OF THE U N [VERS ITY Of ILLINOIS Received by bequest from Albert H. Lybyer Professor of History University of Illinois 1916-1949 fH v (f' ! / n-d > OF THE U N I VERS ITY Of ILLINOIS tbe Uoice in tlx Silence WRITTEN DOWN BY S. W. P. F. M. Harley Publishing Company 87 Washington Street Chicago Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1897, by SARAH WILDER PRATT, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PRESS OF GEO. E. BRYAN, 427 MAIN STREET, CINCINNATI. CONTENTS. * PAGE. Morning and Evening Prayer. . . 7 Our Prayer 8 The Innermost 9 Mercy 11 A Prophecy 14 The Geory of Man 18 Light 18 Joy 21 Consciousness 24 Aspiration 27 Infinite Mind 30 Spirit 33 Love 36 Agree with thine Adversary Quickey 39 My Refuge 41 The Eternae Spirit of God. ... 44 ^Wisdom 47 > Peace is Power 50 /^Consider Love 54 Aee-Good. 56 v Baptism 58 4 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. PAGE. Praise 61 God is Above the Storms 63 Goodness and Mercy Bind Thee to the Infinite 65 The Tabernacee is with Men. . . 67 Light of Love 70 Christ, the Mediator 73 The Church of Christ 75 Divine Love Overcometh aee Ap- pearance of Evie. ...... 78 A Hint of Mastery 81 The Seae-Ring 83 Invocation 86 Mahatma. 88 Love is God’s Streaming Banner from the Skies, Whoso can Read the Word thereon Inscribed, with Single Eye, Becomes MASTER. *|f*4**|? JjV. . . • •' r: r j\ ' H Morning and evening Prayer* Spirit of God, possess me ; Fill every wandering thought With visions of the beauty Thy mighty power hath wrought. Spirit of Love, possess me ; Guide every daily act ; To Thee I look with longing. Thou art the only Fact. Spirit of Truth, possess me ; Fill every sense with might ; Teach me the Power Divine, That is my own birthright. Spirit of God, possess me ; I then shall quickly own That God, our heavenly Father. And Christ and I are one. 8 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Our prayer. A** Thou lover of my life, Thou guide of all my ways, Heart of my heart, Father-Mother presence, I am folded safe in Thee. I thank Thee that I am folded close in the heart of All Good. I forget the error of my unrighteous- ness in the dissolving Presence of Thy Glorious Love. I acknowledge my life the manifesta- tion of Thy Divinity. I catch the inspiration of joy as I be- hold upon the hill-tops of Right- eousness, the splendor of Thy glory, and know that my crowning and my anointing are the recognition and confession of Thine Own Al- mighty Love. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 9 Vbc Innermost* The heart of Being is celestial rest. Rest is the chiefest desire of the heart of man. He has sought long and laboriously for rest, but he has sought it in the external. Whence cometh this desire, O man ? Hast thou considered that it was from the innermost of thy Being? Can anything less than the inner- most satisfy the innermost? Thou hast sought rest for the ex- ternal man and found it not ; thou canst never find it through such cal- culations, for the outer is not like the innermost, neither can express it of itself. Thou understandeth the magnetic law of material things. O man, knowest thou this law is spiritual? Like to like, is it not? This is the Divine ; the greater has power over 10 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. the lesser and unites it unto itself, so the great heart of God draws into itself the lesser heart of man. It is this union of heart to heart wherein man shall find enduring rest. Thou hast been drawn two ways. Thou knowest well, O man, that freedom of choice is thine. Thine eyes have gloated over material things to the exclusion of the spiritual, but the heart-drawings of the Infinite have created in thee a home-sickness and desolation thou couldst not under- stand until thy soul has cried out in anguish, because thou wert drawn two ways. Thy destiny is fixed, O man, to lay thy heart in Mine, “ O Lamb amidst the Throne.” “Home to thy Father’s house of Peace is thy destiny.” In thee the law of God is fulfilled. Inward peace is thine inheritance, and this is rest and power. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 11 Mercy* O ! boundless source of life and light, In faith we come to Thee ; From cares we take our heavenward flight, In Love we all agree. Thou only source of life and light, Pure mercy dwells in Thee ; Enduring mercy ever bright : Substance and strength from Thee. Mercy is an eternal substance. It is full of Justice. It knows neither right nor wrong. It knows only itself. There is no place where it doth not abide. It will come forth to right thy wrongs when called upon. It hath a quick ear. It wants not to know whether the call be from the godly or the ungodly ; it asks only to be called upon. It endureth forever and is strong. It feareth nothing, because it is just. It prospereth the ungodly as the godly when called upon. 12 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Learn to call upon it, for only so can righteousness be called forth. Be merciful and then thou shalt ob- tain mercy. Mercy is the splendor of God ! Seek It! Wouldst thou know its other name? It is written over all the earth. Its power has hung the lamps in the sky. Thou canst not think of thy Father without touching it. It is the name above all names — Love ! By its warmth the dead shall rise again. The blighting frost of fear shall melt beneath its rays, and the poor neglected flower that perisheth shall be revived by its dews. O child of sorrow and disappoint- ment, thou needest most to know the mercy of God. Seek it when thou wilt and thou shalt find it ; thou canst not seek in vain. All thy Father’s creations are THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 13 filled with it. It maketh darkness luminous, and revealeth a day wherein there is no night. It is thy substance. Thou walkest on Love. It is thy bread and thy meat. It is thy pillow and thy spread. It is thy house wherein no one lieth dead . Be merciful and thou art just. “ The earth in solemn stillness lay, To hear the angels sing,” And with their sweet seraphic lay Heaven’s highest arches ring. 14 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 3 Prophecy* The star of Hope is shining brightly now ; though the atmosphere be thick and murky and obscures its rays, there are enough unto whom have been given the power to see its shining light to save the world. It will not always be night upon the earth, though the blinding black- ness sometimes cowers the stoutest heart. The rule of darkness, its night, is nearly past, and out of this disturbed condition, this discontent of humanity, there shall grow a summer time of sweetest, purest content, and man shall live as never before, counting only that joy, which is counsel and communion of the Holy Spirit. This civilization shall not be swept away, as all others have been at the high-tide of its prosperity, but THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 15 it shall be re-born. Out of darkness shall come light, light of Wisdom. After the mourning shall come joy, and the new race ; then new peoples, redeemed by the power of the Spirit shall build new temples, with new altars, whereon and wherein Honor and Love and Peace, through Faith, shall be worshipped continually, and the sound of strife and mourning shall be heard no more. Be strong, be faithful, all ye who have seen the star of hope through the gloom of night, now passing upon the earth, for like a scroll shall it be rolled away, and the purpose of the Divine Love, and the perfect justice of its law be revealed to man, through Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son, the anointed One. Believe in Him as sent of God, and thy heart shall never fail thee, nor the star cease to guide thee. 16 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Vbc 6lory of Man* God is Eternal Truth, Eternal Ver- ity — the ever-blazing glory of man’s life, from which darkness fleeth away, and which none can make afraid. Rest thy heart in God. He foldeth thee round about, as the curtain of night the earth. In His secret hid- ing place He sheltereth thee. He strengthened! thine arm, and causeth thy blood to flow free, to leap with joy, as a song from the lips. Build anew the temple of thy body to the living God, and worship Him therein, for thou canst never separate thyself from Him, neither hide from His presence, nor interdict His Will , which is for thee a divine circuit. He has charged thee with messages of divine import. Thou must bear them in person. Thou must fulfill the last letter of the law. Thou must THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 17 return unto Him by whom thou wert sent forth. The crown of glory awaiteth thee. He hath jewels in His hand for thee, most precious ones. They have been gathered by His quenchless love from the fragrance of thine own thoughts, thoughts thou has never dreamed the worth of. Keep in thine heart this precious uplifting promise, and know also that only the thoughts that bless others contain within their fragrance the secret of the jewels that gem the waiting crown. Press forward with courage. All that God is, is waiting to bless thee. Peace and joy are thine now. Prize them and bestow them wisely and well. Forget thyself. Thy part shall be found in the great forever. It is fin- ished. 