(oZl. 3S3 £"w 5cL DESCBIPTION SIR WILLIAM THOMSON’S SIPHON RECORDER, AND THOMSON AND JENKIN’S AUTOMATIC CURB SENDER. WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR THEIR USE. BY JAMES ALFRED EWING. EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY NEILL AND COMPANY. 1876 . Digitized by the .Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/descriptionofsirOOewin % F U u%1. V6 2> £ vs/ 5 (A. THE SIPHON RECORDER AND T* AUTOMATIC CURB SENDER. THE SIPHON RECOKDER* § 1. Preliminary.— The siphon recorder is an instrument for recording on a moving paper ribbon the right and left movements of a pointer acted upon by the successive positive and negative currents which go to make up telegraphic signals. Its extreme sensitiveness makes it especially suitable for recording the signals received through long submarine lines. A coil of fine insulated wire is delicately suspended between the two poles of a powerful electro-magnet, so as to be capable of moving round a vertical axis, and the current from the cable is made to pass through this coil. When a current is passing through the coil it tends to take up a certain position relatively to the poles of the magnet, namely, the position in which the plane of the coil is perpendicular to the line joining the two poles of the magnet. But the coil is suspended so as to hang (when no current is passing) in a position at right angles to this position. Hence, when a current passes, the coil tends to turn round a vertical axis. If the current is positive, the coil turns round (say) in the direction of the hands of a watch, but if the current is negative, the coil turns round in the reverse direction. Hanging from the coil are two weights which resist the tendency to turn round caused by the passage of a current through the coil, and * A considerable part of what follows relating to the Siphon Recorder has been taken, with little alteration, from Mr J. C. Cuff’s pamphlet on that instrument, printed in 1873. The description of the recorder and the directions for its use have been enlarged, and now include all the recent improvements. 4 which serve to bring the coil back to its original position when the current ceases. By means of a system of silk fibres, the motion of the coil is communicated to a pointer which consists of a very fine glass siphon, one end of which dips into an ink holder, while the other vibrates across a paper ribbon in obedience to the movements of the suspended coil. The paper ribbon is made to move past the end of the siphon at a uniform rate. In order to make the ink run through the siphon, the ink is electrified, and the paper ribbon is connected to earth through the framework of the instrument. The ink and paper consequently attract each other, and the ink is spurted out of the end of the siphon on to the paper in a succession of very fine drops. These drops form a continuous straight line along the centre of the paper so long as no current passes through the coil, but when the coil is deflected by the passage of a current, the end of the siphon is deflected with it, and traces a wavy line on the paper, showing the successive deflections to the right or the left of the central position. The electrification of the ink is effected by means of an electro¬ static induction machine called the mouse mill, which is driven either by clockwork or by an electro-magnetic arrangement. The same driving power serves to draw along the paper ribbon past the end of the siphon. § 2. General Description. —Figs. 1 and 2 show the front and side views respectively of a complete siphon recorder, in which the mouse mill is driven by an electro-magnetic arrange¬ ment. Figs. 3 and 4 show on a larger scale the suspension of the coil and siphon. A A A are three stout wooden pillars which support the framework of the instrument. B is the mouse mill, which is driven by an electro-magnet inside the box D. E (fig. 1) is one of the terminals of the coil of this magnet, and imme¬ diately behind E is the other terminal. The drawer F contains lumps of pumice stone moistened with sulphuric acid, by which the atmosphere inside the mouse mill is kept dry. The electri¬ city generated by the revolution of the mouse mill is conducted to the brass rod P and is communicated from the point of P to the plate 0 by convection of the air. The plate 0 is in connec¬ tion with the ink holder K, but K is insulated from the rest of the instrument by the vulcanite rod L. The electrification of K causes the ink to flow through the siphon t on to the paper which passes along in front of the plate c. The motion of the mouse mill is communicated to the paper drum cl by means of the hanging shaft J J, which has a large 6 wooden pulley at one end, and a lead counterpoise with a series of brass pulleys at the other. A cord passes round a pulley at the back of the mouse mill, and round the wooden pulley at the back of the hanging shaft; another cord passes round one or other 7 of the brass pulleys at the front of the hanging shaft, and round the pulley I, which is on the same axis as the paper drum d. M M are the electro-magnets, between the poles of which hangs the signal coil S. They lie on the semicylinders of iron 1ST 1ST, which form at once the bed and armature of the electro-magnets M M. The electrodes of the local battery, which is used to keep the electro-magnets active, are attached to the terminals V x and U 3 , and a wire from the middle of the battery is attached to U 2 . By means of the switch V, full, intermediate, or no battery power may be applied to the electro-magnets M M (see § 7.) The con¬ tacts with the ends of the coils of the electro-magnets M M are made by the springs Y v Y 2 , Y 3 (see § 12.) T x and T 2 are terminals connected to the ends of the signal coil S. A quadrant slide connected to T 2 enables a shunt to be inserted, so as to lessen the amount of current passing through the coiL W is a small drawer for holding tools, spare siphons, &c. § 3. Motion of the Paper Bibbon. —The paper enters from the right hand side, and is passed under the spring a to keep it stretched. Then over the roller b, whence it passes over a slightly curved guide plate c vertically downwards past the point of the siphon t, till it reaches the driving drum d. It passes a quarter round this drum, and is discharged horizontally to the left. It is pressed upwards against the lower edge of the driving drum d by the roller e. This roller is pressed up against the driving drum by its bearings, these being attached to a brass frame which is pivotted on a stout horizontal pin g. A lever projecting to the right is pulled down by a spiral spring, so that the roller e may be pressed up against the driving drum, and so may grip the paper.. This spring has its lower end drawn down by a crank which is turned by the small handle /. The whole stage carrying the paper rollers, &c., is supported on a triangular plate G G, which can be made to move backwards or forwards only, and which is secured in any position by the screw H. The speed of the paper is varied by shifting the cord in front from one to another of the brass pulleys on the shaft J J,—to a larger pulley if the speed is to be increased, or to a smaller pulley if the speed is to be diminished. The ends of the shaft J J press lightly against two vertical guiding cheeks. The cords have to be of such lengths that the ends of the shaft do not rest on the bottom of the guides,, 8 and that the wooden pulley does not rub against any part of the IV 9 knot, which is apt to draw. A small variation in the length of either hand does no harm. Fig. 5. § 4. Suspension of the* Signal Coil and Siphon. —The signal coil and the siphon are arranged upon a framework, a side view of which is shown in fig. 3. Fig. 4. shows a front view of the suspension of the coil. The whole framework is secured in its place between the electro-magnets by the clamping screw C at the back. The coil S is suspended by a silk thread passing over the pulley r. The position of r can he varied by releasing the clamp w. Inside the coil is a stationary piece of soft iron s s, the object of which is to increase the intensity of the magnetic field in which the coil hangs. Two weights hang from the coil, and can slide up and down the guides z. The cords by which these weights hang pass behind a bridge x, whose distance from the coil can be altered by releasing the screw y* jp and q are the terminals of the coil to which wires inside the instrument leading to T 2 and T 2 are fastened. At the right hand top corner of the coil a fine silk fibre v is attached, which leads to a point near the end of a small vertical lever u called the multiplier. Near the top of u another fibre is attached, which leads to t, a projecting point on the left hand side of an aluminum cradle which carries the siphon. This aluminum cradle is fixed to a cross wire on the bridge i i ; by turning the screw l (fig. 1) torsion can be put on this wire. At the hack of the signal coil, and just behind the point of attachment of the fibre v, is another fibre, the other end of which is attached to a spring at o (fig. 3), the position of which can be altered by turning the screw n. By turning n outwards a greater strain is put on the fibre leading from o to the signal coil, and by turning n inwards the strain is lessened. The bridge i i which carries the siphon is secured to the plate m m by * See also Appendix A. 10 the screw j, and is capable of being moved backwards or forwards when j is loosened. By pressing the plate m m up gently, the plate, and with it the bridge carrying the siphon, can be lifted so that the siphon rises out of the inkholder. The groove in the piece of metal between L and m constrains the plate m to rise in such a path that the fibres leading to the coil are not strained by the raising of the plate. K is the ink box into which one end of the siphon dips. § 5. The Mouse Mill.— The mouse mill is at once an electro¬ magnetic engine and an electrostatic induction machine. The electro-magnetic arrangements are as follows :—In the box D is a horse-shoe electro-magnet. In the glass case above are ten revolving armatures, which pass the poles of the magnet at the lowest point of their revolution. On the shaft which carries the armatures, and revolving with it, is a cam, which is a ten-sided polygon. (This cam is at the back of the mill, and is not shown in the figure.) On the edge of this cam a contact spring rests, and as the corners of the cam pass under the contact spring they raise it, and so break contact between it and a stop underneath it. When the middle portion of the straight edges of the cam passes, the spring drops and contact is made. This contact determines the passage of the current from a powerful local battery through the coils of the electro-magnet in the box D. The cam is so set that, when the mill revolves, each successive armature is attracted by the electro-magnet so long as the armature is approaching the magnet, but when the armature passes the poles of the magnet contact is broken and the attraction ceases. This makes the axle carrying the armatures revolve. To diminish friction as much as possible, the ends of the axle are pivoted on the edges of friction wheels, which work in cups filled with oil. By means of the quadrant slide X (fig. 2) at the back, extra resistance can be introduced into the circuit of the electro-magnet; this lessens the strength of the current passing through the coils of the magnet, and thus reduces the speed of the mill. The lowest stud of the slide corresponds to the highest speed. The electrostatic arrangements in the mouse mill will be under¬ stood by reference to fig. 6. On the revolving axle are fixed ten metal carriers ( c,.c , &c.), insulated from the axle and from each other. They revolve inside two metal plates, I and T, bent so as 11 to form parts of cylinders (called the inductors), one of which, I', is in contact with the framework of the instrument, and so to earth ; the other, I, is insulated and connected to the rod P (fig. 2). Attached to the carriers and in electrical contact with them are ten pins, which, as they revolve, touch successively the four contact springs a , b, a' and V. The inductors and the springs are fixed ; the carriers and the contact pins revolve. The spring a is connected to the inductor I, a is connected to I'; b and V are connected together, but are insulated from the framework. Suppose that the inductor I is in a state of very feeble (say) positive charge to begin with, and that the carriers are set revolv¬ ing. The two opposite carriers c and c' are in contact with eacli other while the pins connected to them are passing the springs b and V. During this time, the positive charge on I induces a separation of electricities on c and c', attracting a negative charge to c, and driving off positive electricity to c\ As c and c' revolve, c comes in contact with a!, and its negative charge flows to earth ; c comes in contact with a, and its positive charge goes to increase the previously existing positive charge on the inductor I. This has the effect of increasing the inductive action of I on the succeeding carriers. Thus not only does the charge on I go on increasing, but the rate of its increase goes on increasing too. The action will take place if the potential of the inductor I differs 12 ever so little from that of the inductor T. If I were negative relatively to T to begin with, then a negative charge would accumulate on I. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to reduce I and I' so exactly to the same potential as to prevent I from getting highly charged after a few turns of the mill. The carriers and inductors are coated with paraffin wax to prevent sparks from passing across the air space between them. § 6. The Local Batteries. —The batteries employed to keep the electro-magnets M M and that in the mouse mill active are modifications of Daniell’s battery, designed so as to have very little internal resistance, and are called Tray cells. They consist of large fiat wooden trays, lined with lead to make them watertight, and having for the positive metal a sheet of thin copper in the bottom of the tray. In the four corners of the tray four stoneware props are placed, and on the top of them rests a zinc grating which forms the negative metal. The tray is filled up with a solution of sulphate of zinc, and sulphate of copper crystals are dropped in on the bottom plate. The zinc is surrounded with a sheet of stout parchment paper to prevent the diffusion of the sulphate of copper solution from producing copper deposits on the zinc plate. The trays are connected to each other by being piled one on the top of another, so that the copper of one is connected to the zinc of the one below it, by contact of the lead sheathing of the upper one with the four corners of the zinc plate below on which it rests. The advantage of this form of cell is its extremely low internal resistance. It requires constant attention to keep it in efficient order. (See § 8.) § 7. Directions for Setting up the Batteries.