Connor, John, 33 New row, west . . P 292 O’Keeff, John, 5 Market street ,, P 293 O’Keeffe, John, 13 Watling street , , P 294 O’Keeffe, Michael, 13 Watling street . . P 295 O’Kelly, Matthias J., Rochestown, Cabintcely. . p 296 O’Leary, Arthur, 31 New row, west . . P HU T) usher’s quay ward. 125 No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 297 O’Neill, John, jun., 35 Dolphin’s barn lane . . G P 298 O’Neill, Thomas, 112 Tliomas street .. P 299 O’Neill, William, 5 Lamb’s court, James’s st. G 300 O’Reilly, James, Wormwood gate . . G P 301 O’Reilly, James, Temple hill, Booterstown , . 302 O’Rourke, Hugh, New row • . P 303 O’Rourke, John, 8 John street, west • . P 304 Osborne, Michael, 38 Kilmainham . . P 305 Owens, John, 150 James’s street . . G P 306 Palles, Andrew Christopher, 12 Belvidere place P 307 Parker, Matthew G., 18, 19 & 20 Usher’s quay G P 308 Parker, Richard, 86 Thomas street . . G P 309 Pattison, Henry, 38 Thomas street 310 Pentland, Robert, 68 James’s street , . P 311 Perry, William, Canal bank 312 Pigott, Joseph, 10 and 11 Watling street . . P 313 Plunkett, James, 98 James’s street , . P 314 Plunkett, John, 15 Portland street .• G P 315 Powell, William R., Peafield ter., Merrion av. 316 Power, Sir James, 20 Harcourt street 317 Proctor, William, 30 Kilmainham . , P 318 Purser, John T., 82 James’s street . . V G 319 Quigley, Matthew, 2 Dolphin’s bam 320 Quinn, Edward, 1 Newport street 321 Quin, John, 165 James’s street 322 Radcliffe, James, Prospect house. Circular road P 323 Raleigh, William, Cozey lodge, Cork street . . V G 324 Read, John, Canal harbour , , V G 325 Reddy, John, 19 and 20 Meath street . . P 326 Reid, John H., Homestown ho., Glenageary 327 Reilly, Christopher, 4^ Mountbrown , . P 328 Reilly, Peter, 35 Thomas street . , P 329 Reilly, John, 174 James’s street .. G P 330 Reilly, Richard, 159 Thomas street . . G P 331 Reynolds, John, 6 Bridgefoot street ,, P 332 Richards, James, 1 Bond street .. G P 333 Rigney, John, 3 Bridge street, upper , , P , 334 Robertson, John, Cork street •-d ^ rt) 126 usher’s quay ward. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 335 Robertson, John J., 43, 44, 45 Marrowbone lane 336 Roe, George, jun., 157 Thomas street . . V G 337 Roe, Henry, jun., 157 Thomas street . . V G 338 Rogers, George, Crompton ho.. Canal bank . . V G 339 Rourke, John, 30 James’s street p 340 Roy, Robert, 113 Thomas street 341 Russell, John, 168 James’s street, west . . G P 342 Salt, Edwin, 80 Thomas street , . V G 343 Savage, Patrick, Mount Brown , , G P 344 Scott, Rev. J. Handcock, Parsonstown , * V G 345 Semple, Robert, 19 Mount brown 346 Sergeant, John, 87 Thomas street 347 Shannon, Cornelius, 9 Dame street 348 Sheppard, Henry, 3 Usher’s quay 349 Sheridan, Henry, Bridgefoot street 350 Sherlock, John, travelling abroad 351 Sherry, Michael, 36 Usher’s quay . . G P 352 Simpson, John, Kilmainham . . V G 353 Sinnott, Nicholas, 90 James’s street . . G P 354 Skerrett, Patrick, 25 Thomas street . . G P 355 Smart, Joseph P., 23 Kilmainham , , V G 356 Smith, William J., 23 Usher’s quay . . P 357 Smyth, Robert, Circular road . . V G 358 Smyth, William, Blainroe, Wicklow , . V G 359 Spelman, George J., 33 Usher’s quay 360 Stewart, James, 38 Usher’s quay . . p 361 Stopford, John, 12 Usher’s quay 362 Storey, Thomas, 2 Thomas court bawn . . G 363 Stuart, William James, 5 St. Andrew street V G 364 Styles, Edward, 60 Bridgefoot street . . G P 365 Symmons, Henry, 12 Usher’s Island . . V G 366 Tallon, James, 148 Thomas street 367 Tallon, Stephen J., 16 Usher’s quay 368 Templer, William, 10 Robert street .. G P 369 Tench, Charles, 43 & 44 Dolphin’s barn lane. . P 370 Thornton, John, 25 Meath street . . G P 371 Thorpe, Walter, Gainsboro’, Lincolnshire .. • 372 Tighe, James Field, Conbridge, South Wales 373 Tinkler, Joseph, 42 Bridgefoot street ..V P Ph Ph USIIEll’s QUAY WARD. 127 No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 374 Toole, Dominick, G Thomas court . . P 375 Toomey, Denis, 2 Mount brown . . P 376 Trench, Rev. Frederick S., Kilmorony, Athy 377 Tudor, Richard, 12 Fitzwilliam st., lower • • 378 Tyndall, Robert, Oaklands, Newross .. V G 379 Vance, Rev. Robert, 24 Blackball street , . V G 380 Verschoyle, Benjamin, 61 Watling street . . P 381 Verschoyle, Richard John, Kilglass, Ballina . . V G 382 Wakefield, Thomas C., Guilford, co. Down . . G P 383 Wallace, Rev. Thos., Bellfield, Donnybrook . . V 384 Waller, Arthur, 5 Belview 385 Walsh, Nicholas, 42 Usher’s quay . . P 386 Walsh, Patrick, 20 Kilmainham . . G 387 Walsh, Thomas, 7 Wormwood gate . . P 388 Ward, Hugh, 74 James’s street ’ . . G P 389 Warham, John, 180 James’s street • • G P 390 Warham, Thomas, 9 & 10 Portland street , . G P 391 Warren, Christopher, 21 Bonham street G P 392 Warren, Gerald P., 88 Thomas street , . P 393 Webb, James H., 10 and 11 Corn market .. P 394 Weld, Joseph, Kenilworth cottage, Rathmines V G 395 Westlake, Charles Peter, 2 Tivoli ter., Kingstown 396 Whelan, James, 13 Thomas street . . P 397 White, James, Victoria lodge, Rathgar 398 White, Joshua, 106 Thomas street , . P 399 Wilson, Thomas, 26 Bridge street, lower . • V G 400 Wood, Christopher A., 22 & 23 Thomas street 401 Wood, James Patrick, 22 & 23 Thomas street G 402 Woodroofe, James, 18 Island bridge . , V G 403 Woolahan, James, 19 Usher street G P 404 Wright, George T., 15 Usher’s quay . . V G 405 Wyles, Edward, 28 James’s street . . P 406 Wylie, John W., 1 Park view, James’s street, . V G • = •;% t, '7 ^ '■ . ' ; V* vV V i!- ■-;-■! .: ■... 5 ■- ■'> V’ U-^. ‘•♦M H- is, : i'l,,.- -7* f‘'\i\ ’ D V“ :i uvL ^ ■4,- 1 ‘ . ■^,.,;V'v/7 i..,; V 7 ; ■) . 4, hv/.^vr ,f7 '!' i ,7} fJf:t';-*-’li 1’ J Y . * • ei^i : t 4 ' '* V t 4 v'- r • y7 - - • • . Yrnnh’ J 4 • -ifteV/ -1 c H n; ^ -t ■ , ' ■ t^«;p 7 ’-if7T ’ \JAiAi »!wH 1) ~ 3 iihfi - , ':'' 'Y ' V / Y'-yUT Vf V^b V.) . 4 J o': ‘ Y'Yb 7-. •* J -‘Yi . '.r ' , < ! 3 . = 4 , Y>.,, . ,:=f>t\i: s », . .. : ’■' , Y ; 7/' ^■Y : ^ ' fi ’ 4 uJn:jhi->- * V y':y 3 3 -*; Y!'-;* .,' . ■ • s / / •^;ii ■f , 4' , . rr Ink Y 1 , . H ■ lit Wit,' Y- .YY'iV/ 7'ib 7» V V’>'‘ ■Yi': I*' ,;>Vini.i.‘Y ilwfAYjf; . " = J.Y - V/ ■|7fJ mi: -'(• «fu .'» ; i MvVi 1 7’j ’M«' |i!’/ .-■- 7 / Y- f -'7. ' 34 . 7'^’rl4 i;;va»uii'P ?jX' fj5'»0ti7? /' iyMtV . 07^ > 3 .^•7‘'7 ^-'’- / •: ’/ , 3 ir’l •’bb n 7 .. jv': vi||i' , ,w -'.7/ ■;' '■: ^Yl - . :t47»4^7)'jfr <‘U Y. •■;' ' .7\ ■i ),f Y >:rf .tf'y ,r V > ■ 7 1 <^i. 1 > <■ i.j V '<■ , .." ,y; . '^f U' If •V“': li. ' 7 , , . ,(.ni. 7/' '■ K' fr V' V 4 ■ •^■"•'y >t T 7 ; ■ 7 ' 1 .. ' ’ *. '>:'} Yf A i, 3 ;■ i ; ■ ^A'.UUi^/ .! . ■ '■ ' Y^' 'Y’>k D 7 • , A /nk , v/^7 / 'lui ? A ,,/// /A/Wj/. ,7;^ Vv AEEAN QUAY WAED. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. . No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom 1 Addie, John, 11 Besborough ter., Circular road 2 Aldritt, Samuel, 18 Aughrim street . . V 3 Allen, Richard P., 10 Besborough ter., Circular rd. V 4 Allen, Thomas, 9 Conyngham road 5 Anderson, John, Danespark, Clontarf, co. Dublin V 6 Anderson, William, in rere, Blacldiall place , . 7 Angel, John, Blackwater, Kent • . 8 Angus, John, Carlisle terrace. Circular road . . 9 Annetti, Robert, 30 Brunswick street, north . . 10 Armstrong, John, 108 Phibsborough road . , V 11 Armstrong, Robert, 74a Phibsborough road .. V 12 Atkinson, Samuel A., 69 Nixon’s buildings .. 13 Atkinson, Michael, 56 Barrack street 14 Atkinson, William, 19 Montpelier hill .. Y 15 Aungier, Mark, 15, 16, & 17 Church street, new voted. G G G P G P 16 Bailey, Thomas, 82 King street, north 17 Ballantine, Archbold, 9 Phibsborough 18 Barden, Paul, 116 Aughrim street 19 Barden, Thomas, 5 and 6 Phoenix street 20 Barnard, Soloman, 51 Grafton street , , V G 21 Barrett, Thomas, 13 Manor place , . ^ 22 Barry, William, 6 Blackball pafade 23 Baskerville, James, 2 Blackball place .. V G 18 130 ARRAN QUAY WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address, For whom voted. 24 Bates, Patrick, 87 Manor street . . P 25 Batson, John, 122 Church street 26 Baxter, Bartholomew, 170 Church street . . P 27 Bayley, Kev. Henry Eobert, Croom, Limerick.. V G 28 Beere, George, 5 Eblana ter.. Circular rd., nth. V G 29 Bell, Thomas H., 3 Kincade ter., Aughrimst... V G 30 Bermingham, Bartholomew, 106 Church st., old P 31 Bermingham, Felix, 42 Phibsborough road . . P 32 Bennett, Thos., 9 Gannon’s buildgs.,Phibsboro’rd. V G 33 Berry, John, 8 Arran quay . . P 34 Berry, Joseph, 8 Arran quay . . P 35 Beveridge, James, 21 Serpentine av., Sandymount V G 36 Blackburne, Peter, 14 Hay market . . G P 37 Blance, Eichard, 15 Manor street 38 Boland, Patrick, 2 Conyngham road 39 Bolger, Edward, 6 Brunswick street, north . . P 40 Bourke, J ohn, 84 Prussia street . . P 41 Bourke, John, 34 King street, north . . P 42 Boyce, William, 10 Parkgate street 43 Boyle, Michael, 12, 13, and 14 Phoenix street., P’ 44 Boyd, Eobert, 45 Queen street . , P 45 Bradley, Thomas, 102 Phibsborough road . . G P 46 Brady, John, 18 Stoneybatter . . G P 47 Branagan, George, senior, 41 Parkgate street. . G 48 Branagan, Thomas, 16 Queen street . . P 49 Brangan, Michael, Ballindrum, Athy, co. Kildare P 50 Brenan, Michael, 2 Victoria ter.. Canal bank, west P 51 Brennan, Christopher, 27 Arran quay . . P 52 Brennan, Peter, 75 and 76 Queen street . . P 53 Brinkley, Walter S.,Knockmaroon ho.,Castleknock 54 Brophy, John, 88 Phibsborough road . . P 65 Brown, Archibald, 78 Manor street 56 Brown, James L., 5 Besboro’ ter.. Circular road P 57 Brown, John, 47 Church street, old . . P 58 Brown, John Foster, 18 Phibsborough road . . V 59 Brunton, Denis, 107 King street, north , , P 60 Bull, John, 25 Arran quay , . V G 61 Bulkelly, Eoller, 18 Montpelier hill .. V G 62 Bunning, James, 42 Manor street , . P 63 Burke, Edward, 13 and 14 Smithfield , . P 64 Burke, Valentine, 13 and 14 Smithfield ARRAN QUAY WARD. 131 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. . 65 Bury, Charles, 41 Queen street • . P 66 Bury, Lewis, 41 Queen street 67 Bury, William, 41 Queen street 68 Butler, James J., 22 Ellis’s quay . . P 69 Butler, Nicholas, 58 King street, north . . P 70 Butler, Thomas, 29 Blackball street .. P 71 Byrne, Francis, 153 Church street . - P 72 Caffrey, John, 26 Ellis’s quay . . P 73 CaiFrey, William, 120 King street, north . . G 74 Cahill, John, 31 Aughrim street . . P 75 Campbell, John, 78 King street, north .. P 76 Campbell, Patrick, 59 Church street, old .. P 77 Campbell, Kobert, 23 Aughrim street 78 Carolan, James, 31 Smithfield .. P 79 Carton, Patrick, 54 Manor street . . G P 80 Casey, John, 20 Prussia street . , P 81 Cassidy, John, Loughlinstown 82 Cassidy, Michael, 5 Anna villa. Circular road . . P 83 Cassidy, Thomas, 72 Brunswick street, north. . P 84 Cavanagh, Patrick, 137 Aughrim street . . P 85 Chamberlain, Matthew Henry, 36 Arran quay G P 86 Checkett, George, 84 Queen street ' . , V 87 Church, John C., 16 Montpelier hill 88 Clancy, Daniel, 7 Tighe street . . P 89 Clarke, Bernard, 122 King street, north . . P 90 Clarke, James, 3 Foster ter.. Canal bank, west 91 Clarke, John, 3 Stanhope street P 92 Clarke, Michael, 141 Church street . . P 93 Clarke, William, 164 King street, north . . V 94 Clinchy, Philip, 39 Church street , . G P 95 Cluskey, Christopher, 38 King street, north . . P 96 Coates, Matthew William, 52 Smithfield . , 97 Cobb, Thomas M., 14 Prussia street , . V G 98 Coffey, Eichard, 32 Smithfield 99 Cogan, John, 82 Queen street , , P 100 Cogan, Patrick, 9 Eoyal Canal terrace 101 Coleman, Peter, 87 Church street ’ . . P 102 Colgan, James, 118 Aughrim street P 103 Collier, William H., 22 Queen street . . G P 104 Comerford, James, 75 King street, north * • P 132 ARRAN QUAY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 105 Connolly, Michael, 28 Brunswick street, north P 106 Connor, John, 4 Stanhope street . . P 107 Conroy, George, 34 Prussia street . , Y G 108 Conroy, Thomas, 46 King street, north . . P 109 Conway, Thomas, 18 Hendriek street ' , , P 110 Cooke, John Thomas, 6 Pembroke quay , . V G 111 Cox, James, 49 Church street 112 Cuffe, Lawrence, 5 Smithfield 113 Cullen, John, 26 Cumberland st., upper, north G P 114 Cunningham, Philip, 23 Phoenix street .. P 115 Curran, William, 25 Prussia street 116 Cusker, Eichard, 1 Lincoln lane .. P 117 Daly, Thomas, 9 Tighe street . . P 118 Parley, Edward, 39 Parkgate street . . V G 119 Davin, John, 13 Prussia street , . . P 120 Davis, John, 39 Prussia street . , P 121 Davis, Jones H., 31 Montpelier hill , . V G 122 Delahunt, George, 55 King street, north . . P 123 Delahunt, James, 20 Aughrim street . . P 124 Delany, Patrick, 84 King street, north . . P 125 Delany, Patrick F., 6 Stewart ter., Aughrim st. P 126 Dempsey, Patrick, 38 Barrack street . . P 127 Dempsey, William, 26 Prussia street . . Y G 128 De Yesci, Et. Hon. Lord Thomas, Abbeyleix, 129 Devine, Thomas, 89 King street, north . . P 130 Dick, David, 55 Manor street . . Y G 131 Ditcher, James C., Manor street . . P 132 Dodd, James, 53 Prussia street . . P 133 Donaghy, Atkinson, 3 Portlaw ter.. Manor st. Y G 134 Donellan,Matthew,Fountainpl.,Brunswickst.,N. P 135 Donigan, Hugh, 3 Stoneybatter . . P 136 Donnelly, John, 4 Queen street . . P 137 Donohoe, Michael, 14 Queen street . . G P 138 Dowdell, David, 27 Tighe street . • • P 139 Dowley, William, 58 Barrack street . . P 140 Doyle, Eugene,4 Catherine ville. Canal bank, west P 141 Doyle, James, 98 Phibsborough road . , P 142 Doyle, James, 5 Yictoria ter.. Canal bank, west 143 Doyle, Thomas, 169 Church street , . P 144 Du Boeijix, William, 36 Montpelier hill , . 1' ARRAN QUAY WARD. 138 No. Eog. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted.* 145 Duggan, Michael, 35 Prussia street . . P 146 Duignan, Edward, 1 & 2 Pliibsborough ay. . . P 148 Duncan, John, 37 Manor street . , V G 149 Dunlap, John, Circular road . . P 150 Dunne, James, 172 Church street . . P 151 Dunne, Michael, 34 Constitution hill 152 Dunne, Patrick, 39 Arran quay , . G P 153 Dunne, Thomas, 88 Manor street . . P 154 Durdin, Alexander, 19 Westland row . . V 155 Egan, Francis, 5 Victoria ter.. Canal bank, w. P 156 Egan, Patrick, 80 King street, north . , P 157 Egan, Thomas, 11 Phibsborough avenue . . V G 158 English, Thomas, 26 Tighelltreet P 159 Ennis, James, Canal bank, west . . P 160 Fairbrother, Abraham, 174 Church street P 161 Fallon, Thomas, 24 Aughrim street . , P 162 Fannin, John, 158 King street, north . . P 163 Fanning, James, 19 Phibsborough road 164 Farrell, John, 7 Longford ter., Canal bank, w. P 165 'Farrell, Thomas, 10 Phibsborough .. P 166 Farrelly, James, 2 Anna villa. Circular road . . P 167 Farrelly, Philip, 48 and 49 Phibsborough rd. , P 168 Farrington, Denis, 37 Barrack street ,, G P 169 Faucet, George, 17 Manor street , . V G 170 Fay, James, 10 Queen street . . P 171 Fegan, James, 5 Tighe street .. P 172 Ferguson, Henry, 136 Aughrim street , . V G 173 Finegan, John, 138 Aughrim street . , P 174 Finegan, Peter, 18 Great Britain street . . G P 175 Fisher, Robert R. Rathdowney, Queen’s Co. V G 176 Fitzherbert, William, 11 Montpelier hill . . P 177 Fitzpatrick, Patrick, 2 Catherine vil.. Canal bk. P 178 Fitzsimon, James, Delgany, County Wicklow P 179 Fitzsimon, Patrick, 38 Manor street . . P 180 Fitzsimon, Patrick, 93 King street, north , . P 181 Fleming, Daniel, 54 Queen street , . P 182 Fletcher, William, 12 Hendrick street .. V G 183 Flood, Henry, 26 Rutland square, north . , G P 184 Flood, James, 1 Haymarket . . G P 134 ARRAN QUAY WATID. No. Repf. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 185 Flynn, Patrick, 16 Ellis’s quay . . P 186 Forbes, William, Circular road 187 Fox, James, 64 Phibsborough road . . P 188 Fox, James, 28 Parkgate street . . G P 189 Fox, Patrick, 22 Constitution bill . . P 190 Fox, Patrick, 126 Church street .. P 191 Fox, Kobert, 64 Grangegorman lane • . P 192 Franklin,Fredli., 12 Besborough ter.,Circular rd. V G 193 Freeman, David, 71 Queen street . . G P 194 Gallagher, Joseph, 85 Prussia street 195 Garland, Edward, 11 Royal Canal terrace .. P 196 Garty, William, 21 Prussia street .. V G 197 Gavacan, Michael, 13 BUrack street . . G P 198 Geraghty, James, 68 Church street .. P 199 Geraghty, Lawrence, 90 King street, north . . P 200 Gibbons, Denis, 3 Manor street 201 Gibney, John, 48 Barrack street . . G P 202 Gibney, William, 90 Manor street , . G P 203 Gifford, Rev. William, Newross, co. Wexford 204 Gilbert, Thomas S., 10 Monck pi., Phibsboro’ rd V 205 Gilligan, James, 17 Queen street 206 Gilson, Owen, 5 Ellis’s quay , . P 207 Glass, Nathan, Conyngham road . . V G 208 Glennon, Thomas, 11 Annaville, Circular road P 209 Glynn, Michael H., 24 Ellis’s quay . . P 210 Graham, William, 33 Smithfield . . G P 211 Graydon, Alexander, Newcastle ho., Newcastle V G 212 Greer, John, 32 Parkgate street . . V G 213 Grehan, Thomas, 25 Brunswick street, north., P 214 Grennan, James, 15 Grangegorman lane . . P 215 Guidera, Daniel, 32 Barrack street . . G P 216 Guidera, Patrick, 1 Tighe street .. G P 217 Gunning, Arthur, 12 Monck pi., Phibsborough P 218 Gunning, James, 19 Queen street . . P 219 Hackett, John, 24 Phipsborough road .. P 220 Hall, Henry, 99 Phibsborough road 221 Hall, William, 1 Arran quay , , P 222 Halliday, Charles, 13 Arran street, west . . G P 223 Hamilton, Rev. Joseph R., Killeen glebe . . G P ARRAN QUAY WARD. 135 No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. . 224 Hanbury, Hugh, 15 Smithfield . . V G 225 Hanley, John, 24 Blackhall street . . V G 226 Hargrave, Francis, 3 Prussia street . . P 227 Harte, Henry C., 34 Manor street , . V G 228 Harte, Thomas, 16 Stoneybatter .. P 229 Hartley, Richard W., 3 Beech park, Clonsilla 230 Harty, Lewis, jun., 28 Manor street . . G P 231 Hawkins, James, 68 Capel street .. V G 232 Hayden, Francis, 4 Pembroke quay . . G P 233 Hayden, Henry, 7 Mountpelier hill . . P 234 Hayden, John, Phibsborough road ' , . P 235 Healy, Robert, 120 and 121 Church st., upper P 236 Heather, George, 16 Arran quay . . P 237 Heney, Peter, 21 Smithfielc^ , . P 238 Hennessy, Thomas, 7 Brown street , , P 239 Henry, Joseph, 28 Queen street 240 Herd, Abraham, 101 Phibsborough road •• G P 241 Heron, Samuel, 70 Phibsborough road .. V 242 Hetherington, George, Strand street, Athlone V G 243 Hickey, Robert, 15 Smithfield , , G P 244 Higgins, John, 25 Barrack street . . G P 245 Higgins, Patrick, 81 King street, north 246 Hill, John, 28 Grangegorman, upper , . V G 247 Hill, Patrick, 4 Hendrick street . , P 248 Hodges, William, 4 Carleton hill, London 249 Hoey, Peter, 2 Stoneybatter , . P 250 Holdright, Edward, 69 Edng street, north . . G P 251 Holloway, George, Montpelier hill 252 Holloway, Joseph, 41 Arran quay , . P 253 Holmes, James G., 7 Summer hill parade V G 254 Howard, John L., Circular road 255 Howard, Joseph, 7 Arran street , , G P 256 Hussey, Jas., 1 Basin view. Canal bank, w. . . 257 Hutchinson, David W., 86 Manor street . . V G 258 Ireland, James, 12 and 13 Ellis’s quay , . V G 259 Ireland, John, Ellis’s quay , , V G 260 Jaffray, Richard, Gresham Club, London , . 261 Jameson, Andrew, 10 to 12 Smithfield * , 262 Jameson, James, 10 to 12 Smithfield ,, G 136 Arran quay ward. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address, For whom voted, 263 Jameson, John, 10 to 12 Smithfield . . G P 264 Jenney, 'William Richatd, 38 Parkgate street 265 Johnston, William, 22 Blackball street . . V G 266 Kane, John, 9 Stoneybatter . . P 267 Kane, Robert, 11a Red cow lane .. P 268 Kappock, Michael, 2 to 4 Haymarket . . P 269 Kavanagh, Bernard, 98 Brunswick st., north, . G P 270 Kearney, Patrick, 25-6 Coleraine street .. P 271 Kearney, Richard, 60 & 69 Grangegorman lane P 272 Keegan, Christopher, 23 Barrack street .. G P 273 Keely, Peter, 150 Church street P 274 Kellett, William H., Great Clonard, co. Wexford 275 Kelly, Gerald, 79 King ih-eet, north P 276 Kelly, Henry W., 13 Blackball street 277 Kelly, Hubert, 29 Ellis’s quay . . V G 278 Kelly, John, 55 Church street 279 Kelly, John Joseph, 38 Tighe street 280 Kelly, Joseph, 37 Tighe street . . P 281 Kennedy, Charles G. B.,Donahenry, Dungannon 282 Kenny, Robert, 68 Phibsborough road 283 Keogh, Thomas, 79 Queen street . . G P 284 Kiernan, James, 50 Brunswick street, north . . 285 Kiernan, "Thomas, 1 Barrack street •• P 286 Kirk, Robert, Broadstone • . V G 287 Knowles, Peter, 10 Arran quay • • P j 288 Tandy, John, 13 Royal Canal ter., Broadstone 289 Lane, James, 6-8 Parkgate street 290 Law, Samuel, 1 Phibsborough road 291 Lawler, Denis, 16 Hammond lane 292 L^ler, Patrick, 27 Ellis’s quay 293 Lawless, James, 63 Queen street 294 Leddy, James, 47 Beresford street 295 Ledwich, Edward, Kilglass, co. Kildare 296 Ledwidge., Michael, 14 Ellis’s quay 297 Ledwidge, William, 21 Phibsborough road . . 298 Lee, John, 17 Monck place, Phibsborough ,, 299 Lee, William, 7 Barrack street 300 Lefanu, Rev. William Joseph H., Blackball st. 301 Leishman, Abraham, 12 Bow street P G P G P P P G ' P V G P . A HR AN QUAY WARD. 137 Na Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted.- 302 Lenehan, Patrick, 74 Brunswick street, north P 303 Leonard, Mark, 15, 16, & 17 Church st., new P 304 Leonard, Michael, 6 Manor street • • P 305 Lewis, Maurice P. W., Fitzwilliam sq., west.. 306 Lightfoot, John, 37 Mary’s lane . • P 307 Lisle, .Thomas, 32 Queen street . . V G 308 Little, Kobert, 36 Manor street . . V 309 Lowe, Richard, 95 Phibsborough road . . P 310 Lowen, Samuel, 10 Hendrick street . . V G 311 Lucas, William, 4 Montpelier hill V G 312 Lunn, John, 28 Ellis’s quay 313 Lynch, Philip J., Rosepark, Monkstown 314 M^Adam, John, 21 Aughrini street 315 M‘Alevey, James, 5 Lincoln lane . . P 316 M‘Cabe, IVlichael, 8 Manor street . . P 317 McCabe, Thomas, 31 Manor street . . P 318 M‘Cann, Francis, 5 and 6 May lane G P 319 McCarthy, Bartholomew, 33 Prussia street . . P 320 McClelland, William F., 16 Manor street .. V G 321 M‘Corry, Joseph, 22 Monck pi., Phibsboro’ rd. P 322 M‘Cowen, William, 55 Grangegorman lane . . V G 323 M‘Cracken, Ribton, 85 King street, north . . V G 324 M‘Dermott, Brien, 155 Church street, old • . P 325 M‘Dermott, Joseph Edw.*, 33 Arran quay . . P 326 M‘Dermott, Miles, 11 Church street, new .. G P 327 M‘Donell, John, 33 Parkgate street • • , V G 328 McDonald, Peter, 40 Brunswick street, north P 329 McEvett, Samuel, 27 Parkgate street . . G 330 McEwin, John, 3 Grangegorman lane . . G P 331 McGailey, Owen, 45 Church street, old . . G P 332 Me Garry, James, 33 Constitution hill , , P 333 McGill, Patrick, 34 Phibsborough road • . P 334 McGilF, Patrick, 71 Prussia street , . P 335 McGorian, Patrick, 9 Manor street . . P 336 McGrane, John, 51 Church street , , p 337 M‘Grane, William, 24 Montpelier hill 338 McGrath, John, 8 Royal Canal ter., Broadstone P 339 McGrath, Joseph, 18 Brunswick street, north P 340 McGrath, William, Carlisle ter.. Circular road P 341 McGuire, Philip, 41 Barrack street , , G P 19 Ph Cm 138 ARRAN QUAY WARD. G G V G V G G No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 342 MGntosh, Hamilton, 1 Lisburn street . . G P 343 McKenzie, Eichard, 57 Peebles’ bldgs, Manor st. V G 344 M‘Keon, James, 19 Stoney batter 345 M‘Keon, Patrick, 4 Bed cow lane 346 M‘Knight, Hugh, 1 Finea ter., Aughrim st. . . 347 M^Loughlin, Christopher, 20 Brunswick st.,nth. 348 M^Loughlin, William, 13 Queen street • . 349 McManus, James, 8J Temple street, west 350 McManus, Michael, 3 EoyalCaual ter,Broadstone 351 M‘Nally, Michael, 69 Church street 352 M‘Owen, Anthony, 15 Annaville, Cullenswood 353 M‘Quade, George, 39 Barrack street 354 M^Quade, John, 117 Aughrim street 355 Macken, Joseph, 62 Queen street 356 Macken, Patrick, 75 Church street, old 357 Maguire, James J., 44 Phibsboro’ road 358 Maguire, Michael, 108 Church street 359 Maher, Matthew, 29 Constitution hill 360 Mahody, Edward, 9 Haymarket 361 Mahon, James, 40 Phibsborough road 362 Mahon, William, 10 & 11 Brunswick st., nth. 363 Manley, John Samuel, Buttevant, Cork 364 Marmion, William, 2 Blackball street 365 Martin, David, 6 Grangegorman lane , , 366 Martin, Henry, 65 Phibsborough road 367 Martin, John, 12 and 13 Church st., new 368 Martin, Patrick, 6 Barrack street, in rere . , 369 Martin, Eobert J., 1 Besborough terrace 370 Massey, John, 7 Grangegorman lane 371 Masterson, James, 10 Arran street, west 372 Masterson, James, 18 Coleraine street 373 Matthews, James, 9 Bow street 374 Maturin, Eev. Wm., 13 Gannon’s buildings .. 375 Meara, Thomas, 11 Blackhall parade 376 Mee, Michael, 10 Hammond lane 377 Meehan, Lawrence, 2 Montpelier hill 378 Meehan, Patrick, 102 Church street 379 Melia, Edward, 8 Tighe street 380 Miley, James, 13 and 14 Smithfield 381 Millar, John Orr, 37 Parkgate street 382 Missitt, Joseph, 34 Ellis’s quay G P ARRAN. QUAY WARD. 130 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 383 Molloy, Lawrence, 44 Barrack street . . P 384 Molloy, Patrick, 21 Stoneybatter *• P 385 Molloy, Philip, 46 Phibsborough road . . P 386 Molyiieux, Sir Capel, Castle Dillon, Armagh 387 Mooney, Matthew J., 35 Smithfield 388 Mooney, Walter, 2 John street .. P 389 Moore, James Campbell, 30 Manor street . . V G 390 Moore, James Campbell G., 10 Prussia street V G 391 Moore, John, 5 Hendrick street .. V G 392 Moore, Joseph, 73 King street, north .. P 393 Moore, William, 33 and 34 Queen street . . P 394 Moran, Andrew, 3 Hendrick place « . P 395 Moran, John, 4 Lincoln lane . . P 396 Morgan, Edmond, 5 Granby row . . P 397 Morrow, Eichard, Circular road . . P 398 Morrow, Eichard, 8 Catherine villa. Canal bk. V G 399 Morton, Eichard, 6 Liffey street, west . . V G 400 Moxley, James, 17 Prussia street . . V G 401 Mullen, Patrick, 6 Eoyal Canal ter., Broadstone P 402 Mulligan, Francis, 2 Petticoat lane . . P 403 Mulligan, Nicholas, 156 King street, north . . P 404 Mulvey, Michael, 18 Prussia street .. P 405 Murphy, Arthur, 33 Phibsborough road 406 Murphy, James, Montpelier hill, rere . . G 407 Murphy, John, 2 Aughrim street 408 ^Murphy, Lawrence, Church street, rere 409 Murphy, Matthew, 6, 7, & 8 Parkgate street G 410 Murphy, Michael, 5 Queen street 411 Murphy, Michael, 35 Brunswick street, north 412 Murphy, Peter, 86 King street, north 413 Murphy, Thomas, 36 Mary’s lane 414 Murphy, William, 6-8 Parkgate street 415 Murray, Patrick, 29 Grangegorman lane 416 Nangle, Edward, 27 Barrack street 417 Neade, Patrick, 29 Bolton street . . G 418 Neill, John, 19 Tighe street 419 Newman, James, 36 Smithfield 420 Nixon, John, Kilmore, co. Dublin . . G 421 Nolan, Edward, 39 King street, north , . P * Voted in Iiins’-quay Ward. PhPh PhPhPhPh Ph PhP^ 140 ARRAN QUAY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. 422 Nolan, James, 2 and 3 Pembroke quay 423 Nolan, Thomas, G Arran quay 424 Noonan, James, 80 Prussia street 425 Norris, John, 128 King street, north 426 Nugent, James, 30 Parkgate street For whom voted. P P P P P 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 O'Brien, Christopher, 14 Blackhall place O’Brien, Hugh, 121 King street, north O’Brien, John, 25 Smithfield O’Brien, John, 5 Grangegorman lane O’Brien, Michael, 6 Eblana terrace O’Brien, Patrick, 19 Blackhall place O’Brien, Peter, 159 Church street O’Brien, Eobert, 47 Smithfield • . G O’ Callaghan, Daniel, 11 Ellis’s quay O’ Callaghan, Eichard, 48 Church street O’Connor, Nicholas, 41 King street, north O’Connor, Patrick, 49 Queen street 0’Connon,Patrick G.,1 Leinster ter.,Aughrim s O’ Dowd, Thomas, 3 Parkgate street O’ Driscoll, Patrick, 42 Queen street O’Dwyer, John, 57 Prussia street O’Farrell, Francis, 146 King street, north . O’Farrell, Matthew, 146 King street, north . O’ Farrell, Et. Hon. Eich. M., Ballina, Kildare O’Haire, Matthew, 15 Blackhall place O’Halloran, Martin, 6 Anna villa. Circular road O’Hanrahan, Thomas, 51 Phibsborough road. O’Keefe, Eev. Daniel, 20 Arran quay O’Keeffe, Patrick, 66 Phibsborough road Oliver, William, 18 Queen street O’Malley, Eev.Thaddeus,4 Kincade ter.,Aughrim st. O’Neill, John, 50 Arbour hill O’Neill, Valentine, 67 Phibsborough road . . V G O’Eeilly, James, 113 King street Osborne, Henry, 10 Gannon’s bldgs. ,Phibsboro’rd. V G Owens, Joseph, 26 Constitution hill V G G P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 458 Paul, Thomas, 5 and 6 Blackhall place 459 Pepper, Eobert, 73 Prussia street 460 Pooley, John Henry, 16 Prussia street G P G P V G Ph Ph Ph Ph ARRAN QUAY WARD. 141 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 4G1 Prender, Luke, 51 Queen street . . V G 4G2 Quinn, John, 32 Phibsborough road . . V G 4G3 Quinn, William, 4 Bridewell lane . . P 4G4 Peade, Lawrence, 5 Auglirim street . . P 4G5 Eedmond, John, 1 Victoria ter.. Canal bank, west P 4GG Reilly, John, 44 King street, north . . P 4G7 Reilly, John, G3 Grangegorman lane . P 4G8 Reilly, Nicholas, 53 King street, north . . P 4G9 Reilly, Thomas, 126 King street, north . . P 470 Reilly, William, 12 Royal Canal ter., Broadstone V G 471 Rice, Michael, 3 Anna villa. Circular road 472 Rice, Patrick, 9 Anna villa. Circular road 473 Richardson, Thomas, 1 Montpelier hill 474 Robb, David, 3 Auburn hill, Aughrim street. . 475 Roche, John, 11 Temple street, west .. G 47 G Rochford, Francis, 3 Tighe street . . G P 477 Rochford, Richard, 20 and part of 1 9 Stoneybatter P 478 Roe, George, 1 Couyngham road . . G 479 Rogers, John, 25 Smithfield 480 Rogers, Thomas, 31 King street, north 481 Rooney, Henry, 72 Manor street 482 Rooney, Matthew, 4 Royal Canal ter., Broadstone 483 Rooney, Thomas, 3 Phoenix street 484 Rooney, Thomas, 34J Parkgate street 485 Rooney, Thomas, G and 7 Smithfield 48G Rorke, Patrick, G2 King street, north 487 Rowland, Francis, 50 Queen street 488 Roy croft, William, 17 Smithfield , . V G 489 Russell, Edward, 30 Montpelier hill 490 Ryan, John, 4 Prussia street 491 Ryan, Martin, G1 Queen street 492 Ryan, Richard, 74 Queen street 493 Ryder, William, 40 Manor street 494 Ryder, William, 70 Prussia street 495 Saunderson, John, 53 Manor street . . V G 496 Saunders, Rev. Jas.T.C., Cheltenham, Gloucester V G 497 Scully, Robert, 5 Barrack street . . P 142 ARRAN QUAY WARD. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 498 Seaton, George A., 133 Aughrim. street 499 Shannon, Michael, 162 King street, north 500 Sharp, Eichard; 2 Stanhope street . . V G 501 Shaw, Christopher, 25 Constitution hill 502 Shea, John, 3 Grangegorman lane 503 ^Sheehan, Michael, 2 Queen street 504 Sheil, Janies, 75 Dominick street, upper 505 ISheilds, John, 7 Camden place 506 Shells, Thomas, 23 Constitution hill , . P 507 Sheridan, James, Eden hall, Killester . . P 508 Sheridan, Michael, 1 Queen street , . P 509 Shem, William, 61 Manor street . . V P 510 Sherlock, Luke, 97 King street, north . . P 511 Sherwin, John, 4 Anna villa. Circular road 512 Sherwood, Eichard, Kilbride, Arklow, co. Wicklow 513 Shirley, Joseph, Bluecoat Hospital . • V G 514 Silk, Michael, 43 Phibsborough road 515 Sillery, Henry, Conyngham road 516 Slevin, Patrick, 50 Church street 517 Slowe, William, Temple ter.. Manor street 518 Smith, John, Somerton, Lucan 519 Smyth,' John, 54 Beresford street 520 Stapleton, Michael, 5 5a Silver street 521 Staunton, John, 10 Annavilla, Circular road 522 Staunton, Joseph, 9 Arran quay 523 Stephens, George A., 4 Blackball place 524 Still, Henry, 6 Besborough ter.. Circular road 525 Stokes, Joseph, 3 Blackball parade . . V G 526 Story, William, 6 Wood lane . . V G 527 Strahan, Eichard, 20 Phibsborough road . , V G 528 Stritch, Charles, 104 Phibsborough road 529 Strong, James Henry, 8 and 9 Hammond lane V G 530 Strong, Joseph, 24 Coleraine street 531 Strong, John G., 8 and 9 Hammond lane . . V G 532 Strong, Eobert G., 8 and 9 Hammond lane . . V G 533 Strong, William G., 8 and 9 Hammond lane. . V 534 Sweeny, William, 43 Montpelier hill . . V G 535 Sweetman, Michael, 73 Church street 536 Synnott, Mark S., Ballintate, Newtn.-hamilton V G G V G V G * Voted at No. 508 as Michael Sheridan, t Voted in Koyal Exchange Ward, Ph Ph Ph ARRAN QUAY WARD. 143 No. Reg. Voter's Name and Address. For whom voted. , 537 Taggart, Joseph, 6 Blackball street . . P 538 Taylor, James, Phibsboroiigli ho., Phibsborough V G 539 Taylor, Joseph, Constitution hill ' .. P 540 Taylor, Thomas, 73 Queen street . . Y G 541 Taylor, Rt. Hon. Thomas, Headford, Meath . . 542 Taylor, Thomas, 56 Prussia street 543 Tickell, Joseph, 163 King street, north . . Y G 544 Tighe, John J., 4 Leinster ter., Aughrim st. P 545 Tonge, Samuel, 9 Monck place . • P 546 Toomey, Edward, Parkgate street . • P 547 Tormey, Patrick, 23 Stoneybatter • . P 548 Torney, Thomas, 8 Blackball street . , Y G 549 Tracey, Michael, 167 King street, north . . G 550 Trevor, Lord Arthur E. H., Denbigshire . . Y G 551 Turley, John, 171 Church street* .. G P 552 Turner, James, 5 Canal bank, west . • Y G 553 Turner, William, Hammersmith place • • G P 554 Twohill, Jeremiah, 2 Hendrick lane , . P 555 Tyrrell, James, 7 Hammond lane . . P 556 Tyrrell, John, 36 and 37 Stoneybatter . . G P 557 Yaughan, Edward, 38 Prussia street . . P 558 Yincent, William, Blackball place 559 Wade, Henry, 15 Brunswick street, north . . Y G 560 Waldron, James, 28 Constitution hill , . P 561 Walley, William, 119 Aughrim street 562 Walsh, James, 34 Arran quay . , P 563 Walsh, James, 7 Stoneybatter , . G P 564 Walsh, John, 33 Barrack street , , G P 565 Walsh, Thomas, 45 Montpelier hill 566 Walsh, William, 50 Phibsborough road . . Y G 567 Ward, Christopher, 49 Brunswick st., north , . 568 Ward, James, 36 Phibsborough road •• 569 Ward, John M‘G., 15 Blackball street .. Y G 570 Ward, Lawrence, 24 Queen street , , P 571 Ward, Thomas, 35 Montpelier hill 572 Ward, William, 25 Aughrim street , , P 573 Wardrop, Thomas, 6 Conyngham road 574 Wardrop, Walter, 11 Conyngham road .. P 575 Waring, Lucas, Lisburn, co. Antrim Y G hj hd 144 ARRAN QUAY WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 576 Warren, Benjamin, 11 Grangegorman, lower.. V G 577 Waters, John, 45b Phibsborough road . . P 578 Webb, George, 1 Foster ter.. Canal bank, west V G 579 Weir, Thomas, 2 Ellis’s quay .. P 580 West, John, 30 Aughrim street, west V G 581 Wheatley, John, 148 Church street . . P 582 Wheeler,Rev.HoraceM.,7Eblana ter., Circular rd. 583 Whelan, Francis, 3 Ellis’s quay . , P. 584 Whelan, James, 47 Smithfield . , P 585 White, James F., 35 Manor street .. V G 586 White, Peter, 42 Smithfield . . P 587 Whittaker, William, 34 Montpelier hill . . V G 588 Wild, John, 56 Beresford street 589 Wilkinson, Richard, 50 Smithfield . . V G 590 Wilkinson, William, 7 Besborough terrace .. G 591 Wilson, William C., 11 Monck place .. G P 592 Wogan, Christopher, 51 & 52 King street, nth. P 593 Wood, Francis, 14 and 15 Bow street . . P 594 Woods, John, 6 Queen street , . P 595 Woods, Michael, 59 King street, north 596 Workman, Robert, 15 Aughrim street . . V G 597 Worthington, William L.,Lisballow, Fermanagh 598 Wyse, Andrew, 72 Phibsborough road , . V G 599 Yeates, William, 16 Blackball place , . V G 600 Yourell, Thomas, 20 Smithfield . , P INNS’ QUAY WAED. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, V ance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Acton, Thomas, Rathdrum, co. Wicklow . . V G 2 Adair, Samuel F., 25 Clare street • . V 3 Adams, John, 57 Eccles street . . V G 4 Alcock, Rev. John, Eccles street 5 Alexander, George J., 2 Mary’s abbey 6 Allingham, John, 99 Capel street . . G P 7 Anderson, Matthew, 2 Inn’s quay • • V 8 Andrews, Bartholomew, 78 Pill lane . . P 9 Andrews, Francis, Clifton, Bristol, England . . 10 Andrews, John, Moneygall, King’s County , , V G 11 Arbucle, George, 15 Synnott place •. V G 12 Archbold, John, 4 Palmerston place • • G P 13^ Arnold, Nelson S., Yarnhall street . . V G 14 Bacchus, Allen, 8 Dominick street, upper 15 Ballantine, Alexander, 126 Dorset street,. upper G P 16 Barrett, James, 5 Triton terrace, Kingstown . . P 17 Barrett, John, Roscrea, co. Tipperary . . , P 18 Barrett, John, Blessington court , . P 19 Bashford, Edward F., 57 Mountjoy street . . G P 20 Bayly, John W., Tolka lodge, Finglas . , V G 21 Baynham, James, 6 Palmerston place .. V G 22 Beahan, John, 123 Capel street . . P 23 Beatty, Richard W., 27 Blessington street . . V G 24 Beedam, John, 11 Mountjoy street, middle 20 4G inns’ quay ward. \ No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom vote3. 25 Begg, Joseph, 105 Capel street . . P 26 Beggs, Patrick, 3 Beef row, Ormond market . . P 27 Bennett, James, 37 Bolton street . . P 28 Bennett, John, 144 Capel street 29 Bent, James, 5 Halston street . . P 30 Bergin, Paniel Joseph, 12 Inns’ quay . . P 31 Bergin, William, 74 Mountjoy street . • P 32 Bermingham, Thomas, 59 Wellington street . . V G 33 Birney, Anthony, 74 Blessington street . . P 34 Beytagh, Edward, 17 Dominick street, upper 35 Black, Eev. John James, 36 Blessington street P 36 Black, Thomas, 27 Eccles street . . V G 37 Blaney, Hugh, 32 Eccles street . . P 38 Boland, Joseph, 2 Petticoat lane . . P 39 Boland, Patrick, Capel street . • G P 40 Boughey, William, 49 Eccles street . . V G 41 Bourke, Patrick, 94 Capel street . . G P 42 Bowen, George, 69 Dominick street, upper . . P 43 Brady, John, 134 Dorset street, upper . , P 44 Brady, Lawrence, 7 Pill lane . . V G 45 Brennan, Michael, 2 Church street, old . . G P 46 Brereton, John, 13 Inns’ quay . , P 47 Brett, Daniel, 126 Aughrim street ' 48 Brett, Thomas, 126 Aughrim street . . P 49 Brice, Samuel, 29 Mary street, little 50 Briscoe, Fetherston H., 13 Mountjoy st., lower V G 51 Brittain, Michael, 7 Church street, old . . P 52 Brophy, James A., 3 Constitution hill , . P 53 Brown, David, 20 Wellington street . . Y G 54 Brown, Thomas, 72 Dominick street, upper •• Y 55 Buckley, Daniel, 58 Dominick street, upper . . Y G 56 Burgess, William, Mary’s abbey, in rere • • P 57 Burke, William, 13 Anne street, north • • 58 Burns, William, 57 Wellington street , . Y G 59 Butcher, John E., 15 Mary’s abbey . . Y G 60 Byrne, James, 2 a Halston street 61 Byrne, Joseph, 16 Mary street, little •• P 62 Byrne, Michael F., 64 Mountjoy street . . P 63 Byrne, William, Synnot place . . Y G 64 Callaghan, Patrick, 18 Beresford street . . P inns’ quay ward. 147 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 65 Campbell, Francis, 28 Blessington street . . V G 66 Campbell, James, Bull lane • . G P 67 Campbell, Matthew, 68 Pill lane • • G P 68 Carey, Michael, 2 Buckingham place 69 Carrick, Andrew, 5 Mary’s abbey . , V G 70 Carroll, Coote A., Sackville street Club .. V G 71 Carroll, Daniel W., 1 Eccles street .. G 72 Carroll, Patrick, 71 Dominick street, upper .. • 73 Carroll, Eicliard, 15 Palmerston place . . G 74 Carton, Denis, 17 Halston street 7 5 Cassidy, Matthew, 9 Castle avenue, Clontarf . . 76 Chambers, E. Elliott, jun., Westbury-on-Tyne 77 Chamney, William G., 68 Blessington street.. 