18 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Light* && O children of Earth, wallowing in the river of sensualism, look up and know that unto thee is given Eternal Life. Look for the light It is within thee. Round about thee is the darkness of impenetrable night, but God has given thee a light, that, once recog- nized, will throw its rays before thee to light a narrow pathway, which thou mayest securely tread in safety . The darkness comprehendeth it not ; but by it thou art shielded from the evils contained therein ; for the forces there have no power to contend with this power of light. Let thy step be fir?n and sure on this way of life. Gather unto thyself, into thy con- sciousness, more and more of its THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 19 power. Hesitate not to trust it, how- ever strange its guidance may seem to thee. Words of wisdom will be discerned in the light when thou hast accus- tomed thine eyes to it. They are there already written, but perchance thou hast not learned the will of the Father in His word. There is but one purpose in the Will Omnipotent and this shall be accomplished in thee , for none can oppose It. Let It be done gladly. Let It be done in thee. Joyfully greet It, and let It be done in thee . Oh, couldst thou but know how lov- ing, how tender is this Will for thee, thou wouldst lift thyself by thine own desire into perfect consonance with It. In wisdom the full illumination is given unto those alone who are faith- ful. As these look back upon present joys and sorrows, upon toil and strug- gle, they become to the growing soul 20 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. as children’s games and broken toys, not worth considering. Within thee are eternal possibili- ties ; thou art now one with the Over- Soul that rules through all eternity. Thou art now one with Infinite Spirit. Seek to become conscious of this, for in thee the eternal law must be fulfilled. Let go this changing form and lay hold on eternal Spirit, that its power may be given unto thee to know all things, to understand all things, dwell- ing in Light and Peace forever. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 21 Joy. “ O Infinite Love! Supreme Power! Perfect Wisdom ! illuminate our minds this day to our souls’ gain. “ Give us more and more of Wis- dom according to our needs and thy Divine Judgment. “ Thou hast led us step by step in the ways of Eternal Truth. Give us, our Father, according to our needs — Love.” In the secret hiding-places of the Divine Love is everlasting joy ! Joy is for thee, but thou hast not yet conceived of it. Open thy mind to joy ; it is a heavenly guest and a messenger of love to thee. Receive this messenger and detain him ; let him sup with thee continu- ally. Thou hast illy pondered the prob- lem of life until now, and thine own 22 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. habit hast shut out all light of Wis- dom. Open thou now thy soul to see and hear and know the Truth. A life of radiance inconceivable to thee now, is revealed to thee when thou knowest the fullness of the word J°y- It is thy birth-right, but flesh-dark- ness hath depressed thee and shut it out. Hear and believe ; stir thyself. I say unto thee again, stir thyself to receive this heavenly visitant. Its power is so great that it bids all care be gone. This is what thou needest to know, that joy is Omnipotent. Thou shalt know it as thou hearest the clear song of Life. This thou canst not hear until thou hast opened thine ears in the right direction. Listen ! in the right direction. There is nothing but glit- tering, enticing, triumphant joy for those who are prepared to acknowl- edge it. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 23 How canst thou be foolish any longer, when the door has been opened into heaven for thee. Lose thyself in the beautiful vision that shall be given unto thee. Thou shalt be partaker in this realm of joy until even thy flesh, illumined, shall dance with delight, and rest upon the soft, tender banks of Peace, where the music, so enticing, flows on in its limpid beauty and richness, from the heart of Love. Here the flowers of pure thoughts are in radiant and perpetual bloom — here thy touch is a healing balm, an inspiring impulse, for thou thyself hast been conquered and subdued, and led into eternal joy, by thy Spirit lover, thine own Divine self. Again, I say unto thee, sup with joy, live in it, give it forth. 24 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Consciousness* &&& Consciousness is always conditional : varying aspects of the human mind. Tone-notes, maliciousness, selfish- ness and hatred have shrivelled the pure life force. All those qualities are so changed from the original that in all their different ways they are far from the heart of supply, which alone can feed them. Seest thou not that all this unlike- ness to truth must produce mental confusion, which is alone made mani- fest in the flesh in so-called disease? As the strings of an instrument must be unbroken, so, too, each one must have special attention in the process of r£-tuning, that perfect harmony may be expressed, through the use of the many to produce one harmonious ef- fect. So must be each special as- pect or line of thought in the mind, THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 25 thoughts being likened unto the strings of the instrument, so must each have special attention. The harsh tones mellowed by the Divine Love ; that one burdened with fear, affecting every other thought of the mind, that of envy eating like canker, hate sending forth its malic- ious power, all combining, driving the joy tone altogether away. Each one of these needs special treatment oft times. While the fountain is sweet, inflowing and full, some of these thought channels, so full of waste products, fill more slowly than others. This is a deep study, but months of careful attention to what thought has been given thee, will bring thee great returns. Thou shalt be more and more instructed along this very line. Keep silence, a sacred silence within thine own soul. There shall inspira- tion flow full and free for every child who turns his eyes heavenward in longing, in aspiration. This is the 26 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Law ! Come whosoever will and drink of this quenchless source of all Being ! These are days of rejoicing! Know that there is none so near, so dear as thy Father ; with lavish hand He feeds thee ; with abateless love He comforts thee. Thou art neither high nor low, rich nor poor ; thou art be yond all these ; thou art greater than these. Be thou conscious. Thou art Love, O my God ! THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 27 Hsptrattom Higher and yet higher mounts the soul, day by day set free from earth bondages ; day by day streams the light from the mountain peak of Truth, mountain