— Each of the lead trays must first be carefully coated with varnish, over the bottom and sides and edges. Spirit varnish made with shellac or ordinary varnish will do very well. Care should be taken not to varnish over the strip of copper which is soldered to the bottom of each tray. The under surface of each thin copper plate is also to be varnished. When the varnish is dry, place the sheet of copper in the tray with the varnished side down, and, cutting a slit in the centre of the copper sheet, bring through the strip of copper which is soldered to the bottom of the tray; bend the strip and spring it so that its end presses firmly against the upper sur- 13 face of the copper plate, taking care that both are scraped clean at the place where they touch. Each lead tray should have a stout copper wire soldered to it } projecting about three inches from one corner. Each zinc is to be protected by a square of parchment paper bent round below it, and folded neatly at the corners and fixed with sealing wax.* Care must be taken that the edge of the paper be generally f inch (and in no place less than £ inch) above the upper level of the bars of the zinc grating. It must be bound firmly to the zinc by twine passing under the parchment paper and tied over the zinc above ; also by a long piece of twine several times round the square. To support a pile of trays, take four blocks of wood or stone, each four or five inches square in horizontal dimensions and of any convenient height, and place them on the floor in positions to bear the four corners of a tray. The pile must be so placed as to give ready access to each of its sides. Put a piece of thick sheet gutta-percha, six inches square, on the top of each of the wooden squares, and then lay down the first tray upon them, seeing that it is properly levelled. This is most easily done by pouring a small quantity of water into the cell, and seeing whether it lies evenly over the bottom. Put four stoneware blocks, each about 1\ inch cube, in the corners of the tray, on the top of the copper sheet, and put one of the zinc gratings resting with its four corners on these props. Put a solution of sulphate of zinc of specific gravity about IT into the tray,-f* pouring in first between the edge of the tray and the parchment paper, and afterwards filling up to the level of the top of the zinc grating by pouring some of the solution directly on the zinc over the paper. See that the top corners of the zinc, and the bottom corners of the tray to rest upon it, are all properly tinned, scraped clean, and dry. Place a * Press the paper against the zinc between finger and thumb on each side of the corner, and draw the bight or bend of the paper diagonally away from the corner ; then fold the bight round the vertical corner of the zinc, and press it against the fiat zinc surface on one side or other of the corner. Secure with sealing wax in the bight, and where one side of it is pressed against the paper on the vertical zinc surface. Then tie the paper round carefully with cord in the manner described in the text. t This solution may be prepared by mixing 1 part by weight of the salt to 5 parts of water, or 2 lb. of salt to 1 gallon of water. See the table given in Appendix 11. 14 lead tray resting with its four corners on the upper projecting corners of the zinc. Place four stoneware props in the corners of this second tray, put a second zinc upon them, and fill with solu¬ tion as before. Proceed thus until a pile of from six to ten trays, one over the other, is made and filled with liquid. Solder a stout copper wire to one of the corners of the top zinc, to serve as an electrode. In the same way make as many piles as are required. Leave a space at least one foot broad between each pile and its neighbour. Connect the piles in series, the top zinc of one pile to the lowest lead tray of the next one. The crystals of sulphate of copper to be used should be broken into small pieces, and weighed out in quantities of an ounce each. To put the battery in action drop in four ounces to each cell; one ounce separately on each side, distributing it as equally as may be along the space between the stoneware props. In putting in the crystals be careful not to let any fall inside the parchment paper, or in contact with the zinc. As soon as the sulphate of copper is put in, the battery should be allowed to work, either on short circuit or on the circuit which it is intended for. From three to six cells are required to drive the mouse mill. The number to be applied to the magnets M M varies with the circumstances of the case; it may be anything from one to twenty, or even more. Separate sets of cells should be used for the magnets and for the mill. If the same set is used for both,— that is to say, if the coils of the magnets are to be looked on as a shunt applied to the battery which is driving the mill (or vice versa ),—then the whole number of cells in use should be applied to each circuit. The practice of using part of the battery em¬ ployed to work the magnets to work the mill also, is very objec¬ tionable. A wire from the zinc pole of the pile or piles intended for the magnets comes to the terminal (fig. 2), from the copper pole to U 3 , and a wire from an intermediate tray in the series to U 2 . This gives the means of applying full or intermediate battery power to the magnets by means of the switch Y. § 8. Maintenance of the Batteries. —When the tray cells are in use, the sulphate of copper is decomposed, copper is deposited on the copper plate, and the zinc plate is consumed; sulphate of zinc is formed, which strengthens the solution at the top of the cells. It is therefore necessary to supply more crystals of 15 sulphate of copper, and also to draw off the sulphate of zinc solu-* tion from the top of the cell when it becomes too dense, and to supply its place with fresh water. When a cell is in constant use, it is desirable to draw off a little of the liquid daily. The drawing off is effected by means of a siphon, the shorter end of which is dipped into the cell between the edge of the tray and the zinc plate so as to be just below the lowest level of the zinc, while the longer end stands out over a convenient vessel to receive the liquid. Water is to be poured into the space above the zinc grating by means of a funnel ending in a bent tube. The specific gravity should be frequently tested by a hydrometer or by specific gravity beads, and the quantity drawn off should be regulated so as to keep the specific gravity of the liquid (taken from near the surface of the cell) at about F24, or not greater than 1*3, and not less than IT2. Fresh crystals of sulphate of copper are to be dropped in along the four sides of the cell, one ounce at a time along each side. It is easy to see when fresh sulphate is required by observing when the blue colour of the liquid at the bottom of the cell disappears. When cells are in active use they generally require new sulphate almost daily. A cell, or pile of cells, should never be left out of use for any length of time with crystals or blue solution in it; before being left it should always be short- circuited until the liquid becomes clear and colourless. If suffi¬ cient care is not taken to remove the sulphate of zinc solution as it becomes too dense, crystals of sulphate of zinc will accumulate round the edges of the cell. These ought to be scraped off. When the batteries are not properly attended to, these crystals will often accumulate in such quantities as to connect the zinc tray to the lead casing, and so to short-circuit the cell. The battery should be frequently tested in the manner described farther on (§§ 15, 16, and 17). § 9. Adjustment of the Mouse Mill.— If the Mill does not run fast enough. — 1st, Alter the quadrant slide X (fig. 2) if not already on the stud of highest speed ; 2 d, Look well to the adjustment of the contact-breaking spring at the back. 3 d, See that the cups are well supplied with oil in which the friction rollers work that bear the ends of the main shaft; 4:th, If it still goes too slowly more battery power must be employed. The electro-magnetic contact breaker at the back consists of 16 two platinum points, one of which is fixed, whilst the other is carried up and down by a steel spring which is raised at intervals by the cam. If these platinum points are separated too much, the electro-magnet will not act on each carrier in succession so long a time as it ought, and diminished efficiency is the result. Again, if the points remain in contact too long, the electro¬ magnet will continue to act on each carrier after it has passed its poles, and thus tend powerfully to retard its progress. Hence the adjustment of this spring, by turning the screw which raises or depresses the lower contact, is most important; but when once set right it will remain so for a long time. If the ink is insufficiently electrified when the mill is running properly, and generating electricity—1 st, Alter the distance of the rod P from the plate 0. Generally about two or three inches is found to be the best distance; but this depends on the state of the atmosphere, &c.; 2 d, See that the insulation is nowhere impaired by dust. If the silk fibre attached to the siphon has any dust upon it, a camel’s hair brush or feather will remove it. The vulcanite rod L, in particular, must be kept free from dust, and also the metal work near it. It is sometimes necessary to clean the vulcanite rod L by washing it with warm water and a little soap, and then drying it carefully.* The paraffin tube, which insulates the rod leading from the insulated inductor to the rod P, will also require occasional cleaning. When the mouse mill fails to generate electricity , although other¬ wise running well, it will be necessary--ls£, To take off the top and carefully remove the insulated inductor, and see that its insulation and that of the carriers is perfect; 2 d, Make sure that the four springs make contact properly with the brass pins as they come round in succession. Every provision is made for the adjustment of these springs, or for the insertion of new ones, which is easily effected. Several sets of spare electro-static springs, and one spare electro-magnetic contact spring for the driving circuit are sent with each instrument; 3d, Supply the drawer F with sulphuric acid by pouring a few drops on each piece of pumice. The strongest commercial sulphuric acid should * When other means of getting L to insulate properly fail, it should be painted with varnish, prepared by dissolving sealing wax in warm spirit. This varnish should be laid on while hot. 17 be employed for this purpose, and should be prepared by boiling it for half an hour in a Florence flask along with a little sand to facilitate ebullition, and a few crystals of sulphate of ammonia. The flask should be supported by a retort stand over a spirit lamp or other convenient source of heat, beneath which is placed a pan of cold ashes or other arrangement to prevent any injury being done in case the flask breaks.* If too much electricity is generated, the siphon will not mark well, and will sometimes vibrate laterally unless some is drawn off by a pointer in connection with the outside of the case and directed towards the rod P. If the instrument is not pro¬ vided with such a pointer the want can be easily supplied by attaching a piece of wire about 6 inches long to the screw handle of the drawer F. The lateral vibration of the siphon may be further prevented by enclosing the paper (while running) in a box containing aqueous vapour, or (when necessary) by using prepared paper. The paper may be prepared by soaking it in a solution of two parts of nitrate of ammonia in 100 parts of water, and then drying and re-rolling it. This salt, being deliquescent, keeps the paper slightly damp by absorbing moisture from the atmosphere, and by thus increasing the conducting power of the paper, prevents the lateral vibrations of the siphon. If sparks are seen passing between the inductors and carriers at any place, they will be due to a defect in the coating of paraffin wax. Such a defect can be easily repaired by a little hot melted paraffin laid on with a brush. If sparks are seen at the contact of the revolving cam at the back and the spring which rests on it, they will be due to a defect of insulation of the battery wire or electro-magnet coil, which ought to be remedied without delay. § 10. Adjustment of tiie Taper.— To release the paper, turn the handle / in a direction opposite to the motion of the hands of a watch. Thus the roller e is allowed to fall about an eighth of an inch, and the paper is quite free, so that it may be slipped out with ease, and, though the driving drum d revolves, the paper is * A good plan of keeping the mouse mill dry, in a cold and damp climate, is to take out the drawer F, and put in its place a coil, or bend of lead tube, through which a current of hot water or steam is kept passing from a small tin boiler, kept hot by a gas jet or by the llamc of a candle. It 13 not drawn along. To clutch the paper against the driving drum, turn the handle f in the reverse direction. To regulate the distance of the paper from the point of the siphon, turn the milled head h. To bring the line made by the siphon to the middle of the paper, loosen the clamping screw H, when the whole paper stage G G can be easily moved backwards or forwards to the desired position. To make the paper run evenly between the rollers d and e, turn the small screw k, which will either elevate or depress the nearer end of the roller b until all works true. To alter the speed of the paper, shift the band in front from one pulley to another. If necessary, alter the speed of the mill. § 11. Adjustment of the Siphon and Signal Coil.— A large number of fine glass tubes for siphons is provided with each instrument.* The siphons are made from them as follows :—Take one of the small pieces of tube and present it to the heated atmosphere surrounding any small flame, such as that of a match, in a convenient position to allow one part to drop by its own weight when the tube softens. The tube should be brought into contact with the lower, not the upper, edge of the flame. It can thus be bent into the proper shape, the long limb being about two and a half inches in length. The point should be bent so as to make an angle of about 130° with the longer limb. Figure 7 shews a properly made siphon, drawn to full size. In making the siphon care must be taken that the bends are not over-heated, so as to cause the tube to collapse and diminish its bore. Any narrowness in the bore at the bends is easily detected by filling the siphon vfith ink. "When an ordi- * Should these prepared tubes not he at hand, they can be easily made thus :— Take a piece ol soft glass tube, about one quarter of an inch in diameter, the thickness of its wall being about one-sixth of the whole diameter. Soften about one iDch near the middle in an ordinary gas flame, or, better still, over a Bunsen burner, slowly turning it round the whole time. When sufficiently softened, remove it from the flame and pull the ends apart until the tube is so drawn out that it is of the desired diameter. Break the flue tube thus produced into pieces about four inches long. 19 narily fine siphon is used, the ends may be broken by the fingers or otherwise, so as to be of the proper length. On short circuits, where great sensitiveness is not required, a thick siphon may be used, and the ink can be made to run well without electrification. In this case the point of the siphon should be nicked with a glass-cutter’s knife, when it will break off flush. It may then be ground parallel to the paper on a small corundum grindstone, and welted by being held for an instant in a flame, so as to pro¬ duce a perfectly smooth point. The siphon is readily secured in position, on the aluminium cradle which carries it, by a little bees’-wax. To attach or remove a siphon, raise the piece m m (fig. 3) which carries the siphon bridge i i, and is so guided by the curved V groove above as not to disturb the signal coil. When the siphon is clear of the ink bottle, apply a hot wire to the back of the aluminum cradle; this will melt the wax, and the new siphon can at once be stuck on or the old one removed. To adjust the siphon relatively to the signal coil. — 1st , The signal coil must hang freely and evenly about the soft iron magnetic inductor s s (fig. 4), and must not touch it at any point. 