78 ^Christie, Grieve, 100 Capel street 79 Clarendon, F. V., 11 Blessington street 80 Clarke, John, 36 Dominick street, upper , . G 81 Clarke, Patrick, 185 and 186 King street, N. 82 Cleary, Denis, 12 Britain street, little . . G 83 Codd, John, 3 Linenhall street . . ’ 84 Coffey, Michael, 1 Henrietta street 85 Cogan, Martin, 42 Blessington street 86 Coghlan, James, Swords 87 Coleman, James Michael, 17 Charlotte street 88 Colgan James, 12 Mary’s abbey 89 Conly, John, 177 King street, north 90 Connell, James, 1 Dawson row, Ormond mkt. 91 Connell, Matthew, 7 Eccles lane, lower 92 Connell, Patrick, 6 and 7 Water row 93 Connick, John, 199 King street, north 94 Connor, George, 26 Mary street, little 95 Connor, John, 22 Dominick street, upper 96 Connor, William, 64 Wellington street 97 Conolly, Patrick, 116 Capel street V G 98 Conolly, Patrick, 87 Capel street 99 Conolly, William, 38 and 39 Dominick st., up. 100 Cooke, James E., 73 Blessington street .. V G 101 Cooney, Henry, 56Mountjoy street 102 Cooney, James, 1 Inns’ quay 103 Cooney, Terence, 16 Mary’s abbey 104 Cooper, William, 2 Terrace place . , V G * Voted in Donnybrook District. V G G hzji-d ^ ^ h:j 148 inns’ quay ward. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 105 Corry, Thomas, 52 Bolton street . . P 106 Cosgrave, William A., 69 Eccles street , . P 107 Cowan, Arthur, 17 Wellington street . . V G 108 Crenan, Andrew, OrmOnd market . • P 109 Crinion, Nicholas, 19 and 20 Pill lane 110 Cruikshank, Robert, 4 Blessington street .. V G 111 Crosbie, Daniel, Glenbrook, Rathfarnham . V G 112 Crosthwaite, Thomas, 9 Fitzwilliam square . . V G 113 Crozier, Rev. Baptist B., Ballyhaise, co. Cavan V G 114 Cullen, Most Rev. Dr. Paul, 55 Eccles street 115 Cumberton, Thomas, 43 Mary’s lane 116 Cunningham, John, 66 Mountjoy street , . V 117 Curran, Henry, 70 Eccles street .. G 318 Curran, Owen, 12 Mary street, little 119 Curtis, Stephen P., 11 Mountjoy street 120 Dalton, Michael, 34 Charles street 121 Daly, Vesey, 21 Eccles street 122 Darcy, Patrick 0. C., 14 Inns’ quay 123 Dawson, Robt. P, Castledawson, co. Londonderry 124 Dease, Edward, 23 Ormond quay, upper . . G 125 De Butts, Augustus, travelling abroad 126 De Butts, Rev. George, Sandford ter.,Ranelagh V G 127 De Butts, James W., Ashford, co. Wicklow . . 128 Delauy, Patrick, 941 Dorset street, upper 129 Denny, Edward M., Newtown ho., Waterford 130 Derum, John, 64 Bolton street 131 Devenish, Robert, Strokestown, co. Roscommon 132 Devin, John, 109 Dorset street, upper 133 Dillon, James, 5 Lisburn street 134 Dillon, Michael, 3 Charles street, west 135 Dillon, Theobald, 38 Eccles street 136 Dodd, Christopher, 62 Blessington street . . G 137 Dodd, Christopher M., 62 Blessington street. . G 138 Domican, Richard, 72 Mountjoy street 139 ^Donegan, Richard, 72 Mountjoy street 140 Donegan, Stephen, 4 Nelson street 141 Donnelly, David, 115 Dorset street, upper ,, 142 Donohoe, Michael, 13 Wellington street 143 Dooner, John, Barton lodge, Rathfarnham . . G * Voted at No, 138 as Domican. hj ^ ^ >Ti ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ TNNS gUAY WARD. 140 No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 144 Doran, Edward, 146 Dorset street, upper , . G P 145 Doran, Thomas Wm. O’Ferrall, 16 Eccles street G P 146 Douglass, William, 136 Capel street . . P 147 Dowdall, Edward, 11 Britain street, little .. P 148 Dowling, Christopher, 38 Bolton street . • P 149 Dowling, James, 1 Britain street, little . . P 150 Dowling, Joseph, 26 William street . • P 151 Doyle, James, 26 Arran street, east . . P 152 Doyle, James, 2 Wellington street 153 Doyle, John, 3 Church street, old .. P 154 Doyle, Joseph, 41 Blessington street 155 Doyle, Michael, 21 Pill lane . , P 156 Doyle, Michael, junior, 22 Pill lane 157 Doyle, Patrick, 5 Water row, Ormond market P 158 Dromgoole, John, 80 Pill lane . . P 159 Dromgoole, William, 73 Dominick street, upper P 160 Drought, Robert, 4 Anne street, north . . G P 161 Drummond, Edward, 31 Charles street, west . . P 162 Duff, Patrick W., 32 Wellington street , . V 163 Duffy, Anthony, 94 Dorset street, upper . . G P 164 Duffy, Stephen F., 27 Boot lane .. P 165 Dunne, Christopher, 13 Mary’s lane . . P 166 Dunne, Patrick D., 64 Mary’s lane . . P 167 Dunn, Richard, 93 Capel street . . G P 168 Earley, Michael, 137 Capel street 169 Egan, Michael, 16 Halston street 170 Emmerson, Charles H., 62 Eccles street . . V G 171 Ennis, Richard, 52 Wellington street 172 Enright, John, 20 Dominick street, upper 173 Fagan, John, 1 Blessington place P 174 Fair, James William, St. John’s, Athlone 175 Fairbrother, Edward IT., 112 Dorset st., up.. .. 176 Fallon, Patrick J., 96 Capel street 177 Fannin, John, 19 Mary street, little .. P 178 Faris, John, 15 Mountjoy street, middle 179 Farrell, James, 12 Petticoat lane .. P 180 Farrell, Michael, 119 and 120 Capel street . . 181 Fielding, William, 14 Castlewoodav.,Rathmines V G 182 Finlayson, John, 16 Baggot street, lower P-i Pli 150 inns’ quay ward. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and xiddress. For whom voted. 183 Finnemore, John, 47 Wellington street , . V G 184 Fitzgerald, Thomas, 17 Synnot place 185 'Fitzpatrick, James, 28 King street, north .. P ' 186 Fitzpatrick, John, 102 Dorset street, upper , . P 187 Fitzpatrick, Patrick V., 29 Eccles street . . P 188 Fitzsimons, Thomas, 21 Beresford street ' P 189 Fitzsimon, James Chas., 24 Eccles street • . G P 190 Fitzsimons, John, 6 Britain street, little •• P 191 Flanagan, John, 32 Charles street, west P 192 Fleming, John, 5 Berkeley street, lower , . V G 193 Fleming, Be V. William, Nullaghmore, Dundrum V G 194 Flood, John, 5 Mary street, little . , P 195 Flood, John, 63 Mary’s lane . . P 196 Flood, Patrick, 196 King street, north ,, G P 197 Flood, Patrick, 25 Greek street P 198 Flynn, Edward, 59 Dominick street, upper .• P 199 Foley, Nelson T., Lismore, co. Waterford .. V G 200 Foster, Henry, 54 Mountjoy street . . V G 201 Fottrell, James, 130 Dorset street, upper . . P 202 Fowler, John, 16 Britain street, little , . P 203 Fox, James, 72 Dorset street, upper . . P 204 Foxhall, James, 5 Meetinghouse lane, north. . P 205 Franks, George, 3 Blakeney parade, Sandymt. 206 Gaffney, Thomas, 102 Dorset street, lower . . P 207 Gaffney, William, 6 Ralston street 208 Garrett, William, 2 Lurgan street , . V G 209 Gass, John, in rere, Greek street , . V G 210 Gaynor, Luke, 43 Wellington street P 211 Geoghegan, Francis, 34 Nelson street .. V G 212 Geoghegan, John, 13 Mountjoy street, middle P 213 Geoghegan, John, 62 Mary’s lane . . P 214 Gernon, William, 45 Eccles street . . p ^215 Gilligan, Patrick, .129 Dorset street, upper .. G P 216 Goddard, John H., 15 Nelson street V G 217 Gogarty, Matthew, 19 Halston street 218 Goodbody, Marcus, Inchmore, Clara, King’s co. 219 Goulding, John, 34 Wellington street 220 Graham, William, 98 Capel street 221 Grattan, John, 221 Wellington street . . V G 222 Green, John, 169 King street, north P Ph inns’ quay ward. 151 No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Addi’ess. For whom voted. 223 Green, Richard, 53 Bolton street . . P 224 Guinness, Thomas H., Tipbradden, Rathfarnham V G 225 Hall, Charles B., 68 Eccles street 226 Hall, Henry G., 2 Nelson street 227 Hall, John, 8 Eccles street 228 Hall, Rev. John, 45 Eccles street • . 229 Hamil, Arthur, 56 Eccles street 230 Hand, George, 27 Mary street, httle 231 Hand, Matthew, 5 Lisburn street 232 Hanly, Richard, 37 Nelson street 233 Hanrahan, Cornelius, 16 Dominick street, upper 234 Hanrahan, Michael, 72 Dorset street, upper . . 235 Harris, William Wallace, 26 Eccles street .. 236 Harrison, Richard, 14 Wellington place 237 Hart, John, 21 Arran street, east 238 Hart, Thomas, 68 Dominick street, upper 239 Hart, Thomas, 27 Arran street, east . . 240 Hartnell, Thomas H., 32 Nelson street 241 Hasler, John, Mountpleasant, Kingstown 242 Hassard, William, 55 Mountjoy street 243 Haughton, James, 35 Eccles street 244 Hawkins, John Anthony, Leopardstown 245 Hayden, John, 178 King street, north 246 Hea, George, 7 King street, north 247 Headen, Edward, 31 Bolton street 248 Heath, Thomas, 17 Henrietta street • • 249 Henry, Peter J., 2 Synnott place 250 Heyden, Francis, 140 Dorset street, upper , . 251 Hickey, James, 13 Mary street, little ,, 252 Hickey, William, 74 Dominick street, upper . . 253 Higginbotham, Charles L., 10 Synnott place. . 254 Hime, I^enry William Lovet, Royal Artillery 255 Hoare, Philip, 22 Boot lane , . 256 Hogan, Patrick, 81 Dorset street, upper 257 Holden, David, 8 Mountjoy street, middle 258 Holehan, Henry, 41 Dominick street, upper . , 259 Holmes, Charles C., 2 Westmoreland terrace 260 Hopkins, Henry, 16 Green street 261 Hopkins, Jacob, 16 Mountjoy street, west 262 Holehan, Edward, 144 & 145 Dorset st., upper V V G G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G G G 152 innh’ quay ward. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 263 Hover, Francis, 92 Dorset street, lower . . P 264 Hughes, Andrew, 58 Bolton street . . P 265 Hughes, William L., 42 Rue de Borgoyne, Paris 266 Hughes, William, 19 Boot lane • . G P 267 Hunt, Joseph, 44 Mountjoy street . . V 268 Hunter, John, 11 Denmark street ‘ .. V G 269 Hutchins, Emanuel, Ardnagashee, Bantry 270 Hyde, James, 68 Wellington street 271 Hyland, Henry, 110 Dorset street, upper P 272 Jameson, Henry, 28 & 29 Anne street, north P 273 Jeffers, James Joseph, 152 Church street . . G P 274 Jenkinson, John, 18 Mountjoy street, middle V G 275 Jennings, John W., 76 Dorset street, lower . . V G 276 Jennings, Sidney W., Bloomville, Portarlington V G 277 Johnston, Arthur, Dundalk, co. Louth . . G P 278 Johnstone, Charles C., 27 Lower Fitz william st. V 279 Johnston, Henry B., Cheapside, London 280 Johnston, Maziere, 7 Synnott place •• V G 281 Jolly, John, 14 Palmerston place .. V 282 Jones, Joseph T., 8 Greek street . . V 283 Kane, Thomas, 3 Mountjoy street, middle . • G P 284 Kavanagh, Charles, 5 Mary’s lane , . P 285 Kavanagh, Edward, 14 Mary’s abbey . . P 286 Keane, John, 41a Dominick street, upper . • P 287 Keane, John E., 7 Eccles street . • P 288 Keane, Robert, 28 Eccles street • . V G 289 Kearney, John, 20 King street, north . . P 290 ^Kearney, Patrick, 14 Anne street, north 291 Kearney, Richard, 9 Mary’s abbey , . P 292 Kearns, Thomas, 119 Dorset street, upper . . G 293 Keatley, Paul, 103 Dorset street, lower .. G P 294 Keelan, William, 5 Dominick street, upper . • V G 295 Keenan, Patrick J., 36 Eccles street , , P 296 Kehoe, Myles, 51 Baggot street, upper . . P 297 Kelly, John, 4 Pill lane . . P 298 Kelly, Patrick, 13 Beresford street . . P 299 Kelly, Patrick J., 12 Blessington street 300 Kelly, Thomas, 5 Chancery place * Voted in Arran -qiiay Ward, INNrf’ QUAY WARD. 153 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 30 1 Kennedy, Tristram, Henrietta street 302 Kent, John, 7 Chancery lane • • P 303 Keogh, William, 77 Pill lane ' . . P 304 Keon, Peter, 61 Bolton street , * P 305 Kerr, James, 114 and 115 Capel street .. V G 306 Kerr, Eev. St. George K., Lincolnshire . . V G 307 Kerr, William Henry, Worcester 308 Keirnan, Bernard, 9 Britain street, little . . P 309 Kiernan, Francis, 19 & 20 Westmorland st. V 310 Killeen, Charles, 23 Boot lane , . P 311 Kinder, Charles, 20 Synnott place ,, p 312 King, Thomas, Bell view, Killister .. G P 313 Knight, Henry, 65 Blessington street . . V G 314 Knox, Alexander, Yarnhall street . . V G 315 Lane, Alexander, 19 Blessington street . , V G 316 Langan, John, King street, north P 317 Larkin, William, 3 Kinelan ter.. Manor st. P 318 Lawler, Edward, 2 Berkeley ‘street, upper ,, V G 319 Lawless, Barry, 4 Synnott place P 320 Lawless, John, 93 Dorset street, lower . . P 321 Leahy, Thomas, 35 Wellington street . , P 322 Ledwith, John, 98 Dorset street, lower 323 Ledwidge, Gregory, 27 a Ormond quay, upper 324 Ledwidge, Joseph, 27 a Ormond quay, upper. , 325 Lee, Eohert C., 2 Inns’ quay 326 Lee, Eev. Sackville U. B., Exeter , . V G 327 Leeson, Edward, Bath street, Irishtown 328 Lemas, Joseph, 9 Pill lane . . G P 329 Lennon, Adam, 73 Mountjoy street .. V G 330 Levins, Andrew, 33 Wellington street , , p 331 Lindsay, Henry, 56 Blessington street ,, V G 332 Lloyd, Hugh, 1 Mountjoy street, middle , , V G 333 Lowry, John, 4 Berkeley street . , G P 334 Lynch, Bryan, 4 Eccles street . , p 335 Lynch, John P., 7 Mountpleasant square . . G P 336 Lynch, Michael, 4 Petticoat lane , . P 337 Lynch, Thomas P., 14 Blessington street . . P 338 Lyons, Andrew, 168 King street, north 339 Lyons, James, 70 Blessington street .. P 340 Lyons, Michael, Landure, Eathgar . . P 21 154 inns’ quay WART). No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 34 Ij Lyons, Patrick, 32 Bolton street . . G P 342 Lyon, Bicliard, 57 Bolton street . . V G 343 McAllen, John, 6 Mary’s lane 344 M‘Ardle, Bichard, 9 and 10 Ormond market. . P 345 McCann, Joseph, 100 Dorset street, upper . . P 346 McCarthy, Bohert, 2 Britain street, little • • V G 347 McCartney, James, 11 Wellington street . . P 348 McCartney, Thomas, 66 Pill lane . . P 349 M‘Creight, James, Clifden, co. Galway 350 M^Court, Anthony, 7 Britain street, little . . 351 Court, Lawrence, 60 Bolton street .. P 352 McDermott, Hugh, 12 Eccles street 353 McDermott, Owen, 24 Nelson street . . P 354 McDonnell, Christopher, 73 Dorset st., upper P 355 McDonnell, Michael, 109 Capel street . . P 356 McDonnell, Patrick, 8 White’s lane . . P 357 M‘Donnell, Thomas, 46 Wellington street . . V G 358 M^Entee, Matthew, 26 Boot lane • • P 359 M^Evoy, John, 5 Henrietta place , , P 360 M‘Evoy, Mark, 8 Lurgan street 361 M‘Gauran, John, 31 Westland row . . G P 362 M‘Glynn, John, 8 Petticoat lane . . P 363 M‘Gowran, James, 37 Blessington street 364 McGrath, Terence T., Burdett avenue, Dalkey 365 M‘Hugo, Dominick, 5 Nelson street . * G P 366 M‘Kay, James, 12 Nelson street . . P 367 McKenna, Simon, 190 King street, north . . V G 368 M‘ Kenny, Tully, 7 Palmerston place , • 369 MT^ensie, Bohert, 4 Halston street 370 McKenzie, Angus, 106 Capel street 371 M‘Lorinan, Hugh, 18 Mary street, little . . P 372 M‘Mahon, Edward, 54 Wellington street 373 McManus, John, 21 Britain street, little .. G P 374 McManus, John, 24 Boot lane . . P 375 MAIeehan, William, 69 Blessington street .. 376 McNally, Joseph, 12 Anne street, north .. G P 377 M‘Nally, Patrick, 74 Dorset street, upper . . P 378 M‘Neill, John, 140 Capel street 379 M‘Niffe, James, 9 Palmerston place .. P 380 M‘Nulty, Christopher, 4 Mary street, little , • INNS QUAY WARD. 155 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 381 M‘Owen, Richard, Capel street • • P 382 M‘Quillan, John, 137 Dorset street, upper . . P 383 Mack, John, 25 Frederick street, north • . V P 384 Macken, Thomas, 95 Dorset street, upper . . P 385 Mackey, William, 9 Eccles street , . P 386 Macnie, George, 59 Bolton street . V G 387 Madden, Francis, 6 Mary’s abbey 388 Magee, James, 31 Ormond quay, upper , . 389 Maguire, Thomas, 30 Fisher’s lane , . P 390 Maingay, Richard, Mall, Wicklow . . V G 391 Maingay, Rivoir, Glass, county Down 392 Mallon, Michael, Bishop’s lane . . P 393 Malone, Edward, 30 Anne street, north . . P 394 Mangan, John, 39 Dominick street, upper . . P 395 Martin, Lawrence, 25 Boot lane . . P 396 Mathews, John, 12 Boot lane 397 Mayne, Arthur, 39 Welhngton street . • G P 398 Meighan, John, 35 Fisher’s lane . . P 399 Merriman, Michael, 54 Eccles street 400 Metcalf, Henry, 41 Eccles street, lower . . V G 401 Meyrick, James, 36 White’s lane 402 Millie, Robert, 9 Nelson street . . P 403 Mills, Arthur, 21 Palmerstown place 404 Mitchell, James, 25 Ormond quay, upper . , P 405 Moffett, Thomas, 20 Ormond quay, upper 406 Molloy, Thomas, 15 Mary street, little . . G P 407 Monahan, Rev. James H., 30 Westland row. . V G 408 Monks, Daniel, travelling abroad 409 Moone, Patrick, 86 Capel street . . P 410 Moore, Hurbert, 53 Wellington street , . V G 411 Moran, Jeremiah, 24 Wellington street .. P 412 Mulligan, Francis, 6 and 7 Petticoat lane . . P 413 Mulvany, Edward, 3 Ormond market . . P 414 Mulvany, Peter, 31 Ormond quay, upper . . P ‘ 415 Murphy, John, Whitehouse, Rathfarnham . . P 416 Murphy, Lawrence, 27 Church street old . . V G 417 Murphy, Thomas, 2 Palmerston place . .. P 418 Murphy, William, 117 Dorset street, upper P 419 Murray, Matthew, 3 George’s hill , . P 420 Murray, Samuel, 7 0 Dominick street, upper . . P 421 Murray, Thomas, 14 George’s hill ' P 156 inns’ quay ward. , V G No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 422 Nalty, Owen, 27 King street, north . . P 423 Nathan, George, 13 Synnott place «• V G 424 Neilson, James H., 18 Eccles street .. V G 425 Nerney, William, 1 Chancery place . . G 426 Nicholson, Thomas, Rose cot., Albert road 427 Nolan, Christopher, 4 Henrietta place 428 Nolan, Christopher, 47 Mary’s lane 429 Nuzum, Thomas, 45 Blessington street 430 O’Brien, Daniel, 45 Smithfield 431 O’Brien, John, 146 Capel street 432 O’Brien, John, 111 Dorset street, upper 433 O’Brien, John C., Ill Dorset street, upper 434 O’Brien, Patrick, 24 Synnott place 435 O’Callaghan, William, 55 Blessington street. . V G 436 O’Connor, Daniel, senior, 3 King street, north 437 O’Connor, Michael, 12 King street, north 438 O’Connor, William, 10 George’s hill 439 O’ Grady, Michael, 35 Blessington street 440 O’ Grady, Patrick, 66 Dominick street, upper. . Y G 441 O’ Grady, Patrick H., 25 Palmerston place . . G 442 O’Hara, Charles, 56 Wellington street 443 O’Hara, Thomas, 103 Dorset street, upper . . G 444 O’Leary, John, 41 Bolton street 445 O’Leary, Patrick, 31 Boot lane 446 O’Meara, Francis, 120 Dorset street, upper 447 O’Neill, Charles, 34 Blessington street . . G 448 O’Reilly, James, 10 Halston street . . G 449 O’Reilly, John C., 139 Capel street 450 O’Reilly, Joseph, 10 Halston street , . G 451 Ormsby, Robert, 54 Blessington street .. V G 452 O’Shaughnessy, Thomas, 13 George’s hill 453 O’Toole, Timothy, 65 Pill lane 454 Owens, James H., 11 Eccles street 455 Oxbery, Thomas, 10 Charles street, west 456 Parker, John H., Shamrock lodge, Harold’s cross 457 Peat, William, Knockville, Newtown, Waterford 458 Peebles, James, 61 Eccles street 459 Peebles, William, 34 Eccles street 460 Pepper, Wellington John, 3 Chancery place . . V G . inns’ quay ward. 157 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 461 Phelan, Daniel, 13 Pill lane . . G P 462 Phelan, Joseph, 170 King street, north . . P 463 Phillips, John, 25 Synnott place . . V G 464 Phillips, Jonathan A., 24 Blessington street . , V G 465 Pike, William H., 25 Pill lane 466 Pirn, Henry, 28 and 29 Anne street, north . . 467 Potterton, Frank A., Corry square, Newry . . V G 468 Putt, Francis, 16 Palmerston place .. V G 469 Quinn, Bernard, 75 Pill lane 470 Quinn, Thomas, 27 Fisher’s lane 471 Badcliffe, Charles, 99 Dorset street, lower > . . P 472 Rahilly, Maurice, 3 Florinda place 473 Bavelle, Joseph, 21 Charles street, west .. G P 474 Bea, Alexander, 18 Wellington street , . V G 475 Bead, Thomas, 18 Britain street, little P 476 Reddin, Sylvester, rere, 161 Thomas street .. G P 477 Beeves, Richard, 42 Wellington street . . P 478 Reilly, Andrew, 28 Ormond quay, upper . . P 479 Reilly, James, 69 Pill lane .. P 480 Reilly, Patrick, 19 Britain street, little , . P 481 Reilly, Thomas, 5 Pill lane . , P 482 Rennie, John, 85 Dorset street, lower . . P 483 Reynolds, Patrick, 41 Beresford street , . P 484 Reynolds, Thomas, 9 and 10 White’s lane . . P 485 Richards, Edward, 6 Berkeley street, lower , . 486 Richards, Henry, Tenby, Pembrokeshire 487 Rispin, Bernard, 24 Anne street, north . . P 488 Robinson, Francis, 20 Fitzwilliam st., lower . . V G 489 Robinson, William J., Blacquire bridge road . . P 490 Rock, Richard, 189 King street, north . . Y G 491 Rogers, George, 78 Brunswick street, great .. V G 492 Rooke, William, 18 Boot lane . . P 493 Rooney, Cornelius, 54 Bolton street 494 Rooney, Edward, 117 Capel street .. P 495 Rooney, Patrick, 2 Mary street, little . . P 496 Rorke, John, 4 Mountjoy street, middle .. P 497 Ross, James, 21 Wellington street P 498 Russell, Arthur, 112 & 113 Capel street 499 Russell, Francis W., 112 & 113 Capel street 500 Russell, James, 3 Britain street, little V G 158 inns’ quay ward. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 501 Russell, Joshua F., Cambridge ter., Rathgar V P 502 Russell, Richard, 112 & 113 Capel street 503 Russell, Thompson, 112 & 113 Capel street .. 504 Ryan, Michael, 24-25 Fisher’s lane . . P 505 Ryan, Thomas, 111 Capel street 506 Saunders, Thomas, 3 Inns’ quay , . V G 507 Scallan, John, 95 Dorset street, lower . . P 508 Scott, David, 6 Lisburn street . . V G 509 Scully, Joseph C., Prince Edward ter., Blackrock G P 510 Seeds, Robert, 19 Blessington street . . V G 511 Seery, Richard, 35 Charles street, west •• 512 Shaw, Michael, 20 Mary’s lane . . P 513 Sheridan, Nicholas, 23 Wellington street . . P 514 Sherrard, James C., Kimenersby manor, Surrey 515 Sherwood, William, 31 Wellington street P 516 Shortall, Nicholas, 70 Pill lane . . P 517 Shorten, John C., 17 Palmerston place . . P 518 Sinclair, John, 41 Wellington street . . V 519 Sinnott, James, 1 Mountjoy street . . P 520 Sinnott, Michael, 15 Pill lane . . P 521 Sinnott, Walter, 23 Mary street, little ' P 522 Smith, Edward, 45 Mountjoy street . . P 523 Smith, James, 9 Petticoat lane . . P 524 Smith, Owen, 27 Mary’s lane 525 Smith, Peter, 2 Yarnhall street . . P 526 Smith, Peter, 21 Mary’s lane . . P 527 Smith, Robert William, 63 Eccles street . . V G 528 Smith, Thomas, 147 and 148 Capel street , . V G 529 Smyth, Jacob, 28 Mary street, little . . P 530 Smyth, Thomas, Air hill, Loughlinstown . . P 531 Sparks, William, 45 Wellington street , . V * 532 Spring, James, 43 Mountjoy square, south . . P 533 Stephenson, Henry, 107 Dorset street, upper. . V G 534 Stewart, James, 17 Beresford street . . V G 535 St. George, Henry L., 92 Dorset street, upper 536 Stuart, Rev. David, 35 Nelson street , , V G 537 Supple, William, 7 Mountjoy street, middle . . G P 538 Swaine, Gilbert, Fairfield, Wexford . . V G 539 Swain, John, 52 Eccles street inns’ quay ward. 159 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 540 Sweeney, Michael, 68 Mountjoy street . . G P 541 Sweetman, Joseph, 50 Bolton street . . P 542 Swift, Benjamin, 96th Regt., Salford, Manchester V G 543 Swift, Robert John, Beechlawn, Rathgar 544 Symes, James, 19 Eccles street , . G 545 Tallon, Francis, 118 Capel street .. P 546 Tallon, Nicholas, 57 Blessington street . , G P 547 Tatlow, John, 24 Pill lane • . Y G 548 Taylor, Gervas L., 21 Molesworth street . . Y G 549 Taylor, James, 10 Mountjoy street . . P 550 Thom, Patrick, 75 Eccles street .. G P 551 Thompson, Henry, 21 Blessington street , . P 552 Thompson, William, 21 Blessington street . • P 553 Tighe, Thomas, 67 Wellington street . . P 554 Tobin, Richard, 5 Palmerston place . • 555 Toler, John, 7 Blessington street 556 Tormey, James, 74 Mary’s lane . . P 557 Towers, Peter, 47 Bolton street . . P 558 Townsend, John S., 21 Blessington street .. Y G '559 Traynor, Edward, 10 Lurgan street . « G 560 Tully, Matthew, 49 Bolton street . . P 561 Tynan, Patrick, 104 Dorset street, upper P 562 Yerdon, John Thomas, 2 Eccles street . . Y G 563 Yincent, John, Charleton, Dundrum, co. Dubhn Y G 564 Walker, James, 5 Mountjoy street, middle . . Y G 565 Walker, John A., 1 Berkeley street, lower . . P 566 Walsh, John, 29 Ormond quay, upper . . Y G 567 Walsh, William, 8 King street, north 568 Ward, Christopher, 10 King street, north . . P 569 Warren, Charles, 6 Duke street, Westminster 570 Weir, Alexander, 20 Blessington street . . Y G 571 Whelan, Richard, Rochestown av., Monkstown Y G 572 White, Thomas F., 53 Mountjoy street , . Y G 573 Whitty, Michael, 33 Bolton street p 574 Whitty, Patrick, 33 Bolton street , . p 575 Williams, Charles W., 8 Synnott place , . Y G 576 Wilson, George, 17 Mountjoy street, middle,. 577 Wilson, James, 92 Capel street , , p 578 Yeates, Robert, Elmhall, Celbridge, IHldare , . . . ,*/*•.'■• *^V= ■’ /* ■ . '-ll •• •■' '1JV t , '.-''V vfe: ' . jitS / ■,v 1 ^.i' ^ ' 'Vv': : ij'ut#;-., ■'•'■■■ j - ■■■■ .-.t; V ■ . : ' ■^^'''■' ■'■' ' ^ \ ■ •. -< ,,;a .: ' . • ..■ fjf. T.’ K •■,*;.'rf;’WV ' '■ -.> ' ' ■‘■''■'If . ' ■ ^:f '* *3 •'L ^ ■0 ;:;r ;• v ,. ^ ,- . 0 4 ^^,, • ^ , ’f; • H > 7 ■'•■,' ,t,:..v , . • ., V -,...1^'**- ,.-m' .,;, • - L- .• • ;V . • ■'•■•*'• ■' ■ •• ' ., - . .•, ' -r^. '''I.*- ■'i.' -m ' :■, V,' . ■ • • :■ ,,. -V'! >'• : •' :n:'*,';--v ■ .■-^.■'■■:,0:,:r-^^ :- -V' •vS,A' V>r NOETH CITY WAED. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; Y, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Abbott, Rev. Joseph, Carsham, WEtshire, England 2 Alexander, Alfred, 65, 69, 71, 72 Strand st., great P 3 Alexander, Edward, 65, 69 to 72 Strand st., great P 4 Alexander, William, 65, 69 to 72 Strand st., great P 5 Allen, John, 163 Capel street 6 Allen, Thomas, 9-J Arran street, east . • G P 7 Alley, Rev. John Peter, Rotterdam, Holland . • 8 Anderson, Robert, 38 Ormond quay, lower . . V G 9 Anderson, Robert C., 3 Swift’s row . . G P 10 Appleyard, Henry, 36 Sackville street, lower . . V G 11 Aiuristrong, Edward, 68 Britain street, great . . G P 12 Armstrong, George, 30 Baggot street, upper . . V G 13 Armstrong, John Strong, 31 Eccles street 14 Arnott, John, 11 to 15 Henry street . . P 15 Arthur, William, Browncross, Oldtown 16 Aylmer, Michael V., Springfield, Blackrock . . 17 Bagnall, John, 24 Mary’s abbey . . P 18 Bailey, Christopher, 33 Ormond quay, lower . . 19 Balfe, Edward, 47 Moore street . . P 20 Barker, Edward, 32 Abbey street . , V G 21 Barker, James, 32 Abbey street . , V G 22 Barrett, Hill Hamilton, 13 Bachelors’ walk . . 23 Barry, Michael Francis, 18 Chari emont mall . . P 24 Baskin, Robert, 73 Abbey street, middle , . G 22 1G2 NORTH CITY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 25 Batt, Thomas, 21 Pliilipsburgh avenue V G 26 Beahan, John, 24 Moore street . . G P 27 Beahan, John, 20 Moore street 28 Beakey, Patrick, 12 and 13 Mary street . . G P 29 Beamish, John, 101 Abbey street, middle . . V G 30 Beater, Orlando, 11 to 15 Henry street . . G P 31 Bell, Pev. Frederick, 19 Jervis street 32 Bellingham, Sir Allen E., Castlebellingham, Louth V G 33 Bennett, Jonathan, 41 Sackville street, lower , . 34 Bennett, Michael, 33 Moore street . . P 35 Bermingham, William H., 10 Liffey st., lower. . V 36 Betts, George C., 30 Henry street , , 37 Bewley, William, 18, 19 and 20 Henry street,. 38 Boles, George, 9 Mary street . . V • 39 '^Bolger, James, 26 Abbey street, middle 40 Boomer, George, 39 Moore street , . P 41 Boulger, James, 24 Liffey street, upper . , P 42 Boyd, Samuel, 46 Mary street . . G P 43 Bracken, Thomas, 53 Mary street . . P 44 Brady, Jeremiah, 50 Britain street, great . , P 45 Brady, John Beauchamp, Mystal, co. Carlow . . 46 Braithwaite, William H., 6 Cope street , , V G 47 Brannon, George, 6 and 7 Cole’s lane . . P 48 Brennan, William, 17 Arran street, east , , P 49 Brereton, Thomas, 17 Moore street ,, P 50 Brooks. John, 16 Henry street . . V G 51 Brooks, Thos., Lough Eske, Stranorlar, Donegal 52 Brown, Edward, Eossleague, Clifton, co. Galway 53 Brunton, William, 43 Henry street . . V G 54 Bruton, Christopher, 6 Swift’s row • • G P 55 Burgess, John, 13 Britain street, great . , P 56 Burgess, Thomas, 6 Ormond quay, lower , . P 57 Burns, Gilbert, Knockmaroon , , p 58 Burroughs, LJenry F., Ballyroan, Eathfarnham V G 59 Burrows, Eichard, 7 Stafford street . . G P 60 Burrowes, Eobert H., Newbridge, co. Kildare.. 61 Butler, Charles, Abbey view, Kill-o-the-grange. . V G 62 Butler, George, 16 Capel street . , P 63 Byrne, Denis, 50 Moore street , . p 64 Byrne, James, 6 Liffey street, upper , . P * Voted in Royal Exchange Ward, pin NORTH CITY WARD. 1G3 No. Reg. Voter’s Name ard Add^'ess. For whom voted. 65 Byrne, John, 36 Moore street , . P 66 Byrne, John J., 6 Henry street . . G P 67 Byrne, Matthew, 58 Mary street . . P 68 Byrne, Patrick, 201 Britain street, great . . P 69 Cade, William, 74 Britain street, great 70 Cairnes, Thomas P., 52 Abbey street, middle . . 71 Calderwood, James, 63 Sackville street, upper 72 Caldwell, James, 42 Mary street 73 Campbell, George, 58 Sackville street, upper. . 74 Campbell, James, 19 Liffey street, upper 75 Campbell, James, 48 Mary street 76 Campbell, John, 58 Sackville street, upper .. 77 Cannock, George, 11 to 15 Henry street 78 Cannon, Bernard, 32 Denmark street 79 Cannon, John, 158 Capel street 80 Carey, John, 19 Ormond quay, lower 81 Carey, Patrick, 1 Swift’s row 82 Carmichael, John, 47 Mary street 83 Carr, Alexander, 64 Mary street 84 Carrigan, Edward, 34 Bachelors’ walk 85 Carroll, John, 29 Liffey street, upper 86 Carson, Rev. Thomas, Cloon Rectory 87 Carton, Michael, 34 & 35 Liffey street, lower 88 Carton, Thomas, 35 Liffey street, Ibwer 89 Case, James, 22 Riddle’s row. . 90 Chancellor, John, 55 Sackville street, lower • . 91 Cherry, William, 40 Sackville street, upper*. . 92 Christie, Saunderson, 68 Abbey street, middle 93 Clarke, William, 51 Sackville street, lower .. 94 Clay, George, Blenheim square, Leeds 95 Coall, Llenry, 12 Charlemont street 96 Cogan, James, 32 Mary’s abbey 97 Coleman, John, 31 Liffey street, upper 98 Collins, George, 13 Liffey street, upper 99 Condron, Michael, 2 Strand street, little 100 Connell, Patrick, 28 Moore street 101 Connolly, James, 42 Moore street 102 Connolly, John, 113 Grafton street 103 Connolly, John, 30 Prince’s street, north 104 Connolly, Owen, 21 Mary’s abbey V G G P V G V G G V G y V V G V G V V G P P P G V G P P ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ hjhj ^ ^ ^ 1G4 NORTH CITY WARD. Ko. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom Toted. 105 Connolly, Tliomas, Castletown, Celbridge • • Y G 106 Connolly, Thomas, 10 Ormond quay, upper . . P 107 Connor, Skeffington, Toronto, Canada west . • 108 Conroy, Michael, 55 Mountpleasant square . • 109 Conway, James, 27 Liffey street, upper . . P 110 Cooke, Patrick, 127 Abbey street, upper , . G P 111 Corcoran, Luke, 46 Britain street, great .. P 112 Costello, Michael, 20 Britain street, great .. P 113 Costigan, Eobert, 21 Oraiond quay, lower . . G P 114 Coyle, Benjamin, 31 Ormond quay, lower .. V G 115 Cromie, John, Portstewart, Londonderry .. G P 116 Croke, John, 8 Ormond quay, upper . . P 117 Crooke, Michael, 10 Ormond quay, lower . . P 118 Cullen, John \Y., 14 Mary street . . P 119 Curran, John, 1 Abbey street 120 Daly, James, 35 Henry street 121 Daniel, William, 55 Mary street 122 Davis, James, 4 Arran street, east 123 Davis, Samuel, 137 Abbey street, upper 124 Delany, John, 3 Jervis street 125 Delmore, James, 26 and 27 Liffey street, lower 126 Deverell, Anthony, 34 and 35 Moore street . . 127 Devlin, Hugh, Santry, co. Dublin 128 Dickson, Arthur, 22 Mary street , , 129 Dillon, Thomas, 25 Bachelors’ walk 130 Dillon, Valentine B., 12a Ormond quay, upper 131 Doddrell, James, 24 Eiddall’s row , . 132 Dolan, Michael, 6 Capel street 133 Dollard, James, 40 and 41 Strand st., great . . 134 Dollard, Eichard P., 40 & 41 Strand st., great 135 Domville, Sir Charles Wm. Compton, Santry. . 136 Donnelly, David, Cabra, co. Dublin 137 Donnelly, Patrick, 3 Moore street 138 Dowling, James, 7 Moore street 139 Doyle, John, 53 Jervis street 140 Doyle, John, 38 Mary street , , 141 Doyne, Christopher, 14 Liffey street 142 Draper, Carter E., 23 Mary street 143 Draper, Carter E., 27 Mary street 144 Drought, George, 6 Bachelor’s walk Y Y Y G G G G P P P P P G hi hihi hihj NORTH CITY WARD. 1G5 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. ' 145 Duff, John, 52 Britain street, great 146 Duffy, Patrick, St. Helen’s, Eathgar 147 Dunne, John, 40 Moore street . . P 148 Dunne, Matthew, 47 Jervis street . • P 149 Eaton, Charles, Ballygogley, co. Wexford . • V G 150 Edens, Joel, 51 Sackville street, lower 151 Edmondson,Isaiah, 3 Catherine vih, Canal bk.jW V 152 Egan, Daniel, 26 Ormond quay, lower . . G P 153 Elvery, John W., 46 Sackville street, lower . . 154 English, Isaac, 21 Bachelor’s walk ^ .. P 155 Ennis, James, 59 Mary street . . P 156 Erson, William L., 39J Henry street . . V G 157 Espinesse, James, Boxley Idg., Maidstone, Kent 158 Evans, Thomas H., 67 Abbey street, middle.. G P 159 Fagan, Bernard, 43 Moore street . . P 160 Falconer, John, 53 Sackville street, upper .. P 161 Farrell, James, 32 Cole’s lane , . P 162 Farrelly, Philip, 41 Abbey street, middle . . P 163 Faucett, Benjamin, 18, 19 & 20 Henry street G P 164 Fenlon, Patrick, 62 Britain street, great , . P 165 Finnegan, George, 7 to 11 Swift’s row .. P 166 Fishbourne, Joseph, 24 Bachelor’s walk . . V G 167 Fitzgerald, Michael, 132 Abbey street ,. P 168 Fitzpatrick, Patrick, 22 Moore street . . P 169 Fitzpatrick, Terence, 1 Moore street . . G P 170 Flanley, James, 48 Britain street, great 171 Flood, Michael, 153 Capel street .. P 172 Flood, Thomas, 8 ^ Liffey street, lower .. V G 173 Flynn, John, 1 Strand street, great . . P 174 Forster, David, 24 Ormond quay, lower 175 Franklin, Joseph, 55 Capel street 176 Fullam, John, 19 Britain street, great . . P 177 Gaffney, Peter, 16 Arran street, east , . P 178 Gahagan, John E., 69 Sackville street, upper V G 179 Gatchell, Edward, 55 Henry street V G 180 Gaynor, James, 75 Abbey street, middle . . P 181 Geoghegan, Thomas, 16 Ormond quay, upper P 182 Gerrard, Bernard, 36 Henry street P 183 Gibbons, Peter, 54 Henry street . . P 16G NORTH CITY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 184 Gibbs, William, 26 Capel street . . P 185 Gibson, Henry James, 50 Mary street , . V G 186 Gilbert, Jeremiah, 54 Capel street . . .V G 187 Gilchrist, Peter, 28 Liffey street, upper . . P 188 Gill, IVIichael H., 50 Sackville street, upper . . G P 189 Gill-igan, Michael, 56 Moore street . . * G P 190 Gillis, Edward F., 168 Capel street . . G P 191 Gladstone, Eobert F., 91 Abbey street, middle 192 Glass, Thomas, 25 Abbey street P 193 Gogan, John, 62 Moore street . . P 194 Gorman, Patrick, 5 Britain street, great .. P 195 .Gormley, Richard, Henry street •• P 196 Graham, James J., 18 Denmark street • . P 197 Gray, Sir John, 4 to 6 Prince’s street, north . • G P 198 Green, Eobert W. B., 105 Abbey st., middle.. V G 199 Greene, Murdock, 8 Longford ter., Monkstown 200 Green, Timothy, 165-6 Capel street 201 Gregan, John, 15 Arran street, east . . P 202 Gregory, Christopher, 2 Abbey street . , P 203 Grennan, Patrick, 27 Mary’s abbey . . G P 204 Griffith, Arthur H., Moate, co. Westmeath . . - G P 205 Groom, Samuel H., 23 Moore street . . P 206 Hackett, John, 9 Lilfey street, lower 207 Hall, Bernard, 32 Moore street 208 Halliday, George, 4 & 5 Abbey street, upper 209 Hamerton, John Tt, 61 Sackville street, upper 210 Hamilton, Blackwood, 64 Sackville street, up. 211 Hamilton, James, 67 Sackville street, upper . . 212 Hamilton, John J., Cross av., Booterstown . . 213 Hanbridge, Lawrence, 51 Moore street 214 Hanlon, Thomas, 18 Abbey street, upper 215 Llarkan, John Fredk., 44 Sackville street, up. 216 Harris, William, 100 Abbey street 217 Harrisson, Edward, Castle street, Dalkey 218 Hart, Henry, 38 Britain street, great 219 Harte, Patrick, 8 Riddall’s row 220 Haslam, James, 29 Mary street 221 Healy, George, 20 Ormond quay, lower 222 Healy, Richard, 1 Riddle’s row 223 Hcffernan, Martin, 116 Abbey street, iqiper . . P V G V G V G P P P V G V G V G P G P h:) hj NORTH CITY WAl D. 1G7 No. Reg. Votcr'3 Name and Address. For whom voted. 224 Pleineky, Lewis, 56 Sackville st., upper . . V G 225 Kelly er, Thomas Wm., 28 Abbey street .. V G 226 Heyfron, John, 124 Capel street . . P 227 Hickey, Michael, 54 Britain street, great . . P 228 Higgins, Kobert T., 20 Jervis street . . G P 229 Higgs, John, 34 Abbey street . . P 230 Higgs, Thomas, 33 Abbey street , . G P 231 Hignell, Thomas, 3 Abbey street, lower . . G P 232 Hoey, Charles, 23 Abbey street . . P 233 Hogan, Bryan, 1 46 Abbey street 234 Hogan, Edmond, 11 Capel street .. P 235 Hogg, Thomas, 22 Mary street 236 Hooke, Patrick, 58 Moore street 237 Horan, Garrett, 1 Liffey street, upper 238 Hume, Eobert, 110 Abbey street, middle . . V G 239 Hutchinson, William, 18 Eichmond, Fairview V G 240 Hutton, Henry, Edenfield, Dundrum . . G 241 Jennings, Montifort, 38 Henry street 242 Jervis, Sir H. M. J. White, BallyeUis, Gorey . . 243 Jewell, Alfred, 30J Abbey street . . V G 244 Johnson, Nathaniel, Bordeaux, France 245 Johnson, William, Annamo, co. Wicklow . . V G 246 Jones, John, Templeraney, near Arklow 247 Jordan, Henry, 12 Ormond quay, upper 248 Jordan, James, 37 Abbey street . . G 249 Kane, Edward, 2 Moore street 250 Kane, Sir Eobert, Wickham, Dundrum 251 Kavanagh, Patrick, 37 Cole’s lane ,, 252 Kavanagh, Peter, 25 Eiddal’s row 253 Keegan, Michael, 34 Henry street 254 Keenan, Charles, 24 Mary street 255 Kellett, John, 55 Moore street 256 Kelly, John, 3 Leinster road, west, Eathgar . . 257 Kelly, Luke, 38 Abbey street 258 Kelly, Matthew, 60 Mary street 259 Kelly, Patrick, 9 Liffey street, upper 260 Kelly, Eichard, 56 Sackville street, lower 261 Kelly, William, 56 Sackville street, lower 262 Kennan, Noel, Eoundwood, county Wicklow . . P P P P P P P P P G P P P P y G P-i P^ Ph P^ Ph 1G8 NORTPI CITY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 263 Kennedy, Charles, jun., 150, 151 & rere Capel st. P 264 Kennedy, Ignatius J., rere and 18 & 19 Capel st. P 265 Kennedy, James, 37 and 38 Stafford street . . P 266 Kennedy, James, 150&151& rere Capel street P 267 Kennedy, John, 120 Abbey street, upper . . G P 268 Kenny, James, 43 Capel street . . P 269 Kenny, Joseph, 10 Jervis street . . P 270 Keogh, Christopher, 25 Liffey street, upper .. P 271 Keogh, Edward, 41 Moore street . . P 272 Keough, Joseph, 73 Britain street, great . . P 273 Kinahan, Hugh, in rere, 4 Jervis street . . G P 274 Kincaid, John, 42 Jervis street •• 275 Kirk, Joseph E., 22 Jervis street 276 Kirkman, George F., 17 Ormond quay, lower V G 277 Lambe, Henry, 58 Capel street 278 Lanigan, Charles, 39 Capel street 279 Laurent, William, 4 Swift’s row .. V G 280 Lawler, Michael, 26 Moore street . . G 281 Lawler, Patrick, 14 Liffey street, upper • • 282 Lawler, William F., 9 Bachelor’s walk . . V 283^Lemon, Graham, 48 and 49 Sackville st., lower 284 Lindsay, Eobert, 15 Mary street 285 Lombard, James F., 11 to 15 Henry street . . 286 Long, Francis, 17 Capel street 287 Lynch, George, 43 Sackville street, lower . . V G 288 Lynch, James, 1 Mary street 289 Lynch, William, 16 and 17 Liffey st., lower. . 