of Wisdom. Plant thy foot firmly upon the first step of uncovered ground ; it will prove more solid than granite beneath thy tread ; thy ascent is sure when thou hast taken firmly thy first up* ward step. The height is steep : thou mayest make it straight or cir- cuitous ; thy will is free ; whichever way thou choosest there is no toil in it, for the wings of unseen power are loaned to thee, as sometimes almost impenetrable darkness parts to reveal only one step higher. Let the joy of thy soul refresh thee at every resting place. Look not beyond with such in- tensity, that shall rob thee of present 28 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. joy. Thy Father meant that thy journey of life be one of joy. Thou hast robbed thyself ofttimes by peer- ing into the seeming darkness of thy hidden way. Make not too much haste for the same reason, but know that every step is attended by an invisible host, and that .thou canst not lose thy way when once thou hast set thy face toward the light. Thy Father leadeth thee and crowneth thee with everlasting Life and everlasting Joy. Let all thy being, everything that is within thee, seek that light. Thou hast been earth-bound, foot- sore, too long a weary pilgrim ; this was not thy destiny, O man ! To reach thy Father’s house was the Di- vine purpose. Come unto thy royal inheritance, to claim it, and proclaim it, to glorify thy Father by thy word of praise, for His overflowing good- ness to thee. God will have thee rule with Him . THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 29 Lay down thy load if thou hast not, and mount sure and free, light as air, for joyousness is lightness of heart. Mount step by step in hope and confidence ; thy Father waits thy coining, He will clothe thee with light as with vestments of His glory. He will give thee richest counsel ; He will name thee child of His love. He will bless thee with all that He hath, and none shall ever rob thee. 30 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Infinite Mind. u In Infinite Mind we live and breathe and have our Being. Teach us thy wisdom, O Infinite Love!” Thus saith the Spirit of the Uni- verse ! Reason is man’s crown of glory. He seeks for reason every- where, because the crown awaiteth him. Search deep, and far, and wide. Deep , I say ; treasures are always hidden deep and they are revealed only to the seeker after them. Mind contains within its vaulted chambers untold treasures, unutterable secrets. Man has learned to voyage on unknown seas, to visit unknown worlds, but there is a country yet but little explored. It is that of Infinite Mind. From this soundless sea and shore there shall come to the explorer truths never uttered by man. How shall he know them ? THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 31 Through his reason he shall prove all things. The Truth remains with him ; he cannot lose it, for it holds him. He need have no fear. The dauntless heart is the great explorer. Love is its pilot and mate ; Wisdom its rud- der and light. In quest, he will steer on, saved from the rocks ; and the waves will part before the light that shine th afar for him. This light is the light of reason, the light of wisdom. There is a voice on that soundless sea that will answer back to him who speaks the word, some of the many secrets of Infinite Mind. The law of response is change- less ; acquaint thyself with it. Watch more the working of thine own mind and thou shalt find the long-sought answer of vibration, for God uttereth Himself in silence, and there is a response to every moving of the waters, and to every articulate word 32 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. spoken into the universal Spirit or Mind. In the bright realms of thought all things are formed and fashioned after the desires of the heart. Thus far hast thou gone in thy philosophy, O man ; now learn to bring forth after its kind. Learn to know that this thou hast always done, and, know- ing this, thou wilt fashion after a more exalted kind . Let the night of uncertainty pass away, and the clear light of reason illumine thy search. Untold treas- ures lie hidden right in thy pathway. Keep thyself within thyself, and thy regenerated Being will daily re- veal unto thee the truth of these words, and there shall be no more night for thee. Yet not alone canst thou be blessed, thou shalt be a bless- ing unto sad humanity and shalt re- veal unto the hopeless and faithless the Father’s abiding love. Peace be unto thee now and forever more. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 33 Spirit* “ And there was silence in Heaven for the space of half an hour.” Conception was taking place. Out of the formless, form was pro- jected. Words filled with Spirit and with Life came forth ! By them the glory of God is de- clared, through them the mystery of His nature is revealed. They are the links that bind the Creator and the created. They are the wisdom of God and the understanding of man. The revealed word declares the Law of God ; it interprets His majesty and power ! Man stands in the midst of the great wave currents with the possi- bility of catching them, little known to himself ; but with diligent search- ing it shall be revealed. 34 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Learn to use thine inner ear, for the wave currents can only be caught by it ; thus is thy spiritual sense quickened, and thy spiritual discern- ment increased. Moments of bliss await thee, when once thou hast caught the thrilling tones of the Divine Love. Neither father nor mother nor lover’s voice can have any semblance to Its sweetness, for the Universal Father is all this and more added thereto. Loneliness thou canst never know again if once thou hast caught these sweet tones. They bear thee wisdom and wealth, peace and comfort, and lead thee into new-found paths of righteous- ness, wherein the law shall be ful- filled for thee. Spare not thy search, for it is profit- able. Heed no voice that would hinder thee on thy upward way. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 35 Become soul centered here in the light of wisdom, and thou shalt send forth such illumination as proceedeth only from the mind of thy Creator, the mind that is Wisdom. Let thy little or greater light shine to illuminate the pathway of others, for earth-darkness is impenetrable save by the Divine Light. This light thou hast ; it is the quenchless flame of God ! 36 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Love* && All things are found in Love. It is the realm whence thou may- est draw all things. It is the u Akaza ” wherein all things are dis- solved and resolved into its own formless self, and wherefrom thou, yea thou, child of earth, shalt, when thou hast become Master, draw all things out of formless Substance into visible appearance. All things obey the Will of the Master. For he, the Master, has be- come one with the Supreme and Wills with It, the Supreme Power. This is why he is Master. This Will is within thee, O man ! Learn to know It. It is thy Light. It will light thee on to perfect day. Thou dost cling to thy low estate, as a child to its toys. Let the light shine from within thine own soul, “ a lamp in the window for thee.” THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 37 God has placed it there, knowing it would illuminate thy mind to see the law that is drawing thee nearer and nearer to Him. O man, look up and see the stream- ing banner from the skies. It is Love ! And when thou canst read this word clear, with single eye, thou art Mas- ter! and the light that will fill thy being will flood the world. Near to the Mount of Revelation art thou. Stay not, until with God thou shalt look upon the other side thy web of life, and see clearly that the pattern that the Infinite hath conceived is flawless. It is only this little light within thee, kept trimmed and burning, burn- ing brighter, until it mingles with “ the quenchless fire,” the flame of God, Love Divine, that can ever lead thee out of earth (flesh) darkness into Spirit life, wherein all things be- come clear. Fear not. What hast thou to fear? 38 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Thou must no longer resist Good. This thou hast done all thy flesh-life. Thou art resisting God. And this resistance , not God, destroys thee. Let be! Let thy spirit mount upon its wings to find its mate. It will know its own and dwell in Love forever. Come, come, come up higher ! Leave behind thee all thy woes ; none can enter here who leaves no burden be- hind, for he hath already entered into the joys of life. Joy is thine own ; come and take It . Come and express It . Come and be It. The song of life begins here. Thou art near the gate. Thy password is Love. When Love has hid thy unsightly selj \ by its overflowing fullness, the password will be upon thy lips, and by the touch of the angel the mystic gate will open wide for thee, and not for thee alone hast thou opened it, but all shall enter, whom thou hast met on thy way that have revived at thy touch or word. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 39 Hgm WLxtb 'Chine Hdvereary Quickly* That is, if thou already be per- suaded that good is for thee. Let not an instant elapse when evil confronts thee, until thou hast de- clared thyself loyally on the side of good. So shalt thou shut the door of the outer court and bar it with the Word of God. Within the inner court of thy be- ing (thy soul) God the King and Master is waiting to give thee the power to defend thyself. Within the Temple (the Holy of Holies) waits the Divine Spirit to give thee thy high commission. This commission is to rule with Him in the outer world. The only require- ment is, “ seek ye Me,” and come and rule forever in My domain . If not, thou shalt be beaten and blown about 40 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. by all the seeming winds of doubt and misfortunes of chance. I Am thy head, thy hands, thy heart, O man. Learn to know this and the storms can no longer over- take thee, nor buffet thee about. The current of My power is AH Power . Thou canst not resist this. It would destroy thee. Learn to know It and thou thyself becometh a part of it, moving in un- threatened safety all thy days. I am thy voice. Learn to hear and know Me, Me who am always thine to help and to save. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 41 JMy Refuge* &&& God is my refuge. Other refuge have I none. God is Omnipotent and near at hand, yea, within call. Appeal unto Him, for He shall keep thee in all thy ways. Fear not, but be at peace. Rest in the eternal fulfillment of the law of God for thee. “ Mercy and goodness shall follow thee all the days of thy life and thou shalt dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” I will answer thee according to thy cry. Bountifully have I provided for thee, bountiful is the supply. Thou shalt learn to be quick to see the hand of thy Father in all things, but it pointeth to thee but one way, the way of good, the way of great abund- ance. Thou mayest not see it all at once, 42 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. but thou shalt know in the near future how thou art led of God, who is indeed ever at hand to answer thy call. Be at peace, keep peace. Declare peace to all the world. There is not one so poor, nay, not one, who shall not by thy Father’s Will share the sweet peace of God with thee. If thou canst not break this bread of life, and offer it to thy poor for- gotten brother, thou shalt have it not, for only by the feeding shalt thou be fed thy daily bread. Whatsoever thou hast of good, share it with some other, some one less fortunate than thyself, and re- member “ that it is of thy bounty that all must be fed.” Sit down in peace. Build high thy seat of power above the world’s din, for not until thou canst rise above it, this din, shalt thou be undisturbed by it. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 43 Cease thy hating and love good, for it is God. Peace and joy and gladness abide with thee, abide with thee , for thine inheritance is God-like. 44 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. JZhc Gtemal Spirit of God- I am speaketh unto thee. Individ- ualism is character. Individ- ualism is the only Presence that en- circles the Throne of God, character, redeemed from selfishness , “ tried and not found wanting.” This indi- vidualism is so pure that the light of the Eternal Spirit shines freely through it with intense vibrations, down, down through the separate realms or circles of archangel and angel, to and through all realms of human life, with its never changing power, even unto the lowest of earth’s children, forever drawing them up- ward to the great circle of Power. “ Let your light shine” is the com- mand from the Most High, I am. Let no selfishness taint its lustre “ / give thee” Even to the earth’s centre, into greater darkness than that of THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 45 flesh, I send the vibrations of My Will and meet no opposing will. But in thee, O my children, I meet a self- will that would rule to thine own de- struction. Cast it out, deny it. It is of no avail. It but hinders thee from reaching Me, from knowing My Will. I am thy eternal Spirit that thou must know. Give ear unto Me now, for it is the acceptable time, else thou may- est turn into the darkness, where My voice is not heard and thou findest much trouble therein. Look up now and thou shalt see the light of the Eternal Spirit, thy Spirit, O man. It dwelleth in the tabernacle, thine inexhaustable sup- ply. My wisdom created thee. I am Eternal. I speak unto thee now through My beloved child, that thou, being in touch with her and knowing her, may believe in Me. Hear ye My words through her, for I shall call thee to account in judgment, and thy day is close at hand, even the hour 46 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. of thy salvation is appointed. By My Law thou shalt learn of it. Hast thou written in thy Book of Life? Write quickly therein, I say unto thee, for I wait for no one ; thou shalt wait on Me. Obey My Will. It is good for thee and will give thee no trouble. There can be no hesitancy, nor confusion, nor dis- order in My realm, for all obey My Will with one accord, with one con- sent, and I am enthroned in this unbreakable Law of Love. My supreme command is Love and all obey ! and all My starry worlds are a pledge of this unto thee, My child, yea, even the violet thou crushest beneath thy foot. I have made for thee indeed a carpet of liv- ing flowers that thou mayest even tread upon My Love and know its power. Write in thy heart My Love, My Power. It is thine, for thou and I are one in the boundless forever. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 47 Qltsdom* I have spoken unto thee, O man, and told thee by My Works and My Word that I am thy Wisdom. There is none other. I am All- Wisdom. It belongs alone to Me. When thou dost acknowledge this I can teach thee, but when thou, O man, sayest, “I am wise,” thy sayings fail thee, but when thou addest My name thou art saved, for I am the only source. I created thee, and My wisdom alone is sufficient for thy needs. How long, O My child, wilt thou go mourning in the earth as one with- out help when I am thy help? The darkness of the earth it is that overcometh thee, for the earth hath no light. I am the Light thereof, therefore must thou look unto Me. My light shineth even upon thine earth, but the earth hath no wisdom 48 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. in itself, but I give unto thee , even as I have already told thee, Wisdom in the beginning to light thee home to Me, Wisdom by which to find out who I am, who sent thee, and whom thou art whom I sent. Have I thy heart yet? If so, thou wilt soon know that thou and I are One, for thou wilt feel My pulse beat through all thy being. This will warm thee. When thou hast come to kno r w my pulse-beat, and when thou hast warmed thyself in this consciousness, all physical functions will act law- fully, controlled by My power thou hast invited to come and dwell with thee, where thou didst entertain fear that froze thy blood, because it whis- pered words against Me, thy Cre- ator. I require thy whole allegiance, thy ^//-worship. Trust Me utterly and none other, for I am all. Unto thee I have given My all, but it can THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 49 not avail thee until thou givest unto Me the power to rule in thy world. Thou wilt have thy way, because I gave thee a free will, but in time thou shalt learn that My Will is joy to thee and wilt gladly unite thy Will to Mine, to find this eternal joy and peace, My Joy and My Peace. Make haste, O My children ! Come to Me in the way I direct thee, for there is none other, for “ I am thy Wisdom.” 