2 d, All the fibres must be sufficiently strained. 3d, The normal position of the siphon must be vertical. To effect the first of these adjustments, the coil is raised or lowered by turning the screw r with a square-pointed key. It is moved backwards, forwards, to the right, or to the left, by easing the screw w, shifting as desired, and then reclamping. To attain the second of the above conditions in connection with the first, the three screws n,j, and l (figs. 1 and 3), must be manipulated. By loosening j and sliding the bridge i i backwards or forwards, the first approximation is obtained. Then the screws n and l must each be turned so that the steel spring connected with n, and the torsional elasticity of the wire attached to l may re-act on each other, so as to make the signal coil hang in a line with the poles of the magnet. Lastly, to make the siphon hang vertically, the screw j will probably require to be undone, the bridge i i slightly shifted, and another touch given to l. This last adjustment is the only one required in general use. 20 See that the siphon does not stick on account of the shorter end being too long, and touching the bottom of the ink box. The most suitable ink for the recorder is the best soluble aniline blue. Put as much of the crystals as will stand on the small blade of a pen knife into a 3 or 4 oz. bottle of water, and shake them up, and you- will immediately have a perfectly fluid ink of a deep blue colour. This ink is superior to any ordinary kind, because it does not thicken or precipitate, and, in the form of crystals, is far more portable. § 12. General Directions. —The size of the signals may be varied by means of the shunt attached to T 2 (fig. 2). The sensitiveness of the instrument may be increased in several ways:— 1st, By altering the contact springs of the electro-magnets. When the contact springs are arranged as shewn in Figs. 1 and 2, the magnet coils are connected up in series. If the spring Y A be shifted over to the stud Z, the spring Y 3 remaining dis¬ connected, the right hand coil only is in circuit. This gives a low degree of sensibility. But if, when Y A is connected to Z, the spring Y 3 be put upon the stud to the left on which Y 2 is shown as resting in fig. 2, then both coils are in circuit, and are joined up in multiple arc. Except with a battery of exceptionally high resistance, the last arrangement is the most sensitive of all three. Each of the coils has a resistance of about 8 ohms; con¬ sequently, when the first arrangement is adopted, the total resist¬ ance is 16 ohms; with the second arrangement, 8 ohms ; and with the third arrangement, 4 ohms. 2d, The sensibility of the instrument may be increased by lowering the bridge x, fig. 3 (by loosening the clamp y ), so as to lengthen the distance between it and the signal coil. 3 d, By using light weights. The only limit to this is that the weights must be sufficiently heavy to bring the coil (after being deflected) back to its normal position so quickly as to leave no sensible interval between the cessation of the current and the corresponding return of the coil. Since the first introduction of the recorder it has been found that the weights may be much lightened. Weights of seven-eighths of an ounce each are found to give sufficient directive force. 4 tli, The sensibility may be greatly increased by bringing the 21 two cords by which the weights hang from the coil close together. The closer these threads are to one another the less will be the directive force on the coil, and the greater will be the sensibility. A good plan of bringing them very close together is to tie a thread round them just below their points of attachment to the coil. They may thus be brought so near each other as to touch. They should then be brought equally close to one another where they press on the bridge x, so that they may hang parallel between the coil and the bridge. This mode of increasing the sensibility of the instrument is recommended in preference to the 3 cl method given above, because when the weights are much lightened the stability of the coil is lessened, and it is liable to be affected by any un¬ steadiness of the instrument or of the table; while by bringing together the suspending cords of the weights, the directive force may be reduced to any extent without taking away from the stability of the coil. 5th, The leverage of the multiplier u can be increased by lowering the point of attachment of the fibre leading to the coil, or by raising the point of attachment of the fibre leading to the siphon. On short circuits the multiplier u can be dispensed with, and the coil connected directly to the siphon by a single fibre. The multiplier is removed by taking out the two screws (shown in fig. 4, just below w) which secure the frame which carries the multiplier. When the instrument is to be out of use for (say) some hours, the batteiy should be disconnected from the electro-magnets by turning the switch V. The mouse mill should be stopped by turning X (fig..2) down so as not to touch any of the studs. The siphon should be lifted out of the ink bottle by raising m m, and the ink should be sucked out of the siphon so as to prevent it from drying in the siphon and causing it to clog. When the siphon is being sucked care must be taken not to strain the fibres. When the instrument is to be out of use for a shorter time, the cord which drives the paper drum may be placed on the pulley giving the lowest speed, so as to waste as little of the paper as possible; or the paper may be entirely stopped by turning the handle/, when the ink from the siphon will accumulate on it in 22 a large drop. The mill should never be stopped without the siphon being raised and sucked. When the instrument room is on the ground floor, a brick or stone pillar should be built for the recorder to stand upon. The top of this should be about nine inches below the level of the table. The upper part of the recorder then projects through a large square hole in the table. This arrangement prevents the recorder from being shaken by any movements of the table, and it brings the end of the siphon dow’n to a convenient level. When a pillar rising from the ground cannot be used, the recorder should stand on a stout bracket projecting from a w’all (not a partition) at the same distance below the level of the table. The instrument should be placed so as to be well lighted from the left. § 13. Connections for Sending and Receiving. —In order that the signals sent from a station may be recorded on the re¬ ceiving instrument at that station, it is necessary to send a portion of the current through the coil of the recorder at the sending station. The portion of the current wdiich passes through the coil of the recorder at the sending station may either rejoin the remainder of the current before it enters the cable, or may be allowed to go to earth at the sending station. These two possible systems allow of the adoption of either of tw r o arrangements of the connec¬ tions. There are several plans by which each of these two systems may be carried out. Fig. 8 show’s an arrangement of the connections in which no portion of the sending current goes to earth at the sending station. T b To, and T 3 , are the three terminals on the left hand side of tire recorder. On the uppermost of these (T 3 ) there is a quadrant slide, by means of wdiich small resistances, varying from 8 ohms dowmvards, can be inserted between T 3 and T 2 . T 2 and T x are connected to the tw’o ends of the signal coil S. Attached to T 2 is another quadrant slide, by means of wdiich resistances, varying from 500 ohms upwards, can be inserted between T 2 and T 1? so as to form a shunt to the coil. When the sliding piece connected to T 2 is not in contact with any metallic stud, the only connection between T 2 and T x is that given by the coil itself—in other words, the coil is not shunted at all. T 2 is connected to the cable or to the condensers, if any are used. The current from the key enters the recorder at the sending station at T l and T 3 simultaneously. o r V *8 (. o a Sending Station 24 By far the greater part reaches T., by way of T 3 , through the low resistance in the upper quadrant slide. A small portion reaches T 2 from T b passing partly through the signal coil, and partly through the shunt between T l and T 2 , should there be one. The joint resistance between T 1 and T 2 of the coil and shunt is very much greater than the resistance between T 3 and T 2 , and hence only a very small portion of the current goes to T 2 by way of T r Hence only a very small portion of the current passes through the coil. The switch shown in fig. 8 consists of a metallic lever moving about a horizontal axis. Its centre is connected to T x . When the switch is set for sending, K is connected to S, which is connected to T 3 ; therefore the key is connected both to Tj and T 3 , as described above. To set the switch for receiving, the handle is raised. T 1 is thus connected to earth, and S is left insulated. Then the current from the distant station entering the recorder at T 2 can find no outlet by way of T 3 , but must pass from T 2 to T x through the coil and shunt. The contact piece D allows the cable to be dis¬ charged to earth during the movement of the switch from “send” to “receive.” The lever ought to make contact with D before it breaks contact with S, so that the cable may be for an instant con¬ nected to earth through no other resistance than the very small one between T 2 and T 3 . It will be seen that the batteries are reversed at the two stations, or, what amounts to the same thing, the positions of earth and line are different on the two keys. This is necessary in order that the sending and receiving signals may be recorded in the same direction, when the arrangement shown in fig. 8 is used. § 14. Second Method of Arranging Connections. —The method shown in fig. 8 wastes none of the current at the sending station. The portion of the current which passes through the coil at the sending station rejoins the main body at T 2 . Fig. 9 shows an arrangement in which the portion of the current which records the signals at the sending station is allowed to go to earth. At the sending end the contacts numbered 2 and 3 are made, and No. 1 is broken. At the receiving end No. 1 is made, and Nos. 2 and 3 broken. The current from the key enters the recorder simultaneously at Tj and T 3 , which are therefore at the same 25 potential. Between T. 2 and the earth there is a high resistance— say of 5000 ohms—which, however, may be varied to suit different cases. Since the very low resistance between T 3 and T., is an exceedingly small fraction of the high resistance that there is between T.> and earth, T 2 will be at a potential very little lower than that of T s . But T 2 is at the same potential as T3, conse- Recorder quently T 2 is at a potential very little lower than that of T r There will therefore be a feeble current from to T, through the signal coil. To receive, the contacts Nos. 2 and 3 are broken, and No. 1 is made. T 2 is thus put in direct connection with the earth, and the received current enters at T 1} passes through the coil, and goes 26 to earth at T 2 . In this arrangement the received and sent currents, when of the same name, pass through the signal coil in the same direction. There is, therefore, no need to reverse the batteries at the two ends as in the former arrangement. The switch must be so designed that when it is turned over to “ send/’ contact No. 2 is first made, then No. 1 broken, and lastly, No. 3 made; and when turned over to “receive,” No. 3 must first be broken, then No. 1 made, and lastly, No. 2 broken. This order preserves the coil from receiving any violent shock by the discharge of the cable. The sending signals recorded by means of the second of the above arrangements are very much more legible than those obtained by the first. The latter are much more abrupt and jerky. This is especially the case when condensers are used, or when the automatic transmitter is employed (see § 40). § 15. Tests of the Batteries.— The tray cells ought to be tested frequently, in order that any undue rise in internal resist¬ ance or defect in electromotive force in any one of them may be detected and remedied. The whole pile of cells in circuit should first be tested, both for resistance and electromotive force, and then each single cell should be tested. If the resistance of any single cell is much greater than the total resistance of the pile divided by the number of cells in the pile, or if the electromotive force of any single cell is much less than the total electromotive force divided by the number of cells, then the defective cell should be at once short circuited or removed, because its presence in the circuit interferes with the efficiency of the battery. The tests of the battery may be very conveniently made by means of a mirror galvanometer, or of a common tangent gal¬ vanometer, or of a quadrant electrometer. The wires used to lead from the battery to the testing table should be thick, so as to have no sensible resistance. It is convenient to have a box of resistance coils, the amount of which can be easily varied. A coil of stout cotton or silk-covered copper wire, having a known resist¬ ance of not less than one-tenth ohm, and not more than one ohm, should also be prepared; this should be made of thick wire so as not to get much heated by the passage of a current during the test. This coil (which for brevity will be called the “battery shunt”) should be provided with thick flexible electrodes, so as to be suit¬ able for direct application to each cell. 27 § 16. To find the Resistance of a Cell or Pile of Cells.