290 Lyons, Bernard, 32 Liffey street, lower 291 M‘Bride, Patrick, 55 Britain street, great .. P 292 M‘Cabe, George, 8 Moore street . , G 293 M‘Cabe, Terence, 31 Bachelors’ walk 294 McClelland, James, 7 Mary street . . G P 295 McDermott, James, 53 Britain street, great , . P 296 McDermott, James, 39 Sackville street, upper P 297 McDermott, William, 64 & 65 Britain st., great P 298 McDonnell, James H. G., 47 and 48 Stafford st. V P 299 McDonnell, Thomas, 47 and 48 Stafford street 300 McDonough, Matthew, 12 Hardwick place . . G P * Voted in Royal Exchange Ward, NORTH CITY WARD. 1G9 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 301 McDowell, Hugh, 51 and 52 Mary street 802 M‘Grade, Patrick, 7^ Liffey street, upper . . P 303 M‘Keon, James, Gibraltar villa. Dolphin’s barn G 804 M‘Nally, Lawrence, 10 Moore street . . P 305 M‘Naught, William, 14 and 15 Henry street. . P 306 M‘Neill, John, 3 Cumberland pi.. Circular rd., nth. P 307 McNulty, Robert, 39 Abbey street, upper . . P 308 M‘Robins, Andrew, 60 Moore street . . P 309 Madden, Lott, 139 Abbey street . . G P 310 Magrane, Mark, 26 Henry street . . P 311 Maguire, Richard, 53 Abbey street, middle .. V G 312 Maguire, William, 37 Liffey street, lower V G 313 Maher, John, 1 to 3 Ormond quay, upper 314 Mahon, Peter, 19 and 20 Abbey street, upper 315 Malley, Robert, 2 Alpine view, Wellington road 316 Manders, Richard, 49 Moore street 317 Marlow, Arthur, 29 Capel street 318 Marlow, James, 28 Mary’s abbey 319 Marr, James, 94 Abbey street, middle 320 Marshall, Thomas, 126 Abbey street, upper .. P 321 Martin, Felix, 5 Ormond quay, lower .. P 322 Martin, James, 5 Sackville lane . . P 323 Martin, John, 58 and 59 Lotts , . P 324 Martin, Peter, 28 Britain street, great . . G P 325 Martin, Thomas, 5 Ormond quay, lower . . P 326 Masterson, John, 28 b Henry street . . G P 327 Mathieson, John, 12 Ormond quay, lower 328 Matthews, George C., 49 Sackville street, upper P 329 Maunsell, Richard, Oakley q)ark, Celbridge .. V G 330 Mecredy, Robert, 1 Ormond quay, lower , , G P 331 Meldon, James D., 14 Ormond quay, upper . . P 332 Merry, Martin, 9 Arran street, east . . P 333 Moffat, James, 39 Mary street .. V G 334 Molloy, Michael, 66 Britain street, great . . P 335 Mongey, Lawrence, 54 Capel street . . P 336 Montgomery, Capt. Robt. B., 13th Lt. Infantry V G 337 Mooney, James, 38 Moore street . . P 338 Mooney, John, 2 Mary street , . P 339 Moore, Hugh, 57 Capel street , . P 340 Moore, Ponsonby, Moorefield, Newbridge 341 Morgan, Felix, 43 Amien street , . G P' 23 'Tl 'Tj 170 NORTH CITY WART). No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 342 MorjDhy, Edward P., 8 Suffolk sq., Cheltenham 343 Morrin, Matthew, 21 Britain street, great .. P 344 Morrison, Bichard Fielding, 16th Lancers . . V G 345 Mullen, James, 10 Eiddall’s row . . P 346 Murphy, James, 30 Cole’s lane . » P 347 Murphy, James, 8 Britain street, great . . P 348 Murphy, John, 24 Strand street, great . . P 349 Murphy, Martin, 9 and 10 Henry street . . P 350 Murphy, Patrick, 31 Mary’s abbey . . ' P 351 Murphy, Eichard, 49 Strand street, great . . P 352 Murray, John, 21 Capel street . . P 353 Murtagh, Christopher, 40 Abbey street, upper P 354 Nash, Llewellyn, Northumberland road . . V G 355 Nathan, Edmund, Strand street, great 356 Neligan, Eev. W. C., Landscape ter., Cork . . V G 357 Neville, Samuel, 11 Denmark street V G 358 Newland, John, 25 Moore street 359 Nixon, William C., 2 Bachelors’ walk . . G P 360 Noble, John, 45 Capel street , . G P 361 Nolan, Henry, 66 Strand stre.et, great . . P 362 Nolan, James, 125 Abbey street, upper .. G P 363 Nolan, Thomas, 47 Britain street, great . . G P 364 Norman, Thomas, 2 Capel street 365 Norman, Thomas L., Corballis, Ardee 366 Nugent, Eev. William, Ballinafagh glebe, Naas 367 O’Beirne, John, 56 Abbey street, middle 368 O’Brien, John, 25 Capel street . . P 369 O’Brien, Peter, 147 Abbey street .. G P 370 O’Connor, Edmund, 51 Sackville street, upper P 371 O’Connor, Hugh, 51 Sackville street, upper .. P 372 O’Connor, William, 4^7 Abbey street, middle.. P 373 Oldfield, Walter, 1 Bachelors’ walk .. G P 374 O’Neill, John, 138 Abbey street .. G P 375 Orson, James, 34 Jervis street 376 O’Sullivan, Henry, 4 Ormond quay, lower .• 377 O’Toole, Daniel, 6 Denmark street . . P 378 Pakenham, Daniel, 57 Henry street .. V G 379 Parkinson, Wm. E., Euedes Passimer, Brussels NORTH CITY WARD. 171 V V V V No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom 380 Parr, Godfrey, Ballinteer, Dundrum, co. DubKn V 381 Parsons, John, 15 Moore street 382 Patten, Rev. Francis, Eastham, near Drogheda 383 Pearson, Richard, 24 Capel street 384 Peile, Henry, 42 Fleet street 385 Pentland, George H., Cowslip Idg., near Drogheda 386 Percival, Rev. William, Kilmore hill. Tallow.. 387 Pigott, John, 37 Britain street, great 388 Pilkington, Frederick, 89 Abbey street, middle 389 Philipson, Henry E., 30 Stafford street 390 Plasto, John, 144 Abbey street 391 Plunkett, Thomas, 41 Bridgefoot street 392 Powell, John, 17 Denmark street 393 Power, James, 6 Strand street, little 394 Power, John, 8 Jervis street 395 Power, Patrick, 42 Henry street 396 Prescott, John, 14 Stafford street 397 Preston, Robert, 8 Capel street 398 Pugh, John, 13 Liffey street, lower 399 Pugh, Thomas, 13 Liffey street, lower 400 Purcell, James, junior, 10 Bolton street V V voted. G P G G 401 Quigley, Joseph, 13 Capel street 402 Quinn, Mark, 8J Riddall’s row 403 Rambaut, Frederick R., Leeson park, Ranelagh 404 Ramsay, James W., Bachelors’ walk 405 Rainsfort, Martin J., 3 Arran street, east 406 Redmond, James J., 118 Abbey street 407 Reid, John C., 29 Bachelors’ walk . , 408 Reid, Patrick, jun.. The Cottage, Delgany . . 409 Reid, Thomas, 56 Britain street, great 410 Reilly, Bartholomew, 1 Jervis street 411 Reilly, James, 11 andrere 12 Abbey street . . 412 Reynolds, Thomas, 1 and 2 Britain st., great 413 Rice, Nicholas, 42 Britain street, great 414 Richardson, Joseph, 9 Capel street 415 Richardson, Thomas, 9 Capel street 416 Roe, Peter, 47 and 48 Stafford street 417 Robertson, Alexander, 22 Bachelor’s walk . . 418 Robertson, James, 22 Mary street ,, V G V G V V G P G P G P P G P V G V G 172 NORTH CITY WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 419 Eobertson, William, 35 Sackville street, lower 420 Eobinson, John, 20 & 21 Strand street, great 421 Eobinson, William, 53 Capel street 422 Eocbe, Joseph, 31 Cole’s lane 423 Eoche, William, GO Abbey street, middle . . V G 424 Eooney, James, 5 Moore stre'et 425 Eooney, John, 3 Liffey street, upper 426 Eooney, Joseph F., 30 Liffey street, upper . . 42-7 Eoss, William, 92 Abbey street, middle 428 Eussell, Francis B., 43 Clanbrassil st., upper V G 429 Eussell, William J:, Oak lodge, Castleknock. . V 430 Eyan, Edward, 54 Abbey street, middle 431 Eyan, James G., 54 Abbey street, middle . . 432 Scally, Michael, 36 & 37 Ormond quay, lower 433 Scott, George, 51 Abbey street, middle . . V 434 Seabrook, John, 136 Abbey street, upper • . G 435 Shannon, Bernard, 55 Capel street . . G 436 Shannon, Thomas, 121 Abbey street, upper . . 437 Sharpley, Arthur, 59 Capel street , . V G 438 Shea, John, 28 Capel street 439 Shea, Thomas, 37 Henry street . 440 Sheridan, Christopher, 8 Cole’s lane . . G 441 Sheridan, James, 13 & 14 Arran street, east. . 442 Sillery, Eobert, 107 Abbey street, middle 443 Sillery, Marmaduke, 107 Abbey street, middle G 444 Simonton, David, 80 Abbey street, -middle .. V G 445 Smith, George, 74 Strand street, great 446 Smith, Henry, 155 Capel street . . V G 447 Smith, John, 3 Stafford street 448 Smith, John, 47 Mary street V 449 Smith, John, 26 Bachelors’ walk . . G 450 Smith, Lawrence, 18 Mary’s abbey 451 Smith, William, 37 Sackville street, lower . . Y G 452 Smithson, Thomas W., 51 and 52 Capel street 453 Smithwick, Edmond, 64 Abbey street, middle G 454 Snowe, Thomas, 62 Abbey st., middle , . V G 455 Spain, John, 79 Abbey street, middle .. G P 456 Spearing, George, Waterloo road , . V G 457 Stafford, George, 61 Moore street , . P 458 Star, John, 27 Ormond quay, lower . . P NORTH CITY WARD. 173 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 459 Stewart, John Y., Rockhill, Letterkenny 460 St. Georgio, John N., 35 York street . . V G 461 Strahan, Robert, 24 and 25 Henry street . . Y G 462 Sullivan, Peter, 59 Britain street, great . . G P 463 Sweeny, John Charles, 31 Gardiner’s place . . 464 Sweetman, Patrick, 6 Mary street . . P 465 Synnott, Thomas, 111 Abbey street, middle G P 466 Taalfe, Charles, Templeogue lodge . . G P 467 Taaffe, Richard B., Eglinton villa, Bray strand P 468 Taalfe, Robert, Garville avenue, Rathgar 469 Talbot, William, 14 Denmark street . . P 470 Talty, Peter, 9 and 10 Henry street . . P 471 Tancred, Michael, 7 Riddle’s row . . P 472 Tank, James, 42 Ormond quay, upper , . G P 473 Telford, John, 50 Henry street . . G P 474 Thom, Alexander, 87 & 88 Abbey st., middle . . 475 Thompson, Richard, Westlodge, Kelloternan . . Y G 476 Thompson, William, 30 Abbey street , . p 477 Thornton, John, 36-38 Liffey street, lower , . Y G 478 Tickell, George, 18 Mary street . . Y G • 479 Todd, William, 47 Mary street 480 Toole, Darby, 134 Abbey street 481 Trocke, Rev. William, South hill, Chapelizod. . Y G 482 Troy, James, 2 Henry street 483 Troy, John, 2 Henry street 484 Trumbull, Robert, Beechwood, Malahide . , Y G 485 Turbett, James, 3 Bachelors’ walk . . v Y 486 Turner, Patrick, 5 Arran street, east . . p 487 Tweedall, Jacob, 39 Sackville street, lower , . Y G 488 Twigg, John, 5 Bachelors’ walk 489 Tyrrell, Richard, 4 Riddall’s row . . p 490 Ussher, Richard B., 2 Albert ter., Sandycove. . 491 Yance, William, 18 Rutland square, north . , Y G 492 Wall, James, 52 Moore street ^ . p 493 Wall, Matthew, 130 Abbey street 494 Walsh, John, 21 Moore street 495 Walshe, Joseph, 32 Capel street 496 Walsh, Michael, 41 Ormond quay, lower .. p Ph Ph Ph Ph 174 NORTH CITY WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 497 Walsh, Nicholas, 21 Liffey street, upper P 498 Walsh, Patrick J., 20 Bachelor’s walk .. G P 499 Ward, Luke, 59 Henry street . . P 500 Ward, Patrick, 45 Moore street P 501 Ward, Thomas, 48 Moore street • . P 502 Warren, Joseph, 17 & 18 Liffey street, upper P 503 Warren, William, 15 Ormond quay, lower . • V G 504 Webb, Thomas, 47 Sackville street, lower . . V G 505 Weld, Matthew K., Callan, co. Kilkenny . . V G 506 Westby, Eev. Henry J., Kochestown, Cabinteely V G 507 Wharton, Rev. Joseph J., Edenderry, King’s Co. V G 508 White, Edward, 43 Mary street . . P 509 Whitelaw, Robert, Ardrass lodge, Celbridge . . V G 510 Wigham, Henry, 33 to 36 and 38Capel street 511 Wigham, John R., 33 to 36 and 38 Capel st. 512 Williamson, William, 47 Mary street . . V 513 Wilson, Richard, Thornfield, Donnybrook . . V G 514 Woodhouse, John, 39 Ormond quay, lower .. V G 515 Woods, Matthew, 33 Mary street . , P hj h:! ►x) EOTUNDO WAED. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Abbott, John Moore, 56 Gardiner street, lower V G 2 Adair, George Wm. 27 Pembroke street 3 Adair, John, 31 Merrion square, north . . V G 4 Adamson, James E., Kill, Clifden, co. Galway 5 Allingham, Edward, 36 Dominick street, lower P 6 Anderson, James, 11 & 12 Dorset street, lower 7 Andrews, William, 2 Gardiner’s place • . 8 Arkins, Matthew, 6 Eanelagh road • . P 9 Armstrong, John, 45 Dominick street, lower . . 10 Armstrong, John 0., 8 Grenville street , , G P 11 Atkinson, James, 15 Dorset street, lower •• V G 12 Atkinson, James Brook, Golden Ball . . V G 13 Baker, Henry, 84 Gardiner street, upper 14 Baker, William, 1 and 2 Dorset street, lower . . V P 15 Barker, Oliver, 6 Gardiner’s row . . V G 16, Barker, William, 2 Fitzgibbon street .. V G 17 Barnes, Edwin, 137 Britain street, great , . V G 18 Barrington, Charles, 202 Britain street, great. • 19 Barrington, Edward, 202 Britain street, great G P 20 Barrington, John) 202 Britain street, great . . 21 Barry, James Eedmond, 9 Dominick st., lower . . 22 Barry, John E., 16 Dominick street, lower . . G 23 Barton, Eev. Eichard, 17 Temple street, upper. . V G •24 Bell, Arthur, Belview, Abbeyleix, Queen’s co. .. V G 17G llOTUNDO WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom Yoted. 25 Bell, Rev. Charles L., Willoughby Idg., Enniskillen 26 Bell, George R., Bel view, Abbeyleix, Queen’s co. 27 Bennett, Rev. Thomas, 41 Dominick st., lower. . 28 Bird, Thomas, 11 Kelly’s row . . P 29 Black, Daniel, 138 Britain street, great . , G P 30 Blackburne, Edward, 9 Grenville street , . V G 31 Blake, Luke, 144 Britain street, great . . P 32 Blakely, Robert T., Ashtown lodge, Castleknock V 33 Blood, John Lloyd, 11 Mountjoy square, north G P 34 Bond, Owen, 200 Britain street, great . . P 35 Bolton, Edward J., 1 Grenville street . . V G 36 Bourke, Cecil F. J., Corpus Christ! College, Oxford 37 Bowers, Thomas, 6 King’s Inns’ street , . V G 38 Boyd, Alexander, 29 Granby row 39 Boyd, Major James, Wall’s house, Shrewsbury, . 40 Boylan, John, 36 Dorset street, lower , . P 41 Brabazon, Wallop, Bloomfield, Malahide . . V G 42 Brady, Daniel F., 5 Gardiner’s row , . P 43 Brady, John, King’s Inns’ street . , P 44 Breakey, Robert L., 36 Dorset street . , V P 45 Brennan, Alexander, 25 Leeson street, upper . . 46 Brennan, Sylvester, 19 Temple street, upper . . 47 Brierly, Joseph, 72 Capel street ^ . . P 48 Briggs, John, 24 George’s street, north . . G P 49 Briscoe, Joseph, 11 Russell place . . P 50 Brooke, Francis Richard, 1 Gardiner’s row . • V G 51 Brooke, George Frederick, 1 Gardiner’s row . . V G 52 Bruen, Henry, Oak park, Carlow . . V G 53 Burke, John L., 15 Rutland square, east . . V G 54 Burke, Joseph, 50 Dorset street, upper , . P 55 Burke, Thomas, 36 Belvidere place . . V G 56 Burris, Simpson Nelson, 50 Dorset street, upper V G 57 Bury, John, 1 Sherrard street, upper 58 Butler, James, Ardnorc, Athy, county Kildare V G 59 Byrne, Francis W., 206 Britain street, great . . P 60 Byrne, James, 77 Capel street . , P 61 Byrne, John P., 31 Gardiner’s place , . G P 62 Caffrey, John, 5 Dorset street, lower . . P 63 Cahill, Michael, 4 Granby row, upper 64 Campbell, Henry, 4 Gardiner’s place . . P • noTUNDO' WARD. 177 • No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. ‘ G5 Campbell, James, 20 Rutland square, north . . G P C6 Campbell, Michael, 156 Britain street, great •• P 67 Campbell,Rev.Theopliilus, Knocktemple, Belfast V G 68 Cantwell, James, 10 Russell place . . P 69 Cantwell, John M‘N., 24 Dominick st., lower P 70 Carmichael, Thomas A., 7 Temple st., upper. . V G 71 Carpenter, Rev. Henry, 5 George’s st.,gt.,L.pool 72 Carroll, Edward, 48 Dorset street, nj)per .« P 73 Champney, Christopher, 4 Dorset street, upper P 7 4 Clarke, George, 24 Belvidere place . . V G 75 Clarke, William, 207 Britain street, great 76 Cleary, William, 64 and 65 Capel street . . V G 77 Clendenning, Robert, 12 George’s place, north V G 78 Cloran, Henry, Bride street house, Loughrea G P 79 Coffey, James C,, 39 Mountjoy square, south P 80 Coffey, John W., 54 Dominick street, lower , . P 81 Collum, John, 9 Rutland square, east 82 Connellon, John, 19 George’s place, north •• P 83 Connolly, Patrick, 199 Britain street, great . . 84 Connor, James, 196 Britain street, great .. P 85 Cooney, Francis, 10 Nerney’s court . . P 86 Cooper, John, 1 St. George’s place 87 Corbett, Charles, 69 Gardiner street, upper . . G P 88 Cornwall, John, 36 Rutland square, west . . V G 89 Corrigan, James, 39 Hardwicke street 90 Cosgrave, Thomas, 24 Dorset street, lower . . Y G 91 Creagh, Simon, Sydney lodge, Booterstown , . P 92 Creery, Leslie, 18 Sherrard street, upper •• V 93 Croft, Alban, 38 Belvidere place • • P 94 Croker, Thomas, 37 Dominick street, lower . . P 95 Crozier, Thomas, Seafield, Donny brook road . . V G 96 Cry an, Robert, 54 Rutland square, west , . G P 97 Cullen, Arthur, 53 Dominick street, lower . . P 98 Cullen, Michael K., 27 Dorset street, lower . . P 99 Cullen, William, 78 and 79 Capel street . . P 100 Cullinan, Michael F., 26 Frederick st., north 101 Cullinan, John F., 26 Frederick street, north 102 Cuningham, Patrick, 23 Frederick st., north P 103 Curran, John A., sen., 22 Dominick st,, lower P 104 Curran, John A., jun., 22 Dominick st., lower 105 Dane, William A., Enniskillen 378 P.OTUNDO WAPI). No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For lOG Dargan, Patrick, 29 George’s st,, north, great 107 Denham, John, 3 Cavendish row 108 Devine, Edward, 7 George’s place, north 109 Devitt, Henry, 1 Temple street, upper 110 Devitt, Richard J., 37 Belvidere place 111 Digby, Benjamin, Moyvore, co. Wexford 112 Dix, Henry T., 9 Gardiner street, upper 113 Dobbin, Leonard, 27 Gardiner’s place 114 Dobbs, Conway E., jun., 6 George’s st., nth., gt. 115 Dolan, Lawrence, 9 King’s Inns’ street i. 116 Dolan, Patrick, 1 6 Grenville street 117 Donohoe, Denis, 3 King’s Inns’ street 118 Doran, Charles, 5 King’s Inns’ street 119 Douglas, James, 57 Harcourt street 120 Dowling, John, 211 Britain street, great 121 Doyle, Denis, 141 Britain street, great 122 Do}de, Edward, 44 Hardwicke street 123 Doyle, James, 149 Britain street, great 124 Doyle, John, 158 Britain street, great 125 Doyle, John, 4 Dorset street^ lower 126 Duffy, Edward M., 43 Hardwicke street 127 Duggan, Austin W., 58 Mountjoy square, west 128 Duggan, James, 1 King’s Inns’ street 129 Dumphy, James, 12 Dorset street, upper 130 Dumphy, James, Granby lane 131 Dunne, Richard, 34 Dorset street, upper whom voted. G P V P V G P P V G V G P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P G G G 132 Edwards, James, 2 Cavendish row 133 Egan, Henry, 221 Britain street, great 134 Egan, James C., 5 Frederick street, north 135 Ellis, Arthur, 7 Denmark street, great 136 Elwood, John, 49 Dominick street, lower 137 Ensor, Charles, George’s place, north 138 Errington, Michael, St. John’s, Blackrock 139 Ewing, Patrick, 35 Dorset street, lower 140 Fagan, Michael, 63 Dorset street, upper 141 Falls, Henry, 7 Dominick street, lower , , 142 Farrington, Abednego, 59 Gardiner st., upper 143 Faulkner, Robert G., 57 Mountjoy sq., north. . 144 Faulkner, Frederick R., 57 Mountjoy sq., nortli P P P V V G V G V G ^ ROTUNDO WARD. 179 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 145 Faulkner, Travers H., 57 Mountjoy sq., north V G 14G Fay, William, 10 Dorset street, lower . . P 147 Fegan, John, 81 Capel street . « P 148 Ferguson, William D., Mountjoy square, south V G 149 Fitzgibbon, Henry, 19 George’s street, north. . V G 150 Flannery, xlrthur, 70 Capel street .. G P 151 Flood, John, 46 George’s street, north •• V G 152 Flynn, John, 2 Essex bridge .. V G 153 French, William J,, 11 Eutland square, east, . V 154 Fyffe, John, 7 Mountjoy square, north 155 Gaffney, Edward, 151 Britain street, great .. P 156 Gaussen, David, 12 Gardiner’s place 157 Gaynor, John, 3 Belvidere place - . P 158 Gaynor, Thomas, 13 Granby place 159 Geale, Marcus, 15 Belvidere place . . V G 160 Geraghty, John, 5 Leinster ter., Aughrim st. P 161 Gerty, William, Kendalstown, Delgany ,, G P 162 Gibbons, E. M‘Donnell, 1 Lambeth, Leinster rd. V G ‘163 Gibney, Christopher, 9 King’s Inns’ street .. P 164 Gilligan, Daniel, 3 Hardwick street . . P 165 Giltrap, James J., 35 Dominick street, lower. . 166 Goddard, Archibald H., 17 George’s st., north V G 167 Goslin, John, 12 Tivoli terrace, Kingstown .. 168 Gough, John, 3 Granby place 169 Graham, William, 25 Bolton street . . G P 170 Greene, William, 7 Loftus lane .. V G 171 Greer, Samuel, 3 Gardiner’s place 172 Gregan, Patrick, 12 King’s Inns’ street .. P 173 Grehan, Stephen, 19 Eutland square, north ,, P 174 Hall, Lindsay, 49 George’s street, north .. V G 175 Hamilton, Charles W., 40 Dominick st,, lower 176 Hamilton, Erederick, 16 Frederick street, north P 177 Hamilton, Frederick, 40 Dominick street, lower 178 Hamilton, James, Killeshandra .. V G 179 Hammond, John, 23 Eussell place V G 180 Handcock, William N., 64 Gardiner st., upper P 181 Hanks, Jeremiah, 25 Gardiner’s place , . V G 3 82 Hanna, Thomas, 5 Gardiner’s place . . V G 183 Harrison, Michael, 30 Gardiner’s place . . , 180 TtOTUKDO WARD. No, Reg. Voter’s Name and Address, For whom voted. 184 Hearne, George, 68 Gardiner street, upper . . V G 185 Henderson, Acheson J., 60 Mountjoy st., W. V G 186 Hickie, Patrick, 17 Gardiner’s street, upper .. 187 Hill, George, 191 Britain street, great •• V 188 Hogan, John, 172 Britain street, great 189 Hogan, William, 172 Britain street, great . , 190 Horgan, Thomas F., 5 Grenville street 191 Hone, Kichard J., Vevay, Bally brack . . V G 192 Horner, Francis, 9 Dorset street, upper . . V G 193 Hughes, John, 53 Dorset st., upper . , P 194 Humphreys, Henry, 22 Temple street, upper. . V G 195 Hyndman, James M., 4 Belvidere place .. V G 196 Hyndman, Robert A., 4 Fitzgibbon street . . V G 197 Irwin, Samuel, 1 Hardwick street . . V G 198 Jameson, Edward J., Hermitage, Carlow . . V G 199 Jebb, Rev. John, Petaston, Ross, Hertfordshire 200 Jennings, Wensley B., 15 Gardiner’s place .. V G 201 Jordan, Rev. Thomas, 23 Hardwick street .. V G 202 Kane, William F., Trinity College, Dublin . . V G 203 Kavanagh, James, 69 Dorset street, upper . . P ' 204 Kavanagh, Lawrence, 26 Bolton street . . P 205 Kavanagh, Thomas, 50 Dominick street . . V G 206 Kearney, Henry, 83 Capel street . . P 207 Kearney, Patrick, 80 Capel street 208 Keely, Daniel, 26 Temple street, lower 209 Kelly, Patrick, 27 Bolton street . . ' P 210 Kelly, Thomas, 1 Hardwick place . , P 211 Kenna, John, Dorset street, upper .. P 212 Kennedy, James B., 61 Mountjoy square, west G P 213 Kent, William T., 51 Rutland square, west . . P 214 Keogh, Martin, 204 Britain street, great . . P 215 Keogh, Philip, 68 Mountjoy square, west 216 Kernan, Christopher, 6 Grenville street .. P 217 Kernan, James, 25 Rutland square, north . . P 218 Kidd, John, 57 Rutland square, west .. V G 219 King, Rev. Sir Gilbert, Drumsna, co. Roscommon V 220 King, John, 182 Britain street, great . . P 221 King, Patrick, 35 Dorset street, upper P-i Pm P-t IlOTUNDO WARD. 181 # No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 222 Kirkpatrick, Rev. George, Hazlebank, Ballymena 223 Kirkpatrick, Rev. William, 48 George’s st., nth. P 224 Kirwan, John, 28 Dorset street, lower . . G P 225 Kirwan, Michael, 17 Bolton street . . P 226 Kissane, John, 14 Russell place . . V G 227 Kuaggs, George, 33 West street, Drogheda^.. V 228 Knox, Rev. Arthur, Rectory, Ballyhaize, Cavan 229 Law, Hugh, 4 Denmark street, great 230 Law, Pascal, 51 Dominick street, lower 231 Law, Robert, 25 Merrion street, upper . . V G 232 Lawless, Edmund B., 13 Temple street, upper P 233 Lee, John, 4 Hardwick place • • G P 234 Leech, Charles, 40 George’s street, north . . V G 235 Lefroy, Anthony, 18 Leeson street, lower , . V G 236 Legg, Henry, 6 Dominick street, lower . . V G 237 Legrange, Charles, Riversdale, Bray . . P 238 Leinster, Duke of, 13 Dominick street, lower.. 239 Leonard, John, 27 Rutland square, north . . P 240 Lentaigne, John, 1 Denmark street .. P 241 Lett, Joshua, Enniscorthy, county Wexford . . 242 Levey, Nicholas, 23 George’s street, north . . P 243 Lindsay, Frederick, 67 Mountjoy square, west. . V G 244 Loftie, William J., 31 Frederick street, north 245 Lombard, Daniel, 45 George’s street, north . . P 246 Lube, Edward, 2 George’s place . . P 247 Lynch, Charles, 25 Hardwick street 248 Lynch, David, 35 Rutland square, west , . P 249 Lynch, William, 10 Dorset street, upper . . P 250 Lyons, Timothy, 57 Dominick street, lower . . P 251 McAlister, Robert, 11 Gardiner’s place ,, V G 252 M‘Carthy, Egar, 69 Capel street . . V G 253 M‘Causland, Dominick, 12 Fitzgibbon street.. 254 M‘Clintock, Alexander E., 58 Rutland sq., west V G 255 M‘Connell, Joseph, 59 Rutland square, west.. P 256 M‘Conroy, Thomas, Laburnam, Harold’s Cross P 257 McDermott, John, 64 Mountjoy square, west. . G P 258 McDermott, William, 5 Hardwicke place , . P 259 McDonnell, James, 4 Grenville street . . G P 260 M‘Donnell, John, 4 Gardiner’s row . . P 182 ' ROTUNDO WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2G1 M‘ Donnell, Thomas, 47 George’s street, north 2G2 M‘Dougall, William, Drumleek house, Howth P 2G3 McDowell, Benjamin G., 29 Gardiner’s place. . V G 2G4 M‘Entire, Francis, 210 Britain street, great.. P 2G5 M‘Evoy, David, 280 Britain street, great , . P 2GG M‘Gauran, Edward, 15 Frederick street, north * P 2G7 MG-Ceever, Thomas, 7 Cavendish row . . ' G P 2G8 M‘Kenna, James, 37 Dorset street, upper . . P 2G9 McMahon, Bernard, 3 & 4 Dominick street, Ir. P 270 M‘Mahon, John, 3 Cavendish row . . P 271 M‘Mahon, Peter, 21 Dominick street, lower , . P 272 M‘Millan, Rev. Gibson, 9 Hardwick place . . V G 273 M‘Namara, Michael, 5 Dominick street, lower P 274 McNamara, Richard, 31 George’s street, north P 275 M‘Veigh, Ferdinand M., Newtown, co. Meath 27G MWeigh, John F., 24 Frederick street, north G P 277 Macdonagh, Francis, 41 Rutland square, west V G 278 Mackintosh, George, 12 Rutland square, east Y G 279 Maclean, Rev. William, Tynam, co. Armagh. . 280 Maconchy, John K., Downpatrick 281 Macrory, Adam J., 48 Rutland square, west . V G 282 Macrory, Robert J. T., 31 Rutland sq., west . . V G 283 Madden, John Travers, Inch house, Balbriggan V G 284 Madden, Richard R., 9 Denmark street, great P 285 Magee, Rev. Hamilton, 9 George’s place, north P 28G Magill, John, 24 Hardwicke street 287 Mahon, Thomas, 19 Dorset street, upper . . V G 288 Mahony, Cornelius, GG Capel street . . G 289 Major, James, 13 Mountjoy square, north 290 Maley, George Orme, 5 Temple street, upper 291 Malone, William, 17G Britain street, great .. P 292 Matthews, Samuel, 12 Dominick street, lower V G 293 Maturin, Rev. Benjamin, Lymington vicarage Y G 294 Maxwell, Patrick, 37 George’s street, north . . P 295 Mayne, Pelham, IG George’s street, north .. 296 Mayne, Robert St. George, 9 Belvidere place. . Y G 297 Medlicott, George, 5 Rutland square, east . . Y G 298 Meehan, John J., King’s Inns’ street 299 Mills, Henry, 12 Temple street, upper . . Y G 300 Moit, William, 20 Russell place , . 301 Mollcr, Andrew G., 7-8 Hardwick street ROTUNDO AVARD. 183 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. • 302 Molloy, John D., 2 Denmark street, great , . P 303 Molony, James, 4 Bolton street • . G P 304 Molyneux, Thomas, 20 Kichmoncl cottages, lower P 305 Montgomery, Terence, King’s Inns’ street . . P 306 Moore, James, 65 Dominick street 307 Mor^, John, 28 Hardwick street 308 Moran, William, 3 Moimtjoy square, north , • 309 Morron, Thomas, 16 Hardwick street 310 Morrison, William, Santry . . V G 311 Morrogh, Leonard, 5 Denmark street, great . . G 312 Moyles, William, 20 Dorset street, upper 313 Murney, Robert, 55 Rutland square, west 314 Murphy, Denis, 194 Britain street, great 315 Murphy, James, 14 Dorset street, lower . . V G 316 Murphy, John T., 218 Britain street, great . . G 317 Murphy, Rev. R. Holden, Bootle, Cumberland 318 Murray, Sir James, 19 Temple street, upper . . 319 Murray, Nicholas, 2 Britain street, lane 320 Murray, William, 33 Frederick street, north.. V G 321 Nerney, James, 7 Bolton street , . P 322 Nevin, Thomas, 14 Dorset street, upper . . P 323 Nolan, Lawrence, 22 Bolton street . . P 324 Norton, Patrick R., 8 Dominick street, lower G P 325 Norton, Rev. Reuben, Newtownabbot, Droon. • V G 326 Nowlan, John P., 11 Hardwick street , . P 327 Nue, John, 10b Loftus lane . . V G 328 Nugent, Ambrose, 72 Gardiner street, upper.. P 329 Nugent, John, 14 Rutland square, east 330 O’Bnen, Jeremiah D., 13 George’s place, nth. P 331 O’Brien, John, 7 Dorset street, upper ,, 332 O’Callaghan, Cornelius, 16 Dorset street, lower 333 O’ Callaghan, John, 37 Dorset street, lower . . G P 334 O’Connor, James, 41 Dorset street, upper ... V 335 Odium, John, Friendly Brothers’ House . . V G 336 O’Driscoll, William J., 65 Mountjoysq., west P 337 O’Gorman, Peter, 10 Gardiner’s place . . P 338 O’Hagan, Rt. Hon. Thomas, 34 Rutland sq.,W. P 339 O’Meagher, Joseph C., 5 Granby row, upper. . P 340 O’Neill, John, 7 King’s Inns’ street . . . p 184 llOT^rNDO WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 341 O’Reilly, John, 55 Dominick street, lower . . P 342 O’Reilly, Joseph, 63 Capel street 343 O’Reilly, Michael, 178 Britain street, great 344 O’Reilly, Richard P., 21 Rutland square, north 345 Orpen, Richard J. T., 51 George’s street, north V G % 346 Palles, Christopher, 59 Mountjoy square, west 347 Pearson, Charles C., 4 Fairview avenue , . V G 348 Peebles, William, 9 Frederick street, north . . V G 349 Perrin, Rt. Hon. Louis, 42 Rutland square, west 350 Perry, Jeremiah, Greenmount, Drumcondra. . 351 Philips, Thomas, 67 Capel street . . V G 352 Pilkington, Henry M., 35 Gardiner’s place . . V G 353 Pitchford, John W., 63 Gardiner street, upper V G 354 Poe, James, 28 Temple street, upper 355 Power, Daniel, 28 George’s street, north 356 Poyner, James, 114 James’s street .. V G 357 Purcell, James, 10 Bolton street 358 Quinlan, Francis B., 5 Cavendish row 359 Quinlan, John, 5 Cavendish row 360 Quirk, Edward, 1 Dorset street, upper 361 Radcliffe, Thomas, 15 Russell place . . V 362 Ravenhill, Daniel, 212 Britain street, great .. 363 Raymond, George, 3 George’s street, north , . V G 364 Reid, Patrick R., 46 Dorset street, upper . . V G 365 Reilly, Michael, 9 Ryder’s row 366 Reynolds, Thomas, 159 Britain street, great. . 367 Richardson, Benjamin W., 2 Frederick st., N. V G 368 Roche, Jordan, 11 Hardwick place .. V G 369 Roche, Martin, 44 Dominick street, lower . . 370 Robinson, John D., 18 Frederick street, N. . . V G 371 Robinson, Nicholas, 84 Capel street 372 Robinson, Rev. T. Romney, Observatory, Armagh 373 Rogers, John, 25 George’s st., N., Merrion * • 374 Rogers, William T., 47 Dominick street, lower 375 Russell, Joseph, 13 Dorset street, upper 376 Ryan, Daniel, Frederick court, north .. P 377 Sadleir, John, 15 George’s place, north •• V G ROTUNDO WARD. 185 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 378 Scully, Rodolph, 9 Fitzgibbon street . . P 379 Sexton, Timothy, 18 Palmerston place .. P 380 Seymour, Rev. John H., Hollywood, co. Down V G 381 Shegog, William H., 15 Mountjoy sq., north V G 382 Sheridan, Patrick, 47 Dorset street, upper . . P 383 Sherrard, David Henry, Thorn dale, co. Dublin V G 384 Sherrard, Rev. William N., Kilcullen, Kildare V G 385 Sidney, William J., 33 Rutland square . . P 386 Sinclair' Edward B., 28 Frederick street, nth. V G 387 Sinnott, James, 15 Bolton street 388 Skelly, John, 213 Britain street, great 389 Smith, James, Drumbrin, Athy 390 Smith, John, 2 Belvidere place 391 Spencer, Alexander, 32 Frederick street, nth. V G 392 Spring, Edwatrd, 11 Granby row, upper .. V G 393 Strachan, Charles, 10 Cross lane 394 Supple, Marcus, 28 George’s place, north 395 Sweetman, Walter, 4 Mountjoy square, north 396 Symes, Sandham, 58 Dominick street, lower. . G 397 Taaffe, Nicholas, 4 Ryder’s row 398 Ternan, James, 52 Dorset street, upper 399 Thompson, Charles, Rathdowney, Queen’s co. V G 400 Thompson, Robert, Springfield, Golden Ball . . 401 Thompson, Walter, 27 Dorset street, upper .. V G 402 Thorpe, George, 27 Gloucester street, upper . . V G 403 Thunder, John, 43 Rutland square, west 404 Tighe, Edward, 17 Dorset street, lower 405 Tisdall, Rev. Charles E., 17 Temple st., upper 406 Trench, Thomas C., Athlone 407 Troy, Henry, 10 Granby place . . P 408 Tuke, Gibbons, 3 Dame street . . V G 409 Twigg, John, 21 Frederick street, north .. V 410 Twybill, George, 18 Belvidere place , . V G 411 Tymons, James, Baskinhill, St. Doulough’s .. V G 412 Valkenburg, Edward, 5 Frederick lane, north P 413 Vance, John, 18 Rutland square, north . . V G 414 Vance, Thomas, 9 Bridge street, lower . . V G 415 Vandeleur, Crofton Moore, Rutland square, E. 416 Vaughan, Edward, 12 Rutland square, east . , 25 180 ROTUXDO WAUT). No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 417, Vaughan, Hugh, 10 Denmark street, great . . G P 418 Waldron, Lawrence, 38 Eutland square, west .. 419 Walker, Samuel, 12 Frederick street, north .. 420 Wallace, William Nevin, 30 George’s st., nth. 421 Walsh, Bartholomew, 14 George’s place, north. 422 Walsh, Martin, 3 Dorset street, upper 423 Ward, John, 160 Britain street, great .. G 424 Warnock, John, 30 George’s street, north 425 Warren, Augustus, Coolgreen, Queenstown, Cork 426 Warren, Eobert, 40 Eutland square, west , . V G 427 Warren, Eobert, jun., 40 Eutland square, west 428 Waters, George, 16 Temple street, upper 429 Webster, William, 8 Granby row, upper . . P 430 Wells, George, 31 Dominick street, lower . . G 431 West, Edward, 74 Capel street , . P 432 West, Matthew, 1 Seapoint terrace, Monkstown 433 White, James, 13 Eussell place • . V 434 White, Joseph William, 42 Hardwicke street. . V G 435 Whiteside, Et. Hon. James, 2 Mountjoy sq., nth. V G 436 Whitty, Thomas, 165 Britain street, great . . P 437 Williams, Charles E., 6 Frederick street, north V G 438 Willis, John, 4 Belvedere court . . V G 439 Wilson, John, 62 Capel street . . V G 440 Wingfield, Hon. Eev. Wm., Abbeyleix rectory V G 441 Winter, John, travelling abroad 442 Woods, George, Milverton . . V G 443 Woods, Hans Hamilton, Whitestown, Balbriggan V G 444 Woods, Eev. William, 14 Granby row, upper. . V G 445 Wren, Andrew, 71 Dorset street, upper . . P 446 Wright, Joseph Wm., 46 Eutland square, west V G 447 Wright, Sidney, 46 Eutland square, west . . V G 448 Wyley, William, 55 Mountjoy square, west . . G P 449 Wynne, Edmund, 35 George’s street, north . • V G 450 Wynne, George, Wicklow, co. Wicklow • . V G 451 Young, Thomas J., 26 Dorset street, upper . . V G ^ MOUNTJOY WAED. LIST of VOTERS, and for wliom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, V ance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Reg, Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Abraham, George, 17 Buckingham street, upper P 2 Alexander, Rev. Godfrey, Daventry, Northampton V G 3 Allen, Edward, Ballybough road . . V G 4 Allen, Lott, 20 Rutland street, lower 5 Anderson, Rev. James, Warrenpoint, co. Down V G 6 Andrews, Robert, 26 Mountjoy square, east 7 Anster, John, 5 Gloucester street, lower . . G 8 Anthony, James, 93 Summerhill 9 Archer, Skeffington Smith, 22 Charles st., great V 10 Armstrong, George F., 6 Charleville mall . . V (i 11 Armstrong, John G., 5 De Vesci ter., Monkstown V G 12 Armstrong, William, 38 Gloucester street, upper 13 Ashbrook, John, 15 Gloucester street, north .. P 1 4 Austen, Alexander, Annesley place • . V G 15 Barker, James, 24 North Cumberland st., upper V G 16 Barry, John, 31 North Strand P 17 Bartley, Patrick, 108 Summer hill . . G P 18 Bedlow, John, Mountjoy court,* Charles st., great G P 19 Bennett, Michael, 45 Gloucester street, upper . G P 20 Bennett, Samuel, 45 Gloucester street, upper . . G P 21 Berford, Thomas, ^8 Summer street, north 22 Berney, Jervis, 4 Buckingham street, upper , , V G 23 Berry, Thomas, 79 Britain street, great 24 Billiard, Felix, 12 Sackville street, upper . . P 188 MOU:NTJOi' V/AED. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For wliom voted 25 Blackham, John, 35 George’s pi., George’s Church 2G Blaquiere, James F., 19 Gardiner st., middle .. P 27 Blennerhasset, Bichard, 23 Gloucester st., upper V 28 Blood, Neptune, Egmont villa, Kanturk, co. Cork V G 29 Boles, Benjamin, Newcomen place . . V G 30 Bolton, William Edward, Malahide ... V G 31 Bomford, Wilson, 29 Summer hill 32 Boyle, Bichard B., 82 Marlborough street . . G P 33 Brabazon, Anthony, 12 Darington street, Bath V G 34 Brady, Peter, 1 1 Summer hill, lower 35 Brady, Bev. W. Maziere, 8 Buckingham st., up. 36 Bragg, Joseph, Basscugthwaite, Keswick, Eng. 37 Brennan, Matthew, 45 North Strand . . G 38 Brooke, John, 4 Gardiner street, middle 39 Brown, John, 2 Charleville mall 40 Browne, John M., 20 Gloucester street, lower , . G 41 Brownell, John, 16 Buckingham place . . V G 42 Buckley, Thos., Newcomen cottages, Nth. Strand G 43 Bull, Ebenezer, 26 Bay view avenue 44 Burby, John, 107 Summer hill . . V G 45 Burke, John, 13 Sackville street, upper 46 Burton, Sir C. W. Cuffe, Pollerton, Carlow . . 47 Burton, Bev. Bobt.,Withington rectory, Manchester V G 48 Bury, Joseph, 4 William street, north 49 Butler, Patrick, 38 William street, north 50 Butler, Bichard, 2 Portland row 51 Butler, Thomas, 23 Summer street, north 52 Byrne, John, 41 Summer hill 53 Byrne, John, 17 Gloucester street, lower 54 Byrne, Michael, Thomastown Castle, Tipperary 55 Byrne, Simon, 112 Summer hill 56 Cahill, Andrew, 81 Britain street, great 57 Callaghan, Michael, 47 Butland street, upper . . 58 Caldwell, Bichard, 16 Summer street, north . . 59 Cantwell, Timothy, 5 Gloucester place, north . . GO Carroll, Patrick, 48 Marlborough street 61 Carroll, Philip, 30 Gardiner street, middle 62 Carroll, Bedmond, 49 Summer hill 63 Carton, Bichard P., 53 Mountjoy square, west 64 Cashan, Thomas, 78 Britain street # G G V V G MOUNTJOY WARD. 18 D No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. G5 Challoner, John B’., 9 Summer street, north . . V G 66 Chambers, James, 4 Sackville street, upper . V G 67 Chambers, Eobert, Glenagary lodge, Glenagary V G 68 Champion, Frederick M., 10 Gloucester st., Ir. V G 69 Chapman, George, 18 Portland row . . P 70 Cherry, Eobert W., 51 Charles street, great V G 71 Chomley, John Henry, Belcamp, co. Dublin .. V G 72 Clampett, Henry J., 17 Cumberland st., north V G 73 Cleary, Peter, 101 Britain street, great . . P 74 Clephan, Peter, 20 Portland row .. 7 5 Coghlan, Patrick, 42 Bayview avenue , . P 76 Coleman, James, 6 Langrishe place .. P 77 Collins, James, 4 Eutland street, lower •• V G 78 Collins, William, 2 Langrishe place 79 Concannon, Henry, 9 Gardiner street, lower . . P 80 Conlan, Bartholomew, 3 Bayview avenue ^ . 81 Conlan, John, 3 Summer street, north . . Y G 82 Connolly, Bartholomew, 133 Britain st., great P 83 Connolly, John, 14 Langrishe place . , P 84 Connolly, Owen Thomas, 57 Marlborough street P 85 Connolly, Patrick, 3 Temple street, lower . . P 86 Connolly, Eobert, 35 Eichmond place , . P 87 Connor, Patrick, 10 Buckingham place , . P 88 Conrahy, Laurence, 41 Belvidere place . . P 89 Conroy, Bernard, Ballybough road . . P 90 Corcoran, Edward, 2 Gardiner street, lower , . 91 Corlett, Henry, 106 Summer hill .. G P 92 Corley, Hugh, 14 Summer hill 93 Corr, James, 29 Grenville street . . G P 94 Cox, John, 10 Newcomen place .. V G 95 Coyle, Charles, 11 Summer hill, lower .. p 96 Craigue, Eobert, 21 Eutland street, lower . . V' G 97 Creagh, Pierce, 29 Mountjoy square, east , , V G 98 Creighton, John, 32 North Strand . . p 99 Crosby, John E., 15 Buckingham street, upper P 100 Crowley, William, 44 Gloucester street, lower Y G 101 Crozier, William, 24 Gardiner street, middle. . Y G 102 Cullen, George Eobert, 12 Charleville mall . . Y G 103 Cullinane, Martin, 80 Britain street, great . . P 104 Cunniffe, Thomas B., 9 Bayview avenue . , P 105 Curtin, Cornelius, 29 Cumberland st., nth., up. P 190 MOUNT.! OY WARD, No, Ret?, Voter’s Name and Address, For whom voted. 106 D’ Alton, John, 48 Summer hill 107 D’ Alton, Patrick, 8 Newcomen place 108 Daly, Joseph, 128J Britain street, great 109 Danaher, William, 25 Rutland street, lower 110 Darcy, John, 5 Elephant lane 111 Darcy, Lewis J,, 26 Grenville street 112 Davidson, Harper C., 41 Richmond place 113 Davis, Neil, 45 Rutland street, upper 114 Deegan, James, 14 Summer street, north 115 Delmege, John Evans, Ashbourne, Limerick 116 Dempsey, Christopher, 105 Britain street, great 117 Dennehy, Thomas, 18 Cumberland street, north 118 Dennis, John, 2 Summer place 119 Devine, Patrick, 1 Summer street, north 120 Devlin, Patrick, 5 Gardiner street, middle 121 Dillon, Andrew G., 21 Charles street, great 122 Donnelly, Michael, 88 Marlborough street 123 Dowse, Richard, 38 Mountjoy square, south 124 Doyle, Anthony, 54 Summer hill 125 Doyle, Denis, 21 Earl street, north 126 Doyle, George, 64 Summer hill 127 Doyle, Thomas, 35 North Strand 128 Doyle, Thomas, 9 Gregg’s lane 129 Draper, John, 70 Camden street, upper 130 Dromgoole, Christopher, Grenville street 131 Duffy, John, 51 North Strand 132 Dunne, Charles, 8 Gloucester place. North 133 Dunne, Daniel, 4 Waterloo bigs.. North Strand 134 Dwyer, James, 8 Gardiner street, lower . . P 135 Dwyer, Michael E., 9 Rutland street, upper . . P V G V V G 136 Eagarty, Wm. S., 5 Waterloo av.. North Strand 137 Eakins, Samuel, 32 Sackville street, upper . . V G 138 Egan, Edward, 10 Temple street, lower 139 Egan, William, 45 Summer hill , , G 140 Egar, Edward, 63 Marlborough street 141 Evans, Thomas S., 2 Waterloo av.. North Strand V G 142 Fagan, Thomas Scott, 10 Portland row 143 Fallon, James, 121 Britain street, great 144 Fallon, William, 10 Charleville mall MOUNTJOY WARD. 191 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 145 Falls, Jolin M‘Vittie, 32 Eichmond place • . V 146 Fannin, Thomas, 51 Marlborough street . . V G 147 Farrell, Thomas, 112 Britain street, great G P 148 Farrell, Thomas, 65 Marlborough street . . P 149 Findlater, Adam Seton, 30 Sackville st., up.. . P 150 Findlater, Alexander, 30 Sackville st., up. . . G P 151 Finegan, Thomas, 46 Marlborough street . . G P 152 Finneran, Thomas, 1 Spring Garden parade . . P 153 Finnigan, John, 15 Summer street, north • • P 154 Finnucane, Daniel, 10 Gloucester place, north P 155 Fisher, Nathaniel F., 48 Gloucester terrace . . V G 156 Fitzackerj,William, 19 Cumberland st., up. nth. P 157 Fitzgerald, John, 11 Gardiner street, middle.. 