50 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Peace is power* When the winds blow do they not toss all movable things into confusion wherefrom it is not easy to bring order? Order is God’s Law. Order to exactness, to perfection, is required of the children of Per- fection. How art thou expressing order? O man, seek to answer, for thine own condition of progress may be de- termined by thine answer. If thou hast not done so, set thine house (mind) in order without de- lay, for to be out of order is to be out of harmony, is to be in confusion, and thou wilt find debris and fallen timber in thy way, that consumeth thy strength, even to look upon. Put thine house in order quickly. Depend upon the law. It alone can THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 51 extricate thee from the confusion of disorder. Depend upon it and all the tangled threads will straighten themselves. Leave thy confusion, leave thine es- tablished beliefs, thy false judgments, for thou canst not judge wisely until thou hast come unto Me and coun- seled in My secret chamber. O man, I Am Peace. I know no confusion, therefore I know thee not, until thou comest to Me and dost meet Me in Peace. I will hail thee there, for “ I Am the Prince of Peace,” and Mine, all-power. Come and know Me as I am. I cannot come to thee until thou first cometh to Me. Herein is the law, “seek and ye shall find.” Ye are seeking power, ye poor toil- ers of the earth. It is found alone in Peace. Swiftly it comes when I give it. I give to all who seek. My Law is order, as I have told thee. Have I not stretched out the U. OF ILL LIS. 52 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. earth before thee, and canopied it with My firmament, wherein I have set lights for thee, O man, to direct thy thoughts to Me? Is My Arm foreshortened? Have I not delivered thee from thy mother’s womb? and now thou resistest against Me. Knowest thou any other helper, any other deliverer? Even as I de- livered thee from the womb of thy mother, will I deliver thee from thy flesh darkness ; but thou must seek Me, for the womb of nature opens only at My command of “ Peace, be still.” Learn of Me to command silence in thy world, bring order out of chaos, even as has thy Creator. Speak My word of Peace. It is the password of My council chamber. Once entered there, thou shalt read the handwritings on its walls and understand their meaning, for they are their own interpreter. I, Wis- dom, am in them. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 53 I give thee Power. Wisdom is My name. When thou hast found the password call upon My name. I shall answer thy call, and thou shalt come to read with the clear eye of wisdom the cause of thy confusion, thy disorder. Fret no longer nor trouble the waters with the storms and winds of doubt, but find Me in thine own still center, My secret Hall of Learning, and be wise. 54 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Consider Love. Cease thy hating. By the law of thought thy hate of a thing draws it to thee and fastens it upon thee. Leave off hating anything. Fear nothing, for by the same law thou art bound, and a power thou canst not cope with will worst thee. Dwell in thoughts of Love, and thou hast bolted the door against hate. Thou hast made it of no-power against thee. And fear ! thou canst not then find her in thy heart, for “ Perfect Love casteth out fear.” Be wise, beware ! to be unwise, for “ God (Wisdom) is thy salvation.” Because ye are children of Peace, ye cannot bear that which is fretting. Thorns in thy flesh were easier to bear than the thorns in thy mind, thou canst not see but only feel the THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 55 pain. Because of thine inheritance , thou art fretted ; none hinders thine inheritance but thyself. Keep the law, and blessings in ceaseless flow are thine. Give up thy precious, worshiped sins ; repent and sin no more and thou shalt be at peace. Love is supreme power. 56 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. HU-6ood* Thou art close folded in All-Good. Thou shalt know this if only thou wilt take heed. Learn this : As thou wilt enumer- ate thy blessings they will increase. First seek them, then name them, then enjoy. Give up all thought except it be that which gives thee greatest joy. For joy brings joy by its own law. How canst thou be joyous when thou keepest joy out of thine heart? Let her in and be merry with her thy- self. Keep her good company and know no other. She will give thee sound flesh. Perceivest thou the wisdom of this provision ? A merciful Providence has written this law for thee. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 57 Mercy and justice are within it. Learn to love justice. She will lead thee aright and out of the pitfalls and mire of thine own environments. Thy feet are heavy with mire and dust, and they deceive thee with dead weight. Shake it off by an effort of thy will and be free. Thou art free-born and freedom be- longs to thee. Thou shalt gain it by following the law of right thinking. Keep this law in thy heart, for it leads to peace. Farewell, Watch and Pray. 58 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Baptism. Thou hast been baptized by lire and by water. Yet hast thou been baptized by the Holy Ghost? How do we know anything about the Holy Spirit? We do not truly know about any- thing until we begin to praise that thing. Why so? Because praise is the lan- guage of God, and no other language availeth anything. How then shall man praise the Holy Spirit? Begin thus : O, thou Blessed Pres- ence, thou Ever Presence, thou Helper ! Thou who art ever listening. Thou who art ever answering my slightest wish, I lose myself in Thee. Thou dost absorb me utterly, until Thy radiance shines out through all THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 59 my being. My self is immersed, is baptized in Thee, until I become indi- vidualized by Thy Power and able to stand in the consciousness that I lose my life to gain it. My life was pride. Pride ot many kinds, but all this is lost in Thee, O Blessed Presence ! My life was hate. It is lost in Thee, O Love ! Thou Blessed Pres- ence. My life was loss. It is lost in gain, in Thee, O Blessed Presence. My life was cruelty and revenge. It is lost in Thee ! And in Thy radiance I am made alive. I follow whither Thou leadest. I go whither Thou guidest. I speak as Thou doth direct. I am obedient unto Thy Will, for It is mine now. I have been baptized by the Holy Spirit ; self is known no more, for I am immersed in God, ajid praise Him with my whole being. 00 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. I let everything that is within me Praise His whole name. “I Am” that Blessed Presence and can be nothing else. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 61 praise* Praise is in thy heart, O man. Let it come forth, bid it come forth. It is the song of thy life, but thou wilt not hear it unless thou commandest it to flow forth. Let it out ! Listen to it ! It will lead thee in the right way and do work for thee while thou art lis- tening. It hath wings of power whereby to fulfill its sealed commission. Thy Father sent it forth with thee, to guide thee by its voice out of the dark- ness thou must pass through ere thou reachest the mount of transfiguration. Thou canst know that where it is heard, there is solid ground. Let it sing. Thou mayest call help- ing hands to thee by and through it, and know, O child of earth, that when thy word of Praise is spoken, thou hast joined thy voice to the 62 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. great Hallelujah around the Throne of Individualism ; the Hallelujah Om- nipotent that carries thee within the Great Circle of Power. Here thy helplessness is gone, so, too, has thy sorrow and despair, and the riches of heaven are thine instead. Power and Peace are thine and thou lackest nothing, and all this is got through Praise. Sing ! Sing ! Sing Praises to the most High ! He hears praise only. Praise, Praise. Let everything that is within thee praise His whole name. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 63 6od ts Hbove the Storms. All in all, above all and over all, God is. Man has lived in his own con- sciousness in a conflict of doubt and fear. Billows of distress and despair have beaten against him and mercilessly driven him on to a storm-tossed and desolate shore. The stranded soul, lifting itself to God, the Divine Spirit, eternal Energy, sweeping through space with resist- less force, is caught up by this Om- nipotent life and borne up above the rapids out of the reach of evil, into that pure life wherein there are no tides, no drafts, no rocks or shoals. Here far above the storms of mortal combat, conscious of the calm and rest of the All-Power, and ever- more being in and of this great Con- sciousness, this soul shall float care- 64 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. less, free, at peace upon the bosom of the Father. God is Light. Keep thine eye fixed, O child of earth, upon the Light, and neither the darkness, nor the billows, shall affright thee, for into thy being thou shalt draw such a power of immortality as shall redeem the world. Be still and know that I Am God, and all thy being shall be filled with light and life and immortality. Courage, courage, it is wings of Power. I Am thy provider of courage. Call upon Me with all earnestness and I will answer thee. Be still and I will speak to thee, for I am not far from thee, yea, within thy very being. I Am, for I Am All-Being. I Am thy Immortality. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 65 “ Goodness and Mercy Bind Cbec to the Infinite " £££ Riches and peace are her eternal rewards. The sorrows of mankind are but stepping stones to higher things. Thou seekest freedom ; it is with- in thine own nature, and obtained through the action of thine own mind. If thou didst but know the vast unexplored regions before thee, thou wouldst seek with diligence. Thou, O man, canst understand the gold of the earth hid in her being, because thou canst see it. Know, this is given to thee as a symbol, only of greater wealth in this unexplored country I speak of, and this wealth is of vastly more account, for it is power. Thou art master when thou shall win. 66 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Victory in this is not to the strong, but to the diligent. Love’s busy unseen hands are never idle for those who speak her favors. Kindle in thee a desire. Pursue it ; it is sure and swift. Thou hast not to fret, the way will be made plain before thee. In the Light of Wisdom thy feet are shod with success. Loneliness thou shalt not know, nor lack of helping hands to profit thee. It may be thou deemest this untrue, but take heed, it will profit thee. The fear that hast bound thee has brought with it its own impenetrable veil of darkness, and thy feet have slipped in the way thereof. Put thy mind on Deity, and Omnip- otence hath loaned thee Its power. Be true, be good. Seek no more than these. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 67 “ 'One. Cabertucle ts SCUtb Men.” Thou hast been entrusted, O man, with the Sacred Ark. Its sacredness makes thee sacred. Thou wilt not be destroyed while the Ark remains with thee, and as thy care of the sacred vessel is, thou art lifted by the magic of its power out of dangerous surroundings into greater and greater safety ; into perfect safety. Thou art looking elsewhere for safety, for thy Salvation, O child of earth. It can be found alone in the secret within the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle has been entrusted to thee. It has been named the sacred vessel. It is sealed with the seal of au- thority. Its name suggests the treasure with- in. Thou alone canst open the seal. 68 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. None hath power but thyself. I gave it thee. Thou keepest thine eyes fixed on earth and art terror-stricken, or bound by its fascinations (they are the same thing). Let loose thy thoughts and care alone for that which I gave thee, the “ sacred vessel.” As thou shalt fix thy thoughts on it, It will send out true tones from the secret hid within ; thou wilt learn to distinguish these tones in audible sounds. Sometimes they will flash only light upon thee, but later thou shalt read these waves of light, for Wisdom is written therein. I Am Wisdom and thou art my child. Seest thou that thou shalt read Me and know Me? I will not tell thee what is within the Tabernacle, that thou mayest find thyself. I have given thee the secret. This carried in thy heart will reveal unto thee all things contained therein. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 69 When thou hast carried it long enough in thy heart, the seal will open for thee. When thou hast opened the seal, thou art Master. Thou hast taken the third degree. Thou hast gained three points in the law of thine unfoldment. Each suc- ceeding one grows easier. Thou hast less to oppose, and less to overcome. I tell thee this to give thee courage, for ofttimes it hath failed thee. When thou forgettest thy Ark of God, the precious Tabernacle, it will always fail thee. I will tell thee more. All-power comes from within this sacred vessel. Hast thou ears to hear? Is thy mind fixed on that of which I have given thee charge, or art thou still filled with the confusion of sounds without? Peace be unto thee. I have chosen thee. I will say no more until I have thine ears and thine heart also. “ A wonderful gift God has given to thee.” 70 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Ltgbt of Low* O Light of Love, thou art the only lamp that guideth the soul to worlds on high. Seek thou the gift ; search diligently; thou wilt find it in low places as well as high, for God hath hid it in the grass of the fields, in the rushing waters, in the moonbeam’s rays, and in the searching heat of the summer sun. It is the power within thee. That which is hidden shall be re- vealed unto thee, thou who searchest after the truth. The earth, and the fullness thereof, conceals the deep secrets of infinite Love ; holds all things in her great mother-wisdom for the needs of suf- fering humanity, for the wealth of hu- manity, for the gladness of humanity. Lay thy heart close to hers, thou who wouldst solve the mysteries of THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 71 life, and thou shalt feel that the earth throbs and pulsates with thine own. It is not cold as it seems, but burns within, with thine own throbbing life. In the secret recesses of darkness God lives , forms and sends forth this mighty tide of eternal Life. Listen, O child of earth, whose ears are only just now opened and thou shalt hear that which is sweeter than music, yet unftilfilled prophecies of thine own unfolding life . Thou art not half awake. Let every soul sense be quickened within thee for the joys that are to come. Light and color and life thou shalt thyself know, and interpret with a new meaning. The city of thy habitation is near at hand. Her streets are paved with gold and jasper. The walls are of silver. The handwriting thereon is God’s. 72 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Thou needest wisdom to teach thee to read these truths. They are God’s secrets, but thou shalt read them well, thou diligent searcher. Knowest thou these walls are the walls of thine own heart, where the crystal stream of life flows in peace? The tides are all governed and con- trolled by the Father’s Will. Seek thou the will of the Father, for it contains the greatest good. This will is Wisdom. Thou art sole heir to it ! Seek thy source and claim it. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 73 Cbnst, the Mediator, £££ Knowest thou, O man, that I have sent My only begotten son to save thee, as fower to save thee ! My only begotten. My thought sped on its way to save thee, the Christ , whom thou shalt come to know as thy Redeemer from all evil. Thou art assailed by enemies from without ; thy defense is within. It is He whom I have sent with power and might. In this name shall ye become con- querors, mighty in power. Thou hast rated thyself too low. Thou art Mine, therefore worthy of My trust. Devote thyself now, there- fore, without delay unto Him whom I have sent. Let go the without ; it will profit thee nothing, and come and dwell with Me in peace and joy forever. 74 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. There is no anguish where I am. My Wisdom will flow into thee as thou thinkest on Him whom I have sent. He is My Son, and He will instruct thee, for I sent Him. Be meek and lowly, gentle and pas- sive as a child. Cause thy whole being, both mind and body, to be attentive, that He may, speaking unto thee, be heard by thee. He is the way by which thou com- est unto Me. He is the open door set for thee. Only the Christ can open eV, and none may close it for thee. Thou canst not open it thyself, O man, but thou must seek the Christ and ask of Him. Learn to know the Christ, whom I have sent. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 75 Cbe Church of Christ* £££ Woe unto thee, Chorazin ; thy sins are great ; they lead to death ! There is a power that will lead thee into everlasting life. The church hath no part in this power, save the Church of Christ. Gentle are her teachings and her ad- monitions true. The self-willed may enter in, but are conditioned. “ Meek and lowly ” is the require- ment. Into the mind of the self-willed no light can enter. The darkness of im- penetrable night shuts down about them. Only when the soul lifts itself up to God can the wisdom of God pierce the darkness and reach the child in its need ; and through this rift in the cloud shall be seen the clear blue of Heaven’s dome. 76 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Keep this promise in thy heart, thou child, who hast once seen the light and the blue of the heavens. Faint not should it become totally obscured again ; thou hast received the prom- ise ; it shall be fulfilled. If thou wilt hold to the promise alone, thou shalt never more be lonely ; for the blue of the heavens is the arch of the Father’s Love bending over thee. As thy life has been full of dark- ness, so shall thy day be full of light. Blue is the color of hope ; thou hast painted thine own sky by the living hope wdthin thee, and its azure is full of stars Thou shalt move at will among these worlds of light guided by the hand Divine. Love beckons thee on and bestows upon thee an immortal crown. Know- ing this, thou canst faint no more ; thy life is blessed. It w’as in the beginning ; but now THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 77 thou knowest it and sendest it back to the Father ; thine own swift conscious- ness, in which there is eternal rest for thee. What can I say to thee to assure thee of the Love that waiteth thy return to Him who sent thee forth? Thou hast no conception of it. Tears of joy that might flood thee could not even hint of it. Thy Father is Love : everlasting Love enfolds thee in His heart forever ! Thy Love, O God, will redeem the world. 78 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 44 Divine Low Owrcometb HU Hp- pearatice of Gvx\” Out from the father proceedeth the Wisdom that created all things, yea, even provided for all possible needs, and a supply for such. Even rebel- lion against Him, through lack of understanding of His Law, His Love covereth. The Law violated through ignor- ance froves the law, no less than does the keeping thereof. Lack of the sun’s rays upon the earth leaves her to cool upon her external, though her heart be on fire. This hints of the law of action upon action. When the sun shines again upon the earth’s surface steadily, the inner warmth springs forth into budding and blossoming beauty. It is a fixed law of the Eternal, O child, that it should be so. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 79 Look deeper, thoii child of the first resurrection, and observe the in- fluence of Love upon thy shivering brothers, the children of thy Father’s household. Smile upon thy brother in rags, and let thy smile be heaven’s own, won by thee from deep-rooted sorrow. Watch its effect, O man. Thy smile, won from selfish sorrow, is God’s electric current, and will penetrate to the heart of thy brother, will break the seal of the Tabernacle and let free the pent forces of the Divine Spirit, that shall water all his earth with the living water, and give food to the perishing multitude (fam- ishing thoughts), and they shall be fed, and the whole outer man has put on, even as the earth beneath the sun, a new appearance. I Am hath appointed this, and as My Love is understood and prac- ticed by My children, even the smallest act of giving, if from the heart, shall touch My heart, and My Love cover 80 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. with its radiance the external, until the internal (the Eternal) sends forth its Omnipotent power, to make all things seem new. Even to bring out My perfect idea in My children. Ye faithful workers in My vine- yard, ye shall inherit the kingdom. My vineyard is the great heart of humanity. Let no blood mark thy footsteps, but upspringing flowers, deep rooted in My heart of Love, whose fragrance is eternal. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 81 H Pint of Mastery* Man may be likened unto a ma- gician. The magician calls forth into appearance that which he chooses. Man has so called forth from the unknown, not that which his heart desired, but that which his thought chose to lay hold upon through ignor- ance of his own powers and possibili- ties, through ignorance of his rela- tion to that power which is ever waiting to serve him. He has limited his sight to the phys- ical sense, unconscious of the teeming abundance that waits his knowledge of the great spiritual forces found in the laboratory of the universal mind, of which he shall, in the time of his own denominating, become Master. In ignorance he but resists these forces divine, that seek only to serve him. In and through ignorance they 82 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. have been spent or misspent. In wis- dom they shall be gathered to fulfill the divine purpose, and continually minister to the vv^ants and needs of mankind. The secret of non-resistance shall be taught through nature. She al- ways seeks a way out of difficulties, but resists them not. Resist not, O ignorant man, for thou art resisting God. The tide of the eternal forces would sweep thee out. Mount high upon the billows of All-power, and ride in conscious safety. The Omnipotent beneath thee is also the Omnipotent above and around thee. Thou hast only to lean in trusting faith, conscious of safety, to become Master over every condition. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 83 TZbe Seal-Ring* Commence hero thy search for the deep meaning of the great lesson of Love. As mortal thou canst never fathom It. As immortal even on the earth plane, thou shalt be illumined with Its truth. It is limitless and bears fruit of many kinds. Its ripest fruit is per- fect peace. Thou hast great need of this knowl- edge. Even somewhat of it will clothe thee with an impregnable armor. It will shine round about thee, both above and below, into the darkness of many a foot-sore traveler’s night, and guide him to his Father’s house. Be not afraid to trust this Light. Thou art so timid concerning things thou dost not see with thy physical eyes. 84 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Have faith in the Holy Spirit. Trust more to-day than thou didst yesterday. Be not so easily attracted by the world of sense. Love more the silence of God. Love more the sacredness of thy closet. Feel more the peace of Infinite Love. Begin to-night a new search in this lighted way of the Father. It will robe thee with garments seamless. It will put sandals of wisdom on thy feet, and bind thee anew with the ring of divinity. Whosoever weareth this seal-ring goeth with divine authority. His work shall be well done ; he shall work the works of the Father. It is a great mystery to man, this divine plan, that there are no seams in it ; no lack anywhere. Count all things as naught, as worse than naught, that will hinder THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 85 thee in this deep search for the Wis- dom of the Divine Love. Divine Love gives forth one great, grand tone, whose vibrations all living things may catch and at last float upon the full tide of power that is Omnip- otence. Waste not an hour ; be diligent, be faithful, be steady-hearted, for the time is at hand when thy strength will not only be needed for thyself, but for others. Never deem thyself too weak or small or helpless to serve thy God. Thy Father needs thee, needs thy willing, thy fond service, and how- ever small it may seem to be, it fits perfectly the divine plan of the All- Wisdom Mind, and thou shalt come to see and know this hereafter. The peace and love of God abide with thee. 86 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Invocation. Oh! heavenly Peace, with pinions white, Roll back the darkness of this night ; And o’er the land by strife oppressed Pour thou the blessings of the blessed, Oh ! Power Omnipotent. Oh ! heavenly Peace, with pinions white, Dispel the darkness of this night; And let the power of God proclaim The mighty healing in His name, Oh ! Power Omnipotent. Oh ! heavenly Peace, with pinions white, Transmute the darkness of this night; And bring to all the minds of man The Wisdom only God’s name can, Oh! Power Omnipotent. Oh ! heavenly Peace, with pinions white, Roll back the darkness of this night; THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. •87 Let sweet content with blessings fraught, Set all grief’s power aside as naught, Oh ! Power Omnipotent ! Oh ! heavenly Peace, with pinions white, Dispel the darkness of this night ; Spread o’er the trembling, troubled world The banner of God’s Love unfurled, Oh ! Power Omnipotent. Oh ! heavenly Peace, with pinions white, Transmute the darkness of this night ; Let all the earth in silence sleep Beneath the watch that God doth keep, Oh! Power Omnipotent. 88 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Mahatma. A verse thou’st asked of me, my friend, A birthday verse, of words that have no end It needs must be, for years ago they Named thee India, looking to the Hast When time was young with thee, And all thy baby joys were new, And pain thou hadst not known, And in the house of darkness Thou wert but a stranger then. Into this house of flesh, by day And day thou wert allured. This house that had not known the light, Where horrid cries of pain, Distress and death are heard, Where, alternate burns the lamp Of joy and sorrow, until That day the soul cries out for light, And it is born again. THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 89 Say, which keepest thou of days The two, thy day of birth, to-day? If thou hast heard the Master’s voice, The voice of Him who dwellest On famed Himmaleh’s heights, Then it is thy soul’s birthday, And that day in verse I keep And write for thee. Poor verse it may be, But he who of the Master writes, The Master knows sends forth Some word of light into the opening Heart and soul, that shall be Understood, and goeth on through Thee, through measureless eternity. Mahatma dwells within ! O mighty One ! I come to Thee ! Himmaleh’s silence is my own. Within my being hid, the life Man measures into days, As the clerk measures into yards His splendid goods. 90 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. So I must come to thee, Mahatma, And learn to live, and weave, Before I measure out the finest thread, That forms this precious web Of God’s enduring pattern, This shining cloth of gold. And here I learn to love to live That fine spun thread — the Word — Spun from wheel of His, who Set the lights on high. That I must find, and spin again Into other lives, where’er I may. For they, the tender words of love, Will touch, retouch the cheek with beauty, When from the innermost they flash With fervent heat, and altar fires anew Be kindled within the heart grown Cold by draughts of time. O joy ! I come to thee, Mahatma, Master, Ford of heaven and earth, My Lord. I come from all the days Of weary searching, to learn That not Atlantis buried deep, Egyptian Monolyth or Syrian verse, THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. 91 Or Chaldean law, neither In Thibet’s ancient Wisdom-Halls Shall all the law be writ of birth And death, and other deaths That coming bring forth life. But at the Master’s feet all those Who would, may learn that Ere time was “ I Am,” and shall be When time shall be no more. ’Tis here we learn, through many Stages, Seven must be, That finite in the Infinite is lost As days are lost in years ; That neither days nor years have Birth within the fadeless, changeless One, But the lost “ Word ” in Man is found In God, eternity of wisdom, Eternity of Love. And here Mahatma says, the three Are One, and ever were, Have been, shall be Through all eternity. That One, in all, and all in One. Alpha and Omega One. 92 THE VOICE IN THE SILENCE. Now, is thy day of birth From death of error’s darkness Into changeless light, Immortal life. This is thy birthday, friend ; The day that hast no end, the now Mahatma’s birth for thee When Wisdom’s One embraces three. The three in One, the One in thee. “ HELPS,” Sarah Wilder Pratt, Price , 10 Cents , Is just what it is named, and for daily needs. “A gem I keep in my pocket to read out under our great live oaks,” writes a South- ern gentleman. “A comfort to me in many an hour of need,” writes an Eastern woman. “ I have it all memorized and in my heart,” writes a blind man. “ My grateful thanks,” writes a woman from St. Paul, and like words pour in from every quarter. This book may be procured of the author, .Sarah Wilder Pratt, No. 2919 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111., or The F. M. Harley Publishing Co., No. 87 Washington Street, Chicago, 111. TIM’S FAIRY TALES, BY Sarah Wilder Pratt. Cloth , 50 Cents . Xritcr-Occan : It is a delightful little story. If every boy and girl hears such voices and such truths it will be well to profit by them, whether they are fairies or not. Q Q Q Che Graphic: It was a pretty conceit, too, to make the butter- fly— that ancient symbol of the Soul— the fairy that was Tim’s most constant companion, and to teach him that it was the voice of God, as when is not the voice of the Soul. . . . One beauty of this little volume is the extreme sim- plicity with which the story is told . . . yet alwaj's preserving a faultless literary style. Record arid Hppeal One of the most charming stories ever written for the little children, and full of lessons for the grown-up ones, too. Read what this little deformed boy did by the use of the magic words “ I can, I will.” Union Signal: Thoroughly original, altogether out of the common order of fairy tales. ^ Q Q Religio-philosopbical journal : Tim’s Fairy Tales by one of Chicago’s literary women. . . . This volume in its thought and outward appearance is a credit to both author and publisher. This book may be procured of the author, Sarah Wilder Pratt, No. 2919 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111., or The F. M. Harley Publishing Co., No. 87 Washington Street, Chicago, 111. ■ : r?-; !■ v k-y " \ ryrc r- 'to.' ■ . ■ ax .i'J lo um> cu dncipupL Ip Vci trr. jasxbjiiito u i ; : ? ' • ,r -‘ t< * 'Miiw I ,a . 1 '* * Cv *•© ' i X * 1 - 1 -> ■ > -fr ' > ■ . f •' '.'X . : ■ ' •: ‘ '■ Vi r