— Make a circuit consisting of the cell, the (tangent or mirror) gal¬ vanometer, and a high resistance,—such that the resistance of the cell itself is insignificant compared with the resistance in the circuit external to the cell. If the galvanometer has a high resistance, say of at least 3000 ohms, it is unnecessary to insert any additional resistance, for the resistance of the galvanometer alone will then he such that the circuit will fulfil the condition of having the resist¬ ance external to the cell immensely greater than the resistance in the cell itself. Observe the deflection given by the galvanometer, and let it be called D. Next shunt the cell, by connecting directly to its two terminals the terminals of the battery shunt coil men¬ tioned in the preceding paragraph, and allow the rest of the circuit to remain unchanged. Observe the deflection now obtained, and call it d. If we call the resistance of the battery shunt S, then R, the resistance of the cell, will be found by the following formula:— R = S I) - d d This formula holds good only when the resistance external to the cell is very great compared with that of the cell itself. It is therefore necessary, when the external resistance is that of the galvanometer alone, that the galvanometer should not be shunted— the deflection may be brought within reasonable limits by apply¬ ing strong directing magnets. If, however, a sufficient extra resistance be put into the circuit, there is no objection to the use of a shunt on the galvanometer. It should, however, be borne in mind that the above formula is never more than approximately true, and that it is more and more nearly true the nearer the ratio of the external to the internal resistance approaches to infinity. Hence the higher the external resistance is, the more near will the result given by this formula be to the truth. This test is not applicable to a battery of high resistance, but it is by far the best test for tray cells, or even for some of the more ordinary forms of batteries. When a quadrant electrometer can be used, the test is exceedingly simple. Observe D, the deflection obtained when the two poles of the battery are connected to the two electrodes of the electrometer. Next observe d, the deflection obtained by connecting the poles of the battery to the electro- 28 meter, the battery being shunted through the coil whose resistance is S. Then as before— When the electrometer is used this formula is rigidly accurate,* and the test is applicable to a battery of any resistance whatever. A convenient modification of this test is to use a box of adjust¬ able resistance coils as the battery shunt, and so alter S until the second deflection d is exactly half the first deflection D. Then It will be equal to S. In observing d care must be taken not to allow the current to run through the shunt coil for any considerable length of time, as the coil becomes rapidly heated and so alters in resistance. In order that the rate of heating should be as small as possible, the shunt coil should be made of thick wire. If the deflections I) and d are so nearly equal that the difference between them is small compared with either, then the resistance of the shunt is too great, and a shunt of less resistance ought to be used. The resistance of the tray cells depends, of course, upon their size. They have seldom less internal resistance than OT ohm, and should never have more than 0 5 ohm. It is very important that all the cells in a circuit should have approximately the same resistance. § 17. To Test the Electromotive Force of a Battery.— The electromotive force of each of the tray cells should be tested occa¬ sionally by comparing it with the electromotive force of a standard cell of a constant kind. The standard cell may be a Minotti’s or any other form of Daniell’s element, and it should be set apart and not used for any purpose except for testing, so that its electro¬ motive force may remain fairly constant. The method of testing is as follows :—Join up the battery to be tested in circuit with a high resistance and a galvanometer, and note the deflection D, just as in the previous test. If the resistance of the galvanometer is of itself so great that the resistance of the cell is insignificant as compared with it, then it will be unnecessary to introduce any other resistance into the circuit. Next substitute the standard cell for the battery to be tested, keeping the rest of the circuit * Except for a slight change in the electromotive force of the cell during the test, due to polarization. 29 unchanged, and note the deflection D' given by it. In this case also the resistance external to the cell should be exceedingly large as compared with that of the cell itself. Then EMF of battery = EMF of standard cell x In this way the electromotive force of any given battery can be expressed in terms of that of the standard cell, and it is not neces¬ sary for practical purposes to know what the electromotive force of the standard cell is in absolute units, so long as it can be relied on to remain constant. If it is a Daniell’s cell in good condition, its electromotive force will be almost exactly one volt. In the above formula it is assumed that the resistances both of the battery to be tested and of the standard cell are insignificant as compared with the other resistances in the circuit which remain unchanged during the experiment. If, however, the resistances of the battery and standard cell were relatively considerable, the formula would require to be modified as follows : Let R 0 be the sum of the external resistances in the circuit, which is the same both for D and D'. Let r be the resistance of the battery to be tested, and let r' be the resistance of the standard cell. Then EMF of battery = EMF of standard cell x If the quadrant electrometer is used, the test becomes exceedingly simple. Let the deflection D be observed when the poles of the given battery are applied to the terminals of the electrometer, and let the deflection D' be observed when the standard cell is applied, no resistance being used in either case. Then EMF of battery = EMF of standard cell x If the electromotive force of any one cell is observed to fall below the average, or much below that of a Daniell’s cell in good condition, the cell either requires to be refreshed with crystals of sulphate of copper, or has become foul by the deposit of copper upon the zinc plate. When the last happens, the cell should be taken down and cleaned. When only one cell in an otherwise good pile becomes foul, and it is desired to avoid taking down the pile, the foul cell should be short-circuited, and so put out of action. 30 THE AUTOMATIC CURB SENDER. § 18. The object of the automatic curb sender is to diminish the retardation of signals in long cables caused by inductive embar¬ rassment. This is effected by making each signal be produced, not simply by one current, as in ordinary sending, but by two currents, the second of which is opposite in name to and of some¬ what shorter duration than the first. The number of currents is not necessarily limited to two, but for the present purpose it will suffice to consider the case of a signal produced by two currents only. § 19. In the Proceedings of the Royal Society for 1855, Sir William Thomson showed how the effect at the distant end of a cable, caused by the application of a battery at one end, could be calculated and represented graphically in what is called, the “ curve of arrival.” After contact is first made at the sending end between the cable and one pole of the battery (the other pole being to earth), a certain interval of time elapses before any effect is felt at the distant end. This interval of time is denoted by the letter a* After the interval of time a has passed, a current begins to issue from the cable at the receiving end, and increases in strength very rapidly. After a further interval of 4a or after a period of 5a from the first application of the battery, it attains about half its maximum strength, and there * Sir William Thomson shows that the value of a in seconds is where £and c are the values in electrostatic units of the resistance and capacity per unit of length, and l is the length. A consideration of the dimensions of the two systems of units shows that the formula remains unchanged when k and c are expressed in electromagnetic units. Since 1 ohm = 10 9 electromagnetic units of resistance, and 1 microfarad = 10 —15 electromagnetic units of capacity, we have a = RCZ 2 10Sr 2 where R is the resistance per knot in ohms, C the capacity per knot in microfarads, and l the length in knots. Thus a in seconds = '000000029 RCZ 2 . If R' and C' be the total resistance and capacity respectively, a ~ '000000029 R / C / . For the Direct United States Cable of 1875 (2420 knots), whose total resistance is 6980 ohms, and capacity 991 microfarads, a would be '202 seconds ; for the artificial cable in the Phy¬ sical Laboratory of Glasgow University, a = '144 seconds ; for the French Atlantic Cable, a = *245 seconds ; for the Suez-Aden Cable, a = '233 seconds. Sir William Thomson’s theoretical results were experimentally verified by Professor Fleeming Jenkin (Phil. Trans. 1862). For fuller information on the speed of signalling, see Jenkin’s Electricity and Magnetism , pp. 327-333, and Phil. Mag., June 1865. 31 is very little sensible increase in strength after a time equal to 10 a has elapsed. The curve of arrival is drawn by taking dis¬ tances along ox (fig. 10) to represent intervals of time, and distances along oy to represent strengths of current. Curve No. I. shows the gradual increase in strength of the received current at one end of a cable when the battery is applied to and kept in contact with the other end. For a distance correspond¬ ing to the interval of time a the curve does not sensibly deviate from the straight line o x; in other words, no effect is observ¬ able at the receiving end during this time. If now, instead of being continuously applied to the battery at the sending end, the cable had been applied to it during a short interval of time, and then disconnected from the battery and con¬ nected to earth, the curve of arrival would be of the form shown by curve No. II.* Curve No. II. shows the effect of applying the * The falling curve is of exactly the same form as the curve of arrival, and the actual curve, showing the arrival of an impulse, is obtained by superposing tlie one upon the other. Thus the distances between Curves I. and II. are equal to the ordinates of Curve I., if the former are taken as far from the point A as the latter are taken from the point at which Curve I. leaves the line o x. battery during a length of time equal to 4a, and then putting the cable to earth. It will be seen that a current gradually dimin¬ ishing in strength continues to flow out of the cable at the distant end for a considerable time after the battery has been disconnected. This continued discharge is what gives rise to the difficulty experienced in reading the signals sent through long cables. § 20. The principle of “ curb ” sending is to check this discharge by sending into the cable a second current which will neutralise the bad effects of the first. Thus let the cable, instead of being put to earth after having been in contact with one pole of the battery during the time 4a, be put in contact with the opposite pole of the same battery for an interval of time equal to 3 a, and then be put to earth. The second contact would, if it had taken place alone, have produced a current at the distant end represented by Curve No. III. The joint effect of the two opposite currents— the first for an interval of time 4 a, and the second immediately following it, and lasting for an interval of time 3 a —will be to produce a received current represented by Curve No. IV., whose ordinates are the algebraic sums of the ordinates of II. and III. Curve No. IV. thus represents the curve of arrival given by a signal current of duration 4a, followed by an opposite or curb current of duration 3a. § 21. The curve of arrival for any current or combination of currents is actually traced on paper by the siphon recorder. Since the deflection of the siphon is sensibly proportional to the strength of the current at any instant, its deflection will correspond to the distances measured in the direction of o Y, and since the paper moves at a uniform speed, and in a direction at right angles to the direction in which the siphon is deflected, the distances it runs will measure intervals of time, and will correspond to distances measured along o x. Hence the curve traced by the point of the siphon will represent the curve of arrival, and all theoretical con¬ siderations respecting the curve of arrival will apply equally to the practical form of the curve drawn on the paper slip. The curve of arrival, traced according to the considerations in §19 and § 20, is the curve of arrival in the case where the line is worked directly, without condensers at either end. The effect of introducing condensers is to convert what was formerly a con- 33 tinuous current into an impulse. The curve produced at the receiving end by the application and continued contact of a battery at the sending end, would no longer be of the form of Curve I. fig. 10, but would soon reach a maximum, after which it would fall back towards the zero line. It will be readily seen that this would of itself cause something of a curbing effect on signals, since the curve due to a short application of the battery would now come faster back to the zero line than formerly. This effect of condensers is partly the reason why signals are so much sharper and more legible when condensers are used than when a line is worked direct. Of course, the application of a reversed current to curb the signals is advantageous when condensers are used as well as when they are not. Fig. 12 . § 22. The advantage of curb sending, in giving a sharp outline to the signals, and in bringing the siphon of the recorder or the spot of light from the mirror back (wholly or partly) to zero between successive signals, will be seen by a comparison of figs. 11 and 12- c 34 Fig. 11 shows the theoretical form of the letter H (four deflec¬ tions above the zero line) when each deflection is produced by a signal current of a duration equal to 4 a, followed by a curb ( [i.e ., a reversed) current of a duration equal to 3 a. This proportion of curb is unnecessarily large for so low a speed, as is shown by the fact that the curve is brought back past the zero line between the signals. Fig. 13. Fm. 12 shows the form of the same letter, sent at the same o speed and under the same conditions, except that the signals are uncurbed. In this case each of the applications of the battery lasts for a time equal to 4 a, and the cable is put to earth at the sending end between the signals for a time equal to 3 a, instead of having a reversed current sent into it during that time. Thus in 35 both cases the total interval of time used in making each signal is 7 a. § 23. Such a speed as this (one signal per 7 a) would be very slow in the case of a long cable. The actual rate of transatlantic signalling is about one signal per T5&. At this speed the uncurbed curve shown in fig. 12 becomes indistinct, and the successive impulses are barely distinguishable. The curbed signals, on the other hand, give a curve somewhat resembling that in fig. 12, where the return towards the centre or zero line between the signals is only partial, and not complete, as in fig. 11, but is immensely greater than what is observed when uncurbed signals are sent at the same speed. This