158 Fitzgerald, John, 20 Summer hill . . P 159 Flanagan, Luke, 48 Bay view avenue . . P 160 Flood, George, 85 Britain street, great . . G P 161 Flynn, John Thomas, 12 Portland row .« P 162 Flynn, William, Summer hill, lower , , P 163 Foley, Joseph William, 14 Charles st., great P 164 Foley, Eonmey, 2 Mountjoy place . . P 165 Ford, James, 4 Summer hill , . V G 166 Foy, Edward, 18 Bayview avenue 167 Foy, Thomas W., 12 William street, north .. P 168 Frazer, William, 6 Portland row . . V G 169 Frizelle, Eev. Eichard, 3 Charles st., great .. V G 170 Furlong, WilHam, 12 Summer street, north . . \ 171 Gallagher, John B., 4 Charleville mall . . P 172 Gamble, Orr, 12 Summer hill 173 Gargan, Patrick, 11 Langrishe place .. V G 174 Gartland, Peter M‘Evoy, 31 Mountjoy sq., E. 175 Gater, William, 15 a Earl street, north 176 Gaussen, Charles, 17 Gardiner’s place V G 177 Geale, Patrick, 7 William street, north 178 Geary, Hamlet W., 5 Newcomen place V G 179 Geoghegan, Jacob T., 20 Eathmines road 180 Geoghegan, Joseph, 20 Sackville street, upper 181 Gibson, James, 35 Mountjoy square, south 182 Gibson, John, 10 Charlemont parade 183 Gilbey, Alfred, 31 Sackville street, upper 184 Gilbey, Walter, 31 Sackville street, upper Ph ^ 192 MOUNTJOY WARD. . No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 185 Gill, William J., Spring Garden 186 Gilligan, James, 120 Britain street, great . . G P 187 Glennon, William, 25 Gloucester street, upper P 188 Glover, Joseph, 50 Gloucester terrace . . V G 189 Goodbody, John, 4 Spring Garden parade , . P 190 Gough, Patrick, 47-|^ North Strand . . P 191 Gowan, Thomas, 54 North Strand . • P 192 Graham, Henry T., 7 Mountjoy place . . V G 193 Graham, James, 9 Buckingham place .. P 194 Graham, John, 4 William street, north .. V G 195 Grange, James, 6 Cumberland st., uj^per, north P 196 Grattan, William, 30 Summer hill 197 Gray, Charles, 4 Gardiner street, lower .. V 198 Gray, George, 1 Waterloo buildings, N. Strand G P 199 Gray, James, 25 Gloucester place, north . . Y G 200 Gray, John, Upton house, county Carlow . . G P 201 Gresham, Thomas M., 22 Sackville st., upper V G 202 Griffin, John, 8 Summer hill . , V G 203 Griffin, Michael, 14 Gloucester street, lower . . V 204 Griffin, Wilham, 16 Gloucester street, lower .. V G 205 Groome, Kobert H., 14 Caroline row • . V G 206 Hall, John, 22 Gloucester street, lower . . G P 207 Hall, John, 51 Bay view avenue 208 Hamilton, Thomas, 7 Caroline row 209 Hanlon, John, 33 Bayview avenue . . P 210 Harding, William H., 16 Buckingham st., up. G P 211 Harman, Bichard J., 6 Duke’s row . . G P 212 Harper, John, 20 Gloucester place, north .. V G 213 Harris, Hugh, 3 Mountjoy place . . V G 214 Harris, John E., 61 Summer hill . . V G 215 Harrison, William J., 17 Earl street, north .. V G 216 Hart, John R., 118 Britain street, great .. G P 217 Hassard, Bichard J., Newtownmountkennedy V G 218 Hatchell, Bt. Hon. John, 12 Merrionsq., south P 219 Healy, John, 98 Britain street, great .. G P 220 Heard, Bichard, 31 Charles street, great . . V 221 Henderson, James, Bally bough road . . V G 222 Heney, Hugh, 1 Gardiner street, middle 223 Henry, William J., 37 Buckingham st., upper G P 224 Heyfron, Bev. Denis, 83 >Iarlborough street. . P MOUNTJOY WARD. 193 No. Reg. Voter's Name and Address. For whom voted. 225 Hickson, George Blake, 59 Summer hill , . V G 226 Hickson, William, 35 Eutland street, upper . . G P 227 Hill, Joseph Frederick, 30 Rutland st., upper V G 228 Hilliard, Osborne, 29 Gloucester street, upper V G 229 Hillis,MalcolmW., Percy st., Bedford sq., London 230 Hoey, James, 74 Summer hill . . P 231 Hoey, Peter, 15 Gregg’s lane .. P 232 Hogan, James, 114 Summer hill . . ' P 233 Holmes, John G., 22 Summer hill 234 Hone, Nathaniel, jun., Vevay, Ballybrack • . G P 235 Hope, John, 24 Summer street, north 236 Hudson, Leonard, Hudson’s Bay, Athlone 237 Hudson, Thomas, 26 Summer street, north , , 238 Hughes, James, 3 Summer hill, lower . . P 239 Hughes, John, 23 Summer hill 240 Hughes, John, 40 North Strand street 241 Hunt, Edward, 13 William street, north .. V 242 Hutton, Alexander, 6 Waterloo avenue . . V G 243 Hutton, Lucius 0., 115 & 118 Summer hill . . G P 244 Hutton, Thomas, Summer hill , . G P 245 Hyland, William, 4 Temple street, lower . . V G 246 Hynes, David, 13 Buckingham place , . P 247 Irwin, Rev. William, 83 Marlborough street . . P 248 Jackson, William Henry, 56 Mountjoy sq., W. , V G 249 James, Joseph, 2 Summer hill , . P 250 Johnston, James, 24 Rutland street, lower , . 251 Johnston, James A., 31 Gloucester st., upper V G 252 Johnston, Robert St. G., 23 Mountjoy sq., east V G 253 Jones, John, 47 Marlborough street , . P 254 Jones, Rev. Thomas, 42 Summer street, north V G 255 Jordan, Charles B., 52 Charles street, great .. P 256 Jordan, Edmund, 37 Mountjoy square, south 257 Joy, Henry H., 33 Mountjoy square, east 258 Joyner, James, 4 Duke’s row, Summer hill - . P 259 Kane, John, 18 a Summer place, off Rutland st. G P 260 Kane, Peter, 1 Annesley place . . P 261 Kavanagh, Francis, 77 Marlborough street . . P 262 Kavanagh, John P., 7 Gloucester street, lower P 26 194 MOUNTJOY WAUI). No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 263 Kearns, James, 129 and 130 Summer hill . . P 264 Kearns, John, 26 Sackville street, upper . . P 265 Kearney, Henry, 22 Earl street, north . . P 266 Keating, Kichard, 108 Britain street, great . . P 267 Keegan, Samuel, 36 Richmond place . . V 268 Keith, Robert, 55 Marlborough street . . V G 269 Kellett, Patrick, 129 Britain street, great . . P 270 Kelly, Thomas, 6 Summer street, north , . P 271 Kelso, William, 17 Clarence street . . V 272 Kenna, Michael, 114 Britain street, great . . P 273 Kennan, Michael, 29 Rutland street, upper ,, P 274 Kennedy, Daniel, 101 Britain street, great . . P 275 Kennedy, Gilbert, 6 Mountjoy place . . V G 276 Kennedy, Henry T., 36 Baggot street, upper 277 Kennedy, James M., 47 Gloucester terrace , . V G 278 Kennedy, John, 5 Hutton’s lane .. V 279 Kennedy, John, 71 Summer hill G P 280 Kennedy, Patrick, 119 Gardiner street, lower. . G P 281 Kennedy, Peter, 128 Britain street, great . . P 282 Kennedy, Thomas, Rathvilly, co. Carlow 283 Kenny, James, 9 Elephant lane .. P 284 Kenny, Martin, 3 Nottingham st., N. Strand P 285 Kenny, Matthew,* 17 Gardiner street, middle. • 286 Kent, Joseph, 120 Gardiner street, lower . . P 287 Keogh, John, 21 Summer street, north . . G P 288 Keogh, John, Ballybough road . . G 289 Keogh, Patrick, 14 Portland row . . P 290 Kerr, Thomas, 8 Spring Garden parade 291 Kerrigan, John, Ballybough road , . G P 292 Kerwick, Michael, 23 Cumberland st., north . • P 293 Kidd, George, 18 Charles street, great . . V G 294 Kidd, Richard, Australia 295 Kiernan, John, Carrigallen, co. Leitrim 296 Kiernan, Thomas, Ballygihan, Kingstown 297 Kildahl, William S., 24 Rutland street, upper V G 298 Kinsella, Denis, 71 Marlborough street , . P 299 Kirwan, James, 44 Mountjoy square, south , , G P 300 Lacey, John William, 1 Bay view, North Strand 301 Lang, David, Newcomen place . . P 302 Larkin, John, 8 Elephant lane . . P MOUNT JOY WARD. 195 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 303 Larkin, Thomas, 45 Marlborough street . . P 304 Larkin, Thomas, 14 Gardiner street, lower . . • 305 Laurence, William, 7 Sackville street, upper.. - 306 Lawler, John, 6 Bayview . . V G 307 Lawless, George W., 10 Charles street, great P 308 Lawler, Thomas, 125 Britain street, great_ • . P 309 Lazarus, Henry, 86 Marlborough street . . P 310 Leahy, William, 5 Duke’s row. Summer hill , . P 311 Ledwidge, James, 10 Summer street, north . . P 312 Ledwidge, Joseph, 10 Cumberland st., up., nth. P 313 Leech, William, 31 Summer hill 314 Leslie, Charles, 26 Eutland street, lower 315 Lewis, Abraham, Herbert lodge, Blackrock . . 316 Littlejohn, Wilham, 21 Gloucester street, lower 317 Lloyd, Hans, Malahide, co. Dublin . . V G 318 Lloyd, William, 11 Buckingham place 319 Love, Henry, 71 Danelagh road .. V G 320 Lowry, James C., 42 Mountjoy square, south V G 321 Lube, Joseph, 33 and 34 Gardiner street, middle 322 Lube, William F., 30 Mountjoy square, east . . P 323 Lynch, Edward, 69 Marlborough street . . P 324 Lynch, John, 95 Britain street ^ . G 325 Lynch, Thomas, 23 Gardiner street, middle . . P 326 M‘Ardle, James, 14 Cumberland street, north P 327 M‘Cormick, George, 17 Langrishe place . . P 328 McCormick, James, 26 Gloucester place, north P 329 McDermott, James, 41 North Strand . . P 330 McDermott, William, 43 Gardiner st., middle. • G P 331 M‘Elroy, Hugh, 39 Gardiner street, middle . . V G 332 M‘Kay, William, 8 Summer street, north . . V G. 333 M‘Keon, Edward, 28 Gardiner street, middle . . G P 334 M‘Lennon, Wm., 4 Waterloo av.. North Strand V G 335 M‘Mahon, John, 35 Gloucester street, upper. . V G 336 M‘Mahon, John, 1 Buckingham place . . P 337 M‘Mullen, Andrew, 16 Earl street, north . . P 338 M‘Naughton, George, 43 Gloucester st., lower G P ' 339 M‘Nally, George, 25 Bayview avenue . . V 340 M‘Kobie, James, 1 Waterloo av.. North Strand P 341 M‘Sweeny, John, 7 Waterloo av.. North Strand P 342 Magee, James, 32 Bayview avenue ,, V G 196 MOUKTJOY WARD. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Addi*ess. For whom voted. 343 Mahon, Thomas, 9G Summer hill 344 Mahon, William, 96 Summer hill 345 Manning, Hugh, 16 Portland row 346 Marks, Walter, 36 Summer street, north , . V G 347 Marlowe, John, 5 Mountjoy plaee 348 Marr, William E., 67 Marlborough street 349 Marshall, John, 32 Summer street, north 350 Martin, Henry, 8 Bay view avenue 351 Martin, James, 7 Elephant lane . . V G 352 ^Mathews, George, 51 Summer hill 353 Matson, John J., 23 Charles street, great 354 Maturin, John, Prince Edward ter., Blackrock 355 May, John, Waterloo buildings, North Strand V G 356 Meade, Francis, 22 Mountjoy square, east . • V G 357 Meaze, William, 2 Sackville street, upper . . V G 358 Mellon, Michael, 32 Summer street, north . . 359 Merry, William, 22 Kutland street, lower , . V G 360 Meyler, Captain George, Dundrum, co. Dublin V G 361 Middleton, David, 3 Charleville mall . . V G 362 Millington, Thomas, 2 Virgemount, Clonskea . . V G 363 Moller, Charles C., Tyniaur, Rathmines G P 364 Molloy, Michael, 4 and 5 Gregg’s lane . . G P 365 Molloy, Robert, 50 Moimtjoy square, south . . V P 366 Monks, Michael, 37 Gardiner street, middle . . 367 Monks, Patrick, 27 Sackville street, upper . . 368 Monks, William, 81 Marlborough street . . P 369 Montgomery, Thos., Queensboro’, near Drogheda 370 Monts erratt, Henry L., 1 8 Pe afield ter., Blackrock 371 Montserratt, Nicholas Wade, 55 Summer hill V G 372 Mooney, Joseph, 92 Britain street, great ' P 373 Moore, Rev. Thomas, Easaroe house, Bray . . V G 374 Moran, Bartholomew, 6 Gardiner street, middle V G 375 Mortimer, Rodolphus, Charleville mall . . V G 376 Morton, Rev. John, St. Patrick’s cross, Cashel V G 377 Motherwell, Adam, 8 Charleville mall . . V G 378 Moylan, Michael, 6 Summer hill, lower .. P 379 Mulhall, Edward T., Buenos Ayres, S. America 380 Mulhall, Michael, Buenos Ayres, South America 381 Mullins, Robert, 32 Charles street, great , , V G 382 Mulville, Patrick, 7 Gardiner street, middle . , P * Voted in Donny brook District. PM MOU^'TJOY WARD. 197 No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 383 Murphy, John B., 5 Gardiner street, lower , . P 384 Murphy, Kev. Walter, 83 Marlborough street P 385 Mynor, Michael, 68 Summer hill . . P 386 Nagle, John, 25 Earl street, north . . G P 387 Neilson, Thomas, 49 Mountjoy square . . V G 388 Neville, John, 12 Gregg’s lane . . P 389 Newcombe, Thomas, 22 Eutland street, upper V G 390 Nicholl, Allen, 26 Charles street, great . . G P 391 Nicholson, John A., Balrath, Kells, co. Meath V G 392 Nolan, Patrick, 103 and 104 Britain st., great P 393 North, George, 10 Newcomen avenue 394 North, John, 16 Eutland street, upper . . G P 395 O’Beirne, Henry, 26 Gloucester street, upper 396 O’Brien, Denis, 45 Gardiner street, middle 397 O’Brien, James, 1 Bayview parade 398 O’Brien, John, 36 Gardiner street, middle 399 O’Brien, Thomas, 2 Bayview avenue 400 O’Bryan, Edward, 11 Gloucester street, lower 401 O’ Byrne, Christopher S., 27 York street 402 O’Connor, Charles, 16 Summer hill 403 O’Connor, Christopher, 34 Summer hill 404 O’Donnell, Matthew, 36 Mountjoy sq., sth. . 405 O’Donnell, Timothy, Baldwin, co. Sligo 406 O’Farrell, Eev. Nicholas, 83 Marlborough st. . 407 O’Gilvie, Peter, 1 Gloucester street, lower 408 O’Keeffe, John, 6 Caroline row . « V G 409 Oldham, Stanley, 19 Earl street, north .. V G 410 O’Leary, Daniel, 8 Charlemont parade . , P 411 O’Leary, Michael, 32 Gloucester street, lower. . P 412 O’Loughlin, James G., 80 Marlborough street P 413 O’Mahony, Edmond Wm., 38 Eutland st., up. P 414 O’Neill, Edward J., 27 Earl street, north . . P 415 O’Neill, Eev. Patrick, 83 Marlborough street. . P 416 O’Eeilly, James, 5 Spring Garden parade . . G P 417 O’Eeilly, James, 20 Bayview avenue , . P 418 O’Eeilly, John 135 Summer hill , . p 419 O’Eeilly, Terence, 24 Summer hill . , p 420 O’Shannessy, Francis, 80 Summer hill . . V 421 O’Shea, James Joseph, 6 Gardiner street, lower P PhPhPh P^PHP^P^P^ PhP-i 198 MOUNTJOY WARD. No. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom roted. 422 O’Sullivan, John, Ballybougli road . . G P 423 O’Sullivan, John, 14 Bayview avenue . . P 424 O’Toole, Cornelius, 137 Summer hill . , G P 425 Owen, Jacob, 2 Mountjoy square, west . . V G 426 Owens, Owen, 12 Buckingham place 427 Parker, Kobert, 73 Marlborough street 428 Patterson, Benjamin, 42 Gloucester street, Ir.. G 429 Pentony, Patrick, Bally bough road 430 Phepoe, Thomas, 21 Bayview avenue . . V G 431 Pigott, James, 31 Bayview avenue 432 Pigott, Nicholas, 1 Hutton’s lane. Summer hill 433 Plunkett, Hyacinth C., 106 Gardiner st., lower G 434 Plunkett, James, 47 Mountjoy square, south,. 435 Plunkett, Matthew, 83 Britain street, great . . 436 Popjoy, Charles, 8 Hutton’s lane. Summer hill 437 Pountney, William, 43 Summer hill , . V G 438 Powell, George, Sackville street, upper 439 Proctor, Thomas, 3 Waterloo bldgs., N. Strand V 440 Pugolas, Henry, 21 Portland row 441 Purcell, John, 99 Britain 'street, great 442 Purcell, Eev. William, 83 Marlborough street 443 Purtil, Patrick, 49 Kutland street, upper 444 Queely, John, 85 Marlborough street 445 Read, William, Summer hill, lower • • 446 Reid, William, 3 William street, north 447 Reardon, Daniel, 12 Bayview avenue 448 Reilly, John N., 37 Gloucester st., upper, N. . 449 Reilly, Patrick, 15 Langrishe place 450 Revington, Thomas, Crescent, Limerick 451 Reynolds, Hewston, 22 Bayview avenue 452 Reynolds, John, 58 Charles street, great 453 Reynolds, Patrick, 44 North Strand 454 Richardson, Arthur S., 2 Bayview, N. Strand 455 Richardson, Robert, 13 Caroline row 456 Rispin, Michael, 3 Charlemont parade 357 Roche, John, 19 Summer hill , , 458 Rogers, John, 44 Marlborough street 459 Rothwcll, Richard, Bayview house, N. Strand V G V G P P MOUNT JOY WARD, 199 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 460 Kush, John, 10 Gregg’s lane . . P 461 Rutherford, Thomas, 14 Rutland street, upper 462 Ryan, Henry, 10 Summer hill, lower P 463 Ryan, Michael, 5 Summer hill, lower . . P 464 Ryan, Thomas, 93 & 94 Britain street, great. . G P 465 Sane, John, 1 and 2 North Strand . « G P 466 Saunderson, Robert H., 8 Clarges st., London 467 Scott, Richard, 16 Gardiner street, middle .. 468 Sheade, Luke, 5 Portland row . • 469 Shegog, Wellington, 12 Charles street, great V G 470 *Sheil, Robert, 17 Eccles street 471 Sheridan, John, 89 Britain street, great . . P 472 Sherwood, Richard, 6 Bay view avenue . . V G 473 Simms, William, 34 Mountjoy square, south, . V G 474 Siree, Capt. Charles, 3rd Regiment, foot . . V G 475 Smith, Patrick, 107 Gardiner street, lower 476 Smith, Ralph, 3 Bayview, North Strand 477 Smith, Thomas, 13 Summer street, north . . V G 478 Smith, William, 22 Portland row .. V G 479 Smyth, Mark, Seafort avenue, Sandymount V G 480 Spencer, Charles, 42 Gardiner street, middle . . 481 Sproule, John, 87 Marlborough street . . G 482 f Sproule, John, 86 Marlborough street 483 Stack, William, 33 Richmond place 484 Staunton, John, 20 Cumberland street, north 485 Stephens, Thomas, 5 Cumberland st., nth., up. V G 486 Stevenson, John, 6 Summer hill * . V G 487 Stewart, John, 1 6 Langrishe place 488 Stewart, J.Thos.H., Furl wood park, Cheltenham V G 489 St. Leger, John G., 50 Charles street, great . . V G 490 Strachan, Henry, 18 Summer street, north . . 491 Talbot, William, 130 Britain street, great . . 492 Taylor, Clement, 4 Bayview avenue . . V 493 Teeling, John F., 36 Rutland street, upper . . 494 Thacker, Robert, 95 Summer hill . . V G 495 Thornhill, Leonard, Monkstown av., Monkstown 496 Thwaites, George, 6 Sackville street, upper . . V G * Voted as a Freeman, t Voted at No. 481. 200 MOUNTJOY WARD. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 497 Tierney, Franeis, 28 Gloucester street, upper . . G P 498 Todd, Andrew, 6 Charles street, great . , P 499 Tomlinson, Eev. Thomas, 21 Summer hill . . V G 500 Tormey, William, 131 Summer hill , , P 501 ^Tracey, Simon E., 9 Newcomen place 502 Tumulty, Arthur, 13 Langrishe place . . P 503 Tutty, James W., 25 Summer street, north . . P 504 Veitch, John, 30 Eichmond place . • V G 505 Vernon, Eev. George E., 58 Leeson st., upper 506 Verso, Joseph, 32 Gardiner street, middle •• P 507 Vogan, John, 15 Gardiner street, middle , . 508 Waddell, Alexander, 46 Gloucester terrace . . 509 Wall, James, 15 Portland row , .. G P 510 Wall, Thomas, 18 Gloucester place, north .. P 511 Wallace, John, 24 Charles street, great 512 Walsh, John, 76 Marlborough street .. P 513 Walsh, John H., 45 Eichmond place P 514 Walshe, Thomas, 3 Gardiner street, middle . . G P 515 Waters, John, 111 Britain street, great P 516 Waters, John, 22 Gloucester place, north .. P 517 Watt, Eev. Eobert, 48 & 49 Charles st., great 518 Webb, Thomas, 35 Sackville street, upper . . P 519 Weekes, Thomas, 91 Britain street P 520 West, Joseph, 65 Summer hill P 521 West, Eev. W. A., Blessington, co. Wicklow V G 522 Whelan, Peter, 14 Langrishe place . . 523 White, Eev. Joseph, Yorkford, Suffolk . . V G 524 Whiteacre, George, 3 Duke’s row. Summer hill V G 525 Whitelaw, John, 7 Langrishe place . . P 526 Wildman, William, 7 Gloucester place, north V G 527 Wildrick, John, 87 Britain street, great . . P 528 Wilkie, Henry, 30 Charles street, great . . V G 529 Wilson, Eobert, Dundrum house, Dundrum . , V G 530 Wogan, Charles H., 3 Sackville street, upper V G 531 Wright„ Bernard, 138 Summer hill ,, P 532 Wyer, James, 116 Britain street, great .. P 533 Wyse, George, 29 Sackville street, upper • , V G 534 Young, Thomas, 77 Britain street, great V G * Voted in North Dock Ward, NOETH DOCK WAED. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted ; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Adam, John, 1 Blythe’s cottages. Church road P 2 Aldrich, Alfred J., 12 Talbot place . • V G 3 Alker, Samuel, Everton, Rathgar . . V G 4 Allen, Henry L., 5 North Wall quay . . V G 5 Allen, Michael, 19 Mecklenburgh street, upper 6 Allen, Richard, 28 Sackville street, lower . . P 7 Andrews, James, 3 Seaview terrace 8 Armstrong, William, 7 Oriel street, upper . . V G 9 Armstrong, William, Toronto, Canada 10 Arnold, Laurence, 16 Marlborough street P 1 1 Asbury, Thomas, 7 6 Amien street . . V G 12 Ashmore, William, 106 Mecklenburgh st., lower G 13 Askin, Paul, 19 Talbot street .. V G 14 Atkinson, Robert, 20 Gardiner street, lower , . G P 15 Bagot, Henry, 37 Buckingham street, lower •• P 16 Baith, George, 24 North Court cottages , . V G 17 Bannon, Daniel, 26 Mayor street, west . . P 18 Barber, Thomas, Castlebellingham . , V G 19 Barret, Patrick, 67 Talbot street 20 Barron, James, 113 Marlborough street 21 Barry, John, 69 Baggot street, upper 22 Barry, John F., 70 Mabbot street . . p 23 Barry, Samuel, 24 Oriel street, upper 24 Barry, William, 6 Oriel street, lower . . 27 202 KORTH DOCK WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 25 Barton, Rev. T. Houston, Kilrue, Ashbourne . . 26 Bassett, Alexander, 18 Common street . . G P 27 Bassett, Thomas, Oriel street, lower . , P 28 Bates, Samuel, 3 Preston street, Amien street . . P 29 Baxendale, Joseph Hornby, 27 Eden quay 30 Bayley, Robert P., Athleagiie, co. Roscommon. . 3 1 Beakey, Michael, 1 Oriel street, upper . . P 32 Beatty, David, Borodale, Enniscorthy , , V 33 Beatty, Josias, 31 Abbey street, lower 34 Beatty, William, 43 Guild street . . P 35 Beedo, Thomas, 98 Abbey street, middle . . P 36 Begley, Henry, 8 Seville place , . Y G 37 Bennett, John, Ballyowen castle, Lucan . . P 38 Bennett, William, 24 Mecklinburgh st., upper. . P 39 Bewley, Henry, 3 and 4 Sackville street, lower G P 40 Birney, George, 31 Grenville street . . Y G 41 Blythe, Peter D., Bligb’s cottages, North Lotts 42 Bolger, Denis, 26 Guild street , . P 43 Bolland, John, 14 Church road , . P 44 Booker, George, 150 Gloucester st., lower, north Y G 45 Booth, Burton, 159 Gloucester street, lower, north Y G 46 Boshell, Thomas, 49 Amien street , . P 47 Boson ett, Julius, 6 Hawthorn terrace . . P 48 Bourke, Patrick, 47 Sheriff street . . P 49 Bourke, Walter, 18 Gloucester st., upper, north 50 Bourne, William, 3 Common street . . G 51 Boylan, Christopher, 67 Mahbot street , . P 52 Boylan, John, Hawthorn lodge. Church road . . G P 53 Boylan, John N., 97 Amien street . . Y G 54 Boyle, John, 10 Northumberland sq.. Abbey st., Ir. P 55 Bracken, James, 3 Eden quay . . p 56 Bradshaw, Robert, 12 Northumberland square , • Y G 57 Brady, Daniel, 10 and 11 Mahbot street 58 Brady, Philip, 7 Mahbot street . , P 59 Brady, Philip J., 57 Mabbot street . . P 60 Brady, Philip, 62 Mabbot street . • 61 Brady, Terence, 14 Marlborough street . . G P 62 Brady, Terence Thomas, 62 Mabbot street . • P 63 Breen, John, 41 Buckingham street, lower , . P 64 Brennan, Owen, 23 Marlborough street . . P 65 Brennan, Peter, 15 Northumberland sq., Abbey st. P NORTH DOCK WARD. 203 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 66 Brett, John, 80 Gardiner street, lower . . G P 67 Brett, Matthew, 80 Gardiner street, lower . . 68 Britton, William, 2 Newcomen ter.. Nth. Strand 69 Bristow, John, 2 Besborough av.. North Strand V G 70 Brien, Edward, 5 Langrishe place. Summer hill 71 Brooks, Maurice, 4 Sackville place .. G 72 Brown, George, Mount-brown, co. Koscommon 73 Browne, Peter, Frenchman’s lane 74 Browne, Eobert, 12 and 13 Sackville st., lower V G 75 Browne, Robert, North wall quay 76 Bryan, John George, 13 Abbey street, lower 77 Bryan, William, 9 Buckingham street, lower 78 Bullock, James, 38 Buckingham street, lower V G 79 Burke, William, 5 Baggot street, lower . 80 Bushe, Arthur, 43 Talbot street . . V G 81 Butler, Richard, 68 Talbot street 82 Butler, William, 66 Meckhnburgh street, lower 83 Byrne, John, 10 Faithful place, east 84 Byrne, John Stephen, 9 Seville place , 85 Byrne, Joseph Henry, Casino, Malahide 86 Byrne, Lewis, 47 Mecklenburgh street, upper 87 Byrne, Matthew, 17 Sheriff street 88 Byrne, Patrick, 23 Coburgh place . . V G 89 Byrne, Peter, 16 Mabbot street 90 Cahill, John, 11 Talbot place 91 Calderwood, Henry G., Earl street, north .. G 92 Caldwell, Henry, Audley square, Middlesex . . 93 Callaghan, Thomas P., 2 Northumberland square V 94 Cameron, William L., East India, Royal Artillery 95 Campbell, Alexander, 1 Hawthorn terrace • . P 96 Campbell, Alexander, 7 Eden quay . . G P 97 Canning, John E., Sheriff street, east ,, P 98 Caraher, Edward, 76 Talbot street P 99 Carneigie, WilHam Scott, 7 Whitworth row . • G 100 Carolan, James, 32 Amien street . . P 101 Carolin, Robinson, 14, 15, & 16 Abbey st., Ir. V G 102 Carpenter, Joseph V.,Prospect,Patrick’s hill, Cork G P 103 Carroll, Andrew Delacour, Ardglass, co. Down 104 Carroll, Coote, Rydal mount, Miltown, co. Dublin V G 105 Carroll, Nicholas, Maynooth, co. Kildare , . P PhPM Pm Pm PMCMPM PhPhPli Ph (IhPM 204 . NORTH DOCK WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom TOted. 106 Carroll, Patk., 6 Northumberland sq., Abbey st.jlr. P 107 Carroll, Eev.Theophilus, 81 John’s wood, London V G 108 *Casey, Edmund H., Newbrook house, Kaheny 109 Casey, John, Frenchman’s lane . . P 110 Casey, Patrick, 5 Talbot place .. P 111 Casey, Eobert, 7 Tivoli ter., south, Kingstown P 112 Cash, George Eichard, Bloomfield, Malahide. . 113 Cassen, Henry, 15 Marlborough place .. P 114 Cassin, Thomas, 28 Talbot street .. P 115 Chapman, John, 43 Mabbot street .. P 116 Chaiieton, Eichard, 20 Mecklenburgh st., upper P 117 Clare, Daniel, 2 North Strand .. P 118 Cloric, John, 3 Talbot street . . P 119 Cloric, Thomas, 3 Talbot street . . P 120 Close, George, 15 and 19 Kevin street, upper. . P 121 Coates, Abraham, 5 Gloucester st., up., north Y G 122 Coates, William, Waterloo ter.. North Strand P 123 Cody, James, West road ' . . P 124 Coghlan, John, 40 Mabbot street . . V G 125 Collins, James, 95 Marlborough street • . P 126 Connell, James H., 45 Talbot street . . P 127 Connolly, John, 7 Buckingham street, lower . . P 128 Cooper, James, 4 Preston street, Amien street 129 Corrigan, James, 54a Talbot street . . G P 130 Costello, Thomas, 6 North Wall quay . . G P 131 Courtney, Thomas G., 73 Amien street . . V G 132 Cowley, William, York street 133 Cox, James, Frankford lodge, Dundrum . . V G 134 Coyne, Patrick, 56 Sheriff street . , P 135 Crawford, Andrew J., 20 Seville place . . Y G 136 Croft, William, 12 Gloucester st., N., upper.. Y G 137 fCrosbie, Thomas, 1 and 2 Eden quay 138 Crosby, Thomas, 62 Amien street . . G P 139 Crosby, Thomas E., 90 Amien street . . P 140 Cullen, Daniel, 13 Amien street , . P 141 Cullimore, Thomas, 4 Hawthorn terrace . . G 142 Cummins, Mark, 46 Mecklenburgh st., upper P 143 Cunningham, James, 104 Mecklenburgh st., Ir. P 144 Cunningham, John, 5 Abbey street, lower . . P * Voted as a Freeman. I Voted at No. 138. NORTH DOCK WARD. 205 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 145 Cunningham, Hugh, 102 Mecklenburgh st., Ir. P 146 Curran, Peter, 28 Eden quay . . P 147 Davidson, Alexander, 25 Coburgh place • • G P 148 Davis, Sydenham, 81 Gardiner street, lower , . V G 149 Dawson, Elias M., 4 Seaview terrace . . V G 150 Dawson, John, 10 Abbey street, lower •. P 151 Dearl, Thomas, 9 b Church road 152 Peering, John, 2 Brighton cottage, N. Strand V G 153 Delany, George, 23 to 27 Sackville st., lower.. P 154 Delany, Thomas, 45 Mabbot street .. ' P 155 Dempsey, Edward, 30 Marlborough street . . P 156 Dempsey, John, 16 Oriel street, lower 157 Denham, George, 18 Coburgh place . . V G 158 Dillon, Peter, 7 Besborough avenue, N. Strand P 159 Dingle, Eobert, 7 Purdon street . . P 160 Dingwall, George, Talbot street V G 161 Donnelly, James, 18 Temple street, upper .. P 1 62 Doolan, Michael, 8 Hawthorn terrace . . P 163 Doran, Edward, 66 Mabbot street , , P 164 Doyle, Martin, 15 Gloucester place, lower .. 165 Doyle, Michael, 89 Mecklenburgh st., lower . . P 166 Doyle, William, 5 Eden quay . . V G 167 Drummond, Eev. W. H., 27 Gardiner st., Ir. . 168 Dunbar, William, 8 to 10 Talbot place . . G P 169 Duncan, James, 12 Gloucester place, lower V G 170 Duncan, John, Saw mills. North wall quay . . P 171 Duncan, Thomas, 20 Oriel street, upper . . P 172 Dunleavy, Thomas, 37 Commons street 173 Dunne, Benjamin, 4 Coburgh place V G 174 Dunne, Edward, 29 Commons street 175 Dunne, Edward, 85 North Wall quay .. P 176 Dunne, Matthew, 120 Gloucester street, N., up. . 177 Dunne, Michael, 98 Amien street , . p 178 Dwyer, Michael, 7 Abbey street, lower . , P 179 Edwards, Thomas, 67 Gardiner street, lower . . V P 180 Egan, John, 72 Talbot street G P 181 Elliott, Charles, 30 Sackville street, lower . , V G 182 Emmerson, George F., 1 Leinster terrace . . V G 18o Evans, John, 65 Amien street ,, P 206 NORTH DOCK WARD. No. Repj. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom yoted. 184 Evans, Robert, 11 Coburgh place .. G 185 Fallon, Patrick, 75 Gardiner street, lower .. P 186 Farrell, Terence, 132 Gloucester st., nth., lower G P 187 Farrell, Thomas, 18 Mabbot street .. G P 188 Farrell, William, 5 Preston st., Amien st. . . P 189 Fegan, Michael, 6 Fegan’s court, Newfoundland st P 190 Fennell, Hugh, 146 Gloucester st., north, lower G 191 Fennell, Terence, 6 Talbot street . . ' P 192 Field, William H. C., Carlisle ctgs., Leinster rd. V G 193 Finn, William, 12 North Court ctgs., middle P 194 Fitzgerald, Gerald, 3 Oriel street, lower . . P 195 Fitzgerald, Richard, 2 Waterloo ter., N. Strand P 196 Fitzpatrick, Richard, Sackville street, lower . . P 197 Fitzsimons, Patrick, 97 Marlborough st., upper P 198 Flanagan, Peter, 10 Oriel street, upper . . P 199 Fleming, Thomas, 13 Northumberland square P 200 Fleming, James, 4 Flood’s bldgs.. Nth. Strand P 201 Fletcher, John M., 9 Sackville place . . G P 202 Foley, Patrick, 8 Gloucester st., north, upper 203 Forsythe, William, 8 Newcomen terrace .. V G 204 Fox, Michael, 15 Mecklenburgh street, lower 205 Fox, Peter, 18 Abbey street, lower 206 Foxhall, John, Fork hill house, Armagh 207 Foxhall, Powell, Killery castle, co. Armagh , . V G 208 Franklin, Henry, 8 Seaview terrace • . V G 209 Frazer, John, 97 Gardiner street, lower 210 Frazer, Patrick, 3 Frankfort ter., Gloucester st. V G 211 Fudge, Robert, 93 Amien street 212 Furlong, John, 89 Talbot street 213 Gallagher, John, 87 Mecklinburg st., lower, • G 214 Garvey, James, 2 Earl street, north 215 Geale, John, 53 Talbot street 216 Gibbs, John, jun., 3 Seville place , . G 217 Gibbs, John, sen., 6 Coburgh place •• 218 Gibson, AVdliam, 57 Gardiner street, lower . . V G 219 Gildea, Jones, 3 Newcomen terrace . . V G 220 Gleeson, William, 3 Sheriff street 221 Glison, William, 36 Seville place G 222 Glover, Hugh, 6 Commons street NORTH DOCK WARD. 207 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 223 Glynn, Patrick, 6 Graham terrace, Seville place Y G 224 Gore, Francis, 48 h Sheriff street, east . . P 225 Graham, Patrick J., 121 Gloucester st., lower V G 226 Grattan, Thomas, 4 Cumberland street, north P 227 Green, Joshua, 14 Besborough av., N. Strand G P 228 Gregan, Paul, 35 Mayor street, west . • P 229 Gregory, Richard B., 72 Amien street • . V G 230 Greir, Robert W., Ballorna, Ornee, Newry . . V G 231 Grierson, Richard, 14 North Court cot., middle V 232 Guthrie, Philip, 7 Sheriff street . . P 233 Haddock, Charles, 92 Amien street . . V G 234 Hall, Charles, Ballinacor,Moate, CO. Westmeath V G 235 Hall, Francis, Clonboy, Moate,co. Westmeath. . V G 236 Hall, John, 9 Proby terrace, Killiney . . G P 237 Hall, John, 22 North Court cottages, north . . G P 238 Halston, Andrew, 21 Talbot street 239 Hamilton, John T., 3 & 4 Sackville st., lower 240 Hammond, Arthur, 16 b Amien street .. G P 241 Hammond, Joseph, 50 Seville place , • V G 242 Hammond, Nicholas, 16 b Amien street • . G P 243 Hanley, Joseph, 23 Gardiner street, lower 244 Hanley, Patrick, 2 Cumberland st., lower, nth. P 245 Hanley, Patrick, 51 Mabbot street . . P 246 Hanlon, William, 37 Mayor street, west 247 Harden, John, 48 Buckingham street, lower . . V G 248 Harkess, Peter, 10 Janeville terrace. West road 249 Harris, John, 25 Mecklenburgh st., upper . . V G 250 Harris, William, 31 Commons street . . P 251 Harrison, James S., 17 Seville place .. V G 252 Harrison, Joseph, 5 Flood’s bldgs. Nth. Strand G P 253 Haslett, John, 5 Besborough av.. North Strand V G 254 Hawkins, James, 3 Hawthorn terrace . . P 255 Hayden, Edward, 13 Mabbot street . . P 256 Hebden, Rev. John, Hamilton, Canada west 257 Hellon, John C., 8 Newcomen place 258 Hemphill, Rev. Richard, 23 Eglinton terrace V 259 Henderson, William, 40 Capel street . . V 260 Hibson, Robert, 85 Talbot street , , G P 261 * Higginbotham, Henry, 83 Amien street * Voted as a Freeman. 208 NORTH DOCK WARD. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom roted. 262 Higginbotham,Wm. W., 54 Gloucester st., Ir., N. V G 263 Higgins, James, 17 Mayor street, west . . P 264 Higgins, John, 37 Mabbot street . . P 265 Hoare, Edwin, 48e Sheriff street, east . . P 266 Hodgens, Albert, 2 Temple street, upper . . P 267 Hodgens, Daniel, 2 Temple street, upper . • ' P 268 Hodgens, Thomas, 2 Temple street, upper . . P 269 Hoey, Owen, 29 Newcomen place • . P 270 Horsefield, Frederick, 2 Oriel street, upper . . V G 271 Hughes, Eichard, 26 Mecklinburgh st., upper V G 272 Hughes, Eichard, 6 Eden quay 273 Hughes, William, 80 Talbot street 274 Humfrey, Benjamin G., Lifford, Donegal . • 275 Hussey, Edward, 64 Gardiner street, lower 276 Hutchinson, Arthur, 46 North Wall quay .. G 277 Hyland, Patrick, 14 Mabbot street 278 Jackson, John, 12 Earl street, north 279 Jackson, William, 12 Earl street, north G 280 Jenkins, John, 15 Coburgh place 281 Jennings, Eichard, Springfarm, Delgany 282 Johnson, Eobert, 93 Wimple street, London , . 283 Johnston, Eev. Heniker, Ballymore Eustace . - V G 284 Johnston, John, 142 Gloucester st., nth., lower V G 285 Jones, Joshua, Boirohome lodge • • Y G 286 Jones, Matthew, 47 North Wall quay 287 Jones, Peter, 12 Amien street . . V G 288 Jones, Eichard G., 16 Gloucester st., nth., up. Y G 289 Jones, Eev. Eobert G., 8 Abbey street, lower Y G 290 Jones, Eobert, 63 Mecklenburgh street, lower Y G 291 Joseph, John Charles, Beresford place . . G 292 Joynt, William Lane, 46 Gardiner street, lower 293 Kane, John, North Wall quay 294 Kane, Eichard D., 79 Talbot street , . G 295 Kavanagh, John, 52 North Wall quay . . G 296 Kavanagh, Patrick, 11 Sackville place .. Y G 297 Keane, James, 9 Amien street 298 Keane, Michael, 30 Sheriff street, lower • • 299 Kearney, James, 26 Oriel street, U 2 :>per 300 Kearney, James, 40 Talbot street 301 Keating, William, 13 Coburgh place NORTH DOCK WARD, 209 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 302 Keely, James, 14 Eden quay . . E 803 Kelly, James, 4 Sheriff street . . E 304 Kelly, John, 28 Coburgli place . . 805 Kelly, Michael, 22 e Talbot street . • E 306 Kennedy, Charles, sen., 151 Capel street 307 Kennedy, Michael, 12 Marlborough street . • 308 Kenny, Laurence, 50 Talbot street . • E 309 Kenny, Patrick, 4 Earl street, north . • G E 310 Kenny, Peter, 49 Mabbot street . . P 311 Keogh, Lawrence, 33 Marlborough street . . P 812 Keogh, Michael, 25 Guild street . . P 313 Keogh, Michael, 16 Mecklinburgh st., lower,. 314 Kernan, John, 80 Amien street . . P 315 King, Arthur, Dundrum, Clough, co. Down . . 316 King, Eev. William S., Killemond, co. Carlow . . V G 317 Kirby, Pev. James, Callan, co. Kilkenny .. V G 318 Kirby, Colonel William H., 94th Regiment .. 319 Kirkpatrick, Thomas, 34 Sackville street, lower P 320 Knox, Laurence E., 3 & 4 Abbey street, lower V G 321 Ladden, John, 33 Montgomery street . . P 322 Lambert, Charles, 19 Gloucester st., N., upper V G 323 Lannigan, Joseph F., 1 and 2 Eden quay 324 Langan, Patrick, 9 Earl street, north 325 Lanton, Daniel, 38c Seville place 326 Latimer, William, Newgate, Green street . . V G 327 Lavender, Thomas, 2 Buckingham st., lower,. 328 Lawlor, John, 3 Cumberland street, north . . P 329 Laws, John B., 22 Eden quay 330 Leggatt, James, William’s lane . . V G 331 Lindsay, Edward, 28 Gardiner street, lower.. V G 332 Litton, Edward T., Altmore, Rathgar 333 Logan, James, 2 Marlborough place ,, P 334 Loughnan, Connell, 84 Gardiner st., lower . , 335 Lowe, John, 32 Seville place . . V G 336 Lynch, Bryan, 16 Newcomen place, N. Strand P 337 Lynam, William, 52 Montgomery street . . G P 338 Lynham, Francis, 7 Herbert place . . P 339 Lynn, William, 33 Common street 340 Lyon, Martin, 5 Graham terrace, Seville place P 341 Lyons, John, 9 Talbot street 342 Lyons, Thomas, 6 Sackville place , . P 28 210 NORTH DOCK WART). No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 343 M‘Auley, George, 30 Coburgh place . . V G 344 McBride, Patrick, 16 Montgomery street .. P 345 M‘Can, James, Guild street . . P 346 M‘Can, John H., Guild street . • P 347 McCarthy, Denis, 7 Seville place , . P 348 M‘Conkey, James, 5 Seville place 349 McCormick, James, 89 Talbot street . . G P 350 M‘Cullagh, David, 70 Amien street .. Y G 351 McDermott, Cornelius, 111 Marlborough street P 352 McDermott, John, 6 Marlborough street . . P 353 M‘Dermott, John, 4 Buckingham street, lower P 354 McDonnell, Michael, 6 Church road . . P 355 McDowell, David, 49a, 50 Montgomery street P 356 M‘Elroy, James H., 21 Coburgh place .. V 357 M‘Entee, James, 19 Mabbot street . . P 358 M‘Entire, John, 16 Amien street .. Y G 359 M‘Guinness, William, 38 Marlborough street P 360 MTleever, Arthur, 2 Oriel street, lower . . P 361 M‘Keever, Patrick, 55 Amien street . . P 362 M‘Kenna, Anthony, Talbot street 363 M‘Keon, James, 26 Mayor street, west 364 M‘Key, Eobert, 54 Amien street . . G 365 M‘Mahon, Hugh, 82 Amien street 366 McManus, John, 47 Amien street . . G 367 M‘Mullen, John, 64 Amien street 368 M‘Naught, Andrew, 8 Northumberland square Y 369 M‘Nally, Thomas, 77 Gardiner street, lower . , 370 McNeill, Daniel, 60 Talbot street, south . . Y G 371 M'Quay, John, 24 Talbot street 372 M‘Rann, Peter, 24 Mayor street, west 373 M‘Sweeney, Peter P., 23 to 27 Sackville st., Ir; 374 M‘Yeigh, John, 69 Amien street 375 Mackey, James Yokes, 9 Beresford place Y G 376 Madden, James D., 77 Talbot street 377 Maguire, Hugh, 29 Mayor street, west 378 Maguire, Patrick, 3 North Strand 379 Malcolm, William, 16 North Court cottages.. 380 Malony, John, 6 Mabbot street . . P 381 Maquay, George, 18 Gardiner street, lower . . Y G 382 Matiere, Eobert, 38 Gardiner street, lower . . Y G 383 Mara, Jeremiah, 33 Gardiner street, lower , , P KOriTH DOCK WARD. 211 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 384: Marland, Rev. John, Ventnor, Isle of Wight 385 Marr, John, 13 Gardiner street • • V G 386 Marson, William, East road 387 Martin, Charles, 53 to 55 North wall quay . . P 388 Martin, James, 47 to 52 North wall quay • • P 389 Martin, John, 45 Gardiner street . . P 390 Martin, Lulve, 41 Amien street 391 Martin, Richard, 47 to 61 North wall quay .. P 392 Martin, Thomas S., 53 to 55 North wall quay P 393 Maxwell, Henry, 7 Seaview terrace • • V G 394 Meagher, William, 1 and 2 Sheriff st., lower. . . P 395 Meares, James, 24 Abbey street, lower , . P 396 Meaze, John, Tivoli house, Clontarf . . V G 397 Meehan, Philip, 51 Mecklinburgh street, lower P 398 ^'Metcalf, Francis, 2 Seville place 399 Metcalf, Richard, 5 Buckingham street, lower V G 400 Miller, Alexander, 6 Mecklinburgh street, lower V G 401 Middleton, Alfred H., 27 York street . . G P 402 Mills, Henry H., 9 Mincing lane, London . . 403 Mitchell, George, 20 Sackville street, lower . . V G 404 Molloy, Richard H., 9 Gloucester place, lower P 405 Molloy, Thomas, 10 Mecklenburgh street, lower 406 Monaghan, Christopher, travelling abroad 407 Monaghan, James, 41 Cumberland st., lower, N. P 408 Monks, John, 45 Buckingham street, lower . . P 409 Monks, Patrick, 24 Sheriff street, lower 410 Monks, Patrick, 10 Newfoundland street . . P 411 Mooney, Edward, 91 Talbot street .. P 412 Mooney, James, 1 Abbey street, lower . . P 413 Mooney, Morgan, 21 Eglington terrace . . P 414 Moore, James J., 2 Frankfort ter., Gloucester st. P 415 Moore, James, 56 Gardiner street, lower .. 416 Moore, Michael J., 57 Amien street , . P 417 Moppet, John, 14 Seville place . . V G 418 Moppett, William, 1 North Wall quay ' 419 Moran, Patrick, 25 Abbey street, lower . , P 420 Morgan, Charles, 88 Talbot street . . P 421 Morgan, John, 36 Gardiner street, lower . . P 422 Morgan, John, 10 Amien street , . p 423 Morgan, Lewellyn, 32 Buckingham street, lower V G * Voted as a Freeman. 212 NORTH DOCK WARD, No, Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. B'or whom voted. 424 Morrison, John, 27 Mccklenbiirgli street, upper V G 425 Morrow, Hugh, 65 Mabbot street . . P 426 Moss, John, 22 Oriel street, upper .. V G 427 Mulderry, Michael, 6 Besborough av., N. Strand G P 428 Murphy, Geoffrey, 49 Talbot street , . P 429 Murphy, John, 43 Mecklenburgh street, lower 430 Murphy, John, 15 Mecklenburgh street, upper 431 Murphy, Joseph B., 62 Gardiner street, lower 432 Murphy, Martin, 33 Mecklenburgh street, lower G 343 Murphy, Michael, 17 Eden quay 434 Murphy, Patrick, 13 Seville place • . G 435 Murphy, Peter, 4 Commons street 436 Murphy, Timothy, 89 Amien street . . G 437 Murray, Francis, Walmer, Kent 438 Murray, John Henry, Nenagh 439 Murray, Michael, 61 Mecklenburgh street, lower 440 Murtagh, Garrett, 36 Amien street 441 Murtagh, James, Guild street 442 Murtagh, John, Guild street 443 Mutch, James, 30 Montgomery street 444 Nedley, Thomas, 12 Talbot street 445 Neville, Garrett, Springview, co. Kilkenny . . 446 Nolan, John, 6 Amien street 447 Nolan, Michael, 109 Mecklenburgh st., lower . . 448 Nolan, Patrick, 55 Talbot street 449 Noller, Charles, 12 Abbey street, lower 450 Nugent, Edward, 86 Gardiner street, lower . . 451 O’Brien, John, 47 Gardiner street, lower . . V G 452 O’Brien, Michael, 9 Newcomen terrace 453 O’Brien, Robert, 30 Leeson street, lower 454 O’Brien, William, 3 Graham’s ter., Seville pi. V G 455 O’ Callaghan, Thomas, 9 Newcomen place 456 OlConnell, Thomas F., 71 Gardiner street, lower 457 O’Connor, Jam.es, 16a Sackville place 458 O’Connor, John, 66 Amien street 459 O’Connor, Valentine O’Brien, 3 Beresford place 460 O’Curry, Anthony, 108 Amien street . . G 461 O’Honovan, Michael, 8 Oriel street, upper 462 0’Grady,Valeiitine, 2 Brighton cottage, N. Strand NORTH DOCK WARD. 213 No, Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 4G3 O’Hanlon, John, 38 b Seville place 464 Oldham, Charles J., 14 Sackville street, lower 465 O’Loughlin, Edward, 99 Oardiner street . . P 466 O’Loughlin, James, Talbot street . . P 467 O’Loughlin, Patrick G., 162 Gloucester st., Ir, P 468 O’Neill, John, 25 Mecklenburgh street, lower P 469 O’Reilly, James, 88 Gardiner street, lower . . P 470 O’Reilly, Patrick, 7 Earl street, north P 471 O’Toole, Thomas, 74 Talbot street .. P 472 O’Verend, John, 15 Seville place . . V G 473 Owens, Peter, 2 Store street . . P 474 Page, Samuel, 39 Dame street • • V G 475 Palgrave, Charles, 17 Eden quay 476 Parker, James, 12 and 13 Mecklenburgh st., Ir. V G 477 Parker, John, 16 Hawkin’s street G P 478 Parker, Joseph, 85 Amien street . . V G 479 Parkinson, Joseph, 63 Talbot street . . P 480 Parsons, Robert, 5 Lennox place, Portobello. . V G 481 Patterson, Alexander, 55 Mecklenburgh st., Ir. V G 482 Pearson, Richard A., Munster ter., Rathmines 483 Peebles, Robert Wm., 9 Frederick street, north V G 484 Perry, Henry Robert, Mabbot street , , G P 485 Perry, Thomas, Mabbot street , . G P 486 Philips, Alexander, 50 Mabbot street . . V G 487 Philips, James, 32 Coburgh place . . V 488 Piercy, John D., 2 Graham ter., Seville place P 489 Pollen, John, 19 Eden quay . . Y G 490 Porteous, John, 26 Marlborough street 491 Potter, William, 25 and 26 Talbot street V G 492 Power, William, 60 Gardiner street, lower . . G P 493 Preston, Sir George, Lancashire Militia . . V G 494 Price, George R., 62 Talbot street . . V P 495 Proctor, Thomas, 131 Rathmines, upper 496 Proctor, Thomas, Walls’ court, near Bristol .. 497 Purcell, Theobald A., 71 Harcourt street .. V G 498 Purcell, Thomas, Waterloo road 499 Quan, David, 10 Talbot street . , V G 500 Quan, Samuel, 10 Talbot street . . V G 501 Quigley, Patrick, 1 Guildford place , , P 214 NORTH DOCK WARD. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 502 Quinn, John, 17 Mabbot street 503 Quinn, John, 4 Purdon street 504 Quin, Michael, Mddleton, co. Longford 505 Raith, Joseph, 29 Sheriff street, lower 506 Ralph, Michael J., Newcomen ph. Nth. Strand 507 Ramsey, Robert, 101 Amien street 508 Ray, Benjamin, 31 Buckingham street, lower 509 Rea, John, Bath street, Irishtown 510 Reddy, John, 1 Preston street, Amien street, 511 Redmond, James, 11 Mecklenburgh street, up 512 Redmond, Michael, 12 Beresford place 513 Redshaw, Thomas, 34 Commons street 514 Reichardt, Rev. Louis C., 38 Amien street 515 Reilly, John, 9 Abbey street, lower 516 Reilly, Michael, 99 Marlborough street 517 Reilly, Michael, 14 Whitworth row 518 Reilly, Terence, 21 Mecklinburgh street, lower 519 Renwick, David, 31 Coburgh place 520 Reynolds, Edward, 77 Talbot street 521 Roberts, John, 48 North Wall quay 522 Robinson, John, Osmond, Thorp Hall, Leeds 523 Rochford, William, 40 Mecklenburgh st., Ir. 524 Roe, William, 2 Seaview terrace 525 Rosborough, Alexander, 107 Amien street 526 Rourke, Henry, 90 Marlborough street 527 Rourke, Daniel, 59 Mabbot street V G 528 Russell, William, 5 Sackville street, lower 529 Ruttle, Michael J., 69 Gardiner street, lower 530 Ryan, Edward, 105 Marlborough street 531 Ryan, Edward, Blackrock, Kidderminster 532 Ryan, Martin, 108 Mecklinburgh street, lowe 533 Sadlier, Nicholas, 70 Mecklenburgh street, lowe 534 Scally, Denis, Cross guns, Glasnevin 535 Scally, Patrick, 19 Commons street 536 Scott, William, 9 Eden quay 537 Scott, William, 16 Talbot street 538 Shaw, Hercules, 93 Talbot street 539 Shields, John Gore, Dame street 540 Sheridan, John, 4 Mecklenburgh street, lower V V G G G G P V G V G V V G NORTH DOCK WARD. 215 No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 641 Sheridan,Patk.,16Nortlmmberlandsq., Abbey st. P 542 Short, Jonathan, Warrenpoint, Clontarf . . V G 543 Sillard, John, 5 Oriel street, upper . . G P 544 Simpson, Joseph, Kill, co. Kildare 545 Smith, James, 1 Talbot place • • P 546 Smith, John, 18 a Seville place . . P 547 Smyth, Patrick J., 33 Abbey street, lower . . . P 548 Smith, William H., Gloucester st., lower, north 549 Sparrow, Jacob, 11 Sackville street, lower ..V P . 550 Speer, Oliver, 32 Gardiner street, lower . . V G 551 Spencer, John, 49 Sheriff street 552 Spiller, John, 63 Amien street . . V G 553 Squiere, Pierre W. H., 74 Gardiner street, Ir. G P 554 Stafford, Christopher, 86 Mecklenburgh st., Ir. P 555 Stafford, Richard, 9 Marlborough street , . V G 556 Stanford, Rev. Charles S., Blackrock . . V G 557 Stapleton, Michael H., Mountjoy place . . P 558 Stead, John, 105 Mecklenburgh street, lower P 559 Stokes, William J., 10 Seville place 560 Scott, Edward A., Lisburn cottage, Antrim , . 561 Stratford, John W., Addington, Kent 562 Stuart, Hugh,Katesbridge,Rathfriland, co.Down 563 Sullivan, Alexander M., 6 Abbey street, lower G P 564 Sullivan, Daniel T., 21 Gloucester st., up., nth. 565 Sullivan, John, 75 Talbot street . . P 566 Sullivan, Patrick J., 12 Mecklenburgh st., up. P 567 Sutcliffe, Thomas, 39 Guild street . . P 568 Suttell, Samuel, 13 Whitworth road 569 Swales, William, 48 a Sheriff street, east . . P 570 Swift, Rev. Godwm, Beverly, Yorkshire .. V G 571 Taaffe, Philip, 14 Gloucester street, nth., upper 572 Tallon, Edward, 6 Buckingham street, lower, . P 573 Telford, John, 25 Oriel street P 574 Thomas, Edward, 3 Earl street, north . . P 575 Thompson, James, 64 Mecklenburgh street, Ir. V G 576 Thompson, William, 85 Gardiner street, lower P 577 Thornhill, William, 44 Gardiner street, lower V G 578 Thunder, James, 6 Amien street , , * G P 579 Tiernan, Thomas, 41 Talbot street G P 580 Tierney, James, 24 Eden cpiay , . P 216 NORTH DOCK WARD. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Addre.ss. For whom voted. 581 Tierney, John, Stoney road . . P 582 Tierney, John, 24 Eden quay , , G P 583 Tierney, John, jun., 24 Eden quay , . P 584 Todd, John, 31 Montgomery street . . P 585 Tracy, Michael, 34 and 35 Mahbot street • . P 586 Tracey, Simon R., 7 Hawthorn ter.. Church rd. V 587 Tracey, Thomas Henry, 103 Gardiner st., lower 588 Trouton, Charles, 73 Gardiner street, lower . . G 589 Troy, William, 108 Marlborough street , .. 590 Tully, Keevey, 12 Seville place V G 591 Twamlow, Henry, 67 Amien street . . V G 592 Tyson, Joseph, 52 Talbot street 593 Varian, Isaac S., 82 Talbot street 594 Yausse, Robert, 72 and 73 Montgomery street G 595 Verdon, William, 9 Northumberland square . . 596 Vernon, John E. Y., Clontarf castle, Clontarf 597 Wainhouse, Joseph, 11 North Wall quay 598 Waldron, James, 48f Sheriff street, east .. G 599 Walker, John, 1 Northumberland square 600 Wall, Patrick, North Wall quay 601 Walshe, John, 23 Mecklenburgh street, upper G 602 Walsh, Patrick, 51 Talbot street 603 Walshe, Richard, 101 Marlborough street . . 604 Walshe, Thomas, 4 Gloucester street, north, up. 605 Walshe, William, 39 Mecklenburgh street, lower 606 Warburton, William W., 8 Buckingham st., Ir. Y G 607 Warren, William, 16 Coburgh place .. G 608 Waters, John D., 100 Amien street .. Y G 609 Watson, Henry, 90 Harcourt street 610 Watson, Joseph, .23 Talbot street 611 Watson, William, 5 Sackville street, lower .. Y G 612 Watters, Henry, Stapleton lodge, co. Carlow 613 Wayland, Robert, 1 Newcomen terrace V G 614 White, John James, 11 Northumberland square 615 White, Thomas, 35 Harcourt street . . V G 616 Whitney, Benjamin, 63 Gardiner street, lower P 617 Whittle, Joseph, 79 Amien street .. P 618 Williams, James, 40 Gardiner street, lower . , 619 Williams, Robert, 3 Oriel street, upper V G NOIITII DOCK WARD. 217 No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For G20 Wills, Charles, 41 Mabbot street G21 Wills, William, 44 Mabbot street G22 Wilmot, John, Shamrock lodge, Dalkey G23 Wilson, John, Rathgar road, co. Dublin G24 Wilson, John, 73 Seville place G25 Wilson, John, Gardiner street, lower G26 Wood, John, Castlecomer, co. Kilkenny G27 Woodrooffe, George, 1 Canal Bank, east side G28 Woods, William, 48 Sheriff street, east 629 Wright, Charles, 8 Whitworth row 630 Wright, James, 94 Marlborough street 631 Wright, Thomas, 8 Sackville street, lower whom voted. V G V G V G G P P V G 632 Young, John, 12 North wall quay , . G P 29 EESIDENT FEEEMEN. LIST of VOTERS, and for whom they voted, as shewn by the Initial Letters opposite the names of those who voted.; V, Vance ; G, Guinness ; P, Pirn. Those without Initials did not vote. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1 Abbott, Eev. Edward S., 7 Frederick street, north. 2 Abbott, John Isaac, 17 Chari emont street .. P 3 Abbott, John, Asylum, Eeed’s row, Leeson park V G 4 Acheson, Capt. Alfred, 1 Clifton ter., Monkstown G 5 Acheson, James Gilmore, 8 Gardiner st., upper G P 6 Acheson, William, 109 Grafton street . . V G 7 Adams, William, St. Patrick’s Hospital, James’s st. V G 8 Adams, William H., 2 Church avenue, Irishtown V G 9 Alcock, Frederick Augustus, 32 Dawson street V G 10 Alcock, William P., Frescati, Blackrock V 11 Alford, Edward, 97 Middle Abbey street ,, V G 12 Algood, George, 13 Coombe . . V G 13 Allen, Henry, Allendale, Drumcondra . , V G 14 Allen, Joseph P., Green hills, Crumlin .. P 15 Allen, William, Green hills, Crumlin . . V G 16 Allen, William Nassau, 48 Henry street , . V G 17 Alley, Henry, Larkliill, Drumcondra road , . V G 18 Alley, Jonathan, Spring hills, St. Doulagh’s • • V G 19 Alley, Thomas, Artane house, Artane . . V G 20 Allison, Albert Edward, Eiver view, Drumcondra V 21 Allison, Charles Henry, Eiver view, Drumcondra V 22 Allison, William Eobert, Eiver view, Drumcondra 23 Alment, Edward, 27 Waltham terrace, Blackrock P 24 Ailment, Fred. Win., 10 Williamstownav.jBlkrock G P 220 RESIDENT P^REEMEN. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 25 Alma, Edward L., 1 Peafield ter., Merrion ave. V 2G Anderson, Edward, 68 Grafton street . . V G 27 Anderson, John, 107 Abbey street, middle . . G P 28 Anderson, Ralph, 13 Coombe . . P 29 Andrew, Robt. Wm., 3 Finea ter., Aiiglirim st. V G 30 Andrews, Geo., Williamstown castle, Williamstown P 31 Andrews, John, 1 Thornberry pL, Bnshfield av. V G 32 Archer, Holt Waring, 21 Pembroke street, up. V G 33 Archer, Richard, 8 Wilton terrace . . V G 34 Archer, Thomas Meredyth, 15 Holies street . . V G 35 Archer, William Henry, Palmerstowii . . V G 36 Archer, William Tankerville, 7 4 Stephen’s gr.,sth. V 37 Archibald, David, 113 Abbey street, middle . . P 38 Armit, Geo. W., 10 Royal terrace, Kingstown . . V G 39 Armit, Richard, Longford terrace, Monkstown . . V G 40 Armstrong, Andrew, 17 Cumberland place, sth. V G 41 Armstrong, Edmond J., jun., 29 Trinity College 42 Armstrong, John Tew, 15 Dominick street, lower V G 43 Armstrong, John Tevr, jun., 15 Dominick st., Ir. 44 Armstrong, Joseph, 7 Clarence st., Kingstown . . V G 45 Armstrong, Maxwell, 15 Dominick street, lower 46 Armstrong, Robert Young, 5 College green • • Y G 47 Armstrong, Thomas F., 15 Dominick street, lower Y G 48 Armstrong, William, 27 Camden street, lower . . Y G 49 Arthur, Thomas, 133 Baggot street, lower . . G 50 Arundell, John, 6 St. John’s terrace, Clontarf, . Y 51 Arundell, Richard, Rialto lodge. Circular rd., sth. Y G 52 Arundel, Richard W., 1 Tower ter., Sandymount Y G 53 Ashe, Joseph, Grovefield, Crumlin road . . Y G 54 Ashonhurst,JohnT.,Asylum,Reed’srow,Leesonpk. Y G 55 Ashley, Joseph, 12 Wentworth place . . Y G 56 Ashmore, John, Free Church, Great Charles st. Y G 57 Ashmore, Lewis, 35 Raglan road 58 Asken, John, 38 Queen street . , Y G 59 Atkin, James K., Serpentine av., Sandymount Y G 60 Atkin, Nicholas Kildahl, Maryville, Ball’s bridge Y G 61 Atkinson, Darley Henry, 16 Ranelagh road .. Y 62 Atkinson, James, 2 Sussex ter.. Upper Leeson st. 63 Atkinson, Richard, 31 College green . . Y G 64 Atkinson, Richard, Charlemont parade, Saiidymt. Y G 65 Atkinson, Richard, 63 Jervis street . . Y G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 221 No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 66 Atkinson, Thomas H., Belmont cot., Donnybrook V G 67 Auchinleck, Hugh, 42 Dominick street, lower 68 Austin, Edward, Post-office, Drumcondra . . V G 69 Bagnall, George, 16 Suffolk street . . V 7 0 Bagnall, Robert, 86 Amien street . . P 71 Bagnall, William, 16 Suffolk street .. P 72 Bagot, Andrew H., 24 Leinster road, Rathmines P 73 Bagot, Charles Edward, 28 William street .. G P 74 Bailey, Henry, Nugent’s lane, rere 95 Church st. P 75 Baker, Frederick, 40 Blessington street . . G P 76 Baker, John Andrew, 4 Clare street . . V G 77 Baker, William, 40 Blessington street . . V G 78 Baldwin, John, rere of 77 Bride street . . P 79 Baldwin, Henry Philip H., Rotundo Hospital V G 80 Ball, Benjamin Manly, 18 Trinity College 81 Ball, Charles, 12 Leeson street, upper . . Y G 82 Ball, John, Dispensary lane. Lower Dorset street V G 83 Ball, John, 20 Hatch street . . G 84 Ball, John Thomas, 3 Merrion square . . G 85 Ball, Richard, 6 Lower Eccles lane 86 Ball, Robert, Woodbine cottage, Rathmines . . 87 Ballantine, George, 9 Phibsborough . . V G 88 Ballard, William, 22 Besborough av., N. Strand V G 89 Barber, Augustine S., 1 9 Belgrave ter., Rathmines V 90 Barber, George, 12 Charlotte street .. P 91 Barber, Robert, 97 Leeson street, upper . . V G 92 Barden, James, 3 Northumberland square . . P 93 Bardsley, William, Clayton cot., S. Circular rd. 94 Barker, Henry Oliver, 6 Gardiner’s row , . Y G 95 Barker, Richard Oliver, 6 Gardiner’s row . . Y G 96 Barker, William Oliver, 6 Gardiner’s row .. Y G 97 Barlow, Arthur, 4 North Great George’s street Y G 98 Barlow, Arthur, jun., 4 Nth. Great George’s st. 99 Barlow, Edward, 112 Townsend street .. G P 100 Barlow, Frederick A., 7 Haddington road, up. 101 Barlow, James Thomas, Sybil hill, Raheny . . 102 Barlow, James William, 100 Mount st., lower Y G 103 Barlow, Rev. James William, 3 Trinity College 104 Barlow, John, Sybil hill, Raheny . , Y G 105 Barlow, Capt. John, jun., 202 Gt. Brunswick st. Y G 222 MSIDKNT FREEMEN. G V G V G G V V G V G V V V V V V V No, Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 106 Barlow, John, 03 Capel street . , P 107 Barlow, Peter, 5 North Great George’s street V 108 Barlow, Richard, 1 Drury lane 109 Barlow, William, 5 North Great George’s street 110 Barnaby,Robt., 7 Brunswick villa, Bruns wick st., n. 111 Barnes, Edmund Geo,, 1 Winton av., Rathgar 112 Barnes, Francis, 25 Ship street, little 113 Barnes, Frederick Piers, 2 Newbridge avenue 114 Barnes, John Frederick, 145 Rathmines rd., up. 115 Barnier, George W., 75 Gardiner street, lower 116 Barnwell, Arthur, 46 Bishop street 117 Barnwell, George, 41 Plarold’s cross 118 Barnwell, George, junior, 31 Peter street 119 Barnwell, John, 12 Poole street 120 Barnwell, Thomas, 46 Bishop street 121 Barnwell, Thomas, junior, 53 Bishop street . • 1 22 Barnwell, William Henry, 46 Bishop street . , 123 Barr, Andrew, 1 South Lotts road 124 Barrett, James, 45 Wicklow street 125 Barrett, Robert, 5 Sandford avenue 126 Barrett, William G., 14 Mountpleasant av.,up. 127 Barry, Charles, 5 Pembroke place 128 Barry, Charles M., Kenilworth sq., nth., Rathmines 129 Barry, Fredk. A., 5 Pembroke pL, Pembroke rd. 130 Barry, Paul, 55 Mountpleasant square 131 Barton, Theophilus, 3 Herbert place, Irishtown 132 Barton, Thomas H.,7 De Vesci ter., Kingstown 133 Barton, Thomas J., 35 Merrion square, south. . 134 Bass, Abel, 3 Longford street, great 135 Bass, Joseph, Champion’s cottages, Sandwith st. 136 Bastow, Philip, Magazine, Phoenix park 137 Bate, Alexander, 6 Longford ter., Monkstown 138 Bate, Alexander T., 6 Longford ter., Monkstown 139 Bate, Henry Alexander, 35 Summer hill 140 Bates, Timothy, 18 Fownes’s street 141 Batt, John Charles, 9 Pleasant view, Synge st. 142 Battersby, John, 44 Stephen’s green, east 143 Battersby, John Radcliffe, 20 Leeson st., lower 144 Battersby, William, Turretville, Rathmines , , 145 Battersby, Thomas George, 20 Leeson st., lower 146 Bayley, Flisha, 11 George’s hill V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G IlESIDENT FREEMEN. 223 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 147 Bayley, John Wm., Montpelier parade, Monkstown P 148 Bayley, Robert, Montpelier parade, Monkstown P 149 Bayley, Thomas L. A., 32 Leinster road . . V G 150 Bayly, John F. W., Tolka lodge, Finglas , . V G 151 Beamish, Benjamin, 48 Bishop street *0 •• V G 152 Beatty, Francis, 18 Bachelor’s walk . . G P 153 Beatty, John C., 18 Merrion square, north . . V G 154 Beatty, Thomas E., 18 Merrion square, north Y G 155 Beauman, Wm., 13 George’s st., George’s qy. V G 156 Beck, Thomas, 5 St. David’s, N. Circular road Y G 157 Beck, Thomas, jun., 5 St. David’s, K Circular rd. Y G 158 Beckett, Arthur, 14 Werburgh street . . Y G 159 Beckett, George, 8 Yilla bank. Royal Canal., Y G 160 Beckett, George, 8 Yilla bank. Royal Canal. . Y G 161 Beckett, William, 27 Liffey street, upper .. Y G 162 Beere, Daniel F., 3 Yernon parade, Clontarf . . Y G 163 Beere, George, 66 Manor street .. Y G 164 Beere, Henry, 68 Camden street 165 Beere, Richard B., 3 Yernon parade, Clontarf Y G 166 Belas, George H., 66 Lower Camden street . . Y G 167 Bell, Alexander, 14 Haddington road , . Y G 168 Bell, James, 2 Thornberry place, Donnybrook . . 169 Bell, Walter, 29 Chamber street . . Y 170 Benn, Matthew, 11 Newmarket, Coombe .. P 171 Bennett, Henry, 76 Euston terrace, Ranelagh 172 Bennett, James M., Asylum, Leeson park Y G 173 Bennett, John, 13 Mercer street, upper P 174 Benson, Francis, 13 Pembroke street, upper .. Y G 175 Benson, Henry, 4 Tenter field. Mill street , . Y G 176 Benson, Thomas, 27 Cork street .. Y G 177 Bentley, Benjamin, 87 Capel street . . Y 178 Bentley, Francis, 12 Tighe street 179 Bentley, William, 12 Tighe street 180 Beresford, Marcus, 8 Cumberland street, east. . 181 Berry, Francis H., Sydney avenue, Blackrock . . 182 Best, Charles, 46 High street . . p 183 Bevan, Philip, 21 Baggot street, lower .. Y G 184 Bigger, Charles, 28 Frederick street, south, Y 185 Billing, Robert, Bird avenue. Roebuck , . Y G 186 Bingham, Henry, 48 Wellington street . , Y G 187 Birney, James, 10 Bride street , , Y G Pm pm 224 RESIDENT FREEMEN. V V V V V y V V V V V V V V V y y No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted, 188 Birney, William, 10 Bride street . . y G 189 Bishop, Luke, 27 Chamber street . . y 1 90 Bishop, Luke, jun., 5 Sweeny’s lane 191 Black, Gibson, jun., 46 Mountjoy street 192 Black, Kev. John, 46 Mountjoy street 193 Black, John E., Temple house. Temple road.. 1 94 Blacker, Edward, Bank of Ireland 195 Blackham, Charles, Ballymount, Tallaght 196 Blackham, William, 1 Strand ville, Irishtown 197 Blackmore, Hiram, 36 Jervis street 198 Blair, Joseph B., 2 Ryder’s row 199 Bleakley, John, 29 George’s st., north, great, . 200 Bloomfield, William, 23 Mount street, upper.. 201 Bloxham, Henry C., Belgrave lodge, Rathmines 202 Blundell, Andrew, 26 Grangegorman, upper.. 203 Bloxham, James, 2 Campfield ter., Dundrum 2 04 Boardman, Francis, 1 1 Sandford avenue 205 Boileau, John G., 91 Bride street . . • 206 Bolton, Andrew, 22 The Coomb e 207 Bolton, Cornelius, 24 Clare street 208 Bolton, Edward, 93 Leeson street, upper 209 Bolton, Edward P., 93 Leeson street, upper. . 210 Bolton, Henry E., 36 Westmorland street . . 211 Bolton, John, 35 Mul grave street, Kingstown 212 Bolton, John L., 93 Leeson street, upper 213 Bolton, Samuel H., 38 to 40 Richmond st., S. . 214 Bolton, William, 36 Westmorland street 215 Bolton, William T., 4 Holies street 216 Bond, Alfred, Alfred lodge, Kingstown 217 Bond, Patrick, 52 Sheriff street, lower . . y 218 Bond, Thomas W., 1 Idrone ter., Blackrock.. y 219 Bonis, William, 15 Fairview ave., Fairview .. y G 220 Bonsall, John 0., 1 Eldon ter., S. Circular road y G 221 Booker, James, 120 Rathmines upper .. y G 222 Booker, James M., 16 Leinster rd., Rathmines y G 223 Booker, Robert, 6 Buckingham street, lower. . P 224 Booth, George, Austin’s court. Church street P 225 Booth, George, Stephen’s green, north 226 Booth, James, 107 Summer hill 227 Booth, James, 4 Stephen’s green, north 228 Booth, James, jun., 107 Summer hill G G G G G G y G G y G y G G y G y G resident freemen. 225 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 229 Booth, James, jun., Toronto lodge, Rathgar rd. V G 230 Booth, John, 14 Exchequer street , , P 231 Booth, Robert B., 68 Heytesbury street 232 Booth, William, 30 Castle street * , P 233 Boothman, James, 8 Bishop’s court . . * P 234 Boothman, John, 9 Whitefriar street , . P 235 Borough, Sir Edward R., Fitzwilliam square. . V G 236 Boshell, George, 11 Chamber street V G 237 Botts, Joseph, 9 Sampson’s lane , . P 238 Bouchier, Henry, 16 Werburgh street . . V G 239 Bouchier, Samuel, 20 Suffolk street , . V G 240 Bourke, Henry, 1 Temple lane , , V G 241 Bourke, John, 18 Clanbrassil street, lower . • V G 242 Bourke, Patrick, Belmont avenue, Donnybrook P 243 Bourke, Thomas, 16 High street , . V G 244 Bourke, William, 5 Drumcondra terrace , . V P 245 Bourne, Humphrey M., 73 Talbot street . . V G 246 Bourne, Thomas D., Kilgobbin, Golden Ball.. V G 247 Bourne, Walter, 2 Harcourt terrace . . V G 248 Box, William R., 105 Abbey street, middle . . 249 Box, William R., jun., 2 St. James’s ter.,Clonskea 250 Boyd, George F., 13 Arran quay . . V G 251 Boyd, William, 97 Capel street . . P 252 Boyle, John, 7 Bridge street, upper 253 Boyle, Richard W., 25 College green , . V G 254 Boyle, William Henry, 2 Clare street . . P 255 Braddell, Rev. Alexander, 32 Waterloo road. . V G 256 Bradford, Benjamin, 41 Cuffe street 257 Bradford, John Dillon, 41 Cuffe street 258 Bradley, John, Venetian hall, Raheny . . V 259 Bradley, Wilham G., 59 Blessington street . . V G 260 Bradshaw, Samuel, 65 Middle Abbey street , . V G 261 Brady, Barnaby, 5 Warrenmount, off Mill st. 262 Brady, Cheyne, Willow bank, Monkstown 263 Brady, Francis Wm., 22 Leeson -street, lower P 264 Brady, Henry, 1 Harold’s cross . , V G 265 Brady, John Fredk., 5 Warrenmount, Mill st. P 266 Brady, Maziere John, 2 Wilton square . . ' P 267 Brady, Robert, 8 Fownes’s street , . P 268 Brady, Robert, 20 Jervis street . , P 269 Bramble, John, 9 Britain street, great , , 30 22G RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 270 Brassington, John G., Serpentine av., Sandymt. 271 Brassington,Bichard G., Serpentine av, Sandymt. V 272 Bravin, Richard, 10 Oriel street, upper . . V 273 Brennan, Frederick, 4 Lower Parnel place .. Y 274 Brennan, George, 4 Lower Parnel place •. V 275 Brennan, Henry, 8 Gardiner’s place .. V 276 Brennan, John, College of Surgeons . . V 277 Brennan, Thomas, 24 Heytesbury street . . Y 278 Brennan, William, 4 Lower Parnel place . . Y 279 Brereton, Joshua, 13 Harcourt street . . Y 280 Brereton, Joshua J., New bridge av., Sandymt. Y 281 Brereton, William H., 9 George’s street, north 282 Bridgeford, Thomas, 66 Mount street, lower . . P 283 Bridgeman, Frederick, 41 Jervis street . . P 284 Bridgeman, Henry, 5 Denmark street . . P 285 Bridgeman, Jeremiah, 31 Denmark street . . P 286 Brien, Charles, 64 Grafton street 287 Brien, Charles Henry, 54 Richmond st., south 288 Brien, John Leonard, 12 Charlemont place . . 289 Brien, John White, 54 Richmond street, south 290 Brindley, John, 52 Lower Gloucester street , • 291 Briscoe, William T., Richmond lodge, Fairview 292 Brocas, Henry, 120 Lower Baggot street 293 Brock, John, 8 Williamstown 294 Brodie, David, 6 Drumcondra hill 295 Brodie, Robert, 31 Peter street 296 Brodie, Thomas, 30 Nassau street 297 Brodie, Thomas C., 7 Gardiner street, upper. . 398 Bromlow, James J., 9 Upper Mount Pleasant 299 Brown, Edward, 13 Lower Coombe 300 Browne, George, 11 Anne street, north 301 Browne, James, 11 Anne street, north 302 Browne, Jessop, 4 Carlisle terrace, Sandymount 303 Browne, John H., 12 Heytesbury street , . 304 Browne, Marmion, Fownes’s street 305 Browne, Michael, 1 Alma villa, Rathgar road 306 Browne, Robert, 54 Harold’s cross 307 Brown, Naason, 121 Aughrim street . . 308 Browne, Samuel, 14 Crampton court 309 Browne, Stephen, 17 Wood quay 310 Browne, William, 2 Fownes’s street . . Y G Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y G G G G G G G G G G G G G G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 227 No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 311 Browne, William, 83 Harold’s cross .. V G 312 Browne, William, 49 Camden street, lower . » V G 313 Browne, William H., 7 Tritonville avenue .. V G 314 Browne, William, St. Stephen’s school . . V G 315 Browning, Thomas, Church of St. Paul 316 Brownlee, Andrew, Tivoli house, Kingstown.. V G 317 Brunker, Ealph B., 31 York street .. V G 318 Brunker, Thomas, 111 Grafton street .. V G 319 Bryan, George, 9 Charlemont place .. V G 320 Bryan, Isaac, 27 Pembroke road . . V G 321 Bryan, Loftus A., 27 Pembroke road 322 Bryan, Loftus A., jun., 27 Pembroke road . . V G 323 Bryan, William I., 27 Pembroke road . . V G 324 Buchanan, Charles T., Palermo, Eathfarnliam 325 Buchanan, William F., 6 Kenilworth avenue , . P 326 Buchanan, William, 35 Frederick street, south V G 327 Bull, William, 1 Pitt street . . V G 328 Burford, John, 14 Spring garden . . V G 329 Burgess, David G., 24 Winetavern street « V G 330 Burgess, Henry, sen,, 24 Winetavern street . • V G 331 Burgess, Henry, jun., 20 Winetavern street.. V G 332 Burgess, Eichard, 41 Capel street . . P 333 Burke, Edward F., 12 Great George’s st., N. V G 334 Burke, John, Avoca avenue, Blackrock , , V G 335 Burkitt, John B., 85 Grafton street . . V G 336 Burleigh, John, 13 Meath street . , V G 337 Burne, George, 29 Monck place . . V G 338 Burne, George William, 33 Peter street , . , P 339 Burne, Henry, 16 Chancery lane .. V G 340 Burne, Humphrey, 8 Hanover lane . . V G 341 Burne, Humphrey, jun., 38 William street ..V P 342 Burne, John, 15 Northumberland road . . V G 343 Burnett, Francis, 4 Portland pL, Eoyal Canal 344 Burnett, James, 14 Wall’s lane 345 Burnett, William, 10 Earl street, north . . V G 346 Burrowes, James, Ballybough bridge . . V G 347 Burrowes, James, 13 Spring Gardens . . G 348 Bury, John, 1 Herbert place, Irishtown , , -V 349 Bury, Eichard, 2 William street, north 350 Bury, William, 2 Mountpleasant cottages . . V G 351 Busby, Alphonzo, 45 Pembroke place . . V G 228 RESIDENT freemen. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 352 Buslie, Arthur, jun., 5 Fitzwilliam square, nth. V G 353 Bushe, Charles Percy, 5 Fitzwilliam sq., north V G 354 Bushell, James, St. John’s, Island bridge . . V G 355 Bussell, Barton Thos., St. Leonard’s, Blackrock V G 356 Bussell, Henry, 7 Westmoreland street • . V G 357 Bussell, Sidney P., Avoca avenue, Blackrock. . V G 358 Butler, Frederick A., 20 Leinster sq., Bathmines V G 359 Butler, George, 62 Gardiner street, upper . • V G 360 Butler, George, 7 Ormond quay, upper . . V G 361 Butler, James, Bluebell • . P 362 Butler, John, 20 Leinster sq., Bathmines road V G 363 Butler, John, 21 Brown street, south ..V P 364 Butler, John Judkin, 62 Gardiner street, upper V G 365 Butler, John Judkin, jun., 62 Gardiner st., up. V G 366 Butler, Bichard, 4 Green street . . V G 367 Butler, Walter Bichard, 11 Gardiner street, Ir. V G 368 Byrne, Francis, 205 Britain street, great . . P 369 Byrne, James, 22 New row, south 370 Byrne, John, 84 Britain street, great 371 Byrne, Oliver, 63 Pill lane 372 Byrne, Patrick, 4 Sandymount avenue . . V G 373 Byrne, Thomas, Green hills 374 Byrne, William, 7 Malpas street 375 Byron, Arthur Thos. 0., Biversdale, Dundrum 376 Caimess, Henry Moore, Eglinton, Boundtown V G 377 Callaghan, James, 72 Blessington street . . V G 378 Campbell, Edward Francis, 70 Marlborough st. V G 379 Campbell, Bev. Edward George, 37 Longwoodav. V G 380 Campbell, George, 5 Bichmond cot.. Summer hill 381 Campbell, George, 87 Camden street 382 Campbell, George John, 12 Castle street 383 Campbell, James, 7 Chatham street 384 Campbell, James Johnston, 11 Bedford row •• V G 385 Campbell, John, 11 Bedford row .. P 386 Campbell, Joseph, 31 Wellington quay . . V G 387 Campbell, St. George, 87 Lower Camden street 388 Campbell, William, 15 North Anne street .. V G* 389 Campbell, William, 73 Capel street , , V G 390 Campbell, William J., 12 Portland place . . V G 391 Campbell, William C., 3 Martello ter., Merrion V G hi ^ ►t) '1:1 RESIDENT FREEMEN. 229 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 392 Candler, Paul, 48 Aungier street • . V 393 Candler, Samuel, 48 Aungier street . . V 394 Cantrell, Fred., Asylum, Keed’s row, Leeson park V G 395 Carey, James, 27 Bride’s alley . » P 396 Carey, John, 21 Bride’s alley . . P 397 Carey, Henry Goff, 10 Hatch street .. V G, 398 Carlton, Henry, 3 Serpentine ter., Monkstown V G 399 Carmichael, Evory, 5 Longford ter., Monkstown 400 Carmichael,EvoryT. 5 Longford ter, Monkstown V G 401 Carmichael, George, 10 Dominick street, lower V G 402 Carolin, Edward, Melifont avenue 403 Carolin, Frederick, 11 Talbot street .. V G .404 Carolin, George Orson, 17 Talbot street • . V G 405 Carolin, John, 87 Gardiner street, lower 406 Carolin, Philip, 32 Liffey street, lower . . P 407 Carpenter, Thomas, 1 Irishtown road . . P 408 Carpenter, William, Annadale Idg., Nth. Wall V G 409 Carr, James, 9 Holies row . . P 410 Carr, Patrick M., 27 Eanelagh road . . G P 411 Carr, William Henry, 16 High street . . V G 412 Carrick, Robert, 30 Bachelor’s walk . . V G 413 Carroll, Henry N., 17 Baggot street . . Y G 414 Carroll, James R., 56 Mount street, lower . . V G 415 Carroll, John, 149 Townsend street . . P 416 Carroll, John, 37 William street, south . , P 417 Carroll, Thomas, 51 Bolton street . . P 418 Carroll, Thomas H., 17 Lower Baggot street V G 419 Casey, Edmond H., Newbrook, Raheny . . V G 420 Casson, Joseph W., Belmont house, Belmont V G 421 Cathcart, George L., 106 Lower Baggot st. . . V G 422 Cathrew, Allen F., 6 Wellinglon place . . V G 423 Cathrew, Graves, 36 Gloucester street, upper P 424 Cathrew, Henry, 8 Percy place . . V G 425 Cathrew, Robert, 8 Percy place . . V G 426 Cavanagh, John, 1 Elephant lane . . P 427 Cavanagh, James, 1 Elephant lane . . P 428 Chamberlain, Robt. S., 13 Werburgh street . • V G 429 Chambers, Charles, Willbrook ho., Rathfarnham V G 430 Chambers, John, Rose cottage, Rathfarnham, . V G 431 Chambers, John, junior, 1 Capel street . . V G 432 Chamney, Robert Maxwell, 28 Cullenswood av. G P 230 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Repj. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 433 Charles, James, 61 Abbey street, middle .. V G 434 Chartres, John, 40 Temple bar 435 Chase, William, Mountain view, Harold’s cross 436 Chaytor, Charles H., Heath ville, Monkstown 437 Childs, Alexander, 4 Tritonville av., Irishtown V G 438 Childs, Rev. Edmond, 31 Arran quay , . V G 439 Childs, Samuel, 31 Arran quay . . V G 440 Childs, Thomas, 31 Arran quay . . G 441 Christian, Isaac, 17 Cabra parade . . V G 442 Christian, Thos. R., 24 Cabra parade, Phibsboro’ V G 443 Christian, Thos. S., 24 Cabra parade, Phibsboro’ 444 Clare, Lewis, 14 Warrington place . . V G 445 Clare, John, 1 Park avenue, Sandy mount 446 Clarke, Edward, 1 Botanic view, Glasnevin . . V G 447 Clarke, Edward, Tritonville avenue, Sandymount G 448 Clarke, Frederick, Rathgar lodge, Rathgar . , V G 449 Clarke, George, 51 Bride street 450 Clarke, James, 12 Denzille street .. V G 451 Clarke, James, 4 Brunswick place 452 Clarke, John, Santry . . V G 453 Clarke, John, 15 Richmond street, north . , V G 454 Clarke, John Hailwood, Dundrum . . V G 455 Clarke, Laurence, 8 Fade street . 456 Clarke, Noble, Serpentine avenue, Sandymount Y G 457 Clarke, Richard A., 4 Botanic view, Glasnevin V G 458 Clarke, St. John A., 85 Gardiner street, upper V G 459 Clarke, Thomas Benjamin, 2 Mespil parade . . V G 460 Clarke, Waller, 3 Phibsborough avenue . . V G 461 Clarke, William, 21 Ship street, great 462 Clarke, Wm. H., 3 Sallymount ter., Ranelagh 463 Clarkson, Jas., 1 Vance’sbuildings, Lr. Bridge st. V G 464 Clegg, Richard, Rathgar avenue . . V G 465 Clibborn, Barclay, 16 Belgrave road, Rathmines 466 Clibborn, George, 10 Upper Leeson street . . V 467 Clifford, Edward John, 17 Charlemont jilace . . V G 468 Clifford, John, 62 Dominick street, upper . . V G 469 Clifford, Matthew Albert, 62 Dominick st., up. V 470 Clifford, Thomas, 17 Heytesbury street 471 Clifford, William Henry, 62 Dominick st., upper V G 472 Clinton, John, 7 Hutton’s lane 473 Clinton, Patrick, 27 North Summer street , . h:) lY •'Y 'Tl'Tihj RESIDENT FREEMEN. 231 No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 474 Close, Henry Samuel, Newtown park .. V G 475 Close, Henry Walter, Newtown park, Blackrock V G 476 Close, Robert B., 6 The Hill, Monkstown . . 477 Close, Samuel Holt, 2 Leinster street 478 Cloughly, John, 2 Henry street . . P 47 9 Clulfe, George, 6 Camden street, upper • . V G 480 Cluffe, Joseph, 6 Camden street, upper , . V G 481 Cluffe, William Ashley, 6 Camden street, upper V G 482 Coates, Charles, 67 Harcourt street . • P 483 Cobbe, William, 25 Richmond street, south . . V G 484 Cockburne, John Gilbert, 7 Longwood avenue V 485 Cockburne, Thomas B.,6 Vesey place, Kingstown G 486 Coffey, John, Waterfall view, Drumcondra 487 Colclough, Henry, 9 Fownes’s street • . V G 488 Colclough, John, 23 Duke street 489 Colclough, William, 142 Baggot street, lower V G 490 Coldwell, Thomas, 19 Clare street 491 Colles, Graves C., 48 Fitzwilliam square 492 Colles, Henry, 21 Trafalgar ter., Monkstown 493 Colles, William, 21 Stephen’s green, north .. 494 Collier, James, Sidney parade, Sandymount . , Y G 495 Collier, William, Sidney parade, Sandymount V G 496 Collins, Benjamin, 6 Whitworth place , , V G 497 Collins, Samuel E., 125 Aughrim street . . V G 498 Collins, Thomas, Vergemount, Clonskea , . V G 499 Collins, Thomas R. S., 5 Vergemount, Clonskea V G 500 Collins, William, 11 Abbey street, upper .. V G 501 Collins, William, jun., 39 Great Britain street V G 502 Collins, William F., 2 Langrishe place . . Y G 503 Collisson, William H., 34 Gloucester st., up., N. Y G 504 Colville, James C., Coolock house . . Y G 505 Commins, John, 67 Dominick street, upper , . 506 Commins, John, Larchfield, Dundrum 507 Connolly, Charles H., rere, 209 Britain st., gt. Y G 508 Connolly, Edward, 53 Jervis street 509 Connolly, Robert J. C., 18 Castle street 510 Connolly, Robert T., 1 Fishamble street 511 Connor, George, 9 Ship street, little 512 Connor, James, 54 Bishop street , . Y G 513 Connor, James, 83 Dorset street, lower . . Y 514 Connor, John, 20 Eccles street Y 232 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom roted. 515 Connor, Patrick, 14 Rathmines terrace P 516 Connor, Shewbridge John, 13 Pleasant street V G 517 Conway, George, 6 Repeal place. Power’s court P 518 Cooke, Anthony, 9 Coburgh place . . V G 519 Cooke, Rev. John Digby, Castleknock i. V G 520 Cooke, George R., 1 Appian way. Up. Leesonst. V 521 Cooke, Henry, 1 North Strand • • V G 522 Cooke, John Isaac, 1 North Strand . . V G 523 Cooke, Joseph, 6 Portland place . . V G 524 Cooke, William D., 17 Bushfield av., Sandford V G 525 Cooke, William S., 1 Appian way, Leeson st., up. V 526 Cooney, Joseph John, 24 New row, west . . P 527 Cooney, Peter, 64 Jervis street 528 Cooper, Austin Darner, 11 Dunville avenue .. V G 529 Cooper, Rev. Austin, Alburn lodge, Rathmines V G 530 Cooper, Charles Edward, 109 Leeson st., upper V G 531 Cooper, Francis Jones, 36 Aungier street . . V G 532 Cooper, George W., 9 Charleston ter., Rathmines V G 533 Cooper, General Henry, 73 Leeson street, lower V G 534 Cooper, James, 6 Upper North Gloucester street V G 535 Cooper, James S., Auburn lodge, Rathmines, up. V G 536 Cooper, James T. C., Newtown cot., Glasnevin 537 Cooper, John, 36 Long lane . . V G 538 Cooper, Robert, 33 Baggot street, lower • • V G 539 Cooper, Samuel, 36 Long lane . . V G 540 Cooper, William, 39 Mountpleasant square . . G P 541 Cooper, William, 36 Aungier street . . V G 542 Corbet, David, 11 Ormond quay, upper V G 543 Corbet, Thomas, 12 South Frederick street . . 