greater degree of legibility pro¬ duced by curbing enables the speed to be increased. Experiments with the artificial cable in the physical laboratory at Glasgow appear to show that by using curbed signals, and transmitting them automatically, as high a speed as one signal per a can easily be attained on a long line. In other words, the gain in speed due to the use of the automatic curb sender appears to be at least fifty per cent. § 24. In order that curb sending should be* successful, it is indispensable that the contacts which give rise to signal and curb currents should be made and broken at perfectly definite instants; in other words, perfectly correct spacing is required. It has hitherto been found to be impossible to obtain this by the use of hand keys, but it is possible to have perfectly correct spacing by the aid of automatic machinery. The principle on which the automatic curb sender works is as follows:— The message to be transmitted is punched on a slip of paper in right and left holes corresponding to the dash and dot of the tele¬ graphic alphabet. A line of central holes is also punched to facilitate the drawing along of the paper. The punched slip is put into the sender, and carried along at a uniform rate by clockwork. When either a right or a left hole passes under one of two prickers, the corresponding pricker descends into the hole, and by doing so lifts the end of a spring into the rim of a wheel, which revolves once during the time occupied in the passage of one space in the punched paper. The spring so caught remains in the rim of the wheel during a complete revolution, and while it remains there makes 36 an electrical connection between the battery and another set of springs. The latter set are acted on by a double cam, which revolves in the same time with the above-mentioned wheel, and by the contacts made during its revolution sends first the current from one pole of the battery, and then that from the other pole, during a somewhat shorter time, into the cable. If the spring acted on by the pricker on the left hand is raised, the first current is that from the copper pole, and the second current that Fig 14. from the zinc pole; if it is the pricker on the right that has entered a hole in the paper, the sequence of currents is opposite to that just given. Thus an operation of reversal of currents takes place during the passage of every space in the paper, but whether the signal current is to be “ copper ” and the curb current “ zinc,” or vice versa , is determined by whether the pricker has fallen into a hole on the left side of the paper or on the right. Figs. 13,14, and 15, which are engraved from photographs, give three general views of the instrument. In figs. 14 and 15, the 37 glass case and the standards which carry it have been removed, in order to allow the works to be better seen. § 25. The Driving Power —The motion is kept up by the descent of a weight, which has occasionally to be wound up by hand. In order that the driving power may continue during the Fig. 15. time taken to wind up the w r eight, the power is communicated to the machinery not directly from the drum on which the cord of the weight is wound, but indirectly through a spring which is kept in a partially wound up state during the descent of the 38 weight, and which gives out the energy so stored up in it during the time that the weight is being wound up. This secures an approximately uniform driving power even during the winding up of the weight. The arrangement will be understood by reference to fig. 16. The axle A A' which carries the spring box S and the drum D on which the cord attached to the weight is wound, is divided at p into two parts capable of revolving independently of one another. A ratchet wheel R' is so arranged that when the drum D is turned by means of the handle so as to wind up the weight, the part A' p moves independently of A p, and during that time the machinery is driven by the spring in S. When the weight descends, however, causing A' p to revolve in the opposite direction to that of the winding up, the ratchet wheel R' no longer allows the motion of A' p to take place alone, but makes A p be carried round with A' p . This winds up the spring until the force exerted by the tension of the spring exceeds the resistance of the machinery to motion. When this happens the spring box S also revolves, driving the machinery. Thus before the weight can begin to produce motion of the machinery, it must first wind up the spring in S to a certain extent, and the store of energy thus accumulated suffices to drive the machine at an approximately uniform rate while the weight is being wound up. A second ratchet wheel R prevents the spring from running down without driving the machinery while the weight is being wound up. § 26. The Governor. —The speed of the machinery, and con¬ sequently the speed of transmission of signals, is regulated by means of a friction governor (figs. 13 and 14.) In the form of governor shown there is a vertical revolving spindle, to which motion is communicated by means of a pair of bevel wheels. To the spindle is fixed a cross bar t (fig 14), from each end of which a weight w hangs by flexible springs. As the spindle revolves these weights are carried round with it, and their centrifugal tendency causes them to press against the inside surface of a ring or cylindrical box V. This pressure causes friction, and checks the motion of the machine. The centrifugal tendency of the weights is resisted by a couple of springs, which pull them inwards towards the axis. So long as the centrifugal force of the revolving weights is insufficient to overcome the tension * 39 of the springs and to force the weights against the ring, the governor does not oppose the motion of the machinery, which there¬ fore becomes accelerated, until the centrifugal force of the weights becomes sufficient to bend or extend the springs to such an extent that the weights rub against the ring. The friction so produced prevents any further increase of speed from taking place. If now the tension on the springs be by any means increased, the amount of centrifugal force required to produce the distension necessary to allow the weights to press against the ring is increased also. Hence the speed will be increased. Similarly by lessening the tension on the springs, the amount of centrifugal force required to distend them is diminished, and the speed is consequently reduced. This affords a means of altering the speed, which is effected in the following manner. The ends of the springs which tend to pull in the weights are fixed to a collar u which slides up and down on the spindle. This collar is connected by means of levers to the handle T, the movement of which causes the collar to slide up and down. When the collar u is raised, the tension on the springs is increased, and therefore the speed is increased also. When the collar is lowered, the tension on the springs, and there¬ fore the speed, is lessened. In another form of friction governor, the motion of the machinery is communicated to the vertical spindle by means of the rolling contact of two discs at right angles to one another, and the whole framework of the governor is supported by means of a 40 contrivance called a geometrical slide,* which enables it to move freely vertically up and down, but in no other direction. The revolving spindle carries the weights as in the former case. When the framework is moved up, the horizontal disc attached to the revolving spindle of the governor approaches the centre of the vertical disc attached to the machinery. Consequently the latter rotates faster relatively to the former, and the machinery will revolve very fast before the spindle revolves fast enough to cause the weights to press outwards against the ring. In this form of governor the tension of the springs which hold in the weights is kept unchanged, so that the rate of revolution of the spindle of the governor remains constant; but the rate of revolution of the machinery relatively to that of the spindle is changed by altering the height of the whole framework of the governor. This is effected by means of a suitable handle on the right hand side of the instrument. In this form of governor a further provision is made for increasing the range of possible speed, by altering the tension on the spiral springs which hold in the weights. This is done by means of screws inside the governor, and attached to these spiral springs. § 27. The Starting and Stopping is effected by means of the screw Y, fig 14, on the left-hand side of the instrument, which, when turned in the direction of the hands of a watch, advances so that its end presses against the back of the vertical bevel wheel, which communicates motion to the governor. This jams the wheel, and prevents the machinery from moving. When the screw is turned through about half a turn in the other direction, the wheel is freed, and the machinery is free to run. § 28. The revolution of the machinery effects two objects. It carries on the paper by means of a toothed roller or spur wheel, working into a central row of holes in the punched paper, and it * The geometrical slide has five bearing points, each of which is free to move upon the surface on which it rests. The sixth point, which keeps the framework of the governor in equilibrium, is the point in which the vertical disc is touched by the horizontal disc. This mode of support gives rise to a couple tending to cause the whole framework of the governor to revolve about a horizontal axis, and this couple is balanced by the moment of the pressure between the two discs about the same axis. Thus the pressure between the discs is kept at a constant amount for all different positions into which the framework of the governor may be brought for different adjustments. 41 causes a spindle to rotate on which cams are fixed, which make certain electrical contacts. The toothed roller which carries on the paper ribbon has sixty teeth, and it revolves once for every sixty revolutions of the axle which carries the cams. Hence the cams make one complete revolution for every space in the paper. The paper has the message punched on it in the form of side holes corresponding to the dot and dash of the alphabet, with a con¬ tinuous row of central holes or indentations which answer the purpose of holes. The central holes or indentations are required to carry the paper on ; the electrical effects are produced by the oooo o ooo oo oooooo o ooooo o o oooo oo o ooooooooooo ooooooooo O OO OOO OOO Fig. 17. side holes only. Fig. 17 shows the appearance of a piece of the punched paper ribbon. A space between two letters is formed by one central hole, and a space between two words by two centra] holes. (The spaces may also be made in another way, see § 31.) § 29. The Paper Wheel, or toothed roller which carries along the paper, has two grooves on its circumference, one on each side of the central row of spurs, and over these the side holes in the paper pass. Fig. 18 shows a front elevation of the paper wheel. Above the grooves stand two prickers, one on each side, which descend through the side holes as they pass under them, but which cannot descend except when side holes are passing. One end of a lever is attached to each pricker, the other end of which lifts up a small steel spring when the pricker descends. In fig. 19, B is the toothed roller which carries along the paper. P is one of the Fj prickers, which is set so as to stand over one of the two rows of side holes. Bigidly attached to P, and pivotted at li, is the forked lever F, upon the lower end of which, i, the end of the above-mentioned spring rests (this spring is not 42 shown in fig. 19; it is marked a in fig. 20, below); the other end, k, presses up against the rim of the cam G. The spring j tends to force P down; but the rim of G prevents k from rising, and there¬ fore P from descending. The cam wheel 0, of which G is a part, makes one complete revolution in the time taken by the paper to move on through one space. When a side hole in the paper passes under P, P would descend into it if k were able to rise. As the cam wheel revolves, a recess, m n, in the rim of G Fig. 19. passes over k. At this point, k is free to rise. Simultaneously an opening l in the rim of 0 passes over the end of the spring which rests on i. Then, if a hole in the paper is passing under P, P descends, i rises, and lifts the end of the spring through the opening l into the projecting rim of the wheel 0. When n passes over k , k is depressed, and P rises out of the hole in the paper. The spring a (fig. 20) remains caught in the rim of 0 until a revolution is completed, v T hen the opening l comes round again, 43 and allows the spring to fall out. By this time the series of operations which makes up the signal is completed. The cam wheel has two sides precisely alike, 0 and O', the one correspond¬ ing to the pricker which stands over the dot holes, the other to the pricker which stands over the dash holes. The electrical effects produced by the raising of the springs by means of the descent of the prickers will be described further on. In order that either pricker should descend and raise its cor¬ responding spring into the rim of the cam w 7 heel 0, three conditions must be fulfilled. 1st, The opening l in the rim of 0 must be over the end of the spring which rests on i. 2d, The recess m n in the cam G must be over the end of the lever k. 3d, A hole in the paper must be passing under the pricker in question. By the construction of the machine, the first two of these conditions necessarily happen together; for the cams 0 and G are rigidly fixed relatively to one another, and the opening in the one and the recess in the other pass the lowest point at the same time in the revolution. The third condition must be made to happen at the same time with the other two by adjusting the cam wheel 0 relatively to the paper wheel B, which is done by turning the former round upon its axle, and clamping it in any desired position. When the instrument is properly adjusted, the recess m n will pass over k just when the centre of one of the side holes in the paper is passing under P. Then the descent of the pricker, w T hich begins when m passes, and its ascent, which is completed v T hen n passes, will both take place during the passage of a hole under P, and the pricker will not touch the edges of the hole either in falling or in rising. This prevents the holes in the paper from becoming torn or dragged at the edges, and admits of the same slip of paper being used many times over. § 30. The axle which carries the cam wheel 0 is shown in front elevation in fig. 20. This axle, as we have seen, makes one com¬ plete revolution for every space in the paper. 