544 Corcoran, Andrew, Green hills 545 Cordner, Charles Pendock, 75 Ranelagh 546 Cordner, John, 2 Clorinda pL, N. Circular rd. 547 Cordner, Robert D., 17 Bel grave road . . V 548 Cordner, William H., 75 Ranelagh road V G 549 Corlett, Henry Lee, Inchicore , G 550 Cornwall, William G., 77 Townsend street . . V G 551 Corry, William, 7 Phibsborough road V G 552 Cottle, John, jun., 23 Usher’s Island , . V G 553 Cotton, John, 22 Dulce street 554 Cotton, Thomas, 12 Longford street, little 555 Coulton, Henry Joseph, 16 Peter street V G Ps Ph Ph Ph P-i RESIDENT FREEMEN. * 233 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted, 556 Courtenay, Francis, 27 Wellington street . . V G 557 Courtenay, Robert, 37 York street . . V G 558 Courtenay, Thomas F., Royal Hospital . . V G 559 Cowan, John, 117 Coombe .. V G 560 Cowan, Robert, 17 Glasnevin road . • V G 561 Cowell, Andrew R., Prospect house, Milltown, . V G 562 Cowen, Alexander, 204 Britain street, great , , V G 563 Cowen, Samuel, 3 Parnell place •• V 564 Cowley, Walter, 22 Bishop street , . P 565 Coyle, Malachi, 85 Thomas street . . P 566 Crabb, James, 4 Westmoreland street . . V G 567 Craddock, Thomas, Stable lane. Abbey street. . P 568 Crampton, George R., 7 Mount street, upper 569 Crampton, Samuel, Grangemore, Raheny 570 Cranwell, John, 24 Fownes’^treet - G P 571 Crawford, Edward, 4 Wellington quay .. V G 572 Crawford, George A., 52 Amiens street . . V G 573 Crawford, James, 1 Alma ter., Monkstown .. V G 574 Creighton, George W., 7 Clanbrassil place . . V G 575 Crofton, Chas S., 73 Euston ter., Ranelagh rd. V 576 Crofton, Denis, 8 Mountjoy square, north V G 577 Crofton, Mervyn P., Emor villa. Circular rd. . G P 578 Crofton, Mervyn P,,jun., Emor villa. Circular rd. G P 579 Crosbie, James K., 178 Jemes’s street .. V 580 Crosbie, William, 14 Patrick’s close . . P 581 Crossle, Rev. Charles, 38 Trinity College . . V G 582 Crowley, Charles, 94 Bride street . . P 583 Crowley, John, Mountain view, Kimmage road P 584 Crozier, Francis R M., Seafi eld, Donnybrookrd. V G 585 Crozier, Thomas F., 19 Dominick street, lower V G '586 Cunningham, Denis, 139 Francis street , . P 587 Cunningham, Michael, 21 Francis street , . P 588 Curran, James, 12 Mabbot street , . ' P 589 Curry, William, 9 Sackville street, upper 590 Curtis, Joseph, 16 Cottage place, Boyne street G P 591 Curtis, Robert, 28 Chancery lane V G 592 Curtis, Stephen, 25 Ship street, great . , P 593 Curtis, Thomas, Nolan’s avenue, Churchtown. . V G 594 Curtis, William, 28 Chancery lane . , Y G 595 Curtis, William, jun., 28 Chancery lane . . Y G 596 Curtis, William G., 27 Chancery lane . . Y G 31 234 . RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom roted. 597 Cusack, Ealph Smith, St. Dolough’s , . V G 598 Cusack, Thomas Alder, 66 Stephen’s green, S. V G 599 Custis, Samuel, Rathfarnham , . V G 600 Cuthbert, Robert L., 10 Castle avenue, Clontarf V G 601 Cutler, William, 5 Spire view, Rathgar road. . V G 602 Dagge, Robert H., 7 Chelmsford rd., Leeson pk. V G 603 Dale, John, 43 Charlemont street . . V G 604 Dalton, Edward, 34 Mercer street, upper . . V G 605 Danaher, Bigoe H., Annesley house, N. Strand V G 606 Danaher, James, Annesley house. North Strand P 607 Darley, Benjamin Guinness, Larkhill, Coolock V G 608 Darley, Frederick, 26 Lower Fitzwilliam street V G 609 Darley, Captain Henry, New Grove, Raheny G 610 Darley, Henry F., Montpelier house, Blackrock V G 611 Darley, John Henry, 11 Ely place .. V G 612 Darley, John Kellett, N?wgrove house, Raheny G 613 Darley, Joseph F., 2 Read’s road, Leeson ^park V G 614 Darley, Richard L., 7 Kildare street .. V G 615 Darling, George T. B., 12 Hanover lane .. P 616 Darling, John, 29 Cullenswood avenue . . V G 617 Darlington, James Fawcett, 8 Brunswick place 618 Darlington, Joseph, 4 Haddington terrace . . V G 619 Darlington, Robert, 8 Wellesley place, Russell st. V G 620 Davenport, Simon, 136 Dorset street, upper ... V G 621 Davies, William, 3 Preston street, Amien street V G 622 Davis, Boyle, Upton lodge, Drumcondra . . G P 623 Davis, Thomas P., Upton lodge, Drumcondra G P 624 Davis, Thomas, Mount Sandford house, Sandford P ’ 625 Davis, Edward, George’s avenue, Blackrock . . V G 626 Davis, James, Eglinton house, Rathgar . . V G 627 Davis, James, Vavasour place, London bridge rd. G P 628 Davis, James, Eden park, Rathfarnham 629 Davis, James Nathaniel, The Park, Rathfarnham Y G 630 Davis, John, 48 Great Strand street . . P 631 Davis, John J., 6 Willow place, Booterstown av. V G 632 Davis, Samuel, 8 Jervis street . . V G 633 Davis, Samuel, jun., 76 Capel street V G 634 Davis, Thomas, 13 Poole street , . P 635 Dawson, William L., 4 Seaview ter.. Church rd. V G 636 Dawson, William Reuben, 22 Wellington street 637 Day, Fergus, 53 Beresford street V G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 235 V V V V G G G G G G G V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V No. Ileg. Voter’s'Name and Address. For whom voted. C38 Day, Henry J., 29 Prussia street . . V G 639 Day, Robert, 24 Momitjoy square . . V G 640 Deale, James, 5 White’s cot., Donnybrook road V G 641 Deane, George, Chapelizod, co. Dublin 642 Deane, George, Orcliardton, Rathfarnham , . 643 Deane, John, 116 Dorset street, upper 644 Deane, Simon, Chapelizod , . 645 Deane, Simon, 163 King street, north 646 Dedrickson, George, 46 Dame street 647 Deering, Lucius H., 2 Leeson street, upper . . 648 DeGrout, Cornelius R., 217 Britain st., great 649 Dempsey, Joseph, 66 Charlemont street 650 ^Derenzy, Annesley, 14 Peter street 651 Develin, John, 3 Northumberland lodge 652 Develin, William, 10 Mountjoy square, north. . 653 Deverall, Edward, 30 Monck place 654 Deverall, William J., Erin col., Sandymount. . 655 Devette, Lindsay M., 14 Bay view parade 656 Devine, John, 39 Clarendon street 657 Dickinson,' John, 10 Mountjoy place 658 Dickinson, John L., 3 Merrion parade 659 Dickenson, Joseph E., 27 Trinity College 660 Dickinson, Sir Drury J., 10 Mountjoy place . « 661 Dickson, Rev. Benjamin, Trinity College 662 Dickson, Stephen F., 29 Camden street, upper 663 Digges, Charles J. S., 50 Gardiner street, lower 664 Digges, Henry, 84 Talbot street 665 Digges, Joseph, Trinity church, Gardiner st,. 666^Digges, Joseph, 27 Lincoln place 667 Digges, William H., 3 & 4 Sackville st., Ir.. 668 Dillon, Henry, 2 Dame street 669 Dillon, William, Hospital, Donnybrook 670 Disney, Jonathan, 79 Camden street 671 Disney, Robert A., 1 Beresford place 672 Dix, Edward S., 34 Hardwicke street 673^ Dixon, George, 1 Erne street, upper 674 Dixon, James, 8 Moore street market 675 Dixon, Joseph F., 24 James’ street 67 6 Dixon, Richard, Stillorgan , , 677 Dixon, William, 8 Moore street market * Voted in Usher’s Quay Ward. ^ It) ‘ t-d hj 236 RESIDENT FREEMEN. V V V V V V V V V V No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom 678 Dobbin, Samuel, 60 Blessington street .. Y 679 Dobson, James S., 114 Stephen’s green, west 680 Dobson, John J., 50 Charlemont street, lower 681 Dolan, John, 14 Besborough terrace 682 D’Olier, Edmund R., Mount Anneville, Dundrum 683 D’Olier, John R., Temple hill, Booterstown av. 684 Dooley, George F,, 23 Gardiner street, lower. , 685 Dooley, John C. M‘Kay, 23 Gardiner st., lower 686 Dooley, Jonathan E.E.,Clonturkho.,Drumcondra 687 Dooley, Samuel, 23 Gardiner street, lower 688 Dooley, Thomas, Clonturk house, Drumcondra 689 Doone, Edward, Elderslie, Rathgar 690 Dopping, Edward, 23 Stephen’s green, north. . 691 Doran, Joseph H., Charleston ho.. Charleston rd. 692 Dougherty, James, 4 York terrace, Kingstown 693 Douglass, Charles M., 38 Mountpleasant av. . . 694 Douglass, Robert Henry, 31 Brunswick st., gt. 695 Dowan, Eugene, 35 Dorset street, lower 696 Dowdall, Francis, 7 Pembroke street, Irish town 697 Dowdall, Jas. E., 12 Longwood av.,Circularrd.,s. 698 Dowdall, John, 5 Charlemont street 699 Dowling, Charles Foster, 32 Leeson street , . 700 Dowling, Francis, Firr house, Templeogue , . 701 Dowling, Matthew, Balrothe, Templeogue 702 Downes, John, 1 Grantham terrace 703 Downes, Robert J., Sackville street 704 Downes, Samuel Gore, 10 Spire view, Rathgar 705 Doyle, James, 5 Moore lane 706 Drake, Francis, 3 Aston’s quay 707 Drake, John, 13 Anglesea street 708 Drew, James, 3 Reid’s row, Ranelagh road . . 709 Drew, James, 6 Gloucester place, north 710 Drew, James, junior, 6 Gloucester place, north 711 Drury, William B., Bodenpark, Rathfarnham. . 712 Dry, William, Asylum, Reid’s road, Leeson park 713 Dubedat, Henry, 82 Leeson street, upper 714 Ducros, Edward P., 19 Fleet street 715 Duffy, Christopher, 67 Talbot street 716 Duggan, Henry, Roundtown, co. Dublin 717 Duggan, James, Castlewood av., Rathmines .. 718 Duggan, Robert, Wynnefield lodge, Rathgar,, Y Y Y Y Y voted. G G G G G G G G G G G Y G Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y G Ph Ph RESIDENT FREEMEN. 237 voted. P G G G G G G No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Addi-ess. For whom 719 Dumas, William, 1 Verschoyle court 720 Dumolang, William B., 21 North Court cottages V 721 Dumolin, Charles, Great Britain quay . . V 722 Dumolin, John Philip, North Court cottages. . 723 Duncan, Charles, 13 Leeson street, lower . . V 724 Duncan, James, Finglas .. V 725 Duncan, James F., 8 Merrion street, upper . . 726 Duncan, Joseph A., 46 Denzille street V 727 Duncan, Nugent Booker, Finglas . . V 728 Duncan, Thomas Scott, 81 Talbot street 729 Duncan, William, 23 Pill lane 730 Dunne,CharlesJ.,l Shamrock villa, Harold’s cross V G 731 Dunne, George F., 7 Mark’s alley, west . . V 732 Dunne, James, Boyal Hospital, Kilmainham.. V G 733 Dunne, James Peter, 61 Ptathmines road .. V G 734 Dunne, John, Tolka view, Finglas bridge .. V G 735 Dunne, John William, Lower Castle yard V G 736 Dunne, John Samuel, 30 College green . . V 737 Dunne, Thomas Johnston, 19 Chamber street 738 Dunne, William, 30 College green , . V 739 Dunne, Wilham, Palmyra, Vernon av., Clontarf V G 740 Dunne, William H., 1 Shamrock villa . . V 741 Durham, Barry, 60 Henry street . . V G 742 Durham, Francis, 13 Ship street, little , . G 743 Durham, Francis, 25 Mary street , , V G 744 Dwyer, Henry, Merrion . . V G 745 Dwyer, Henry Law, 45 Sackville street, upper V G 746 Dwyer, James, 9 Essex bridge 747 Dwyer, James, Dartry, Rathmines, upper 748 Dwyer, William W., 45 Sackville street, up... V G 749 Dyas, Edward, 2 St. Catherine ter.. Royal Canal V 750 Dyas, Edward, jun., 15 Dominick street, upper V G 751 Dycer, Charles W., Havelock sq., Bath avenue V G 752 Eacret, Charles, Asylum, Leeson park 753 Eades, Joseph, 15 Bass place, Denzille street 754 Eades, William George, 27 York street 755 Eades, William George, jun., 27 York street. . 756 Eason, William Maxwell, 12Molesworth street 757 Echlin, John Henry, 19 Charlemont street, up. 758 Echlin, Moore, Bushfield avenue, Donnybrook V G G P V G V G V G V G 238 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Rep^. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 759 Edwards, Henry Edward, 23 Albert place, E. V G 760 Edwards, Henry, 30 Lower Gardiner street V G 761 Edwards, Henry St. George, 17 Pembroke pi. V G 762 Edwards, James T., 17 Pembroke place 763 Edwards, John Kynaston, 23 Dawson street .. V G 764 Eldon, Philip, 37 Wellington street .. V G 765 Elliott, John Hugh, 7 Gardiner’s row .. V G 766 Elliott, William Armstrong, 1 Eichmond place V G 767 Ellis, Eev. Eobert, 2 The Hill, Monkstown . . V G 768 Ellison, John Eldon, Sandymount sq., south . . V 769 Elvidge, Henry, 15 York street V G 770 Elward, William, 32 Aungier street . . V G 771 Ellwood, William, 146 Britain street, great . . 772 Emerson, Eobert Henry, Townsend street 773 England, Edward, 29 Chancery lane . . P 774 English, John, 34 Wicklow street ... P 775 English, Joshua C., 13 Belgrave sq., Eathmines V P 776 Ennis, Edward Armstrong, 97 Capel street , . G P 777 Eustace, Eichard, Weavers’ square • . P 778 Evans, Andrew, 43 Mercer street .. G P 779 Evans, Charles J., 9 Ontario ter., Portobello.. V G 780 Evans, George, 17 Stafford street .. V G 781 Evans, George, junior, 4 Sandford avenue .. P 782 Evans, Henry, Eoundtown . . V G 783 Evans, John, 60 Eichmond street, Portobello. . P 784 Evans, Joseph, 72 Grafton street V G 785 Evans, William, 26 Aungier street . . V 786 Evans, William, 75 Capel street ' .. V G 787 Evans, William Cooke, 27 Bushfield avenue. . 788 Evans, William M., 41 Mary street . . V G 789 Fagan, Edwwd, 35 Stafford street 790 Fagan, William Augustus, 16 Wicklow street 791 Fair, Thos. W., 1 Cambridge road, Eathmines 792 Fail-brother, Harvey, Tenter fields . . V G 793 Fail-brother, Samuel, 1 Tenter lane .. V G 794 Fanning, George, 36 Mount street, lower . . V G 795 Faris, James, 3 Eutland street, upper . . V G 796 Farran, George Haugh ton, Belcamp, Artane. . V G 797 Farrell, Anthony, 11 Wentworth place .. V G 798 Farrei], Francis, 37 Heytcsbury street .. V G IlESIDENT FREEMEX. 239 No. Reg. Voter's Name and Address. For whom voted. 799 Farrell, George, 17 Wentworth place . . V G 800 Farrell, James, Kelly’s avenue, Kingstown . . P 801 Farrell, James, 180 Brunswick street, great .• 802 Farrell, Matthew, 34 Britain street, great 803 Farrell, Patrick, 27 Cumberland street, south 804 Farrell, Eobert, 2 Orwell park, Rathgar . • V G 805 Farrell, Thomas, Rose cottage. Dolphin’s barn V 806 Farrell, Wm. A., Rose cottage. Circular rd., sth. V 807 Farrell, Wm. R., 1 Herbert ter.. Ball’s bridge Y G 808 Faught, John Highfield, 15 Dolphin’s barn . . V G 809 Fayle, Joshua, Templeogue house, Templeogue P 810 Fayle, Thomas, Templeogue house, Templeogue P 811 Fayle, William R., Templeogue ho., Templeogue P 812 Fegan, George, 4 Arran quay . . G P 813 Fegan, Michael, 7 Liffey street, lower . . V G 814 Fell, Joseph Bernard, 11 Peter street P 815 Felton, Thomas, Palmyra lodge, Fairview 816 Fennell, John, Booterstown avenue , . P 817 Ferguson, Duncan C., 6 Charlemont mall . • G 818 Ferguson, John R., 20 Sherrard street, upper V G 819 Ferguson, Samuel, 20 George’s street, north., G P 820 Ferguson, Thomas, 1 Salisbury ter., Rathgar V G 821 Ferns, Henry, 63 Aungier street G P 822 Fetherston H., Godfrey,18 Nth. Gt. George’s st. Y G 823 Fetherston H., Godfrey, jun., 40 Rutland st.,up. Y G 824 Fetherston H., Stephen R., 17 Eccles street .. Y G 825 Fetherston H., William, 1 Blessington street Y G 826 Field, George, 68 Manor street . , Y G 827 Field, William, 4 Chaytor’s lane . . P 828 Figgis, George A., 55 Richmond street, south 829 Figgis, Samuel, 3 Kenilworth av., Rathgar . . Y P 830 Figgis, Thomas G., Sydenham house, Dundrum G P 831 Finlay, Chas. F., Richmond cottages. Summer hill Y G 832 Finlay, Edward, 31 Kevin street 833 Finlay, Edward, Thornhill, Ballinteer, Dundrum 834 Finlay, George W., 2 Kenilworth sq., Rathmines G P 835 Finlay, John, 10 Pembroke quay . . Y G 836 Finlay, Rev. John, Corkagh, Tallaght^ . . Y G 837 Finlay, Richard, 3 Richmond avenue, Fairview Y G 838 Finlay, Thomas, Castle avenue, Clontarf , . Y G 839 Finlay, William Henry, 20 Phibsborough road G P hj 240 IlESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom Toted. P P P 840 Finnamore, Eichard, 39 Stephen street, lower 841 Finnamore, Eichard, 48 Francis street 842 Finnamore, Samuel, 20 Gregg’s lane 843 Fisher, Noble Andrew, 4 Sheriff street, east. , V G 844 Fisher, Thomas, 4 Sheriff street, east . . V G 845 Fisher, Thomas J., 1G5 Brunswick street, great V G 846 Fisher, William Edgar, 4 Sheriff street, east. . V G 847 Fitton, Eichard, 74 Talbot street . . V G 848 Fitzgerald, Charles, 28 Stafford street . . V G 849 Fitzgerald, Charles, jun., 28 Stafford street . . V G 850 Fitzgerald, George, 29 Mecklenburgh st., lower V P 851 Fitzgerald, George C., 26 George’s place .. V G 852 Fitzgerald, James, Bishop’s court. Bishop st... V G 853 Fitzgerald, Joseph E., 15 Charleville road . . V G 854 Fitzpatrick, Andrew, 42 New row, south . . Y G 855 Flanagan, Thomas, 120 King street, north . . P 856 Flavelle, Henry, 43 Grafton street .. V G 857 Fleming, Christopher W., 17 Gardiner st., Ir. 858 Fleming, James, 6 Sth. Cumberland street 859 Fleming, William, Clondalkin . . P 860 Fleming, William, 145 Townsend street . . V G 861 Fletcher, Joseph H., 134 Aughrim street . . V G 862 Fletcher, William, 31 Aungier street . . P 863 Fletcher, William, Kilshone, Finglas , . V G 864 Flinn, John, 38 Queen street . . V G 865 Flint, Benjamin, 18 Seville place 866 Flint, Frederick, 89 Leinster road, Eathmines V G 867 Flint, Eobert Gibton, 18 Seville place . . Y G 868 Flint, Thomas, 8 Clanbrassil terrace . . Y G 869 Flint, William, 20 Grafton street . . Y G 870 Flood, George, 22 Fishamble street .. P 871 Flood, John, 18 Trinity place .. P 872 Flower, Mark, 176 Church street ' .. G P 873 Fogarty, James, 2 Paradise place .. Y G 874 Foot, Arthur Wynne, 21 Pembroke street, lower Y G 875 Foot, Charles Henry, 14 Fitzwilliam st., upper Y G 876 Foot, John, Avoca avenue, Blackrock .. Y G 877 Foot, Simon, Avoca avenue, Blackrock . . Y G 878 Foot, William, 23 Eutland square, north .. Y G 879 Foot, William Edward, Eglinton, Cabra road Y G 880 Foran, James, 55 Bolton street Rr:?5TI)ENT FREEMEX. 241 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 881 Forde, Nicholas, 22 Dorset street, upper . . P 882 Forrest, James, 70 Capel street . . V G 883 Forrest, William Robert, 1 Lemon street . . V 884 Forster, James Leslie, Sutton, Howth 885 Forster, John, Frankfort house, Rathmines, up. V G 886 Forster, Joseph D., Fairview, Irishtown road V G 887 Forster, Rev. Thomas, Janeville, Merrion . . Y G 888 Forster, William Charles, 64 Baggot st., upper 889 Forster, William, 104 Grafton street , . G 890 Foulkes, Digby Frederick, 37 Liffey st , lower 891 Fox, Edward, 7 Westland row . . V G 892 Fox, James, 19 Old Kilmainham 893 Fox, John, 19 Dorset street, lower . . Y G 894 Fox, Robert Jones, 9 Sydney avenue, Blackrock Y G 895 Fox, Thomas, 19 Dorset street, lower . . Y G 896 Fox, William, 31 Guild street 897 Fox, William Smyth, 8 Rathmines road 898 Francis, Edward, 1 Camden place . . Y 899 Francis, Y^illiam, 99 Lower Clanbrassil street Y G 900 Francis, William, 15 Charlemont street .. G 901 Franklin, James, 17 Wood quay 902 Franklin, John Decoursey, 11 College green . . Y G 903 Franklin, Richard, 33 Sheriff street, lower 904 Frazer, John Finlay, 37 Arran quay , * G P 905 Frazer, William, 37 Arran quay 906 Frazer, William, 124 Stephen’s green, west ... 907 Fredericks, John, 17 Aughrim street . . Y G 908 Freeman, James, 35 Arran quay . , Y G 909 Freeman,Saml.C.L.,l Frankfort ter., Rathgarav. 910 Freeman, Wm.W.D.jlFrankfortter., Rathgarav. Y G 911 Freke, William John, 68 Mount street, lower. . Y G 912 French, Charles, 1 Landsdown road . . Y G 913 French, John, Mornington park, Artane . . G P 914 Frend, i^antry, 13 Wood quay .. Y G 915 Frizell, Charles, 16 Y^arrington place 916 Fry, Henry Lawrence, 31 Westmoreland st. Y G 917 Fry, John, 31 Westmoreland street . . Y G 918 'Fry, Thomas, junior, 22 Cullenswood avenue. , Y G 919 Fulham, Bernard, 60 Brunswick street, great, , P 920 Fulham, John, 2 Montague street . . Y G 921 Furlong, Robert O’Brien, 87 Leeson st., lower Y G 32 hi ^ 242 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom TOted, 922 Galbraith, Rev. Joseph A., 48 Leeson street, up V G 923 Gale,, Richard, 6 Bachelors’ walk 924 Gale, Samuel, G Bachelors’ walk 925 Gallagher, James, 14 Cuffe street 926 Galloway, John, 6 Clifton terrace, Monkstown 927 Galloway, John, jun., 6 Clifton ter., Monkstown 928 Galloway, Joseph, 6 Clifton terrace, Monkstown 929 Galway, William, 112 Leeson street, upper .. 930 Gamble, John, 62 Wellington street 931 Gamble, Matthew, 62 Wellington street 932 Gannon, John, 10 Rathmines road 933 Garde, William, 7 Percy place 934 Garner, William C., Richview, Monkstown , . 935 Geale, Edward, 27 Leeson street 936 Geary, Thomas, 18 Grenville street 937 Geary, Timothy, 30 Usher’s quay 938 Geary, William, 27 Blackhall street 939 Geoghegan, Robert, Carysfort lodge, Stillorgan 940 Geoghegan, Thomas G., 4 Merrion street, upper 941 George, John, 8 Fitzwilliam square, west 942 Gerrard, Robert, 29 Arran quay V V V V V V V V V G G G G G G 943 Gerrard, Samuel, Bachelor’s hall, Rathfarnham 944 Gerrard, Stephen, 13 William street, north . . 945 Gibbs, Andrew A., 6 Wharton ter., Harold’s cross 946 Gibbs, Charles W., 48 Longwood av., Portobello 947 Gibson, Rev. Benjamin, 1 Berkeley street 948 Gibson, Edward, 22 Merrion square, north . . 949 Gibson, William, 22 Merrion square, north . . 950 Gibton, William, 6 Gresham terrace, Kingstown 951 Gilbourne, Joseph, 9 Tivoli ter., Kingstown . . 952 Gill, Edward, 12 Summer street, north 953 Gillespie, Christopher, Hamilton cot., Blackrock 954 Gillespie, John, 36 Dame street 955 Gillespie, John W., Hamilton cot., Merrion . . 956 Gilligan, William, 9 Mark’s alley 957 Giltrap, John, Mountain view cottages . , 958 GivcCn, Rev. Richd. L., Winton Idg., Monkstn. 959 Giveen, Robert, Winton Lodge, Monkstown 960 Gladson, Charles, 112 Cork street 961 Glennon, John, 9 Bridge street, upper 962 Glynn, Andrew, 1 Hackett’s court V V V V y V y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 213 No. Re?. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 963 Goldsmith, Joseph, 11 Mountpleasant square 961 Gonne, Henry, 26 Clare street 965 Goodal, Edward, Serpentine av., Sandymount 966 Goode, John, 50 City quay 967 Good, William, 7 Ashe street •• 968 Goodisson, Thomas, Healthfield, Roundtown 969 Goodisson, William, 49 Gloucester terrace . . 970 Goodlatte, David R., jun., 6 Kenilworth sq., W. 971 Goodwillie, Alfred, 5 Buckingham st., lower 972 Goodwillie, Thomas, 15 Grenville street 973 Goodwin, Charles F., Eldorado, Stillorgan . . 974 Goodwin, Thomas H., 4 Belgrave terrace . . 975 Goodwin, Wilkins, 14 Clanbrassil st., upper 976 Gordon, John, Canal view 977 Gore, Arthur, 4 9, Jervis street 978 Gorman, David, 120 Townsend street 970 Gorman, Thomas, 45 Rathmines road .. 980 Gorman, William, 47 Henry street 981 Gough, Michael, 7 Grenville street 982 Goulding, Thomas, 3 Richmond parade , . 983 Grace, Charles, 24 Queen’s square, west 984 Grace, John, 27 Parliament street 985 Grady, Capt. R. D., Mount Errol, Donnybrook 986 Graham, Francis, 35 Wellington quay 987 Graham, John J., 30 Westmoreland street .. 988 Graham, William, 136 Summer hill . , 989 Graham, William, 18 Ormond quay, upper . . 990 Graham, William J., 5 Temple ter.. Manor st. 991 Graham, William, 5 William street, north . . 992 Graham, William, senior, 109 Summer hill,. 993 Graham, William Thomas, Roebuck 994 Grant, Henry, 21 Charlemont mall 995 Grant, Henry, Church, Baggot street, upper 996 Grant, Samuel, 1 Clontarf green, co. Dublin 997 Grass, Henry, 13 Pitt street 998 Grattan, John, 2 Harrington street 999 Grattan, John D., 18 Merrion street, upper. . 1000 Grattan, Robert, 14 Nassau street , , 1001 Graves, Arthur P., Brooklawn, Beggar’sbush 1002 Graves, Richard M., 6 Leinster sq., Rathmines 1003 Graves, William, Brooklawn, Beggar’s bush. , V V V V G V G V V V V V V V G G G P G G V G V V V G V G V V V V V V G G G G Pm P-i Ph 244 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For wliom voted. 1004 Gray, Edward, 14 Chamber street .. V G 1005 Gray, Gerald, 5 Victoria terrace, Clontarf . . P 1006 Gray, Thomas Thompson, 5 Trinity College. . V G 1007 Gray, Wellington, 5 Trinity College . . V G 1008 Gray don, Alexander Howisson, 22 Hatch st, V G 1009 Graydon, Newenham Edward, 52 Summer hill V G 1010 Graydon, Unimore, 52 Summer hill . . V G 1011 Green, James, 76 Dominick street, upper .. V G 1012 Green, John Joseph, 2 Kingstown parade V G 1013 Green, Thomas, 49 Stephen’s green, east . . Y G 1014 Greene, Clarges, 52 Dominick street, lower.. 1015 Greene, Henry K,, Newtown, Dundrum , . V G 1016 Greene, Patrick, 9 Annesley place .. V G 1017 Greene, Samuel Plant, 62 Stephen street . . G 1018 Greene, William, Grove lodge, Templeogue.. 1019 Greene, William Henry, 52 Dominick st., Ir. Y 1020 Greenham, Francis, 75 George’s street, south G P 1021 Greer, Thomas H., 8 Mount street crescent. . 1022 Gregg, Edward Mitchell, 5 Eutland st., upper Y G 1023 Gregg, John William, 7 Adelaide road . . Y G 1024 Gregg, John William, 18 Sackville st., upper 1025 Gregg, Eobert, 5 Eutland street, upper .. Y G 1026 Gregory, Jacob, Auburn ho., Sandymount sq. Y G 1027 Gresham, George, 26 Eustace street . . Y G 1028 Gresham, Thomas M., 2 Bayview avenue . . G P 1029 Grisson, George, Glencairne, Stillorgan . . Y G 1030 Greville, Jonathan, jun., 17 Cullenswood av. Y G 1031 Greville, Jonathan, 17 Cullenswood avenue . . G 1032 Greville, Eichard Cole, 15 Cullenswood .. Y 1033 Grice, George Eichard, 116 Capel street 1034 Grier, Matthew, 2 Charles row, Eathmines.. P 1035 Grier, William, 84 Marlborough street . . P 1036 Griffith, George, 27 Lennox street .. V G 1037 Griffith, Walter H., 8 Mount street, upper . . Y G 1038 Grindley, George H., Eel thorn ter, Booterstown Y G 1039 Grogan, Sir Edward, 10 Harcourt street .. Y G 1040 Grome, William H., Frankfort av., Eathgar Y G 1041 Groves, James, 1 2 Bachelor’s walk 1042 Groves, Samuel, 8 Blackhall parade 1043 Grubb, Thomas, 15 Leinster square, Eathmines V G 1044 Guest, T’redcrick, jun., 21 Bi’unswick st., great V G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 245 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. ' For whom voted. 1045 Guest, Frederick, 31 Brunswick street, great V G 1046 Guinness, Arthur E., 80 Stephen’s green, sth. V G 1047 Guinness, Benjamin G.G., 24 Fitzwilliam st.,lr. V G 1048 Guinness, Benjamin L.,jun., 80 Stephen’s green V G 1049 Guinness, Benjamin L., St. Anne’s, Dollymount V G 1050 Guinness, F. D. G., 24 Fitzwilliam st., lower V G 1051 Guinness, Henry, Barton hall, Stillorgan .. V G 1052 Guinness, Richard S., Eoebuck grove, Donnybk. Y G 1053 Guinness, Wm., 2 Victoria parade, Drumcondra G 1054 Hackett, Richard P., Avoca avenue, Blackrock 1055 Hackett, Richard S. W., 11 Gloucester st., up. 1056 Haffield, Cooper, 2 Auburn villa, Rathgar . . 1057 Haffield, Henry Blankly, 74 Charlemont street 1058 Haffield, Thos., Burlington house, Burlingtonrd. 1059 Haggarty, Samuel, 21 Dominick street, upper 1060 Haggerty, George, 12 Moore street 1061 Halahan, George, 29 Harcourt street 1062 Halahan, Henry Samuel, 29 Harcourt street 1063 Halahan, Rev. Hickman R., Mountpleasant av. 1064 Hall, George, 6 Mountjoy stree.t, middle 1065 Hall, James, 3 Royal row, Ormond market . , 1066 Hall, John, Stillorgan 1067 Hallon, Henry, 4 Britain street, little 1068 Hallowes, Keith C. H., 34 Westland row . . 1069 Halpin, John, Corry’s lane, Drumcondra 1070 Hamilton, Rev. Archibald H., Castleknock . . 1071 Hamilton, Chetwood, 9 Pembroke street, upper 1072 Flamilton, Christopher John, 2 Grenville street 1073 Hamilton, Francis, 6 Mountjoy square, north 1074 Hamilton, Hans Henry, 26 Fitzwilliam place 1075 Hamilton, Rev. Hugh, 40 York street 1076 Hamilton, lonTrant, Abbotstown, Castleknock 1077 Hamilton, Jas., Asylum, Reed’s row, Leeson pk. 1078 Hamilton, John, 17 Pembroke place 1079 Hamilton, Maxwell, 16 Merrion square, north 1080 Hamilton, Micah, 15 Blessington street 1081 Hamilton, Nathaniel A., 39 Lr. Dominick st. 1082 Hamilton, 'Samuel, Victoria Idg., Cork street 1083 Hamilton, Thomas James, 48 Leinster road, . 1084 Hamilton, Trevor Richard, 40 Leeson park , . V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G P P V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G 24G RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Rep^. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom roted. 1085 Hamilton, William E. 4G Fitzwilliatn sq., W. V G 1086 Hanjilton, Sir William R., Dunsink . , V G 1087 Hammond, Thomas, 20 Wellington street .. V G 1088 Hanbidge, John, 71 Aungier street . . V G 1089 Hanbidge, Richard G., 71 Aungier street . . 1090 Hanbidge, William, 25 Bull alley 1091 Hand, William, 4 Leeson street, lower 1092 Handcock, Hon. George, 30 Merrion sq., nth. 1093 Handcock, John E., 72 Ranelagh road . . V G 1094 Handcock, Thomas, 72 Euston ter., Ranelagh V G 1095 Handcock, William D., Firhouse, Templeogue V G 1096 Handcock, William E., Firhouse, Templeogue V G 1097 Hanlon, James, 58 Clanbrassil street, lower. . G P 1098 Hanlon, Michael, 9 Stephen street, upper . . Y G 1099 Hanlon, Samuel, 29 Mary street . , V G 1100 Hanna, Robert, Waltham terrace, Blackrock V G 1101 Hannan, Benjamin, LaTouche’s Bank,Castle st. V G 1102 Hanson, John Henry, 3 Camden villa . . P 1103 Harding, John, 50 Francis street .. V G 1104 Hardy, Horatio N., 2 Frankfort pL, Rathmines 1105 Hardy, Jacob, 14 ]\|iddle Mountjoy street .. V G 1106 Hardy, Jacob, jun., 14 Middle Mountjoy street V G 1107 Hardy, James J., 2 Frankfort pi., Rathmines 1108 Hardy, Philip D., 23 Sackville street, upper V G 1109 Hardy, William, 2 Frankfort pi., Rathmines V G 1110 Hare, Rev. George, Royal Hospital, Kilmainham V G 1111 Hare, Rev. John, 8 Mountjoy place Y G 1112 Hare, John, 25 Fitzwilliam street, upper 1113 Harlin, Henry, 59 Mary’s lane .. P 1114 Harlin, Richard, 3 Hammond lane . . P 1115 Harricks, Charles, 1 5 Cabra parade, Phibsboro’ Y 1116 Harrington, Fredk. C., Serpentine av,Sandymt. P 1117 Harris, Joseph, 3 Parnel place .. Y G 1118 Harris, Major Robert R., 28 Leinster road .. Y G 1119 Harrisson, Charles, 44 Dorset street, upper. . Y P 1120 Hari;isson, Francis, 8 Hoey’s court .. P 1121 Harrisson, Gore, 42 King street, north 1122 Harrisson, Robert, Cannon street . . P 1123 Harrisson, Thomas, 52 Upper Dorset street. . P 1124 Harrison, William, 16 Queen’s terrace P 1125 Harrisson, William, 23 Chancery lane P P^ Ph P-i RESIDENT FREEMEN, 247 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted, 1126 Harte, Emor, George’s avenue, Blackrock V G 1127 Hart, George, 44 Pleasant street .. V G 1128 Harte, John, Fort Crystal ter.. Church road V G 1129 Hartford, Bibby, 84 James’s street .. V G 1130 Hartford, John, 84 James’s gate, James’s st. V G 1131 Hartigan, Edward M., 8 Montpelier parade . . V G 1132 Hartigan, William H., 10 Monkstown Crescent V G 1133 Hartley, George, 3 W ellington ph, Mountjoy st. V 1134 Hartley, John, 3 Wellington pL, Mountjoy st. V 1135 Harty, Henry L., Whitecross, Chapelizod . . P 1136 Harty, Marcus, Prospect house, Boebuck .. V G 1137 Harty, William, 12 Great Denmark street .. V G 1138 Harvey, Arthur, 8 Eathmines terrace .. V G 1139 Harvey, William, 31 Arran quay V G 1140 Harwood, William, 7 Molesworth street .. P 1141 Hassett, Joseph, Hall’s lane, North Anne street V G 1142 Hatched, John, jun., Merrion square, south. . 1143 Haughton, John, 24 Nicholas street 1144 Haughton, John W^hitehead, 11 Cabra road V 1145 Hawkins, John, 10 Wellington pi. , Grand Canal V G 1146 Hawkins, William, 4 College green .. V G 1147 Hay, David Alexander, Elm lodge, Drumcondra V G 1148 Hayes, Hon. Edmond, Mountjoy square, east 1149 Hayes, Henry, Stratford, Orwell rd., Eathgar V G 1150 Hayes, John, 10 Harrington street . . V G 1151 Hayes, John, Woodtown, Eathfarnham .. V G ] 152 Hayes, Eobert H., Church road, Eathmines V G 1 153 Hayes, Thomas, 12 Eathmines ter., Eathmines V G 1154 Hayes, Thomas, Woodbine lodge, Eathfarnham V G 1 1 55 Hayes, William, Lisle house, Crumlin . . V G 1 156 Hayes, William Andrew, New row, south . . V G 1157 Hayes, William A., Eathfarnham . . V G 1158 Hayes, William H., Sorel hill, Santry .. V G 1159 Hazlett, John, 46 Dominick street, lower ,, P 1160 Head, Michael, 8 Cook street .. P 1161 Heally, Matthew, 3 Peter’s row . . P 1162 Healy, Eichard W., 32 Essex street, east . . P 1163 Healy, William, 96 Harcourt street 1164 Hearne, William, 61 Mary street .. P 1165 Heatley, James H., 13 Trinity place V G 1 166 Hedgelong, Charles, 20 Grafton street .. V G ^ hj 248 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Reg. ' Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted< 1167 Heffernan, Daniel E., 12 Cliarleville road .. 1168 Heffernan, Michael, 1 4 Oriel street, lower .. P 1169 Hely, Charles, St. Helen’s, Mespil .. V G 1 170 Hely, Edward, jiin., Clonliffe mills, Jones’s rd. G 1171 Hemmingway, Andrew, 20 Ellis’s quay 1 172 Hemmingway, Thomas A., 35 Cork street . • 1173 Hemphill, Richard, 3 Great Clarence street.. V 1174 Hemphill, Robert, 3. Great Clarence street .. V 1175 Hemphill, Samuel, 3 Great Clarence street V 1176 Henderson, Charles, 10 Abbey street, upper V G 1177 Henderson, James, 150 Townsend street .. V G 1178 Henderson, James, J 8 Synge street . . V G 1179 Henderson, John, 149 Townsend street Y G 1180 Henderson, John, jun., 150 Townsend street Y G 1181 Henderson, Richard, 44 Richmond st., south Y G •1182 Henderson, Richard, 150 Townsend street .. Y 1183 Hendley, Ferguson, 7 Fortqscue ter, Rathmines Y 1184 Hendrick, Patrick, 163 King street, north .. P 1185 Heney, Henry Parnell, 9 Wellington place . . Y 1186 Henn, William P., 1 Auburn villa, Rathgar.. Y G 1187 Hennessy,RichardJ.,l Wynnfield ter,Rathmines Y G 1 188 Henry, Alexander, 7 Yesey place, Kingstown G P 1189 Henry, Frederick, 2 Merrion square, north . . Y G 1190 Henry, John, 26 Abbey street, upper Y G 1191 Henry, John, 7 Yesey place, Monkstown G P 1192 Henry, John, jun., 2 1 Waterloo road .. Y G 1193 Henry, Joseph, 5 Creighton ter., Townsend st. Y G 1194 Henry, Patrick, 56 Townsend street .. Y G 1195 Henry, Robert, Ivy house. Ball’s bridge . . Y G 1 196 Henry, Thomas, 5 Creighton ter., Townsend st. Y G 1197 Henry, William, Woodley park. Roebuck .. Y G 1198 Henzell, William Bigoe, 2 Tighe street . . Y G 1199 Herbert, George, 117 Grafton street . . Y G 1200 Heron, Denis Caulfield, 7 Fitzwilliam st., up. 1201 Hetherington, William A., 74 Marlborough st. 1 202 Hewson, Maurice, Little fort view, Templeogue Y G 1203 Hickman, William Y. F., 48 Blessington street G P 1204 Higginbotham, Henry, 83 Amien street Y G 1205 Higginson, Frederick, 18 Burlington road .. Y G 1206 Higgins, John, 49 Capel street .. P 1207 Higgins, Richard, 44 Ranclagh * P fin Ph Ph RESIDENT FREEMEN. 249 No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted, 1208 Higgs, Samuel H. B., 16G North King street V G 1209 Hilfirty, John George, 36 South Frederick st. V 1210 Hill, James, Montereau lodge, Williamstown V G 1211 Hill, Eichard K., 2 Salthill place, Monkstown V G 1212 Hillsworth, William H., 35 Longwood avenue V G 1213 Hillsworth, Henry, 102 Cork street . . V G 1214 Hitchcock, Arthur F., 55 Mount street, upper V G 1215 Hitchcock, George E., 1 Percy place .. V G 1216 Floare, John S., 6 Kenilworth sq., Eathmines G P 1217 Hodgens, Eobert F., 29 Castlewood avenue . . 1218 Hodgens, Thomas, 8 Beech hill 1219 Hodges, George, Irishtown .• P 1220 Hodges, Harry, Monkstown . . Y G 1221 Hodges, William, 5 Highfield ter., Eathgarrd. Y G 1222 Hodgins, Edward, 46 William street . . Y G 1223 Hodgson, Edward Matthew, Eoebuck villa . . Y G 1224 Hoey, James, 41 Watlin^ street . . . P ] 225 Hogan, Henry L., 6 Sandford place, Sandford Y 1226 Hogan, John A., 17 Northumberland road.. Y 1227 Holbrook, John, 31 Exchange street, lower. . Y G 1228 Holden, John, 1 Grattan place, Grattan street Y G 1229 Holland, \Yilliam E., Eichmond ho., Eathgar . 1230 Holies, George, 46 King street, south .. Y P 1231 Hollywood, William, 10 Ormond street 1232 Holmes, Charles, 135 Dorset street, upper .« Y G 1233 Holmes, George, 10 Castle street G P 1234 Holmes, George, 46 Bolton street 1235 Holmes, James, Castlewood house, Eathmines Y 1236 Holmes, John, Castlewood house, Eathmines Y G 1237 Holmes, John, 24 Ship street, little . . P 1238 Holmes, John, jun., Castlewood ho., Eathmines Y G 1239 Holmes, Peter, 24 Kevin street cross . . P 1240 Hone, Addison, Eoseville, Eaheny . . Y G 1241 Hone, Joseph, Ashtown park, Monkstown . . P 1242 Hone, Joseph, jun., 35 Leeson st., lower .. G P 1243 Hone, Nathaniel, St. Dolough’s ' . . G P 1244 Hone, Thomas, Yapton, Monkstown . . Y G 1245 Hooper, Eobert, 3 Clarinda place , „ Y G 1246 Hope, William, 83 Grafton street 1247 Horan, William D., 3 Beresford place . . Y G 1248 Horner, Eoger, 18 Charlemont place G P 33 250 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1249 Hornidge, Jolin T., 69 Talbot street .. V G 1250 Hornsby, Edward C. F., The Hill, Donnybrook 1251 Hosie, John L., 5 Echlin ter.. Royal Canal. . V G 1252 Houghton, George, 18 York street . . P 1253 Houraghan, Thomas, 52 Mabbot street . . V G 1254 Hoyenden, Robert, 14 Cooinbe 1255 Howard, Francis, 11 Kenilworth square, west V G 1256 Howard, Henry, 132 James’s street 1257 Howard, James, 8 Caroline row .. V G 1258 Howard, James, 109 Amiens street .. G P 1259 Howard, James, juu., 8 Caroline row . . V G 1260 Howard, John F., 24 George’s place .. V G 1261 Howell, Griffith H., 5 Molesworth place 1262 Howell, Phineas, 16 Eden quay .. V G 1263 Hoyte, George, 17 Sackville street, lower .. V G 1264 Hoyte, Henry C., 17 Sackville street, lower. . V G 1265 Hozier, Thomas M., 69 liaggot st., lower . , V G 1266 Huband, Arthur, 36 Waterloo road .. Y G 1267 Huband, Joseph, 34 Strand street, little .. V G 1268 Hudson, Edward, 28 Gardiner’s place .. V G 1269 Hudson, Gustavus, 47 Capel street ..V P 1270 Hudson, Samuel, 47 Capel street .. Y P 1271 Hughes, George R., 65 Townsend street • . G P . 1272 Hughes, James, 7 Dame lane . . P 1273 Hughes, James F., The Grove, Stillorgan .. Y G 1274 Hughes, John E., Waltham ter., Dlackrock Y G 1275 Flughes, Robert, 40 Ydlliam street 1276 Hughes, William, 30 Leeson street, upper . . Y G 1277 Hulbert, Daniel, 168 Britain street, great . . P 1278 Hume, Rev. Quinton Dick, 5 Rathmines road Y G 1279 Humphrey, Benjamin, 23 Eccles street .. Y G 1280 Humphrey, Chas., 6 Cumberland pi., Circular id. 1281 Hunt, Paul S., 7 Newgrove av., Sandymount Y G » 1282 Hunt, Richard Law, Yiolet lodge, Milltown. . ^ P 1283 Hunter, James, 17 Ydnetavern street . . Y G 1284 Hunter, Thomas, 31 James’s street .. Y G 1285 Hutchinson, John, 11 Rainsford street .. G P 1286 Hutchinson, Patk., 8 Railway arches, Seville pi. P 1287 Hutchinson, Patk., 8 Railway arches, Seville pi. P 1288 Hutchinson, Robt. D., 43 George’s st., sth., gt. Y G 1289 Hutchinson, Michael, Poplar cot., Dolphin’s barn P RESIDENT FREEMEN. 251 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1290 Hutchinson, William, Harbour ho., Kingstown V G 1291 Hutton, Henry Dix, 10 Mountjoy street . . G P 1292 Hutton, John, Richmond hill, Monkstown . , 1293 Hutton, John, jun., Richmond hill, Monkstown V G 1294 Hutton, Thomas Maxwell, 115 Summer hill.. P 1295 Ingram, Hull, 7 Conyngham road . . V G 1296 Ireland, Richard S., 121 Stephen’s green, west 1297 Ireland, Thomas, 10 Rathmines road . , G P 1298 Ireland, Thomas G., 1 Leinster sq., Rathmines P 1299 Irvine, Christopher, 18 Gloucester street, lower V G 1300 Irvine, Hans, 1 Rutland square, east . . V G 1301 Irvine, Henry, 7 Gardiner’s place .. V G 1302 Irvine, James, 10 Hardwick place .. V G 1303. Irvine, Rev. John L., 18 Gloucester st., lower V G 1304 Irvine, John, 14 Prussia street ' , . V G 1305 Irwin, George, Serpentin,e avenue, Sandymout V 1306 Irwin, Hugh, 58 Ecclcs street .. V G 1307 Irwin, Simon H., 27 Buckingham street, up. 1308 Irwin, Thomas, 42 Cork street • . V| P 1309 Irvvdn, William, Asylum, Read’s row, Leesonpk. V G 1310 Irwin, William, 135 Gloucester street, lower. . V G 1311 Ivers, Richard H., 13 Weavers’ square .. V G 1312 Ivers, Thomas, 13 Weavers’ square .. V G 1313 Jackson, Henry, 61 Gardiner street, lower .. V 1314 Jackson, Robert H., 2 Mountpleasant av., Ir. V G 1315 Jackson, William, 1 Haddington road, upper V G 1316 Jacob, John C., 11 Charlemont place .. V G 1317 James, Sir John K., 9 Cavendish row .. V G 1318 Jameson, Robert M., 2 Bloomfield avenue . . V G 1319 Jameson, Rev. Thomas, Finglas , . V G 1320 Jameson, William, 68 TIarcourt street . . V G 1321 Jameson, A¥m., 2 Clarke’s bldgs, Harold’s cross V G 1322 Jameson, William, jun., 68 Harcourt street . . V G 1323 Jameson, Rev. William, Drumcondra lodge. . 1324 Jesson, Anthony J., 3 Clare street . . G 1325 Jesson, Clavel, Sallymount, Cullenswood , . V G 1326 Jesson, Henry, 23 Percy place . . V G 1327 Jesson, James, 1 Sallymount, Ranelagh . . V G 1328 Jesson, Joseph, 24 Ship street, little 252 RESIDENT FREEMEN-. G V G y Y y y y No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1329 Jesson, Richard, 40 Beresford street . . P 1330 Jesson, Robert, 13 D’Olier street . . Y 1331 Johns, Thomas D., 5 Belgrave square, south 1332 Johnson, Alexander F., 2 Winton road 1333 Johnson, Blucher, Ellen lodge, Fairview 1334 Johnson, Charles F., 1 Sabine ter., Leeson st. 1335 Johnson, Daniel, 59 William street 1336 Johnson, Daniel, Bannaville,"MountpleasantaY. 1337 Johnson, George A., Castleknock 1338 Johnson, Jeremiah, 13 Creighton street 1339 Johnson, Robert, 30 Aungier street 1340 Johnson, Thomas, 37 Grafton street 1341 Johnson, Beauchamp N., 2 Winton road 1342 Johnston, Chas. B., Mountjerome, Harold’s cross Y G 1343 Johnston, Henry, 150 Leinster road .. Y G 1344 Johnston, John, Tolka bridge, Finglas 1345 Johnston, John, 5 Greek street .. Y 1346 Johnston, Richard, 8 Mercer street .. Y 1 347 Johnston, Richard, 151 Leinster rd., Rathmines Y 1848 Johnston, Richard, 19 Dorset street, lower.. Y 1349 Johnston, Robert M., 65 Rathmines road .. 1350 Johnston, Robert, 5 Greek street 1351 Johnston, Samuel, 6 Harmony row 1352 Johnston, William, 61 Dominick street, upper 1353 Johnston, William, 4 Creighton terrace 1354 Johnston, William F., 68 Mount street, lower Y 1355 Johnston, William Trench, 70 Harcourt street Y 1356 Jolly, Pattison, 22 Essex street, west .. Y 1357 Jolly, Richard, 48 Strand street, great . . Y G 1358 Jolly, Robert, 38 Henry street . . Y G 1359 Joly, Jasper Robert, 38 Rathmines road . . Y G 1360 Jones, Abraham A., Yergemount, Clonskea. . Y G 1361 Jones, Alfred G., 2 Kenilworth ter., Rathgar. . Y G 1362 Jones, Charles, 2 Pembroke street, lower . . Y G 1363 Jones, Edward, 33 Essex street 1364 Jones, Francis, 7 Hamilton row . . Y 1365 Jones, George, 16 Dawson street ' .. Y 1366 Jones, George, 29 Winetavern street .. Y 1367 Jones, George, 10 Trinity street 1368 Jones,GeorgeW., 1 5 Rutland av., Dolphin’s barn 1369 Jones, Henry, 19 New row, south G G G Y G Y G Y G G G G Y G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 253 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom Toted. 1370 Jones, John, Drimnagh, Portmarnock 1371 Jones, John, 39 Buckingham street, lower .. Y G 1372 Jones, John Lambert, 135 Stephen’s gr., west* Y G 1373 Jones, Percival, 46 Heytesbury street .. Y G 1374 Jones, Itichard, Merchants’ hall, Wellington qy. Y P 1375 Jones, Richard, Fry’s Factory, Kevin street, . Y G 1376 Jones, Robert, 32 Brunswick street, great .. Y G 1377 Jones, Robert Hovendon, 11 Charleville mall Y G 1378 Jones, Samuel, 20 Nicholas street .. Y G 1379 Jones, Samuel A., 36 York road, Kingstown 1380 Jones, Admiral Theobald, 18 Flarcourt street Y G 1381 Jones, Thomas, 36 Kilmainham .. Y G 1382 Jones, Thomas, 5 Chamber street .. Y G 1383 Jones, Thomas, 7 Pembroke street, lower .. Y G 1384 Jones, Walter H., 4 Yictoria ter., Sandy mount Y G 1385 Jones, William Drury, 1 Anne street, south 1386 Jones, William, 29 Chamber street .. G P 1387 Jones, William, 32 Bachelors’ walk .. Y G 1388 Jones, William, 13 Granby place .. Y 1389 Jones, Wood Gibson, 71 James’s street Y G 1390 Jordan, Alex., Asylum, Read’s row, Leeson pk. Y G 1391 Jordan, William TI., 31 Dawson street .. G P 1392 Jorneaux, James Arnice, Pembroke place . . Y P 1393 Kane, Charles A. C., 2 Bolton street . . Y G 1394 Kane, John H., 2 Bolton street ,, Y G 1395 Kane, Gregory, 70 Dame street .. P 1396 Kane, William James, 15 Temple bar .. P 1397 Katharens, Benjamin, 24 George’s place . . Y G 1398 Kavanagh, Richard, 5 Burnet place . . G 1399 Kaye, William Squire B., 23 Gardiner’s place Y G 1400 Keane, Henry, York road, Kingstown . . Y G 1401 Kearney,Rev.ParnellN.,Peafield av.,Blackrock Y G 1402 Keary, Richard, 1 Montague court . , P 1403 Keane, James Martin, 10 Longwood avenue Y G 1404 Keane, Thomas, 31 Grangegorman lane . . P 1405 Keating, Daniel, 65 Summerhill , , p 1406 Keegan, Henry, 92 Rathmines road . . Y G 1407 Keegan, Simon, 6 Johnston’s place . , P 1408 Keely, Michael, 49 Capel street 1409 Keene, Martin A., Homeville, Rathmines . . Y G 254 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Re^. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom roted. 14x0 Keene, Thomas Hemy, 10 Longwood avenue V G 1411 Kellett, George, 9 Cullenswood ..V P 1412 Kelly, Edward, 51 Francis street . . V G 1413 Kelly, Henry, 1 Weaver’s square 1414 Kelly, James C., Dispensary house, Crumlin V G 1415 Kelly, James, 19 White’s lane, Dorset st., Ir. P 1416 Kelly, John, 54 Ranelagh road . . V 1417 Kelly, John, 19 AYhite’s lane, Dorset st., up. 1418 Kelly, 29 Brunswick street, north 1419 Kelly, Lulve, 132 Cork street 1420 Kelly, Matthew, 6 Dunville avenue , . V G 1421 Kelly, William Russell, 4 Mountpleasant sq. 1422 Kelly, William, 16 Diggcs lane 1423 Kemmis, Richard, 45 Kildare street . . V G 1424 Kennan, James, 40 Mountpleasant avenue . . V G 1425 Kennan, Thomas, 9 Garville avenue, Ratligar V G 1426 Kennan, William T., 9 Garville av., Rathgar V G 1427 Kennedy, Alfred, 24 Buckingham street, upper Y G 1428 Kennedy, George, 55 Gloucester street, lower V G 1429 Kennedy, George Ferdinand, 35 Aungier street Y G 1430 Kennedy, George Leland, 55 Gloucester street Y G 1431 Kennedy, Henry, 17 Jk-cderick street, north #Y 1432 Kennedy, James Birch, 50 Dame street , . G 1433 Kennedy, James Haughton, 9 Trinity College G 1434 Kennedy, James, 3 Prince’s street, south 1435 Kennedy, James, Simpson’s hospital 1436 Kennedy, Nicholas, 5 Sycamore alley . . Y G 1437 Kennedy, Robert M., 13 Richmond st., south Y Gi 1438 Kennedy, Thomas, 35 Aungier street 1439 Kenncdjg William Robert, 13 Richmond st., S. Y G 1440 Kenny, Edward W., Janevillc place, Love lane Y G 1441 Kenny, Eyre Evans C., Janeville, Love lane Y G 1442 Kenny, James, 2 Cook street 1443 Kenny, Joseph E., 3 Nottingham st., N. Strand 1441 Kenny, Thomas, 3 Copper alley ^ . Y G 1445 Kenny, Thomas William, 31 Cullenswood av. Y G 1446 Keogh, Joseph, 31 Britain street . . P 1447 Keough, George, 54 Gloucester street, lower Y G 1448 Keville, Edward, 65 Manor street . . Y G 1449 Keville, Henry T., 36 Aungier street 1450 Kift, James Armstrong, 16 Pembroke st., up. Y G ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ RESIDENT FREEMEN. 255 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1451 Kift, Thomas, Miiinowbrook, Roimdtown . . V 1452 Kildahl, Janies, 13 Hardwicke street . . P 1453 Killinger, Christopher, 20 Westland row . • V G 1454 Killinger, John, Bloomfield, Portobello . . G 1455 Kimberly, Frederick Edw., 42 Al)]jey st., up. 1456 Kinahaii, Edward Hudson, 11 Merrion sq., N. V G 1457 IGiiahan, George, Roebuck hill, Dundrum . . V G 1458 Kinahan, John R., 6 Seaviewter., Donnybrook 1459 Kinahan, Thomas William, 28 D’Olier street V G ^ 1460 Kinder, George Truelock, 14 Arran quay . . Y G 1461 Kinder, Robert Frederick, 14 Arran quay .. Y G 1462 King, Charles Croker, 72 Gardiner street, Ir. Y G 1463 King, Charles S., Little Fortfield, Templeogue Y G 1464 King, Edward, 9 Russell street . . Y 1465 King, George, 5 Byron ter., London bridge rd. Y 1466 King, James Smith, 20 Rutland street, upper Y G 1467 King, Joseph, 9 Russell street .. Y 1468 King, Richard Croker, 72 Gardiner st., lower Y G 1469 King, Rev. Robert B., 1 1 Charles st., great. . Y G 1470 King, Thomas J., 158 Gloucester st., lower.. Y G 1471 King, Y^illiam Croker, 72 Gardiner st., lower Y G 1472 Kingslagh, John Ellis, 50 Grafton street .. Y G 1473 Kinsley, Charles William, 5 AYhitefriar street Y G 1474 Kirk, John Frederick, 10 Dominick street, up. Y G 1475 Kirkpatrick, Alex., Coolmine ho., Castleknock Y G 1476 Kirkpatrick, Alex., jun., Coolmine, Castleknock Y G 1477 Kirkpatrick, Frederick, 14 Hume street .. Y G 1478 Kirkpatrick, Jo]mRutherford,32 Rutlandsq.,w. Y G 1479 Kirkpatrick, Wm. H., Coolmine, Castleknock Y G 1480 Kirkwood, John Thos, 28 Ormond quay, lower 1481 Kirkwood, William, 33 Brunswick st., great Y 1482 Kirkwood, ‘John Thomas, jun., 13 Brown st. Y 1483 Kirwan, Edward Disney, 42 Ranelagh road . . Y 1484 Kisby, John, Richmond hospital . . Y G 1485 Knaggs, James, 3 Grosvenor sq., Rathmines 1486 Knox, William, 43 Manor street , . Y G 1487 Knott, James W., Normanton ho., Sandymt. 1488 Knott, Samuel Henry, 7 Bath avenue . . P 1489 Knott, William, 32 Back lane . . P 1490 Knowles, Abraham, 19 Upper Rathmines ... P 1491 Knox, Robert K., 12 Trinity College .. Y G hj hj 256 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. ^ For whom voted, 1492 Knox, William, 88 Harcourt street . . V G 1493 Labarte, Joseph M., King’s Inns’ Library . . V G 1494 Labatt, Hamilton, 1 Fitz william street, upper V G 1495 Lacy, Michael B., Usher’s quay . . V G 1496 L’Amie, Charles St. Clair, 10 Crow street . . 1497 Lamprey, Charles, 94 Leeson street, upper . . V G 1498 La Nauze, Alexander C., Cross av., Booterstn, V G 1499 Lanauze, Eobert, 2 Annesley bridge . . V G 1500 Lancaster, Charles A., 27 Bushfield avenue. . V G 1501 Landers, Rev. John J., 12 Idrone ter,Blackrock V G 1502 Landey, Theophilus, 19 Capel street .. V G 1503 Lane, John William, 5 Cullenswood .. P 1504 Lang, George Washington, 32 Summerhill. . V G J505 Lapham, Henry, jun., Spooner’s ctgs., Coombe V G 1506 Lapham, Joseph, 1 Cutpurse row . . V G 1507 Lapham, Thomas, 63 Clanbrassil street , . P 1508 Large, Henry, 5 Sweeny’s lane 1509 Large, Thomas, Roseville ctgs., Circular rd.,N, '1510 La Touche, David Charles, Castle street . . V G 1511 La Touche, Edmond R. D., 2 Hume street . . V G 1512 La Touche, James L. D., Woodlawn,Dundrum V G 1513 La Touche, John J. D., 1 Smith’s bldgs,Elypl. 1514 La Touche, William D., 34 Stephen’s gr., N. V G 1515 La Touche, William N., 1 Smith’s bldgs, Ely pi. G P 1516 Laughlin, Arran S., 123 & 124 Townsend st. V 1517 Laurence, Daniel, 13 Cumberland st., nth., up. V G 1518 Laurence, Edward, 12 Winetavern street .. V G 1519 Law, Henry Edward, 2 Drumcondra road .. V G 1 520 Law, Michael, Winton house, Stillorgan , . V G 1521 Law, Samuel, Kilbarrack house, Raheny .. V G 1522 Law, Thomas P., Kilbarrack house, Raheny. . V G 1523 Lawder, George D., 2 Messina, Kenilworth rd. V G 1524 Lawder, John, 8 Prince William terrace . . V G 1525 Lawder, Oliver, 8 Prince William terrace .. 1526 Lawrence,Charles, 13 Nth. Cumberland st., up. V G 1527 Lawrence, Richard, Winetavern street 1528 Lawrence, Samuel, 13 Cumberland st., N., up. Y G 1529 Lawrenson, Ralph, Grosvenor sq., Rathmines P 1530 Lea, Samuel Percy, 1 Mespil V G 1531 Leadbettcr, Thomas, 16 Green street .. V G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 257 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1532 Lealiy, Daniel, 22 Stafford street . . P 1533 Lee, James, Monck place, Phibsborough road V G 1534 Ledsam, Kennedy, Elen grove, Katlimines . . 1535 Ledwicli, Edward, 7 Harcourt street . . V G 1536 Ledwich, William, jun., 83 Charlemont terrace P 1537 Lee, John, J8 Madden’s court, Thomas street P 1538 Leech, William, 1 Sandford place , . V G 1539 Leedom, David, 9 Patrick street . . P 1540 Deeper, Rev. Alexander, 10 Kildare street .. V G 1541 Lees, Francis, 28 Belgrave square, north G P 1542 Leet, Rev. Ambrose W., 25 Leeson park . . V G 1543 Leet, Charles Henry, 136 Stephen’s green, w. V G 1544 Leech, Thomas R. C., 12 James’s street, east V G 1545 Leetch, Robert, 30 Frederick street, north .. V G 1546 LeFebure, Joseph Miller, 51 Leeson st., upper 1547 Lefroy, Thomas L. H., 7 Earlsfort terrace . . Y G 1548 Leitch, Richard, 3 Rosanna place, Portobello V P 1549 Lendrick, William E., 24 Pembroke road . . V G 1550 Lepan, Rev. Louis A., King’s hospital . . V G 1551 Leslie, Charles, 25 Merrion square, north . . V G 1552 L’Estrange, Edgar W.,Mt.Anthony,Rathmines V G 1553 Lestrange, Francis F., 78 Mount street, lower V G 1554 Lesware, Joseph, Pitt street . . V 1555 Lett,' Benjamin, 6 Clanbrassil place . . V G 1556 Levingston, Thomas, 15 Pitt street .. V G 1557 Lewis, Henry Owen, 43 Fitzwilliam sq., west V G 1558 Lightbourne, Harcourt, 50 Charles st., great V G 1559 Linde, John Hill, Ballyrowan, Rathfarnham. . V G 1560 Lindsay, George, 122 Rathmines, upper V G 1561 Litton, Edward, 64 Mount street, lower .. V G 1562 Litton, Richard W., 35 Fitzwilliam place .. V G 1563 Little, Thomas, 6 Castle street , , V G 1564 Littledale, George W., 32 Jjr. Sackville street 1565 Littledale, John, 9 Ormond quay, upper . , V G 1566 Littledale, William F., Clifton ter., Monkstown P 1567 Lloyd, Edward, Asylum, Read’s row, Leeson pk. V G 1568 Lloyd, John, 2 Wynnefield, Leinster road • , . V G 1569 Lodge, Christopher, 14 Mount street, lower. . V G 1570 Lodge, Henry Alley, 31 Lower Rutland street P 1571 Lodge, John, 8 Gloiicester place, north . . V G 1572 Lodge, Oliver, 53 Aungier street . . V G 3 258 RESIT>ENT FREFJMEN. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1573 Lodge, William Bate, 66 Mecklenburgh st., Ir. V G 1574 Long, Eobert, 79 Gardiner street, lower .. V G 1575 Long, Eev. Thomas, 13 Buckingham st., upper V 1576 Long, William, 21 Mary street 3 577 Longfield, William, 19 Harcourt street .. V G 1578 Louch, John, 15 Molesworth street .. V G 1579 Louch, Thomas Kingston, 15 Molesworth st. V G . 3 580 Loughran, Joseph, 10 Mercer street, upper . . P 1581 Love, Eobert, 22 Castle street . . V G 1582 Love, William, 1 Seafort av., Sandjmount . . V G 1583 Lovett, Thomas, Eoyal hospital, Kilmainham V G 3584 Lovely, Francis, Claremount, Sandymount .. 1585 Lovely, James C., Claremount, Sandymount V G 1586 Lowe, Edward C., Greenfield ho, Harold’sCross V G 1587 Low, John, 1 Kenilworth sq., E.,Eathmines V G 1588 Lowndes, Francis, 77 Mount street, lower . . Y G 1589 Lowther, George Frederick, 4 Brunswick st. V G 1590 Lowther, Eichard, 3 Charlemont villa .. P 1591 Lunney, John, 5 Llenrietta street .. Y G 1592 Luscombe, Tooke C., Milltown castle, Milltown G 1593 Lymberry,John D., 13 Annavilla, Cullenswood Y, G 1594 Lyon, Henry, 67 Great Britain street , . Y G 3595 Lyon, Eichard N., 95 Meath street .. Y G 1596 Lyon, William E., 3 Parliament street .. Y G 1597 Lyons, John, 10 Inchicore sq., Inchicore . . Y G 1598 M'Affee, Thomas M., 7 Cambridge ter, Eathgar Y G 1599 McAllister, James, 17 Charlemont place . . Y G 1600 McCally, Frederick, 89 Mount street, lower.. Y G 1601 McCarthy, Charles, Asylum, Leeson park .. Y G 1602 M‘Carthy, Daniel, 46 Denzille street .. Y G 1603 M^Cleary, Thomas, 41 Clarendon street .. P 1604 M‘Cleery, George, 2 Portland place, north . . Y 1605 McClenahan, William, Seapoint av., Blackrock Y G 1606 McCloughry, Eichard, 2 Andrew street . . G 1607 McCluskey, James, 37 Bride street 1608 M‘Comas, Samuel, 2 Abbey street, lower . . Y G 1609 M‘ Comas, Samuel, jun., 2 Abbey street, lower Y G 3610 M‘Cormack, John, 2 Charleston ter., Eathmines Y G 1631 M‘Cormick, Edward, 3 Wellington terrace .. Y G 1612 M‘Cormick, George L., Elmgrove, llathmines Y G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 259 No. Reg. Voter’s* Name and Address. For whom voted. 1G13 McCormick, Joshua, 3 Wellington terrace V G 1G14 M‘Cormack, William L., 15 Claremont place V G 1G15 M‘Coy, Wm. J., Tritonville cot., Irish town rd. V G IGIG Ma Cran, Henry, 15 Harrington terrace .• V G 1G17 M‘Cready, Thomas, 28 Earl street, north .. 1GI8 M‘Cullagh, Andrew T., St. Brandon’s, Coolock 1G19 M‘Donald, James B., 3 Adelaide road V G 1G20 M‘Donald, William A., 7 Trinity College .. V G 1G21 McDonnell, George, IG Strand street, little .. P 1G22 M‘I)onnell, John, 29 Charlemont street .. V G 1G23 McDowell, Alexander, 31 Capel street .. V G 1624 McDowell, Hugh, jun., 1 13 Gloucester street,lr. V 1625 McDowell, James, 73 Aungier street V G 1626 M‘Ellwaine, John, 152 Britain street, great. . P 1627 M‘Ellwaine, Matthew, 152 Britain street, great V G 1628 M‘Entee,Edw. A., 109 George’s st., Kingstown G P 1629 M^Entire, Joshua, 54 New row, south V G 1630 M^Farlane, Henry J., Huntstown house .. V G 1631 McGrath, John H., 5 Prince Edward ter., up. V G 1632 M‘Grane, Peter, 12 Chamber street .. P 1633 M‘Guinness, Nicholas, 9 Werburgh street . . V G 1634 M‘Guinness, Robert, 9 Werburgh street •• V G 1635 M‘Guire, William, jun., 22 Liberty lane .. V G 1636 M‘Gusty, Alexander D., 8 Temple street up. 1637 MHlwaine, John, Stanford house, Foxrock .. V G 1638 MHntire, Robert, 27 Cork street V G 1639 MHntire, Robert, jun., 28 Chamber street .. V G 1640 MHntire, William H., 110 Grafton street V G 1641 M‘Kay, William, 14 Stephen’s green, north. . V G 1642 M‘Kee, Joseph, 13 Albert place .. V G 1643 MTCernan, Patrick, 56 Capel street .. P 1644 MTCernan, Peter J., 2 Portobello, Canal harbour P 1645 M‘Kernan, Peter, Imperial hotel, Sackvillest., Ir. P 1646 MTCeon, Matthew, 21 Anglesea street .. P 1647 M‘Kew, John, 27 Parliament street .. V G 1648 M‘Lean, Henry Peter, 122 Dorset street, up. V G 1649 M‘Lean, Robert, 18 Queen’s terrace . . P 1650 M‘Loughlin, Andw.,Kilmainham Aux.Workho. V G 1651 McMahon, Aquilla, 15 Gloucester st., nth., up. V G 1652 M‘Mahon, James, 18 Pill lane . . P 1653 McMahon, Michael, 13 Jciwis street P 200 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1654 M‘Malion, Robert, 3 Dahlia terrace, Irislitown V G 1655 McMahon, Thomas, 9 Crane lane . . P 1656 McMahon, Thomas, 39 Chamber street . . V G 1657 McMullen, James, 154 Capel street .. P 1658 McMullen, John, 5 Sherrard street, lower .. V G 1659 iVPNabb, Robert John, 31 Chari emont st., lower V G 1660 M‘Nally, John, 8 Old Mountpleasant .. V G 1661 McNamara, Charles R., Alpine Idg., Bengal ter. V G 1662 M‘Nally,LeonardL.,8 01dMt.pleasant,Ranelagh V 1 663 McNeill, Hugh, 3 Cumberland pi., Circular road P 1 664 M‘Question, George, Salljmountav.,Leesonpk. 1665 M‘Sorlej, Rev. John James, 94 Ranelagh rd. V G 1 666 Macartney, John, Victoria cot., Sandymt. strand Y G 1667 Macartney, William Merton, Florence, Merrion 1668 Macauley, .James S., Dawson court, Booterstn. 1669 Macauley, James W., Dawson court, Booterstn. V G 1670 Maccaud, Augustus L., 3 Lennox place . . P 1671 Maccaud, Edward D., 3 Lennox place " V G 1672 Mackaige, William, 25 Suffolk street . . V G 1673 Mackenzie,William H., St. John’s, Sandymount V G 1674 Mac Lean, John, 11 Bachelor’s walk . . V 1675 Maconchy, Rev. William, Glebe ho., Coolock Y G 1676 Macnamara, Dillon, Blakeney ter., Sandymount Y G 1677 Macready, James, 6 Manders’ terrace, lower Y G 1678 Madden, Andrew D., 75 James’s street 1679 Madden, Edward, 28 Molesworth street .. V G 1680 Madden, Edward Henry, 17 Camden st., Ir. Y G 1681 Madden, Frederick A., 50 Denzille street^ .. Y G 1682 Madden, Patrick, 11 Whitefriar street .. P 1683 Madden, William, 9 Blackhall street .. Y G 1684 Madden, William, 75 James’s street ' .. Y G 1685 Maddock, Henry, 31 Phibsborough avenue . . Y ,G 1686 Maddock, Jeremiah, 8 Wellington place .. Y G 1687 Maddock, John G., 40 Stephen street, upper. . Y G 1688 Maddock, Joseph, 33 Dorset street, lower . . Y G 1689 Maddocks, Samuel, 8 Wellington place .. Y G 1690 Maddock, William, 40 Richmond place, nth. V G 1691 Madigan, Michael, 2 Werburgh street .. P 1692 Maffett, Charles F., 27 Pembroke place .. Y G 1693 Maffett, John William, 27 Pembroke place . . 1694 Maffett, William, Frederick street, south .. EESIDENT FREEMEN. 261 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom 1695 Magan, James, 15 Liffey street, upper 1696 Magee, Joseph, 28 D’Olier street 1697 Magee, William, 151 Eathmines, upper 1698 Magill, George, 13 Redmond’s hill 1699 Magrath, Cheney B., 21 Alexandra terrace. . 1700 Magrath, Christopher, Rose villa, Merrion . , 1701 Magrath, Marcus A., 43 Richmo'nd place . . 1702 Magrath, Robert, Rose viUa, Merrion 1703 Magrath, William, Rose villa, Merrion 1704 Magrath, William, jun., 38 Summer street, N. 1705 Maguire, James T., Chapelizod 1706 Maguire, John, 10 Dawson street 1707 Maguire, Joseph, 8 Kenilworth sq., Rathgar 1708 Maguire, Ross, Castleknock 1709 Maguire, William R., 10 Dawson street 1710 Mahaffy, John P., 38 Trinity College , , 1711 Maher, John, 31 Stafford street 1712 Mahon, John R., 26 Frederick street, south . . 1713 Mahon, Robert, 11 Pitt street 1714 Mahood, Adams, 14 Bridge street, upper 1715 Mahood, Allen, Forty foot road, Kingstown . . 1716 Mallins, James, 121 Rathmines, upper 1717 Mallins, Wm. H., Grosvenor ho., Rathgar rd. 1718 Manders, Arthur W., Leeson park 1719 Manders, Edward, 9 Manders’ ter., Ranelagh 1720 Manders, Edward A., Westley villa, Blackrock 1721 Manders, Frederick, Belfield, Roebuck 1722 Manders, Frederick W., Leeson park 1723 Manders, Herbert, Richview, Clonskeagh 1724 Manders, Isaac, 3 Heytesbury terrace 1725 Manders, Robert, Landscape, Dundrum 1726 Mansfield, George, 90 Grafton street 1727 M archbank, Robert, 13 Stafford street ,, 1728 Marchbank, Robert, jun., 13 Stafford street.. 1729 Marchbank, Thomas, 13 Stafford street 1 7 30 Marks, Rev. Edward, 1 1 Heytesbury street . « 1731 Marks, William Cox, 8 Leinster street 1732 Marquis, George, Baldoyle 1733 Marquis, George W., Park house, Baldoyle. . 1734 Marquis, James, Park house, Baldoyle voted. P V V V V V V V V V V V V ,P 1735 Marsden, Ben. T., Florinda ldg,N. Circular rd. G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G 262 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Re{]^. Voter’s Name and Address. 1736 Marsden, Edward, 5 Long lane For whom roted. .. V G 1737 Marshall, James, 1 Church road 1738 Marshall, John, Asylum, Lead’s row, Leeson pk. V 1739 Marshall, Peter, 50 Newmarket, Coombe .. V 1740 Marshall, William, 67 Clanbrassil street, Ir. 1741 Martin, Austin, Glenville, Sydney av. , Blackrock 1742 Martin, Bernard, 26 Merchants’ quay 1743 Martin, Daniel, 4 Mecklenburgh street 1744 Martin, James Joseph, 21 Dominick street, up. 1745 Martin, John, Kimmage road, Eoundtown . . 1746 Martin, Joseph Samuel, 21 Dominick st., up. 1747 Martin, Nicholas, 10 Denzille street 1748 Martin, Peter, 6 Fortview avenue, Clontarf - . 1749 Martley, Robert Henry, 6 Mount st. crescent 1750 Mason, Charles, 1 Hackett’s court, Kevin st., up. 1751 Mason, Isaac A., Newtown park, Blackrock 1752 Mason, John, Clonturk house, Drumcondra. . 1753 Mason, John, 164 Townsend street 1754 Mason, William, Newtown park, Blackrock . . V 1755 Mason, William, 122 Abbey street .. V 1756 Mathers, John, 10 Haddington road, upper. . V 1757 Mathews, Thomas Wellington, 67 Manor st. 1758 Mathews, Jehu, Woodbine Idg., Rathfarnham 1759 Mathews, John, 48 Mabbot street 1760 Mathews, Joseph, 36 Parkgate street 1761 Mathews, Robert, 15 Ship street, great 1762 Mathews, Samuel L., 1 Kenilworth ter.,Rathgar 1763 Maunsell, Charles, 86 Waterloo road 1764 Maunsell, Francis R., 15 Mountjoy sq., north 1765 Maunsell, George Woods, 10 Merrion sq., sth. 1766 Maxwell, Robert, 25 Gardiner street, middle 1767 Mayfield, Charles John, 5 Grafton street .. 1768 Mayne, Joseph St. Clair, Spring mt., Dundrum 1769 Mayston, Robert, Blossom lodge, Sandymount 1770 Maziere, Marcus Samuel, 6 Hardwicke street V 1771 Maziere, William, 1 Gardiner’s place V 1772 Meares, Isaac, Lock hospital, Townsend street V 1773 Mecreedy, Henry Sandy s, 38 Summer hill . . V 1774 Mecredy, Wills Hill, 25 Blackhall street . . V 1775 Medcalf, David, 12 Charlemont place 1776 Medcalf, Francis, Annsbrook, Clontarf .. V G V G G V V V ' V G V G G V G Y G V V V V Y Y Y G Y G G P G P G G G G G ^ ^ hj hj RESIDENT FREEMEN. 2C3 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1777 Mee, George, 1 Blakeney ter., Sandymount . . V G 1778 Meredith, James C., 4 Mount street, upper.. V G 1779 Meredyth, Richard, Frankfort av., Rathgar , . V ■ 1780 Meredyth, William Rice, 39 Summer hill . . V G 1781 Medcalf, Thomas R., 24 Mountpleasant square V G’ 1782 Meyers, Frederick W., 9 Phibsborough avenue V 1783 Meyers, Jphn F., 9 Phibsborough avenue ..V P 1784 Meyler, John, 89 Dorset street, upper .. V G 1785 Meyler, Walter T., 4 Portland ter., Manor st. G 1786 Miller, Andrew, 6 Royal row^ Ormond market 1787 Miller, Charles, 6 Tivoh ter., south, Kingstown V G 1788 Miller,' James, 13 Christ Church place 1789 Miller, Robert, 34 Abbey street, lower .. V G 1790 Miller, Sterne Ball, 6 Rutland square, east .. 1791 Miller, William R., Airfield, Serpentine av. . . 1792 Milliken, Edw. J., 3 Eglinton ter. Wellington rd G P 1793 Milliken, Thomas R., 4 Parliament street , . V G 1794 Millner, Robert, 55 Queen street . . G P 1795 Mills, Daniel, 35 Carysfort avenue 1796 Mills, Francis Nugent, 11 Mespil parade 1797 Mills, Henry D., 57 Summer hill .. V G 1798 Mills, John, Cross avenue, Blackrock .. Y G 1799 Mills, John Scott, 1 Glanmire ter., Ranelagh 1 800 Mills, Michael, 35 Carysfort avenue . . Y G 1801 Mills, Richard H., 14 Denmark street, great P 1802 Mills, William John, 16 and 17 Grafton st.. . Y G 1803 Mills, Zachariah, 5 Camden villa . . Y G 1804 Minchin, George A. F., 73 George’s st., south Y G 1805 Minchin, Humphrey, 56 Dominick street, Ir. Y G 1806 Minchin, John G. D’0.,Willbrook,Rathfarnham Y P 1807 Minchin, Oliver H., Willbrook, Rathfarnham G P 1808 Mitchell, James, 15 York street . . G P 1809 Mitchell, John, 11 New Bride street .. Y G 1810 Moffat, George, 36 Dawson street .. P 1811 Mollan, John, Fitzwilliam square, north 1812 Molloy, Arthur, 39 Gardiner street, lower . . P 1813 Molloy, Henry, 28 Clanbrassil street, upper.. Y G 1814 Molloy, Thomas, Peacefield, Circular rd., south 1815 Molloy, Thomas, 6 Cumberland street, south 1816 Mongan, James R., 23 Frederick street, south 1817 Monks, Richard, 34 Harold’s cross . . Y G 204 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1818 Montgomery, Frederick W., 18 Seville place V 1819 Montgomery, George H., 27 York street .. V G 1820 Montgomery, Robert, 3 'Castle avenue, Clontarf V G 1821 Montgomery, Robert H., 5 Kenilworth sq„ w. 1822 Montgomery, Robert J., 93 Dorset street, up. V G 1823 Montgomery, William, Luke street .. V G 1824 Montgomery, William G., 20 Luke street .. Y G 1825 Mooney, James, 1 Aungier street . . , 1826 Mooney, John, 1 Aungier street •• 1827 Mooney, William, 9 Ormond quay, lower Y G 1828 Mooney, William, 29 Aughrim street .. P 1829 Moore, Archibald, 8 Frankfort av., Rathmines Y G 1830 Moore, Charles F., 28 Merrion street, upper... Y G 1831 Moore, Christopher R., Seaview av., Clontarf Y G 1832 Moore, Daniel F,, 3 Fitzwilliam street, lower Y 1833 Moore, Edward, 10 Prussia street . . Y G 1834 Moore, George, 10 Cuffe street . . P 1835' Moore, John Charles, Seabank, Green lanes,. Y G 1836 Moore, Rev. John L., Trinity College . . Y G 1837 Moore, Joseph, 47 Fleet street .. Y G 1838 Moore, Robert, 10 Prussia street .. Y G 1839 Moore, Robert Henry, 28 Merrion street, upper Y G 1840 Moore, William D., 7 Anne street, south .. Y G 1841 Moore, William M., 39 George’s st. gt., north Y G 1842 Moorehead, John, 9 Edenville, Merrion avenue Y G 1843 Morgan, Henry, 29 Mercer street, upper .. Y G 1844 Morgan, Richard W., Crumlin .. Y G 1845 Morris, Charles J., Fairfield, Sandymount .. Y G 1 846 Morris, Matheo G., 6 Sussex parade, Kingstown Y G 1 847 Morris, Robert G., 7 Somerset pi. Adelaide rd. Y G 1848 Morris, Robert A., 66 Aungier street .. G P 1 849 Morris, Samuel, 7 Williams’ place, off New st. G P 1850 Morrison, Alexander, 22 Castle street 1851 Morrison, Henry, 17 Westmoreland street .. Y G 1852 Morrison, Hugh, 7 Belgrave av., Rathmines Y G 1853 Morrisson, James H., 7 Belgrave sq. Rathmines Y G 1854 Morrow, Forbes, 37 Sackville street, upper .. Y G 1855 Morton, Frederick, 16 Chamber street .. Y G 1856 Moses, Rev. John, 51 Leeson street, upper . . Y G 1857 Moses, Marcus, jun., 51 Leeson street, upper Y G 1858 Moses, Marcus, sen., 51 Leeson street, upper Y G mssiDENT FREEMEN. 2G5 V No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom 1859 Moses, Pliilip, 51 Leeson street, upper . . V 1860 Moss, Hemy, Kilgobbin 1861 Mowatt, William, John’s lane 1862 Moy, Arthur, 10 Hackett’s court, Kevin street 1863 Moy, William, 48 Great George’s street, south 1864 Moyers, George, 53 Eichmond street, south. . 1865 Moyers, Samuel W., 65 Amien street 1866 Mulholland, Thomas IT., 1 Eoyal Canal terrace 1867 Mullany, John, Dunville avenue 1868 Mullen, Ben., House of Industry, Brunswick st. n. 1869 Mullen, Joseph, 2 Synge street 1870 Mullen, William, 2 Charles street, west 1871 Mulligan, John, 30 Portland place 1872 Mulloy, Eev. William J., Belmont, Monkstn. 1873 Mulock, Robert, 72 Charlemont street 1874 Mulvey, Andrew, 12 Cook street 1875 Mulvey, Peter P., 24 New row, west 1876 Murphy, Arthur, Orphan house, Victoria place 1877 Murphy, Charles S., Newgrove av., Sandymt. 1878 Murphy, George, 4 Wellington place 1879 Murphy, James, 6 Jervis street, lower 1880 Murphy, John W., 5 Eldon ter.. Circular road 1881 Murphy, Hichael, 142 Church street 1882 Murphy, Patrick, 111 Summer hill 1883 Murphy, Robert F., Pearmount, Rathgarroad 1884 Murphy, Thomas, King’s cot., Leland place. . 1885 Murray, Charles C., 17 Russell place 1886 Murray, Edward, 21 Merrion street, upper . . 1887 Murray, Edward C., 65 Gardiner street, lower 1888 Murray, Francis C., 22 Portland street, lower 1889 Murray, Frederick W., 10 Hume street 1890 Murray, George S., Sandford 1891 Murray, Henry, 18 Summer hill 1892 Murray, Henry R., River view, Sandymount 1893 Murray, James, 19 Wentworth place 1894 Murray, James M., Loweville, Merrion 1895 Murray, James, 32 Arran quay 1896 Murray, John B., 5 Triton ter., Irish town rd. 1897 Murray, Patrick, Cappagh, Clondalkin 1898 Murray, Richard, 5 Kevin street, lower 1899 Murray, Samuel, Serpentine av., Sandymount V V V V V voted. G P G G V V V V V y G G G G P hi h:i HD hj 2G6 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1900 Naghten, John Edward, 4 Lennox street P 1901 Needham, George F., 17 Fade street .. V G 1902 Neil, Robert, 18 Chamber street 1903 Neil, Robert, Chapelizod . . G 1904 Nelson, Alfred, 20 Merino Crescent, Clontarf V G 1905 Nelson, Edward, 2 Peter’s place , . V G 1906 Nelson, Richard, 76 J Patrick street 1907 Nelson, William H., 15 Mount Michael .. V G 1908 Ness, Richard, Booterstown 1909 Nethercott, Henry R., 79 Marlborough street V G 1910 Nethercott, Michael, 79 Marlborough street 1911 Nethercott, Richard, 79 Marlborough street V G 1912 Nettleton, Peter, 13 Coombe . . V G 1913 Neville, Park, 1 Mount street Crescent 1914 Neville, Samuel, 1 Eblana ter., N. Circular rd. 1915 Neville, Rev. William A., Hibernian school,. V G 1916 Newenham, James, 12 Pitt street . . V G 1917 Newenham, Noblett, 16 Camden street, up. V G 1918 Newport, Denis, 59 Jervis street 1919 Nicholls, Austin H., 75 Aungier street V G 1920 Nicholls, James, 9 Gregg’s lane 1921 Nicholls, John, rere 80 Dorset street, upper 1922 Nicholson, Charles B., jun., 7 Grafton street V G 1923 Nicholson, Edmund C. C., 8 Charleston terrace V 1924 Nicholson, James, 55 Bishop street .. P 1925 Nivin, Frederick W., 16 Kenilworth sq., west 1926 Nixon, James, 19 Mary street .. V G 1927 Nixon, Robert, Simpson’s hospital, Britain st. 1928 Nixon, Robert, jun., 50 Capel street .. P 1929 Noblett, William, 20 Wexford street . . V G 1930 Nolan, Daniel, 9 Mountjoy street .. G P 1931 Nolan, Daniel Wilson, 34 Gardiner st., lower V G 1932 Nolan, Martin, 104 Townsend street . . P 1933 Nolan, Thomas C., 9 Mountjoy street 1934 Norman, Alexander, 21 Temple street, upper 1935 Norman, Augustus P., 29 Frederick st., north V 1936 Norman, Francis, 16 Granby row, upper .. G P 1937 Norman, George, 10 James’s st., east .. Y 1938 Norman, Luke A., 21 Temple street, upper. . 1939 Norman, Robert, 6 Creighton street . . V G 1940 Norman, Robert G., Charlemont villa, Ranelagh V G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 2G7 No. Reg. Voter’s'Name and Address. For whom voted. 1941 North, Daniel, Spireview, Rathgar .. V G 1942 North, Daniel, jun., 20 Lincoln place .. V G ] 943 North, Henry M., Castle yard, lower . . V G 1944 North, James, 4 and 5 Capel street .. V G 1945 North, John Roger, 7 Garville avenue, Rathgar P 1946 North, William H., 124 Rathmines, upper .. V G 1947 Norton, John, 11 Bedford row 1948 Norwood, Benjamin, 11 Nelson street 1949 Norwood, John, 11 Nelson street .. Y G 1950 Nugent, Daniel, 9 Denmark street . • V G 1951 Nugent, Rev. Edmond, 20 Pembroke road .. V G 1952 Nugent, John James, 11 Belvidere place. . . V G 1953 Nugent, Walter I., 27 Cumberland st., nth. up. V G 1954 Nunn, John Henry, 1 Warwick ter. Leeson pk. V 1955 Nunn, Joshua, Richmond Lunatic Asylum . . V 1956 Nutman, Isaac, 43 Summer street, north . . V G 1957 O’Brien, Francis E., St. Brandon’s, Grosvenorrd P 1958 O’Brien, James Yance, 21 Harold’s cross .. 1 959 O’Brien, Philip, 25 Castlewood av., Rathmines 1960 O’Brien, Richard Daniel, 76 Charlemont st., • Y G 1961 O’Brien, Thomas, 7 Queen’s square, west P 1962 0’Brien,WilliamH.,l Pickwick pi.. Strand st.,gt. Y G 1963 O’Byrne, James, 35 Bride street . . P 1964 O’Byrne, Michael Edward, 59 Charlemont st. P 1965 0’Callaghan,Jas.,CampbeH’sstables,Temple st.,lr. P 1966 O’Connor, Daniel, jun., 3 King street, north P 1967 O’Connor, Dillon, 2 Dorset street, lower .. Y G 1968 O’Connor, John, 34 Seville place '1969 O’Connor, Thomas, 17 Wicklow street .. Y G 1970 Odium, William, 12 Synnott place 197 1 O’Farrell, Edw.,jun., 10 Leahy’s ter., Sandymt. P 1972 O’ Farrell, John Emanuel, 48 Mountjoy street 1973 O’Farrell, Matthew, Creighton street 1974 O’Flaherty, Jerome,79 George’s st.,up.,Kingstn. 1975 O’Galligan, John, 7 Clanbrassil place .. P 1976 Ogilvy, Alexander, Rathgar road, co. Dublin Y G 1977 Oldham, Arthur Robert, 64 Dame street .. Y G 1978 Oldham, George St. John,Hyacinth,Castleknock P 1979 Oldham, George W., 12 Brighton vale,Monkstn. Y 1980 Oldham, John T., 107 Grafton street .. Y G 268 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 1981 O’Neile, George Frederiek, 7 Henry street . . 1982 O’Neile, Hugh, 7 and 8 Pliibsborongh road. . 1983 O’Neile, William, 114 James’s street 1984 O’Neill, Anthony E., Beechfield, ho., Clontarf 1985 O’Neill, Henry, 1 Harrymoimt, Glasnevin .. 1986 O’Neill, John Dawson, Cumberland road 1987 Ord, John, 115 Cork street 1988 Ord, Thomas, 82 Cork street 1989 Ord, Thomas, junior, 175 Cork street 1990 O’Eeilly, Charles, 76 Harcourt street 1991 O’Eeilly, Hugh, Pembroke ter., Pembroke road 1992 O’Eeiliy, James M.,7 Prince Arthur ter,, Eathms. 1993 O’Eeilly, William, 19 Eutland street, upper. . 1994 Ormsby, Charles M., Victoria ho., Sandymount 1995 Ormsby, Henry, 16 Fitz william square, east . . 1996 Ormsby, Montague C., jun., Victoriaho.,Sandymt. 1997 Ormsby, Montague H., 16 Fitz william sq., east 1998 Orpen, Charles W. D.,41 George’s street, nth. 1999 Orpen, William Thomas, 11 Blackhall street 2000 Orpin, John, Munster lodge, Monkstown 2001 Orpin, William Basil, Highthorn, Monkstown 2002 OiT, Alexander Smith, Brooklawn, Blackrock 2003 Osborne, John G., 4 Belmont av., Donnybrook 2004 Osborne, Eobert William, 84 Harcourt street 2005 Osbrey, Gerald, 28 Molesworth street 2006 O’Toole, Timothy, 2 Kevin street, lower , , 2007 Oulton, Eichard C., 2 Burlington place 2008 Overend, Stevrard King, 19 Peafield terrace 2009 Overin, Samuel, 20 Mercer street, lower .» 2010 Owen, Edward Barry, 16 Eutland square, E. 2011 Page, Eobert, 13 Plunket street 2012 Pallen, Daniel, 26 Brunswick street, great . . 2013 Palliser, Eobert, 27 Bishop street 2014 Palmer, Bernard J., 27 Essex street, east . , 2015 Palmer, Isaac, 4 White’s ter., Donnybrook . . 2016 Palmer,Thomas,ll Blakeney parade, Sandymt. 2017 Palmer, Thomas, 22 Leinster rd., Eathmines 2018 Palmer, Thomas, 2 Cottage pk. av., Sandymt. 2019 Palmer, Thomas Henry, 5 Duke street 2020 Papworth, Charles W., 7 Talbot street G V G V G G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G Y G Y G P Y G P Y G P Y G Y G P Y G G P Y G P Y G V G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 269 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2021 Parker, Alexander M., 7 Mountain place cot. ^ 2022 Parker, Frederick St. Bury, 7 Eccles street,. V G 2023 Parker, James Ferrier, 46 Ptathmines, upper V G 2024 Parker, John, 7 Northumberland road , , V G 2025 Parker, John, 86 Ranelagh road . . V 2026 Parker, John Frederick, 10 Portland street., Y G 2027 Parker, Joseph, 86 Charlemont ter., Ranelagh V G 2028 Parker, Robert, 10 High street 2029 Parker, Samuel, jun., York road, Kingstown 2030 Parker, Samuel, 35 Dame street . . V G 2031 Parker, Samuel, York road, Kingstown . . Y G 2032 Parkes, Thomas, 54 Great Strand street 2033 Parkinson, John, 17 Arran quay . . Y G 2034 Parkinson, Thomas, Riversdale, Dundrum . , Y G 2035 Parkinson, Thomas H., Richmond place . . Y G 2036 Parr, Richard, 3 Yavasour sq., London bdg. rd. G P 2037 Parsons, Joseph, 29 Westmoreland street . . Y P 2038 Parsons, Joseph, 7 Wellington pL, Leesonst. Y G 2039 Parsons, Samuel, 32 Boot lane . . Y 2040 Parsons, William, Wellington pi., Leeson st. Y G 2041 Pasley, Farrell, Crofton road, Kingstown . . Y G 2042 Pasley, Henry, 16 Camden street 2043 Pasley, John, White’s avenue, Merrion . . Y G 2044 Pasley, Robert, 16 Bride street .. Y G 2045 Pasley, Samuel Bernard, 10 Duke street .. P 2046 Patman, George, 5 Erne street, lower . . Y *G 2047 Patman, Philip Reid, 23 Frederick street, sth. Y 2048 Patterson, William, 50 Jervis street . , Y G 2049 Patterson, James, 37 Westmoreland street .. Y G 2050 Pattison, Thomas, I Pleasant view, Synge st. Y G 2051 Payne, Benjamin, 26 Clanbrassil street, lower P 2052 Payne, James, 10 Pembroke quay .. Y G 2053 Payne, Jonathan, 29 Stephen street, lower . . Y G 2054 Payne, William Edward, 215 Britain st., gt. P 2055 Peacocke, Gooderick Thomas, 36 Bride street Y 2056 Peacocke, Peter Leslie, 36 Bride street . . Y 2057 Peake, John S., Sandford villa, Sandford ave. Y G 2058 Pearson, William, 1 Malpas street . . Y G 2059 Peebles, William Edward, 9 Frederick st.,nth. Y 2060 Pelly, Arthur Raymond, 7 Ely place , . Y 2061 Pemberton,Ben.,jun., 3 Norton’s row, Phibsboro’ Y G Ph Ph 270 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Repj. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom roted. 2062 P^berton, Ben., 3 Norton’s row, Phibsboro’ V G 2063 Pemberton, Benjamin, 3 Capel street . . V G 2064 Pemberton, George Eobert, 3 Capel street . . V G 2065 Pemberton, John, Sydney avenue, Blackrock P 2066 Pemberton, John, 7 Monck pi., Phibsborough V G 2067 Pennefather, Edward, 15 Fairview av., Clontarf V G 2068 Pennefather, John, 31 Seville place .. V G 2069 Pennefather,JosephL., 15 Fairview av.jFairview V 2070 Percival, Alexander B., 22 Molesworth street V G 2071 Percival, Wilham, 22 Temple lane .. P 2072 Perrin, Charles F., Frankfort, Blackrock , . 