0 and O' are the two sides of the cam wheel. This cam wheel, 0 O', is called the determining cam. The two sides of it are insulated from the axle and from one another by vulcanite, a and a' are the two springs which are lifted by the lower ends of the forked levers i i' into the rim of 0 O'through the openings IT when the correspond¬ ing prickers descend into the holes in the paper. The springs a 44 and a' carry small pointers projecting above and below, and tipped with platinum. When a dash, or right-hand side hole, passes, the spring a is raised into the rim of 0, and remains there during a complete revolution. In the figure it is represented as being held up in this position. When held up in the rim of 0 a is kept in contact with the upper contact spring d, while the spring a' remains in contact with the lower contact spring c'. Similarly, if a dot hole had passed, a would have remained down, and in contact with c ; while a would have been caught up, and held up in contact with cV. So long as no hole in the paper n'_n Fig. 20. passes, both the springs a and cd remain down in contact with the lower contact springs c and c. The zinc pole of the battery is permanently connected to the lower contacts c and c the copper pole to the upper contacts d and 6 !; when, therefore, a dash hole passes, copper is connected to a, and zinc to a ; and when a dot hole passes, copper is con¬ nected to ci, and zinc to a . On the same axle with the determining cam wheel, and revolving along with it, are two other cams—I' and I—called respectively the signal and curb cams. They are insulated from one another by a disc of vulcanite, and are insulated from the axle and from the determining cam by the vulcanite tube J. They are fixed relatively to one another by a small vulcanite screw. Fig. 21 gives a side-view of the signal and curb cams. The signal cam I' has a projecting edge extending for rather more than half the circumference; the curb cam I has a pro¬ jecting edge which begins where the projection on I' leaves off, 45 and which leaves off where that on I' begins. Underneath these cams are the springs e and e' (fig. 20). During rather more than half the revolution the projecting edge of I' depresses the spring e, and causes it to make contact with the lower contact spring /', while the spring e remains up and in con¬ tact with the upper stud g. When the projecting edge of I' has passed e rises, and makes contact with g, while simultaneously the projecting edge of I depresses e, and holds it in contact with / during the remainder of the revolution. Thus during rather more than half the revolution, e' is in contact with /', and e with g, and during rather less than half the revolution e is in contact with / and e with g. These actions depend simply upon the re¬ volution of the axle, and are not affected by the punched paper or by the positions of the springs a and a , but the electrical effects which these actions produce do depend upon the position of a and a\ and are therefore determined by the holes in the paper. § 31. Electrical Action. —The spring a is permanently in con¬ nection with the lower contact springs / and /'. The spring a' is permanently in connection with the upper contact studs g and g\ The spring e! is permanently connected to earth, and the spring e to line. The electrical changes which take place during a revolution of the axle will be understood by reference to the diagram, fig. 22, in which the letters refer to the same parts as in fig. 20. In the diagram the spring a is represented as having been raised into the rim of the determining cam by the descent of the right-hand pricker into a hole in the paper. At the instant that a rises, the projecting rim of the signal cam I' comes round and depresses e\ Thus the copper pole of the battery is connected by way of d, a, f ', and d to earth, while the zinc pole is connected by way of c , a', g , and e to line; and a negative current enters the cable to produce the “ dash ” signal. This state of things lasts for rather more than half the revolution, until the projecting rim of the signal cam Y has passed and that of the curb cam 1 has come round. Then e rises Fig. 21. 46 and e is depressed, no change, however, taking place in the position of a and a. The zinc pole is now connected by way of c, a', g', and e' to earth, while the copper pole is connected by way of d, a , /, and e to line. This sends a positive current into the cable to pro¬ duce the curb to the “ dash ” signal, which lasts as long as the spring e is depressed by the curb cam. The joint effect of the two currents is, as we have already seen (§ 20), to produce a clearly defined “ dash ” signal. When the revolution is completed, a falls out of the determining cam through the opening l, and, unless another signal immediately follows that which w T e have been considering, the copper pole of the battery is disconnected both from line and from earth. If, instead of a dash hole, a dot hole in the paper had passed, the pricker on the left side would have descended, and the spring a would have been raised into the rim of O', while a remained down. The reversal of the springs c and e' operated on by the signal and curb cams would have gone on as before. Thus during the passage of I' the zinc pole of the battery would have been con¬ nected by way of e, a,/', and e' to earth, while copper would have been connected by way of d\ a, g, and e to line. Similarly, during the passage of I, copper would have been connected by way of d\ a ', g', and e' to earth, while zinc would have been con¬ nected by way of c, a , /, and e to line. There would thus have been a 'positive signal current followed by a negative curb current of shorter duration, the joint effect of which would have been to produce a “ dot ” signal. The relative lengths of the signal and curb currents depend upon the relative lengths of the projecting rims of the cams I' 47 and I. * Whether the longer current shall be positive and the shorter negative, or vice versa, is determined by the position of the springs a or a in the rim of the wheel 0 O', which is therefore called the determining cam wheel. If a succession of holes passes under either of the prickers, the corresponding spring is held up continuously in the rim of the determining cam wheel until all have passed, because, while the space l is passing, the descent of the pricker into the hole causes the end i of the forked lever to rise, and so prevents the spring from falling out of the rim. If a dot and a dash hole pass simultaneously under the prickers, both the springs a and a' will be raised, and no electrical effects will be produced, for the zinc pole of the battery will be disconnected. Hence two side holes opposite to each other may be used to produce a space, instead of no side hole. § 32. The Contact Plate. —The several contact springs, with their contact pieces and connections, are all fixed on a slab of vulcanite called the contact plate W (figs. 14 and 15). The con-; - — -—- - —— tact plate is secured in position by means of fe e screw H, which causes three projecting points in the frnmawffHr~7yr~T^ instru¬ ment to prpgg flg^jnsl ii Imln i V TmnvA in line with the hole, a**d arpTancTiii a piece of metal connected to the contact plate (see fig r -20). This mode of support is called a geometrical clamp; it has this advantage, that the plate cannot take up any other than one certain position, and a single screw is sufficient to keep it fixed. The springs c, c\ d, d' , / and /' are provided with brass guard, bars or stops, which limit their range of motion, and prevent them from vibrating when the instrument is running fast, or from sticking to and following the moving springs a, a', e, and e. The two halves of the determining cam are insulated from one another and from the axle by vulcanite. Each of the forked levers connected to the prickers is completely insulated. The signal and curb cams are also insulated from one another and from the axle—lienee no electrical contacts take place except those which have been considered. The mode in which the signal, * With regard to the proportion which the length of the signal cam ought to hear to that of the curb cam, it should be understood that the greater the speed of signalling is relatively to the retardation, or value of a (§ 19), for any cable, the more nearly equal should the signal and curb cams be. If the speed of signalling on different cables be varied so as to be the same relatively to a for each cable, the same pair of cams will be suitable for all. 48 curb, and determining cams are fixed to the axle will be under¬ stood by reference to fig. 20. J is a vulcanite tube to which the determining cam 00' is rigidly fixed. The brass screw K on the right of the determining cam clamps it and the tube J on to the axle by jamming them against the shoulder M. The vulcanite screw Q on the left of the signal cam clamps it and the curb cam on to this tube, and therefore to the axle also. § 33. Single and Double Curb. —In the foregoing description of the electrical action, it has been assumed that the spring e was depressed by the signal cam at the same instant that the spring a or a' rose into the rim of the determining cam. This arrangement would give the whole of the signal current first, followed by the whole of the curb current, and the revolution would begin with the beginning of the former and end with the end of the latter. A signal may, however, be produced by the joint action of more than two currents, and may represent the resultant effect of three or any number of currents following each other in alternate directions, and being of different lengths. So long, however, as the form of signal and curb cams described above remains unaltered, there are only two other combinations possible, and these are easily obtained by changing the position of the signal and curb cams relatively to the determining cam. The arrangement which has hitherto been assumed to exist is called single curb. In it the spring d is depressed at the instant that a or a rises, and the beginning of the passage of the rim of the signal cam coincides with the beginning of the signal. If the signal and curb cams are turned round on the axle so as to be slightly in advance of the determining cam, it is evident that when either a or a' rises, the spring d will already have been depressed for some time, and the first current sent will be shorter than formerly, by an amount represented by the distance through which the cams II' have been turned forward. The second or curb signal will, however, be as long as before, for the spring a or a! will continue up during the whole time of the passage of the rim of the curb cam. But since the signal and curb cams are in advance of the determining cam, the rim of the curb cam will all have passed before the spring a or a! has fallen out of the rim of the determining cam. Hence, before the signal is ended the rim of the signal cam again depresses the spring d and sends a current into 49 the cable of the same name as that first sent. This is, however, of short duration, for as soon as that fraction of the signal cam’s rim has passed which represents the distance by which the signal and curb cams are in advance of the determining cam, the revolution will be complete, the spring a or a' will drop out of the rim of the latter, and no farther contacts will occur in that signal. There will thus have been three currents produced, the first and third being of the same name, and the second of the opposite name. The second curbs the first, and the third curbs the surplus curbing effect of the second on the first. Of course the sum of the first and third bears the same relation to the second as the length of the signal cam bears to the length of the curb cam. This arrangement is called double curb. Fig. 23 shows the theoretical form of the letter E sent with double curb, the first current being of a duration equal to 3 a, the second of an equal duration, and the third of a duration equal to la, the total time being 7 a, as in the examples previously given. The full line IY. is the resultant signal, of which the dotted lines I., II., and III. are the components. § 34. Preparatory Curb —If the signal and curb cams are turned back so as to be slightly behind the determining cam, then when a or a rises, e is already depressed, and continues so for a short time, and thus a short curb current is sent first, then the whole of the signal current follows, and lastly the remainder of the curb. This arrangement is called preparatory curb. Fig. 24 shows the theoretical form of the letter E given by it. The period D 50 of the preliminary curb current is la, that of the signal current 4 a, and that of the second curb 2a, the total period being la as before. § 35.—We are thus able with a given pair of signal and curb cams to produce three different arrangements of the currents which go to make up a signal. A perfectly curbed signal,—that is to say, a signal in which the curve of arrival comes rapidly down to the zero line, and never crosses or leaves it,—could only be produced by using an infinite series of curbing currents alternate in direc¬ tion, and each somewhat shorter than its predecessor. Of course such an arrangement is practically impossible. When the curbing is necessarily imperfect, as it always is in practice, it appears that the arrangement described above as single curb is the best of the three. This is a question which will best be decided by actual trial. It appears likely, however (independently of any considera¬ tion of the form of the curve of arrival), that the best means to produce a sharply defined signal would be to make use of the single curb arrangement, thereby bringing, in the first place, the maximum influence at command to bear upon the indicator (the needle or coil, as the case may be) to deflect it, and then, in the second place, the maximum influence at command to cause it to return to its normal position—always provided that within the limits of a single signal the second influence is insufficient to cause a return much past the zero position. This last condition can 51 always be made to hold good by limiting the length of duration of the curbing current relatively to the speed of the signalling. § 36. Adjustment of the Contact Plate. —To put in the Contact Plate .—Lift off the top of the case and remove the front glass plate. Introduce a piece of the paper ribbon. Start the machinery, and stop it when a piece of the paper in which there are no side holes punched is passing under the prickers. This will cause the ends i i of the forked levers to lie in their most depressed position. Then slip in the plate, taking care that the springs e e' are not bent by being pressed against the sides of the signal and curb cams, and that the ends of the springs a a take up their proper positions on the top of the lower ends i i' of the forked levers^^' Whcn one of the three small feot on - tho side of the fram e- work enters the hole, the other the groove, anfijdie-^ on the plane surface on thepiu£fi^f-ffl^TaT*onthe right hand side of the contactjiLaterd^Ie^late will be in its proper position, and is to-hu r Securcd there by - tightening up therscrcwIL - In removing the contact plate the same precautions have to be observed. The ends i % of the forked levers should be depressed by having a piece of unpunched paper under the prickers. The platinized contacts on the various springs should be cleaned frequently. They must be kept free from all traces of oil, and should be frequently dusted with a cameTs-hair brush. If the contacts made are defective or fail, the points of contact should be cleaned with a very fine file. Care must be taken that when the springs a, a , e, or e rise or fall, they do not make contact with both their upper and their lower contact springs simultaneously. If they did so the battery would be short-circuited and sparks would pass which would burn the contacts. If any one of the springs a, a, e, or e is observed, when rising or falling, to make one contact before it breaks the other, the guard bars which limit the play of the contact springs must be gently bent until this no longer occurs. Two contact plates are provided with each instrument. When the instrument is in constant use the contact plates should be changed every second day, and the one not in use should be carefully cleaned before being replaced. § 37. Adjustment of the Determining Cam. —Start the machine with a piece of punched slip in it, and stop it at the 52 instant a side hole is passing under one or other of the two prickers. Then taking hold firmly of the vulcanite tube J (fig. 20), loosen the brass screw K on the right. Be careful not to apply so much force as to bend or twist the axle. The cams 0 O' and vulcanite tube J (as well as the cams I I') will then be free to move round on the axle. Turn them round until the centre of the openings l V in the rim of the determining cam wheel are just over the springs a a'. The pricker under which there is a hole in the paper will then be able to descend into the hole, and to raise its corresponding spring into the rim of the determining cam. The centre of the hole in the paper should just be passing under the pricker at the instant that the centre of the opening l is pass¬ ing over the spring a. When the cams are turned round into such a position that this happens, secure them and the tube J in that position by screwing up K. This adjustment is of the utmost importance. When signals fail, the cause is almost always bad adjustment of the determining cam. It is difficult to judge by eye whether the pricker is exactly over the centre of the hole in the paper. When the adjustment has been made, turn the axle slowly round by hand backwards and forwards, and observe whether the prickers tear either the back or front edges of the holes. If the adjustment is perfect, they will fall into and rise out of each hole when the axle is turned either backwards oj* forwards without touching the paper at either edge of the hole. § .38. Adjustment of the Signal and Curb Cams. 1°. For Single Curb .—Take hold of the vulcanite tube J firmly with the right hand, and loosen the screw Q with the left. The signal and curb cams I' and I will then be free to slip round upon the tube J. Put in a piece of punched paper, start the machine and stop it just when one of the prickers is descending into a hole* and is raising its corresponding spring into the rim of the deter¬ mining cam. Turn the signal and curb cams round until the pro¬ jecting edge of the signal cam I' is just depressing the spring e Then secure the cams in this position by tightening up the screw Q. This adjustment is perfect when the depression of the spring e is exactly simultaneous with the rise of the spring a or a. The axle should be allowed to revolve very slowly, by checking its motion with the hand, so that it may be seen whether this adjust- 53 ment is right; and if not, the cams I and I' must be shifted round until a state of perfect adjustment is reached. 2°. For Double Curb .—Adjust as above for single curb, and then, loosening the screw Q, turn the cams 11' slightly round on the axle, moving their upper sides away from you as you stand in front of the instrument. In other words, turn the cams round so as to he slightly in advance of their previous position, so that (say) half an inch of the projecting rim of the signal cam I' has already passed over the spring e' before the spring a or a' rises up into the opening in the rim of the determining cam. Secure the cams in this new position by screwing up Q. The depression of e', which has now occurred before a or a rises, will produce the second curb of the previous signal (see § 33). 3°. For Preparatory Curb .—Adjust as above for single curb, and then, loosening the screw Q, turn the cams I T slightly round upon the axle, moving their ■ upper sides towards you as you face the instrument. That is, turn the cams round so as to be slightly behind their position when adjusted for single curb. Then tighten up Q. The spring e' is now not depressed until some time after the spring a or a has risen, but the spring e is depressed during that time, and thus a short curb current is applied to the cable at the beginning of the signal (see § 34). The distance by which the cams are put back from their position for single curb should not exceed about half an inch measured along the rim. § 39. Speed of tiie Machinery. —The means by which the speed is altered have been described already (§ 26). In the first form of governor there mentioned, which is the one shown in figs. 13 and 14, the speed is altered by sliding backwards or for¬ wards the handle T (fig. 14), which has the effect of raising or lowering the collar u on the spindle of the governor. This increases or diminishes the tension on the springs, which pull in the weights w vi. When the tension on the springs is increased, a greater speed is required to give centrifugal force enough to the weights to cause them to diverge and press against the ring or box Y. It is not until they press against the box that they cause any check to the motion of the machine, but as soon as they do press against the box, the friction so produced prevents any further increase of speed. Hence the more tension there is on the springs, the faster will the machine go. 54 In the second form, the tension on the springs which prevent the weights from diverging is not altered during adjustment, and consequently the maximum rate of revolution of the governor remains constant; but the whole framework of the governor is moved up or down so that the relative rates of revolution of the machinery and of the governor is altered (§ 26). In this form the speed can be still farther altered by varying the tension on the springs which hold back the weights. This can only be done, however, when the machine is standing still. Care must be taken that both weights are held back with equal force, so that when they are caused to diverge by the revolution of the governor, they may both touch the ring at the same time, and press against it equally. The box of the governor must be kept clear of dust and oil. The weights must not be allowed to scrape against the bottom of the box. They can be raised by loosening the screws which clamp the two pieces of straight spring by which each weight is suspended. These screws must be firmly secured before the machine is started. No attempt should be made to vary the speed of the machine by altering the driving weights. A weight of about 14 lbs. will generally be found to do well. All the bearings of the axles must be kept well oiled. If the bearings are too tight, they may be loosened by means of the bearing screws q q (fig. 20). After loosening the nuts pp the screws can be turned either out or in; and when the desired adjustment is arrived at, all change will be prevented by tighten¬ ing up p and p'. These and the similar screw bearings on the other axles also afford the means of moving any one of the axles along for a short distance in the direction of its length. The inner cams of the determining cam wheel (G and G') must he kept well oiled, for otherwise the friction on them of the levers k and k ' (fig. 19) will check the running. § 40. Electkical Connections. —The battery power required for the automatic sender is considerably greater than that required in working by hand, not only because the curbing reduces the size of the signals, but also because the speed of sending with the auto is much greater than with the hand key, and consequently the 55 maximum deflection of the coil or needle at the receiving end is a smaller fraction of the whole possible deflection. When the automatic sender is used, it is of course necessary to provide a hand key, which may be easily thrown into circuit; and for the reasons just given, a separate battery should be used on the hand key of a much smaller number of cells than that used on the auto. No rule can be laid down as to the amounts of battery power. For long cables it will probably be found that twice as many cells are required on the auto as on the hand key. In order to join up the automatic sender in circuit with the recorder, the connections shown in figs. 8 and 9 have, one or other of them, to be set up. A switch of the form shown in fig. 25 has next to be provided. By means of the lever handle of this switch, the terminal C can be connected at will either to A or to B. The wire which leads from the sending key to the recorder switch has then to be disattached from the sending key, and attached instead to the terminal C of this second switch. Then from B a wire must lead to the hand key, which is to be provided with a suitable send¬ ing battery, and from A to the terminal marked L in the automatic sender. The ter¬ minal E of the auto is connected to earth, and the terminals C and Z of the auto are connected to the copper and zinc poles of another (and larger) sending battery. Then by simply turning this switch over to the right the hand key will be thrown into circuit, while by turning it to the left the auto will be joined up instead. The arrangement of the recorder connections shown in fig. 9 is the most suitable for use with the automatic sender. The auto¬ matic signals recorded at the sending station when that arrange¬ B ment is made use of are very much more easily read than they are when the system shown in fig. 8 is adopted. In the latter case the curb, or second and reversed part of the signal, comes out nearly or quite as prominently as the first part or signal proper. Thus the letter e will appear on the recorder slip at the sending station as two deflections, one above and one below the line, almost exactly equal in amplitude, in form like the letter a on 56 the receiving slip, and the letter a on the sending slip will appear like an on the receiving slip. This makes the sent signals difficult to read; but no such difficulty is felt when the part of the current which records the signals at the sending station is allowed to go to earth there, as it is in the arrangement of connections shown in fig. 9. (See § 14.) § 41. Failure of Signals. —If complaints are made that signals sent by the auto occasionally fail to be recorded at the receiving end, that dots and dashes are now T and then missed, it will be necessary,— 1st, To look at your recorder slip, and see whether the signals which are reported to have failed at the other end appear there. If they do, then the fault must be at the other end, but if they do not, 2d, Eead your perforated slip, and see whether the holes corres¬ ponding to the signals which have failed have not been missed in the punching. 3 d, If the failures are still not accounted for, they must be due to the imperfect adjustment of the auto, or to bad spacing in the punched paper. Stop the machine when a hole is passing under one of the prickers, and just when the opening l in the rim of the determin¬ ing cam is passing over the springs. If now the pricker is fairly over the centre of the hole (see § 37), the adjustment is perfect for that hole, and, if the spacing of the holes in the punched slip is regular, the adjustment must be perfect for all holes. In some of the forms of punchers about to be described, the spacing in the paper must be perfect, but in another of the forms it is possible that the side holes may sometimes vary slightly in position rela¬ tively to the centre holes. Suppose that one of the side holes is slightly behind its proper position. Then at the instant that the opening l is passing over the springs, the hole in the paper will not be under the pricker as it should be, and consequently the pricker will not be able to descend, and the signal will be missed. It will generally be found possible in this case to avoid having any signals missed by using an imperfect adjustment of the auto as follows:—Take a slip of the badly spaced paper, on which some words which you know are punched, and run it through the machine very slowly, checking the revolution by hand. 57 Watch the springs, and read the words by their movements, and notice carefully what signals fail. See whether the fail¬ ures are caused by the corresponding holes being behind their proper positions, or in advance of their proper positions. If you find that the failures are due to the former cause, then loosen the screw K (fig. 20) and turn the cams slightly backwards, so that when a properly spaced hole is passing, the pricker may descend, not into the centre of it, but near its back edge. Then when one of the holes passes which has been punched slightly behind its proper position, it is almost certain that some part of it,—probably a part near the forward edge,—will be passing under the pricker at the right instant, so that the pricker will descend and the signal be transmitted. Of course if the faulty holes had been in advance of their proper position, it would have been necessary to turn the cams slightly forward. \ih. When signals are reported to fail, although the prickers enter the corresponding holes, all the contact springs, &c., must be cleaned. A good plan for seeing whether the prickers are entering the holes is to take a piece of the punched paper and smoke it over by drawing it through the flame of a lamp or candle; then run it through the machine. Every time the recess m n in the cam G (fig. 19) comes round, the prickers will* descend, and if a solid part of the paper is passing under them, they will leave marks on the smoked paper at the points where they touch it. If these marks are seen close to the edge of the side holes, the prickers have evidently not entered the holes, and the adjustment must be looked to. § 42. General Directions. —When the outer case of the instru¬ ment has to be removed, it should be taken off bodily by taking out the screws at the four feet z zzz (fig. 15.) The various brass pieces of the case should not be separated from one another, as a difficulty would probably be experienced in putting them together again. If it is desired for any reason to remove the paper trough U (figs. 14 and 15), or the prickers, the contact plate must be first removed; then the axle which carries the cams should always be taken off. This is done by taking out the screw r (fig. 15), which secures a standard which carries the bearings for the right hand 58 end of the axle. When the screw r is taken out, this standard comes off, and the axle is thus easily removed without having its bearings interfered with. The paper trough and prickers can then he removed bodily by taking out the screws xy xy on the right hand side-plate of the instrument, which secure the angle- pieces carrying the trough. In this way the trough and prickers can be taken off together without any of the small screws being touched which fix together the supports of the prickers. Care must be taken that the successive turns of the string wound upon the driving drum D do not overlap each other, for if they do they are liable to come in the way of the projecting spurs on the toothed wheel which carries the paper along. The string which suspends the driving weight must hang freely, and not chafe against the sides of the hole in which it passes through the table. PUNCHERS. § 43.