2073 Perrin, Mark, 42 Eutland square, west 2074 Perrin, Eichard, 3 Harcourt terrace 2075 Peter, Eev. Matthew D., Janeville, Adelaide rd. 2076 Pettigrew, Hulton, 8 Merchants’ quay .. V G 2077 Pettigrew, Thomas, 1 Andrew street . . V 2078 Phair, John, 28 Mary street . . V G 2079 Phair, William, Palm villa, Templeogue .. V G 2080 Phibbs, William, 50 Poolbeg street 2081 Phillips, Charles Frederick, 37 Hardwick st. V G 2082 Phillips, Folliott, 7 Anne street, north . . V G 2083 Phillips, James A., 9 Charleville mall, N. Strand V G 2084 Phillips, James, 9 Charleville mall . . V G 2085 Phillips, Thomas Forbes, 58 Camden st., lower V G 2086 Phipps, Eobert B., 30 Gloucester street, upper V G 2087*Phipps, Eev. William, 30 Gloucester st., up. V G 2088 Pickering, Charles, Eoebuck grove, Eoebuck G 2089 Pickering, James, 4 Maryville, Sandymount rd. 2090 Pickering, Thomas Henry, 15 Pleasant street V G 2091 Pickering,WilliamC., Eoebuck grove, Eoebuck V G 2092 Pickering, William J., 2 Evertonter, Eoundtn. 2093 Pierce, John, 91 Harcourt street . . Y 2094 Pike, John, Windsor pi., Pembroke st., lower 2095 Pike, William A., 21 Gardiner street, middle V G 2096 Pike, William P., 21 Gardiner street, middle V 2097 Pilkington, George, 53 Granby row . . Y G 2098 Pilsworth, Eobert B., 29 York rd., Kingstown Y G 2099 Pirn, John Joseph, 2 Brighton av., Monkstown 2100 Pirn, Joseph B., 35 Westland row 2101 Pirn, Joshua, Hunluce, Eathgar road .. Y G 2102 Plant, William, Plantation, Monkstown pH PM Ph ^ RESIDENT FREEMEN. 271 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. G P .V 2103 Plunkett, Rev. William C., St. Anne’s, Clontarf 2104 Pointon, James, 10 Castle street 2105 Pollock, Rev. Alexander M., 12 Burlington rd. 2106 Pollock, Matthew J., Oaklands, Stillorgan . • V G 2107 Ponder, George, 11 Temple street, upper . . V G 2108 Ponder, William J., 11 Temple street, upper V G 2109 Poole, Charles, 3 Belmont place .. V 2110 Pope, Robert, Seaview avenue, Clontarf . . V G 2111 Porteous, Samuel, 11 Charleville mall .. V G 2112 Porter, Frank Thorpe, 15 Merrion street, up. 2113 Porter, George Hornidge, 21 Kildare street.. V G 2114 Pouch, George, 2 John’s lane, south 2115 Powell, Edward, 1 Meredyth place . . V 2116 Powell, George B., 3 Lower Sackville street V 2117 Powell, John Henry, Pakenham villa, Monkstn. V G 2118 Powell, Matthew, 1 Meredyth place . . V G 2119 Powell, Matthew, jun., Hutchinson’s court .. 2120 Powell, Nathaniel R. Newtown park, Blackrock V G 2121 Powell, William, 8 Fleet street .. V G 2122 Power, James, 20 Longford street, great . . 2123 Power, Pierce, 63 Blessington street •• V G 2124 Power, Samuel H., Bank of Ireland .. V G 2125 Prescott, John, 9 Brunswick street, great .. 2126 Prestige, William R., 6 Lurgan street 2127 Preston, Algernon, 3 Victoria ter., Donnybk. 2128 Preston, John, 3 Percy place * 2129 Prettie, Thomas, 14 Back lane .. 2130 Price, Frederick, 7 Cork street .. V G 2131 Price, Henry, Kilmainham gaol .. V 2132 Price, James, 4 Sweeny’s lane, off Mill street V G 2133 Price, John, 29 Marlborough street .. V G 2134 Price, Thomas W., 5 George’s place, north. . 2135 Pride, William, 187 Britain street, great .. V G 2136 Proud, Nicholas, 1 Seaview terrace, Clontarf 2 1 37 Proud, William, Seaview terrace, Clontarf . . V G 2138 Proudman, John, 120 Cork street V 2139 Proudman, Richard, 120 Cork street .. V 2140 Purcell, Laurence, 13 Bridge street, upper . . 2141 Purcell, Thomas, 13 Bridge street, upper . . 2142 Purdon, Edward, 23 Bachelor’s walk , , V G 2143 Purdon, William S., 23 Bachelor’s walk . . V G Ah Ah 272 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2144 Queale, John W., 1 Sandford terrace .. V G 2145 Queale, Thos. A., Eoebuck grove, Donnybrook 2146 Quilton, Edward -T., 25 Leinster rd., Eathmines V G 2147 Quinn, James, 14 King street, north 2148 Quinn, Peter, 140 Dorset street, upper 2149 Quin, Eichard, 25 Thomas court 2150 Quinton, Eev. James, 2 Parnell place . . V G 2151 Eainsford, John, 12 Baggot street, upper 2152 Eainsford, Eobert, 12 Baggot street, upper. . 2153 Eainsford, William, 12 Baggot street, upper . . 2154 Eainsford, William G., 12 Baggot st., upper 2155 Eainsford, William G., 13 Chatham street . . 2156 Eamsay, Alex., 2 Wellington pi.. Grand Canal 2157 Easdall, Thomas, 39 Essex street, west 2158 Eathborne, Henry B., Dunsinea, Castleknock 2159 Eathborne, Joseph V., 40 Buckingham st., Ir. 2160 Eathbourne, William, Porterstown, Clonsilla 2161 Eathbourne, Wm. H., Cabra villa, Phibsboro’ 2162 Eawlins, George, 51 New row, poddle .. 2163 Eawlins, John, 10 Wexford street 2164 Eawson, Simon, Havelock ho., Eathgar road 2 1 65 Eaynor, William S., 8 Aston’s quay 2166 Eaynor, William, 7 Trinity street 2167 Eead, Alexander, 67 Leeson street, lower .. 2 1 68* Eead, Charles, 67 Leeson street, lower 2169 Eead, Henry, Elmpark, Merrion 2170 Eead, Nicholas, 29 Abbey street, upper •• 2171 Eead, Terence, 151 Abbey street, upper 2172 Eead, Thomas, 75 Dorset street, lower 2173 Eeanney, Michael, 37 Bishop street 2174 Eedmond, John, 8 Manders’ ter., Eanelagh .. 2175 Eedmond, John J., 39 Bride street 2176 Eeed, Thomas Picton, 14 Eccles street 2177 Eeeves, Benjamin, 4 Cannon street 2178 Eeeves, Benjamin, jun., 10 Malpas street . . 2179 Eeeves, Edward, 7 Fitz william street, lower. . 2180 Eeeves, John, 10 Malpas street 2181 Eeeves, Joseph, 41 Chamber street 2182 Eeeves, Joseph E., 10 Fitzwilliam place 2183 Eeeves, Eichard S., 7 Fitzwilliam st., lower. . V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G V G P V G P V G V G V G V G V G V G G P G P-i Ph Ph P^ Ph UKSIDENT FREEMEN. 273 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2184 Reeves, Robert, 3 Smith’s buildings, Ely place G P 2185 Reeves, Robert, 22 Mount street, upper .. V G 2186 Reeves, Samuel S., 22 Mount street, upper . . V G 2187 Reeves, John, 138 Stephen’s green, west . . 2188 Regan, John, 55 Bolton street 2189 Regan, Patrick, 55 Bolton street 2190 Regan, William, 55 Bolton street 2191 Reid, Alexander, 48 Wellington street .. V G 2192 Reid, Alexander D., 3 Pembroke terrace . • V G 2193 Reid, Andrew W., 2 Old Brighton, Monkstn. V G 2194 Reid, James, 4 Richmond avenue, Fairview . . V G 2195 Reid, John, 39 Buckingham street, lower . , V G 2196 Reid, John, Avoca avenue, Blackrock .. V G 2197 Reilly, John, 11 Belgrave square, east .. G P 2198 Reilly, James, 11 Hollas street ,, V 2199 Reilly, Robert William, IJ Holies street .. V 2200 Reilly, Thomas W., 30 Heytesbury street . . G P 2201 Reilly, William Maxwell, 14 Westmoreland st. 2202 Rendall, George, 1 4 Bachelor’s walk . . Y G 2203 Rennick, Thomas J., 4 Glanmire ter., Ranelagh P 2204 Revill, John, 2 Harold’s cross . . V 2205 Reynolds, Daniel, 3 Kevin street, lower . . P 2206 Rhames, Thomas E., 7 Fairview, Nth. Strand V 2207 Rice, Rev. James, 87 Harcourt street . • Y G 2208 Richards, George, 2 Grattan street , . Y G 2209 Richards, Oliver, 21 Ship street, great , . Y G 2210 Richardson, George, 65 Montgomery street. . 2211 Richardson, Henry S., Spring garden parade Y G 2212 Richardson, James Saul, Crumlin road .. Y G 2213 Richardson, John, Kilgobbin, county Dublin Y G 2214 Richardson, John, jun., Kilgobbin, co. Dublin Y G 2215 Richardson, John Armstrong, 3 High street Y G 2216 Richardson, Robert, 34 Dorset street, upper. . Y G 2217 Richardson, William, 11 Beresford place .. Y G 2218 Richardson, William, Kilgobbin .. Y G 2219 Richardson, Wm. H., Court house, Halston st. G P ' 2220 Rickard, James, 3 Summer hill . . G P 2221 Riddick, George, 64 Dominick street, lower.. P 2222 Riddick, John, Mount Tallant, Harold’s cross Y G 2223 Rigby, John, 24 Suffolk street 2224 Rigby, William, 1 Park avenue, Sandymount 36 Ph ^ Ph 274 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Keg. 2225 Riggs, Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. G P Edward, 111 Britain street, great 2226 Ringland, Arthur Hill, 2 Everleigh, Rathgar 2227 Ritchie, James, 2 Wesley ph, Clanbrassil st.up. 2228 Roberts, Anthony, 146 Thomas street 2229 Roberts, Henry, 146 Thomas street • . 2230 Roberts, John, 146 Thomas street . ^ 223.1 Roberts, William, 30 Abbey street, lower . . 2232 Robertson, Charles, 1 Platanusblgs.,Leesonst. 2233 Robertson, Charles J., 1 Platanus buildings •• 2234 Robertson, William D., 27 Gloucester st., Ir. 2235 Robinson, Alexander, 8 Aungier street 2236 Robinson, Edward St. George, 9 Summer hill 2237 Robinson, Francis, St. Patrick’s Hospital • • 2238 Robinson, James, 1 Gardiner’s row 2239 Robinson, James F., 19 Westland row 2240 Robinson, John, 2 Creighton ter., Creighton st. 2241 Robinson, Joseph, 2 Mark’s court 2242 Robinson, Peter, 19 York street 2243 Robinson, Richard, 9 Redmond’s hill 2244 Robinson, Robert, 18 Bishop street 2245 Robinson, Thomas, 63 Aungier street 2246 Robinson, Thomas J., 20 Morehampton ter. . 2247 Robinson, William, 6 Merrion street, upper. . 2248 Robinson, Wm. H., 16 Vesey place, Monkstn. 2249 Roche, Robert, 27 Queen’s square . . 2250 Roe, James, 86 Cork street • . 2251 Roe, Peter, 42 Mabbot street 2252 Roe, Thomas J. F., 57 Richmond street, south 2253 Roe, William, 59 Richmond street, south . . 2254 Rogers, Abraham, 54 Jervis street 2255 Rogers, Andrew, Brooklands, near Merrion.. 2256 Rogers, Benjamin, 12 Strand street, little .. 2257 Rogers, Edward J., 6 Montpelier hill 2258 Rogers, James, 8 Railway arches, off Seville pi. 2259 Rogers, Matthew, 48 Capel street . . 2260 Rogers, Robert, Strand ville, Clontarf ,. . 2261 Rooke, John, 18 Oriel street, lower 2262 Rooke, Thomas R., 43 Rathmines road 2263 Rooney, Henry, 72 Manor street 2264 Rooney, John, 5 Leahy’s ter., Sandymount, . 2265 Rooney, Robert S., 48 Charlemont street . . V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G V G V G G G G G flHPMPLiPnPH (1 h(1hPh RESIDENT FREE3IEN. 275 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2266 Kooiiey, William, Leahy’s ter., Sandymount V G 2267 Rossiter, Thomas, 42 George’s st., Kingstown V G 2268 Rossiter, Thos.W., Windy Harbour, Dundrum V G 2269 Rothwell, Edward, 19 Ormond quay, upper . . V G 2270 Rounds, Edward, 5 Henry street . . V G 2271 Rounds, James, 21 Blackhall street 2272 Rounds, John, jun., 5 Henry street •• V G 2273 Rourke, Philip, 110 Church street, upper .. 2274 Rourke, Thomas, 110 Church street, upper . . 2275 Rowe, Samuel, 1 Rahobeth place . . V G 2276 Rowland, William John, 50 Gardiner st., lower 2277 Rowlatt, Charles Thomas, 71 Manor street . , V G 2278 Russell, James Forbes, Sandford terrace .• V G 2279 Russell, John, 32 Mountjoy square, east . . V G 2280 Ruttledge, George, 4 Buckingham street, lower V G 2281 Ruxton, John, 20 Longford street, great • . V 2282 Ryan, Edward, 12 Lennox street . , V G 2283 Ryan, Francis, 11 Montague street 2284 Ryan, James Robert, 13 College green .. V G 2285 Ryan, John Peter, 135 Dorset street, upper. . V G 2286 Ryan, Patrick, 50 King street, south 2287 Ryan, Peter, 50 King street, south 2288 Ryan, Robert, 16 Wood quay 2289 Ryan, William, 27 Holies street . . V G 2290 Ryan, William Sterne, 17 Fishamble street . . V G 2291 Rynd, Francis Edward, Dunnimeade, Raheny V G 2292 Rynd, James W. G., 14 Usher’s Island . . V G 2293 Rynd, John Nutall, 2 Smith’s bldgs., Ely place V G 2294 Salmon, Francis, Sandymount 2295 Salmon, Rev. George, Wellington road 2296 Salmon, Michl. 2 Heytesbury ter. Wellingtonrd. 2297 Sankey, John, 25 Merrion square, south 2298 Saunders, Brabazon, 23 Suffolk street 2299 Saunders, Brabazon, jun., 23 Suffolk street . . 2300 Saunders, Edmond, 14 York street . . 2301 Saunders, Edw., 1 Binke’s court, Pembroke st. 2302 Saunders, George, 23 Suffolk street 2303 Saunders, James, 40 Cuffe street 2304 Saunders, James, 3 Johnston’s court ■2305 Saunders, John, 49 Aungier street , , V G V G V G V G V G V G V G hj hj hj *13) hj 27G RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Eeg. 2306 Saunders Saunders Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 , John, 2 Sandwith street John, 25 Annaville, Cullenswood. Saunders, Joseph M., 33 Dame street Saunders, Richard, 47 Rutland street, lower. . Saunders, Thos. B., 25 Annaville, Cullenswood Savage, Andrew, 28 Aungier street Sawyer, James H., 122 Stephen’s green, west Sawyer, Richard, 3 Newbridge ter. Sandymount Scales, Nathaniel, 40 Sheriff street Scarlett, Ernest C., 11 Madras pL, Phibshoro’ Scarlett, Frederick A., 30 William’s pL, New st. Scarlett, George, 4 High street Scarlett, John, 80 Dorset street, upper Robert, 4 High street Scarlett, Scarr, Henry, 1 1 Malpas street Scott, George, 21 Wicklow street 2322 Scott, James, 88 Abbey street, middle 2323 Scott, James Dillon, 88 Abbey street, middle 2324 Scott, John, Clara grove, Coolock 2325 Scott, John, 65 William street 2326 Scott, John, 5 John street, Poole street 2327 Scott, Robert Dixon, Island bridge house . . 2328 Scott, Simon, 18 Newmarket 2329 Scott, Walter, 6 Digges street 2330 Scriven, Edward H., Temple Howell, Roundtn. 2331 Scriven, Edw.H.,jun., Temple Howell, Roundtn. 2332 Scriven, William, Oriel cottage, Roundtown 2333 Scriven, William B. B., 33 Stephen’s gr., N. 2334 Scully, Michael, 122 George’s st., Ir., Kingstn. 2335 Scully, Robert, 178 Brunswick street, great 2336 Seale, Edward, 98 Grafton street 2337 Seale, John, 114 James’s street 2338 Seale, John Knight, 14 Parliament street • , 2339 Seale, William, 98 Grafton street 2340 Searight, Thomas C., Herbert cot., Dundrum 2341 Semple, James, 21 Pleasant street 2342 Semple, John, 21 Pleasant street 2343 Seymour, William, 20 Summer place • . 2344 Shanahan, Bryan R., 147 Brunswick st., gt. 2345 Shanley, Owen P., 27 Tighe street 2346 Sharpe, Thomas, 53 Capel street V V V V Y G Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y G G G G G G G G G G Pk Ph RESIDENT FREEMEN. 277 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2347 Sharpe, William, Adelaide hospital, Peter st. P 2348 Sharpe, William, 4 Duke lane . . ' P 2349 Shaw, Charles, 64 Mount street, lower 2350 Shaw, George Ferdinand, Trinity College . . P 2351 Shaw, Right Hon. Frederick, Kimmage house V G 2352 Shaw, George Carr, 3 Synge street • . G P 2353 Shaw, Henry, 12 Pembroke place . - G P 2354 Shaw, Henry, 8 Bachelors’ walk - . G P 2355 Shaw, Henry, 6 Wilton terrace, Leeson street V G 2356 Shaw, James, 13 Meath street . . V G 2357 Shaw, John, 42 Chamber street . . V G 2358 Shaw, John, 5 Richmond hill, Rathmines . . V G 2359 Shaw, Lieut.-Col. Ponsonby, Adzar, Monkstn. V G 2360 Shaw, Ponsonby, Seapoint avenue, Blackrock 2361 Shaw, Prosser, 7 Sussex terrace, Leeson street V 2362 Shaw, Richard F.,7 Waterloo ter., Leeson st.,up. V 2363 Shaw, Sir Robert, Bushy park, Rathfarnham V G 2364 Shaw, Thomas, 10 Wellington street . . V 2365 Shaw, William, 44 Rathmines, upper . • V G 2366 Shaw, William Bernard, Roundtown . . V G 2367 Shea, Henry, 13 Marlborough street .. V G 2368 Shea, John Henry Wilson, 20 Queen’s square V G 2369 Shea, Wm. A., 103 Foster bldgs., Phibsboro’ rd. V 2370 Shehan, Thomas, Mespil . . V G 237 1 Shelly, John Albert, 1 Rathmines terrace , . 2372 Shelly, Samuel, Island bridge mills .. V G 2373 Shelly, Samuel, junior, 1 14 James’s street .. V G 2374 Shelly, Thomas H., Ellen cliff, Blackrock .. V G 2375 Sheppard, Alexander, Sion house, Kimmage rd. V G 2376 Sheppard, John, Presbyterian Church,Ormondqy. G P 2377 Sheppard, John C., 25 Gloucester st., lower V 2378 Sheppard, Robert S., 25 Gloucester st., lower V G 2379 Sheppard, William, Church,'Drmond quay, up. G P 2380 Sheppard, William S., 25 Gloucester st., lower V 2381 Sheridan, Michael Patterson, 31 Cullenswood V G 2382 Sheridan, Robert, 21 Ship street, great .. P 2383 Sherlock, Edward, 1b Charlemont mall . . V G 2384 Sherlock, George, 2 Pembroke street, lower. . V G 2385 Sherlock, Wdliam, 1 Charleville mall . . V G 2386 Sherry, Edward, 3 Charlemont row • . . V G 2387 Sherwood, George, 37 William street, north. . V G 278 RESIDENT FREEMEN.' No. Refj. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2388 Shew, Barnett, 16 Fairview avenue, Fairview V 2389 Shew, Richard, 20 Cabra parade . . V G 2390 Shiel, Robert, 32 Wellington road . . V G 2391 Shimmins, William, 7 Grattan street 2392 Shire,Rev.LoftusT., 6 Charleston ter., Rathrnines V G 2393 Shore, Thomas, 6 Summer hill parade 2394 Shore, Rev. Thomas R., 53 Summer hill . . V G 2395 Short, William, 32 Charles street 2396 Shortall, Michael Joseph, 3 Peter’s row . . P 2397 Sibthorpe, Charles, 26 Leeson street, upper.. V G 2398 Sibthorpe, Henry, 36 Leeson street, upper . . V G 2399 Sibthorpe, Henry James, 18 Hume street V G 2400 Sibthorpe, John, Epworth ter. ,29 Leesonst., up. V G 2401 Sibthorpe, Thos. S., 2 Sydney ter., Leesonst., up. V G 2402 Sikes, Samuel, 26 Richmond, Fairview 2403 Simpson, Thomas, 1 College green . . V P 2404 Sinclair, Alexander, 38 Blackpitts . . V G 2405 Singleton, Benjamin, 18 Cork street . . V P 2406 Singleton, John Clegg, 35 Longwood avenue V G 2407 Singleton, Robert, 46 Cork street . . Y G 2408 Singleton, William, Drummartin ldg.,I)undrum V G* 2409 Sinnott, James, 93 Gardiner street, lower . . 2410 Sinnott, Matthew, King’s bridge terrace 2411 Slater, John, 7 Summer hill . . V G 2412 Sleator, Richard F., Sydney avenue, Blackrock Y G 2413 Sloane, Edward A., 28 Philipsburgh avenue 2414 Sloane, James, 2 Stephen’s green, north . , Y G 2415 Sloane, James, jun., 2 Stephen’s green, north Y 2416 Sloane, John Swan, 6 Richmond street, north Y G 2417 Sloane, William G., 2 Stephen’s green, north Y G 2418 Sly, Joseph W., 6 Sussex parade, Kingstown Y G 2419 Smallhorn,Thomas, 1 Elm villa, Roundtown rd. Y G 2420 Smallman, Benjamin M., 203 Britain st., gt. Y G 2421 Smart, Charles, 50 Amien street . . Y G 2422 Smart, Edward, 2 Mark’s alley . . Y G 2423 Smart, Thomas, 9 John’s In., Christ Church pi. P 2424 Smith, Benjamin, 8 Nerney’s court . . Y G 2425 Smith, Edward John, 31 Rutland sq., west. . Y G 2426 Smith, George, Monkstown hill, Monkstown G P 2427 Smith, Henry, Woodtown, Rathfarnham . . 2428 Smith, James, 6 King street, south .. ^ G IlESIDENT FREEMEX. 279 No. Reg, Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted, 2429 Smith, James, 32 Cole alley . . P 2430 Smith, John, 61 Bride street . . V G 2431 Smith, Malachi, 1 Malachi place, Church road P 2432 Smith, Richard W., Frankfort av., Rathgar V G 2433 Smith, Robert, 52 Strand street, great . . V G 2434 Smith, Robert, Woodtown, Rathfarnham 2435^ Smith, Major Robert B., 31 Fitzwilliam st., up. V G 2436 Smith, Samuel, 19 Mary street . . V G 2437 Smith, Samuel, 6 Cumberland street, nth., up. V G 2438 Smith, Thomas, jun., 19 Erne street, lower V G 2439 Smith, William, 7 1 Baggot street, lower . . V 2440 Smith, William, 46 Henry street 2441 Smith, William Peter, Belmont, Raheny . . V G 2442 Smith, William, 23 Andrew street . . V 2443 Smith, William, 35^ Newton, off Thomas st. 2444 Smith, William O’Brien, 127 Stephen’s green V G 2445 Smith, William, Charleville, North Lotts • . 2446 Smithson, John, 52 Capel street . . G 2447 Smyly, John G., jun., 23 Merrion street, upper 2448 Smyth, Daniel K., 68 Leeson street, upper , . V G 2449 Smyth, Edward J., jun., 31 Rutland square, west V G 2450 Smyth, Edward W., 7 Stephen’s green, north 2451 Smyth, Francis, 13 Gardiner’s place . . V G 2452 Smyth, George, 41 Pembroke place . . V G 2453 Smyth, James, 1 Malachy place. Church road P 2454 Smyth, John, Simpson’s Hospital 2455 Smyth, Joseph T., 29 Talbot street 2456 Smyth, Luke C., 2 Rutland place, Clontarf . . V G 2457 Smyth, Richard, 1 Grosvenor rd,, Rathmines V G 2458 Smyth, Richard G., 58 Gardiner street, upper 2459 Smyth, Richard H., 61 Leeson street, upper 2460 Smyth, Robert, Stephen’s green, north . . V G 2461 Smyth, Robert W.. 7 Stephen’s green, north P 2462 Smyth, Thomas S., 58 Gardiner street, upper V G 2463 Smyth, William, 7 Victoria place . . V G 2464 Snagg, Thomas S., 13 Charles street, great . , 2465 Snagg, Thomas W., 13 Charles street, great. . 2466 Sneyd, Richard S., 117 Gardiner street, lower V G 2467, Sneyd, William, Little forest, Cloghran, Swords Y 2468 Sneyd, Robert H., Little forest, Cloghran, Swords V G 2469 Sneyd, Samuel S., 46 Mary street . . V G Ph PM P-i Ph Pm 280 IlESIDENT FREEMEN. V V V V G No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2470 Sole, Charles, Greenville, Dundrum 2471 Sparks, Robert, 2 Rockcorry, Leinster road... 2472 Sparrow, Joseph, Hall’s lane. Dolphin’s barn 247 3 Spear, Frederick, St. Michael’s Rathgar 2474 Spear, John, St. Michael’s, Rathgar , • 2475 Spear, Richard, St. Michael’s, Rathgar 2476 Speedy, Robert D., 16 Gardiner’s place 2477 Spencer, Joseph, 7 Exchequer street , ^ 2478 Stafford, Michael, 11 Cumberland st., up., nth. 2479 Stanford, Bedel, 12 Bushfield av., Donnybrook 2480 Stanford, Charles E., jun., 12 Bushfield av. . . 2481 Stanley, Arthur, 42 Rutland street, upper . . 2482 Stanley, Edward Alexander, 74 Harcourt st. 2483 Stanley, Edward Bacon, Meath hospital • • 2484 Stanley, Hugh Beresford, 57 Dame street , . 2485 Stanley, Joseph, 31 Rutland street, lower . . 2486 Stanley, Wm. S., Orchardstown, Rathfarnham 2487 Stavelly, James Butler, Croydon pk., Fairview 2488 Stavelly, John Hodder, 18 Richmond st., north 2489 Steadman, John, 44 Gloucester street 2490 Steadman, Michael, 2 Queen’s square, west . . 2491 Steele, Charles, 26 Ormond quay, upper 2492 Steele, William, 6 Buckingham place 2493 Steed, Michael Richard, 24 Mercer st., upper 2494 Stephens, Albert, 132 Thomas street 2495 Stephens, Charles, 46 Charlemont street 2496 Stephens, Edw. R., 1 Havelock ter., Bath av. 2497 Stephens, Henry C., 8 Pembroke pi. Pembroke rd. 2498 Stephens, Samuel, 15 Baggot street, lower . . 2499 Stephens, Thos. R., 7 Serpentine av., Sandymt. 2500 Stephens, Williams Robert, Fairfield, Rathgar 2501 Stephenson, John, 114 Grafton street 2502 Stirling, James, Ballawley park, Dundrum . . 2503 Stearne, William, Victoria terrace, Rathgar. . 2504 Stewart, Francis R., King’s Inns’ Library 2505 Stewart, O’Neil, 6 Carlisle terrace, Sandymount 2506 Stewart, Robert P., 87 Waterloo road 2507 St. George, Howard John, 53 Baggot st., up. 2508 Stoker, Abraham, 4 Orwell park, Rathgar . . 2509 Stoker, Edward A., 49 Rutland square, west 2510 Stoker, Eyre C., 4 Besboro’ cot.. Nth. Lotts V V V V V V V V V V V V G G G G G G G G G G G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 281 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2511 Stoker, Richard, 17 Barrack street .. V P 2512 Stokes, William, 5 Belgrave ter., Rathmines 2513 Stone, John, 13 Priirce Edw. ter., Blackrock V 2514 Storey, William, Chapelizod 2515 Strah an, Henry John, Golden bridge .. P 2516 Strahan, Thomas, 40 Wellington street .. V G 2517 Strane, John, 30 Chancery lane . . V G 2518 Stringer, Patrick, 7 High street .. ' P 2519 Stubbs, Frederick, 2 Camden place • . V G 2520 Stubbs, George Henry, 2 Camden place . . V G 2521 Stubbs, Rev. John W., Trinity College . . V G 2522 Supple, William, 95 Mecklenburgh st., lower 2523 V Sullivan, James, 60 Cork street . . P 2524 Sutcliffe, Joseph R., Wintonldg., Cullenswood Y G 2525 Sutherland, William, 15 Synge street •• ’ P 2526 Sutton, Frederick, 22 Harcourt street • • V G 2527 Swaine, Robert, 13 Wicklow street . . V G 2528 Swan, Francis, 186 Britain street, great P 2529 Swanzy, John, 12 Hardwicke street 2530 Sweeny, Alexander, 28 Abbey street, upper. • P 2531 Sweeny, James, Ballutra, Alma rd., Monkstn. P 2532 Sweeny, John, 11 Abbey street, upper Y G 2533 Sweeny, John Paget, 42 Richmond st., south Y G 2534 Sweeny, Thomas, 5 Leahy’s ter., Sandymouiit Y G 2535 Sweny, Eugene, 5 Camden street . . Y G 2536 Sweny, Henry Cope, 6 Gardiner’s place 2537 Sweeny, Mark, Lincoln place , , . Y G 2538 Sweetman, Simon, 10 Rainsford street . , 2539 Switzer, Bamlet W., 20 Rathmines, upper . . 2540 Switzer, John W., 91 Grafton street . , Y G 2541 Sykes, George, 26 Richmond, Fairview 2542 Tabuteau,BartholomewM.,Simmonscourt castle Y G 2543 Tabuteau, Richard M., Simmonscourt castle. , Y G 2544 Thackaberry, Nathaniel, 119 Townsend street Y G 2545 Thackaberry, Robert, 21 Crampton court , , Y G 2546 Talbot, John Noble, 39 Seville place . , Y G 2547 Talbot, Thomas, 15 Ellis’s quay . . Y G 2548 Talbot, William, 16 Hanover lane . , p 2549 Tandy, Robert, 6 Bow bridge . , G P 2550 Tarleton, Edward, 64 Marlborough street . . Y G 37 282 KESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Keg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2551 Tarleton, Frederick F., 3 Pembroke st., Ir. . . V G 2552 Tate, Davis D., Nth. Dublin Union Workhouse V G 2553 Tate, Edward, 20 Dolphin’s barn . . V G 2554 Taylor, Andrew, 4 Warrenpoint, Clontarf . . V G 2555 Taylor, Charles, Edenvale, Clonshough, Artane V 2556 Taylor, Clement E., Newbrook, Rathfarnham 2557 Taylor, Henry A., 4 Upper ter., Eathmines up. V G 2558 Taylor, Henry W., 10 Anne street, south . . V G 2559 Taylor, Joseph, Stillorgan , . . V G 2560 Taylor, Joseph C., 6 Triton ter., Irishtown . . 2561 Taylor, William, 3 Mountain view, Sandford V G 2562 Taylor, William, Garville road, Rathgar 2563 Taylor, William H., 14 Frederick street, nth. V G 2564 Taylor, William, 1 Harrington street . . V G 2565 Teare,William H., Ashford’s bldg.. Ball’s bdg. G P 2566 Tedcastle, Robert, 2 & 3 Crofton ter.,Kingstn. G P 2567 Tees, William, 5 Shaw street . . V G 2568 Tew, Joseph Mark Leland, 51 Summer hill V G 2569 Tew, Charles G., Solicitor’s bldgs.. Four Courts G P 2570 Thomas, George, 67 Harold’s cross 2571 Thomas, John, 86 Great George’s street, sth. V P 2572 Thomas, John, 86 Great George’s street, sth. V 2573 Thomas, Lewis, 4 Wellesley pi., Russell street V G 2574 Thomas, Lewis E., 4 Wellesley pi., Russell st. V 2575 Thomas, Richard D., 86 George’s st., sth., gt. V 2576 Thompson, Edward, 1 9 Trinity place .. V G 2577 Thompson, GeorgeA., 3 Margaretta pi., Glasnevin V G 2578 Thompson, George Black, Clonard, Dundrum 2579 Thompson, James, 7 Lombard street . . G 2580 Thompson, John, 59 Brunswick street, great V G 2581 Thompson, Robert, 73 Eccles street .. V G 2582 Thompson, Robert, 4 Wellington pi.. Canal bk. V G 2583 Thompson, Robert W., 3 Margaretta place , . V G 2584 Thompson, Robert W., jun., 3 Margaretta pi. V G 2585 Thompson, William, Frankfort villa, Rathgar rd. V G 2586 Thompson, William, Clara villa, Rathgar road 2587 Thompson, William W., 64 Eathmines road. . P 2588 Thornton, Richard J., 3 Tritonville, Sandymt. V G 2589 Thornton, Robert, 47 William street . . P 2590 Thornton, Thomas, 11 Liffey street, lower .. V G 2591 Thornton, William Lewis, 64 William street V RESIDENT FREEMEN. 283 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2592 Thorp, Daniel, 39 Kildare street . . V G 2593 Thorp, Edward, 58 Amien street . . V G 2594 Thorp, Edward Druitt, 23 Nelson street . . V 2595 Thorp, John, 60 Dominick street, lower . . V G 2596 Thorp, Joseph Druitt, 31 Henry street 2597 Thuillier, James, 4 Nixon street - . . G P 2598 Thwaites, John, Garville, Rathgar . . V 2599 Thwaites, Richard, 7 Normanton ter., Sandymt. V 2600 Tickell, Thomas N., 193 & 194 King st., nth. V G 2601 Tiernan, Robert Alexander, 7 Cuffe street . . P 2602 Tighe, William, Belmont avenue, Donnybrook V G 2603 Tilbury, Stephen, 44 Mercer street, upper , . P 2604 Tinckler, George, 25 Belgrave road, Rathmines V G 2605 Tinkler, Francis G., 9 Gloucester street, upper V G 2606 Tinkler, John, 7 Ship street, little , , P 2607 Tisdallj James Thomas, Marino lodge, Merrion V G 2608 Todd, Arthur, Baggotrath, Tritonville avenue P 2609 Tomlinson, Sterling, 21 Summer hill . . V G 2610 Tomlinson, John, 3 Bay view parade •• P 2611 Toole, William, 10 Golden lane .. P 2612 Torkington, Charles, sen.. Ill James’s street P 2613 Torkington, Charles, jun., Ill James’s street G P 2614 Torkington, John, 37 Mary street P 2615 Torkington, Richard M., Ill James’s street P 2616 Tottenham, Henry L., 99 Mount street, lower V G 2617 Townsend, Joseph H., 3 Ruby pi., Kingstown 261 8 'Tracy, James, Farnham house, Finglas 2619 Trail, William, 16 Peter’s row .. P 2620 Tremain, William, Stanley factory, Mespil rd. V G 2621 Tronson, Henry, 4 John street, south . . P 2622 Truell, Henry P., 15 Fitzwilliam square, east 2623 Truelock, Richard, 11 Essex bridge .. V G 2624 Truelock, Samuel, 11 Essex bridge .. V G 2625 Truelock, Thomas, 34 Erne street, lower , . V G 2626 Truelock, William, 11 Essex quay .. V G 2627 Tucker, Archibald, 75 Dame street .. V G 2628 Tucker, Charles, 66 Capel street . . V G 2629 Tucker, James, 30 Jervis street . , . P 2630 Tucker, Richard, 25 Monck place, Phibsboro’^ V G 2631 Tucker, Thomas, junior, 21 King street, north V G 2632 Turner, Francis John, 50 Clanbrassil st., lower Y G 284 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Eeg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2G33 Turner, George, 23 Longwood avenue . . V G 2634 Turner, George, 16 Dorset row, Drumcondra V G 2635 Turner, Joseph, 4 Foster place . . P 2636 Turner, Timothy, 14 Richmond hill, Rathmines V G 2637 Tuthill, Charles, 6 Rathmines road . . V G 2638 Tuthill, William, 24 Mount street, upper , . V G 2639 Twamley, James, R. St. G. Y. C., Kingstown V 2640 Tweedy, Henry, 16 Rutland square, east . . V G 2641 Tweedy, John J., Winton house, Sandymount Y G 2642 Twiford, John, 37 Mecklenburgh street, up. P 2643 Twigg, Samuel K., 21 Frederick street, nth. Y 2644 Twycross, George, 1 Longford place, Salthill Y G 2645 Tyndall, Alexander, Strandville, Clontarf .. Y G| 2646 Tyndall, Samuel W., 38 Blessington street . . Y G 2647 Tyndall, Thomas Samuel A., 12 Peter’s row Y G 2648 Tyner, Anthony, 2 Manders’ Idg., Cullenswood 2649 Tyner, George St. G., Dr. Steeven’s hospital 2650 Tyrrell, James, 2 Merrion square, east . . Y G 2651 Underwood, William, 12 Eden quay 2652 Usher, Beverley, 13 Charlemont place .. Y G 2653 Usher, John, Elmville, Roundtown road . . Y G 2654 Usher, John G., Elmville, Roundtown road. . Y G 2655 Usher, William, 8 Mountbrown . . Y G 2656 Usher, George S., Elmville, Roundtown road Y 2657 Yalentine, William, 163 Brunswick street, gt. G P 2658 Yance, James, Annesley cottage. Nth. Strand Y G 2659 Yance, John, 3 Merrion square, north . . Y G 2660 Yance, Richard Ephraim, 10 Suffolk street.. Y G 2661 Yandepier, Benjamin, 8 Montague street . . Y G 2662 Yandepier, John, 8 Montague street . . Y G 2663 Yanhomreigh, Bartholomew, 101 Mount st., Ir. Y G 2664 Yanhomreigh, John, Bellview, Finglas 2665 Yerdon, Theodore B., 6 Dominick street, lower 2666 Yereker, Amos Morony, 8 Wellington road. . Y 2667 Yereker, Hon. John P., 16 Merrion sq., sth. Y G 2668 Yero, Nicholson, 21 Cumberland st., Kingstown Y G 2669 Yickers, Henry Thomas, 81 Leeson street . . G P 2670 Yickers, Robert, 71 Francis street Y G 2671 Yosser, George, 13 Abbey street, upper Y G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 285 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2672 Waddell, Matthew, 20 Constitution hill . . P 2673 Wade, Edward, 31 Aungier street . . P 2674 Wade, George, 11 Ross lane .. V G 2675 Wade, Robert Wentworth, 20 Serpentine av. V G 2676 Wainright, William, 1 Charles street, great. . V G 2677 Walker, Francis, 17 Mercer street, upper . . V G 2678 Walker, George. 12 Cumberland st., up., nth. P 2679 Walker, George, 91 Dorset street, lower .. V G 2680 Walker, Henry Augustus, 11 Johnville place 2681 Walker, Henry, 12 Cumberland st., up., nth. 2682 Walker, James, 82 Charlemontter.jRanelaghrd. V G 2683 Walker, John, 49 Mary street . . V G 2684 Walker, John, Chapelizod . . V G 2685 Walker, John Francis, 9 Gardiner’s place . . V G 2686 Walker, Joseph C., 15 Eccles street 2687 Walker, Matthew, 52 & 53 Mt. Pleasant sq. V G 2688 Walker, Richard A., 54 Clanbrassil street .. V G 2689 Walker, Richard C., 83 Gardiner street, lower V G 2690 Walker, Samuel, 83 Gardiner street, lower. . Y G 2691 Y^alker, Henry S., 5 Cooke’s lane . . V G 2692 Walker, Robert, 4 Sussex terrace, Leeson st. V G 2693 Walker, Thomas, Bath avenue, Beggar’s bush 2694 Walker, William, 189 King street, north V G 2695 Walker, William, 53 Charles street, great . . Y G 2696 Wall, Garrett, Bluebell 2697 Wall, Rev. Richard H., 1 Erith cot., Irishtn. 2698 AValler, Edmund W., 1 James’s gate, James’s st. Y G 2699 Waller, George A., 82 James’s gate, James’s st. Y G 2700 Wallis, John, 26 Bachelors’ walk . . Y G' 2701 Walsh, Albert J., 89 Harcourt street . . Y G 2702 Walsh, Charles G., 5 Leeson park .. Y G 2703 Walsh, Frederick W., 16 Merrion square, W. 2704 Walsh, Henry T., 89 Harcourt street .. Y G 2705 Walsh, John, 89 Harcourt street ... Y G 2706 Walsh, John, 25 Bow street 2707 Walsh, Matthew, 125. Abbey street 2708 Walsh, Thomas, 8 Richmond pi.. Circular rd. Y G 2709 Walsh, William, 23 Mount street, lower .. Y G 2710 Walter, Frederick, 1 Chelmsford road .. Y 2711 Walters, George, jun., 24 Holies street 2712 Ward, Abraham, 87 Clanbrassil street, lower Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph PL| 286 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Rej;. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 27 J 3 Ward, Albert M., 22 Eathmines road .. V G 2714 Ward, Eldon P. B., Mountjoy prison .. V G 2715 Ward, Espine, 22 Eathmines road 2716 Ward, George E., 57 Clanbrassil street, lower V G 2717 Ward, John, 5 Meeting bouse yard . . P 2718 Ward, Samuel, 22 Eglinton ter., Seville place 2719 Warham, William, 18 Canal harbour, James’s st. V G 2720 Waring, Matthew, 105 James’s street . . V G 2721 Warnock, Francis, 3 Forbes street .. V G 2722 Warnock, William H., 30 Queen’s square, N. V G 2723 Warren, Gustavus A., 1 Warrenpoint, Clontarf V G 2724 Warren, James, 9 Longford street, great . . 2725 Warren, John F., 9 Longford street, great.. 2726 Warren, John T., sen., 139 Stephen’s green, W. V G 2727 Warren, William Henry, 91 Meath street . . V G 2728 Watchorn, Thomas, 11 Williams’ place .. V G 2729 Waterson, Thomas, 11 Grenville street P 2730 Watkins, Samuel W., 28 Blackball street .. V G 2731 Watson, Alex., 2 Clarke’s bldgs., Harold’s cross V G 2732 Watson, George Eldon, 1 Eichmond parade. . V G 2733 Watson, John W., Elen lodge, Monkstown.. V G 2734 Waugh, James A., 45 Heytesbury street V G 2735 Webb, Arthur W., 31 Belgraverd., Eathmines V G 2736 Webb, John, 2 Winslow terrace, Eathgar . . V G 2737 Webster, John, 2 Longford place, Monkstown V G 2738 Welland, Wm. J., 8 Waltham ter., Blackrock V G 2739 Wells, James, 34 Aungier street , , V G 2740 Wells, Thomas, 9 Werburgh street .. P 2741 Wells, William, 52 Sackville street, upper . . V G 2742 Welsh, Eichard E., 19 Wicklow street 2743 Welsh, William E., Castlewood avenue .. V G 2744 Wenmoth, William, 12 New row, Thomas st. V G 2745 West, James, 18 College green 2746 West, John, 38 Bride street , , V G 2747 West, John, 27 Thomas court , . V G 2748 West, Lewis, 82 Dame street . . V G 2749 West, William E., 7 Fade street , . V G 2750 Whaley, John, 37 Heytesbury street .. P 2751 Wharton, Henry, 10 Wicklow street .. V G 2752 Wharton, James Henry, 27 Merrion st,, up. 2753 Wharton, John Lee, 53 York street . . V G RESIDENT FREEMEN. 287 No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom 2754 Wheatley, Ephraim P., 11 Belgrave road .. V 2755 Wheatley, Robert Henry, 3 Hardwicke place 2756 Wheatley, Robert, 3 Hardwicke place . . V 2757 Wheeler, James, 29 Prussia street .. V 2758 Wheeler, Thomas, 65 Baggot street .. V 2759 White, Arthur, 34 Boot lane . . V 2760 White, George, 12 Strand street, little .. 2761 White, George, 12 Nashe’s ter. Beggar’sbush Y 2762 White, James, 2 Fitzwm. pL, Grangegorman 2763 White, John, 2 Kensington place, Rathmines Y 2764 White, Joseph William, 68 Charlemont street Y 2765 White, Thomas John, 35 Hardwicke street. . Y 2766 White, Richard, Whitehall, Drumcondra .. Y 2767 White, Richard, jun., Whitehall, Drumcondra Y 2768 White, Robert, 111 Summer hill ' .. Y 2769 White, Robert Persse, Winton ter., Rathgar Y 2770 White, Samuel, 26 James’s street 2771 White, Samuel Unwin, 50 Dawson street .. Y 2772 White, Thomas W., 30 York row, Kingstown ^ 2773 White, William, 57 Rathmines road 2774 White, William, 142 Capel street 2775 White, William, 23 Henry street 2776 White, William, jun., 2 Belgrave square, west Y 2777 White, AYilliam D., Jervis street hospital .. 2778 Whitehead, -John, 11 Cabra road Y 2779 Whitehead, Joseph, 16 Crow street 2780 Whitehead, William, 2 Drumcondra ter., lower Y 2781 Whiteston, Berkley E., 26 St. Andrew street 2782 Whitestone, George T., 60 Fitzwilliam st., Ir. Y 2783 Whitestone, Robert, TO Wellington quay .. Y 2784 Whitestone, William O’C., Earl street, north Y 2785 Whitfield, Edward, 73 Leeson street, upper Y 2786 Whitley, Thomas, 16 Crow street .. Y 2787 Whitmore, Samuel, 23 Chancery lane .. 2788 Whitthorne, Gordon, 52 Marlborough street Y 2789 Whitthorne, Henry, 60 Mecklenburgh street Y 2790 Whitton, John, 9 Fownes’s street 2791 Whitton, William, 18 Gardiner street, middle Y 2792 Whyte, James, Annadale, Philipsburgh av. .. 2793 Whyte, James, 41 Henry street .. Y 2794 Whyte, John, 68 Sackville street, upper Y voted. G G G G G P G G P G G G G G P G G G G P P G G G G G G P G G G P G G hj 288 RESIDENT FREEMEN. No. Reg. Voter’s Name and Address. For whom voted. 2795 Whyte, William, 3 & 4 Marlborough street. . G P 2796 Whyte, William, jun., 13 Sherrard street, Ir. P 2797 Wiber, Frederick L., 3 Mountain view, Sandford V G 2798 Wiber, John, Asylum, Eeed’s row, Leeson pk. V G 2799 Wickham, Ralph, 1 Fade street . . P 2800 Wickham, James, 7 Mercer street . . V G 2801 Wilcocks, Rev. Win., St. Laurence, Chapelizod V G 2802 Wilkinson, Davis, 1 Rosanna place, Portobello V G 2803 Wilkinson, James, 19 Denzille street •. V G 2804 Wilkinson, William, 1 Rosanna place . . V G 2805 Wilkinson, William E., 1 Rosannapl., Portobello V G 2806 W’^ilkinson, William T., 58 Rathmines road . . V G 2807 Willcocks, John, jun., St. Laurence, Chapelizod V G 2808 Willett, Edmond Harold R., 19 Crow street. . V G 2809 Willet, James, 29 Frederick street, south , . 2810 Willet, John, I Trinity place 281] Williams, Aldborough A., 38 Richmond place V G 2812 Williams, Edward D.,Laburnamldg., Blackrock G 2813 Williams,EdwardJ.,2 Franklin pL, Pembroke rd. G 2814 Williams, Erasmus, 22 Mountpleasant av., up, V G 2815 Williams, Isaac, 2 Franklin pk, Pembroke rd. V 2816 Williams, James, 12 Haddington terrace .. V G 2817 Williams, James J., Mounttown Ir., Monkstn. V G 2818 Williams, John, 31 Cabra parade, Cabra road V G 2819 Williams, John, 1 Tenchfield ter., Sandymt. V G 2820 Williams, John, 36 Jervis street . . V 2821 Williams, Joseph P., 1 Tenchfield ter. Sandymt. V G 2822 Williams, Richard, 2 Mayor street, upper . . 2823 Williams, Robert, Chesnut lodge, Booterstown 2824 Williams, Thomas, 11 Albert place, east .. V G 2825 Williams, Thomas, Prospect lodge, Glasnevin V 2826 Williamson, Charles, 14 Mount street, upper V G 2827 Williamson, Henry, 8 Fitzwilliam square, east V G 2828 Williamson, John M., 6 Brighton av., Monkstn. V 2829 Williamson, Richard, 8 Fitzwilliam sq., east V G 2830 Williamson, Robert, 8 Fitzwilliam square, east Y G 2831 Willis, Anthony, 5 Arran street, east 2832 Willis, James, 139 Church street 2833 Willis, Richard N.* 3 New bridge ter, Sandymt. Y G 2834 Willis, Thomas, 18 Fortescueter., Rathmines P 2835 Willis, Thomas, jun., 34 Ormond quay, upper P-i Ph Pm P-i P-i Ph P-i K K S I I)K N T F RKE ME ?T. :2