-—The machines for perforating the paper ribbon used in the automatic sender are of several forms. One puncher is adapted for punching side holes only, and the paper used for it may be prepared beforehand by having a properly spaced row of central holes punched in it. This puncher has three finger keys. When any one of the three keys is depressed, the paper is carried along a step. When the central key is depressed nothing further hap¬ pens, but when either of the side keys is depressed a side hole is perforated in addition to the paper being moved forward. It is essential that the paper should be at rest when the punch enters it, and should continue at rest so long as the punch is in it. The machine is therefore arranged so that the movement of the paper happens early during the stroke or depression of the key, and the punch is not forced through the paper until the end of the stroke. The manner in which this is effected will be readily understood by an inspection of the machine. The feed motion, by which the paper is carried along, may not, however, be so readily understood without explanation. The paper is carried along by the revolution of a toothed roller, the teeth of which enter the previously pre¬ pared central holes. On the same axle with this toothed roller is a ratchet wheel, having the same number of teeth as there are in 59 the roller, so that the paper advances one space when the ratchet wheel is pushed forward one tooth. The ratchet w T heel is caused to advance by the following means:—The depression of any of the three keys is made, by means of a spring, to communicate horizontal motion to the pivotted end of a long horizontal paul, the other end of which gears into the upper side of the ratchet wheel. When the key is depressed, this paul is pressed along, and the ratchet wheel advances. The end of the paul which gears into it is thus carried upwards as well as along, and by the time that the ratchet w T heel has advanced through the space corresponding to one tooth, the end of the paul has risen so far that the back of the paul presses upwards against a firm stop fixed above it. This prevents any further advance of the ratchet wheel during the remainder of the stroke. The horizontal pressure on the pivotted end of the paul continues, however, and consequently the ratchet wheel (and therefore the toothed roller and the paper) is held firm during the descent of the punch. When the key is allowed to rise, the hori¬ zontal pressure on the paul ceases; it is pulled backwards by a suitable spring, and its weight causes the unpivotted end to fall down into gear with the next tooth of the ratchet wheel. The ratchet wheel is prevented from following the horizontal paul backwards by a second paul or click. In using this instrument, it is not essential to have paper in which a central row of holes has previously been punched. If a slip of plain paper be used, the toothed roller will make a series of central embossed marks or indentations, which will be found to answer the purpose of central holes sufficiently well, for the paper so prepared will run through the automatic sender, the teeth in the spur wheel of which will enter the successive central inden¬ tations in the paper. It will be found necessary, when embossed paper is used, to apply a strong retarding force to the paper as it enters the auto, so as to prevent it from riding on the top of the spurs, instead of being pierced by them. This retarding force is easily applied, in exactly the same way as it is applied in the siphon recorder, by passing the paper under a spring guide, the pressure of which upon the paper will cause friction and hold back the paper. (See a fig. 1.) The depression of the keys of this puncher is most easily effected by the help of light wooden mallets, on the end of which india- 60 rubber is fixed, or, better still, by putting fingerstalls tipped with india-rubber over two fingers of each hand. Care must be taken not to strike a sharp or violent blow, but rather to make the blow as much like a shove as possible. If the blow be too sharp, the paper will not have time to advance through a complete space before the punch enters it, and a misplaced or torn hole will be produced. Violent blows are also very apt to break the springs by which the feed motion is worked. To avoid breakage, multiple springs are used for the dot and dash keys. If the single spring under the centre key should break, it is not necessary to interrupt the work to put on a new spring, for the spaces may be made by depressing both side keys simultaneously. The bridge which forms a back stop for the keys should be adjusted so as just to touch the backs of the levers, without press¬ ing on them, when they are in their raised position. § 44.—The Power-Puncher. —In this form of puncher the heavy work is done by power stored up in the form of a wound-up spring or raised weight, and the operator, by depressing the finger keys, releases a detent, and so allows the stored up power to take effect. Hence the name, in which the prefix “ power ” has the same significance as it has in the term “ power-loom.” In the power-puncher there are three finger keys—for the dot, dash, and space. When any one of these is depressed, a detent allows one tooth of an escapement wheel to pass. There are twelve teeth on the wheel, so that the axle which carries it revolves through one-twelfth of a whole revolution for every depression of a key. On the same axle is fixed a cam wheel called the paper cam, with twelve projections on it, which act (as they pass) upon one end of a lever, the other end of which carries forward a ratchet wheel tooth by tooth. On the same axle with the ratchet wheel is a toothed roller which gears into the central row of holes in the paper. The paper is thus moved for¬ ward one space whenever any one of the three keys is depressed. The projections on the cam are so designed as to make the paper start and stop slowly at each movement, so as to secure uniform spacing at different speeds. There is a second ratchet wheel fixed on the same axle with the one just mentioned, into which a paul is made to gear just as the punch is entering the paper. In this way the paper is held perfectly steady during the descent of the 61 punches. The feed motion of the power-puncher is identical with that of the single lever puncher, which is described at greater length in § 45. There are three punches, corresponding to the centre hole and the two side holes.' The manner in which they are forced down into the paper is as follows:—On the axle, which carries the escapement wheel and paper cam, there is a second cam wheel fixed, called the* punching cam, on whose rim there are twelve wedge-shaped projections. One of these passes over the central punch and depresses it every time that the axle revolves partially owing to the depression of any one of the three keys. If the centre key is depressed, then nothing occurs except the release of the detent, and the consequent partial revolution of the axle, which causes the paper to advance one space, and causes one central hole to be punched. Neither of the side punches is affected, because they are somewhat shorter than the central punch, and so allow the revolving wedges of the punching cam to pass without depressing them. But if one of the side keys is depressed, a packing piece slides in over the top of the corre¬ sponding side punch, and, the detent being released as before, the revolving wedge of the punching cam cannot now pass without depressing both the centre and the side punch, which has been (so to speak) lengthened by the introduction of the packing piece. If both side keys are simultaneously depressed, both packing pieces are slipped in over the punches, and all three holes are punched. The effect of this would he (as we have seen in § 31) to produce a space in the sending. The spring or weight has to be w T ound up from time to time. With an ordinary Morse spring, the power-puncher will punch about twenty words without needing to he wound up afresh. Great care must be taken to keep the fingers clear of the keys which are intended not to be depressed, otherwise the packing pieces may be slipped in accidentally, and false signals he pro¬ duced. The best way to put in the paper is to double it over the end of a piece of steel spring about six inches long, and push the spring and paper in together,—care being taken to draw hack the spring before beginning to punch. 62 § 45, The Single Lever Puncher. —In this puncher the prin¬ ciple of packing pieces is used, and the feed motion is the same as that of the power-puncher, but the work is entirely done by hand. There is a long horizontal lever, on the end of which nearest to the operator there are three finger keys. When any one of these keys is depressed, the near end of the lever is depressed with it. Fixed to the lever is a projection A (fig. 26), with a cam-shaped surface, and as the lever is depressed this cam slides along the surface of another piece B in contact with it, and gives a reciprocating motion to B. The piece B actuates the feed in the manner described below. When the centre key is depressed the lever descends, works the feed, and a centre hole is punched. When either of the two side keys is depressed, a packing piece slides in over the top of the corresponding side punch; then the lever descends, works the feed, and punches both a side and a centre hole. A spiral spring, fixed to the distant end of the lever, pulls it back when the pressure of the fingers is removed. Fig. 26. The feed mechanism is shown in fig. 26. The paper is carried along by a toothed roller C, whose teeth enter the central holes. 03 This roller is placed immediately behind the punches. Fixed on the same axle as the roller are two ratchet wheels, D and E, whose teeth face opposite ways. D is the one by means of which the paper is drawn along; the other one, E, is required in order that the paper may be held so as to be perfectly incapable of moving during the time that the punches are entering and leaving it. During the early part of the descent of the lever, the piece B descends, and carries with it a spring paul F, fixed on the side of it nearest to the centre of the instrument, and gearing into the upper side of the ratchet wheel D. This paul pulls the ratchet wheel round one tooth, and consequently causes the paper to advance through one space. When the advance is complete, a click G, working on the lower side of the same ratchet wheel, falls into gear, and so prevents the wheel from turning the wrong way during the backstroke. Just before the punch or punches enter the paper, a paul H on the outer side comes into gear with the ratchet wheel E on its lower side. This paul has been gradually rising during the descent of the lever, but it only comes into gear when the paper is just about to be punched. It remains in during the whole time that the punch or punches are in the paper, and insures that the paper does not move during that time. As the lever is allowed to rise, this paul falls out of gear; the paul F rises so as to catch hold of the next succeeding tooth of D, while the click G prevents the roller from turning backwards. The paul H is actuated by a pin I projecting from the outer side of B. There is a spring K pressing on the back of the paul H, in order to disengage it from the ratchet wheel E when the lever rises. There is also a spring L pressing on the back of B, to make it rise when the lever rises. The two springs K and L are fastened by screws under the sole-plate of the instrument. The surface of the cam A is so shaped as to start the paper gradually, and also so as not to bring any force to bear upon B during the actual punching of the paper. The feed motion is completely over before the punch enters the paper. The springs and pauls for the feed motion are usually provided in duplicate. Before attempting to take the machine to pieces, the operator ought to make sure that he understands what the conditions of perfect working are. The paul F must begin to pull round the ratchet D the instant that the lever begins to descend. 64 It must cease to pull as soon as the paper has advanced one space, and before the punch begins to enter the paper. At the instant that it ceases to pull, the click G must fall into gear, and at the same instant the paul H must come into action. During the remainder of the descent of the lever, no force must be brought to bear upon B by the cam A, although A continues moving. 05 APPENDIX. A New suspension for weights in Recorder . In the recorders, as hitherto made, and as shown in figs. 3 and 4, the strings which suspend the weights pass behind a bridge x, and the weights hang pressing on an inclined plane. The object of this is to get the strings to press against the bridge x, so that by varying the height of the bridge the period of vibration of the coil may be altered. The same object may, however, be more simply obtained by the arrangement shown in fig. 27, which is likely to be adopted in future. There the bridge is made double and consists of two pins, x x and x 2 fixed relatively to one another, but capable of being raised or lowered jointly. The strings pass in front of x x and behind x 2 , and the inclined plane and guides are done away with altogether, the weights being allowed to hang free. B The following tables, giving the specific gravity and electrical conductivity of solutions of sulphate of zinc and sulphate of copper, are taken from a paper in the Trans¬ actions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh for 1873, by Dr J. G. MacGregor and the writer. The “ Specific resistance ” means the resistance to conduction between opposite faces of a cubic centimetre of the solution. When solutions of sulphate of zinc and sulphate of copper are mixed in equal volumes, the resistance of the mixture is always less than the mean resistance of the components, being in many cases less than that of either. I A v x, X, X ur Fig. 27. E 66 Sulphate of Zinc (ZnS0 4 , 7H.>0.) Ratio of Salt to Water in Solution. Specific Gravity at 10° C. Specific Resistance at 10° C., Ohms. 1 to 40 • 1-0140 182-9 1 »> 30 1-0187 140-5 1 20 1-0278 111*1 1 a 10 1-0540 63*8 1 7 1-0760 50-8 1 5 1-1019 42-1 1 3 ‘ 1-1582 33-7 1 2-5 1-1845 32-1 1 » 2 1*2186 30-3 1 1*626 1*2562 29-2 1 1*5 1-2709 28*5 1 )> 1-37 1*2891 f 28-3 \ Minimum 1 a 1-361 1-2895 28*5 1 ff 1*3 1-2987 28-7 1 ff 1-124 1*3288 29*2 1 1 1*3530 31-0 1 ff 0-8 1*4053 32*1 1 ff 0-763 1-4174 33*4 1 „ 0-752 1 Saturated j" 1-4220 i 33-7 Sulphate of Copper (CuS0 4 , 5H 2 0.) Ratio of Salt to Water in Solution. Specific Gravity at 10° C. Specific Resistance at 10° C., Ohms. 1 to 40 1*0167 I 164-4 1 „ 30 1-0216 134-8 1 „ 20 1-0318 98-7 1 „ 10 1*0622 59-0 1 „ 7 1-0858 473 1 „ 5 1-1174 38*1 1 „ 4-146 1-1386 35*0 1 „ * 1-1432 34*1 1 „ 3-297 1-1679 31*7 1 „ 3 1-1823 30-6 1 „ 2-597 1 Saturated j 1-2051 29-3 1